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Master thesis of:

Imran Riaz

Prof. Roberto Perini
Alberto Merlo

Academic Year 2018-2019

"The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
- Neil deGrasse Tyson

S OLENOID pump has significant importance in pumps due

to its simple design and less cost. The coffee machine
manufacturing companies demands solenoid pumps with
less vibrations and noise which are main flaws of this technology.
This thesis tries to understand root causes of pump vibrations, and
noise and tries to eliminate vibrations by canceling exciting force
which causes vibrations. The complete mathematical model of
pump is developed using electrical and mechanical equations. The
nonlinear system is modeled on Simulink to know working phe-
nomenon and investigate roots causes of vibrations. The nonlinear
model is linearized by linearization process. The Control theory is
applied, and a feedback closed loop system is designed to regulate
motion of plunger. Three PIDs are tuned with suitable parameter
values to get desired performance. The designed closed loop sys-
tem is applied on non-linear system to see performance of control
system. At the end of thesis two pumps in anti-series model is
presented and discussed its advantages and disadvantages.
Keywords: Solenoid pump, Plunger position control, Pump
vibration, Noise, Control system


La pompa a solenoide ha un’importanza significativa nelle pompe

grazie al suo design semplice e al minor costo. Le aziende pro-
duttrici di macchine per caffe richiedono pompe a solenoide con
meno vibrazioni e rumori che sono i principali difetti di questa
tecnologia. Questa tesi cerca di capire le cause profonde delle
vibrazioni della pompa e del rumore e cerca di eliminare le vi-
brazioni annullando la forza eccitante che causa vibrazioni. Il
modello matematico completo della pompa e sviluppato utiliz-
zando equazioni elettriche e meccaniche. Il sistema non lineare
e modellato su Simulink per conoscere il fenomeno del lavoro e
indagare sulle cause profonde delle vibrazioni. Il modello non lin-
eare e linearizzato dal processo di linearizzazione. Viene applicata
la teoria del controllo e un sistema a circuito chiuso a retroazione
e progettato per regolare il movimento del pistone. Tre PID sono
sintonizzati con i valori dei parametri appropriati per ottenere i
risultati delle prestazioni desiderati. Il sistema a circuito chiuso
progettato e applicato su un sistema non lineare per vedere le
prestazioni del sistema di controllo. Alla fine della tesi vengono
presentate due pompe in modello anti-serie che ne discutono van-
taggi e svantaggi.
Parole chiave: Pompa solenoide, Sistema di controllo, Con-

trollo di posizione, Pompa vibrazione, Rumore.


F IRST and foremost, I would thanks to God for giving me

this opportunity to undertake this research and courage to
accomplish the results. Thereafter, I would like to offer
my distinctive gratitude to my supervisors: Prof. Roberto Perini,
Massimo Fontanilli (Ex-Technical Manager ODE) and Alberto
Merlo. Their support, guidance and patient supervision through-
out my thesis was invaluable.
Discussions about the problems in thesis during the meetings
with Prof: Roberto Perini and his valuable advices proved help-
ful for me. Working in ODE labs with supervision of Massimo
Fontanili during my internship period enhanced my practical skills.
Sharing his knowledge and concepts with me during discussions
were always fruitful for me.
Also, I would like to extend my distinctive gratitude to my par-
ents, family and friends for always being there for me through
thick and thin. I am grateful for their love and support, and for
putting their trust in me, and for encouraging me to pursue my
Finally, thanks to this research activity for realizing me that, there
is still alot more to learn engineering.


Introduction 7

1 Solenoid Pump 11
1.1 Importance of solenoid pump . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.2 Construction of Solenoid pump . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.3 Working of Solenoid pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2 Solenoid Energy Conversion Principle 19

2.1 Magnetic Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.2 Inductance Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3 Energy Conversion Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.4 Force Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3 Solenoid pump modeling 33

3.1 Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.1.1 Dynamic Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.1.2 Finding Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.1.3 Electrical Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.2 Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43


3.2.1 Simulation results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

3.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

4 Control System Design 51

4.1 Need of Closed Loop system . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.2 Modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.3 Linearization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.4 Control System Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.4.1 PID Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.4.2 Current Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.4.3 Velocity Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.4.4 Position Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.5 Linear System Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.5.1 Current Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.5.2 Velocity Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.5.3 Position Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.5.4 Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.5.5 Results Acceptance Criterion . . . . . . . . 70
4.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

5 Results 73
5.1 Actual System Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.2 Two Pumps in Anti-series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
5.2.1 Pros and Cons of Proposed Solution . . . . . 79
5.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
5.4 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Bibliography 89

List of Figures

1.1 Pumps classification and placement of Solenoid Pump 12

1.2 Typical Application areas of solenoid pump [2] . . 13
1.3 Construction of solenoid pump and its parts [2] . . 14
1.4 3D view of solenoid pump [2] . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.5 Suction phase of pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.6 Pumping phase of pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.1 Magnetic circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.2 Magnetic circuit with iron core and air gap . . . . . 21
2.3 Analogy between electric and magnetic circuits . . 23
2.4 Simple representation of electromecanical device . 24
2.5 Inductor coil energized by voltage source . . . . . 25
2.6 Non-linear relation between ψ and i . . . . . . . . 25
2.7 Magnetic circuit with movable plunger . . . . . . . 27
2.8 Field Energy at specific current i0 and different flux ψ 28
2.9 Co-Energy at specific flux ψ and different currents i 29
3.1 P500 solenoid pump [7] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.2 Pump mechanical structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.3 Pump internal force generating mechanism . . . . 37
3.4 Magnetic Circuit for pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

List of Figures

3.5 Inductance L plot against plunger position x mea-

sured at two voltage levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.6 Comparison of measured and calculated Inductance
L vs position x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.7 Equivalent circuit of pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.8 Pump test apparatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.9 Comparison of actual(left) and calculated(rigt) cur-
rent and voltage signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.10 Pump different variables against time axis for 70%
Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.11 Plunger position plot against time axis at different
loads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.12 Plunger and pump body position plot against time
axis at 67%(1MPa) load. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.13 Stroke length at different loads for 4 cycles . . . . 49
4.1 A sinusoidal current i with 50 Hz and correspond-
ing force f of double frequency . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.2 A sinusoidal current i of 50 Hz with DC current
Io graph with corresponding generated force f of
double frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.3 Approximated linearized relation between current
and force with presence of DC current. . . . . . . . 55
4.4 Approximated linearized relation between induc-
tance and position. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.5 Control diagram representation of Eqs. 4.17 and 4.18. 59
4.6 Complete control diagram of system . . . . . . . . 60
4.7 Current open loop control diagram . . . . . . . . . 62
4.8 Current closed loop control diagram . . . . . . . . 62
4.9 Current closed and open loop bode plot . . . . . . 63
4.10 Velocity open loop control diagram . . . . . . . . 63
4.11 Velocity closed loop control diagram . . . . . . . . 64
4.12 Velocity closed and open loop bode plot . . . . . . 64
4.13 Position open loop control diagram . . . . . . . . . 65

List of Figures

4.14 Position closed loop control diagram . . . . . . . . 66

4.15 Position closed and open loop bode plot . . . . . . 66
4.16 The reference input current signal and output cur-
rent at 100% (1.5 MPa) load . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.17 The reference input velocity signal and output plunger
velocity at 100% (1.5 MPa) load . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.18 The reference input position signal and output plunger
position at 100% (1.5 MPa) load . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.19 The output voltage from inverter at 100% (1.5 MPa)
load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.20 Plunger position at no load(dry run) and full load. . 71
4.21 Current through coil at no load(dry run) and full load. 71
4.22 Output voltage at no load(dry run) and full load. . . 72
5.1 Plunger relative position at full load. . . . . . . . . 74
5.2 Total current through coil at full load. . . . . . . . 75
5.3 Output voltage across coil at full load. . . . . . . . 75
5.4 Plunger and pump position at full load . . . . . . . 76
5.5 Plunger relative position at zero and full load . . . 76
5.6 Plunger relative position at full load with two spring
constant values which are different 20%. . . . . . . 77
5.7 Block diagram representation of pump operated by
controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
5.8 Two pumps in anti-series fixed together with help
of a frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
5.9 Force on pump bodies during suction phase . . . . 79
5.10 Force on pump bodies during pumping phase . . . 80

List of Tables

3.1 Measured inductance L(x) at the plunger position x 41

3.2 Constants and parameter values of pump components 41
4.1 Constants and parameters of pump components at
new equilibrium point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.2 Parameters values of each PID . . . . . . . . . . . 67


The most important application of solenoid pump is coffee ma-

chines where it is used to draw the fluid from tank to the cup for
final user. The main drawback of solenoid pump in this applica-
tion is high level of generated noise and vibrations. Few research
activities had been carried already to get desired results in terms
of noise elimination.
A research activity is done by another student. The focus of
the study was to analyze and reduce noise in aspect of psychoa-
coustics. It was tried to set an annoyance index to evaluate sound
quality of generated noise. The annoyance was found in terms
of psychoacoustic descriptors which are related to perception of
sound by human. Different measured values were used to find a
relationship between noise, sound pressure level and pump vibra-
tions. This relationship is used in pump design to obtain predicted
sound level and desired annoyance index.
It was observed that most annoying part of noise was located in
high frequency range, and a non-linearity behavior of sound high
components was identified. Different measurements were taken
in order to track and solve the non-linearity problem, but satisfac-
tory results were not found. It was guessed that non-linearity is
produced by spring and plunger detachments [3].

