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La difesa olandese
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Qual è la difesa olandese?
Come raggiungere la difesa olandese?
Perché giocare nella difesa olandese?
Ogni mossa spiegata
Olandese di Leningrado (3.g6)
Variazione Classica (3.e6 e 6.d6)
Variazione Stonewall (3.e6 e 6.d5)

La Difesa Olandese è un'apertura degli scacchi in cui vengono giocate le seguenti mosse:
Indietro Prossimo

La Difesa Olandese è un'apertura degli scacchi


L'idea alla base della difesa olandese è: il Nero usa il suo pedone f per ottenere il controllo del centro e attaccare il lato di Re del Bianco.
Gli obiettivi del Nero all'inizio sono sviluppare rapidamente i suoi pezzi e l'arrocco.
Indietro Prossimo

L'idea dietro la difesa olandese...


La difesa olandese può essere divisa in tre varianti principali.

Il nero può scegliere di giocare in molti modi diversi: attaccare sul lato del re o sviluppare i pezzi e controllare il centro.

Le tre variazioni principali sono:

Olandese di Leningrado (3.g6)

Variazione Classica (3.e6 e 6.d6)
Variazione Stonewall (3.e6 e 6.d5)
Indietro Prossimo

Le varianti della Difesa Olandese...


Nella variante Leningrado, il Nero decide di fidanzarsi per proteggere il suo Re. Con il pedone in f5, il Nero intende attaccare il Re del

The idea of playing f5 is to develop the Knight to f6 behind the pawn, and to eventually push f4 after developing all of the pieces.
Indietro Prossimo

Questa è la variante di Leningrado


In the Classical variation, Black decides to play very simple and make castle as fast as he can without creating any weak spot in his setup.

The idea is to develop the king side pieces and start creating a possible attack on the White´s King.
Indietro Prossimo

Questa è la variazione classica


In the Stonewall variation, Black setups the control of the white squares in the center.

The idea of playing the pawns to white squares is to create some kind of wall in the center and develop the pieces behind them.

This is a very solid and more strategical system.

Indietro Prossimo

Idee dietro la variante Stonewall


What is The Dutch Defense?

The Dutch Defense is a chess opening.

It is a flank openings because White moves the Queen’s pawn two squares but Black does not reply symmetrically.

You can see what it looks like below.

Indietro Prossimo

La Difesa Olandese è un'apertura degli scacchi


How To Reach The Dutch Defense

1. First, White must move the Queen’s pawn two squares (1.d4).
2. Then, Black’s reply should be to play his King’s side pawn two square (1...f5).

Take a look at the moves below.

Indietro Prossimo

La Difesa Olandese è un'apertura degli scacchi


Why Play The Dutch Defense

The Dutch Defense is an asymmetrical opening with a great reputation.

Many great chess players, including World Champions, play it.

In the Dutch Defense, Black moves without creating many weaknesses and tries to attack White’s King side.
Indietro Prossimo

L'idea dietro la difesa olandese...


Every move explained

Leningrad Dutch (3.g6)

How To Reach It
The Leningrad variation appears on the board after the following moves:

1. d4 d5
2. c4 Nf6
3. Nf3 g6
4. g3 Bg7

You can see the moves here.

Indietro Prossimo

Per raggiungere la Variante di Leningrado...


Why play the Leningrad variation

The Leningrad variation is the most popular option in the Dutch Defense.

Black tries to start an attack against White’s King by expanding on the Kingside and naturally developing his pieces.
Indietro Prossimo

Questa è la variante di Leningrado


White's Moves
Play Nc3 followed by d5 to gain space
White wants to develop the Knight to c3, to help the control of the center.

The idea behind this move is to push d5 and win space in the center. This is a good idea as the advance is supported by the Knight.
Indietro Prossimo

L'idea di White: portate qui Knight


Play b3 followed by Bb2 to avoid e5 push

White wants to develop his other bishop before the knight to counter if Black move his pawn from e7 to e5.

The Bishop on b2 also helps control the center.

Indietro Prossimo

L'idea del bianco: mettere l'alfiere sulla diagonale (per

controllare la casella e5)

Black's moves
Challenge the center with c6 and e5
Black wants to challenge the center and fight for the initiative.

