I Mech

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I Mech

Michela Di Rocchi
Cinzia Ferrari

English for Mechanical Technology

I Mech
Copyright © Ulrico Hoepli Editore S.p.A. 2019
Via Hoepli 5, 20121 Milano (Italy)
tel. +39 02 864871 – fax +39 02 8052886
e-mail hoepli@hoepli.it


Tutti i diritti sono riservati a norma di legge

e a norma delle convenzioni internazionali

I Mech
for Mechanical Technology



Contenuto e impostazione
I Mech è un nuovo corso di inglese tecnico destinato agli studenti che frequentano il secondo
biennio e il quinto anno delle scuole secondarie superiori, per gli Istituti Tecnici indirizzo Mec-
canica, Meccatronica ed Energia e per gli Istituti Professionali indirizzo Industria e Artigianato
per il Made in Italy. Il testo è stato costruito secondo le Linee Guida ministeriali e si propone di
condurre lo studente al traguardo di competenza linguistica B2 (QCER).
Il volume ha l’obiettivo di far raggiungere agli studenti la padronanza della microlingua inglese
nel settore di riferimento, con una particolare attenzione allo sviluppo di conoscenze, abilità e
La metodologia seguita parte dai contenuti propri dell’indirizzo per sviluppare con gradualità l’ac-
quisizione del vocabolario tecnico, la padronanza delle strutture linguistiche e le abilità produttive.
Il volume si compone di 3 moduli che richiamano i settori di indirizzo, ciascuno formato da un
numero variabile di unità.
Ogni unità comprende:
• letture tecniche tratte da materiali reali e attuali, corredate di un glossario per i termini più
complessi e con esercizi di varia tipologia, graduati per livello di difficoltà;

• la sezione Expand your Vocabulary, con attività di ampliamento e rafforzamento del lessico, con
l’ausilio di disegni e immagini ed esercizi calibrati anche per la didattica inclusiva;

• la sezione Language in Action, che propone due pagine di riepilogo grammaticale, accompa-
gnate anche da attività di Word Formation e Use of English basate sulle certificazioni PET e FIRST;

• la sezione Professional Communication, che riprende i contenuti tecnici dell’unità in chiave co-
municativa ed è arricchita dal box Key language, con espressioni utili per l’interazione nel mon-
do professionale;

• la sezione What do you Remember?, che propone una mappa finale di riepilogo dei contenuti,
utile per il ripasso e per la didattica inclusiva.

Oltre alle attività di ascolto, numerosi spunti per approfondire le tematiche trattate vengono for-
nite da Surf the Net!, una rubrica dedicata alla visione di filmati legati ai contenuti tecnici.

Una sezione Work it out! propone, per ogni modulo tecnico, dei compiti di realtà che offrono agli
studenti l’opportunità di mettere in atto le competenze acquisite sulla base delle conoscenze.

A fine volume, From School to Work offre due strumenti utili per lo studio e il lavoro. Il primo, Sa-
fety, affronta la tematica della sicurezza sul lavoro sia dal punto di vista pratico, delle misure da
adottare, sia dal punto di vista dell’atteggiamento e del comportamento da tenere. Il secondo,
Applying for a Job, propone una sequenza di attività che permettono agli studenti di acquisire il
vocabolario, le conoscenze e le competenze necessarie per chi si affaccia a un mondo del lavoro
sempre più internazionale.

Infine, il modulo Culture and Society presenta letture con contenuti di attualità collegati ad ar-
gomenti tecnici. Sono presenti attività di comprensione sulla tipologia delle prove INVALSI per
accompagnare gli studenti nella preparazione all’Esame di Stato.

A completamento del corso si trova un Technical Glossary, con i vocaboli più ricorrenti nel testo e
specifici della materia.
Caratteristiche del corso
• Chiarezza e praticità: tutte le letture tecniche sono suddivise in brevi paragrafi e articolate su
due pagine a fronte. La struttura del volume è snella e lineare, facile da usare per gli studenti
e gli insegnanti.

• Efficacia: gli esercizi presentano un grado crescente di difficoltà e attivano le abilità ricettive
per arrivare a quelle produttive.

• Motivazione: il testo offre spunti di riflessione per stimolare la capacità di pensiero critico e
la personalizzazione dei contenuti, attraverso attività che richiedono una riflessione autono-
ma da parte degli studenti.

• Sviluppo delle competenze comunicative simulando contesti professionali reali: grazie ad

attività specifiche che esercitano tutte le abilità in situazioni tipiche del contesto lavorativo.

• Inclusione: il testo offre attività specifiche per studenti con bisogni educativi speciali nelle
sezioni What do you Remember?, che sintetizzano i saperi ed esplicitano la relazione tra essi in
modo visivo, e nelle verifiche dedicate presenti nel Teacher’s Book. Sono frequenti inoltre le pro-
poste di attività a coppie o di gruppo, per favorire l’apprendimento cooperativo e la capacità
di lavorare in team.

• Ricchezza iconografica: l’ampio apparato di immagini e disegni rende lo studio più attraente; è
rivolto agli studenti di tutti i livelli e stili di studio e facilita la comprensione e l’apprendimento.

• Contenuto aggiornato e collegamenti con il mondo del lavoro: l’opera è stata progettata
seguendo le indicazioni ministeriali e le richieste provenienti dal mondo del lavoro.

Contiene le registrazioni degli esercizi di ascolto proposti nel volume.

L’eBook+ presenta l’intero testo in versione digitale, utilizzabile su tablet, LIM e computer, e offre
numerosi contenuti aggiuntivi:

esercizi interattivi, che consentono allo studente un’utile attività di autoverifica;

link a video per attività di approfondimento;

i file audio di tutti gli esercizi di ascolto proposti nel volume.

Risorse online hoepliscuola.it

Per ogni modulo sono disponibili le registrazioni degli esercizi di ascolto proposti nel volume,
ulteriori materiali integrativi e strumenti didattici per il docente.

Teacher’s Book
Il Teacher’s Book contiene:

• script e soluzioni degli esercizi del volume;

• prove di verifica standard, con soluzioni;

• prove di verifica per la didattica inclusiva, con soluzioni.


8 | Energy sources 131

RCES OF ENERGY renewable energy source whose atoms are split to

Unit NON-RENEWABLE SOU create heat and electricity through a process called
nuclear fission. Nuclear fission occurs in reactors
of nuclear power plants. Uranium is put inside
the reactor and is used to generate heat, which is

Warm up Natural gas is quite common and is used mostly employed to produce steam, that in turn moves the
for heating applications. The gases are extracted blades of the turbines that power generators. Steam
1 Do you know what black gold is and why it is from wells which penetrate underground. is transformed again into water thanks to a cooling
called this way?
Coal is formed from peat, a vegetable matter that process.
2 Is global warming connected to the use of energy? over time was covered by layers of dead plants The use of nuclear power raises concerns, especially
and detritus. Coal provides stable and large- regarding its safety and the risks it can cause
scale electricity generation and has a competitive because of the radioactive waste.
Fossil fuels production cost. On the other hand the use of coal
causes high CO2 emissions and coal mining has a
Among the most important non-renewable
sources of energy we can find: crude oil, natural gas
significant impact on the environment, as do all
fossil fuels.
to split: separare waste: scoria
Gas tank of a petrochemical plant.
and coal. They are called fossil fuels, because they
were formed over millions of years by the action of Non-fossil fuels 3 zz VOCABULARY Fill in the gaps using words present in the text with a different meaning.
heat from the earth’s core and the pressure from rock 1 On the table there is vinegar but no .............................................................................................
Energy can also be generated from non-fossil

Surf the Net,

and soil on the remains (or fossils) of dead plants. 2 She likes jazz and ............................................................................................ and roll.
Crude oil is available in areas covered by oceans in fuel sources, like uranium. Uranium is a non-
3 I go to the ............................................................................................ to have a swim before going to school.
which sediments transformed into a matter that has 4 You did it ............................................................................................, this is the right way to proceed!
formed oil. Oil flows through the rocks and forms
pools from which it can be extracted by drilling. crude oil: petrolio
to drill: trivellare
gasoline: benzina
* 5 On her mobile she has a lot of ............................................................................................: some of them are free.
6 My father works in a power station ............................................................................................. attraverso la
When oil is refined, it is converted into many soil: suolo well: pozzo
products, the most used of which are gasoline,
presentazione di
pool: riserva peat: torba 4 zz PET READING COMPREHENSION Decide if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.
plastics and so on. T F X let's watch SURF THE NET!
1 Crude oil is used only as fuel. n n
The greenhouse effect

video, permette
2 Wells are employed to work
An oil platform and an oil tank.
with natural gases. n n • Watch the video: www.youtube.com/watch?v
3 The use of coal causes low =VYMjSule0Bw, then answer these questions.
1 What causes the greenhouse effect?
CO2 emissions. n n

di approfondire
2 Why is it a problem?
4 Uranium is a non-fossil fuel. n n
3 What are greenhouse gases produced by?
5 Nuclear energy doesn’t produce
any waste. n n

le tematiche
1 What is energy?  Taking part in a debate
2 Renewable sources of energy
3 Non-renewable sources of energy COMPETENCES
 Describe the different types of energy
 Energy sources

Work in a team
Develop critical thinking
Take part in a debate
LANGUAGE IN ACTION  Classify the different sources of energy
 Grammar: present simple or continuous?
 Concept map

Digital Area Exercises Listening exercises Video

L’apertura di unità individua i Ogni unità è strutturata in brevi letture di argomento tecnico. Ogni lettura è preceduta da
contenuti, le competenze, il focus sulla un esercizio di warm up. Seguono esercizi di comprensione del testo, di approfondimento
lingua e sulla comunicazione in ambito del lessico, di produzione orale e scritta e di ascolto, volti allo sviluppo delle quattro abilità.
professionale e i materiali digitali. Alcuni esercizi sono basati sulle competenze delle certificazioni PET e FIRST.

s 133
8 | Energy source

EXPAND LARY didattica inclusi
va onding to the

word corresp energy. ................
zz Write the into electrical
3 in the air. ................
mechanical energy as carbon dioxide
for conver ting e power.
1 A machine ed quantities
of gases such a wheel and produc
caused by increas or steam to turn
2 The problem of air, gas, water
which uses a stream
or engine
3 A machine .......................
....................... remain s. ................................
plant or animal
................ ................
in the earth from
STEP 1 4 A matter formed
ed when coal
is burned. ................

forming a reservo
ir used to genera
te electricity
or as a

5 A gas produc and raise its level,

to hold back water
PICTIONARY ord scheme below
. 6 A barrier built
in the crossw y y renewable ................................
scrambled words y water y energ water supply.
1 z Write the ss y solar y wind
geothermal y
2 following words.

4 zz Explain the
1 kinetic That
meaning of the
produces motion.



Expand your Vocabulary
fuel ................................ ................................
2 ................................ ................................

riepiloga e approfondisce
................................ ................................
................................ ................................
3 renewable ................................
5 4 hydro ................................ your class-
share ideas with
to energy. Then

6 5 zzz FCE Write

down why the
pictures in exercis
e 2 are related
il lessico tecnico dell’unità



con l’ausilio di disegni e
m) ................................ .................
stockphoto.co ................................

immagini, con esercizi

(www.i ................. ................................
................................ ................................
................................ ................................ .................
................................ . ................
................................................ ................ ................................
................................ ................................ .................
................................ ................ . ................
................................ ................ ................................
................................ ................................

calibrati anche per la

................................ ................ . ................ ................................
ents. ................................ ................................
what it repres
each picture
................................ ................................ .................
................................ ................. ................................
2 zz Write under ................................................
................ ................................
................................ . ................................
................ ................................ ................ ................................

didattica inclusiva.
................................ ................................
................................ .................
................ ................................

PICTURE 4 .................
PICTURE 2 ................. ................................
....... ................................ ................................
........................................ ................................ ................................
........................................ ................................ .................
3 ........................................ ................. ................................
........ ................................ ................................
........................................ ................................ ................................ .................
........................................ ................................ ................. ................................
1 ........................................
................ ................ .................
................................ . ................................
................ ................................ ................
................................ ................ ................................ .
................................ . ................................
................ ................................ ................ ................................
................................ ................................ .................
................................ ................. ................................
................ ................................ ................................
................................ ................................ .................
................ . ................................
................................ ................................
................ ................................ ................................
................................ .................

....... 4 ........................................
2 ........................................

8 | Energy sources
Present contin 135
uous (forma negat
Present simple Soggetto + present iva)
or continuous? e del verbo to be
+ not + verbo che
The wind is not blowing esprime l’azione
Il present simple today. in -ing
si usa per azioni
routine, opinion che esprimono Present contin
i. abitudini, dati
Generalmente è
di fatto, lo stato
delle cose, fatti
uous (forma interro
accompagnato scientifici, daily Present e del verbo to be
sioni di tempo da avverbi di frequen + soggetto + verbo
come every year, za (always, generally che esprime l’azione
every month, every , usually, often, rarely, Short answers in -ing
Il present continu day. seldom, never) o
da espres- Yes, + soggetto
ous si usa per + verbo to be.
temporanee, progett azioni che esprimono qualcos
i per il futuro, seccatu a che avviene nel No, + soggetto +
verbo to be abbrevi
Attenzione: chieder ra da parte di chi momento in cui Is she producing ato con not.
si quando si svolge parla. parliam o, azioni clean energy?
l’azione aiuta a Yes, she is. / No, she
Il present simple riconoscere il present
e il present continuo e corretto da usare. isn’t.
us si formano nei
modi seguenti. Attenzione ad
Present simple (forma alcune regole ortogra
affermativa) • se il verbo termina
Soggetto + verbo in -e muta, nella
alla forma base • se il verbo termina forma in -ing la
con una consona -e cade: become
Se il soggetto è nte preceduta da « becoming;
he, she, it alla forma « travelling. una vocale, nella
Nel caso, però, base si aggiung forma in -ing la
il verbo termini e -s. consona
in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, nte raddoppia:
Nel caso, invece, -x, -z, -o si aggiung travel
il verbo termini e -es.
We use solar panels in -y preceduta
to save energy. da consonante,
la -y cade e si aggiung 1
z Complete the
Wind moves the blades. e -ies. sentences with
the correct form
Solar energy .................. of present simple
The mobile buzzes of the verbs in
all the time when ....................................
..... (to come)
He studies the effect Charles is at work. 2
Alternative sources from the sun.
of global warming of energy ..................
to find new solutions 3 .................................... ....................................
..... (not/to
. pollute) the environ
Present simple .......................
water .................................... ment.
(forma negativa) 4 How ..................

Language in Action offre

.................................... (to rotate) turbine
Soggetto + do/does ..... a solar
collector .................. s? Yes, it ..................
+ not + verbo alla 5 Homes and ....................................
La forma contratt forma base (se industries .................. ....................................
..... (to work)?
a è don’t/doesn’t. il soggetto è he, ....................................
she, it si usa does ..... (to need)
electric current.
We do not use/don al posto di do) 2 z Complete the
’t use fossil fuels sentences with
to save energy.

un supporto al ripasso della

The sun does not the correct form
move/doesn’t move 1 During the day, of present continu
blades. ous of the verbs in bracket
the sun ..................
Present simple 2 Many nuclear .................................... s.
(forma interro plants ....................................
..... (to heat)
the air.
Do/Does + soggett gativa) .......................
o + verbo alla forma 3 Look at that (to close).

grammatica con diverse

windmill! It ..................
Short answers base (se il soggett ....................................
o è he, she, it si 4 .................................... ..... (to work).
usa does al posto .......................
you ....................................
Yes, + soggetto di do).
+ do/does. .......................
(to use) an electric
No, + soggetto + 3 zz Simple or car?
don’t/doesn’t. continuous? Comple

tipologie di esercizi, Do we use solar panels te the sentences

in our home? 1 Some countrie with the correct
s .................................... form of the verbs
No, we don’t. ....................... in brackets.
2 Nuclear plants (to go back) to
Does wind move .................................... the idea of nuclear
the blades? .......................
(to emit) no carbon. power.
Yes, it does. 3 We ....................................

tra le quali Word Formation

(to need) a supply
4 A wind turbine of energy at affordab
Present contin ....................................
le prices.
uous (forma afferm 5 Europe .................. (to operate) automa
ativa) .................................... tically.
Soggetto + present ..... (to plan)
to use new technol
e del verbo to be ogies to produce

e Use of English. Alternative sources + verbo che esprime 4 19 zzz Listen energy.
of energy are booming l’azione in -ing to an article and
. continuous you write in the table
hear. below all the verbs
in present simple
Present simple and in present

Present continu
.................................... .......................
.................................... ....................................
.................................... ....................................
.................................... ....................... .......................
.................................... ....................................
.................................... ....................................
.................................... ....................... .......................
.................................... ....................................
.................................... ....................................
.................................... ....................... .......................
.................................... ....................................
.................................... ....................................
.................................... ....................... .......................
.................................... ....................................
.................................... ....................................
.................................... ....................... .......................
.................................... ....................................
.................................... ....................................
....................... .......................
8 | Energy sources 137

• I entirely / quite agree
with you.
welcome to this debate.
• Ladies and gentlemen • I differ from you entirely.
today is… sure you’re mistaken.
• The motion for debate • I disagree with you: I’m
points. my opinion is that…
• Let’s see the most important • Yes, I understand, but
• The most important idea • That’s all very interesting, but…
not quite correct.
STATING AN OPINION • Excuse me, but that’s
1 z Answer the following mind… FROM THE OTHER
• In my opinion… / To my TO DISTINGUISH ONE ASPECT
part in a debate?
1 Have you ever taken • I think that… / I don’t
think that…
• On the one hand… on
the other hand…
2 If so, what was it about? • I believe that… / I don’t
believe that…
• Nevertheless / However…
3 Do you consider debates • We have to consider that… • Although / even though
it is true that…
4 If so, why? • According to me… • In general / In particular…
• As far as I’m concerned… • Generally speaking…
part in a debate on an assigned
2 zz You are going to take stu- • I’d like to say / to state
into two groups, and one • On the whole…
topic. The class is divided the pros of
One group has to present SEQUENCING
dent acts as the judge. cons. TO CONCLUDE
and the other group the to raise is… stand in this debate.
renewable sources of energy of questions • The first point I’d like • Let’s sum up where we
maker”, will create a list to point out that…
The judge, or “decision list as their debate • To begin, we think that… / • In summary, we want
they will use the third point is that… next
to ask the two groups: the debate • Firstly…, secondly…, our • It’s important to remember
to decide some rules for at the end of the debate,
he/she has / finally ….
outline. The judge has group to speak…) and, moreover / furthermore • My final thought is…
the time given to each
(i.e. who will speak first, motivating his/her choice. • In addition, you have
to know that…
is the most convincing,
to indicate which group • Last but not least…
Group 2 - Cons
Group 1 - Pros ..........................................................
instructions provided below.
..... ..........................................................
in four groups. Follow the
.......................................................... four corners debate. Work its
zzz Critical thinking: the
.......................................................... .......................................................... 3 ble sources of energy arguing
..... ..........................................................
ted paragraph on non-renewa
.......................................................... to prepare a well-suppor can prepare extra material
Step 1 Each group has
.......................................................... .......................................................... disagree). If necessary, you
.......................................................... strongly agree, strongly
position (agree, disagree,
.......................................................... .....
.......................................................... .............................
the wall.
using Internet. their paragraph posted on
..... .............................
.......................................................... ..........................................................
to one corner of the classroom where they see the note-taker
Step 2 Each group will
move will be
..... One student in each group
..... to discuss their thoughts. case on the topic.
.......................................................... Then they have 10 minutes each speaker will state the
the speaker. After 10 minutes
.......................................................... ..........................................................
and one student will be he/she is allowed to move
to another
.......................................................... changed his/her mind,
the debate a student has
.......................................................... ..........................................................
Step 3 If at the end of

Professional Communication sviluppa

corner. his/her seat to write a 140-190
.......................................................... ..........................................................
that, each student takes
.......................................................... 10 minutes to discuss. After
Step 4 Students get another motivating his/her position.
.......................................................... ..........................................................
thoughts on the topic and
.......................................................... word report detailing his/her

le competenze comunicative attraverso

attività che simulano situazioni professionali
reali, accompagnate da espressioni utili
(Key language) per l’interazione nel mondo
del lavoro.

WHAT DO YOU didattica inclusiva WORK IT

■ Describe, compare and choose the different types of materials
■ Design and present a product using the appropriate materials
Real Life ■ Analyse and evaluate a product
■ Work in a team
task ! ■ Solve a problem
■ Develop critical thinking
1 What is energy? Complete the table with the following words.
nuclear thermal kinetic radiant

Ready to skate
(1) ......................................................... (heat), (2) ......................................................... (light),
A company that manufactures sports equipment has announced a skateboard design contest. The winning project
TYPES OF ENERGY (3) ......................................................... (motion), electrical, chemical, will be manufactured and sold by the company. Your project must have the following characteristics:
(4) ......................................................... and gravitational • the new skateboard must be for boys;
• it must be light, strong and durable;
• the design must be innovative and attractive;
• it must be cost-effective.
2 Renewable sources of energy. Complete the tables with the missing words. Work in small teams and complete the activities to present your projects to the company.

Solar Step 1. Planning

(1) ......................................................... (caught by turbines)

1 Carry out some research into skateboard design and how it varies, then draw a sketch of your
skateboard. Alla fine di ogni modulo,
What do you RENEWABLE
(2) .........................................................
la sezione Work it out!
Remember? propone Hydroelectric and (3) ......................................................... propone compiti di
una mappa finale da Biomass realtà che offrono la
completare, fornendo 3 Non-renewable sources of energy. Complete the tables with the missing words.
possibilità di mettere
un riepilogo dei Fossil fuels
coal, (1) .........................................................,
natural gas
2 Brainstorming. List the suitable materials for the different parts. in atto la didattica
per competenze e che

contenuti dell’unità. SOURCES

(2) ......................................................... fuels nuclear
Grip tape


plastic, wood…

Si presenta come grip tape nastro

antiscivolo ..........................................................................
permettono di svolgere
Truck trucks carrelli

lavori interdisciplinari

un utile strumento Nuts



con le materie
bolts nuts and bolts dadi e bulloni

anche per la didattica

Wheel and washers rondelle ..........................................................................

inclusiva. professionalizzanti.




: a smart idea?
7 Smart homes
Garbage Patch delivery services
1 The Great Pacific 8 The rise of drone
ials of a 3D printed
2 Self-healing mater 9 The creation
3 Coketown prosthetic hand
of our cities and the 4 Vs
4 The future 10 Big Data
electri c
5 Volvo goes
• Safety and nuclear power
job 6 Climate change
• Applying for a

Digital Area Exercises Video

Il modulo From School to Work Il modulo Culture and Society A fine volume, un glossario
offre strumenti utili per lo studio offre approfondimenti tematici e inglese-italiano riepiloga i vocaboli
e per il lavoro. La sezione Safety contenuti di attualità collegati al più ricorrenti nel testo e specifici
affronta la tematica della sicurezza. mondo della cultura tecnologica. della materia.
La sezione Applying for a job Sono presenti attività di
propone attività che consentono agli comprensione sulla tipologia delle
studenti di acquisire il vocabolario, le prove INVALSI per accompagnare
conoscenze e le competenze utili per gli studenti nella preparazione
l’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro. all’Esame di Stato.

WHAT IS MECHATRONICS? The rise of Mechatronics 1

UNIT Competences Lessons

• Describe and compare the properties of materials 1 Materials and their

1 • Understand and explain the different types of
materials according to their properties
2 Metals
• Analyse, evaluate and describe the properties of 3 Polymers: plastics
IN ENGINEERING objects and rubbers 14
• Understand the presentation of a new project
4 Other types
• Work in a team of materials 16
• Develop critical thinking
• Describe the properties and other characteristics of
a product

• Describe technical drawing and its basic tools 1 Technical drawing 26

2 • Describe the main conventions used in technical
2 Lines and other
conventions 28
• Describe the most important technical 3 Technical
DRAWING representations representations 30
• Describe CAD
4 CAD (Computer
• Work in a team Aided Design) 32
• Develop critical thinking
• Give information about measurements and

• Describe machine tools and their main parts 1 Different types

3 • Describe how machine tools work
• Work in a team
of machine tools
2 Drilling, turning

• Develop critical thinking and milling machines 44

• Ask for information 3 Other machine tools 48

• Describe the principal metalworking processes 1 Metallurgy and

4 • Work in a team
• Develop critical thinking
2 The basic methods

• Request information about courses of metalworking 60
3 Forging, rolling
and extrusion 62
4 Welding, soldering
and brazing 64
Indice IX

Expand your Language Professional What do you Digital

vocabulary in action communication remember? Area

• Materials • Comparative • Describing • Concept map 24 Exercises

in engineering 18 and superlative a product 22
adjectives of KEY LANGUAGE 22 Listening
majority 20 exercises
• Other Video
and superlative
adjectives 20

• Mechanical • The • Numbers and • Concept map 40 Exercises

drawing 34 imperative 36 measurements 38
KEY LANGUAGE 38-39 Listening

• Machine • Relative • Asking • Concept map 56 Exercises

tools 50 pronouns 52 for information 54

• Metalworking • Passive forms 68 • Requesting • Concept map 72 Exercises

processes 66 information about
courses 70 Listening
KEY LANGUAGE 70 exercises

X Indice

UNIT Competences Lessons

• Describe the main components of an internal 1 Engines: the basics 74

5 combustion engine and explain their functions
• Describe and compare internal combustion petrol
2 The four-stroke cycle 76
ENGINES 3 The Diesel engine 78
and Diesel engines
• Understand and explain the operation of internal 4 The engine systems 80
combustion engines
• Describe the main engine systems and explain
their function
• Interpret and summarize information
• Analyse and evaluate basic vehicle maintenance
• Work in a team
• Develop critical thinking
• Offer solutions

• Describe different types of heating systems 1 Heating systems 90

6 • Explain the basic operation of heating,
refrigeration and air conditioning systems
2 Refrigeration systems 92
HEATING AND 3 Hydraulic machines:
• Understand and provide suggestions to choose pumps 94
REFRIGERATION aheating system and to reduce energy consumption
• Describe different types of pumps
• Work in a team
• Develop critical thinking
• Speak on the phone

• Ready to skate 103

WORK IT OUT • Let’s draw: a video tutorial 105
• Take care of your car 107

UNIT Competences Lessons

• Describe the main components of a simple circuit 1 Electric circuits 112

7 and explain their functions
• Understand and explain the basic operation of a
2 Electric motors 114
ELECTRICITY: 3 Common motor
simple motor
BASIC configurations 116
• Describe different types of motor configurations
• Understand and provide suggestions for selecting
a type of motor
• Summarize information
• Work in a team
• Develop critical thinking
• Place an order on the phone
Indice XI

Expand your Language Professional What do you Digital

vocabulary in action communication remember? Area

• Engines 82 • Modal verbs: • Problem-solving: • Concept map 88 Exercises

revision 84 offering solutions 86
• Modals and verbs KEY LANGUAGE 87 Listening
for obligation, exercises
necessity Video
and prohibition
• Other verbs
to express
permission and
prohibition 84
• Modals for
and suggestion

• Heating and • Conditional • Speaking • Concept map 102 Exercises

refrigeration sentences 98 on the phone 100
systems 96 KEY LANGUAGE 101 Listening


Expand your Language Professional What do you Digital

vocabulary in action communication remember? Area

• Electricity 118 • Linkers 120 • Placing an order 122 • Concept map 124 Exercises

XII Indice

UNIT Competences Lessons

• Describe the different types of energy 1 What is energy? 126

8 • Classify the different sources of energy
• Work in a team
2 Renewable sources
of energy 128
SOURCES • Develop critical thinking 3 Non-renewable
• Take part in a debate sources of energy 130

WORK IT OUT • Promote green living: take part in a school competition 139


UNIT Competences Lessons

• Explain the concept of automation and its 1 Automation:

9 historical evolution
• Explain the applications of automated systems,
the basics 144
2 Industrial automation 146
AUTOMATION their advantages and disadvantages
3 CNC machines 148
• Describe CAD and CAM tools and clarify their use
in industry 4 The 3D printing
revolution 150
• Describe CNC machines and explain their
operation, advantages and disadvantages
• Describe a 3D printer and explain its basic operation
• Listen and take notes
• Summarize information
• Work in a team
• Develop critical thinking
• Arrange a meeting by e-mail

• Explain how an automated system works 1 How automation

10 • Identify the elements of an automated system and
their functions
2 PLC: the basics
• Identify the components of a PLC and explain its 3 Sensors and actuators 164
SYSTEMS operation
• Describe common types of sensors and their uses
• Describe common types of actuators and their
• Work in a team
• Develop critical thinking
• Make and respond to complaints
Indice XIII

Expand your Language Professional What do you Digital

vocabulary in action communication remember? Area

• Energy • Present • Taking part in • Concept map 138 Exercises

sources 132 simple or a debate 136
continuous? 134 KEY LANGUAGE 137 Video

Expand your Language Professional What do you Digital

vocabulary in action communication remember? Area

• Automation 152 • Phrasal verbs 154 • Writing e-mails • Concept map 158 Exercises
to arrange
a meeting 156 Listening
KEY LANGUAGE 157 exercises


• Control • Infinitives • Making and • Concept map 172 Exercises

systems 166 and gerunds: responding
the basics 168 to complaints 170 Listening
KEY LANGUAGE 171 exercises

XIV Indice

UNIT Competences Lessons

• Explain what a robot is 1 Robotics: the basics 174

11 • Identify the elements of a robot and describe its
mechanical structure
2 Industrial robots 176
ROBOTICS 3 The robotic arm 178
• Describe the different types of industrial robots
• Describe the main parts of a robotic arm and
explain their features
• Describe different types of end-effectors
• Explain how to choose an end-effector
• Work in a team
• Develop critical thinking
• Describe graphs and charts

• Describe the origin and the development of 1 Industry 4.0 and IOT:
12 Industry 4.0
• Understand and explain the concept of Industry
the basics
2 Jobs and skills

INDUSTRY 4.0 4.0 and its main elements of the future 190
• Consider and explain the new skills for Industry 4.0 3 Industry 4.0 in Italy
• Describe the development of Industry 4.0 in Italy and abroad 192
and abroad
• Listen and take notes
• Summarize information
• Work in a team
• Develop critical thinking
• Ask for information, make requests and answer
requests when travelling
• Make plans

• Machines in motion 201

• Amazing robots 203

Safety 207
Applying for a job 215

1 The Great Pacific Garbage Patch 227

2 Self-healing materials 230
3 Coketown 233
4 The future of our cities 235
5 Volvo goes electric 237

Technical glossary 251

Come utilizzare il coupon per scaricare la versione digitale del libro (eBook+) 260
Come utilizzare il coupon per scaricare i contenuti digitali integrativi (risorse online) 260
Indice XV

Expand your Language Professional What do you Digital

vocabulary in action communication remember? Area

• Robotics 180 • Modals • Describing graphs • Concept map 186 Exercises

and verbs and charts 184
for ability and KEY LANGUAGE 185 Listening
possibility 182 exercises


• Industry 4.0 194 • Future tense 196 • Travelling 198 • Concept map 200 Exercises





6 Climate change and nuclear power 239 Exercises

7 Smart homes: a smart idea? 241
8 The rise of drone delivery services 244
9 The creation of a 3D printed prosthetic hand 246
10 Big Data and the 4 Vs 248
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di Openschool Network (ON), il nuovo sistema integrato di contenuti e servizi
per l’apprendimento.


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Warm up In fact, Mechatronics Engineering deals with

1 Why would you like to study Mechanics and the design, construction and maintenance of
Mechatronics? computer-controlled electromechanical systems.
2 What activities do you think you will do? It includes several disciplines, in particular:
• mechanical technology;
• electronics;
The fourth Industrial Revolution has begun and • electrotechnology and electrical engineering;
new technologies are used to improve the quality • computer science and informatics.
of production and work conditions. The new mechatronic systems are composed of
Mechanical, electronic and informatics systems have traditional mechanical components, but also have
merged and have been integrated into new smart, electronic parts. In them, sensors, actuators and
automated systems. This marked the birth of a computers are all interconnected in a new system
new branch of Engineering, called Mechatronics, that can be programmed to act automatically
a word that is a combination of Mechanics and according to the instructions given by the user,
Electronics. while computers control the process.

AU |
| M







Computers MECHATRONICS Systems
| M

Mechanical Electro-

CAD mechanics






| D
CO |
The rise of mechatronics 3

• defining, classifying and programming the

integrated automated systems and applying
robotics to the manufacturing processes;
• running projects according to the procedures and
the standards required by the quality and safety
systems of the company;
• understanding the specific problems linked to
the use of energy; managing energy use and its
control to optimize its consumption and protect
the environment.

Where Mechatronic technicians work

An engineer is designing an object.
Mechatronic technicians can work in mechanical
and manufacturing companies in the following
These systems can be applied to a variety of fields, fields: production of pneumatics, industrial
such as automotive, aerospace, medicine, industrial hydraulic and automation, CNC machines
manufacturing and materials processes. programming, projecting and technical
drawing, also using CAD.
Energy is a field that offers many job
The profile of the Mechatronic technician
opportunities. There is a need for many technicians
The fast evolution of industrial technologies has and skilled workers whose work consists in
changed the professional profiles of mechanical generating energy and providing it to people for
engineers and technicians, because today companies everyday life and tasks. There is also a need for
require more and more skilled workers. The individuals studying new methods of energy
graduate in Mechanics, Mechatronics and Energy generation. The energy field includes utilities, gas
should have specific skills such as: and oil companies, government and research
groups, energy education or environmental
• understanding the properties of materials
regulation agencies, nonprofit energy awareness and
related to their use and the manufacturing
conservation organizations and many others.
People who want to work in the energy field can
• measuring, elaborating and evaluating enroll at any university course, but it is better to
technical characteristics using the correct have an Engineering degree.
• organizing the manufacturing process, defining
the design, construction, control and test of
the product;
• following the industrial processes, elaborating
the working cycles, analyzing and evaluating the
• designing structures and systems applying also
Maths processes and analysing the answers to the
mechanical, thermal and electrical stresses;
• assembling and testing components, machines
and thermo-technical systems; certifying the results
and writing technical instructions and texts;
• organising and running maintenance
processes according to the correct procedures; An engineer is inspecting some products.
4 The rise of mechatronics

Skills Required:
CAD, CAE, ThermoFluids, Stress Analysis, FEA
Job Roles
• Structural Engineer
• CFD Engineer
• Design Engineer
• HVAC Engineer
• Piping Engineer

Skills Required:
Machine Design, Engineering Systems,
Control and Instrumentation
Job Roles
• Power Engineer
• Maintenance Engineer
• Systems Engineer
Skills Required: • Site/Field Engineer
Industrial Engineering, Mechatronics,
Production/Operation Management
Job Roles
• Production Engineer
• Fabrication Engineer
• Drilling Engineer

Skills Required:
Project Management, Spreadsheet Calculations
Job Roles
• Project Engineer
• Logistics Engineer
Sales & Other
• Project Manager
Skills Required:
Spreadsheet Calculations, Modelling and
Job Roles
• Quality Manager
• Safety, Health and Environment Manager
• Financial Forecaster
• Sales Engineer

Work it out!
gineering • Ready to skat
1 Materials in en
awing deo tutorial
2 Mechanical dr • Let’s draw: a vi
ur car
3 Machine tool
s • Take care of yo
g processes
4 Metal workin
5 Engines ems
refrigeration syst
6 Heating and


1 Materials and their properties  Describing a product
2 Metals
3 Polymers: plastics and rubbers COMPETENCES
4 Other types of materials: ceramics, composites
 Describe and compare the properties of materials
and smart materials
 Understand and explain the different types of materials
according to their properties
 Analyse, evaluate and describe the properties of objects
 Materials in engineering  Understand the presentation of a new project
 Work in a team
LANGUAGE IN ACTION  Develop critical thinking
 Describe the properties and other characteristics
 Grammar: comparative and superlative adjectives
of a product
of majority; other comparative and superlative
 Concept map

Digital Area Exercises Listening exercises Video


Warm up • Thermal expansion: the tendency of matter to

change in shape, area and volume in response to
1 Would you buy a glass football? Why? a change in temperature.
2 Would you use a wooden knife? Why? • Electrical conductivity: the ability of a material
3 Would you use iron chairs in your class? Why? to conduct electricity. The opposition of a
material to the flow of electric current is called
electrical resistivity.
The chemical properties refer to changes in
Types of materials the chemical composition of a material because
Materials science is central to engineering and to it interacts with other substances. The chemical
industries. In fact, manufacturers and engineers need properties include reactivity, flammability and
to know the structures and properties of materials to oxidation states.
select the best one for a particular use, as well as to • Corrosion resistance: the ability of a material
improve the efficiency of the final products. to resist the oxidation in atmospheric conditions.
The main categories of materials used in
engineering are metals, polymers, including Properties of materials:
plastics and rubbers, ceramics, composites and mechanical properties
smart materials.
Materials can be identified through their main The mechanical properties determine the
properties: physical, chemical and mechanical. behaviour of a material in response to the type of
load (external force) applied or the type of stress
Properties of materials: (internal force) the material must withstand. The
most important are the following.
physical and chemical properties
• Strength: the ability of a material to resist
The physical properties are the characteristics forces without breaking, bending or changing
of a material that we can observe, for example permanently.
colour, melting point, thermal and electrical • Hardness: the ability of a material to resist
properties. They define how the material reacts to scratching, abrasion and indentation.
external factors such as heat, electricity or gravity
without changing its chemical structure. The most
important are the following.
• Melting point: the temperature at which the
substance changes from a solid to a liquid state.
• Thermal conductivity: the ability of a material
to conduct heat.

shape: forma
flow: flusso
withstand: resistere,
oxidation: ossidazione to bend: piegarsi, curvarsi
load: carico, sollecitazione indentation:
stress: tensione, sforzo
1 | Materials in engineering 9

• Elasticity: the ability of a material to return to its breaking. It is a combination of strength and
original shape when a force is removed. plasticity.
• Plasticity: the ability of a material to be • Brittleness: the tendency of a material to break
deformed permanently without breaking or under stress before it deforms.
fracturing. Two more properties associated with • Fatigue: the ability of a material to resist repeated
plasticity are ductility: the ability of a material stress cycles, bending or tension.
to be deformed plastically when it is stretched,
and malleability: the ability of a material to be
deformed plastically when it is compressed.
• Stiffness: the ability of a material to resist
deformation in response to an applied force or
• Toughness: the ability of a material to resist
shock or impacts and plastically deform without

4 z VOCABULARY Read the text and find the English equivalent of the following words.
1 punto di fusione .......................................................................... 5 tenacità ..........................................................................................................

2 sostanza ............................................................................................. 6 fragilità ..........................................................................................................

3 materia ............................................................................................... 7 graffiare .........................................................................................................

4 rigidità ................................................................................................ 8 allungare, stirare .....................................................................................

5 zz READING COMPREHENSION What properties do these objects (a-h) have? Match them to the appropriate
properties (1-6). You can use the properties more than once.
1 hardness 5 electrical conductivity
2 plasticity 6 corrosion resistance
3 toughness 7 strength
4 brittleness 8 malleability

a hardness, brittleness b ........................................................ c .....................................................................................

d ............................................................................................ e ............................................................................................ f ..................................................

10 1 | Materials in engineering

6 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What are the physical properties of materials?
2 What are the mechanical properties of materials?
3 What is the difference between thermal conductivity and thermal expansion?
4 What is strength?
5 What is hardness?
6 What is the difference between malleability and ductility?

7 zzz PET READING COMPREHENSION Choose the correct answer. Only one is right.
1 A material is tough when 4 Which statement is not correct?
Q a it doesn’t deform Malleable materials
Q b it is brittle Q a can be deformed permanently
Q c it is strong and plastic Q b can’t be deformed permanently
Q d it doesn’t withstand shocks or sudden Q c can be deformed by hammering or pressing
impacts Q d don’t return to their original shape when
2 If a material can be permanently deformed when they are compressed
stretched, without breaking, it is 5 Chemical properties refer to
Q a ductile Q c elastic Q a the ability of the materials to resist
Q b malleable Q d brittle external forces
3 If a material is hard, but easily broken, it is Q b the general characteristics of the materials
Q a strong Q c brittle Q c changes of a material when a chemical
Q b stiff Q d plastic reaction occurs
Q d resistance to corrosion only
8 zz READING COMPREHENSION Look at the pictures (1-5): they show different types of stress which materials
can undergo. Match them to their definition (a-e) and draw the missing one.
a Torsional stress: it is caused in the material by twisting forces.
b Tensile stress: it is caused in the material by stretching or pulling forces.
c Shear stress: it is caused in the material by sliding forces.
d Compressive stress: it is caused in the material by pushing forces.
e Bending stress: it is caused in the material by forces inducing curvature.

1 4

3 5
1 | Materials in engineering 11

9 zz VOCABULARY Complete the sentences using one of the following verbs.

stretches • boils • rusts • expands • deforms • scratches • breaks

Example: If you pull this rubber band, it stretches.

1 When you heat metal, it .............................................................., and when you cool it, it contracts.
2 An iron gate .............................................................. when exposed to heat, dust, wind and rain.
3 If you hit a wooden table with a hammer, it .............................................................. the surface.
4 If you push a plastic bottle on both sides, it ...............................................................
5 Water .............................................................. at 100 degrees Celsius.
6 If you drop a glass on the floor, it .............................................................. because it is brittle.

10 zzz CRITICAL THINKING Work in groups to find out more about the properties and test the performance of
different materials. Follow these steps and complete the charts below.
• Choose an object around you and observe its properties and characteristics (What colour is it? Is it heavy or
• Test the material to determine its performance: stretch it, squeeze it, compress it, bend it, drop it... How does
the material behave? Is it waterproof? Can you colour it with ink? Can you change its shape? Does it break
when you drop it?
• What can you use the material for? What can’t you use it for? Why?
• Share your findings with the class.

Properties and characteristics Describe the test Describe the behaviour

of your object of the material
(list some adjectives)
Rubber bracelet: strong, elastic… We stretched it. The material stretched and didn’t break.
..................................................................................... .....................................................................................
Then it returned to its original shape.

..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... .....................................................................................

..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... .....................................................................................

..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... .....................................................................................

..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... .....................................................................................

..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... .....................................................................................

..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... .....................................................................................

..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... .....................................................................................

..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... .....................................................................................

..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... .....................................................................................

This material can be used for This material can’t be used for
Bracelets, bikes and cars tyres… Work tools…
.................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................

Warm up quantities. Usually other

1 Which of the following are pure metals? Tick them.

elements can be added
to obtain an alloy steel
metal ore: metallo
1 Aluminium 3 Iron with desired qualities, shiny: brillante,
2 Steel 4 Bronze such as hardness or tensile lucente
strength. Common alloy alloy: lega
iron: ferro
steels include stainless
cast iron: ghisa
steel, which has several steel: acciaio
The properties of metals uses – from kitchen tools carbon: carbonio
to car parts – because it copper: rame
Metals are made from metal ores, which are
is very hard, tough and tin: stagno
extracted from the Earth and processed to
resistant to corrosion. lead: piombo
transform them into usable materials. Most metals
Also, high-speed steel
share some physical properties: they are shiny solids
(HSS) is widely used in the production of tools
at room temperature, are ductile and malleable,
for metalworking, because it is very hard and
have a high melting point and are good conductors
tough and can resist very high temperatures.
of electricity and heat. Because of their properties,
metals are used for different purposes.
Metals can be used in pure form but more often Non-ferrous metals and alloys
they are combined with other metals or materials Non-ferrous metals contain little or no iron.
to form a mixture called alloy. Alloys are used Aluminium, copper, tin, lead and zinc are pure
because their properties are better for some non-ferrous metals. Most of them resist corrosion
applications than those of the pure components. well, but they are too soft for some uses in pure
Typical improvements include corrosion resistance, form.
special electrical or magnetic properties, and heat Aluminium is the most widely used metal
resistance. after iron. In fact, it is light but strong, resistant
Metals and alloys used for engineering works are to corrosion, has good electrical and thermal
usually classified into ferrous and non-ferrous. conductivity and can be machined easily.
Aluminium and its alloys are important in the
Ferrous metals and alloys aerospace, transportation and building industries, in
packaging and for other uses.
Iron is the most widely used of all metals because
it is malleable, ductile and magnetic. However,
iron in pure form is soft, so it is usually combined
with other elements to improve its hardness and
resistance to corrosion.
The most common ferrous alloys are the following.
• Cast iron: it is an alloy of iron containing more
than 2% carbon. It is hard but brittle, resistant
to deformation and wear, it has a relatively low
melting point and excellent machinability. It has
a wide range of applications: pipes, machines,
automotive industry parts.
• Steel: it is made of iron with carbon in variable Different metals: copper, aluminium, zinc, iron.
1 | Materials in engineering 13

Copper is a reddish metal; it is soft, malleable, combined with other elements to produce alloys
ductile, and a good conductor of electricity and that are harder than copper alone, or have other
heat. It is second only to silver as an electrical useful properties, such as stiffness, ductility, or
conductor. It is widely used in the electrical machinability. It is commonly used for welding.
industry. Some of its alloys include the following. • Brass: it is made from
• Duralumin: it is formed of aluminium and copper,
and it is mainly used in aircraft manufacture.
copper and zinc. It is
typically used in electrical
welding: saldatura
brass: ottone
• Bronze: it is formed of copper and tin. It is usually fittings.

2 z READING COMPREHENSION Write the following metals in the correct column.

bronze • aluminium • iron • copper • steel • zinc • lead • cast iron • brass • tin

Ferrous metals Non-ferrous metals Ferrous alloys Non-ferrous alloys

............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ...............................................................

............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ...............................................................

............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ...............................................................

3 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What are some common properties of metals?
2 What is an alloy and why is it used?
3 How are metals and their alloys usually classified?
4 What are the main properties of iron?
5 What is the difference between steel and aluminium?
6 What are the characteristics of copper?

4 2 zzz LISTENING A journalist from a specialized magazine is interviewing Mr Brennan, a worker from the
US company O’Neal Steel.
a Listen and answer the following questions.
1 What is the worker’s position? 2 What does the company specialize in?
b Listen again and complete the following table.

Name Properties Applications

Mild steel tough, ductile… .........................................................................................

......................................................................................... .........................................................................................

......................................................................................... .........................................................................................

High-carbon ......................................................................................... .........................................................................................

......................................................................................... .........................................................................................

......................................................................................... .........................................................................................

Stainless ......................................................................................... .........................................................................................

......................................................................................... .........................................................................................

......................................................................................... .........................................................................................

Aluminium ......................................................................................... .........................................................................................

......................................................................................... .........................................................................................

......................................................................................... .........................................................................................
3 A S T IC S A N D R U B B E R S

Warm up • Polyester: strong, resistant to chemicals, abrasion

and stretching. It can be used as a reinforcement
1 Do you think that chemistry is important to study for rubber, for example in tyres and drive belts.
materials? Why?
• Polyethylene: mainly used for packaging, i.e.
plastic bags, plastic films and containers such
Polymers as bottles. It is characterized by low strength,
hardness and rigidity, but high ductility and
Polymers are chemical compounds made of impact strength.
long chains of molecules with specific flexibility
or stiffness qualities. There are both natural and
synthetic polymers: the former include rubber Thermosetting plastics
and cellulose while the latter consist of plastic
Thermosetting plastics are liquid or malleable at
materials. They are typically light, long-lasting and
low temperatures, but change permanently when
easily shaped. Furthermore, they have a low melting
they are heated: they become hard and cannot be
point and are not good conductors of heat and
electricity. Thanks to their characteristics, plastic
Thermosetting plastics are usually stronger than
materials are widely used in everyday life. They can
thermoplastic materials and once they have been
be divided into thermoplastics and thermosetting
moulded into shape, polymer chains cannot be
easily broken. The most used are the following.
• Bakelite: usually used for electrical switches,
Thermoplastics radios and buttons.
Thermoplastics are materials that soften when they • Formica: used to make laminates.
are heated so they can be remoulded into different • Polyurethane: used for high-resistant foam
shapes. They become hard when cooled. The most seating, rigid foam insulation panels, elastomeric
common are the following. wheels, such as skateboard wheels.
• PVC (polyvinyl chloride): hard, tough, but easily • Epoxy resins: hard, rigid, good electrical
moulded. Plasticised PVC is used for flexible insulators and chemical resistant. They are used
objects such as insulating cables. for printed circuit boards.
• Nylon: very strong and highly machinable. It can • Polyester resins: similar to epoxy resins, but less
be made into fibres and has a variety of uses, from expensive. They are used for car panels and boat
textiles to industrial components like bearings. hulls.

chemical compound:
composto chimico
remoulded: rimodellato
bearing: cuscinetto
foam: schiuma
printed circuit board:
circuito stampato
Thermoplastics. Thermosetting plastics.
1 | Materials in engineering 15

Rubbers original shape after deformation. They are good

electrical insulators and are water resistant. Tyres
Rubbers are known as elastomers because of their and drive belts are some examples of their wide
flexibility and their property to return to their applications.

2 z VOCABULARY Read the text and find the English equivalent of the following words.
1 di lunga durata .............................................................................. 5 pneumatici ..................................................................................................
2 ammorbidirsi .................................................................................. 6 cinghie di trasmissione .....................................................................
3 forme ..................................................................................................... 7 ruote .................................................................................................................
4 raffreddato ........................................................................................ 8 pellicola ..........................................................................................................

3 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What are polymers?
2 What are their characteristics?
3 What is the difference between thermoplastics and thermosetting materials?
4 What are rubbers?
5 What are they used for?

4 zzz TRANSLATION Translate the following sentences into English.

1 I polimeri sono composti chimici costituiti da lunghe catene di molecole.
2 I materiali plastici si dividono in due categorie principali: termoplastiche e termoindurenti.
3 Le termoplastiche possono essere rimodellate attraverso il calore.
4 I termoindurenti sono più rigidi delle termoplastiche.
5 La gomma ha la proprietà di ritornare alla sua forma di origine dopo la deformazione.


a Work in pairs and brainstorm the main advantages and disadvantages of plastics.

Advantages Disadvantages

light ...................................................................................................................................

durable… ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

b Compare your notes with the other pairs and discuss the pros and cons of using plastic materials.
Example: One advantage of plastic materials is that they are light, so they can be used for toys. One disadvantage is that
plastic is quite expensive.
X let's watch SURF THE NET!
6 zzz SPEAKING AND WRITING Divide into teams.
Choose an object (for ex. a bottle, a brass door han- A new material
dle…) and write a short description of its materi- • Watch the video The PTFE Story on the website
als, properties and uses. Take turns to read your www.gore.com until 2’37, then answer these
description and guess what materials they are. The questions.
winner is the team which gets the highest score. 1 What polymer is the man talking about?
Example: It is made of glass or plastic, it is hard and brit- 2 Why did this discovery change our world?
tle, it is used to contain liquids. (A bottle) 3 When did everything start?
4 Who is the man talking in the video?
• Optional. Go on watching the story of Gore’s fam-
ily and the development of the Gore-Tex material.

Warm up A material called matrix binds the fibres together

and provides flexibility. Thermosetting and
1 Match the following terms (1-4) with their definition thermoplastic resins are the matrices in numerous
composites called Fiber-Reinforced Polymers
1 smart a supply, give (FRP), used for example in car body panels.
2 composite b a material made of
There are also ceramic or metallic matrices as in
3 provide different elements
steel reinforced concrete for buildings or cermet,
4 bind or parts
c unite, join
made by sintering a mixture of ceramic, metallic
d clever, intelligent powders and metal composites.

Ceramics are a mixture of clay and other natural
elements such as sand. They date back to ancient
times, but today they are composed of silicon, 3 ....................................................... 4 .......................................................

carbide and other synthetic elements.

They are good insulators, heat and chemical What are the applications of composites?
resistant. This is why they have several industrial
and domestic uses, Composites are mainly used in the automotive
such as for tiles, bricks, and aerospace industries, as well as in architecture,
pots, porcelains and infrastructures and even sport, for durable and
cutting tools, as well lightweight equipment. Composites like fiberglass
as industrial ovens and or carbon fibre are
furnaces. 1 ....................................................... strong, lightweight,
resistant to corrosion and
Composites can be used to produce
a variety of shapes.
Composites are made However, they can be
of two or more different expensive and those
materials that become made of thermosetting
stronger when resins can’t be reshaped. 5 .......................................................
combined and have
properties different from
those of the individual 2 .......................................................
components. These can be natural or synthetic and
they remain distinct within the composite.
carbide: carburi
composite: materiale
cermet: da cer(amic)
met(al), metallo ceramico
What are composites made of? composito sintering: sinterizzazione
reinforcement: powder: polvere
A material called reinforcement creates the rinforzo fiberglass: vetroresina
structure of the composite and provides strength matrix: matrice carbon fibre: fibra di
and stiffness. Glass and carbon fibres are common concrete: calcestruzzo carbonio
reinforcements in industry.
1 | Materials in engineering 17

Smart materials temperature, can return to their original shape.

