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1 > Trasforma laggettivo dato al grado comparativo di maggioranza, poi al grado superlativo:
1. hard > harder / hardest
2. difficult
3. heavy
4. short
5. interesting
6. long
7. beautiful
8. good
9. easy
10. brave
11. comfortable
12. expensive
13. bad
14. little
15. exact
2 > Per ciascuna frase scegli la forma corretta di comparativo fra quelle proposte:
1. My sister is younger/more young than me.
2. The film we saw yesterday was boringer/more boring than all other films weve ever seen.
3. Shes nicer/more nice than I thought.
4. Your English is badder/worse/more bad than Marys.
5. The situation is catastrophicer/more catastrophic than we thought.
6. Youre older/more old than me, but you look younger/more young.
7. We want to move into a smaller/more small house.
8. Mount Everest is higher/more high than Mont Blanc.
9. I dont want to spend too much money, so I take this one, that is cheaper/more cheap.
3 > Traduci le seguenti frasi:

1. Mike il pi bel ragazzo della scuola.

2. Luise pi alta di sua sorella.
3. La mia borsa grande come la tua.
4. Oggi fa pi caldo di ieri.
5. Quel libro il pi interessante.

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