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Grammar for All

Adapted by Patrizia Priamo

Grammatica di base con esercizi

Ripasso per l’Esame di Stato
Tutti gli esercizi interattivi

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Grammar for All
Adapted by Patrizia Priamo
Based on Interface, © Macmillan Publishers Limited /
Emma Heyderman, Fiona Mauchline, Patrick Howarth,
Patricia Reilly, 2011.
Published under Licence. First Published 2011
by Macmillan Publishers Limited.
© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2011
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1.1 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1 Pronomi soggetto

Inglese Italiano
Subject pronouns
I io
you tu
he egli, lui
she ella, lei
it esso, essa
we noi
you voi
they essi, esse, loro

1 Scegli un solo pronome personale soggetto corretto che si riferisca

ai nomi sottolineati.
0 My friend Laura is in my room. A They ✓
B She C He

1 The dictionary is in my school bag. A It B She C He

2 Paul is nice. A He B She C You
3 The pencils are in my pencil case. A We B They C It
4 Jason and Bob are at school. A You B We C They
5 You and Jane are students. A You B He C We
6 London and Oxford are in England. A It B They C I
7 Maggie and I are friends. A She B I C We

2 Riscrivi le frasi sostituendo le parole sottolineate con un pronome personale

0 Harry is not in London. He is not in London.

1 My parents are from Milan.

2 Mrs James is very nice.
3 John and Susan are in my class.
4 Joe and I are classmates.
5 My computer is in the classroom.

be: Present Simple affirmative
Forma affermativa
Forma estesa Forma contratta
I am British I’m British
you are British you’re British
he is British he’s British
she is British she’s British
it is British it’s British
we are British we’re British
you are British you’re British
they are British they’re British

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
A differenza dell’italiano, in inglese i pronomi soggetto devono essere sempre espressi.
I am Italian. = Sono italiano.
Il pronome I si scrive sempre maiuscolo.
La forma contratta di be si forma eliminando la prima lettera e sostituendola con

3 Scegli la forma corretta di be.

0 Ivan is from London. A are B am ✓

C is

1 My favourite actor Brad Pitt. A are B am C is

2 You from Italy. A am B is C are
3 Steve and Sue thirteen. A am B are C is
4 Sandra a girl. A is B are C am
5 You and Fatima from Morocco. A are B is C am

4 Completa le frasi con ’m, ’s, o ’re.

0 My name ’s Sandra.

1I from Italy.
2 Lucy my classmate.
3 We at an after-school club.
4 They twelve too.
5 You late!
6 It cold today.

5 Abbina le frasi 0–4 alle frasi A–E.

0 E She is Miss Newton. A He’s in my class.

1 Rob is a nice boy. B We’re Welsh.
2 My name is Mr Connolly. C He’s from Morocco.
3 This is Mandy and I’m Sue. D I’m your English teacher.
4 This is Mohammed. E She’s very nice.

Possessive adjectives
Aggettivi possessivi
Inglese Italiano

my il mio, la mia, i miei, le mie

your il tuo, la tua, i tuoi, le tue
his il suo, la sua, i suoi, le sue (di lui)
her il suo, la sua, i suoi, le sue (di lei)
its il suo, la sua, i suoi, le sue
our il nostro, la nostra, i nostri, le nostre
your il vostro, la vostra, i vostri, le vostre
their il loro, la loro, i loro, le loro

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi che seguono.
I’m from Russia. My favourite food is blini.
Vengo dalla Russia. Il mio cibo preferito è il blini.
She’s Spanish. Her favourite superhero is Batman.
Lei è spagnola. Il suo supereroe preferito è Batman.
They’re students. Their class is big.
Loro sono studenti. La loro classe è grande.
6 Scegli l’aggettivo possessivo corretto riferito alle parole sottolineate.

0 This is my teacher. Her / His name is Mr Harris.

1 My friend Janet is from Madrid. Her / His mum is Spanish.
2 I am English. His / My dad is Scottish.
3 Holly’s at school. She is with her / their friends.
4 Ben and Joe are English. His / Their dad is Scottish.
5 Wales is in the UK. Her / Its capital is Cardiff.

7 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 He’s / His from England.

1 We’re / Our school is new.
2 She’s / Her classmates are cool.
3 Your / You’re teacher is Mr Cox.
4 Their / They’re names are Bob and George.
5 He’s / His sharpener is red.
8 Completa le frasi con un pronome personale soggetto o con un aggettivo
Hi, (0) my name is Andrea, (1) am from Milan and (2) am 12
years old. (3) brother is 18, (4) name’s Nicola and (5) ’s a
student. (6) parents are Manuela and Paolo. (7) house is in the centre
of the city. (8) is a big house.

Grammar 2
be: Present Simple negative
Forma negativa
Forma estesa Forma contratta
I am not British I’m not British
you are not British you’re not British
he is not British he’s not British
she is not British she’s not British
it is not British it’s not British
we are not British we’re not British
you are not British you’re not British
they are not British they’re not British

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
Per formare la forma negativa si aggiunge not al Present Simple di be.

9 Scegli la forma negativa corretta.

0 A I am 20. B Not I am 20. ✓

C I am not 20.

1 A You are my friend. B You are not my friend. C You not are my friend.

2 A We are nice. B We not are nice. C We are not nice.

3 A He not is my B He is not my classmate. C He is my classmate.


10 Completa le frasi con ’m not, isn’t o aren’t.

0I ’m not Welsh! I’m from Scotland.

1 My town famous.
2 Ella in my class.
3I 11. I’m 12.
4 Katie and Kim here today.
5 We from Spain.
6 This phone new.
7 Tom a good student.

11 Riscrivi le frasi con la forma negativa contratta di be.

0 Bologna and Bari are in Spain. Bologna and Bari aren’t in Spain.

1 It’s 6 o’clock.
2 I’m ten years old.
3 Dublin is a Scottish city.
4 My friend and I are Moroccan. 1.1
5 ‘Ciao’ and ‘Grazie’ are French words.

this, that, these and those

12 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 This / These mobile phone is new.

1 Is that / those your mouse?
2 That / Those boy isn’t my friend.
3 That / Those teachers are not nice.
4 Who is that / those man?
5 This / These girls are very funny.
6 This / These is our class.


1. 2 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1
be: Present Simple questions and short answers
Forma interrogativa Risposte brevi
Affermative Negative
Am I late? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
Are you late? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Is he late? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
Is she late? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.
Is it late? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
Are we late? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.
Are you late? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Are they late? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
L’ordine delle parole nelle domande con il verbo be è: verbo + soggetto + altre parole.

1 Completa le domande con la forma corretta di be.

0 Are you Lisa’s brother?

1 she your grandma?
2 Kate and Paul your cousins?
3 your homework diffcult?
4 Johnny Depp your favourite actor?
5 you 11 years old?

2 Trasforma le frasi affermative in interrogative come nell’esempio.

0 Ann is British. Is Ann British?

1 You are romantic. ?
2 He is your brother. ?
3 Dimitri and Keith are from Greece. ?
4 Her aunt is from Germany. ?
5 Their parents are serious. ?

3 Scegli la frase interrogativa corretta.

0 A Ann is British? ✓
B Is Ann British? C Is British Ann?
1 A You are romantic? B Are romantic you? C Are you romantic?
2 A He is your brother? B Is he your brother? C Is your he brother?
3 A Keith is from B Is Keith from C Keith are from
Canada? Canada? Canada?
4 A Is Lisa your mother’s B Lisa is your mother’s C Your mother’s sister
sister? sister? is Lisa?
5 A Are your pencils B These are your C Are these your
these? pencils? pencils? 1.2

4 Scegli la risposta breve vera per te.

0 Are you from Venice? A − Yes, I am. B − No, I’m not.

1 Are you eleven? A − Yes, I am. B − No, I’m not.
2 Are your parents Italian? A − Yes, they are. B − No, they aren’t.
3 Is your sister a student? A − Yes, she is. B − No, she isn’t.
4 Is your grandad from London? A − Yes, he is. B − No, he isn’t.
5 Is your mobile phone new? A − Yes, it is. B − No, it isn’t.

5 Abbina le domande alle risposte brevi.

0 B Are the students at school? A − Yes, she is.

1 Are your grandparents nice? B − No, they aren’t.
2 Is it Friday today? C − Yes, they are. They’re fantastic.
3 Is that flm boring? D − No, it isn’t. It’s Thursday.
4 Is Hannah Montana an actress? E − Yes, it is.
5 Is this your pen? F − No, it isn’t. It’s a good flm.

6 Completa le domande e le risposte brevi con be.

0 Is he from Sweden? − Yes, he is .

1 they nine? − No, they .
2 your favourite superhero Batman? − No, he .
3 Lucy your cousin? − Yes, she .
4 your uncle David funny? − Yes, he .
5 that your twin brother Tom? − No, he .

7 Completa le frasi con am, is, isn’t, are, aren’t.

0 They aren’t at school. They are at home.

1 I’m not a boy. I a girl.
2 Where your relatives from?
3 Who your favourite singer?
4 What your favourite colours?
5 My uncle from Italy. He is Albanian.

8 Rispondi alle domande in modo vero per te usando le risposte brevi.

1 Are you French?

2 Is your birthday on 13th May?
3 Is your English teacher from England?
4 Are your grandparents from USA?
5 Is your dog black?
6 Are the lessons boring?

Grammar 2
Whose and the possessive ’s
Whose book is it? Di chi è il libro?

Grammar tip
Osserva la frase.
Whose (Di chi) si usa per chiedere a chi appartiene qualcosa.

The possessive ’s (genitivo sassone)
Per indicare a chi appartiene qualcosa si aggiunge ’s al nome del possessore.
It’s Jake’s book. È il libro di Jake.

Quando il possessore è un sostantivo plurale che fnisce in -s, si aggiunge solo l’apostrofo.
The girls’ coats are here. I cappotti delle ragazze sono qui.

Quando il possessore è un sostantivo plurale irregolare, si aggiunge ’s.

The children’s lunch is ready. Il pranzo dei ragazzi è pronto.

Quando i possessori sono più di uno, si aggiunge ’s all’ultimo nome.

Marta and Alex’s lunch Il pranzo di Marta e Alex

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
La cosa posseduta segue il possessore.
9 Completa le frasi usando ’s o ’ e le parole tra parentesi.

0 My aunt’s name is Lucie. (aunt)

1 My name is Robin. (grandad)
2 Roy is my brother. (dad)
3 My names are Steve and Jessica. (grandparents)
4 Jodie is mum. (David)
5 My names are Alex and Emily. (cousins)
6 The toys are new. (children)

10 Correggi le frasi aggiungendo ’s o ’.

0 My brother car is green. My brother’s car is green.

1 John eyes are very blue.
2 My parents house is in Italy.
3 My best friend school bag is very heavy.
4 The teachers cars are in the car park.
5 Your friends names are unusual.
6 Lisa and Kevin dad is funny.


1. 3 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1 Forma affermativa

Forma estesa Forma contratta
have got: affirmative I have got I’ve got
you have got you’ve got
he has got he’s got
she has got she’s got
it has got it’s got
we have got we’ve got
Grammar tip you have got you’ve got
Osserva la tabella. they have got they’ve got
La contrazione si forma eliminando le lettere ha e aggiungendo l’apostrofo.

1 Scegli la forma corretta di have got.

0 My friend Ben have got / has got straight hair.

1 Alex and Emily have got / has got an American cousin.
2 An insect have got / has got six legs.
3 My dog have got / has got a long tail.
4 Her sister have got / has got blue eyes.
5 You have got / has got a sister and a brother.

2 Completa le frasi con has got o have got.

0I have got a big house.

1 Jack fair hair.
2 My best friend two sisters.
3 Our grandparents mobile phones.
4 The classroom three windows.
5 We a new car.

have got: negative
Forma negativa
Forma estesa Forma contratta
I have not got I haven’t got
you have not got you haven’t got
he has not got he hasn’t got
she has not got she hasn’t got
it has not got it hasn’t got
we have not got we haven’t got
you have not got you haven’t got
they have not got they haven’t got

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
La parola not nella forma negativa di have got viene inserita tra il verbo have e got.
3 Trasforma le frasi alla forma negativa come nell’esempio.

0 You have got a new mobile phone. You haven’t got a new mobile phone.
1 Jane has got a rabbit.
2 Your grandparents have got a garden.
3 We have got pets.
4 My teacher has got a short nose.

Plural nouns: spelling rules and irregular plurals

Il plurale dei nomi: regole ortografche
Nella maggior parte dei casi per formare il plurale di un nome è suffciente aggiungere -s.
dog dogs

Ai nomi che terminano in -ch, -o, -s, -sh, -x e -z, si aggiunge -es.
church churches potato potatoes bus buses

Nei nomi che terminano in consonante + -y, si omette la -y e si aggiunge -ies.

fy fies

Molti nomi hanno un plurale irregolare. Ad esempio:

child children foot feet
man men mouse mice
person people sheep sheep
tooth teeth woman women

4 Scrivi il plurale dei nomi.

0 tail tails 6 sheep

1 table 7 family
2 watch 8 tooth
3 box 9 man
4 mouse 10 person
5 child 11 bus

Articles: a / an, the

L’articolo determinativo e indeterminativo
Si usa a davanti alle consonanti e an davanti alle vocali e h muta.
a cat, an animal

Si usa a / an la prima volta che parliamo di qualcosa, in seguito si usa the.

I’ve got two cats, a black cat and a white cat.

Ho due gatti, un gatto nero e un gatto bianco.

The black cat’s name is Snowy and the white cat’s name is Sooty.
Il gatto nero si chiama Snowy e il gatto bianco si chiama Sooty.

5 Completa le frasi con a, an, the.

0 It’s a beautiful house.

1 You haven’t got dog.
2 Where’s cat?
3 Our town’s got excellent restaurant.
4 This is interesting dictionary.
5 He’s got sister and brother.

6 Completa le frasi con a, an, the.

0 This is an excellent flm.

1 What is title of that book?
2 Katie is good friend.
3 Autumn is beautiful time of year.
4 Sydney isn’t capital of Australia.
5 There isn’t unique answer to that question.

Grammar 2
have got: questions and short answers
Forma interrogativa Risposte brevi
Affermative Negative
Have I got...? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
Have you got...? Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.
Has he got...? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.
Has she got...? Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
Has it got...? Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.
Have we got...? Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.
Have you got...? Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.
Have they got...? Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
Nelle risposte brevi non si usa got.
7 Completa le domande con have o has.

0 Has Tom got a dog?

1 they got pets?
2 What you got in your bag?
3 What homework we got?
4 Nick got a mobile phone?
5 Molly and Martha got curly hair?

8 Trasforma le frasi affermative in interrogative come nell’esempio.

0 Your grandad has got a big black moustache.

Has your grandad got a big black moustache?
1 She has got a big nose. ?
2 Her relatives have got a big house. ?
3 My brother and I have got two cats. ?
4 That person has got perfect teeth. ?
5 His grandma has got four granchildren. ?

9 Scegli la risposta breve corretta.

0 Has it got arms?

A No, it hasn’t. ✓
B No, it hasn’t got.

1 Have you got curly hair?

A Yes, you have. B Yes, I have.

2 Has your grandad got grey hair?

A Yes, he has. B Yes, my grandad has.

3 Has your sister Julie got a pet rat?

A Yes, it has. B Yes, she has.

4 Have chameleons got ears?

A No, they hasn’t. B No, they haven’t.

5 Have Max cats got long back legs?

A Yes, it has. B Yes, they have.

10 Scegli la frase corretta.

0 A Has your sister got blue eyes?
B Has your sister got eyes blue?

1 A Have they got a black car? − No, they haven’t got.

B Have they got a black car? − No, they haven’t.

2 A She’s wavy hair got.

B She’s got wavy hair.

3 A My father has got glasses for reading.

B My father have got glasses for reading.