Other way of reduction of noise generated by pump is done
by reduction of transmitted vibrations caused by pump which are
strictly related to noise generated. Two ways are followed to
achieve desired results. The first one is reduction of forces and
vibrations generated by pump. It is done by acting on mechanical
parameters of pump. A dynamic model of pump is developed, and
characteristics of pump and dynamic model are studied to know
root cause of emitted noise. Through this study, the spring pa-
rameters (stiffness, length and pre-loads), mass and geometry of
pump are redesigned to get less noise. While in second part, the
transmissibility of generated vibration is reduced by positioning
of proper suspension between pump and fixture.
This thesis will address same problem discussed by above the-
sis. Thesis utilizes the results achieved by above research activi-
ties and tries to reduce the noise by eliminating pump vibrations
by considering the fact that generated noise is strictly related to
pump vibrations. Vibration elimination is done in quite different
fashion than previous researches. A dynamic model of pump is
developed and with help of Simulink results the addressed prob-
lem is studied, and root causes are identified. Instead of redesign-
ing all parameters of pump components, an inverter is designed
which will take feedback from pump output and adjust pump in-
puts to provide desired outputs. The generated vibrations are can-
celed out with help of connecting two pumps in anti-series to-
gether controlled by inverter.

Thesis outline
This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter introduces
the solenoid pump by briefing its areas of applications, the con-
struction of pump and its working principle. Chapter two is ded-
icated for explaining energy conversion principle of pump. A
mathematical model of pump is developed in chapter three and
developed model is simulated on MATLAB Simulink to under-

stand results. Chapter four introduces the closed loop control sys-
tem and shows designing of suitable controller. In chapter five
designed control system is applied pump model and "two pumps
in anti-series" model is presented.

Contribution of thesis
The thesis contributes as follows:

- It briefly explains the construction and working principle of

solenoid pump.
- A mathematical model of pump is developed and simulated
on Simulink.
- A suitable control system for solenoid pump is developed to
get desired performance results.
- Two pumps in anti-series model is presented for canceling
out the exciting force for vibrations, by providing Simulink

Challenges faced in the study

The thesis lasted for about 9 months and the challenges faced to
pursue the study are listed below:

- Few resources (technical documents and data sheets) which

explain the pump construction are provided by the company,
which were not enough to carry out research activity. The
author had to perform series of experiments to get parameters
of pump to develop mathematical model.
- The research activity required the advance knowledge and
the concepts of control theory, and author had to create com-
petency in this regard.

Solenoid Pump

1.1 Importance of solenoid pump

A pump is a device that moves fluids by mechanical action. Pumps
are used to transfer and distribute fluids in various industries. Pumps
convert mechanical energy into hydraulic energy. Electrical en-
ergy is generally used to operate the various types of pumps.
There exist a wide variety of pumps that are designed for vari-
ous specific applications. However, most of them can be broadly
classified into two categories. Positive displacement and dynamic
pressure pumps. Further classification of pumps are shown in fig-
ure 1.1
Solenoid pumps lie in category of positive displacement and
subcategory reciprocating, in which a plunger moves back and
forth to suck fluid from inlet and to pump it towards outlet[1].
Solenoid pump has high demand in industry due to its simple,
modular design and less cost. Figure 1.2 shows some application
areas of solenoid pumps. It is used for controlling water in coffee

Chapter 1. Solenoid Pump

Figure 1.1: Pumps classification and placement of Solenoid Pump

machine, it pumps water from tank to the boiler, then to coffee

pot. Controlling detergent floor care machines, it pumps water
from tank and mixes with washing shampoo, then jets to the floor.
Controlling water steam iron station, pumps water from tank to the
boiler. Solenoid pumps are more attractive to use because of its
compact size, safer while pump is stalled, it has higher impedance
at overloading and most importantly its cheaper cost. Where as
it has few drawbacks like relative low flow rate, half wave opera-
tion and major drawback is, it vibrates tremendously and produces
noise .

1.2 Construction of Solenoid pump

The solenoid ’drive’ consists of an electromagnet and spring as-
sembly, which is activated/deactivated with a series of electrical
impulses. As the solenoid is activated, the electromagnet pushes
the diaphragm, which displaces the fluid. As the solenoid is de-
activated, the spring mechanism returns the diaphragm, allowing

1.2. Construction of Solenoid pump

Figure 1.2: Typical Application areas of solenoid pump [2]

more fluid from the suction line to enter the chamber ready for
The massive structure of the solenoid pump is made of an iron
frame in which a hollow electromagnetic coil is mounted. In
the coil, a tubular body constituted by an inlet and outlet tube
is connected. Between the coil and the tubular body two iron
rings and plastic ring are positioned. Inside the chamber there are
the plunger, the main spring and the bumper spring. During the
mounting phase of the pump, the two springs are compressed, and
they reach a certain value of pre-load that causes the initial equi-
librium position of the plunger. The second face of the bumper
spring is in contact with the inner plate, whose aim is to separate
the inlet and the outlet tube. In the inner plate there is a hole that
allows the plunger to pass in the outlet tube. In correspondence
of the hole several sealing gaskets are present in order to avoid
the leakage of the flowing fluid. In the outlet tube, the face of
the plunger is in contact with a flat valve seal that is taken in the
desired position by a conical spring. A second sealing valve and
another conical spring are positioned next. The outlet tube termi-
nates with a treaded part. The outlet and inlet tube are coupled
forming a singular tubular part by means of a bracket. Then the
bracket is connected to the frame with two screws. Construction
and different parts of Solenoid pump are listed and shown in fig-
ure 1.4

Chapter 1. Solenoid Pump

Figure 1.3: Construction of solenoid pump and its parts [2]

A 3D image of half cut solenoid pump is depicted in figure 1.4

Figure 1.4: 3D view of solenoid pump [2]

1.3. Working of Solenoid pump

1.3 Working of Solenoid pump

It is possible to conclude that the main parts of a solenoid pump

are the coil, the plunger, the main and bumper springs, the flat
valve seals, the conical springs and the sealing gaskets. The work-
ing cycle of a solenoid pump is divided in two parts, the suction
and the pumping phase. Considering Figure 1.5, during the suc-
tion phase plunger moves rightwards, while in the pumping phase
the direction of displacement of the plunger is opposite shown in
figure 1.6. The ’motor’ of the pump is the coil that exerts a given
force on the plunger. The pump is powered by an alternate current
source. The frequency of the current is 50 Hz. When the coil is
powered, an electromagnetic force moves the plunger. This force
is periodic with a frequency equal to the frequency of the alter-
nate current. Considering for instance a current frequency of 50
Hz, the electromagnetic force that the coil exerts on the plunger
has a period of 0.02 second.

Figure 1.5: Suction phase of pump

It is important to underline that only half cycle force is used in

the system. In order to achieve this condition, a diode is positioned
before the coil cutting half cycle of the force. One complete cycle
of pump consists of following phases.

Chapter 1. Solenoid Pump

Figure 1.6: Pumping phase of pump

Suction phase : The Magnetic force allows the plunger to move

rightwards during the suction phase. So, in the suction phase the
plunger is moved by the coil force toward the inlet tube and valve
B is closed while valve A is opened. The fluid is sucked into
the inner tube from inlet and moves towards pressure chamber
through cylindrical hollow shape of plunger. As plunger reaches
at maximum right direction the pressure chamber is filled up by
fluid. Then magnetic force goes to zero and the following move-
ment of the plunger is caused by the presence of the main spring.

Pumping phase : Thus, the plunger moves toward the outlet tube
during the pumping phase thanks to the spring force and now
valve A is closed and Valve B is opened. The movement of plunger
towards left directions creates pressure, forcing fluid to move to-
wards outlet. When the stroke of plunger during the pumping
phase terminates, the plunger movement reverses and a new suc-
tion phase starts. During the new suction phase, the magnetic
force is activated, ideally when the plunger moves in correspon-
dence of its initial equilibrium position. The combination of the
coil and springs forces allow to obtain a periodic motion of the
plunger at a frequency equal to the frequency of alternate current
that powers the system. The movement of plunger allows pump-
ing the fluid from inlet to the outlet tube. Movement of plunger is

1.4. Summary

converted into fluid motion thanks to the sealing valves present in

outlet tube [3].

