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Obesity as a social phenomenon: A narrative review

Obesità come fenomeno sociale: una revisione narrativa
Andrea Cammarano,1 Gian Luca Marella,2 Alessandro Mauro Tavone,1 Claudia Scipione,1 Luigi Tonino Marsella,1 Saverio Potenza,1
Rosaria Alvaro,1 Alessandra Capanna,3 Lorenzo Cecchetti,1 Massimo Maurici1
1 Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’, Rome (Italy)
2 Department of Surgical Science, University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’, Rome (Italy)
3 Hygiene and Public Health Service, Prevention Department, Local Health Unit Roma 2, Rome (Italy)
Corresponding Author: Alessandro Mauro Tavone;


INTRODUZIONE: l’obesità è una delle malattie a maggiore n Obesity is a pandemic issue.
prevalenza al mondo. Visto il forte impatto sociale che possie- n Impact of obesity is not limited to the health context,
de, è necessario avere un approccio non esclusivamente clini- but it affects a large number of fields.
co, ma il più ampio possibile in modo da permettere un’anali-
si a vari livelli per meglio comprendere e affrontare le sfide che
n The actual impact of obesity on the social context is
questa patologia pone in termini di sanità pubblica.
OBIETTIVI: analizzare, attraverso le principali evidenze, l’im-
n In no field can be found a sufficient level of adjust-
portanza a livello sociale dell’eccesso ponderale nella popo- ment to meet the real needs and extent of this issue.
lazione e le eventuali azioni volte a mitigare gli eventuali ef- n It is necessary to undertake new, targeted, and effect-
fetti negativi di tale problematica. ive measures of contrast that take into account the habits
DISEGNO: revisione narrativa. of every culture and population.
SETTING: i dati ottenuti dalle fonti incluse nello studio sono
stati raggruppati e analizzati in cinque macroaree: disugua-
glianze nella salute, società, lavoro, impatto sulla medicina only to clinical aspect – is needed to better understand and
sociale (focalizzata sul modello italiano) e costi sociali. face the challenges obesity poses to public health.
RISULTATI: ogni categoria ha mostrato una correlazione bila- OBJECTIVES: to analyse, through the main evidence, the so-
terale con l’obesità, mettendo in evidenza un impatto signi- cial impact of weight excess in the general population and the
ficativo per la comunità. actions aimed at mitigating its negative effects.
CONCLUSIONI: per ognuno dei campi investigati, risulta ne- DESIGN: narrative review.
cessario intraprendere diverse azioni a livello istituzionale. SETTING: data obtained from the sources included in the
Molte raccomandazioni e azioni sono già state intraprese a study were gathered and analyzed in five macroareas: Health
livello globale, ma da sole non sembrano essere sufficien- Inequality, Society, Work, Impact on Social Medicine (focused
ti. Il lavoro rimarca che, per combattere l’obesità e rallenta- on the Italian model), and Social Costs.
re questo fenomeno pandemico, l’intera comunità scienti- RESULTS: each category showed a bilateral relationship with
fica e le istituzioni devono lavorare unitamente a più livelli obesity having a significant impact for the community.
per identificare e progettare programmi di contrasto efficaci. CONCLUSIONS: for each field, various actions should be taken
at institutional level. Many recommendations and actions
Parole chiave: obesità, disuguaglianze di salute, medicina sociale,
have already been taken worldwide, but they alone seem to
lavoro, costi sociali, impatto sociale
be not enough. This work points out that, in order to combat
obesity and bring about a slowdown of this pandemic, the en-
ABSTRACT tire scientific community and institutions must work together to
BACKGROUND: obesity is one of the most prevalent dis- identify and design programmes that are truly effective.
eases all over the world. Because of its high social impact, the Keywords: obesity, health inequality, social medicine, work, social
broadest possible approach on several levels – and not limited costs, social impact

