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Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Edition

Il grande libro delle

Raccolta degli incantesimi clericali
19 – Albero dei Giochi - 9


alla mia Bimba

Questa che hai in mano è una raccolta di incantesimi clericali per Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, una
miscellanea di magie tratte dalle principali fonti pubblicate dalla TSR.
La finalità di questo lavoro è quella di dare ai master e ai giocatori un testo unico in cui leggere i propri
incantesimi, senza dover vagare qua e là fra numerosi manuali e supplementi su cui la TSR ha pubblicato
le varie magie, supplementi talvolta non posseduti da chi gioca.
Gli incantesimi sono stati acquisiti con uno scanner, tradotti in formato testo con un programma di OCR e
convertiti in file di Word. Attraverso una serie di macro, è stata poi data agli incantesimi una veste unica,
dividendoli per livello e sistemandoli in ordine alfabetico.
La presente non vuole certo essere una lista esauriente di tutte le magie pubblicate, ma solamente delle
principali (quelle di cui ho a disposizione i manuali), e sono certo che la troverai più che esauriente per i
tuoi chierici. Non ho purtroppo avuto la forza e il tempo di tradurre tutto il materiale, perciò esso è in
parte in lingua italiana (soprattutto quello che viene dal Manuale del Giocatore) e in parte in lingua
In calce ad alcuni incantesimi ci possono essere delle note. Sono suggerimenti per un uso alternativo
dell’incantesimo, che il DM può autorizzare o meno. Le varianti all’incantesimo fanno parte delle regole
opzionali che puoi trovare sul sito dell’Albero dei Giochi, al quale ti rimando per qualsiasi chiarimento.

Questo documento è stato prodotto e distribuito gratuitamente dagli autori del sito web “Albero dei
Esso non intende violare alcun copyright o marchio registrato ed è distribuito a soli fini amatoriali.
Gli autori ne autorizzano l’utilizzo, la modifica e la diffusione gratuita solo per scopi diretti e
Ne è vietata la pubblicazione e la distribuzione su altri siti web o su qualsiasi supporto cartacero o
informatico senza il preventivo consenso degli autori.

Legenda delle abbrevizioni usate

Le abbreviazioni puù comuni (PG, PNG, Thaco, D.V., ecc.) non vengono qui ripetute, essendo ormai note
a tutti i giocatori. Altre abbreviazioni meritano forse un cenno, soprattutto quelle relative alle fonti
dell’incantesimo: nella descrizione della magia, dopo il suo livello di potere, c’è una voce “Manuale:” o
“Manual:”, che specifica il manuale o il supplemento da cui esso è stato tratto.

PH italiano Manuale del Giocatore (Player’s Handbook), traduzione italiana della Ripa
ToM Tome of Magic
RAV Ravenloft boxed set, prima edizione
S&M Player’s Option: Spells & Magic, incantesimi trascritti secondo le normali regole di
gioco di AD&D, senza le nuove regole opzionali previste nel manuale. Dove
necessario, il testo è stato adattato per essere utilizzato in qualsiasi mondo fantasy
DH The Complete book of Druids
RAN The Complete book of Rangers
DK Dragon Kings (supplemento per Dark Sun)
PD Earth, Air, Fire and Water (supplemento dei chierici elementalisti per Dark Sun);
gli incantesimi di Dark Sun sono particolari e un po’ più potenti di quelli che si
trovano altrove. Alcuni, troppo specifici, sono stati eliminati e non si trovano in
questa raccolta, altri sono stati adattati per essere usati in qualsiasi mondo fantasy se
il tuo DM lo permette
INED. Incantesimo inventato, inedito sulle fonti ufficiali

Altre abbreviazioni: TxC Tiro per colpire

TxF Tiro per le ferite
P.F. Punti ferita
C.A. Classe dell’armatura

Mi scuso in anticipo per errori e/o omissioni che potrai trovare in questa raccolta, confidando nella tua
comprensione nell’apprezzare lo sforzo compiuto, anche se qua e là cipuò essere qualche sbaglio…
Stefano Lorenzi

Livello 1° 3 Livello 1°
Incantesimi clericali del primo livello

ALLERGY FIELD animali ammaestrati; non sono molto complicati.

(Alteration) Ognuno di essi richiede una settimana di
addestramento; tutto l’ammaestramento deve
Level: 1° essere portato a termine entro i primi tre mesi dal
Manual: RAN momento dell’acquisizione della creatura. In
Sphere: Plant questi tre mesi l’animale non farà del male al
Range: 10 yards/level sacerdote, ma, se sarà abbandonato per più di una
Components: V, S, M settimana, tornerà selvatico e si comporterà di
Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level conseguenza.
Casting Time: 4 Con questo incantesimo si attraggono 2 D.V. di
Area of Effect: 5-foot/level cube animali per ogni livello del sacerdote. Questo è
Saving Throw: Neg. anche il limite massimo di D.V. degli animali che
è possibile farsi amici ed ammaestrare
This spell causes characters entering the affected contemporaneamente: non più del doppio del
area to suffer extreme allergic reactions. It may livello del sacerdote. Si possono attirare ed
be cast on any field, meadow, forest, or other addomesticare solo gli animali privi di
outdoor area with an abundance of plant life, allineamento.
causing the plants to produce pollen, antigens, or Componenti materiali: simbolo sacro ed un po’
similar allergens. Characters coming in contact del cibo che l’animale gradisce.
with the affected area who fail their saving
throws vs. spell, experience swelling of the eyes,
fits of sneezing, and dull headaches for the next
2-5 (ld4+1) turns. During that time, they make all ANALYZE BALANCE
attack rolls and ability checks at a -1 penalty.
The spell affects a cubic volume whose sides are
5 feet long per level of the caster; thus, a
Level: 1°
9th-level caster could affect a 45' x45' x 45' cube.
Manual: ToM
The spell lasts until the end of the indicated
Sphere: Numbers, Divination
duration, or until the first frost, whichever comes
Range: 80 yards
Components: V, S, M
The material component for this spell is a pinch
Duration: 5 rounds+1 round/level
of ragweed.
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One creature, object, or 10'
Saving Throw: None
This spell allows a priest to sense how far a
Livello: 1°
character, creature, object, or area is from a
Manuale: PH italiano
condition of balance – in other words, the degree
Sfera: animale
to which its alignment is removed from true
Raggio d’azione: 10 m
Neutral. The spell gives no indication of the
Componenti: V, S, M
“direction” in which the alignment is removed
Durata: permanente
from true Neutral except under certain conditions
Tempo di lancio: un’ora
which follow. The spell does, however, indicate
Area d’effetto: 1 animale
along which axis or axes of alignment the
Tiro Salvezza: Neg.
variation lies.
For example, a priest uses this spell to analyze
Il sacerdote riesce a far capire a qualsiasi
the balance of a Chaotic Neutral creature. The
creatura con intelligenza animale o semi-
spell indicates that the creature is removed from
intelligente (In. 14) che vuol fare amicizia. Se
Neutral by one grade, and the variation is along
l’animale non supera un T.S. contro incantesimi
the Law/Chaos axis; thus, the creature must be
all’inizio della magia, se ne sta tranquillo in
either Chaotic Neutral or Lawful Neutral. If the
attesa che il sacerdote finisca; poi, lo seguirà
creature were Chaotic Evil, the spell would
dappertutto. La magia funziona solo se si vuole
indicate that it is removed from balance by two
davvero essere amici di quell’animale; se ci sono
grades, one along each axis; thus, the creature
altre motivazioni meno nobili (se, ad esempio, il
must be Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Good, Lawful
sacerdote vuole mangiarselo, mandarlo avanti
Evil, or Lawful Good.
per far scattare una trappola ecc.), l’animale lo
A priest has a 5% chance per level of correctly
sente e non si fida.
determining the direction of variation along one
È possibile insegnare alla bestia addomesticata
randomly chosen axis. This means that a 10th-
tre trucchetti o esercizi specifici per ogni suo
level priest evaluating the balance of a Chaotic
punto di Intelligenza. Gli esercizi più comuni
Neutral creature would have a 50% chance of
sono quelli che si insegnano ai cani o agli altri

Livello 1° Livello 1°
Incantesimi clericali del primo livello

learning that the creature is Chaotic (and hence level priests find themselves in this situation,
Chaotic Neutral, since it is only one step away higher level characters often make use of this
from balance). spell. Astral celerity doubles the character's
Similar to spells such as Detect evil, this spell movement rate on the Astral Plane; normally,
will not yield a result on a hidden trap. If cast on characters move at a rate of 30 times their
a creature with an intelligence level of “animal” Intelligence score in feet per round, but this spell
or “non-,” it will always read true Neutral (i.e., increases this to 60 feet times their Intelligence
zero steps removed from balance). score. As an incidental benefit, the caster also
The material components are four iron coins attunes himself to the plane much faster and
which the priest tosses in his hand while suffers no penalties for missile fire while astral.
concentrating on the spell. The coins are not While astral celerity is most often used in the
consumed in the casting. astral plane, it also offers a small benefit to
ethereal characters, too: their movement rates are
increased by 50%, so a character with a
movement rate of 12 would enjoy a movement
ANTI-VERMIN BARRIER rate of 18 while this spell was in effect. Of
course, time and distance have little meaning in
the overall scheme of the Astral or Ethereal
Planes, but relative speed could be very
Level: 1°
important in avoiding an unpleasant encounter or
Manual: ToM
escaping from pursuit of some kind.
Sphere: Wards
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hour/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 10-foot cube/level
Level: 1°
Saving Throw: None
Manual: S&M
Sphere: Chaos
With this spell, the caster creates an invisible
Range: 20 yds.
force field that repels nonmagical insects,
Duration: 2 rds./level
rodents, spiders, snakes, worms, and similar
Area of Effect: 1 creature
vermin of less than 1 Hit Die. The spell has no
Components: V, S, M
effect on giant-sized versions of these creatures
Casting Time: 4
unless they are less than 1 Hit Die. The barrier
Saving Throw: None
affects summoned creatures, such as those called
by a summon insects spell.
This spell alters probability to favor one
Any vermin within the area of effect when the
character or creature locked in battle. His
spell is cast are not affected; however, when
opponent may stumble at an awkward time, a
these creatures exit the area, they cannot return.
clumsy parry might catch the enemy's weapon at
The spell affects a cubic area whose sides are 10
just the right angle, or he happens to notice the
feet times the caster's level (for instance, a 2nd-
foe moving in for a flank attack. The more
level priest could affect a 20'x 20'x 20' cube.
powerful the priest, the more potent the aid;
The material components are the caster's holy
combat modifiers provided by Battlefate equal
symbol and a rodent's whisker.
+1 per three levels, so a lst–level caster provides
a +1 bonus, a 4th–level caster a +2 bonus, a 7th
level caster a +3, and so on to a maximum of +5
for a 13thlevel priest. The exact form of the aid
or assistance varies from round to round — roll a
d6 to see which aspect of the subject's combat
Level: 1°
abilities are affected in any given round:
Manual: S&M
Sphere: Astral
1d6 Effect
Range: 0
Duration: 1 hr./level
1 Nothing happens
Area of Effect: The caster
2 Defenses enhanced: apply bonus to
Components: V, S
subject’s AC
Casting Time: 4
3 Luck enhanced: apply bonus to saving
Saving Throw: None
4 Accuracy enhanced: apply bonus to
This spell enhances the caster's movement
attack rolls
capabilities in extraplanar settings by attuning
5 Damage enhanced: apply bonus to
him to his new surroundings. While very few lst–
damage rolls

Livello 1° Livello 1°
Incantesimi clericali del primo livello

6 Lucky opening! Subject gains one Manuale: PH italiano

extra attack with either enhanced Sfera: totale
accuracy or damage (subject’s choice) Raggio d’azione: 60 m
Componenti: V, S, M
If the character does not make a roll of the Durata: 6 round
specified type in the round, he gains no benefit Tempo di lancio: 1 round
for the spell; for example, if the character gains Area d’effetto: cubo con spigolo di 15 m
the saving throw bonus but doesn't have to make Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
any saving throws during the round in question,
Battlefate doesn’t help him. Of ccurse, in the Nel momento in cui pronuncia la formula, il
following round, the spell may provide him with sacerdote solleva il morale delle creature amiche
a different benefit. Note that on a roll of 1, e conferisce loro un bonus di +1 su ogni T.S.
Battlefate does not help the character the priest effettuato contro gli effetti della Paura oltre che
intends to aid — such is the nature of chaos. su tutti i TxC. Funziona solo se i soggetti non
The material component for this spell is an sono già impegnati nel combattimento
electrum coin tossed by the priest as he casts the ravvicinato. Il sacerdote determina a quale
spell. distanza (compresa entro i 60 m) lancerà
l’incantesimo. Nel momento in cui la magia è
portata a termine, agisce su tutte le creature
BEASTMASK comprese in un cubo con spigolo di 15 m. con
(Illusion/Phantasm) centro nel punto indicato dal sacerdote (le
creature che si allontanano dalla zona sono
Level: 1° ancora soggette all’effetto, mentre quelle che vi
Manual: DH entrano dopo che l’incantesimo è stato fatto non
Sphere: Animal lo sono).
Range: Touch Altro uso dell’incantesimo è quello che consente
Components: V, S, M di benedire un oggetto (ad esempio un dardo di
Duration: 12 hours balestra per colpire un rakshasa). Il peso
Casting Time: 4 dell’oggetto dov’essere inferiore a mezzo chilo
Area of Effect: 1 creature per ogni livello del sacerdote; l’effetto dura
Saving Throw: Neg. quanto l’incantesimo o fino a quando non si usa
Beastmask may affect any single person or Non si possono sommare varie Benedizioni.
animal, or characters may cast it on themselves. Oltre alle componenti verbale e somatica,
It allows the subject to take on the illusory form occorre avere dell’acqua santa.
of a single animal species, but only that species L’incantesimo può essere invertito con una
of animal can perceive the illusion. The subject MALEDIZIONE che dia una penalità di -1 ai
may not assume an animal form more than twice TxC e al morale dei nemici; per usarlo in questa
or less than onequarter the character's size. forma bisogna avere dell’acqua sconsacrata.
The almost perfect illusion the spell creates
deceives the animal's sight, hearing, smell, and Nota: Il componente materiale è, anziché l’acqua
touch. For instance, once a character casts a santa, il simbolo sacro del sacerdote.
"bear" illusion on a subject, bears believe that
subject to be a bear, while to humans, other
races, and other creatures, the subject remains
the same.
Characters normally use Beastmask to travel
among or hunt a particular species. This spell lets
a druid assume the guise of a caribou to move
among a herd without causing them to panic. A
character also could avoid being attacked by a
pack of dire wolves by wearing a wolf's "mask."
Beastmask does not allow communication with
the animal species, though it can be used wilh
animal communication spells.
The material component is a miniature wooden
mask carved to look like the animal.


Livello: 1°

Livello 1° Livello 1°
Incantesimi clericali del primo livello

BLESSED WATCHFULNESS character's chance to open doors, bend bars, or

(Alteration) use a thief ability. The priest could even
Calculate his odds for actions that might be
Level: 1° resolved by a die roll or DM caprice, such as his
Manual: S&M chance to avoid detection by hiding behind a
Sphere: Guardian rock. This spell takes into account factors that the
Range: Touch priest himself may not be aware of, so from time
Duration: 4 hrs. + 1 hr./level to time a character may receive some very
Area of Effect: Creature touched confusing results from this spell. For instance, if
Components: V, S the priest doesn't know that an orc chieftain is
Casting Time: 4 actually a polymorphed tanar'ri masquerading as
Saving Throw: None an orc, he may be atonished to learn that the
"orc" has a THAC0 of 7!
By casting this spell, the priest confers If the priest fails his calculation check with a roll
exceptional powers of observation and alertness of 99 or 00, his calculation is wildly skewed in a
to one creature for the duration of the spell. random fashion. The material component for this
While Blessed walchiuluess is in effect, the spell is a miniature abacus of ivory worth at least
designated sentinel remains alert, awake and 100 gp. It is not consumed in the casting of the
vigilant for the duration of the spell. In fact, it spell.
takes a roll of 1 to surprise someone under this
effect. He resists Sleep spells and similar magic
as if he were 4 levels or Hit Dice higher than his CALL UPON FAITH
actual level and gains a +2 bonus to saving (Invocation)
throws against other spells or effects that could
lower his guard or force him to abandon his Level: 1°
watch, including Charm, Beguiling, Fear, Manual: ToM
Emotion, and similar mind–affecting spells. If Sphere: Summoning
the effect normally allows no saving throw, the Range: 0
watcher gains no special benefit. Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 1
CALCULATE Area of Effect: The caster
(Divination) Saving Throw: None

Level: 1° Before attempting a difficult task, the priest may

Manual: S&M cast Call upon faith to aid his performance. If the
Sphere: Numbers priest has been true to his faith (as determined by
Range: 0 the DM), the priest gains a +3 (or +15%) bonus
Duration: Instantaneous to one die roll (his choice) needed to complete
Area of Effect: The caster the task. The bonus may be used to affect a
Components: S, M saving throw, attack roll, ability check, etc. For
Casting Time: 4 example, if a priest were about to cross a narrow
Saving Throw: None log high above a chasm, he could cast this spell
and gain a +3 bonus to his Dexterity ability
By means of this spell, the priest can accurately check.
estimate the chance of success of one specific The material component is the priest's holy
action, such as climbing a dangerous cliff, symbol.
making a trick bowshot, crossing a burning room
unharmed, or even striking an enemy. The action
in question must be one that would normally be
resolved by a die roll, but the priest doesn't have
to be the person who attempts the feat; he can
use Calculate to estimate the odds for anyone
taking an action in his sight. The priest has a
70% chance, +2% per level, of making an
accurate estimate.
If successful, the DM reveals to the player the
action's chance for success or any modifiers that
may be in play. For example, he could reveal a
particular opponent's Armor Class or THAC0,
the saving throw an opponent would require in
order to save against a particular spell cast by the
priest or the priest's wizard companion, or a

Livello 1° Livello 1°
Incantesimi clericali del primo livello

CALM ANIMALS “corri”, “arrenditi”, “vattene”, “dormi”, “riposo”,

(Enchantment/Charm) “cadi” eccetera. Il comando non dura mai più di
un round e non è efficace contro i non morti. Le
Level: 1° creature con Intelligenza 13 (alta) o più e quelle
Manual: S&M con 6 o più D.V. (o livelli) hanno diritto al T.S.
Sphere: Animal contro incantesimi, con i modificatori per la
Range: 60 yds. Saggezza (se una creatura ha In. 13 o più e anche
Components: V, S 6 D.V./livelli, il T.S. resta sempre uno solo).
Duration: 1 turn + l rd./level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Special COMBINAZIONE
Saving Throw: Special (Evocazione)

This spell soothes and quiets normal animals, Livello: 1°

which renders them docile and harmless. Only Manuale: PH italiano
creatures with Intelligence ratings of 1 to 4 (in Sfera: totale
other words, animal– or semi–intelligent Raggio d’azione: tocco
creatures) can be affected by this spell. The Componenti: V, S
caster can calm 2d4 Hit Dice of animals, plus l Durata: speciale
Hit Die per level, so a 4th–level priest could Tempo di lancio: 1 round
affect 2d4+4 Hit Dice of creatures. The caster Area d’effetto: il cerchio dei sacerdoti
can affect any animals he wishes to within the Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
spell's range, but all the subjects must be of the
same species. The subject creatures are not Con questo incantesimo, da tre a cinque sacerdoti
allowed a saving throw unless they have magical possono unire le loro forze così da permettere ad
powers, abilities, or are clearly not entirely uno di loro di fare incantesimi e scacciare i non
natural; a priest could calm a normal bear, war morti con maggiore efficacia. Il sacerdote di
dog, or wolf with little trouble, but it's more livello più elevato (o uno di quelli di più alto
difficult to affect a winter wolf, hell hound, or grado, in caso di parità) resta, da solo, al centro
owlbear. del cerchio formato dagli altri e lancia
While under the influence of this spell, the Combinazione. In questo modo guadagna
affected creatures remain where they are and do temporaneamente un livello per ogni sacerdote,
not attack or flee, unless they are attacked or fino ad un massimo di quattro. Questo aumento
confronted by a significant hazard such as a fire di livello si traduce in una maggiore efficienza
or a hungry predator. Once roused, the spell's per gli effetti degli incantesimi legati al livello e
magic is broken and the animals are free to act in per scacciare i non morti. Il sacerdote centrale
whatever fashion they normally would. Note that non ottiene altri incantesimi ed il gruppo deve
creatures affected by this spell are not helpless limitarsi ad usare quelli già memorizzati.
and defend themselves normally if attacked. I sacerdoti in cerchio devono mantenere la
concentrazione perché la Combinazione
prosegua; perdono i bonus sulla C.A. per lo
COMANDO scudo e la Destrezza. Se qualcuno di loro si
(Incantamento/Charme) distrae, la magia si spezza. Se questo avviene
mentre il sacerdote al centro sta lanciando un
Livello: 1° incantesimo, quell’incantesimo è rovinato. Le
Manuale: PH italiano magie fatte insieme hanno effetto potenziato,
Sfera: charme anche se la Combinazione si interrompe prima
Raggio d’azione: 30 m che la durata di queste magie abbia termine. Se
Componenti: V viene disturbato solo il sacerdote centrale, la
Durata: 1 round Combinazione non è sospesa.
Tempo di lancio: 1
Area d’effetto: 1 creatura
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

Il sacerdote comanda una creatura con una sola

parola; questa dev’essere in una lingua che la
creatura capisce. Il soggetto obbedirà come
meglio può, purché si tratti di un comando chiaro
e inequivocabile (l’ordine: “Suicidati!” non sarà
eseguito). Se il sacerdote le dice “Muori!” la
creatura resta in catalessi per un round, ma poi si
riprende. Ecco degli esempi di comandi:
“avanti”, “indietro”, “alt”, “via”, “scappa”,

Livello 1° Livello 1°
Incantesimi clericali del primo livello


(Enchantment/Charm) lasciar traccia (vapore, nebbia ecc.) un
quantitativo di acqua equivalente. L’acqua creata
Level: 1° o distrutta può trovarsi in un qualsiasi
Manual: ToM contenitore oppure occupare un volume
Sphere: War leggermente inferiore ad un metro cubo.
Range: 240 yards Occorre una goccia d’acqua per “creare” ed una
Components: V, S, M presa di polvere per “distruggere”.
Duration: Special Non si può creare o distruggere l’acqua
Casting Time: 1 turn all’interno di un essere vivente. Per comodità di
Area of Effect: One unit up to 200 riferimento, un litro d’acqua pesa un chilo.
Saving Throw: None
This spell imbues the target unit with a (Negromanzia)
temporary burst of courage. To cast this spell, the
priest must have an uninterrupted line of sight to Livello: 1°
the target unit. Manuale: PH italiano
A Courage spell enables a unit to automatically Sfera: guarigione
pass its first morale check following the casting Raggio d’azione: tocco
of this spell. When circumstances arise that Componenti: V, S
would necessitate a morale check, no die roll is Durata: permanente
made and the unit is assumed to have passed the Tempo di lancio: 5
check. After this occurs, the spell ends and the Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata
unit must make all future morale checks Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
If a unit under the influence of a Courage spell is Il sacerdote guarisce ld8 ferite di una creatura
not forced to make any morale checks, the spell mediante imposizione delle mani. Questa cura
expires at the first sunset. non riguarda le creature prive di corporeità, i non
When several different events simultaneously morti e gli esseri provenienti da altri piani.
trigger morale checks, the Battlesystem rules La forma inversa, CAUSA FERITE
apply penalties to a single morale check. If this LEGGERE, agisce nello stesso modo, ma alla
occurs to a unit under the influence of a Courage rovescia e fa ld8 ferite. Se la creatura non vuoi
spell, the player commanding the unit selects one farsi toccare, il sacerdote deve attaccarla
such event and its modifier is ignored. (effettuare un TxC) perché l’incantesimo
No more than one Courage spell can affect a unit funzioni.
at one time. Once the spell has expired, a priest La cura è permanente solo finché la creatura non
can cast the spell again on the same unit. subisce altre ferite; le ferite provocate dalla
The material component is a cube of cast iron. forma inversa si curano come tutte le altre.

Nota: anziché curare (o infliggere) 1d8 P.F.,

CREARE L’ACQUA ® questo incantesimo cura (o infligge)
(Alterazione) proporzionalmente un certo numero di P.F.,
stabilito in funzione del numero massimo di P.F.
Livello: 1° della creatura o della persona che riceve
Manuale: PH italiano l’incantesimo, secondo la seguente tabella:
Sfera: elementale (acqua)
Raggio d’azione: 30 m P.F. massimi P.F. curati/inflitti
Componenti: V, S, M
Durata: permanente 5 o meno 1
Tempo di lancio: 1 round 6-9 1d2
Area d’effetto: fino a un metro cubo 10-13 1d3
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno 14-17 1d4
18-21 1d4+1
Quando il sacerdote lancia questo incantesimo, 22-25 1d6
crea fino a 15 litri d’acqua per ogni suo livello 26-29 1d6+1
(se è del 2° livello ne farà 30, se è del 3° livello 30-33 1d8
45 eccetera). L’acqua è pulita e potabile, come 34-37 1d8+1
l’acqua piovana. Può essere eliminata con 38-41 1d10
Dissolvi magie entro un round da quando è stata 42-45 1d10+1
formata, altrimenti la magia svanisce e rimane 46-49 2d6
della normale acqua, che si può usare, versare o 50-53 2d6+1
far evaporare, eccetera. La forma inversa, 54-57 1d8+1d6

Livello 1° Livello 1°
Incantesimi clericali del primo livello

58-61 1d8+1d6+1 DEEP BREATH

62-65 2d8 (Alteration)
66-69 2d8+1
70-73 1d10+1d8 Level: 1°
74-77 1d10+1d8+1 Manual: DK
78-81 2d10 Sphere: Elemental (Air)
82-85 2d10+1 Range: Touch
86-89 1d12+1d10 Components: V, S, M
90-93 1d12+1d10+1 Duration: 1 round/level
94-97 2d12 Casting Time: 1
98-101 2d12+1 Area of Effect: Creature touched
102-105 1d20+1d6 Saving Throw: None
106-109 1d20+1d6+1
110-113 1d20+1d8 With this spell the caster allows one creature to
114-117 1d20+1d8+1 take a single breath that will last for the duration
118-121 1d20+1d10 of the spell. The spell bestows no ability to
122-125 1d20+1d10+1 maneuver or function underwater or while buried
126-129 1d20+2d6 in sand, but it does temporarily remove the need
130-133 1d20+2d6+1 to breathe. Once the spell's duration runs out, a
134-137 1d20+1d8+1d6 character who cannot breathe normally begins to
138-141 1d20+1d8+1d6+1 suffocate after 1/3 his Constitution score in
142-145 1d20+2d8 rounds (Constitution check each round with a -2
146-149 1d20+2d8+1 cumulative penalty to postpone damage; 1d6
150-153 1d20+1d10+1d8 damage per round after failing a check).
154-157 1d20+1d10+1d8+1 If the Deep breath spell is cast after a character
158-161 2d20 has already held his breath for a few rounds, it
162-165 2d20+1 works as though he got a clean gulp of air; when
166-169 1d20+1d12+1d10 the spell wears off he begins the suffocation
170-173 2d20+1d3 procedure fresh. The spell also lets the character
174-177 1d20+2d12 avoid the ill effects of most gaseous attacks,
178-181 1d20+2d12+1 magical and otherwise.
182-185 2d20+1d6 The material component for this spell is a tiny
186-189 2d20+1d6+1 bladder of air, usually made from animal skins,
190-193 2d20+1d8 which must be burst over the recipient's mouth
194-197 2d20+1d8+1 and nose.
198-201 2d20+1d10

Level: 1°
Level: 1° Manual: S&M
Manual: PD Sphere: Necromantic
Sphere: Charme Range: 30 yds.
Range: 5 yards per level Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, M Area of Effect: l creature
Duration: l round per level Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 4 Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: l creature Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None
This spell removes physical fatigue or exhaustion
This minor spell makes its target's speech from the subject by undoing the physiological
completely unintelligible by distorting the air effects of his exertions. The subject is instantly
waves that project the voice and dispersing them. restored to his normal, fully rested level of
This interrupts any spell casting requiring verbal endurance or vigor. This spell can be used to
components. negate the penalties of forced marching, long
Material component: string or cord tied in a knot. swims, jogging, running, or sprinting, or even
accumulated fatigue points from either the
Player’s Option: Combat and Tactics rules or the
magic fatigue rules in Chapter 6 (of the Player’s
Option: Spells & Magic). Once this spell has
been cast, the subject may start to accumulate
fatigue or fatigue–based penalties again,

Livello 1° Livello 1°
Incantesimi clericali del primo livello

depending on how he continues to exert himself. ELIMINARE LE TRACCE

The material component is a sprinkle of fresh, (Incantamento/Charme)
Blessed springwater.
Livello: 1°
Manuale: PH italiano
ELEMENTAL BONDING ® Sfera: vegetale
(Alteration) Raggio d’azione: tocco
Componenti: V, S, M
Level: 1° Durata: 1 turno per livello
Manual: DK Tempo di lancio: 1 round
Sphere: Elemental (Any) Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata
Range: Touch Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent Chi riceve questo incantesimo può attraversare
Casting Time: 1 round qualsiasi terreno (fango, neve, polvere eccetera)
Area of Effect: Creature touched senza lasciare alcuna traccia, nemmeno di tipo
Saving Throw: None olfattivo. L’area irradierà un’aura magica per ld6
turni dopo il passaggio della creatura. Seguire le
With this spell the priest attempts to repair piste di un essere che usa questa magia è
physical damage done to another being or impossibile con mezzi normali; solo tecniche
creature. In an elemental sense, part of the particolarmente scaltre, come effettuare le
damage incurred by combat wounds or disease ricerche secondo uno schema a spirale, potranno
is, in fact, an imbalance created in the body's portare a ritrovare le impronte nel punto in cui la
elemental proportions. Through this spell, the magia svanisce.
priest restores some of this balance. Componente materiale: un ramoscello di pino e
The amount of damage healed is 1d4+1 points, di sempreverde, che si arde; le sue ceneri
but there are restrictions. If the damage is from verranno sparse al momento di fare
disesse or combat, the priest cannot completely l’incantesimo.
heal the recipient with this spell. He only heals
the character to within three hit points of perfect
health. For instance, if a warrior with 15 EMOTION READ
maximum hit points has 11 left, an Elemental (Divination)
bonding spell can only heal 1 point of damage.
Other magic can heal the remaining damage. If, Level: 1°
however, the wounded character took all damage Manual: ToM
solely from an elemental, the priest heals all Sphere: Thought
damage with this spell. Range: 5 yards/level
The material component for this spell is an Components: V, S, M
amount of elemental material sufficient to cover Duration: Instantaneous
the recipient’s wounds. The priest must abide by Casting Time: 3
his Sphere of elemental worship when Area of Effect: One creature
performing this spell. Saving Throw: Neg.

Nota: in alternativa, se si usano le regole This spell allows the priest to perform an
opzionali dei Cura ferite (v.), l’incantesimo instantaneous reading of a single subject's
ristora (o infligge) 2/3 dei P.F. normalmente emotional state. It can be used on any subject
curati da un Cura/Infliggi ferite leggere, sempre possessing Intelligence of 3 or better. This
con il limite dei 3 P.F. sotto il massimo reading is neither deep nor specific and cannot
consentito, come sopra descritto. pick out mixed emotions or intricate details. For
example, it might tell the priest that the subject is
fearful, but the spell cannot reveal what the
subject is afraid of or why he is afraid.
Emotion read does not reveal individual thoughts
or the subject's motivation. Thus, the spell might
reveal that the subject is coldly unemotional at
the moment, but not the fact that the subject is
contemplating the cold-blooded murder of the
Note that this reading is instantaneous. It reveals
only the emotion that is strongest at the instant
the spell is used. While this will usually be
related to the subject's overall emotional state, it
is always possible that the subject might be

Livello 1° Livello 1°
Incantesimi clericali del primo livello

distracted for a moment or remember and FUOCO MAGICO

respond to past events. (Alterazione)
The subject is allowed a normal saving throw vs.
spells to resist this spell. If the saving throw is Livello: 1°
successful, the priest receives no reading at all. If Manuale: PH italiano
the subject's roll exceeds the necessary number Sfera: tempo atmosferico
by six or more, the priest perceives an emotion Raggio d’azione: 80 m
diametrically opposite to the subject's true Componenti: V, M
emotion. Durata: 4 round per livello
The material component is a square of unmarked Tempo di lancio: 4
white wax. Area d’effetto: 1 mq per liv., raggio 12 m
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

FIRELIGHT Il sacerdote circonda uno o più oggetti o creature

(Alteration) di un alone luminoso. Il numero dei soggetti
interessati dipende dal livello del sacerdote;
Level: 1° questi potrà evidenziarne svariati (purché siano
Manual: S&M entro l’area d’effetto), ma dovrà finire di
Sphere: Elemental (Fire) tracciare il contorno di uno prima di passare al
Range: Touch prossimo. Gli obiettivi delineati in questo modo
Duration: 4 hrs. + 1 hr./2 levels sono visibili a 80 m di distanza al buio; se si è
Area of Effect: l object vicini ad una sorgente luminosa, è possibile
Components: V, S, M vederli a 40 m di distanza. I bersagli evidenziati
Casting Time: 4 sono più facili da colpire, quindi gli avversari
Saving Throw: None ottengono un bonus di +2 sui TxC al buio
(comprese le notti di luna piena) ed un bonus di
This variant of the spell Log of everburning +1 al crepuscolo o in condizioni di migliore
changes one small fire no larger than a campfire luminosità.
into Firelight. The flame ceases to produce Con questo sistema si possono individuare le
smoke and becomes much cooler; within l turn of creature invisibili, ma non
the spell's casting, the fire cools enough to be quelle incorporee, eteree o
handled or touched barehanded without causing in forma gassosa. Il
harm. The firelight is resistant to gusts of wind or contorno luminoso non
poor burning conditions (pouring rain, lack of assomiglia neanche
air, and so on), but complete immersion in water, lontanamente alla luce del
vacuum, or magical darkness extinguishes the sole, quindi non serve
flame immediately. Firelight burns brighter and contro i non morti o le
steadier than a normal flame, and a torch creature della notte. Il fuoco
enchanted with this spell sheds light in a 30–foot può essere azzurro, verde o
radius instead of the normal 15–foot radius. The violetto, a seconda della
fuel source lasts throughout the duration of the parola magica pronunciata
spell. Unlike Log of everburning, this spell is not al momento in cui è stato
at all useful for staying warm since Firelight fatto l’incantesimo; non
produces very little heat. danneggia in alcun modo il
Firelight inflicts ld2 points of damage per caster soggetto delineato.
level if cast on creatures of living or elemental Componente materiale: un pezzetto di fosforo.
fire, but has no other effect on these monsters.
The material component is a mix of resins and
incense, thrown into the flame to be affected. INDIVIDUARE TRAPPOLE

Livello: 1°
Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: divinazione
Raggio d’azione: 0
Componenti: V, S, M
Durata: 4 round per livello
Tempo di lancio: 4
Area d’effetto: tratto di 12 m largo 3 m
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

Il sacerdote è in grado di individuare trappole,

buche, botole e trabocchetti analoghi in un tratto

Livello 1° Livello 1°
Incantesimi clericali del primo livello

lungo 12 m e largo 3. Può trattarsi di semplici INDIVIDUAZIONE DEL MALE ®

buche oppure tane di animali (formicaleone) o (Divinazione)
foglie di piante carnivore giganti, o trappole
rudimentali (laccioli, tagliole, ecc.). Livello: 1°
L’incantesimo è direzionale: il sacerdote deve Manuale: PH italiano
voltarsi nella direzione voluta per sapere se da Sfera: totale
quella parte c’è una trappola; se ce n’è una, Raggio d’azione: 120 m
avverte una sensazione di pericolo, che si Componenti: V, S, M
avvicina man mano che avanza in quel senso. Il Durata: 1 turno + 5 round per livello
sacerdote sa di quale pericolo si tratta in generale Tempo di lancio: 1 round
(buca, trappola o botola), ma non conosce il Area d’effetto: tratto di 3 m
meccanismo e non sa come disattivarlo. Solo un Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
esame ravvicinato gli permetterà di capire come
funziona. L’incantesimo scopre le emanazioni maligne (o
L’incantesimo evidenzia anche alcuni rischi benigne, nella sua forma invertita) provenienti da
“naturali”: sabbie mobili (buche), scarichi oggetti, creature e luoghi. L’allineamento,
(trappole), pareti cedevoli (botole). Non rivela invece, viene rivelato solo in circostanze
altre insidie, come ad esempio una caverna che si eccezionali: personaggi decisamente schierati,
allaga quando piove, una costruzione malsicura o che non deflettono mai dalla propria linea di
una pianta velenosa. Non individua nemmeno le condotta e che sono almeno del nono livello
trappole di tipo magico (a parte quelle che possono irradiare bene o male quando sono
funzionano come buche, lacci o botole; vedi intenti a compiere determinate azioni. Mostri
anche l’incantesimo del secondo livello potenti, come rakshasa e ki-rin, emettono una
Sgambetto o Trappola del terzo), né quelle più consistente aura benigna o maligna, anche se
complicate, così come non scopre tagliole o soggetti a polimorfismo. I non morti dotati di
buche ormai inoffensive. allineamento diffondono radiazioni cattive,
Per fare l’incantesimo occorre avere il simbolo perché è proprio questa forza negativa che
sacro. consente loro di esistere. Anche gli oggetti
maledetti e l’acqua sconsacrata hanno un’aura
maligna, mentre una vipera o una trappola non
(Divinazione) È possibile avvertire l’intensità (fioca, debole,
modesta, forte, molto forte) e la natura del male
Livello: 1° (in attesa, maligna, compiaciuta ecc.). Se la
Manuale: PH italiano sensazione di male è fortissima, il sacerdote ha il
Sfera: divinazione 10% di probabilità per ogni suo livello di
Raggio d’azione: 30 m individuare anche l’inclinazione (legale, neutrale
Componenti: V, S, M o caotica).
Durata: 1 turno L’incantesimo dura un turno più cinque round
Tempo di lancio: 1 round per ogni livello del sacerdote (uno di primo
Area d’effetto: tratto largo 3 m livello può farlo durare 15 round, uno di secondo
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno 20 round eccetera). Si esamina un tratto largo 3
m nella direzione in cui il sacerdote è rivolto;
Il sacerdote individua radiazioni magiche in un egli dovrà, inoltre, concentrarsi (starsene calmo e
tratto largo 3 m e lungo fino a 9 m nella fermo a cercare l’aura) per almeno un round.
direzione in cui è rivolto. Riesce a percepire Come componente materiale basta il simbolo
l’intensità dell’aura (fioca, debole, modesta, sacro, che il sacerdote deve tenere davanti a sé
forte, molto forte). Ha il 10% di probabilità per mentre lancia l’incantesimo.
ogni suo livello di determinare la sfera della
magia ma, a differenza di quanto avviene
nell’incantesimo omonimo degli esperti di
magia, non sa a quale scuola appartiene
(alterazione, convocazione, ecc.). Il sacerdote
può girarsi, esaminando un arco di 60 gradi per
round. L’incantesimo viene bloccato da una
parete spessa 30 cm o più, da una lastra di
metallo con spessore di almeno 2,5 cm o da un
metro e più tavole di legno.
Il sacerdote deve avere il suo simbolo sacro.

Livello 1° Livello 1°
Incantesimi clericali del primo livello


(Divinazione) (Alterazione)

Livello: 1° Livello: 1°
Manuale: PH italiano Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: divinazione Sfera: animale
Raggio d’azione: 0 Raggio d’azione: tocco
Componenti: V, S, M Componenti: S, M
Durata: 1 turno + 1 round per livello Durata: 1 turno + 1 round per livello
Tempo di lancio: 4 Tempo di lancio: 4
Area d’effetto: speciale Area d’effetto: 1 creatura toccata per liv.
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

Il sacerdote è in grado di determinare se un Con questo incantesimo la creatura toccata

oggetto è velenoso o avvelenato. Può controllare diventa assolutamente invisibile per tutti gli
un oggetto per round, o un volume equivalente animali con Intelligenza inferiore a 6. Si parla di
ad un cubo con spigolo di 1,5 m. C’è una animali normali, che pur avendo dimensioni a
probabilità del 5% per ogni livello del sacerdote volte gigantesche non hanno proprietà magiche.
di intuire il tipo di veleno. La creatura può passare tra gli animali senza che
Componente materiale: una striscia di pergamena nessuno si accorga della sua presenza: potrebbe
appositamente benedetta, che annerisce in pararsi davanti a un tirannosauro o al leone più
presenza di veleni. affamato e non essere notata. Viceversa, uno
stallone infernale, un segugio infernale o un lupo
dei ghiacci la scoprirebbero subito. Il sacerdote
INTRALCIARE può rendere invisibile una creatura per ogni suo
(Alterazione) livello; se questa dovesse attaccare, diventerebbe
immediatamente visibile.
Livello: 1° Componente materiale: agrifoglio strofinato sul
Manuale: PH italiano ricevente.
Sfera: vegetale
Raggio d’azione: 80 m
Durata: 1 turno (Scongiurazione)
Tempo di lancio: 4
Area d’effetto: cubo con spigolo di 12 m Livello: 1°
Tiro Salvezza: 1/2 Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: negromanzia
Il sacerdote fa in modo che le piante presenti Raggio d’azione: tocco
nell’area d’effetto intralcino le creature di Componenti: V, S, M
passaggio. Erbacce, rovi e addirittura piante si Durata: 6 round
torcono ed avvolgono le vittime, Tempo di lancio: 4
immobilizzandole finché dura l’incantesimo. Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata
Ogni creatura che entri nell’area è soggetta alla Tiro Salvezza: speciale
magia. Se supera il T.S. contro incantesimi può
andarsene, ma a velocità ridotta (soli 3 m per L’incantesimo fa in modo che i non morti
round, finché resta nella zona). È facile che le perdano le tracce della creatura toccata e la
creature enormi (gargantua) o dotate di forza ignorino finché dura l’effetto. Sono
eccezionale non siano disturbate automaticamente colpiti i non morti con 4 o
dall’incantesimo; deciderà il DM, in base alla meno D.V.; quelli che ne hanno di più possono
forza delle piante che le imprigionano. essere immuni, se superano un T.S. contro
Componente materiale è il simbolo sacro. incantesimi.
Un sacerdote protetto da questo incantesimo non
può scacciare i non morti colpiti. Se il
beneficiario della magia attacca, perde
l’invisibilità (Cura ferite leggere, Augurio e
Litania non spezzano l’incantesimo).
Componente materiale: il simbolo sacro.

Livello 1° Livello 1°
Incantesimi clericali del primo livello


(Divination) (Divinazione)

Level: 1° Livello: 1°
Manual: ToM Manuale: PH italiano
Sphere: Time Sfera: divinazione, animale,
Range: 0 vegetale
Components: V, S, M Raggio d’azione: 100 m + 20 m per livello
Duration: Instantaneous Componenti: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Durata: 1 round per livello
Area of Effect: One object or creature Tempo di lancio: 1 round
Saving Throw: None Area d’effetto: tratto lungo 6 m e largo 6 m
per livello
This spell enables the caster to instantly know Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
the age of any single person, creature, or object
on which he concentrates. The age is accurate to Il sacerdote riesce ad individuare la direzione e la
the nearest year. distanza a cui si trova un determinato tipo di
The material component is a calendar page. animale o di pianta. Basta che si volti in una
direzione e pensi a quello che sta cercando per
sapere se quel soggetto è presente entro il raggio.
KNOW DIRECTION Se la risposta è affermativa, il sacerdote intuisce
(Divination) la distanza esatta e quanti esemplari ce ne sono.
Durante ogni round dell’incantesimo il sacerdote
Level: 1° può sondare una sola direzione (6 m di
Manual: ToM larghezza). La magia dura un round per ogni
Sphere: Travelers livello del sacerdote, mentre la lunghezza del
Range: 0 tratto esaminato è di 100 m più 20 per ogni
Components: V, S, M livello (il DM potrebbe limitare l’individuazione
Duration: Instantaneous alle piante e agli animali strettamente collegati al
Casting Time: 1 culto cui il sacerdote appartiene).
Area of Effect: Special La probabilità di localizzare un tipo di animale o
Saving Throw: None di vegetale dipende dalle condizioni e dalle
circostanze, ma per la frequenza del soggetto si
Know direction allows the caster to instantly può seguire questo schema: comune 50%, non
know the direction of north. The spell is effective comune 30%, raro 15%, molto raro 5%.
in any environment, whether underwater, La maggior parte delle erbe cresce nelle regioni a
underground, or in darkness (including magical clima temperato, mentre le spezie sono diffuse
darkness). nelle zone tropicali; le piante utili per gli
The material component is a small scrap of a ingredienti degli incantesimi sono rare o molto
parchment map that is at least 100 years old. rare. Gli esiti dell’incantesimo sono sempre
decisi dal DM.
Componente materiale: il simbolo sacro.
Level: 1° (Enchantment)
Manual: ToM
Sphere: Time Level: 1°
Range: 0 Manual: ToM
Components: V, S Sphere: Elemental Fire, Plant
Duration: Instantaneous Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 Components: V, S
Area of Effect: The caster Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: None Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Special
Know time is particularly useful when the caster Saving Throw: None
has been unconscious. This spell enables the
caster to know the precise time of day to the This spell increases the amount of time that a
nearest minute, including the current hour, day, wooden object will burn before being consumed.
month, and year. Wood that is enchanted in this manner burns
brightly without being consumed for the duration
of the spell. When the spell ends, the wooden
object crumbles to ash.

Livello 1° Livello 1°
Incantesimi clericali del primo livello

This spell does not cause the wood to catch fire; MISTAKEN MISSIVE
it must be ignited normally. While it burns, the (Alteration)
wood gives off twice the normal amount of heat;
thus, a single log can make a cozy fire. Level: 1°
The affected wood radiates magic. The priest Manual: ToM
may enchant up to 1 cubic foot of wood per level Sphere: Chaos
of experience. The spell is effective on torches. Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
LUCE ® Casting Time: 1
(Alterazione) Area of Effect: One page/level
Saving Throw: None
Livello: 1°
Manuale: PH italiano This spell alters the appearance of words written
Sfera: sole in ink. When the spell is cast upon a written
Raggio d’azione: 120 m page, the ink imperceptibly begins to move. Over
Componenti: V, S the next few days, the message becomes
Durata: 1 ora + un turno per livello progressively more illegible. If the page is left
Tempo di lancio: 4 undisturbed for six days, an entirely new
Area d’effetto: sfera con raggio di 6 m message forms on the page. The new message is
Tiro Salvezza: speciale completely legible and is recognizable as the
handwriting of the original author, but is contrary
Viene a crearsi un’area di luce, forte quanto in content to the original message.
quella di una torcia, entro 6 m dal centro After the spell is cast, the message will appear
dell’incantesimo. Gli oggetti che si trovano al different every day. The DM decides the message
buio oltre questa sfera possono essere al that the page will carry after the sixth day has
massimo intravisti come forme vaghe. Il centro passed. Following is a sample of the changes that
dell’incantesimo è un punto scelto dal sacerdote, could take place in a message.
che deve avere una visuale libera fino ad esso nel – Day one: the words of the letter appear faint, as
momento in cui opera la magia. La luce può if the author of the letter was running out of ink
scaturire dall’aria, dalla roccia, dal metallo, dal as he wrote.
legno o da qualsiasi altra sostanza. L’effetto è – Day two: the words have moved slightly from
immobile, a meno che non sia centrato their original positions, as if the person writing
appositamente su un oggetto o una creatura che the letter were shaking or in a moving carriage
si muove. Se l’incantesimo viene fatto su di una when the letter was written.
creatura, bisogna effettuare il T.S. e tener conto – Days three and four: the message is gibberish.
della eventuale resistenza al magico. Se la Although the ink forms groups of letters
resistenza funziona, l’effetto è annullato, mentre arranged in lines with punctuation, nearly all the
se riesce il T.S. la luce va a formarsi alle spalle words are meaningless. This may appear to be
della creatura. Se la luce è diretta contro gli occhi some sort of code, but it means nothing.
della creatura, la acceca, facendo diminuire di 4 – Day five: the ink has formed real words.
la sua Classe dell’Armatura ed i suoi T.S. Il However, the sentence construction is still
sacerdote può far smettere l’incantesimo in meaningless (e.g., Egg west worse green!).
qualsiasi momento con una sola parola. – Day six (and beyond): the message is coherent,
Non si possono sommare gli effetti but the opposite intent of the original message
dell’incantesimo ripetuto varie volte. has been created. If the original letter read, “Send
La magia è reversibile e può far scendere troops quickly,” the new letter reads, “All is fine.
l’oscurità nella stessa area ed alle stesse Keep your men in reserve.”
condizioni della Luce ma in tal caso dura la metà. If Mistaken missive is cast on the pages of a
Il BUIO magico è completo, come quello che spellbook or a scroll, the ink on the page reforms
può esserci all’interno di una camera oscura. into a new spell of the same level as the original
Qualsiasi sorgente luminosa, normale o magica, spell. Thus, a Darkness spell might become a
meno intensa della luce del sole non funziona in Maze spell. However, the spell formula will be
un’area con tenebre di questo tipo. La Luce e il wrong. Although it will look like a proper spell,
Buio si annullano a vicenda se lanciati it will not function when cast.
direttamente contro l’effetto contrario. A coded message that is subjected to Mistaken
missive will appear as a coded message on the
sixth day but will hold a different meaning than
the original message.
A Glass of preserved words will allow the
original message to be read correctly. Dispel
magic will restore the message to its original

Livello 1° Livello 1°
Incantesimi clericali del primo livello

The material component is three drops of ink. faith. Because an Orison is not even on par with
other lst–level magic, a priest memorizes a
number of individual Orisons equal to three +1
MORALE per level (up to a maximum of nine) when he
(Enchantment/Charm) devotes a lst–level spell slot to Orison. In other
words, a lst–level priest can memorize four
Level: 1° Orisons for one lst–level spell slot, a 2nd–level
Manual: ToM priest can memorize five, and so on.
Sphere: War Unlike Cantrip, an Orison must have a specific
Range: Special effect, although the priest need not decide which
Components: V, S, M incantation he will use until he actually casts the
Duration: Special spell. Regardless of the prayer chosen, the
Casting Time: Special Orison's duration is never more than one round
Area of Effect: One unit up to 200 per level. Known Orisons include the following:
Saving Throw: None Alleviate: a single creature suffering from nausea
or pain is relieved of its discomfort. Magically
This spell can be used in two distinct ways. The induced nausea or pain is only alleviated if the
first is appropriate for battlefield use. The priest victim passes a saving throw vs. spell with a –2
can cast this spell on any unit within 240 yards in penalty.
an uninterrupted line of sight. The casting time
for this use is one turn and the material Calm: a single creature that has been startled or
component is a gem of at least 100 gp value frightened is soothed. Victims suffering from
which is consumed during the casting. magical fear may attempt a save vs. spell with a
At the conclusion of this use of the spell, the –2 penalty to calm themselves.
target unit's morale is modified by 1, either
positively or negatively, as the caster desires. Clarity: for the duration of the Orison, the
This modification remains in effect for 1d4+2 priest's speech is clear and free of impediment —
turns. useful for readings from sacred texts and other
The second and more powerful use of the spell such rites. Magical conditions such as Confuse
requires lengthy preparations. Casting must take languages cannot be overcome by this Orison.
place inside or within 100 yards of a place of
worship dedicated to the casting priest's deity. Courage: the priest gains a +1 bonus to his next
Both the priest and the unit to be affected must attack roll, as long as the attack is made within
be present. The casting time for this use is 5 the spell's duration.
turns. The material component is the priest's holy
symbol. Guidance: the priest gains a +1 bonus to a
At the conclusion of this use of the spell, the Wisdom or Intelligence check to determine the
unit's morale is raised by 3 (maximum of 19). right course of action in a moral dilemma or
This morale increase lasts until the next sunset. puzzle.
Only priests of 10th level or higher can cast this
version of the spell. Healing: by his touch, the priest may heal a
creature of 1 point of damage.

ORISON Magic sense: if there is a persistent spell effect or

(Various schools) magical item within 10 yards, the priest feels a
recognizable tingle or sensation of some kind. He
Level: 1° has no way to determine what item or spell may
Manual: S&M have caused the reaction.
Sphere: All
Range: 10 yds. Memory: any item the priest commits to memory
Components: V, S during the spell duration is more completely and
Duration: Special permanently learned; he gains a +2 bonus to any
Casting Time: 4 checks to recall the exact appearance, wording,
Area of Effect: Varies or meaning of an item, text, or message.
Saving Throw: None
Resistance to magic: the caster gains a +1 bonus
The most humble of priestly spells is the Orison, to his next saving throw against magic of any
a brief prayer or invocation of a minor nature. type, as long as it occurs during the Orison's
Typically, priests learn a number of Orisons as duration.
acolytes or students in order to tone their
spellcasting skills and emphasize concepts,
ideals, or phrases of particular importance to the

Livello 1° Livello 1°
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Resistance to poison: the priest gains a +1 bonus If the priest casts the spell based on an alias or
to his next saving throw vs. poison, as long as it incorrect birth information, the reading will be
occurs during the Orison's duration. inaccurate. The DM should develop a history and
personality at odds with the truth. This might
Other Orisons of similar power or scope may be allow the priest to determine whether the name
permitted by the DM. Generally, an Orison of the subject is correct–a reading giving
should not affect more than one creature or die information that conflicts with what the priest
roll at a time, and an Orison that can actually already knows should be a clue that the name is
cause immediate harm to a creature should inflict incorrect.
no more than 1 or 2 points of damage. An The subject need not be present during the
offensive Orison would be quite rare and most casting. The priest can cast the spell without ever
probably associated with an evil or chaotic having met the subject.
priesthood. The material component is a small book of
numerological formulae and notes (different
Nota: in alternativa a quanto detto sopra, se viene from the book used in Telethaumaturgy). The
usato il sistema di magia alternativo book is not consumed in the casting.
l’incantesimo costa 1 PM anziché 2 PM come le A DM may rule that this spell can be cast on
magie del 1° livello. humanoids or monstrous creatures. The
information available will be similar
(considering that words like “profession” will
PERSONAL READING mean something different when applied to an
(Divination) ogre). This spell will categorically fail on
creatures that have no concept of a personal
Level: 1° name.
Manual: ToM
Sphere: Numbers
Components: V, S, M (Incantamento)
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2 turns Livello: 1°
Area of Effect: One creature Manuale: PH italiano
Saving Throw: None Sfera: combattimento
Raggio d’azione: 0
This spell allows the priest to mathematically Componenti: V, S, M
analyze personal information about one human Durata: speciale
or demihuman character and learn valuable facts Tempo di lancio: 4
about that character. To cast this spell, the priest Area d’effetto: speciale
must know the subject's real name (the name the Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
subject was given as a child) or the date and
place of the character's birth. The priest analyzes Il sacerdote può rendere temporaneamente
this information and is able to build a rough magici tre sassi, non più grandi di proiettili da
picture of the character's life history and personal fionda, che può tirare ad un avversario. Se li
specifics. getta con la mano, può arrivare fino a 30 m e può
The “historical” information discovered through scagliarli tutti e tre in un solo round; il
this spell is generally vague. For example, the personaggio che li lancia deve effettuare un TxC,
priest might learn that the subject was born in the benché la magia delle pietre consenta a chiunque
woods and moved to the city only after hardship di raggiungere buoni risultati. Per quanto
made his life untenable. Specific information is riguarda la creatura da colpire (se, ad esempio, la
up to the DM. The DM might provide some or all si può ferire solo con armi magiche), i sassi si
of the following information: considerano armi +1 pur non avendo bonus sul
TxC o per le ferite. Ogni pietra che va a segno
– The subject's character class or career; infligge 1d4 ferite, 2d4 se la vittima è un non
– The subject's approximate level (stated in terms morto. La magia contenuta in ciascuna delle
such as “novice,” “highly skilled,” “moderately pietre dura solo mezz’ora, o finché non viene
competent,” etc.); usata.
– The subject's standing in the community Componente materiale: il simbolo sacro e tre
(“highly respected,” “mistrusted,” “considered an sassi, non lavorati né resi magici.
enigma,” etc.);
– The subject's success or failure in his
– The subject's prevailing character traits or (Necromancy, Alteration)
Level: 1°

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Incantesimi clericali del primo livello

Manual: DK Protection from chaos does protect the recipient

Sphere: Necromancy from creatures influenced by Confusion and
Range: Touch Chaos spells and effects. The natural or bodily
Components: V, S, M attacks of such creatures automatically fail, as
Duration: Permanent long as the recipient does not use the spell's
Casting Time: 4 power to trap, pin, or drive back the chaotic
Area of Effect: Creature touched creatures in question. The spell ends if the
Saving Throw: Special recipient makes a melee attack against creatures
that are prevented from attacking him by this
This spell is cast on a dead creature to prevent it spell.
from being raised as a skeleton or zombie with The material component is a small ring of gold
an Animate dead spell. The creature cannot have or lead tempered by a chaotic smith. Note that
been dead for a number of days greater than the this spell is not reversible.
caster's level; otherwise it has no effect. The size,
level, or Hit Dice of the dead creature makes no
difference. Detect magic will reveal the magical PROTEZIONE DAL MALE ®
enchantment on the body, and it can be removed (Scongiurazione)
with a Dispel magic spell. This spell has no
effect on living creatures or those already Livello: 1°
animatel as skeletons or zombies. Corpses being Manuale: PH italiano
magically enchanted into some other, more Sfera: protezione
powerful form of undead are granted a saving Raggio d’azione: tocco
throw vs. spell (based on the corpse's level and Componenti: V, S, M
class from his previous life); if it makes this save Durata: 3 round per livello
even once, the corpse can never be raised as any Tempo di lancio: 4
form of undead. Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata
The material components for this spell can vary; Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
either metal coins must be placed on the
recipient's eyes, the petals of flowers must be L’incantesimo crea una barriera che avvolge il
sprinkled beneath him, or dust from his beneficiario a 30 cm di distanza e si muove
homeland must be sprinkled on him. insieme a lui. Gli effetti principali sono tre.
In primo luogo, tutti gli attacchi effettuati da
creature maligne o sotto l’effetto di magie del
PROTECTION FROM CHAOS male ai danni della creatura protetta hanno una
(Abjuration) penalità -2 su ogni TxC, mentre c’è un bonus di
+2 su ogni T.S. del beneficiario.
Level: 1° Secondariamente, ogni tentativo di esercitare un
Manual: S&M controllo mentale sulla creatura protetta (se
Sphere: Law questa, ad esempio, è stata charmata da un
Range: Touch vampiro) o di impadronirsi della sua mente (ad
Duration: 3 rds./level esempio quando un fantasma effettua Giara
Area of Effect: 1 creature magica) viene arrestato da questo incantesimo.
Components: V, S, M La protezione non blocca lo Charme del
Casting Time: 4 vampiro, né lo annulla, ma gli impedisce di
Saving Throw: None attraversare la barriera. Parimenti, uno spirito
esterno sarebbe semplicemente tenuto fuori e non
Resembling the spell Protection from evil, this cacciato se si trovava in quel posto prima che
abjuration wards the creature touched from the fosse stato fatto l’incantesimo.
attacks of minions of chaos. Chaotic creatures In terzo luogo, la magia impedisce il contatto
suffer a –2 penalty to attack rolls against the spell fisico con creature di altri piani o convocate
recipient, and the subject gains a +2 bonus to (servitori aerei mostri elementali, imp, cacciatori
saving throws against spells or other attacks invisibili, salamandre, mostri d’acqua, xorn,
employed by chaotic creatures. Attempts to eccetera). Gli attacchi naturali (fisici) della
possess, Dominate, or exercise other forms of creatura falliscono; se per effettuarli deve toccare
mental control against the recipient are l’avversario, la creatura si ritrae. Sono respinti
automatically blocked by this spell. allo stesso modo anche animali e mostri attratti o
Protection from chaos also wards the recipient convocati con la magia: La protezione finisce se
against contact with extraplanar creatures of il beneficiario effettua un attacco ravvicinato o
chaotic origin, including tanar'ri, slaad, and cerca di forzare la barriera per colpire il nemico.
eladrin. Unlike Protection from evil, this spell Per portare a termine l’incantesimo, il sacerdote
does not necessarily guard against summoned or usa dell’acquasanta o dell’incenso acceso.
conjured creatures unless the creatures in
question are chaotic in alignment. However,

Livello 1° Livello 1°
Incantesimi clericali del primo livello

L’incantesimo si può lanciare in forma inversa, PURIFICARE IL CIBO E LE BEVANDE ®

come PROTEZIONE DAL BENE; in tal caso, (Alterazione)
solo il secondo e il terzo effetto restano immutati.
Per la forma invertita occorrono acqua Livello: 1°
sconsacrata o letame secco. Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: totale
Raggio d’azione: 30 m
PUFFBALL Componenti: V, S
(Alteration) Durata: permanente
Tempo di lancio: 1 round
Level: 1° Area d’effetto: 8 dm³/liv., quadr. lato 3 m
Manual: DH Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
Sphere: Plant
Range: Touch L’incantesimo purifica e rende potabili e
Components: V, S, M commestibili le bevande ed i cibi contaminati,
Duration: 2 rounds/level of caster marci o avvelenati. In questo modo si possono
Casting Time: 4 risanare 28 dm³ di cibarie per ogni livello del
Area of Effect: 1 mushroom, etc. sacerdote. La magia non impedisce la futura
Saving Throw: Special decomposizione delle derrate; può depurare
l’acqua sconsacrata ed i cibi sacrileghi, ma non
A dharacter who casts Puffball on a normal ha alcun effetto sulle creature o sulle pozioni
mushroom, truffle, or teadstool (up to 6 inches in magiche.
diameter) transforms the fungus into a magical La forma inversa, CONTAMINARE IL CIBO
puffball, which the characier may drop or throw. E LE BEVANDE, rovina anche l’acqua santa,
The DM should decide what type of roll, if any, ma non agisce su creature o pozioni.
is required to hit the target (Strength, Dexterity,
etc.) See the DMG, pgs. 62-63, for rules on
grenadelike missiles. RANDELLO
The puffball bursts upon landing, releasing a (Alterazione)
cloud of spores 10 feet in diameter. Those caught
in the spore cloud must save vs. poison or suffer Livello: 1°
an attack of coughing and choking. Victims can Manuale: PH italiano
make no attacks and lose all Dexterity bonuses to Sfera: combattimento, vegetale
Armor Class and saving throws. The cloud Raggio d’azione: tocco
dissipates in ld3+1 rounds; residual effects still Componenti: V, S, M
afflict characters one round affer they escape the Durata: 4 round + un round per liv.
cloud or it fades. Tempo di lancio: 2
The spell's effects do not affect undead or similar Area d’effetto: 1 clava di legno di quercia
nonbreathing creatures. If no one throws (or Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
drops) the missile by the time its duration
expires, the enchantment is lost. Il sacerdote può trasformare il suo bastone o la
The caster sprinkles the material component – a sua clava in un’arma magica che ha bonus di +1
pinch of ground puffball – over the fungus to be sul TxC ed infligge 2d4 ferite agli avversari
enchanted. grandi come un uomo e 1d4+1 ferite a quelli più
grossi. Il randello non si danneggia in alcun
modo; dov’essere manovrato dal sacerdote,
Componente materiale: il simbolo sacro, e una
fogliolina di trifoglio.

Livello 1° Livello 1°
Incantesimi clericali del primo livello

RECOVER TRAIL later (if he transferred 3 hit points, he recovers 3

(Divination) hit points in 1-4 hours). The caster's recovery of
these hit points has no effect on the restored
Level: 1° animal.
Manual: RAN During the 1-4 hours before the caster recovers
Sphere: Plant his transferred hit points, he feels weak and
Range: Special dizzy, making all attack rolls at a -1 penalty
Components: V, S during that time. Should the ranger die during
Duration: Special that 1-4 hour period, the recovery process stops
Casting Time: 4 + Special immediately and no hit points are recovered.
Area of Effect: Special The animal cannot recover hit points beyond the
Saving Throw: None normal allotment. For instance, an animal that
normally has 10 hit points, but has been reduced
A caster who has lost a quarry's trail while using to 6 due an injury, can't receive more than 4 hit
the tracking proficiency can use this spell to points from this spell. Also, the caster will have
proceed. The spell only works in terrain at least 1 hit point remaining after using this
containing some type of vegetation (such as spell; if the caster has 6 hit points, he won't
trees, grass, or seaweed). The quarry must have transfer more than 5 to a damaged animal.
left some potential trail on which the spell can Revitalize animal works on animals only; it has
act (the spell cannot track a creature that has no effect on humans, demihumans, humanoids,
teleported or plane shifted, for example). magical creatures, etc. The spell is not reversible;
If successful, within an hour after casting the that is, an injured caster can't receive hit points
spell, the vegetation in a particular area will from an animal.
begin to flutter, as if being blown by a gentle
breeze. If the wind is already blowing, the Nota: in alternativa alla cura di 1d4 o 2d4 P.F.
vegetation moves up and down, or moves in l’animale può beneficiare di un Cura ferite
another unusual way to attract the caster's leggere, con revitalizzazione di P.F. stabilita in
attention. When examining this area, the caster base ai P.F. massimi dell’animale (vedi nota in
will notice a footprint, broken twig, or other sign calce al Cura ferite leggere).
previously overlooked, indicating to correct trail.
The spell has a success chance of 60%+2% per
level of the caster. RING OF HANDS ®
This spell will immediately negate a Pass (Abjuration)
wilhout trace spell if cast directly for that
purpose, otherwise it will still function normally Level: 1°
to allow tracking along the disguised trail. Manual: ToM
Any spellcaster with access to both the plant Sphere: Protection
sphere and the tracking proficiency can use this Range: 0
spell. Components: V, S
Duration: 2d10 rounds
Casting Time: 5
REVITALIZE ANIMAL Area of Effect: Special
(Necromancy) Saving Throw: None

Level: 1° This is a cooperative magic spell. It requires a

Manual: RAN minimum of two priests and can accommodate a
Sphere: Animal maximum of ten. Each priest must cast Ring of
Range: Touch hands on the same round. At the end of the
Components: V, S casting, the priests involved join hands, thus
Duration: Permanent completing the spell. If any priest breaks the
Casting Time: 4 circle, the spell immediately ceases. The priests
Area of Effect: One animal may not move from their locations but are free to
Saving Throw: None speak. They may not cast spells requiring a
somatic or material component while the ring is
This spell allows the caster to heal an animal by formed.
transferring life force (hit points) from himself to The Ring of hands forms a protective barrier
the animal. If the animal is touched with one around the priests and everything within their
hand, it regains ld4 hit points, just as if it had circle. For each priest, assume a five-foot
received a Cure light wounds spell. Touching the circumference of the circle; thus, three priests
animal with both hands restores 2d4 hit points. In would create a circle of 15-foot circumference.
either case, the caster temporarily loses the For easy calculation, assume that for each priest,
number of hit points that the animal regains. The the circle can accommodate four persons.
caster will recover his lost hit points 1-4 hours The barrier functions as a Protection from evil

Livello 1° Livello 1°
Incantesimi clericali del primo livello

spell. Attacks by evil creatures suffer a -1 penalty SACRED GUARDIAN

for every priest forming the circle. Saving throws (Enchantment/Charm)
made by the priests or anyone in the circle
against attacks from such creatures receive a +1 Level: 1°
bonus for every priest in the circle. Manual: ToM
Attempts at mental control over protected Sphere: Guardian
creatures are blocked. Extraplanar and conjured Range: Touch
creatures are unable to touch the priests and Components: V, S, M
those within the circle, although melee attacks Duration: 1 day/level
against such creatures by those within the ring Casting Time: 1
break the barrier. Area of Effect: Creature touched
Because the priests casting the spell cannot move Saving Throw: None
and must hold hands, they do not receive any
Dexterity bonuses to Armor Class. Furthermore, By use of this spell, a priest becomes instantly
opponents gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls against aware when the recipient of the spell is in danger,
the priests, since there is little they can do to regardless of the distance between the priest and
avoid a blow. Creatures within the ring are free the recipient. The recipient may be on a different
to act as they wish. Melee attacks by those within plane of existence than the priest.
the ring are limited to piercing weapons and When this spell is cast by a priest of at least 3rd
suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls since the priests level, he receives a mental image of the
intervene. endangered person's situation. At no time,
The reverse of this spell, RING OF WOE, however, does the priest know the person's
functions as detailed above except the effect location through the use of this spell.
applies to good creatures as would a Protection The material component is a rose petal that has
from good spell. been kissed by the spell recipient.

(Scongiurazione) (Scongiurazione)

Livello: 1° Livello: 1°
Manuale: PH italiano Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: protezione Sfera: charme
Raggio d’azione: tocco Raggio d’azione: 10 m
Componenti: V, S, M Componenti: V, S
Durata: 2 round + 1 round per liv. Durata: speciale
Tempo di lancio: 4 Tempo di lancio: 1
Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata Area d’effetto: una creatura ogni 4 liv.
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno Tiro Salvezza: speciale

Quando il sacerdote lancia questo incantesimo, Il sacerdote infonde coraggio ad una creatura,
chiunque cerchi di attaccare la creatura protetta facendo aumentare di +4 per un turno i suoi tiri
deve effettuare un tiro salvezza contro salvezza contro gli attacchi magici basati sulla
incantesimi. Se riesce, l’avversario può colpire paura. Se il beneficiario ha fallito da poco (in
normalmente; se invece fallisce, perde le tracce quel giorno) un T.S. contro un attacco del genere,
della creatura e la ignora finché dura può ripeterlo subito con bonus +4. Il sacerdote
l’incantesimo. può proteggere una creatura ogni quattro suoi
Chi non tenta di colpire la creatura riparata non livelli (una dal 1° al 4° livello, due dal 5° all’8°
subisce alcuna conseguenza. livello ecc.).
L’incantesimo non difende dagli attacchi con La forma inversa, INCUTI PAURA, fa scappare
area d’effetto (Palla di fuoco, Tempesta di una creatura a massima velocità per ld4 round in
ghiaccio, ecc.). La creatura difesa non può direzione opposta al sacerdote. Un T.S. riuscito
attaccare, altrimenti spezza la magia; può usare annulla l’effetto; si applicano i modificatori per
incantesimi che non siano d’attacco o comunque la Saggezza. Naturalmente, i due incantesimi si
agire in modo da non contravvenire alla regola. annullano a vicenda.
Un sacerdote protetto potrebbe curare ferite,
benedire, effettuare auguri e litanie, illuminare
un’area (ma non lanciare la Luce addosso
all’avversario!), e così via.
Componente materiale: il simbolo sacro ed uno
specchietto d’argento.

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Incantesimi clericali del primo livello


(Alterazione) (Alteration)

Livello: 1° Level: 1°
Manuale: PH italiano Manual: ToM
Sfera: protezione Sphere: Astral
Raggio d’azione: tocco Range: Touch
Componenti: V, S Components: V, S
Durata: 1 ora 1/2 per livello Duration: 1 round/level
Tempo di lancio: un round Casting Time: 1 round
Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata Area of Effect: One creature
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno Saving Throw: None

La creatura viene protetta dalle temperature When a priest casts the 7th-level Astral spell, he
troppo elevate o troppo basse (dipende dalla leaves his physical body in suspended animation
forma scelta dal sacerdote al momento in cui fa while his astral body travels. By touching the
la magia): può sopportare, anche poco coperta, il comatose body and casting Speak with astral
gelo fino a -35° C o il caldo fino a +55° C (a traveler, a priest can mentally communicate with
seconda del tipo di incantesimo) senza subire the projected individual. Although
traumi. communication is mental, it takes the same
Le temperature oltre questi limiti infliggono una amount of time as a normal, verbal dialogue. The
ferita per ogni ora di esposizione e per ogni spell ends abruptly when its duration expires.
grado in eccesso. Se il beneficiario viene colpito
da caldo-freddo non normale (magia, soffio ecc.),
l’incantesimo si spezza subito, a prescindere STRENGTH OF STONE
dall’applicazione e dall’effetto (cioè, la (Invocation/Evocation)
resistenza al freddo può essere annullata sia dal
caldo che dal gelo di origine magica). Il Level: 1°
beneficiario non subisce le prime dieci ferite Manual: S&M
(dopo gli eventuali T.S.) causate dal caldo o dal Sphere: Elemental Earth
freddo nel round in cui l’incantesimo si è Range: Touch
spezzato. Se le creatura protetta riceve Duration: 3 rds.+ 1 rd./level
Resistenza al fuoco/al freddo, questa magia Area of Effect: 1 creature
termina subito. Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 4
Saving Throw: None
(Conjuration) This spell grants supernatural strength to the
recipient by raising his Strength score by ld4
Level: 1° points or to a minimum of 16, whichever is
Manual: PD higher. Each 10% of exceptional Strength counts
Sphere: Elemental (air), Sun as 1 point, so a character with a Strength of 17
Range: 15 yards could be raised as high as an 18/30, but no
Components: V, S, M higher. Both the priest and the recipient must be
Duration: 1-4 rounds in contact with solid stone or earth when the
Casting Time: l round spell is cast — standing on the ground will do
Area of Effect: 10 foot radius nicely, but flying or swimming will not. The
Saving Throw: None spell lasts for 3 rounds plus 1 round per caster
level or until the subject loses contact with the
This spell causes a brilliant but tiny spark of light earth. Obviously, this can happen in a number of
to flash before a target's eyes, blinding him for ways, including being picked up or grappled by a
1d4 rounds. During that time, the victim fights as larger creature, being knocked through the air by
if blinded, and makes all saving throws at -2. A an impact or explosion, or even being magically
successful save will negate this effect The priest moved in some fashion.
may only cast this spell above ground and in the The material components are a chip of granite
presence of the sun. and a hair from a giant.
Material component: sunlight.

Livello 1° Livello 1°
Incantesimi clericali del primo livello

SUNSCORCH not because the locale reminds them of the

(Invocation/Evocation) thought. Unfortunately for philosophers who
disagree with this, Thought capture seems to be
Level: 1° extremely strong evidence for this theory.
Manual: S&M This spell makes the priest's brain something of a
Sphere: Sun magnet that attracts thought objects in close
Range: 40 yds. proximity. The priest can sense strong thoughts
Duration: Instantaneous and emotions and can sometimes even see
Area of Effect: 1 creature momentary visions of creatures who died or
Components: V, S suffered some powerful emotion in the
Casting Time: 4 immediate vicinity. Thought objects are always
Saving Throw: Neg. attracted to the priest in the order of the strongest
(those attached to powerful emotions or
This spell creates a brilliant ray of scorching heat significant events) to the weakest. Thus, if
that slants down from the sky to strike one target several thought objects share the same vicinity,
of the caster's choice. The victim is entitled to a the priest will perceive information about the
saving throw vs. spell to avoid the ray: a most interesting or significant event. The priest
successful save indicates that it missed might pick up images of a battle from the point
altogether. Any creature struck by the ray of view of a warrior who died there, or he might
sustains ld6 points of damage, plus 1 point per gain information about the victor of the battle.
caster level. Undead creatures and monsters The DM dictates the information provided to the
vulnerable to bright light sustain ld6 points of priest, and thus can use this spell to provide
damage, plus 2 points per caster level. In players with important background information
addition to sustaining damage, living victims are or can add texture to a campaign world. The
also blinded for ld4 rounds by the spell. information provided might be highly cryptic or
The sun must be in the sky when Sunscorch is symbolic, perhaps in the form of a rhyme or
cast, or the spell fails entirely. It cannot be cast riddle.
underground, indoors, or in hours of darkness, The priest gains one thought object per casting of
although routine overcasts do not hinder the the spell. The spell may be cast a number of
Sunscorch. times in the same locale, with the priest gaining a
different thought object with each casting. A
locale contains a finite number of thoughts,
THOUGHT CAPTURE however, and once the priest has gained all of
(Divination) them (per the DM), the spell will fail in that
Level: 1°
Manual: ToM
Sphere: Thought WEIGHTY CHEST
Range: 0 (Alteration)
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous Level: 1°
Casting Time: 3 Manual: ToM
Area of Effect: 10 yards Sphere: Wards
Saving Throw: None Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
One of the more bizarre contentions held by Duration: 1 day/level
priests of the School of Thought is generally Casting Time: 1
scoffed at by outsiders. The theory states that Area of Effect: 5-foot cube
once a thought has occurred in someone's brain, Saving Throw: None
it exists as a “freestanding mental object.” This
“thought object” usually remains inside the brain This spell enables the caster to enchant a chest,
of the creature that created it, but sometimes it book, package, or any other nonliving object no
escapes (this supposedly explains why people larger than a 5'x5'x5' cube. When the enchanted
forget things). When this happens, the thought object is touched by anyone other than the caster,
object stays in the geographical area where it was the apparent weight of the object increases,
lost. Any receptive brain (usually the brain of the becoming 2-5 (1d4+1) times the weight of the
creature that initially created the thought) can person or persons touching it. This condition
pick it up again simply by bumping into the makes the object extremely difficult to move for
invisible, free-floating thought. According to the anyone but the caster. The caster can move the
theory, this is the reason that people can regain a object normally throughout the duration of the
lost thought by going back to the location where spell.
the thought was lost. This supposedly works The material component is a lead ball.
because the free-floating thought is recaptured,

Livello 1° Livello 1°
Incantesimi clericali del primo livello

column creates a pillar of strong winds to slow

WHISPERWARD his descent. The spell is most effective in areas
(Alteration) or regions where a strong breeze is available,
such as the heights of a mountain or the mast of a
Level: 1° ship at sea. In areas of dead, calm air, it is much
Manual: DH more difficult to muster the windpower
Sphere: Guardian, Weather necessary to arrest the caster's fall. The caster's
Range: Touch rate of descent (and risk of damage) varies with
Components: V, S, M the strength of the prevailing winds, as shown
Duration: Permanent until triggered below.
Casting Time: 4 If the wind is very strong, the caster can even
Area of Effect: 1 item choose to gain altitude instead of falling,
Saving Throw: None although he can rise no higher than 5 feet per
level above his original height before the Wind
Whisperward can be cast on any single item, column loses cohesiveness and he starts to fall
portal, or closure (such as a book, door, or lid). It again. However, a priest could use this to leap
may ward up to a 30-foot radius. out a castle window and allow the winds to bear
The character keys the ward to become activated him to the roof of the tower, if the conditions are
(like a Magic mouth spell) under specific right.
conditions, such as when a certain individual
enters the area or opens the warded closure. Wind strength Falling rate Dmg. sustained
When the ward is triggered, a soft whispering
breeze blows across the caster's face. The caster Very strong ±2 ft./sec. (120 ft./rnd.) None
must stay within 1 mile per experience level of Strong 4 ft./sec. (240 ft./rnd.) None
the ward to receive the warning. Moderate 8 ft./sec (480 ft./rnd.) (1)
The material component is the priest's holy Light 16 ft./sec. (960 ft. /rnd.) (2)
symbol. None 32 ft./sec. (2000 ft./rnd.) (3)

(1) 1 per 10 ft. (max 8 points)

WIND COLUMN (2) 1d2 per 10 ft. (max. 10d2 points)
(Invocation/Evocation) (3) 1d3 per 10 ft. (max. 12d3)

Level: 1° If you prefer to use the combat round scale from

Manual: S&M Player’s Option: Combat and Tactics, rounds are
Sphere: Elemental Air approximately one tenth as long, and movement
Range: 0 per round is reduced accordingly. For example,
Duration: 2 rds./level in moderate winds, the caster will fall about 48
Area of Effect: The caster feot per round in the Combat and Tactics scale.
Saving Trow: None

A priest with access to this spell need not fear

most routine falls, since the casting of the Wind

Livello 1° Livello 1°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello

(Negromanzia, Convocazione) Livello: 2°
Manuale: PH italiano
Livello: 2° Sfera: Charme
Manuale: PH italiano Raggio d’azione: 0
Sfera: negromanzia Componenti: V, S
Raggio d’azione: tocco Durata: speciale
Componenti: V, S, M Tempo di lancio: 1 round
Durata: 1 round + 1 round per liv. Area d’effetto: raggio di 27 m
Tempo di lancio: 5 Tiro Salvezza: Neg.
Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno Il sacerdote riesce ad ammaliare chiunque
capisca la sua lingua. I presenti nell’area
Chi riceve questo incantesimo ottiene i benefici d’effetto devono superare un T.S. contro
di una Benedizione (+1 sui TxC e sui T.S.) ed incantesimi, altrimenti dedicano al sacerdote
uno speciale bonus di 1d8 P.F. in più finché dura ogni attenzione, dimenticandosi di tutto il resto.
la magia. In pratica, il beneficiario ha più P.F. del Chi è di un culto o di una razza ostile al
normale; questi punti in eccedenza vanno perduti sacerdote ha un bonus +4 sul tiro. Valgono i
per primi (se rimane ferito) e non si possono bonus per la Saggezza. Le creature con più di 4
riguadagnare con le cure. Esempio: un guerriero D.V. o livelli e quelle con Saggezza 16 o più
del 1° livello ha 8 P.F., subisce due ferite, quindi sono immuni.
va a 6, e poi riceve un aiuto, che gliene dà altri 5. Per fare l’incantesimo, il sacerdote deve parlare
Ora ha 11 P.F., 5 dei quali temporanei; se subisce senza interruzione per un round intero. La magia
altre 7 ferite, perde prima i cinque punti si protrarrà finché il sacerdote continuerà a
provvisori e poi due P.F. normali. Un Cura ferite parlare, per un’ora al massimo. Il pubblico
leggere gli fa riguadagnare 4 P.F., riportando la ammaliato non fa nulla mentre ascolta il
quota a 8, come all’inizio. predicatore e poi per altri ld3 round, perché
Il funzionamento dell’incantesimo non è alterato intento a discutere gli argomenti. Anche quelli
dalla perdita permanente di P.F. causata dal che entrano nell’area d’effetto in un secondo
risucchio di energia, dall’azione di artefatti o da momento devono azzeccare il T.S. o cadere
perdita di D.V. oppure di demoni familiari; i vittime dell’oratoria. Chi non resta ammaliato ha
punti in più si sommano al nuovo e più basso una probabilità del 50% ad ogni turno di lanciare
totale. fischi e motteggi vari all’indirizzo dell’oratore;
Componenti materiali: una strisciolina di stoffa se le persone che esprimono il proprio dissenso
con una sostanza appiccicosa (ad es. resina) sono parecchie, gli ammaliati possono ripetere il
sull’estremità, più il simbolo sacro. T.S. Se il sacerdote viene attaccato e colpito o
compie qualche altra azione oltre a parlare, la
predica termina (ma c’è sempre il dibattito per
ALTRUISM ld3 round).
(Invocation) Se attaccato, il pubblico reagisce
immediatamente contro la fonte dell’interruzione
Level: 2° (effettuare una prova di reazione con penalità
Manual: PD -10) e l’incantesimo si spezza.
Sphere: Necromancy Nota: se si ha a che fare con molti T.S. di
Range: Touch creature affini, il DM può, per sveltire la cosa,
Components: V, S fare una media: in un gruppo di venti persone
Duration: Permanent con T.S. di base 16 (25% di probabilità di
Casting Time: 5 riuscita), 15 resteranno ammaliate e 5 no.
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

With this spell, a cleric may transfer hit points to

another character or being of any alignment not
directly opposed to his own (good vs. evil or
lawful vs. chaotic.) Hit points are exchanged on a
l to l basis, and may not be "taken back" once the
spell has been cast. The recipient of the spell
cannot gain more hit points than he normally has,
and cannot refuse the gift even if he want to.


