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Rivista del Gruppo Italiano di Ricerca su

Origene e la tradizione alessandrina
Journal of the Italian Research Group on
Origen and the Alexandrian Tradition

Rivista del Gruppo Italiano di Ricerca su
Origene e la tradizione alessandrina
Journal of the Italian Research Group on
Origen and the Alexandrian Tradition

Comitato Scientifico
Scientific Committee
Gilles Dorival (Aix-en-Provence / Marseilles),
Giovanni Filoramo (Torino), Alain Le Boulluec (Paris), Christoph Markschies (Berlin),
Claudio Moreschini (Pisa), Enrico Norelli (Genve), David T. Runia (Melbourne),
Guy Gedaliahu Stroumsa (Oxford / Jerusalem),
Robert Louis Wilken (Charlottesville, Virginia)

Comitato di Redazione
Editorial Board
Roberto Alciati, Osvalda Andrei, Guido Bendinelli, Paola Buzi,
Antonio Cacciari (vicedirettore), Francesca Calabi, Alberto Camplani (direttore scientifico),
Tessa Canella, Nathan Carlig, Francesca Cocchini, Chiara Faraggiana di Sarzana, Emiliano Fiori,
Mariachiara Giorda, Leonardo Lugaresi, Valentina Marchetto, Angela Maria Mazzanti, Adele Monaci,
Andrea Nicolotti, Domenico Pazzini, Lorenzo Perrone (direttore responsabile), Francesco Pieri, Teresa
Piscitelli, Emanuela Prinzivalli, Marco Rizzi, Pietro Rosa, Agostino Soldati, Stefano Tampellini,
Daniele Tripaldi (segretario), Andrea Villani, Claudio Zamagni

Corrispondenti esteri
Foreign correspondents
Cristian Badilita (Romania), Marie-Odile Boulnois (France),
Harald Buchinger (Austria), Dmitrij Bumazhnov (Russia), Augustine Casiday (United Kingdom),
Tinatin Dolidze (Georgia), Samuel Fernndez (Chile), Michael Ghattas (Egypt),
Anders-Christian Jacobsen (Denmark), Adam Kamesar (U.S.A.), Aryeh Kofsky (Israel),
Johan Leemans (Belgium), Jos Pablo Martn (Argentina), Joseph OLeary (Japan),
Anne Pasquier (Canada), Istvn Perczel (Hungary), Henryk Pietras (Poland),
Jana Pltov (Czech Republic), Jean-Michel Roessli (Switzerland),
Riemer Roukema (The Netherlands), Samuel Rubenson (Sweden),
Anna Tzvetkova (Bulgaria), Martin Wallraff (Germany)

La redazione di Adamantius presso il Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica, Alma Mater Studiorum
Universit di Bologna, Via Zamboni 32, I-40126 Bologna (tel. 0512098517, fax 051228172). Per ogni comunicazione
si prega di rivolgersi al Prof. Alberto Camplani (e-mail: o al Prof. Antonio Cacciari
(e-mail: Il notiziario segnaler tutte le informazioni pervenute che riguardino
specificamente il campo di ricerca del gruppo, registrando in maniera sistematica le pubblicazioni attinenti ad esso.
Si prega dinviare dissertazioni, libri e articoli per recensione allindirizzo sopra indicato.

1. Contributi
1.1. Sezione monografica
A. CACCIARI D. PAZZINI, Introduzione 5
A. ALIAU-MILHAUD, La composition du prologue du Commentaire sur Jean dOrigne 6
D. PAZZINI, Luso del verbo in Origene: i tempi storici (CIo VI, X e XIII) 25
M. MITCHELL, Problems and Solutions in Early Christian Biblical Interpretation: A Telling
Case from Origens Newly Discovered Greek Homilies on the Psalms (Codex Monacensis
Graecus 314) 40
C. FARAGGIANA DI SARZANA, Due loci corrupti produttori di neologismi 56
A. CACCIARI, Sull come strumento esegetico in Origene 67
L. PERRONE, I cuori e i reni. Note sullinterpretazione origeniana di Sal 7,10 87
1.2 Articoli
L.C. PALADINO, Gli Acta Alexandrinorum: studio preliminare per una nuova edizione critica 105
F. BERNO, Intelletto e anima / caldo e freddo: una dialettica valentiniana in Origene? 130
G. PISCINI, Le dialogue avec les chrtiens dans le Discours vritable de Celse 139
J. LEONI, Lesegesi origeniana della quarta petizione del Paternoster. I frammenti greci 153
F. CELIA, Gregory of Neocaesarea: a re-examination of the biographical issue 171
F. VECOLI, Phnomnologie de la vocation monastique: le mystre de la naissance dun moine 194
P. RIMOLI, La paternit del Christus Patiens tra Gregorio di Nazianzo e Teodoto di Ancira 215
S.A. ROBBE, Non solum pro pietate, verum etiam pro castitate. Martirio e castit nella Storia
ecclesiastica di Rufino di Concordia 231
A. BAUSI A. CAMPLANI, The History of the Episcopate of Alexandria (HEpA): Editio minor of the
fragments preserved in the Aksumite Collection and in the Codex Veronensis LX (58) 249
A. BAUSI, The accidents of transmission: On a surprising multilingual manuscript leaf. With the
edition of the Ethiopic version of two Constantinian epistles (CPG no. 8517, Epistula
Constantini imperatoris ad ecclesiam Alexandrinam, and CPG nos 2041 = 8519, Lex lata
Constantini Augusti de Arii damnatione) 303
S. FERNNDEZ, A Neglected Sixth-Century Manuscript of Origens De Principiis 323
A. DI RIENZO, Gli Actus Silvestri nella tradizione in lingua siriaca: il testimone contenuto nel
manoscritto BL Add 12174 328
G. LETTIERI, Eriugena e il transitus di Agostino nei Padri greci. Apokatastasis ed epektasis nel
V libro del Periphyseon 349
R. TONDINI, Origene bizantino. I Commenti a Matteo e Giovanni da Mistr a Venezia 398
M. FALLICA, Origene pro sola fide nel Beneficio di Cristo. Lantologia patristica Unio
dissidentium come fonte riformata di unanomala auctoritas 416
1.3. Note e Rassegne
C. NERI, Minima Origeniana. Questioni linguistico-testuali e citazioni dei Proverbi nel Nuovo
Origene 445
M. SIMONETTI, Leggendo le Omelie sui Salmi di Origene 454
G. BENDINELLI, Spigolature origeniane 481
C. NOCE R. CHIARADONNA C. TAVOLIERI, Sons of Hellenism di Susan Elm: una discussione
critica a pi voci 493
2. Notiziario
2.1. Riunioni del Gruppo 506
ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)

2.2. Notizie su tesi e attivit didattiche

M. DELLISOLA, Gli ultimi profeti. Oracoli, Scritture ed eresia nel montanismo (J. RPKE) 509
T. INTERI, Il profeta e il predicatore: commento delle Omelie su Geremia di Origene 510
M. CIPETTINI, I frammenti catenari di Origene sul libro dei Proverbi (A. DANNA) 512
3. Repertorio bibliografico 513
3.1. Pubblicazioni recenti su Origene e la tradizione alessandrina (a cura di
0. Bibliografie, repertori e rassegne; profili di studiosi, 513; 1. Miscellanee e studi di carattere
generale, 515; 2. Ellenismo e cultura alessandrina, 528; 3. Giudaismo ellenistico, 528; 4. LXX,
529; 5. Aristobulo, 538; 6. Lettera di Aristea, 538; 7. Filone Alessandrino (1. Bibliografie,
rassegne, repertori, 538; 2. Edizioni e traduzioni, 538; 3. Miscellanee e raccolte, 538; 4. Studi,
538); 8. Pseudo-Filone, 541; 9. Flavio Giuseppe (1. Bibliografie, rassegne, repertori, 541; 2.
Edizioni e traduzioni, 541; 3. Miscellanee e raccolte, 541; 4. Studi, 541); 10. Cristianesimo
alessandrino e ambiente egiziano (1. Il contesto religioso egiziano, 541; 2. Il periodo delle
origini, 542; 3. Gnosticismo, ermetismo e manicheismo, 542; 4. La chiesa alessandrina:
istituzioni, dottrine, riti, personaggi e episodi storici, 543; 5. Il monachesimo, 544); 11.
Clemente Alessandrino, 546; 12. Origene (1. Bibliografie, rassegne, repertori, 547; 2. Edizioni
e traduzioni, 548; 3. Miscellanee e raccolte, 549; 4. Studi, 550); 13. Lorigenismo e la fortuna di
Origene, 560; 14. Dionigi Alessandrino, 567; 15. Pierio di Alessandria, 567; 16. Pietro di
Alessandria, 567; 17. Alessandro di Alessandria, 567; 18. Ario, 567; 19. Eusebio di Cesarea,
567; 20. Atanasio, 569; 21. I Padri Cappadoci, 569 (1. Basilio di Cesarea, 570; 2. Gregorio di
Nazianzo, 570; 3. Gregorio di Nissa, 571); 22. Ambrogio di Milano, 572; 23. Didimo il Cieco,
573; 24. Evagrio, 573; 25. Rufino di Aquileia, 576; 26. Teofilo di Alessandria, 577; 27. Sinesio
di Cirene, 577; 28. Gerolamo, 577; 29. Agostino, 579; 30. Isidoro di Pelusio, 580; 31. Cirillo
Alessandrino, 580; 32. Nonno di Panopoli, 581; 33. Pseudo-Dionigi Areopagita, 581; 34.
Cosma Indicopleuste, 581; 35. Giovanni Filopono, 581; 36. Massimo il Confessore, 581
3.2. Segnalazioni di articoli e libri 583
4. Comunicazioni 660
4.1. Congressi, seminari e conferenze 660
5. Indici 673
5.1. Indice delle opere di Origene 673
5.2. Indice degli autori moderni 680
6. Indirizzario 695
6.1. Elenco dei membri del Gruppo 695
6.2. Elenco dei collaboratori 699
7. Libri e periodici ricevuti 700
8. Pubblicazioni del Gruppo 702
Annuncio 705
Adamantius 23 (2017)
Sezione monografica / Thematic section
Origene di Alessandria, interprete della Genesi /
Origen of Alexandria commentator of the Book of Genesis (a cura di E. Prinzivalli)

e History of the Episcopate of Alexandria (HEpA): Editio minor
of the fragments preserved in the Aksumite Collection and in the Codex Veronensis LX (58)*
Alessandro Bausi e Alberto Camplani

e present essay oers the edition of the Ethiopic and Latin versions of a partially inedited text of eccle-
siastical history. e work was originally composed in Greek probably at the end of the fourth century
AD and witnesses to a particularly ancient phase of the Patriarchate of Alexandria between the second
and fourth centuries AD. It is to be distinguished from both the Coptic History of the Church and the
Arabic History of the Patriarchs. is text has been the subject of a long-term research by the authors of
this contribution, presented in several papers, notes and articles since 20001, only a part of which has
been published so far. Published and unpublished papers have dealt with philological (text-critical), lin-
guistic, palaeographical, codicological, and historical aspects. Since the work bears no title in the manu-
script tradition, we decided to give it the title of Historia Episcopatus Alexandriae (siglum HEpA)2.
e present edition is at the same time an editio princeps and an editio minor. In fact, for a number of
reasons most of all, the authors commitments to other tasks which have prevented them from devot-
ing the required time and energy to this workit was not yet possible to publish at this moment the ex-
tensive introduction along with the two detailed commentaries tackling philological and linguistic, as
well as literary and historical aspects of the HEpA, which still need the final editing. Most of these as-
pects, however, are presupposed by the present edition itself, that is the result of long elaboration and re-
flection. As yet, it appeared absolutely necessary to publish this text, aer many years of research, at least
in the present form.

e Ethiopic version, unknown until now, is preserved within a codex (siglum )3 containing a canoni-
cal-liturgical collection composed of translations which appear to belong to the Aksumite period

* While the authors of this article have strictly cooperated in all the phases of their work and the general introduction,
bibliography, and apparatus of loci paralleli have been jointly written by both, the edition and translation of the
Ethiopic text (with apparatus) is due to Alessandro Bausi, the edition and translation of the Latin text (with appara-
tus) to Alberto Camplani. is research has been funded by the European Research Council, European Union Sev-
enth Framework Programme IDEAS (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC Advanced Grant agreement no. 338756, project
TraCES: From Translation to Creation: Changes in Ethiopic Style and Lexicon from Late Antiquity to the Middle
Ages (2014-2019); the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinscha through the Sonderforschungsbereich 950, Manuskript-
kulturen in Asien, Afrika und Europa (2011-2019); the long-term project Beta Ma: Die Schrikultur des
christlichen thiopiens und Eritreas: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung, funded within the Academies Pro-
gramme, coordinated by the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities, under survey of the
Akademie der Wissenschaen in Hamburg (2016-2040); the following Italian projects of National Interest (PRIN),
La costruzione dellidentit cristiana tra Oriente e Occidente dal I al VII secolo: pluralit e conflitti (2002-2004, no.
2002102574); La trasformazione del cristianesimo dal I al VII secolo: mutamenti e continuit nelle forme di convi-
venza comunitaria, politica e culturale (2004-2006, no. 2004108211); and the following researches funded by
Sapienza University of Rome: Prosopografie vicino-orientali: dai documenti alla codificazione informatica (2007-
2009); Archivi del Vicino Oriente antico e tardoantico: onomastica e informatica (2009-2010). Note that the tran-
scription of Ethiopic follows the rules of the aforementioned projects TraCES and Beta Ma.
1 See the list before the bibliography.
2 Given the nature of the present contribution, we refer for any further details to the comprehensive bibliography lis-

ted below and dealing with works on the HEpA, as well as on the Aksumite Collection () and the Collectio Veronensis
3 See below the list of sigla and texts.

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)

(fourth-seventh century AD). e manuscript dates from the thirteenth century at the latest, probably
earlier, although a precise dating is prevented by the absence of a colophon and additional notes, which
might establish a terminus ante quem, as well as of decisive palaeographic parallels.
e Latin version has already been known since the times of Scipione Maei thanks to an old Latin un-
cial codex of the Biblioteca Capitolare in Verona (seventh-eighth century, Codex Veronensis LX [58],
siglum V), the two tomes of which contain documents concerning the Church of Africa and a very rich
and varied canonical collection, published more than once in the last two centuries.
Before focussing on the HEpA as attested partially by the two collections, it is useful to discuss briefly
each collection in order to give the reader an idea about their contents.
, the codex of the Aksumite Collection, contains in its present form a collection of thirty-six pieces of
various lengths and mainly consisting of patristic literature, liturgical and canonical texts. Although dif-
ferent in terms of content, it closely resembles the so called Sinodos, a very influential collection of nor-
mative and liturgical texts translated from Arabic in the fourteenth century. brings completely new ev-
idence and clearly belongs to the oldest known layer of early Christian (in general and not only in terms
of Ethiopian) canon law and liturgy. No collection comparable to that of the new Ethiopic manuscript
has been preserved either in Greek, Coptic or Arabic. In terms of the individual texts that it contains,
bears witness to some previously unknown Ethiopic pieces that were translated during the Aksumite lit-
erary period (fourth to seventh century AD) from Greek originals dating from the fourth to the second
half of the fih century. As a collection, it seems to depend upon sources of Egyptian origin and betrays
perusal of documents directly emanating from Alexandrian archives. In terms of dating, this collection
was probably arranged aer the middle of the fih century and probably no later than the end of that
century or the first half of the sixth century. e manuscript preserves an almost complete set of the
conciliar canons according to the arrangement of the Collectio Antiochena, to which the canons of the
councils of Constantinople and Chalcedon, this latter followed by their patristic refutation, have also
been added. Apart from the historical section, probably the most impressive text is a new Ethiopic ver-
sion of the lost Greek Apostolic Tradition, the most important Christian canonico-liturgical text. e text
was previously known from the fragmentary Latin (part of the canonical-liturgical Collectio Veronensis,
which is preserved in the manuscript Codex Veronensis LV [53] of the Biblioteca Capitolare of Verona)
and later Oriental versions, including a version in the Sinodos, which was already considered an impor-
tant witness for reconstructing the Greek original. e present manuscript, however, preserves an inde-
pendent translation that is parallel to the Latin, and much older and more archaic than the previously
known oriental versions.
e general content of V, that is the collection of the Codex Veronensis LX (58), is the canonical legisla-
tion of the fourth century Mediterranean Church. e first codicological unit contains the proceedings
of the council of Carthage which, in 419, collected the legislation of the African church against the claim
of Popes Zosimus and Boniface to intervene in cases of ecclesiastical discipline born within the African
Church. e collection contains also the synodical letters later sent to Popes Boniface and Celestine in
the name of the African Church. e text of the second letter comes to an abrupt end on the top of the
last page, which remains blank. erefore, it is likely that a page of the exemplar was missing. In the sec-
ond unit, in addition to the synodical canons, we find the symbol and canons of the council of Nicaea,
followed by Egyptian and oriental documents related to the double council of Serdica of 343, documents
concerning the relations between Antioch and Rome, narratives about Athanasius and the Melitian
schism, preceding the formers episcopate, accompanied by Constantines epistles, documents relating to
the Council of Chalcedon. e hypothesis which can explain at least in part the contents of the two cod-
icological units is that in the codex we find the documentation of Alexandrias and Antiochs responses
to the request of the Church of Carthage in 418-419 concerning the authentic text of the Nicaean
canons, on the basis of which Rome founded its rights to interevene in African church aairs. e two

BAUSI & CAMPLANI e History of the Episcopate of Alexandria (HEpA)

sees did send not only the authentic canons of the council of Nicaea, but also documents belonging to
their archives and proving their authority and their importance in the context of the Mediterranean

In the following table the reader will find the list of the essential textual units preserved in the two col-
lections and V. As for the former, it is worth mentioning that here is oered the reconstructed, pre-
sumably original order of the collection: the manuscript was completely disarrayed and for that reason it
has been first virtually and later materially restored, yet some leaves appear to be lost.