INTRODUCTION 1975 to over 18% in 2016.1 Instead, according to the Mem-

Obesity is a complex and multifactorial disease, in which in- ber countries of the Organization for Economic Coopera-
dividual predisposition, cultural background, lifestyle, and tion and Development (OECD), 23% of boys and 21% of
socioeconomic and industry backgrounds come into play. girls are obese.3 In the WHO European Region, overweight
According to the data reported by the World Health Or- and obesity affect almost 60% of adults and nearly one in
ganization (WHO),1 the worldwide prevalence of obesity three children (29% of boys and 27% of girls).4
has tripled between year 1975 to 2016. Over 1.9 billion In Italy, the data is alarming as well: 42.4% of adult have
adults had excess weight (Bodi Mass Index – BMI>25),1 of excess weight, about 1 in 10 adults is obese (over 6 million
which 650 million were obese (BMI>30).2 citizens, of which 500.000 are severely obese); over 30%
Even in the 5-19-year age group, the prevalence of over- and about 25% of children are overweight and obese, re-
weight and obesity has increased dramatically from 4% in spectively.3,5-7

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Finally, from an epidemiological point of view, obesity is served.20,21 With regard to education, in Italy the prevalence
recognized as one of the main causes of death: every year, of obesity among adults who have obtained at most primary
one million deaths are due to excess weight and its associ- school education is 3 times higher than in individuals with
ated diseases.3,8,9 a medium-high degree level (15.8% and 5%, respectively),
Data about overweight and obesity are now more concern- with gender-related positive effects on BMI: increased phys-
ing than ever. The growth of overweight and obesity are ical activity in women and reduced dietary intake in men.3
unprecedented and, until now, an underestimated public Weight excess has recently been found to be a problem that
health challenge that can have a health impact similar to also affects low and middle-income countries, such as Mex-
cigarette smoking,3 which has a major impact on society. ico, China, Thailand, and many African countries. With the
The aim of the following work is to report the main evid- exception for certain areas of Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia,
ence of weight excess as a social factor. the prevalence in children in Africa under the age of 5 has
doubled since 2000 and about 50% of children in Asia un-
MATERIALS AND METHODS der the age of 5 have excess weight.2,11,13 The globalization
This narrative review presents 5 different social macroareas of markets seems to be one of the recognized causes.15
in which weight excess and obesity play impacting roles In these countries, overweight and obesity mainly affect
for the whole community. As the most pertinent sources households living in an urban environment, resulting in
are official reports from national and international insti- the copresence of overweight individuals and individuals
tutions, such as laws and judgments, not referenced in suffering from malnutrition and being underweight.2
the common scientific databases, a systematic search was
judged not to be a reasonable approach. Obesity and society
The base for the current investigation was achieved by re- International data and scientific literature show that there
searching the initial keywords – both in English and in Italian is a relationship of mutual influence between excess weight
– “obesity AND society” and “obesità E società” on common and society. To fully understand this relationship, it is neces-
search engines, together with PubMed, WOS, Scopus and au- sary to analyse the various levels that society imposes upon
thors’ personal databases. Once first pertinent works were de- an individual. These can be inserted into a macro (global)
tected, a ‘snowballing procedure’ was applied10 by looking at system and a micro (regional, provincial, district) system:3,11
titles in their reference list, looking, when possible, at titles cit- n International level: includes globalization of markets
ing them, and iterating the procedure. and technological and industrial development, which have
allowed the worldwide production and distribution of
RESULTS junk food;
Obesity and health inequality n National and regional levels: it is the government, the
Excess weight reflects and accompanies inequalities in health. healthcare system, and the policies implemented at the local
This report has undergone a reversal over the decades: obesity level that encourage the increasing spread of excess weight.
initially mainly concerned the affluent classes, today obesity Urbanization and transport policy that do not guarantee
mainly affects the most disadvantaged classes,4,11,12 and are daily physical activity, because, for example, they do not
transmitted from parents to children through the habitus. guarantee designated areas. The health policy and school
Patterns of dis/advantage are formalized through school sys- education do not make the citizen more aware of the con-
tems and qualifications, conventions of body shape, easy ac- sequences of the lifestyle adopted. Finally, food policy and
cess to health care, and in many other ways, all of which per- the related industry negatively influence food marketing,
petuate inequalities. 13 These factors not only determine bad promoting the consumption of junk food, through the aes-
food choices, but also the lack of access to facilities to engage thetic aspect, the size of portions, and the promotion of
in adequate physical activity.3,11,14 special offers with captivating advertising campaigns;
Globalization and the recent economic crisis have influ- n Community level: this level includes public transport-
enced the lifestyle of socially disadvantaged people, espe- ation, health and hygiene conditions, the sale of packaged
cially women, making it even more difficult to counter- foods, and the presence of green areas;
act obesogenic influences.11,12,14,15 In fact, even if men are n Work, school, and home environment: at this level, the
more affected by excess weight, women suffer more than availability of meals at school cafeteria or in the workplace is
men from the socioeconomic disadvantage and the lower considered to allow easier access to healthy foods. Laso the
level of education.11,14-19 presence of sports infrastructures and the availability of long-
Other conditions of social hardship, such as housing and term technology (TV, smartphone, internet) is considered;
geographical surrounding, also play a fundamental role n Individual: this level, which includes energy expendit-
in the development of obesity.3,11 In Europe, as in Italy, a ure and nutrition, is strongly influenced by the levels men-
geographical North-South gap in childhood obesity is ob- tioned above.

