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Manual Addendum

Answer Drives S.r.l. - Partially owned by Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali -S.p.A.

Revisione: 0.1
Release SW: 3L0205S4
Data: ottobre 07

Fare riferimento al “MANUALE HARDWARE E SOFTWARE ”” IMGT30004IT”.

Contattateci per informazioni e commenti al seguente indirizzo:
Answer Drives S.r.l. vi ringrazia per aver scelto un prodotto della famiglia GT3000 e per eventuali segnalazioni utili a migliorare questo manuale.
GT3000 Stirrer


1. Prefazione.................................................................................................................................................... 2

2. Dati elettrici ................................................................................................................................................. 2

3. Configurazione del GT3000 ....................................................................................................................... 3

3.1. Descrizione ................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.2. La famiglia “Stirrer” ....................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2.1. Freq Ref Source (#22.01)................................................................................................................ 4
3.2.2. Kpd freq ref (#90.02) ....................................................................................................................... 4
3.2.3. Current Ref Source (#50.01)........................................................................................................... 5
3.2.4. Demand Current (#50.02) ............................................................................................................... 5
3.2.5. En Dmd Curr Filt (#50.03) ............................................................................................................... 5
3.2.6. Dmd Curr Filter (#50.04) ................................................................................................................. 5
3.2.7. CurrMon Filter (#50.05)................................................................................................................... 5
3.2.8. Decoupling (#50.06)........................................................................................................................ 6
3.3. Manual Mode ................................................................................................................................................ 6
3.4. Auto Mode (riferimenti da keypad)................................................................................................................ 7
3.5. Auto Mode (comandi e riferimenti da PROFIBUS) ....................................................................................... 7
4. Variabili PROFIBUS .................................................................................................................................... 9

5. Variabili di Monitor ................................................................................................................................... 14

6. Variabili Uscite Analogiche...................................................................................................................... 14

6.1. Compensazione delle AO del GT3000 ....................................................................................................... 14
6.2. Collegamenti GT3000................................................................................................................................. 15
6.2.1. Digital and Analogical I/O Microprocessor Plus Control............................................................. 15
6.2.2. Microprocessor Plus Control Terminal Block ............................................................................. 16

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GT3000 Stirrer

1 Prefazione
Il presente documento descrive le modalità d’uso della release software speciale 3L0205S4 sviluppata per l’utilizzazione del GT3000
nell’applicazione “stirrer”.
Uno Stirrer è ‘’un mestolo elettromagnetico’’ contenente acciaio allo stato plastico – fuso uscente da una colata continua.
Una grossa bobina, trifase nel nostro caso, circonda il lingotto cilindrico di acciaio fuso uscente dalla colata continua.
Il GT3000 genera una terna di correnti sinusoidali trifasi sfasate di 120°el di opportuna ampiezza e frequenza che alimenta un avvolgimento
trifase in grado di produrre un campo magnetico rotante. Il campo elettromagnetico indotto crea nel materiale un campo rotante che lo pone in
lenta rotazione, l’effetto e quello di mescolamento e di omogeneizzazione del materiale stesso.
La bobina è raffreddata ad acqua perché essa deve esser immediatamente adiacente al materiale ad alta temperatura per minimizzare
l’energia reattiva.
Il GT3000 riceve come riferimenti la frequenza da attuare ed il modulo della corrente [Arms]. La frequenza di uscita è molto bassa (da 1 a 10Hz
tipici) onde contrastare al massimo l’effetto pelle.
Caso tipico :
Corrente di uscita: 400 A
Frequenza: 2-7Hz
Tensione concatenata (@7Hz), 255V
R_star = 0,076 Ω
Per tale caso viene impiegato un SVGT340FENNNN1091
Note :
- il GT3000 per l’applicazione stirrer è identificato dal suffisso 91
- per tale applicazione il GT3000 deve prevedere la scheda microprocessore SCADA Plus
- il presente sw può essere utilizzato solo con modalità di controllo FOC nelle modalità previste e ivi descritte.

2 Dati elettrici

Macchina: Inverter PWM trifase

Tensione di alimentazione di rete: 300-400V, 50Hz. La minima tensione deve essere ≥ 1,2 la tensione nominale del carico
Algoritmo di controllo: Generatore di corrente trifase
Corrente di uscita: 0 – I_max (RMS),
(declassamento rispetto ai dati del manuale con coefficiente funzione dalla taglia)
Frequenza di lavoro: 2-10Hz tipico)
Minima frequenza di lavoro : 2Hz (tipico, dipende dalla taglia)
Frequenza di switching 1500-2000-4000Hz (dipende dalla taglia)
Misura in RMS Singole correnti di fase
Frequenza di lavoro: da Parametro , da analogica (0-10V), da Profibus
Corrente di lavoro: da Parametro , da analogica (0-10V), da Profibus
Marcia da Morsettiera e da Profibus
Corrente ‘’totale’’: via analogica, via Tastierino, via Profibus
Corrente di fase U : via analogica, via Tastierino, via Profibus
Corrente di fase V : via analogica, via Tastierino, via Profibus
Corrente di fase W : via analogica, via Tastierino, via Profibus

Nota , altre impostazioni e grandezze degli algoritmi standard del GT3000 vedi manuale.

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GT3000 Stirrer

3 Configurazione del GT3000

3.1 Descrizione
Dopo aver effettuato il download della release sw si proceda alle normali impostazioni che si ricordano brevemente :

1) Portarsi in modalità di programmazione 3 o 4.

2) Selezionare la modalità di controllo FOC. In questo modo si abilita l’algoritmo dello stirrer.

Nota : Le modalità SLS e VHZ non sono state modificate e sono funzionanti
3) Si ricordano alcune impostazioni comuni (riferirsi al manuale di prodotto per ulteriori dettagli) :
a. Settaggio del Drive Size e AC InputVoltage come da manuale GT3000 :

b. Comandi da morsettiera o profibus :

4) Impostare i parametri del carico che il GT3000 dovrà alimentare. In particolare :
a. Motor Power (#2001): potenza del carico da alimentare
b. Motor Voltage (#0205): tensione (Vrms concatenata) applicata al carico dal gt3000 alla frequenza base
c. Mot Full Load Curr (#0206): max corrente (Arms) che il gt3000 è chiamato ad erogare (vedi manuale GT3000) sul carico
d. Motor Frequency (#0208)= frequenza nominale (Nota : il parametro Motor Full Load speed (#0209) è utilizzato unicamente
per normalizzazioni interne al sw e si aggiorna automaticamente quando viene impostata il parametro #0208 in base alla :
#0209 = #0208 * 60)
e. Motor Min Oper Freq (#0210)= min frequenza che il GT3000 dovrà attuare in uscita (default 2Hz; parametro di 4° livello)
f. Motor Max Oper Freq (#0211)= max frequenza che il GT3000 dovrà attuare in uscita (si può impostare Motor Frequency =
Motor Max Oper Freq)
g. Motor OverLoad Lim (#0212)= overload di corrente consentito (default = 100%, vedi manuale GT3000)

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GT3000 Stirrer

h. Impostare i valori delle rampe sul riferimento di frequenza come desiderato mediante i seguenti parametri :

3.2 La famiglia “Stirrer”

I parametri principali per la configurazione della modalità stirrer sono evidenziati nella seguente famiglia :

e sono i seguenti :

3.2.1 Freq Ref Source (#22.01)

Frequency Reference Source.
Selezione riferimento di frequenza :
- AI1 (analogica XM1-26)
- Network (profibus)

- FixedSpeed (riferimento di frequenza dal parametro : )

- AI2 (analogica XM1-28)

- Keypad (riferimento di frequenza dal parametro : )

- MotorPot : nu

3.2.2 Kpd freq ref (#90.02)

Keypad Frequency Reference.
Riferimento di frequenza; è attivo se #22.01 = Keypad

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GT3000 Stirrer

3.2.3 Current Ref Source (#50.01)

Selezione riferimento di corrente :

- AI1 (analogica XM1-26)
- Network (profibus)
- AI2 (analogica XM1-28)

- Keypad (riferimento di corrente dal parametro : )

3.2.4 Demand Current (#50.02)

Riferimento di corrente; è attivo se #50.01 = Keypad

3.2.5 En Dmd Curr Filt (#50.03)

Enable demand corrent filter.