4 A Martha has got long hair and her eyes are green.
B Martha has got long hair and his eyes are green.


1. 4 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1
there is / there are: affirmative and negative
Forma affermativa
Forma estesa Forma contratta
There is a shopping centre. There’s a shopping centre.
C’è un centro commerciale. C’è un centro commerciale.

There is an underground station. There’s an underground station.

C’è una stazione metropolitana. C’è una stazione metropolitana.

There are some shops. – 1.4

Ci sono dei negozi. –

Forma negativa
Forma estesa Forma contratta
There is not a shopping centre. There isn’t a shopping centre.
Non c’è un centro commerciale. Non c’è un centro commerciale.

There is not an underground station. There isn’t an underground station.

Non c’è una stazione metropolitana. Non c’è una stazione metropolitana.

There are not any shops. There aren’t any shops.

Non ci sono dei negozi. Non ci sono dei negozi.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Per il singolare si usa there is.
Per il plurale si usa there are.
Nelle frasi affermative si usa some.
Nelle frasi negative si usa any.

1 Completa le frasi con is o are.

In London, ...
0 there are fve airports.
1 there the Natural History Museum.
2 there a large observation wheel next to the River Thames: the London
3 there 270 underground stations.

2 Completa le frasi con There is o There are.

0 There are 2 girls in the shoe shop.

1 some chairs in the dining room.
2 a TV in your bedroom.
3 24 students in my class.
4 a cake on the table.
5 a restaurant near here.

3 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 There aren’t some / any schools in Rudmere.

1 Are there some / any good restaurants in this town?
2 There are some / any shoe shops near your house.
3 There aren’t some / any bedrooms on the frst foor.
4 There are also some / any small cupboards in the hall.

4 Riscrivi le frasi alla forma negativa.

0 There are some chairs in the living room. There aren’t any chairs in the living room.
1 There are some apples on the table.
2 There are some biscuits in the cupboard.
3 There are some great shops.
4 There are teachers and students in this building.
5 There are some shoe shops in my city.

Prepositions of place

on in behind dall’altra parte /
su / sopra in / dentro dietro dal lato opposto
(con contatto)

tra / fra next to in front of near
(due persone o cose) accanto a davanti a vicino a

Grammar tip
Osserva i disegni e impara le preposizioni di luogo.
Si usano le preposizioni di luogo per descrivere dove sono situate delle persone o delle
cose o dove si trovano dei luoghi.

5 Abbina la preposizione inglese alla sua traduzione italiana.

0 F behind A vicino a 1.4

1 between B davanti a
2 in C dal lato opposto
3 in front of D accanto a
4 near E tra, fra
5 next to F dietro
6 on G su, sopra
7 opposite H in, dentro

6 Guarda le immagini e scegli la preposizione corretta.

0 on / near 1 in / behind

2 in / near 3 between / behind

Grammar 2
is there / are there?: questions
Forma interrogativa Risposte brevi
Is there a chemist? C’è una farmacia? – Yes, there is. – Sì.
Is there a park? C’è un parco? – No, there isn’t. – No.
Are there any banks? Ci sono delle / alcune banche? – Yes, there are. – Sì.
Are there any shops? Ci sono dei / alcuni negozi? – No, there aren’t. – No.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
Si usa any nella forma interrogativa con sostantivi plurali.
Nelle risposte brevi si usa la forma contratta solo per le risposte negative.
7 Completa le frasi con Is there o Are there.

0 Is there a bank in your town?

1 a dictionary in your classroom?
2 any shoe shops on this street?
3 a museum near your school?
4 any good restaurants in this town?

8 Scegli l’opzione corretta. Fai attenzione alle frasi negative.

0 There is / There are fve people in the fat.

1 What is there / are there in the garage?
2 There isn’t / There aren’t a girl outside school.
3 Isn’t there / Aren’t there any chocolate?
4 Is there / Are there a big table in your kitchen?
9 Completa le frasi con a / an, some o any.

0 There aren’t any windows in the room.

1 There’s big balcony.
2 Are there chairs?
3 There’s old desk.
4 There are beautiful pictures.


1. 5 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1 Forma affermativa

I like
Present Simple affirmative you like
he likes
she likes
it likes
we like
you like
they like

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
Alla forma del verbo nelle terze persone singolari si aggiunge una -s.

Variazioni ortografche
Verbi che terminano in -ch, -o, -sh, -ss, -x: si aggiunge -es.
go goes
fnish fnishes
watch watches
miss misses
relax relaxes

Verbi che terminano in -y preceduta da una consonante: si elimina la -y e si aggiunge -ies.

tidy tidies
study studies

Verbi che terminano in -y preceduta da una vocale: si aggiunge solo -s.

play plays

have è un verbo irregolare e alla terza persona è has.

1 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 Nick like / likes Sundays.

1 They play / plays football.
2 We study / studies French.
3 You go / goes to school at 7.30.
4 We drink / drinks tee for breakfast.
5 Emily do / does her homework in the evening.

2 Riscrivi le frasi alla terza persona singolare.

0 You get up late at the weekend. He gets up late at the weekend.

1 We go to the swimming pool after school. She
2 You do your homework before dinner. She
3 They wake up at 9 o’clock. He
4 You play football on Sundays. He
5 They send text messages. She

3 Coniuga il verbo tra parentesi al Present Simple.

0 Her mum (get) gets up at 6.30.

1 I (sleep) 8 hours a night.
2 My brother (play) tennis on Tuesdays.
3 Nick and Paul (study) English.
4 Fiona (fnish) school at 4 o’clock.
5 We (do) our homework before dinner.

Prepositions of time
Preposizioni di tempo
at at fve o’clock, at ten past two... alle 5, alle 2 e dieci...
on on Tuesday, on Sunday... martedì, domenica...
in in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening la mattina, il pomeriggio, la sera
in January, in March, in August... a gennaio, a marzo, ad agosto...
in summer, in winter… in / d’estate, in / d’inverno...
Attenzione, si dice:
on Saturday morning, on Monday afternoon, on Tuesday evening
MA at night, at the weekend

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
Con le ore si usa la preposizione at.
Con i giorni della settimana si usa la preposizione on.
Con i mesi e le stagioni si usa la preposizione in.

4 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 We always play sport on / in Saturdays.

1 It’s cold here on / in winter.
2 My sister’s birthday is in / on Sunday.
3 I often have a shower on / in the morning.
4 It’s late! Twelve o’clock in / at night.
5 School fnishes at / on 2 o’clock.

5 Inserisci le parole del riquadro nella tabella.

August Friday night 2.30am the morning spring 9.45pm

5 o’clock the afternoon Saturday the evening the weekend

at on in 1.5

Grammar 2
Adverbs of frequency
Avverbi di frequenza
0% never (non) mai
sometimes qualche volta
often spesso
usually di solito
100% always sempre
She is never late for school. Lei non è mai in ritardo per andare a scuola.
He sometimes goes to bed late. Qualche volta va a letto tardi.
She often cooks lunch. Lei spesso cucina il pranzo.
She usually gets up at seven o’clock. Lei di solito si alza alle sette.
He always does his English homework. Lui fa sempre i compiti di inglese.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Gli avverbi di frequenza solitamente precedono il verbo.
Gli avverbi di frequenza solitamente seguono il verbo be.
6 Abbina gli avverbi di frequenza alla loro traduzione.

0 C always A qualche volta

1 often B di solito
2 usually C sempre
3 sometimes D spesso
4 never E (non) mai

7 Riscrivi le frasi utilizzando gli avverbi di frequenza tra parentesi.

0 Nick gets up at seven o’clock in the morning. (always)

Nicks always gets up at seven o’clock in the morning.
1 Nick plays the guitar in his room. (usually)

2 He plays in a special music room at school. (sometimes)

3 He goes to extra music classes after school. (often)

4 He misses his extra music lessons. (never)

Object pronouns
Pronomi soggetto Pronomi complemento
I me
you you
he him
she her
it it
we us
you you
they them
Emily usually goes shopping. She likes it. Emily di solito va a fare la spesa. Le piace.
Ben always watches cartoons. Ben guarda sempre i cartoni animati.
He loves them. Gli piaccioni molto.
Our teacher gives us homework every day. La nostra insegnante ci dà i compiti a casa ogni

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Mum sometimes takes Emily to school.
La mamma qualche volta accompagna Emily a scuola.

Mum sometimes takes her to school.

La mamma qualche volta la accompagna a scuola.

I pronomi personali complemento vengono sempre immediatamente dopo il verbo o

dopo una preposizione.
I see them at the shopping centre. Li incontro ai grandi magazzini.
I play tennis with her. Gioco a tennis con lei.

8 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 In the afternoon Ben plays with Emily. He plays with him / her.
1 I love football. I love it / me.
2 Alex usually drinks milk and coke. He usually drinks it / them.
3 Emily and Ben go to the cinema. I go with us / them.
4 It’s Ben’s birthday. This is a present for him / it.
5 Amy usually goes shopping. She likes her / it. 1.5
9 Sostituisci le parole sottolineate con il pronome complemento corretto.

0 Ben plays tennis with her brother. him

1 I love Jane.
2 I watch TV with my parents.
3 Alex likes her mum’s car.
4 Please put that pen in my bag.
5 My mum cooks breakfast for me and my sister.

10 Completa le frasi con il pronome personale soggetto o il pronome

0 This is Paul. I meet him in front of the shopping centre.
1 I like History. is interesting.
2 My sister is boring. I never go out with .
3 They do their homework. They usually do in the afternoon.
4 Have got my book? − No, I haven’t.
5 Our teachers give homework every day.


1. 6 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1
Present Simple negative
Forma negativa
Forma estesa Forma contratta
I do not watch I don’t watch
you do not watch you don’t watch
he does not watch he doesn’t watch
she does not watch she doesn’t watch
it does not watch it doesn’t watch
we do not watch we don’t watch
you do not watch you don’t watch
they do not watch they don’t watch

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
Per formare il negativo del Present Simple si mette sempre don’t davanti al verbo,
tranne che per la terza persona singolare dove si mette doesn’t.
Per tutte le persone il verbo rimane invariato.

1 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 They don’t play / don’t plays the piano.

1 Ben doesn’t studies / doesn’t study German.
2 Your grandmother doesn’t get up / don’t gets up late.
3 My cousin liven’t / doesn’t live in Canada.
4 British children don’t go / doesn’t go to school on Saturdays.

2 Completa le frasi con don’t o doesn’t.

0 We don’t live in a fat.

1 My grandfather get up early in the morning.
2 In the UK, they go to school on Saturdays.
3 In my free time I play football.
4 Your dog like milk!

3 Trasforma le frasi affermative alla forma negativa come nell’esempio.

0 I do my homework at night. I don’t do my homework at night.

1 We meet our grandparents on Sunday mornings.

2 You ride your bike on Saturdays.

3 Emily reads comics in her free time.

4 Ben surfs the Internet at home.

5 I have my breakfast at home. 1.6

Present Simple questions and short answers

Forma interrogativa Risposte brevi
Affermative Negative
Do I watch TV? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Do you watch TV? Yes, you do. No, you don’t.
Does he watch TV? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
Does she watch TV? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.
Does it watch TV? Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.
Do we watch TV? Yes, we do. No, we don’t.
Do you watch TV? Yes, you do. No, you don’t.
Do they watch TV? Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
Le domande al Present Simple si formano mettendo l’ausiliare do o does prima del soggetto.
Il verbo rimane invariato.

4 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 Do / Does she make a mess?

1 Do / Does Suzie argue with her parents?
2 Do / Does they read comics?
3 Do / Does Neela and Saeed play loud music?
4 Do / Does Neela stay up late?
5 Do / Does you do your homework in the kitchen?

5 Completa le frasi con do, don’t, does o doesn’t.

0 Tom and Mark don’t work in a bank.

1 What Ben do in his spare time?
2 How often you go to the cinema?
3 Ana come from Italy, she’s Spanish.
4 your sister Julie like pets?
5 How Sam spend his money?

6 Trasforma le frasi affermative in interrogative come nell’esempio.

0 Your father plays tennis. Does your father play tennis?

1 Emily loves James Bond flms.
2 Ben listens to music in the afternoon.
3 They surf the Internet in class.
4 We meet our friends on Sundays.
5 Tom and Ella have lunch at school.

7 Scegli la risposta breve corretta.

0 Do you watch TV? ✓

A Yes, I do. B No, you don’t.
1 Do Ben and Alex play football? A Yes, they do. B No, they doesn’t.
2 Does Sam get pocket money? A Yes, Sam does. B Yes, he does.
3 Do your parents like music? A Yes, they like. B No, they don’t.
4 Does your dad work in an offce A Yes, he does. B No, he does.
5 Do you know them? A Yes, I do. B No, I don’t know them.

8 Completa le domande e le risposte.

0 Do you like music? – Yes, I do .

1 they live in Oxford? – Yes, they .
2 your parents work? – No, they .
3 your sister go to school? – No, she .
4 he like it? – Yes, he .
5 I know them? – No, you .

Grammar 2
Adverbs of frequency: questions
Gli avverbi di frequenza nelle domande
How often does she meet her friends?
Do you usually stay up late?

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi. 1.6
La parola how si usa insieme a often nelle domande per chiedere della frequenza
di un’azione.

9 Completa le domande con How often o usually.

0 Do you usually get up at 6am?

– No, I don’t. I usually get up at 7am.
1 do you play football?
– Every Friday.
2 do you meet your friends?
– Every weekend.
3 Do you go to bed before 9pm?
– No, I don’t. I usually go to bed at 10pm.
4 do you tidy your room?
– Every Saturday.

Word order: questions
Question word am / is / are soggetto altre parole
– Is your name Peter?
What is your name –

have got
Question word have / has soggetto got altre parole
– Have you got any brothers?
How many brothers have you got?

Altri verbi
Question word do / does soggetto verbo altre parole
– Do you listen to music every day?
How often do you listen to music?

10 Completa con le parole nel riquadro.

are do does have is

0 Where are they from?

1 your father get up early?
2 your uncle German?
3 you like music?
4 you got any cats?

11 Abbina le domande 0-5 alle risposte A-F.

0 D Have you got a pen? A – No, she isn’t. She’s my aunt.

1 How often do you tidy your room? B – He is Mark’s nephew.
2 Who is that boy? C – Twice a week.
3 Do you go shopping with D − No, I haven’t. I’ve got a pencil.
your mum?
4 Whose is this bike? E – It’s Tom’s.
5 Is Mrs Jane your teacher? F – No, I don’t.


1. 7 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1 Forma affermativa

I can sing
can: affirmative and negative you can sing
he can sing
she can sing
it can sing
we can sing
you can sing
they can sing
Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
Can è un verbo modale quindi non prende mai la -s alla terza persona singolare.
La forma rimane uguale per tutte le persone.
Can è sempre seguito dalla forma base del verbo senza to.

1 Scrivi le frasi con can.

0 I / play the piano. I can play the piano.

1 Your brother / swim.

2 Our classmates / write songs.

3 My grandparents / speak English and German.

4 His teacher / read Japanese.

5 My best friend / sing well.

Forma negativa
I can’t sing
you can’t sing
he can’t sing
she can’t sing
it can’t sing
we can’t sing
you can’t sing
they can’t sing

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
La forma negativa di can è can’t.

2 Trasforma le frasi affermative alla forma negativa.

0 My grandfather can play the guitar. My grandfather can’t play the guitar.
1 They can compose music.
2 I can compose music and I can sing.
3 She can cook.
4 You can speak French.
5 Ben and Emily can write songs.

3 Completa le frasi con can (✓) o can’t (✗).

0 You can draw animals. (✓)

1 My sister and I do our homework. (✗)
2 Your friend Fiona sing very well. (✓)
3 Alex and Ben swim. (✗)
4 Andy play the piano. (✗)
5 My best friend run very fast. (✓)

Grades of ability
Gradi di abilità
quite well  I can sing quite well.
well  I can sing well.
very well  I can sing very well.
(not) at all  I can’t sing at all.
I can write poetry quite well but I can’t act at all!
So scrivere poesie piuttosto bene ma non so recitare per niente.
I can play the guitar very well.
So suonare la chitarra molto bene.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Le espressioni che indicano il grado di abilità si collocano sempre dopo il verbo o dopo
il complemento.