Collection (26) e canons of the synod of Antioch (. 118v-

(1) e Ecclesiastical canons (. 1r-5r);
(27) e synod and canons of Laodicea (. 124r-
(2) e History of the Episcopate of Alexandria,
with portions lost (. 5r-13v);
(28) e canons of the council of Chalcedon
(3) e Epistle 70 of Cyprian of Carthage (. 13v-
(. 128v-133v);
(29) e canons of the synod of Constantinople
(4) e Apostolic Tradition (. 16v-29v);
(. 133v-134v);
(5) e parallel section to Apostolic Constitutions
(30) e council of Ephesus (. 134v-135v);
VIII (. 29v-35r);
(31-35) Sylloge of Timotheus Aelurus (. 135v-160v):
(6) e treatise On the charisms (. 35r-38v);
(31) e epistle to the Alexandrinians (. 135v-145v);
(7) A list of Apostles and disciples (. 39r-40v);
(32) e epistle to the Constantinopolitans (. 145v-
(8) e names of the months (f. 40v);
(9) e Baptismal ritual (. 41r-46r);
(10) Prayers (. 46r-62v); (33) e twelve chapters of Cyril of Alexandria
(11) e 81 Apostolic canons (. 63r-69v); (. 150v-152r);
(12) e synod and the names of the fathers of (34) e refutation of the council of Chalcedon
Nicaea (. 69v-73v); (. 152r-157v);
(13) e canons of the Council of Nicaea (. 73v- (35) e treatises of Gregory of Nazianzus;
78v); (36) e canonical answers of Peter of Alexandria
(14) e epistle of Constantine to the Alexandrinians (. 160v-162v).
(. 78v-79v);
(15) e epistle of Constantine on Arius (. 79v-80r); Collection V
(16) e epistle of Athanasius to Epictetus (. 80ra-
(1) e creed and canons of Nicaea (version of Cae-
(17) e treatise On the unity of God (. 88r-100r); cilian), with a narrative introduction (. 37r-
(18) e synod and the names of the fathers of Serdi- 42v);
ca (. 100r-102v); (2) e canons of Neocaesarea, in a form of the
(19) e canons of the synod of Serdica (. 102v- Isidorian vulgate (. 42v-43v);
109v); (3) A letter addressed by a Roman synod under
(20) e canons of the synod of Neocaesarea Damasus in AD 372 to the Eastern bishops, fol-
(. 109v-111r); lowed by three dogmatic passages by Damasus,
(21) e canons of the synod of Ancyra (. 111r- followed again by a notice of adhesion by
114v); Meletius and his synod at Antioch in 379. e
(22) e canons of the synod of Neocaesarea, mu- original is stated to be in the Roman archives
tilous (f. 114v); (. 43v-47r);
(23) e synod of Gangra, acephalous (. 115r-116r); (4) e canons of Gangra, in a form of the Isidorian
(24) e canons of the synod of Gangra (. 116r- vulgate (. 47r-50v);
118r); (5) e canons of Laodicea in the Isidorian version
(25) e synod of Antioch (f. 118r-v); (. 50v-54v);

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)

(6) e canons of Constantinople in the Isidorian (17) e canons of Western Serdica, retranslated
version (. 54v-55v); from a Greek version (. 88r-94v);
(7) e canons of Ancyra in a form of the Isidorian (18) e canons of Western Serdica in the version of
vulgate (. 55v-59r); Dionysius Exiguus (later hand, written on the
(8) Part of the Chalcedonian Definitio fidei, with the palimpsest leaves, and on two new leaves, . 97,
final allocution of Marcian at the close of the 98, inserted into the codex for this purpose
Sixth Session, and the canons (. 59r-64v);
(. 94v-98v);
(8a) e epitome of the canons of Hippo, held in 393
(19) e unique text of an epistle of Athanasius writ-
ce (. 64v-68v);
ten from Serdica to the church of Alexandria
(8b) Ten canons passed by a council of Carthage in
(. 99v-102r);
AD 421 (. 68v-70r);
(9) A unique Latin version of the synodical letter of (20) e unique text of an epistle from some bishops
the council of Nicaea to the churches of Egypt, at Western Serdica to the church of the Mareotis
without paschal section (. 70r-71v); (. 102r-103r);
(10) Short notice about the convocation of the Coun- (21) e unique text of a letter written by Athanasius
cil of Serdica; aer the synod of Serdica, addressed to the
(11) e Apostolic canons in the second version of churches of the Mareotis (. 103r-105r);
Dionysius Exiguus; (22) Vita Athanasii from AD 345 (. 105r-112r);
(12) e canons of Antioch in the second version of (23) Under the heading, Symbolus sanctae synodi
Dionysius Exiguus (f. 71v + additional leaves); Sardici, a form of baptismal renunciation fol-
(13) e creed and anathemas of the Eastern bishops lowed by a Latin confession of faith similar to
at Serdica in a Latin version (. 78v-79v);
that of the Council of Constantinople (f. 112v);
(14) Another part of the same encyclical, otherwise
(24) A unique Latin version of the epistle of Constan-
unknown, proposing a paschal cycle or easter
tine from Nicaea to the church of Alexandria
calendar (. 79v-80v);
(. 112v-113v);
(15) e letter of Hosius and Protogenes to Pope
Julius retranslated from a Greek version, under a (25) A unique Latin version of the Porphyrian de-
heading Definitiones aput Sardicam (. 80v-81r); cree of Constantine against Arianism (f. 113v);
(16) e synodical letter of Western Serdica retrans- (26) Documents connected with the Melitian schism:
lated from a Greek version, containing the defin- Letter of the four martyrs to Melitius; letter of
ition of faith known only to eodoret, h.e. II 8 Peter to the community of Alexandria; short in-
(. 81r-88r); termediate narrative.

Coming back to the HEpA, it must be observed that the two canonical collections preserving portions of
this ancient ecclesiastical history have both common and specific material resulting from this text. In
particular, on the one hand V and have in common the letter addressed to Melitius of Lycopolis by
four martyr-bishops (one of them is the famous Phileas of mouis) to dissuade him from doing illegiti-
mate ordinations in the diocese of others (CPG 1667, Epistula episcoporum ad Melitium), the Letter by
Peter of Alexandria to his church (CPG 1641, Epistula ad Alexandrinos) and the short historical narra-
tive intermediate between these two letters (CPG 1668, Narratio). e parallelism between the two
canonical-liturgical collections extends to other documents that are assumed to be part of this Alexan-
drian history: a letter by Constantine on the council of Nicaea (CPG 8517, Epistula Constantini impera-
toris ad ecclesiam Alexandrinam), and that by the same Constantine about Arius (CPG 2041 = 8519, Lex
lata Constantini Augusti de Arii damnatione), and, in a form or another, the Nicene creed, and its canon-
ical documents (CPG 8512, 8513), and the canons of Serdica (CPG 8570).
On the other hand, each version has its own material: in particular, the narrative on the early history of
the Patriarchate of Alexandria, enriched by lists of Egyptian bishops appointed by them, and the account
of some episodes of the Melitian schism and the Arian heresy aer Peters martyrdom are preserved only

BAUSI & CAMPLANI e History of the Episcopate of Alexandria (HEpA)

by , while the Latin life of Athanasius (the so-called Historia acephala), as well as the letters sent from
Serdica (CPG 2111, 2112), are preserved only by V.
It must be stressed that, in view of the reconstruction of the HEpA and its transmission, other textual
testimonies of minor importance are to be taken in consideration in addition to V and :
(1) Sozomenus, Historia ecclesiastica, I 15, concerning Melitius and the young Arius, and other passages which
were drawn by the historian from the sections of the HEpA concerning specifically the synod of Serdica and the
life of Athanasius;
(2) a fragment from Timothy Ailouros Liber historiarum, concerning Melitius and Arius;
(3) the introduction written by the hagiographer Guarimpotus (at Naples in the second half of the ninth century)
to his Latin translation of the Martyrdom of Peter of Alexandria;
(4) a hagiographical text in Ethiopic, entitled e Martyrdom of St Peter Archbishop of Alexandria, which in fact
proves to be nothing else but a collage of excerpts from the aforementioned Ethiopic version of a portion of the
HEpA as preserved in the recension of . ese excerpts appear to have been put together for reasons of homilet-
ic usage and the resulting piece is actually included into an archaic homiletic-hagiographic collection, now attest-
ed by three ancient manuscripts at least. is excerption procedure is of the highest interest for understanding
the textual history of ancient Ethiopic translations, as well as of the emergence of medieval literary tradition.
From these textual testimonies and other source of information we learn that the HEpA was well known
in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages: Cyril of Alexandria calls it the history of the Church (ecclesia-
stica historia), and traces of its presence and use can be found in Constantinople, Carthage, Naples, and

As it is evident from what survives, this historical compilation seems to have been a mixture of dierent
elements: ecclesiastical and civil documents that were preserved in the archives of the Alexandrian see;
short, or even very short, polemical narratives written by compilers who probably were members of the
Alexandrian clergy; and historical data such as lists of bishops and informations concerning buildings
and natural events, which could be drawn from the Alexandrine archives. We do not know how this
compilation grew over time. e main core (the Melitian schism, Athanasius, and the councils of Nicaea
and Serdica) was most likely composed in the last quarter of the fourth century, during the episcopate of
eophilus (385-412), and certainly before both the activity of the historian Sozomen, who quotes some
passages from it, and its transmission to Carthage by Cyril of Alexandria (420). Other parts could be at-
tributed to this same hand, or to an author belonging to a later period. In fact it is to be questioned if the
brief paragraphs about the early patriarchs and the system of their election are the product of the same
milieu and/or author responsible for the narrative about Melitius and Arius. Alternatively, they could be
attributed to a later stage of the development of the text (fih-sixth centuries? seventh/eighth cen-
turies?), not later than the Neapolitan hagiographer Guarimpotus (second half of the ninth century),
who apparently knew of the complete form of the text4. If the latter view should be accepted, a new issue
should be discussed in considering the HEpA as a whole: do the initial brief paragraphs concerning the
early patriarchs presuppose the patriarchal biographies of the History of the Patriarchs, written by one
George (the Coptic author of a history from which Mawb has translated a section of his work), or are
the latter presupposed by them? e question cannot be settled without further research. We only need
to consider the possibility of an evolution in time of our history by the addition of successive layers.

4 is impression is based on the mere fact that we find two accounts about the life of Peter: the second one is written

as a standard narrative, the first one follows the typical scheme used to describe the early patriarchs.

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)

Finally, we will oer a brief outline of the contents of the textual fragments and documents coming from
the HEpA. e initial section of the text, preserved only by , begins with the account of the evangeliza-
tion of Alexandria and the establishment of the patriarchate, both described with few, assertive sen-
tences. e record of the rule concerning the election of the Patriarchs, given by the evangelist Mark,
plays a central role. It regulates the choice of the new patriarch, elected by a college of twelve presbyters
assembled in the presence of the corpse of the deceased bishop. e text claims that this system was in
use until the time of Peter I. en the early Alexandrian patriarchs are introduced according to the fol-
lowing scheme: we find, in a sequence, the length of their episcopate; the date of their death; their ordi-
nation of bishops in Egypt, and other less important information. is means that for each patriarch we
have a list of Egyptian bishops elected by him and in communion with him.
ere follows the account of the schism of Melitius of Lycopolis, with the quotation of documents pre-
served also in Latin (V). So we find: (1) the letter that four bishop-martyrs wrote to Melitius to invite
him to cease his activities; (2) the historical narrative describing Melitius arrival in Alexandria and his
alliance with two lay persons, Isidore and Arius; (3) the letter written by Peter to the Alexandrians in
which Melitius is temporarily excommunicated.
Aer this letter, while V interrupts its selection of documents and narratives from the HEpA, in we
find the rest of the first part of the HEpA. It consists in a confused account (partly paralleled by So-
zomen, Hist. eccl. I 15, Timothy Ailouros, and Guarimpotus) of the acceptance of Arius, by now a defec-
tor of the Melitians, into the Alexandrian clergy, followed by his further ousting by the bishop Peter in
reason of his persistent hidden sympathies for the schismatic movement. en, the beginnings of the
Arian heresy are briefly narrated through the vicissitudes of Ariuss new clerical career.
Aer the account of Peters martyrdom (311) and the rise of the Arian heresy, an exhortation concludes
the first part of the HEpA. Here the defense of the ecclesiastical tradition, founded on the episcopal suc-
cessions, appears to be a religious duty: the universal Church will be not defeated by heretics and schis-
matics, says the text. e correct election and ordination is the one which the universal church has es-
tablished, as was the case for Moses and Aaron in ancient times. In the final exhortation, the church situ-
ation is expressed through biblical figures and metaphors, at the emblematic example of the vicissitude
of Qore, representing the schismatic who is inspired by the search for power in the church (Numbers
16); the parable of the weeds (Matthew 13,30); the image of foxes in the vineyard (Canticle 2,15).
As already said, the second part of the HEpA, lacking from , is not preserved by V in its entirety. e
codex preserves two series of documents related to the council of Nicaea and the council of Serdica, each
preceded by a short historical introduction. ey are followed by the account, supported by a certain
number of documents (in part preserved and in part omitted by the scribal tradition), of the episcopal
career of Athanasius aer 343 (the so-called Historia acephala).

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. e main Ethiopic evidence (codex ) upon which this publication is based was
first brought to scholarly attention from its original site of Ur Masqal, in northern Tgry, by Jacques
Mercier in 1999, who, in his capacity of director of the European Union-funded research project Safe-
guarding Religious Treasures of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, entrusted Alessandro Bausi with the
description and study of the microfilmed documentation of . In about one month of day-and-night
work in the summer of 1999 Bausi was able to identify all the texts, most of which were unknown in the
Ethiopic version and a couple of them apparently unknown also in other languages. He also draed a
preliminary essay on the codex, which was disseminated among some colleagues, among whom also Al-
berto Camplani, who was thus involved into the research. At this stage, the leaves of the manuscript

BAUSI & CAMPLANI e History of the Episcopate of Alexandria (HEpA)

were totally disarrayed and some of them appeared to be missing, but a virtual reconstruction of the se-
quence of texts was proposed and later confirmed. Eventually a new set of images was acquired and for-
warded to Bausi by Mercier, confirming that some portions were lost. In 2006 Antonella Brita a PhD
student from the University of Naples LOrientale was able to locate exactly the codex in the church
of Ur Qirqos, where it was preserved at the time, and to document it digitally for the first time. In 2010
and in the following years, field researches of the Ethio-SPaRe Project Cultural Heritage of Christian
Ethiopia: Salvation, Preservation, Research, Starting Grant funded by the European Research Council
and based at the Hiob Ludolf Centre for Ethiopian Studies at Hamburg University, led by Denis Dos-
nitsin with the participation, among others, of Stphan Ancel and Vitagrazia Pisani documented the
codex with high professional quality pictures and, according to the philological description by Bausi,
prepared the manuscript for the subsequent restoration. Moreover, the Ethio-SPaRe expedition was also
able to discover two additional dismembered leaves belonging to (one of which belonging to the HE-
pA), which were not included in the previous sets of pictures and filled two gaps in the sequence of folia
and texts. e restoration and a first codicological analysis was successfully carried out in May-June
2012 by Marco Di Bella and Nikolas Sarris, sponsored by Ethio-SPaRe, with the participation of An-
tonella Brita as fellow of the Sonderforschungsbereich 950 (Manuskriptkulturen in Asien, Afrika und
Europa)5. Last, but not least, the documentation from MS EMML no. 8509 (siglum E8509) a well-
known, but unfortunately scarcely documented manuscript of an archaic homiletic collection, also con-
taining e Martyrdom of St. Peter Archbishop of Alexandria used in the present edition, was kindly
put at disposal by Massimo Villa, who acquired it from a microfilm preserved in Addis Ababa, National
Archives and Library Agency, during a field trip to Ethiopia funded by the Ethio-SPaRe project. e
same Ethio-SPaRe project documented a third witness to e Martyrdom of St Peter Archbishop of
Alexandria, MS Tgry, Ur Masqal, Ethio-SPaRe UM-037 (siglum Um037), also catalogued by Massimo
On several occasions in the last fieen years the authors of this article discussed the edition and com-
mentaries of the HEpA with researchers based in dierent academic institutions of the world. e list is
too long to be mentioned in this short note. Here we would like just to underline their strict collabora-
tion with Ewa Wipszycka, University of Warsaw, to whom the authors provided the lists of bishops men-
tioned in the HEpA, on the base of which were elaborated the geographical maps with the indication of
the Egyptian bishoprics and the date of their first mention contained in her book on the Alexandrian
church a collaboration on historical and geographical issues which is still at work. e Latin text of the
letters by the bishop martyrs and Peter of Alexandria, as well as the intermediate narrative, was dis-
cussed with Benedetto Bravo, University of Warsaw, who gave suggestions and in some cases proposals
of emendation.
e present edition is laid out with the soware Classical Text Editor, developed by Stefan Hagel, who
provided help and support on several occasions.
To all the people mentioned here we would like to extend our most sincere thanks.