Abilita il filtro passa basso sul riferimento di corrente. La frequenza di taglio del filtro si imposta con il parametro #50.04 Dmd Curr Filter

3.2.6 Dmd Curr Filter (#50.04)

Demand Current Filter.
Frequenza di taglio del filtro passa basso sul riferimento di corrente. Attivo se #50.03 = Enable

3.2.7 CurrMon Filter (#50.05)

Current Monitor Filter.

Frequenza di taglio del filtro passa basso sulla visualizzazione
delle seguenti variabili di monitor :
- #75.16 – Iu current [Arms]
- #75.17 – Iv current [Arms]
- #75.18 – Iw current [Arms]
- #75.19 – Iu current [%]
- #75.20 – Iv current [%]
- #75.21 – Iw current [%]

Nota : tale parametro non influisce sugli anelli di regolazione; è utilizzato

unicamente per la visualizzazione.

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GT3000 Stirrer

3.2.8 Decoupling (#50.06)

Selezione dell’algoritmo di disaccoppiamento:

- disabled : le tensioni Usd e Usq sono direttamente le uscite dei pid di Id e Iq
- Motor Load : algoritmo di disaccoppiamento del motore asincrono trifase. I parametri motore si impostano con le famiglie :
#02 : Motor data

#03 : Motor Parameter

- RL Load : algoritmo di disaccoppiamento per un carico R-L. I valori del carico si impostano con i parametri :

3.3 Manual Mode

1) Impostare i comandi da morsettiera :

e chiudere il DI di Enable
(vedi collegamenti-morsettiera in appendice)

2) Impostare il riferimento di corrente da keypad :

3) Selezionare la modalità manuale :
- premere il tasto “Man”

- premere “Yes”
5) con i tasti “Man” e “Stop” si può switchare lo stato inverter da “Run” – impulsi abilitati- a “Stop” e viceversa.

Il riferimento di frequenza si può impostare nell’apposita finestrella. Nell’esempio di cui sopra, volendo impostare una frequenza pari a
4,0Hz si scriva 40 e si batta invio : verrà visualizzato il valore in Hz 4.0.
Il riferimento di corrente si imposta mediante il parametro :

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GT3000 Stirrer

3.4 Auto Mode (riferimenti da keypad)

1) Impostare i comandi da morsettiera :

e chiudere il DI di Enable
(vedi collegamenti-morsettiera in appendice)

2) Impostare il riferimento di frequenza da keypad :

3) Impostare il riferimento di corrente da keypad :

3) Selezionare la modalità automatica :

- premere il tasto “Auto”

- premere “Yes”
6) con il DI di Start/Stop si può switchare lo stato inverter da “Run” – impulsi abilitati- a “Stop” e viceversa.

Il riferimento di frequenza si imposta mediante il parametro :

Il riferimento di corrente si imposta mediante il parametro :

3.5 Auto Mode (comandi e riferimenti da PROFIBUS)

1) Selezionare la modalità automatica :

- premere il tasto “Auto”

- premere “Yes”
2) Dopo aver pluggato la scheda profibus (vedi manuale hw) la si selezioni mediante il parametro :

IMGT30018IT 7
GT3000 Stirrer

3) Selezionare l’indirizzo dello slave come desiderato :

4) Impostare i comandi da PROFIBUS :

Nota : i DI di Enable e Start sono in AND logico con i comandi ricevuti da profibus.

5) Impostare i parametri profibus (vedi manuale) :

Nota : il riferimento di corrente è configurabile con il n°22 (vedi tabella ipzd in appendice ).
Nel caso in figura si è scelto il PPO5, ed il riferimento di corrente è stato assegnato alla prima word configurabile del pacchetto (IPZD3) .

6) Impostare il riferimento di frequenza e di corrente da PROFIBUS :

e completare la configurazione desiderata dei parametri nella famiglia “stirrer” :

Nota : il parametro #50.02 e #90.02 sono disabilitati se #50.01 e #22.01 = Network

A questo punto sarà possibile inviare i comandi da profibus (vedi appendice e/o manuale sw)

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GT3000 Stirrer

4 Variabili PROFIBUS

Di seguito si riportano le tabelle di riferimenti e retroazioni dal gt3000.

Lo scopo del presente è unicamente evidenziare le modifiche rispetto alle tabelle standard. Tali modifiche sono evidenziate in grassetto. Per
tutte le altre variabili ci si riferisca al manuale di prodotto.


Word Mnemonic Type and meaning PPO1 PPO2 PPO3 PPO4 PPO5
#1 PKW1 PKW – Parameterization data element • • •
#2 PKW2 PKW – Parameterization data element • • •
#3 PKW3 PKW – Parameterization data element • • •
#4 PKW4 PKW – Parameterization data element • • •
#5 Command Word 1 PZD – Bitword for commands from network • • • • •
#6 Frequency Reference 2 PZD – Frequency Reference( stirrer) • • • • •
#7 IPZD3 PZD – Configurable meaning • • •
#8 IPZD4 PZD – Configurable meaning • • •
#9 IPZD5 PZD – Configurable meaning • • •
#10 IPZD6 PZD – Configurable meaning • • •
#11 IPZD7 PZD – Configurable meaning •
#12 IPZD8 PZD – Configurable meaning •
#13 IPZD9 PZD – Configurable meaning •
#14 IPZD0 PZD – Configurable meaning •


Word Mnemonic Type and meaning PPO1 PPO2 PPO3 PPO4 PPO5
#1 PKW1 PKW – Parameterization data element • • •
#2 PKW2 PKW – Parameterization data element • • •
#3 PKW3 PKW – Parameterization data element • • •
#4 PKW4 PKW – Parameterization data element • • •
#5 Status Word 3 PZD – Inverter status Bitword • • • • •
#6 Load Frequency4 PZD – Load Frequency (stirrer) • • • • •
#7 OPZD3 PZD – Configurable meaning • • •
#8 OPZD4 PZD – Configurable meaning • • •
#9 OPZD5 PZD – Configurable meaning • • •
#10 OPZD6 PZD – Configurable meaning • • •
#11 OPZD7 PZD – Configurable meaning •
#12 OPZD8 PZD – Configurable meaning •
#13 OPZD9 PZD – Configurable meaning •
#14 OPZD0 PZD – Configurable meaning •

1 Il significato di ogni bit è riportato al paragrafo “1.7.1 del Manuale di comunicazione IMGT30005IT (Descrizione delle word bit significant” ).
2 Il riferimento di velocità deve essere normalizzato come ±26214 @ Motor Max Oper Freq [02.11] , và quindi normalizzato sul dato di frequenza massima del carico.
3 Il significato di ogni bit è riportato al paragrafo “1.7.1 del Manuale di comunicazione IMGT30005IT (Descrizione delle word bit significant).
4 La retroazione di frequenza viene normalizzata come ±26214 @ ± Motor Max Oper Freq [02.11] , è quindi normalizzata sul dato di frequenza massima del motore.

