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6- A.I.

The Journey of Language Mastery 19 th August, 2023

When I communicate in writing, I estimate that about 30% of my effort is dedicated
to considering the destination itself. I strive to use terms and expressions that I have
learned, but that have not yet become an integral part of my linguistic "cultural
baggage." What I mean is that they don't come to my mind spontaneously or I
struggle a bit to recall them. When I speak, I rely on words that have become well-
established in my memory.
I visualize the path to reach the destination as a series of staircases. The more
ambitious the goal, the more numerous the flights of stairs. As you ascend, the view
of the landscape expands, which in my analogy corresponds to the knowledge and
mastery of the language you wish to learn. There's no elevator; time is a
foundational element for achieving language proficiency. After all, we studied our
native language for many years in school. It's crucial to find the best ways to climb
those stairs. Each step requires effort. This effort needs to be rewarded with the
satisfaction – I'd even say the tangible satisfaction – of learning. This result can only
be achieved by experimenting with new or different learning approaches.

9. The Destination vs. The Way

How much of your focus is devoted to the way, and how much of it is devoted to the
destination, when communicating and when learning English?
Quando comunico per iscritto penso per un 30% circa, anche alla destinazione.
Cerco di usare termini ed espressioni che ho imparato ma che non sono ancora
entrati a fare parte del mio "bagaglio culturale" linguistico. Quello che intendo è che
non mi si affacciano alla mente spontaneamente oppure faccio un poca di fatica a
ricordare. Quando parlo uso vocaboli consolidati nella mia memoria.
Immagino la via per raggiungere la destinazione come una serie di rampe di scale.
Più ambizioso è il traguardo più numerose saranno le rampe di scale. Man mano che
si sale si amplia la veduta del paesaggio che nella mia similitudine corrisponde alla
conoscenza ed alla padronanza della lingua che si vuole imparare. Non c'è nessun
ascensore, il tempo è un elemento fondante per il raggiungimento della padronanza
della lingua. Del resto abbiamo studiato la nostra lingua madre per tanti anni a
scuola. E' importante trovare i modi migliori per salire quelle scale. Ogni scalino
costa fatica. La fatica ha bisogno di essere ripagata con la soddisfazione, direi
tangibile, dell'apprendimento. A questo risultato si perviene solo sperimentando
nuove o diverse modalità di apprendimento.
Google translation
When I communicate in writing, I think about 30%, even of the destination. I try to
use terms and expressions that I have learned but which have not yet become part
of my linguistic "cultural baggage". What I mean is that they don't come to my mind
spontaneously or I have a little trouble remembering. When I speak I use
consolidated words in my memory.
I imagine the way to reach the destination as a series of flights of stairs. The more
ambitious the goal is, the more flights of stairs there will be. As you go up, the view
of the landscape expands, which in my analogy corresponds to the knowledge and
mastery of the language you want to learn. There is no elevator, time is a key
element in achieving fluency in the language. After all, we studied our mother
tongue for many years at school. It's important to find the best ways to navigate
those stairs. Every step takes effort. The effort needs to be repaid with the
satisfaction, I would say tangible, of learning. This result can only be achieved by
experimenting with new or different learning methods.

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