Livello 2° 26 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello

ANIMAL EYES no control over the creature. However, most

(Necromancy) casters will use it on a trained animal or one
befriended via the Animal friendship spell.
Level: 2° For the duration of the spell, the caster remains
Manual: RAN in a trance, unable to move or use human senses.
Sphere: Animal This consequence can prove dangerous; for
Range: 0 instance, characters attacked while using the
Components: V, S, M spell cannot feel injuries to their bodies.
Duration: 3 rounds + 1 rnd/level However, at the start of any round, the caster
Casting Time: 5 may choose to return the animal's senses to the
Area of Effect: One creature creature and resume control of the human body.
Saving Throw: None This decision ends the spell immediately. The
spell also ends if the animal travels more than
By using this spell, the caster can temporarily see 100 yards away per level of the caster.
through the eyes of any animal. The caster points
at any single animal within 100 yards, then
closes his eyes and remains stationary. In his ASTRAL AWARENESS
mind's eye, he sees whatever the animal is (Divination)
seeing. If the subject animal is a squirrel
studying the party from a tree branch, the caster Level: 2°
sees himself and the party from the perspective Manual: S&M
of the squirrel. If the subject animal is a bird Sphere: Astral
soaring overhead, the caster gets a bird's eye Range: 0
view of the area below. Duration: 1 hr./level
The spell has no effect on the subject animal, nor Area of Effect: The caster
can the caster control the animal's actions in any Components: V, S
way. The animal is unaware of the spell and acts Casting Time: 5
as it normally would. The spell persists until the Saving Throw: None
end of its duration, or the caster moves or takes
another action. The caster may voluntarily negate This divination attunes the caster's perceptions to
the spell by opening his eyes. The spell also ends the silver void of the Astral Plane or the misty
if the animal is killed, or moves more than 100 grayness of the Ethereal Plane. While the spell is
yards away from the caster. in effect, the caster automatically notes the
The subject animal must be one normally found approach of all kinds of astral or ethereal
in nature. It may not be supernatural, human, phenomena, including shifting conduits, the
demihuman, nor of extraplanar origin. psychic wind, ether cyclones, demiplanes and
The spell requires a glass lens no larger than one debris, color pools, and curtains of vaporous
inch in diameter as a focus, which is not color. The character has a 90% chance to detect a
consumed in the casting. color pool from its invisible side and a 5%
chance per level to determine which plane a
curtain or pool leads to simply by studying its
(Divination) In addition to his awareness of physical
phenomena, the caster gains a +2 bonus to
Level: 2° surprise checks against astral or ethereal
Manual: DH monsters. He also has a 5% chance per level to
Sphere: Animal detect the threat of creatures whose gaze extends
Range: 10 yards into the Ethereal (basilisks, for instance) before
Components: V, S he enters the range of the monster's gaze weapon.
Duration: 1 turn/2 levels of caster
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 animal
Saving Throw: Wizard familiars may save
vs. spell to negate.

Only a normal (real world) animal or a giant

version of a normal animal species may become
an animal spy. This spell enables the caster to
share the animal's senses: see through the
animal's eyes, hear with its ears, smell with its
nose, and so on. The animal is completely
unaware of the spell's effect, unless the druid
warns the beast before casting. Animal spy grants

Livello 2° 27 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello


(Divinazione) (Evocation)

Livello: 2° Level: 2°
Manuale: PH italiano Manual: ToM
Sfera: divinazione Sphere: Travelers
Raggio d’azione: 0 Range: Touch
Componenti: V, S, M Components: V, S
Durata: speciale Duration: 1 hour/level
Tempo di lancio: 2 round Casting Time: 2
Area d’effetto: speciale Area of Effect: Creature touched
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno Saving Throw: None

Il sacerdote che lancia questo incantesimo cerca When this spell is cast, a faintly shimmering aura
di predire se un’azione che si verificherà surrounds the recipient. The aura insulates the
nell’immediato futuro (entro mezz’ora) sarà recipient from the effects of nonmagical heat and
benefica o dannosa per il gruppo. Se, ad cold in a range of -20 F. to 140 F. Any time a
esempio, la compagnia pensa di distruggere uno traveler encounters temperatures in this range, he
strano sigillo che chiude un portale, può usare maintains a comfortable temperature of 70 F.,
Augurio per sapere se da questo deriverà un bene regardless of prevailing weather conditions.
o un male. Se l’incantesimo riesce, il DM dà Additionally, the spell acts as a shield against
qualche indicazione riguardo all’esito: rain, snow, and hail, which are blocked by the
“sfortuna”, “sventura” o magari un rebus o un aura.
enigma. La probabilità di ricevere una risposta If a recipient encounters a temperature above or
che abbia un senso è del 70%, più l’1% per ogni below the stated range, the temperature within
livello del sacerdote (71% al primo, 72% al the aura is altered by an equal number of
secondo, 73% al terzo ecc.). Il tuo DM deciderà degrees. For example, a recipient who encounters
gli eventuali modificatori per le condizioni di a temperature of 150 will actually experience a
quel particolare augurio. temperature of 80°F.
Se, ad esempio, la domanda fosse: “facciamo All physical objects other than rain, snow, and
bene ad avventurarci nel terzo livello?” e in hail can pass through the aura. The recipient can
agguato all’ingresso ci fosse un terribile troll a cast spells normally while the Aura of comfort is
guardia di 10.000 mo ed uno scudo +1 (il DM in effect. The spell offers no protection against
pensa che la compagnia potrebbe sconfiggerlo, magically generated weather, such as that caused
dopo una dura lotta), il responso potrebbe essere: by Weather summoning and Ice storm. It does not
“Chi non risica non rosica”. Se il troll fosse protect against fire, nor does it shield against
troppo forte per loro, i nostri eroi potrebbero fire- or cold-based attacks.
sentirsi rispondere: “Sventura e distruzione su di
voi!”. Un gruppo che faccia una serie di
domande riguardanti la stessa azione in rapida BACCHE NUTRIENTI ®
sequenza potrebbe avere sempre la medesima (Alterazione, Evocazione)
risposta, a prescindere dal risultato ottenuto con i
dadi. Livello: 2°
Componente materiale: una serie di bastoncini Manuale: PH italiano
tempestati di gemme, ossa di drago o altri Sfera: vegetale
aggeggi analoghi, di valore non inferiore alle Raggio d’azione: tocco
1.000 mo (non vanno perduti ogni volta). Componenti: V, S, M
Durata: 1 giorno + 1 giorno per liv.
Tempo di lancio: 1 round
Area d’effetto: 2d4 bacche fresche
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

Se si lancia questo incantesimo su di una

manciata di bacche appena colte se ne rendono
magiche 2d4. Il sacerdote (ed ogni altro
sacerdote del suo stesso culto di 3° livello o più)
capisce subito quali sono le bacche fatate; lo si
può scoprire anche con Individuazione del
magico. Basta una di queste bacche a saziare un
uomo (o una creatura della stessa taglia) come
dopo un lauto pranzo, o a curare una ferita (in un
giorno se ne possono guarire al massimo otto).

Livello 2° 28 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello

La forma inversa, BACCHE MARCE, avvelena BLACK CAIRN

2d4 bacche, pur lasciandole apparentemente (Divination)
intatte. Ognuna di esse, se mangiata, causa una
ferita per veleno (senza T.S.). Level: 2°
Componente materiale: il simbolo sacro passato Manual: PD
sopra le bacche commestibili appena raccolte Sphere: Divination, Necromancy
(mirtilli, more, lamponi, ribes, uva spina ecc.). Range: l mile radius per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
BEASTSPITE Casting Time: l hour
(Enchantment/Charm) Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Level: 2°
Manual: DH After this spell is cast, the caster knows the
Sphere: Animal location of any corpse (animal or otherwise). The
Range: 10 yards priest must first find five smooth, black stones,
Components: V, S each one bigger than a fist. He stacks them in a
Duration: 1 hour/level of caster small pile, or cairn, and sits and stares at the
Casting Time: 5 blackness of the stones until he receives a vision
Area of Effect: 1 person of the corpse's location. If the caster has an item
Saving Throw: Neg. belonging to the target, the casting time is
reduced by half.
Beasispite afflicits a single person with a magical Material component: 5 smooth black stones
aura that induces one species of animal to hate
and fear the character. The character becomes
loathed by any species of normal (real world) BLOCCAPERSONA
animal. While this range excludes monsters, it (Incantamento/Charme)
includes giant animals of the same real world
species. (For example, if Beasispite causes bats Livello: 2°
to hate the subject, giant bats will react Manuale: PH italiano
similarly.) Sfera: Charme
When the character comes within 30 yards of an Raggio d’azione: 120 m
animal from the target species, the creature will Componenti: V, S, M
make warning signals (barks, growls, etc.). Its Durata: 2 round per livello
further reaction depends on the animal's nature. Tempo di lancio: 5
– Aggressive animals, including all predators and Area d’effetto: ld4 pers. in cubo lato 6 m
most trained guard animals, attack the spell Tiro Salvezza: Neg.
– Nonaggressive beasts shun the character, L’incantesimo immobilizza ld4 creature umane,
fleeing or attacking if approached; semiumane o umanoidi per cinque o più round.
– Owners can restrain their domesticated Interessa qualsiasi bipede umano, semiumano o
animals, but the beasts show obvious distress and umanoide: brownie, coboldi, driadi, elfi, folletti,
may become very hostile if the character tries to gnoll, gnomi, goblin, halfling, hobgoblin,
touch them; mezzelfi, mezzorchetti, nani, nixie, orchetti,
– If the subject was riding when the spell took spiritelli, trogloditi, uomini-lucertola ed altri. Le
effect, the mount tries to throw off the character. dimensioni non devono superare quelle di un
The subject must make a riding proficiency uomo: un guerriero di 10° livello rientra nella
check each round to stay astride and to avoid a categoria, un orco no.
fall if thrown off. L’effetto è centrato su un punto scelto dal
– An animal extremely loyal to the subject, such sacerdote e colpisce le vittime da lui scelte entro
as a pet dog, a creature influenced by an Animal l’area d’effetto. Se l’incantesimo è diretto contro
friendship spell, a wizard's familiar, or a paladin's tre persone, ciascuna effettua un T.S. normale; se
war horse does not become utterly hostile to its le vittime sono due, ognuna ha una penalità di -1
owner. Instead it notices something "wrong" sul tiro; se, invece, è una sola, la penalità diventa
about the character and acts unusually nervous. -2. Si applicano i modificatori per la Saggezza.
Chi supera il T.S. non è toccato dall’incantesimo.
I non morti ne sono immuni.
Le creature bloccate non possono muoversi o
parlare, ma capiscono tutto quello che succede
intorno a loro e possono sfruttare le abilità che
non richiedono movimenti di sorta. Il blocco non
impedisce un peggioramento delle condizioni
causato da ferite, malattie o veleno. Il sacerdote

Livello 2° 29 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello

che effettua la magia può farla smettere con una attention would be diverted and the individuals
parola quando vuole; se questo non accade, could act freely.
l’incantesimo dura due round se l’ha fatto un Creatures whose attention is held by the spell
sacerdote del primo livello, quattro round se cannot be instructed to attack or perform any
lanciato da uno del secondo, eccetera. action. Such creatures will ignore suggestions of
Componente materiale: una barretta di ferro. this nature. Depending on the nature of the
request, the DM may deem that the suggestion
causes a distraction that ends the spell.
Level: 2° (Summoning)
Manual: ToM
Sphere: Law Level: 2°
Range: 20 yards Manual: PD
Components: V, S Sphere: Elemental (air)
Duration: Special Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 Components: S
Area of Effect: 1d6 creatures/level Duration: 3 rounds
Saving Throw: Special Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 10 foot cube
This spell temporarily calms a chaotic situation Saving Throw: Special
involving a group of people. The situation may
involve any range of emotions from violence (as The priest draws in a deep breath and expels it
in a barroom brawl) to joy and merrymaking (as toward his opponent. All noxious odors from up
in a festival or carnival). to two miles away are channeled through the
Unlike the Emotion spell, Calm chaos does not cleric's breath and ejected in a vile cone of
cause a change in the emotions of affected stench. All breathing creatures within the cone
creatures–anger, fear, or intense joy remain in must make a saving throw vs. poison. Those who
each individual. The emotion is simply restrained fail must retreat and gag for 1d6 rounds; those
rather than released. Thus, an angry character who succeed will fight at -1 for 1d6 rounds due
intent on attacking someone will still feel the to teared eyes and labored breathing. Strong
desire to do so, but he will withhold his action as winds or a source of fresh air will cut this in half.
long as the spell remains in effect. Those with more than 5 Hit Dice or higher than
Creatures to be affected are allowed a saving 5th level may ignore Channelstench.
throw vs. spell at a -4 penalty to avoid the
effects. If more creatures are present than can be
affected, creatures nearest the caster are affected CHAOS WARD
first. (Abjuration)
After casting the spell, the priest makes a
Charisma check. If successful, all characters Level: 2°
affected by the spell are compelled to stop what Manual: S&M
they are doing. They are filled with the sensation Sphere: Chaos
that something important is about to occur. At Range: Touch
this time, the priest or a character of his choosing Components: V, S, M
must gain the attention of the affected creatures Duration: 2 rounds./level
by giving a speech, performing for the crowd, or Casting Time: 5
casting spells with intriguing visual effects (such Area of Effect: Creature touched
as Dancing lights). The attention of the crowd is Saving Throw: None
then held for as long as the distraction continues.
A character could filibuster and maintain control By using this spell, the priest can create a
over the affected characters for hours or days. shimmering aura of whirling light that surrounds
Two conditions will cause the group to resume the chosen creature. This protective aura makes
its original actions. In the first, the method of the spell recipient more difficult to hit in hand–
entertaining the crowd ceases for one round–the to–hand combat by providing a –1 bonus to the
speech ends or the spell expires. If this action is subject's Armor Class. Against missile attacks or
not replaced with another distraction within one ranged spells aimed directly at the recipient, the
round, the crowd is freed of the spell. Chaos ward is even more effective since it
In the second condition, if an event occurs that is provides a –2 bonus to Armor Class and a +2
more immediate than the distraction, the crowd bonus to any saving throws required. In addition,
will divert its attention to that event. Thus, if the there is a chance that missile attacks or directed
spell were used to stop a barroom brawl and the spells may be deflected or reflecled by the
building caught fire or was attacked, the crowd's

Livello 2° 30 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello

chaotic energy of the shield, as shown below personalità e l’allineamento di base non lo sono.
(roll 1d100 and add the caster’s level): Se le si chiede di rinunciare a difendersi di
consegnare un oggetto prezioso o di usare una
01–85 No unusual effect, subject gains carica di un importante oggetto magico (specie
normal benefits of Chaos ward; contro i suoi precedenti amici ed alleati), la
creatura può aver diritto ad un T.S. contro
86–95 Spell or attack automatically defeated; incantesimi, per vedere se la magia funziona
ancora. Parimenti, non è devo che la creatura
96–99 Spell or attack ricochets, affecting a affascinata dica tutto ciò che sa o si meda a
random creature within 30 feet – normal attack disegnare lo schema di intere zone da esplorare.
roll or saving throw neads to be rolled for the Qualsiasi richiesta può andare incontro ad un
random creature to be affected rifiuto, se questo è in linea con il personaggio e
se non comporta danni per il sacerdote. Il rispetto
100+ Spell or attack reflected back at che la vittima nutre nei confronti del sacerdote
originator, normal attack roll or saving throw non si estende necessariamente ai suoi compagni:
applies se essi consigliano “Falle questa domanda...” o
commettono scorrettezze nei suoi confronti,
In order to qualify as a spell aimed directly at the verbali o fisiche, non la prenderà molto bene,
recipient, a spell must affect only the subject in specie se questo non fa parte del suo carattere.
quesbon; a spell such as Hold person or Sleep L’incantesimo non conferisce al sacerdote doti
that happens to include the subject in its area of linguistiche, oltre a quelle che normalmente
effect does not count as a directed spell and does possiede. La durata dipende dall’Intelligenza
not trigger the Chaos ward. The material della vidima ed è legata al T.S., che si ripete ad
component is a playing card used by a rogue of intervalli definiti, anche se il sacerdote non ha
chaotic alignment. fatto nulla che rovinasse il rapporto. Se la
creatura supera il T.S., l’incantesimo termina.

CHARME PERSONE O MAMMIFERI Intelligenza vittima Intervallo tra i controlli

3 o meno 3 mesi
Livello: 2° da 4 a 6 2 mesi
Manuale: PH italiano da 7 a 10 1 mese
Sfera: animale da 13 a 14 2 settimane
Raggio d’azione: 80 m da 15 a 16 1 settimana
Componenti: V, S 17 3 giorni
Durata: speciale 18 2 giorni
Tempo di lancio: 5 19 o più 1 giorno
Area d’effetto: 1 persona o 1 mammifero
Tiro Salvezza: Neg. Se il sacerdote fa deliberatamente del male (o
tenta di farne) alla vidima, o viene fado su di
L’incantesimo affascina una persona o un essa Dissolvi magie (e riesce), l’incantesimo si
mammifero, che vede nel sacerdote un amico spezza automaticamente. Se la vittima azzecca il
fidato ed un alleato da difendere. Il termine T.S. contro l’incantesimo, la magia finisce.
“persona” significa un qualsiasi bipede umano, Questo incantesimo, usato insieme a Amicizia
semiumano o umanoide: brownie, coboldi, con gli animali, può servire a tenere la bestiola a
driadi, elfi, folletti, gnoll, gnomi, goblin, casa del sacerdote, nel caso in cui questi dovesse
halfling, hobgoblin, mezzelfi, mezzorchetti, nani, assentarsi per un lungo periodo.
nixie, orchetti, spiritelli, trogloditi, uomini-
lucertola ed altri.
Le dimensioni non devono superare quelle di un
uomo: un guerriero di 10° livello rientra nella
categoria, un orco no.
L’incantesimo non consente al sacerdote di
comandare la vittima come se fosse un automa;
ogni sua parola, però, sarà vista nella luce più
favorevole. Nessuno obbedirà all’ordine di
suicidarsi, ma se il sacerdote dirà che l’unico
modo di salvarlo consiste nel tenere a bada il
drago rosso che sta arrivando “solo per uno o due
round” e la creatura penserà di poter
sopravvivere, gli crederà.
Alcuni aspetti del carattere della vittima possono
essere alterati da questa sudditanza, ma la

Livello 2° 31 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello


(Divination) (Alterazione)

Level: 2° Livello: 2°
Manual: PD Manuale: PH italiano
Sphere: Elemental (fire) Sfera: elementale (fuoco)
Range: 0 Raggio d’azione: 0
Components: S, M Componenti: V, S
Duration: Special Durata: 1 round per livello
Casting Time: l round Tempo di lancio: 5
Area of Effect: 10 foot radius per level Area d’effetto: speciale
Saving Throw: None Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

Casting this spell on a pile of ashes will give the Dal palmo della mano del sacerdote scaturisce
caster a smoky vision of the scene before the una fiamma luminosa quanto quella di una torcia.
item or creature was destroyed. The vision starts Il fuoco non fa alcun male al sacerdote, ma
from the time the thing was ruined or killed back incendia i materiali combustibili (carta, stoffa,
to 1 round per level. A 4th-level priest would see legna secca, olio ecc.). è possibile lanciarlo come
the last four minutes of its existence. Clues of un proiettile, fino a 40 m di distanza (corta
ash will also tell the caster whather the thing was gittata); quando urta contro un ostacolo, si
an item or a living creature, and whather it was ravviva, incendia i combustibili entro un
destroyed by fire or by defiling magic. diametro di 90 cm dal punto di impatto e poi si
If vegetable matter destroyed by defiling magic spegne. Una creatura colpita dalla fiamma
is being tested, there is a 10% chance that the subisce ld4 + 1 ferite e, se si verifica un incendio,
priest will be able to identify the spell that deve passare un round ad estinguerlo oppure
destroyed it. subire altre ferite, assegnate dal DM, finché le
fiamme non si smorzano.
Il sacerdote può scagliare una sola fiamma per
COAT OF MIST ogni suo livello e mai più di una per round. Può
(Summoning) spegnerla quando vuole, ma non può fare
altrettanto con gli incendi da essa causati. La
Level: 2° magia non funziona sott’acqua.
Manual: PD
Sphere: Elemental (air, water)
Components: V, S (Conjuration)
Duration: l round per level
Casting Time: 4 Level: 2°
Area of Effect: Self Manual: ToM
Saving Throw: None Sphere: Creation
Range: 0
A priest can use this spell to coalesce a magical Component:
mist about him. The mist lowers his armor class Duration: Permanent
by 2, and gives him a +2 saving throw vs. any Casting Time: 2
sun or fire based attacks. The spell can only be Area of Effect: The caster
used at night, during a rainstorm, or any other Saving Throw: None
time natural mists might be present. These
modifiers are cumulative with any others the When the words of this spell are uttered, a holy
priest might have, except further castings of symbol appropriate to the priest's deity appears
Coat of mist. out of thin air. The item appears in the priest's
hands. It may be used as a component for spells
or for any other purpose for which the priest
would normally use his holy symbol (such as
turning undead). He may also opt to give it to a
lower level priest of the same deity. The holy
symbol is a permanent object.

Livello 2° 32 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello

CREATE MIRAGE ® laying his hand on the subjectts body, the priest
(Illusion) can heal 1d10+1 points of damage.
Noncorporeal, nonliving, or extraplanar creatures
Level: 2° cannot be healed by this spell. The reverse of this
Sphere: Elemental (air), Sun requires the priest to successfully touch the
Range: 60 yards + 10 yards per victim and inflicts 1d10+1 points of damage.
Components: V, S, M Nota: anziché curare (o infliggere) 1d10+1 P.F.,
Duration: Time of concentration questo incantesimo cura (o infligge)
Casting Time: 5 proporzionalmente un certo numero di P.F.,
Area of Effect: 400 cubic feet stabilito in funzione del numero massimo di P.F.
Saving Throw: Special della creatura o della persona che riceve
l’incantesimo, secondo la seguente tabella:
Under the heat of the sun, a priest can cause an
illusoy image exactly like the 1st-level wizard P.F. massimi P.F. curati/inflitti
spell Phantasmal force. The exception is that the
mirage will instantly disappear if touched. 5 o meno 1d2
Material component: sunlight. 6–9 1d3
Reversing this spell reveals things as they really 10–13 1d4
are, negating any mirages or illusions. 14–17 1d6
Material component: sunlight. 18–21 1d8
22–25 (3d6)/2
26–29 (1d8+1d6)/2
CRYSTALLIZE 30–33 (3d8)/2
(Alteration) 34–37 (2d8+1d10+1)/2
38–41 (3d10)/2
Level: 2° 42–45 (2d10+1d12+1)/2
Manual: PD 46–49 (2d6+2d12)/2
Sphere: Elemental (water) 50–53 (1d20+3d6+1)/2
Range: 30yards 54–57 (1d20+2d8+1d6)/2
Components: VS 58–61 (1d20+1d10+1d8+1d6+1)/2
Duration: Until the ice melts 62–65 (1d20+2d8+2d6)/2
Casting Time: l round 66–69 (1d20+3d8+1d6+1)/2
Area of Effect: 5 inch radius per level 70–73 (1d20+1d10+3d8)/2
Saving Throw: None 74–77 (1d20+2d10+2d8+1)/2
78–81 (2d20+2d10)/2
This spell turns l cubic foot of water per level of 82–85 (1d20+1d12+3d10+1)/2
the caster into ice, or forms a l inch thick layer of 86–89 (1d20+3d12+1d10)/2
ice over any existing pool. Anyone walking on a 90–93 (2d20+1d12+1d10+1d6+1)/2
patch of ice must make a save vs. paralyzation to 94–97 (2d20+2d12+1d8)/2
remain standing. If failed, the victim spends the 98–101 (2d20+2d12+1d10+1)/2
round tying to stand up. 102–105 (3d20+3d6)/2
106–109 (3d20+1d8+2d6+1)/2
110–113 (3d20+3d8)/2
CURE MODERATE WOUNDS ® 114–117 (3d20+1d10+2d8+1)/2
(Necromancy) 118–121 (4d20+1d10)/2
122–125 (3d20+1d12+2d10+1)/2
Level: 2° 126–129 (3d20+2d12+2d6)/2
Manual: S&M 130–133 (4d20+3d6+1)/2
Sphere: Healing 134–137 (4d20+2d8+1d6)/2
Range: Touch 138–141 (4d20+1d10+1d8+1d6+1)/2
Duration: Instantaneous 142–145 (4d20+2d8+2d6)/2
Area of Effect: Creature touched 146–149 (4d20+3d8+1d6+1)/2
Components: V, S 150–153 (4d20+1d10+3d8)/2
Casting Time: 5 154–157 (4d20+2d10+2d8+1)/2
Saving Throw: None 158–161 (6d20)/2
162–165 (5d20+1d12+1d10+1)/2
Somewhat less common than the well–known 166–169 (5d20+1d12+1d10+1d4)/2
Cure light wounds and Cure serious wounds, this 170–173 (6d20+1d6+1d3)/2
healing spell was created by a priest who found 174–177 (5d20+2d12+1d8)/2
that his heroic companions required his skill at 178–181 (5d20+2d12+1d10+1)
doctoring more than his advice and wisdom. By 182–185 (6d20+3d6)/2

Livello 2° 33 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello

186–189 (6d20+1d8+2d6+1)/2 DRAW UPON HOLY MIGHT

190–193 (6d20+3d8)/2 (Invocation)
194–197 (6d20+1d10+2d8+1)/2
198–201 (7d20+1d10)/2 Level: 2°
Manual: ToM
Questo incantesimo, in pratica, è a metà fra il Sphere: Summoning
Cura ferite leggere e il Cura ferite gravi. Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
(Enchantment/Charm, Alteration) Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Level: 2°
Manual: ToM When this spell is cast, the priest's body shudders
Sphere: Chaos and glows with a shimmering aura as it becomes
Range: Touch a vessel for the power of his god. As a result, the
Components: V, S caster may choose to increase one ability score
Duration: 5 turns+2 turns/level (only Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and
Casting Time: 2 turns Charisma are eligible) by +1 per three levels of
Area of Effect: Special his experience (+1 at 3rd level, +2 at 6th, etc.).
Saving Throw: Neg. Only one attribute may be increased. The effect
lasts for the duration of the spell. Attributes may
This spell must be cast by a priest during the be increased above the normal restrictions due to
preparation of food for a meal. The spell is cast race and class, to a maximum of +6. All benefits
on any one quantity of food; thus, the priest for exceptional attributes listed in the Player's
could cast the spell on the batter of a wedding Handbook apply; however, the divine abilities
cake, or he could cast the spell on a quantity of found in the Legends & Lore book cannot be
onions as they are diced for both a salad and a gained by use of this spell.
stew. The spell affects 10 pounds of food per For example, an 18th-level priest with Strength
level of the caster. Anyone who eats the affected 15 could increase his Strength to 21 for 18
food (even a character who eats the salad but not rounds, granting him a +4 attack bonus, a +9
the stew) is subject to the effects of the spell. damage adjustment, etc.
The effects of the spell begin five rounds after When the spell ends, the energy abruptly leaves
the food has been eaten. At that time, creatures the priest's body, leaving him physically and
who have eaten the affected food are allowed a mentally drained. He is nearly comatose and can
saving throw; success indicates that a creature is do nothing but rest for the next 4d6 turns. A
not affected. successful Constitution check (at the priest's
Affected creatures quickly become agitated. normal attribute score) reduces this time by 50%.
Petty events ranging from poor table manners to The material components are the priest's holy
loud talking bother everyone. After five minutes, symbol and a vial of holy water that has been
tempers flare, characters feel compelled to shout blessed by the high priest of the character's faith.
at and insult one another, and threats are hurled.
Even normally calm characters will feel
compelled to vent their frustrations violently. EMOTION PERCEPTION
Creatures maintain no alliances while under the (Divination)
effect of Dissension's feast. A king and his wife
who are normally madly in love will find Level: 2°
themselves bickering with each other in a matter Manual: ToM
of minutes. Members of a diplomatic delegation Sphere: War
might come to blows with each other within Range: 300 yards
minutes of eating the food. Components: V, S, M
At the end of the spell duration, characters Duration: Instantaneous
undergo the sensation of waking up. All are free Casting Time: 1 turn
to behave as they wish. Characters at the meal Area of Effect: One unit/five levels
will still be angry, although they will have no Saving Throw: None
idea why they became angry.
This spell allows the caster to sense the
emotional state and the level of determination of
one or more military units. The priest must have
an uninterrupted line of sight to the entire target
unit. When this spell is cast, the priest instantly
learns the current morale rating and morale status
of the target unit. The DM describes morale

Livello 2° 34 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello

using the appropriate term; for example, steady, FORTIFYING STEW

elite, etc. (Necromancy)
The material component is the priest's holy
symbol. Level: 2°
Manual: DH
Sphere: Healing
(Abjuration) Components: V, S, M
Duration: Stew retains enchantment 1
Level: 2° turn
Manual: S&M Casting Time: 5
Sphere: Astral, Wards Area of Effect: 1 bowl of stew, etc./level
Range: 120 yds. Saving Throw: None
Duration: 1 turn/level
Area of Effect: Two 10–ft. squares/level Any bowl of broth, porridge, or stew the priest
Components: V, S, M has concocted can become subject to Fortifying
Casting time: 1 turn stew. A character can enchant one bowl of stew
Saving throw: None (about 8 ounces) per experience level. Someone
must consume the enchanted meal within one
The Ethereal barrier is a defense against the turn of the casting.
passage of extradimensional creatures, including Anyone partaking of an entire bowlful reaps
characters or monsters that are phased, ethereal, magical benefits. First, the diner gains
or travelling via Dimension door or Shadow nourishment for an entire day from the single
walk. The priest creates an imperceptible barrier meal. In addition, for two hours plus one round
of 10 square feet per level that may be arranged per the caster's level, the character receives
in any fashion the priest desires. For example, a ld4+1 temporary hit points. Any damage suffered
3rd–level character can ward six 10–foot by 10– comes off the extra hit points first. The effects of
foot surfaces, which would be sufficient to guard multiple helpings of Fortifying stew are not
a 10–foot by 10–foot by 10–foot room (four cumulative.
walls, a ceiling, and a floor need to be protected.) For example, Snapdragon, a 7th-level druid,
Note that some monsters may be capable of cooks a meaty broth, casts Fortifying stew on it
abandoning their ethereal approach in order to and eats the bowlful. A roll of 2 gives her 3 extra
simply enter the barred area on their own feet — hit points. When the spell's effects wear off just
the Ethereal barrier only bars their passage as over three hours, she loses these extra points. If
long as they are traveling in the Border Ethereal. she suffers 5 points of damage in the meantime,
Also, while this spell can't be worn down by any she actually loses only 2 hp of her own, since 3
form of attack, it does not bar Teleportation, hp came off the extra hit points.
Gates, or the passage of astral creatures. The material component is a vial of stock made
Ethereal barrier may be cast as cooperative of the first fruit of the harvest.
magic by several priests working together. As
long as all involved characters can cast the spell,
the areas of effect of each priest are added FRISKY CHEST
together. Total the levels of all priests involved (Enchantment/Charm)
and multiply by two to find the number of 10–
foot by 10–foot squares that may be warded. For Level: 2°
example, four 6th–level casters (24 total levels) Manual: ToM
can ward 4810–foot by 10–foot squares. The Sphere: Wards
duration is determined by the highest level priest Range: Touch
involved, plus 1 turn for each additional priest. In Components: V, S, M
the previous example, this would be 6 turns plus Duration: Permanent
3 turns for three additional priests for a total of 9 Casting Time: 2
turns. Area of Effect: 10-foot cube
This spell is also suitable for focus magic (see Saving Throw: None
the spell Focus in the Tome of Magic). The
material component is a special compound of With this spell, the caster can enchant a chest,
rare earths and lead worth at least 10 gp per book, or any other nonliving object no larger
application. One application is required for each than a 10'x10'x10' cube. When any creature other
10–foot by 10–foot square to be warded. than the caster comes within three feet of the
enchanted object, it instantly sprouts appendages
and moves away from the creature as quickly as
possible. The enchanted object continues to
move until it is at least 10 feet away from the
nearest creatures in the area.

Livello 2° 35 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello

After the enchanted object has moved a Intelligence increase. The spell has no effect if
satisfactory distance from the nearest creature, cast on a creature with an Intelligence score of
the appendages disappear. When a creature again less than 1.
comes within three feet of the enchanted object, The material component of this spell is the
the enchanted object sprouts appendages and priest's holy symbol.
flees. This process continues until the
enchantment is negated (through a dispel magic
or similar spell) or the enchanted object is GUARDIA VIVERNA
subdued or destroyed. (Evocazione)
The enchanted object can sprout feet (MV 24),
wings (Fl 24, maneuverability class B), or fins Livello: 2°
(Sw 24), whichever is most advantageous. Thus, Manuale: PH italiano
a book on a shelf might sprout wings and fly Sfera: guardia
away, while a table might gallop around a room. Raggio d’azione: 30 m
The enchanted object can freely and instantly Componenti: V, S, M
trade appendages as necessary. Durata: 8 ore o finché colpisce
The enchanted object will move only through Tempo di lancio: 5
open spaces. It will not crash through windows, Area d’effetto: sfera con raggio di 3 m
shatter a closed door, or dig through the earth. It Tiro Salvezza: Neg.
cannot attack or take any actions other than
movement. If surrounded or cornered, the Il nome di questo incantesimo deriva dalla
enchanted object moves in random directions nebbia prodotta, che assume una forma
until it is restrained or destroyed. vagamente simile a quella di una viverna. La
The enchantment ends if the caster voluntarily guardia serve a difendere un’area dagli intrusi,
negates it, if the enchanted object is destroyed cioè qualsiasi creatura che arrivi a meno di 3 m
(the object has the same vulnerabilities as it has dalla zona protetta e che può essere attaccata
in its normal state), or if the enchanted object is dalla “viverna”.
restrained for 2-5 (1d4+1) consecutive rounds. La creatura che entra nella zona deve superare un
Restraint means that the object is prevented from T.S. contro incantesimi o restare paralizzata per
fleeing; if a creature is able to grapple, lift, or sit un round ogni livello del sacerdote, finché non
on the object, it is considered restrained. A sarà liberata da lui stesso, da Dissolvi magie o da
creature capable of lifting the object in its normal Togliere la paralisi. Un T.S. riuscito indica che la
state is considered strong enough to restrain it creatura è stata mancata, ma l’incantesimo resta
(for instance, a person capable of lifting a 50- operante. Non appena una creatura viene presa
pound box is also capable of restraining such a dalla “viverna”, rimane paralizzata e la “viverna”
box enchanted by Frisky chest). The object may svanisce. L’incantesimo si spezza anche se la
also be restrained by tossing a net or heavy guardia non ha colpito nessuno dopo otto ore da
blanket over it or by surrounding it with several quando la magia è stata fatta.
characters. Chiunque si avvicini all’area difesa può
The material components are a dried frog's leg, a individuare la presenza della guardia prima di
feather, and a fish scale. essere attaccato: la probabilità è del 90% alla
luce del giorno, del 30% al crepuscolo e dello
0% al buio.
GIFT OF SPEECH Componente materiale: simbolo sacro.

Level: 2°
Manual: DH
Sphere: Animal
Range: 10 yards/level of caster
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn/level of caster
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 animal
Saving Throw: None

The Gift of speech spell grants a normal animal

(or a giant version of a normal animal) the ability
to speak any one of the languages the caster
knows, whichever the caster chooses, along with
the ability to understand words and simple
concepts expressed in that language. The affected
animal's reactions do not change, nor does its

Livello 2° 36 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello

HESITATION (Incantamento/Charme)
Livello: 2°
Level: 2° Manuale: PH italiano
Manual: ToM Sfera: animale
Sphere: Time Raggio d’azione: 30 m
Range: 30 yards Componenti: V, S
Components: V, S, M Durata: speciale
Duration: 1 round/level Tempo di lancio: 5
Casting Time: 2 Area d’effetto: cubo con spigolo di 9 m
Area of Effect: 20-foot-radius circle Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
Saving Throw: Neg.
Con questo incantesimo si crea un effetto
Creatures affected by this spell hesitate before ipnotico per cui uno o più serpenti cessano ogni
executing their intended actions. This causes tipo di movimento, a parte una specie di danza
them to modify their initiative rolls by +4. The oscillante, eseguita tenendo eretta la parte
initiative modifier occurs in the round following superiore del corpo. Se i serpenti sono incantati
the round in which Hesitation is cast. mentre dormono, la magia dura ld4+2 turni; se
The spell affects 2-8 Hit Dice or levels of sono svegli, dura ld3 turni; se, infine, sono irritati
creatures, although only one creature of 4 or o stanno attaccando, finisce dopo ld4+4 round. Il
more Hit Dice can be affected regardless of the sacerdote può incantare una quantità di serpenti
number rolled. All possible victims are allowed che abbia un totale di P.F. pari o inferiore al suo:
saving throws vs. spells; those failing their in media, un sacerdote del primo livello può
saving throws modify their initiative rolls by +4 incantare 4-5 P.F., uno del secondo può
for a number of rounds equal to the caster's level. incantarne 9, eccetera. I P.F. possono appartenere
The material component is a fragment of a ad una sola creatura o essere suddivisi tra più
turtle's shell. serpi, purché in tutto non superino quelli del
sacerdote: se un sacerdote ne ha 23 ed ha a che
fare con una dozzina di rettili da 2 P.F. ciascuno,
IDEA ne incanta undici. La magia funziona con tutti i
(Divination) mostri serpentiformi (naga, couatl, ecc.), tenendo
conto della resistenza al magico, dei P.F.
Level: 2° eccetera.
Manual: ToM Possono esistere delle varianti di questo
Sphere: Thought incantesimo, che consentono di trattare creature
Range: 0 diverse, importanti nell’ambito di altri miti. Il
Components: V, S, M DM ti dirà se ce ne sono.
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: The caster INDIVIDUAZIONE DELLO CHARME ®
Saving Throw: None (Divinazione)

This spell stimulates the priest's mind to Livello: 2°

experience a flash of insight. In game terms, the Manuale: PH italiano
DM reminds the priest's player of a fact or event Sfera: divinazione
that has been forgotten, overlooked, or Raggio d’azione: 30 m
discounted. Thus, the DM might remind the Componenti: V, S
player about an important clue that the priest Durata: 1 turno
discovered but the player did not consider Tempo di lancio: 1 round
significant. Area d’effetto: 1 creatura per round
If there are no forgotten facts, the DM may, at his Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
discretion, tell the player of new information
relevant to the condition at hand. Questo incantesimo permette di capire se una
The DM must be careful in adjudicating use of persona o un mostro è sotto l’effetto di uno
this spell. The reminder or information should Charme o di una magia analoga (Ipnosi,
always be relevant and useful but should not be Suggestione, Possessione, ecc.). La creatura
unbalancing to the situation. The reminder can be effettua un T.S. contro incantesimi e, se lo
cryptic, depending on the DM's campaign. supera, il sacerdote non intuisce nulla al suo
The material component is a gold coin. This spell riguardo. Se il sacerdote si rende conto che il
can be cast only once in any six hour period. soggetto è affascinato, può determinare il tipo di
charme con il 5% di probabilità per ogni suo
livello. Prima che l’incantesimo finisca si
INCANTARE SERPENTI possono esaminare fino a dieci creature diverse.

Livello 2° 37 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello

Qualora la creatura sia vittima di più di un effetto INDIVID. DELL’ALLINEAMENTO ®

di questo genere, il sacerdote sente solo che essa (Divinazione)
subisce l’influsso di qualche tipo di fascino: non
può dire quale, perché gli effetti si contrastano a Livello: 2°
vicenda. Manuale: PH italiano
La forma inversa, OCCULTAMENTO DELLO Sfera: divinazione
CHARME, maschera completamente per 24 ore Raggio d’azione: 10 m
ogni genere di charme effettuata su di una Componenti: V, S
creatura. Durata: 1 turno
Tempo di lancio: 1 round
Area d’effetto: 1 creatura o l oggetto
Stando fermo e concentrandosi sul soggetto per
Livello: 2° un intero round, il sacerdote riesce a cappe l’aura
Manuale: PH italiano che circonda una creatura o un oggetto (quelli
Sfera: divinazione privi di allineamento non rivelano nuda). Se la
Raggio d’azione: 30 m creatura supera un T.S. contro incantesimi, il
Componenti: V, S sacerdote non intuisce niente al suo riguardo. Ci
Durata: 3 turni sono alcuni dispositivi di tipo magico che
Tempo di lancio: 5 annullano l’effetto di questa magia.
Area d’effetto: tratto largo 3 m La forma inversa, NASCONDERE
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno L’ALLINEAMENTO, cela l’allineamento di
una persona o creatura per 24 ore.
Quando il sacerdote effettua questo incantesimo,
scopre tutte le trappole, normali o magiche,
nascoste con la magia o con l’astuzia. IRON VIGIL
L’incantesimo è direzionato: il sacerdote deve (Alteration)
voltarsi in una data direzione per sapere se da
quella parte ci sono trappole. Level: 2°
Per “trappola” si intende qualsiasi dispositivo Manual: S&M
che risponda ai tre requisiti seguenti: che possa Sphere: Guardian
portare ad un esito improvviso o inatteso, che il Range: 0
sacerdote consideri tale esito dannoso e che Components: V, S
questi danni siano stati previsti e predisposti dal Duration: 1 week + 1 day/level
creatore del meccanismo. Sono trappole i vari Casting Time: 1 turn
allarmi, glifi eccetera. Area of Effect: The caster
Il sacerdote sa con quale tipo di trappola ha a che Saving Throw: None
fare (meccanico o magico), ma non come essa
funzioni o si possa disattivare, benché possa This spell allows the priest to ignore hunger,
intuirlo con un esame ravvicinato. La sua thirst, and extremes of climate for an extended
divinazione si limita a quel che può essere period of time. While the spell is in effect, the
inaspettato e nocivo: l’incantesimo non può priest requires no food or drink. He is effectively
predire le azioni delle creature (quindi immune to exposure, dehydration, and heat or
un’imboscata non è una trappola) e non prende in cold injury, since no naturally occurring climatic
considerazione i rischi naturali (una caverna che condition will cause him harm. (Lightning,
si allaga quando piove, un muro reso cedevole floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, and other such
dagli anni, una pianta velenosa per natura). Se il hazardous phenomena can still cause physical
DM usa glifi o sigilli per identificare le injury, of course).
protezioni di tipo magico (vedi Glifo di guardia), During the Iron vigil, the priest is able to ignore
con questo incantesimo è possibile evidenziarne the need to sleep by choosing to meditate
la forma. Non vengono rilevate le trappole instead. While meditating, the priest can keep
disattivate o comunque inattive. watch on his surroundings, but he suffers a +1
penalty to any surprise checks. If the character
wishes to memorize spells, he must sleep
At the vigil's end, the priest must eat and drink; if
no food or water is available, the character must
make a Constitution check once every four hours
at a cumulative –1 penalty or fall into a coma and
perish within ld3 days if he receives no aid.

Livello 2° 38 Livello 2°
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He also requires at least four hours of rest for l’allineamento!) esegue la Litania, il bonus
each day that he did not eat, drink, or sleep diventa +2 e la penalità -2.
during his vigil.


LIGHTEN LOAD (Divination)
Level: 2°
Level: 2° Manual: RAN
Manual: ToM Sphere: Animal
Sphere: Travelers Range: 60 yards + 10 yards/level
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S, M
Components: V, S, M Duration: 8 hours
Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 5
Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 animal follower
Area of Effect: 10-foot cube Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None
Occasionally, a ranger's animal follower may
This spell reduces the weight of equipment, wander away in search of food or a mate. An
supplies, and other objects by 50%. Weapons, animal follower may also be abducted or trapped.
supplies, and even disabled characters can all be The Locate animal follower spell helps the
made more portable by use of a Lighten load ranger find such lost creatures.
spell. The spell takes affect once the ranger fixes in his
This spell affects one pile of objects whose mind the follower being sought. The spell locates
volume is equivalent to a 10-foot cube; after the only that specific follower.
spell has been cast, the affected objects can be Once the spell is cast, the ranger slowly turns in
divided among several characters or mounts. The a circle. If the follower is within range, the
spell has no effect on magical items. ranger senses when he is facing in the direction
An object affected by Lighten load can be used of the sought follower. If the follower isn't within
normally; the spell has no effect on an object's range, the spell doesn't work. If the follower
mass, texture, size, strength, or other physical moves out of the area of effect, the spell is
features. immediately negated. As soon as the ranger sees
The material components are a feather and a slip the lost follower, the spell ends. The spell is
of paper moistened by a soap bubble. blocked by lead.
The spell works only on a natural animal
follower (including giant animals); not a
LITANIA supernatural creature, human, demihuman,
(Convocazione) humanoid, or other. If the follower is dead, the
spell still seeks it out, providing other conditions
Livello: 2° of casting are met.
Manuale: PH italiano The material component is a hair, feather, scale
Sfera: combattimento or other physical remnant of the lost follower.
Raggio d’azione: 0 The reverse of this spell, OBSCURE
Componenti: V, S FOLLOWER, hides an animal follower from
Durata: come la litania detection by spells, crystal balls, and similar
Tempo di lancio: 2 round means for eight hours.
Area d’effetto: raggio di 9 m
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

Il sacerdote invoca fortuna per sé ed i suoi amici

e sventura per gli avversari. Alla fine della
litania, tutti i TxC e i T.S. dei compagni del
sacerdote che stanno entro l’area d’effetto hanno
un bonus di +1, mentre quelli dei nemici hanno
una penalità di -1. Questi modificatori si
applicano per tubo il tempo in cui il sacerdote
resta fermo a salmodiare.
Qualsiasi interruzione (ad esempio, un attacco
riuscito che infligga delle ferite, uno strattone o
l’incantesimo Silenzio) spezza la magia. Non è
possibile sommare gli effetti di più litanie; se,
pero, si effettua l’incantesimo del terzo livello
mentre un sacerdote della stessa fede (non basta

Livello 2° 39 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello

MARTELLO SPIRITUALE Il sacerdote è in grado di richiamare come suo

(Invocazione) messaggero una creatura di dimensioni
minuscole con Intelligenza almeno animale.
Livello: 2° L’incantesimo non interessa le creature con
Manuale: PH italiano Intelligenza bassa (In. 5) o più, né gli animali
Sfera: combattimento giganteschi. Se la creatura è entro il raggio
Raggio d’azione: 10 m per livello d’azione, il sacerdote la adesca con un po’ di
Componenti: V, S, M cibo ad essa gradito. La creatura può effettuare il
Durata: 3 round + 1 round per liv. T.S. contro incantesimi: se fallisce, va verso il
Tempo di lancio: 5 sacerdote in attesa di ordini. Il sacerdote deve
Area d’effetto: speciale comunicare in modo molto elementare, dicendole
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno di andare in un certo posto; può attaccarle un
messaggio scritto o un oggetto. L’animale aspetta
Il sacerdote invoca la sua divinità, creando un nel luogo indicato fino alla fine dell’incantesimo
campo magnetico a forma di martello. Finché il (nota: se il destinatario non sa di dover ricevere
sacerdote mantiene la concentrazione, il martello un piccolo animale o un uccello con il
colpirà qualsiasi avversario alla sua portata. Ad messaggio, può darsi che il messaggero sia
ogni round il sacerdote sceglie se insistere sullo ignorato). Quando la magia termina, l’animaletto
stesso bersaglio del round precedente o se torna alle sue normali attività. Il destinatario
prenderne un altro, entro il raggio d’azione. Le della magia non guadagna alcuna particolare
probabilità di andare a segno del martello sono capacità di comunicazione.
uguali a quelle del sacerdote, senza bonus per la
Forza. Inoltre, colpisce come arma magica +1
ogni sei livelli del sacerdote, fino ad un massimo MIND READ
di +3 sul TxC e per le ferite, nel caso di un (Divination)
sacerdote del 13° livello. Le ferite inflitte quando
va a segno sono le stesse di un normale maglio Level: 2°
(ld4+1 contro avversari grandi al massimo Manual: ToM
quanto un uomo e ld4 contro nemici più grandi, Sphere: Thought
più il bonus magico). Il martello colpisce nella Range: 5 yards/level
direzione in cui il sacerdote è rivolto; se è alle Components: V, S
spalle del bersaglio, riceve tutti i bonus per gli Duration: 1 round/level
attacchi da retro, mentre la vittima perde tutti i Casting Time: 2
modificatori della C.A. per scudo e Destrezza. Area of Effect: Special
Quando il sacerdote smette di concentrarsi Saving Throw: None
l’incantesimo termina. Dissolvi magie può
annullare la magia, se comprende nell’area This spell is a sensitive version of the wizard
d’effetto il sacerdote oppure il martello. Se una spell ESP. In addition to detecting the surface
creatura attaccata ha la resistenza al magico, thoughts of any creatures in range, the priest is
questa viene controllata la prima volta che il able to probe deeper into the mind of a single
martello colpisce. Se la resistenza funziona, creature. Mind read will always reveal the kind
l’incantesimo si spezza; in caso contrario, il of creature being probed, although this identity
martello resiste fino alla fine della magia. may be couched in the creature's own language
Componente materiale: un normale maglio, che or in a (possibly distorted) body image. The spell
il sacerdote lancia contro i nemici invocando la has a 20% chance of revealing the character class
sua divinità e che svanisce non appena viene of an individual.
pronunciata la formula magica. The details and the usefulness of the creature's
thoughts will depend on the intelligence of the
subject. While a priest could read the thoughts of
MESSAGGERO an animal, he would probably receive only a
(Incantamento/Charme) confused jumble of emotions and instincts.
Reading the mind of a highly intelligent wizard,
Livello: 2° however, would be much more illuminating; the
Manuale: PH italiano priest might be amazed by the crystal clarity and
Sfera: animale deep insight of the wizard's mental processes.
Raggio d’azione: 20 m per livello If Mind read is used as part of an interrogation,
Componenti: V, S an intelligent and wary subject receives a saving
Durata: 1 giorno per livello throw at a -2 penalty. If successful, the creature
Tempo di lancio: 1 round resists the spell's effects and the priest learns no
Area d’effetto: 1 creatura information. If the saving throw is failed, the
Tiro Salvezza: Neg. priest may learn additional information
according to the DM's ruling.

Livello 2° 40 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello

concentrating on the spell. The dice are not

MOMENT consumed in the casting.


Manual: ToM (Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Numbers
Range: 0 Level: 2°
Components: V, S, M Manual: ToM
Duration: 1 round/level Sphere: Numbers, Charm
Casting Time: 1 round Range: 50 yards
Area of Effect: 50-foot radius Components: V, S, M
Saving Throw: None Duration: 1 turn+1 round/level
Casting Time: 4
Theoretically, every action has a particular Area of Effect: 20-foot-diameter circle
moment at which it will have its greatest possible Saving Throw: Neg.
effect. Using the arcane mathematics of this
spell, the priest can determine the “ideal With this spell, the priest creates tones and
moment” for any single action in each round that harmonies of such unearthly beauty and
the spell is in effect. This action must be complexity that they entrance the listener,
performed by a character other than the priest. making it difficult for the listener to attack or
In practice, another character informs the priest otherwise harm the priest. The listener receives a
of an action he wants to undertake in a round. normal saving throw against this effect. Failure
The priest concentrates on the action, then means that the listener is entranced and is unable
informs the character when the “correct moment” to attack the priest for the duration of the spell.
has come. The character then gains a bonus of In addition, the music makes the subject gullible
20% (+4 on a d20) to the success of his action. and more susceptible to charm magics such as
The spell can affect only a single action in a Charm person, Suggestion, and Hypnotism.
given round. When used in combat, the priest can While the music spell is in effect, the subject
advise the best moment to initiate an action saves against charm spells with a -3 penalty.
(affecting initiative) or what moment offers the This spell does not protect other characters in
greatest success in striking (affecting the chance company with the priest; listeners who have
to hit). fallen prey to the music are free to attack anyone
If the character seeks advice concerning else. The spell effect ends instantly if the priest
initiative, he gains a -2 modifier to the initiative takes any hostile action against a creature under
roll, but only at the cost of -2 on his chance to the influence of the spell.
hit. Characters who seek the best attack Music of the spheres can affect one creature per
frequently delay their actions. These characters three levels of the priest (one subject at 3rd level,
suffer a +1 on their initiative roll but gain a +4 two at 6th level, etc.). Subjects must be within a
on their chance to hit. The spell cannot affect the 20-foot-diameter circle.
amount of damage caused, since the act (striking) Potential victims must have Intelligence of at
has already succeeded at that point. least 1 (necessary to understand the concept of
Characters are not obliged to wait for the music) and must be able to hear the music (i.e.,
moment specified by the priest. For example, a they cannot be deaf and there can be nothing
fighter might decide that striking first is more obstructing the victim's ears). This also means
important than gaining +4 to hit. The character that the level of background noise must be low
can act normally, based on his or her unmodified enough for the music to be audible. The DM
initiative. The character gains no bonus from the should assume that the music is the same volume
Moment spell, and the priest can affect no other as an average human's normal speaking voice. If
action in that round. the potential subject could not hear speech at the
Noncombat actions can also benefit from the appropriate range under prevailing conditions,
Moment spell. For example, a thief planning to the spell cannot affect that subject. The spell
climb a wall may wait to start her climb until the would be virtually useless in the midst of a full-
priest informs her that the moment is right. If she scale battle or during a hurricane.
waits, she gains a bonus of 20% to her Climb The material component comprises a set of three
Walls roll (in this case, the bonus is subtracted small bows made from fine silver, each costing
from her roll). 100 gp. The lengths of the bows must be in the
While concentrating on this spell, the priest can ratio of 1 to 4 to 9. The priest strokes these bows
take no other action. A break in the priest's together in an intricate sequence while casting
concentration–taking damage in combat, for the spell. The bows are not consumed in the
example – terminates the spell instantly. casting.
The material component is a set of three silver
dice, which the priest tosses in his hand while

Livello 2° 41 Livello 2°
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(Invocation) (Alteration)

Level: 2° Level: 2°
Manual: ToM Manual: ToM
Sphere: Charm Sphere: Time
Range: 0 Range: Touch
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M
Duration: 9 rounds Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: The caster Area of Effect: One creature/level
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: None

This spell is one of the few cooperative spells Creatures affected by this spell are put to sleep
that requires one priest to cast the transfer spell, for one hour. Upon awakening, the creature is as
but another priest to use its effect. On one round, refreshed as if he had slept for eight hours. The
a priest (or priests) casts the mystic transfer. The affected person recovers lost hit points as if he
spell is then active for the remaining nine rounds rested for a full night. Wizards can memorize
of the turn. spells as if real time had passed.
Mystic transfer allows a priest to receive spells Because the rest is so complete and rejuvenating,
from another priest of the same ethos. Any priest a character does not feel fatigued after waking.
of the same religion can cast a spell and transfer Attempts to use Nap more than once in an 18-
it to a second priest within that spell's maximum hour period are ineffective (the character simply
range. The spell does not take effect; instead, it is is not sleepy). Only willing subjects can be
channelled through the Mystic transfer into the affected by Nap.
receiving priest. This priest must immediately The material components are a scrap of pillow
cast the spell or pass it to another priest cloaked ticking, a feather, and a pebble that the caster has
in a Mystic transfer within the spell's range. Any kept in his pocket for seven nights.
number of transfers can be made in the same
round, provided each new recipient is within
spell range of the previous recipient. If the spell OFFUSCAMENTO
is not transferred, the spell takes effect. (Alterazione)
For example, a 3rd-level priest casts a Mystic
transfer. On the following round, a 10th-level Livello: 2°
priest “passes” a Flame strike to the 3rd-level Manuale: PH italiano
priest. The two priests could be 60 yards apart Sfera: tempo atmosferico
(the maximum range of the Flame strike). The Raggio d’azione: 0
3rd-level priest could then use the Flame strike Componenti: V, S
to attack any target within 60 yards, or could Durata: 4 round per livello
pass the spell on to another priest who has an Tempo di lancio: 5
active Mystic transfer. Area d’effetto: speciale
The spell passed by the Mystic transfer has the Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
range, area of effect, damage, and other effects
equal to the level of the original caster. In the Attorno al sacerdote si crea una nube di vapore,
example above, the flame strike would function che permane per 4 round per ogni suo livello e
as if cast by a 10th-level priest. riduce la visibilità (per ogni tipo di vista,
The Mystic transfer does not require infravisione compresa) a ld3 m. La zona
concentration. However, on any round in which a interessata dall’incantesimo è una progressione
priest is receiving and/or transferring a spell, the geometrica basata sul livello del sacerdote: area
caster cannot take any other significant action. di 3x3 m al primo, di 6x6 m al secondo, di 9x9 m
A priest can receive spells only from priests who al terzo eccetera. L’altezza dei vapori è limitata a
worship the same deity and who specifically 3 m; la nuvola si sviluppa in estensione fino ad
target spells to him. Area effect spells may be occupare ogni interstizio. Un vento forte (Folata
passed. A priest can never use Mystic transfer to di vento) può ridurre del 75% la durata
pluck an opponent's spells out of the air. dell’offuscamento. L’incantesimo non funziona

Livello 2° 42 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello


(Alterazione) PIEGARE IL LEGNO ®
Livello: 2°
Manuale: PH italiano Livello: 2°
Sfera: animale, divinazione Manuale: PH italiano
Raggio d’azione: 0 Sfera: vegetale
Componenti: V, S Raggio d’azione: 10 m per livello
Durata: 2 round per livello Componenti: V, S
Tempo di lancio: 5 Durata: permanente
Area d’effetto: 1 animale nel raggio di 9 m Tempo di lancio: 5
dal sacerdote Area d’effetto: speciale
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno Tiro Salvezza: speciale

Il sacerdote è in grado di parlare e comunicare Il sacerdote fa contorcere un certo volume di

con tutti gli animali, normali o giganteschi, a legno, distruggendone per sempre la forma e la
sangue caldo o freddo, purché non siano privi di resistenza. Il raggio d’azione è di 10 m per ogni
intelligenza. Può fare domande e ricevere livello del sacerdote; viene interessato un pezzo
risposte, benché l’amicizia dell’animale non sia di legno lungo 37,5 cm e con diametro massimo
affatto garantita. È nella natura stessa degli di 2,5 cm per ogni livello. Un sacerdote del 1°
animali più astuti e svegli, anzi, essere piuttosto livello, quindi, potrebbe piegare il manico di
evasivi e stringati (i più stupidi, invece, faranno un’accetta o quattro dardi da balestra; uno del
commenti inutili). Se la bestia è amichevole o ha quinto potrebbe deformare l’asta di una lancia. Si
lo stesso allineamento del sacerdote, è possibile possono colpire anche assi o tavole, e dunque
che gli faccia qualche favore o compia qualche sfondare porte o forare chiglie di imbarcazioni.
servizio per lui. Le armi da lancio deformate sono inutilizzabili;
Questa possibilità viene valutata dal DM. quelle per il combattimento ravvicinato
L’incantesimo è diverso da Parlare con i mostri, subiscono una penalità di –4 sui TxC.
perché consente di comunicare solo con creature Il legno “incantato” può essere piegato solo da
normali o gigantesche, come gorilla, orsi, cani, un sacerdote di livello superiore a quello di chi
gatti, elefanti e così via, ma non con creature ha fatto l’incantesimo. C’è il 20% di probabilità
fantastiche. di riuscita (cumulativo) per ogni livello di
differenza tra i due (20 per un livello, 40 per due
eccetera). Una porta chiusa con un Chiavistello
PELLE CORIACEA magico del 5° livello ha il 40% di probabilità di
(Alterazione) essere interessata da un Piegare il legno fatto da
un sacerdote del settimo. Gli oggetti magici di
Livello: 2° legno si considerano incantati al dodicesimo
Manuale: PH italiano livello (o più).
Sfera: protezione, vegetale Il contrario, RADDRIZZARE IL LEGNO,
Raggio d’azione: tocco riporta alla normalità il legno contorto o annulla
Componenti: V, S, M gli effetti di Piegare il legno, entro gli stessi
Durata: 4 round + 1 round per liv. limiti.
Tempo di lancio: 5
Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno RALLENTA VELENO
Quando il sacerdote opera questa magia su di una
creatura, la pelle di quest’ultima acquisisce la Livello: 2°
robustezza della corteccia: la Classe Manuale: PH italiano
dell’Armatura di base diventa 6, più un punto Sfera: guarigione
ogni quattro livelli del sacerdote (C.A. 5 al Raggio d’azione: tocco
quarto livello, C.A. 4 all’ottavo, ecc.). Componenti: V, S, M
L’incantesimo non funziona se usato insieme ad Durata: 1 ora per livello
armature normali o protezioni magiche di Tempo di lancio: 1
qualsiasi genere. I T.S. contro ogni forma di Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata
attacco, eccetto la magia, hanno un bonus +1. Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
L’incantesimo può essere fado sullo stesso
sacerdote o su qualsiasi altra creatura da lui Quando impone le mani sulla creatura, il
toccata. sacerdote rallenta gli effetti del veleno. Perché
Oltre al simbolo sacro, occorre un po’ di riesca, l’incantesimo dev’essere fatto prima che
corteccia di quercia. il veleno possa completare la sua azione (il DM
sa quanto occorre). La magia non neutralizza il

Livello 2° 43 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello

veleno, ma gli impedisce di danneggiare subito la damage with a failed save or one quarter damage
creatura, nella speranza che, nel frattempo, la si with a successful saving throw.
possa curare.
Componenti materiali: il simbolo sacro del
sacerdote ed uno spicchio d’aglio da tritare e RESISTENZA AL FUOCO/AL FREDDO
spargere sulla ferita (o da mangiare, se il veleno (Alterazione)
è stato ingerito).
Livello: 2°
Manuale: PH italiano
RALLY Sfera: protezione
(Enchantment/Charm) Raggio d’azione: tocco
Componenti: V, S, M
Level: 2° Durata: 1 round per livello
Manual: ToM Tempo di lancio: 5
Sphere: War Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata
Range: 240 yards Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous Quando il sacerdote tocca la creatura, questa si
Casting Time: 1 turn irrobustisce e diventa resistente al caldo o al
Area of Effect: One unit of up to 300 freddo (a scelta del sacerdote). Si acquisisce una
individuals sorta di immunità assoluta in condizioni non
Saving Throw: None estreme (starsene nudo mentre nevica o allungare
la mano per prendere uno scritto caduto in un
This spell allows the subject unit to make an normale fuoco). Il beneficiario riesce anche a
immediate rally check. It allows the check during resistere al calore o al gelo più intenso (naturale
the Magic Phase, rather than forcing the unit to o magico): carboni ardenti, grandi quantitativi di
wait for the Rally Phase in the Battlesystem olio bollente, spade fiammeggianti, tempeste di
rules. If the priest casting the spell is of 12th fuoco, palle di fuoco, sciami di meteore, soffio
level or higher, the subject unit receives a +1 del drago rosso, spade del gelo, tempeste di
bonus to its rally check die roll. The priest must ghiaccio, bacchette del gelo, soffio del drago
have an uninterrupted line of sight to the unit. bianco. In tutti questi casi, la creatura subisce
The material component is a miniature duplicate qualche conseguenza, ma ha un bonus di +3 sul
of a pennant or standard that represents the cause T.S. e dimezza il danno sostenuto; se, quindi
for which the unit is fighting (such as a national fallisce il T.S., subisce la metà delle ferite,
flag or the blazon of the unit's liege lord). The mentre se lo supera ne subisce 1/4. La resistenza
pennant is consumed in the casting. dura un round per ogni livello del sacerdote.
Componente materiale: una goccia di mercurio.


Level: 2°
Manual: S&M Level: 2°
Sphere: Protection Manual: S&M
Range: Touch Sphere: Necromantic
Duration: 1 rd./level Range: Touch
Area of Effect: Creature touched Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S Area of Effect: Creature touched
Casting time: 5 Components: V, S
Saving Throw: None Casting Time: 5
Saving Throw: None
This spell provides a subject with a better
resistance to acid, corrosives, and caustic This spell removes unnatural weakness,
substances of all kinds. Mild corrosives cannot debilitation, or exhaustion from the creature
harm the subiect at all, although they can still touched and restores him to his normal strength
damage his gear. More intense acids and and stamina. It is useful in countering the effects
corrosives (black dragon breath, Melf’s acid of Chill touch, Ray of enfeeblement, Ray of
arrow, and the natural attacks of various fatigue, the touch of a shadow or roper, and any
puddings, oozes, slimes, and jellies) inflict only similar spell or effect. Only temporary ability
half the normal damage on the protected score losses may be alleviated by this spell; if a
character. If the attack requires a saving throw, character suffers an incapacitating, physical
the subject gains a +3 bonus, sustaining half injury, Restore strength cannot help him. Also,
loss of strength or stamina from purely natural

Livello 2° 44 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello

causes such as exposure, disease, or exertion is oppure 50 Kg di metallo). Se fosse di 3° livello,

not repaired by Restore strength. The duration is scalderebbe l’equivalente di una, se fosse del 4°
permanent in that the subject remains at his o del 5° livello, di due eccetera.
maximum strength and endurance only until he is La forma inversa, RAFFREDDARE IL
drained (or exerts himself) again. METALLO, contrasta gli effetti
dell’incantesimo o produce queste conseguenze:

RISCALDARE IL METALLO ® Temperatura metallo Ferite per round

Freddo nessuna
Livello: 2° Gelido 1d2
Manuale: PH italiano Congelante 1d4
Sfera: elementale (fuoco)
Raggio d’azione: 40 m Nell’ultimo round di congelamento, la vittima
Componenti: V, S, M deve superare un T.S. contro incantesimi o
Durata: 7 round restare intorpidita dal freddo. Questo comporta la
Tempo di lancio: 5 perdita dell’uso di una mano (o di entrambe le
Area d’effetto: speciale mani, se il DM decide che sia il caso) per ld4
Tiro Salvezza: speciale giorni. Nel frattempo, la creatura perde
sensibilità nella mano interessata, che ha una
Il sacerdote riesce a rendere incandescente ogni presa malsicura e non può combattere.
metallo ferroso (ferro, leghe di ferro, acciaio). La Raffreddare il metallo è contrastato da
corazza di maglia di ferro degli elfi è immune, Resistenza al freddo o da una grossa sorgente di
mentre le altre armature magiche di metallo calore, quale può essere un fuoco acceso, una
hanno un T.S. per oggetti contro il fuoco di spada magica fiammeggiante, una Parete di
origine magica. Se lo superano, restano intatte. fuoco eccetera (una torcia non basterebbe).
Nel primo round dell’incantesimo il metallo si Sott’acqua, non causa alcun danno; attorno al
scalda e, se lo si tocca, scotta (questo avviene già metallo, però, si forma uno strato di ghiaccio che
alla fine del round di combattimento in cui è tende a galleggiare.
stato lanciato). Al secondo ed al sesto round
(prima della fine), diventa rovente e provoca
vesciche ed ustioni; nel terzo, quarto e quinto RITIRO
round il metallo è incandescente e causa (Alterazione)
ulcerazioni profonde, come si vede dalla tabella.
Livello: 2°
Temperatura metallo Ferite per round Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: protezione
Molto caldo nessuna Raggio d’azione: 0
Rovente ld4 Componenti: V, S
Incandescente* 2d4 Durata: speciale
Tempo di lancio: 5
* Nell’ultimo round in cui il metallo è Area d’effetto: il sacerdote
incandescente, la creatura colpita deve superare Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
un T.S. contro incantesimi o subire una delle
menomazioni seguenti: ustioni ad una mano o ad Con questo incantesimo il sacerdote altera, in
un piede (fuori uso per 2d4 giorni), ustioni pratica, lo scorrere del tempo, ma solo per quanto
distribuite su tutto il corpo (inabile per ld4 riguarda se stesso. Mentre per quelli che non
giorni), ustioni alla testa (perde i sensi per ld4 sono coinvolti dalla magia passa un solo round, il
turni). Queste lesioni possono essere curate sacerdote ne passa in meditazione due, più uno
completamente dall’incantesimo di quinto livello per ogni suo livello. Un sacerdote del 5° livello
Guarigione o riposando. potrebbe, quindi, ritirarsi a meditare per sette
Se materiali come legno, cuoio o stoffa vengono round mentre per gli altri è trascorso un round
a contatto con il metallo incandescente, bruciano soltanto. Il DM dovrebbe lasciare al giocatore un
ed emanano fumo. Nel round seguente lasciano minuto di tempo reale per ogni round di ritiro,
la pelle esposta alle ustioni. Gli effetti che gli servirà a decidere qualche questione; non
dell’incantesimo possono essere annullati da può discutere con gli altri. Mentre è in ritiro, il
Resistenza al fuoco/al freddo o dalla resistenza al sacerdote può fare solo questi incantesimi: di
fuoco generica (derivante da incantesimi, anelli o divinazione, cura o guarigione (quest’ultimo tipo
pozioni), oppure da Tempesta di ghiaccio o solo su di sé). Se li usa in modo diverso (ad es. se
mediante semplice immersione in acqua fredda o cura un compagno), annulla il Ritiro. Parimenti,
neve. L’incantesimo non funziona sott’acqua. Il il sacerdote non può camminare o correre,
sacerdote riscalda un peso equivalente ad una diventare invisibile o compiere altre azioni
persona ogni due suoi livelli (armi ed armatura, all’infuori della lettura o della preghiera. Può

Livello 2° 45 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello

essere coinvolto dalle azioni degli altri e perdere undead do so at one level lower than their current
gli eventuali bonus di Destrezza e scudo. level.
Qualsiasi attacco ai suoi danni, se va a segno, The material components for the reverse are the
spezza l’incantesimo. priest's holy symbol and a handful of earth from
a grave.

(Conjuration/Summoning) SGAMBETTO
Level: 2°
Manual: ToM Livello: 2°
Sphere: All Manuale: PH italiano
Range: 10 yards Sfera: vegetale
Components: V, S, M Raggio d’azione: tocco
Duration: Special Componenti: V, S
Casting Time: 1 turn Durata: 1 turno per livello
Area of Effect: 10 yard 0 10 yard Tempo di lancio: 5
square/priest Area d’effetto: un oggetto lungo fino a 3 m
Saving Throw: None Tiro Salvezza: Neg.

This cooperative spell allows the priests to create L’incantesimo si effettua su un oggetto normale:
a beneficial atmosphere within a specified area. un tralcio, un bastone, un palo, una corda o
Companions of similar alignment to the casters qualcosa di simile. L’oggetto si solleva
will feel fortified and encouraged while in the leggermente dal terreno per far inciampare (se
sanctified area. The spell can be cast by a single falliscono il T.S. contro incantesimi) le creature
priest or a group of priests. che passano nel punto in cui si trova. Si possono
After casting Sanctify, the affected area is far inciampare solo tante creature quante
imbued with the deity's majesty. For followers of potrebbero effettivamente passare sull’oggetto:
that deity, the area radiates a holy aura. These una corda di 90 cm può far cadere soltanto una
followers gain a +2 bonus to saving throws creatura grande quanto un uomo. Se la creatura
against all fear- and charm-based powers (a +2 to va molto veloce (di corsa) al momento in cui
morale for Battlesystem rules units). Persons of viene sgambettata, subisce una ferita e, se cade
the same alignment as the caster but of different su una superficie molto dura, rimane stordita per
faiths gain a +1 to saving throws (+1 in ld4+1 round (se finisce su un prato o altro
Battlesystem rules). The effect applies only as terreno morbido resta stordita solo fino alla fine
long as the characters remain in the sanctified di quel round). Le creature molto grosse, come
area. gli elefanti, non si possono sgambettare.
Creatures intent on harming the priest or his L’oggetto continua a far cadere chiunque lo
followers suffer a -1 on saving throws vs. fear calpesti, sacerdote compreso, finché dura
and charm (-1 to morale for Battlesystem rules l’incantesimo. Se una creatura lo scopre prima di
units) when on sanctified ground. passarci sopra, ha un bonus di +4 sul T.S..
Undead creatures within the area are easier to L’oggetto ha 1’80% di probabilità di non essere
turn; any priest standing on sanctified ground notato, a meno che non si usi una magia per
turns undead as if he were one level higher. individuare trappole o si assista all’incantesimo.
Although this spell can be cast by a single priest, Lo Sgambetto non funziona sott’acqua.
it is most effective when cast by several priests at
once. The duration of the spell is equal to one
round per level of the caster. When several
priests cast the spell, the level of the most
powerful priest is used, with two rounds added
for every contributing priest. Thus, one 8th-level
and three 6th-level priests would give the spell a
duration of 14 rounds (8+2+2+2).
Sanctify is often used in conjunction with focus
to protect the grounds of a temple or encourage
men defending a castle.
The material components are the priest's holy
symbol and a handful of dirt from the grounds of
an existing temple of the same faith.
The reverse of this spell, DEFILE, functions in
an identical manner with respect to saving
throws for charm and fear. However, priests
standing on defiled ground who attempt to turn

Livello 2° 46 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello

SILENZIO NEL RAGGIO DI 4,5 M mud when the spell takes

(Alterazione) effect must make a saving
throw vs. paralyzation or
Livello: 2° lose the ability to move,
Manuale: PH italiano attack, or cast spells for ld2
Sfera: guardia rounds as they flounder
Raggio d’azione: 120 m about in the muck. Loose
Componenti: V, S dirt is not as troublesome as
Durata: 2 round per livello mud, and creatures are only
Tempo di lancio: 5 reduced to half their normal
Area d’effetto: sfera con raggio di 4,5 m movement rate, with no
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno chance of being caught for
a round or two. However, it
Quando viene fatto questo incantesimo, l’area is impossible to run, sprint,
interessata è immersa nel silenzio più assoluto. or charge over either
Cessa ogni tipo di suono: non si può parlare o surface.
lanciare incantesimi (almeno non quelli con Stone softened into clay does not hinder
componente verbale, se si adottano queste regole movement, but it does allow characters to cut,
opzionali) e in quella zona non esistono rumori shape, or excavate areas they may not have been
interni o esterni. able to affect before. For example, a party of PCs
L’incantesimo può essere lanciato nell’aria o su trying to break out of a cavern might use this
un oggetto specifico, ma l’effetto è statico, a spell to soften a wall.
meno che non si tratti di un oggetto mobile o di While Soften earth and stone does not affect
una creatura. Dura due round per ogni livello del dressed or worked stone, vertical surfaces such
sacerdote; può essere centrato su una creatura, e as cliff faces or cavern ceilings can be affected.
in tal caso si sposta insieme ad essa. Se la Usually, this causes a moderate collapse or
creatura non vuole subirlo, può effettuare un T.S. landslide as the loosened material peels away
contro incantesimi: se questo riesce, il silenzio si from the face or roof and falls. A moderate
crea alle sue spalle, a circa 30 cm di distanza amount of structural damage can be inflicted to
dalla posizione che il soggetto occupava al man–made structures by softening the ground
momento del lancio. Questa magia protegge beneath a wall or tower, causing it to settle.
dagli attacchi di tipo sonoro, come il canto delle However, most well–built structures will only be
arpie, il suono del Corno squillante eccetera. damaged by this spell, not destroyed. The
material component is a bit of slip (wet clay)
from the wheel of a master potter.
Level: 2° (Evocazione)
Manual: S&M
Sphere: Elemental Earth Livello: 2°
Range: 10 yds./level Manuale: PH italiano
Durabon: Permanent Sfera: elementale (fuoco)
Area of Effect: 10–ft. square/level Raggio d’azione: 0
Components: V, S, M Componenti: V, S, M
Casting Time: 5 Durata: 4 round + 1 ogni 2 liv.
Saving Throw: None Tempo di lancio: 4
Area d’effetto: lama lunga 90 cm
When this spell is cast, all natural, undressed Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
earth or stone in the area of effect is softened.
Wet earth becomes thick mud; dry earth becomes Dalla mano del sacerdote esce una fiamma rosso
loose sand or dirt; and stone becomes soft clay, fuoco, che si manovra come una scimitarra. Se
easily molded or chopped. The priest affects a questa spada colpisce in combattimento
10–foot square area to a depth of 1 to 4 feet, ravvicinato, la vittima subisce ld4+4 ferite, con
depending on the toughness or resilience of the bonus +2 (cioè 7-10 P.F.) se si tratta di un non
ground at that spot (DM option). Magical or morto o se è particolarmente sensibile al fuoco.
enchanted stone cannot be affected by this spell, Qualora sia, invece, resistente ad esso, le ferite
nor can dressed or worked stone. diminuiscono di due punti (quindi ld4+2). Le
Creatures attempting to move through an area creature che vivono nel fuoco o che attaccano
softened into mud are con il fuoco non subiscono danni. La fiamma
reduced to a move of 10 incendia i materiali combustibili (pergamene,
feet per round. Any paglia, sterpi, stoffa ecc.). Non si tratta di
creatures caught within the un’arma magica vera e propria, quindi non

Livello 2° 47 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello

ferisce le creature che si possono colpire solo con SPEAK WITH WATER
armi magiche (eccetto i non morti). (Divination)
L’incantesimo non funziona sott’acqua.
Oltre al simbolo sacro, occorre una foglia di
sommacco. Level: 2°
Manual: PD
Sphere: Elemental (water),
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 question per level
Casting Time: 4 rounds
Area of Effect: Body of water
Saving Throw: None

Water, or the spirits that dwell within it, can

speak to casters of this spell. It will know such
things as what creatures drank from it last and
what they looked like, where a particular fish is,
or if a specific item lies at the bottom. It has no
concept of names or time, and generally only
remembers events that have occurred in the past
This is a good way of finding out how long a
given water supply will last, or if it has been
enchanted or poisoned. The caster must be able
to see the water to speek with it.


Level: 2°
Manual: PD
Sphere: Elemental (air)
Range: 120yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3 rounds
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

This spell forces the air out of an opponent’s

lungs. It causes him to lose one round of action
and suffer a -3 initiative modifier for the next
three rounds.
Nonbreathing creatures are unaffected by this
spell. Steal breathe can be used to disrupt
Material component: a braided length of cat hair.