4 Completa le frasi con and oppure but.

0 Her grandmother can cook but she can’t sew.

1 Your best friend can’t dance she can sing.
2 I can speak English well I can speak German. 1.7
3 Ben and Alex can play football well they can’t do athletics.
4 Their cousin can swim he can run fast very well.
5 My mum can take good photos she can use a video camera.

5 Completa con i gradi di abilità secondo le indicazioni fra parentesi.

0 Emily can dance quite well () but she can’t fx things at all ().
1 My mum can cook () and she can draw ().
2 Ben can’t dance () but he can fx things ().
3 Ralph can cook () and he can draw ().
4 Sarah can dance () and she can fx things ().
5 Nina can’t cook () but she can draw ().
6 Alex can dance () and he can fx things ().
7 Andy can cook () but he can’t draw ().

Grammar 2
can: questions and short answers
Forma interrogativa Risposte brevi
Affermative Negative
Can I swim? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.
Can you swim? Yes, you can. No, you can’t.
Can he swim? Yes, he can. No, he can’t.
Can she swim? Yes, she can. No, she can’t.
Can it swim? Yes, it can. No, it can’t.
Can we swim? Yes, we can. No, we can’t.
Can you swim? Yes, you can. No, you can’t.
Can they swim? Yes, they can. No, they can’t.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
Per formare le domande, can va messo prima del soggetto.

6 Trasforma le frasi affermative in interrogative come nell’esempio.

0 Emily can draw quite well. Can Emily draw quite well?
1 His grandmother can cook very well.
2 Their friend can act.
3 Helen’s sister can write poetry.
4 Your classmates can speak Spanish well.
5 Alex can ride a horse.

7 Abbina le domande 0-5 alle risposte A-F.

0 C Can you play the piano? A − Yes, they can but not very well.
1 Can your sister dance? B − No, he can’t.
2 Can your friends play football? C – No, I can’t but I can play the violin.
3 Can you swim very well? D − Yes, I can.
4 Can your dad sing? E − Of course I can. I study it at school.
5 Can you speak English? F − Yes, she can. She’s a good dancer.

Grammar tip
Can si usa anche per chiedere a qualcuno il permesso di fare qualcosa o per chiedere
una cortesia.
Can I use your pen? – Yes, of course you can. / – No, I’m sorry, you can’t.
Posso usare la tua penna? – Sì, certo. / – No, mi dispiace.

8 Individua la funzione linguistica di can: abilità (A) o permesso (P)?

0 He can’t draw at all. ( A )

1 My dad can use a video camera well. ( )
2 Can I use your rubber? ( ) 1.7
3 Can I go to Ben’s birthday party? ( )
4 Fiona can ice skate very well. ( )
5 I can sew quite well. ( )

9 Scegli la risposta breve vera per te.

At school
0 Can you use your cell phone at school? A Yes, I can. ✓
B No, I can’t.
1 Can you drink during the lessons? A Yes, I can. B No, I can’t.
2 Can you sing in the class? A Yes, I can. B No, I can’t.
3 Can you eat sweets in the class? A Yes, I can. B No, I can’t.
4 Can you use a computer at school? A Yes, I can. B No, I can’t.
5 Can you chew gum in the class? A Yes, I can. B No, I can’t.


1. 8 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1
Present Continuous affirmative
Forma affermativa
Forma estesa Forma contratta
I am playing I’m playing
you are playing you’re playing
he is playing he’s playing
she is playing she’s playing
tennis tennis
it is playing it’s playing
we are playing we’re playing
you are playing you’re playing
they are playing they’re playing

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
Il Present Continuous si forma con il Present Simple di be + la forma in -ing del verbo.

1 Completa le frasi con ’m, ’re o ’s.

0 We ’re playing football now.

1 My grandmother cooking and I singing.
2 We doing our homework.
3 Where’s your brother? – He listening to music.
4 They swimming and you surfng.
5 Ouch! You standing on my foot.

Verb + -ing: spelling rules
Regole per aggiungere -ing a un verbo
Nella maggior parte dei casi è suffciente aggiungere -ing al verbo.
do doing play playing

Nei verbi che terminano in -e si omette la -e e si aggiunge -ing.

dive diving lose losing

Nei verbi che terminano in -ie si sostituisce -ie con -y e si aggiunge -ing.
die dying

Nei verbi di una sola sillaba che terminano con vocale + una consonante (eccetto w, x
o y) si raddoppia la consonante fnale e si aggiunge -ing.
hit hitting

Nei verbi di due sillabe che terminano con vocale accentata + una consonante si
raddoppia la consonante e si aggiunge -ing.
begin beginning

2 Completa le frasi con il Present Continuous dei verbi tra parentesi.

0I ’m tidying my room. (tidy)

1 The teacher yoga at the moment. (do) 1.8
2 Fiona her lunch. (have)
3 Her parents a flm right now. (watch)
4 Look! That man strange clothes. (wear)
5 Ben and Alex to the cinema. (go)

Present Continuous negative

Forma negativa
Forma estesa Forma contratta
I am not playing I’m not playing
you are not playing you’re not playing
he is not playing he’s not playing
she is not playing she’s not playing
tennis tennis
it is not playing it’s not playing
we are not playing we’re not playing
you are not playing you’re not playing
they are not playing they’re not playing

3 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 My mum isn’t / aren’t working today.

1 We isn’t / aren’t running, we’re walking.
2 My team ’m / isn’t scoring any goals.
3 I aren’t / ’m not listening to you.
4 You aren’t / isn’t winning, you’re losing!
5 It isn’t / ’m not raining today, it’s sunny!

4 Scrivi il verbo tra parentesi alla forma affermativa (✓) o negative (✗) del Present

0 (✓) Mr. Green is talking to his wife. (talk)

1 (✓) She at that dog in the garden. (look)
2 (✗) You to your new CDs. (listen)
3 (✓) Mrs. Brown at the moment. (cook)
4 (✗) Ben with his computer. (play)
5 (✗) Mum coffee. (make)

Grammar 2
Present Continuous questions and short answers
Forma interrogativa Risposte brevi
Affermative Negative
Am I playing Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
Are you playing Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Is he playing Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
Is she playing Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.
Is it playing Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
Are we playing Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.
Are you playing Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Are they playing Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
Nella forma interrogativa del Present Continuous l’ordine delle parole è: be + soggetto +
verbo in -ing + altre parole.
Nelle risposte brevi si usa il verbo be.

5 Completa le domande con il Present Continuous.

0 Are your friends playing tennis?

1 you rugby?
2 your brother judo?
3 your parents golf?
4 you yoga?
5 your friend surfng?

6 Trasforma le frasi affermative in interrogative.

0 Fiona is writing a postcard. Is Fiona writing a postcard?

1 Her sister is using the computer.
2 Alex is riding his bike.
3 Your aunt is reading a book.
4 Emily is studying for the English test.
? 1.8
5 His friend is eating a sandwich.

7 Scegli la risposta breve corretta.

0 Are you looking for Alex? A Yes, I am looking. ✓

B No, I’m not.
1 Is Emily studying? A Yes, she is. B Yes, she study.
2 Are your parents having breakfast? A Yes, they have. B No, they aren’t.
3 Is the girl skating? A No, she isn’t. B No, she is.
4 Is his sister reading an English book? A No, she read not. B No, she isn’t.
5 Are your friends skiing? A Yes, they ski. B Yes, they are.


2.1 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1
love, hate, (don’t) like, don’t mind + -ing
 love / loves + -ing
I love going to the cinema. Mi piace tanto / Amo andare al cinema.
He loves going to the cinema. Gli piace tanto / Ama andare al cinema.

 like / likes + -ing

You like watching action flms. Ti piace guardare flm d’azione.
She likes watching action flms. Le piace guardare flm d’azione.

 don’t / doesn’t mind + -ing

We don’t mind watching DVDs. Non ci dispiace guardare DVD.
He doesn’t mind watching DVDs. Non gli dispiace guardare DVD.

 don’t / doesn’t like + -ing

We don’t like waiting. Non ci piace aspettare.
He doesn’t like waiting. Non gli piace aspettare.

 hate / hates + -ing

I hate watching horror flms. Odio guardare flm horror.
She hates watching horror flms. Lei odia guardare flm horror.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e impara il signifcato delle espressioni che indicano gradimento.

1 Scrivi la forma in -ing dei seguenti verbi.

0 swim swimming
1 study
2 run
3 write
4 stay

2 Guarda i simboli e scegli l’opzione corretta.

0  I love / hate listening to music.

1  My grandmother loves / likes romantic flms.
2  My friends like / don’t like going to school.
3  My sister likes / hates watching TV.
4  You don’t mind / don’t like working late in the evenings.
5  We hate / don’t like waiting in queues.

3 Completa le frasi con la forma in -ing dei verbi tra parentesi.

0 She loves meeting her friends. (meet)

1 Mum and dad hate to loud music. (listen)
2 Lou doesn’t mind adventure flms. (watch)
3 You don’t like on the phone. (talk)
4 I like on my grandma’s armchair. (sit)

4 Trasforma le frasi affermative in interrogative.

0 Peter loves watching TV in the evening. 2.1

Does Peter love watching TV in the evening?
1 Her schoolfriends hate doing their homework.
2 You don’t like playing computer games.
3 My grandma likes cooking pizza.
4 Lou and Valery don’t mind reading comics.

Present Simple and Present Continuous
Present Simple Present Continuous
I usually go to the cinema with my friends Today I’m meeting some classmates.
on Fridays. Oggi incontro dei compagni di classe.
Di solito vado al cinema.
My dad’s buying tickets over there.
Il mio papà sta comprando i biglietti laggiù.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Si usa il Present Simple per parlare di routine e abitudini.
Si usa il Present Continuous per descrivere azioni che avvengono in quel momento o
situazioni temporanee.

Espressioni di tempo che si usano Espressioni di tempo che si usano

con il Present Simple con il Present Continuous
every week / every day / on Saturday…; today; at the moment; now...
generally / usually / often / never…;
at the weekend…;
at fve o’clock...

5 Scegli l’opzione corretta. Fai attenzione ai complementi di tempo sottolineati.

0 The class does / is doing PE at the moment.

1 I get / ’m getting up early every day.
2 We usually do / are doing judo at 6pm.
3 I win / ’m winning the game now.
4 Donald wears / is wearing his blue baseball cap today.

6 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del Present Simple o del Present
Continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. Fai attenzione ai complementi di tempo
0 My father plays tennis every Sunday. (play)
1 Those men at the moment. (run)
2 Her friend always on the phone. (talk)
3 We pizza once a week. (eat)
4 Dan now. (dive)

7 Sottolinea i complementi di tempo. Poi completa le frasi con la forma corretta
del Present Simple o del Present Continuous dei verbi tra parentesi.
0 We often play football after school . (play)
1 My aunt in a restaurant today. (eat)
2 Her brother a horror flm now. (watch)
3 The teacher her blog at the moment. (write)
4 He usually his English homework. (not – do)

8 Senza evidenziare i complementi di tempo, scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 His dad is writing / writes a letter today.

1 My sister is working / works in a shoe shop at the weekend.
2 We often are getting / get up late.
3 Linda is having / has music lessons on Fridays.
4 I always am thinking / think about my holidays.

9 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 What is Alex doing / does Alex do now?

1 We are visiting / visit Aunt Sue twice a month. 2.1
2 My friends usually are riding / ride their bikes to school.
3 At the moment Alex is buying / buys his new trainers.
4 Is she doing / does she do street dance right now?
5 What is Emily doing / does Emily do every Friday?

10 Ora completa le frasi con la forma corretta del Present Simple o del Present
Continuous dei verbi tra parentesi.
0 His mum often makes a chocolate cake. (make)
1 We for the Maths test at the moment. (study)
2 Meg breakfast now. (have)
3 The students every Monday. (play)
4 Mike an email today. (write)

Grammar 2
whose, possessive pronouns and the genitive
whose Whose tent is that? Di chi è quella tenda?
Whose is that tent?
Genitivo (’s) It’s Tommy’s tent. È la tenda di Tommy.
Aggettivo possessivo It’s his tent. È la sua tenda.
Pronome possessivo It’s his. È (la) sua.

Aggettivi possessivi Pronomi possessivi

my mine
you yours
his his
her hers
its its
our ours
you yours
their theirs
This is my drink.
Questa è la mia bevanda.

Where is your drink? − My drink is on the table.

Dov’è la tua bevanda? − La mia bevanda è sul tavolo.

Where’s yours? – Mine’s on the table.

Dov’è la tua? − La mia è sul tavolo.

Grammar tip
Osserva le tabelle e leggi le frasi.
Il pronome possessivo si usa quando non si vuole ripetere il sostantivo.

11 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 Is it her / hers car? − Yes, it is her / hers.

1 Our / Ours house is large and their / theirs is small.
2 Mary and her / hers friend are in front of the theatre.
3 Whose bike is this? Is it your / yours? − No, it isn’t my / mine.
4 Is that Alex and Fiona’s house? − No, it isn’t their / theirs. Their / Theirs house
has got a swimming pool.


2.2 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1 Forma affermativa

I was
be: Past Simple you were
he was
she was
at home
it was
Grammar tip
we were
Osserva la tabella.
you were
Il Past Simple di be con I, he, she, it è was.
they were
Il Past Simple di be con we, you, they è were.
1 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 They was / were at the British Museum.

1 Her aunt was / were in the kitchen one hour ago.
2 There was / were three carpets in my bedroom.
3 Sarah and Valery was / were at school yesterday.
4 There was / were an armchair next to the bookcase.

2 Completa le frasi con was o were.

0 My mum was a good student.

1 Robin and I at Tom’s house yesterday.
2 My sisters at the park.
3 I born in 2002.
4 You late this morning.
5 The cat outside in the garden.

3 Riscrivi le frasi al Past Simple.

0 There is some milk. There was some milk.

1 There are many people at the theatre.
2 I am very happy.
3 Grandma is in the garden.
4 It’s Tom’s birthday.

be: Past Simple negative

Forma negativa
Forma estesa Forma contratta
I was not I wasn’t
you were not you weren’t
he was not he wasn’t
she was not she wasn’t
at home at home
it was not it wasn’t
we were not we weren’t
you were not you weren’t
they were not they weren’t

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
Per formare il negativo del Past Simple di be si aggiunge not.

4 Trasforma le frasi affermative in frasi negative.

0 You were very friendly to him. You weren’t very friendly to him.
1 My sister was at the supermarket at 9.30.
2 Your books were on the sofa two days ago.
3 Jane and Luke were in the living room.
4 There was a mirror on the wall last year.

5 Completa le frasi con il Past Simple del verbo be alla forma corretta.

0 My best friend’s birthday was last Sunday.

1 There (not) a carpet on the foor.
2 Mr Green my favourite teacher.
3 They born in 2003.
4 I (not) tired yesterday.

be: Past Simple questions and short answers

Forma interrogativa Risposte brevi
Affermative Negative
Was I Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.
Were you Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.
Was he Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t.
Was she Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t.
Was it Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t.
Were we Yes, we were. No, we weren’t.
Were you Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.
Were they Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
L’ordine delle parole nelle domande con il verbo be è: Past Simple di be + soggetto +
altre parole.

6 Trasforma le frasi affermative in interrogative. Poi rispondi con delle risposte

0 Your parents were with you last night.
Were your parents with you last night? – Yes, they were.
1 There were two lamps in your sitting room.
? – No, .
2 His brother was in the swimming pool.
? – No, .
3 That flm was interesting.
? – No, .
4 The Beatles were a British pop group.
? – Yes, .

Con il Past Simple si usano spesso queste espressioni di tempo:
yesterday = ieri
on (Monday, Tuesday…) = (il) lunedì, (il) martedì...
in (winter, August, 2011…) = in inverno, d’agosto, nel 2011...
last (last week, last Saturday, last night, last weekend, last summer…) =
la scorsa sttimana, sabato scorso, la notte scorsa, la settimana scorsa, l’estate scorsa...
ago (a year ago, one week ago, one month ago…) =
un anno fa, una settimana fa, un mese fa...

