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(NP voice over in the background)


NP (00’06”) Turkey's one in Greece not to escalate tension in the east Mediterranean,
the Greeks are threatening to do what is necessary. Head to head of optional hydrocarbon resources.


NP (00’17”)Africa's now polio free The result of decades long campaign. The World Health
Organization made the declaration this Tuesday.


NP (00’26”) Trump Convention Day two, Trump Junior's eyes, making the headlines and sparking a
hashtag online.
There's been no policy, just dire and unsubstantiated warnings of how life would be terrible if you
didn't vote for Trump; and of course come November, will have analysis with Kevin Gorgeous Nanny,
our Washington correspondent who issues see is standing by; see in a moment in Canada.


NP (00’50”) First, we start with some breaking news from the world of football.
Lionel Messi has told Barcelona that he wants to leave the club.
The Argentinian has reportedly informed the Catalan club he wants to activate a clause that says he
can terminate his contract at the end of the season; means six time Ballon D’or winner. Regardless, one
of the all time greats of the game could leave on a free transfer.
Barcelona had a disappointing season by their standards, and recently appointed former player Ronald
Koeman as coach. Koeman has his eye on rebuilding the team.
It's hard to imagine that messy, even at the age of thirty-three would not be part of that overall plan.
So messy says he wants to leave Barcelona. It's his decision. We wait further news on this story that as
well rocked the world of soccer,
Messi would leave on a free transfer.
Could only imagine a number of clubs might be interested in engaging his services, will keep you


NP(01’43”) About our main news story.

Turkey and Greece are locked in an escalating row over rights over offshore gas fields.
The war of words is threatening to become actual physical action.
Turkey's threatening to do whatever necessary.
That's the quote:" without hesitation” The Ankara Athens head to head is drawn in neighbouring you
states is even been a collision of warships earlier this month. France has actually come going out
publicly, citing the grease.
The UAE has sent fighter aircraft to the region on maneuvers with the Greek air force.
Observers say this issue is bringing the long standing bad blood between Greece and Turkey
very much to the boil.
Just Mortimer has more on this from Ankara.

LP(02’25”) Basically what Turkey's means when it says it

will talk to Greece but without preconditions is that when Greek negotiators
come to the table,they usually demand that Turkey recognised Greek claims to the
Mediterranean seabed, and the energy deposits in the seabed, based on the many tiny islands that
Greece has along the Turkey's coast.
And this gets to the heart of the problem. Turkey owns the mainland, but Greece owns the islands, and
there are many off them.
Some of them are very small, no bigger than a square kilometer. They're very close to the Turkish
coast. There's an annual swimming rinse between one of these Greek islands on the Turkish
mainland's .Now, who has the economic rights to the seabed?
This has never been agreed. It has never been delineated. But Greece naturally says, Look, we own the
So if there's a natural gas deposits anywhere near it, it belongs to us.
Turkey says no way. We are in the mainland! And your island, very small play on any big natural gas
deposits off our mainland. So it's it's an ongoing problem and it won't be settled unless it's until it's
settled by the World Court or some other form of international arbitration.

NP(03’58”) with that from Ankara, watching for all developments, of course,
that from both sides off the rack between Greece and Turkey over gas peels off shore.


NP(04’06) Next, the Kremlin is rejecting findings in Germany that Alexey Navalny have been
poisoned. Russia says there are no grounds for a criminal investigation so far, since it hasn't been fully
established or caused.
The politician fall into a coma of only felt critically ill on a flight in Siberia. His entourage say his tea
have been poisoned at the airport. Russian medics said he wasn't poisoned.
But since the valley who still in a coma was elevated to Berlin, different, more sinister picture has


NP(04’39”) Belarus's jail to protest leaders for 10 days this as thousands of teachers to streets to
mount another protest against President Alexander Lukashenko's election victory.
His election rivals that line a tick in the sky is still in exile, having fled the country fearing for her life.
Protests have been going on a Minsk for nearly three weeks in spite of a violent police crackdown.


NP(05’06”) Africa is now free off the disease, Polio.

This declaration from the World Health Organization is the climax of decades long of
campaigning, many victims they left to live with the effects of the virus. Our reporters from Nigeria
LV(05’20”) Gremisola, who lives in Lagos, contracted polio when she was only 11 months old.
It's a viral disease that attacks the nervous system and can cause irreversible paralysis within hours,
When Gremisola was young,
she tried to hide the fact she had difficulties walking.

