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Freccia in legno. È una freccia usata per un arco no-grade.

Confezione incartata contenente Agathion - Angry Devil (30 giorni).
Confezione incartata contenente Agathion - Shiny (30 giorni).
Confezione incartata contenente Agathion - Shiny (7 giorni).
Confezione incartata contenente Agathion - Singhiozzo (7 giorni).
Fare doppio clic per ottenere un Agathion zodiacale casuale (di basso grado).
Confezione incartata contenente Agathion - Shiny (30 giorni).
Confezione incartata contenente Agathion - Singhiozzo (30 giorni).
Confezione incartata contenente Agathion - Angry Devil (7 giorni).
Confezione incartata contenente Agathion - Shiny (7 giorni).
Confezione incartata contenente Agathion - Singhiozzo (7 giorni).
Confezione incartata contenente Agathion - Singhiozzo (30 giorni).
Confezione incartata contenente Agathion - Angry Devil (7 giorni).
La lettera d'amore che Darin ha scritto a Roxxy. Darin ti ha chiesto di consegnare questa lettera al Guardiano Roxxy.
Il fazzoletto di Roxxy. Questa è la risposta che Roxxy ha dato alla lettera di Darin, e deve essere consegnata a Darin.
Libro di poesie apprezzato da Arujien. Il libro contiene poesie che ha scritto. Porta questo a Greenis.
Il libro dei testi del
romanzo di Herbien Romance
La lettera di Arujien La lettera di
Greenis, che rifiuta l'amore di Arujien. Porta questo ad Arujien.
Elenco degli ingredienti: 3 Sangue Animale del presagio, 2 Abietti cercatori di mana, 2 corna di gargoyle
Il sangue di una Bestia di Onice.
Il guscio di un cercatore di mana.
Il corno di un gargoyle.
Elenco di cose da eliminare: orchi, hobgoblin, funghi che camminano
Il naso di un orco.
Descrizione dell'amuleto hobgoblin
Il succo di un fungo.
Raccogli quaranta pelli di lupo e portale al Trader Lector del negozio di armi e armature.
Sacche di veleno del ragno gigante ottenute dal ragno gigante morto. Porta questo al prete Yohanes.
Medicina inventata dal sacerdote Yohanes per gli studenti malati di febbre. Porta questo a Elias.
Descrizione di un amuleto di piume d'Orco.
Artiglio di Basilisco.
Sacca ottenuta dal fungo spora. Raccogli 10 di questi e portali al commerciante Vollodos.
Una Sylph Headband
Magica medicina liquida che ripristina HP per un certo periodo di tempo.
Medicina magica e liquida che ripristina MP per un certo periodo di tempo.
Medicina magica e liquida che ripristina HP per un certo periodo di tempo.
Medicina magica e liquida che ripristina MP per un certo periodo di tempo.
Quando incantato, aumenta la P. Atk. di 4 per spade a una mano di grado A, contundenti a una mano, bastoni a una mano, p
Aumenta P. Def. di 1 per armature e accessori di grado A. A partire da +4, aumenta P. Def. di 3. Può essere incantato in sicu
Pergamena dell'incantesimo che potenzia un'arma di grado A.
Pergamena dell'incantesimo che potenzia un'armatura di grado A.
Medicina magica e liquida che aumenta la forza di volontà.
Pozione magica che aumenta la velocità di movimento
Pozione magica che aumenta l'ATT. spd.

Pagina 1

Pergamena magica che ti riporta al villaggio più vicino.

Pergamena magica che resuscita un personaggio morto.
La parte del manico della spada della solidarietà. Porta questo al fabbro Altran.
Porta questo e la parte superiore della lama al fabbro Altran.
Porta questo e la parte inferiore della lama al fabbro Altran.
Lettera che richiede l'impugnatura della spada da Roien. Porta questo al Gran Maestro Roien della Training Hall di Sedrick.
Consegna la medicina a Sentinel Berros, Sentinel Veltress, Sentinel Rayen e Sentinel Gartrandell.
Amuleto che gli Orchi portano per scopi magici. Porta questo al capitano Gilbert.

Pagina 2

Lettera sulla quale Roien riassumeva le notizie storiche relative alla spada della solidarietà. Porta questo al fabbro Altran.
Frammenti ossei ottenuti dagli scheletri dei non morti. Raccogli dieci di questi e portali al tetrarca Kaitar.

Pagina 3

Seguite il sentiero nordoccidentale dal villaggio e dirigetevi a ovest quando incontrate l'Obelisco della Vittoria. L'ingresso alle
Quando incantato, aumenta la P. Atk. di 3 per spade a una mano di grado B, contundenti a una mano, bastoni a una mano, p
P. Def. +1 per armature e accessori di grado B. A partire da +4, P. Def. +3. Può essere incantato in sicurezza fino a +3. Per l
Pergamena dell'incantesimo che potenzia un'arma di grado B.
Pergamena dell'incantesimo che potenzia un'armatura di grado B.
Quando incantato, aumenta la P. Atk. di 3 per spade a una mano di grado C, contundenti a una mano, bastoni a una mano, p
P. Def. +1 per armature e accessori di grado C. Aumenta di 3 a partire da +4. Può essere incantato tranquillamente fino a +3
Pergamena dell'incantesimo che potenzia un'arma di grado C.
Pergamena dell'incantesimo che potenzia un'armatura di grado C.
Quando incantato, aumenta la P. Atk. di 2 per spada a una mano di grado D, smussato a una mano, personale a una mano,
P. Def. +1 per armature e accessori di grado D. Aumenta di 3 a partire da +4. Può essere incantato tranquillamente fino a +3
Pergamena dell'incantesimo che potenzia un'arma di grado D.
Pergamena dell'incantesimo che potenzia un'armatura di grado D.
Quando incantato, aumenta la P. Atk. di 5 per spade a una mano di grado S, contundenti a una mano, bastoni a una mano, p
Quando incantato, P. Def. aumenta di 1 per armature e accessori di grado S. A partire da +4, P. Def. aumenta di 3 e viene co
Pergamena dell'incantesimo che potenzia un'arma di grado S.
Pergamena dell'incantesimo che potenzia un'armatura di grado S
Punta di freccia che gli orchi tiratori di Turath usano su Talking Island. Raccoglili e portali a Master Minia.
Lettera di Alberio. Porta questo al maestro Cobendell.
Collana con pietra Elementale verde. Devi possedere questo per uccidere la driade e ottenere le lacrime della driade.
Gioiello che racchiude l'essenza dell'anima di una driade. Raccogline dieci e portali al maestro Cobendell.
La medicina di Cobendell
Lettera scritta dal fabbro Karrod. Porta questo al celebrante abissale Cecktinon nel tempio di Shilen.
Lettera di presentazione del celebrante abissale Cecktinon. Prendi questo e cerca Magister Harne nel villaggio.
Lettera di presentazione del celebrante abissale Cecktinon. Vai alla Scuola delle Arti Oscure, caccia gli scheletri e raccogli 10
Oggetto utilizzato durante il rituale di esorcismo per invocare uno spirito dei morti. Porta questo al celebrante abissale Ceckti
Olio che, se utilizzato, impedisce la decomposizione dei cadaveri. Prendi questo e vai a caccia di zombi nelle paludi.
La testa degli zombi Elfi degli alberi che sono stati tagliati dopo essere stati sconfitti. Porta questo al celebrante abissale Cec
Per favore, ti prego! Non portarmi da quel fabbro irascibile!
Un distintivo che certifica che il suo portatore è una sentinella elfica. Distruggi un orco spaccacrani Tanuki e fai rapporto alla
Un distintivo che certifica che il suo portatore è una sentinella elfica. Distruggi una lancia di sangue degli orchi Bhato e fai rap
L'amuleto che rappresenta la tribù degli Orchi Schiacciateschi. Porta questo alla sentinella Kendell.
L'amuleto che rappresenta la tribù Bloodspear Orc. Porta questo alla sentinella Kendell.
Introduzione di Esrandell Lettera di
Collana realizzata in onice. Porta questo al celebrante abissale Kartia.
Collana realizzata in onice. Recupera le pergamene originali dagli Orchi Teschio Nero e portale all'Abyssal Celebrant Kartia.

Pagina 4

Antica pergamena chiamata Rivelazione di Kaysha. Portalo insieme alla tavoletta d'argilla al Celebrante Abissale Kartia.
Antica tavoletta di argilla incisa con testo. Portalo insieme all'antica pergamena per il celebrante abissale Kartia.
La traduzione di Kartia delle Rivelazioni di Kaysha. Portalo al tetrarca Thifiell.
Ricevuta Harrys ricevuta dopo aver ordinato gli strumenti. Prendi questo e vai dal fabbro Altran.
La ricevuta che Harrys ha ricevuto dopo aver effettuato un ordine per i suoi strumenti. Vai e raccogli i frammenti di golem nec
Frammenti di roccia caduti dal corpo del Golem. Raccogli 5 e portali dal fabbro Altran.
Cassetta degli attrezzi contenente gli strumenti forgiati dal fabbro Altran. Porta questo a Magister Harrys al tempio.
Porta la pesante scatola di legno al commerciante Jackson. Le pezze di stoffa al Commerciante Silvia. Porta il vaso di terraco
La scatola di legno da consegnare al commerciante Jackson del negozio di armi.
Rotoli di stoffa che devono essere consegnati alla Commerciante Silvia della drogheria.
Il vaso di terracotta che deve essere consegnato al magazziniere Rant.
La ricevuta che Jackson ha rilasciato dopo aver ricevuto la sua scatola di legno. Porta questo alla guardia Arnold.
La ricevuta che Silvia ha rilasciato dopo aver ricevuto i suoi pezze di stoffa. Porta questo alla guardia Arnold.
La ricevuta rilasciata da Rant al momento della ricezione del vaso di terracotta. Porta questo alla guardia Arnold.
Lettera ufficiale che il Signore di Gludio ha inviato a Sir Colin Windawood, convocando una riunione. Consegna questo a Sir
Frammento di Soulstone di fuoco. Può essere preso dalla salamandra spirito di fuoco. Dallo alla mercante Katerina.
Frammento di Pietra Elementale dell'Acqua. Può essere preso dallo spirito dell'acqua undine. Dai alla mercante Katerina.
Lettera scritta da Lilith nel desiderio del suo amante, separato mille anni fa. Scopri le notizie sul suo amante per lei.
Diario scritto da Teon nel desiderio del suo amante, separato mille anni fa. Porta questo a Lilith.
Minerale di Adamantite. Tutto è importato da Gracia. Raccogli 20 di questi e portali al Warehouse Keeper Wilford.
Tavoletta inneggiante a Beleth posseduta dal diavolo Nerkas. Consegna questo al Sommo Sacerdote Biotina.
La seta di ragno del ragno d'argento. Porta questo al commerciante Unoren del negozio di armi.
La ricevuta rilasciata dal negozio di magia. Prendi questo e vai da Trader Creamees.
Biglietto emesso dal magazzino. Prendi questo e vai dalla custode del magazzino Julia.
La foglia della pianta della belladonna. Porta questo a Nerupa.
Il cranio incrinato dell'Orrore Oscuro. Porta questo a Magister Vlasty.
Teschio dell'orrore oscuro. Porta questo a Magister Vlasty.
Criniera di keltir. È morbido e lussuoso e viene utilizzato per filare fili e filati. Porta questo a Cristel.
Filato filato dalla pelliccia di keltir. Porta questo all'ex sarto Warehouse Keeper Rolfe, e lo trasformerà nei capelli della bambo
Bambola che ricorda una fanciulla umana. Porta questo al guardiano del faro Rockswell.
Polvere ottenuta dallo zombi della peste. Porta questo al Gerarca Asterios.
Lettera di Andellia che chiede a sua sorella Talia di inviarle il frutto dell'Albero Madre.
Frutto che l'Albero Madre porta una volta ogni pochi anni. Porta questo ad Andellia.
La pergamena contenente la prima poesia di Rumiel Moonshine. Raccoglieteli tutti e quattro e portateli a Sentinel Starden.
La pergamena contenente la seconda poesia di Rumiel Moonshine. Raccoglieteli tutti e quattro e portateli a Sentinel Starden
La pergamena contenente la terza poesia di Rumiel Moonshine. Raccoglieteli tutti e quattro e portateli a Sentinel Starden.
Il rotolo contenente la quarta poesia di Rumiel Moonshine. Raccoglieteli tutti e quattro e portateli a Sentinel Starden.
La zanna di un uomo ratto morto. Raccoglili per portarli a Master Ellenia.
La zanna di Varool Foulclaw, capo degli uomini ratto. Porta questo alla maestra Ellenia.
Il teschio di Kirunak ottenuto dopo aver ucciso Kirunak, il capo dei Dre Vanul. Porta questo a Trader Creamees.
Pelle ottenuta dagli zombi delle paludi. Raccogline cinque e vai da Trader Minaless.
Cristallo usato dalla Succubus Merkenis per lanciare incubi. Porta questo al tetrarca Vellior.

Pagina 5

Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare la Luce.

Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Might. Usato da mistici umani, mistici elfici e mistici oscuri.\nLivello richiesto:
incantesimi necessario per imparare Dardo di ghiaccio. Usato da mistici umani, mistici elfici e mistici oscuri.\nLivello richiesto
incantesimi necessario per imparare Battle Heal. Usato da mistici umani, mistici elfici e mistici oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 14 Lib
incantesimi necessario per imparare il tocco vampirico. Usato da mistici umani e mistici oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 14 Libro deg
incantesimi necessario per imparare Colpo di fuoco . Usato da Maghi Umani, Maghi Elfici e Maghi Oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 2
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Cure Poison. Usato da mistici umani, mistici elfici e mistici oscuri.\nLivello ric
incantesimi necessario per imparare Guarigione di gruppo. Usato da mistici umani, mistici elfici e mistici oscuri.\nLivello richie
incantesimi necessario per imparare Veleno maledetto. Usato da mistici umani e mistici oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 7 Libro deg
incantesimi necessario per imparare Maledizione debolezza. Usato da mistici umani e mistici elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 14 Libro
incantesimi necessario per imparare Evoca pasto.
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Scudo. Usato da mistici umani, mistici elfici e mistici oscuri.\nLivello richiesto
incantesimi necessario per imparare Conosci il nemico.
Pozione magica che ripristina lentamente HP. Di breve durata.
Pozione magica che ripristina lentamente HP. Alta resistenza.
Pozione magica che aumenta la velocità.
Porta la pergamena del tutorial al Gran Maestro Roien.
Porta la pergamena del tutorial al Gran Maestro Roien.
Porta la pergamena del tutorial a Nerupa.
Porta la pergamena del tutorial a Mitraell, il capo degli Elfi Oscuri.
Porta la raccomandazione al Gran Maestro Roien.
Porta la raccomandazione al Gran Magister Gallint.
Porta la foglia dell'Albero Madre a Nerupa.
Porta il sangue di Mitraell al Gerarca Mitraell.
Fascino dato dal Gerarca Asterios. Vai alla fonte d'acqua per cercare coloro che inquinano le acque del villaggio elfico.
Fascino dato dal Gerarca Asterios. Vai alla fonte d'acqua e ottieni cinque manciate di polvere della peste dagli zombi.
Pozione magica che ripristina lentamente HP. Di breve durata.
Biglietto per la barca: Partenza da Talking Island - Arrivo a Gludin Harbour
Biglietto per la barca: Partenza da Gludin Harbour - Arrivo a Talking Island
Sintesi finanziaria del primo semestre della Gilda di Iron Gate: bilancio e conto profitti e perdite della gilda del Dark Elf Village
Un sacco di veleno di ragno gigante di ragno velenoso. Raccogline dieci e portali ad Astaron.
Frammento della Pietra Elementale del vento. Puoi ottenerli da Lirein, gli spiriti del vento. Raccoglili per portarli a Rizraell.
Ricevuta per una pozione magica che Darin ha ricevuto dopo aver pagato Baulro. Questo deve essere consegnato a Baulro.
Pozione di coraggio che Baulro ha creato per il timido Darin, ma i suoi effetti sono sconosciuti. Questo deve essere consegna
Il primo dei tre materiali che il Tetrarca Talos ti ha chiesto di raccogliere.
Il secondo dei tre materiali che il Tetrarca Talos ti ha chiesto di raccogliere.
Il terzo dei tre materiali che il Tetrarca Talos ti ha chiesto di raccogliere.
Un distintivo che indica che il portatore sta eseguendo gli ordini del signore. Tienilo in tuo possesso e dai la caccia a Orchi o
Collana d'ossa che i guerrieri Orchi possiedono sui loro corpi per scopi magici. Porta questo al capitano Gilbert.
Zanne di un lupo mannaro morto. Porta questo al capitano Gilbert.
Le gambe tagliate da un ragno gigante. Raccogli 8 di questi e portali ad Alshupes.
Lettera del celebrante abissale Undrias. Porta questa lettera al commerciante Iria, al custode del magazzino Dorankus e al m
Pugnale cerimoniale usato durante la massa dell'oscurità. Porta questo al celebrante abissale Undrias.
Vino santo usato nella massa delle tenebre. Porta questo al celebrante abissale Undrias.
La scrittura usata durante la massa delle tenebre. Porta questo al celebrante abissale Undrias.
La lettera che Arujien ha scritto desiderando Greenis. Mostra questo al Guardiano Mirabel.
La lettera che Arujien ha scritto desiderando Greenis. Mostra questo al commerciante Herbiel.
La lettera d'amore di Arujien. Dato che l'hai mostrato a Mirabel e Herbiel, devi tornare ad Arujien.
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Attack Aura. Usato dai Guerrieri Elfici e dai Guerrieri Oscuri.\nLivello richiesto

Pagina 6

incantesimi necessario per imparare Elemental Heal. Usato dai combattenti elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 15
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Drena Energia. Usato da cavalieri e guerrieri oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: guerrie
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Wind Walk. Usato da chierici, oracoli elfici e oracoli Shillien.\nLivello richiesto
incantesimi necessario per imparare Wind Shackle. Usato da Elven Mystics e Dark Mystics.\nLivello richiesto: 14
Riepilogo finanziario del primo semestre della gilda Iron Gate: bilancio e conto profitti e perdite della gilda della regione di Glu
Frammenti ossei di scheletri non morti. Raccogline dieci e torna da Magister Harne.
Amuleto posseduto da Kaboo Orcs per scopi magici. Portalo a Sentinel Rayen.
Collana d'ossa posseduta dai guerrieri Kaboo Orc per scopi magici. Portalo a Sentinel Rayen.
Amuleto che gli Orchi Balor possiedono per scopi magici. Porta questo a Sentry Kayleen.
Collana d'ossa che i guerrieri Balor Orc portano per scopi magici. Porta questo a Sentry Kayleen.
Sacco contenente spore di polline. Dai 10 sacche di spore a Herbiel.
Medicina per la febbre inventata dal maestro Cobendell.
Medicina per la febbre inventata dal maestro Cobendell.
Medicina per la febbre inventata dal maestro Cobendell.
Medicina per la febbre inventata dal maestro Cobendell.
Medicina per la febbre inventata dal maestro Cobendell.
La bacchetta a cui è legato lo spirito degli specchi. Intrappola tutti e tre gli spiriti degli specchi in una bacchetta e portala al G
La bacchetta a cui è legato lo spirito degli specchi. Intrappola tutti e tre gli spiriti degli specchi in una bacchetta e portala al G
La bacchetta a cui è legato lo spirito degli specchi. Intrappola tutti e tre gli spiriti degli specchi in una bacchetta e portala al G
Lettera scritta dal Maestro Auron. Porta questo al mercante Simplon nella città di Gludio.
Un badge che mostra che il giocatore è un membro della Warrior Guild. Portalo alle Rovine dell'Agonia e uccidi gli scheletri d
Vecchia spada di bronzo usata dagli scheletri tracker. Raccogline dieci e consegnali a Trader Simplon.
Vecchia spada di bronzo arrugginita donata dal commerciante Simplon, che ha affermato che era una "spada della prova". P
Lettera scritta dal commerciante Simplon. Porta questo al Maestro Auron.
Gamba tagliata da un ragno velenoso morto o da un inseguitore di aracnidi. Raccogline venti e portali al Maestro Auron.
Prendi questo medaglione e vai dal Gran Maestro della Gilda dei Guerrieri per cambiare la tua occupazione in Guerriero.
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Wind Strike.
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare l'autoguarigione.
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Guarire. Usato da mistici umani, mistici elfici e mistici oscuri.\nLivello richiesto
Lettera della sentinella Jenna al maestro Harant.
Spada d'Adamantite appena consegnata alle sentinelle.
Spada d'Adamantite appena consegnata alle sentinelle.
Spada d'Adamantite appena consegnata alle sentinelle.
Spada di bronzo usata in passato dalle sentinelle. Recupera questo e portalo a Sentry Jenna.
Frammento osseo ottenuto dagli scheletri di non morti. Raccogli 10 frammenti di ossa e 3 teschi di Elfi e portali a Unoren.
Il teschio di un elfo non morto. Raccogli 10 frammenti di ossa e 3 teschi di Elfi e portali a Unoren.
Raccogli 13 bezoar oscuri e portali alla sentinella Nelsya.
Porta questa spada al Gran Maestro della Gilda dei Combattenti per cambiare la tua occupazione in Cavaliere.
Moneta d'oro incisa con il marchio del signore di Gludio. Raccogline tre o più per porre fine alla Prova dell'Esquire.
Moneta d'oro incisa con il marchio del signore di Gludio. Raccogline tre o più per porre fine alla Prova dell'Esquire.
Moneta d'oro incisa con il marchio del signore di Gludio. Raccogline tre o più per porre fine alla Prova dell'Esquire.
Moneta d'oro incisa con il marchio del signore di Gludio. Raccogline tre o più per porre fine alla Prova dell'Esquire.
Moneta d'oro incisa con il marchio del signore di Gludio. Raccogli tre o più di questi per porre fine a Trial of the Esquire.

Pagina 7

Moneta d'oro incisa con il marchio del signore di Gludio. Raccogline tre o più per porre fine alla Prova dell'Esquire.
Stemma che prova l'appartenenza alla guardia. Come richiesto dal Capitano Bathis, dai la caccia ai Bugbear Raiders.
Collana indossata dai Bugbear per scopi magici. Raccogline dieci e visita il Capitano Bathis.
Come richiesto dal Sommo Sacerdote Raymond, vai alle Rovine della Disperazione, sconfiggi gli spiriti defunti dei sacerdoti e
Simbolo sacro di Einhasad, la dea della luce. Raccogli 12 di questi e vai dal sommo sacerdote Raymond.
Stemma che contraddistingue l'appartenenza alla guardia. Come richiesto dal capitano Bezique, caccia i ragni giganti.
Gamba mozzata di un ragno velenoso morto. Raccogline venti e vai dal capitano Bezique.
Come richiesto dal sommo sacerdote Levian, uccidi gli uomini lucertola di Langk e raccogli le prove.
Piccola scultura che gli uomini lucertola di Langk portano con sé. Raccogline venti e portali dalla Somma Sacerdotessa Levia
Stemma che prova l'appartenenza alla guardia. Come richiesto dal Capitano Gilbert, caccia i ragni giganti.
Il guscio di un ragno gigante che hai staccato. Raccogline venti e portali al Capitano Gilbert.
Come richiesto dal Sommo Sacerdote Biotina, caccia gli Orrori Silenziosi nelle Rovine degli Elfi.
Il teschio di un Elfo morto da tempo. Raccogli 10 e portali a High Priest Biotin.
La lettera del capitano Bezique a Neti. Trova Neti nel villaggio di Gludin e consegnale la lettera.
Pezzi di ossa non morte. Raccogli 10 e portali a Neti.
Prova che hai ricevuto dopo aver superato il test di Neti. Devi portarlo al capitano Bezique.
È scritto che chi farà fuori i banditi di Cat's Eye e recupererà la refurtiva sarà ricompensato.
Una discreta quantità di gioielli rubati dai banditi di Cat's Eye. Devi portarli dal capitano Bezique.
Raro volume rubato dai banditi di Occhio di gatto. Devi portarlo al capitano Bezique.
Collana costosa che i banditi di Cat's Eye hanno rubato. Devi riportarlo al capitano Bezique.
Collana costosa rubata dai banditi Cat's Eye. Devi portarlo al capitano Bezique.
Porta questo medaglione ai Gran Maestri della Gilda dei Combattenti per cambiare la tua occupazione in un Ladro.
Certificato di collezione di libri proibiti rilasciato dal prete Zigaunt. Portalo in giro e raccogli tutti i libri proibiti.
Certificato che attesti che rappresenti l'ente religioso. Questo certificato è dato dal sacerdote Zigaunt. Porta questo a Lionel p
L'ultimo libro di Lioniel. Consegna questo libro al Gran Magister Gallint della Einhovant School of Magic.
Il libro proibito Sempione venduto a Vivyan. Raccogli cinque libri proibiti e portali dal prete Zigaunt.
Il resto dei libri proibiti del Sempione. Raccogli 5 libri proibiti e portali dal prete Zigaunt.
Libro proibito Sempione venduto a Praga. Raccogli 5 libri proibiti e portali dal prete Zigaunt.
Certificato che Gallint rilascia per la custodia dei libri proibiti. Dai a Lionel e ricevi l'alleanza.
Il ciondolo di sua madre che la guardia Praga ha perso tra le rovine. Porta questo alla Guardia Praga e ricevi un libro proibito
Catena della collana dove era appeso un ciondolo. Recupera il ciondolo dagli zombi nelle Rovine dell'agonia per completarlo
L'impegno di Lionel a non usare più il libro proibito. Datelo al sacerdote Zigaunt e ricevete il marchio della fede.
Porta questo segnalino al sommo sacerdote del tempio per cambiare la tua occupazione in un chierico.
Lettera ricevuta dal Maestro Sorius da consegnare al fabbro Kluto nel villaggio di Gludin.
Scatola che Kluto ha chiesto di dare al Maestro Sorius.
Porta questa spilla al Gran Maestro della Gilda dei Combattenti e lui cambierà la tua occupazione in Cavaliere.
Pezzo di topazio ottenuto dai non morti nelle rovine. Raccogli 20 da portare al Maestro Sorius.
Pezzo di smeraldo ottenuto dai Novizi di Ol Mahum. Raccogli 20 di questi da portare a Blacksmith Kluto.
La lettera di mastro Reisa alla guardia Moretti. Trova la guardia Moretti e dagli la lettera.
Lettera strappata scritta da Prias e non leggibile. Raccogli tutti e quattro i pezzi strappati e portali alla Guardia Moretti.
Pezzo strappato di lettera scritta da Prias e non leggibile Raccogli tutti e quattro i pezzi strappati e portali alla Guardia Morett
Lettera strappata scritta da Prias e non leggibile. Raccogli tutti e quattro i pezzi strappati e portali alla Guardia Moretti.
Lettera strappata scritta da Prias e non leggibile. Raccogli tutti e quattro i pezzi strappati e portali alla Guardia Moretti.
Un'erba che la guardia Moretti chiese di dare a Prias.
Lettera urgente della guardia Moretti a Prias.
Risposta di Prias alla lettera della guardia Moretti. Passa questo a Moretti.
Lettera scritta dalla Guardia Moretti al Maestro Reisa. Portalo al Maestro Reisa.
Porta questa raccomandazione al Gran Maestro della Gilda dei Combattenti per cambiare la tua occupazione in un Esplorato
Lettera di Rosella a Elven Magister Greenis. Relativo al rubino, il simbolo del fuoco.

Pagina 8

Materiale necessario per rendere il rubino dei poteri magici. Raccogli 5 e portali a Magister Greenis per il magico potere rubin
Rubino che simboleggia il fuoco. Raccogli 4 gioielli che simboleggiano la natura e portali a Rosella come pegno per cambiare
Acquamarina che simboleggia l'acqua. Raccogli i 4 gioielli che simboleggiano la natura e portali a Rosella per un gettone per
Mela molto matura. Datelo a Talia per avere informazioni sull'acquamarina dell'acqua.
Foglie usate come fertilizzante per l'Albero Madre. Raccogli cinque foglie e consegnale a Thalia per un'acquamarina.
Libro che Northwind voleva prendere in prestito. Se dai questo libro a Northwind, puoi ottenere informazioni sull'ametista.
Ametista ottenuta uccidendo il ratto mannaro sukar. Dai due a Northwind per l'ametista della nobiltà.
Ametista che simboleggia il vento. Raccogli 4 gioielli che simboleggiano la natura e portali a Rosella come pegno per cambia
Il consiglio di Rosella. Se lo mostri a Varsak, puoi ottenere informazioni sul peridoto della fertilità.
Peridot che puoi ottenere se uccidi uno scheletro da cecchino. Se ne raccogli 3 e li mostri a Varsak, puoi ottenere il peridoto
Peridoto che simboleggia la terra. Raccogli 4 gioielli che simboleggiano la natura e portali a Rosella come pegno per cambiar
Porta questo gettone al Gran Maestro della Gilda dei Maghi per cambiare la tua occupazione in un Mago Elfico.
Collana donata dal sacerdote Manuel. Prendi questo e vai al porto Gludin per trovare la ragazza che fa miracoli.
Denaro dalla truffa di Perrin. Dallo ad Allana.
Diario con record di frode miracolo. Mostra questo al prete Manuel come prova.
Ordine del capitano lucertola di rapire la sacra fiamma della profezia.
Porta questo al sommo sacerdote per cambiare la tua occupazione in un oracolo.
Metà del diario dato da Allana. Devi prendere dei soldi da Perrin e trovare l'altra metà del diario.
Fascino inscritto con rune palus che simboleggiano un lago profondo. Portalo con te e caccia il licantropo nella Zona Neutrale
Teschio ottenuto dopo aver ucciso il licantropo. Raccogline tredici e portali al Maestro Virgil.
Lettera scritta dal Maestro Virgilio. Porta questo al celebrante abissale Kalinta del villaggio di Gludin.
Talismano con iscrizione runa della Morte, simbolo di morte. Porta questo e trova i materiali necessari per la bara.
Il carapace duro di un ragno velenoso. Porta questo e cinque fili di Seta Inseguitore di Aracnidi al Celebrante Abissale Kalinta
Thread web di Aracnide Tracker. Porta cinque di questi e un gigantesco carapace di Ragno Velenoso al Celebrante Abissale
Bara usata nel funerale del Cavaliere degli Elfi Oscuri. Porta questo al maestro Virgilio.
Porta questo gettone al Gran Maestro della Gilda dei Combattenti per cambiare la tua occupazione in Cavaliere.
Lettera ricevuta da Triskel. Vai alla Strega Arkenia dell'Altare dei Riti.
Lettera ricevuta da Arkenia. Porta questo alla guardia Leikan per ottenere informazioni sul ladro.
Contratto semplice dato da Guard Leikan. Deve cacciare bestie di pietra di luna e raccogliere i loro molari.
Molare ottenuto dopo aver ucciso una bestia di pietra di luna. Raccogli 10 di questi per portarli alla guardia Leikan.
Coltello ricevuto in regalo da Leikan. Dicono che funzioni bene contro i Calpicos.
Liquido magico rubato dall'Altare dei Riti. Date questo alla strega Arkenia.
Pegno di ringraziamento ricevuto da Arkenia. Porta questo a Triskel.
Porta questo al Gran Maestro della Gilda degli Elfi Oscuri per cambiare la tua occupazione in un Assassino.
Seme ottenuto da Charkeren, che è pieno di rabbia. Porta questo alla strega Varika.
Seme ottenuto dalla strega Varika. Devi ottenere tutti e quattro i semi per guadagnare il Gioiello Oscuro.
Seme ottenuto da Annika, che è piena di orrore. Porta questo alla strega Varika.
Seme ottenuto da un pazzo. Porta questo alla strega Varika.
Resti della famiglia uccisa di Charkeren. Trova 3 e torna a Charkeren.
Medicina Varika realizzata per il figlio della duchessa Dwell. Se lo dai alla duchessa, puoi ottenere il seme della disperazione
L'osso del ginocchio dei non morti che Annika stava cercando. Date questo ad Annika per ottenere il Seme dell'Orrore.
I cuori di coloro che sono stati trasformati in scheletri da uno stregone della follia. Raccogli 3 Hearts of Lunacy e portali ad Ar
Porta questo gettone al Gran Maestro della gilda degli Elfi Oscuri per cambiare la tua occupazione in un Mago Oscuro.
La lettera di presentazione scritta da Magister Sidra. Porta questo a Magister Talbot.
Rotolo vuoto. Prendi questo e caccia la Succubus oscura per ottenere rune insanguinate.
Rune scritte con il sangue della Succube oscura. Raccogli 5 e porta a Magister Talbot.
Il libro sacro di Gran Kain, dio delle tenebre, scritto in lingua elfica. Uno dei due libri che Sidra ti ha detto di trovare.
Il libro di preghiere molto amato. Porta questo al sacerdote Adonius nel villaggio di Gludin.
Un distintivo che mostra che uno è nel corso del pentimento dei propri peccati. Porta questo e caccia scheletri e zombi nelle

Pagina 9

Ossa dagli scheletri e dagli zombi nelle Rovine della Disperazione. Raccogline 10 e portali dal sacerdote Adonius.
Il libro sacro di Einhasad, dea della luce, scritto in lingua elfica. Uno dei due libri che Sidra ti ha detto di trovare.
Porta questo gettone a un Gran Maestro di una Gilda degli Elfi Oscuri in qualsiasi grande città per cambiare la tua occupazio
Un distintivo che indica un scudiero. Passeggia per i villaggi di Gludio e incontra i capitani delle guardie e i sommi sacerdoti.
Portafortuna di Greenis. Uccidi i ragni tenaglia e dai 5 punti rossi a Greenis.
Linfa dell'Albero Madre che piace agli anziani delle Driadi. Trova 5 foglie d'oro e dalle a Talia.
Il fortunato pot-pourri di Northwind. Dai a Northwind 2 ametiste ottenute uccidendo i ratti mannari sukar.
La collana di Tamil. Mostralo a Perrin.
Memo del fabbro Kluto che chiede di sconfiggere i Novizi di Ol Mahum.
Chiave di bronzo. Dai la caccia agli zombi nell'area della palude, raccogli 3 resti e portali a Charkeren.
Candela che illumina il buio. Raccogli 2 ossa del ginocchio dai non morti e consegnale ad Annika per il Seme dell'Orrore.
Pot-pourri profumato alle erbe. Ottieni 3 Hearts of Lunacy da un esploratore di scheletri e portali ad Arkenia.
Mappa data dalla Salamandra Fiamma. Uccidi gli uomini ratto e dai la chiave di fuoco alla salamandra in cambio del segno d
La chiave che può essere ottenuta uccidendo un combattente ratto. Quando lo dai a una salamandra, ti darà il segno di fuoc
Il segno di fuoco dato dalla salamandra spirito di fuoco. Raccogli quattro gettoni e consegnali a Parina per ricevere il gettone
Lo specchio dato dalla silfide del vento. Vai dagli uomini lucertola delle Terre Desolate, ottieni la Piuma del vento e restituisci
La piuma nascosta dalla Silfide del Vento vicino alle Terre Desolate. Restituiscilo alla silfide del vento per ricevere un gettone
Il gettone del vento che ti è stato dato dalla silfide dello spirito del vento. Raccogli tutti e quattro i gettoni e consegnali a Parin
Uccidi il veggente dell'acqua e prendi due sassolini scintillanti per innaffiare Undine per il gettone d'acqua.
Uccidi il veggente dell'acqua nel lago Fellmere per le pietre. Se lo dai a Water Undine, lei ti darà il gettone dell'acqua.
Il segno dell'acqua dato dallo spirito dell'acqua Undine. Raccogli quattro gettoni e consegnali a Parina per ricevere il gettone
La moneta data dal serpente di terra. Uccidi l'orso rosso e dai terra rossa al serpente di terra per Token of Earth.
Il terreno ottenuto dall'uccisione dell'orso rosso. Date al serpente della terra come pegno della terra.
Segno della Terra dato dal serpente di terra. Raccogli 4 gettoni e consegnali a Parina per ricevere il gettone che consente di
Porta questo tallone al sommo sacerdote del tempio per cambiare la tua occupazione in un mago.
La chiave che sblocca le catene di Prias. Prendi questo e vai da Prias.
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare l'Aura di difesa. Usato dai Guerrieri Elfici e dai Guerrieri Oscuri.\nLivello richie
Raccogli 100 zanne di predatore e portale a Pixy Murika.
Mazza robusta fatta di grossi rami d'albero e portata dai goblin. Porta questo a Treant Bremac.
Pezzo di vetro rotto. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio a un prezzo basso.
Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio a un prezzo elevato.
Gioiello blu. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Gioiello nero. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
La foglia di un vischio argenteo. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Freccia ricavata da un pezzo di osso affilato. È usato come freccia per un arco di grado D.
Freccia potente in acciaio. È usato come freccia per un arco di grado C.
Freccia in acciaio placcata argento.
Freccia in acciaio placcata con Mithril.
Una freccia leggera usata per gli archi (grado S). Il materiale è sconosciuto.
Pietra trovata tra i resti di un golem distrutto. Porta questo al commerciante Toronto.
La carcassa dell'occhio del mostro. Porta questo al commerciante Sarien.
L'organo digestivo di un basilisco. Porta questo al commerciante Sarien.
Diagramma disegnato dai medici di Avella per l'anatomia umana. Usalo per eseguire la richiesta di Samed.
Testa di zombie dalle rovine. Porta questo a Samed del Comune di Gludio.
Cuore di zombie dalle rovine. Porta questo a Samed nella città di Gludio.
Fegato di zombie dalle rovine. Porta questo a Samed nella città di Gludio.
Cranio di scheletro dalle rovine. Porta questo a Samed nella città di Gludio.
Costola di scheletro dalle rovine. Porta questo a Samed nella città di Gludio.
Spina dorsale di scheletro dalle rovine. Porta questo a Samed nella città di Gludio.

Pagina 10

Osso del braccio di scheletro dalle rovine. Porta questo a Samed nella città di Gludio.
Osso della coscia di scheletro dalle rovine. Porta questo a Samed nella città di Gludio.
Scheletro completo assemblato con pezzi di osso dall'impresario di pompe funebri Varsak. Porta questo a Samed nella città
Distintivo del soldato delle truppe straniere. Porta questo a Leopold a Gludin.
Distintivo di alto rango delle truppe straniere di Gracia. Porta questo a Leopold a Gludin.
Distintivo di grado di capitano delle truppe straniere di Gracia. Porta questo a Leopold a Gludin.
Il duro carapace di un ragno. Spesso usato per rivestire uno scudo o un elmo. Porta questo al commerciante Arodin.
Tela di ragno resistente ed elastica. Usato per fare le corde dell'arco. Porta questo al commerciante Arodin.
Sac con il veleno mortale di un ragno in esso. Può essere venduto al commerciante Cullinas a Gludin.
Piccoli pezzi di pietra trovati all'interno dei resti di un golem distrutto. Porta questo al commerciante Toronto.
La parte trasparente dell'occhio del mostro. Porta questo al commerciante Sarien.
Raccogli 50 artigli di lupo e portali al commerciante Payne del negozio di armi e armature.
Le catene di metallo attaccate al collo del folletto corrono. Porta questo alla sentinella Kristin.
Un distintivo che indica che uno è un membro della truppa del Leone Nero.
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Aqua Swirl. Usato dai maghi elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 20 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Twister. Usato dai Maghi Oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 20 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Blaze. Usato dai maghi umani.\nLivello richiesto: 20
Ingrediente necessario per alcune magie.
Pozione magica che aumenta notevolmente la velocità di movimento
Pozione magica che aumenta l'ATT. spd. drammaticamente
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Recupero dal veleno. Usato da Cavalieri Elfi e Esploratori Elfici.\nLivello richi
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Guarigione Divina. Usato dai cavalieri umani.\nLivello richiesto: 28 Libro degl
incantesimi necessario per imparare Cura emorragia. Usato dai Cavalieri Elfici e dagli Esploratori Elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 24
incantesimi necessario per imparare Intrappolare. Usato dai Cavalieri Elfici e dagli Esploratori Elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 36 Libr
incantesimi necessario per imparare Colpo Congelante. Usato da cavalieri e assassini Palus.\nLivello richiesto: 36 Libro degl
incantesimi necessario per imparare Spezza potere. Usato da cavalieri e assassini Palus.\nLivello richiesto: 32 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Veleno. Usato da cavalieri e assassini Palus.\nLivello richiesto: 20
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Sprint. Usato dai Cavalieri Elfici e dagli Esploratori Elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 32
incantesimi necessario per imparare Ricarica. Usato da Oracoli Elfici e Oracoli Shillien.\nLivello richiesto: 30 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Disturbare non morti. Usato da chierici, oracoli elfici e oracoli Shillien.\nLivello richiesto:
incantesimi necessario per imparare Resistenza al veleno. Usato da Oracoli e Profeti.\nLivello richiesto: Oracolo - 35, Profeta
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare lo Scudo Mentale. Usato da chierici, oracoli elfici e oracoli Shillien.\nLivello ri
incantesimi necessario per imparare l'arma sacra. Usato da chierici e oracoli elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 25 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare la rigenerazione. Usato da chierici e oracoli elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 35
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Empower. Usato da Shillien Oracles.\nLivello richiesto: 25 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Berserker Spirit. Usato dai chierici.\nLivello richiesto: 35 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Rapidità.
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare il sonno. Usato da maghi umani, chierici, maghi elfici, oracoli elfici, maghi osc
incantesimi necessario per imparare Arrendersi all'acqua.
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare la resa all'acqua
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare la pace. Usato dai chierici.\nLivello richiesto: 35 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Focus. Usato da chierici e oracoli Shillien.\nLivello richiesto: 25
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare la concentrazione. Usato da maghi umani, chierici, maghi elfici, oracoli elfici,
incantesimi necessario per imparare Arrendersi al fuoco. Usato dai maghi umani.\nLivello richiesto: 25 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare l'acume. Usato dai chierici.\nLivello richiesto: 20 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare l'Agilità. Usato dagli oracoli elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 25 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Evocare Kat il gatto. Usato dai maghi umani.\nLivello richiesto: 20 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Servitor Recharge. Usato da Maghi Umani, Maghi Elfici e Maghi Oscuri.\nLivello richiest
incantesimi necessario per imparare Servitor Heal. Usato da Maghi Umani, Maghi Elfici e Maghi Oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 20

Pagina 11

Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Servitor Wind Walk. Usato dai maghi umani.\nLivello richiesto: 35 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Servitor Magic Boost. Usato dai maghi elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 35 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Mighty Servitor. Usato dai Maghi Oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 35 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Slow. Usato da maghi umani e maghi oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 35 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Nube velenosa. Usato da maghi umani e maghi oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 25 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Aura Burn. Usato da maghi, maghi elfici e maghi oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 20 Libro degl
incantesimi necessario per imparare la resistenza all'acqua. Usato da Maghi e Profeti Elfi.\nLivello richiesto: Mago Elfico - 25
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare la resistenza al vento. Usato da Shillien Oracles and Prophets.\nLivello richie
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare la resistenza al fuoco. Usato dai chierici.\nLivello richiesto: 30 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Radice di Drenaggio. Usato da chierici, oracoli e oracoli di Shillien.\nLivello richiesto: 25
incantesimi necessario per imparare Maledizione del caos. Usato da maghi umani e maghi oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 35 Libro
incantesimi necessario per imparare Resa sulla Terra. Usato dai maghi elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 35 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Surrender to Poison. Usato dai maghi oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 25
Oggetto necessario per aggiornare un clan al livello 3. Solo il capo clan può usarlo.
Elenco degli ingredienti da cucina di Jonas. Essenza di Mandragora. Tesoro. patata dioniana. Muschio di palude. Carne di oc
Immagine che mostra l'aspetto di una mandragora. Ne hai bisogno per ottenere le radici di mandragora.
Radice di mandragora rossa. Raccoglieteli per portarli alla Trader Sonia.
Rara radice di mandragora bianca. Raccoglieteli per portarli alla Trader Sonia.
Linfa di mandragora rossa. Uno dei cinque ingredienti necessari per la cucina di Jonas.
Linfa di mandragora trasparente. Uno degli ingredienti necessari per la cucina di Jonas.
Diagramma che raffigura il disegno di un'ape. Devi possederlo per ottenere nettare e pappa reale dall'ape sanguinante o dall
Acqua di miele prelevata da un'ape gigante. Raccogli 20 di questi per portarli alla guardia Jacob.
Ingrediente raro che può essere preso solo da api lavoratrici appena nate. Raccoglili e portali alla guardia Jacob.
Miele fatto con il nettare che hai raccolto dalle api. Uno dei cinque ingredienti necessari per la cucina di Jonas.
Miele dorato ottenuto dal nettare e dalla pappa reale che hai raccolto dalle api. Uno dei cinque ingredienti necessari per la cu
Ti ha dato il droghiere Pano. Dice che se uccidi Hobgoblin e porti 30 prove, ti darà delle patate come ricompensa.
Amuleto fatto di una piuma che gli Hobgoblin portano con sé. Raccogli 30 di questi e portali al droghiere Pano.
Le patate di altissima qualità coltivate nel ricco suolo del sud di Dion. Uno dei cinque ingredienti necessari per la cucina di Jo
Immagine che spiega come raccogliere il muschio. Ne hai bisogno per raccogliere il muschio di palude dalle formiche grigie o
Il muschio di palude verde viene talvolta utilizzato in cucina. Raccogli questo e portalo alla sacerdotessa Glyvka.
Muschio di palude marrone raro. I suoi sapori sono superiori a quelli verdi. Raccogli questo e portalo alla sacerdotessa Glyvk
Fascio di muschio ben curato, raccolto da un luogo paludoso per cucinare. Uno dei cinque ingredienti necessari per la cucina
Fascio di muschio ben curato, raccolto da un luogo paludoso per cucinare. Uno dei cinque ingredienti necessari per la cucina
Immagine che mostra l'aspetto di un occhio di mostro. Hai bisogno di questo per raccogliere il cercatore di occhi mostro giust
Corpo di carne dell'occhio del mostro reciso di Deadman. Porta questo al Magister Rollant.
Il cadavere di un mostro dall'occhio, pronto per essere cucinato. Uno dei cinque ingredienti necessari per la cucina di Jonas.
Piatto che contiene la bistecca all'occhio del mostro di Jonas. Porta questo a Magister Mirien.
Piatto che contiene la bistecca all'occhio del mostro di Jonas. Porta questo a Magister Mirien.
Piatto che contiene la bistecca all'occhio del mostro di Jonas. Porta questo a Magister Mirien.
Piatto che contiene la bistecca all'occhio del mostro di Jonas. Porta questo a Magister Mirien.
Piatto che contiene la bistecca all'occhio del mostro di Jonas. Porta questo a Magister Mirien.
Lettera di Magister Mirien sul gusto del piatto di Jonas. Porta questo a Jonas.
Lettera di Magister Mirien sul gusto del piatto di Jonas. Porta questo a Jonas.
Lettera di Magister Mirien sul gusto del piatto di Jonas. Porta questo a Jonas.
Lettera di Magister Mirien sul gusto del piatto di Jonas. Porta questo a Jonas.
Lettera di Magister Mirien sul gusto del piatto di Jonas. Porta questo a Jonas.
Piuma presa da un'arpia. Raccoglili e portali alla guardia Belton.
Veleno estratto dai capelli di serpente di una medusa. Raccoglili e portali alla guardia Belton.
Zanna affilata di un Wyrm. Raccoglili e portali alla guardia Belton.

Pagina 12

La ricetta di Jonas per preparare l'insalata di muschio di palude.

La ricetta di Jonas per fare la salsa alla mandragora.
La ricetta di Jonas per fare la bistecca di carne con gli occhi di mostro.
Cristallo di grado D.
Cristallo di grado C.
Cristallo di grado B.
Cristallo di grado A.
Cristallo di grado S.
Il potere di uno spirito di livello superiore viene conferito a un'arma, aumentando temporaneamente il potere di attacco. Usato
Il potere di uno spirito di livello superiore viene conferito a un'arma, aumentando temporaneamente il potere di attacco. Usato
Il potere di uno spirito di livello superiore viene conferito a un'arma, aumentando temporaneamente il potere di attacco. Usato
Il potere di uno spirito di livello superiore viene conferito a un'arma, aumentando temporaneamente il potere di attacco. Usato
Il potere di uno spirito di livello superiore viene conferito a un'arma, aumentando temporaneamente il potere di attacco. Usato
Erba medicata di Gludio. Acquisto al Castello Gludio.
Vino medicato di Gludio. Acquisto al Castello Gludio.
Erba medicata di Gludio. Acquisto al Castello Gludio.
Zanna che si ottiene uccidendo un lupo kasha. Raccogline cinquanta e portali al Praetorian Rukain.
Il capo dei ladri goblin, che ha danneggiato le tombe degli antenati degli Orchi. Raccogli 50 da portare alla veggente Livina.
Pietra dell'anima nera estratta dal cuore di un demonio rakeclaw. Raccoglili per portarli al capo di Atuba Varkees.
Pietra dell'anima rossa estratta dal cuore di un diavoletto rastrello. Raccoglili per portarli al capo di Atuba Varkees.
La testa di un lupo mannaro Maraku che è stata tagliata dopo essere stati sconfitti. Raccogli 40 di questi e portali al Prefetto
Zanna di pipistrello ala nera. Raccogli 70 di questi e portali al capo Neruga Tantus.
Parassita malvagio che evoca gli inseguitori di Varangka.
Spirito malvagio di tipo parassita che esce dall'orso grigio inquinato dallo spirito malvagio di Kasha. Questa è la chiave che ri
Cristallo ottenuto uccidendo il totem dell'orso grigio inquinato dallo spirito malvagio di Kasha. Porta questo al Veggente Tana
Pelle di lupo nero. Raccogli 40 da portare a Maryse Redbonnet.
Collana ottenuta uccidendo un goblin di basso livello. Raccoglili e portali allo Spiron di Golden Wheel.
Collana ottenuta uccidendo un goblin di alto livello. Raccoglili e portali allo Spiron di Golden Wheel.
Collana ottenuta uccidendo il signore dei goblin. Raccoglili e portali allo Spiron di Golden Wheel.
Memo sospetto ottenuto uccidendo un capo brigante goblin. Porta questo allo Spiron di Golden Wheel.
Contratto sospetto completato raccogliendo promemoria sospetti. Questo contratto rivela che la Silver Scale Guild ha chiesto
Minerale di crisolito ricevuto sconfiggendo gli orchi Utuku. Raccoglili e portali a Filaur del Pilastro Grigio.
Parte della mappa che rivela la vena nascosta di Chrysolite. Raccogli 4 di questi pezzi per completare la mappa.
Mappa che rivela una vena nascosta di Crisolito. Porta questo a Filaur della Colonna Grigia.
Zanna presa uccidendo un pipistrello lama o un pipistrello barb. Raccogline 100 e portali alla
Pietra Keef di Bronze Key che galleggia sull'acqua. Ottienilo da un tessitore magico. Raccogli 50 e portali ad Arin di Black An
La seta di ragno che fa quando fanno i loro nidi. Raccoglili e portali al commerciante Mion.
Organo a forma di tasca che fa la seta di ragno. Porta questo al difensore Nathan.
La buccia di un ragno gigante che stacchi. Raccoglieteli e portateli a Edmond.
Questo marchio rappresenta la qualificazione dei guerrieri Orchi. Prendi questo e vai dal Guardiano delle Fiamme Vulku.
La collana di fiamme donata da Vulkus. Consegna questo a Kakai, il Signore della Fiamma, re degli Orchi.
Licenza data ai Nani per consentire loro di estrarre. Prendi questo e vai dal caposquadra Laferon.
La raccomandazione del caposquadra Laferon. Prendi questo e vai dal Primo Anziano Lockirin.
Il totem degli Hestui. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio a un prezzo elevato.
Totem degli uomini lupo Maraku. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Articolo lasciato dalla nonna di Redbonnet. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio a un prezzo elevato.
Articolo lasciato dalla nonna di Redbonnet. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Articolo lasciato dalla nonna di Redbonnet. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Articolo lasciato dalla nonna di Redbonnet. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.

Pagina 13

Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Confusione. Usato da cavalieri e assassini del palazzo.\nLv. acquisito: Palac
Spellbook necessario per imparare Charm. Usato dai Cavalieri Elfici e dagli Esploratori Elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 20 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Resurrezione. Usato da chierici, oracoli elfici e oracoli Shillien.\nLivello richiesto: 20 Libr
incantesimi necessario per imparare il bacio di Eva. Usato da chierici, oracoli elfici e oracoli Shillien.\nLivello richiesto: 20
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare il drenaggio della vita dei cadaveri. Usato da maghi umani e maghi oscuri.\nL
incantesimi necessario per imparare Corpo a mente. Usato da Maghi Umani e Maghi Oscuri.\nLivello
richiesto : 25 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Canto delle Fiamme. Usato dagli Orchi Sciamani.\nLivello
richiesto : 30 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Dono di Pa'agrio. Usato dagli Orchi Sciamani.\nLivello
richiesto : 30 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Benedizione del Pa'agrio. Usato dagli Orchi Sciamani.\nLivello
richiesto : 35 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Canto del Fuoco. Usato dagli Orchi Sciamani.\nLivello
richiesto : 20 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Canto di Battaglia. Usato da Orc Mystics.\nLivello
richiesto : 14 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Chant of Shielding. Usato dagli Orchi Sciamani.\nLivello richiesto: 20
Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Scudo dell'Anima. Usato da Orc Mystics.\nLivello
richiesto : 7 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Risucchio di Vita. Usato dagli Orchi Mistici.\nLivello
richiesto : 7 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Paura. Usato da Orc Mystics.\nLivello
richiesto : 14 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Veleno . Usato dagli Orchi Mistici.\nLivello
richiesto : 7 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Sigillo del Caos. Usato dagli Orchi Sciamani.\nLivello
richiesto : 30 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Sogno Spirituale. Usato da Orc Mystics.\nLivello
richiesto : 7 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Sigillo della Lentezza. Usato dagli Orchi Sciamani.\nLivello
richiesto : 35 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Fiamma Gelida. Usato da Orc Mystics.\nLivello
richiesto : 7 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Blaze Quake. Usato dagli Orchi Sciamani.\nLivello richiesto: 25
Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Aura Sink. Usato dagli Orchi Sciamani.\nLivello
richiesto : 25 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Follia. Usato dagli Orchi Sciamani.\nLivello
richiesto : 20 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Fiamma Gelida. Usato dagli Orchi Sciamani.\nLivello
richiesto : 20 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Sigillo del Vincolo . Usato dagli Orchi Sciamani.\nLivello
richiesto : 25 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Sigillo del Veleno. Usato da Orc Shamans.\nLivello richiesto: 20 Pergamena
magica che ti porta al villaggio più vicino
Pozione magica che ripristina rapidamente HP. Il suo effetto dura 15 sec.
Pozione magica che ripristina istantaneamente HP. Effetto istantaneo senza durata. Non può essere utilizzato quando HP è
Medicina miracolosa composta dalla miscela di miele ed estratto di khandar. Porta questo al centurione Nakusin.
Mantello realizzato in pelliccia di orso grizzly. Ottimo per tenersi al caldo. Porta questo al centurione Nakusin.
Ascia che trattiene il sangue di animali selvatici. Si dice che rafforzi la forza vitale del suo proprietario. Porta questo al centur
Cranio di un antenato di Urutus. Si dice che rafforzi la forza vitale del suo proprietario. Porta questo al centurione Nakusin.
Grano di polvere fatto di zampe essiccate di ragni velenosi. Annusarlo ti farà sentire rinfrescato. Porta questo al centurione N
Perla portata fuori da un mare profondo. Si dice che aiuti a prevedere il futuro. Porta questo al centurione Nakusin.
L'elenco delle cose che Bolter vuole che porti dal villaggio.
Un paio di stivali da estrazione che hai ricevuto dal commerciante Garita. Porta questo al minatore Bolter.
La scelta del minatore che hai ricevuto dal fabbro Brunon. Porta questo al minatore Bolter.
Sacco di polvere boomboom che hai preso dal commerciante Shari. Porta questo al minatore Bolter.
Birra deliziosa che hai preso dal capo del magazzino Reed. Porta questo al minatore Bolter.
Un paio di calzini che ti ha regalato Miner Bolter. Per quello...?
L'ordine di uccidere il messaggero di Baranka. Dopo averlo ucciso, recupera la lettera e portala al capo di Urutu Hatos.
L'ordine dice che devi uccidere il messaggero di Baranka. Dopo averlo ucciso, recupera la lettera e portala al capo di Urutu H
L'ordine dice che devi uccidere il messaggero di Baranka. Dopo averlo ucciso, recupera la lettera e portala al capo di Urutu H
La lettera segreta che Baranka sta inviando al Magister degli Elfi Oscuri Kaland. Porta la lettera al capo di Urutu Hatos.
La lettera segreta che Baranka sta inviando al duca Van Halter. Porta la lettera al capo di Urutu Hatos.
La lettera segreta che Baranka sta inviando al maestro elfico Laria. Porta la lettera al capo di Urutu Hatos.
Il collezionista Gouph ha stipulato questo contratto quando ha acquistato il diamante stellato dal commerciante Reep. Porta q
Il commerciante Reep ha redatto questo contratto quando ha richiesto la consegna del diamante stellato. Porta questo a Car

Pagina 14

Carrier Torocco ha acquistato questo vino di alta qualità per regalarlo al suo vecchio amico Maron. Porta questo al minatore
Questi dadi sono stati realizzati appositamente per il gioco d'azzardo. Porta questi al fabbro Brunon.
Questo contratto dice che se Brunon recupera i 20 gioielli rubati dai goblin, può riavere il diamante stellato.
Questo gioiello è ottenuto dal capo dei briganti goblin. Porta 10 acquamarine e 10 crisoberilli al fabbro Brunon.
Questo gioiello è ottenuto dal capo dei briganti goblin. Porta 10 acquamarine e 10 crisoberilli al fabbro Brunon.
Il fabbro Brunon regala questo scrigno. Portalo al collezionista Gouph.
Questo pezzo di carbone è nel Jewel Box. Porta questo al fabbro Brunon.
Il fabbro Brunon invia questa lettera al custode del magazzino Murdoc chiedendo la scatola giusta.
Crostata dolce al gusto di fragola. Il custode del magazzino Murdoc lo invia al custode del magazzino Airy come regalo di scu
Questo diagramma mostra la mazza da lama in dettaglio. Prendi questo e vai a caccia di pipistrelli a lama per ottenere il diam
Tutti cercano questo diamante. Porta questo al vero proprietario.
Minerale raccolto dal golem di Greystone distrutto. Raccogli 20 di questi e portali al Guardiano Tamil.
Minerale ottenuto sconfiggendo i golem whistone. Raccogline venti e portali al Guardiano Wirphy.
Lettera che Magister Mirien ha scritto dopo aver assaggiato il piatto di Jonas. Prendi questo e vai da Jonas.
Lettera che Magister Mirien ha scritto dopo aver assaggiato il piatto di Jonas. Porta questo a Jonas.
Lettera che Magister Mirien ha scritto dopo aver assaggiato il piatto di Jonas. Porta questo a Jonas.
Lettera che Magister Mirien ha scritto dopo aver assaggiato il piatto di Jonas. Porta questo a Jonas.
Sangue di Goblin. Se ne hai abbastanza di questo oggetto, appare il leader dell'uomo ratto Kuruka.
Mappa che mostra l'abitazione dei goblin. Prendi questo e trova le tribù dei goblin e distruggile.
Dente ottenuto dopo aver ucciso il leader dell'uomo ratto Kuruka. Raccogline dieci da portare al Prefetto Karukia.
Racconto dettagliato di un traditore che si è recentemente unito alla tribù Umbar e si è stabilito ai margini di una montagna a
Racconto dettagliato di un traditore che si è recentemente unito alla tribù Umbar e si è stabilito ai margini di una montagna a
Racconto dettagliato di un traditore che si è recentemente unito alla tribù Umbar e si è stabilito ai margini di una montagna a
Racconto dettagliato di un traditore che si è recentemente unito alla tribù Umbar e si è stabilito ai margini di una montagna a
Racconto dettagliato di un traditore che si è recentemente unito alla tribù Umbar e si è stabilito ai margini di una montagna a
Racconto dettagliato di un traditore che si è recentemente unito alla tribù Umbar e si è stabilito ai margini di una montagna a
Racconto dettagliato di un traditore che si è recentemente unito alla tribù Umbar e si è stabilito ai margini di una montagna a
Racconto dettagliato di un traditore che si è recentemente unito alla tribù Umbar e si è stabilito ai margini di una montagna a
Racconto dettagliato di un traditore che si è recentemente unito alla tribù Umbar e si è stabilito ai margini di una montagna a
Racconto dettagliato di un traditore che si è recentemente unito alla tribù Umbar e si è stabilito ai margini di una montagna a
La testa di un orco traditore. Raccogli 2 e portali al prefetto Kasman nel villaggio di Gludin.
Collana donata a un Orco che ha ottenuto la qualifica per diventare un Razziatore di Orchi. Porta questo all'alto prefetto per c
Frutto di melograno rosso regalato da Gantaki. Prendi questo e vai da Khavatari Rosheek.
Custodia in pelle donata da Khavatari Rosheek. Prendi questo e caccia gli orsi kasha e raccogli 5 dei loro artigli.
Custodia in pelle donata da Khavatari Rosheek. Dai la caccia ai ragni lama kasha con questo e raccogli 5 artigli.
Custodia in pelle che ti ha dato Khavatari Rosheek. Prendi questo mentre vai a caccia di salamandre scarlatte per ottenere 5
Custodia che contiene 5 artigli di orso kasha. Porta questo a Khavatari Rosheek.
Custodia che contiene 5 tenaglie di artigli di ragno con lama kasha. Porta questo a Khavatari Rosheek.
Sacchetto che contiene 5 scaglie della salamandra scarlatta. Porta questo a Khavatari Rosheek.
Artiglio estratto da un orso kasha dopo averlo ucciso. Raccogli 5 di questi.
Talon tirato fuori da un ragno con lama kasha dopo averlo ucciso. Raccogli 5 di questi.
Scala di una salamandra scarlatta. Raccogli 5 di questi.
La prima pergamena contenente il segreto del kabart, le arti marziali tradizionali degli Orchi.
Lettera scritta da Khavatari Rosheek. Porta questo a Gantaki Zu Urutu.
La lettera di raccomandazione di Gantaki. Ricevi l'aiuto del Guardiano Tamil e porta questa raccomandazione al Prefetto Kas
Fico dato dal prefetto Kasman. Porta questo a Khavatari Toruku.
Custodia in pelle donata da Khavatari Toruku. Prendi questo, uccidi combattenti di varie razze e raccogli 12 gettoni.
Borsa piena di 12 gettoni dopo aver ucciso combattenti di varie razze. Porta questo a Khavatari Toruku.
Tusk ottenuto dopo aver ucciso un Orco Vuku. Raccogli 3 di questi.

Pagina 15

Zanna da un combattente ratto morto. Raccogli 3 di questi.

Dente ottenuto dopo aver ucciso un uomo lucertola Langk. Raccogli 3 di questi.
Dente ottenuto dopo aver ucciso l'uomo lucertola Felim. Raccogli 3 di questi.
La seconda pergamena che contiene il segreto delle arti marziali tradizionali degli Orchi, Kabart.
Lettera di Khavatari Toruku. Porta questo al prefetto Kasman.
Token dato a chi ha le qualifiche per cambiare occupazione in Orc Monk. Porta questo all'alto prefetto per cambiare la tua oc
Charm con iscrizione del mantra del fuoco. Prendi questo e trova i 3 oggetti di cui ha parlato Tataru.
Pelle di orso kasha. Portalo a Tataru insieme al guscio di Kasha Bladespider e all'uovo infuocato.
La buccia di un ragno con lama kasha. Portalo a Tataru, insieme a una pelle di orso kasha e un uovo infuocato.
Uovo di spirito ottenuto da una salamandra scarlatta. Portalo a Tataru insieme a una pelle di orso kasha e a un guscio di rag
Maschera a forma di orso. Prendi questo e vai allo spirito totem di Hestui.
Uovo spirito ricevuto da una salamandra scarlatta. Porta questo allo spirito totem di Hestui.
Artiglio ricevuto dallo spirito totem di Hestui. Prendi questo e vai da Tataru.
Lettera scritta da Tataru. Porta questo a Seer Umos nella città di Gludin.
Charm con iscrizione di mantra di fiamma. Prendi questo e raccogli sangue grizzly e portalo a Seer Umos.
Bottiglia di vetro piena di sangue grizzly. Raccogli 3 e porta a Seer Umos.
Calderone pieno di sangue grizzly. Porta questo allo spirito totem Duda-Mara.
Rete realizzata con seta di ragno dello spirito. Usalo per catturare Durka Spirit nascosto all'interno di Venomous Spiders.
Spirito di Durka legato all'interno di Spirit Net. Porta questo allo spirito totem Duda-Mara.
Spirito parassita malvagio che esce dai ragni contaminati dal malvagio spirito durka. È la chiave per invocare lo spirito malva
Sangue versato dallo spirito totem Duda-Mara. Prendi questo e vai da Seer Umos.
Token che mostra che uno ha le qualifiche per diventare un Orc Shaman. Porta questo all'alto prefetto, per cambiare la tua o
Anello regalato agli aspiranti artigiani dal Fabbro Silvera. Abbatti la banda di boogle ratman e raccogli i loro denti anteriori.
Il certificato per il superamento della 1a prova artigiano. Per sostenere il prossimo test, devi andare dal fabbro Kluto del villag
Il certificato per il superamento della 2a prova artigiano. Prendi questo e vai dal fabbro Kluto a Gludin.
Il certificato per il superamento della prova finale di Artigiano. Porta questo al fabbro capo per cambiare occupazione in un ar
Il brutto dente anteriore di un boogle ratman. Il solo guardarlo ti farà venire la nausea. Raccogli 10 di questi e portali al fabbro
Il grosso dente del leader di Boogle Ratman. Prima che la sua puzza ti faccia svenire, raccogline 2 e portali dal fabbro Silvera
La lettera del fabbro Kluto. Portalo dal fabbro Pinter nella città di Gludio.
Traccia lasciata dai ladri. Uccidi i combattenti Vuku Orc, recupera gli oggetti rubati e portali dal fabbro Pinter.
Scatola segreta rubata dai combattenti degli orchi Vuku. Il contenuto della scatola è sconosciuto, ma comunque portalo dal fa
Scatola segreta ricevuta da Pinter. Il contenuto è sconosciuto, ma non preoccuparti e portalo dal fabbro Kluto nel villaggio di
Marchio che certifica che uno ha guadagnato il diritto di diventare uno Scavenger. Se lo porti a un capo del magazzino, puoi
Lettera di presentazione scritta dal collezionista Pipi. Porta questo al commerciante Mion.
Foglio d'ordine fornito da Warehouse Freightman Raut. Datelo a Torai, a sud del Passo della Morte.
La biancheria intima di Succubus ricevuta da Torai. Porta questo al magazziniere Raut di Gludin.
Lettera inviata dal commerciante Mion a suo fratello. Prendi questa lettera e vai dal maestro Toma.
Lingotto da dare al capo fabbro Bronk.
Ascia da dare al commerciante Shari.
Pozione da donare al Sacerdote della Terra Zimenf.
Costo del prodotto fornito dal capo fabbro Bronk. Porta questo al commerciante Mion.
Costo del prodotto fornito da Shari. Porta questo al commerciante Mion.
Costo del prodotto fornito da Zimenf. Porta questo al commerciante Mion.
Immagine di un orso ricevuto dal Maestro Toma. Prendi questo per cacciare gli orsi cacciatori, quindi apparirà l'orso del miele
Immagine del ragno ricevuta dal Maestro Toma. Usalo per cacciare le tarantole.
Barattolo di miele preso da un orso di miele. Raccogli 5 e portali al Maestro Toma.
Perla ottenuta dalla tarantola. Raccogli 20 di questi e dallo al Maestro Toma.
Pacco fatto di perline. Consegna questo al magazziniere Raut di Gludin.
Utilizzato per teletrasportarsi dal Villaggio degli Orchi a Gludin.

Pagina 16

Utilizzato per teletrasportarsi dal villaggio dei nani a Gludin.

Materiale utilizzato per realizzare oggetti nanici . Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Mappa antica e obsoleta. Può essere acquistato in qualsiasi negozio.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una freccia di legno. Richiede Crea oggetto Lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Evoca ombra. Usato dai maghi oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 20 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Evoca Mew il gatto. Usato dai maghi umani.\nLivello richiesto: 20 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Evoca Boxer l'Unicorno. Usato dai Maghi Elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 20
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Evoca Mirage l'Unicorno. Usato dai maghi elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 20 Libro d
incantesimi necessario per imparare Evoca sagoma. Usato dai maghi oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 20
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici . Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.

Pagina 17

Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.

Pagina 18

Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale utilizzato per creare oggetti nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per uno spadone. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un bastone di salice. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1 La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un fiocco. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un bastone di cedro. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un Dirk. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un Brandish. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una lancia corta. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una spada di riflessione. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un fiocco di bosco. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per scarpe in pelle. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una tunica in pelle. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per calze di pelle. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un casco in pelle. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per guanti di pelle. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un pezzo di corazza d'osso. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per le ghette di osso pezzo. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una collana di angoscia. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una collana di saggezza. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un soulshot di grado D. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un soulshot di grado C. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un soulshot di grado B. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100

Pagina 19

Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un soulshot-A-grade. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un soulshot di grado S. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 8. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per uno stelo durevole. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una cornice di legno. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. Solo
per Nani. Ricetta per una corteccia di formica. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. Solo
per Nani. Ricetta per polvere di ossa grossolane. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. Solo
per Nani. Ricetta per l'acciaio raffinato. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. Solo
per Nani. Ricetta per la pelle corrosa. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una corda. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. Solo
per Nani. Ricetta per un telaio in acciaio. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. Solo
per Nani. Ricetta per cordone corroso. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il bronzo raffinato. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. Solo
per Nani. Ricetta per una pozione di formiche. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. Solo
per Nani. Ricetta per la carta magica. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. Solo
per Nani. Ricetta per l'olio fiammeggiante. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. Solo
per Nani. Ricetta per la polvere magica. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. Solo
per Nani. Ricetta per il mithril raffinato. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. Solo
per Nani. Ricetta per acciaio rinforzato. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. Solo
per Nani. Ricetta per Oriharukon corroso. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una soluzione incantata. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. Solo
per Nani. Ricetta per una struttura in metallo. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. Solo
per Nani. Ricetta per acciaio di prima scelta. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2.
Scorri che ti ricolloca nella tua sala del clan. Se non hai una sala del clan, ti trasferirà nel villaggio più vicino.
Pergamena che ti ricolloca nel tuo castello. Se non hai un castello, ti trasferirà nel villaggio più vicino.
Reagente che neutralizza il veleno.
Reagente di alta qualità che neutralizza il potente veleno.
Benda medica che ferma il sanguinamento quando viene ferito.
Benda medica che smette di sanguinare velocemente quando è gravemente ferita.
Il potere di uno spirito di livello superiore viene conferito a un'arma, aumentando temporaneamente il potere di attacco. Usato
Punisci il capo Kaboo Uoph. Dovrebbe essere da qualche parte intorno alle rovine sopra la collina, a ovest del villaggio elfico
Punisci il capo Kaboo Kracha. Dovrebbe essere da qualche parte intorno all'obelisco dei Nove, a sud-ovest del Villaggio degl
Punisci il capo Kaboo Batoh. Dovrebbe essere da qualche parte intorno all'ingresso della fortezza sotterranea degli Elfi.
Punisci il capo Kaboo Tanukia. Dovrebbe essere da qualche parte intorno alle rovine del teatro all'aperto, a sud-ovest del vill
Punisci il capo Kaboo Turel. Dovrebbe essere da qualche parte intorno alle rovine in riva al mare, a nord-ovest del Lago Iris.
Punisci il capo Kaboo Roko. Dovrebbe essere da qualche parte intorno alle rovine in riva al mare, a ovest del Lago Iris.
Punisci il capo Kaboo Kamut. Dovrebbe essere da qualche parte intorno alle rovine in riva al mare, a sud del Lago Iris.
Punisci Murtika Capo Kaboo. Dovrebbe essere da qualche parte intorno alle rovine in riva al mare, a est del Lago Iris.
Collana presa uccidendo il capo degli orchi Kaboo. Porta questo alla sentinella Kendell.
Collana presa uccidendo il capo degli orchi Kaboo. Porta questo alla sentinella Kendell.
Collana di identificazione militare dei combattenti orchi di Turek. Raccoglili e portali a Piotur per una ricompensa.
Collana di identificazione militare degli ufficiali degli orchi di Turek. Raccoglili e portali a Piotur per una ricompensa.
Reliquia dell'impero di Elmoreden. Pezzo di un'urna di argilla rotta.
Reliquia dell'impero di Elmoreden. Parte di un ciondolo in ottone.
Reliquia dell'impero di Elmoreden. Parte di uno specchio in bronzo.
Reliquia dell'impero di Elmoreden. Parte di una collana di giada.
Urna di argilla dell'impero di Elmoreden.
Reliquia dell'impero di Elmoreden. Diadema formale in ottone.
Reliquia dell'impero di Elmoreden. Specchio in bronzo.
Reliquia dell'impero di Elmoreden. Collana di giada.

Pagina 20

Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Canto della Vita. Usato dagli Orchi Sciamani.\nLivello richiesto: 20
Zanna ottenuta uccidendo i keltir. Raccogli 4 e portali a uno dei Maestri.
Zanna presa uccidendo i keltir. Raccogli 4 e portali a uno qualsiasi dei Magister.
Zanna presa uccidendo i keltir. Raccogli 4 e portali a qualsiasi Mother Tree Guardian.
Zanna presa uccidendo i keltir. Raccogli 4 e portali a qualsiasi Celebrante Abissale.
Zanna presa uccidendo i keltir. Raccogline 4 e portali dal Sacerdote del fuoco.
Zanna presa uccidendo i keltir. Raccogli 4 e portali al Minatore.
Mappa antica e obsoleta. Può essere acquistato in qualsiasi negozio.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Non più utilizzabile a causa della corrosione. Vendi in un negozio o permuta per nuovi materiali presso l'Aden Reconstruction
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per creare la Collana dell'Angoscia. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per creare la Collana della Saggezza. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare la collana di diamanti blu. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per realizzare la Collana della Devozione. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare una collana magica. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'occhio di tigre. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'orecchino degli elfi. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'anello elfico. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare la collana elfica. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.

Pagina 21

Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'Onyx Beast's Eye. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare un anello di mithril. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare una collana oscura. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare un orecchino di pietra di luna. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'anello di pietra acquatica. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare la collana di pietra acquatica. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'orecchino della protezione. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per creare l'Anello della Protezione. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare la collana della protezione. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per creare un Orecchino di Sigillo. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per creare un Anello delle Ere. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare la collana della sirena. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare una collana del saggio. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'orecchino di Nassen. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare un anello del saggio. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare una collana di sigilli. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare le scarpe di cuoio. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare una tunica di pelle. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare le calze di cuoio. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare un elmo di pelle. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare i guanti di pelle. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per creare un Pettorale Corazzato d'Ossa. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare la resistente camicia di pelle. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare le ghette d'osso. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare ghette di cuoio resistenti. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare gli stivali. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare stivali di pelle. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare un elmo d'osso. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare le calze scure. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare guanti di pelle di qualità. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare Scale Mail. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare una tunica bianca. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare le ghette a scaglie. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare Mithril Banded Mail. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare le ghette con fascia di mithril. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare gli stivali di ferro. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare Brigandine. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare una camicia di pelle Manticor. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare le ghette di pelle Manticor. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare una tunica di mithril. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare le calze di mithril. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare Rip Gauntlet. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare uno scudo per aquiloni. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare gli stivali della forza. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare i guanti di mithril. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare Half Plate. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare i Plate Gaiters. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare Salamander Skin Mail. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare gli stracci di un saggio. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.

Pagina 22

Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare le calze karmiane. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare un elmo a catena. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare uno scudo quadrato. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare stivali d'assalto. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare stivali di mithril rinforzati. Questo può essere venduto nei negozi.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare una maglia di maglia. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare le ghette di catena. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare una camicia di mithril. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare una tunica karmiana. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare i Guanti Lunghi del Potere degli Ogre. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare un Eldarake. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare un elmo a piastre di metallo. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare la pelle placcata. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare ghette in pelle placcata. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare la maglia di maglia dei nani. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare le ghette a catena naniche. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare la Veste del Sigillo. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per realizzare il Grande Elmo. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare lo scudo di un cavaliere. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per creare una Mano Pa'agrio. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare gli stivali cremisi. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare l'armatura di cuoio della crosta. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare le ghette di cuoio di Rind. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare armature composte. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare lo scudo della torre. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare la tunica del demone. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare le calze del demone. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare i guanti di Mithril. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare gli stivali dimenticati. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare lo Shining Circlet. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare l'armatura di cuoio Theca. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare le ghette in pelle Theca. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare armature a piastre complete. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'armatura di cuoio di Drake. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare la tunica divina. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare le calze divine. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'elmo di Mithril. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per realizzare il Cap of Mana. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per realizzare il Paradia Hood. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare il cappuccio dell'eclissi solare. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare un cappuccio di evocazione. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'Elemental Hood. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare il cappuccio della grazia. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare un cappuccio della fenice. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare il cappuccio del soccorso. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'elmo di fuoco. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'elmo di Tallum. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'Elmo di Avadon. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'Elmo della promessa. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.

Pagina 23

Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per creare i Guanti Lunghi del Fantasma. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare gli stivali di Adamantite. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare uno spadone. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare il bastone di salice. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare un arco. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare un bastone di cedro. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare un pugnale. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per creare un Brandish. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare una lancia corta. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare la spada del riflesso. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare l'arco della foresta. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare il martello di ferro. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare lo Sword Breaker. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare l'arco composto. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare una sciabola. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare il coltello da assassino. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare un tridente. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare la tentazione dell'abisso. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare la Spinebone Sword. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare la mazza del giudizio. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare il bastone del prestigiatore. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare l'arco elfico. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare il tridente nanico. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Un materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare spade a due mani. Disponibile in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare la mazza chiodata. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare il coltello Shilen. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per creare i Gastraphetes. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare il Tomo del sangue. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per realizzare la Stella del Mattino. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare il bastone della testa di capra. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare la lancia alata. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per realizzare la Spada della Rivoluzione. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare il Tarbar. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare lo Spaccacrani. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare la mazza di ossa pesanti. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare il Maingauche. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare il Bich'Hwa. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'arco lungo rinforzato. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare il piccone da guerra. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per realizzare il Crocifisso di Sangue. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per creare l'Occhio dell'Infinito. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare il Maingauche maledetto. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare il teschio di cristallo blu. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare Demon's Fang. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare il Claymore. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare lo spaccaossa. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare l'Atuba Hammer. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare il bastone fantasma. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per creare il Bastone della Vita. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.

Pagina 24

Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare il pugnale di mithril. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare lo Scallop Jamadh. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare l'arco di luce. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare il falcione. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare la bacchetta Vajra. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare l'antico reagente. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare la mazza Atuba. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare il Flamberge. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare lo Stormbringer. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare il Grande Martello. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare la falce. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'ascia da battaglia. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'ascia d'argento. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare lo Skull Graver. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare il martello pesante del destino. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare il bastone di cristallo. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per creare il Bastone della Fede. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'ascia del destino pesante. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare il pugnale maledetto. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare l'ago Wolverine. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare il pugnale degli elfi oscuri. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare il Chakram. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'arco di ghiaccio cristallizzato. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'Orcish Glaive. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare il Body Slasher. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare lo Shamshir. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare la Katana. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare il Bec de Corbin. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per creare la Spada dello Spirito. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per realizzare la Spada Raid. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare il bastone maledetto. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare lo Stiletto. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare il Soulfire Dirk. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per costruire una balestra. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare il nobile arco elfico. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare Tears of Fairy. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per creare il Corno della Gloria. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per creare i Calibur. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per creare la Spada dell'illusione. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare gli Tsurugi. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare la spada di Homunkulus. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare la Poleaxe. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare la spada definitiva. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per creare la Spada dell'Incubo. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per realizzare la Spada della Morte Sussurrante. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'ascia da guerra. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'ascia del Nirvana. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per creare il Bastone dell'Eternità. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare il bastone di Paradia. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.

Pagina 25

Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare il bastone dell'inferno. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare il martello Pa'agrio. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare il bastone del saggio. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per creare il Club of Nature. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per realizzare la Mazza degli Inferi. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare il Grace Dagger. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare il Dark Screamer. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare la lama a pugno. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'arco lungo Akat. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare il libro dei pagani. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare una bambola esagonale. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fabbricare l'ascia Pa'agrio. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per creare lo Scorpione. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare un Widowmaker. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare la spada lunga del samurai. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare il bastone dell'uomo morto. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare il bastone del Ghoul. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare il bastone del demone. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare il pugnale di cristallo. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per fare il Great Pata. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'arco Eminence. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per realizzare l'Ascia degli Orchi. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per realizzare la Candela della Saggezza. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare il ramo benedetto. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare la piuma della fenice. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare l'occhio di Cerberus. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i Nani usano per creare la Pergamena della Distruzione. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare l'artiglio del drago nero. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave che i nani usano per creare la piuma del corvo con tre occhi. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per la canapa intrecciata corrosa. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è d
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per coca cola corrosa. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per acciaio corroso. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per polvere di ossa grossolane corrose. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di succes
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per stampo in acciaio corroso. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 1
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per pelle scamosciata corrosa di alta qualità. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di su
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per stampo in argento corroso. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per la vernice di purezza corrosa. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è d
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per coke sintetiche corrose. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per treccia sintetica corrosa. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per la lega di mithril corrosa. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il telaio dell'artigiano corroso. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è de
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il telaio del fabbro corroso. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 1
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per pelle di qualità corrosa. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per la fibra metallica corrosa. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 10

Pagina 26

Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una collana di diamanti blu. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una collana di devozione. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una collana magica. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un occhio di tigre. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per l'orecchino degli elfi. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un anello elfico. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una collana elfica. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un orecchino occhio di bestia di onice. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di succ
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un anello di mithril. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una collana scura. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per l'orecchino di pietra di luna. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un anello Aquastone. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una collana di pietre d'acqua. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è d
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per l'orecchino di protezione. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un anello di protezione. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una collana di protezione. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 1
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per l'orecchino di foca. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per realizzare un Anello delle Ere. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è d
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una collana di sirene. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una collana di foche. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per gli orecchini di Nassen. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per l'anello di un saggio. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per la collana di un saggio. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una camicia di pelle resistente. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per ghette in pelle resistente. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per gli stivali. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per stivali di pelle. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un elmo d'osso. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per calze scure. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per guanti in pelle di qualità. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una posta in scala. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una tunica bianca. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per le ghette in scala. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una cotta fasciata di mithril. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per ghette fasciate in mithril. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per gli stivali di ferro. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Brigandine. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una camicia di pelle Manticore. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per ghette in pelle Manticore. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una tunica in mithril. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per calze di mithril. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per i guanti RIP. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per uno scudo aquilone. Richiede l'abilità Crea oggetto lv. 3. Tasso di successo del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Stivali della Forza. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per i guanti di mithril. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per mezzo piatto. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per le ghette del piatto. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una cotta di pelle di salamandra. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per gli stracci di un saggio. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%

Pagina 27

Solo per Nani. Ricetta per le calze karmiane. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un elmo a catena. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per uno scudo quadrato. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per stivali d'assalto. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per stivali di mithril rinforzati. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una maglia di cotta di maglia. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è d
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per ghette a catena. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una camicia in mithril rinforzato. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una tunica karmiana. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per i Guanti Lunghi del Potere dell'Ogre. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di succes
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Eldarake. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un elmo a piastre di metallo. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è de
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per armature in pelle placcata. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 1
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per ghette in pelle placcata. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una maglia di cotta di maglia dei nani. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di succ
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per le ghette a catena naniche. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una veste di foca. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un grande casco. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per lo scudo di un cavaliere. Richiede l'abilità Crea oggetto lv. 5. Tasso di successo del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una mano Pa'agrio. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per stivali cremisi. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un'armatura di cuoio della crosta. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per ghette in pelle cotenna. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per l'armatura composta. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per uno scudo della torre. Richiede l'abilità Crea oggetto lv. 5. Tasso di successo del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per la tunica di un demone. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per le calze del demone. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per guanti di mithril. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per gli stivali dimenticati. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un cerchietto brillante. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un'armatura di cuoio Theca. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per le ghette in pelle Theca. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un'armatura di piastre completa. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un'armatura di cuoio di Drake. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è d
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una tunica divina. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per calze divine. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un elmo di Mithril. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un Cap of Mana. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una cappa Paradia. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un cappuccio dell'eclissi solare. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un cappuccio di evocazione. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è de
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un cappuccio elementale. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 1
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un cappuccio di grazia. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un cappuccio della fenice. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 1
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un cappuccio di aiuto. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un elmo di fiamma. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un elmo di Tallum. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un elmo di Avadon. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un elmo del pegno. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.

Pagina 28

Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Guanti Lunghi di Fantasma. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per stivali di Adamantite. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una freccia d'osso. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una bella Freccia d'Acciaio. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un martello di ferro. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per uno spaccaspada. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un arco composto. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una sciabola. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un coltello da assassino. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un tridente. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Tentazione dell'Abisso. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una spada Spinebone. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Mazza del giudizio. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il bastone del prestigiatore. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un arco elfico. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un tridente nanico. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una spada a due mani. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una mazza a spillo. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un coltello Shilen. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per i gastrafeti. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un tomo di sangue. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una stella del mattino. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un bastone da testa di capra. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3 La percentuale di successo è de
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una lancia alata. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una spada della rivoluzione. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è de
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il Tarbar. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un frantumatore di teschi. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una mazza da ossa pesanti. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è de
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il Maingauche. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il Bich'Hwa. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un arco lungo rinforzato. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una scelta di guerra. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un crocifisso di sangue. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un occhio dell'infinito. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il Maingauche maledetto. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un teschio di cristallo blu. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per le zanne del demone. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il Claymore. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per uno spaccaossa. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un martello Atuba. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un bastone fantasma. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il bastone della vita. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un pugnale di mithril. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il Jamadh di capesante. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4 La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un fiocco leggero. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un Glaive. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per le bacchette Vajra. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per l'Antico Reagente. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una mazza Atuba. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.