Piezoelectric materials are mainly ceramics. They
Smart materials can react to changes in the produce a small electrical voltage for a moment
environment, for example variations in temperature, under a mechanical stress. Also, if a voltage is applied
light, stress or electric current, by changing their to the material it will result in a tiny change in shape.
properties, like volume, colour or viscosity.
The most common smart materials are Shape
memory alloys (SMAs) and piezoelectric
materials. Shape memory alloys can be bent
Shape memory alloy: lega a memoria di forma
piezoelectric material: materiale piezoelettrico
into a shape and, when heated above a certain

2 z READING COMPREHENSION Look at the pictures 1-5. Are they ceramics, composites or smart materials?

3 zz PET READING COMPREHENSION Decide if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.
1 Ceramics are ductile materials. n n
2 Composites can be made of two or more materials with different properties. n n
3 The strength of composites depends mainly on the matrix used. n n
4 Reinforcement materials can be thermosetting and thermoplastic resins. n n
5 Thermosetting and thermoplastic resins aren’t the only matrices used in composites. n n
6 SMAs produce a small electrical voltage when their shape is changed rapidly. n n
7 Piezoelectric materials can change shape when a small electrical voltage is applied to them. n n

4 3 zz LISTENING Listen to the presentation of a new project.

a Answer the following questions.
1 What are the engineers of Volvo Groups Truck Technology trying to do?
2 What material do they intend to use?

b Listen again and complete the following sentences.

1 Engineers are trying to reduce a truck’s ................................................. by about ....................%.
2 They are working to ................................................. a material formed of a polypropylene resin
.................................................................................................. recycled ...................................................................................................

3 Only a small ................................................. of carbon fibre is needed to ................................................. a high tensile strength.
4 Recycled carbon fibre parts are ................................................................................................................................................... than comparable
parts and weigh less.
5 Using recycled carbon fibre also reduces costs and ................................................. of material.
6 The project is still under development. Some problems are the .................................................................................................. of
large parts, and no one knows how durable the new material will be.

5 zzz SPEAKING AND WRITING Surf the Inter- X let's watch SURF THE NET!
net and find information about the following
composites and smart materials. Then work Play with smart materials
in pairs and compare information with your • Watch the video www.ted.com/talks/catarina_mota_
partner. play_with_smart_materials and check your answer:
• Glass-reinforced plastic (GRP) 1 Which of the following does not exist (yet)?
• Carbon fibre a Inks that conduct electricity
• Kevlar b Keyboards that roll up
• Nomex c TVs that automatically switch off when you are
• Nitinol watching a programme you don’t like
d Walls that change colour depending on tem-
VOCABULARY didattica inclusiva

1 zz Complete the orange labels with the name of the materials the objects are made of. Write
their properties in the blue labels.

Plastic Easily machinable




.......................................................... .................................................................................................................




.......................................................... .................................................................................................................




.......................................................... .................................................................................................................




.......................................................... .................................................................................................................




2 zz Choose the best alternative.

1 Iron has a restricted / wide range of applications.
2 Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon / oxygen.
3 Bronze is composed of copper and tin / zinc.
4 Strength is the ability of a material to resist deformation breaking / without breaking.
5 Composites are made of two / more materials.
6 Silicon is a trendy / smart material.
1 | Materials in engineering 19

Word formation
Some suffixes can be added to the base of another noun Other suffixes can be used to form adjectives.
or verb to form concrete and abstract nouns.
Suffix Noun Suffix Adjective
-ty/-ity ability -able/-ible machinable/flexible
-ance resistance -al thermal
-al material -en wooden
-ment development -ful useful
-ness hardness -less stainless
-sion corrosion -ous ferrous
-tion deformation -y shiny

3 zz Transform the following adjectives into nouns using the appropriate suffix.
Adjective Noun Adjective Noun
1 stiff stiffness 4 elastic

2 malleable 5 brittle

3 plastic 6 tough

4 zz Transform the following nouns into adjectives using the appropriate suffix.
Noun Adjective Noun Adjective
1 strength strong 4 length

2 hardness 5 flexibility

3 ductility 6 heat

5 zz Write simple sentences to describe the objects around you with words from exercises 3 and 4. You can add
any extra words you need.
Example: My desk is hard, rigid and smooth.

6 zz Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs below.
consist of • reacts • developing • provide • binding • bend • holds
Example: The matrix holds the fibres together.
1 At present, scientists and engineers are ............................................................... a range of new synthetic materials.
2 Composites are made by ............................................................... the reinforcing and matrix materials together.
3 Carbon fibre composites ............................................................... an epoxy resin matrix with carbon fibre to ....................................
........................... strength.
4 Engineers can ............................................................... SMAs into a different shape by heating them.
5 A piezoelectric material ............................................................... to the application of a mechanical stress by producing a
small voltage.

7 zzz Pair work.

a Write five sentences using these words. Compare your work with your deskmate. You can get 2 points for
each correct sentence and 1 point if you finish before him/her.
withstand, load, alloy, remoulded, rubber
b Choose three other key-words from the unit and continue the game.

Comparative and superlative adjectives of majority

Thermosetting materials are usually stronger than thermoplastic materials.
Aluminium is more malleable and elastic than steel.
Alloys are used in engineering because their properties are better than those of the pure components.

Aggettivo Comparativo di maggioranza Aggettivo irregolare Comparativo di maggioranza

strong stronger good better

large larger bad worse

heavy heavier far farther/further

hot hotter little less

ductile more ductile much/many more

• Than introduce il secondo termine di paragone, che può essere un sostantivo o una frase:
Aluminium is more malleable than steel and resists more to corrosion than steel does.
• Per rafforzare il comparativo si usano espressioni come much, a lot, far oppure a little, a bit, slightly:
Steel is much heavier and much denser than aluminium.
It is a bit more difficult to repair composite materials because they are made of fibres.
• L’espressione italiana sempre più… si traduce in inglese ripetendo il comparativo:
New materials are always stronger stronger and stronger.
Composites are becoming always more common more and more common in the automotive industry.
• Nota la seguente struttura in cui si ripete the + comparativo:
The higher the temperature rises, the softer copper becomes. (Più si alza la temperatura, più il rame diventa morbido.)

Graphene is one of the strongest materials in the world.

Iron is the most widely used of all metals.
Manufacturers can select the best combination of materials to obtain the properties they need.

Aggettivo Superlativo di maggioranza Aggettivo irregolare Superlativo di maggioranza

strong the strongest good the best

large the largest bad the worst

heavy the heaviest far the farthest/the furthest

hot the hottest little the least

ductile the most ductile many the most

Other comparative and superlative adjectives

That material is as expensive as this one.
Steel is not so malleable as aluminium.

Comparativo di uguaglianza as (aff.)/not so (neg.) aggettivo as

La costruzione negativa del comparativo di uguaglianza è preferita in inglese al comparativo di minoranza.

Thermoplastics are less rigid than thermosetting plastics.

Comparativo di minoranza less aggettivo than

1 | Materials in engineering 21

Thermoplastics are the least rigid group of plastics.

Superlativo di minoranza the least aggettivo of/in (o altre preposizioni seguite da un

complemento di luogo fisico o figurato)

1 z Choose the correct alternative.

1 My new bike is much lighter than / that the old one.
2 Carbon fibre is strong as / as strong as steel but weighs the least / less.
3 Fasten your seat belt while you’re driving, you’ll be more safe / safer.
4 Engineers are designing faster and faster / fastest and fastest cars.
5 If you reduce the amount of carbon in iron, steel becomes most machinable / more machinable.

2 zz Complete the following sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
Include any other necessary words.
Example: Aluminium is one of the most common non-ferrous metals in the world. (common)
1 Can you help me lift this box? It’s a lot .................................................................................................... I expected. (heavy)
2 Silver conducts ................................................................ copper, but copper is ................................................................. (good; expensive)
3 Steel bikes are ................................................................ and ................................................................ than aluminium ones, but they are
................................................................. (cheap; durable; light).
4 They manufacture some of ................................................................................................... racing helmets on the market. (resistant)
5 This workshop is not .................................................................................................... as the one I visited before. (big)

3 zzz Complete the article with the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

What’s thinner than a hair, yet stronger than steel?

Imagine a material that is stronger than steel, (0) more transparent (transparent) than glass, and thinner
than a human hair. Its name is graphene.
We can’t see graphene with the naked eye: it is (1) ............................................................................. (thin) material ever dis-
covered. It is the basic building block of graphite, a mineral that we can find in our pencils. What makes
graphene so special? Graphene has amazing mechanical, electrical, thermal and optical properties. First, it’s
(2) ............................................................... (strong) of all materials tested: about 200 times (3) ..............................................................

(strong) than steel. A hammock made of one square meter of graphene could support the weight of a four-
kilo cat, but would be (4) ................................................................ (heavy) than the cat’s whiskers. Second, graphene main-
tains flexibility and elasticity. Also, it’s transparent: you could use it to make bendable, transparent touch
screens. Third, it conducts electricity very well. In fact, electrons move (5) ...........................................................................

(fast) through graphene than through any other material. In addition, the more electrons are added to it,
(6) ................................................................ (much) current it can produce. This means that companies can produce thin-
ner, but (7) ................................................................ (powerful) smartphones, tablets and computers. Fourth, graphene is
super-impermeable, so even (8) ................................................................ (tiny) molecules like helium can’t get into it.
(Adapted from an article by A. Rafat, 23 May 2016, www.britishcouncil.org)

4 zzz Translate the following sentences into English.

1 I metalli ferrosi resistono alla corrosione meno dei metalli non ferrosi.
2 I materiali termoplastici diventano più morbidi a temperature più alte.
3 Ingegneri e scienziati stanno sviluppando materiali sempre più resistenti.
4 Uno svantaggio dei materiali più moderni è che costano molto di più dei materiali tradizionali.

1 4-6 z John Everstone works for a bicycle manufacturer. He is describing some of their bike models to dif-
ferent customers. Listen to the dialogues and write 1-3 under the pictures in the order they talk about them.

Folding bike Mountain bike Racing bike

2 4 zz Fill in the following extract with the words below. Then listen to the first dialogue again and check
your answers.
riding • designed • has • advantages • comes • lighter • titanium

JE This is for (1) ........................................................ at high speed on a smooth surface. It (2) ........................................................ a
thin, light frame and tyres (3) ................................................................ to be aerodynamic and minimize friction. Also,
the dropped handlebars allow the rider to maintain a lower position to reduce air resistance.
Customer What is the frame made of?
JE It (4) ......................................................... in a variety of materials, such as aluminium, (5) .........................................................
or carbon fibre.
Customer What is the best one?
JE Well, a common choice among racers is carbon fibre, because it is (6) ................................................................ and
stiffer than the other frame materials, but it can also be more expensive. One of its (7) ...................................
............................. is that it is very mouldable so that frames are easily customizable.

3 5-6 zzz Listen again to the second and third dialogues and answer the following questions.
1 What qualities do mountain bikes have? 4 Who are folding bikes designed for?
2 Why do mountain bikes need a low gear range? 5 What are some of the advantages of folding bikes?
3 What are the pros and cons of a titanium frame? 6 How can you customize the folding bike?

Key language
• It is made of (steel / aluminium / • It is (lighter / stronger / cheaper • thin • stable
carbon…) than…) • lightweight • eco-friendly
• It has (a thin frame) • It is (cheap) compared to… • reliable • stunning
• It’s for + -ing (it’s for riding at high • It allows you to (pedal up steep • durable • brilliant
speed) trails) • robust • fantastic
• It comes in (different materials / • One of its advantages is that (it is • easy to use • incredible
colours / sizes…) very mouldable) • innovative
• It is (16 inches) long / wide / high • It is customizable • stylish
• It weighs (30 pounds) • safe
1 | Materials in engineering 23

4 zzz Work in pairs. Look at the extract from a catalogue and compare the following folding bikes.
1 Which is the smallest?
2 Which weighs less?
3 Which is the heaviest?
4 Which is the cheapest?
5 Which is the most expensive? Can you imagine why?

Folding size Weight Price

Image Frame Speeds
(inches) (pounds) (in USD)

16" (length) x
32.5" (width) x 33 Steel alloy 7 $289
26" (height)

10" x 30" x 22" 23.5 1 $319

12.1" x 30.4" x 25.4" 30.5 Chromoly steel 1 $319

11.8" x 31.5" x 26" 25.26 Carbon fibre 7 $399

(Adapted from www.foldingbike20.com/)

5 zzz Work in pairs. Take turns to be a sales manager and a customer. The sales manager describes the folding
bikes from the catalogue using the expressions from the Key language box. You may add extra details.

6 zzz Work in pairs. Choose two or more products each and write their specifications. Take turns to describe
the products using the expressions from the Key language box.
WHAT DO YOU didattica inclusiva


1 Materials and their properties. Complete the tables with the following words.
conductivity polymers strength malleability corrosion resistance

TYPES OF composites and

metals (1) ................................ ceramics
MATERIALS smart materials

Melting point Electrical (2) ...............................

Physical and resistivity
Thermal conductivity
and chemical
Thermal expansion (3) ........................................................

(4) ........................................................
Mechanical Elasticity
(5) ........................................................
Plasticity (ductility
and malleability)

2 Metals, polymers and other types of materials. Complete the table with the missing words.

Pure metals
(1) .....................................................
(2) .....................................................


MATERIALS Polymers (3) ........................................................

(4) ........................................................ (elastomers)


Other types
(5) ........................................................
of materials

(6) ........................................................ materials



1 Technical drawing  Numbers and measurements
2 Lines and other conventions
3 Technical representations COMPETENCES
4 CAD (Computer Aided Design)
 Describe technical drawing and its basic tools
 Describe the main conventions used in technical
 Mechanical drawing  Describe the most important technical representations
 Describe CAD
LANGUAGE IN ACTION  Work in a team
 Develop critical thinking
 Grammar: the imperative
 Give information about measurements and calculations


 Concept map

Digital Area Exercises Listening exercises


Warm up
1 Write under each picture the corresponding
• Painting • Drawing
• Sketch • Technical drawing

the size of a product using an international graphic

language in order to have one intended meaning.
As in every language, technical drawing has its
own rules and codes. Assembly and detail drawings
give information using pictures and numbers; the
1 ............................................................ 2 ...........................................................
first ones refer to view and the second ones to
Technical drawing is essential for transmitting ideas
in manufacturing industries and engineering. To
make the drawings clear to understand, people
use familiar symbols, perspectives, units of
measurement and specifications (costs, materials
3 ........................................................... 4 ...........................................................
etc.). These conventions are codified in an
2 Try to describe the main characteristics of each international standard called ISO (International
picture. Standard Organization).
A draughtsman or draftsman is a person who
What is technical drawing? makes technical drawings by producing sketches
(quick, freehand drawings used to fix some initial
The description of an object can be done in ideas) and drawings using the proper tools and
different ways and it can be interpreted subjectively. the pictorial projections and perspectives. From
The need for precise communication in the the initial sketch to the final diagram, technical
preparation of a functional document distinguishes drawing is multi-faceted. For this reason, you need
technical drawing from the expressive drawing of to choose each medium carefully, according to
the visual arts. Technical drawing or drafting the nature of your work and have a well-lighted
consists in composing drawings that visually working area.
communicate how something functions or is built. Today different and modern methods of drawing
In technical drawing standard procedures and such as CAD (Computer Aided Design) are used in
techniques are employed to represent the shape and order to speed up the design process.

3 zz PET READING COMPREHENSION Decide if the following statements are true

or false. Correct the false ones.
perspective: prospettiva
specification: specifica
1 A technical drawing can be interpreted differently by each draftsman. n n draughtsman/
2 Pictures represent dimensions. n n draftsman: disegnatore
3 To make a technical drawing clear only symbols are used. n n
4 ISO is an organization to collect drawings. n n multiforme
5 CAD means Computer Aided Design. n n
2 | Mechanical drawing 27

Tools and instruments are for making narrow, greyer lines.

The standard writing pencil is HB, which is the
A mechanical drawing is done by using special most versatile lead of all, as it is intermediate and it
instruments and tools that allow you to draw is used for a sustained grey. A clutch pencil is used
a machine, a building etc., in a very precise and to contain lead.
accurate way. Therefore, the quality and the Pens also have particular characteristics and they
selection of the instruments used is essential in are classified according to their tips, for example the
the design process and you need to select the kind most common are ballpoint pens, rollerball pens
of tool on the basis of the drawing you need to and fibre tip pens, but a draftsman usually uses a
create. For example, there are many types of paper: hollow nib pen or a rapidograph (from its brand
according to your drawing you have to choose the name) to draw regular lines.
texture, the format and the thickness.
The basic tools are pencils, which are made of
wood and graphite, or lead, and are classified
according to the European range system from H to
texture: consistenza, grana
to stand for: significare
tip: punta
ballpoint pen: penna biro
B. H stands for Hardness and B for Blackness. The blackness: nerezza rollerball pen: penna a
hardness of the lead determines the colour and the lead: grafite, mina sfera
strength of your line. strength: intensità fibre tip pen: penna
a fibra
For example, B (Black) + a number: soft. These sustained: sostenuto
hollow nib pen:
clutch pencil: matita
points are used for strong, dense lines, with surfaces portamine
to be blackened. H (Hard) + a number: hard. These

a Listen to a teacher who is giving to some students of a Technical Institute information about other tools
and instruments used to draw. Number the words below in the order you hear them.
a protractor c T-square e eraser g french curve i scale ruler
b compass d drawing board f stencil h divider j set squares

b Listen again and make a complete list of the instruments the teacher is speaking about.



5 zz WRITING Write on your exercise book a description of the tools listed above.
Example: A protractor is usually made of plastic and is used to measure angles between 0° and 180°.

Warm up centre lines that make it possible to identify the

centre of a circle.
1 Can you recognize the different types of lines used • Extension lines: parallel lines that extend out
in technical drawing? Put a tick in the column
corresponding to the lines you can see in the
from two points on the drawing. A small break
pictures. should be added where the extension line meets
Thick Thin Thin chain Dashed the drawing.
line line line line • Dimension lines: thin lines that have an arrow on
either end and are drawn between two extension
lines, with the dimension written alongside. The
unit of measurement should also be given.

110 mm 200 mm

100 mm 85 mm

Standardized conventions
When making technical drawings it is important
to provide all the necessary information to make a
drawing clear. There are other elements that help to
2 Give a definition of UNI EN ISO. give a complete description of an object: the shape
............................................................................................................................ represented as views, the dimensions (quotations)
or the size, the tolerances, the position of holes
and cuts, the scale (the ratio between the drawing
and the real object) and the material needed. These

notes are usually written to guarantee legibility,

accuracy, uniformity and reproducibility, according
Types of lines
to a standard of letters of the same size (lettering).
Lines allow a draftsman to create the shape of an These data should be inserted in a box next to the
object. There are different kinds of lines according drawing.
to their shape, width and thickness. The most
common are the following.
• Thin or section lines: thin lines used for section
views or hatching, dimensions and projections.
section line: linea
di sezione
dashed line: linea
section view: vista chain line: linea mista
• Thick lines: continuous lines used for visible in sezione extension line: linea
edges and outlines. hatching: di estensione
• Dashed lines: short-dashed (dotted) lines used for tratteggio dimension line: linea
edge: bordo di dimensione
hidden details.
outline: contorno ratio: rapporto
• Chain lines: short and long-dashed lines used for
2 | Mechanical drawing 29

Standardized conventions.

3 z VOCABULARY Write the name and draw in your notebook the lines corresponding to the definition.
1 A short and long-dashed line used to identify the centre of a circle. ..........................................................................
2 A continuous line which represents edges. ..........................................................................
3 A dotted line used to draw hidden parts. ..........................................................................
4 A line with arrows used to show dimensions. ..........................................................................

4 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What is the difference between a thick line and a thin line?
2 What line is used to draw hidden particulars?
3 How do you represent dimension lines?
4 What are the other conventions you use to make a technical drawing clear?
5 Why is it important to use these standardised conventions?

5 zz PET READING COMPREHENSION Choose the correct answer. Only one is right.
1 A dotted line represents a ........................................ line.
Q a thick
Q b thin
Q c hidden
2 A drafter should use a ........................................ in a section view of a mechanical part that includes the cylindrical
view of a threaded hole.
Q a chain line
Q b hatching line
Q c dimension line
3 Traditional drafters need to be able to create several different line widths because
Q a it makes no difference
Q b the line width deals with the blackness of the finished drawing
Q c different line widths convey different information
4 A hidden line is
Q a a line type that represents an edge that is not directly visible
Q b a line type that is used to identify the axis of symmetry of a part or feature and the alignment of holes
Q c a thick hatching line
5 A line used for visible outlines is
Q a continuous thick
Q b continuous thin
Q c chain thin

Warm up to the perception of the

1 How can you represent an object?

human eye, but the object
is seen approximately.
plane: piano
vanishing point:

2 Do you think a single view is clear enough to There are different types of punto di fuga
represent an object technically?
axonometric projection. foreshortening:
• The isometric (from
the Greek “equal
Different types of projections measure”) projection is a method in which the
The graphical representation of an object is made three axes (x,y,z) are displayed so that they form
with some standardised representation systems using equal angles of 120° on the axonometric plane.
the projection technique. This technique makes In this way there is a deformation, because of the
it possible to draw a three-dimensional object on a foreshortening of the axis.
two-dimensional surface (the drawing paper). • The dimetric projection: the dimensions
The most important projections are: the central projected by the object are the reflection of the
projections, which are used in perspective real ones on the axis x and z, but are reduced
projections, and parallel projections, employed on the y axis. The resulting deformation is quite
in orthogonal and axonometric projections. acceptable, because only two of the three axes are
For both methods you need a point of projection, equally foreshortened.
a plane of projection and the
object to be positioned between
the point and the plane. The
difference is in the distance of the
point of projection, which in the
parallel projection is very far from
the object.

Central projections
The perspective projection is
the most similar to the way the
human eye perceives the objects.
The view on the plane of the Perspective projection. Axonometric projection.
drawing is obtained by projecting
each feature of the object from
one or more points at a finite
distance. The points of view are
called vanishing points.

Parallel projections
The axonometric projection is
the drawing of the object realized
in a single view, usually the most
important one. It is also similar Dimetric projection. Trimetric projection.
2 | Mechanical drawing 31

Three examples of orthographic projection.

• The trimetric projection: the direction of outline of the object to

viewing is such that all of the three axes of space
appear unequally foreshortened. The scale along
obtain the different views.
We can have a frontal, a
to formalize:
tradurre in una serie
each of the three axes and the angles among them left, a right, a rear, a top, di regole
are determined separately as dictated by the angle a bottom view. The views rear: posteriore
of viewing. Approximations are common. are positioned relative void: vuoto

to each other according

Another form of parallel projection is ortographic to either of two schemes: first-angle or third-angle
projection. Orthographic projection was projection. These are two international standards. In
formalized by a French mathematician, Gaspard each, the appearances of views may be thought of as
Monge (1746-1818). An object is represented being projected onto planes that form a 6-sided box
in multiviews, projected one by one on the around the object.
representation plane from a point of view at an To make some parts clearer you can represent them
infinite distance. All the views of the object are using symmetric views or section views. While a
reproduced in their real or scale dimension with multiview relates to external surfaces of an object,
no deformation, using rays parallel among them section views show an imaginary plane cut through
and perpendicular to the plane of projection. These an object. This is often useful to show voids in an
rays pass through the most important points of the object.

3 z VOCABULARY Read the text and find the English equivalent of the following words.
1 prospettiva ............................................................................................. 4 rimpicciolito .........................................................................................

2 piano .......................................................................................................... 5 angolo ........................................................................................................

3 asse/assi .................................................................................................. 6 raggio .........................................................................................................

4 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What is the main difference between central and parallel projections?
2 What are vanishing points?
3 How many types of axonometric projections can we distinguish?
4 What does the isometric projection consist of?
5 What does an orthographic projection represent?
6 How many faces can you visualize with orthographic projections?

5 zzz SPEAKING Talk about the different types of projections describing their characteristics and their differ-
ences. Practice with your partner.

Warm up
1 What does the acronym CAD mean?
2 Do you think that the use of this system of drawing
is more useful than manual drafting?

What is CAD? to see if the different parts fit together. In this way
you can save money and time, because it is possible
CAD is the abbreviation for Computer Aided to correct mistakes before the final project for the
Design and it is a kind of software that helps manufacturing of the product.
designers in the creation, modification, analysis or There are different 3D CAD modelling, such as
optimization of a drawing. CAD is used to increase wire-frame modelling (a see-through view),
the productivity of the designer and the quality surface modelling (an exterior surface) and solid
of design. In fact, it allows the drafter to create a modelling (similar to reality).
database for manufacturing. This software has many applications, such as in the
As in the manual drafting of technical and automotive, shipbuilding and aerospace industries
engineering drawings, the output of CAD must as well as in the field of electronics. This technology
convey information, such as materials, processes, is used in the design of tools and machinery and in
dimensions, and tolerances, according to specific the drafting and design of all types of buildings.
conventions. However, CAD has many advantages Today, CAD systems exist for all the major
over manual drawing: it offers higher precision, it platforms (Windows, Linux, UNIX and Mac OS
enables you to visualize, rotate, mirror, dimension, X); some packages support multiple platforms.
repeat, revolve, scale and erase your drawing, saving Generally no special hardware is required for most
much time without the need of building a real CAD software. However, some CAD systems
model. require a powerful
CAD may be used to design curves and figures in
two-dimensional (2D) space, or curves, surfaces and
computer.You can
interface with a mouse,
output: produzione
solids in three-dimensional (3D) space. but some systems support
3D CAD enables the designer to create realistic sophisticated technology
device: dispositivo
models before the realization of a prototype and and interactive devices.

3 zz VOCABULARY Fill in the gaps using the words given.

resolution • assembly • image • software • design • real • bidimensional

AutoCAD is the first CAD (1) ............................................................................. developed for PC and introduced on the market in
1982 by Autodesk. It is mainly used to create above all (2) ............................................................................. designs and the product
is a vector (3) ............................................................................., which means the figures are geometric objects. This allows the
designer to scale them without losing the (4) ..............................................................................
Autodesk Inventor or Solid Works is used particularly in the sector of mechanical (5) ................................................................
It is used to create a three dimensional view of the object, to see the model in (6) ...................................................................

time and to simulate the (7) ............................................................................. of the details.

2 | Mechanical drawing 33

4 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 Is CAD a software or a hardware?
2 What does CAD allow the designer to do?
3 What are its advantages?
4 What are the differences between 2D CAD and 3D CAD?
5 What are the most important applications of CAD software?
6 Does CAD require special hardware?

5 zzz SPEAKING Describe to the class a project you have realized in your laboratory using CAD. Here are some
• The steps you followed to realize your project.
• The description of each stage (method, planning, result, cost, problems you met, modifications required…).
• The advantage of using CAD.

6 8 zzz LISTENING Listen to the script adapted from www.digitalschool.ca/cad-a-brief-history/ and com-
plete the timeline with the correct date.

1 .............................. Patrick Hanratty helped develop DAC.

2 .............................. Ivan Sutherland presented a thesis on Sketchpad.

3 .............................. Critical research period for interactive computer graphics.

4 .............................. The first CAD programs were able to create 2D drawings.

5 .............................. Early solid modelling software started to appear.

6 .............................. PC supported CAD software.

VOCABULARY didattica inclusiva

1 z Write the name of the object(s) or the person represented in the pictures.

(1) .....................................................................

and (2) ..................................................... (8) .....................................................................

(3) ..................................................................... (9) .....................................................................

(4) ..................................................................... (10) ................................................................

(5) ..................................................................... (11) ................................................................

(6) .....................................................................

and (7) ..................................................... (12) ................................................................

2 zz Find the 10 words, horizontally or vertically,

connected to technical drawing and circle them.






2 | Mechanical drawing 35

3 zz Complete with the correct definition of the type of lines.
Example: Section lines: thin lines used to show surfaces in section views.
1 ...........................................................................: a line that represents an edge that is not directly visible because it is behind
or beneath another surface.
2 ........................................................................... lines indicate the sizes and location of features on a drawing.
3 ........................................................................... lines are continuous lines to draw edges.

4 zz Complete with the correct missing word.

1 When you represent an object in 2D, it means it is shown on a ........................................................................... surface.
2 The CAD ........................................................................... consists in the program that is used to draw objects.
3 Isometric means ............................................................................
4 In lettering each letter should be of the ........................................................................... size.

5 zz Write the correct word corresponding to the given definition.

1 When you draw lines without using instruments apart from pencils and erasers you are doing a ...............................

2 Today drawings are usually made by using ........................................................................... such as AutoCAD, SolidWorks etc.
3 ........................................................................... theory is used to graphically represent 3-D objects on 2-D support (paper, com-
puter screen).
4 An ........................................................................... is a parallel projection technique in which the parallel lines of sight are
perpendicular to the projection plane.
5 ........................................................................... are a set of rules to communicate the same meaning to everyone who reads

6 zzz Look at the picture and answer the questions below.

1 Is it possible to describe the image you see accurately?

2 Explain why or why not.
3 How is the drawing represented in the picture made?
4 How can a technical drawing be made?

The imperative
L’imperativo si usa per:
• dare ordini;
• fare richieste;
• fare proposte;
• dare consigli;
• dare istruzioni e indicazioni;
• le ricette, gli avvisi e i cartelli.
Si ottiene dalla forma base del verbo e senza il soggetto.
Draw a thick line!
È usato solo con la seconda persona singolare e plurale. Il contesto aiuta a capire se ci si rivolge a un “tu” o a un “voi”.
La forma negativa si forma mettendo don’t davanti al verbo.
Don’t use a compass!
Per le forme mancanti della prima e della terza persona singolare e plurale si usa la forma esortativa let + pronome
personale complemento + forma base del verbo.

Let forma base del verbo
us (‘s)

Let him use CAD!

Let’s draw a circle.
La forma negativa si ottiene mettendo don’t davanti alla forma affermativa, tranne per la prima persona plurale, dove
è preferibile usare let’s not + forma base del verbo.
Don’t let him use CAD!
Let’s not draw a circle.

1 z Write five rules you find in your mechanical laboratory, using the imperative.
Example: Switch off the computers before going out.
1 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

4 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2 zz Transform the following sentences using the imperative form.

Example: You must follow the instructions to complete the piece.
Follow the instructions to complete the piece.
1 You must draw your project by computer, because it’s faster and less expensive.

2 If you make a mistake, you must erase it with the correction fluid.
2 | Mechanical drawing 37

3 You must use a stencil to draw letters, symbols or shapes.


4 If you need to measure or draw angles, you must use a protractor.


3 zzz Translate into English the following sentences.

1 Non usare una proiezione isometrica, perché ha il vantaggio di produrre un effetto realistico, ma non è diseg-
nata in prospettiva.
2 Gli studenti usino proiezioni ortogonali.
3 Facciamo un disegno in scala e usiamo le convenzioni standardizzate.
4 Non scrivete le misure all’interno dell’oggetto.
5 Usa una matita con mina morbida per fare uno schizzo.

4 zzz Use the following verbs to form sentences in which you give suggestions or instructions to realize an
object using CAD.
to start • to begin • to analyse • to establish • to determine • to represent • to draw • to rotate • to add

Example: Let’s start our work! Begin switching on your pc and…









5 zzz Rewrite the following sentences using the imperative.

1 Not to draw using pencils.
2 To remember to write the standardized conventions.
3 Not to smoke in this room while you are drawing.
4 To listen to the teacher’s instructions.
5 To read the following steps to make your CAD project.


1 z Write these numbers in letters.
1 9= ................................................................................................................. 4 1,679 = .........................................................................................................

2 28 = ............................................................................................................... 5 233,456 = ...................................................................................................

3 435 = ............................................................................................................ 6 4,643,211 = .................................................................................................

2 9 zz Listen to a phone call and circle the correct number you hear.
A Max & Sons at (1) 458065 / 4558065, can I help you?
B Good morning, this is Mario Rossi from Flamma & Co. Could I speak to Mr Brown, please?
A Are you looking for Mr Brown the draughtsman?
B Yes, please.
A OK, you can dial (2) 403 / 304.
C Mr Brown speaking. Can I help you?
B Good morning Mr Brown, this is Mr Rossi. We met on Monday at (3) 3:45 / 3:15 to discuss about the drawing of
our new prototype. I need (4) 4 / 3 copies of the drawing with details to allow a clear idea of the fittest mate-
rial to be used for the manufacturing on the scale of (5) 1:2 / 2:1. Furthermore the piece should be shown both
in front view and in cross-section.
C Oh yes, I remember Mr Rossi. I’ll send you the required information in (6) 13 / 14 days, but can you tell me how
long the external diameter of the central piece is?
B Of course, it’s (7) 30 / 33 mm.
C OK, thank you very much. Well, I’ll send you the copies you required as soon as possible. Bye, Mr Rossi.
B Thanks a lot. Bye, Mr Brown.

Key language
• How far is it from… to…? (distance) pollice inch 2,54 cm
• How long is / are…? (length) piede foot 30,48 cm
• How wide is / are…? (width)
iarda yard 91,44 cm
• How high / tall is / are…? (height) (tall per persone)
• How deep is / are…? (depth)
• How big is / are…? (size)
• How much do / does… weigh? (weight)
2 | Mechanical drawing 39

Key language
Signs Zero
+ plus You can say zero, nil, o, nought, love.
– minus Zero: temperatures (above / below zero), Maths,
x multiplied by Economy, Science
: divided by Nil: football score (3-0 three-nil)
= is equal to O: telephone numbers (8345067 eight-three-
≠ not equal to four-five-o-siz-seven)
± tolerance (± 5 mm) decimals - after the point (3.01 three point
() brackets o one)
[] square brackets years (1601 sixteen o one)
{} brace bus numbers (302 three o two)
____ over bank accounts, CAP, addresses (203 Oxford
< is less than Street)
> is greater than Nought: decimal – before the point (0.01 nought
Calculations point o one)
12 + 18 = 30 twelve plus / and eighteen is / equals thirty Love: tennis matches
24 - 3 = 21 twenty-four minus three is / equals Fractions
twenty-one 3/5 three/fifths (numeratore = numero cardinale;
20 x 3 = 60 twenty times / multiplied by three is / denominatore = numero ordinale, facendo
equals sixty attenzione se è plurale)
80 : 4 = 20 eighty divided by four is / equals twenty ½ one (a) half
The use of comma and full-stop ¼ one quarter
It’s the opposite of Italian language: Roots, squares and cubes
- Italian: 1,5 (uno virgola cinque) √16 the square root of sixteen
- English: 1.5 (one point five) 22 two squared
- Italian: 2.150 (duemilacentocinquanta) 33 three cubed
- English: 2,150 (two thousand, one hundred and fifty) And: 74 seven to the power of four
Unknown quantities Percentage
Hundreds of / thousands of / millions of % per cent (3% three per cent)
Areas Ratio
2 cm2 two square centrimetres 10 : 20 ten in twenty
Volumes Scale
2 cm3 two cubic centrimetres 2:1 on the scale of two one

3 zz Read and write the following numbers.

1 one point zero nine = ..................................................................... 5 two hundred thousand = .............................................................

2 one and a half = .................................................................................. 6 √36 = 6 .......................................................................................................

3 three halves = ....................................................................................... 7 50% ..............................................................................................................

4 one thousand and two = ............................................................. 8 15 + 30 = 45 ..............................................................................................

4 zz Work in pairs. Ask and answer about measurements of five objects in your class.
Example How long is this desk? It’s 60 cm long.

5 zzz Work in pairs. Conduct a survey of numbers around the school. Where else in the school can you find
numbers? What are they? What are they for? Take notes and share your data with your classmates.
WHAT DO YOU didattica inclusiva


1 Technical drawing. Complete the tables with the following words.

shape � standardized � clarifies � protractors � pencils � dividers

to represent (2) ................................................... and size

TECHNICAL (1) ....................................................................
of the objects using (3) ...................................................
DRAWING procedures and techniques

Pens and (4) ....................................................................

Compasses and (5) ....................................................................

TOOLS AND T-squares and squares
Drawing board and paper
Rulers and (6) ....................................................................

2 Lines. Complete the table with the missing words.

Thick and (1) ....................................................................

LINES Dashed and chain

Extension and (2) ....................................................................

3 Technical representations. Complete the tables with the missing words.

CENTRAL Perspective

Axonometric (1) .....................................................

Orthographic Trimetric

4 CAD. Complete the table with the missing words.

Allows you to draw objects and to do a lot of

CAD SYSTEM using computers in 2D or operations and to create
(1) .................................................................... a (2) ....................................................................
Unit 3


1 Different types of machine tools  Asking for information
2 Drilling, turning and milling machines
3 Other machine tools COMPETENCES
 Describe machine tools and their main parts
 Describe how machine tools work
 Machine tools  Work in a team
 Develop critical thinking
LANGUAGE IN ACTION  Ask for information
 Grammar: relative pronouns
 Concept map

Digital Area Exercises


Warm up against a cutting tool;

• milling machines put materials into contact
1 Have you already been to your school workshop? with a rotating cutting tool with cutting edges;
If yes, can you recognize some machine tools?
• planing machines (including shaping and
2 Have you already worked with some of them?
broaching machines) smooth materials which
move under the cutting tool;
• grinding machines (including lapping) are used
What are machine tools?
for shaping a piece by putting it into contact with
Machine tools are power-driven machines a rotating abrasive wheel that removes material;
which are used for machining materials, such as • metal forming machines (including
metals, wood and so on. The operation consists shearing, pressing and forging machines) shape
in the removal of the excess material from a workpieces by means
workpiece or in giving it the desired shape. Every of different machining
machine tool has got one or more tools and the
cutting process is the result of two movements
Some machines are
feed movement:
between the cutting tool and the material: the di avanzamento
cutting movement and the feed movement. The very big and stationary, drilling: foratura
first one occurs when the metal moves against the others are smaller boring: alesatura
tool or vice versa; the second one occurs when and can be put on a to smooth: rifinire

the tool and the metal come into contact on workbench. Many turning: tornitura
machines operate to shape: limare
different points and surfaces. This movement can be cutting tool: utensile
continuous or intermittent. combining more than
da taglio
one operation and milling: fresatura
The categories of machine tools the most modern are planing: piallatura
computer numerically broaching:
There are different kinds of machine tools and they controlled (CNC). brocciatura
are usually grouped into six categories according to Automation also plays grinding: rettifica
the operations they perform: lapping: smerigliatura
an important role,
shearing: tranciatura
• drilling and boring machines cut holes using a enabling the use of workbench: banco
rotating drill and smooth them; advanced technology in di lavoro
• turning machines shape a piece by rotating it the mechanical field.

A worker operating a machine tool. Milling machine.

3 | Machine tools 43

3 z VOCABULARY Match the words in the first column (1-6) with the ones in the second column (a-f) to obtain
other words and then translate them into Italian.
Example: 1f workpiece = pezzo da lavorare
1 work a driven ..............................................................................................

2 cutting b movement ..............................................................................................

3 power c tool ..............................................................................................

4 machine d bench ..............................................................................................

5 work e tool ..............................................................................................

6 feed f piece ..............................................................................................

4 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What are machine tools?
2 How do they operate?
3 What is the difference between the cutting and the feed movement?
4 What operations can drilling machines perform?
5 What does the acronym CNC mean?

5 zz PET READING COMPREHENSION Decide if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.
1 Machine tools are power-driven machines. n n
2 Every machine tool has got only one tool and can perform only one operation. n n
3 The workpiece never moves during the operations. n n
4 An abrasive wheel is used in grinding. n n
5 Automation plays an important role in the use of machine tools. n n

6 zz READING COMPREHENSION Read the text again and match the two parts of the sentences.
1 The operation consists a one or more tools.
2 Machine tools are grouped b shape workpieces.
3 Every machine tool has got c in the removal of the excess material.
4 Metal forming machines d into different categories.

Mechanical technician operating on a CNC milling cutter machine.


Warm up
1 Do you think safety rules are important when you
work with a machine tool?
2 What are the rules to be respected in your workshop
at school?

Working on a machine tool

Before learning about the most important machine
tools and the tasks they perform, it is essential
to keep in mind some general requirements
concerning both safety and operation, to prevent
accidents and use them in the proper way. Factory worker operating a drilling machine.
With regard to the first aspect, you must always
respect the safety rules and pay attention to the and fed into the workpiece, which remains still, at
signs and warnings (see Unit 13). different speeds. Other operations are possible as
For proper operation, you must know the machine well: countersinking (forming a depression around
you are working on, choose the appropriate cutting the rim of a hole), boring (enlarging an existing
tool, check the position and movement of the hole), reaming (enlarging and smoothing holes)
workpiece and of the tool, to provide the correct and threading (cutting threads in a hole).
speed and feed. There are different types of drilling machines: for
example, the radial drilling machine, which is
Drilling machines generally used for large works and whose parts are

The drilling machine, which produces holes in

metals, is one of the most used machine tools. The
simplest models have got a base on which a column
is positioned. On it there is a table where we find
a vice or clamps. The motor is contained in the
head and it turns the spindle, which carries a drill
chuck to hold the drill (the cutting tool). The most
complex drilling machines have many spindles.
They remove material from the metal with a
rotating tool to produce a hole. The drill is rotated

vice (or vise): morsa
clamp: morsa, morsetto
spindle: mandrino reaming: alesatura
drill chuck: portapunta threading: filettatura
A drilling machine.
3 | Machine tools 45

mounted on a saddle. The drilling head is mounted The bench drill can be mounted on a workbench,
on an arm which can rotate around a vertical where there is a base, a column, a table, a spindle
column. and a drill head driven by a motor.

3 z VOCABULARY Look at the picture of a radial drill and, with the help of the glos-
sary and/or of a dictionary, translate into English the Italian words. GLOSSARY
saddle: carrello, slitta
bench drill: trapano da

4 zz READING COMPREHENSION Fill in the gaps using the correct word of the definition given.
1 ....................................................................................: the creation of a hole in a material.
2 ....................................................................................: a chuck for holding a cutting tool on a spindle.
3 ....................................................................................: a tool that holds the workpiece between two jaws.
4 ....................................................................................: the operation of smoothing an existing hole.

Turning machines
Central lathes or turning machines shape a piece
of metal held in a chucking device by rotating it
against the cutting tool.
The tool is fed in two directions and a fluid can be
used to provide lubrification and cooling.
A lathe consists of a headstock, generally put on
an end of a bed; a spindle; and a carriage which
supports the cutting tool and is composed of
a saddle, an apron and a tool post. The saddle
moves along the ways, the apron controls the
feed mechanism and the tool post is a part of the
machine on which the cutting tool is clamped. On A lathe.
the other end of the bed there is a tailstock.
If a workpiece is placed between the headstock and
the tailstock, it is said to be “between centres”,
while if it is fixed to the spindle it is called “face central lathe: tornio
apron: grembiale

tool post: portautensile

work”. Finally if the piece is positioned with an
headstock: testa motrice way: guida
axis of rotation, worked and then placed again in bed: base tailstock: contropunta
position with another axis of rotation, we have an carriage: carrello camshaft: albero a camme
“eccentric turning”. This is used for camshafts.
46 3 | Machine tools

Central lathes can also have a “dead centre”, a

non-rotating cone of metal in the tailstock, and a
“live centre” which rotates on bearings.
CAM: Computer Aided
Lathes can have different sizes and more than one
tool, and in this case we distinguish:
• bench lathes, that are put on a table or bench;
• vertical lathes, that have a vertical axis;
• turret lathes, that are used for repetitive
production of duplicate parts;
• multispindle lathes, that can have many spindles
which work simultaneously;
• CNC lathes, that use carbide tools and processes
such as CAM. CNC turning.

5 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the questions and then link your answers to build a summary of the
1 How do central lathes work?
2 How many directions is the tool fed in?
3 Why is a fluid used when the machine is fed?
4 What parts does a lathe consist of?
5 What do we use “eccentric turning” for?
6 What are the most important types of lathes?

6 zz VOCABULARY Find out as many parts of the machine as you can and write their names.
3 | Machine tools 47

Milling machines
Milling machines are used to produce parts having
simple shapes like slots or flat surfaces, as well as
more complex forms.
In the milling process the workpiece comes into
contact with a rotating cutting tool with many
cutting edges.
The workpiece is held in a vice and is positioned
on a movable table. The motor-driven spindle
mounts and rotates the milling cutter. It’s very
important to consider the rotation speed, the
cutting depth and the cutting speed. Hand milling machine.
Milling machines can be basically horizontal or
vertical, according to the position of the cutter
relative to the spindle, and they are very versatile.
According to their characteristics we can distinguish:
• the knee-type machine, which can be both
horizontal and vertical, and is composed of a
worktable, a saddle, a knee, an overarm and a head;
• the universal type machine, where the rotated
cutter can be oriented both vertically and
horizontally and the
table can be moved
so that complex
operations can be
slot: scanalatura
knee-type: a mensola
performed. Milling machine.

7 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What does a milling machine do?
2 Where is the workpiece held?
3 What are the most important elements to consider in a milling operation?
4 How do milling machines differ from one another?
5 Which are the most common types of milling machines?

8 zzz READING COMPREHENSION Complete the table.

The operation it performs How it works Its main parts

Drilling machine ..................................................................... ..................................................................... .....................................................................

..................................................................... ..................................................................... .....................................................................

..................................................................... ..................................................................... .....................................................................

Turning machine ..................................................................... ..................................................................... .....................................................................

..................................................................... ..................................................................... .....................................................................

..................................................................... ..................................................................... .....................................................................

Milling machine ..................................................................... ..................................................................... .....................................................................

..................................................................... ..................................................................... .....................................................................

..................................................................... ..................................................................... .....................................................................


Warm up 4 ................................................................................................................................

are used to remove chips from the surface of a

1 Do you know other machine tools? If yes, what are workpiece by means of a broach.
2 Do you know how they work?

are used to make cylindrical internal surfaces and

consist of a bed, a boring saddle, a headstock, a
3 zz CRITICAL THINKING AND READING COMPRE- hydraulic device which keeps pressure constant
HENSION Read the description of other machine against the piece to be worked.
tools and try to understand what the machines 6 ................................................................................................................................
described are.
are used to remove material from the workpiece,
band saws • grinders • lapping machines • planers •
putting it against an abrasive wheel, which is
broaching machines • boring machines •
metal forming machines • shapers
linked to an electrical motor.
7 ................................................................................................................................
1 ................................................................................................................................ are used to shear, to form, to forge and other
are used to finish large plane surfaces; the operations. Presses, shears and forging machines
workpiece is held on a movable table which are all metal forging machines. For example,
slides in a reciprocating way under a cutting shears cut sheets of metal which are put on a flat
tool. surface using a sharp blade.
2 ................................................................................................................................ 8 ................................................................................................................................
are similar to planers and are used to smooth are used to work many different materials and
plane surfaces. The workpiece is held in a device they consist of a metal toothed blade which
attached on a table that is driven towards a moves on two wheels. It is necessary to use a
cutting tool which has a cutting edge on the end coolant to protect

of a reciprocating ram.
the blade and to use
a brush-wheel to
reciprocating: che
si muove avanti e
are used to finish surfaces, generally hard steel, remove the material indietro
cast iron, connecting rods, etc. from the blade. ram: pistone
connecting rod: biella
chip: frammento
broach: broccia
sharp: affilata

Band saw.
3 | Machine tools 49

4 z VOCABULARY Translate the following words into English.

1 lisciare ....................................................................................................... 4 lastre di metallo .................................................................................

2 bordo tagliente ................................................................................... 5 lama dentata ........................................................................................

3 testa motrice ........................................................................................ 6 liquido refrigerante .........................................................................

5 zz CRITICAL THINKING When working on machine tools it’s essential to be accurate and for this reason it’s
important to be capable of reading a drawing properly.
a What else do you need? Motivate your answer. The picture is a clue!
b Give a short description of the instruments in the picture below using Internet and write a paragraph in
your exercise book.




X let's watch SURF THE NET!

6 zzz PET SPEAKING The class is divided into groups. Extension

Each group is assigned a machine tool by the teach- • Choose a machine tool and look for it in a se-
er. Every group has to present to the class a descrip- arch engine adding the word “quizlet”. Example:
tion of the assigned machine tool: its main compo- lathe quizlet. You’ll find flashcards, exercises and
nent, processes, how it works. The groups can use quizzes to revise and study.
extra material to prepare their speaking activity.

A steelwork piece clamped in a lathe chuck CNC machine. Metal grinding.

VOCABULARY didattica inclusiva

1 z Write under each picture the corresponding operation.
drilling y grinding y sawing y turning y planing y milling

1 ................................................................................................................................ 4 ...............................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................... 5 ...............................................................................................................................

3 ............................................................................................................................... 6 ...............................................................................................................................

2 zz Choose the correct alternative.

1 A workbench / vice is a tool that consists of two jaws for holding the piece to be worked.
2 Boring is the processes of enlarging / drilling holes.
3 A bench drill is a fixed / movable drill.
4 To broach means to cut / to remove chips.
5 In shapers, the working movement takes place in the tool / workpiece.
3 | Machine tools 51

3 zz Complete the table with the missing words.
Verb Noun Verb Noun
to shape shaper operation

cutter to plane

press to rotate

to drill to lathe

thread broach

to grind shear

removal coolant

4 zz Write the word corresponding to the definition.

1 A device for holding a workpiece in a lathe or a tool in a drill. .................................................................................
2 Smoothing a surface of a metal. .................................................................................
3 Enlarging an existing hole. .................................................................................
4 Removing material from a workpiece. .................................................................................
5 A part of the lathe that rotates. .................................................................................
6 Working flat surfaces feeding the workpiece against a rotating tool with cutting edges. ...................................................

5 zzz Explain the meaning of the following words.

1 drill A tool with a rotating cutting tip used for making holes.
2 ram .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3 tailstock .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

4 jaw .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5 apron ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6 slot .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6 zzz FCE Fill in the text with the correct form of the word at the end of the line.

A machine tool exhibition

Organizing a machine tool (1) exhibition can be very difficult. Some EXHIBIT
companies find the (2) ............................................................... very stressful. ARRANGE
If this is the case, it would be better to ask an agency to provide all
the necessary (3) ............................................................... for preparing the event. SUPPORT
For example, (4) ............................................................... a large stand, in which you BOOK
can show the operations your machine can perform, is fundamental.
Then you have to create good (5) ................................................................. to help ADVERTISE
(6) ................................................................. find the most useful information. VISIT
Furthermore, it’s important to send a good team of workers who
represent the company. The (7) ............................................................... of some KNOW
foreign languages is an essential (8) ................................................................ REQUIRE

Relative pronouns
I pronomi relativi si usano per aggiungere informazioni alla frase principale e sono detti defining quando forniscono
informazioni fondamentali, e non-defining quando l’informazione aggiunta non è essenziale. Questi ultimi sono posti
tra due virgole, in un inciso all’interno della frase principale.
The lathe which/that is in the laboratory is new. (defining)
The milling machine, which is old, doesn’t work properly. (non-defining)

Defining Persone Cose

Soggetto who/that which/that
Oggetto whom*/who**/that** which**/that**
Possesso whose whose

N.B. * Whom è formale e può essere preceduto da preposizione.

** Si possono omettere e se c’è una preposizione, quest’ultima va dopo il verbo. Esempio: This is the drilling machine
(which) he was looking for.

The operator who/that is programming the machine is English.

The drilling machine is a machine tool which/that makes holes.
The engineer to whom I’ve just spoken works in that office. / The man (who) I spoke to works in that office.
The person (that) you met yesterday is responsible for the sales.
The company (which) he works for produces bearings.
The drill (that) you are using is broken.
Did you see the mechanic whose son works for Rossi & Co.?
Do you know how to use the machine whose arm is out of order?

Non-Defining Persone Cose

Soggetto who which
Oggetto whom/who which
Possesso whose whose

John, who likes programming, works from 9:00 to 5:00.

The package, which is on my desk, hasn’t been sent yet.
The operator, who/whom you came with this morning, is my brother.
The drill, which I told you about, has just been changed.
Mr Brown, whose son got married two days ago, isn’t at work.
The milling machine, whose cutting tools aren’t blocked, is over there.

Attenzione a questi pronomi relativi:

• what = ciò che è usato come soggetto e come complemento (What you think is interesting. / He told me what they said
at the meeting.)
• which = la qual cosa, il che si riferisce alla frase che lo precede, separato da una virgola (Tom works well, which makes
me happy.)
• when = in cui in espressioni di tempo (August is the month when we go on holiday.)
• where = in cui in espressioni di luogo (The office where I work is in Milan.)
• why = il motivo per cui (That’s why he bought a new lathe.)
• how = come, il modo in cui (Please, explain to me how it works.)
3 | Machine tools 53

1 z Choose the correct alternative.

1 That is the machine tool that/who I was looking for.
2 Did you understand that/what I said?
3 The visitors who/which came to the exhibition in Milan are from Japan.
4 Do you know the office where/that I work?
5 He is the worker which/whose sons are unemployed.