LP(05’32”) I was weighing very big clothes. I was trying to be a tomboy at the same time,
trying to mask up all my emotions that you, whatever you say doesn't get me.
I know that's the board. At some points, you know,
you can only just just hide from the award board inside in my connats ... I would cry.

LV(05’55”) Nowadays she is far more confident. She's a model, a wheelchair basketball player.
and a paraswimmer.

LP(06’00”) Polio is not a death sentence. I'm here, i'm standing, I’m here sitting. So, polio is not a
death sentence.

LV(06’07) Children under five are the most vulnerable. The Association of Polio Survivors stressed
the importance of vaccines

LP (06’13”) I will appeal to them to continue cooperating with the government, to continue
cooperating with the do the International Partners, to continue with the vaccination, is only protected
major, It is the only way that we're sure Nigeria will no longer have a child with Polio in our country.

LV(06’32) In 1988 per year was endemic in 125 countries and paralyzed nearly 1000 Children a day
worldwide. Since then, thanks to a collective global effort, there has been a 99% reduction in cases, this
year while polio has only been recorded in two countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan.


LP (06’53) the latest now on the black man shot seven times in the back by US police officers.
The father of Jacob Blake says his son is now paralyzed.Authorities in Kenosha, Wisconsin,
a brace for a third night of unrest. Arsonists torched much of the city's black business district following
the shooting. Blake was shot in the back.
Is he apparently trying to get back into his own car?


NP (07’15”) Donald Trump's Republican Party convention continues to make the news.
His son, Donald Jr. Has gained a lot of traction on blind you to the state of his eyes,
gave a speech at the convention.
The hashtag cocaine eyes resulted, policy as such just as i
warnings of supposed consequences for not voting for Trump in the November elections,
much of its been dismissed his exaggeration and on truth by analysts.
Trump fans are lapping it up. Gorgeous Darling is our wash cost one.
Observing all developments for us , You cared about good even to you.
Is it fact to say there's been no policy so far?
LP (07’55”) …. Well, there was little policy, but to be fair, thes convention usually are not mostly
about a flawlessly there, mostly about firing up the base.
And that's what the Republicans were trying to do. That's a lot of what the Democrats did also last
So, yes, there wasn't much policy. But that's not something.
And that's totally knew.
What was a different was that the Republicans had openly criticized Democrats for giving this gloomy
picture of the state of the nation, and they were saying that the Republicans were going to shoot a show
optimism and how great this country is and can be.
And instead, what we got was really the description of what a nightmare and what
a gloomy country would be if Biden got into power.
So that was really a something that was different for what they had planned. The other thing to say
about a policy is that for the first time, the GOP, the Republican Party, does not have a party platform.
In 2016 there was a party platform. It was about 50 pages long at this time around. No official party
The only thing that the RNC has sent out was a bullet point of the plans for Donald Trump's second
term, about 50 bullet points for what Donald Trump has planned for his next term, including things
like draining this one.

NP(09’28”) So it's not so much make America great again is make America less gloomy again.
It's struggling for some kind of a slogan, I think here, Trump making things simple,
which is how he likes to do it. People say doesn't like to read,
but that's again of those kinds of accusations.
In terms of where it goes next kind of act,
There's gonna be more trump, basically, Trump every day.

there will be an appearance by the president again for the second day of the convention,
and this is really a sign of how much the Republican Party has become the party of Donald Trump
because he or his signature is all over this convention, and we're seeing it in the speaker's yesterday.
You have some of his biggest supporters. For the second night,
you're going to have a lot of his family and members.
You have, of course, the headliner of the day, which will be Melania Trump, his wife, as well as two of
his adult Children, Eric as well as Tiffany. And you'll have also a Some of his loyalists of supporters
might calm Pale.
The secretary of state was currently on an official trip in Israel, will be sending taped remarks for this
convention, and that's something that he has widely been criticized for because it breaks with the
tradition and the long standing policy of the State Department, which is not to campaign when they're
brought and certainly, and not to make the State Department a political arm.
And the fact that Mike Pompeo is coming is going to be speaking at this
convention is also a sign of how loyal he is to the president.

NP(11’10”) Kethevane Gorjestani watching all developments for us,

Thank you as ever, very much indeed, and thanks to you for joining us to form when you stay with
what you France 24.

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