Pagina 29

Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un Flamberge. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un Portatore della Tempesta. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è de
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un grande martello. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una falce. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un'ascia da battaglia. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una scelta di guerra. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un Skull Graver. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un martello pesante del destino. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un bastone di cristallo. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4 La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un bastone della fede. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un'ascia del destino pesante. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è de
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il pugnale maledetto. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un ago Wolverine. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un pugnale degli elfi scuri. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4 La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il Chakram. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un fiocco di ghiaccio cristallizzato. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un falcione orchesco. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4 La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un Body Slasher. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per lo Shamshir. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per la Kanata. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il Bec de Corbin. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per la spada di uno spirito. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una spada da incursione. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il bastone maledetto. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per uno stiletto. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un Dirk Soulfire. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un arco elementale. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un nobile arco elfico. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Lacrime di Fata. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un corno di gloria. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per i Calibur. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una spada dell'illusione. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per gli Tsurugi. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per la spada di Homunkulus. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un Poleaxe. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una spada definitiva. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una spada dell'incubo. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per la spada della morte sussurrante. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un'ascia da guerra. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un'ascia dei Nirvana. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un bastone dell'eternità. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un personale Paradia. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un bastone Inferno. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un martello Pa'agrio. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il bastone di un saggio. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un club della natura. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una mazza degli inferi. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un pugnale di grazia. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un Dark Screamer. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.

Pagina 30

Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una lama a pugno. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per l'arco lungo Akat. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il libro dei pagani. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una bambola esagonale. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un'ascia Pa'agrio. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per uno scorpione. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un creatore di vedove. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per la spada lunga del samurai. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il bastone del morto. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il bastone del Ghoul. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il bastone di un demone. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un pugnale di cristallo. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un ottimo pata. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un arco di Eminenza. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una Poleaxe degli Orchi. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una candela della saggezza. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è de
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un ramo benedetto. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per la piuma di fenice. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un occhio di Cerberus. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una Pergamena della Distruzione. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per l'Artiglio del Drago Nero. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per la piuma di corvo con tre occhi. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è
Collana usata per evocare i lupi. Prende una parte degli XP guadagnati dal Pet master.
Il potere di uno spirito di livello superiore viene conferito a un'arma che causa il suo M. Atk. aumentare momentaneamente. U
Il potere di uno spirito di livello superiore viene conferito a un'arma che causa il suo M. Atk. aumentare momentaneamente. U
Il potere di uno spirito di livello superiore viene conferito a un'arma che causa il suo M. Atk. aumentare momentaneamente. U
Il potere di uno spirito di livello superiore viene conferito a un'arma che causa il suo M. Atk. aumentare momentaneamente. U
Il potere di uno spirito di livello superiore viene conferito a un'arma che causa il suo M. Atk. aumentare momentaneamente. U
Il potere di uno spirito di livello superiore viene conferito a un'arma che causa il suo M. Atk. aumentare momentaneamente. U
Quando l'indicatore della fame di un lupo raggiunge il 55% o meno, il suo cibo verrà consumato automaticamente.
Marchio dato a coloro che hanno superato la Prova dello Sfidante. Articolo per il cambio di lavoro.
La lettera di presentazione di Kash. Porta questa lettera a Martien nella città di Giran.
Oggetto ottenuto dal mostro, Gorr. Porta questo a Martien nella città di Giran.
Oggetto ottenuto dal mostro Baraham. Mostra questo a Raldo e...
Antica pergamena ottenuta uccidendo Shyslassys. Porta questo a Kash nella città di Dion.
Chiave ottenuta uccidendo Shyslassys. Questa chiave è necessaria per aprire la cassa di Shyslassys.
Marchio dato a coloro che hanno superato la Prova del Dovere. Articolo per il cambio di lavoro.
Lettera data da Dustin. Consegna la lettera al Gran Maestro Hannavalt nella città di Giran.
Ottenuto dallo spirito di Sir Herod. Porta questo a Sir Aaron Tanford.
Questo è necessario per parlare con il fantasma di Sir Talianus. Usalo per sconfiggere l'albero dell'impiccato.
Ottenuto dal fantasma di Sir Talianus. Porta questo a Sir Kiel Nighthawk.
Puoi ottenerlo cacciando ceppi e ghoul. Raccogli 10 pezzi e mettili insieme per creare il rapporto di Talianus.
Il rapporto completato. Dopo aver parlato con Sir Kiel Nighthawk, consegna il rapporto al fantasma di Sir Talianus.
Questo oggetto può essere ottenuto da Isael Silvershadow. Portalo al prete Dustin.
Puoi ricevere questo oggetto quando catturi un uomo lucertola Leto. Raccogli 20 di loro e portali a Isael Silvershadow.
Oggetto ricevuto dal prete Dustin. Consegna questo a Sir Windawood.
Puoi ottenere questo oggetto da un Breka Orc Overlord. Portalo a Priest Dustin insieme alle costole di Athebaldt e allo stinco
Puoi ottenere questo oggetto da un Breka Orc Overlord. Portalo a Priest Dustin insieme al teschio di Athebaldt e allo stinco d

Pagina 31

Puoi ottenere questo oggetto da un Breka Orc Overlord. Portalo al prete Dustin insieme alle costole di Athebaldt e al teschio
Lettera ricevuta da Sir Colin Windawood. Mostra questo al prete Dustin.
Lettera inviata da mastro Dufner a mastro Terry nella città di Dion.
Indaga sui Neer Ghoul Berserker dei Campi dell'Esecuzione.
Indaga sul Capitano Ol Mahum, Turek Orc Warlord, Ant Captain e Turak Bugbear Warrior.
Lettera inviata da Maestro Terry al mercante Viktor del villaggio di cacciatori.
Lettera inviata dal commerciante Viktor al maestro Terry nella città di Dion. La lettera ha il sigillo di Terry.
Lettera inviata da Occhio di Falco al mercante Viktor del Villaggio dei cacciatori.
Misterioso minerale spirituale ottenuto dopo aver ucciso Neer Ghoul Berserkers. Porta questo al maestro Terry.
Misterioso minerale spirituale ottenuto dopo aver ucciso il Capitano di Ol Mahum. Porta questo al maestro Terry.
Misterioso minerale spirituale ottenuto dopo aver ucciso il signore supremo degli orchi Turek. Porta questo al maestro Terry.
Misterioso minerale spirituale ottenuto dopo aver ucciso il Capitano delle formiche. Porta questo al maestro Terry.
Misterioso minerale spirituale ottenuto dopo aver ucciso il Turak Bugbear Warrior. Porta questo al maestro Terry.
Scrigno contenente il misterioso minerale spirituale. Portalo al mercante Viktor del villaggio dei cacciatori.
Richiesta emessa dal commerciante Viktor. "Per favore, raccogli 10 scaglie di medusa."
Le squame della medusa. Raccogli 10 di questi e portali al commerciante Viktor.
Strano minerale spirituale ottenuto dai corpi di specie mutanti. Sembrano essere imparentati con Shilen, la dea della morte.
Lettera di richiesta inviata al mercante Viktor a Magister Marina della Torre d'Avorio. La lettera chiede a Marina di analizzare
Lettera inviata da Magister Marina al fabbro Brunon del villaggio dei nani.
Strumenti sperimentali realizzati dal fabbro Brunon. Consegnali a Magister Marina della Torre d'Avorio.
Documento in cui Magister Marina ha organizzato i risultati analizzati dell'Abyss Spirit Ore. Consegnalo a Master Terry nella c
Gli ordini del maestro Terry. Gli ordini danno istruzioni per tornare per il prossimo compito dopo aver raggiunto il livello 36.
Elenco degli ospiti bezoar. "Marsh stakato drone, Breka Orc Overlord, formica capitano guerriero, Leto uomo lucertola guerrie
Il bezoar oscuro recuperato dal corpo di un Marsh Stakato Drone. Porta questo al maestro Terry.
Il minerale spirituale recuperato dal corpo dell'Overlord Breka Orc. Porta questo al maestro Terry.
Lo Spirito Minerale recuperato dal corpo del Capitano delle Formiche. Porta questo al maestro Terry.
Il minerale spirituale recuperato dal corpo del guerriero lucertola di Leto. Porta questo al maestro Terry.
Riporta le informazioni dettagliate sull'incidente di Spirit Ore. Porta questo al maestro Dufner della città di Giran.
Marchio dato a coloro che hanno superato la Prova del Cercatore. Voce relativa al cambio di occupazione.
Marchio dato a coloro che hanno superato la Prova dello Studioso. Voce relativa al cambio di occupazione.
Un distintivo dato dal Magister Mirien mentre impartiva ordini per completare la richiesta del Sommo Sacerdote Sylvain.
Un distintivo dato da Magister Mirien mentre impartiva ordini per completare la richiesta del Gran Magister Jurek.
Un distintivo dato dal Magister Mirien quando impartisce ordini per completare la richiesta dell'anziano Cronos.
Nota che contiene le istruzioni di Magister Mirien. La nota fornisce istruzioni per tornare per il prossimo compito dopo aver ra
Lettera inviata da Maria al Capitano Lucas nella Città di Dion.
Lettera inviata da Maria all'Astrologo Creta del villaggio di Floran.
Lettera inviata dal capitano Lucas nella città di Dion a Maria.
La borsa lasciata dall'amica di Maria, Lucillas, la notte del furto. Porta questo all'astrologo Creta.
Lettera inviata dall'Astrologo Creta a Maria nella Città di Dion.
Dipinto dell'astrologo Creta. Contiene un'ombra che si presume sia quella del ladro. Porta questo a Maria.
Dipinto dell'astrologo Creta. Contiene un'ombra che si presume sia quella del ladro. Porta questo al capitano Lucas.
Dipinto dipinto dall'astrologo Creta. L'ombra nel dipinto è quella di un guerriero lucertola di Leto.
Frammento di una pergamena che contiene indicazioni su come creare il cristallo della purezza. Raccogli 5 di questi e portali
Cristallo usato per purificare la terra. Porta questo al sommo sacerdote Sylvain nella città di Dion.
Un distintivo ricevuto dal Sommo Sacerdote Sylvain. Prova data a coloro che stanno eseguendo gli ordini del Sommo Sacerd
Un distintivo ricevuto dal Gran Magister Jurek. Prova data a coloro che stanno eseguendo gli ordini del Gran Magister.
Un distintivo ricevuto dall'anziano Cronos. Questo significa che qualcuno sta eseguendo gli ordini dell'anziano Cronos.
La lettera del sommo sacerdote Sylvain. Porta questo a Maria nella città di Dion.
Marchio dato a coloro che hanno superato la prova del Sommo Sacerdote Sylvain. Porta questo a Magister Mirien nella città

Pagina 32

L'elenco delle creature malvagie su cui il Gran Magister Jurek ti ha chiesto di indagare: il distruttore di occhi mostruosi, lo scia
La pelle di Beamer. Raccogli 5 di questi e portali al Gran Magister Jurek della Città di Giran.
Una collana da sciamano orco Breka. Raccogli 5 di questi e portali al Gran Magister Jurek nella città di Giran.
Pelle della testa del grillo. Raccogline 2 e portali dal Gran Magister Jurek della Città di Giran.
Marchio dato a coloro che hanno superato la prova del Gran Magister Jurek. Porta questo a Magister Mirien nella città di Dio
Lettera inviata dall'anziano Cronos a Magister Dieter nella città di Giran.
Chiave della cassa dove Dieter ha nascosto le Scritture della Conoscenza. Porta questo all'astrologo Creta nel villaggio di Flo
La lettera di Creta che descrive il furto delle Scritture della Conoscenza. Porta questo a Magister Dieter nella città di Giran.
Lettera di Magister Dieter al mercante Edroc del negozio di armi di Hunter's Village.
Diario di Magister Dieter, da lui dato nella speranza che possa essere di aiuto nel recupero delle Scritture della Conoscenza.
Busta da lettera semplice senza contenuto. La busta è indirizzata "Al magazziniere Raut".
Anello regalato da Drunkard Triff. Mostra questo anello a coloro ai quali Triff ha affidato le Scritture della Conoscenza.
Il primo libro delle Scritture della Conoscenza. Raccogli tutti e 4 i libri.
Il 2° libro delle Scritture della Conoscenza. Raccogli tutti e 4 i libri.
Il 3° libro delle Scritture della Conoscenza. Raccogli tutti e 4 i libri.
Il 4° libro delle Scritture della Conoscenza. Raccogli tutti e 4 i libri.
La richiesta del magazziniere Valkon. Le istruzioni sono di riportare il cristallo della purezza.
I libri contabili del fabbro Poitan. Porta questo all'Anziano Casian delle Terre Desolate.
Scritture a cura dell'anziano Cronos. Si dice che contenga una vasta conoscenza del passato. Fa parte di un insieme di 4 scr
Come indica il nome, un liquore forte. Porta questo a Drunkard Triff al porto.
Oggetto che il custode del magazzino Valkon nella città di Giran ha accettato di scambiare con te per il capitolo 2 delle scrittu
10 Ghoul's Skins, 12 unità di Medusa's Blood, 5 unità di Fettered Soul Fluids e 5 Reinforced Gargoyle's Nails.
La pelle di un ghoul. Raccogli 10 di questi e portali all'anziano Casian.
Il sangue di Medusa. Raccogli 12 bottiglie e portale all'anziano Casian.
L'icore di un'anima incatenata. Raccogli 5 unità e portale dall'anziano Casian.
Le unghie incantate di un gargoyle. Raccogli 5 di questi e portali all'anziano Casian.
Il marchio di Cronos, il saggio più importante del continente. Porta questo a Magister Mirien nella città di Dion.
Segno dato a coloro che hanno superato la Prova del Pellegrino. Voce relativa al cambio di occupazione.
Libro ricevuto dall'anziano Casian. Porta questo libro all'Eremita Santiago.
Marchio dato dall'eremita Santiago. Mostra questo al Veggente Tanapi del Villaggio degli Orchi.
Prova che hai una comprensione del Cuore di Fiamma. Per portare a termine la fase successiva di questa prova, vai da Gau
Gioiello ottenuto dalla salamandra di lava. Porta questo all'antenato Martankus.
Libro donato dal sacerdote Gerald. Il libro sembra molto economico.
Distintivo dato da Wanderer Dorf. Porta questo a Priest Primos nella città di Giran.
Immagine del mostro, Nahir. Sconfiggi Nahir, che si nasconde nelle profondità delle Rovine elfiche a Talking Island.
I capelli del mostro, Nahir. Porta questo al prete Petron.
La statua di Einhasad donata dal sacerdote Petron. Porta questo ad Andellia, che vive vicino alla Radura dell'Albero Madre n
Libro regalato da Uruha. Il libro contiene lettere irriconoscibili scritte con il sangue.
Detriti ottenuti dal salice nero. Vai a cercare Uruha mentre sei in possesso di questo.
Questo contiene voci riguardanti Wanderer Dorf e Priest Gerald.
Segno dato a coloro che hanno superato la Testimonianza di Fiducia. Voce relativa al cambio di occupazione.
Lettera per chiedere la fiducia degli Elfi. Consegna questo al Gerarca Asterios del Villaggio degli Elfi.
Lettera che richiede la fiducia degli Elfi Oscuri. Consegna questo al tetrarca Thifiell del Villaggio degli Elfi Oscuri.
Lettera che richiede la fiducia dei Nani. Consegna questo a Lockirin del villaggio dei nani.
Lettera che richiede la fiducia degli Orchi. Consegna questo al Pa'agrio Lord Kakai al Villaggio degli Orchi.
Lettera data dal sommo sacerdote Hollint. Consegna questo al cardinale Seresin alla città di Oren.
Pergamena data dal tetrarca Thifiell. Consegna questo, insieme alla pergamena dell'Elf Trust, al Sommo Sacerdote Hollint.
Questo oggetto può essere ottenuto dal Gerarca Asterios. Dai questo oggetto insieme alla pergamena della fiducia degli Elfi
Pergamena data da Lockirin della Porta di Ferro. Consegna questo, insieme alla pergamena della fiducia degli Orchi, al card

Pagina 33

Pergamena data da Kakai, Signore della Fiamma. Consegna questo, insieme alla pergamena della fiducia dei nani, al cardin
Consegna questo al Sommo Sacerdote Biotina al Tempio di Einhasad a Talking Island.
Uccidi Luell di Zephyr Winds e Actea di Verdant Wilds e riporta le prove della loro morte.
Ottenuto da Luell di Zephyr Winds. Consegna questo, insieme al seme di verdura, al Gerarca Asterios.
Prova ottenuta da Actea di Verdant Wilds. Consegna questo, insieme al soffio dei venti, al Gerarca Asterios.
Consegna questo a Magister Clayton, membro della Gilda degli Elfi Oscuri, nella città di Dion.
Sangue prelevato da un Basilisco Guardiano. Raccogli 5 per produrre Basilisk Plasma.
Ottenuto da vari Ant Soldier. Raccogli 5 per creare Honey Dew.
Fluido acquisito da vari Marsh Stakato. Raccogli 5 per produrre Stakato Ichor.
Porta questo, insieme a Honey Dew e Stakato Ichor, a Magister Clayton.
Porta questo, insieme al Basilisk Plasma e allo Stakato Ichor, a Magister Clayton.
Porta questo, insieme a Honey Dew e Basilisk Plasma, a Magister Clayton.
Ottieni Basilisk Plasma da un Guardian Basilisk, Stakato Ichor da un Marsh Stakato e Honey Dew da una Ant Guard e portal
Questo può essere ottenuto dal Windsus. Raccogli 10 di questi e portali al sacerdote Manakia.
Lettera ricevuta da Pa'agrio Lord Kakai. Consegna questo al sacerdote Manakia nella città di Giran.
Lettera ricevuta dal sacerdote Manakia. Consegna questo a Pa'agrio Lord Kakai.
Lettera ricevuta da Lockirin della Porta di Ferro. Consegna questo al Maestro Nikola della Torre Cruma.
Ottieni 1 Porta Heartstone e portala al Maestro Nikola.
Heartstone acquisito da Porta. Portalo al maestro Nikola.
Marchio dato a coloro che hanno superato la Prova del Duellante. Articolo per il cambio di lavoro.
Uccidi almeno 10 Puncher e 10 Noble Ant Leaders a Gludio.
Uccidi almeno 10 Marsh Stakato Drones e 10 Corpse Tracker a Dion.
Uccidi almeno 10 Breka Orc Overlords e 10 Fettered Souls a Giran.
Uccidi almeno 10 Leto Lizardman Overlords e 10 Monster Eye rinforzati a Oren.
Uccidi almeno 10 Tamlin Orcs e 10 Tamlin Orc Archers ad Aden.""
Frammento del puncher rotto. Raccogli 10 di questi da portare a Duelist Kaien.
Le antenne del nobile capo delle formiche. Raccogli 10 di questi da portare a Duelist Kaien.
La chitina del drone Marsh Stakato. Raccogli 10 di questi da portare a Duelist Kaien.
Le zanne del pipistrello Corpse Tracker. Raccogli 10 di questi da portare a Duelist Kaien.
Raccogli dieci collane di Breka Orc Overlord e portale al Duelist Kaien.
Le catene che circondano il corpo di un'anima incatenata. Raccogli 10 di questi da portare a Duelist Kaien.
L'amuleto di un Leto Lizardman Overlord. Raccogli 10 di questi da portare a Duelist Kaien.
La carne di un occhio incantato. Raccogli 10 di questi da portare a Duelist Kaien.
L'anello di un Orco Tamlin. Raccogli 10 di questi da portare a Duelist Kaien.
Le frecce di un arciere orco Tamlin. Raccogli 10 di questi da portare a Duelist Kaien.
Sconfiggi Excuro e Krator della Cruma Tower, i Grandis di Giran, il Timak Orc Overlord di Oren e il Lakin di Aden per 3 volte.
La pelle dell'excuro. Raccogli 3 di questi da portare a Duelist Kaien.
Il frammento di un krator rotto. Raccogli 3 di questi da portare a Duelist Kaien.
La pelle di un grandis. Raccogli 3 di questi da portare a Duelist Kaien.
La cintura di un signore supremo degli orchi di Timak. Raccogli 3 di questi da portare a Duelist Kaien.
Mazza usata da un lakin. Raccogli 3 di questi da portare a Duelist Kaien.
Lettera data dal Maestro Lutero. Porta questo ad Alex del villaggio di Floran.
Warrant scritto da Alex. Porta questo a Leirynn.
Elenco degli ordini impartiti da Leirynn. "Uccidi 10 Sciamani Delu e riporta i loro gettoni."
Il totem dello sciamano Saska. Porta questo, insieme al resto dei totem Delu Shaman, a Leirynn.
Elenco degli ordini impartiti da Leirynn. Uccidi il capo Delu Kalkis e riporta le prove.
Prova che il capo Delu Kalkis è stato ucciso. Porta questo a Leirynn.
Rapporto pubblicato da Leirynn. Porta questo ad Alex.
Strana mappa ottenuta dal capo Delu Kalkis.

Pagina 34

Mappa dove è scritto il nome di Lambert, l'ex guardia del signore.

Lettera data da Alex. Prendi questo e vai dall'ubriacone Borys alla Città di Gludio.
Gli ordini di Alessio. Gli ordini danno istruzioni per trovare e recuperare l'oro mancante di Duke Ashton.
Elenco dei vini premium pubblicato dalla Gilda dei commercianti Giran. Mostra questo al commerciante Tyra.
Il contratto che il commerciante Tyra ha redatto. Il contratto prevede che Tyra scambi 10 sacchetti di polvere di spore rosse c
Polvere di spore rosse ottenuta uccidendo il fungo gigante. Raccogli 10 borse e portale al commerciante Tyra.
Vino premium realizzato secondo i metodi della tribù Maluk. Porta questo all'ubriacone Borys.
Vecchio ordine ricevuto dall'ubriacone Borys. Prendi questo e vai dalla guardia del corpo Jax.
Diario che la guardia del corpo Jax ha dato, dicendo che aiuterà nella ricerca delle mappe di Solt e Makel.
Pezzo della mappa che apparteneva all'ex guardia del signore Solt. Raccogli 4 di questi.
Pezzo della mappa che apparteneva all'ex guardia del signore Makel. Raccogli 4 di questi.
Mappa dove è scritto il nome dell'ex guardia del signore Solt.
Mappa dove è scritto il nome dell'ex guardia del signore Makel.
Usando la mappa (alt-m), trova il nascondiglio del lingotto d'oro del signore.
Chiave di rame arrugginita scoperta scavando sotto l'albero indicato sulla mappa.
Lingotto d'oro inciso con il sigillo del Duca Ashton. Porta questo ad Alex.
Raccomandazione scritta da Alex. Porta questo al maestro Lutero.
Marchio dato a coloro che hanno superato la Prova del Cercatore. Voce relativa al cambio di occupazione.
Prendi questo rapporto e vai a cercare Perrin nel porto di Gludin.
Lettera data da Santa Cristina. Consegna questo al Maestro Sorius.
Immagine di ventoso. Porta questo disegno a Windy.
La ricompensa data dal capo dell'orfanotrofio. Succede qualcosa di buono se questo è in possesso?
Sassolino che Windy ha raccolto dalle Terre Desolate. Porta questo a Gupu, il capo dell'orfanotrofio vicino a Gludio.
Prendi questi ordini e mostrali a Daurin, che si trova a ovest della Caserma degli Orchi.
I documenti di Leto Lizardmen. Raccogli tutte le lettere e consegnale a Santa Kristina.
I documenti di Leto Lizardmen. Raccogli tutte le lettere e consegnale a Santa Kristina.
I documenti di Leto Lizardmen. Raccogli tutte le lettere e consegnale a Santa Kristina.
I documenti di Leto Lizardmen. Raccogli tutte le lettere e consegnale a Santa Kristina.
Marchio dato a coloro che hanno superato la Prova del Guaritore. Voce relativa al cambio di occupazione.
Marchio dato a coloro che hanno superato il Processo al Riformatore. Voce relativa al cambio di occupazione.
Libro ricevuto dalla sacerdotessa Pupina. Vai all'Execution Grounds e uccidi i non morti senza nome con il potere della luce.
Lettera di presentazione della sacerdotessa Pupina. Prendi questo e incontra il Profeta Sla delle Terre Desolate.
Lettera data da Sla. Porta questo a Katari, che è vicino alle cascate della Zona Neutrale.
Lettera inviata da Sla ai suoi discepoli. Vai al villaggio degli orchi, al villaggio dei nani e all'isola parlante in questo ordine.
Valuta Ol Mahum data dagli stessi come ricompensa. Per quello...? Nessuno sa.
La lettera di risposta di Katari a Sla. Raccogli 3 lettere di risposta dai discepoli di Sla e consegnale a Sla.
La lettera di risposta di Nyakuri a Sla. Raccogli 3 lettere di risposta dai discepoli di Sla e consegnale a Sla.
Skeleton Archer, Skeleton Lord, Skeleton Marksman, Misery Skeleton e Silent Horror.
Lettera di risposta inviata da Ramus a Sla. Consegna questo a Sla dopo aver incontrato tutti i discepoli di Sla.
Diari contenenti le ultime parole di giovani donne uccise ingiustamente durante la caccia alle streghe del duca Byron Ashton.
Il grande chiodo conficcato nel cranio di Aruraune. Porta questo alla sacerdotessa Pupina nella città di Giran.
Lettera data da un traditore di Ol Mahum. Portalo a Katari nell'area paludosa della Foresta Oscura.
Pezzi d'ossa di un orrore silenzioso. Porta questo, insieme al resto dei frammenti di ossa non morte, a Ramus.
Frammento osseo di un signore scheletro. Porta questo, insieme al resto dei frammenti di ossa non morte, a Ramus.
Frammento osseo di un tiratore scelto scheletro. Porta questo, insieme al resto dei frammenti di ossa non morte, a Ramus.
Frammento osseo da uno scheletro miseria. Portalo a Ramus insieme ad altri frammenti ossei dei non morti.
Frammento osseo di un arciere scheletro. Porta questo, insieme al resto dei frammenti di ossa non morte, a Ramus.
Frammento osseo di uno scheletro. Porta questo, insieme al resto dei frammenti di ossa non morte, a Ramus.
Marchio dato a coloro che hanno superato la Prova del Mago. Articolo per il cambio di lavoro.

Pagina 35

Lettera inviata da Bard Rukal a Parina del Villaggio di Gludin.

Lettera inviata da Parina all'anziano Casian. La lettera fa domande sul fiore che canta.
Amuleto di protezione creato dall'anziano Casian. Prendi questo e cerca i 3 tipi di fiori che cantano.
Il seme del fiore che canta, che assorbe il sangue per sbocciare. Raccogli 3 di questi e portali a Bard Rukal.
Il seme del fiore che canta, che assorbe il sangue per sbocciare. Raccogli 3 di questi e portali a Bard Rukal.
Il seme del fiore che canta, che assorbe il sangue per sbocciare. Raccogli 3 di questi e portali a Bard Rukal.
Spartito musicale fornito da Bard Rukal. Prendi questo e trova i 4 toni elementali.
Gioiello abbagliante a forma di lacrima. Raccogli 20 di questi e portali all'Acqua Ondina.
Cristallo ottenuto dal fuoco fantasma. Raccogli 5 di questi e portali alla Salamandra Fiammata.
La piuma di un'arpia uccisa. Raccogli 20 di questi e portali alla silfide del vento.
L'ala di un Wyrm ucciso. Raccogli 10 di questi e portali alla silfide del vento.
La criniera di un Windsus ucciso. Raccogli 10 di questi e portali alla silfide del vento.
La pelle di un occhio incantato ucciso. Raccogli 10 di questi e portali al Serpente della Terra.
Polvere di pietra ottenuta dopo aver ucciso un Golem di pietra rinforzato. Raccogli 10 di questi e portali al Serpente della Ter
Frammento di un Golem d'Acciaio Rinforzato distrutto. Raccogli 10 di questi e portali al Serpente della Terra.
Una delle note che compongono la bella melodia dei quattro elementi. Porta questo a Bard Rukal nella città di Dion.
Una delle note che compongono la bella melodia dei quattro elementi. Porta questo a Bard Rukal nella città di Dion.
Una delle note che compongono la bella melodia dei quattro elementi. Porta questo a Bard Rukal nella città di Dion.
Una delle note che compongono la bella melodia dei quattro elementi. Porta questo a Bard Rukal nella città di Dion.
Fascino di accordo dato dalla Salamandra Fiammata. Promette di dare il tono del fuoco in cambio di 5 cristalli di fiamma.
Fascino d'accordo dato dalla silfide del vento. Promette di dare il tono del vento in cambio dei materiali raccolti dall'arpia, dal
Fascino d'accordo dato dall'Acqua Ondina. Promette di dare il tono dell'acqua in cambio di 20 gocce abbaglianti.
Fascino di accordo dato dal Serpente della Terra. Promette di dare il tono della terra in cambio dell'uccisione dei Mostri Rinfo
Raccomandazione data da Balanki di Silver Scale. Raccogli tutti e 3 i consigli e visita Lockirin of the Iron Gate.
Raccomandazione data da Filaur del Pilastro Grigio. Raccogli tutti e 3 i consigli e cerca Lockirin del Cancello di Ferro.
Raccomandazione data da Arin di Black Anvil. Raccogli tutti e 3 i consigli e vai a Lockirin of the Iron Gate.
Marchio dato a coloro che hanno superato la Prova del Maestro. Voce relativa al cambio di occupazione.
Lettera del capitano Croto che promette di inviare soldati. Consegna questo a Lockirin della Porta di Ferro.
Dipinto di Kamuru. Vai alla Caverna delle Prove nel regno degli orchi per cercarlo.
Collana indossata da Kamuru. Consegna questo al capitano Croto.
Disegno di un dispositivo di teletrasporto. Recupera questo dispositivo da Master Toma.
Dispositivo di teletrasporto fornito dal Maestro Toma. Consegna questo ad Arin di Black Anvil.
Spiegazione semplice dell'architettura Cruman. Portalo al team di ricerca di stanza all'ingresso della Torre Cruma.
Report che riporta i risultati delle indagini effettuate dal gruppo di ricerca Cruma. Consegna questo a Eldar Filaur.
Raccogli 10 aghi di vespa strana, 10 ragnatele di palude e 10 sangue di sanguisuga e consegnali al ricercatore Lorain.
Raccogli 10 di questi e consegnali insieme agli altri ingredienti al ricercatore Lorain.
Raccogli 10 di questi e consegnali insieme agli altri ingredienti al ricercatore Lorain.
Raccogli 10 di questi e consegnali insieme agli altri ingredienti al ricercatore Lorain.
Marchio dato a coloro che hanno superato la Prova dello Spirito di Guerra. Articolo per il cambio di lavoro.
Totem dato agli Orchi che cercano di punire i traditori della loro razza. Prendi questo e dai la caccia agli Orchi Tamlin.
La testa di un Orco Tamlin ucciso. Raccogli 13 di questi e portali al Veggente Somak.
Totem utilizzato nel Rituale dello Spirito della Guerra. Porta questo ad Ancestor Martankus nella Caverna delle Prove.
Ti darò i resti di Braki in cambio di 10 Porta Eyes, 10 Excuro Scales e 10 Mordeo Talons.""
Gioiello estrasse dall'occhio del Porta. Raccogli 10 di questi e portali a Orim of the Shadow.
Le scale di un excuro. Raccogli 10 di questi e portali a Orim of the Shadow.
Gli artigli di un Mordeo. Raccogli 10 di questi e portali a Orim of the Shadow.
I resti di Braki, un antico eroe degli Orchi. Porta questo, insieme ai 3 resti aggiuntivi, al Veggente Somak.
Totem guardiano ricevuto dal Veggente Pekiron. Prendi questo e vai dagli sciamani e dai capi lucertola di Leto per recuperar
Il teschio di Tonar, un antico eroe degli Orchi. Porta questo, insieme agli altri 4 resti, al Veggente Pekiron.

Pagina 36

Le costole di Tonar, un antico eroe degli Orchi. Porta questo, insieme agli altri 4 resti, al Veggente Pekiron.
Le ossa della colonna vertebrale di Tonar, un antico eroe degli Orchi. Porta questo, insieme agli altri 4 resti, al Veggente Pek
Le ossa del braccio di Tonar, un antico eroe degli Orchi. Porta questo, insieme agli altri 4 resti, al Veggente Pekiron.
Le ossa della coscia di Tonar, un antico eroe degli Orchi. Porta questo, insieme agli altri 4 resti, al Veggente Pekiron.
I resti di Tonar, un antico eroe degli Orchi. Porta questo, insieme ai resti degli altri 3 eroi, al Veggente Somak.
Totem ricevuto dal sacerdote Manakia. Prendi questo e vai dalle meduse e da Stenoa, la regina delle gorgoni, per recuperare
Il teschio di Hermodt, un antico eroe degli Orchi. Porta questo, insieme agli altri 4 resti, a Priest Manakia.
Le costole di Hermodt, un antico eroe degli Orchi. Porta questo, insieme agli altri 4 resti, a Priest Manakia.
Le ossa della colonna vertebrale di Hermodt, un antico eroe degli Orchi. Porta questo, insieme agli altri 4 resti, a Priest Mana
Le ossa del braccio di Hermodt, un antico eroe degli Orchi. Porta questo, insieme agli altri 4 resti, a Priest Manakia.
Le ossa della coscia di Hermodt, un antico eroe degli Orchi. Porta questo, insieme agli altri 4 resti, a Priest Manakia.
I resti di Hermodt, un antico eroe degli Orchi. Porta questo, insieme ai resti degli altri tre eroi, al Veggente Somak.
Totem donato dal veggente Racoy. Prendi questo e vai al Tempio di Einhasad nella città di Gludio per chiedere di Kiruna.
Lettera della sacerdotessa Vivyan. Porta questo al Mercante Sarien delle Terre Desolate Meridionali.
Enciclopedia degli insetti che il commerciante Sarien ha dato come aiuto. Prendi questo e caccia le formiche nobili per recup
Il teschio di Kiruna, un antico eroe degli Orchi. Porta questo, insieme agli altri 4 resti, a Seer Racoy.
Le costole di Kiruna, un antico eroe degli Orchi. Porta questo, insieme agli altri 4 resti, a Seer Racoy.
Le ossa della colonna vertebrale di Kiruna, un antico eroe degli Orchi. Porta questo, insieme agli altri 4 resti, a Seer Racoy.
Le ossa del braccio di Kiruna, un antico eroe degli Orchi. Porta questo, insieme agli altri 4 resti, a Seer Racoy.
Le ossa della coscia di Kiruna, un antico eroe degli Orchi. Porta questo, insieme agli altri 4 resti, a Seer Racoy.
I resti di Kiruna, un antico eroe degli Orchi. Porta questo, insieme ai resti degli altri 3 eroi, al Veggente Somak.
I resti dell'eroe, Braki, racchiusi in un'urna. Porta questo all'Antenato Martankus nella Caverna delle Prove.
I resti dell'eroe, Tonar, racchiusi in un'urna. Porta questo all'Antenato Martankus nella Caverna delle Prove.
I resti dell'eroe, Hermodt, racchiusi in un'urna. Porta questo all'Antenato Martankus nella Caverna delle Prove.
I resti dell'eroe, Kiruna, racchiusi in un'urna. Porta questo all'Antenato Martankus nella Caverna delle Prove.
Il dispositivo di teletrasporto dato dal Maestro Toma. Riporta questo al maestro Toma.
Materiale chiave per i nani per creare un anello del sigillo. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare ghette a scaglie di mithril. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare le ghette Brigandine. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare una tunica in mithril elfica. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare le calze di mithril. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare un elmo brigantino. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per creare stivali di pelle Manticore. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i Nani per creare Stivali Brigandine. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare gli stivali di mithril degli elfi. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare i guanti di pelle Manticore. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare un guanto di brigata. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare i guanti di mithril. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per creare uno scudo brigantino. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare un elmo a piastre. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per creare stivali di pelle di salamandra. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i Nani per realizzare Stivali a Piastre. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare i guanti indossati di Sage. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per creare uno scudo a piastre. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare soffietti in mithril rinforzati. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per creare un cappuccio a catena. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per creare stivali a catena. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per creare stivali karmiani. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare stivali di pelle placcata. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.

Pagina 37

Materiale chiave per i nani per creare stivali a catena nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per creare Stivali della foca. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare guanti di mithril rinforzati. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i Nani per realizzare i Guanti a Catena. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare i guanti karmiani. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per creare uno scudo a catena. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare guanti di pelle placcata. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per creare uno scudo a catena nanico. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per creare stivali di pelle crosta. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare i guanti a catena nanici. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i Nani per creare i Guanti del Sigillo. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare i guanti di pelle Rind. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare gli stivali del demone. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare i guanti del demone. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare gli stivali di pelle Theca. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare i guanti in pelle Theca. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per creare stivali composti. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare l'elmo composto. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per creare stivali divini. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i Nani per realizzare l'Elmo a Piastre Intere. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per creare stivali di pelle di Drake. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare stivali a piastre intere. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare i guanti di pelle di Drake. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i Nani per realizzare Guanti Lunghi a Piastre Intere. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i Nani per creare Guanti Divini. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i Nani per creare Guanti Benedetti. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per creare uno scudo a piastre completo. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per creare una spada lunga elfica. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per creare un martello da guerra nanico. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Materiale chiave per i nani per realizzare una mazza Yaksa. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un anello di sigillo. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per le ghette a scaglie di mithril. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per le ghette Brigandine. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una tunica elfica in mithril. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 1
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per calze di mithril. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un elmo da brigantino. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per stivali di pelle Manticore. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per stivali Brigandine. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per gli stivali di mithril degli elfi. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per guanti in pelle Manticora. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un guanto di Brigandine. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3 La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per i guanti di mithril. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per uno scudo brigantino. Richiede l'abilità Crea oggetto lv. 3. Tasso di successo del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un elmo a piastre. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per stivali di pelle di salamandra. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è de
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per gli stivali a piastre. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per i guanti indossati dal saggio. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è de
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per uno scudo a piastre. Richiede l'abilità Crea oggetto lv. 4. Tasso di successo del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per le ghette rinforzate in mithril. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è de

Pagina 38

Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il cappuccio della catena. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per gli stivali di catena. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per stivali karmiani. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per stivali di pelle placcati. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per stivali a catena nanici. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Stivali di foca. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per guanti di mithril rinforzati. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per i guanti a catena. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per i guanti karmiani. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4 La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per lo scudo a catena. Richiede l'abilità Crea oggetto lv. 4. Tasso di successo del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per guanti in pelle placcati. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per uno scudo a catena nanico. Richiede l'abilità Crea oggetto lv. 5. Tasso di successo del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per gli stivali di pelle con la crosta. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è d
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per i guanti a catena dei nani. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 1
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Guanti di foca. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per i guanti di pelle con la crosta. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è de
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per gli stivali del demone. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per i guanti del demone. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per gli stivali di pelle Theca. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per i guanti in pelle Theca. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per stivali composti. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un elmo composto. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per stivali divini. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un casco integrale. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per stivali di pelle di Drake. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per stivali a piastra intera. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per i guanti di pelle di Drake. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per guanti a piastra intera. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Guanti Benedetti. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Guanti Divini. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per uno scudo a piastre completo. Richiede l'abilità Crea oggetto lv. 6. Tasso di successo del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una spada lunga elfica. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un martello da guerra nanico. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è d
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per la Yaksa Mace. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Quest. Necessario per creare una chiave del gigante minore. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Quest. Necessario per creare un anello da operaio. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percen
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Quest. Necessario per realizzare una perlina d'ambra. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La per
Chiave speciale che apre la scatola del gigante minore
Materiale utilizzato dai nani nella produzione di oggetti. Utilizzato anche per evocare e mantenere i servitori. Può essere vend
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per lo Spiritshot di grado D. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per lo Spiritshot C-grade. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Spiritshot B-grade. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per lo Spiritshot A-grade. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per lo Spiritshot S-grade. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 8. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
La lettera di risposta di Kakan a Sla. Raccogli tre lettere di risposta dai discepoli di Sla e consegnale a Sla.
Progetto necessario per apprendere la tecnica del Golem meccanico di evocazione. Usato dagli artigiani.\nLivello richiesto: 2
incantesimi necessario per imparare Evoca Storm Cubic. Usato da cavalieri e stregoni del tempio.\nLivello richiesto: 40
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Evocare Vampiric Cubic. Usato da Shillien Knights.\nLivello richiesto: 43 Libr
incantesimi necessario per imparare Evocare Phantom Cubic. Usato da Shillien Knights e Phantom Summoners.\nLivello rich

Pagina 39

incantesimi necessario per imparare Life Scavenge. Usato dai Vendicatori Oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Colpo Divino. Usato dai Paladini.\nLivello richiesto: 46 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare l'Orrore. Usato dai Vendicatori Oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 46 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Evoca Cubo di Vita. Usato dai Cavalieri del Tempio e dagli Evocatori Elementali.\nLivell
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Sacrificio. Usato dai Paladini.\nLivello richiesto: 52
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Volontà di Ferro. Usato da Paladini e Vendicatori Oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 4
incantesimi necessario per imparare Rifletti danno. Usato dai Vendicatori Oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Peste dei cadaveri . Usato da Dark Avengers e Shillien Knights.\nLivello richiesto: 46 Lib
incantesimi necessario per imparare Maledizione. Usato da Shillien Knights, Bladedancers, Abyss Walkers e Phantom Range
incantesimi necessario per imparare Spirit Barrier. Usato da Temple Knights, Swordsingers, Plainswalkers e Silver Rangers.\
incantesimi necessario per imparare Hamstring. Usato dai Vendicatori Oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 43 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Benedizione del Santo. Usato dai Paladini.\nLivello richiesto: 40
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Evoca Viper Cubic. Usato da Shillien Knights.\nLivello richiesto: 49 Libro deg
incantesimi necessario per imparare Colpo di fulmine. Usato da Shillien Knights.\nLivello richiesto: 58 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Evoca Pantera Oscura. Usato dai Vendicatori Oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Evoca Uomo Rianimato. Usato dai Negromanti.\nLivello richiesto: 44 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Evoca uomo corrotto. Usato dai Negromanti.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Esplosione cadavere. Usato dai Negromanti.\nLivello richiesto: 48 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Dimentica. Usato dai Negromanti.\nLivello richiesto: 44 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Discord Maledizione. Usato dai Negromanti.\nLivello richiesto: 40
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare l'incantesimo Maledizione della paura. Usato da Negromanti, Cantamagie, S
incantesimi necessario per imparare l'Ancora. Usato dai Negromanti.\nLivello richiesto: 44 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare il silenzio. Usato da Negromanti e Spellhowlers.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Death Spike. Usato da Negromanti, Spellhowlers e Phantom Summoners.\nLivello richie
incantesimi necessario per imparare Maledizione Death Link. Usato da Negromanti e Spellhowlers.\nLivello richiesto: 52 Libr
incantesimi necessario per imparare Vampiric Claw. Usato da Negromanti e Spellhowlers.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Vitalize. Usato da Vescovi e Anziani Elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 48
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Repose. Usato dai Vescovi.\nLivello richiesto: 44 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Blocca i non morti. Usato dai Vescovi.\nLivello richiesto: 48 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare il Requiem. Usato dai Vescovi.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Purificare. Usato da Bishops e Shillien Elders.\nLivello richiesto: 44 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Might of Heaven. Usato da Vescovi e Anziani Elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Arrendersi al vento. Usato da stregoni e urlatori di incantesimi.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libr
incantesimi necessario per imparare Cerchio ardente. Usato da stregoni e cantaincantesimi.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Prominence. Usato da stregoni e cantamagie.\nLivello richiesto: 40
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Pelle ardente. Usato da stregoni e cantaincantesimi.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Lib
incantesimi necessario per imparare il decadimento. Usato dagli stregoni.\nLivello richiesto: 48 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Annulla. Usato da stregoni e cantaincantesimi.\nLivello richiesto: 48 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Sleeping Cloud. Usato da stregoni e cantaincantesimi.\nLivello richiesto: 44 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Aura Flare. Usato da stregoni e cantaincantesimi.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Arrendersi all'acqua. Usato dai Cantamagie.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Frost Wall. Usato dai Cantaincantesimi.\nLivello richiesto: 52 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Grillo Congelante. Usato dai Cantamagie.\nLivello richiesto: 44
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Hydro Blast. Usato dai Cantamagie.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Frost Bolt. Usato dai Cantamagie.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Ice Dagger. Usato dai Cantamagie.\nLivello richiesto: 44 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Congelamento della pelle. Usato dai Cantamagie.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Tempesta. Usato da Spellhowlers.\nLivello richiesto: 48 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare l'uragano. Usato da Spellhowlers.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli

Pagina 40

incantesimi necessario per imparare Servitor Magic Shield. Usato da Stregoni, Evocatori Elementali e Evocatori Fantasma.\n
incantesimi necessario per imparare Servitor Physical Shield. Usato da Stregoni, Evocatori Elementali e Evocatori Fantasma
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare la fretta del servitore. Usato da Stregoni, Evocatori Elementali e Evocatori Fa
incantesimi necessario per imparare Rinvigorimento. Usato dai profeti.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Barriera magica. Usato dai profeti.\nLivello richiesto: 44 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Corpo benedetto. Usato dai profeti.\nLivello richiesto: 44 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Anima Benedetta. Usato dai profeti.\nLivello richiesto: 44 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Ritorno. Usato da Profeti e Anziani.\nLivello richiesto: Profeta- 40, Anziano: 44
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare la rapidità. Usato dai profeti.\nLivello richiesto: 44 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare la guida. Usato da Profeti e Anziani Shillien.\nLivello richiesto: 40
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Sussurro della morte. Usato da Profeti e Anziani Shillien.\nLivello richiesto: 4
incantesimi necessario per imparare lo Scudo Benedetto. Usato da Profeti e Anziani Elfici.\nLivello
richiesto : 40 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Saggezza di Pa'agrio. Usato dagli Overlords.\nLivello
richiesto : 40 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Pa'agrio's Glory. Usato dagli Overlords.\nLivello
richiesto : 40 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Sigillo dell'Inverno. Usato dagli Overlords.\nLivello
richiesto : 40 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Sigillo della Fiamma. Usato dagli Overlords.\nLivello
richiesto : 48 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Sigillo dell'Oscurità. Usato dagli Overlords.\nLivello
richiesto : 44 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Sigillo del Miraggio. Usato da Overlords.\nLivello richiesto: 44
Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Sigillo del Silenzio. Usato dagli Overlords.\nLivello
richiesto : 48 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Sigillo del Flagello. Usato dagli Overlords.\nLivello
richiesto : 40 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Sigillo della Sospensione. Usato dagli Overlords.\nLivello
richiesto : 48 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Visione di Pa'agrio. Usato dagli Overlords.\nLivello
richiesto : 44 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Protezione di Pa'agrio. Usato dagli Overlords.\nLivello
richiesto : 40 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Ruba Essenza. Usato da Warcryers e Overlords.\nLivello
richiesto : 40 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Fiamma Congelante. Usato da Warcryers.\nLivello
richiesto : 40 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Canto della Furia. Usato da Warcryers.\nLivello richiesto: 48
Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Chant of Evasion. Usato da Warcryers.\nLivello
richiesto : 40 Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Chant of Rage. Usato da Warcryers.\nLivello richiesto: 44
Marchio dato a coloro che hanno superato la Prova del Guildsman. Voce relativa al cambio di occupazione.
Lettera di raccomandazione scritta dal magazziniere Valkon. Prendi questo e vai dal fabbro Altran di Talking Island.
Il frutto della mandragora, noto per i suoi usi nel trattamento dei disturbi.
Istruzioni del fabbro Altran. Le istruzioni sono di raccogliere materiali e creare 7 anelli da operaio.
Lettera di raccomandazione scritta dal fabbro Altran. Prendi questo e vai dal custode del magazzino Norman del villaggio di G
Lettera di raccomandazione scritta dal fabbro Altran. Prendi questo e vai dal fabbro Pinter della città di Gludio.
Istruzioni del magazziniere Norman. Le istruzioni sono di andare al Blacksmith Duning di Hunter's Village e riportare la chiave
Ricevuta del magazziniere Norman. Prendi questo e vai a Blacksmith Duning of the Hunter's Village.
Istruzioni del fabbro Duning. Dà l'ordine di recuperare 30 chiavi dagli orchi Breka.
Chiave di mithril recuperata dagli orchi Breka. Raccogli 30 e portali a Blacksmith Duning.
Elenco degli ingredienti di Warehouse Keeper Norman: 70 unità di polvere d'osso grigia, 70 pietre per affilare in granito, 70 u
La polvere raccolta dalle ossa di ghoul e ceppi. Raccogli 70 di questi e portali al Warehouse Keeper Norman.
Pietra per affilare ricavata dai frammenti del golem di granito. Raccogli 70 di questi e portali al Warehouse Keeper Norman.
Pigmento rosso ottenuto uccidendo il pipistrello Corpse Tracker. Raccogli 70 di questi e portali al Warehouse Keeper Norman
Filato intrecciato ottenuto dall'uccisione dei sileni. Raccogli 70 di questi e portali al Warehouse Keeper Norman.
Materiale utilizzato per realizzare l'anello dell'operaio.
Istruzioni del fabbro Pinter: Trova e riporta 70 perline d'ambra.
Pezzo di ambra a forma di perla. Raccogli 70 di questi e portali al fabbro Pinter.
zolletta di ambra non raffinata. Il materiale utilizzato nella creazione dell'Amber Bead.
Elemento ingrediente utilizzato per realizzare l'anello di un operaio.
Per superare la Prova del Guildsman, devi creare 7 di questi anelli. Porta gli anelli completati al custode del magazzino Valko

Pagina 41

Segno dato a coloro che hanno superato la Testimonianza di Vita. Voce relativa al cambio di occupazione.
Lettera del Maestro Cardien. Prendi questo e vai dal Gerarca Asterios del Villaggio degli Elfi.
Talismano dato dal Gerarca Asterios. Prendi questo e torna da Master Cardien nella città di Dion.
Lettera data dal Gerarca Asterios. Prendi questo e vai da Thalia, che vive sulle rive orientali del Lago Iris.
L'incanto dato dal Gerarca Asterios di tenersi in possesso mentre si cerca l'acqua della vita.
Schema del Graal, dato da Thalia. Prendi questo e vai dal fabbro Pushkin della città di Giran.
La lettera di Talia. Prendi questo e vai da Arkenia, che è all'Altare dei Riti.
La lettera di Talia. Prendi questo e vai da Isael Silvershadow del Hunter's Village.
Lettera contenente le istruzioni di Talia. Le istruzioni sono di tornare dopo aver raggiunto il livello 38.
Elenco fornito dal fabbro Pushkin.
Tazza "10 puro Mithril Ore, 20 acido formica soldato, 20 artigli Wyrm" realizzata dal fabbro Pushkin e realizzata in puro mithri
Contratto scritto da Arkenia. Il contratto prevede che darà polvere di stelle in cambio del libro di Andariel dal villaggio di Gludi
Le istruzioni di Arkenia. Le istruzioni sono di riportare il libro di Andariel dal Tempio di Einhasad nel villaggio di Gludin.
Elenco fornito dal sacerdote Adonius: 20 icore di ragno e 20 piume di arpia.
Copia del libro di Andariel donata dal sacerdote Adonius. Riportalo ad Arkenia.
La polvere d'argento ricevuta da Arkenia degli Elfi Oscuri. Riporta questo a Talia.
Documento contenente le istruzioni di Isael Silvershadow. Ti chiede di recuperare 6 pezzi della Lancia di Talin dagli sciaman
Lettera data da Isael Silvershadow. Riportalo a Thalia insieme alla lancia di Talin.
Graal realizzato in puro mithril. Raccogli le lacrime dell'unicorno con il Graal e riportalo a Talia.
Le lacrime versate dall'unicorno di Eva quando viene ucciso con la lancia di Talin. Riporta questo a Talia.
L'acqua santa che contiene i poteri della vita per ringiovanire l'Albero Madre. Prendi questo e vai dal Gerarca Asterios.
Il minerale di puro mithril. Raccogli 10 di questi, insieme al resto degli ingredienti, e riportali al fabbro Pushkin.
L'acido raccolto dai soldati delle formiche dopo averli uccisi. Raccogli 20 bottiglie di questo, insieme al resto degli ingredienti,
L'artiglio di un Wyrm ottenuto dopo averlo ucciso. Raccogli 20 di questi, insieme al resto degli ingredienti, e riportali al fabbro
L'icore di un ragno di palude. Raccogli 20 unità di questo e riportale al sacerdote Adonius.
Le piume ottenute dopo aver ucciso un'arpia. Raccogli 20 di questi e riportali al sacerdote Adonio.
La parte della lama della lancia di Talin. Porta questo, insieme alle parti rimanenti della lancia, a Isael Silvershadow.
La parte dell'asta della lancia di Talin. Porta questo, insieme alle parti rimanenti della lancia, a Isael Silvershadow.
Gioiello decorativo che adornava la lancia di Talin. Porta questo, insieme alle parti rimanenti della lancia, a Isael Silvershadow
Gioiello decorativo che adornava la lancia di Talin. Porta questo, insieme alle parti rimanenti della lancia, a Isael Silvershadow
Gioiello decorativo che adornava la lancia di Talin. Porta questo, insieme alle parti rimanenti della lancia, a Isael Silvershadow
Gioiello decorativo che adornava la lancia di Talin. Porta questo, insieme alle parti rimanenti della lancia, a Isael Silvershadow
Segno dato a coloro che hanno superato la Testimonianza del Destino. Articolo per il cambio di lavoro.
Lettera inviata dal Magister Kaira a Fratello Metheus del Tempio di Einhasad. Questo deve essere consegnato segretamente
Vaso per conservare i resti dei morti. Portalo all'Execution Grounds e cerca i resti della sorella di Metheus.
I resti di Cassandra, sorella di Metheus. Riporta questo al fratello Metheus.
Libro di testo di varie erbe e dei loro usi. Contiene anche informazioni sulla letale belladonna velenosa.
10 unità ciascuno di sangue di Medusa, fluidi di ragno di palude, sterco dell'inseguitore di cadaveri, sangue di tiranno e radice
Il sangue in bottiglia di una medusa. Raccogli 10 di questi e riportali al Maestro Ixia
I liquidi in bottiglia di un ragno di palude. Raccogli 10 di questi e riportali al Maestro Ixia.
Lo sterco dei pipistrelli Corpse Tracker. Raccogli 10 di questi e riportali al Maestro Ixia.
Il sangue imbottigliato del tiranno. Raccogli 10 di questi e riportali al Maestro Ixia.
Le radici della rara erba della belladonna. Raccogli 10 di questi e riportali al Maestro Ixia.
Veleno leggendario che può uccidere un toro con una sola goccia. Porta questo al fratello Metheus.
Il teschio di Alders, che ha redatto la copia delle Rivelazioni di Kaysha. Porta questo a Magister Kaira.
Teschio di sacerdoti ontani. Portalo a Magister Roa, un lontano discendente del prete.
La ricevuta dell'articolo che Alder ha affidato al magazzino. Prendi questo e vai al magazzino nel villaggio di Gludin.
Copia delle Rivelazioni di Kaysha. Porta questo a Magister Kaira.
Nota dove sono scritte le istruzioni di Magister Kaira. Le istruzioni sono di tornare dopo aver raggiunto il livello 38.

Pagina 42

Lettera di raccomandazione scritta da Magister Kaira. Prendi questo e vai dal tetrarca Thifiell del villaggio degli elfi oscuri.
Incantesimo dato dal Tetrarca Thifiell da mantenere in possesso fino al completamento della Cerimonia di Iniziazione del Circ
Lettera del tetrarca Thifiell ad Arkenia. Arkenia è all'Altare dell'Iniziazione degli Elfi Oscuri.
Nota scritta da Arkenia. Contiene le istruzioni per riportare la polvere di fata rossa e la linfa treant della ruggine.
Garnet dato dal Bloody Pixy come pegno di promessa. Porta un teschio per ciascuna delle quattro razze diverse.
Il cranio di Grandis. Porta questo al Bloody Pixy.
Il teschio di Karul Bugbear. Porta questo al Bloody Pixy.
Il teschio di un Breka Overlord. Porta questo al Bloody Pixy.
Il teschio di un signore supremo di Leto Lizardman. Porta questo al Bloody Pixy.
Polvere di fata rossa data dal folletto insanguinato. Porta questo ad Arkenia.
Seme dato da un treant della peronospora come segno di promessa. Uccidi il salice nero in agguato e riporta la sua foglia.
Foglia ottenuta uccidendo il salice nero in agguato. Porta questo al Blight Treant.
La linfa di un treant batterico. Porta questo ad Arkenia.
Lettera scritta da Arkenia. Dichiara che la Cerimonia di Iniziazione del Circolo Shillien è completa. Porta questo al tetrarca Th
Segno dato a coloro che hanno superato la Testimonianza di Gloria. Articolo per il cambio di lavoro.
Raccogli e torna con 10 frammenti di Manashen, 10 artigli del tiranno e 10 zanne di basilisco guardiano.
Frammento del Manashen rotto. Raccogli 10 e riportali al Prefetto Vokian.
Gli artigli strappati a un tiranno ucciso. Raccogli 10 e riportali al Prefetto Vokian.
Le zanne di un Basilisco Guardiano ucciso. Raccogli 10 e riportali al Prefetto Vokian.
Gli ordini del prefetto Vokian. Le istruzioni sono di andare a cercare il Capo Gandi Chianta nella città di Dion.
Simbolo dato a coloro che rappresentano Pa'agrio Lord Kakai.
Ordini del Capo Gandi Chianti. Le istruzioni sono di andare a recuperare lo scettro di fiamma dalle tribù degli orchi inferiori.
Scettro di fiamma che può essere ottenuto da un capo degli orchi Breka. Prendilo insieme agli scettri di altre 4 tribù e vai a ve
Lo scettro di fiamma ricevuto dal capo degli orchi Enku. Porta questo, insieme ai restanti 4 scettri, a Gandi Chief Chianta.
Lo scettro di fiamma ricevuto dal capo degli orchi Vuku. Porta questo, insieme ai restanti 4 scettri, a Gandi Chief Chianta.
Lo scettro di fiamma ricevuto dal capo degli orchi di Turek. Porta questo, insieme ai restanti 4 scettri, a Gandi Chief Chianta.
Lo scettro di fiamma ricevuto dal capo degli orchi Lennunt. Porta questo, insieme ai restanti 4 scettri, a Gandi Chief Chianta.
Gli ordini del Capo Gandi Chianti. Le istruzioni sono di tornare per ulteriori ordini dopo aver raggiunto il livello 38.
Gli ordini del Capo Gandi Chianti. Le istruzioni sono di riportare 20 ciascuna delle teste di Timak e Tamlin Orc.
La testa di un Orco Tamlin è stata tagliata dopo essere stata uccisa. Raccogli 20 di questi e portali a Gandi Chief Chianti.
La testa di un orco Timak, tagliata dopo essere stata uccisa. Raccogli 20 di questi e portali a Gandi Chief Chianti.
Scatola contenente i 5 scettri di fiamma recuperati dalle tribù di orchi minori. Porta questo al Veggente Tanapi del Villaggio d
Uccidi Pashika, figlio di Voltar, tagliagli la testa e mostrala al capo Breka Voltar.
Uccidi Vultus, figlio di Voltar, tagliagli la testa e mostrala al capo Breka Voltar.
Guanti che sono stati lanciati dal capo Breka Voltar. Uccidi Pashika e Vultus, figli di Voltar.
La testa di un signore supremo di Enku, tagliata dopo essere stata uccisa. Mostra questo al capo di Enku Kepra.
Il guanto lanciato dal capo di Enku Kepra. Vai e uccidi i signori di Enku.
La testa di un guerriero Makum bugbear, tagliata dopo essere stato ucciso. Mostra questo al capo di Turek Burai.
Il guanto gettato dal capo Turek Burai. Vai e uccidi i guerrieri bugbear Makum.
Lettera del sacerdote Manakia. Portalo al capo degli orchi Breka.
La lettera del sacerdote Manakia. Prendi questo e vai dal capo degli Orchi Enku.
La lettera del prefetto Kasman. Prendi questo e vai dal capo degli orchi Vuku.
La lettera del prefetto Kasman. Prendi questo e vai dal capo degli orchi di Turek.
La lettera del prefetto Kasman. Prendi questo e vai dal capo degli orchi Lennunt.
Il contratto del capo Vuku Driko. Il contratto contiene le istruzioni per cacciare i droni Marsh Stakato nelle Terre paludose di C
I gusci di un drone Marsh Stakato. Raccogli 30 di questi e portali al capo Vuku Driko.
Gli ordini del veggente Tanapi. Dai la caccia al capo degli Orchi Ragna e ai veggenti e recupera lo scettro di Tantosc.
Lo scettro di fuoco della tribù Tantos, ormai scomparsa. Porta questo al Veggente Tanapi.
Scatola contenente gli scettri recuperati dagli Orchi della tribù Tantos. Porta questo a Pa'agrio Lord Kakai.

Pagina 43

Segno dato a coloro che hanno superato la Testimonianza di Prosperità. Voce relativa al cambio di occupazione.
Anello dato a quei Nani che tentano la Testimonianza di Prosperità. Trova le 4 prove di prosperità.
Anello dato a quei Nani che tentano la Testimonianza di Prosperità. Trova la tavoletta di Maphr, che contiene gli ultimi segret
Il libro dei conti di Iron Gate Lockirin. La prova della ricchezza. Porta questo al custode del magazzino Parman della città di G
Seme contenente le benedizioni di Maph. La prova delle terre fertili. Porta questo al custode del magazzino Parman della citt
Ricetta buona per il parto e il recupero del parto. La prova della fertilità. Porta questo al custode del magazzino Parman della
Il cibo considerato il segreto della longevità degli Elfi. La prova della salute. Porta questo al custode del magazzino Parman d
Frammento della tavoletta di Maphr, che contiene gli ultimi segreti della geometria. Porta questo al custode del magazzino P
Licenza che consente al portatore di riscuotere i contributi di gilda. Cerca coloro che devono ancora contributi e raccogli i fon
Notare che i contributi di gilda sono dovuti. Porta questo allo Spiron di Golden Wheel.
Notare che i contributi di gilda sono dovuti. Porta questo a Balanki di Silver Scale.
Notare che i contributi di gilda sono dovuti. Porta questo a Bronze Key's Keef.
Notare che i contributi di gilda sono dovuti. Porta questo a Filaur della Colonna Grigia.
Notare che i contributi di gilda sono dovuti. Porta questo ad Arin di Black Anvil.
Contributo della gilda del commerciante Shari. Porta questo allo Spiron di Golden Wheel.
Contributo alla gilda del commerciante Mion. Porta questo a Balanki di Silver Scale.
Contributo alla gilda di Maryse Redbonnet. Porta questo a Silver Scale'
Nota contenente la richiesta di Maryse Redbonnet di riportare 10 pelli di cuoio da utilizzare nella creazione di oggetti.
Contributo alla gilda del Maestro Toma. Porta questo ad Arin di Black Anvil.
Ricevuta del contributo del minatore Bolter. Porta questo ad Arin di Black Anvil per confermare se Miner Bolter ha già inviato
La ricevuta del contributo ricevuta dallo Spiron di Golden Wheel. Raccogli 5 ricevute e portale a Lockirin dell'Iron Gate.
La ricevuta del contributo ricevuta da Balanki di Silver Scale. Raccogli 5 ricevute e portale a Lockirin dell'Iron Gate.
La ricevuta del contributo ricevuta da Bronze Key's Keef. Raccogli 5 ricevute e portale a Lockirin dell'Iron Gate.
Ricevuta di contributo ricevuta da Filaur del Pilastro Grigio. Raccogli 5 ricevute e portale a Lockirin dell'Iron Gate.
La ricevuta del contributo ricevuta da Arin di Black Anvil. Raccogli 5 ricevute e portale a Lockirin dell'Iron Gate.
Il portatore di questa procura si impegna a versare contributi per conto del Torocco. Porta questo a Bronze Key's Keef.
Elenco degli ingredienti che Guard Bright ha scritto. "20 petali di mandragora, 10 mazzi di muschio cremisi"
I petali di un fiore di mandragora. Raccogli 20 di questi e portali a Guard Bright.
Crimson Moss ottenuto da formiche rosse giganti. Raccogli 10 di questi e portali a Guard Bright.
Bouquet di fiori composto da petali di mandragora e muschio cremisi. Porta questo a Emily nella città di Dion.
Nota contenente le istruzioni del Magazziniere Parman. Le istruzioni sono di tornare dopo aver raggiunto il livello 38.
Lettera del magazziniere Parman. Porta questo al Maestro Nikola della Torre Cruma.
Pezzo di argilla che ha donato il maestro Nikola. Usalo per fare una copia del buco della serratura dalla scatola del Lesser G
Il modello del buco della serratura realizzato con pasta di argilla. Porta questo al maestro Nikola.
20 Stakato Shell, 10 Toad Lord Sac, 10 Spider Thorns e 10 Cristalli di grado D.
Il guscio di un Marsh Stakato. Ingrediente chiave nella creazione della chiave del Lesser Giant.
La sacca avvelenata del ragno gigante è stata rimossa dal collo di un signore dei rospi. Ingrediente chiave nella creazione de
Spina rimossa dal guscio di un ragno di palude. Ingrediente chiave nella creazione della chiave del gigante minore.
Marchio assegnato a chi ha superato la Prova del Campione. Articolo per il cambio di lavoro.
La lettera del veterano Ascalon. Porta questo a Mason nella città di Dion.
Lettera di Mason al veterano Ascalon della città di Giran.
Anello regalato da Mason. L'anello è inciso con il simbolo della rosa di ferro. Completa la vendetta al posto di Mason.
La lettera del veterano Ascalon. Porta questo al mercante Groot della città di Giran.
Emblema dato dal commerciante Groot. In passato era indossato dai medici della rosa di ferro. Aiuta il commerciante Groot n
Lettera del commerciante Groot al veterano Ascalon nella città di Giran.
La lettera del veterano Ascalon. Porta questo al capitano Mouen della città di Oren.
Portami 100 capi di Road Scavengers o Road Collector.
Distruggi i Leto Lizardmen e riporta indietro 100 delle loro zanne.
Lettera del capitano Mouen al veterano Ascalon della città di Giran.

Pagina 44

Uovo ottenuto dopo aver ucciso un'arpia. Raccogli 30 di questi e portali al commerciante Groot della città di Giran.
Il veleno ottenuto dopo aver ucciso una medusa. Raccogli 30 di questi e portali al commerciante Groot della città di Giran.
La bile ottenuta dopo aver ucciso un Windsus. Raccogli 30 di questi e portali al commerciante Groot della città di Giran.
La testa di una Bloody Axe Elite. Raccogli 10 di questi e torna da Mason nella città di Dion.
La testa mozzata di un Road Scavenger o Road Collector. Raccogli 10 di loro e portali al Capitano Mouen.
Zanna da un uomo lucertola Leto ucciso. Raccogli 10 di questi e portali al Capitano Mouen.
Marchio dato a coloro che hanno superato la Prova del Sagittario. Voce relativa al cambio di occupazione.
Prendi questa lettera e vai da Sagittarius Hamil del villaggio di Floran.
Prendi questa lettera e incontra Sir Aron Tanford delle Terre Desolate Meridionali.
Prendi questa lettera e vai dal prefetto Vokian della città di Giran.
Prendi questa lettera e vai a Gauen della Torre d'Avorio.
Pietra incisa con la runa di un cacciatore. Raccogli 10 di questi e portali ad Hamil del villaggio di Floran.
Runa ottenuta da Breka Orc Overlords o Shamans. Raccogli 10 di questi e portali, insieme al talismano serpente, al Prefetto
Strano talismano ottenuto dopo aver ucciso Kadesh. Porta questo al Sagittario Hamil del villaggio di Floran.
Amuleto correlato a uno spirito totem serpente adorato dagli orchi Breka. Portalo al prefetto Vokian della città di Giran.
Ingrediente chiave per ripristinare il Crescent Bow. Porta questo, insieme al resto degli ingredienti, al Magister Gauen della T
Ingrediente chiave per ripristinare il Crescent Bow. Porta questo, insieme al resto degli ingredienti, al Magister Gauen della T
Ingrediente chiave per ripristinare il Crescent Bow. Porta questo, insieme al resto degli ingredienti, al Magister Gauen della T
Ingrediente chiave per ripristinare il Crescent Bow. Porta questo, insieme al resto degli ingredienti, al Magister Gauen della T
Il sangue versato da Leto Uomini Lucertola. Kadesh appare quando ne viene raccolto abbastanza.
Marchio dato a coloro che hanno superato la Prova di Stregoneria. Voce relativa al cambio di occupazione.
Schema delle reliquie, fornito da Orim of the Shadow. I 6 gioielli necessari per aprire il Cubo di Aklantoth sono raffigurati qui.
Libro che contiene documenti su chi ha acquistato le gemme di Aklantoth. "Magister Iker, Magister Kaira, Trader Lara"
Raccogli e riporta 20 Dire Wyrm Fangs, 20 Leto Lizardman Amulets e 20 Reinforced Stone Golem Heartstones.
Le zanne di un Dire Wyrm ucciso. Raccogli 20 di questi e portali a Magister Iker.
Totem ottenuto dopo aver ucciso l'Uomo Lucertola Leto. Raccogli 20 di questi e portali a Magister Iker.
Cristallo trovato tra i frammenti frantumati di un Golem di pietra rinforzato. Raccogli 20 di questi e portali a Magister Iker.
Record di vendita del commerciante Lars. È stato registrato che un uomo di nome Ismel acquistò il gioiello da Lara.
Registri di acquisto del commerciante Nestlé. È documentato che Leopoldo del Leone Nero portò il gioiello.
Parte del diario di Leopoldo. È stato registrato che 3 disertori morirono e diventarono non morti mentre fuggivano nelle Terre
Gemma che può essere ottenuta da Magister Iker. Trova tutte e 6 le gemme di Aklantoth e portale a Orim l'Ombra.
La gemma donata da Magister Kaira. Trova tutte e 6 le gemme di Aklantoth e portale a Orim l'Ombra.
La gemma che può essere ottenuta uccidendo un Revenant senza nome. Trova tutte e 6 le gemme di Aklantoth e portale a O
La gemma che può essere ottenuta uccidendo un mercenario scheletro. Trova tutte e 6 le gemme di Aklantoth e portale a Or
La gemma che può essere ottenuta uccidendo un mercenario scheletro. Trova tutte e 6 le gemme di Aklantoth e portale a Or
La gemma che può essere ottenuta uccidendo un mercenario scheletro. Trova tutte e 6 le gemme di Aklantoth e portale a Or
Mark lasciato dal principe Dre Vanul Zeruel quando fugge dai suoi vincoli.
Set di istruzioni scritte da Orim of the Shadow. Le istruzioni sono di riportare la Spada del Sigillo e il Cristallo Trappola dell'An
Lettera di Orim of the Shadow a Sir Karol Vasper della città di Gludin. La lettera chiede il prestito della Spada del Sigillo.
Lettera di Orim delle Ombre al Magister Iker della Città di Giran. La lettera chiede il prestito del Cristallo Trappola dell'Anima.
Lettera di Sir Klaus Vasper a Vadin della città di Oren. La lettera autorizza l'uso della Spada del Sigillo.
Santo crocifisso dell'ordine, donato da Vadin. Prendi questo e vai a cacciare gli Orchi Tamlin.
Amuleti che gli Orchi Tamlin portano per scopi di stregoneria. Raccogli 20 di questi e portali a Vadin.
Lettera di sanzioni da Vadin che consente l'uso della Spada del Sigillo. Porta questo a Sir Klaus Vasper della città di Gludin.
Amuleto donato da Magister Iker. Si dice che abbia poteri di protezione contro il male...
Cristallo con il potere di intrappolare e sigillare l'anima di un mostro. Usalo per sigillare lo spirito del Dre Vanul Zeruel.
Chiave necessaria per chiudere il forziere di Aklantoth. Porta questo a Orim of the Shadow.
Cristallo che contiene l'anima intrappolata del Dre Vanul Zeruel. Porta questo a Orim of the Shadow.
Mark lasciato dal principe Dre Vanul Zeruel durante la fuga dal corpo di Fisher Evert.

Pagina 45

Marchio dato a coloro che hanno superato la Prova dell'Evocatore. Voce relativa al cambio di occupazione.
Amuleto ottenuto dopo aver ucciso un Uomo Lucertola Leto. Raccogli 30 di questi e riportali al commerciante Lara.
Spore rosse ottenute dai corpi del fungo gigante. Raccogli 30 di questi e riportali al commerciante Lara.
Totem ottenuto dopo aver ucciso il Karul Bugbear. Raccogli 30 di questi e riportali al commerciante Lara.
Frammento del Manashen in frantumi. Raccogli 30 di questi e riportali al commerciante Lara.
Totem che può essere ottenuto dopo aver ucciso un orco Breka. Raccogli 30 di loro e portali al commerciante Lara.
Soul Stone incastonato nel corpo di un'anima incatenata. Raccogli 30 di questi e riportali al commerciante Lara.
L'artiglio di un tiranno ucciso. Raccogli 30 di questi e riportali al commerciante Lara.
Ali ottenute dopo aver ucciso le formiche nobili al nido delle formiche. Raccogli 30 di questi e riportali al commerciante Lara.
Le zanne di un Windsus ucciso. Raccogli 30 di questi e riportali al commerciante Lara.
Le zanne di un Wyrm ucciso. Raccogli 30 di questi e riportali al commerciante Lara.
Raccogli 30 amuleti di uomo lucertola di Leto dalle pianure degli uomini lucertola e 30 unità di polvere di spore rosse dal fung
Raccogli 30 Karul Bugbear Totem dalla Valle dei Cacciatori e 30 Frammenti Manashen dal Cratere della Torre d'Avorio.
Raccogli 30 totem degli orchi Breka dalla fortezza di Breka e 30 pietre del sangue cremisi dell'anima incatenata dal Passo de
Raccogli 30 Artigli del Tiranno dalle Lande Desolate e 30 Zanne di Windsus dal Passo della Morte.
Raccogli 30 ali di formica nobile dal nido di formiche e 30 zanne di drago dal giardino fiorito di Gorgone.
Lettera del capo evocatore Galatea al commerciante Lara nella città di Dion.
Carta Arcana utilizzata dagli apprendisti Evocatori. Devi averlo per poter partecipare alle battaglie degli evocatori.
Arcani dell'evocatore Almors. La prova della vittoria da una battaglia. Porta questo all'Evocatore Capo Galatea.
dell'evocatore Camoniell. La prova della vittoria da una battaglia. Porta questo all'Evocatore Capo Galatea.
Arcani dell'evocatore Belthus. La prova della vittoria da una battaglia. Porta questo all'Evocatore Capo Galatea.
Arcani dell'evocatrice Basillia. La prova della vittoria da una battaglia. Porta questo all'Evocatore Capo Galatea.
Arcani dell'evocatore Celestiel. La prova della vittoria da una battaglia. Porta questo all'Evocatore Capo Galatea.
Arcani dell'evocatrice Brynthea. La prova della vittoria da una battaglia. Porta questo all'Evocatore Capo Galatea.
Indicazione che è iniziata una battaglia dell'evocatore.
Indicazione che è in corso una battaglia dell'evocatore.
Indicazione che il gioco scorretto è stato coinvolto in una battaglia di evocatori. Porta questo a Summoner Almors.
Indicazione che l'evocatore è stato sconfitto in battaglia. Porta questo a Summoner Almors.
Indicazione che l'evocatore ha vinto una battaglia. Porta questo a Summoner Almors.
Indicazione che è iniziata una battaglia dell'evocatore.
Indicazione che è in corso una battaglia dell'evocatore.
Indicazione che il gioco scorretto è stato coinvolto in una battaglia di evocatori. Porta questo all'evocatore Camoniell.
Indicazione che l'evocatore è stato sconfitto in una battaglia. Porta questo all'evocatore Camoniell.
Indicazione che l'evocatore ha vinto una battaglia. Porta questo all'evocatore Camoniell.
Indicazione che è iniziata una battaglia dell'evocatore.
Indicazione che è in corso una battaglia dell'evocatore.
Indicazione che il gioco scorretto è stato coinvolto in una battaglia di evocatori. Porta questo all'evocatore Belthus.
Indicazione che l'evocatore è stato sconfitto in una battaglia. Porta questo all'evocatore Belthus.
Indicazione che l'evocatore ha vinto una battaglia. Porta questo all'evocatore Belthus.
Indicazione che è iniziata una battaglia dell'evocatore.
Indicazione che è in corso una battaglia dell'evocatore.
Indicazione che il gioco scorretto è stato coinvolto in una battaglia di evocatori. Porta questo all'evocatrice Basillia.
Indicazione che l'evocatore è stato sconfitto in una battaglia. Porta questo all'evocatrice Basillia.
Indicazione che l'evocatore ha vinto una battaglia. Porta questo all'evocatrice Basillia.
Indicazione che è iniziata una battaglia dell'evocatore.
Indicazione che è in corso una battaglia dell'evocatore.
Indicazione che il gioco scorretto è stato coinvolto in una battaglia di evocatori. Porta questo all'evocatore Celestiel.
Indicazione che l'evocatore è stato sconfitto in una battaglia. Porta questo all'evocatore Celestiel.
Indicazione che l'evocatore ha vinto una battaglia. Porta questo all'evocatore Celestiel.

Pagina 46

Indicazione che è iniziata una battaglia dell'evocatore.

Indicazione che è in corso una battaglia dell'evocatore.
Indicazione che il gioco scorretto è stato coinvolto in una battaglia di evocatori. Porta questo all'evocatrice Brynthea.
Indicazione che l'evocatore è stato sconfitto in una battaglia dell'evocatore. Porta questo all'evocatrice Brynthea.
Indicazione che l'evocatore ha vinto una battaglia dell'evocatore. Porta questo all'evocatrice Brynthea.
Marco dato a coloro che hanno superato la Prova del Signore. Articolo per il cambio di lavoro.
Collana donata a chi sta tentando la Prova del Signore. Vai a cercare 5 capi di diverse tribù e torna con le loro approvazioni.
Il fascino del capo Atuba Varkee. Torna da lui dopo aver completato questo compito.
Il fascino del capo dei Neruga Tantus. Torna da lui dopo aver completato questo compito.
Il fascino del capo Urutu Hatos. Torna da lui dopo aver completato questo compito.
Il fascino del capo Duda-Mara Takuna. Torna da lui dopo aver completato questo compito.
Il fascino di Gandi Chief Chianti. Torna da lui dopo aver completato questo compito.
Documento contenente gli ordini del sacerdote Manakia. Ti dice di uccidere Breka Orc Shamans e Breka Orc Overlords e rip
La zanna di un orco Breka. Raccogli 20 di loro e portali a Priest Manakia.
Mark ha ricevuto dopo aver superato il test di Manakia. Porta questo al capo di Atuba Varkees.
Il totem della tribù degli Atuba. Raccogli i totem delle 5 tribù e portali da Pa'agrio Lord Kakai.
Lettera del fabbro Sumari al veggente Somak nella città di Dion.
Lama realizzata dal fabbro Sumari. Porta questo al capo di Urutu Hatos.
Il teschio di un orco Timak ucciso. Raccogli 10 di questi e portali al capo di Urutu Hatos.
Il totem della tribù Urutu. Raccogli i totem delle 5 tribù e portali da Pa'agrio Lord Kakai.
La parte della lama di un'ascia cerimoniale. Porta questo al capo Neruga Tantus.
Il totem della tribù Neruga. Raccogli i totem delle 5 tribù e portali da Pa'agrio Lord Kakai.
Ingrediente chiave nella realizzazione del totem della tribù Duda-Mara. Raccogli 10 di questi e portali al capo Duda-Mara Tak
Ingrediente chiave nella realizzazione del totem della tribù Duda-Mara. Raccogli 10 di questi e portali al capo Duda-Mara Tak
Il totem della tribù Duda-Mara. Raccogli i totem delle 5 tribù e portali da Pa'agrio Lord Kakai.
Ingrediente chiave nella realizzazione del totem della tribù Gandi. Raccogli 20 di questi e portali a Gandi Chief Chianti.
Il totem della tribù Gandi. Raccogli i totem delle 5 tribù e portali da Pa'agrio Lord Kakai.
Il totem della tribù Hestui. Prendi questo e vai dall'Antenato Martankus nella Caverna delle Prove.
Il talismano dell'antenato Martankus. Torna da lui dopo aver completato questo compito.
La testa di un Orco Ragna ucciso. Porta questo all'antenato Martankus.
Colui che distruggerà il Signore della Fiamma sarà nominato Capo. Porta questo all'antenato Martankus.
Il voto ricevuto dopo aver superato il test di Ancestor Martankus. Porta questo a Pa'agrio Lord Kakai.
Vai a cercare il Guardiano Bella nella Città di Gludio, la Guardia Metty nella Città di Dion e la Gioielleria degli Accessori Ellie
Vai alle Rovine di Ye Sagira su Talking Island e sconfiggi gli sterminatori di animali Husk Avian, Husk Creature e Husk Rider.
Distruggi gli sterminatori di animali della foresta elfica: ragni cremisi, ragni uncinati e ragni tenaglia.
Distruggi gli sterminatori di animali della Foresta degli Elfi Oscuri: orrori oscuri minori, orrori oscuri e predatori.
Distruggi gli sterminatori di animali dell'Altopiano Indomito: i ragni kasha, i ragni poker kasha e i ragni lama kasha.
Distruggi gli sterminatori di animali della Zona Mineraria delle Montagne Spine: tarantole cacciatrici e tarantole saccheggiatric
Zanna grondante di sangue animale. Raccogli 50 di questi e portali a Martin, il Pet Manager della città di Gludin.
Artiglio grondante di sangue animale. Raccogli 50 di questi e portali a Martin, il Pet Manager della città di Gludin.
Unghie grondanti di sangue animale. Raccogli 50 di questi e portali a Martin, il Pet Manager della città di Gludin.
Zanna di una kasha grondante di sangue animale. Raccogli 50 di questi e portali a Martin, il Pet Manager della città di Gludin
Unghia di una tarantola grondante di sangue animale. Raccogli 50 di questi e portali a Martin, il Pet Manager della città di Glu
Spilla ricevuta dal magazziniere Wilford. Presenta questo a Lilith del tempio nel villaggio di Talking Island.
Libro degli incantesimi necessario per imparare Guarigione Superiore. Usato da Bishop, Elder e Shillien Elder.\nLivello richie
Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Greater Battle Heal. Usato dai Vescovi.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Greater Group Heal. Usato da Vescovi, Anziani di Shillien e Anziani.\nLivello richiesto: V
Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Rimedio. Usato dai Paladini.\nLivello richiesto: 40

Pagina 47

Cassa di
trasporto su cui è inciso il marchio di Aden Commercial Guild.
Cassetta merci su cui è inciso il marchio di Aden Commercial Guild.
Cassetta merci su cui è inciso il marchio di Aden Commercial Guild.
Cassetta merci su cui è inciso il marchio di Aden Commercial Guild.
Mela coltivata nella regione del Gludio. Può essere venduto nei negozi.
Polvere di mais coltivato a Dion. Può essere venduto nei negozi.
Pelli conciate di Dire Wolf. Può essere venduto nei negozi.
Gioiello di luce blu e bianca chiamato Moonjang Stone o Moonstone. Può essere venduto nei negozi.
Polvere ottenuta da grano coltivato nella regione del Gludio. Può essere venduto nei negozi.
Robusta corda realizzata con tessitura di seta di ragno tarantola. Può essere venduto nei negozi.
Gioiello prezioso che brilla di verde al sole e di rosso al chiaro di luna. Può essere venduto nei negozi.
Servizio di tazze da tè e piatti di alta qualità in argento. Può essere venduto nei negozi.
Componente dei golem meccanici. Inutile per altro, è meglio venduto.
Gioiello prezioso che risplende di un'intensa luce rossa. Può essere venduto nei negozi.
Abito in seta di alta qualità importato da Avellan dell'est. Può essere venduto nei negozi.
Come una tazza d'acqua fatta per i loro rituali, è una reliquia dell'antico impero Ferios. Può essere venduto nei negozi.
Gioiello di luce brillante utilizzato per decorare la corona dell'imperatore Elmoreden. Può essere venduto nei negozi.
Parte di una statua rotta. Può essere venduto nei negozi. Se raccogli i pezzi rimanenti della statua...?
Parte di una statua rotta. Può essere venduto nei negozi. Se raccogli i pezzi rimanenti della statua...?
Parte di una statua rotta. Può essere venduto nei negozi. Se raccogli i pezzi rimanenti della statua...?
Parte di una statua rotta. Può essere venduto nei negozi. Se raccogli i pezzi rimanenti della statua...?
Statua di Shilen realizzata ai tempi dell'antico impero di Elmoreden. Può essere venduto nei negozi a un prezzo elevato.
Frammento di antica tavoletta di argilla. Se raccogli i pezzi rimanenti della tavoletta...?
Frammento di antica tavoletta di argilla. Se raccogli i pezzi rimanenti della tavoletta...?
Frammento di antica tavoletta di argilla. Se raccogli i pezzi rimanenti della tavoletta...?
Frammento di antica tavoletta di argilla. Se raccogli i pezzi rimanenti della tavoletta...?
Grande tavoletta d'argilla su cui sono incisi testi antichi. Puoi venderlo in un negozio a un prezzo elevato.
Pozione magica che si dice faccia avverare i desideri.
Corona che è piena di gioielli ma è troppo grande per essere indossata sulla testa. Vendiamolo.
Certificato di royalty ma nessuno sa chi l'abbia fatto.
Pesante pezzo d'oro puro.
Moneta di qualità inferiore Moneta di qualità inferiore
Moneta di qualità
media Moneta di qualità inferiore
Moneta di qualità
media Moneta di
alta qualità
Moneta di qualità più elevata Moneta di qualità
media Moneta di qualità inferiore Moneta di qualità
superiore Moneta di qualità inferiore
Moneta di
qualità inferiore
Moneta di qualità
media Moneta di qualità inferiore

Pagina 48

Moneta di qualità
media Moneta di qualità
Moneta di qualità media Moneta di qualità inferiore
Moneta di qualità inferiore
Moneta di qualità inferiore
Moneta di qualità
media Moneta di qualità
elevata Moneta di qualità inferiore
Moneta di qualità
media Moneta di qualità
superiore Moneta di qualità
media Polvere di
monete di bassa qualità
che cade dal corpo della fata. Viene venduto a un prezzo costoso nei negozi.
Il flauto era solito evocare un Cucciolo di Vento. Prende una parte degli XP guadagnati dal Pet master.
Flauto richiamava un Cucciolo di Stella. Prende una parte degli XP guadagnati dal Pet master.
Flauto richiamava un Cucciolo del Crepuscolo. Prende una parte degli XP guadagnati dal Pet master.
Certificazione ufficiale per effettuare consegne. Rilasciato dalla Gilda della Porta di Ferro. Viene apposto il sigillo di Lockirin d
Oggetto che il Capo Magazzino Gesto ha affidato dicendo di portarlo all'Alto Prefetto Penatus. Devi consegnarlo rapidamente
Oggetto che il Capo Magazzino Gesto affidò dicendo di portarlo al fabbro Rupio. Devi consegnarlo rapidamente.
Oggetto che il Capo Magazzino Gesto ha affidato dicendo di portarlo a Martin. Devi consegnarlo rapidamente.
Articolo di fornitura. È davvero pesante. Portiamolo ad Alex al Florin Village.
Articolo di fornitura. È davvero pesante. Portiamolo al Guardiano Endrigo all'Execution Grounds.
Restituire il regalo dato da Alex come espressione di ringraziamento per aver portato abbastanza dell'articolo di fornitura.
Lettera di ringraziamento data dal Guardiano Endrigo dei motivi di esecuzione come espressione di ringraziamento per aver
Oggetto che il capo del magazzino Gesto ha affidato dicendo di portarlo a Orim l'Ombra. Cosa potrebbe esserci dentro...?
Oggetto che il capo del magazzino Gesto ha affidato dicendo di portarlo a Orim l'Ombra. Cosa potrebbe esserci dentro...?
Cuore ottenuto uccidendo i sileni. Articolo appositamente ordinato da Orim the Shadow.
Ordine ricevuto dal magazzino della Città di Giran. Puoi ricevere la tassa di consegna prendendo questo e la ricevuta.
Ordine ricevuto dal magazzino del Comune di Gludio. Puoi ricevere la tassa di consegna prendendo questo e la ricevuta.
Ordine ricevuto dal magazzino di Hunter Village. Puoi ricevere la tassa di consegna prendendo questo e la ricevuta.
Certificato ricevuto ogni volta che una consegna viene completata con successo. Se raccogli 50 certificati, puoi scambiarli co
Certificato che puoi ricevere se completi con successo 50 consegne. La tassa di consegna aumenta del 4% per ogni certifica
Certificato di un maestro delle consegne ricevuto per aver completato con successo 1.000 consegne. Ricevuto il 120% della
Il modulo di conferma viene firmato dalla persona che riceve la consegna di un articolo. Raccogli tre fogli e portali al capo de
Il modulo di conferma viene firmato dalla persona che riceve la consegna di un articolo. Raccogli due fogli e portali al capo de
Pergamena da portare al Magister Baulro del Tempio di Einhasad a Talking Island.
Lettera da portare al guardiano del faro Rockswell di Talking Island.
Prenota da portare a Marius nella casa privata sulla spiaggia sul lato nord di Talking Island.
Documento da portare a Matheo presso le rovine vicino al porto di Talking Island.
Lettera da portare a Sir Collin Windawood davanti all'Obelisco della Vittoria a Talking Island.
Pozzo da portare all'Alto Prefetto della Gilda degli Orchi Osborn del villaggio di Gludin.
Lettera da portare al guardiano del faro Perrin al molo nel villaggio di Gludin.
Foto da portare al Wharf Manager Clancy del villaggio di Gludin.
Urna da portare a Sir Karrel Vasper del villaggio di Gludin.
Scatola da portare a Samed del Comune di Gludio.
Urna da portare alla sacerdotessa Vivyan al tempio di Einhasad nella città di Gludio.
Scatola da portare alla maestra della gilda dei guerrieri Leona nella città di Gludio.