Papers (those unpublished marked with *) presented by the authors on the HEpA and the Aksumite Col-

2000*: ALESSANDRO BAUSI (A.B.), Les dossier des Acta Apostolorum aethiopica (annual seminar of the
AELAC, Dole).

5To the visits I have mentioned here, others are certainly to be added. For example, Yaqob Beyene of the University
of Naples LOrientale and researchers of the Centre Franais dtudes thiopiennes also visited the site. Partial
documentation was acquired by Ewa Balicka-Witakowska and Michael Gervers for the Mzgb-Slat Treasury
of Ethiopian Images project.

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)

2000*: A.B., Clemente e Ippolito di Roma in Etiopia (conference Roma, la Campania e lOriente Cristia-
no Antico, Giubileo 2000, Convegno di Studi, Universit di Napoli LOrientale, Napoli, 9-11
2001: A.B., S. Clemente e le tradizioni clementine nella letteratura etiopica (Simposio San Clemente,
Pontificio Istituto Orientale, Roma, 29 Marzo 2001).
2001: A.B., New Alexandrian texts in Ethiopia (Colloquium Origenianum Octavum, Pisa, 27-31 Au-
gust 2001).
2002*: A.B., Un nuovo testimone degli Acta Phileae (Accademia Fiorentina di Papirologia e di Studi sul
Mondo Antico, Seminario di Papirologia e Filologia Greca, 18 May 2002, and Bodmeriana
Giornata di studio, Messina, Dipartimento di Filologia e Linguistica, Universit degli Studi di
Messina, 28 May 2002).
2002: A.B., Some short remarks on the Canon tables in Ethiopic manuscripts (Sixth International Con-
ference on the History of Ethiopian Art, Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa University,
Addis Ababa, 5-8 November 2002).
2003: A.B., e Aksumite background of the Ethiopic Corpus canonum (15th International Confer-
ence of Ethiopian Studies, Hamburg, 21-26 July 2003).
2003: ALBERTO CAMPLANI (A.C.), Lautorappresentazione dell episcopato di Alessandria tra IV e V seco-
lo: questioni di metodo (La pluralit delle identit cristiane antiche, Bertinoro, October 2003).
2003: A.B., Il testo, il supporto e la funzione. Alcune osservazioni sul caso dellEtiopia (Il testo, il sup-
porto e la funzione: le metodologie orientalistiche e quelle tradizionali dOccidente, Cortona-
Viterbo, 13-15 November 2003).
2004*: A.B., Charakteristika thiopischer Handschrien: einige palographische, sprachliche und philolo-
gische Daten (Gastvortrag, Seminar fr Semitistik und Arabistik, Freie Universitt Berlin, 24
May 2004).
2004: A.C., LHistoria ecclesiastica en copte et lhistoriographie du sige piscopal dAlexandrie. propos
dun passage sur Mlitios de Lycopolis (Eighth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Paris,
28 June-3 July 2004),
2004: A.B., Aksumite numismatics, linguistics and philology (Dal denarius al dinar. LOriente e la mo-
neta romana, Roma, 16-18 September 2004).
2005: A.C., Lettere episcopali, storiografia patriarcale e letteratura canonica. A proposito del Codex Ve-
ronensis LX (58) (Scrivere per governare. Le forme della comunicazione nel cristianesimo anti-
co Primo colloquio internazionale Stefano Minelli per la storia del cristianesimo, Brescia,
20-21 May 2005).
2005: A.B., Ancient features of Ancient Ethiopic (in absentia, 12th Italian Meeting of Afroasiatic Lin-
guistics, Ragusa Ibla, 6-9 June 2005).
2007*: A.B., Manuscriptology of Ethiopic Manuscripts (Manuscriptology, University of Copenhagen,
Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, 8-11 October 2007).
2008*: A.B., Appunti sullEtiopia cristiana. Prima lezione di etiopistica (Syriaca 2008, Pontificio Colle-
gio Greco, Roma, 12-13 January 2008).
2008: A.B., Writing, Copying, Translating: Ethiopia as a Manuscript Culture (Probevortrag, Asien-
Afrika-Institut, Universitt Hamburg, 21 May 2008).
2008: A.B. and A.C., New Ethiopic Documents for the History of Christian Egypt (Ninth International
Congress of Coptic Studies, Cairo, 14-20 September 2008).
2009*: A.B., Alfabeti a confronto: dallEtiopia allOriente cristiano. La tradizione scrittoria etiopica (Lin-
gue e letterature dellOriente cristiano, Universit di Bologna, 29 April 2009).

BAUSI & CAMPLANI e History of the Episcopate of Alexandria (HEpA)

2009*: A.B., Ongoing research on unpublished Geez texts: critical edition and analysis (I. thiopistisches
Forschungskolloquium, Freie Universitt Berlin, Seminar fr Semitistik und Arabistik, 12-13
June 2009).
2009*: A.B., Apostles, Disciples and Nicene Fathers. Ongoing Philological Research on Texts of Aksumite
Ethiopia (17th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa University, 2-5
November 2009).
2010*: A.B., Ethiopic lists of Apostles and Disciples (annual seminar of the AELAC, Dole, 24-26 June
2010*: A.B. and A.C., e Recovery of Late-Antique Church Archives: Methodological Considerations
about New Ethiopic Documents and their Coptic and Latin Parallels (DFG Forschergruppe 963
Manuskriptkulturen in Asien und Afrika, Hamburg, 8 July 2010).
2010: A.B., Composite and Miscellaneous Manuscripts and Church Identities: e Ethiopian Evidence
(One-Volume Libraries: Composite Manuscripts and Multiple Text Manuscripts, Hamburg,
Asien-Afrika-Institut, 7-10 October 2010).
2010: A.C., Fourth-Century Synods in Latin and Syriac Canonical Collections and their Preservation in
the Antiochene Archives (Serdica 343 CE Antioch 325 CE) (ird International Congress on
Eastern Christianity, Knowledge Transfer in the Mediterranean World, Crdoba, December
2011*: A.B., e New Ethiopic Version of the Traditio Apostolica: Towards the Critical Edition (Ringvor-
lesung, Das Horn von Afrika in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Freie Universitt Berlin,
Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut, 18 April 2011).
2012: A.C., e religious identity of Alexandria in some ecclesiastical histories of Late Antique Egypt
(Lhistoriographie tardo-antique et la transmission des savoirs, Angers, 31 May-1 June 2012).
2012: A.B., Ethiopic Literary Production Related to the Christian Egyptian Culture (Tenth International
Congress of Coptic Studies, Sapienza Universit di Roma, Dipartimento di Storia Culture Reli-
gioni, Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 17-22 September
2012: A.B., I colofoni e le sottoscrizioni dei manoscritti etiopici (in absentia, Colofoni armeni a con-
fronto: Le sottoscrizioni dei manoscritti in ambito armeno e nelle altre tradizioni scrittorie del
mondo mediterraneo [colofoni armeni, greci, georgiani, siriaci, copti, etiopici, arabo-cristiani,
arabo-islamici, persiani, turchi, ebraici], Alma Mater Studiorum, Universit degli Studi di Bolo-
gna, Dipartimento di Medievistica e Paleografia, 12-13 October 2012).
2013*: A.B., e Synod of Qefry (Aksumite Collection) and the Abb Garim Gospels (Ethiopia and
the Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity: e Garim Gospels in Context, Ioannou Centre
for Classical and Byzantine Studies, University of Oxford, 2-3 November 2013).
2013*: A.B., Archaic Ethiopic Collections (Multiple-Text Manuscripts) (Arabs, Mawls and Dhimmis.
Scribal Practices and the Social Construction of Knowledge in Late Antiquity and Medieval Is-
lam, SOAS, at e Warburg Institute, London, 11-12 December 2013).
2014: A.B., Dalla documentazione papiracea (P. Bodmer XX e P. Chester Beatty XV) alle raccolte agio-
grafiche: la lunga storia degli Acta Phileae in versione etiopica (I Papiri Bodmer. Biblioteche, co-
munit di asceti e cultura letteraria in greco e copto nellEgitto tardoantico, Dipartimento di
Storia Culture Religioni Dipartimento di Scienze dellAntichit, Facolt di Lettere e Filosofia,
Sapienza Universit di Roma, 3 February 2014).
2014: A.B., e earlier Ethiopic textual heritage (Manuscripts and Texts, Languages and Contexts: the
Transmission of Knowledge in the Horn of Africa, Hiob Ludolf Zentrum fr thiopistik,
Asien-Afrika-Institut, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, 17-19 July 2014).

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)

2014: A.C., Setting a bishopric / arranging an archive. Traces of archival activity in the bishopric of
Alexandria and Antioch (Manuscripts and Archives, Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cul-
tures, Hamburg Universitt, Hamburg, 19-22 November 2014).
2015*: A.C., La ricostruzione di una storia episcopale uciale del seggio di Alessandria tra III e IV secolo:
frammenti delle versioni latina ed etiopica e la tradizione indiretta in greco e siriaco (Seminari di
antichistica, 2014/2015, Universit di Roma Tre, 6 February 2015).
2015: A.B., A late antique relic from the Ethiopian highlands: e Ethiopic version of the History of the
Episcopate of Alexandria (HEpA) (Historical Seminar Focused on the Fih-Seventh Cen-
turies, University of Oxford, Trinity College, 18 June 2015).
2015: A.C., Transmitting and being transmitted. Considerations on the information about non-Egyptian
churches in Egyptian historiographical traditions and the dissemination of historical works in col-
lections and florilegia (Intercultural Exchange in Late Antique Historiography, Ghent Univer-
sity, 16-18 September 2015).
2016*: A.B., e Baptismal Ritual in the earliest Ethiopic canonical liturgical collection (Neugeboren
durch das Wasser und den Heiligen Geist: Taufriten im christlichen Orient, Universitt zu
Kln, Philosophische Fakultt, Institut fr Altertumskunde, Byzantinistik und Neugriechische
Philologie, Klassische Philologie, Fritz yssen Stiung, Kln, 21-22 January 2016).
2016*: A.C., Alterit istituzionale e alterit ideologica come nozioni fondanti della costruzione identitaria
del patriarcato di Alessandria (sec. III-VIII) (La costruzione culturale dellalterit religiosa nel
Mediterraneo tardo antico [sec. IV-IX], Universit di Padova, 25 May 2016).
2016: A.B., e accidents of transmission: On a surprising multilingual manuscript leaf (Gastvortrag,
Friedrich-Schiller-Universitt Jena, Institut fr Orientalistik, Indogermanistik, Ur- und Frhge-
schichtliche Archologie, Seminar fr Orientalistik, Lehrstuhl fr Semitische Philologie und Is-
lamwissenscha, 24 June 2016).
2016*: A.B., e Abba Garim manuscripts palaeography and other early Ethiopic manuscripts (e
Garima Gospels, University of Amsterdam, Allard Pierson Museum, 3 November 2016).
2016*: A.C., La nascita di un patriarcato: la Chiesa di Alessandria tra III e VII secolo (Fondazione di
Scienze Religiose, Bologna, 19-21 December 2016).

Comprehensive bibliography on the HEpA and the Aksumite Collection with reference to the editions of
the sources

Athanasius Werke 1998. Erster Band, Erster Teil: Die Dogmatischen Schrien, 5. Lieferung: Orationes I et
II contra Arianos, herausgegeben im Aurag der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wis-
senschaen von K. METZLER D.U. HANSEN K. SAVVIDIS, Berlin-New York 1998.
Athanasius Werke 2007. Dritter Band, Erster Teil: Dokumente zur Geschichte des arianischen Streites, 3.
Lieferung: Bis zur Ekthesis makrostichos, herausgegeben im Aurag der Berlin-
Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaen von H.C. BRENNECKE, U. HEIL, A. VON
STOCKHAUSEN und A. WINTJES, Berlin-New York 2007.
Athanasius Werke 2016. Erster Band, Erster Teil: Die dogmatischen Schrien, 5. Lieferung: Epistulae dog-
maticae minores, herausgegeben im Aurag der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wis-
senschaen von K. SAVVIDIS, Berlin-Boston 2016 (pp. 634-635 (Epistula ad Epictetum: 7. Die
thiopische Version), 696, 703-735).
BATIFFOL, P. 1901. Le Synodikon de S. Athanase, ByZ 10 (1901) 128-143.
BAUMEISTER, T. 2006. Geschichte und Historiographie des gyptischen Christentums: Studien und Darstel-
lungen der letzten Jahre, in Huitime congrs international dtudes coptes (Paris 2004). Bilan et

BAUSI & CAMPLANI e History of the Episcopate of Alexandria (HEpA)

perspectives 2000-2004, ed. A. BOUDHORS D. VAILLANCOURT (Cahiers de la Bibliothque copte

15), Paris 2006, 37-67 (pp. 41-42, 3. thiopische Quellen zur Kirchengeschichte gyptens).
BAUSI, A. 1995. Il Snodos etiopico. Canoni pseudoapostolici. Canoni dopo lAscensione, Canoni di Simone
Cananeo, Canoni apostolici, Lettera di Pietro (CSCO 552-553, Ae 101-102), Lovanii 1995 (text, p.
xiii, n. 2).
1998. LEpistola 70 di Cipriano di Cartagine in versione etiopica, Aethiopica 1 (1998) 101-130.
1999a. Appunti sul Gadla Libnos, Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne 12/2 (1999) (= Miscellanea Aethio-
pica reverendissimo domino Stanislao Kur septuagenario professori illustrissimo viro amplissimo
ac doctissimo oblata, Warszawa 2000) 11-30 (p. 16, n. 18).
1999b. Un nuovo studio sulla versione etiopica della Bibbia, RSEt 43 (1999 [2000]) 5-13 (p. 13, n. 22).
2002a. Alcune osservazioni sul Gadla awryt, AION 60-61 (2000-2001 [2002]) 77-114 (p. 79, nn. 9-
2002b. La versione etiopica degli Acta Phileae nel Gadla samtt (AION Suppl. 92), Napoli 2002 (pp.
vii-viii, 18, n. 71, 20, n. 77).
2002c. New Egyptian texts in Ethiopia, Adamantius 8 (2002) 146-151.
2002d. Review of G. COLIN, LHomlie sur lglise du Rocher attribue Timothe Aelure. Texte thiopi-
en et traduction (Pontificio Istituto Orientale, Patrologia orientalis 49/2 = fasc. 218), Turnhout
2001, in OrChrP 68 (2002) 477-482 (pp. 481-483).
2003a. Cyprian of Carthage, in Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, Volume 1: A-C, ed. S. UHLIG, Wiesbaden
2003, 842.
2003b. La Vita e i Miracoli di Libnos (CSCO 595-596, Ae 105-106), Lovanii 2003 (transl., p. 27,
n. 20).
2003c. San Clemente e le tradizioni clementine nella letteratura etiopica canonico-liturgica, in Studi su
Clemente romano. Atti degli Incontri di Roma, 29 marzo e 22 novembre 2001 (OrChrA 268), ed. P.
LUISIER, Roma 2003, 13-55.
2004a. Il testo, il supporto e la funzione. Alcune osservazioni sul caso dellEtiopia, in Studia Aethiopica
in Honour of Siegbert Uhlig on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, ed. V. BLL D. NOSNITSIN T.
RAVE W. SMIDT E. SOKOLINSKAIA, Wiesbaden 2004, 7-22 (pp. 17-18).
2004b. La versione etiopica della Didascalia dei 318 niceni sulla retta fede e la vita monastica, in gyp-
tus Christiana. Mlanges dhagiographie gyptienne et orientale ddis la mmoire du P. Paul De-
vos bollandiste (Cahiers dOrientalisme 25), ed. E. LUCCHESI U. ZANETTI, Genve 2004, 225-
2004c. Some short remarks on the Canon tables in Ethiopic manuscripts, Studi Magrebini 26 (1998-
2002 [2004] = Scritti in onore di Clelia Sarnelli Cerqua, ed. C. BAFFIONI, Napoli 2004) 45-67 (pp.
54-55, n. 43).
2005a. Ancient features of Ancient Ethiopic, Aethiopica 8 (2005) 149-169.
2005b. Ephesus, Councils of, in Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, Volume 2: D-Ha, ed. S. UHLIG, Wiesbaden
2005, 329-331.
2005c. Etiopico ell: a proposito di unipotesi recente, Scrinium 1 (2005 = Varia Aethiopica. In Memory
of Sevir B. Chernetsov [1943-2005], ed. D. NOSNITSIN in collaboration with S. FRANTSOUZOFF
L. KOGAN B. LOURI), Saint Petersburg 2005, 3-11.
2005d. Note aggiuntive sullEpistola 70 di Cipriano: versione etiopica e versione siriaca, in Scritti in ono-
re di Giovanni M. dErme. Saggi di colleghi e amici in occasione del suo compleanno (Series Minor
67), ed. M. BERNARDINI N.L. TORNESELLO, Napoli 2005, I, 99-109.
2005e. Numismatica aksumita, linguistica e filologia, Istituto Italiano di Numismatica: Annali 50 (2003
[2005]) 157-175.