7 Sottolinea le espressioni di tempo che si usano per formare il Past Simple.

0 They weren’t at school yesterday morning.

1 My grandparents were in Madrid three days ago.
2 Where were you on Monday?
3 Luke and his schoolfriends were on a school trip in winter.
4 Was there a chair in your bedroom last week?

8 Scrivi le domande con il Past Simple di be. Poi rispondi con delle risposte brevi
affermative (✓) o negative (✗).
0 your parents / at home last Sunday ? (✗)
Were your parents at home last Sunday? – Yes, they were.
1 Paula / in the supermarket on Monday afternoon? (✗)

2 we / in our English class at 9pm ? (✗)

3 Tom / in the shopping centre one week ago ? (✓)

4 you / on holiday in August ? (✓)

Grammar 2
there was / there were
Forma affermativa Forma negativa
There was a freplace. There wasn’t a bathroom.
C’era un caminetto. Non c’era il bagno.
There were chairs inside. There weren’t any cars.
C’erano delle sedie là dentro. Non c’erano macchine.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le seguenti espressioni.
there was = c’era
there wasn’t = non c’era
there were = c’erano
there weren’t = non c’erano
9 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 There wasn’t / weren’t any glasses on the cupboard.

1 Last year there was / were a tree here.
2 There was / were a washing machine in the bathroom.
3 There wasn’t / weren’t any people at the cinema.
4 Once upon a time there was / were an old man.
5 There wasn’t / weren’t a supermarket in front of your house.

was there / were there ?

Forma interrogativa Risposte brevi
Was there a bathroom? – Yes, there was. – Sì. 2.2
C’era il bagno? – No, there wasn’t. – No.
Were there any cars? – Yes, there were. – Sì.
C’erano macchine? – No, there weren’t. – No.

10 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 Was there / Were there a sofa in the living room?

1 Was there / Were there drinks in the afternoon?
2 Was there / Were there any chairs in the bedroom?
3 Was there / Were there a dishwasher in the kitchen?
4 Was there / Were there any cars?
5 Was there / Were there any dogs in the garden?

have / have got: Past Simple affirmative
Present Simple Past Simple
Forma affermativa Forma affermativa
I have I have got I had
you have you have got you had
he has he has got he had
she has she has got she had
it has it has got it had
we have we have got we had
you have you have got you had
they have they have got they had

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
Il Past Simple di have / have got è had.
Questa forma è uguale per tutte le persone.

11 Completa le frasi con il Past Simple di have.

0 Fiona had a new mobile phone two days ago.

1 Our teacher one red bag yesterday.
2 Their schoolmates a diffcult English test on Monday.
3 Her mum a blue coat when she was young.
4 You a nice time when you were in London last year.

12 Completa le frasi con il Past Simple di be o di have got alla forma corretta.

0 You (not) weren’t here in Italy ten years ago.

1 They a dog.
2 Where you yesterday?
3 the flm good last night?
4 We lunch together on Sunday.
5 My grandma long hair 10 years ago.


2.3 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1 Forma affermativa, verbi regolari

I started
Past Simple affirmative: you started
regular verbs he started
she started
it started
we started
Grammar tip you started
they started
Osserva la tabella.
Si aggiunge -ed al verbo per formare il Past Simple dei verbi regolari.
La forma non cambia a seconda della persona.
Regole per aggiungere -ed a un verbo
Nella maggior parte dei casi è suffciente aggiungere -ed a un verbo.
invent invented
help helped
Nei verbi che terminano in -e si aggiunge -d.
use used
live lived
Nei verbi che terminano in -y, si elimina -y e si aggiunge -ied.
study studied
carry carried
Nei verbi di una sillaba che terminano con una consonante singola preceduta da una vocale,
si raddoppia la consonante e si aggiunge -ed.
stop stopped
Nei verbi di due sillabe che terminano in consonante preceduta da vocale e accento sulla
seconda sillaba la lettera fnale raddoppia e si aggiunge -ed.
permit permitted
prefer preferred
In alcuni verbi di due sillabe la lettera fnale raddoppia anche se l’accento è sulla prima
travel travelled

1 Scrivi il Past Simple di questi verbi regolari.

0 dance danced
1 stop
2 enjoy
3 carry
4 look at

2 Completa le frasi con il Past Simple dei verbi regolari tra parentesi.

0 She stayed at home yesterday. (stay)

1 Ann the flm on TV last night. (like)
2 That family in a big house. (live)
3 I my bike three days ago. (paint)
4 Those men around the world. (travel)

Adverbs of manner
Regole per formare un avverbio di modo da un aggettivo
Nella maggior parte dei casi è suffciente aggiungere -ly a un aggettivo.
bad badly
careful carefully
quiet quietly
slow slowly

Se gli aggettivi terminano in -y, la -y diventa -i e poi si aggiunge -ly.

easy easily
happy happily

Ci sono delle eccezioni.

good well
late late
fast fast

3 Scrivi gli avverbi.

0 quick quickly
1 sad
2 slow
3 wild
4 bad

4 Completa le frasi con un avverbio appropriato.

0 That’s a horrible actor. He acts badly .

1 Rabbits are fast animals. They run .
2 Jane was angry. She answered .
3 He’s very quick. He does his homework .
4 My mum is a good cook. She cooks .

Past Simple affirmative: irregular verbs

Past Simple, verbi irregolari
I verbi irregolari vanno imparati a memoria.

Present Simple Past Simple Present Simple Past Simple

begin began give gave
build build go went
buy bought make made
catch caught ride rode
do did run ran
drink drank see saw
eat ate take took
fy few win won
get got write wrote
In alcuni verbi il Past Simple è uguale alla forma base (la pronuncia può variare).
cost /kost/, read /riːd/
cost /kost/, read /red/

5 Scrivi il Past Simple di questi verbi irregolari.

0 buy bought
1 eat
2 see
3 give
4 win

6 Scrivi la forma base di questi verbi irregolari, poi scrivi la traduzione.

0 wrote write scrivere

1 took
2 caught
3 built
4 began
7 Completa le frasi con il Past Simple dei verbi irregolari tra parentesi.

0 My cousins wrote a long letter. (write)

1 Her children to school on foot. (go)
2 They always coffee after dinner. (drink)
3 My husband good photos on our trip. (take)
4 Mark a very old car. (drive)

8 Sottolinea i verbi regolari e irregolari. Poi trasforma le frasi al Past Simple.

0 My brother does lots of sports. My brother did lots of sports.

1 Our teachers read a lot of books.
2 His uncle climbs mountains.
3 Lola often watches TV in the kitchen.
4 Her grandma cooks very well.

9 Completa le frasi con i verbi irregolari nel riquadro.

did gave had made ran

0 We did our homework before dinner.

1 His parents him some money.
2 Last Sunday she the marathon.
3 I breakfast at 7 o’clock.
4 Adam a mess yesterday.

10 Completa le frasi con il Past Simple dei verbi tra parentesi

(alcuni sono irregolari).
0 I had a good time in London. (have)
1 They the museums in Paris. (visit)
2 My parents me some money for my birthday. (give)
3 Chelsea the match last week. (win)
4 We on the sofa all evening. (relax)
5 Hey, you my orange juice! (drink)
6 Look, they these photos on their holiday. (take)


2.4 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1
Past Simple questions and short answers
Forma interrogativa Risposte brevi
Affermative Negative
Did I go? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.
Did you go? Yes, you did. No, you didn’t.
Did he go? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.
Did she go? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t.
Did it go? Yes, it did. No, it didn’t.
Did we go? Yes, we did. No, we didn’t. 2.4
Did you go? Yes, you did. No, you didn’t.
Did they go? Yes, they did. No, they didn’t.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Si usa did con tutti i soggetti per formare le domande.

1 Trasforma le domande dal Present Simple al Past Simple.

0 Do they have a good time?

Did they have a good time?
1 Does Tom try a new sport?
2 Do you travel by car?
3 Is Mrs. Boyle a good nurse?

2 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 Did he go / went to the concert yesterday evening?

1 Did they sleep / slept in their tent?
2 Did David and Fiona waited / wait for the bus?
3 Did her brother played / play tennis yesterday?
4 Did she arrived / arrive home very late?

3 Trasforma le frasi affermative in interrogative al Past Simple.

0 You went to a birthday party last night Did you go to a birthday party last night?
1 She gave him her phone number. ?
2 My grandma wrote an email. ?
3 You were born in Canada. ?
4 He saw a spider in his bedroom yesterday. ?

4 Scrivi delle domande al Past Simple. Poi scrivi delle risposte brevi affermative
(✓) o negative (✗).
0 you / travel / by train ? (✓) Did you travel by train? – Yes, I did.
1 you / sail / to the island ? (✗)

2 they / explore / the moon ? (✓)

3 Emily / try / a new sport ? (✗)

4 he / have / a good time ? (✗)

5 your parents / take / photos ? (✓)

6 it / land / on time (in orario) ? (✗)

7 we / fy / to France ? (✗)

8 I / leave / late ? (✓)

5 Scegli la forma verbale corretta.

0 Dad had a new watch for his birthday last month.

A has B had ✓
C have
1 They in Japan two years ago.
A is working B worked C works
2 Ann to classical music yesterday.
A listens B listened C listen
3 When I was ten I in the school volleyball team.
A played B play C playing
4 We good photos at the wedding.
A taken B takes C took

Grammar 2 Forma negativa

I didn’t (did not)

Past Simple negative you didn’t (did not)

he didn’t (did not)
she didn’t (did not)
Grammar tip work 2.4
it didn’t (did not)
Osserva la tabella. we didn’t (did not)
Nella forma negativa del Past Simple you didn’t (did not)
la parola didn’t (did not) precede la
they didn’t (did not)
forma base del verbo.

6 Trasforma le frasi affermative in frasi negative al Past Simple.

0 Tom went to the rock concert. Tom didn’t go to the rock concert.
1 I had lunch in a Chinese restaurant.
2 We danced together at the disco.
3 Florence’s parents left Spain ten years ago.
4 He had an old motorbike.
5 Two policemen stopped the car.
6 Mr. Green was a funny person.

7 Trasforma queste frasi interrogative o negative in frasi affermative
al Past Simple.
0 Did you meet your friends in town?
You met your friends in town.
1 Did your grandma invite you for dinner?

2 Our English teacher didn’t give us lots of homework.

3 She didn’t fnd her bag.

4 I didn’t like that flm on TV on Monday.

8 Completa le frasi con il Past Simple dei verbi tra parentesi. Fai attenzione alle
diverse tipologie di frasi.
0 Did her parents come here to work? (come)
1 I those black jeans. (buy – not)
2 Richard and Liz Dickens’ stories. (read – not)
3 she at the shopping centre yesterday afternoon? (be)
4 Ferdinand Magellan Australia. (discover – not)

Past Simple: can

Forma affermativa Forma negativa
I could count I couldn’t count
you could count you couldn’t count
he could count he couldn’t count
she could count she couldn’t count
it could count it couldn’t count
we could count we couldn’t count
you could count you couldn’t count
they could count they couldn’t count

Forma interrogativa Risposte brevi
Affermative Negative
Could I could? Yes, I could. No, I couldn’t.
Could you could? Yes, you could. No, you couldn’t.
Could he could? Yes, he could. No, he couldn’t.
Could she could? Yes, she could. No, she couldn’t.
Could it could? Yes, it could. No, it couldn’t.
Could we could? Yes, we could. No, we couldn’t.
Could you could? Yes, you could. No, you couldn’t.
Could they could? Yes, they could. No, they couldn’t.

Grammar tip
Osserva le tabelle.
Come la forma del presente can, anche il passato could non cambia per tutte le

9 Completa le frasi con could (✓) o couldn’t (✗).

0 I couldn’t read when I was four. (✗) 2.4

1 My brother walk when he was one. (✓)
2 The exam was diffcult. I answer all the questions. (✗)
3 The electrician repair our fridge. (✓)
4 you speak foreign languages when you were a baby?
– No, I .


2.5 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1
Past Continuous affirmative and negative
Forma affermativa Forma negativa
I was living I wasn’t fghting
you were living you weren’t fghting
he was living he wasn’t fghting
she was living she wasn’t fghting
in London a war
it was living it wasn’t fghting
we were living we weren’t fghting
you were living you weren’t fghting
they were living they weren’t fghting

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
Il Past Continuous si forma con il Past Simple di be più la forma in -ing del verbo

1 Completa le frasi con was oppure were.

0 The phone was ringing.

1 The children playing in the garden.
2 That boy climbing.
3 I having breakfast.
4 Flo and Lucy dancing.

2 Completa le frasi con il Past Continuous dei verbi tra parentesi.

Last night at 10pm…

0 I was watching the news on TV. (watch)
1 My sister book. (read)
2 My cousin to music. (listen)
3 My parents . (sleep)
4 The radio . (play)

3 Trasforma le frasi affermative in frasi negative al Past Continuous.

0 Mr Smith was talking on the phone.

Mr Smith wasn’t talking on the phone.
1 My mum and I were going shopping.

2 Valery was singing at the show.

3 Luke and my daughter were eating Chinese food.

4 Her husband was reading a book. 2.5

Past Continuous questions and short answers

Forma interrogativa Risposte brevi
Affermative Negative
Was I walking Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.
Were you walking Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.
Was he walking Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t.
Was she walking near the lake? Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t.
Was it walking Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t.
Were we walking Yes, we were. No, we weren’t.
Were you walking Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.
Were they walking Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
L’ordine corretto delle parole nelle domande al Past Continuous è was / were +
soggetto + verbo + -ing.

4 Trasforma le frasi affermative alla forma interrogativa al Past Continuous.

0 You were talking to your best friend. Were you talking to your best friend?
1 Your parents were listening to music. ?
2 Mary was reading a book. ?
3 We were watching TV. ?
4 The girl was looking at the picture. ?
5 The plane was fying. ?

5 Rispondi alle domande con delle risposte brevi.

0 Was your teacher listening to music? – No, he wasn’t.

1 Were her parents going to the newsagent? – Yes, .
2 Were you waiting for the bus? – Yes, .
3 Was their friend Lucy swimming? – No, .
4 Was Susan writing a letter? – No, .

Grammar 2
Past Simple and Past Continuous
Past Simple e Past Continuous
Il Past Simple e il Past Continuous si usano insieme per indicare un’azione in corso nel
passato che è stata interrotta da un’azione più breve.

Il Past Simple si usa per indicare un’azione passata di durata delimitata.

Il Past Continuous si usa per indicare un’azione nel passato che ha avuto una durata

We were sitting when we saw the snake

Eravamo seduti quando vedemmo il serpente.
We saw the snake while we were sitting.
Vedemmo il serpente mentre eravamo seduti.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Si usa when prima del Past Simple e while prima del Past Continuous.

6 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 When I arrived they was / were doing aerobics.

1 While my dad was / were running he met my sister.
2 The phone rang while we was / were eating.
3 Our mum was / were cooking when we came in.
4 David was / were studying Science when his dog barked.

7 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 My dog was sitting / sat on the sofa two hours ago.

1 I was sleeping / slept in bed when suddenly I heard a strange noise.
2 Laura was reading / read her magazine at the bus stop when the bus arrived.
3 He had / was having breakfast when the window opened.
4 What were you saying when Dan was coming / came in?

8 Completa le frasi con il Past Continuous dei verbi tra parentesi e scegli
l’opzione corretta tra when e while.
0 My dad (sleep) was sleeping when / while I arrived.
1 They (study) when / while we knocked at the door. 2.5
2 Her brother (run) when / while he fell.
3 When / While her uncle came home last night we (have) dinner.
4 It (rain) when / while we went out.