Livello 2° 48 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello

TRAPPOLA DL FUOCO round, un attacco per ld4 ferite), che si può

(Scongiurazione, Evocazione) colpire con armi normali. Questo apparirà sotto
forma di turbine con diametro di 30 cm alla base,
Livello: 2° alto 1,5 m e largo da 90 a 120 cm all’estremità
Manuale: PH italiano superiore. Il turbine va dove lo manda il
Sfera: elementale (fuoco) sacerdote, ma si dissolve se si trova a più di 30 m
Raggio d’azione: tocco di distanza da lui; spegne torce, fuochi da campo,
Componenti: V, S, M lanterne aperte ed altri piccoli focolari non
Durata: permanente finché non si magici. Può tenere lontana dal sacerdote una
scarica nube di gas o spingerla via (non può
Tempo di lancio: 1 turno danneggiarla o disperderla). Se investe un’area
Area d’effetto: l’oggetto toccato con polvere, sabbia o cenere, trasporta le
Tiro Salvezza: 1/2 particelle e forma attorno a sé una nube con
diametro di 3 m. che acceca le creature finché si
Qualsiasi oggetto che si può chiudere (libro, trovano al suo interno e per un round dopo che
scatola, scrigno, cassa, bara, porta, cassetto ne sono uscite.
eccetera) si può proteggere con questo Se un esperto di magia o un sacerdote resta preso
incantesimo. L’oggetto che ha questa trappola nella nuvola mentre sta facendo un incantesimo,
non può avere anche una seconda chiusura o un deve superare un T.S. contro incantesimi per
altro incantesimo difensivo. La trappola non è poter mantenere la concentrazione, altrimenti la
contrastata da Scassinare: quando si apre magia è perduta. Qualsiasi creatura proveniente
l’oggetto, scatta. Come con la maggior parte dal piano elementale dell’aria (persino un altro
delle trappole magiche, un ladro ha solo la metà mostro dello stesso tipo) può eliminare il Turbine
delle sue probabilità normali di individuarla. Se con un sol colpo.
non la si disattiva, esplode. Se si lancia un
Dissolvi magie e non riesce, la trappola non
scoppia. Quando il dispositivo scatta, si verifica WATER WITCH
un’esplosione con raggio di 1,5 m dal centro (Divination)
dell’incantesimo; chiunque si trovi in quest’area
deve superare un T.S. contro incantesimi o subire Level: 2°
ld4 ferite + 1 per ogni livello del sacerdote (se il Manual: PD
tiro riesce, le dimezza). Sott’acqua l’incantesimo Sphere: Elemental (water),
produce una gran nube di vapore e causa la metà Divination
dei danni. L’oggetto con la trappola non viene Range: Special
danneggiato in alcun modo dallo scoppio. Components: V, M
Il sacerdote può usare l’oggetto con la trappola Duration: Until water is found
senza farla scattare; può anche comunicare a Casting Time: 1/2 hour
qualcun altro il metodo per poterlo fare (di solito Area of Effect: Special
c’è una parola chiave). Saving Throw: None
Per imporre la magia sull’oggetto, basta che il
sacerdote passi sulla chiusura un carboncino e The cleric must first find two metal or wooden
tocchi il centro dell’effetto. Se deve farne una rods no more than 2 feet long and 1/8 inch thick
versione “personalizzata” per conto di qualcun He holds one in each hand, level with the body,
altro, avrà bisogno di un suo capello o qualcosa and begins to walk When water is detected, the
di analogo. rods will be attracted to esch other and form an
Componente materiale: bacche di agrifoglio. "X"over the spot. The sticks are only magical for
the duration of the spell, and the caster is
guaranteed to find 2d6 gallons of water no more
TURBINE than l foot below the ground. The water will be
(Convocazione/Attrazione) muddy, so each thirsty adventurer will have to
consume twice the amount he would normally
Livello: 2° need.
Manuale: PH italiano Material component: 2 metal or wooden rods.
Sfera: elementale (aria)
Raggio d’azione: 30 m
Componenti: V, S
Durata: 2 round per livello
Tempo di lancio: 2 round
Area d’effetto: speciale
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

Il sacerdote convoca un debole elementale

dell’aria (C.A. 4, 2 D.V., velocità 54 m per

Livello 2° 49 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello

WATERY FIST The pseudopod is AC 6 and has 15 hp plus 1 hp

(Conjuration/Surnmoning) per caster level, but it can only be damaged by
magical weapons, fire, or cold; all other attacks
Level: 2° simply pass through the water. Transmute water
Manual: S&M to duust, Part water, Lower water, and Otiluke's
Sphere: Elemental (Water) freezing sphere all destroy Watery fist on contact.
Range: 60 yds. The material component is a vial full of blessed
Components: V, S, M water or a sprig of mistletoe that is thrown onto
Duration: 1 rd./level the body of water from which the fist will be
Casting Time: 5 summoned.
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell conjures a coherent pseudopod of (Summoning)
water from any suitable body of water at least 5
feet across and 2 feet deep (for streams) or 10 Level: 2°
feet in diameter and 2 feet deep (for ponds or Manual: PD
pools). The pseudopod can stretch up to 10 feet Sphere: Elemental (air)
plus 1 foot per caster level from its source, so a Range: Sight
3rd–level priest could command Watery fist to Components: V, S, M
strike at a creature hovering thirteen feet above a Duration: Time of concentration
lake or standing on the shore 13 feet from the Casting Time: 3
water. The pseudopod obeys the priest's mental Area of Effect: Special
commands, although the priest must concentrate Saving Throw: None
each round in order to maintain control of the
watery member. The Whispers spell allows a priest to overhear
The pseudopod is incapable of fine manipuladon, anything said by any individual he can see. The
but it can be used to make bludgeoning or caster must focus his attention on one creature at
constricting attacks. When used to strike at a time, but can shift it instantly, to keep up with a
opponents, it attacks with the caster's THAC0and conversation, for example. Because the sounds
inflicts damage as shown below. The priest may are actually carried on the wind between the
add his magical attack adjustment (from his priest and his target, the caster may not use
Wisdom score) to his THAC0, but Strength– scying or other spells for the purpose of "seeing".
based adjustments or special weapon skills don't Material component: cleric's holy symbol.
help the priest to control Watery fist. The
pseudopod may be able to make rear or flank
attacks if the priest can direct it into the proper WINDS OF CHANGE
position. (Enchantment/Charm)
If used to encircle and constrict, the pseudopod
must first make an attack roll as described above, Level: 2°
inflicting damage based on the priest's level. Manual: DK
However, in following rounds, the pseudopod Sphere: Charm
automahcally strikes its grappled target for Range: 30 yards
constricting damage, +1 point per round of Components: V, S, M
constricting. In other words, in the first round the Duration: l day/level
victim sustains listed damage, in the second Casting Time: 2
round he sustains listed damage +l, in the third Area of Effect: One creature
he sustains listed damage +2, and so on. The Saving Throw: Neg.
pseudopod holds its target with an effective
Strength equal to the priest's Wisdom score. This spell alters the judgement of one victim at
random intervals, depending on the direction of
Caster level Stiking dmg. Constr. dmg. the winds. The spell can divert a character from
his goal for an extended time without physically
1–4 1d6 1d3 harming him.
5–8 1d10 1d6 If the wind changes between east and west, the
9–12 1d12 1d8 character's distinction between good and evil
13+ 2d8 1d10 alters. Wind that varies between north and south
alters his attitude towards law and chaos. In
Watery fist can be released by the priest any time absolutely calm conlitions, he becomes true
he cares to stop concentrating on maintaining it. neutral. The character behaves normally from
The pseudopod immediately resumes its normal moment to moment and suffers no obvious harm
state, possibly drenching a grappled creature or such as starvation or confusion, but he cannot
exhnguishing a small fire if the caster wishes.

Livello 2° 50 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del secondo livello

pursue a given goal for long wittout changing his Range: 30 yards
mind. Components: V, S, M
The general direction of the wind usually Duration: 1 round/level
changes every two hours, and often more Casting Time: 2
frequently. The DM choeses the wind direction Area of Effect: 5-foot square/level
either randomly or based on whatever behavior Saving Throw: Neg.
change seems most dramatic or entertaining.
Magically altered wind direction can also change This spell prevents creatures within the area of
the character's attitudes; when the spell effects effect (or those who enter it) from speaking any
end, the wind returns to its original direction and deliberate and knowing lies. Creatures are
speed. Speed of wind has no effect on this spell. allowed a saving throw to avoid the effects; those
If the victim is a player character, the player who fail the save are affected fully. Affected
should play his altered alignment accorlingly, characters are aware of this enchantment;
even if it flies in the face of his original goals. If therefore, they may avoid answering questions to
the victim is a non-player character, the DM which they would normally respond with a lie or
coordinates the confused behavior similarly. they may be evasive as long as they remain
The material component of this spell is a set of within the boundaries of the truth. When a
wooden dicing sticks. character leaves the area, he is free to speak as he
The spell affects a square whose sides are five
ZONE OF TRUTH feet long per level of the caster; thus, a 4th-level
(Enchantment/Charm) priest could affect a 20 foot by 20 foot square.
The material components are the priest's holy
Level: 2° symbol and a phony emerald, ruby, or diamond.
Manual: ToM
Sphere: Wards

Livello 2° 51 Livello 2°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello



Level: 3° ALBERO
Manual: ToM (Alterazione)
Sphere: Time
Range: Touch Livello: 3°
Components: V, S Manuale: PH italiano
Duration: 1-4 days Sfera: vegetale
Casting Time: 1 turn Raggio d’azione: 0
Area of Effect: One creature Componenti: V, S, M
Saving Throw: None Durata: 6 turni + 1 turno per livello
Tempo di lancio: 6
This spell enables the affected creature to Area d’effetto: il sacerdote
experience natural healing at twice the normal Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
rate for 1-4 days. In other words, a person
affected by Accelerate healing regains 2 hit Il sacerdote assume la forma di una pianticella,
points per day of normal rest or 6 hit points per di un arbusto o di un grosso tronco morto
day spent resting in bed. The spell has no effect d’albero con pochi rami. Benché nemmeno
on Potions of healing or other magical forms of un’ispezione ravvicinata possa rivelare che si
healing. tratta di una persona e sia una pianta in tutto e
per tutto, il sacerdote è in grado di vedere tutto
quel che gli succede attorno e mantiene la sua
ADAPTATION C.A. ed i suoi P.F.. Può sospendere l’incantesimo
(Enchantment/Charm, Alteration) e riprendere immediatamente il suo aspetto
normale quando vuole. Abiti ed equipaggiamento
Level: 3° si trasformano insieme a lui.
Manual: ToM Componenti materiali: simbolo sacro ed un ramo
Sphere: War d’albero.
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special ANIMAL TRICK
Casting Time: Special (Enchantment)
Area of Effect: One unit of up to 200
individuals Level: 3°
Saving Throw: None Manual: RAN
Sphere: Animal
This spell can be cast in two different ways. The Range: 30 yards
first, appropriate for battlefield use, has a range Components: V, S
of 180 yards, a casting time of one turn, and Duration: 1 round/level
duration of 1d4+2 turns. During this period, the Casting Time: 6
affected unit can fight in one specific type of Area of Effect: One animal
terrain (specified by the caster) as if it were the Saving Throw: Special
favored terrain (per Battlesystem rules) for that
unit. While this spell is in effect, the unit gains This spell temporarily enables any animal to
no benefit when fighting in their actual favored perform a trick it normally doesn't know or lacks
terrain; the magically-enforced favored terrain the intelligence to execute. The animal must be
takes precedence. The priest can cancel the spell within 30 yards of the caster and must be able to
before the duration expires if desired. hear his spoken commands. If these conditions
The material component is a pinch of clay dust. are met, the animal will do exactly what the
The second effect requires preparation in ranger tells it. A lion will batter down the door of
advance. The priest and unit must be within 100 a cell, a cat will fetch a key and carry it in its
yards of a place of worship dedicated to the mouth, a parrot will draw a circle in the sand
casting priest's deity. The casting time is 5 turns. with its claw. A creature with less than 5 hit dice
At the conclusion of the casting, the unit gains and no prior allegiances receives no saving
the benefit described above, with two main throw. Any willing creature predisposed to aid
differences. First, the unit does not lose the the caster (such as an animal follower) will not
benefit of fighting in its own actual favored resist this spell at all.
terrain (the unit effectively has two favored The animal can't execute a trick or task that
terrains). Second, the spell endures until the next exceeds its physical limitations. A snake can't
sunset. Only priests of 12th level and higher can pick a lock, and a horse can't play a trumpet.
cast this variation. Note also that the caster must give specific
The material component is the priest's holy instructions, not general commands. If the caster

Livello 3° 52 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

commands a lion to "Get something to help me

put out this fire", the puzzled lion won't know ASTRAL WINDOW
what do to. However, if the caster says, "Take (Divination)
this bucket in your mouth, dip it in the stream,
and carry the water back to me", the lion will do Level: 3°
as it's told. Manual: ToM
The caster can take other actions while the Sphere: Astral
animal is completing the trick. Once the animal Range: 5 yards
completes its trick, the caster may give it Components: V, S
additional tricks to complete until the spell Duration: 2 rounds/level
expires. If the spell expires while the animal is in Casting Time: 3
the middle of a trick, or if the spell is broken by Area of Effect: 10'x10' area
some means, the animal immediately stops what Saving Throw: None
it's doing.
When this spell is cast, a “window” appears in
the air before the priest, through which he (and
ANIMARE I MORTI any others present) can see into the Astral plane.
(Negromanzia) The astral window ranges in size from one
square foot up to a 10'x10' square, at the caster's
Livello: 3° choosing. The window is not mobile, and if the
Manuale: PH italiano priest moves more than 5 yards away from it, it
Sfera: negromanzia immediately vanishes and the spell ends.
Raggio d’azione: 10 m By stating a subject's name, the priest may view
Componenti: V, S, M a specific creature or object in the window. More
Durata: permanente than one subject may be viewed during the spell's
Tempo di lancio: 1 round duration. Each time a new subject is chosen, the
Area d’effetto: speciale window becomes streaked with grey as the Astral
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno plane flies past. This continues for 1d4 rounds,
until the window finally focuses upon the chosen
L’incantesimo permette di ricavare non morti di subject. If the person is not in the Astral plane,
tipo inferiore (di solito scheletri e zombi) dalle the window instead chooses a random location.
ossa o dai cadaveri di umani, semi-umani o The window operates from both sides; creatures
umanoidi. Le spoglie si animano per magia ed in the Astral plane can see the priest as easily as
obbediscono agli ordini del sacerdote. Scheletri e he can see them. Verbal communication is not
zombi possono seguire il sacerdote, restare in possible, however.
un’area ed attaccare qualsiasi genere di creatura Normally, creatures cannot pass through the
(oppure un tipo specifico), entrare in un posto window. If an attempt is made, there is a base 5%
eccetera. I non morti si muovono finché non chance of success. This is modified by +1% per
vengono scacciati o distrutti in combattimento; la level or Hit Dice of the individual. In order to
magia non può essere dissolta. pass through, the creature or object must be
Il sacerdote anima uno scheletro o uno zombi per small enough to fit through the window;
ogni suo livello. Se anima creature con più di un otherwise, only a portion of the subject may
D.V., il numero è determinato in base ai D.V. dei reach through (such as a monster's arm or
mostri. searching tongue).
Gli scheletri hanno i D.V. della forma originaria, By casting the Astral window spell, a character
gli zombi ne hanno uno in più. Un sacerdote del who subsequently casts the 7th-level Astral spell
12° livello potrebbe animare 12 scheletri di nani may choose to arrive in the Astral plane at the
(o sei zombi), quattro gnoll zombi o un solo place shown in the window.
zombi di gigante del fuoco. Si segue la normale
regola dei D.V.: un guerriero di alto livello
sarebbe animato come scheletro o zombi da uno
o due D.V., perdendo ogni abilità speciale per la
razza o la classe.
Il sacerdote può, in alternativa, animare gli
scheletri di due bestioline (1-1 D.V. o meno) per
ogni suo livello.
La magia si effettua con una goccia di sangue, un
brandello di carne della creatura da animare e
una presa di ossa polverizzate o una scheggia
d’osso. Non si tratta, comunque, di un
incantesimo benigno: lo fanno solo i sacerdoti
caotici e/o cattivi.

Livello 3° 53 Livello 3°
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ATTIRARE INSETTI come aquile, cani, castori giganti, coccodrilli,

(Convocazione/Attrazione) orsi, scimmie, volpi, ecc., non mostri come arpie,
centauri, gorgoni, naga e così via. Il blocco dura
Livello: 3° due round per ogni livello del sacerdote, che
Manuale: PH italiano decide quante sono le creature da fermare:
Sfera: animale maggiore è il numero, più è facile che sfuggano
Raggio d’azione: 30 m all’incantesimo. Ognuna ha, infatti, diritto al Tiro
Componenti: V, S, M Salvezza: se la vittima è una sola, la penalità è
Durata: 1 round per livello -4; se sono in due, ognuna ha penalità -2, che
Tempo di lancio: 1 round diventa -1 per tre vittime e sparisce qualora le
Area d’effetto: 1 creatura vittime siano quattro.
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno Il sacerdote blocca un peso massimo di 181 Kg
(45 Kg per non mammiferi) per animale per ogni
Si attira uno sciame di insetti volanti (70% dei suo Livello: se è dell’8° livello, può
casi) o striscianti (30%). I tipi convocati sono immobilizzare mammiferi fino a 1.450 Kg o
api, tafani o vespe, se si tratta di insetti volanti, uccelli e rettili fino a 362 Kg.
oppure scarafaggi o formiche, nell’altro caso.
Dopo che è stato fatto l’incantesimo, lo sciame si
raduna in un punto scelto dal sacerdote entro il BRAMBLESTAFF
raggio d’azione ed attacca la creatura da lui (Alteration)
indicata, che subisce 2 ferite per round se non fa
nient’altro oltre a cercare di fuggire e scacciarli; Level: 3°
4 ferite in caso contrario. Se li ignora, la vittima Manual: PD
ha una penalità di -2 sui TxC e +2 sulla CA; se Sphere: Plant
cerca di lanciare un incantesimo, bisogna Range: 0
effettuare il tiro per l’iniziativa; se gli insetti Components: S, M
colpiscono per primi, l’incantesimo viene Duration: l turn
rovinato. Casting Time: 1 round
Gli insetti si disperdono se la vittima entra in una Area of Effect: Special
zona di fumo denso o fiamme, se corre più forte Saving Throw: None
di loro o si immerge in una quantità sufficiente
d’acqua. Se vengono “seminati”, gli insetti This spell causes an ordinay wooden staff or club
possono dirigersi contro un altro obiettivo, ma to sprout thick, extremely hard spikes on one
bisogna lasciar passare almeno un round. Gli end, just like a staff made from bramblewood.
insetti strisciano a 3 m per round (velocità The staff does double damage for the duration of
massima su terreno liscio) o volano a 18 m per the spell, and adds +2 to the caster's attack roll. A
round. È necessario che il sacerdote conservi la Bramblestaff made in this way can affect any
concentrazione, altrimenti lo sciame si dissolve. creature that can be harmed only by magical
Il sacerdote può, se sta sotto terra, attirare ld4 weapons.
formiche giganti, ma c’è solo il 30% di
probabilità che ci riesca, a meno che non ci sia
un formicaio nelle vicinanze. L’incantesimo non CALL FOLLOWER
funziona sott’acqua. (Conjuration/Summoning)
Componenti materiali: simbolo sacro, un petalo
di fiore ed un po’ di fango o argilla umida. Level: 3°
Manual: RAN
Sphere: Animal
(Incantamento/Charme) Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Livello: 3° Casting Time: 6
Manuale: PH italiano Area of Effect: 10 mile radius/level
Sfera: animale Saving Throw: None
Raggio d’azione: 80 m
Componenti: V, S A ranger who has not yet received his full
Durata: 2 round per livello allotment of followers can use this spell in an
Tempo di lancio: 6 attempt to summon one. After the spell is cast,
Area d’effetto: 1-4 animali in un cubo con the DM secretly consults the list of followers he's
spigolo di 12 m chosen for the ranger, or rolls an appropriate
Tiro Salvezza: Neg. table. If the DM decides that a potential follower
exists within the area of effect, the follower
Il sacerdote immobilizza da uno a quattro appears within the next 24 hours. If the DM
animali, che siano mammiferi, uccelli o rettili decides that a follower isn't available within the

Livello 3° 54 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

area of effect, nothing happens (no follower Livello: 3°

appears). Note that the ranger can't request a Manuale: PH italiano
specific type of follower; as always, the type of Sfera: elementale (fuoco)
follower is up to the DM. The spell can be Raggio d’azione: tocco
attempted no more than once per month. Componenti: V, S, M
DM Note: notes on staging the arrival of the Durata: un round + 1 per livello
follower are also given in Chapter 3 of the Tempo di lancio: 5
Complete Ranger’s handbook. Area d’effetto: la/e creatura/e toccata/e
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

CALTROPS Il sacerdote rende una o più creature insensibili

(Evocation) al fuoco non magico fino a temperature di 1.110
gradi (possono anche camminare sulla lava
Level: 3° ardente). Dà anche un bonus di +2 sui T.S. contro
Manual: ToM il fuoco di tipo magico e dimezza il danno che
Sphere: War esso comporta, anche se si fallisce il T.S.. Può
Range: 20 yards/level interessare una creatura in più per ogni suo
Components: V, S, M livello oltre il minimo (quinto) richiesto per
Duration: 1 turn/level lanciare l’incantesimo. Gli effetti non sono
Casting Time: 1 turn cumulativi con quelli di resistenza o protezione
Area of Effect: Special dal fuoco.
Saving Throw: None Componenti materiali: simbolo sacro ed un
rubino frantumato (valore non inferiore a 500
This spell allows a priest to plant a section of mo) per ogni creatura interessata.
ground with magically created caltrops.
The spell can create two kinds of caltrops:
infantry and cavalry. The first are of small size CAMMINARE SULLE ACQUE
and are designed to harm foot soldiers. The latter (Alterazione)
are larger and cause serious damage to cavalry or
units composed of size L or larger creatures. Livello: 3°
Cavalry caltrops are so large that size M or Manuale: PH italiano
smaller creatures can easily step around them. Sfera: elementale (acqua)
This prevents damage to infantry units. Raggio d’azione: tocco
Each time a unit moves into a planted area, the Componenti: V, S, M
unit suffers an attack of AD4 (for infantry Durata: 1 turno + 1 turno per livello
caltrops) or AD6 (for cavalry caltrops). Units Tempo di lancio: 6
charging through a planted area suffer double Area d’effetto: speciale
damage. If a unit ends its movement in a caltrop- Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
sown region, it suffers another attack when it
moves out of the area. Il sacerdote mette in grado una o più creature di
This spell can create a rectangular field of camminare su una superficie liquida (acqua,
infantry caltrops up to 160 square yards in area fango, neve, olio, sabbie mobili) come sulla
(e.g., 4 yards x 40 yards, 2 yards x 80 yards, terraferma. Benché i piedi non tocchino il
etc.), or a field of cavalry caltrops up to 90 “terreno”, lasciano impronte profonde 5 cm nella
square yards in area (e.g., 3 yards x 30 yards, 2 neve e nel fango. La velocità resta normale. Se
yards x 45 yards, etc.). effettuato sott’acqua, l’incantesimo spinge la
Ordinary caltrops make no distinction between creatura ad affiorare.
friend or foe; all creatures entering a caltrop- Il sacerdote può toccare una creatura in più per
sown area suffer the same consequences. The ogni suo livello oltre il minimo richiesto per
same is true of magical caltrops, with one lanciare l’incantesimo (quinto).
exception: the casting priest can terminate the Componenti materiali: simbolo sacro ed un
spell at any time, causing the caltrops to vanish pezzo di sughero.
and leaving the terrain clear.
Unlike normal caltrops, a region sown with
magical caltrops cannot be “swept” clear; the
magical caltrops remain in place until the spell
The material component is a golden caltrop.



Livello 3° 55 Livello 3°
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(Divination) (Divination)

Level: 3° Level: 3°
Manual: RAN Manual: ToM
Sphere: Plant Sphere: Time
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 1 turn Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One tree Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: None

A variation of the 4th-level priest spell, Speak In the round immediately following the casting
with plants, this spell enables a ranger to ask a of this spell, the affected creature is allowed two
simple question to a tree and receive a spoken rolls for any normal attack roll, initiative roll, or
response. The tree can be any species, so long as saving throw. The affected creature can then
its trunk is at least 1 foot in diameter. Before choose the roll he prefers.
casting the spell, the ranger must spend at least For example, a priest casts Choose future on a
an hour carving a humanoid face in the trunk; if warrior companion. In the next round, the
the ranger has a proficiency in wood carving (a warrior attacks an enemy with his sword. The
variation of artistic ability), he can carve a warrior makes two attack rolls instead of one,
suitable face in one turn. then chooses which roll will determine the
After carving the face, the ranger spends 1 turn outcome of his attack.
casting the spell, at which time the face becomes The material components are two grains of sand
animated, twitching and grimacing as if just and a rose petal.
awakening from a long sleep. The tree face then
looks at the caster expectantly, waiting for a
question. The caster may ask the tree any single CONJURE LESSER ELEMENTAL ®
question that can be answered in a single word or (Conjuration/Summoning)
short phrase. Typical questions might include:
"Has a dragon passed this way within the last Level: 3°
few days?"; "Has it rained here recently?"; "Are Manual: DK
there any fruit trees nearby?". The tree answers Sphere: Elemental (Various)
the question honestly. If the question is beyond Range: 30 yards
the scope of its knowledge, the tree says, "I don't Components: V, S, M
know". After answering, the face disappears. Duration: 1 turn + l round per level
The DM should keep in mind that a typical tree Casting Time: 3 rounds
doesn't know very much, as it has little Area of Effect: Special
experience, never travels, and rarely interacts Saving Throw: Special
with other living things in meaningful ways. As a
rule of thumb, a tree's knowledge is limited to With this spell a priest may freely summon a
things it has observed (passersby, weather lesser elemental from his own elemental Sphere.
conditions) and general information about the The lesser elemental does anything in its power
immediate area (animal populations, location of to aid the caster. A priest cannot summon an
landmarks). A tree can't give dependable advice elemental from another Sphere (e.g., a water
or make judgements. If the DM is in doubt about priest cannot summon a fire elemental).
what a particular tree knows, the tree answers, "I Once cast, there is a 50% chance for one to three
don't know". 2 HD elementals to appear; a 25% chance for
one or two 4 HD elementals; and a 25% chance
for one 6 HD elemental. The lesser elementals
can be sent back by the caster, one at a time or all
at once, at any time. They automatically return to
their home plane after the duration of the spell.
Conjured lesser elementals must be controlled by
the priest or they simply assume a defensive
posture until returned to their plane. Lesser
elementals do not attack the priest when
uncontrolled. Lesser elementals can be controlled
up to 30 yards away per level of the caster.
Lesser water elementals are destroyed if they are
ever more than 30 yards from a large body of

Livello 3° 56 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

Lesser elementals are describel in the Monstrous

Compendium, Dark Sun™ Appendix, Terrors of CREARE CIBO E ACQUA
the Desert. (Alterazione)
The spell requires the caster's holy symbol and a
handful of material representative of the Livello: 3°
elemental being's home plane, as follows: Manuale: PH italiano
– Air: breath of the caster; Sfera: creazione
– Earth: dirt, dust, or other earth; Raggio d’azione: 10 m
– Fire: any burning object; Componenti: V, S
– Water: liquid water, smeat, saliva, etc. Durata: speciale
Tempo di lancio: 1 turno
Area d’effetto: 28 dm cubi per livello
CONTROL ANIMAL Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
Il sacerdote fa comparire cibo ed acqua come per
Level: 3° magia. Il cibo è nutriente: 28 dm³ bastano a
Manual: S&M saziare per un giorno tre creature grandi come un
Sphere: Animal uomo oppure una grossa quanto un cavallo.
Range: 60 yds. + 10 yds./level Dopo 24 ore il cibo diventa immangiabile, ma
Duration: 1 round/level può ridiventare commestibile per altre 24 ore con
Area of Effect: 1 animal Purificare il cibo e le bevande. L’acqua è uguale
Components: V, S a quella prodotta con Creare l’acqua, del 1°
Casting Time: 6 livello. Il sacerdote può fare altri 28 dm³ di cibo
Saving Throw: Neg. o acqua per ogni livello in più: se è del 2° livello,
darà 28 dm³ di cibo o di acqua.
When a priest casts this spell, he forces an
animal to do his bidding. The creature is entitled
to a saving throw vs. spell; if it fails, the caster CREATE CAMPSITE ®
may direct the creature with simple commands to (Conjuration/Summoning)
act in any fashion desired. Sample commands
include attack, run, fetch, etc. Suicidal or self– Level: 3°
destructive commands grant the subiect another Manual: ToM
saving throw to break free of the caster's control, Sphere: Travelers
with a +1 to +4 bonus depending on the Range: 0
extremity of the caster's orders. Ordering an Components: V, S, M
animal to engage in combat is not necessarily Duration: Special
self–destructive, as long as the prospective Casting Time: 3
opponent is not more than three times the Area of Effect: 50-foot radius
animal's Hit Dice or more than two size Saving Throw: None
categories larger than the subject. For example, a
wolf (3 Hit Dice, size M) would attack a troll With this spell, the caster generates a squadron of
(6+6 Hit Dice, size L) without hesitation, but it tiny invisible servants who create a campsite for
might break free of the caster's control if ordered the caster and his companions. The caster
to attack a size H dragon or an 8+8 HD umber indicates the desired area for the campsite (an
hulk. area of 50-foot radius or less) and the number of
Control animal establishes a mental link between persons the campsite is to accommodate (a
the caster and the subject, and the animal can be number of persons equal to three times the level
directed by silent mental command as long as it of the caster).
remains within range. Because the caster's The servants clear the area of debris, set up tents
intelligence directs the animal, the creature may and bedrolls, start a campfire, fetch water, and
be able to take actions normally beyond its own prepare a bland meal. The campsite is so
comprehension, such as manipulating objects skillfully prepared that it blends with the
with its paws and mouth. The caster need not surrounding terrain, reducing the chance that the
concentrate in order to maintain control of the camp could be noticed by 50%. Campfires, loud
creature unless he is trying to direct it to do noises, and other activities can negate this.
something it normally couldn't. The entire process takes 4-16 (4d4) rounds to
Control animal only works on normal or giant– complete.
sized animals with lntelligence ratings between 1 The servants make camp with the gear and
and 4. Magical animals, monsters, and creatures equipment provided for them; otherwise, the
of low Intelligence or higher are immune to the servants will improvise with materials available
effects of this spell. Druids always avoid using in the immediate area (50 yards of the designated
this spell. campsite). For instance, if the party has no tents
or beds, the servants will construct crude but

Livello 3° 57 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

comfortable beds of weeds and grass and CRESCITA DI SPINE

temporary shelters of leaves and branches. If no (Alterazione, Incantamento)
materials are available, such as in the desert or
similarly barren terrain, the servants will do their Livello: 3°
best to make the party as comfortable as possible Manuale: PH italiano
within the environmental limitations. Sfera: vegetale
The servants cannot fight for the party, deliver Raggio d’azione: 60 m
messages, or take any other actions other than Componenti: V, S, M
creating the campsite. Durata: 3d4 turni per livello
The material components are a piece of string, a Tempo di lancio: 6
bit of wood, and a drop of water. Area d’effetto: quadrato lato di 3 m per liv.
The reverse, BREAK CAMP, causes the Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
invisible servants to strike a campsite (an area of
50-foot radius or less). The servants extinguish L’incantesimo si può fare nei luoghi in cui ci sia
fires, dispose of debris, and pack gear for a della vegetazione di qualsiasi tipo. Il sottobosco
number of people equal to three times the level e i rampicanti presenti nell’area diventano duri
of the caster. The entire process takes 4-16 (4d4) ed appuntiti; in pratica è come se quella zona,
rounds to complete. When completed, all traces che apparentemente sembra normale, sia irta di
of the campsite are eliminated. The material aculei. L’effetto è identico anche nelle zone più
components are the same as those for Create brulle o con radici e tralci. La vittima subisce
campsite. 2d4 ferite ogni 3 m di movimento nell’area e
deve effettuare il T.S. se fallisce, la sua velocità
attuale verrà ridotta di 1/3 (non può mai essere
CREATE SMOKE ® inferiore a 1). La penalità dura per 24 ore,
(Conjuration) dopodiché essa riacquista la sua normale
Level: 3° La zona “spinosa” è assolutamente impossibile
Manual: PD da scoprire, a meno che non si usi Visione del
Sphere: Summoning vero o un incantesimo di individuazione
Range: 10 yards + l0 yds. per level specifica (Individuare trappole o Individuare
Components: V, M trappole magiche). La vittima se ne accorge solo
Duration: 4 rounds quando è troppo tardi; anche allora, non può dire
Casting Time: 3 rounds fin dove si estenda, se non utilizzando qualche
Area of Effect: 30 yard radius tipo di individuazione del magico.
Saving Throw: Special Componenti materiali: simbolo sacro e sette
spine o rametti appuntiti.
By igniting even a tiny spark of flame, the
spellcaster can create a dense plume of smoke
that will obscure vision for 30 yards and cause CRESCITA VEGETALE
all within range to run from the clound to (Alterazione)
breathe. Any air breathing creatures within the
cloud must make a saving throw vs. death magic. Livello: 3°
If a save fails, the victim must retreat from the Manuale: PH italiano
cloud, and caughing and rubbing his eyes. The Sfera: vegetale
victim fights at a -4 penalty for the next four Raggio d’azione: 160 m
rounds. Those who make their saving throw, and Componenti: V, S, M
are subiect to the effects of the smoke, may Durata: permanente
remain within it. but they also fight at -4 for four Tempo di lancio: un round
rounds. Those who make the save and leave the Area d’effetto: speciale
area suffer no ill effects. Friends and foes alike Tiro Salvezza: speciale
are affected by the smoke. The reverse of the
spell, DISPEL SMOKE, will dissipate a L’incantesimo ha un duplice uso. Può far
generous amount of smoke for the same duration. crescere la vegetazione sempre più fitta ed
This allows a caster to peer into a burning intricata, fino a formare una giungla o un
building, but not through mists or other visible boschetto che deve essere per forza sfoltito
gases. perché sia attraversabile (altrimenti ogni creatura
Material component: flame. lo dovrà attraversare con fattore movimento 3 m
per round o 6 m per round, se si tratta di un
essere più grande di un uomo). Perché la magia
funzioni, l’area deve contenere cespugli e alberi
di qualche genere; rovi, cespugli, liane,
rampicanti, cardi, biancospini, alberi, viti ed
erbacce crescono tanto da creare una vera e

Livello 3° 58 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

propria barriera. L’area d’effetto è di 6 m per lato CURA MALATTIE ®

per ogni livello del sacerdote, nella forma voluta, (Scongiurazione)
quadrata o rettangolare. Un sacerdote dell’8°
livello potrebbe interessare un quadrato con lato Livello: 3°
di 48 m o un qualsiasi rettangolo equivalente. Manuale: PH italiano
L’effetto dura finché l’area non viene diboscata, Sfera: negromanzia
incendiata o ripulita con Dissolvi magie. Raggio d’azione: tocco
L’altro uso interessa un’area di 2,5 Kmq. Il DM Componenti: V, S
effettua di nascosto un T.S. Durata: permanente
(basato sul livello del Tempo di lancio: 1 round
sacerdote) per vedere se Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata
l’incantesimo riesce. Se Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
funziona, le piante
diventano più robuste e Il sacerdote sa curare la maggior parte delle
cariche di frutti, malattie mediante
aumentando la produzione imposizione delle mani. La
dal 20 al 50% (ld4+1 creatura si sentirà meglio e
moltiplicato per il 10%), guarirà in un periodo che va
purché la stagione sia da un turno a 10 giorni, a
normale. Non si evitano i seconda della gravità del
disastri dovuti ad alluvioni, morbo e dallo stato al
incendi, parassiti o siccità, momento della cura (spetta
ma anche in questi casi gli al DM giudicare queste
alberi resistono meglio. condizioni). L’incantesimo
L’effetto dura una stagione: funziona anche contro
l’inverno fa morire anche le mostri parassitari come la
colture più vigorose. Nelle fanghiglia verde, le larve
comunità dei villaggi, eccetera; se è fatto da un
questa magia fa parte dei sacerdote che sia almeno
riti di fertilità primaverili. del 12° livello, cura anche
la licantropia (entro tre
giorni dall’infezione). Non
CURA CECITÀ O SORDITÀ ® impedisce ricadute, qualora
(Scongiurazione) dovesse ripetersi il
Livello: 3° Per la forma inversa, CAUSA MALATTIE, il
Manuale: PH italiano sacerdote deve toccare la vittima, che ha diritto
Sfera: negromanzia al T.S. contro incantesimi. La gravità del
Raggio d’azione: tocco malanno (debilitante o letale) è decisa dal
Componenti: V, S sacerdote, mentre i particolari vengono stabiliti
Durata: permanente dal DM seguendo queste direttive generali:
Tempo di lancio: 1 round * Malattia debilitante - Si manifesta in ld6 turni,
Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata allo scadere dei quali la vittima perde un punto di
Tiro Salvezza: speciale Forza all’ora fino ad arrivare a Forza 2 o meno (a
questo punto, è completamente inerme). Se la
Il sacerdote guarisce mediante imposizione delle creatura non possiede un punteggio di Forza,
mani alcune forme di cecità o sordità; la magia invece di un punto perde il 10% dei P.F. fino ad
non cura le lesioni causate da malattie o ferite. avere solo il 10% di quelli iniziali. Se la malattia
La forma inversa, CAUSA CECITÀ O ha conseguenze anche sui P.F., adottare la
SORDITÀ richiede un TxC ai danni della penalità più drastica. Si guarisce con ld3
vittima; questa ha poi diritto al T.S.(se riesce, si settimane di riposo.
salva, altrimenti resta cieca o sorda). * Malattia letale - Questo morbo devastante si
Una creatura assordata ha penalità -1 sui tiri per manifesta subito. Finché è malata, la vittima non
la sorpresa, +1 su quelli per l’iniziativa e il 20% trae vantaggi dai vari Cura ferite: ogni lesione
di probabilità di sbagliare incantesimi con guarisce ad un ritmo che è pari solo al 10% del
componente verbale; reagisce solo a quel che normale. Il male si guarisce solo con la magia e
può vedere o toccare. La vittima accecata, provoca la morte nel giro di ld6 mesi. Ad ogni
invece, ha penalità -4 sui TxC e +4 sulla C.A., mese di malattia la creatura perde 2 punti di
oltre ad una penalità +2 per l’iniziativa. Carisma permanenti.
Il malanno si può trattare con Cura malattie. È
impossibile trasmettere la licantropia.

Livello 3° 59 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

CURSE OF BLACK SAND The material component for this spell is a small
(Alteration) pendant of copper wire worth at least 20 gp.

Level: 3°
Sphere: Elemental (earth), Travelers (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 10 yards
Components: S Level: 3°
Duration: 1 day per level Manual: S&M
Casting Time: 5 Sphere: Charm, Law
Area of Effect: 1 creature Range: 30 yds.
Saving Throw: Neg. Components: V
Duration: 1 rd./level
When this curse is cast and a save vs. spells fails, Casting Time: 6
the victim leaves black, oily, footprints in the Area of Effect: Up to 6 creatures in a 20–ft.
earth. The prints are easily tracked, and cannot cube
be erased or destroyed until the spell expires. Saving Throw: Neg.
They can be covered, but not by earth. A giant
leaf, for example, could hide a few footprints, Originally developed by the Harmonium faction
but this would be a temporary fix at best. If the of the Outer Planes, this useful spell has come
victim flies or takes to the trees, he can avoid the into more widespread use in recent years. While
spell's effects until he comes down again. the spell is available as a 2nd–level enchantment
In silty areas, a black streak resembling a slow for members of the Harmonium, the general
current will follow the cursed character version is not quite as efficient and is considered
whenever he is in contact with the surface. This a 3rd–level spell.
includes wading, swimming, or walking on the The Dictate spell is an improved version of
top of the silt by spell or magical devices. It Command, affecting up to 6 creatures in a 20–
would not affect those who flew or teleported. foot cube. The caster is not limited to a single
Should a priest cast several of these spells on word and can issue an order of no more than a
multiple targets, he will be able to tell the various dozen words in length. All the specified targets
trails apart, even if they should cross or overlap. who fail their saving throws must attempt to
The trail disappears when the spell expires. obey the caster's instructions. For example, a
priest could issue a Dictate such as "Stay here
until I return", "Throw down your weapons", or
DETECT SPIRITS "Seize that elf!" The subjects will continue to
(Divination) obey nonimmediate orders for up to one round
per experience level of the caster.
Level: 3° Subjects who cannot understand the caster are
Manual: S&M not affected, so characters who do not understand
Sphere: Divination the caster's language are immune to this spell. In
Range: 0 addition, the order must create an immediate and
Components: V, S, M obvious course of action for the subject; a
Duration: 1 turn + 1 turn/level Dictate to "Die!" or "Feel sorry for him!" would
Casting Time: 6 simply cause the subject to stand still in
Area of Effect: 10 x 60 ft. path confusion for one round. Poorly worded or
Saving Throw: None confusing commands grant the subjects a +1 to
+4 bonus on their saving throws at the DM's
This divination reveals the presence of discretion. Similarly, if after the subject fails his
disembodied or noncorporeal spirits of all types, saving throw he is given an obviously self–
including wraiths, ghosts, spectres, astrally– destructive Dictate, the subject simply loses his
projecting creatures, characters or monsters next round as he fights off the compulsion.
employing Magic jar or possession, and (of
course) animal spirits and spirits of nature.
Characters or monsters who are simply invisible,
phased, or ethereal do not count as spirits, since
they are physically present in the flesh despite
their unusual status. The caster detects spirits in a
path 10 feet wide and 60 feet long; any within
the area of effect are revealed in their preferred
form or appearance for all to see. Simply
detecting a spirit doesn't give the caster any
special ability to communicate with or attack the

Livello 3° 60 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

DISSOLVI MAGIE spada magica, anche se non funziona, rimane pur

(Scongiurazione) sempre una spada.
Artefatti e reliquie non sono soggetti al Dissolvi
Livello: 3° magie; ma possono esserlo alcune loro proprietà
Manuale: PH italiano (a scelta del DM).
Sfera: protezione L’incantesimo può essere molto efficace se usato
Raggio d’azione: 60 m sulle creature affascinate o ingannate; è inutile
Componenti: V, S contro alcune magie (vedi descrizione dei singoli
Durata: speciale incantesimi).
Tempo di lancio: 6
Area d’effetto: cubo con spigolo di 9 metri Fonte dell’effetto Resistenza Esito tentativo
o un oggetto
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno Il sacerdote Nessuna Automatico
Altro magic-user D.V. altro Effetto annullato
Quando lancia quest’incantesimo, il sacerdote ha Bacchetta 6° livello *
la possibilità di neutralizzare o contrastare la Bastone 8° livello *
magia con cui viene a contatto nei tre modi Pozione 12° livello Pozione distrutta
seguenti. Altre magie 12° o speciale *
In primo luogo, può eliminare gli incantesimi ed Artefatto A scelta del DM scel. DM
i loro effetti (compresi quelli innati e sui
meccanismi) da creature ed oggetti colpiti. * Effetto annullato: se Dissolvi magie viene fatto
Secondariamente, può contrastare gli incantesimi direttamente su di un oggetto, questo smette di
nel momento in cui sono fatti, nell’area d’effetto funzionare per ld4 round.
In terzo luogo, può distruggere le pozioni Nota: se due o più sacerdoti lanciano
magiche (che, da questo punto di vista, si contemporaneamente l’incantesimo
considerano essere del 12° livello). collaborando, con unione degli sforzi, essi
Bisogna controllare ogni magia o pozione possono sommare i propri livelli di potenza in un
presente nell’area d’effetto, per vedere se ha unico tentativo di dissoluzione.
perso i suoi poteri o meno. Per fare ciò devono tutti riuscire un T.S. contro
Il sacerdote può sempre scacciare le proprie incantesimi mentre lanciano nello stesso round la
magie; per quelle altrui il successo del tentativo magia. Se il T.S. riesce a più di un sacerdote, si
dipende dalla differenza di livello tra lui e quello sommano i livelli di coloro che hanno riuscito il
che ha fatto l’incantesimo da eliminare. La T.S. nel determinare la riuscita della magia. Chi
probabilità di base è pari al 50% (il tentativo fallisce il T.S. perde l’incantesimo.
riesce facendo 11 o più con ld20). Se l’effetto Se i sacerdoti sono di religioni differenti si
magico è stato attuato da un personaggio di applicherà a tutti una penalità di –2 al T.S.
livello inferiore a quello del sacerdote, la
differenza si sottrae dal numero che bisogna
ottenere con ld20 (le probabilità di riuscita EFFICACIOUS MONSTER WARD
aumentano); se, invece, quello che ha creato (Abjuration)
l’effetto è più potente di quello che vuole
abolirlo, la differenza tra i livelli si somma al tiro Level: 3°
di quest’ultimo (che avrà minori possibilità di Manual: ToM
successo). Un 20 naturale equivale sempre a Sphere: Wards
riuscita, un 1 naturale a fallimento. Se, quindi, un Range: 30 yards
sacerdote è superiore di dieci livelli al Components: V, S, M
personaggio che ha prodotto l’effetto, non Duration: 1 round/level
riuscirà a scacciarlo solo facendo 1. Casting Time: 3
L’incantesimo non funziona con gli oggetti Area of Effect: 10-foot cube/level
magici speciali, come pergamene, anelli, Saving Throw: Neg.
bacchette, verghe, bastoni, oggetti vari, armi,
scudi e armature, a meno che non sia puntato This spell prevents monsters of 2 or fewer Hit
direttamente contro di loro: in tal caso, li renderà Dice from entering the area of effect. Such
inutilizzabili per ld4 round. Se l’oggetto è portato creatures are allowed a saving throw; success
da una creatura, potrà sfruttare il T.S. di indicates that they avoid the spell's effects and
quest’ultima contro l’incantesimo; in caso are able to enter the area of effect.
contrario, sarà messo automaticamente fuori uso. The spell affects a cubic area whose sides equal
Se un collegamento interdimensionale (ad the caster's level times 10 feet (for example, a
esempio una Borsa conservante) non è operativo, 9th-level caster could affect an area equal to a 90'
viene temporaneamente chiuso. Le proprietà x 90' x 90' cube).
fisiche dell’oggetto restano invariate, però: una Monsters within the area of effect when the spell
is cast are not affected; however, when they

Livello 3° 61 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

leave the area of effect, they cannot return. against the various forms of Fear. Courage
Monsters outside the area of effect can hurl counters (and is countered by) Fear;
rocks, spears, and other missile weapons at – Fear: the subject flees from the priest for the
targets inside and can also cast spells into the duration of the spell, even if this takes him out of
warded area. spell range. Fear counters (and is countered by)
The material components are the priest's holy courage;
symbol and a pinch of salt. – Friendship: the subject reacts positively to any
encounter; in game terms, any result of a roll on
the Encounter Reactions table (Table 59 in the
EMOTION CONTROL DMG ) is moved one column to the left. Thus, a
(Alteration, Enchantment/Charm) threatening PC becomes cautious, an indifferent
PC becomes friendly, etc. Friendship counters
Level: 3° (and is countered by) hate;
Manual: ToM – Happiness: the subject experiences feelings of
Sphere: Thought, Charm warmth, well-being, and confidence, modifying
Range: 10 yards all reaction rolls by +3. The subject is unlikely to
Components: V, S, M attack unless provoked. Happiness counters (and
Duration: 1 round/level is countered by) sadness;
Casting Time: 5 – Hate: the subject reacts negatively to any
Area of Effect: One creature/5 levels of the encounter; in game terms, any result of a roll on
caster within a 20' cube the Encounter Reactions table is moved one
Saving Throw: Special column to the right (i.e., a friendly PC becomes
indifferent, a cautious PC becomes threatening,
This spell can be cast in one of two ways: in a etc.). Hate counters (and is countered by)
manner that affects the priest, or in a manner that friendship;
affects a subject other than the priest. – Hope: the subject's morale is improved by +2.
The first method affects only the priest and His saving throw rolls, attack, and damage rolls
allows him to shield his true emotions from are all improved by +1 while this emotion is in
magical examination. Thus, it can block wizard effect. Hope counters (and is countered by)
spells such as ESP or priest spells such as hopelessness;
Emotion read. While Emotion control is in effect, – Hopelessness: the subject's morale suffers a -10
anyone using one of these spells will sense the penalty. In addition, in the round in which the
emotion designated by the priest rather than his emotion is initially established, all subjects must
true emotions. When the priest casts Emotion immediately make a morale check. Hopelessness
control, he designates the false emotion he counters (and is countered by) hope;
wishes to be revealed. – Sadness: the subject feels uncontrollably glum
This use of Emotion control also gives the priest and is prone to fits of morose introspection. All
a +2 bonus to saving throws against the attack rolls suffer a -1 penalty and initiative rolls
following spells: Spook, Taunt, Irritation, Know suffer a +1 penalty. The subject's chance of being
alignment, Scare, Emotion, Fear, and surprised is increased by -2. Sadness counters
Phantasmal killer. When any of these spells are (and is countered by) happiness.
cast on the priest, he is immediately aware of the
attempt, although he does not learn the source of All subjects of the second version, even willing
the spell. targets, must save vs. spell to resist the emotion.
If another character casts Emotion read, ESP, or In addition to all other modifiers, the saving
a similar spell on the priest, the priest must make throw is modified by -1 for every three levels of
a saving throw vs. spells with a +1 bonus for the priest casting the spell.
each 5 levels of the priest. If the priest The material component for both versions of the
successfully saves, the other spellcaster reads the spell is a small bunch of fleece or uncarded wool
false emotion; if the priest fails the saving throw, that is consumed in the casting.
the spellcaster reads the priest's true emotion.
The second use of this spell allows the priest to
create a single emotional reaction in the
subject(s) (similar to the wizard spell emotion).
Some typical emotions follow, but the DM may
allow other similar effects:

– Courage: the subject becomes berserk, gaining

+1 to attack rolls and +3 to damage, and
temporarily gaining 4 hit points (damage against
the subject is deducted from these temporary
points first). The subject need never check
morale, and receives a +5 bonus to saving throws

Livello 3° 62 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

ETHEREALNESS each round, or may move slowly while the spell

(Alteration) is in effect to change the sweep of the detection.
Extradimensional spaces include those created
Level: 3° by spells such as Rope trick and those contained
Manual: S&M within such items as Bags of holding and
Sphere: Numbers Portable holes. The priest does not automatically
Range: 0 know the size of the space or its source.
Duration: 1 turn + 1 rd./level This spell detects interplanar gates and the “gate”
Area of Effect: The caster opened by the spell Extradimensional folding.
Components: V, S The spell can be blocked by a stone wall of one
Casting Time: 1 foot thickness or more, a one-inch thickness of
Saving Throw: None solid metal, or one yard or more of solid wood.

This spell resembles the 5th–level wizard spell

Etherealness in many respects, but there are a FONDERSI CON LA PIETRA
few important differences. First, the priest may (Alterazione)
not leave the Border Ethereal and venture into
the Deep Ethereal; therefore, at the end of the Livello: 3°
spell's duration, he must return to the Prime Manuale: PH italiano
Material Plane whether he wants to or not. Sfera: elementale (terra)
Secondly, the priest may not use this spell on an Raggio d’azione: 0
unwilling target and can only make another Componenti: V, S, M
creature ethereal if the subject is willing and in Durata: 8 round + ld8 round
physical contact with the priest when the spell is Tempo di lancio: 6
cast. Besides himself, the caster can bring one Area d’effetto: il sacerdote
creature per two experience levels (three at 5th, Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
four at 7th, five at 9th, and so on) to the Ethereal
Plane. Even if the priest abandons his charges in Il sacerdote può fondersi, con tutti i suoi averi
the Border Ethereal, the stranded characters will (non più di 45 Kg di materia inanimata), in un
automatically materialize when the spell ends. unico blocco di pietra, grande abbastanza da
While ethereal, the priest cannot be detected by contenerlo. Se manca uno dei requisiti, la magia
any means short of a True seeing or Detect phase non funziona e va persa.
spell. He perceives his surroundings as misty, Mentre è nella pietra, il sacerdote mantiene un
gray, and otherworldly. No action he takes can contatto, seppur flebile, con la superficie, ma non
affect the physical world, but he can pass through riesce a sentire o a vedere quel ché gli accade
walls, doors, and other solid obiects without intorno; si rende conto del tempo che passa. Se il
hindrance. The priest can choose to end the spell blocco viene scalfito, il sacerdote è illeso, ma se
voluntarily at any time, materializing in the la roccia viene parzialmente distrutta, tanto da
physical world in one round. If the caster non poterlo più contenere, lo espelle con 4d8
occupies a solid object when the spell ends, he is ferite. Se il blocco è frantumato del tutto, il
hurled into the Deep Ethereal and stranded in a sacerdote resta ucciso, a meno che non superi un
catatonic stupor until he can be rescued. T.S. contro incantesimi.
La magia dura per ld8+8 round (la parte variabile
della durata viene decisa dal DM tirando il dado
EXTRADIMENSIONAL DETECTION di nascosto). Il sacerdote può uscire dal masso in
(Divination) qualsiasi momento, prima di questo termine; se
non lo fa, allo scadere del limite viene scagliato
Level: 3° fuori con 4d8 ferite.
Manual: ToM Se i seguenti incantesimi vengono lanciati sulla
Sphere: Numbers, Divination roccia che contiene il sacerdote, questi può
Range: 0 riportare dei danni. Pietra in carne lo fa espellere
Components: V, S con 4d8 ferite, Modellare la pietra causa 4d4
Duration: 1 round/level ferite, Tramutare la roccia in fango lo butta fuori
Casting Time: 3 e lo ammazza all’istante, a meno che non superi
Area of Effect: One 10'-wide path, 60 feet un T.S. contro incantesimi; Passapareti lo
long estromette senza danni.
Saving Throw: None

When Extradimensional detection is cast, the

priest detects the existence of any
extradimensional spaces or pockets in a path 10
feet wide and 60 feet long in the direction he is
facing. The priest may turn, scanning a 60 arc

Livello 3° 63 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

FORTIFY filling can quickly raze the site, returning it to its

(Alteration) original state. The material component is the
shell of a snail dusted with 100 gold pieces worth
Level: 3° of diamond powder. In Battlesystem rules,
Manual: S&M Fortify provides a defending unit with a +2
Sphere: War bonus to its AR against missile and melee
Range: 60 yds. attacks, but no bonus against missile attacks in
Duration: Permanent marshy or low–lying areas.
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 10 ft. cube/2 levels GLIFO DI GUARDIA
Saving Throw: None (Scongiurazione, Evocazione)

By means of this spell, the priest prepares an area Livello: 3°

as a defensive position. Fortify may be used to Manuale: PH italiano
prepare an open outdoors area such as a field, Sfera: guardia
road, or grassland, or a rough or broken outdoors Raggio d’azione: tocco
area such as a hillside, forest, or boulder–fall. Componenti: V, S, M
Large rooms or chambers such as a cavern or a Durata: permanente finché non si
great hall may be fortified as well. The exact scarica
effects of the spell depend on the nature of the Tempo di lancio: speciale
site to be fortified. Area d’effetto: speciale
Tiro Salvezza: speciale
A. Open Outdoors Site: a rampart or dike of
earth and loose stone rises from the ground along Questa è una potente iscrizione fatta per
the perimeter of the site, leaving a shallow ditch impedire il passaggio, l’ingresso o l’apertura alle
on the outward face. Creatures defending the creature ostili. La si può usare come guardia di
dike receive 50% cover against missile fire (+4 un ponticello o di una porta, o come trappola
bonus to AC), or 25% cover (+2 bonus) if they posta su di uno scrigno o una scatola.
expose themselves by engaging in melee combat Le condizioni che fanno scattare la difesa sono
or firing missiles out of the dike. Attackers stabilite dal sacerdote; di solito, basta che
cannot charge, run, or sprint over the ditchand– qualcuno violi l’area interessata senza dire la
dike. Large, open rooms or chambers with few parola magica. Un T.S. contro incantesimi
features may fall into this category. permette di sfuggire alle conseguenze. Il glifo
può essere fatto in base alle caratteristiche fisiche
B. Rough Outdoors Site: loose stones and della vittima (tipo, taglia, peso), oppure rispetto
boulders, deadwood, and patches of dense briars al suo allineamento; può lasciar passare, ad
are arranged to form a defensible wall or rampart esempio, chi appartiene alla stessa religione del
along the perimeter of the area of effect. sacerdote. Non è possibile predisporre i glifi a
Characters hiding behind the wall receive 75% seconda della classe, dei D.V. o del livello delle
cover (+7 bonus to AC), or 50% cover if they creature. Non si possono tracciare più glifi su
expose themselves by firing missiles or una stessa area: nel caso di una cassettiera, però,
defending the wall. In hand to hand combat, the se ne può scrivere uno per ogni cassetto.
wall's defenders receive a +1 bonus to attack Quando fa l’incantesimo, il sacerdote circonda di
rolls; man–sized attackers must spend one full linee luminose il sigillo di guardia. Occorre un
round in climbing over the wall in order to enter round di disegno ogni mezzo metro quadrato da
the fortified area. Natural caverns and large, proteggere. Il sacerdote può interessare un
cluttered chambers fall into this category, as quadrato con lato pari a 1/3 del suo livello in
well. metri; il glifo può avere qualsiasi forma, purché
rientri in questi limiti di estensione. Un sacerdote
C. Marshy or Low–lying Site: in areas such del 6° livello potrebbe, quindi apporre un glifo su
as swamp, marsh, bog, or tundra, Fortify cannot un’area quadrata di 2x2 m, o rettangolare di 4x1
raise a wall or dike to cover the defenders. m. Una volta compiuto l’incantesimo, il glifo e le
Instead, the spell creates a water filled ditch linee spariscono.
around the perimeter of the area of effect. This Il sacerdote traccia il glifo con incenso che, se
ditch is 10 feet wide and 2 to 4 feet deep; most l’area supera i 5 mq, dov’essere cosparso di
creatures require 1 full round to negotiate the polvere di diamanti (che vale almeno 2.000 mo).
ditch, and defenders gain a +1 bonus to attack I glifi più comuni danno ld4 ferite da scossa
rolls against enemies who are wading the ditch or elettrica per ogni livello del sacerdote, o
climbing up the other side. esplodono, con una quantità equivalente di danni
da fuoco, oppure paralizzano, accecano,
The fortifications are permanent, although assordano eccetera. Il DM può concedere di
erosion, weathering, excavations, clearing, or usare come glifo ogni incantesimo dannoso dei

Livello 3° 64 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

sacerdoti, purché il livello del sacerdote sia movement rate of 48. The hand can search within
sufficiente a lanciarlo. I danni si dimezzano o si a 5-mile radius of the caster.
annullano superando il T.S., a seconda del glifo. If the hand is unable to locate the indicated
Non è possibile evitare i glifi con magie di creature, it returns to the caster (provided he is
individuazione: possono essere rimossi solo con still within the area of effect). The hand displays
Dissolvi magie o mediante l’abilità speciale dei an outstretched palm, indicating that no such
ladri di trovare e rimuovere trappole. character or creature could be found. The hand
Il DM può decidere che il tipo di glifo dipende then disappears.
dal culto del sacerdote e può permettergli di If the hand locates the indicated subject, the hand
crearne altri con la ricerca del magico. beckons the subject to follow it. If the subject
follows, the hand points in the direction of the
caster, leading the subject in the most direct,
HEAT EXHAUSTION feasible route. The hand hovers 10 feet in front
(Summoning) of the subject, moving before him. Once the hand
leads the subject to the caster, it disappears.
Level: 3° The subject is not compelled to follow the hand
Manual: PD or help the caster. If the subject chooses not to
Sphere: Elemental (fire), Sun follow the hand, the hand continues to beckon
Range: 50yards for the duration of the spell, then disappears. If
Components: V, S the spell expires while the subject is en route to
Duration: Special the caster, the hand disappears; the subject will
Casting Time: 4 have to rely on his own devices to locate the
Area of Effect: 1 creature caster.
Saving Throw: None If there is more than one subject within a 5-mile
radius that meets the caster's description, the
A beam of light streaks from the caster's finger hand locates the closest creature. If that creature
and slams into the target’s forehead, instantly refuses to follow the hand, the hand will not seek
causing the brain to overheat as if struck by out a second subject.
sunstroke or a fever. This causes momentay The ghostly hand has no physical form. The hand
confusion and delirium, and until the target is can be seen only by the caster and potential
healed, all attack rolls and saving throws are targets. It cannot engage in combat or execute
made at -2. any other task aside from locating the subject and
Cooling the victim dispels heat exhaustion, leading him back to the caster. The hand will not
pouring a canteen of water or cool liquid over the pass through solid objects, but can pass through
target's head is also effective. Dispel magic, Cure small cracks and slits.
light wounds, and other healing spells also arrest The material component is a black silk glove.
this condition. Material component: sunlight.

HELPING HAND (Necromancy)
Level: 3°
Level: 3° Manual: S&M
Manual: ToM Sphere: Healing
Sphere: Travelers Range: Touch
Range: Special Components: V, S, M
Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day/level
Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 1
Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Creature touched
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None
This spell is an improved version of Slow poison,
When a priest is trapped or otherwise with a duration measured in days rather than
endangered, this spell can summon help. The hours. When cast upon a victim who has been
spell creates a hovering, ghostly image of a hand poisoned by any means, Hold poison arrests the
about one foot high. The caster can command it venom and prevents it from doing any additional
to locate a character or creature of the caster's damage to the victim. (In most cases, the spell
choice based on a physical description. The must be cast during the poison's onset time in
caster can specify race, sex, and appearance, but order to be effective.) Damage that has already
not ambiguous factors such as level, alignment, been inflicted is not restored, but as long as the
or class. Hold poison is in effect, the victim can be cured
After the hand receives its orders, it begins to or healed of damage caused by poison by any
search for the indicated creature, flying at a normal means.

Livello 3° 65 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

This spell can be used to indefinitely postpone cooperative magic spell. The potency of this
the onset of a poison if the caster chooses to spell can be increased if several priests cast it at
continue to cast it on the poisoned character the same time. The duration of the spell is then
before the previous Hold poison wears off. equal to one turn per level of the most powerful
However, each time a new Hold poison is used to priest, plus one turn for every contributing priest.
stop the venom's advance for another few days, Each priest also increases the area of effect by
there is a 2% cumulative chance that the spell one 10' x 10' square (these areas must be
fails and the poison runs its course. Evil priests contiguous). Thus, a 9th-level priest and two 5th-
have been known to deliberately poison a person level priests could create a 30'x 10' Invisibility
and then use this spell to grant the victim a stay– purge area having a duration of 11 turns.
of death for a few days This can be an extremely
effective threat if the victim doesn't have access
to a Neutralize poison spell. INVOCARE IL FULMINE
The material component is the priest's holy (Alterazione)
symbol and a bud of garlic, crushed and smeared
on the injury (or eaten if the poison was Livello: 3°
ingested). Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: tempo atmosferico
Raggio d’azione: 0
(Abjuration) Durata: 1 turno per livello
Tempo di lancio: 1 turno
Level: 3° Area d’effetto: raggio di 108 m
Manual: ToM Tiro Salvezza: 1/2
Sphere: Wards
Range: 30 yards L’incantesimo permette di far arrivare un
Components: V, S, M fulmine. Perché questo avvenga, nei paraggi
Duration: 1 turn/level dov’esserci una perturbazione di qualche genere
Casting Time: 1 turn (temporale, tempo caldo e nuvoloso o addirittura
Area of Effect: 10-foot square/priest un tornado, compreso quello formato da un djinn
Saving Throw: None o un elementale dell’aria da 7 o più D.V.). È
possibile far scendere un fulmine per turno; non
All invisible creatures who enter an area è necessario farlo subito (si può anche fare altro,
enchanted with Invisibility purge instantly come ad esempio lanciare incantesimi). Ogni
become visible. Invisibility -related spells do not volta che invoca il lampo, il sacerdote deve stare
take effect within the boundaries of the fermo e concentrarsi per un turno intero. La
enchanted area, and magical devices such as magia dura un turno per ogni livello del
Potions of invisibility do not function. Creatures sacerdote ed ogni saetta causa 2d8 ferite da
with the natural ability to become invisible are scossa elettrica, più altre ld8 ferite per ogni
unable to use this ability within the area of effect. livello dell’evocatore: un sacerdote del 4° livello
Invisible objects carried into the warded area lancerebbe un fulmine da 6d8 ferite (2d8 + 4d8).
also become visible. Il lampo scende in verticale e colpisce dove
Invisible creatures or persons within the area of vuole il sacerdote, fino a 360 m di distanza. Ogni
effect when Invisibility purge is cast remain creatura nel raggio di 3 m dal punto il cui si
invisible; however, if such creatures exit the area scarica la saetta subisce tutto il danno, a meno
of effect and later re-enter, they instantly become che non riesca a dimezzarlo superando un T.S.
visible. Such creatures also lose any natural contro incantesimi.
ability to turn invisible as long as they remain La magia riesce solo all’aperto, perché necessita
within the area of effect. di un temporale in corso; non funziona sotto terra
A creature who consumes a Potion of invisibility né sott’acqua.
outside the warded area becomes invisible
normally, but becomes visible when he enters the
area of effect; if the duration of the Potion of KNOW CUSTOMS
invisibility has not yet expired when he exits the (Divination)
area of effect, he becomes invisible again outside
the area. Level: 3°
Creatures who are invisible in their natural state Manual: ToM
or have no visible form (such as invisible Sphere: Travelers
stalkers) are not affected by this spell. Range: Special
The material components are the priest's holy Components: V, S
symbol and a silver mirror no more than three Duration: Special
inches in diameter. Casting Time: 3
The Invisibility purge can be cast as a Area of Effect: The caster

Livello 3° 66 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

Saving Throw: Neg. and indistinct.

The field causes 1d3 points of damage to all
This spell allows a caster to gain general creatures passing through it; evil creatures and
knowledge of the customs, laws, and social undead suffer 1d8 points of damage from the
etiquette of a tribe or village. The caster must be field. Creatures that roll a successful saving
within 30 yards of a member of the tribe or throw suffer no damage. Creatures that can fly
village for the spell to have effect. The selected over the field, burrow under it, or Teleport to the
villager must possess the knowledge sought by other side are immune to damage.
the caster; for instance, he cannot be an infant, If the spell is cast in its portable form, the priests
nor can he be mentally unstable or dead can move at half their movement rates (limited to
(although he can be asleep or unconscious). the rate of the slower priest). The priests can take
The selected villager is allowed a saving throw; no other action, since all their energy is spent in
if he succeeds, the spell fails. walking and maintaining the field.
If the saving throw fails, the caster gains a Once created, the field cannot be increased or
general knowledge of the villager's local laws decreased in length and must remain straight.
and customs, including those that apply to The priests could maneuver by pivoting, but
relevant tribal or clan types (such as customs could not walk toward each other or bend the
observed by all giants). Typical information field around a corner. If the line of sight between
revealed by Know customs includes common the two priests is blocked by any object of
courtesies (outsiders must avert their eyes when greater than 5' diameter, the spell immediately
addressing local officials), local restrictions (no fails. Thus, creatures, low walls, young trees,
animals or unaccompanied elves within the city pillars, and similar objects will not disrupt the
limits), important festivals, and common spell.
passwords that are known by the majority of As a cooperative spell, several priests can link
citizens (such as a phrase necessary to pass the together to create a longer field. Each priest (or
guards at the main gate). Additionally, the spell sigil) forms the end of one field and the
gives the caster a +1 reaction adjustment to beginning of another, much like fenceposts. Each
encounters with members of the relevant tribe or section of the spell must extend in a straight line,
village. but the field can be bent at each junction. Four
Knowing the local laws and customs does not priests could form a long line, a square, or a Z
guarantee that the caster will conduct himself pattern. The restrictions on moving the fields
properly. Know customs is to be used as a guide; apply as outlined above. The DM may apply
the DM is free to adjust the quality of movement penalties depending on the
information provided by a villager. complexity of the pattern.
The material components are the priests' croziers,
staves, or religious standards, held aloft by each
(Abjuration) The reverse of this spell, LINE OF
DESTRUCTION, causes 1d3 damage to all
Level: 3° creatures passing through it. It causes 1d8
Manual: ToM damage to paladins and creatures of good
Sphere: Protection alignment who pass through it. Creatures that roll
Range: 0 a successful saving throw suffer no damage.
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 30-yard line
Saving Throw: Neg.

This cooperative spell requires at least two

priests to cast the spell simultaneously. During
the casting, the priests determine whether the line
will be stationary or portable.
If the spell is stationary, each priest must inscribe
a magical sigil on parallel facing surfaces, such
as facing walls of a gatehouse or two tree trunks.
If the spell is portable, the priests must stand at
each end of the line, thereby anchoring it.
After the spell is cast, a shimmering field of
force appears between the two anchors (the sigils
or priests). The field is 10 feet high and sparkles
with energy. Objects on the opposite side of the
translucent field, while recognizable, are hazy

Livello 3° 67 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

LOCALIZZAZIONE DI UN OGGETTO ® Se l’incantesimo è lanciato direttamente sugli

(Divinazione) organi della vista della creatura, può accecarla.
Quando viene lanciato ad un aggettino che poi si
Livello: 3° mette in un contenitore ermetico ai raggi
Manuale: PH italiano luminosi, i suoi effetti vengono sospesi finché
Sfera: divinazione non si toglie questa copertura.
Raggio d’azione: 60 m + 10 m per livello Qualora la Luce perenne entri in un’area di
Componenti: V, S, M tenebre magiche (o viceversa), viene annullata
Durata: 8 ore temporaneamente: nella zona in cui le aree
Tempo di lancio: 1 turno d’effetto si sovrappongono ci saranno condizioni
Area d’effetto: 1 oggetto di normale luminosità.
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno Se la Luce perenne è lanciata direttamente contro
un effetto di Tenebre di pari potenza o inferiore,
L’incantesimo aiuta a ritrovare un oggetto noto o lo annulla.
familiare. Il sacerdote lo lancia, si gira e sente se L’incantesimo consuma il materiale su cui viene
la direzione in cui è rivolto è quella in cui si esercitato, ma questi effetti non sono visibili nel
trova l’oggetto, sempre che questo rientri nel breve periodo. I materiali più resistenti e costosi
raggio d’azione (90 m per i sacerdoti del 3° possono durare secoli o millenni.
livello, 100m per quelli del 4°, 110m per quelli La forma inversa, TENEBRE PERENNI, causa
del 5° ecc.). Si possono anche individuare capi la completa assenza di luce (buio pesto); è come
d’abbigliamento, gioielli, mobili, attrezzi, armi e l’incantesimo Tenebre, ma interessa un’area più
addirittura scale o scalinate. Se si cerca un ampia e dura più a lungo.
oggetto particolare, come un gioiello o una
corona, bisogna averne un’idea ben precisa: se Nota: la durata dell’incantesimo è lunga, ma non
l’immagine che si ha in mente non corrisponde eterna; visto che la magia consuma l’oggetto su
alla realtà, l’incantesimo non funziona. Gli cui è lanciata, essa durerà variabilmente in modi
oggetti unici non si possono reperire, a meno che diversi: in aria = 1 giorno; in un liquido = 10
il sacerdote non li conosca bene. Il piombo giorni; su un oggetto inanimato o vegetale = 30
blocca l’azione della magia. giorni; su una creatura animale, mostro o umano
Componente materiale è un pezzo di magnetite. = 60 giorni.
La forma inversa, NASCONDERE UN
OGGETTO, permette di occultare una cosa per
otto ore, rendendola invisibile anche alla sfera di LUCE STELLARE
cristallo, agli incantesimi eccetera; è necessario (Evocazione, Illusione/Visione)
che il sacerdote tocchi l’oggetto da occultare.
Nessuna delle due versioni si può fare con gli Livello: 3°
esseri viventi. Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: sole
Raggio d’azione: 10 m per livello
LUCE PERENNE ® Componenti: V, S, M
(Alterazione) Durata: 1 turno per livello
Tempo di lancio: 6
Livello: 3° Area d’effetto: quadrato con lato di 3 m per
Manuale: PH italiano livello
Sfera: sole Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
Raggio d’azione: 120 m
Componenti: V, S Il sacerdote illumina debolmente un’area, come
Durata: permanente se fosse esposta al chiaro di luna o alla luce delle
Tempo di lancio: 6 stelle. A prescindere dalla quota alla quale viene
Area d’effetto: sfera con raggio di 18 m fatto l’incantesimo, la zona sotto il cielo si
Tiro Salvezza: speciale rischiara come in una notte di plenilunio e le
condizioni di visibilità sono appunto quelle
È come l’incantesimo Luce, ma illumina a giorno previste in questi casi: si vede l’obiettivo in
e dura finché non viene annullato da Tenebre movimento fino a 100 m di distanza (50 se è
magiche o da Dissolvi magie. Se si trovano fermo) ed è possibile identificarlo a 30 m o
nell’area d’effetto delle creature che soffrono la riconoscerlo con sicurezza a 10. L’incantesimo
luce, ne saranno danneggiate. Come la Luce, si crea delle ombre e non ha conseguenze
può lanciare nell’aria, su oggetti o su creature; in sull’infravisione. L’area d’effetto appare come un
quest’ultimo caso, se la creatura azzecca il T.S. cielo stellato, ma se qualcuno non crede ai suoi
contro incantesimi, interessa l’area che si trova a occhi può arrivare a capire che in realtà si tratta
circa 30 cm alle sue spalle (se la vittima lo di luci evocate dal sacerdote. La magia non
sbaglia, resta al centro della luce, che si muove funziona sull’acqua.
con lei).

Livello 3° 68 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

Componenti materiali: gambi di amarillide e creatures.

qualche bacca di agrifoglio. The subject receives a saving throw when the
priest casts the spell (this saving throw is allowed
even if the subject is asleep or otherwise unaware
MAGMA JET of the attempt). In addition, if the memory that
(Invocation/Conjuration) the priest wants to view concerns something the
subject wants to keep secret, or is something that
Level: 3° the subject is trying to suppress, the subject
Manual: PD receives a +5 bonus to the saving throw. If the
Sphere: Elemental (fire), memory the priest wishes to view is more than
Summoning six months old, the subject receives a second
Range: 2yards per level saving throw, with bonuses depending on the age
Components: V, S of the memory as follows:
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature Age of memory Bonus
Saving Throw: None
6-12 months 0
A priest casts this spell by simply pointing his
1 to 4 years +1
finger at a target and screaming the praises of the
5 years or more +3
elemental lords. A gout of sticky, molten rock
will gush and cover the victim in fiery goo. This
If the subject succeeds either of these saving
causes 2d6 points of damage the first round and
throws, the spell fails.
ld6 points every round thereafter until the
This spell creates a mental drain on the priest,
magma is either cooled or removed, up to a
causing him to temporarily lose 1-3 points of
period of 10 additional rounds. A body of water
Constitution. These can be regained only after
will cool magma in 2 rounds; a canteen will not,
eight hours of rest. The spell cannot be cast again
but it will halt damage for one round. Ice spells
until the priest's constitution is restored.
or Resist fire are the most effective forms of
The material component is a small piece of linen
cloth with threads of gold interspersed
A victim can drop and roll, extinguishing the
throughout its weave. This is consumed during
magical flame in 1-4 rounds. If he rolls in loose
the casting.
sand or wet earth, the magma is expunged in 1-2
Level: 3°
Manual: ToM
Level: 3°
Sphere: Chaos
Manual: ToM
Range: 40 yards+10 yards/level
Sphere: Thought
Components: V, S
Range: 5 yards
Duration: Special
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 2
Duration: 1 round/level
Area of Effect: One creature
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
Miscast magic can be cast only on a wizard. It
causes the next spell cast by the affected wizard
This spell allows the priest to read the memory
to be chosen randomly from his memorized
of a single subject. The priest experiences the
spells of the same or lower level. Thus, if a
memory with the same intensity as the subject.
wizard affected by Miscast magic had four 1st-
The time required to view a memory is one-
level spells memorized (Armor, Feather fall,
fiftieth of the time that the actual event lasted.
Jump, and Sleep) and he attempted to cast the
Thus, a priest can view the memory of an event
sleep spell, the DM would determine the
that lasted for one hour in a little more than one
resulting spell randomly from the wizard's four
round. The subject experiences the memory at
memorized spells. The wizard has only a 25%
the same time the caster reads it.
chance of casting the Sleep spell.
The subject must have an Intelligence score of 5
Only spells currently memorized are eligible to
or more and must remain within range of the
be exchanged with the desired spell. If a wizard
priest throughout the time it takes to read the
had only one spell memorized, the Miscast
desired memory. Priests can cast this spell on
magic would have no effect and the wizard's
unconscious, sleeping, held, or paralyzed

Livello 3° 69 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

spell would be cast normally. MOMENT READING

The miscast spell operates normally. If a wizard (Divination)
tried to Levitate a companion but a Web spell
resulted, the companion would be trapped by the Level: 3°
webs and subject to all resulting effects. If the Manual: ToM
target of the spell were in range of the Levitate Sphere: Numbers
spell but not in range of the Web, the spell would Range: 0
be lost in a fizzle of energy and the Web spell Components: V, S, M
would be wiped from the caster's memory. Duration: Instantaneous
The wizard who casts the spell performs the Casting Time: 1 round
proper verbal and somatic components of the Area of Effect: Special
spell he wishes to cast; he does not discover the Saving Throw: None
altered results until the wrong spell takes effect.
The wizard will also discover that the material This spell allows the priest to determine the
component for the resulting spell has vanished “tenor of the now” – in other words, to learn the
(in addition to the material component for the “force” that is most dominant at the time. To cast
desired spell). the spell, the priest generates a series of random
Wizards who are targets of Miscast magic are numbers and then studies the pattern contained in
allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the that string of numbers. This pattern contains
effect. information about current conditions.
In game terms, when this spell is cast, the DM
communicates to the priest's player a single word
MODELLARE LA PIETRA or short phrase (no more than five words)
(Alterazione) describing the “tone” of the situation. Examples
of suitable “tones” are “imminent danger” (the
Livello: 3° DM knows a dragon is approaching the area);
Manuale: PH italiano “peace and tranquility” (the woods in which the
Sfera: elementale (terra) PCS camp may look threatening, but the area is
Raggio d’azione: tocco actually free of evil influence); or “betrayal”
Componenti: V, S, M (one of the PCS' hirelings is actually a spy of
Durata: permanente their enemy). The DM can make this comment
Tempo di lancio: 1 round cryptic, but it should always be accurate and
Area d’effetto: cubo con spigolo di 90 cm contain some useful information.
+ 30 cm per livello This spell has no specified area of effect. The
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno result of Moment reading will always concern
the priest and anyone else in his immediate
Il sacerdote è in grado di dare ad un masso la vicinity, but the definition of “vicinity” will vary
forma voluta: può fare un’arma di pietra, una depending on the circumstances. For example,
speciale botola o un idolo. Potrebbe anche the tenor of the moment might be “severe
modificare la forma di una porta di pietra che lo danger” if the priest is entering the territory of a
tiene prigioniero, purché il volume rientri dragon who attacks interlopers on sight.
nell’area d’effetto. Con questo sistema si The tenor of the moment is always personally
possono creare portali e forzieri di pietra, che applicable to the priest. For example, even if the
non sono mai finemente lavorati. Se la priest is in a nation dangerously close to war
costruzione comporta anche piccole parti mobili, with its neighbor, this condition will not appear
esiste una probabilità del 30% che non in the tenor of the moment unless the priest is
funzionino. personally involved (if he's currently in the direct
Componente materiale: plastilina, per fare il path of an invading army, for instance).
modello rozzo di quello che si vorrà ottenere. Il One casting of this spell tends to “taint”
modellino dovrà stare a contatto con la pietra da subsequent castings of the same spell unless they
plasmare al momento del lancio are separated by a minimum length of time. If a
dell’incantesimo. priest casts this spell twice within 12 hours, the
second reading gives the same result as the first,
regardless of the actual situation. If a second
priest casts the spell within 12 hours of another
priest's use of the spell, he receives an accurate
The material component is a set of 36 small disks
made of polished bone engraved with runes that
represent numbers. These disks are not consumed
in the casting.

Livello 3° 70 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

MORTE APPARENTE If the oil isn't ignited, it will remain until

(Negromanzia) removed by no less than 3 turns of scrubbing or
Livello: 3°
Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: negromanzia PARAMENTI MAGICI
Raggio d’azione: tocco (Incantamento)
Componenti: V
Durata: 1 turno + 1 round per livello Livello: 3°
Tempo di lancio: 1/2 Manuale: PH italiano
Area d’effetto: la persona toccata Sfera: protezione
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno Raggio d’azione: tocco
Componenti: V, S, M
Con questo incantesimo, il sacerdote o qualsiasi Durata: 5 round per livello
altra persona consenziente può sprofondare in Tempo di lancio: 1 round
uno stato di catalessi che è impossibile Area d’effetto: il sacerdote
distinguere dalla morte. Chi è sotto l’influsso di Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
questa magia mantiene l’olfatto e l’udito, ma non
può vedere né avere altre percezioni. Se il suo I paramenti sacerdotali vengono impregnati di
corpo viene maltrattato, ad esempio, non se ne magia ed offrono una protezione equivalente a
accorge e subisce solo la metà delle ferite. La quella che può dare una corazza di maglia di
paralisi, il veleno o il risucchio di energia non le ferro (C.A. 5). Dopo il 5° livello, i paramenti
fanno alcun effetto. Se il veleno è iniettato, agirà migliorano la C.A. di un punto ogni tre livelli,
solo dopo che l’incantesimo è scaduto; la vittima fino ad arrivare a C.A. 1, al 17° livello. La magia
dovrà effettuare il T.S.. La magia non protegge dura 5 round per ogni livello del sacerdote, o fino
da eventi che causano morte certa (frane a quando egli non perde coscienza. Se i
eccetera). Si può fare questo incantesimo solo su paramenti vengono indossati insieme ad altri tipi
di un individuo consenziente. La magia termina di armature, vale solo la C.A. migliore (quella
se lo ordina il sacerdote, ma deve passare un dell’armatura o quella dei paramenti): la
intero round prima che le funzioni corporee protezione non è cumulativa con le altre.
possano riprendere il loro corso. Componenti materiali: i paramenti ed il simbolo
Nota che, a differenza dell’incantesimo omonimo sacro (non si devono rinnovare ogni volta).
degli esperti di magia, questa versione funziona
solo con gli esseri umani, di qualsiasi livello.
(Evocation/Conjuration) Livello: 3°
Manuale: PH italiano
Level: 3° Sfera: divinazione
Manual: PD Raggio d’azione: 1
Sphere: Elemental (fire), Componenti: V, S, M
Summoning Durata: speciale
Range: 10 yards Tempo di lancio: 1 turno
Components: V, S Area d’effetto: una creatura
Duration: Special Tiro Salvezza: speciale
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 15 foot radius Il sacerdote è in grado per un certo periodo di
Saving Throw: None tempo di fare domande ad una creatura defunta,
che gli risponderà come può. Naturalmente, il
When a cleric casts this spell over rough earth or sacerdote deve poter comunicare con quella
sand, fountains of flammable oil spout up from creatura, cioè parlare la lingua che questa
the ground, covering everything within a 15 foot conosceva in vita. È importante sapere da quanto
radius. tempo la creatura è morta: solo i sacerdoti di più
The oil itself isn't particularly dangerous, though alto livello sanno parlare con chi è sepolto da
it will cause the victim's attacks and saves to tanto. Il numero di domande e la durata
suffer by -2. The real danger occurs if the target dell’interrogatorio dipendono dal livello del
is ignited. Burning oil causes 2d6 points of sacerdote.
damage in the first round, and ld6 in the second. Anche se l’incantesimo riesce, le creature
The victim should also check his equipment each saranno il più possibile evasive nelle loro
round to make sure that it doesn't ignite. The oil risposte, che tenderanno ad essere molto concise
burns off by the third round, and attack and e limitate, spesso criptiche, ed interpreteranno la
saving throw penalties are ignored. domanda nel modo più letterale. Inoltre, spesso

Livello 3° 71 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

la loro conoscenza è limitata a quel che sapevano Livello: 3°

da vive. Manuale: PH italiano
Una creatura di allineamento diverso da quello Sfera: elementale (fuoco)
del sacerdote o superiore a lui per livello (D.V.) Raggio d’azione: 160 m
ha diritto al T.S. contro incantesimi. Se lo supera, Componenti: V, S, M
può rifiutarsi di rispondere e far finire Durata: speciale
l’incantesimo. Il DM può stabilire che un certo Tempo di lancio: 6
tipo di creatura possa essere interpellato solo una Area d’effetto: 10 o 100 volte un fuoco
volta alla settimana. Tiro Salvezza: speciale
Il sacerdote ha bisogno soltanto del simbolo
sacro e dell’incenso acceso per poter fare L’incantesimo attinge ad un fuoco già esistente
l’incantesimo sulle spoglie o su una parte di esse, per produrre due effetti, a scelta del sacerdote.
che non vanno rinnovate ogni volta. La magia In primo luogo, un’esplosione di fuochi
non funziona sott’acqua. d’artificio colorati della durata di un round, che
acceca le creature nel raggio di 120 m e con una
Liv. sacerdote Durata Anni dalla morte visuale sgombra fino al punto dell’esplosione.
Chi vede i fuochi resta accecato per ld4+1 round,
Fino al 7 ° 1 round 1 settimana a meno che non superi un T.S. contro
Dal 7° all’8° 3 round 1 mese incantesimi. I fuochi riempiono un volume dieci
Dal 9° al 12° 1 turno 1 anno volte maggiore rispetto al fuoco originario.
Dal 13° al 15° 2 turni 10 anni Secondariamente, si può anche avere una spessa
Dal 16° al 20° 3 turni 100 anni colonna di fumo che nasce dal fuoco iniziale e
21° e più 1 ora 1.000 anni forma una nube soffocante, che dura un round
per livello di esperienza del sacerdote. Il fumo
Liv. sacerdote Numero di domande occupa un volume grosso modo sferico, pari a
100 volte quello del fuoco originario, che va dal
Fino al 7° 2 pavimento (o da terra) alla volta e riduce la
Dal 7° all’8° 3 visibilità a mezzo metro.
Dal 9° al 12° 4 L’incantesimo usa un fuoco entro l’area d’effetto,
Dal 13° al 15° 5 che si spegne subito; se è molto grande, si
Dal 16° al 20° 6 estingue solo in parte. I fuochi magici non
21° e più 7 vengono spenti, ma se si adopera una creatura
del fuoco (un elementale, ad esempio) questa
subisce ld4 ferite più una per ogni livello del
PASS WITHOUT TRACE, 10' RADIUS sacerdote. La magia non funziona sott’acqua.