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)

2006a. La Collezione aksumita canonico-liturgica, Adamantius 12 (2006 = Il Patriarcato di Alessandria

nella tarda antichit e nel Medioevo, ed. A. CAMPLANI), 43-70.
2006b. La versione etiopica delle Risposte canoniche di Timoteo I attribuite a Pietro di Alessandria
(CPG II, nr. 2520), Scrinium 2 (2006 = Universum Hagiographicum. Mmorial R.P. Michel van Es-
broeck, s.j. [1934-2003], ed. B. LOURI A.V. MURAVIEV, Saint-Ptersburg 2006), 41-57.
2006c. e Aksumite background of the Ethiopic Corpus canonum, in Proceedings of the XVth Interna-
tional Conference of Ethiopian Studies. Hamburg July 20-25, 2003 (Aethiopistische Forschungen
65), ed. S. UHLIG M. BULAKH D. NOSNITSIN T. RAVE, Wiesbaden 2006, 532-541 (repr. in
Languages and Cultures of Eastern Christianity: Ethiopian, ed. A. BAUSI (Variorum, e Worlds
of Eastern Christianity [300-1500] 4), Farnham, Surrey 2012, 111-120 (no. 7).
2007a. Hippolytus, in Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, Volume 3: He-N, ed. S. UHLIG, Wiesbaden 2007, 35a-
36b; Mir: Maf mir, ibid. 945a-948a; Monastic literature, ibid. 997a-1003b.
2009. e so-called Traditio apostolica: preliminary observations on the new Ethiopic evidence, in
Volksglaube im antiken Christentum. Prof. Dr. eofried Baumeister OFM zur Emeritierung, ed.
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Conspectus Siglorum

MS Tgry, Ur Masqal, Ethio-SPaRe UM-039 (olim with shelfmark C3-IV-73).

E1763 MS EMML (Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa and Col-
legeville, Hill Monastic Microfilm Library) no. 1763.
E8509 MS EMML (Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa and Col-
legeville, Hill Monastic Microfilm Library) no. 8509.
Um037 MS Tgry, Ur Masqal, Ethio-SPaRe UM-037.

La Latin Version.
V MS Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare, Codex LX (58).
Batiol BATIFFOL 1901, 131-132.
Bravo Coniecit Benedetto Bravo.
Kettler KETTLER 1936, 159-163.
Maei MAFFEI 1742, 254-256 (editio princeps in MAFFEI 1738, 11-18).
Routh ROUTH 1846, 91-94.
Schwartz Coniecit Eduard Schwartz apud KETTLER 1936, 159-163.
Turner TURNER 1939, 634-636.
Textus in apparatibus commemorati

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GUAR., MartPetLat = GUARIMPOTUS, Martyrium Petri latine, ed. Acta sincera Sancti Petri, in PG XVIII
(1857) 451-466 (= BHL no. 6692).
HPatrHamb = Historia Patriarcharum Alexandrinorum in recensione manuscripti Hamburgensis, ed. SEY-
BOLD 1912.
HPatrVulg = Historia Patriarcharum Alexandrinorum in vulgata recensione, ed. SEYBOLD 1904.
IUSTINUS MARTYR, Dialogus cum Tryphone, ed. GOODSPEED 1915, 90-265.
RAINERI 2010 (Acta Petri aethiopice in recensione seriore).
SOZOMENUS, Hist. eccl., ed. BIDEZ HANSEN 1995.
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ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)

1 | 5ra <>


3 <>

5rb |
4 []
5 <>
<> <>

TESTES: E8509 E1763 Um037

TRADITIO INDIRECTA: 1,1 6,2 ] cf. Acta Petri Alexandrini in mss. E1763
E1763 79rb Um037, et E8509 (hic secundum ed. GETATCHEW HAILE 1980, 88.3-19):

E1763 79va = |

APP. CRIT. AETH.: 1,1 ] E8509; E 1763 Um037; ( E8509)

( E8509) ( E1763 Um037) ( E 8509 ; = E1763)
praem. E8509 E1763 Um037 | ] E1763 Um037; E8509 | <>] coni.; ;
E8509; E 1763 ; Um037 | ] , pro ; E8509;
E1763; Um037 | ] ; E8509; E 1763 ; Um037 | ] ;
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add. E1763 Um037 | 2 ] ; E8509; E 1763 ;
Um037 | ] Um037; E8509; E 1763 | ] ; E8509;
E 1763 Um037 | ] ; E8509; E 1763 Um037 | ] E1763 Um037; E 8509
2,1 ] E1763; E 8509 ; Um 037 | ] E1763 Um037; E 8509 | ] ;
E 1763 Um037; E8509 | ] ; E8509;
E 1763 ; Um 037 | 2 ] E1763 Um037; E 8509 | ] ;
E8509; E 1763 Um037 | 3 ] E8509;
E 1763 ; Um037 | ] E1763; E 8509 ; Um 037 | 4 <>] ,
pro ; E8509; E 1763 Um037 | ] Um037; E 8509 E1763
] ; E 8509 E1763 Um037 | 3,1 ] E1763 Um037; E8509 | ] E1763 Um037;
E8509 | 2 ] E1763 Um037; E8509; add. E8509; add. E 1763 ;
add. Um037 | ] ; E8509; E 1763 Um037 | ] ;
E8509; E 1763 Um037 | ] ; E 8509 E1763;
Um037 | 3 ] E8509 E1763 Um037; ( E 8509 ) ( E 8509 )
( E 1763 ; Um 037 ) add. E 8509 E1763 Um037 | ] E1763;
E8509; Um037 | ] E1763 Um037; [] ; E8509 | ] E1763 Um037;


1 Mriqos Evangelist entered Alksnd<r>y on the seventh year of Nerons;

he appointed 12 presbyters and seven deacons, and he gave them the following
2 rule: Aer the bishop of laksndry has died, the presbyters will gather and
they will lay their hands in the faith of God upon the one, among them, that
they all will have selected, and thus they will appoint him as their bishop, at the
3 presence of the corpse of the dead bishop. is doctrine has remained for the
bishops whom they elect among the presbyters, from Aniynos until the
4 blessed eros, who is the sixteenth bishop of laksndry. is happened,
not because there was any preference for the juridical principle that the pres-
byters should <appoint> this had not been granted yet because, on the
5 contrary, a bishop had not yet been appointed for every region. Aer the
blessed eros, it was established that the appointment of those to be appointed

LOCI PARALLELI: 1,1 Mriqos3,3 laksndry.] EUT., Annales, pp. 95, l. 1396, l. 3,

. e evange-
list Mark appointed, together with the Patriarch Ananias, twelve other priests who could support him (in his min-
istry) and that, at the patriarchs death, could appoint, instead of him, one of the twelve, while the other eleven placed
their hands on his head, blessing him and consecrating him patriarch. eir task was then to choose a man of proven
virtue, and to order him priest with them instead of the one that had been made patriarch, so that they were always
twelve in number. e twelve priests of Alexandria continued to elect the Patriarch, following this rule, choosing him
among the twelve priests, until the time of Alexander, Patriarch of Alexandria, who was one of three hundred and
eighteen. In fact, he forbade the priests to elect a patriarch and also ordered that, on the occasion of the death of the
patriarch, the bishops should gather together and elect the patriarch. He also ordered that, on the occasion of the
death of the patriarch, they elect a man of proven virtue of whatever country, either one of the twelve priests or an-
other that they had been found worthy, and consecrate him patriarch. It was thus interrupted the old rule that the
priests were the ones who had to elect the patriarch, and the election went to the bishops. Cfr. GIYORGIS WALDA
AMID, Chronicon, p. 68, ll. 7-16 (text), p. 163, ll. 21-33 (transl.).

E8509 | ] ; E 8509 E1763 Um037 | 4 ] ; E8509;

E 1763 ; Um037 | 4,1 ] Um037; E 8509 E1763 | []]
[] ; E8509 Um037; E 1763 | ] E1763
Um037; E8509 | 2 <><>] coni.; ;
E8509; Um037; E 1763 | 2 ] ; E8509;
E 1763 ; Um037 | ] E1763 Um037; (transp.) add. E 1763 | ] ;
E8509; E 1763 Um037; add. E8509; add. Um037 | ] ; E 850
E Um037 | 3 ] ; (transp.) om. E 8509 E1763 Um037 | ] ; E 8509 E1763 Um037
9 1763

] E1763 Um037; om. E8509 | <>] Um037; E 8509 E1763 | 5,1 <>] , pro
; E 8509 E1763 Um037 | 2 ] E1763 Um037; E8509 | 3 ] ;
E8509; E 1763 ;
Um037 | <> ] coni.;

DISTINCTIO AETH.: 1,1 ] Um037 | 2 ] Um037 | 2,1 ] et ad cap. v.

3 ] E 1763 Um037 | 4 <>] | ] E1763 Um037
3,4 ] E 1763 Um037 | 4,3 <>] Um037 | 5,1 <>] = et ad cap. v.

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)

6 <>

7 <>
5va <> |
9 [] []

10 <>

14 | 5vb <> |
15 <>

16 <> <>

fin. 5vb |

(inter folia 5 et 6, ut videtur, unum desideratur folium)

17 | 6ra | [][ ]

2.2 <>

TESTES: E8509 E1763 Um037 | 6,1 ] expl. E8509 E1763 Um037

APP. CRIT. AETH.: 5,3 ] ; E8509; E 1763 ; Um037

6,1 ] ; om. E8509 E1763 Um037 | 4 <>] coni.; | 6,1 ] E8509;
E 1763 Um037 | ] ; om. E8509 E1763 Um037 | ] E8509; E 1763 Um037 | 3 <>] coni.;
| 7,1 <>] coni.; | 8,2 []] ; fortasse an a corrup-
tum? | 9,3 <>] coni.; ; fortasse an a corruptum? | 12,1 ]
| 2 ] ; fortasse <> conieceris | 13,1 ] | 2 ] ; fortasse a
> , vel conieceris <><> (> > ), a , vel {} a -
| 14,2 <>] coni.; [] vacuum | 15,2 <>] | 5 <>] coni.;
| <>] ex in [] emendavit | 16,2 {}] iterat , expungendum vi-
detur | 3 ] | 17,1 [][] | ]] coni.; ]


would be done by the bishops. From Aniynos until eros there are 255
6 years. 1st It was then appointed as the first one Anynos aer Mriqos the
Evangelist; he was s of laksndry for 22 years; the day of his passing
7 was on the 5th of the second half (= 20) of dr. Still in this way, 2nd aer
him was s Mil<y>os for 13 years; the day of his passing was on the (be-
8 ginning of the) first half (= 1st) of Maskaram. 3rd Qedron, 11 (years); the
day of his passing was on the thirteenth of Tass; he, according to the written
9 documents, (was) from the alaniqon. arimos, 12 year; the day of his
passing was on the 13th of Naasi; he too, according to the documents, (was)
10 from the <a>laniqon. Yawasos, 11 years; the day of his passing was on
11 the 12th of Sny; as to him, he was from the military. Awmens, <13>
years; the day of his passing was on the first of the second half (= 16) of
12 qmt; he, according to the written documents, (was) Saayqos. Mr-
qiynos, 10 years; the day of his passing was on the sixth of rr; he (was) from
13 the Filisfost. Qelediyon, 10 years; the day of his passing was on the 9th of
14 amal; he (was) from the Sfisqos. Agrinos, 12 years; the day of his
15 passing was on the full moon (= 15) of Yakktit. Iyulnos, 14 years; the day
of his passing was on the eighth of Maggbit. Until him, no bishop was ap-
pointed for all the regions, but that of laksndry went out and visited se-
16 cretly and with much fear appointed presbyters and deacons. Damros
(was) the 11th {11th} bishop of laksndry and he was s for 43 years;
he appointed 10 bishops and the blessed passed away on the 12th of qmt; as
to him, the documents do not know (from where he was); during the term of
his oce there was the persecution and the conflict in the region of aasri;
and these are the names of the bishops he appointed:
for the aalomydos

(one folium is missing between folia 5 and 6)

17 []yon[ M]ksmo (was) the fourteenth s of laksn-

dry for eighteen years and he appointed 29 bishops; the blessed passed away
on the fourteenth of Myzy; and these are the names of those he appointed:

18.1.1 for os, Saryon;

2.2 for Hermoalewos, Efeseyon;

LOCI PARALLELI: 15,1 Iyulnos,4 deacons.] HPatrHamb, p. 14, ll. 5-7 (= HPatrVulg, p. 25, ll. 16-18), .
. And he continued ten
years. And aer this patriarch, the patriarch did not remain in Alexandria, but issued thence secretly, and ordained
priests in every place, as Saint Mark, the evangelist.

DISTINCTIO AETH.: 5,3 ] | <>] | 6,3 ] | 7,2 ]

8,1 ] | 2 []] | 9,2 ] | 3 <>] | 10,1 ]
| 2 ] | 11,2 ] | ] | 12,2 ] | ]
13,2 <>] | ] | 14,2 ] | 15,2 ] | 5 ]
| 16,2 ] et in fin. l. | 5 ] | ] et ad cap. v. | ] et
in fin. l. | 17,4 ] = et ad cap. v. | 18.2.2,1 <>] et ad cap. v. | ] et
ad cap. v.

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)

2.3 <>
6.7 < >
6.8 <>
8.10 <>
12.14 | 6rb |
12bis.14bis []
13.15 [ ]
14.16 []
15.17 []
15.18 <>
26.29 <>
6va <> [] |

21 []
1.1 []<>


APP. CRIT. AETH.: 18.2.3,1 <>] coni.; | 18.6.7,1 < >] coni.;
| 18.6.8,1 <>] coni.; | 18.13.15,1 [] []
18.15.17,1 []] [] | 18.15.18,1 <>] coni.; | 20,2 <>] coni.;
[]] coni.; []

DISTINCTIO AETH.: 18.2.3,1 ] | 18.3.4,1 ] et ad cap. v. | 18.4.5,1 ] et in fin.

l. | 18.5.6,1 ] = et ad cap. v. | 18.6.7,1 < >] et in fin. l. | 18.6.8,1 ]
et in fin. l. | 18.7.9,1 ] et in fin. l. | 18.8.10,1 <>] = et ad cap. v. | ]
= et ad cap. v. | 18.9.11,1 ] et in fin. l. | 18.10.12,1 ] et in fin. l.
18.11.13,1 ] et in fin. l. | 18.12.14,1 ] et ad cap. v. | 18.14.16,1 ]

BAUSI & CAMPLANI HEpA 18.2.3 21.1.1

2.3 and for the same, Qallneqon;

3.4 for Aniniwu, Aallons;
4.5 for Aksrnks, So;
5.6 for Hrqlewos, Arlons;
6.7 for Memfis< >Dyos;
6.8 for the same, Qaros;
7.9 for Lius, Sridis;
8.10 for the town of Elyo, Qaryon;
9.11 for Bbusu, syon;
10.12 for Arbiys, Askis;
11.13 for lsyon, Nimeu;
12.14 for aniu, Aryon;
12bis.14bis []
13.15 and for the same, [];
14.16 for Atalbiyos [] Floksinos;
15.17 for wita, Sro[n;]
15.18 and for the same, Aallons;
16.19 for Sayu, ison;
17.20 for Baraneqedo, Talawn;
18.21 for awkiron, Grqiynos;
19.22 for alomdos, Iyolyos;
20.23 for Lbiyos, Slbnos;
21.24 for Bskewan, Yfatan;
22.25 for Eglibos, Sriyon;
23.26 for Grtewos, Ammons;
24.27 for araniyo, Aallon;
25.28 for Budewon, Mins;
26.29 for Luli Faqs, Qoynos.
19 And until him, their prayer was performed in their houses (and) in the (under-
20 ground) caves of their cemeteries. Twons (was) the nineteenth bishop of
laksndrys and was s for <1>2 years; the blessed passed away on the
fourth of rr and thi[s that follows]
21 []
1.1 [], tanodoros;

LOCI PARALLELI: 19,1 And2 cemeteries.] HPatrHamb, p. 39, l. 5 = HPatrVulg, p. 52, l. 3,

. For up to this time the people had celebrated in caves and underground places and secret
And the
resorts. EUT., Annales, p. 114, ll. 17-18, .
Christians in Alexandria were praying in underground places and houses secretly, fearing that the Romans could kill

] et ad cap. v. | 18.15.18,1 ] et in fin. l. | 18.16.19,1 ] et ad cap. v.

18.18.21,1 ] = et ad cap. v. | 18.19.22,1 ] et ad cap. v. | 18.20.23,1 ]
et in fin. l. | 18.21.24,1 ] et in fin. l. | 18.22.25,1 ] et in fin. l. | 18.23.36,1 ]
et in fin. l. | 18.25.28,1 ] et in fin. l. | 18.26.29,1 <>] et ad cap. v. | ] = et
ad cap. v. | 19,1 ] et in fin. l. | 21.1.1,1 []<>] | ] et in fin. l.