Pagina 49

Dispositivo meccanico da portare al Fabbro Pinter presso la bottega del fabbro nel Comune di Gludio.
Portagioie da portare al Cavaliere Sentinella Alberius nel Villaggio degli Elfi.
Portagioie da portare a Pixy Murika davanti all'Albero Madre del Villaggio degli Elfi.
Lettera da portare a Karna nel Villaggio degli Elfi Oscuri.
Libro da portare a Magister Harne nel Villaggio degli Elfi Oscuri.
Statua da portare a Sir Ortho Lancer nella città di Giran.
Scatola da portare a Martin nella città di Giran.
Statua da portare al Vescovo Massimiliano del Tempio di Einhasad nella città di Giran.
Portagioie da portare al Maestro Stapin della Gilda degli Elfi Oscuri nella Città di Giran.
Documento da portare al Maestro Genwitter della Gilda dei Guerrieri nella città di Giran.
Bottiglia di medicina da portare all'Alto Prefetto Clogg presso la Gilda degli Orchi nella città di Dion.
Statua da portare a Sir Kiel Nighthawk nella città di Dion.
Minerale da portare al fabbro Poitan nella bottega del fabbro nella città di Dion.
Libro da portare al cardinale Seresin del tempio di Einhasad nella città di Oren.
Pergamena da portare al capo Duda-Mara Takuna vicino alla Gilda degli Orchi nella città di Oren.
Foto da portare a Colin, membro della Hunter Guild, nel villaggio di Hunter.
Tessuto da portare alla guardia Makhis nel villaggio di cacciatori.
Vaso che dovrebbe essere portato all'anziano Cronos nel villaggio di cacciatori.
Diamante da portare al Gran Magister Scraide della Mystic Guild a Hunter Village.
Portagioie da portare al droghiere Pano a Floran Village.
Pepite d'oro da portare ad Alex a Floran Village.
Pozzo da portare al miliziano Leirynn nel villaggio di Floran.
Lettera da portare al pescatore Evert a Floran Village.
Tessuto da portare all'astrologo Creta nel villaggio di Floran.
Libro da portare al Magister Kaiena della Dark Elf Guild al 4° piano della Ivory Tower.
Minerale da portare a Rex nell'area commerciale sotterranea della Torre d'Avorio.
Bottiglia di medicina da portare a Uruha vicino alla cascata nel nord delle paludi nella regione degli Elfi Oscuri.
Scatoline da portare alla Sentry Irene davanti al ponte ovest della Zona Neutrale.
Documento da portare alla Sentinel Trionell davanti al ponte orientale della Zona Neutrale.
Pergamena da portare a Northwind di fronte alla fortezza sotterranea nella regione degli Elfi.
Documento da portare a Thalia sul lato est del Lago Iris nella regione degli Elfi.
Scatola da portare all'accampamento degli orchi di Peter of Turek nel sud della regione autonoma degli Elfi Oscuri.
Pozzo da portare alla guardia del corpo Jax sulla strada costiera nelle Terre desolate meridionali.
Chiave da portare al ricercatore Lorain vicino all'ingresso della Torre Cruma.
Dispositivo meccanico da portare al Maestro Nikola sul lato sud-ovest della Torre Cruma.
Documento da portare al direttore Roderik dei motivi di esecuzione.
Piccole scatole da portare all'evocatore Belthus sul lato sud-est della Torre Cruma.
Pozzo da portare al capo di Enku Kepra sulla costa meridionale del villaggio di Floran.
Scatola da portare all'evocatore Celestiel presso le rovine del Colosseo circolare a sud della fortezza sotterranea della region
Quadro da consegnare all'Orfanotrofio Maestro Gupu nelle Lande Desolate, a ovest della Città di Gludio.
Pergamena da consegnare all'evocatrice Basillia sulla strada costiera, a sud delle Terre Desolate.
Scatola da consegnare a Sir Aaron Tanford sulla strada costiera, a sud delle Terre Desolate.
Urna da consegnare al Profeta Sla sul lato est dell'Ant Tunnel Dungeon.
Portagioie da consegnare a Windy Shaoring sul lato ovest dell'Ant Tunnel Dungeon.
Libro che dovrebbe essere portato all'Anziano Casian sul lato sud del Dungeon di Ant Tunnel situato nelle Terre Desolate.
Bottiglia di medicina da portare ad Annika sul lato sud del Laboratorio di Magia Nera nella regione autonoma degli Elfi Oscuri
Pergamena da portare a Slein Shining Blade sul lato est della Cerimonia dell'Altare della maturità nella regione autonoma de
Piccole scatole da portare allo Sciamano Varika alla Cerimonia dell'Altare della maturità nella regione autonoma degli Elfi Os
Bottiglia di medicina da portare a Tyra attraverso la strada occidentale presso l'Altare dei Riti nella regione autonoma degli El

Pagina 50

Scorri per essere portato a Piper Longbow presso l'altare sul lato nord della cascata delle paludi nella regione autonoma deg
Lettera da portare a Katari presso l'altare sul lato nord della cascata delle paludi nella regione autonoma degli Elfi Oscuri.
Portagioie da portare all'evocatore Camoniell sulla costa meridionale di Floran Village.
Campione da portare a Orim l'Ombra sul lato nord del Passo della Morte nel Territorio di Giran.
Pozzo da portare a Capo Breka Voltar sul lato nord-orientale del Passo della Morte nel Territorio di Giran.
Prenota da portare all'evocatrice Brynthea sul lato nord-occidentale della città di Giran.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Magister Baulro.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Rockswell.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Marius.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Matteo.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Sir Collin Windawood.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dall'alto prefetto Osborn.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Perrin.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Clancy.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Sir Karrel Vasper.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Samed.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dalla sacerdotessa Vivyan.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dal Maestro Leona.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dal fabbro Pinter.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Sentinel Knight Smallberry.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Pixy Murika.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Karna.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Magister Harne.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Sir Ortho Lancer.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Martin.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dal vescovo Massimiliano.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dal maestro Stapin.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dal maestro Genwitter.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dall'Alto Prefetto Clogg.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Sir Kiel Nighthawk.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dal fabbro Poitan.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dal cardinale Seresin.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dal capo Duda-Mara Takuna.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Colin, membro della gilda dei cacciato
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dalla guardia Makhis.
Documento di conferma ricevuto durante la consegna dell'oggetto all'anziano Cronos. È firmato.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dal Gran Magister Scraide.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dal droghiere Pano.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Alex.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dal miliziano Leirynn.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dal pescatore Evert.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dall'astrologo Creta.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Magister Kaiena.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Rex.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Uruha.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Sentry Irene.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dal
documento di conferma di Sentinel Trionell ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'articolo. È firmato da Northwind.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Talia.

Pagina 51

Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Pietro.

Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dalla guardia del corpo Jax.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dal ricercatore Lorain.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dal Maestro Nikola.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Warden Roderik dell'Execution Groun
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dall'evocatore Belthus.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dal capo di Enku Kepra.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dall'evocatore Celestiel.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dal maestro dell'orfanotrofio Gupu.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dall'evocatore Basillia.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Sir Aaron Tanford.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dal profeta Sla.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Windy Shaoring.
Documento di conferma ricevuto durante la consegna dell'oggetto all'anziano Casian. È firmato.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Annika.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Slein Shining Blade.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Shaman Varika.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Tyra.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Piper Longbow.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Katari.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dall'evocatore Camoniell.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato da Orim l'Ombra.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dal capo Breka Voltar.
Documento di conferma ricevuto al momento della consegna dell'oggetto. È firmato dall'evocatore Brynthea.
Occhio ottenuto uccidendo un veggente fluttuante. Articolo appositamente ordinato da Samed.
Artiglio ottenuto uccidendo il ragno pincher. Articolo appositamente ordinato dal fabbro Pinter.
Uniforme di Ol Mahum ricevuta dal capitano di Ol Mahum e dal signore di Ol Mahum. Articolo appositamente ordinato da Sir
Capo di Enku Orc Champion. Articolo appositamente ordinato dall'Alto Prefetto Clogg.
Pungiglione velenoso di un'ape insanguinata. Articolo appositamente ordinato da Grocer Pano.
Oggetto speciale ottenuto uccidendo il fuoco fantasma. Articolo appositamente ordinato dalla maga Kaiena.
Sangue etereo ricevuto dall'uccisione di un Mist Horror Ripper. Articolo appositamente ordinato dal Maestro Nikola.
Scatola restituita da Samed. Portiamo questo in un vicino magazzino di servizi di spedizione.
Scatola di gioielli restituita da Pixy Murika. Portiamo questo in un vicino magazzino di servizi di spedizione.
L'urna viene restituita dall'anziano Cronos. Portiamo questo in un vicino magazzino di servizi di spedizione.
Lingotto d'oro restituito da Alex. Portiamo questo in un vicino magazzino di servizi di spedizione.
Libro restituito dalla maga Kaiena. Portiamo questo in un vicino magazzino di servizi di spedizione.
L'albero viene restituito dalla guardia del corpo Jax. Portiamo questo in un vicino magazzino di servizi di spedizione.
Urna restituita dal profeta Sla. Portiamo questo in un vicino magazzino di servizi di spedizione.
Scatoline restituite da Shaman Varika. Portiamo questo in un vicino magazzino di servizi di spedizione.
Ordine del capo mercenario Sophia. Dice di distruggere i non morti nei luoghi dell'esecuzione.
Ordine del capo mercenario Sophia. Dice di distruggere Ol Mahums nella Fortezza della Resistenza.
Ordine del capo mercenario Sophia. Dice di distruggere gli uomini lucertola Delu delle aree meridionali delle regioni Dion e G
Ordine del capo mercenario Sophia. Dice di distruggere Marsh Stakatos di Cruma Marshland.
Marchio conferito a chi ottiene meriti distinti nei Mercenari Leone Nero.
Marchio conferito alla persona che ottiene meriti molto distinti nei Mercenari del Leone Nero.
Moneta commemorativa donata come ringraziamento dai membri dell'Aden Commercial Guild.
Libro che può essere ottenuto dall'Alchimista Matild. Secondo le istruzioni scritte nel libro, vai a trovare l'albero del custode se
Antico libro ricevuto dagli alberi guardiani del segreto. Porta questo all'alchimista Matild.
Scaglia di Basilisco d'Ambra, Pietra dell'Anima del Vento Sussurrante, Occhio di Vetro del Giaguaro di Vetro e Sangue di Tur

Pagina 52

Corno di Sileno, Afide Soldato di Formiche, Chitina del Tiranno ed Ectoplasma dell'Orrore della Nebbia Squartatore dell'Orror
Certificato di amicizia dell'alchimista Matild.
I segreti dell'amore depravato ma estatico sono scritti. Può essere venduto a un prezzo elevato a una persona interessata...
Ingrediente necessario per preparare la pozione dei desideri. Portalo con gli altri ingredienti all'Alchimista Matild.
Ingrediente necessario per preparare la pozione dei desideri. Portalo con gli altri ingredienti all'Alchimista Matild.
Ingrediente necessario per preparare la pozione dei desideri. Portalo con gli altri ingredienti all'Alchimista Matild.
Ingrediente necessario per preparare la pozione dei desideri. Portalo con gli altri ingredienti all'Alchimista Matild.
Ingrediente necessario per preparare la pozione dei desideri. Portalo con gli altri ingredienti all'Alchimista Matild.
Ingrediente necessario per preparare la pozione dei desideri. Portalo con gli altri ingredienti all'Alchimista Matild.
Ingrediente necessario per preparare la pozione dei desideri. Portalo con gli altri ingredienti all'Alchimista Matild.
Ingrediente necessario per preparare la pozione dei desideri. Portalo con gli altri ingredienti all'Alchimista Matild.
Certificato che dimostra l'idoneità come 1st Circle Hunter. Devi averlo per poter eseguire gli ordini impartiti dalla Gilda dei cac
Certificato che dimostra l'idoneità come 2nd Circle Hunter. Devi averlo per poter eseguire gli ordini impartiti dalla Gilda dei ca
Marchio conferito ai cacciatori che eseguono con successo le richieste della gilda. Più un cacciatore è esperto, più ne ha.
Istruzioni per il test del 1st Circle Hunter Certificate. Dice di completare almeno tre dei sei compiti presentati da Grey.
Istruzioni per il test del certificato 2nd Circle Hunter. Dice di completare almeno tre dei sei compiti presentati da Grey.
Ti chiede di aumentare la purezza del cristallo di sangue uccidendo gli uomini lucertola di Leto o gli uomini lucertola di Harit c
Gioiello insanguinato che contiene un triste potere magico. Purezza 1. Maggiore è la purezza del cristallo, maggiore è il valor
Gioiello insanguinato che contiene un triste potere magico. Purezza 2. Maggiore è la purezza del cristallo, maggiore è il valor
Gioiello insanguinato che contiene un triste potere magico. Purezza 3. Maggiore è la purezza del cristallo, maggiore è il valor
Gioiello insanguinato che contiene un triste potere magico. Purezza 4. Maggiore è la purezza del cristallo, maggiore è il valor
Gioiello insanguinato che contiene un triste potere magico. Purezza 5. Maggiore è la purezza del cristallo, maggiore è il valor
Gioiello insanguinato che contiene un triste potere magico. Purezza 6. Maggiore è la purezza del cristallo, maggiore è il valor
Gioiello insanguinato che contiene un triste potere magico. Purezza 7. Maggiore è la purezza del cristallo, maggiore è il valor
Gioiello insanguinato che contiene un triste potere magico. Purezza 8. Maggiore è la purezza del cristallo, maggiore è il valor
Gioiello insanguinato che contiene un triste potere magico. Purezza 9. Maggiore è la purezza del cristallo, maggiore è il valor
Gioiello insanguinato che contiene un triste potere magico. Purezza 10. Maggiore è la purezza del cristallo, maggiore è il valo
Cristallo di sangue rotto dalla disuguaglianza magica.
Scaglie staccate dal cadavere di Guardian Basilisk. Raccogli 40 e portali a Hunter Guild Member Grey.
Filo d'erba che gli sciamani lucertola di Leto usano per i farmaci. Raccogli 20 e portali a Hunter Guild Member Grey.
Certificato che prova che il signore supremo di Breka Haka è stato ucciso. Portalo insieme ai capi di Jaka e Marka al membro
Certificato che prova che il signore supremo di Breka Jaka è stato ucciso. Portalo insieme alle teste di haka e marka a Hunte
Certificato che dimostra che il signore supremo di Breka Marka è stato ucciso. Portalo insieme alle teste di haka e jaka a Hun
La pelle si è staccata dopo aver ucciso Windsus Aleph. Portalo a Grey, membro della Gilda dei cacciatori.
Minerale spirituale ottenuto uccidendo manashen o Golem di pietra rinforzato. Raccogli 20 e portali a Hunter Guild Member G
Spora che esce dal corpo di Giant Fungus. Raccogli 30 e portali a Hunter Guild Member Grey.
Piccola statua che i combattenti degli orchi Timak portano con sé. Raccogli 20 e portali a Hunter Guild Member Grey.
Forte ragnatela che fuoriesce dal corpo del trisalim. Raccogli 20 e portali a Hunter Guild Member Grey.
Frutto dell'albero ottenuto dall'uccisione dei treant della valle. Raccogli 30 e portali a Hunter Guild Member Grey.
Cristallo del male ottenuto dall'uccisione di tairim. Raccogli 20 e portali a Hunter Guild Member Grey.
Punta di freccia usata dagli arcieri dell'antico impero di Elmoreden. Raccogli 20 e portali a Hunter Guild Member Grey.
Certificato che prova che il predone chiacchierone Athu è stato ucciso. Raccogli le teste di cinque predoni e portale al memb
Certificato che prova che il raider Lanka è stato ucciso. Raccogli le teste di cinque predoni e portale al membro della Gilda de
Certificato che prova che Triska è stata uccisa. Raccogli le teste di cinque predoni e portale al membro della Gilda dei caccia
Certificato che prova che l'incursore Motura è stato ucciso. Raccogli le teste di cinque predoni e portale al membro della Gild
Certificato che prova che il predone dei discorsi Kalath è stato ucciso. Raccogli le teste di cinque predoni e portale al membro
Uccidi l'arciere o soldato Leto uomo lucertola e ottieni 40 totem di War Hero Kadesh.
Uccidi timak orco guerriero o signore supremo e ottieni 50 collane di giada timak.
Uccidi i Golem di pietra rinforzati, raccogli e riporta indietro 50 dei frammenti.

Pagina 53

Ottieni 30 pezzi di occhio fluttuante gigante.

Uccidi i Draghi crudeli e raccogli e porta 40 uova.
Raccogli e porta 100 artigli del Basilisco guardiano.
Uccidi le anime incatenate e ottieni 50 catene di Deadman.
Raccogli e porta 30 zanne di Windsus.
Raccogli e porta 100 teschi di grandis.
Uccidi l'arciere orco taik o il guerriero e raccogli e porta 50 collane di ossidiana taik.
Porta 30 teste di karul bugbear.
Uccidi Tamlin Orc o Tamlin Orc Archer e raccogli e porta 40 amuleti d'avorio Tamlin.
Uccidi il capo Narak di Leto e porta la testa.
Raccogli e porta 50 corna di Gargoyle rinforzato.
Uccidi breka orco guerriero o sciamano e ottieni 50 totem serpente arrotolato.
Uccidi lo sciamano leto Ketz e ottieni il demone kadesh totem.
Uccidi Timak Raider Kaikee e porta la testa.
Prendi e porta 30 sacche di veleno di kronbe.
Uccidi lo zombi di spore nel mare di spore e porta 30 amuleti di Eva.
Uccidi grandis chief gok magok e riporta la tavoletta del gigante minore.
Uccidi il capo Karul Orooto e riporta indietro il Libro di Shunaiman.
Uccidi l'albero marcio nel mare delle spore e raccogli e porta 40 semi.
Raccogli e porta 40 sacche di veleno di trisalim.
Uccidi lo sciamano o il capitano degli orchi taik e ottieni 50 totem degli orchi taik.
Uccidi il Soldato, l'Arciere e il Guerriero dell'Uomo Lucertola Harit e raccogli e porta 40 Collane Spinate Harit.
Uccidi gli Harat Ratmen che abitano nelle pianure dilaniate dalla guerra e raccogli 20 monete dall'antico impero e portale al m
Porta 30 pelli Farcran.
Uccidi le mosche nella Valle Incantata, raccogli e riporta indietro 40 frammenti di tempesta.
Uccidi i liele nella valle incantata, raccogli e riporta indietro 40 frammenti di tsunami.
Uccidi il satiro o l'anziano satiro e raccogli e porta 40 criniere che sono state ottenute.
Uccidi il corridore della foresta e raccogli e porta 40 frammenti di hamadryadesung.
Uccidi vanor silenos soldato, esploratore o guerriero e raccogli e porta 30 delle loro criniere.
Uccidi i guerrieri taik bugbear e raccogli e porta 30 totem Tarlk Bugbear.
Uccidi il signore supremo di Timak okun e porta la testa.
Uccidi il signore supremo taik Kakran e porta la testa.
Distruggi gli specchi della Foresta degli Specchi e raccogli e porta 40 pietre dell'anima di narciso.
Raccogli e porta 20 occhi privati.
Porta 20 corna di unicorno.
Uccidi il capo vanor kerunos e rimuovi e porta la criniera.
Uccidi i vagabondi della tomba e raccogli e porta 20 teschi di persone giustiziate.
Uccidi Harit Chieftain Kubel, recupera il busto di King Travis e portalo.
Uccidi i giudici di palude e raccogli e porta 10 spade delle guardie del corpo di Re Cadmo.
Totem ottenuto uccidendo arcieri o soldati uomini lucertola di Leto. Raccogline 40 e portali alla Gilda dei cacciatori.
Collana ottenuta uccidendo guerrieri orchi Timak o signori della guerra. Raccogline 50 e portali alla Gilda dei cacciatori.
Frammento di un golem di pietra rinforzato distrutto. Raccogline 50 e portali alla Gilda dei cacciatori.
Pezzo tagliato per il cibo dal cadavere di un gigantesco occhio di mostro. Raccogline 30 e portali alla Gilda dei cacciatori.
Uovo ottenuto da una femmina di Wyrm crudele. Raccogline 40 e portali alla Gilda dei cacciatori.
Artiglio rimosso dal cadavere del Basilisco Guardiano. Raccogli 100 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Catena avvolta attorno al corpo di un'anima incatenata. Raccogli 50 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Dente gigante di Windsus. Raccogli 30 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Teschio ottenuto dall'uccisione di grandis. Raccogli 100 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Amuleto ottenuto uccidendo arcieri o guerrieri orchi Taik. Raccogli 50 e portali a Guild Member Tor.

Pagina 54

Testa tagliata dopo aver ucciso i bugbear di Karul. Raccogli 30 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Fascino ottenuto dall'uccisione di Tamlin Orcs o Tamlin Orc Archers. Raccogli 40 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Certificato di aver ucciso l'anziano Leto Narak. Portalo al membro della gilda Tor.
Corno ottenuto dal corpo distrutto del Gargoyle rinforzato. Raccogli 50 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Statua ottenuta dall'uccisione di guerrieri orchi Breka o di uno sciamano. Raccogli 50 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Statua del demone Kadesh ottenuta dall'uccisione dello sciamano Leto Ketz. Portalo al membro della gilda Tor.
Certificato di aver ucciso il predone di Timak Kaikee. Portalo al membro della gilda Tor.
Sacco velenoso ottenuto uccidendo kronbe. Raccogli 30 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Fascino portato sui corpi degli antichi guerrieri elfi. Raccogli 30 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Antica tavoletta di pietra recuperata dal capo grandis Gok Magok. Portalo al membro della gilda Tor.
Antico documento recuperato dal capo Karul Orooto. Portalo al membro della gilda Tor.
Seme raccolto da tronchi d'albero marci. Raccogli 40 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Sacco velenoso rimosso dal cadavere di trisalim. Raccogli 40 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Statua ottenuta uccidendo gli orchi shaman o capitani Taik. Raccogli 50 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Collana ottenuta uccidendo soldati, arcieri o guerrieri uomo lucertola Harit. Raccogli 40 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Moneta utilizzata durante il periodo dell'antico impero di Elmoreden. Raccogli 20 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Pelle rimossa dopo aver ucciso Farcran. Raccogli 30 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Minerale spirituale ottenuto uccidendo un fline. Raccogli 40 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Minerale spirituale ottenuto uccidendo un liele. Raccogli 40 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Criniera ottenuta uccidendo satiro o anziani satiro. Raccogli 40 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Minerale spirituale ottenuto uccidendo il corridore della foresta. Raccogli 40 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Criniera di vanor silenos soldati, esploratori o guerrieri. Raccogli 30 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Piccola statua che i guerrieri Tarlk Bugbear portano in giro sui loro corpi. Raccogli 30 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Certificato di aver ucciso il signore supremo di Timak Okun. Portalo al membro della gilda Tor.
Certificato di aver ucciso il signore supremo taik Kakran. Portalo al membro della gilda Tor.
Frammento di specchio distrutto. Raccogli 40 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Occhio ottenuto da cadavere privato. Raccogli 20 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Corno ottenuto dall'uccisione di un unicorno o di un unicorno anziano. Raccogli 20 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Mane rimosso dopo aver ucciso il capo Vanor Kerunos. Portalo al membro della gilda Tor.
Teschio ottenuto dall'uccisione di un tomba viandante. Raccogli 20 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Busto di re Travis recuperato dal capo hatar kubel. Portalo al membro della gilda Tor.
Spada della guardia del corpo di re Cadmo recuperata dal giudice di palude. Raccogli 10 e portali a Guild Member Tor.
Illustrazione della moneta che il custode del magazzino Sorint vuole che tu recuperi. Incontra il presidente della Hunter Guild
Moneta uguale a quella che ha il presidente della Hunter Guild Bernard. Porta questo al magazziniere Sorint.
lv. 1 tessera club collezionisti di monete. Devi averlo per scambiare monete con membri di altri luoghi.
lv. 2 tessere di appartenenza al club di collezionisti di monete. Devi averlo per scambiare monete con membri di livello 2 o 3
lv. 3 tessere di appartenenza al club di collezionisti di monete. Devi averlo per scambiare monete con membri di livello 3 di al
Gioiello richiesto per incontrare e parlare con la fata Mimyu.
Gioiello richiesto per incontrare e parlare con la fata Mimyu. Fai attenzione perché le creature che vivono nella Valle Incantat
4 gemme accessorie (di basso grado), 2 frammenti di armatura (di basso grado), 1 gemma (di grado D), 10 pezzi di Toad Lor
5 gemme accessorie (di basso grado), 2 frammenti di armatura (di basso grado), 1 gemma (di grado C), 20 pezzi di pelle per
dorso del signore dei rospi e 1 dorso per coca cola di un signore dei rospi. Ingrediente utilizzato per rimuovere le impurità dal
La medicina aveva bisogno di parlare con draghi o Wyrms.
Scala di drake exarion. Prendi questo e recupera 20 uova dai guerrieri leto lucertola vicino al castello di Oren.
Uovo di drake exarion recuperato dai guerrieri leto lucertola.
Scala di drake zwov. Prendi questo e recupera 20 uova dai ragni di palude di Cruma Marshlands.
Uovo di drake zwov recuperato da ragni di palude.
Scaglia di Drake Kalibran. Prendi questo e recupera 20 uova da Road Scavengers vicino al Death Pass.
Drake Kalibran Egg recuperato da Road Scavengers.

Pagina 55

Scala di Wyvern Suzet. Prendi questo e recupera 20 uova da Breka Orc Overlords nel nord di Giran.
Uovo di Wyvern Suzet recuperato da Breka Orc Overlords.
Scala di Wyvern Shamhai. Prendi questo e recupera 20 uova dai Basilischi e dai Basilischi Minori della Zona Contaminata.
Uovo di Wyvern Shamhai recuperato dai Basilischi e dai Basilischi Minori.
Un ingrediente dell'antidoto. Porta tutti e quattro gli ingredienti dell'antidoto al leader del clan entro il tempo.
Un ingrediente dell'antidoto. Porta tutti e quattro gli ingredienti dell'antidoto al leader del clan entro il tempo.
Un ingrediente dell'antidoto. Porta tutti e quattro gli ingredienti dell'antidoto al leader del clan entro il tempo.
Un ingrediente dell'antidoto. Porta tutti e quattro gli ingredienti dell'antidoto al leader del clan entro il tempo.
Se raccogli tre monete di Athrea e le porti a Witch Athrea, sarai in grado di ottenere Blood of Eva.
Certificato acquisito in cambio della vita di un membro del clan. Porta questo al capo del clan.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Quest. Necessario per creare una pietra del potere del gigante. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv.
Uovo di drago di nebbia. Il capo del clan deve raccogliere dieci di ciascuno dei quattro tipi di uova e portarle a Martien.
Uovo di Wyrm blitz. Il capo del clan deve raccogliere dieci di ciascuno dei quattro tipi di uova e portarle a Martien.
Uovo di drago. Il capo del clan deve raccogliere dieci di ciascuno dei quattro tipi di uova e portarle a Martien.
Uovo del tuono Wyrm. Il capo del clan deve raccogliere dieci di ciascuno dei quattro tipi di uova e portarle a Martien.
Questa spilla che è stata lasciata da un nano morente per essere consegnata al capo fabbro Kusto, suo fratello minore nella
Soulshot di identità sconosciuta. Il capo del clan deve raccogliere dieci ciascuno di questi e le pietre del potere del gigante e
Powerstone del gigante. È rotto e inutile.
Powerstone del gigante. Il capo del clan deve raccogliere dieci di questi e anche dieci Cristalli di Nebulite e portarli tutti a Balt
Chiave utilizzata per l'apertura del forziere imperiale. Deve averle tutte e sei per aprire il forziere.
La polvere di cenere rimanente dopo che un non morto dei Terreni dell'Esecuzione è stato distrutto. Raccogli questo e portal
Insegne ottenute dall'uccisione di Ol Mahums nella Fortezza della Resistenza. Raccoglili e portali alla mercenaria Sophya.
Dente rimosso dopo aver ucciso un Uomo Lucertola Delu. Raccoglili e portali alla mercenaria Sophya.
Artiglio tagliato dopo aver ucciso Marsh Stakatos delle Terre paludose di Cruma. Raccogli questo e portalo alla mercenaria S
Marchio dato da Seal Guardian Gabrielle. Ricevi il riconoscimento per le tue capacità dopo aver preso questo e aver incontra
Il corno che è stato tagliato a un cacciatore di paludi dopo che è stato ucciso. Portalo a Magister Kaiena, il Guardiano del Sig
Gli artigli che sono stati rimossi da un draco di palude dopo che è stato ucciso. Portali da Magister Kaiena, il Guardiano del S
La pelle che è stata rimossa da un Kranrot dopo che è stato ucciso. Portalo al Prefetto Chakiris, il Guardiano del Sigillo.
La gamba che è stata rimossa da un Hamrut e scuoiata dopo che è stata uccisa. Portalo al Prefetto Chakiris, il Guardiano de
I resti di un'anima sacrificata. Portali dal Sommo Sacerdote Orven, il Guardiano del Sigillo.
Il totem creato dagli uomini lucertola Harit che adorano Antharas. Portalo al Maestro Kendra il Guardiano del Sigillo.
Frammento ottenuto distruggendo un Gioiello Abissale a Gludio. Portalo al capo del magazzino Moke, il guardiano del sigillo.
Frammento ottenuto distruggendo un gioiello abissale a Oren. Portalo al fabbro Helton, il guardiano del sigillo.
Frammento ottenuto distruggendo Gioiello Abissale. Porta questo al Guardiano di Antharas Theodric all'ingresso della Tana d
La prova ottenuta dopo aver ucciso la guardiana dei gioielli Mara. Portalo al capo del magazzino Moke, il guardiano del sigillo
La prova ottenuta dopo aver ucciso il guardiano di gioielli Musfel. Portalo al fabbro Helton, il guardiano del sigillo.
Certificato di riconoscimento da parte del guardiano della foca. Torna da Gabrielle dopo aver ricevuto i certificati dai guardian
Oggetto necessario per attivare il cristallo di teletrasporto che si teletrasporta nella tana di Antharas.
Lettera segreta inviata da Sir Gustav Athebaldt ai suoi aiutanti. Prendilo e portalo a Martien della città di Giran.
Lettera inviata da Sir Gustav Athebaldt a coloro che lo sostengono. Portalo a Balthazar di Hunter Village.
Lettera inviata da Sir Gustav Athebaldt a coloro che lo sostengono. Portalo a Sir Eric Rodemai della città di Aden.
Scettro conferito all'imperatore fondatore Shunaiman dell'antico impero di Elmoreden dal dio della luce. Certificato che rappre
Oggetto necessario a un leader del clan per portare il clan al livello 5.
Moneta commemorativa data come espressione di gratitudine dalla Gilda dell'incudine nera.
Erba di Vanor, Erba di Oel Mahum, Erba di Harit e Sangue di Eva.
Se porti questo documento a Sir Kristof Rodemai, riceverai la Prova dell'Alleanza.
Oggetto necessario a un leader del clan per
portare il clan al livello 4. Porta la lettera a un GM per ricevere un grande regalo!
Porta la lettera a un GM per ricevere un fantastico regalo!

Pagina 56

Porta la lettera a un GM per ricevere un fantastico regalo!

Porta la lettera a un GM per ricevere un fantastico regalo!
Porta la lettera a un GM per ricevere un fantastico regalo!
Porta la lettera a un GM per ricevere un fantastico regalo!
Porta la lettera a un GM per ricevere un fantastico regalo!
Porta la lettera a un GM per ricevere un fantastico regalo!
Porta la lettera a un GM per ricevere un fantastico regalo!
Porta la lettera a un GM per ricevere un fantastico regalo!
Porta la lettera a un GM per ricevere un fantastico regalo!
Porta la lettera a un GM per ricevere un fantastico regalo!
Porta la lettera a un GM per ricevere un fantastico regalo!
Porta la lettera a un GM per ricevere un fantastico regalo!
Rimedio in grado di neutralizzare il veleno della strega Kalis. Se il leader del clan lo usa, l'avvelenamento viene curato.
Certificato che mostra l'idoneità a partecipare al gruppo per conquistare Antharas. Prendi questo e vai a incontrare Antharas
La precisione aumenta.
Aumenta il danno critico.
P. Aumento del tasso critico.
Spell Casting Spd. Aumenta.
Aumenta ATT. spd.
Aumenta l'evasione.
M. Atk. Aumenta.
P. Atk. Aumenta.
La velocità aumenta.
P. Def. aumenta.
Pergamena magica che resuscita un personaggio morto e ripristina completamente i suoi XP.
Progetto necessario per imparare la tecnica Evoca Golem d'assedio.\nLivello richiesto: 49 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Resurrezione di massa. Usato dai Vescovi.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Il ritorno del gruppo. Usato dagli Anziani degli Elfi.\nLivello richiesto: 48
Amuleto richiesto per l'incantesimo Cuore di Pa'agrio. Usato da Overlords.\nLivello richiesto: 44 Libro degli
incantesimi necessario per imparare Diminuire peso. Usato dagli Oracoli Elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 35
Biglietto nave: Da Talking Island - A Giran
Biglietto nave: Da Giran - A Talking Island
Il potere di uno spirito di livello superiore viene conferito a un'arma, aumentando temporaneamente la sua magia in modo sig
Il potere di uno spirito di livello superiore viene conferito a un'arma, aumentando temporaneamente la sua magia in modo sig
Il potere di uno spirito di livello superiore viene conferito a un'arma, aumentando temporaneamente la sua magia in modo sig
Il potere di uno spirito di livello superiore viene conferito a un'arma, aumentando temporaneamente la sua magia in modo sig
Il potere di uno spirito di livello superiore viene conferito a un'arma, aumentando temporaneamente la sua magia in modo sig
Il potere di uno spirito di livello superiore viene conferito a un'arma, aumentando temporaneamente la sua magia in modo sig
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il Beato Spiritshot (grado D). Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è de
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il Beato Spiritshot (grado C). Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è de
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il Beato Spiritshot (grado B). Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è de
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il Beato Spiritshot (grado A). Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è de
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il Beato Spiritshot (grado S). Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 8. La percentuale di successo è de
Pergamena magica che sposta l'utente nel villaggio più vicino Pergamena
magica che resuscita un personaggio morto e ripristina completamente i suoi XP.
Gludio/ Spada/ Stazionario.
Gludio/ Lancia/ Stazionario.
Gludio/ Arco/ Stazionario.
Gludio/ Chierico/ Stazionario.

Pagina 57

Gludio/ Wizard/ Stazionario.

Gludio/ Spada/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Lancia/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Arco/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Chierico/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Collocato a Gludio, al Teletrasporto o all'interno del castello, questo biglietto consente il teletrasporto al castello interno o alla
Collocato a Gludio, al Teletrasporto o all'interno del castello, questo biglietto consente il teletrasporto al castello esterno o alla
Collocato a Gludio, al Teletrasporto o all'interno del castello, questo biglietto consente il teletrasporto all'interno o all'esterno d
Dion/ Spada/ Stazionario.
Dion/ Lancia/ Stazionario.
Dion/ Arco/ Stazionario.
Dion/ Chierico/ Stazionario.
Dion/ Mago/ Stazionario.
Dion/ Spada/ Cellulare.
Dion/ Lancia/ Mobile.
Dion/ Arco/ Cellulare.
Dion/Chierico/ Mobile.
Dion/ Wizard/ Cellulare.
Posizionato a Dion, al Teletrasporto o all'interno del castello, questo biglietto consente il teletrasporto al castello interno o alla
Posizionato a Dion, al Teletrasporto o all'interno del castello, questo biglietto consente il teletrasporto al castello esterno o all
Collocato a Dion, al Teletrasporto o all'interno del castello, questo biglietto consente il teletrasporto all'interno o all'esterno de
Giran/ Spada/ Fermo.
Giran/ Lancia/ Stazionario.
Giran/ Arco/ Stazionario.
Giran/ Chierico/ Stazionario.
Giran/ Mago/ Stazionario.
Giran/ Spada/ Cellulare.
Giran/ Lancia/ Mobile.
Giran/ Arco/ Cellulare.
Giran/ Chierico/ Mobile.
Giran/ Mago/ Cellulare.
Collocato a Giran, al Teletrasporto o all'interno del castello, questo biglietto consente il teletrasporto al castello interno o alla
Collocato a Giran, al Teletrasporto o all'interno del castello, questo biglietto consente il teletrasporto al castello esterno o alla
Collocato a Giran, al Teletrasporto o all'interno del castello, questo biglietto consente il teletrasporto all'interno o all'esterno d
Oren/ Spada/ Stazionario.
Oren/ Lancia/ Stazionario.
Oren/ Arco/ Stazionario.
Oren/ Chierico/ Stazionario.
Oren/ Mago/ Stazionario.
Oren/ Spada/ Cellulare.
Oren/ Lancia/ Mobile.
Oren/ Arco/ Mobile.
Oren/ Chierico/ Mobile.
Oren/ Mago/ Cellulare.
Collocato a Oren, al Teletrasporto o all'interno del castello, questo biglietto consente il teletrasporto al castello interno o alla p
Collocato a Oren, al Teletrasporto o all'interno del castello, questo biglietto consente il teletrasporto al castello esterno o alla
Collocato a Oren, al Teletrasporto o all'interno del castello, questo biglietto consente il teletrasporto all'interno o all'esterno de
Aden/ Spada/ Stazionario.

Pagina 58

Aden/ Lancia/ Stazionario.

Aden/ Arco/ Fermo.
Aden/ Chierico/ Stazionario.
Aden/ Mago/ Stazionario.
Aden/ Spada/ Cellulare.
Aden/ Lancia/ Mobile.
Aden/ Arco/ Mobile.
Aden/ Chierico/ Mobile.
Aden/ Mago/ Cellulare.
Collocato ad Aden, al Teletrasporto o all'interno del castello, questo biglietto consente il teletrasporto verso la Porta Est o Ov
Collocato ad Aden, al Teletrasporto o all'interno del castello, questo biglietto consente il teletrasporto al castello esterno, alla
Collocato ad Aden, al Teletrasporto o all'interno del castello, questo biglietto consente il teletrasporto al castello esterno, alla
Posizionato ad Aden, al Teletrasporto o all'interno del castello, questo biglietto consente il teletrasporto al castello esterno, al
Collocato ad Aden, al Teletrasporto o all'interno del castello, questo biglietto consente il teletrasporto al castello esterno, alla
Quando l'indicatore della fame di un Hatchling raggiunge il 55% o al di sotto, il suo cibo sarà consumato automaticamente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Cristallo che rappresenta la vita e la protezione. È usato per fare elisir. Può essere venduto anche in un emporio.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente corroso. Vendilo a un negozio o scambialo tramite la Aden Reconstruction Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare orecchini di admantite. Può essere venduto anche nei n
Ingrediente principale assolutamente necessario per un nano per creare un anello di admantite. Può essere venduto anche n
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare una collana di admantite. Può essere venduto anche ne
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare l'orecchino di minerale nero. Può essere venduto anche
L'ingrediente principale è sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare l'anello di minerale nero. Può essere venduto anche
Ingrediente principale assolutamente necessario per un nano per realizzare una collana di minerali neri. Può essere venduto
Materiale chiave per i nani per creare uno scudo composto. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare il Pettorale Corazzato di Zubei. Può essere venduto anc
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare le ghette di Zubei. Può essere venduto anche nei norma
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per creare stivali da implosione. Può essere venduto anche nei norma
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per creare stivali silenziosi. Può essere venduto anche nei normali ne
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per creare stivali da guardiano. Può essere venduto anche nei normal
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare stivali Paradia. Può essere venduto anche nei normali n
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per creare stivali elementali. Può essere venduto anche nei normali ne
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per creare stivali di grazia. Può essere venduto anche nei normali neg

Pagina 59

Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare un pettorale Avadon. Può essere venduto anche nei no
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare Avadon Gaiters. Può essere venduto anche nei normali
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare la camicia di pelle di Zubei. Può essere venduto anche
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare le ghette di cuoio di Zubei. Può essere venduto anche n
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per creare un'armatura di cuoio Avadon. Può essere venduto anche n
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare la tunica di Zubei. Può essere venduto anche nei norma
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per fare le calze di Zubei. Può essere venduto anche nei normali nego
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare Avadon Robe. Può essere venduto anche nei normali n
Ingrediente principale assolutamente necessario per un nano per realizzare Avadon Circlet. Può essere venduto anche nei n
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare i guanti Avadon. Può essere venduto anche nei normali
L'ingrediente principale è sicuramente richiesto a un nano per creare i Guanti a Catena del Silenzio. Può essere venduto anc
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto per un nano ai guanti del guardiano. Può essere venduto anche nei normali nego
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare i Guanti della Benedizione. Può essere venduto anche
Materiale chiave per i nani per creare uno scudo del fato. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare il pettorale del lupo blu. Può essere venduto anche nei
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per creare Stivali della benedizione. Può essere venduto anche nei no
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare le ghette del lupo blu. Può essere venduto anche nei no
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare l'armatura a piastre del destino. Può essere venduto an
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare un'armatura in pelle di lupo blu. Può essere venduto an
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare l'armatura di cuoio del destino. Può essere venduto anc
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare la tunica del lupo blu. Può essere venduto anche nei no
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare la tunica del destino. Può essere venduto anche nei nor
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare le calze del lupo blu. Può essere venduto anche nei nor
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per fare le calze del destino. Può essere venduto anche nei normali n
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare l'elmo del lupo blu. Può essere venduto anche nei norm
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare l'Elmo del Destino. Può essere venduto anche nei norm
L'ingrediente principale è sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare gli stivali del lupo blu. Può essere venduto anche ne
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare i guanti del destino. Può essere venduto anche nei norm
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per creare guanti elementali. Può essere venduto anche nei normali n
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per creare i guanti della grazia. Può essere venduto anche nei normal
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare i guanti dell'implosione. Può essere venduto anche nei
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare i guanti Paradia. Può essere venduto anche nei normal
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare i guanti del lupo blu. Può essere venduto anche nei nor
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per creare gli stivali di Zubei. Può essere venduto anche nei normali n
Ingrediente principale assolutamente necessario per un nano per creare stivali Avadon. Può essere venduto anche nei norm
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per creare stivali del destino. Può essere venduto anche nei normali n
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare i guanti di Zubei. Può essere venduto anche nei normal
Materiale chiave per i nani per creare lo scudo di Zubei. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare l'elmo di Zubei. Può essere venduto anche nei normali n
Ingrediente principale assolutamente necessario per un nano per fare la Pata. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto per una spada da nano a grande. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare un'ascia da guerra pesante. Può essere venduto anche
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per creare un bastone dello spirito. Può essere venduto anche nei nor
Ingrediente principale assolutamente necessario per un nano per fare Keshanberk. Può essere venduto anche nei normali ne
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per creare Sword of Valhalla. Può essere venduto anche nei normali n
Ingrediente principale assolutamente necessario per un nano per fare un Kris. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare Twilight Knife. Può essere venduto anche nei normali n
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per fare Arthro Nail. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare un arco lungo degli Elfi Oscuri. Può essere venduto anc

Pagina 60

Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto per un'ascia da nano a grande. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare la spada di Damasco. Può essere venduto anche nei no
L'ingrediente principale è sicuramente richiesto a un nano per creare una lancia. Può essere venduto anche nei normali nego
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare Deadman's Glory. Può essere venduto anche nei norma
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per realizzare l'arte dell'ascia da battaglia. Può essere venduto anche
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per creare il bastone degli spiriti maligni. Può essere venduto anche n
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per creare un pugnale del demone. Può essere venduto anche nei no
Ingrediente principale assolutamente necessario per un nano per fare Bellion Cestus. Può essere venduto anche nei normali
Ingrediente principale sicuramente richiesto a un nano per creare un arco del pericolo. Può essere venduto anche nei norma
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per supporto Maestro corroso. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 1
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per il blocco dell'incudine Maestro corroso. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di succ
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per stampo artigiano corroso. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per stampo Maestro corroso. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per l'orecchino di Adamantite. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 1
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un anello di Adamantite. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una collana di Adamantite. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 1
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per orecchino di minerale nero. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un anello di minerale nero. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 1
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una collana di minerali neri. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per uno scudo composto. Richiede l'abilità Crea oggetto lv. 5. Tasso di successo del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un pettorale di Zubei. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per le ghette di Zubei. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Stivali dell'implosione. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Stivali del Silenzio. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per gli stivali del guardiano. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per stivali Paradia. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per gli stivali elementali. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Stivali della Grazia. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un pettorale Avadon. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per le ghette Avadon. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una camicia di pelle di Zubei. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è de
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per le ghette di cuoio di Zubei. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 1
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per l'armatura di cuoio Avadon. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una tunica di Zubei. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Calze di Zubei. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un abito Avadon. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un cerchietto Avadon. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per i guanti Avadon sigillati. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per i Guanti a Catena del Silenzio. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è d
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per i guanti del guardiano. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Guanti della Benedizione. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 1
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per uno scudo del destino. Richiede l'abilità Crea oggetto lv. 7. Tasso di successo del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un pettorale di lupo blu. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Stivali della Benedizione. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 10
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per le ghette del lupo blu. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un'armatura a piastre del destino. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un'armatura di pelle di lupo blu. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un'armatura di pelle del destino. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una tunica del lupo blu. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100

Pagina 61

Solo per Nani. Ricetta per una tunica del destino. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per le calze del lupo blu. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per le calze del destino. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un casco da lupo blu. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un casco del destino. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per un Blue Wolf Boots sigillato. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è de
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Guanti Doom Sigillati. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per guanti elementali. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Guanti della Grazia. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per Guanti Lunghi di Implosione. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è de
Solo per Nani. Ricetta per i guanti Paradia. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Blue Wolf Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Zubei's Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Avadon Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the sealed Doom Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a sealed Zubei's Gauntlets. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Zubei's Shield. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 6. 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Zubei's Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Silver Arrow. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 4. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Pata. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Great Sword. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Heavy War Axe. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Spirit's Staff. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Keshanberk. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sword of Valhalla. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Kris. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Twilight Knife. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Arthro Nail. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Dark Elven Longbow. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Great Axe. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Damascus Sword. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Lance. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Deadman's Glory. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Art of Battle Axe. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Demon's Dagger. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Bellion Cestus. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Bow of Peril. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
Spellbook needed to learn Restore Life. Used by Bishops.\nRequired level: 44
Spellbook needed to learn Stun Resistance. Used by Elven Elders.\nRequired level: 40
Spellbook needed to learn Life Leech. Used by Shillien Knights.\nRequired level: 40
Amulet required for the Pa'agrio's Tact spell. Used by Overlords.\nRequired level: 40
Amulet required for the Pa'agrio's Rage spell. Used by Overlords.\nRequired level: 44
Spellbook needed to learn Transfer Pain. Used by Necromancers, Warlocks, Elemental Summoners and Phantom Summone
Spellbook needed to learn Mana Regeneration. Used by Spellsingers.\nRequired level: 40
Spellbook needed to learn Curse Gloom. Used by Necromancers.\nRequired level: 44
Used only during the Change of Heart event. Complete a heart and take it to Puss the Cat to claim your prize.
Used only during the Change of Heart event. Complete a heart and take it to Puss the Cat to claim your prize.
Used only during the Change of Heart event. Complete a heart and take it to Puss the Cat to claim your prize.

Pagina 62

Used only during the Change of Heart event. Complete a heart and take it to Puss the Cat to claim your prize.
Used only during the Change of Heart event. Complete a heart and take it to Puss the Cat to claim your prize.
Used only during the Change of Heart event. Complete a heart and take it to Puss the Cat to claim your prize.
Used only during the Change of Heart event. Complete a heart and take it to Puss the Cat to claim your prize.
Used only during the Change of Heart event. Complete a heart and take it to Puss the Cat to claim your prize.
Used only during the Change of Heart event. Complete a heart and take it to Puss the Cat to claim your prize.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Simple game of chance! Roll 'em!!
Cargo that Trader Arodin needs to send to the Dark Elves. Find all 20 of them and take them to Trader Tyra.
Note from Trader Tyra. Take it to Trader Arodin in Gludin Village.
First piece of a ranger's report. Find all 4 pieces and take them to Guard Alvah.
Second piece of a ranger's report. Find all 4 pieces and take them to Guard Alvah.
Third piece of a ranger's report. Find all 4 pieces and take them to Guard Alvah.
Fourth piece of a ranger's report. Find all 4 pieces and take them to Guard Alvah.
The contract that was carried by an Ol Mahum General. It is engraved with the Mark of the Dwarves. Take it to Guard Alvah.
Operation order that was carried by an Ol Mahum General. Take it to Guard Alvah.
Certificate that verifies one's membership to the Silver Scale Guild.
The war supplies that the Dwarven trader Rolento promised to send to Turek orcs. First, show it to Guard Alvah.
Severed head of an Ol Mahum Captain. Collect 30 of them and take them to Turek Chief Burai.
Jade gemstone from the Enchanted Valley. Collect them and take them to Bentley of Hunter's Village.
Statue of a goddess from an old empire that has been discovered in the cemetery. Take it to Priestess Flownia of Town of Ad
Statue created by the ancient sculptor Berona. Take it to Trader Galibredo of the Town of Oren.
Collect 50 eyes of the Shadow and take them to Warehouse Keeper Sorint.
The certificate that allows one to participate in a Battle Royal. This game is played by grade 1 members of the Coin Collector
The cargo boxes that have been robbed from the wagon of the Trade Guild. Collect 30 of them and take them to Guard Weis
The Crucifix of the goddess of Einhasad. This article was left by Priestess Agnes after her death. Take it along with Agnes' R
Rosary used while praying. It was left by Priestess Agnes after her death. Take it along with the Crucifix of the goddess of Ein
Black totem that exudes an evil aura. Take it to High Priestess Levian.
The pelts obtained by hunting bears. Collect 20 of them and take them to Grocer Pano of Floran Village.
Beheaded head of an Enku Orc. Collect 100 of them and take them to Orc Lady Jennifer.
Bouquet made by tying 100 orc heads together. On behalf of Jennifer who is shy, deliver it to High Prefect Drikus.
Bouquet made by tying 100 orc heads together. On behalf of Jennifer who is shy, deliver it to Priest Manuel.
Bouquet made by tying 100 orc heads together. On behalf of Jennifer who is shy, deliver it to Vuku Chief Driko.
Bouquet made by tying 100 orc heads together. On behalf of Jennifer who is shy, deliver it to Seer Somak.
Bouquet made by tying 100 orc heads together. On behalf of Jennifer who is shy, deliver it to Prefect Dowki.
Bouquet made by tying 100 orc heads together. On behalf of Jennifer who is shy, deliver it to Watchman Endrigo.
Bouquet made by tying 100 orc heads together. On behalf of Jennifer who is shy, deliver it to Captain Lucas.
The box that a man who is smitten by Orc Lady Jennifer asked this to be delivered to her. What do you think is in the box...?
The articles of dead soldiers who were sent as an expeditionary force 1,000 years ago. These articles have been collected by
Article left by a dead soldier. His descendent Sir Kristof Rodemai is living in Town of Giran. Take it to him.
Article left by a dead soldier. His descendant Duelist Kaien is living in the Town of Oren. Take it to him.
Article left by a dead soldier. His descendent, High Prefect Garvarentz, is living in Hunter's Village. Take it to him.
Article left by a dead soldier. Take it to High Priest Orven of Einhasad Temple in Town of Aden where the dead soldier used t
The arm bone of a victim who has been eaten by a Crokian. Collect the five types of bones and take them to Xenovia.
The thigh bone of a victim who has been eaten by a Crokian. Collect the five types of bones and take them to Xenovia.
The skull of a victim who has been eaten alive by a Crokian. Collect the five types of bones and take them to Xenovia.
The rib bone of a victim who has been eaten by a Crokian. Collect the five types of bones and take them to Xenovia.
The spine of a victim who has been eaten by a Crokian. Collect the five types of bones and take them to Xenovia.
Urn that contains the bones of all the victims. Ask Mad Doctor Orpheus to resurrect the victims.

Pagina 63

Useless bone pieces obtained after hunting Crokians. If you take them to Orpheus, perhaps something good will happen...?
The magic powder bought from Magister Xenovia. Throw it along with the victims' bones into a the Psychic Medium's Urn.
Sack containing victim's soul. Urn was possessed by the victim's soul. Take it to Locksmith Dorothy.
What are you waiting for? You promised to help me! Release me from this curse immediately! I want to turn back to normal a
Powder made by grinding dried flies. Use it when you fail in your attempt to transform a frog.
The latest model of calculator. Take it to Blacksmith Brunon.
Crystal obtained by slaying a gemstone beast. Collect 10 of these and take them to Blacksmith Silvera.
The Lesser Giant's Powerstone that has been extracted from the corpse of a Giant. Take it to Magister Hanellin.
A letter that Hanellin entrusted to you. Deliver it to Magister Harne at the Dark Elf Guild in the Town of Gludio and receive the
Letter that Hanellin entrusted you with. Take it to Claudia Athebaldt of Town of Aden and receive your next assignment from
Letter that Hanellin entrusted you with. Take it to Martien of the Town of Giran and receive your next assignment from him.
The key that was found upon the corpse of the guardian of the sacred ark. Use this key to open the sacred ark and retrieve th
The key that was taken after killing Elberos, the guardian of the sacred ark. Use the key to open the sacred ark and retrieve t
The key that was taken after killing Shadowfang, the guardian of the sacred ark. Use the key to open the sacred ark and retri
Large piece of white cloth given by Magister Hanellin. Kill the Platinum Tribe Shamans and Overlords and soak the cloth with
Piece of cloth soaked in the blood of angels and the Platinum race. Hanellin Has told you that in order to challenge Baium, yo
The order states that you should hunt Tasaba Lizardmen and Tasaba Lizardman Shaman and bring back their fangs as proo
The fangs that have been collected as proofs that Tasaba Lizardmen and Tasaba Lizardman Shaman have been hunted.
This seems to be the cargo that was stolen from Iason Heine's wagon by Tasaba Lizardmen.
This document was found in the cargo of the Trade Guild. The document contains various information regarding Innadril. How
This document was found in the cargo of the Trade Guild. The document contains various information regarding Innadril. How
This document was found in the cargo of the Trade Guild. The document contains various information regarding Innadril. How
This document was found in the cargo of the Trade Guild. The document contains various information regarding Innadril. How
This document was found in the cargo of the Trade Guild. The document contains various information regarding Innadril. How
This document was found in the cargo of the Trade Guild. The document contains various information regarding Innadril. How
This document was found in the cargo of the Trade Guild. The document contains various information regarding Innadril. How
This document was found in the cargo of the Trade Guild. The document contains various information regarding Innadril. How
This document was found in the cargo of the Trade Guild. The document contains various information regarding Innadril. How
This document was found in the cargo of the Trade Guild. The document contains various information regarding Innadril. How
Book consisting of 10 pages of operation orders bound together. Who should we take it to...?
The bill's face value is 1,000 Adena. If you take it to Roman of the Blacksmith Guild in Innadril, you can use it to purchase var
Gillian's diary. The last entry was made one year ago.
Partial lyrics of a song Gillian was jotting down.
Unfinished music score of a song that Gilian composed for a former lover.
The heart that Gillian threw out to forget his feelings of love. Return it to the Revenant of Gillian.
The sacred object of the Gandi Tribe that has been recovered from Bugbears. Take it to Gandi Chief Chianta in the Town of D
Flute that Troubadour Swan had obtained as a gift for Musician Nanarin.
Love letter that Troubadour Swan wants to send to Musician Nanarin along with the flute. Take them to Musician Nanarin.
Gift that Musician Nanarin is sending to Musician Barbado. Take it to Barbado.
Gift that Musician Nanarin is sending to Musician Barbado. Take it to Barbado.
Gift that Musician Nanarin is sending to Musician Barbado. Take it to Barbado.
Black beer that was stolen from Jonas. Take it to Trader Sabrin.
Event clothes that were stolen from Trader Sonia. Take them to Guard Xaber.
The key given by Bard Swan. Use this key to open the clothes chest and retrieve the event clothes.
The key given by Bard Swan. Use this key to open the beer chest and get the black beer out of it.
Leaf given by Fairy Mimyu to put on the fairy's neck wound that was inflicted by a Hatchling.
Heads of Ratman Scavengers that you hunted after receiving a request from Katari. Collect 10 of them and take them to Kata
The tails of Turek war Hounds that Piotur asks you to catch. Collect 10 of them and take them to Piotur.
Tyrant Kingpin's Heart. Take it to Elder Casian.

Pagina 64

The venom sacs of Trisalim Tarantulas that Magister Joan asked you to hunt. Collect three and take them to Magister Joan.
Heavy set of manacles forged at the Dark Judge's behest. Take them to the Dark Judge.
Blacksmith' Frame x 1, Steel x 5, Adamantite Nugget x 2, Silver Nugget x 10, Cokes x 10
Mark that can be obtained by catching a Tarlk Bugbear or a Tarlk Basilisk. Collect 30 and take them to a Clan Hall Herald.
Certificate that one can present to participate in the hunt for Tarlk Basilisks, a preliminary contest for a Clan Hall Siege War.
Bodily fluids extracted from ants or Ant Captains. Collect 20 and take them to Elder Casian.
The nerve tissue harvested from a Noble Ant's head. Take it to Elder Casian along with the Ant Fluids.
Enzyme created by Elder Casian. Find the Ant Larvae Sleeping within the Ant Nest Dungeon and administer the enzyme to th
Pelts obtained from alligators caught on Alligator Island. You can sell it to Enverun.
Leather from Blue Alligator s caught on Alligator Island. You can sell it to Enverun at a high price.
Piece of Bejeweled Alligator Leather caught on Alligator Island. You can sell it to Enverun at a high price.
If you take a sufficient amount of Alligator Leather and show it to Gabana, a master leather craftsman, you can have an Alliga
If you take a sufficient amount of Alligator Leather and show it to Gabana, a master leather craftsman, you can have an Alliga
Lump of crystal that contains the energy of water. You should find the Stone Statue of Water and dedicate it to the statue.
Lump of crystal that contains the energy of fire. You should find the Stone Statue of Fire and dedicate it to the statue.
Lump of crystal that contains the energy of wind. You should find the Stone Statue of Wind and dedicate it to the statue.
Lump of crystal that contains the energy of earth. You should find the Stone Statue of Earth and dedicate it to the statue.
Lump of crystal that contains the energy of darkness. You should find the Stone Statue of Darkness and dedicate it to the sta
Lump of crystal that contains the energy of light. You should find the Stone Statue of Light and dedicate it to the statue.
Jade crystals that had been gathered from the Enchanted Valley. Collect them and take them to Bentley of Hunter's Village.
Statue of a goddess that was created by the ancient sculptor Berona in ancient times.
Statue created by the ancient sculptor Berona. It Has not been evaluated by antique experts yet.
Statue created by Berona, an ancient sculptor. - Prototype
Statue created by Berona, a sculptor in ancient times. - Original
Replicated statues that have been created by present day sculptors who imitated Berona's works.
Forgeries that have been created in imitation of the ancient sculptor Berona's works.
Special Coin
Special Coin
Special Coin
Special Coin
Barrel that is filled to the brim with delicious and fragrant liquor. The barrel is very heavy.
Scarab that is transparent and shines like a precious stone. Among hustlers it is traded at a high price.
Type of flower that is believed to have the power to heal sickness. It is a favorite of elves.
It is a strange looking statue of a living creature that looks like an imp. It is an orc's favorite item.
Very attractive scarlet Aden-style dress designed for a virtuous lady.
It is made by cutting Nebulite into a spherical shape. Take this to Magic Trader Cema in Hardin's Academy.
Exotic tasting liqueur made from ectoplasm. Very popular among connoisseurs.
The winning trophy that Prince Malcom won in a dance competition. You can sell it at a store or keep it as a souvenir.
The autobiography of Prince Malcom that bears his hand-written signature. Sell it at a store.
Statue of Prince Malcom made of pure gold. Although quite ugly, it will fetch a handsome price.
Beautiful and elaborate handkerchief decorated with a flower pattern and lace. Its design could attract the attention of princes
Luxuriously designed goblet. It seems to be an object made during the period of the Elmo Aden Empire.
Staff that gives off dark M. Atk. On its handle, the words "Great Demon King" are engraved.
Perfume used by Succubus noblewomen. Very strong fragrance, not popular among Elves and Humans.
Mirror used by Succubus noblewomen when they put on cosmetics. It is also said to be used occasionally by blood queens.
Heart-shaped stone piece that gives off the aura of dark M. Atk. On its reverse, the words "I love you Merkenis!" are engraved
Totem made by carving out a whole lump of red granite.
Walnut sized bead that is smeared with dirt. Perhaps, it is a pearl.
The tusk of a boar that looks somewhat similar to the ivory of an elephant.

Pagina 65

Large sized sweet potato that was just plucked out of the soil. You s it or roast it. It will make a delicious treat.
White lion's sharp claws. It is rumored that it is being traded among collectors at a high price.
White lion's luxuriant mane. It is rumored to be sold at a high price among collectors.
Rare medicine imported from the Orient.
Jar containing sweet honey.
The gall of a bear that is known to be highly effective in promoting one's health and well-being as well as having mysterious h
Fresh salmon that seems to have been just caught from a river.
The Schuttgart type sushi rice ball. The delicious seasoning of well minced meat gets absorbed into a the rice and produces a
Exotic spice that has been imported from Avella of the Orient.
Rabbit weed that is supposed to bring luck. It is the favorite food of rabbits and elpys.
Check of tremendous face value signed by Prince Malcom. It can be cashed at a warehouse in Town of Giran.
Key for a private deposit box located in a warehouse in Town of Giran.
Royal seal made of carved jade. It is engraved with the seal of the Dwarven royal family.
King's crown made of gold. It is engraved with the seal of the Dwarven royal family.
Dance manual that details ballroom dancing techniques. This book will make you a dancing hero!
Allows one to perform a simple calculation.
Mark of Hanellin. Along with your companions each carrying a red flower and yellow flower respectively, go to Town of Aden
Mark of Hanellin. Along with your companions each carrying a white flower and yellow flower respectively, go to Town of Ade
Mark of Hanellin. Along with your companions each carrying a white flower and red flower respectively, go to Town of Aden to
The book of Saint Solina. Take it along with the blood of a Saint and the bough of a Saint to Magister Hanellin.
The blood of Saint Solina, hardened into a dark-colored substance contained in a glass bottle. Take it, along with the Book of
The Scepter of Saint Solina. It appears to be just a dead dry tree branch. Take it along with the book of a Saint and the blood
Large piece of white cloth given by Magister Hanellin. Hanellin will tell you its purpose.
Activates a Dimensional Vortex. Allows you to move to the 1st to 3rd floor of the Tower of Insolence.
Activates a Dimensional Vortex. Allows you to move to the 4th to 6th floor of the Tower of Insolence.
Activates a Dimensional Vortex. Allows you to move to the 7th to 10th floor of the Tower of Insolence.
Broken shard of the green Dimensional Stone. Collect these and take them to Researcher Kaplan.
Broken shard of the blue Dimensional Stone. Collect these and take them to Researcher Euclie.
Broken shard of the red Dimensional Stone. Collect these and take them to Researcher Pitagon.
Its value is 1,000 Adena, redeemable by Roman of the Blacksmith Guild in Innadril. You can use it to buy various ingredients
Posthumously released musical score of Gillian. If you take it to Maestro Melody, you can have an echo crystal made.
The musical score for the Battle March of Flames. If you take it to Maestro Melody, you can have an echo crystal made.
Musical score composed by Troubadour Swan. If you take it to Maestro Melody, you can have an echo crystal made.
Echo crystal that plays the theme music of a journey. May only be used once.
Echo crystal that plays the theme music of a battle.
Echo crystal that plays the theme music of love. May only be used once.
Echo crystal that plays the theme music of solitude. May only be used once.
Echo crystal that plays the theme music of a feast. May only be used once.
Echo crystal that plays the theme music of a celebration. May only be used once.
Echo crystal that plays the theme music of a comedy. May only be used once.
Musical score containing the theme music of a celebration. If you take it to Maestro Melody, you can have an echo crystal ma
Musical score containing the theme music of a comedy. If you take it to Maestro Melody, you can have an echo crystal made
Musical score composed by Musician Nanarin. If you take it to Maestro Melody, you can have an echo crystal made.
Musical score composed by Musician Barbado. If you take it to Maestro Melody, you can have an echo crystal made.
Bugle used to summon a Wind Strider. Takes a part of the XP gained by the Pet master.
Bugle used to summon a Star Strider. Takes a part of the XP gained by the Pet master.
Bugle used to summon a Strider of Dusk. Takes a part of the XP gained by the Pet master.
The heavy manacles used to summon a Sin Eater. Summoning the Sin Eater consumes all the summoner's XP. The Sin Eate
Manacles that are used to summon the Sin Eater. They are just normal manacles now that the Sin Eater is gone. You cannot

Pagina 66

Alligator Leather Belt designed and created by Verche, a master leather craftsman.
Alligator Leather Belt designed and created by Verche, a master leather craftsman. It is made from a rare blue type of Leathe
Alligator Leather Belt designed and created by Verche, a master leather craftsman. It is made from a Leather that is studded
Alligator Leather Purse designed and created by Verche, a master leather craftsman.
Alligator Leather Purse designed and created by Verche, a master leather craftsman. It is made from a rare blue type of Leat
Alligator Leather Purse designed and created by Verche, a master leather craftsman. It is made of Leather studded with rare
Elemental stone powder obtained from a stone statue in the Forgotten Temple. Can be sold at any store or taken to Magister
The shards of Elemental stones obtained from stone statues in the Forgotten Temple. Can be sold at any store or taken to M
The lumps of Elemental stone obtained from stone statues in the Forgotten Temple. Can be sold at any store or taken to Mag
Request to find and bring back jade crystals from creatures such as Fline, Liele, Satyr etc. that inhabit the Enchanted Valley.
Request to recover the works of the ancient sculptor Berona from Hatar Ratmen and Vanor Silenos in the area near the Cem
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Knuckle Duster. It can be bought from a regular store.
Key material for Dwarves to make an Abaddon Shield. Can be sold in any shop.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Knuckle Duster. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 5. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Abaddon Shield. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 6. 100% success rate.
Lottery ticket from Aden, redeemable at any lottery sales location. Winning numbers are posted every Saturday at 7 p.m. You
Winning ticket from the monster race. Redeemable at the cashier of the race.
Winning daily double ticket from the monster race. Redeemable at the cashier of the race.
STR Dye <Str +1 Con -3> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a s
STR Dye <Str +1 Dex -3> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a s
CON Dye <Con +1 Str -3> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a s
CON Dye <Con +1 Dex -3> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a
DEX Dye <Dex +1 Str -3> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a s
DEX Dye <Dex +1 Con -3> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a
INT Dye <Int +1 Men -3> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a sy
INT Dye <Int +1 Wit -3> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a sym
MEN Dye <Men +1 Int -3> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a s
MEN Dye <Men +1 Wit -3> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a
WIT Dye <Wit +1 Int -3> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a sym
WIT Dye <Wit +1 Men -3> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a s
STR Dye <Str +1 Con -2> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a s
STR Dye <Str +1 Dex -2> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a s
CON Dye <Con +1 Str -2> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a s
CON Dye <Con +1 Dex -2> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a
DEX Dye <Dex +1 Str -2> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a s
DEX Dye <Dex +1 Con -2> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a
INT Dye <Int +1 Men -2> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a sy
INT Dye <Int +1 Wit -2> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a sym
MEN Dye <Men +1 Int -2> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a s
MEN Dye <Men +1 Wit -2> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a
WIT Dye <Wit +1 Int -2> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a sym
WIT Dye <Wit +1 Men -2> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a s
STR Dye <Str +1 Con -1> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a s
STR Dye <Str +1 Dex -1> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a s
CON Dye <Con +1 Str -1> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a s
CON Dye <Con +1 Dex -1> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a
DEX Dye <Dex +1 Str -1> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a s
DEX Dye <Dex +1 Con -1> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a
INT Dye <Int +1 Men -1> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a sy

Pagina 67

INT Dye <Int +1 Wit -1> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a sym
MEN Dye <Men +1 Int -1> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a s
MEN Dye <Men +1 Wit -1> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a
WIT Dye <Wit +1 Int -1> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a sym
WIT Dye <Wit +1 Men -1> - Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a s
Greater STR Dye <Str +1 Con -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +1 Dex -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +1 Str -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +1 Str -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +1 Str -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +1 Con -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater INT Dye <Int +1 Men -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rece
Greater INT Dye <Int +1 Wit -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receiv
Greater MEN Dye <Men +1 Int -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater MEN Dye <Men +1 Wit -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +1 Int -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will recei
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +1 Men -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +1 Con -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +1 Dex -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +1 Str -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +1 Dex -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +1 Str -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +1 Con -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater INT Dye <Int +1 Men -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rece
Greater INT Dye <Int +1 Wit -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receiv
Greater MEN Dye <Men +1 Int -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater MEN Dye <Men +1 Wit -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +1 Int -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will recei
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +1 Men -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +2 Con -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +2 Dex -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +2 Str -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +2 Dex -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +2 Str -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +2 Con -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater INT Dye <Int +2 Men -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rece
Greater INT Dye <Int +2 Wit -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receiv
Greater MEN Dye <Men +2 Int -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater MEN Dye <Men +2 Wit -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +2 Int -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will recei
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +2 Men -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +2 Con -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +2 Dex -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +2 Str -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +2 Dex -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +2 Str -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +2 Con -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater INT Dye <Int +2 Men -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rece
Greater INT Dye <Int +2 Wit -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receiv

Pagina 68

Greater MEN Dye <Men +2 Int -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater MEN Dye <Men +2 Wit -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +2 Int -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will recei
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +2 Men -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +3 Con -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +3 Dex -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +3 Str -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +3 Dex -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +3 Str -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +3 Con -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater INT Dye <Int +3 Men -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rece
Greater INT Dye <Int +3 Wit -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receiv
Greater MEN Dye <Men +3 Int -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater MEN Dye <Men +3 Wit -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +3 Int -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will recei
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +3 Men -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +3 Con -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +3 Dex -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +3 Str -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +3 Dex -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +3 Str -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +3 Con -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater INT Dye <Int +3 Men -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rece
Greater INT Dye <Int +3 Wit -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receiv
Greater MEN Dye <Men +3 Int -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater MEN Dye <Men +3 Wit -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +3 Int -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will recei
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +3 Men -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +1 Con -1>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +1 Dex -1>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +1 Str -1>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +1 Dex -1>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +1 Str -1>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +1 Con -1>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater INT Dye <Int +1 Men -1>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rece
Greater INT Dye <Int +1 Wit -1>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receiv
Greater MEN Dye <Men +1 Int -1>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater MEN Dye <Men +1 Wit -1>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +1 Int -1>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will recei
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +1 Men -1>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +4 Con -6>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +4 Dex -6>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +4 Str -6>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +4 Dex -6>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +4 Str -6>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +4 Con -6>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater INT Dye <Int +4 Men -6>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rece
Greater INT Dye <Int +4 Wit -6>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receiv
Greater MEN Dye <Men +4 Int -6>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec

Pagina 69

Greater MEN Dye <Men +4 Wit -6>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +4 Int -6>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will recei
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +4 Men -6>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +4 Con -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +4 Dex -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +4 Str -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +4 Dex -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +4 Str -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +4 Con -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater INT Dye <Int +4 Men -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rece
Greater INT Dye <Int +4 Wit -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receiv
Greater MEN Dye <Men +4 Int -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater MEN Dye <Men +4 Wit -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +4 Int -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will recei
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +4 Men -5>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +2 Con -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +2 Dex -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +2 Str -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +2 Dex -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +2 Str -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +2 Con -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater INT Dye <Int +2 Men -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rece
Greater INT Dye <Int +2 Wit -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receiv
Greater MEN Dye <Men +2 Int -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater MEN Dye <Men +2 Wit -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +2 Int -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will recei
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +2 Men -2>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +3 Con -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +3 Dex -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +3 Str -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +3 Dex -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +3 Str -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +3 Con -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater INT Dye <Int +3 Men -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rece
Greater INT Dye <Int +3 Wit -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receiv
Greater MEN Dye <Men +3 Int -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater MEN Dye <Men +3 Wit -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +3 Int -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will recei
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +3 Men -3>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +4 Con -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater STR Dye <Str +4 Dex -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +4 Str -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater CON Dye <Con +4 Dex -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +4 Str -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater DEX Dye <Dex +4 Con -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Greater INT Dye <Int +4 Men -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rece
Greater INT Dye <Int +4 Wit -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receiv
Greater MEN Dye <Men +4 Int -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Greater MEN Dye <Men +4 Wit -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re

Pagina 70

Greater WIT Dye <Wit +4 Int -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will recei
Greater WIT Dye <Wit +4 Men -4>. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Simple game of chance! Roll 'em!!
Simple game of chance! Roll 'em!!
Simple game of chance! Roll 'em!!
Simple game of chance! Roll 'em!!
Red crystal that absorbs souls. Once saturated it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is us
Red crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 1. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is
Red crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 2. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is
Red crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 3. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is
Red crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 4. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is
Red crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 5. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is
Red crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 6. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is
Red crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 7. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is
Red crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 8. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is
Red crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 9. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is
Red crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 10. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consum
Green crystal that absorbs souls. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is
Green crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 1. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP
Green crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 2. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP
Green crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 3. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP
Green crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 4. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP
Green crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 5. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP
Green crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 6. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP
Green crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 7. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP
Green crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 8. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP
Green crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 9. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP
Green crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 10. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Cons
Blue crystal that absorbs souls. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is u
Blue crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 1. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is
Blue crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 2. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is
Blue crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 3. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is
Blue crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 4. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is
Blue crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 5. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is
Blue crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 6. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is
Blue crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 7. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is
Blue crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 8. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is
Blue crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 9. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is
Blue crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 10. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Each u
Red-colored crystal that absorbs souls. Internal imbalance between absorbed souls has rendered it useless.
Green-colored crystal that absorbs souls. Internal imbalance between absorbed souls has rendered it useless.
Blue-colored crystal that absorbs souls. Internal imbalance between absorbed souls has rendered it useless.
Sphere containing Reiria's Soul. Take it to Maestro Reorin.
Scepter made of infernium that was recovered from the demon Kernon. Take it to Maestro Reorin.
Scepter made of infernium that was recovered from Golkonda, the Longhorn General. Take it to Maestro Reorin.
Scepter made of infernium that was recovered from the Death Lord Hallate. Take it to Maestro Reorin.
Hammer used by a blacksmith. It is made by processing an adamantite nugget of high purity. Take it to Maestro Reorin.
Mold used by Dwarven Artisans to manufacture top grade equipment. Take it to Maestro Reorin.
Varnish used when manufacturing an infernium weapon. Take it to Maestro Reorin.

Pagina 71

Pipette knife that holds Baium's blood. Bring it to Magister Casper at Hardin's Academy.

Misdirects enemy attack, inhibits Speed of user.

Decreases one's level of Aggression.
Allows one to breathe under water for extended periods.
Reduces P. Def. and reflects damage back upon enemy.
Spellbook needed to learn Solar Spark. Used by Elven Wizards.\nRequired level: 25
Spellbook needed to learn Solar Flare. Used by Spellsingers.\nRequired level: 40
Spellbook needed to learn Shadow Spark. Used by Dark Wizards.\nRequired level: 25
Spellbook needed to learn Shadow Flare. Used by Spellhowlers.\nRequired level: 40
Spellbook needed to learn Vampiric Rage. Used by Shillien Oracles.\nRequired level: 30
Spellbook needed to learn Curse Disease. Used by Necromancers.\nRequired level: 58
Spellbook needed to learn Benediction. Used by Bishops.\nRequired level: 66
Spellbook needed to learn Word of Fear. Used by Prophets.\nRequired level: 44
Spellbook needed to learn Eva's Serenade. Used by Elven Elders.\nRequired level: 44
Blueprint needed to learn the Summon Wild Hog Cannon technique. Used by Warsmiths.\nRequired level: 58
Spellbook needed to learn Energy Bolt. Used by Human Wizards and Elven Wizards.\nRequired level: 20
Spellbook needed to learn Aura Bolt. Used by Spellsingers and Sorcerers.\nRequired level: 40
Spellbook needed to learn Summon Kai the Cat. Used by Warlocks.\nRequired level: 40
Spellbook needed to learn Summon Merrow the Unicorn. Used by Elemental Summoners.\nRequired level: 40
Spellbook needed to learn Summon Soulless. Used by Phantom Summoners.\nRequired level: 40
Blueprint for learning the Summon Big Boom technique. Used by Warsmiths.\nRequired level: 58
Spellbook needed to learn Summon Binding Cubic. Used by Warlocks.\nRequired level: 40
Spellbook needed to learn Summon Aqua Cubic. Used by Elemental Summoners.\nRequired level: 40
Spellbook needed to learn Summon Spark Cubic. Used by Phantom Summoners.\nRequired level: 40
Amulet required for the Pa'agrio's Haste spell. Used by Overlords.\nRequired level: 58
Amulet required for the Soul Guard spell. Used by Overlords.\nRequired level: 44
Amulet required for the Chant of Revenge spell. Used by Warcryers.\nRequired level: 62
Spellbook needed to learn Seed of Fire. Used by Sorcerers and Spellsingers.\nRequired level: 66
Spellbook needed to learn Seed of Water. Used by Spellsingers.\nRequired level: 66
Spellbook needed to learn Seed of Wind. Used by Spellhowler.\nRequired level: 66
Spellbook needed to learn Aura Symphony. Used by Sorcerers and Spellsingers.\nRequired level: 68
Spellbook needed to learn Inferno. Used by Sorcerers and Spellsingers.\nRequired level: 70
Spellbook needed to learn Blizzard. Used by Spellsingers.\nRequired level: 70
Spellbook needed to learn Demon Wind. Used by Spellhowlers.\nRequired level: 70
Spellbook needed to learn Elemental Symphony. Used by Spellsingers.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Abaddon Shield. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 6. 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for adamantite earrings. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 70%.
This formula for manufacturing an Adamantite Ring can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Adamantite Necklace. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 70%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Zubei's Breastplate. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Zubei's Gaiters. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Boots of Silence. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Guardian's Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Avadon Breastplate. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Avadon Gaiters. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Zubei's Leather Shirt. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.

Pagina 72

For Dwarves only. Recipe for Zubei's Leather Gaiters. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Avadon Leather Armor. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Tunic of Zubei. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Stockings of Zubei. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Avadon Robe. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Avadon Circlet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Avadon Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Chain Gloves of Silence. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Guardian's Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Gloves of Blessing. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Boots of Blessing. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Zubei's Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Avadon Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the sealed Zubei's Gauntlets. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Zubei's Shield. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 6. 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Zubei's Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Great Sword. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Heavy War Axe. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Spirit's Staff. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Keshanberk. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sword of Valhalla. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Kris. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Twilight Knife. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Arthro Nail. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Dark Elven Longbow. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Great Axe. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Black Ore Earring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 70%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Black Ore Ring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 70%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Black Ore Necklace. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 70%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Boots of implosion. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Paradia Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Elemental Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Boots of Grace. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Doom Shield. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 7. 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blue Wolf Breastplate. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Blue Wolf Gaiters. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Doom Plate Armor. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blue Wolf Leather Armor. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Leather Armor of Doom. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blue Wolf Tunic. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Tunic of Doom. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Blue Wolf stockings. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Stockings of Doom. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blue Wolf Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Doom Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the sealed Blue Wolf Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Doom Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Elemental Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Gloves of Grace. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.

Pagina 73

For Dwarves only. Recipe for Implosion Gauntlets. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Paradia Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the sealed Blue Wolf Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the sealed Doom Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Damascus Sword. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Lance. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Deadman's Glory. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Art of Battle Axe. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Demon's Dagger. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Bellion Cestus. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Bow of Peril. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Pata. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
Mark that is needed to participate in a clan hall war.
Echo crystal that plays the theme music of victory. Will work once and then disappear.
Accessory that Maestro Reorin created after receiving a request from a woman of unknown identity.
Letter received from Guard Leikan. Take it to Piotur at the farm east of the Orc Barracks.
Spellbook needed to learn Elemental Assault. Used by Sorcerers and Spellsingers.\nRequired level: 72
Spellbook needed to learn Elemental Symphony. Used by Spellsingers.\nRequired level: 72
Spellbook needed to learn Elemental Storm. Used by Spellhowlers.\nRequired level: 72
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the dark coda. For best results, a level 5-15 chara
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area-it will bear the fruit of the Red Coda. For best results, a level 8-18 character
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area-it will bear the fruit of the Chilly Coda. For best results, a level 11- 21 chara
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area-it will bear the fruit of the Blue Coda. For best results, a level 14- 24 charac
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area-it will bear the fruit of the Golden Coda. For best results, a level 17- 27 char
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area-it will bear the fruit of the Lute Coda. For best results, a level 20- 30 charac
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area-it will bear the fruit of the Desert Coda. For best results, a level 23- 33 chara
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Blue Cobol. For best results, a level 32- 42 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area-it will bear the fruit of the Blue Coda. For best results, a level 14- 24 characte
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area-it will bear the fruit of the Golden Coda. For best results, a level 17- 27 charac
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area-it will bear the fruit of the Lute Coda. For best results, a level 20- 30 characte
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area-it will bear the fruit of the Desert Coda. For best results, a level 23- 33 charac
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area and it will bear the fruit of the Red Cobol. For best results, a level 26- 36 char
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area and it will bear the fruit of the Chilly Cobol. For best results, a level 29- 39 cha
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area and it will bear the fruit of the Thorn Cobol. For best results, a level 35- 45 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area and it will bear the fruit of the Golden Cobol. For best results, a level 38- 48 c
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area and it will bear the fruit of the Great Cobol. For best results, a level 41- 51 cha
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Red Cobol. For best results, a level 26- 36 cha
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Chilly Cobol. For best results, a level 29- 39 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Blue Cobol. For best results, a level 32- 42 cha
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Thorn Cobol. For best results, a level 35- 45 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Golden Cobol. For best results, a level 38- 48 c
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Great Cobol. For best results, a level 41- 51 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Red Codran. For best results, a level 44- 54 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Twin Codran. For best results, a level 53- 63 c
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Desert Codran. For best results, a level 59- 69
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area-it will bear the fruit of the Dark Coda. For best results, a level 5-15 character
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area-it will bear the fruit of the Red Coda. For best results, a level 8-18 character m
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area-it will bear the fruit of the Blue Coda. For best results, a level 14- 24 characte

Pagina 74

Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Red Cobol. For best results, a level 26- 36 char
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Chilly Cobol. For best results, a level 29- 39 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Blue Cobol. For best results, a level 32- 42 cha
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Thorn Cobol. For best results, a level 35- 45 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Sea Codran. For best results, a level 45- 55 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Chilly Codran. For best results, a level 47- 57 c
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Blue Codran. For best results, a level 50- 60 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Twin Codran. For best results, a level 53- 63 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Thorn Cobol. For best results, a level 35- 45 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Golden Cobol. For best results, a level 38- 48 c
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Great Cobol. For best results, a level 41- 51 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Red Codran. For best results, a level 44- 54 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Chilly Codran. For best results, a level 47- 57 c
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Blue Codran. For best results, a level 50- 60 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Twin Codran. For best results, a level 53- 63 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Great Codran. For best results, a level 56- 66 c
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Desert Codran. For best results, a level 59- 69

Cannot be transferred between servers.