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GT3000 Stirrer


Setting Meaning Data element type Rated value
0 Data element not used
1 Upper torque limit Analog ±26214 @ ±Rated Torque massima
2 Lower torque limit Analog ±26214 @ ±Rated Torque massima
3 Torque reference in sum Analog ±26214 @ ±Rated Torque massima
4 Speed reference in sum Analog ±26214 @ ±Max_Ref 5
5 Auxiliary Command word (AuxCommWord) Bit significant 6

6 Tension reference Analog 26214 @ 100%

7 Reference for external regulator Analog 26214 @ 100%
8 Feedback for external regulator Analog 26214 @ 100%
9 Control of digital outputs DI/DO Expansion Board card (SIOVAOutComm) Bit significant
10 Torque reference Analog ±26214 @ ±Torque massima
11 % Drooping Analog 13107 @ 50%
12 Status inputs 1-16 PLC card FAN network (X8IODStatus1) Bit significant
Status inputs 17-24 PLC card and 25-32 card X8IOD2 FAN network
13 Bit significant
14 Status inputs 33-48 PLC card FAN network (X8IODStatus2) Bit significant
15 Value to be sent on analog output AO17 Analog ±26214 @ ±10 V
16 Value to be sent on analog output AO2 7 Analog ±26214 @ ±10 V
17 External limit 1 to speed reference Analog ±26214 @ ±10 V
18 External limit 2 to speed reference Analog ±26214 @ ±10 V
19 Value to be sent on analog output AO37 Analog ±26214 @ ±10 V
20 Value to be sent on analog output AO47 Analog ±26214 @ ±10 V
21 Nu
22 Current Demand8 (stirrer) Analog ±26214 @ ±10 V

5 Il dato ±Max_Ref vale ± Motor Max Oper Freq [02.11], dato di velocità massima del motore della Famiglia Motor data (02.00).
6 Il significato di ogni bit delle word bit significant è riportato al paragrafo “1.7 del Manuale di comunicazione IMGT30005IT”.
7 Vedi Manuale HW e SW paragrafo “9B”. Configurazione uscite analogiche”.
8 E’ il valore di riferimento [Arms]. La normalizazione è ±26214 @ ±10 V @ (#0206 Motor Full Load Current * #0212 Motor Overload Limit)

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Settings Function Data element type Rated value FOC SLS V/Hz
0 Rotor speed (V/Hz only encoder) Analog ±26214 @ ± Motor Max Oper Freq [02.11]   
1 Flux current (Isd) Analog 26214 @ Max motor current9  
2 Torque current (Isq) Analog 26214 @ Max motor current8  
3 Motor current (Is) Analog 26214 @ Max motor current8   
4 Motor voltage (Us) Analog 26214 @ Motor Voltage [02.05]   
5 DC bus voltage (Vdc) Analog 32767 @ VdcMax9   
6 Power Analog 26214 @ Motor PowerUE [02.01]  
7 Motor frequency Analog 26214 @ Motor Frequency [02.08]   
8 Main speed reference Analog ±26214 @ ± Motor Max Oper Freq [02.11]   
9 Auxiliary speed reference Analog ±26214 @ ± Motor Max Oper Freq [02.11]   
10 Additional speed reference Analog ±26214 @ ± Motor Max Oper Freq [02.11]   
11 Speed reference (ramp upstream) Analog ±26214 @ ± Motor Max Oper Freq [02.11]   
12 Speed reference (ramp downstream performed by DSP) Analog ±26214 @ ± Motor Max Oper Freq [02.11]   
13 Voltage on analog input AI1 Analog ±26214 @ ±10V   
14 Voltage on analog input AI2 Analog ±26214 @ ±10V   
15 Analog output command echo (IPZ15) back AO1 from network Analog ±26214 @ ±10V   
16 Analog output command echo (IPZ16) back AO2 from network Analog ±26214 @ ±10V   
17 Analog output command echo (IPZ15)back AO3 from network Analog ±26214 @ ±10V   
18 Analog output command echo (IPZ16)back AO4 from network Analog ±26214 @ ±10V   
19 Reference for external PID Analog ±26214 @ ±100%   
20 Feedback for external PID Analog ±26214 @ ±100%   
21 Output of external PID Analog ±26214 @ ±100%   
22 Current transducer U phase normal AND function offset (Is1) correct Analog ±26214 @ ±100%   
23 Current transducer U phase normal AND function offset (Is3) correct Analog ±26214 @ ±100%   
24 Pulses enabling status Analog 16384 Ä pulses enabled   
25 ÷ 48 Spare
49 Not used
50 Torque reference limited Analog ±26214 @ ±maximum torque  
51 Torque reference not limited Analog ±26214 @ ±maximum torque  
52 Total torque reference (speed regulator output + additional) Analog ±26214 @ ±maximum torque  
53 Estimated torque Analog ±26214 @ ±maximum torque  

9 Massima corrente del motore = Motor Full Load Curr [206] * Motor Overload Lim [02.12]
9 Il dato VdcMax è la soglia di intervento della protezione di massima tensione bus DC dell’inverter, tale dato dipende dalla classe di tensione dell'inverter ed è riportato sul Manuale HW e SW.

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Settings Function Data element type Rated value FOC SLS V/Hz
54 Reference Isd (Isd_Ref) Analog ±26214 @ ±Max motor current  
55 Reference Isq (Isq_Ref) Analog ±26214 @ ±Max motor current  
56 Not used
57 Isd regulator output (MonUsd_Ref) Analog 26214 @ Motor voltage [205]  
58 Isq regulator output (MonUsq_Ref) Analog 26214 @ Motor voltage [205]  
59 Rotor speed not filtered (V/Hz only with encoder) Analog ±26214 @ ± Motor Max Oper Freq [02.11]   
60 Upper torque limit (speed regulator output = TorqueMax) Analog 26214 @ maximum torque  
61 Lower torque limit (speed regulator output = TorqueMin) Analog -26214 @ -maximum torque  
62 Upper torque limit (Ref. Ext. from special function) Analog ±26214 @ ±maximum torque  
63 Lower torque limit (Ref. Ext. from special function)) Analog ±26214 @ ±maximum torque  
64 Flux reference Analog 26214 @ rated flux  
65 Estimated stator flux (MonFis) Analog 26214 @ rated flux  
66 Estimated rotor flux (MonPsimr) Analog 26214 @ rated flux  
67 Tension regulator: Reference Analog ±26214 @ ±100%  
68 Tension regulator: Feedback Analog ±26214 @ ±100%  
69 Tension regulator: Error Analog ±26214 @ ±100%  
70 Tension regulator: Output Analog ±26214 @ ±100%  
71 Internal drooping : speed reference correction Analog ±26214 @ ± Motor Max Oper Freq [02.11]  
72-73-74 Not used
75 ÷ 79 Spare
80 UsdmL (RL decoupling – stirrer) Analog ±26214 @ ±100%  
81 UsqmL (RL decoupling – stirrer) Analog ±26214 @ ±100%  
82 ÷ 100 Spare
101 Encoder Rounds Analog ±26214 @ ±100%  
102-103 Spare
104 Rotor Position Analog ±26214 @ ±100%  
105 ÷ 112 Spare
113 Iu (rms value for phase u current [A] – stirrer) Analog ±26214 @ ±100% @ Mot Full Load Curr * overload * sqrt(2) = #02.06 *#02.12 * sqrt(2)) 
114 Iv (rms value for phase v current [A] – stirrer) Analog ±26214 @ ±100% @ Mot Full Load Curr * overload * sqrt(2) = #02.06 *#02.12 * sqrt(2)) 
115 Iw (rms value for phase w current [A] - stirrer) Analog ±26214 @ ±100% @ Mot Full Load Curr * overload * sqrt(2) = #02.06 *#02.12 * sqrt(2)) 
116 ÷ 120 Spare
121 FieldNet Bitword: Last protection/alarm encoding Bit significant 10   
122 FieldNet Bitword: Trip hardware (TripsHW) Bit significant   
123 FieldNet Bitword: Trip software 1 (TripsSW 1) Bit significant   
124 FieldNet Bitword: Alarms (Alarms) Bit significant   
125 FieldNet Bitword: Terminal boards status (TBStatus) Bit significant   

10 Il significato di ogni bit è riportato al paragrafo “1.7.1 del Manuale di comunicazione IMGT30005IT (Descrizione delle word bit significant).

