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Rivista fondata da Vittore Pisani

successivamente diretta da Giancarlo Bolognesi e Renato Arena

Maria Patrizia Bologna

Comitato editoriale
Rosa Bianca Finazzi, Alessandro Parenti,
Alfredo Rizza, Domenica Romagno

Comitato scientifico
Laura Biondi, Alain Blanc, Giuliano Boccali,
José Luis García Ramón, Martin Joachim Kümmel, Marco Mancini,
Andrea Moro, Velizar Sadovski, Andrea Scala,
Wolfgang Schweickard, Thomas Stolz, Jaana Vaahtera

Comitato di redazione
Massimo Vai (Responsabile), Francesco Dedè (Segretario),
Paola Pontani

I contributi sono sottoposti

alla revisione di due revisori anonimi

Direttore Responsabile: Maria Patrizia Bologna

Registrata presso il Tribunale di Milano al n. 387 (24 giugno 2008)

VOL. XIV n.s. 2019

Sodalizio Glottologico


Volume pubblicato grazie al contributo del Dipartimento di Studi Letterari,
Filologici e Linguistici dell’Università degli Studi di Milano

© 2020
Edizioni dell’Orso S.r.l., via Rattazzi 47, 15121 Alessandria
Tel. 0131/25.23.49 - Fax 0131/25.75.67
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L’abbonamento si sottoscrive presso la Casa editrice:

– c/c bancario: IBAN IT22J0306910400100000015892 (specificando la causale);
– c/c postale: IBAN IT64X0760110400000010096154 (specificando la causale).

Realizzazione editoriale a cura di ARUN MALTESE (

Realizzazione grafica a cura di PAOLO FERRERO (

È vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, non autorizzata, con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata,
compresa la fotocopia, anche a uso interno e didattico. L’illecito sarà penalmente perseguibile
a norma dell’art. 171 della Legge n. 633 del 22.04.41

ISSN 1972-9901

ISBN 978-88-3613-075-7

On the typology of motion events in Aymara

ABSTRACT: This paper investigates the lexicalization pattern of motion events in

Aymara, an Andean language spoken in Bolivia, Peru, and Chile. After providing a
description of the morphosyntax of translational motion events, this study aims at a
preliminary typological classification of Aymara within the framework of Talmy’s
typology (Talmy 2000). With this purpose, three diagnostic tests have been used to
determine the basic framing-typology of motion events. These tests consider i) the size
of manner-of-motion lexicon and, more broadly, the degree of manner salience, ii) the
complex-path constructions and the use of ‘plus-ground’ clauses, iii) the expression of
boundary-crossing. The results of this analysis are in line with predictions of expected
values according to Talmian typology, and suggest that Aymara is a predominantly
satellite-framed language.

KEYWORDS: Talmy’s framing typology; lexicalization patterns; manner salience;

complex-path; boundary-crossing.

1. Introduction

As far as I know, no attempt has been made toward a typological classification of

Aymara with reference to motion events encoding. The aim of this study is to give a
first account of the morphosyntax of translational motion events in Aymara, with the
ultimate goal of a preliminary typological classification of this language within the
theory of lexicalization patterns proposed by Talmy (1985; 1991; 2000). Before
analysing the data, this section provides a brief outline of the theoretical framework
used in this work. According to Talmy, the translational motion event involves four
main internal semantic components, namely the FIGURE, which is the moving object
or entity changing its location with respect to a reference object called GROUND; the
component of MOTION itself, which indicates the presence of motion, and the PATH or
trajectory of motion along which the FIGURE is moving. Additionally, another external
semantic component may be added to the motion schema, i.e. an associated co-event
of MANNER, which specifies how the FIGURE is moving, or the co-event of CAUSE of
motion. Talmy (2000: 28) distinguishes three types of translational motion, according

Atti del Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese, vol. XIV, n.s. 2019 [2020], pp. 1-24 1
Finito di stampare nel settembre 2020
da Litogì S.r.l. in Milano
per conto delle Edizioni dell’Orso

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