2 zz Insert the correct relative pronoun and put it in brackets if it can be omitted.
1 Can you see the lathe ................................... saddle is out of order?
2 Did you use the drill ................................... I bought yesterday?
3 Mr Johnson, ................................... I work for, is the general manager.
4 The secretary, ................................... desk is in my office, is ill.
5 This is the company ................................... I worked some years ago.
6 This is ................................... I bought a new milling machine.

3 zzz Link the sentences using a relative pronoun.

Example: This is Michael. He is the new engineer. This is Michael who is the new engineer.
1 Mr Brown is my boss. Mr Brown lives abroad.
2 Marco is a CNC operator. You know Marco very well.
3 Luke works on a lathe. It is always out of order.
4 Mr White is repairing the drilling machine. You broke it yesterday.
5 John is working on the machine. Its tools have just been installed.

4 zzz Translate the following sentences.

1 L’alesatura è una lavorazione alla macchina in cui un foro esistente viene allargato.
2 Il tornio è una macchina utensile che può essere programmata.
3 Sono stato a visitare la BIMU, una fiera delle macchine utensili, che si tiene ogni due anni a Milano.
4 Ti ho raccontato della conferenza alla quale ho preso parte il mese scorso?
5 Le lavorazioni che i meccanici hanno eseguito sono di ottima qualità.


1 z Read the e-mail and answer the questions.
1 Who is the sender?
2 Who is the receiver?
3 What is the subject?
4 What is the English for these words: chiocciola (@), punto, oggetto, allegato?

To: Brown_56@gmail.com
Subject: request for information concerning a lathe
From: Johnson65@yahoo.com
Attachments: ===

Dear Mr Brown,

I visited your stand at the Helsinki Exhibition yesterday and I saw the presenta-
tion of the new CNC lathe 530P. I wasn’t able to speak to any of your representa-
tives, but I’m really interested in buying the lathe, because from what I could see,
I think it would satisfy the requests of our customers.
I would therefore be very grateful if you could send me your catalogue and all the
details of your supply terms, delivery and costs.
I look forward to hearing from you soon and I hope we can do business together.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Johnson
Sales Manager

2 zz Read the e-mail again and answer these questions.

1 Where was the exhibition held? 3 What is he asking for in his e-mail?
2 What is Mr Johnson interested in? 4 Why does he want to buy a new lathe?

3 zz Translate the following expressions.

1 Sono interessato ad acquistare…
2 Vi sarei quindi molto grato se poteste inviarmi il Vos-
tro catalogo.
3 Resto in attesa di un vostro riscontro.
4 Distinti saluti.

4 zzz Write an e-mail to Mrs Lane asking for some infor-

mation about a drilling machine you are interested in.
Ask for the operations it performs, how it works, the
material its bed is made of, the spindle speed, where it
is made, the cost and the delivery terms.
3 | Machine tools 55

Key language
• Dear Sir, Dear Madam, Dear Sirs (quando non si • Could you possibly send… ?
conosce il nome), Dear Mr…, Ms…, Dr… (quando si • May I have some information concerning the… ?
conosce il nome) • I wonder if you could tell me / explain / provide
information on…
WHY YOU ARE WRITING THE E-MAIL • I would be grateful if you could…
(basic information about you and your company, why • Would it be possible for you… ?
you are interested in the product / service) • I would appreciate some information about… / if you
• I’m writing to ask for details of your… could send us more detailed information about…
• I’m writing to you in order to have some • Would you please send me… ?
information about… • I would be glad if…
• I recently visited your stand at… and I’m very • Could you send us your current price list for… / your
interested in… catalogue concerning… ?
• I recently read an article in… about… and I’m • We would like to know…
writing to request further information.
• We are interested in your…
• Thanking you in advance…
• We are looking for…
• I look forward to hearing from you soon.
• I’m the Sales Manager of… • Sincerely (formale e internazionale, preferito negli USA)
• I represent the… a small / big… company • Yours faithfully (formale, quando non si conosce il nome
specializing in… del destinatario)
• As leading suppliers of… in… we are constantly • Yours sincerely (formale, quando si conosce il nome del
looking for new and innovative products to satisfy destinatario)
the requests of our customers. • Best regards (informale, usato nelle e-mail)

5 zzz Role-play. Student A is a representative at the

Info Point of an exhibition of machine tools in Ger-
many. Student B is a visitor who wants to buy a
milling machine. Practice the conversation follow-
ing the hints and then exchange roles.

Student A Student B

Greets, offers help. Greets, introduces himself and explains why he is

visiting the fair.

Shows a CNC lathe and explains the general Asks for the operations performed.
features of the machine.

Describe the operations. Asks how it works.

Explains how it works. Asks for its dimensions, the spindle speed, its
costs and the delivery terms.

Says the dimensions, the spindle speed, the costs Asks for contacts (e-mail, telephone number) and
and the delivery terms. advertising material.

Gives a business card and some leaflets. Thanks and greets.

WHAT DO YOU didattica inclusiva


1 Machine tools. Complete the tables with the following words.

shape � forming � power-driven � milling � material � working

used for (2) .................................................................... metal,

(1) ....................................................................
MACHINE TOOLS wood and so on, removing the excess
(3) .................................................................... from a piece or
giving the desired (4) ..............................................................


Drilling Turning Grinding Planing (5) ..................................... Metal (6) .....................................

2 Drilling, turning and milling machines. Complete the tables with the missing words.

DRILLING Making (1) ....................................................................

TURNING Shaping metals

MILLING (2) .................................................................... metals

3 Other machine tools. Complete the tables with the names of machine tools or with the
operations these machines perform.

Planers work large plane surface

Shapers smooth plane surface

(1) ................................................................... machines finish surface

Broaching machines remove chips

TOOLS remove material with a rotating
(2) ....................................................................
and abrasive wheel

Boring machines (3) ......................................................................................

(4) .................................................................... cut metals with a blade

Metal (5) ............................................ machines (6) ......................................., form and forge



1 Metallurgy and steelmaking  Requesting information about courses
2 The basic methods of metalworking
3 Forging, rolling and extrusion COMPETENCES
4 Welding, soldering and brazing
 Describe the principal metalworking processes
 Work in a team
 Develop critical thinking
 Metalworking processes  Request information about courses


 Grammar: passive forms  Concept map

Digital Area Exercises Listening exercises Video


Warm up
1 Do you think that pure metals are generally found pig iron: ghisa grezza
to smelt: fondere
ladle: secchione di colata
hearth: camino
in nature?
blast furnace: altoforno slag: scoria
2 Do you remember the characteristics of iron?

What is metallurgy? some carbon or other alloying elements to obtain a

harder metal and according to the elements we add,
Pure metals are obtained with metallurgy. we obtain different kinds of steel such as:
Metallurgy is the branch of science and technology • carbon steel, mainly used for ships, containers
concerned with the properties of metals, their and machinery;
production and purification, that allows metals to • low-alloy steels, for particular uses, such as parts
be extracted from their ores. Most of the metals that are highly stressed in planes or machines;
and alloys you studied in the previous chapter, such
• high-alloy steel (for example stainless steel),
as tin, zinc, lead, copper, aluminium, are employed
which needs to be resistant to corrosion and
in industry. As we have seen, we don’t use metals in
their pure form and for this reason they undergo
some processes that are necessary to transform the To obtain steel, it is necessary to have pig iron,
raw materials into the finished products we use. a liquid obtained from iron after smelting it in a
Therefore, it is helpful to know some methods blast furnace. Pig iron is impure and brittle, so it is
employed to transform metals. transformed into steel removing the impure parts
and adding alloying elements. It is moved to the
steelmaking furnace by means of ladles. Then the
material is poured into an open-top ladle that is
Steel is one of the cheapest and strongest metals. used to move the metal to the furnace.
Furthermore, it is recyclable, and it is used for many The most important kinds of furnaces are:
objects in our everyday life. It is composed of iron • open-hearth furnaces, which consist of a
but, as we already know, iron is soft and not easily hearth containing the metal and the slag; heat
machinable. For this reason, it is necessary to add comes from a flame which burns over the slag;

Liquid steel in tanks. Pouring of liquid metal into an open hearth in a heavy industry
4 | Metalworking processes 59

• electric arc furnaces, in which scrap steel is

used to create new metal and heat is given by arcs
situated between electrodes and the metal bath;
scrap: frammento, scarto
vessel: recipiente, vaso
• basic oxygen converters, formed by a vessel in
which oxygen is introduced to provide heat for
the process.

X let's watch SURF THE NET!

Bessemer converter
• Watch the video and answer the questions (www.
1 What is a Bessemer converter used for?
2 What does it look like?
3 How high is it?
4 What is it made of?
5 Can it be rotated? If yes, why?
6 Explain briefly the working process of the
Working electric arc furnace.

3 z VOCABULARY Translate the following words into Italian.

1 ores ......................................................................................................... 4 raw materials ............................................................................................

2 tin ............................................................................................................ 5 stainless steel ............................................................................................

3 lead ......................................................................................................... 6 brittle ...............................................................................................................

4 zz READING COMPREHENSION Put the following steps in the correct order.

Pig iron is poured into the furnace using ladles.
The liquid is poured into an open-top ladle and transported to the furnace.
Pig iron is transformed into steel.
Iron is smelted in a blast furnace.

5 10 zzz LISTENING Listen to some information

about Henry Bessemer and fill in the gaps.

Henry Bessemer was an English (1) ........................................

born in 1813 who became famous for developing
the process of manufacturing (2) ............................................

This innovation was of great importance because

it resulted in the use of (3) ........................................... in
heavy industry on a large scale. The process started
from the necessity of producing (4) ....................................

His technique consisted in removing the impurities

from (5) ............................................... by forcing air through
the (6) ................................................... iron. This method has now been replaced by the Basic Oxygen process that can
be considered a development of the Bessemer converter. In his method air was blown into the base of the
(7) ..........................................., while in the Basic Oxygen process, oxygen is introduced through a lance into the vessel.
Moreover, this newer technique can charge greater quantities of metal and in a faster way.

Warm up New methods of metalworking

1 What do these pictures represent? Since ancient times man has always worked metals
giving them shapes according to the tools and the
skills he owned. However, it was only with the
great developments that came during the Industrial
Revolution that big foundries gave a new impulse
to metalworking processes, like casting, extrusion,
forging and powder metallurgy.

What is a mould?
In foundries, metals are melted and poured into
moulds to give a shape to the workpiece.
A mould is a hollow container, where a liquid is
poured and after some treatments it hardens and
2 Have you ever thought about the complexity and
the beauty of metals and their working? Discuss takes the shape of the container. There are various
and find other examples. types of moulds; they can be made of sand, clay or
other materials. A pattern is a wood, plastic or metal
replica of the object to be made: it is embedded into
the mould so as to form cavity. Then this pattern is
removed from the mould and the liquid is poured.
A mould is usually composed of two parts joined
together by pins. Furthermore it must be strong
to resist the pressure and the fusion of the metal,
as well as permeable to let air and gases exit to
prevent the formation of holes.

It is a method that consists in pouring a molten
metal into a mould where it solidifies and takes its
A foundry.
form. Some of the techniques are the following.
• Sand casting: is the oldest technique and is
based on moulding, melting and casting. It uses

foundry: fonderia
casting: fusione
mould: stampo
hollow: vuoto
forging: forgiatura pin: perno
powder metallurgy: sand casting: fusione
metallurgia delle a terra
polveri moulding: forgiatura
Plastic moulds.
4 | Metalworking processes 61

Upper front side of sand casting core of compressor.

continuous casting/
strand casting: colata
restringimento continua
core: nucleo, anima tundish: banco di lavoro
die casting: nozzle: ugello
pressofusione coil: bobina

a pattern in order to form a mould with the balance costs, strength and corrosion resistance.
desired shape. It can be made of plastic, wood or The final product is accurate.
metal and it is larger than the finished product, • Continuous casting or strand casting: a
to balance the shrinkage that occurs when the technique used in the steel industry to form long
metal cools and solidifies. Sand is packed around bars to be cut and shaped. The metal is molten in
the pattern, that is removed leaving an empty the furnace and is cast in long, continuous bars
mould. Then the mould is filled with molten or strands. Then it is poured from the ladle into
metal, that solidifies into the shape of the sand a tundish and through a nozzle into a water-
mould. If a hole is needed, it’s possible to insert cooled mould. The metal bar is sprayed with cold
a core to produce a cavity. The moulds are not water to make it harden. The bar is then cut using
recyclable, the process is cheap, but the product is a saw or an oxygen torch. Finally the bars are
not so accurate and it’s quite porous. treated and are rolled into coils. The advantages
• Die casting: a technique that employs reusable of this technique are that it permits to cast a
moulds of graphite or metal, using pressure to great variety of shapes, also in single pieces; large
pour the molten metal into the mould (die). This and heavy objects, and to cast metals that can’t
technique is chosen in mass production and with be shaped in other ways because they can’t be
aluminium, zinc and copper alloys, because they overheated due to their properties.

3 z VOCABULARY Find synonyms of these words.

1 hollow ................................................................................................... 5 core ...................................................................................................................

2 hardened ............................................................................................. 6 recyclable ......................................................................................................

3 shape ..................................................................................................... 7 bar ......................................................................................................................

4 pattern ................................................................................................. 8 due to ..............................................................................................................

4 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What is a mould and what is it made of? 3 What is casting?
2 What is a mould composed of and what are its 4 What is die casting?
characteristics? 5 What is continuous casting used for?

Warm up kitchenware, hand tools,

1 Read these lines from the poem “The Tyger” (1794)

weapons and jewellery.
After the Industrial
hammer: martello
anvil: incudine
written by William Blake (1757-1827). Look for the
images in the second stanza. Are they linked with
Revolution, the forging blacksmith: fabbro
the mechanical topic you are studying? Discuss as a process required high to stick: attaccarsi
class. strength, so presses rolling: laminazione
Tyger! Tyger! Burning bright or hammers powered to squeeze: schiacciare,
In the forests of the night: by compressed air,
What immortal hand or eye electricity, hydraulics or
Could frame thy fearful symmetry? steam started to be adopted. The use of a lubricant

is essential to prevent sticking and to reduce die
What the hammer? What the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
wear. This process is used for mass production of
What the anvil? What dread grasp metal parts and when mechanical properties such
Dare its deadly terrors clasp? as strength, ductility and toughness should be
…. improved.

What is rolling?
In rolling the material passes through rollers and
What is forging? it can be flat or profile. The first one produces a
sheet or a plate, the second a rod or a bar. Even this
Forging consists of shaping metals by applying process can be cold or hot.
a compressive force (plastic deformation) which
can be cold or hot, respectively at low and high What is extrusion?
temperatures. The first one is employed for plastics
and soft metals, the second one for iron and ferrous Long straight metal parts are produced squeezing
alloys. In the past, for cold forging a hammer was metals, ceramics or polymers in a die using a
used on an anvil. The operator was a blacksmith mechanical or hydraulic press. Extrusion can be
and the most common objects he forged were cold, for materials that withstand stress (lead, tin,

Anvil and hammer. Hot steel rolls.

4 | Metalworking processes 63

aluminium alloys, copper and steel). On the one A machine that uses
hand this process has got many advantages, because extrusion technology.

it doesn’t produce any oxidation and the final

product has a good finishing. Furthermore, it is
not very expensive. On the other hand, it is less
accurate than the machining process and if the
speed is too high some breaks can occur.
Hot extrusion is mainly used for aircraft or
automotive components. The forces produced by
extrusion are compressive and shear.

2 z VOCABULARY Find the correct words for these definitions.

1 The application of power or pressure against an object that causes it to deform. ....................................................................

2 The capacity of a material to withstand great force or pressure. .............................................................................................................

3 A revolving cylinder over or on which something is used to press, shape, spread or smooth something. .............

4 Firmly press something in order to change its shape. ......................................................................................................................................

5 An outline seen or represented in sharp relief. ........................................................................................................................................................

3 zz PET READING COMPREHENSION Decide if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.
1 Cold forging is used for iron. n n
2 The use of a lubricant often produces sticking. n n
3 In rolling, metals pass through flat surfaces. n n
4 If materials withstand stress, hot extrusion is the best method of working them. n n
5 Extrusion can only be cold. n n

4 11 zz LISTENING Listen to an engineer talking about some processes of metalworking. Complete using
the given words.
die • clamped • forming • lengths • load • molten • wires • empty • sheets • forcing

Well, let’s examine other metalworking processes. Today we are talking about drawing, which consists in
the production of (1) ............................................., bars or tubes by reducing their diameter and increasing their
length. In the past, drawing was used to manufacture flexible wires, threading the material using decreasing
(2) ..................................... sizes. At present it is used with (3) ..................................... glass to produce high quality optical fibres.
Another forming process is called deep drawing and it is used for producing round or (4) .............................. forms,
such as bathtubs or car bumpers.
Two more methods are very common: shearing and (5) ........................................ Shearing transforms a roll of steel or
aluminium (6) ....................................... into shapes to be worked. Forming consists in giving a shape to thin sheets
of metal by applying pressure. A lot of objects are produced thanks to forming, such as kitchenware, cans, car
bodies, plane panels. This process is carried out with the use of a punch that pushes the metal into a die. Its
advantages are lightness and versatility.
We are now going to describe briefly spinning, stretch forming and roll forming. In spinning the blank is
(7) .................................................................... against a block and rotated fast. Meanwhile it is shaped and finished using
tools that apply (8) ....................................... on it. In stretch forming, tensile force is applied to heated sheets wrapped
around a die and supporting a (9) ....................................... till they reach the desired shape. Roll forming is used for
bending continuous (10) ....................................... of metal sheets by passing them through a series of rollers.

Warm up • Arc welding, which is used for steel and in

which an electric arc produces heat to melt
1 Look at this picture. What kind of tools are shown the metal and form a weld. This process is fast,
in it and what do you think they are used for?
because of the high temperature employed.
• Atomic hydrogen flame welding, in which
hydrogen molecules pass through an electric arc
and are broken into atoms of hydrogen. When
the atoms come out of the arc, they again form
molecules and supply heat to weld the metal.
• Laser welding sends a beam that hits the metal
and heats it rapidly. This process is advantageous
2 And now look at the picture below. It’s a joint. Do because it is versatile and doesn’t need finishing,
you know which process is used to obtain it?
resulting in lower costs.

What is soldering?
Soldering is similar
to welding, but the
filler metal has a
low melting point.
For this reason,
soldering is used
What is welding? to link electrical
Welding consists in joining parts permanently by and electronic parts
applying pressure or heat to the pieces of metal or together in such a way
plastic. It is used for constructions and machinery that heat doesn’t create any
due to its efficiency. It is affordable and quite fast. problem. It can be employed if strength is not an
An old method was forge welding or forging, essential element. The molten solder makes the
in which pressure was employed. Most modern heat pass from a tool called soldering iron to the
processes use automated welding, thanks to robots. joint, which quickly reaches the temperature of
Nowadays the most common types of welding the solder. In order to choose soldering, the two
are obtained by applying heat and they are the parts of the joint should have the same temperature,
• Gas welding, which
takes heat from a
gas flame put on
the edges of the
to join: unire, saldare
forge welding: saldatura
weld: saldatura

atomic hydrogen flame

a fuoco welding: saldatura
metal and on all’idrogeno atomico
gas welding: saldatura
the wires. These a gas laser welding: saldatura
contain the filler filler: filler laser
metal which joint: giunto beam: raggio
is melted to the arc welding: saldatura soldering: brasatura
ad arco solder: lega per saldatura
4 | Metalworking processes 65

the amount of solder should be the same

both on the iron and on the joint and,
eventually, the surface to be joined
brazing: brasatura
flux: rivestimento protettivo
must be cleaned, as solder doesn’t
stick on dirty pieces.

What is brazing? prevent oxidation during heating.

Among the advantages of brazing
Brazing is not very different is the ductility of the joints. Besides,
from soldering, but in this process the metal is not fully melted and in
temperature is higher and the joint this way it keeps its basic properties
produced is stronger, also because alloys and doesn’t need to have the same melting
are used as filler metals. A flux is employed to point. Moreover, it has a good finishing.

3 z VOCABULARY Read the text and find the English equivalent of the following words.
1 calore ..................................................................................................... 4 finitura ............................................................................................................

2 fiamma ................................................................................................. 5 punta ...............................................................................................................

3 fondere ................................................................................................. 6 attaccarsi, incollarsi .............................................................................

4 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the fol-

lowing questions.
X let's watch SURF THE NET!

1 What does welding consist in? Powdered metal process and sintering
2 Why is it used in heavy industry? • Watch the video www.youtube.com/watch?v=az
3 What is the main difference between soldering Gg68B-Glk and answer the following questions.
and brazing? 1 What is the powdered metal process?
4 What are the requirements of soldering? 2 What does it provide?
5 Does brazing need high temperatures? 3 What are its advantages?
4 What is sintering?
5 zz WRITING Complete the table, then write a par-
agraph (about 80 words) in your notebook describ-
ing the three processes and their advantages.

Description of the process Its advantages

Welding ............................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................

............................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................

............................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................

............................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................

Soldering ............................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................

............................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................

............................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................

............................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................

Brazing ............................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................

............................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................

............................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................

............................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................
VOCABULARY didattica inclusiva

1 z Write under each picture what the operator is doing. Use the verbs below.
to forge y to pour metal powder y to solder y to weld y to cast metal y to make steel

1 ................................................................................................................................ 2 ...............................................................................................................................

3 ............................................................................................................................... 4 ...............................................................................................................................

5 ............................................................................................................................... 6 ...............................................................................................................................

2 zz Choose the correct alternative.

1 Steel is one of the cheapest / most expensive metals.
2 Pig iron is pure / impure and brittle.
3 In foundries, metals are melted / melt.
4 A mould can be made of plastic, wood or metal and is larger / smaller than the finished
product to balance the shrinkage / enlargement when the metal cools and solidifies.
5 The metal is poured from the ladle / tundish into a ladle / tundish.
4 | Metalworking processes 67

3 zz Complete the table with the past participle or with the base form of the verbs given.

Verb Past participle Verb Past participle

to shape shaped to wrap

poured cooled

to melt to apply

to mould to harden

to solder brazed

to heat to weld

joined to cast

4 zz Write the word corresponding to the definition.

1 A hollow container with a particular shape into which soft or liquid substances are poured, so that when they
become hard they take the shape of the container. ...............................................................

2 A type of iron that is not pure. ...............................................................

3 To form something by forcing or pushing it out, especially through a small opening. ...........................................................
4 The centre or most important part of something. ...............................................................
5 A substance that is injected. ...............................................................
6 A substance added to a metal to make it easier to solder to another metal. ...............................................................

5 zzz Explain the meaning of the following words.

Example: Plant: a place where an industrial or manufacturing process takes place.
1 foundry ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2 die ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3 weld ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

4 to squeeze ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5 to solder .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6 zzz FCE Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning. Use the given prompts in brackets.
1 The machine almost stopped when it reached the temperature.
The machine ............................................................................ when it reached the temperature. (hardly)
2 Despite having several broken moulds, the operator was able to complete the casting.
The operator was able to complete the casting ............................................................................ several broken moulds. (though)
3 That casting machine was too expensive for our company to buy.
We would have bought that casting machine ............................................................................ so expensive. (not)
4 “Don’t do that again, or you’ll be in trouble!” said the manager.
The operator ............................................................................ do that again. (warned)
5 I can’t believe this is the best metalworking process in the world!
There must be better ............................................................................ one in the world. (metalworking processes)
6 I haven’t soldered for at least five years.
The last time ............................................................................ at least five years ago. (worked on soldering)
7 Learning how to operate with a Bessemer converter is a waste of time, because it is not widely used.
There’s ............................................................................ because it is not widely used. (point)
I eat an apple!
An apple is eaten by me!
Passive forms
La forma passiva dei verbi si usa per descrivere processi scientifici e
tecnici, nelle forme impersonali, come nei regolamenti e, in generale,
quando siamo più interessati all’azione che al soggetto che l’ha com-
piuta, per esempio nelle notizie di cronaca.
N.B. La forma passiva si può usare solo con i verbi transitivi.
This workpiece has been cut the wrong way.
Workers without safety glasses aren’t allowed to enter.
A baby has been kidnapped.

In inglese si forma in questo modo:

• il complemento oggetto della frase attiva diventa il soggetto della passiva;
• il soggetto dell’attiva diventa complemento d’agente nella passiva introdotto dalla preposizione by e si può omettere
quando è generico;
• nella frase passiva si utilizza l’ausiliare to be declinato al tempo della frase attiva e si aggiunge il verbo della frase
attiva al participio passato;
• le frasi interrogative e negative si formano come per il verbo to be;
• con i verbi modali si usa il modale + be + participio passato del verbo della frase attiva.

Attiva Passiva
Present simple works is worked
Present continuous is working is being worked
Simple past worked was worked
Past continuous was working was being worked
Present perfect has worked has been worked
Past perfect had worked had been worked
Future will work will be worked
Infinitive to work to be worked
It must/can/should… It must/can/should… work It must/can/should be… worked

The operator works a steel bar every day. ➜ A steel bar is worked by the operator every day.
Those workers are using the oxygen converter process. ➜ The oxygen converter process is being used by those workers.
They transform pig iron into steel. ➜ Pig iron is transformed into steel.
Now they can work that steel bar. ➜ Now that steel bar can be worked.

Può succedere che la frase attiva in inglese abbia un complemento oggetto e un complemento di termine. In questo
caso entrambi possono diventare soggetto della passiva.
Someone has given a soldering iron to him.
He has been given a soldering iron (by someone).
A soldering iron has been given to him (by someone).

Alcuni verbi possono essere usati senza oggetto, perché introducono una frase secondaria, per esempio to know, to
think, to say… In questo caso per formare la frase passiva si utilizza una costruzione impersonale con il pronome it.
People say that this process is cheap. ➜ It is said that this process is cheap.
4 | Metalworking processes 69

1 z Determine whether the following sentences are active (A) or passive (P).
1 Ceramics are ductile materials. n n
2 Sand is packed around the pattern. n n
3 The operator applied pressure to exploit the process. n n
4 They are building a bridge using the most modern forms of technology. n n
5 The metal has been poured from the ladle into a tundish. n n
6 A lot of processes for metalworking have been automatized. n n

2 zz Use the correct form of the verb to be in these passive sentences.

1 That ladle ................................... charged five minutes ago.
2 The mould ................................... broken now.
3 To obtain a good finishing the surface to be joined must ................................... cleaned.
4 Sintering ................................... used to compact and form a solid mass of material by heat or pressure without melt-
ing it to the point of liquefaction.

3 zzz Transform these sentences into passive.

1 These processes modify the shape of the object.
The shape of the object ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... .

2 The engineer poured metal into a mould and cooled it.

The metal ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .

3 The student deformed the material with hammers while it was at forging temperature.
The material ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .

4 They must remove excess material using tools.

Excess material ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .

5 The operator will drill a hole in a metal part.

A hole ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .

6 People use heat welding very often today.

Heat welding .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .

4 zzz Translate the following sentences into English.

1 L’estrusione è un processo di produzione industriale ed è usato per produrre pezzi a sezione costante (cross-
2 Questo è il liquido che deve essere usato per lubrificare il metallo.
3 Questo pezzo di metallo è appena stato prodotto.
4 La saldatura, tecnica usata per unire parti metalliche, fu scoperta molto tempo fa.
5 La pressofusione è un particolare processo di fonderia in cui il metallo fuso
viene iniettato ad alta pressione in uno stampo metallico.

5 zzz Rewrite the sentences in passive voice (personal form).

1 I sent him a text message.
2 They have written them an e-mail.
3 He didn’t offer her a job.
4 Your boss will give you some advice.
5 My colleague gave me a lift.

Plastic extrusion.


1 z Read the e-mail and answer the fol-
lowing questions.
1 Who is the sender?
2 What is the reason for writing?
3 What information does he need? Dear Sir,
I am writing in connection with the offer I received from your
centre. First of all, I would be grateful if you could provide me
with detailed information concerning your offer of metalworking
process courses. I am particularly interested to know whether
you organise specialised courses in sintering.
Would you also please let me know whether you will be able to
organise a course for a group of 10 students who are training to
learn metalworking processes in a company in Milan.
Finally, I would also like some information about the cost of
these courses. Since our budget is tight, I would be much obliged
if you could offer a reasonable price.
I am looking forward to your reply and I would appreciate it if
you could let me know as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully,
Mario Rossi
(training teacher)

2 zz Translate the following expressions.

1 Le scrivo in merito a... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2 Le sarei grato se… ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3 Sono particolarmente interessato a sapere se… ...................................................................................................................................................

4 Vorrei avere informazioni riguardo al costo. .............................................................................................................................................................

5 Resto in attesa di un vostro riscontro. ..........................................................................................................................................................................

Key language
• I am writing to enquire about… • Could you also please send me…
• I am writing in connection with… • Another matter I need information on is…*
• I have visited / seen your website…* • I would also like some information on…*
• I have heard / read about your courses in…* • I would like some further information about…*
• I would like to enrol in the course.* CLOSING
• I am particularly interested in…* • I look forward to receiving…
REQUEST • I look forward to hearing from you soon.
• Could you possibly send… • I would appreciate it if you could let me know as
• I would be grateful if you could... soon as possible.
• Would it be possible for you to send… * These sentences can also be used if you ask someone for information
• I would appreciate some information about… concerning school, courses…
4 | Metalworking processes 71

3 zzz Write an e-mail to Mr Smith asking for some information about a course in welding you are interested
in. Ask for the type of welding, the cost, when the course starts, the days of the week it is held. Furthermore
you would like to know the deadline for enrolling and if they supply any material.

4 zzz As we have seen, some sentences from Key language can

be used when you ask someone for information concerning cours-
es. Here you have the answers a secretary of a mechanical train-
ing school gives you about the organization of courses in sinter-
ing. Write the questions and practice the dialogue with your class-
mates, then switch roles.

Secretary: Good morning, can I help you?

You: (1) ...........................................................................................................................
Secretary: Yes, we do. We organize sintering courses for students
who attend a technical institute.
You: (2) ..........................................................................................................................
Secretary: You can attend the course in the afternoon or in the evening and the classes are composed of 6-8
You: (3) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Secretary: The basic course starts on 10th October, while the advanced one starts in November and you will find
more precise information on our website.
You: (4) ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Secretary: There is an annual fee of 70 euros and the basic course costs 150 euros, while the advanced one costs
200 euros.
You: (5) ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Secretary: Yes, there is. You have to enrol by the end of September, by filling out this form and paying by credit
You: (6) ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Secretary: Oh yes, the training teacher will supply you with all the necessary material you need for attending
the course.
You: (7) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Secretary: You are welcome. Bye.

WHAT DO YOU didattica inclusiva


1 Metallurgy and steelmaking. Complete the tables with the following words.
ores � metals � technology � converter � electric

Branch of science and (1) .................................................................... concerned with the

METALLURGY properties of (2) ...................................................................., their production and purification,
that allows metals to be extracted from their (3) .....................................................................


Open-hearth (4) ........................................................ Basic oxygen

furnace arc furnace (5) ..........................................................

2 Metalworking processes. Complete the table with the missing words.


Sand casting (1) ......................................................... Continuous or

casting (2) ................................................. casting

3 Forging, rolling and extrusion. Complete the tables with the appropriate words.

Consists of (1) .................................................................... metals by applying a

(2) .................................................................... force.

ROLLING The material passes through (3) .....................................................................

Long straight metal parts are produced (4) ..............................................................

EXTRUSION metals, ceramics or polymers in a (5) ....................................................................
using a mechanical or hydraulic press.

4 Welding, soldering and brazing. Complete the tables with the appropriate words.

Consists in (1) .................................................................... parts permanently by applying

pressure or (2) .................................................................... to the pieces of metal or plastic.

Is similar to welding but the filler metal has a (3) ....................................................................

melting point.

Is similar to (4) .................................................................... but temperature is higher and the

joint is stronger.
Unit 5


1 Engines: the basics  escribe the main components of an internal
2 The four-stroke cycle combustion engine and explain their functions
3 The Diesel engine  Describe and compare internal combustion petrol
4 The engine systems and Diesel engines
 Understand and explain the operation of internal
EXPAND YOUR VOCABULARY combustion engines
 Describe the main engine systems and explain
 Engines their function
 I
nterpret and summarize information
LANGUAGE IN ACTION  Analyse and evaluate basic vehicle maintenance
 Grammar: modal verbs: revision; modals and verbs procedures
for obligation, necessity and prohibition; other verbs  Work in a team
to express permission and prohibition; modals  Develop critical thinking
for advice and suggestions  Offer solutions


 Problem-solving: offering solutions  Concept map

Digital Area Exercises Listening exercises Video

1 E S : T H E B A S IC S

Warm up reciprocating engines, because they have pistons

that reciprocate, or move back and forth, during the
1 What is the difference between motors and working cycle of the engine. IC engines offer some
advantages over EC engines. Firstly, they are smaller
2 How many types of engines do you know? and lighter. As a result, they are also more efficient
Read the text and check your answers.
as they consume less fuel. This is why they are
commonly used for road vehicles. Today, IC engines
Motor or engine? have a wide variety of applications, ranging from
industrial machines and the generation of electric
Both motors and engines are machines that provide energy to the transportation of people and goods.
mechanical motion to drive vehicles or other
devices with moving parts. Although the two terms The main components of IC engines
are often used as synonyms, motor mainly refers
to a device that converts air, hydraulic pressure The driving mechanism is located in the engine
or electrical energy into mechanical energy. block. It includes the pistons that move up
Instead, engine refers to a device that converts and down inside the cylinders. The pistons are
thermal energy from combustion – i.e. heat - attached to a crankshaft by connecting rods that
into mechanical energy. Therefore, fuel must be transfer the linear movement of the piston to the
burnt in an engine in order to achieve the thermal crankshaft. In turn, when the crankshaft rotates,
energy required to produce movement, while no they transmit its movement to the pistons. In the
combustion occurs in a motor. cylinder head above the pistons there are the
intake and exhaust valves that allow the intake
Heat engines of air and fuel and the exhaust of the burnt gases.
The opening and closing of the valves are regulated
A heat engine is a device that converts thermal by a camshaft, connected to the crankshaft by a
energy into mechanical energy. Examples include timing belt or gear. The timing belt synchronizes
the steam engine, the gasoline or petrol engine, the rotation of two shafts, so that the engine valves
and the Diesel engine. They can be classified open and close at the proper times. Finally, petrol
into external and internal combustion engines. engines also have a spark plug that generates the
In external combustion (EC) engines, such spark for the combustion. This is replaced by a fuel
as a steam engine, the fuel is burnt in a separate injector in Diesel engines.
boiler to heat water and generate steam. The high-
pressure steam is then transferred inside the engine
where it forces the mechanism into motion.

Internal combustion engines

Internal combustion (IC) engines are heat
engines where the combustion of the fuel takes
place internally. In fact, the fuel is burnt inside
heat: calore
fuel: combustibile

a movimento alternato
the engine and the combustion gases are used to heat engine: motore engine block:
termico basamento del motore
generate power that drives the moving parts. The cylinder head:
steam engine: motore
main types of internal combustion engines are a vapore testata
petrol and Diesel engines. They are also called
5 | Engines 75


Intake and exhaust valves

Spark plug

Timing belt


Connecting rod


3 z VOCABULARY Look at the picture above and find the English equivalent of the following words.
1 pistone ...................................................................................................... 5 cinghia di trasmissione ...............................................................

2 biella ........................................................................................................... 6 valvola di aspirazione ....................................................................

3 albero a gomiti ................................................................................... 7 valvola di scarico ...............................................................................

4 albero a camme .................................................................................. 8 candela ......................................................................................................

4 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What is the difference between motors and engines?
2 What is a heat engine?
3 How does a steam engine work?
4 What are internal combustion engines?
5 Why are internal combustion engines more suitable for road vehicles?
6 What are the main components of an internal combustion engine?

5 zz READING COMPREHENSION Match the engine components (1-7) with their definition (a-g).
1 d crankshaft a It transmits the movement of the crankshaft to the camshaft so that they are
2 piston properly timed.
3 cylinder b It controls the opening and closing of the valves in unison with the pistons’
4 connecting rod movement.
5 spark plug c A component that delivers an electrical spark.
6 camshaft d It is the main shaft of the engine. It converts the up-down movement of the
7 timing belt pistons into rotary motion.
e A component that transmits movement from the piston to the crankshaft and
vice versa.
f A tube closed at one end where the piston slides up and down.
g It slides inside the cylinder and transfers the force of the combustion gases to
the connecting rod.

6 zzz SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the picture above and take turns to describe the main parts of an engine
and their function.

Warm up two revolutions of the crankshaft. The operations

are: intake, compression, combustion and exhaust.
1 Match the following terms (1-4) with their Italian The crankshaft converts the up-down movement of
correspondent (a-d).
the piston to a rotary motion. In this way, it carries
1 intake a combustione/ the piston power out of the engine and eventually
2 compression espansione
to the wheels.
3 combustion/ b scarico
As the crankshaft turns, the timing belt must
power c aspirazione
4 exhaust d compressione
transmit its movement to the camshaft to achieve a
perfect timing between the piston strokes and the
opening and closing of the valves. This also prevents
the pistons from striking
The four-stroke petrol engine
During the working cycle of an engine, the pistons
the valves and damaging
the inner mechanism.
bottom dead centre:
punto morto inferiore
move inside the cylinders between the bottom The crankshaft is top dead centre:
dead centre and the top dead centre: each also attached to an punto morto superiore
movement of the piston from one dead centre to alternator whose revolution: giro
intake port: condotto
the other is called a stroke. A four-stroke petrol function is to recharge di aspirazione
engine is an internal combustion engine in which the battery while the to ignite: incendiare
the pistons repeat a cycle of four operations during engine is working.

Intake stroke Compression stroke Combustion stroke (power stroke) Exhaust stroke
• The piston moves down • The intake valve closes and • When the piston reaches the TDC, • After reaching the BDC,
inside the cylinder to the the piston moves up inside the spark plug emits a spark that the piston moves up
bottom dead centre (BDC). the cylinder to the top ignites the mixture of air and fuel. again.
• The intake valve opens and dead centre (TDC). • This causes an explosion and • The exhaust valve opens
the mixture of air and fuel • The piston compresses the expansion of the gas in the and finally the burnt gases
enters the combustion the fuel-air mixture in combustion chamber. are expelled through the
chamber through the the combustion chamber. • The power of the explosion and valve and the exhaust port.
intake port, due to the As a result, its pressure the expanding gas force the The rotation of the
difference in atmospheric increases and the piston down the cylinder: the crankshaft makes the pistons
pressure. temperature rises. power of the engine is derived move up again for a new
from this stroke. The piston cycle and the operations are
movement causes the rotation repeated.
of the crankshaft, which in turn
allows the piston to continue its
5 | Engines 77

2 zz PET READING COMPREHENSION Decide if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.
1 Top dead centre and bottom dead centre are two positions of the piston. ■ ■
2 In the intake stroke, the intake valve opens while the piston is moving up the cylinder. ■ ■
3 During the compression stroke both the intake and the exhaust valve are closed. ■ ■
4 The mixture of air and fuel is ignited by a spark when the piston reaches the TDC. ■ ■
5 During the power stroke the rotation of the crankshaft makes the piston move down. ■ ■
6 During the final stroke both the intake and the exhaust valve are open. ■ ■

3 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What is a stroke?
2 What happens in the intake stroke?
X let's watch SURF THE NET!
3 When does the pressure in the combustion chamber A four-stroke engine: how it works
start to increase?
• Watch the video at the URL www.youtube.
4 What causes the combustion of air and fuel? com/watch?v=OGj8OneMjek and answer the
5 Why does the piston move down after the explosion? following question.
6 How is mechanical movement generated? How does a four-stroke engine produce me-
7 How are exhaust gases expelled after the combus- chanical motion?
tion of the air-fuel mixture?

4 zz VOCABULARY Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words derived from the following verbs.

move (x3) • compress • combust • revolve • expel • ignite • explode • emit

Example: Each movement of the piston from one dead centre to the other is called a stroke.
1 The pistons complete four operations during two separate .................................................. of the crankshaft.
2 The cycle starts when the piston is .................................................. downward to let the air and fuel enter the cylinder.
3 After completing the intake stroke, the piston ....................................... up causing the ....................................... of air and fuel.
4 During the combustion stroke, a spark is .................................................. by the spark plug, which causes the ........................
.......................... of the air-fuel mixture.
5 In the power stroke, the piston is forced down by the ................................................ in the ................................................ chamber.
6 Finally, the piston travels back up to TDC and the exhaust gases are ...................................... through the exhaust valve.

5 zzz SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the picture below and take turns to describe the four-stroke cycle of an
internal combustion petrol engine. Use the following linking words to sequence the processes.

at the beginning…/at first… • then/next/after that… • finally/in the end…


Warm up 4 The ignition of the fuel and air mixture causes

an (8) .................................................. that pushes the piston
1 Do you know how a Diesel engine differs from a downward. While the (9) .........................................................
petrol engine?
rotates, it also allows the piston to move up again
expelling the burnt gases and the cycle starts
once more.
2 z READING COMPREHENSION Complete the text
Since the compression ratio is higher, the explosion
with the following words. is more powerful than in a petrol engine. Moreover,
down • crankshaft • uncontrolled • compressing •
there is no spark plug to control exactly where the
ignites • enters • fuel • air • explosion • temperature combustion starts, so the explosion can take place
anywhere in the combustion chamber and is more
(10) .......................................................... This results in more
The four-stroke Diesel engine vibration and noise. For these reasons, a Diesel
The Diesel engine was invented at the end of the
19th century as an alternative to the petrol engine.
It is an internal combustion engine that operates
on the same four-stroke cycle as the petrol engine.
However, the ignition of the fuel is carried out in a
different way.
1 During the intake stroke, the piston moves
(1) ......................................................... the cylinder. When the
intake valve opens, only air (2) ................................................
the combustion chamber. 1. Intake 2. Compression 3. Combustion 4. Exhaust
Four-stroke petrol engine
2 Then, the intake valve closes and the piston
moves up to the TDC (3) .........................................................
the air. As there is no fuel in the combustion
chamber, the mechanism allows for a higher
pressure in the combustion chamber, thus
the compression ratio is higher than in a
petrol engine. This results in a higher
(4) ......................................................... , which reaches the
self-ignition temperature of the Diesel.
3 After the compression stroke, the vaporised
1. Intake 2. Compression 3. Combustion 4. Exhaust
(5) ......................................................... is sprayed into the
Four-stroke Diesel engine
combustion chamber by a fuel injector. In fact,
in a Diesel engine there aren’t spark plugs and
the fuel (6) ......................................................... spontaneously
the moment when it comes into contact with
the hot compressed (7) ..........................................................
compression ratio:
rapporto di compressione
engine: motore ad
accensione spontanea
fuel injector: iniettore del spark ignition engine:
This is why a Diesel engine is also called a combustibile motore ad accensione
compression ignition engine, while a petrol compression ignition comandata
engine is a spark ignition engine.
5 | Engines 79

engine has a more rugged structure compared locomotives, ships and

to a petrol engine, which makes it suitable to
withstand higher forces. Thanks to this, it can be
industrial machinery
as well as on cars and
rugged: robusto
heavy-duty application:
used for heavy-duty applications, such as trucks, generators. applicazione pesante

3 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What happens during the intake stroke of a four-
stroke Diesel engine? X let's watch SURF THE NET!
2 Why is the compression ratio higher than in a
Focus on engines
petrol engine?
3 What are fuel injectors used for? • Watch the following video about the differences
between petrol and Diesel engines: https://www.
4 What causes the combustion of the fuel in Diesel
• Watch the engine animations here: http://www.
5 Why are Diesel engines more robust than petrol animatedengines.com/ Click on an engine to see
engines? how it works.
6 What are some applications of Diesel engines?

4 zzz WRITING Complete the table with information from the text. Then, write a summary about the main
characteristics of a Diesel engine.

Petrol engine Diesel engine

1 Main components: ............................................................................ 1 ...........................................................................................................................

2 Spark-ignition engine 2 ...........................................................................................................................

3 Four strokes: ........................................................................................... 3 ...........................................................................................................................

........................................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................................

4 General characteristics: the compression ratio is 4 ...........................................................................................................................

lower, the engine is less heavy. The explosion is ...........................................................................................................................

more controlled and the cycle is smoother. ...........................................................................................................................

5 Applications: .......................................................................................... 5 ...........................................................................................................................

5 12 zzz LISTENING Read the information below. Then listen to an extract from an academic lecture on
two-stroke engines and complete the information on the picture.

A TWO-STROKE ENGINE Burning fuel forces piston down, compressing fuel mixture in crankcase.

Fuel is compressed (5) ............................................

(4) ............................................. is uncovered
and fuel mixture
is forced into
Transfer port cylinder.
(3) .............................................
Burned fuel
is pushed out by
(6) .............................................
Air-fuel mixture
is drawn into the crankcase
crankcase through
(2) .............................................
Intake port is
(1) Reed ............................................ covered and valve
forced closed.
Upstroke Downstroke
4 G IN E S Y S T E M S

Warm up Unit (ECU). In petrol engines the fuel is injected

and mixed with air within the intake port right
1 What kind of periodic checks do engines need? above the intake valve (port fuel injection),
Rate the following from the most to the least
while in Diesel ones it is injected directly into the
• Suspensions • Timing belt cylinder (direct fuel injection).
• Exhaust system • Spark plugs or fuel
• Oil level injectors Oil
2 Can you think of other parts that need periodic An oil pump keeps engine oil flowing through the
oil lines from the oil pan where it is collected. The
oil is spread onto pistons and bearings before it is
Here is an overview of the basic systems and collected again in the oil pan, while the oil filter
elements that make the engine work properly. removes dirt from the engine oil. Rings around the
These are also some of the parts requiring periodic top of the pistons keep the oil out of the combustion
maintenance to ensure the smooth operation of process while the cylinders are lubricated.
the machine. The oil is used to lubricate the engine moving parts,
especially pistons and bearings, which allow the free
Fuel movement of the internal components. It prevents
The engine fuel system supplies the fuel to the wear and limits corrosion by reducing friction,
combustion chamber. This can be achieved in while also cleaning off the dirt. In addition, the
different ways. lubrication system also helps to cool the engine
by carrying heat away from the moving parts.
• Petrol engines used to have carburation, in
which a device called a carburettor mixed gas
Cooling system
into air as the air flowed into the engine, well
before the fuel reached the combustion chamber. The heat generated by the combustion process is
• Modern engines are based on electronic fuel dissipated by means of a coolant, which is usually
injection regulated by an Electronic Control a mixture of a cold fluid and water in order to
resist temperature changes better. The fluid flows
from the radiator to the channels surrounding
direct fuel injection:
iniezione diretta del
the cylinders and ports, in the engine block and
cylinder head. The water pump keeps the coolant
intake port: condotto di carburante flowing. When the hot coolant returns from the
aspirazione oil pan: coppa dell’olio engine block, it passes through the tubes and fins of
port fuel injection: ring: anello di tenuta
iniezione indiretta del
the radiator to be cooled in preparation for another
by means of: per mezzo di
to seize: grippare
cycle. Proper cooling and lubrication are important
for the engine not to seize.

3 z VOCABULARY Read the text and find the English equivalent of the following words.
1 centralina elettronica ............................................................... 6 rimuovere lo sporco ..............................................................................
2 pompa dell’olio .............................................................................. 7 liquido refrigerante ...............................................................................
3 filtro dell’olio .................................................................................... 8 radiatore .......................................................................................................

4 lubrificare ........................................................................................... 9 canalizzazioni ...........................................................................................

5 attrito ................................................................................................... 10 alette ................................................................................................................

5 | Engines 81

4 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What different fuel systems do petrol and Diesel engines employ?
2 Why is lubrication of the engine important?
3 How does the lubrication system work?
4 Why does the engine need a cooling system?
5 How is the temperature of an engine kept under control?

Battery while the engine is

The battery supplies power for a number of

running. The alternator
is connected to the
starter motor:

motorino di avviamento
electrical systems. As such, its maintenance must crankshaft by the distributor: spinterogeno
not be neglected. First, it provides electricity to the timing belt and converts exhaust manifold:
starting system. This includes an electrical starter the mechanical energy collettore
motor that turns the engine a few revolutions to from the crankshaft into tail pipe: tubo di
start the whole combustion process. The battery is electricity. muffler: marmitta
also necessary for the ignition system of petrol
engines to deliver an electrical charge to all spark
plugs. These receive the charge via a distributor
and in turn provide the sparks for the combustion The burnt gases from the combustion chambers are
in the correct timing and order, as cylinders fire collected in the exhaust manifold before flowing
in a specific sequence. Finally, the battery powers out of the tail pipe. The exhaust system includes
all appliances that run on electricity inside the car, a muffler to reduce engine exhaust noise, while a
such as the radio, the air conditioning, the lights and catalytic converter helps to reduce toxic chemicals
so on. The battery is recharged by an alternator in the exhaust.

5 zzz CRITICAL THINKING Work in pairs. Look at the basic vehicle maintenance checklist. Try to identify the car
parts (1-16) and take turns to explain what components need checks and why in your opinion. Then share your
answers with the class.
1 tyres
2 timing belt
3 starting system
4 clutch disk
5 radiator 1 2
6 gear box
7 air conditioning
8 spark plugs
9 pistons
10 air filter
11 brakes
12 battery
13 steering wheel
14 lights
15 muffler
16 suspensions
VOCABULARY didattica inclusiva

1 z Complete the pictures with the following words.
intake valve y crankshaft (x2) y piston y exhaust valve y camshaft y connecting rod y
spark plug y timing belt y engine block

The engine main parts

2 ..........................................................

1 ..........................................................

3 ..........................................................

5 ..........................................................

4 .......................................................... 6 ..........................................................

7 ..........................................................

8 ..........................................................
9 ..........................................................

10 ......................................................

2 zz Choose the correct alternative.

1 The piston is connected to the camshaft / crankshaft by a connecting rod.
2 The camshaft regulates the movement of the valves / crank.
3 The piston moves up and down inside the crankcase / cylinder.
4 The timing belt connects the crankshaft to the camshaft / engine block.
5 In a Diesel engine the combustion is caused by a fuel injector / spark plug.
5 | Engines 83

3 zz Complete the table with the corresponding word.

Verb Noun Verb Noun

to ignite ignition to maintain

to inject cooling

revolution to compress

to lubricate emission

seizure to deliver

expansion motion

to transform production

supply to reduce

4 zz Complete the sentences with the correct adverb or preposition of place and movement when needed.
from • to • downwards • inside • through • into • above • around • –

Example: Each movement of the piston from one dead centre to the other is called a stroke.

1 The four-stroke cycle starts when the piston is moving ....................................... to the BDC.
2 The fresh air and fuel mixture is drawn ....................................... the cylinder ....................................... the intake valve.
3 During the compression stroke, the piston travels up and compresses the mixture ................................ the cylinder.
4 An electric motor converts electric energy ....................................... mechanical energy.
5 The coolant flows through passages ....................................... the cylinder walls.
6 In a two-stroke engine, the fresh air-fuel mixture enters ....................................... the crankcase through the inlet port
while the piston is compressing the mixture ....................................... it.

5 zz Write the word corresponding to the definition.

1 It replaces the spark plug in Diesel engines. ....................................................................
2 The oil is collected here. ....................................................................
3 It circulates in passages around the cylinders to absorb heat. ....................................................................
4 It is the source of electrical energy. ....................................................................
5 It delivers the electrical charge to each spark plug. ....................................................................
6 It is used to recharge the battery while the engine is running. ....................................................................

6 zzz Explain the function of the terms given. Use the verbs from exercise 3.
1 spark plug It emits the spark that ignites the mixture of air and fuel in a petrol engine.
2 fuel injector ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3 crankshaft ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

4 piston ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5 oil pump ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6 radiator ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

7 battery ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

8 muffler ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Modal verbs: revision

I verbi modali presentano alcune caratteristiche comuni:
• non prendono la -s per la terza persona singolare;
He must work on that engine.
• sono seguiti dall’infinito del verbo senza to;
Workers must wear safety gloves when working on engines.
• la forma interrogativa e la forma negativa si costruiscono senza ausiliari;
Can you check those valves?
• non hanno tutti i tempi verbali.
I must finish this revision today./I had to finish that revision yesterday.

In base al loro significato, vengono utilizzati insieme ad altri verbi ed espressioni in specifiche situazioni comunica-
tive, a seconda del messaggio che si intende trasmettere.

Modals and verbs for obligation, necessity and prohibition

must obblighi e ordini have to obblighi e regole
obblighi imposti a se stessi obblighi imposti dall’esterno
forti raccomandazioni necessità

• Must è un verbo modale utilizzato principalmente in riferimento al presente. Per gli altri tempi verbali si utilizzano
le forme di have to.
• Have to non è un verbo modale, ha tutti i tempi verbali e utilizza gli ausiliari per i tempi composti e le forme inter-
rogative e negative.
• Le forme negative di must e have to hanno significati diversi.

mustn’t proibizioni, divieti You mustn’t check that machine by yourself, it’s dangerous.
don’t/doesn’t have to mancanza di necessità You don’t have to check that machine, I have already checked it.