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These five levels explain why food choices are influenced by A significant relationship was discovered between obesity
factors present in the social context in which the individual and absenteeism;25 according to Park’s 2009 studies, ab-
resides, such as cultural values, the price of food, foods on senteeism is 4 times higher among young, obese people
the market, and marketing.3 Also the social networks (fam- (ages between 18 and 34 years) than peers with normal
ily and friends), with the presence of an obese family mem- weight, with an increase in costs per obese worker. 24 Con-
ber or friend, increases the risk of developing a state of excess sidering only USA, it is estimated that the national eco-
weight of 30-40% and about 60%, respectively.22 nomic burden of absenteeism linked to obesity is approx-
The lack of sports infrastructure, inadequate urban plan- imately 4 billion dollars per year,25
ning and lack of free, leisurely time are among the possible For companies, obesity is also a cost for presenteeism, that
causes of a sedentary lifestyle: over 30% of people do not is, reduced productivity at work due to health problems
walk for these reasons.18,19 (e.g., reduced working hours or partial work suitability)
The excessive purchase of cheap food and excessive food and disability. In addition, the demand for retirement in
revenue also have an ecological impact: the habit to food obese workers is over 26% compared to normal-weight
waste, the over-consumption of natural resources, and an colleagues, resulting in more frequent reduction in work-
increase in global warming due to the emission of gases ing hours or early abandonment of work in this category.11
produced during preparation.11 Obese people may be at a greater risk of occupational in-
Finally, obesity can lead to individual social stigmatization juries due to a number of factors, including reduced mobil-
particularly in children, who may develop low self-esteem.3 ity, physical fatigue, fatigue from probable apnoea, and poor
All the above has repercussions in the adult stage with con- use of personal protective equipment due to discomfort or
sequences in life expectancy, socioeconomic status, and inability to find the right size.23 Although the association
lesser probability of finding a partner to create a family, between obesity and the risk of non-fatal occupational in-
with depression, isolation, marginalization, and aggressive jury is considered modest,24 according to some studies, obese
and provocative behaviour.4 workers are at a higher risk of work-place accidents than nor-
mal-weight employees, with an odds ratio ranging between
Obesity and work 1.2 and 1.8.27 Finally, an indirect association between excess
With the development of the tertiary sector, more atten- body weight and workplace safety was found: compared to
tion has been placed on the workplace as a risk factor for the others, obese employees make claims more frequently,
obesity. Indeed, the so-called office work has resulted in a about 11 times more, and require paid time off.
decrease of over 100 calories in daily energy expenditure, In the workplace, obesity has also an impact on workers
resulting in an increase in BMI.23 Some features of work themselves. In fact, being obese increases work stress, be-
(energy required/shifts/weekly hours) lead to an imbalance cause of a higher psychological workload and insufficient
of work-life, resulting in unhealthy eating patterns.24 For social support.24 Obese or overweight workers, especially
example, higher rates of obesity have been found in work- women, receive on average a lower wage and are often vic-
ers with shift work25 and those who work for over 40 hours tims of discrimination: for example, they have a 15-20%
a week.24 There was no difference in BMI between being lower chance of being hired, or are rejected from occupa-
self-employed or dependent.24 Work-related stress can also tions involving face-to-face interactions with customers.11
contribute to the development of obesity through its ef- In addition, obese workers receive lower salaries and less
fects on behaviour and metabolism due to unhealthy cop- frequent promotions, and report less satisfaction with their
ing mechanisms such as overeating, physical inactivity, and employment than those with average body weight.23
excessive alcohol consumption.24
At the job level, BMI is associated with productivity meas- Obesity in social medicine: The Italian model
urements including absenteeism, short-term disability, In terms of social medicine, in Italy, a person suffering
worker compensation, and productivity. The obese worker from obesity can be recognized as:
has a higher absenteeism rate, requires more claims for bene- n disabled, if there is a reduction in their ability to work
fits, and faces more frequent accidents; all of which results in due to obesity;
a higher cost to the company and a reduction in productiv- n disabled, if obesity causes a social disadvantage;
ity.3,8,26 On a statistical point of view, a recent Indian study n not self-sufficient, if obesity makes it impossible to per-
demonstrated a strong relationship between high BMI and form daily acts of life without permanent care and assist-
absenteeism with Spearman correlation coefficient r=0.227 ance or if they are permanently unable to walk without the
and a significance value of 0.012.26 Also, compared to nor- help of an aide.
mal weight employees, those with a higher BMI need more With regard to the first point, government tables of the
days off for illness (5.29 vs 7.43) and for short-term disabil- percentages of disability place obesity with a BMI between
ity (1.94 vs 4.77).23 35 and 40 in the range from 31% to 40%. For subjects