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)

2.3 <>
3.4 <>
5.6 <>
8.10 <>
12.14 <>
15.17 <>
25.27 | 6vb [] |
26.28 []
26.29 <> []
27.31 <>
32.36 <>
33.37 <>


APP. CRIT. AETH.: 21.2.3,1 <>] coni.; | 21.8.10,1 <>] , pro <>
21.25.27,1 []] coni.; [] | 21.26.29,1 <>] coni.; | 21.27.31,1 <>]

DISTINCTIO AETH.: 21.2.2,1 ] | 21.2.3,1 ] et in fin. l. | 21.3.4,1 <>]

] et in fin. l. | 21.4.5,1 ] et in fin. l. | 21.5.6,1 <>] | ] et in
fin. l. | 21.6.7,1 ] et ad cap. v. | 21.7.8,1 ] | 21.7.9,1 ] et in fin. l.
21.8.10,1 <>] | ] et in fin. l. | 21.9.11,1 ] et in fin. l.
21.10.12,1 ] et in fin. l. | 21.11.13,1 ] et ad cap. v. | 21.12.14,1 <>]

BAUSI & CAMPLANI HEpA 21.2.2 21.33.37

2.2 for aalomydos, Lqayon;

2.3 for the <same>, P(h)ston;
3.4 for anos, anisqos;
4.5 for Anewu, Soron;
5.6 for Liqos, Milios;
6.7 for Qwso, Elys;
7.8 for Armalewos, Esdoros;
7.9 for the same, Erminos;
8.10 for Aksr(n)kos, Alis;
9.11 for Upper Qwno, Teadoros;
10.12 for Erqlew, erosoni;
11.13 for its inner part, Ne;
12.14 for Arsnoyu, Filos;
13.15 for Menfes, akwins;
14.16 for the Town of Elyo, Ars;
15.17 for Frbeto, Ammons;
16.18 for Fquson, Sr;
17.19 for Arabiys, Tewodoros;
18.20 for Sdryis, Dyosqoros;
19.21 for aniu, Ewdimos;
20.22 for Tmuys, Filos;
21.23 for Lewon, enimos;
22.24 for Lower Qwno, Arso;
23.25 for Sbanios, Isodoros;
24.26 for Kosi, Dyosqoros;
25.27 [for] rosiu, Ne;
26.28 moreover []
26.29 for the same, isi[];
27.30 for witu, Iskiryon;
27.31 for there again, Sarnos;
28.32 for Sayu, Qeflewon;
29.33 for P(h)teno, Arqyon;
30.34 for Melu, Sero;
31.35 for the Regions of Alaksndry, Nemesyon;
32.36 for Adryns, Agtameron;
33.37 for ewtiron, Ammons;

| ] et in fin. l. | 21.13.15,1 ] et in fin. l. | 21.14.16,1 ] et in fin. l.

21.15.17,1 <>] et in fin. l. | ] et ad cap. v. | 21.16.18,1 ] et ad cap. v.
21.17.19,1 ] | ] et in fin. l. | 21.18.20,1 ]
21.19.21,1 ] | ] | 21.20.22,1 ] et in fin. l. | 21.21.23,1 ]
| ] et in fin. l. | 21.22.24,1 ] | ] et in fin. l. | 21.24.26,1 ]
| ] et in fin. l. | 21.25.27,1 []] | ] et in fin. l.
21.26.29,1 []] ad cap. v. | 21.27.30,1 ] et in fin. l. | 21.27.31,1 ] et in fin. l.
| 21.28.32,1 ] et in fin. l. | 21.29.33,1 ] | ] et in fin. l.
21.30.34,1 ] et ad cap. v. | 21.31.35,1 ] et ad cap. v. | 21.32.36,1 <>]
] | 21.33.37,1 <>] | ]

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)

36.40 <>
37.41 <>
38.42 <>
39.43 <>
39.44 <>
40.45 <>
41.46 <>
43.49 <>
44.50 <>
22 | 23 |
7ra [ ] [] []

2.2 <>
3.3 <>
4.5 <>
5.6 <>

TESTES: | 23,1 [] inc. E8509 E1763 Um037 | 5 ] expl. E8509 E1763 Um037 | 6 ] inc. E8509 E1763 Um037
7 ] expl. E8509 E1763 Um037

TRADITIO INDIRECTA: 23,1 [5 ] cf. Acta Petri Alexandrini in ms. E1763, ed.
E1763 79vb GETATCHEW HAILE 1980, 89.3-7:

| 6 7 ]
E1763 80ra cf. Acta Petri Alexandrini in ms. E1763, ed. GETATCHEW HAILE 1980, 89.12-13:

APP. CRIT. AETH.: 21.39.44,1 <>] coni.; | 21.44.50,1 <>] coni.; | 23,1 [2
[]] coni.; [] [] [] ;
( E 1763 ; Um037 ) E 8509 E1763
Um037 | 2 ] E1763 Um037; E8509 | ] ; E8509; om. E1763 Um037 | 3 ] E1763
Um037; E8509 | ] ; E8509; E 1763 Um037 | ] E8509;
E 1763 Um037 | ] ; E8509; E 1763 Um037 | <>]
coni.; ; E 8509 ; E 1763 Um037 | 4 ] ; E 8509 E1763;
Um037 | ] ; E 8509 E1763 Um037 | ] E8509; E 1763 Um037 | ]
E8509; E 1763 Um037 | ] ; E8509; E 1763 ; Um037 | <>5
] ; ( E 8509 ) ( E 8509 ) ( Um 037 ) E 8509 E1763
Um037 | 6 ] ; E8509; E 1763 Um037 | ] ;
E8509; E 1763 Um037 | ] ; om. E8509 E1763 Um037 | 7 ] ;

BAUSI & CAMPLANI HEpA 21.34.38 24.5.6

34.38 for aalamdos, wlos;

35.39 for Ertru, Didmos;
36.40 for Libiys, Sirso;
37.41 for Kesniss, armon;
38.42 for Bskewo, Firmon;
39.43 for Eglibos, Niqon;
39.44 for the same, Hiron;
40.45 for Zgwron, Aallon;
41.46 for aronyo, Gyyos;
41.47 again thus, a second Gyyos;
42.48 for Gwdewo, Balusis;
43.49 for Amniyqis, aaroqlos;
44.50 for the same, a(n)filos.
22 During the term of the oce of this s a church and a cemetery were built.
23 ero[s (was) the sixt]eenth [s] of laksndr[y]; he was s for 10
years and appointed 55 bishops; during the whole time of his papacy was in the
persecution; during the term of his oce there were 642 martyrs and also
eros himself on the 29th of dr; his day became immortal and he is cele-
brated by everyone. Of the bishops he appointed in his time, this their
names in the sequence was written down:
24.1.1 for Lan, Ammans;
2.2 for anos, eeorifs;
3.3 for Anew, Aallonis;
4.4 for Aalonos, Abrh<m>;
4.5 for the same, erorokos;
5.6 for the Large Waasewos, eriqas;

LOCI PARALLELI: 22,1 Duringbuilt.] HPatrHamb, p. 39, l. 4 (= HPatrVulg, p. 51, l. 2),

( )and he built a beatiful church in the name of the Lady Martamaryam and it was called mwy
(bwy); EUT., Annales, p. 114, ll. 19-20: until he built in Alexandria the church of
the Lady Martamaryam | 23,1 ero[s3 persecution;] GUAR., MartPetLat, c. 455A, Paene omni tempore vitae suae
in persecutione degit. Ordinauit interea quinquaginta et quinque episcopos. GUAR., MartPetLat, c. 459A, Erant enim
ultra sexcentos sexaginta qui cum eis carceralibus artabantur ergastulis.

E8509; E1763; Um037 | ] ; E8509 E1763 Um037

24.4.4,1 ] ; {} in m. | 24.4.5,1 <>] coni.;

DISTINCTIO AETH.:21.34.38,1 <>] | ] | 21.35.39,1 <>]

] | 21.36.40,1 <>] | ] et in fin. l. | 21.37.41,1 <>]
] et in fin. l. | 21.38.42,1 <>] | ] et in fin. l.
21.39.43,1 <>] | ] et ad cap. v. | 21.39.44,1 <>] | ] et ad cap. v.
| 21.40.45,1 <>] | ] et ad cap. v. | 21.41.46,1 <>] | ]
et in fin. l. | 21.41.47,1 ] et ad cap. v. | 21.42.48,1 ] et in fin. l.
21.43.49,1 <>] | ] | 21.44.50,1 ] et ad cap. v.
22 ] | 23,3 ] et in fin. l. E1763; Um037 | 4 ] E 1763 | <>] et in fin. l.
| 5 <>] = | 7 ] et ad cap. v. E1763 | 24.1.1,1 ] et ad cap. v.
24.2.2,1 <>] | ] | 24.3.3,1 <>] | ]
24.4.5,1 ] | 24.5.6,1 <>] et in fin. l.

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)

6.7-8 <> <>

7.9 <>
3bis.3bis {<> }
4bis.4bis | 7rb {<> } |
4bis.5bis { <> }
5bis.6bis { }
6bis.7bis-8bis { }
7bis.9bis {<> }
12.14 <>
14.16 <> <>
15.19 <>
16.20 <>
17.22 <>
18.23 <>
19.24 <>
20.25 <>
21.26 <>
22.27 <>
23.28 <>
24.29 | 7va <> |
24.30 <>
25.31 <>
25.32 <>
26.35 <>
27.37 <>


APP. CRIT. AETH.: 24.3bis.3bis,1 {<>24.7bis.9bis,1 }] repetita, expungenda videntur

24.4bis.5bis,1 <>] coni.; | 24.14.16,1 <> <>] a corruptum

DISTINCTIO AETH.: 24.6.7-8,1 <>] | <>] | ] | 24.7.9,1 <>]

et in fin. l. | ] | 24.3bis.3bis,1 {<>] | }] =
24.4bis.4bis,1 {<>] | }] = et ad cap. v. | 24.4bis.5bis,1 }]
24.6bis.7bis-8bis,1 }] et in fin. l. | 24.7bis.9bis,1 {<>] et in fin. l. | }] et in fin.
l. | 24.8.10,1 ] et in fin. l. | 24.9.11,1 ] et in fin. l. | 24.10.12,1 ]
24.11.13,1 ] | 24.12.14,1 <>] et in fin. l. | ]
24.13.15,1 ] et in fin. l. | 24.14.16,1 <>] | <>] | ]

BAUSI & CAMPLANI HEpA 24.6.7-8 24.27.37

6.7-8 for Hifsliso, Ammons and Krbi presbyter;

7.9 for Qwson, Besn;
3bis.3bis {for Anew, Aallonis;}
4bis.4bis {for Aalonos, Abrhm;}
4bis.5bis {for the same, arorokos;}
5bis.6bis {for the Large Waasewos, eriqs;}
6bis.7bis-8bis {for Hifslis, Ammons and Kerbiy presbyter;}
7bis.9bis {for Qwsn, Besn;}
8.10 for Aninowu, Iyrq;
9.11 and so Araqriyon for Wseyos;
10.12 for Upper Qwno, rnos;
11.13 for Erqlewus, Ilin;
12.14 for Nilo alowos, Srmtis;
13.14 for Arsonoyu, Aallinryos;
14.16 for Afrodi, Afeliyos, Asqalii;
15.18 for Menfes, Yodros;
15.19 and thus Liiyos;
16.20 for Luus, Teadaros;
16.21 thus also Waasewos;
17.22 for Hiliya, lusynos;
18.23 for Bubsu, Isirmos;
19.24 for Frbotu, Arleyon;
20.25 for Fquson, Qsyos;
21.26 for lus, Qsyos;
22.27 for Stroyu, aalamewos;
23.28 for nu, alonewos;
24.29 for Pnefsewos, Didmos;
24.30 for there again, Filos;
25.31 for Tumays, Filys;
25.32 for there again, Dyonisyos;
25.33 for there again, ebrinos;
25.34 for there again, Saryon;
26.35 for Lewon, Allon;
26.36 for there again, Neo;
27.37 for Lower Qwno, Adminiyos;

et in fin. l. | 24.15.18,1 ] et in fin. l. | 24.15.19,1 <>] | ] et in fin. l.

24.16.20,1 <>] | ] et in fin. l. | 24.16.21,1 ] | ] et in
fin. l. | 24.17.22,1 <>] | ] et in fin. l. | 24.18.23,1 <>]
] | 24.19.24,1 <>] | ] | 24.20.25,1 <>] et in fin.
l. | ] | 24.21.26,1 <>] | ] | 24.22.27,1 <>] et in fin. l.
| ] | 24.23.28,1 <>] | ] et in fin. l.
24.24.29,1 <>] | ] | 24.24.30,1 <>] et in fin. l. | ]
24.25.31,1 <>] et in fin. l. | ] | 24.25.32,1 <>] et in fin. l.
] et ad cap. v. | 24.25.33,1 ] et in fin. l. | 24.25.34,1 ] et in fin. l.
24.26.35,1 <>] | ] et in fin. l. | 24.26.36,1 ] | ] = et ad cap. v.
| 24.27.37,1 <>] = et ad cap. v. | ] = et ad cap. v.

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)

28.38 <>
29.39 <>
30.40 <> <> []
31.41 <>
33.43 <>
34.44 <>
35.45 <>
36.46 <>
37.47 <>
38.48 <>
39.49 []
40.50 <>
41.51 <>
42.52 <>
43.53 <>
44.54 | 7vb <> |
45.55 []
25 [] <>


TESTES: | 25,1 ] inc. E8509 E1763 Um037

TRADITIO INDIRECTA: 25,1 28,1 ] cf. Acta Petri Alexandrini in ms. E1763,
E1763 80ra ed. GETATCHEW HAILE 1980, 89.1390.1:


E1763 80rb |


APP. CRIT. AETH.: 24.39.49,1 []] fortasse legendum | 25,1 [] ] []

; E 8509 E1763 Um037 | ] E8509 Um037; E 1763 | 2 ] ;
E8509; E 1763 Um037 | 2 ] ; E8509; E 1763 Um037 | ] ;
E 8509 E1763 Um037 | ] E1763 Um037; E 8509 | ] E1763 Um037;

BAUSI & CAMPLANI HEpA 24.28.38 26

28.38 for Busiriu, Tewoms;

29.39 for Sboniu, Sriwon;
30.40 for the Town of Dyos, Arqr[]s;
31.41 for Frwoniyos, Aallniyos;
32.42 for Kasayu, wlos;
33.43 for rosou, Sarinos;
34.44 for owitu, wmens;
35.45 for Anofiu, Aqryon;
36.46 for Qabosi, Akalis;
37.47 for P(h)tneu, Ailyos;
38.48 for Androoliu, Akillas;
39.49 for [Na]aliu, nkaris;
40.50 for awkiron, ron;
41.51 for Libiys, Sariyon;
42.52 for Baskewos, Niqon;
43.53 for Gratewos, Qwniss;
44.54 for Zegwfen, Qewnos;
45.55 for Gwdewos, []
25 It is convenient [th]at we inquire on the blessed eros. Actually since his
childhood he was renowned for the conduct of life in the Christian Law, he was
grown from his childhood, like Smuel, in the Church, with the bishop
Tewon, and gaining honour, he became archdeacon. Once Tewons passed
away, all together presbyters and deacons elected him to become bishop, be-
26 cause of the purity of his conduct of life. Yet the story of what happened to his

LOCI PARALLELI: 25,3 like Smuel,] Cfr. I Sam. 1-2.

E8509 | ] ; E8509; E 1763 Um037 | 3 ] ;

( E8509) E 8509 E1763 Um037 | ] ; E8509; E 1763 Um037 | ]
E8509 E1763; Um037 | 4 ] ; E8509; E 1763
Um037 | ] Um037; E8509; E 1763 | ] E1763 Um037;
E8509 | ] E1763 Um037; E8509 | 5 ] ; E 8509 E1763 Um037
] ; E8509; E 1763 ; Um037 | ] E8509 E1763 Um037;
add. E 8509 E1763 Um037 | ] ; E 8509 E1763; Um037 | 6 ] ;
om. E 8509 E1763 Um037 | ] E1763; om. E8509; E8509; add. E1763 Um037 | ] E1763;
E8509 Um037 | ] E1763 Um037; E8509 | 26,1 ] ; E8509;
E 1763 ; [] Um037 | ] E1763 Um037; E8509 | ] E1763 Um037; E8509

DISTINCTIO AETH.: 24.28.38,1 <>] | ] et in fin. l. | 24.29.39,1 <>]

] et ad cap. v. | 24.30.40,1 <>] | <>] | []]
24.31.41,1 <>] | ] et in fin. l. | 24.32.42,1 ] et ad cap. v.
24.33.43,1 <>] | ] et in fin. l. | 24.34.44,1 <>] | ] et
ad cap. v. | 24.35.45,1 <>] | ] | 24.36.46,1 <>] | ]
| 24.37.47,1 <>] | ] | 24.38.48,1 <>] | ] =
et ad cap. v. | 24.39.49,1 ] et in fin. l. | 24.40.50,1 <>] | ] et in fin.
l. | 24.41.51,1 <>] | ] et in fin. l. | 24.42.52,1 <>] | ]
et in fin. l. | 24.43.53,1 <>] | 24.44.54,1 <>] | ] et in fin. l.
25,1 <>] | 4 ] Um037 | 5 ] Um037 | 6 ] | 26,1 ]
E 1763 Um037

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)