1.4 Summary
This chapter shortly introduced categories of pumps classification
based on their working principles. A brief overview of solenoid
pump is given with describing its advantages and disadvantages.
The whole construction of pump with its parts and their placing
in assembly was explained. In last, working principle of solenoid
pump was described splitting into two phases of a pump cycle,
termed as suction and pumping phase.
In next chapter we will analyze pump working from point of
view of electro mechanical energy conversion systems and see the
physics of pump which converts electrical energy into mechani-
cal energy and we try to formulate equations which will govern
operation of pump.

Solenoid Energy Conversion Principle

2.1 Magnetic Circuits

In chapter 1 we have discussed the construction of solenoid pump
and its parts. We have concluded that the main component of
pump is a solenoid coil which is energized with AC voltage and
thus inductor coil generates a force which will move the plunger.
So electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy in the
form of plunger motion. In this chapter we will try to investigate
Laws and principles by which the energy conversion process takes
place. First, we will define some electromagnetic terms which we
will be using in this chapter.
The magnetic flux density is the number of magnetic lines of
flux that pass through a certain point on a surface. The SI unit is
T (tesla), which is weber per square metre (W b/m2 ). Magnetic
field strength is a ratio of the MMF needed to create a certain Flux
Density (B) within a material per unit length of that material. The
obstruction offered by a magnetic circuit to the magnetic flux is

Chapter 2. Solenoid Energy Conversion Principle

known as reluctance.

2.2 Inductance Calculation

We have studied in our colleges that when the coil is energized
with voltage source, It generates magnetic field of lines around it.
These magnetic field of lines form a closed loop, originating from
one pole of inductor to reach other pole of coil.
Suppose an inductor coil is wound around on a ferromagnetic
material which provides path for electromagnetic flux of lines to
move from one end of inductor to other end. This ferromagnetic
material has high permeability which will confine the flux lines
to move from core of material. This inductor is energized with
voltage source V , current i flows in inductor circuit. Ψ is flux
linkage between coil and iron core. Φ flux moves through iron
core. So we can say that total magnetic flux through iron is line
integral of tangential component of electric flux density vector B.

Figure 2.1: Magnetic circuit

φ= B.da (2.1)
We assume that B is uniform all over the surface of core then

φc = Bc . Ac (2.2)

φc is flux in core. Bc is flux density. Ac is cross sectional area

of core.

2.2. Inductance Calculation

The source of electric field in magnetic core is so called Amperes-

Turns Product Ni. In literature it is called magnetomotive force F
acting on magnetic circuit. The relation between mmf acting on
magnetic circuit and magnetic field intensity is the following.
F = N i = H.dl (2.3)

The path length of any flux is close to the mean length of core
length lc . Then integral results following equation.

F = N i = Hc lc (2.4)

Where Hc is average magnitude of magnetic field intensity. The

relationship between electric field intensity and magnetic field in-
tensity is following.
B = µH (2.5)
Where µ is magnetic permeability of material.
The above discussed magnetic circuit consists of closed loop
form of iron core material only whereas in energy conversion de-
vices (our case) in which there are moving elements, there exist
air gap in circuits. Figure 2.2 shows such circuit with air gap.

Figure 2.2: Magnetic circuit with iron core and air gap

If air gap is so small, then flux lines will follow the confined
path defined by iron core. The figure 2.2 configuration can be

Chapter 2. Solenoid Energy Conversion Principle

considered as two components in series in magnetic circuit. In

core, flux lines can be assumed uniform. Then
Bc = (2.6)
And in air gap
Bg = (2.7)
Where Ag is surface area of air gap, and Bg is magnetic flux den-
sity in air gap. Using Eqs. 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6 for figure 2.2 we get
F = Hc Ic + Hg g (2.8)
Using B − H relationship, Eq. 2.8 will takes following form
Bc Bg
F = lc + g (2.9)
µ µ0
and simplifying Eq. 2.9
lc g
F =φ + (2.10)
µ Ac µ0 Ag
The left terms inside braces of Eq. 2.10 are called reluctance of
Rc of core and Rg air gap respectively.
F = φ (Rc + Rg ) (2.11)
Hence flux can be found in following form.
φ= = (2.12)
Rc + Rg RT ot
Figure 2.3 shows analogy of magnetic circuits with electric cir-
cuits. With the help of this analogy complex magnetic circuits can
easily be solved.
For magnetic circuits in which air gap is dominating, the rela-
tion between ψ and i is linear and is called inductance.
L= (2.13)
2.2. Inductance Calculation

Figure 2.3: Analogy between electric and magnetic circuits

Solving Eqs. 2.13 and 2.12 we get following result

φ= (2.14)
RT ot

And we know that

ψ = Nφ (2.15)

Comparing Eqs. 2.14 and 2.15 we get expression for inductance

L= (2.16)
Rc + Rg

L = lc g (2.17)
µ Ac + µ0 Ag

The Eq. 2.17 is important. The total inductance of magnetic cir-

cuit can be calculated if we know the shape and permeability of
medium through which the flux passes [5] . In next chapter we
will use this equation to find the inductance of solenoid pump .

Chapter 2. Solenoid Energy Conversion Principle

2.3 Energy Conversion Principle

In this section we will explain how energy conversion process
takes place in electromechanical devices. There are different kinds
of devices and their working principle varies according to their
function and use. Generally speaking, there are three broad cat-
egories of such devices.The devices which are used for measure-
ment and control are called transducers and they work under linear
input and output conditions. Example of such devices are sensors,
microphones and loudspeakers. 2nd category is continues-energy
conversion machines such as motors and generators. 3rd cate-
gory is force producing devices and includes relays, electromag-
nets and solenoid [5] (which is our case of interest).
Now we will try to investigate the equations and relationships
between electrical quantities with mechanical quantities and find
a relation for force which the solenoid device can produce. In
throughout discussion we will assume that devices are lossless
magnetic energy systems, which means all of input energy will
be converted into mechanical energy. The electrical losses will
be modeled as resistor. Figure 2.4 shows the representation of
solenoid device.

Figure 2.4: Simple representation of electromecanical device

Suppose there is a pure inductor coil shown in figure 2.5 with

no resistance, and it is energized by voltage v of voltage source.

2.3. Energy Conversion Principle

Due to voltage a current i flows through coil and flux is generated

in coil.

Figure 2.5: Inductor coil energized by voltage source

Let’s assume there is no output power from coil. Therefore, all

input power is used to energize coil and energy is stored in coil as
a magnetic field. Figure 2.5 shows relationship between current i
and flux ψ through coil. Due to non linear curve between current i
and flux ψ, the systems are termed as non linear magnetic device.
The area above curve i-ψ is termed as Field Energy and area under
the curve is called Co-Energy.

Figure 2.6: Non-linear relation between ψ and i

We will first formulate the expressions for Field Energy and


v= (2.18)
Chapter 2. Solenoid Energy Conversion Principle

Eq. 2.18 is induced voltage across inductor, multiplying i with

Eq. 2.18 gives input power to coil.

vi = i (2.19)
and we know the rate of change of energy is equal to power.
P ower = (2.20)
Where Wf is magnetic field energy in coil. Comparing Eqs.
2.19 and 2.20, and representing resulting equation in differential
dWf = i dψ (2.21)
To find Wf we need to integrate the Eq. 2.21
Z ψ0
Wf = i dψ (2.22)
Eq. 2.22 gives us expression for Field Energy. Similarly to find
the expression for Co-energy we need to integrate graph along
current axis.
dWc = ψ di (2.23)
Z i0
Wc = ψdi (2.24)
As from the figure 2.6 it is clear that the sum of Field Energy and
Co-energy is the total energy stored in inductor coil.
Wf + Wc = ψ0 i0 (2.25)
The Eq. 2.25 is important. It is used to know how much work
is done by electromechanical system.
Now we suppose mechanical energy is allowed in our system
and our magnetic circuit is shown in figure 2.7
The power stored in the inductor is the difference between in-
put electrical power and mechanical output power.
= vi − mech.power (2.26)
2.3. Energy Conversion Principle

Figure 2.7: Magnetic circuit with movable plunger

Where mechanical power is the product of velocity and force acted

on plunger.
dWf dx
= vi − f (2.27)
dt dt
As we already know that

v= (2.28)
Eq. 2.27 can be written as
dWf dψ dx
=i −f (2.29)
dt dt dt
All terms of Eq.2.29 have derivative with respect to time, writing
it in differential form.
dWf = idψ − f dx (2.30)
Figure 2.8 shows that for different position x the curve i-ψ is
different and to know exact amount of field energy, one need to
consider curve which correspond position x. Figure 2.8 shows
that at a specific current i0 for different positions x at different ψ
the area above the curves are different. For example for xo at ψo
and ψ1 the area above curve is oef and oef plus abef respectively.
This shows that field energy is function of ψ and x at a specific
current i.
Wf = Wf (ψ, x) (2.31)