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Settings Function Data element type Rated value FOC SLS V/Hz
126 FieldNet Bitword: Protections auxiliary Word (AuxTrip) Bit significant   
127 FieldNet Bitword: Digital inputs expansion board status (SIOVAInputStatus) Bit significant   
128 FieldNet Bitword: Regulator saturation status (SatRegWord) Bit significant   
129 FieldNet Bitword: Echo back Command Word (ExecCommand) Bit significant   
130 FieldNet Bitword: Drive Status Word (Status Word) Bit significant   
131 FieldNet Bitword: Trip software 2 (TripSW 2) Bit significant   
132 ÷ 140 Spare
213 Iu_Norm (instantanous value for phase u current [A] - stirrer) Analog ±26214 @ ±100% @ Mot Full Load Curr * overload * sqrt(2) = #02.06 *#02.12 * sqrt(2)) 
216 Iv_Norm (instantanous value for phase v current [A] – stirrer) Analog ±26214 @ ±100% @ Mot Full Load Curr * overload * sqrt(2) = #02.06 *#02.12 * sqrt(2)) 
219 Iw_Norm (instantanous value for phase w current [A] – stirrer) Analog ±26214 @ ±100% @ Mot Full Load Curr * overload * sqrt(2) = #02.06 *#02.12 * sqrt(2)) 
220 IsdRef_Filt (current reference filtered – stirrer) Analog ±26214 @ ±100% @ Mot Full Load Curr * overload = #02.06 *#02.12) 
221 IsdRef_C165 (current reference - stirrer) Analog ±26214 @ ±100% @ Mot Full Load Curr * overload = #02.06 *#02.12) 

IMGT30018IT 13
5 Variabili di Monitor

Sono state aggiunte le seguenti variabili di monitor per la release speciale


dove :
-#75.16 – Iu current [Arms]
-#75.17 – Iv current [Arms]
-#75.18 – Iw current [Arms]
-#75.19 – Iu current [%]
-#75.20 – Iv current [%]
-#75.21 – Iw current [%]

La frequenza di taglio del filtro passa basso sulla visualizzazione delle variabili di monitor si imposta mediante il parametro :

6 Variabili Uscite Analogiche

Si sono aggiunte le seguenti variabili di monitor :
Id Variabile Nome Note
113 Iu valore in Arms della corrente nella fase u (*)
114 Iv valore in Arms della corrente nella fase v (*)
115 Iw valore in Arms della corrente nella fase w (*)
213 Iu_Norm valore instantaneo in A della corrente nella fase u (*)
216 Iv_Norm valore instantaneo in A della corrente nella fase v (*)
219 Iw_Norm valore instantaneo in A della corrente nella fase w (*)
(*) Queste grandezze sono normalizzate come segue: 26214 <-> 10V <-> Mot Full Load Curr * overload * sqrt(2) = #02.06 *#02.12 * sqrt(2))
Per le altre variabili visualizzabili sulle uscite analogiche si rimanda al manuale del GT3000.
Nota alcune delle variabili “standard” del GT3000, nel controllo FOC, potrebbero non essere visualizzabili in quanto prive di significato
nella presente release sw 3L0205S4.
6.1 Compensazione delle AO del GT3000
Si supponga di voler compensare la AO1.
1) Si colleghi un oscilloscopio sulla AO1 (ad esempio per scada plus morsetti 34 –36)

2) Si imposti sulla AO1 il valore 0 (corrisponde ad avere 0V)

3) Si compensi l’offset con il parametro :

fino ad azzerare il valore letto sull’oscilloscopio (si consiglia scala 500mV)

4) Si imposti sulla AO1 il valore 29 (corrisponde ad avere 10V)

5) Variare il parametro di cui sotto finché l’oscilloscopio visualizza esattamente 10V (si consiglia scala 2V)

Le altre analogiche del GT3000 si compensano con la stessa procedura vista per la AO1

IMGT30018IT 14
6.2 Collegamenti GT3000

Si include un estratto del manuale del GT3000 relativo agli schemi degli I/O. Ci si riferisca al manuale del GT3000 per ulteriori spiegazioni.

6.2.1 Digital and Analogical I/O Microprocessor Plus Control

Digital inputs :
XM1 – 13: DI 1 Start/Stop Start / Stop command
XM1 – 14: DI 2 Prog Programmable – default : not used
XM1 – 15: DI 3 Prog Programmable – default : not used
XM1 – 16: DI 4 Prog Programmable – default : not used
XM1 – 17: DI 5 Prog Programmable – default : not used
XM1 – 18: DI 6 Prog Programmable – default : not used
XM1 – 19: DI 7 Prog Programmable – default : Reset protections
XM1 – 20: DI 8 Drive Enable Drive Enable command

Digital Outputs :
XM1 – 3/4/44: RO1 Fault Fault Output Relay (protection)
XM1 – 1/2/43: RO2 Configurable Configurable Output Relay – default Running
XM1 - 45/46: RO3 Configurable Configurable Output Relay –default PrechOK
XM1 - 21 : DO 4 / DI 9 Programmable - default : AutoMAN
XM1 - 22 : DO 5 / DI 10 Programmable – default : disable
XM1 - 23 : DO 6 Programmable – default : disable

Analog Inputs :
XM1 – 26 : AI 1 + Isolated Programmable Differential Input
XM1 – 27 : AI 1 - Default : Speed Demand
XM1 – 28 : AI 2 + Isolated Programmable Differential Input
XM1 – 29 : AI 2 - Default : Auxiliary Reference

Analog Outputs :
XM1 - 34 : AO 1 Isolated Programmable – Default : Motor Current
XM1 - 35 : AO 2 Isolated Programmable – Default : Motor Frequency
XM1 - 37 : AO 3 Isolated Programmable – Default : Motor Voltage
XM1 - 38 : AO 4 Isolated Programmable – Default : Motor Speed

IMGT30018IT 15
6.2.2 Microprocessor Plus Control Terminal Block

Ingresso per
Resistore Frenatura. opzione IMP.18
RE- RE+ + -P
I L2 V M
N L3 W
E AI 1+ 26
S 13 DI 1 Start/Stop Ingresso. Analogico
S AI 1- 27 0-10 Vdc
I 14 DI 2 Prog AI 2+ 0/4-20mA (ingr.
15 DI 3 Prog Z=475 ohms)
AI 2- 29
D 16 DI 4 Prog
I N.C. 30
G 17 DI 5 Prog
N.C. 31
I 18 DI 6 Prog
N.C. 32
T 19 DI 7 Reset
A N.C. 33
L 20 DI 8 Drive Enable
+10Vdc 40
24 +24 VDC 160mA
FUSE @200mA
AI/AO ground 41