Other verbs to express permission and prohibition

Per esprimere permesso e proibizione si possono usare altri verbi, modali e non.

to allow (sb/sth) to do sth Corrisponde all’italiano “consentire (a qualcuno/qualcosa) di fare qualcosa”.

to be allowed to do sth Corrisponde all’italiano “avere il permesso di fare qualcosa”.
can/can’t Per chiedere e concedere o negare il permesso di fare qualcosa.
may/may not Per chiedere e concedere o negare il permesso di fare qualcosa in maniera formale.

Modals for advice and suggestion

Per dare consigli e suggerimenti si può usare una serie di verbi modali.

should/shouldn’t Forma condizionale usata per chiedere e dare consigli, esprimere critiche.
ought to/ought not to Forma condizionale usata per chiedere e dare consigli in maniera più formale e incisiva.
had better/had better not Per dare consigli in situazioni specifiche e in maniera incisiva, corrisponde all’italiano
“faresti meglio a…”.
may/might/could Possono essere usati per dare consigli.
5 | Engines 85

1 z Underline the correct alternative.

1 For the operation of a steam engine, the steam must to / has to reach a very high pressure.
2 During the intake stroke of a four-stroke cycle, the exhaust valve must / mustn’t be closed.
3 The rotation of camshaft and crankshaft has to / doesn’t have to be synchronized.
4 The pistons mustn’t / don’t have to strike the valves.
5 A Diesel engine has to / doesn’t have to resist higher forces than a petrol engine.

2 zz Complete the sentences with the correct form of must, have to or should. Sometimes more than one answer
is possible.
1 You ......................................... wear safety gloves when you carry out engine tests, but you ......................................... wear a
2 Look, that spark plug has broken down. We ......................................... replace it.
3 You ......................................... fill the tank with the wrong fuel. You run the risk of ruining the engine.
4 She had an accident two months ago so she ......................................... take her car to the mechanics.
5 ......................................... you ......................................... be over 18 to get a driving licence in Italy?

3 zzz Translate into English the following sentences.

1 Durante la fase di scarico, la valvola di scarico deve essere aperta per consentire ai gas combusti di fuoriuscire.
2 Il sistema di raffreddamento deve funzionare correttamente per assorbire il calore generato dalla combustione
del carburante.
3 Non è consentito fumare in officina.
4 Il motore fa uno strano rumore. Faresti meglio a portare la macchina dal meccanico.
5 Dovresti controllare la cinghia di trasmissione. L’alternatore non deve bloccarsi.

4 zzz FCE Keywords transformation. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first
one using the word given. Use between two and five words.
Example: Don’t touch that machine without your tutor’s permission. (must)
You mustn’t touch that machine without your tutor’s permission.
1 Entrance into the control room is strictly forbidden. (must)
You ....................................................................................................................... the control room.
2 If you want to work here, you can’t be under 18 years old. (be)
If you want to work here, you ....................................................................................................................... over 18 years old.
3 It’s not necessary for you to bring the uniform home, you can leave it here. (have)
You ....................................................................................................................... the uniform home, you can leave it here.
4 Junior technicians can’t carry out engine repairs on their own. (to)
Junior technicians ....................................................................................................................... carry out engine repairs on their own.
5 I don’t think it’s a good idea to replace that valve. (better)
I think we ....................................................................................................................... that valve.


1 zz C.A.R.S. Automotive is a service auto repair facility which can also be contacted online. Look at the extracts
from the FAQ section of their website and match the questions from customers (1-5) with the replies (A-E).

i 1 How often should I rotate my a You ought to replace it with one of the same amperage
tyres? (printed on it) and note that if a fuse continues to blow,
you’d better contact a professional technician to check
the circuit for defects.

i 2 What would you suggest I do if my b When one of the sensors and computerized components
car starts to overheat? that manage your vehicle’s engine and emissions fails,
that light is illuminated. Your car may be running
fine, but it is important to have the issue looked at to
prevent problems. Why don’t you give us a call?

i 3 My “check engine” warning light is c For maximum fuel economy and performance, they
lit. What does it mean? should be replaced every 30 months or 30,000 miles,
unless your vehicle is equipped with 100,000-mile
platinum tipped spark plugs.

i 4 I need to replace a burned out d You should do that about every 6 months or 6000 miles
fuse, could you give me some to avoid premature tyre wear. Also, it might be a good
advice? idea to inspect tyres every month for damage or uneven

i 5 When should I change my spark e Never let it happen for too long, it could be very serious.
plugs? It could damage the engine block or internal parts. Find
a safe place to pull off the road as soon as possible, and
shut the engine off. You’d better not attempt to check the
fluid level in the radiator! It can burn you. The best thing
to do is calling a tow truck to get the car to a repair shop.

(Adapted from www.carsauto.ca)

2 zz Match the beginnings of the sentences (1-7) with the suitable endings (a-g).
1 You should
2 It might be
3 You’d better
4 You’d better not
5 The best thing
6 You ought
7 Why don’t you

a to do is to call a tow truck.

b check the fluid level. It can burn you.
c do that about every 6 months.
d to replace it.
e give us a call?
f contact a professional technician.
g a good idea to inspect tires every month.
5 | Engines 87

Key language
• What / Where / When / How should I…? • (I think) you should / shouldn’t…
• What would you suggest I do (about…)? • If I were you, I would / wouldn’t…
• Could you give me some advice (about…)? • You had better / You had better not…
• Why don’t you…?
• It might be a good idea to…
• You ought to / ought not to…
• The best thing to do is (verb + ing)
• How / What about (verb + ing)?

3 zz Reorder the words to write complete questions.

1 my / won’t / car / what / start / I / should / do ?
2 interval / recommended / it / important / replace / timing / is / belt / at / the / the / really / to ?
3 should / filter / car / fuel / my / replace / when / I ?
4 often / change / I / how / should / plugs / my / spark ?
5 do / what / if / I / rattling / muffler / the / is / could ?
6 some / to / give / tires / advice / me / buy / you / could / what / about ?

4 zzz Choose two of the following problems from an auto repair online forum and write a short note offering
a possible solution. Use expressions from the Key language box.

1 My car doesn’t start. I turn my key and nothing happens. Why won’t it start? What should I do? Thanks for
your help.

2 How often should I check my oil? Is it that important? What would you suggest about that?

3 My battery warning light came on yesterday while I was driving. Could you give me some advice about that?

4 The air conditioning in my car has stopped working. What do you think I should do?





5 13 zz Listen to an expert
from the auto repair community.
What does he say about
the problems in exercise 4?
WHAT DO YOU didattica inclusiva


1 Engines: the basics. Complete the tables with the following words.
external internal Diesel valves pistons spark plugs

(1) ......................................................................
Steam engine
combustion engines
(2) ...................................................................... Petrol and (3) .....................................................

combustion engines engines

Cylinders, (4) .......................................................,

Engine block
connecting rod, crankshaft

Camshaft, intake and exhaust

(5) ...........................................................................................,

(6) ...........................................................................................,
Timing belt or fuel injectors

2 The four-stroke cycle. Complete the table with the missing words.

Four-stroke (3) .......................................... engine

FOUR-STROKE Intake, (1) ..........................................................,

CYCLE (2) ..........................................................., exhaust

Four-stroke Diesel engine

3 The engine systems. Complete the table with the missing words.

Fuel systems

(1) ................................................................. system

Cooling system
Starting system

(2) ................................................................. system

Exhaust system


1 Heating systems  Describe different types of heating systems
2 Refrigeration systems  Explain the basic operation of heating, refrigeration
3 Hydraulic machines: pumps and air conditioning systems
 Understand and provide suggestions to choose a
EXPAND YOUR VOCABULARY heating system and to reduce energy consumption
 Describe different types of pumps
 Heating and refrigeration systems
 Work in a team
 Develop critical thinking
 Speak on the phone
 Grammar: conditional sentences
 Concept map
 Speaking on the phone

Digital Area Exercises Listening exercises Video


Warm up them, entering a pipe on

1 Do you know why home radiators are filled up

one side (flow pipe) and
leaving from one on the
moisture: umidità *
boiler, furnace: caldaia
with water?
other side (return pipe). ductwork: condutture
Because each radiator is heat exchanger:
giving off heat, the water scambiatore di calore
is cooler when it leaves flue: canna fumaria
What are HVAC systems?
a radiator than when it
HVAC (Heating,Ventilation and Air Conditioning) enters. Finally, after the water has passed through all
systems are used in buildings to help control the radiators, it has cooled down significantly and it
the climate indoors and improve indoor air is pushed back to the boiler to get heated again. An
quality. They heat, cool and control moisture electric pump keeps the water flowing around the
levels in homes and buildings. Although there is circuit of pipework and radiators.Waste gases from
separate heating, ventilation and air conditioning the boiler leave through a small pipe called a flue
equipment, most HVAC systems are typically and disperse in the air. A thermostat monitors the
centralized heat, ventilation and air temperature: if the room is hot enough or gets too
conditioning units. These systems feature a boiler cold, it switches the boiler off or on again.
or furnace to provide hot water, steam or hot air, Some hot-water systems circulate water only
which is then distributed through ductwork or through plastic tubing installed under the floor, a
pipes. At the same time, a ventilation system makes system called radiant floor heating, that does not
it possible to control humidity and odours as well use radiators.
as cooling the air in the rooms.

Heating systems: hot-water central

Hot-water heating systems make use of water to
distribute heat indoors through pipes in the walls.
First, gas enters a boiler through a pipe. Next, the
gas is burnt to generate heat, which is transferred to Gas boiler
a heat exchanger.This is essentially a pipe carrying
Heat exchanger
water, which is warmed up.The water then reaches
the radiators and flows through a closed loop inside



Gas supply

Water supply

Radiant floor heating. Hot water central heating: a gas boiler diagram.
6 | Heating and refrigeration systems 91

Heating systems: warm-air central heating

Although they are arranged in a similar way, warm-
air central heating systems employ a furnace to
burn the fuel and transfer the heat produced from
the combustion to ducts where air flows instead of
water. In fact, the cool air is sucked from the room
by a vent and then is channelled to the furnace
by means of a fan. The heated air is then blown
through ducts that deliver the warm air to rooms
throughout the house via air registers or grills.
Air filters can also be
included to remove dirt
and harmful particles
air register: registro
di regolazione dell’aria
from the room. Hot-water heating system with radiators.

2 z VOCABULARY Read the text and find the English equivalent of the following verbs.

1 scaldare ............................................................................................... 5 trasportare ..................................................................................................

2 raffreddare ......................................................................................... 6 controllare ....................................................................................................

3 fornire ................................................................................................... 7 far girare .......................................................................................................

4 distribuire .......................................................................................... 8 dissipare ........................................................................................................

3 zz READING COMPREHENSION Match the components of the heating system (1-8) with their function (a-h).
1 d boiler a It carries hot water from the boiler to radiators.
2 heat exchanger b The tube through which burnt gases are expelled.
3 flow pipe c It dissipates the heat of water into the environment where it is located.
4 radiator d It burns a fuel (gas or oil) to provide high temperature for heating uses.
5 return pipe e A device which controls room temperature and automatically switches the
boiler on/off.
6 pump f It transfers the heat from the burning gas to the water flowing through it.
7 flue g It carries cooler water from the radiators back to the boiler.
8 thermostat h A device which pushes the water so that it keeps flowing through the pipework.

4 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What systems does the acronym HVAC refer to?
2 What are HVAC systems used for?
3 How are gas and water used in a heating system to provide heat?
4 How can the heat be distributed all over a build-
X let's watch SURF THE NET!
5 How does a furnace differ from a boiler?
6 How is air used in a heating system to provide How to choose the right heating system
heat? • Watch the video www.youtube.com/watch?v=
7 Why should air filters be included in warm-air FU0XAgWPTaE.
heating systems? Some experts are talking about choosing a heat-
ing system. Take notes and explain in your own
words what factors they suggest considering.
5 zzz SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the gas boil-
er diagram and take turns to explain how a central
heating system works.

Warm up surroundings while turning from a liquid to a

vapour state. In the same way, it gives off heat while
1 What happens to a gas when it condenses? What turning from a gaseous to a liquid state. The VCR
happens to a liquid when it evaporates?
cycle is based on these principles.

2 zz READING COMPREHENSION Read the text and The VCR Cycle

reorder the paragraphs of “The VCR Cycle” to ex-
plain the Vapour-Compression Refrigeration Cycle. 1 a During the refrigeration cycle, the liquid
refrigerant evaporates in the component
Refrigeration and air conditioning called evaporator. Throughout the
evaporation phase, the refrigerant absorbs
Refrigeration and air conditioning systems are used heat from the external environment, thus
to cool products or a building environment. There is cooling it.
a variety of solutions designed for different purposes: ...... b Here, the high-pressure liquid expands. As
from industrial refrigeration systems to those that a result, its pressure drops. This causes the
provide cooling for commercial or home uses, evaporation of part of the liquid.
e.g. fridges, air conditioners. The majority of these ..... c When compressed and condensed, the
systems are based on the Vapour-Compression vapour dissipates its heat, which is dispersed
Refrigeration Cycle, which exploits mechanical out of the condenser.
energy for cooling the surrounding environment ..... d The low-pressure mixture of liquid and
through a cycle of evaporation, compression, vapour is directed to the evaporator, and the
condensation and expansion of a fluid, called cycle continues.
refrigerant. In fact, a fluid absorbs heat from the ..... e The high-pressure liquid from the condenser

is directed to the expansion valve.

..... f The low-pressure vapour from the evaporator
Refrigeration Cycle: ciclo
is sucked in by a compressor, which
compresses it to increase the pressure.
frigorifero a compressione expansion valve: valvola
di vapore
This is why the system is called a Vapour-
di espansione
Compression Cycle.
6 | Heating and refrigeration systems 93

..... g The condenser is the component in the the refrigerant vapour, which is at high
refrigeration cycle where the refrigerant pressure, is cooled by a cooling medium like
vapour is condensed into a liquid state. Here, water or air, and turns into liquid form.

3 zz VOCABULARY AND READING COMPREHENSION Complete the picture with the following words.
monitor • compressed • into • pressurizes • in • vent • blows • expands • filter

Air conditioners are used to cool the indoor air. That’s not
all they do, though. Air conditioners (0) monitor and regu-
late the air temperature via a thermostat. They also have
a (1) .......................................................... that removes particulates
from the circulating air. Besides, they function as dehu-
Air conditioners work in a similar way to refrigerators,
while the walls in your home keep cold air (2) ...........................

and hot air out.

The indoor unit of an air conditioner contains the evapo-
rator and a fan that (3) ............................................ the air over the
chilled coils (4) ............................................ the room. The outdoor
unit contains the compressor, condenser and another
fan to (5) ................................................... hot air coming from the
(6) ............................................ refrigerant to the outdoors. In be-
tween the two sets of coils, there’s an expansion valve. It
regulates the amount of liquid refrigerant moving into
the evaporator. Here, the refrigerant (7) ............................................ and changes back into a gas. The compressor is
a large electric pump that (8) ............................................ the refrigerant gas as part of the process of turning it back
into a liquid.

4 zz CRITICAL THINKING Discuss as a class: how could we minimize the need for refrigeration and air condition-
ing systems to save energy?

5 14 zz LISTENING A HVAC technician is giving a customer suggestions for reducing energy consumption
from air conditioning. Listen and take notes. Then compare them to your answers in exercise 4.

Reducing the need for air conditioning: how?

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

6 zzz FCE WRITING Write an article about energy-saving suggestions. Use the notes from exercises 4 and 5 and
your own ideas. Write 140-190 words. The introduction is provided for you.
“As air conditioning becomes the norm in our countries, it is important to realize that often the easiest and most
affordable way to stay comfortable during the summer is to reduce our need for air conditioning. How can we
keep the summer heat out of our houses?”

Warm up
1 Match the following terms (1-5) with their Italian
correspondent (a-e).
1 positive displacement pumps
2 dynamic pumps
3 reciprocating pumps
4 rotary pumps
5 centrifugal pumps
a pompe rotanti
b pompe dinamiche
c pompe centrifughe
d pompe volumetriche
e pompe alternative

Pumps: the basics

Piston pump, one type of reciprocating pump.
Pumps are machines that convert mechanical
energy from some moving parts into hydraulic
energy. In this way, the pressure or velocity of a pressures; they are mostly used for industrial
fluid increases. Due to their effect, they are used to purposes, especially for the transfer of high
transport or displace fluids into pipes and channels. viscosity fluids such as thick oils, sewage and
Pumps can be classified as positive displacement pastes.
pumps and kinetic or dynamic pumps. • Rotary pumps contain no valves. They are
composed of a sealed circular or cylindrical
Positive displacement pumps case with an inlet on one side and an outlet on
the other. Inside, there is a rotating mechanism
Positive displacement pumps feature one or more driven by a shaft, which displaces the liquid in the
movable parts that transfer the fluid by constantly empty volumes created by its rotation. In some
increasing and decreasing the volume of a cavity. configurations, vanes mounted to a rotor rotate
They displace an even amount of fluid with each inside the cavity, while in gear and screw pumps
movement of the pumping elements. Depending the liquid is displaced by rotating gears or screws.
on the mechanism used, these pumps fall under They are ideal for pumping relatively clean fluids
two categories. such as fuels and lubrication oils.
• Reciprocating pumps move a piston or a
plunger back and forth inside a stationary
The liquid is drawn in through a valve during
the suction stroke, so the cylinder fills with fresh
to displace: muovere, spostare
plunger: stantuffo
liquid. During the discharge stroke, the piston suction stroke: fase di aspirazione
extends. The liquid is compressed and displaced discharge stroke: fase di scarico
vane: paletta
through another valve out of the cylinder and
gear pump: pompa a ingranaggi
into the discharge line.
screw pump: pompa a vite
Reciprocating pumps can develop very high
6 | Heating and refrigeration systems 95

Screw pump, one kind of rotary pump. Centrifugal pump.

Dynamic pumps When the impeller is spinning, the liquid is

drawn in through a suction connection and flows
Unlike positive displacement pumps, dynamic ones around the vanes where it gains energy. This
use kinetic energy rather than a direct mechanical energy forces the liquid away from the impeller.
means to move the fluid. Then, the liquid leaves the pump and is collected
• One of the most common types are centrifugal in a spiral casing where its pressure increases.
pumps, that work on centrifugal action. This is Some of its applications
obtained through the rotation of a high-speed include water supply and
rotary element called impeller, made of rotating
circulation, air conditioning,
irrigation, light fuel transfer.
impeller: girante *
2 zz PET READING COMPREHENSION Read the text and choose the best option.
1 Positive displacement pumps 4 Rotary pumps displace the fluid by means of
Q a use rotating parts to displace the fluid Q a a rotating cylinder
Q b use movable parts to displace the fluid Q b rotating valves that push the fluid
Q c use pistons to displace the fluid Q c rotating mechanical parts
2 The pumps that displace a fluid by increasing 5 To displace the fluid, dynamic pumps often rely on
and decreasing the volume of a cavity are called: Q a mechanical force
Q a centrifugal pumps Q b hydraulic force
Q b reciprocating pumps Q c centrifugal force
Q c positive displacement pumps 6 What is the primary purpose of pumps?
3 Which of the following is an example of recipro- Q a to compress fluids
cating pump? Q b to move fluids from one place to another
Q a plunger pump Q c to move fluids around a cavity
Q b screw pump
Q c gear pump

3 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the fol- 4 zzz SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the pictures
lowing questions. on this page and on the previous one showing dif-
1 What are pumps? ferent types of pumps and take turns to describe
how they work.
2 How do dynamic pumps differ from positive dis-
placement ones?
3 How do reciprocating pumps work?
X let's watch SURF THE NET!

4 What are the typical elements of rotary pumps? How does a centrifugal pump work?
5 How is centrifugal force generated in centrifugal • Watch the following video to understand how
pumps? a centrifugal pump works: www.youtube.com/
6 What are pumps used for? watch?v=BaEHVpKc-1Q.
VOCABULARY didattica inclusiva

1 z Complete the pictures with the following words.
ceiling ventilation y floor heating y radiator y air conditioner

1 ................................................................................................................. 2 ................................................................................................................

3 ................................................................................................................ 4 .................................................................................................................

reciprocating pump y rotary gear pump y centrifugal pump

5 ....................................................................................................... 6 ....................................................................................................... 7 .......................................................................................................

2 zz Choose the correct alternative.

1 Heating systems burn air / fuels in a boiler to produce heat.
2 Heat is distributed in a building through a system of pipes / valves carrying hot water or air.
3 During evaporation, a fluid dissipates / absorbs heat.
4 When a vapour is compressed, its pressure and temperature rise / drop.
5 During condensation, a fluid takes / gives off heat.
6 | Heating and refrigeration systems 97

Word formation
Prefixes can be placed at the beginning of adjectives, nouns or verbs to modify their meaning. Negative prefixes can
be used to form the corresponding negative adjective, noun or verb.

3 zz Form the opposite of each word using the correct prefix from the following ones.
in- • il- • im- • ir- • un- • de- • dis-

1 connect ..................................................................................................... 6 humidify ..................................................................................................

2 practical ................................................................................................... 7 code .............................................................................................................

3 logical ........................................................................................................ 8 efficient ....................................................................................................

4 accurate ................................................................................................... 9 visible .........................................................................................................

5 certain ....................................................................................................... 10 regular .......................................................................................................

4 zz Complete the following sentences with words formed in exercise 3.

1 The ........................................................... use of air conditioning systems is causing a rise in pollution levels.
2 You’d better ........................................................... that heating unit before you start working on it.
3 The last reading on our electric meter was ........................................................... and we had to pay more than we expected.
4 The design for the new heating units looks interesting, but it’s ........................................................... given our budget.
5 There’s something wrong with that pump. The water flow is ............................................................

5 zz Write the opposite of the following words from the texts in this unit.

1 hot ................................................................................................................ 6 indoor ........................................................................................................

2 warm .......................................................................................................... 7 to increase .............................................................................................

3 wet ............................................................................................................... 8 to absorb .................................................................................................

4 fast ............................................................................................................... 9 to compress ...........................................................................................

5 high-pressure ....................................................................................... 10 to condense ...........................................................................................

6 zz Write the word corresponding to the definition.

1 A fluid used to provide heating and cooling. .........................................................

2 A system of tubes to distribute heat throughout a building. ........................................................., .........................................................

3 A mechanical device that keeps a fluid flowing. .........................................................

4 It monitors room temperature and switches the boiler on/off. .........................................................
5 A substance in its gaseous state. .........................................................

7 zzz Explain the function of the word given. Use words from exercises 5 and 6.

1 boiler It burns a fuel to generate high temperature.

2 heat exchanger ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3 radiator ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

4 evaporator ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5 compressor ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6 condenser ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

7 expansion valve ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Conditional sentences
Le frasi condizionali si usano per parlare di situazioni o azioni che dipendono da una condizione, espressa dalla con-
giunzione if = se.

Zero conditional
Si usa lo zero conditional in riferimento a situazioni o azioni che si verificano ogni volta che si realizza una determinata
condizione. La condizione può essere introdotta da if = se, o when = quando.

Condizione Conseguenza
If the room is hot enough or gets too cold, the thermostat switches the boiler off or on again.
When the room is hot enough or gets too cold, the thermostat switches the boiler off or on again.

if/when + present simple, present simple

First conditional
Si usa il first conditional in riferimento a situazioni o azioni che si verificheranno in futuro qualora si realizzi una deter-
minata condizione, introdotta da if = se.

Condizione Conseguenza
If the temperature rises in the next few weeks, I’ll switch the air conditioner on.

if + present simple, will + verbo (forma base)

• In tutte le frasi condizionali, è possibile invertire l’ordine delle due parti.

• Nel first conditional, è possibile usare l’imperativo invece di will, o may/might per esprimere maggiore incertezza.
• La stessa struttura del first conditional si utilizza nelle time clauses, nelle quali si fa riferimento a una situazione o a
un’azione future che dipendono da un evento temporale invece che da una condizione. Le time clauses possono essere
introdotte dalle seguenti congiunzioni:
− when = quando − unless = se non, a meno che − before = prima di
− as soon as = non appena − until = fino a che − after = dopo che

Before I check this air conditioner, I’ll talk to the customer.

As soon as we receive the new HVAC units, we will dispatch them to our customers.

congiunzione + present simple, will + verbo (forma base)

Second conditional
Si usa il second conditional in riferimento a:
• situazioni o azioni ipotetiche, che potrebbero verificarsi nel presente o nel futuro qualora si realizzasse una deter-
minata condizione. Tali situazioni sono possibili, ma non molto probabili;
• consigli, solitamente introdotti dall’espressione If I were you, … = se fossi in te.

Condizione Conseguenza
If you had a more powerful heater, the temperature would rise faster.
If I were you, I would have that radiator fixed.

if + past simple, would + verbo (forma base)

6 | Heating and refrigeration systems 99

1 z Match the beginnings of the sentences (1-7) with the suitable endings (a-g).
1 When a vapour is compressed, a the system will regulate the temperature
2 When the impeller starts spinning, automatically.
3 Our technicians will contact you b if you see any leaks from your radiators.
4 We will replace your air conditioner c if you insulate your house properly.
5 Unless the thermostat breaks, d as soon as the heating unit is ready.
6 Call for assistance e the liquid enters the pump cylinder.
7 You won’t consume so much energy f its pressure and temperature rise.
g after our team checks it.

2 zz Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the 0 or the 1st conditional.
1 I ...................................................... (switch) the air conditioner on as soon as I ...................................................... (get) home.
2 That radiator ...................................................... (not work) if you ...................................................... (not open) the valve!
3 The boilers ...................................................... (activate) when you ...................................................... (press) the button.
4 A refrigeration system ...................................................... (not work) properly if there ...................................................... (be) leaks.
5 Unless you .................................................... (insulate) your house, you ................................................... (not keep) it warm.
6 I ................................................. (contact) a different company before I ................................................ (replace) my window glazing.

3 zzz Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the 0, 1st or 2nd conditional.

How Paris beat the heat

In the middle of a heatwave, Paris is testing out a bench designed to provide relief from the heat.
The French capital’s latest attempt to create a summer oasis is a 10-seat bench installed outside the Gare de
Lyon. It works by pumping cooled water from the River Seine that (1) ...................................................... (refresh) your
legs and backside when you (2) ...................................................... (sit) down.
Paris is currently testing these so-called small oases. Although the prospects are uncertain, if they (3) .............

......................................... (work), they (4) ...................................................... (make) the extreme heat more bearable. As well as
the benches, the city is designing a new app: after Parisians (5) ...................................................... (get) connected to it,
they (6) ...................................................... (find) spots where they can cool down.
Temperatures are soaring in Paris and are set to get worse. François Gourand, weather forecaster at Météo
France, said: “Unless countries (7) ...................................................... (take) more serious action to fight climate change,
we (8) ...................................................... (have) to get used to more frequent heat waves. In the worst scenario, the
number of heat waves will double by the middle of the 21st century.”
The benches have been sponsored by the company Climespace which plans to build more throughout the
city. (9) ................................................................ (you/try) the Parisian oases if you (10) ............................................................... (have)
the opportunity?
(Adapted from www.euronews.com, July 2018)


1 15 z Mike Rogers is trying to contact a customer. Read the conversation and fill in the gaps with the fol-
lowing sentences. Then listen and check your answers.
Could you ask him to call me back • Could I speak to Mr. Johnson • Can I help you •
Would you like to leave a message • I’ll give him your message • Thank you

A Good morning. John Brown speaking. (1) .................................................................................................................................................................. ?

B Good morning. It’s Mike Rogers from White Ltd. (2) ........................................................................................................................................ ?

A I’m sorry, but Mr Johnson is not in the office. (3) ................................................................................................................................................ ?

B Yes, please. (4) .......................................................................................................................................?

A Sure, (5) ........................................................................................................................................ Thank you for calling. Goodbye.
B OK, (6) ........................................................................................................................................ Goodbye.

2 16 zz Listen to another phone call and fill in the gaps.

A Max & Sons Sales Department. Martha (1) ........................................................................... How can I help you?
B Good morning. (2) .......................................................................... to someone about the boilers you sent us last week?
A Are you looking for Mr White, the sales manager?
B Yes, that’s right.
A Who’s calling, please?
B (3) .......................................................................... Mario Calvi (4) .......................................................................... Fiamma Ltd.
A (5) .......................................................................... a moment, Mr Calvi. I’ll (6) .......................................................................... you.
Mr Calvi, I’m sorry. He isn’t in his office at the moment. Would you like to (7) ..........................................................................?
B Yes, I’d like to ask him some questions about the prices of the equipment. Could you tell him to (8) .......................
..................................................., please?
A Sure. Could I have your contact number?
B It’s (9) ...........................................................................

A OK, I’ll tell him as soon as he comes back. Was there (10) ..........................................................................?
B No, thanks, that was all. Goodbye.
A Goodbye.

3 zz What would you say in the following situations? Use expressions from exercises 1 and 2.
1 Answer a phone call.

2 Ask someone to wait on the line.


3 Ask someone to leave a message.


4 Ask someone to leave a contact number.


5 You call a colleague. Introduce yourself.


6 Your colleague isn’t available. Leave a message.


7 You have left a message. End the phone call.

6 | Heating and refrigeration systems 101

Key language

Receiver Caller
Answering a call Introducing yourself
• Good morning / afternoon / evening. (John Brown). • Good morning / afternoon / evening. This is (Mike
Can I help you? Rogers) from (White Ltd).
• (Max&Sons Sales Department) / (Martha) speaking.
If you don’t know who is calling • This is (Mike Rogers) from (White Ltd).
• Who am I speaking to? • It’s (Mike Rogers) from (White Ltd).
• Who’s calling, please?
Ask to speak to someone
• Can / Could I speak to...? I’m calling about...
Asking someone to wait
• Let me see if he / she is in his / her office.
• Let me see if he / she is available.
• Hold on a moment, please.
Taking a message Leaving a message
• I’m sorry, he / she is not in his / her office at the • Could you ask him to call me back?
• He / she is not available at the moment.
• Would you like to leave a message?
• Can I take a message?
Ending the call Ending the call
• Was there anything else? Thanks for calling. • That was all, thank you. Goodbye.
Goodbye. • Have a good day.
• Is there anything else I can do for you?
• Okay, have a good day. Goodbye.

4 zzz Work in pairs and act out a telephone conversation. Use the expressions from the Key language box.

Student A Student B
You are Dale Johnson. You are a HVAC tech- You are Brian Stone. You work for Aqua Cool-
nician at Datalink. You want to buy new air ing.
conditioning units for your company. • Answer the phone.
• Call Mr Lanson at Aqua Cooling for infor- • Explain that Mr Lanson is not available:
mation. take a message and contact details.
• Leave a message and contact details.

Student A Student B
You are Luke Brent. You need assistance for You are Janine Walsh. You work for Best
your radiators. Heating.
• Call Mr Dean, your supplier. • Answer the phone.
• Leave a message and contact details. • Explain that Mr Dean is in a meeting: take
a message and contact details.
WHAT DO YOU didattica inclusiva


1 Heating systems. Complete the tables with the following words.

fuel furnace pump water

HVAC SYSTEMS Heating Ventilation Air conditioning

Boiler/(1) ............................................... a (2) ............................................... is burnt

Heat exchanger the (3) ............................................... inside is heated

SYSTEM the heat from water is dispersed in
the room

the cold water is pumped back to the

(4) ...............................................

2 Refrigeration systems. Complete the table with the missing words.

the liquid
Evaporator absorbs heat

the gas is
(1) .....................................................
(2) ....................................................
Condenser the gas condenses

(3) .....................................................
the gas expands

3 Hydraulic machines: pumps. Complete the table with the missing words.

(1) .......................................................,
(2) ....................................................... vanes, gears, screws

(3) ........................................................ centrifugal impeller

■ Describe, compare and choose the different types of materials
■ Design and present a product using the appropriate materials
Real Life ■ Analyse and evaluate a product
■ Work in a team
task ! ■ Solve a problem
■ Develop critical thinking

Ready to skate
A company that manufactures sports equipment has announced a skateboard design contest. The winning project
will be manufactured and sold by the company. Your project must have the following characteristics:
• the new skateboard must be for boys;
• it must be light, strong and durable;
• the design must be innovative and attractive;
• it must be cost-effective.
Work in small teams and complete the activities to present your projects to the company.

Step 1. Planning
1 Carry out some research into skateboard design and how it varies, then draw a sketch of your

2 Brainstorming. List the suitable materials for the different parts.

Skateboard Translation Materials
Grip tape
deck/board tavola plastic, wood…
grip tape nastro
antiscivolo ..........................................................................

Truck trucks carrelli ..........................................................................

wheels ruote ..........................................................................

and bearings cuscinetti ..........................................................................

bolts nuts and bolts dadi e bulloni ..........................................................................

Wheel and washers rondelle ..........................................................................
104 Work it out!

3 Discussion. As a group, compare the various materials considering their properties. For example, the deck
must be strong and rigid, and the surface finish must have good grip, be waterproof and hardwearing. What’s
the rough life expectancy of your different designs? Is one much more hardwearing than another?

4 Think about costs. Which of your skateboard decks would be most expensive to manufacture?

5 Choose the materials that you think are the fittest for the various parts of the project and motivate your choices.
Example: The deck is made of wood because it is light but resistant and can absorb impacts.




Step 2. In action
6 Use 3D drawings and/or CAD to illustrate your final designs.

7 Now use your sketch and your notes to prepare a final presentation of your project for the com-
pany. Organize as a team to give information about the different aspects of the project (describe
the design and accessories, materials, qualities, advantages, costs). Use the right language to de-
scribe a product and to make a presentation.

8 Listen to the presentations of all the projects and for each of them give a mark out of 5 according to the re-

Group Design and accessories Materials and qualities Advantages Cost

1 ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... .........................

2 ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... .........................

3 ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... .........................

4 ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... .........................

5 ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... .........................

9 Share opinions with the other teams and decide what the best project is.
■ Create a video tutorial
■ Analyse and evaluate the proper drawing tools and techniques
Real Life ■ Present the correct tools to be used and a drawing technique
■ Work in a team
task ! ■ Develop critical thinking
■ Offer solutions

Let’s draw: a video tutorial

Practice can be a good occasion to experiment what you have learnt and a video tutorial is a good example to show
the basic tools for drawing and some of the techniques that can be used to realize a drawing.
Work in small teams and create a video tutorial which presents the most important tools you need to draw and a
drawing technique.

Step 1. Planning
1 Identify what you need to draw. Work in teams and make a list of tools, taking notes about their use.
Example: T-square. It is a technical drawing instrument. It is used as a guide for drawing horizontal lines…

Tools Their use

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

2 Look at this piece then brainstorm the issues below.

• What are the kinds of projection you can use to represent it? Brainstorm the different techniques.
• Choose a technique and take notes about its characteristics.

Types of projection Characteristics

Perspective A technique of depicting a three dimensional object

on a flat surface.
................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................
106 Work it out!

• Sketch your idea.

• Discuss your choice with your group.

Step 2. In action
3 Prepare a script for your video tutorial (that should be 4-5 minutes long) to be presented to the
rest of the class, in which you illustrate:
• the tools you need for your drawing and their use;
• the projection you chose. Remember, it’s a tutorial, so you have to present it as if your classmates
didn’t know anything about it.

Useful general advice Useful expressions

• Avoid any information that is not for a good presentation
essential to the completion of the task. • To begin with/by... • Moving on to…
• Keep the description and language as • I’d like to begin by • I’d like to move on to…
clear and simple as possible. presenting/showing/… • I’m referring to…
• Begin with stating the goal or the • I’d like to start off by… • To conclude…
purpose of the instruction and follow • Base on • To conclude today’s
with the precise steps that are required • I’d like you to come up presentation…
for a successful outcome. The steps with… • I’ll conclude my video
should be logical. • Let’s see how… by…
• Whenever possible, use the imperative • We need to deal with…
for instructions.

4 Realize your video tutorial. If you are not

a “digital expert” you can find a lot of
simple instructions on the Internet.

5 Each group will have 5 minutes

to show its project. Watch all
the tutorials, then discuss
as a team and vote the best one.
Motivate your choice.
■ Analyse and evaluate basic vehicle maintenance procedures
■ Perform and describe basic vehicle maintenance inspections
Real Life ■ Work in a team
■ Develop critical thinking
task ! ■ Offer solutions

Take care of your car

The average driver covers about 10-15,000 miles in 1 year. With the wear and tear that cars go through, are we giving
cars the maintenance they deserve? Preventive maintenance improves safety while driving and minimizes roadside
emergencies. It may improve car performance and save repair costs. Although regular preventive maintenance may
vary depending on car type and model, there are some basic procedures we should know about.

Step 1. Planning
1 Work in groups. Have a look to the following Vehicle Basic Maintenance Checklist. Add some
points for every section that may require maintenance.

Year: Model: Make: Mileage:

SERVICE Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Check monthly or every 1000 miles
Engine oil/oil filter
Wiper blades
Hoses and injectors

Check every 3 months or every 3000 miles


Check every 6 months or every 6000 miles


2 Compare your checklist with the other groups. Motivate your choices.
108 Work it out!

Step 2. In action
3 Choose a car/scooter/motorbike belonging to you or to a friend who will allow you to do the

4 Print and fill in the complete Vehicle Basic Maintenance Checklist with information about the vehi-
cle (year, model, make, mileage).

5 Read the car/scooter/motorbike owner’s manual and evaluate the vehicle wear and general state with refer-
ence to its conditions. Report below your overall considerations.






6 Carry out possible basic inspections (fluid levels, battery, lights, wipers…): fill in the Vehicle Basic Mainte-
nance Checklist and report what you inspected and the results below.
Example: Oil level: checked. The level was good/low so I didn’t add any oil/added some oil. There are/aren’t leaks.






7 Offer solutions to prevent possible problems and suggest what checks should be performed in which month
according to the Vehicle Basic Maintenance Checklist.
Example: It might be a good idea to inspect the oil level more often to prevent oil shortage and leaks. The car
owner should check the oil level again in June.






8 Report to your group and compare the activities you have carried out. What
are the most common issues you all had to deal with?

9 Give the Vehicle Basic Maintenance Checklist to the car/scooter/motorbike owner

as a reminder. In this way, he/she will not forget when the last basic checks were done
and when he/she needs to do them again.

Work it out!
sic principles living: take part
7 Electricity: ba • Promote green
8 Energy sources in a school com


1 Electric circuits  Describe the main components of a simple circuit
2 Electric motors and explain their functions
3 Common motor configurations  Understand and explain the basic operation
of a simple motor
EXPAND YOUR VOCABULARY  Describe different types of motor configurations
 Understand and provide suggestions for selecting
 Electricity a type of motor
 Summarize information
 Work in a team
 Grammar: linkers  Develop critical thinking
 Place an order on the phone
 Placing an order
 Concept map

Digital Area Exercises Listening exercises Video


Warm up elements of any electric circuit are:

• a power source such as a battery, that provides
1 Do you know the main elements of an electric the force to move the electrons. Such force is
called voltage or electromotive force;
• a load, such as a light bulb, that carries out a task
by converting electricity into another form of
Electricity: the basics energy;
Electricity is a form of energy that can build up • wires of conductive material, that connect all the
in one place or flow from one place to another. elements in a circuit to form an unbroken path
When it gathers in one place it is known as static for the electric current.
electricity, while electricity that moves from one Other common elements include: switches to
place to another is called current electricity or open or close the circuit in order to allow or stop
electric current. the flow of current; resistors, which oppose the
Electric current is a flow of particles called flow of current, so that it is possible to control
electrons, which carry a small negative electric the amount of electricity in one branch of the
charge. Electrons usually orbit around their atoms, circuit; fuses, which are safety devices used to
but sometimes they are pushed by another negative automatically break the circuit when too much
electric charge or they are attracted by a positive current flows through it.
charge, which forces them away from them. As
electrons move from atom to atom, their flow A SIMPLE CIRCUIT
generates an electric current.
Some materials let electricity pass through them 3 ....................................
easily: they are known as electrical conductors.
Many metals, such as copper, iron and steel, are Load
good electrical conductors because electrons can
move more freely through them. This characteristic
is called conductivity.
On the other hand, some materials do not allow
electricity to pass through them. They are known 2 ....................................
as electrical insulators. Plastic, wood, glass and
rubber are good electrical insulators. They show
low conductivity and high resistance, which makes
them suitable for safety purposes. In fact, sockets,
plugs, wires and other electrical devices all contain
electrical conductors, although their parts that may 1 ....................................
come into contact with our body are covered with
an insulating coating. This makes them safe to touch
even when electricity is flowing.
particle: particella
path: percorso
load: carico
fuse: fusibile
A simple electric circuit voltage: tensione to break: interrompere
electromotive force: forza
An electric circuit is a closed path of conductive elettromotrice
material where electric current can flow. The basic
7 | Electricity: basic principles 113

Series and parallel circuits to each other, so that the current can flow through
more than one path. While the voltage across all
There are two most common arrangements of loads is the same, the total current is the sum of the
circuits. A series circuit is formed when a number of individual amounts for each circuit branch.
devices are connected end-to-end in a series, so that If a gap is formed in a series circuit, for example
there is only one path for the current to flow.While when one load breaks, the current can’t complete
the current flowing through all loads is the same, the its path and the flow of electricity stops. On the
total voltage is the sum of the individual voltages. contrary, if a load breaks in a parallel circuit, the
A parallel circuit is formed when two or more current can flow through another branch of the
devices are placed in a circuit side-by-side parallel circuit and the other loads continue to work.

4 .............................................................................. 5 ..............................................................................

2 z VOCABULARY Complete the pictures with the missing words.

3 z VOCABULARY Read the texts and find the English equivalent of the following words.
1 carica elettrica ............................................................................... 6 interruttore .................................................................................................

2 flusso ..................................................................................................... 7 filo, cavo ........................................................................................................

3 conduttore ........................................................................................ 8 resistore .........................................................................................................

4 isolante ................................................................................................ 9 circuito in serie ........................................................................................

5 sorgente di energia .................................................................... 10 circuito in parallelo ..............................................................................

4 zz READING COMPREHENSION Complete the following definitions with the verbs given.
breaks • moves • flows • generates • carry • employ • stop • connect • opposes • perform

1 An electric circuit is the path through which electric current .......................................................

2 A power source ...................................................... a force that ...................................................... the electrons around the circuit.
3 Wires ...................................................... all the elements in a circuit and ...................................................... electricity to them.
4 Loads are devices that ...................................................... electric current to ...................................................... some job.
5 A switch is used to allow or ...................................................... the flow of electric current in a circuit.
6 A resistor ...................................................... the passage of electric current, while a fuse ...................................................... the circuit
when the flow of current is too high.

5 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What is electric current? 4 What are the main elements of a simple electrical
2 How do electrical conductors differ from circuit?
insulators? 5 What is the difference between series and parallel
3 What is one important use of insulators? circuits?

Warm up rotate between the two

1 Can you mention some devices that are driven by

opposite magnetic
poles of a permanent
to repel: respingere
end: polo
electric motors?
magnet. The coil, also torque: coppia
called armature, is axle: asse
connected to a power to reverse: invertire
What is behind an electric motor? source through a split
An electric motor is a machine that converts ring called commutator, and two brushes help
electric energy into mechanical energy, which maintain the contact with the power source. An
is used to perform some jobs. Electric motors axle runs through the armature and commutator
are found in many of the devices that make our to hold them in place. In addition, it allows the
modern society move, from clocks, cars, pumps, armature to spin.
elevators to the cooling fan in our computers. When the power source is connected to the coil,
A motor uses magnets to create motion. The an electric current flows through it. This generates
fundamental law of magnetism is that opposites a temporary magnetic field that turns the coil
attract and likes repel. If there are two magnets into an electromagnet. The permanent magnetic
with their ends marked “north” and “south”, then field interacts with the magnetised armature, as the
the north end of one magnet will attract the south north pole of the magnet attracts the south pole of
end of the other. In the same way, the north end the armature. As a result, the armature experiences
of one magnet will repel the north end of the a force (i.e. the torque) and moves. Moreover,
other (and similarly, south will repel south). Also, after every half turn when the torque is near zero,
when an electric current is flowing along a wire, it the current from the power source is reversed by
creates a magnetic field all around it. Therefore, if the commutator. This affects the polarity of the
you place the wire near a permanent magnet, this magnetised coil that reverses and is repelled by the
temporary magnetic field will interact with the poles of the magnet, so that it is kept in a state of
permanent magnet’s field. Inside an electric motor, rotation. A drive shaft connected to the coil will
these attracting and repelling forces create torque, transmit this rotational motion to other parts of the
or rotational motion. machine.
Depending on the motor design, either the
What is inside a simple motor? armature or the magnet can be the revolving part,
called rotor, or the stationary part, called stator. It
Based on these principles, a simple electric motor is the interaction between the two that generates
can be built using a coil of wire that is free to mechanical energy.

electric motors.
7 | Electricity: basic principles 115


Magnetic field Coil rotates clockwise


Copper wire loop Current

Brushes Commutator


2 z VOCABULARY Read the text and find the English equivalent of the following words.
1 magnete .............................................................................................. 5 commutatore ............................................................................................

2 campo magnetico ....................................................................... 6 spazzole .........................................................................................................

3 avvolgimento .................................................................................. 7 rotore ...............................................................................................................

4 armatura ............................................................................................. 8 statore ............................................................................................................

3 zz PET READING COMPREHENSION Choose the correct answer. Only one is right.
1 The basis of an electric motor is a 4 What two parts of a motor change the direction of
Q a spark plug the current?
Q b magnet Q a commutator and brushes
Q c battery Q b commutator and shaft
2 A motor’s motion depends on which property of Q c battery and commutator
magnets? 5 What part of the motor transfers power from the
Q a like poles repel each other battery to the commutator?
Q b opposite poles attract each other Q a wires
Q c both a and b Q b shaft
3 A motor armature can act as Q c brushes
Q a a rotor 6 What part of the motor transfers motion from the
Q b an axle armature to the outside of the motor?
Q c a battery Q a coil of wire
Q b shaft
Q c brushes

4 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What is an electric motor?
2 How do two magnets interact? X let's watch SURF THE NET!
3 What happens to a wire when electric current is
flowing through it? DC Motors
4 Describe the six main elements of a simple elec- • Watch the following video to understand how
tric motor. a DC motor works: www.youtube.com/watch?v
5 Explain why the armature turns. =LAtPHANEfQo&feature=youtu.be.
6 Why is the commutator important?
AC motors
Warm up
Most homes, offices, factories, and other buildings
1 What do DC and AC stand for? aren’t supplied with direct current, but with
alternating current, which reverses its direction
naturally. Therefore, AC motors don’t need
DC motors commutators or brushes. AC induction motors
feature an outer ring of electromagnets with coils
Electric motors are mainly classified into two of wire that work as the stator. Inside the stator
types: DC motors, that work on direct current there’s a metal axle inside a coil of wire, which
(DC), and AC motors, that take alternating make up the rotor. Unlike in a DC motor, where
current (AC) as an input. Simple DC motors are you send power to the inner rotor, in an AC motor
widely used in small tools and appliances and also you send power to the outer coils of the stator. The
in electric vehicles and lifts. They are inexpensive coils are energized in pairs in sequence, producing
to produce, simple to control and have excellent a rotating magnetic field. This induces current
torque at low speeds. However, they require in the rotor, which rotates following the rotation
constant maintenance to replace worn out brushes, of the stator’s magnetic field. A common design
which could also generate sparks. Brushless DC for heavy industrial machinery is the three-phase
motors replace commutator and brushes with an induction AC motor, which has three separate
electronic switching circuit. windings connected to the power supply and is
more powerful. Its applications include compressors,
Stepper motors pumps, conveyor systems and lifting gear.

They are brushless DC motors that divide a full Linear motors

rotation into a number of precise, equal steps. These
are the choice for applications requiring low speed Linear motors are induction motors that produce
with high precision, such as 3D printers and motion in a straight line rather than rotational
robotic movements. A control system with sensors motion. The stator is unwrapped and laid out
is needed to make the motor move properly. flat and the rotor moves past it in a straight line,
This is a drawback since it makes the driver more producing linear force along the device’s length.
expensive. Also, small step distance limits top speed Linear motors are used in machines that require
and steps can be skipped at high loads. linear motion, including overhead travelling cranes,

direct current (DC):
corrente continua
alternating current
(AC): corrente alternata
induction motor:
motore a induzione
to induce: indurre
three-phase: trifase
winding: avvolgimento
crane: gru
Stepper motor. Linear motor.
7 | Electricity: basic principles 117


Stator Windings Stator Windings Stator Windings


Rotor Rotor

conveyors for moving metal sheets and the latest circuit, and are mostly controlled through electrical
generation of high-speed “maglev” (magnetic pulses. Servos can be either AC or DC.
levitation) trains.
Universal motors
Universal motors use both AC or DC supply.They
Servomotors are used for position control without typically move devices that
precision. Their uses include remote control
applications, from RC toy vehicles to robotics. They
operate at high speed but
which are used intermittently,
remote control: a
controllo remoto
consist of a motor, potentiometer, and a control such as hair dryers.

2 zz READING COMPREHENSION AND SPEAKING Work in groups of three. Each of you reads two different para-
graphs and summarizes the main information for the others.

3 zz READING COMPREHENSION Read the full text of this lesson and answer the following questions.
1 What are advantages and disadvantages of DC motors?
2 What are stepper motors used for? Why?
3 What are the differences between an AC induction motor and a DC motor?
4 Why does the rotor move in an AC induction motor?
5 Why can linear motors produce linear movement?
6 What are servomotors used for?
7 What devices are universal motors used for?

4 zz CRITICAL THINKING Discuss as a class: what factors would you consider to choose an electric motor?

5 17 zz LISTENING A professor of Mechanical Technology is explaining how to select the right electric mo-
tor. Listen and take notes. Then compare them to your answers in exercise 4.

How to select an electric motor: what factors

should be considered? X let's watch SURF THE NET!

Induction motors
• Watch the video Induction Motor. How it works on
YouTube (www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWrNzU
........................................................................................................................ Cjbkk) and answer the questions.
........................................................................................................................ How does an AC induction motor produce me-
chanical motion?

6 zzz WRITING Write a summary about the most common motor configurations. Include information about main
features, common uses, advantages.
VOCABULARY didattica inclusiva

1 z Complete the pictures with the following words.
brushes y coil of wire y commutator y permanent magnet y axle

A simple motor

2 ................................................................................................ 3 ................................................................................................

1 .................................................................................................
4 ................................................................................................

5 ................................................................................................

stepper motor y linear motor y AC induction motor

6 ................................................................................................ 7 ................................................................................................. 8 ................................................................................................

2 zz Choose the correct alternative.

1 Electricity is a flow of atoms / electrons.
2 Electrical conductors have low / high resistance to the flow of electric current.
3 Copper, iron and silver are examples of conductors / insulators.
4 Electric motors transform electric energy into heat / movement.
5 The main elements in an electric motor are magnets / batteries.
6 The drive shaft / commutator transmits the movement of the motor to other parts of
the machine.
7 | Electricity: basic principles 119

3 zz Basic terminology. Match words in the first column (1-9) with words in the second column (a-i) to form an
expression used to talk about electric motors.
1 magnetic a supply magnetic field
2 permanent b pole ......................................................................

3 power c field ......................................................................

4 drive d magnet ......................................................................

5 split e ring ......................................................................

6 magnetized f movement ......................................................................

7 north g current ......................................................................

8 rotational h armature ......................................................................

9 electric i shaft ......................................................................

4 zz Fill in the text with words from exercise 3.

In a simple DC motor, there is a (1) .................................................................

...... on the outside and a spinning armature on the inside. The

magnet is stationary and generates a permanent (2) ..........................

............................................. When electric current from a (3) ..............................

......................................... flows through the coil, the armature becomes

an electromagnet. The temporary magnetic field of the (4) ...........

............................................................ attracts and repels the magnets in the

stator. So, the armature spins through 180 degrees. To keep it
spinning, a (5) ....................................................................... called commutator
reverses the current. As a result, the poles of the electromagnet
reverse. The brushes handle this change in polarity. The electromagnet is now forced to move again and this
(6) ....................................................................... is transmitted out of the motor by a (7) ........................................................................

5 zz Write the word corresponding to the definition.

1 A particle that carries a negative electric charge. .....................................................
2 A flow of electrons from atom to atom in the same direction. .....................................................
3 Material that allows the flow of electric current. .....................................................
4 A closed path of conductive material where electric current can flow. .....................................................
5 A device used to start or stop the flow of current in a circuit. .....................................................
6 The revolving part in an electric motor. .....................................................

6 zzz Explain the function of the following things.

1 insulator A material that does not allow electricity to pass through it.
2 power source .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3 resistor .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

4 electric motor .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5 rotor .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6 drive shaft .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

7 stepper motor .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

8 universal motor .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................


I linkers, o connettori testuali, sono utilizzati per collegare più frasi tra loro ed esplicitare i collegamenti logici tra esse.
In questo modo rendono il testo più coerente e coeso, facilitandone la comprensione.