9 Completa le frasi con il Past Simple o il Past Continuous dei verbi tra parentesi.
0 We spoke with your sister at the party two days ago. (speak)
1 He wasn’t at home when I to see him. (go)
2 What at 10.00 last Sunday? (you / do)
3 Luke and I were at the station when our mum us. (phone)
4 He near the lake when he saw the accident. (walk)

10 Completa le frasi in modo vero per te.

1 Yesterday I was going to school when .

2 When we were studying .
3 When you phoned me I .
4 I was watching TV when .


2.6 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1
a / an, some, any
Sostantivi numerabili Sostantivi non numerabili
Affermativa I eat an apple or a pear. I only drink some mineral water.
Mangio una mela o una pera. Bevo solo dell’acqua minerale.
We have some biscuits.
Prendiamo dei biscotti.
Negativa He hasn’t got a sandwich. There isn’t any cheese.
Non ha un panino. Non c’è formaggio.
I don’t eat any biscuits.
Io non mangio biscotti.
Interrogativa Have you got a banana? Is there any milk?
Hai una banana? C’è (del) latte?
Are there any carrots? Can I have some bread?
Ci sono (delle) carote? Posso avere del pane?

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Si usano a e an con i sostantivi numerabili singolari.
Si usa some nelle frasi affermative con sostantivi non numerabili e sostantivi
numerabili plurali.
Si usa any nelle frasi negative e interrogative.

1 Indica se questi sostantivi sono countable (C) oppure uncountable (U).

0 homework ( U ) 5 egg ( )
1 milk ( ) 6 sweet ( )
2 carrot ( ) 7 chocolate ( )
3 tomato ( ) 8 cheese ( )
4 food ( ) 9 water ( )

2 Completa le frasi con a / an, some o any.

0 I’m sorry, we haven’t got any ice creams.

1 Tom had ham sandwich in the afternoon.
2 Have you got eggs?
3 They usually eat apple in the afternoon.
4 There’s milk in the fridge.

much, many, a lot of / lots of, a few, a little

Sostantivi numerabili Sostantivi non numerabili
Affermativa I eat a lot of / lots of bananas. We eat a lot of / lots of fruit.
Mangio tante banane. Mangiamo tanta frutta.
He has a few biscuits for breakfast. I drink a little milk in the morning.
Mangia alcuni / un po’ di biscotti per Bevo un po’ di latte al mattino.
Negativa There aren’t many sandwiches. There isn’t much cheese.
Non ci sono molti panini. Non c’è molto formaggio.
Interrogativa How many pizzas are there? How much sugar do you want?
Quante pizze ci sono? Quanto zucchero vuoi? 2.6
Can I have a few biscuits? Can I have a little bread?
Posso avere un po’ di biscotti? Posso avere un po’ di pane?

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Si usa a lot of / lots of nelle frasi affermative con sostantivi numerabili plurali e
sostantivi non numerabili.
Si usa many nelle frasi negative e interrogative con sostantivi numerabili.
Si usa much nelle frasi negative e interrogative con sostantivi non numerabili.
Si usa a few davanti ai sostantivi numerabili plurali.
Si usa a little davanti ai sostantivi non numerabili.

3 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 How many / much parks are there in your town?

1 Do they usually drink many / a lot of milk?
2 There were a few / a little people at the restaurant.
3 She likes a few / a little sugar in her tea.
4 I have only a few / a little friends at school.

4 Completa le frasi con a few oppure a little.

0 Do you want a little bread?

1 Would you like sweets to take on your school trip?
2 Can I have cheese on my pasta?
3 My mum bought potatoes for lunch.
4 Have you got time to help me?

5 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 She’s got an / a unusual name.

1 I don’t want some / any pasta, thanks.
2 We haven’t got many / much bread.
3 Emily’s got a few / a lot of books – about 150!
4 Have you got some / any chocolate?
5 Hurry up, there isn’t much / many time!

some / any / no compounds

In frasi affermative
I want to eat something sweet.
Voglio mangiare qualcosa di dolce.

No one lives in that house.

Non vive nessuno in quella casa.
In frasi negative
There isn’t anything on the desk.
Non c’è niente sul banco.
In frasi interrogative
Is there anywhere to eat near here?
C’è un posto dove mangiare qui vicino?

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Si usano someone, anyone e no one per riferirsi a persone.
Si usano something, anything e nothing per riferirsi a cose.
Si usano somewhere, anywhere e nowhere per riferirsi a luoghi.

Si usano i composti di some e no con verbi alla forma affermativa.

Si usano i composti di any con verbi alla forma interrogativa e alla forma negativa.

6 Completa i composti di some, any o no.

0 Did they take any thing?

1 Look! There’s one at the window.
2 No, there’s thing interesting in that shop.
3 She isn’t nice, one likes her.
4 Did you go where last summer?

7 Completa le frasi con someone, something o somewhere.

0 There’s something in the fridge.

1 There was at home.
2 There’s on the table.
3 I’m waiting for , we’re going out together.
4 Would you like to eat?
5 We can meet near the cinema.

8 Trasforma le frasi affermative in frasi negative o di signifcato negativo, come

0 Sarah ate something at the Indian Restaurant.
Sarah didn’t eat anything at the Indian Restaurant.
Sarah ate nothing at the Indian Restaurant.
1 We met someone yesterday night.

2 I saw your bag somewhere.

3 There was someone at home.

4 Tommy wants to buy something for his father’s birthday.

Grammar 2
Present Continuous for future arrangements
Il Present Continuous per esprimere azioni future e programmate
Il Present Continuous è anche usato per esprimere azioni future programmate.
In questo caso può essere abbinato a espressioni di tempo.
I’m seeing Emma tomorrow afternoon.
Vedo / Vedrò Emma domani pomeriggio.
We’re sleeping on a boat next week.
Dormiamo / Dormiremo su una barca la settimana prossima.
He’s camping in the forest on Saturday.
Farà campeggio nella foresta sabato.
They aren’t hiking at the weekend.
Non faranno un’escursione durante il weekend.
What are you doing this evening, Max?
Max, cosa fai / farai stasera?

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi in cui il Present Continuous esprime azioni
programmate nel futuro.

9 Spiega se in queste frasi il Present Continuous indica un’azione futura (F)

oppure un’azione in corso di svolgimento (P).
0 She’s moving to a new fat next week. ( F )
1 I can’t see Jim. − He is talking on the phone. ( )
2 What are you doing next weekend? − I’m going to see my uncle in London. ( )
3 When are you leaving? − On Saturday. ( )
4 She’s closing the door now. ( )

10 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del Present Continuous dei verbi
tra parentesi.
0 We ’re having a maths test next week. (have)
1 Their parents on Sunday. (hike)
2 I spaghetti for lunch today. (eat)
3 My brother next year. (get married)
4 His dad next month. (not work)


2.7 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1
be going to affirmative and negative
Be going to si usa per fare una previsione o per parlare di intenzioni future.
It’s going to be cold tonight. Farà freddo stanotte.
I’m going to wear my new boots. Mi metto / Mi metterò gli stivali nuovi.

Forma affermativa Forma negativa

I’m going to wear I’m not going to wear
you’re going to wear you aren’t going to wear
he’s going to wear he isn’t going to wear 2.7
she’s going to wear she isn’t going to wear
a coat a hat
it’s going to wear it isn’t going to wear
we’re going to wear we aren’t going to wear
you’re going to wear you aren’t going to wear
they’re going to wear they aren’t going to wear

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
La forma affermativa di be going to è formata da: soggetto + be + going to + forma
base del verbo.
La forma negativa di be going to è formata da: soggetto + be + not + going to + forma
base del verbo.

Espressioni di tempo con be going to

Per parlare di intenzioni future con be going to si usano spesso espressioni di tempo.
this August (il prossimo agosto, d’agosto) at the weekend (nel fne settimana)
this weekend (questo fne settimana) tonight (stanotte)
next Tuesday (martedì prossimo) tomorrow (domani)
next Christmas (il prossimo Natale) next month (il mese prossimo)

1 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di be going to e il verbo tra parentesi.

0 You ’re going to do nothing. (do)

1 Brian for my dad. (work)
2 We a party. (organise)
3 Mike and Jenny in marathons. (run)
4 I with some friends. (live)

2 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 I am going to be / am a teacher when I grow up.

1 Take an umbrella. It rains / is going to rain.
2 Luke buying / is going to buy a new motorbike next year.
3 Her daughter is going to see / sees a doctor next week.
4 I study / am going to study after dinner.

3 Quali sono i programmi di Tom per i prossimi giorni? Scrivi delle frasi complete
con be going to ed espressioni di tempo.
0 do my homework / after dinner
I’m going to do my homework after dinner.
1 have a party / on Saturday evening

2 watch an adventure flm and have a good time / on Sunday

3 go shopping with my best friend / tomorrow afternoon

4 study for my English exam / next week

4 Completa le frasi in modo vero per te.

1 I’m going to visit .

2 My sister’s going to have .
3 My parents are going .
4 I .
5 She .

be going to questions and short answers
Forma interrogativa Risposte brevi
Affermative Negative
Am I going to watch Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
Are you going to watch Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Is he going to watch Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
Is she going to watch the flm? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.
Is it going to watch Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
Are we going to watch Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.
Are you going to watch Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Are they going to watch Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
L’ordine corretto della forma interrogativa è: be + soggetto + going to + verbo + altre
5 Scegli la frase corretta.

0 A Are we going to watch TV?
B We are going to watch TV?

1 A What you going to do tomorrow? 2.7

B What are you going to do tomorrow?

2 A Where Robin going to eat this evening?

B Where is Robin going to eat this evening?

3 A When are you going to visit your grandma?

B When are you to visit your grandma?
6 Trasforma le frasi affermative in interrogative con be going to.
Poi rispondi con delle risposte brevi.
0 Mary is going to be a teacher.
Is Mary going to be a teacher ? – Yes, she is .
1 You are going to help your mum in the garden.
? – No, .
2 Her brother is going to read more books.
? – No, .
3 David is going to write a blog.
? – Yes, .
4 They are going to visit London.
? – No, .

7 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di be going to e un verbo nel riquadro.

go shopping go to bed miss the train stay at home wear the red dress

0 It’a rainy day, I ’m going to stay at home .

1 Leila is bored, she .
2 It’s late, you .
3 I’m tired, I .
4 It’s time for the party, Sarah .

8 Correggi gli errori.

0 Jane are going to travel by train.

Jane is going to travel by train.
1 We are going to visiting our relatives.

2 Where they going to spend next weekend?

3 My sisters is going to make a cake.

4 I go to spend the weekend in the mountains.

5 Your mum is going to take you to school tomorrow?

9 Rispondi alle domande in modo vero per te con be going to.

1 What are you going to do after lunch?

2 What are you going to do on Saturday?

3 What are you going to do on Sunday afternoon?

4 What are you going to do during the next holidays?

5 What are you going to do when you fnish middle school?

Grammar 2
must / mustn’t
Forma affermativa Forma negativa
I must wear I mustn’t make
you must wear you mustn’t make
he must wear he mustn’t make
she must wear she mustn’t make
warm clothes a noise
it must wear it mustn’t make
we must wear we mustn’t make
you must wear you mustn’t make
they must wear they mustn’t make

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
Le forme affermative e negative di must sono uguali per tutte le persone.
Dopo must / mustn’t si usa il la forma base del verbo.

10 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 2.7

0 You must / mustn’t smoke in the restaurant.

1 The game is important. We must / mustn’t win.
2 I can’t come today. I must / mustn’t study.
3 The bus is leaving. We must / mustn’t run.
4 You must / mustn’t eat too much chocolate.

11 Completa le frasi con must oppure mustn’t e i verbi nel riquadro.

be drive fnish get up speak

0 If you want to watch TV you must fnish your homework.

1 My train leaves at 6 o’clock. I very early.
2 You so fast! It’s dangerous.
3 You loudly in a library.
4 We at the airport two hours before the plane leaves.


2.8 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1
It’s faster than my games console. È più veloce della mia consolle.
They’re cheaper than new products. Sono più economici dei prodotti nuovi.
It’s more expensive than your old mobile. È più costoso del tuo vecchio cellulare.
They’re better than mine. Sono migliori dei miei.

Grammar tip
Osserva le frasi nella tabella.
Generalmente si aggiunge -er agli aggettivi brevi.
Gli aggettivi lunghi sono preceduti da more.
Better è un comparativo irregolare e deriva dall’aggettivo good.
L’aggettivo di grado comparativo è sempre seguito da than.

Regole per formare i comparativi

Nella maggior parte degli aggettivi brevi si aggiunge -er.
small (piccolo) smaller (più piccolo)

Aggettivi brevi che terminano in -e: si omette la -e e si aggiunge -er.

wide (largo) wider (più largo)

Aggettivi brevi che terminano in una sola vocale + consonante: si raddoppia la consonante
e si aggiunge -er.
big (grande) bigger (più grande)

Aggettivi brevi che terminano in -y: si omette -y e si aggiunge -ier.

happy (felice) happier (più felice)

Aggettivi lunghi: si fa precedere more all’aggettivo.

famous (famoso) more famous (più famoso)

Comparativi irregolari
good (buono) better (migliore)
bad (cattivo) worse (peggiore)
far (lontano) farther / further (più lontano, ulteriore)

1 Scrivi la forma comparativa degli aggettivi.

0 hot hotter 5 tall

1 happy 6 good
2 high 7 big
3 bad 8 young
4 diffcult 9 expensive

2 Completa le frasi con la forma comparativa degli aggettivi tra parentesi.

0 Kevin is nicer than Robin. (nice)

1 London is than Rome. (big)
2 My teacher is than Sarah’s. (friendly)
3 My sister is than your brother. (young)
4 My marks in French are than yours. (bad) 2.8

It’s the best stereo in the shop. È il miglior stereo del negozio.

Do you need the biggest TV in the shop? Le serve il televisore più grande del negozio?

It’s the most expensive TV in the shop. È il televisore più caro del negozio.

Grammar tip
Osserva le frasi nella tabella.
Si aggiunge -est per formare il superlativo degli aggettivi regolari brevi.
Si aggiunge most per formare il superlativo degli aggettivi lunghi.
Si usa sempre the prima del superlativo.

Regole per formare i superlativi
Nella maggior parte degli aggettivi brevi si aggiunge -est.
small (piccolo) smallest (il più piccolo)
Aggettivi brevi che terminano in -e: si omette la -e e si aggiunge -est.
wide (largo) widest (il più largo)
Aggettivi brevi che terminano in una sola vocale + consonante: si raddoppia la consonante
e si aggiunge -est.
big (grande) biggest (il più grande)
Aggettivi brevi che terminano in -y: si omette -y e si aggiunge -iest.
happy (felice) happiest (il più felice)
Aggettivi lunghi: si fa precedere the most all’aggettivo.
famous (famoso) the most famous (il più famoso)
Superlativi irregolari
good (buono) the best (il migliore)
bad (cattivo) the worst (il peggiore)
far (lontano) the farthest / the furthest (il più lontano, ulteriore)

3 Scrivi la forma del superlativo relativo degli aggettivi.

0 heavy the heaviest 4 short

1 large 5 exciting
2 intelligent 6 good
3 bad 7 famous

4 Completa le frasi con il superlativo relativo degli aggettivi tra parentesi.

0 My Grandma is the best person in my family. (good)

1 July is month of the year. (hot)
2 These earrings are in the shop. (expensive)
3 Cheetah is animal. (fast)
4 Vally and Luke are students in their class. (intelligent)

5 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 She is taller / tallest than I thought.

1 Paul is a cleverest / cleverer student than you.
2 He is the cleverest / cleverer of all.
3 Today I feel much better / best.
4 It’s worse / worst than you think.

Grammar 2
one / ones
one / ones
This T-shirt is more expensive than that one. Questa t-shirt è più cara di quella.
My computer is the one on the chair. Il mio computer è quello sulla sedia.
Do you want the red trainers or the black ones? Vuoi le scarpe da ginnastica rosse o quelle nere?
Which one do you want? Quale vuoi?
Which ones do you want? Quali vuoi?