25 DI/DO ground -10Vdc 42

24V Isolato 21 DO 4/DI 9 AO 1 34
Uscita/Ingr. Speed Pot CW CCW WIPER
22 DO 5/DI 10 AO 2 35
AI/AO ground 36 0-+10Vdc 40 41 28
23 DO 6
AO 3 37 -10- +10Vdc 40 42 28
3 AO 4 38 Jumper tra VIN-e AGND 2-10K (5K nom)
RO1 Fault
Relè 5A 4 Output AI/AO ground 39
@250Vac Relay +5V
44 5
1 0V 6 E
2 RO2 Config. N
B 7 5-12-24 Vdc (1024PPR)
In marcia C alimentazione interna
43 B 8 O 5 Vdc 150mA
45 RO3 Config. A 9 D (deve essere esclusa con
46 Precarica OK A 10 E alimentazione esterna a
R 12-24 Vdc)
Z 11
Z 12

Nota: 1 ÷ 46 sono morsetti della morsettiera XM1

Figura 6.2 Morsettiera scheda di controllo Microprocessore Plus

IMGT30018IT 16
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IMGT30018IT 18


Code: IMGT30018IT
Revision: 0.0
Release SW: 3L0205S4
Date: October 07

This supplement makes reference to the “HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE MANUAL ”” IMGT30017EN”.

Contact us for information and comments at the following address:
Answer Drivers would like to thank you for having chosen this product from the GT3000 family and we welcome your comments to improve this manual.
GT3000 Stirrer


1 Preface.................................................................................................................................................................. 2

2 Electrical Information.......................................................................................................................................... 2

3 Configuration of the GT3000 .............................................................................................................................. 3

3.1 Description.................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 The “Stirrer” family................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2.1 Freq Ref Source (#22.01)......................................................................................................................... 4
3.2.2 Kpd freq ref (#90.02)..................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2.3 Current Ref Source (#50.01) ........................................................................................................................ 5
3.2.4 Demand Current (#50.02)............................................................................................................................. 5
3.2.5 En Dmd Curr Filt (#50.03)............................................................................................................................. 5
3.2.6 Dmd Curr Filter (#50.04)............................................................................................................................... 5
3.2.7 CurrMon Filter (#50.05) ................................................................................................................................ 5
3.2.8 Decoupling (#50.06) ..................................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Manual Mode ................................................................................................................................................ 6
3.4 Auto Mode (keypad reference) ..................................................................................................................... 7
3.5 Auto Mode (commands and references for PROFIBUS).............................................................................. 7
4 PROFIBUS Variables ........................................................................................................................................... 9

5 Monitoring Variables ......................................................................................................................................... 14

6 Analogic Output Variables................................................................................................................................ 14

6.1 The AO compensation for the GT3000....................................................................................................... 14
6.2 GT3000 Connections.................................................................................................................................. 15
6.2.1 Digital and Analogical I/O Microprocessor Plus Control ............................................................................. 15
6.2.2 Microprocessor Plus Control Terminal Block.............................................................................................. 16

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GT3000 Stirrer

1 Preface

This document describes the variations of use for the special release software 3L0205S4 developed for the GT3000 and its “stirrer” application.
A Stirrer is ‘’an electromagnetic mixer’’ that contains steel in its plastic state – the melted metal is then poured into a casting.
A large coil, three-phase in our case, surrounds the cylinder of melted steel that is coming out of the continual casting.
The GT3000 generates a trio of three-phase sinusoidal currents at 120° of appropriate width and frequency to supply the three-phase current
in a way that it is able to produce a rotating magnetic field. The electro-magnetic field is induced to create a slow moving rotation, the effect is
that it mixes and homogenizes the liquid material.
The coil is water-cooled, as it has to be immediately separated from neighbouring materials at high temperature in order to minimise the
reactive energy.
The GT3000 receives as references the frequency and the actual module of the current [Arms].
The output frequency is very low (from 1 to 10 Hz) contrasting wave to maximise the skin effect.
A typical example :
Output current: 400 A
Frequency: 2-7Hz
Connected voltage (@7Hz), 255V
R_star = 0,076 Ω
This case will employ a SVGT340FENNNN1091
Note :
- The GT3000 for stirrer applications is identified by the suffix 91
- For such applications the GT3000 must utilize the microprocessor board SCADA Plus
- The present software can only be used for the FOC control mode in the as anticipated and described here.

2 Electrical Information

Product: Inverter PWM 3phase

Network Voltage: 300-400V, 50Hz. The minimum voltage must be ≥ 1,2 the nominal load tension.
Control Algorithum: 3 phase generator
Output current: 0 – I_max (RMS) – (decreased with respect to the data in the manual according to the
functional coefficient of the product size)
Working frequency: Typically 2-10Hz
Minimum working frequency : 2Hz (Typically, depending on the size)
Switching frequency 1500-2000-4000Hz (size dependent)
RMS measure Single phase current
Working frequency: by parameter, by analogical (0 – 10V), by Profibus
Working current: by parameter, by analogical (0 – 10V), by Profibus
Model: by terminal board and by Profibus
‘’Total’’ current: via analogical, via keypad, via Profi-bus
U phase current : via analogical, via keypad, via Profi-bus
V phase current: via analogical, via keypad, via Profi-bus
W phase current: via analogical, via keypad, via Profi-bus

Note, alternative set-ups sizes of the standard algorithm for the GT3000 can be seen in the user manual.

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GT3000 Stirrer

1. Configuration of the GT3000

3.1 Description
After having completed the download of the release software the normal set-up can again be followed as outlined here:

7) Brings you to the programming mode 3 or 4.

8) Select the FOC control mode. In this mode you enable the stirrer algorithm.

Note : The SLs and V/Hz modes have not been dis-activated and are still functional
9) Note there are some communal set-ups (refer to the product manual for further details) :
a. Set up of the drive size and AC input voltage as in the GT3000 manual:

b. The commands for the terminal board or Profi-bus:

10) Setting up the specific working parameters for the GT3000 should be as follows; and in particolar:
a. Motor Power (#2001): required output according to motor requirements
b. Motor Voltage (#0205): voltage (Vrms linked) applied to the load by the GT30000 at the base frequency
c. Mot Full Load Curr (#0206): max current (Arms) that the GT3000 is required to distribute (see GT3000 manual) on the load
d. Motor Frequency (#0208)= nominal frequency (Note: the Motor Full Load speed parameter (#0209) is only for the internal
software normalisations and will be updated automatically when the base #208 parameter is set up as : #0209 = #0208 * 60)
e. Motor Min Oper Freq (#0210)= the min frequency for the GT3000 must have for and effective output (default 2Hz; 4th level
f. Motor Max Oper Freq (#0211)= max frequency that the GT3000 for an effective output (set up as Motor Frequency = Motor
Max Oper Freq)
g. Motor OverLoad Lim (#0212)= permitted current overload (default = 100%, see GT3000 manual)

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GT3000 Stirrer

h. Setting up the step values with reference to the frequency as desired using the following parameters:

3.2 The “Stirrer” family

The principle parameters for the running of the stirrer are highlighted in the following example :

and include the following:

3.2.1 Freq Ref Source (#22.01)

Frequency Reference Source.