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of working age (between 18 and 65 years), the percentage cess weight on the use of health services, and therefore on
of civil disability of less than 33% is not considered valid, health costs, is quite considerable: according to the most
while between 34% and 74% there is accessibility to be recent estimates, 6-8% of European expenses and 4% of
granted gradually increasing benefits (prosthetic aids, in- Italian expenses (of approximately 4.5 billion Euros) is due
clusion in targeted placement lists, entitlement of special to obesity, its related diseases, and its complications.3,6,15
leave, and partial exemption from the ticket for percent- The OECD estimates that the health expenditure of an
ages higher than 66%), but of a non-economic direct type obese person is about 25% higher than that of a normal
(check or pension).28 weighted individual and that obesity results in an annual
Concerning obese subjects with a BMI>40, a ruling by cost of 70 billion Euros between health costs and the loss
the Court of Cassation states29,30 that, in the assessment of productivity.8 Specifically, in Italy, healthcare expendit-
of disability due to obesity, the medical commission may ure is 4% higher in overweight individuals compared to
disengage itself from the ministerial tables and carry out a the normal weighted population.
specific examination case. This allows, if appropriate, an
allocation of a higher percentage of disability than that re- DISCUSSION
quired by law, until reaching 74%, which is the minimum The various discussed sections highlight that obesity has a
threshold for the entitlement to a monthly allowance. significant impact for the community, thus requiring vari-
For the second point, the obese person may be recognized ous actions to be taken at the institutional level. Many re-
as handicapped if his condition is the cause of learning dif- commendations and actions, promoted by the WHO,2
ficulties, relationships, or job integration due to both phys- have already been taken and include the promotion of a
ical-motor, such as reduced mobility, and psychological as- more comprehensive food labelling system to assist in the
pects, such as the discomfort in relating to others. selection of healthier foods, the adoption of taxation on
The main benefits for the handicapped individuals and the junk food, and reduced marketing pressures on children.
family members who assist them are provided for by law Regarding labelling, the first country to make the move was
104 from 199231 and by additional laws that identify com- the UK with the introduction of the ‘traffic light’ system,33
plementary measures that are handicap-related, but also to criticized for its unclear outcomes and followed by the devel-
disability and non-self-sufficiency. opment of the French ‘Nutri-Score’,34 a scale of five colours
In addition to the general safeguards provided by law ranging from green to red, each corresponding to the first five
104/1992, a worker with a disability due to obesity is en- letters of the alphabet (A, B, C, D, E) giving an overall assess-
titled to a number of specific protections related to his partic- ment of the nutritional characteristics of the final pre-pack-
ular condition: the employer is obligated to take the appro- aged product. In 7 European countries, including Italy, the
priate measures to guarantee that the disabled worker is able authorities have explicitly opposed because of its lack of con-
to carry out his functions in the best possible way, which may sideration for specific diets, such as the Mediterranean diet,
involve changing his job if necessary or simply by providing that are considered healthy, but which contain many basic
an environment that can guarantee the fulfilment of the as- food products that would result in a negative score.35
signed tasks without running into any kind of obstacle. A system of taxation on junk food and alcoholic bever-
Lastly, if, like other disabling conditions, the obese per- ages is present in France, Norway, and Hungary, together
son needs continuous assistance to be able to perform daily with a significant limitation on their advertising. The pur-
acts of life “or if” they are unable to walk without perman- chase and consumption of such food has been reduced by
ent assistance from an aide, they shall be entitled to disab- 20-40%, a healthier lifestyle was stimulated, and, finally,
ility allowance. the percentage of persons with excess weight was reduced.3
In Italy, although the decline in childhood obesity from
Obesity and social costs 2008 to 2016, the country is not yet out of the rank of the
Worldwide, the total economic impact of the obesity is es- worst countries for childhood obesity. In fact, according to
timated to be 2 trillion dollars or 2.8% of the gross domestic the WHO, 36% of Italian children consume sugary drinks
product.32 Those costs can be divided into direct costs, daily, only 34% exercise once a week, and only 20% go to
defined as expenses related to services provided by a health- school on foot or by bicycle.19
care provider (which are 1.5-3.9 times higher for obeses if From the point of view of healthcare many actions could
compared to normal weighted), and indirect costs, related be undertaken. Given the resistance to recognize obesity as
to loss of productivity due to absenteeism, disability, com- a disease (40% of parents, especially mothers, do not con-
pensation claims, and premature mortality (54-59% of the sider the problem),7,20
estimated total cost of obesity).32 Excess weight results in a childhood obesity prevention programmes should be im-
significant cost for the Public Health and, therefore, for the proved at school level.3 General practitioners and paedi-
community.3,8 According to the WHO, the impact of ex- atricians should be specifically trained to have effective