Chapter 2. Solenoid Energy Conversion Principle

Figure 2.8: Field Energy at specific current i0 and different flux ψ

If we find differential change of field energy with respect to

their variables, we will get the following result.
∂Wf (ψ, x) ∂Wf (ψ, x)
dWf = .dψ + .dx (2.32)
∂ψ ∂x
where in 2nd differential term of Eq. 2.32, x is kept constant and
similarly in 3rd term, ψ is kept constant. Comparing Eqs. 2.30
and 2.32, we get
∂Wf (ψ, x)
i= (2.33)
∂Wf (ψ, x)
f =− (2.34)
Similar kind of expression can also be derived from co-energy.
Wc = iψ − Wf (2.35)
The differential form of Eq. 2.35 is
dWc = ψdi + idψ − dWf (2.36)
Substituting the value of dWf into Eq. 2.36
dWc = ψdi + idψ − idψ + f dx (2.37)
and simplifying Eq. 2.37
dWc = ψdi + f dx (2.38)

2.4. Force Calculation

Similarly looking at figure 2.9 one can conclude that co-energy at

a specific ψ is function of x and i.
Wc = Wc (i, x) (2.39)

Figure 2.9: Co-Energy at specific flux ψ and different currents i

If we find differential change of co-energy with respect to its

variables, and compare resultant equation with Eq. 2.30 we will
get the following result.
∂Wc (i, x)
ψ= (2.40)
∂Wc (i, x)
f= (2.41)
Above discussion shows that if one goes from field energy
route or co-energy route can get similar results. Using Eq. 2.34
one can get relation for force by differentiating field energy ex-
pression with respect to position [14].

2.4 Force Calculation

Suppose a magnetic circuit in which there is a movable plunger
shown in figure 2.7. The force on movable plunger can be derived
using Field Energy expressions.
Wf = L (x) i2 (2.42)
Chapter 2. Solenoid Energy Conversion Principle

We know expression for ψ

ψ = L (x) i (2.43)

Solving Eqs. 2.43 and 2.42 we will get

1 ψ2
Wf = (2.44)
2 L (x)
Differentiating field energy expression w.r.t position x we get
the following expression for force f [1] [13]
1 dL (x)
f = i2 (2.45)
2 dx
Eq. 2.45 is very important to understand. It states that force
acted on movable plunger is directly proportional to current and
rate of change of inductance of magnetic circuit with change of
position x. The direction of force is always decided by direc-
tion of inductance rate of change. Intuitively it is stated that the
coil always acts force on plunger where moving plunger increases
inductance of whole magnetic circuit. The graph between field
force f and current i is a parabola. This means magnetic circuit
shown in figure 2.7 always acts force on plunger in left direction
whatever the direction of current i in energizing circuit is [6].

2.5 Summary
We have introduced magnetic circuits and some useful equations
which will be used for modeling of solenoid pump. We have
found expression for finding Inductance of magnetic circuit which
is proportional to square of number of turns coil on winding and
inversely proportional to circuit total reluctance. A relation be-
tween field force with energizing current is developed. In next
chapter we will use these equations to model our solenoid pump
and analyze its working.

Solenoid pump modeling

3.1 Modeling
As already mentioned in thesis outline, while the pump runs it
generates noise. This noise is related to vibrations of pump. To
know root causes of the generated vibrations, it is necessary to
develop a mathematical model of pump and simulate this model
in simulation software. In this chapter we will transform pump
into a mathematical model, and model will be simulated.The ODE
company has large variety of solenoid pumps with varying spec-
ifications according to their application. The pump which is pro-
vided for analysis is used in coffee machine, Carpet cleaner, floor
cleaner, vacuum cleaner and steam iron etc. Figure 3.1 shows pic-
ture of P500 pump.

Specifications of P500 pump

- Input: 230Vac 50Hz, 120Vac 60Hz

Chapter 3. Solenoid pump modeling

- Power Consumption: 53W (Max) (35W)

- Ambient Temp: 35◦ C (Max)
- Fluid Temp: 2◦ C-35◦ C
- Pressure (max): 15 bars
- Connection: Coaxial
- Approval: UL, VDE, CE, JET
- Life time 18.000 cycle
- (1min on / 1 min off) [2]

Figure 3.1: P500 solenoid pump [7]

3.1.1 Dynamic Equation

The pump has two degree of freedom. It means when pump is en-
ergized, the generated electric force acts equally on plunger and
pump body as well. Both bodies will move in opposite directions.
Figure 3.2 shows simple structure of pump body with plunger in-
side it [3].
Applying the Laws of motion we get the following equation
for plunger.
d2 x dxr
m 2 = f + fl − k1 (xr − l1 ) − k2 (xr − l2 ) − b (3.1)
dt dt
where xr = x − X

3.1. Modeling

Figure 3.2: Pump mechanical structure

For pump body

d2 X dxs
M 2 = f + fl − k1 (xs − l1 ) − k2 (xs − l2 ) − b (3.2)
dt dt
wherexs = X − x
x and X are positions of plunger and pump body respectively.
m and M are masses of plunger and pump body respectively. k1
and k2 are spring constants of main and bumper spring respec-
tively. f and f l are field force and liquid pressure force respec-
tively. b is damping factor l1 and l2 are pre-loads of main spring
and bumper spring respectively. Solving Diff. Eq. 3.1 and 3.2 it
can be proved that
up = −u (3.3)
up = (3.4)
where up and u are pump and plunger velocities respectively [3].
To reduce the number of variables we suppose that pump body is
fixed and there is no motion so X = 0, but in reality this is not the
case, we keep this assumption for design purposes only; as for the
operation analysis, we will also consider motion of pump body

Chapter 3. Solenoid pump modeling

[10]. Therefore, putting X = 0 in Eq. 3.1 we get

d2 x dx
m 2 = f + fl − k1 (x − l1 ) − k2 (x − l2 ) − b (3.5)
dt dt
values of k1, k2, l1, l2, b are known from pump data sheet pro-
vided in appendix. f l is fluid force which acts on plunger during
pumping phase. This force is due to liquid pressure from outlet
of pump. This force value depends on liquid pressure, as pressure
increases, force of liquid increases same way .
During the operation of pump, liquid pressure gradually in-
creases with each stroke of pump and finally reaches to max limit
of pressure. As increase /change of liquid pressure during one
pump stroke is very small and it is assumed to be constant. Sup-
pose P is liquid pressure (Max rated pressure for the device is 1.5
MPa) during one cycle and A is surface area of pressure chamber.
Considering the figure 1.6 during pumping phase when plunger
moves in left direction, velocity is taken as negative, valve B is
opened and force acts on plunger by fluid. While plunger is mov-
ing in right direction, velocity is taken as positive during suction
phase shown in figure 1.5 , valve B is closed and there is no force
by fluid on plunger. Thus, force of liquid during one pumping
cycle is determined by following relation.
P.A dt < 0
fl = (3.6)
0 dt ≥ 0
To find force f generated by pump coil, we need to look the
internal construction and working of pump. Figure 3.3 shows the
internal construction of pump.
When AC voltage is applied across pump, it generates mag-
netic field. These magnetic flux of lines move inside coil. Mag-
netic flux lines try to pass through least reluctance. The magnetic
field Passes through metallic rings and plunger. The magnetic
lines can not pass through plastic as it is not ferromagnetic mate-
rial. When plunger is at its initial reference point, air gap(neglecting

3.1. Modeling

Figure 3.3: Pump internal force generating mechanism

the effect of spring) between metallic rings is maximum. The

coil tries to reduce its reluctance (increase inductance) by acting
a force on plunger which tries to align the plunger with plastic
ring. Due to force, plunger moves and when it reaches at xm it
is aligned with plastic ring. At this position air gap between two
metallic rings is least. It is important to notice that inductance
of coil will only increase if plunger moves in left direction. The
force generated by inductor coil is.
1 dL (x)
f = i2 (3.7)
2 dx

where i is current through winding, dL(x)

dx is rate of change of
inductance w.r.t plunger position x. To find inductance as function
of position x we consider simplified magnetic circuit for pump is
shown in figure 3.4
We assumed that all leakage and frame reluctance are constant
at any time of operation and are considered in one factor as Rf .