8ra |[] []
[] <>


8rb |


<> <>
8va |

30 <>

TESTES: E8509 E1763 Um037 | 28,1 ] expl. E8509 E1763 Um037

26,3 6 ] cf. Encomium Petri Alexandrini, ed. RAI-
2010, 632.2930: /

APP. CRIT. AETH.: 26,2 ] E1763 Um037; E8509 | ] E1763; E8509 Um037 |
] ; E8509; E1763; Um037 | ] E1763 Um037; E8509 | ] ;
E8509; E1763 Um037 | 3 ; E8509;
E1763 Um037 | ] E8509 E1763; Um037 | ] Um037; E8509; E1763
] E1763 Um037; E8509 | ] E1763 Um037; E8509 | ] ; E8509;
E1763 Um037; E 8509 ; add. add. E1763 Um037 | 4 []] [] ; E8509
E1763 Um037 | []] [] ; E 8509 ; E1763 Um037
] ; om. E1763 Um037; post [] ( E8509) transp. E8509 | []] pro , co-
ni.; [] ; E8509 E1763 Um037 | 5 <>] coni.; ; E8509;
E1763 Um037 | ] ; E8509; E1763 Um037 | ] E8509 Um037; om.
E1763 | ] ; E8509; E1763; Um037 | ] E8509;
E1763 Um037 | 6 ] E8509 E1763 Um037; add. E8509; add. E1763 Um037
] ; E8509 E1763 Um037 | ] ; E8509;
E1763 Um037 | ] , pro ; om. E8509 | ] E1763 Um037; E8509 | 7 ] E8509 E1763;
Um037 | ] E8509, pro ; E1763 Um037 | 27,1 ] E8509 E1763 Um037;
E8509 | ] E1763 Um037; E8509 | ] ; E8509 E1763 Um037 | 2 ]
; E8509; E1763; Um037 | ] E8509 E1763 Um037; add. E8509;
add. E1763 Um037 | ] E8509 Um037; E1763 | 3 ] ; E8509;
E1763; Um037 | 4 ] ; E8509 E1763 Um037 | ] ; E8509;


papacy is as follows. On the nineteenth year of Dyoqlynos he was ap-

pointed bishop and aer celebrating Easter for his first time, there was the cap-
tivity of the Mrmrqe, that took place [during] Dyoqlyno[s]. While the
captives of the Mrm<r>qe were [conducted] and passed by in lak-
sndry, he ransomed and sent to their region 500 captives. Aer doing this
27 action, aer Easter, he went out to visit the land of Gb (= Egypt). ere was a
presbyter, arifos, who had been sent from those of the Marmrqe who had
survided, to the blessed eros, together with many letters, interceding for the
redemption of the captives. is rifon fell in the hands of the governor who
had captured (the captives from) the Marmrqe and the governor got excited
out of anger, saying: Who is this eros, to whom all these are writing?. As for
rifon, he had his head cut o, because he had been envoyed and had brought
28 letters, and eros, he made search for him. While they made search for him in
Gb and he was hiding himself because they searched for him, a terrible per-
secution followed him to the point that churches were destroyed and also
books burned by fire; also as for the appointed of the Church, they deported
them in whole Gb. All this was done in the nineteenth year of Dy-
29 oqliynos. While the blessed eros was hiding and the bishops were in
prison and (so also) very many appointed, among the bishops who had es-
caped, rose up Milios, who had been appointed bishop for Liqon: he dared to
make appointment of presbyters and deacons, for others, where he had no
30 jurisdiction. While many murmured for the fact that the appointment was not
useful, there were people of the church of Alaksndry who run and
reported to the bishops in prison the insolence of Meliis. Having heard, they

LOCI PARALLELI: 29,3 rose30,6 follows:] GUAR., Praefatio MartPetLat, c. 455A, Meletius denique, nomine et mente
nigerrimus, apud Lycopolitanam scismaticus factus (est) praesul, multa quidem contra canonum agens regulam.
MartPetLat, c. 459B, Quid etiam vobis de Meletio Lycopolitano commemorem? Qui, quantas persecutiones quanto-
sque dolos mihi sit iaculatus, vos omnimodo scire nullatenus ambigo. Pro nefas! Scindere sacrosanctam Ecclesiam
non metuit, quam Dei filius pretioso sanguine redemit, eamque ut de diaboli tyrannide liberaret animam ponere non
titubavit. Hanc, ut dicere coepi, etiam sanctos episcopos, qui ante paululum per martyrium caelos penetrarunt, in
carceris custodia expugnare atque aigere non desinebat. Cavete ergo ab eius insidiis.

E1763 Um037 | ] ; om. E8509 E1763 Um037 | ] E8509 Um037; E1763 | ] E1763
Um037; E8509 | ] E1763 Um037; E8509 | 5 ] ; E8509;
E1763 Um037 | ] E1763 Um037; E8509 | ] Um037; E8509;
E1763 | ] ; E8509; E1763 Um037 | ] E1763 Um037; E8509 | 6 ]
Um037; E8509 E1763 | ] ; ( E8509) E 8509 E1763
Um037 | ] ; E 8509 E1763 Um037; ( E 8509 ) add. E8509 E1763 Um037
7 ] ; E8509; E 1763 Um037 | ] E1763 Um037; E8509 | ] ;
om. E8509 E1763 Um037 | 8 ] ; ( E 8509 ) E8509 E1763
Um037 | 28,1 1 ] ; ( E 8509 ) (
E 8509 ) ( E 8509 ; E 1763 ) E8509 E1763 Um037 | ] , pro | 2 ]
, pro | 29,2 ] , pro | 30,1 ] ; fortasse in emendan-
dum | <>] coni.; | 2 ] , pro

DISTINCTIO AETH.: 26,3 ] E 1763 | 6 ] E1763 Um037 | 7 ] Um037; =

E1763 | 27,4 ] E 1763 | 7 ] Um037 | 28,5 ] = et in fin. l. | 29,3 <>]
<>] | 30,1 <>]

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)



V 113v |
31 Ep. episcop. Isychius Pachumius eodorus Phyleas V 114r
Meletio dilecto et conministro in do-
mino salutem. simplici{te} ratione <et>
32 incerta uerba estimantes que de te au-
<> diebantur quibusdam ad nos perue-
nientibus <et> nuntia<ntibus> aliena
8vb | more diuino et regula ecclesiastica que
[] a te conantur immo magis fiunt, que
[ ] nec auribus suscipere uellemus, consi-
[] derantes in magnitudine<m> auda-
cia<e> et connatus incertos, sed
quoniam in presentia aduenientes multi
fidem his imposuerunt, et contesta<r>i
33 facta non dubitabant, nimis admirati
conpulsi sumus has litteras conficere ad
te. qualem enim comm<ot>ionem et 2
tristitiam communiter omnibus et
singillatim unicuique prebuit a te facta
34 ordinatio in paroeciis ad te minime
pertinentibus nec dicere etiam preuale-
mus. pauca tamen te arguentes non ces-
<> sa<b>imus. lex est patrum et propa- 3


TESTES: | 31,1 ] inc. La

APP. CRIT. AETH.: 30,4 <>] coni.; | 32,2 <>] coni.; | 3 ] pro
| 5 []] coni.; [] | [6 ]] coni.; [ ] | 6 []]
coni.; [] | 10 ] corruptum videtur, cf. connatus incertos La | 33,4 ] ,
pro | 5 ] , pro | 34,4 <>] coni.; | 35,2 []]
coni.; []

APP. CRIT. LAT.: 1.1,4 simplici{te} ratione] simplici ratione MaeiRouth; simplicite<r> ratione Turner; simpliciter
<r>atione (scilicet ex ) Kettler; simpliciteratione V (fortasse ex ?) | simplici{te}12 incertos]
, retrovertit
Kettler | 5 audiebantur] VMaeiTurnerKettler; fortasse interpolatum | 7 <et> nuntia<ntibus>] ex et nuntiantib


became extremely sorrowful because of the pravity of his obstinacy and con-
sidering that this would not have resulted for usefulness, they wrote him a let-
ter that said as follows:


31 Askis, kume, Tewodros and Fa- Hesychius, Pachomius, eodorus,
lys to Meliis, our beloved brother and Phileas, to Meletius, our beloved
with whom we share our service, and fellow-minister, greeting in the
32 greeting in the Lord. At first since it Lord. Considering as worthless and
seemed to us an account of falsehood unreliable the words which were spo-
and a neglectable word, what those ken about you by certain individuals
who arrived from you had told us, who came to us and reported actions
contrary to the divine [Law], an inso- were reported attempted by you, in-
lence towards the rule of the Church, deed committed, contrary to the di-
yet it had been committed on your vine order and the ecclesiastical rule
part and with our ears we did not to which we would not listen with
want to listen to it, looking at the our ears, looking at the enormity of
enormity of the insolence and at the the audacity and the uncertain pur-
fearful who were being appointed; poses since however many who
33 and since many had come to us, we just came now have corroborated the
ascertained their reliability and they reliability (of these rumours) and did
witnessed to what had been done and not hesitate to witness to what had
they did not deny. For this reason, be- been done, we were forced, exceed-
ing surprised, we deemed it necessary ingly amazed, to write you this letter.
34 to write this letter to you: of what agi- What agitation and what pain were 2
tation and pain for all of us and caused to all of us together and to
everyone was any appointment (car- each of us individually by the ordina-
ried out) by you in a diocese where is tion carried out by you in dioceses
not your see, although we are not able wholly unconnected to you, we are
(to express it), yet being on few not able to express; however, we will
points, as follows, in our capacity, we not refrain from reproaching you in a
35 will not refrain from reproaching. It is few words. There is a law of the 3
a law of our fathers and of before our

LOCI PARALLELI: 31,1 Askis,Falys] GUAR., MartPetLat, c. 458D: ubi quattuor episcopi nominantur

suspicatus est Kettler, sed non scripsit, cfr. ; nuntia<n>tur MaeiRouthTurner; nuntiatur VKettler | aliena8 more]
aliena <a> more MaeiRouthTurner; alienamore V | 11 magnitudine<m> audacia<e>] magnitudine audaciam V
MaeiTurnerKettler | 12 connatus] conatus Turner | sed17 te]
retrovertit Kettler | 14 contesta<r>i] MaeiTurnerKettler; contestati V | 1.2,1 comm<ot>ionem] MaeiRouth
Turner; communionem VKettler | 6 cessa<b>imus] Turner; cessauimus VMaeiRouthKettler

DISTINCTIO LAT.: 1.1,10 uellemus] uellemus: V 12 incertos] incertos: V 13 aduenientes] aduenientes: V 14 impo-
suerunt] imposuerunt: V 15 dubitabant] dubitabant: V 17 te] te: V 1.2,5 preualemus] preualemus: V
6 cessa<b>imus] cessauimus: V

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)

9ra [] [] trum quam nec ipse ignoras, constituta

secundum diuinum et ecclesiasticum
ordinem: nam cuncta pro dei placito et
zelo meliorum. ab ipsis est constitutum
et fixum in alienis paroeciis non licere
alicui episcoporum ordinationes
celebrare. que lex bene nimis magna est 4
36 et cum sapientia adinuenta, quoniam
<> primum oportet conuersationem et ui-
tam eorum qui ordinantur cum
<m>agna <s>crupulositate | scrutari, V 114v
deinde ut omnis confu<s>io et turbela
auferatur. uix enim unusquisque pa-
roeciam regere poterit suam et magna
37 sollicitudine multisque cogitationibus
ministros reperire, cum quibus omne
tempus uitae {t}transegit, et in manibus
eius sunt educa<ti>. tu autem nihil ho- 5
<> rum considerans nec futura con-
9rb | templans nec beatorum patrum nostro-
38 <> rum et susceptorum per successio-
<> nes legem neque magni episcopi ac pa-
tris nostri Petri honore<m>, ex <qu>o
< cuncti per spem quam habemus in do-
> mino pendemus, nec nostris
incarcerationibus et temptationibus et
<> cottidianis ac multiplicatis obprobriis,
nec obpressionibus et angustiis aput



APP. CRIT. AETH.: 35,3[]] coni.; [] | 10 ] , pro | ] , pro

| 36,2 <>] coni.; | 5 ] , pro | 37,4 ] , pro
| 5 <>] coni.; , corruptum videtur, cf. reperire La; vel forsitan ab (),
() pro (), ()? | 38,1 <>] coni.; | 4 <>] coni.,
cf. susceptorum La; () Schwartz; | 7 <>] coni.; | 12 ] ,

DISTINCTIO AETH.: 35,4 ] | 38,2 <>] | 10 <>]

APP. CRIT. LAT.: 1.3,4 cuncta] cunctis coni. Routh; retrovertit Kettler | 5 meliorum] maiorum KettlerSchwartz
1.4,4 cum5 <m>agna] MaeiTurnerKettler; cumagna V | 5 <s>crupulositate] MaeiRouthKettler; scripolositate V
Turner | 6 confu<s>io] MaeiRouthTurner; confutio V | turbela] turbolentia Maei | 10 ministros] MaeiTurner


fathers this cannot escape you fathers and ancestors, that even you
that was regulated for the divinity and do not ignore, shaped according to
the doctrine of the Church in fact the divine and ecclesiastical order
everything is according the intelli- for all things are according to Gods
gence of the Lord and the contention good pleasure and the contention for
for the best that was regulated and the best , by them has been estab-
fixed by them that in the others lished and fixed that it is not lawful
diocese it is not possible to enter to for any bishop to celebrate ordina-
36 anyone to make appointments: it was tions in the dioceses of others: this
found good and with absolutely very law is exceptionally important and
much prudence. First of all, it is con- devised with prudence. For in the 4
venient that he examines appropri- first place it is convenient to examine
ately the conduct of life and the con- very carefully the behaviour and the
dition of those who are appointed and way of life of those who are ordained;
that he verifies that every disorder and also, that all confusion and per-
37 and perturbation is removed. Hardly turbation should be removed. For
and slowly everyone in the diocese of each of us will have enough to do in
his jurisdiction, with much fear and managing his own diocese and, at the
with innumerable considerations, is cost of great concern and several con-
able to <sele>ct as appointed those siderations, to raise as ministers those
with whom he has lived the whole with whom he spent the whole time
time of his life and who have been ed- of his life and who were educated un-
38 ucated by his hand. <Y>ou then, nei- der his hands. But you, neither caring 5
ther foreseeing all this, nor what our about these arguments, nor taking
fathers, blessed and well <accepted> into account what might happen and
in Christ, agreed to regulate each in the law of our fathers, blessed and ac-
the term of his oce, nor the magnif- cepted in Christ in the course of the
icence of the dignity of the great successions, nor the dignity of the
s eros, father of all, whom we great bishop and our father Peter,
all have in high esteem, out of the from whom we all depend for the
hope for Our Lord Jesus Christ; and hope we have in the Lord Jesus
also the disgrace, aiction and pain Christ, nor soened by our incarcera-
of each of us accumulated upon us tions and trials, and by the daily and
in prison with oense, that oppressed multiplied outrages, and by the vio-
us until today you have not lence and distress (which have hap-
pened) to everyone, you have dared

Kettler; minos V | 11 uitae {t}transegit] uitae transegit MaeiTurnerKettler; vitaettransegit V | 12 educa<ti>] Maei
TurnerKettler; educam V | 1.5,3 nec5 legem]
retrovertit Kettler | 5 magni] magni V | 6 honore<m>] MaeiRouthTurnerKettler; honore V | <qu>o] MaeiRouth
Turner; co V

DISTINCTIO LAT.: 1.3,2 ignoras] ignoras: V 5 meliorum] meliorum: V 6 paroeciis] paroeciis: V 8 celebrare]
celebrare: V 1.4,2 adinuenta] adinuenta: V 5 scrutari] scrutari: V 7 auferatur] auferatur: V 10 reperire]
reperire: V 11 {t}transegit] {t}transegitV 12 educa<ti>] educam: V 1.5,6 honore<m>] honore: V 10 obpro-
briis] obprobriis V 11 angustiis] angustiis V

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)

omnes placatus, omnia pariter euertere

39 ausus es, pro quibus que tibi excussatio-
nis occassio relinquetur? sed forsitan di- 6
c<e>s: egentibus gregibus ac deso-
lat<i>s, pastore{s} non subs{t}i-
<s>tente, ne multorum incredulitate
{ne} multi subtrahantur, ad hoc
9va |<> perueni. sed certissimum est illos non
egere, primum quia multi sunt circum-
<> euntes et potentes uisitare; deinde etsi 7
quid ab ipsis neglegentius agebatur
oportuerat ex populo properare, ac nos
40 exigere merito. sed sciebant se ministro-
rum non esse | egenos et ideo ad hos V 115r
petendos non peruenerunt. sciebant
quod monentes eos ab hac inquisitione,
41 <> aut dimittebamus aut cum omni
scrupolositate fiebat quod utile uideba-
tur {fiebatur}: sub enim arguente, et in
manibus pro<babil>itate constituta
cogitabatur. tu autem tam uiliter 8
<> quorumdam considerans deceptiones et
inania uerba subreptus ad ordinationes

42 <> <>
<> <> <>
9vb | [ ]


APP. CRIT. AETH.: 38,14 ] , pro ; vel <> emendandum | 39,3 ] , pro
| ] , pro | 4 ] , pro | 6 ] , pro
7 <>] pro , scilicet , coni., cf. subtrahantur La;
9 <>] coni.; | 11 ] fortasse corruptum videtur; cf. circumeuntes La, scilicet a -
Kettler, idque fortasse male interpretatum | ] cf. visitare La, scilicet a
Kettler | 40,1 ] fortasse legendum | 41,1 <>] coni.; | 6 <>] coni., cf. inquisi-
tione La; | 8 <>] coni.; | 42,1 <><>] coni., cf. tu autem La;
2 <>] coni., cf. tam uiliter La; | <>] coni.; | 3 <> ] ; forsi-
tan emendandum | ] , pro | 4 [ ]]
[] | 5 ] fortasse; [] | <><>] coni., cf. prosiluisti La;


