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The Kindle is an eBook reader appeared in 2007. Jeff Bezos (Amazon founder) asked
Michael Cronan (an American designer) to think a name for the Kindle. He didn't want a
High-tech name because his costumers loved traditional paper books. Cronan and his wife
talked a lot about the name and after all the names, Bezos chose kindle, which means 'to
light a fire'. Cronan thought that this would remind people of the excitement they feel when
they are enjoying their favourite book. The name is also inspired by a line from the French
novelist Victor Hugo: to read is to light a fire.


Ken Segall put the 'i' because there was already a range of Macintosh computers. Before
they chose 'iMac' Segall and his team thought of dozens of names. The 'i' is for 'internet' but
also for 'individual' or 'imagination'. Segall suggested a lot of names to Steve Jobs, including
'iMac' and 'MacMan' but Jobs hated all of them. He suggested more names, including 'iMac'
again and Jobs said 'Well, I don't hate it this week'.

● Will → quando ci si offre di fare qualcosa (in futuro) o si è appena deciso di compiere
un’azione e ci si appresta a farla. Suggerisce, quindi, un’azione volontaria e viene usato anche
nelle promesse.
● Going to → Quando si parla di qualcosa che sta per accadere (esempio “sta per piovere”) o
per indicare qualcosa che accadrà perché già deciso, pianificato da tempo. Suggerisce, quindi,
che si ha l’intenzione di fare qualcosa nel futuro.
● Present continuous → quando si parla di qualcosa che è già stata programmato e si farà in un
futuro vicino (ad esempio stasera). = il simple present del verbo essere + il present
participle del verbo seguente.

Si forma con soggetto + has/have + participio passato. Si usa per:
● Azioni che sono cominciate nel passato e che continuano ancora al presente;
Spesso si usano le preposizioni for (quando si vuole indicare un lasso di tempo) e
since (quando si vuole indicare un momento preciso) assieme al Present Perfect. Si
traduce in italiano con il presente semplice indicativo.
He has lived in Italy for five years. = Vive in Italia da 5 anni
● Azioni che sono avvenute nel passato in un periodo imprecisato. Si usano avverbi
come already ("già", nelle affermative), yet (con il significato di "già" nelle
interrogative e "ancora" nelle negative e interrogative-negative), still ("ancora", nelle
affermative), just ("appena", "proprio"), ever ("mai"), o never ("non...mai"). Questi
avverbi vanno di solito prima del participio passato all'interno della frase, ad
eccezione di yet che va alla fine della frase. Si traduce in italiano con il passato
prossimo indicativo.
I've already seen that film. I don't want to see it again. = Ho già visto quel film. Non
voglio rivederlo
● Azioni che sono avvenute in un periodo di tempo non completamente trascorso. Si
traduce in italiano con il passato prossimo indicativo.
He has met his friends today. = Oggi ha incontrato i suoi amici.

● 0 conditional → if + Simple Present + Simple Present. Descrive le conseguenze che si
verificano ogni volta che la condizione risulta vera. Praticamente se la condizione introdotta
dalla frase ipotetica si realizza, allora si realizzerà anche l’azione descritta nella frase
principale. If I’m tired, I go to bed early.
● 1st conditional → if + Simple Present + Futuro con will. Si usa per parlare di eventi futuri che
accadranno con molto probabilità. If it rains, you will get wet.
● 2nd conditional → If + past simple, would/wouldn’t + verbo. Per descrivere le conseguenze
di una situazione o azione non realistica nel presente o nel futuro.
If I lived in a big city, I would go out more often.

Used to si usa per azioni che si svolgevsno nel passato e ora non si svolgono più

my room is at the end of a long corridor that separates the living room from the other rooms.
my room is one of the best in my house because it is very large and comfortable,
my room is white and when you enter on the left there are shelves where there are some
games I had as a child including My collection for lights. As you enter you can see the
television on the desk connected to the Playstation and to the computer
next to the desk there is a cabinet where I have school books and some old toys and many
photos. I live a big part of my day in this part of the room, because I have the space to study
and, when I have free time, I play, I read a few books or I see movies
on the other side of the room is my white bed and next to it are the wardrobes, where inside
are my clothes and my games from when I was little, including my guitar and my clarinet.

before in my room there was my sister and my room was very different,

she had half the wardrobes and I had a lot less space for my stuff. Now she has her room
is much better, because she has more space for clothes.
This is the best room in the house because now there is all my stuff that is useful for me to
live apart from food,
so when I need to be in my room alone, I can do it for hours.for Christmas I also bought a
painting with the Milan crest which will arrive in 2021.

 many verbs descibe actions, and they use present continus for actions happening
now o in the future,
some verbs describe states and feelings, ant actions, and are used in the present simple.

 Some verbs have two meaning, an action meaning and non actions meaning
Action, can be used in the present continius
Non actions, present simpleù

For future arragements we use present continius

To talk about things which will happen according to a timeline, we use the present simple

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