Manual: DH (Alteration)
Sphere: Plant
Range: 0 Level: 3°
Components: V, S, M Manual: RAN
Duration: 1 turn/level of caster Sphere: Plant
Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch
Area of Effect: Radius 10’ around caster Components: V, S, M
Saving Throw: None Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 6
Identical in function to Pass wzthout trace, Pass Area of Effect: One plant
wilhout trace, 10' radius affects everyone within Saving Throw: None
10 feet of the caster. The effect moves with the
caster, so creatures must stay within 10 feet of This spell enables a ranger to transform any
the caster to continue to avoid leaving tracks. A single plant, including a fungus or mold, into any
creature who leaves the area of effect can then be other type of plant of the ranger's choice. The
tracked normally. Creatures moving into the area change is permanent. The changed plant has the
of effect after casting are unaffected. physical appearance of its new form, but not all
The material component is a sprig of pine burned of the associated properties. If edible, the new
to ash. Upon casting the spell, the character form tastes as bland as cotton. If normally used
scatters the powder in a circle. as a spell component, the new form has only a
50% chance of actually functioning as a
component. If normally used for medical
PIROTECNICA purposes (such as for a healing salve or poison
(Alterazione) antidote), the new form has only a 50% chance
of having any beneficial properties.

Livello 3° 72 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

Only living plants can be polymorphed; the spell PROTEZIONE DAL FUOCO
won't work on a fallen leaf, a nut, or a picked (Scongiurazione)
fruit. The size of the plant is not relevant; a blade
of grass may be polymorphed into a towering Livello: 3°
oak tree and vice versa. The new form doesn't Manuale: PH italiano
have to be indigenous to the environment; an Sfera: protezione, elementale
evergreen tree on a frigid mountain may be (fuoco)
polymorphed into a cactus (although it may not Raggio d’azione: tocco
thrive for long). Componenti: V, S, M
Neither the original vegetation nor its Durata: speciale
polymorphed form can be an intelligent plant or Tempo di lancio: 6
a plant-like creature. Nor are unnatural plant Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata
forms allowed; a mushroom may be transformed Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
into a normal-sized cornstalk, but not a 50-foot
tall cornstalk or a stalk that produces apples L’effetto dell’incantesimo varia a seconda di chi
instead of corn. riceve la magia, che può
The material component for this spell is any essere il sacerdote oppure
seed. qualcun altro. In entrambi i
casi, non dura più di un
turno per livello del
PREGHIERA sacerdote.
(Convocazione/Attrazione) Se la protezione viene conferita al sacerdote,
questi diventa completamente invulnerabile
Livello: 3° rispetto ai fuochi normali (torce, falò, eccetera) e
Manuale: PH italiano può assorbire 12 danni da fuoco magico per ogni
Sfera: combattimento suo livello (Mani brucianti, Palla di fuoco, Semi
Raggio d’azione: 0 di fuoco, Tempesta di fuoco, Lingua di fuoco,
Componenti: V, S, M Sciame di meteore, il soffio del segugio infernale
Durata: 1 round per livello o dell’idra del fuoco, eccetera).
Tempo di lancio: 6 Se la magia viene fatta su di un altro soggetto,
Area d’effetto: raggio di 18 m questo acquisisce totale immunità al fuoco di
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno tipo normale e, per quanto riguarda quello
magico, ha un +4 sul T.S. e dimezza le ferite
Il sacerdote invoca fortuna per sé ed i suoi amici ricevute.
e sventura per gli avversari. Sono interessati i Componente materiale: simbolo sacro.
presenti entro l’area alla fine del lancio
dell’incantesimo: tutti i compagni del sacerdote
acquisiscono un bonus di +1 su TxC e per le PROTEZIONE DAL PIANO NEGATIVO
ferite e sui T.S., mentre i nemici hanno penalità (Scongiurazione)
di -1. Dopo aver portato a termine l’incantesimo,
il sacerdote può fare altro, non come con Litania Livello: 3°
in cui deve continuare a salmodiare. Se, però, c’è Manuale: PH italiano
un altro sacerdote della sua stessa fede (non basta Sfera: protezione, negromanzia
l’allineamento) che prosegue la litania, gli effetti Raggio d’azione: tocco
si combinano e, se le magie agiscono Componenti: V, S
simultaneamente, si ottengono +2 e -2. Durata: speciale
Componente materiale: simbolo sacro, rosario o Tempo di lancio: 1 round
qualche oggetto analogo. Area d’effetto: una creatura
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

L’incantesimo protegge in parte il sacerdote o la

creatura da lui toccata dai mostri non morti
collegati al piano Materiale Negativo (come
ombre, wight, wraith, spettri, vampiri), oltre che
da armi e magie che effettuino il risucchio di
energia. Viene aperto un canale che porta al
Materiale Positivo e scarica l’energia malefica.
Una creatura protetta colpita da magie di questo
tipo può effettuare un T.S. contro la morte: se
riesce, la magia negativa sparisce con un lampo
ed uno schiocco.
La creatura subisce solo la metà dei danni
derivanti dall’attacco ed è

Livello 3° 73 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

immune al risucchio di Severed limbs, destroyed eyes or ears, and ability

energia o di Forza; non score losses caused by injuries cannot be healed
importa il numero dei livelli by this spell. Repair injury is the equivalent of
che la magia negativa le Cure moderate wounds for the purpose of
avrebbe tolto. Se l’attacco slowing or stopping bleeding.
proviene da un non morto,
questi subisce 2d6 ferite per Nota: se usato per curare le ferite funziona nello
il contatto con l’energia stesso modo del Cure moderate wounds (vedi
positiva; se si tratta di un sopra).
esperto di magia o di
un’arma, non vengono
La protezione vale solo per un attacco di questo (Alterazione)
genere; poi svanisce, a prescindere dall’esito del
T.S.. Se fallisce il T.S., il beneficiario subisce, Livello: 3°
oltre al risucchio di energia o di Forza, il doppio Manuale: PH italiano
delle normali ferite. La protezione dura un turno Sfera: elementale (aria)
per ogni livello del sacerdote, o fino al momento Raggio d’azione: tocco
in cui la creatura protetta viene colpita con Componenti: V, S
l’energia negativa. L’incantesimo non si può fare Durata: un’ora per livello
sul piano Materiale Negativo. Tempo di lancio: 6
Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
(Necromancy) Chi riceve questo incantesimo può respirare
sott’acqua per il tempo indicato, cioè un’ora per
Level: 3° ogni livello del sacerdote. Si può conferire questa
Manual: S&M proprietà a più di una creatura per volta; in tal
Sphere: Healing caso, la durata si divide per il numero dei
Range: Touch soggetti (un sacerdote dell’8° livello può
Duration: Instantaneous attribuirla a due creature per quattro ore, ad otto
Area of Effect: Creature touched per un’ora ecc.), fino ad un minimo di mezz’ora
Components: V, S a testa.
Casting Time: 1 turn La forma inversa, RESPIRARE ARIA,
Saving Throw: None consente alle creature dotate di branchie di
sopravvivere inspirando aria per un ugual
Repoir injury is intended for use in campaigns periodo di tempo. Nessuna delle due versioni
featuring the critical hit or critical strike rules. impedisce di respirare nel proprio ambiente
This spell addresses one specific injury or wound naturale.
(see Chapter 8 of Player’s Option: Spells &
Magic). It can be used to knit a broken bone,
alleviate the swelling and pain of a sprain or a RANDOM CAUSALITY
twist, or repair soft–tissue damage such as an (Alteration)
injured eye, ear, or a severed tendon. If used as a
simple curing spell, Repair injury restores Level: 3°
1d10+1 hit points to the injured character, but if Manual: ToM
used to address the effects of a specific injury, Sphere: Chaos
Repair injury automatically removes one grazed, Range: 10 yards
struck, injured, or broken condition, and Components: V, S, M
alleviates any combat, movement, or maximum Duration: Special
hit point penalties associated with the injury in Casting Time: 3 rounds+1 round/level
question. The spell does not restore any lost hit Area of Effect: One weapon
points to the victim, other than the 1d10+1 that Saving Throw: Neg.
are incidental to the working of the spell.
Repair injury is also helpful in dealing with This spell creates a rift in the nature of cause and
wounds that fall in the crushed, shattered, or effect. The spell is cast upon an opponent's
destroyed category. This spell reduces the weapon. When the weapon is used, it hits and
severity of the injury to the broken level, which causes damage normally, but the damage is not
means it heals as if it were 20d6 lost hit points. applied to the creature struck by the weapon.
Only one Repair injury can be used on any given Instead, the person wielding the weapon or one
wound, so a character with a shattered knee of his companions suffers the damage. If the
could still require a lot of time to recover after an weapon misses its target on any round, no
application of this spell. damage is caused in that round.

Livello 3° 74 Livello 3°
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Using a die roll, the DM randomly determines The spell expires when the creature accomplishes
the victim of the damage. The DM selects a die his goal (i.e., the kobold is killed or the lock is
with a value nearest the number of eligible opened) or when the duration of the spell has
creatures (the wielder of the weapon and his ended.
companions). If the number of creatures does not
equate to highest value of a die, the wielder of
the enchanted weapon takes the extra chances to SAND SPRAY
be hit. For example, if a goblin wields a sword (Evocation/Summoning)
affected by this spell, he and his six companions
are eligible to receive the damage. The DM rolls Level: 3°
1d8. On a roll of 1-6, one of the goblin's Manual: PD
companions suffers the damage; on a roll of 7 or Sphere: Elemental (earth),
8, the goblin with the affected weapon suffers the Summoning
damage. Range: 0
The weapon is affected for 3 rounds+1 Components: V, S, M
round/level of the spell caster. If the wielder of Duration: Instantaneous
the weapon changes weapons while the spell is in Casting Time: 5
effect, the discarded weapon remains enchanted. Area of Effect: Cone 20 feet long x 10 feet
The material component is a bronze die. wide
Saving Throw: Special

RIGID THINKING This malicious evocation causes small glassy

(Enchantment/Charm) particles of sand or silt to spray into an
opponent’s eyes. The spell does not create the
Level: 3° tiny shards, so the caster must be on sand or silt
Manual: ToM for there to be any effect.
Sphere: Law Anything sprayed by the slivers must make a
Range: 60 yards saving throw vs. breath weapons. Failure
Components: V, S indicates that they are blinded for 1d6 rounds,
Duration: 1 round/level and lose 1d10 hit points.
Casting Time: 1 turn Material component: a shard of glass, mica,
Area of Effect: One creature quartz, or other transparent substance.
Saving Throw: Neg.

Rigid thinking can be cast only upon a creature SCACCIA MALEDIZIONI ®

with Intelligence of 3 or greater. The creature is (Scongiurazione)
allowed a saving throw to avoid the effects.
The creature affected by Rigid thinking is in Livello: 3°
capable of performing any action other than the Manuale: PH italiano
activity he is involved in when the spell takes Sfera: protezione
effect. The creature's mind simply cannot decide Raggio d’azione: tocco
on another course of action – it becomes frozen Componenti: V, S
into a single thought and cannot change even if Durata: permanente
new circumstances would suggest otherwise. Tempo di lancio: 6
Thus, a warrior fighting a kobold will ignore the Area d’effetto: speciale
arrival of a beholder, and a thief picking a lock Tiro Salvezza: speciale
will pay no heed to the arrival of three guards.
The affected creature does not mechanically Il sacerdote può, con questo incantesimo, togliere
repeat the action; he is not an automaton. He will una maledizione da un oggetto o da una persona,
not continue to fire his bow at a dragon if he runs o anche eliminare una presenza malvagia o
out of arrows, but will choose another means of indesiderata. La magia non ha alcun effetto su
attacking the dragon to the exclusion of all other scudi, armi o armature maledetti, benché
activities. permetta, ad esempio, ad un personaggio che
A spellcaster in the process of casting a spell indossa una corazza di questo genere di
when Rigid thinking takes effect will not attempt togliersela. Alcune maledizioni non sono
to repeat the spell (unless the spell has been eliminabili con questo incantesimo, oppure
memorized more than once). The spellcaster will, possono essere contrastate solo da esperti di
however, devote his attention to the target of that magia (sacerdoti) di un certo livello. Un esperto
spell until his goal is met (e.g., if the caster were di magia (sacerdote) del 12° livello o più può
attacking a creature, he would continue to direct servirsene per curare la licantropia, lanciandolo
attacks at that creature; if the caster were trying sulla forma animale, ma la creatura mannara può
to open a door, he would continue to work on the effettuare un T.S. contro incantesimi e, se questo
door until it opens). riesce, bisogna ritentare al prossimo livello.

Livello 3° 75 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

La forma inversa non è permanente: SLOW ROT

turno per ogni livello del sacerdote che lancia
l’incantesimo e causa uno dei seguenti effetti Level: 3°
(tirare 1d100): la metà delle volte riduce a 3 Manual: ToM
un’abilità della vittima (scelta a caso dal DM); Sphere: Plant
nel 25% dei casi peggiora di -4 i T.S. e i TxC del Range: Touch
personaggio, e nel restante 25% c’è una Components: V, S, M
probabilità del 50% ad ogni round che il Duration: 1 week/level
personaggio lasci cadere quel che ha in mano (se Casting Time: 1 round
non ha in mano niente, la maledizione non Area of Effect: Special
funziona). Saving Throw: None
Il sacerdote può ideare la propria personale
maledizione, che dovrebbe essere del tipo di This spell increases the amount of time that
quelle indicate (l’ultima parola spetta sempre al fruits, vegetables, and grains remain wholesome
DM). Perché la maledizione faccia effetto, è and ripe. The spell will not take effect upon meat
necessario toccare la vittima, che ha diritto al of any kind.
T.S.(se lo supera, si salva). La maledizione The caster can affect as much as 100 cubic feet
inflitta non si toglie con il Dissolvi magie. of plant material per level. Thus, even a low level
priest could effectively keep a farmer's grain
from rotting while in storage or keep the fruit on
SHAPE WOOD the trees in his orchard ripe until they are
(Alteration) harvested. This spell does not prevent pests (such
as rats) from eating the food.
Level: 3° The material component is a pinch of sugar.
Manual: DH
Sphere: Plant
Components: V, S, M (Evocation)
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 round Level: 3°
Area of Effect: 9 cubic feet +1 cubic Manual: ToM
foot/level Sphere: Wards
Saving Throw: None Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
By means of Shape wood, the caster can reform Duration: 1 hour/level
wood. For example, the character can cast it Casting Time: 3
upon any appropriate-sized piece of wood to Area of Effect: 10-foot square/level
fashion a wooden weapon, make a rough door, or Saving Throw: None
even create a crude figurine.
The spell also allows the caster to reshape an A surface affected by Squeaking floors squeaks
existing wooden door, perhaps to escape loudly when any creature larger than a normal rat
imprisonment. Again, the volume of the wooden (larger than one-half cubic foot or weighing more
object must be appropriate to the desired result than three pounds) steps on it or touches it. The
and fit in the area of effect. spell affects a square whose sides equal the
While a character might form a wooden coffer caster's level times 10 feet (a 9th-level priest
from a tree stump or a door from a wooden wall, could affect a square whose sides are 90 feet
the result does not bear highquality detail. If a long).
shaping has moving parts, there is a 30% chance The squeaks can be heard in a 100-foot radius,
they do not work. regardless of interposing barriers such as walls
The alteration endures permanently, at least until and doors. The squeaks occur regardless of the
the wood rots or is physically destroyed. The surface, whether wood, stone, dirt, or any other
caster blows the material component, a pinch of solid material. Listeners automatically know the
fine sawdust, over the wooden subject of the direction of the sounds.
spell. Characters who successfully move silently
reduce the radius of the noise to 50 feet. Those
able to Fly or otherwise avoid direct contact with
the affected surface will not activate the
Squeaking floor.
The material component is a rusty iron hinge that
squeaks when moved.

Livello 3° 76 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello


(Alteration) (Necromancy)

Level: 3° Level: 3°
Manual: ToM Manual: S&M
Sphere: Law Sphere: Summoning
Range: 10 yards Range: 10 yds. /level
Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level
Duration: 2d6 rounds Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: 3 Components: V, S, M
Area of Effect: One creature +1 creature/2 Casting Time: 6
levels Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None
This spell summons a minor spirit or entity to the
By casting this spell on a group of lawful caster's aid. Clerics usually summon minor
creatures, the priest imbues each creature with a elementals of some kind, while shamans
Strength bonus equal to that of the strongest typically conjure an animal spirit or spirit of
creature in the group. To be affected by the spell, nature. Regardless of the spirit's origin, it appears
all creatures must touch the hand of the priest at as a ghostly beast of some kind: wolves, bears,
the time of casting. Only human, demihuman, tigers, or lions are most common. The animal
and humanoid creatures of man-size or smaller spirit obeys the mental commands of the priest,
may be affected. The characters can be a mixed attacking his enemies or performing any other
group of Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good, or task that it could reasonably accomplish. The
Lawful Evil alignments. The spell will not take creature is incorporeal and cannot handle or
effect if any creature of Neutral or Chaotic manipulate objects of any kind, but it can see and
alignment is included in the group. hear as a normal animal of its archetype and
Prior to casting, one creature is designated the could be used to scout a dangerous area or act as
keystone. There may never be more than one a distraction of some kind.
keystone in a group, even if another creature has In combat, the animal spirit has the following
equal strength. statistics: MV 24; AC 4; THAC0 15; Dmg 2d4.
Upon completion of the spell, all affected It can only be injured by magical weapons and
characters gain a bonus to damage equal to the can strike monsters hit only by +1 or better
keystone's bonus to damage from Strength. Any weapons. The spirit has a number of hit points
magical bonuses belonging to the keystone are equal to 10 plus the caster's level, so a 6th–level
not added; only the keystone's natural strength is priest conjures a animal spirit with 16 hit points.
conferred on the group. The creature is not affected by Charm, Sleep,
This bonus supersedes any bonus a character Hold, or other mind–affecting spells and suffers
might normally receive. Thus, a warrior with 16 no damage from cold–based attacks. However, it
Strength (a +1 bonus to damage) who benefits is vulnerable to Dispel magic or turning as an
from this spell with a keystone who has Strength undead monster of the caster's Hit Dice. If the
18/07 (a damage bonus of +3) gains a total bonus animal spirit is turned, destroyed, or dispelled,
of +3 to damage (not +4 to damage). The the priest who summoned it must make a saving
keystone receives no bonus. throw vs. spell or be stunned for ld4 rounds.
Affected creatures gain no improvements to Because the spirit is intelligent and free–willed
THAC0, bend bars/lift gates, or other functions under the caster's direction, the priest need not
of Strength. concentrate in order to direct its attacks: an
The spell ends if the keystone is killed before the animal spirit could be ordered to attack a
duration expires. The bonus and duration are not spellcaster in the back of an enemy party, while
affected if a member of the group is killed within the cleric waded into hand–to–hand combat. The
the duration of the spell. animal spirit makes use of flank or rear attacks
when it can and gains any normal combat
bonuses that a living creature in its position
would be entitled to. The priest enjoys
instantaneous, silent communication with the
animal spirit and can order it to stop attacking, to
change its target, or to undertake almost any
conceivable action desired. However, the spirit
must remain within the spell's range; if it is ever
more than 10 yards per caster level away from
the priest, it dissipates harmlessly.
The material component is a small whistle
carved from a bone taken from the appropriate
type of animal.

Livello 3° 77 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

communicate a single thought to both Alra and

Zymor, but Alra and Zymor cannot communicate
SUNBLADE with each other. Balfas, however, can “target” a
(Conjuration) thought so that only one of the two participants
receives it.
Level: 3° If the priest casts this spell on an unwilling
Manual: PD subject (for example, if the priest wants to
Sphere: Sun silently threaten or taunt the subject), the subject
Range: 0 receives a saving throw vs. spell to resist the
Cmponents: V, M effect. Willing subjects need not make a saving
Duration: 1 round per level throw.
Casting Time: 4 rounds Lead sheeting of more than ½“ thickness will
Area of Effect: Special totally block Telepathy.
Saving Throw: None

A brilliant sword of fiery sunlight appears in the TELETHAUMATURGY

caster's hands when this spell is cast. It acts as a (Enchantment/Charm)
magical long sword and grants a +2 to attacks
and damage. Blinding rays emanate from the Level: 3°
flaming blade, subtracting -1 from enemy's Manual: ToM
attacks as long as the opponent remains in melee. Sphere: Numbers
The sword does double damage to any creatures Range: 0
with a weeknesses for sunlight or bright Components: V, S, M
illumination. Material component: sunlight Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: One creature
TELEPATHY Saving Throw: None
(Divination, Alteration)
This spell requires the priest to perform a
Level: 3° numerological analysis of a subject's correct
Manual: ToM name. The result is that the priest may cast
Sphere: Thought another spell that affects the subject individual at
Range: 30 yards a range much greater than normal. In other
Components: V, S words, by gaining deep knowledge of the
Duration: 1 turn+2 rounds/level individual, the priest creates a “channel” to that
Casting Time: 5 individual that makes a subsequent spell easier to
Area of Effect: One creature cast on that subject.
Saving Throw: Neg. Only certain spells can benefit from
This spell establishes direct, two-way mental
contact between the priest and a single subject. Bless ®
The subject must have Intelligence of at least 5 Command
for the spell to take effect. While the spell is in Charm person or mammal
effect, the two participants can communicate Detect charm
silently and rapidly, regardless of whether they Hold person
share a common language. Know alignment ®
Telepathy does not give either participant access Remove curse ®
to the other's thoughts, memories, or emotions. Probability control
Participants can only “hear” the thoughts that the Quest
other participant actively “sends.” Confusion (one creature only)
Mind-to-mind communication is approximately Exaction
four times faster than verbal communication. The
level of complexity that can be communicated is For spells marked with a mark ®,
only that which can be expressed through Telethaumaturgy also increases the range of the
language. Gestures, expressions, and body reversed spell. Unless indicated,
language cannot be conveyed. Telethaumaturgy does not increase the range of
A priest can establish separate “telepathic the reversed spells.
channels” to multiple individuals. Each linkage The increase in range depends on the level of the
is established through a separate casting of the priest casting Telethaumaturgy:
spell. There is no network between the channels.
For example, Balfas the priest establishes
Telepathy with Alra the warrior and Zymor the
thief by casting this spell twice. Balfas can

Livello 3° 78 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

Level Range multiplier 5%, presuming the character has at least a score
of 5% in any skill).
The spell affects a cube whose sides equal the
1-6 x2
caster's level times five feet (a 10th-level caster
7-11 x3
could affect a cube whose sides equal 50 feet).
12-16 x4
The material components are the priest's holy
17+ x5
symbol and a silver key.
Thus, a 12th-level priest who has cast
Telethaumaturgy on an individual could
subsequently cast charm person on that
individual at a range of 320 yards, rather than the
normal range of 80 yards.
Livello: 3°
A spell to be enhanced by Telethaumaturgy must
Manuale: PH italiano
be cast on the round immediately following the
Sfera: protezione
completion of Telethaumaturgy. Spells that
Raggio d’azione: 10 m per livello
normally affect more than one individual (such
Componenti: V, S
as confusion ) will affect only the selected
Durata: permanente
subject when cast following Telethaumaturgy.
Tempo di lancio: 6
When Telethaumaturgy is cast by a priest of 11th
Area d’effetto: ld4 creature in cubo con
level or higher, it has an additional effect. If the
spigolo di 6 m
target is within the normal range of the
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
subsequent spell (e.g., 80 yards for Charm
person), the subject's saving throw suffers a
Il sacerdote libera una o più creature dagli effetti
penalty of -2.
della paralisi o da magie ad essa collegate (tocco
Like the Personal reading spell,
del ghoul, incantesimi che bloccano o rallentano
Telethaumaturgy functions only if the priest
il movimento). Se l’incantesimo viene fatto su di
knows the correct name of his subject. If the
un solo soggetto, questo è guarito; se le creature
priest casts the spell using an alias, he will not
sono due, ognuna ha diritto a ripetere il T.S. con
know that Telethaumaturgy has not taken effect
bonus +4; se sono tre o quattro, rifanno il tiro
until the subsequent spell fails. The priest does
con bonus +2. Perché la magia riesca non
not automatically know why the subsequent spell
dov’esserci alcun tipo di barriera tra il sacerdote
failed (the subject might simply have made a
e le vittime.
successful saving throw).
The material component is a small book of
numerological formulae and notes. This book is
different from the book used in Personal
reading. The book is not consumed in the
Livello: 3°
Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: vegetale
Raggio d’azione: tocco
Componenti: V, S, M
Durata: permanente finché viene
Level: 3°
Manual: ToM
Tempo di lancio: 3 round
Sphere: Wards
Area d’effetto: cerchio con diametro di 60
Range: 10 yards/level
cm più 5 cm per livello
Components: V, S, M
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
Duration: 1 hour/level
Casting Time: 3
Il sacerdote allestisce una trappola che è quasi
Area of Effect: 5-foot cube/level
impossibile da individuare senza l’aiuto della
Saving Throw: Neg.
magia (90% di probabilità di non essere
scoperta); può farla con un qualsiasi rampicante,
A thief entering an area enchanted with Thief's
un laccio o una corda. Quando riceve
lament suffers a great reduction in his thieving
l’incantesimo, l’oggetto si fonde con ciò che lo
skills. The thief is allowed a saving throw to
circonda; un’estremità forma un cappio che si
resist the effects of the spell; failure indicates
stringe attorno alla vittima che entra nel cerchio
that he suffers the full effects of the lament. All
(in questo modo è possibile strozzare un verme
attempts to pick pockets, open locks,
gigante o un serpente).
find/remove traps, move silently, detect noise,
Se nei paraggi c’è un albero robusto e flessibile,
climb walls, and hide in shadows are reduced by
il cappio si può legare ad esso.
25% (although a skill cannot be reduced below

Livello 3° 79 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

Quando viene azionata la trappola, l’albero si subconscious tells him to. While the spell is in
piega e poi si raddrizza, infliggendo ld6 ferite effect, the priest gains a +2 bonus to his Armor
alla vittima e sollevandola da terra per l’arto Class and saving throws, but in any given round
imprigionato (o strangolandola, se è entrata nel there is a 25% chance that he will have to forego
cappio con la testa). Se non c’è una pianta di his intended action in order to obey the spell's
questo tipo, il laccio si avvolge attorno alla preda warning impulses.
senza ferirla, ma tenendola immobile. The premonition only works on actions
Sott’acqua, la corda si avvolge attorno undertaken by the priest himself. If his
all’ancora. La trappola è magica e nella prima companion is about to pull a mysterious lever
ora può essere spezzata solo da un gigante delle that will drop a 10 ton block of stone on the
nuvole o da una creatura ancor più forte (Forza priest, he receives no warning.
23). La magia si affievolisce ad ogni ora che
passa e rompere il laccio diventa più facile: dopo
due ore basta Forza 22, dopo tre, Forza 21, dopo UNEARTHLY CHOIR
quattro, Forza 20 eccetera. Quando sono (Invocation)
trascorse sei ore, la trappola si spacca anche con
Forza 18, mentre dopo dodici ore il materiale di Level: 3°
cui è fado il lacciolo perde ogni proprietà magica Manual: ToM
e il cappio si apre, liberando l’eventuale preda. Sphere: Combat
La trappola si può tagliare con armi magiche o Range: 0
con un’arma da taglio maneggiata da qualcuno Component: V
che abbia un bonus sul TxC di +2 come minimo Duration: Instantaneous
(grazie alla sua Forza, ad esempio). Casting Time: 5
Componenti materiali: pelle di serpente e tendine Area of Effect: Special
di un animale forte, da intrecciare assieme al Saving Throw: ½
laccio con cui si fa la trappola. Occorre anche il
simbolo sacro. This cooperative spell requires at least three
priests casting the spell simultaneously. At the
time of casting, the priests must be within 10 feet
UNFAILING PREMONITION of each other. Upon completion of the spell, the
(Divination) priests sing a single, dissonant chord. The result
of the spell depends on the number of voices in
Level: 3° the choir:
Manual: S&M
Sphere: Time – Trio: in this form, the spell projects a cone of
Range: 0 sonic force 120 feet long and 40 feet wide at the
Components: V, S base. All creatures within the area of effect must
Duration: 1 turn + 2 rds./level save vs. spells or suffer 2d4 points of damage.
Casting Time: 6 Those who successfully save suffer only 1d4
Area of Effect: The caster points. Undead suffer a -2 penalty to their saving
Saving Throw: None throws;
– Quartet: with four voices, the spell has the
By anticipating possible futures and outcomes of same area of effect as described above. However,
the caster's actions, this spell provides the all those who fail their saving throw suffer 2d4
character with a temporary sixth sense or feel for points of damage and are deafened for one
danger. The spell operates on a subconscious round. Those who successfully save suffer half
level, and the caster receives strong intuitive damage and are not deafened. Undead creatures
impulses when he contemplates courses of action are not allowed a saving throw;
that may bring immediate physical injury or – Quintet: five singers produce a chord of major
harm to him. For example, if the priest was about power. All within the area of effect suffer 3d4
to open a trapped chest, the Unfailing points of damage (saving throw for half damage).
premonition would create a flash of insight or a Undead are not allowed a saving throw. All
gut feeling telling him thst he shouldn't do so. creatures are deafened for one round.
Similarly, opening a door that leads into the lair Furthermore, pottery, glassware, crystal, and
of a ferocious troll may also trigger the spell's similar breakable goods must save vs. fall or be
warning. Threatening a NPC who is likely to shattered.
respond by drawing a weapon and attacking the – Ensemble: an ensemble of singers consists of
PC would create a warning, but threatening a six to ten priests. In this case, the area of effect
NPC who will get even with the priest in an hour increases to a cone 180 feet long and 60 feet
or two will not trigger the premonition. wide at the base. All creatures within this area
The Unfailing premonition is also quite useful in suffer 1d4 points of damage per priest and are
combat, as long as the priest obeys his instincts deafened for 1d4 rounds. A successful saving
and ducks, dodges, or withdraws when his throw vs. spell reduces the damage and duration

Livello 3° 80 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

of deafness by half. Undead creatures of 3 hit Manual: S&M

dice or less are immediately destroyed. All other Sphere: Elemental (Air)
undead suffer normal damage, but are not Range: 20 yds./level
allowed a saving throw. Glass, pottery, crystal, Components: V, S
bone, and all wooden items that are the strength Duration: 1 rd./level
of a door or less (chests, tables, chairs, etc.) must Casting Time: 6
save vs. crushing blow or be shattered. Area of Effect: Special
Choir. The most powerful group, a choir, requires Saving Throw: None
eleven or more priests. In this case, the area of
effect expands to a cone 300 feet long and 100 This spell allows the priest to exert fine control
feet wide at the base. All within the area of effect over air currents and winds, possibly
suffer 1d6 points of damage per priest to a extinguishing small fires or manipulating light
maximum of 20d6. A saving throw vs. spells objects as he sees fit within the spell's range.
reduces the damage to half. Those who fail to Generally, the priest is limited to one discrete
save are deafened for 1d10 rounds; those who action per round since he must focus his Wind
succeed are deafened only 1d6 rounds. Undead servant tightly on any given task. The Wind
creatures of 5 hit dice or less are immediately servant can affect objects or creatures weighing
destroyed. Undead with more hit dice are not up to 1 pound per caster level, twice as much if
allowed a saving throw. Structures within the the object is reasonably light or airy (a cloak,
area of effect are damaged as if they suffered a scroll, or haystack, for instance), or 10 times as
direct hit from a catapult (one hit per four priests much if the object is designed to be carried by
in the choir). Doors, chests, and other breakable the wind, such as a ship's sail or a bird in flight.
items are instantly shattered. If an object is within the spell's weight limit, the
caster may direct the Wind servant to carry it
along in gusts and air currents at a flying
WEATHER PREDICTION movement rate of 12 (E). If the object leaves the
(Divination) limits of the spell's range, the Wind servant fails,
and the object drops or falls normally from that
Level: 3° point. Flying creatures of size M or smaller can
Manual: S&M be forced to land or be driven away by use of the
Sphere: Weather spell if they fall within the weight limit, or
Range: 0 slowed by 50% if they exceed the weight limit.
Duration: Instantaneous Employing the Wind servant against an arrow or
Area of Effect: The caster light missile adds a penalty of –4 to the attack
Components: V, S roll.
Casting Time: 1 round In dusty, snowy, or sandy regions, the caster can
Saving Throw: None instead use Wind servant to create a vicious
zephyr of stinging dust around an enemy. This
By casting this spell, the priest can predict the zephyr inflicts damage equal to the opponent's
weather conditions at his location for a period of base AC less 2d6 points and creates a –2 penalty
time equal to one day per level. The caster to the victim's attack rolls. For example, an
becomes aware of the prevailing conditions, enemy in leather armor +1 (AC 7) would suffer
trends, and weather systems that may affect his 7–2d6 damage if attacked by means of this spell.
present location. Temperature, wind speed and Note that any use of the Wind servant requires
direction , cloud cover, and precipitation can all the priest's undivided attention; he can take no
be predicted with 95% accuracy for the next day, other actions while directing the spell.
less 10% for each day after that. In other words,
the priest's prediction is 95% accurate for the
first day, 85% accurate for the second, 75%
accurate for the third, and so on. In addition,
magical or supernatural phenomena cannot be
Priests of powers concerned with weather may
use this spell to determine the best time for
certain ceremonies or observances. Other priests
find Weather prediction useful for planning
journeys or selecting campsites.


Level: 3°

Livello 3° 81 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del terzo livello

ZONE OF SWEET AIR vapors created by a dragon's breath weapon

(Abjuration) (such as the chlorine gas of a green dragon).
Noxious gases already within the area of effect
Level: 3° when the spell is cast are not affected. Fresh air
Manual: ToM passes into the area normally.
Sphere: Wards If a poisonous vapor is expelled within the area
Range: 10 yards/level of effect (for example, a Stinking cloud is cast),
Components: V, S, M the spell takes effect normally but dissipates in
Duration: 1 turn/level half the time normally required.
Casting Time: 3 The spell affects a cube whose sides equal the
Area of Effect: 10-foot cube/level caster's level times 10 feet (for instance, a 10th-
Saving Throw: None level caster could affect a cube whose sides are
100 feet long).
Zone of sweet air creates an invisible barrier The material components are the priest's holy
around the area of effect that repels all noxious symbol, a silk handkerchief, and a strand of
elements from poisonous vapors, including those spider web.
created magically (such as a Stinking cloud). The
spell offers no protection against poisonous

Livello 3° 82 Livello 3°
Incantesimi clericali del quarto livello

ABBASSARE IL LIVELLO DELLE ACQUE take 1d6 points of damage for each round spent
® in the rain. A character who does not save must
(Alterazione) make saves for his equipment as well.

Livello: 4°
Manuale: PH italiano ADAMANTITE MACE
Sfera: elementale (acqua) (Alteration)
Raggio d’azione: 120 m
Componenti: V, S, M Level: 4°
Durata: 1 turno per livello Manual: S&M
Tempo di lancio: 1 turno Sphere: Elemental (Earth)
Area d’effetto: speciale Range: Touch
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno Duration: 1 rd./level
Area of Effect: Caster's weapon
L’incantesimo fa svanire l’acqua o il liquido Components: V, S, M
presente nell’area d’effetto fino ad una Casting Time: 7
profondità minima di 2,5 cm. L’acqua si può Saving Throw: None
abbassare al massimo di 60 cm per ogni livello
del sacerdote. L’area interessata è un quadrato By means of this spell, the priest transmutes his
con lato lungo 3 m per ogni Livello: un sacerdote own cudgel, mace, or staff into an enchanted
dell’8° livello prosciuga un volume di 4,8x24x24 weapon of adamantite, the most magical mineral
m, uno del 9° livello ne prosciuga uno di 5,4 x 27 known. The Adamantite mace gains a +2 bonus
x 27 m, eccetera. Se si tratta di masse d’acqua to attack and damage rolls, but it can strike
notevoli, come l’oceano, si crea un gorgo che creatures normally hit only by +4 or better
trascina verso il fondo le imbarcazioni, che non weapons. As an incarnation of elemental earth,
possono uscirne con mezzi normali finché dura the mace inflicts up to twice the damage (roll
l’incantesimo. Se viene lanciato sui mostri twice the required damage dice) against creatures
d’acqua, l’incantesimo ha l’effetto di Rallentare: of elemental air or magical avians such as
la creatura va a velocità dimezzata e fa la metà griffons, perytons, pegasi, and winged baatezu or
degli attacchi ad ogni round. Non ha tanar'ri. The Adamantite mace retains ils special
conseguenze sulle altre creature. properties for one round per level of experience
La forma inversa, INNALZARE IL LIVELLO of the caster.
DELLE ACQUE, riporta il liquido alle sue The material component is a special powder
massime dimensioni: fiumi in piena, alta marea, made from a diamond worth 100 gp, sprinkled
eccetera. I guadi diventano intransitabili, le navi over the weapon.
in secca riprendono il mare e, a discrezione del
DM, è anche possibile che vengano travolti dei
ponti. Le due versioni dell’incantesimo si ADDITION
annullano a vicenda. (Alteration)
Componente materiale: simbolo sacro
(sconsacrato) ed un pizzico di polvere. Level: 4°
Manual: ToM
Sphere: Numbers, Creation
ACID RAIN Range: 30 yards
(Conjuration) Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Level: 4° Casting Time: 1 round
Manual: PD Area of Effect: Special
Sphere: Weather Saving Throw: None
Range: 120yards
Components: V, S The philosophy of the Sphere of Numbers holds
Duration: 1 round per level that the structure of reality–the “equation of the
Casting Time: 3 rounds moment” – can be analyzed and modified by
Area of Effect: 20 foot x 20 foot cube someone with sufficient knowledge and power.
Saving Throw: Neg. The Addition spell allows a priest to add a new
mathematical term to the equation of the
This terrible enchantment creates a toxic shower moment. This effectively allows a new object or
that covers all within its area of effect The even a living creature to be brought into
droplets are composed of very corrosive acids, existence temporarily.
and eat through metal, cloth, and flesh. Anything The effect of this spell varies depending on the
caught beneath the rain takes 2d6 points of level of the caster. At 10th level or lower,
damage. It is easy enaugh to move out of the Addition can create a single, inanimate object
cube, but if a character cannot, he continues to weighing up to 10 pounds. The spell gives the

Livello 4° 83 Livello 4°
Incantesimi clericali del quarto livello

priest only rudimentary control over the creation 100 pounds in weight and up to 2 hit dice. The
process, so the object cannot be complex. The creature, once created, behaves as a normal
object must be described in a single word or member of its species; the caster has no control
short phrase (e.g., “a water pitcher” or “a block over its actions. This creature remains in
of stone”). The caster has no control over existence for 2 turns per level of the caster.
elements such as shape or color; thus, the water The material component is a small table of
pitcher might be short, squat, and blue, or tall, numerological formulae inscribed on an ivory
slender, and red. plaque, plus a length of silken cord. During the
Objects created with this spell cannot be of any casting, the priest ties the cord into a complex
greater mechanical complexity or technological knot. As the magical energy is discharged, the
level than a crossbow. If the priest tries to create cord vanishes in a flash of light. The plaque is
an object that breaks this prohibition, the spell not consumed in the casting.
fails and nothing is created. Thus, if the priest
tried to create “a pistol,” assuming he had heard
the word somewhere, the spell would fail. AGE PLANT
Objects cannot contain any information in an (Alteration)
abstract form such as writing or diagrams. If the
priest tries to create an object that breaks this Level: 4°
prohibition, there are two possible results: the Manual: ToM
spell may fail, or the object may be created Sphere: Time
without the information. Thus, if the priest were Range: 30 yards
to attempt to create “a spellbook,” the result Components: V, S, M
would be either a book similar to a spellbook Duration: Permanent
with blank pages, or nothing at all. Casting Time: 1 round
The object appears at whatever location the Area of Effect: One plant, seed, or
caster wills, as long as it is within spell range. tree/level
The object cannot appear in the same space Saving Throw: None
occupied by another object or creature, or within
a hollow object (for example, the priest cannot This spell enables the caster to affect the aging of
create an object blocking the trachea of an any plant, seed, or tree. The process can operate
enemy). either forward or backward, causing flowers to
The object created by Addition remains in blossom, seeds to sprout and grow, and trees to
existence for 1 turn per level of the caster. bear fruit; or fruit to turn to blossoms, trees to
During this time, it obeys all the laws of physics become saplings, and new shoots to turn to
as if it were a “real” object. The object cannot be seeds.
disbelieved and spells such as True seeing cannot The change in age, either forward or backward,
distinguish it from a naturally-occurring object. is chosen by the priest at the time of casting. The
Priests of 11th to 15th level can create a single changes associated with normal or reversed
inanimate object of up to 20 pounds in mass or growth occur instantaneously. Plants can be
two identical objects, each of up to five pounds altered in age up to 10 years per level of the
in mass. The object(s) so created remains in caster. The caster can stop the aging at any point
existence for two hours (12 turns) per level of the within the limits imposed by his level; he could
caster. cause a tree to grow from a sapling until it
Priests of 16th to 19th level can create a single withers and dies from old age or he could stop
inanimate object of up to 50 pounds in mass or the tree's growth at a stage at which it would
up to 10 identical objects, each of up to five shelter his home.
pounds in mass. The object(s) is permanent The spell does not alter the appearance or
unless destroyed. Since these objects are not characteristics of a plant except those that result
magical constructs, but real additions to the from normal aging (or regression). Age plant has
“equation of the moment,” Dispel magic has no no effect on magically-generated plants or plant-
effect on them. Alternatively, the caster can type monsters.
create a single normal (nonmonstrous) living The material components are the priest's holy
creature of up to 20 pounds in weight. The symbol and the petal from an apple blossom.
creature, once created, behaves as a normal
member of its species; the caster has no control
over its actions. This creature remains in
existence for 5 rounds per level of the caster.
Priests of 20th level and above can create a
single inanimate object of up to 100 pounds in
mass or up to 10 identical objects, each of up to
10 pounds in mass. The object(s) are permanent.
Alternatively, the caster can create a single
normal (nonmonstrous) living creature of up to

Livello 4° 84 Livello 4°
Incantesimi clericali del quarto livello


(Incantamento) (Convocazione, Attrazione)

Livello: 4° Livello: 4°
Manuale: PH italiano Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: charme Sfera: animale, convocazione
Raggio d’azione: tocco Raggio d’azione: 1,6 Km
Componenti: V, S, M Componenti: V, S
Durata: speciale Durata: speciale
Tempo di lancio: 1 turno Tempo di lancio: 7
Area d’effetto: la persona toccata Area d’effetto: speciale
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

Con quest’incantesimo il sacerdote può trasferire Il sacerdote richiama fino a otto animali da 4
su di un’altra persona un certo numero degli D.V. o meno, del tipo prescelto al momento in
incantesimi che ha memorizzato attualmente, cui viene fatto l’incantesimo. Risponderanno
insieme alla capacità di lanciarli. Solo chi non è solo gli animali che si trovano entro il raggio
in grado di fare incantesimi (compresi ranger al d’azione quando avviene la magia. Il sacerdote
di sotto dell’ottavo livello e paladini inferiori al può fare tre tentativi con tre tipi diversi:
nono) può ricevere questa magia, che non supponiamo che prima chiami i cani selvatici
funziona con le classi che lanciano incantesimi, i (che non ci sono), poi i falchi (assenti) ed infine
mostri privi di intelligenza e gli individui che dei cavalli selvaggi (bisogna vedere se rientrano
hanno meno di un D.V. nel raggio d’azione). Spetta al DM decidere se
La persona che assorbe gli incantesimi deve l’animale attirato è alla portata del sacerdote. Le
avere, inoltre, Saggezza 9 o più. Si possono bestie convocate lo aiutano come meglio possono
trasferire solo gli incantesimi dei sacerdoti di e restano fino alla fine del combattimento o della
tipo difensivo o informativo, o Cura ferite missione, o finché non vengono mandate via da
leggere; se si tenta di attribuire anche altre lui. Si possono far arrivare solo animali normali
magie, si vanifica l’intero incantesimo. Le o giganti; non si chiamano mostri o animali
persone di più alto livello possono ricevere più di fantastici (chimere, draghi, gorgoni, manticore
un incantesimo, a discrezione del sacerdote. eccetera).

Livello del ricevente Incantesimi assorbiti

1° uno del 1° livello (Alterazione)
3° due del 1° livello
5°+ due del 1° e uno del 2° livello Livello: 4°
Manuale: PH italiano
Le variabili dell’incantesimo (raggio d’azione, Sfera: vegetale
durata, area d’effetto ecc.) si regolano a seconda Raggio d’azione: 30 m
del livello del sacerdote che lo trasferisce. Componenti: V, S, M
Il sacerdote perde gli incantesimi che ha dato Durata: due round per livello
all’altra persona finché questa non li avrà usati o Tempo di lancio: 7
sarà stata uccisa. Se, ad esempio, un sacerdote Area d’effetto: ld4 bastoni + 1 per livello in
del settimo livello con cinque incantesimi del un cubo con spigolo di 3 m
primo e quattro del secondo fa assorbire ad un Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
guerriero del decimo livello un Cura ferite
leggere ed un Rallentare l’azione del veleno, ora Il sacerdote può trasformare ld4 bastoni + 1 per
avrà solo quattro incantesimi del primo (finché ogni suo livello in altrettanti serpenti: se è del 9°
non sarà usata la cura) e tre del secondo (fino a livello, potrà tramutarne da 10 a 13. I serpenti
quando non verrà rallentata l’azione del veleno o attaccano su ordine del sacerdote. È necessario
il guerriero sarà ucciso). Nel frattempo il avere dei bastoni o qualcosa di analogo (torce,
sacerdote è responsabile dell’utilizzo lance, ecc.) per ottenere i serpenti. Questi pezzi
dell’incantesimo. di legno non devono avere un diametro superiore
Componenti materiali: simbolo sacro, più un a quello di un normale bastone; se sono
oggetto che rappresenti la professione del impugnati da una creatura, usano il suo T.S.(una
ricevente (il piede di porco per il ladro, eccetera). lancia in mano ad un orchetto deve fallire il suo
Questo ingrediente dov’essere rinnovato ogni T.S. contro polimorfismo). Gli oggetti magici
volta, insieme alla componente materiale (lance e bastoni) non sono interessati. Vengono
dell’incantesimo assorbito. trasformati solo i bastoni presenti nell’area
d’effetto. Il tipo di serpente ottenuto può variare,
ma di solito ha 2 D.V., C.A. 6, fattore di
movimento 9 e stringe causando ld4+1 ferite per

Livello 4° 85 Livello 4°
Incantesimi clericali del quarto livello

round oppure morde, infliggendo una ferita più vegetale, compresi funghi e piante ingrandite o
l’eventuale veleno. La probabilità che il serpente animate per magia. Colpisce fanghiglie verdi,
sia velenoso è del 5% per ogni livello del muffe, boleti stridenti, treant eccetera; dura un
sacerdote (sempre che lui voglia che lo sia). Se il round per ogni livello del sacerdote e interessa
sacerdote è dell’undicesimo livello, ha una ld4 piante in un’area quadrata con lato 12 m o di
probabilità massima del 55% di aver creato un 4-16 m. se si tratta di bassa vegetazione, come
serpente velenoso. L’incantesimo dura due round erba o muschio. Se il sacerdote ha come
per ogni livello del sacerdote. obiettivo una pianta soltanto (o un quadrato con
Componenti materiali: un po’ di corteccia e lato di 4 m), il T.S. dei vegetali interessati ha
qualche scaglia di serpente. penalità di
La forma inversa, SERPENTE IN BASTONE, -4; se le piante sono due (quadrato con lato di 8
trasforma dei normali serpenti in altrettanti m), la penalità diventa -2 e, se sono tre (lato di
bastoni per lo stesso periodo di tempo, oppure 12 m), si riduce a -1; con quattro piante (lato di
annulla la forma positiva, a seconda del livello di 16 m), il T.S. non ha modificatori.
chi vuole contrastarla (un sacerdote del 10°
livello che lanci la formula a rovescio può far
ridiventare bastoni da 11 a 14 serpenti). BODY CLOCK


(Alteration) Manual: ToM
Sphere: Time
Level: 4° Range: Touch
Manual: ToM Components: V, S, M
Sphere: Sun Duration: 1 hour/level
Range: Touch Casting Time: 4
Components: V, S Area of Effect: One creature
Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Special Body clock affects a subject in the following
Saving Throw: None ways:

When this spell is cast, a narrow shaft of light – The subject's need for sleep is reduced. For
shines down upon the priest, making him every hour that a subject sleeps, he is as
immune to the effects of natural cold (such as a refreshed as if he slept 10 hours. For every two
blizzard) and granting him a +3 bonus to saving hours that a subject sleeps during the spell (20
throws vs. magical cold (such as a white dragon's hours of rest), he regains hit points as if he spent
breath weapon). a day of complete rest. However, wizards are not
For each level of the priest above 7th, an able to memorize spells; “real” time must pass
additional beam of light may be created to for this to occur;
protect another creature, who must be standing – The subject's need to breathe is reduced. He
within 3' of the priest. Thus, a 10th-level priest breathes only 10% as often as normal for the
could protect four other creatures in a 3' radius. duration of the spell, enabling him to hold his
breath 10 times longer than normal and use less
air in enclosed situations.
BLOCCAPIANTE – The subject can set an internal “alarm clock” to
(Incantamento/Charme) alert him when a specific amount of time has
passed. The subject then hears a brief ringing in
Livello: 4° his ears, audible only to him. The ringing is loud
Manuale: PH italiano enough to wake the subject. He can set as many
Sfera: vegetale internal alarm clocks as he wishes, as long as
Raggio d’azione: 80 m they all occur within the duration of the spell.
Componenti: V, S
Durata: 1 round per livello The spell has no effect on movement,
Tempo di lancio: 7 spellcasting, or any other normal activities.
Area d’effetto: speciale The material components are a kernel of corn, a
Tiro Salvezza: Neg. drop of water, and a stoppered glass bottle.

L’incantesimo arresta il movimento dei vegetali

in tre modi: 1) ferma la vegetazione mobile, 2) CHANNEL FLAME
impedisce ai tralci di crescere, avvolgere e (Evocation)
stringere, 3) evita qualsiasi tipo di suono o mossa
che non sia causato dal vento. Fa effetto su ogni Level: 4°

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Manual: PD
Sphere: Elemental (fire)
Range: 30yards CHAOTIC SLEEP
Components: V, S, M (Alteration)
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5 rounds Level: 4°
Area of Effect: 10 foot x 10 foot cube Manual: ToM
Saving Throw: None Sphere: Chaos
Range: Touch
When a priest casts this spell, he channels energy Components: V, S, M
from burning materials through himself, and can Duration: Permanent
use it to attack his enemies. When in range of Casting Time: 1 turn
100 pounds or more of burning matter, he may Area of Effect: One creature
direct the flame to targets within a range of 30 Saving Throw: Neg.
yards. The flame from the original source does
not extinguish, it grows as it is fed energy from After casting this spell, the priest must
the target. The damage from this attack is 1d4 successfully touch his victim. The victim is then
points for every level of the cleric. allowed a saving throw to avoid the spell's effect.
A magical flame that fed off nothing would not If the saving throw is failed, the spell takes effect
fit the material requirements of this spell, nor at the next sunrise or sunset (whichever comes
would a torch, but a burning cottage would. first).
The spell remains in effect as long as the material From the time the spell takes effect until the spell
component remains alight, usually one turn. is negated, the sleeping pattern of the victim is
randomly disrupted. At sunset and sunrise of
every day, a check is made to determine the
CHAOTIC COMBAT effects of Chaotic sleep. In the 12-hour period
(Invocation/Evocation) that follows the check, there is an equal chance
that the character will be unable to sleep or
Level: 4° unable to remain awake (roll 1d6; on a roll of 1-
Manual: ToM 3, the character is awake, on a roll of 4-6, he
Sphere: Chaos sleeps). This condition lasts until the next sunrise
Range: 30 yards (or sunset) when the check is made again.
Components: V, S For example, a fighter fails to save against
Duration: 1 round/level Chaotic sleep. For the next few hours, the spell
Casting Time: 3 has no effect. At sundown, the first check is
Area of Effect: One creature made, resulting in a 2. The fighter does not
Saving Throw: None notice anything until he tries to sleep that night,
at which time he is wide awake, fidgeting and
When Chaotic combat is cast on a fighter, he is restless. At sunrise, another die roll is made,
inspired beyond his years of training and is resulting in a 6. The fighter is suddenly
suddenly struck with numerous insights for exhausted and sleeps until sunset.
variations on the standard moves of attack and Characters who sleep as a result of this spell can
defense. The spell affects only warriors. be roused only by physical stimuli – a slap or a
Unfortunately, these insights are helpful in only wound, for example. Once awake, the character
two-thirds of the warrior's attacks. In the remains conscious only as long as there are
remaining attacks, the spell actually impairs the active stimuli around him, such as a fight.
warrior's standard performance. At the beginning Walking through caves or riding a horse will not
of each round, after the player has declared his keep the character awake. Unlike a sleep spell,
character's actions, 1d6 is rolled for the affected characters affected by Chaotic sleep doze off as
warrior. On a roll of 1, 2, 3, or 4, the warrior soon as they are left relatively undisturbed.
gains bonuses of +2 to attack rolls and +2 to Keeping an affected character awake is difficult
armor class. On a roll of 5 or 6, the warrior at best.
suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls and a -2 Lack of sleep will eventually take a physical toll
penalty to armor class. This must be determined on any character under the influence of the spell.
at the beginning of the round so that both the For every 12-hour period that a character
warrior and his opponents can apply the remains awake beyond the first, he suffers a -1
necessary changes. penalty to THAC0. Such characters do not regain
The insight imparted by this spell is lost after the hit points as a result of normal healing.
spell expires. The insight is generated by chaos, Spellcasters cannot memorize spells until they
which is nearly impossible to contain. After the have had sufficient sleep.
spell expires, the warrior remembers the battle Chaotic sleep can be removed with a remove
but not the specifics of his actions. He is unable curse.
to duplicate the maneuvers. The material components are a pinch of sand and

Livello 4° 87 Livello 4°
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three coffee beans. rada bosco fitta

2d8 fate buone 30% 20% 10%

CHIAMARE LE CREATURE DEI BOSCHI 1d4 centauri 5% 30% 5%
(Convocazione/Attrazione) 1d4 driadi 1% 25% 15%
1d8 folletti 10% 20% 10%
Livello: 4° 1d4 satiri 1% 30% 10%
Manuale: PH italiano 1d6 spiritelli 0% 5% 25%
Sfera: convocazione, animale 1 treant 0% 5% 25%
Raggio d’azione: 100 m per livello 1 unicorno 0% 15% 20%
Componenti: V, S, M
Durata: speciale
Tempo di lancio: speciale CHIMES OF FINDING
Area d’effetto: speciale (Enchantment)
Tiro Salvezza: Neg.
Level: 4°
Il sacerdote chiama a sé certe creature dei boschi. Manual: PD
L’incantesimo funziona solo all’aperto, Sphere: Elemental (air), Divination
naturalmente, ma non necessariamente in zone Range: 0
boschive. Il sacerdote comincia la litania e Components: V, S, M
prosegue per due turni, se non arriva prima Duration: Special
qualche creatura (le parole ed i gesti sono facili, Casting Time: 1 turn
quindi non richiedono grande concentrazione). Area of Effect: Special
L’incantesimo richiama solo uno dei tipi elencati Saving Throw: None
in tabella, che risponde soltanto se si trova entro
il raggio d’azione. Missing and wanted persons can be located with
Si possono effettuare tre richiami per tre diversi the Chimes of finding ritual. This complicated
tipi; quando qualcuno risponde, non si possono spell requires a set of wind chimes, a relatively
più lanciare richiami se non facendo un altro detailed map of the area to be searched, a
incantesimo. Il DM consulterà la carta geografica personal item of the desired person, and a still,
della zona o calcolerà la probabilità che quel tipo windless day.
di creatura sia nel raggio del sacerdote al The caster spreads the map out and suspends a
momento dell’incantesimo. set of normal wind chimes above it; then he
La/e creatura/e convocata/e ha/nno diritto al T.S. passes the point of his finger over the map. When
contro incantesimi con una penalità di-4; se lo the chimes sound, he has pinpointed the location
supera/no, non si muove/ono. Chi risponde al he seeks. The better the map, the easier it is to
richiamo è ben disposto nei confronti del find a person.
sacerdote ed obbedisce ai suoi ordini. Se, però, il The chimes work even if the victim is dead, then,
sacerdote o alcuni dei suoi compagni sono di the chimes toll more slowly, sadly. A Wisdom
allineamento malvagio, le creature possono check allows the caster to decide which sound is
ripetere il T.S.(stavolta con bonus di +4) quando heard.
arrivano a meno di 10 m da lui o dal cattivo che è The spell does not work on inanimate objects.
con lui; non appena azzeccano il T.S., scappano.
In ogni caso, se il sacerdote chiede alle creature
chiamate di combattere per lui, si deve effettuare
una prova di fedeltà basata sul suo Carisma e
sugli eventuali accordi tra le parti.
L’incantesimo riguarda le creature buone o
neutrali dei boschi, come preferisce il DM, che
può modificare la lista come meglio crede.
Se il sacerdote conosce personalmente un singolo
abitante dei boschi, il raggio d’azione per
chiamarlo raddoppia e non sono interessate altre
Componenti materiali: una pigna e otto bacche di
Se c’è una percentuale, druidi ed altri sacerdoti
della natura sommano un 1% per ogni loro
livello; si possono usare le percentuali quando
non si hanno a disposizione altre informazioni
sulla campagna in corso.

Tipo di creatura Tipo di foresta

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CIRCLE OF PRIVACY simply attack a goblin; he must announce a

(Alteration) condition such as attacking the tallest goblin and
fighting his way down according to size. Once
Level: 4° stated, the character must follow through with
Manual: ToM this plan.
Sphere: Travelers If the player cannot conceive a rationale for his
Range: Special character's behavior, the character is forced to
Components: V, S, M delay his actions for 1d6 rounds, with the time
Duration: 1 hour/level spent in preparation for the subsequent action.
Casting Time: 4 The character spends time arranging spell
Area of Effect: 50-foot-diameter circle components artistically, deciding how to hold his
Saving Throw: None sword, cleaning his weapon, etc.
Anyone affected by Compulsive order may
This spell helps to discourage predators and become violent if he is prevented from being
trespassers from disturbing a campsite. The neat. He will do what he must to make the world
caster sprinkles salt in a circle enclosing an area around him more orderly. If he is allowed to
up to 50 feet in diameter. For the duration of the organize his surroundings, he will quickly calm
spell, all sounds and scents generated within the down again. The victim will constantly petition
circle are muted, making the area less noticeable the people around him to be neat and organized.
to those outside the circle. Therefore, the group's The victim is allowed a saving throw to avoid the
chance of encounter is reduced by 50% for the effects of the spell. Compulsive order can be
duration of the spell. The spell provides no removed with a Dispel magic spell.
protection against infravision or other forms of The material component is a perfect cube made
magical detection. of metal.
The material components are a hair from a
skunk, a whisker from a mouse, and enough salt
to make a 50-foot-diameter circle. CONTROLLARE LA TEMPERATURA NEL
(Enchantment/Charm) Livello: 4°
Manuale: PH italiano
Level: 4° Sfera: tempo atmosferico
Manual: ToM Raggio d’azione: 0
Sphere: Law Componenti: V, S, M
Range: 10 yards Durata: 4 turni + 1 turno per livello
Components: V, S, M Tempo di lancio: 7
Duration: Permanent Area d’effetto: raggio di 3 m
Casting Time: 5 Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Neg. La temperatura attorno al sacerdote può essere
modificata di 5,5 gradi in più o in meno per ogni
The victim of Compulsive order is compelled to suo livello. Un sacerdote del 10° livello, quindi,
place everything he encounters into perfect order. potrebbe farla cambiare di 55 gradi al massimo.
If he discovers treasure, he divides it into tidy L’incantesimo serve a facilitare la sopravvivenza
piles or containers of silver, gold, and copper. He del sacerdote e dei suoi compagni in climi molto
is reluctant to enter a dungeon because it is a rigidi o torridi: potrebbero starsene in maniche di
messy place, but once inside, he is obsessed with camicia quando imperversa la peggiore tormenta
cleaning it. A character under the power of this di neve o farsi il ghiaccio da mettere nelle bibite
spell will sweep dirt from dungeon corridors into durante l’afa estiva. L’incantesimo protegge
neat piles, arrange the corpses of a defeated orc anche dalle magie basate sul caldo e sul freddo:
band according to size, dash forward to remove a se il limite della temperatura è oltre le possibilità
bit of lint on clothing, and insist that the party dell’incantesimo (l’esplosione di una palla di
organize themselves alphabetically, then by size, fuoco o il soffio gelido del drago bianco),
and then by age. While the spell does not affect a permette di ridurre le ferite di 5 punti per ogni
character's abilities, the overwhelming desire for livello del sacerdote. Sono possibili i normali
order impairs the character's usefulness in most T.S.; la riduzione avviene dopo che si sono
adventures. azzeccati o falliti. Quando subisce l’impatto di
When a character afflicted by this spell attempts un simile attacco, l’incantesimo termina.
to undertake a new event (begin a battle, haggle Componente materiale: corteccia di salice (per
with the merchant, etc.), the player must abbassare la temperatura) o foglie di lampone
rationalize the action on the basis of his (per alzarla).
compulsion for order. Thus, the character cannot

Livello 4° 89 Livello 4°
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126-129 2d20+2d12
CURA FERITE GRAVI ® 130-133 3d20+1d6
(Negromanzia) 134-137 3d20+1d8
138-141 3d20+1d10
Livello: 4° 142-145 3d20+2d6
Manuale: PH italiano 146-149 3d20+1d8+1d6
Sfera: guarigione 150-153 3d20+2d8
Raggio d’azione: tocco 154-157 3d20+1d10+1d8
Componenti: V, S 158-161 4d20
Durata: permanente 162-165 3d20+1d12+1d10
Tempo di lancio: 7 166-169 4d20+1d4
Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata 170-173 4d20+1d6
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno 174-177 4d20+1d8
178-181 4d20+1d10
È una versione potenziata di Cura ferite leggere. 182-185 4d20+2d6
Il sacerdote cura mediante imposizione delle 186-189 4d20+1d8+1d6
mani 2d8+1 ferite. La cura non riguarda creature 190-193 4d20+2d8
incorporee, non morte o di altri piani. 194-197 4d20+1d10+1d8
La forma inversa, CAUSA FERITE GRAVI, è 198-201 5d20
come Causa ferite leggere: bisogna toccare la
vittima con un TxC; se si riesce, si infliggono
Nota: anziché curare (o infliggere) 2d8+1 P.F.,
questo incantesimo cura (o infligge) Level: 4°
proporzionalmente un certo numero di P.F., Manual: PD
stabilito in funzione del numero massimo di P.F. Sphere: Elemental (water)
della creatura o della persona che riceve Range: 3yards
l’incantesimo, secondo la seguente tabella: Components: V, S
Duration: 1 day per level
P.F. massimi P.F. curati/inflitti Casting Time: 4 rounds
Area of Effect: 1 creature
5 o meno 1d2 Saving Throw: Neg.
6-9 1d4
10-13 1d6 Priests of water only use this spell against those
14-17 1d8 that have truly angered them, for it actually
18-21 1d10 transforms good water into lifeless sand.
22-25 2d6 When cast on a victim who fails a save vs. magic
26-29 1d8+1d6 throw, the victim is unable to drink water for a
30-33 2d8 period of one week. When he puts a container to
34-37 1d10+1d8 his lips, the water inside turns to sand, usually
38-41 2d10 pouring down the unfortunate victim's throat. If
42-45 1d12+1d10 the victim hasn't died from dehydration when the
46-49 2d12 spell ends, he may begin to drink normally. of
50-53 1d20+1d6 course, everything that had turned to sand
54-57 1d20+1d8 remains sand.
58-61 1d20+1d10 A Dispel curse ends the spell prematurely.
62-65 1d20+2d6 Overloading the spell by completely immersing
66-69 1d20+1d8+1d6 the cursed person under water, also terminates
70-73 1d20+2d8 this spell.
74-77 1d20+1d10+1d8
78-81 2d20
82-85 1d20+1d12+1d10
86-89 1d20+2d12
90-93 2d20+1d6
94-97 2d20+1d8
98-101 2d20+1d10
102-105 2d20+2d6
106-109 2d20+1d8+1d6
110-113 2d20+2d8
114-117 2d20+1d10+1d8
118-121 3d20
122-125 2d20+1d12+1d10

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(Enchantment/Charm) (Divination)

Level: 4° Level: 4°
Manual: ToM Manual: DH
Sphere: Law Sphere: Animal
Range: 5 yards Range: Touch
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round+2d4 rounds Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: One creature/two levels Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: None

This spell must be cast on at least two creatures. Depending on how it is cast, Detect animal
The priest may affect one creature per two levels attacker gives the druid a visual image either of a
of his experience, and all creatures to be affected creature that injured an animal or of an animal
must be within three feet of each other at the that attacked any victim.
time of casting. After the spell is completed, While casting the spell upon any victim of an
affected characters may move about freely. attack by a natural animal (a victim whose body
Defensive harmony grants affected creatures a still bears the marks of claws, fangs, or other
defensive bonus by bestowing an enhanced natural weapons), the druid touches the victim's
coordination of their attacks and defenses. The wound. This brief touch gives the caster a
affected creatures must be involved in a single fleeting vision of the animal that caused the
battle so that their efforts harmonize to the injuries as it looked at the time of the attack.
benefit of all involved. For example, the affected Likewise, a druid casting the spell upon an
creatures can attack one dragon or a group of injured real world animal can touch its wound
orcs in a single area. They can also attack and receive a vision of the person, monster, or
additional enemy forces that arrive in the same animal that harmed it.
combat. If the enemy forces divide and flee, the Even if the caster receives a vision of an
affected creatures can follow, continue to attack, unfamiliar attacker, the character usually can get
and benefit from the spell. If the affected group an idea of ils size, primary attack method, and
is split into two smaller groups when attacked, alignment (the druid senses good, evil, or
however, it gains no benefit from Defensive neutrality.)
harmony. In addition, if the creature still lives and fails a
While the spell is in effect, each affected creature saving throw vs. spell, the caster senses its
gains a +1 bonus to armor class for every other current position, location, and direction of travel.
creature benefitting from the spell, to a Detect animal attacker works only within one
maximum bonus of +5 (although more than five hour per level of the caster after the victim
characters may be affected by the spell). Thus, if receives the injury in question. The spell is
four creatures are affected by Defensive effective regardless of whether the attack proved
harmony, each creature gains a +3 bonus to fatal.
armor class. The material component is the priest's holy
This bonus represents a mystical coordination of symbol.
effort on the part of all affected creatures. A
fighter will naturally wage his attack to distract
the troll attacking the thief. The ranger will DIMENSIONAL ANCHOR
instinctively block the swing of an orc, thereby (Alteration)
protecting the wizard. Creatures affected by the
spell are not consciously aware of these efforts, Level: 4°
and they are unable to create specific strategies Manual: S&M
and tactics. Sphere: Guardian
Range: 10 yds./level
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn + 1 rd./level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

When a priest casts this spell, a green ray springs

from his outs tretched hand and unerringly
strikes a creature within line of sight and the
range of the spell, covering the subject with a
shimmering emerald field that completely blocks

Livello 4° 91 Livello 4°
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bodily extradimensional travel. Forms of within 5 feet of the priest. The location of the
movement barred by the Dimensional anchor “far side” of the gate always opens within 5 feet
include Blinking, Dimension door, Etherealness, of the place the priest desires. Thus, there is no
Gate, phasing, Plane shift, Maze, Shadow walk, chance of arriving at the wrong destination, as
Teleportation and similar spell–like or psionic with the wizard spell teleport.
abilities. The field persists for one turn plus one There is a risk involved in using Dimensional
round per caster level and has no effect other folding, however. Many philosophers believe that
than blocking extradimensional travel. The what we know as time is simply another
Dimensional anchor does not interfere with the dimension, and the behavior of this spell seems
movement of creatures in astral form, nor does it to support this thesis. Unless the priest is
block extradimensional perception or attack extremely familiar with the destination, there is a
forms such as a basilisk's gaze. significant chance that any creature passing
through a Dimensional folding gate will suffer
instantaneous aging. Theorists believe that this is
DIMENSIONAL FOLDING the same kind of “slippage” that can cause a
(Alteration) Teleporting wizard to land high or low, except
that in this case, the slippage is in the time
Level: 4° dimension.
Manual: ToM The chance of this instantaneous aging occurring
Sphere: Numbers depends on how familiar the priest is with the
Range: 5 feet destination. The table that follows outlines the
Components: V, S, M conditions and effects of aging:
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 10-foot circle Destination is aging % aging
Saving Throw: None
Very familiar* 2% 1 year
This spell allows the caster to selectively warp
Studied carefully 5% 1d2 years
the fabric of space, folding it into higher
Seen casually 10% 1d3 years
Viewed once 15% 1d6 years
This effect can be best explained through an
Never seen 25% 1d10 years
example. If an ant crawling along the west edge
of a map decided to travel to the east edge of the
* Use this row if the desired location is within
map, it would have to crawl the full width of the
view of the priest.
map. But if the map were folded in two so that
the east and west edges were touching, the ant
If the die roll indicates that aging occurs, every
would travel almost no distance at all. The ant's
creature that passes through the gate in either
world (the map) would have been folded through
direction suffers the aging effect. Multiple
the third dimension. The Dimensional folding
creatures passing through the gate in the same
spell does something similar with the three-
direction all age by the same amount determined
dimensional world: it folds it through a higher
by a single die roll. Although the chance of aging
dimension (the fourth), allowing instantaneous
is low and the potential amount of aging is
travel between two locales on the same plane of
minimal for familiar destinations, the effects can
add up and become significant over time.
Although this effect may seem similar to the
Although the word “destination” is used to refer
wizard spell Teleport, in practice, it is much
to the “far end” of the gate, the priest need not be
different. The Dimensional folding spell opens a
the one doing the traveling. For example, a priest
gate that allows instantaneous, bidirectional
may open the gate near a distant ally so he may
access to a distant locale on the same plane. This
travel instantaneously to join the priest.
gate is circular, of any size up to 10' in diameter,
The material component is a sheet of platinum
and remains in existence for up to 1 full round.
“tissue” worth at least 15 gp, which the priest
The caster and any other creatures can pass
folds intricately during the casting. The tissue is
through the gate in either direction while it
consumed when the gate closes.
remains open. Missile weapons and magic spells
can also pass through the gate.
The gate appears as a shimmering ring, glowing
with a faint light equivalent to starshine. Vision
through the gate is clear and unobstructed in both
directions, allowing the priest to “look before he
leaps.” However, anyone on the other side of the
gate is able to see the priest and his point of
The “near side” of the gate always appears

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DIVINAZIONE short serpentine neck, much like a water weird,

(Divinazione) and attacks once in a direction the caster dictates.
Then it retracts into the earth and closes solidly.
Livello: 4° The site of an Earthmaw spell appears as if the
Manuale: PH italiano ground has been tilled recently.
Sfera: divinazione The mouth can attack one large creature, two
Raggio d’azione: 0 man-sized creatures, or four small-sized
Componenti: V, S, M creatures within 10 feet of its outer edge. It can
Durata: speciale strike multiple creatures only if they remain
Tempo di lancio: 1 turno clustered within a 10-foot diameter circle
Area d’effetto: speciale adjacent to the maw.
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno The earthmaw attacks as a monster with Hit Dice
equal to the caster's level. Creatures standing on
Si usa per avere un consiglio a proposito di un the site of the maw suffer a +3 penalty to Armor
fine, un evento specifico, o un’attività che si Class for purposes of this attack only. Creatures
verifichi entro una settimana. Questo può essere standing next to the maw suffer no AC penalty.
espresso in forma di breve frase, di enigma in A successful hit inflicts ld4 points of damage per
rima o di presagio. A differenza di Augurio, level of the caster. An unmodified roll of 19 or
fornisce un responso specifico. Se, ad esempio, 20 means the maw has swallowed the victim
la domanda è: “Facciamo bene ad avventurarci whole, burying the character 2d4 feet below
nel terzo livello?” e all’ingresso c’è in agguato ground. Victims can be dug out manually, wilh
un troll a guardia di 10.000 mo ed uno Scudo+1 appropriate spells (such as Dig), or with magical
(il DM pensa che i personaggi possano items (such as a spade of colossal excavation). A
sconfiggerlo, dopo una dura lotta), il responso creature trapped underground will suffocate
potrebbe essere: “Preparate l’olio e le torce; unless freed within a number of rounds equal to
illumineranno il vostro cammino verso la one-third its Constitution score.
ricchezza”. In ogni caso, il DM controlla che il Earthmaw may be cast on any area of loose or
consiglio venga recepito e decide se aggiungere packed earth, sand, or vegetation-covered soil. It
altre informazioni. Se l’avviso non è compreso, may be cast indoors on an earthen surface: for
può darsi che in seguito la situazione cambi e che example, on the dirt floor of a barn or basement,
non serva più (il troll dell’esempio potrebbe but not on the marble floor of a home or temple.
andarsene e portare con sé il tesoro). It may not be cast on an area containing a tree,
La probabilità di base per un’esatta divinazione è any portion of a building, or any type of
del 60% più 1% per ogni livello del sacerdote. Il pavement.
DM la modifica in base alle azioni da predire (se, An object present on the site of the maw (such as
ad esempio, sono state prese precauzioni a campfire or a tent, etc.) counts as a creature of
straordinarie contro l’incantesimo). that object's size in attacks.
Se fallisce il tiro, il sacerdote sa che la magia non The material component is a tooth from any
riesce, a meno che non sia in funzione un predatory creature.
Componenti materiali: offerta sacrificale, incenso
e simbolo sacro. Se si tratta di una divinazione ENTRENCH
particolarmente importante, può essere (Alteration, Invocation/Evocation)
necessario il sacrificio di qualche pietra preziosa
o di un oggetto magico di grande valore. Level: 4°
Manual: S&M
Sphere: War
EARTHMAW Range: 60 yds.
(Alteration) Duration: Permanent
Components: V, S, M
Level: 4° Casting Time: 3 rds.
Manual: DH Area of Effect: 10–ft. cube/2 levels
Sphere: Elemental (earth) Saving Throw: None
Range: 50 yards
Components: V, S, M An improved version of the Fortify spell,
Duration: 1 round Entrench has much the same effect, but prepares
Casting Time: 7 an even more formidable set of defenses. Like
Area of Effect: 10-foot diameter circle Fortify, Entrench may be used to prepare an open
Saving Throw: Neg. outdoors area such as a field or grassland, or a
rough outdoors area such as a hillside or forest.
Earthmaw causes a patch of ground 10 feet in Large rooms or chambers may be entrenched as
diameter to open and form a gigantic mouth with well. In addition to the ditches and ramparts of
stalactite teeth. The mouth springs forth on a the Fortify spell, Entrench makes use of local

Livello 4° 93 Livello 4°
Incantesimi clericali del quarto livello

materials to create a small palisade and an array FEIGN UNDEAD

of stakes or sharp stones to discourage attackers. (necromancy)

A. Open Outdoors Site: a rampart or dike of Level: 4°

earth faced by a staked ditch rises from the Manual: RAV
ground along the perimeter of the site. Creatures Sphere: Necromancy
defending the dike receive 75% cover against Range: 0
missile fire (+7 bonus to AC), or 25% cover (+2 Components: V, M, S
bonus) if they expose themselves by engaging in Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level
melee combat or firing missiles out of the dike. Casting Time: 4
Attackers cannot charge, run, or sprint over the Area of Effect: Person touched
rampart, and must spend one full round Saving Throw: None
negotiating the defenses in order to attack. The
dike's defenders receive a +1 bonus to attack This spell can make the caster or any willing
rolls against any creatures trying to move character masquerade as a zombie. The target
through the stakes or stones. looks like a zombie, ceases to breathe, and feels
no pain or emotion. He becomes immune to
B. Rough Outdoors Site: loose stones, paralysis, poison, or draining attacks. In the case
deadwood, and briars are arranged to form a of poison, the character must make a saving
defensible wall along the perimeter of the area of throw when the spell expires. The immunity to
effect, faced by an array of sharp stakes or pain does not protect the character from harm; he
stones. Characters hiding behind the wall receive still takes damage normally.
90% covert (+10 bonus to AC), or 50% cover The target’s body looks just like an animated
(+4 bonus) if they expose themselves by firing corpse – the skin color changes, and flesh shrinks
missiles or defending the wall. Attacking to show his bones. His attire does not change,
creatures cannot run, charge, or sprint through however; the character must attend to the state of
the defenses, and must spend one full round to his clothes himself. His joints become stiff and
get through the stakes plus an additional round his movements jerky. As a zombie, he cannot
climbing over the wall in order to enter the attack, wield a weapon effectively, or cause
fortified area. The wall's defenders gain a +1 damage points.
bonus to attacks against creatures negotiating the Any creature who sees this fake zombie assumes
defenses. that he is real. Unless ordered to do so, real
undead creatures won’t attack him. If the person
C. Marshy or Low–lying Site: in swamps or does something out of character, then anybody
bogs, Entrench creates a water–filled ditch who sees him can probably deduce that he is not
around the perimeter of the area of effect. This what he seems.
ditch is 15 feet wide and 3 to 6 feet deep; most Casting this spell in Ravenloft requires a
creatures require two full rounds to negotiate the Ravenloft powers check.
ditch and climb up the far side, and defenders The material component for this spell is a bit of
gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against enemies bone and dirt from a grave.
who are wading the ditch or climbing up the
other side.
The fortificadons created by this spell are FIAMMATA ®
permanent, although erosion, weathering, and (Alterazione)
clearing or filling can return the site to its
original state. The material component is the Livello: 4°
shell of a giant nautilus. In the Battlesystem Manuale: PH italiano
rules, Entrench provides the defending units with Sfera: elementale (fuoco)
a +3 bonus to their AR versus missile and melee Raggio d’azione: 40 m
attacks, but only a +1 bonus against missile Componenti: V, S, M
attacks in marshy areas. Durata: un round
Tempo di lancio: 7
Area d’effetto: quadrato con lato di 3,6 m
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

Il sacerdote crea un fuoco grande fino a 3,6 m

per lato, che dura un solo round, a meno che non
incendi altro materiale infiammabile. Il fuoco
infligge 1d4 ferite più una per ogni livello del
sacerdote (1d4+1 per livello) alle creature
presenti nell’area. Incendia materiali
infiammabili come stoffa, olio, carta, pergamena,
legno ecc., che continuano ad ardere.