Grammar tip
Osserva le frasi nella tabella.
Si usa one per evitare di ripetere un sostantivo singolare.
Si usa ones per evitare di ripetere un sostantivo plurale.
Si usa Which one (Quale?) o Which ones (Quali?) nelle frasi interrogative.

6 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 My cat is the black one / ones.

1 Which one / ones are your books?
2 Jo’s speakers are the one / ones on the foor. 2.8
3 I’m having a tea. Do you want one / ones?
4 My mum’s car is the one / ones on the right.

as … as
Comparativo di uguaglianza
That memory card is as full as this one. Questa scheda di memoria è piena come quella.
This mobile isn’t as modern as that one. Questo cellulare non è moderno come quello.
Your speakers aren’t as good as mine. Le tue casse non sono buone come le mie.

7 Completa le frasi con as … as e un aggettivo nel riquadro.

cold easy funny good popular

0 Yesterday was as cold as today.

1 This English test is the Spanish test.
2 Those sweets aren’t your cakes.
3 The Simpsons aren’t Donald Duck.
4 George Clooney is Brad Pitt.

less than / the least
Comparativo di minoranza
Laptops are less expensive than desktops. I computer portatili sono meno costosi dei
computer fssi.
Superlativo di minoranza
Speakers are the least expensive. Le casse sono le meno care.

8 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 You’re less / the least tall than your brother.

1 I feel better today. I’m less / the least tired.
2 A bus is less / the least expensive than a taxi.
3 Sarah is less / the least shy of her schoolmates.
4 Mary’s son is less / the least serious in the class.

9 Completa le frasi con il comparativo di maggioranza, di uguaglianza o con il

superlativo relativo.
0 Who is the nicest student in your class? (nice)
1 London is as Paris. (beautiful)
2 The chocolate cake is than the fruit cake. (good)
3 He looks than his brother. (young)
4 Brian’s the of his friends. (helpful)

10 Rispondi alle domande in modo vero per te.

1 Who is the youngest person in your family?

2 What is the most interesting TV programme?

3 Which is the best pop group? The Beatles or One Direction?

4 What are the best songs?


3.1 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1
be going to vs Present Continuous
be going to
Si usa be going to per fare previsioni sul futuro o per esprimere un’intenzione futura.
There’s going to be a storm.
Ci sarà una tempesta.
I’m going to walk back to the hotel now.
Adesso torno / ho intenzione di tornare in albergo.

Present Continuous
Ricorda che il Present Continuous si usa anche per parlare di azioni future programmate.
I’m going back to Thailand in December.
Tornerò in Tailandia a dicembre.
Are you having a geography lesson today?
Hai lezione di geografa oggi?

Confusing future tenses

Quando parliamo di programmi futuri a volte si può usare sia il Present Continuous che
be going to.
Ma osserva la differenza.
a) My grandad is going to visit us soon.
Mio nonno vuole venire / verrà a trovarci presto.
• Lo vorrebbe fare ma non sa ancora quando.
b) My grandad is visiting us at Christmas.
Mio nonno verrà a trovarci a Natale.
• La data è già stata stabilita.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
La frase a) è un esempio di intenzione.
La frase b) è un esempio di evento programmato.

1 Nelle frasi seguenti spiega se il Present Continuous esprime un’azione futura
(F) oppure un’azione in corso di svolgimento (P).
0 She’s moving to a new house on Sunday. ( F )
1 I can’t see Jim and Sally. – They are playing in the garden. ( )
2 Pay attention! You are sitting on my new baseball cap! ( )
3 Sue, what are you doing next summer? – I’m going to see my friend in Paris. ( )
4 When are you leaving? – On Christmas Eve. ( )

2 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 I ’m going to see / ’m seeing the dentist.

1 Are you going / Are you going to go to Brian’s birthday party?
2 They are leaving / are going to leave for Bristol on Sunday morning.
3 My class is going to go / is going to Venice on a school trip tomorrow.
4 Luke and John are playing / are going to play tennis tomorrow at 9pm.

3 Completa le frasi con be going to e i verbi tra parentesi.

0 I think they are going to have a lot of work. (have)

1 First we to the cinema.
2 I Paul at the cinema this evening. Would you like to
come? (meet)
3 Do you think it tomorrow? (rain)
4 I pizza, I it. (not make / buy)
5 He to her again. He’s very angry. (not speak)
6 Sarah and Ben to the party. (not come)
7 There a tornado in California. (be)
8 It cold this week. (not be)

4 Completa le frasi con il Present Continuous (be + -ing) oppure con be going to
in base alle indicazioni date tra parentesi.
0 My brother (become) is going to become a doctor. (intenzione)
1 Her parents (catch) the train at 3.30. (azione programmata)
2 We (see) the Big Ben. (intenzione)
3 I (have) dinner with my dad tomorrow. (azione programmata)

5 Scrivi per ogni frase la funzione linguistica appropriata dal riquadro.

azione programmata (x2) intenzione (x2) previsione futura (x1)

0 Valerie is having a party on Saturday. azione programmata

1 I’m going to travel around the world.
2 They are late. They’re going to miss the plane.
3 My dad is going to buy a new mobile phone.
4 I’m meeting your teacher tomorrow.

6 Completa le frasi scegliendo il Present Continuous con valore di futuro oppure

il futuro con be going to. Fai attenzione agli eventuali complementi di tempo
0 She ’s seeing the doctor on Friday at 3pm. (see)
1 Take your umbrella. It’s cloudy. It . (rain)
2 I a dancing lesson tomorrow at 6.30pm. (have)
3 Fiona her new friends to the party. (invite)
4 My parents photos on their next trip. (take)

Grammar 2
should / shouldn’t: affirmative and negative
Forma affermativa Forma negativa
I should I shouldn’t
you should you shouldn’t
he should he shouldn’t
she should she shouldn’t
go go
it should it shouldn’t
we should we shouldn’t
you should you shouldn’t
they should they shouldn’t

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
should non modifca la sua forma se cambia il soggetto.
La forma base del verbo segue should e shouldn’t.

7 Completa le frasi con should (✓) oppure shouldn’t (✗).

0 You should do your homework now. (✓)

1 My mum relax this afternoon. (✓)
2 Her little sister eat that chocolate cake. (✗)
3 Children stay up so late. (✗)
4 Students read more interesting books. (✓)
5 I want to study German. I go to Germany. (✓)
6 It’s raining. You take an umbrella. (✓)
7 This T-shirt is expensive. You buy it. (✗)

8 Completa le frasi con should oppure shouldn’t.

0 You should cover your mouth when you cough.

1 I’ve got a headache. I think I take some medicine.
2 She put some special cream on his mosquito bite.
3 Oh no, I feel sick! – You open the window and drink some tea.
4 She’s got a broken leg. We move her leg.
5 You’ve got a cold. You go outside without a coat.

should / shouldn’t: questions and short answers

Forma interrogativa Risposte brevi
Affermative Negative
Should I Yes, I should. No, I shouldn’t.
Should you Yes, you should. No, you shouldn’t.
Should he Yes, he should. No, he shouldn’t.
Should she go? Yes, she should. No, she shouldn’t.
Should it Yes, it should. No, it shouldn’t.
Should we Yes, we should. No, we shouldn’t.
Should you Yes, you should. No, you shouldn’t.
Should they Yes, they should. No, they shouldn’t.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
should e shouldn’t non cambiano per tutte le persone.

9 Trasforma le frasi affermative in frasi interrogative. Poi rispondi con delle
risposte brevi affermative (✓) o negative (✗).
0 You should phone Mark. (✓)
Should I phone Mark? – Yes, you should.
1 Tom should go and see his grandad. (✓)
? –
2 They should try this new sport. (✗)
? –
3 I should invite Bob to the party. (✓)
? –
4 She should go to the doctor. (✗)
? –

10 Completa le frasi con should oppure shouldn’t e uno verbo nel riquadro.

buy eat play see

0 Susan is getting fat. She shouldn’t eat so many sweets.

1 You are too lazy. You tennis twice a week.
2 That jumper is too expensive. You it. 3.1
3 That flm is really interesting. You it.

11 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 A Should Bob study more?

B Should study more Bob?

1 A He should reads that book.

B He should read that book.

2 A Meg should send not so many text messages.

B Meg shouldn’t send so many text messages.

3 A You shouldn’t phone your grandmother.

B Should you not phone your grandmother.

4 A What I should do?

B What should I do?


3.2 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1
will / won’t: affirmative and negative forms for future
Forma affermativa
Forma estesa Forma contratta
I will be famous I’ll be famous
you will be famous you’ll be famous
he will be famous he’ll be famous
she will be famous she’ll be famous
it will be famous it’ll be famous
we will be famous we’ll be famous
you will be famous you’ll be famous
they will be famous they’ll be famous

Forma negativa
Forma estesa Forma contratta
I will not get married I won’t get married
you will not get married you won’t get married
he will not get married he won’t get married
she will not get married she won’t get married
it will not get married it won’t get married
we will not get married we won’t get married
you will not get married you won’t get married
they will not get married they won’t get married

Grammar tip
Osserva le tabelle.
will / won’t sono seguiti dalla forma base del verbo.
La forma contratta di will è ’ll. La forma contratta di will not è won’t.
Con will si esprime il futuro.

1 Completa le frasi con will o won’t e il verbo tra parentesi.

0 This exercise is too diffcult. I won’t do it. (not do)

1 My sister Joan 18 next Sunday. (be)
2 What now? (happen)
3 Gregory this weekend. (not come)
4 We home until late. (not get)

will / won’t: questions and short answers

Forma interrogativa Risposte brevi
Affermative Negative
Will I go to university? Yes, I will. No, I won’t.
Will you go to university? Yes, you will. No, you won’t.
Will he go to university? Yes, he will. No, he won’t.
Will she go to university? Yes, she will. No, she won’t.
Will it go to university? Yes, it will. No, it won’t.
Will we go to university? Yes, we will. No, we won’t.
Will you go to university? Yes, you will. No, you won’t. 3.2
Will they go to university? Yes, they will. No, they won’t.

2 Trasforma le frasi affermative in frasi interrogative.

Poi completa le risposte brevi.
0 Your friends will be here very soon.
Will your friends be here very soon? – No, they won’t.
1 You will have a maths test tomorrow.
? – Yes, .
2 That party will be a lot of fun.
? – Yes; .
3 You will see Bob next week.
? – No, .
4 It will rain tomorrow.
? – No, .

will / may / might
will, may / might
In the future I will go to university. In futuro andrò all’università.

I may / might study in a different city. È probabile che studierò in un’altra città.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Si usano will, may o might + la forma base del verbo per fare previsioni sul futuro.
Si usa will per esprimere certezza.
Si usano may o might per esprimere diversi gradi di possibilità.

3 Scegli l’opzione corretta secondo le indicazioni date tra parentesi.

0 She might / will come tomorrow. (Ma non ne sono sicuro.)

1 I will / may buy a new pair of shoes. (Ho già messo da parte i soldi.)
2 We will / might go to the concert. (Ma non so se ci sono ancora dei biglietti.)
3 Tim and Frank will / might go to USA at Easter. (Ma non hanno ancora prenotato.)
4 I will / may arrive at 7 o’clock. (Sono sempre puntuale.)

4 Fai delle previsioni sul futuro in modo vero per te. Completa le frasi
con will / won’t, may o might.
0 I will go to the cinema.
1 I have a house.
2 I go to university.
3 I have a holiday in London.
4 I have good marks at school.

will vs going to
will e going to
a) There is only one more minute. The score is Napoli 3 – Milan 1. Napoli is going to win.
Rimane solo un minuto. Il risultato è Napoli 3 – Milan 1. Il Napoli sta per vincere.
b) I think Juventus will win tomorrow.
Penso che la Juventus domani vincerà.
c) I’m going to buy a ticket for the match.
Vado / Andrò a comprare un biglietto per la partita.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Si usa will per esprimere delle previsioni basate su una convinzione personale.
Si usa going to per esprimere delle previsioni basate su fatti o su qualcosa che sta
per accadere.
Si usa going to per esprimere intenzioni future.

5 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 Next Saturday will / is going to be sunny.

1 The phone is ringing. I will / am going to answer it.
2 Her bike is very old. Her dad will / is going to buy a new one.
3 It’s too late now. I will / am going to call him tomorrow morning.
4 Her friend Lucy will / is going to start a diet.

Grammar 2
First Conditional
First Conditional
Si usa il First Conditional per parlare della possibile conseguenza di un’azione.

if clause consequence
If you practise, you’ll be better.
Se ti eserciti, sarai più bravo.

If she doesn’t practise, she’ll be terrible.

Se non si esercita, sarà un disastro.

consequence if clause
He’ll be better if he practises.
Sarà più bravo, se si esercita.

We’ll be terrible if we don’t practise.

Saremo un disastro. se non ci esercitiamo.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Il First Conditional si forma con if + Present Simple e will + la forma base del verbo
Il First Conditional si usa per parlare di possibilità nel futuro come conseguenza di
un’altra azione.

6 Collega le frasi della prima colonna (0-4) con le frasi della seconda colonna
0 D If you are late, A he must study for years.
1 Sally won’t go to the theatre B if he studies harder.
2 If David wants to be a pilot, C if he goes to Cuba.
3 William will pass his exams D I’ll wait for you.
4 He will learn Spanish E if her best friend doesn’t want to go.

7 Unisci le due frasi usando if.

0 We’ll see the Statue of Liberty. We go to the USA.

We’ll see the Statue of Liberty if we go to the USA.
1 She gets home early. She will watch TV.

2 They’ll stay at home. It is cold.

3 I will go to the concert. I have a free ticket.

4 I won’t wait for her. She is late.

8 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi.

0 Will you visit the National Gallery if you go to London? (go)

1 Robert will call Claire if he her phone number. (fnd)
2 Your teacher angry, if you don’t study. (be)
3 If it , I’ll go skiing next weekend. (snow)
4 If the bus doesn’t come soon, we’ll late for school. (be)

9 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi.

0 What (do) will you do if the shops (not be) aren’t open?
1 If I (be) lucky, I (win) the lottery.
2 If my daughter (go) to live in New Zealand, I (miss) her.
3 My mum (not sleep) if she (drink) coffee.
4 If it (stop) raining, we (go) out.
5 If Ted (tidy up) his room, his mum (give) him some


3.3 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1
Present Perfect: affirmative
Forma affermativa Forma affermativa
verbo regolare verbo irregolare
I have / I’ve I have / I’ve
you have / you’ve you have / you’ve
he has / he’s he has / he’s
she has / she’s she has / she’s
started won
it has / it’s it has / it’s
we have / we’ve we have / we’ve
you have / you’ve you have / you’ve
they have / they’ve they have / they’ve

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
Il Present Perfect si forma con has (’s) o have (’ve) + il participio passato del verbo
Il participio passato dei verbi regolari si forma aggiungendo -ed alla forma base.
Nella seconda tabella, won è un participio passato irregolare.

1 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 I have lost / has lost my keys.

1 The train is left / has left.
2 The flm is started / has started.
3 Ann have come / has come.
4 I have eat / have eaten a lot.

2 Completa il testo con la forma corretta del Present Perfect dei verbi
tra parentesi.
We’re having a great winter!
We (0) have spent (spend) a lot of time skiing and
(1)  (have) dinner all together.
My mum (2) (buy) a new camera.
I (3) (wear) my new winter jacket a few times.
A lot of friends (4) (come) to visit us.

Present Perfect: negative

Forma negativa
I have not / I haven’t
you have not / you haven’t
he has not / he hasn’t
she has not / she hasn’t
it has not / it hasn’t
we have not / we haven’t
you have not / you haven’t
they have not / they haven’t

3 Trasforma le frasi affermative in frasi negative.

0 It has rained. It hasn’t rained.

1 You have bought a red T-shirt.
2 She has fnished the email to her friend.
3 Sarah has washed her jeans.
4 We have seen The Hobbit.