Chapter 3. Solenoid pump modeling

Figure 3.4: Magnetic Circuit for pump

The Reluctance for path of magnetic flux lines of Inductor coil is

minimum (Inductance is maximum) for the position of plunger at
x = xm . and similarly reluctance is maximum at x = 0. Then
inductance L of coil with plunger at any position x can be find
using Eq. 2.16
L (x) = (3.8)
Rf + Rg
N is the number of turns of coil in winding, Rf and Rg are reluc-
tance of frame and air gap respectively. Rg can be found as.
xm − x
Rg (x) = 0 ≤ x ≤ xm (3.9)
µO πr2
r is radius of circular air gap. xm is maximum position of plungers.
µO is permeability of free space.
L (x) = −x 0 ≤ x ≤ xm (3.10)
Rf + µxOmπr 2

Re-arranging terms in Eq. 3.10

µO πr2 N 2
L (x) =   (3.11)
xm −x Rf
xm xm + xm
µO πr 2

3.1. Modeling

Air gap reluctance while position x = 0 is constant.

xm − 0
Rg (x = 0) = = RgO (3.12)
µO πr2
µO πr2 N 2 Rf
suppose α = xm and β = RgO then Eq. 3.11 becomes
L (x) =   0 ≤ x ≤ xm (3.13)
xm −x
xm +β

Differentiating Eq.3.13 w.r.t position x we get

dL (x) α
= 2 (3.14)

xm −x
xm xm +β

If we find values of xm , β and α then we can find the rate of

change of inductance of coil with change of position x from Eq.
3.14. Putting value of Eq. 3.14 into Eq. 3.7 we can find field force

3.1.2 Finding Constants

To know the force generated by coil, constants which are involved
in Eq. 2.15 are needed to know. Therefore, the value of inductance
L at different position x of plunger have to be measure, so that we
can find values of constants by linear interpolation. Therefore,
for measuring of inductance two different experiments have been
performed. Both experiments are explained below.
We performed an experiment in which pump is energized with
AC voltage with diode bypassed. The plastic frame of pump is cut,
and diode is bypassed. The two terminals of pump are connected
to an energy meter. The position of plunger inside pump tube
is manually increased by hand and plunger is kept fixed. Active
and reactive power consumed by pump are noted. The reactive
power corresponds to inductance value of pump coil whereas ac-
tive power is consumed by resistance of coil. From reactive power

Chapter 3. Solenoid pump modeling

values, the inductance L is calculated and plotted against plunger

position x. The experiment is performed at different voltage lev-
els. The plot of inductance L against position x at one voltage
level was observed different than at other voltage level as it can be
seen in figure 3.5. Therefore, results were not accepted satisfacto-

Figure 3.5: Inductance L plot against plunger position x measured at two

voltage levels

In 2nd experiment two terminals of pump were connected with

an LCR meter. The position of plunger inside tube was manually
increased by hand. The Inductance L value is noted against po-
sition x of plunger. Table 3.1 shows measured values of plunger
position x and inductance L of coil. With the help of linear In-
terpolation between two data points shown in table 3.1, constants
values are found out. The constants and pump components pa-
rameter values are listed in table 3.2 .

3.1. Modeling

Table 3.1: Measured inductance L(x) at the plunger position x

Table 3.2: Constants and parameter values of pump components

Constant Value Unit Description

α 1.521 H.turn2 Model constant
β 0.8646 Ratio Model constant
k1 3700 N/m Main spring constant
k2 1829 N/m Bumper spring constant
l1 3 mm Main spring reset position
l2 -3 mm Bumper spring reset position
r 172 ohm Inductor Equivalent Resistance
xm 17 mm Airgap length
A 15 mm2 Pressure chamber surface area
b 1 N s/m Damping coefficient

The value of constants are put into Eq. 3.13 and resulting equa-
tion is plotted. Figure 3.6 shows plot of measured values and ana-
lytical expression of inductance L against position x. The analyt-
ical expression is extrapolated towards negative side.

3.1.3 Electrical Equation

The actual circuit inside pump is very simple. It consists of a
diode in series with inductor coil. The inductor coil is made up

Chapter 3. Solenoid pump modeling

Figure 3.6: Comparison of measured and calculated Inductance L vs position


of copper wire which has its resistance. Pump is operated on AC

voltage. Figure 3.7 shows the equivalent circuit diagram of pump.
The pump works only in one half cycle. The purpose of series
diode is to conduct only for half cycle. The voltage drop across
diode in positive half cycle is 0.8V which is negligible so for sake
of simplicity we will ignore it. Apply Kirchhoff’s voltage Law
v (t) = e (t) + ri (t) (3.15)
where e(t) is induced voltage across inductor.
∂ {L (x) i (t)}
e (t) = (3.16)
putting Eq. 3.16 into Eq. 3.15, we get
dL (x (t)) dx (t) di (t)
v (t) = i (t) + L (x) + ri (t) (3.17)
dx (t) dt dt
3.2. Simulation

Figure 3.7: Equivalent circuit of pump

The 2nd term in the right side of Eq.3.17 L (x) di(t) dt is self in-
ductance voltage. Whereas first term in right side of Eq.3.17
i (t) dL(x(t))
dt is called speed voltage. It is common in all electro
mechanical-energy conversion systems and is responsible for en-
ergy transfer to and from mechanical systems by electrical system

3.2 Simulation
The Eqs.3.17, 3.4, 3.3 and 3.1 are non-linear in nature. These
equations can not be simply solved manually by hand. The equa-
tions are modeled in MATLAB Simulink to see different variables
at different instant of times. The mathematical model of pump is
simulated on Simulink.
To validate simulated output results with real physical system
behavior, a test on pump with water as liquid is performed to see
voltage and current signal against time. A pump is fed with liquid
water from inlet side with a tube, and outlet of pump is sent to a
liquid stopper through tube via pressure meter (to see building up
of water pressure). Pump is energized with 230 Vrms . The voltage

Chapter 3. Solenoid pump modeling

and current signals are measured using oscilloscope. Figure 3.8

shows experiment apparatus.

Figure 3.8: Pump test apparatus

The voltage applied across pump and current through coil are
measured using oscilloscope. The voltage across coil and current
through coil is calculated using Simulink model. Voltage and cur-
rent signals calculated using Simulink model of pump are found to
be similar to measured experimentally from physical test of pump.
Figure 3.8 shows the comparison of calculated and measured val-
ues. The current conduction time of diode for AC cycle is same
for both measured from test and calculated from Simulink. The
equal conduction times of diodes leads to the result that induc-
tance expression against position is appreciably acceptable with a
good accuracy. Thus, looking at figure 3.9 we can be sure that the
modeling of pump is correct.

3.2. Simulation

Figure 3.9: Comparison of actual(left) and calculated(rigt) current and volt-

age signals

3.2.1 Simulation results

The simulation has been run at different load. Here we would like
to explain suction and pumping phase of pump with the help of
different variables against time axis. To understand figure 3.10
we need to look also at figure 1.5 and 1.6.


- v = 230[Vrms ]

- P = 1.4[M P a]


- Vol. across L and r v = 230[10− 2V ]

- Velocity u[m/s]

- Field force f [N ]

- Plunger relative position (x − X)[mm]

- Main spring force [N ]

Chapter 3. Solenoid pump modeling

- Current i[10mA]
When positive cycle of AC voltage is applied across the circuit,
diode conducts, and voltage is started to build up across inductor
coil. This continuous changing AC voltage produces changing
magnetic field. Due to this changing magnetic field, the coil exerts
a force on plunger. This force moves the plunger in rightward. As
plunger moves in right direction it compresses the main spring and
a potential energy is stored in spring. The plunger moves in right
direction as long as it reaches a certain point where after that field
force cannot move plunger more. At that point plunger comes to
static condition and then it’s ready to push the fluid.

Figure 3.10: Pump different variables against time axis for 70% Load

Plunger is at extreme left position compressing the main spring.

Now spring starts to decompress itself and pushes plunger in for-
ward direction to push the fluid. As plunger moves in leftward it
pushes fluid and force of spring on plunger decreases gradually

3.2. Simulation

according to Hooks Law. At start, velocity of plunger increases

because force of spring is greater than force of liquid. After a
certain point plunger velocity starts to decrease because force of
spring is not stronger than force of liquid, but plunger keeps mov-
ing because of its inertia.
After a certain time, plunger comes to reset state, velocity is
zero. One cycle of pump is completed. Plunger will stay in static
state until field force increases and becomes equal to spring force.
As field force increases and more than spring force, it will move
plunger in rightward for next cycle. The plunger keeps moving
back and forth. The simulation is run at different loads and some
important points have been noticed which are worthy to mention

Dry run : It has been observed that, at zero load (dry run ), the
amplitude of plunger position is large and during pumping phase
it compresses bumper spring to its max limit and strikes with in-
ner tube walls with high speed. This striking can cause vibration
and significant noise. Also a part of spring energy can convert
into heat which may deteriorate performance and life of pump.
The problem of pump heating at dry run is addressed by techni-
cal manager of company. Figure 3.11 shows problem found in
simulation result.

Vibration : Pump body moves opposite to plunger movement but

with less amplitude. This movement of body causes vibration
and this vibration is transferred to fixture where it is fixed. Fig-
ure 3.12 shows plunger and pump body position against time axis
at 67%(1MPa) load.

Stroke length reduction : It has been observed that when load in-
creases the amplitude of plunger position decreases. At start it
gives full stroke and as load increases the length of stroke de-
creases. Figure 3.13 shows stroke length at different loads for 4

Chapter 3. Solenoid pump modeling

Figure 3.11: Plunger position plot against time axis at different loads.

These problems deteriorate the overall performance of pumps
itself in long terms and also can create noise due to its immense
vibration. Also in dry run overall temperature of pump body in-
creased which can reduce its component nominal performance.
There is a need for solving these problem.