Livello 4° 94 Livello 4°
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Il contrario, SPEGNERE IL FUOCO, estingue i FOCUS

fuochi normali (carbone, olio, cera, legno ecc.) (Invocation)
presenti nell’area d’effetto.
Per entrambe le versioni basta avere un impasto Level: 4°
di zolfo e cera appallottolato e lanciato contro il Manual: ToM
bersaglio. Sphere: All
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S, M
FIRE PURGE Duration: Special
(Abjuration) Casting Time: 1 day
Area of Effect: Special
Level: 4° Saving Throw: None
Manual: ToM
Sphere: Wards This spell creates the necessary conditions for
Range: 10 yards/level devotional energy to be used. For faith magic to
Components: V, S, M work, the priest must create a focus to harness
Duration: 1 turn/level the necessary devotional energy. This spell
Casting Time: 1 turn creates that focus. A Focus cannot function
Area of Effect: 10-yard square/priest without a source of devotional energy.
Saving Throw: None The focus gathers devotional energy and
reshapes it in order to amplify other spells cast
An area enchanted with Fire purge is protected by the priest (or priests). The same energy keeps
against all types of normal and magical fires. the focus in existence. If the spell is cast and
Normal fires (including camp fires, torches, and there is no immediate source of devotional
oil fires) cannot burn in the area of effect. energy within 100 feet, the Focus immediately
Magical fires (including fiery dragon breath, fails.
other creature-generated fires, and spell-related Once created, most foci cannot be moved. This
fires such as Burning hands and fireball) cause condition and the need for a constant supply of
only 50% of their normal damage. Additionally, devotional energy tends to limit the use of foci to
creatures within the area of effect receive a +4 temples, churches, monasteries, shrines, and
bonus to saving throws made vs. fire attacks, seminaries–permanent structures where
regardless of whether the attacks originate inside followers of the religion gather on a regular
or outside the warded area. basis. Sometimes a focus is created for a special
Fire purge has no effect on fires that are within gathering such as a holy day, conclave, grand
the area of effect when the spell is cast, (i.e., it wedding, or yearly festival.
does not extinguish existing fires). Not all foci are identical. The particular form of
The material components are the priest's holy the focus depends on the power and nature of the
symbol and a scorched sliver of wood. spell being amplified. All foci can be seen by
Fire purge can be cast as cooperative magic. If a Detect magic. There are three basic types of foci:
number of priests cast this spell simultaneously, site, item, and living.
its effectiveness is significantly increased. The Site foci are connected to a place, whether a
duration of the spell is then equal to 1 turn per room, building, field, or forest. Once cast, the
level of the most powerful priest plus 1 turn for foci cannot be moved. It causes no disturbance in
every other contributing priest. The area of effect the surroundings; it is invisible and intangible.
is a square whose sides equal the number of Item foci are centered on a single object.
priests times 10 yards (thus, six priests could Customarily, this object is large and immovable,
create a 60-yard by 60-yard square of such as an altar, but it is possible for the focus to
protection). be as small as is practical. The item can be as
elaborate or plain as desired, but should have
some significance to the religion.
Living foci are the rarest of all types. In this case,
the focus is created on a living plant, animal, or
person. Detect charm reveals the person is
somehow enchanted, although not under the
influence of a typical charm spell.
The type of focus created (site, item, or living)
depends on the religion and nature of the spell
amplified. These choices are listed in Table 3:
Focused Spell Effects.
Casting the Focus spell is a long and complicated
process, accompanied by many ceremonies and
rituals. During the day spent casting the spell, the
priest will need the assistance of at least two

Livello 4° 95 Livello 4°
Incantesimi clericali del quarto livello

other priests of the same faith. These aides need * The caster must state a desired range
not memorize the spell (or even be capable of (temperature, wind strength, etc.) within the
casting it). Their duty is to provide the extra spell's normal limitations at the time it is cast.
hands and voices needed at specific points of the
casting. A large number of worshipers must also Once the spell is cast, the normal duration and
be present since the focus requires their energy. area of effect for that spell are ignored. The focus
Not surprisingly, the casting of this spell is often begins to increase these factors of the spell's
incorporated into important holy festivals or power. After one day, the amplified spell reaches
special occasions. its full area of effect. Thereafter, it remains over
The duration of the focus is one year. If the that area until the focus fails.
devotional energy falls below a minimum level, The area affected by the focus (and its amplified
the spell ends sooner. A focus requires the spell) depends on the level of the caster. The
devotional energy of at least 100 devout spell expands in a radius from the focus, 20 feet
worshipers. Lay monks (those dedicated to the per level of the caster, although it can
religion but not priests) count as two worshipers, deliberately be created smaller. Within that area
while priests (of any level) count as ten. A focus of effect, the amplified spell exerts its normal
could be maintained by a congregation of 100, a effect. A 13th-level priest could create a focus up
monastery of fifty, or a seminary of as few as 10 to 260 feet in diameter.
priests (or any combination of the above). The The material components are many, including
focus must receive this energy for at least 10 special vestments, incense, oils, waters, and other
hours out of every day. If these conditions are not equipment the DM deems appropriate. The cost
met, the focus weakens. The area of effect of the of these materials is never less than 1,000 gp plus
amplified spell decreases by 20% each day until 100 gp per level of spell being amplified. These
it fades away completely. items are given up as offerings to the deity
Once the focus is created, the priest or priests (perhaps to be distributed to the poor), and new
have 1 turn in which to cast the desired spell ones must be obtained each time the spell is cast.
upon the focus. A focus can amplify only one
spell, and each item, creature, or place can
receive only one focus. Spells that can be cast FORESTA ILLUSORIA ®
upon a focus are listed below: (Illusione/Visione)

Sfera: vegetale
Spell Type Possible focus Raggio d’azione: 80 m
Componenti: V, S
Durata: permanente
Anti-animal shell S/I/L
Tempo di lancio: 7
Anti-plant shell S/I/L
Area d’effetto: quadrato lato 12 m per liv.
Bless S/I
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
Control temperature, 10' radius S*
Control winds S/I*
Quando viene fatto questo incantesimo, si crea
Cure disease I/L
una foresta immaginaria, che sembra
Cure blindness or deafness I/L
perfettamente naturale e non è per nulla diversa
Detect poison S/I
dalle foreste reali. I sacerdoti in simbiosi con i
Detect lie I
boschi (così come i loro abitanti, centauri, driadi,
Detect magic I
draghi verdi, ninfe, satiri e treant) si accorgono
Dispel evil S/I
del trucco; tutte le altre creature crederanno alla
Endure cold/endure heat S*
sua esistenza ed il movimento sarà rallentato di
Know alignment I/L
conseguenza. Toccare gli arbusti non servirà a
Negative plane protection S/I
svelare l’inganno né rovinerà l’incantesimo. La
Protection from evil S/I
foresta permane finché non viene eliminata con
Protection from lightning S
Dissolvi magie o con la forma inversa. L’area è
Protections from fire S
grosso modo rettangolare o quadrata e profonda
Purify food and drink I
almeno 12 m nella direzione scelta dal sacerdote,
Remove fear S/I/L
ma la foresta può essere anche più piccola,
Remove curse I
volendo. Uno dei suoi margini può essere fino a
Repel insects S/I
80 m di distanza dal sacerdote.
Resist fire/resist cold S
Speak with animals S/I/L
Tongues S/I
True seeing S

Livello 4° 96 Livello 4°
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FORTIFY situation. In general, the answer will be a single

(Necromancy) word or a short phrase of no more than five
Level: 4° The material component is a gem of at least 50
Manual: ToM gp value. This spell can be cast only once in any
Sphere: Healing 12-hour period. Subsequent attempts to cast the
Range: 0 spell result in no answer.
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 6 HEALING RAYS ®
Area of Effect: Creature touched (Necromancy)
Saving Throw: None
Level: 4°
This is a simple cooperative magic spell. Only Manual: PD
one priest can cast the spell, but like Mystic Sphere: Sun
transfer, another priest is required for the spell to Range: 30yards
have any effect. Through this spell, the priest Components: V, S
improves the quality of another priest's healing Duration: Permanent
spells. Casting Time: 1 round
For the Fortify spell to work, it must be cast Area of Effect: 1 creature
simultaneously with a Cure light wounds, Cure Saving Throw: Neg. (reverse only)
serious wounds, or Cure critical wounds. The
priest casting Fortify must lay his hand on the This spell causes a beam of healing sunlight to
priest attempting the cure. When both spells are caress the target, healing 3-10 (1d8+2) points of
cast, additional energy flows through the second damage.
priest and into the creature being healed. Fortify The reverse of the spell, BURNING RAYS, fires
automatically causes the cure spell to function at a beam of sunlight (radiation), causing 1d10
maximum effect. Thus, a Cure serious wounds points of damage.
would automatically heal 17 points of damage Material component: sunlight.
and a Cure critical wounds would heal 27 points
of damage. Nota: se si usano le regole opzionali dei Cura
The material component is the priest's holy ferite (v.), l’incantesimo ha gli stessi effetti di un
symbol. Cure/Cause moderate wounds.

(Divination) (Alteration)

Level: 4° Level: 4°
Manual: ToM Manual: DH
Sphere: Thought Sphere: Animal, Plant
Range: 0 Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 1 day/level of caster
Casting Time: 5 Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Caster Area of Effect: 1 person
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell is similar to Idea, except that the Those affected by hunger no longer gain
priest's player can ask the DM one question sustenance from food. No matter how much they
about any event occurring at the moment. The eat, they still feel hungry. If the spell did not end,
question must be somehow related to evaluation victims eventually would starve, visibly wasting
of the current situation, such as “What are these away.
monsters?” Speculation about the future, such as After one day under the spell's effect, victims'
“What's on the other side of the door?” is not concentration suffers (due to their preoccupation
permitted. with their constant hungry feeling), causing them
As with Idea, the DM must be careful in to suffer a -2 penalty to all ability and
adjudicating this spell. The answer to the proficiency checks. On the eighth day wilhout
question should always be relevant and correct, food, victims who have been maintaining normal
although not necessarily complete, and should aclivity levels lose 1 Strength point; on the ninth
not be unbalancing to the situation. The answer day, they lose 1 Constitution point. This
can also be cryptic, in the form of a riddle or alternating pattern continues until one of the
rhyme, depending on the DM's assessment of the character's ability scores falls to 3; at this point,

Livello 4° 97 Livello 4°
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the character becomes comatose. If a score INDIVIDUAZIONE DELLE BUGIE ®

reaches 0 before the hunger spell ends, the (Divinazione)
recipient dies. The victim regains lost points after
the spell ends at a rate of 1 Strength and 1 Livello: 4°
Constitution point per day. Manuale: PH italiano
When casting the spell, the character secretly Sfera: divinazione
whispers a particular type of food; by eating the Raggio d’azione: 30 m
specified food, the victim breaks the spell. It Componenti: V, S, M
must be a single, natural food (such as lamb, Durata: 1 round per livello
honey, or an apple) but can be exotic (dragon Tempo di lancio: 7
meat) — as long as the caster has tasted it Area d’effetto: una creatura
personally at some point. Tiro Salvezza: Neg.
Hunger cannot be dispelled, but can be broken
by the Remove curse spell. Failing all else, a Il sacerdote che lancia l’incantesimo è
sufferer must wait to find relief until the spell's immediatamente in grado di determinare se il
duration elapses. soggetto dice deliberatamente una bugia. La
The spell's material component is a pinch of the magia non rivela la verità, né scopre imprecisioni
food that can end the spell. non intenzionali o qualsiasi sotterfugio. Il
soggetto riceve un T.S. contro incantesimi, che
viene modificato solo in base alla Saggezza del
IMMUNITÀ AGLI INCANTESIMI sacerdote (se questi ha Sg 18, il tiro del soggetto
(Scongiurazione) viene ridotto di 4; vedi tabella 5 nel Manuale del
Livello: 4° Componente materiale: polvere d’oro (valore 1
Manuale: PH italiano mo).
Sfera: protezione La forma inversa, NASCONDERE LE BUGIE,
Raggio d’azione: tocco impedisce per 24 ore che le menzogne della
Componenti: V, S, M creatura siano smascherate e richiede come
Durata: 1 turno per livello ingrediente della polvere d’ottone.
Tempo di lancio: 1 round
Area d’effetto: creatura toccata
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno INFESTATION
Il sacerdote rende la creatura toccata immune
agli effetti di uno specifico incantesimo di quarto Level: 4°
livello o meno. Protegge da incantesimi, effetti di Manual: PD
oggetti magici ed abilità innate delle creature, ma Sphere: Animal
non ripara dagli attacchi con il soffio o con lo Range: 20 feet
sguardo. Ci sono ulteriori limitazioni: in primo Components: S, M
luogo, il sacerdote deve aver sperimentato di Duration: Special
persona gli effetti dell’incantesimo. Se, ad Casting Time: 6 rounds
esempio, è stato già attaccato da una Palla di Area of Effect: 1 creature
fuoco, può sfruttare l’immunità a questo tipo di Saving Throw: None
magia. Secondariamente, l’incantesimo non può
essere fatto su di una creatura già protetta da This spell is similar to Insect swarm except that
pozioni, anelli magici, incantesimi difensivi it summons thousands of tiny parasites from the
eccetera. Infine, la protezione funziona solo surrounding area that take root in the clothes,
contro un dato incantesimo, non contro tutto un hair, and sometimes even the skin of the victim.
gruppo di magie affini: se una creatura è protesa The target rarely knows a spell has been cast on
da Fulmine resta vulnerabile alla Scossa him, so the horrible effects of whatever parasites
elettrica. take hold are the first sign of the spell’s success.
Componente materiale: la stessa dell’incantesimo Cure spells greater than Cure light wounds, Heal,
al quale si è immuni. and Remove curse destroys the parasites
instantly. If infestation is not removed before
destructive effects begin to affect the victim, he
must be treated for those as well. A person who
lost his sight to eye mites, for example, would
need a Cure blindness spell to restore his vision.
This spell does not work against undead,
ethereals, and any other creatures that would be
unaffected by parasitic infestation.
The material component can be any item that
belongs to the victim. It should be buried just

Livello 4° 98 Livello 4°
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beneath the earth as the spell is cast, and can be some mind altering ailment.. Normal
dug up and reused anytime thereafter. healing spells kill the bugs, so does shaving
The spellcaster has no control over what kind of the heal and scrubbing the scalp.
parasites are summoned.
It takes about 1 day before infestation sets in. Material component: a personal item of the
Roll on the table provided below to determine pa target.
rasitical type.
Nota: questo incantesimo è specifico dei deserti
1d6 Effects di Athas. Il DM può consentire al chierico di
usarlo solo in aree desertiche, e non ovunque.
1 Ear Mites: these microscopic creatures will
cause permanent deafness in 7-12 days
2 Eye Mites: eye mites cause permanent (Alterazione)
blindness in 7-12 days (1d6+6).
3 Desert Lice: desert lice cause their host to Livello: 4°
feel generally unhealthy, and any saving Manuale: PH italiano
throws made vs. disease or poisons are at Sfera: animale
-2. The lice may be removed by smothering Raggio d’azione: 20 m
affected areas in oil or non-porous salves, Componenti: V, S, M
or by magic. Durata: speciale
4 Skin Worms: these are the most dreaded Tempo di lancio: 7
parasitic organisms in all the wastes of Area d’effetto: da 1 a 6 insetti
Athas. They live off of flesh and secrete a Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
toxic waste that slowly poison their hosts.
Every day after the third day of infection, a Il sacerdote ingrandisce uno o più insetti, fino a
saving throw vs. poison must be made. If it farli diventare simili agli insetti giganti del
fails, death results in no more than 24 Manuale dei mostri. Si può alterare un solo tipo
hours. Cure light wounds does not affect d’insetto per volta (è impossibile ingigantire una
skin worms, but slow poison allows the formica e una mosca contemporaneamente); tutti
victim to make a save for the day the spell dovranno avere le stesse dimensioni finali.
was cast. All other cure spells, and Il numero degli insetti e le dimensioni cui essi
neutralize poison, kill the parasites. A possono arrivare dipendono dal livello del
person always knows that he has skin sacerdote:
worms, the tell-tale sores mark his flesh and
cause constant itching and pain. Liv. sacerdote D.V. insetto Massimo D.V.
5 Sand Fleas: while these tiny creatures aren't
deadly, they are a source of constant itching Dal 7° al 9° 3 9
and discomfort. Anyone infected by sand Dal 10° al 12° 4 12
fleas will cease to heal at the normal 1 hit 13° o più 5 15
point a day rate, due to misey and
discomfort. The victim becomes cranky and Ad esempio, un sacerdote dell’8° livello
irritable, resulting in a -3 on all reaction potrebbe far crescere tre insetti fino a 3 D.V.,
rolls. Sand fleas notoriously leap from host quattro fino a due oppure nove fino ad un D.V..
to host, almost like a contagious disease. Gli insetti volanti da 3 o più D.V. possono essere
Anyone traveling with the victim should cavalcati da un uomo (possono reggere 36 Kg
roll a save vs. breath weapons every day. per D.V.).
Failure indicates infestation. Se, per qualsiasi motivo, il sacerdote viene
6 Mind Worms: the Athasian mind worm is interrotto mentre sta facendo l’incantesimo, o se
one of the strangest insect creatures on any gli insetti sono già sotto l’effetto di una magia
world. These tiny vermin infest a victim's (compresa questa), gli insetti muoiono e
hair and secrete a drug that excites certain l’incantesimo è perduto. Il DM decide quanti
portions of the brain, causing insetti di un certo tipo sono disponibili; questo è,
hallucinations, delirium and hysteria. The di solito, il limite principale.
host is always confused, as if by a Se l’insetto creato con l’incantesimo corrisponde
Feeblemind spell, and often sees terrifying alla descrizione di un mostro già esistente, si usa
illusions of things crawling over him or quella. Se non ce n’è una adatta, l’insetto gigante
lurking just beyond the next sand dune. The ha C.A. compresa tra 8 e 4, un attacco ed infligge
worms’ effects grow in time, so the first few ld4 ferite per D.V.
hallucinations are mild and probably Esempio: un sacerdote del 14° livello ingrandisce
undetectable by the victim's companions. uno scarafaggio (c’è solo quello) a 6 D.V. Il DM
Eventually, his condition deteriorates, and it decide che esso ha C.A. 5 e fa 6d4 ferite con il
becomes obvious that he is suffering from morso.

Livello 4° 99 Livello 4°
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L’incantesimo funziona solo con gli insetti, non The material component is a miniature golden
con aracnidi crostacei ed altre creature consimili. balance (i.e., similar to the scales of justice).
Gli insetti giganti non attaccano il sacerdote, che
impartirà loro semplici ordini (“attacca”,
“difenditi”, “sorveglia” eccetera). Non si può JOIN WITH ASTRAL TRAVELER
comandare di attaccare una determinata creatura (Alteration)
o di stare attenti ad una certa circostanza: si tratta
di concetti troppo complicati. Gli insetti si Level: 4°
scagliano contro il primo bersaglio che capita a Manual: ToM
tiro, a meno che il sacerdote non lo vieti Sphere: Astral
esplicitamente. Range: 0
Il contrario, RIMPICCIOLIRE L’INSETTO, Components: V, S
riporta la bestia alle sue normali dimensioni. Si Duration: Special
sottrae dal numero di D.V. la parte dovuta Casting Time: 1 turn
all’incantesimo: se arriva a 0 D.V., l’insetto è Area of Effect: The caster
stato rimpicciolito. Saving Throw: None
Ogni riduzione parziale non conta: o l’animale si
rimpicciolisce o resta gigante. Ad esempio, un When a priest casts the 7th-level Astral spell, he
sacerdote del 9° livello attaccato dalle formiche leaves his physical body in suspended animation
giganti potrebbe ridurre tre formiche guerriere o while his astral body travels. By touching the
quattro operaie a dimensioni ordinarie senza T.S.. comatose body and casting Join with astral
L’incantesimo non funziona con creature traveler, a priest can cause his own astral body to
insettiformi dotate di intelligenza. leave his physical body in suspended animation.
Per entrambe le versioni basta avere il simbolo His astral body then travels along the silver cord
sacro. of the originally projected priest. The caster joins
the projected priest as if he were part of the
original casting of the Astral spell; i.e., his own
INVERTED ETHICS silver cord is connected to the priest's silver cord,
(Enchantment/Charm) and he is dependent upon the originally projected
Level: 4° A priest who casts the 7th-level Astral spell can
Manual: ToM project as many as seven other creatures along
Sphere: Chaos with himself. However, priests casting Join with
Range: 120 yards astral traveler are an exception to this limit. Any
Components: V, S, M number of priests may join another priest in the
Duration: 1 turn Astral plane by use of this spell.
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Neg. KNURL
This spell reverses the ethics of a person or
group of people. While under the influence of Level: 4°
this spell, a creature behaves in a manner Manual: DH
opposite to the way he normally would behave. Sphere: Plant
Thus, a shopkeeper influenced by inverted ethics Range: 5 yards/level of caster
will think it perfectly normal for someone to pick Components: V, S, M
up an item from his shop and walk out the door Duration: 1 turn/level of caster
without paying for it. If someone tried to pay for Casting Time: 7
an item, he would be insulted. If the spell is cast Area of Effect: 1 person
on a shopper in a store, he would find it natural Saving Throw: Neg.
to steal the item, thinking that he is behaving in a
proper way. If the spell is cast on a professed Casting a Knurl spell transforms a creature's arm
thief, he will no longer steal, choosing to pay for into a tree branch of the same thickness, covered
his goods instead. wilh bark and twigs. The new limb possesses
Inverted ethics does not cause a creature to neither elbow nor wrist joints, not even a hand.
actively commit evil deeds (or good deeds). The "arm" remains attached to the shoulder. The
Thus, an affected creature will not go on a spell's recipient can use it as a club but not to
shoplifting rampage; he will steal only as the manipulate tools, weapons, or spell components.
opportunity presents itself. The caster chooses which of the recipient's arms
The spell affects one character per level of the to affect. A character could use multiple Knurl
caster within a 20' radius. Each target of the spell spells to transform both arms of a humanoid. The
is allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the arm is treated for all purposes as a tree branch: It
effect. becomes subject to fire, wood-altering spells, and

Livello 4° 100 Livello 4°

Incantesimi clericali del quarto livello

tree diseases. Dispel magic ends the spell's Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata
effects. Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
The material component is a small twig.
La creatura toccata può muoversi ed attaccare
normalmente per tutta la durata dell’incantesimo,
LEADERSHIP ® anche se è sotto l’effetto di magie che
(Enchantment/Charm, Alteration) impediscono i movimenti (come Ragnatela o
Rallentare) o se si trova sott’acqua. Annulla e
Level: 4° previene le conseguenze di incantesimi di Blocco
Manual: ToM e paralisi. Sott’acqua, il beneficiario va alla
Sphere: War stessa velocità che ha sulla terraferma ed infligge
Range: Special tutte le ferite che causa normalmente, anche con
Components: V, S, M armi da taglio, quali asce e spade, oppure
Duration: Special contundenti, come corregge, martelli e mazze,
Casting Time: Special purché l’arma sia tenuta in mano anziché
Area of Effect: One creature scagliata. L’incantesimo non permette di
Saving Throw: None respirare sott’acqua; occorre la magia apposita.
Componente materiale: una fascia di cuoio legata
This spell can be cast in one of two variations. attorno al braccio o qualcosa di simile, che si
The first, appropriate for battlefield use, has a disintegra alla fine dell’incantesimo.
range of 240 yards, duration of 1d4+6 turns, and
a casting time of 1 turn. The priest can cast the
spell on any single individual (a commander or LINGUE ®
hero) within his line of sight. (Alterazione)
While under the influence of this spell, the
subject's command radius is increased by 50% Livello: 4°
(round fractions up). Manuale: PH italiano
The reverse of this variation, DOUBT, requires Sfera: divinazione
the target to make a saving throw vs. spell. If Raggio d’azione: 0
failed, Doubt halves the command radius (round Componenti: V, S
fractions down) of the targeted individual for Durata: 1 turno
1d3+4 turns. Tempo di lancio: 7
The material component for this variation is a Area d’effetto: il sacerdote
pinch of steel dust. Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
The second variation must take place in or within
100' of a place of worship officially dedicated to L’incantesimo consente al sacerdote di capire e
the casting priest's deity. Both the priest and the parlare altre lingue nazionali o dialetti locali.
individual to be affected must be present. The Non gli permette di parlare con gli animali o
casting time is 5 turns and involves an intricate creature non intelligenti.
ritual and many prayers. At the conclusion of the Il sacerdote sceglie la/le linguale da apprendere
spell, the subject's command radius is doubled. prima di fare l’incantesimo; poi sarà in grado di
This effect lasts 2d12 hours. parlarla/e con accento perfetto. Sarà compreso da
The priest can cast either aspect (but not both at tutte le creature di quel tipo che sono a portata
once) on himself. No individual can be the dell’udito (di solito 18 m). La magia non
subject of more than one casting of this spell at conferisce alcun genere di predisposizione nei
one time, whether different aspects or cast by suoi confronti. Il sacerdote parla una lingua in
different priests. If more than one spell is più ogni tre livelli di esperienza. La forma
attempted on the individual, only the most recent invertita cancella gli effetti dell’incantesimo o
casting takes effect. confonde le comunicazioni verbali entro l’area
The material component for the second variation d’effetto.
is the priest's holy symbol.

LIBERTÀ D’AZIONE (Conjuration)
(Scongiurazione, Incantamento )
Level: 4°
Livello: 4° Manual: PD
Manuale: PH italiano Sphere: Elemental (water)
Sfera: charme Range: 20 yards
Raggio d’azione: tocco Components: V, S, M
Componenti: V, S, M Duration: Time of concentration
Durata: 1 turno per livello Casting Time: 4 rounds
Tempo di lancio: 7 Area of Effect: 1 creature

Livello 4° 101 Livello 4°

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Saving Throw: Neg. Level: 4°

Manual: PD
This spell magically creates water inside a Sphere: Elemental (fire, earth)
victim's lungs, drowning them if they are not Range: Self
able to cough the stuff up. Non-breathing Components: V, M
creatures and undead are not affected by this hex. Duration: 1 round per level
Anyone who fails a save vs. spells immediately Casting Time: 1 round
begins to drown. Area of Effect: Special
The spell can be stopped with Remove curse or Saving Throw: None
Dispel magic, or by disrupting the caster. A
Dehydrate spell will also cancel Lungs of water, This spell forms a mystical, swirling mass of
and the victim suffers no other ill effects. magma around a common shield. The priest must
The material component is the caster's saliva, be able to use a shield to cast this spell, and it is
spat at the intended victim. destroyed when the spell ends.
Anyone in melee with the cleric will take 1d4
points of damage if a saving throw vs. spells is
MAGMA BLADE not made each round. Any hits that miss the
(Enchantment) caster by the shield's armor class modifier of -1
are considered to have hit the shield, and the
Level: 4° weapon must make a saving throw vs. acid or be
Manual: PD destroyed.
Sphere: Elemental (fire, earth) Wielders of the shield are protected from the
Range: 0 intense heat it generates, but not from any other
Components: S, M heat source. The shield is reusable.
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5 rounds
Area of Effect: 1 weapon MANTO DEL CORAGGIO ®
Saving Throw: None (Convocazione/Attrazione)

When used on an obsidian sword, this spell Livello: 4°

sharpens the blade to a rasor edge and magically Manuale: PH italiano
stores a burst of energy within. The sword does Sfera: charme
+3 damage to anything it hits, and the impact Raggio d’azione: tocco
releases a store of magical heat that turns the Componenti: V, S, M
sword into molten stone. The sword bursts all Durata: speciale
over an opponent, covering him in burning Tempo di lancio: 6
magma, and causing an additional 2-12 points of Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata
heat damage. It can destroy equipment, and Tiro Salvezza: Neg.
continnes to burn for 1d6 points of damage per
round, up to 10 rounds. A body of water will cool Questo incantesimo si può lanciare su qualsiasi
the magma in 2 rounds; a full canteen will not, creatura consenziente, che otterrà un bonus sul
but it will halt damage for 1 round. Ice spells or T.S. contro ogni forma di “paura” (ma non la
Resist fire are the most effective forms of riverenza, che spetta ad alcune entità Minori o
protection. Finally, the victim can drop and roll, Maggiori). La magia interessa da una a quattro
extinguishing the magma in 1d4 rounds. If he creature (a scelta del DM): una ha bonus di +4
rolls in loose sand or wet earth, the magma is sul T.S., due hanno bonus +3, tre hanno +2 e
expunged in 1d2 rounds. quattro hanno +1. La magia funziona una sola
To enchant a weapon, a priest must first forge or volta; poi l’incantesimo svanisce, a prescindere
find an obsidian blade. He takes the blade to a dalla riuscita del T.S.. Se non ci sono T.S.,
source of magma and, chanting in an ancient termina dopo otto ore.
language, plunges the sword into the lava. When Il contrario, MANTO DELLA PAURA,
it emerges, the weapon is a Magma blade. The circonda la creatura toccata di un’aura
sword is obviously not reusable. Since this terrificante con raggio di 90 cm. Tutti i
magma is destined to be wasted eventually, the personaggi e le creature che entrano in
elemental plane will only allow any priest to quest’aura devono superare un T.S. contro
have one such weapon in existence at any given incantesimi; se falliscono, fuggono in preda al
time. He does not have to possess it: he just panico per 2d8 round. Possono lasciar cadere gli
cannot make another until it has been used. oggetti che hanno in mano oppure no, a scelta del
L’incantesimo non riesce con i non morti.
MAGMA SHIELD L’effetto si usa una volta e svanisce dopo otto
(Conjuration/lnvocation) ore, se non è stato annullato prima. I compagni
del ricevente non sono immuni alle conseguenze.

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Incantesimi clericali del quarto livello

Per la forma positiva occorre una penna d’aquila (Illusion)

o di falco; per quella inversa ci vogliono le penne
della coda di un pollo o di un avvoltoio. Level: 4°
Manual: PD
Sphere: Thought, Sun
(Enchantment/Charm) Components: V, S
Duration: 1 hour per level
Level: 4° Casting Time: 4 rounds
Manual: ToM Area of Effect: 1 creature
Sphere: Thought Saving Throw: Neg.
Range: 50 yards
Components: V, S, M This spell is similar to Create mirage, except that
Duration: 3 rounds/level it affects a single target. The victim sees
Casting Time: 4 everything in its worst possible light: friends are
Area of Effect: One creature monsters, oases of beauty are deformed pools of
Saving Throw: Neg. blackwater.
Once a character has been affected by the
This spell is similar to the wizard spell mirage, he should make a second saving throw
Domination in that it establishes a telepathic link vs. paralyzation. Failure means he is terrified of
between the priest and the subject through which the things he sees and flees as if under the
the priest can control the subject's bodily 4th-level wizard's spell Fear. If the target makes
movements. There are some significant the save, he attacks the closest target It doesn't
differences between the spells, however. matter whather the target is friend or foe: all are
Elves and half-elves have no innate resistance to monstrous.
this spell. Priest and subject need not share a The reverse of the spell, MIRAGE OF
common language. The priest can force the DECEPTION, makes everything seem
subject into combat, but the subject's attack rolls beautiful, warm, and friendly. Monsters are
suffer a -2 penalty. The priest cannot force the harmless woodland creatures, and an ancient
subject to cast spells or use any innate magical or enemy is suddenly friendly anl trustworthy. As
magiclike abilities. The priest can force the the victim becomes more trusting and gullible, he
subject to speak, although the priest cannot inject will agree to any reasonable requests for the
a full range of emotions into the subject's voice duration of the spell. Requests of a dangerous or
(everything said by the subject is in a monotone). suicidal nature grant him a second saving throw.
This spell gives the priest no access to the Either version of the spell affects only one
subject's thoughts, memory, or sensory apparatus. creature of at least medium intelligence.
Thus, the priest cannot see through the subject's Companions who notice strange behavior from a
eyes. To control the subject, the priest must be friend can try to talk him out of the mirage, and
within the range of the spell and must be able to this gives the victim one additional saving throw.
see the subject. Breaking either of these Dispel magic or reversing the spell ends the
conditions causes the spell to terminate illusion.
This spell requires a moderate level of
concentration by the priest. While maintaining MODIFY MEMORY
this spell, he can move or enter combat, but (Enchantment/Charm)
cannot cast another spell. If the priest is
wounded, rendered unconscious, or killed, the Level: 4°
spell immediately terminates. Manual: ToM
If the priest is 10th level or lower, he or she Sphere: Time
cannot force the subject to perform particularly Range: 30 feet
delicate actions, such as picking a lock. At 11th Components: V, S
level or higher, however, this restriction is Duration: Permanent
removed. The priest could thus force a thief to Casting Time: Special
pick a lock. Any such delicate actions suffer a Area of Effect: One creature
-15% penalty (or -3 on 1d20) to reflect the Saving Throw: Neg.
“remote control” nature of the action.
The material component is a mesh of fine threads This spell enables the caster to reach into the
that the priest loops around the fingertips of one subject's mind and modify up to five minutes of
hand and manipulates in the way that a puppeteer his memory in one of the following ways:
controls a puppet.
– Eliminate all memory of an event the subject
actually experienced. This spell cannot negate
MIRAGE OF DESPAIR ® Charm, Suggestion, Geas, Quest, or similar

Livello 4° 103 Livello 4°

Incantesimi clericali del quarto livello

– Allow the subject to recall with perfect clarity (Alteration)
an event he actually experienced. For instance,
he could recall every word from a five-minute Level: 4°
conversation or every detail from a passage in a Manual: DH
book. Sphere: Plant
– Change the details of an event the subject Range: 60 yards
actually experienced. Components: V, S, M
– Implant a memory of an event the subject Duration: Instantaneous
never experienced. Casting Time: 7
Casting the spell takes one round. If the subject Area of Effect: 1 tree or plant
fails to save vs. spell, the caster proceeds with Saving Throw: 1/2
the spell by spending up to five minutes
visualizing the memory he wishes to modify in A favorite of cold-forest and desert druids,
the subject. If the caster's concentration is Needlestorm causes the spines on any pine tree
disturbed before the visualization is complete, or similar needle-bearing plant to spray out in a
the spell is lost. deadly barrage. The shower of needles has a
Modified memory will not necessarily affect the radius of approximately 1 foot for every 2 feet of
subject's actions, particularly if they contradict the subject plant's height.
his natural inclinations. An illogical Modified Everyone within this area suffers one attack,
memory, such as the subject recalling how much which inflicts ld12 points of damage for every
he enjoyed drinking poison, will be dismissed by three full levels the caster has achieved. Thus, a
the subject as a bad dream or a memory muddied spruce tree enchanted by a 7th-level character
by too much wine. More useful applications of attacks with a THAC0 of 16 and inflicis 2d12
Modified memory include implanting memories points of damage.
of friendly encounters with the caster (inclining The material component is a spine from a
the subject to act favorably toward the caster), needle-bearing tree or plant.
changing the details of orders given to the
subject by a superior, or causing the subject to
forget that the caster cheated him in a card game. NEUTRALIZZARE VELENI ®
The DM reserves the right to decide whether a (Negromanzia)
Modified memory is too nonsensical to
significantly affect the subject. Livello: 4°
Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: guarigione
Raggio d’azione: tocco
Componenti: V, S
Durata: permanente
Tempo di lancio: 7
Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata o 28 dm³
di materiale ogni due livelli
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

Il sacerdote rende atossico qualsiasi tipo di

veleno presente nella creatura o nella sostanza
toccate. Se si tratta di un avversario, quale un
rettile o un serpente velenoso (o anche l’arma
avvelenata di un nemico), che non vuole essere
toccato, il sacerdote deve effettuare un TxC.
L’incantesimo può evitare la morte della creatura
avvelenata, se fatto in tempo. I suoi effetti sono
permanenti solo rispetto al veleno che c’è nella
creatura quando questa viene toccata, quindi non
interessano creature ed oggetti che producono
continuamente il veleno.
Anche per il contrario, AVVELENARE, occorre
un TxC; la vittima può effettuare un T.S. contro
veleni e, se fallisce, resta priva di forze e muore
nel giro di un turno, a meno che l’azione del
veleno non venga rallentata o annullata con altri

Livello 4° 104 Livello 4°

Incantesimi clericali del quarto livello

OMNISCIENT EYE inseguitori eccetera. La magia non mette le

(Divination) piante in grado di sradicarsi ed andarsene a
spasso; sono possibili i movimenti più
Level: 4° verosimili.
Manual: S&M Si possono liberare le vittime di Intralciare (1°
Sphere: Divination livello); l’incantesimo dura un round per ogni
Range: 0 livello del sacerdote e interessa tutta la
Duration: 1 turn + 1 rd./level vegetazione presente nell’area d’effetto.
Area of Effect: The caster Componenti materiali: una goccia d’acqua, un
Components: V, S, M po’ di letame ed una fiamma.
Casting Time: 7
Saving Throw: None
This divination enhances the caster's vision by (Alterazione)
allowing him to see through any normal or
magical darkness, fog, or mist to a range of 60 Livello: 4°
feet. In addition, the caster has a chance of Manuale: PH italiano
piercing magical illusions, blending, and Sfera: vegetale
invisibility equal to 70% plus 1% per level of Raggio d’azione: tocco
experience, less 2% per spell level. For example, Componenti: V, S, M
a 7th–level priest has a 70%+7%–4%, or 73% Durata: speciale
chance, to spot a wizard concealing himself by Tempo di lancio: 7
using the 2nd–level spell Invisibility. Area d’effetto: speciale
Unlike the 5th–level spell True seeing, the Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
Omniscient eye does not grant the caster the
ability to perceive secret doors, traps, lost or L’incantesimo apre un passaggio attraverso
misplaced objects, or creature alignments; it piante, bosco o sottobosco, anche magici. La
simply ensures that the caster can see the porta resta aperta per il sacerdote e per gli esperti
surroundings as they would appear without the di magia e sacerdoti di livello superiore, oltre che
interference of weather, lighting, or illusionary per le driadi; gli altri devono farsela indicare. Il
magic. Thus, the Omniscient eye can be deceived sacerdote può, con questa magia, addirittura
by careful camouflage, concealment, or other entrare in un tronco d’albero e restare lì,
purely physical precautions. Other phenomena nascosto, finché dura l’incantesimo; il tronco può
that may bypass this spell's power include far passare oppure ospitare anche altre creature,
psionic invisibility, true transparency, or grandi al massimo quanto un uomo. Se l’albero è
extradimensional objects or creatures. abbattuto o incendiato, gli occupanti devono
The material component of this spell is a special andarsene prima che cada, per non essere uccisi.
ointment for the eyes that is composed of rare L’incantesimo dura un turno per ogni livello del
powders and herbs. The ointment costs at least sacerdote; se questi decide di entrare in una
100 gold pieces for a single application. quercia, dura nove volte di più (tre volte la durata
normale per il frassino). Il varco creato è largo
fino a 1,2 m. alto 2,4 m e lungo 3,6 m per ogni
PARLARE CON LE PIANTE livello del sacerdote. L’incantesimo non funziona
(Alterazione) con i mostri vegetali (fanghiglie, muffe, treant
Livello: 4° Componenti materiali: carbonella e simbolo
Manuale: PH italiano sacro.
Sfera: vegetale
Raggio d’azione: 0
Componenti: V, S, M
Durata: 1 round per livello
Tempo di lancio: 1 turno
Area d’effetto: raggio di 9 m
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

Il sacerdote è in grado di comunicare, in termini

molto rudimentali, con ogni vegetale (compresi
funghi, muffe, mostri simili a piante) e di
esercitare un certo controllo sulle piante normali
(non su mostri o creature arborescenti). Può
chiedere se sono passate o meno delle creature,
può far dividere gli arbusti per facilitare
l’accesso, ordinare ai rampicanti di intralciare gli

Livello 4° 105 Livello 4°

Incantesimi clericali del quarto livello

(Alteration) Level: 4°
Manual: DK
Level: 4° Sphere: Weather
Manual: ToM Range: Touch
Sphere: Numbers Components: V, S, M
Range: 30 yards Duration: l hour/level
Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 7
Duration: Special Area of Effect: Creature touched
Casting Time: 4 Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Neg. When this spell is cast, it creates a magical
barrier around the recipient at a distance of one
This spell allows the priest to increase or foot. The barrier moves with the recipient, who
decrease by a small margin the probability of completely ignores natural (not magical) weather
success for one action. This action can be effects. Driving rain, wind, or driven sand do not
anything that requires a die roll–an attack, a impede progress. Incredible heat does not affect
saving throw, an attempt to use thieving skills, an water intake or dehydration. Natural lightning
ability check, or even an attempt to successfully cannot affect him.
Teleport on target. The action must be something Normal light and darkness are not considered
performed by a single creature. weather effects for this spell. The after-effects of
The basic modification is 15% (15 on 1d100 or 3 weather—flood waters, muddy ground, or drifted
on 1d20), plus an additional 5% per five levels of sand, for instance—impede progress normally.
the caster. This modification can be either The recipient receives a saving throw bonus of
positive or negative, as deemed by the +6 to magically created weather effects such as
spellcaster. Thus, a 10th-level priest can modify a Lightning bolt, Wind wall, Cone of cold, Chain
subject's saving throw or attack roll by +5 or -5, lightning, Incendiary cloud, Call lightning, and
or a thief's “climb walls” roll by +25% or -25%. Sunray, and a normal saving throw against
The priest may cast this spell on himself. magical weather spells that are normally listed as
For a noncombat action such as an attempt to having none, such as Wall of fog, Fog cloud,
climb a wall, the priest simply casts the spell on Gust of wind, Ice storm, Solid fog, Death fog,
the subject immediately before the action is Control temperature, 10' radius, Control
attempted, informing the DM whether the weather, Weather summoning, and Control
modification is positive or negative. To use this winds. The recipient can save vs. spells against a
spell in combat, the priest must specify the action Dust devil, success inlicating it cannot attack
to be affected (e.g., the target's next attack roll) him. As a side effect, spells such as Whispering
and whether the modification will be positive or wind anl Wind walk cannot be cast or received by
negative. The spell remains in effect until the the recipient of this spell.
subject attempts the specified action or until a The reverse of this spell, INTENSIFICATION
number of rounds equal to the caster's level OF WEATHER, subjects the victim to effects
passes. If the latter occurs, the spell ends without more severe than the actual weather would
effect. inflict. Driving wind or rain drastically slows the
Once the spell is cast, the priest does not need to victim. Natural lightning does double damage. A
maintain any level of concentration; the spell victim in the heat requires double the normal
will function even if the casting priest is killed ration of water to avoid dehydration. The victim
before the spell takes effect. loses any possible save against magical weather
The subject of the spell has no way of knowing spells, anl those causing damage all one hit point
whether any modification made by this spell is per die inflicted. The victim gets a save to avoid
positive or negative (or even whether he was the the effects of this spell.
subject of the spell at all). Thus, a lying priest The material components for this spell are a
could claim to raise a thief's chance of climbing small paper umbrella (or, for its reverse, a minute
the wall, while actually lowering it. The thief lightning rod).
would be none the wiser. However, an unwilling
subject of this spell receives a normal saving
throw to negate its effect.
The material components are a small cube of a
thickened sugar-and-milk mixture and a cubic
die of matching size. Both are consumed in the



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Incantesimi clericali del quarto livello

PROTEZIONE DAL FULMINE Per effettuare l’incantesimo, il sacerdote deve

(Scongiurazione) tracciare un cerchio con diametro di 6 m usando
dell’acqua santa (sconsacrata) ed incenso (letame
Livello: 4° secco).
Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: protezione, tempo
atmosferico RAPPORT
Raggio d’azione: tocco (Divination, Alteration)
Componenti: V, S, M
Durata: speciale Level: 4°
Tempo di lancio: 7 Manual: ToM
Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata Sphere: Thought
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
L’effetto dell’incantesimo cambia a seconda del Duration: 1 turn+1 round/level
beneficiario, che può essere il sacerdote o Casting Time: 1 round
un’altra creatura. Comunque, non dura più di un Area of Effect: One creature
turno per ogni livello del sacerdote. Saving Throw: None
– Se il beneficiario è il sacerdote, diventa
invulnerabile ad attacchi con l’elettricità (soffio This spell is a deeper and more intense version of
del drago blu, Fulmine ed altri lampi magici, Telepathy. It allows the priest to communicate
Scossa elettrica, gigante delle tempeste, fuoco silently and instantly with a single willing
fatuo eccetera) finché ha assorbito dieci ferite di subject. Participants may share deeper thoughts
questo tipo per ogni suo livello. Poi non è più than with Telepathy, including emotions and
immune. memories. Each participant sees, hears, and
– Se l’incantesimo è fatto su un altro soggetto, otherwise senses everything experienced by the
gli dà un bonus di +4 sui T.S. contro attacchi con other, although such vicarious experiences feel
l’elettricità e dimezza i danni subiti a causa di diluted and cannot be mistaken for direct
tali attacchi. sensations.
Componente materiale: simbolo sacro. The participants can quickly share such personal
concepts as plans, hopes, and fears, but they
cannot share skills or spells. Thus, it is
PROTEZIONE DAL MALE NEL RAGGIO impossible to communicate the procedure for
DI 3 METRI ® casting a particular spell or for picking a lock.
(Scongiurazione) Communication through Rapport is
approximately 15 times faster than verbal
Livello: 4° communication. As with Telepathy, the priest can
Manuale: PH italiano establish separate “channels” to multiple
Sfera: protezione individuals; each such linkage costs one casting
Raggio d’azione: tocco of the spell. There is no “crosstalk” between the
Componenti: V, S, M channels, however.
Durata: 1 turno per livello Rapport cannot be used on unwilling subjects.
Tempo di lancio: 7
Area d’effetto: sfera con raggio di 3 m
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno RECITATION
(Abjuration, Invocation/Evocation)
La sfera protettiva creata con questo incantesimo
è uguale a quella della Protezione dal male, ma è Level: 4°
più grande e dura di più. L’effetto è centrato sulla Manual: S&M
creatura toccata e si muove insieme ad essa. Sphere: Combat
Ogni creatura all’interno può superare la barriera Range: 0
contro esseri magici o convocati per magia con Duration: 1 rd./level
un attacco ravvicinato. Se l’incantesimo è fatto Area of Effect: 60–ft. radius
su una creatura troppo grande per rientrare Components: V, S, M
nell’area d’effetto (ad es. un titano alto 6,3 m), Casting Time: 7
ne lascia fuori una parte, che resta soggetta alle Saving Throw: None
penalità stabilite dal DM. Se il soggetto è il
beneficiario della magia, equivale ad una By reciting a sacred passage or declaration, the
Protezione dal male rivolta esclusivamente a priest invokes his deity's blessing upon himself
quella creatura. and his allies, while causing confusion and
Il contrario, PROTEZIONE DAL BENE NEL weakness among his enemies. All creatures
RAGGIO DI 3 METRI, funziona contro le within the area of effect at the instant of the
creature buone. spell's completion are affected. Allies of the

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priest gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and saving RETURN TO THE EARTH
throws, or a +3 bonus if they are of the same (Necromany)
faith (not just alignment) as the caster. Enemies
suffer a –2 penalty to attack rolls and saving Level: 4°
throws. After the Recitattion, the priest is free to Manual: PD
take further actions during the spell's duration as Sphere: Necromancy
he sees fit; he need not concentrate to maintain Range: 0
the spell. As a result, it is possible for the priest Components: V, M
to cast a Prayer spell, which increases the Duration: 1 round per level
bonuses and penalities provided to +3 and –3 Casting Time: 3 rounds
respectively. If another priest is using Chant at Area of Effect: 3 inch radius per level
the same time, then the bonuses and penalities Saving Throw: None
given by it are also allowed to add to the total.
The material spell component is the priest's holy This spell turns a dead body into dust. Corpses
symbol and a copy of whatever text or scroll he inhabited by spirits, such as wights or liches, are
holds sacred. Neither are consumed by the spell. allowed a save, but zombies, skeletons, and other
undead are not. Once cast, bits of the undead
begin to crumble and fall to the ground,
RESPINGERE GLI INSETTI completely destroying it in 3 rounds. To
(Scongiurazione, Alterazione) represent their deterioration, undead suffer a
cumulative -1 to attack, each round after the spell
Livello: 4° has token affect.
Manuale: PH italiano The undead must actually have a physical form,
Sfera: animale, protezione ghosts would not be subject to this spell.
Raggio d’azione: 0
Componenti: V, S, M
Durata: 1 turno per livello SAND WARRIORS
Tempo di lancio: 1 round (Conjuration/Enchantment)
Area d’effetto: raggio di 3 m
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno Level: 4°
Manual: PD
Il sacerdote crea una barriera invisibile che ferma Sphere: Elemental (earth)
tutti i tipi di insetti, che non gli si avvicinano a Range: 30 yards
meno di 3 m. Vengono respinti anche gli insetti Components: S, M
giganti con un numero di D.V. inferiore ad 1/3 Duration: 1 round per level
del livello del sacerdote (cioè quelli con 2 D.V. Casting Time: 1 round
per sacerdoti dal 7° al 9° livello, quelli con 3 per Area of Effect: Special
sacerdoti dal 10° al 12° livello, ecc.). Gli insetti Saving Throw: None
con maggior numero di D.V. possono entrare
nell’area protetta se sono particolarmente The conjurer can summon ld4 warriors from
aggressivi e superano un T.S. contro incantesimi; beneath the sand to fight in his stead. The
subiscono, in ogni caso, ld6 ferite nel passaggio. warriors are completely loyal and cannot be
L’incantesimo non ha alcun effetto su aracnidi, controlled or stolen, although they can be
miriapodi e creature analoghe; riguarda banished by Dispel magic. They have an armor
esclusivamente gli insetti. class of 5, 2 Hit Dice, and wield terrible swords
La componente materiale è data da uno di questi of compressed, fine sand that cause 1d10 points
ingredienti: alcuni fiori di calendula triturati, un of damage whenever they hit. THAC0 is 18, and
porro tritato, sette foglie di ortica schiacciate o movement is 150 feet. The Sand warriors take
un grumo di resina di un albero di canfora. double damage from water based attacks. To use
this spell, a cup of water poured onto the sand
where the warriors are to rise.
Material component: a cup of water.

Nota: questo incantesimo può essere lanciato

solo in un deserto, su una spiaggia sabbiosa o in
altro luogo simile.

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SCONGIURARE active effort to believe (rather than disbelieve)

(Scongiurazione) the illusion. Characters trying to believe the
reality of a solipsistic illusion must make a
Livello: 4° saving throw vs. breath weapon, modified by the
Manuale: PH italiano magical defense adjustment for Wisdom. A
Sfera: convocazione successful save means that the character believes
Raggio d’azione: 10 m the illusion and it is part of reality for him. A
Componenti: V, S, M failed save means that the character cannot
Durata: speciale convince himself of the illusion's reality, and the
Tempo di lancio: 1 round illusion has no effect on him. A character can
Area d’effetto: 1 creatura make a single attempt to believe each round.
Tiro Salvezza: speciale Unlike true illusions, the image created by this
spell does more than just duplicate reality. The
L’incantesimo rimanda una creatura di altri piani image formed is real for those who believe in it.
nel suo piano d’origine. Fallisce contro semidei The illusion has all the normal properties that its
ed entità ancor più potenti, ma non con i loro form and function allow. Thus, a solipsistic
servitori e seguaci. Se la creatura ha un nome bridge spanning a chasm could be crossed by the
specifico (proprio), bisogna conoscerlo ed usarlo; priest and those who believed. All others would
se non si supera la sua eventuale resistenza al see the priest apparently walking out onto
magico, l’incantesimo non funziona. Il sacerdote nothingness. Likewise, a solipsistic giant would
ha una probabilità di riuscita del 50% (11 o più cause real damage to those who believed it.
con ld20). Il tiro viene modificato in base alla The illusion remains in effect for as long as the
differenza di livello tra il sacerdote e la creatura priest continues to concentrate on it, until the
da cacciare: il numero da ottenere diminuisce se priest is struck in combat, or until he is rendered
ha più D.V. il sacerdote ed aumenta se ne ha di unconscious. The level of concentration required
più la creatura. Se la magia riesce, l’intruso viene is not extreme; the priest can move normally and
subito rispedito nel suo piano e deve may engage in combat, but is unable to cast any
sopravvivere ad una prova di “choc corporeo”; se spell while maintaining a solipsistic illusion.
non ha punteggio di Costituzione, si richiede un Solipsism can create only illusions that are
risultato del 70% più il 2% per ogni D.V. o external to the priest. Thus, the priest cannot
livello. Il sacerdote non può decidere dove far create an illusion that he is the size of a giant, is
arrivare la creatura; se il tentativo fallisce, deve unwounded, or has sprouted wings.
salire di un livello prima di poter riprovare con The material components are a lotus blossom
quella specifica creatura. that the priest must swallow and a bit of fleece.
Componenti materiali: acquasanta, simbolo sacro
e qualche sostanza nociva alla creatura.
(Alteration) Level: 4°
Manual: PD
Level: 4° Sphere: Healing, Weather
Manual: ToM Range: 0
Sphere: Thought Components: V, S
Range: 10 yards/level Duration: 1 round per 2 levels
Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 5 rounds
Duration: Special Area of Effect: 10 foot radius
Casting Time: 1 round Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 100 sq. ft.+100 sq. ft./level
Saving Throw: Special The caster claps his hands together, making the
sound of thunder and rain begins to fall in a 10
This unusual spell is similar to Phantasmal force foot radius. Every creature beneath the cloud
and other illusion magic, except that the priest regains 1 hit point per round, up to the duration
who casts the spell is the only creature who of the spell. The rain also causes a -1 penality to
automatically believes the results of the spell. all melee attacks within its area of effect.
The spell creates the illusion of any object,
creature, or force, as long as it is within the Nota: se si usano le regole opzionali dei Cura
boundaries of the spell's area of effect. The ferite, anziché 1 P.F. per round il DM può
illusion is visual and tactile (that is, it can be permettere ai beneficiari di questo incantesimo di
seen and felt), but no other sensory stimuli are recuperare ogni round la metà dei P.F. recuperati
created. con un Cura ferite leggere (minimo 1 P.F.).
Solipsism is the opposite of normal illusions in
that anyone other than the caster must make an

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(Divinazione) (Alteration)

Livello: 4° Level: 4°
Manuale: PH italiano Manual: PD
Sfera: divinazione Sphere: Combat
Raggio d’azione: 10 m Range: 0
Componenti: V, S, M Components: S, M
Durata: 1 round per livello Duration: Special
Tempo di lancio: 2 ore Casting Time: 5 rounds
Area d’effetto: speciale Area of Effect: 1 weapon per level
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno Saving Throw: None

Il sacerdote trasforma un piccolo specchio The caster wraps a cloth around a stone no more
d’acqua naturale in uno strumento di than 2 feet in diameter, and soaks it with oil. He
divinazione. Il diametro della pozza non può sets the cloth on fire and allows it to burn until it
superare 60 cm per ogni livello del sacerdote. disintegrates. Once this is done, any sword or
L’effetto è simile a quello di una Sfera di edged weapon struck against the rock have its
cristallo; la divinazione si estende solo ai piani edge perfectly sharpen and oiled, giving it a +3
confinanti con il Primo Materiale, quelli interni damage to the next target it hits, +2 to the
(compresi quelli dei para-elementi, il piano delle second, and +1 to the third. There are no special
Ombre, ecc.). Nel MDM, oltre alla descrizione effects after the third blow has been struck. The
della Sfera di cristallo, trovi le note generali sul stone will sharpen as many weapons as the level
tipo di esame, sul fatto che la vittima se ne of the caster. It works on metal, obsidian, and
accorga o meno e sulle conseguenze in caso di bone.
tentativi rivolti ad altri piani.
Attraverso lo specchio d’acqua si possono
lanciare gli incantesimi seguenti, con probabilità SUSPENDED ANIMATION
di funzionare del 5% per ogni livello del (Necromancy)
sacerdote: Individuazione del magico,
Individuare trappole, Individuazione del veleno. Level: 4°
Ogni ulteriore tentativo di individuazione Manual: S&M
richiede un round di concentrazione, a Sphere: Necromantic
prescindere dalla riuscita. L’infravisione, se c’è, Range: Touch
agisce normalmente anche attraverso lo specchio Components: V, S, M
d’acqua. Duration: Special
L’immagine è quasi sempre annebbiata ed Casting Time: 4
impedisce di leggere qualsiasi scritta. Area of Effect: Creature touched
Componente materiale: olio estratto da nocciole Saving Throw: None
e noci, raffinato e versato da tre misurini, goccia
a goccia, sulla superficie (ogni misurino non By using this spell, the caster can place one
deve contenere più di 28 g. d’olio). willing subject in a state of Suspended
Il DM può stabilire che l’incantesimo si possa animation. The victim's breathing, heartbeat, and
fare una sola volta al giorno. other vital processes slow to the point of
nonexistence, although he or she seems to be
deeply asleep, not dead. A caster of 7th to 10th
level can maintain the Suspended animation for
up to one week plus one day per level; a caster of
11th to 15th level can maintain the state for up to
one month plus one week per level; and a caster
of 16th level or higher can place someone in
Suspended animation for one year plus one
month per level.
This spell has many useful applications. First, all
bodily or mental afflictions become quiescent
during the victim's slumber. Poison, insanity, and
many curses (lycanthropy, geas, and mummy rot
included) can be arrested, if not cured, and have
no effect on the subject while he sleeps. Of
course, if the spell is broken prematurely, all the
conditions that were halted by the spell will start
once again. Second, the subject requires no food
or water, but he still needs air and dies if

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deprived of oxygen. Third, for every month that TANGLEFOOT ®

the subiect is in Suspended animation, he (Alteration, Abjuration)
recovers one hit point.
The caster can awaken the subject at any time Level: 4°
within the spell's duration, although he must be Manual: ToM
in the subject's presence to do so. Optionally, the Sphere: War
priest may pre–specify an amount of time within Range: 240 yards
his normal duration or a special condition to Components: V, S, M
awaken the sleeper. A condition must include a Duration: 2 turns/level
physical stimulus to the subject, such as a change Casting Time: 2 turns
in temperature, the touch of the sun, the kiss of a Area of Effect: 100 sq. yards/level
princess, or whatever the priest desires. If the Saving Throw: None
priest maintaining the spell dies or is not able to
awaken the sleeper, then the subject can be taken This spell temporarily doubles the movement
to another priest of the same deity to be cost of one region of ground. Units allied to the
awakened. priest are unaffected and movement is made at
If the subject is attacked, he is completely normal cost; only enemy units suffer the penalty.
helpless and can be killed by a single blow. A variety of effects result from the spell
However, if the subject is attacked without being depending on the terrain: grass twists hinderingly
slain for some reason, he gains a saving throw around troops' ankles, swamp becomes more
vs. spell each round to emerge from his viscous, rocks and gravel shift underfoot, etc.
Suspended animation. The subject will be The spell affects only units–that is, groups of
extremely groggy and disoriented if his slumber soldiers moving in regular or irregular formation.
is disturbed in this fashion, suffering a –2 penalty The spell does not affect individuals or monsters
to all die rolls for ld6 turns, but if he awakens in moving and operating alone. (When using the
the normal or prescribed fashion, he is Battlesystem rules, figures that represent
disoriented for only one round. individual heroes are not affected by this spell.)
Some of the drawbacks to this spell affect the When casting this spell, the priest must have an
casting priest. First of all, it takes all of the uninterrupted line of sight to the terrain to be
priest's concentration to cast and maintain this affected. The priest can choose the shape of the
spell. This means that the priest cannot cast any area, up to the maximum area of effect. This
other spell while a subject is being held under the spell can create only one continuous area of
influence of the Suspended animation. For each Tanglefoot. There is no way of detecting that a
week that the subject is in Suspended animation, particular area is under the influence of this spell
the priest loses one point of Constitution. This simply by looking at the area. Detect magic will
happens each week until the priest transfers the reveal that the area is magically affected.
spell to another priest of the same alignment. The reverse of this spell, SELECTIVE
Transferring this spell requires a successful PASSAGE, cuts the movement cost of an area in
saving throw vs. spell. If the saving throw is half (round fractions up) for friendly units.
successful, then the priest who transfers the spell Again, individual heroes and creatures are not
can start recovering Constitution at a rate of one affected by this spell (which means that
point per hour of bedrest. If the saving throw advancing troops must be careful not to leave
doesn't succeed, then the priest loses another their leader behind!).
point of Constitution and cannot try to transfer The material component is a drop of molasses for
the spell again for 8 hours. Either way, because tanglefoot, and a pinch of powdered graphite for
of the temporary lapse of the spell, the subject selective passage.
will automatically lose 1 hit point each time a
transfer is attempted.
The material component for this spell is a rare THORNS OF BINDING
herb that must be prepared with exacting care. (Alteration)
The treatment costs at least 200 gold pieces and
requires ld3 days of the priest's time and Level: 4°
attention. Manual: PD
Sphere: Summoning, Plant
Range: 10 yards
Components: S
Duration: 1 turn + 1 tum per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 10 yards per level
Saving Throw: Neg.

By casting this spell, the priest causes a magical

“rope” of thorns to appear and wrap itself around

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an opponent. Failing a save results in 1d4 points The material component is small balloon that the
of damage, added to the armor class of the priest inflates upon casting. This balloon is
victim. consumed in the casting.
To escape the bonds, a character must make a
saving throw vs. spells at -4. This is an attempt to
escape, and the victim takes another 1d4+AC for TREE STEED
every attempt, whether or not he is successful. (Alteration, Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 4°
(Alteration) Sphere: Travelers
Range: 10 yards
Level: 4° Components: V, S, M
Manual: ToM Duration: 1 hour/level
Sphere: Thought Casting Time: 4
Range: 30 yards Area of Effect: One log or plank
Components: V, S, M Saving Throw: None
Duration: 1 turn+3 rounds/level
Casting Time: 5 This spell enchants a log, plank, or similar piece
Area of Effect: One creature of wood to become a temporary steed. The log or
Saving Throw: Neg. plank must be at least one foot wide, three inches
thick, and three to ten feet long. Any type of
This spell turns the subject into a “thought wood is suitable.
broadcaster.” For the duration of the spell, When the spell is cast, the log sprouts four
everyone within 30 yards of the subject senses wooden, horselike legs. The Tree steed may be
the subject's thoughts, making it impossible for ridden like a normal horse and may be used to
him to lie, keep secrets, conceal motives, etc. carry equipment. The Tree steed can carry up to
The subject is not automatically aware that his 600 pounds of riders and gear before breaking. If
thoughts are being sensed. Everyone who senses the Tree steed breaks under the weight of the
these thoughts, on the other hand, knows their riders or gear, the enchantment instantly ends and
source. the Tree steed again becomes a normal (although
This spell causes the broadcast of only surface broken) log or plank.
thoughts and motivations, not memories. There is The Tree steed obeys all of the caster's verbal
no need for a common language between commands to move, slow, speed up, stop, and
broadcaster and receivers; for this purpose, turn. It has a movement rate of 12 on land. It can
thoughts are considered to be symbolic, not move in the water (Sw 6), floating on the surface
dependent on language. The detail level of the and paddling with its legs. The Tree steed must
thoughts is insufficient for others to learn remain within 10 yards of the caster in order to
specific skills from the subject. Thus, if the move; if the distance between the Tree steed and
subject casts a spell, everyone within range the caster exceeds 10 yards, the Tree steed stops
knows what spell is being cast before it takes until the caster is again within range.
effect, but no one learns any knowledge about The Tree steed will not fight for the caster and is
how the spell is cast. incapable of any action other than movement.
If the broadcaster is invisible or hiding in The Tree steed does not become fatigued and
shadows, the broadcast functions normally, and does not eat. It has all the vulnerabilities of
all receivers are aware that someone is in the normal wood, including fire, and can be
vicinity whom they cannot see. While receivers damaged by both magical and physical attacks. It
cannot pinpoint the broadcaster's location, the has AC 8 and 20 hit points.
broadcaster's thoughts will inevitably reveal his The material components are a log or plank of
general position (“Oh no, he's looking right at suitable size and a horseshoe.
me,” etc.). A character hiding in shadows will be
automatically detected, while attacks against an
invisible broadcaster suffer a -2 penalty, rather
than the normal -4. This spell totally negates the
chance of surprise by the broadcaster.
The subject must have an Intelligence score of 1
or more to become a broadcaster, and must have
a “normal” mind as understood by PCs.
Thoughts that are broadcast can be received only
by individuals with Intelligence scores of 3 or
better. An unwilling subject receives a normal
saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effects. A
willing subject can waive this saving throw.

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UNFAILING ENDURANCE attack rolls, or other abilities. If the increase

(Necromancy) allows more spells per level, the additional spells
are instantly placed in the character's memory. A
Level: 4° priest is also enabled to cast spells normally
Manual: S&M beyond his level. Range, duration, area of effect,
Sphere: Necromantic and other variables are all based on the
Range: Touch character's temporary level.
Duration: 1 day/level The increased effect lasts only 1 turn. At the end
Area of Effect: 1 creature/level of the turn, all additional spells are lost and the
Components: V, S character reverts to his normal level.
Casting Time: 1 round As an example, consider a party with a fallen
Saving Throw: None comrade. The two priests in the party are 7th and
8th level, both unable to cast Raise dead. After a
This spell enhances the natural hardiness and night's rest, each priest adds Uplift to his
stamina of the affected creatures by rendering memorized spells. After casting the spell, the
them virtually immune to fatigue or exhaustion. 8th-level priest suddenly gains the casting
During the casting of the spell, the caster must abilities of a 10th-level priest, including the
touch each creature to be affected. While under ability to cast Raise dead. At the end of one turn,
the spell's influence, the subiects may force the priest's abilities revert to 8th-level.
march with no penalty, engage in up to 12 hours Casting this spell is an arduous task, causing a
of hard labor per day with no fatigue (or up to 16 severe drain on the priests. When the spell
hours with moderate fatigue), and gain a +4 expires, the uplifted character suffers 2d6 points
bonus to Strength or Constitution checks. In of damage from mental exhaustion. This damage
addition, the subjects gain a +4 bonus to saving cannot be healed by any means until the
throws against spells or magical effects that character has had at least eight hours of rest.
cause Weakness, Fatigue, or Enfeeblement. The material components are the priests' holy
Finally, an affected creature's fatigue rating symbols and an offering worth at least 500 gp
(from) is doubled, and the subject gains a +4 from each priest.
bonus to his saving throws to recover from a
fatigued or exhausted state.
(Alteration) Level: 4°
Manual: PD
Level: 4° Sphere: Elemental (water)
Manual: ToM Range: 0
Sphere: All Components: V, S, M
Range: 0 Duration: 1 hour per level
Components: V, M Casting Time: 5 rounds
Duration: 1 turn Area of Effect: 20 foot diameter
Casting Time: 12 hours Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: One priest
Saving Throw: None With a water trap spell, the caster turns a normal
body of water, no more than 20 feet in diameter,
Uplift bestows increased spellcasting ability on into a deathtrap. The spell magnifies the natural
one priest, including additional spells per level surface tension of the water, giving it the strength
and use of spells beyond the caster's normal to pull size M and smaller creatures to a murky
level. This cooperative spell requires two priests death. Whenever a creature of affected size
who must spend the day casting this spell. attempts to drink from a pool, oasis, or watering
During the casting, the priests must decide which hole altered by this spell, it must make an
additional spells (of all levels) are desired. Upon immediate saving throw vs. death magic. Failure
completion of the casting, the priests touch indicates that the victim is instantly pulled under
palms, and the priest of higher level receives a the surface and trapped.
charge of magical energy. This charge Creatures pulled under by this spell will find that
temporarily boosts the level of the priest for the surface of the water now has a tough, rubbery
spellcasting purposes. The amount of increase is consistency (at least from below) that makes
one level per five levels of the lower level caster escape vey difficult. A trapped creature may
(fractions rounded up). If both priests are of escape by attempting a second save at a -6
equal level, the casters must decide who benefits penality.
from the spell. Friendly creatures outside the pool add +1 to the
The spell grants the priest the spellcasting ability victim's save every round, and are in no danger
of the new level. It does not improve hit points, of being sucked under themselves once the trap

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has been sprung. Beings of size L and larger may Level: 4°

free one trapped creature per round. Manual: PD
This spell is most often used to trap desert oases Sphere: Elemental (earth)
and private wells. Its material component is a Range: 10 yards per level
small wooden or stone figure of a man trapped in Components: V, S
a hardened bit of amber or other translucent Duration: 1 round per level
stone. Casting Time: 5 rounds
Area of Effect: 5 foot radius per level
Saving Throw: Neg.
(Abjuration) This terrible spell turns earth or silt into a
swirling sea of rock and earth. Anyone standing
Level: 4° in the area must make a save vs. spells. Failure
Manual: ToM indicates that they have becn sucked into the
Sphere: Wards, Weather center of the whirlpool and must begin to make
Range: 30 yards swimming proficiency checks at a +3 penalty.
Components: V, S, M Creatures that make three successful checks in a
Duration: 1 hour/level row are able to make their way to the edge of the
Casting Time: 1 turn pool and pull themselves free. Failing a
Area of Effect: 10-foot cube/level proficiency check means that the character
Saving Throw: None begins to drown.

Weather stasis maintains the weather conditions

prevalent in the area of effect when the spell is WINDBORNE
cast. The spell affects a cube whose sides equal (Conjuration/Summoning)
the caster's level times 10 feet (a 10th-level
caster could affect a 100' x 100' x 100' cube). Level: 4°
An area protected by Weather stasis is unaffected Manual: S&M
by temperature variations in the surrounding Sphere: Elemental (Air)
environment. The spell also acts as a shield Range: 0
against rain, snow, and hail, which cannot enter Duration: Special
the protected area. If conditions of precipitation Area of Effect: The caster
existed in the area of effect when the spell was Components: V, S, M
cast, the identical weather will continue for the Casting Time: 7
duration of the spell. Saving Throw: None
For example, Weather stasis is cast in an area
where the temperature is 75 F. and no This spell provides a priest of elemental air with
precipitation is falling. Half an hour later, the the ability to conjure a powerful column of wind
temperature drops to 60 degrees and rain begins that can bear his weight, permitting him to fly or
to fall. The protected area remains dry and the glide for long distances. If used from a high
temperature stays at 75 degrees. If the spell had place such as a mountainside or tower, the caster
been cast while rain was falling in the area of can glide a maximum horizontal distance of 20
effect, rain would continue to fall for the duration feet per foot of initial altitude: for example, if the
of the spell, even after it stopped raining in the priest used this spell and launched himself from a
surrounding area. hilltop 800 feet high, he could glide a maximum
All physical objects other than rain, snow, and distance of 16,000 feet, or about 3 miles.
hail can pass into the protected area. All If Windborne is cast by a priest on level ground,
creatures and characters can move freely into and the initial gust carries him aloft to a maximum
out of the area. The spell does not prevent water- altitude of 10 feet per caster level. From that
based spells or water-based creatures (such as point, he may then glide 10 feet per foot of initial
water elementals) from operating in the area. altitude. For example, a 7th–level priest would
The spell protects against both natural and ascend to an altitude of 70 feet and thus be able
magically generated weather. Night and day pass to glide for a total horizontal distance of 700 feet.
normally in the protected area, although He can choose to glide for a much sborter
temperature variations associated with night and distance, but never less than his initial altitude.
day do not occur. While gliding, the priest moves at a rate of 15 (or
The material components are the priest's holy about 450 feet) with a maneuverability class of
symbol and a drop of rain. D. Each round, he drops between 20 and 40 feet.
He can choose to descend at a much more rapid
pace, dropping up to 200 feet per round without
WHIRLPOOL OF DOOM risk of a damaging impact upon landing. The
(Evocation) caster doesn't gain a mastery of aerial combat
with this spell and suffers a –2 penalty to his

Livello 4° 114 Livello 4°

Incantesimi clericali del quarto livello

attack rolls and Armor Class if he becomes

involved in combat while gliding.
The material component for this spell is the
feather from a giant eagle.

Livello 4° 115 Livello 4°

Incantesimi clericali del quinto livello


(Alteration) (Alteration)

Level: 5° Level: 5°
Manual: ToM Manual: S&M
Sphere: Time Sphere: Elemental (Fire)
Range: 10 yards Range: 120 yds.
Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 rd./level
Duration: Permanent Area of Effect: 1–ft. diameter/level
Casting Time: 1 round Components: V, S
Area of Effect: 1 cubic foot/level Casting Time: 8
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: None

With this spell, the caster can cause an amount of While using this spell, the priest can command a
nonliving, nonmagical matter to age flame to leave its scurce of fuel and move at his
dramatically. Matter can be aged up to 20 years direction. The flame is magically preserved at the
per level of the caster. The following table gives intensity it possessed when animated and does
typical results of 100 years of aging for various not weaken or fail even if it has nothing to burn.
objects, arranged in order of descending severity: The priest can affect any natural fire within
range, but magical fires (including breath
weapons) can only be animated and controlled
Object Result of aging on a roll of 11 or higher on a d20, –1 per level or
Hit Dice difference between the caster and the
creature or spellcaster who created the flame in
Diamond none
question. For example, a 9th–level priest can
Silver becomes tarnished
animate a poming sphere cast by a 4th level
Masonry cracks and weakens
wizard on a roll of 6 or better on ld20. In order to
Iron rusts and corrodes
animate instantaneous effects such as a red
Parchment cracks, turns brittle
dragon's breath or a Fireball, the priest must beat
Wood rots, crumbles, turns to
his opponent's initiative in the round he casts this
spell and succeed in his attempt to take control of
the flame.
The caster controls the extent of the aging; thus,
Under the priest's direction, an animated flame
he could age a book so its pages become
can move at a rate of 12, although it cannot cross
yellowed and brittle but stop short of causing the
water or wet or muddy ground. If the priest
book to crumble to dust. As a guideline, each
directs the flame to leave the spell's range, the
additional 100 years of aging causes an
spell ends and the flame stops and burns
increasingly severe reaction. Thus, after 200
whatever it may be resting on. Animate flame can
years, parchment might become little more than
be a very effective weapon; the fire attacks with
powder, while iron might begin to flake away at
a THAC0 of 10 and may be able to strike several
a touch.
creatures in the same round, depending on its
Many items (especially gems) show little
size. It inflicts damage as shown below:
reaction to age. The DM must adjudicate all
– Torch or lantern: diameter less than 1 ft., 1
The material components are a flask of seawater
target, 1d3 damage;
and a piece of coal.
– Small campfire: diam. 1-2 ft., 1 target, 1d4
The reverse of this spell, YOUTHFUL
OBJECT, returns an object ravaged by the
– Large campfire: diam. 3-5 ft., 2 targets, 1d6
effects of time to its original condition; thus,
rusty iron becomes strong and shiny, crumbled
– Bonfire: diam. 6-10 ft., 4 targets, 2d6 damage;
masonry becomes firm, and rotten wood
– Conflagration: diam. 11-20 ft., 8 targets, 3d6
becomes solid. The age of matter can be reduced
by 20 years per level of the caster.
– Inferno: diam. 21 ft. or more, 20 targets, 5d6
The material components for Youthful object are
a piece of eggshell and a hair from the head of a
human or humanoid infant.
Creatures actually caught within the fire's
diameter are automatically hit (without an attack
roll) for the listed damage. Very hot or unusually
cold fires may inflict damage (at the DM's
discretion) as if they were one category larger or
smaller. In addition to attacking the caster's
enemies, the fire will naturally cause any
combustibles it comes into contact with to burn,

Livello 5° 116 Livello 5°

Incantesimi clericali del quinto livello

as well; an animated fire can easily torch a small Giallo: nemici di origine vegetale (compresi
town, given a few rounds to move from building fungoidi, treant ecc.);
to building. Verde: creature acquatiche, elementali
The animated flame can be dispelled normally. It dell’acqua;
can also be defeated by contact with a significant Azzurro: creature aeree e basate sull’elettricità,
volume of water, ice, cold, or earth or dirt, just as elementali dell’aria;
a normal fire can be drowned or smothered. Indaco: creature che usano il veleno o l’acido;
The priest can affect a single fire of up to 1 foot Violetto: creature metalliche o che si rigenerano.
in diameter per level of experience; if a natural
fire is too large for him to animate, he can Quando l’arco viene teso, appare come per magia
animate a smaller portion of it and command the una freccia del colore prescelto, pronta ad essere
portion he controls. Magical fires cannot be scoccata. Se non si sceglie alcun colore, o se ne
divided in this way, so it requires a very high– vorrebbe uno che è già stato utilizzato, appare la
level priest to deflect the breath weapon of a red freccia successiva (nell’ordine di cui sopra).
– Ponte: si forma un ponte iridescente largo 90
cm per ogni livello del sacerdote, che può essere
ARCOBALENO lungo da 6 a 120 m. come vuole il suo creatore.
(Evocazione, Alterazione) Rimane finché lo vuole il sacerdote o finché dura
Livello: 5°
Manuale: PH italiano Componenti materiali: simbolo sacro ed una
Sfera: tempo atmosferico, sole boccetta di acquasanta. Se non ci sono arcobaleni
Raggio d’azione: 120 m nei paraggi, il sacerdote può usare in sostituzione
Componenti: V, S, M un diamante di valore non inferiore alle 1.000
Durata: 1 round per livello mo, preparato con gli incantesimi Preghiera e
Tempo di lancio: 7 Benedizione in presenza di un arcobaleno. Non
Area d’effetto: speciale appena è stato lanciato l’incantesimo, l’acqua
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno santa e il diamante spariscono.

Per poter lanciare questo incantesimo, il

sacerdote deve vedere un arcobaleno di qualche ATTIRARE ANIMALI II
genere, o avere un ingrediente speciale, come (Convocazione, Attrazione)
diremo. Ci sono due versioni; il sacerdote deve
sceglierne una prima di fare l’incantesimo. Livello: 5°
– Arco: crea un arco magico splendente, con i Manuale: PH italiano
colori dell’iride, leggero e Sfera: animale, convocazione
facile da tendere anche per Raggio d’azione: 60 m per livello
chi è privo di competenza Componenti: V, S
specifica. Ognuno dei suoi Durata: speciale
proiettili luminosi equivale Tempo di lancio: 8
ad un’arma +2, compresi i Area d’effetto: speciale
bonus sul TxC e per le Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
ferite. La resistenza al
magico può annullare gli Il sacerdote richiama fino a sei animali da 8 D.V.
effetti di questi dardi. Ci o meno oppure fino a dodici con 4 o meno D.V.,
sono sette frecce a del tipo prescelto al momento in cui viene fatto
disposizione; se ne possono l’incantesimo. Risponderanno solo gli animali
scagliare fino a quattro per che si trovano entro il raggio d’azione quando
round. Ogni volta che viene avviene la magia. Il sacerdote può fare tre
scoccata una freccia di un tentativi con tre tipi diversi: supponiamo che
dato colore, l’arco perde il prima chiami i cani selvatici (che non ci sono),
colore corrispondente. poi i falchi (assenti) ed infine dei cavalli selvaggi
Ciascuna delle tinte (bisogna vedere se rientrano nel raggio
provoca doppie ferite a d’azione). Spetta al DM decidere se l’animale
determinate creature, come attirato è alla portata del sacerdote. Le bestie
spieghiamo: convocate lo aiutano come meglio possono e
restano fino alla fine del combattimento o della
Rosso: creature che abitano nel fuoco o lo usano, missione, o finché non vengono mandate via da
elementali del fuoco; lui. Si possono far arrivare solo animali normali
Arancio: creature o costrutti di argilla, sabbia, o giganti; non si chiamano mostri o animali
terra, pietra o materiale affine, elementali della fantastici (chimere, draghi, gorgoni, manticore
terra; eccetera).

Livello 5° 117 Livello 5°

Incantesimi clericali del quinto livello


Livello: 5°
Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: vegetale, protezione
Raggio d’azione: 0
Componenti: V, S
Durata: 1 turno per livello
Tempo di lancio: 8
Area d’effetto: emisfero con diam. 4,5 m
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

Si crea un’invisibile barriera mobile che esclude

ogni creatura o proiettile fatti di sostanze
vegetali. Il sacerdote e le altre creature
all’interno del guscio sono protetti dagli attacchi
provenienti da piante o vegetali (ad esempio i
treant). Ogni tentativo di forzare la barriera per
attaccare i nemici esterni la frantuma
immediatamente. L’incantesimo dura un turno
per ogni livello del sacerdote.


Level: 5°
Manual: ToM
Sphere: Wards
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 10'-cube/level
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell creates a one-way invisible force field

around the area of effect. The spell creates one
10' x 10' x 10' cube for every level of the caster.
These can be arranged into any rectangular shape
the caster desires.
Intruders entering the protected area suffer no ill
effects, but the Barrier of retention prevents
them from leaving. The spell affects all creatures
who fail a saving throw vs. spell. The caster can
pass in and out of the barrier freely.
Intruders trapped by the Barrier of retention can
cast spells out of the barrier and can use spells
such as Teleport to escape the protected area.
Objects cannot be hurled out of the barrier but
can be carried out by an escaping creature.
Dispel magic and similar spells negate the
The material component is a small cage made of
silver wire. The caster must walk around the
perimeter of the area of effect when casting.

Livello 5° 118 Livello 5°

Incantesimi clericali del quinto livello

BLESSED ABUNDANCE caso perde 3 m ogni 1,5

(Conjuration) Km/h. Il DM può stabilire
ulteriori penalità ed anche
Level: 5° eventuali danni, in caso di
Manual: ToM vento particolarmente forte.
Sphere: Creation Si può fare l’incantesimo su di un destriero, che
Range: Touch così potrà cavalcare nell’aria; ci vorrà un certo
Components: V, S, M periodo di addestramento, a discrezione del DM.
Duration: Permanent Componenti materiali: simbolo sacro e lanuggine
Casting Time: 1 round di cardo.
Area of Effect: 1 cubic foot/level
Saving Throw: None
This spell allows a priest to duplicate a specified (Alteration)
amount of animal or vegetable matter. Magical
items and minerals (including rocks, metals, and Level: 5°
gemstones) cannot be duplicated. Although Manual: ToM
organic materials (such as food or living plants) Sphere: Law
can be duplicated, living creatures cannot be Range: 0
copied by this spell. Components: V, S, M
The caster can create 1 cubic foot of material per Duration: Special
his experience level. The material to be Casting Time: 2
duplicated must be equal to or less than 1 cubic Area of Effect: Special
foot in size or volume. For example, a 9th-level Saving Throw: None
priest can create up to 9 cubic feet of animal or
vegetable matter. Using a loaf of bread 1 cubic Champion's strength bestows one member of a
foot in size, he can produce nine such loaves; group with attack and damage bonuses from the
using a bucket of apples totaling 1 cubic foot in rest of the group. The recipient of the spell can
volume, he can create nine such buckets. then fight as the group's champion.
The material component is the priest's holy The spell draws bonuses from one person for
symbol. every two levels of the priest. All characters
involved must be within a 30'-radius of the
priest. At the time of casting, the priest
CAMMINARE NELL’ARIA designates the recipient of the spell and the
(Alterazione) contributors. All characters who contribute to the
spell must do so willingly.
Livello: 5° When the spell is completed, the designated
Manuale: PH italiano character (the group's champion) gains any non-
Sfera: elementale (aria) magical bonuses to THAC0 and damage
Raggio d’azione: tocco possessed by the characters who contributed to
Componenti: V, S, M the spell. Characters without bonuses or with
Durata: 1 ora più 1 turno per livello combat penalties could conceivably be included
Tempo di lancio: 8 in the spell; such characters count against the
Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata maximum number of creatures that can be
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno affected. Penalties are likewise applied to the
champion; contributors to this spell must be
L’incantesimo consente ad una creatura, anche chosen carefully.
grande come il più grosso The bonuses gained through this spell are added
gigante, di camminare to the character's own bonuses (if any). The
nell’aria come sulla champion channels the energy of others through
terraferma. Il movimento himself, improving his fighting ability.
ascensionale è uguale ad The champion must be in the line of sight and
una salita: la creatura può within 30 feet of the characters aiding him.
percorrere a velocità Characters who contribute their bonuses must
dimezzata ogni pendenza concentrate on the champion for the duration of
inferiore ai 45 gradi; lo the spell. If this concentration is broken (by
stesso vale per la discesa, moving more than 10 feet per round, fighting,
che avviene a velocità being struck, or losing sight of the champion),
normale. La creatura che that character's contribution is immediately lost.
cammina nell’aria può The spell expires when the last character
sempre controllare la contributing power to the champion ceases
propria velocità, a meno concentration.
che non soffi il vento: in tal A champion may benefit from only one

Livello 5° 119 Livello 5°

Incantesimi clericali del quinto livello

Champion's strength spell at one time. Clear path has no effect on rivers, lakes, or other
Contributors can aid only one champion at one bodies of water, nor does it affect quicksand,
time. lava, or similar natural obstacles. It also has no
The material component is a chain of five gold effect on magically-created terrain or manmade
links worth at least 1,000 gp. barricades.
A priest using the Clear path spell can be tracked
easily. Tracking proficiency is not required.
CHAOTIC COMMANDS The material components are a knife blade and a
(Enchantment/Charm) straw from a broom.
The reverse, CLUTTER PATH, causes weeds,
Level: 5° small stones, and similar debris to litter a 10-foot
Manual: ToM path extending 10 feet behind the caster. This
Sphere: Chaos hides a trail, making tracking more difficult. The
Range: Touch caster can create a continuous path for the
Components: V, S, M duration of the spell. The chance to successfully
Duration: 1 turn/level track on a cluttered path is reduced by 50%.
Casting Time: 3 The material components are a handful of
Area of Effect: One creature pebbles and a handful of weeds.
Saving Throw: Special

Chaotic commands renders a creature immune to CLOUD OF PURIFICATION

magical commands. Taunt, Forget, Suggestion, (Evocation)
Domination, Geas, Demand, Succor, Command,
Enthrall, Quest, Exaction, and other spells that Level: 5°
place a direct verbal command upon a single Manual: ToM
individual automatically fail. Sphere: Elemental Air, Water
In addition, anyone casting one of these spells on Range: 30 yards
a creature protected by Chaotic commands must Components: V, S
save vs. spell. Failure means that the caster must Duration: 1 round/level
obey his own magic; the spell's effect has Casting Time: 5
backfired on the caster. Area of Effect: 20-foot cube
The material component is a piece of eelskin. Saving Throw: None

This spell creates a billowy cloud of magical

CLEAR PATH ® vapors that moves in the direction of the
(Alteration) prevailing wind at a rate of 20 feet per round. A
strong wind (greater than 15 miles per hour)
Level: 5° breaks it up in 4 rounds, and a greater wind (25
Manual: ToM MPH or more) prevents the use of the spell.
Sphere: Travelers Thick vegetation disperses the cloud in 2 rounds.
Range: 0 The Cloud of purification transmutes organic
Components: V, S, M filth, garbage, and vermin (mice, rats, rot grubs,
Duration: 1 hour/level and so on) into an equal quantity of pure water.
Casting Time: 5 For example, a nest of rot grubs caught in the
Area of Effect: Special cloud would “melt,” becoming small puddles of
Saving Throw: None clean water. If the spell is cast over a body of
water, the cloud merges with a portion of the
This spell clears away weeds, stones, and other water equal to its own size, transmuting any filth,
debris in a 10-foot-wide path extending 10 feet in microbes, small fish, or other “impurities” into
front of the caster. The caster can create a clean water.
continuous path for the duration of the spell, The cloud's vapors are heavier than air, so they
clearing a 10-foot-square ahead of him as long as sink to the lowest level of the land (even down
he continues to move forward. The spell affects holes in the ground). Thus, this spell is perfect
jungles, forests, rocky ground, and snow. for cleansing a sewer or well.
The result of the cleared path is that movement This spell in no way affects magical creatures or
costs are reduced by half. This is reflected in a creatures larger than a normal rat.
reduction of the penalty against movement in
rough terrain. (See Table 74 of the Dungeon
Master's Guide for terrain costs for movement.)
For example, if Clear path is used in heavy
jungle, the movement cost is reduced from 8 to
4. In no case can Clear path reduce movement
cost below 1.