Select the frequency reference:
- AI1 (analogic XM1-26)
- Network (profibus)

- FixedSpeed (frequency reference by parameters):

- AI2 (analogic XM1-28)

- Keypad (frequency reference by parameters):

- MotorPot : nu

3.2..2 Kpd freq ref (#90.02)

Keypad Frequency Reference.
Frequency Reference; is active if #22.01 = Keypad

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GT3000 Stirrer

3.2.3 Current Ref Source (#50.01)

Selecting the current reference:

- AI1 (analog XM1-26)
- Network (profibus)
- AI2 (analogic XM1-28)

- Keypad (current reference by parameters):

3.2.4 Demand Current (#50.02)

The current reference, is active if #50.01 = Keypad

3.2.5 En Dmd Curr Filt (#50.03)

Enabling the demand current filter.

Enable the low pass filter on the demand current. The cut-off frequency of the filter is set-up with the parameter #50.04 Dmd Curr Filter

3.2.6 Dmd Curr Filter (#50.04)

Demand Current Filter.
Cut-off frequency of the low pass filter on the demand current. Active if #50.03 = Enable

3.2.7 CurrMon Filter (#50.05)

Current Monitor Filter.

The cut-off frequency of the low pass filter is based on the
observance of the following variables :
- #75.16 – Iu current [Arms]
- #75.17 – Iv current [Arms]
- #75.18 – Iw current [Arms]
- #75.19 – Iu current [%]
- #75.20 – Iv current [%]
- #75.21 – Iw current [%]

Note: this parameter has no influence on the control regulators; it is only a

visual reference.

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GT3000 Stirrer

3.2.8 Decoupling (#50.06)

Selecting the decoupling algorithm:

- disabled : the USD & USQ voltages are the direct outputs of PID regulator of ID and LG
- Motor Load : the decoupling algorithm of the asynchronous three-phase motor. The motor parameters are setup by the groups:
#02 : Motor data

#03 : Motor Parameters

- RL Load : decoupling algorithm for a R-L load. The values of the load are set up according to the parameters:

3.3 Manual Mode

1) Setting up the control board commands:

and closing the Enable DI (see the control board connection in the appendix)

2) Setting up the current using the keypad :

3) Selecting the manual mode :
- press the “Man” key

- press “Yes”
11) With the keys “Man” & “Stop” you are able to switch the inverter from “Run” – impulse enabled – to “Stop” and visa-versa.

The reference frequency can be set up as in the window shown. Setting up a frequency of about 4.0Hz, write 40 and press enter: the
value of 4.0 Hz will be seen.
The current reference is set up through the parameter:

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GT3000 Stirrer

3.4 Auto Mode (keypad reference)

1) Setting up the control board commands:

and closing the Enable DI (see the control board connection in the appendix)

2) Setting up the frequency reference using the keypad:

3) Setting up the current reference using the keypad :

3) Selecting the automatic mode:

- press the “Auto” key

- press “Yes”
12) With the Start/Stop DI you are able to change the state of the inverter to “Run” – impulse enabled – to “Stop” and visa-versa.

The frequency reference is set up through the parameter:

The current reference is set up through the parameter:

3.5 Auto Mode (commands and references for PROFIBUS)

1) Selecting automatic mode:

- press the “Auto” key

- press “Yes”
4) After having inserted the Profi-bus card (see the hardware manual), it can be selected through the parameter:

5) Select the slave address as required:

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GT3000 Stirrer

4) Setting up the PROFIBUS commands :

Note: the DI of Enable and Start are in AND logic with the commands received from Profibus.

7) Setting up the Profi-bus parameters (see manual) :

Note : The reference current is configured using #22 (see the IPZD table in the appendix).
In the example shown PPO 5 is chosen, and the current reference was assigned to the first programmable word of the group (IPZD3).

8) Setting up the frequency and currency references for PROFIBUS :

and completing the desired parameter configuration of the “stirrer” family :

Note : the parameter #50.02 & #90.02 are disabled if #50.01 & #22.01 = Network
At this point you are able to send a command from Profi-bus (see the appendix and/or the software manual)

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GT3000 Stirrer

4 PROFIBUS Variables

The following tables are references and reactions for the GT3000.
The presence of this is only to highlight the differences with respect to the standard tables. These modifications are highlighted in bold. For
all other variables please refer to the product manual.


Word Mnemonic Type and meaning PPO1 PPO2 PPO3 PPO4 PPO5
#1 PKW1 PKW – Parameterization data element • • •
#2 PKW2 PKW – Parameterization data element • • •
#3 PKW3 PKW – Parameterization data element • • •
#4 PKW4 PKW – Parameterization data element • • •
#5 Command Word 11 PZD – Bitword for commands from network • • • • •
#6 Frequency Reference 12 PZD – Frequency Reference( stirrer) • • • • •
#7 IPZD3 PZD – Configurable meaning • • •
#8 IPZD4 PZD – Configurable meaning • • •
#9 IPZD5 PZD – Configurable meaning • • •
#10 IPZD6 PZD – Configurable meaning • • •
#11 IPZD7 PZD – Configurable meaning •
#12 IPZD8 PZD – Configurable meaning •
#13 IPZD9 PZD – Configurable meaning •
#14 IPZD0 PZD – Configurable meaning •


Word Mnemonic Type and meaning PPO1 PPO2 PPO3 PPO4 PPO5
#1 PKW1 PKW – Parameterization data element • • •
#2 PKW2 PKW – Parameterization data element • • •
#3 PKW3 PKW – Parameterization data element • • •
#4 PKW4 PKW – Parameterization data element • • •
#5 Status Word 13 PZD – Inverter status Bitword • • • • •
#6 Load Frequency14 PZD – Load Frequency (stirrer) • • • • •
#7 OPZD3 PZD – Configurable meaning • • •
#8 OPZD4 PZD – Configurable meaning • • •
#9 OPZD5 PZD – Configurable meaning • • •
#10 OPZD6 PZD – Configurable meaning • • •
#11 OPZD7 PZD – Configurable meaning •
#12 OPZD8 PZD – Configurable meaning •
#13 OPZD9 PZD – Configurable meaning •
#14 OPZD0 PZD – Configurable meaning •
Manuale di comunicazione IMGT30005IT

11 The meaning of each bit is given in paragraph “1.7.1 of the Communication Manual IMGT30005EN ( Description of the word bit significant”).
12 The frequency reference must be standardized as ±26214 @ Motor Max Oper Freq [02.11] , therefore it has to be standardized on the maximum frequency
of the load.
13 The meaning of each bit is given in paragraph “1.7.1 of the Communication Manual IMGT30005EN (Description of word bit significant”).
14 The frequency feedback is standardized as ±26214 @ ± Motor Max Oper Freq [02.11], it is therefore standardized on the maximum frequency of the motor.

IMGT30018EN 9
GT3000 Stirrer


Setting Meaning Data element type Rated value
0 Data element not used
1 Upper torque limit Analog ±26214 @ ±Rated Torque massima
2 Lower torque limit Analog ±26214 @ ±Rated Torque massima
3 Torque reference in sum Analog ±26214 @ ±Rated Torque massima
4 Speed reference in sum Analog ±26214 @ ±Max_Ref 15
5 Auxiliary Command word (AuxCommWord) Bit significant 16

6 Tension reference Analog 26214 @ 100%

7 Reference for external regulator Analog 26214 @ 100%
8 Feedback for external regulator Analog 26214 @ 100%
9 Control of digital outputs DI/DO Expansion Board card (SIOVAOutComm) Bit significant
10 Torque reference Analog ±26214 @ ±Torque massima
11 % Drooping Analog 13107 @ 50%
12 Status inputs 1-16 PLC card FAN network (X8IODStatus1) Bit significant
Status inputs 17-24 PLC card and 25-32 card X8IOD2 FAN network
13 Bit significant
14 Status inputs 33-48 PLC card FAN network (X8IODStatus2) Bit significant
15 Value to be sent on analog output AO117 Analog ±26214 @ ±10 V
16 Value to be sent on analog output AO2 7 Analog ±26214 @ ±10 V
17 External limit 1 to speed reference Analog ±26214 @ ±10 V
18 External limit 2 to speed reference Analog ±26214 @ ±10 V
19 Value to be sent on analog output AO37 Analog ±26214 @ ±10 V
20 Value to be sent on analog output AO47 Analog ±26214 @ ±10 V
21 Nu
22 Current Demand18 (stirrer) Analog ±26214 @ ±10 V
Vedi Manuale HW e SW paragrafo “9B”. Configurazione uscite analogiche”.