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Cannot be transferred between servers.

Pagina 75

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Cannot be transferred between servers.
Used to harvest the crop from the corpse of the monster on which a seed was sown. Most successful when character and tar
A stamp used to craft a dual sword of B-grade or higher from a one-handed sword that you obtain from a shop or quest.
300 compressed soulshots. No-grade.
300 compressed soulshots. D-grade.
300 compressed soulshots. C-grade.
300 compressed soulshots. B-grade.
300 compressed soulshots. A-grade.
300 compressed soulshots. S-grade.
300 compressed spiritshots. No-grade.
300 compressed spiritshots. D-grade.
300 compressed spiritshots. C-grade.
300 compressed spiritshots. B-grade.
300 compressed spiritshots. A-grade.
300 compressed spiritshots. S-grade.
300 compressed blessed spiritshots. No-grade.
300 compressed blessed spiritshots. D-grade.
300 compressed blessed spiritshots. C-grade.
300 compressed blessed spiritshots. B-grade.

Pagina 76

300 compressed blessed spiritshots. A-grade.

300 compressed blessed spiritshots. S-grade.
Magic tool needed to compress soulshots, spiritshots etc.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 2. The success
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 4. The success
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success r
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success r
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Soulshot Compressed Package (S-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success r
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 2. The success
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 4. The success
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Spiritshot Compressed Package (S-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 2. The
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 4. The
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (S-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The
When the hunger gauge of a Strider reaches 55% or below, its food will be consumed automatically.
When the hunger gauge of a Strider reaches 55% or below, its food will be consumed automatically. Food consumption effici
Rope that has magical power. It is made by weaving strips of lizard leather together. Using this rope to tie an item will reduce
Rope that has magical power. It is made by weaving strips of lizard leather together. Using this rope to tie an item will reduce
Rope that has magical power. It is made by weaving strips of lizard leather together. Using this rope to tie an item will reduce
Rope that has magical power. It is made by weaving strips of lizard leather together. Using this rope to tie an item will reduce
Rope that has magical power. It is made by weaving strips of lizard leather together. Using this rope to tie an item will reduce
Opens a level 1 treasure chest with a success rate of 60%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will
Opens a level 10 treasure chest with a success rate of 60%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate wi
Opens a level 20 treasure chest with a success rate of 60%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate wi
Opens a level 30 treasure chest with a success rate of 60%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate wi
Opens a level 40 treasure chest with a success rate of 60%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate wi
Opens a level 50 treasure chest with a success rate of 60%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate wi
Opens a level 60 treasure chest with a success rate of 60%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate wi
Opens a level 70 treasure chest with a success rate of 60%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate wi
Innadril/ Sword/ Stationary
Innadril/ Spear/ Stationary
Innadril/ Bow/ Stationary
Innadril/ Cleric/ Stationary
Innadril/ Wizard/ Stationary
Innadril/ Sword/ Mobile
Innadril/ Spear/ Mobile
Innadril/ Bow/ Mobile
Innadril/ Cleric/ Mobile
Innadril/ Wizard/ Mobile
Innadril/ Teleporter/ Inner Castle, Guard
Innadril/ Teleporter/ Outer Castle, Guardian
Innadril/ Teleporter/ Inner Castle, Outer Castle
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Innadril area and it will bear the fruit of the Chilly Cobol. For best results, a level 29- 39
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Innadril area and it will bear the fruit of the Blue Cobol. For best results, a level 32- 42 c

Pagina 77

Plant this seed onto a monster in the Innadril area and it will bear the fruit of the Thorn Cobol. For best results, a level 35- 45
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Innadril area and it will bear the fruit of the Golden Cobol. For best results, a level 38- 48
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Innadril area and it will bear the fruit of the Great Cobol. For best results, a level 41- 51
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Innadril area and it will bear the fruit of the Red Codran. For best results, a level 44- 54
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Innadril area and it will bear the fruit of the Sea Codran. For best results, a level 45- 55

For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Mithril Arrow. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 4. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Corroded Metal Hardener. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 4. The success rate is 100%.
Large piece of white cloth given by Magister Hanellin. Kill Guardian Angels and Seal Angels and soak the cloth with their bloo
Legend says that if you drink this potion your head will grow larger! Believe it if you will!
Beauty potion that changes one's facial appearance to Type A. May be used by either male or female characters. The results
Beauty potion that changes one's facial appearance to Type B. May be used by either male or female characters. The results
Beauty potion that changes one's facial appearance to Type C. May be used by either male or female characters. The results
Beauty potion that changes one's hair color to Type A. May be used by either male or female characters. The results may be
Beauty potion that changes one's hair color to Type B. May be used by either male or female characters. The results may be
Beauty potion that changes one's hair color to Type C. May be used by either male or female characters. The results may be
Beauty potion that changes one's hair color to Type D. Both genders. The results may be viewed on the Character Creation S
Beauty potion that changes one's hair style to Type A. May be used by either male or female characters. The results may be
Beauty potion that changes one's hair style to Type B. May be used by either male or female characters. The results may be
Beauty potion that changes one's hair style to Type C. May be used by either male or female characters. The results may be
Beauty potion that changes one's hair style to Type D. May be used by either male or female characters. The results may be
Beauty potion that changes one's hair style to Type E. May be used by either male or female characters. The results may be
Beauty potion that changes one's hair style to Type F. May be used only by female characters. The results may be viewed on
Beauty potion that changes one's hair style to Type G. May be used only by female characters. The results may be viewed on
After the conclusion of the event, this item is traded for an actual item through a drawing.
Small package of compressed soulshots. Upon use, changes into a 1,000 No-grade soulshots.
Small package of compressed soulshots. Upon use, changes into a 1,000 D-grade soulshots.
Small package of compressed soulshots. Upon use, changes into a 1,000 C-grade soulshots.
Small package of compressed soulshots. Upon use, changes into a 1,000 B-grade soulshots.
Small package of compressed soulshots. Upon use, changes into a 1,000 A-grade soulshots.
Small package of compressed soulshots. Upon use, changes into a 1,000 S-grade soulshots.
Small package of compressed spiritshots. Upon use, changes into a 1,000 No-grade spiritshots.
Small package of compressed spiritshots. Upon use, changes into a 1,000 D-grade spiritshots.
Small package of compressed spiritshots. Upon use, changes into a 1,000 C-grade spiritshots.
Small package of compressed spiritshots. Upon use, changes into a 1,000 B-grade spiritshots.
Small package of compressed spiritshots. Upon use, changes into a 1,000 A-grade spiritshots.
Small package of compressed spiritshots. Upon use, changes into a 1,000 S-grade spiritshots.
Small package of compressed blessed spiritshots. Upon use, changes into a 1,000 No-grade blessed spiritshots.
Small package of compressed blessed spiritshots. Upon use, changes into a 1,000 D-grade blessed spiritshots.
Small package of compressed blessed spiritshots. Upon use, changes into a 1,000 C-grade blessed spiritshots.
Small package of compressed blessed spiritshots. Upon use, changes into a 1,000 B-grade blessed spiritshots.
Small package of compressed blessed spiritshots. Upon use, changes into a 1,000 A-grade blessed spiritshots.
Small package of compressed blessed spiritshots. Upon use, changes into a 1,000 S-grade blessed spiritshots.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 2. The s
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 4. The s
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The s
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The s
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (S-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The s

Pagina 78

For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 2. The
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 4. The
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (S-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (S-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv
Rice cake that restores one's HP and MP.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Tallum Leather Armor. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Tallum Leather Armor. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Majestic Leather Armor. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Majestic Leather Armor. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%

The recipe used to make an Inferno Earring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 70%.
The recipe used to make an Inferno Earring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Tallum Tunic. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Tallum Tunic. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dark Crystal Robe. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dark Crystal Robe. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Robe of Nightmare. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Robe of Nightmare. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Majestic Robe. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Majestic Robe. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Tallum Stockings. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Tallum Stockings. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
The recipe used to make a Phoenix Necklace. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 70%.
The recipe used to make a Phoenix Necklace. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
The recipe used to make an Inferno Necklace. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 70%.
The recipe used to make an Inferno Necklace. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
The recipe used to make a Phoenix Ring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 70%.
The recipe used to make a Phoenix Ring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
The recipe used to make an Inferno Ring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 70%.
The recipe used to make an Inferno Ring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sealed Dark Crystal Shield. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 7. 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sealed Dark Crystal Shield. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 7. 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Shield of Nightmares. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 8. 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Shield of Nightmares. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 8. 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dark Crystal Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dark Crystal Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.

Pagina 79

For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Tallum Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Tallum Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Boots of Underworld. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Boots of Underworld. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Gust Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Gust Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Red Flame Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Red Flame Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the sealed Phoenix Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the sealed Phoenix Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Boots of Nightmare. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Boots of Nightmare. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Majestic Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Majestic Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dark Legion Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dark Legion Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Boots of Phantom. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Boots of Phantom. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the sealed Cerberus Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the sealed Cerberus Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dasparion's Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dasparion's Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Tallum Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Tallum Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the sealed Gloves of Underworld. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the sealed Gloves of Underworld. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Gust Bracers. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Gust Bracers. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Red Flame Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Red Flame Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Phoenix Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Phoenix Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Majestic Gauntlets. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Majestic Gauntlets. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dark Legion Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dark Legion Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Gloves of Phantom. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Gloves of Phantom. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Cerberus Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Cerberus Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dasparion's Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dasparion's Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Tallum Plate Armor. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.

Pagina 80

For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Tallum Plate Armor. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Armor of Nightmare. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Armor of Nightmare. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Majestic Plate Armor. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Majestic Plate Armor. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Tallum Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Tallum Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Helm of Nightmare. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Helm of Nightmare. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Majestic Circlet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Majestic Circlet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Dragon Slayer. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Dragon Slayer. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Berserker Blade. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Heavy Sword. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 2. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Meteor Shower. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Meteor Shower. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Elysian. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Elysian. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Soul Bow. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Soul Bow. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Carnage Bow. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Carnage Bow. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Bloody Orchid. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Bloody Orchid. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Soul Separator. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Soul Separator. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Dragon Grinder. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Dragon Grinder. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blood Tornado. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blood Tornado. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Orcish Halberd. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Orcish Halberd. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Tallum Glaive. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Tallum Glaive. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Halberd. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Halberd. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Dasparion's Staff. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Dasparion's Staff. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Branch of the Mother Tree. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Branch of the Mother Tree. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Dark Legion's Edge. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Dark Legion's Edge. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sword of Miracles. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sword of Miracles. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.

Pagina 81

For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Elemental Sword. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Elemental Sword. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Tallum Blade. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Tallum Blade. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Corroded Metallic Thread. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 4. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Corroded Reinforced Metal Plate. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 4. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Corroded Reorin's Mold. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 5. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Corroded Warsmith' Mold. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Corroded Corroded Arcsmith' Anvil. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Corroded Warsmith' Holder. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Sealed Tallum Leather Armor. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Majestic Leather Armor. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Phoenix Earring. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make an Inferno Earring. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Sealed Tallum Tunic. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Sealed Dark Crystal Robe. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Sealed Robe of Nightmare. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Majestic Robe. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Tallum Stockings. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Phoenix Armor. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make an Inferno Necklace. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Phoenix Ring. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make an Inferno Ring. It can be sold at a regular store.
Key material for Dwarves to make a Sealed Dark Crystal Shield. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material for Dwarves to make a Sealed Shield of Nightmares. Can be sold in any shop.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Dark Crystal Boots. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Tallum Boots. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Boots of Underworld. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Gust Boots. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Red Flame Boots. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Phoenix Boots. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Boots of Nightmare. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Majestic Boots. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Dark Legion Boots. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Boots of Phantom. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Cerberus Boots. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Dasparion's Boots. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Tallum Gloves. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Gloves of Underworld. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Sealed Gust Bracer. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Red Flame Gloves. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Phoenix Gloves. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Majestic Gauntlets. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Dark Legion Gloves. It can be sold at a regular store.

Pagina 82

Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Gloves of Phantom. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Cerberus Gloves. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Dasparion's Gloves. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Tallum Plate Armor. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Armor of Nightmare. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Majestic Plate Armor. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a sealed Tallum Helmet. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Sealed Helm of Nightmare. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Sealed Majestic Circlet. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Dragon Slayer. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Berserker Blade. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Heavy Sword. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Meteor Shower. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make an Elysian. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Soul Bow. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Carnage Bow. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Bloody Orchid. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Soul Separator. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Dragon Grinder. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Blood Tornado. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make an Orcish Halberd. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Tallum Glaive. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Halberd. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Dasparion's Staff. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Branch of the Mother Tree. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Dark Legion's Edge. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Sword of Miracles. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make an Elemental Sword. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Tallum Blade. It can be sold at a regular store.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Commemorative item for Christmas, 2004.
Essential ingredient needed to make a Holiday Tree. Take it to a Santa trainee, and he will create a Holiday Tree for you.
Ingredient of a Holiday Tree. Take it to a Santa trainee, along with the other necessary ingredients, and he will create a Holid
Ingredient of a Holiday Tree. Take it to a Santa trainee, along with the other necessary ingredients, and he will create a Holid
Ingredient of a Holiday Tree. Take it to a Santa trainee, along with the other necessary ingredients, and he will create a Holid
Summons a Holiday Tree.
Summons a Holiday Tree that increases HP and MP Recovery Rate. This effect is only produced if the Special Holiday Tree
Echo crystal that plays the 1st carol. It disappears after one use.
Echo crystal that plays the 2nd carol. It disappears after one use.
Echo crystal that plays the 3rd carol. It disappears after one use.
Echo crystal that plays the 4th carol. It disappears after one use.

Pagina 83

Echo crystal that plays the 5th carol. It disappears after one use.
Sla's letter to her disciples. Deliver it to Nyakuri in Dwarven Village.
Sla's letter to her disciples. Deliver it to Ramus on Talking Island.
Fragment of Seal Stone collected by the Lords of Dawn.
Fragment of Seal Stone collected by the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
Fragment of Seal Stone collected by the Lords of Dawn.
Fragment of Seal Stone collected by the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
Fragment of Seal Stone collected by the Lords of Dawn.
Fragment of Seal Stone collected by the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
Ancient Adena. It was said to have been used in the past when trading with the Merchants of Mammon and the Blacksmith o
Red crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 11. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consum
Green crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 11. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Cons
Blue crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 11. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consum
Red crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 12. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consum
Green crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 12. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Cons
Blue crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 12. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon. Consum
Echo crystal that plays the 6th carol. It disappears after one use.
Echo crystal that plays the 7th carol. It disappears after one use.
Echo crystal that plays the 8th carol. It disappears after one use.
Echo crystal that plays the 9th carol. It disappears after one use.
Echo crystal that plays the 10th carol. It disappears after one use.
Booklet containing general information for the new player.
Recharges the Momentum of a Gladiator or a Tyrant 1 level at a time. Can be used to charge up to 2 levels.
Restores CP by 50.
Restores CP by 200.
Recharges SP by 5.
Recharges SP by 50.
Recharges SP by 1000.
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Dark Coda. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Red Coda. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Chilly Coda. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Blue Coda. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Golden Coda. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Lute Coda. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Desert Coda. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Blue Coda. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Blue Coda. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Golden Coda. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Lute Coda. For best results, a level 2
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Desert Coda. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Red Cobol. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Chilly Cobol. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Thorn Cobol. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Golden Cobol. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Great Cobol. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Red Cobol. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Chilly Cobol. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Blue Cobol. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Thorn Cobol. For best results, a lev

Pagina 84

Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Golden Cobol. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Great Cobol. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Red Codran. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Twin Codran. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Desert Codran. For best results, a l
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Dark Coda. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Red Coda. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Blue Coda. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Red Cobol. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Chilly Cobol. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Blue Cobol. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Thorn Cobol. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Sea Codran. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Chilly Codran. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Blue Codran. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Twin Codran. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Thorn Cobol. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Golden Cobol. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Great Cobol. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Red Codran. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Chilly Codran. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Blue Codran. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Twin Codran. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Great Codran. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Desert Codran. For best results, a l
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Innadril area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Chilly Cobol. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Innadril area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Blue Cobol. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Innadril area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Thorn Cobol. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Innadril area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Golden Cobol. For best results, a
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Innadril area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Great Cobol. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Innadril area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Red Codran. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Innadril area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Sea Codran. For best results, a le
Bestows blessing on its owner such that when the owner dies during a boss/ raid war, his/ her abilities will not be diminished.
Item used for studying the current situation of the Seven Signs system.
When one possesses this item, although one does not belong to a castle owning clan, one can join the Lords of Dawn.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the sealed Zubei's gauntlets. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the sealed Zubei's gauntlets. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Avadon Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Avadon Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
Corroded recipe. Sell it to a store.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the sealed Blue Wolf gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Doom Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Doom Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Zubei's Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Zubei's Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Avadon Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Avadon Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the sealed Blue Wolf Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the sealed Blue Wolf Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.

Pagina 85

For Dwarves only. Recipe for the sealed Doom Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the sealed Doom Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a pair of Sealed Avadon Gloves. It can also be sold to a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a pair of Sealed Blue Wolf Gloves. It can also be sold to a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a pair of Sealed Doom Gloves. It can also be sold to a regular store.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a pair of Sealed Avadon Boots. It can also be sold to a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a pair of Sealed Blue Wolf Boots. It can also be sold to a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a pair of Sealed Doom Boots. It can also be sold to a regular store.
A Soulshot (No-grade) for use by newbies.
A Spiritshot (No-grade) for use by newbies.
Bestows blessing on its owner such that when the owner dies during a boss/ raid war, his/ her abilities will not be diminished.
Bestows blessing on its owner such that when the owner dies during a boss/ raid war, his/ her abilities will not be diminished.
Bestows blessing on its owner such that when the owner dies during a boss/ raid war, his/ her abilities will not be diminished.
Bestows blessing on its owner such that when the owner dies during a boss/ raid war, his/ her abilities will not be diminished.
Bestows blessing on its owner such that when the owner dies during a boss/ raid war, his/ her abilities will not be diminished.
Spellbook needed to learn Aqua Splash. Used by Spellsingers.\nRequired level: 58
Spellbook needed to learn Rain of Fire. Used by Sorcerers and Spellsingers.\nRequired level: 58
Spellbook needed to learn Mass Slow. Used by Necromancers.\nRequired level: 62
Spellbook needed to learn Servitor Empowerment. Used by Warlocks, Elemental Summoners and Phantom Summoners.\nR
Spellbook needed to learn Servitor Cure. Used by Warlocks, Elemental Summoners and Phantom Summoners.\nRequired le
Spellbook needed to learn Servitor Blessing. Used by Warlocks, Elemental Summoners and Phantom Summoners.\nRequire
Spellbook needed to learn Wild. Used by Elven Elders and Shillien Elders.\nRequired level: 62
Spellbook needed to learn Advanced Block. Used by Elven Elders.\nRequired level: 58
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.

Pagina 86

Cannot be transferred between servers.

Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Magical scroll that transports you to your clan hall. If you don't belong to a clan that possesses a clan hall, this scroll will have
Magical scroll that transports you to your castle. If you don't belong to a clan that controls a castle, this scroll will have no effe
Lienrik's egg. It's the item that Pet Manager Rood of Heine asked you to find for him.
Lienrik's shiny red egg. Pet Manager Rood of Heine asked you to find it for him, but...?
In order to obtain the power of darkness, you will first need to secure this item. Take it to Trader Galman in Dragon Valley.
Sharp canine tooth of the Alligator. Bring this to the warehouse keeper of Heine.
Faded piece of paper. Possibly part of a map.
Tissue sample collected from a spore zombie from the Sea of Spores. It is used as research material by Magister Gauen of th
Spore sample collected from a rotting tree from the Sea of Spores. It is used as research material by Magister Gauen of the I
Jade crystal collected from the Enchanted Valley. Take it to Warehouse Freightman Silva of Hunter's Village.
Snake scale from the bodies of Palibati and Trives. Take it to Grand Master Oltran of Town of Aden.
Remains of residents of Aden Castle who were killed during the Aden-Elmore war. Collect 60 of them and take them to High
Document made from collected mysterious document pieces. Take it to Guard Coleman.
Piece of document that seems to contain some suspicious contents. If you collect 5 of them, you may be able to decipher the
Supply items for Taik Orcs. Take it to Guard Coleman and he will give you a reward.
Treasure chest that was obtained by slaying Zaken's followers. Take it to Warehouse Keeper Randolf of Town of Giran.
Sairon's hair. Take it to Magister Dieter of Town of Giran.
It is called a Lesser Giant's Lamp. It is not lit.
It is called a Lesser Giant's Lamp. It is burning dimly.
It is called a Lesser Giant's Lamp. It is lit.
It is called a Lesser Giant's Lamp. It is lit.
It is called a Lesser Giant's Lamp. It is shining brightly.
Broken Lesser Giant's Lamp. Take it to Lorain.
Fang that was obtained from killing a blade stakato. Take it to Eva's Priestess Restina in Heine.
Flare shard obtained from the Forgotten Temple. Take it to Magister Nell of Gludin Village.
Water Crystal obtained from the Forgotten Temple. Take it to Magister Nell of Gludin Village.
Ingredient used by Orc Shamans during a ritual. Take it to Priest Manakia.
Ingredient used by Orc Shamans during their ritual. Take it to Priest Manakia.
Pebble that radiates a strange aura. It sends out a dim light.
Pebble that radiates a strange aura. It is shining brightly.
Ingredient used by Orc Shamans during a ritual. Take it to Priest Manakia.
Ingredient used by Orc Shamans during a ritual. Take it to Priest Manakia.
Book obtained from the Giant's Cave. Written in an ancient language, its contents cannot be deciphered.

Pagina 87

Simple dictionary published by scholars of ancient times. By using this, you can interpret some of the texts of the Lesser Gian
Dictionary published by scholars of ancient times. By using this, you can interpret the entire texts of the Lesser Giants.
One of the ingredients used to make wine. Collect 80 of them and take them to Guard Harlan located in the Town of Dion.
Magical stone used by Enku Orc Shamans when they cast ice magic. Collect 100 of these and take them to Guard Harlan loc
Fruit with a tough, hard outer skin and a fragrant smell. Collect 4 of these and take them to Magister Rollant in the Town of D
Flower that is said to bloom only under moonlight. Collect 20 of these and take them to Magister Rollant in the Town of Dion.
The bodily fluids of a Leech that can be obtained from the Cruma Marshlands. Collect 10 of these and take them to Magister
It's a coin collectors' dream! Take it to Head Blacksmith Vergara.
Coin owned by Sorcerer Kail who used to be an aid of Beleth. Take it to Warehouse Keeper Sorint.
High-quality coin collecting album made of leather.
Blood that can be obtained by killing a Monster of Offering. The number of this item will determine your score.
Scroll that contains ancient magic. Take it to Gatekeeper Ziggurat.
Ancient urn that was found in the Tower of Insolence. Take it to Seer Reva of Town of Aden.
Small gemstone that is given by Wesley. This item is required to use a mixing urn.
Gemstone that activates the mixing urn in the basement of the Ivory Tower.
Commemorating the 5th anniversary of Lineage II, this Wrapped Pack contains 10 multi-colored honey rice cakes and 1 Line
Commemorating the 5th anniversary of Lineage II, this Wrapped Pack contains 9 multi-colored honey rice cakes and 1 Linea
Red crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 13. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing c
Commemorating the 5th anniversary of Lineage II, this Wrapped Pack contains 8 multi-colored honey rice cakes and 1 Linea
Commemorating the 5th anniversary of Lineage II, this Wrapped Pack contains 7 multi-colored honey rice cakes and 1 Linea
Green crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 13. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing
Commemorating the 5th anniversary of Lineage II, this Wrapped Pack contains 6 multi-colored honey rice cakes and 1 Linea
Commemorating the 5th anniversary of Lineage II, this Wrapped Pack contains 3 multi-colored honey wheat cakes and 1 Line
Blue crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 13. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing c
Map that was created after putting together the map pieces found on Alligator Island. It appears to have a mark showing the l
Torn piece of paper that seems to have been ripped out of a spellbook. If you Double-click it, you can examine it closely.
Great Magus Kranvel's Spellbook: Chapter of Fire. Collect the Chapters on Fire, Water, Wind and Earth and take all of them t
Great Magus Kranvel's Spellbook: Chapter of Water. Collect the Chapters on Fire, Water, Wind and Earth and take all of them
Great Magus Kranvel's Spellbook: Chapter of Wind. Collect the Chapters on Fire, Water, Wind and Earth and take all of them
Great Magus Kranvel's Spellbook: Chapter of Earth. Collect the Chapters on Fire, Water, Wind and Earth and take all of them
Paper piece that has useless scribbles written on it.
Part of the golem blueprints from the Lesser Giant era. The first page out of five pages.
Part of the golem blueprints from the Lesser Giant era. The second page out of five pages.
Part of the golem blueprints from the Lesser Giant era. The third page out of five pages.
Part of the golem blueprints from the Lesser Giant era. The fourth page out of five pages.
Part of the golem blueprints from the Lesser Giant era. The fifth page out of five pages.
Book on the magic of the giants from the Lesser Giant era, 1st chapter.
Book on the magic of the giants from the Lesser Giant era, 2nd chapter.
Book on the magic of the giants from the Lesser Giant era, 3rd chapter.
Book on the magic of the giants from the Lesser Giant era, 4th chapter.
Book on the magic of the giants from the Lesser Giant era, 5th chapter.
Architectural handbook of the giants from the Lesser Giant era, 1st chapter.
Architectural handbook of the giants from the Lesser Giant era, 2nd chapter.
Architectural handbook of the giants from the Lesser Giant era, 3rd chapter.
Architectural handbook of the giants from the Lesser Giant era, 4th chapter.
Architectural handbook of the giants from the Lesser Giant era, 5th chapter.
Medical book of the giants from the Lesser Giant era, 1st chapter.
Medical book of the giants from the Lesser Giant era, 2nd chapter.
Medical book of the giants from the Lesser Giant era, 3rd chapter.

Pagina 88

Medical book of the giants from the Lesser Giant era, 4th chapter.
Medical book of the giants from the Lesser Giant era, 5th chapter.
It seems like even the giants used to have a love life.
Crude picture drawn by a would-be painter giant.
Piece of parchment from the Lesser Giant era. If you Double-click it, you can read the contents.
Part of the theory book that describes the science and technology of the Lesser Giant era. The 1st of five chapters.
Part of the theory book that describes the science and technology of the Lesser Giant era. The 2nd of five chapters.
Part of the theory book that describes the science and technology of the Lesser Giant era. The 3rd of five chapters.
Part of the theory book that describes the science and technology of the Lesser Giant era. The 4th of five chapters.
Part of the theory book that describes the science and technology of the Lesser Giant era. The 5th of five chapters.
Part of the almanac that contains information about the culture of the Lesser Giant era. The 1st of five chapters.
Part of the almanac that contains information about the culture of the Lesser Giant era. The 2nd of five chapters.
Part of the almanac that contains information about the culture of the Lesser Giant era. The 3rd of five chapters.
Part of the almanac that contains information about the culture of the Lesser Giant era. The 4th of five chapters.
Part of the almanac that contains information about the culture of the Lesser Giant era. The 5th of five chapters.
Book from the Lesser Giant era. If you Double-click it, you can examine its contents.
Gift from Harlan as a token of gratitude. It is aged 15 years. Average quality wine.
Gift from Harlan as a token of gratitude. It is aged 30 years. High quality wine.
Gift from Harlan as a token of gratitude. It is aged 60 years. Excellent quality wine.
Secret recipe for making dessert by using ritron fruit as its ingredient. It can to sold at a store.
Delicious jelly made from ritron fruit. It can be sold at a store.
Royal--grade Coin
Royal--grade Coin
Royal--grade Coin
Medal that is issued by the Iron Gate Guild to Warehouse Keepers according to their productivity. If you collect them, you can
Spellbook that does not contain any magical power. Perhaps it can be helpful if you deal with Mammon's Trader?
Papyrus scroll found in the Tower of Insolence. If you Double-click it, you can read its contents.
Papyrus scroll found in the Tower of Insolence. If you Double-click it, you can read its contents.
Papyrus scroll found in the Tower of Insolence. If you Double-click it, you can read its contents.
Papyrus scroll found in the Tower of Insolence. If you Double-click it, you can read its contents.
Mysterious letter found in the Tower of Insolence. Its text reads "if you send this letter to 10 other people, you will have good
Collection of jokes of Galfredo Romer, a Royal Clown.
Ancient record regarding the Seven Seals. The first of seven chapters.
Ancient record regarding the Seven Seals. The second of seven chapters.
Ancient record regarding the Seven Seals. The third of seven chapters.
Ancient record regarding the Seven Seals. The fourth of seven chapters.
Ancient record regarding the Seven Seals. The fifth of seven chapters.
Ancient record regarding the Seven Seals. The sixth of seven chapters.
Ancient record regarding the Seven Seals. The seventh of seven chapters.
Story of heroes written by ancient troubadours. The first of five chapters.
Story of heroes written by ancient troubadours. The second of five chapters.
Story of heroes written by ancient troubadours. The third of five chapters.
Story of heroes written by ancient troubadours. The fourth of five chapters.
Story of heroes written by ancient troubadours. The fifth of five chapters.
The genealogy of the Elmoreden royal family. The first of five chapters.
The genealogy of the Elmoreden royal family. The second of five chapters.
The genealogy of the Elmoreden royal family. The third of five chapters.
The genealogy of the Elmoreden royal family. The fourth of five chapters.
The genealogy of the Elmoreden royal family. The fifth of five chapters.

Pagina 89

Blueprint drafted by the architects of the Tower of Insolence. This is the blueprint of the 1st of 13 floors.
Blueprint drafted by the architects of the Tower of Insolence. This is the blueprint of the 2nd of 13 floors.
Blueprint drafted by the architects of the Tower of Insolence. This is the blueprint of the 3rd of 13 floors.
Blueprint drafted by the architects of the Tower of Insolence. This is the blueprint of the 4th of 13 floors.
Blueprint drafted by the architects of the Tower of Insolence. This is the blueprint of the 5th of 13 floors.
Blueprint drafted by the architects of the Tower of Insolence. This is the blueprint of the 6th of 13 floors.
Blueprint drafted by the architects of the Tower of Insolence. This is the blueprint of the 7th of 13 floors.
Blueprint drafted by the architects of the Tower of Insolence. This is the blueprint of the 8th of 13 floors.
Blueprint drafted by the architects of the Tower of Insolence. This is the blueprint of the 9th of 13 floors.
Blueprint drafted by the architects of the Tower of Insolence. This is the blueprint of the 10th of 13 floors.
Blueprint drafted by the architects of the Tower of Insolence. This is the blueprint of the 11th of 13 floors.
Blueprint drafted by the architects of the Tower of Insolence. This is the blueprint of the 12th of 13 floors.
Blueprint drafted by the architects of the Tower of Insolence. This is the blueprint of the 13th of 13 floors.
Porcelain from the era of an ancient empire found in the Tower of Insolence. It Has not been evaluated by antique experts ye
Porcelain from the era of an ancient empire. Judged to be of the highest grade "excellent" porcelain.
Porcelain from the era of an ancient empire. Judged to be of "high grade" porcelain.
Porcelain from the era of an ancient empire. Judged to be of "low grade" porcelain.
Porcelain from the era of an ancient empire. Judged to be of the "lowest grade" porcelain.
Pouch that contains an alchemic reagent. Double-click to confirm contents.
Pouch that contains an alchemic reagent. Double-click to confirm contents.
Pouch that contains an alchemic reagent. Double-click to confirm contents.
Small box containing alchemic reagent.
Used to mix alchemic reagents.
Used to mix alchemic reagents.
Used to mix alchemic reagents.
Used to mix alchemic reagents.
Used to mix alchemic reagents.
Used to mix alchemic reagents.
Used to mix alchemic reagents.
Used to mix alchemic reagents.
Used to mix alchemic reagents.
Used to mix alchemic reagents.
Low-grade Reagent
Low-grade Reagent
Low-grade Reagent
Low-grade Reagent
Low-grade Reagent
Low-grade Reagent
High-grade Reagent
High-grade Reagent
High-grade Reagent
High-grade Reagent
High-grade Reagent
High-grade Reagent
Highest Grade Reagent
Highest Grade Reagent
Casting Spd. is raised.
Casting Spd. is raised.
If you use it on the target who is asleep, the target will wake up.

Pagina 90

Gludio/ Sword/ Stationary.

Gludio/ Spear/ Stationary.
Gludio/ Bow/ Stationary.
Gludio/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Gludio/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Gludio/ Sword/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Spear/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Bow/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Wizard/ Mobile.

Dion/ Sword/ Stationary.

Dion/ Spear/ Stationary.
Dion/ Bow/ Stationary.
Dion/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Dion/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Dion/ Sword/ Mobile.
Dion/ Spear/ Mobile.
Dion/ Bow/ Mobile.
Dion/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Dion/ Wizard/ Mobile.

Giran/ Sword/ Stationary.

Giran/ Spear/ Stationary.
Giran/ Bow/ Stationary.
Giran/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Giran/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Giran/ Sword/ Mobile.
Giran/ Spear/ Mobile.
Giran/ Bow/ Mobile.
Giran/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Giran/ Wizard/ Mobile.

Oren/ Sword/ Stationary.

Oren/ Spear/ Stationary.
Oren/ Bow/ Stationary.
Oren/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Oren/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Oren/ Sword/ Mobile.
Oren/ Spear/ Mobile.
Oren/ Bow/ Mobile.
Oren/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Oren/ Wizard/ Mobile.

Pagina 91

Aden/ Sword/ Stationary.

Aden/ Spear/ Stationary.
Aden/ Bow/ Stationary.
Aden/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Aden/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Aden/ Sword/ Mobile.
Aden/ Spear/ Mobile.
Aden/ Bow/ Mobile.
Aden/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Aden/ Wizard/ Mobile.

Innadril/ Sword/ Stationary.

Innadril/ Spear/ Stationary.
Innadril/ Bow/ Stationary.
Innadril/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Innadril/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Innadril/ Sword/ Mobile.
Innadril/ Spear/ Mobile.
Innadril/ Bow/ Mobile.
Innadril/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Innadril/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Sword/ Stationary.
Gludio/ Spear/ Stationary.
Gludio/ Bow/ Stationary.
Gludio/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Gludio/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Gludio/ Sword/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Spear/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Bow/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Dion/ Sword/ Stationary.
Dion/ Spear/ Stationary.
Dion/ Bow/ Stationary.
Dion/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Dion/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Dion/ Sword/ Mobile.
Dion/ Spear/ Mobile.
Dion/ Bow/ Mobile.
Dion/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Dion/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Giran/ Sword/ Stationary.

Pagina 92

Giran/ Spear/ Stationary.

Giran/ Bow/ Stationary.
Giran/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Giran/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Giran/ Sword/ Mobile.
Giran/ Spear/ Mobile.
Giran/ Bow/ Mobile.
Giran/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Giran/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Oren/ Sword/ Stationary.
Oren/ Spear/ Stationary.
Oren/ Bow/ Stationary.
Oren/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Oren/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Oren/ Sword/ Mobile.
Oren/ Spear/ Mobile.
Oren/ Bow/ Mobile.
Oren/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Oren/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Aden/ Sword/ Stationary.
Aden/ Spear/ Stationary.
Aden/ Bow/ Stationary.
Aden/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Aden/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Aden/ Sword/ Mobile.
Aden/ Spear/ Mobile.
Aden/ Bow/ Mobile.
Aden/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Aden/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Innadril/ Sword/ Stationary.
Innadril/ Spear/ Stationary.
Innadril/ Bow/ Stationary.
Innadril/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Innadril/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Innadril/ Sword/ Mobile.
Innadril/ Spear/ Mobile.
Innadril/ Bow/ Mobile.
Innadril/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Innadril/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Sword/ Stationary.
Gludio/ Spear/ Stationary.
Gludio/ Bow/ Stationary.
Gludio/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Gludio/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Gludio/ Sword/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Spear/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Bow/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Wizard/ Mobile.

Pagina 93

Dion/ Sword/ Stationary.

Dion/ Spear/ Stationary.
Dion/ Bow/ Stationary.
Dion/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Dion/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Dion/ Sword/ Mobile.
Dion/ Spear/ Mobile.
Dion/ Bow/ Mobile.
Dion/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Dion/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Giran/ Sword/ Stationary.
Giran/ Spear/ Stationary.
Giran/ Bow/ Stationary.
Giran/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Giran/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Giran/ Sword/ Mobile.
Giran/ Spear/ Mobile.
Giran/ Bow/ Mobile.
Giran/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Giran/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Oren/ Sword/ Stationary.
Oren/ Spear/ Stationary.
Oren/ Bow/ Stationary.
Oren/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Oren/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Oren/ Sword/ Mobile.
Oren/ Spear/ Mobile.
Oren/ Bow/ Mobile.
Oren/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Oren/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Aden/ Sword/ Stationary.
Aden/ Spear/ Stationary.
Aden/ Bow/ Stationary.
Aden/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Aden/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Aden/ Sword/ Mobile.
Aden/ Spear/ Mobile.
Aden/ Bow/ Mobile.
Aden/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Aden/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Innadril/ Sword/ Stationary.
Innadril/ Spear/ Stationary.
Innadril/ Bow/ Stationary.
Innadril/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Innadril/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Innadril/ Sword/ Mobile.
Innadril/ Spear/ Mobile.
Innadril/ Bow/ Mobile.
Innadril/ Cleric/ Mobile.

Pagina 94

Innadril/ Wizard/ Mobile.

Gludio/ Sword/ Stationary.
Gludio/ Spear/ Stationary.
Gludio/ Bow/ Stationary.
Gludio/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Gludio/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Gludio/ Sword/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Spear/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Bow/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Dion/ Sword/ Stationary.
Dion/ Spear/ Stationary.
Dion/ Bow/ Stationary.
Dion/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Dion/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Dion/ Sword/ Mobile.
Dion/ Spear/ Mobile.
Dion/ Bow/ Mobile.
Dion/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Dion/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Giran/ Sword/ Stationary.
Giran/ Spear/ Stationary.
Giran/ Bow/ Stationary.
Giran/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Giran/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Giran/ Sword/ Mobile.
Giran/ Spear/ Mobile.
Giran/ Bow/ Mobile.
Giran/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Giran/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Oren/ Sword/ Stationary.
Oren/ Spear/ Stationary.
Oren/ Bow/ Stationary.
Oren/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Oren/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Oren/ Sword/ Mobile.
Oren/ Spear/ Mobile.
Oren/ Bow/ Mobile.
Oren/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Oren/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Aden/ Sword/ Stationary.
Aden/ Spear/ Stationary.
Aden/ Bow/ Stationary.
Aden/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Aden/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Aden/ Sword/ Mobile.
Aden/ Spear/ Mobile.
Aden/ Bow/ Mobile.

Pagina 95

Aden/ Cleric/ Mobile.

Aden/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Innadril/ Sword/ Stationary.
Innadril/ Spear/ Stationary.
Innadril/ Bow/ Stationary.
Innadril/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Innadril/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Innadril/ Sword/ Mobile.
Innadril/ Spear/ Mobile.
Innadril/ Bow/ Mobile.
Innadril/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Innadril/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Sword/ Mobile.
Gludio/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Dion/ Sword/ Mobile.
Dion/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Giran/ Sword/ Mobile.
Giran/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Oren/ Sword/ Mobile.
Oren/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Aden/ Sword/ Mobile.
Aden/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Innadril/ Sword/ Mobile.
Innadril/ Wizard/ Mobile.
When the hunger gauge of a wyvern drops to 55% or below, its food will be consumed automatically.
Manual received from Magic Trader Wesley, with instructions for using the material mixing urn located in the basement of the
Dark flames from Purgatory. The only way to melt true gold.
Legendary elixir said to bestow ultimate wisdom. Take it to Magister Ladd.
Essential ingredient of Mimir's Elixir. Take it to Magister Ladd.
Essential ingredient of Mimir's Elixir. Take it to Magister Ladd.
Essential ingredient of Mimir's Elixir. Take it to Magister Joan.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Phoenix Necklace. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 70%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Phoenix Necklace. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the sealed Phoenix Earring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 70%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the sealed Phoenix Earring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Phoenix Ring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 70%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Phoenix Ring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Majestic Necklace. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 70%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Majestic Necklace. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Majestic Earring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 70%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Majestic Earring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Majestic Ring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 70%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Majestic Ring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Sealed Phoenix Earring. It can be sold at any store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Sealed Majestic Earring. It can be sold at any store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Sealed Phoenix Necklace. It can be sold at any store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Sealed Majestic Necklace. It can be sold at any store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Sealed Phoenix Ring. It can be sold at any store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Sealed Majestic Ring. It can be sold at any store.

Pagina 96

Amulet required for the Pa'agrio's Honor spell. Used by Overlords.\nRequired level: 66
Amulet required for the Ritual of Life spell. Used by Overlords.\nRequired level: 64
Spellbook needed to learn Prayer. Used by Bishops.\nRequired level: 66
Gemstone obtained from gremlins. Take it to a Newbie Helper.
Fragment of an ancient seal. Collect them all. Valued at 3 Ancient Adena.
Fragment of an ancient seal. Collect them all to break the seal. Valued at 5 Ancient Adena.
Fragment of an ancient seal. Collect them all to break the seal. Valued at 10 Ancient Adena.
Infernium ore once owned by the Iron Gate Guild. Take it to Warehouse Keeper Romp of Town of Aden to play bingo.
Magic scroll that resurrects a dead pet and restores its XP completely.
This certificate allows the bearer to join the Lords of Dawn without belonging to a castle-owning clan.
Double-click to make a Young Squash appear.
Double-click to make a Large Young Squash appear.
Used to exchange with Puss the Cat for watermelon seeds or for growing watermelons.
L2 Medal Collection Event - If you take it to an Event Manager, he will trade it for a prize item of your choice.
L2 Medal Collection Event - Used to raise the grade of a collector during the event.
Amulet required for the Chant of Predator spell. Used by Warcryers.\nRequired level: 48
Amulet needed to learn the Chant of Eagle incantation. Used by Warcryers.\nRequired level: 48
Amulet required for the Chant of Vampire spell. Used by Warcryers.\nRequired level: 44
Spellbook needed to learn Body of Avatar. Used by Bishops.\nRequired level: 48
The crest that indicates that its bearer's event collector is "rabbit." Without this badge, one cannot prove one's grade.
The crest that indicates that its bearer's event collector is "hyena." Without this badge, one cannot prove one's grade.
The crest that indicates that its bearer's event collector is "fox." Without this badge, one cannot prove one's grade.
The crest that indicates that its bearer's event collector is "wolf." Without this badge, one cannot prove one's grade.
Starlight Festival Event - Gift from the sky. When it is thrown, it creates a small explosion. Can be used as an ingredient to m
Starlight Festival Event - Black powder. Ingredient used to make larger fireworks.
Starlight Festival Event - Chemical compound that generates a powerful flash when ignited. It is needed to make large firewo
Explosive device that brilliantly lights up the sky.
Large explosive device that ignites to light up the sky.
Restores CP by 200.
Magic potion that instantly restores HP. Instant effect with no duration. Cannot be used when HP is full.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.

Pagina 97

Double-click to change it to another random item.

Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.

Pagina 98

Double-click to change it to another random item.

Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to change it to another random item.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Double-click to see the change.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a Box through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a Box through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a Box through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a Box through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a Box through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a Box through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a Box through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a Box through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a Box through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.

Pagina 99

Corroded item. Can be traded for a Box through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a Box through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a Box through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a Box through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a Box through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a Box through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a Box through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 4 for A-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
P. Def. +1 for A-grade armor and accessories. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for B-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
P. Def. +1 for B-grade armor and accessories. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for C-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
P. Def. +1 for C-grade armor and accessories. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 2 for D-grade one-handed sword, one-handed blunt, one-handed staff, dagger, spear,
P. Def. +1 for D-grade armor and accessories. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, P. Def. increases by 1 for S-grade armor and accessories. Starting at +4, P. Def. increases by 3 and a HP
Item required for skill enchanting.
Testing purpose - Quest Item
Testing purpose - Quest Item
Testing purpose - Quest Item

Pagina 100

Testing purpose - Quest Item

Testing purpose - Quest Item
Testing purpose - Quest Item
Testing purpose - Quest Item
Testing purpose - Quest Item
Testing purpose - Quest Item
Testing purpose - Quest Item
Testing purpose - General Item
Testing purpose - General Item
Testing purpose - General Item
Testing purpose - General Item
Testing purpose - General Item
Testing purpose - General Item
Testing purpose - General Item
Testing purpose - General Item
Testing purpose - General Item
Testing purpose - General Item
Food for creatures on the Beast Farm. - When this food is fed to monsters that are capable of evolving, they will do so at vari
Food for creatures on the Beast Farm. - When this food is fed to monsters that are capable of evolving, they will do so at vari
The light of a spirit is bestowed upon a pet/ servitor and temporarily increases the power of attack. The number of soulshots c
The light of a spirit is bestowed upon a pet/ servitor and temporarily increases the power of M. Atk. The number of spiritshots
The light of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a pet/ servitor and temporarily increases the power of M. Atk. The number o
Panpipe that is used to call a baby buffalo. The baby buffalo will take away 5 percent of the XP that its master acquires.
Chime that is used to call a baby cougar. The baby cougar will take away 5 percent of the XP that its master acquires.
Ocarina that is used to call a baby Kookaburra. The baby Kookaburra will take away 5 percent of the XP that its master acqu
Expired certificate. Can be purchased from a shop.
Fire dragon's protection amulet. Upon use, resistance against Fire dragon's front attack increases.

Removes the abnormal state resulting from the fiery breath attack of Valakas.
Increases your P. Atk. when fighting against Valakas.

Old, rusty key that cannot be used anymore. Can be bought at the shop.
Old, rusty key that cannot be used anymore. Can be bought at the shop.
Old, rusty key that cannot be used anymore. Can be bought at the shop.
Old, rusty key that cannot be used anymore. Can be bought at the shop.
Old, rusty key that cannot be used anymore. Can be bought at the shop.
Old, rusty key that cannot be used anymore. Can be bought at the shop.
Old, rusty key that cannot be used anymore. Can be bought at the shop.
Old, rusty key that cannot be used anymore. Can be bought at the shop.
Currency used in the "2005 Lineage II Live" event
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make a Forgotten Blade. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make a Basalt Battlehammer. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make a Imperial Staff. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make a Angel Slayer. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.

Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make a hunter axe. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make a Saint Spear. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make a Demon Splinter. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.

Pagina 101

Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make a Heaven's Divider. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make the sealed Arcana Mace. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make the Sealed Tateossian Earring. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make the Sealed Tateossian Ring. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make the Sealed Tateossian Necklace. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make the Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make the Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make the sealed imperial crusader gauntlets. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make the Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Key material for Dwarves to make a Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield. Can be sold in any shop.
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make the Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make the Sealed Draconic Leather Armor. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make the Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make the Sealed Draconic Leather Boots. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make the Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make the Sealed Major Arcana Robe. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make the Sealed Major Arcana Gloves. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make the Sealed Major Arcana Boots. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make the Sealed Major Arcana Circlet. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Goddard area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Great Coba. For best results, a
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Sea Coba. For best results, a level 7
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Sea Coba. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Goddard area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Sea Coba. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Red Coba. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Red Coba. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Innadril area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Red Coba. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Red Coba. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Red Coba. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Desert Coba. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Desert Coba. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Innadril area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Desert Coba. For best results, a l
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Goddard area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Desert Coba. For best results, a
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Desert Coba. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Goddard area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Twin Coba. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Blue Coba. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Blue Coba. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Blue Coba. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Goddard area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Blue Coba. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Blue Coba. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Golden Coba. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Golden Coba. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Golden Coba. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Goddard area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Golden Coba. For best results, a
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Goddard area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Golden Coba. For best results, a
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Golden Coba. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Goddard area and it will bear the fruit of the Great Coba. For best results, a level 80-90
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Sea Coba. For best results, a level 74-84 chara
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Sea Coba. For best results, a level 74-84 chara
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Goddard area and it will bear the fruit of the Sea Coba. For best results, a level 74-84 c

Pagina 102

Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Red Coba. For best results, a level 65-75 char
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Red Coba. For best results, a level 65-75 chara
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Innadril area and it will bear the fruit of the Red Coba. For best results, a level 65-75 cha
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Goddard area and it will bear the fruit of the Red Coba. For best results, a level 65-75 c
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Red Coba. For best results, a level 65-75 chara
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Desert Coba. For best results, a level 71-81 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Desert Coba. For best results, a level 71-81 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Innadril area and it will bear the fruit of the Desert Coba. For best results, a level 71-81
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Goddard area and it will bear the fruit of the Desert Coba. For best results, a level 71-81
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Desert Coba. For best results, a level 71-81 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Goddard area and it will bear the fruit of the Twin Coba. For best results, a level 77-87 c
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Blue Coba. For best results, a level 62-72 cha
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Blue Coba. For best results, a level 62-72 char
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Blue Coba. For best results, a level 62-72 char
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Goddard area and it will bear the fruit of the Blue Coba. For best results, a level 62-72 c
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Blue Coba. For best results, a level 62-72 char
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Golden Coba. For best results, a level 68-78 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Golden Coba. For best results, a level 68-78 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Golden Coba. For best results, a level 68-78 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Innadril area and it will bear the fruit of the Golden Coba. For best results, a level 68-78
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Goddard area and it will bear the fruit of the Golden Coba. For best results, a level 68-7
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Golden Coba. For best results, a level 68-78 ch
Goddard/ Sword/ Stationary
Goddard/ Spear/ Stationary
Goddard/ Bow/ Stationary
Goddard/ Cleric/ Stationary
Goddard/ Wizard/ Stationary
Goddard/ Sword/ Mobile
Goddard/ Spear/ Mobile
Goddard/ Bow/ Mobile
Goddard/ Cleric/ Mobile
Goddard/ Wizard/ Mobile
Placed in Goddard, at the Teleporter or inside the castle, this ticket allows teleportation to the inner castle or the guardian's lo
Placed in Goddard, at the Teleporter or inside the castle, this ticket allows teleportation to the outer castle or the guardian's lo
Placed in Goddard, at the Teleporter or inside the castle, this ticket allows teleportation to the inner or outer castle.
Goddard/ Sword/ Stationary.
Goddard/ Spear/ Stationary.
Goddard/ Bow/ Stationary.
Goddard/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Goddard/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Goddard/ Sword/ Mobile.
Goddard/ Spear/ Mobile.
Goddard/ Bow/ Mobile.
Goddard/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Goddard/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Goddard/ Sword/ Stationary. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dawn.
Goddard/ Spear/ Stationary. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dawn.
Goddard/ Bow/ Stationary. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dawn.
Goddard/ Cleric/ Stationary. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dawn.

Pagina 103

Goddard/ Wizard/ Stationary. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dawn.
Goddard/ Sword/ Mobile. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dawn.
Goddard/ Spear/ Mobile. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dawn.
Goddard/ Bow/ Mobile. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dawn.
Goddard/ Cleric/ Mobile. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dawn.
Goddard/ Wizard/ Mobile. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dawn.
Goddard/ Sword/ Stationary. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dusk.
Goddard/ Spear/ Stationary. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dusk.
Goddard/ Bow/ Stationary. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dusk.
Goddard/ Cleric/ Stationary. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dusk.
Goddard/ Wizard/ Stationary. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dusk.
Goddard/ Sword/ Mobile. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dusk.
Goddard/ Spear/ Mobile. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dusk.
Goddard/ Bow/ Mobile. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dusk.
Goddard/ Cleric/ Mobile. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dusk.
Goddard/ Wizard/ Mobile. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dusk.
Goddard/ Sword/ Stationary. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dusk.
Goddard/ Spear/ Stationary. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dusk.
Goddard/ Bow/ Stationary. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dusk.
Goddard/ Cleric/ Stationary. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dusk.
Goddard/ Wizard/ Stationary. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dusk.
Goddard/ Sword/ Mobile. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dusk.
Goddard/ Spear/ Mobile. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dusk.
Goddard/ Bow/ Mobile. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dusk.
Goddard/ Cleric/ Mobile. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dusk.
Goddard/ Wizard/ Mobile. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dusk.
Goddard/ Sword/ Mobile. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dawn.
Goddard/ Wizard/ Mobile. Posting possible when Seal of Strife is owned by Dawn.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for sealed Tateossian earrings. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 70%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for sealed Tateossian earrings. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sealed Tateossian Ring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 70%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sealed Tateossian Ring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sealed Tateossian Necklace. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 70%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sealed Tateossian Necklace. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 9. 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 9. 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Sealed Draconic Leather Armor. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Sealed Draconic Leather Armor. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.

Pagina 104

For Dwarves only. Recipe for Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Sealed Draconic Leather Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Sealed Draconic Leather Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sealed Major Arcana Robe. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sealed Major Arcana Robe. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Sealed Major Arcana Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Sealed Major Arcana Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Sealed Major Arcana Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Sealed Major Arcana Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sealed Major Arcana Circlet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Sealed Major Arcana Circlet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Forgotten Blade. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Forgotten Blade. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Basalt Battlehammer. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Basalt Battlehammer. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Imperial Staff. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Imperial Staff. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Angel Slayer. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Angel Slayer. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Bow of Light. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Bow of Light. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Dragon Hunter Axe. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Dragon Hunter Axe. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Saint Spear. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Saint Spear. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Demon Splinter. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Demon Splinter. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Heaven's Divider. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Heaven's Divider. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Arcana Mace. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Arcana Mace. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Arrow of Light. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 5. The success rate is 100%.
Music Box playing Minu's music. Disappear after the one-time use.
Main ingredient essentially required to make a Party Mask. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient essentially required to make a Lady's Hairpin. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main component necessary to make a Pirate's Eyepatch. May also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient essentially required to make a Monocle. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
This recipe for mid-grade Corroded Fish Oil can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 2.

Pagina 105

This recipe for high-grade Corroded Fish Oil can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 3.
This recipe for a Party Mask can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4. Has a chance of crafting a h
This recipe for a Lady's Hairpin can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4. Has a chance of crafting
This recipe for a Pirate's Eyepatch may be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 4. Has a chance of cra
This recipe for a Monocle can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4. Has a chance of crafting a hai
This recipe for a Healing Potion can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 1.
This recipe for a Major Healing Potion can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 2.
This recipe for a Superior Healing Potion can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for a standard Antidote can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 1.
This recipe for a Greater Antidote can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 2.
This recipe for a Bandage can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 1.
This recipe for an Emergency Dressing can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 2.
This recipe for a Haste Potion can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 1.
This recipe for a potion allowing swifter attacks can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 1.
This recipe for a Greater Haste Potion can be used by all races Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 3.
This recipe for a potion allowing for greater swift attacks can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 3.
This recipe for a Magic Haste Potion can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 1.
This recipe for a Greater Magic Haste Potion can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 3.
This recipe for a mysterious potion can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 2.
This recipe for a facelifting potion can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 3.
This recipe for a facelifting potion can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 3.
This recipe for a facelifting potion can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 3.
This recipe for a dye potion can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 3.
This recipe for a dye potion can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 3.
This recipe for a dye potion can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 3.
This recipe for a dye potion can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 3.
This recipe for a potion that changes a character's hair style can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv
This recipe for a potion that changes a character's hair style can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv
This recipe for a potion that changes a character's hair style can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv
This recipe for a potion that changes a character's hair style can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv
This recipe for a potion that changes a character's hair style can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv
This recipe for a potion that changes a character's hair style can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv
This recipe for a potion that changes a character's hair style can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv
This recipe for STR Dye <Str +1 Con -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for STR Dye <Str +1 Dex -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for CON Dye <Con +1 Str -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for CON Dye <Con +1 Dex -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for DEX Dye <Dex +1 Str -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for DEX Dye <Dex +1 Con -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for INT Dye <Int +1 Men -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for INT Dye <Int +1 Wit -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for MEN Dye <Men +1 Int -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for MEN Dye <Men +1 Wit -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for WIT Dye <Wit +1 Int -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for WIT Dye <Wit +1 Men -1>. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for Greater STR Dye <Str +1 Con -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for Greater STR Dye <Str +1 Dex -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for Greater CON Dye <Con +1 Str -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for Greater CON Dye <Con +1 Dex -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.

Pagina 106

This recipe for Greater DEX Dye <Dex +1 Str -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for Greater DEX Dye <Dex +1 Con -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for Greater INT Dye <Int +1 Men -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for Greater INT Dye <Int +1 Wit -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for Greater MEN Dye <Men +1 Int -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for Greater MEN Dye <Men +1 Wit -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for Greater WIT Dye <Wit +1 Int -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for Greater WIT Dye <Wit +1 Men -1> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for Greater STR Dye <Str +2 Con -2> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater STR Dye <Str +2 Dex -2> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater CON Dye <Con +2 Str -2> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater CON Dye <Con +2 Dex -2> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater DEX Dye <Dex +2 Str -2> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater DEX Dye <Dex +2 Con -2> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater INT Dye <Int +2 Men -2> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater INT Dye <Int +2 Wit -2> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater MEN Dye <Men +2 Int -2> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater MEN Dye <Men +2 Wit -2> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater WIT Dye <Wit +2 Int -2> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater WIT Dye <Wit +2 Men -2> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater STR Dye <Str +3 Con -3> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater STR Dye <Str +3 Dex -3> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater CON Dye <Con +3 Str -3> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater CON Dye <Con +3 Dex -3> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater DEX Dye <Dex +3 Str -3> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater DEX Dye <Dex +3 Con -3> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater INT Dye <Int +3 Men -3> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater INT Dye <Int +3 Wit -3> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater MEN Dye <Men +3 Int -3> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater MEN Dye <Men +3 Wit -3> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater WIT Dye <Wit +3 Int -3> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater WIT Dye <Wit +3 Men -3> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
This recipe for Greater STR Dye <Str +4 Con -4> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
This recipe for Greater STR Dye <Str +4 Dex -4> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
This recipe for Greater CON Dye <Con +4 Str -4> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
This recipe for Greater CON Dye <Con +4 Dex -4> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
This recipe for Greater DEX Dye <Dex +4 Str -4> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
This recipe for Greater DEX Dye <Dex +4 Con -4> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
This recipe for Greater INT Dye <Int +4 Men -4> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
This recipe for Greater INT Dye <Int +4 Wit -4> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
This recipe for Greater MEN Dye <Men +4 Int -4> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
This recipe for Greater MEN Dye <Men +4 Wit -4> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
This recipe for Greater WIT Dye <Wit +4 Int -4> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
This recipe for Greater WIT Dye <Wit +4 Men -4> can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area and it will bear the fruit of the Blue Cobol. For best results, a level 32- 42 char
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Blue Codran. For best results, a level 50- 60 c
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Blue Codran. For best results, a level 50- 60 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Chilly Cobol. For best results, a level 29- 39 c
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Chilly Coda. For best results, a level 11- 21 cha

Pagina 107

Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Chilly Codran. For best results, a level 47- 57
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Chilly Codran. For best results, a level 47- 57 c
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Desert Codran. For best results, a level 59- 69
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Goddard area and it will bear the fruit of the Desert Codran. For best results, a level 59-
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Golden Cobol. For best results, a level 38- 48 c
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Desert Coda. For best results, a level 17- 27 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Great Cobol. For best results, a level 41- 51 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Great Codran. For best results, a level 56- 66
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Great Codran. For best results, a level 56- 66 c
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Blue Cobol. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Blue Codran. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Blue Codran. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Chilly Cobol. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Chilly Coda. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Chilly Codran. For best results, a l
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Chilly Codran. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Desert Codran. For best results, a
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Goddard area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Desert Codran. For best results,
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Golden Cobol. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Golden Coda. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Great Cobol. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Great Codran. For best results, a l
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Great Codran. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Red Cobol. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Red Codran. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Red Codran. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Sea Codran. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Sea Codran. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Sea Codran. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Twin Codran. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Red Cobol. For best results, a level 26- 36 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area and it will bear the fruit of the Red Codran. For best results, a level 44- 54 cha
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Oren area and it will bear the fruit of the Red Codran. For best results, a level 44- 54 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Dion area and it will bear the fruit of the Sea Codran. For best results, a level 44- 54 cha
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Giran area and it will bear the fruit of the Sea Codran. For best results, a level 44- 54 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Sea Codran. For best results, a level 44- 54 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Gludio area and it will bear the fruit of the Twin Codran. For best results, a level 53- 63 c
Echo crystal that plays the theme music of birthday. May only be used once.
Echo crystal that plays wedding music. Will disappear after one use.
Map that was drawn by an old treasure hunter. Double-click to view contents.
Personally written by Lidia. Double-click to view contents.
Letter sent by Lidia. Double-click to view contents.
The lost contract. Double-click to view contents.
Special bait used to obtain treasure chest.
Special bait used to obtain treasure chest.
Special bait used to obtain treasure chest.
Special bait used to obtain treasure chest.
Treasure chest attained by fishing.
Treasure chest attained by fishing.

Pagina 108

Treasure chest attained by fishing.

Treasure chest attained by fishing.
Pass necessary for entry into a the 4th sepulcher at the Imperial Tomb. Ask the Nameless Spirit at the entrance of the 4th se
Premium fabric used in the making of Formal Wear
Contains the jewels which will adorn the Formal Wear
Contains the tools necessary to sew (create) Formal Wear
Jewel that diffuses the dimension's energy. Required to survive in the Dimensional Rift.
Bizarre entity that constantly emits cold air
Rock fragment emanating a mysterious energy
Document containing information regarding Demon Allector. Double-click to view contents.
Document containing information regarding Demon Allector. Double-click to view contents.
Document containing information regarding Demon Allector. Double-click to view contents.
Document containing information regarding Great Angel Iconoclasis. Double-click to view contents.
Document containing information regarding Great Angel Iconoclasis. Double-click to view contents.
Document containing information regarding demons. Double-click to view contents.
Document containing information regarding demons. Double-click to view contents.
Document containing information regarding demons. Double-click to view contents.
Document containing information regarding demons. Double-click to view contents.
Secret document used in the guild. Double-click to view contents.
Secret document used in the guild. Double-click to view contents.
Contains information regarding Adhil, the fallen knight. Double-click to view contents.
Contains information regarding Guardian of Mother Tree. Double-click to view contents.
Contains information regarding Biel. Double-click to view contents.
Contains story of Swordsman Iron. Double-click to view contents.
Contains story of White Wing, the army of god. Double-click to view contents.
Contains story of Traitor Muhark. Double-click to view contents.
Contains instructions for use of Khavatari's energy, as well as instructions on how to deal with those subdued by his devilishn
Contains information regarding the means to strengthen and the means to defeat the ancient giant. Double-click to view cont
Contains sorcery to surround and defeat the Spirits. Double-click to view contents.
Contains information on how to defeat the Guardian Angel of the Tablet. Double-click to view contents.
Contains information on how to defeat the Guardian Angel of the Tablet. Double-click to view contents.
Contains information on how to defeat the Guardian Angel of the Tablet. Double-click to view contents.
Contains information on how to defeat the Guardian Angel of the Tablet. Double-click to view contents.
Contains information on how to defeat the Guardian Angel of the Tablet. Double-click to view contents.
Contains information on how to defeat the Guardian Angel of the Tablet. Double-click to view contents.
Document containing information regarding the great angel, Iconoclasis. Double-click to view contents.
Document containing information regarding the great angel, Iconoclasis. Double-click to view contents.
Document containing info regarding Shakiel, the guardian of vision. Double-click to view contents.
Document containing info regarding Shakiel, the guardian of vision. Double-click to view contents.
Document containing info regarding Shakiel, the guardian of vision. Double-click to view contents.
Box containing fragile dress shoes.
Pet Voucher - Discount on the purchase of Buffalos in the Town of Dion.
Pet Voucher - Discount on the purchase of cougars at Town of Giran.
Pet Voucher - Discount on the purchase of kookaburras at the Town of Gludio.
Magical scroll that relocates you to Talking Island. Cannot be sold in shops.
Magical scroll that relocates you to Elven Village. Cannot be sold in shops.
Magical scroll that relocates you to Dark Elf Village. Cannot be sold in shops.
Magical scroll that relocates you to Orc Village. Cannot be sold in shops.
Magical scroll that relocates you to Dwarven Village. Cannot be sold in shops.

Pagina 109

Magical scroll that relocates you to Gludin Village. Cannot be sold in shops.
Magical scroll that relocates you to the Town of Gludio. Cannot be sold in shops.
Magical scroll that relocates you to the Town of Dion. Cannot be sold in shops.
Magical scroll that relocates you to Floran Village. Cannot be sold in shops.
Magical scroll that relocates you to the Town of Giran. Cannot be sold in shops.
Magical scroll that relocates you to Hardin's Academy. Cannot be sold in shops.
Magical scroll that relocates you to Heine. Cannot be sold in shops.
Magical scroll that relocates you to the Town of Oren. Cannot be sold in shops.
Magical scroll that relocates you to the Ivory Tower. Cannot be sold in shops.
Magical scroll that relocates you to Hunter's Village. Cannot be sold in shops.
Magical scroll that relocates you to the Town of Aden. Cannot be sold in shops.
Magical scroll that relocates you to the Town of Goddard. Cannot be sold in shops.
Magical scroll that relocates you to the Town of Rune. Cannot be sold in shops.
Magical scroll that relocates you to the Town of Schuttgart. Cannot be sold in shops.
Basket full of fruit. Emily asked you to bring it to her.
Spice imported from Avella. Has a special fragrance. Emily asked you to bring it to her.
Well sealed pouch of honey collected from bees. Take this to Emily.
Bracelet that Leto Lizardman wears. Take this to Guard Rath in Town of Giran.
Holy item that was found in the Forest of the Dead. Take this to the priest of the Town of Rune.
Holy cross that was found in the Forest of the Dead. The Priest of the Town of Rune returned it to you. Take this to Dark Elf M
Skull of an elf that Grand Magister Tifaren asked you to bring.
Contract between High Priest Innocentin and the dead explorer is in this letter.
Jewel that the explorer possessed. The color of jewel changes by the explorer's call.
Jewel that the explorer possessed. The color of jewel changes by the explorer's call.
Explorer's report box. It is sealed multiple times. Take this to the ghost of the explorer.
Explorer's report box. The box is locked. Take this to High Priest Innocentin.
Lidia's Hairpin that has moonlight flower shape.
Silver spear is engraved on this key. There must be a lock that can be opened with this key.
Reward that is given to the family with highest merit by the royal member of Elmore land. It is a model spear thus it Has no P.
Totem doll you have obtained while hunting black magi according to the instructions of Lidia's maid. Take this to the mysterio
Flower bouquet that Dorian asked you to lay at the gravestone in the south.
Talisman given by Dorian. He asked you to find information about the monsters that appear in the Forest of the Dead at night
Talisman given by Dorian. It seems to have been cracked by a powerful force.
Red dress that was unearthed from the grave of Rose. It exhibits an aristocratic taste.
The totem doll that was returned by the mysterious magus. Take it to the priests of the Town of Rune and question them abo
Gemstone studded key. It Has a nickname of "bejeweled staff" that indicates the authority of the king.
Suspicious totem doll that one obtains after slaying the underlings of Triol.
Well sealed box of cookies.
Premium wine that is on delivery.
Yarn made of twisted spider web. Tenacious and sturdy.
Rough stone of jewel. Becomes a beautiful jewel when processed.
Sturdier than generic iron. Tools made of this iron are said to be priceless.
Seal that represents noble family.
Map that is drawn for Miki the Cat.
Medicinal herb that Miki the Cat found in Devil's Isle. Gentler is in need of this herb.
Crystal that is used to activate the sealing in the altar.
Saint's blood that has power of holiness.
The blood obtained at the time of Kel Mahum's death. It contains the power of Einhasad.
Seal from a Mysterious Necromancer. It uses the power of light.

Pagina 110

Gem from Kel Mahum that has power of Einhasad.

Gem that is left after the cremation of a saint. It Has power of holiness.
Warrior symbol for Langk Lizardman.
Tooth that has mysterious power.
Tooth of Langk Lizardman Commanders that strengthens their warriors.
Letter from Iris to Magister Rohmer in the Town of Gludio.
Letter from Rohmer to Magister Iris in Gludin Village.
Charm of Maille Lizardman Warriors.
Charm of Maille Lizardman Commanders.
Pouch of incense with mysterious scent.
Gem of Maille Lizardman that has mysterious power.
Report from Guard Praga to Magister Rohmer.
Gem that controls Araneid.
Gem in Araneid's head that controls them.
White jewel from the beast that brings back fond memories.
Buffalo horn fragments used by Ketra Orcs as currency.
Nepenthes seed used by Varka Silenos as currency.
Certificate acquired when one becomes an avenger.
Mark that proves membership of Daimon's family.
Object substantiating the intrinsic darkness of Daimon the White-eyed.
Fraction of the bead used to summon Daimon.
Fraction of the crystal used to summon Daimon. Still in an unfinished state.
Crystal used to summon Daimon. Emits golden shine.
Dark crystal that constitutes Daimon.
Delicious eggs boiled in spring water.
Price of the boiled egg.
Specialty Liquor at hot springs.
Price of the Specialty Liquor.
Rare ingredient for food.
Rare ingredient for food.
Rare ingredient for food.
Rare ingredient for food.
Rare ingredient for food.
Piquant smelling spice.
Sauce imported across the sea from the Gracian Kingdom.
Delicious egg boiled in spring water.
Specialty Liquor at hot springs.
Box of delicious food. Very hot.
Favorite food of Icicle Prince Bumbalump.
Legendary ingredient that can only be attained from the strongest Yeti.
Necklace given to those who build an alliance with the Ketra Orc Tribe. Stage 1 - Prudent alliance relations.
Necklace given to those who build an alliance with the Ketra Orc Tribe. Stage 2 - Dependent alliance relations.
Necklace given to those who build an alliance with the Ketra Orc Tribe. Stage 3 - Friendly alliance relations.
Necklace given to those who build an alliance with the Ketra Orc Tribe. Stage 4 - Firm alliance relations.
Necklace given to those who build an alliance with the Ketra Orc Tribe. Stage 5 - Steadfast firm alliance relations.
Badge attained by slaying Varka Silenos Soldiers.
Badge attained by slaying Varka Silenos Captains.
Badge attained by slaying Varka Silenos Generals.
Totem presented to the warriors of the Ketra Orc tribe to attest their valor.

Pagina 111

Totem presented to the warriors of the Ketra Orc tribe to attest their wisdom.
Charm given to those who build an alliance with the Varka tribe. Stage 1 - Prudent alliance relations.
Charm given to those who build an alliance with the Varka tribe. Stage 2 - Dependent alliance relations.
Charm given to those who build an alliance with the Varka tribe. Stage 3 - Friendly alliance relations.
Charm given to those who build an alliance with the Varka tribe. Stage 4 - Firm alliance relations.
Charm given to those who build an alliance with the Varka tribe. Stage 5 - Steadfast firm alliance relations.
Badge attained by slaying Ketra Orc Soldiers.
Badge attained by slaying Ketra Orc Captains.
Badge attained by slaying Ketra Orc Generals.
Feather presented to the warriors of Varka Silenos tribe to attest their valor.
Feather presented to the warriors of Varka Silenos tribe to attest their wisdom.
Munitions box that is on delivery to Ketra Orc tribe.
Munitions box that is on delivery to Varka Silenos tribe.
Mane attained from slaying Varka Silenos.
Molar attained from slaying Ketra Orcs.
Proof of slaying Shadith.
Proof of slaying Mos.
Stolen green totem from the post of Varka Silenos.
Totem used to summon Water Spirit Ashutar.
Crystalline shard of ice attained from slaying Water Spirit Ashutar.
Proof of slaying the Hero of Ketra, Hekaton.
Proof of slaying the Commander of Ketra, Tayr.
Stolen red totem from the base of Ketra Orcs.
Totem used to summon Fire Spirit Nastron.
A Spirit, ore of fire attained from slaying Fire Spirit Nastron.
Supply box that is on delivery to Golden Ram Army.
Badge that is given to recruits of Golden Ram Army.
Badge that is given to soldiers of Golden Ram Army.
Striped chitin from Splinter Stakatos.
Striped chitin from Needle Stakatos.
Talon from Stakatos in Swamp of Scream.
Coin used by Golden Ram Army as currency.
Journal found in body of Krorin.
Letter to an archaeologist who left to Imperial Tomb to explore.
Fragment of relic found in Imperial Tomb. Looks like it Has no value because it is broken.
Sealed box found in the 4th sepulcher. This box is sealed with a mysterious power.
Goblet attained by slaying Halisha's Shadow in the 4th sepulcher.
Goblet attained by slaying Halisha's Shadow in the 4th sepulcher.
Goblet attained by slaying Halisha's Shadow in the 4th sepulcher.
Goblet attained by slaying Halisha's Shadow in the 4th sepulcher.
Key used to open the chapel door.
A used pass necessary for entry into a the 4th sepulcher at the Imperial Tomb. Cannot be used again. It may be useful when
Luxurious looking old brooch that displays a magnificent symbol. It may be useful when meeting the Nameless Spirit.
Wrapped Pack that needs to be delivered to Vulcan who's in Valakas' Lair.
Torch that Vulcan requested to collect.
A ore required to make Vacualite.
Complete Vacualite. Take it to Klein.
Stone needed to reach the entrance to the Hall of Flames. If you bring it and speak to Valakas Watchman Klein, you will be p
Item needed to communicate with the first mystery slate.

Pagina 112

Item needed to communicate with the first mystery slate.

Item needed to communicate with the first mystery slate.
Item needed to communicate with the first mystery slate.
Item needed to communicate with the first mystery slate.
Item needed to communicate with the first mystery slate.
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Pagina 113

Item needed to communicate with the second mystery slate.

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Pagina 114

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Pagina 115

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Pagina 116

Item needed to communicate with the seventh mystery slate.

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Item needed to communicate with the seventh mystery slate.
Item needed to communicate with the seventh mystery slate.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.

Pagina 117

Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.

Cursed badge that summons minion of Halisha.
Mysterious wine made with using an Ice Crystal.
Dish made by Donath.
Note that has cooking tips written by Donath.
Lilly's most favorite dessert that is made of a mixture of shaved ice and sweet flavorings.
Sweet, soft and cold scoop of ice cream.
When sunlight reflects on it, it shines brightly with a rainbow of colors.
Food that is dedicated to Saint Agnes. It is tightly sealed to preserve its freshness.
Food that is dedicated to Saint Agnes. It is tightly sealed to preserve its freshness.
Food that is dedicated to Saint Agnes. It is tightly sealed to preserve its freshness.
Food that is dedicated to Saint Agnes. It is tightly sealed to preserve its freshness.
Dictionary that is used to decipher an ancient language.
Dictionary that is used to decipher an ancient language.
Spider's anatomical structure from which spider web is produced.
Document received from Information Broker Mist. It contains the results of an investigation requested by Magister Justin.
Document received from Information Broker Mist. It contains the results of an investigation requested by Magister Alminas.
Document received from Information Broker Mist. It contains the results of an investigation requested by Magister Kamilen.
Document received from Information Broker Bavarin. It contains the results of an investigation requested by Guard Baird.
Document received from Information Broker Mist. It contains the results of an investigation requested by High Priest Gregory.
Ice crystal that is wrapped in fish scales and emits cold, icy air. Since it is beautifully created with a highly skilled hand, it look
Chunk of purest ice that is made by freezing purified water. It is known to contain the power of the gods from the beginning o
The beer requested by Blacksmith Feynn. Just touching it makes your hands feel like they are freezing.
Elaborate meal requested by the Arena Manager. It is said to be eaten by duelists in ancient times to strengthen their stamina
Soup that is supposed to contain all the nutrition of the fish it is made from. According to legend, depending on the fish you u
Legendary liquor that is made by dipping hot flames into a cold, freezing ice. Although it feels cold to the lips it becomes hot i
The type of crystal that is needed to store wedding march music.
The type of crystal that is needed to store birthday party music.
The heart that is ripped out of the body of a vampire. It is still beating and pumping out blood.
Piece of brain collected from an undead monster in the Forest of the Dead. It may contain the memory of the moment of its d
The remaining bone that is left in the place where a necromancer died and disappeared. Perhaps it was used to transfix the s
Liver that is rotting and emitting a strong stench. It is known to be a source of magical power of undead.
Piece of Prime Meat that is obtained by slaughtering a wild beast of proper age. Only one piece of this high quality meat can
Piece of meat obtained by slaughtering a wild beast that is too young. Although it may have a pleasant aroma, it doesn't give
Piece of a map that was once possessed by Monster Eyes.
Map that contains a plot of the beasts. Take it to Mercenary Captain Sophya.
Piece of map obtained from the ghostly apparitions that haunt the Execution Grounds.
Map that contains strange information. By the way, sometime ago, Trader Galladucci complained that one of the maps he wa
Fragment of gemstone that can be obtained by hunting Maille Lizardmen.
Gold colored orb. High Priest Drikus is supposed to be looking for it.
Magical scroll that relocates you to Talking Island.
Magical scroll that relocates you to Elven Village.
Magical scroll that relocates you to Dark Elf Village.
Magical scroll that relocates you to Orc Village.
Magical scroll that relocates you to Dwarven Village.
Magical scroll that relocates you to the Town of Giran.
Instructional book of fishing techniques. You can Double-click it to read it.
Crystal that is filled with magical power. It is needed when casting Teleportation magic. If you collect this item and take them
Document with Galladucci's trader order. Take it to Trader Gentler at his magic shop.

Pagina 118

Document with Galladucci's trader order. Take it to Jeweler Sandra at her shop.
Document with Galladucci's order. Take it to Priest Dustin at his shop.
It's the item given by Priest Dustin. It seems to be the item Trader Galladucci Has been looking for.
The item given by Jeweler Sandra. This seems to be the item Trader Galladucci Has been looking for.
Item given by Trader Gentler. This seems to be the item Trader Galladucci Has been looking for.
Gold coin that is engraved with a four-leaf clover design.
Certificate to prove to Trader Galladucci the traveler's identity.
The letter sent by Magister Baulro to Archon Sir Windawood.
Letter of recommendation Trader Ariel wrote for you to be sent to Hierarch Asterios.
Note Roselyn wrote while being angry and wrathful. You should deliver it to Magister Harne.
Gift from Head Blacksmith Reed for Priest of the Earth Gerald. It looks very expensive.
Main ingredient essentially required for a Dwarf to make a Draconic Bow. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Draconic Bow. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Draconic Bow. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
When the food gauge of a baby buffalo, a baby cougar or a baby kookaburra drops to 55% or below, this feed will be consum

Type of fluid with a sweet fragrance. It is used as an ingredient to make a fishing shot.
Record of the seventeen heroes who fought against Antharas, the Land Dragon.
Poetry book written by an unknown Elven bard several hundred years ago.
Echo crystal that contains the song of Forgotten Heroes.
Strand of hair that seems to have fallen from a blonde-haired lady.
Ring with a subtle blue gem. When picked up, it makes a sound like a flowing brook.
Necklace with a clear and bright bluish green crystal as a medallion. The moment when you hold it in your hand, you smell th
Wooden staff that is embedded with a light blue orb at the top of it. It gives you a feeling of an ocean breeze filled with moistu
Box containing 3 relics of Goddess
Silver colored orb that emanates a strong feeling of magical power.
Sorcery ingredient that is used by Witch Kalis.
Thin and sharp claw obtained from Maluk Succubus
Crimson Moss obtained from Swamp of Screams
Remedy prescribed by Grand Priest Rahorakti for Dwarf Girl Kassandra
Old and worn-out tarot card given by the Lady of the Lake. This card symbolizes wealth.
Old and worn-out tarot card given by the Lady of the Lake. This card symbolizes power.
Old and worn-out tarot card given by the Lady of the Lake. This card symbolizes love.
Old and worn-out tarot card given by the Lady of the Lake. This card symbolizes knowledge.
Clumsily-written letter written by Summoner Keats who was turned into a frog.
An Elven miracle cure mixed by Priest Cerenas.
Medicine made by Magister Kamilen to cure Summoner Noctisse.
The cooling system refrigerant of repaired time machine "Wilma 3".
Sealed envelope given by Information Broker Bavarin.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society.
Lure that was given out by Lanosco. It contains the hidden power of wind. It is not easy to use this bait. Only those who are h
Lure that was given out by O'Fulle. It contains the hidden power of icy air. It is not easy to use this bait. Only those who are h
Lure that was given out by Willie. It contains the hidden power of earth. It is not easy to use this bait. Only those who are high
Lure that was given out by Linnaeus. It contains the hidden power of flames. It is not easy to use this bait. Only those who are
Chest fished up with the Wind Bait.
Chest fished up with the Icy Air Bait.
Chest fished up with the Earth Bait.

Pagina 119

Chest fished up with the Flaming Bait.

Magical scroll that relocates you to Ketra Orc Village. Cannot be sold in shops.
Magical scroll that relocates you to Varka Silenos Village. Cannot be sold in shops.
Saint's blood that has power of holiness.
Essence of wind extracted from Singing Wind. It is an item requested by Lanosco.
The lost bait that was recovered from a Fettered Soul. O'Fulle asked you to bring it back to him.
Eye harvested from a Tarlk Basilisk. Willie asked you to bring it back to him.
Heart of a Crimson Drake surrounded by flames. Linnaeus asked you to bring it back to him.
Golem blueprint with an unusual design that is different from any other golem blueprint. It seems to be designed by Shaling.
Completely sealed letter. On the envelope, Kiki's name is written as its recipient.
Beautiful box made of glass. It is engraved with the names of Anabel and Liesel.
Musical score of beautiful music. Its author is written down as Composer Rukal.
White Cargo Box looted from a trader's wagon. Seems to have valuable goods. Double-click to see the contents.
Blue Cargo Box looted from a trader's wagon. Seems to have valuable goods. Double-click to see the contents.
Yellow Cargo Box looted from a trader's wagon. Seems to have valuable goods. Double-click to see the contents.
Red Crate looted from a trader's wagon. Seems to have valuable goods. Double-click to see the contents.
Purple crate looted from a trader's wagon. Seems to have valuable goods. Double-click to see the contents.
Pouch looted from a trader's wagon. Seems to have valuable goods. Double-click to see the contents.
Pouch looted from a trader's wagon. Seems to have valuable goods. Double-click to see the contents.
Item discovered in the marsh. Dirty yellow pouch ripped here and there. Double-click to see the contents.
Item discovered in the marsh. Dirty brown pouch ripped here and there. Double-click to see the contents.
Spellbook needed to learn Mass Summon Storm Cubic. Used by Warlocks.\nRequired level: 40
Spellbook needed to learn Mass Summon Aqua Cubic. Used Elemental Summoners.\nRequired level: 40
Spellbook needed to learn Mass Summon Phantom Cubic. Used by Phantom Summoners.\nRequired level: 40
Spellbook needed to learn Summon Feline Queen. Used by Warlocks.\nRequired level: 56
Spellbook needed to learn Summon Seraphim the Unicorn. Used by Elemental Summoners.\nRequired level: 56
Spellbook needed to learn Summon Night Shade. Used by Phantom Summoners.\nRequired level: 56
Spellbook needed to learn Summon Cursed Man. Used by Necromancers.\nRequired level: 56
Spellbook needed to learn Balance Life. Used by Cardinals.
Spellbook needed to learn Curse of Doom. Used by Soultakers.
Spellbook needed to learn Curse of Abyss. Used by Soultakers.
Spellbook needed to learn Arcane Chaos. Used by Archmages/ Mystic Muses/ Storm Screamers.
Spellbook needed to learn Fire Vortex. Used by Archmages.
Spellbook needed to learn Ice Vortex. Used by Mystic Muses.
Spellbook needed to learn Wind Vortex. Used by Storm Screamers.
Spellbook needed to learn Light Vortex. Used by Mystic Muses.
Spellbook needed to learn Dark Vortex. Used by Soultakers and Storm Screamers.
Spellbook needed to learn Mass Warrior Bane. Used by Soultakers.
Spellbook needed to learn Mass Mage Bane. Used by Soultakers.
Spellbook needed to learn Warrior Servitor. Used by Arcana Lords.
Spellbook needed to learn Wizard Servitor. Used by Elemental Masters.
Spellbook needed to learn Assassin Servitor. Used by Spectral Masters.
Spellbook needed to learn Final Servitor. Used by Arcana Lords/ Elemental Masters/ Spectral Masters.
Spellbook needed to learn Warrior Bane. Used by Arcana Lords/ Elemental Masters.
Spellbook needed to learn Mage Bane. Used by Arcana Lords/ Spectral Masters.
Spellbook needed to learn Elemental Resistance. Used by Hierophants.
Spellbook needed to learn Divine Protection. Used by Cardinals/ Eva's Saints.
Spellbook needed to learn Arcane Protection. Used by Eva's Saints or Shillien Saints.
Spellbook needed to learn Prophecy of Water. Used by Eva's Saints.