4 Completa le frasi con il participio passato dei verbi nel riquadro.

been done found learnt received

0 I haven’t received an invitation to Alexander’s party.

1 Those students have a lot from that school trip.
2 My sister has a job in an information centre.
3 Fiona, Michael and William haven’t their homework.
4 My parents have there twice.

Present Perfect: questions and short answers
Forma interrogativa Risposte brevi
Affermative Negative
Have I Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
Have you Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.
Has he Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.
Has she visited? Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
Has it Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.
Have we Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.
Have you Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.
Have they Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
La forma interrogativa del Present Perfect si forma con have o has + soggetto +
participio passato del verbo principale.

5 Trasforma le frasi affermative o negative in frasi interrogative.

0 You have seen my English book.
Have you seen my English book ?
1 They’ve had lunch with David.
2 Ann has made some new friends at school.
3 Luke and his schoolmates haven’t read that book.
4 Their dog hasn’t come home.

6 Scegli la risposta breve corretta.

0 Have you eaten today? – Yes, I have. / – Yes, I have eaten.

1 Has Vally sent a message? – No, Vally hasn’t. / – No, she hasn’t.
2 Have her friends acted on the stage? – Yes, they acted. / – Yes, they have.
3 Has your dad switched off the computer? – No, he switchedn’t. / – No, he hasn’t.
4 Have Mr and Mrs Green bought a new car? – No, they haven’t. / – Yes, they haven’t.

ever / never
Have you ever made models?
Hai mai costruito dei modellini?

I’ve never made models, but I’ve drawn cartoons.
Non ho mai costruito modellini, ma ho disegnato fumetti.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
ever e never signifcano “mai”, e si collocano prima del participio passato.
ever si usa nelle frasi interrogative.
never si usa nelle frasi affermative ma con signifcato negativo (“non mai”).

7 Completa le frasi con ever oppure never. Completa anche le risposte brevi.
Osserva l’esempio.
0 Have they ever stayed at the Crown Hotel in Cuba?
– No, they haven’t. They have never been there.
1 Have you made a pudding?
– No, . I’ve cooked.
2 Have you visited London?
– No, . I’ve travelled to England.
3 Has your brother done karate?
– No, . He has tried it.

Grammar 2
been e gone
been e gone
Il verbo go ha due participi passati.
Albert has gone to Africa. (He’s there now.)
Alberto è andato in Africa. (È ancora lì.)
Albert has been to South America. (He went in 2007.)
Alberto è stato in Sud America. (Ci è andato nel 2007 ma poi è tornato.)

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
In italiano gone si traduce con “andato,” mentre been si traduce con “stato”.
Attenzione, il Present Perfect si forma sempre con have + participio passato, anche
per be e go: in italiano “è stato”, in inglese he has been; in italiano “è andato” in inglese
he has gone.

8 Completa le frasi con been oppure gone.

0 She’s never been to Paris. But she would like to go.

1 I haven’t to the cinema because I’m ill.
2 My sister’s not at home at the moment. She’s to the doctor.
3 How many times have you to a football match with your parents?
4 She hasn’t visited the British Museum because she’s never to

Present Perfect vs. Past Simple

Present Perfect e Past Simple
Present Perfect Past Simple
They have found my rucksack. Last year I lost my plane ticket.
Hanno trovato il mio zaino. L’anno scorso ho perso il mio biglietto aereo.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Si usa il Present Perfect per parlare di azioni passate senza specifcare quando sono
Si usa il Past Simple per parlare di azioni defnitivamente concluse. 3.3
9 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 I went / have gone to Paris last Christmas.

1 Yesterday Mr and Mrs Smith went / have gone to the theatre.
2 I wrote / have written a letter to my sister.
3 His mother spoke / has spoken to his teachers.
4 Robert broke / has broken his leg last weekend.
5 Luke gave / has given Valerie a ring.
6 Mrs Boyle saw / has seen a thriller last night.


3.4 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1
Present Perfect + for, since and how long
how long
How long has she been a Goodwill Ambassador?
Da quanto tempo è ambasciatrice di Goodwill?

How long have you known Rachel?

Da quanto tempo conosci / conoscete Rachel?

She’s been an ambassador for more than 10 years.
È ambasciatrice da più di 10 anni.

I’ve known her for a long time.

La conosco da molto tempo.

She’s been an Ambassador since August 2009.
È un’ambasciatrice dall’agosto 2009.

I’ve known her since we were at school together.

La conosco da quando andavamo a scuola insieme.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Si usa how long con il Present Perfect per chiedere da quanto tempo continua
un’azione iniziata nel passato.
Si usa for per indicare la durata di un’azione (for an hour, for three weeks).
Si usa since per indicare il momento esatto in cui è iniziata l’azione nel passato (since
Friday, since June).

1 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 It hasn’t rained for / since one month.

1 Andrew has been in a band for / since December.
2 Those teachers have taught in that school for / since 2005.
3 We haven’t seen your cousin for / since a long time.
4 Her friend Hanna hasn’t eaten for / since yesterday.

2 Completa le frasi con for oppure since.

0 They’ve studied English since they were at primary school.

1 She has lived in Hastings fve months.
2 I’ve liked animated flms I was a child.
3 Luke’s liked her the frst time they met at the concert.

3 Completa le domande con la forma corretta del Present Perfect dei verbi tra
0 How long have you had (have) this moped?
1 How long her brother (know) Sarah?
2 How long they (not – visit) their aunt? 3.4
3 How long Bob’s father (be) in the USA?
4 How long she (play) drums?

4 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del Present Perfect dei verbi tra
0 I have done nothing all day! (do)
1 They basketball for years. (not play)
2 Oh no! I a mistake! (make)
3 She anything since yesterday. (not eat)
4 My brother to the cinema for two weeks. (not come)
5 How long you at this school? (be)
6 It very hot for weeks. (be)

Grammar 2
Present Perfect + just
You have just tidied your room. Hai appena messo in ordine la tua stanza.
He has just arrived home. È appena arrivato a casa.

Present Perfect + yet

I haven’t read it yet. Non l’ho ancora letto.
Have you donated any money yet? Hai già donato dei soldi?

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Si usa il Present Perfect con just per parlare di un’azione appena compiuta.
Si usa yet con il Present Perfect nelle frasi negative con il signifcato di “ancora”, e
nelle domande con il signifcato di “già”.
yet si colloca sempre in fondo alla frase.

Present Perfect + already

We’ve already found homes for hundreds Abbiamo già trovato casa a centinaia
of animals. di animali.
She’s already done that exercise. Ha già fatto quell’esercizio.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Si usa il Present Perfect con already per parlare di azioni che sono già avvenute.
La parola already va posizionata prima del participio passato.

5 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 I have yet / already had breakfast.

1 Have you phoned Sarah yet / just?
2 Our friend Alan has yet / just arrived from Sydney.
3 Mary has just / yet met him.
4 I haven’t fnished my homework already / yet.
5 They have already / yet visited a lot of places here in New York.
6 Haven’t you fnished with my computer yet / already?

6 Riscrivi le frasi usando le parole tra parentesi.

0 I’ve read that book. (already)

I’ve already read that book.
1 We haven’t seen the flm (yet).

2 I’ve got my exam results. (just)

3 Have they been to the cinema? (yet)

4 I have bought the tickets. (just)

5 My classmates have fnished their homework. (already)

7 Riscrivi le frasi con la forma corretta del Present Perfect dei verbi tra parentesi
e inserendo l’avverbio.

0 My parents (be / just) to the British Museum.

My parents have just been to the British Museum. 3.4
1 We (have dinner / already) with our teachers.

2 (sing / ever) you a song?

3 Her little brother (try / already) her tablet.

4 My mother (speak / just) to my teachers.

5 I (not make / yet) my bed.

6 (fnish / already) you your exercises?

7 (wash / yet) you my leggings?

8 Tim (leave / just) school.


3.5 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1
have to: affirmative and negative forms
Forma affermativa Forma negativa
I have to I don’t have to
you have to you don’t have to
he has to he doesn’t have to
she has to she doesn’t have to
wait wait
it has to it doesn’t have to
we have to we don’t have to
you have to you don’t have to
they have to they don’t have to

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella.
Si usa have to + la forma base del verbo per esprimere un obbligo che proviene
Si usa don’t have to per dire che non è necessario fare qualcosa.

1 Completa le frasi con have to alla forma affermativa (✓) o negativa (✗).

0 Luke and his brother Jim have to tidy their room. (✓)
1 I wash dad’s car. (✗)
2 We play football today. (✓)
3 Mum and dad go shopping this evening. (✗)
4 Mark cook dinner. (✗)

2 Trasforma le frasi affermative alla forma negativa.

0 Sheila has to clean her boots. Sheila doesn’t have to clean her boots.
1 You have to help your brother.
2 Her sister has to come back early.
3 They have to do this exercise.
4 Bob and Tom have to wait for us.

have to: questions and short answer

Forma interrogativa Risposte brevi
Affermative Negative
Do I have to Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Do you have to Yes, you do. No, you don’t.
Does he have to Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
Does she have to wait? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.
Does it have to Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.
Do we have to Yes, we do. No, we don’t.
Do you have to Yes, you do. No, you don’t. 3.5
Do they have to Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

3 Completa le domande con la forma corretta di have to. Poi scrivi delle risposte
brevi vere per te.
0 Do students have to be polite? (be)
– Yes, they do.
1 you at school before 9am? (be)

2 you your homework in the evening? (do)

3 your brother the washing-up at home? (do)

4 visitors presents in your country? (bring)

5 your dad to work every day? (go)

6 you early in the morning? (get up)

have to vs. must
You must take your shoes off when you arrive. Devi toglierti le scarpe quando arrivi.
You have to take your shoes off when you arrive. Devi toglierti le scarpe quando arrivi.
Do I have to bring a present? Devo portare un regalo?
– Yes, you do. / – No, you don’t. – Sì. / – No.
Assenza di obbligo
You don’t have to bring a present. Non devi portare un regalo.
(Non è necessario.)
You mustn’t be late. Non devi essere in ritardo. (È proibito.)

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Si usa must o have to per esprimere obbligo. Ciò che viene detto è molto importante
per chi parla.
Si usa don’t have to per esprimere assenza di obbligo. Chi parla vuole esprimere
assenza di necessità.
Si usa mustn’t per esprimere proibizione.

4 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 You don’t have to / mustn’t interrupt the conversation.

1 They don’t have to / mustn’t use mobile phones at school.
2 We have to / mustn’t bring a present for Mary’s birthday.
3 I mustn’t / don’t have to be late for the appointment.

5 Completa le frasi con don’t have to, doesn’t have to o mustn’t.

0 Tomorrow I don’t have to get up early. It’s Sunday.

1 What I tell you is a secret: you tell anybody.
2 You eat that food if you don’t like it.
3 Students wear a uniform in this school.

6 Completa le frasi con le forme corrette di have to oppure con mustn’t.

0 Do I have to bring my membership card every time I come?

1 You bring any food or drink into this area.
2 You wear outdoor shoes in the sports hall.
3 You be an expert to solve this problem.

Grammar 2
Second Conditional
Second Conditional
Condizione Conseguenza
If I were you, I would go.
Se io fossi in te, andrei.

If we had an argument, I would apologise.

Se noi litigassimo, chiederei scusa.

If she didn’t tell the truth, I would be angry.

Se lei non dicesse la verità, mi arrabbierei.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Si usa il Second Conditional per parlare di una situazione immaginaria o improbabile
nel presente o nel futuro.
Dopo if si usa la forma del Past Simple del verbo.
Per il verbo be, dopo if si usa were con tutte le persone.
Nella frase principale si usa would + la forma base del verbo. 3.5
Would spesso viene contratto in ’d: If we had an argument, I’d apologise.
È possibile invertire le due frasi: If I were you, I’d go. / I’d go if I were you.

7 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 If I was / were young, I go / would go to work abroad.

1 Luke bought / would buy a new moped if he would have / had enough money.
2 I were / would be scared if I would see / saw a ghost in my room.
3 I have / would have a barbecue if I have / had a big garden.
4 My mum would study / studied Chinese if she has / had time.

8 Completa le frasi con il Second Conditional dei verbi tra parentesi.

0 I would go to Australia if I (win) won the lottery.

1 If Mrs Parks (have) much more time she would have dancing lessons.
2 Students would study better if they (have) computers at school.
3 If I (be) you I would tell him the truth.
4 If he (feel) better he would go to the concert.

9 Completa le frasi con i verbi nel riquadro.

came had studied visited were

0 I’d help you if I had time.

1 Bob would pass the exam if he more.
2 If they we would be happy.
3 You would sleep in a haunted castle if you Scotland.
4 If I taller I would play basketball.

10 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 Rachel would be / was / is sad if her husband would leave / leave / left.
1 If she studied / would study / will study more she will get / gets / would get
better marks.
2 I do / would do / did these exercises if I was / am / were you.
3 I go / went / would go to Cuba if I had / have / has money.
4 If he would see / see / saw Mary he will give / gave / would give her the present.

Grammar tip
Si usa If I were you + I would + la forma base del verbo per dare un consiglio.

11 Leggi le situazioni. Usa il Second Conditional e If I were you per dare dei
consigli secondo le indicazioni date tra parentesi.
0 My mum made a chocolate cake, but I didn’t like it.
(not tell her) If I were you, I wouldn’t tell her.
1 I found a wallet in the street.
(go to the police station)
2 I’ve got a very bad headache.
(go to bed early)
3 I’ve had an argument with my parents
4 I didn’t understand the teacher.
(ask him to repeat)
5 I want to buy a new book but I haven’t got any money.
(ask your parents for some money)


3.6 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1
Gerunds and Infinitives
Gerunds (verb + -ing)

1) Il gerundio (forma in -ing del verbo) può essere usato come soggetto di una frase.
Recycling is part of daily life.
Riciclare fa parte della vita quotidiana.

2) Il gerundio (forma in -ing del verbo) è usato dopo alcuni verbi ed espressioni.
We’ve started growing vegetables.
Abbiamo iniziato a coltivare ortaggi.
3) Il gerundio (forma in -ing del verbo) è usato dopo alcuni verbi seguiti da preposizioni.
I’m interested in gardening.
Sono interessato al giardinaggio.

Infnitives (to + base form of verb)

4) L’infnito (to + forma base del verbo) è usato dopo alcuni verbi.
I decided to teach my students new grammar rules.
Ho deciso di insegnare ai miei studenti delle nuove regole di grammatica.

5) L’infnito (to + forma base del verbo) è usato dopo alcuni aggettivi.
It’s important to learn about the environment.
È importante imparare a conoscere l’ambiente.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Getting up early is diffcult. Si usa il gerundio come soggetto della frase.
She loves working at the library. Si usa il gerundio dopo il verbo love.
She’s good at using her hands. Si usa il gerundio dopo l’espressione be good at.
It’s useful to speak a foreign language. Si usa l’infnito dopo aggettivi come useful,
great, important…
I’m pleased to meet you. Si usa l’infnito dopo l’espressione I’m pleased.

1 Sottolinea una volta i verbi all’infnito e due volte i verbi al gerundio.

0 Janet loves playing the piano.

1 The teacher saw me talking during the test.
2 Mum mustn’t forget to borrow some books.
3 I don’t mind talking to him.
4 They started to play famous songs.

2 Osserva i verbi e le espressioni e completa con l’infnito o il gerundio.

0 try (speak) try to speak

1 enjoy (travel)
2 don’t mind (study)
3 decide (go)
4 learn (swim)
5 fnish (write)
6 help (learn)
7 want (help)

3 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 She goes on chatting / to chat.

1 They have decided to buy / buying a bigger house.
2 The children must learn to play / playing together.
3 I don’t mind to get up / getting up early.
4 He fnishes to work / working at 8pm.

4 Collega le frasi della prima colonna (0-4) con le frasi della seconda colonna
0 B I’m tired A for helping her.
1 My dad is thinking B of doing my homework.
2 Mark asked me C to wake me up at 6 o’clock.
3 She thanked me D to help him.
4 Remember E of changing his car.