Livello 5° 120 Livello 5°

Incantesimi clericali del quinto livello

(Alteration) (Divinazione)

Level: 5° Livello: 5°
Manual: DH Manuale: PH italiano
Sphere: Weather Sfera: divinazione
Range: 120 yards Raggio d’azione: 0
Components: V, S Componenti: V, S, M
Duration: 3 turns/level of caster Durata: speciale
Casting Time: 8 Tempo di lancio: 1 turno
Area of Effect: 1,000 cubic feet/level Area d’effetto: speciale
Saving Throw: None T.S.: nessuno

A character can cast Cloudscape on a single Il sacerdote è in grado di comunicare con la sua
cloud or part of a cloud bank, usually from a divinità (o agenti di essa) e
nearby mountaintop or while flying. It causes di porle domande alle quali
1,000 cubic feet of cloud per level of the caster si possa rispondere con un
to become solid enough to support any weight. “Sì” o un “No”. Può fare
The solidified clouds remain airborne and feel una domanda per ogni suo
like a thick carpet. livello. L’entità interpellata
A creature that falls onto the magically risponderà solo per quanto
strengthened cloud sustains falling damage per ne sa (può anche dire “Non
the PH, page 104. An animal or individual that lo so”, perché i potenti
flies into the solidified cloud falls, stunned, for a abitatori dei piani esterni
round and must make a successful Dexterity non sono necessariamente
check to recover. If a creature is flying through a onniscienti). Il DM può,
cloud at the moment it becomes solidified, it may volendo, dare la risposta,
make a saving throw vs. petrification. Those who che dov’essere di cinque
succeed escape the cloud in time. Creatures that parole o meno. Nel migliore
fail the save become trapped as the cloud dei casi, l’incantesimo potrà
solidifies around them. However, as the cloud is fornire informazioni che
porous, they can continue to breathe until the serviranno per prendere
spell's duration elapses. delle decisioni. Le entità
The solidified cloud itself continues to drift with con cui si comunica
the wind as usual. While the caster cannot use strutturano le risposte in
this particular spell to propel the cloud at all. A modo da raggiungere i
Control winds spell can summon a great gust of propri scopi. È probabile
air to turn the Cloudscape into a unique flying che il DM limiti l’uso di
conveyance easily enough. questo incantesimo ad una
sola volta per ogni
avventura, oppure una volta
COLONNA DI FUOCO alla settimana o al mese,
(Evocazione) perché queste entità non
amano essere disturbate
Livello: 5° sovente. Se il sacerdote
Manuale: PH italiano perde tempo, discute le
Sfera: combattimento risposte o si allontana per
Raggio d’azione: 60 m fare qualcos’altro,
Componenti: V, S, M l’incantesimo termina
Durata: istantanea immediatamente.
Tempo di lancio: 8 Componenti materiali: simbolo sacro, acquasanta
Area d’effetto: colonna 9 m, raggio l,5 m (o sconsacrata), incenso. Se si contatta un essere
Tiro Salvezza: 1/2 particolarmente potente, occorre anche un
sacrificio di valore proporzionato alla difficoltà
Nel punto prescelto dal sacerdote si forma una di ricevere l’informazione; se l’offerta è
colonna infuocata. Ogni insufficiente, la risposta sarà lacunosa o non ci
creatura presente nell’area sarà affatto.
d’effetto deve superare un
T.S. contro incantesimi: se
fallisce, subisce 6d8 ferite, COMUNICAZIONE CON LA NATURA
altrimenti le dimezza. (Divinazione)
Componente materiale: un pizzico di zolfo.
Livello: 5°

Livello 5° 121 Livello 5°

Incantesimi clericali del quinto livello

Manuale: PH italiano message will always be truthful.

Sfera: divinazione, animale, piante As an example, consider a priest and his party
Raggio d’azione: 0 who are on a holy quest to retrieve an item of
Componenti: V, S power. On the way to the location of this item,
Durata: speciale the party is ambushed by evil creatures from the
Tempo di lancio: 1 turno Inner Planes but manages to defeat them.
Area d’effetto: speciale Concerned that these creatures might be outlying
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno guards protecting the item of interest, the priest
casts Consequence, hoping for guidance. The
Il sacerdote diventa tutt’uno con la natura che lo DM knows that these creatures have nothing to
circonda e sa tutto quel che do with the quest; the encounter was
accade attorno a lui. Può coincidental. However, the surviving monsters
sapere un “fatto” per ogni will soon be returning with reinforcements to
suo Livello: quale tipo di avenge their dead. Therefore, the DM tells the
terreno, piante, animali, priest's player, “To your goals these have no
persone o minerali, corsi place, but still they can cause more woe.”
d’acqua e creature del Casting this spell “taints” subsequent castings of
bosco può trovare davanti a the same spell within a 24-hour span. A second
sé, a sinistra o a destra. Può attempt within this period always results in the
anche individuare la same message as the first, regardless of the true
presenza di potentissime situation. If a second priest casts the spell within
creature non naturali e la 24 hours of another casting, he receives an
situazione generale accurate reading.
dell’ambiente circostante. The material component is three special coins or
Se il sacerdote si trova sotto dice made of platinum (total value of at least
terra, il suo raggio d’azione 1,000 gp), which the priest tosses in his hand
arriva fino a 10 m per ogni while concentrating on the spell. The coins or
suo livello. L’incantesimo dice are not consumed in the casting.
non funziona all’interno di
costruzioni (dungeon e
città); il DM può imporre di CONTROLLARE I VENTI
non farlo più di una volta al (Alterazione)
Livello: 5°
Manuale: PH italiano
CONSEQUENCE Sfera: tempo atmosferico
(Divination) Raggio d’azione: 0
Componenti: V, S
Level: 5° Durata: 1 turno per livello
Manual: ToM Tempo di lancio: 8
Sphere: Numbers, Divination Area d’effetto: raggio di 12 m per livello
Range: 0 Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous Il sacerdote può alterare la forza del vento entro
Casting Time: 1 round l’area d’effetto, facendola
Area of Effect: Special aumentare o diminuire di un
Saving Throw: None grado ogni tre suoi livelli. Il
vento può avere questi gradi
This spell allows the priest to determine how one di potenza:
recent event fits into the “grand scheme.” By
casting this spell, the priest can determine Brezza leggera 3-12 Km/h
whether the sequence or situation that gave rise Brezza moderata 13-29 Km/h
to the specific event is complete or whether it is Brezza forte 30-50 Km/h
ongoing; whether it was a significant or Bufera 51-87 Km/h
insignificant event in the larger picture; or Tempesta 88-115 Km/h
whether it will continue to have repercussions for Uragano 116-280 Km/h
the participants.
Using his knowledge of circumstances, the DM I venti oltre i 30 Km/h portano via le creature
communicates these facts to the caster's player. volanti più piccole (grandi al massimo come
This “arcane message” is normally un’aquila), deviano i proiettili e rendono difficile
straightforward and easy to understand, but in the la navigazione.
case of highly complex circumstances, the
message might be cryptic. In any case, the

Livello 5° 122 Livello 5°

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I venti oltre i 51 Km/h trascinano via anche La forma inversa, RIDUZIONE ANIMALE,
esseri volanti grandi come un uomo e causano rimpicciolisce gli animali, dimezzandone D.V.,
danni di lieve entità alle navi. TxC, eccetera.
Quelli oltre gli 88 Km/h spazzano via ogni Per entrambe le versioni è necessario avere il
creatura volante, sradicano alberelli, sollevano simbolo sacro ed un po’ di cibo.
tetti, abbattono costruzioni di legno e mettono le
navi in serio pericolo.
Quelli che superano i 116 Km/h hanno la forza di CRUMBLE
un uragano. (Alteration)
Attorno al sacerdote c’è un “buco” senza vento
con raggio di 12 m. L’incantesimo si può Level: 5°
effettuare sotto terra, ma se viene fatto in una Manual: PD
zona più piccola dell’area d’effetto, il “buco” si Sphere: Elemental (water)
restringe di 30 cm per ogni 30 cm di cui questa è Range: l0 yards per level
limitata: se l’area d’effetto è, in teoria, di 108 m Components: V, S
ma ce ne sono solo 105, il “buco” si riduce di 3 Duration: Permanent
m con raggio di 9 m; se l’area avesse raggio Casting Time: 5 rounds
inferiore a 96 m. il “buco” sparirebbe ed il Area of Effect: 1 item of l cubic ft. per lvl.
sacerdote rimarrebbe esposto agli effetti del Saving Throw: None
Una volta fatto l’incantesimo, la forza del vento Crumble instantly reduces an inanimate object's
aumenta (o diminuisce) di 5 Km/h per round, water content to zero. Up to one cubic foot of
fino a raggiungere la massima (o minima) clay, rock, soil, or other solids per level of the
velocità. Al sacerdote basta un round di caster can be desiccated to the point that they
concentrazione per far crescere o decrescere la lose cohesion, crack, and crumble. A 7th-level
potenza del vento, o per stabilizzarla al livello priest could affect 7 swords, or a stone of no
attuale; il ritmo a cui avviene il cambiamento, more than 7 cubic feet.
però, resta invariato. La magia dura un turno per Nonliving organic materials such as hide, leather,
ogni livello del sacerdote; quando finisce, il bone, and wood split and crumble into dust when
vento diventa più forte (o più debole), sempre affected by this spell. Liquids disappear instantly
con questo ritmo, fino a tornare alla potenza che and fruit potions turn to withered husks.
aveva prima che l’incantesimo fosse fatto. Un Metals and living organic material and silicates
altro sacerdote può lanciare lo stesso incantesimo such as glass are entirely unaffected. Mindless
per contrastare, per quanto può, gli effetti del corporeal undead like zombies and skeletons take
vento magico. 1d6 points of damage for every 3 levels of the

Livello: 5°
Manuale: PH italiano Livello: 5°
Sfera: animale Manuale: PH italiano
Raggio d’azione: 80 m Sfera: guarigione
Componenti: V, S, M Raggio d’azione: tocco
Durata: 2 round per livello Componenti: V, S
Tempo di lancio: 8 Durata: permanente
Area d’effetto: fino a 8 animali in 1 cubo Tempo di lancio: 8
con spigolo di 6 m Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

Il sacerdote fa in modo che tutti gli animali È una versione potenziata di Cura ferite leggere.
indicati (otto al massimo) nell’area d’effetto Il sacerdote cura mediante imposizione delle
possano raddoppiare le proprie dimensioni, mani 3d8+3 ferite. La cura non riguarda creature
quindi i loro D.V. ed i TxC e per le ferite. I P.F. incorporee, non morte o di altri piani.
raddoppiano (eccetto quelli che sono stati La forma inversa, CAUSA FERITE
sommati ai D.V.), mentre C.A. e fattore CRITICHE, è come Causa ferite leggere:
movimento restano invariati. L’incantesimo dura bisogna toccare la vittima con un TxC; se si
due round per ogni livello del sacerdote; è riesce, si infliggono 3d8+3 ferite, che si curano
particolarmente utile se fatto insieme a Charme come al solito.
persone o mammiferi.
Nota: anziché curare (o infliggere) 3d8+3 P.F.,
questo incantesimo cura (o infligge)

Livello 5° 123 Livello 5°

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proporzionalmente un certo numero di P.F., Manual: S&M

stabilito in funzione del numero massimo di P.F. Sphere: Numbers, Summoning
della creatura o della persona che riceve Range: 60 yds.
l’incantesimo, secondo la seguente tabella: Components: S
Duration: 1 rd./level
P.F. massimi P.F. curati/inflitti Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 creature
5 o meno 1d4 Saving Throw: Special
6-9 1d6+1
10-13 1d10 By using this spell, the priest seals off the
14-17 2d6+1 multidimensional existence of a magical, undead,
18-21 2d8 or extraplanar creature. The affected creature can
22-25 1d10+1d8+1 be forced entirely into its extraplanar dimension,
26-29 1d12+1d10 which removes it from the physical world, or its
30-33 2d12+1 extraplanar existence can be severed, forcing it
34-37 1d20+1d8 entirely into the Prime Material Plane. If the
38-41 1d20+1d10+1 priest's level exceeds the subject's level or Hit
42-45 1d20+1d8+1d6 Dice, the subject is not allowed a saving throw,
46-49 1d20+2d8+1 but creatures of higher level or Hit Dice than the
50-53 2d20 caster are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell to
54-57 2d20+1d3 negate the effect. Also note that magic resistance
58-61 2d20+1d6 may apply, as well. If used to banish an
62-65 2d20+1d8+1 extraplanar or multidimensional creature,
66-69 2d20+2d6 Dimensional translocation prevents the creature
70-73 2d20+1d10+1d4+1 from returning to the Prime Material Plane for
74-77 2d20+1d10+1d8 the duration of the spell. The creature may be
78-81 3d20+1 able to take other actions, such as using magical
82-85 2d20+2d12 items or spell–like abilities on itself while it
86-89 3d20+1d6+1 waits to return. If the caster instead forces an
90-93 3d20+1d10 extradimensional creature into the Prime
94-97 3d20+2d6+1 Material Plane, one or more of the following
98-101 3d20+2d8 effects may apply, at the DM's option:
102-105 3d20+1d10+1d8+1
106-109 3d20+1d12+1d10 – The creature's Armor Class may be reduced by
110-113 4d20+1d4+1 ld6 points for the duration of the spell;
114-117 4d20+1d8 – The quality of a magical weapon needed to
118-121 4d20+1d10+1 strike the creature may be reduced by one "plus";
122-125 4d20+1d8+1d6 for example, a monster normally hit by +2 or
126-129 4d20+2d8+1 better weapons may become vulnerable to +1
130-133 5d20 weapons for the spell's duration;
134-137 5d20+1d3 – The creature may suffer permanent death upon
138-141 5d20+1d6 the loss of all its hit points.
142-145 5d20+1d8+1 – Use of ld6 spell–like powers (such as gating in
146-149 5d20+2d6 allies) may be limited or negated.
150-153 5d20+1d8+1d6+1 – Undead creatures lose the ability to drain life
154-157 5d20+1d10+1d8 energy levels.
158-161 6d20+1
162-165 6d20+1d4 This spell does not prevent extradimensional
166-169 6d20+1d6+1 travel on the Prime Material Plane (i.e.,
170-173 6d20+1d10 Dimension door, Blinking, Teleport, or similar
174-177 6d20+2d6+1 effects), but it does prevent the subject from
178-181 6d20+1d10+1d6 Plane shifting or becoming ethereal while in
182-185 6d20+1d10+1d8+1 effect.
186-189 6d20+1d12+1d10
190-193 7d20+1d4+1
194-197 7d20+1d8 DISGUISE
198-201 7d20+1d10+1 (Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 5°
(Alteration) Sphere: War
Range: 200 yards
Level: 5° Components: V, S, M

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Duration: 1 turn/3 levels spell; this modifier is not cumulative (that is, a
Casting Time: 2 turns party experiencing its second day of Easy march
Area of Effect: One unit up to 300 suffers only a -1 penalty). The modifier cannot
individuals be negated by resting.
Saving Throw: None Easy march has no effect on modifiers to
movement due to terrain, fatigue, weather, or
This spell changes the appearance of a single unit other normal factors. (Refer to Chapter 14 of the
so it resembles another unit. The Disguise can Player's Handbook for more about force
cause the affected creatures to appear to be of marching.)
another class, nationality, rank, race, alignment, The material component is a piece of shoe
or military affiliation (i.e., a unit from one army leather.
may appear wearing the armor and carrying the
colors of another army). Disguise cannot change
the size category of the unit's members. Thus, a
unit of humans may appear to be a unit of elves,
but may not appear as a unit of giants or
halflings. The spell does not affect the size of the
overall unit; a unit of 50 creatures will still
appear to be a unit of 50 creatures.
The disguised unit may appear to be carrying any
melee or personal missile weapons (e.g., axes,
long swords, crossbows, etc.), and may appear to
be wearing any type of armor. In combat,
however, the unit attacks and defends with its
real weapons and armor regardless of the gear
they may appear to be carrying.
Disguise is most effective at long range. If
another unit moves within 20 yards of a
disguised unit, it automatically sees through the
The caster automatically sees through the
illusion. Members of the subject unit see no
change in their appearance. True seeing or
similar magic is required for other individuals to
see through the disguise (unless they move
within 20 yards of the unit).
The material components are a fine silk veil and
a length of woven platinum wire. The wire is
consumed during the casting.


Level: 5°
Manual: ToM
Sphere: Travelers
Range: 50 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day/level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: One creature/level
Saving Throw: None

This spell enables a number of creatures equal to

the caster's level to force march for a number of
days equal to the caster's level. Creatures
affected by Easy march can travel 2½ times their
normal movement rate without any risk of
fatigue; thus, they are not required to make a
Constitution check at the end of the day.
All creatures affected by this spell suffer a -1
penalty to their attack rolls for the duration of the

Livello 5° 125 Livello 5°

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(Abjuration) (Alteration)

Level: 5° Level: 5°
Manual: ToM Manual: ToM
Sphere: Wards, Elemental (Air, Sphere: Numbers
Earth, Fire, Water) Range: 10 yards
Range: Special Components: V, S, M
Components: V, S, M Duration: 2d12 rounds+4 rounds/level
Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 5
Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: One extradimensional space
Area of Effect: 5'-cube/level up to20 feet x 20 feet
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: Special

This spell prevents the entry of all elementals This spell allows the priest to alter the
into the area of effect. Further, elementals characteristics of certain extradimensional spaces
outside the area of effect cannot make physical such as those created by rope trick and similar
attacks against those inside. Spells and missile spells or those contained in items like Bags of
attacks can be cast into the area by elementals. holding or Portable holes.
The spell affects a cube whose sides equal the Extradimensional manipulation can increase or
caster's level times 5 feet (a 12th-level priest reduce the size of a single extradimensional
could affect an area equal to a 60' x 60'x 60' space. The amount of increase or decrease
cube). depends on the level of the caster:
Elemental forbiddance has no effect on
elementals that are within the area of effect when
the spell is cast. If such elementals leave the area Level Multiplier
of effect, they cannot reenter.
The material components are the priest's holy
Up to 10 x2
symbol and four glass beads, each of a different
11 to 16 x3
color (green, blue, red, and yellow). The priest
17 or above x4
must pace out the perimeter of the warded area at
the time of casting.
This means that a 10th-level priest can double
the capacity of a Bag of holding or decrease it to
half its normal size. A 15th-level priest can triple
the capacity or reduce it to one-third capacity.
If the size and capacity of an extradimensional
space is decreased, any contents of the space that
Livello: 5°
exceed the current capacity are expelled
Manuale: PH italiano
(determined randomly). These contents are
Sfera: totale
expelled from the space in the same way they
Raggio d’azione: tocco
originally entered it, if that path is still open. If
Componenti: V, S, M
the path is closed, as it would be if a bag of
Durata: permanente
holding were tied shut or a portable hole were
Tempo di lancio: 1 turno
folded up, the “extra” contents are expelled into
Area d’effetto: 1 persona
the Astral plane. Any items in an enlarged space
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
when the spell duration expires suffer the same
Il sacerdote toglie al soggetto il peso di azioni
Placing an extradimensional space inside another
involontarie o compiute per ignoranza; può
such space, such as placing a Bag of holding
anche eliminare gli effetti di un cambio di
inside a Portable hole (see the Dungeon Master's
allineamento causato dalla magia. La persona in
Guide), is a dangerous undertaking.
cerca di espiazione deve pentirsi davvero o non
Extradimensional manipulation may be cast for
essere stata in sé al momento in cui ha compiuto
the purpose of removing this danger. When used
le cattive azioni in questione. Spetta al DM
in this manner, the size of the space cannot be
giudicare, ma le cattiverie volontarie e
affected. However, while this version is in effect,
consapevoli non si possono espiare (vedi
the affected extradimensional space can be
“Ricerca”). Chi rifiuta di espiare si considera
placed within another such space (or another
aver compiuto una deliberata malvagità.
extradimensional space may be placed within the
Componente materiale: simbolo sacro, rosario o
affected space) with no adverse consequences. If
libro di preghiere ed
one space is within the other when the spell
incenso acceso.
expires, the usual consequences ensue

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If the space to be affected is being maintained by FLAME HARVEST

a spellcaster, as in the case of a Rope trick, that (Conjuration/Invocation)
spellcaster receives a saving throw to resist the
manipulation. If the space is created by a magical Level: 5°
item, however, no saving throw is allowed. Manual: PD
The material component is a strip of gold tissue Sphere: Elemental (fire)
worth at least 5 gp that is twisted into a Moebius Range: Special
strip. The strip is consumed in the casting. Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 hour
(Alteration) Saving Throw: 1/2

Level: 5° This powerful spell creates a trap of a large field,

Manual: ToM copse of wood, or other flammable area,
Sphere: Numbers triggered by certain, predefined conditions.
Range: Touch The priest slowly walks the area to be trapped for
Components: V, S, M a period of an hour, envisioning the rising flames
Duration: 1d12 rounds+2 turns/level and deciding on the conditions that will trigger
Casting Time: 1 round its activation. When the meditation period ends,
Area of Effect: Special the priest may leave the area and the trap remains
Saving Throw: None set for 1 month.
The PC who cast the spell must write the
This spell allows the priest to create a single conditions of his spell on paper for the DM, and
extradimensional space or pocket like the one the DM should take his words as literally as
inside a Bag of holding. The spell must be cast possible The conditions may be as simple or as
on a container such as a sack, bag, or backpack. complex as the player likes, but they must be
Once under the influence of the spell, the written. Some possible conditions are whenever
container opens into a nondimensional space and anyone steps foot in this grove, or, whenever
is much larger inside than its outside dimensions. templars draw their weapons.
The container always weighs a fixed amount, When the condition is met, the area is engulfed
regardless of what is put inside. This weight and in flames, and everyone inside takes 6d8 points
the capacity of the extradimensional space of damage.
depend on the level of the caster: The area affected is 90 square feet, but the shape
of the area does not affect the spell in any way.
The site will continue to burn normally, and
Level Apparent Weight Volume anyone trapped takes 1d4 points of damage until
the fire burns itself out.
weight capacity capacity
Material component: priest’s holy symbol.
9-13 15 lbs 250 lbs. 30 cu.ft.
14-16 25 lbs 500 lbs 70 cu.ft.
17-19 35 lbs 750 lbs 100 cu.ft.
20+ 60 lbs 1,000 lbs 150 cu.ft.
Livello: 5°
If the container is overloaded or if it is pierced by
Manuale: PH italiano
a sharp object, the bag immediately ruptures and
Sfera: divinazione
the contents are lost into the Astral plane. Any
Raggio d’azione: tocco
items within the bag when the spell duration ends
Componenti: V, S, M
are also lost in the Astral plane.
Durata: speciale
The material components, in addition to the
Tempo di lancio: un’ora
container, are 200 gp worth of powdered
Area d’effetto: speciale
diamond and a sheet of platinum worth 500 gp.
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
The platinum sheet must be inscribed with a
drawing of a Klein bottle (a paradoxical figure
L’incantesimo trasforma una fonte di acqua
with only one surface–the three-dimensional
benedetta in uno strumento di divinazione;
analogue of the Moebius strip). The diamond
funziona solo se il sacerdote è in buoni rapporti
dust is consumed during the casting–the platinum
con la sua divinità protettrice. La conca in cui si
sheet is not.
raccoglie l’acqua benedetta diventa come una
Sfera di cristallo: l’osservazione può durare tanti
round quante sono le boccette che si potrebbero
riempire con il suo contenuto, fino ad un
massimo di un’ora. La durata dell’incantesimo

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dipende dalla capacità della conca, quindi. Il DM 120 degrees and the wind speed to 15 miles per
sa quali sono le probabilità che i personaggi hour. Wind speeds in excess of 20 miles per hour
hanno di accorgersi della divinazione. cut visibility to half. Creatures made less
Componente materiale: simbolo sacro e fonte comfortable by the reversed spell receive a -2
decorata, che non occorre rinnovare ogni volta. penalty to all morale checks and have their
marching speed cut to half for the duration of the
spell. A successful saving throw vs. spell negates
GOOD WEATHER ® this effect.
(Alteration) The reverse of this spell, BAD WEATHER, has
exactly the opposite effect, moving the outside
Level: 5° temperature and wind speed away from the
Manual: DK comfortable range.
Sphere: Weather The material component for this spell is a piece
Range: Touch of cloth from a casual garment (or, for its
Components: V, S, M reverse, a bleached bone).
Duration: 1 hour/level
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: 10' radius/level GROUNDING
Saving Throw: Neg. (Abjuration)

With this spell, a priest can create an area of Level: 5°

moderate weather. The area affected is a sphere Manual: ToM
centered on the recipient with a radius equal to Sphere: Wards
10 feet per level of the caster, but the sphere does Range: 30 yards
not extend beneath the ground. The sphere Components: V, S, M
moves with the recipient. The temperature and Duration: 1 turn/level
level of wind are moderatel toward a more Casting Time: 1 turn
comfortable level for the recipient. Temperature Area of Effect: 10-yard square/priest
is adjusted by as much as 20 degrees, and wiud Saving Throw: None
speed by as much as 10 miles per hour. Note that
"comfort" is subiective, varying from race to Grounding offers protection against normal and
race. For instance, what a thri-kreen finds magical electrical attacks within the area of
tolerable is sweltering for a halfling. effect. The protected area and creatures within it
suffer no damage from normal electrical attacks
Race Preferred temp Preferred wind (such as those caused by lightning bolts in a
(F) (mph) thunderstorm and nonmagical creatures such as
electric eels). Magical electrical attacks
Human 80 0 (including lightning bolt breath weapons) cause
Dwarf 85 0 only 50% of their normal damage. Additionally,
Elf 100 20 creatures within the area of effect receive a +2
Half elf 90 20 bonus to saving throws made against electrical
Half giant 70 30 attacks, regardless of whether the attacks
Halfling 70 0 originate inside or outside the warded area.
Mul 85 0 The material components are the priest's holy
Thri-kreen 120 20 symbol and a coil of silver wire.

For example, if the spell were cast on a human

while the temperature outside the radius is 100
degrees and the wind speed is 5 miles per hour,
the Good weather spell woull adjust the
temperature to 80 degrees and the wind speed to
0 within the area of effect. On the same lay, if the
spell were instead cast on a thri-kreen, the
temperature would be raised to 120 degrees and
the wind speed to 15 miles per hour.
Every creature within the sphere who is made
more comfortable by the spell receive a +2 bonus
to all morale rolls. They can also extend their
marching time by up to half the spell's duration
in hours every day (provided the spell's duration
covers the entire length of the march).
In the above example, the human would be in a
sphere where the temperature was elevated to

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ILLUSORY ARTILLERY an alternate action and gains permission for that

(Enchantment/Charm) action.
Every round, the victim must decide his action
Level: 5° for that round; at the victim's initiative, he must
Manual: ToM ask permission to perform his action. If
Sphere: War permission is denied, the victim can take no
Range: 300 yards other action that round.
Components: V, S, M The only actions exempt from the need for
Duration: Instantaneous permission are involuntary actions such as
Casting Time: 1 turn breathing.
Area of Effect: 30 yard x 30 yard square Asking and gaining permission takes only a short
Saving Throw: None amount of time in most cases. A simple request,
such as asking for permission to swing a sword
This spell creates a vivid illusion of incoming in the middle of combat, can be accomplished
artillery fire (ballista bolts, catapult stones, etc.) quickly. Complicated requests, such as getting
at a target indicated by the caster. The illusion is permission to act on a complicated plan, will
complete, comprising both audial and visual naturally take more time. The DM may consider
elements. It is impossible for victims to adding a modifier to the victim's initiative roll in
determine where the missiles were fired from; such cases.
creatures under attack notice the missiles only
when they are about to strike.
The missiles never actually strike–they vanish IMPREGNABLE MIND
inches above the victims' heads and do no (Enchantment/Charm)
damage. The illusion is so terrifying, however,
that victims must immediately make a morale Level: 5°
check. The first time a group or unit is the target Manual: S&M
of this spell, this morale check is made with no Sphere: Protection, Thought
modifier. The second and subsequent times that Range: Touch
the same unit is attacked with this spell, the unit Duration: 1 turn + 1 rd./level
receives a +1 bonus to its morale score (for Area of Effect: Creature touched
checks against this effect only) unless the unit Components: V, S
has been the target of real artillery fire in the Casting Time: 1
interim. In this case, the bonus does not apply. Saving Throw: None
The material component is a small, empty
cylinder made of brass. This spell guards the spell recipient against
magical or psionic attacks that affect the mind.
This includes Beguiling, Charm, domination,
IMPEDING PERMISSION Feeblemind, Hold, and similar effects, as well as
(Enchantment/Charm) most telepathic psionic powers and attacks.
Against magical influences, Impregnable mind
Level: 5° grants a +4 bonus to saving throws; if the attack
Manual: ToM normally allows no saving throw, the spell
Sphere: Law recipient may attempt one at no modifier. Against
Range: 150 yards telepathic psionics, the spell inflicts a -6 penalty
Components: V, S to the attacking psionicist's power checks,
Duration: 1 turn/level making it more likely that a psionic attack or
Casting Time: 3 telepathic contact will fail. Impregnable mind
Area of Effect: One creature offers no protechon against nontelepathic
Saving Throw: Neg. psionics, such as a telekinetic thrashing or other
psionics that affect the body.
This spell may be cast only on creatures with
Intelligence of 2 or greater and the ability to
communicate with the caster. The spell interferes
with the victim's ability to make decisions. It
prevents the victim from performing any action
without first gaining the permission of the caster
or a character designated by the caster. The
victim will heed only the person designated by
the caster.
Before the victim undertakes any action, he must
gain permission. He will not follow through with
an action until he gains permission. If permission
is denied, the victim cannot act until he thinks of

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IRONSKIN 5) Il corpo del chierico raddoppia di peso,

(Alteration) come se avesse dentro la roccia. Gli effetti si
manifestano sulla capacità e l’ingombro in
Level: 5° funzione della sua forza.
Manual: DK 6) Non appena il chierico è toccato da
Sphere: Elemental (Earth), un’arma l’incantesimo svanisce, l’arma fa i
Protection suoi danni e si trasforma in pietra.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M L’effetto collaterale è parimenti possibile anche
Duration: Special se l’incantesimo è procurato da una pozione, da
Casting Time: 1 una pergamena o da un oggetto magico.
Area of Effect: 1 creature Non vi è modo di sapere se l’incantesimo ha
Saving Throw: None ottenuto un effetto collaterale finché l’effetto
stesso non si manifesta.
This spell is similar to the wizards' Stoneskin in Salvo in casi diversamente specificati, l’effetto
that the affected creature gains virtual immunity può essere cancellato solo con un Desiderio
to any attack by cut, blow, or projectile. Physical minore.
attacks by weapons (even enchanted ones),
natural animal weapons (such as fants and
claws), and hurled projectiles (giant boulders) MELD
cannot penetrate Ironskin. Magical attacks from (Enchantment)
such spells as Fireball, Magic missile, Lihtning
bolt, and so forth have normal effects. The spell Level: 5°
blocks 1d6 attacks, plus one for every two levels Manual: ToM
of the caster. For example, an Ironskin from a Sphere: Charm
13th level priest would protect against seven to Range: 10 yards
12 attacks. However, unlike Stoneskin, only Components: V, S, M
physical attacks that would otherwise have Duration: 12 hours
scored a hit on the creature count against that Casting Time: 1 turn
total. Three Magic missiles can hit and do Area of Effect: One priest
damage, or a fighter can attack with a sword and Saving Throw: Special
fail his attack roll without bringing down the
total. This cooperative spell requires only one priest to
The material component for this spell is a small cast it, but can be cast only on another priest of
iron statue worth at least 5 gp. the same faith. The recipient of the spell must
voluntarily surrender himself to the spell. The
Nota: Dopo aver lanciato l’incantesimo, nel recipient becomes a host for the caster. While the
momento in cui questo protegge il chierico da un recipient does not lose his own persona or ability
attacco (effettuare il lancio ogni volta che il to act, the host can be dominated by the caster at
chierico viene colpito), c’è il 5% di possibilità any time. For the most part, this domination is
che egli subisca un effetto di alterazione complete.
permanente, con uno dei seguenti risultati (1d6). For the duration of the spell, the caster is
Il chierico non può, in questi casi, far cessare essentially detached from his own body. He can
l’incantesimo a volontà: neither move nor act on his own. His mind is
connected to the host's. He sees, hears, smells,
1) La pelle del chierico diventa tastes, and otherwise senses everything the host
permanentemente del colore della pietra does. He can telepathically communicate with
(grigio, nero o marrone con striature) anche the host. Once the spell is completed, there is no
dopo il termine di durata dell’incantesimo. limit to the range over which it can function.
2) La pelle del chierico diventa However, both the caster and host must remain
permanentemente rigida e dura come pietra, on the same plane. Since the spell relies on
conferendogli un bonus di -4 alla C.A. e una telepathic communication, thin lead sheeting will
penalità di -4 alla Ds. Il chierico dimezzerà effectively block the connection.
inoltre il proprio movimento di base e la sua When desired, the caster can dominate the host.
iniziativa sarà sempre ridotta di +4. When this happens, the host's own mind is
3) Il chierico si pietrifica all’istante. pushed to the background and the caster's
L’effetto può essere cancellato anche con un personality dominates. The host's personality,
incantesimo Pietra in carne. memories, proficiencies, and spells are
4) Nel momento in cui viene colpito, il temporarily replaced by those of the caster.
chierico deve riuscire un tiro shock corporeo While occupying the host, the caster can cast any
o sbriciolarsi come sabbia e morire spell he himself has memorized, provided that
all’istante. the necessary components are on hand. These
spells function exactly as if the priest had cast

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Incantesimi clericali del quinto livello

them from his own body. occurred from the onset of the spell to the
The caster can return control to the host at any moment of distraction. The subject must re-
time, restoring the character's abilities and evaluate the situation as if it had just come to
personality without harm. pass.
The spell is not without limitations and risks. The Consider the following example. The subject of
domination must be voluntary. If the host resists the spell is a soldier assigned to guard the
the casting of the spell, it automatically fails. entrance to a building. The priest arrives and
Once the spell is in effect, the host can attempt to casts Memory wrack on the guard. The guard has
resist the domination. He is then allowed a no problem remembering his orders, since he
saving throw. If successful, the spell immediately received them before the onset of the spell. He
ends. also remembers the arrival of the priest. The
Whenever the host suffers damage, the caster priest now tries to convince the guard that he is
must make a saving throw vs. death to maintain authorized to enter the building. The guard
the spell. If the save is failed, a wave of pain is refuses him entry. The priest now picks up a rock
transmitted to the priest, causing 1d6 points of and throws it at the guard, striking him and
damage and canceling the spell. If the host distracting him. The guard forgets everything
should die, the caster must make a system shock that happened between the onset of the spell and
roll with the risk of suffering instant death. the moment the rock struck. He forgets that the
The material component is a chalice worth no priest has already tried to con him and that he
less than 1,000 gp. This chalice must be given as threw a rock at him. He must reevaluate the
a gift to the host (who cannot return it to the situation as though the priest had just arrived.
donor for any reason). The priest is free to make another attempt at
entering the building.
When the spell expires, the subject remembers
MEMORY WRACK nothing that happened while the spell was in
(Alteration, Enchantment/Charm) effect, possibly leading to amusing consequences
(“By the gods, how did I get here?”).
Level: 5° The material component is a ruby of at least 200
Manual: ToM gp value, which is crushed during the casting.
Sphere: Thought
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M MINDSHATTER
Duration: 2 rounds/level (Enchantment/Charm)
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One creature Level: 5°
Saving Throw: Neg. Manual: ToM
Sphere: Thought
This nasty spell “disconnects” the subject's short- Range: 3 yards/level
term and long-term memory. While the spell is in Components: V, S, M
effect, the subject is incapable of storing Duration: Special
information in long-term memory. Every Casting Time: 1 round
moment is virtually an independent event for the Area of Effect: One creature
subject; he or she can remember recent events, Saving Throw: Neg.
thoughts, and sensations for no more than a few
seconds (the amount of time they remain in This spell allows the priest to create one specific
short-term memory). form of insanity in the subject. Five forms of
Memories of events that happened before the insanity are possible through this spell.
onset of the spell are not affected at all; these are – Schizophrenia: this form of insanity is
safely stored in long-term memory. This means characterized by personality loss. The subject has
that the subject can cast any spells memorized no personality of his own, so he selects a role
before the Memory wrack took effect, but he is model and makes every possible attempt to
likely to have difficulty casting the spell as behave like that character. The chosen role model
described below. will be as different from the subject as possible.
The subject of this spell has a limited ability to (Thus, an insane wizard might begin to follow
act. He is restricted to one action at a time and the habits of a warrior.) Obviously, a warrior who
must concentrate mightily to keep the situation believes himself to be a wizard will be unable to
and any planned actions in short-term memory. cast spells (he might think that he's casting
As long as the subject is able to maintain spells, or he might construct a sophisticated
concentration, he may act normally within these series of excuses explaining why he's “not in the
limits. mood for magic” at the moment). A character
If the subject is distracted (he is struck in who emulates a member of another class does
combat, affected by a spell, startled, surprised, or not gain any of the skills of that class and makes
a similar event occurs), he forgets everything that all attacks and saving throws as appropriate to

Livello 5° 131 Livello 5°

Incantesimi clericali del quinto livello

his true class. Certain consequences might arise table that follows:
if the character's emulation causes him to break
restrictions of his class. For example, a priest
emulating a warrior might break his deity's Int + Wis Time between checks
prohibition against edged weapons, or a paladin
might emulate a Neutral Evil thief. Both will
8 or less 1 month
suffer the appropriate consequences as if they
9 to 18 3 weeks
had been compelled to violate their beliefs while
19 to 24 2 weeks
Charmed. Such characters will certainly have to
25 to 30 1 week
atone for their actions once they return to
31 to 35 3 days
36 or more 1 day
– Dementia praecox: the subject is totally
uninterested in any undertaking. Nothing seems
The effects of this spell can be removed by a
worthwhile, and the individual is lethargic and
Limited wish, Wish (or equally powerful magic),
filled with tremendous feelings of boredom and
or by a heal spell cast for this specific purpose.
dissatisfaction. No matter how important the
The material component is a small bust of a
situation, it is 50% likely that the subject will
human head, about 3” in height, made from fine,
ignore it as meaningless.
delicate china. The priest shatters this bust during
– Delusional insanity: the subject is convinced
the casting.
that he is a famous figure: a monarch, demi-god,
or similar personage. Characters who fail to
recognize the subject with the honor he deserves
incur great hostility or disbelief. The subject acts
appropriately to a station that he does not hold.
He directs orders at real and imaginary creatures
Livello: 5°
and draws upon resources that do not exist.
Manuale: PH italiano
– Paranoia: the subject is convinced that “they”
Sfera: elementale (fuoco)
(whoever they are) are spying on him and
Raggio d’azione: 80 m
plotting against him. Everyone around the
Componenti: V, S, M
subject, even friends and allies, is part of the
Durata: speciale
plot. If any other character acts in a way that the
Tempo di lancio: 8
subject can interpret as reinforcing this delusion,
Area d’effetto: speciale
the subject has a 20% chance of reacting with
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
– Hallucinatory insanity: the subject sees, hears,
Viene a crearsi una cortina di fuoco magico di
and otherwise senses things that do not exist. The
colore vivace, giallo-verde
more stressful the situation is to the subject, the
o ambrato (a differenza
more likely he will hallucinate. Although most
dell’omonimo incantesimo
hallucinations are external to the subject (that is,
degli esperti di magia), che
he perceives creatures, objects, and conditions
può assumere l’aspetto di
that do not exist), there is a 10% chance that any
un muro quadrato con lato
hallucination will involve the subject's self-
massimo di 6 m per ogni
perception. For example, the subject might
livello del sacerdote o di un
suddenly believe and act as if he had sprouted
anello con raggio massimo
wings, grown to giant size, etc.
di 3 m più 1,5 m ogni due
When this spell is cast by a priest of 13th level or
livelli del sacerdote, alto 6
lower, the DM chooses or randomly selects one
of these forms of insanity (and should feel free to
Il muro viene prodotto in modo che sia verticale
invent other interesting symptoms). If the priest
rispetto al sacerdote, il quale sceglie il lato da cui
is 14th level or higher, he can personally select
fargli emettere ondate di calore, che fanno 2d4
the form of insanity to afflict the subject.
ferite a chiunque arrivi a meno di 3 m di distanza
While under the effect of this spell, the subject
e ld4 ferite a quelli che stanno a meno di 6 m. Il
can cast spells and use innate powers; the use of
muro di fiamme infligge, inoltre, 4d4 ferite, più
these abilities will be in accordance with the
una per ogni livello del sacerdote che l’ha creato,
symptoms of the insanity, however. Player
alle creature che lo attraversano. Il danno è quasi
characters affected by this spell should be
sempre aggravato per le creature molto sensibili
encouraged to role-play the appropriate effects to
al fuoco, mentre si raddoppia sempre per i non
the limit.
morti. È molto difficile riuscire a bloccare una
The duration of this spell depends on the sum of
creatura in movimento con un muro fatto
the subject's Intelligence and Wisdom scores. A
appositamente; se questa supera un T.S., lo evita,
saving throw is allowed on a periodic basis
mentre saranno la sua velocità e la direzione del
depending on this total. The spell is broken if a
moto a determinare da quale parte del muro si
successful saving throw is rolled. Refer to the

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Incantesimi clericali del quinto livello

trova. La parete dura finché il sacerdote mantiene in the alternate reality, although he in tum cannot
la concentrazione, o altrimenti un round per ogni affect any creature or object in the physical
suo livello. world. For instance, he could read a book at the
Componente materiale: fosforo. page it was opened to, but he could not turn the
page since that would require him to move an
object that is temporarily immovable for him. To
NATURE'S CHARM his companions or enemy in real time, the priest
(Enchantment / Charm) appears to simply vanish altogether, only to
reappear at some later point.
Level: 5° The duration of this spell is a little odd, to say the
Manual: DH least. The priest may choose a duration of up to 1
Sphere: Elemental (earth, water) round at 7th to 9th level, 2 rounds at 10th to 12th
Range: Touch level, 3 rounds at 13th to 16th, 4 rounds at 17th
Components: V, S, M to 19th, up to a maximum of 5 rounds at 20th
Duration: 2 hours/level of caster level or higher. The duration chosen by the priest
Casting Time: 1 round governs the length of the Othertime; if the priest
Area of Effect: 15-foot radius/level decides that the spell will last 2 rounds, then he
Saving Throw: Creatures native to the area is instantly transported to that point in time,
of effect are not affected. surrounded by the frozen shall–life of the world
as it will appear 2 rounds after the priest cast
Nature's charm causes a particular place to exert Othertime. The caster then has 2 rounds to
a special fascination beyond mere beauty to himself to take any actions he cares to, although
anyone entering the area except the spellcaster. he cannot affect the real world by any physical,
This spell must target a site of notable natural magical, or mental means.
splendor that possesses both edible plants and While the caster is in the Othertime, he is
fresh water. The spot may not be larger than the completely unaware of the intervening events. In
spell's area of effect. For instance, a 12th-level the example above, if the caster's friends were
druid could cast this spell on a forest glade up to teleported away 1 round after the caster left and
360 feet across, with flowers and fruit-bearing replaced by an identical group of dopplegangers,
trees centered around a waterfall. the caster would have no chance to detect the
Anyone coming upon the enchanted region must switch; all he sees are the bodies of his "friends,"
save vs. spell; those who fail invariably make up frozen in the positions they will occupy when he
excuses to remain there long after they should emerges from the Othertime. This also means
have left. They say they want only to bathe, rest, that nasty things like dragon breath, Cloudkills,
admire the beauty a bit longer, eat the berries or or Mind blasts that pass through the spot where
fruit, paint a picture of the area, or defend the the caster happens to be have no effect on him—
spot jealously from others. he simply does not exist in the real world while
Whatever the reason, those who fall victim to the he waits for everyone else to catch up to him.
enchantment forcefully resist all attempts to As noted above, the caster gains an amount of
make them leave until the spell's duration ends. subjective time equal to the duration of the spell.
The spell's material component is the druid's holy By leaping 3 rounds into the future, the caster
symbol. gains 3 rounds of actions in the Othertime. He
could drink a potion, cast a spell, and then
maneuver for an attack, for example, or he could
OTHERTIME gain a 3 round head start by running for his life
(Alteration) while no one else can pursue him. If the priest
uses this time to study a battle and position
Level: 5° himself for an attack, he gains a –4 bonus to his
Manual: S&M initiative roll on the round he emerges from
Sphere: Time Othertime, and a +4 attack bonus with his first
Range: 0 strike.
DuratioN: Special Leaping in and out of the time stream is a
Area of Effect: The caster dangerous achvity; every hme the priest employs
Components: V, S, M this spell, there is a 1% noncumulative chance
Casting Time: 7 that he becomes stuck in Othertime, doomed to
Saving Throw: None death by thirst or starvation when his own rabons
run out. Only the most extraordinary measures (a
When a priest enters Othertime, he steps into a Wish spell, divine intervention, etc.) can save a
different reality in which the world around him is character in this predicament. Once a priest is in
frozen at a moment in the future. Until time Othertime, he cannot pray for further spells.
catches up to him, he may move about After all, if the priest is going to attract his
unhindered and observe his surroundings; no deity's attention by praying for spells, the deity
force known can detect his presence or harm him will most likely allow him out! The material

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Incantesimi clericali del quinto livello

component for this spell is an hourglass filled PIAGA DEGLI INSETTI

with rare salis, worth at least 100 gold pieces. (Convocazione/Attrazione)

Livello: 5°
PASSAPIANTA Manuale: PH italiano
(Alterazione) Sfera: combattimento, animale
Raggio d’azione: 120 m
Livello: 5° Componenti: V, S, M
Manuale: PH italiano Durata: 2 round per livello
Sfera: vegetale Tempo di lancio: 1 turno
Raggio d’azione: tocco Area d’effetto: nube alta 18 m con
Componenti: V, S, M diametro di 54 metri
Durata: speciale Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
Tempo di lancio: 8
Area d’effetto: speciale Si forma una densa nube di insetti che volano,
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno saltellano e strisciano qua e là (l’incantesimo non
funziona nelle zone prive di insedi normali). Le
Il sacerdote entra in un albero e di lì passa bestiacce limitano la visibilità a 3 m; è
all’interno di un’altra pianta dello stesso tipo, che impossibile lanciare incantesimi stando
si trova nella direzione da lui scelta alla distanza all’interno della nuvola. Le creature prese entro
indicata dalla tabella: la nube subiscono una ferita ad ogni round, per le
morsicature e le punture degli insetti, a
Quercia 600 metri prescindere dalla loro C.A. Nemmeno
Frassino 540 metri l’invisibilità può salvarle. Tutte le creature con
Tasso 480 metri due D.V. o meno scappano automaticamente a
Olmo 420 metri massima velocità in direzione casuale, fino ad
Tiglio 360 metri arrivare a più di 240 m di distanza dagli insetti;
Latifoglia 300 metri quelle con meno di 5 D.V. effettuano un
Conifera 240 metri controllo del morale: se falliscono, scappano
Altro 180 metri come le altre.
Il fumo molto denso disperde gli insetti, come
L’albero di partenza e quello d’arrivo devono pure il fuoco: una parete di fuoco sotto forma di
essere entrambi vivi, dello anello non permette il passaggio di questi
stesso genere e con animali mentre una Palla di fuoco si limita a
circonferenza almeno spazzarli via dall’area d’effetto per un round.
uguale a quella del Una sola torcia non serve a nulla, ma sono inutili
sacerdote. Se questi entra, anche fulmini, gelo o ghiaccio, mentre un forte
ad esempio, in un frassino e vento libera definitivamente la zona e mette fine
vuole andare il più possibile all’incantesimo. La piaga dura due round per
a nord (540 m), ma l’unico ogni livello del sacerdote, dopodiché gli insetti se
frassino entro quella ne vanno.
distanza si trova in Gli insetti sciamano attorno ad un punto scelto
direzione sud, andrà per dal sacerdote, e che può trovarsi fino a 120 m di
forza verso sud. Il distanza da lui; una volta radunatisi in quel
funzionamento luogo, non si spostano più fino alla fine della
dell’incantesimo è tale per magia. L’incantesimo può essere annullato con
cui il passaggio avviene nel Dissolvi magie.
giro di un solo round; il Componenti materiali: un po’ di zucchero,
sacerdote può, volendo, chicchi di frumento, una macchia d’unto.
trascorrere dentro l’albero
d’arrivo un round per ogni
suo livello, oppure uscire
subito. Se non ci sono alberi
adatti entro quella distanza,
il sacerdote resta nella
pianta e ne esce prima della
fine dell’incantesimo.
Se, mentre il sacerdote è ancora all’interno,
qualcuno tenta di abbattere o bruciare la pianta, il
sacerdote deve uscire subito, altrimenti resta

Livello 5° 134 Livello 5°

Incantesimi clericali del quinto livello


(Conjuration/Sununoning) (Evocazione, Alterazione)

Level: 5° Livello: 5°
Manual: S&M Manuale: PH italiano
Sphere: Elemental (Water) Sfera: sole
Range: 60 yds. Raggio d’azione: 60 m + 10 m per livello
Duration: 2 rds./level Componenti: V, S, M
Area of Effect: Cube 1 ft./level Durata: 1 round per livello
Components: V, S, M Tempo di lancio: 7
Casting Time: 8 Area d’effetto: sfera con raggio di 1,5 m
Saving Throw: Special (più speciale)
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
This spell creates supernatural cold in the area of
effect, condensing all atmospheric and standing Il sacerdote fa scendere un raggio di luce
water into a thick rime of ice. If there is no argentea ad illuminare la
source of water or even enough humidity to zona da lui indicata. La luce
support this spell, then the DM can rule that the è come quella della luna:
spell has no effect. The caster affects a cubic area non permette di distinguere
of 1 foot per level to a side, so a 12th–level i colori. Il sacerdote può
caster affects a 12–foot by 12–foot by 12–foot farla spostare nel luogo
cube (up to a maximum of 25 feet to a side). This verso cui punta il dito;
can have several effects; first of all any creature questo è anche un sistema
caught in the area of effect when the temperature adatto ad evidenziare un
is lowered suffers 2d4 damage plus 1 point per possibile bersaglio, magari
level of the caster (or 2d4+12, for the 12th–level un avversario.
caster described above), or half that damage with L’incantesimo non elimina
a successful saving throw vs. spell. Any fires in tutte le ombre, ma se è
the area are suppressed and may (50% chance) diretto su di una creatura la
be exhnguished. rende ben visibile. La luce
Creatures entering the area of effect after the riflessa permette di vedere,
initial creation of ice suffer no additional in modo abbastanza
damage, although the air will be noticeably dry confuso, fino a 3 m di
and cold. However, the ice formed by the spell distanza dall’area d’effetto,
coats all surfaces and may cause creatures to slip ma non illumina tanto da
and fall. Any creature moving into or out of the eliminare il fattore sorpresa
affected area must make a saving throw vs. spell non ha alcun effetto
or fall, losing their action for the round. The ice sull’infravisione. Il
lasts at least 2 rounds per caster level, and then sacerdote può abbassare la
begins to melt at whatever rate nature decrees. luminosità fino alla
If cast on a body of water, this spell creates an semioscurità, se vuole. Il
iceberg of the stated dimensions. A swimmer or raggio possiede tutte le
aquatic creature could be caught in the ice and proprietà del chiaro di luna
trapped until the ice melts; most air–breathers e può provocare mutazioni
will suffocate from this treatment, but a few nei licantropi che vengono
aquatic creatures (fish, amphibians, etc.) may illuminati, a meno che il
survive being frozen, at the DM's discretion. DM non decida altrimenti.
The material component is a scale from a white Componenti materiali: semi di un arbusto
dragon. piantato al chiar di luna ed un pezzetto di lunaria
(feldspato opalescente).


Level: 5°
Manual: ToM
Sphere: Time
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One creature

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Incantesimi clericali del quinto livello

Saving Throw: Neg. Il cadavere dev’essere intatto: le parti

eventualmente mancanti non vengono
This spell compels its victim to repeat the action reintegrate, così come non si guariscono le
of the previous round. The result of the repetition malattie né si annullano i veleni. Per superare il
is always identical to the original result. trauma della resurrezione, l’individuo deve
For example, if a character fired an arrow and effettuare una prova di sopravvivenza riuscita
inflicted 4 points of damage, a Repeat action (vedi tabella 3: Costituzione nel Manuale del
spell will cause him to fire a second arrow that Giocatore). In ogni caso, il resuscitato è debole
will also inflict 4 points of damage. As long as ed inerme; perde un punto di Costituzione e per
the victim of the first arrow is within range, the ogni giorno (o parte di esso) passato nella tomba
subject affected by Repeat action will adjust his deve riposare a letto per una giornata intera. Al
aim and fire the second arrow at him. If the momento della resurrezione ha solo un P.F.; potrà
victim of the arrow moves out of range, the recuperare il resto dormendo o con incantesimi
subject will fire his second arrow in the direction curativi.
of the recipient. If the recipient is out of sight, Il punteggio iniziale di Costituzione del
the subject will fire in the direction of the personaggio costituisce un limite al numero di
recipient's original location. volte in cui potrà essere resuscitato con questo
The subject of a Repeat action spell must be incantesimo.
capable of performing the indicated action a Componente somatica: l’indice puntato sul
second time. If a character has no arrows in his cadavere.
quiver, he cannot fire an arrow. If a wizard were Con la forma inversa, TOGLIERE LA VITA, la
ordered to repeat a spell, he would attempt the vittima ha diritto al T.S. contro la morte; se lo
spell only if he had the spell memorized and had supera, subisce la metà delle ferite inflitte da
sufficient material components. If a subject Causa ferite gravi, cioè 2d8+1. Se lo sbaglia,
discovered a gem during a given round, Repeat muore sul colpo.
action will only compel him to hunt again; he
will not recover another gem unless a second
gem is actually present. RICERCA
An unwilling subject is allowed a saving throw (Incantamento/Charme)
vs. spell to resist the effects of Repeat action.
The material components are two identical glass Livello: 5°
spheres, each an inch or less in diameter. Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: charme
Raggio d’azione: 60 m
RIANIMARE I MORTI ® Componenti: V, S, M
(Negromanzia) Durata: fino al raggiungimento
dello scopo
Livello: 5° Tempo di lancio: 8
Manuale: PH italiano Area d’effetto: una creatura
Sfera: negromanzia Tiro Salvezza: Neg.
Raggio d’azione: 30 m
Componenti: V, S Il sacerdote impone alla vittima di eseguire un
Durata: permanente compito e tornare da lui con
Tempo di lancio: 1 round la prova della missione
Area d’effetto: 1 persona compiuta. Può comandarle,
Tiro Salvezza: speciale ad esempio, di trovare e
portargli un oggetto
Il sacerdote riesce a riportare in vita un nano, uno importante o prezioso,
gnomo, un halfling, un liberare un personaggio
mezzelfo o un umano (il autorevole o qualche
DM può permettergli di creatura, catturare una
farlo anche con altre fortezza, uccidere qualcuno,
creature). La magia dipende consegnare qualcosa
da quanto tempo è trascorso eccetera. Se la ricerca non
dalla morte dell’individuo; viene seguita alla lettera,
il periodo non può essere per trascuratezza, lentezza o
superiore ad un giorno per malevolenza, la vittima
ogni livello del sacerdote perde un punto sui T.S. per
(un sacerdote del 9° livello, ogni giorno in cui insisterà
cioè, potrebbe rianimare in questa sua condotta
solo persone morte da nove sconsiderata. La penalità
giorni al massimo). non si annulla fino a
quando la missione non

Livello 5° 136 Livello 5°

Incantesimi clericali del quinto livello

viene portata a termine, a RIGHTEOUS WRATH OF THE FAITHFUL

meno che il sacerdote non (Enchantment/Charm)
decida di sospenderla
prima. In certe circostanze è Level: 5°
possibile che la ricerca sia Manual: S&M
interrotta temporaneamente Sphere: War
o cancellata; in tal caso, il Range: 0
DM ti metterà al corrente Duration: 1 rd./level
dei motivi. Area of Effect: 30–ft. radius
Se la vidima non è consenziente, ha diritto al T.S. Components: V, S, M
contro incantesimi; se c’è il suo consenso, pur Casting Time: 8
estorto con l’inganno o la violenza, non è Saving Throw: None
ammesso T.S. Se la missione è giusta e motivata,
una creatura della stessa fede del sacerdote che When a priest casts this spell, he fires his allies
l’ha imposta non può rifiutarla, mentre le and companions with a divine madness or fury
creature che sono del suo stesso allineamento that greatly enhances their combat ability. Allies
(ma non appartengono al medesimo culto) who are fighting on the side of the priest are
possono effettuare un T.S. con penalità -4. affected as if they had received an Aid spell,
L’incantesimo non si elimina con Dissolvi magie, gaining a +1 bonus to attack rolls and saving
ma può essere annullato da un sacerdote di throws, plus ld8 additional hit points for the
livello superiore a quello che lo ha lanciato, o duration of the spell.
della stessa religione; possono abolirlo anche Allies who share the same faith (not just
alcuni artefatti o reliquie, o un intervento diretto alignment) of the caster are transported into the
da parte di una qualche divinità. Se la ricerca è Righteous wrath; they gain one additional melee
ingiusta ed immotivata, ci sono bonus sul T.S.; attack each round and a +2 bonus to saving
magari è automaticamente votata al fallimento! throws and attack and damage rolls. Creatures
Componente materiale: simbolo sacro. under the influence of the Righteous wrath gain
ld8 additional hit points, which are the first
points lost if the subject sustains any injury (see
Aid on the PH). Characters in a state of divine
frenzy are difficult to Charm or Hold. Against
spells or effects that target the subject's mind or
emotions, the saving throw bonus increases to
When the spell ends, all remaining additional hit
points are lost. Characters who fought under the
Righteous wrath find themselves extremely
fatigued and must rest for one full tum before
exerting themselves again; if forced to fight in
this state, they are treated as if they were
exhausted under the Combat and Tactics fatigue
rules. The material component of this spell is the
priest's holy symbol.

(Alterazione, Incantamento)

Livello: 5°
Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: elementale (terra)
Raggio d’azione: 30 m
Componenti: V, S, M
Durata: 3d4 turni + 1 turno per liv.
Tempo di lancio: 6
Area d’effetto: quadrato con lato di 3 m per
livello, 1 spuntone per ogni
30 cm quadrati
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

Quest’incantesimo modifica le rocce e le fa

diventare lunghi spuntoni acuminati che tendono
a mimetizzarsi con l’ambiente circostante.

Livello 5° 137 Livello 5°

Incantesimi clericali del quinto livello

Funziona con la pietra grezza o lavorata. La intervengano altre magie. Le creature

magia serve ad impedire il passaggio in un’area e eventualmente presenti possono effettuare il T.S.
ad infliggere delle ferite. Se si osserva prima che avvenga la mutazione. Non funziona
attentamente la zona, c’è il 25% di probabilità di con la sabbia.
scoprire gli spuntoni; se non li vedono, quelli che Componenti materiali: argilla ed acqua (o sabbia,
entrano nell’area interessata subiscono ld4 ferite calce ed acqua per l’inverso).
per round. La riuscita di ogni attacco si
determina come se il sacerdote stesse
effettivamente combattendo. Chi entra viene SANDS OF TIME ®
attaccato non appena mette piede nel territorio e (Alteration)
poi ad ogni round trascorso in quel posto. Solo se
l’attacco iniziale riesce il personaggio potrà Level: 5°
insospettirsi; in caso contrario, continuerà ad Manual: DK
avanzare finché non sarà ferito. Le vittime che Sphere: Time
corrono o vanno a passo di carica subiscono due Range: 10 yards
attacchi per round. Components: V, S, M
Chi cade in una buca con spuntoni deve Duration: l round
sottostare a sei di questi attacchi ogni 3 m di Casting Time: 8
caduta (ogni attacco ha bonus +2 sul TxC e sul Area of Effect: Up to 10 cubic feet/level
tiro per le ferite). Ci sono, inoltre, i normali Saving Throw: Neg.
danni da caduta.
Componente materiale: quattro piccole stalattiti. By means of this spell, a priest can reverse the
effects of aging and erosion on any nonliving,
material obiect. The amount of aging that can be
ROCCIA IN FANGO ® so reversed depends upon the level of the caster.
(Alterazione) Consult the table given with the wizard spell of
the same name.
Livello: 5°
Manuale: PH italiano Lev. Time Pap. Wood S.St. H.St. Met.
Sfera: elementale (acqua, terra)
Raggio d’azione: 160 m 9- 30 days F
Componenti: V, S, M 10 1 year R
Durata: speciale 11 2 B F
Tempo di lancio: 8 12 5 C R
Area d’effetto: cubo con spigolo 6 m/liv. 13 10 D B
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno 14 20 C P
15 50
L’incantesimo permette di trasformare qualsiasi 16 100 D E
tipo di roccia naturale (non magica) in un ugual 17 200 L P
volume di fango, che non può mai essere più 18 500 M P
profondo di 3 m. Le creature incapaci di volare, 19 1.000 1/2 E
sollevarsi o comunque uscire dal fango 20 2.000 3/4 E
affondano di 1/3 della loro altezza per round e 21 5.000 D L
alla fine soffocano, a meno che non siano leggere 22 10 K L
(in tal caso potrebbero attraversare 23 20 K M
tranquillamente questo tipo di terreno). La 24 50 K M
presenza di arbusti sulla superficie del fango può 25 100 K 1/2
consentire di arrampicarsi alle creature in grado 26 200 K 1/2
di farlo (la quantità di arbusti necessaria per 27 500 K 3/4
poterlo fare è decisa dal DM). Le creature tanto 28 1M 3/4
grosse da poter camminare sul fondo possono 29 2M D
attraversare l’area alla velocità di 3 m per round. 30+ 5M D
Il fango rimane finché non viene eliminato con
Dissolvi magie o con la forma inversa, FANGO Lev. Level of the caster
IN ROCCIA, che ricrea la consistenza (ma non Time Time reversed (in years)
necessariamente la forma) delle rocce iniziali. Pap. Effects on papyrus
Con l’evaporazione il fango diventa polvere, al Wood Effects on wood
ritmo di un metro cubo ogni ld6 giorni. Il periodo S.St. Effects on soft stone
esatto dipende dall’esposizione agli agenti H.St. Effects on hard stone
atmosferici e dal drenaggio. Met. Effects on metal
La forma invertita può anche trasformare per
sempre del normale fango (o sabbie mobili) in F = Faded; R = Fragile; B = Brittle;
roccia friabile (arenaria e simili), a meno che non C = Crumbled; D = Dust; P = Paint;

Livello 5° 138 Livello 5°

Incantesimi clericali del quinto livello

E = Etching; L = Relief; M = Form; SCACCIARE IL MALE ®

The table also indicates the average effects of
time and the elements on various materials Livello: 5°
(items protected from the elements might take Manuale: PH italiano
longer to erode, but use thase times for all Sfera: protezione, convocazione
restoration). Papyrus and wooden obiects fede Raggio d’azione: tocco
over time, making it difficult, but not impossible, Componenti: V, S, M
to read or identify surface features. Fragile Durata: 1 round per livello
objects must survive an item saving throw vs. Tempo di lancio: 8
fall every time they are used; brittle items must Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata
survive vs. a crushing blow. Crumbled items are Tiro Salvezza: Neg.
unusable but still identifiable as papyrus or
wood; dust is completely unidentifiable and Con questo incantesimo il sacerdote costringe
unusable. una creatura malvagia
Stone and metal items wear away over time, and proveniente da altri piani o
their shapes smooth out until the item is convocata da un sacerdote
completely worn away. “Paint” indicates that del male a tornarsene da
artificial coloration is gone or unrecognizable; dove è venuta. Perché
“Etching” means carved letters or pictures are questo avvenga, però, è
worn away; “Relief” indicates that deeply carved necessario che la colpisca in
letters or images are severely eroded; “Form” combattimento ravvicinato.
indicates that time has eroded away all but the Creature di questo genere possono essere
basic form of the original stone or metal. The servitori aerei, djinn ed efreet, elementali e
fractions 1/2 and 3/4 tell when the item has lost cacciatori invisibili. Un sortilegio maligno (ad
that amount of its original mass. “Dust” means esempio uno charme operato da una creatura
the original item is completely gone, eroded cattiva) può essere annullato con Dissolvi magie,
away to nothing. se è soggetto a questo tipo di cancellazione.
A 15th-level priest could, for example, turn even L’incantesimo dura al massimo un round per
a pile of dust back into the new, clean piece of ogni livello del sacerdote, o finché non viene
papyrus it once was, or turn the crumbled utilizzato. Finché dura l’effetto, tutte le creature
remains of a stuff back to its original form, or che possono essere colpite hanno penalità -7
even restore a painted map on the wall of a quando attaccano il sacerdote.
temple constructed of soft stone. This spell La forma inversa, SCACCIARE IL BENE,
cannot restore damage done to an object by funziona contro le creature buone o convocate da
anything other than natural aging or erosion. Use sacerdoti buoni.
this table as a guide for other obiects that don't Componente materiale: simbolo sacro e
exactly fit into thase categories. acquasanta (o sconsacrata).
The reverse of this spell, ACCELERATE
EROSION, allows the priest to speed up erosion
on any nonliving material obiect. In the example SHRIEKING WALLS
above, the 15th-level priest could turn a clean (Enchantment)
piece of papyrus to dust, or turn a new staff of
wood into crumbled pieces, or erase a painted Level: 5°
map from a wall of soft stone. Manual: ToM
The material components for this spell are a tiny Sphere: Wards
hourglass (during the spell, the sands run Range: Touch
upward) or, for the reverse, a miniature sundial Components: V, S, M
that has timed the passage of at least one year. Duration: 1 day/level
Neither is consumed in the casting. Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 20'-cube
Saving Throw: None

This spell enchants any single room no larger

than the area of effect. When any creature larger
than a normal rat (larger than one-half cubic foot
or weighing more than three pounds) enters the
room, shrill shrieks begin to emanate from the
walls. The shrieks persist for 2-5 (1d4+1) rounds.
The walls do not undergo any physical change.
The shrieks can be heard only by creatures inside
the room. Creatures hearing the shrieks
experience no ill effects on the first round,

Livello 5° 139 Livello 5°

Incantesimi clericali del quinto livello

allowing them time to leave the room or cover THORNWRACK

their ears. Silence, 15' radius protects against the (Alteration)
Creatures who remain in the room during the Level: 5°
second or subsequent rounds of the shrieks who Manual: DH
have not protected their hearing are penalized as Sphere: Plant
follows: Range: Touch
– Creatures whose levels or Hit Dice are greater Components: V, S
than the level of the caster are stunned for 2-8 Duration: 1 thorn/level of caster
(2d4) rounds. Casting Time: 8
– Creatures whose levels or Hit Dice are less Area of Effect: 1 person
than or equal to the level of the caster become Saving Throw: Neg.
deaf for 1-4 hours, suffering a -1 penalty to
surprise; deafened spellcasters have a 20% Thornwrack causes long, painful thorns to grow
chance of miscasting any spell with a verbal out of the spell recipient's flesh, piercing the skin
component. from the inside. One thorn appears each round,
The material components are a small golden bell inflicting ld3 points of damage, until all the
and a bee's wing. thorns have appeared.
When the number of thorns exceeds the subject's
experience level or HD, a victim still conscious
STRENGTHEN STONE becomes immobilized by the pain, unable to take
(Alteration) any action.
One round after the last thorn erupts from the
Level: 5° victim's flesh, the first one disappears. The
Manual: DH thorns continue receding at a rate of one per turn.
Sphere: Elemental (earth) Immobilized subjects can move again once the
Range: 10 yards number of thorns falls below their HD or
Components: V, S, M experience level. For instance, say the body of a
Duration: Permanent 4th-level character has seven thorns. After four
Casting Time: 1 hour turns had passed, only three thorns would
Area of Effect: 1 building or wall remain, so the victim would no longer be
Saving Throw: None immobile.
Cure spells can restore hit points but do not
Strengthen stone can reinforce any stone eliminate the thorns. Dispel magic will end the
construction (house, tower, wall segment, spell but prevents existing thorns from receding.
aqueduct, etc.), against physical damage. The A Heal spell cancels the Thornwrack, eliminates
DM adds +4 to the structure's saving throw all existing thorns, and cures all damage. Without
against any kind of damage, from siege engines the benefit of magical remedies, the spell ends
to natural earthquakes. The stone object gains a when the last thorn has receded.
saving throw vs. the Earthquake spell (see the
PH, page 233). The spell may be cast only once
on any stone object. THOUGHTWAVE
If a character casts this spell on a stone golem or (Divination)
other animated stone being (like one created by
Animate rock), the creature receives a -1 bonus to Level: 5°
its Armor Class and adds a +1 bonus to its saving Manual: ToM
throws for the duration of the spell. Strengthen Sphere: Divination
stone has no effect on earth elementals or galeb Range: 0
duhr. Components: V, S
The material component, a diamond chip worth Duration: Instantaneous
at least 500 gp, must be crushed and sprinkled on Casting Time: 1
the construction. Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special

This cooperative spell can be cast by either a

single priest or a group of priests. Thoughtwave
allows the priest to send a short but powerful
message to one or more specific individuals,
informing them of his situation and general
location. The spell instantly generates a powerful
mental impulse indicative of the caster's general
mental state–anger, fear, pain, despair, etc.
The caster can designate as many as ten persons

Livello 5° 140 Livello 5°

Incantesimi clericali del quinto livello

to receive this message, provided they can all be The spell's success is not automatic. The caster
specifically named or grouped in a general must know the general nature of the event he
category. Thus, the caster could designate a wishes to view (i.e., “Show me the murder of
group of characters by name or could target King Thamak”). The caster's base chance of
“fellow priests,” “superiors,” “adventuring viewing the desired scene is 50%, modified as
companions,” “knights of Lord Harcourt,” or follows, to a maximum of 90%:
“villagers of Dopp.” If more than ten individuals – Add 5% for each point of the caster's Wisdom
are in the group, those closest to the source will above 15.
receive the impulse. – Add 20% if the caster has successfully used
There is no range limitation to the spell, although Time pool to observe the same event before.
it cannot be projected outside the plane occupied Only one of the following may apply:
by the caster. – Add 20% if the event is one in which the caster
Creatures receiving the impulse automatically participated.
know who sent it (even if they have never met – Add 10% if the caster is well informed about
the priest before) and gain a clear indication of the event.
the mood and situation of the caster. Recipients – Add 5% if the caster is slightly informed about
also intuitively know the general source of the the event.
spell, although they are unable to pinpoint The caster cannot communicate or otherwise
rooms, dungeon levels, or landmarks. For interact with the image. Spells cannot be cast
example, a fighter could suddenly be struck by into the Time pool.
an image of Father Rastibon, who is injured and The material components are a suitable reflective
in great pain somewhere along the forest road. A surface and a pinch of powdered quartz.
priest might suddenly sense that his patriarch is
being tortured in the dungeons of Castle Varrack.
The spell can also be cast by more than one TREE GROWTH
priest, allowing them to either contact greater (Enchantment)
numbers of individuals or increase the intensity
of the message. If greater numbers are desired, Level: 5°
ten characters are contacted per priest involved Manual: DK
in the casting. Sphere: Plant
Increasing the intensity of the message makes it Range: 0
more compelling. Doubling the intensity Components: V, S, M
(requiring at least three priests) causes the Duration: l round
message to act as a Suggestion. In this case, the Casting Time: 8
effect is limited to a single target. Tripling the Area of Effect: Special
intensity (requiring at least five priests) gives the Saving Throw: None
spell the force of a Quest. This effect is also
limited to a single target. In both cases, the target Through this spell, a priest can cause a normal
is allowed a saving throw to avoid the effect of tree to grow from a seed to full size in only one
the Suggestion or Quest. round. The tree itself is not magical; only its
accelerated growth is a magical effect. The priest
must place the seed where he wishes the tree to
TIME POOL grow; if this is not already on a soil or earth
(Divination) surface, the tree will seek out soil no more than 1
foot below, even through rock or metal. If the
Level: 5° priest wishes to simply drop the seed where he is,
Manual: ToM he may do so; if he wishes to toss the seed to
Sphere: Time some specific location within 12 feet, he must
Range: Touch make a successful Dexterity check; failure means
Components: V, S, M he missed the exact location, but by no more than
Duration: 1 round/level 3 feet. During its rapid growth, the tree tries to
Casting Time: 1 round attain its full size and height, smashing through
Area of Effect: Special barriers with a Strength score of 25. Wooden
Saving Throw: None structures splinter; rock walls, ceilings, and
foundations split and crumble; even metal
This spell allows the caster to cause a mirror, a barriers bend or split against the massive growth
pool of water, or any other reflective surface to of the tree. Should a structure collapse because
reveal a specific event from the past. The image of the tree's growth, creatures may have to make
provides a perfectly clear picture with normal saves vs. spell or take damage, at the DM's
sounds, as if the caster were present at the scene. option. Though rapid, the growth of the tree can
The image continues for the duration of the spell. easily be avoided by most characters and
Time pool will not reveal images from other creatures.
planes of existence.

Livello 5° 141 Livello 5°

Incantesimi clericali del quinto livello

The material component for this spell is the seed UNDEAD WARD
itself, which must be undamaged but need not (Abjuration, Necromancy)
have any magical enchantment prior to the
casting of this spell. Level: 5°
Manual: ToM
Sphere: Wards
SENTINEL Components: V, S, M
(Alteration) Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 2 turns
Level: 5° Area of Effect: 5-foot cube/level
Manual: ToM Saving Throw: None
Sphere: Guardian
Range: 0 This spell prevents most types of undead
Components: V, S, M creatures from entering the area of effect (a cube
Duration: 1 hour/level whose sides equal the caster's level times 5 feet –
Casting Time: 1 turn a 15th-level caster could affect a cube whose
Area of Effect: 5-foot-radius sphere sides equal 75 feet).
Saving Throw: None When an undead creature attempts to enter the
protected area, the creature is affected by the
This spell enhances a priest's ability to guard a ward as if it were being turned by a priest two
person, place, or object. The spell's effect must levels lower than the caster. The casting priest
be centered on a specific area, for it creates an need not have the ability to turn undead himself.
invisible spherical boundary up to 10 feet in Thus, an Undead ward created by a 10th-level
diameter. The effect is not mobile; it cannot priest would turn creatures as if by an 8th-level
move with a living creature. priest.
While within the area of effect of this spell, the The results of the turning attempt are calculated
priest (and only the priest) gains several special normally. If a large number of undead assault the
abilities: warded area, not all of them are turned by the
– His sense of sight is magically enhanced. He spell, since the normal limitations apply. Undead
can see through normal darkness and can see who are unaffected by the turning attempt ignore
invisible creatures and objects. He cannot see the Undead ward for its duration. Undead within
through solid objects, however, and the range of the area of effect when the spell is cast are not
his magical sight is limited to 60 feet. affected. However, when such undead leave the
– The priest has no need for food, water, or rest. area of effect, they are subject to the effects of
He does not feel fatigue and regenerates 1 hit the spell if they attempt to reenter.
point per hour spent within the circle. However, The material component is the priest's holy
he does not actually rest and therefore cannot symbol, which must be carried around the
regain spells until he sleeps. perimeter of the area to be warded.
– He is totally immune to the effects of magical
and natural fear, as well as Sleep and Charm
If the priest leaves the circle, the spell is broken. (Alterazione)
When the spell ends, the priest must rest for 1
turn per hour (or portion thereof) spent in the Livello: 5°
circle. If the priest is forced into action (by being Manuale: PH italiano
attacked, for example), he can move at only half Sfera: astrale
his normal movement rate, has an Armor Class Raggio d’azione: tocco
penalty of -2, an attack penalty of -2, and loses Componenti: V, S, M
all Dexterity combat bonuses. Durata: permanente
To cast this spell, the priest must trace a circle of Tempo di lancio: 8
sigils and runes 10 feet in diameter using a Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata o
special ink containing the powder of a crushed (speciale)
sapphire (at least 1,000 gp value) and a drop of Tiro Salvezza: Neg.
holy water. This procedure takes 1 turn to
complete. Il sacerdote teletrasporta se stesso o un’altra
creatura in un piano diverso
dal Primo Materiale. Chi
riceve l’incantesimo rimane
nel piano in cui è stato
mandato finché non ne
viene allontanato con mezzi
analoghi. Se ci si mette in

Livello 5° 142 Livello 5°

Incantesimi clericali del quinto livello

cerchio, tenendosi per Con questo incantesimo è possibile vedere le

mano, è possibile cose come sono in realtà,
teletrasportare anche otto penetrare le tenebre normali
individui per volta. e magiche, scoprire le porte
Componente materiale: una piccola verga segrete, l’esatta posizione
biforcuta di metallo. Le dimensioni ed il tipo di degli oggetti, smascherare
metallo dipendono dal piano cui si è destinati, illusioni, apparizioni e
compresi sottopiani e dimensioni alternative; metamorfosi e individuare
spetta al DM decidere quali sono i piani l’invisibile. Diventa visibile
accessibili e come raggiungerli. anche l’aura proiettata dalle
Se il soggetto da trasportare non è consenziente, creature, quindi il loro
per toccarlo il sacerdote deve effettuare un TxC allineamento. Inoltre il
riuscito; inoltre, la “vittima” ha diritto al T.S. e, sacerdote riesce a vedere
se lo supera, l’incantesimo non funziona. Di rado nel piano etereo o nelle
si arriva nel punto voluto più spesso si giunge ad zone di confine con i piani
una distanza variabile dall’esatta destinazione. esterni per 36 m. La visione
La verga non si deve rinnovare ogni volta che si non penetra gli oggetti
compie l’incantesimo; il DM può stabilire che le solidi e non conferisce la
verghe che portano in alcuni piani siano difficili vista a raggi X. Inoltre, gli
da reperire. effetti non si possono
migliorare mediante la
VISIONE DEL VERO ® Ingrediente: un unguento per gli occhi fatto di
(Divinazione) rarissimi funghi in polvere, zafferano e grasso.
Costa non meno di 300 mo per volta.
Livello: 5° Il contrario, FALSARE LA VISIONE, fa in
Manuale: PH italiano modo che si vedano le cose quali non sono in
Sfera: divinazione realtà: il ricco diventa povero, il bello brutto, il
Raggio d’azione: tocco ruvido liscio. Per la forma inversa si usa una
Componenti: V, S, M concozione di olio, papavero in polvere ed
Durata: 1 round per livello essenza di orchidea rosa.
Tempo di lancio: 8 In entrambi i casi, il preparato dov’essere
Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata lasciato a stagionare per ld6 mesi.
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

Livello 5° 143 Livello 5°

Incantesimi clericali del sesto livello

AGE CREATURE ® result of magic (such as an Age creature spell).