Pagina 120

Spellbook needed to learn Prophecy of Fire. Used by Hierophants.

Spellbook needed to learn Prophecy of Wind. Used by Shillien Saints.
Spellbook needed to learn Block Shield. Used by Hierophants/ Shillien Saints.
Spellbook needed to learn Block Wind Walk. Used by Hierophants/ Eva's Saints.
Spellbook needed to learn Mass Block Shield. Used by Cardinals.
Spellbook needed to learn Mass Block Wind Walk. Used by Cardinals.
Amulet required to memorize the Chant of Spirit spell. Used by Doomcryers.
Amulet required to memorize the Chant of Victory spell. Used by Doomcryers.
Amulet required to memorize the Pa'agrio's Eye spell. Used by Dominators.
Amulet required to memorize the Pa'agrio's Soul spell. Used by Dominators.
Amulet required to memorize the Seal of Despair spell. Used by Dominators.
Letter sent by Virgil, a rich Dwarf in the Town of Rune. It asks for help.
Letter sent by Caradine, the Messenger of the Lake. Says to go to the Town of Goddard when you reach Subclass Lv. 65.
Letter sent by Caradine, the Messenger of the Lake. Says to go to the Town of Goddard when you reach Subclass Lv. 75.
Main ingredient essentially required to make Raccoon Ears. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient essentially required to make an Outlaw's Eyepatch. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient essentially required to make a Maiden's Hairpin. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient essentially required to make Rabbit Ears. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Main ingredient essentially required to make Cat Ears. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
This recipe for Raccoon Ears can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This technique for creating an Outlaw's Eyepatch can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4. Has a
This technique to create a Maiden's Hairpin can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4. Has a chanc
This recipe for Rabbit Ears can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
This recipe for Cat Ears can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
Indispensable raw material that is needed to make a Forget-me-not Hairpin. It can be sold at a general store.
Indispensable material that is needed to make a Daisy Hairpin. It can be sold at a general store.
This technique for creating a Forget-me-not Hairpin can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4. Has
This technique for creating a Daisy Hairpin can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4. Has a chance
Item recovered from the swampland. It is a dirty and worn out grey pouch that is ripped here and there. It seems to contain an
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite

Pagina 121

Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite

Pagina 122

Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Double-click to randomly change into a another item. The changed item can be used as a regular ingredient to make other ite
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
A coupon that is needed to borrow weapons for apprentice adventurers from the Adventurers' Guide.
Use this coupon to borrow magic accessories from the Adventurers' Guild.
Amulet required for the Seal of Disease spell. Used by Dominators.
A Santa Claus hat that was created to celebrate the holiday. This hat can be worn only during the end of year holiday season
Boat Ticket: Depart Rune - Arrive Gludin
Boat Ticket: Depart Gludin - Arrive Rune
Bestows fire attack attribute while engaged in a physical attack.
Bestows water attack attribute while engaged in a physical attack.
Bestows wind attack attribute while engaged in a physical attack.
Bestows earth attack attribute while engaged in a physical attack.
Bestows Dark attack attribute while engaged in a physical attack.
Bestows Holy attack attribute while engaged in a physical attack.
Eliminates vulnerability to fire attacks.
Eliminates vulnerability to water attacks.
Eliminates vulnerability to wind attacks.
Eliminates vulnerability to earth attacks.
Eliminates vulnerability to Dark attacks.
Eliminates vulnerability to Holy attacks.
Schuttgart/ Sword/ Stationary
Schuttgart/ Spear/ Stationary
Schuttgart/ Bow/ Stationary
Schuttgart/ Cleric/ Stationary
Schuttgart/ Wizard/ Stationary
Schuttgart/ Sword/ Mobile
Schuttgart/ Spear/ Mobile
Schuttgart/ Bow/ Mobile
Schuttgart/ Cleric/ Mobile
Schuttgart/ Wizard/ Mobile
Placed in Schuttgart, at the Teleporter or inside the castle, this ticket allows teleportation to the inner castle or the guardian's
Placed in Schuttgart, at the Teleporter or inside the castle, this ticket allows teleportation to the outer castle or the guardian's
Placed in Schuttgart, at the Teleporter or inside the castle, this ticket allows teleportation to the inner or outer castle.
Schuttgart/ Sword/ Stationary.
Schuttgart/ Spear/ Stationary.
Schuttgart/ Bow/ Stationary.

Pagina 123

Schuttgart/ Cleric/ Stationary.

Schuttgart/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Schuttgart/ Sword/ Mobile.
Schuttgart/ Spear/ Mobile.
Schuttgart/ Bow/ Mobile.
Schuttgart/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Schuttgart/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Schuttgart/ Sword/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords
Schuttgart/ Spear/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords
Schuttgart/ Bow/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords of
Schuttgart/ Cleric/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords
Schuttgart/ Wizard/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords
Schuttgart/ Sword/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords of D
Schuttgart/ Spear/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords of D
Schuttgart/ Bow/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords of Da
Schuttgart/ Cleric/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords of D
Schuttgart/ Wizard/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords of
Schuttgart/ Sword/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revol
Schuttgart/ Spear/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolu
Schuttgart/ Bow/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolut
Schuttgart/ Cleric/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolu
Schuttgart/ Wizard/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revo
Schuttgart/ Sword/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolutio
Schuttgart/ Spear/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolution
Schuttgart/ Bow/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolutiona
Schuttgart/ Cleric/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolution
Schuttgart/ Wizard/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolutio
Schuttgart/ Sword/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revol
Schuttgart/ Spear/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolu
Schuttgart/ Bow/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolut
Schuttgart/ Cleric/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolu
Schuttgart/ Wizard/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revo
Schuttgart/ Sword/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolutio
Schuttgart/ Spear/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolution
Schuttgart/ Bow/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolutiona
Schuttgart/ Cleric/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolution
Schuttgart/ Wizard/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolutio
Schuttgart/ Sword/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords of D
Schuttgart/ Wizard/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords of
Rune/ Sword/ Stationary
Rune/ Spear/ Stationary
Rune/ Bow/ Stationary
Rune/ Cleric/ Stationary
Rune/ Wizard/ Stationary
Rune/ Sword/ Mobile
Rune/ Spear/ Mobile
Rune/ Bow/ Mobile
Rune/ Cleric/ Mobile
Rune/ Wizard/ Mobile

Pagina 124

Placed in Rune, at the Teleporter or inside the castle, this ticket allows teleportation to the East Gate of the inner castle, the w
Placed in Rune, at the Teleporter or inside the castle, this ticket allows teleportation to the outer castle, the East Gate of the i
Placed in Rune, at the Teleporter or inside the castle, this ticket allows teleportation to the outer castle, the West Gate of the
Placed in Rune, at the Teleporter or inside the castle, this ticket allows teleportation to the outer castle, the western section o
Placed in Rune, at the Teleporter or inside the castle, this ticket allows teleportation to the outer castle, the western section o
Rune/ Sword/ Stationary.
Rune/ Spear/ Stationary.
Rune/ Bow/ Stationary.
Rune/ Cleric/ Stationary.
Rune/ Wizard/ Stationary.
Rune/ Sword/ Mobile.
Rune/ Spear/ Mobile.
Rune/ Bow/ Mobile.
Rune/ Cleric/ Mobile.
Rune/ Wizard/ Mobile.
Rune/ Sword/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords of Da
Rune/ Spear/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords of Da
Rune/ Bow/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords of Daw
Rune/ Cleric/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords of Da
Rune/ Wizard/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords of D
Rune/ Sword/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords of Dawn
Rune/ Spear/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords of Dawn
Rune/ Bow/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords of Dawn.
Rune/ Cleric/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords of Dawn.
Rune/ Wizard/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords of Dawn
Rune/ Sword/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolution
Rune/ Spear/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolutiona
Rune/ Bow/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolutionar
Rune/ Cleric/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolutiona
Rune/ Wizard/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolution
Rune/ Sword/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolutionarie
Rune/ Spear/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolutionarie
Rune/ Bow/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolutionaries
Rune/ Cleric/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolutionaries
Rune/ Wizard/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolutionarie
Rune/ Sword/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolution
Rune/ Spear/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolutiona
Rune/ Bow/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolutionar
Rune/ Cleric/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolutiona
Rune/ Wizard/ Stationary. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolution
Rune/ Sword/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolutionarie
Rune/ Spear/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolutionarie
Rune/ Bow/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolutionaries
Rune/ Cleric/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolutionaries
Rune/ Wizard/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Revolutionarie
Rune/ Sword/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords of Dawn
Rune/ Wizard/ Mobile. The Seal of Strife can only be used to place a mercenary when in the possession of the Lords of Dawn
Used during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle, this item may be used on the Hot Springs Yeti.
Used during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle, this item may be used on the Hot Springs Yeti.

Pagina 125

Used during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle, this item may be used on the Hot Springs Yeti.
Used during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle, this item may be used on the Hot Springs Yeti.
A participation certificate for the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Competition. Can be gained through the Red-colored box, which
Used in combination with similar texts, this may provide rewards during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle.
Used in combination with similar texts, this may provide rewards during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle.
Used in combination with similar texts, this may provide rewards during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle.
Used in combination with similar texts, this may provide rewards during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle.
Used in combination with similar texts, this may provide rewards during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle.
Used in combination with similar texts, this may provide rewards during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle.
Used in combination with similar texts, this may provide rewards during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle.
Used in combination with similar texts, this may provide rewards during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle.
Used in combination with similar texts, this may provide rewards during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle.
Used in combination with similar texts, this may provide rewards during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle.
Used in combination with similar texts, this may provide rewards during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle.
Used in combination with similar texts, this may provide rewards during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle.
Used in combination with similar texts, this may provide rewards during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle.
Used in combination with similar texts, this may provide rewards during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle.
Used in combination with similar texts, this may provide rewards during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle.
Used in combination with similar texts, this may provide rewards during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle.
Used in combination with similar texts, this may provide rewards during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle.
Used in combination with similar texts, this may provide rewards during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle.
Used in combination with similar texts, this may provide rewards during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle.
Used in combination with similar texts, this may provide rewards during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle.
Used in combination with similar texts, this may provide rewards during the Rainbow Springs Clan Hall Battle.
The key to the Splendor Room in the Monastery of Silence.
The Ice Queen's pets' favorite food.
Dr. Chaos' research report. It's locked.
Unlock the padlock to read Dr. Chaos' research report.
The small journal key that was included with the memo.
Dr. Chaos' research report.
Blood obtained by killing Maille Lizardmen.
The legs obtained by defeating King Araneid.
Permits entry to the Pagan Temple. Don't lose it!
This faded badge permits entry to the Pagan Temple.
Obtain this necromantic heart by slaying Bone Animators, Bone Slayers or Skull Animators.
Permits entry and access to the chapel of the Pagan Temple.
The totem obtained by defeating the Pagans.
The scripture obtained by defeating the monks within the Monastery of Silence.
The bottle from Greymore. Pour the water into a the Holy Grail in the Splendor Room and take it with you.
The bottle containing the water from the Holy Grail in the Splendor Room. Take it to Greymore.
The exceptional hide needed to create the magical scroll.
The scroll that permits passage though Frintezza's Magic Force Field. Meet his guide near the Imperial Tomb entrance and h
This "Wandering Eye" Has been harassing the farmers of Floran. Take it to Almankel in Floran Village.
This is a fragment from a Roughly Hewn Rock Golem. Take it to Almankel in Floran Village.
This is a scale of the Delu Lizardman that has been harassing the farmers of Floran. Take it to Almankel in Floran Village.
Crystal obtained from a monster. When processed, it becomes the Black Ice Crystal.
When stuck into a the target, the character becomes violent.
Secret letter from Misa to Rafforty. Don't break the seal!
Secret letter from Rafforty to Misa.

Pagina 126

Unknown tablet fragment.

Fragment of the report from the stone statue.
Scribbled note written by a scout searching the nest.
This white crystal was expelled by a wild beast whose heart was pure.
Fangs gained from killing Stakatos.
Box Containing Flame of Holy Spirit
Enchanted doll that has been said to control the evil creatures of the Ragna Orcs.
Remains stolen by grave robbers.
Items made by angry spirits to use physical force.
This rod lights up in the presence of strong electric waves. It is presently unlit.
This rod lights up in the presence of strong electric waves. It is presently lit.
Metal obtained from hunting the Scout Golem. It may be concealing something.
Dispatcher obtained from hunting the Telescope Golem.
The storage medium taken from the Golem. It is empty.
The storage medium taken from the Golem. It contains information.
The analysis device obtained from the Ginzu Golem.
Curious scroll found on Dr. Chaos' bookshelf.
Supplies sent by a Dwarven Elder to a Railroad Worker.
Animal's tooth worn by the thieves of the Plunderous Plains.
Shards obtained from hunting the Golem.
Letter of introduction to Yumita, written by Head Blacksmith Newyear of Schuttgart Village.
Essential read for adventurers.
Recovers a certain amount of HP immediately.
Recovers a certain amount of MP immediately.
Increases P. Atk. for a certain period of time.
Instantly increases M. Atk. for a certain period of time.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.
Win this item by gambling and exchange it for an A-grade item.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.
Double-clicking the arrow temporarily pauses Frintezza's musical performance. It is deleted upon entering the Last Imperial T
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.

Pagina 127

Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Twin Codran. For best results, a level 53- 63 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Great Codran. For best results, a level 56- 66 c
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Desert Codran. For best results, a level 59- 69
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Blue Coba. For best results, a level 62-72 char
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Red Coba. For best results, a level 65-75 chara
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Golden Coba. For best results, a level 68-78 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Desert Coba. For best results, a level 71-81 ch
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Twin Codran. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Great Codran. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Desert Codran. For best results, a l
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Blue Coba. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Red Coba. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Golden Coba. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Desert Coba. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Dark Coda. For the best chance of succes
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Red Coda. For the best chance of succes
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Chilly Coda. For best results, a level 11- 2
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Blue Coda. For the best chance of succes
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Golden Coda. For the best chance of succ
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Lute Coda. For the best chance of succes
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Desert Coda. For the best chance of succ
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Red Cobol. For best results, a level 26- 36
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Chilly Cobol. For best results, a level 29- 3
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Blue Cobol. For best results, a level 32- 4
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Thorn Cobol. For best results, a level 35-
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Golden Cobol. For best results, a level 38
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Great Cobol. For best results, a level 41- 5
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Red Codran. For best results, a level 44- 5
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Sea Codran. For best results, a level 45- 5
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Chilly Codran. For best results, a level 47-
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Blue Codran. For best results, a level 50-
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Twin Codran. For best results, a level 53-
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Dark Coda. For best results, a
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Red Coda. For best results, a
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Chilly Coda. For best results, a
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Blue Coda. For best results, a
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Golden Coda. For best results
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Lute Coda. For best results, a
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Desert Coda. For best results,
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Red Cobol. For best results, a
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Chilly Cobol. For best results,
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Blue Cobol. For best results, a

Pagina 128

Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Thorn Cobol. For best results,
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Golden Cobol. For best results
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Great Cobol. For best results,
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Red Codran. For best results,
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Sea Codran. For best results,
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Chilly Codran. For best results
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Blue Codran. For best results,
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Twin Codran. For best results,
Opens the door to one of the Anterooms within the Pagan Temple.
Opens the door to the chapel in the Pagan Temple.
The key that opens the Door of Darkness located at the altar within the Pagan Temple.
The scale obtained by defeating Sekina, Maluk's Witch.
Obtain this scale by defeating Palibati Queen Themis.
Debris obtained by defeating Vermilion, the Blood Tree.
Nucleus obtained by defeating Hekaton Prime
Debris obtained by defeating Tiphon, Gargoyle Lord.
Nucleus obtained by defeating Glaki, the last Lesser Giant.
Fangs obtained by defeating Rahha.
Evidence that a monster Has been destroyed for the safety of the Strip Mine. Take it to Warehouse Keeper Norman in Gludin
Evidence that a monster Has been destroyed for the safety of the Strip Mine. Take it to Warehouse Keeper Norman in Gludin
Evidence that a monster Has been destroyed for the safety of the Strip Mine. Take it to Warehouse Keeper Norman in Gludin
The last breath of the crazy Wind Spirit. Take it to Galatea, Gludin Village's Summoner, for the study of balancing spirit powe
The Star Stone that slipped out of the box.
The letter from Yumi to Newyear, the Head Blacksmith.
The Star Stone that Yumi asked you to find and bring back.
The strange flower from Atlanta.
The stone found where Atlanta was last seen. It should be given to Wendy.
The necklace that became Wendy's last gift. It's not powerful, but it Has great historical significance.
Mark needed to participate in a Clan Hall War.
This formula for manufacturing a Steel Sword can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 2. The succe
This formula for manufacturing a Titan's Sword can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 3. The suc
This formula for manufacturing a Titan's Sword can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 5. The suc
This formula for manufacturing a Guardian's Sword can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Guardian's Sword. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
This formula for manufacturing an Infernal Master can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The s
This formula for manufacturing an Infernal Master can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The s
This formula for manufacturing a Priest Sword can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 2. The succ
This formula for manufacturing a Sword of Magic Fog can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 3. Th
This formula for manufacturing a Mysterious Sword can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 4. The
This formula for manufacturing an Ecliptic Sword can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The su
This formula for Tears of a Wizard can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 1
This formula for Tears of a Wizard can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 6
This formula for manufacturing a Priest Mace can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 3. The succe
This formula for manufacturing an Ecliptic Axe can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The succ
This formula for manufacturing a Spell Breaker can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The suc
This formula for manufacturing a Spell Breaker can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The suc
This formula for manufacturing the weapon known as Kaim Vanul's Bones can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Creat
This formula for manufacturing the weapon known as Kaim Vanul's Bones can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Creat
This formula for the Spiritual Eye can only be used by Dwarves and requires a Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 1

Pagina 129

This formula for the Spiritual Eye can only be used by Dwarves and requires a Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 6
This formula for manufacturing a Flaming Dragon Skull can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8.
This formula for manufacturing a Flaming Dragon Skull can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8.
This formula for manufacturing a Lesser Giant's Hammer can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 3
This formula for manufacturing a Dwarven Hammer can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The
This formula for manufacturing a Karik Horn can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 5. The succes
This formula for manufacturing a Hammer of the Destroyer can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv.
This formula for manufacturing a Storm Hammer can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The su
This formula for manufacturing a Storm Hammer can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The su
This formula for manufacturing a Star Buster can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The succe
This formula for manufacturing a Star Buster can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The succe
This formula for manufacturing a Doom Crusher can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The su
This formula for manufacturing a Doom Crusher can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The su
Vital material used by Dwarves to make Steel Swords. Available at any shop.
Vital material used by Dwarves to make Lesser Giant's Swords. Available at any shop.
Vital material used by Dwarves to make Pa'agrian Swords. Available at any shop.
Vital material used by Dwarves to make Guardian's Swords. Available at any shop.
Vital material used by Dwarves to make an Infernal Master. Available at any shop.
Vital material used by Dwarves to make Priest Swords. Available at any shop.
Vital material used by Dwarves to make Swords of Magic Fog. Available at any shop.
Vital material used by Dwarves to make Mysterious Swords. Available at any shop.
Vital material used by Dwarves to make Swords of Eclipse. Available at any shop.
Vital material used by Dwarves to make a Wizard's Tear. Available at any shop.
Vital material used by Dwarves to make Priest Maces. Available at any shop.
Vital material used by Dwarves to make an Ecliptic Axe. Available at any shop.
Vital material used by Dwarves to make Spell Breakers. Available at any shop.
Vital material used by Dwarves to make the weapon known as Kaim Vanul's Bones. Available at any shop.
Vital material used by Dwarves to make the Spiritual Eye. Available at any shop.
Vital material used by Dwarves to make a Flaming Dragon Skull. Available at any shop.
Vital material used by Dwarves to make Lesser Giant's Hammers. Available at any shop.
Vital material used by Dwarves to make Dwarven Hammers. Available at any shop.
Vital material used by Dwarves to make Karik Horns. Available at any shop.
Vital material used by Dwarves to make Destroyer Hammer. Available at any shop.
Vital material used by Dwarves to make Ice Storm Hammers. Available at any shop.
Vital material used by Dwarves to make Star Busters. Available at any shop.
Vital material used by Dwarves to make a Red Doom Crusher. Available at any shop.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Open the box to obtain C-grade accessories at a certain rate.
Open the box to obtain B-grade accessories at a certain rate.
Open the box to obtain Raider Dragon accessories at a certain rate.
Open the box to obtain the Cradle of Creation with a certain probability.

Pagina 130

This technique for making a Party Hat can be used by all races. Requires Create Item Common Skill level 6. The success rat
This technique for making a Party Hat can be used by all races. Requires Create Item Common Skill level 6. The success rat
This formula for making a Chapeau can be used by all races. Requires Create Item Common Skill level 6. The success rate i
This formula for making a Chapeau can be used by all races. Requires Create Item Common Skill level 6. The success rate i
This formula for making Artisan's Goggles can be used by all races. Requires Create Item Common Skill level 6. The success
This formula for making Artisan's Goggles can be used by all races. Requires Create Item Common Skill level 6. The success
For All Tribes. Recipe for making Red Devil Horns. Requires Create Common Item Skill level 4. 100% chance of success. Ha
This formula for making a Little Angel Wing can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill level 4. 100% chan
This formula for making Fairy Antennae can be used by all races. Requires Create Common Item Skill level 4. 100% chance
Key material to make a Party Hat. Available at any shop.
Key material to make a Chapeau. Available at any shop.
Used to make Artisan's Goggles, it can also be sold at any regular store.
The main ingredient that is needed to make a horn of a red devil. It can be sold to a regular store.
Used by Dwarves to make a Little Angel Wing, it can also be sold at any regular store.
Used by Dwarves to make Fairy Antennae, it can also be sold at any regular store.
Temporarily petrifies the target.
Spellbook needed to learn Betray. Used by Warlocks, Elemental Summoners and Phantom Summoners.
Spellbook needed to learn Mass Curse Fear. Used by Necromancers.\nRequired level: 58
Spellbook needed to learn Mass Curse Gloom. Used by Necromancers.\nRequired level: 58
Spellbook needed to learn Mass Surrender to Fire. Used by Warlocks.\nRequired level: 58
Spellbook needed to learn Mass Surrender to Water. Used by Elemental Summoners.\nRequired level: 58
Spellbook needed to learn Mass Surrender to Wind. Used by Phantom Summoners.\nRequired level: 58
Spellbook needed to learn Arcane Disruption. Used by Warlocks.\nRequired level: 56
Spellbook needed to learn Summon Cursed Bones. Used by Necromancers and Phantom Summoners.\nRequired level: 58
Spellbook needed to learn Great Might. Used by Prophets.\nRequired level: 58
Spellbook needed to learn Greater Shield. Used by Prophets.\nRequired level: 58
Amulet needed to learn War Chant. Used by Warcryers.\nRequired level: 58
Amulet needed to learn Chant of Earth. Used by Warcryers.\nRequired level: 58
Spellbook needed to learn Holy Resistance. Used by Prophets and Shillien Elders.\nRequired level: 58
Spellbook needed to learn Dark Resistance. Used by Prophets and Elven Elders.\nRequired level: 58
Spellbook needed to learn Trance. Used by Bishops and Elven Elders.\nRequired level: 56
Spellbook needed to learn Erase. Used by Bishops, Prophets, Elven Elders and Shillien Elders.\nRequired level: 56
Spellbook needed to learn Magical Backfire. Used by Bishops.\nRequired level: 56
Spellbook needed to learn Clarity. Used by Elven Elders.\nRequired level: 58
Spellbook needed to learn Mana Burn. Used by Bishops, Prophets, Elven Elders and Shillien Elders.\nRequired level: 56
Spellbook needed to learn Mana Storm. Used by Bishops.\nRequired level: 58
Spellbook needed to learn Turn Undead. Used by Bishops and Elven Elders.\nRequired level: 56
Spellbook needed to learn Major Heal. Used by Bishops and Elven Elders.\nRequired level: 56
Spellbook needed to learn Major Group Heal. Used by Bishops.\nRequired level: 58
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.

Pagina 131

Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.

Pagina 132

Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Double-click to randomly transform an item. The transformed item can be used to make other items.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society.
This formula for manufacturing a Destroyer Hammer can only be used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. Th
Hammer with a pattern engraved on its handle.
Eyes obtained by killing Daimon the White-eyed.
Fairy Stone obtained by defeating Hestia, the Guardian Deity of the Hot Springs.
Nucleus obtained by defeating the Lesser Golem.
Fangs obtained by killing Falston, the Demon's Agent.
Talon obtained by defeating Spike Stakato Queen Shyeed.
Nucleus obtained by defeating Flamestone Giant
The book that Obi the railroad worker said was stolen by thieves. It tells the story of a train that flies.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.

Pagina 133

Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
Corroded item. Can be traded for a pack through the Aden Reconstruction Society, and can also be sold in shops.
This strange object may be dropped by the ghosts of ancient Dwarves as they find eternal rest.
Allows on-the-spot resurrection during a Castle Siege, Clan Hall or Fortress Battle (Lv. 1-19).
Allows on-the-spot resurrection during a Castle Siege, Clan Hall or Fortress Battle (Lv. 1- 39).
Allows on-the-spot resurrection during a Castle Siege, Clan Hall or Fortress Battle (Lv. 1- 51).
Allows on-the-spot resurrection during a Castle Siege, Clan Hall or Fortress Battle (Lv. 1- 60).
Allows on-the-spot resurrection during a Castle Siege, Clan Hall or Fortress Battle (Lv. 1-75).
Allows on-the-spot resurrection during a Castle Siege, Clan Hall, or Fortress Battle (Lv. 76-84). Can also be used by characte
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Sea Coba. For best results, a level 74-84 chara
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Sea Coba. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Twin Coba. For best results, a level 77-87 char
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Twin Coba. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Great Coba. For best results, a level 80-90 cha
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Great Coba. For best results, a leve
Has a chance of containing C-grade , low quality accessory.
Has a chance of containing C-grade , medium quality accessory.
Has a chance of containing C-grade , high quality accessory.
Has a chance of containing B-grade , low quality accessory.
Has a chance of containing B-grade , high quality accessory.
Has a chance of containing Raider's Hair Accessory.
Has a chance of containing Cradle of Creation.
This token is used to help novice travelers move to various places. Characters under level 20 may redeem it at a Newbie Hel
Take this parcel of woven beads to Warehouse Chief Yasheni in the Town of Schuttgart.
Severed head of the cowardly Timora Orc who betrayed his own tribe and joined the Ragna Orcs.
This crooked spider's tooth was pulled out by hand during close combat.
This smooth, flawless horn comes from Baar Dre Vanul, who inhabits the Immortal Plateau's Southern Region.
Old box that can be caught by fishing in the Hot Springs area. If you Double-click it, you can obtain the Certificate for Particip
This Bait can be used to catch old box while fishing in the Hot Springs area in Goddard. Can only be used in daytime.
Blood obtained by slaying a Bruin Lizardman.
Leg obtained by slaying a Picot Araneid.
Box of Cheerleading Items for Cheering on the Red Devils. If you Double-click it, it will randomly change to a different item.
The essential ingredient needed to make a Mask of the Red Devils. It can be sold at a regular store.
For All Tribes. Recipe for a Mask of the Red Devils. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
Echo Crystal that plays the theme music of the World Cup. It disappears after one use.
Clicking the Dewdrop of Destruction causes the portrait to disappear. It is deleted upon entering the Last Imperial Tomb.
PA coupon event item. When Double-clicked, it turns to another random item. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below
PA coupon event item. When Double-clicked, it turns to another random item. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below
PA coupon event item. When Double-clicked, it turns to another random item. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below
PA coupon event item. When Double-clicked, it turns to another random item. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below
PA coupon event item. When Double-clicked, it turns to another random item. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below
PA coupon event item. When Double-clicked, it turns to another random item. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below
Item that is used for the PA coupon event. A coupon that can be used to exchange for a No-grade weapon at Adventurers' G
Item that is used for the PA coupon event. A coupon that can be used to exchange for a D-grade weapon at Adventurers' Gu
This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by a character of level
This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by characters level 20
This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by characters level 40
This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by characters level 52

Pagina 134

This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used on self by characters level 61
This scroll recovers a character's abilities from the effects of death. This item can only be used by a character whose level is

Crystal imbued with mystical power. Used for teleportation magic.

Spellbook needed to learn Summon Friend. Used by Warlocks, Elemental Summoners and Phantom Summoners.\nRequired
Spellbook needed to learn Word of Invitation. Used by Sorcerers, Spellsingers and Spellhowlers.
Restores forgotten abilities. The book was re-published after being translated into a the modern language. (Can only be used
Restores forgotten abilities. This book was published by ancient scholars for research purposes. It contains more information
Restores forgotten abilities. This book is a hand-written copy of the original. It is almost the same as the original version. (Can
Awakens a forgotten ability. Those who lack the requisite knowledge cannot understand its contents. (Can only be used by ch
Regenerates HP. Can only be used by characters level 19 or below upon themselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates HP. This item can only be used by characters level 20 - 39. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates HP. This item can only be used by characters level 40 - 51. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates HP. This item can only be used by characters level 52 - 60. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates HP. This item can only be used by characters level 61 - 75. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates HP. This item can only be used by characters level 76 - 84. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates MP. Can only be used by characters level 19 or below upon themselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates MP. Can be used by characters level 20 - 39 upon themselves. Cooldown 5 min.
Regenerates MP. Can be used by characters level 40 - 51 upon themselves. Cooldown 5 min.
Regenerates MP. Can be used by characters level 52 - 60 upon themselves. Cooldown 5 min.
Regenerates MP. Can be used by characters level 61 - 75 upon themselves. Cooldown 5 min.
Regenerates MP. Can only be used by characters level 76 - 84 upon themselves. Cooldown 5 min.
Regenerates CP. Can only be used by characters level 19 or below upon themselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates CP. This item can only be used by characters level 20 - 39. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates CP. This item can only be used by characters level 40 - 51. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates CP. This item can only be used by characters level 52 - 60. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates CP. This item can only be used by characters level 61 - 75. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates CP. This item can only be used by characters level 76 - 84. Cooldown is 5 min.
Usable by all races. Recipe for the Elixir of Life (No-grade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 1.
Usable by all races. Recipe for the Elixir of Life (D-grade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 2.
Usable by all races. Recipe for the Elixir of Life (C-grade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 3.
Usable by all races. Recipe for the Elixir of Life (B-grade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
Usable by all races. Recipe for the Elixir of Life (A-grade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
Usable by all races. Recipe for the Elixir of Life (S-grade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
Usable by all races. Recipe for the Elixir of Mind (No-grade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 1.

Pagina 135

Usable by all races. Recipe for the Elixir of Mind (D-grade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 2.
Usable by all races. Recipe for the Elixir of Mind (C-grade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 3.
Usable by all races. Recipe for the Elixir of Mind (B-grade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
Usable by all races. Recipe for the Elixir of Mind (A-grade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
Usable by all races. Recipe for the Elixir of Mind (S-grade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
Usable by all races. Recipe for the Elixir of CP (No-grade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 1.
Usable by all races. Recipe for the Elixir of CP (D-grade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 2.
Usable by all races. Recipe for the Elixir of CP (C-grade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 3.
Usable by all races. Recipe for the Elixir of CP (B-grade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
Usable by all races. Recipe for the Elixir of CP (A-grade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
Usable by all races. Recipe for the Elixir of CP (S-grade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
Dilutes any substance it is mixed with. Used when creating an elixir.
Mystical object that has a tiny bit of unstable dark energy trapped inside. Double-click to transform into a random special item
Altered Realities Event Item. The label reads "Effects of this oil may be unpredictable. Results are temporary at best."
Altered Realities Event Item. The label reads "Effects of this oil may be unpredictable. BEWARE! Changes caused will be per
Altered Realities Event Item. The label reads "Effects of this oil may be unpredictable. BEWARE! Changes caused will be per
Altered Realities Event Item. The label reads "Effects of this oil may be unpredictable. BEWARE! Changes caused will be per
Altered Realities Event Item. The label reads "Effects of this oil may be unpredictable. BEWARE! Changes caused will be per
Altered Realities Event Item. The label reads "Effects of this oil may be unpredictable. BEWARE! Changes caused will be per
Altered Realities Event Item. The label reads "Effects of this oil may be unpredictable. BEWARE! Changes caused will be per
Altered Realities Event Item. The label reads "Effects of this oil may be unpredictable. BEWARE! Changes caused will be per
Altered Realities Event Item. The label reads "Effects of this oil may be unpredictable. BEWARE! Changes caused will be per
Altered Realities Event Item. The label reads "Effects of this oil may be unpredictable. BEWARE! Changes caused will be per
Altered Realities Event Item. The label reads "Effects of this oil may be unpredictable. BEWARE! Changes caused will be per
Altered Realities Event Item. The label reads "Effects of this oil may be unpredictable. BEWARE! Changes caused will be per
Altered Realities Event Item. The label reads "Effects of this oil may be unpredictable. BEWARE! Changes caused will be per
Altered Realities Event Item. The label reads "Effects of this oil may be unpredictable. BEWARE! Changes caused will be per
Altered Realities Event Item. The label reads "Effects of this oil may be unpredictable. BEWARE! Changes caused will be per
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Sirra's Blade. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Sirra's Blade. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Sword of Ipos. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Sword of Ipos. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Barakiel's Axe. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Barakiel's Axe. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Behemoth' Tuning Fork. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Behemoth' Tuning Fork. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Naga's Storm. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Naga's Storm. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Tiphon's Spear. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Tiphon's Spear. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Shyeed's Bow. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Shyeed's Bow. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Sobekk's Hurricane. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Sobekk's Hurricane. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Themis' Tongue. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Themis' Tongue. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Cabrio's Hand. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Cabrio's Hand. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Demon's Crystal. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. 60% success rate.

Pagina 136

For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Daimon Crystal. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. 100% success rate.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sirra's Blade. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make the Sword of Ipos. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Barakiel's Axe. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Behemoth' Tuning Fork. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Naga's Storm. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Tiphon's Spear. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Shyeed's Bow. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sobekk's Hurricane. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Themis' Tongue. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Cabrio's Hand. It can be sold at a regular store.
Essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Daimon Crystal. It can be sold at a regular store.
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augme
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augme
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augme
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augme
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augme
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augme
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augme
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augme
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augme
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augme
Mid-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
Mid-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
Mid-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
Mid-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
Mid-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
Mid-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
Mid-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
Mid-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
Mid-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
Mid-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
High-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
High-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
High-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
High-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
High-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
High-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
High-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
High-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
High-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
High-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
The highest-grade mineral available that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used
The highest-grade mineral available that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used
The highest-grade mineral available that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used
The highest-grade mineral available that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used
The highest-grade mineral available that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used
The highest-grade mineral available that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used
The highest-grade mineral available that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used

Pagina 137

The highest-grade mineral available that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used
The highest-grade mineral available that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used
The highest-grade mineral available that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used
Stone used in the Elrokian Trap.
Shiny red gems collected by Warehouse Chief Klump of Town of Aden. You can play the card game if you bring Klump more
Beads collected by Blacksmith Wilbert of Town of Aden. You can play the game if you bring him more than 50.
This claw can be obtained by defeating a Tyrannosaurus.
This is a piece of a missing expedition member's diary. Deliver it to the expedition leader, Captain Marquez.
This is a letter that a missing expedition member sent to his Elrokian friend Kirikachin. Deliver it to Kirikachin.
Take this to Asamah, the chief's son.
Take this to Asamah, the chief's son.
Take this to Asamah, the chief's son.
Take this practice trap, which is necessary for learning a special Elrokian tribal skill, to Kirikachin.
This Dinosaur Tissue is a research ingredient for magicians and Dwarven craftsmen.
This Dinosaur Egg is a research ingredient (along with Dinosaur Tissue) for magicians and Dwarven craftsmen.
This is a research ingredient for Shilen's priests and magicians.
Found in Rune's main library, this book contains information about creatures of the past.
This mysterious item can cure any illness. It can be obtained in the Primeval Isle's Lost Nest.
This dinosaur claw can be used by the Elrokian Shaman Karakawei to perform a special ritual.
This dinosaur bone fragment can be used by the Elrokian Shaman Karakawei to perform a special ritual.
This epitaph can be obtained from the Chuta Kaimu Pillar of Wisdom in the Lost Nest.
This is a fragment of the axe Gazkh that Shilen gave to the Elrokian warriors long ago.
These ash-like remains of an ancient Elrokian warrior can be obtained after performing a memorial service at the Warrior's To
This ancient axe, Gazkh, can be reformed by Shilen's Stone Statue. It is necessary to battle Sailren.
This necklace is the mark of the ancient Elrokians who raid the wharf.
Increases Poison/ Anesthesia Resistance.
This fruit, dropped by Sprigants, increases Poison/ Anesthesia Resistance.
This bright, shiny gemstone looks as though it would fetch a good price if you sold it at the shop.
This coupon allows you to obtain a D-grade Shadow Item. Take it to a Grand Master of your class to exchange it for a shadow
This coupon allows you to obtain a C-grade Shadow Item. Take it to a Grand Master of your class to exchange it for a shadow
This book contains information about the methods and strategies used to lead a Command Channel. Use it to create a Comm
This specially processed gunpowder doesn't create smoke. It is consumed while using the swoop cannon skill.
Consumption item for using Soul of the Phoenix.
Consumption item for using Cleanse or Salvation.
Consumption item for using the skill learned with the Ancient Tactical Manual.
Consumption item for using the skill learned with the ancient spellbook.
Spellbook needed to learn Soul of the Phoenix. Used by a Phoenix Knight.
Spellbook needed to learn Summon Feline King. Used by an Arcana Lord.
Spellbook needed to learn Summon Magnus the Unicorn. Used by an Elemental Master.
Spellbook needed to learn Summon Spectral Lord. Used by a Spectral Master.
Spellbook needed to learn Cleanse. Used by a Cardinal.
Spellbook needed to learn Salvation. Used by a Cardinal.
Spellbook needed to learn Mystic Immunity. Used by a Hierophant.
Spellbook needed to learn Spell Turning. Used by a Hierophant.
Amulet needed to learn Chant of Magnus. Used by Doomcryers.
Amulet needed to learn Victories of Pa'agrio. Used by Dominators.
Amulet needed to learn Pa'agrio's Emblem. Used by Dominators.
Amulet needed to learn Pa'agrio's Fist. Used by Dominators.
Amulet needed to learn Chant of Gate. Used by Doomcryers.

Pagina 138

Spellbook needed to learn Summon Attractive Cubic. Used by a Temple Knight.\nRequired level: 62
Spellbook needed to learn Aura Flash. Used by a Sorcerer, Spellsinger, and Spellhowler.\nRequired level: 58
Ancient Tactical Manual needed to master the Symbol of Defense. Can be used by a Phoenix Knight, Hell Knight, Eva's Tem
Ancient Tactical Manual needed to master the Symbol of Noise. Can be used by a Sword Muse and Spectral Dancer.
Ancient Tactical Manual needed to master the Symbol of Resistance. Can be used by a Titan and Fortune Seeker.
Ancient Tactical Manual needed to master the Symbol of Honor. Can be used by a Dreadnought and Maestro.
Ancient Tactical Manual needed to master the Symbol of Energy. Can be used by a Duelist and Grand Khavatari.
Ancient Tactical Manual needed to master the Symbol of the Sniper. Can be used by a Sagittarius, Ghost Sentinel, and Moon
Ancient Tactical Manual needed to master the Symbol of Assassin. Can be used by an Adventurer and a Windrider.
Ancient Spellbook needed to learn Volcano. Can be used by an Archmage.
Ancient Spellbook needed to learn Cyclone. Can be used by a Storm Screamer.
Ancient Spellbook needed to learn Raging Waves. Used by Mystic Muses.
Ancient Spellbook needed to learn Day of Doom. Can be used by a Soultaker.
Ancient Spellbook needed to learn Gehenna. Can be used by a Soultaker.
Ancient Spellbook needed to learn Anti-summoning Field. Can be used by an Arcana Lord, Elemental Master, and Spectral M
Ancient Spellbook needed to learn Purification Field. Used by a Cardinal.
Ancient Spellbook needed to learn Miracle. Used by a Cardinal.
Ancient Spellbook needed to learn Flames of Invincibility. Used by a Dominator.
Ancient Spellbook needed to learn Mass Recharge. Can be used by an Eva's Saint and Shillien Saint.
Blueprint needed to learn the Summon Swoop Cannon technique. Can be used by a Warsmith.\nRequired level: 68
Boat Ticket from Primeval Isle to Rune.
Boat Ticket from Rune to Primeval Isle.
Dominic's Mark. Used in carrying out a secret mission.
Mark of the Future. Received from Grand Master Klaus Blackbird of Oren Castle Town.
Mark of the Future. Received from Warehouse Chief Alder of Schuttgart Castle Town.
Mark of the Future. Received from Magister Juris of Town of Giran.
Mark of the Future. Received from Grand Master Oltran of Town of Aden.
Mark of the Future. Received from High Prefect Aklan of Goddard Castle Town.
Spellbook needed to learn Celestial Shield. Used by Bishops.\nRequired level: 64
Spellbook need to learn Invocation. Used by Bishops, Elders, and Shillien Elders.\nRequired level: 56

Increases SP by 500 when used. Can only be used by characters level 76 or above.
Increases SP by 1000 when used. Can only be used by characters level 76 or above.
Increases SP by 2000 when used. Can only be used by characters level 76 or above.
Fantastic Scroll of Escape event item. A Warehouse Keeper can exchange these for Shadow Items appropriate to your level.
Fantastic Scroll of Escape event item. A Warehouse Keeper can exchange these for Shadow Items appropriate to your level.
Fantastic Scroll of Escape event item. A Warehouse Keeper can exchange these for consumables appropriate to your level.
One can receive a no-grade Shadow Armor set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and
One can receive a D-grade Shadow Armor set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and t
One can receive a C-grade Shadow Armor set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and t
One can receive a B-grade Shadow Armor set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and t
One can receive an A-grade Shadow Armor set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and
One can receive an S-grade Shadow Armor set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and
One can receive no-grade Supplies for Warriors by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 80% and
One can receive D-grade Supplies for Warriors by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 80% and
One can receive C-grade Supplies for Warriors by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 80% and
One can receive B-grade Supplies for Warriors by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 80% and
One can receive A-grade Supplies for Warriors by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 80% and

Pagina 139

One can receive A- and S-grade Supplies for Warriors by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 80
One can receive a Compound Bow and wooden arrows by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 6
One can receive a Gastraphetes and bone arrows by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60% a
One can receive an Akat Longbow and iron arrows by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60% a
One can receive a Dark Elven Longbow and silver arrows by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below
One can receive a Carnage Bow and mithril arrows by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60%
One can receive a Soul Bow and mithril arrows by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and
One can receive a no-grade Shadow "Heavy Armor" set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 6
One can receive a D-grade Shadow "Heavy Armor" set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 6
One can receive a C-grade Shadow "Heavy Armor" set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 6
One can receive a B-grade Shadow "Heavy Armor" set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60
One can receive an A-grade Low-grade Shadow "Heavy Armor" set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gaug
One can receive an A-grade High-grade Shadow "Heavy Armor" set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gaug
One can receive a no-grade Shadow "Light Armor" set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60
One can receive a D-grade Shadow "Light Armor" set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60%
One can receive a C-grade Shadow "Light Armor" set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60%
One can receive a B-grade Shadow "Light Armor" set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60%
One can receive an A-grade Low-grade Shadow "Light Armor" set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge
One can receive an A-grade High-grade Shadow "Light Armor" set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge
One can receive a no-grade Shadow "Robe" set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and
One can receive a D-grade Shadow "Robe" set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and
One can receive a C-grade Shadow "Robe" set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and
One can receive a B-grade Shadow "Robe" set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and
One can receive an A-grade Low-grade Shadow "Robe" set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is belo
One can receive an A-grade High-grade Shadow "Robe" set by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is bel
One can receive no-grade Supplies for Wizards by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 80% and
One can receive D-grade Supplies for Wizards by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 80% and t
One can receive C-grade Supplies for Wizards by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 80% and t
One can receive B-grade Supplies for Wizards by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 80% and t
One can receive A-grade Supplies for Wizards by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 80% and t
One can receive A- and S-grade Supplies for wizards by Double-clicking. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 80%
Wear it for some holiday fun!
Money used by cursed creatures. Take it to a magic lab for a reward.
Rare money used by cursed creatures. Depending on the amount, you may use these to earn a reward in a lottery.
One can receive Golden Apigas with a certain chance by Double-clicking. If you are unlucky, you won't receive anything. (Ca
Accuracy increases. Event reward item.
Increases Critical Damage. Event reward item.
P. Critical Rate increases. Event reward item.
Spell Casting Spd. Increases. Event reward item.
Increases Atk. Spd. Event reward item.
Increases Evasion. Event reward item.
M. Atk. Increases. Event reward item.
P. Atk. Increases. Event reward item.
Speed increases. Event reward item.
P. Def. increases. Event reward item.
Magical scroll that relocates user to the nearest village. Event reward.
Magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her XP completely. Event reward.
Festive Santa hat with antlers. Ideal for celebrating the holidays. This item can only be equipped during the year end.
Usable by all races. Double-click to add the Red Philosopher's Stone Transmutation Circle to your Recipe Book. Requires Cr

Pagina 140

Usable by all races. Double-click to add the Blue Philosopher's Stone Transmutation Circle to your Recipe Book. Requires Cr
Usable by all races. Double-click to add the Orange Philosopher's Stone Transmutation Circle to your Recipe Book. Requires
Usable by all races. Double-click to add the Black Philosopher's Stone Transmutation Circle to your Recipe Book. Requires C
Usable by all races. Double-click to add the White Philosopher's Stone Transmutation Circle to your Recipe Book. Requires C
Usable by all races. Double-click to add the Green Philosopher's Stone Transmutation Circle to your Recipe Book. Requires C
Material used to create a colored Philosopher's Stone.
Material used to create a colored Philosopher's Stone.
Material used to create a colored Philosopher's Stone.
Double-click to get a random item.
Double-click to get a random item.
Double-click to get a random item.
Double-click to get a random item.
Double-click to get a random item.
Double-click to get a random item.
Key to open an Alchemist's Chest. For event use only.
Magical potion that quickly restores HP. Its effect lasts for 15 sec. Designed for use in events only.
Magic potion that instantly restores HP. Instant effect with no duration. Event item. Cannot be used when HP is full.
Can modify Dynasty garments. When Dynasty garments are modified, you will have more powerful options.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Breastplate. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Gaiters. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Helmet. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Gauntlets. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Boots. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Leather Armor. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Leather Leggings. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Leather Helmet. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Leather Gloves. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Leather Boots. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Tunic. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Stockings. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Circlet. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Gloves. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Shoes. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Shield. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Breastplate. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Gaiters. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Helmet. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Gauntlets. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Boots. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Leather Armor. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Leather Leggings. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 100%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Leather Helmet. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Leather Gloves. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Leather Boots. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Tunic. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Stockings. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Circlet. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Gloves. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Shoes. Requires Create Item (Lv. 9). The success rate is 100%.

Pagina 141

For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Shield. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 9. 100% success rate.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Breastplate. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Gaitor. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Helmet. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Gauntlets. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Boots. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Leather Armor. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Leather Leggings. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Leather Helmet. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Leather Gloves. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Leather Boots. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Tunic. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Stockings. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Circlet. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Gloves. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Shoes. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material for Dwarves to make a Dynasty Shield. Can be sold in any shop.
Fire attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Water defense attribute increases by 6 when bestowed on
Water attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Fire defense attribute increases by 6 when bestowed on
Earth attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon and earth defense attribute by 6 when bestowed on armor
Wind attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Earth defense attribute increases by 6 when bestowed on
Dark attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Holy defense attribute increases by 6 when bestowed on a
Holy attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Dark defense attribute increases by 6 when bestowed on a
Fire attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Water defense attribute increases by 6 when bestowed on
This Attribute Crystal increases water attack attribute by 5 when bestowed on a weapon and water defense attribute by 6 whe
This Attribute Crystal increases earth attack attribute by 5 when bestowed on a weapon and earth defense attribute by 6 whe
Wind attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Earth defense attribute increases by 6 when bestowed on
Dark attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Holy defense attribute increases by 6 when bestowed on a
Holy attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Dark defense attribute increases by 6 when bestowed on a
This Attribute Crystal increases fire attack attribute by 5 when bestowed on a weapon and fire defense attribute by 6 when be
This Attribute Crystal increases water attack attribute by 5 when bestowed on a weapon and water defense attribute by 6 whe
This Attribute Crystal increases earth attack attribute by 5 when bestowed on a weapon and earth defense attribute by 6 whe
Wind attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Earth defense attribute increases by 6 when bestowed on
Dark attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Holy defense attribute increases by 9 when bestowed on a
Holy attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Dark defense attribute increases by 6 when bestowed on a
Fire attack attribute increases by % when bestowed on a weapon. Water defense attribute increases by % when bestowed on
Water attack attribute increases by % when bestowed on a weapon. Fire defense attribute increases by % when bestowed on
Earth attack attribute increases by % when bestowed on a weapon. Wind defense attribute increases by % when bestowed o
Wind attack attribute increases by % when bestowed on a weapon. Earth defense attribute increases by % when bestowed o
Dark attack attribute increases by % when bestowed on a weapon. Holy defense attribute increases by % when bestowed on
Holy attack attribute increases by % when bestowed on a weapon. Dark defense attribute increases by % when bestowed on
Red crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 14. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing c
Blue crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 14. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing c
Green crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 14. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augme
Mid-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
High-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
This is the highest-grade mineral available, having been petrified by a creature's physical or magical force. Key component u
Pieces of Yellow Seed of Evil which were planted into a monster by Beleth. If you take this to Blacksmith Ram, he will exchan

Pagina 142

Pieces of Green Seed of Evil which were planted into a monster by Beleth. If you take this to Blacksmith Ram, he will exchan
Pieces of Blue Seed of Evil which were planted into a monster by Beleth. If you take this to Blacksmith Ram, he will exchange
Pieces of Red Seed of Evil which were planted into a monster by Beleth. If you take this to Blacksmith Ram, he will exchange
Pieces of White Seed of Evil which were planted into a monster by Beleth. If you take this to Blacksmith Ram, he will exchang
Pieces of Black Seed of Evil which were planted into a monster by Beleth. If you take this to Blacksmith Ram, he will exchang
Book possessed by monsters to prove their devotion to Beleth. It will disappear if forced open.
The first hidden page of the Devil's Old Book.
The second hidden page of the Devil's Old Book.
The devil's contract hidden within the Devil's Old Book.

Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Sword. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Blade. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Phantom. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Bow. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Knife. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Halberd. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Cudgel. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Mace. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Bagh-Nakh. Can be sold in any shop.
Item required to restore a previous enchantment.
Item required to change an enchantment path.
Item required for blessed skill enchanting.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Material used to build Dwarven items. Can be sold at an ordinary store.
Can be used as a bolt for a no-grade Crossbow.
Can be used as a bolt for a D-grade Crossbow.
Can be used as a bolt for a C-grade Crossbow.
This silver-plated steel bolt can be used with a B-grade Crossbow.
This mithril-plated steel bolt can be used with an A-grade Crossbow.
This bolt, made of unknown material, can be used with an S-grade Crossbow.
Magical scroll that relocates you to the Kamael Village. Cannot be sold in shops.
This book contains a spell to magically transform yourself into an Onyx Beast.
This book contains a spell to magically transform yourself into a Doom Wraith.
This book contains a spell to magically transform a hidden race ability into a form that can be used.
This book contains a spell to magically transform a hidden race ability into a form that can be used.
This book contains a spell to magically transform a hidden race ability into a form that can be used.
This book contains a spell to magically transform a hidden race ability into a form that can be used.
This book contains a spell to magically transform a hidden race ability into a form that can be used.
This book contains a spell to magically transform a hidden race ability into a form that can be used.
Automatically ingested when a Great Wolf's hunger gauge drops below 55%.
Bottle that can hold the Chimera's M. Atk.
Allows you to lay to rest ghosts in a temple.
The spiritual force of Beleth's followers that is carried as a token. Whoever possesses this permit can travel freely throughout
This fragment of an ancient prayer might be valuable to someone.
Token that says you killed betrayers of Caravans.
This is a key to open other dimensions.

Pagina 143

These blueprints are extremely difficult to obtain.

Life Force absorbed from the Chimera.
Life Force absorbed from the Chimera.
Life Force absorbed from the Chimera Celtus.
This is an excellent item to use when bartering with caravans.
This can be found in a secret underground room in the town.
This key contains a Symbol of Darkness.
This key can open the Destruction Gate.
This key Bleeds continually.
Used to destroy Ballistas.
Spirit that is used to recover HP of Fafurion Families.
Black and murky crystal. Needed in order to enter Crystal Caverns
Scales of Fafurion Families, which can harm certain targets. Has no effect when used on the wrong targets.
A Red Coral Fragment which extends time. Used at Crystal Caverns Steam Corridor.
A Crystalline Golem Shard. Can be used in Crystal Caverns Coral Garden.
Key used to open a Secret Gate.
A Crystal attained by killing Darnel. It may be used to save Parme.
A Crystal attained by killing Kechi. It may be used to save Parme.
A Crystal attained by killing Tears. It may be used to save Parme.
Key to open the Sapphire Gate.
Key used to open the Gate that leads to the Steam Corridor.
Item given by a Fafurion Family. It may be used to save Parme.
This key can seal a Magic Circle.
This can cool down the heat of the Hellbound Desert.
This key can open the Kamaelic Gate.
This key can open the Gate of Archives.
This key can open the Gate of Observation.
This key can open the Spiculan Gate.
This key can open the Harkilgamed Gate.
This key can open the Rodenpicula Gate.
This key can open the Arviterre's Gate.
This key can open the Katenar Gate.
This key can open the Gate of Prediction.
This key can open the Gate of Massive Cavern.
Use it at locations marked in yellow on the map.
The keymaster in town Has the key you need to enter the Steel Citadel.
This key is the size of a human arm. What can it be used for?
This scroll magically relocates you to Kamael Village.
Double-click this document for more information on Eranus.
This report about Beleth's minion, the Crimson Duchess, whom you may encounter while making a pilgrimage to the Tablet. D
This is a list of the angels who recently attacked. Double-click it for more information.
This machine can be acquired from Information Broker Mist. Take it to Master Duroga.
Item needed to communicate with the first Tablet of Vision.
Item needed to communicate with the first Tablet of Vision.
Item needed to communicate with the first Tablet of Vision.
Item needed to communicate with the second Tablet of Vision.
Item needed to communicate with the second Tablet of Vision.
Item needed to communicate with the second Tablet of Vision.
Item needed to communicate with the third Tablet of Vision.

Pagina 144

Item needed to communicate with the third Tablet of Vision.

Item needed to communicate with the third Tablet of Vision.
Item needed to communicate with the fourth Tablet of Vision.
Item needed to communicate with the fourth Tablet of Vision.
Item needed to communicate with the fourth Tablet of Vision.
Item needed to communicate with the fifth Tablet of Vision.
Item needed to communicate with the fifth Tablet of Vision.
Item needed to communicate with the fifth Tablet of Vision.
Item needed to communicate with the sixth Tablet of Vision.
Item needed to communicate with the sixth Tablet of Vision.
Item needed to communicate with the sixth Tablet of Vision.
This cursed mark summons the minion of Halisha.
This cursed mark summons the minion of Halisha.
This cursed mark summons the minion of Halisha.
This medal is possessed by high level angels.
Blood-red jewel.
This crystal creates something ominous.
Feather pulled out of a captain-level Muertos.
Take this claw to Second Hierarch Perwan.
This feather can be obtained by hunting the Muertos. Take it to merchant Treabi.
A Head obtained after killing the Felim Lizardman.
This leg is obtained by killing a giant spider.
The heart of a Tumran Bugbear.
Letter of recommendation written by Master Shubain of Gludin. Take it to Gwain in the Town of Gludio.
Letter of recommendation written by Master Gwain of Gludio. Give it to a grand master of the Kamael Guild to change your jo
A Head obtained after killing a Breka Orc.
Message plate collected from a Road Scavenger.
Report discovered on the corpse of a Corpse Tracker on the Execution Grounds.
Report discovered on the corpse of a Stakato Drone in the Cruma Marshlands.
Harkilgamed asks that this letter be delivered to Master Tenain.
Take this letter of recommendation written by Master Tenain to Master Orkurus in the Town of Oren.
Letter of recommendation written by Master Orkurus in the Town of Oren. Give it to a grand master of the Kamael Guild to ch
Magister Justin requires these cells for his life energy studies.
These Ol Mahum Orders can be found in the deserted campground. Collect them, as well as Ol Mahum Organization Charts,
This Ol Mahum Organization Chart can be found in the deserted campground. Collect them, as well as the Ol Mahum Orders
Based on documents of the Ol Mahum, these orders outline the strategy for facing them. It should be delivered to Kamael Ma
This letter, written to the Human allies of the Kamael, should be delivered to Captain Bathis in the Town of Gludio.
This letter from Captain Bathis should be delivered to Master Gobie.
This letter, written to the Dark Elven allies of the Kamael, should be delivered to Grand Master Tobias in the Town of Gludio.
This letter from the Dark Elf Grand Master Tobias should be delivered to Kamael Master Gobie.
This report, written by Gobie on the progress of negotiations between the Humans and Dark Elves, should be delivered to Ma
Ol Mahum Officer Tak can be imprisoned in this crystal.
Ol Mahum Officer Tak is imprisoned within this crystal. Take it to Master Gobie for interrogation.
Evaluation of the Kamael special forces, Steelrazor. Give it to a nearby Kamael Grand Master to complete the class transfer t
Magister Clayton Has been searching for this material. If you bring him a sufficient amount, he will give you information.
This magic item is made from Enmity Crystals. Give it to Blacksmith Poitan of Dion.
Warehouse Keeper Holvas is searching for these pages. Collect them all and give them to him.
This coded document discusses new races. Holvas says that Kamael Grand Master Meldina can decode it.
Show this to Selsia, the head of the Kamael Intelligence Agency, to take the class transfer test.

Pagina 145

Fragments of attack orders gathered by killing Grandis. Collect all the fragments to discover who is behind the attack.
Complete attack orders which say the attack was requested by Ivory Tower Magister Gaius. Let's interrogate Gaius with the r
Pieces of a control charm obtained by killing Manashen. You may find out who controlled Manashen if you can find every piec
This research document on the Giants' relationship to the hidden race was carried by Beleth's minion, the Crimson Duchess.
This mark proves that you have successfully passed the Inquisitor test. Show it to a Kamael Grand Master to be transferred t
This crystal originally belonged to the Mother of Witches. Can be used to help a witch recover her memories.
This letter from the Witch of Water Dragon following the recovery of her memory should be delivered to Priest Karnis.
This magic material sought by a Wizard who was sent to the Ivory Tower to keep Hellbound Island under observation. Give it
Hardin requires this material for his studies on transformation magic. Deliver it to him to enable him to carry on with his exper
This material is necessary for creating stabilized ectoplasm, which can be used in transformation magic.
Written by Hardin concerning transformation magic, this should be delivered to Magister Clayton of Dion.
One of the materials requested by Hardin. Deliver it to Magister Clayton.
This empty, sealed letter can store powers and seals for Hardin's transformation magic. It should be delivered to Hardin.
Sealed letter that carries powers and seals of initial transformation magic. If you give it to 2nd floor of the Ivory Tower to the W
Supply confirmation for a warehouse in Kamael. It should be delivered to Zerstorer Marcela.
Supply confirmation for a Grocery Store in Kamael. It should be delivered to Zerstorer Marcela.
Supply confirmation for a Weapon Shop in Kamael. It should be delivered to Zerstorer Marcela.
Zerstorer Marcela's report on supplies. It should be delivered to Hierarch Casca.
The claw of a monster found in the Hills of Gold. It should be taken to Zerstorer Marcela.
Badge that signifies the leader of the monsters which appear in the Dungeon. It should be delivered to a Manager at the Fort
Badge fragment that signifies a leader of the monsters which appear in the Dungeon. It should be delivered to a Manager at t
This tail possesses rich, luxurious fur.
This is a blueprint belonging to Ranku that Matras requested.
This is a blueprint belonging to a Demon Prince that Matras requested.
This key, crafted by Blacksmith Noel, should be given to Warehouse Chief Mona.
This document was sent by Kaitnat to the Hierarch Casca.
This is the heart of the Wyrm that Kekropus requested.
This letter of recommendation written by Kekropus should be shown to Bitus in Giran.
Show this Soul Breaker Certificate to a nearby Grand Master and you can become a Soul Breaker.
Perwan Has requested this wolf tail for the Rite of Warriors.
Collect 10 of these sharp Muertos claws and take them to Kekropus.
Marksman Bixon will pay well for this Grey Keltir Tooth.
Marksman Bixon will pay well for this tooth of a Black Wolf.
Use this to trade for supplies with a Detention Camp Warden.
Use this to trade for supplies with a Prison Warden.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss. You can assemble this Life Crystal and trade it for something useful.

Certificate of friendship with Caravans.

Certificate of business relations with Caravans.
Certificate indicating a unique friendship with Caravans.
Mark to show the highest grade of relationship Caravans.
Take this Diploma to Second Hierarch Perwan.
Necklace used to summon Great Wolf. Takes a part of the XP gained by the Pet master.
Transforms you into a pig for 60 min. It will have no effect if used while in a transformed state.
Scroll that replenishes 5,000 SP.

Pagina 146

Item needed for a clan leader to raise the clan up to level 9. It can also be used to strengthen subordinate forces. Cannot be
Item needed for a clan leader to raise the clan up to level 10. It can also be used to strengthen subordinate forces. Cannot be
Mark obtained after defeating enemies. It can be used to purchase special items after Fortress battles.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Dynasty Sword. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Dynasty Blade. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Dynasty Phantom. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Dynasty Bow. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Dynasty Knife. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Dynasty Halberd. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Dynasty Cudgel. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Dynasty Mace. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Dynasty Bagh-Nakh. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Dynasty Sword. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Dynasty Blade. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Dynasty Phantom. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Dynasty Bow. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Dynasty Knife. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Dynasty Halberd. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Dynasty Cudgel. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Dynasty Mace. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Dynasty Bagh-Nakh. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Earring. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 70% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Necklace. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 70% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Ring. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 70% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Earring. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Necklace. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 100% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Ring. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 100% success rate.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Sealed Dynasty Earring. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Sealed Dynasty Necklace. Can be sold in any shop.
Key material that Dwarves use to make Sealed Dynasty Ring. Can be sold in any shop.
This torn map of an island is covered with black stains.
Increases Fire Resistance by 30 for 10 min.
Increases Water Resistance by 30 for 10 min.
Increases Earth Resistance by 30 for 10 min.
Increases Wind Resistance by 30 for 10 min.
Increases Dark Resistance by 30 for 10 min.
Increases Holy Resistance by 30 for 10 min.
Poison stinger from a scorpion. Good item for bartering with caravans.
Mark to obtain Secret Garden Key.
Card to operate Control Equipment.

Key to open Underground Warehouse.

Key to open Coral Treasure Chest.
Battle Manual needed to learn Fallen Arrow. Used by Kamael soldiers.\nRequired level: 5
Battle Manual needed to learn Fallen Attack. Used by Kamael soldiers.\nRequired level: 5
Battle Manual needed to learn Detect Trap. Used by female Kamael soldiers.\nRequired level: 15
Battle Manual needed to learn Defuse Trap. Used by female Kamael soldiers.\nRequired level: 15
Battle Manual needed to learn Dark Strike. Used by Troopers.\nRequired level: 20
Battle Manual needed to learn Dark Smash. Used by Berserkers.\nRequired level: 40

Pagina 147

Battle Manual needed to learn Double Thrust. Used by Troopers, and Warders.\nRequired level: 20
Battle Manual needed to learn Abyssal Blaze. Used by Troopers, and Warders.\nRequired level: 20
Battle Manual needed to learn Dark Explosion Used by Troopers and Warders.\nRequired level: 24
Battle Manual needed to learn Shift Target. Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 40
Battle Manual that teaches you about the Change Life Stone.
Battle Manual needed to learn Spread Wing. Used by Berserkers and Soul Breakers.\nRequired level: 52
Battle Manual needed to learn Slashing Blade. Used by Berserkers.\nRequired level: 46
Battle Manual needed to learn Crushing Pain. Used by Berserkers.\nRequired level: 60
Battle Manual needed to learn Contagion. Used by Berserkers.\nRequired level: 64
Battle Manual needed to learn Life to Soul. Used by Berserkers, Soul Breakers, and Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 40
Battle Manual needed to learn Scorn. Used by Berserkers.\nRequired level: 43
Battle Manual needed to learn Triple Thrust. Used by Soul Breakers.\nRequired level: 40
Battle Manual needed to learn Shining Edge. Used by Soul Breakers.\nRequired level: 49
Battle Manual needed to learn Checkmate. Used by Soul Breakers.\nRequired level: 52
Battle Manual needed to learn Soul of Pain. Used by Soul Breakers.\nRequired level: 40
Battle Manual needed to learn Dark Flame. Used by Soul Breakers.\nRequired level: 46
Battle Manual needed to learn Annihilation Circle. Used by Soul Breakers.\nRequired level: 58
Battle Manual needed to learn Curse of Divinity. Used by Soul Breakers.\nRequired level: 66
Battle Manual needed to learn Steal Divinity. Used by Soul Breakers.\nRequired level: 55
Battle Manual needed to learn Blink. Used by Soul Breakers.\nRequired level: 60
Battle Manual needed to learn Transfer Soul. Used by Soul Breakers.
Battle Manual needed to learn Twin Shot. Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 40
Battle Manual needed to learn Rising Shot. Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 46
Battle Manual needed to learn Deadly Roulette. Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 66
Battle Manual needed to learn Temptation. Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 49
Battle Manual needed to learn Create Bio Potion. Used by Warders.
Battle Manual needed to learn Create Dark Seed. Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 62
Battle Manual needed to learn Fire Trap. Used by Warders.\nRequired level: 28
Battle Manual needed to learn Poison Trap. Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 49
Battle Manual needed to learn Slow Trap. Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 52
Battle Manual needed to learn Flash Trap. Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 55
Battle Manual needed to learn Binding Trap. Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 40
Battle Manual needed to learn Quiver of Bolts (A-grade). Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 60
Battle Manual needed to learn Quiver of Bolts (S-grade). Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 74
Battle Manual needed to learn Cure Dark Seed. Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 64
Battle Manual needed to learn Decoy. Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 43
Battle Manual needed to learn Chain Lightning.
Battle Manual needed to learn Enuma Elish. Used by Doombringers.
Battle Manual needed to learn Leopold. Used by Soul Hounds.
Battle Manual needed to learn Change Weapon. Used by Troopers and Warders.\nRequired level: 20
Battle Manual needed to learn Quiver of Bolts (B-grade). Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 52
Battle Manual needed to learn increases Power. Used by male Kamael soldiers.\nRequired level: 10
Battle Manual needed to learn Rapid Attack. Used by female Kamael soldiers.\nRequired level: 10
Battle Manual needed to learn Furious Soul. Used by Troopers.\nRequired level: 24
Battle Manual needed to learn Sword Shield. Used by Troopers.\nRequired level: 36
Battle Manual needed to learn Disarm. Used by Troopers.\nRequired level: 36
Battle Manual needed to learn Fast Shot. Used by Warders.\nRequired level: 32
Battle Manual needed to learn Death Mark. Used by Troopers and Warders.\nRequired level: 24
Battle Manual needed to learn Courage. Used by Troopers.\nRequired level: 36

Pagina 148

Battle Manual needed to learn Violent Temper. Used by Berserkers.\nRequired level: 49

Battle Manual needed to learn Soul to Empower. Used by Soul Breakers.\nRequired level: 43
Battle Manual needed to learn Darkness Protection. Used by Soul Breakers.\nRequired level: 58
Battle Manual needed to learn Dark Weapon. Used by Soul Breakers.\nRequired level: 46
Battle Manual needed to learn Pride of Kamael. Used by Soul Breakers.\nRequired level: 49
Battle Manual needed to learn Surrender to Dark. Used by Troopers and Warders.\nRequired level: 28
Battle Manual needed to learn Bleeding Shot. Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 43
Battle Manual needed to learn Sharpshooting. Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 60
Battle Manual needed to learn Real Target. Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 40
Battle Manual needed to learn Imbue Dark Seed. Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 62
Battle Manual needed to learn Prahnah. Used by Tricksters.
Battle Manual needed to learn Final Form. Used by Soul Hounds, Doombringers, and Tricksters.
Battle Manual needed to learn Shadow Bind. Used by Soul Breakers.\nRequired level: 52
Battle Manual needed to learn Voice Bind. Used by Soul Breakers.\nRequired level: 58
Battle Manual needed to learn Rush. Used by Troopers.\nRequired level: 32
Battle Manual needed to learn Storm Assault. Used by Berserkers.\nRequired level: 49
Battle Manual needed to learn Wing Assault.
Battle Manual needed to learn Shoulder Charge. Used by Berserkers.\nRequired level: 40
Battle Manual needed to learn Blade Rush. Used by Berserkers.\nRequired level: 55
Spellbook needed to learn Count of Fire. Used by Archmages.
Spellbook needed to learn Diamond Dust. Used by Mystic Muses.
Spellbook needed to learn Throne of Ice. Used by Mystic Muses.
Spellbook needed to learn Throne of Wind. Used by Storm Screamers.
Spellbook needed to learn Divine Power. Used by Cardinals.
Spellbook needed to learn Mana Gain. Used by Eva's Saints and Shillien Saints.
Amulet required for the Chant of Protection spell. Used by Doomcryers.
Amulet required for the Seal of Blockade spell. Used by Dominators.
Spellbook needed to learn Fire Vortex Buster. Used by Archmages.
Spellbook needed to learn Ice Vortex Crusher. Used by Mystic Muses.
Spellbook needed to learn Wind Vortex Slug. Used by Storm Screamers.
Spellbook needed to learn Meteor. Can be used by an Archmage and a Soul Taker. Can be acquired at level 81.
Spellbook needed to learn Star Fall. Can be used by a Mystic Muse and a Storm Screamer. Can be acquired at level 81.
Item needed for the Imbue Dark Seed Skill.
Item needed for the Deadly Roulette, and Bleeding Shot skills.
Ingredient needed for a Dwarf to make a Dynasty Sigil. It can be sold to public stores.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Sealed Dynasty Sigil. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 60% success rate.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Dynasty Sigil. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%
Rare Sealed Dynasty Sigil that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dynasty Sigil that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Magical scroll that transports you to your Fortress. If you don't have a Fortress, it will relocate you to the nearest village.
Magical scroll that transports you to your Fortress quickly.
Transforms you into an Onyx Beast for 30 min.
Transforms you into a Doom Wraith for 30 min.
Transforms you into a Grail Apostle for 30 min.
Transforms you into a Unicorn for 30 min.
Transforms you into a Lilim Knight for 30 min.
Transforms you into a Golem Guardian for 30 min.
Transforms you into an Inferno Drake for 30 min.
Transforms you into a Dragon Bomber for 30 min.

Pagina 149

Effects of Wind Walk Lv. 2, Shield Lv. 3, Magic Barrier Lv. 2, Blessed Shield Lv. 6, and Haste Lv. 1 can be obtained for a cert
Effects of Wind Walk Lv. 2, Shield Lv. 3, Magic Barrier Lv. 2, Acumen Lv. 1, and Empower Lv. 1 can be obtained for a certain
Effects of Wind Walk Lv. 2, Shield Lv. 3, Magic Barrier Lv. 2, Acumen Lv. 1, and Heal Empower Lv. 1 can be obtained for a c
Effects of Wind Walk Lv. 2, Might Lv. 3, Magic Barrier Lv. 2, Focus Lv. 1, and Haste Lv. 1 can be obtained for a certain period
Effects of Wind Walk Lv. 2, Might Lv. 3, Magic Barrier Lv. 2, Guidance Lv. 1, and Haste Lv. 1 can be obtained for a certain pe
Effects of Berserker Spirit Lv. 2 and Clarity Lv. 1 can be obtained for a certain period of time. Can only be used in Siege and
Relocates you to the nearest village. Can only be used in Siege and Fortress war.
Resurrects a dead character and restores his or her XP completely. Can only be used in Siege and Fortress war.
When used, it transforms you into a pixie for a certain amount of time. It can only be used on the battleground during a siege
Recovers HP when in use. Characters below Lv. 52 are not affected. Usable only during a Siege or Fortress war.
Recovers MP when in use. Characters below Lv. 52 are not affected. Usable only during a Siege or Fortress war.
Recovers CP when in use. Characters below Lv. 52 are not affected. Usable only during a Siege or Fortress war.
Increases Hold/ Sleep Resistance for a certain period of time. Can only be used in Castle and Fortress Sieges.
Becomes invincible temporarily. Can only be used in Siege and Fortress war.
Increases Speed instantly. Can only be used in Siege and Fortress war.
Disturbs movement of targets. Can only be used in Siege and Fortress war.
Red crystal that is cursed by the darkness, stage 14. Take this to Legendary Blacksmith Shadai in Hellbound to process.
Blue crystal that is cursed by the darkness, stage 14. Take this to Legendary Blacksmith Shadai in Hellbound to process.
Green crystal that is cursed by the darkness, stage 14. Take this to Legendary Blacksmith Shadai in Hellbound to process.
Necklace used to summon wolves. It takes away some XP the Pet Master earns.
Destroys the animal slayers of the Mimir Forest, the Crimson Spiders.
Claw dripping with animal blood. Collect 50 of these and take them to Martin, the Pet Manager of the Town of Gludin.
Instantly recovers 1,000 CP when used.
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Dark Coda. For best results, a level 5-15 chara
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Red Coda. For best results, a level 8-18 charac
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Chilly Coda. For best results, a level 11- 21 cha
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Blue Coda. For best results, a level 14- 24 cha
A Cocktail made of various rare fruits. When consumed, it bestows temporary effects of Might, Shield, Wind Walk, Focus, De
A Cocktail made of various rare fruits. When consumed, it bestows temporary effects of Berserker Spirit, Blessed Body, Magi
A Battle Manual needed to learn Penetrating Shot. Used by Warders.\nRequired level: 20
Battle Manual needed to learn Erase Mark. Used by Troopers and Warders.\nRequired level: 24
Battle Manual needed to learn Ultimate Escape. Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 43
Battle Manual needed to learn Create Special Bolt. Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 43
Battle Manual needed to learn Restoration Impact. Used by Inspectors.\nRequired level: 49
Battle Manual needed to learn Appetite for Destruction. Used by Inspectors.\nRequired level: 40
Battle Manual needed to learn Restoration. Used by Inspectors.\nRequired level: 40
Battle Manual needed to learn Oblivion. Used by Inspectors.\nRequired level: 43
Battle Manual needed to learn Thin Skin. Used by Inspectors.\nRequired level: 46
Battle Manual needed to learn Protection Instinct. Used by Inspectors.\nRequired level: 46
Battle Manual needed to learn Vampiric Impulse. Used by Inspectors.\nRequired level: 52
Battle Manual needed to learn Magic Impulse. Used by Inspectors.\nRequired level: 55
Battle Manual needed to learn Enervation. Used by Inspectors.\nRequired level: 60
Battle Manual needed to learn Weak Constitution. Used by Inspectors.\nRequired level: 62
Battle Manual needed to learn Spite. Used by Inspectors.\nRequired level: 66
Battle Manual needed to learn Mental Impoverish. Used by Inspectors.\nRequired level: 68
Battle Manual needed to learn Soul Harmony. Used by Inspectors.\nRequired level: 70
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Dark Coda. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Red Coda. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Chilly Coda. For best results, a leve

Pagina 150

Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Blue Coda. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Golden Coda. For best results, a le
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Golden Coda. For best results, a level 17- 27 c
Spellbook needed to learn Empower of Echo. Used by Storm Screamers.
Battle Manual needed to learn Soul Gathering. Used by Berserkers, Arbalesters, Soul Breakers, and Inspectors.\nRequired le
Double-click to obtain white seed of evil.
Double-click to obtain black seed of evil.

When Double-clicked, a random 1st Place prize is granted.

When Double-clicked, a random 2nd Place prize is granted.
When Double-clicked, a random 3rd Place prize is granted.
When Double-clicked, a random 4th Place prize is granted.
When Double-clicked, a random 5th Place prize is granted.
When Double-clicked, a random 6th Place prize is granted.
Delicious beverage made with rare fruits. Increases Atk. Spd. by 33% when used.
Delicious beverage made with rare fruits. Increases Accuracy by 4 when used.
Delicious beverage made with rare fruits. Increases Critical Damage by 35% when used.
Delicious beverage made with rare fruits. P. Critical Rate increases by 30% when used.
Delicious beverage made with rare fruits. Increases Casting Spd. by 30% when used.
Delicious beverage made with rare fruits. Increases Evasion by 4 when used.
Delicious beverage made with rare fruits. M. Atk. +75% when used.
Delicious beverage made with rare fruits. P. Atk. +15% when used.
Delicious beverage made with rare fruits. Speed increases by 33 when used.
Delicious beverage made with rare fruits. P. Def. increases by 15% when used.
Delicious beverage made with rare fruits. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 10%, magic skill MP consumption by 4

You can exchange 50 Treasure Sack Pieces for a Treasure Sack if you bring them to Snow.
Transforms you into a rabbit for 10 min. Locates treasure when used on Fantasy Isle. It will have no effect if used while a pet
Battle Manual needed to learn Warp. Used by Warders.\nRequired level: 32
Battle Manual needed to learn Soul Shock. Used by Warders.\nRequired level: 36
Documents the method for transforming into an Onyx Beast.
Certificate needed to learn an Emergent Ability. Only main classes can learn this skill.
Certificate needed to learn a Warrior Ability. Only main classes can learn this skill.
Certificate needed to learn a Knight Ability. Only main classes can learn this skill.
Certificate needed to learn a Rogue Ability. Only main classes can learn this skill.
Certificate needed to learn a Wizard Ability. Only main classes can learn this skill.
Certificate needed to learn a Healer Ability. Only main classes can learn this skill.
Certificate needed to learn a Summoner Ability. Only main classes can learn this skill.
Certificate needed to learn an Enchanter Ability. Only main classes can learn this skill.
Allows for transformation into a highly specialized form, by transferring the powerful energy of the subclass to the main class.
Allows for transformation into a highly specialized form, by transferring the powerful energy of the subclass to the main class.
Allows for transformation into a highly specialized form, by transferring the powerful energy of the subclass to the main class.
Allows for transformation into a highly specialized form, by transferring the powerful energy of the subclass to the main class.
Allows for transformation into a highly specialized form, by transferring the powerful energy of the subclass to the main class.
Allows for transformation into a highly specialized form, by transferring the powerful energy of the subclass to the main class.
Allows for transformation into a highly specialized form, by transferring the powerful energy of the subclass to the main class.
Documents the method for transforming into Zaken.
Documents the method for transforming into Anakim.
Documents the method for transforming into a Venom.

Pagina 151

Documents the method for transforming into a Gordon.

Documents the method for transforming into a Ranku.
Documents the method for transforming into Kechi
Documents the method for transforming into a Demon Prince.
Documents the method for transforming into a Heretic.
Documents the method for transforming into a Veil Master.
Documents the method for transforming into a Saber Tooth Tiger.
Documents the method for transforming into an Ol Mahum.
Documents the method for transforming into a Doll Blader.
Necklace used to summon a Great Snow Wolf. Takes a part of the XP gained by the Pet master.
Trumpet used to summon the Strider of the Red Wind. This takes some XP which is acquired by the pet master.
Trumpet used to summon the Strider of the Red Star. This takes some XP which is acquired by the pet master.
Trumpet used to summon the Red Strider of Dusk. This takes some XP which is acquired by the pet master.
Necklace used to summon an Improved Baby Buffalo. Takes a part of the XP gained by the Pet master.
Necklace used to summon an Improved Baby Cougar. Takes a part of the XP gained by the Pet master.
Necklace used to summon an Improved Baby Kookaburra. Takes a part of the XP gained by the Pet master.
Weapon that can only be obtained from the evil spirits created at the Monster Foundry
Cargo stolen from Warehouse Keeper Sonin of Florin Village. Return it to Sonin.
Important item that Grocer Pano of Florin Village is seeking. Give it to Pano.
Important item that Captain Alex of Florin Village is seeking. Give it to Alex.
Give it to Priest Shegfield of Dion Village along with Pano's and Alex's Credentials.
Give it to Priest Shegfield of Dion Village along with Sonin's and Alex's Credentials.
Give it to Priest Shegfield of Dion Village along with Pano's and Sonin's Credentials.
Give it to High Priest Sylvain along with the Temple of Einhasad's "Temple Executor" proof of identity and the "Badge: Templ
Relic of the Giants found on the monsters and apostates in the Cruma Marshlands. Bring it to Spellbook Seller Rouke.
ExperiMental tool created by the Giants. Use it to bait the apostates in the Cruma Marshlands.
Proof of the traitor's defeat in the Cruma Marshlands. Bring it to Spellbook Seller Rouke.
Rouke's Report. Deliver it to Priest Glyvka.
Give it to High Priest Sylvain along with the Temple of Einhasad's "Temple Missionary" proof of identity and the "Badge: Tem
Piece of the Investigation Report carried by the missing Temple investigator. Bring it to High Priest Sylvain.
Temple's manifesto describing the only "righteousness"
Relics of a Dark Elf trainee who was killed during live training. Give it to Dark Elf Angus.
Token for helping Angus. Show it to Priestess Pupina.
Proof of versatility and the right to contact the Prophets. Show it to Prophet Sla.
Key fragment that is held by the Tasaba Lizardmen. If you bring it to Warehouse Keeper Mia, she can turn it into a Document
Document Chest held by the Tasaba Lizardmen. Bring it to Warehouse Keeper Mia to inspect the contents.
Ingredient needed to create the Dark Oxide. Bring it to Magister Xenovia.
Substance on which Magister Xenovia is experimenting.
Secret document about the Sword of Sthelotte, given by Eva the Goddess of the Lake to Rionelle. Bring this to Kluck.
Investigate report of the intelligence agency that records the death of Shadow Fox. Bring it to Warehouse Chief Natools.
Clue regarding the angel's location that was discovered by Shadow Fox's intelligence agency. Encoded as a Cryptogram. De
Prophecy - Path of the God. When all the prophecy fragments are collected, they reveal the Fallen Angel's location.
Proof of the eradication of the angel that was labeled a Fallen Angel by the Temple. Deliver it to High Priest Raymond in the T
Sealed prophecy that foretells the location of the angel. Bring it to Grand Master Tobias in Gludio Castle.
Prophecy that foretells the location of the angel. Ask Elder Casian of the Wastelands to decipher it.
Sound crystal for saving the angel's message. There is nothing recorded on it yet.
Medicine that Casian made for the injured angel. Administer it to the Fallen Angel.
Sound crystal for saving the angel's message. Bring it to Grand Master Tobias in Gludio Castle.
Metal device obtained in Cruma Tower. It appears to be a recording device from the time of Giants.

Pagina 152

Metallograph shard obtained in Cruma Tower

Map that shows the location Nikola searched in Cruma Tower.
Voucher that proves you received the Metallograph that Lorain obtained in Cruma Tower. Hold onto it and return to her later.
Metallograph obtained in Cruma Tower. Appears to be a recording device of the giants.
Metallograph shard obtained in Cruma Tower
Map that shows the location that Nikola searched in Cruma Tower.
Metallograph obtained in Cruma Tower. It is confirmed as a recording device that was used in the Cruma Tower laboratory.
Accessory held by the Leto Lizardmen. Blueprint Seller Luka in the Town of Oren likes it.
Metallograph obtained in Cruma Tower. Appears to be a recording device of the giants.
Metallograph shard obtained in Cruma Tower
Luka summarized the contents which have been decoded from the metal plate. Take this back to Lorain.
Dorothy repaired the metallograph shard obtained in Cruma Tower.
Item that Matras instructed to bring back as proof of the defeated agitators. He doesn't tell you its purpose.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Icarus Sawsword. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Icarus Disperser. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Icarus Spirit. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Icarus Heavy Arms. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Icarus Trident. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Icarus Hammer. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Icarus Hand. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Icarus Hall. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Icarus Spitter. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 60% success rate.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe to make Icarus Spitter. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe to make Icarus Wingblade. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe to make Icarus Spitter. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe to make Icarus Sawsword. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe to make Icarus Disperser. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe to make Icarus Spirit. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe to make Icarus Heavy Arms. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe to make Icarus Trident. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe to make Icarus Hammer. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe to make Icarus Hand. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe to make Icarus Hall. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe to make Icarus Spitter. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe to make Icarus Spitter. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe to make Icarus Wingblade. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe to make Icarus Spitter. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Icarus Sawsword. It can be sold to public stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Icarus Disperser. It can be sold to public stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Icarus Spirit. It can be sold to public stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Icarus Heavy Arms. It can be sold to public stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Icarus Trident. It can be sold to public stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Icarus Hammer. It can be sold to public stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Icarus Hand. It can be sold to public stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Icarus Hall. It can be sold to public stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Icarus Spitter. It can be sold to public stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Icarus Stinger. It can be sold to public stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Icarus Wingblade. It can be sold to public stores.
An Old Agathion with the Spirits Seal released. It cannot be used any more, but may be sold in the Store.

Pagina 153

Bottle that holds 5 Souls. Double-click to fill the bottle. For Kamael use only.
Bottle containing 5 Souls. Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Disappears without effect if used by other races.
A bottle containing 5 souls. Usable only in combat. Kamael-exclusive item. Disappears without effect if used by other races.
Bottle containing 10 Souls. Kamael-exclusive item. Disappears without effect if used by other races.
Item that can be used to upgrade Dynasty Chest armor. Grants more powerful options than Dynastic Essence.