First Conditional vs. Second Conditional
First Conditional
If + Present Simple, will / won’t + forma base del verbo.
If you turn off the lights, you will save energy.
Se spegni le luci, risparmierai energia.
Second Conditional
If + Past Simple, would / wouldn’t + forma base del verbo.
If we saved more energy, we wouldn’t have so many environmental problems.
Se risparmiassimo più energia non avremmo così tanti problemi ambientali.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Si usa il First Conditional per parlare di ipotesi probabili.
Si usa il Second Conditional per parlare di ipotesi improbabili.

5 Sottolinea una volta il First Conditional e due volte il Second Conditional.

0 If the weather improves, we’ll go to the beach.

1 What would you do if you won the lottery?
2 If I saw a ghost in my bedroom, I’d be very scared.
3 If I were you, I’d buy a new camera.
4 My aunt will come and see us if she has time.

6 Collega le frasi della prima colonna (0-4) con le frasi della seconda colonna
0 D If you study more, A if I had money.
1 I would buy you a smartphone B if she didn’t spend hours on her computer.
2 They’ll play tennis C I wouldn’t go.
3 Janet wouldn’t have headache D you’ll pass your exam.
4 If I were you, E if it’s sunny.

7 Completa le frasi con il First Conditional (1st) o con il Second Conditional (2nd)
dei verbi tra parentesi.
0 If I (save) save some money, I (buy) ’ll buy a moped. (1st)
1 If I (have) a better job, I (earn) more money. (2nd)
2 I (buy) a big house if I (have) more money. (2st)
3 If I (take) a weekend job, I (get) more money. (1st)
4 If we (study) hard, we (pass) the exam. (1st)

Grammar 2
Relative pronouns: who, which, that and where
Michael King is the teacher who / that thought of the project.
Michael King è l’insegnante che ha pensato il progetto.
They don’t use plastic bags which / that cause a lot of pollution.
Non usano sacchetti di plastica che causano molto inquinamento.
Borneo is an island where you can see a lot of orang-utans.
Borneo è un’isola dove / in cui si possono vedere molti orangutan.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Si usano who, which, that e where nelle frasi relative.
Si usano who e that con le persone.
Si usano which e that con gli oggetti.
Si usa where con i luoghi.

8 Sottolinea una volta il pronome relativo e due volte la parola a cui si riferisce.

0 Sandy has a friend who lives in New Zealand.

1 That car that is in front of the Church is my dad’s.
2 London is the city where I went last Easter.
3 This is a flm which is full of violence.
4 That is the actor who won the Oscar.

9 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 Mary is the girl who / which lives at number 12.

1 Polar bears are very big animals who / which are very dangerous.
2 Pandas live in China which / where they can fnd Eucalyptus leaves.
3 That is the hotel where / which they stayed last month.
4 ‘Orang-utan’ is a Malay word where / which means ‘person’ and ‘forest’.
5 Mr Robinson is a teacher who / which knows a lot about animals.
6 Snakes are creatures who / which prefer warm climates.


3.7 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1
Present Simple Passive: affirmative and negative forms
Forma affermativa
The animal is sold.
L’animale viene venduto.
Animals are removed from their natural habitat.
Gli animali vengono rimossi dal loro habitat naturale.
Forma negativa
The animal isn’t endangered.
L’animale non è messo in pericolo.
They aren’t given safe enclosures. 3.7
Non sono fornite loro recinzioni sicure.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
La forma passiva del Present Simple si forma con il Present Simple del verbo + il
participio passato.
Si usa la forma passiva quando si vuole dare enfasi all’azione, piuttosto che al soggetto
che la compie.
Per esprimere chi compie l’azione si usa by + il complemento d’agente.
The animal is sold by the smuggler.
L’animale viene venduto dal contrabbandiere.

1 Sottolinea il verbo alla forma passiva.

0 English is spoken here.

1 Those cars are made in Germany.
2 Luke is loved by Valerie.
3 This TV programme is made in Canada.
4 This song is sung in Italian.

2 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 This book is / are written in Greek.

1 That computer is / are made in Korea.
2 These books is / are chosen by the teachers.
3 Italian food is / are sold all over the world.
4 Breakfast is / are served at 7.30am.

3 Completa le frasi con i verbi nel riquadro.

cleaned made played published visited

0 Glamis Castle is visited by a lot of tourists.

1 Our classroom is every day.
2 Those magazines are twice a month.
3 Volleyball is in our school.
4 Those shoes are in Italy.

4 Completa le frasi con il Present Simple passivo dei verbi tra parentesi.

0 Police dogs are used to help the police. (use)

1 A police dog to be obedient. (teach)
2 The dogs at special dog schools. (train)
3 An old police dog to live with a policeman. (send)
4 Female dogs for police work. (not accept)

5 Sottolinea una volta le frasi attive e due volte le frasi passive.

0 Notting Hill Carnival is celebrated in London.

1 Hanna is going to the cinema.
2 Pasta is eaten in Italy.
3 My bedroom is cleaned by my mum every day.
4 German is taught in my school.
5 Students are very happy to fnish school.

Present Simple Passive: questions and short answers
Yes / No questions Risposte brevi
Affermative Negative
Is breakfast included in the price? – Yes, it is. – No, it isn’t.
La colazione è inclusa nel prezzo? – Sì. – No.

Are the rooms cleaned every day? – Yes, they are. – No, they aren’t.
Le camere vengono pulite ogni giorno? – Sì. – No.

6 Trasforma le frasi affermative passive alla forma interrogativa passiva. Poi

rispondi con delle risposte brevi affermative (✓) o negative (✗).
0 Only male dogs are used for police work. (✓)
Are only male dogs used for police work? – Yes, they are.
1 Wine is produced in Japan. (✗)
2 Police dogs are trained to be aggressive. (✗)
3 The animal is given food and water. (✗)

Grammar 2
Past Simple Passive: affirmative and negative forms
Forma affermativa
All the money was returned. Tutto il denaro è stato restituito.
The men were found guilty. Gli uomini sono stati trovati colpevoli.
Forma negativa
The painting wasn’t stolen. Il dipinto non è stato rubato.
The guards weren’t attacked. Le guardie non sono state aggredite.

7 Completa le frasi con il verbo be al Past Simple.

0 Hamlet was written by William Shakespeare.

1 Brad and Janet seen by her mum.
2 Those gloves bought in that shopping centre.
3 This cake made by my sister.
4 America discovered by Christopher Columbus.

8 Sottolinea una volta il passivo presente e due volte il passivo passato.

0 Christmas is celebrated on 25th December.

1 Thriller was sung by Michael Jackson.
2 The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.
3 Pompeii was destroyed by a volcanic eruption.
4 Chiara and her sister are invited to the wedding.

9 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di be al Past Simple e i verbi nel

built directed fnished stolen washed

0 Those houses were built in 1950.

1 That work at midnight.
2 Her car by Bob. He’s kind.
3 E.T. by Steven Spielberg.
4 Mark’s bike yesterday.

10 Trasforma le frasi attive in frasi passive. Usa by dove indicato.

0 During the robbery they hurt two women.

Two women were hurt during the robbery.
1 Last week the police arrested a suspect.

2 A man committed the crime. (by)

3 The police found clues in her house. (by)

4 The police solved the crime immediately. (by)

5 They sent the man to prison.

Past Simple Passive: questions and short answers
Yes / No questions Risposte brevi
Affermative Negative
Was the man arrested? – Yes, he was. – No, he wasn’t.
L’uomo è stato arrestato? – Sì. – No.

Were the diamonds found? – Yes, they were. – No, they weren’t.
I diamandi sono stati trovati? – Sì. – No.
Wh- questions
Why was the money returned? Perché è stato restituito il denaro?
Where were the diamonds hidden? Dove sono stati nascosti i diamanti?

11 Trasforma le frasi affermative passive alla forma interrogativa passiva.

Poi rispondi con delle risposte brevi affermative.
0 Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
Was Hamlet written by Shakespeare? (✓)
– Yes, it was.
The telephone was invented by Antonio Meucci.
? (✓)

Pulp Fiction was directed by Tarantino. 3.7

? (✓)

The kidnappers were arrested near the school.

? (✗)

A lot of cars were stolen last night.

? (✓)


3.8 Grammar for All MPO: ACCEDI AI MATERIALI




Grammar 1
Reported speech
Discorso diretto
Sam said, ‘The desktop is quite old’. Sam disse: “Il computer è piuttosto vecchio”.
Sam said, ‘I use it for schoolwork’. Sam disse: “Lo uso per fare i compiti”.
Discorso indiretto
Sam said (that) the desktop was quite old. Sam disse che il computer era piuttosto vecchio.
Sam said (that) he used it for schoolwork. Sam disse che lo usava per fare i compiti.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
Nel discorso diretto vengono espresse le parole esatte di chi parla.
Nel discorso diretto si usano le virgolette.
Con il discorso indiretto si riferisce che cosa ha detto qualcuno

1 Leggi le frasi. Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 Sam said, ‘I’m seeing my sister this afternoon’. ( Direct speech / Indirect speech)
1 Mr Ford said you were late for the lesson. (Direct speech / Indirect speech)
2 Robin said he played football every Sunday. (Direct speech / Indirect speech)
3 My brother said, ‘I’m not feeling well’. (Direct speech / Indirect speech)

2 Sottolinea una volta i pronomi e due volte i verbi e nota come cambiano
nel passaggio da discorso diretto a indiretto.
0 Mary said, ‘I’ m late for school’. Mary said she was late for school.
1 He said, ‘I live in Boston’. He said he lived in Boston.
2 My mum said, ‘I write lots of emails’. My mum said she wrote lots of emails.
3 Tom said, ‘I want to study Greek’. Tom said he wanted to study Greek.

Changes to verb tenses
Il discorso indiretto richiede dei cambiamenti ai tempi verbali.
Discorso diretto Discorso indiretto
Present Simple Past Simple
‘I’m tired’, he said. He said he was tired.
“Sono stanco”, disse. Disse che era stanco.
Present Continuous Past Continuous
‘They’re having dinner’, he said. He said they were having dinner.
“Stanno cenando”, disse. Disse che stavano cenando.
am / is / are going to was / were going to
‘It’s going to be a lovely day’, she said. She said it was going to be a lovely day.
“Sarà una bella giornata”, disse. Disse che sarebbe stata una bella giornata.
can could
‘I can connect to the Internet’, he said. He said he could connect to the Internet.
“Posso collegarmi a Internet”, disse. Disse che poteva collegarsi a Internet.
will would
‘I will pay for it’, she said. She said she would pay for it.
“Pagherò per questo”, disse. Disse che avrebbe pagato per questo.

Other changes in reported speech
Nel passaggio dal discorso diretto a quello indiretto cambiano anche alcune parole,
come in italiano. Qui di seguito sono elencati i principali cambiamenti.
Pronomi personali
‘I don’t buy many computer games’, said Sam. Sam said he didn’t buy many computer games.
“Io non compro molti videogiochi”, disse Sam. Sam disse che non comprava molti videogiochi.

Pronomi complemento
They said, ‘We will buy you a TV’. They said they would buy me a TV.
Dissero: “Ti compreremo un televisore”. Dissero che mi avrebbero comprato un

Aggettivi possessivi
‘I can scan my friend’s school notes’, he said. He said he could scan his friend’s school notes.
“Posso fare la scansione degli appunti di Disse che poteva fare la scansione degli
scuola del mio amico”, disse. appunti di scuola del suo amico.

3 Pronomi. Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 Tom said, ‘The teacher gives us lots of homework’.

Tom said that the teacher gave him / them lots of homework.
1 Emma said, ‘I don’t know the answer’.
Emma said that she / I didn’t know the answer.
2 The students said, ‘We’re having a great time’.
The students said them / they were having a great time.
3 Neil said, ‘I think spelling in English is diffcult’.
Neil said he / it thought spelling in English was diffcult.

4 Verbi. Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 Rachel said she is / was good at skiing.

1 My parents said I always listen / listened to rap music.
2 Lucy said she was / is a shy girl.
3 Our teacher said those documentaries are / were very interesting.
4 Valerie said she often went / goes to the theatre with her husband.

Reported speech and time references

Anche le espressioni di tempo cambiano nel discorso indiretto.
He said, ‘We’re having a test today’. Disse: ‘Avremo un esame oggi’.
He said (that) they were having a test that day. Disse che avrebbero avuto un esame
quel giorno.
Discorso diretto Discorso indiretto
today (oggi) tonight (questa sera) that day (l’altro giorno, quel giorno)
now (ora) then (allora)
this morning / week / year (questa mattina...) that morning / week / year (quella mattina...)
tomorrow (domani) the next day (il giorno successivo)
next month... (il mese prossimo...) the following month... (il mese seguente...)

5 Correggi le espressioni di tempo.

0 She told me her brother was leaving today. = that day

1 Mike and Andy said there was a party this evening. =
2 The headmaster said he would go to the USA next year. =
3 She told us she would by a new mobile phone tomorrow. =
4 He said he was going to Frank’s party tonight. =

Grammar 2
say and tell
He said (that) his computer had wi-f.
Disse che il suo computer aveva la wi-f.
He told us (that) his computer had wi-f.
Ci disse che il suo computer aveva la wi-f.
The teacher said (that) there wasn’t any homework.
L’insegnante disse che non c’erano compiti a casa.
The teacher told Alex (that) there wasn’t any homework.
L’insegnante disse ad Alex che non c’erano compiti a casa.

Grammar tip
Osserva la tabella e leggi le frasi.
tell è sempre seguito dal nome di una persona o da un pronome complemento.

6 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 His parents said / told that he had come back at midnight.

1 He said / told that his mother was in Spain.
2 Last Saturday Luke said / told Claire, ‘I don’t want to see you again’. 3.8
3 Alice said / told me she had a new boyfriend.
4 I said / told my parents that I wanted a new computer.

7 Completa le frasi con said oppure told.

0 You told me it was a good idea!

1 The teacher us that the test was diffcult.
2 He the museum was closed.
3 Mum my dad her mobile phone wasn’t working.
4 My sister me she would help me.
5 Your parents that you couldn’t go to the party.

Question tags
Una Question tag è una breve domanda che si aggiunge alla fne di una frase. Signifca
“non è vero?” / “non è così? ”
La forma dell’ausiliare nella Question tag dipende dalla forma del verbo nella frase. Per i
verbi eccetto be e have got si usa la forma corrispondente dell’ausiliare do.

Frase affermativa Question tag negativa
The Internet is available in every country, isn’t it?
Internet è disponibile in ogni paese, non è vero?
You’ve got a tablet, haven’t you?
Hai un tablet, non è vero?
Dan likes the Gorillaz, doesn’t he?
A Dan piacciono i Gorillaz, non è vero?
Zuckerman invented Facebook, didn’t he?
Zuckerman ha inventato Facebook, non è vero?
Attenzione alla prima persona singolare:
I’m very intelligent, aren’t I? (Sono molto intelligente, non è vero?)
I’m very intelligent, am I not?

Frase negativa Question tag affermativa

Th Internet isn’t available in every country, is it?
Internet non è disponibile in ogni paese, vero?
You haven’t got a tablet, have you?
Non hai un tablet, vero?
Rita doesn’t like the Gorillaz, does she?
A Rita non piacciono i Gorillaz, vero?
Bill Gates didn’t invent Facebook, did he?
Bill Gates non ha inventato Facebook, vero?

8 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

0 The weather is awful, is it / isn’t it ?

1 Your brother hasn’t got a new bike, has he / hasn’t he?
2 I am often late, am I not / aren’t I?
3 Her brother likes children, does he / doesn’t he?
4 Your relatives went to Germany, did they / didn’t they?

9 Abbina la frasi della prima colonna (0-4) con le Question tags della seconda
colonna (A-E).
0 D Our Maths teacher can’t drive, A didn’t he?
1 They won’t leave tomorrow, B haven’t you?
2 Her friend phoned yesterday, C will they?
3 Mark lives here, D can she?
4 You have got an email address, E doesn’t he?


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