3.3 Summary
So far we have found working principle of solenoid pump and
explained its physics in form of mathematical equations which
are non-linear in nature and can’t be solved manually. Computer
based simulation software is used to solve equations.
Model results are validated by comparing results of Simulink
model with experimental test with pump. In last we enlightened
few problems of pump, finding their root cause by understanding
the results found by Simulink.
In coming chapter we will propose some modifications in pump
design and develop mathematical form of modified pump. Then

3.3. Summary

Figure 3.12: Plunger and pump body position plot against time axis at
67%(1MPa) load.

Figure 3.13: Stroke length at different loads for 4 cycles

we will apply control theory and find optimize solutions of the


Control System Design

4.1 Need of Closed Loop system

Systems in which the output quantity has no effect upon the input
to the control process are called open-loop control systems, and
that are open-loop systems.
But the goal of any electrical or electronic control system is
to measure, monitor, and control a process and one way in which
we can accurately control the process is by monitoring its output
and feeding some of it back to compare the actual output with the
desired output so as to reduce the error and if disturbed, bring the
output of the system back to the original or desired response. The
quantity of the output being measured is called the "feedback sig-
nal", and the type of control system which uses feedback signals
to both control and adjust itself is called a Closed-loop System.
A Closed-loop Control System, also known as a feedback con-
trol system, is a control system which uses the concept of an open
loop system as its forward path but has one or more feedback

Chapter 4. Control System Design

loops (hence its name) or paths between its output and its input.
The reference to feedback, simply means that some portion of the
output is returned back to the input to form part of the systems
Closed-loop systems are designed to automatically achieve and
maintain the desired output condition by comparing it with the
actual condition. It does this by generating an error signal which is
the difference between the output and the reference input. In other
words, a closed loop system is a fully automatic control system in
which its control action being dependent on the output in some
way [8].
In this chapter we will analyze the already derived equations
governing functioning of the solenoid pump in control system’s
point of view. We will introduce some simplifications in derived
equations by proposing some modifications in pump design. We
will try to find solution of new set of equations derived from mod-
ified pump design with the process of linearization. Then we will
design a proper closed loop system. This closed loop system is
deigned in a fashion that it can adjust pump input variables like
voltage and current dynamically to generate desired output values
of variables like position and velocity of pump plunger.

4.2 Modifications
As we know, the construction of pump consists of two spring
namely main spring and bumper spring. The function of bumper
spring is to avoid bumping of plunger. The bumper spring can be
removed from pump construction with following reasons. As our
aim of designing control system is to keep plunger position ampli-
tude constant at varying load, with the help of dynamically chang-
ing input current and voltage. Therefore, we will design control
system in such a way that plunger can not bumps with inner wall
tube. Hence the bumper spring function is done by control system
and it has to be eliminated from pump construction. The elimina-

4.2. Modifications

tion of bumper spring also simplifies our calculation. Rewriting

Eq. 3.17 and eliminating the bumper spring force term from Eq.
3.5 we get following set of equations.

d2 x dx
f = m 2 + k1 (x − l1 ) + b − fl (4.1)
dt dt
dL (x (t)) dx (t) di (t)
v (t) = i (t) + L (x) + ri (t) (4.2)
dx (t) dt dt
The above two equations are non-linear. Their solution can
not be be found manually. To apply control system, their solution
must be found. We apply a process of linearization which will
solve these equations.
Another important point to be mentioned here is that the re-
lation between coil current and field force is parabolic. The fre-
quency of field force is double than frequency of current which
generates force. For example an alternating current of frequency
50 Hz is flowing through inductor. The force generated by current
has frequency two times to current frequency shown in figure4.1.
The frequency of current is 50 Hz and force frequency is 100 Hz.
In this case the control system can not works. The frequency of
current and force must be same.
This problem is solved by injection of DC current into the coil.
Suppose a DC current through a DC voltage source is injected in
inductor as an offset with AC current. The force generated due to
current which is sum of DC and alternating current has same fre-
quency as that of alternating current [11]. It can be seen in figure
4.2. Due to DC current injection the iron core could saturate if
it reaches its saturation current limit. But we do not have infor-
mation about its current saturation limit. Normally during pump
operation only positive current of about 1 A flows through coil
and in this situation core does not saturate which shows iron core
saturation limit is more than 1 A current. Therefore, we will try to
design a controller such that current is not much high (more than

Chapter 4. Control System Design

Figure 4.1: A sinusoidal current i with 50 Hz and corresponding force f of

double frequency

Figure 4.2: A sinusoidal current i of 50 Hz with DC current Io graph with

corresponding generated force f of double frequency

4.3 Linearization
To find solution of above discussed equations, linearization is done.
The variables are linearized at a specific point using Taylor series

4.3. Linearization

approximation. The linear behavior is achieved by applying a DC

voltage source which will shift the equilibrium point of system.
The new equilibrium of system is at xo with vo DC voltage source
across inductor and Io current flowing through it. The field force
Fo will cancel spring force and fluid pressure force, stabling the
system at new equilibrium point. Each variable in Eqs. 4.1 and
4.2 are expressed as the sum of equilibrium and incremental val-
ues thus, i = Io +∆i, v = vo +∆v, x = xo +∆x and fl = flo +∆fl
The alternating current with DC current can be expressed as
i2 = (∆i + Io )2 = Io2 + 2∆iIo + ∆i2 (4.3)
∆i2 can be ignored in Eq. 4.3, as it is small value. We get follow-
ing result.

i2 ≈ Io2 + 2∆iIo (4.4)

The approximated linearized relation between force f and current
i can be seen in figure 4.3.

Figure 4.3: Approximated linearized relation between current and force with
presence of DC current.

Similarly inductance L and position x relation is linearized

around a point xo using Taylor series and higher order terms are

Chapter 4. Control System Design

neglected. The resultant equation is graphically shown in fig-


dL (xo )
L (x) ≈ L (xo ) + ∆x (4.5)
Taking derivative of Eq. 4.5 to get dL(x)
dx .

dL (x) dL (xo ) dL2 (xo )

≈ + ∆x (4.6)
dx dx dx2
Putting values of Eqs. 4.4 and 4.6 into Eq. 3.7 we get following

Figure 4.4: Approximated linearized relation between inductance and position.

expression for force.

 dL (xo ) dL2 (xo )
1 2
f= I + 2∆iIo + ∆x (4.7)
2 o dx dx2
Neglecting the terms involving product of two incremental values,
we get following resultant equation.

1 2 dL (xo ) 1 2 dL2 (xo ) dL (xo )

f = Io + Io ∆x + ∆iI o (4.8)
2 dx 2 dx2 dx
To simply Eq. 4.8, we introduce two other variables as

1 dL (xo )
Fo = Io2 (4.9)
2 dx
4.3. Linearization

Where Fo is force generated by DC current at equilibrium point

xo . Similarly
1 dL2 (xo )
So = Io2 (4.10)
2 dx2
So is rate of change of force generated by DC current w.r.t change
in position at equilibrium point xo . Putting the values of Eqs. 4.9
and 4.10 into Eq. 4.8, we will get following simplified form of

f = Fo + So ∆x + ∆i (4.11)
Now we will put value of f from Eq. 4.11 into Eq. 4.1 and put
variables i, x and fl in their incremental form. We get following

2Fo d2 (xo + ∆x)

Fo + So ∆x + ∆i = m + k1 (xo + ∆x − l1 )
Io dt2
d (xo + ∆x)
+b − flo − ∆fl
The terms which are derivative of constants becomes zero and
equilibrium terms cancel each others yielding linear differential
equation in form of incremental variables.

Fo = k1 (xo − l1 ) − flo (4.12)

where flo is liquid force at new equilibrium point xo . Fo will can-
cel spring force and liquid force and bring system into static state.

2Fo d∆x d2 ∆x
∆i + ∆fl = (k1 − S0 ) ∆x + b +m 2 (4.13)
Io dt dt
Similarly electrical equation can be expressed in terms of its
variables incremental form and neglecting terms involving prod-
ucts of incremental values. we get following expression.
d∆i dL (xo ) d∆x
vo + ∆v = rIo + r∆i + L (xo ) + Io (4.14)
dt dx dt
Chapter 4. Control System Design

The equilibrium terms cancel each others yielding linear differen-

tial equation in form of incremental variable. we will get follow-
ing expressions.
vo = rIo (4.15)
d∆i 2Fo d∆x
∆v = r∆i + Lo + (4.16)
dt Io dt
where Lo = L (xo )
To simply Eq. 4.13 and 4.16 we suppose Ks = k1 − So ,
Ko = 2F d∆x d
Io , dt = ∆u and dt = p. We get following set of linear


Ko ∆i − ∆fl = (mp + b) ∆u + ∆xKs (4.17)

∆v − Ko ∆u = (r + Lo p) ∆i (4.18)
The values of constants involved in Eqs. 4.17 and 4.18 depends
on the new equilibrium position xo and can be simply found us-
ing above derived expressions. The system is linearized at xo =
7.5mm which is almost mean point of oscillation of plunger and
we call it as new equilibrium point. Table 4.1 shows all constants
values at the new equilibrium point.