Automatically consumed when an improved baby pet's hunger gauge drops below 55%.
Necklace that can summon a Fenrir. Takes a part of the XP gained by the Pet master.
Small, shiny platinum medal. It reads, 'Permission No.1 for Group Admission to Special Workshop'.
Small, shiny tin medal. It reads, 'Permission No.2 for Group Admission to Special Workshop'.
Small, shiny lead medal. It reads, 'Permission No.3 for Group Admission to Special Workshop'.
Small, shiny zinc medal. It reads, 'Permission No.4 for Group Admission to Special Workshop'.
Small, shiny copper medal. It reads, 'Permission No.5 for Group Admission to Special Workshop'.

Double-click to obtain this Shadow Item.

Red crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 15. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing c
Blue crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 15. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing c
Green crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 15. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing
General mineral created when a stone in a monster is solidified by a physical or magic hit. Key component used in weapon a
Mid-grade mineral created when a stone in a monster is solidified by a physical or magic hit. Key component used in weapon
High-grade mineral created when a stone in a monster is solidified by a physical or magic hit. Key component used in weapo
Top-grade mineral created when a stone in a monster is solidified by a physical or magic hit. Key component used in weapon
Small capsule of compressed Beast Soulshot. Changes into a 500 Beast Soulshots when used.
Small capsule of compressed Beast Spiritshot. Changes into a 500 Beast Spiritshots when used.
Small capsule of compressed Blessed Beast Spiritshot. Changes into a 500 Blessed Beast Spiritshots when used.
Echo Crystal that plays Kuraki Mai's music. It can be used once every 40 sec. and disappears after being used.
The power of fire increases by 5 when given to a weapon. The power of fire increases by 6 and water resistance becomes str
The power of water increases by 5 when given to a weapon. The power of water increases by 6 and fire resistance becomes
The power of the earth increases by 5 when given to a weapon. The power of the Earth increases by 6 and wind resistance b
The power of wind increases by 5 when given to a weapon. The power of wind increases by 6 and earth resistance becomes
Increases dark power by 5 when given to a weapon. Increases dark power by 6. Increases Holy Resistance when given to ar
Increases holy power by 5 when given to a weapon. Increases holy power by 6 and Dark Resistance becomes stronger when
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Dynasty Staff. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for the Dynasty Crusher. Requires Create Item Skill (Lv. 9). 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Item required for construction of a Dynasty Staff.
For Dwarves only. Item needed for construction of Dynasty Crusher.
Forgotten Scroll to learn the Protection of Rune. Can be acquired by level 82.
Forgotten Scroll to learn the Protection of Elemental. Can be acquired by level 82.
Forgotten Scroll to learn the Protection of Alignment. Can be acquired by level 82.
Forgotten Scroll to learn the Fighter's Will. Fighters use it. Can be acquired by level 81.
Forgotten Scroll to learn the Archer's Will. Fighters use it. Can be acquired by level 81.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Anti Magic Armor. Phoenix Knight, Hell Knight, Eva's Templar, and Shillien Templar use it. Can be a
Forgotten Scroll to learn the Seed of Revenge. Hell Knight uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Hell Knights level 83 or above to learn Hell Scream.
Forgotten Scroll to learn the Song of Windstorm. Sword Muse uses it. Can be acquired by level 76.
Forgotten Scroll to learn the Dance of Blade Storm. Spectral Dancer uses it. Can be acquired by level 76.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Sixth Sense. Phoenix Knight, Hell Knight, Eva's Templar, Shillien Templar, Sword Muse, Spectral Da
Forgotten Scroll to learn Expose Vulnerability. Duelist, Grand Khavatari, Dreadnought, Titan, Fortune Seeker, Maestro, Doom

Pagina 154

Forgotten Scroll to learn Exciting Adventure. Adventurer uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Wind Riding. Wind Rider uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Ghost Walking. Ghost Hunter uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Flame Hawk. Sagittarius uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Arrow Rain. Moonlight Sentinel uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Ghost Piercing. Ghost Sentinel uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Dread Pool. Dreadnought uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Weapon Blockade. Duelist uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Force of Destruction. Grand Khavatari uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Demolition Impact. Titan uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Golem Armor. Maestro uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Flame Armor. Archmage uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Frost Armor. Mystic Muse uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Storm Screamers level 83 or above to learn Hurricane Armor.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Vampiric Mist. Soul Taker uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Servitor Barrier. Arcana Lord, Elemental Master and Spectral Master use it. Can be acquired by leve
Forgotten Scroll to learn Excessive Loyalty. Arcana Lord, Elemental Master and Spectral Master use it. Can be acquired by le
Forgotten Scroll to learn Mutual Response. Arcana Lord, Elemental Master and Spectral Master use it. Can be acquired by le
Forgotten Scroll to learn Improve Combat. Prophet uses it. Can be acquired by level 70.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Improve Magic. Shillien Elder uses it. Can be acquired by level 70.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Improve Condition. Prophet uses it. Can be acquired by level 70.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Improve Critical Attack. Shillien Elder uses it. Can be acquired by level 70.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Shield Defense. Elder uses it. Can be acquired by level 70.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Improve Movement. Elder uses it. Can be acquired by level 70.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Sublime Self-sacrifice. Cardinal uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Blessing of Eva. Eva's Saint uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Lord of Vampires. Shillien Saint uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
Forgotten Scroll needed to learn Thorn Root. Used by Shillien Saint.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Seal of Limit. Dominator uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
Spellbook to learn Summon Smart Cubic. Eva's Templar, and Shillien Templar, Arcana Lord, Elemental Master, and Spectral
Forgotten Scroll to learn Spirit of the Phoenix and Flame Icon. Phoenix Knight uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Eva's Will. Eva's Templar uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Pain of Shilen. Shillien Templar uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Wild Shot. Trickster uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Lightning Shock. Soul Hound uses it. Can be acquired by level 83.
Spellbook needed to learn Soul Cleanse. Used by Berserkers, Soul Breakers, Arbalesters, and Inspectors.\nRequired level: 6
Forgotten Scroll needed to learn Curse of Life Flow. Used by Soul Breakers.\nRequired level: 60
Spellbook needed to learn Soul Vortex. Used by Soul Hound.
Spellbook needed to learn Soul Vortex Extinction. Used by Soul Hound.
Spellbook needed to learn Soul Barrier. Used by Berserkers and Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 58
Spellbook needed to learn Lightning Barrier. Used by Soul Hound.
Spellbook needed to learn Soul Strike. Used by Soul Hound.
Spellbook needed to learn Betrayal Mark. Used by Trickster.
Spellbook needed to learn Rush Impact. Used by Doombringer.
Spellbook needed to learn Mass Disarm. Used by Doombringer.
The bracelet which can summon cute Rudolph Agathion.
Scroll to learn Chant of Combat. Warcryer uses it. Can be acquired by level 70.
Scroll to learn Chant of Critical. Warcryer uses it. Can be acquired by level 72.
Scroll to learn Chant of Blood Awakening. Warcryer uses it. Can be acquired by level 74.

Pagina 155

The Necklace used to summon Snow Fenrir. Takes a part of the XP gained by the Pet master.
Certificate needed to learn a Master Ability. Only main classes can learn this skill.
Double-click to create a cube fragment that can be exchanged for a weapon/ armor enchant scroll. (Can only be used once p
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for a D-grade Scroll: Enchant Armor.
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for a C-grade Scroll: Enchant Armor.
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for a B-grade armor Enchant Scroll.
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for an A-grade Scroll: Enchant Armor.
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for an S-grade Scroll: Enchant Armor.
You can confirm the use of this item by talking to the warehouse keeper.
Currency used by Mutated Rats. Take it to a magic lab for a reward.
Double-click to make a Young Squash appear.
Double-click to make a Large Young Squash appear.
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for a D-grade Scroll: Enchant Weapon.
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for a C-grade Scroll: Enchant Weapon.
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for a B-grade Scroll: Enchant Weapon.
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for an A-grade Scroll: Enchant Weapon.
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for an S-grade Scroll: Enchant Weapon.
You can confirm the use of this item by talking to the warehouse keeper.

You can resurrect right away at the spot where you died if you have the Feather of Blessing in your inventory.
Magic scroll that moves you to the nearest village. Item for beginner adventurers.

Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.

Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.

Pagina 156

Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.

Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded Supply Box. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Energy ore that is found in the eastern region's mining area. It is used as an experiMental ingredient in Inventor Maru's energ
Piece of cloth soaked with Mark's blood. It is needed to determine the type of Poison.
Antidote purchased from Helvetia. Give it to Mark.
Kasha Spider venom that has been contaminated by Kasha, the evil spirit of decay and death. Collect them and bring them to
Enchant success rate +20% for weapons (D-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Enchant success rate +18% for weapons (C-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Enchant success rate +15% for weapons (B-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Enchant success rate +12% for weapons (A-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (S-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Enchant success rate +35% for armor (D-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchan
Enchant success rate +27% for armor (C-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchan
Enchant success rate +23% for armor (B-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchan
Enchant success rate +18% for armor (A-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchan
Enchant success rate +15% for armor (S-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchan
Ingredient used by the Blacksmith of Mammon to varnish a Foundation Item.
Rare Great Sword that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Great Axe that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Innominate Victory that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dark Elven Long Blow that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sword of Valhalla that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Spell Breaker that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Arthro Nail that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Ice Storm Hammer that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Military Fleuret that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Spirit's Staff that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Kris that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Keshanberk that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Peacemaker that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Heavy War Axe that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Twilight Knife that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Guardian's Sword that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Damascus Sword that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dismantler that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Lance that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.

Pagina 157

Rare Bellion Cestus that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Staff of Evil Spirits that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Deadman's Glory that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Star Buster that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Art of Battle Axe that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Demon's Dagger that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Kaim Vanul's Bones that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Colichemarde that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Wizard's Tear that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Bow of Peril that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Hell Hound that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dasparion's Staff that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Doomchanter that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare White Lightning that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Meteor Shower that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Blood Tornado that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Bloody Orchid that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Elemental Sword that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Spiritual Eye that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Infernal Master that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Carnage Bow that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Tallum Blade that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Destroyer Hammer that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Divine Pain that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Halberd that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Lacerator that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dark Legion's Edge that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Undertaker that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Doom Crusher that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dragon Grinder that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dragon Slayer that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Flaming Dragon Skull that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Branch of the Mother Tree that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sword of Miracles that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Reaper that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Soul Separator that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Elysian that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Soul Bow that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Tallum Glaive that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Naga's Storm that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Daimon Crystal that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Barakiel's Axe that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Screaming Vengeance that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Behemoth' Tuning Fork that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Durendal that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Shyeed's Bow that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sword of Ipos that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sobekk's Hurricane that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sirra's Blade that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.

Pagina 158

Rare Éclair Bijou that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Tiphon's Spear that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Themis' Tongue that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Cabrio's Hand that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Gram that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Demon Splinter that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Draconic Bow that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dragon Hunter Axe that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Laevateinn that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Basalt Battlehammer that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sarunga that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Saint Spear that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Arcana Mace that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Angel Slayer that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Imperial Staff that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Forgotten Blade that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Heaven's Divider that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Ancient Sword that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Knife that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Rapier that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Mace that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Bagh-Nakh that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Bow that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Blade that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Sword that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Staff that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Cudgel that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Crusher that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Crossbow that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Phantom that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Halberd that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Icarus Disperser that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Icarus Sawsword that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Icarus Shooter that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Icarus Stinger that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Icarus Spirit that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Icarus Spitter that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Icarus Wingblade that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Icarus Trident that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Icarus Hammer that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Icarus Hand that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Icarus Heavy Arms that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Icarus Hall that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Zubei's Gauntlets that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Zubei's Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Avadon Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Avadon Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Zubei's Leather Gaiters that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Zubei's Leather Shirt that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.

Pagina 159

Rare Zubei's Gaiters that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Zubei's Gauntlets that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Zubei's Gauntlets that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Zubei's Gauntlets that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Zubei's Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Zubei's Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Zubei's Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Zubei's Shield that requires thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Zubei's Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Zubei's Breastplate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Avadon Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Avadon Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Avadon Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Avadon Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Avadon Robe that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Avadon Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Avadon Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Avadon Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Avadon Circlet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Abaddon Shield that requires thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Avadon Gaiters that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Avadon Breastplate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Tunic of Zubei that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Stockings of Zubei that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Doom Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Doom Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Doom Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Doom Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Doom Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Doom Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Doom Shield that requires thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Doom Plate Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Doom Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Leather Armor of Doom that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Doom Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Doom Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Blue Wolf Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Blue Wolf Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Tunic of Doom that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Blue Wolf Gaiters that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Blue Wolf Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Blue Wolf Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Blue Wolf Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Blue Wolf Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Blue Wolf Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Blue Wolf Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Blue Wolf Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Blue Wolf Tunic that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Blue Wolf Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.

Pagina 160

Rare Blue Wolf Stockings that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Blue Wolf Breastplate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Stockings of Doom that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dark Crystal Gaiters that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dark Crystal Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dark Crystal Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dark Crystal Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dark Crystal Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dark Crystal Robe that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dark Crystal Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dark Crystal Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dark Crystal Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dark Crystal Shield that requires thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dark Crystal Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dark Crystal Breastplate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dark Crystal Leggings that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mamm
Rare Sealed Dark Crystal Robe that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dark Crystal Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dark Crystal Shield that requires thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon
Rare Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Tallum Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Tallum Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Tallum Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Tallum Tunic that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Tallum Plate Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Tallum Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Tallum Stockings that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Holy Spirit's Cloak that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Tallum Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Tallum Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Tallum Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Tallum Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Tallum Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Tallum Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Tallum Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Tallum Tunic that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Tallum Plate Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Tallum Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Tallum Stockings that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Majestic Gauntlets that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Majestic Gauntlets that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Majestic Gauntlets that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Majestic Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Majestic Robe that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.

Pagina 161

Rare Majestic Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Majestic Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Majestic Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Majestic Circlet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Majestic Plate Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Majestic Gauntlets that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Majestic Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Majestic Robe that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Majestic Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Majestic Circlet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Majestic Plate Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Armor of Nightmare that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mamm
Rare Sealed Robe of Nightmare that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Boots of Nightmare that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Shield of Nightmares that requires thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Helm of Nightmare that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Armor of Nightmare that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Gauntlets of Nightmare that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Gauntlets of Nightmare that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Gauntlets of Nightmare that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Leather Armor of Nightmare that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Robe of Nightmare that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Boots of Nightmare that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Boots of Nightmare that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Boots of Nightmare that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Shield of Nightmares that requires thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Helm of Nightmare that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Draconic Leather Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Draconic Leather Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Draconic Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Draconic Leather Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Arcana Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Arcana Robe that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Arcana Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Arcana Circlet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon
Rare Sealed Draconic Leather Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Draconic Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon
Rare Sealed Arcana Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Arcana Robe that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Arcana Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Arcana Circlet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammo
Rare Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mamm
Rare Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon
Rare Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield that requires thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.

Pagina 162

Rare Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammo
Rare Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mam
Rare Imperial Crusader Gaiters that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Imperial Crusader Gauntlets that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Imperial Crusader Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Imperial Crusader Shield that requires thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Imperial Crusader Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Imperial Crusader Breastplate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Gaiters that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Gauntlets that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Leather Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Leather Leggings that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Leather Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Leather Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Breastplate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Breastplate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Breastplate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Breastplate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Breastplate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Shield that requires thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Shoes that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Silver Satin Tunic that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Silver Satin Tunic that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Silver Satin Tunic that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Silver Satin Tunic that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Silver Satin Tunic that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Circlet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Jewel Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Jewel Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Jewel Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Jewel Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Jewel Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Jewel Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Jewel Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Tunic that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Tunic that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Tunic that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Tunic that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Tunic that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Platinum Plate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.

Pagina 163

Rare Dynasty Platinum Plate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Platinum Plate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Platinum Plate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Platinum Plate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Stockings that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dynasty Gaiters that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dynasty Gauntlets that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dynasty Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dynasty Leather Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dynasty Leather Leggings that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammo
Rare Sealed Dynasty Leather Armor that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dynasty Leather Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dynasty Leather Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dynasty Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dynasty Breastplate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dynasty Shield that requires thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dynasty Shoes that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dynasty Circlet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dynasty Tunic that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dynasty Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dynasty Stockings that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Adamantite Earring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Adamantite Necklace that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Adamantite Ring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Black Ore Earring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Black Ore Necklace that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Black Ore Ring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Phoenix Necklace that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Phoenix Ring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Phoenix Earring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Phoenix Necklace that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Phoenix Ring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Phoenix Earring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Majestic Necklace that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Majestic Ring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Majestic Earring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Majestic Necklace that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Majestic Ring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Majestic Earring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Tateossian Necklace that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Tateossian Ring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Tateossian Earring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Tateossian Necklace that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Tateossian Ring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Tateossian Earring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Necklace that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Ring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Dynasty Earring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.

Pagina 164

Rare Sealed Dynasty Necklace that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dynasty Ring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Dynasty Earring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Magic scroll that takes you to Kamael Village.
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 46 or above when aug
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 49 or above when aug
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 52 or above when aug
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 55 or above when aug
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 58 or above when aug
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 61 or above when aug
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 64 or above when aug
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 67 or above when aug
Corroded Life Stone: Accessory. Sell it to a store.
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 76 or above when aug
Chest of fish requested by Helvetia. Bring it to her before the fish lose their freshness.
Seeds requested by Helvetia. Bring it to her before it is too late.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Evasion Counter. Used by Abyss Walkers. Can be acquired by level 74.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Evasion Chance. Used by Plainswalkers. Can be acquired by level 74.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Evasion Haste. Treasure Hunter uses it. Can be acquired by level 74.
Forgotten Scroll to learn the Shadow Step. Treasure Hunter, Plainswalker and Abyss Walker use it. Can be acquired by level
Battle Manual needed to learn Inquisitor. Used by Bishops, Elders, and Shillien Elders.\nRequired level: 44
Battle Manual needed to learn Body Reconstruction. Used by Berserkers.\nRequired level: 52
Battle Manual needed to learn Blood Pact. Used by Berserkers.\nRequired level: 55
Battle Manual needed to learn Imbue Seed of Destruction. Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 68
Battle Manual needed to learn Oblivion Trap. Used by Arbalesters.\nRequired level: 64
Battle Manual needed to learn Painkiller. Used by male and female Soul Breakers and Inspectors.\nRequired level: 58
Battle Manual needed to learn Soul Web. Used by Soul Breakers.\nRequired level: 62
Spellbook that restores a character's lowered XP at death. Usable only in combat.
Blueprint needed to learn the Summon Merchant Golem skill. Used by Warsmiths.\nRequired level: 52
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 80 or above when aug
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 82 or above when aug
Gift that Casian received as a child from the Water Dragon. Take it to Galate.
Box of supplies. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Box of supplies. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Box of supplies. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Box of supplies. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Box of supplies. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Box of supplies. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Box of supplies. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Box of supplies. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Box of supplies. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Box of supplies. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Box of supplies. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 46 or above when aug
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 49 or above when aug
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 52 or above when aug
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 55 or above when aug
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 58 or above when aug
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 61 or above when aug

Pagina 165

Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 64 or above when aug
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 67 or above when aug
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 70 or above when aug
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 76 or above when aug
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 80 or above when aug
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 82 or above when aug
Item filled with the essence of Kanabions you have defeated.
Gift for participating adventurers.
Gift for participating adventurers.
Gift for participating adventurers.
Gift for participating adventurers.
Gift for participating adventurers.
Spellbook needed to learn Blessed Blood. Used by Shillien Elders.\nRequired level: 40

Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss). Can only be used once a day o
Extra entrance pass that lets you enter Near Kamaloka. Can cancel the limit on entrance if used while a limit on entrance to N
Extra pass that can cancel the time limit restriction to enter the Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss). Can only be used once a
Goods earmarked for Gesto. Collect 300 and take them to him.
Seal engraved on a freight chest. Take it to Gesto.
Increases My Teleport locations by 3 slots, which can be used to save specific locations. My Teleport locations can be expan
Item consumed when teleporting to a My Teleport location.
Item that allows you to summon a minion who temporarily casts warrior support magic. Hunger gauge lasts 5 hours.
Item that allows you to summon a minion who temporarily casts magician support magic. Hunger gauge lasts 5 hours.
Item that allows you to summon a warrior minion that uses physical attacks. Hunger gauge lasts 5 hours.
Item that allows you to summon a magician minion that uses magic attacks. Hunger gauge lasts 5 hours.
Item that allows you to change your character's title color. You can change back to the original color by using the "/ resetnam
Wrapped Pack that gives you an item once a day. 30-day.

Potion of temporary invincibility created with the light of Spirits. Can only be used in the Pailaka instanced zone dungeon.
Instantly restores HP. Can only be used in the Pailaka instant dungeon. Cannot be used when HP is full.
Weapon containing the light of Spirits; instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can only be used on the Sword of Wa
If you bring it along with a Spirit's Sword to the Temple Inspector, you can exchange them for an Reinforced Spirit's Sword.
If you bring it along with an Reinforced Spirit's Sword to the Temple Inspector, you can exchange them for a Sword of Ice and
Temporarily increases P. Def. for fire-related attributes. Can only be used in the Pailaka instant dungeon.
Temporarily increases P. Def. for water-related attributes. Can only be used in the Pailaka instant dungeon.
Weapon containing the light of Spirits; instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can only be used on Ancient Legacy
If you bring it along with an Ancient Legacy Sword to the Dwarf Adventurer, you can exchange them for an Ancient Legacy S
If you bring it along with an Ancient Legacy Sword Stage 2 to the Dwarf Adventurer, you can exchange them for an Ancient L
Cures Paralysis-type Poison s. Can only be used in the Pailaka instant dungeon.
Potion that allows you to feel Holy energy. Can only be used in the Pailaka instant dungeon.

Weapon containing the light of Spirits; instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Can only be used on the Spear of Sile
If you bring it along with a Spear of Silenos to the Ketra Orc Intelligence Officer, you can exchange them for Spear of Silenos
If you bring it along with a Spear of Silenos Stage 2 to the Ketra Orc Intelligence Officer, you can exchange them for Spear o
Increases Resistance to ranged attacks. Can only be used in the Pailaka instant dungeon.

Pagina 166

Currency used on Fantasy Isle. You can exchange them for reward items from the Fantasy Isle Paddy.

Red crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 16. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing c
Blue crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 16. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing c
Green crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 16. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing
Rare Arcana Sigil that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Wrapped Pack containing Free Teleporter's Scroll.
Wrapped Pack containing 30 sheets of Free Teleporter's Spellbooks.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 sheets of the Feather of Blessing.
Wrapped Pack containing Love Agathion Seal Bracelet (30-day).
Dimensional Item Pack\nA pack containing a Love Agathion Bracelet (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Kat the Cat Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing 5 Sheets of Extra Entrances Passes each to Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss), Near Kamaloka, and K
Wrapped Pack containing Monster Eye Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Brown Bear Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Fungus Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Skull Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Ornithomimus Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Feline King Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Kai the Cat Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing OX Stick (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Rock-Paper-Scissors Stick (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing bracelet that summons a Darkmane Pacer (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Color Title.
Wrapped Pack containing bracelet that summons a Darkmane Pacer (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Color Title.
Ingredient needed for a Dwarf to make a Sealed Arcana Sigil. It can be sold to public stores.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Arcana Sigil. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Arcana Sigil. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%
Rare Sealed Arcana Sigil that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Wrapped Pack containing sheet of the Free Teleporter's Scroll.
Wrapped Pack containing 30 sheets of Free Teleporter's Spellbooks.
Wrapped Pack containing Entrance Pass: Kamaloka set.
Wrapped Pack containing Love Agathion Bracelet (30-day).
Dimensional Item Pack\nA pack containing a Love Agathion Bracelet (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing 5 Sheets of Extra Entrances Passes each to Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss), Near Kamaloka, and K
Wrapped Pack containing Kat the Cat Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Feline Queen Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Monster Eye Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Brown Bear Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Fungus Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Skull Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Ornithomimus Hat (30-day).

Pagina 167

Wrapped Pack containing Feline King Hat (30-day).

Wrapped Pack containing Kai the Cat Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing OX Stick (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Rock-Paper-Scissors Stick (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing bracelet that summons a Darkmane Pacer (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing 3 sheets of Color Titles.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 sheets of Color Titles.
Wrapped Pack containing My Teleport Scroll.
Wrapped Pack containing sheets of Color Titles.
Wrapped Pack containing 10 sheets of Free Teleporter's Spellbooks.
Wrapped box containing 15 Sheets of Extra Entrance Passes to Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss).
Wrapped box containing 15 Sheets of Extra Entrance Passes to Near Kamaloka.
Wrapped box containing 15 Sheets of Extra Entrance Passes to Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss).
Wrapped Pack containing 15 Sheets of Extra Entrance Passes to Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss).
Dimensional Item Pack\nWrapped Pack containing 15 Sheets of Extra Entrance Passes to Near Kamaloka. Cannot be excha
Book containing the secrets of the Spirit's Sword
Book containing the secrets of Papion
Book containing the secrets of Kinsus
Book containing the secrets of the Reinforced Spirit's Sword
Book containing the secrets of Gargos
Book containing the secrets of Adiantum
Key that opens the secrets of Pailaka
Key that opens all the doors on Pailaka Devil's Isle. Once used, it will turn to dust and disappear.
Pailaka reward item. Replenishing potion that refills some Vitality. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
Pailaka reward item. Replenishing potion that refills some Vitality. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
Wrapped Pack containing 15 Extra Passes: Hall of the Abyss.
Wrapped Pack containing 15 Extra Passes: Near Kamaloka.
Wrapped box containing 15 Sheets of Extra Entrance Passes to Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss).
Wrapped box containing 15 Sheets of Extra Entrance Passes to Near Kamaloka.
Wrapped box containing 15 Sheets of Extra Entrance Passes to Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss).
Wrapped Pack containing 15 Sheets of Extra Entrance Passes to Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss).
Wrapped Pack containing 15 Sheets of Extra Entrance Passes to Near Kamaloka.
Wrapped Pack containing 15 Sheets of Extra Entrance Passes to Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss).
Wrapped Pack containing 5 Sheets of Extra Entrance Passes to Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss).
Wrapped Pack that gives you an item once a day.
Wrapped Pack containing Gran Kain's Wrapped Pack (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Gran Kain's Wrapped Pack (30-day).
Teleports you to the nearest village.
Resurrects a dead person, completely restoring XP.
Plays the Theme of Journey music. Disappears after being used once.
Plays the Theme of Battle music. Disappears after being used once.
Plays the Theme of Love music. Disappears after being used once.
Plays the Theme of Solitude music. Disappears after being used once.
Plays the Theme of Festival music. Disappears after being used once.
Plays the Theme of Celebration music. Disappears after being used once.
Plays the Theme of Comedy music. Disappears after being used once.
Large firecracker that fills the sky.
Large firecracker that explodes in colorful light and fills the sky.
Gift for adventurers with an especially high contribution level. Has a chance to create a AU Karm.

Pagina 168

Gift for adventurers with an especially high contribution level. Has a chance to create a AU Karm.
Gift for adventurers with an especially high contribution level. Has a chance to create a AE Karm.
A coupon that can be exchanged for a necklace that allows you to summon a Minion (5-hour).
Wrapped box containing coupon that can be exchanged for a necklace that allows you to summon a Minion (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing coupon that can be exchanged for a necklace that allows you to summon a Minion (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing coupon that can be exchanged for a necklace that allows you to summon a Minion (5-hour).
When used, fills your airship with a small amount of fuel (EP).
When used, fills the airship with a large amount of fuel.
Wrapped Pack containing Feather of Blessing.
Dimensional Item Pack\nA pack containing a Love Agathion Bracelet (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Pumpkin Transformation Stick (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Kat the Cat Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Feline Queen Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Monster Eye Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Brown Bear Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Fungus Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Skull Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Ornithomimus Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Feline King Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Kai the Cat Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing OX Stick (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Rock-Paper-Scissors Stick (7-day).
Extra entrance pass that lets you enter Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss). Can cancel the limit on entrance if used while a limit on
Extra entrance pass that lets you enter Near Kamaloka. Can cancel the limit on entrance if used while a limit on entrance to N
Extra entrance pass that lets you enter Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss). Can cancel the limit on entrance if used while a lim
You can resurrect right away at the spot where you get killed if you have the Feather of Blessing.
Increases by 3 slots the free teleport list, which can remember designated locations. Can expand up to 9 slots.
Item that is consumed when moving to the remembered location.
Item that allows you to summon a Minion who temporarily casts warrior-type battle support magic.
Item that allows you to summon a Minion who temporarily casts Wizard-type battle buff.
Item that allows you to summon a warrior-type battle Minion.
Item that allows you to summon a magician-type battle Minion.
Item that allows you to change a character's title color. You can change back to the original title color by using the "/ resetnam
Wrapped Pack containing sheet of the Free Teleporter's Scroll.
Wrapped Pack containing 30 sheets of Free Teleporter's Spellbooks.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 sheets of the Feather of Blessing.
Dimensional Item Pack\nA pack containing a Love Agathion Seal Bracelet (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Pumpkin Transformation Stick (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing 5 Sheets of Extra Entrances Passes each to Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss), Near Kamaloka, and K
Wrapped Pack containing Kat the Cat Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Feline Queen Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Monster Eye Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Brown Bear Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Fungus Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Skull Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Ornithomimus Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Feline King Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Kai the Cat Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing OX Stick (30-day).

Pagina 169

Wrapped Pack containing Rock-Paper-Scissors Stick (30-day).

Wrapped Pack containing bracelet that summons a Darkmane Pacer (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing 3 sheets of Color Titles.
Wrapped Pack containing sheets of Color Titles.
Wrapped Pack containing 10 sheets of Free Teleporter's Spellbooks.
Wrapped Pack containing 15 Sheets of Extra Entrance Passes to Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss).
Wrapped Pack containing 15 Sheets of Extra Entrance Passes to Near Kamaloka.
Wrapped Pack containing 15 Sheets of Extra Entrance Passes to Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss).
Wrapped Pack containing 5 Sheets of Extra Entrance Passes to Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss).
Wrapped Pack containing 5 Sheets of Extra Entrance Passes to Near Kamaloka.
Wrapped Pack containing 5 Sheets of Extra Entrance Passes to Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss).
Wrapped Pack containing sheets of the Feather of Blessing.
Dimensional Item Pack\nA pack containing a Love Agathion Seal Bracelet (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Pumpkin Transformation Stick (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Kat the Cat Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Feline Queen Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Monster Eye Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Brown Bear Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Fungus Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Skull Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Ornithomimus Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Feline King Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Kai the Cat Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing OX Stick (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Rock-Paper-Scissors Stick (7-day).
Wrapped Pack provides you with a free item once a day. 30 days.
A coupon that can be exchanged for a necklace that allows you to summon a Minion (5-hour).
Wrapped box containing ticket that can be exchanged for a necklace that allows you to summon a Minion (5-hour).
Wrapped box containing coupon that can be exchanged for a necklace that allows you to summon a Minion (5-hour).
Increases SP by 500 when used. Can be used at Lv. 76 or above.
Increases SP by 1000 when used. Can be used at Lv. 76 or above.
Increases SP by 2000 when used. Can be used at Lv. 76 or above.
Teleports you to Talking Island Village.
Teleports you to the Elven Village.
Teleports you to the Dark Elf Village.
Teleports you to the Orc Village.
Teleports you to Dwarven Village.
Teleports you to Gludin Village.
Teleports you to the Town of Gludio.
Teleports you to the Town of Dion.
Teleports you to Floran Village.
Teleports you to the Town of Giran.
Teleports you to Hardin's Academy.
Teleports you to Heine.
Teleports you to the Town of Oren.
Teleports you to the Ivory Tower.
Teleports you to Hunter's Village.
Teleports you to the Town of Aden.
Teleports you to the Town of Goddard.

Pagina 170

Teleports you to the Town of Rune.

Teleports you to the Town of Schuttgart.
Teleports you to Kamael Village.
Item for the Lineage II 8th Anniversary event. Combine with other letters to create a special word and bring it to Angel Cat to
Items for the L2 Day event. Combine the letters to create a special word and bring it to Angel Cat to receive a great gift!
Keep this Lineage II Commemorative Mark safe and it will bring you luck. If destroyed, it loses its effect.
Some Vitality is replenished upon use. The effect does not apply to pets. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
Some Vitality is replenished upon use. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
Event Item. Reward box containing two village Scrolls of Escape. Double-click on this item to see what you've won.
Event Item. Reward box containing various Attribute Stones. Double-click on the container to see what you've won.
Event Item. Reward box containing unusual liquid refreshments. Double-click on the container to see what you've won.
Event Item. Reward box containing one village Scroll of Escape. Double-click on this item to see what you've won.
Event Item. Reward box containing various Attribute Stones. Double-click on the container to see what you've won.
Event Item. Reward box containing unusual liquid refreshments. Double-click on the container to see what you've won.
Event Item. Reward box containing unusual liquid refreshments. Double-click on the container to see what you've won.
Weapon enchant scroll only usable on Master Yogi's Staff, which you can receive from Master Yogi in town. Lucky Enchant S
Treasure chest crafted by Master Yogi.\nInside is his enchant scroll.
Offered by Master Yogi, what it grants you depends on how lucky you are.
Allows you to summon a Minion who temporarily casts Wizard-type battle buff.
Allows you to summon a Minion who temporarily casts Wizard-type battle buff.
Allows you to summon a Minion who temporarily casts Wizard-type battle buff.
Allows you to summon a Minion who temporarily casts Wizard-type battle buff.
Holds the method for changing into a Final Form Aerial Transformed Object.
Holds the method for changing into an Assault-Type Aerial Transformed Object.
Holds the method for changing into a Shooting-Type Aerial Transformed Object.
Holds the method for combining with a Servitor.
License showing that your clan can summon the Airship
Allows you to transform into a Human mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Gludio Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Elven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Gludio Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Dark Elven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Gludio Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Orc mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Gludio Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Dwarven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Gludio Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Kamael mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Gludio Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Knight mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Gludio Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Archer mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Gludio Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Wizard mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Gludio Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Centurion Mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Gludio Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Knight Captain mercenary. Can only be used by an Exalted Mercenary in Gludio Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Commander mercenary. Can only be used by an Exalted Mercenary in Gludio Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Human mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Dion Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Elven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Dion Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Dark Elven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Dion Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Orc mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Dion Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Dwarven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Dion Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Kamael mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Dion Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Knight mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Dion Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Archer mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Dion Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Wizard mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Dion Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Centurion Mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Dion Territory.

Pagina 171

Allows you to transform into a Knight Captain mercenary. Can only be used by an Exalted Mercenary in Dion Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Commander mercenary. Can only be used by an Exalted Mercenary in Dion Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Human mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Giran Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Elven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Giran Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Dark Elven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Giran Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Orc mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Giran Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Dwarven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Giran Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Kamael mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Giran Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Knight mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Giran Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Archer mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Giran Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Wizard mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Giran Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Centurion Mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Giran Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Knight Captain mercenary. Can only be used by an Exalted Mercenary in Giran Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Commander mercenary. Can only be used by an Exalted Mercenary in Giran Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Human mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Oren Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Elven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Oren Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Dark Elven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Oren Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Orc mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Oren Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Dwarven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Oren Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Kamael mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Oren Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Knight mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Oren Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Archer mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Oren Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Wizard mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Oren Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Centurion Mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Oren Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Knight Captain mercenary. Can only be used by an Exalted Mercenary in Oren Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Commander mercenary. Can only be used by an Exalted Mercenary in Oren Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Human mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Aden Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Elven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Aden Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Dark Elven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Aden Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Orc mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Aden Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Dwarven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Aden Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Kamael mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Aden Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Knight mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Aden Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Archer mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Aden Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Wizard mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Aden Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Centurion Mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Aden Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Knight Captain mercenary. Can only be used by an Exalted Mercenary in Aden Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Commander mercenary. Can only be used by an Exalted Mercenary in Aden Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Human mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Innadril Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Elven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Innadril Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Dark Elven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Innadril Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Orc mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Innadril Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Dwarven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Innadril Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Kamael mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Innadril Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Knight mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Innadril Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Archer mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Innadril Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Wizard mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Innadril Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Centurion Mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Innadril Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Knight Captain mercenary. Can only be used by an Exalted Mercenary in Innadril Territory.

Pagina 172

Allows you to transform into a Commander mercenary. Can only be used by an Exalted Mercenary in Innadril Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Human mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Goddard Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Elven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Goddard Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Dark Elven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Goddard Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Orc mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Goddard Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Dwarven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Goddard Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Kamael mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Goddard Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Knight mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Goddard Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Archer mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Goddard Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Wizard mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Goddard Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Centurion Mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Goddard Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Knight Captain mercenary. Can only be used by an Exalted Mercenary in Goddard Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Commander mercenary. Can only be used by an Exalted Mercenary in Goddard Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Human mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Rune Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Elven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Rune Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Dark Elven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Rune Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Orc mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Rune Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Dwarven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Rune Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Kamael mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Rune Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Knight mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Rune Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Archer mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Rune Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Wizard mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Rune Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Centurion Mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Rune Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Knight Captain mercenary. Can only be used by an Exalted Mercenary in Rune Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Commander mercenary. Can only be used by an Exalted Mercenary in Rune Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Human mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Schuttgart Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Elven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Schuttgart Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Dark Elven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Schuttgart Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Orc mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Schuttgart Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Dwarven mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Schuttgart Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Kamael mercenary. Can only be used by an ordinary mercenary in Schuttgart Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Knight mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Schuttgart Territory.
Allows you to transform into an Archer mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Schuttgart Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Wizard mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Schuttgart Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Centurion Mercenary. Can only be used by an elite mercenary in Schuttgart Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Knight Captain mercenary. Can only be used by an Exalted Mercenary in Schuttgart Territory.
Allows you to transform into a Commander mercenary. Can only be used by an Exalted Mercenary in Schuttgart Territory.
Allows you to hide your name when participating in a battle in Gludio Territory.
Allows you to hide your name when participating in a battle in Dion Territory.
Allows you to hide your name when participating in a battle in Giran Territory.
Allows you to hide your name when participating in a battle in Oren Territory.
Allows you to hide your name when participating in a battle in Aden Territory.
Allows you to hide your name when participating in a battle in Innadril Territory.
Allows you to hide your name when participating in a battle in Goddard Territory.
Allows you to hide your name when participating in a battle in Rune Territory.
Allows you to hide your name when participating in a battle in Schuttgart Territory.
Cloak with luxurious embroidery. When the seal is cancelled, it'll have Dark Resistance +30 effect. The seal can be cancelled
Mark given to an adventurer who successfully completes Keucereus' order to break through to the Hall of Suffering. This mar
Mark given to an adventurer who successfully completes Kucereus' order to conquer the Hall of Erosion. Mark given to prove

Pagina 173

Gracian Anniversary Coins. When possessed, a reward can be acquired.

You can acquire Gracia Anniversary Coins by using a Gracian treasure chest. Cooldown is 10 min.
Box that has the symbol of Gludio. Low grade magic pin that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Dion. Low grade magic pin that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Giran. Low grade magic pin that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Oren. Low grade magic pin that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Aden. Low grade magic pin that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Innadril. Low grade magic pin that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Goddard. Low grade magic pin that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Rune. Low grade magic pin that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Schuttgart. Low grade magic pin that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Gludio. Low grade magic Pouch that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Dion. Low grade magic Pouch that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Giran. Low grade magic Pouch that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Oren. Low grade magic Pouch that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Aden. Low grade magic Pouch that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Innadril. Low grade magic Pouch that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Goddard. Low grade magic Pouch that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Rune. Low grade magic Pouch that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Schuttgart. A-grade , S magic pouch that can be attached to the belt is packaged.
Box that has the symbol of Gludio. At a certain rate, a low grade belt can be acquired.
Box that has the symbol of Dion. At a certain rate, a low grade belt can be acquired.
Box that has the symbol of Giran. At a certain rate, a low grade belt can be acquired.
Box that has the symbol of Oren. At a certain rate, a low grade belt can be acquired.
Box that has the symbol of Aden. At a certain rate, a low grade belt can be acquired.
Box that has the symbol of Innadril. At a certain rate, a low grade belt can be acquired.
Box that has the symbol of Goddard. At a certain rate, a low grade belt can be acquired.
Box that has the symbol of Rune. At a certain rate, a low grade belt can be acquired.
Box that has the symbol of Schuttgart. At a certain rate, a low grade belt can be acquired.
Marks of Battle can be exchanged through the Olympiad Manager Mysterious Butler located in each village.

Design for making an Energy Star Stone. Requires Create Common item level 9. Success rate is 100%.
Design for making a High-quality Energy Star Stone. Requires Create Common item level 9. Success rate is 100%.
When Double-clicked, the Star Stone Extraction skill level 1 can be learned. Can be acquired by level 75 or above.
Expert Text that teaches the Star Stone Collection skill. Lv. 2 Expert Text.
Expert Text that teaches the Star Stone Collection skill. Lv. 3 Expert Text.
Magically teleports you to the Town of Gludio.
Magically teleports you to the Town of Dion.
Magically teleports you to the Town of Giran.
Magically teleports you to the Town of Oren.
Magically teleports you to the Town of Aden.
Magically teleports you to the Town of Innadril.
Magically teleports you to the Town of Goddard.
Magically teleports you to the Town of Rune.
Magically teleports you to the Town of Schuttgart.
Small piece obtained on the Aerial Cleft battleground. Though weak, it seems as if a great amount of energy is condensed in
Restores 5000 HP, and the remaining power restores CP. Instant effect with no duration.

Pagina 174

Badge bearing the mark of Gludio territory.

Badge bearing the mark of Dion territory.
Badge bearing the mark of Giran territory.
Badge bearing the mark of Oren territory.
Badge bearing the mark of Aden territory.
Badge bearing the mark of Innadril territory.
Badge bearing the mark of Goddard territory.
Badge bearing the mark of Rune territory.
Badge bearing the mark of Schuttgart territory.
Certificate showing your qualification as a mercenary.
Certificate showing your qualification as a mercenary.
Certificate showing your qualification as a mercenary.
By putting catalyzer inside Seed of Infinity, the device creates artificial tissue to eliminate the monsters that attack the Seed o
It's an ointment that's made of the ingredients easily found in daily life and almost completely blocks the skin oxidation. It less
Mysterious curative cloth that almost completely blocks the foreign contagion, which is the true nature of the Seed of Infinity,
Ancient Gracian scent used to keep a body from decaying. It stops severe Bleeding up to the maximum effect 8 caused by th
Ancient Gracian scent used to cure people who are possessed by ghosts. It neutralizes the powerful Poison up to the maxim
Mysterious drug that seems to have been used in ancient Gracian sacrificial rituals. It cancels the effect of Bleeding and Pois
Amulet frequently used by ancient Gracian nobles. It gives the ability to resurrect and protection against death. Can be used
Lavishly adorned with jewels, this box looks like contains items of exceeding value.
Covered in opaque multi-colored mother-of-pearl, just looking at this box fills you with expectation.
Covered in gold, this box looks like it would fetch a hefty sum in any market.
Covered in silver, this box shines like a mirror.
This utilitarian box looks like it might contain some useful items.
This plain box makes you curious to look inside.
This small box can't hold anything of value -- can it?
This small, battered-looking box probably isn't worth your time.
This old, dust-covered box looks fairly worthless.
This box looks like it's falling apart.
Item can be useful in Handy's Block Checker matches. Used in the blocks.
Item can be useful in Handy's Block Checker matches. Used in the blocks.
Used to hide your name in Kratei's Cube.
Transformed Object: Block-Flipping Transformation Scroll
Transformed Object: Block-Flipping Transformation Scroll
Energy from ghosts that flow through the Seed of Infinity reside within this item. Can be used at Special Product Broker Kirkla
Container having a ghosts being flown out of the Seed of Infinity. Seed of Infinity attack/ defend reward
The ruin left when the ghosts have run out of their energy while being flown in the Seed of Infinity. Seed of Infinity collection a
Contains the treasure of the ancient Giants. Double-click to open it.
Frog transformation scroll that was given by Secret Agent Colin. Use the scroll to obtain the bead from the Frog King at Narse
Frog transformation scroll that was given by Secret Agent Colin. Use the scroll to obtain candy from Grandma Tess at Narsel
Used by Elmoreden Emperor Shunaiman's guards, it can open the door engulfed in the Flame of Lilim inside the Necropolis.
This magic staff can open the door to the Disciple's Necropolis using its powerful removal skill.
Letter detailing Gracia's imminent crisis. Deliver it to Commander Keucereus in the Gracia region.
Introduction received from Keucereus. If you go northwest from Keucereus Alliance Base, you can reach the Seed of Infinity.
Introduction received from Keucereus. Deliver it to Sergeant Allenos, located at the Seed of Destruction west of Keucereus A
Introduction received from Croop. Deliver it to Guard Hector at the north entrance to Oren Castle and learn about the wherea
Necklace discovered at contractor Jacob's body.
Deliver Croop's letter requesting a memorial service for Contractor Jacob to High Priest Hollint in Einhasad's Temple inside O
Deliver this herb, collected in Enchanted Valley, to Priest Cain near the Town of Oren.

Pagina 175

Deliver Priest Cain's report about the Seven Signs to Sir Gustav Athebaldt in the Town of Oren.
Introduction received from Sir Athebaldt. Bring it to Secret Agent Colin in the Southern entrance of the town of Aden.
Gloves received from the Native Kuta. Bring it to the Secret Agent Colin of the town of Aden.
Bead obtained from the Frog King. Bring it to the Secret Agent Colin of the town of Aden.
Candy pouch obtained from Grandma Tess. Bring it to the Secret Agent Colin of the town of Aden.
Identity card of the guards of the Dawn that was given by Lady Claudia. The qualification one needs to enter the Dawn Lord's
Details a secret contract between Emperor Shunaiman and the Merchant of Mammon regarding the Seven Signs. Deliver it to
This apparently sealed a promise the Merchant of Mammon made to the Elmoreden Emperor Shunaiman. It seems to be hidi
Proof that all Necropolis and Catacombs have been sealed. Deliver it to Emperor Shunaiman (Elmoreden Era).
Vial of Emperor Shunaiman's blood, which is the key to activate the Necropolis sealing device. Activate the device!
This allows you meet Franz. Deliver it to High Priest Orven in the Town of Aden.
This prayer Has been passed down from one high-ranking Priest of the Dawn to the next, stretching back to the Elmoreden E
This obscure text is hand-written in ancient ciphers.
Deliver this tissue sample to Magister Rohmer in the Temple of Einhasad in the Town of Gludio.
Deliver this tissue sample to Magister Rohmer in the Temple of Einhasad in the Town of Gludio.
Deliver this tissue sample to Magister Mirien in the Temple of Einhasad in the Town of Dion.
Deliver this tissue sample of Seer Flouros to Magister Mirien in the Temple of Einhasad in the Town of Dion.
Deliver this tissue sample to Magister Minevia in the Temple of Einhasad in the Town of Heine.
Deliver this tissue sample to Magister Minevia in the Temple of Einhasad in the Town of Heine.
Deliver this tissue sample to Magister Rovia in the Temple of Einhasad in the Town of Oren.
Deliver this tissue sample to Magister Rovia in the Temple of Einhasad in the Town of Oren.
Deliver this tissue sample to Magister Atraxia in the Temple of Einhasad in the Town of Schuttgart.
Deliver this tissue sample to Magister Atraxia in the Temple of Einhasad in the Town of Schuttgart.
Deliver this tissue sample to Magister Kayan in the Temple of Einhasad in the Town of Rune.
Energy from the Dragonkin that infest the Seed of Destruction. Can be used at Special Product Broker Kirklan.
SuppleMental scroll created for adventurers who are inexperienced in collecting Star Stones.
Obtained after activating the sealing device, it proves that the sealing device was properly sealed. Deliver it to Emperor Shun
This Mysterious Fragment seems to possess a wicked power.
Obtain this ionized set of armor after defeating the Headless Knight who terrorized the natives.
The signature product of the Town of Dion.
Epaulette once worn by the Bloody Axe Aide.
Nebulite Orb requested by the Ivory Tower.
Contains an account of Inspector Medibal's investigation of the Seed of Destruction. Deliver it to the wounded Guard Ell at Ke
The Shards of Broken Darkness, which bore out of the life forms of evil when they were destroyed. Collect them and take the
Obtained by purging the Shards of Broken Darkness, deliver it to War Mage Artius.
Fragment piece that looks like it will break at any moment. Sacred light flows out from it. If you are prepared for it to break, th
Obtained from Vulture Rider's and Elite Rider's. Deliver them to Dwarf Engineer Lekon at Keucereus Alliance Base as proof o
Issued by Dwarven Engineer Lekon. This certificate proves you have the ability to fly safely in Gracian airs.
Coarse, Red Star Stone fragment. Higher quality Red Star Stone fragments can be extracted when you have more practice.
Coarse, Blue Star Stone fragment. Higher quality Blue Star Stone fragments can be extracted when you have more practice.
Coarse, Green Star Stone fragment. Higher quality Green Star Stone fragments can be extracted when you have more practi
Materializes after the reckless Water Spirit is destroyed. Take it to the Male Attribute Master.
Materializes after the reckless Wind Spirit is destroyed. Take it to Attribute Master Yang.
Obtained through hunting in the Seed of Infinity. If you take them to Special Product Broker Kirklan you can exchange 5 of th
Obtained after defeating Tiat, it represents Tiat's authority and power. Take it to Special Product Broker Kirklan at Keucereus
Obtained through hunting in the Seed of Destruction. If you take them to Special Product Broker Kirklan, you can exchange 5
Obtained in the Seed of Infinity. Take these Restless Souls to Special Product Broker Kirklan to exchange them for a reward.
Tiat Charm fragment that can be harvested by collecting in the Seed of Destruction region. If you bring it to the Special Produ
Badge of Yehan Klodekus, who degenerated into a Death Knight through M. Atk. of the Seed of Infinity.

Pagina 176

Badge of Yehan Klanikus, who degenerated into a Death Knight through M. Atk. of the Seed of Infinity.
Crystal left behind after the death of Kohemenus, who degenerated into a Lich through M. Atk. of the Seed of Infinity.
Take this large golden feather to Dwarven Engineer Lekon at Keucereus Alliance Base and receive a reward.
Swallowed by the Rok that roams the Seed of Destruction's dungeon or one of its Variant Falcon or Dra Hawk minions. Colle
Swallowed by the Rok that roams the Seed of Destruction's dungeon or one of its Variant Falcon or Dra Hawk minions. Colle
Swallowed by the Rok that roams the Seed of Destruction's dungeon or one of its Variant Falcon or Dra Hawk minions. Colle
Obtained by hunting Floating Skulls and Floating Zombies. Take them to War Mage Artius.
Proof that you have captured the Banshee Queen. Take it to War Mage Artius.
Obtained by hunting Variant Drake Wing minions. Collect them and take them to injured Soldier Tenius at Keucereus Alliance
Obtained from injured Soldier Tenius, this small vial contains spoiled blood that he claims contains the collected anger toward
Drake exclusive bait made by combining Drake flesh and a little bit of the rotten blood. If this Bait for Drakes is used when Se
Horn that sprouts out from the body of the Variant Drake. If you bring it to the injured soldier Tenis or soldier Plenos at Keuce
Sealed Holy Spirit's Cloak. When the seal is cancelled, it'll have Dark Attribute Resistance +30 effect. The seal can be cancel
Can be attached to Sealed Magic Pin and Belt. And the seal can be cancelled through the weaver Olf Kanore and Olf Adams
Can be attached to Sealed Magic Pin and Belt. And the seal can be cancelled through the weaver Olf Kanore and Olf Adams
Can be attached to Sealed Magic Pin and Belt. And the seal can be cancelled through the weaver Olf Kanore and Olf Adams
Can be attached to Sealed Magic Pin and Belt. And the seal can be cancelled through the weaver Olf Kanore and Olf Adams
Low-grade Magic Pin that can improve the function of Cloth Belt.
Magic Pin that can improve the function of Cloth Belt.
High-grade Magic Pin that can improve the function of Cloth Belt.
Top-grade Magic Pin that can improve the function of Cloth Belt.
Low-grade Magic Pin that can improve the function of Leather Belt.
Magic Pin that can improve the function of Leather Belt.
High-grade Magic Pin that can improve the function of Leather Belt.
Top-grade Magic Pin that can improve the function of Leather Belt.
Low-grade Magic Pin that can improve the function of Iron Belt.
Magic Pin that can improve the function of Iron Belt.
High-grade Magic Pin that can improve the function of Iron Belt.
Top-grade Magic Pin that can improve the function of Iron Belt.
Low-grade Magic Pin that can improve the function of Mithril Belt.
Magic Pin that can improve the function of Mithril Belt.
High-grade Magic Pin that can improve the function of Mithril Belt.
Top-grade Magic Pin that can improve the function of Mithril Belt.
Item can be attached to a Sealed Magic Belt by weaver Olf Kanore or Olf Adams. They can also unseal these items.
Item can be attached to a Sealed Magic Belt by weaver Olf Kanore or Olf Adams. They can also unseal these items.
Item can be attached to a Sealed Magic Belt by weaver Olf Kanore or Olf Adams. They can also unseal these items.
Item can be attached to a Sealed Magic Belt by weaver Olf Kanore or Olf Adams. They can also unseal these items.
Low-grade Magic Pouch that can improve the function of Cloth Belt.
Magic Pouch that can improve the function of Cloth Belt.
High-grade Magic Pouch that can improve the function of Cloth Belt.
Top-grade Magic Pouch that can improve the function of Cloth Belt.
Low-grade Magic Pouch that can improve the function of Leather Belt.
Magic Pouch that can improve the function of Leather Belt.
High-grade Magic Pouch that can improve the function of Leather Belt.
Top-grade Magic Pouch that can improve the function of Leather Belt.
Low-grade Magic Pouch that can improve the function of Iron Belt.
Magic Pouch that can improve the function of Iron Belt.
High-grade Magic Pouch that can improve the function of Iron Belt.
Top-grade Magic Pouch that can improve the function of Iron Belt.

Pagina 177

Low-grade Magic Pouch that can improve the function of Mithril Belt.
Magic Pouch that can improve the function of Mithril Belt.
High-grade Magic Pouch that can improve the function of Mithril Belt.
Top-grade Magic Pouch that can improve the function of Mithril Belt.
Collection suppleMental scroll created for Adventurers who aren't familiar with collecting Star Stones.
Can receive one of the event's top reward items, a Dynasty weapon item. You are a lucky person to receive this prize.
Can receive one of the event's top reward items, a Dynasty armor item.
Double-click to open this item and receive an S-grade Weapon.
Double-click to open this item and receive a sealed S-grade Armor Fragment.
Double-click to open this item and receive a sealed S-grade Accessory.
Design for making a Fire Crystal. Requires Create Common item level 9. Success rate is 100%.
Design for making a Water Crystal. Requires Create Common item level 9. Success rate is 100%.
Design for making a Wind Crystal. Requires Create Common item level 9. Success rate is 100%.
Design for making an Earth Crystal. Requires Create Common item level 9. Success rate is 100%.
Design for making a Dark Crystal. Requires Create Common item level 9. Success rate is 100%.
Design for making a Holy Crystal. Requires Create Common item level 9. Success rate is 100%.
Pouch bearing the unique pattern of Gludio.
Pouch bearing the unique pattern of Dion. Can be attached additionally to the hair accessory.
Pouch bearing the unique pattern of Giran. Can be attached additionally to the hair accessory.
Pouch bearing the unique pattern of Oren. Can be attached additionally to the hair accessory.
Pouch bearing the unique pattern of Aden. Can be attached additionally to the hair accessory.
Pouch bearing the unique pattern of Innadril. Can be attached additionally to the hair accessory.
Pouch bearing the unique pattern of Goddard. Can be attached additionally to the hair accessory.
Pouch bearing the unique pattern of Rune. Can be attached additionally to the hair accessory.
Pouch bearing the unique pattern of Schuttgart. Can be attached additionally to the hair accessory.
Enhance Stone that raises up the power of a Vesper item. Can be exchanged with a Vesper Noble item through Maestro Ishu
Fragment extracted from a Red Star Stone. Can be used in crafting useful items.
Fragment extracted from a Blue Star Stone. Can be used in crafting useful items.
Fragment extracted from a Green Star Stone. Can be used in crafting useful items.
Fragment extracted from a Red Star Stone. Can be used in crafting useful items.
Fragment extracted from a Blue Star Stone. Can be used in crafting useful items.
Fragment extracted from a Green Star Stone. Can be used in crafting useful items.
Mass compressed with extracted seed energy. Contains strong energy of fire. Can craft a useful item through combining.
Mass compressed with extracted seed energy. Contains strong Energy of Water. Can craft a useful item through combining.
Mass compressed with extracted seed energy. Contains strong energy of wind. Can craft a useful item through combining.
Mass compressed with extracted seed energy. Contains strong energy of earth. Can craft a useful item through combining.
Mass compressed with extracted seed energy. Contains strong Dark energy. Can craft a useful item through combining.
Mass compressed with extracted seed energy. Contains strong Holy energy. Can craft a useful item through combining.
Mid-grade mass compressed with extracted seed energy. Contains strong energy of fire. Can craft a useful item through com
Mid-grade mass compressed with extracted seed energy. Contains strong Energy of Water. Can craft a useful item through c
Mid-grade mass compressed with extracted seed energy. Contains strong energy of wind. Can craft a useful item through co
Mid-grade mass compressed with extracted seed energy. Contains strong energy of earth. Can craft a useful item through co
Mid-grade mass compressed with extracted seed energy. Contains strong Dark energy. Can craft a useful item through comb
Mid-grade mass compressed with extracted seed energy. Contains strong Holy energy. Can craft a useful item through comb
Design for making a Stone of Stamina exclusively for flying transformed objects. Requires Create Common item level 9. Succ
Design for making a Stone of Mana exclusively for flying transformed objects. Requires Create Common item level 9. Succes
Design for making a Stone of Recovery exclusively for flying transformed objects. Requires Create Common item level 9. Suc
Design for making a Stone of Destruction exclusively for flying transformed objects. Requires Create Common item level 9. S
Design for making a Stone of Invincibility exclusively for flying transformed objects. Requires Create Common item level 9. Su

Pagina 178

Design for making a Stone of Great Speed exclusively for flying transformed objects. Requires Create Common item level 9.
Design for making a Stone of Speed exclusively for flying transformed objects. Requires Create Common item level 9. Succe
Design for making a Stone of Concentration exclusively for flying transformed objects. Requires Create Common item level 9
Design for making a Stone of Ease exclusively for flying transformed objects. Requires Create Common item level 9. Succes
Design for making a Stone of Abundance exclusively for flying transformed objects. Requires Create Common item level 9. S
Restores stamina during use. Item exclusively for flying transformed objects.
Greatly restores stamina during use. Item exclusively for flying transformed objects.
Restores mana during use. Item exclusively for flying transformed objects.
Greatly restores mana during use. Item exclusively for flying transformed objects.
Restores stamina and mana during use. Item exclusively for flying transformed objects.
Greatly restores stamina and mana during use. Item exclusively for flying transformed objects.
P. Atk. Increases for 20 min. during use. Item exclusively for flying transformed objects.
P. Def. increases for 20 min. during use. Item exclusively for flying transformed objects.
Atk. Spd. and Casting Spd. Increases for 20 min. during use. Item exclusively for flying transformed objects.
Speed increases for 20 min. during use. Item exclusively for flying transformed objects.
P. Critical Rate increases for 20 min. during use. Item exclusively for flying transformed objects.
Max HP increases for 20 min. during use. Item exclusively for flying transformed objects.
Max MP increases for 20 min. during use. Item exclusively for flying transformed objects.

Item needed to upgrade Vesper armor to Noble Vesper armor through Maestro Ishuma.
Replenishes some Vitality upon use. Cooldown is 60 min.
Item that allows you to summon a Toy Knight. Hunger gauge lasts 5 hours. Cannot feed pet to refill hunger gauge.
Item that allows you to summon a Spirit Shaman. Hunger gauge lasts 5 hours.
Item that allows you to summon an owl monk.
Item that allows you to summon a Turtle Ascetic. Hunger gauge lasts 5 hours.
Coupon that can be exchanged for a necklace (5-hour) that summons a Superior Minion.
Replenishes some Vitality upon use. Cooldown is 60 min.
A coupon that can be exchanged for a necklace that allows you to summon a Superior Minion (5-hour).
Enchant success rate +20% for weapons (D-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Enchant success rate +18% for weapons (C-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Enchant success rate +15% for weapons (B-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Enchant success rate +12% for weapons (A-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (S-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Enchant success rate +35% for armor (D-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchan
Enchant success rate +27% for armor (C-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchan
Enchant success rate +23% for armor (B-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchan
Enchant success rate +18% for armor (A-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchan
Enchant success rate +15% for armor (S-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchan
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augme
Mid-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
High-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
The highest-grade mineral available that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Hell Knights level 83 or above to learn the Seed of Revenge.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Hell Knights level 83 or above to learn Hell Scream.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Phoenix Knights level 83 or above to learn Spirit of the Phoenix.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Eva's Templars level 83 or above to learn Eva's Will.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Shillien Templars level 83 or above to learn Pain of Shilen.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Adventurers level 83 or above to learn Exciting Adventure.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Wind Riders level 83 or above to learn Wind Riding.

Pagina 179

This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Ghost Hunters level 83 or above to learn Ghost Walking.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Sagittarius level 83 or above to learn Flame Hawk.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Moonlight Sentinels level 83 or above to learn Arrow Rain.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Ghost Sentinels level 83 or above to learn Ghost Piercing.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Dreadnoughts level 83 or above to learn Dread Pool.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Grand Khavataris level 83 or above to learn Force of Destruction.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Titans level 83 or above to learn Demolition Impact.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Maestros level 83 or above to learn Golem Armor.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Tricksters level 83 or above to learn Wild Shot.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Soul Hounds level 83 or above to learn Lightning Shock.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Archmages level 83 or above to learn Flame Armor.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Mystic Muse level 83 or above to learn Frost Armor.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Storm Screamers level 83 or above to learn Hurricane Armor.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Soul Takers level 83 or above to learn Vampiric Mist.
Archmages and Soul Takers level 81 or above will need a Spellbook in order to learn Meteor from this Forgotten Scroll.
Mystic Muses and Storm Screamers level 81 or above will need a Spellbook in order to learn Star Fall from this Forgotten Sc
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Cardinals level 83 or above to learn Sublime Self-sacrifice.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Eva's Saints level 83 or above to learn Blessing of Eva.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Shillien Saints level 83 or above to learn Lord of Vampires.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Shillien Saints to learn Thorn Root.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Dominators level 83 or above to learn Seal of Limit.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Sword Muses level 83 or above to learn Song of Purification.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Spectral Dancers level 83 or above to learn Dance of Berserker.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Phoenix Knights level 83 or above to learn Summon Lesser Phoenix.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Grand Khavataris level 83 or above to learn Maximum Force Focus.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Duelists level 83 or above to learn Maximum Sonic Focus.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Duelists level 83 or above to learn Weapon Blockade.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Arcana Lords level 83 or above to learn Spirit of the Cat.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Elemental Masters level 83 or above to learn Spirit of the Unicorn.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Spectral Masters level 83 or above to learn Spirit of the Phantom.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Phoenix Knights, Hell Knights, Eva's Templars, Shillien Templars, Sword Muses and Sp
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Duelists, Grand Khavataris, Dreadnoughts, Titans, Fortune Seekers, Maestros and Doo
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Adventurers, Wind Riders, and Ghost Hunters level 81 or above to learn Hide.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Adventurers, Wind Riders, and Ghost Hunters level 81 or above to learn Dual Dagger M
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Sagittarius, Moonlight Sentinels and Ghost Sentinels level 81 or above to learn Seven A
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Archmages, Soul Takers, Mystic Muses, Storm Screamers and Soul Hounds level 81 or
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Cardinals, Hierophants, Eva's Saints, Shillien Saints, Dominators and Doomcryers level
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Warcryers level 72 or above to learn Chant of Movement.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Overlords level 70 or above to learn Combat of Pa'agrio.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Overlords level 74 or above to learn Critical of Pa'agrio.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Overlords level 72 or above to learn Condition of Pa'agrio.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Dagger Master classes to learn Dual Blow. Can be learned by level 83 or above.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Mages level 81 or above to learn Magician's Will.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Sagittarius, Moonlight Sentinels and Ghost Sentinels level 81 or above to learn Silent M
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Cardinals, Hierophants, Eva's Saints, Shillien Saints, Dominators and Doomcryers level
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Fortune Seekers level 83 or above to learn Lucky Strike. Cannot be exchanged or drop
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Doombringers level 83 or above to learn Eye for Eye. Cannot be exchanged or dropped
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Soul Takers to learn Curse of Desparion.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Hierophants level 83 or above to learn Counter Critical.

Pagina 180

This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Dominators level 83 or above to learn Onslaught of Pa'agrio.
This Forgotten Scroll can be used by Doomcryers level 83 or above to learn Great Fury.
Wrapped Pack\n containing Agathion - Angry Devil (30-day).
Wrapped Pack\n containing Agathion - Shiny (30-day).
Wrapped Pack\n containing Agathion - Sobbing (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing bracelet that summons a Gold Maned Lion (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing bracelet that summons a Steam Beetle (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing units of Vitality Replenishing Potion.
Wrapped Pack containing Snow Man Transformation Stick (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Scarecrow Jack Transformation Stick (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Tin Golem Transformation Stick (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Teddy Boy Bracelet (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Teddy Girl Bracelet (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing 2 coupon that can be exchanged for a necklace that allows you to summon a Superior Minion (5-h
Wrapped Pack containing bracelet that summons a Gold Maned Lion (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing bracelet that summons a Steam Beetle (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing units of Vitality Replenishing Potion.
Wrapped Pack containing Snow Man Transformation Stick (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Scarecrow Jack Transformation Stick (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Tin Golem Transformation Stick (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Teddy Boy Bracelet (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Teddy Girl Bracelet (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing coupon that can be exchanged for a necklace that allows you to summon a Superior Minion (5-hou
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Angry Devil (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Shiny (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Sobbing (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing D-grade weapon Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing C-grade weapon Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing B-grade weapon Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing A-grade weapon Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing S-grade weapon Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing D-grade armor Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing C-grade armor Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing B-grade armor Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing A-grade armor Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing S-grade armor Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing Snow Man Transformation Stick (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Scarecrow Jack Transformation Stick (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Tin Golem Stick (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Teddy Boy (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Teddy Girl (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Angry Devil (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Shiny (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Sobbing (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Snow Man Transformation Stick (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Scarecrow Jack Transformation Stick (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Tin Golem Transformation Stick (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Teddy Boy Bracelet (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Teddy Girl Bracelet (7-day).

Pagina 181

Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Angry Devil (7-day).

Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Shiny (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Sobbing (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing D-grade weapon Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing C-grade weapon Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing B-grade weapon Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing A-grade weapon Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing S-grade weapon Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing D-grade armor Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing C-grade armor Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing B-grade armor Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing A-grade armor Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing S-grade armor Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 units of Vitality Replenishing Potion.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 units of Vitality Replenishing Potion.
Wrapped Pack containing 2 coupon that can be exchanged for a necklace that allows you to summon a Superior Minion (5-h
Wrapped Pack containing coupon that can be exchanged for a necklace that allows you to summon a Superior Minion (5-hou
Gracian Anniversary Coins can be used at an Item Merchant in order to receive a reward.
The Mysterious Sculpture possesses a mysterious power left from a dying creature.
The Mysterious Sculpture possesses a mysterious power left from a dying creature.
The Mysterious Sculpture possesses a mysterious power left from a dying creature.
The Mysterious Sculpture possesses a mysterious power left from a dying creature.
The Mysterious Sculpture possesses a mysterious power left from a dying creature.
The Mysterious Sculpture possesses a mysterious power left from a dying creature.
The Mysterious Sculpture possesses a mysterious power left from a dying creature.
The Mysterious Sculpture possesses a mysterious power left from a dying creature.
The Mysterious Sculpture possesses a mysterious power left from a dying creature.
Piece of cloth soaked in the blood of angels and Platinum race that Magister Kaspar asked for.
Large piece of white cloth given by Magister Kaspar. Stain the cloth with the blood of angels and the Platinum race in the Tow
The wrapped pack containing 3 sheets of Feather of Resurrection, 3 sheets of Minion Pet Coupon (5-hour), 1 Mount - Darkm
Box that has the symbol of Gludio. Has a chance of containing high grade magic pin that can be attached to a belt.
Box that has the symbol of Dion. Has a chance of containing high grade magic pin that can be attached to a belt.
Box that has the symbol of Giran. Has a chance of containing high grade magic pin that can be attached to a belt.
Box that has the symbol of Oren. Has a chance of containing high grade magic pin that can be attached to a belt.
Box that has the symbol of Aden. Has a chance of containing high grade magic pin that can be attached to a belt.
Box that has the symbol of Innadril. Has a chance of containing high grade magic pin that can be attached to a belt.
Box that has the symbol of Goddard. Has a chance of containing high grade magic pin that can be attached to a belt.
Box that has the symbol of Rune. Has a chance of containing high grade magic pin that can be attached to a belt.
Box that has the symbol of Schuttgart. Has a chance of containing high grade magic pin that can be attached to a belt.
Box that has the symbol of Gludio. Has a chance of containing high grade magic pouch that can be attached to a belt.
Box that has the symbol of Dion. Has a chance of containing high grade magic pouch that can be attached to a belt.
Box that has the symbol of Giran. Has a chance of containing high grade magic pouch that can be attached to a belt.
Box that has the symbol of Oren. Has a chance of containing high grade magic pouch that can be attached to a belt.
Box that has the symbol of Aden. Has a chance of containing high grade magic pouch that can be attached to a belt.
Box that has the symbol of Innadril. Has a chance of containing high grade magic pouch that can be attached to a belt.
Box that has the symbol of Goddard. Has a chance of containing high grade magic pouch that can be attached to a belt.
Box that has the symbol of Rune. Has a chance of containing high grade magic pouch that can be attached to a belt.
Box that has the symbol of Schuttgart. High grade magic pouch that can be attached to the belt is packaged.
Box that has the symbol of Gludio. Has a chance of containing high grade belt.

Pagina 182

Box that has the symbol of Dion. Has a chance of containing high grade belt.
Box that has the symbol of Giran. Has a chance of containing high grade belt.
Box that has the symbol of Oren. Has a chance of containing high grade belt.
Box that has the symbol of Aden. Has a chance of containing high grade belt.
Box that has the symbol of Innadril. Has a chance of containing high grade belt.
Box that has the symbol of Goddard. Has a chance of containing high grade belt.
Box that has the symbol of Rune. Has a chance of containing high grade belt.
Box that has the symbol of Schuttgart. Has a chance of containing high grade belt.
When double-clicked, 700 PA Points can be acquired.
Sealed Ancient Cloak. The seal can be removed through the weavers Olf Kanore and Olf Adams. It cannot be worn before th
Token given to new or dormant PC in Gracia server. It can be exchanged to an item through Token Exchanger.
Item needed to receive a gift from Santa who goes around each territory.
Santa's buff gift set. When used, can feel yourself becoming stronger by Santa's blessing for 1 hour.
Scroll of Christmas Festival. When you drink it, you can feel the effect temporarily.
Gift from Santa Claus. Double-click this item to open it up and find out what is inside.
The bracelet which can summon cute Rudolph Agathion. You can wear it only during the winter holidays.
Gift from Santa. It can be exchanged with a weapon through Cat of Christmas.
Gift from Santa. It can be exchanged with a weapon through Cat of Christmas.
Something might happen when Double-clicked.
Something might happen when Double-clicked.
Something might happen when Double-clicked.
Something might happen when Double-clicked.
When Double-clicked, Claymore and 5 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Bonebreaker and 5 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Atuba Hammer and 5 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Ghost Staff and 5 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Staff of Life and 5 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Atuba Mace and 5 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Mithril Dagger and 5 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Scallop Jamadhr and 5 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Light Bow and 5 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Glaive and 5 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Elven Long Sword and 5 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Samurai Long Sword and 3 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Deadman's Staff and 3 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Ghoul's Staff and 3 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Demon's Staff and 3 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Crystal Dagger and 3 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Great Pata and 3 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Eminence Bow and 3 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Orcish Poleaxe and 3 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Yaksa Mace and 3 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Berserker Blade and 3 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Ecliptic Sword and 3 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Ecliptic Axe and 3 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Dwarven Hammer and 3 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
When Double-clicked, Katana*Katana and 3 honey wheat cake can be acquired.
Rudolph's Nose. Can be used only during the Christmas season.
Agathion's New Year's gift. You can receive Agathion's gift by Double-clicking.

Pagina 183

Agathion's New Year's gift. You can receive Agathion's gift by Double-clicking.
If you bring it to the Dimensional Merchant, you can exchange a B-grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item.
If you bring it to the Dimensional Merchant, you can exchange an A-grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item.
If you bring it to the Dimensional Merchant, you can exchange an S-grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item.
If you bring it to the Dimensional Merchant, you can exchange a S80-grade ordinary item for a Masterwork Item.
Regenerates HP. Can only be used by characters level 19 or below upon themselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates HP. Can only be used by characters level 20 - 39 upon themselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates HP. Can only be used by characters level 40 - 51 upon themselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates HP. Can only be used by characters level 52 - 60 upon themselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates HP. Can only be used by characters level 61 - 75 upon themselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates HP. Can only be used by characters level 76 - 84 upon themselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates MP. Can only be used by characters level 19 or below upon themselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates MP. Can only be used by characters level 20 - 39 upon themselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates MP. Can only be used by characters between levels 40 and 51 upon themselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates MP. Can only be used by characters level 52 - 60 upon themselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates MP. Can only be used by characters level 61 - 75 upon themselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates MP. Can only be used by characters level 76 - 84 upon themselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates CP. Can only be used by characters level 19 or below upon themselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates CP. Can only be used by characters level 20 - 39 upon themselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates CP. Can only be used by characters level 40 - 51 upon themselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates CP. Can only be used by characters level 52 - 60 upon themselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates CP. Can only be used by characters level 61 - 75 upon themselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
Regenerates CP. Can only be used by characters level 76 - 84 upon themselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
Magical, liquid medicine that greatly restores HP for 15 sec.
Magic potion that instantly restores a significant amount of HP. Instant effect with no duration. Cannot be used when HP is fu
Enchant success rate +20% for weapons (D-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Enchant success rate +18% for weapons (C-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Enchant success rate +15% for weapons (B-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Enchant success rate +12% for weapons (A-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (S-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Enchant success rate +35% for armor (D-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchan
Enchant success rate +27% for armor (C-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchan
Enchant success rate +23% for armor (B-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchan
Enchant success rate +18% for armor (A-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchan
Enchant success rate +15% for armor (S-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchan
Wrapped gift containing assortment of Greater Elixirs (No-grade). Double-click this item in order to receive Greater Elixirs.
Wrapped gift containing assortment of Greater Elixirs (D-grade). Double-click this item in order to receive Greater Elixirs.
Wrapped gift containing assortment of Greater Elixirs (C-grade). Double-click this item in order to receive Greater Elixirs.
Wrapped gift containing assortment of Greater Elixirs (B-grade). Double-click this item in order to receive Greater Elixirs.
Wrapped gift containing assortment of Greater Elixirs (A-grade). Double-click this item in order to receive Greater Elixirs.
Wrapped gift containing assortment of Greater Elixirs (S-grade). Double-click this item in order to receive Greater Elixirs.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Neolithica.
Money used by magic lab animals. Take it to a magic lab to be rewarded.
Rare form of money used by magic lab animals. If you take it to a magic lab you can be rewarded.
Decreases fatigue when used on a cow.
Decreases fatigue when used on a cow. It Has a better effect than Cupid's Fatigue Relief Potion.
Scroll that summons a Milk Cow. If you relieve the Milk Cow's fatigue, you can acquire Apiga. (Recovery is only possible thro
Scroll that summons a Milk Cow Captain. If you relieve the Milk Cow Captain's fatigue, you can acquire Apiga. (Recovery is o
Scroll that summons a Gloomy Milk Cow. Can sometimes transform into a Bull while trying to recover the Milk Cow. (Recover

Pagina 184

Scroll that summons a Gloomy Milk Cow Captain. Can sometimes transform into a Head Bull while trying to recover the Milk C
The Orb Cube can be used once a day for 30 days. Upon Double-clicking this item you will receive a Cube Fragment that can
Cube that can be used 1 time. You can obtain a Crystal Cube Fragment by Double-clicking.
You can confirm the use of this item by talking to the warehouse keeper.
You can confirm the use of this item by talking to the warehouse keeper.
You can confirm the use of this item by talking to the warehouse keeper.
You can confirm the use of this item by talking to the warehouse keeper.
You can confirm the use of this item by talking to the warehouse keeper.
You can confirm the use of this item by talking to the warehouse keeper.
You can confirm the use of this item by talking to the warehouse keeper.
You can confirm the use of this item by talking to the warehouse keeper.
You can confirm the use of this item by talking to the warehouse keeper.
Freshly collected milk. When used, you can feel the effects of Might, Haste, Empower, Acumen, Wind Walk, Vampiric Rage,
Even pack that can be obtained once every 12 hours per account. In order to use this item, Double-click it and you will obtain
When you drink it, you can temporarily feel the Vitality replenishing herb's effect. Can be exchanged. Vitality item with limited
Upon use, for 10 min., you can temporarily feel the Vitality replenishing herb's effect. No effect applies when used while the "B
Upon use, for 20 min., you can temporarily feel the Vitality replenishing herb's effect. No effect applies when used while the "B
When you drink it, you can temporarily feel the Vitality replenishing herb's effect. Vitality item with limited usage.
When you drink it, you can temporarily feel the Vitality replenishing herb's effect. Can be exchanged. Vitality item with limited
Entrance pass that lets you enter Near Kamaloka for a second time. Can cancel the limit on entrance if used while a limit on e
Candy basket to show how you feel on Valentine's Day. Contains 5 Valentine's Day candies. Also contains one of the followin
Candy basket to show how you feel on Valentine's Day. Contains 1 Valentine's Day Candy. Can receive a bonus limited item
Valentine's Day gift box for solo players. Contains 1 solo escape petition. Can receive a bonus limited item (wild rose pig can
Valentine's Day Candy filled with love. Replenishes some Vitality upon use. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usa
Fragrant grass that wishes for a solo player's escape. Vitality is maintained for 10 min. upon use. Cooldown is 30 min. Vitality
For 10 min., increases Max HP. Increases some HP Regeneration.
For 10 min., increases Max MP and HP. Increases P. Def., M. Def., Debuff Resistance., Atk. Spd., Casting Spd., and Speed.
For 10 min., increases Max MP. Increases some MP Regeneration.
Recovers HP when in use. Restricted to characters higher than level 61 and lower than level 75. Can only be used on the ba
Recovers MP when in use. Restricted to characters higher than level 61 and lower than level 75. Can only be used on the ba
Recovers CP when in use. Restricted to characters higher than level 61 and lower than level 75. Can only be used on the ba
Pet food for Great Wolves and Fenrirs. When your pet's hunger gauge drops below 55% they will be able to feed themselves
Bugle used to summon a Guardian's Strider. Takes a part of the XP gained by the Pet master.
Key used to remove the time restriction on instance and allows you to enter the Hall of Suffering. Can only be used once a da
Key used to remove the time restriction on instance and allows you to enter the Hall of Erosion. Can only be used once a day
Key used to lift the entrance limit to the Hall of Suffering. Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After use, the eff
Device that can be used on a recently killed monster in the Seed of Infinity to collect additional Tears of a Freed Soul. Can be

Stone used to summon a Deinonychus. This pet can consume Wolf Food to replenish hunger. Takes a part of the XP gained
An explorers' report that contains information about the cave's origins
An explorers' report that contains information about the cause of transformation of the ancient giants
An explorers' report that contains information about the secret of Hekaton Prime
Syringe containing Stakato secretion. When injected into a Bizarre Cocoon, this substance will stimulate the growth of a Cann
Tightly wrapped item that resembles a cocoon. But it doesn't seem to contain a life form. Small size.
Tightly wrapped item that resembles a cocoon. But it doesn't seem to contain a life form. Fairly heavy.
Lump of ore containing mysterious power. Upon use, you are teleported to the Stakato nest entrance.

Pagina 185

Portion of the knowledge anthology from the Lesser Giant era. Chapter 1 of 5.
Portion of the knowledge anthology from the Lesser Giant era. Chapter 2 of 5.
Portion of the knowledge anthology from the Lesser Giant era. Chapter 3 of 5.
Portion of the knowledge anthology from the Lesser Giant era. Chapter 4 of 5.
Portion of the knowledge anthology from the Lesser Giant era. Chapter 5 of 5.
Parchment from the Lesser Giant era. Double-click to see more information.
Book containing collection of wisdom from the Lesser Giant era. Chapter 1 of 5.
Book containing collection of wisdom from the Lesser Giant era. Chapter 2 of 5.
Book containing collection of wisdom from the Lesser Giant era. Chapter 3 of 5.
Book containing collection of wisdom from the Lesser Giant era. Chapter 4 of 5.
Book containing collection of wisdom from the Lesser Giant era. Chapter 5 of 5.
Book from the Lesser Giant era. Double-click to see more information.
Amulet with protection from the evil spirits of the altar. Soul cores are purged above and driven into a the pendant to make it s
Supply box received from Mercenary Kahman as mission compensation. Double-click to check more information.
Support items received from Dwarven explorer Droph for defeating Hekaton Prime. Double-click to check more information.
An explorers' report that contains information about the cave's origins
An explorers' report that contains information about the cause of transformation of the ancient giants
An explorers' report that contains information about the secret of Hekaton Prime
Quest-type recipe. Needed to make soul energy. Requires the Create Item skill level 1.
Energy form soul received from the spiteful soul Leader. Collect and bring them to Balthazar.
Vindictive spirit received from the spiteful soul Leader. Cannot be formed into a energy and is pretty much useless.
Hard shell obtained by defeating the monsters near the cave of the giants. Take it to Magister Hanellin.
Note obtained from the scout's body. Deliver the note to Mercenary Captain Pierce.
Fang obtained from defeating Stakato Queen Shyeed. Bring it to Mercenary Kahman.
Box protecting the flame of the Holy Spirit. Deliver it to Beacon Town Manager Torrant at the Den of Evil.
Item that gives physical power to souls with deep grudges.
Letter from Gatekeeper Flauen of Heine. If you bring it to Iason Heine, you can hear more information about the mission.
Certificate containing Iason Heine's promise of support. Bring it to Dr. Helvetica at the Field of Silence Research Center locat
Certificate containing Iason Heine's promise of support. Bring it to the Priestess Athenia of the Ritual Site of Purge located in
Certificate received from Dr. Helvetica of the Field of Silence Research Center. This certificate is necessary to receive an add
This certificate shows your support for Priestess Athenia and her cause. This certificate is necessary to receive an additional
Broken piece left after the destruction of the Purifying Magic Circle built around the Ritual Site of Purge. Gather all and bring t
Broken piece of Guardian Spirit acquired from destroying the Magic Force Guardian Spirit and Evil Spirit in the Magic Force n
This is a part you salvaged from one of the Landfill Machines you destroyed. Once you have collected 10 pieces, return to At
Fragment obtained from the destruction of the Suppressors and Exterminators belonging to Dr. Helvetica. Collect 20 fragmen
This hide was obtained by killing a Mucrokian. When you are ready, return to Katensa to trade your hides for a reward.
Proof of defeating an Awakened Mucrokian. Gather and bring them to Katensa of the Field of Silence Research Center.
This hide was obtained by killing a Mucrokian. When you are ready, return to Priestess Athenia to trade your hides for a rewa
This hide was obtained by defeating a Contaminated Mucrokian. When you are ready, return to Priestess Athenia to trade the
Mineral fragment obtained as proof of defeating the enemies in the Mithril Mines. Collect and bring them to representative Fila
Proof received from the Red Man Robbers that you have succeeded in convincing them. Collect and bring them to Grave Rob
Bead needed to replenish the energy of power in Lucien's altar. Take it to each of Lucien's altars and enhance the energy of
Discharged power bead that has replenished Lucien's altar as a replenished power bead. Also proof that replenishment is co
Fangs obtained from Stakato carcasses. Once you have 25, take them to Bounty Hunter Kintaijin.
Part of an artifact stolen by Billy Haari, these beads are obtained by defeating monsters inside the Stakato's Nest. Once you
Monster's freed soul containing evil spirit. Small jewel with evil energy appearing in dark purple.
Doll used in shamanism to control the evil creatures by the Ragna Orcs. Collect and bring them to Beacon Town Manager To
Heart obtained after defeating Shilen's Priest Hisilrome.
Box that has the symbol of Gludio. High grade magic Rune clip that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.

Pagina 186

Box that has the symbol of Dion. High grade magic Rune clip that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Giran. High grade magic Rune clip that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Oren. High grade magic Rune clip that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Aden. High grade magic Rune clip that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Innadril. High grade magic Rune clip that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Goddard. High grade magic Rune clip that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Rune. High grade magic Rune clip that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Schuttgart. High grade magic Rune clip that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate
Box that has the symbol of Gludio. High grade magic pouch that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Dion. High grade magic pouch that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Giran. High grade magic pouch that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Oren. High grade magic pouch that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Aden. High grade magic pouch that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Innadril. High grade magic pouch that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Goddard. High grade magic pouch that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Rune. High grade magic pouch that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Box that has the symbol of Schuttgart. High grade magic pouch that's attached to the belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
Can be attached to Sealed Magic Rune Clip and Belt. The seal can be cancelled through the weaver Olf Kanore and Olf Ada
Can be attached to Sealed Magic Rune Clip and Belt. The seal can be cancelled through the weaver Olf Kanore and Olf Ada
Can be attached to Sealed Magic Ornament and Belt. The seal can be cancelled through the weaver Olf Kanore and Olf Ada
Can be attached to Sealed Magic Ornament and Belt. The seal can be cancelled through the weaver Olf Kanore and Olf Ada
Low-grade Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of Steel Belt.
Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of Steel Belt.
Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of Steel Belt.
Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of Steel Belt.
Low-grade Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of Mithril Belt.
Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of Mithril Belt.
High-grade Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of Mithril Belt.
Highest-grade Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of Mithril Belt.
Low-grade Magic Ornament that can improve the function of Steel Belt.
Magic Ornament that can improve the function of Iron Belt.
High-grade Magic Ornament that can improve the function of Iron Belt.
Highest-level Magic Ornament that can improve the function of Iron Belt.
Low-grade Magic Pin that can improve the function of Mithril Belt.
Magic Pin that can improve the function of Mithril Belt.
High-grade Magic Ornament that can improve the function of Mithril Belt.
High-grade Magic Ornament that can improve the function of Mithril Belt.
Friend recommend service exclusive item set for the knight occupation class. Expires after 10 days if not used.
Friend recommend service exclusive item set for the magic classes. Expires after 10 days if not used.
Friend recommend service exclusive item set for the warrior classes. Expires after 10 days if not used.
Friend recommend service exclusive item set for the Rogue classes. Expires after 10 days if not used.
Friend recommend service exclusive item set for the Kamael classes. Expires after 10 days if not used.
Friend recommend service exclusive item set for the Orc Fighter classes. Expires after 10 days if not used.
Friend recommend service exclusive item set for the Orc Mage classes. Expires after 10 days if not used.
Friend recommend service exclusive item set for the knight occupation class. Expires after 30 days if not used.
Friend recommend service exclusive item set for the magic classes. Expires after 30 days if not used.
Friend recommend service exclusive item set for the warrior classes. Expires after 30 days if not used.
Friend recommend service exclusive item set for the Rogue classes. Expires after 30 days if not used.
Friend recommend service exclusive item set for the Kamael classes. Expires after 30 days if not used.

