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Name : Anisa Basrianti

Class/NIM : K3-21/21018054
Subject : Entrepreneurship
Lecturer : Leni Marlina, S.S., M. A
WA Group Code : 23 JD EPR JM4-6 LM
Session Code : 202310180139

1. a. How do you view entrepreneurship? Answer by making an analogy with the

concept of entrepreneurship with the name of your group.
b. Tell us about your ups and downs in starting and building a business. Make an
analogy of your form of struggle with the name of your group.

2. a. Choose one of the names of animals/plants/work/activities/objects and other

specific things to use as an entrepreneurial analogy.
b. Tell us about your ups and downs in starting and building a business. Make an
analogy of the form of your struggle by choosing one of the names of an
animal/plant/work/activity/object and other things

Analogy by group : Peach
Analogy based on your own choice : Snake

1. A.

Peaches are fruit that have soft flesh. Likewise, in the world of entrepreneurship,
gentleness reflects wise leadership traits and empathy for those around you. A
successful entrepreneur understands that human connection is key. Like the
smoothness of a peach that is even and all-round, a good entrepreneur treats his
people with fairness and values the contributions of each individual on his team.

When we notice the sweet taste of peaches, we can embrace the concept of success
and achievement in entrepreneurship. This sweet taste reflects satisfaction and the
results of hard work. A successful company is the result of mature strategy,
innovation, and effective execution. Just as peaches provide pleasure when eaten,
achievements in entrepreneurship provide satisfaction and pride for entrepreneurs.

And within each peach, the delicious flesh creates a satisfying experience for anyone
who enjoys it. The flesh of a peach is analogous to a product or service in the world of
entrepreneurship. The success of a business depends on the quality of its products or
services, just as the deliciousness of peaches creates satisfaction for those who enjoy
them. Like cooking peaches carefully to preserve their softness and sweetness, an
entrepreneur must approach the development of their product or service with care and

The seeds in a peach signify new potential, representing ideas and opportunities in the
world of entrepreneurship. As an entrepreneur, planting the seeds of new ideas and
giving them the opportunity to develop into mature concepts is an integral part of the
entrepreneurial journey. Like seeds that need care and attention to thrive, company
ideas also need time, effort, and resources to grow and develop.
The skin layer that protects peaches can be likened to challenges and obstacles in the
business world. An entrepreneur is often faced with various problems that require
resilience and perseverance. The peach skin that protects the flesh teaches us about
the meaning of resilience and adaptability in the face of market changes and

Furthermore, peaches attached to their stems highlight the importance of strong roots
in entrepreneurship. Healthy roots create a strong foundation for the growth of peach
trees, as well as a strong foundation is needed in building and managing a business.
Entrepreneurs need to have a deep understanding of their industry, market, and
customers. These strong roots also include the company's core values, work ethic, and
commitment to social responsibility.

The blooming peach blossom is the symbol of innovation in this analogy. Like the
peach blossoms that appear every spring, innovation in business is the key to staying
relevant and thriving. Successful entrepreneurs continually innovate, create new
products or services, and adapt to changing market trends. The courage to try new
things and not be afraid to fail is an integral part of the innovation process.

Finally, when the harvest season arrives, ripe peaches reflect the results of long and
diligent efforts. Likewise, committed and persistent entrepreneurs will taste the
sweetness of success as their companies grow and have a positive impact on society.

Overall, the analogy between peaches and entrepreneurship provides an interesting

picture of the traits necessary to be a successful entrepreneur. From softness and
sweetness to protective skin and strong roots, each element in this analogy reflects
important aspects of the challenging and rewarding entrepreneurial journey.

The process of harvesting peaches often requires patience and an understanding of the
right timing. This is in line with entrepreneurship, where achieving optimal results
also requires an understanding of timing and opportunities. A wise entrepreneur
knows when the time is right to launch a product, enter a new market, or implement a
marketing strategy. Like waiting for peaches to ripen before harvesting, an
entrepreneur needs to understand the right moment to take critical steps in his

The twigs and leaves on peach trees provide the support and nutrients necessary for
fruit growth. By analogy, in the world of entrepreneurship, cooperation and support
from various parties is the key to success. An entrepreneur never stands alone; it
needs relationships with customers, business partners, and communities to provide the
nutrition necessary for its business growth and sustainability.