Linkers of time
Si usano per collegare azioni ed eventi in base a un ordine logico-temporale.

When an electric current is flowing along a wire, it creates a magnetic field all around it.
After the coil is connected to a power source, electric current starts flowing through it.

Alcuni connettori di tempo comuni sono:

• when = quando;
• before/after = prima/dopo che;
• while/as = mentre.
In particolare, alcuni connettori di tempo si usano per esporre una sequenza di azioni nell’ordine in cui si verificano.
I più comuni sono:
• at the beginning/at first = inizialmente;
• then/next/after that = poi, successivamente;
• finally/in the end = infine.

Linkers of cause and effect

Si usano per esplicitare un collegamento di causa ed effetto tra due o più azioni.

Causa Effetto
When an electric current is flowing along a wire, it creates → Therefore, if the wire is near a permanent magnet, this
a magnetic field all around it. temporary magnetic field will interact with the magnet’s field.
The north pole of the magnet attracts the south pole of the → As a result, the armature experiences a force and moves.
Due to/because of the attraction and repulsion between → a torque or rotational motion is produced.
the magnet and the armature,

I più comuni sono:

• due to/because of + sostantivo = a causa di;
• since/as = poiché;
• therefore/so = perciò;
• as a result/as a consequence/consequently = di conseguenza.

Linkers of addition and contrast

I linkers of addition sono usati per introdurre informazioni aggiuntive rispetto all’idea già presentata, mentre i linkers of
contrast sono usati per introdurre informazioni che contrastano con l’idea presentata.

An axle runs through the armature and commutator In addition, it allows the armature to spin.
to hold them in place.

Stepper motors are simple to make and control, but they draw maximum current constantly.
Stepper motors are simple to make and control. However, they draw maximum current constantly.
Although they are simple to make and control, they draw maximum current constantly.
7 | Electricity: basic principles 121

I più comuni sono:

Linkers of addition Linkers of contrast

• also • however = tuttavia
• in addition • although = sebbene
= inoltre
• moreover • on the contrary = al contrario
• furthermore • on the other hand = d’altra parte
• despite/in spite of + noun = nonostante

1 zz Choose the appropriate linker to complete the sentences.

Getting to know the Tesla car

Tesla cars have revolutionized the electric vehicle industry. (0) In fact, these electric vehicles have received
much attention in every corner of the world. (1) ....................................................................... the Tesla Model S won an in-
ternational award back in 2013. But how do Tesla cars actually work?
Tesla cars have a powerful battery. This battery is somewhat similar to the lithium ion batteries that you can
find in your laptop and smartphone. (2) ....................................................................... the battery in a Tesla car is made out
of thousands of lithium ion cells. (3) ............................................................................. these batteries are extremely powerful,
(4) ....................................................................... they weigh a lot.
This is a rechargeable battery and each full charge will allow you to drive your Tesla for a journey of few hun-
dred kilometres. (5) ....................................................................... the battery level is running low, you will need to recharge
it. The process of recharging a Tesla battery is not much different
from recharging the portable gadgets that you carry in day
to day life. This is the primary difference between a Tesla
car and a hybrid car. The hybrid vehicles use some fuel
along with the battery in order to power the car.
(6) ............................................................................... Tesla cars only
use battery power. In hybrid cars, the battery
recharges automatically while you are driving,
(7) .................................................................. that does not hap-
pen in Tesla cars. (8) .....................................................................

you will need to recharge the battery, which you

can do at a charging outlet or even at your home.

(Adapted from How do Tesla cars actually work?,

31 October 2016, www.engadget.com)

0 ■ a In addition 3 ■ a On the contrary, 6 ■ a On the contrary,

■ b In fact ■ b As a result, ■ b Moreover,
■ c Because ■ c Because ■ c As a result,
■ d But ■ d As ■ d Finally,
1 ■ a In addition, 4 ■ a because 7 ■ a so
■ b In fact, ■ b in fact ■ b but
■ c Although ■ c in addition ■ c and
■ d Therefore, ■ d although ■ d because
2 ■ a Also, 5 ■ a When 8 ■ a In addition,
■ b While ■ b After ■ b However,
■ c However, ■ c Although ■ c Therefore,
■ d Although ■ d Because of ■ d Before

1 18 zz Samuel Evans is a Maintenance Technician for the electrical systems in his company. He is talking
on the phone to a supplier of electrical equipment. Listen to the conversation and complete the following
order form.

Customer Contact person E-mail

Samuel Evans ......................................................................................................

Catalogue number Product description Price Quantity

Portable generator £150.00 ................................................

Circuit breaker ................................................ ................................................

250-ft roll of fire alarm cable ................................................ ................................................

2 18 zz Read the conversation and complete it with the following words. Then listen again and check.
place • units • sales • equipment • item code • time • confirmation • price

A Good morning. G&M Electrical. How can I help you?

B Good morning. This is Samuel Evans from AZ Engineering. Could I speak to the (1) ..........................................................

department, please?
A Sure, Mr Evans. This is Gordon from the sales department. What can I do for you?
B I need to (2) .......................................................... an order for some electrical (3) ...........................................................
A Certainly. What are you interested in?
B I need some portable generators and circuit breakers, and some electrical cable too.
A How many (4) .......................................................... do you need?
B We’re going to need two portable generators and fifteen circuit breakers.
A Could I have the catalogue numbers, please?
B That’s GR 453600 for the generators, then CB 452410 for the circuit breakers.
A It’s £150.00 each for the generators and £24.70 for the circuit breakers. Was there anything else?
B Yes, could you also send two 250-ft rolls of fire alarm cable? The (5) .......................................................... is WI 454110, but I
can’t see the (6) .......................................................... for that. How much is it?
A That’s £62.70 each.
B OK, that is all.
A Right, we’ll send you a (7) .......................................................... of your order by e-mail and we’ll need an address for the
delivery. Could I have your e-mail address and mailing address, please?
7 | Electricity: basic principles 123

B My e-mail is s.evans@azengineering.co.uk. The address is 9786 Albert Road HALIFAX HX39 4RS. When can we
expect to receive the items?
A We have a one-week delivery (8) ...........................................................
B Fine. That’s all for now, thank you very much.
C Thanks for your purchase, Mr Evans. Goodbye.
B Bye.

3 z Read the dialogue again and find the English equivalent for the following expressions.
1 reparto vendite .............................................................................. 5 ricevere ...........................................................................................................

2 fare un ordine ................................................................................. 6 articolo ...........................................................................................................

3 numero di catalogo .................................................................... 7 consegna .......................................................................................................

4 conferma ............................................................................................ 8 acquisto .........................................................................................................

4 zzz Work in pairs and act out a telephone conversation. Use the expressions from the Key language box. Then
complete the tables.
STUDENT A: You work at G&M Electrical, a supplier of electrical equipment. You receive a call from a customer.
Take the customer’s order and complete the order form below.

Customer Contact person E-mail

....................................................... .............................................................................................. ............................................................................................................

Catalogue number Product description Price Quantity

....................................................... Portable generator £170.00 ....................................................

....................................................... Circuit breaker £18.00 ....................................................

WI 454110 50-ft roll electrical cable £35.70 ....................................................

....................................................... Light tube 240v/110v £15.30 ....................................................

STUDENT B: You are Luke Bensson. You work at Smartech. Call your supplier of electrical equipment at G&M
Electrical and order the following items. Ask for information about missing details and prices.

Catalogue number Product description Price Quantity

GR 452210 Portable generator £170.00 1

CB 452417 Circuit breaker .................................................... 9

....................................................... 50-ft roll fire alarm cable £35.70 2

LB 453877 Light tube voltage?? .................................................... 3

Key language
YOU ARE CALLING • Could you also send... ?
• I need to place an order for… • Could we also have... ?
• I’d like to place an order for... ASKING FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
PLACING THE ORDER • What is the price of… ?
• I’d like to have… • How much do / does the… cost?
• We need… • When can we expect to receive the items / goods?
• We’re going to need... • Is there any discount on…?
• The catalogue number / item code is…
WHAT DO YOU didattica inclusiva


1 Electric circuits. Complete the tables with the following words.

wires � resistor � side-by-side � end-to-end

Power source, load, (1) ...............................................

Switch, (2) ..............................................., fuse

Loads connected
SERIES CIRCUIT one path for the current flow
(3) ...............................................

PARALLEL Loads connected more paths for the current

CIRCUIT (4) ............................................... flow

2 Electric motors. Complete the tables with the missing words.

Coil of wire electromagnet

Permanent (1) ............................................... permanent magnetic field

Power source
(2) ...............................................



3 Common motor configurations. Complete the tables with the missing words.

brush DC motors
DC motors
brushless DC motors (ex. (1) ............................................... motors)

AC motors induction motors

(2) ............................................... motors Servomotors Universal motors
Unit 8


1 What is energy?  Taking part in a debate
2 Renewable sources of energy
3 Non-renewable sources of energy COMPETENCES
 Describe the different types of energy
 Classify the different sources of energy
 Energy sources  Work in a team
 Develop critical thinking
LANGUAGE IN ACTION  Take part in a debate
 Grammar: present simple or continuous?
 Concept map

Digital Area Exercises Video


Warm up The classification of energy sources

1 Look at this picture. Energy sources can be divided into renewable and
What does it represent? non-renewable.
2 Why do we need energy? • Renewable energy sources are the ones that
can be easily replaced by natural ecological cycles
and are found directly in nature, like solar energy,
from the sun; geothermal energy, from heat inside
the earth; wind energy; biomass, from plants; and
hydropower energy (hydro means “water” in
Greek), from flowing water. These are considered
A definition of energy alternative sources of energy as a replacement
for fossil fuels, because they don’t cause pollution
Energy is the ability to do work or produce
and are environmentally friendly.
physical changes. There are different types of
energy: thermal (heat), radiant (light), kinetic • Non-renewable energy sources are the ones
(motion), electrical, chemical, nuclear and that cannot be easily replaced, like petroleum or
gravitational. crude oil, hydrocarbon gas liquids, natural gas,
People use energy every day in countless ways; coal and nuclear energy. Still today, most of the
for example, the food you eat contains chemical energy we use is generated from non-renewable
energy, which your body stores to use as kinetic sources, which are responsible for pollution and
energy when you work, study or play. Also, every global warming, and will inevitably run out over
technological object you own uses by energy that is time.
provided by various sources. In supplying society with energy, a balance must
To generate power, energy is converted into be struck between competitiveness, security and
electricity, which flows through power lines environment. Everyone can contribute with small
and other infrastructures to supply homes and actions in everyday life to prevent serious dangers
industries. to our planet.

Ecological plants: photovoltaic and wind turbine power plants

kinetic: cinetico
power line: linea elettrica
and a hydrogen storage.

to replace: sostituire
hydropower energy:
energia idroelettrica
hydrocarbon gas liquid:
liquido di gas idrocarburi
8 | Energy sources 127

3 z VOCABULARY Complete the map with the correct words. Then draw a similar map in your notebook refer-
ring to non-renewable sources of energy.



................................................... ...................................................

................................................... ...................................................


................................................... ...................................................

................................................... ...................................................

4 zz VOCABULARY Match each of the following words with its synonym.

1 kinetic energy a replenishable
2 countless b changed
3 converted c motion energy
4 renewable d crude oil
5 petroleoum e innumerable

5 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What is energy?
2 How many kinds of energy are there?
3 How can we classify energy sources?
4 What is the difference between them?

6 zzz PET READING COMPREHENSION Choose the correct answer. Only one is right.
1 We use energy 3 Alternative sources of energy
Q a only for food Q a cause pollution
Q b for everyday activities Q b replace fossil fuels
Q c only for technology Q c are responsible for global warming
Q d just to move Q d are environmentally unfriendly
2 Energy sources 4 Non-renewable sources of energy
Q a are non-renewable only Q a won’t run out
Q b run out Q b can be replaced
Q c can be replaced Q c can’t be replaced
Q d are renewable and non-renewable Q d don’t cause much pollution

Warm up
1 Do you live in a green city? Discuss with your
classmates and share your ideas.

2 z READING COMPREHENSION Complete the defi-

nitions of the different sources of energy according
to their characteristics.
biomass • tidal • hydroelectric • hydrogen •
wind • geothermal • solar

The main sources of “green” energy

(1) .................................................................. power collects the
energy of the sun, using collector panels to create
conditions that can be turned into power. Large
solar panel fields are often used in deserts to gather
power to charge small substations, and many homes
use solar systems to provide hot water, cooling and
supplement their electricity.
The panels have the advantage of being easy (3) .................................................................. energy is the
to install and to operate, and they require little extraction of energy stored in the earth. It is a
maintenance. Also, their lifetime is quite long. The clean, sustainable and environmentally friendly
disadvantages of solar power are that only some kind of energy. This energy takes advantage of the
geographical areas of the world get enough direct fact that inside the earth’s crust high temperatures
energy from the sun for long enough to generate are produced by the slow decay of radioactive
usable power. Moreover, the cost of the initial plant particles: hot rocks below the earth heat up the
can be expensive. water, which produces steam that is captured
(2) .................................................................. power is becoming to move turbines. Rotational energy from the
more and more widespread around the world. turning turbines is used to power the generators
Wind power works by using turbines to make and to create electrical current. This energy
power. A turbine is a machine which uses air, gas, is used both in a direct way, and for heating
water or steam to turn a wheel and produce power. residential areas and businesses. The biggest
Wind turbines have to be carefully placed, this disadvantage with geothermal energy is that it
way they spin a generator to produce electricity. can only be produced at selected sites throughout
A generator is a device for converting mechanical the world. The largest group of geothermal power
energy into electrical energy. This energy has plants is located in The Geysers, a geothermal field
the advantage of having no CO2 emissions. On in California.
the other hand wind farms have an unforeseen
ecological impact and it is necessary to find
positions where there is a constant, steady supply of
wind. These disadvantages may not make it an ideal
collector panel: pannello
plant: impianto
to heat up: riscaldare
8 | Energy sources 129

(4) .................................................................. energy exploits (7) .................................................................. energy is produced

the natural rise and fall of costal tides to convert from organic material. Chlorophyll present in
their kinetic energy into electrical energy. The plants captures the sun’s energy by converting
generation of energy through tidal power is carbon dioxide from the air, and water from the
mostly available on the coasts and is possible even ground, into carbohydrates, through the process
when the tides are at low speed. Huge investment of photosynthesis. When plants are burned, water
and limited availability of sites are some of the and carbon dioxide are released back into the
disadvantages of tidal energy. atmosphere. Biomasses generally include crops,
Most of the cities and towns in the world rely on plants, trees, wood chips and animal waste. This
(5) .................................................................. power. Every time kind of energy is used for heating and cooking in
you see a dam, it is providing hydropower to an homes and as a fuel in industries.
electrical station somewhere. The power of the
water is used to turn generators to produce the
electricity. The problems with hydropower have
to do with the aging of the dams. The oldest dams
tide: marea
to rely on: basarsi su
dam: diga
to realease back: rilasciare
need much restoration work, that may be very
costly. Moreover the environmental consequences
of large dams are numerous: they block fish
migrations and destroy the natural habitat of the
Water can also be used also to produce
(6) .................................................................. energy. In fact,
hydrogen can be found in water (H2O), which is
the most common element on Earth: water consists
of two-thirds hydrogen and one third oxygen.
Once the hydrogen is separated, it can be used
as a fuel for generating electricity. Hydrogen can
be employed as a source of fuel to power ships,
vehicles, homes, industries and rockets. It can
be produced on demand and does not leave any
toxic emissions in the atmosphere, but the initial
investment is substantial.

3 z VOCABULARY Translate the following words into Italian.

1 far girare ............................................................................................. 4 energia cinetica .......................................................................................

2 parco eolico ...................................................................................... 5 atmosfera ......................................................................................................

3 sostenibile ......................................................................................... 6 diossido di carbonio .............................................................................

4 zz READING COMPREHENSION Find the questions for the following answers.

1 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Large solar panels are often used in deserts.

2 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

This energy exploits the rise and fall of tides.

3 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

The problem is their aging.

4 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

They include crops, plants, trees, wood chips and animal waste.

Warm up Natural gas is quite common and is used mostly

for heating applications. The gases are extracted
1 Do you know what black gold is and why it is from wells which penetrate underground.
called this way?
Coal is formed from peat, a vegetable matter that
2 Is global warming connected to the use of energy? over time was covered by layers of dead plants
and detritus. Coal provides stable and large-
scale electricity generation and has a competitive
Fossil fuels production cost. On the other hand the use of coal
causes high CO2 emissions and coal mining has a
Among the most important non-renewable significant impact on the environment, as do all
sources of energy we can find: crude oil, natural gas fossil fuels.
and coal. They are called fossil fuels, because they
were formed over millions of years by the action of Non-fossil fuels
heat from the earth’s core and the pressure from rock
and soil on the remains (or fossils) of dead plants. Energy can also be generated from non-fossil
Crude oil is available in areas covered by oceans in fuel sources, like uranium. Uranium is a non-
which sediments transformed into a matter that has
formed oil. Oil flows through the rocks and forms
pools from which it can be extracted by drilling. crude oil: petrolio
greggio gasoline: benzina
to drill: trivellare *
When oil is refined, it is converted into many soil: suolo well: pozzo
products, the most used of which are gasoline, pool: riserva peat: torba
plastics and so on.

An oil platform and an oil tank.

8 | Energy sources 131

renewable energy source whose atoms are split to

create heat and electricity through a process called
nuclear fission. Nuclear fission occurs in reactors
of nuclear power plants. Uranium is put inside
the reactor and is used to generate heat, which is
employed to produce steam, that in turn moves the
blades of the turbines that power generators. Steam
is transformed again into water thanks to a cooling
The use of nuclear power raises concerns, especially
regarding its safety and the risks it can cause
because of the radioactive waste.

to split: separare waste: scoria
Gas tank of a petrochemical plant.

3 zz VOCABULARY Fill in the gaps using words present in the text with a different meaning.
1 On the table there is vinegar but no .............................................................................................
2 She likes jazz and ............................................................................................ and roll.
3 I go to the ............................................................................................ to have a swim before going to school.
4 You did it ............................................................................................, this is the right way to proceed!
5 On her mobile she has a lot of ............................................................................................: some of them are free.
6 My father works in a power station .............................................................................................

4 zz PET READING COMPREHENSION Decide if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.
T F X let's watch SURF THE NET!
1 Crude oil is used only as fuel. n n
2 Wells are employed to work The greenhouse effect
with natural gases. n n • Watch the video: www.youtube.com/watch?v
3 The use of coal causes low =VYMjSule0Bw, then answer these questions.
1 What causes the greenhouse effect?
CO2 emissions. n n
2 Why is it a problem?
4 Uranium is a non-fossil fuel. n n
3 What are greenhouse gases produced by?
5 Nuclear energy doesn’t produce
any waste. n n
VOCABULARY didattica inclusiva

1 z Write the scrambled words in the crossword scheme below.
geothermal y biomass y solar y wind y water y energy y renewable

1 2

3 4


2 zz Write under each picture what it represents.

1 ................................................................................................................................ 3 ...............................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................... 4 ...............................................................................................................................
8 | Energy sources 133

3 zz Write the word corresponding to the definition.
1 A machine for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. .......................................................
2 The problem caused by increased quantities of gases such as carbon dioxide in the air. .......................................................
3 A machine or engine which uses a stream of air, gas, water or steam to turn a wheel and produce power.

4 A matter formed in the earth from plant or animal remains. .......................................................

5 A gas produced when coal is burned. .......................................................

6 A barrier built to hold back water and raise its level, forming a reservoir used to generate electricity or as a
water supply. .......................................................

4 zz Explain the meaning of the following words.

1 kinetic That produces motion.
2 fuel .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3 renewable .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

4 hydro .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5 zzz FCE Write down why the pictures in exercise 2 are related to energy. Then share ideas with your class-

................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................

Present simple or continuous?

Il present simple si usa per azioni che esprimono abitudini, dati di fatto, lo stato delle cose, fatti scientifici, daily
routine, opinioni.
Generalmente è accompagnato da avverbi di frequenza (always, generally, usually, often, rarely, seldom, never) o da espres-
sioni di tempo come every year, every month, every day.

Il present continuous si usa per azioni che esprimono qualcosa che avviene nel momento in cui parliamo, azioni
temporanee, progetti per il futuro, seccatura da parte di chi parla.
Attenzione: chiedersi quando si svolge l’azione aiuta a riconoscere il presente corretto da usare.

Il present simple e il present continuous si formano nei modi seguenti.

Present simple (forma affermativa)

Soggetto + verbo alla forma base
Se il soggetto è he, she, it alla forma base si aggiunge -s.
Nel caso, però, il verbo termini in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -z, -o si aggiunge -es.
Nel caso, invece, il verbo termini in -y preceduta da consonante, la -y cade e si aggiunge -ies.
We use solar panels to save energy.
Wind moves the blades.
The mobile buzzes all the time when Charles is at work.
He studies the effect of global warming to find new solutions.

Present simple (forma negativa)

Soggetto + do/does + not + verbo alla forma base (se il soggetto è he, she, it si usa does al posto di do)
La forma contratta è don’t/doesn’t.
We do not use/don’t use fossil fuels to save energy.
The sun does not move/doesn’t move blades.

Present simple (forma interrogativa)

Do/Does + soggetto + verbo alla forma base (se il soggetto è he, she, it si usa does al posto di do).
Short answers
Yes, + soggetto + do/does.
No, + soggetto + don’t/doesn’t.
Do we use solar panels in our home?
No, we don’t.
Does wind move the blades?
Yes, it does.

Present continuous (forma affermativa)

Soggetto + presente del verbo to be + verbo che esprime l’azione in -ing
Alternative sources of energy are booming.
8 | Energy sources 135

Present continuous (forma negativa)

Soggetto + presente del verbo to be + not + verbo che esprime l’azione in -ing
The wind is not blowing today.

Present continuous (forma interrogativa)

Presente del verbo to be + soggetto + verbo che esprime l’azione in -ing
Short answers
Yes, + soggetto + verbo to be.
No, + soggetto + verbo to be abbreviato con not.
Is she producing clean energy?
Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

Attenzione ad alcune regole ortografiche:

• se il verbo termina in -e muta, nella forma in -ing la -e cade: become « becoming;
• se il verbo termina con una consonante preceduta da una vocale, nella forma in -ing la consonante raddoppia: travel
« travelling.

1 z Complete the sentences with the correct form of present simple of the verbs in brackets.
1 Solar energy ........................................................... (to come) from the sun.
2 Alternative sources of energy ........................................................... (not/to pollute) the environment.
3 ........................................................... water ........................................................... (to rotate) turbines? Yes, it ..............................................................
4 How ........................................................... a solar collector ........................................................... (to work)?
5 Homes and industries ........................................................... (to need) electric current.

2 z Complete the sentences with the correct form of present continuous of the verbs in brackets.
1 During the day, the sun ........................................................... (to heat) the air.
2 Many nuclear plants ........................................................... (to close).
3 Look at that windmill! It ........................................................... (to work).
4 ........................................................... you ........................................................... (to use) an electric car?

3 zz Simple or continuous? Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Some countries ........................................................... (to go back) to the idea of nuclear power.
2 Nuclear plants ........................................................... (to emit) no carbon.
3 We ........................................................... (to need) a supply of energy at affordable prices.
4 A wind turbine ........................................................... (to operate) automatically.
5 Europe ........................................................... (to plan) to use new technologies to produce energy.

4 19 zzz Listen to an article and write in the table below all the verbs in present simple and in present
continuous you hear.

Present simple Present continuous

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................


1 z Answer the following questions.
1 Have you ever taken part in a debate?
2 If so, what was it about?
3 Do you consider debates important?
4 If so, why?

2 zz You are going to take part in a debate on an assigned

topic. The class is divided into two groups, and one stu-
dent acts as the judge. One group has to present the pros of
renewable sources of energy and the other group the cons.
The judge, or “decision maker”, will create a list of questions
to ask the two groups: they will use the list as their debate
outline. The judge has to decide some rules for the debate
(i.e. who will speak first, the time given to each group to speak…) and, at the end of the debate, he/she has
to indicate which group is the most convincing, motivating his/her choice.

Group 1 - Pros Group 2 - Cons

......................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................

......................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................

......................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................

......................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................

......................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................

......................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................

......................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................

......................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................

......................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................

......................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................
8 | Energy sources 137

Key language
• Ladies and gentlemen welcome to this debate. • I entirely / quite agree with you.
• The motion for debate today is… • I differ from you entirely.
• Let’s see the most important points. • I disagree with you: I’m sure you’re mistaken.
• The most important idea is… • Yes, I understand, but my opinion is that…
• That’s all very interesting, but…
• Excuse me, but that’s not quite correct.
• In my opinion… / To my mind…
• I think that… / I don’t think that… TO DISTINGUISH ONE ASPECT FROM THE OTHER
• I believe that… / I don’t believe that… • On the one hand… on the other hand…
• We have to consider that… • Nevertheless / However…
• According to me… • Although / even though it is true that…
• As far as I’m concerned… • In general / In particular…
• I’d like to say / to state that… • Generally speaking…
• On the whole…
• The first point I’d like to raise is… TO CONCLUDE
• To begin, we think that… • Let’s sum up where we stand in this debate.
• Firstly…, secondly…, our third point is that… next / • In summary, we want to point out that…
moreover / furthermore / finally …. • It’s important to remember that…
• In addition, you have to know that… • My final thought is…
• Last but not least…

3 zzz Critical thinking: the four corners debate. Work in four groups. Follow the instructions provided below.
Step 1 Each group has to prepare a well-supported paragraph on non-renewable sources of energy arguing its
position (agree, disagree, strongly agree, strongly disagree). If necessary, you can prepare extra material
using Internet.
Step 2 Each group will move to one corner of the classroom where they see their paragraph posted on the wall.
Then they have 10 minutes to discuss their thoughts. One student in each group will be the note-taker
and one student will be the speaker. After 10 minutes each speaker will state the case on the topic.
Step 3 If at the end of the debate a student has changed his/her mind, he/she is allowed to move to another
Step 4 Students get another 10 minutes to discuss. After that, each student takes his/her seat to write a 140-190
word report detailing his/her thoughts on the topic and motivating his/her position.
WHAT DO YOU didattica inclusiva


1 What is energy? Complete the table with the following words.

nuclear � thermal � kinetic � radiant

(1) ......................................................... (heat), (2) ......................................................... (light),

TYPES OF ENERGY (3) ......................................................... (motion), electrical, chemical,
(4) ......................................................... and gravitational

2 Renewable sources of energy. Complete the tables with the missing words.


(1) ......................................................... (caught by turbines)

RENEWABLE (2) .........................................................


Hydroelectric and (3) .........................................................


3 Non-renewable sources of energy. Complete the tables with the missing words.

coal, (1) .........................................................,

Fossil fuels
natural gas
(2) ......................................................... fuels nuclear
■ Promote green living energy
■ Observe, analyse and evaluate a real situation concerning energy
Real Life and its impact on environment
■ Take part in a competition
task ! ■ Write an essay
■ Work in a team
■ Develop critical thinking
■ Offer solutions

Promote green living: take part

in a school competition
Imagine that a company called Energy Savings launches a national
competition about energy waste aimed at Italian secondary school
students, to encourage schools to be more mindful of their energy
The participants in this competition must design “The most inno-
vative energy-saving tips” for their school. The aim is to prompt
students to explore the benefits of energy efficiency at school and
to encourage them to do research and expand their knowledge
about energy efficiency methods.
Students should keep in mind the challenges which our planet
is facing today with regard to global warming and the overex-
ploitation of natural resources.
Each group (of four students) will write an essay (one page
typed in Times New Roman font, size 12) that will be judged by a commission
of experts. The winner will be decided on the basis of the structure and the layout of the pres-
entation, its originality and creativity, its appropriateness, referencing and the understanding of the theme.

Step 1. Planning
1 Observe. Analise in which aspects your school is “green” and complete the table.
Example: Green: Recycling materials
Not green: Not well connected with public transport.

Green Not green

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

.......................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................
140 Work it out!

2 Identify. Write a list of tips on how to make your school more sustainable and specify how these things will
impact positively on the planet.
Example: Switch the light off when lessons are finished. It helps to save electrical energy.
Use public transport to come to school. If all students did this, there would be less carbon dioxide in the air.

Tip Consequence

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

Step 2. In action
3 Discuss as a group the main ideas of step 1.

Giving opinions Giving examples Concluding
I think… / I believe… / In my For example… / For instance / In conclusion… / To sum up…
opinion… / The way I see this Such as…

4 Prepare a plan. Outline the suggestions to save energy you want to include in your essay.
• Make an outline. • Write a few notes about what you want to say.
• Decide what suggestions you would give. • Use the dictionary to look up new words.

5 Write your essay.

How to write an essay

Organise your ideas into three
................................................................................................................................................................ main paragraphs.
................................................................................................................................................................ 1 Introduction. General presen-
tation of the subject and the
aim of your work.
2 Main body. Your suggestions.
................................................................................................................................................................ Use sequencers and give rea-
sons, explaining advantages
and disadvantages.
3 Conclusion. Summarise your
................................................................................................................................................................ ideas, give your opinions, mo-
tivating them, and ask your-
self if you have reached the
................................................................................................................................................................ aim of your work (presented
in the introduction).
Finally, go over your work look-
ing for grammar, spelling and
................................................................................................................................................................ punctuation mistakes.

Work it out!
9 Automation • Machines in m
s ts
10 Control system • Amazing robo
11 Robotics
12 Industry 4.0
Unit 9


1 Automation: the basics  Explain the concept of automation and its historical
2 Industrial automation evolution
3 CNC machines  Explain the applications of automated systems, their
4 The 3D printing revolution advantages and disadvantages
 Describe CAD and CAM tools and clarify their use in
 Describe CNC machines and explain their operation,
 Automation advantages and disadvantages
 Describe a 3D printer and explain its basic operation
LANGUAGE IN ACTION  Listen and take notes
 Grammar: phrasal verbs  Summarize information
 Work in a team
PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION  Develop critical thinking
 Arrange a meeting by e-mail
 Writing e-mails to arrange a meeting


 Concept map

Digital Area Exercises Listening exercises Video


Warm up machines can carry out tasks with little or no

human intervention, as mechanized systems
1 What is an automated machine? already did. In addition, the automated systems
2 What jobs could automated machines carry out? are self-controlling systems. They can perform
operations thanks to programmed commands
combined with automatic control to ensure proper
What is automation? execution of the instructions. The resulting system
is able to control and adjust its operations in
Automation is the technology that integrates response to internal errors or changing external
machines and control systems. Automated conditions.


Automation evolved In the early 20th century A number of significant Present-day industrial
from mechanization, electrical power was developments occurred automated systems are
which dates back to the applied to the assembly during the 20th century: complex machines that can
Industrial Revolution. At line, increasing its the digital computer, interact with other devices
that time, new machines efficiency. This method improvements in IT systems in an interconnected
were designed to meet was first integrated in and electronics, advances network. They are capable
increased production the automotive industry in sensor and control of processing high-level
needs. The first mechanized at Ford Motor Company, technology. All of these led instructions, including
systems were powered giving rise to the mass to the invention of the first the location of product
by water or steam. They production of goods. industrial robots controlled components, the order
replaced human workers in by computers. They could in which they are to be
highly repetitive tasks on perform several tasks, from assembled and so forth.
assembly lines. simple object transfer and The key role of human
assembly to more complex operators is to program
tasks such as welding these machines and
and painting. The term supervise the processes.

task: compito, mansione
to adjust: regolare
“automation” was coined
in 1946 because of the
increased use of automatic
They also need to keep
up with ever evolving
devices in production lines.
assembly line: catena di montaggio
9 | Automation 145

What is automation used for? spray painting as well as grinding, polishing and
Automation is applied to a variety of • assembly,packaging and other repetitive operations;
manufacturing processes in different fields, from
• inspecting operations and quality control
automotive to textile, transports, food and beverages
during and after manufacturing that includes
and even medicine. The most common applications
material sorting.
of automated systems include:
• material handling operations that include
machine loading and unloading, and material
material handling:
movimentazione dei
machine unloading: scarico
di pezzi dalle macchine
materiali processing operation:
• processing operations where automated
machine loading: carico operazione di lavorazione
machines manipulate a tool to perform a di pezzi sulle macchine sorting: smistamento
process on the work part, such as welding and

3 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What is automation?
2 What is the difference between automated and mechanized systems?
3 When did mechanized systems develop?
4 How was the assembly line improved in the automotive sector at the beginning of the 20th century?
5 Why did automation develop during the 20th century?
6 Why are current automated machines defined as complex systems?
7 What types of jobs can automated systems carry out?

4 zz CRITICAL THINKING Discuss as a class: in your opinion what are the advantages of automated systems
over human workers? Can you mention possible disadvantages?

5 20 zz LISTENING A Process Control Engineer is talking to a journalist for a specialized magazine about the
pros and cons of automated systems. Listen and take notes. Then compare them to your answers in exercise 4.

Advantages of automated systems Disadvantages of automated systems

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

6 zzz FCE WRITING Imagine you are

a journalist for a specialized maga-
zine. You are going to write an arti-
cle about the pros and cons of auto-
mated systems. Use the notes from
exercise 5 and your own ideas and
write a 140-190 word article.

7 zzz SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look

at the picture on the right: what
types of automated processes are
going on? Why are automated ma-
chines being used to carry out these
tasks? What are human operators
doing? Take turns to comment.

Warm up because it provides the most complete geometric

and mathematical description of a part. This
1 What do the following acronyms mean? description is used as the basis for the sequence of
CIM • CAD • CAM manufacturing operations as well as for machine
tools selection.

How has industry changed? CAM

Since the 1970s there has been a growing trend Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
in manufacturing firms towards automation. is the use of computer systems to assist in the
Nowadays, specialized systems deal with almost all planning and management of the operations to
stages of the manufacturing process, from product realize a prototype or the final object. Computer
design to production planning and final assembly. systems operate the single machine tools and
None of these steps can be carried out in isolation, equipment so that they work in an interconnected
therefore a central computer system is used to network. Examples of CAM machinery are CNC
link all the production stages. Such technology is machines, such as CNC lathes and mills, or
called Computer Integrated Manufacturing rapid prototyping machines, like 3D printers.
(CIM). CIM coordinates the actions of the single In order to achieve the expected results, the
workstations and oversees the overall system computers send instructions to the machines and
performance. collect data from them throughout the factory
to monitor their performance. Adjustments can
CAD be made automatically through a series of control
loops. These measures reduce errors, increase the
Computer Aided Design (CAD) is the main efficiency of the operations, especially in large-scale
technology for product design, which offers production of objects, and ensure high product
some advantages over traditional design methods consistency.
(see Unit 2). Through CAD software, the object
design is developed and stored in the database as
adjustments are made, so that data can be retrieved
and reused easily. Once the design procedure is
to deal with: occuparsi di
to oversee: supervisionare
rapid prototyping
machine: macchina
completed, the CAD system can generate the to retrieve: recuperare di prototipazione rapida
detailed drawings required to make the object. CNC machine: macchina to collect: raccogliere
a controllo numerico consistency:
Also, the model can be created in 2D or 3D, which
computerizzato uniformità
is especially useful for mechanical operations

2 z PET READING COMPREHENSION Decide if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.
1 CAD allows a design to be saved and worked on over a period of time. n n
2 A design with CAD cannot be easily modified. n n
3 CAM systems are used mainly for monitoring plant operations. n n
4 CAM systems allow for continuous production of exact copies. n n
5 CIM relates to all the machines used to assemble the objects. n n
6 CIM systems allow for the interconnection of all automated systems in a factory. n n
9 | Automation 147

The integration of CAD and CAM changes made during production and alerts all the
related stages. For example, if a change is made in
CAD and CAM systems can be used jointly. In a CAD program, the software will automatically
Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing update the corresponding CAM system that
(CAD/CAM), specialized software transforms controls the manufacturing machines. In this way,
data from drawings into machining the communication between departments is made
instructions. This way the software installed on easier, much time can be saved and some costly
the central computer automatically updates any mistakes can be eliminated.

CAD design +
CAD/CAM instructions
for machinery

with automated

3 z VOCABULARY Read the whole text of the lesson and find English synonyms for the following words.
1 company ............................................................................................. 5 mass production .....................................................................................

2 production process ..................................................................... 6 together .........................................................................................................

3 steps ....................................................................................................... 7 to warn ...........................................................................................................

4 changes ............................................................................................... 8 to manage ....................................................................................................

4 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What is CIM? 6 What machines can be used to manufacture a CAM
2 Why is CIM important in modern automated product?
factories? 7 How does CAM improve efficiency in
3 What is CAD used for? manufacturing?
4 What are the main advantages of CAD? 8 How can CAD and CAM be used together?
5 What are the main functions of CAM?

5 zzz SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the pictures below: how are CAD, CAM and CIM technologies integrated
in the production process? What is the function of each system? Take turns to comment.

CAD/CAM software and 3D printer prototyping. CAM software managing the production line.

Warm up machines. Some of the most common are:

• CNC mills, lathes, surface grinders, welding
1 What is the difference between a manual lathe tools;
and a CNC lathe?
• CNC laser cutters and engravers, which
make use of a laser beam to cut and engrave
materials, especially thin metal sheets which
require high precision;
How do CNC machines work? • CNC Electric Discharge Machines (EDM),
While traditional machine tools are operated that create a specific shape within a certain
manually, CNC machines are industrial machine material by using electrical discharges or sparks to
tools controlled by computers that operate remove parts of it;
automatically to produce the final objects. In an • CNC waterjet cutters, that cut materials by
automated system, a CAD/CAM software analyses using a high-pressure stream of water to which
the drawing and creates the control program to some abrasive is added. In this case, no heat at all
instruct the machine. The protocol used is called is generated during the cutting process.
Computer Numerical Control (CNC). In fact,
the software generates strings of numbers that Pros and cons of CNC machines
provide all the coordinates needed to control the
movements of the machine in 3D space along x, y Compared to manual machine tools, there are
and z axes, i.e. which direction to move, how fast, several advantages to using CNC machines.
the sequence of operations, etc. Finally, the control They are faster and more efficient, as production
program also includes a number of quality checks can run 24/7 and machines only need to be
during execution, to ensure the speed, consistency turned off for occasional maintenance. CNCs
and accuracy required for industrial applications,
such as metalwork.

Types of CNC machines

string of numbers:
stringa numerica
to engrave:
axis: asse stream: getto
CNCs are designed to manufacture a wide variety laser beam: raggio laser abrasive: abrasivo
of items, therefore there are several types of CNC

CNC machine control panel. CNC workshop.

9 | Automation 149

are programmed with a design that can be from being ejected during machining. However,
manufactured hundreds or thousands of times, and CNC machines are more expensive than manual
every finished product will be the same. Also, they machines and it can take a long time to write the
are able to produce complex shapes in extremely program to operate them. For these reasons, CNC
small sizes. Finally, safety in the workplace is machines are normally used only when a large
increased due to protections that prevent materials number of identical products is needed.

2 zz READING COMPREHENSION AND SPEAKING Work in groups of three. Each of you reads one paragraph of
the text and summarizes the main information to the others.

3 zz READING COMPREHENSION Read the full text of the lesson and answer the following questions.
1 What are CNC machines? How do they differ from traditional machine tools?
2 What is the function of the CAD/CAM software in an automated system?
3 What protocol is used to instruct CNC machines?
4 What do the numbers of a CNC code represent?
5 Can you mention some types of CNC machines?
Why have companies been investing in CNC machinery?
Are there any disadvantages to using CNCs?
stepper motor:
motore passo-passo
feed rate: velocità
4 21 zzz LISTENING di avanzamento
a A machine operator at FESTO is describing a CNC lathe during a training course. interlock: interruttore
di interblocco
Listen and complete the picture with the missing words.

Stepper motors Spindle and chuck hold the Toolholder

(inside). (1) ..................................................... for cutting tools

Safety door for

Control panel: protection during
it displays x and z machining
(4) ....................................................
of the cutting tool, feed
rate and spindle speed. (2) ....................................................:
carries the cutting tool
Interlocks: they stop the spindle along the z axis (right
Emergency (5) .................................................... and the axes if the door is and left) and x axis
push (6) .................................................... (7) ........................................ during machining. (3) (....................................................).

(FESTO CNC Lathe Training System (Heavy Duty), adapted from www.festo-didactic.com)

b Listen again. Take notes and answer the following questions.

1 What materials can be machined on this lathe?
2 How is a CNC lathe similar to a manual lathe?
3 How does the cutting tool move on the cross slide? X let's watch SURF THE NET!
4 How does the CNC lathe receive instructions?
5 What are optical sensors used for? CNC machines: an overview
6 What are the main safety features on this CNC lathe? • Watch the video for an introduc-
tion to CNC machinery and how
they work (www.youtube.com/
5 zzz SPEAKING Describe a CNC machine of your choice. Explain
its function, structure, safety features and how it is programmed.

Warm up (FDM), which is described here, as it is currently

the most widespread; Stereolithography (SLA) and
1 What objects do you think you could realize with Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), which both use
a 3D printer?
laser technology to model the object.
In general, as document printers require a digital
document for printing, 3D printers require a
What is a 3D printer? digital object design. This is modelled with
A 3D printer is like a common printer operated CAD programs such as SolidWorks or Autodesk
from a computer, but it creates a three-dimensional Inventor, and saved in a specific .stl format. A
solid object out of tiny layers of material. In this dedicated software then converts the 3D model
way, a prototype is rapidly available to designers and into printing instructions by slicing the STL
manufacturers, usually in hours or days rather than design into many cross-sectional layers that the
the weeks that traditional hand-made prototyping printer can reproduce. Next, after the machine is
used to take. A 3D printer is a type of CNC loaded with the necessary materials, the computer
machine that works by additive manufacturing. will send instructions to the 3D printer about how
In fact, it adds material to create an object, while to deposit the material to recreate a physical
other CNC machines, like mills and lathes, remove copy of the digital design.
material to make it. Thus, it also reduces wastage, In fact, the printer builds up the object layer by
as it only uses as much raw material as needed. layer, from the bottom upward, by repeatedly
Besides rapid prototyping, 3D printers are now printing over the same area on a print bed. As
being used to manufacture parts or even complete in a 2D ink-jet printer, in a 3D printer nozzles
products of different sizes. move back and forth dispensing a fluid. Unlike
2D printing, though, the nozzles or the printing
The 3D printing process surface also move up and down so multiple
layers of material can cover the same surface. The
Various 3D printing technologies exist. Common printer repeats the operations until the object is
ones include Fused Deposition Modeling completed.


The print bed

(sheet of glass and
Extruder cold heating element)
end with can move up and
stepper motor down.

The extruder
hot end melts
the filament. A microcontroller
layer: strato
to slice: suddividere
receives the in strati
commands from cross-sectional: a
The nozzle the computer sezione trasversale
deposits and organizes print bed: piano di
the molten execution. stampa
material. nozzle: ugello
9 | Automation 151

3D printing materials for the purpose. In some

Common materials for 3D printing include

types of 3D printers, the
material can even range
wax: cera *
thermoplastics, e.g. PLA or ABS, which are fed from glass and ceramics
to the printer in various forms, such as filaments, to some metals such as aluminium, silver or steel.
resins, powder or pellets, depending on the type Thick waxes and nylon are also used as support
of machine. However, any molten material that materials that are later removed from the finished
hardens and sets reasonably quickly could be used object.

2 z READING COMPREHENSION Write the steps a-e of the

3D printing process in the diagram in the correct order.
a Using a process called slicing, a program automatically
remodels the STL file by dividing the object into layers or
b The FDM printer works by melting plastic and deposit-
ing it through nozzles onto the printer bed, where it in- 5 .........
stantly cools.
c After slicing, the computer sends the dimensions of the 1 .........
layers to the printer.
d The user designs an object using a CAD program, then 2 .........
the drawing is converted into a 3D printable file (i.e. STL
file). 3 .........

e The object is created by adding or printing one layer on 4 .........

top of another until the object is fully formed.

3 zz READING COMPREHENSION Read the text of the lesson and answer the following questions.
1 What is a 3D printer?
2 What two revolutionary aspects of 3D printing are mentioned in the first paragraph?
3 What mechanical parts of a 3D printer are mentioned in the text? What is their function?
4 What are the steps of the preparation of a 3D printing?
5 How does the FDM 3D printer work when it is creating the object?
6 What materials are commonly used in 3D printing?

4 zz CRITICAL THINKING Discuss as a class: what sectors could make use of 3D printing at present? What for?

5 22 zz LISTENING A specialized journalist is talking about the uses of 3D printers and the related benefits.
Listen and take notes. Then compare them to your answers in exercise 4.

Sector Benefits of 3D printing

medicine Surgeons can practise operations with no risk using 3D-printed organs
.......................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................


.......................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................


.......................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................



6 zzz SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the two pictures on these pages and take turns to describe the main
components of a 3D printer and the steps of the 3D printing process.
VOCABULARY didattica inclusiva

1 z Write the correct name next to each picture.
CAD system y welding y painting y robotic loader y
packaging and delivery y CNC machine y production line y CIM

1 ..................................................... 5 ......................................................

...................................................... ......................................................

2 ..................................................... 6 ......................................................

...................................................... .....................................................

3 ..................................................... 7 ......................................................

...................................................... ......................................................

4 ...................................................... 8 ......................................................

..................................................... .....................................................

2 zz Choose the correct alternative.

1 Automated / mechanized systems are self-controlling systems that can adjust their
2 A conveyor belt is an example of automation / mechanization.
3 The CNC lathe is an example of automation / mechanization.
4 CIM is a technology used to coordinate all production stages / design stages.
5 Automated machine tools are monitored by CAD / CAM technology.
9 | Automation 153

3 zz Complete the table with the missing words.
Verb Noun Verb Noun
to assemble assembly performance

to design to process

product to control

execution check

interaction to differ

to develop to adjust

to replace to analyse

supervision instruction

4 zz Write the word corresponding to the definition.

1 The replacement of human workers with machines to perform repetitive tasks. ......................................................................
2 Operation involving the transfer of materials from one workstation to another. ....................................................................
3 A series of operations to put all the parts of a product together. ......................................................................
4 Tests to examine the standards of the products. ......................................................................
5 A technology used to coordinate the actions of all factory workstations through a central computer. ..............................
6 The programming code used to generate instructions for automated machines. ......................................................................

5 zzz Explain the function of the terms given. Use words from exercises 3 and 4.
Example: control program It controls the movements of the machinery and the sequence of operations.
1 CAD software .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2 CAM software ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3 CNC machine .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

4 safety door ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5 laser cutter ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6 waterjet cutter .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6 zzz FCE Fill in the text with the correct form of the word at the end of the line.

Can water cut through steel?

You might know that water can cut through stones and rocks over time, but do you
think that water has enough (1) strength to cut through things like metal? STRONG
Cutting a material precisely is sometimes a hard task, especially when materials
may be (2) ..................................................... by high temperatures and there is no DAMAGE
(3) ..................................................... to employ a lathe or a milling machine. POSSIBLE
One (4) ..................................................... is using the waterjet cutter. A CNC waterjet cutter SOLVE
is an industrial machine (5) ..................................................... to cut various materials DESIGN
by using a jet of water at extremely high-pressure and at a very high speed.
The (6) ..................................................... of the water and the speed are both essential PRESS
to obtain the result.
One main (7) ..................................................... from other cutting tools is that these machines DIFFER
don’t use high temperatures, which have the potential to harm the intrinsic
properties of a material piece.

Phrasal verbs
I phrasal verbs sono verbi che assumono un significato differente quando sono seguiti da una preposizione o da un av-
verbio. Possono essere seguiti da:
• una o più preposizioni, es. carry out, keep up with;
• una combinazione di avverbio e preposizione, es. bring back to.
I phrasal verbs sono molto frequenti soprattutto nella lingua parlata e nel registro informale, rispetto a sinonimi con-
siderati più formali.

Phrasal verb Sinonimo

Automated systems can carry out tasks faster than human Automated systems can perform tasks faster than human
workers. workers.
Companies may also need to take on qualified personnel as Companies may also need to hire qualified personnel as
machines need precise programming. machines need precise programming.
If the computer system failed, the entire production would break If the computer system failed, the entire production would
down. collapse.

I phrasal verbs possono essere di tipi diversi. Data la varietà di strutture, è consigliabile osservarne l’uso nel contesto
della frase di volta in volta:
• i phrasal verbs intransitivi non sono seguiti da un complemento oggetto;
The entire production would break down.
• nei phrasal verbs transitivi il complemento oggetto si può collocare dopo la preposizione o tra verbo e preposizione,
a seconda del verbo;
Automated systems can carry out tasks faster than human workers.
Errors can be reduced and it is possible to bring the output back to the desired response.
• se il complemento oggetto è un pronome, si colloca sempre tra verbo e preposizione.
Switch it off!

1 z The following sentences all contain a phrasal verb. Read them and match the phrasal verbs (1-7) to their
definition (a-i).
1 Basic maintenance of the machines must be carried out regularly.
2 How can technicians keep up with ever evolving technologies?
3 CAD systems deal with the creation of the product design.
4 Turn the lathe off before opening the safety door.
5 My company always takes on extra staff during the holiday season.
6 Pressing the emergency stop button cuts off the power to the motors of the lathe.
7 If the computer system fails, the entire production line may break down.

1 carry out a interrupt, stop (something) suddenly

2 keep up with b hire, employ
3 deal with c be updated, to keep pace with
4 turn off d stop, shut
5 take on e be concerned with, relate to
6 cut off f stop working
7 break down g perform, conduct
9 | Automation 155

2 zz Complete the following sentences with the verbs from exercise 1 in the correct form.
1 Don’t ............................................................ the television, I want to see the news.
2 He didn’t pay the bills so his electricity supply was .............................................................
3 I have been selected for a job interview! Apparently they are ............................................................ new technicians.
4 Some operators .................................................................................................. machine tests in the laboratory lately.
5 With the Internet, you can ............................................................ what’s going on in the world.
6 If the voltage supply is too high, the motor .............................................................

3 zz Extra phrasal verbs. Match the first part of sentences (1-7) with their endings (a-g), then write the Italian
meaning of the phrasal verbs.
1 In case of fire, the control system a I need to check some specifications.
2 She’d like to set up b sets off an alarm.
3 They are finally arriving tomorrow, c but we were finally able to work it out.
4 I’m sorry I can’t give you a lift, d it’s very old and is completely worn out.
5 Thieves broke into the office e we’re looking forward to seeing them!
6 I’ll look for the machine manual, f and stole several computers.
7 We should really replace that cable, g I’m having my car fixed, as the engine broke down
8 There was a problem with the last work cycle, yesterday.
h a small business of her own.

1 break down: ................................................................................................ (stop working)

2 break into: .................................................................................................... (force entry into a building)
3 look for: .......................................................................................................... (search for, seek)
4 look forward to (+ ing): ....................................................................... (feel pleased about something that is going to happen)
5 set up: .............................................................................................................. (arrange, organize a new activity)
6 set off: ............................................................................................................. (trigger, make something start)
7 wear out: ....................................................................................................... (deteriorate)
8 work out: ...................................................................................................... (solve; understand)

4 zzz Complete the following sentences with verbs from exercises 1 and 3 in the correct form.
1 – What are you ............................................................? –
– My mobile phone, I can’t find it anywhere. –
2 Did you ............................................................ the solution to that algebra problem?
3 These programs are always changing, I can’t ............................................................ them.
4 I’d like to ............................................................ a meeting with their Sales Manager.
5 On our way home last night, the car ............................................................ and we had to call for assistance.
6 My application for the new training course has been accepted! I’m really ............................................................ it.

5 zzz Translate the following sentences using phrasal verbs.

1 I sistemi automatizzati sono in grado di svolgere una grande varietà di mansioni.
2 Le macchine CNC vengono spente solo per la manutenzione periodica.
3 Quei circuiti si sono consumati, dovremmo cambiarli prima che il sistema collassi.
4 Domani organizzeremo la consegna degli ultimi macchinari.
5 Prima di cercare un guasto è meglio spegnere l’alimentazione.


1 zz Read the following e-mail exchanges. Match the e-mails with their replies. Which are formal and which
are informal?