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communication and promoting a change in lifestyle.36,37 About the work, it is reported24 to be cost-effective for em-
A multidisciplinary team is needed, with the implementa- ployers to actively encourage workplace health promotion
tion of Obesity Units providing access to the most effective initiatives, including weight management programmes.
therapies and the Obesity Surgery Centres connected to re- For prospects, the socioecological model should be ad-
duce waiting lists.6 opted to identify new approaches and strategies to fight
For the disadvantaged classes, the governments, through obesity: this model takes into consideration contextual
economic benefits, must promote access to sports infra- factors such as the community.22 These approaches should
structure, the purchase of healthier food and easier access be integrated within the cultural context of each coun-
to psychological support and care. In addition, it may be try or region.15 These programmes should be directed not
considered to introduce a one-off tax bonus for subjects only at the overweight population who are at risk of devel-
who document a reduction in the BMI.3 oping into a state of obesity, but also to the obese popula-
Social networks and smartphone apps are possible tools to tion, to help reduce BMI, and to reduce the risk of devel-
fight obesity: the use of apps that can set goals and help to oping further complications related to excess weight and to
create a path towards a healthier lifestyle in real time, al- all individual’s social network.
lowing the inclusion of family and friends as support, were
found to be effective.38 Conflicts of interest: none declared.

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