APP. CRIT. LAT.: 1.6,1 dic<e>s] MaeiRouthTurner; dicis VKettler | 2 desolat<i>s] MaeiTurnerKettler; desolatus V
3 pastore{s}] pastore MaeiRouthTurnerKettler; pastores V | subs{t}i<s>tente] MaeiRouthTurner; substitente V
Kettler | 5 {ne}] expunx. MaeiRouthTurner | 1.7,10 {fiebatur}] expunx. Turner; fiebat enim MaeiRouth | sub


revered, having dared to violate all

39 this. And concerning this, then, to subvert everything at once. Which
which pretext does still remain to chance of excuse will still remain to
you, by which you are hindered? Per- you for such acts? But perhaps you 6
haps you will say: e flock was could say: I came to this (resolution)
alone and naked and there was not because the flocks were in need and
any shepherd present; and so that abandoned, there being no shepherd
what remained was not <snatched with them, in order that many were
away> by the moltitude of the rene- not taken away dragged by the lack of
gades, thats why I did this. Be sure faith of many. On the contrary, it is
then that there were not people alone: most certain that they were not in
first, there are many who can teach need, first because there are many
40 and supervise; and even if there had that are circulating and have the fac-
been an error and it had been done ulty to carry out the visit; and besides, 7
on their part, it would have been con- even if some negligence had been
venient that they themselves, having committed on their part, then it
come from the people to us, would would have been necessary that
41 have consulted us on his conduct; yet (some) from the people acted
not ignoring they themselves that promptly and consulted us rightly.
they were not in need, they did not But they knew very well that they
come to us for this, knowing very well were in no need of ministers and for
that either by admoninishing we this reason they did not come to us to
would have relieved them from such demand them. ey knew (even) that,
<investigation> or by properly inquir- admonishing them, either we would
ing or even so, with a reproach, and have relieved them from such an in-
as was useful, firm in hand there vestigation, or what had seemed use-
42 woud have been a decision. <You>, ful would have been accomplished
however, estimated it so, by the de- with all scruples, for, in the presence
ceptions of cunning people, and led of an accuser, in hand the likelihood
astray by pleasant words, immediately having been established there would
<rushed upon> the appointments; have been a decision. You, however, 8
having so recklessly considered the
deceits and the empty talk of some,
furtively rushed to perform ordina-

LOCI PARALLELI: 39,4 e6 present;] Cfr. Matth. 9,36; Marc. 6,34.

arguente] fortasse ex ; vel sub <aliquo> enim arguente fortasse coniciendum | in11
manibus] retrovertit Schwartz | 11 pro<babil>itate] BravoCamplani; pro<b>itate MaeiRouthTurner;
prouitate VKettler | 1.8,1 uiliter2 considerans] scilicet retrovertit Bravo

DISTINCTIO LAT.: 14relinquetur] relinquetur: V 1.6,3 subs{t}i<s>tente] substitente: V 5 subtrahantur] subtrahan-

tur: V 6 perueni] perueni: V 8 uisitare] uisitare: V 1.7,3 properare] properare: V 4 merito] merito: V 6 perue-
nerunt] peruenerunt: V 7 inquisitione] inquisitione: V 10 {fiebatur}] fiebatur V | arguente] arguente V
12 cogitabatur] cogitabatur: V 1.8,3 uerba] uerba: V

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)

<> prosiluisti. si enim adstringebant et

suocabant circumstantes te et con-
pellebant, ignorantes ordinem eccle-
siasticum, oportuerat te sequente<m>
<> regulam litteris nos edocere et ita quod
expedire uidebatur fiebat: s<i> forte 9
persuadebant tibi quidam dicentes de
43 nobis finem esse factum, quod nec tibi
ipsi erat ignotum quod essent multi
euntes et redeuntes ad nos qui poterant
uisitare; et si hoc fuisset oportebat te
maior<is> patris expectare iudicium et
huius rei permissione<m>. sed horum 10
nihil cogitans et aliut sperans immo
44 magis nostri curam non gerens pro-
positos quosdam populo prouidisti.
10ra |[]<> nam iam cognouimus et <s>ch{r}i-
[] smata fuisse quod multis tua displicuit
inrationabilis ordinatio. ad hec nec 11
<> {} beatissimi prouisoris et induti
omnium nostrum apostoli Pauli
uerbum suasit morari et propositum
facile continere, qui scribens acceptis-
45 <> simo filio Timotheo dicit: | manus V 115v
nemini cito inposueris, nec communica-
ueris peccatis alienis, pariter suam erga



APP. CRIT. AETH.: 42,6 ] | 10 <>] coni.; | 44,2 ] , pro

3 []<>] coni.; potius quam [] silenter et [] maledictio, exsecratio?;
[] | ] , pro | 4 []] coni.; [] | ] , pro
| 6 {}] expungendum censeo | ] , pro | 8 ] , pro
45,5 ] , pro | 8 <>] coni.;

DISTINCTIO AETH.: 42,11 ] | 43,8 ] | 44,3 []<>]

5 <>] = et in fin. l. | 45,1 <>] | 7 <>] | 46,1 <>]

APP. CRIT. LAT.: 1.8,7sequente<m>] E1763 Turner, 70; sequenter VKettler | 9 expedire] MaeiRouthTurner; expetire V
Kettler | 1.9,1 s<i>] MaeiRouthTurner ; se VKettler | 5 qui6 uisitare] fortasse interpolatum | 6 et si] etsi Turner
7 maior<is>] MaeiRouthTurner; maiore <patientia> Schwartz; maiore VKettler | patris] partis coniec., sed non scrips.


and if the present oppressed you and tions. If indeed those who were
choked you and if they compelled around you oppressed and choked
you, as to this, by ignoring the laws of you and, ignoring the ecclesiastical
the churches, it was convenient order, compelled you (to do this), it
since you are subject to the law would have been convenient for you,
that you consulted us by letter. en following the rule, to inform us by
what would seem to us useful, that letter, and in that way what would
43 would have been done. Maybe you seem useful would have been done. If 9
have known this, and when about us by chance some persuaded you by
(someone) said: It is definitely the saying that for us the end was con-
end he too not being deceiving for sumed a thing which could not be
you, because there were many who unknown to you, since many were
continuously went around and going to and returning from us who
even if it was precisely this, it was could carry out the visit and if this
convenient for you that you waited had been the case, it would have been
for the order from the great s, necessary for you to wait for the deci-
44 with the permission. You did not sion of the superior father and (his)
think of all this and you did not con- permission for this activity. But you, 10
sider the consequence and the [per- not thinking of these considerations
turbation]; more than that, giving us and expecting much more for you,
a passing thought, you approved of and rather, indeed, not taking care at
any who were proposed to the people all of us, you have provided certain
{to the free}. We have known now ones who were proposed for the peo-
that there was tumult, because are ple. For already we heard that there
many those who were excited about have been divisions, because your un-
the vainness and the missing partici- justifiable ordination displeased
45 pation in the appointment. Besides all many. Besides all this, not even the 11
this, not even the word of the blessed, word of the most blessed, solicitous
clothed with Christ and solicitous for one, clothed with Christ, Paul, the
all of us Paul the Apostle has per- apostle of all of us, has persuaded you
suaded you to hesitate and to refrain to stop and restrain willingly your
the precipitous thought: when he sent purpose, he who, writing to the
a message to his believer son he said: beloved son Timothy, says: Do not
Do not put too quickly your hand put too quickly your hand upon any-
upon anyone and do not take part in one, neither take part in the sins of
46 the sin of the other; at the same time, others: at once showing his concern

LOCI PARALLELI: 45,4 PaulApostle] I Tim. 5,22.

Turner | 8 permissione<m>] MaeiRouthTurner; permissione VKettler | 1.10,3 propositos] pr<e>positos (pro

praepositos) Turner | 5 <s>ch{r}ismata] MaeiRouthTurnerKettler; chrismata V

DISTINCTIO LAT.: 4 prosiluisti] prosiluisti: V 5 conpellebant] conpellebant: V 6 ecclesiasticum] ecclesiasticum: V

9 fiebat] fiebat: V 1.9,6 uisitare] uisitare: V 8 permissione<m>] permissione: V 1.10,4 prouidisti] prouidisti: V
7 ordinatio] ordinatio: V 1.11,4 morari] morari: V 5 continere] continere: V 7 inposueris] inposueris: V

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)

illum demostrans prouidentiam et

exemplum ac legem, qu<a> cum omni
10rb | <> scripolositate et cautela eligan{d}tur
ordinand<i>, adnuntia<n>s in po-
<> <> sterum t<ib>i. et regulae tutum et salu-
bre<m> terminum confirmare stu-



48 Enarratio hanc epistulam postquam suscepit et 2.1
legit, {et} nec rescripsit nec ad eos
perrexit ad carcerem nec ad beatum
Petrum iit. omnibus autem his epi-
49 scopis presbyteris ac diaconibus
Alexandrie aput carcerem martyrium
<> passis ingressus est statim Alexan-
driam. erat autem in ciuitate quidam 2
10va | Isidorus nomine, moribus turbulentus,
50 doctoris habens desi{desi}derium, et
Arrius quidam, habitum portans pieta-
tis, et ipse doctoris desiderium habens.
hii postquam cognouerunt cupiditatem


APP. CRIT. AETH.: 46,5 <>] pro | 6 ] pro | 47,3 <><>] coni.;
| 48,1 ] , pro | 49,2 ] , pro
3 <>] coni.; | <>4 ] fortasse in archetypo graeco interpola-
tum | 50,3 ] cf. doctoris La; Schwartz | 6 ] , pro

46,5 <>] et in fin. l. | 6 <>] | 7 <>]
47,2 ] | 3 ] | 4 ] et in fin. l. | 6 ] | 50,4 5
<>] et ad caput v.


1.11,10 qu<a>] MaeiRouthTurner; qui VKettler | 11 scripolositate] VRouthTurner; scrupolositate
MaeiKettler | eligan{d}tur] eligantur MaeiTurnerKettler; eligandtur V | 12 ordinand<i>] MaeiTurner; ordinando
VRouthKettler | adnuntia<n>s] Turner; adnuntia<mu>s Maei; adnuntias VKettler | adnuntia<n>s15 studet<o>]
adnuntia<mu>s t<ib>i <u>t stude<as> Maei | 13 t<ib>i] Kettler; tui Maei; tui Turner | salubre<m>]
salubre VTurner | 14 studet<o>] coni. Bravo; studetur VRouthKettler; stude<as> Maei | 17 fine] FIN<IS> Maei
RouthTurner | 2.1,2 legit] MaeiRouthKettler; eiecit BatiolSchwartz; legit V (cum l superposito) | {et}] expunx.


showing on his part solicitude, the ex- for him and the example, and <mak-
ample and the law, so that with all ac- ing> known to <you> for the future
curacy he could choose those who the law <according to which> those
were appointed for this, announcing who must be <ordained> are to be
for the future, also for yourself: apply elected with all the possible scrupu-
yourself to consider really the fortify- lousness and caution. Apply yourself
ing and redeeming constitution of the to corroborate the safe and salutary
rule. limits of the rule.
47 Isukiyos, bishop of Bubsu, I signed.
kumes, bishop of M<e>nf<e>s, I
signed. Tewodoros of Luus, bishop, I
signed. Falys, bishop of Tmuys, I


48 Once he received this letter and read Aer he received and read this letter, 2.1
it, neither did he ask about them nor he did not answer them in writing
did he come to them in prison nor nor went to them in the prison, nor
49 did he go to the blessed eros. Aer went to the blessed Peter. Aer all
all these bishops who were in prison these bishops, priests and deacons of
became martyrs, presbyters and dea- Alexandria, had suered martyrdom
cons of Elaksendery, at that mo- in prison, at that moment he entered
ment he entered laksndry. Alexandria. ere was in that city one 2
50 ere was one whose name was named Isidore, turbolent in his habit,
Isdros, whose habit was perturbat- possessed by the desire of becoming a
ing and desirous of becoming a mas- teacher, and a certain Arius who wore
ter, and also a certain Aryos, who the habit of piety, he too possessed by
appeared pious and he was also de- the desire of becoming a teacher.
51 sirous of becoming a master. ese, ese, aer they discovered (the ob-

47,1 Isukiyos,5 signed.] TIM. AEL., Historia,
and aer this action had been prohibited by the bishops of these dioceses who
were imprisoned to become martyrs | 49,1 Aer5 laksndry.] TIM. AEL., Historia,
and because he dared to usurp for himself the throne of Alexan-
dria, when the blessed Peter was still alive | 50,1 ere6 master.] GUAR., Praefatio MartPetLat, c. 455B, Huic prae-
fatus Arrius, adhuc laicus, adhaerebat, necdum clericali tonsura notatus, eratque illi eiusque domui admodum carus;
SOZOMENUS, Hist. eccl., I 15,1, ( , -
.) -

TurnerKettler; et VMaeiRouthBatiolSchwartz | 5 presbyteris6 Alexandrie] VMaeiTurnerKettler; in archetypo

graeco interpolatum videtur, cfr. | 6 Alexandrie] Alexandriae Turner | 2.2,3 doctoris] retrovertit
Schwartz | desi{desi}derium] expunx. MaeiTurnerKettler; desidesiderium V | 6 hii] hiis BatiolSchwartz

DISTINCTIO LAT.: 10 legem] legem: V 14 studet<o>] studetur: V 2.1,2 legit] legit: V 4 iit] iit: V | his] his: V
2.2,3 desi{desi}derium] desi{desi}derium: V 5 habens] habens: V

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)

Meletii et quid esset quod requireret,

<> succurrentes ei, inuidentes scilicet pon-
tificatui beati Petri, e<t u>t co-
gnoscatur concupiscenti<a> <M>e-
le{c}tii, presbyter<i>s quibus dederat
potestatem beatus Petrus de paroecia
<> uisitare Alexandriam latente Melitio
demonstrauerunt Isidorus et Arrius.
commendans eis occassionem Meletius 3
52 sepa|rauit eos et ordinauit ipse duos, V 116r
unum in carcere et ali<um> in metallo.
< >
10vb |


53 [] his agnitis beatus Petrus cum multa
[] <> patientia populo scripsit Alexandrino
epistulam hoc modo:

54 | Ep. Petri Petrus in fide dei stabilitis dilectis 3.1
fratribus in domino salutem. quoniam
cognoui{t} Meletium nihil pro utilitate
55 <agere>, cui nec beatissimorum epi-
scoporum {h}ac martyrum epistula non
placuit, sed insuper ingressu<m> no-
stram paroeciam tantum sibi ad-
sumpsisse, ut etiam ex mea auctorita-
te{m} presbyteros et quibus permissum


APP. CRIT. AETH.: 51,2 ] , pro | 3 <>] coni.; | 4 ] forsitan <>

emendandum | 6 ] , pro | 8 <>] coni.; | 10 ] , pro
; cf. latente La | 52,2 ] , pro | 3 <4 ] coni.;
| 4 []] coni., cf. in metallo La; [] | 53,1 []] coni., cf. his agnitis La;
[] | 2 []] coni.; [] | 4 ] , pro | <>5 ] coni., cf.
hoc modo La; | 55,1 ] sexto ordini nota secundi additur



having discovered (the object of) the ject of) Melitius desire and what he
concupiscence of Milios and what was looking for, coming to help him,
was he was looking for together because evidently they were envious
with him, in order to take by force the of the pontificate of the blessed Peter,
pontificate of the blessed eros and and <in order that> Melitius lust
so that the concupiscence of Milius might become known, <to> the pres-
became known, to those presbyters byters of the diocese to whom the
from his diocese to whom the blessed blessed Peter had given the faculty to
ros had ordered to guard - perform the visit of Alexandria
laksndry suddenly Hesdros Melitius being hidden Isidore and
52 and Aryos showed it to these; having Arius showed it. Providing them the 3
plotted the right occasion for them, opportunity, Melitius separated them
he sent them away and appointed in and he himself ordered two, one for
their place 2, one for the prison and the prison and the other for the
one for Mel[lon.] mines.
53 Having kn[ow]n this, then, aer Having learned this, with a lot of en-
muc[h] patience, the blessed eros durance Peter wrote a letter to the
wrote to laksndry, to the people, people of Alexandria as follows:
a letter <of this> tenor:

54 eros to our beloved brothers, who Peter to the beloved brethren estab- 3.1
are firm in the faith of the Lord, lished in the faith of God, greeting in
55 greeting in the Lord. Since I have the Lord. Since I learned that nothing
known about Milius, that without Melitius <performs> for the utility, he
doing anything for the benefit of the who did not appreciate even the letter
Church he did not revere the letter of of the most blessed bishops and mar-
the blessed bishops and martyrs, but tyrs, but, moreover, once entered in
he has dared to enter my diocese to our diocese, has attributed to himself
the extent that he has sent away the so much power as to try to separate
presbyters to whom it had been or- the presbyters (depending) on my au-
dered on my part to guard, and in thority, to whom the task of perform-

APP. CRIT. LAT.: 2.2,8 ei] ei <> lacunam suspicatus est Schwartz | 9 e<t u>t] coni.; ut MaeiRouthTurner
Schwartz; ei Batiol; et VKettler | e<t11 <M>ele{c}tii] [et cognoscatur Meletii] interpolatoris verba censens
expunx. Kettler | 10 concupiscenti<a>] MaeiTurnerKettler; concupiscentiam Batiol; concupiscenti V | <M>ele{c}-
tii] MaeiRouthBatiolTurnerKettler; Electii V | 11 presbyter<i>s] coni.; presbyteros VMaeiTurnerKettler | quibus]
et quibus Schwartz | 12 de paroecia] de carcere coniec., sed non scrips. Turner | 13 latente Melitio] latente<s> Melitio
MaeiTurnerKettler; fortasse interpolatum | 14 IsidorusArrius] expunx. Kettler | 2.3,3 ali<um>] MaeiRouth
Turner; alio V; pro alium interpretatus est, et alio scrips. Kettler | 5 alex{alex}andriae] MaeiTurnerKettler; ALEXALE-
XANDRIAE V | 7 Alexandrino] Alexanderino ut videtur V | 3.1,3 cognoui{t}] MaeiTurnerKettler; cognovit V
utilitate] utilitatem V | 4 <agere>] supplev. MaeiTurner | 5 {h}ac] MaeiTurnerKettler; hac V | 6 ingressu<m>]
MaeiRouthTurner; VKettler | 8 ex9 presbyteros] ex<tra> mea<m> auctoritatem presbyteros Turner;
retrovertit Kettler | auctoritate{m}] MaeiTurnerKettler; auctoritatem V

DISTINCTIO LAT.: 7 requireret] requireret: V 8 ei] ei: V 9 Petri] Petri: V 2.3,2 duos] duos: V 3 metallo] metallo:
V 3.1,2 salutem] salutem: V 6 placuit] placuit: V 7 adsumpsisse] adsumpsisse V

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)

erat egentes uisitare conaretur separare,

et, inditium sue cupiditatis in princi-
11ra | [] patu, quosdam sibi ordinasse in carcere
56 [ ] et m<eta>llo: obseruate ne ei commu-
[]<> nicetis donec o<ccu>rram illi cum
<> sapientibus uiris et uideam que sunt
que cogitauit. ualete.