1 a

Dear xxx, Dear xxx,

I’m writing to arrange a meeting with you to Just writing to confirm our meeting. Unfortu-
organise your visit to our factory. We would be nately I’m busy all day on Monday. How about
pleased to show you the new machinery we Tuesday at 12? We could meet for lunch at the
have talked about and discuss further projects. Rio Cafè near your office.
Would next Monday be convenient for you? We Looking forward to hearing from you,
could meet either at 10 am or 3 pm. We could
collect you at the station at any time. Regards,
I look forward to hearing from you, Darren

Best regards,
Daniel Hanson
R&D Department Manager

2 b

Hello xxx, Dear xxx,

A quick note to set up a meeting about the new I’m writing to confirm my visit. Monday morn-
training course. ing at 10 is convenient for me. Thank you for col-
Are you free on Monday? What about 10 am at lecting me at the station.
my office? I can pick you up at the station if you’d I look forward to seeing you soon,
like. Best regards,
Let me know if this is OK. Steven Lee
Regards, Production Manager

2 zz Match the beginnings of the sentences (1-7) with the suitable endings (a-g).
1 I’m writing a meet for lunch at the Rio Cafè.
2 Would next Monday b if this is OK.
3 Are you c to arrange a meeting with you.
4 What about d to hearing from you.
5 We could e be convenient for you?
6 Let me know f free on Monday?
7 I look forward g 10 am in my office?
9 | Automation 157

Key language

Formal Informal
Salutation • Dear Sirs, • Dear + name
• Dear Mr/Ms + name • Hello + name
Opening line • I’m writing to arrange a meeting about… • A quick note to set up a meeting about…
(why you are • I’m writing to confirm my visit on… • Just writing to…
writing) • I’m writing to postpone / cancel our meeting
Body of the • (DAY) Would Monday be convenient for you? • (DAY) Are you free on Monday?
e-mail • (TIME) We could meet at 3 pm. / Shall we • (TIME) What about 3 pm? / How about
meet at 3 pm? 3 pm? / Shall we meet at 3 pm?
• (PLACE) Shall we meet at your office? / • (PLACE) Shall we meet at your office? /
Where could we meet? Where could we meet?
Closing • I look forward to hearing from you. • Looking forward to hearing from you.
• Looking forward to hearing from you. • Let me know if this is OK.
• I hope to see you on Monday.
• Write me back soon.
Final • Kind regards, • Regards
salutation • Best regards, + name
+ name and surname

3 zz Complete the following e-mails with a suitable formal or informal expression from the Key language box.

Dear Johanna,
Just writing to (1) .................................................... about the
training courses for next year. Dear Mr Martinez,
(2) .................................................... next Tuesday? We could I’m writing to arrange a meeting to discuss our
meet either at 10 am or after 3 pm. Wednesday is new range of automated machines.
also good for me, I’d prefer in the morning. Would next Friday (5) ....................................................?
(3) .................................................... at your office? We (6) .................................................... either in the morning
Pls (4) ..................................................... or in the afternoon.
Regards, (7) ............................................................ at your office?
Peter Looking forward to (8) .....................................................
King regards,
Emanuele Conti

4 zzz Use the notes below to write an e-mail to a customer to arrange a meeting. Decide whether you need a
formal or an informal register.
• second meeting to discuss new robot packages
• Tues 10 am or Thurs afternoon
• Where?

5 zzz Work in pairs. Swap the e-mails you have written for exercise 4 with a classmate and write a reply. Un-
fortunately, the day and time don’t work for you: suggest one or two alternatives.
WHAT DO YOU didattica inclusiva


1 Automation: the basics. Complete the tables with the following words.
machines handling operations performance

(1) ...........................................................
MECHANIZATION repetitive (2) .................................................
replace human workers

material (3) ...................................................... operations

processing operations
repetitive operations
Machines replace inspecting operations
human workers

monitor and control their (4) .......................................

2 Industrial automation. Complete the tables with the missing words.

draw objects

CAD SYSTEM Computer Aided Design

store data in database

send (2) .................................................... to CNC machines

Computer Aided
CAM SYSTEM monitor performance
(1) ...........................................................

control and adjust performance

Computer Aided Design data from (3) ...........................................................

and Manufacturing drawing instructions

3 CNC machines. Complete the tables with the missing words.

CNC receive instructions machining
(1) .......................................................
MACHINES from computers operations
Control machines

the printer forms the object layer by

3D PRINTER CAD modelling slicing
layer onto the print (2) .....................................................


1 How automation works  Explain how an automated system works
2 PLC: the basics  Identify the elements of an automated system and their
3 Sensors and actuators functions
 Identify the components of a PLC and explain its
 Describe common types of sensors and their uses
 Control systems
 Describe common types of actuators and their uses
 Work in a team
 Develop critical thinking
 Grammar: infinitives and gerunds: the basics  Make and respond to complaints


 Making and responding to complaints  Concept map

Digital Area Exercises Listening exercises Video


Warm up feedback signals. In particular, the system output

is monitored and measured so that the control
1 Match the following terms (1-4) with their depends on the difference between actual and
correspondent Italian translation (a-d).
desired values. As a result, errors can be reduced
1 detect a misurare and it is possible to bring the output back to the
2 measure b elaborare
desired response. This feedback control system
3 process c rilevare
follows some steps that are repeated by the machine
4 evaluate d valutare
to automatically adjust its performance.
2 How do these terms relate to automated systems
in your opinion? 1 Sensing elements (sensors) detect and
measure the output value or external variables,
such as temperature, speed, weight, pressure,
movement and so on. The measured value
Control systems is fed to the comparator. Sensing elements
Automated systems are able to automatically include a variety of sensors, some of which are
regulate their operations and keep them in line thermometers, smoke detectors, speed sensors,
with the desired parameters set by the human photoelectric cells and so on.
operator. This is achieved through control 2 A comparator processes the signal from the
systems, whose function is to measure, monitor, sensors and compares it with the reference
and control the ongoing process. value, i.e. control variable that has been pre-
set by the user. In case of discrepancy between
the two, the comparator sends an error
Closed-loop control systems
signal to the controller. Comparators can be
A closed-loop control system, also known simple elements, such as linear amplifiers, or
as a feedback control system, is based on complex systems, such as computers, PLCs or
3 The controller gives commands to the
to set: impostare
closed-loop: ad anello
value: valore
variable: variabile
actuating devices (actuators), which change
the process and bring the output value in line
chiuso comparator: comparatore with the desired parameters. Actuating devices
feedback control system: linear amplifier:
sistema di controllo
are usually designed specifically for the system
amplificatore lineare
actuator: attuatore
and consist of devices such as motors, valves,
switches, boilers, lights or bells, pistons, etc.

Control Error Control Actuation Controlled

variable signal signal variable
Controller Actuator Process
(input) (output)
Feedback loop

Feedback signal
10 | Control systems 161

The control system continues to monitor to manufacturing operations, the speed of a motor,
the output so that the desired parameter a room heater or any other process to which power
is maintained. Control systems can be applied is applied.

3 z VOCABULARY Write the following terms in the correct column.

thermometer • PLC • smoke detector • furnace • alarm bell • speed sensor • microcontroller • piston • sprinkler • thermostat

Sensing elements Comparator Actuating devices

......................................................... ......................................................... .........................................................

......................................................... ......................................................... .........................................................
......................................................... ......................................................... .........................................................

4 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What are control systems? 4 What are the four main elements of closed-loop con-
2 What is a closed-loop control system based on? trol systems?
3 How does a closed-loop control system make 5 What is the function of each element in a closed-loop
a process more efficient? control system?

5 zzz READING COMPREHENSION Consider the block diagram and complete the paragraph below with the
following words.
stop • compares • feeds • adjust • monitors • increase • processes • reduce

Desired Error Control Heat Actual

dryness signal dryness
Controller Clothes
(input) (output)
Feedback loop

Feedback signal

An automatic electric clothes dryer works with a feedback loop. Firstly, a sensor continually (1) ............................................

the temperature or dryness of the clothes and (2) ....................................................... its signal to the comparator. Secondly,
the comparator (3) ................................................... the signal and (4) .................................................. it with the desired input value to
evaluate it. In case of error, the comparator makes the necessary correction by sending a command to the con-
troller and the heating elements. Thirdly, the heating elements (5) .................................................. the system output to reach
the desired performance. For example, if the clothes are too wet the controller may (6) .................................................. the
temperature or drying time. Likewise, if the clothes are nearly dry it may (7) ....................................................... the tempera-
ture or (8) .................................................. the process so as not to overheat or burn the clothes, etc.

6 zz SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at block diagram above and take turns to explain how the automated
clothes dryer works.

7 zz SPEAKING Work in pairs. A thermostat, a fire alarm system and the motor speed control are examples of
automated systems that work through a feedback loop. Take turns to choose one of them and explain the
steps of their feedback loop by using vocabulary from exercises 3 and 5.

Warm up many shapes and sizes, from small ones, suitable

for simple processes, to complex and large control
1 Do you know what the differences between systems, used in industry.
computers and PLCs are?

PLC hardware components

What is a PLC? The CPU, or Central Processing Unit, is the

core of the PLC system, its decision-making unit.
PLC is short for Programmable Logic It consists of a microprocessor, a memory chip
Controller, which is the brain of any automated and other integrated circuits. The microprocessor
equipment. It is a specialized computer used to is programmed using computer language: the
control machines and processes, because it is able user writes the program on a computer, then the
to understand instructions and send out signals to program is downloaded to the CPU via cable.
carry out the desired tasks. The program is then stored in the memory and
Unlike common PCs, it doesn’t have a keyboard, executed by the CPU.
mouse or screen, but it has a more rugged structure The programming device is an external
designed to resist severe heat, cold, dust, strong computer connected
vibrations and other conditions that may occur in to the PLC by a
industrial environments.
Also, it is used to run a dedicated program rather
communication port
(e.g. Ethernet or USB
dedicated: dedicato
port: porta
than for multitasking purposes. PLCs come in port) on the CPU. It is


Pressure sensor Motor

PLC system

Limit switch Pump

Push button Programming device Light indicators

Inputs detect information CPU executes program Output results

10 | Control systems 163

used to enter or change the PLC program and to How a PLC works
monitor values.
The I/O, or Input and Output ports, are The working process of device: dispositivo
input and output
connected to input and output devices that a PLC system resembles di ingresso e uscita
enable the PLC to interact with the surrounding a feedback loop. In limit switch:
interruttore fine corsa
environment. The inputs provide information about fact, while running the
valve: valvola
the external events. Common inputs are switches, program in its memory, discrete: separato
sensors and push buttons; one common industrial the CPU scans the status rack: telaio, struttura
input device is a limit switch, which reports object or values of the inputs portante
positioning. The outputs allow the PLC to actually and outputs, to check if to customize:
control a machine or a process. Examples include the program conditions
electric motors, lights, pumps and valves. Inputs have been met. Then it
and outputs can be analogue or digital and can be makes all the decisions necessary to accomplish the
either integrated in the PLC structure or discrete program, by sending instructions to the outputs. The
modules held in a rack. In this case, the PLC outputs will then adjust the process (e.g. turning
may be customized by adding or removing I/O lights on/off, opening or closing valves, starting
modules according to necessity. motors, etc.) in order to achieve the expected result.
The power supply provides electricity both to the The program is executed over and over until a new
CPU and to the input and output devices. program is loaded.

2 z VOCABULARY Complete the sentences with suitable words.

1 Sensors, push ................................................... and limit switches are examples of ................................................... devices in a PLC.
2 The ................................................... is the decision-making unit in the PLC.
3 The CPU is programmed by the user on a separate ........................................................................................
4 The programming device communicates with the CPU via a communication ....................................................
5 The user program is ................................................... in the memory.
6 The CPU monitors input and output ................................................... based on the program and then makes ............................
....................... to regulate output values.

3 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

X let's watch SURF THE NET!
1 What is a PLC?
2 How does a PLC differ from a common PC? PLC: the basics
3 What are the main hardware components of a PLC? • Watch this video for an introduc-
4 Why is the CPU considered the core of a PLC? tion to PLC components and oper-
5 What is the function of I/O devices? ation (www.youtube.com/watch?
6 How does the PLC technician program the PLC?
7 How can the CPU execute the program set by the user?

4 zz CRITICAL THINKING Discuss as a class: what factors would you consider if you had to choose a PLC?

5 23 zz LISTENING A PLC programmer is talking with a trainee about how to choose a PLC. Listen and tick
the factors he mentions. Then compare them to your answers in exercise 4.
Q cost Q size of PLC
Q number of Input and Output ports Q types of tasks to be monitored and controlled
Q type of power supply (AC/DC) Q types of I/O (analogue or digital)
Q number of staff available Q speed of CPU

6 zzz SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the diagram on the previous page and take turns to describe the main
components of a PLC and their functions.

Warm up Sensors in industry

1 Can you mention different types of sensors? Sensors are greatly used in automated industrial
2 What types of actuators do you know? production too. Some sensors that are frequently
interfaced with PLCs include proximity sensors,
which can detect objects without contact,
photoelectric cells and encoders, which are used
What are sensors? to measure rotational angles, distance, and speed,
Sensors are devices designed to measure physical thermocouples, which measure temperature, and
quantities such as temperature, light, pressure, load cells, which measure weight or force. The
sound, humidity, movement, etc. Properly, they applications of sensors in the production processes
form part of the transducers, which convert the are several: counting/detecting the objects passing
measured data into an electric signal that can be on conveyor belts, gauging shapes and sizes of
understood and used by a processor or a human objects, detecting the presence of pieces to be
operator. They are commonly used as input devices machined, etc.
in automated systems for data acquisition and for The primary advantage of using sensors in industry
monitoring processes. is that they allow the system to monitor its own
performance without the need for a human
operator, who would be less precise. In fact,
Common types of sensors
accuracy in industrial processes is essential, as even
Due to their variety, sensors can be used for a wide a little variation in the positioning, speed, size of
range of everyday applications: a security alarm an object or workpiece could affect the whole
system may have an infrared sensor, which sends production sequence.
a signal when the beam is broken. A heat sensitive
sensor in the corner of a room may detect the
presence of a person. Temperature sensors could transducer: trasduttore
conveyor belt: nastro
be used to control the heating in a large building.
termocoppia to gauge: misurare, calibrare
Magnetic sensors are used to detect metal and load cell: cella di carico to affect: influenzare
can be placed in roads, to monitor traffic flow.

Thermometer. Pressure sensor. Motion detector.

10 | Control systems 165

3 z READING COMPREHENSION Match the sensors (1-5) with their applications (a-e).
Type of sensor Used for
1 d temperature a automatic doors, assembly lines, burglar alarm systems, street lighting control
2 pressure b burglar alarm system, automatic lighting system
3 humidity c assembly lines
4 motion d automatic washing machines, central heating system, cookers
5 light e automatic greenhouse, agriculture, specific products manufacturing (e. g. microchips)

4 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What is a sensor?
2 What is the difference between sensors and transducers?
3 Why are sensors important in industrial automated procedures?
4 What types of tasks can sensors perform in industrial processes?
5 Are sensors used for everyday applications? How?

5 zzz SPEAKING Consider three automated systems of your choice. Describe what type of sensors are employed
and what variables they measure.

What are actuators? traffic lights. Lights are employed in car dashboards
to show if any of the car systems has problems. In
An actuator is a computer-controlled device that manufacturing processes, lights can signal ongoing
can affect the operations of a machine depending activities or faults.
on the instructions received. Actuators are typical Buzzers can provide noise. For example, the
output devices in automated systems. Let’s have a buzzer in a microwave oven can be switched on by
look at some examples. the controlling computer when the food is cooked.
Motors can provide movement. For example, the Louder noises can be made using a siren or an
motor in a washing machine can be controlled by a electric bell, for example in a burglar alarm system.
computer - it is switched on when the clothes are Heaters are suitable for
loaded for washing and switched off at the end of keeping the correct
the wash. Computer-controlled motors are also temperature of rooms,
found in microwave ovens (to turn the food fluids or air in buildings
around), air-conditioning units (to drive the and inside machines.
fan) and in industrial applications, to move
machinery and robotic arms.
Lightbulbs and LEDs can provide
light, or indicate something. For example,
to drive: spingere,
far muovere
computer-controlled lights are used in Buzzer.

6 z READING COMPREHENSION Match the actuators (1-6) with their functions (a-f).
Type of actuator Used for
1 e light bulb or LED a pushing air or water through pipes
2 heater b emitting noise
3 cooling unit c decreasing temperature
4 motion d increasing temperature
5 pump e signalling visual information
6 buzzer f spinning objects/mechanisms

7 zzz WRITING AND CRITICAL THINKING Consider one automated system of your choice. Describe its operation
by explaining its working sequence using vocabulary from this unit.
VOCABULARY didattica inclusiva

1 z Write the correct name under each picture.
camera y PC y alarm bell y robotic arm y thermostat y infrared sensor y
heaters and coolers y thermometer y CPU


1 ................................................................................................. 4 ................................................................................................ 7 .................................................................................................

2 ................................................................................................ 5 ................................................................................................ 8 ................................................................................................

3 ................................................................................................ 6 ................................................................................................ 9 ................................................................................................

2 zz Choose the correct alternative.

1 Sensors are able to measure / adjust external parameters.
2 An encoder is an example of a sensor / an actuator.
3 The CPU is a type of controller / comparator.
4 The comparator processes / measures the signal received from the sensors to evaluate it.
5 Actuators are used as input / output devices in automated systems to adjust their operations.
6 Actuators are controlled by the CPU / sensors.
10 | Control systems 167

3 zz Complete the table with the missing words.

Verb Noun (-er/-or) Verb Noun (-er/-or)

to assemble assembler comparator
designer to control
programmer heater
to use to convey
to operate to indicate
to detect employer
processor to provide

4 zz Write the word corresponding to the definition.

1 The operator who writes instructions to be downloaded to the CPU. ......................................................................
2 The parts of a PLC which allow the system to interact with the external environment. .........................................................
3 A component used by the PLC to alter the process according to set parameters. ......................................................................
4 A device used to detect physical variables. ......................................................................
5 A sensor that measures the level of smoke in the area. ......................................................................
6 A device that emits a loud sound when activated. ......................................................................

5 zzz Explain the function of the term given. Use words from exercises 3 and 4.
Example: comparator It receives data from sensors and compares them with the desired parameters.
1 CPU ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2 controller ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3 power supply ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

4 thermocouple ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5 pump ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6 light indicator ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6 zzz FCE Fill in the text with the correct form of the word at the end of the line.

A heating system: how it works

Closed-loop systems are designed to (1) automatically achieve and maintain the AUTOMATE
desired output condition by monitoring and controlling their own process through
feedback. For example, an automated heating system in a house is used to reach
and maintain a (2) ..................................................... temperature by repeating a cycle of SET
(3) .....................................................: measurement, evaluation and control. OPERATE
First, a temperature sensor measures the temperature in the room. Then, the sensor
sends the data to a (4) ....................................................., a thermostat, which compares the COMPARE
actual room temperature with the desired value. If the two values do not match,
the thermostat sends a signal to the (5) ..................................................... in order to take CONTROL
(6) ..................................................... action. In turn, the controller activates the boiler that CORRECT
may increase or decrease the output in order to adjust the temperature in the
room. This feedback loop is (7) ..................................................... repeated, so that the system CONTINUE
is able to adjust its own output also in case of (8) ..................................................... external EXPECT
events that may affect room temperature.

Infinitives and gerunds: the basics

1 Infinitive (to + base form of the verb)

Esempi Usi
Si usa to + verbo in forma base dopo:
It is important to understand exactly how many inputs and • gli aggettivi in genere e con la costruzione:
outputs the PLC needs to operate correctly. It is + aggettivo
per es. It is (important) to…
If you decide to buy a PLC, you should keep in mind several • alcuni verbi
factors. per es. decide, expect, intend, manage, need, plan, want,
would like
The outputs allow the PLC to control a machine or a process. • alcuni verbi che seguono la costruzione:
verbo + oggetto + to
per es. allow, enable, expect, intend, need, require, want,
would like
The comparator processes the signal received from the sensors to Infinitive of purpose (infinito di scopo)
evaluate it. Si usa l’infinito per spiegare il motivo di un’azione.
The outputs will adjust the external process in order to achieve Allo stesso modo si usa anche l’espressione in order to
the expected result. (= al fine di).

La forma negativa dell’infinito è not to + verbo forma base.

Per es. It is important not to switch the PLC off during processing operations.

2 Gerund (verb + -ing)

Esempi Usi
Si usa il verbo nella forma -ing dopo:
Machines can work 24/7 without stopping. • preposizioni
He is very good at programming CNC machines. • verbi, aggettivi o sostantivi che reggono preposizioni
A lot of companies today prefer investing in automated systems. • alcuni verbi
per es. avoid, enjoy, like, love, hate, prefer
Selecting the correct PLC depends on several factors. Generalmente si usa la forma -ing quando il verbo svolge
la funzione di soggetto della frase.

Attenzione alle seguenti costruzioni:

Sensors are used to measure physical quantities. Sensors are used for measuring physical quantities.
To + infinito con valore finale (lo scopo di un’azione) For + ing con valore strumentale (la funzione di qualcosa)
10 | Control systems 169

3 Verbs + infinitive and gerund

Esempi Significato
If you press that button the machine stops working. Stop + -ing: smettere di fare qualcosa
The technician stopped to check a fault. Stop + infinito: smettere/fermarsi per fare qualcos’altro
The programmer remembers changing the parameters on the Remember + -ing: ricordarsi di aver fatto qualcosa
You must remember to change the parameters on the machine Remember + infinito: ricordarsi di fare qualcosa
before you start the new project. In maniera analoga si costruisce il verbo forget.
Try using the other mill. It’s faster. Try + -ing: provare, fare un tentativo
I’ll try to solve the problem without stopping the machine. Try + infinito: sforzarsi di fare qualcosa

1 z Underline the correct alternative.

1 I clearly remember to switch / switching off the power supply before I started the inspection.
2 After proper training, these machines are quite simple to program / programming.
3 If you are interested in to buy / buying a new PLC, you should select it carefully.
4 Temperature sensors could be used to control / controlling the heating in a large building.
5 The PLC may be customized by to add / adding input and output modules.

2 zz Complete the article with the correct form of the verbs in brackets (-ing form or infinitive).

Robots are ready to work in restaurants

People at the last Food Machinery and Technology Show in Tokyo, Japan, were great-
ly surprised when a robotic chef started (1) cooking (cook) food. Other machines were
cooking, baking pastries and even making sushi.
Akihiro Suzuki works at Yaskawa Electric, a company that develops robots. He says robots
cannot do everything a human can, but they are able (2) ................................................. (work) without
(3) ..................................................... (become) tired. He says robots cannot taste food, change heating levels
or spices to get the best flavour. But if a food is easy (4) ................................................ (prepare), a robot can
repeat the same movement (5) .................................................... (reproduce) the same meal. Suzumo Machin-
ery demonstrated its sushi maker robot. It performs the often difficult work of (6) .........................................................

(wrap) the popular Japanese food.

Hiroshi Monden, who works for the company, says that people all over the world now eat sushi, but there are
not enough skilled workers (7) ................................................. (prepare) it. He says their machine can help anyone make
sushi. Other robots can cut and peel apples, and they are very effective at (8) .............................................. (decorate)
cakes. (9) .............................................. (cook) gourmet dishes may soon become their next goal.
One Japanese woman who saw the robots wanted (10) ................................................. (bring) them home. Masayo Mori
says she would like (11) ................................................. (have) a husband who could work like a robot.

(Adapted from learningenglish.voanews.com)

3 zzz Translate the following sentences.

1 Questo macchinario usa un sistema di controllo per regolare automaticamente la propria attività.
2 Aprire la porta di sicurezza durante la lavorazione è pericoloso.
3 I sensori sono dispositivi progettati per rilevare e misurare quantità fisiche.
4 Per selezionare gli attuatori adatti, è importante considerare quali funzioni deve svolgere il sistema.
5 La CPU non può regolare i parametri senza ricevere i segnali dai sensori.


1 zz Mike Wasinski works at a small company that makes bottled drinks. He has
written an e-mail to their supplier of electronic equipment A&E Microelec-
tronics. Read the e-mails below and find the English equivalent for the
following expressions.
1 fare un reclamo .............................................................................

2 merce ....................................................................................................

3 articoli ..................................................................................................

4 causare problemi ..........................................................................

5 rimborso .............................................................................................

6 scusarsi ................................................................................................

7 spedizione .........................................................................................

8 sconto ...................................................................................................

Dear Sirs, Dear Mr Wasinski,

I’m writing to complain about my recent order. We apologize for the inconvenience.
I ordered 20 proximity sensors from you last I have checked the status of your order and
month, order no. PS 4352b. We expected the goods apparently there has been some problem with
by last week, but we haven’t received them yet. the dispatch company. I have just arranged a new
This is causing considerable inconvenience to delivery. You should receive the goods in two days’
us. In fact, we had to slow down our production time.
temporarily. We need to receive the items urgently; We would also like to offer you a discount on your
otherwise, we require a full refund for our order. next purchase.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have further
Regards, requests.
Mike Wasinski Best regards,
Technical Department Manager David Bells
A&E Microelectronics - Regional Sales Coordinator

2 zz Read the first e-mail again and answer the following questions.
1 Why is Mr Wasinski writing this e-mail?
2 What is the problem?
3 What does he ask for?
4 Is the e-mail formal or informal?

3 zz Match the beginnings of the sentences (1-7) with the suitable endings (a-g).
1 I’m writing to complain a by last week.
2 We expected the goods b a discount.
3 This is causing c for the inconvenience.
4 We need the items d about my recent order.
5 We require e a full refund for our order.
6 I apologize f urgently.
7 We would like to offer you g inconvenience to us.
10 | Control systems 171

Key language
1 Say why you are writing 2 State the problem 3 Ask for action
• I’m writing to complain about… • We haven’t received the goods • We need the goods urgently / by
• I’m writing to make a complaint yet. (tomorrow).
about… • We ordered (20) items, but • We require a full refund.
• I’m writing with reference to my when we received the goods • We expect a replacement at your
order nr.… there were only (10) / (10) were expense.
missing. • We require your prompt
• Some items were damaged. intervention because this
is causing us considerable

1 Apologize 2 Offer solutions
• We would like to apologize for (the inconvenience) • A new delivery has been arranged.
• We are sorry about (the inconvenience) • The items will be dispatched soon.
• We are sorry to hear that… • You will receive the goods by (the end of the week)
at the latest.
• We would like to offer you a discount on your next

4 zz Read the situations below and answer the following questions for each one.
1 Who are you writing to?
2 What is the problem?
3 What could you ask for?

Situation A Situation B
Your company has ordered 20 milling machines You work for a technical college. Your
for a tradeshow in Berlin (order no. 10532) from college purchased 3 infrared sensors and
your supplier, Power Tools. 10 alarm bells for the college security
The tradeshow will be held system from G&M Electronics (order no.
on 6th May. It is 3rd May now GM 3170A).
and the machines have not Problems after delivery:
been delivered yet. • 1 sensor was damaged;
• there were only 8 alarm bells in the
The person to
report to at G&M
Electronics is
Pierre Bourdin.

5 zzz Work in pairs. Choose one situation and write an e-mail using the suitable expressions for making com-
plaints from the Key language box.

6 zzz Work in pairs. Swap the e-mail you have written in exercise 5 with a classmate. Answer the e-mail using
the suitable expressions for responding to complaints from the Key language box.
WHAT DO YOU didattica inclusiva


1 How automation works. Complete the table with the following words.
controller detect comparator change

CLOSED-LOOP Sensing Actuating

(2) ................................... (3) ...................................
CONTROL elements devices

(1) ................................. evaluates activates (4) .................................

physical data devices system
variables performance

2 PLC: the basics. Complete the table with the missing words.

(1) ........................................................... module monitors and measures physical parameters

processes information and makes

(2) ............................................. to adjust the performance

PLC Output module changes the system performance

(3) ........................................................... device used to write the PLC program

Power (4) ........................................................... provides electricity

3 Sensors and actuators. Complete the tables with the missing words.


Proximity Load cells Infrared sensors Thermometers and

(1) ...................................................... Heat sensitive thermocouples


Motors Light Buzzers Heaters and

(2) ...................................................... (3) ......................................................
Unit 11


1 Robotics: the basics  Explain what a robot is
2 Industrial robots  Identify the elements of a robot and describe
3 The robotic arm its mechanical structure
 Describe the different types of industrial robots
EXPAND YOUR VOCABULARY  Describe the main parts of a robotic arm
and explain their features
 Robotics  Describe different types of end-effectors
 Explain how to choose an end-effector
 Work in a team
 Grammar: modals and verbs for ability  Develop critical thinking
and possibility  Describe graphs and charts


 Describing graphs and charts  Concept map

Digital Area Exercises Listening exercises Video

1 IC S : T H E B A S IC S

Warm up
1 Have you ever seen robots in movies? What do
they look like? What are they able to do?

What is a robot?
be equipped with a number of sensors, which
A modern robot could be defined as a monitor parameters both internal to the robot
particular type of automated system. It is a – e.g. position, speed – and external – e.g. the
programmable multipurpose machine usually position and distance of objects, their shape, etc.
designed to perform a wide range of jobs, such as The data constantly measured by sensors are
moving materials, parts, tools or specialized devices. transmitted to the central controlling device.
In addition, not only is it programmed to carry • A controlling device: this acts as the brain of the
out tasks without the need for human supervision, robot. It is a computer that processes information
but it can also move and manipulate objects. from sensors and evaluates it with the programmed
This makes it able to interact with the surrounding parameters in order to make decisions to
environment in a way that is not possible for other accomplish the program set by the user.
automated machinery. • A power source: this provides the electric power
required to allow all mechanisms to work. The
The mechanical structure of robots necessary power supply may vary depending on
All robots share some key components. The the type and size of the robot
mechanical structure of a robot includes the
following elements. What does a robot look like?
• A movable structure: this may vary from one Although most fiction portrays robots as humanoids,
robot to another. Some only have motorized anthropomorphic machines that look like
wheels, and others have dozens of movable humans are not widely used at present. Experts
segments, typically made of metal or plastic. working in the field have been developing robots
In general, it is made by individual segments whose appearance may vary depending on their
connected together with joints, thus forming the applications, from wheeled self-guided vehicles, able
body of the robot. to follow a programmed route, to robotic arms, used
• A drive mechanism: this includes actuators for high-precision surgical operations, and domestic
used to move the mechanical structure. There robots, like the round and flat automatic vacuum
are three main drive systems. The electric cleaners or lawnmowers for home uses. However,
system makes use of motors, such as servo or most robots are currently
stepper motors, to control the movements of the
robot body. The hydraulic and the pneumatic
systems include pumps or compressors that drive
exploited in industrial
production. Typically,
these look like robotic
joint: articolazione
pressurised fluids or gases around passages in the arms used for assembly, drive mechanism:
robot structure in order to move pistons and pick and place, material meccanismo
extend the robot segments. handling and mechanical di azionamento
• A sensing technology: in order to interact operations, particularly in antropomorfo
with the environment around it, a robot must the automotive field.
11 | Robotics 175

2 zz READING COMPREHENSION Match the robot main parts (1-5) with their functions (a-e).
1 movable structure a It monitors the behaviour of the robots and its surroundings.
2 drive mechanism b It makes decisions to perform the appropriate actions according to the set
3 sensing technology program.
4 controlling device c It supplies the energy to activate the other mechanisms.
5 power source d It includes the mechanical limbs of the robot, called segments, connected
by joints.
e It puts the segments of the robot into motion.

3 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What is the main difference between a robot and other automated equipment?
2 Why can robots be considered multipurpose machines?
3 Does the mechanical structure of robots have some standard components?
4 What types of drive systems are there?
5 Why is a sensing technology essential in a robot?
6 How can a robot decide what to do?
7 How does the appearance of robots vary from one to another?

4 24 zz LISTENING A professor of Applied Sciences is giving a short lecture on the history of robotics. Listen
and complete the timeline with the missing information.

GM installs Unimate Sensor technology (7) ..............................................

robots on (2) .................. and computer are built for

............................................... science evolve. military and space

to lift and stack hot Robots become missions. in 2000,
pieces of metal. more complex after two decades of
and mobile. research, Honda
Japan develops launches ASIMO. It
WABOT 1, the first can move, interact
(5) ................................... with humans and the
.............................. robot. environment.

1956 1961 (3) ......................... 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000-present

Devol and In (3) ......................................... Other industrial robots Besides industrial

Engelberger produce ....................... Victor appear: the SCARA machines, (8) ...................
Unimate, (1) ..................... Scheinman invents robot is introduced to ..............................................

............................................ the Stanford Arm, assembly lines in 1981, and professional

which can transfer an articulated mainly for (6) ........................ robot technology
objects. robot capable of ......................................... uses. improves in various
sophisticated tasks fields.
(ex. (4) .....................................

5 zzz SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the timeline above and comment on the turning points in the history
of robots.

Warm up Robots in industry

1 Match the following directions (1-3) with the From autonomous vehicles devoted to material
corresponding movement (a-c). transfer to pick and place machines, the use of
1 lateral a up and down robots in industrial production has been growing
2 longitudinal b right and left considerably over the last decades. Robots may
3 vertical c forward and backward vary in speed, precision, work envelope, load
2 Which of these movements can robots perform? capacity and degrees of freedom (DOF).
Can you think of others?
DOF refer to the movements the robot is able
to perform, which depend on the number and

work envelope: zona
di lavoro
revolute joint:
articolazione di rivoluzione
type of its joints. Robots with prismatic joints
can move their segments linearly along the
three x, y and z axes, corresponding to lateral,
load capacity: capacità arc welding: saldatura
di carico continua longitudinal and vertical motion. Some robots
degrees of freedom: spot welding: saldatura may also have revolute joints, which enable the
gradi di libertà per punti machines to rotate their segments around one or
prismatic joint: to tilt: inclinare
articolazione prismatica
more axes, thus increasing the complexity of their

Robots used in industry are commonly made of a base, a column and one or more movable arms to position the hand or tools of the
robot, all connected through joints in different configurations. The choice of robots depends on the applications they are meant for. At
the moment, most industrial robots fall under four categories.

Cartesian robots Cylindrical robots Spherical or polar robots Articulated SCARA robots
% They consist of a column % Their segments can slide % As cylindrical robots, % SCARA robots (Selective Compliant
and one or two arms. Their along the y and z axes, they consist in a rotary Assembly Robot Arm) are one type
prismatic joints allow and the column can rotate base and extendable of articulated robots. They are
linear movements of their around the base. So, arm moving forward and composed of segments connected
(Adapted from www.robotbasics.com)

segments along the three they can cover a circular backward. In addition, the by revolute joints that enable wide
axes. working area. arm can elevate, tilting up lateral and longitudinal motion,
% They have a rather rigid % They have uses in spot and down. while the working tool can move
structure and good welding, loading and % These are very versatile up and down.
precision. They can manage unloading, transferring robots. Some of their uses % They are designed for light and
high loads, and are mostly pieces from one location to include material loading medium loads. They cover a wide
used for pick and place, another. and unloading, spray work area and are very precise,
assembly, arc welding and painting and spot welding. which makes them suitable
machine tool loading. 3D They are not as precise as for pick and place, assembly,
printers can have such a others, but can reach high manipulating, welding, drilling and
structure, too. load capacity. soldering operations.
11 | Robotics 177


X let's watch SURF THE NET!

Tool holder Industrial robots animation

• Watch this video for details about three types
of robots common in industry: the SCARA robot,
Arm 2 the Cartesian robot and the articulated robot,
Arm 1 which are described in this unit (www.youtube.

Joints Industrial robotics

• Watch this video for an introduction to features
and applications of articulated robotic arms

3 zz VOCABULARY Complete the sentences using one of the following words.

along • around • tilting • revolute • vertical • lateral • prismatic • y

Example: The x-axis identifies a lateral movement from left to right and vice versa.
1 A robotic segment can slide up and down along the .................................................... axis.
2 A robotic segment can move back and forth longitudinally along the ....................................................-axis.
3 In Cartesian configurations, the robot segments can slide .................................................... the three axes.
4 In cylindrical robots, a .................................................... joint allows the column to revolve .................................................... its base.
5 Spherical robots can point in many directions by .................................................... their arm up and down.
6 SCARA robots show a wide work envelope thanks to a combination of revolute and ............................................ joints.

4 zz PET READING COMPREHENSION Choose the correct answer. Only one is right.
1 “Degrees of freedom” refer to 4 Cartesian robots can’t
Q a the movements of the robotic arm Q a lift their segments up and down
Q b the type of joints of the robotic arm Q b move their arm from left to right
Q c the movable segments of the robotic arm Q c tilt their segments side to side
2 In a robotic arm, the joints 5 Cylindrical robots can’t
Q a allow robots to lift their base Q a move their column around the base
Q b allow robots to move their segments Q b tilt their arm up and down
Q c allow robots to detach their segments Q c move their segments back and forth
3 Which robot configuration covers a wider 6 The arm of a spherical robot can’t
working area? Q a extend along the y axis
Q a Cartesian Q b tilt up and down
Q b cylindrical Q c extend up and down

5 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 How do industrial robots differ from one another?
2 What types of joints may robots have?
3 What structural elements do industrial robots usually have in common?
4 What is the main characteristic of Cartesian robots?
5 What similarities and differences are there between cylindrical and spherical robots?
6 Why can SCARA robots cover a wide working area?
7 What typical industrial applications can robots perform?

6 zzz SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the pictures showing robot configurations and take turns to describe
their main features.

Warm up End-effectors
1 What part of the robot is crucial to perform a In any robot configuration, the end-effectors, or
specific task in your opinion? hands, are devices mounted on the wrist. They are
essential in robots, because they act to perform a
specific task similarly to the human hand. The wrist
joint is particularly important, as it allows the end-
Articulated robots
effectors to make three rotary movements: yaw (side
Articulated or anthropomorphic robots are those to side motion), roll (lateral tilting), and pitch (tilting
that most resemble the human arm. This is why up and down). In this way, the robot hand can adapt
their segments are named after parts of the human to different shapes and surfaces, and the machine
body. A stationary base called feet holds the can be programmed to perform several tasks. Thus,
support structure, a column which is usually robots are considered universal machines.
designed to revolve around its vertical axis. Other End-effectors may consist of a tool to perform a
segments (arm, forearm, end-effector) are specific machining operation, for example a spray
connected through joints called shoulder, elbow painting gun or a welding head, or of a gripper
and wrist, allowing rotary movements up to 6 to grasp, hold and move objects. There are the
DOF or more. Thanks to their mobility, the following three main types of grippers.
resulting work envelope is greater than in other • Mechanical: they include pliers, tweezers and
configurations. They can also reach high precision other grippers with fingers or jaws. They can
and great flexibility. So, these robots are used for be driven by electrical, pneumatic or hydraulic
a wide range of applications, including material actuators.
loading and unloading, arc welding, assembly, laser • Based on suction: they are composed by
or water jet cutting, tool replacement and others. vacuum cups that adhere to the surface of objects.
• Magnetized: they are composed by magnets,
which generate a magnetic field to attract the
objects. For this to work, objects to be grasped
must be made of materials that respond to
magnetic forces, usually metals.
How are end-effectors chosen? Some factors to
be considered are the type of production process,
the shape and size of objects to be manipulated,
their weight, the material they are made of,
characteristics of the environment where the
robot is operating - e.g. temperature, location of
workbenches, etc.

end-effector: terminale
yaw: imbardata
gripper: pinza, organo
di presa
roll: rullio suction: aspirazione
pitch: beccheggio vacuum cup: ventosa
Robot gripping a spherical roller bearing and robot welding.
11 | Robotics 179

2 z VOCABULARY Look at the pictures of end-effectors (1-5) and choose the correct name from the following.
jaws • magnet • vacuum cups • tweezers • welding head

1 ............................................... 2 .............................................. 3 .............................................. 4 .............................................. 5 ..............................................

3 z VOCABULARY Look at the picture on the right

and find the English equivalent of the following
words. Forearm

1 basamento fisso .................................................. Wrist Elbow

2 colonna ............................................................... (joint) (joint)
3 spalla ................................................................... Hand /
4 braccio ................................................................ End-effector
5 gomito ................................................................
6 avambraccio .......................................................
Shoulder (joint)
7 polso ................................................................... Support
8 mano ................................................................... structure

4 zz READING COMPREHENSION Match the articulated robot’s components (1-7) with their definitions (a-g).
1 d support structure a The final joint of the robot, that can perform various rotary movements around
the three axes.
2 arm
b A direction which the robot can move along or revolve around.
3 wrist
c The mechanism connecting two segments of a robot so that they are free to
4 hand move.
5 gripper d The first segment that sustains the whole structure. In some robots it can also
6 axis revolve around the vertical axis.
7 joint e Also called end-effector, it is the ending part of the robot capable of carrying out
various operations depending on its configuration.
f A specific type of end-effector capable of clasping and holding pieces.
g It is connected to the supporting base through a joint called shoulder.

5 zz READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What are the three articulations of the anthropomorphic robotic arm?
2 Why is this configuration the most flexible category of robotic arms?
3 What are end-effectors?
4 What movements can end-effectors make?
5 Which are the two main groups of end-effectors and what is the difference between them?
6 How do grippers differ?
7 Why are there so many different types of end-effectors?

6 zzz SPEAKING AND WRITING Work in pairs. Look at the picture above and take turns to describe the main
parts of a robotic arm and their features. Then write a short paragraph to summarize the main information
about the articulated robotic arm.
VOCABULARY didattica inclusiva

1 z Complete the pictures with the following words.
wrist y elbow y end-effector y support structure y shoulder y feet

The robotic arm

5 ................................................................................................ 4 ...................................................................................................

6 ................................................................................................

3 ................................................................................................

2 ................................................................................................
1 .................................................................................................

cartesian y cylindrical y spherical y SCARA y anthropomorphic

Robot configurations

7 ........................................................................................
10 ...................................................................................

8 ....................................................................................... 9 ....................................................................................... 11 .....................................................................................

2 zz Choose the correct alternative.

1 Robots are able to program / control their movements.
2 Robots use sensors to monitor / change the objects around them and move their segments
3 Cartesian robots can move their joints around / along their axes.
4 The most versatile robotic arm is the spherical / articulated type.
5 In order to perform a specific task, all robots need a specialized joint / end-effector.
6 A spray painting gun is an example of a gripper / tool.
11 | Robotics 181

3 zz Basic terminology. Match words in the first column (1-10) with words in the second column (a-j) to form a
recurring expression in the robotics field.
1 robotic a joint robotic arm
2 drive b axis ................................................................

3 power c device ................................................................

4 controlling d envelope ................................................................

5 revolute e arm ................................................................

6 work f supply ................................................................

7 load g line ................................................................

8 vertical h handling ................................................................

9 material i capacity ................................................................

10 assembly j system ................................................................

4 zz Find the words from exercise 3 corresponding to the definitions.

1 An articulated machine that replicates the movements of the human arm. .................................................................................
2 It connects the segments of a robot to allow rotary movements. .................................................................................
3 The direction followed by a robot segment when it moves up and down. .................................................................................
4 The work area that a robot can cover. .................................................................................

5 Operations that include material transfer, loading and unloading. .................................................................................

6 It is the component which provides electricity to all robot parts. .................................................................................

5 zzz Write a definition of the word given.

1 robot A multipurpose manipulator that can be programmed to perform a variety of tasks.
2 movable structure ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3 sensing technology .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................

4 degrees of freedom ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5 Cartesian robot ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6 SCARA robot .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

7 end-effector .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

8 gripper .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6 zzz FCE Read the text below and think of the word that best fits each gap. Use only one word.

Unmanned ground vehicles

Unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs), also known (1) as land robots, are vehicles that operate in contact with
the ground but (2) ............................................... a pilot onboard. UGVs can (3) ............................................... used for many ap-
plications where it may be dangerous or impossible to have a human operator present. Generally, the vehicle
will have a set of (4) ............................................... to observe the environment, and will either (5) ...............................................
decisions about its behaviour or pass the information (6) ................................................ a human operator at a differ-
ent location, who will control the vehicle remotely.
There are a variety of UGVs in use today. Mainly, they are used (7) ...................................................... replace humans in
hazardous situations, (8) ..................................................... as handling explosives. In manufacturing, they are involved
(9) ................................................ transporting materials. They are useful for agriculture, mining and construction.
They are effective in naval and space operations. Furthermore, UGVs (10) ..................................................... now being
used in rescue and recovery missions and (11) ..................................................... first employed to find survivors follow-
ing 9/11 (12) ..................................................... Ground Zero.

Modals and verbs for ability: revision

Can e could sono verbi modali e hanno quindi le caratteristiche comuni a questi verbi (vedi Unit 5).

Can/can’t: esempi Uso

A robot is a programmable machine that can move and È utilizzato al presente semplice per:
manipulate objects. • indicare abilità;
What can robots do? • dare o negare il permesso di fare qualcosa;
Cartesian robots can’t tilt their segments. • chiedere il permesso di fare qualcosa;
You can’t enter the control room. • fare richieste.
Can I use that drill?

Could/couldn’t: esempi Uso

Could WABOT 1 move? Oltre all’uso nel presente per dare consigli, è utilizzato al
passato semplice per indicare:
• abilità;
• azioni che si è o non si è riusciti a compiere.

To be able to: esempi Uso

I’d like to be able to program with CAT tools. Per esprimere abilità negli altri tempi verbali si usa il ver-
Robots in the future will probably be able to interact with bo to be able to: non è un verbo modale, ha tutti i tempi
humans as humans. verbali e utilizza gli ausiliari per i tempi composti e le
forme interrogative e negative.
I was able to find the fault in that control program yesterday. In particolare, was/were able to in forma affermativa si
usa in riferimento a un’azione che si è stati capaci di
compiere in un preciso momento nel passato.

Expressing ability
I due verbi to manage to + infinito e to succeed in + -ing possono essere usati in alternativa a to be able to con il significato
di “essere in grado di/riuscire a”.
He tried hard and in the end he managed to find the fault in the control program.
Engineers have finally succeeded in building a self-controlling machine.

Modals and verbs for possibility: revision

May e might sono verbi modali e hanno quindi le caratteristiche comuni a questi verbi (vedi Unit 5).

May/might: esempi Uso

The movable structure may vary from one robot to another. Sono entrambi utilizzati per:
What types of joints may robots have? • indicare una possibilità; may esprime una possibilità
In the future, some robots may serve as another set of eyes, ears, maggiore rispetto a might;
hands and legs for people in need. • fare previsioni riguardo al futuro (in questo caso, espri-
Someday robots might help with important tasks like assisting mono incertezza).
the elderly. Le forme negative sono may not e might not. Solitamente
non si usano nella forma contratta.
11 | Robotics 183

Expressing possibility
• Le espressioni to be likely/unlikely to + infinito corrispondono a “essere probabile/improbabile che…”, viene usata in
riferimento alla possibilità di una situazione o azione.
Assisting robots are likely to become available on the market in a few years’ time.
• Alcuni avverbi che esprimono la probabilità di una situazione o azione sono possibily, probably, maybe, perhaps.

1 zz Complete the first part of the following text with the correct form of can, could, to be able to.

The evolution of robotic surgery

The first generation of robots, like the Unimation PUMA developed in the 1980s, had limited movements and
(1) ................................................. only carry out specific tasks. Robots of the second generation (2) ................................................
now perform a range of fine actions, which surgeons have rapidly adapted to. In fact, the robot is the “slave”,
while the surgeon is the “master”. This means that the robot (3) ................................................................... act alone, but the
surgeon controls all its movements by sitting at a console next to the operating table. For example, surgeons
(4) ..................................................................... use special joysticks and pedals to move their hands and feet and the robot
(5) ..................................................................... to replicate the micro-movements within the patient.

2 zzz Complete the second part of the text with the correct form of can, could, to be able to, may/might.

Over the last few years, researchers (6) ................................................. to endow robots with sophisticated technology.
Surgeons (7) ................................................. now see inside the patient thanks to cameras attached to the robotic arms,
which generate hi-def 3D images on the terminal. The camera (8) ................................................. also be projected onto
several screens around the operating theatre, so the team (9) ................................................. know what the surgeon
is doing. In a way, the robotic surgical system must (10) ................................................. to work as part of a team to
deliver high-precision surgery. The next generation of robots (11) ................................................. even be more compact,
faster and able to identify and solve some problems autonomously. However, surgical robots are extremely
expensive at the moment and most hospitals (12) ................................................. afford them. Also, the costs of training
medical staff (13) ................................................. be quite expensive too.
The future of surgery (14) ................................................. see telesurgery, where the surgeon in one place (e.g. a hospital)
(15) ............................................. perform robotic surgery on a patient elsewhere (e.g. an injured soldier on a battlefield).

(Adapted from How it Works Book of Amazing Technology, vol. 3)



Graphs, charts, diagrams and tables are visual aids that help understand data and information. They may refer to past
or current situations, or even represent future forecasts.
Pie charts show a static situation. Bar charts can be used to compare different items in a specific moment or over a
period of time, while line graphs are useful to show general movements or trends over time. They combine informa-
tion about two parameters shown on the horizontal x-axis and on the vertical y-axis.


4% 3% 14% Automotive
Metals and machinery
Rubber and plastics
Food and beverages
Other industries


(Adapted from ifr.org)

1 z The pie chart above shows the industrial sectors where robots were used in 2017. Look at the chart and de-
cide if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.
1 In 2017, most industrial robots were employed in the automotive industry. n n
2 The second biggest sector is the Electrical/Electronics industry with a quarter of the total. n n
3 The lowest amount of robots were used in the medical sector with 3% of the total. n n
4 Rubber and plastics employed a slightly smaller percentage of robots than the metals industry. n n
5 Consumer goods, textiles and other industries combined were a very large percentage of the total. n n

2 z Match the trends shown in the line graphs (1-4) to their descriptions (a-d).

10 20 20 10

5 10 10 5

0 0 0 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr Jan Jun Dec Jan Apr Aug Dec Jan Apr Aug Dec

1 .......................................................... 2 .......................................................... 3 .......................................................... 4 ..........................................................

a Sales dropped dramatically to £5,000.

b We expect a sharp increase in profits in the second part of the year.
c Employment rates remained constant over last year.
d Sales may rise slightly in the first quarter next year.
11 | Robotics 185

Key language

Verb Adverb

Sales of industrial robots increase/rise/grow/go up slightly (= marginally)

steadily (= slowly but regularly)

decrease/fall/drop/go down sharply (= suddenly and considerably)

dramatically (= suddenly and radically)

Sales of industrial robots remain/stay (constant/stable)

Adjective Noun

There was a slight increase/rise/growth of + (6) units

steady in + (type of items)

sharp decrease/fall/drop

There was no change in the sales of industrial robots

3 zz The graphs show the evolution of robot sales over the last few years. Look at the graphs and complete the
report with the following words. Then cover the text and take turns to comment on the graphs orally with the
expressions from the Key language box.
remained • shows • expected • rose • lowest • by • may • sharp

Global sales of industrial robots Top types of robots sold

from 2007 to 2021* (forecast) from 2007 to 2021* (forecast)

600 30
Thousands of units

Thousands of units

400 20 18
166 178
200 10 8
114 6 6
60 4
2,4 1,5 2
0 0
2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2021* 2007 2017 2021*

(Adapted from ifr.org)

The line graph (1) ................................................. the global sales of industrial robots between 2007 and 2021. Sales
stood at 114,000 units in 2007. Then, they decreased to their (2) ................................................ point in 2009 before they
(3) .............................................. sharply between 2009 and 2011. They continued to rise steadily from 166,000 to 178,000
units in 2013. Then, a (4) ................................................. increase in sales started from 2015 onwards to reach a peak in
2017. Sales are (5) ....................................................... to increase considerably and (6) ....................................................... reach over
500,000 units by about 2021. As we can see from the bar chart, articulated robots (7) ................................................

on top between 2007 and 2017, but also SCARA and Cartesian robots went up (8) ................................................. some
units. They may all increase steadily in the near future.
WHAT DO YOU didattica inclusiva


1 Robotics: the basics. Complete the table with the following words.
movable controlling supply move

the mechanical segments that form the

(1) ...................................................... structure

Drive mechanism (2) ........................................................... the robot segments

monitors and measures internal and

ROBOT Sensing technology
external parameters

(3) ........................................................... device makes decisions

Power (4) ........................................................... provides electricity

2 Industrial robots. Complete the table with the missing words.

Cartesian (1) ........................................................... movements

Cylindrical the column can (2) ........................................................... around the base

Spherical rotary base, extendable elevating (3) ...........................................................

SCARA rotary lateral and longitudinal movements

3 The robotic arm. Complete the tables with the missing words.

Segments feet, support structure, arm, forearm, end-effector

(1) ..................................................... shoulder, elbow, wrist

Tools spray painting gun, welding head

(2) ..................................................... mechanical, vacuum cups, magnetized
Unit 12


1 Industry 4.0 and IOT: the basics  Describe the origin and the development of Industry 4.0
2 Jobs and skills of the future  Understand and explain the concept of Industry 4.0 and
3 Industry 4.0 in Italy and abroad its main elements
 Consider and explain the new skills for Industry 4.0
EXPAND YOUR VOCABULARY  Describe the development of Industry 4.0 in Italy and
 Industry 4.0
 Listen and take notes
 Summarize information
 Work in a team
 Grammar: future tense  Develop critical thinking
 Ask for information, make requests and answer
PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION requests when travelling
 Make plans
 Travelling


 Concept map

Digital Area Exercises Listening exercises Video


Warm up • the interaction between men and machines;

• the additive manufacturing sector (3D
1 Have you ever heard about the Internet of Things? printing, robotics, communications).
Do you know what it is?