Each peach has a different season of ripeness and deliciousness. It reflects market
cycles and trends in the world of entrepreneurship. A smart entrepreneur is always
monitoring changes in the industry and market, ready to adjust their strategy as
business seasons change. Just as changing seasons affect peaches, external changes
can shape and influence the direction of a business.
1. B.

Every time you plant peach seeds, you need to be accompanied by fertile soil. An
entrepreneur needs to plan and prepare his business carefully. Knowledge, skills and
vision instilled from the start will become a strong foundation for growth.

A seed planted will grow into a peach tree, and so will a business started by an
entrepreneur. The growing process requires time, patience, and constant care. Like a
peach tree that must go through stages of development, entrepreneurs will also
experience a learning and adaptation process. Growing a business requires product
development, effective marketing, and wise management.

Over time, peach trees will face various seasons, including planting season and
harvest season. An entrepreneur will also face a similar cycle in his business. The
growing season includes preparation, developing ideas, and working to create a solid
foundation. The harvest season reflects a period of success, where the efforts and
investments made produce satisfactory results. However, an entrepreneur must also be
prepared for the winter season, where challenges and difficulties may arise.

Just as the skin protects a peach from outside elements, an entrepreneur needs to build
protection against external stress and uncertainty. This protection may include
policies in risk management, financial sustainability and operational sustainability.
This protection helps businesses to remain strong and survive when facing shocks
from a dynamic business environment.

In business, peach flesh is a symbol of the product or service provided to customers.

An entrepreneur needs to ensure that his product or service is of high quality and
satisfies customer needs. Like cooking peaches carefully to maintain their softness
and sweetness, an entrepreneur must perfect his business to provide added value and
satisfaction to customers.

Peach trees require regular care to stay healthy and productive. An entrepreneur must
also maintain and improve his business continuously. Regular evaluation, process
improvement, and adaptation to market changes are part of a sustainable business
maintenance strategy. Over time, good maintenance will ensure that the business can
survive and continue to grow.

When the harvest season arrives, and the peaches ripen, a businessman reaches the
peak of his business success. This success includes achieving financial targets, market
growth, and recognition from customers and the industry. The sweet harvest season is
a time to celebrate the hard work, perseverance, and strategic wisdom that has been
invested in the business journey.

Overall, the analogy of peaches with the ups and downs of an entrepreneur creates a
touching picture. From planting seeds to the sweet harvest season, each stage
represents challenges and successes involving commitment, resilience and creativity.
Like a peach that goes through its natural cycle, a diligent and dedicated entrepreneur
will experience growth and success on his journey to running his business.
2. A.

Like a snake that relies on its sense of smell to detect its prey, an entrepreneur must
also be sensitive to changes in his surroundings. Awareness of market shifts, industry
trends, and customer needs is key to identifying new opportunities. Just as a snake
understands its surroundings to survive, an entrepreneur needs to understand the
dynamics of his business in order to grow and remain relevant.

Snakes are renowned for their ability to contort and adapt to their surroundings.
Likewise, entrepreneurs must be flexible and able to adapt to change. Businesses are
often faced with unexpected challenges, and the ability to change and innovate is key
to surviving and thriving. Like a snake winding its way along rocky ground, an
entrepreneur must have the ability to respond to obstacles and find new paths.

Snakes often get ready to chase their prey when they see an opportunity to hunt.
Likewise, an entrepreneur must have sharp eyesight to see business opportunities.
Opportunities may come in the form of market changes, unmet gaps in the market, or
even unidentified customer needs. The ability to recognize and pursue opportunities is
a key skill in the world of entrepreneurship.

Snakes use a variety of techniques to survive and hunt prey, such as sneaking, coiling
themselves, and using their venom. An entrepreneur must also have mastery of the
techniques and skills necessary to successfully run his business. This includes
knowledge of the industry, leadership skills, communication skills, and financial
prowess. Just as a snake relies on its natural skills, an entrepreneur must hone his or
her skills to become an effective and competitive leader.

Snakes are often patient and wait calmly before launching their attacks. An
entrepreneur also needs to have patience in facing a business journey that may be full
of challenges. Building a sustainable business takes time, and sometimes success
doesn't come instantly. Patience is the key to facing obstacles and going through the
business building process.

Snakes that try to hunt their prey often have to take risks. Likewise, entrepreneurs
must have the courage to take risks in developing their business. This courage may
include investing capital, launching a new product, or entering an unknown market.
Without the courage to take calculated risks, a business may not be able to reach its
full potential.