Pagina 187

Friend recommend service exclusive item set for the Orc Fighter classes. Expires after 30 days if not used.
Friend recommend service exclusive item set for the Orc Mage classes. Expires after 30 days if not used.
Can exchange for Equipment Set Pack (10-day).
When used, you can obtain a 10-day equipment set for your class. Can use after 1st class transfer. Expires after 10 days if n
When used, you can obtain a 30-day equipment set for your class. Can use after 1st class transfer. Expires after 30 days if n
When used, you can exchange for a Friend Recommend Round 1 Reward Pack.
Friend recommend service reward pack containing Bracelet of Glory: Friendship, hair accessory, and Minion coupon. Expires
When used, you can exchange for a Friend Recommend Round 2 Reward Pack.
Friend recommend service reward pack containing Friend Recommendation Proof with a Bracelet of Glory: Friendship, Agath
When used, you can exchange for a Friend Recommend Round 1 Reward Pack.
Friend recommend service reward pack containing Equipment Set Pack (30-day), Bracelet of Glory: Friendship, hair accesso
When used, you can exchange for a Friend Recommend Round 2 Reward Pack.
Friend recommend service reward pack containing Friend Recommendation Proof with an Equipment Set Pack (30-day), Bra
When used, you acquire a Fortune Heavy Armor of Nightmare Set. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Doom Plate Armor of Fortune Set. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Full Plate of Fortune Set. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Brigandine of Fortune Set. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Dark Crystal Light Armor of Fortune Set. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Leather Armor of Doom of Fortune Set. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Plated Leather of Fortune Set. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Manticore Leather of Fortune Set. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Dark Crystal Robe of Fortune Set. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire an Avadon Robe of Fortune Set. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Karmian of Fortune Set. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Mithril Tunic of Fortune Set. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire 4 magic weapons at A~D-grade s. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire 4 daggers at A~D-grade s. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire 4 bows at A~D-grade s. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire 4 blunt weapons at A~D-grade s. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, it rewards 4 A-D grade one-handed swords. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, it rewards 4 A-D grade two-handed swords. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire 4 fist weapons at A~D-grade s. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, it rewards 4 A-D grade dual swords. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire 4 spears at A~D-grade s. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire 4 ancient swords at A~D-grade s. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire 4 short swords at A~D-grade s. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire 4 crossbows at A~D-grade s. Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Fortune Heavy Armor of Nightmare Set. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Doom Plate Armor of Fortune Set. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Full Plate of Fortune Set. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Brigandine of Fortune Set. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Dark Crystal Light Armor of Fortune Set. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Leather Armor of Doom of Fortune Set. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Plated Leather of Fortune Set. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Manticore Leather of Fortune Set. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Dark Crystal Robe of Fortune Set. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire an Avadon Robe of Fortune Set. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Karmian of Fortune Set. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Mithril Tunic of Fortune Set. Expires after 30 days if not used.

Pagina 188

When used, you acquire a Grade S~D magic weapon. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Grade S~D dagger. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Grade S~D bow. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Grade S~D blunt weapon. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, it rewards an S-D grade one-handed sword. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, it rewards an S-D grade two-handed sword. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Grade S~D fist weapon. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, it rewards an S-D grade dual sword. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Grade S~D spear. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Grade S~D ancient sword. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Grade S~D short sword. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Grade S~D crossbow. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Jewelry Set of Fortune (A-grade). Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Jewelry Set of Fortune (B-grade). Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Jewelry Set of Fortune (C-grade). Expires after 10 days if not used.
When used, you acquire an Jewelry Set of Fortune (D-grade). Expires after 10 days if not used.
Wrapped Pack containing A-grade Jewelry Set of Fortune. 30-day.
Wrapped Pack containing B-grade Jewelry Set of Fortune. 30-day.
Wrapped Pack containing C-grade Jewelry Set of Fortune. 30-day.
When used, you acquire an Jewelry Set of Fortune (D-grade). Expires after 30 days if not used.
Special gift received from the Dimensional Merchant for the friend recommend service. When used, you can acquire occasion
Take this proof to the Dimensional Merchant in front of the warehouse to receive a special gift.

Plant this seed onto a monster in the Innadril area and it will bear the fruit of the Sea Coba. For best results, a level 74-84 cha
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Sea Coba. For best results, a level 74-84
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Twin Coba. For best results, a level 77-87 char
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Twin Coba. For best results, a level 77-87 char
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Twin Coba. For best results, a level 77-87 char
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Twin Coba. For best results, a level 77-87
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Great Coba. For best results, a level 80+chara
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Innadril area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Sea Coba. For best results, a leve
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Sea Coba. For best results, a
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Aden area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Twin Coba. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Innadril area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Twin Coba. For best results, a lev
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Twin Coba. For best results, a level
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Schuttgart area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Twin Coba. For best results, a
Plant this seed onto a monster in the Rune area and it will bear the fruit of the Alternative Great Coba. For best results, a leve
Tea leaves collected from guiding souls.
Wrapped Pack containing Aqua Elf Transformation Stick (60-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Aqua Elf Transformation Stick (60-day).
Can only be used to enchant S-grade PA Weapons. Normal enchant rules apply.
Can only be used to enchant A-grade PA Weapons. Normal enchant rules apply.
Can only be used to enchant B-grade PA Weapons. Normal enchant rules apply.
Can only be used to enchant C-grade PA Weapons. Normal enchant rules apply.
Can only be used to enchant D-grade PA Weapons. Normal enchant rules apply.
Proof of Time and Space to prove one's identity.

Pagina 189

Numerous clauses for satisfying the requirements for resurrection.

Ancient book with marks of Resurrection in it.
Ancient stone that makes Resurrection possible.
Concentrated cocktail drink that's flavored with many rare types of fruit. It Has a better effect than the Sweet Fruit Cocktail. W
Concentrated cocktail drink that's flavored with many rare types of fruit. It Has a better effect than the Fresh Fruit Cocktail. Wh
Instant lottery ticket for a chance to win up to 10,000 PA Points. Disappears if not used within 30 days.
Bring it to an Adventure Guildsman in any town to receive 10,000 PA Points. Disappears if not used within 30 days.
Bring it to an Adventure Guildsman in any town to receive 1,000 PA Points. Disappears if not used within 30 days.
Bring it to an Adventure Guildsman in any town to receive 200 PA Points. Disappears if not used within 30 days.
Bring it to an Adventure Guildsman in any town to receive 100 PA Points. Disappears if not used within 30 days.
Bring it to an Adventure Guildsman in any town to receive 10 PA Points. Disappears if not used within 30 days.
Event item. Fires a cool air cannon to lower the blistering temperature.
Event item. Fires a cool air cannon to lower the blistering temperature. Looks much luckier than an ordinary cool air cannon.
Double-click to make a Growing Watermelon appear.
Double-click to make a Growing Honey Watermelon appear.
Double-click to make a Growing Watermelon appear.
Double-click to make a Growing Honey Watermelon appear.
Special July 7th package. Contains a Special July 7th parcel.
July 7th package. Contains a July 7th parcel.
Special July 7th parcel. Contains 5 steamed rice cakes. Has a chance to receive a bonus expiratory item (Weaver's Colorful D
July 7th parcel. Contains 1 steamed rice cake.
Special July 7th package. Contains a Special July 7th parcel.
July 7th package. Contains a July 7th parcel.
Special July 7th parcel. Contains 5 steamed rice cakes. Has a chance to receive a bonus expiratory item (Weaver's Colorful D
July 7th parcel. Contains 1 steamed rice cake.
July 7th gift box. Contains a Weaver's Colorful Dress. 7-day.
Delicious steamed rice cake. Some Vitality is replenished upon use. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
Delicious steamed rice cake. Some Vitality is replenished upon use. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
July 7th event. Enchant scroll exclusively for the Weaver's Colorful Dress. Increases the P. Def. and M. Def. of the Weaver's
Enchant scroll exclusively for the Vitality Belt. Increases the Vitality Belt's P. Def. and M. Def. Maintains Vitality. Vitality mainte
Contains the 6th Anniversary Party Cube, a 30-day expiratory item.
Contains the 6th Anniversary Party Cube, a 25-day expiratory item.
Contains the 6th Anniversary Party Cube, a 20-day expiratory item.
Contains the 6th Anniversary Party Cube, a 15-day expiratory item.
Contains the 6th Anniversary Party Cube, a 10-day expiratory item.
Contains the 6th Anniversary Party Cube, a 5-day expiratory item.
Contains the 6th Anniversary Party Cube, a 3-day expiratory item.
Hero's Treasure Chest. Contains the 6th Anniversary Party Cube, a 30-day expiratory item.
Hero's Treasure Chest. Contains the 6th Anniversary Party Cube, a 25-day expiratory item.
Hero's Treasure Chest. Contains the 6th Anniversary Party Cube, a 20-day expiratory item.
Hero's Treasure Chest. Contains the 6th Anniversary Party Cube, a 15-day expiratory item.
Hero's Treasure Chest. Contains the 6th Anniversary Party Cube, a 10-day expiratory item.
Hero's Treasure Chest. Contains the 6th Anniversary Party Cube, a 5-day expiratory item.
Hero's Treasure Chest. Contains the 6th Anniversary Party Cube, a 3-day expiratory item.
When you Double-click, the reward is created. What reward will you receive? That depends on how lucky you are. One use p
When you Double-click, the reward is created. What reward will you receive? That depends on how lucky you are. One use p
When you Double-click, the reward is created. What reward will you receive? That depends on how lucky you are. One use p
When you Double-click, the reward is created. What reward will you receive? That depends on how lucky you are. One use p
When you Double-click, the reward is created. What reward will you receive? That depends on how lucky you are. One use p

Pagina 190

When you Double-click, the reward is created. What reward will you receive? That depends on how lucky you are. One use p
When you Double-click, the reward is created. What reward will you receive? That depends on how lucky you are. One use p
Contains an armor set Pack (30-day), a Minion Coupon, and a Hero's Escape Point item.
When Double-clicked, 10000 PA Points can be acquired. Cooldown is 7 days.
For 1 hour, Vitality is recovered when acquiring XP. Cooldown is 12 hours. Vitality item with limited usage.
Sweet Revita-Pop. You can give it to Skooldie to exchange for the Halloween Toy Box.
When used, summons the oldest girl Uldie among the Three Siblings, and can play Jack's game. You cannot summon Uldie
When used, summons the middle child Belldandy among the Three Siblings, and can play Jack's game. You cannot summon
When used, summons the youngest child Skooldie among the Three Siblings, and can play Jack's game. You cannot summo
Gives a chance to acquire one of Halloween masks.
Gives a chance to acquire one of Shiny Halloween masks.
Gives a chance to acquire one of the following transformation scrolls: Onyx Beast, Doom Wraith, and Grail Apostle.
Vitality is maintained for 10 min. Cooldown is 30 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
Scroll that replenishes 1,000 SP.
Vitality is maintained for 30 min. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage. Effect remains even after death.
Wrapped Pack containing Shiny Alien Mask.
Wrapped Pack containing Shiny Reanimated Corpse Mask.
Wrapped Pack containing Shiny Shriek Mask.
Wrapped Pack containing Shiny Red Devil Mask.
Wrapped Pack containing Shiny Mummy Mask.
Halloween Nectar Pumpkin Pack. Contains 1 Halloween nectar pumpkin.
Halloween King Pumpkin Pack. Contains 1 Halloween king pumpkin.
Halloween Nectar Pumpkin. With a certain chance, can obtain a Vitality replenishing drink or a feather of blessing and 1 smal
Halloween King Pumpkin. Contains 6 Halloween nectar pumpkins and a Golden Jack O'Lantern Mask (7 day).
Small Halloween Pumpkin. Double-click and you can obtain 1 bonus item with a certain chance.
Halloween Nectar Pumpkin Pack. Contains 1 Halloween nectar pumpkin.
Halloween King Pumpkin Pack. Contains 1 Halloween king pumpkin.
Halloween Nectar Pumpkin. With a certain chance, can obtain a Vitality replenishing drink or a feather of blessing and 1 smal
Halloween King Pumpkin. Contains 6 Halloween nectar pumpkins and a Golden Jack O'Lantern Mask (7 day).
Magic stone that temporarily neutralizes Freya's powerful magic
Magic stone that temporarily neutralizes Freya's powerful magic

Sacred sword that can neutralize Freya's power. Cannot use it directly due to some unknown M. Atk.
Feed used to tame baby animals on the Beast Farm. Using this feed will allow the monster to drop Adena and/ or items, but w
Feed used to tame baby animals on the Beast Farm. This feed will cause the monster to give more XP, but no Adena or item
Better quality feed that has a chance to tame animals on the Beast Farm with just one application.
Better quality feed that has a chance to tame animals on the Beast Farm with just one application.
Better quality feed that has a chance to turn Beast Farm babies into a fully grown pets with just one application. Using this fee
Better quality feed that has a chance to turn Beast Farm babies into a fully grown pets with just one application. This feed cau
Old and unusable Beast Farm Feed
Old and unusable Beast Farm Feed
This box hold up to 50 Golden Spices. When converted, there is also a chance that Special Feed will be received.
Small pack with a compressed Crystal Spice. When you use it, it changes into a 50 Crystal Spices. Special Feed may also co
Can be used to light a fire.
Energy from the Seed of Annihilation resides within these Soul Stone Fragments. Can be used at Special Product Broker Kirk
This device is used to collect plasma from the Wild Maguen that inhabit the Seed of Annihilation. Under the right circumstanc
Necklace that summons a Maguen. The summoned Maguen can eat wolf-type feed, and Takes a part of the XP gained by th
Necklace that summons an Elite Maguen. The summoned Maguen can eat wolf-type feed, and Takes a part of the XP gained
Its contents are a mystery. The only way to find out what is inside is to open it.

Pagina 191

Its contents are a mystery. The only way to find out what is inside is to open it.
Sel Mahum salmon porridge. Smells better than expected… but not by much.
Pouch containing the spores of Fantasy Mushrooms, which grow in the Plains of the Lizardmen. Detailed information can be
Pouch containing the spores of Sticky Mushrooms, which grow in the Plains of the Lizardmen. Detailed information can be ob
Leaf of the Vitality Plant, which grows in the Plains of the Lizardmen. Detailed information can be obtained from Investigator S
Document from Investigator Johnny in the Plains of the Lizardmen that verifies you possess the required skills. It indicates tha
The highest-quality Lizardman Scale without any blemishes obtained after defeating Tanta Lizardmen Seer Ugoros. Take it to
The medium-quality Lizardman Scale obtained after defeating Tanta Lizardmen Seer Ugoros. Take it to Researcher Ankumi o
Vial containing the blood of Tanta Lizardmen. Take it to Investigator Laki on the Plains of the Lizardmen.
Diary containing the daily life of the Sel Mahum. Take it back to Guard Stan of Oren Village.
Part of the cookbook used by the Sel Mahum Chef. Take it back to Guard Stan of Oren Village.
Cookbook used by the Sel Mahum Chef. Take it back to Guard Stan of Oren Village.
Shiny and tantalizing salmon. Take it back to Guard Stan of Oren Village.
Not so shiny but still OK-looking salmon. If you take it back to Guard Stan of Oren Village, he'll take care of everything else, r
Scales are falling off and it doesn't look good at all. If you take it back to Guard Stan of Oren Village, he'll take care of everyth
Lure used to catch salmon. You cannot catch salmon without it.
Horrible tasting fruit. If you put it in the salmon porridge, which is cooking on the fire at the Sel Mahum Training Grounds, you
Dairy containing detailed examples of the Sel Mahum training. Take it back to Guard Pinaps of Oren Village.
Paper containing the training schedule of the Sel Mahum. Take it back to Guard Pinaps of Oren Village.
Paper containing some logs for recognizing Golem Corps. Collect all needed logs.
Bundle of papers containing all the logs for recognizing Golem Corps. Take it back to Collector Gutenhagen at Pavel Ruins.
Kucereus' Clan Outpost Commander Kbaldir's written orders. Go to the pier of the Seed of Annihilation and deliver it to his su
ID Tag of a Gracian soldier who was killed near the Seed of Annihilation. Let's take it to Officer Jakan who is stationed at the
Potion especially crafted from the Jinia Guild to protect the body from the cursed cold powers of the Ice Queen. Needed to re
Seal Breaker needed to speak face to face with the Demon Prince on the 5th floor of the Tower of Infinitum in the Steel Citad
Seal Breaker needed to speak face to face with Ranku on the 10th floor of the Tower of Infinitum in the Steel Citadel. It is des
A Seal Breaker component. Acquired after defeating the Space Guard in the Tower of Infinitum. You can make a Seal Breake
A Seal Breaker component. Acquired after defeating the Space Gazer in the Tower of Infinitum. You can make a Seal Breake
A Seal Breaker component. Acquired after defeating the Space Priest in the Tower of Infinitum. You can make a Seal Breake
A Seal Breaker component. Acquired after defeating the Space Ruler in the Tower of Infinitum. You can make a Seal Breake
Fragment obtained by hunting golems.
Shabby necklace that Watcher of Antharas Theodric supposedly gives only to those who are worthy of going after the Land D
After you defeated the Land Dragon Antharas, the shabby necklace that you received from Watcher of Antharas Theodric cha
Valakas Watchman Klein gave you this necklace. It is of poor quality and not worth much. However, it is said to transform into
Defeating Valakas has transformed the shabby necklace, given by Valakas Watchman Klein, into this. Take the necklace bac
Tattered clothes are the remains of the monks you battled in the Monastery of Silence. The clothes are nothing more than rag
Proof that you successfully defeated the Master of Splendor Anays at Priest Greymore's request. If you take it to Greymore, y
You succeeded in defeating the Master of Splendor Anays at Priest Greymore's request. But you received the Mark of Darkn
Secret letter sent by Priest Dominic of the Rune Village temple to Greymore. Deliver it to Priest Greymore in the Monastery o
Sacred text obtained after defeating the monks in the Monastery of Silence. Bring it to Greymore in the Monastery of Silence.
Mane obtained by defeating the Sel Mahums that were attacking the animals the Beast Farm. Collect them and bring them to
Meat from a young animal. Smells good but tastes bad. Take it to Beast Herder Tunatun at the Beast Farm.
White gem produce by animals. Looking at it reminds you of a time long ago. I wonder what my old friends are doing now…
Prime Meat obtained from an adult animal. Only one piece comes out per animal. Collect these and take them to Beast Herde
Obtained in the Seed of Annihilation. Take this Concentrated Spirit Energy to Special Product Broker Kirklan to exchange the
Obtained through hunting in the Seed of Annihilation. Take this to Officer Klemis in the area.
Small safe obtained by defeating the monks in the Monastery of Silence. You can find out about the quest by clicking on it. Q
Ancient book contained inside the Strongbox of Promise. Before you can return it to its owner, you must figure out who it belo
You heard about the book's owner from the Library of Sages Director Sophia. Return the book to its owner.

Pagina 192

Torch that doesn't light. Item needed to obtain the treasure chest in the secret room inside the Monastery of Silence.
Red crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 17. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing c
Blue crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 17. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing c
Green crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 17. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing
You acquire XP as a reward.
You acquire SP as a reward.
Reward given if you fulfill certain conditions.
You acquire Vitality points as a reward.
You acquire clan points as a reward.
Reward based on a game of chance.
Random reward given to player.
Reward is chosen based on your performance.
Little extra in addition to the current reward.
Subclass authority was obtained.
The PK Count is decreased.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Vesper Cutter. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Vesper Slasher. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Vesper Buster. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Vesper Shaper. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Vesper Fighter. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Vesper Stormer. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Vesper Avenger. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Vesper Retributer. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Vesper Caster. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Vesper Singer. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Vesper Thrower. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Moirai Helmet. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Moirai Leather Helmet. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Moirai Circlet. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Moirai Breastplate. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Moirai Leather Breastplate. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Moirai Tunic. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Moirai Gaiters. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Moirai Leather Leggings. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Moirai Stockings. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Moirai Gauntlets. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Moirai Leather Gloves. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Moirai Gloves. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Moirai Boots. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Moirai Leather Boots. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Moirai Shoes. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Vesper Helmet. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Vesper Leather Helmet. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Vesper Circlet. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Vesper Breastplate. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Vesper Breastplate. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Vesper Tunic. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Vesper Gaiters. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Vesper Gauntlets. It can be sold at ordinary stores.

Pagina 193

Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Vesper Boots. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Key material for Dwarves to make a Sealed Vesper Shield. Can be sold in any shop.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Vesper Leather Leggings. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Vesper Leather Gloves. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Vesper Leather Boots. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Vesper Stockings. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Vesper Gloves. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Vesper Shoes. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Key that opens a secret gate
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Vesper Sigil. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Moirai Sigil. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Key material for Dwarves to make a Sealed Moirai Shield. Can be sold in any shop.
Document showing military service in the Seed of Annihilation region. Collect plenty of these and take them back to Soldier Il
Food container of the Sel Mahums. Contains a lot of porridge. Take it back to Guard Stan of Oren Village.
Food container of the Sel Mahums. It's completely empty. Take it back to Guard Stan of Oren Village.
ID Tag of a Sel Mahum who is training at the Sel Mahum Training Grounds. Take it back to Guard Pinaps of Oren Village.
Ancient text that is too damaged to determine its contents. It served its purpose as a book. Sell it at the shop and get at least
Item received after saving a Treasure Hunter. It's tightly wrapped so you can't see what book is inside. Double-click for more
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Vesper Ring. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Vesper Earring. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Vesper Necklace. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Moirai Ring. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Moirai Earring. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Moirai Necklace. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Moirai Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Moirai Leather Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rat
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Moirai Circlet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Moirai Breastplate. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Moirai Leather Breastplate. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The succes
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Moirai Tunic. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Moirai Gaiters. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Moirai Leather Leggings. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Moirai Stockings. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 6
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Moirai Gauntlets. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 6
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Moirai Leather Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rat
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Moirai Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Moirai Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Moirai Leather Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Moirai Shoes. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Moirai Sigil. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Moirai Shield. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 9. 60% success rate.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Vesper Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Vesper Leather Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Vesper Circlet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Vesper Breastplate. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Vesper Leather Breastplate. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The succ
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Vesper Tunic. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Vesper Gaiters. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 6
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Vesper Leather Leggings. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The succes

Pagina 194

Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Vesper Stockings. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Vesper Gauntlets. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Vesper Leather Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Vesper Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Vesper Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Vesper Leather Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success ra
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Vesper Shoes. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Vesper Sigil. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Vesper Shield. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 10. 60% success rate.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Vesper Ring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 70%
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Vesper Earring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 7
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Vesper Necklace. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Moirai Ring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 70%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Moirai Earring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 70%
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Sealed Moirai Necklace. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 70
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Vesper Cutter. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Vesper Slasher. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Vesper Buster. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Vesper Shaper. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Vesper Fighter. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Vesper Stormer. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Vesper Avenger. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Vesper Retributer. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Vesper Caster. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Vesper Singer. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
Exclusive to Dwarves. Recipe for making a Vesper Thrower. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
Red crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 18. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing c
Blue crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 18. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing c
Green crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. stage 18. Special abilities can be applied to the weapon when absorbing
Take it to Denign to imbue Freya's Necklace with Freya's Soul.
Rare Vesper Cutter that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Vesper Slasher that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Vesper Buster that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Vesper Shaper that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Vesper Fighter that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Vesper Stormer that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Vesper Avenger that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Vesper Retributer that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Vesper Caster that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Vesper Singer that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Vesper Thrower that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Vesper Pincer that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Vesper Shooter that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Vesper Nagan that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
All race crafting possible. Recipe needed to make a Refined Black Skeleton Circlet. Requires the Create Common Item skill l
All race crafting possible. Recipe needed to make a Refined Orange Skeleton Circlet. Requires the Create Common Item skil
All race crafting possible. Recipe needed to make a Refined Green Skeleton Circlet. Requires the Create Common Item skill
All race crafting possible. Recipe needed to make a Refined Brown Skeleton Circlet. Requires the Create Common Item skill
All race crafting possible. Recipe needed to make a Refined Shark Hat. Requires the Create Common Item skill level 6.

Pagina 195

All race crafting possible. Recipe needed to make a Chic Gold Horn Cap. Requires the Create Common Item skill level 6.
All race crafting possible. Recipe needed to make a Chic Silver Horn Cap. Requires the Create Common Item skill level 6.
All race crafting possible. Recipe needed to make a Refined Penguin Hat. Requires the Create Common Item skill level 6.
All race crafting possible. Recipe needed to make a Refined Brown Turban. Requires the Create Common Item skill level 6.
All race crafting possible. Recipe needed to make a Refined Yellow Turban. Requires the Create Common Item skill level 6.
All race crafting possible. Recipe needed to make a Refined Turtle Hat. Requires the Create Common Item skill level 6.
All race crafting possible. Recipe needed to make a Refined Cow Hat. Requires the Create Common Item skill level 6.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Refined Black Skeleton Circlet. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Refined Orange Skeleton Circlet. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Refined Green Skeleton Circlet. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Refined Brown Skeleton Circlet. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Refined Shark Hat. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Chic Gold Horn Cap. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Chic Silver Horn Cap. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Refined Penguin Hat. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Refined Brown Turban. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Refined Yellow Turban. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Refined Turtle Hat. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
Essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Refined Cow Hat. It can be sold at ordinary stores.
General mineral created when a stone in a monster is solidified by physical/ magic hit. Key component used in weapon augm
Mid-grade mineral created when a stone in a monster is solidified by physical/ magic hit. Key component used in weapon aug
High-grade mineral created when a stone in a monster is solidified by physical/ magic hit. Key component used in weapon au
Top-grade mineral created when a stone in a monster is solidified by physical/ magic hit. Key component used in weapon aug
General mineral created when a stone in a monster is solidified by physical/ magic hit. Key component used in weapon augm
Mid-grade mineral created when a stone in a monster is solidified by physical/ magic hit. Key component used in weapon aug
High-grade mineral created when a stone in a monster is solidified by physical/ magic hit. Key component used in weapon au
Top-grade mineral created when a stone in a monster is solidified by physical/ magic hit. Key component used in weapon aug
Mineral stone that solidifies inside a monster by a physical or magic hit. It can be used when augmenting accessories, and ch
Mineral stone that solidifies inside a monster by a physical or magic hit. It can be used when augmenting accessories, and ch
Rare Sealed Moirai Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Leather Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Circlet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Breastplate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Leather Breastplate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammo
Rare Sealed Moirai Tunic that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Gaiters that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Leather Leggings that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Stockings that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Gauntlets that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Leather Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Leather Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Shoes that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Shield that requires thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Sigil that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Leather Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Circlet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.

Pagina 196

Rare Sealed Vesper Breastplate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Leather Breastplate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mamm
Rare Sealed Vesper Tunic that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Gaiters that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Leather Leggings that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon
Rare Sealed Vesper Stockings that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Gauntlets that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Leather Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Leather Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Shoes that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Shield that requires thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Sigil that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Leather Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Circlet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Breastplate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Leather Breastplate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammo
Rare Sealed Moirai Tunic that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Gaiters that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Leather Leggings that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Stockings that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Gauntlets that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Leather Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Leather Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Shoes that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Shield that requires thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Sigil that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Leather Helmet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Circlet that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Breastplate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Leather Breastplate that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mamm
Rare Sealed Vesper Tunic that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Gaiters that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Leather Leggings that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon
Rare Sealed Vesper Stockings that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Gauntlets that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Leather Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Gloves that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Leather Boots that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Shoes that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Shield that requires thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Sigil that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Ring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.

Pagina 197

Rare Sealed Vesper Earring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Necklace that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Ring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Earring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Necklace that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Ring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Earring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Vesper Necklace that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Ring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Earring that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Rare Sealed Moirai Necklace that requires a thorough varnishing. It can be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
The Sel Mahum Training Officer's Training Order Papers. Take it back to Guard Stan of Oren Village.
Clumsy Sel Mahum's shoelace. Take it back to Guard Stan of Oren Village.
Holiday Cake Pack. Contains a Holiday Cake box.
Special Holiday Cake Pack. Contains a Special Christmas box.
Teddy Boy Wrapped Pack. Contains a Teddy Boy Wrapped Pack.
Teddy Girl Wrapped Pack. Contains a Teddy Girl Wrapped Pack.
Holiday Cake Pack. Contains a Holiday Cake box.
Special Holiday Cake Pack. Contains a Special Christmas box.
Teddy Boy Wrapped Pack. Contains a Teddy Boy Wrapped Pack.
Teddy Girl Wrapped Pack. Contains a Teddy Girl Wrapped Pack.
Holiday Cake Box. Contains 1 Holiday Cake and 1 White Winter Wish Candle.
Special Holiday Cake Box. Contains 5 Holiday Cake boxes and 1 Santa's Stockings (bonus).
Holiday Cake Box. Contains 1 Holiday Cake and 1 White Winter Wish Candle.
Special Holiday Cake Box. Contains 5 Holiday Cake boxes and 1 Santa's Stockings (bonus).
Teddy Boy Wrapped Pack. Contains 1 Teddy Boy Summon Bracelet and 3 White Winter Wish Candles.
Teddy Girl Wrapped Pack. Contains 1 Teddy Girl Summon Bracelet and 3 White Winter Wish Candles.
Teddy Boy Wrapped Pack. Contains 1 Teddy Boy Summon Bracelet and 3 White Winter Wish Candles.
Teddy Girl Wrapped Pack. Contains 1 Teddy Girl Summon Bracelet and 3 White Winter Wish Candles.
Holiday Cake. Some Vitality is replenished upon use. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
White Winter Wish Candle. Vitality is maintained for 10 min. upon use. Cooldown is 30 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
Holiday Cake. Some Vitality is replenished upon use. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
White Winter Wish Candle. Vitality is maintained for 10 min. upon use. Cooldown is 30 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
Santa's Stockings. By Double-clicking, you can obtain 1 bonus item with a certain chance.
Scroll: Santa's Buff. When used, can feel yourself becoming stronger by Santa's blessing for 1 hour.
Chest containing equipment set pack which. 90 days.
When used, you can obtain a 90-day equipment set for your class. Can be used after the 1st class change. Expires after 90 d
Equipment Set for a Knight class. Expires after 90 days if not used.
Equipment Set for a Mage class. Expires after 90 days if not used.
Equipment Set for a Warrior class. Expires after 90 days if not used.
Equipment Set for a Rogue class. Expires after 90 days if not used.
Equipment Set for a Kamael class. Expires after 90 days if not used.
Equipment Set for an Orc Fighter class. Expires after 90 days if not used.
Equipment Set for an Orc Mage class. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Fortune Heavy Armor of Nightmare Set. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Doom Plate Armor of Fortune Set. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Full Plate of Fortune Set. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Brigandine of Fortune Set. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Dark Crystal Light Armor of Fortune Set. Expires after 90 days if not used.

Pagina 198

When used, you acquire a Leather Armor of Doom of Fortune Set. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Plated Leather of Fortune Set. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Manticore Leather of Fortune Set. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Dark Crystal Robe of Fortune Set. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire an Avadon Robe of Fortune Set. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Karmian of Fortune Set. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Mithril Tunic of Fortune Set. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire 6 magic weapons at S~D-grade s. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire 6 daggers at S~D-grade s. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire 6 arrows at S~D-grade. Expires after 90 days if not used. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.
When used, you acquire 6 blunts at S~D-grade s. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, it rewards 6 S-D grade one-handed swords. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, it rewards 6 S-D grade two-handed swords. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire 6 fist weapons at S~D-grade s. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, it rewards 6 S-D grade dual swords. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire 6 spears at S~D-grade s. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire 6 Ancient Swords at S~D-grade s. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire 6 short swords at S~D-grade s. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire 6 crossbows at S~D-grade s. Expires after 90 days if not used. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.
When used, you acquire a Jewelry Set of Fortune (A-grade). Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Jewelry Set of Fortune (B-grade). Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Jewelry Set of Fortune (C-grade). Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire an Jewelry Set of Fortune (D-grade). Expires after 90 days if not used.
Santa's Gift. One can receive the gift when Double-clicked.
It recovers CP by 300.
Bottle containing hot springs water. It might have healing effects against maladies.
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Gold Maned Lion (7-day), 1 Mount - Darkmane Pacer (7-day), and 1 Mount - Steam Beetle
Event - Wrapped Pack containing fresh milk.
Event - Wrapped Pack containing High-grade Minion Coupon 2-unit Pack, a Feather of Blessing 3-unit Pack, and an Entrance
Wrapped Pack containing Varka Karm (used by Varka Silenos).
Wrapped Pack containing Ketra Karm (used by Ketra Orcs).
Event - Wrapped Pack containing 5 Vitality Potions (30min).
Wrapped Pack containing 700 PA Points. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, destroyed or sold in private store.
First Mate Hat - Wrapped Pack for event.
Straw Hat - Wrapped Pack for event.
Phantom Mask - Wrapped Pack for event.
Black Phantom Mask - Wrapped Pack for event.
Forgotten Scroll for learning Create Item Lv. 10. Only Maestro can use it. Can be acquired by level 82.
3 Vitality Replenishing Potions\nFire, Water, Wind, Earth, Holy, and Dark Crystals\nCirclet of Freezing - Wrapped Pack for ev
Wrapped Pack containing Hero's Treasure Chest.
Forgotten Scroll to learn the Fighter's Will. Fighters use it. Can be acquired at level 81.
Forgotten Scroll to learn the Archer's Will. Fighters use it. Can be acquired at level 81.
Forgotten Scroll to learn Magician's Will. Used by the Mage types. Can be acquired at level 81.
Forgotten Scroll for learning Protection of Rune. Can be acquired at level 82.
Forgotten Scroll for learning Protection of Elemental. Can be acquired at level 82.
Forgotten Scroll for learning Protection of Alignment. Can be acquired at level 82.
Wrapped Pack containing Love Box.
Wrapped Pack containing Sentiment Box.
Wrapped Pack containing Confession Box.

Pagina 199

Wrapped Pack containing Joy Box.

Contains Talismans for STR, DEX and CON.
Contains a Talisman for WIT, MEN and INT.
Contains a Talisman for Stun/ Sleep/ Hold/ Paralysis Resistance.
Contains a Love Box, Sentiment Box, and Confession Box.
Wrapped Pack containing Shiny Bracelet.
Scroll that summons a baby White Tiger. If you relieve the Baby White Tiger's fatigue, you can acquire Apiga. (Recovery is on
Scroll that summons a Gloomy Baby White Tiger. Can sometimes transform into a White Tiger while trying to recover the Bab
Scroll that summons a baby White Tiger Captain. If you relieve the Baby White Tiger Captain's fatigue, you can acquire Apiga
Scroll that summons a Gloomy Baby White Tiger Captain. Can sometimes transform into a White Tiger Captain while trying to
Event pack that can be obtained 1 time per account every 12 hours. By Double-clicking, you can obtain the Summon Scroll: B
Decreases fatigue when used on a White Tiger.
Decreases fatigue when used on a White Tiger. It Has a better effect than Cupid's Fatigue Relief Potion.
Pack containing Vesper weapon. Which one could it be?
Pack containing Icarus weapon. Which one could it be?
Pack containing Dynasty weapon. Which one could it be?
Pack containing Vesper armor. Which one could it be?
Pack containing Destino armor. Which one could it be?
Pack containing Dynasty armor. Which one could it be?
Box containing Soul Crystal - Step 14. Which one could it be?
Box containing Soul Crystal - Step 15. Which one could it be?
Box containing Soul Crystal - Step 16. Which one could it be?
Box containing Facelifting Potion. Sometimes, Sometimes contains Fresh Milk.
Box containing Dye Potion. Sometimes, Sometimes contains Fresh Milk.
Box containing Hair Style Change Potion. Sometimes, Sometimes contains Fresh Milk.
Box containing S-grade Gemstone and an Attribute Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing Transformation Scroll: Anakim.\n
Wrapped Pack containing Bird Nest (Event).\n
Wrapped Pack containing Shadow Item: Magician Cap.\n
Wrapped Pack containing Shadow Item: Magician Cap.\n
Wrapped Pack containing Shadow Item: Magician Cap.\n
If you plant it in a monster in the Oren region, twin Coba will grow. The success rate is high when a level 77 - 87 character us
If you plant it in a monster in the Oren region, Improved Twin Coba will grow. The success rate is high when a level 77 - 87 ch
If you plant it in a monster in the Schuttgart region, Red Coba will grow. The success rate is high when a level 65 - 75 charac
If you plant it in a monster in the Schuttgart region, Improved Red Coba will grow. The success rate is high when a level 65 -
If you plant it in a monster in the Schuttgart region, Golden Coba will grow. The success rate is high when a level 68 - 78 cha
If you plant it in a monster in the Schuttgart region, Improved Golden Coba will grow. The success rate is high when a level 6
Vitality is maintained for 10 min. Cooldown is 30 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
Seashell containing Nevit's voice. Item that raises your evaluation value by 10. Can acquire 100,000 Adena by Double-clickin
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 1 - 19.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 1 - 19.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 1 - 19.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 1 - 19.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 1 - 19.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 20- 39.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 20- 39.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 20- 39.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 20- 39.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 20- 39.

Pagina 200

Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 40- 51.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 40- 51.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 40- 51.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 40- 51.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 40- 51.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 52 - 60.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 52 - 60.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 52 - 60.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 52 - 60.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 52 - 60.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 61 - 75.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 61 - 75.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 61 - 75.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 61 - 75.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 61 - 75.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 76 - 79.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 76 - 79.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 76 - 79.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 76 - 79.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 76 - 79.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 80-85.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 80-85.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 80-85.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 80-85.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. Can only be used at levels 80-85.
Bouquet of freesias which implies innocent naivety. If used against a chaotic character or a character whose name is purple,
Bouquet of gypsophila, which symbolizes sorrow. If used against a chaotic character or a character whose name is purple, yo
Cocktail dedicated to the heroine of the play 'Pink Lady' in a celebration of its success, which was first performed on the stage
Reminiscent of a season when bees fly from flower to fragrant flower, this summer-green cocktail is fresh and fragrant. If use
Gourmet cheesecake that is soft like a soufflé and delightfully sweet. If used against a chaotic character or a character whose
Freshly-baked baguette that is soft and delicious unlike its tough look. If used against a chaotic character or a character whos
Cream bun that features sweet and soft custard cream made of egg yolk, instead of normal butter cream or whipped cream. I
Cute looking candy perfect for a gift. If used against a chaotic character or a character whose name is purple, your name will
Wrapped Pack containing Freya's heart.
Scroll that changes your appearance into a that of Anakim for 30 min.
Scroll that changes your appearance into a that of Zaken for 30 min.
P. Atk. +15%, M. Atk. by 20%, and Speed by 10 for 10 min.
Increases P. Critical Rate by 15, M. Critical Rate by 2, and Speed by 10 for 10 min. Has a chance of recovering 5% of the sta
Increases Max. Atk. Spd. by 20%, Casting Spd. by 20%, and Speed by 20 for 10 min.
The luckiest person will be given a special fortune box on April Fool's Day. What will be inside?
Shards obtained by hunting golems. Collect these and bring them to Yasheni.
When used, can feel yourself becoming stronger by the Leaf of Appreciation for 1 hour.
Event - a wrapped pack containing three Leaf of Appreciation.
Event - a wrapped pack containing five Vitality Recovering Potion 30 min.
Wrapped Pack containing 10 Vesper Noble Enhancement Stones
Scroll: Enchant Weapon - a wrapped pack containing S-grade.
Lesser Giant's Codex - a wrapped pack containing Mastery.
Olympiad Treasure Chest.
Scroll that replenishes 5,000 SP. Does not increase SP when used in a chaotic state.

Pagina 201

Scroll that replenishes 10,000 SP. Does not increase SP when used in a chaotic state.
Olympic Athlete's tenacity. Mark needed to use the Spell of Blessing and Energy of Victory skill.
Wrapped Pack containing 10 proofs of cheers.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. All levels.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. All levels.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. All levels.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. All levels.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. All levels.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. All levels.
Seashell containing Nevit's voice. Item that raises your evaluation value by 10. Can acquire 100,000 Adena by Double-clickin
Biography containing the life story of Solina, a saintess of the Elmoreden kingdom. This text Has been banned throughout the
Complete copy of Kaerun's Memoir. It is a detailed look at Solina's life written by Kaerun from his perspective. This book was
Incomplete portion of Kaerun's Memoir. This is only part of Solina's life story as written by Kaerun. The book is divided into a
Incomplete portion of Kaerun's Memoir. This is only part of Solina's life story as written by Kaerun. The book is divided into a
Incomplete portion of Kaerun's Memoir. This is only part of Solina's life story as written by Kaerun. The book is divided into a
Incomplete portion of Kaerun's Memoir. This is only part of Solina's life story as written by Kaerun. The book is divided into a
Book chronicling the early life and events of Solina written by Eris, the abbot of the Monastery of Silence. Double-click for mo
Librarian Sophia Has given the catalog card containing the location of the book. Double-click for more information.
Key that opens the passageway gate to the Seal of the Saintess entrance. You can enter the passageway with this key.
Key that opens the door to the Tomb inside the Relic Safehouse of the Seal of the Saintess. You cannot enter the Tomb with
Key that opens the door to the Library inside the Relic Safehouse of the Seal of the Saintess. You cannot enter the Library w
Key that opens the door to the Warehouse inside the Relic Safehouse of the Seal of the Saintess. You cannot enter the Ware
Key that opens the door to the Armory inside the Relic Safehouse of the Seal of the Saintess. You cannot enter the Armory w
Rune mark created by magic for Elcadia's test.
Rune token created by magic for Elcadia's test.
One of the relics stored inside the Seal of the Saintess. This scroll emanates an unusual energy. The scroll is very old and wo
One of the relics stored inside the Seal of the Saintess. This shield emanates an unusual energy. But it is very worn and large
One of the relics stored inside the Seal of the Saintess. The sword emanates an unusual energy. But it is very worn and large
One of the relics stored inside the Seal of the Saintess. This staff emanates an unusual energy. But it is very worn and heavy
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Ball Trapping Gnosian.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Ball Trapping Orodriel.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Penalty Kick.
Special gift in commemoration of the World Cup. Can obtain various items by using it.
Gift in commemoration of the World Cup victory. Can obtain XP Buff 50% and Nevit's Voice by using it.
Gift in commemoration of the World Cup victory. Can obtain XP Buff 50% and Nevit's Voice by using it.
Document that proves participation in the Olympiad Match 3. Take this document to the Olympiad Operator to receive the min
Document that proves participation in the Olympiad Match 5. Take this document to the Olympiad Operator to receive an inco
Document that proves participation in the Olympiad Match 10. Take this document to the Olympiad Operator to receive a who
Certificate that proves participation in the Olympiad team event 5 matches. Take the certificate to the Olympiad Operator. If y
Certificate that proves participation in 5 Olympiad All-Class Battles. Take the certificate to the Olympiad Operator. If you take
Certificate that proves participation in 5 Olympiad All-Class Battles. Take the certificate to the Olympiad Operator. If you take
Document needed to confirm 2 consecutive wins in the Olympiad. Take this confirmation to the Olympiad Operator to receive
Document needed to confirm 5 consecutive wins in the Olympiad. Take this document to the Olympiad Operator to receive an
Document needed to confirm 10 consecutive wins in the Olympiad. Take this document to the Olympiad Operator to receive a
Herb that recovers Vitality for 5 min. upon use. The effect applies to all party members.
Summoning item, you can call a raid monster at a certain location in the Dragon Valley. But if the raid monster Has already b
Dragon Skull obtained after finishing off the raid monster that lives in the Dragon Valley. After obtaining the dragon skulls from
Baby Dragon obtained after finishing off the raid monster that lives in the Dragon Valley. After obtaining the baby dragon, brin
Drake Lord's essence. Bring it to Theodric.

Pagina 202

Behemoth Leader's Essence. Bring it to Theodric.

Dragon Beast's Essence. Bring it to Theodric.
Old and tattered box. You can hear a rattling sound when you shake it.
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 4 for A-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
P. Def. +1 for A-grade armor and accessories. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for B-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
P. Def. +1 for B-grade armor and accessories. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for C-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
P. Def. +1 for C-grade armor and accessories. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 2 for D-grade one-handed sword, one-handed blunt, one-handed staff, dagger, spear,
P. Def. +1 for D-grade armor and accessories. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, P. Def. increases by 1 for S-grade armor and accessories. Starting at +4, P. Def. increases by 3 and a HP
Certificate received from the Witness of Dawn Franz. It says that if you show this certificate to Priest Wood, he will exchange
Command stone made by Antharas embedded in his high commanding minions so he will always have control over them. Us
Small crystal particles made from the blood of Antharas. After his blood was spilt, the land absorbed the blood and acted as a
Using the power held within the blood of Antharas, this crystal can revive and fully restore XP of all dead characters in the Co
Special gift that commemorates the conquest of Dragon Valley. When used, you can obtain an Agathion - Antharas.
Special gift that commemorates the completion of the Seven Signs quest. When used, you can obtain an Agathion - Nevit's M
Special gift that commemorates the completion of the Seven Sign quest. When used, you can obtain an Agathion - Guardian
Certificate that shows receipt of a Strider pet. You can exchange the coupon for the Strider pet through the News Informer.
Scroll that replenishes 50,000 SP.
Scroll that replenishes 100,000 SP.
Wrapped Pack containing Strider pet coupon.
Wrapped Pack containing Anakim Transformation Scroll. When used, you can obtain a Transformation Sealbook: Anakim.
Wrapped Pack containing Anakim Transformation Sealbook. When used, you can obtain a Transformation Sealbook: Anakim
Box that Isabel Silvershadow in Hunter's Village asks you to deliver. Bring it to Valley Trader Kitzka in Dragon's Valley.
Wrapped Pack containing XP Buff 50%, Freya's Refreshing Breeze, and Ice Watermelon Hat.
Hourglass that increases acquired XP by an additional 50% for 4 hours. All levels.
Hourglass that increases acquired XP by an additional 50% for 4 hours. All levels.
Upon use, for 4 hours, you can temporarily feel the Vitality recovery herb's effect. No effect applies when used while the "Birth
Upon use, for 4 hours, you can temporarily feel the Vitality recovery herb's effect. No effect applies when used while the "Birth
Wrapped Pack containing XP Buff 50%, Freya's Refreshing Breeze, and Ice Watermelon Hat.
R-grade Crystal
Receives a chance to open the Apherus Garden Gate inside the Garden of Genesis.
The source of life that has materialized into a crystal. It is smooth and soft. Use it on the Stakato in the Fairy Settlement.
You found Kimerian's trace in the woods. Bring it back to Noeti Mimirede in Ancient City Arcan.
Information containing Kimerian's exact location. Bring it back to Noeti Mimirede in Ancient City Arcan.
It is the proof of a fairy's friendship. Collect and bring them back to Noeti Mimirede in Ancient City Arcan.
During the battle where you chase Kimerian, you can use it to send a signal and call your fairy friends.
Letter containing secret information. Bring it to the fairy by Timiniel's side.
Potion that cancels the Teredor Poison.
Can move to a special location inside the Ruins of Ye Sagira.
Can move to a special location inside the Ruins of Ye Sagira.
Can move to a special location inside the Ruins of Ye Sagira.
Can move to a special location inside the Ruins of Ye Sagira.
Can move to a special location inside the Ruins of Ye Sagira.
Can move to a special location inside the Ruins of Ye Sagira.
Can move to a special location inside the Ruins of Ye Sagira.

Pagina 203

When enchanted, P. Atk. for R-grade one-handed sword/ blunt, dagger, spear, etc. +6, and two-handed sword/ blunt, dual da
For R-grade armor and accessories. P. Def. +2. When item is enchanted to +4 and above effect is growing, and HP increase
Key that lets you enter the Training Grounds Underground Facility.
Ancient book that records the war between the Gods and the Giants. Take it to Pantheon.
Key that lets you enter the closed underground training ground in the military region.
Ancient Evil Fragment found in the Ruins of Ye Sagira. Pantheon might now more about it.
Only a tattered piece of paper.
Old map that was made during the era of the giants. Bring it to Sebion in front of the Labyrinth of Belis.
Saril's Necklace. Bring it to Sebion in Exploration Zone 5.
Key that lets you enter the Labyrinth of Belis.
Letter of introduction that Pa'agrio Lord Kakai wrote himself. Bring it to Captain Bathis in the Town of Gludio.
Suspicious badge found on the corpse of a spider. It appears to be something that came from Sakum.
A Hastily drawn side profile of Sakum.
A Hastily drawn face of Sakum.
Dropped Sakum's scale.
Stone that stores energy that was used during the era of the Giants.
Bottle for capturing the wisps that flow from Magmeld's Fairy Settlement. Bring it to Chief Slaski at the Ancient City Arcan.
Mark that proves Shilen's apostlehood. The bearer of this mark is a high-level apostle of Shilen.
Mark that proves Shilen's apostlehood. The bearer of this mark is a high-level apostle of Shilen.
The black magic mark of a summoned demon. It also represents a contract with Beleth.
The mark of a high-level demon that was called from hell through a black magic contract. It also represents a contract betwee
The sharp claw of Queen Rachicues of the Rachiche.
Tissue energy crystal fragment obtained through hunting in the Seed of Annihilation area. If you bring it to Kirklan, you can ex
Empty bottle for capturing and storing wisps.
Tonic that can protect the trees in the Fairy Settlement from decaying by the darkness. It is uncertain whether it is effective on
Wing fallen from a reckless fairy. It is an ingredient for the Timiniel's Tonic.
Cocoon fragment from the Fairy Settlement. It is an ingredient for the Timiniel's Tonic.
Bottle containing Kimerian's Breath, which was being held by a fairy whose metamorphosis was blocked. It is an ingredient fo
Tome containing the soul of an Ancient Giant hero. Can be used before the Ancient Giat statues in the Reliquary of the Giant
Cut heart of a dying Earth Wyrm's heart. It still moves and appears to contain tremendous life force.
Crystal with concentrated tissue energy that can be obtained in the Seed of Annihilation. Bring it to Kirklan.
Can be crafted by all races. Quest-type recipe. Recipe for making a tonic needed by the tree that is by Timiniel's side. Requir
Can gather nearby wisps when used.
10,000,000 Adena. Coins received after kissing a toad...
Stronghold fragment piece for controlling the stronghold.
Can open all the doors in the Coral Garden Hall.
You can control the amount of energy with this device.
Tissue energy's residue. Bring it to Soldier Ty.
Can fire the cannon inside the Prison of Darkness.
Can experience the memories of Spezion, who is sealed inside the Prison of Darkness.
Can experience the memories of Spezion, who is sealed inside the Prison of Darkness.
Can view the records of the heroes.
Can use the Labyrinth of Belis.
Collect the soul candles.
Used during the Searching for the Jewels campaign. Collect a lot.
Old map. Bring it to Izael, who knows a lot about Ancient Arcan, and ask about it.
Summon a relic-finding detector inside Cruma Tower.
It is effective when used on the eggs of the correct type insect.
It is effective when used on the eggs of the correct type insect.

Pagina 204

It is effective when used on the eggs of the correct type insect.

Token that can be exchanged for a Tower of Insolence item.
Lv. 1 Giant STR Dye (Str +3 Dex -2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Lv. 1 Giant DEX Dye (Dex +3 Con -2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will
Lv. 1 Giant CON Dye (Con +3 Str -2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will r
Lv. 1 Giant INT Dye (Int +3 Wit -2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Lv. 1 Giant WIT Dye (Wit +3 Men -2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will r
Lv. 1 Giant MEN Dye (Men +3 Int -2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will r
Lv. 1 Giant STR Dye (Str +3 Dex -2 Fire Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in
Lv. 1 Giant DEX Dye (Dex +3 Con -2 Earth Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker
Lv. 1 Giant CON Dye (Con +3 Str -2 Dark Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker i
Lv. 1 Giant INT Dye (Int +3 Wit -2 Water Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in
Lv. 1 Giant WIT Dye (Wit +3 Men -2 Wind Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker i
Lv. 1 Giant MEN Dye (Men +3 Int -2 Holy Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker i
Lv. 1 Legendary STR Dye (Str +3 Dex -1 Fire Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol mak
Lv. 1 Legendary DEX Dye (Dex +3 Con -1 Earth Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol m
Lv. 1 Legendary CON Dye (Con +3 Str -1 Dark Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol m
Lv. 1 Legendary INT Dye (Int +3 Wit -1 Water Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol ma
Lv. 1 Legendary WIT Dye (Wit +3 Men -1 Wind Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol m
Lv. 1 Legendary MEN Dye (Men +3 Int -1 Holy Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol ma
Lv. 2 Giant STR Dye (Str +4 Dex -3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Lv. 2 Giant DEX Dye (Dex +4 Con -3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will
Lv. 2 Giant CON Dye (Con +4 Str -3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will r
Lv. 2 Giant INT Dye (Int +4 Wit -3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Lv. 2 Giant WIT Dye (Wit +4 Men -3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will r
Lv. 2 Giant MEN Dye (Men +4 Int -3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will r
Lv. 2 Ancient STR Dye (Str +4 Dex -3 Fire Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol make
Lv. 2 Ancient DEX Dye (Dex +4 Con -3 Earth Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol ma
Lv. 2 Ancient CON Dye (Con +4 Str -3 Dark Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol mak
Lv. 2 Ancient INT Dye (Int +4 Wit -3 Water Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol make
Lv. 2 Ancient WIT Dye (Wit +4 Men -3 Wind Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol mak
Lv. 2 Ancient MEN Dye (Men +4 Int -3 Holy Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol mak
Lv. 2 Legendary STR Dye (Str +4 Dex -2 Fire Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol ma
Lv. 2 Legendary DEX Dye (Dex +4 Con -2 Earth Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol
Lv. 2 Legendary CON Dye (Con +4 Str -2 Dark Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol m
Lv. 2 Legendary INT Dye (Int +4 Wit -2 Water Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol m
Lv. 2 Legendary WIT Dye (Wit +4 Men -2 Wind Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol m
Lv. 2 Legendary MEN Dye (Men +4 Int -2 Holy Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol m
Lv. 3 Giant STR Dye (Str +5 Dex -4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Lv. 3 Giant DEX Dye (Dex +5 Con -4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will
Lv. 3 Giant CON Dye (Con +5 Str -4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will r
Lv. 3 Giant INT Dye (Int +5 Wit -4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Lv. 3 Giant WIT Dye (Wit +5 Men -4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will r
Lv. 3 Giant MEN Dye (Men +5 Int -4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will r
Lv. 3 Ancient STR Dye (Str +5 Dex -4 Fire Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol make
Lv. 3 Ancient DEX Dye (Dex +5 Con -4 Earth Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol ma
Lv. 3 Ancient CON Dye (Con +5 Str -4 Dark Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol mak
Lv. 3 Ancient INT Dye (Int +5 Wit -4 Water Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol make
Lv. 3 Ancient WIT Dye (Wit +5 Men -4 Wind Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol mak

Pagina 205

Lv. 3 Ancient MEN Dye (Men +5 Int -4 Holy Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol mak
Lv. 3 Legendary STR Dye (Str +5 Dex -3 Fire Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol ma
Lv. 3 Legendary DEX Dye (Dex +5 Con -3 Earth Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol
Lv. 3 Legendary CON Dye (Con +5 Str -3 Dark Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol m
Lv. 3 Legendary INT Dye (Int +5 Wit -3 Water Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol m
Lv. 3 Legendary WIT Dye (Wit +5 Men -3 Wind Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol m
Lv. 3 Legendary MEN Dye (Men +5 Int -3 Holy Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol m
Lv. 4 Giant STR Dye (Str +5 Dex -2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will re
Lv. 4 Giant DEX Dye (Dex +5 Con -2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will
Lv. 4 Giant CON Dye (Con +5 Str -2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will r
Lv. 4 Giant INT Dye (Int +5 Wit -2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will rec
Lv. 4 Giant WIT Dye (Wit +5 Men -2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will r
Lv. 4 Giant MEN Dye (Men +5 Int -2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will r
Lv. 4 Ancient STR Dye (Str +5 Dex -2 Fire Resistance +20). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol make
Lv. 4 Ancient DEX Dye (Dex +5 Con -2 Earth Resistance +20). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol ma
Lv. 4 Ancient CON Dye (Con +5 Str -2 Dark Resistance +20). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol mak
Lv. 4 Ancient INT Dye (Int +5 Wit -2 Water Resistance +20). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol make
Lv. 4 Ancient WIT Dye (Wit +5 Men -2 Wind Resistance +20). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol mak
Lv. 4 Ancient MEN Dye (Men +5 Int -2 Holy Resistance +20). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol mak
Lv. 4 Legendary STR Dye (Str +5 Dex -1 Fire Resistance +20). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol ma
Lv. 4 Legendary DEX Dye (Dex +5 Con -1 Earth Resistance +20). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol
Lv. 4 Legendary CON Dye (Con +5 Str -1 Dark Resistance +20). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol m
Lv. 4 Legendary INT Dye (Int +5 Wit -1 Water Resistance +20). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol m
Lv. 4 Legendary WIT Dye (Wit +5 Men -1 Wind Resistance +20). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol m
Lv. 4 Legendary MEN Dye (Men +5 Int -1 Holy Resistance +20). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol m
Lv. 5 Giant STR Dye (Str +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a
Lv. 5 Giant DEX Dye (Dex +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive
Lv. 5 Giant CON Dye (Con +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive
Lv. 5 Giant INT Dye (Int +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a
Lv. 5 Giant WIT Dye (Wit +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a
Lv. 5 Giant MEN Dye (Men +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive
Lv. 5 Ancient STR Dye (Str +5 Fire Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in tow
Lv. 5 Ancient DEX Dye (Dex +5 Earth Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in t
Lv. 5 Ancient CON Dye (Con +5 Dark Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in t
Lv. 5 Ancient INT Dye (Int +5 Water Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in tow
Lv. 5 Ancient WIT Dye (Wit +5 Wind Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in to
Lv. 5 Ancient MEN Dye (Men +5 Holy Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in t
Lv. 5 Legendary STR Dye (Str +5 Dex +1 Fire Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol m
Lv. 5 Legendary DEX Dye (Dex +5 Con +1 Earth Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbo
Lv. 5 Legendary CON Dye (Con +5 Str +1 Dark Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol
Lv. 5 Legendary INT Dye (Int +5 Wit +1 Water Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol m
Lv. 5 Legendary WIT Dye (Wit +5 Men +1 Wind Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol
Lv. 5 Legendary MEN Dye (Men +5 Int +1 Holy Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol m
Restored petrified hand of Hermuncus. Bring it to Giant's Minion Hadel in Ye Sagira.
Restored petrified foot of Hermuncus. Bring it to the Giant's Minion Hadel in Ye Sagira.
Piece of the petrified hand of Hermuncus.
Piece of the petrified foot of Hermuncus.
Contains mysterious powers that could change your fate.
Highly polished shield that reflects all light.

Pagina 206

Old shield that was used by Orbis' heroes.

Letter containing request from Magmeld delegation leader Lada. Double-click to check its content.
Magic scroll that teleports you to Cruma Tower. Cannot be sold in shops.
Magic scroll that teleports you to the Tower of Insolence. Cannot be sold in shops.
Core retrieved from Mertes rubble after defeating it. Bring it to Krasis member Linkes in Cruma Tower.
Core retrieved from Mertes rubble after defeating it. Bring it to Krasis member Linkes in Cruma Tower.
Item that proves you were successful in inflicting great damage on the Earth Wyrm's body. Bring it to Head Priest of the Earth
Item that proves you were successful in inflicting great damage on the Earth Wyrm's heart. Bring it to Head Priest of the Earth
Item that proves you were successful in inflicting great damage on the Earth Wyrm's fail. Bring it to Head Priest of the Earth D
Proof received after defeating the cursed ancient heroes inside Orbis Temple. Bring it to the messenger of the gods, Lydia.
Fragment obtained from the Earth Wyrm's remains. Bring it to Priest Chichirin in the Town of Schuttgart.
Egg fragment obtained after breaking Teredor's Egg. Collect and bring them to the dwarf Filaur of the Grey Pillar in the Town
Item obtained after defeating Vladimir's Warrior, Lazearth' Warrior, Kenneth Bastian, Beastian, Birestian, Heaven Palace Gua
Item obtained after defeating Destroyer Lazearth, Savage Ken, or Executioner Vladimir in the Tower of Insolence. Bring it to d
Jewel inside a bundle.
Adventurer's Mark. Not distributed anymore. Give it to the adventure guildsman inside the instant dungeon.
Adventurer's Mark. Not distributed anymore. Give it to the adventure guildsman inside the instant dungeon.
Adventurer's Mark. Not distributed anymore. Give it to the adventure guildsman inside the instant dungeon.
Adventurer's Mark. Not distributed anymore. Give it to the adventure guildsman inside the instant dungeon.
Seal received after completing an adventurer's mission. You can exchange it for items from the Adventure Guildsman inside
Seal received after completing an adventurer's mission. You can exchange it for items from the Adventure Guildsman inside
Seal received after completing an adventurer's mission. You can exchange it for items from the Adventure Guildsman inside
Seal received after completing an adventurer's mission. You can exchange it for items from the Adventure Guildsman inside
Stone with the energy of decaying darkness. Its use is unknown. Double-click.
Vanguard Soldier's Dog Tag. It Has the soldiers' ID numbers and names are written on the tags.
Vanguard Soldier's Dog Tag. It Has the soldiers' ID numbers and names are written on the tags.
Vanguard Soldier's Dog Tag. It Has the soldiers' ID numbers and names are written on the tags.
Vanguard Soldier's Dog Tag. It Has the soldiers' ID numbers and names are written on the tags.
Vanguard Soldier's Dog Tag. It Has the soldiers' ID numbers and names are written on the tags.
Vanguard Soldier's Dog Tag. It Has the soldiers' ID numbers and names are written on the tags.
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its P. Atk. significantly. Can be used wit
Letter containing request from Magmeld delegation leader Lada. Go and find Lada in Hunter Village.
Stone with the energy of decaying darkness. Bring it to Jonah and the Mysterious Priest in Ancient Arcan.
Proof received by those who have completed the first class transfer. Can be exchanged for equipment.
Proof received by those who have completed the second class transfer. Can be exchanged for equipment.
Life Stone that can augment a hair accessory. Can attach a fighter-type option.
Life Stone that can augment a hair accessory. Can attach a mystic-type option.

A Requiem Shaper in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
A Requiem Cutter in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
A Requiem Slasher in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard,
A Requiem Avenger in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard,
A Requiem Fighter in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
A Requiem Stormer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard,

Pagina 207

A Requiem Thrower in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard,
A Requiem Shooter in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard,
A Requiem Buster in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
A Requiem Caster in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
A Requiem Retributer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard
A Requiem Dual Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standa
A Requiem Dual Dagger in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Stand
A Requiem Dual Blunt Weapon in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed,
An Immortal Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard,
An Immortal Breastplate in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Stand
Immortal Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
Immortal Gauntlets in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
Immortal Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
An Immortal Shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
An Immortal Leather Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, S
An Immortal Leather Armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Sta
Immortal Leather Leggings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Sta
Immortal Leather Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Stand
Immortal Leather Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standa
An Immortal Circlet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
An Immortal Tunic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
An Immortal Stockings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standa
Immortal Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
Immortal Shoes in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
An Immortal Sigil in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
An Immortal Necklace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standar
An Immortal Earring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard,
An Immortal Ring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
Apocalypse Shaper in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard,
Apocalypse Cutter in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
Apocalypse Slasher in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard,
Apocalypse Avenger in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard
Apocalypse Fighter in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard,
Apocalypse Stormer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard,
Apocalypse Thrower in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard
Apocalypse Shooter in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard,
Apocalypse Buster in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
Apocalypse Caster in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
Apocalypse Retributer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standar
An Apocalypse Dual Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Sta
An Apocalypse Dual Dagger in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, St
An Apocalypse Dual Blunt Weapon in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Bles
A Twilight Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
A Twilight Breastplate in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standar
Twilight Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
A Twilight Gauntlets in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard,
Twilight Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bo
A Twilight Shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
A Twilight leather Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Stan

Pagina 208

A Twilight leather armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Stand
Twilight leather Leggings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Stand
Twilight leather Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standa
Twilight leather Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard
A Twilight Circlet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
A Twilight Tunic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
Twilight Stockings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
Twilight Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
Twilight Shoes in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bo
A Twilight Sigil in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bo
A Twilight Necklace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard,
A Twilight Earring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
A Twilight Ring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bo
A Specter Shaper in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
A Specter Cutter in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
A Specter Slasher in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
A Specter Avenger in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
A Specter Fighter in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
A Specter Stormer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
A Specter Thrower in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
A Specter Shooter in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
A Specter Buster in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
A Specter Caster in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
A Specter Retributer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard,
An Unidentified Specter Dual Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Bles
An Unidentified Specter Dual Dagger in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Ble
An Unidentified Specter Dual Blunt Weapon in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can
A Seraph Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
A Seraph Breastplate in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard
Seraph Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
A Seraph Gauntlets in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard,
Seraph Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bou
A Seraph Shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
A Seraph leather Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Stand
Seraph leather armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard
Seraph leather Leggings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Stand
Seraph leather Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standar
Seraph leather Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard
A Seraph Circlet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
A Seraph Tunic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
Seraph Stockings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
Seraph Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bo
Seraph Shoes in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bo
A Seraph Sigil in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bo
A Seraph Necklace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard,
A Seraph Earring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
A Seraph Ring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bo
a Helios Shaper in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
a Helios Cutter in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bo

Pagina 209

a Helios Slasher in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
a Helios Avenger in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
a Helios Fighter in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
a Helios Stormer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
a Helios Thrower in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
a Helios Shooter in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
a Helios Buster in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
a Helios Caster in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
a Helios Retributer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
An Unidentified Helios Dual Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Bless
An Unidentified Helios Dual Dagger in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Bles
An Unidentified Helios Dual Blunt Weapon in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can b
An Eternal Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
An Eternal Breastplate in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standa
Eternal Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bo
An Eternal Gauntlets in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard
Eternal Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bou
An Eternal Shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
An Eternal Leather Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Sta
An Eternal Leather Armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Stan
Eternal Leather Leggings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Stan
Eternal Leather Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standa
Eternal Leather Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standar
An Eternal Circlet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
An Eternal Tunic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
Eternal Stockings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
Eternal Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bo
Eternal Shoes in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bo
An Eternal Sigil in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
An Eternal Necklace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard,
An Eternal Earring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
An Eternal Ring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
A Kaliel Shaper in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
A Kaliel Cutter in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bo
A Kaliel Slasher in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
A Kaliel Avenger in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
A Kaliel Fighter in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
A Kaliel Stormer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
A Kaliel Thrower in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
A Kaliel Shooter in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
A Kaliel Buster in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bo
A Kaliel Caster in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bo
A Kaliel Retributer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
A Kaliel Dual Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard,
A Kaliel Dual Dagger in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard
A Kaliel Dual Blunt Weapon in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Sta
A Durandia Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
A Durandia Breastplate in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standa
Durandia Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or

Pagina 210

A Durandia Gauntlets in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard
Durandia Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
A Durandia Shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
A Durandia leather Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Sta
A Durandia leather armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Stan
Durandia leather Leggings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Sta
Immortal Leather Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Stand
Durandia leather Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standa
A Durandia Circlet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
A Durandia Tunic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
Durandia Stockings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard,
Durandia Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or
Durandia Shoes in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
Durandia Sigil in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bo
A Durandia Necklace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard
A Durandia Earring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, o
A Durandia Ring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or B
Reward box given to volunteers for the Antharas expedition. When the chest is opened, you can receive the Oren Lord Valtez
Arrow made of Orichalcum. Used as arrows for R-grade bows.
Red crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. R-grade. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon.
Green crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. R-grade. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon.
Blue crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. R-grade. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon.
Red crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. R95-grade. Can bestow special abilities on the weapon.
Green crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. R95-grade. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon.
Blue crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. R95-grade. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon.
Red crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. R99-grade. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon.
Green crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. R99-grade. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon.
Blue crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. R99-grade. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities to a weapon.
Legendary yellow crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. R99-grade. Once saturated, Bestows an additional special ab
Legendary Teal crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. R99-grade. Can bestow an additional special ability on a weap
Legendary purple crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. R99-grade. Can bestow an additional special ability on a wea
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augme
Mid-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
High-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
Top-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. May be used as an ingredient in weap
This is a legendary mineral, having been petrified by a creature's physical or magical force. May be used as an ingredient in w
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augme
Mid-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
High-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
Top-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
Legendary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augme
Mid-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
High-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
Top-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
Legendary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon augm
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 85 or above when aug
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 95 or above when aug
Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 95 or above when aug

Pagina 211

Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Requiem Shaper.

Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Requiem Cutter.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Requiem Slasher.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Requiem Avenger.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Requiem Fighter.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Requiem Stormer.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Requiem Thrower.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Requiem Shooter.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Requiem Buster.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Requiem Caster.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Requiem Retributer.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Immortal Helmet.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Immortal Breastplate.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Immortal Gaiters.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Immortal Gauntlets.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Immortal Boots.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Immortal Shield.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Immortal Leather Helmet.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Immortal Leather Armor.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Immortal Leather Leggings.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Immortal Leather Gloves.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Immortal Leather Boots.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Immortal Circlet.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Immortal Tunic.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Immortal Stockings.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Immortal Gloves.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Immortal Shoes.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Immortal Sigil.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Immortal Necklace.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Immortal Earring.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Immortal Ring.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Apocalypse Shaper.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Apocalypse Cutter.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Apocalypse Slasher.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Apocalypse Avenger.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Apocalypse Fighter.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Apocalypse Stormer.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Apocalypse Thrower.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Apocalypse Shooter.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Apocalypse Buster.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Apocalypse Caster.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Apocalypse Retributer.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Twilight Helmet.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Twilight Breastplate.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Twilight Gaiters.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Twilight Gauntlets.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Twilight Boots.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Twilight Shield.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Twilight leather Helmet.

Pagina 212

Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Twilight leather armor.

Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Twilight leather Leggings.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Twilight leather Gloves.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Twilight leather Boots.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Twilight Circlet.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Twilight Tunic.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Twilight Stockings.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Twilight Gloves.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Twilight Shoes.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Twilight Sigil.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Twilight Necklace.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Twilight Earring.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Twilight Ring.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Specter Shaper.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Specter Cutter.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Specter Slasher.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Specter Avenger.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Specter Fighter.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Specter Stormer.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Specter Thrower.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Specter Shooter.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Specter Buster.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Specter Caster.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Specter Retributer.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Seraph Helmet.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Seraph Breastplate.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Seraph Gaiters.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified an Seraph Gauntlets.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Seraph Boots.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified a Seraph Shield.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Seraph leather Helmet.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Seraph leather armor.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Seraph leather Leggings.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Seraph leather Gloves.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Seraph leather Boots.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Seraph Circlet.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Seraph Tunic.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Seraph Stockings.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Seraph Gloves.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Seraph Shoes.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Seraph Sigil.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Seraph Necklace.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Seraph Earring.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Seraph Ring.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Helios Shaper.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Helios Cutter.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Helios Slasher.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Helios Avenger.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Helios Fighter.

Pagina 213

Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Helios Stormer.

Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Helios Thrower.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Helios Shooter.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Helios Buster.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Helios Caster.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Helios Retributer.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Eternal Helmet.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Eternal Breastplate.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Eternal Gaiters.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified an Eternal Gauntlets.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Eternal Boots.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Eternal Shield.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Eternal Leather Helmet.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Eternal Leather Armor.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Eternal Leather Leggings.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Eternal Leather Gloves.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Eternal Leather Boots.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Eternal Circlet.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Eternal Tunic.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Eternal Stockings.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Eternal Gloves.
Main ingredient for making Unidentified Eternal Shoes.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Eternal Sigil.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Eternal Necklace.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Eternal Earring.
Main ingredient for making an Unidentified Eternal Ring.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Solvent needed for crafting R-grade items.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Requiem Shaper. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Requiem Cutter. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the s
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Requiem Slasher. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Requiem Avenger. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Requiem Fighter. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Requiem Stormer. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Requiem Thrower. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Requiem Shooter. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Requiem Buster. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the s
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Requiem Caster. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the s
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Requiem Retributer. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of th
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Helmet. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the

Pagina 214

For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Breastplate. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case o
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Gaiters. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Gauntlets. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Boots. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the s
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Shield. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 11. 60% success rate. If successful,
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Leather Helmet. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In ca
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Leather Armor. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Leather Leggings. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In c
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Leather Gloves. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In ca
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Leather Boots. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Circlet. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Tunic. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the s
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Stockings. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Gloves. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Shoes. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Sigil. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the su
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Necklace. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of t
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Earring. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Ring. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the su
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Apocalypse Shaper. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Apocalypse Cutter. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Apocalypse Slasher. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Apocalypse Avenger. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Apocalypse Fighter. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Apocalypse Stormer. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Apocalypse Thrower. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Apocalypse Shooter. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Apocalypse Buster. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. I
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Apocalypse Caster. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. I
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Apocalypse Retributer. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Helmet. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Breastplate. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Gaiters. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Gauntlets. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In c
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Boots. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Shield. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 12. 60% success rate. If successful, the
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight leather Helmet. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight leather Breastplate. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight leather Leggings. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight leather Gloves. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight leather Boots. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Circlet. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Tunic. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Stockings. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In c
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Gloves. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Shoes. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Sigil. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case o
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Necklace. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In c
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Earring. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In cas

Pagina 215

For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Ring. Requires level 12 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Specter Shaper. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In ca
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Specter Cutter. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Specter Slasher. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In ca
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Specter Avenger. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In ca
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Specter Fighter. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Specter Stormer. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In ca
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Specter Thrower. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In ca
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Specter Shooter. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In ca
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Specter Buster. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Specter Caster. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Specter Retributer. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Seraph Helmet. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Seraph Breastplate. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Seraph Gaiters. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Seraph Gauntlets. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In c
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Seraph Boots. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Seraph Shield. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 13. 60% success rate. If successful, the
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Seraph leather Helmet. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Seraph Leather Armor. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Seraph leather Leggings. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Seraph leather Gloves. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Seraph leather Boots. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Seraph Circlet. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Seraph Tunic. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Seraph Stockings. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In c
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Seraph Gloves. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Seraph Shoes. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Seraph Sigil. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case o
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Seraph Necklace. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In c
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Seraph Earring. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Seraph Ring. Requires level 13 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case o
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Helios Shaper. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Helios Cutter. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Helios Slasher. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Helios Avenger. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Helios Fighter. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Helios Stormer. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Helios Thrower. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Helios Shooter. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Helios Buster. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Helios Caster. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Helios Retributer. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In ca
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Eternal Helmet. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In ca
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Eternal Breastplate. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. I
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Eternal Gaiters. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In ca
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Eternal Gauntlets. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Eternal Boots. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Eternal Shield. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 14. 60% success rate. If successful, th

Pagina 216

For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Eternal Leather Helmet. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Eternal Leather Armor. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Eternal Leather Leggings. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Eternal Leather Gloves. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Eternal Leather Boots. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Eternal Circlet. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Eternal Tunic. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Eternal Stockings. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Eternal Gloves. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In ca
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Eternal Shoes. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In cas
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Eternal Sigil. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Eternal Necklace. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Eternal Earring. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In ca
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Eternal Ring. Requires level 14 of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case

The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its M. Atk. Can be used with an R-grade
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its M. Atk. significantly. Can be used wi
Bolt made of Orichalcum. Used as bolts for R-grade crossbows.
Transforms an R-grade bound item into a standard item through the Blacksmith of Mammon. Also has a low chance of becom
Transforms an R95-grade bound item into a standard item through the Blacksmith of Mammon. Also has a low chance of bec
Transforms an R99-grade bound item into a standard item through the Blacksmith of Mammon. Also has a low chance of bec
When enchanted, P. Atk. for R-grade one-handed sword/ blunt, dagger, spear, etc. +6, and two-handed sword/ blunt, dual da
When enchanted, P. Def. for armor/accessories (R-grade) +2. When enchanted to +4 or above, P. Def. Increases greatly. Ca
Proof given to those who successfully complete a mission. Can be exchanged for equipment.
Take it to Denign to imbue Antharas' Earring with Antharas' Soul.
Take it to Denign to imbue Valakas' Necklace with Valakas' Soul.
Legendary yellow crystal fragment containing the light of absorbed souls. R99-grade. Collect 10 to make a complete crystal.
Legendary Teal crystal fragment containing the light of absorbed souls. R99-grade. Collect 10 to make a complete crystal.
Legendary purple crystal fragment containing the light of absorbed souls. R99-grade. Collect 10 to make a complete crystal.
Item to be delivered to the Magister Joan on the 3rd Floor of the Ivory Tower. To teleport to the Ivory Tower, visit the Gatekee
Items to be collected for the Ivory Tower mission. Collect them and bring them to the 3rd floor to magister Joan in the elven M
Insignia collected from the creatures in the Outlaw Forest. Collect enough and return to Captain Mouen in the Town of Oren.
Emblem collected from the creatures in the Outlaw Forest. Collect enough and return to Captain Mouen in the Town of Oren.
Element of Evil collected from the creatures in the Outlaw Forest. Collect enough and return to Captain Mouen in the Town o
Strange rock collected off a creature in the Forsaken Plains. Needed as proof that you have completed task assigned to you
Item obtained from creatures in the Forsaken Plains. Collect enough and bring them to Magister Desmond in the Mystic Guid
The ash left from the defeated creatures in the Valley of Saints. Collect enough of them and bring them to High Priest Agripel
Buffalo Meat collected for the work request from Captain Vishotsky to replenish the food shortage in Schuttgart.
Ursus Meat collected for the work request from Captain Vishotsky to replenish the food shortage in Schuttgart.
Yeti Meat collected for the work request from Captain Vishotsky to replenish the food shortage in Schuttgart.
Letter Armor Merchant Alisha in the Town of Rune needs you to deliver to Grand Magister Tifaren in the Mystic Guild of the T
Letter that Grand Magister Tifaren was intending to send to the Mysterious Wizard. She needs you to deliver it to the Mysterio
Item obtained from the creatures inhabiting the Blazing Swamp. Collect an enough and bring them to Priest Ross in Einhasad
Blood Sample collected from the creatures defeated at the Wall of Argos. Collect enough and bring them to Magister Justin a
Item needed to help Walderal start his new business. Collect enough and return to Warehouse Keeper Walderal in the Town
Item obtained hunting Stakatos in the Swamp of Screams. After collecting enough return to Mercenary Supplier Abercrombie
Item obtained from the evil spirits of the Cemetery. Collect an adequate amount and bring them to Pamela Aprodia in the God
Item obtained from the creatures in Silent Valley. Collect enough and bring them to Recipe Merchant Dolphren at the Aden B
Item obtained from the creatures inhabiting the Shrine of Loyalty. Collect enough and bring them to Priest Bastian in Einhasa

Pagina 217

Legendary yellow crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. R-grade. Can bestow an additional special ability on a weapo
Legendary Teal crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. R-grade. Can bestow an additional special ability on a weapon
Legendary purple crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. R-grade. Can bestow an additional special ability on a weapo
Legendary yellow crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. R95-grade. Can bestow an additional special ability on a wea
Legendary Teal crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. R95-grade. Can bestow an additional special ability on a weap
Legendary purple crystal containing the light of absorbed souls. R95-grade. Can bestow an additional special ability on a wea
Legendary yellow crystal fragment containing the light of absorbed souls. R-grade. Collect 10 to make a complete crystal.
Legendary Teal crystal fragment containing the light of absorbed souls. R-grade. Collect 10 to make a complete crystal.
Legendary purple crystal fragment containing the light of absorbed souls. R-grade. Collect 10 to make a complete crystal.
Legendary yellow crystal fragment containing the light of absorbed souls. R95-grade. Collect 10 to make a complete crystal.
Legendary Teal crystal fragment containing the light of absorbed souls. R95-grade. Collect 10 to make a complete crystal.
Legendary purple crystal fragment containing the light of absorbed souls. R95-grade. Collect 10 to make a complete crystal.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Event Item\nTemporarily increases Recovery Rate. Effect 1.
Event Item\nTemporarily increases Recovery Rate and power. Effect 2.
Event Item\nTemporarily increases Recovery Rate, power and power Speed. Effect 3.
Event Item\nMagically multiplies the effect of Spicy Kimchi by 5.
Event item\nRecovers Vitality upon acquiring XP Vitality item with limited usage.
Event item\nMagic Red Ginseng that replenishes some Vitality. Vitality item with limited usage.
This consumable item allows you to magically transport yourself to a specific location.
Extra entrance pass that lets you enter Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss). Can cancel the limit on entrance if used while a limit on
Extra entrance pass that lets you enter Near Kamaloka. Can cancel the limit on entrance if used while a limit on entrance to N
Extra entrance pass that lets you enter Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss). Can cancel the limit on entrance if used while a lim
Dimensional Item\nItem consumed when saving a new My Teleport location. Can be shared within an account through the Di
Tasty candy that replenishes your Vitality to a certain degree. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Majo.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Gold Majo.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Black Majo.
Contains an Agathion - Majo usable for up to 30 days.
Contains an Agathion - Gold Majo usable for up to 30 days.
Contains an Agathion - Black Majo usable for up to 30 days.
Contains an Agathion - Plaipitak.
Contains an Agathion - Plaipitak usable for up to 30 days.
Contains an Agathion - Plaipitak usable for up to 30 days.
Contains an Agathion - Plaipitak usable for up to 30 days.
Contains a pair of Horn-rimmed Glasses.
Contains an Afro Hair wig.
Contains an Afro Hair wig.
Contains an Afro Hair wig.
Contains a fancy Uniform Hat.
Contains an Assassin's Bamboo Hat.
Contains a Ruthless Tribe Mask.

Pagina 218

Contains an elegant Ribbon Hairband. Exclusive for female characters.

Contains a rakish Visor. Exclusive for male characters.
Contains a My Teleport Scroll.
Contains an extra entrance pass that allows you to enter Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss).
Contains an extra entrance pass that allows you to enter Near Kamaloka.
Contains an extra entrance pass that allows you to enter Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Darkmane Pacer.
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Darkmane Pacer (30-day).
Contains a Kat the Cat Hat.
Contains a Skull Hat.
Contains a My Teleport Flag.
Wrapped Pack containing Baby Panda.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Bamboo Panda.
Wrapped Pack containing Sexy Panda.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Baby Panda (15-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Bamboo Panda (15-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Sexy Pandan (15-day).
Gift of joy.
Gift of enjoyment.
Gift of luck.
Gift of luck.
Wrapped Pack containing Good Luck Bag.
Wrapped Pack containing Lucky Four-leaf Pack.
Lucky Bag filled with good luck. If you use it, you can acquire a hair accessory that has the Vitality recovery capability.
A Lucky Four-leaf Clover. Gives a random Vitality-imbued hair accessory.
This gift-wrapped pack contains the true spirit of the holiday season.
This provides you with a chance to acquire an Agathion - Rudolph, which Has Vitality Recovery Capability.
This gift-wrapped pack contains a Mysterious Formal Wear.
Use this to acquire the Formal Wear.
Gift set given by Santa Claus to show his appreciation.
Gift set given by Santa Claus to show his appreciation.
This magical scroll contains buffs for Fighters wearing heavy armor. It can be used once every hour.
This magical scroll contains buffs for Fighters wearing light armor. It can be used once every hour.
This mysterious scroll contains magic useful to Healer classes. It can be used once every hour.
This magical scroll contains buffs for Mages. It can be used once every hour.
Allows you to potentially receive a powerful item from one of Santa's Helpers in the village.
Allows you to potentially receive a powerful item from one of Santa's Helpers in the village.
Wrapped Pack containing extra entrance pass that lets you enter Near Kamaloka.
Wrapped Pack containing extra entrance pass that lets you enter Near Kamaloka.
Wrapped Pack containing My Teleport Scroll.
Wrapped Pack containing My Teleport Scroll.
Wrapped Pack containing My Teleport Flag.
Wrapped Pack containing My Teleport Flag.
Wrapped Pack containing extra entrance pass that lets you enter Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss).
Wrapped Pack containing extra entrance pass that lets you enter Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss).
Wrapped Pack containing extra entrance pass that lets you enter Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss).
Wrapped Pack containing extra entrance pass that lets you enter Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss).
Wrapped Pack containing Miraculous Valentine Cake: Special Ingredient.
Take this along with a Decadent Valentine Cake to Valentine Messenger Queen of Hearts, and she will create a Heavenly Va

Pagina 219

Recipe for making a Simple Valentine Cake.