15 The data element ±Max_Ref value is equal to ± Motor Max Oper Freq [02.11] , maximum speed value of the motor belonging to the Motor data (02) family.
16 The meaning of each bit of the word bit significant is given in paragraph “1.7.1 of the Communication Manual IMGT30005EN (Description of word bit
17 See GT3000 HW and SW Manual paragraph “9B Analog outputs configuration”.
18 This is the setpoint value [Arms]. Normalization is ±26214 @ ±10 V @ (#0206 Motor Full Load Current * #0212 Motor Overload Limit)

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GT3000 Stirrer


Settings Function Data element type Rated value FOC SLS V/Hz
0 Rotor speed (V/Hz only encoder) Analog ±26214 @ ± Motor Max Oper Freq [02.11]   
1 Flux current (Isd) Analog 26214 @ Max motor current19  
2 Torque current (Isq) Analog 26214 @ Max motor current8  
3 Motor current (Is) Analog 26214 @ Max motor current8   
4 Motor voltage (Us) Analog 26214 @ Motor Voltage [02.05]   
5 DC bus voltage (Vdc) Analog 32767 @ VdcMax9   
6 Power Analog 26214 @ Motor PowerUE [02.01]  
7 Motor frequency Analog 26214 @ Motor Frequency [02.08]   
8 Main speed reference Analog ±26214 @ ± Motor Max Oper Freq [02.11]   
9 Auxiliary speed reference Analog ±26214 @ ± Motor Max Oper Freq [02.11]   
10 Additional speed reference Analog ±26214 @ ± Motor Max Oper Freq [02.11]   
11 Speed reference (ramp upstream) Analog ±26214 @ ± Motor Max Oper Freq [02.11]   
12 Speed reference (ramp downstream performed by DSP) Analog ±26214 @ ± Motor Max Oper Freq [02.11]   
13 Voltage on analog input AI1 Analog ±26214 @ ±10V   
14 Voltage on analog input AI2 Analog ±26214 @ ±10V   
15 Analog output command echo (IPZ15) back AO1 from network Analog ±26214 @ ±10V   
16 Analog output command echo (IPZ16) back AO2 from network Analog ±26214 @ ±10V   
17 Analog output command echo (IPZ15)back AO3 from network Analog ±26214 @ ±10V   
18 Analog output command echo (IPZ16)back AO4 from network Analog ±26214 @ ±10V   
19 Reference for external PID Analog ±26214 @ ±100%   
20 Feedback for external PID Analog ±26214 @ ±100%   
21 Output of external PID Analog ±26214 @ ±100%   
22 Current transducer U phase normal AND function offset (Is1) correct Analog ±26214 @ ±100%   
23 Current transducer U phase normal AND function offset (Is3) correct Analog ±26214 @ ±100%   
24 Pulses enabling status Analog 16384 Ä pulses enabled   
25 ÷ 48 Spare
49 Not used
50 Torque reference limited Analog ±26214 @ ±maximum torque  
51 Torque reference not limited Analog ±26214 @ ±maximum torque  
52 Total torque reference (speed regulator output + additional) Analog ±26214 @ ±maximum torque  
53 Estimated torque Analog ±26214 @ ±maximum torque  

19 Max motor current = Motor Full Load Curr [206] * Motor Overload Lim [02.12]
9 The data element VdcMax is the tripping threshold of the inverter maximum DC bus voltage protection. This data element depends on the voltage class of the inverter and is quoted on the related Installation and Maintenance manual.

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GT3000 Stirrer


Settings Function Data element type Rated value FOC SLS V/Hz
54 Reference Isd (Isd_Ref) Analog ±26214 @ ±Max motor current  
55 Reference Isq (Isq_Ref) Analog ±26214 @ ±Max motor current  
56 Not used
57 Isd regulator output (MonUsd_Ref) Analog 26214 @ Motor voltage [205]  
58 Isq regulator output (MonUsq_Ref) Analog 26214 @ Motor voltage [205]  
59 Rotor speed not filtered (V/Hz only with encoder) Analog ±26214 @ ± Motor Max Oper Freq [02.11]   
60 Upper torque limit (speed regulator output = TorqueMax) Analog 26214 @ maximum torque  
61 Lower torque limit (speed regulator output = TorqueMin) Analog -26214 @ -maximum torque  
62 Upper torque limit (Ref. Ext. from special function) Analog ±26214 @ ±maximum torque  
63 Lower torque limit (Ref. Ext. from special function)) Analog ±26214 @ ±maximum torque  
64 Flux reference Analog 26214 @ rated flux  
65 Estimated stator flux (MonFis) Analog 26214 @ rated flux  
66 Estimated rotor flux (MonPsimr) Analog 26214 @ rated flux  
67 Tension regulator: Reference Analog ±26214 @ ±100%  
68 Tension regulator: Feedback Analog ±26214 @ ±100%  
69 Tension regulator: Error Analog ±26214 @ ±100%  
70 Tension regulator: Output Analog ±26214 @ ±100%  
71 Internal drooping : speed reference correction Analog ±26214 @ ± Motor Max Oper Freq [02.11]  
72-73-74 Not used
75 ÷ 79 Spare
80 UsdmL (RL decoupling – stirrer) Analog ±26214 @ ±100%  
81 UsqmL (RL decoupling – stirrer) Analog ±26214 @ ±100%  
82 ÷ 100 Spare
101 Encoder Rounds Analog ±26214 @ ±100%  
102-103 Spare
104 Rotor Position Analog ±26214 @ ±100%  
105 ÷ 112 Spare
113 Iu (rms value for phase u current [A] – stirrer) Analog ±26214 @ ±100% @ Mot Full Load Curr * overload * sqrt(2) = #02.06 *#02.12 * sqrt(2)) 
114 Iv (rms value for phase v current [A] – stirrer) Analog ±26214 @ ±100% @ Mot Full Load Curr * overload * sqrt(2) = #02.06 *#02.12 * sqrt(2)) 
115 Iw (rms value for phase w current [A] - stirrer) Analog ±26214 @ ±100% @ Mot Full Load Curr * overload * sqrt(2) = #02.06 *#02.12 * sqrt(2)) 
116 ÷ 120 Spare
121 FieldNet Bitword: Last protection/alarm encoding Bit significant 20   
122 FieldNet Bitword: Trip hardware (TripsHW) Bit significant   
123 FieldNet Bitword: Trip software 1 (TripsSW 1) Bit significant   
124 FieldNet Bitword: Alarms (Alarms) Bit significant   

20 The meaning of each bit of the word bit significant is given in paragraph “1.7.1 of the Communication Manual IMGT30005EN (Description of word bit significant”).