Snakes often use clever tactics and strategies in pursuing prey. An entrepreneur must
also have strategic thinking skills to manage his business efficiently. This involves
careful planning, development of marketing strategies, and the ability to make the
right decisions at the right time. Just as a snake uses its brain to plan its attacks, an
entrepreneur must utilize his intelligence and knowledge to direct his business in the
right direction.

Snakes often have complex relationships with their surrounding environment,

including predator and prey relationships. Likewise, an entrepreneur needs to build a
strong network with customers, business partners, and industry colleagues. Good
networking can provide support, collaboration opportunities, and access to necessary
resources. As social creatures, snakes provide an illustration of the importance of
interaction and collaboration in the world of entrepreneurship.

Snakes that survive in a changing environment must be able to maintain continuity

and growth. Likewise, an entrepreneur must have a long-term vision and focus on the
sustainability of his business. This involves efforts to continually improve, innovate,
and anticipate market changes. Just as a snake continues to grow over time, an
entrepreneur must have the determination to continue to grow.

Overall, the analogy between snakes and entrepreneurship provides an interesting

insight into the traits necessary to succeed in the dynamic world of business.
Flexibility, courage, sensitivity to opportunity, and the ability to adapt to change are
some of the traits that can be learned from the life of a snake.

2. B.

Like a snake that starts its life from an egg or a small baby snake, an entrepreneur
begins his journey by planting a business seed. Planting these seeds involves ideas
and ideas that are implanted in the business world. Just as an egg requires care and
appropriate environmental conditions, a new business requires careful planning and
preparation to grow strongly.

Snakes are known for their ability to contort their bodies elegantly, creating the image
of a businessman who has to contort his business concept to suit the market and
customer needs. Business concept development requires adaptation to market
changes, customer feedback, and the evolution of industry trends. An entrepreneur
who is agile and adaptable is able to change his business strategy to remain relevant
and effective.

Like a snake which is very sensitive to its surrounding environment, an entrepreneur

needs to be sensitive to business dynamics and changes around it. This involves
market monitoring, industry trend analysis, and in-depth understanding of
competitors. An entrepreneur who can read signals in his business environment can be
more effective in responding to opportunities and overcoming challenges that may

Snakes always adapt to changes in temperature and environmental conditions. An

entrepreneur must have similar abilities in dealing with market changes. Businesses
are often faced with challenges such as policy changes, competitor innovation, or
shifts in consumer behavior. The ability to adapt quickly and effectively is important
in maintaining and growing a business.

Like a snake that relies on its skills and knowledge to survive, an entrepreneur needs
to master the skills and knowledge necessary in the business world. This includes an
understanding of management, marketing, finance, and innovation. An experienced
and knowledgeable entrepreneur will be better prepared to face the complexities of his
business journey.
Snakes choose the right time to act, especially in hunting their prey. Likewise, an
entrepreneur needs to have the wisdom to choose the right time to take strategic steps.
This could include new product launches, market expansion, or significant
investments. Decisions taken at the right time can have a huge impact on business

Snakes survive by maintaining their survival, creating an analogy with the need for
entrepreneurs to ensure the continuity of their business. This involves wise financial
management, sustainable growth strategies, and concern for environmental impact.
An entrepreneur who focuses on the sustainability of his business can face long-term
challenges and build a strong foundation.

Snakes, especially those that hunt larger prey, must have the courage to face risks and
challenges. An entrepreneur also needs to have the courage to take risks in building
his business. This could include capital investment, product innovation, or entry into
new markets. Business challenges are a natural part of the journey, and courage in the
face of risk is the key to achieving significant growth.

Like a snake who is patient when hunting its prey, an entrepreneur must also have
patience in facing business obstacles and obstacles. Business often involves
challenges that take time to overcome. Patience allows an entrepreneur to stay
focused on his long-term goals while overcoming obstacles that may arise along the

Snakes have complex relationships with their environment, including relationships

with predators and prey. Likewise, an entrepreneur needs to build strong relationships
and networks with customers, business partners, and industry peers. Solid
relationships can provide support, collaboration opportunities, and access to resources
that may be needed.

Overall, the analogy between a snake and an entrepreneur's journey of ups and downs
creates a picture of the agility, courage, and adaptability required to succeed in the
world of entrepreneurship. The ability to face challenges, take risks, and remain agile
in the face of change is the key to achieving business growth and success over the
long journey.

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