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Brutta lyrics + English translation

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About translator Italian Alessandro Canino Brutta English

Name: Simona


Role: Retired Moderator

Artist: Alessandro Canino

Contribution: 951 translations,
thanked 18749 times, solved
898 requests, helped 552

Song: Brutta
Translations: English, Polish

Languages: native Romanian,

fluent French, Italian, Spanish,
Romanian, English, studied
French, Italian, Spanish, Turkish,




Eri una bambina

La pi stretta della scuola
Eri un'acciughina
Oggi hai quindici anni
E piangi sola chiusa in bagno
Per la festa del tuo compleanno

You were a child

the strictest from school
you were a little anchovy
Today you are fifteen years
and you weep alone locked in the bathroom
for the celebration of your birthday

Tutti i tuoi amici

Guardano in salotto
Le altre fatte come attrici
Tu come un fagotto nello specchio
Non la smetti
Piangi e vedi solo i tuoi difetti

All your friends

look in your living room
others made as actresses
you like a bundle in the mirror
don't stop
you cry and you see only your defects

Ti guardi e ti vedi brutta
Ti perdi nella maglietta
E non vuoi uscire pi

You look and you see youself ugly
you get lost in your jersey
and you don't want to get out any more

Cresceranno i seni
Chi ti prende in giro
Sono dei ragazzi scemi
Ma quelle risatine dietro
Sembrano pugnali
Piangi e ti si appannano gli occhiali
E il rimmel si strucca
Ti guardi e ti vedi brutta
Ti senti sola e sconfitta
E non vuoi parlare pi

Your breasts will grow

Who teases you
are only dumb boys
But behind those laughters
that seems like daggers
you cry and you mist
the glasses
and the mascara is removed
you look and you see youself ugly
you feel alone and defeated
and you don't want to talk anymore

C' allegria di la in salotto

E nessuno si domanda dove sei
Vanno via ma io ti aspetto
Con in mano questi fiori
Per poterti dire:
"Tanti auguri

There is joy in the living room

and nobody wonders where you are
they go away but i will wait you
holding these flowers
So that i can say:
happy birthday
ugly girl

Qui nel tuo diario

Di nascosto leggo
Il tuo dolore solitario
Questo non giusto
Non lo sai che siamo amici
Piangi e non ti accorgi che mi piaci
E mi piaci tutta

Here in your diary

i read on the sly
your solitary pain
this is not fair
don't you know that we are friends
you cry and you don't realize that i like you
and i like everything about you

Lo vedi che non sei brutta
Crescere sempre una lotta
Ma conta su di me
Perch per me non sei brutta
La vita fuori ti aspetta
Ti aspetta insieme a me

Ugly girl
You see that you're not ugly
growing up is always a struggle
the outside life is waiting for you
waittes for you along with me
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baby_girl_ on Fri, 01/01/2010 - 00:00

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7/10/2015 7:38 AM

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