(Alteration) Restore youth reduces the age of the targeted
creature by one year per level of the caster. The
Level: 6° subject must make a successful system shock roll
Manual: ToM to survive the change. Subjects who become
Sphere: Time younger regain the lost ability scores described
Range: Touch above. A subject cannot become younger than his
Components: V, S, M actual age as a result of this spell.
Duration: Permanent The material component is a pinch of powdered
Casting Time: 1 round ruby.
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell ages the targeted creature one year per (Alterazione)
level of the caster. Unwilling subjects may
attempt a saving throw to resist the spell. Livello: 6°
Subjects affected by Age creature must make a Manuale: PH italiano
successful system shock roll to survive the Sfera: creazione, convocazione
change. Raggio d’azione: 30 m
Subjects cannot be aged beyond their natural life Componenti: V, S
spans. If the priest's level indicates that a creature Durata: 1 round per livello
would be aged beyond this level, the creature is Tempo di lancio: 9
aged to one year short of his maximum age. The Area d’effetto: 28 dm cubi per livello
spell cannot cause a subject to die. Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
Human and humanoid characters affected by the
spell experience changes in appearance Il sacerdote riesce a far muovere e a dar vita ad
associated with increased age, such as gray hair oggetti inanimati, che
and wrinkles. More significantly, they suffer attaccano i bersagli da lui
losses in Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution indicati. L’oggetto
when they reach certain age levels. These are interessato può essere fatto
summarized in Table 12: Aging Effects in the di qualsiasi materiale non
Player's Handbook. The Player's Handbook also magico (legno, metallo,
provides rules for determining a character's base pietra, tessuto, pelle,
age. ceramica, vetro ecc.). Se si
Nonmagical monsters can be affected by Age cerca di animare un oggetto
creature. The DM determines a monster's current che è in possesso di qualcun
age and natural life span based on its description altro, il proprietario può
in the Monstrous Compendium or based on his effettuare il T.S. per
own judgment. To determine the effects of aging impedire la magia. La
on a monster, assume the following: a monster is velocità dell’oggetto
middle-aged when it reaches half its natural life dipende dai suoi mezzi di
span; a monster reaches old age at two-thirds of propulsione e dal suo peso.
its natural life span; a monster reaches venerable Un grosso tavolo di legno
age in the last one-sixth of its years. A monster sarebbe molto pesante, ma
suffers the penalties which follow when it le sue gambe lo
reaches these age levels. The penalties are renderebbero veloce; un
cumulative and permanent (unless the affected tappeto potrebbe solo
monster becomes younger): scivolare, un vaso rotolare.
Un grande piedistallo di
pietra avanzerebbe di 3 m
Age Penality per round, una statua di
pietra procederebbe a 12 m
per round, mentre se fosse
Middle Age -1 to all saving throws
di legno andrebbe a 24 m
Old Age -1 to all saving throws
per round; un sedile
-1 to all attack rolls
d’avorio leggero, invece,
Venerable -1 to all saving throws
percorrerebbe fino a 36 m
-1 to all attack rolls
per round. L’oggetto striscia
alla velocità di 3-6 m per
The material component is a pinch of powdered
round o rotola a 9-18 m per
round. I danni causati
The reverse of this spell, RESTORE YOUTH,
dipendono dalla forma e
permanently restores age that has been lost as a
dalla composizione

Livello 6° 144 Livello 6°

Incantesimi clericali del sesto livello

dell’oggetto. Gli oggetti tentativi con tre tipi diversi:

leggeri ed elastici possono supponiamo che prima
solo oscurare la visione, chiami i cani selvatici (che
ostruire il movimento, non ci sono), poi i falchi
intralciare, soffocare ecc.; (assenti) ed infine dei
quelli leggeri e rigidi cavalli selvaggi (bisogna
possono cadere addosso o vedere se rientrano nel
investire la vittima raggio d’azione). Spetta al
causando ld2 ferite, o anche DM decidere se l’animale
ostacolarla e farla attirato è alla portata del
inciampare; quelli rigidi e sacerdote. Le bestie
di peso medio colpiscono o convocate lo aiutano come
schiacciano infliggendo 2d4 meglio possono e restano
ferite, che diventano 3d4, fino alla fine del
4d4 o addirittura 5d4, combattimento o della
qualora l’oggetto mosso missione, o finché non
abbia un peso notevole. vengono mandate via da lui.
Il ritmo al quale avvengono gli attacchi dipende Si possono far arrivare solo
dal modo in cui gli oggetti si muovono ed animali normali o giganti;
attaccano e dalle eventuali appendici. Si può non si chiamano mostri o
andare da un attacco ogni cinque round animali fantastici (chimere,
(combattimento ravvicinato) a un attacco per draghi, gorgoni, manticore
round. La Classe dell’Armatura dell’oggetto eccetera).
animato è in funzione del materiale e della
capacità di movimento. Le ferite sono basate sul
tipo dell’arma e dell’oggetto colpito: un’arma da
taglio affilata è particolarmente efficace con
stoffa, pelle, legno e sostanze affini. Le armi
pesanti, che si basano sull’impatto, sono utili
contro legno, pietra e metallo. Spetta al DM
decidere tutti questi fattori, come pure la quantità
di danni che l’oggetto può assorbire prima di
essere distrutto. Il sacerdote anima 28 dm³ di
materiale per ogni suo Livello: se è del 14°
livello può far muovere uno o più oggetti il cui
volume non superi 392 dm³ (una grande statua,
due tappeti, tre sedie o una dozzina di pentole di
medie dimensioni).


(Convocazione, Attrazione)

Livello: 6°
Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: animale, convocazione
Raggio d’azione: 100 m per livello
Componenti: V, S
Durata: speciale
Tempo di lancio: 9
Area d’effetto: speciale
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

Il sacerdote richiama fino a quattro animali con

non più di 16 D.V. ciascuno
oppure fino ad otto con 8 o
meno D.V., o fino a sedici
con non più di 4 D.V.
Risponderanno solo gli
animali che si trovano entro
il raggio d’azione quando
avviene la magia. Il
sacerdote può fare tre

Livello 6° 145 Livello 6°

Incantesimi clericali del sesto livello

BANCHETTO DEGLI EROI per ogni livello del sacerdote; se chi sta
(Evocazione) all’interno della barriera la forza per attaccare
avversari esterni, questa di dissolve.
Livello: 6° Componente materiale: simbolo sacro ed una
Manuale: PH italiano manciata di pepe.
Sfera: creazione
Raggio d’azione: 10 m
Componenti: V, S, M BARRIERA DI LAME
Durata: 1 ora (Evocazione)
Tempo di lancio: 1 turno
Area d’effetto: 1 individuo per livello Livello: 6°
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: guardia, creazione
Il sacerdote allestisce un banchetto per tanti Raggio d’azione: 30 m
convitati quanti sono i suoi livelli di esperienza. Componenti: V, S
Crea una splendida tavola imbandita, completa di Durata: 3 round per livello
sedie e servitori. Il banchetto dura un’ora e gli Tempo di lancio: 9
effetti benefici si avvertono solo alla fine: tutti i Area d’effetto: speciale
partecipanti vengono curati da ogni malanno, Tiro Salvezza: speciale
sono immuni al veleno per dodici ore e
guariscono ld4+4 ferite per aver bevuto il nettare Il sacerdote crea un cerchio di lame affilate come
servito a tavola. L’ambrosia, invece, equivale ad rasoi che roteano attorno al
una Benedizione che dura 12 ore; in questo centro, formando una vera e
periodo i convitati sono immuni da paura, propria barriera. Ogni
disperazione e panico. Se il banchetto viene creatura che cerchi di
interrotto, per qualsiasi ragione, l’effetto è attraversarla subisce 8d8
rovinato e la magia non funziona. ferite. Il piano di rotazione
Componenti materiali: simbolo sacro e un può essere orizzontale,
particolare tipo di miele fermentato, prelevato verticale o avere qualsiasi
dalle collette del favo destinate all’ape regina. inclinazione. Le creature
che restano prese entro la
Nota: gli effetti benefici del banchetto, in barriera al momento in cui
relazione ai P.F. recuperati, viene fatta hanno diritto al
corrispondono a quelli di un T.S. contro incantesimi: se
Cura ferite leggere, e non lo superano, si allontanano
1d4+4 P.F. dalla barriera per la via più
breve senza subire ferite. La
barriera dura tre round per
BARRIERA ANTI-ANIMALI ogni livello del sacerdote e
(Scongiurazione) può avere qualsiasi area
compresa tra 0,4 e 5,4 mq.
Livello: 6°
Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: animale, protezione COMMAND MONSTER
Raggio d’azione: 0 (Enchantment/Charm)
Componenti: V, S, M
Durata: 1 turno per livello Level: 6°
Tempo di lancio: 1 round Manual: S&M
Area d’effetto: emisfero con diametro 6 m Sphere: Charm
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno Range: 60 yds.
Duration: 1 rd./2 levels
Si crea un campo magnetico a forma di emisfero Area of Effect: 1 creature
che non lascia entrare Components: V
nessuna creatura animale, Casting Time: 1
anche in parte (non magica Saving Throw: Special
o di altri piani). Verrebbero
esclusi spiritelli, giganti e This spell allows the priest to issue a Command
chimere, ma non creature to any one creature within the spell's range. The
evocate, non morti, servitori magic of the spell translates the priest's order into
aerei imp, quasit, golem, a language or form the subject creature can
elementali eccetera. understand. The creature must have an
La barriera funziona normalmente contro gli Intelligence of at least 1 in order to be affected
incroci di razze, come i cambion, e dura un turno by this spell; non-intelligent creatures (those with

Livello 6° 146 Livello 6°

Incantesimi clericali del sesto livello

a score of 0) cannot comprehend any order, no score is used as a base score; one point is added
matter how the priest phrases it. Other creatures to that score for every creature assisting. Thus, a
gain a saving throw vs. spell to resist Command creature with 16 Strength assisted by three
monster, but only if they have an Intelligence of creatures could attempt to stop the wall.
Exceptional (15) or better, or the creature's levels – A strong or heavy object made of stone, wood,
or Hit Dice are equal to or greater than the or metal is placed in the path of the wall. If the
caster's. item survives a saving throw vs. crushing blow,
Just like the lst–level spell Command, this spell the object successfully braces the wall. If the
coerces the subject into obeying the priest's one– object holds for three consecutive rounds, the
word order to the best of its ability. The order surface returns to its original position and the
must be absolutely clear and unequivocal; the spell is negated. The DM must use discretion in
subject will continue to obey for one round per determining the types of objects that will brace
two caster levels: six rounds at 12th level, seven the wall.
at 14th, and so on. If this action places the – Dispel magic or a similar spell or magical item
subject in mortal peril, he may attempt a saving is used to cancel the crushing wall.
throw (whether he was originally entitled to one Creatures can avoid being crushed by using a
or not) in order to break free of the spell's power. Potion of diminution, Potion of gaseous form, or
Therefore, ordering a character standing at the other devices or spells that reduce size. The
edge of a cliff to "jump" will create an Crushing wall almost never touches the opposite
opportunity for the subject to break free. A wall, usually being stopped by debris. A gap of
command to "die" or "sleep" renders the creature two inches or more usually remains between the
unconscious for the spell's duration. walls.
Undead creatures are immune to this spell. If the wall is not stopped, it causes crushing
damage to everyone in the room. All creatures
must make a saving throw vs. death. Those who
CRUSHING WALLS fail are crushed to death. Those who save
(Enchantment) successfully suffer 5d10 points of damage. When
the wall can move no farther, it returns to its
Level: 6° original position and the spell is negated.
Manual: ToM The material components are a 1-inch iron cube
Sphere: Wards and a walnut shell.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent until activated DISBELIEF
Casting Time: 1 turn (Enchantment/Charm)
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None Level: 6°
Manual: ToM
This spell enables the caster to enchant a floor, Sphere: Thought
ceiling, or single wall of a room to crush Range: 0
intruders. The enchanted surface can be no larger Components: V, S
than a square whose sides equal the caster's level Duration: 1 round/level
times 2 feet (a 13th-level priest could affect a 26' Casting Time: 5
x 26' surface). Area of Effect: Special
The spell activates 1d4 rounds after any creature Saving Throw: Special
other than the caster enters the room. The
intruder must be larger than a normal rat (larger This spell allows the caster to temporarily
than one-half cubic foot or weighing more than convince himself that certain objects or as many
three pounds). When activated, the enchanted as four creatures within the area of effect do not
surface moves toward the opposite surface at a actually exist. While Disbelief remains in effect,
rate of 3 feet per round. Unless the spell is these objects or creatures cannot harm or hinder
canceled by the caster, the enchanted surface the caster. He can pass through them as if they
continues to move until one of the following did not exist and takes no damage from their
events occurs: attacks or actions. However, since these objects
– A creature with sufficient Strength (minimum or creatures temporarily do not exist for the
score of 19) stops the enchanted surface from priest, he can take no action against them. If the
moving by succeeding a Strength check. Such a creatures attack, the caster receives no Dexterity
creature suffers no damage from the enchanted bonus to armor class (since this bonus represents
surface. If the creature prevents the enchanted dodging, and the priest is unable to dodge a
surface from moving for three consecutive creature that does not exist for him).
rounds, the wall returns to its original position The caster can attempt to disbelieve as many as
and the spell is negated. If multiple creatures four creatures within 60 feet of his position at the
attempt to stop the wall, the highest strength time of casting. He disbelieves the same four

Livello 6° 147 Livello 6°

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creatures for the duration of the spell. entrarci se non con grande
Alternatively, the priest can disbelieve any or all sforzo. Se viene fatto
inanimate objects of up to 20-cubic-yard volume sott’acqua, l’incantesimo
(thus, he may disbelieve a 12 foot by 15 foot area crea un cilindro d’aria con
of 3-foot-thick wall). This volume must be diametro ed altezza
centered on a point no more than 20 yards from appropriati.
the caster. These two options are mutually Se la magia viene usata direttamente contro
exclusive; the priest can disbelieve only creatures elementali d’acqua, la vittima subisce 4d8 ferite
or objects, not a combination of both. e deve superare un T.S. contro incantesimi o
Disbelieving a creature includes all gear, fuggire in preda al panico per 3d4 round.
equipment, or treasure carried or worn by that Componente materiale: simbolo sacro.
creature; it does not include other objects that
come into contact with that creature, such as
walls, doors, chairs, etc.
Disbelief is not automatic; it requires an extreme
effort. To successfully disbelieve, the priest must
make a saving throw vs. paralyzation. A
successful save means the priest has disbelieved;
an unsuccessful check means that the spell has
failed and the priest has not convinced himself of
the creatures' or objects' non-existence.
While this spell is in effect, the DM must record
any damage suffered by the priest from
disbelieved creatures. When the spell ends, the
caster makes a saving throw vs. spell. If the
saving throw is successful, the priest suffers only
one-eighth of any damage inflicted by the
creatures (round all fractions down); if the priest
fails the saving throw, he suffers one-half of any
damage inflicted (round fractions down).


Livello: 6°
Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: elementale (acqua)
Raggio d’azione: 20 m per livello
Componenti: V, S, M
Durata: 1 turno per livello
Tempo di lancio: 1 turno
Area d’effetto: speciale
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

Il sacerdote riesce a dividere una massa liquida,

creando un varco la cui
ampiezza dipende dal suo
livello. Il passaggio è
profondo 0,9 m, largo 30 m
e lungo 20 m per ogni
livello del sacerdote: un
sacerdote del dodicesimo
livello potrebbe aprirne uno
profondo 32,4 m, ampio
360 m e lungo 240 m. Il
varco rimane finché dura
l’incantesimo, se il
sacerdote non lo chiude
prima. Entro il varco
continuano a fluire le
correnti, anche se gli
oggetti non riescono ad

Livello 6° 148 Livello 6°

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DIVINE CURSE slab of stone from the mountain's summit. Then

(abjuration) he has only to walk a few feet to it. The DM
decides which avenues constitute an escape.
Level: 6° The material components for this spell are a tiny
Manual: RAV silver gong and the priest’s holy symbol.
Sphere: All
Range: Special
Components: V DRAGONBANE
Duration: Special (Abjuration)
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special Level: 6°
Saving Throw: None Manual: ToM
Sphere: Wards
This spell creates a terrible and lasting curse, and Range: 10 yards/level
can only be cast on someone who has performed Components: V, S, M
a great wickedness — at least in the eyes of the Duration: 1d4 rounds+1 round/2
caster. The victim of the curse can be of any levels
alignment, although an evil alignment is most Casting Time: 1 round
likely. The awful deed may have been Area of Effect: 5'-cube/level
unintentional, but it must have yelded horrible Saving Throw: Neg.
results for the caster or those who are close to
him. This spell prevents any dragon who fails its
The priest is given the solemn responsibility of saving throw from entering the area of effect.
choosing the punishment. Wording is very The spell affects a cubic area whose sides equal
important, and the player of the priest must the caster's level times 5 feet; thus, a 16th-level
record the exact phrasing for future reference. caster could affect a cube whose sides each equal
The curse is also subject to the deity's veto (DM's 80 feet. The dragon can cast spells, blast breath
discretion). If the punishment is inappropriate, weapon, or hurl missiles (if possible) into the
too harsh, or otherwise lacking (see the chapter area of effect.
on curses), the spell fails. In this case, the DM Dragons within the area of effect when the spell
may guide the player to a curse that is is cast are not affected. If such dragons leave the
acceptable. (DM's option.) Or, the DM may area of effect, they must succeed a saving throw
choose make the player “sweat it out” to see if to reenter the area.
his curse is accepted. The material components are the priest's holy
The priest becomes a vessel for the divine wrath symbol and a dragon scale.
he invokes. The caster must be in the presence of The spell's effectiveness can be greatly increased
the evil doer and must announce the curse clearly with the casting of a Focus spell.
to him such that he can hear it. Thereafter, the
curse is in effect. Divine curse is a long-term
spell and its effects are seldom immediate. EARTHWRACK
Instead, a curse may develop over months or (Alteration)
Although a Divine curse has long-lasting effects, Level: 6°
it is not always permanent. The victim hes two Manual: DH
means of removing the curse. An Atonement Sphere: Necromantic, Plant
spell can lift the curse, provided the spell Range: 20 yards/level of caster
supplements a great, heroic deed. Such an action Components: V, S, M
must be an appropriate counter to the original Duration: 2d4+10 years
evil deed. Secondly, the curse itself may include Casting Time: 1 round
an escape clause. Somewhere in the wording of Area of Effect: 30-foot radius/level
the curse, there's a clue to lifting it. The DM Saving Throw: None
should encourage such clauses. They needn’t
provide an easy escape, as illustrated by this This spell causes an area of soil to become
sample curse: “You have walked upon the barren and blighted. Healthy plants wither and
downtrodden, now shall each step you take be die wilhin 1d4 days of casting. No seed planted
felt as a painful, damaging blow to your flesh. there will grow for the duration of the spell.
Should you walk barefoot to the summit of Plant-based creatures entering the despoiled area
Mount Arabek between sunrise and sunset, then can see the ruin and feel an intense "wrongness"
shall you be free of this curse”. At first the within the soil. Each round they remain wilhin
escape clause seems deadly, if not impossible to the area, they suffer ld4 points of damage.
fulfill. But a creative DM or player should be The blight can be cured using a Limited wish, a
able to circumvent the obvious. For instance, the Wish, or by casting a Remove curse spell (at the
cursed character might pay someone to retrieve a

Livello 6° 149 Livello 6°

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12th level of experience) and a Plant growth round. If the creature fails, it recoils from the
spell simultaneously. priest and cannot attack him physically for the
Most druids consider Earthwrack an remainder of the spell's duration (although it
abomination, although some Shadow Circle could decide to turn on one of the priest's
druids use it as last-ditch "scorched earth" companions).
vengeance against an unroly hamlet. The material component for this spell is a
The material component is the priest's holy gemstone worth at least 100 gold pieces that has
symbol. been exposed to the chaotic energies of Limbo.


(Abjuration) (Convocazione/Attrazione)

Level: 6° Livello: 6°
Manual: S&M Manuale: PH italiano
Sphere: Chaos Sfera: tempo atmosferico
Range: 0 Raggio d’azione: 0
Duration: 1 rd./level Componenti: V, S
Area of Effect: The caster Durata: speciale
Components: V, S, M Tempo di lancio: 1 turno
Casting Time: 9 Area d’effetto: speciale
Saving Throw: None Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

This potent defense surrounds the caster in a Il sacerdote fa arrivare il tempo adatto al clima
chaotic maelstrom of energy and demimatter that ed alla stagione dell’area in
blocks or deflects many attacks. The Entropy cui si trova. In primavera
shield extends about two feet in all directions può chiamare un tornado,
from the caster's body. The warping effect of the un temporale o nevischio,
field causes any melee or hand–to–hand attack to in estate piogge torrenziali,
miss 50% of the time—even if the roll allows an afa, grandine ecc., in
attack to continue, the priest still gains a -2 bonus autunno nebbia, nevischio,
to his Armor Class. Normal missiles or hurled caldo-freddo ecc., in
weapons miss automatically as the Entropy inverno gelo, disgelo,
shield deflects them from the caster. Even tormenta eccetera. Presso le
magical missile attacks (Produce flame, magic regioni costiere si possono
missile, or Melf's acid arrow, for example), siege richiamare venti di uragano,
engines, and giant–thrown boulders may be se si è alla fine dell’inverno
deflected as if they were hand–to–hand attacks. o all’inizio della primavera.
Against spells or effects that produce energy, gas, Le condizioni atmosferiche evocate non sono
or other physical attack forms (Fireball, sotto il controllo del sacerdote: possono durare
Lightning bolt, Cloudkill, and other such spells) per un solo turno, nel caso di un tornado, o per
the Entropy shield provides a 50% chance that ore e giorni interi; anche l’area d’effetto varia da
the attack simply does not affect the protected 2,5 a 250 Kmq. È possibile che vari sacerdoti
priest. Even if the harmful energy or matter uniscano i loro sforzi per produrre notevoli
penetrates the shield, the caster gains a +2 bonus cambiamenti delle condizioni atmosferiche.
on his saving throw. This does not cause a spell Nel giro di quattro turni dal momento in cui
to fizzle or fail; a priest standing in the middle of l’incantesimo è stato fatto, il tempo comincia a
a Fireball is simply not touched by the spell, manifestarsi (il cielo si rasserena o si annuvola,
which will inflict its normal damage on anyone ci sono venti caldi o freddi ecc.); le nuove
else in the area of effect. Any spell or effect that condizioni climatiche si instaurano in ld12+5
does not create matter or energy to harm or turni e non possono essere cambiate dal
hinder the victim can pass through the Entropy sacerdote. Una volta portato a termine,
shield normally, so mind based attacks and l’incantesimo non può essere dissolto; può essere
magical effects such as Petrification, contrastato ed annullato prima di quel momento.
Paralyzation, Enfeeblement, or Polymorph (to
name a few) can still affect the priest.
In addition to its defensive benefits, the Entropy
shield has the ability to repel normal or giant–
sized animals and creatures of lawful alignment,
such as extraplanar monsters from the lawful
planes. Any such creature attempting to attack
the shielded priest in hand–to–hand combat must
roll a saving throw vs. spell at the end of the

Livello 6° 150 Livello 6°

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GRAVITY VARIATION towers, there is a 50% chance that the structures

(Alteration) will topple over (totally destroying them).
The material component is a tiny plumb bob; the
Level: 6° plumb line must be made of platinum wire while
Manual: ToM the bob itself must be a gem of at least 1,000 gp
Sphere: War value. The device is consumed in the casting.
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn/3 levels GROUP MIND
Casting Time: 2 turns (Divination, Enchantment/Charm)
Area of Effect: 120-yard x 120-yard square
Saving Throw: None Level: 6°
Manual: ToM
This spell changes the characteristics of a square Sphere: Thought
region of terrain. The area can be no more than Range: 0
120 yards on a side. The priest can effectively Components: V, S
turn a flat plain into a slope of any direction, or Duration: 1 turn+1 round/level
may flatten an existing slope. The spell does not Casting Time: 1 round
allow the priest to alter the pull of gravity, Area of Effect: 30-yard-diameter circle
however. Saving Throw: None
This spell lets the priest create or negate a height
differential of as much as 20 feet (a 2” slope in This spell is a deeper and more extensive version
Battleystem rules measurements) within the area of Rapport, in that it lets the priest communicate
of effect. This can have various consequences; silently and instantly with several willing
the best way to discuss the effects is by example. subjects. The number of subjects (in addition to
Example 1: two units face each other on a flat the priest) depends on the caster's Level:
plain. The priest can alter the slope of the terrain
so that one unit is 2” of elevation higher than the
other. The unit that is upslope gains the combat Level Number of partecipants
benefits for higher ground, and the unit that is
downslope must pay the movement cost for
13 and below 2
moving uphill if it wishes to approach the other
14-16 4
17 6
Example 2: one unit is on flat terrain; another
18 7
unit, 6” away, is on a hill of 2” elevation. Using
19+ 8
this spell, the priest can effectively eliminate this
difference in elevation (raising the low ground or
As with Rapport, the spell lets the participants
lowering the high ground). All combat and
share thoughts, emotions, and memories. Each
movement involving these two units is then
participant sees, hears, and otherwise senses
conducted as if there were no elevation
everything experienced by the other, although
difference (i.e., no movement penalty, no combat
such “vicarious” experiences feel weak and
benefit for higher ground, etc.). Alternatively, the
cannot be mistaken for direct sensations.
priest could increase the height differential by 2”.
Participants can shut off these experiences at will
Combat and movement would now be conducted
if they find them confusing or distracting.
as if the total difference in elevation were 4”.
The participants can share such personal
Example 3: a unit faces a hill of 3” elevation.
concepts as plans, hopes, and fears, although
The priest casts Gravity variation, decreasing the
they cannot communicate complex or detailed
effective elevation of the hill to 1”. The unit pays
information. It is impossible to communicate the
a lower movement point cost to climb the hill.
procedure for casting a spell or picking a lock.
Alternatively, if the unit facing the hill were an
Communication through Group mind is
enemy unit, the priest could increase the
approximately 30 times faster than verbal
effective elevation to 5”.
communication. The priest can maintain only one
The priest must specify the degree and direction
group mind spell at any time; thus, he cannot
of change at the moment of casting. These
communicate with multiple groups.
parameters cannot be changed while the spell
This spell cannot be used on unwilling subjects.
remains in effect.
Gravity variation can have dramatic effects on
siege engines and towers. Most siege engines can
be moved only on the most gentle of slopes. By
raising or lowering the effective elevation of
siege engines by 2”, the priest can totally
immobilize them by positioning them on a slope
too steep to negotiate. In the case of siege

Livello 6° 151 Livello 6°

Incantesimi clericali del sesto livello


(Negromanzia) (Enchantment)

Livello: 6° Level: 6°
Manuale: PH italiano Manual: DH
Sfera: guarigione Sphere: Plant
Raggio d’azione: tocco Range: 90 yards
Componenti: V, S Components: V, S, M
Durata: permanente Duration: 6 turns
Tempo di lancio: 1 round Casting Time: 9
Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata Area of Effect: 1 building or similar
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno structure
Saving Throw: Special
Questo potente incantesimo consente di
eliminare ogni malattia e The Ivy siege spell must be cast upon a stone or
ferita della creatura curata. brick building constructed upon the earth; flying
Guarisce completamente castles and the like remain unaffected.
ogni tipo di malanno o Immediately after casting, ivy begins to grow at
cecità e qualsiasi lesione. a fantastic rate, climbing from the ground up the
Annulla l’infermità mentale e cura le patologie building's walls. At the end of one turn, the ivy
psichiche indotte mediante has dimbed the walls. At the end of the second
incantesimi. Ovviamente, turn, green creepers have covered the structure.
non protegge da infortuni On the third turn, the ivy has deepened to a
successivi. black-green and begins to squeeze the building.
La forma inversa, MALATTIA, fa ammalare la Starting on the third turn and every turn
vittima e la riduce a soli ld4 P.F.; è necessario un thereafier, the building must make a saving throw
TxC perché il sacerdote possa toccarla. Per vs. siege damage, as if attacked by a small
l’immunità all’incantesimo, vedi Cura ferite catapult (DMG, page 76). Two cubic feet of the
leggere. building crumbles away for each point by which
the saving throw misses each turn. This cycle
continues until the spell's duration expires or the
HEARTSEEKER building is destroyed. The ivy rots away instantly
(Enchantment) at the spell's end.
A druid can cast only one Ivy siege per building
Level: 6° at a time. After the ivy has rotted away, the druid
Manual: PD may cast the spell on the same building again.
Sphere: Plant However, multiple druids can cast several Ivy
Range: Touch siege spells on the same building. In the case of a
Components: V, S, M large, interconnected series of buildings (like a
Duration: 6 hours castle), each casting affects only a single tower,
Casting Time: 15minutes keep, or wall segment, to a maximum of 1,000
Area of Effect: 1 item cubic feet per level of the caster.
Saving Throw: Special The DM may choose to prohibit arctic and desert
druids from using this spell if they are not
This terrible spell is cast on a piercing weapon, a familiar with ivy.
spear or an arrow. When the point of the weapon The material component is an ivy leaf.
penetrates human flesh (causes damage), the
wooden tip will begin to sprout as if growing.
The roots and branches seek out vital organs as a LAND OF STABILITY
source of nutrients. If a saving throw vs. death (Abjuration)
magic isn't made, the vines burst through the
victim's vital organs, killing him instantly. If the Level: 6°
save is made, the target manages to pull the Manual: ToM
weapon out but takes an additional 1d8 points of Sphere: Wards
damage. Range: 10 yards/level
This does not work on undead or creatures Components: V, S, M
without internal organs. Duration: 1 day/level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 10-foot-cube/level
Saving Throw: None

Land of stability protects the area of effect and

all creatures and objects within it from the

Livello 6° 152 Livello 6°

Incantesimi clericali del sesto livello

following natural disasters: wrong with adhering to the law, and therefore
never seeks to have the spell removed.
– Earthquakes: vibrations do not affect the
warded area and fissures will not open beneath
the warded area; MARK OF THE HUNTED
– Floods: the warded area remains dry, even if (Summoning)
– Windstorms: the warded area suffers no Level: 6°
damage from strong winds and objects cannot be Manual: PD
blown into the warded area; Sphere: Animal
– Lava and ash eruptions: lava and ash flow Range: 30 yards
around the warded area; Components: V, S
– Avalanches: stones and snow will not fall on Duration: l day per level
the warded area. Casting Time: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Land of stability offers no protection against Saving Throw: None
magically-generated disasters or spells that
duplicate natural disasters. Disasters in progress This curse summons a dreadful beast from the
in the area when the spell is cast are not affected. surrounding vicinity and marks the victim for its
This spell affects a cubic area whose sides equal prey. Whenever this spell is cast, the DM should
the caster's level times 10 feet; thus, a 15th-level pick the foulest creature he can find. The monster
caster could affect a 150' x 150' x 150' cube. should be the most powerful beast found in that
The material components are the priest's holy area. It can not be an ethereal, undead, nor a
symbol and a pinch of volcanic ash. creature that does not eat meat. Nightmare
beasts, megapodes, and wild beasts are the most
commonly attracted creatures.
LEGAL THOUGHTS Whatever the animal, it believes the victim to be
(Enchantment/Charm) the sweetest meat it has ever smelled, and begins
to follow 1-4 hours after the spell is cast. From
Level: 6° that point until the expiration of the spell, the
Manual: ToM beast will pursue the victim and will not be able
Sphere: Law to rest until it eats him or it is slain.
Range: 10 yards When the spell has expired, the creature returns
Components: V, S to its lair, unless it is still in sight of the target. If
Duration: Permanent that is the case, the thing will continue to pursue
Casting Time: 1 turn the character until it loses him.
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
A priest casting this spell forces the victim of the (Convocazione/Attrazione)
spell to follow one specific law. The priest may
choose any law prevalent in the area in which the Livello: 6°
priest and the victim currently reside. Thus, if a Manuale: PH italiano
city has no laws about murder, the priest cannot Sfera: convocazione
command the person not to kill. Raggio d’azione: 30 m
The victim of the spell is forced to obey the letter Componenti: V, S
of the law to the best of his ability. Thus, if a Durata: 2 round per livello
victim were commanded not to commit murder, Tempo di lancio: 9
he would go to any length to avoid murdering Area d’effetto: speciale
someone. Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
Since the essence of this spell is tied to legal (and
not moral) interpretation, characters may find Il sacerdote riesce a far materializzare per magia
loopholes that will allow them to work around uno o più mammiferi che attaccano i suoi nemici,
the law in specific cases or to ignore the law in per un totale di D.V. che non può essere
light of extenuating circumstances. superiore al doppio del suo livello (se viene
When casting the spell, the priest must speak the evocata una creatura qualsiasi) o al suo livello
law to the recipient in such a way that he can (se si chiama un tipo specifico). Nel caso in cui
hear it. The victim is allowed a saving throw vs. non ci sia una preferenza, il DM sceglie a caso il
spell to avoid the effect. If the save is failed, the tipo di animale. Un sacerdote del 12° livello può
victim will never willingly violate the stated law materializzare (senza specificare) due mammiferi
as long as the spell is in effect. da 12 D.V. ciascuno, quattro da 6 D.V., sei da 4
Legal thoughts can be negated by Dispel magic. D.V., otto da 3 D.V., dodici da 2 D.V. o
The victim of this spell never perceives anything ventiquattro da 1 solo D.V. Ogni P.F. in più conta

Livello 6° 153 Livello 6°

Incantesimi clericali del sesto livello

come 1/4 di D.V.: una creatura con 4+3 D.V. si MONSTER MOUNT
considera come una creatura da 4 D.V. e 3/4. Gli (Enchantment/Charm)
animali restano due round per livello del
sacerdote, se non sono uccisi prima, ed Level: 6°
obbediscono ai suoi ordini. Si avventano contro i Manual: ToM
suoi nemici, ma non si lasciano usare per altri Sphere: Travelers
scopi: in tal caso diventano più difficili da Range: 30 yards
controllare e cercano di liberarsi, per poi magari Components: V, S
assalire lo stesso sacerdote, a seconda della loro Duration: 1 hour/level
aggressività e della situazione. Quando gli Casting Time: 6
animali sono uccisi, svaniscono. Area of Effect: 20-foot radius circle
Saving Throw: Neg.

MATER. ELEMENTALI DEL FUOCO ® This spell compels one or more living creatures
(Convocazione/Attrazione) to serve as mounts for the caster and his
companions. The spell affects up to 10 Hit Dice
Livello: 6° or levels of creatures with Intelligence of 4 or
Manuale: PH italiano lower. Creatures used as mounts must be of
Sfera: elementale (fuoco) suitable size to carry at least one rider; smaller
Raggio d’azione: 80 m creatures can be used as pack animals.
Componenti: V, S Each intended mount receives a saving throw vs.
Durata: 1 turno per livello spell. Creatures failing their rolls become docile
Tempo di lancio: 6 round and obedient, allowing riders to mount them, and
Area d’effetto: speciale moving at the speed and direction indicated by
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno the caster.
To maintain the enchantment, the caster must
Il sacerdote apre un collegamento con il piano remain within 10 yards of one of the affected
dell’elemento fuoco e fa creatures, and each affected creature must remain
arrivare un mostro che vi within 10 yards of another. The affected
abita. C’è una probabilità creatures will do nothing for the caster other than
del 65% che compaia un carrying riders and gear; they will not fight
mostro di elemento da 12 (although they will fight to defend themselves),
D.V., del 20% che ne arrivi nor will they intentionally endanger themselves.
uno da 16 D.V., del 9% che Any overtly hostile act by the caster or a rider
si materializzino da due a against any mount breaks the enchantment for all
quattro salamandre, del 4% the mounts.
che giunga un efreeti e del When the enchantment ends or is broken, the
2% che il mostro di creatures take no action for one round, then
elemento sia enorme, da 21 behave as their natural instincts direct.
a 24 D.V..
Il sacerdote non ha nulla da temere dalle creature
evocate, quindi non è necessario che si concentri MUOVERE IL LEGNO
sui mostri o che si protegga da loro. I mostri lo (Alterazione)
aiuteranno, assaliranno i suoi nemici e
rimarranno finché non saranno uccisi oppure per Livello: 6°
un turno per ogni suo livello, se non verranno Manuale: PH italiano
respinti con Dissolvi magie, con la forma inversa Sfera: vegetale
dell’incantesimo, SCACCIARE Raggio d’azione: 0
ELEMENTALI DEL FUOCO, o magie Componenti: V, S
analoghe. Durata: 1 round per livello
Tempo di lancio: 9
Area d’effetto: tratto lungo 6 m e largo 36
per livello
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

Il sacerdote emette delle onde magnetiche nella

direzione in cui è rivolto; queste travolgono tutti
gli oggetti di legno che trovano sul loro
cammino, spingendoli al limite dell’area
d’effetto. Non sono interessati gli oggetti di
legno fissati a qualche tipo di sostegno e con
diametro superiore a 8 cm, mentre sono respinti

Livello 6° 154 Livello 6°

Incantesimi clericali del sesto livello

quelli liberi anche se grossi (come le torri trasformandolo in un muro di fuoco (vedi
d’assedio). incantesimo omonimo) che non brucia dada parte
Gli oggetti fissati e con diametro inferiore a 8 cm che è più vicina al sacerdote.
si scheggiano e si rompono; i frammenti seguono Il punto più vicino al sacerdote della parete di
l’onda. Scudi di legno, lance, aste ed armi con spine si trova fino a 80 m di distanza, dove lui
impugnature di legno, frecce e dardi vengono preferisce. L’incantesimo dura un turno per ogni
portati via e trascinano con sé i loro proprietari. livello del sacerdote; la barriera ha la forma da
Se si conficca una lancia nel terreno per non farla lui scelta ed occupa un volume cubico con lato di
scappare, questa si spezza. Vengono spinti anche 3 m per ogni suo livello. Un sacerdote del 14°
gli oggetti che hanno solo una parte di legno. livello potrebbe fare un muro con volume
Una Barriera anti-magia o Dissolvi magie, se massimo complessivo di 42x42x42 m, con
riesce, annullano l’effetto. Se non viene qualsiasi combinazione di dimensioni e di
contrastato, l’incantesimo dura un round per ogni qualunque forma. È anche possibile ottenere un
livello del sacerdote. muro spesso la metà del normale (1,5 m), che
Le onde continuano per tutta la durata infligge la metà delle ferite ma può raddoppiare
dell’incantesimo e respingono gli oggetti di una delle altre due dimensioni. Chi è capace di
legno nell’area al ritmo di 12 m per round di attraversare aree di vegetazione fitta non è
combattimento ravvicinato. Il tratto interessato è intralciato da questa barriera. Il sacerdote può far
lungo 6 m per ogni Livello: un sacerdote del 14° sparire il muro quando vuole.
livello agisce su un’area larga 36 m e lunga 84
m. per 14 round. Una volta fatto l’incantesimo,
l’effetto ha inizio; a quel punto il sacerdote può PARLARE CON I MOSTRI
anche andarsene o fare altro senza interrompere (Alterazione)
la magia.
Livello: 6°
Manuale: PH italiano
MURO DI SPINE Sfera: divinazione
(Convocazione/Attrazione) Raggio d’azione: 30 m
Componenti: V, S
Livello: 6° Durata: 2 round per livello
Manuale: PH italiano Tempo di lancio: 9
Sfera: vegetale, creazione Area d’effetto: il sacerdote
Raggio d’azione: 80 m Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
Componenti: V, S
Durata: 1 turno per livello Il sacerdote è capace di conversare con qualsiasi
Tempo di lancio: 9 tipo di creatura che sia in
Area d’effetto: cubo con spigolo di 3 m per grado di comunicare (anche
livello con l’empatia, il tatto, gli
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno odori eccetera): il mostro
capisce, nella sua lingua o
Si forma una barriera di spine robuste, flessibili in un altro linguaggio
aggrovigliate ed acuminate equivalente, quel che il
come aghi, lunghe un dito. sacerdote intende dirgli, e
Ogni creatura che cozza viceversa. La reazione della
contro il muro di spine o lo creatura contattata viene
attraversa subisce 8 ferite, decisa dal DM. Capiranno
più un numero di ferite pari anche tutte le creature dello
alla sua C.A. (se questa è un stesso tipo di quella
numero negativo, sottrarre prescelta che si trovino nel
dalle otto ferite di base; non raggio d’azione. Il
valgono i modificatori per sacerdote può parlare a
la Destrezza). Qualsiasi diversi tipi di mostri, ma
creatura presente nell’area deve farlo separatamente.
d’effetto al momento in cui L’incantesimo dura due
l’incantesimo viene lanciato round per ogni livello del
urta contro la barriera e sacerdote.
deve sfondarla per uscire; il
danno viene inflitto ogni 3
m di spessore della parete. PAROLA DEL RITORNO
Se si cerca di fendere la barriera, occorrono (Alterazione)
almeno quattro turni per uno spessore di 3 m. Il
muro non è sensibile al fuoco normale; quello di Livello: 6°
tipo magico lo fa sparire nel giro di due turni, Manuale: PH italiano

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Incantesimi clericali del sesto livello

Sfera: convocazione The Physical mirror operates from only one

Raggio d’azione: 0 direction; that is, only one side of the mirror
Componenti: V reflects attacks. The caster of the mirror may
Durata: speciale direct spells and missile attacks normally through
Tempo di lancio: 1 the space occupied by the mirror.
Area d’effetto: speciale In the case of physical attacks, the attacker must
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno roll to hit himself (without the armor class
benefits of Dexterity or shield). Spells turned
Quando pronuncia la parola magica, il sacerdote back may require the caster to make a saving
viene riportato nel suo throw vs. his own spell. In both of these cases,
rifugio, che dov’essere un range is important. If the distance between the
luogo a lui ben noto, initiator of the attack and the Physical mirror is
indicato precedentemente. more than twice the range of the attack, the
Arriva in una zona non più attacker is safe; the attack has insufficient range
larga di 3x3 m. Il sacerdote to travel from the attacker to the mirror and back
può andare dove vuole, again.
anche sotto terra o sopra. Il When the priest casts the spell, he must specify
teletrasporto è sicuro the location and orientation of the Physical
quando si effettua in uno mirror disk. Once it is created, the disk cannot be
stesso piano; per ogni piano moved.
di distanza, c’è una If two Physical mirror disks touch or intersect,
probabilità del 10% they destructively interact and both immediately
(cumulativa) che il vanish. The resulting “ripples” in the space-time
sacerdote si perda per continuum are exceedingly destructive and inflict
sempre. Il sacerdote può 3d10 hit points of damage on any creature within
portare con sì un peso 35 yards (a saving throw is allowed for half-
massimo di 11,3 Kg per damage). This always includes the casters of the
ogni suo Livello: se fosse physical mirror spells.
del 15° livello, potrebbe The material component is a tiny mirror of
trasportare 170 Kg di polished platinum, worth at least 500 gp.
equipaggiamento, tesoro o
altre persone. Se si supera
questo limite, l’incantesimo PIETRE PARLANTI
fallisce. (Divinazione)
I campi eccezionalmente potenti (magnetici,
gravitazionali) o la magia possono rendere Livello: 6°
impossibile o rischiosa questa magia, a Manuale: PH italiano
discrezione del DM. Sfera: elementale (terra),
Raggio d’azione: tocco
(Alteration) Durata: 1 turno
Tempo di lancio: 1 turno
Level: 6° Area d’effetto: 1 metro cubo di pietra
Manual: ToM Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
Sphere: Numbers
Range: 30 yards Con questo incantesimo, le pietre presenti
Components: V, S, M nell’area d’effetto parlano e dicono al sacerdote
Duration: 1d4+8 rounds chi o cosa le ha toccate o cosa si nasconde dietro
Casting Time: 6 di loro; la descrizione può essere anche
Area of Effect: Special dettagliata. La divinazione può essere impedita
Saving Throw: None dalla posizione, dalla prospettiva e dalla
conoscenza di una pietra; questi particolari
This spell causes a localized folding of space. vengono decisi dal DM.
The folded space takes the form of an invisible Componente materiale: una goccia di mercurio e
disk up to 20 feet in diameter. Any missile un po’ di argilla.
weapon or spell that intersects this disk is
instantaneously reversed in direction. Melee
factors such as speed, range, and damage are PROIBIZIONE
unaffected; the direction of the object or force is (Scongiurazione)
simply rotated through a 180 degree arc. The
sender of the spell or missile finds himself the Livello: 6°
target of his own attack. Manuale: PH italiano

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Sfera: Protezione Manuale: PH italiano

Raggio d’azione: 30 m Sfera: vegetale
Componenti: V, S, M Raggio d’azione: tocco
Durata: permanente Componenti: V, S, M
Tempo di lancio: 6 round Durata: 1 giorno per livello
Area d’effetto: cubo con spigolo di 18 m Tempo di lancio: 1 turno
per livello Area d’effetto: 1 quercia
Tiro Salvezza: speciale Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

L’incantesimo può essere usato per sbarrare Il sacerdote si fa proteggere da una bella quercia
un’area consacrata (vedi robusta (o un altro tipo di
MDM), che viene sigillata a albero).
tutti gli effetti (anche Può essere in corso un solo incantesimo di questo
rispetto a teletrasporto, genere per volta, che deve
viaggio interplanare e interessare una pianta per
penetrazione eterea). Il volta. L’albero prescelto
sacerdote può disporre che deve trovarsi a meno di 3 m
sia possibile entrare solo di distanza dall’abitazione
dicendo una parola o una del sacerdote, in un luogo a
formula magica. Per il lui sacro o a meno di 100 m
resto, l’effetto sugli intrusi di distanza da qualcosa che
dipende dal loro il sacerdote vuole
allineamento e da quello del proteggere.
sacerdote. Si adotta sempre La magia si può fare su di una pianta sana, di
la penalità più grave. qualsiasi dimensione, a seconda della
– Identità di allineamento: nessuna conseguenza. disponibilità. Poi si imprime in essa la formula
Qualora occorra sapere la magica, che può contenere al massimo una
parola magica, è parola per ogni livello del sacerdote: “attacca
impossibile entrare se non tutti quelli che si avvicinano senza prima dire
la si conosce (non c’è T.S.). vischio sacro” sarebbe una frase con undici
– Diversità di allineamento rispetto a parole, quindi adatta ad un sacerdote di 11°
legalità/caos: per entrare bisogna superare un livello o più. Quando sente il comando, l’albero
T.S. contro incantesimi. Se lo si sbaglia, si diventa una specie di treant con C.A. 0 e due
subiscono 2d6 ferite. Se c’è la parola chiave, non attacchi per round, ma ha fattore movimento di
può entrare chi non la sa. soli 9 m per round.
– Diversità di allineamento rispetto a bene/male:
per accedere all’area si effettua un T.S. contro Dimensioni albero Altezza D.V. TxF
incantesimi. Se fallisce, si ricevono 4d6 ferite. Se
c’è la parola chiave, si entra solo quando la si Piccolo 3,6 – 4,2 m 7-8 2d8
conosce. Il tentativo comporta ferite se si sbaglia Medio 4,8 – 5,7 m 9-10 3d6
il T.S.. Grande 6 m o più 11-12 4d6
Quando l’intruso fallisce il T.S., resta chiuso
fuori per tutta la durata L’albero incantato irradia un’aura magica (se si
dell’incantesimo. La magia cerca di individuarla) e può tornare normale con
non può essere annullata ad Dissolvi magie o per ordine del sacerdote. Nel
opera di un esperto di caso in cui subisca Dissolvi magie, l’albero mette
magia (sacerdote) di livello subito radici; se, invece, è il sacerdote a
inferiore a quello di chi l’ha sospendere l’incantesimo, la quercia cerca di
fatta. Gli intrusi che tornare nel posto in cui era all’inizio e poi mette
accedono superando il T.S. radici. Gli eventuali danni alla pianta si possono
sono nervosi e si sentono a curare con Crescita vegetale, che guarisce 3d4
disagio, nonostante tutto. ferite e, in questo caso, non aumenta le
Componenti materiali: simbolo sacro, acqua dimensioni della quercia.
santa ed incensi rari, che valgono almeno 1.000 Per fare questo incantesimo basta avere il
mo al metro cubo; se si vuole anche mettere una simbolo sacro.
parola chiave, occorrono altri tipi di incensi che
costano come minimo 5.000 mo al mc.
(Incantamento) Level: 6°
Manual: ToM
Livello: 6° Sphere: Time

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Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M Level: 6°
Duration: 1-4 rounds Manual: PD
Casting Time: 6 Sphere: Combat
Area of Effect: One creature Range: 0
Saving Throw: Neg. Components: S, M
Duration: Permanent
This spell is similar to the 9th-level wizard spell Casting Time: l day
Time stop. When Reverse time is cast, time stops Area of Effect: 1 sword
within a 30-foot diameter of the subject. All Saving Throw: None
creatures and items in the area of effect stand
motionless, rivers stop running, and arrows hang This spell requires a sword made of a cystalline
suspended in the air. Any creature, person, or stone (such as quartz) or glass. The weapon must
object entering the area of effect is likewise be of the highest quality and craftsmanship, and
frozen in time. The caster is affected if he is forged without aid of magic or psionics.
within the area of effect, unless he is the subject The enchantment of the sword takes an entire
of the spell. day, and at day's end the caster must make an
An unwilling subject is allowed a saving throw unmodified saving throw vs. spells. Failure
vs. spell; if successful, the spell is immediately indicates that the blade must be enchanted for
negated. Otherwise, the victim is forced to relive another day and another save vs. spells required,
all the actions taken in the previous 1-4 rounds in now at -1. The caster is permitted a number of
reverse. Beginning with the most recent round, attempts equal to 1/4 his level (round down).
the subject moves backward, arrows fired by the Each additional attempt is made at a cumulative
subject return to his bow, and so on. All effects -1 penalty. If the save is made, the sword has
of these actions are negated. At the end of the been enchanted. If all fail, the sword is ruined
spell's duration, normal time resumes and all and can never be used for this spell again.
creatures immediately continue their activities, A successfully enchanted Sand blade is razor-
picking up right where they had stopped. sharp, inflicting +2 damage to opponents. It has
Consider the following example. A party is no attack bonus, and cannot affect creatures
battling a spellcasting red dragon. In the first immune to ordinay weapons. It is vey difficult to
round, the dragon breathes fire, roasting the see, and is effectively invisible in dim light, from
party's wizard. The rest of the group attacks and a distance, or underwater. Sand blades are also
injures the dragon. On the second round, the completely invisible to magic that detects metal
dragon bites and kills the group's thief. More and minerals.
damage is caused to the beast, but it is still alive If a wielder rolls an unmodified “1” while using
in the third round, when it uses magic missile to the sword sgainst an armored target (chitin,
kill the ranger. At this point, the priest casts metal, bone armor, or skin), it splinters into
reverse time on the beast. Fortunately, it fails its thousands of deadly shards. The damage from
saving throw and is forced to reverse the last four the blow is doubled due to the spray of glass, but
rounds. While everyone else freezes, the dragon the sword is shattered and now forever useless.
goes into reverse. The Magic missiles zoom back Material component: crystal or glass sword.
to the dragon (and it regains the ability to cast
that spell), it “unbites” the thief (removing that
damage from the character), and then inhales its SECLUSION
fiery breath (leaving the roasted wizard alive and (Alteration)
uncooked). The dragon is then reversed through
one more round–the round before it encounterd Level: 6°
the party. The spell then ends and actions Manual: ToM
resume. Sphere: Numbers
The dragon must now roll for surprise since it is Range: Touch
encountering the party for the first time. The Components: V, S, M
party is immune to surprise, since it was fighting Duration: 3d12 rounds+4 rounds/level
the beast previously. All damage suffered by the Casting Time: 6
dragon remains, since these actions were caused Area of Effect: One creature
by the group and not the beast. Saving Throw: Neg.
The material component is an etched silver arrow
bent into a circle. The arrow must be no more This spell encloses one individual in an
than 3 inches long and worth no less than 500 gp. extradimensional space. Creatures to be affected
The arrow is destroyed in the casting. must be of size M or smaller. The space can
contain only one creature, regardless of size. The
priest may use the spell on himself or any
SAND BLADE creature he touches. Unwilling targets are
(Enchantment) allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the

Livello 6° 158 Livello 6°

Incantesimi clericali del sesto livello

entrapment. una superficie rigida, la ghianda esplode

While inside the space, the enclosed character is causando 2d8 ferite e incendia ogni materiale
invisible and totally undetectable by any form of combustibile in un diametro di 3 m dal punto di
scrying. Powerful magic such as Contact other impatto. Se azzeccano il T.S., le creature presenti
plane will indicate that the character is nell’area d’effetto subiscono la metà dei danni,
“elsewhere,” but will give no more information. mentre la creatura che viene centrata in pieno
The creature within the extradimensional space non può nemmeno effettuare il tiro.
can see and hear everything that occurs around – Proiettili incendiari: si rendono magiche fino a
him. However, he cannot cast spells, and no otto bacche di agrifoglio. Questo tipo di bomba
action of his can affect anyone or anything in the viene posizionato, più che lanciato, perché le
“real world.” bacche sono troppo leggere per poter avere una
While occupied, the extradimensional space is buona gittata (si possono tirare fino a 1,8 m di
totally immobile. If the caster chooses to occupy distanza). Scoppia quando il sacerdote, che si
the space, he can pass in and out of the space at trova a meno di 40 m di distanza, dice la parola
will. Other creatures can leave or reenter the magica. Le bacche si incendiano subito,
space only if the caster allows it. To an outside infliggendo ld8 ferite ad ogni creatura; danno
observer, an enclosed character who exits the fuoco ad ogni materiale infiammabile presente
space simply appears from nowhere. nel diametro di 1,5 m dal punto in cui si trovano.
If the space is occupied when the spell Le creature interessate possono dimezzare i
terminates, the occupant is immediately ejected danni se superano un T.S. contro incantesimi.
back into the real world and suffers 1d6 hit Dopo un periodo pari ad un turno per ogni livello
points of damage in the process. del sacerdote (dopo tredici turni, se il sacerdote è
Any time the extradimensional space is empty, or del 13° livello), i semi perdono la loro efficacia.
when the occupant is someone other than the Per fare l’incantesimo bastano le bacche o le
priest, the space follows the priest around. Thus, ghiande.
the priest may Ceclude a comrade in the
extradimensional space, walk past some guards
into a building, then release the comrade. SERVITORE AEREO
If any other form of extradimensional space (Convocazione/Attrazione)
(such as a Bag of holding ) is taken into the space
created by seclusion, both spaces are ruptured Livello: 6°
and all contents are expelled onto the Astral Manuale: PH italiano
plane. Extradimensional manipulation can Sfera: convocazione
temporarily prevent this. Raggio d’azione: 10 m
The material components are a tiny crystal box Componenti: V, S
of the finest workmanship (worth at least 1,500 Durata: 1 giorno per livello
gp) and a gem of at least 250 gp value. The gem Tempo di lancio: 9
is consumed in the casting; the box is not. Area d’effetto: speciale
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

SEMI DI FUOCO Il sacerdote fa arrivare un servitore fatto d’aria,

(Convocazione) che andrà a prendergli l’oggetto o la creatura
descritti. Il servitore non combatte per il
Livello: 6° sacerdote, a differenza di un elementale. Quando
Manuale: PH italiano lo convoca, il sacerdote deve aver fatto un
Sfera: elementale (fuoco) incantesimo Protezione dal male oppure essere in
Raggio d’azione: tocco un cerchio di protezione o possedere un oggetto
Componenti: V, S, M magico con cui controllare il servitore, che
Durata: speciale altrimenti tenta di ucciderlo per poi tornarsene da
Tempo di lancio: 1 round per seme dov’è venuto.
Area d’effetto: speciale L’oggetto o la creatura richiesti devono poter
Tiro Salvezza: 1/2 essere trasportati dal servitore (che può portare
almeno 453 Kg). Se, per qualsiasi motivo, non
Si vengono a creare degli speciali proiettili, che riesce a portare a termine il suo compito, il
possono anche esplodere servitore impazzisce e va in cerca del sacerdote
sviluppando forte calore. per ucciderlo. Il servitore torna al suo piano
Bisogna scegliere tra due quando il sacerdote lo manda via o resta ucciso,
tipi di “semi”. o non appena scade l’incantesimo, dopo essere
– Proiettili esplosivi: la magia trasforma fino a stato dissolto, oppure dopo aver eseguito la
quattro ghiande in altrettante bombe a mano che missione affidatagli.
si possono lanciare fino a 40 m di distanza. L’incantesimo dura al massimo un giorno per
Occorre un TxC per poter andare a segno; ogni livello del sacerdote.
valgono le penalità per le capacità. Quando urta

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Se la creatura da prelevare non è in grado di SKIP DAY

individuare l’invisibile, il servitore attacca, (Invocation/Evocation)
aggiudicandosi automaticamente la sorpresa;
anche se riesce a vederlo, però, ha penalità -2 su Level: 6°
tutti i tiri per la sorpresa causati dal servitore. Il Manual: ToM
servitore deve effettuare un TxC ad ogni round di Sphere: Time
combattimento. Quando va a segno, afferra la Range: 0
creatura o l’oggetto che cercava; se si tratta di Components: V, S
una creatura che ha un punteggio di Forza, Duration: Instantaneous
questa può tentare di sfuggire alla presa (ha il Casting Time: 1 round
doppio della sua probabilità di “piegare sbarre”). Area of Effect: 10-foot radius
Se la creatura non ha Forza, tira ld8 per ogni Saving Throw: Neg.
D.V. suo e del servitore: chi ha il totale più alto è
più forte. Una volta afferrata, la creatura non può When this spell is cast, all persons and intelligent
liberarsi con la Forza o la Destrezza e viene creatures within 10 feet of the caster are instantly
portata subito dal sacerdote. transported 24 hours into the future. Creatures
outside the area of effect will believe that the
Nota: il sacerdote deve già conoscere di persona affected characters have disappeared. Unwilling
la creatura da trasportare e il luogo in cui si creatures can attempt a saving throw vs. spell to
trova. resist the effect of Skip day.
No time passes for creatures affected by Skip
day; they are in the exact condition that they
were in before the spell was cast. They are
fatigued, have recovered no hit points, and carry
the same spells. Wizards must wait for actual
time to pass before they can memorize spells.
The affected creatures remain in the same
location as they were before Skip day was cast.
Their immediate environment is likely to have
changed; for instance, fires have burned out,
enemies who were attacking have departed, and
weather has changed for better or worse.
Although Skip day is a possible substitute for
Teleporting out of a dangerous situation, it is not
without risk; characters could reappear in a
situation more threatening than the one they left
behind (for instance, a forest fire may have
started or a pack of hungry wolves may have



Level: 6°
Manual: ToM
Sphere: Sun
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: One gem
Saving Throw: Special

This spell must be cast upon a topaz. When the

spell is complete, the stone glows with an inner
light. The gem must be immediately thrown at an
opponent, for it quickly becomes too hot to hold.
(The acts of casting and throwing occur in the
same round.) It is not possible for the priest to
give the stone to another character to throw.
The stone can be hurled up to 30 yards. The
priest must roll normally to hit; he gains a +3

Livello 6° 160 Livello 6°

Incantesimi clericali del sesto livello

bonus to his attack roll and suffers no penalty for SPIRITUAL WRATH
nonweapon proficiency. In addition, the glowing (Invocation)
gem is considered a +3 weapon for determining
whether a creature can be struck (creatures hit Level: 6°
only by magical weapons, for example). There is Manual: ToM
no damage bonus, however. Sphere: Combat
When it hits, the gem bursts with a brilliant, Range: 300 yards
searing flash that causes 6d6 points of fire Components: V, S
damage to the target and blinds him for 1d6 Duration: Instantaneous
rounds. The victim is allowed a saving throw vs. Casting Time: 1 turn
spell. If successful, only half damage is sustained Area of Effect: Special
and the target is not blinded. Undead creatures Saving Throw: 1/2
suffer 12d6 points of damage and are blinded for
2d6 rounds (if applicable) if their save is failed. This powerful cooperative spell is rarely invoked
They receive 6d6 points of damage and are since it requires the concerted effort of six or
blinded for 1d6 rounds if the save is successful. more high-level priests. The casting effort
If the gem misses its target, it explodes severely weakens the priests, discouraging casual
immediately, causing 3d6 points of damage (or use of this spell.
6d6 against undead) to all creatures within a 3' To cast the spell, six or more priests must be
radius. It blinds them for 1d3 rounds (1d6 rounds within a 15-foot radius. Each priest must cast
vs. undead). All victims are allowed a saving Spiritual wrath at the same time. Before
throw vs. spell, with success indicating half beginning the spell, the priests must decide upon
damage and no blindness. The DM should use the area of effect. The spell causes 10d6+1d6
the rules for grenade-like missiles found in the points of damage per priest casting the spell.
Dungeon Master Guide for determining where (The minimum damage, therefore, is 16d6.)
the stone hits. Creatures within the area of effect are allowed a
The material component is a topaz gemstone saving throw vs. spell to reduce the damage to
worth at least 500 gp. half.
The spell strikes as a great wave of force that
descends from the sky. Small objects must save
SPIRIT OF FLAME vs. crushing blow. Structures suffer damage as if
(Evocation) hit by a heavy catapult (2d12). The force of this
spell often raises a great cloud of dirt and dust,
Level: 6° obscuring the area for 1d4+1 rounds.
Manual: PD The spell's area of effect is determined by the
Sphere: Elemental (fire) number of casters. Each priest contributes 10 feet
Range: 2 miles/level to the radius of the spell. Six casters would create
Components: V, M a spell with a radius of 60 feet. No more than
Duration: Special twelve casters can cooperate to cast this spell
Casting Time: 6 rounds (maximum of 22d6 damage and a 120-foot
Saving Throw: None radius area of effect). This converts to an 8-inch
circle in the Battlesystem rules ground scale.
With this spell, a priest can walk into a fire and The spell is difficult to cast, physically taxing the
teleport to any other up to the limit of his range. spellcasters so much that each caster suffers 3d10
The priest may go blindly, and will appear in a points of damage from the effort. There is no
random camp fire in a place determined by the saving throw allowed to avoid this damage.
DM. If the caster isn 't near a settlement, there is
30% chance there will be no camp fire and the
spell is wasted. A better course is to cast SUNSTROKE
Watchfire and see. The destructive fire (Summoning)
elementals demand a high price for this spell,
and the priest must sacrifice 1-6 hit points every Level: 6°
time he uses it. The damage heals normally. Manual: PD
Sphere: Sun
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 6 rounds
Area of Effect: l creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

The caster points his finger at a target and a

brilliant beam of sunlight shoots outward to

Livello 6° 161 Livello 6°

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cause a severe case of heat exhaustion. The THE GREAT CIRCLE ®

victim must make a saving throw vs. magic or (Abjuration)
instantly collapse into a convulsive mass until
treated or dead. Those who make the save are Level: 6°
affected as if the target of the 3rd-level heat Manual: ToM
exhaustion spell. Sphere: Sun
The target's skin becomes cold and clammy, he Range: 0
does not sweat regardless of the heat, and his Components: V, S
muscles convulse dangerously. This causes him Duration: 1 round
to lose 1-4 hit points per round. The condition Casting Time: 6 turns
can be stopped by a Heal or Cure critical Area of Effect: Special
wounds spell, or by pouring at least one gallon of Saving Throw: Special
cool water over the victim's head.
Once a character has suffered a severe heat The great circle is a powerful cooperative spell
stroke, he is forever susceptible. Those affected that can be used only by four or more priests,
require twice their normal amounts of water if each casting the spell simultaneously. Because of
exposed to the sun for more than four hours, and the nature of this spell and its casting time, it is
may go into convulsions if not adequately often used to cleanse grounds in preparation for
hydrated. the construction of a temple or sanctuary.
When casting The great circle, the priests stand
in a circle of no more than 20-foot diameter.
TELETRASPORTO VEGETALE Each faces inward; when the spell is completed,
(Alterazione) each priest faces outward, directing the energy of
the spell.
Livello: 6° When the casting is complete, the spell takes the
Manuale: PH italiano form of a radiant halo of golden light 20 feet
Sfera: vegetale above the ground. This halo quickly expands in a
Raggio d’azione: tocco shimmering wave. It can pass through objects,
Componenti: V, S with small arcs of the halo disappearing
Durata: speciale momentarily and reappearing on the far side. As
Tempo di lancio: 4 the halo moves, it generates a high-pitched hum
Area d’effetto: speciale that varies in pitch, almost like a chorus. The
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno halo moves slowly at first, but builds speed,
reaching its maximum range at the end of one
Il sacerdote entra in una pianta (grande quanto un round.
uomo o più) e passa in un round all’interno di The radius of the golden halo is dependent on the
una pianta uguale a quella, non importa a quale number of priests casting the spell. Each priest
distanza. La pianta di partenza dov’essere viva, adds 60 feet to the radius. Thus, four priests
come pure quella d’arrivo; quest’ultima può could generate a halo that extends 240 feet in all
anche essere sconosciuta al sacerdote. Se il directions from the circle of priests.
sacerdote non conosce la pianta d’arrivo, indica Theoretically, there is no limit to the number of
solo la direzione e la distanza: il teletrasporto lo priests who may contribute to this spell, but the
farà giungere il più vicino possibile al punto need for the priests to be within a 20-foot
desiderato. C’è il 20% di probabilità, ridotto diameter circle sets a practical limit of 20 casters.
dell’1% per ogni livello del sacerdote, che questi The halo is pure energy tapped from the Positive
sia trasportato in una pianta distante da 1,6 a 160 Material plane. It causes harm to undead and
Km (1,6 Km x ld100) dalla destinazione evil beings within the area of effect. Undead
prescelta. Se si sceglie una pianta particolare, ma creatures of 8 or fewer hit dice are instantly
questa non è viva, l’incantesimo fallisce e il destroyed and are not allowed a saving throw to
sacerdote esce dalla pianta d’ingresso entro 24 avoid the effect. More powerful undead suffer
ore. La magia non funziona con le creature- 1d8 points of damage per caster. A successful
piante, come i treant. Se il sacerdote è all’interno saving throw vs. death magic reduces this
di una pianta che viene distrutta, resta ucciso damage to half. Creatures of evil alignment
(vedi Porta vegetale). suffer 1d6 points of damage per caster (a saving
throw is allowed for half-damage).
The reverse of this spell, THE BLACK
CIRCLE, creates a ring of shimmering black
energy. Paladins and priests of good alignment
suffer 1d10 points of damage per priest in the
circle. All other good creatures suffer 1d4 points
of damage per caster. Affected creatures are
allowed a saving throw vs. death magic to reduce
the damage to one-half.

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This spell turns a patch of rock or solid earth into

TRAMUTARE L’ACQUA IN POLVERE ® fiery magma by superheating it in a matter of
(Alterazione) seconds. Anything caught within the area should
make a saving throw vs. paralyzation or take 6d8
Livello: 6° points of damage. The magma will remain for
Manuale: PH italiano about 2 days, and then cool to a black circle of
Sfera: elementale (acqua, terra) ash.
Raggio d’azione: 60 m The reverse of this spell, TRANSMUTE
Componenti: V, S, M MAGMA TO ROCK, is only of temporary
Durata: permanente duration. It transforms magma to stone cool
Tempo di lancio: 8 enough to walk on for one hour.
Area d’effetto: 1 metro cubo per livello
Tiro Salvezza: speciale
Quando viene effettuato questo incantesimo, (Divinazione)
l’area liquida interessata
diventa una distesa di Livello: 6°
polvere. Se si tratta di acqua Manuale: PH italiano
già fangosa, l’area d’effetto Sfera: divinazione
raddoppia (si quadruplica, Raggio d’azione: tocco
se si tratta di fanghiglia). Se Componenti: V, S, M
l’acqua rimane a contatto Durata: 1 turno per livello
con la polvere creata, Tempo di lancio: 3 round
l’assorbe, trasformandola in Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata
una melma acquosa o in Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
sabbia bagnata, a seconda
delle proporzioni. Chi riceve l’incantesimo trova la via più corta e
Sono interessati solo i liquidi effettivamente diretta per entrare o uscire
presenti nell’area d’effetto al momento in cui da un luogo, che può anche
vien fatto l’incantesimo. I liquidi che contengono essere all’aperto o
solo una parte di acqua sono colpiti per quanto sottoterra; può anche
riguarda il reale contenuto d’acqua, eccezion trattarsi di una trappola o di
fatta per le pozioni a base di acqua, che un labirinto magico.
diventano inservibili. Gli esseri viventi non sono L’incantesimo funziona
interessati, a meno che non provengano dal piano solo riguardo ai posti, non
dell’elemento acqua. In tal caso possono alle creature. Non potrebbe
effettuare il T.S. contro la morte: se lo falliscono, trovare la strada per “una
muoiono. Può essere colpita una sola creatura di foresta in cui vive un drago
questo tipo per ogni incantesimo, a prescindere verde” o “un mucchio di
dalle dimensioni della vittima o dall’area monete di platino”. Il luogo
d’effetto. deve trovarsi nello stesso
La forma inversa, TRAMUTARE LA piano del sacerdote.
POLVERE IN ACQUA, non è che una versione Il soggetto intuisce dove deve dirigersi per
potenziata di Creare l’acqua con un pizzico di arrivare a destinazione e la magia gli indica dove
polvere come ingrediente aggiuntivo. deve andare ogni volta (o cosa deve fare: ad
Per entrambe le varianti servono anche almeno esempio, quale concentrazione occorre per
500 mo di polvere di diamanti ed un pezzetto di “sentire” i fili giusti o la parola magica per
conchiglia, oltre al simbolo sacro. disattivare un glifo). L’incantesimo termina una
volta giunti a destinazione o quando è passato un
turno per ogni livello del sacerdote. Può liberare
TRANSMUTE ROCK TO MAGMA ® il soggetto ed i suoi compagni da un Labirinto in
(Alteration) un round, per tutta la sua durata.
La divinazione è legata al sacerdote, non ai suoi
Level: 6° amici: come Individuare trappole, non tiene
Manual: PD conto delle azioni di questi ultimi.
Sphere: Elemental (earth, fire) Componente materiale: gli oggetti preferiti dal
Range: 10 yards per level sacerdote (ossa, contrassegni d’avorio,
Components: V, S bastoncini, rune ecc.).
Duration: Special L’inverso, PERDERE LA STRADA, fa in
Casting Time: 2rounds modo che il soggetto si perda e non riesca a
Area of Effect: 5 cube per level ritrovare la direzione giusta finché dura
Saving Throw: Neg. l’incantesimo; può essere guidato, naturalmente.

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Level: 6°
Manual: DK
Sphere: Necromancy
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: l day/level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: Neg.

A priest employs this spell to give temporary

personality and identity back to mindless undead,
namely skeletons and zombies. The undead's
previcus consciousness and identity are restored,
including memories, preferences, personality,
and alignment. The creature is still undead, but
now has the ambitions and thoughts it had as a
living being. There is a 1% chance per year that
the creature has been dead (not necessarily
undead) that it goes immediately mad, unable to
accept its undeath and the changes to its world
over that time; a mad undead immediately flees,
its identity forever lost.
In instances where the history of a particular
undead is known, the DM can apply what he
knows to the new free-willed skeleton or zombie.
However, in cases where the undead's history is
unknown, select its former class, alignment, and
level according to what best suits the adventure,
or decide randomly. Note: the undead does not
retain any of its class or level bonuses; it is still
simply a skeleton or zombie.
Remember, no ne of this information will be
readily apparent for a skeleton, though characters
may be able to guess at class from the tattered
clothing still worn by a zombie.
The reverse of this spell, UNLIVING
MINDLESSNESS, permanently returns any
free-willed skeleton or zombie to its former
mindless state, or temporarily makes other
unlead mindless. The undead creature retains its
combat and life-draining abilities, but has no
sense of who it is, was, or what its previous plans
were. For the duration of the spell the undead
wanders aimlessly, slaying and draining life until
destroyed. This spell does not work on liches,
and it affects a vampire only until the vampire
feeds again.
The material component for this spell is any
article significant to the undead's former life,
such as a piece of clothing or equipment, a
favorite weapon, a letter he had written, etc.

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WATCHFIRE ® will have only 1 hit point, but no other ill effects,
(Divination) scars, or contagion.
If friendly spellcasting heals the damage, the
Level: 6° priest quickly recovers from his coma, losing 1d4
Manual: PD hit points representing fatigue.
Sphere: Elemental (fire) Magical afflictions, diseases, or curses cannot be
Range: 2 miles per level cured by the Waters of life.
Components: V, M
Duration: 1 hour
Casting Time: 3 rounds WHIRLWIND
Area of Effect: 1 fire at a time (Invocation/Evocation)
Saving Throw: None
Level: 6°
This powerful spell allows a caster to know how Manual: S&M
many fires burn within the area of effect and the Sphere: Elemental (Air)
approximate location of each. He may choose Range: 60 yds. + 10 yds./level
any one of these fires and peer out of it as if he Duration: 1 rd./level
were actually within the flames. Anyone Area of Effect: Cone 10 ft. wide at base and 30
watching the fire sees a dark face peering out at ft. tall
them, but can only dispel the visage by Components: V, S, M
extinguishing the flame or casting other Casting Time: 9
protections from scying. Saving Throw: Special
The caster may communicate through the flames,
but he may not cast spells or use special abilities.
The reverse of this spell, PROTECT FIRE, This spell creates a powerful cyclone of raging
protects all fires in range from being used in this wind that moves as directed by the priest. The
way. Whirlwind can move by zigzagging along the
ground or over water at a movement rate of 6.
The Whirlwind always moves after all other
WATERS OF LIFE creatures have moved, and many creatures can
(Alteration) avoid it simply .by keeping their distance. If the
cyclone exceeds the spell's range, it moves in a
Level: 6° random, uncontrolled fashion for 1d3 rounds,
Manual: PD possibly endangering the caster or his allies, and
Sphere: Elemental (water), Healing then dissipates.
Range: 0 Any creature of size L (large) or smaller that
Components: V, S, M comes in contact with the Whirlwind must make
Duration: Special a saving throw vs. breath weapon or suffer 2d8
Casting Time: 9 rounds damage. Size M (man–sized) or smaller creatures
Area of Effect: 1 creature who fail their first saving throw must attempt a
Saving Throw: None second one, or be picked up bodily by the
Whirlwind and held suspended in its powerful
This powerful spell is representative of the life- winds, suffering ld8 points of damage each round
giving nature of water, and the sacrifices that the with no save allowed. The caster may direct the
priests of that sphere are willing to make for cyclone to eject any carried creatures whenever
those they believe worthy. he wishes, depositing the hapless souls wherever
The priest spends makes an elixir from local the Whirlwind happens to be when they are
herbs. Once made, the priest gives half the potion released.
to the patient, and takes the rest himself. Maintaining the Whirlwind requires the caster's
The former patient is now healed of all damage, full attention, and he cannot cast other spells or
poisons, or diseases, but the effects, wounds, and make any attacks while directing the spell's
other symptoms are transferred to the priest. course. If his concentration fails for some reason
Soon the healer falls into a near comatose state he cannot simply cancel the spell. Instead, the
for a period of two hours while his body fights spell becomes uncontrolled as described above
off infections and repairs the damage. and dissipates after ld3 rounds.
At the end of this period, the priest should make In truly desperate circumstances, priests of
a system shock roll. If he passes the test, he elemental air have been known to deliberately
awakens from the coma and all is well. If he overrun their companions in order to carry them
fails, he suffers the effects of whatever was out of the path of some certain doom. Few care
wrong with the former patient. This cannot result to repeat the experience.
in the priest's death. Conditions that would cause The material component for this spell is a
his death are halted, and the priest goes into a handful of dust collected from a zephyr or snow
trance for another 24 hours. When he awakes, he from a williwaw.

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(Alteration) (Abjuration)

Level: 7° Level: 7°
Manual: ToM Manual: RAV
Sphere: Time Sphere: All
Range: 30 yards Range: Special
Components: V, S, M Components: V
Duration: 1 round/level Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One dragon Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Neg. Saving Throw: None

This spell allows the caster to cause any dragon This spell works like the 6th level Divine curse
to temporarily gain or lose one age level per five spell. However, the curse can affect the
levels of the caster. For instance, a 14th-level descendants of the targeted character, too. Here's
caster could cause a dragon to gain or lose two an example of an ancient curse: “You and your
age levels; a mature adult dragon could be seed shall wither at the touch of gold or silver
temporarily transformed into a young adult unto the seventh generation”. If the cause is
dragon or into a very old dragon. A dragon's age great, the curse may worded to last indefinitely,
cannot be reduced below hatchling or increased throughout the victim's family tree.
beyond great wyrm. If he provides an escape clause, the caster is
Unwilling dragons are allowed a saving throw often granted more powerful curses. (The DM
vs. spells with a -4 penalty to avoid the effect. should encourage players to incorporate these
A dragon affected by Age dragon temporarily clauses into any curse.) In the example above,
acquires the armor class, hit points, spell the curse might continue, “Should ye give back
abilities, combat modifiers, size, and other ten fold whet was taken, then your children sball
attributes of his new age level. The dragon be saved”.
retains his memories and personality. At the end
of the spell's duration, the dragon returns to his
normal age level. ANIMARE LA PIETRA
If the dragon suffered damage while (Alterazione)
experiencing his modified age, these hit points
remain lost when he resumes his normal age. If Livello: 7°
the dragon loses more hit points at his modified Manuale: PH italiano
age than he has at his actual age, he dies when Sfera: elementale (terra)
the spell expires. For example, a young adult Raggio d’azione: 40 m
bronze dragon with 110 hit points is aged to a Componenti: V, S, M
mature adult with 120 hit points. The dragon Durata: 1 round per livello
suffers 115 hit points in combat. Unless the Tempo di lancio: 1 round
dragon is healed of 6 points of damage before the Area d’effetto: 50 dm cubi per livello
spell expires, the dragon dies at the end of the Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
spell since his damage is greater than his actual
hit points. Il sacerdote fa muovere un blocco di pietra delle
If a dragon is killed while under the effect of Age dimensioni indicate (vedi incantesimo Animare
dragon, he is dead at the end of the spell's gli oggetti del 6° livello L’oggetto animato deve
duration. essere un blocco a se stante, non far parte di una
The material component is a handful of dirt taken roccia; seguirà ogni ordine del sacerdote
from a dragon's footprint. (attaccare, bloccare, spezzare, ecc.) finché durerà
la magia. Non ha volontà propria, ma segue i
comandi alla lettera. È possibile dargli una sola
serie di istruzioni (che dov’essere espressa in
forma chiara e concisa, con una dozzina di
parole) per ogni singola azione. Il masso resta
animato per un round per ogni livello del
sacerdote; anche il volume dipende dal livello
(un sacerdote del 12° livello animerebbe circa
600 dm³ di pietra).
Mentre i particolari del masso animato devono
essere decisi dal DM, la Classe dell’Armatura è
fissa e non è mai inferiore a 5; i P.F. sono ld3 per
ogni metro cubo di volume ed i TxC sono quelli
del sacerdote. Il massimo danno che può

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infliggere è di ld2 punti per ogni livello (la roccia community at one time; the caster must
animata da un sacerdote del dodicesimo livello specifically state which disease is to be
farà da 12 a 24 ferite). Il movimento è, per un eliminated (black plague or yellow fever, for
masso grande quanto un uomo, di 18 m per example) with each casting of the spell.
round. Cinquanta decimetri cubi di pietra pesano When the spell is cast, the priest exhales a sweet-
all’incirca 45,3 - 135,9 Kg. smelling breath. This forms into a breeze that
Componenti materiali: un masso ed una goccia di radiates outward, forming a circle that expands in
sangue del sacerdote. a 50-yard radius per hour. During this time, the
caster must remain at the center of the area of
effect. For example, after 12 hours, the Breath of
ANTIMINERAL SHELL life would cover a circle 1200 yards in diameter
(Abjuration) (600-yard radius). The breath is of a magical
nature rather than a physical nature; therefore, it
Level: 7° is unaffected by prevailing winds.
Manual: S&M The breeze blows through the community,
Sphere: Protection, Elemental (Earth) instantly eliminating the specified disease from
Range: 0 all afflicted citizens. The Breath of life spell does
Components: V, S, M not destroy parasitic monsters (such as green
Duration: 1 turn/level slime, rot grubs, and others), nor does it cure
Cashng Time: 1 round lycanthropy or other magical afflictions. The
Area of Effect: 10–ft. radius spell does not prevent recurrence of a disease if
Saving Throw: None the recipients are again exposed.
The material components are the priest's holy
When a priest casts this spell, he creates an symbol and a cone of incense that has been
invisible force field or barrier that blocks the blessed by the highest priest of the character's
entrance of animated or living mineral creatures. religion.
It is effective against elementals and creatures of The BREATH OF DEATH, which produces a
elemental origin such as aerial servants, djinns, foul-smelling wind, is the reverse of this spell.
and mephits, golems and other constructs, Victims who fail a saving throw vs. death magic
creatures of living stone, such as galeb duhr or are afflicted with a nonmagical, fatal disease. To
xorn; and objects, weapons, or armor animated determine the results of this spell, the DM should
by some outside force. It does not bar the roll saving throws for major NPCs in the area of
passage of undead monsters, living creatures effect. The effect on the rest of the community
carrying inanimate material, or nonanimated can be calculated as a percentage, based on the
minerals such as a giant–thrown boulder or a saving throw.
common rockslide. The Antimineral shell moves Infected creatures do not heal hit points until the
with the caster, but if the caster tries to force it disease is cured. The disease is fatal within 1d6
against a creature affected by this spell, the weeks (the duration varies from person to
Antimineral shell fails. The material component person).
is a drop of some caustic solvent, such as acid The material components are the priest's holy
from a black dragon. symbol and a handful of dust taken from a
mummy's corpse.

(Necromantic) CAMBIA BASTONE
(Evocazione, Incantamento)
Level: 7°
Manual: ToM Livello: 7°
Sphere: Necromantic Manuale: PH italiano
Range: 0 Sfera: vegetale, creazione
Components: V, S, M Raggio d’azione: tocco
Duration: 1 hour/level Componenti: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 turn Durata: speciale
Area of Effect: Special Tempo di lancio: 4
Saving Throw: None Area d’effetto: il bastone del sacerdote
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
This powerful spell enables the caster to cure
many persons (even an entire community) who Il sacerdote riesce a trasformare un bastone
are afflicted with a nonmagical disease. The appositamente preparato in una sorta di enorme
priest need not touch or even see the diseased treant, (alto circa 7 m). Quando il sacerdote
people for the spell to be effective, although conficca nel terreno la base del bastone e dice la
recipients must be within the area of effect. parola magica ed una speciale invocazione, il
This spell does not cure all diseases in the bastone diventa una creatura con 12 D.V., 40 P.F.