Table 4.1: Constants and parameters of pump components at new equilibrium


Constant Value Unit

xo 7.5 mm
Io 0.8132 A
vo 139.9 V
Fo 14.8 N
So 1207 N/m
Ks 2493 N/m
Ko 35.9 N/A

4.4. Control System Design

The Eqs. 4.17 and 4.18 are transformed into frequency domain
by using Laplace transform and system is represented in the form
of control diagram in figure4.5.

Figure 4.5: Control diagram representation of Eqs. 4.17 and 4.18.

4.4 Control System Design

Our final goal is to get constant amplitude of plunger stroke at
variable load. The plunger position follow our desired position
signal which is termed as position reference signal. The posi-
tion of plunger is measured by a suitable sensor which gives feed-
back signal to the controller. This sensor could be made of a coil
placed near to plunger and emf waveform generated by a current
pulse applied to the coil is measured to determine the location of
plunger [12]. This is our first and outer control loop. To get de-
sired plunger position we need to regulate or control velocity of
plunger. Velocity feedback signal is measured by taking deriva-
tive of output signal of position sensor. This derivative operation
can be done by electronic circuitry like operational amplifier. The
velocity signal is fed back to controller as feedback signal. This
velocity control is middle loop. Desired velocity is achieved when
the coil generates proper amount of force to move the plunger.
This force value is determined by current flowing through coil.
Therefore current has to be regulated. The required current is

Chapter 4. Control System Design

taken by giving a reference voltage signal to an Inverter which

gives output voltage equal to reference input signal. The output
voltage is fed to coil. The current flowing through coil can be mea-
sured simply with help of current sensing device like Hall Effect
sensor etc. The measured current signal is fed back to controller
as feedback signal. This is innermost and 3rd control loop.
Hence the block diagram constructed from pump linear equa-
tions shown in figure4.5 is generally called as plant in control the-
ory literature. The three PIDs are cascaded in series together to
form overall controller for the plant. The block diagram shown
in figure 4.5 is reduced by solving position loop and it is simpli-
fied. The complete system control diagram is constructed by con-
necting controller with plant in series as shown in figure4.6. The
blocks inside the red dotted rectangle shape is controller whereas
plant is inside the blue dotted rectangular shape.

Figure 4.6: Complete control diagram of system

The natural frequency at which mechanical system resonates is

4.4. Control System Design

found out by considering mechanical block of plant. The input to

mechanical block is force and suppose we represent it with ∆q,
then the transfer function of mechanical block is following.

∆u s
= (4.19)
∆q (ms2 + bs + Ks )
The Eq. 4.19 is second order system. The natural frequency ωn
and damping factor ξ of the system are followings.
ωn = (4.20)
1 b
ξ= √ (4.21)
2 Ks m

4.4.1 PID Tuning

We have three feedback loops in our control system. These PIDs
are tuned with the help of Simulink PID tuner App.

4.4.2 Current Loop

This is most inner control loop. The output current measured is
fed back to controller. The error signal is the difference of ref-
erence current signal and output current signal. This is actuating
signal and it is fed to PID. This PID generates reference voltage
signal ∆vref . Reference voltage signal is connected to input of
a PWM (Pulse width modulated) inverter which generates output
voltage equal to input reference voltage. The input to output trans-
fer function of inverter is 1+T1sw s where Tsw is switching period of
pulse width. For better and smooth output voltage signal, Tsw is
taken as 50us. The control diagram of current in open and closed
loop is shown in figure 4.7 and 4.8 respectively.
The PID is tuned using PID tuner app which allows to see the
controller response in terms of output and settling time etc. If we
tune current controller at high frequency then closed loop has low

Chapter 4. Control System Design

Figure 4.7: Current open loop control diagram

Figure 4.8: Current closed loop control diagram

settling time and output current tracks the input reference signal
with good accuracy but voltage generated will be high which can
not be feasible in actual implementation of controller. So, its a
trade off between output voltage and current tracking accuracy.
With the help of PID tuner app best results have been found in
terms of output voltage and current tracking accuracy at corner
frequency ωci = 1887 rad/s. The open and closed loop bode plot
for the block is shown in figure 4.9.

4.4.3 Velocity Loop

To regulate velocity of plunger motion, velocity loop is formed
by cascading a PID with current loop in series. The output veloc-
ity of plunger is measured and fed back to controller as negative
feedback signal. The error signal which is the difference between
input reference signal and output signal, is actuating signal and
fed to a PID. The control diagram of velocity in open and closed
loop is shown in figure 4.10 and 4.11 respectively.
∆fl which is fluid pressure force acts as a disturbance signal

4.4. Control System Design

Figure 4.9: Current closed and open loop bode plot

Figure 4.10: Velocity open loop control diagram

in velocity control loop. The job of velocity control is to reject

input disturbance signal and track input velocity reference signal.
Similarly like current loop, for velocity loop best results have been
found using tuner app at looking at output generated voltage and
velocity tracking accuracy at corner frequency ωcu = 669 rad/s.
The open and closed loop bode plot for the block is shown in

Chapter 4. Control System Design

Figure 4.11: Velocity closed loop control diagram

figure 4.12.

Figure 4.12: Velocity closed and open loop bode plot

4.4. Control System Design

4.4.4 Position Loop

To regulate position of plunger, position loop is developed by cas-
cading a PID with velocity and current loop in series. The output
position of plunger is measured and fed back to controller as nega-
tive feedback signal. The error signal which is difference between
input position reference signal and output position signal, is ac-
tuating signal and fed to PID. The control diagram of position in
open and closed loop is shown in figure 4.13 and 4.14 respectively.

Figure 4.13: Position open loop control diagram

The position loop must be slower than velocity and current

loops so that two inner loops must get settle down before settling
of position loop when an input perturbation occurs. similarly, tun-
ing position loop at high frequency, the inverted voltage goes to
high value which is physically not realizable. Best results have
been found in terms of max value of inverter reference voltage
and position tracking accuracy at corner frequency ωcx = 302
rad/s. The open and closed loop bode plot for the block is shown
in figure 4.14.

Chapter 4. Control System Design

Figure 4.14: Position closed loop control diagram

Figure 4.15: Position closed and open loop bode plot

4.5. Linear System Simulations

The PID block is of form P ID = P + I 1s + D 1+N N

1 where P ,
I and D are proportional, integral and derivative constants respec-
tively. N is called high frequency filtering coefficient and used to
filter out high frequency noise signals.

Table 4.2: Parameters values of each PID

PID P I D N ω[rad/s]
Position 380.5 22608 -0.39 302.8 302
Velocity 0.263 47 0.0003 69705 669
Current 1507 136529 0 100 1887

4.5 Linear System Simulations

The plunger position amplitude is kept between x = [0mm 15mm].
The reference position signal is selected a sinusoidal signal with
frequency of ωr = 295 rad/s. With DC biased voltage our system
is at new equilibrium which is at x = .0075m. So, the following
is form of reference signal.

∆xref = 0.0075 sin (ωr t) m (4.22)

and reference position signal for complete system is following.

xref = xo + 0.0075 sin (ωr t) m (4.23)

The linear system is simulated on Simulink with reference in-

put position signal. Following expected results of incremental (∆)
values have been found. The Simulink model block diagram is
provided in appendix.

4.5.1 Current Loop

Figure 4.16 shows the reference input current signal and output
current at 100% (1.5 MPa) load.

Chapter 4. Control System Design

Figure 4.16: The reference input current signal and output current at 100%
(1.5 MPa) load

4.5.2 Velocity Loop

Figure 4.17 shows the reference input velocity signal and output
plunger velocity at 100% (1.5 MPa) load.

4.5.3 Position Loop

Figure 4.18 shows the reference input position signal and out-
put plunger position at 100% (1.5 MPa) load. Figure shows that
plunger is tracking input reference signal thanks to control system,
with almost same amplitude but with a phase delay.

4.5.4 Voltage
Figure 4.19 shows the output voltage from inverter at 100% (1.5
MPa) load. It can be noticed that the output voltage is periodic
signal with a frequency equal to frequency of reference input po-
sition signal. A periodic spikes in voltage figure 4.19 and 4.22 can
be seen. These spikes occur when plunger is at extreme points and
direction of plunger velocity changes.

4.5. Linear System Simulations

Figure 4.17: The reference input velocity signal and output plunger velocity at
100% (1.5 MPa) load

Figure 4.18: The reference input position signal and output plunger position
at 100% (1.5 MPa) load

Chapter 4. Control System Design

Figure 4.19: The output voltage from inverter at 100% (1.5 MPa) load

4.5.5 Results Acceptance Criterion

It can be seen in current, velocity and position loop results that,
the output is tracking input reference signal but with a phase de-
lay and small error. So what is the criterion for accepting designed
controller? The answer of the question is what is our requirement.
The phase angle between input reference and actual position is not
our requirement. Our requirement is that controller keeps output
plunger position amplitude constant at different loads by adjust-
ing input voltage to the pump. This job is done successfully by
designed controller. Figure 4.20 shows the output plunger posi-
tion amplitude is almost same at no load and full load. Whereas
current and voltage signal are changed by controller shown in fig-
ure 4.21 and 4.22 respectively.