The Internet and the Cloud

The origin Two technologies are driving this evolution: the

Internet and the Cloud.
The term Industry 4.0 was first used at the The Internet is a file transfer system which
Hannover Exhibition in 2011, when experts in connects computers to one another and thus allows
economy, science and politics explained the new users to share more and more data about products.
technological strategy of Germany. Other countries Thanks to this data exchange, every item can
decided to adopt the same policy and the result was reach the market together with a long list of data
the Fourth Industrial Revolution. containing its entire story. This has opened up the
possibility of tracking the creation of every single
The Fourth Industrial Revolution piece of a complex product.
The Cloud is used as a virtual storage element
Since the first Industrial Revolution, the way
of these data, which can be retrieved from
products are manufactured has constantly changed.
anywhere through an Internet connection. This
In fact, technological development has led to the
large amount of information, referred to as Big
construction of increasingly advanced machines,
Data, is readily accessible and collected on a daily
which have reduced both the time and the costs of
basis worldwide.
production. As a result, manufacturing has become
more and more efficient and automated. The new
industrial revolution, nowadays called Industry The Internet of Things
4.0, is the evolution of industrial production, that Big Data are meant to make production as efficient
is now focused on the efficiency of the whole as possible. But how can you select the right
process rather than of the single machines. This information from the huge amount of data that
process is based on four main elements: comes with every product? The answer is: thanks
• the use of data; to Artificial Intelligence. No human being could
• analytics, i.e. the analysis of data; process the Big Data fast enough, hence AI and

to track:
to retrieve:
to process:
12 | Industry 4.0 189

automated systems are used in order to exchange step. This autonomy of machines is possible
and process them. This way machines become because of the combined use of the Internet and
independent entities able to collect data, analyse the Cloud, which takes the name of Internet of
them, and provide information about them. Things (IoT).
In this scenario, in the near future, machines The IoT is the direct use of the Internet and of
involved in production will be connected in a the Cloud by the machines themselves in order to
network. Each of them will be able to read what exchange information about a product with other
steps have already been done, which problems, machines virtually all over the world. In this way,
delays or requests have arisen and will decide the they will manage the production as fast and as
best strategy to bring the production to the next efficiently as possible.

2 z PET READING COMPREHENSION Decide if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.
1 Industry 4.0 is considered the latest Industrial Revolution. n n
2 The aim of Industry 4.0 is to make machines more and more efficient. n n
3 The Cloud is used to exchange data about a product. n n
4 Big Data are long lists of information that come together with complex products. n n
5 Big Data can be accessed from anywhere through an Internet connection. n n
6 Human beings would take many hours to process Big Data. n n
7 The Internet of Things enables machines to connect to other machines in a network. n n

3 zz READING COMPREHENSION Read the extract from an article about Industry 4.0 and complete it with the
following words.
problems • control • assist • connected • input • web • processes • autonomous

This is the age of Industry 4.0, in which computers and automation will come together in a new way. Robots will
be (1) .............................................................. remotely to computer systems that can learn and (2) ..............................................................

the robotics with very little (3) .............................................................. from human operators.
In the age of Industry 4.0, the “smart factory” is made of cyber-physical systems that monitor the (4) ...........................

........................ of the factory and make decisions. The systems are interconnected in the Internet of Things, commu-
nicating and cooperating both with each other and with humans via the wireless (5) ..............................................................

and storing information in the Cloud.

A factory in Industry 4.0 must feature:
a. interoperability: machines, devices, sensors and people connect and communicate with one another;
b. technical assistance: the systems can (6) .............................................................. with tasks that are too difficult or unsafe
for humans and can support humans in making decisions and solving (7) ..............................................................;
c. decentralized decision-making: cyber-physical systems can make simple decisions on their own and become
as (8) ........................................................... as possible.
(Adapted from www.forbes.com)

4 zzz SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the

picture on the previous page and take turns
to explain the meaning of each element of
Industry 4.0.

5 zzz WRITING Work in pairs. Look at the fol-

lowing diagram and explain the evolution
of industry through the ages. Then write a
short text about the Industrial Revolutions.

Warm up to disappear, because smart and connected

machines will be more efficient than humans in
1 What kind of skills will people need in Industry making products and processing information.
4.0? Choose from the following list and motivate
your answers.
On the other hand, some new positions and
Q Working in a team opportunities will open up, as the new working
Q Finding solutions and solving problems environment will require new skills and
Q Processing information fast competences to manage the smart systems and
Q Assembling products automated machines of the future. Most children
Q Inventing things who are starting school now will do a job that
Q Programming machines doesn’t exist at the moment. This means that the
2 Can you think of other skills that may be useful in only way to invest in human workers will be by
Industry 4.0? reinventing the way of working.
So which skills are we going to need to sharpen
in order to be competitive in the coming years?
Which job are you going to choose? Surprisingly, they are not strictly technical ones.

At the World Economic Forum in 2016 a report Top skills for Industry 4.0
titled The future of jobs was presented. This report
tried to predict the future evolution of work till According to several reports, the following will be
2020 according to the observations of the Human the most requested skills in the future.
Resources managers representing the 15 most • Critical thinking: the ability to analyze evidence
important countries in the world. Italy was among in an objective way and
This report indicated that with the advent of
to recognize biased
thoughts. As such, critical
biased: tendenzioso,
Industry 4.0, many of today’s jobs are going thinking is the ability
12 | Industry 4.0 191

of improving one’s own thinking making it as what the person you

rational, unbiased, and as skeptical as possible.
• Problem solving: the ability of identifying
are talking to means.
• Adaptability:
unbiased: imparziale
to oversee: supervisionare
and managing a problem. This could be done future jobs will
by following established methods as well as by be more fluid than today, which means you are
finding new ones. going to be asked to change jobs or occupations
• Collaboration and teamwork: at present, the many times. The ability to adapt to these changes
machines involved in a single production line are will certainly be more and more important to
usually numerous and may be located in different find or keep a job.
parts of the world. Therefore, the human ability • Curiosity and Imagination: being attracted by
of interfacing with other humans efficiently the missing piece of a process (curiosity) or being
and effectively is compulsory to oversee the able to connect ideas or solutions from different
production process. This skill comes together with fields (imagination) will improve the processes,
the next one. and thus will be a required skill.
• Effective oral and written communication: On the other hand, physical skills, as well as other
being able to clearly say (or write) what you mean skills, will be less and less needed since machines
is fundamental in order to work in a team, as well and automated mechanisms will perform all of the
as being able to listen (or read) and comprehend hard work and high-precision tasks in production.

3 z VOCABULARY Match the following skills (1-6) with their definitions (a-f).
1 critical thinking a The ability to collaborate with colleagues and co-workers.
b The ability to think as rationally and as impartially as
2 problem solving
possible in order to develop your own idea.
3 teamwork
c The ability to face changes in your job and tasks success-
4 effective oral and written communication fully.
5 adaptability d The ability to identify and deal with problems.
6 curiosity and imagination e Interest in different aspects of processes and the ability
to find unexpected or innovative solutions.
f The ability to express your ideas as clearly as possible
and to listen to the others.

4 zz CRITICAL THINKING Discuss as a class: what are some potential risks of devices being more and more au-
tonomous and interconnected?

5 25 zz LISTENING A Technology Analyst is talking about some pros and cons of Industry 4.0 and the Inter-
net of Things. Listen and take notes. Then compare them to your answers in exercise 4.

Pros Cons

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

6 zz WRITING Write a summary about the changes that the IoT and Industry 4.0 will bring about and how they
will affect our lives.

Warm up
1 Do you think that Industry 4.0 is developing in the
same way in every country in the world?

The development of Industry 4.0 in Italy

Small companies and family businesses play
an important role in the Italian production system,
with thousands of them making up the core of
the country’s industrial system. Italy is the second
country in Europe in manufacturing, and “Made
in Italy” has always been a trademark for high
quality and great attention to design. Other countries in the world
As we have seen, the new manufacturing systems
require specific skills and professional competences As we have already said, Germany was the first
in order to face growing competitiveness. The country to adopt the strategy of Industry 4.0.
great challenge for the future of Italian industry Together with Austria, Sweden and some Eastern
is be able to apply the new technologies to European countries, Germany has boosted its
the existing production model and to invest in production thanks to the implementation of
innovation without abandoning the originality of new technologies, and significant government
its craftwork. investments, not only economic, but also to

family business: impresa
a conduzione familiare
craftwork: artigianato
12 | Industry 4.0 193

sponsor studies and research to support the new the increasingly fast development of industrial
model of industry. practices? Will other industrial practices emerge
On the other hand, countries like the U.K., over the next few years? We’ll have to wait and see
France, Spain and Greece are facing a decrease in how our world is going to change and who will be
productivity. Will they be able to keep up with ready for it.

2 z READING COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions.

1 What is the Italian manufacturing system mainly based on?
2 What is the biggest challenge for the future of Italian industry?
3 Are there differences in Europe regarding the development of Industry 4.0?

3 zz SPEAKING AND WRITING Work in pairs and explain the following concepts in your own words. Then write
short definitions.
1 family business .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2 Made in Italy ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3 craftwork ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

4 decrease in productivity ............................................................................................................................................................................................................

4 zzz CRITICAL THINKING You have read about the development of Industry 4.0 in Italy and in the rest of the
world, but your world now is your class and your school. Answer the following questions and share ideas with
your class.
a Step 1
1 How could the Internet be used in the classroom?


2 How could the Cloud be used in the classroom?



3 What new devices could be used in the classroom? What for?



b Step 2
1 Can you imagine a smart learning environment?


2 What and how would you study to be a future 4.0 skilled worker?


X let's watch SURF THE NET!

SELFIE tool: discover the digital potential of your school

• Watch the video about the digital tool called SELFIE (www.youtube.
com/watch?v=8_6hVoYXCAI) and discuss with the class the digital po-
tential of your school.
VOCABULARY didattica inclusiva

1 z Complete the scheme with the following words.
networks y automation y mechanization y mass production y
assembly line y web interaction

1 .................................................

3 ................................................ 2 ................................................

4 ................................................

6 ................................................ 5 ................................................

2 zz Choose the correct alternative.

1 Robots are able to program / control their movements.
2 AI is a branch of computer science / industry.
3 Some jobs are threatened by redundancy / lack of occupation.
4 To create larger teams of skilled / unskilled workers will become essential / irrelevant.
12 | Industry 4.0 195

3 zz Basic terminology. Match words in the first column (1-9) with words in the second column (a-i) and write
a sentence containing the new concept found.
1 critical a solving 1c Critical thinking is one of the most important skills required…/critical
2 artificial b resources thinking is the ability to…
3 technological c thinking .............................................................................................................................................................

4 team d technology .............................................................................................................................................................

5 human e Data .............................................................................................................................................................

6 problem f revolution .............................................................................................................................................................

7 smart g manufacturing .............................................................................................................................................................

8 Big h intelligence .............................................................................................................................................................

9 additive i work .............................................................................................................................................................



4 zz Complete the following sentences with a suitable word.

virtual • assembly • social • data • additive • time • objects • percentage • application • interconnected

1 The (1) .............................................................. of IoT in manufacturing will be innovative, in fact it has become the core of
Industry 4.0.
2 The adoption of (2) .............................................................. machines that are able to simulate manufacturing processes in
(3) .............................................................. contexts and to analyse (4) .............................................................. in real time will make it
possible to be more precise in predicting productive processes in a great (5) .............................................................. of cases.
3 (6) ............................................ manufacturing is the technology that allows the production of 3D (7) ............................................
without any waste, starting from a digital model. This will optimize costs and will save (8) .............................................
4 Thanks to Industry 4.0 workmen won’t be required to produce, but to check the (9) .................................................... lines.
5 Technical abilities will be required as well as (10) .............................................................. abilities.

5 zzz FCE Writing. Look at the picture. What can you see? What does it represent? Do you think that it is still
important to invest in human labor? Write a paragraph of 140-190 words about this subject.

Future tense
Il futuro in inglese si può formare in quattro modi:
• con il present simple: per indicare azioni future che avverran-
no a orari prestabiliti (timetables);
The meeting starts at 9.00 am.
• con il present continuous: per indicare azioni future già
programmate (planned actions);
I’m leaving for New York tomorrow. (Ho già pianificato il
• con la forma to be going to + forma base del verbo: per
indicare intenzioni, previsioni basate su prove evidenti,
qualcosa che sta per succedere, per le previsioni del tempo;
I’m going to analyze those data. (È un’idea che ho in testa.)
Attenzione: con i verbi go e come è preferibile usare il present con-
tinuous per evitare ripetizioni.
I’m going to the concert. NON I’m going to go to the concert.
• con l’ausiliare will + forma base del verbo: per azioni future non programmate, decise nel momento in cui si parla,
per azioni future che non dipendono dalla volontà di nessuno, per minacce, per promesse, offerte e con i verbi di
The bell is ringing. I’ll go open the door. (decido ora)
Attenzione: Will funziona come un ausiliare quindi:
• forma interrogativa: Will + soggetto + forma base del verbo
Will you go to work tomorrow?
• forma negativa: soggetto + will not (won’t) + forma base del verbo
No, I won’t go, I feel ill, I’m afraid that I might have caught the flu.
Inoltre nelle frasi con espressioni di tempo come when, as soon as, until, si usa il simple present per esprimere azioni
When I arrive, I’ll write an e-mail.

1 z Present simple or continuous? Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 The train ................................................................ (leave) at 8.00 am.
2 I ................................................................ (go) to the dentist at 3.00 pm.
3 The conference ................................................................ (start) at 4.00 pm.
4 I ................................................................ (see) my boss on Monday.
5 They ................................................................ (fly) to London on Saturday morning.

2 zz Will or be going to? Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Look! There’s someone outside. I ................................................................ (open) the door.
2 There’s an important meeting next week. I ................................................................ (go) with my secretary.
3 Wait! I ................................................................ (drive) you to the station.
4 – I’ve decided to leave for Paris.
– Really? When ................................................................ (leave).
5 We think he ................................................................ (to be able to) to work for us.
12 | Industry 4.0 197

3 zzz Use the correct future tense (will/to be going to/present continuous/present simple).
1 Look at those clouds! It ................................................................ (rain).
2 Are you sure he ................................................................ (to accept) this job?
3 The phone is ringing. I ................................................................ (to answer) it.
4 I think IoT ................................................................ (to grow) faster and faster.
5 In 2025, the fourth Industrial Revolution ................................................................ (be) effective in every field of production.

4 zzz Translate the following sentences into English.

1 A meno che non arrivi presto, non andremo alla riunione.

2 Muoviti! La riunione sta per incominciare.


3 Non ho ancora deciso, ma penso che lavorerò nel ramo della robotica.

4 Giovedì prossimo Luca compirà 30 anni.


5 Nel 2030 il processo di produzione sarà completamente diverso e sarà necessario integrare sempre più il lavoro
dell’uomo con le nuove tecnologie.


5 zzz Now it’s your turn. What are you going to do in your life? What are your ambitions and expectations
regarding your future job? Write a short paragraph about it.














1 26 zz Danielle Duchet is a trainee at Bio-Tech, a
French company which designs robotic prosthetics.
She is going to attend a robotic trade fair and she
calls a travel agent to arrange her trip. Listen to the conversation and
choose the correct option.
1 Where is Danielle going? 3 How much is the ticket? 5 How is she getting to the
Q a to Paris Q a € 115 Robot Exhibition?
Q b to Munich Q b € 150 Q a by bus
Q c to Berlin Q c € 105 Q b by taxi
2 When is she going to leave? 4 What time is she leaving? Q c by train
Q a on Tuesday Q a 9.30 am
Q b on Wednesday Q b 9.30 pm
Q c on Friday Q c 11.00 am

2 26 zz Listen to part of the conversation again and complete the sentences with the missing words.
T: Hello, Travel on Time. How can I help you?
D: Hello, I’d (1) ............................................................... a flight to Munich, please.
T: No problem. Where are you leaving from?
D: I’m leaving from Paris.
T: Would you like a (2) ............................................................... or a return ticket?
D: A return ticket, please.
T: And when is that for?
D: I’d like to leave on Tuesday or Wednesday (3) ......................................................... and I need to (4) .........................................................
in Paris on Friday.
T: There’s a cheap flight to Munich on Tuesday, but you’ll have (5) ............................................................... at Berlin Airport.
There is also a (6) ............................................................... on Wednesday morning.
D: I’ll take the direct one, please. (7) ............................................................... the departure time?
T: The flight leaves from Paris at 9.30 am and (8) ............................................................... in Munich at 11.00 am.
D: That’s fine. (9) ............................................................... an aisle seat, please?
T: Sure. How much luggage will you have?
D: I won’t have any suitcases to check, just one (10) ..........................................................................

3 zz Read the dialogue again and find the English equivalent of the following Italian expressions.
1 prenotare un volo ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2 biglietto di sola andata ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................

3 biglietto di andata e ritorno ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

4 ora di partenza .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5 arrivare ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
6 posto vicino al corridoio ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................

7 bagaglio .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

8 valigia ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
12 | Industry 4.0 199

Key language
• I’d like to book a train / plane ticket • to leave from… to…
• Could you tell me the cost of the (9.30) train / • to arrive in / to get to..
flight to (Munich)? • to take a bus / train / plane
• Could you tell me the departure / arrival time of • to get on / off a bus / train / plane
flight number… • to get into / out of a taxi / car
• Could I have (a window / an aisle) seat? • to go / travel by bus / train / plane
• How much does the (bus / train / plane) cost? • single / return ticket
is a single / return ticket to…? • departure / arrival
• When / what time does the (bus / train / plane) • airport terminal
leave / arrive? • (railway) platform
• Where / What terminal / What platform does the • luggage / baggage (uncountable)
(bus / train / plane) leave from? • suitcase / bag (countable)
• How long does it take to get to … ? • hand baggage / carry-on bag

4 zz What would you say in the following situations? Use expressions from the Key language box and write
them down. Then compare with a partner.
1 You want to fly from London to Berlin. You call the airline to book a return ticket.

2 You don’t know the departure time of the next train to Cambridge. Ask at the information office.

3 You want to know the price of a return train ticket from Munich to Berlin.

4 You want an aisle seat.


5 You are at the Berlin train station. You don’t know how to get to Berlin Schönefeld Airport. Ask at the informa-
tion office.

6 At the airport check-in desk, the clerk asks you how much luggage you have. Answer.

5 zzz Role play. Work in pairs and act out the following situations. Use expressions from the dialogue you lis-
tened to and from the Key language box. Then swap roles.

Student A Student B
You are at Victoria railway station in London. You You are a ticket clerk at London Victoria railway sta-
need to travel to Brighton. tion.
Ask the ticket clerk about:

Time of the next train to Brighton. Next train to Brighton at 9.45 am.

Cost, return ticket. Single: £ 10.30; return: £ 18.00.

Window seat, if possible. No window seats available, only aisle seats.

What platform? Platform nr. 9.

WHAT DO YOU didattica inclusiva


1 Industry 4.0. Complete the tables with the following words.

efficiency � additive � industrial � interaction � Cloud

Evolution of the (1) ..................................................................... production, which is now

focused on the (2) ..................................................................... of the whole process.

The use of the (3) ..................................................................... for storing data

IMPACT The (4) ..................................................................... between men and machines

The (5) .....................................................................manufacturing sector

2 Internet of Things. Complete the table with the missing words.

Use of Internet and the (1) ................................................................. by the machines

to exchange (2) ..................................................................... about a product virtually.

3 Jobs and skills of the future. Complete the table with the appropriate words.

Critical thinking

(1) ..................................................................... solving

Collaboration and (2) .....................................................................

(3) ..................................................................... oral and written communication


Curiosity and (4) .....................................................................

■ Analyse and interpret a flowchart for automated machinery
■ Analyse and evaluate a sequence of operations
Real Life ■ Draw a basic flowchart
■ Analyse a working process and plan a flowchart
task ! ■ Work in a team
■ Develop critical thinking
■ Offer solutions

Machines in motion
A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents a workflow. It is very important when planning the manufacture of a
product, because it shows all the necessary steps to obtain the desired result. A flowchart should contain every stage
of a process, and may include a number of quality checks too. Quality control is an essential part of any project, as
the product may be rejected at any stage if a fault or inaccuracy is found. This is typically achieved through feedback
loops, where sensors monitor the output and send data to a central computer that decides what action the system
should take next.

Step 1. Planning
1 Work in pairs. Study the following simple flowchart drawn with standard symbols, then match
each symbol (1-7) to its explanation (a-g).
a This mentions the required materi- Start
1 start
als or components.

2 input b This is usually an arrow that shows Printed circuit board under drill
the logic direction of the workflow.

3 process c This symbol usually includes a ques-

tion (to check a condition) before Drill printed circuit board
carrying on.

4 decision d This shape is called a terminator. All

Is the drilling accurate? NO
processes begin with this symbol.

5 output e It describes an activity or a task. YES

Sometimes it is linked to another
flowchart with more detailed steps.
Printed circuit board with holes drilled
6 end f Expected result.

7 flow line g This shape is called a terminator. All

processes end with this symbol. End

2 Work in pairs. Consider the following actions performed by a drilling machine in order to produce some holes
in the workpiece and reorder them in a logical sequence.
a Turn on drill motor. g Turn on cooling pump.
b End drilling. Raise drill. h Lower drill (start drilling).
c If not, move the workpiece to the recycle bin. i Quality check: is the drilling accurate?
d Start button pressed. Drill ready (initial step). j Release workpiece. Turn off drill motor and
e If yes, move the workpiece to the next step. cooling pump.
f Clamp workpiece.

3 Draw the sequence in exercise 2 using the appropriate symbols for standard flowcharts, then compare your
flowchart with another pair of students.
202 Work it out!

Step 2. In action
4 A factory that produces integrated circuits needs techni-
cians to oversee its production line. A technician should
perform the following tasks.
1 He should program the robots that pick and place the
printed circuit boards from one conveyor belt to another,
for the final packaging. The two conveyor belts are at the
same height and are located on either side of each robot,
equipped with suitable grippers (pliers).
2 He should program the final stage, including a quality
check of the packaging. The packaging should display an
adhesive label with the company’s name on the top right
hand corner. This is checked by a vision sensor. Near the
conveyor belt there are robots that have to pick out the de-
fective pieces, and a recycle bin, where they are discarded.
Work in small groups and provide the company with a
flowchart that represents the requested workflows. Take
the following steps.
a Brainstorming. Write two lists of the actions that the
robots must perform in order to accomplish the tasks.
Information from exercises 1, 2 and 3 may help you.
b Discussion. Order the two lists of actions in a logical se-
c Draw the sequences using appropriate symbols for stand-
ard flowcharts, then present your work to the class.
d Compare each team’s flowcharts: which are the most
complete? Why? Are there any missing procedures? Are
the symbols used correctly?
■ Identify a potential customer
■ Analyse and evaluate potential customer needs
Real Life ■ Design and present a new product concept
■ Work in a team
task ! ■ Develop critical thinking
■ Offer solutions

Amazing robots
As automated machines can be programmed to act autonomously in accordance with the instructions given by the
user, robots aren’t employed only for industrial activities, but they may also contribute to make our everyday life
easier. Work in small teams to create an innovative robot concept for family life.

Step 1. Planning
1 Identify a potential customer. Work in teams and brainstorm the following issues.
• Who could be the potential users of your robot? Focus on a target group (e.g. housewives? teen-
agers? elderly people? parents?).
• What aspects in the everyday life of your potential customer could be interesting to change or could
be improved?

Potential users Aspects that can be changed/improved

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................

2 Choose one target group from your list in exercise 1. Brainstorm the following issues:
• How could a robot help improve the life of the potential customer?
• What tasks should the robot be able to perform to help the customer?
• What features should the robot have in order to perform these tasks (e.g. should the robot be able to move in
small spaces? Should it be able to reach high positions? Should it be able to grasp and carry objects? Does it
need to make noises?)?

Aim of the project Robot tasks Robot features

...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ......................................................................................

...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ......................................................................................

...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ......................................................................................

...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ......................................................................................

204 Work it out!

3 Brainstorm three design solutions for your robot. Three members of the group draw a sketch of the new robot.

4 Discuss what solution could be the most suitable to the tasks you have identified in exercise 2 and agree on
your robot design.

Step 2. In action
5 Prepare a presentation of the project for the potential customer. Make a poster, some slides or
a short video clip advertising the final robot and its features.

• Our project is designed for… (target group)
• The aim of the robot is to… (tasks)
• Our robot can….
• It comes with… (features)

6 Each team will have 5 minutes to campaign for

their project. Listen to all the presentations,
then discuss as a team and vote the best pro-
ject. Motivate your choice.

X let's watch SURF THE NET!

Building your robot from scratch

• Using only a few materials including LED lights, a toy car or tank, spare model parts and circuits from other
toys, you can follow the instructions given in this video and build a custom robot!
1 Watch the video https://ourpastimes.com/building-a-simple-robot-from-scratch-13580168.html.
2 Discuss as a team: could you build your robot from scratch? What materials would you need? Start col-
lecting them and build a prototype of your robot for your final presentation.

• Safety
• Applying for a


1 Basis of safety ` Describe and use the correct equipment for safety
2 Safety: not only a list of rules ` Recognize the safety signs
` Prevent accidents by behaving according to safety rules
` Recognize the reference safety figures
` Apply a new mentality concerning safety

Digital Area Exercises Listening exercises Video


Warm up An adequate policy that

concerns all people
1 Do you use any special equipment at school when who have dangerous
you go to the workshop or laboratory? If so, which?
jobs should reduce
2 Have you ever attended a course on safety? If so, this worrying number
where and when?
of accidents.
Analysing the risks,
identifying the dangers,
The basics preventing them and
above all educating
Working, studying, enjoying (in just one word: people is essential in
“living”), in a safe and healthy place is of primary order to reduce risks of
importance and concerns everyone, everywhere. hazard and to guarantee each
There are procedures and rules to follow in order person a safe life everywhere.
to prevent accidents: they should be acknowledged At the core of safety is the awareness that we are
and respected, but often they are not. In Italy, responsible for ourselves and for others.
for example, in the first nine months of 2018 ‒ Let’s start to learn some basics about safety.
according to INAIL data ‒, there have been 834
reported work accidents. Moreover about 90% of
them were due to the unsafe behaviour of people.
It’s therefore necessary to do something more in the Wearing the proper protective equipment is
field of safety and health at work. compulsory in order to avoid accidents.

3 z VOCABULARY Write the names of the protective equipment you see in the picture. An extra one is listed
ear protection • helmet • safety jacket • safety glasses • safety boots • gloves • knee-pad • mask

5 ...........................................................
1 ............................................................

6 ..........................................................
2 ...........................................................

7 ...........................................................
3 ...........................................................

4 ...........................................................
Safety 209

Safety signs are very important because they help people to pay
attention when they work (but not only).
The safety signs are signs with symbols or They can be divided into different groups
pictographs that provide information or according to their function; their colour and their
instructions about safety or health at work. They shape.

Warning signs
Warning signs are used to alert people to avoid
dangers or hazards. They have a triangular shape
with a black symbol on a yellow background.

Regulatory signs
Regulatory signs are used to indicate
prohibition or a mandatory action.
Prohibition signs are round shaped
with a black symbol on a white
background and a red border and
band. Mandatory signs are usually
round shaped with a white symbol
on a blue background.
210 Safety

Firefighting equipment signs Information signs

Firefighting equipment signs are used to show how Information signs are used to indicate emergency
to face a fire. They are square shaped with a white procedures (evacuation, exit, path indicators, etc.).
symbol on a red background. They are square or rectangular shaped with a white
symbol on a green background.

4 zz READING COMPREHENSION Look at the signs below and find out what they mean. Then write the correct
letter (a-u) beside the definition.

1 no pedestrian access 9 no smoking, matches or 15 wear protective clothing

2 suspended load open flames 16 risk of falling
3 wear ear protection 10 wear gloves 17 wear safety glasses
4 fork lift truck in motion 11 no fork lift trucks 18 wear safety shoes
5 no smoking 12 warning/caution 19 obliged path for pedestrians
6 wear face shield 13 wear safety helmet 20 general warning
7 low temperature 14 warning: high voltage/ 21 do not extinguish fire with
8 authorized personnel only electrical hazard water

a b c d e f g

h i j k l m n

o p q r s t u
Safety 211

5 zz WRITING Find at least three emergency signs you can see at school, at home,
or somewhere of your choice and write a short description.














Key language

Prohibitions/Don’ts Warnings/Dos Instructions

• Don’t move… • Keep these tools out of the reach • Press…
• Don’t remove… of… • Close… / Shut…
• Don’t touch… • Keep your workplace tidy. • Open…
• Don’t open… • Look at… • Use…
• Don’t connect… / Don’t make • Toxic / Electrical hazard • Push… / Pull…
connections unless you… • Risk of fire • Insert…
• Don’t use… • Entrance forbidden. • Connect…
• Don’t smoke… • You are not allowed… • Always wear…
• Never lean… / lay… / operate… • Follow all safety procedures. • Turn on…
• You are not allowed to… • Be careful with the equipment. • Turn off…
• Don’t leave… • Be careful when… • Clean…
• Don’t change… • Avoid… • Handle…
• Wait until… • Check…
• Make sure… • Adjust…
• Place…
• When removing / using…
• While installing… / working…
• Chips should be…
212 Safety

6 zz READING COMPREHENSION Under each sign write a sentence indicating what it represents and what the
risk is if you don’t respect it.
Example: No entrance. Entering can be dangerous.

1 ....................................................................................................................... 4 ......................................................................................................................

2 ....................................................................................................................... 5 ......................................................................................................................

3 ....................................................................................................................... 6 ......................................................................................................................

7 27 zz LISTENING Listen to the instructions and decide if the following behaviours are correct (C), wrong (W)
or not given (NG).
1 When you hear the alarm, stay calm. Q Q Q
2 Everyone must leave the building. Q Q Q
3 If a fire occurs, use the elevator to go out faster. Q Q Q
4 When you leave the building, stay near it. Q Q Q
5 Don’t leave objects to obstruct access to the building. Q Q Q
6 Before leaving the building, use a fire extinguisher. Q Q Q
7 Do not remain in hazard areas. Q Q Q
8 After a certain period of time you can decide for yourself to re-enter the building. Q Q Q

Warm up
1 Do you know of a case in which safety rules weren’t
2 Is it necessary to know how to behave in case of
an emergency? Why?

Safety at school
Today, schools provide students with the
opportunity to acquire knowledge about safety
rules to follow when they enter a workshop
or laboratory. In all schools, safety courses or
workshops are organized to teach awareness and
responsible behaviour to ensure that everyone
operates safely and avoids danger, in order not to The students have the right to work in a healthy
harm themselves or others. and comfortable environment.
In Italy, the Legislative Decree 81/2008 clarifies The teachers must inform and educate students
many aspects related to safety in schools. In the about the safety rules, supervise compliance with
text of the law, students are equated to workers and them and report any anomalies.
schools are equated to workplaces. It is then necessary to nominate people for the
For this reason, as in any workplace, leading following positions:
figures should be identified. • the RSPP (Responsible for the Prevention and
The headmaster, as the employer, has the role of Protection Service), who should be part of the
evaluating the risks and appointing the security staff. school staff;
214 Safety

• the RLS (Representative of the Workers for mentality in most workers. Today, employees and
Safety), who can be also an elected person employers cooperate to promote a culture of safety.
external to the school; Safety procedures, and above all prevention
• staff trained for emergencies. of accidents, are fundamental. As a result, safety
programmes outline methods designed to develop
Safety at work: a change of mentality a safety culture that focuses on safe behaviour. With
this in mind, some organisations promote workshops
Nowadays, companies are treating safety at work aimed at transforming organisational leaders into
as something of fundamental importance, which effective safety leaders, able to sponsor a cultural
is no longer being treated only as a list of rules, change based on safe behaviour and to supply
documents, regular inspections, controls or tools to support communication in safe and unsafe
maintenance. Recently there has been a change of situations.

3 zz WRITING Observe your school building and take notes on the safety equipment and on the safety signs you
find. Write a report, which also includes some suggestions for a safer school.

4 zzz SPEAKING Answer the following questions and share information and ideas with your class.
1 Who is responsible for safety at your school?
2 Is there an evacuation plan?
3 Do you know the procedure to be followed in case of danger?
4 How can you avoid risks in using machine tools?
5 How would you describe a safe school?

5 zzz GROUP WORK Each group of four people has 10 minutes to prepare a brief simulation of a dangerous
situation. Choose among the following prompts.
• An accident at work with an injured person
• A hazardous situation that is solved without
problems for the people involved X let's watch SURF THE NET!
• A risk at home
• A danger at school
• Watch the video Saper – The safer the better (www.
Each group presents its work in front of the class. youtube.com/watch?v=5Cx4VUfVFwk), then an-
The other groups take notes, thinking of the safety swer the following questions.
behaviours that have or haven’t been respected and 1 What are the causes of the accidents?
how the accidents could have been avoided. Then 2 Could they have been avoided? How?
share ideas with your class.


1 Skills for the 21st century ` Describe your skills, qualities and interests
2 Writing your CV ` Write your CV
3 Reading job adverts ` Understand job adverts
4 Submitting your application ` Write a cover letter/e-mail to apply for a job
5 The job interview ` Face a job interview
` Work in a team
` Develop critical thinking

Digital Area Exercises Listening exercises Video

Talking about your skills education or on-the-job training. They include
skills and qualifications specific to a particular
When searching for a job, it is important to be able occupation.
to describe your skills. Job skills are divided into Soft skills are those that can be used in any
two categories: hard skills and soft skills. occupation. They are personal traits that define you
Hard skills are those you learn through formal and how you work with others.

1 z READING COMPREHENSION Work in pairs. Are the following hard skills (H) or soft skills (S)? Share your an-
swers with the class.
1 pay attention to details ■ ■ 9 maintain hydraulic and pneumatic
2 be able to use 2D and 3D CAD systems ■ ■
programs ■ ■ 10 work under pressure ■ ■
3 communicate effectively ■ ■ 11 be organized ■ ■
4 deal with people ■ ■ 12 be able to use CNC lathes ■ ■
5 design machine parts ■ ■ 13 be flexible ■ ■
6 be good at selecting materials ■ ■ 14 work as part of a team ■ ■
7 show initiative ■ ■ 15 speak English well ■ ■
8 be good at repairing heat engines ■ ■ 16 know EU machine safety regulations ■ ■

2 zz READING COMPREHENSION Read the following profiles and underline the verbs and the expressions used
to talk about soft skills.

“One of my strongest
skills is problem “I am accurate and I
solving. I like dealing always pay attention to
with difficult situations details.
and I am good at Precision is essential in
finding solutions.” this job.”

“I believe I am a good
team player because
I like working with
others. I can work well
in a team.”
Applying for a job 217

Key language
• I can pay attention to details Personal interests (+ noun)
• I am able to work in a team • I am interested in mechanical drawing
• I am good at (+ verb -ing) solve problems • I am passionate about repairs
show initiative • I like engines
… …
• One of my skills is (problem solving)
Personal interests (+ verb -ing)
PERSONAL QUALITIES • I am interested in drawing components
precise • I am passionate about making repairs
flexible • I like testing engines
• I am motivated …

3 zz SPEAKING Work in pairs. Imagine you are competing for your dream job. How would you describe yourself?
Take turns to talk about your personal interests, skills and qualities.

4 zz CRITICAL THINKING Think about your training experience. What skills did you need to do your job well?
What skills have you acquired? How do you think you can demonstrate them on the CV?

More about 21st century skills

21st century skills are a set of soft skills that you will need to succeed in your career. In fact, these skills
all have one key focus: someone’s ability to enact and/or adapt to change to remain competitive in a
rapidly evolving job market (see Unit 12).

5 z CRITICAL THINKING Read the list of 21st century skills grouped under three categories. Then discuss with a
partner: which ones do you think you have and which ones would you like to improve? How can school help
you do it?

Learning skills (the four C’s) Literacy skills Life skills

1. Critical thinking: 5. Information literacy: 8. Flexibility: deviating from

developing personal understanding facts, plans as needed
opinions figures and data 9. Leadership: motivating a
2. Creativity: thinking 6. Media literacy: team to achieve a goal
outside the box understanding the 10. Initiative: starting
3. Collaboration: working methods of publishing projects and plans on
with others information and critically one’s own
4. Communication: talking evaluating its accuracy 11. Productivity: maintaining
to others and sources efficiency
7. Technology literacy: 12. Social skills: meeting and
understanding the networking with others
technologies of the for mutual benefit
Information Age
CV: an example
PERSONAL Ted Morrison
12, High Street, London, SW1 3AT (United Kingdom)
All fields are optional,
(+44) 7871 330 1234 ted.morrison@mail.uk
but remember to include
Date of birth 20/02/1999 contact details.
Add your photo if required.
In some countries, it is
EDUCATION preferable not to include it.
10/09/2013-30/06/2018 High school diploma in Mechanics
South London Technical College, London (United Kingdom)
If you have little or no – General: English, Mathematics, Spanish, Physical Education
work experience, put the – Occupational: Mechanical drawing (2D and 3D CAD), Engine repairs, Automated
education section first, systems (basics), Control systems (Arduino, PLC basics)
starting from the most 25/05/2018 Certificate in Welding Include qualifications,
recent achievement. BWA (British Welding Academy): 100 hours course in Basic Welding training and additional
11/06/2017–29/06/2017 Assistant at a car repair shop courses or certificates.
2012–Present Volunteer at local parish recreation centre
– maintenance of computers and small repairs (hydraulic systems) Include volunteering
– bar service activities here.
– coaching a junior basketball team (10 hours/week)
Mother tongue(s) English
Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
Spanish B2 B2 B1 B1 B1
Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Communication skills – I am able to communicate well with children thanks to my experience as a
volunteer basketball coach
– I can deal with people of all ages thanks to my experience You can demonstrate your
at the parish recreation centre skills better if you specify
Mention hobbies Job-related skills – I am able to weld accurately how they were acquired.
and interests that – I can work well in a team
help understand – I can speak Spanish
your personality. – I am motivated and ready to learn because I am passionate about mechanics
Digital skills I am able to use AutoCad at a basic level; I can use Arduino to program small
automated systems
Driving licence B

X let's watch SURF THE NET!

Writing your CV
• Look at useful resources and complete your CV
online at https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/
1 z VOCABULARY Read the job adverts below (a-c) and find the English equivalent of the following expressions.
1 annuncio di lavoro ...................................................................... 7 compilare un modulo ..........................................................................

2 candidarsi per un lavoro ......................................................... 8 requisiti .........................................................................................................

3 candidato ........................................................................................... 9 turni di lavoro ...........................................................................................

4 candidatura ...................................................................................... 10 tirocinante, apprendista ...................................................................

5 curriculum vitae ....................................., ................................... 11 tirocinio, apprendistato ....................................................................

6 lettera di presentazione ......................................................... 12 datore di lavoro ........................................................................................

a b
Design/Automation Technician at Bristol Zoo, UK
Whether it’s helping with a routine maintenance
RESPONSIBILITIES: on the fire panel in the Tiger exhibit, assisting with
– Equipment assembly and installation electrical wire or checking the PLCs in the Dolphin
– Equipment troubleshooting & maintenance Pavilion, the job at Bristol Zoo offers an amazing
– Operate CAD/CAM and CNC machinery environment to work in! Uniforms, PPE, and tools
are provided by the employer.
If you have a High School Diploma and have some
– Ability to produce precise 2D and 3D CAD
knowledge about system and building controls,
– Some knowledge of electrical controllers and HVAC, and/or electrical work, you may qualify for
power wiring is desirable this full-time position. The physical demands of
– Knowledge of English this position include heavy lifting, climbing ladders
– Interest in equipment design/automation and scaffolding, kneeling, pushing and pulling
loads. Standing and walking for long periods of
HOW TO APPLY: time may be required, as well as working outside in
Interested applicants may apply for this job by all types of temperatures and weather conditions.
sending their updated résumé (in Word format) to Availability to work weekends shifts and holidays is
Yvonne Sun Chee yvonne@achievegroup.com required.

Please e-mail a cover letter and résumé with your

application to hr@bristolzoo.org.uk.

Job advert ref. 02345
Vehicle Maintenance Trainee, London Garage Company
• The trainee will maintain road vehicles by inspecting and testing equipment; completing
preventive maintenance such as engine checks, oil changes, tyre changes and replacing filters.
• Successful trainings may be followed by permanent positions.
• Diploma in Mechanics required. Precision, reliability and team working skills are essential.
Online applications: click here to fill in the form and attach your CV.
220 Applying for a job

The format of job adverts you may be doing in that position, the general
conditions offered, and whether you meet all the
Job ads or adverts, which are short for job requirements for it.
advertisements, may have different formats but all
of them give information about:
• the job title or position a company is offering;
• the main duties or responsibilities involved in
the position;
• the main qualifications and requirements to
apply for that position.
Other information that may be present are
working hours, full or part-time, pay, shift
work. Before applying for a job, you should read
the job advert carefully to understand what tasks

2 z READING COMPREHENSION Read the job adverts on the previous page and complete the following table
with relevant information.

a b c

Job title/position ................................................................... ................................................................... ...................................................................

Company ................................................................... ................................................................... ...................................................................

Duties ................................................................... ................................................................... ...................................................................

and responsibilities
................................................................... ................................................................... ...................................................................

................................................................... ................................................................... ...................................................................

................................................................... ................................................................... ...................................................................

Hard skills required ................................................................... ................................................................... ...................................................................

................................................................... ................................................................... ...................................................................

Soft skills required ................................................................... ................................................................... ...................................................................

................................................................... ................................................................... ...................................................................

3 zz READING COMPREHENSION Read the job adverts on the previous page again and answer the following
1 Which job most requires physical strength and resistance?
2 Which job(s) most require high precision?
3 In what job(s) is some design and project ability involved?
4 Which job(s) may require working at different times?
5 Which job advert(s) mention(s) career opportunities?
6 What documents do the companies request in their job adverts?
7 Which company(ies) require(s) an online applica-
X let's watch SURF THE NET!
tion form?
8 Which company(ies) give(s) their contact details? LinkedIn: an online professional network
• One important online resource to look for a job
4 zzz CRITICAL THINKING Consider the three job
is LinkedIn. On this platform you can complete
adverts. Would you be interested in one of them? your online profile, build a network of profes-
Why? Would you have the necessary skills and qual- sionals and look for job adverts (www.linkedin.
ifications? Work in pairs and share your answers com)
with your partner.
The cover letter information about your skills and experience, your
interests and motivation to apply for the job.
An application letter/cover letter or e-mail is a How can you write an application e-mail? Have a
document sent with your CV to provide additional look at one example.

From: francesco.maggi@email.com

To: yvonne@achievegroup.com

Subject: Application for Design/Automation Technician

If you don’t know the name of the recipient, Dear Ms Sun Chee,
start with Dear Sirs, …
Greet and say why you are writing. Refer to I am writing to apply for the post of Design/Automation
the position you want to apply for. Technician advertised on your website.
As you will see from the attached CV, I am 19 years old and I have
a diploma in Mechanics from an Italian High School. At secondary
Mention your qualification and skills that school, I studied English for 8 years and I spent last summer
match the requirements in the job advert. working in Britain, so I now have a good knowledge of English. At
school, I learnt to use basic Design software and I can produce 2D
and 3D CAD drawings.
I am interested in this job because I enjoy working with
Say why you are interested in the job. Also
computers and I would like to gain experience in technical
mention why you would like to work for
that company. drawing. At the same time, working for an international company
would give me an opportunity to improve my English.
I am available for an interview at your convenience.
Show interest in an interview. I look forward to hearing from you.
End the e-mail with appropriate
expressions. Yours sincerely,
Use Yours sincerely if you know the
Francesco Maggi name of the recipient. If you don’t,
end with Yours faithfully …

1 z READING COMPREHENSION Read the application e-mail below and complete the text with the following
trainee • post • motivated • suitable • grow • interested • attended • attached
Dear Sirs,
I would like to apply for the (1) ................................................................ of Assistant Project Engineer for industrial machine
tools, which I have read on your website.
As you can see from my CV, I’m 18 years old and I got a high school diploma in Mechanics and Mechatronics in
July 2018. During my fourth year at high school, I (2) ................................................................ a course in metal machining at
Sandvik. I also worked for a month at Celada s.p.a. as a (3) ................................................................, and I learnt about machine
tool assembly. I also have good linguistic skills, as I studied English for 8 years.
I am really (4) ................................................................................ in the job as Assistant Project Engineer because I would like to
(5) ................................................................ professionally in an international company like yours. I am passionate about ma-
222 Applying for a job

chine tools and I am (6) ................................................................ to learn. I think I am (7) ................................................................ for the job
because I am precise and I like working as part of a team.
I am available for a job interview and you will find my contact details in the (8) ................................................................ CV.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Giovanni Rezzi

Key language
SALUTATION • As you can see from my CV, I have some experience
• Dear Sirs, in (maintenance jobs).
+ name
• Dear Mr/Ms • I did a training experience at (company) as (an
OPENING LINE (why you are writing) assistant).
• I am writing to apply for the position of • I can / I am able to (speak English quite well /
(maintenance technician). produce 2D and 3D CAD drawings).
• In response to your advertisement for (a Why you are interested in the job
maintenance technician), I am writing to submit my • I am interested in this job because…
CV for your consideration. • I think I am suitable for the position you are looking
BODY OF THE E-MAIL for because…
Personal information CLOSING
• I am currently studying to get a diploma / degree • I am available for an interview.
in… • I look forward to hearing from you. / Looking
• I got a high-school diploma in… from (name of school). forward to hearing from you.
• I graduated from (university) with a degree in… FINAL SALUTATION
Your skills and relevant experience • Yours faithfully, / Yours
• I worked as a (maintenance technician) for sincerely + name and surname
(company). • Kind regards / Best regards

2 zz TRANSLATION Read the two sample e-mails on the previous e on this page, then translate the following
sentences into English.
1 Scrivo per candidarmi alla posizione di assistente tecnico manutentore presso la vostra impresa.
2 Mi sono diplomato nel 2018 in Meccanica e Meccatronica presso l’Istituto Tecnico Da Vinci di Milano.
3 Come potete vedere dal CV allegato, ho lavorato come apprendista nell’assemblaggio di macchine utensili.
4 Ho ottenuto una certificazione in SolidWorks nel maggio 2018 e sono in grado di produrre disegni CAD in 2D e 3D.
5 Ho frequentato un corso di saldatura durante il terzo anno di scuola superiore.
6 Ho buone capacità linguistiche e ho studiato inglese per cinque anni.
7 Sono disponibile per un colloquio quando vi sarà più comodo.

3 zzz WRITING Choose one of the job adverts on page 219 and write your application e-mail.







1 z CRITICAL THINKING Discuss as a class: what questions would you expect at a job interview?

2 28 zz LISTENING Gianluca Bianchi has applied for a job position as an Automation Technician at the
Achieve Group. Listen to his first interview with Mr Johns, head of Human Resources and complete the ques-
tions Mr Johns asks him. Then compare them to your answers in exercise 1.

Mr Johns Good morning, Mr Bianchi. Gianluca Bianchi, isn’t it?

Gianluca Good morning. Yes, that’s right.
J. (1) ................................................................................................................................................................................................, Mr Bianchi?
G. I’m currently living here in Manchester, but I’m from Italy.
J. Tell me about yourself, Mr Bianchi. (2) ..............................................................................................................................................................................?
G. I got my high school diploma in Mechanics in 2017 and I’m now studying to get a qualification as Senior
Technician for Industrial Automation. Also, I got a certificate in Home Automation Systems during my second
J. I see. What about (3) ................................................................................................................................................................................................?
G. I had a 4 month training at Datamars last year, it’s an Irish company that produces pneumatic systems and
hydraulic presses. I learnt a lot there. Then I started working as an Automation Technician for Capel and Sons.
I worked there as an assistant, I was in charge of checking faults on CNC machinery.
J. (4) ................................................................................................................................................................................................ or as part of a team?
G. I was part of a team of five people. I liked working with them; I could learn a lot and share problems and ideas.
J. (5) ................................................................................................................................................................................................?
G. I have good communication skills, in fact I worked as a shop assistant here in Manchester at the beginning,
and I had to deal with many people every day. I like the contact with the public. I have also improved my Eng-
lish a lot. From a technical point of view, I am able to produce 2D and 3D CAD drawings. At high school, I also
studied the basics of PLC programming. I am precise and I pay attention to details.
J. (6) ................................................................................................................................................................................................ for the Achieve Group?
G. Well, I’d like to work here as an Automation Technician because I’m passionate about automated systems and
I’d love to gain more experience in the field.
J. (7) ................................................................................................................................................................................................ as part of your job?
G. Yes, I love travelling and meeting new people from other countries.
J. (8) ................................................................................................................................................................................................?
G. Yes, actually, I’ve had a look at your website and I have read that you are investing on automated systems
based on nanotechnologies. Will I have the opportunity to work in that department?

3 z VOCABULARY Read the job interview again and find the

English equivalent of the following expressions.
1 prendere un diploma ………..........................................................…………………
2 ottenere una qualifica ………..........................................................………………
3 fare uno stage di (quattro) mesi ………......................................................
4 lavorare come (assistente) ….……..........................................................……
5 essere responsabile di ….……..........................................................……………
6 condividere problemi …..……..........................................................……………
7 essere appassionato di ...................................................................................
8 acquisire esperienza in ..................................................................................
224 Applying for a job

4 z READING COMPREHENSION Match the beginnings of the sentences (1-8) with the suitable endings (a-h).
1 I’m currently a as Senior Technician for Industrial Automation.
2 I have a high school diploma b in Mechanics.
3 I’m studying to get a qualification c of checking faults on CNC machinery.
4 I worked as d about automated systems.
5 I was in charge e with many people every day.
6 I have to deal f living in Manchester.
7 I’d like g an assistant Automation Technician.
8 I’m passionate h to work here.

5 zz WRITING Here is a set of commonly asked interview questions. Write complete questions using the words
given. Then answer in a personal way.
1 When / you born?
2 Where / you live?
3 You / study or / work?
4 What qualifications / you have?
5 What school / you go to?
6 What work experience / have?
7 Where / your company / based?
8 What / your main skills?
9 You prefer / work / alone or in a team? Why?
10 You / speak English?
11 Why / interested / this job?
12 You / like / work abroad? Why?

6 zzz SPEAKING Read the job advert below.

Assistant CAD Technician Norfolk, UK – 11th September 2019

Ride Technical Instruments

Opportunity for a motivated individual to join a market leading company where you will re-
ceive excellent training and be able to start your career in motorsport.
Do you have a knowledge of CAD design? Are you looking for a career in motorsport?
We are looking for an Assistant CAD Technician to join our team.
In this role you will support the Technical Engineers producing drawings and being part of
test routines. You will undergo personalised training and will have the chance to progress
into an Engineer role. The ability to work in a team is most important. Ability to produce
2D and 3D drawings is preferable. Some knowledge of English is also useful.
Click here for a full job description and contact details. All applicants must send their cov-
er letter and CV. Salary is according to previous experience.

a Work in pairs: A is the interviewer, B is the can-

didate. You have two minutes to prepare for X let's watch SURF THE NET!
the job interview. Student A: think about what
Getting ready for your job interview
questions you want to ask the candidate. Stu-
dent B: think about your skills and experience, • You can find useful advice for job interviews
at www.engvid.com/job-interview-questions-
and revise useful language from this unit. Then
answers and www.learnhowtobecome.org/
roleplay the job interview. interview-dos-and-donts.
b Swap roles.
c Did the job interviews go well? Why/Why not?

: a smar t idea?
tch 7 Smar t homes ices
cific Garbage Pa one delivery serv
1 Th e G re at Pa 8 The rise of dr
materials of a 3D printed
2 Self-healing 9 The creation
3 Coketown prosthetic hand
our cities the 4 Vs
4 The future of 10 Big Data and
5 Volvo goes el power
ge and nuclear
6 Climate chan

Digital Area Exercises Video

1 How many tonnes of plastic are dumped into our oceans every year?
Q a Around 3 million tonnes.
Q b Around 5 million tonnes.
Q c Around 8 million tonnes.

2 Match the following expressions (1-7) with their definitions (a-g).

1 garbage a To stop, to avoid.
2 patch b Substances that make water, air, soil dirty.
3 debris c The remains of something destroyed.
4 pollution d To get rid of something especially in a place which is not suitable.
5 aerial survey e Rubbish, trash.
6 to dump f Investigation of an area of land from an aircraft.
7 to prevent g A small area of something.

3 The following sentences (a-e) have been removed from the article below. Choose the one which best completes
each gap. There is one extra sentence which you don’t need to use.
a This means that there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by 2050 unless we take urgent action.
b The density of rubbish was several times higher than the Ocean Cleanup, a foundation part-funded by the
Dutch government to rid the oceans of plastics, expected to find even at the heart of the patch, where most
of the waste is concentrated.
c The full scale of plastic pollution was revealed in 2014, when a study found there were more than 5 trillion
pieces of plastic floating in our oceans.
d In fact, the north Pacific currents have accumulated a soup of plastic waste, including large items and smaller
micro plastics that can be eaten by fish and enter the food chain.
e The new aerial surveys from California have found large items of more than half a meter in size.