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e C.A. 0, che effettua due attacchi per round ed l’80% di probabilità che
infligge 4d6 ferite con ognuno di essi. Il mostro siano scambiate per nebbia
difende il sacerdote ed obbedisce ai suoi ordini; o vapore. Il sacerdote può
non è un vero e proprio treant, perché non parla riassumere l’aspetto
con i treant e non comanda gli altri alberi. La normale quando vuole; ogni
trasformazione dura per tanti turni quanti sono i trasformazione richiede
livelli del sacerdote, o finché questi non la cinque round. Finché sono
interrompe o fino a quando il treant non viene in forma gassosa, lui e gli
distrutto. Se il bastone-treant scende a 0 P.F. o altri possono essere colpiti
meno, finisce in un mucchietto di segatura; se solo da armi magiche,
non viene distrutto, invece, si può riutilizzare benché possano, a
dopo 24 ore al massimo dell’efficienza. discrezione del DM, subire
Per lanciare l’incantesimo, il sacerdote deve gli effetti di forti venti.
avere il simbolo sacro oppure alcune foglie (di Quando si è in forma gassosa non si possono fare
frassino, quercia o tasso) di un albero della stessa incantesimi.
specie del bastone. Componenti materiali: fuoco e acqua santa.
Il bastone dov’essere un grosso ramo, tagliato da
un frassino, una quercia o un tasso colpiti da un
fulmine da non più di 24 ore, fatto seccare al sole CANCELLO
ed affumicato per 28 giorni, quindi modellato, (Convocazione/Attrazione)
levigato e rifinito per altri 28. Durante questo
periodo il sacerdote non può intraprendere Livello: 7°
avventure o compiere altre attività impegnative. Manuale: PH italiano
Una volta finito, il bastone viene intagliato con Sfera: convocazione
scene di vita dei boschi, strofinato con succo di Raggio d’azione: 30 m
bacche di agrifoglio e infine piantato nel terreno Componenti: V, S
del bosco dove abita il sacerdote, mentre questi Durata: speciale
lancia un incantesimo Parlare con le piante, per Tempo di lancio: 5
poterlo richiamare in caso di necessità. La magia Area d’effetto: speciale
è sufficiente per molte trasformazioni da bastone Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
a treant e viceversa.
Il cancello comporta una duplice conseguenza:
instaura un collegamento
CAMMINARE NEL VENTO interdimensionale tra il
(Alterazione) piano in cui si trova il
sacerdote e quello di un
Livello: 7° essere molto potente. Il
Manuale: PH italiano risultato è che quell’entità
Sfera: elementale (aria) può passare da un piano
Raggio d’azione: tocco all’altro. Quando il
Componenti: V, S, M sacerdote pronuncia la
Durata: un’ora per livello formula, attira l’attenzione
Tempo di lancio: 1 round di chi vuole chiamare; poi
Area d’effetto: speciale lancia l’incantesimo e dice
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno il nome dell’entità.
Sicuramente dal cancello arriva qualcosa; le
Il sacerdote può, insieme ad una o due altre azioni di questa entità dipendono da tanti fattori,
persone, diventare una compreso l’allineamento del sacerdote e dei suoi
nuvola e farsi trasportare da compagni ed il tipo di minaccia che li ha portati a
un vento magico con fattore chiamare aiuto.
movimento che può variare L’esito dell’incantesimo viene deciso dal DM, in
da 6 a 60, a sua scelta. base ai desideri del sacerdote, al tipo di creatura
L’incantesimo dura finché ed alle esigenze del momento. L’essere
vuole il sacerdote, fino ad convocato se ne va subito oppure resta ed agisce.
un massimo di sei turni Ogni volta che fa questo incantesimo il sacerdote
(un’ora) per ogni suo invecchia di cinque anni.
livello. Il sacerdote può
toccare e portare un’altra
persona ogni otto suoi COCCHIO DI SUSTARRE
livelli (fino a 24). Queste (Evocazione)
persone non sono invisibili,
ma piuttosto trasparenti; se Livello: 7°
sono vestite di bianco, c’è Manuale: PH italiano

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Sfera: elementale (fuoco), L’incantesimo confonde le idee ad una o più

creazione creature nell’area, creando indecisione e
Raggio d’azione: 10 m incapacità di agire. La magia colpisce ld4
Componenti: V, S, M creature +1 ogni due livelli del sacerdote (se è di
Durata: 12 ore 12° o 13° livello, ne prende 7-10; se è del 14° o
Tempo di lancio: 1 turno 15° livello ne interessa 8-11, ecc.). Le vittime
Area d’effetto: speciale possono effettuare il T.S. contro incantesimi con
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno penalità -2, modificato in base alla Saggezza. Se
lo azzeccano, sono immuni. Le creature in preda
L’incantesimo crea un gran carro fiammeggiante, alla confusione reagiscono nel modo seguente
trainato da due cavalli di (tira 1d10):
fuoco, che appare con un
rombo di tuono ed una nube 1 Se non glielo si impedisce, vagano per
di fumo. Il cocchio ha tutto il tempo
fattore movimento 24 se è 2-6 Restano confuse per un round, poi
sulla terraferma, 48 se vola, ripetono il tiro
e può trasportare il 7-9 Attaccano la creatura più vicina per un
sacerdote ed altre sette round, poi ripetono il tiro
creature grandi al massimo 10 Si comportano normalmente per un round,
quanto un uomo (i poi ripetono il tiro
passeggeri devono essere
toccati dal sacerdote per L’incantesimo dura due round più un round per
poter essere protetti dalle ogni livello del sacerdote. Per tutto questo
fiamme). periodo, o finché non capita il risultato “Vagano
Ogni altra creatura a meno di 1,5 m di distanza per tutto il tempo”, il DM decide, in base alla
dal carro o dai cavalli subisce 2d4 P.F. da ustioni tabella, le azioni nel round successivo per conto
ad ogni round, a meno che non superi il T.S. delle creature che hanno fallito il T.S.
contro pietrificazione (con modificatori per la Le creature che vagano si allontanano il più
Destrezza) ed esca dalla zona. possibile dal sacerdote, con il loro movimento
Il sacerdote comanda il carro a voce, facendo abituale (i personaggi camminano, i pesci
partire, fermare, sterzare, trottare, galoppare o nuotano, i pipistrelli volano eccetera). I T.S. e le
volare i cavalli. Il carro e i cavalli sono un’entità azioni da compiere si decidono all’inizio di ogni
fisica, possono essere danneggiati solo da armi round. Se una creatura confusa viene attaccata,
magiche o acqua (1/4 di litro infligge una ferita), considera l’attaccante un nemico ed agisce in
hanno C.A. 2 e si scacciano solo quando hanno base al proprio istinto.
subito 30 ferite ognuno. Il fuoco normale, Se le vittime sono tante, il DM può fare una
naturalmente, non ha alcun effetto; il fuoco media. Ad esempio, sono stati colpiti 16 orchetti
magico che non sia quello del carro può ed è presumibile che il 25% di loro superi il T.S.,
ustionare i passeggeri. Altre magie, come quindi si salvano in quattro. Degli altri dodici
Dissolvi magie o Parola sacra, faranno tornare il uno vaga, quattro attaccano il vicino, sei restano
cocchio al suo piano, lasciando a terra i confusi; l’ultimo si comporta normalmente, ma
viaggiatori. Il carro può essere chiamato solo una deve ripetere il tiro nel round successivo. Poiché
volta la settimana. gli orchetti non sono vicini alla compagnia, il
Componente materiale: un pezzetto di legno, due DM decide che due di quelli che attaccano il
bacche di agrifoglio ed un fuoco, che può essere vicino si azzuffino tra loro, uno attacchi un
anche quello di una torcia. orchetto che si è salvato e l’ultimo colpisca uno
degli orchetti confusi, che risponde. Nel round
seguente ci sono undici orchetti, perché quattro si
CONFUSIONE sono salvati ed uno se n’è andato. Un altro se ne
(Incantamento/Charme) va, cinque restano confusi, quattro attaccano ed
uno agisce normalmente.
Livello: 7° Componente materiale: tre gusci di noce.
Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: charme
Raggio d’azione: 80 m CONJURE GREATER ELEMENTAL ®
Componenti: V, S, M (Conjuration/Summoning)
Durata: 1 round per livello
Tempo di lancio: 1 round Level: 7°
Area d’effetto: ld4 creature in un quadrato Manual: DK
con lato di 12 m Sphere: Elemental (Various)
Tiro Salvezza: speciale Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: l turn/level

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Incantesimi clericali del settimo livello

Casting Time: l turn Limpido Calma piatta

Area of Effect: Special Qualche nube o nebbia Leggero
Saving Throw: None POCO NUVOLOSO Moderato
This spell allows a priest to summon a single Nuvoloso Calma
greater elemental from his sphere of major Nebbia/pioggerelina Forte
access. Nevischio/grandine FORTE
Determine the Hit Dice of the elemental with per NUVOLOSO Moderato
centile dice: 01-65, 10 HD; 66-90, 14 HD; 91-00, Poco nuvoloso Burrasca
18 HD. Molto nuvoloso BURRASCA
Greater elementals are described in the Nebbia fitta Forte
Monstrous Compendium, Dark Sun Appendix, Pioggia/grandine fitta Temporale
Terrors of the Desert. Nevischio/neve abbond. TEMPORALE
This spell is otherwise identical to the fifth-level Burrasca
priest spell Conjure elemental. Uragano/tifone

Le voci in maiuscolo rappresentano le condizioni

CONTROLLARE IL TEMPO attuali; quelle sotto, in minuscolo, sono le nuove
ATMOSFERICO condizioni che si verificano grazie
(Alterazione) all’incantesimo. Il sacerdote può anche cambiare
la direzione del vento. Una giornata di tempo
Livello: 7° sereno con temperatura mite e venti moderati
Manuale: PH italiano può diventare un giorno di nebbia, caldo e senza
Sfera: tempo atmosferico vento. Non sono possibili condizioni
Raggio d’azione: 0 contraddittorie: nebbia e forte vento, ad esempio.
Componenti: V, S, M Si possono fare più incantesimi di questo tipo
Durata: 4dl2 ore solo in successione, non simultaneamente.
Tempo di lancio: 1 turno Componenti materiali: simbolo sacro, incenso,
Area d’effetto: ld4 Kmq rosario o qualche altro che il sacerdote usa per
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno pregare. Ovviamente, la magia funziona solo
nelle zone che hanno già le condizioni di clima
Il sacerdote può far cambiare il tempo in una adatte.
certa zona. L’incantesimo dura 4dl2 ore ed Se il sacerdote appartiene alla sfera del tempo
interessa un’area di ld4 Kmq. atmosferico (se, ad
Occorrono un turno per fare l’incantesimo, più esempio, è un druido), la
altri ld4 turni perché le condizioni del tempo durata e l’area d’effetto si
mutino. Le condizioni attuali sono decise dal raddoppiano; inoltre può far
DM, a seconda del clima e della stagione. Il cambiare il tempo di due
tempo è determinato da tre Componenti: posizioni (può far passare le
precipitazioni, temperatura e venti. condizioni del cielo da
L’incantesimo può alterare questi fattori, in base “poco nuvoloso” a
alla tabella seguente: “nevischio”, la temperatura
da “fresco” a “freddo
Cielo Temperatura glaciale”, il vento da
“calma” a “vento forte”).
Limpido Caldo afoso
Qualche nube o nebbia Mite CREATE SHRINE
Sereno Caldo
Nuvoloso Fresco Level: 7°
Nebbia/pioggerelina FRESCO Manual: PD
Nevischio/grandine Mite Sphere: Elemental (all)
NUVOLOSO Freddo Range: Special
Poco nuvoloso FREDDO Components V, S, M
Molto nuvoloso Fresco Duration: Permanent
Nebbia fitta Freddo glaciale Casting Time: 3 months
Pioggia/grandine fitta Freddo glaciale Area of Effect: Special
Nevischio/neve abbond. Freddo glaciale Saving Throw: None

Cielo Vento When a cleric finds a power conjunction he

wants to protect from others, he will often begin

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Incantesimi clericali del settimo livello

the magical process of turning it into an heal 1-4 points of damage. The spell not only
elemental shrine. steals its victim's water, it transfers it to the
The entire process takes about 3 months and caster as well. The priest will not have to drink
requires a substantial investment of time and again for a number of days equal to 10% of the
energy. stolen hit points. If 20 hit points were stolen, the
The first requirement of the spell is to find a priest does not have to drink for 2 days.
natural area where the cleric's patron element is If the victim survives, healing spells work
strong. normally, and drinking good water retums all but
Shrines to the lords of fire require effort: first, 1d6 of the lost hit points.
the priest must create an eternal flame. Atop this
fire, the priest must place an item of great value
to himself. When the blaze finally dies to the size
of a campfire, the cleric begins the create shrine
spell, and the flame bums forever. The item is
sacrificed to the lords of fire and destroyed in the
Once the area has been prepared and any threats
removed from it, the cleric sits and meditates on
the nature of his element. He must continue to do
this for at least eight hours every day for the next
three months. Any time missed cancels the spell,
and the cleric must begin again from scratch.
When three months have passed, the shrine
grants the caster a number of “phantom” hit
points equal to 12 times the caster's level. These
are good only while the cleric is actually at the
The cleric who created the spell has one other
special advantage. While on the grounds of the
shrine, he may exercise his ability to ignore the
elements an unlimited number of times per day.
The power continues even if the priest leaves the
shrine, but then it expires normally. This counts
as a use for that day, so he cannot exploit this
ability again, unless he moves back to the shrine.
There is no limit to the number of clerics that can
benefit from being at a shrine, and none may be
affected by spells of that element while there
The cleric is under no obligation to remain at the
shrine after it is created, but many do, insuring
its protection.


Level: 7°
Manual: PD
Sphere: Elemental (water), Sun
Range: 5yards per level
Components: V, S
Duration: Time of concentration
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: l creature
Saving Throw: None

This awful spell causes water to evaporate

rapidly from the target's body. The victim loses 1
hit point per round as his body fluids seep to the
surface of the skin and are absorbed by the spell.
This continues until either the subject is dead or
the spell caster is disrupted. Drinking a canteen
of water will stop all damage for 4 rounds and

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Incantesimi clericali del settimo livello

Level: 7° (Evocazione, Alterazione)
Manual: ToM
Sphere: Thought, Divination Livello: 7°
Range: 0 Manuale: PH italiano
Components: V, S, M Sfera: charme, convocazione
Duration: Instantaneous Raggio d’azione: 10 m
Casting Time: 5 Componenti: V, S, M
Area of Effect: The caster Durata: speciale
Saving Throw: None Tempo di lancio: 1 round
Area d’effetto: 1 creatura
This spell is a more powerful version of the Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
Genius spell. The priest's player may ask the DM
one question about the current situation or about Il sacerdote chiama una potente creatura di un
events that will occur within the next five altro piano (che può essere un devas o un altro
rounds. Questions about the future must relate to potente servitore, ma non una divinità e un
external events, such as “Will the guards respond semidio) e gli comanda di compiere una ricerca.
to the sentry's yell?” Questions cannot refer to Non può far arrivare un essere di allineamento
the outcome of combat, such as “Will we win the opposto al suo (malvagio se il sacerdote è buono,
battle?” The priest's player is allowed to use this cantico se il sacerdote è legale), a meno che
spell to ask the DM for advice. In this case, the questi non sia consenziente. Tieni presente che
spell is the equivalent of asking the gods, “Okay, una creatura neutrale (puro) è opposta sia al bene
how do we get out of this one?” che al male, sia alla legge che al caos.
Like the Genius spell, the DM must be careful in Per farsi servire dalla creatura, il sacerdote deve
adjudicating this spell. The answer to the conoscere qualcosa al suo riguardo, oppure può
question is always relevant and correct, although offrirle qualcosa in cambio. Se, ad esempio, sa
not necessarily complete. The answer can also be che qualcuno del suo allineamento ha fatto un
cryptic, in the form of a riddle or rhyme, favore alla creatura, può approfittarne, altrimenti
depending on the DM's assessment of the deve darle un regalo di grande valore o
situation and how potentially unbalancing the ricambiarle la cortesia. Il servizio richiesto
answer might be. In general, the answer will be a dov’essere proporzionato al piacere fatto alla
short phrase of no more than eight to ten words. creatura o alla ricompensa prevista, compresi i
The material component is a gem of at least 500 rischi e la fatica che l’entità deve affrontare.
gp value. This spell can be cast only once in any L’incantesimo agisce dopo un tiro per la
24-hour period. resistenza al magico della creatura. Quando ha
eseguito il compito, l’essere torna vicino al
sacerdote e riceve la ricompensa, che può
ERUPTION consistere nella cancellazione di un debito o in
(Invocation) un premio materiale. Poi la creatura torna da
dov’è venuta.
Level: 7° Spetta al DM giudicare quando è stato raggiunto
Manual: PD un accordo equo. Se il sacerdote è troppo
Sphere: Elemental (earth, fire) esigente, la creatura può andarsene o anche
Range: 10 yards per level seguire i suoi peggiori istinti ed attaccarlo, come
Components: V, S, M se il patto fosse stato infranto. Se le circostanze
Duration: l round per level conducono ad un risultato eccessivo (la creatura
Casting Time: 2rounds muore, ad esempio, mentre cerca di raggiungere
Area of Effect: 30 inch diameter uno scopo che non era così importante), il
Saving Throw: 1/2 sacerdote può trovarsi in debito nei confronti
degli amici e parenti della creatura, quindi
This spell causes an area around the target to esposto ad Esazione da parte loro. Di solito il
erupt into geysers of molten rock. Columns of sacerdote si impegna ad un risarcimento in caso
fiery stone burst from the ground and spew di morte della creatura convocata.
deadly lava over everything within the radius of Se il sacerdote non sta ai patti e non fornisce
the spell. Creatures within the area must attempt alcuna ricompensa, subisce le ritorsioni della
to move out (unless protected from fire or heat) creatura, o del suo signore, protettore eccetera.
and take 3d8 points of damage every round they Nella peggiore delle ipotesi, sarà attaccato dalla
are outside this area. The molten rock sticks to creatura stessa, senza timore dei suoi
skin and continues burning, so damage continues incantesimi, perché la sua inadempienza la
at 1d8 points per round until cooled or until 10 renderà completamente immune ai loro effetti.
rounds have passed.

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Incantesimi clericali del settimo livello

Componenti materiali: simbolo sacro, materiale on the Hovering road at their normal movement
proveniente dal piano d’origine della creatura ed rate, ignoring the effects of surrounding terrain.
informazioni sulla creatura, scritte su di una The Hovering road must originate from a solid
pergamena che viene bruciata per sigillare il surface. Once anchored, the caster controls the
patto. contour of the road, causing it to rise and fall as
he wishes. The road can thus be used to traverse
rivers (if the road is anchored on the shore),
GLASS STORM swamps, and similarly hostile terrain. The caster
(Evocation/Summoning) can cause the Hovering road to rise over a jungle
or cross a chasm.
Level: 7° The road has AC 0. It is impervious to non-
Manual: PD magical weapons. If the road suffers 100 points
Sphere: Elemental (air), of damage (from magical weapons or other
Summoning magical forces), it dissipates in a black mist; all
Range: 0 those on the road fall to the ground below.
Components: V, S, M Unless the road is destroyed, the entire Hovering
Duration: 1 round per level road remains intact from beginning to end for the
Casting Time: 1 turn duration of the spell, even if the caster is killed
Area of Effect: 30 foot radius or incapacitated. At the end of the spell's
Saving Throw: None duration, the entire road dissipates.
The material components are a chunk of black
This powerful version of the Glass spray spell marble and a loop of gold wire.
not only lifts and separates tiny crystal shards
from sand or silt, it creates a terrible wind to
propel them. The particles whip about the storm's ILLUSORY FORTIFICATION
area leaving a circular 5 foot eye where the (Illusion/Phantasm)
caster and his companions may stand unharmed.
The storm is very rough on leather armor, flesh, Level: 7°
and other soft targets. Any equipment must make Manual: ToM
a saving throw vs. fire or become useless. Living Sphere: War
creatures (and undead) take 2d8 points of Range: 240 yards
damage per round until they leave the path of the Components: V, S, M
storm. Duration: Special
Missile combat is impossible in the spell's area of Casting Time: 10 turns
effect. Everyone inside the area is blinded and Area of Effect: Special
confused, and the DM should randomly Saving Throw: None
determine which direction a character is facing
when he tries to escape. The ritual required to cast this spell is time-
Material component: shard of glass or crystal. consuming and extremely complex. As its name
implies, Illusory fortification creates an illusion
of a wall of heavy stonework up to 30 feet tall
HOVERING ROAD and 160 yards long, topped with crenellations.
(Conjuration/Summoning) The illusory wall can be of any color and
apparent age, potentially allowing the caster to
Level: 7° match the false wall with the real walls of an
Manual: ToM existing castle. The illusory wall must be
Sphere: Travelers continuous (it cannot form two or more shorter
Range: 0 walls), but it can follow any corners or bends that
Components: V, S, M the caster desires.
Duration: 1 turn/level In addition to the wall, the spell creates the
Casting Time: 1 round illusion of constant movement among the
Area of Effect: Special crenellations, as if defending troops were moving
Saving Throw: None atop the wall. The formation of the crenellations
makes it impossible for a distant observer to
This spell enables the caster to create a magical determine exactly how many and what types of
10-foot-wide road extending 10 feet in front of defenders are present on the Illusory
him. The caster can create an unbroken road for fortification.
the duration of the spell, creating a 10-foot area The illusory wall remains in existence for 2d12
ahead of him as long as he continues to move hours unless the spell is terminated earlier.
forward. The spell has one very significant limitation: it is
The road is approximately one foot thick and strictly two-dimensional and is visible from only
hovers in the air. It has the texture and color of one side (the side that the caster deems to be the
black granite. Characters and creatures can move “outside”). When viewed from the outside, the

Livello 7° 174 Livello 7°

Incantesimi clericali del settimo livello

wall appears real; when viewed from the end, discipline. In short, if the spell or effect coerces
from above, or from the “inside,” the wall is the priest into taking an action or forming an
totally invisible except for a faint outline of the impression that he doesn't wish to, it fails while
shape of the wall. This means that friendly Impervious sanctity of mind is in effect. The only
troops, concealed from enemy view by the mind–affecting spells or powers that can affect
illusory wall, can see their opponents clearly. The the protected priest are those of exccedingly
wall is most effective if friendly troops are powerful creatures or artifacts and relics.
informed of the wall's presence and are careful Unlike the wizard spell Mind blank, the
not to walk through the illusion. Such an Impervious sancrity of mind offers no protection
occurrence does not end the spell, but it will against detection or scrying. However, it is
probably advise the enemy of the nature of the effective against some attacks and powers that
wall. Mind blank is powerless against. The spell
Spells cast at the wall and shots fired at the requires a small ring of lead that was once
Illusory fortification by siege engines appear to breathed upon by a red dragon.
strike the wall and inflict normal damage. In
reality, the missiles or spells pass through the
illusion, possibly striking troops or real INITIATION
fortifications beyond. Such “hits” do not disturb (Invocation)
the illusion.
As soon as an enemy unit moves within 10 yards Level: 7°
of the Illusory fortification, the spell terminates Manual: PD
and the wall vanishes. Sphere: Elemental (all)
There are two ways in which the spell can be Range: Special
terminated before it expires. First, the priest can Components: V
terminate the spell at any time. Second, if a Duration: Permanent
friendly unit makes an attack, whether melee or Casting Time: 12 hours
missile combat, through the illusory wall from Area of Effect: 1 creature
the “inside” to the “outside,” the spell terminates Saving Throw: None
Once the Illusory fortification has been created, This is the spell used to protect a student from
the priest does not need to concentrate on the the element allied with the caster, and to open a
wall. The spell remains in effect even if the link between him and the beings he will serve.
casting priest is killed in the interim. Each elemental initiation has its own
The material components are the priest's holy requirements.
symbol, a handful of stones, powdered mortar, Rumors abound that if an applicant is being
and a gem worth at least 3,000 gp. All protected by this spell and his mentor dies, a
components except the holy symbol are terrible new undead creature is created. No one
consumed in the casting. has ever proven it, but if this is true, the thing
would be a horror, a ghastly fusion of the ruined
remnants of the student and the element he


Manual: S&M (Alterazione)
Sphere: Protection, Thought
Range: 0 Livello: 7°
Duration: 1 turn/level Manuale: PH italiano
Area of Effect: The caster Sfera: astrale
Components: V, S, M Raggio d’azione: tocco
Casting Time: 1 round Componenti: V, S
Saving Throw: None Durata: speciale
Tempo di lancio: 1/2 ora
When using this spell, the priest renders his mind Area d’effetto: speciale
completely immune to any mind–affecting spell, Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
power, or psionic effect. This includes Amnesia,
Awe, Beguiling, Charm, Command, Confusion, Con questo incantesimo il sacerdote proietta il
Domination, Emotion, Empathy, ESP, suo corpo astrale nel Piano Astrale, lasciando il
Fascination, Fear, Feeblemind, Hold, corpo fisico ed ogni sua proprietà nel Primo
Hypnotism, Insanity, Magic jar, Mind blast, Materiale. Poiché il Piano Astrale è in contatto
Phantasmal killer, Possession, Rulership, Sleep, con il primo livello di tutti i piani esterni, il
Soul trapping, Suggestion, Telepathy, and any sacerdote può, volendo, andare in uno di essi e
psionic attack or power of the telepathic

Livello 7° 175 Livello 7°

Incantesimi clericali del settimo livello

poi abbandonare il piano Astrale, lasciando un living material, but armor, rock, weapons, and
corpo nel piano in cui ha scelto di entrare. material objects must save vs. fire to survive.
Questo incantesimo consente anche ogni sorta di Material component: a torch.
viaggio all’interno del Primo Materiale, ma in tal
caso è impossibile formare la copia. In genere,
una persona proiettata nel Piano Astrale è visibile MATERIALIZZARE ELEMENTALI
solo agli abitano di quel piano. Il corpo astrale DELLA TERRA ®
viene tenuto in contatto con quello materiale (Convocazione/Attrazione)
mediante un cordino d’argento; se questo si
spezza, il proprietario resta ucciso, sia a livello Livello: 7°
materiale che astrale. Solo un vento psichico può Manuale: PH italiano
causare la rottura della cordicella. Quando si Sfera: elementale (terra),
forma un altro corpo su un piano diverso, il convocazione
piccolo spago resta attaccato a questo nuovo Raggio d’azione: 40 m
corpo; se la forma astrale viene uccisa, la Componenti: V, S
cordicella torna dal proprietario sul Primo Durata: un turno per livello
Materiale e lo scuote dal suo torpore. Tempo di lancio: 1 turno
Le persone che hanno proiezioni nel Piano Area d’effetto: speciale
Astrale agiscono in quel piano e le loro azioni Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
non avranno conseguenze sulle creature che
esistono al di fuori di esso; devono avere una Il sacerdote convoca un mostro di elemento terra
copia materiale in altri piani. che eseguirà i suoi ordini. C’è una probabilità del
L’incantesimo dura finché il sacerdote non lo fa 60% che il mostro abbia 12 D.V., del 35% che ne
smettere o intervengono mezzi esterni (Dissolvi abbia 16 e del 5% che ne abbia da 21 a 24
magie o distruzione del corpo del sacerdote sul (20+ld4). Basta un suo comando e il mostro farà
Primo Materiale). Il sacerdote può usare tutto ciò che il sacerdote vuole, perché lo vede
l’incantesimo per proiettare nel Piano Astrale come un amico da obbedire. La creatura resta
altre sette creature al massimo, purché queste finché non viene distrutta o mandata via con
siano unite con lui in modo da formare un Dissolvi magie o Parola sacra (vedi
cerchio. Questi compagni di viaggio dipendono Materializzare elementali del fuoco) o fino alla
da lui e possono essere abbandonati se gli fine dell’incantesimo.
succede qualcosa. Il viaggio nel Piano Astrale
può essere rapido o lento, come vuole il
sacerdote. L’ultima destinazione viene decisa dal METALLO IN LEGNO
sacerdote. (Alterazione)

Livello: 7°
MAGMA TUNNEL Manuale: PH italiano
(Alteration) Sfera: elementale (terra)
Raggio d’azione: 80 m
Level: 7° Componenti: V, S, M
Manual: PD Durata: permanente
Sphere: Elemental (fire, earth) Tempo di lancio: 1 round
Range: 0 Area d’effetto: 1 oggetto di metallo
Components: S, M Tiro Salvezza: speciale
Duration: l turn per level
Casting Time: l turn + l turn per level Il sacerdote trasforma in legno un oggetto di
Area of Effect: 30 foot by 10 foot cylinder metallo, che non può pesare più di 5 Kg per ogni
Saving Throw: None suo livello. Gli oggetti magici hanno una
resistenza a questo incantesimo del 90%; se sono
By using this spell, a priest can tunnel through impugnati da una creatura, sfruttano anche il suo
solid earth or rock, but not sand or silt, by T.S.. Artefatti e reliquie non si possono
turning it into flowing magma. The liquid rock modificare. Un oggetto cambiato in questo modo
moves out of the way to allow the caster to pass, può tornare com’era prima della magia solo con
and hardens in that position, creating a un Desiderio o un incantesimo equivalente,
permanent tunnel. Dispel magic has no effect altrimenti resta di legno.
once the tunnel is formed. It takes about 24 hours
for the heat to dissipate enough for the
unprotected to enter, although the caster is MIND TRACKER
protected for the duration of the spell. The (Divination)
priest's movement rate is 3 while in the tunnel.
The torch is applied to the spot of earth the priest Level: 7°
wishes to melt. The torch does no damage to Manual: ToM

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Incantesimi clericali del settimo livello

Sphere: Divination victim is distracted and nervous, and suffers a -1

Range: Special penalty on all saving throws. In the fifth and
Components: V, S, M sixth hours, the victim is convinced someone or
Duration: Special something is following him and suffers a -3
Casting Time: 1 turn/3 penalty on saving throws and a -2 (or -10%)
Area of Effect: One creature penalty on all other dice rolls. After six hours the
Saving Throw: Special victim is near his breaking point. He is unable to
concentrate to cast spells or use any of his class's
The mind tracker is a magically-created creature special abilities. All die rolls have a -5 (or -25%)
which exists only on the Ethereal plane. It is penalty. After eight hours, he must make a saving
called into existence when the first portion of this throw vs. paralyzation. If he fails, he collapses,
spell is cast. fevered and delirious. This state persists until the
When seen (which is seldom), the mind tracker tracker ceases to exist.
has an indistinct body. It seems to be a near-solid The mind tracker continues to exist for as long as
coalescence of the vaporous atmosphere of the the priest remains conscious of its input. If the
Ethereal plane itself. It is a roughly elliptical priest is knocked out or falls asleep, or simply
body with three or more limbs protruding at dismisses his creation, the tracker dissipates.
seemingly random locations. The number and
size of these appendages shifts slowly, however,
as new ones appear from the mist and old ones PAROLA SACRA ®
disappear. The body of the creature averages 2 (Convocazione/Attrazione)
feet across and 3 feet long, though this, too, tends
to vary from minute to minute. The mind tracker Livello: 7°
has no discernible eyes, ears, nose, or other Manuale: PH italiano
organs. It cannot be engaged in combat; if Sfera: combattimento
attacked, it simply disappears, to reappear after Raggio d’azione: 0
the danger has passed, or somewhere else Componenti: V
entirely if its quarry has moved on. Durata: speciale
The ceremony which creates the mind tracker Tempo di lancio: 1
takes one turn to perform. Its material Area d’effetto: raggio di 9 m
components are a whiff of the Ethereal plane's Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
atmosphere and the brain of a lizard.
Once the tracker is manifested, it must be Pronunciando questo incantesimo si crea un
assigned a quarry within one hour. If no quarry is effetto potentissimo che scaccia creature di altri
designated, the tracker dissipates and the spell is piani facendole tornare da dove sono venute
wasted. (purché il sacerdote conosca la loro lingua). Le
To assign a quarry to the tracker, the priest must creature bandite in questo modo non possono
have the quarry within his sight. This includes tornare per un giorno almeno. L’incantesimo può
magical sight such as true seeing, but not remote colpire creature di allineamento diverso, in base
sighting devices such as crystal balls. With the alla tabella seguente.
quarry in sight, the priest mouths the final
phrases of the spell. From that point on, the mind D.V. creatura Generale
tracker is mentally tethered to the victim. It
follows its quarry (staying always in the Ethereal Meno di 4 Uccide
plane) wherever it goes. It constantly relays Da 4 a 7+ Paralisi 1d4 turni
information about the subject to the priest: what Da 8 a 11+ Rallenta 2d4 round
it is doing, where it is. The priest does not 12 o più Assorda 1d4 round
actually see an image of the quarry, he receives
“reports” from the mind tracker. These reports D.V. creatura Movimento Dadi
contain only such information as the tracker can
gather by looking. It cannot identify people the Meno di 4 -- --
quarry is talking to, but can describe them in Da 4 a 7+ -- --
great detail. Nor can it hear anything the quarry Da 8 a 11+ -50% -4*
or anyone else says, or read writing, but it 12 o più -25% -2**
recognizes and can report the fact that speaking
or reading is happening. * Le creature rallentate attaccano solo nei round
While the tracker is dogging its quarry, its pari finché l’effetto non svanisce.
presence can be felt as an eery, creepy sensation ** Gli incantesimi della creatura falliscono al
of being watched. If the victim makes an initial 50%.
save vs. paralyzation, each of the following
stages lasts three hours instead of two. For the Sono interessate le creature entro l’area d’effetto
first two hours, the quarry has a general feeling (raggio di 9 m), che ha al centro il sacerdote. Le
of ill ease. In the third and fourth hours, the creature assordate o sotto l’effetto del Silenzio

Livello 7° 177 Livello 7°

Incantesimi clericali del settimo livello

non subiscono gli effetti collaterali, ma vengono RAGGIO DI SOLE

ugualmente rispedite al piano da cui provengono. (Evocazione, Alterazione)
La forma inversa, BESTEMMIA, agisce in
modo identico, ma con le creature di Livello: 7°
allineamento buono. Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: sole
Raggio d’azione: 10 m per livello
(Convocazione/Attrazione) Durata: ld4+1 round per livello
Tempo di lancio: 4
Livello: 7° Area d’effetto: sfera con raggio di 1,5 m (+
Manuale: PH italiano speciale)
Sfera: animale, convocazione Tiro Salvezza: speciale
Raggio d’azione: 0
Componenti: V, S Il sacerdote crea una luce abbagliante in ogni
Durata: 4 round per livello round in cui non fa
Tempo di lancio: 1 round nient’altro che muoversi. La
Area d’effetto: speciale luce è quella di un raggio di
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno sole. Tutte le creature
nell’area d’effetto (diametro
Il sacerdote fa arrivare una massa di 500-1.000 3 m) devono superare un
([ld6+4] x 100) insetti, aracnidi velenosi e T.S. contro incantesimi o
miriapodi. Questo tappeto strisciante occupa restare accecate per 1d3
un’area di 2 mq e si sposta al ritmo di 3 m per round (2d4 round se al
round verso qualsiasi preda nel raggio di 80 m. momento in cui è stato fatto
su comando del sacerdote. Uccide qualsiasi l’incantesimo stavano
creatura soggetta ad attacchi normali, perché usando l’infravisione). Se si
ogni bestiolina infligge una ferita (poi muore) e tratta di esseri che non
tutte insieme ne fanno fino ad un migliaio. Se gli sopportano la luce solare,
insetti sono a più di 80 m di distanza da chi li ha restano accecati per sempre,
chiamati, diminuiscono di 50 unità ogni 10 m (a se falliscono il tiro, o per
100 m saranno 100 in meno). Lo sciame può 2d6 turni, se lo azzeccano.
essere contrastato o distrutto in vari modi, che Le creature nell’area
lasciamo all’immaginazione dei giocatori e del d’effetto e quelle a meno di
DM. 6 m dal suo perimetro
perdono l’infravisione per
ld4+1 round.
I non morti colpiti dal raggio subiscono 8d6
ferite, che dimezzano se superano il T.S. I non
morti che sono ai lati dell’area, a meno di 6 m di
distanza, ricevono 3d6 ferite, che annullano con
un T.S. riuscito. Il raggio può inoltre comportare
la distruzione totale del non morto in questione,
se si tratta di una creatura allergica alla luce del
sole (se sbaglia il T.S., muore). I raggi
ultravioletti infliggono gravi danni ai fungoidi ed
alle muffe sotterranee, come se fossero dei non
morti, ma senza possibilità di T.S.
Componenti materiali: un seme di astro ed un
frammento di eliolite feldspato avventurina
(pietra del sole).


Livello: 7°
Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: negromanzia, animale
Raggio d’azione: tocco
Componenti: V, S
Durata: permanente
Tempo di lancio: un turno

Livello 7° 178 Livello 7°

Incantesimi clericali del settimo livello

Area d’effetto: la persona toccata RESTAURARE ®

Tiro Salvezza: nessuno (Negromanzia)

Il sacerdote può riportare in vita una persona Livello: 7°

morta da non più di una settimana reincarnandola Manuale: PH italiano
nel corpo di un’altra creatura. Non è necessario Sfera: negromanzia
T.S., prova di “choc corporeo” o di Raggio d’azione: tocco
sopravvivenza alla resurrezione. Basta toccare il Componenti: V, S, M
cadavere perché quell’individuo possa Durata: permanente
reincarnarsi nel giro di ld6 turni. La persona si Tempo di lancio: 3 round
ricorderà della vita precedente, ma il suo aspetto Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata
fisico potrà essere ben diverso. Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
La nuova forma si determina con la seguente
tabella oppure viene scelta dal DM. Se è indicata L’energia vitale del beneficiario sale di un punto,
una razza, bisogna creare il personaggio. Il DM in modo da recuperare gli
può stabilire che, usando un tipo di incenso eventuali risucchi subiti ad
particolarmente costoso, ci si possa reincarnare opera di un mostro o di
in una razza o specie particolare. Con un qualche forza. Se, ad
Desiderio è possibile tornare alla forma esempio, un personaggio
precedente. del 10° livello è stato
Lanciare 1d100 per determinare la specie: colpito da uno wight ed è
sceso al 9° livello,
01-03 Tasso l’incantesimo gli rende il
04-08 Orso nero numero di P.X. necessario a
09-12 Orso bruno farlo tornare al 10° livello,
13-16 Cinghiale selvatico aumentando in proporzione
29-31 Elfo anche i P.F. e i D.V. La
32-34 Fauno/Satiro magia funziona solo se
35-36 Volpe viene fatta entro un giorno
37-40 Gnomo (per ogni livello del
41-44 Falco sacerdote) da quando è
45-58 Uomo avvenuto il risucchio.
59-61 Lince L’incantesimo guarisce
62-64 Gufo anche dagli effetti
65-68 Folletto dell’infermità mentale e da
69-70 Procione tutti i tipi di pazzia; fa
71-75 Cervo invecchiare due anni sia il
76-80 Lupo sacerdote che il soggetto
81-85 Ghiottone curato.
86-00 A scelta del DM La forma inversa, RISUCCHIO DI ENERGIA,
elimina un livello (vedi non morti come wight,
Se è indicata una forma piuttosto insolita, il DM spettri e vampiri, nel Monstrous Compendium).
(lui solo) può servirsi del metodo per creare Per poterlo effettuare, è necessario toccare la
nuove razze di personaggi, al fine di consentire vittima. Non causa l’invecchiamento del
all’individuo di fare esperienza ed avanzare di sacerdote.
livello, anche se forse non nella stessa classe di
prima. Se il personaggio reincarnato assume una Nota: l’incantesimo ristabilisce anche il risucchio
forma compatibile con la classe che aveva in di anni o di punti
precedenza (se, ad esempio, un guerriero umano caratteristica, in ragione di
torna come elfo), la reincarnazione ha la metà dei 1 punto o 10 anni per
livelli e dei P.X. dell’individuo originario. Se, incantesimo.
invece, la classe è diversa, ha la metà dei suoi L’incantesimo non fa invecchiare il sacerdote ed
P.F. precedenti, ma riparte dal 1° livello. Qualora ha un componente materiale
la reincarnazione avvenga in un essere che non speciale: la polvere di una
appartiene ad alcuna classe, il personaggio ha pietra chiamata “lacrima
P.F. e T.S. dimezzati rispetto a prima. rossa” (val. 2.000 mo),
trovabile solo nelle grandi
L’incantesimo può essere lanciato solo 1 volta al


Livello 7° 179 Livello 7°

Incantesimi clericali del settimo livello

Livello: 7° (Negromanzia)
Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: negromanzia Livello: 7°
Raggio d’azione: tocco Manuale: PH italiano
Componenti: V, S, M Sfera: negromanzia
Durata: permanente Raggio d’azione: tocco
Tempo di lancio: 1 turno Componenti: V, S, M
Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata Durata: permanente
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno Tempo di lancio: 3 round
Area d’effetto: la creatura toccata
Il sacerdote è in grado di ridare la vita e le forze Tiro Salvezza: nessuno
a qualsiasi creatura vivente,
elfi inclusi, mediante Questo incantesimo fa ricrescere parti del corpo
imposizione delle mani. (dita, mani, piedi, braccia,
La morte non deve essere avvenuta da più di 10 gambe, code e anche teste,
anni per ogni livello del sacerdote: un sacerdote se la creatura ne aveva più
del 19° livello potrebbe resuscitare le spoglie di d’una), ossa ed organi. La
un essere defunto da 190 anni al massimo. La rigenerazione avviene in un
creatura deve superare una prova di resurrezione; round se le membra
poi avrà tutti i suoi P.F. e potrà vivere mozzate sono presenti e a
normalmente. L’incantesimo non fa rivivere chi è contatto con la creatura; in
morto di vecchiaia. Quando il sacerdote compie caso contrario, occorrono
questa magia, non potrà lanciare incantesimi o 2d4 turni. Per poter
combattere finché non avrà trascorso un giorno beneficiare della magia, la
di riposo per ogni D.V. o livello della creatura creatura dov’essere viva. Se
riportata in vita; inoltre, invecchia di tre anni. le parti amputate non ci
La forma inversa, DISTRUZIONE, uccide e sono, o se la mutilazione è
riduce in cenere la vittima, che può rivivere con avvenuta da più di un
un Desiderio o una magia equivalente. Per la giorno per ogni livello del
Distruzione il sacerdote non invecchia; deve sacerdote, il beneficiario
toccare il soggetto, in combattimento o in altro deve superare una prova di
modo. Inoltre, la vittima può effettuare un T.S., “choc corporeo” per
con penalità di -4; se riesce, subisce solo 8d6 sopravvivere.
ferite. La forma inversa, DEGENERARE, fa avvizzire
Componenti materiali: simbolo sacro, acqua e smettere di funzionare in un round la parte
santa (sconsacrata, per la forma inversa). Il DM toccata, che poi cade a terra e diventa polvere nel
può ridurre le probabilità di riuscita del tentativo giro di 2d4 turni. È necessario il tocco.
di resurrezione nel caso in cui le spoglie rimaste Componenti materiali: simbolo sacro, acqua
siano molto poche. santa (o sconsacrata per l’inverso) ed un oggetto
usato per pregare.
Nota: invece di invecchiare 3 anni, il sacerdote
può scegliere di far invecchiare 1d6+4 anni il Nota: serve anche un balsamo speciale del valore
beneficiario della magia. di almeno 1.000 mo.


Level: 7°
Manual: PD
Sphere: Elemental (air),
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1-6 turns
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 10 feet per level
Saving Throw: Special

With this spell, a caster summons up a Scirocco,

the burning desert wind of legend. The caster
must be able to see the sky to cast this spell, and

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he must be in an area covered with sand or loose Shadow engines are accompanied by illusory
stone. Calling up a Scirocco is dangerous, crews of the appropriate number and race. The
because the priest can not control it once it is engines can move at a rate of 20 yards per turn
summoned. and are unaffected by terrain considerations.
At the end of the round in which the spell is cast, (The caster can choose to slow them when
a blast of scorching wind emanates from the passing through rough terrain to aid the illusion
caster and sweeps along the ground before him, of reality.)
whipping up small objects and particulate matter, Shadow engines cannot carry real troops. They
and carrying them along at tremendous speed. can be fired at the same rate as real engines of
Creatures of size L and smaller must make a the appropriate type, but a hit causes only one-
saving throw vs. petrification at -4 or are bowled half the damage normal for that type of engine
over by the force of the wind, and spend both the (round fractions down).
current round and the next one in the Scirocco A Shadow engine remains in existence until the
attempting to stand. All items caught in the storm spell duration expires, until an enemy unit
(including metal) are abraded by flying grit and approaches within 10 yards, or until it suffers
must save vs. acid or be destroyed. Magical damage from an enemy missile attack. When any
items save with their bonuses added to the basic of these conditions occur, the engine vanishes. If
roll. Living creatures suffer 2d10 points of a single spell has created multiple engines, only
damage per round of exposure. the engine struck vanishes; the others remain.
The only way to escape a Scirocco is to move The crew associated with a Shadow engine must
outside its area of effect. Ground movement rates remain with that engine; it cannot move more
for all creatures inside are reduced to 10% of than 5 yards away from the engine itself.
normal; all other movement (except innate Shadow engines can move independently of
teleportation or planar travel) is impossible. other engines created by the spell as long as they
Killing the caster or rendering him unconscious remain within the area of effect and remain
will not end the spell, and he cannot end it within 240 yards of the caster. The caster must
prematurely even if he wishes. The caster is not maintain concentration to control the Shadow
bound to remain in place after the spell has been engines. He cannot cast any other spells, and he
cast, but he may not cast other spells until the is limited to a movement rate of 6. If the caster is
Scirocco has run its course or been dispelled. struck for damage, the Shadow engines vanish.
Once the Scirocco has started, it will begin to The material component is a finely detailed
drift in a random direction every round. Each miniature model of a siege engine (of any type),
round, select a direction to be 12 o'clock, and roll which is consumed during the casting.
a d12. The number indicates the position the
Scirocco will move into for 2d10 yards.
The range of the spell is dependent upon the SIMBOLO
caster's level, and he may have the storm's center (Convocazione/Attrazione)
appear at any point up to the limit of that range.
He is not immune to its effects. Livello: 7°
Material component: a leather fan and a Manuale: PH italiano
grindstone chip. Sfera: guardia
Raggio d’azione: tocco
Componenti: V, S, M
SHADOW ENGINES Durata: 1 turno per livello
(Illusion/Phantasm) Tempo di lancio: 3
Area d’effetto: speciale
Level: 7° Tiro Salvezza: Neg.
Manual: ToM
Sphere: War Il sacerdote disegna delle rune magiche, che
Range: 240 yards colpiscono le creature a
Components: V, S, M meno di 18 m di distanza
Duration: 8 turns che le vedono una volta
Casting Time: 3 turns completate e non superano
Area of Effect: 180-yard x 180-yard square il T.S. contro incantesimi. Il
Saving Throw: None simbolo si può tracciare su
qualsiasi genere di
This spell creates the illusion of as many as four superficie e splende per un
siege engines. The casting priest may choose turno per ogni livello del
from ballistae, siege towers, catapults, rams, or sacerdote; si può scegliere
any combination thereof. Like the creatures tra questi effetti:
created by the spell Shadow monsters, these
illusory engines have at least a tenuous reality – Disperazione: le creature effettuano un T.S.
and can inflict damage on enemies. contro incantesimi; se lo sbagliano, cadono per

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3d4 turni in uno stato di profondo sconforto, che Il sacerdote ha una vaga idea di dove si trova e
le porterà ad arrendersi o a fuggire; della condizione del proprietario dell’oggetto, ma
può scegliere di non andare; in tal caso
– Dolore: tutte le creature sono colte da dolori l’incantesimo è sprecato. Componenti materiali:
lancinanti, che comportano una penalità di -2 sul in entrambe le versioni l’oggetto costa dalle
punteggio di Destrezza e di -4 sul TxC per 2d10 2.000 alle 5.000 mo. Gli oggetti più cari
turni; consentono il viaggio interplanare, se il DM lo
permette. L’incantesimo può essere impedito
– Persuasione: se chi vede il simbolo fallisce il dagli stessi fattori che bloccano Viaggio
T.S. contro incantesimi, diventa amico del interplanare e teletrasporto.
sacerdote e del suo stesso allineamento per ld20

Componenti materiali: mercurio e fosforo (vedi

incantesimo omonimo degli esperti di magia
dell’8° livello).

(Alterazione, Incantamento)

Livello: 7°
Manuale: PH italiano
Sfera: convocazione
Raggio d’azione: tocco
Componenti: V, S, M
Durata: speciale
Tempo di lancio: 1 giorno
Area d’effetto: speciale
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno

Il sacerdote crea una potente magia all’interno di

un oggetto appositamente
preparato (un rosario, una
tavoletta d’argilla, un
bastone d’avorio ecc.).
L’oggetto irradia magia,
perché ha il potere di
trasportare immediatamente
il proprietario
nell’abitazione del
sacerdote che l’ha creato.
Una volta reso magico
l’oggetto, il sacerdote deve
darlo ad un individuo
consenziente, al quale
comunicherà la parola
magica da usare per farlo
funzionare. Basta
pronunciare questo
comando e spezzare
l’oggetto per trovarsi subito
a casa del sacerdote, con
tutto l’equipaggiamento e
quel che si porta addosso
(entro i limiti per
l’ingombro), come se si
usasse la Parola del ritorno.
Nessun altro può essere
La forma inversa porta il sacerdote vicino al
proprietario dell’oggetto (che deve sempre dire la
parola e rompere l’oggetto).

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SPACEWARP destructive uses of this spell is to cast it directly

(Alteration) on an enemy creature. Everyone and everything
within 50 feet of that creature falls toward him
Level: 7° and strikes him, inflicting damage.
Manual: ToM When the spell terminates, gravity returns to
Sphere: Numbers normal. If the spell has lifted any characters or
Range: 50 yards objects off the ground, they immediately fall
Components: V, S, M back to the ground, suffering the appropriate
Duration: 1 round/level amount of falling damage.
Casting Time: 7 The material components are a lodestone and a
Area of Effect: 50-foot-diameter sphere sphere of obsidian, both of which are consumed
Saving Throw: None in the casting.

According to one view of the universe, what we

perceive as gravity is actually a localized SPIRIT OF POWER
warping of the fabric of space-time. The (Summoning, Invocation)
Spacewarp spell creates a temporary but very
intense warping in a limited area. Level: 7°
When the priest casts this spell, he selects a Manual: ToM
specific point to be the center of effect. This Sphere: Summoning
point may be anywhere within 50 yards of the Range: 0
caster, including in midair. Components: V, S, M
When the spell is completed, this center of effect Duration: 1 hour
gains a gravity field equal to the force felt at the Casting Time: 3 turns
surface of the earth. In other words, gravity is Area of Effect: The casters
centered at this point; everything within 50 feet Saving Throw: None
of this center that is not attached to something
immovable will fall toward the selected point. This cooperative spell is rarely used or spoken
This localized gravity affects only loose objects of, since its requirements are strict and the
and creatures capable of movement (i.e., not outcome is uncertain. The spell must be cast by
trees, whose roots are buried in the ground). It six priests of the same faith. All six must touch
does not affect the ground itself–soil, plants, hands at the time of casting. At the completion of
desert sand, lake water, etc. are immune to the the spell, the priests fall into a trance. The life
effect. essences of the priests leave their bodies and
An object falling toward the center of gravity merge at a point within 10 feet of the casters. The
gains speed exactly as it would if it were falling spirits of the priests meld together to form the
toward the ground. When the object reaches the avatar of the priests' deity.
center, it instantly ceases its movement. If In this manner, the six characters become a
objects are already at the center, newly arriving single being with all the powers and abilities
objects will slam into them, causing normal allowed to that avatar. The only stipulation is that
falling damage (1d6 per 10 feet) to the newly the priests' deity cannot have created all avatars
arriving objects. Objects previously at the center allowed to it at that moment. If this has
must save vs. paralyzation or suffer half that happened, the spell fails and the priests are
amount of damage. drained as described below.
Consider the following example. An orc is 10 If the spell succeeds, the priests have completely
feet away from the center of effect when the spell given their wills over to their deity, essentially
is cast. He falls 10 feet to the center and stops. forming the vessel into which it funnels power.
His companion, a bandit, is 30 feet from the In becoming the avatar, the priests retain the
center. It takes him longer to fall to the center, so ability to make most of their own decisions. (The
the orc is already there when he arrives, and the six must work in harmony or allow one of their
two characters collide forcefully. The bandit number to decide all actions.) However, the deity
suffers 3d6 hit points of damage–the falling can assume direct control of the avatar at any
damage associated with a 30-foot fall. The orc time it desires–the avatar is, after all, an earthly
must save vs. paralyzation or suffer half that manifestation of the deity.
amount. Although the spell has a duration of one hour, the
Other things are caught in the effect as well. The deity is not obliged to release the priests at that
bandit's horse was 50 feet away from the center time. If the priests are not released at the end of
of effect, so it arrives at the center after the orc the spell's duration, they instantly die. A deity
and the bandit. It falls 50 feet, suffering 5d6 can choose to sacrifice its priests in order to
points of damage, and potentially inflicting half maintain its avatar on the Prime Material plane.
that amount on both the orc and the bandit. Such a cruel and unjust action is almost never
The center of effect can be anywhere within 50 undertaken by good deities or those that have any
yards of the priest. Possibly one of the most respect for life, free will, or mercy. For dark and

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sinister gods, the question is much more subiscono ad ogni round di permanenza nell’area
uncertain. If a deity chooses to maintain the d’effetto, che è pari a due cubi con spigolo di 3
avatar longer than one hour, control of the avatar m per livello del sacerdote (se fosse del 13°
instantly and permanently passes to the DM. livello, interesserebbe un volume cubico con
(Clearly, a DM should seldom if ever exercise spigolo di 78 m). La tempesta occupa 3 o 6 m in
this power.) altezza; la larghezza e la profondità variano
While the priests are formed into the avatar, their proporzionalmente.
bodies remain in a death like trance. The priests L’inverso, SPEGNERE IL FUOCO, permette di
have no idea what might be happening to their soffocare un incendio con area d’effetto doppia
real bodies (unless the avatar can observe them). rispetto a quella della Tempesta di fuoco, se si
Any damage to a priest's body requires an instant tratta di fiamme normali, e pari ad essa, se si
system shock roll. If successful, the damage is tratta di fuoco magico. Le creature del fuoco
recorded normally, but the damage does not take (elementali, salamandre, ecc.) di stato inferiore a
effect until the spell ends (at which point the quello di semidivinità hanno una probabilità del
priest will almost certainly die). If the system 5% per ogni livello del sacerdote di essere
shock roll is failed, the character instantly dies spente. Se questa forma viene fatta per
and the spell ends. Characters who die in this contrastare una spada Lingua di fuoco,
manner cannot be raised, resurrected, or quest’ultima deve superare un T.S. contro
reincarnated. They have been taken to the disintegrazione; se non ci riesce, perde ogni
ultimate reward (or punishment) for the service proprietà magica. Qualora sia impugnata da una
they have rendered. If the bodies are moved from creatura, utilizza il suo T.S.; se lo azzecca, l’altro
their positions, the spell ends. tiro riesce automaticamente.
Even if the deity releases the priests, they are left
severely drained. All spells memorized are lost
until the priest can rest and perform his prayers TENTACLE WALLS
once again. The physical drain leaves each priest (Enchantment)
with only 1 hit point upon awakening, regardless
of the number of hit points the character had Level: 7°
when the spell was cast. Since damage suffered Manual: ToM
during the spell takes effect instantly, any priest Sphere: Wards
who is hurt dies immediately (although quick Range: Touch
action by others might save him). Components: V, S, M
Each priest who survives the spell will be bound Duration: Special
by a quest (a duty that must be completed in Casting Time: 1 round
exchange for calling upon their god). Area of Effect: 50-foot cube
The material component is an offering Saving Throw: None
appropriate to the deity. The DM determines the
exact nature of this offering. Tentacle walls enables the caster to enchant a
single room whose volume is less than or equal
to the area of effect. The spell activates 1d4
TEMPESTA DI FUOCO ® rounds after any creature other than the caster
(Evocazione) enters the room. The intruder must be larger than
a normal rat; that is, it must be larger than one-
Livello: 7° half cubic foot or weigh more than three pounds.
Manuale: PH italiano When the spell is activated, six black, leathery
Sfera: elementale (fuoco) tentacles sprout inside the room; the tentacles are
Raggio d’azione: 160 m evenly divided among the room's surfaces (for
Componenti: V, S instance, if the room is a cube, one tentacle
Durata: 1 round sprouts from the floor, one sprouts from the
Tempo di lancio: 1 round ceiling, and one sprouts from each of the four
Area d’effetto: cubo con spigolo di 6 m per walls).
livello, minimo 16 cubi con The whip-like tentacles grow to the length of the
spigolo di 3 m room and swing wildly. Each round, a tentacle
Tiro Salvezza: 1/2 has a 30% chance of striking a random creature
in the room, inflicting 1d6 points of damage
Quando viene fatto questo incantesimo, l’area si (save vs. spell for half damage). Each tentacle
riempie di fiamme rombanti simili a quelle di un has AC 0 and 25 hit points. When a tentacle is
Muro di fuoco. Le creature che si trovano in reduced to 0 hit points, it disappears in a puff of
quella zona e a meno di 3 m di distanza dai suoi black smoke.
margini subiscono 2d8 ferite più un danno If all creatures are killed or withdraw from the
equivalente al livello del sacerdote (2d8+1 per room, the surviving tentacles withdraw,
livello). Quelle che superano un T.S. contro disappearing into the walls. If the spell is
incantesimi dimezzano i danni. Le ferite si activated again, six tentacles reappear; new

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tentacles are created to replace any destroyed

previously. As long as one tentacle survives an
encounter, the tentacles will continue to be TIMELESSNESS
replaced. Only when all six tentacles are (Alteration)
destroyed is the spell permanently negated.
The material component is the dried tentacle of Level: 7°
an octopus. Manual: ToM
Sphere: Numbers
Range: Touch
TERREMOTO Components: V, S, M
(Alterazione) Duration: 1 day/level
Casting Time: 7
Livello: 7° Area of Effect: One creature
Manuale: PH italiano Saving Throw: Neg.
Sfera: elementale (terra)
Raggio d’azione: 120 m This spell totally stops the flow of time for a
Componenti: V, S, M single individual. All signs of life stop and the
Durata: 1 round subject is incapable of any movement or thought.
Tempo di lancio: 1 turno While the spell is in effect, the subject is totally
Area d’effetto: diametro di 1,5 m per liv. immovable and cannot be affected by any
Tiro Salvezza: nessuno physical or magical forces. Weapons simply
bounce off the subject as they would bounce off
Quando il sacerdote lancia l’incantesimo, la terra the hardest stone. Spells, including Dispel magic,
viene agitata da forti scosse per un round. Oltre are totally incapable of affecting the subject in
al terreno, sono interessati tutti gli animali, i any way. The subject does not age.
vegetali, le strutture presenti. L’area d’effetto è Aside from the fact that the subject remains
circolare, con diametro di 1,5 m per ogni livello visible, frozen in place like a statue, he is
del sacerdote: se questi è del 20° livello, il effectively no longer part of the universe. (DMs
terremoto coinvolge una zona con diametro di 30 may rule that the most powerful of magics, such
m. as Wishes, and creatures of demigod or higher
Le strutture dotate di fondamenta solide status can affect the subject.)
subiscono la metà dei danni (1/4 se fanno più del When the priest casts the spell, he or she states
50% con il T.S.). Un elementale dell’aria inviato the duration for which the spell will remain in
contro il sacerdote nell’area può annullare dal 10 effect (the maximum is one full day per level of
al 100% dell’effetto (tira 1d10; 0=100%). Anche the caster). Once the spell is cast, this duration
altri tipi di protezioni magiche consentiti dal DM cannot be changed; the priest cannot terminate
possono ridurre o negare la magia. Se viene the spell before the stated time has elapsed.
lanciato sotto il mare, l’incantesimo può, a If the subject is unwilling to be affected by the
discrezione del DM, produrre un’enorme ondata spell, the priest must touch the victim for the
(tsunami). spell to take effect; the subject receives a normal
Componenti materiali: una presa di polvere, un saving throw to resist the effects. A willing
pezzetto di pietra ed un blocchetto d’argilla. subject need not make a saving throw.
Effetti del terremoto: The priest may cast this spell on himself if
desired. This spell can provide a powerful
Galleria Crollo e ostruzione defensive maneuver; while the spell is in effect,
Grotta o caverna Crolla il soffitto the subject is totally invulnerable. Timelessness
Palude Si prosciuga e diventa is also an effective form of long-term
terreno accidentato o imprisonment, as long as the priest is around to
fangoso cast the spell again at the appropriate time.
Scogliera Si sgretola, frana This is an exceptionally powerful spell. Casting
Terreno Profonde incrinature, ci it puts a significant strain on the priest. Each time
cadono e muoiono le he casts Timelessness, the priest must make a
seguenti creature: system shock roll. If the priest fails this throw, he
Taglia T-S 1 su 4 or she permanently loses 1 point of Constitution.
Taglia M 1 su 6 The material components are a gem worth at
Taglia L 1 su 8 least 1,000 gp and a small cylinder of obsidian.
Alberi Ne cade uno su tre, Both are crushed during the casting.
Arbusti Nessun effetto
Costruzioni Subiscono 5d12 danni TREE SPIRIT
strutturali; se sono distrutte (Necromancy)
vanno in macerie
Creature Vedi “terreno” Level: 7°

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Manual: DH this time of prayer and mediation. Then the

Sphere: Plant character conducts a private bonding ceremony
Range: Touch at the height of a solstice. This spell often is cast
Components: V, S by ancient druids, who wish to preserve their
Duration: Permanent wisdom or make sure their groves remain
Casting Time: 1 turn defended even after their death.
Area of Effect: 1 tree
Saving Throw: None
TSUNAMI(Conjuration/Summoning)Level: 7°
Tree spirit permanently links the soul of the Manual: S&M
caster with a tree, usually chosen carefully for its Sphere: Elemental (Water)Range:
health, vigor, and remote environment. Casting 200 yds. + 50 yds./level
this spell joins the life force of the druid with that Components: V, S, MDuration:
of the tree; as long as the tree lives, the caster Special
ages at one-tenth the normal rate. (Because the Casting Time: 3 rds.
spell causes the tree to devote all its energy to Area of Effect: Wave 2 ft. high and 10 ft.
maintaining health rather than growth, it always long per level
remains exacily the size it was at the time of Saving Throw: None
casting.) Moreover, the caster's spirit merges This mighty spell summons a tsunami, or
with the tree at the character's death. No form of gigantic wave, from any major body of water.
reincarnation or resurrection (except a Wish) on The body of water must be at least 1 mile in
the characier's body will work unless it lies width, so in most circumstances the tsunami can
within 10 feet of the tree. only be summoned from the sea, large lakes, or
One year after the caster dies, the druid's spirit extremely big rivers. The wave is 2 feet high and
animates the tree as a treant. (DMs should roll up 10 feet long for each level of experience of the
treant statistics for the tree at the time the spell is caster, so a 15th-level priest would summon a
cast, to determine the tree's Armor Class, Hit tsunami 30 feet high and 150 feet wide. The
Dice, etc.) The chosen tree must be of treant wave can appear anywhere within the spell's
height; the exact size determines the size of the range and immediately sweeps forward in the
new treant, which possesses the caster's direction specified by the caster. This may take it
memories and personality but has no granted out of the allowed range or even back at the
powers or spellcasting ability. It must casting priest. The tsunami moves at a rate of 24
communicate as a treant. (240 yards per round) and lasts one round at 14th
The DM decides whether to consider this treant level, two rounds at 13th level, or three rounds at
an NPC or allow the player to control it (DMs 22nd or higher level. Ships caught by the
should use the guidelines that apply to PCs who tsunami must make a seaworthiness check (see
become lycanthropes or undead). Table 77: Ship Types in the DMG) with a penalty
However, when a druid uses Tree spirit to link equal to the wave's height in feet. For example, a
with a tree, the character suffers any physical tsunami created by a 15th-level caster would
damage inflicted on the tree. For instance, if inflict a -30% penally to a vessel's seaworthiness
someone hacks at the tree with an axe and causes check. If the check is failed, the vessel capsizes
4 points of damage, the caster also loses 4 hit and sinks in 1d10 rounds, with the possible loss
points; the druid knows the tree has been of those aboard. Human or humanoid swimmers
harmed, but does not know the nature of the caught in the wave must make a saving throw vs.
injury. death magic or be drowned in the wave; any
If the tree dies but does not sustain enough creature in the water in the wave's path will be
damage to kill the caster, the character feels carried along as long as it lasts.If the priest sent
stunned for ld6 rounds and must make a suc- the wave towards the shore, the tsunami loses 5
cessful system shock roll to avoid death. Spells feet of height for every 20 yards it travels; a 30-
that heal the druid do not affect the tree. foot wave could wash 120 yards inland before
Damage to the caster does not affect the tree, as there was nothing left of it. Creatures caught in
the extra energy the tree expends on strength and the area sustain ld4 points of damage for every 5
health makes any damage the player sustains feet of height the tsunami currently possesses
negligible to the tree. However, it's usually in the and are carried along until it ends. Airbreathing
druid's best interest to have an animal friend or creatures must make saving throws vs. death
two guard the tree. magic or be drowned outright by this treatment.
In addition, the druid should choose the tree Wooden buildings have a chance equal to three
carefully; if the surrounding land is cleared for times the wave's current height of being
construction work or lumber before the druid's destroyed by the tsunami (90% for a 30-foot
prolonged life span finally ends, the character is wave, for example) while stone buildings have a
in trouble. chance equal to the wave's height (or 30% for a
Casting Tree spirit first requires a full month's 30-foot wave). Topography may influence or
preparation. The druid lives near the tree during channel the wave's advance, so a good-sized hill

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could stop a tsunami cold, although its seaward

face may be denuded of creatures and vegetation Level: 7°
by the wave.Note that this spell in the hands of a Manual: DH
high-level character can blanket an awesome Sphere: Plant
amount of territory and literally destroy or drown Range: 5 yards/level of caster
anything in its path. The tsunami is so strenuous Components: V, S, M
a spell that the priest is exhausted and helpless Duration: Permanent
for ld6 hours after summoning it. Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 10-yard radius
A caster can transform one or more living
Level: 7° creatures wilhin a 10-yard radius into Unwilling
Manual: ToM wood, causing them to sprout roots, branches,
Sphere: Chaos and leaves. The victims become trees of a type
Range: 0 native to the region and of the characters' age
Components: V, S before the transformation. The spell works only
Duration: 1 turn/level if cast on beings occupying ground that could
Casting Time: 1 turn support a tree; recipients flying or suspended in
Area of Effect: 4d4 square miles water at the time of casting remain unaffected.
Saving Throw: None This spell can mutate a number of creatures
equal in total Hit Dice (or levels) to the caster's
This spell allows the caster to summon weather level — within the area of effect, of course. If
that is either appropriate or inappropriate to the this area holds a group of creatures with Hit Dice
climate and season of the region. The summoned (or levels) totaling a number greater than the
effects are always dramatic–cool breezes or light caster's experience level, the character may
fog will not appear. Instead, torrential floods will decide the order in which the creatures become
assault a desert, a heat wave will rage in polar affected.
wastelands, and tornadoes and hurricanes will rip For instance, say a 14th-level druid casts
across gentle landscapes. A blizzard might spring Unwilling wood into a target area containing a
up in summer or a tornado might materialize in giant with 12 Hit Dice and two 3rd-level
the winter. warriors. The druid can transform either the giant
The spellcaster has no influence over the weather or two warriors, but not all three. "Leftover" Hit
pattern that emerges. He cannot control the area Dice or levels are lost.
of effect or the duration of the weather. Each creature affected may attempt to save vs.
Four turns after the spell is cast, the trend of the polymorph. The spell mutates all those failing
weather will become apparent – a sudden chill, their saving throw, along with any items they
gust of wind, overcast sky, etc. The uncontrolled carry. A new tree has a height of 5 feet per level
weather arrives on the fifth turn. Once the (or Hit Die) of the victim. The effect is
weather has arrived, it cannot be dispelled. If the permanent; a person transformed into a tree ages
spell is canceled by the caster before the as a tree and dies as a tree. However, affected
beginning of the fifth turn, the weather slowly characters retain awareness, memories,
reverts to its original condition. personality, and intelligence. Only damage
The effects of the spell are the decision of the severe enough to kill the tree can kill an
DM. The effects should be grand and impressive. Unwilling wood victim.
Following are suggested effects of the weather:
– Torrential Rain/Blizzard: visibility is reduced
to 100 yards or less; travel is nearly impossible WILD LANDS
due to water or heavy snow on the ground; (Alteration/Necromancy)
– Storm/Hurricanes: all flying creatures are
driven from the skies; trees are uprooted; roofs Level: 7°
are torn off; ships are endangered; Manual: PD
– Heat Wave: intense heat immediately causes Sphere: Creation, Guard
ice bridges to melt; avalanches of snow and ice Range: 0
roll down mountains. Components: M
The DM determines the area of effect randomly. Duration: Permanent
The maximum duration of the spell is one turn Casting Time: 4hours
per level of the caster; however, the DM may Area of Effect: 1/2 mile per level
cancel the effect after a shorter time. Saving Throw: None

This spell transforms an area into a wild place

UNWILLING WOOD that attracts monsters and savage peoples. Druids
(Enchantment/Charm) frequently use it to protect guarded lands, and

Livello 7° 187 Livello 7°

Incantesimi clericali del settimo livello

priests use it to shield rare power conjunctions they should be wild and dangerous. Intelligent
and shrines. Templars can not use the Wild lands creatures such as humans, gith, or thri-kreen will
spell. be savage and war-like. They are not necessarily
The priest focuses the spell on an inanimate evil just fiercely protective, proud, and
object, a rock or a statue, and it becomes the belligerant.
focal point of the spell. Vlolent creatures will The only way to dispel the Wild Lands is to
slowly gravitate to the spot: usually a new destroy the item that serves as its focus. It is not
creature appears every two weeks. Roll on the protected by the spell, but casters often trap the
random encounter table for the appropriate object with other spells.
terrain type. If a passive creature is generated,
roll again. Neutral creatures are possible, but

Livello 7° 188 Livello 7°


A C Cura ferite critiche ®...........121

Cura ferite gravi ®.................88
Abbass. livello delle acque ® 81 Calculate..................................6 Cura ferite leggere ®...............8
Accelerate healing.................50 Call follower..........................52 Cura malattie ®.....................57
Acid rain................................81 Call upon faith.........................6 Curse of black sand................58
Adamantite mace...................81 Calm animals...........................7 Curse of the choking sands....88
Adaptation.............................50 Calm chaos............................29 Curse of tongues......................9
Addition.................................81 Caltrops.................................53
Age creature ®.....................140 Cambia bastone....................162
Age dragon..........................161 Camminare nel fuoco.............53
Age object ®........................114 Camminare nel vento...........163 Deep breath..............................9
Age plant...............................82 Camminare nell’aria.............116 Defensive harmony................89
Aiuto......................................25 Camminare sulle acque..........53 Dehydrate............................166
Albero....................................50 Cancello...............................163 Detect animal attacker...........89
Allergy field.............................3 Champion's strength.............117 Detect spirits..........................58
Altruism.................................25 Channel flame........................85 Dimensional anchor...............89
Amicizia con gli animali..........3 Channel stench.......................29 Dimensional folding..............90
Ammaliare.............................25 Chaos ward............................29 Dimensional translocation. . .121
Analyze balance.......................3 Chaotic combat......................85 Disbelief..............................143
Ancient curse.......................161 Chaotic commands...............117 Disguise...............................122
Animal eyes...........................26 Chaotic sleep.........................85 Dispel fatigue..........................9
Animal spy............................26 Charme persone o mamm......30 Dissension's feast...................33
Animal trick...........................50 Chatterbark............................54 Dissolvi magie.......................59
Animare gli oggetti..............140 Chiamare creature d. boschi...86 Dividere le acque.................143
Animare i morti.....................51 Chimes of finding..................86 Divinazione...........................91
Animare la pietra.................161 Choose future.........................54 Divine curse.........................144
Animate flame.....................114 Circle of privacy....................87 Divine inspiration................166
Anti-vermin barrier..................4 Clear path ®.........................117 Dragonbane.........................144
Arcobaleno...........................115 Cloud of purification............118 Draw upon holy might...........33
Assorbire incantesimi............83 Cloudscape...........................118
Astral awareness....................26 Clues of ash...........................31
Astral celerity..........................4 Coat of mist...........................31 E
Astral window.......................51 Cocchio di Sustarre..............163 Earthmaw..............................91
Attirare animali I...................83 Colonna di fuoco..................118 Earthwrack...........................144
Attirare animali II................115 Comando.................................7 Easy march..........................122
Attirare animali III...............141 Combinazione..........................7 Efficacious monster ward......59
Attirare insetti........................52 Command monster...............142 Elemental bonding ®.............10
Augurio..................................27 Compulsive order..................87 Elemental forbiddance.........123
Aura of comfort.....................27 Comunicazione....................119 Eliminare le tracce.................10
Confusione...........................164 Emotion control.....................60
B Conjure great. elemental ®. .164 Emotion perception................33
Conjure lesser elemental ®....54 Emotion read.........................10
Bacche nutrienti ®.................27 Consequence........................119 Entrench................................91
Banchetto degli eroi.............141 Controllare i venti................120 Eruption...............................166
Barrier of retention...............116 Control. tempo atmosferico. 165 Esazione..............................167
Barriera anti-animali............141 Control. temper. raggio 3 m.. .87 Espiazione (Atonement)......123
Barriera anti-vegetali...........116 Courage...................................8 Ethereal barrier......................34
Barriera di lame...................142 Creare cibo e acqua................55 Etherealness...........................61
Bastone in serpente ®............83 Creare fiamme.......................31 Extradimensional detection....61
Battlefate.................................4 Creare l’acqua ®......................8 Extradimen. manipulation....123
Beastmask................................5 Create campsite ®..................55 Extradimensional pocket......124
Beastspite..............................28 Create holy symbol................31
Benedizione ®.........................5 Create mirage ®.....................32
Black cairn.............................28 Create shrine........................165 F
Blessed abundance...............116 Create smoke ®.....................56 Far cambiare il tempo..........145
Blessed warmth.....................84 Crescita animale ®..............120 Feign undead.........................92
Blessed watchfulness...............6 Crescita di spine.....................56 Fiammata ®...........................92
Blocca animali.......................52 Crescita vegetale....................56 Fire purge..............................93
Bloccapersona........................28 Crumble...............................120 Flame harvest.......................124
Body clock.............................84 Crushing walls.....................142 Focus.....................................93
Bramblestaff..........................52 Crystallize..............................32 Fondersi con la pietra.............61
Breath of life ®....................162 Cura cecità o sordità ®..........57 fonte magica........................124
Foresta illusoria ®.................94

Fortify (3° liv.).......................62 L P
Fortify (4° liv.).......................95
Fortifying stew.......................34 Land of stability...................147 Paramenti magici...................69
Frisky chest............................34 Leadership ®.........................99 Parlare con gli animali...........42
Fuoco magico........................11 Legal thoughts.....................148 Parlare con i morti.................69
Libertà d’azione.....................99 Parlare con i mostri..............150
Lighten load...........................38 Parlare con le piante.............103
G Line of protection ®..............65 Parola del ritorno.................150
Genius...................................95 Lingue ®................................99 Parola sacra ®......................171
Gift of speech........................35 Litania...................................38 Pass without trace, 10' rad......70
Glass storm..........................167 Localizz. di animali e piante. .14 Passapianta..........................131
Glifo di guardia......................62 Localizz. di un oggetto ®.......66 Pelle coriacea.........................42
Good weather ®...................125 Locate animal follower ®......38 Personal reading....................17
Gravity variation..................146 Log of everburning................14 Physical mirror....................151
Grounding............................125 Luce ®...................................15 Piaga degli insetti.................131
Group mind..........................146 Luce perenne ®.....................66 Piaga strisciante...................171
Guardia viverna.....................35 Luce stellare..........................66 Piegare il legno ®..................42
Guarigione ®.......................147 Lungs of water.....................100 Pietra magica.........................17
Pietre parlanti.......................151
M Pirotecnica.............................70
H Polymorph plant....................70
Healing rays ®.......................95 Magia astrale.......................169 Porta vegetale......................103
Heartseeker..........................147 Magma blade.......................100 Preghiera................................71
Heat exhaustion.....................63 Magma jet..............................67 Probability control...............104
Helping hand.........................63 Magma shield......................100 Procuce ice..........................132
Hesitation..............................36 Magma tunnel......................169 Proibizione...........................151
Hold poison...........................63 Manto del coraggio ®..........100 Proof against undeath............18
Hovering road......................167 Mark of the hunted...............148 Protection from chaos............18
Hunger...................................95 Martello spirituale..................39 Protect. from weather ®.......104
Materializzare animali.........148 Protezione dal fulmine.........105
Mater. element. d. fuoco ®. .149 Protezione dal fuoco..............71
I Meld....................................127 Protezione dal male ®............18
Idea........................................36 Memory read.........................67 Protez. male raggio 3 m. ®. .105
Illusory artillery...................126 Memory wrack.....................128 Protez. dal piano negativo......71
Illusory fortification.............168 Mental domination...............101 Puffball..................................19
Immunità agli incantesimi......96 Messaggero............................39 Purificare cibo e bevande ®...19
Impeding permission...........126 Metallo in legno...................170
Incantare serpenti...................36 Mind read..............................39 R
Individuare trappole...............11 Mind tracker........................170
Individ. trappole magiche......37 Mindshatter..........................128 Raggio di luna......................132
Individuazione del magico.....12 Mirage of despair ®.............101 Raggio di sole......................172
Individuazione del male ®.....12 Miscast magic........................67 Rallenta veleno......................42
Individuazione del veleno......13 Mistaken missive...................15 Rally......................................43
Individ. dell’allineamento ®. .37 Modellare la pietra.................68 Randello................................19
Individ. delle bugie ®............96 Modify memory...................102 Random causality..................72
Individ. dello charme ®.........36 Moment.................................40 Rapport................................105
Initiation..............................169 Moment reading.....................68 Recover trail..........................20
Insetto gigante ®...................97 Monster mount.....................149 Reincarnazione....................172
Intralciare...............................13 Morale...................................16 Repeat action.......................132
Inverted ethics.......................98 Morte apparente.....................69 Resistenza al fuoco/freddo.....43
Invisibilità agli animali..........13 Muovere il legno..................149 Respingere gli insetti...........106
Invisibilità ai non morti..........13 Muro di fuoco......................129 Respirare sott’acqua ®...........72
Invisibility purge....................64 Muro di spine.......................150 Restaurare ®........................173
Invocare il fulmine.................64 Music of the spheres..............40 Resurrezione ®....................173
Iron vigil................................37 Mystic transfer.......................41 Return to the earth...............106
Ivy siege..............................147 Reverse time........................152
N Revitalize animal...................20
Rianimare i morti ®.............133
J Nap........................................41 Ricerca.................................133
Join with astral traveler..........98 Nature's charm.....................130 Rigenerare ®........................174
Needlestorm.........................102 Righteous wrath o/t faithful. 134
Neutralizzare veleni ®.........102 Rigid thinking........................73
K Ring of hands ®.....................20
Know age...............................14 O Riscaldare il metallo ®..........44
Know customs.......................65
Know direction......................14 Offuscamento........................41 Ritiro.....................................44
Know time.............................14 Oil spray................................69 Rocce aguzze.......................134
Knurl.....................................98 Omniscient eye....................103 Roccia in fango ®................134

S Steal breathe..........................47 U
Stone of sharpening.............108
Sacred guardian.....................21 Strength of one......................75 Unc. vigilance o/t holy sent..138
Sanctify ®..............................45 Strength of stone....................22 Uncontrolled weather...........180
Sand blade...........................153 Strengthen stone..................136 Undead ward........................139
Sand spray.............................73 Sunblade................................76 Unearthly choir......................78
Sand warriors.......................106 Sunscorch..............................23 Unfailing endurance.............111
Sands of time ®...................135 Sunstroke.............................156 Unliving identity ®..............158
Scaccia maledizioni ®...........73 Unwilling wood...................180
Scacciapaura ®......................21 Uplift....................................111
Scacciare il male ®..............136
Scirocco...............................174 Tanglefoot ®........................109 V
Scongiurare..........................107 Telepathy...............................76
Seclusion.............................153 Telethaumaturgy....................76 Viaggio interplanare.............139
Semi di fuoco.......................154 Teletrasporto vegetale..........156 Visione del vero ®...............139
Servitore aereo.....................154 Tempesta di fuoco ®............177
Sgambetto..............................45 Tentacle walls......................177
Shadow engines...................174
Shape wood...........................74 The great circle ®................157 Watchfire ®.........................159
Shrieking walls....................136 Thief's lament........................77 Water trap.............................111
Silenzio nel raggio di 4,5 m...46 Thorns of binding................109 Water witch............................48
Simbolo...............................175 Thornwrack.........................137 Waters of life.......................159
Skip day...............................155 Thought broadcast................110 Weather prediction.................79
Slow rot.................................74 Thought capture.....................23 Weather stasis......................112
Soccorso ®..........................175 Thoughtwave.......................137 Weighty chest........................23
Solipsism.............................107 Time pool.............................137 Whirlpool of doom...............112
Sol's searing orb...................155 Timelessness........................178 Whirlwind............................159
Soothe..................................107 Togliere la paralisi.................77 Whispers................................49
Sopportare il caldo/freddo......22 Tramut. acqua in polvere ®. 157 Whisperward.........................24
Spacewarp...........................176 Trans. rock to magma ®......157 Wild lands............................181
Spada di fuoco.......................46 Trappola.................................77 Wind column.........................24
Spark of blinding...................22 Trappola dl fuoco...................47 Wind servant..........................79
Speak with astral traveler.......22 Tree growth..........................138 Windborne...........................112
Speak with water...................47 Tree spirit.............................179 Winds of change....................49
Specchio d’acqua.................108 Tree steed.............................110
Spirit of flame......................155 Trovare la strada ®..............158
Spirit of power.....................176 Z
Spiritual wrath.....................156 Turbine..................................47 Zone of sweet air...................80
Squeaking floors....................74 Zone of truth..........................49


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