4.6 Summary
In this chapter we have done some changes in pump design. Then
we have developed mathematical model of pump which is non-
linear in nature. Then the model is linearized with the help of

4.6. Summary

Figure 4.20: Plunger position at no load(dry run) and full load.

Figure 4.21: Current through coil at no load(dry run) and full load.

linearization process. A closed loop control system is deigned

to regulate the position of plunger according to our requirement.
The designed control is applied on linear system to see the perfor-
mance of controllers.
In next chapter we will apply the designed controllers on our

Chapter 4. Control System Design

Figure 4.22: Output voltage at no load(dry run) and full load.

actual non-linear system. In later part we will present our pro-

posed model for vibration control.


5.1 Actual System Simulation

In previous chapter we have converted our non-linear system into
a linear system with help of linearization and then we have applied
control theory to design a suitable controller to get desired results.
In this chapter we will apply the controller on our actual sys-
tem which is non-linear in nature and see how much the achieved
results are near to our desired results. Then we will present our
model of two pumps in anti-series for the reduction of pump vi-
bration addressed in chapter 3. The controller are connected with
actual non-linear model and a DC voltage source is connected in
series with inverter so that its voltage is added up with inverter
voltage. This DC voltage will shift the system into new equilib-
rium point.
One important point to mention here is that, in actual non-
linear system the pump is allowed to move with field force, which
means pump position variable X is not supposed to be zero rather

Chapter 5. Results

than pump mass will move in opposite direction of plunger move-

ment. During the controller design process we assumed that X =
0 to make calculation easy. In actual pump working, this supposi-
tion is no longer valid and the stroke length is defined by relative
motion of plunger with pump. Therefore, the position feedback
signal is replaced by x − X. So, the output x − X variable will
track the input reference signal. The results found are shown in
figure 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4.

Figure 5.1: Plunger relative position at full load.

From figure 5.3 it can be seen that, at the start of pump opera-
tion, the output voltage goes to high value. This is due to fact that,
at start plunger is static and more current and voltage is needed to
bring it into motion. But inverter is not designed to give such high
voltage. Therefore, at start controller output voltage is restricted
up to max inverter output voltage. This setting controller will not
allow to generate such high voltage.
The designed controller is simulated with actual system at zero
load (dry run) and full load. The controller keeps the plunger rela-

5.1. Actual System Simulation

Figure 5.2: Total current through coil at full load.

Figure 5.3: Output voltage across coil at full load.

tive position amplitude almost constant by adjusting input current

at zero and full load. This can be seen in figure 5.5.
During pump manufacturing process, the pump components
parameters can not be exactly same even if the components are
from same stock. Because there is always a tolerance in param-
eters values which is normally 10% and it can also vary depend-

Chapter 5. Results

Figure 5.4: Plunger and pump position at full load

Figure 5.5: Plunger relative position at zero and full load

ing on manufacturer. With out the application of control system,

during the pump operation the plunger position amplitude of one
pump piece can be different than other piece even at a same load
due to components parameters tolerance. With the help of control
system, plunger relative position amplitude can be kept almost
constant. This statement will be cleared by looking at figure 5.6
We have designed the controller which regulates the position of
plunger. The DC voltage can be provided separately or the inverter
is set up to provide an offset DC voltage. The overall system can
bee seen in figure 5.7.

5.2. Two Pumps in Anti-series

Figure 5.6: Plunger relative position at full load with two spring constant
values which are different 20%.

Figure 5.7: Block diagram representation of pump operated by controller

5.2 Two Pumps in Anti-series

we have simulated our designed controller with actual non-linear
system and we found out that the controller is doing apprecia-
bly good effort to track input reference signal. In this section we
will present a model which consists of two pumps, which will
eliminate vibrations generated due to field force which is called
vibrations exciting force.

Chapter 5. Results

There are different methods of eliminating vibrations. Few of

typical methods used for vibration controls are.
1. Reduce or eliminate the exciting force by balance or removal.
This method can not be applied in our case because vibration
exciting force is field force which is used to move the plunger
and it can not be reduced or eliminated.
2. Use sufficient damping to limit amplitude.
3. Isolate the vibration source from the surrounds by using spring
mounts of appropriate stiffness. This method has already
been used in previous research studies but unfortunately de-
sired results have not been achieved.
4. Introduce a counterbalancing force opposite in phase to the
exciting force [9]. We will use this method and counterbal-
ancing force opposite in phase is introduced by connecting
two pumps together in anti-series.
In two pumps anti-series model, two pumps of similar rating
and components parameters like spring constant, spring pre-load,
damping co-efficient and masses of plunger and pump body are
connected together with help of fixed frame, in anti-series to form
a one unit of pump. Both pumps are supposed to be loaded with
same load and pumps are need to be controlled with same our
designed closed loop controllers. Figure 5.8 shows the scheme of
two pumps.
The vibration exciting force for both pumps will be equal and
opposite in phase at every instant of time thanks to closed loop
system. The exciting forces will cancel out each others because
both pump bodies are attached firmly with a frame.
The modeling of the dynamic equations of two pumps, which
are connected together in opposite, on Simulink is a complex task
which is not included in this study. But, the vibration cancellation
of two pumps connected together in anti-series can be seen and

5.2. Two Pumps in Anti-series

Figure 5.8: Two pumps in anti-series fixed together with help of a frame

understood intuitively by looking at figures 5.9 and 5.10. During

suction and pumping phase the field force on both pump masses
can be seen which are opposite to each others. These forces must
be equal in magnitude because equal field forces are generated by
controllers to make possible for both plungers to track same input
reference signal. These opposite forces will cancel each others
effect at every instant of time in a complete cycle of pump opera-

Figure 5.9: Force on pump bodies during suction phase

5.2.1 Pros and Cons of Proposed Solution

Pros :

1. With the help of control, pump vibrations can be reduced

2. The amplitude of plunger will remain almost constant at any
load. which has following advantages.

Chapter 5. Results

Figure 5.10: Force on pump bodies during pumping phase

3. Pump will provide full stroke even at max load.

4. There is no need for bumper spring (cost reduced).

5. At dry run (no load) during pumping phase, the plunger can-
not strike with wall of inner tube. Therefore, less noise, and
no heat generation.

6. Operating Life of spring will be longer.

7. Control system does not allow to flow negative current, so no

need for diode (cost is reduced).

Cons :

1. Extra cost of position and current sensors.

2. Two separate and small pumps need to be fix together with

help of a frame (extra cost).

3. Complex assembly.

4. Extra cost for electronic circuitry.

5.3 Conclusion
To sum up all. Following studies have been done.

5.3. Conclusion

• A short introduction of pump is presented with describing

its advantages and main drawbacks. Then the construction
and working principle of pump is explained with the help of
figures showing the pump working phases.
• Energy conversion process of electromechanical devices is
described and expressions which relates electrical quantities
with mechanical quantities are derived. A relation between
force which drive the pump, current and change in induc-
tance has been found.
• The important relation between plunger position and coil in-
ductance is found by interpolation of inductance and plunger
position data points measured by performing different exper-
iments. The dynamic mechanical and electrical equations are
found by applying equilibrium and Kirchhoff’s laws.
• The found non-linear equations are simulated on Simulink
to see variables at different instant of time. Pump vibration,
heating and noise issues are addressed with the help of results
found from simulations.
• The solution of non-linear equations is found by linearizing
the variables around a mean point thereby shifting the system
at new equilibrium point, with a DC biased voltage.
• The control theory is applied to pump model, and current,
velocity and position are regulated by designing three PIDs
which are cascaded in series to form a closed loop system.
• Designed control system is simulated on actual non-linear
system and desired performance results in terms of position
regulation under dynamic load, are achieved and presented
• Referring the results achieved with help of control system,
two pumps in anti-series model is presented to reduce the vi-

Chapter 5. Results

brations. This model working is based on working of control

• The vibrations are reduced by canceling out the exciting force
which causes the vibration.
• At the end, pros and cons of anti-series model are described.

5.4 Future Work

In future, the work related to this study that can be done utilizing
the results found from this study is following.
• Design the electronic hardware for realization of PID con-
• Find suitable position and current sensors to detect position
and current. Interface the sensors with controllers.
• Design and develop an inverter which convert DC power sig-
nal into output AC voltage equal to reference input signal.
• Connect the pump with controller and test the pump in an
experiment with dynamic load. Measure the different vari-
ables and sensors values to see if pump plunger is tracking
the reference input signal.
• Connect two pumps in anti-series together with the help of
frame and connect these pumps with two similar controllers
and test the model under different loads to see vibrations and
noise level.
• Compare actual results measured from experiment with re-
sults found by simulations.



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