57 <>

58 <>

11rb |



11va |



TESTES: La | 56,5 ] expl. La

APP. CRIT. AETH.: 55,12 []] coni., cf. m<eta>llo La; [] | 56,1 [ ]] coni.,
cf. obseruate La; [] | 2 []<>] coni.; [] | <>] , pro
| 57,1 <>] coni.; | ] , pro | 2 <>] coni.;
5 <>] coni.; | 59,1 2] repetitutm, forsitan expungendum videtur | 4 <>] co-
ni.; | 61,2 ] , pro | 62,2 ] , pro

DISTINCTIO AETH.: 57,5 <>] | 58,3 ] = | 60,3 ] | 63,3 <>]

= | ] =

APP. CRIT. LAT.:3.1,11 inditium] indi<c>ium MaeiRouthTurner | 13 et] expunx. Turner | m<eta>llo obseruate]
KettlerSchwartz; modoilloobservate V; modo illud observate MaeiRouth; modo illo observate Turner | 14 o<ccu>r-
ram] MaeiTurnerKettler; orram V | illi] illic Schwartz

DISTINCTIO LAT.: 10 separare] separare V 12 quosdam] quosdam: V 16 cogitauit] cogitauit: V | ualete] valete: V


the image of his concupiscence of ing the visit to the needy had been
power he actually appointed for given, and, as an image of his lust for
himself one for the prison and one primacy, to ordain for himself some
56 [for Me]llon: take ca[re t]hen of for the prison and the <mines>, take
non [en]tering in communion with care not to enter into communion
this until when I will meet wise peo- with him, until I meet him together
ple and I know what is what he with certain wise people and will ex-
thinks. Be safe. amine what he has thought. Be safe.

57 Having heard this, Milius <openly revealed> the desire of the appointment
and went in the land of Gb to appoint bishops for every town: so that it be-
came known the desire of appointment of his madness. Where there was a
bishop and where there was not, in all and everywhere he made appointments
58 and divided the Church, in all regions and towns. Know this, then, you who
desire to know, that all those who came out of whatsoever church, they secede
59 each one with few. Melius came out: he came out, having seized the dagger of
the desire of power, from laksndry up to Upper Tibays; he divided the
Church and having found himself alone with a few, the blessed eros came out
in every town pursuing him and those who were associated with him and he
60 put them to shame. Having then Milius been ashamed together with those
who were with him in the midst of the people in Gb, (he) who had regulated
Alaksndry and appointed two bishops, Hesdoros perturbator and Mins
61 in Molon, the blessed eros, though hiding himself, regulated the Church
62 with writings and appointed the 55 bishops who were there; the blessed eros
entered secretly Alaksndry and while, remaining hidden, he was keeping
the Church in the orthodoxy, came back to him Aryos the magician, having
abandoned the Meliwiyn; and many interceded for him by the blessed
63 eros: he appointed Aryos deacon. Aer this the blessed eros, due to the
iniquities, one upon the other, of the Meliwiyn, excommunicated them so

LOCI PARALLELI: 57,1 Having58,2 to] GUAR., Praefatio MartPetLat, c. 455A, adeo laxatis insaniae raptabatur habe-
nis ut, catholicam scindens Ecclesiam, non solum per civitates Aegypti, sed etiam per villas eius, suos sequaces ordi-
naret episcopos | 62,1 the2 5 deacon.] GUAR., Praef. MartPetLat, c. 455C, Per idem fere tempus, Arrius, viperea
armatus versutia, quasi deserens Meletianos, confugit ad Petrum. Qui, rogatus ab episcopis, sublimavit eum diaconii
honore. SOZOMENUS, Hist. eccl., I 15,2:
| 63,1 Aer3 rites.] GUAR., Praefatio MartPetLat, c. 455C, Meletianorum interes detestabile nefas supra
modum crescebat, pavensque beatissumus Petrus ne haeretica pestis totum sibi creditum invaderet gregem simulque
sciens quia nulla societas est luci cum tenebris nullaque concordia Christo et Belial, Meletianos ab Ecclesia per litte-
ras segregavit

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)


11vb | []
[ ] []
67 <>

68 <>
12ra [ ] [] []


12rb |


APP. CRIT. AETH.: 64,3 ] , pro | 65,2 []] coni.; [] | 3 [

]] coni.; [ ] | []] coni.; [] | ] ; fortasse
emendandum <> | 66,3 ] , pro | 67,1 <>] coni.;
3 <>] coni.; | 68,2 <>] coni.; | 69,2 [3 ]] coni.;
[] | 3 []] coni.; [] | ] pro | []] coni.;
[] | 70,2 ] pro | 71,2 <>] coni.;

DISTINCTIO AETH.: 64,2 ] | 4 ] = | 69,4 ] = | 72,3 ] =

LOCI PARALLELI: 64,1 Having5 fraudulence.] GUAR., Praef. MartPetLat, c. 455C-D, et, quia mala voluntas diu occul-
tari non valet, ilico nefandissimus Arrius, propter quod suos fautores ab Ecclesiae dignitate cerneret divisos, tristitiae
mancipatus, gemebat. Quod sanctissimum virum minime latuit: denudata namque eius hypocrisi, protinus evange-
lico utens ferro Arrium ab Ecclesiae compage, utpote putridum membrum detruncans, foras expulit et a fidelium
communione extorrem esse mandavit. SOZOMENUS, Hist. eccl., I 15,2: -
, -
. TIM. AEL., Historia,


64 that they were foreign to the Church and to its rites. Having Aryos heard this,
that the Miliyn were excommunicated, and their baptism, he was enraged.
Having then known the blessed eros that he was enraged, he expelled him
from the Church, saying: Indeed you have entered the Church with fraudu-
65 lence. Aer this, having come the peace, the blessed eros appeared to the
people like a lamp in the darkness and ga[thered] in the martyria [a]ll the peo-
ple, kept them in the orthodoxy and comforted them: thus the faith was illumi-
66 nated, so that very many people came in addition. Having vivified these for
four months with <his> word clothes for the naked of clothes and for the
67 wounded the skinning over aer all this joy and aer having kept the or-
thodoxy, suddenly the blessed eros was seized by force and became a martyr:
68 actually, this crown was due to him. Having then things happened this way, the
69 Church remained widow of bishops for 1 year. Aer this it was appointed
Akillis, a firm man, of profound thought, and having many interceded, he as-
sumed a benevolent attitude and let Aryos return a[mong] the [d]eacons; and
while the [wicked] persecution appeared, having accomplished five months he
70 passed away on the 9th of Sny. Aer this, later, it was appointed Alksn-
dros as bishop, he too by the first presbyters, a man small in the appearance,
good in speech, intelligent, gracious, excellent, fond of futile discussions; and
71 he appointed Arys as presbyter by him. He observed closely the virtue of the
bishop and as if he assisted him, he averted him much; and Aryos himself in-
troduced three rules in the Church: and aer so much peace, there was schism
and turmoil.
72 With the last oence, Aryos was sent away from the Church, causing a huge
schism, to the point that he deceived the people of each bishop: because of this,
73 at the exit of Aryos, they were said Arynoswiyn. Know, then, you who de-

And if one

out of ignorance insists (and says): Why was Arius expelled from the Church when Peter was in prison to become
martyr?, let him who asks this question learn that the holy Timothy, the one aer Dioscorus, teaches in the Book of
histories that it was not for heresy that he (= Arius) was expelled from the Church, but because he was angry for the
reason that the holy Peter had excommunicated the Melitians from the churches for the great multitude of their mi-
sdeeds and Peter had not accepted their baptism | 65,1 Aer4 addition.] GUAR., Praefatio MartPetLat, cc. 455D-
456A, his autem gestis, subito ad modicum ablata est persecutionis procella, pax licet exigua refulsit. Tunc elegantissi-
mus Domini pontifex populo manifestius illuxit coeperuntque fideles ad martyrum memorias catervatim currere et
ad laudem Christi coetibus congregari. Quos divinae legis antistes caelesti oraculo vivificabat atque roborabat cresce-
batque iugiter in Ecclesia moltitudo credentium | 67,2 suddenlymartyr:] SOZOMENUS, Hist. eccl., I 15,2, -
, | 69,1 Aer2 thought,] SOZOMENUS, Hist. eccl., I 15,2,
. | Aer5 Sny.] GUAR., MartPetLat Flor. Cas., p. 187b, Tunc Arrius com-
passione animi devictus, Achillas suscepit eum. Quibus ita peractis, idem Achillas, non amplius quam quinque men-
sibus episcopatu adminitrato, vita exivit | 70,1 Aer4 him.] GUAR., MartPetLat Flor. Cas., p. 187b, Ocius Alexan-
der, vir admodum docti ingenii et ipsa iam canitie venerabilis, ad regenda Ecclesiae gubernacula pontifex est ordina-
tus. [] Idem Alexander, dominicae contestationis oblitus, pro nefas, Arrium ad sacerdotii dignitatem promovit | Af-
ter72,3 Arynoswiyn.] SOZOMENUS, Hist. eccl., I 15,3-4: . -
( ) ,
, , -
, .
, -

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)



12va |


77 <>
12vb | [ ] [
] []


13ra <> | [] []
[] [] <> []


APP. CRIT. AETH.: 73,3 <>] coni.; | ] pro | 75,2 <>] coni.;
3 <>] coni.; | 76,3 ] pro | 4 <>] coni.;
77,2 ] , pro | [ ]] coni.; [] | [3
]] coni.; [] | 3 []] coni.; [] | 78,2 <>] coni.;
| 5 <>] coni.; | []] coni.; [] | 6 <>] coni.;

DISTINCTIO AETH.: 73,2 3 ] = | 4 ] = | 74,3 ] | 6 ]

= | 75,4 5 ] | 76,4 ] = | 77,7 ] = | 78,2 ] =
4 ] = | 6 []] = | ] = et ad caput v.

LOCI PARALLELI: 74,1 Also3 Lord:] Num. 16,28-32. | 77,1 ey8 out.] Cf. IUSTINUS MART., Dialogus cum Try-
phone, 35,4: , , ,
[] 35,6 , ,
, , ,
, , ,


sire to know, that the universal Church will not be defeated. Here is all its rule
and order of succession for those who think rightly; and if there is anyone who
wants to adhere to the heretics and the schismatics, let him die! In fact the
74 schimatics and the heretics have the same faith. Also the schimastics who were
sent to the high priest were absorbed in the earth alive. erefore, you who
want the piety, know about Mose, who was appointed by the Lord: while they
were obliging him and he denied, he came to the priesthood, he and Aron;
and Qore desirous of power and those who were with him inherited the perdi-
75 tion. So that the concupiscence of the desirous of power became known to
those who have no blame, Qore rises; and also those who were with him rose
over the man of the Lord; in the same way Melius over eros, man of the

76 Behold! Every order of succession and whatsoever appointment has been regu-
lated from the very beginning by the order of succession of the bishops, who
are the omnipresent Church: which is useful to the peaceful, as she puts to
shame the perturbators; there is absolutely no people who are called aer the
77 name of the chief. ey were not called Aryoswiyn nor even Miliwyn
nor acc[ording to their or]der of succession those who took care of the
[christi]ans and shepherded the Christians, ministered to the Christians, as
Christians went to the Lord: such and all those of their order of succession; and
who was then foreign to such a rule and order of succession and who made go
out together with him whoever followed him, were called in the name of that
who went out: to the point that they were not called Christians, those in the
78 name of that who went out. Mrqiyos went out and those who followed him
were called Mrqinwiyn. Wala(n)inos <went out> and those who followed
him were called Wali(n)inwiyn until today. Basiliyos went out and those
who followed him were called Basilinwiyn. Nwiynos at the time of the
persecution made a schism and they <were called> [Nwi]ynowiyn [from
the name of] their chief []. ere is nobody who is [more impu]re
79 than that who says (that) his chief is pure. Mlius at the time of his persecu-
tion made a schism that was worse than the persecution, because the <war> of

. ATH., Or. c. arianos, I, 2,4: o

, ,
. ,
. | 78,1 Mrqiyos4 Basilinwiyn.] ATH., Or.
c. arianos, I, 3,1:
, >< .

><, ><, >< ><
>< . ,
, , ><

, ><
. | 79,1 Mlius3 quiet:] GUAR., MartPetLat, c. 455B: His autem cognitis, vir Domini maerore
confectus hanc persecutionem aiebat peiorem esse priore.

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)

80 []

13rb | 81


13va |
<>[] []


APP. CRIT. AETH.: 79,2 <>] coni.; | <>] coni.; | 4 <>] coni.;
| ] , pro | 2] ; {} coniecerim | 5 []] coni.;
[] | ] fortasse expungendum | 82,3 <>[]] coni.; [] | 84,2 <>] coni.;
85,2 <>[]] coni.; [] | []] coni.; []

DISTINCTIO AETH.: 79,4 ] = et ad caput v. | 5 ] = | 80,3 ] =

81,3 ] = | 82,3 ] | 5 ] | 6 ] | 83,1 ]
2 ] = | 3 ] | 85,6 ]


the foreign people quieted itself, but the people were not quiet: from this came
out the branches of the murderer Aryos, which were called heresy and
schism, and those who went out together with him, Aryoswiyn: because
they alone [te]ach to the neighbor that they are called Ar<yo>swiyn, (what)
80 they and the heresiarchs do. Our Lord Jesus Christ, who had come for our sal-
vation, of the human generation, from dispersion gathered us in one brother-
81 hood and for this it was called gathering. As for these, they dispersed the gath-
ered and started to disperse also the brotherhood and this made so that the
Christians hurried to desert for the desire of power: they did even this, they
82 quarreled with the one whom he made go out of the reign of the heavens. As
for these then who come from the world, (that is) from the scandal because
the Lord in the Gospel called scandal those who desire the power it is
about them that he said: Let them grow together and the time of the harvest
we will order to the reapers to gather (them) each in a bundle and what follows
and what has made the thought humble to him, the word of salvation that the
83 Lord taught to the believers: Blessed are the poor, blessed are those who
mourn, blessed are the meek, blessed are the pure in heart, blessed are the
84 peacemakers, because they will be called the sons of the Lord. As to the
Manikwiyn, they cannot be computed in the Church, they who are worship-
85 pers of the Sun, impure from the land of Fars: because the persecution showed
that they were not Christian, because when the Church was being killed,
among those who were persecuted, they made oers to the one who perse-
cuted: e Sun is abrogated: we adore in this way; and the persecutor let them
go, knowing well them, that they were not Christian. ese are in fact the foxes
that waste the vineyard of the Church.

LOCI PARALLELI: 82,3 scandal] Cfr. Matth. 16,23; 18,7. | it5 bundle] Cf. Matth. 13,30. | 83,1 Blessed3 Lord.]
Matth. 3,11. | 85,5 foxes6 Church.] Cf. Cant. 2,15.

Alessandro Bausi Alberto Camplani

Asien-Afrika-Institut Dipartimento di Storia Culture Religioni
Universitt Hamburg Sapienza Universit di Roma
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Ost Flgel Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
20146 Hamburg 00185 Roma

ADAMANTIUS 22 (2016)


e contribution oers the edition of the Ethiopic and Latin versions of a partially inedited text of eccle-
siastical history, originally composed in Greek probably at the end of the fourth century AD. e text, to
be distinguished from both the Coptic History of the Church and the Arabic History of the Patriarchs, tes-
tifies to a particularly ancient phase of the Patriarchate of Alexandria between the second and fourth
centuries AD. e Ethiopic version, unknown until now, is preserved within a codex (siglum ) contain-
ing a canonical-liturgical collection composed of translations which appear to belong to the Aksumite
period (fourth-seventh centuries AD). e manuscript dates from the thirteenth century at the latest,
probably earlier. e Latin version has already been known since the times of Scipione Maei thanks to
an old Latin uncial codex of the Biblioteca Capitolare in Verona (seventh-eighth century, Codex Vero-
nensis LX [58], siglum V), the two tomes of which contain documents concerning the Church of Africa
and a very rich and varied canonical collection, published more than once in the last two centuries. is
history, which has been given the title of Historia Episcopatus Alexandriae (siglum HEpA), has been the
subject of a long-term research by the authors of this contribution, presented in several papers, notes
and articles since 2000. e present edition is at the same time an editio princeps and an editio minor be-
cause the Ethiopic and Latin texts are accompanied by critical apparatuses but not the linguistic, literary
and historical commentaries which are under their final editing.

Keywords: Translations from Greek to Ethiopic - Ecclesiastical historiography - Alexandria - Patriar-

chate - Canonical literature - Aksumite Collection


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