The vast island of garbage floating in the Pacific

Ocean between Hawaii and California, known
as the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”, is worse
than what scientists thought. An aerial survey has
recently found a much larger mass of fishing nets,
plastic containers and other wastes than expected.
1 ...................................................................................................................................
“Normally when you do an aerial survey of
dolphins or whales you notice something and
record it,” said Boyan Slat, the founder of the
Ocean Cleanup. “That was the plan for this survey
on the garbage patch. But then we opened the
door and we saw the debris everywhere. Every
half second you see something. So we had to take
snapshots – it was impossible to record everything.”
228 Culture and society

Seabed pollution and plastic samples. Ocean plastic samples.

The garbage patch is around 1m sq km (386,000 all of the rubbish. Slat warns that plastic is “quite
sq miles), and the periphery reaches a further 3.5m persistent. We need to clean it up, but we also
sq km (1,351,000 sq miles). Its dimensions are need to prevent so much entering the oceans.
continually changing due to the ocean’s rotating Better recycling, better product design and some
currents. 2 ........................................................................................................... legislation is all part of that. We need a combination
Slat said: “Most of the debris was large stuff. It’s a of things.”
ticking time bomb because the big stuff will break 3 ...................................................................................................................................
into micro plastics over the next few decades if we That year, 311m tonnes of plastic were produced
don’t act.” In fact, the floating garbage is only one around the world, a 20-fold increase since 1964.
aspect of the problem: the biggest part reaches the The number is expected to quadruple again by
ocean’s depths, and some of it breaks down into mid-century.
tiny fibers. According to a report by the Ellen MacArthur
The Ocean Cleanup aims to tackle the problem Foundation, “at least 8m tonnes of plastic wastes are
through a gigantic floating barrier, which would dumped into the ocean every year”. 4 ..................................
use sea currents to channel the floating rubbish ..........................................................................

into a cone. A prototype of the barrier made (Adapted from O. Milman, “‘Great Pacific
of vulcanized rubber will be tested next year. Garbage Patch’ far bigger than imagined, aerial
However, the barrier will not be able to suck up survey shows”, www.theguardian.com/uk)

4 zz TOWARDS INVALSI Read the text again and answer the following questions.
1 What is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?


2 What is the Ocean Cleanup?

Q a an organization that tries to clear the oceans from plastic
Q b a boat that clears the oceans from plastics
Q c the name of a vast island of garbage in the Pacific Ocean
Q d the name of a survey on garbage in the oceans
Culture and society 229

3 What was the original plan of the Ocean Cleanup survey?

Q a to notice and record signs of dolphins or whales
Q b to observe and record information on the Pacific Garbage Patch
Q c to notice and record the direction of the garbage floating in the Pacific Ocean
Q d to clean up the Pacific Garbage Patch

4 According to Slat, it wasn’t possible to record the garbage patch because

Q a there was too much garbage
Q b the Pacific current was moving the garbage too fast
Q c their plane was moving too fast
Q d their plane was impeded by the garbage

5 Why are micro plastics so dangerous?

a ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


b ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


6 Why does Slat refers to the garbage patch as a ticking time bomb?
Q a because the patch will become bigger and bigger over time
Q b because the garbage could cause an explosion
Q c because the wastes will become smaller and more dangerous over time
Q d because we won’t be able to stop the garbage patch growth
7 What solution has Ocean Cleanup devised?


8 Why does Slat think the floating barrier isn’t enough?

Q a because it costs too much
Q b because it is too big
Q c because there is too much plastic waste
Q d because the volcanized rubber of the barrier can’t be tested

9 What other measures should we adopt to fight the problem?

Q a recycle more
Q b design better products
Q c enforce better laws to protect the environment
Q d all of the above
10 “311m tonnes of plastic” refers to
Q a the tonnes of plastic waste dumped into our oceans every year
Q b the tonnes of plastic waste produced in 2014 alone
Q c the tonnes of plastic waste produced every year
Q d none of the above

5 zzz CRITICAL THINKING Ask and answer the fol-

X let's watch SURF THE NET!

lowing questions in pairs, then share opinions with Extension

the class.
• Full article: www.theguardian.com/environ-
1 Is plastic waste the only type of pollution that is ment/2016/oct/04/great-pacific-garbage-patch-
damaging the oceans at present? ocean-plastic-trash.
2 Where do you think plastic pollution in the oceans • The Ocean Cleanup official website: www.the-
comes from? oceancleanup.com.
3 Why is plastic so dangerous? • Documentary A Plastic Ocean: video trailer and
activities on LearnEnglish Teens, British Coun-
4 Does plastic have benefits?
cil (http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/
5 What can people do to reduce plastic waste? study-break/video-zone/plastic-ocean).
6 What can countries do to reduce plastic waste?
S E L F -H


1 If you could have an object able to repair itself, what would you choose?

2 Match the following expressions (1-7) with their definitions (a-g).

1 to heal a Dense and heavy.
2 to shatter b To resist or oppose.
3 to withstand c To make or become well again, especially after a cut or injury.
4 tiny d The body of an aeroplane.
5 thick e To break into pieces.
6 composite materials f Very small.
7 fuselage g Strong, light materials in which fibres of more than one kind
of material are used.

Scientists have developed a self-healing material on worldwide. Another team at the University of
that could be used for smartphone screens as early Bristol has been developing the technology for the
as 2020. This wouldn’t be the first time we’ve past few years. Its leader, Professor Duncan Wass,
seen so-called “self-healing” technology used said he expected self-healing products to reach
in smartphones. The LG G Flex 2, which came consumers in the “very near future”. His team
out in 2015, features a “self-healing” back panel specialises in modifying carbon fibre composite
that’s claimed to repair “everyday scratches” in ten materials, the strong but lightweight substances
seconds. used increasingly in the manufacture of everything
However, this is the first time scientists have from aircraft wings to sports racquets and high-
managed to create a self-repairing material that’s performance bicycles.
also capable of conducting electricity, which means
it can be used for touchscreens. The researchers
say the material can stitch itself back together in
less than 24 hours after being torn apart, with its
charged ions and molecules attracting and aligning
to complete the repair.
Gorilla Glass is the screen material of choice for
the most sophisticated smartphones right now,
but it’s likely to shatter on impact, leaving users to
decide between buying a new handset or spending
money on a replacement screen. “Self-healing
materials may seem too futuristic, but I believe they
will come out very soon with cellphones,” said
Chao Wang, a chemist leading the project at the
University of California.
The dawn of self-healing technology was heralded
in 2001, when researchers at the University of
Illinois in the US created a plastic capable of
repairing itself when it cracked. Research has gone
Culture and society 231

Professor Wass and his team have been working have a skin as thick as a rhinoceros – but if we
with aerospace engineers to find a way of get damaged, we bleed, and it scabs and heals. We
preventing the tiny, almost undetectable cracks that just put that same sort of function into a synthetic
form in an aircraft’s wings and fuselage. The team’s material: let’s have something that can heal itself.”
ingenious solution involves adding tiny, hollow The Bristol team’s advances could be applied to
“microspheres” to the carbon material which break all kinds of carbon fibre composite materials –
on impact, releasing a liquid healing agent. The meaning that self-healing golf clubs, tennis racquets,
agent seeps into the cracks before coming into fishing rods and bike helmets could be just around
contact with a catalyst, triggering a rapid chemical the corner.
reaction which causes it to harden.
(Adapted from C. Green “Self-healing
“We took inspiration from the human body,” technology one step closer after scientists
Professor Wass said. “We’ve not evolved to produce aircraft wings which fix themselves”,
withstand any damage – if we were like that we’d www.independent.co.uk)

3 zz TOWARDS INVALSI Read the text again and answer the following questions.
1 Say whether the following information is true (T) or false (F).
a Scientists have developed a new smartphone that can repair itself. n n
b Self-healing technology has already been used before. n n
c The new material could repair itself in less than 24 hours after breaking. n n
d Gorilla Glass is the name of the new self-healing material for smartphone screens. n n
2 The first self-repairing material ever developed was
n a a plastic material
n b Gorilla Glass
n c a composite material
n d a liquid microsphere
3 Where was the first self-repairing material created?
n a University of Bristol
n b University of California
n c University of Illinois

4 What have Professor Wass and his team been working on?
n a consumer products
n b airplane wings
n c sport equipment
n d smartphone screens

5 What problem are Wass and his team trying to solve?

n a airplane wings that break into pieces
n b chemical reactions that damage airplane wings
n c airplane wings that harden over time
n d small cracks that form in airplane wings

6 What does the underlined pronoun refer to?

The team’s solution involves adding tiny, hollow “microspheres” to the carbon material which break on impact, releasing a
liquid healing agent. The agent seeps into the cracks before coming into contact with a catalyst, triggering a rapid chemical
reaction which causes it to harden.
n a the carbon material
n b the liquid agent
n c the catalyst
n d the crack
232 Culture and society

7 Where did Professor Wass get the idea for the

new material?
X let's watch SURF THE NET!

Q a from the skin of rhinoceros Extension

Q b from human skin
• Watch the video Futuristic materials and do the ac-
Q c from synthetic materials tivities proposed: https://ed.ted.com/featured/
Q d from carbon fibre DReOMa4l#watch.
8 The new self-healing technology could be applied • Watch the video What if cracks in concrete could fix
themselves? and do the activities in the web site:
Q a carbon fibre composite materials crete-could-fix-themselves-congrui-jin.
Q b all kinds of materials
Q c the human skin
Q d all synthetic materials

4 zz READING COMPREHENSION Match the beginnings of the sentences (1-8) with the suitable endings (a-h).
1 This wouldn’t be the first time a seem too futuristic.
2 Scientists have managed b have been working with aerospace engineers.
c in modifying carbon fibre composites.
3 A team at the University of Bristol
d to all kinds of carbon composite materials.
4 His team specialises
e we’ve seen self-healing technology.
5 Professor Wass and his team f has been developing the technology for the past
6 Gorilla Glass is likely to few years.
7 Self-healing materials may g to create a self-repairing material that can also
8 These advances could be applied conduct electricity.
h shatter on impact.

5 zzz CRITICAL THINKING Discuss the following issues with a classmate and as a class.
a Self-healing materials could be used for a variety of purposes. Work in pairs and rate the following from the
most to the least important, then share your opinions with the class.
bridges and buildings
car fenders
paints and surface coatings for vehicles and buildings
sport equipment
clothes that repair tears

b Can you think of other applications for self-healing materials?

Torn jeans. Broken tennis racquet. Cracks in airplane wing.

1 Observe the two pictures and compare them: what are the characteristics of the cities? Describe them and
share your opinion with a classmate.

A typical 18th century industrial town. A typical modern town in the 21st century.

The following text is an extract from chapter V of with the same sound upon the same pavements, to
Hard Times (1854) by Charles Dickens (1812-1870). do the same work, and to whom every day was the
same as yesterday and tomorrow, and every year the
It was a town of red brick, or of brick that would counterpart of the last and the next. (…)
have been red if the smoke and ashes had allowed You saw nothing in Coketown but what was
it; but as matters stood, it was a town of unnatural severely workful. If the members of a religious
red and black like the painted face of a savage. persuasion built a chapel there – as the members
It was a town of machinery and tall chimneys, out of eighteen religious persuasions had done – they
of which interminable serpents of smoke trailed made it a pious warehouse of red brick, with
themselves for ever and ever, and never got uncoiled. sometimes (but this is only in highly ornamental
It had a black canal in it, and a river that ran purple examples) a bell in a birdcage on the top of it.
with ill-smelling dye, and vast piles of building The solitary exception was the New Church; a
full of windows where there was a rattling and a stuccoed edifice with a square steeple over the
trembling all day long, and where the piston of door, terminating in four short pinnacles like florid
the steam-engine worked monotonously up and wooden legs. All the public inscriptions in the town
down, like the head of an elephant in a state of were painted alike, in severe characters of black and
melancholy madness. white.
It contained several large streets all very like one The jail might have been the infirmary, the
another, and many small streets still more like infirmary might have been the jail, the town-
one another, inhabited by people equally like one hall might have been either, or both, or anything
another, who all went in and out at the same hours, else, for anything that appeared to the contrary
234 Culture and society

in the graces of their construction. Fact, fact, fact, everything was fact between the lying-in hospital
everywhere in the material aspect of the town; fact, and the cemetery, and what you couldn’t state in
fact, fact, everywhere in the immaterial. figures, or show to be purchaseable in the cheapest
The M’Choakumchild school was all fact, and market and saleable in the dearest, was not, and
the school of design was all fact, and the relations never should be, world without end, Amen.
between master and man were all fact, and (C. Dickens, Hard Times, 1854)

2 zz TOWARDS INVALSI Read the text again and answer the following questions.
1 Say whether the following information is true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.
a Coketown was an industrial town. n n
b In Coketown there was no noise. n n
c Coketown can be defined as a “green” city. n n
d People in Coketown were skilled workers. n n
2 Coketown was a town
n a full of bright colours n c of red colours
n b of unnatural colours n d of black colours

3 In Coketown there were

n a snakes n c a lot of fumes
n b beautiful buildings n d some clean watercourses

4 The town was full of

n a sad elephants
n b machines working repetitively
n c machines that went up and down the streets
n d churches
5 The streets of the town were
n a more or less the same n c full of different people
n b completely different n d modern and crowded

6 The buildings in the city were

n a well decorated with stucco
n b made of red bricks like the factories
n c painted in different ways
n d similar to a beautiful church
7 What does the word “fact” in the last paragraphs refer to?


3 zzz CRITICAL THINKING Reflect upon the following issues.

a Think of the city where you live. List at least five characteristics that describe it, motivating them.
Example: Green, because there are a lot of parks and cycle paths.
• ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

• ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

• ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

• ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

• ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

b Compare your city with your deskmate’s and decide which is the best city to live in and why.
1 Close your eyes and imagine you are living in 2050. What will the place where you live look like? Are there fly-
ing cars? Robotic friends? Laser rays everywhere? Discuss as a class.

Do you see clean streets, flying cars Greenification

and robots doing all the work? If the cities of the past were shaped by people, the
Or perhaps your vision is more dystopian, with cities of the future are likely to be shaped by ideas,
a Big Brother-style authoritarian regime, dark and there are a lot of competing ones about how
alleys full of crime, and people forced to live in such a futuristic urban space should look.
hermetically sealed pods because war or some other Some of these revolve around the idea that smarter
disaster has rendered whole swathes of the city equals greener. Sustainability experts predict
unliveable. carbon-neutral cities full of electric vehicles and
No-one really knows what the future holds, bike-sharing schemes, with air quality so much
but the reality now is that our urban spaces are improved that office workers can actually open
overcrowded and polluted. their windows for the first time.
Almost half of the world’s population currently Visions of a green city often include skyscrapers
lives in cities, and by 2050 that is projected to where living and office space vie with floating
increase to 75%, but what kind of city will they be greenhouses or high-rise vegetable patches and
living in? green roofs, as we try to combine urbanisation with
The time is ripe, say experts, to start designing a return to our pastoral past.
smarter urban environments, both new cities Behind such greenification of cities lies a very
needed to sustain an ever-growing population, pressing need.
and retro-fits on the ones that we have lived in for “Cities are reaching breaking point,” says Prof
centuries. David Gann, who heads up Imperial College’s
236 Culture and society

Digital Economy Lab. “Traffic jams are getting performing. This will allow systems to be joined up
worse, queues longer and transport networks and ultimately work more efficiently.
more prone to delays, power outages more The internet of things could herald new
common.” developments that will give privacy experts
nightmares, such as Minority Report-style digital
Nerve centre signage ‒ billboards that communicate with
The answer may lie with big data and the so-called passers-by with personalised messages.
internet of things, where objects previously dumb But it will also bring unimaginable new services to
are made smart by being connected to each other. citizens (…).
A network of sensors will, the argument goes, (J. Wakefield, “How will our future
provide a host of data about how a city is cities look?”, www.bbc.com/news)

2 zz TOWARDS INVALSI Read the text again and answer the following questions.
1 “Dystopian” (line 1) means
Q a utopian Q c apocalyptic
Q b pleasant Q d realistic

2 The percentage of the world population that lives in cities is

Q a 75 % Q c more than 50%
Q b almost 50% Q d more than 75%
3 The cities of the future will be shaped by
Q a futuristic urban spaces Q c ideas
Q b people Q d a new look
4 In the paragraph titled Greenification, “smarter” means
Q a more elegant Q c greener
Q b more intelligent Q d more polluted
5 In the vision of a green city there is a combination of
Q a modern elements Q c futuristic elements
Q b past elements Q d modern and past elements
6 The answer to the question in the article’s title may be in
Q a new ideas Q c new inventions
Q b the internet of things Q d new services

3 zzz CRITICAL THINKING Discuss the following issues as a class.

a Look at these three photos of future cities. Which of them better represents the idea you have of the future?
Why? Discuss as a class.

b Reflect upon which of the aspects listed below you would like to improve in your ideal city and tell your
class briefly about your project for this city of the future.
• Health care • Crime • Traffic
5 G O E S E L E C T R IC


1 Discuss. What alternatives are there to internal combustion engines that power most of our vehicles? Why are
alternatives needed at present?

Carmaker Volvo has said all new models will have affordable and have the right levels of performance
an electric motor from 2019. The Chinese-owned is a research-intensive and expensive process,
firm, best known for its emphasis on driver safety, while persuading consumers to buy them in large
has become the first traditional carmaker to signal numbers may also be time consuming. In the
the end of the internal combustion engine. It plans meantime, hybridisation ‒ fitting electric motors to
to launch five fully electric models between 2019 cars which also have conventional engines ‒ offers
and 2021 and a range of hybrid models. But it will a convenient way to bring down emissions without
still be manufacturing earlier models that have pure harming performance. And there are plenty of
combustion engines. Geely,Volvo’s Chinese owner, different kinds of hybrid systems to choose from.
has been quietly pushing ahead with electric car Volvo is making headlines, but other manufacturers
development for more than a decade. It now aims are doing much the same kind of thing. In fact, its
to sell one million electric cars by 2025. announcement comes after US-based electric car
“This announcement marks the end of the solely firm Tesla recently announced that it will soon start
combustion engine-powered car,” said Hakan deliveries of its first mass-market car, the Model 3.
Samuelsson, chief executive of Volvo’s carmaking Elon Musk, Tesla’s founder, said the company was
division. “People increasingly demand electrified on track to make 20,000 Model 3 cars a month.
cars, and we want to respond to our customers’ His company’s rise has upset the traditional power
current and future needs.” balance of the US car industry. Tesla now has a
Volvo’s announcement sounds dramatic, but the stock market value of $58bn, nearly one-quarter
reality is it simply reflects the direction much of higher than that of Ford, one of the Detroit giants
the auto industry is travelling in. The internal that has dominated the automotive scene for more
combustion engine is not dead ‒ and won’t be than a century.
for a while at least. It still offers a relatively cheap (Adapted from “Volvo goes electric
and well-proven means of getting around. The across the board”, www.bbc.com)
problem is that emissions regulations are getting
much tighter. From 2021, for example, carmakers
in the EU will have to ensure that across their
fleets, average CO2 output is no higher than 95g of
CO2 per kilometre. That’s a lot lower than
current levels.
Carmakers are reacting by
developing fully-electric
models. Some
are already pretty
impressive. But
mass market
cars that are
238 Culture and society

2 zz TOWARDS INVALSI Read the text and answer the following questions.
1 Carmaker Volvo has plans to
Q a introduce only electric and hybrid cars from 2019
Q b change all its cars into electric cars from 2019
Q c produce customized cars responding to people’s needs
Q d stop making combustion engine-powered cars from 2019
2 What is the main problem with internal combustion engines?
Q a they cost too much
Q b they cause too much pollution
Q c the technology is becoming too outdated to meet people’s needs
Q d their performance level is below expected
3 According to the article, the internal combustion engine
Q a has come to an end
Q b is a better technology than electric and hybrid vehicles
Q c will not disappear soon
Q d will be banned from 2021
4 What is the meaning of the underlined word?
Developing mass market cars that are affordable and have the right levels of performance is a research-intensive and expensive
Q a strong and resistant Q c inexpensive
Q b reliable Q d comfortable
5 What are the advantages of hybrid cars?
a ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

b ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

c ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6 How much higher is Tesla’s stock market value than Ford’s market value?
Q a 20% Q c 25%
Q b 15% Q d 30%
7 What does the underlined phrase mean according to the text?
Volvo is making headlines, but other manufacturers are doing much the same kind of thing.
Q a getting attention Q c being the first
Q b making announcements Q d making something new

3 zzz FIRST SPEAKING The graph shows some different car technologies. Make some research into their differ-
ent features, then talk in pairs about advantages and disadvantages of each type (two minutes). Finally, decide
which two would be the best alternatives to internal combustion engines (one minute).

Full electric cars from solar,

wind or hydroelectric power

Diesel cars Hydrogen fuel cell cars

Car technologies

LPG cars Hybrid cars (electric + fuel)

1 Have you ever heard about nuclear disasters? Where and when?

2 The following headlines (a-d) have been removed from the article. Choose the one which best fits in each para-
graph. There is one extra sentence which you don’t need to use.
a What are the alternatives?
b Why is nuclear bad for the environment?
c Nuclear is good for the environment. Nuclear is bad for the environment. Both statements are true.
d Can we get by without new nuclear?

1 ................................................................................................................................. carbon electricity when the wind doesn’t blow and

Nuclear can be both good and bad for the the sun doesn’t shine. It has been estimated that
environment. future UK electricity supplies would be divided up
It is considered positive because nuclear power roughly 30/30/30 between nuclear, wind and fossil
is planned to reduce the CO2 emissions that are fuels with carbon capture and storage (CCS).
causing the climate changes. These emissions But no-one has been willing to invest at scale in
come from the traditional ways of producing the expensive CCS technology, which pumps CO2
electricity such as burning gas and coal. emissions into rocks.
On the other hand, it is thought to be seriously Wind is ready to take its place in the sun. But with
dangerous because even if the accidents are few, old nuclear stations closing, nuclear won’t be able
they create huge damage and generate panic. to fulfil its third of the deal unless new nuclear
Two of the most memorable episodes have been plants are built.
the Chernobyl accident in 1986, which spread The issue has caused a strong debate between
radioactive material across northern Europe and environmentalists who support the idea that
more recently the Fukushima explosions in 2011, climate change is becoming too severe to accept
which released radioactive material in Japan. nuclear and people who think that renewables
However, one of the biggest questions linked to can supply the UK’s needs without the danger of
the environment is the problem of nuclear waste. nuclear accidents and waste.
In the UK this material has been stored
temporarily at the Sellafield site in Cumbria.
The government has been looking for a place
with the right geology, offering cash sweeteners
to local communities to host a permanent £12bn
underground store for the most dangerous waste.
So far no permanent dump has been agreed ‒ that
is after 70 years of nuclear power in the UK.

2 .................................................................................................................................

The UK policy is considering the idea that

nuclear will have a more and more important
role alongside renewable sources. It provides low-
240 Culture and society

3 ................................................................................................................................. for storing power as well as systems that will

The consequence is that some people are reduce the demand for electricity at peak times
looking to find ways of extending the life of and transfer the demand to off-peak times when
existing nuclear plants, and trying to get nuclear wind energy is plentiful and cheap.
power cheaper. Last but not least, the government needs to
Small modular reactors that can be delivered on make people insulate their homes to reduce the
the back of a lorry are presented as a solution ‒ demand for energy.
but they are not expected to be operating at any (Adapted from R. Harrabin,
scale until the 2030s. Meanwhile it is necessary “Climate change: Is nuclear power
to develop better batteries and other techniques the answer?”, www.bbc.com/news)

3 zz TOWARDS INVALSI Read the text again and answer the following questions.
1 What kind of text have you read?
Q a an essay Q b an article Q c a report Q d a note

2 Accidents caused by nuclear are

Q a some Q b few Q c a lot Q d a little

3 The government is looking for X let's watch SURF THE NET!

Q a money to store nuclear wastes
Q b a fit place to store the wastes Extension
Q c a temporary underground storage for wastes • Group work. Make a research about nuclear plants
Q d an agreement to store the wastes in Italy following these steps.
1 Are there any nuclear power plants?
4 The UK policy thinks nuclear power
2 Where are they?
Q a will be abandoned 3 Are they still active?
Q b will have a role as important as renewable 4 According to you, what are the pros and the
sources cons of nuclear sources of energy?
Q c will be substituted by renewable sources 5 What is Italian policy concerning nuclear
Q d will have less and less importance as a sup- plants today?
ply source of energy

5 Roughly 30/30/30 in the text is referred to

Q a the percentage of the different sources of energy that will be employed in the UK in the future
Q b how much storage of energy supply there will be in the UK in the future
Q c how much sun, wind and carbon there will be in the UK in the future
Q d the percentage of nuclear supply they will use in the UK in the future

4 zz READING COMPREHENSION Look at the chart and fill in the table following the example.

How much electricity comes from each fuel type? Percentage From…
Percentages for 2017
about 8% from coal
about 40% ....................................................
.................................................... from renewables

20 about 2% ....................................................

10 .................................................... from nuclear

Gas Renewables Nuclear Coal Other
Source: Digest of UK energy statistics (DUKL)
7 H O M E S : A S M A RT ID EA?
1 Discuss: how is technology changing the homes we live in? Do you have smart appliances in your home? What
can you do with them?

As technology is such an integral part of our automatically according to direct sunlight? You can
daily lives, it’s no surprise that consumers are do that too. Coming back home? Your garage doors
increasingly converting their homes into “smart open as your car approaches and can be locked
homes.” In a smart home, all the electronic devices or unlocked remotely, while outdoor lighting
are connected to one another in one controllable brightens as you approach the property.
network, allowing inhabitants to interact with One has to admit that smart homes greatly enhance
their homes like never before and offering greater people’s levels of safety. By being able to easily turn
comfort, convenience, personalization, energy off any smart appliances from your phone – within
savings and opportunities for fun. This entails seconds – there’s no more reason to panic when
embracing the Internet of Things, meaning you’re out of the house and suddenly realize that
connecting as many devices, home appliances you’ve left the oven on. Some smart appliances
and belongings as possible (even your pet’s food can even turn themselves off when not in use.
dish!) to the internet so they’ll synchronize with Since connected appliances are designed to work
each other and can be activated with just a touch with the least amount of energy needed, this cuts
of an app via a smartphone or tablet. Want your down on gas, electric and water bills. In fact, a US
washing machine to delay start until energy prices Environmental Protection Agency study reported
are cheapest? A smart home will let you arrange that owners using smart thermostats saved between
that. Want your sun shades to open and close 10%-30% on their energy bill. What’s more, the
242 Culture and society

endless apps and devices constantly entering the It’s expensive to transform homes into smart
market increase accessibility to elderly or disabled homes. For starters, you’ll need to buy smart home
family members. This boosts their quality of life. appliances, devices, switches, and plugs to automate
By letting them utilize voice commands to power your lighting, climate control and security
appliances or by putting the control of their daily system. Besides the obvious risk of malfunctions in
home needs at their fingertips, they can live more your smart home when your internet connection
independently. Like you, they can also program goes kaput, there are other frustrations. For
a smart robot vacuum to clean for them, and use example, there’s no guarantee that all devices will
their phones to see who’s just rung the doorbell. sync with smart assistants, like Amazon’s Alexa,
For their added safety, you can also remotely Apple’s Siri or Google’s Now, among others;
monitor them from afar. getting various devices from different companies
While the concept of smart homes undoubtedly to work together can be more time-consuming
makes life more convenient, there are downsides than manually operating appliances. Plus, the more
to surrounding yourself with – and relying on – devices you acquire, the more apps you’ll have to
so much digital technology. Let’s make it plain. download. More troubling is that smart homes, like
any internet-connected device, are
potentially hackable. What if a burglar
finds a way to open your smart lock
and disables your intelligent security
system? Others worry that the amount
of information travelling along wireless
networks reaches even deeper into our
personal data.
One thing is for certain: whether
you’re set to take the plunge or you’re
still on the fence, this is only the
beginning for smart homes.
(Adapted from R. Segal,
“Are smart homes a smart idea?”,

2 zz TOWARDS INVALSI Read the text and answer the following questions.
1 What is NOT a feature of the smart home?
Q a home appliances can be controlled with a phone or a tablet
Q b home appliances can be synchronized
Q c home appliances can work with or without an internet connection
Q d home appliances work automatically whether you are at home or not

2 How does a smart home help save energy?

Q a in a smart home you can use less appliances
Q b smart appliances are able to work with the least energy needed
Q c smart appliances don’t make use of energy
Q d smart appliances switch off when the set energy level is reached

3 What does the underlined phrase refer to?

A US Environmental Protection Agency study reported that owners using smart thermostats saved between 10%-30% on their
energy bill.
Q a the amount of extra energy consumed
Q b the amount of energy saved
Q c the amount of owners using smart thermostats
Q d the amount of money saved on energy
Culture and society 243

4 How does a smart home help the elderly?

Q a they are more autonomous and safer
Q b they can buy more apps for better entertainment
Q c they can be kept under strict surveillance
Q d they can clean their houses better

5 What two privacy risks are mentioned in the text?

a ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


b ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


6 What are other potential disadvantages of smart homes?

a ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


b ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


c ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


d ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


e ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


3 zzz FIRST SPEAKING Here are some features of the smart home. Talk in pairs about each option and how
they could help improve our daily life (two minutes).
Then decide which two you would most like to have (one minute).

Movie settings dim

the lights, activate surround
sound and lower the shades

Garden sprinklers
Smart lights turn on/off
turn on if the soil is dry
and turn off when it rains

Security surveillance with
Smart thermostats
cameras, motion sensors
monitor temperature
and lights can be accessed
and energy consumption
via your phone
Intelligent fridges suggest
recipes and alert of low
inventory or food close
to expiration
1 Drones are sometimes also referred to as UAVs.
What do you think UAV stands for? It is
Q a an unidentified aerial vehicle
Q b an unmanned aerial vehicle
Q c an unaided aircraft vehicle

Drones have become commonplace in the skies

above our heads. In certain cases these little
pilotless aircrafts have been dangerous, but there drones will be an essential part of its future delivery
are many new uses for them that are bringing us operations. My Company’s recently launched
benefits too. From delivering parcels to saving lives, a drone delivery system in Reykjavik, Iceland.
drones are taking off. Imagine ordering a pizza or This may have broken the ice for other countries
toothpaste, and instead of it arriving in under an interested in adopting similar services. Projects in
hour via moped or sedan (the pizza), or two days African countries such as Tanzania and Rwanda
later via courier (the toothpaste), they arrive in have demonstrated the life-saving benefits when
under 15 minutes, from the sky. How long until drones deliver vital medicines and blood supplies,
that happens? Indeed, the prospect of packages encouraging other countries to follow.
dropping on our heads or drones smashing into This is not to say challenges don’t exist. The
our homes, cars, or even commercial jets, are the technology still needs to be improved to
reasons why strict regulations continue to remain demonstrate to sceptical consumers and regulators
in place throughout the world holding back the alike that Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, or UAVs as
drone delivery industry. drones are also referred to, represent a safer mode of
But that probably won’t last long. That’s because transportation than road delivery. In addition, drone
consumers have a growing appetite for faster and companies are investing heavily in cybersecurity
faster delivery. On the other hand, retailers are to prevent hackers from turning innocent sushi
still bound by logistical costs, the challenges of deliveries into a potential danger. Privacy issues
last mile delivery and traffic snarls. Drone delivery must be solved as well, e.g. how can we prevent
then seems a faster, more environmentally friendly, delivery drones from gathering information
cheaper and efficient future. about your home from above. But ultimately, the
Amazon, predictably, has been investing in drone real challenge will be public acceptance of the
technology. Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos stated in inevitable fleets of drones overhead. Autonomous
an interview: “We can do half-hour delivery. And systems can have accidents, and who’s to blame for
we can carry objects up to 2.3kg, which covers 86 it? Which insurer should pay? I’m pretty sure these
per cent of the items that we deliver.” He joked: are questions we’ll see more and more often.
“It won’t work for everything. We’re not going to But with the clear advantages that on-demand
deliver kayaks, or table saws this way.” Mr Bezos drone delivery presents – almost instantaneous
also believes it will be good for the environment. fulfillment at lower costs, less congested roads,
“It’s very green and it’s better than driving trucks fewer accidents and cleaner skies to name just a
around,” he said. few – don’t be surprised if that pizza arrives via the
Other companies are following. Domino’s famously friendly skies far sooner than you might expect.
delivered the first pizza by drone in 2016 to a (Sources: www.bbc.co.uk,
New Zealand couple. The pizza company says that www.forbes.com, money.cnn.com)
Culture and society 245

2 zz TOWARDS INVALSI Read the text again and answer the fol-
lowing questions.
1 What are drones?

2 What is the meaning of the underlined phrase?

From delivering parcels to saving lives, drones are taking off.
Q a disappearing Q c rising in the air
Q b becoming bigger Q d having success
3 According to the text, current regulations try to prevent
Q a drones from getting too numerous
Q b drones from getting too expensive
Q c drones from crashing into people or buildings
Q d drones from flying too fast

4 What are the weaknesses of road delivery systems?

a ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

b ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

c ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5 How long might it take for Amazon customers to receive their orders by drone delivery?
Q a 1 hour Q c 30 minutes
Q b under 15 minutes Q d 1 hour and a half
6 According to Bezos, Amazon could deliver by drones
Q a most of its goods
Q b mostly kayaks and table saws
Q c multiple items up to 2.3 kg at once
Q d more goods than by trucks
7 What life-saving items have drones successfully delivered in some African countries?
a ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

b ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

8 Why are drone companies investing heavily in cybersecurity?

Q a to prevent hackers from stealing sushi
Q b to prevent hackers from manipulating deliveries
Q c to prevent accidents between flying drones
Q d to convince sceptical consumers
9 Which of the following risks of drone delivery is NOT mentioned in the article?
Q a lost drones
Q b privacy issues
Q c security of the items
Q d increasing number of UAVs
10 Which best describes the writer’s attitude to the future rise of drone delivery?
Q a he thinks it’s surprising Q c he thinks it’s very likely
Q b he thinks it’s unfair Q d he thinks it’s very unlikely

3 zzz CRITICAL THINKING Ask and answer the following questions in pairs, then share opinions with the class.
1 What can drones be used for at present?
2 What are the pros and cons of drone technology?
3 Do you think drones might be dangerous? Why?
4 What will happen if the skies are filled with drones?
5 Do you think that the use of drones should be limited by law? If yes, how?
1 Watch this video Dad Creates Robotic 3D Arm For Son (www.youtube.com/watch?v=W60kbJ7_o8w). Do you think
this is a real story or is it just an extract from a sci-fi film? Discuss as a class.

The spread of 3D technology has only made it take a page from their book and create the hand
easier for dads to do incredible things for their himself. He decided to include Jamie in the project
children and it was just the right tool for Callum and together they began to scour the internet
Miller when he wanted to create a prosthetic for for affordable 3D printers. The internet did not
his 10-year-old son Jamie. Born without a left disappoint. They quickly found a reasonably
hand, the boy had never used a prosthetic limb and priced machine on eBay and gave it to themselves
grew up learning how to maneuver in the world for Christmas. And within six weeks they were
without one. As his father explained: printing their first hands. Callum explains:
“Jamie was born without one hand but he honestly “The arm itself is a very simple design, it’s by Team
never made an issue of it. He still does everything any UnLimbited. Probably about 10 or 15 components in
other little kid would. He’s always been out playing and it in total, each all pinned together with pins that you
enjoying himself with friends. Last October somebody sent print yourself.The whole thing is printed on the printer.
me a link to Team UnLimbited who make robotic limbs. It takes approximately 10 to 12 hours to make one. It
I thought it was great so I messaged them and looked was molded using hot water and a rolling pin and then
online at what they did.” it’s tied together with elastic bands on the top, which
This team engages in research and development swing the fingers back up, and fishing braids underneath
as well as the production of artificial limbs for that pull the fingers back into closing, a very, very simple
those in need, all while sharing everything they design.”
know and do freely online for anyone to use. In The benefit from this project has been more than
December, they were recognized for their fantastic just the obvious one, provision of an inexpensive
work with a Point of Light award, given to those and functional prosthetic for Jamie. The added
who have shown themselves bonus is that Jamie has become
to be outstanding volunteers, interested in 3D printing,
from Prime Minister Theresa something which today’s
May. They are a truly inspiring students need as it is the modern
duo, but as there are only two language of making. Who knows
of them they rely on the open- what that interest could spark in
source nature of 3D information the future, and whether simply
and access to 3D printers by the satisfaction of making or the
others to help amplify the work development of a breakthrough,
beyond what they can do with it has empowered Jamie to be a
their own four hands. creator of his own.
When Callum reached out to
(Adapted from H.R. Mendoza,
them, he learned that there “Father and Son Work Together
was an 18-month wait list to Create 3D Printed Prosthetic
and decided that he would Hand”, 3Dprints.com)
Culture and society 247

2 zz TOWARDS INVALSI Read the text again and answer the following questions.
1 Say whether the following information is true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.
a Jamie was born without his left arm. n n
b Jamie has always used a prosthesis. n n
c Team Unlimbited is engaged only in research and development of artificial limbs. n n
d Team Unlimbited was awarded by Theresa May. n n
2 Callum discovered that
n a there was an 18-month old baby waiting n c there was an 18-month waiting list
n b there were 18 boys waiting n d there were 18 lists waiting

3 Callum decided
n a to build a prosthesis for his son on his own n c to buy a prosthesis on eBay
n b to create a prosthesis with his son n d to buy a prosthesis from Team UnLimbited

4 The hand was designed

n a by Callum
n b by Team UnLimbited
n c by Jamie
n d by Callum and Jamie together
5 Jamie’s prosthesis
n a costed a lot
n b was cheap
n c earned Callum a lot of money
n d gave Callum a bonus

6 The consequence of this project is that

n a Jamie can study modern languages
n b Jamie can play again
n c Jamie is interested in 3D printing
n d Jamie may be interested in working in 3D
printing in the future

3 zzz CRITICAL THINKING Group work. You have to prepare a small attractive gadget for the Open Day of your
school using a 3D printing.
a Draw your project and describe it to your classmates.
b Write a short paragraph explaining how you can realize it using a 3D printing.
c Compare every project and choose the most appealing one to be presented on the Open Day.
10 TA A N D T H E 4 VS


1 Look at the picture. What can you see? Can you imagine a world still paper based with data archives?

Nowadays the expression Big Data has become VELOCITY Velocity is the speed at which the data
very popular, but it is not enough to talk about data are created, stored, analyzed and visualized. In the
and just identify them. In fact the digital world has past a database was constantly updated requiring
produced a great number of data, but it is necessary a long time. In the Big Data era, data are created
to learn how to read and understand them, in real-time thanks to the availability of Internet
otherwise they will remain a bulk of disordered and connected devices, wireless or wired. Machines and
complex information without any useful meaning. devices can pass-on their data the moment they are
To do this we have to know some criteria based on created.
the four Vs: Volume, Variety, Velocity and Veracity.
VARIETY Variety refers to the many sources and
VOLUME Volume refers to the amount of data types of data. In the past all data were structured
produced by machines, satellites, sensors, human but today they are in different formats, such as
interaction and so on. Today their number has multimedia formats involving video, files, webpages,
increased to the size of terabytes in the form etc.
of records or transactions and in the future this
amount will increase more and more. VERACITY Big Data veracity refers to the
In the past, the creation of so much data would ambiguities and the noises that can hide behind data.
have caused serious problems, but now, with It is really important to clean and process data to
decreasing storage costs, better storage solutions avoid problems.
like the algorithms to create meaning from all those Having a lot of data in different volumes coming in
data, it is not a problem at all. at high speed is worthless if those data are incorrect.
Culture and society 249

Therefore, organizations need to ensure that the

data are correct as well as the analyses performed
on the data are correct.

Extra important 2 Vs of Big Data

VALIDITY The correct and accurate data are

intended to be used for making decisions.

VOLATILITY Big Data volatility refers to how long

the data are valid and how long they should be
stored. In this world of real-time data, you need
to determine at what point the data are no longer

(Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_data)

2 zz TOWARDS INVALSI Read the text again and answer the following questions.
1 Say whether the following information is true (T) or false (F) and if it is false correct it.
a The expression Big Data is useful just to identify a big amount of data. n n
b Today high storage costs are a big problem. n n
c Data are updated every day at night. n n
d The validity of Big Data can be useful to make business decisions. n n
2 The digital world has produced
n a enough data n c a large quantity of data
n b not enough data n d a small quantity of data

3 The four Vs stand for

n a volume, velocity, variety, volatility n c volume, velocity, variability, veracity
n b volume, velocity, variety, veracity n d volume, velocity, variability, volatility

4 Today a better storage of data

n a is decreasing costs n c is creating problems
n b is increasing costs n d is creating meaningless algorithms

5 “Velocity” stands for

n a the rate of transmission of data
n b the speed at which the data are delivered
n c the speed at which the data are created, stored, analyzed and visualized
n d the speed at which the data are received
6 What is the meaning of the underlined word?
Big data veracity refers to the ambiguities and the noises that can hide behind data.
n a sounds n c disturbances
n b echoes n d trills
7 Valid data are
n a data before the expiring date n c data sent by a precise date
n b data that are correct and precise n d data that have been used to make decisions

8 If new data are going to be invalid in a short time they have

n a high volatility n c short validity
n b short volatility n d high velocity
Technical glossary 253

A brittleness: fragilità
broach: broccia
abrasive: abrasivo
broaching: brocciatura
absorbent: assorbente
brush: spazzola
actuator: attuatore
(to) adjust: regolare
(to) affect: influenzare
air register: registri di regolazione dell’aria caliper: calibro
alloy: lega CAM: Computer Aided Manufacturing, produzione
alternating current (AC): corrente alternata assistita da computer
angle: angolo camshaft: albero a camme
anthropomorphic: antropomorfo carbide: carburi
anvil: incudine carbon: carbonio
apron: grembiale carbon fibre: fibra di carbonio
arc welding: saldatura ad arco, saldatura carriage: carrello
continua (to) carry: portare, trasportare
armature: armatura
(to) cast: gettare, fondere
assembly: assemblaggio
cast iron: ghisa
assembly line: catena di montaggio
casting: fusione
atomic hydrogen flame welding: saldatura a
central lathe: tornio parallelo
idrogeno atomico
centrifugal pump: pompa centrifuga
automotive: automobilistica
cermet: da cer(amic) met(al), metallo ceramico
axis (pl. axes): asse
chain line: linea mista
axle: asse, assale
channel: canalizzazione
chemical compound: composto chimico
chip: frammento
ballpoint pen: penna biro (to) circulate: far circolare
beam: raggio (di luce, di calore, di elettroni) clamp: morsa
bearing (n.): cuscinetto closed-loop: ad anello chiuso
bed: base clutch disk: frizione
benchdrill: trapano da banco clutch pencil: portamine
(to) bend: piegare CNC machine: macchina a controllo numerico
(to) bind: legare computerizzato
blacksmith: fabbro coil: avvolgimento, bobina
blast furnace: altoforno (to) collect: raccogliere
(to) boil: bollire collector panel: pannello collettore
boiler, furnace: caldaia (to) combust: bruciare
boring (n.): alesatura combustion: combustione
bottom dead centre: punto morto inferiore commutator: commutatore
brake: freno comparator: comparatore
brass: ottone compass: compasso
brazing (n.): brasatura composite: materiale composito
(to) break: interrompere (to) compress: comprimere
254 Technical glossary

compression: compressione discharge stroke: fase di scarico

compression ignition engine: motore ad discrete: separato
accensione spontanea (to) displace: muovere, spostare
compression ratio: rapporto di compressione (to) dissipate: dissipare
concrete: calcestruzzo (to) distribute: distribuire
conductor: conduttore distributor: spinterogeno
(to) connect: collegare dotted line: linea punteggiata
connecting rod: biella draughtsman/draftsman: disegnatore tecnico
consistency: uniformità drawing table: tavolo da disegno
continuous casting or strand casting: colata (to) drill: forare; trivellare
continua drill chuck: portapunta
conveyor belt: nastro trasportatore drilling: foratura
(to) cool: raffreddare (to) drive: spingere, far muovere
coolant: liquido refrigerante drive-belt: cintura di sicurezza
copper: rame drive mechanism: meccanismo di azionamento
core: nucleo duct work: conduttura
countersinking: svasatura ductility: duttilità
craftwork: artigianato dynamic pump: pompa dinamica
crane: gru
crankshaft: albero a gomiti
cross-sectional: a sezione trasversale
crude oil: petrolio greggio edge: bordo
(to) customize: personalizzare elasticity: elasticità
cutting tool: utensile da taglio electric charge: carica elettrica
cylinder head: testata electromotive force: forza elettromotrice
end: polo

D end-effector: terminale
engine block: basamento del motore
dam: diga (to) engrave: incidere
damage: danno (to) evaluate: valutare
(to) damage: danneggiare exhaust: scarico
dashed line: linea tratteggiata exhaust manifold: collettore
dedicated: dedicato exhaust valve: valvola di scarico
(to) deform: deformare, deformarsi (to) expand: espandersi
degree of freedom: grado di libertà expansion valve: valvola di espansione
(to) deliver: distribuire (to) expel: espellere
(to) design: progettare external line: linea esterna
(to) detect: rilevare
die casting: pressofusione
dimension line: linea di dimensione
direct current (DC): corrente continua fatigue: fatica
direct fuel injection: iniezione diretta del feed movement: movimento di avanzamento
carburante feed rate: velocità di avanzamento
Technical glossary 255

feedback control system: sistema di controllo heat exchanger: scambiatore di calore

retroazionato heavy-duty application: applicazione pesante
fiberglass: vetroresina hollow: vuoto
fibre-tipped pen: pennarello hollow nib pen: rapidograph
filler: filler hydrocarbon gas liquid: liquido di gas idrocarburi
fin: aletta hydropower energy: energia idroelettrica
finishing: finitura
flexible: flessibile I
flow: flusso
(to) flow: fluire (to) ignite: incendiare

flue: canna fumaria impeller: girante

flux: rivestimento protettivo indentation: penetrazione

foam: schiuma (to) induce: indurre

(to) foreshorten: rimpicciolire, scorciare induction motor: motore a induzione

forge welding: saldatura a fuoco input and output device: dispositivo di ingresso
e uscita
forging: forgiatura
insulator: isolante
foundry: fonderia
intake port: condotto di aspirazione
French curve: curvilineo
intake valve: valvola di aspirazione
friction: attrito
intake: aspirazione
fuel: combustibile
interlock: interruttore di interblocco
fuel injector: iniettore del combustibile
iron: ferro
fuse: fusibile

jaw: ganascia
gas welding: saldatura a gas
(to) join: unire, saldare
gasoline: benzina
joint: articolazione, giunto
gauge: calibro
(to) gauge: misurare, calibrare
gear pump: pompa a ingranaggi
grinding: rettifica kinetic: cinetico
gripper: pinza, organo di presa knee-type: a mensola

hammer: martello ladle: secchione di colata
hardness: durezza lapping: smerigliatura
hatching: tratteggio laser beam: raggio laser
headstock: testa motrice laser welding: saldatura laser
hearth: camino layer: strato
heat: calore lead: grafite, mina; piombo
(to) heat: riscaldare light: leggero
heat engine: motore termico limit switch: interruttore fine corsa
256 Technical glossary

linear amplifier: amplificatore lineare output: produzione

load capacity: capacità di carico (to) oversee: supervisionare
load: carico, sollecitazione oxidation: ossidazione
load cell: cella di carico
long-lasting: di lunga durata P
lubricant: lubrificante
(to) lubricate: lubrificare parallel circuit: circuito in parallelo
particle: particella
path: percorso
peat: torba
machine loading: carico di pezzi sulle macchine perspective: prospettiva
machine unloading: scarico di pezzi dalle piezoelectric material: materiale piezoelettrico
pig iron: ghisa grezza
magnet: magnete
pin: perno
magnetic field: campo magnetico
pipe: tubo, tubatura
(to) maintain: manutenere, curare la
piston: pistone
pitch: beccheggio
maintenance: manutenzione
plane: piano
malleability: malleabilità
planing: piallatura
material handling: movimentazione dei materiali
plant: impianto
matrix: matrice
plasticity: plasticità
matter: materia
plunger: stantuffo
(to) measure: misurare
pool: riserva
melting point: punto di fusione
port fuel injection: iniezione indiretta del
metal ore: metallo grezzo
milling: fresatura
port: porta
moisture: umidità
positive displacement pump: pompa volumetrica
mould: stampo
powder: polvere
moulding: forgiatura
powder metallurgy: metallurgia delle polveri
muffler: marmitta
power line: linea elettrica
multi-faceted: multiforme
power source: sorgente di energia
multipurpose: multifunzionale
print bed: piano di stampa
printed circuit board: circuito stampato
prismatic joint: articolazione prismatica
non-renewable: non rinnovabile (to) process: elaborare
nozzle: ugello processing operation: operazione di lavorazione
protractor: goniometro

O (to) provide: fornire

oil filter: filtro dell’olio

oil pan/oil sump: coppa dell’olio
oil pump: pompa dell’olio rack: telaio, struttura portante
outline: contorno radiator: radiatore
Technical glossary 257

ram: pistone screw pump: pompa a vite

rapid prototyping machine: macchina di section line: linea di sezione
prototipazione rapida section view: vista in sezione
ratio: rapporto (to) seize: grippare
ray: raggio series circuit: circuito in serie
reaming: alesatura (to) set: impostare
rear: posteriore shaft: albero
reciprocating: a movimento alternato oppure che shape: forma
si muove avanti e indietro Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs): leghe a memoria
reciprocating pump: pompa alternata di forma
refrigerant: refrigerante shaping: limatura
reinforcement: rinforzo sharp: affilato
(to) release: rilasciare shearing: tranciatura
remote control: a controllo remoto shiny: brillante, lucente
(to) remould: rimodellare shrinkage: rimpicciolimento, restringimento
renewable: rinnovabile sintering: sinterizzazione
(to) repel: respingere slag: scoria
(to) replace: sostituire slice: suddividere in strati
resistor: resistore slot: scanalatura
(to) retrieve: recuperare smelt: fondere
(to) reverse: invertire smooth: liscio
revolute joint: articolazione di rivoluzione smoothing: finitura
revolution: giro, rotazione soil: suolo
(to) revolve: girare, ruotare solder: lega per saldatura
rigid: rigido soldering: brasatura
ring: anello di tenuta sorting: smistamento
roll: rullio spark ignition engine: motore ad accensione
rollerball pen: penna a sfera comandata
rolling: laminazione spark plug: candela

rotary pump: pompa rotante specification: specifica

rotor: rotore spindle: mandrino

rough: ruvido, irregolare (to) split: separare

rugged: robusto spot welding: saldatura per punti

ruler: riga, righello sprinkler: irrigatore, ugello spruzzatore

(to) rust: arrugginirsi square: squadra

(to) squeeze: schiacciare, spremere
starter motor: motorino di avviamento
stator: statore
saddle: carrello steam engine: motore a vapore
sand casting: fusione a terra steam: vapore
sawing: segatura (lavorazione) steel: acciaio
scrap: frammento, scarto steering wheel: sterzo
(to) scratch: graffiare stepper motor: motore passo-passo
258 Technical glossary

(to) stick: incollarsi, attaccarsi tundish: banco di lavoro

stiffness: rigidità turning: tornitura
storage: spazio di archiviazione; magazzino, tweezer: pinzetta
deposito tyre (or tire, American English): pneumatico
(to) store: archiviare, immagazzinare
stream: getto
strength: forza, intensità
stress: tensione, sforzo vacuum cup: ventosa
(to) stretch: allungare, stirare value: valore
string: stringa valve: valvola

suction: aspirazione vane: paletta

suction stroke: fase di aspirazione vanishing point: punto di fuga

surface: superficie Vapour-Compression Refrigeration Cycle: ciclo

frigorifero a compressione di vapore
sustained: sostenuto
variable: variabile
switch: interruttore
vent: sfiato
vessel: recipiente, vaso
T vice (or vise, American English): morsa
tail pipe: tubo di scappamento void: vuoto
tailstock: contropunta voltage: tensione
task: compito, mansione
texture: consistenza, grana W
thermocouple: termocoppia
waste: scorie
thermosetting: termoindurente
waterproof: impermeabile
thick line: linea grossa
wax: cera
thin line: linea fine
way: guida
threading: filettatura
wear: usura
three-phase: trifase
(to) weld: saldare
tide: marea
welding: saldatura
(to) tilt: inclinare
well: pozzo
timing belt: cinghia di trasmissione
wheel: ruota
tin: stagno
winding: avvolgimento
tip: punta
wire: filo, cavo
toolpost: portautensile
(to) withstand: resistere, sopportare
top dead centre: punto morto superiore
work envelope: zona di lavoro
torque: coppia
workbench: banco di lavoro
toughness: tenacità
(to) track: tracciare
transducer: trasduttore
T-square: riga a T yaw: imbardata

e-ISBN 978-88-203-8866-9

Ulrico Hoepli Editore S.p.A.
via Hoepli, 5 - 20121 Milano
e-mail hoepliscuola@hoepli.it

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