This plan is the most played and the most aggressive of the Leningrad variation.

If Black controls the center, he can attack on both sides of the board.
Indietro Prossimo

Il Nero inizia il piano


Expand with Queenside

Black wants to expand his game with ideas like a5 and Na6 and later challenge the center!

Black improves is Queen side before going into action in the center. The Bishop on g7 is a ticking bomb waiting for the center to open.
Indietro Prossimo

L'idea del Nero: usa la Regina per far avanzare questo


Classical Variation (3.e6 and 6.d6)

How To Reach It
The Classical variation with 3.e6 and 6.d6 appears on the board after the following moves:

1. d4 f5
2. c4 Nf6
3. Nf3 e6
4. g3 Be7
5. Bg2 0-0
6. 0-0 d6

You can see the moves here.

Indietro Prossimo

La Classica è una variante della difesa olandese


Why play the Classical variation

The Classical variation is the oldest option in the Dutch Defense.

It is an ambitious, aggressive setup, that can cause a lot of problems if White don't know what to do.

Black tries to start an attack against White’s King by Blocking the Queenside and naturally developing his attack in the Kingside.
Indietro Prossimo

Questa è la variazione classica


White's Moves
Play Nc3 followed and push slow e4
White wants to develop the Knight to c3, to help the control of the center.

The idea behind this move is to push e4 and win space in the center. This is a good idea as the advance is supported by the Knight and
eventually by other pieces.
Indietro Prossimo

Il bianco muove il Cavallo in c4 (per controllare la casa e4)


Expand with b4 in the Queen side

White can expand on the queenside with moves like b4 and a5 and later win the center.

The idea: White wants to improve Queenside space before fighting over the center.
Indietro Prossimo

Il bianco può usare i suoi pedoni per conquistare in modo

aggressivo lo spazio sul lato di Donna

Black's moves
Block the Queenside and attack White King
Black wants to block the queenside and fight for the initiative in the kingside.

This plan is the most played and the most aggressive of the classical variation.

If Black controls the queenside, he can attack on the other side of the board.
Indietro Prossimo

Il piano del Nero: bloccare il lato di Donna e poi attaccare

il lato di Re

Stonewall Variation (3.e6 and 6.d5)

How To Reach It
The Classical variation with 3.e6 and 6.d appears on the board after the following moves.

1. d4 f5
2. c4 Nf6
3. Nf3 e6
4. g3 Be7
5. Bg2 0-0
6. 0-0 d5

You can see the moves here.

Indietro Prossimo

Lo Stonewall è una variante della difesa olandese


Why play the Stonewall variation

The Stonewall variation is the safest option in the Dutch Defense and the simplest to play.

Black just plays the very specific pawn formation and develops the pieces rather than trying to memorize long lines of different variations
Indietro Prossimo

Idee dietro la variante Stonewall


White's Moves
Play Ba3 to exchange Black´s good bishop
White protects the c4 pawn and follows the plan with Ba3 to exchange blacks ́s good bishop.

The idea of this plan is to trade off Black’s best piece and make the e5 square even more weak.

This idea is good because White trades his worst piece on the board for Black’s best, and is very simple idea to execute.
Indietro Prossimo

Il piano del Bianco: Scambiare l'Alfiere Buono del Nero


Naturally develop the pieces and control e5 square

White will naturally develop the pieces to their best squares and then fight for the e5 square.

This plan is very simple and doesn’t require a lot of memorization. It is more about strategic understanding rather opening knowledge.
Indietro Prossimo

L'idea del Bianco: spostare l'alfiere per controllare e5


Black's moves
When white wants to exchange dark square bishop
The most used plan by white is to exchange the dark square bishop on a3 so black should do the same with his white square bishop.

This plan consists of moving the bishop from c8 to h5 and then coordinate the knights.
Indietro Prossimo

Il bianco proverà a scambiare gli alfieri con la casella

scura... (il nostro buono)

Most typical ideas on the stonewall variation

Usually black moves his knights to e4 and then try to move the Queen or the Bishop to h5 to have some pressure on the Kingside.

This plan is used against all white plans with the exception of the Ba3 plan.
Indietro Prossimo

Piani nella variante Stonewall: (1) Creare un muro di


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