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GT3000 Stirrer


Settings Function Data element type Rated value FOC SLS V/Hz
125 FieldNet Bitword: Terminal boards status (TBStatus) Bit significant   
126 FieldNet Bitword: Protections auxiliary Word (AuxTrip) Bit significant   
127 FieldNet Bitword: Digital inputs expansion board status (SIOVAInputStatus) Bit significant   
128 FieldNet Bitword: Regulator saturation status (SatRegWord) Bit significant   
129 FieldNet Bitword: Echo back Command Word (ExecCommand) Bit significant   
130 FieldNet Bitword: Drive Status Word (Status Word) Bit significant   
131 FieldNet Bitword: Trip software 2 (TripSW 2) Bit significant   
132 ÷ 140 Spare
213 Iu_Norm (instantanous value for phase u current [A] - stirrer) Analog ±26214 @ ±100% @ Mot Full Load Curr * overload * sqrt(2) = #02.06 *#02.12 * sqrt(2)) 
216 Iv_Norm (instantanous value for phase v current [A] – stirrer) Analog ±26214 @ ±100% @ Mot Full Load Curr * overload * sqrt(2) = #02.06 *#02.12 * sqrt(2)) 
219 Iw_Norm (instantanous value for phase w current [A] – stirrer) Analog ±26214 @ ±100% @ Mot Full Load Curr * overload * sqrt(2) = #02.06 *#02.12 * sqrt(2)) 
220 IsdRef_Filt (current reference filtered – stirrer) Analog ±26214 @ ±100% @ Mot Full Load Curr * overload = #02.06 *#02.12) 
221 IsdRef_C165 (current reference - stirrer) Analog ±26214 @ ±100% @ Mot Full Load Curr * overload = #02.06 *#02.12) 

IMGT30018EN 13
GT3000 Stirrer

5 Monitoring Variables

The following variables have been added to accompany the release of the special

where :
-#75.16 – Iu current [Arms]
-#75.17 – Iv current [Arms]
-#75.18 – Iw current [Arms]
-#75.19 – Iu current [%]
-#75.20 – Iv current [%]
-#75.21 – Iw current [%]

The cut-off frequency of the low pass filter on the display of the variables monitor is set up using the parameter:

6 Analogic Output Variables

The following monitorino variables have been added :
Id Variabile Nome Note
113 Iu Value is RMS of the phase current U (*)
114 Iv Value is RMS of the phase current V (*)
115 Iw Value is RMS of the phase current W (*)
213 Iu_Norm Actual value of A in the current phase U (*)
216 Iv_Norm Actual value of A in the current phase V (*)
219 Iw_Norm Actual value of A in the current phase W (*)
(*) These sizes are standardised as follows: 26214 <-> 10V <-> Mot Full Load Curr * overload * sqrt(2) = #02.06 *#02.12 * sqrt(2))
For all other Analogic Output Variables please refer to the GT3000 Manual.
Note Some of the “standard” variables for the GT3000, for the FOC control, may not be visible in the present release software as they are
not significant in the release 3L0205S4.

6.1 The AO compensation for the GT3000

Suppose that you want to compensate for the AO1.

6) If you connect an oscilloscope on the AO1 (to the SCHEDA+ control board 34 –36)

7) You can set the AO1 to a value of 0 (it corresponds to having 0V)
8) The off-set is compensated using the parameter :

Until the oscilloscope value reaches zero (it is advised to use the 500mV scale)

9) Setting the AO1 for the value 29 (it corresponds to having 10V)
10) Varying the parameters until the oscilloscope reads exactly 10V (a 2V scale is advised)

The other analogical functions of the GT3000 are set using the same process as that seen in the procedure for AO1.

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GT3000 Stirrer

6.2 GT3000 Connections

Included is an extract of the GT3000 manual that is relative to the I/O connections. Please refer to the GT3000 manual for a
further explanation.

6.2.1 Digital and Analogical I/O Microprocessor Plus Control

Digital inputs :
XM1 – 13: DI 1 Start/Stop Start / Stop command
XM1 – 14: DI 2 Prog Programmable – default : not used
XM1 – 15: DI 3 Prog Programmable – default : not used
XM1 – 16: DI 4 Prog Programmable – default : not used
XM1 – 17: DI 5 Prog Programmable – default : not used
XM1 – 18: DI 6 Prog Programmable – default : not used
XM1 – 19: DI 7 Prog Programmable – default : Reset protections
XM1 – 20: DI 8 Drive Enable Drive Enable command

Digital Outputs :
XM1 – 3/4/44: RO1 Fault Fault Output Relay (protection)
XM1 – 1/2/43: RO2 Configurable Configurable Output Relay – default Running
XM1 - 45/46: RO3 Configurable Configurable Output Relay –default PrechOK
XM1 - 21 : DO 4 / DI 9 Programmable - default : AutoMAN
XM1 - 22 : DO 5 / DI 10 Programmable – default : disable
XM1 - 23 : DO 6 Programmable – default : disable

Analog Inputs :
XM1 – 26 : AI 1 + Isolated Programmable Differential Input
XM1 – 27 : AI 1 - Default : Speed Demand
XM1 – 28 : AI 2 + Isolated Programmable Differential Input
XM1 – 29 : AI 2 - Default : Auxiliary Reference

Analog Outputs :
XM1 - 34 : AO 1 Isolated Programmable – Default : Motor Current
XM1 - 35 : AO 2 Isolated Programmable – Default : Motor Frequency
XM1 - 37 : AO 3 Isolated Programmable – Default : Motor Voltage
XM1 - 38 : AO 4 Isolated Programmable – Default : Motor Speed

IMGT30018EN 15
GT3000 Stirrer

6.2.2 Microprocessor Plus Control Terminal Block

Input for the

Break Resistore. option IMP.18
RE- RE+ + -P
L2 V M
L3 W
AI 1+ 26
I 13 DI 1 Start/Stop Analog Input.
G AI 1- 27 0-10 Vdc
I 14 DI 2 Prog AI 2+ 0/4-20mA
T 15 DI 3 Prog (ingr.Z=475 Ω)
AI 2- 29
16 DI 4 Prog
L N.C. 30
17 DI 5 Prog
N.C. 31
I 18 DI 6 Prog
N N.C. 32
P 19 DI 7 Reset
N.C. 33
U 20 DI 8 Drive Enable
+10Vdc 40
24 +24 VDC 160mA
FUSE @200mA
AI/AO ground 41

25 DI/DO ground -10Vdc 42

24V Isolated 21 DO 4/DI 9 AO 1 34 Speed Pot CW CCW WIPER
Output/Input 22 DO 5/DI 10 AO 2 35 0-+10Vdc 40 41 28
23 DO 6 AI/AO ground 36
-10- +10Vdc 40 42 28
AO 3 37 Jumper tra VIN-e AGND 2-10K (5K nom)
3 RO1 Fault AO 4 38
Relè 5A 4 Output AI/AO ground 39
@250Vac Relay
44 +5V 5
1 0V 6 E
2 RO2 Config. N
B 7 5-12-24 Vdc (1024PPR)
Starting C
43 B 8 Internal power supply
O 5 Vdc 150mA
45 RO3 Config. A 9 D (It must be excluded if
46 Precharge OK A 10 E connected to an external
R supply 12-24 Vdc)
Z 11
Z 12

Note: 1 – 46 they relate to the connections for the control board XM1

Figure 6.2 Microprocessor Plus Control Terminal Block

IMGT30018EN 16
GT3000 Stirrer

IMGT30018EN 17
Answer Drives S.r.l.
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Operation Site:
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Vicentino (VI) - Italia
Ph. +39 0444 449268
Fax +39 0444 449276 1000095019


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