Ingredient for making a Valentine Cake.
Ingredient for making a Valentine Cake.
Ingredient for making a Valentine Cake.
Basic Valentine Cake. With a little more care, you might be able to make a Velvety Valentine Cake. Double-click to see what
Creamy Valentine Cake. With a little more care, you may be able to make a Velvety Valentine Cake. Double-click to see wha
Yummy and inviting Valentine Cake. With a little more care, you might be able to make a Decadent Valentine Cake. Double-c
This is a perfect Valentine delicacy. Double-clicking this item will yield a special Valentine treat.
Divine confection made with love and care. Double-click to transform into a fabulous reward.
Wrapped Pack containing Charming Cupid Agathion and some scrumptious Chocolate Cookies.
Wrapped Pack containing Naughty Cupid Agathion and some scrumptious Chocolate Cookies.
Replenishes Vitality to a certain degree. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - White Maneki Neko.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Black Maneki Neko.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Brown Maneki Neko.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - White Maneki Neko (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Black Maneki Neko (7-day limit).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Brown Maneki Neko (7-day limit).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - One-eyed Bat Drove.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - One-eyed Bat Drove (7-day limit). Cooldown is 1 hour.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - One-eyed Bat Drove (7-day limit). Cooldown is 1 hour.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Pegasus.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Pegasus (7-day limit).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Pegasus (7-day limit).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Yellow-robed Tojigong.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blue-robed Tojigong.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Green-robed Tojigong.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Yellow-robed Tojigong (7-day limit).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blue-robed Tojigong (7-day limit).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Green-robed Tojigong (7-day limit).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Bugbear.
Wrapped Pack containing Love Agathion Seal Bracelet.
Binds the intense emotions of Baguette.
Event item\nMysterious herb that increases Atk. Spd.
Event item\nMysterious herb that recovers Vitality upon acquiring XP.
Event item\nMysterious herb that increases Casting Spd.
Binds the intense emotions of Baguette. For Kamael use only.
Pack with Gold Afro. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Pack with Pink Afro. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Red Sumo Wrestler.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Red Sumo Wrestler (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blue Sumo Wrestler.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blue Sumo Wrestler (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Great Sumo Match.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Great Sumo Match (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Button-eyed Bear Doll.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Button-eyed Bear Doll (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Button-eyed Bear Doll (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Button-eyed Bear Doll (7-day).

Pagina 220

Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - God of Fortune.

Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - God of Fortune (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Dryad.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Wonboso.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Wonboso (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Daewoonso.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Daewoonso (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Birthday Cake.
Wrapped Pack containing Goggles.
Wrapped Pack containing Napoleon Hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Horn Hairband. Females only.
Wrapped Pack containing Black Gem Mask.
Wrapped Pack containing Plastic Hair.
Summons a Birthday Cake that recovers Vitality when XP are acquired. It'll be effective only when summoned at a certain dis
If used, five thousand Beast Soulshots are acquired.
If used, five thousand Beast Spiritshots are acquired.
If used, five thousand Blessed Beast Spiritshots are acquired.
If used, ten thousand Beast Soulshots are acquired.
If used, ten thousand Beast Spiritshots are acquired.
If used, ten thousand Blessed Beast Spiritshots are acquired.
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a pet/ servitor, temporarily increasing its P. Atk. significantly. Used from th
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a pet/ servitor, temporarily increasing its M. Atk. Used from the master's in
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a pet/ servitor, temporarily increasing its M. Atk. significantly. Used from t
Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When held in your inventory, increases acquired XP by 30%. The timer de
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. Increases acquired XP by 50%. The remaining
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It increases acquired XP by 30%. The remaini
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. Increases acquired XP by 50%. The remaining
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It increases acquired XP by 30%. The remaini
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. Increases acquired XP by 50%. The remaining
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. Increases acquired SP by 50%. The remaining
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. Increases acquired SP by 50%. The remaining
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It increases acquired SP by 30%. The remaini
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. Increases acquired SP by 50%. The remaining
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It increases acquired SP by 30%. The remaini
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. Increases acquired SP by 50%. The remaining
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It decreases 3 levels of penalty for your equipm
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It decreases 5 levels of penalty for your equipm
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It decreases 3 levels of penalty for your equipm
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It decreases 5 levels of penalty for your equipm
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It decreases 3 levels of penalty for your equipm
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It decreases 5 levels of penalty for your equipm
It recovers CP by 200. Cooldown is very short.
It recovers CP by 800. Any character between levels 20 and 39 can use it only for oneself. Cooldown 5 min.
It recovers CP by 1500. Any character level 40 or above and level 51 or below can use it only for oneself. Cooldown 5 min.
It recovers CP by 2000. Any character level 52 or above and level 60 or below can use it only for oneself. Cooldown 5 min.
It recovers CP by 2500. Any character between levels 61 and 75 can use it only for oneself. Cooldown 5 min.
It recovers CP by 3000. Can only be used by characters level 76 - 84 upon themselves. Cooldown 5 min.
Recovers HP by 50%. Any character between levels 20 and 39 can use it only for oneself. Cooldown 5 min.
Recovers HP by 50%. Any character level 40 or above and level 51 or below can use it only for oneself. Cooldown 5 min.

Pagina 221

Recovers HP by 50%. Any character level 52 or above and level 60 or below can use it only for oneself. Cooldown 5 min.
Recovers HP by 50%. Any character between levels 61 and 75 can use it only for oneself. Cooldown 5 min.
Recovers HP by 50%. Can only be used by characters level 76 - 84 upon themselves. Cooldown 5 min.
Transforms you into an Onyx Beast for 30 min.
Transforms you into a Doom Wraith for 30 min.
Transforms you into a Grail Apostle for 30 min.
Transforms you into a Unicorn for 30 min.
Transforms you into a Lilim Knight for 30 min.
Transforms you into a Golem Guardian for 30 min.
Transforms you into an Inferno Drake for 30 min.
Transforms you into a Dragon Bomber for 30 min.
Magic scroll that moves you to Talking Island Village.
Magic scroll that moves you to Elven Village.
Magic scroll that moves you to Dark Elf Village.
Magic scroll that moves you to Orc Village.
Magic scroll that moves you to Dwarven Village.
Magic scroll that moves you to Gludin Village.
Magic scroll that teleports you to the Town of Gludio.
Magic scroll that moves you to Town of Dion.
Magic scroll that moves you to Floran Village.
Magic scroll that teleports you to the Town of Giran.
Magic scroll that moves you to Hardin's Academy.
Magic scroll that moves you to Heine.
Magic scroll that moves you to Town of Oren.
Magic scroll that moves you to Ivory Tower.
Magic scroll that moves you to Hunter's Village.
Magic scroll that teleports you to the Town of Aden.
Magic scroll that moves you to Town of Goddard.
Magic scroll that moves you to the Town of Rune.
Magic scroll that moves you to Town of Schuttgart.
Retains Vitality for 10 min. Cooldown is 30min. Vitality item with limited usage.
Magic potion that replenishes some Vitality. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
A Cocktail made of various rare fruits. When consumed, the effects of Wind Walk, Haste, Vampiric Rage, Might, Shield, Deat
A Cocktail made of various rare fruits. When consumed, the effects of Berserker Spirit, Magic Barrier, Blessed Soul, Empowe
Wrapped Pack containing bracelet that summons Steam Beetle.
When used, several types of items that help hunting can be acquired.
When used, several types of items that help hunting can be acquired.
Wrapped Pack containing Laborer Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Laborer Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Laborer Hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Majo (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Gold Crown Agathion (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Black Majo (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Plaipitak (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Plaipitak (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Plaipitak (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Baby Panda (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Bamboo Panda (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Sexy Pandan (7-day).

Pagina 222

Wrapped Pack containing Horn-rimmed Glasses (7-day).

Wrapped Pack containing Afro Hair (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Afro Hair (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Uniform Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Assassin's Bamboo Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Ruthless Tribe Mask (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Ribbon Hairband (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Visor (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Kat the Cat Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Skull Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Gold Afro Hair (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Pink Afro Hair (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Goggles (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Napoleon Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Horn Hairband (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Black Gem Mask (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Plastic Hair (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Daisy Hairpin (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Forget-me-not Hairpin (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Outlaw's Eyepatch (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Pirate's Eyepatch (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Monocle (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Red Mask of Victory (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Red Horn of Victory (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Party Mask (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Red Party Mask (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Cat Ears (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Lady's Hairpin (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Raccoon Ears (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Rabbit Ears (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Little Angel Wings (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Fairy Antennae (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Chapeau (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Artisan's Goggles (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Darkmane Pacer (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Steam Beetle (7-day).
For events. Wreath containing mother's love.
Wreath containing mother's love.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Pomona.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Pomona (7-day).
Wrapped Pack for events containing Mother's Wreath (24-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Mother's Wreath (3-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Feline Queen Hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Feline King Hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Kai the Cat Hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Gold Maned Lion.
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Gold Maned Lion (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Steam Beetle (30-day).
A Heavenly Scroll: Enchant Weapon and a high -grade Ancient Scroll: Enchant Weapon can be acquired at a constant rate.

Pagina 223

A Heavenly Scroll: Enchant Armor and a high -grade Ancient Scroll: Enchant Armor can be acquired at a constant rate.
Enchant success rate increases by 10%.\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed swords, one-han
10% increases in enchant success rate. \nDefense for S-grade armor or accessory by 1 and by 3 starting from +4. It can be s
Enchant success rate increases by 10%.\nFailure to enchant does not affect the weapon's enchantment level.\nWhen enchan
10% increases in enchant success rate. \nWhen enchant fails, the existing enchant value is retained. \nDefense for S-grade a
100% enchant success rate.\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, o
Enchant success rate is 100%. \nDefense for S-grade armor or accessory by 1 and by 3 starting from +4. Increases HP acco
Increases Water Resistance by 20%.
Increases Wind Resistance by 20%.
Increases Fire Resistance by 20%.
Increases Holy Resistance by 23%.
Increases Dark Resistance by 23%.
Increases Hold/ Sleep/ Mental Attack Resistance by 40.
Increases the power of Critical Attacks by 30.
Decreases damage that is cancelled by magic by 36.
Increases Shield Defense rate by 15.
Increases Evasion rate by 4.
Increases HP Recovery Rate by 20%.
Increases Shield Defense by 40%.
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Steam Beetle (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Gold Maned Lion (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Afro Hair (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Horn-rimmed Glasses (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Assassin's Bamboo Hat (7-day).
Delicious beverage made with rare fruits. Increases Atk. Spd. by 33% when used.
Delicious beverage made with rare fruits. P. Critical Rate increases by 30% when used.
Delicious juice made with rare fruits. It is very light. Speed increases by 33 when used.
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 30% (5-hour). Timer starts once package is opened.
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 50% (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 30% (10-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 50% (10-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 30% (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 50% (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 30% (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 50% (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 30% (10-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 50% (10-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 30% (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 50% (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Rune of Crystal (Lv. 3) (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Rune of Crystal (Lv. 5) (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Rune of Crystal (Lv. 3) (10-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Rune of Crystal (Lv. 5) (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Rune of Crystal (Lv. 3) (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Rune of Crystal (Lv. 5) (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Rune of Feather (24-hour).
Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When held in your inventory, grants the user Eva's Rune passive skill. The
Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When held in your inventory, grants the user Eva's Rune passive skill. The
Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When held in your inventory, increases acquired XP by 30%. The timer de

Pagina 224

Mysterious box containing the blessings of Eva.

Mysterious box containing the blessings of Eva.
Mysterious box containing the blessings of Eva.
Wrapped Pack containing Eva's Circlet (3-day). The timer starts once the box is opened.
Wrapped Pack containing Eva's Circlet (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Eva's Circlet.
Wrapped Pack containing Eva's Rune (5-hour). The timer starts once the box is opened.
Wrapped Pack containing Eva's Rune (3-day). The timer starts once the box is opened.
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 30% (3-hour). The timer starts once the box is opened.
Delicious beverage made with rare fruits. P. Atk. +15% for 60 min. when used.
Magical scroll that relocates you to the nearest village.
Magical scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her XP completely.
Double-click to summon a Fire Spirit.
Double-click to summon an explosive Fire Spirit.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Weaver.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Weaver (24-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Weaver (3-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Summon of Love Bracelet (24-hour).
Thank you gift that helps the warrior occupation series.
Thank you gift that helps the wizard occupation series.
Soulstone that is consumed for an Agathion - Weaver's special skill.
Wrapped Pack containing Shadow Staff (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Anniversary Hat (7-day).
Silver Foil to comfort a spirit of monster.\nWhen used on a corpse of monster, increases max HP by 60%, max MP by 60%, m
Scent to comfort a spirit of monster.\nWhen used on a corpse of monster, increases max HP by 40%, max CP by 40%, P. De
A Certificate that shows you received the Event Small Scroll Chest.
A Certificate that shows you received the Event Large Scroll Chest.
A Certificate that shows you received the Event Chest of Experience.
Wrapped Pack containing Headphone.
Wrapped Pack containing Headphone.
Wrapped Pack containing Headphone.
Wrapped Pack containing Headphone (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Headphone (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Headphone (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Weaver (24-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Weaver (3-day).
Wrapped containing silver foil and scent that comfort the souls of monsters.
Wrapped containing scent that comfort the souls of monsters.
Wrapped Pack containing Anniversary Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Summon of Love Bracelet (7-day).
Can receive a Love Summon bracelet with a certain chance.
If you Double-click, Soul Silver Foil and Soul Scent items are created. (You can only use on every 24 hours.)
Wrapped Pack containing Laborer Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Watermelon Hat.
Pack provided for new adventurers in Aden World. Contains No-grade items and cocktail drinks.
Pack provided for new adventurers in Aden World. Contains a D-grade Fighter item.
Pack provided for new adventurers in Aden World. Contains a D-grade Mage item.
Pack provided for new adventurers in Aden World. Contains useful items.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Lucky Girl.

Pagina 225

Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Lucky Girl (7-day).

Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Lucky Boy.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Lucky Boy (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Dancing Lucky Kid.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Dancing Lucky Kid (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Monkey King.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Monkey King (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Uthanka.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Uthanka (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Bonus B.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Bonus B (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Valkyrie Hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Valkyrie Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Tiger Hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Tiger Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Maid Hairband.
Wrapped Pack containing Maid Hairband (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Baby Panda Hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Baby Panda Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Bamboo Panda Hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Bamboo Panda Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Sexy Panda Hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Sexy Panda Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Gatekeeper Hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Gatekeeper Hat (7-day).
For events. Sweet Revita-Pop. Give it to Skooldie to exchange for Halloween Toy Box.
For events. Use to summon Uldie, first sister of Halloween Children, to play Jack Game. Uldie can't be summoned with pet or
For events. Use to summon Belldandy, second sister of Halloween Children, to play Jack Game. Belldandy can't be summon
For events. Use to summon Skooldie, little brother of Halloween Children, to practice Jack Game. Skooldie can't be summone
For events. One of Halloween Mask can be obtained with chance.
For events. One of Shiny Halloween Mask can be obtained with chance.
Summons Sky Lantern to offer to sky with a wish.
Summons Sky Lantern to offer to sky with a wish.
Summons Sky Lantern to offer to sky with a wish.
Summons Sky Lantern to offer to sky with a wish.
Wrapped Pack with Golden Jack O'Lantern Mask(7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Zombie.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Zombie (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Bluebird.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Hatbird.
One of Onyx Beast, Doom Wraith, Apostle Grail morph scroll drops with chance.
Wrapped Pack with sweet fruit cocktail and refreshing fruit cocktail.
For events. Ancient characters which endow mysterious ability if it is possessed in the inventory. It increases acquired SP by
For events. Ancient characters which endow mysterious ability if it is possessed in the inventory. It increases acquired XP by
Wrapped Pack with Reanimated Corpse Mask.
Wrapped Pack with Shriek Mask.
Wrapped Pack with Red Devil Mask.
Wrapped Pack with Mummy Mask.
Wrapped Pack with Shiny Alien Mask.

Pagina 226

Box containing Santas' Christmas Gift. You must receive this gift to end the year on a good note!
Box containing Santas' Biggest Christmas Gift! You must receive this gift to end the year on a good note!
Take this coupon to the Santa in any town, and you will receive a very powerful weapon.
Take this coupon to the Santa in any town, and you will receive a Holiday Shirt.
Coupon that can only be obtained by a lucky person. If you take this coupon to Santa in any town, you will receive a very pow
If you use it, you can receive Santa's Weapon Coupon. If you're lucky, you might have a chance of also receiving a Weapon
Necklace that can summon a Rudolph.
Necklace that can summon a Rudolph. Can keep a cute baby Rudolph.
Coupon that can be exchanged for a Rudolph Necklace.
Certificate that shows you have received three reindeer necklaces. If you have this item, you cannot receive more necklaces
Candy containing energy of a star. Replenishes Vitality to a certain degree upon use. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with lim
Candy containing energy of a star. Replenishes Vitality to a certain degree upon use. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with lim
Candy containing energy of a star. Replenishes Vitality to a certain degree upon use. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with lim
Candy containing energy of a star. Replenishes Vitality to a certain degree upon use. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with lim
Food containing mysterious power. When eaten, Vitality is maintained for 20 min. when acquiring XP. Vitality item with limited
Nutritious food that a baby Rudolph must eat to grow into a Boy Rudolph.
Fruit basket full of delicious-looking apples.
Fruit basket full of delicious-looking oranges.
Fruit basket full of delicious-looking bananas.
Rudolph's Gift filled with Christmas fortune. Contains a wrapped Rudolph Pet Coupon, 4 Vitality Star Candy, Mysterious Food
When used, can display a brilliant flame screen.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Guangong (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Gwanseum Nyang Nyang (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blue Opera (7 day - Sword of Recovery).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blue Opera (7 day - Sword of Lightning).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Red Opera (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Opera.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Opera.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Miss Chipao (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Nepal Snow.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Round Ball Snow.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Ladder Snow.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Nepal Snow (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Round Ball Snow (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Ladder Snow (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Flame Box.
Wrapped Pack containing Rocket Gun Hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Yellow Paper Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Pink Paper Mask Set (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Flavorful Cheese Hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Sweet Cheese Hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Flavorful Cheese Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Sweet Cheese Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Soul Avatar - Iken.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Iken (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Soul Avatar - Lanya.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Lanya (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Soul Avatar - Gnosian.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Gnosian (7-day).

Pagina 227

Wrapped Pack containing Soul Avatar - Orodriel.

Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cheerleader Orodriel (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Soul Avatar - Lakinos.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Lakinos (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Soul Avatar - Mortia.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Mortia (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Soul Avatar - Heintz.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Heintz (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Soul Avatar - Meruril.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Meruril (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Soul Avatar - Taman Zu Rapatui.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Taman Zu Rapatui (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Soul Avatar - Kaurin.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Kaurin (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Soul Avatar - Ahertbein.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Ahertbein (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Soul Avatar - Naonin.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Naonin (7-day).
Large Wrapped Pack containing 12 Soul Avatar packs.
Summons Kotatz, who increases HP Recovery Rate by 40% and MP Recovery Rate by 20%. The Recovery Bonus effect occ
Contains a Kadomas Transformation Stick and 3 Kotatz.
Ignites a Red Firecracker. For 10 min., increases Water Attribute Resistance by 30 and STR by 1. Cooldown is 4 hours.
Ignites a Gold Firecracker. For 10 min., increases Holy Attribute Resistance by 30 and CON by 1. Cooldown is 4 hours.
Ignites a Blue Firecracker. For 10 min., increases Fire Attribute Resistance by 30 and DEX by 1. Cooldown is 4 hours.
Ignites a Pink Firecracker. For 10 min., increases Earth Attribute Resistance by 30 and MEN by 1. Cooldown is 4 hours.
Ignites a white firecracker. For 10 min., increases Wind Attribute Resistance by 30 and WIT by 1. Cooldown is 4 hours.
Ignites a Silver Firecracker. For 10 min., increases Dark Attribute Resistance by 30 and INT by 1. Cooldown is 4 hours.
For 1 hour, M. Atk. +75% and the chance of magic damage by 2.
For 1 hour, increases Critical Damage by 35%, Critical Rate by 30, and Accuracy by 4.
For 1 hour, P. Def. +15, M. Def. by 30%, and Shield Defense rate by 15.
Decreases P. Def. by 8%, M. Def. by 16%, and Evasion by 4. P. Atk. +15%, M. Atk. by 16%, Atk. Spd. by 8%, Casting Spd. b
For 1 hour, decreases physical skill MP consumption by 20%, magic skill's MP consumption by 10%, and song/ dance skill's
Increases Atk. Spd. by 33% and the weight penalty interval by 9000 for 1 hour.
For 1 hour, increases Speed by 33, Evasion rate by 4, and Max HP by 35%.
Thank you letter.
Card containing Lancet's profile and story.
Card containing Liposa's profile and story.
Card containing Velarin's profile and story.
Card containing Dulcinel's profile and story.
Card containing Chimeros' profile and story.
Card containing Niveri's profile and story.
Card containing Hamell's profile and story.
Card containing Joriya's profile and story.
Card containing Ralmak's profile and story.
Card containing Goras's profile and story.
Card containing Vensar's profile and story.
Card containing Kiela's profile and story.
Stone that distorts space and time. When used after clearing the Pailaka quest, you can enter 1 more time. Cooldown is 5 ho
Wrapped Pack containing Purple Paper Mask (7-day).

Pagina 228

Fresh, sweet mango and flavorful sweet rice. Replenishes Vitality to a certain degree. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with li
The Santa Hat and Rudolph's Nose are packaged together.
Wrapped Pack containing the Queen Ant's Ring (7-day).
Increases HP/ MP Recovery Rate by 20% through rose aroma for 5 min.
Rose energy extract that is needed to use the Rose Spirit's special skill.
One fragrant red rose bud.
One fragrant blue rose bud.
One fragrant white rose bud.
Summons the Rose Spirit Desheloph.
Summons the Rose Spirit Hyum.
Summons the Rose Spirit Lekang.
Summons the Rose Spirit Lilias.
Summons the Rose Spirit Lapham.
Summons the Rose Spirit Mafum.
Coupon that can be exchanged for a necklace (5-hour) that summons an Enhanced Rose Spirit.
Summons Enhanced Rose Spirit Desheloph. Hunger gauge lasts 5 hours. Cannot feed pet to refill hunger gauge. Special Ab
Summons Enhanced Rose Spirit Hyum. Hunger gauge lasts 5 hours. Cannot feed pet to refill hunger gauge. Special Abilities
Summons Enhanced Rose Spirit Lekang. Hunger gauge lasts 5 hours. Cannot feed pet to refill hunger gauge. Special Abilitie
Summons Enhanced Rose Spirit Lilias. Hunger gauge lasts 5 hours. Cannot feed pet to refill hunger gauge. Special Abilities
Summons Enhanced Rose Spirit Lapham. Hunger gauge lasts 5 hours. Cannot feed pet to refill hunger gauge. Special Abiliti
Summons Enhanced Rose Spirit Mafum. Hunger gauge lasts 5 hours. Cannot feed pet to refill hunger gauge. Special Abilitie
Report in which you can record your findings while testing the Enhanced Rose Spirit. You can only return it 24 hours after rec
2010 April Fools' Day Vesper Super Power Her b
2010 April Fools' Day Vesper Critical Power Her b
2010 April Fools' Day Invincible Vesper Her b
Mt. Fuji Her b
Hawk Her b
Eggplant Her b
Wrapped Pack that has Jet Bike (7-day).
Wrapped Pack that has Jet Bike (30-day).
Wrapped Pack that has Agathion - Phoenix (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Phoenix (7-day).
Wrapped Pack that has Fox Mask.
Wrapped Pack that has Fox Mask (30-day).
Wrapped Pack that has Paiwan Hat.
Wrapped Pack that has Paiwan Hat (7-day).
When used, 5000 Soul Avatar Energy is recovered. Can be replenished only when Soul Avatar is on and when the consumed
When used, 10000 Soul Avatar Energy is recovered. Can be replenished only when Soul Avatar is on and the consumed ene
Wrapped Pack that has Agathion - Zombie (7-day).
The luckiest person will be given a special fortune box on April Fool's Day. What will be inside?
Wrapped Pack containing Vesper Royal Crown.
Wrapped Pack containing Vesper Royal Circlet.
Wrapped Pack containing Vesper Noble Mask.
Wrapped Pack containing Vesper Royal Crown (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Vesper Royal Circlet (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Vesper Noble Mask (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Vesper Royal Crown.
Wrapped Pack containing Vesper Royal Circlet.
Wrapped Pack containing Vesper Noble Mask.

Pagina 229

Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Guangong.

Noble mark representing bravery. Needed to use the Buff of Virtue, Silence of Fidelity, and Vitality of Courage with the opera
Noble mark representing friendship. Needed to use the Age of the Three Kingdoms with the opera mask.
Taiwanese specialty food. Enchant success rate +15% for weapons (B-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Taiwanese specialty food. Enchant success rate +12% for weapons (A-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Taiwanese specialty food. Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (S-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Refreshing sports drink that immediately quenches thirst. Restores 1,000 energy when used while a Ball Trapping Agathion o
Soccer ball given as a gift for cheering. When the soccer ball is used, you may obtain a Blessed Weapon Scroll of Enchantme
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Three-headed Dragon.
Wrapped Pack containing Liu Bei Opera Mask.
Wrapped Pack containing Guan Yu Opera Mask.
Wrapped Pack containing Zhang Fei Opera Mask.
Wrapped Pack containing Dragon Boat.
Wrapped Pack containing Dragon Boat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Ball Trapping Gnosian.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Ball Trapping Orodriel.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Penalty Kick.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Ball Trapping Gnosian.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Ball Trapping Orodriel.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Penalty Kick.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Ball Trapping Gnosian.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Ball Trapping Orodriel.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Penalty Kick.
Wrapped Pack containing Soccer Hall Afro Hair (White).
Wrapped Pack containing Soccer Hall Afro Hair (Blue).
Wrapped Pack containing Soccer Hall Afro Hair (Red).
Wrapped Pack containing Mark of Victory (Korea).
Wrapped Pack containing Mark of Victory (Japan).
Wrapped Pack containing Mark of Cheers.
Potion that gives you Hardin's Divine Protection. Maximizes P. Def. for 10 sec. upon use. Cooldown is 15 min.
Potion that gives you Hardin's Blessing. Maximizes M. Def. for 10 sec. upon use. Cooldown is 15 min.
Silpheed's power grants you Speed +300 for 15 sec.
Silpheed's power grants Speed +300 to you and nearby allies for 15 sec.
Scroll containing the power of Evain. Temporarily recovers HP of yourself and friendly nearby targets by 500. Cooldown 30 m
Good luck charm containing the power of life. When held in the inventory, it automatically restores 500 HP when HP falls belo
Good luck charm containing the power of magic. When held in the inventory, it automatically restores 500 MP when MP falls
Potion containing the power of an ancient warrior. It recovers CP by 300.
Potion containing the soul of a hero. Temporarily recovers HP by 500 and MP by 200. 60 sec. cooldown.
Restores 100 HP per second for 15 sec.
Instantly restores HP by 870. Cannot be used when HP is full.
There is a certain chance that you will receive the ancient text increases of Divinity (original) and the Lesser Giant's Codex.
Wrapped Pack containing Flag Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Flag Hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Granny Tiger Hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Mischievous Bee Hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Granny Tiger (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Granny Tiger.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Flower Fairy Spirit.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cheerleader Orodriel (7-day).

Pagina 230

Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cheerleader Orodriel.

Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cheerleader Lanya (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cheerleader Lanya.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cheerleader Naonin (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cheerleader Naonin.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cheerleader Mortia (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cheerleader Mortia.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cheerleader Kaurin (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cheerleader Kaurin.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cheerleader Meruril (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cheerleader Meruril.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Handy (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Handy.
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if it is possessed in the inventory. It increases acquired XP by 30%. The
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 30% 1 hour.
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if it is possessed in the inventory. It increases acquired SP by 30%. The
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 30% 1 hour.
Wrapped Pack containing Jet Bike.
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 50% (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 50% (7-day).
Cocktail drink that's flavored with many rare types of fruit. When consumed, for 1 hour, one can feel the effects of Wind Walk,
Cocktail drink that's flavored with many rare types of fruit. When consumed, for 1 hour, one can feel Berserker Spirit, Magic B
Wrapped Pack containing Circlet of Ice.
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for a D-grade Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor.
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for a C-grade Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor.
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for a B-grade Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor.
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for an A-grade Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor.
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for an S-grade Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor.
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for a D-grade Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon.
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for a C-grade Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon.
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for a B-grade Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon.
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for an A-grade Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon.
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for an S-grade Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon.
Double-click to create a cube fragment that can be exchanged for a weapon/ armor enchant scroll. (Disappears after 1 time u
Double-click to create augmenting stones according to type. (Disappears after 1 time use.)
Wrapped Pack containing warm bear hat.
Wrapped Pack containing warm bear hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing warm bear paws.
Wrapped Pack containing warm beat paws (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing stag beetle hat.
Wrapped Pack containing stag beetle hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing beetle hat.
Wrapped Pack containing beetle hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing ladybug hat.
Wrapped Pack containing ladybug hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing praying mantis hat.
Wrapped Pack containing praying mantis hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing grasshopper hat.
Wrapped Pack containing grasshopper hat (7-day).

Pagina 231

Wrapped Pack containing gold-rimmed glasses.

Wrapped Pack containing gold-rimmed glasses (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing white uniform hat.
Wrapped Pack containing white uniform hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing warrior's helmet.
Wrapped Pack containing Warrior's Helmet (7-day).
Scroll for transforming into a Dragon Master Lee. The effect lasts for 1 hour.
Scroll for transforming into a Dragon Master Karin. The effect lasts for 1 hour.
Scroll that summons brilliant, shiny lighting. Can strike a cool pose with lighting from below.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Singer & Dancer.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Singer & Dancer (7-day).
Scroll that summons a large 3-layer wedding cake, a must-have at any wedding.
Flower shower sprinkled on the bride and groom.
Crystal that emits a fantasy-like sound when used.
Wrapped wedding pack containing honeymoon ticket and a big wedding cake.
Honeymoon ticket given to the bride and groom as a gift. When used, Vitality is maintained for 1 hour. Vitality item with limited
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Zaken's Spirit Swords.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Zaken's Spirit Swords (7-day).
Birthday present given to you by Alegria on your birthday. When used, you will obtain (1) Cake Topper hat, (1) Birthday Vitalit
Upon use, for 12 hours, when XP is acquired through hunting, Vitality is recovered. Vitality item with limited usage.
Transforms you into a Treasure Hunter for 10 min. If used on Fantasy Isle, you can find Event Treasure Chests. No effect if u
Transforms you into an Onyx Beast for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into a Doom Wraith for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into a Grail Apostle for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into a Unicorn for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into a Lilim Knight for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into a Golem Guardian for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into an Inferno Drake for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into a Dragon Bomber for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into a Heretic for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into a Veil Master for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into a Saber Tooth Tiger for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into an Ol Mahum for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into a Doll Blader for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into Zaken for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into Anakim for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into a Venom for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into a Gordon for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into a Ranku for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into Kechi for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into a Demon Prince for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Wrapped Pack containing 50 Dimensional Diamonds.
Magic crystal needed when casting instant moving magic. If you collect them and bring them to the Gatekeeper, you can exch
Wrapped Pack containing blessed scroll of escape.
Magic scroll that moves you to the nearest village.
Wrapped Pack containing 5 Superior Quick Healing Potions.
Magic potion that instantly restores a significant amount of HP.
Wrapped Pack containing 2 Mysterious Scroll: Drum Melody.
Wrapped Pack containing 8 Mysterious Scroll: Drum Melody.

Pagina 232

Dimensional item\nFor 60 min., increases Max MP by 20%, HP Recovery Bonus by 20%, Attack M. Critical Rate by 2, Standa
Wrapped Pack containing pair of magic glasses (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Queen Ant's Ring (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Baium's Ring (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Zaken's Earring (30-day). Cannot be used in Olympiad.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 MP Recovery (+50%) potions.
Instantly restores MP by 50%. Cooldown is 5 min.
Wrapped Pack containing 10 Vitality Recovering Potion (30-min.).
For 30 min., Vitality is recovered when XP is acquired through hunting.
Wrapped Pack containing Queen Ant's Ring (180-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Baium's Ring (180-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Zaken's Earring (180-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Valakas' Necklace (180-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Antharas' Earring (180-day).
Wrapped Pack containing 5 Anakim Transformation Scrolls.
Transforms you into Anakim for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Sweet Concentrated Fruit Cocktails.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Sweet Concentrated Fruit Cocktails.
Cocktail drink that's flavored with many rare types of fruit. When consumed, one can feel Might, Shield, Wind Walk, Focus, D
Cocktail drink that's flavored with many rare types of fruit. When consumed, one can feel Might, Shield, Wind Walk, Focus, D
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Fresh Concentrated Fruit Cocktails.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Fresh Concentrated Fruit Cocktails.
Cocktail drink that's flavored with many rare types of fruit. When consumed, one can feel Berserker Spirit, Blessed Body, Mag
Cocktail drink that's flavored with many rare types of fruit. When consumed, one can feel Berserker Spirit, Blessed Body, Mag
Wrapped Pack containing 3 fresh milks.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 fresh milks.
Freshly collected milk. When used, you can feel the effects of Might, Haste, Empower, Acumen, Wind Walk, Vampiric Rage,
Freshly collected milk. When used, you can feel the effects of Might, Haste, Empower, Acumen, Wind Walk, Vampiric Rage,
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Super Healthy Juices (HP).
Wrapped Pack containing 3 super healthy juices (HP).
Magic juice that instantly fully recovers HP.
Magic juice that temporarily recovers stamina in full.
Wrapped Pack containing 5 Super Healthy Juices (CP).
Wrapped Pack containing 5 super healthy juices (CP).
Magic juice that instantly fully recovers CP.
Magic juice that temporarily recovers CP in full.
Wrapped Pack containing Vitality Replenishing Potion.
Wrapped Pack containing Vitality Replenishing Potion.
Partially replenishes your Vitality upon use. Cooldown is 60 min. Will not be deleted upon death.
Replenishes some Vitality upon use. Cooldown is 60 min. Will not be deleted upon death.
Wrapped Pack containing Vitality Maintaining Potion (30-min.).
Wrapped Pack containing Vitality Maintaining Potion.
Maintains Vitality for 30 min. Will not be deleted upon death.
Maintains Vitality for 30 min. Will not be deleted upon death.
Wrapped Pack containing 5 Gludio Homemade Cookies.
Wrapped Pack containing 5 Gludio Homemade Cookies.
P. Atk. +10% for 60 min. The effect disappears if a higher skill is acquired. Will not be deleted upon death.
Increases P. Atk. +10% for 60 min. The effect disappears if a higher skill is acquired. Will not be deleted upon death.
Wrapped Pack containing 5 Dion Homemade Cookies.

Pagina 233

Wrapped Pack containing 5 Dion Homemade Cookies.

P. Def. +15% for 60 min. The effect disappears if a higher skill is acquired. Will not be deleted upon death.
Increases P. Def. +15% for 60 min. The effect disappears if a higher skill is acquired. Will not be deleted upon death.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Aden Homemade Cookies.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Aden Homemade Cookies.
Dimensional item\nFor 60 min., a powerful soul acts to increase Max MP by 20%, HP Recovery Bonus by 20%, Attack M. Cri
Dimensional item\nFor 60 min., a powerful soul acts to increase Max MP by 20%, HP Recovery Bonus by 20%, Attack M. Cri
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Giran Homemade Cookies.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Giran Homemade Cookies.
Dimensional item\nFor 60 min., increases Max MP by 20%, HP Recovery Bonus by 20%, Attack M. Critical Rate by 2, Standa
Dimensional item\nFor 60 min., increases Max MP by 20%, HP Recovery Bonus by 20%, Attack M. Critical Rate by 2, Standa
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Rune Homemade Cookies.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Rune Homemade Cookies.
Greatly increases MP recharge power received for 60 min. The amount of recovered MP may vary according to the level. Wil
Greatly increases received cooldown power for 60 min. The amount of recovered MP may vary according to the level. Will no
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Minion coupons.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Minion coupons.
A coupon that can be exchanged for a necklace that allows you to summon a Minion (5-hour).
A coupon that can be exchanged for a necklace that allows you to summon a Minion (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing 2 Superior Minion coupons.
Wrapped Pack containing 2 Superior Minion coupons.
Coupon that can be exchanged for a whistle at the Dimensional Merchant that allows you to summon a Superior Minion for 5
A coupon that can be exchanged for a necklace that allows you to summon a Superior Minion (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing a Feather of Blessing.
Wrapped Pack containing a Feather of Blessing.
Wrapped Pack containing a My Teleport Scroll.
Wrapped Pack containing a My Teleport Scroll.
Wrapped Pack containing 30 My Teleport Scrolls.
Wrapped Pack containing 30 My Teleport Scrolls.
Wrapped Pack containing 15 Entrance Passes: Near Kamaloka.
Wrapped Pack containing 15 Entrance Passes: Near Kamaloka.
Wrapped Pack containing 15 Entrance Passes: Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss).
Wrapped Pack containing 15 Entrance Passes: Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss).
Wrapped Pack containing 15 Entrance Passes: Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss).
Wrapped Pack containing 15 Entrance Passes: Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss).
Wrapped Pack containing Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (A-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (A-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (S-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (S-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (A-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (A-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (S-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (S-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing a Crystal of Fortune Treasure Sack.
Wrapped Pack containing a Crystal of Fortune Treasure Sack.
When you open the treasure sack, you can obtain 1 Attribute Crystal or Attribute Stone.
When you open the treasure sack, you can obtain 1 Attribute Crystal or Attribute Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing Enchant Scroll of Fortune Treasure Sack.
Wrapped Pack containing Enchant Scroll of Fortune Treasure Sack.

Pagina 234

When you open the treasure sack, you can obtain 1 C-grade ~S regular or blessed weapon/ armor enchant scroll.
When you open the treasure sack, you can obtain 1 C-grade ~S regular or blessed weapon/ armor enchant scroll.
Wrapped Pack containing Bead of Fortune Treasure Sack.
Wrapped Pack containing Bead of Fortune Treasure Sack.
When you open the treasure sack, you can obtain 1 Neolithic Crystal (B~S84), Vitality Replenishing Potion, or Superior Minio
When you open the treasure sack, you can obtain 1 Neolithic Crystal (B~S84), Vitality Replenishing Potion, or Superior Minio
Wrapped Pack containing rider pouch.
Wrapped Pack containing rider pouch.
Open the pouch to obtain a time-limited (7-day or 30-day) or permanent mount bracelet for Darkmane Pacer, Steam Beetle, G
Open the pouch to obtain a time-limited (7-day or 30-day) or permanent mount bracelet for Darkmane Pacer, Steam Beetle, G
Wrapped Pack containing fashion pouch.
Wrapped Pack containing fashion pouch.
Open the pouch to obtain a time-limited (7-day or 30-day) or permanent Refined Dapper Cap, Valkyrie Circlet, or Plastic Hair
Open the pouch to obtain a time-limited (7-day or 30-day) or permanent Refined Dapper Cap, Valkyrie Circlet, or Plastic Hair
Wrapped Pack containing buff pouch.
Wrapped Pack containing buff pouch.
When you open the pouch, you can obtain 1 of the following: cookie (Gludio, Dion, Aden, Giran, Rune), super healthy juice (H
When you open the pouch, you can obtain 1 of the following: cookie (Gludio, Dion, Aden, Giran, Rune), super healthy juice (H
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Griffin (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Griffin (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Griffin (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Griffin (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Griffin.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Griffin.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cow (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cow (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cow (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cow (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cow.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cow.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Makeshift Bat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Makeshift Bat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Makeshift Bat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Makeshift Bat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Makeshift Bat.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Makeshift Bat.
Wrapped Pack containing Aqua Elf Transformation Harp (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Aqua Elf Transformation Harp (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Aqua Elf Transformation Harp (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Aqua Elf Transformation Harp (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Aqua Elf Transformation Harp.
Wrapped Pack containing Aqua Elf Transformation Harp.
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Darkmane Pacer (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Darkmane Pacer (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Darkmane Pacer (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Darkmane Pacer (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Darkmane Pacer.
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Darkmane Pacer.
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Steam Beetle (7-day).

Pagina 235

Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Steam Beetle (7-day).

A wrapped box containing Mount - Steam Beetle (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Steam Beetle (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Steam Beetle.
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Steam Beetle.
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Gold Maned Lion (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Gold Maned Lion (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Gold Maned Lion (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Gold Maned Lion (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Gold Maned Lion.
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Gold Maned Lion.
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Jet Bike (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Jet Bike (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Jet Bike (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Jet Bike (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Jet Bike.
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Jet Bike.
Wrapped Pack containing Color Title.
Wrapped Pack containing Color Title item.
Wrapped Pack containing brown bear hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing brown bear hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing brown bear hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing brown bear hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing brown bear hat.
Wrapped Pack containing brown bear hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Chicken Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing chicken hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing chicken hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing chicken hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing chicken hat.
Wrapped Pack containing chicken hat.
Wrapped Pack containing coronet (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing coronet (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing coronet (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing coronet (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing coronet.
Wrapped Pack containing coronet.
Wrapped Pack containing white sheep hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing white sheep hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing white sheep hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing white sheep hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing white sheep hat.
Wrapped Pack containing white sheep hat.
Wrapped Pack containing frog hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing frog hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing frog hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing frog hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing frog hat.
Wrapped Pack containing frog hat.

Pagina 236

Wrapped Pack containing Kat the Cat hat (7-day).

Wrapped Pack containing Kat the Cat hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Kat the Cat hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Kat the Cat hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Kat the Cat hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Kat the Cat hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Kai the Cat hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Kai the Cat hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Kai the Cat hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Kai the Cat hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Kai the Cat hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Kai the Cat hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Feline Queen hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Feline Queen hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Feline Queen Hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Feline Queen hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Feline Queen hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Feline Queen hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Feline King hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Feline King hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Feline King hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Feline King hat (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Feline King hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Feline King hat.
Wrapped Pack containing ribbon hairband (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing ribbon hairband (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Ribbon Hairband (30-day). Females only.
Wrapped Pack containing ribbon hairband (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing ribbon hairband.
Wrapped Pack containing ribbon hairband.
Wrapped Pack containing refined dapper cap (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing refined dapper cap (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Refined Dapper Cap (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing refined dapper cap (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing refined dapper cap.
Wrapped Pack containing refined dapper cap.
Wrapped Pack containing valkyrie circlet (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing valkyrie circlet (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing valkyrie circlet (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing valkyrie circlet (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Valkyrie Circlet.
Wrapped Pack containing valkyrie circlet.
Wrapped Pack containing plastic hair (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing plastic hair (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing plastic hair (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing plastic hair (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing plastic hair.
Wrapped Pack containing plastic hair.
If you bring it to the Dimensional Merchant, you can exchange an ordinary S84-grade item for a Masterwork Item.

Pagina 237

Enchant scroll exclusive to Power Shirts.\nIncreases the Power Shirt P. Def. and M. Def. by 1. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3. C
Enchant scroll exclusive to Power Shirts.\nIncreases the Power Shirt P. Def. and M. Def. by 1. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3. C
Wrapped Pack containing Festival's Cloak - Pitch Black.
Wrapped Pack containing Festival's Cloak - True Black.
Wrapped Pack containing Festival's Cloak - Pearl White.
Wrapped Pack containing Festival's Cloak - Pearl White.
Wrapped Pack containing each of Antharas' Earring (180-day), Valakas' Earring (180-day), Baium's Ring (180-day), Zaken's
Shiny jewel obtained through the Wondrous Cubic. It looks like you would get quite a large sum by selling it at a shop.
A sweet and delicious Birthday Cake. Summons a Birthday Cake that lasts for 5 min. At fixed intervals, the Birthday Cake rec
Wrapped Pack containing 9 Vitality Replenishing Potions and 6 feathers of blessing.
Wrapped Pack containing 9 Vitality Replenishing Potions and 6 Superior Minions.
Wrapped Pack containing 9 Vitality Replenishing Potions and 3 feathers of blessing.
Wrapped Pack containing 9 Vitality Replenishing Potions and 3 Superior Minions.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Vitality Replenishing Potions, 3 feathers of blessing, and 3 Superior Minions.
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 30% (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 50% (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 30% (10-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 50% (10-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 30% (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 50% (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 30% (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 50% (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 30% (10-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 50% (10-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 30% (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 50% (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Rune of Crystal (Lv. 3) (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Rune of Crystal (Lv. 5) (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Rune of Crystal (Lv. 3) (10-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Rune of Crystal (Lv. 5) (10-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Rune of Crystal (Lv. 3) (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Rune of Crystal (Lv. 5) (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Rune of Feather (24-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing D-grade Weapon Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing C-grade Weapon Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing B-grade Weapon Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing A-grade Weapon Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing S-grade Weapon Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing D-grade Armor Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing C-grade Armor Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing B-grade armor Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing A-grade Armor Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing S-grade Armor Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing Vitality Maintaining Potion.
Wrapped Pack containing Vitality Replenishing Potion Pack.
Wrapped Pack containing Sweet Fruit Cocktail.
Wrapped Pack containing Fresh Fruit Cocktail Pack.
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Darkmane Pacer (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Darkmane Pacer (30-day).

Pagina 238

Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Darkmane Pacer.

Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Steam Beetle (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Steam Beetle (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Steam Beetle.
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Gold Maned Lion (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Gold Maned Lion.
Wrapped Pack containing Jet Bike (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Jet Bike (30-day).
Dimensional Item Pack\nWrapped Pack containing Jet Bike. Can be exchanged or dropped. Can be shared within an accoun
Wrapped Pack containing Napoleon Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Napoleon Hat.
Wrapped Pack containing Horn Hairband (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Horn Hairband.
Wrapped Pack containing Black Gem Mask (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Black Gem Mask.
Wrapped Pack containing Plastic Hair (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Plastic Hair.
Wrapped Pack containing Daisy Hairpin (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Daisy Hairpin. Can only be equipped by females.
Wrapped Pack containing Forget-me-not Hairpin (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Forget-me-not Hairpin. Can only be equipped by females.
Wrapped Pack containing Outlaw's Eyepatch (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Outlaw's Eyepatch
Wrapped Pack containing Pirate's Eyepatch (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Pirate's Eyepatch
Wrapped Pack containing Monocle (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Monocle
Wrapped Pack containing Red Mask of Victory (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Red Mask of Victory.
Wrapped Pack containing Red Horn of Victory (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Red Horn of Victory.
Wrapped Pack containing Party Mask (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Party Mask
Wrapped Pack containing Red Party Mask (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Red Party Mask
Wrapped Pack containing Cat Ears (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Cat Ears
Wrapped Pack containing Lady's Hairpin (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Lady's Hairpin. Can only be equipped by females.
Wrapped Pack containing Raccoon Ears (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Raccoon Ears
Wrapped Pack containing Rabbit Ears (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Rabbit Ears
Wrapped Pack containing Little Angel Wings (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Little Angel Wings
Wrapped Pack containing Fairy Antennae (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Fairy Antennae
Wrapped Pack containing Chapeau (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Chapeau.

Pagina 239

Wrapped Pack containing Artisan's Goggles (7-day).

Wrapped Pack containing Artisan's Goggles.
Wrapped Pack containing Power Shirt.
Wrapped Pack containing Power Shirt.
Wrapped Pack containing Blessed Scroll: Enchant Power Shirt, Large Firecracker, and Honey Rice Cake.
Wrapped Pack containing 6 Blessed Scrolls: Enchant Power Shirt, Large Firecrackers, and Honey Rice Cakes.
Delicious honey rice cakes. When used, instantly recovers Max MP by 50%. Cooldown is 5 min.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 delicious honey rice cakes.
Enchant scroll exclusive to Power Shirts.\nIncreases the Power Shirt P. Def. and M. Def. by 1. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3. C
Delicious honey rice cakes. When used, instantly recovers Max MP by 50%. Cooldown is 5 min.
Replenishes Vitality upon use. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
When used, HP Recovery Bonus, Max MP, and Critical Atk. Rate +20%, and you can feel the effects of Prophecy of Water, M
When the seal is released, P. Def. and attribute resistance increase, and special skills can be used. It can be equipped only a
When the seal is released, P. Def. and attribute resistance increase, and special skills can be used. It can be equipped only a
When the seal is released, P. Def. and attribute resistance increase, and special skills can be used. It can be equipped only a
Small fragment that contains a part of Zaken's soul. See weaver Olf Adams to find out what use it Has.
Small fragment that contains a part of Freya's soul. See weaver Olf Adams to find out what use it Has.
Small fragment that contains a part of Frintezza's soul. See weaver Olf Adams to find out what use it Has.
Severely damaged staff piece. Mysterious light shines faintly.
When used, HP Recovery Bonus, Max MP, and Critical Atk. Rate +20%, and you can feel the effects of Prophecy of Water, M
Letter Collector's Gift\nUpon use, for 2 hours, increases Atk. Spd. +15%, magic Casting Spd. +15%, Speed +20, and change
Has a 100% chance of opening treasure chests between levels 21-85. When a character level 77 or below uses it on a treasu
Treasure sack containing the treasure of beginner adventurers. Open it to obtain one random C or D-grade Weapon.
Treasure sack containing the treasure of experienced adventurers. Open it to obtain one random B, A or S-grade Weapon (D
Treasure sack containing the treasure of great adventurers. Open it to obtain one random Dynasty, Icarus or Vesper Weapon
Mark received by adventurers for their service to the Elmore king. If you bring it to Captain Mathias in Rune, you will receive a
Jewelry box containing the precious treasure of Rune. When used, you can obtain 15 Crystals of Life with a certain chance.
Jewelry box containing the precious treasure of Rune. When used, you can obtain a Talisman with a certain chance.
Box containing the precious treasure of Elmore's renowned scholar Pablo. When used, you can obtain a hat with a certain ch
Brightly burning illumination.
Brightly burning illumination.
Brightly burning illumination.
Brightly burning illumination.
Brightly burning illumination.
Brightly burning illumination.
Brightly burning illumination.
Brightly burning illumination.
Brightly burning illumination.
Brightly burning illumination.
Ore before augmenting. Absolutely necessary for the craftsman to make a jewel. It should still fetch a certain price at the sho
Jewel before augmenting. Absolutely necessary for the craftsman to make a jewel. It should still fetch a certain price at the sh
Jewel carved with ancient skills. It shines brightly. It should still fetch a certain price at the shop.
The jewel of dawn that was created by the craftsman using ancient skills. It shines brightly. It should still fetch a considerable
The jewel of dawn that was created by the craftsman using ancient skills. It shines brightly. It should still fetch a considerable
The giant's jewel that was created by the craftsman using ancient skills. It shines brightly. It should still fetch a considerable p
When used, you acquire an Imperial Crusader of Fortune armor set. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Draconic Leather of Fortune Armor Set. Expires after 90 days if not used.
The Major Arcana Robe of Friendship set is provided when used. It becomes destroyed after 90 days if it is not used.
When used, you acquire a Dynasty Breastplate Armor of Fortune Set. Expires after 90 days if not used.

Pagina 240

When used, you acquire a Dynasty Leather Armor of Fortune Set. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Dynasty Robe of Fortune Set. Expires after 90 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Tateossian Accessory Set. Expires after 90 days if not used.
Wrapped Pack containing S-grade Jewelry Set of Fortune that. 90 days.
Soulshot containing the light of Spirits; instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Used with No-grade weapons.
Soulshot containing the light of Spirits; instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Used with D-grade weapons.
Soulshot containing the light of Spirits; instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Used with C-grade weapons.
Soulshot containing the light of Spirits; instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Used with B-grade weapons.
Soulshot containing the light of Spirits; instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Used with A-grade weapons.
Soulshot containing the light of Spirits; instantly inflicts a powerful attack on the enemy. Used with S-grade weapons.
Spiritshot containing the light of Spirits; it instantly and greatly increases the power of magic. Used with No-grade weapons.
Spiritshot containing the light of Spirits; it instantly and greatly increases the power of magic. Used with D-grade weapons.
Spiritshot containing the light of Spirits; it instantly and greatly increases the power of magic. Used with C-grade weapons.
Spiritshot containing the light of Spirits; it instantly and greatly increases the power of magic. Used with B-grade weapons.
Spiritshot containing the light of Spirits; it instantly and greatly increases the power of magic. Used with A-grade weapons.
Spiritshot containing the light of Spirits; it instantly and greatly increases the power of magic. Used with S-grade weapons.
Hero's Gold Chest\nWrapped Pack containing each of a Hero's Treasure Chest, Dimensional Support Pack, Potion Support P
Dimensional support pack\nWrapped Pack containing 2 Superior Minion coupon, 3 feathers of blessing, 5 Kamaloka (Near K
Potion support pack\nWrapped Pack containing 20 Superior Quick Healing Potions, 50 Superior Healing Potions, 5 fresh milk
Supplies support pack\nWrapped Pack containing 200,000 mysterious soulshots and spirits according to grade.
When used, for 1 hour, energy is replenished when XP is acquired through hunting. Cooldown is 60 min. Can only be used a
PA - Vitality Pack\nWrapped Pack containing 3 PA Vitality. When used, has a chance of receiving a 1h~4h PA Vitality buff. C
When used, replenishes Vitality while hunting for all party members during 20 min. Cooldown is 60 min.
PA - Blessing pack\nWrapped Pack containing PA - Blessing.
When used, for 2 hours, energy is replenished when XP is acquired through hunting. Cooldown is 60 min. Can only be used
When used, for 3 hours, energy is replenished when XP is acquired through hunting. Cooldown is 60 min. Can only be used
When used, for 4 hours, energy is replenished when XP is acquired through hunting. Cooldown is 60 min. Can only be used
Gift provided for Halloween. When used, can obtain 20 Scrolls: Summon Belldandy.
Hero's Gold Chest Pack\nWrapped Pack that contains a Hero's Gold Chest.
Coupon for an item set that helps a hero to grow stronger. Bestows an Equipment Set 7-day Pak, an Agathion - Button-eyed
Herb that Rudolph likes. When the seal on Rudolph is removed, Rudolph automatically eats for 10 min.
Santa's Gift Box. When used, you can receive Santa's gift.
Item for obtaining Fame. If you bring it to the Olympiad Manager, you can exchange 1 Mark of Battle for 100 Fame points usi
You can start a campfire by using this flint. Campfire near a battleground can help raise HP, MP, and CP Recovery Rate, but
Wrapped Pack containing each of Pa'agrio's Warm Breeze (4-hour) pack, XP Buff 50% Pack (4-hour), party cake, and shiny
Wrapped Pack containing each of Pa'agrio's Warm Breeze (4-hour) pack, XP Buff 50% Pack (4-hour), party cake, and shiny
Wrapped Pack containing 15 Pa'agrio's warm breezes.
Dimensional pack\nWrapped Pack containing 15 XP Buff 50%es (4-hour).
Upon use, for 4 hours, you can temporarily feel the Vitality recovery herb's effect. No effect applies when used while the "Birth
Summons Party Cake that maintains all party members' Vitality for 20 min.
(Not in Use)
(Not in Use)
Wrapped Pack containing 2 Rose Spirit Coupons.
Wrapped Pack containing Rose Spirit Coupon Pack and 1 Sweet Chocolate Box.
Coupon that can be exchanged for a necklace (5-hour) that summons an Improved Rose Spirit.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 sweet chocolates and 50 rose essences.
Upon use, replenishes Vitality while hunting for 4 hours. The effect doesn't apply while "Birthday Vitality Buff" is in effect. Coo
Wrapped Pack containing 2 improved rose spirit coupons.
Wrapped Pack containing Rose Spirit Coupon and 1 Sweet Chocolate Box.

Pagina 241

One-time use scroll that teleports you to Valakas Watchman Klein in the Hall of Flames.
Mysterious jewel that teleports you to Valakas Watchman Klein in the Hall of Flames. Cooldown is 60 min.
One-time use scroll that teleports you to the entrance to Antharas' Nest.
Mysterious jewel that teleports you to the entrance to Antharas' Nest. Cooldown is 60 min.
Summons a totem that increases HP Recovery Rate by 30% and decreases damage from the topography by 80%. Total dura
Summons a totem that increases MP Recovery Rate by 15%. Total duration is 30 min. Can only be used inside the lairs of Va
Summons a totem that P. Def. +15% and cancels fear at a certain cycle. Total duration is 30 min. Can only be used inside the
Summons a totem that M. Def. +25% and cancels petrification at a certain cycle. Total duration is 30 min. Can only be used i
When used, instantly recovers some HP to yourself and to party members. Can only be used inside the lairs of Valakas and A
When used, instantly recovers some MP to yourself and to party members. Can only be used inside the lairs of Valakas and A
There is nothing inside the clear crystal. Rumors say that this crystal can store the Antharas' energy.
There is nothing inside the empty crystal. Rumors say that this crystal can store the Valakas' energy.
Crystal containing the land dragon's energy. You must bring it to Theodric.
Crystal containing the fire dragon's energy. You must bring it to Klein.
Stone fragment from a Lavasaurus. Researchers say this is what controls how a Lavasaurus moves.
Fragment from the head of a Lavasaurus. Its shape resembles that of a Dragon.
Fragment taken from the body of a Lavasaurus.
Fragment from a Lavasaurus horn.
Unrefined Red Dragon Blood collected from the dragons inside the Lair of Antharas.
Unrefined Blue Dragon Blood collected from the dragons inside the Lair of Antharas.
Sweet ice candy piece. Collect 50 and bring them back to Santa Claus to receive a reward.
Item that allows you to summon a Minion who temporarily casts Wizard-type battle buff.
Item that allows you to summon a Minion who temporarily casts Wizard-type battle buff.
Item that allows you to summon a Minion who temporarily casts Wizard-type battle buff.
Leathery hide from a Tarask Dragon.
Leathery hide from a Behemoth Dragon.
Lavasaurus Alpha fragment piece. Bring it to Valakas Watchman Klein.
Pack containing 9 units of Vitality Replenishing Potion.
Pack containing 12 units of Vitality Replenishing Potion.
Can be shared between characters on the same account through the Dimensional Merchant. Pack containing 15 units of Vita
Shattered bones that can be obtained from the Ketra Orcs and the Varka Silenos. Bring this to Rune Captain Mathias.
Cannibalistic Stakato Captain Claw. Bring this to Rune Captain Mathias.
Magic scroll that belongs to Anais. Bring this to Rune Captain Mathias.
Has a chance to contain an Ancient Scroll: Enchant Weapon or a Scroll: Enchant Weapon with 10 % improved success rate.
Has a chance to contain a high-grade Ancient Scroll: Enchant Weapon or a Scroll: Enchant Weapon with 10 % improved suc
A Heavenly Scroll: Enchant Weapon and a high -grade Ancient Scroll: Enchant Weapon can be acquired at a constant rate.
Ancient Scroll: Enchant Armor and Scroll: Enchant Armor with 10 % improved success rate can be acquired at a constant rat
High -grade Ancient Scroll: Enchant Armor and Scroll: Enchant Armor with 10 % improved success rate can be acquired at a
A Heavenly Scroll: Enchant Armor and a high -grade Ancient Scroll: Enchant Armor can be acquired at a constant rate.
Enchant success rate increases by 10%.\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 2 for D-grade one-handed swords, one-han
Enchant success rate increases by 10%.\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for C-grade one-handed swords, one-han
Enchant success rate increases by 10%.\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for B-grade one-handed swords, one-han
Enchant success rate increases by 10%.\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 4 for A-grade one-handed swords, one-han
10 % increases in enchant success rate. \nDefense for D-grade armor and accessories increases by 1. It increases by 3 after
10 % increases in enchant success rate. \nDefense for C-grade armor and accessories increases by 1. It increases by 3 after
10 % increases in enchant success rate. \nDefense for B-grade armor and accessories increases by 1. It increases by 3 after
10 % increases in enchant success rate. \nDefense for A-grade armor and accessories increases by 1 and by 3 starting from
Enchant success rate increases by 10%.\nFailure to enchant does not affect the weapon's enchantment level.\nWhen enchan
Enchant success rate increases by 10%.\nFailure to enchant does not affect the weapon's enchantment level.\nWhen enchan

Pagina 242

10 % increases in enchant success rate. \nWhen enchant fails, the existing enchant value is retained. \nDefense for B-grade
10 % increases in enchant success rate. \nWhen enchant fails, the existing enchant value is retained. \nDefense for A-grade
100% enchant success rate.\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for B-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, o
100% enchant success rate.\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 4 for A-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, o
Enchant success rate is 100%. \nDefense for B-grade armor or accessory increases by 1 and by 3 starting from +4. Can enc
Enchant success rate is 100%. \nDefense for B-grade armor or accessory by 1 and by 3 starting from +4. Can enchant to +7.
Magic potion which increases Atk. Spd. by 33%. It is very light.
Magic potion which increases Speed by 33. It is very light.
Magic potion that instantly restores HP by 435. Instant effect with no duration. Very light. Cannot be used when HP is full.
Magic potion which quickly recovers HP. Lasts for 15 sec. Very light.
Magic potion which slowly recovers HP. It lasts for 15 sec. It is very light.
It recovers CP. Any character between levels 20 and 39 can use it only for oneself. Cooldown is very short.
It recovers CP. Any character level 40 or above and level 51 or below can use it only for oneself. Cooldown is very short.
It recovers CP. Any character level 52 or above and level 60 or below can use it only for oneself. Cooldown is very short.
It recovers CP. Any character between levels 61 and 75 can use it only for oneself. Cooldown is very short.
It recovers CP. Can only be used by characters level 76 - 84 upon themselves. Cooldown is very short.
It recovers HP. Any character between levels 20 and 39 can use it only for oneself. Cooldown is very short.
It recovers HP. Any character level 40 or above and level 51 or below can use it only for oneself. Cooldown is very short.
It recovers HP. Any character level 52 or above and level 60 or below can use it only for oneself. Cooldown is very short.
It recovers HP. Any character between levels 61 and 75 can use it only for oneself. Cooldown is very short.
It recovers HP. Can only be used by characters level 76 - 84 upon themselves. Cooldown is very short.
It recovers CP by 50. Cooldown is very short.
Magic potion which instantly recovers MP by 60. It is very light.
Increases Speed by 33 for 60 min.
Increases Atk. Spd. by 33% for 60 min.
P. Atk. +15% for 60 min.
P. Def. +15% for 60 min.
Increases the power of Critical Attacks by 35% for 60 min.
Increases Accuracy by about 4.
M. Atk. +75%.
Increases Casting Spd. by 30% for 60 min.
Chance of recovering 9% of the standard melee damage inflicted on the enemy as HP.
Increases Max HP by 35%.
Decreases a party member's P. Def. by 8%, M. Def. by 16%, and Evasion by 4. P. Atk. +8%, M. Atk. by 16%, Atk. Spd. by 8%
M. Def. +30%.
Increases Max MP by 35%.
Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 20%, magic skill's MP consumption by 10%, and song/ dance skill's MP consum
Increases the rate of causing exceptional magic damage by 2.
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It increases acquired XP by 10%. It applies up
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It increases acquired XP by 10%. It applies up
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It increases acquired XP by 10%. It applies up
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It increases acquired XP by 10%. It applies up
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It increases acquired SP by 10%. It applies up
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It increases acquired SP by 10%. It applies up
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It increases acquired SP by 10%. It applies up
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It increases acquired SP by 10%. It applies up
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It decreases a penalty and level for one's equi
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It decreases a penalty and level for one's equi
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It decreases a penalty and level for one's equi

Pagina 243

Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. It decreases a penalty and level for one's equi
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. Increases the weight limit by 20%. The remain
Arrow made of bone that was sharpened at the tip. Can be used with a D-grade bow. It is very light.
Powerful arrow made of steel. Can be used with a C-grade bow. It is very light.
Steel arrow plated with silver. Can be used with a B-grade bow. It is very light.
Steel arrow plated with mithril. Can be used with an A-grade bow. It is very light.
The strongest arrow. Materials are unknown. It is very light.
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its M. Atk. significantly. Can be used wi
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its M. Atk. significantly. Can be used wi
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its M. Atk. significantly. Can be used wi
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its M. Atk. significantly. Can be used wi
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its M. Atk. significantly. Can be used wi
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its M. Atk. Can be used with a D-grade
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its M. Atk. Can be used with a C-grade
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its M. Atk. Can be used with a B-grade
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its M. Atk. Can be used with an A-grade
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its M. Atk. Can be used with an S-grade
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its P. Atk. significantly. Can be used wit
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its P. Atk. significantly. Can be used wit
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its P. Atk. significantly. Can be used wit
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its P. Atk. significantly. Can be used wit
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its P. Atk. significantly. Can be used wit
If used, every type of magic scroll for warriors can be acquired.
If used, every type of magic scroll for wizards can be acquired.
If used, ten thousand bone arrows are acquired.
If used, ten thousand steel arrows are acquired.
If used, ten thousand silver arrows are acquired.
If used, ten thousand Mithril arrows are acquired.
If used, ten thousand arrows of light are acquired.
If used, five thousand Blessed Spiritshots in D-grade are acquired.
If used, five thousand Blessed Spiritshots in C-grade are acquired.
If used, five thousand Blessed Spiritshots in B-grade are acquired.
If used, five thousand Blessed Spiritshots in A-grade are acquired.
If used, five thousand Blessed Spiritshots in S-grade are acquired.
If used, five thousand Spiritshots in D-grade are acquired.
If used, five thousand Spiritshots in C-grade are acquired.
If used, five thousand Spiritshots in B-grade are acquired.
If used, five thousand Spiritshots in A-grade are acquired.
If used, five thousand Spiritshots in S-grade are acquired.
If used, five thousand Soulshots in D-grade are acquired.
If used, five thousand Soulshots in C-grade are acquired.
If used, five thousand Soulshots in B-grade are acquired.
If used, five thousand Soulshots in A-grade are acquired.
If used, five thousand Soulshots in S-grade are acquired.
If used, ten thousand Blessed Spiritshots in D-grade are acquired.
If used, ten thousand Blessed Spiritshots in C-grade are acquired.
If used, ten thousand Blessed Spiritshots in B-grade are acquired.
If used, ten thousand Blessed Spiritshots in A-grade are acquired.
If used, ten thousand Blessed Spiritshots in S-grade are acquired.

Pagina 244

If used, ten thousand Spiritshots in D-grade are acquired.

If used, ten thousand Spiritshots in C-grade are acquired.
If used, ten thousand Spiritshots in B-grade are acquired.
If used, ten thousand Spiritshots in A-grade are acquired.
If used, ten thousand Spiritshots in S-grade are acquired.
If used, ten thousand Soulshots in D-grade are acquired.
If used, ten thousand Soulshots in C-grade are acquired.
If used, ten thousand Soulshots in B-grade are acquired.
If used, ten thousand Soulshots in A-grade are acquired.
If used, ten thousand Soulshots in S-grade are acquired.
If used, a daisy hairpin is acquired. Females only.
If used, a forget-me-not hairpin is acquired. Females only.
If used, an outlaw's eyepatch is acquired.
If used, an pirate's eyepatch is acquired.
If used, a monocle is acquired.
If used, a Red Mask of Victory is acquired.
If used, a Red Horn of Victory is acquired.
If used, a party mask is acquired.
If used, a red party mask is acquired.
If used, a Cat Ear is acquired.
If used, a Lady's Hairpin is acquired. Females only.
If used, a Raccoon Ear is acquired.
If used, a Rabbit Ears is acquired.
If used, Little Angel Wings can be acquired.
If used, a Fairy Antennae is acquired.
If used, a Chapeau is acquired.
If used, artisan's goggles are acquired.
If used, a pet coupon for buffalo is acquired. Exchange it with a buffalo from a pet manager is available.
If used, a pet coupon for cougar is acquired. Exchange it with a cougar from a pet manager is available.
If used, a pet coupon for kookaburra is acquired. Exchange it with a kookaburra from a pet manager is available.
Bolt made of bone that was sharpened at the tip. Can be used with a D-grade Crossbow. It is very light.
Powerful bolt made of steel. Can used with a C-grade Crossbow. It is very light.
Steel bolt plated with silver. Can be used with a B-grade Crossbow. It is very light.
Steel bolt plated with mithril. Can be used with an A-grade Crossbow. It is very light.
Bolt made of unknown materials. Can be used with an S-grade Crossbow. It is very light.
If used, ten thousand bone bolts are acquired.
If used, ten thousand steel bolts are acquired.
If used, ten thousand silver bolts are acquired.
If used, ten thousand Mithril bolts are acquired.
If used, ten thousand bolts of light are acquired.
Scroll that summons a Bad Bunny. If you relieve the Bad Bunny's fatigue, you can acquire Apiga. (Recovery is only possible
Scroll that summons a Liverless Bunny. While the Liverless Bunny is being recovered, it can sometimes transform into a Big
Scroll that summons a Bad Bunny Captain. If you relieve the Bad Bunny Captain's fatigue, you can acquire Apiga. (Recovery
Scroll that summons a Liverless Bunny Captain. While the Liverless Bunny Captain is being recovered, it can sometimes tran
Event pack that can be obtained once every 12 hours per account. If you Double-click it, you will obtain a Summon Scroll: Ba
Recovers energy when used on a Bunny.
Recovers energy when used on a Bunny. It Has a better effect than Cupid's Fatigue Relief Potion.
Brightly burning illumination.
Coupon that can be exchanged for a necklace (5-hour) that summons a Cat the Ranger.

Pagina 245

Birthday present received from Alegria on the character's birthday. When used, you can obtain (3) Birthday Vitality Potion(s),
Upon use, for 4 hours, Vitality is recovered when XP is acquired through hunting. Vitality item with limited usage.
When Double-clicked, a random 1st Place prize is granted.
When Double-clicked, a random 2nd Place prize is granted.
When Double-clicked, a random 3rd Place prize is granted.
When Double-clicked, a random 4th Place prize is granted.
When Double-clicked, a random 5th Place prize is granted.
When Double-clicked, a random 6th Place prize is granted.
Double-click to receive an Agathion - Lantern.
Pack containing S80-grade weapon. Which one could it be?
Pack containing Vorpal armor. Which one could it be?
Box containing Attribute Stone. Which one could it be?
Box containing Attribute Crystal. Which one could it be?
Box containing Soul Crystal - Step 17. Which one could it be?
Box containing Soul Crystal - Step 18. Which one could it be?
Box containing 7 day or 30 day Bad Bunny's Necklace. Which one could it be?
Box containing 7 day or 30 day Bad Bunny's Earring. Which one could it be?
Box containing 7 day or 30 day Bad Bunny's Ring. Which one could it be?
When used, you can receive 2 - 5 Lantern Agathion's Gifts.
Wrapped Pack containing one Destruction Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Scrolls: Enchant Weapon of Destruction (S-grade) and 3 Scrolls: Enchant Armor of Destruction (
Lantern Agathion's Gift. Double-click to get a random item.
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, P. Def. +1 for S-grade armor and accessories. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 4 for A-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, P. Def. +1 for A-grade armor and accessories. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for B-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, P. Def. +1 for B-grade armor and accessories. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for C-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, P. Def. +1 for C-grade armor and accessories. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 2 for D-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, P. Def. +1 for D-grade armor and accessories. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted
High-level spirit light is infused into a weapon, instantly and greatly increasing its M. Atk. Can be used on S-grade weapons.
Double-click to receive 1,000 rounds of Mysterious Soulshot (S-grade).
Double-click to receive 1,000 rounds of Mysterious Blessed Spiritshot (S-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Sweet Chocolates and 1 Valentine's Day Love Pouch.
When used, for 30 min., Vitality is replenished when XP is acquired through hunting. Cannot be used when already receiving
When used, can receive 1 of the following: Formal Wear (14-day) Limited Period, Agathion - Juju (14-day), Wild Rose Pig Ca
Scroll to add the options for a Warrior to a hair accessory.
Scroll to add the options for a Mystic to a hair accessory.
Coupon that can be exchanged for a necklace (5-hour) that summons an improved rose spirit.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Sweet Chocolates and 1 Valentine's Day Love Pouch.
When used, for 30 min., Vitality is replenished when XP is acquired through hunting. Cannot be used when already receiving
The power of a spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, momentarily increasing its P. Atk. significantly. Can be used with a C-grade
The power of a spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, momentarily increasing its P. Atk. significantly. Can be used with a B-grade
The power of a spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, momentarily increasing its P. Atk. significantly. Can be used with an A-grad
The power of a spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, momentarily increasing its P. Atk. significantly. Can be used with an S-grad
If used, can obtain 1 Mysterious Soulshot (C - S-grade).
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, momentarily increasing its M. Atk. significantly. Can be used w

Pagina 246

The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, momentarily increasing its M. Atk. significantly. Can be used w
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, momentarily increasing its M. Atk. significantly. Can be used w
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, momentarily increasing its M. Atk. significantly. Can be used w
If used, can obtain 2,000 Mysterious Blessed Spiritshots (C - S-grade).
When used, you can receive 1 Mysterious Friend Summon Bracelet (30-day).
Faded box of supplies. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded box of supplies. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Faded box of supplies. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Research report about the infected kanabion. Deliver it to the Pathfinder in Rune Castle.
Gift that can be received after accumulating two hours worth of PA Points. The box contains 1 random Transformation Scroll.
Gift that can be received after accumulating one hour worth of PA Points. Double-click to receive a special gift.
Double-click to receive a transformation stick.
Double-click to receive a hair accessory.
Double-click to receive a special gift.
Upon use, for 1 hour, energy is replenished when XP is acquired through hunting. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limite
When used, HP Recovery Bonus, Max MP, and Critical Rate +20%, and you can feel the effects of Prophecy of Water, Might
It contains a stick that transforms you into a the Blessed Child Sujin.
It contains a stick that transforms you into a the Blessed Child Trejuo.
Jewelry box containing precious treasure. When used, you can obtain a Talisman with a certain chance.
Double-click to receive an Agathion - Juju.
Juju Agathion's Gift. Double-click to receive one random item.
The recipe for Valentine Cake.
A simple and sweet Valentine Cake. The magic in this cake might give you a reward, or change into a Tasty Valentine Cake.
A very tasty Valentine Cake. The magic in this cake might give you a reward, or change into a Delicious Valentine Cake.
A very delicious Valentine Cake. The magic in this cake might give you a reward, or change into a Decadent Valentine Cake.
The best Valentine Cake you can make from the recipe. You can either see what reward this cake might have for you, or you
Ultimate cake received from the Valentine Messenger Queen of Hearts.
Ingredient for making a Valentine Cake.
Ingredient for making a Valentine Cake.
Ingredient for making a Valentine Cake.
Wrapped Pack containing Miraculous Valentine Cake: Special Ingredient.
Take this along with a Decadent Valentine Cake to the Valentine Messenger Queen of Hearts to complete a Miraculous Vale
When used, Vitality is replenished by 5000 points. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 4 for A-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
P. Def. +1 for S-grade armor and accessories when enchanted. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted u
Increases P. Def. by 1 for A-grade armor and accessories. Starting from +4, increases P. Def. by 3. Can be safely enchanted
Has a chance of obtaining a high-grade transformation scroll, scroll: blessed weapon, and Scroll: Enchant Weapon.
A Heavenly Scroll: Enchant Weapon and a high -grade Ancient Scroll: Enchant Weapon can be acquired at a constant rate.
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
P. Def. +1 for S-grade armor and accessories when enchanted. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted u
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 4 for A-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for B-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
P. Def. +1 for A-grade armor and accessories. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-p
P. Def. +1 for B-grade armor and accessories. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 4 for A-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for B-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
Increases P. Def. by 1 for A-grade armor and accessories. Starting from +4, increases P. Def. by 3. Can be safely enchanted
P. Def. +1 for B-grade armor and accessories. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece

Pagina 247

Transforms you into a Ranku for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into Zaken for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Recovers HP upon use. It can only be used by characters between levels 61-75. Can only be used on the battleground.
Recovers MP upon use. It can only be used by characters between levels 61-75. Can only be used on the battleground.
Recovers CP upon use. It can only be used by characters between levels 61-75. Can only be used on the battleground.
Gift commemorating the 7th anniversary. Upon use, can receive various items such as Vitality maintaining potions.
Bonus gift given to commemorate the 7th anniversary. Upon use, can receive various items such as rocket gun hats.
Contains a 90-day equipment set pack.
Ancient characters that bestow a mysterious ability when possessed in the inventory. Increases acquired XP by 50%. The rem
Item filled with the essence of Shilen's followers that you have defeated.
Gift for adventurers with an especially high contribution level in discovering the cause of the plague.
Entrance pass that allows you to enter Rim Kamaloka 5 more times. Can cancel the limit on entry if used while a limit on entr
Wrapped Pack containing extra entrance pass that lets you enter Rim Kamaloka.
Pack containing S80-grade weapon. Which one could it be?
Pack containing one Elegia armor. Which one could it be?
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for C-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for C-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
P. Def. +1 for C-grade armor and accessories. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 2 for D-grade one-handed sword, one-handed blunt, one-handed staff, dagger, spear,
P. Def. +1 for D-grade armor and accessories. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-
Box containing enchanting items. Double-click for a chance to receive an item.
Receives the power of a mysterious song of a great adventurer to resurrect with reduced XP when killed by an NPC.\n<Warn
Receives the power of a mysterious song of a great adventurer to decrease the duration of the 'Shilen's Breath' de-buff upon
Receives the power of a mysterious song of a great adventurer to decrease the duration of the 'Shilen's Breath' de-buff upon
Provides a 30% fee discount when using the auction house system. Must be in the inventory to be used.
Provides a 100% fee discount when using the auction house system. Must be in the inventory to be used.
When using the auction house system, you can register an item for 15 days but only pay for 7 days. Must be in the inventory
When using the auction house system, you can register an item for 30 days but only pay for 7 days. Must be in the inventory
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Tame Princess Ant (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Tame Princess Ant.
When used, the equipped weapon changes into an Emerald Sword for 2 hours. Cooldown is 60 min. Only applies when a one
When used, the equipped weapon changes into an Emerald Dual Sword for 2 hours. Cooldown is 60 min. Only applies when
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Black Bear (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mount - Black Bear.
Wrapped Pack containing Black Bear Claws (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Black Bear Claws.
Wrapped Pack containing Black Bear Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Black Bear Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Brilliant Beach Sun Cap (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Brilliant Beach Sun Cap.
Wrapped Pack containing Stylish Straw Hat (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Stylish Straw Hat.
Cookie that can be obtained on Halloween. Speed increases by 33 for 60 min.
Special cookie that can be obtained on Halloween. Increases the character's Max MP by 20%, HP Recovery Bonus by 20%,
It is a Halloween event reward item. Has a chance of obtaining one of the Halloween series items.
The Root of Evolution is a necessary ingredient for evolving a Valakas Agathion. Double-click to summon the evolution delive
Changes the appearance of an R-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an S-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an A-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need

Pagina 248

Changes the appearance of a B-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of a C-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of a D-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of an R-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an S-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an A-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of a B-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of a C-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of a D-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
It can restore a modified R-grade weapon back to its original appearance. Double-click to use.
It can restore a modified S-grade weapon back to its original appearance. Double-click to use.
It can restore a modified A-grade weapon back to its original appearance. Double-click to use.
It can restore a modified B-grade weapon back to its original appearance. Double-click to use.
It can restore a modified C-grade weapon back to its original appearance. Double-click to use.
It can restore a modified D-grade weapon back to its original appearance. Double-click to use.
Changes the weapon's appearance to look like an Emerald Sword. Test item.
Essential ornament for a Holiday Tree. Bring it to Santa Girl to help her decorate the Holiday Trees.
Essential ornament for a Holiday Tree. Bring it to Santa Girl to help her decorate the Holiday Trees.
Essential ornament for a Holiday Tree. Bring it to Santa Girl to help her decorate the Holiday Trees.
Essential ornament for a Holiday Tree. Bring it to Santa Girl to help her decorate the Holiday Trees.
Enchant success rate increases by 10%.\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-han
Enchant success rate increases by 10%.\nFailure to enchant does not affect the weapon's enchantment level.\nWhen enchan
100% enchant success rate.\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts,
Enchant success rate is raised by 10%. \nWhen enchanted, P. Def. +2 for R-grade armor and accessories. It is greatly increa
Enchant success rate is raised by 10%. \nPrior enchant value remains after enchanting failure. \nWhen enchanted, P. Def. +2
Enchant success rate is 100%. \nWhen enchanted, P. Def. +2 for R-grade armor and accessories. It is greatly increased star
Chance of acquiring a Divine Scroll: Enchant Weapon and a high -grade Ancient Scroll: Enchant Weapon.
Chance of acquiring a Divine Scroll: Enchant Armor and a high -grade Ancient Scroll: Enchant Armor.
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its P. Atk. significantly. Can be used wit
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its M. Atk. significantly. Can be used wi
Magic scroll that moves you to the nearest village. Weight is 0.
Magic scroll that moves you to your castle. If you do not have a castle, it moves you to the nearest village. Weight is 0.
Magic scroll that teleports you to your clan hall. Weight is 0.
Magic scroll that teleports you to the nearest village. Weight is 0.
Magic scroll that teleports you to your castle. If you do not have a castle, it teleports you to the nearest village. Weight is 0.
Magic scroll that teleports you to your clan hall. If you do not have a clan hall, it teleports you to the nearest village. Weight is
Magic scroll that resurrects a dead pet and restores its XP completely. Weight is 0.
Wrapped Pack containing 5 Vitality Replenishing Potions.
Wrapped Pack containing 5 Vitality maintaining potions.
Wrapped Pack containing 5 Vitality Recovering Potion.
Wrapped Pack containing 5000 Soulshots (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 10000 Soulshots (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 5000 Blessed Spiritshots (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 10000 Blessed Spiritshots (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 10 Scrolls of Escape. Also contains 1 bonus Blessed Scroll of Escape.
Wrapped Pack containing 10 Scrolls of Escape: Castle. Also contains 1 bonus Blessed Scroll of Escape - Castle.
Wrapped Pack containing 10 Scrolls of Escape: Clan Hall. Also contains 1 bonus Blessed Scroll of Escape - Clan Hall.
Wrapped Pack containing Improved Bronze Bracelet.
Wrapped Pack containing Improved Steel Bracelet.

Pagina 249

Wrapped Pack containing 3 Blessed Scrolls of Resurrection: Pet.

Wrapped Pack containing Weapon Appearance Stone (R-grade) and 1 Weapon Restoration Stone (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Weapon Appearance Stone (S-grade) and 1 Weapon Restoration Stone (S-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Weapon Appearance Stone (A-grade) and 1 Weapon Restoration Stone (A-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Weapon Appearance Stone (B-grade) and 1 Weapon Restoration Stone (B-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Weapon Appearance Stone (C-grade) and 1 Weapon Restoration Stone (C-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Weapon Appearance Stone (D-grade) and 1 Weapon Restoration Stone (D-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Blessed Weapon Appearance Stone (R-grade) and 1 Weapon Restoration Stone (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Blessed Weapon Appearance Stone (S-grade) and 1 Weapon Restoration Stone (S-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Blessed Weapon Appearance Stone (A-grade) and 1 Weapon Restoration Stone (A-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Blessed Weapon Appearance Stone (B-grade) and 1 Weapon Restoration Stone (B-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Blessed Weapon Appearance Stone (C-grade) and 1 Weapon Restoration Stone (C-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Blessed Weapon Appearance Stone (D-grade) and 1 Weapon Restoration Stone (D-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 5 Superior Healing Potions.
Wrapped Pack containing 5 Superior Quick Healing Potions.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Adventurer's Song - Energy of Recovery.
Pack that allows you to acquire 1 red, black, orange, blue, yellow, grey, or silver Talisman (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 3 heavenly cocktails.
Santa Girl gave you this gift box in exchange for 100 red stockings. Contains a random reward, and a chance at getting a tem
Collect 100 to bring back to Santa Girl in exchange for Santa Girl's Wrapped Pack.
Double-click on the box to acquire 1 XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 100% (3-hour).
Double-click on the box to acquire 1 XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 100% (5-hour).
Double-click on the box to acquire 1 XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 100% (7-day).
Double-click on the box to acquire 1 XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 200% (3-hour).
Double-click on the box to acquire 1 XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 200% (5-hour).
Double-click on the box to acquire 1 XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 200% (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing My Teleport Scroll.
Wrapped Pack containing 10 My Teleport Scrolls.
Wrapped Pack containing 30 sheets of My Teleport Scroll.
Wrapped Pack containing sheet of My Teleport Flag.
Wrapped Pack containing 5 sheet of My Teleport Flag.
Wrapped Pack containing 10 My Teleport Flags.
Wrapped Pack containing Feathers of Blessing.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Feathers of Blessing.
Wrapped Pack containing 5 Mana Potion.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Fresh Milk.
Wrapped Pack containing Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Color Title.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 coupon that can be exchanged for a necklace that allows you to summon a Minion (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing coupon(s) that can be exchanged for a necklace that allows you to summon a Minion (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing 2 Superior Minion Coupons that can be exchanged for a whistle that allows you to summon a Supe
Wrapped Pack containing Superior Minion Coupon that can be exchanged for a whistle that allows you to summon a Superio
Wrapped Pack containing Facelifting Potion - That changes the face appearance to type A.
Wrapped Pack containing Facelifting Potion - B that changes the face appearance to type B.
Wrapped Pack containing Facelifting Potion - C that changes the face appearance to type C.
Wrapped Pack containing Dye Potion - That changes the hair color to type A.
Wrapped Pack containing Dye Potion - B that changes the hair color to type B.
Wrapped Pack containing Dye Potion - C that changes the hair color to type C.

Pagina 250

Wrapped Pack containing Dye Potion - D that changes the hair color to type D.
Wrapped Pack containing Hair Style Change Potion - That changes the hair style to type A.
Wrapped Pack containing Hair Style Change Potion - B that changes the hair style to type B.
Wrapped Pack containing Hair Style Change Potion - C that changes the hair style to type C.
Wrapped Pack containing Hair Style Change Potion - D that changes the hair style to type D.
Wrapped Pack containing Hair Style Change Potion - E that changes the hair style to type E.
Wrapped Pack containing Hair Style Change Potion - F that changes the hair style to type F.
Wrapped Pack containing Hair Style Change Potion - G that changes the hair style to type G.
Wrapped Pack containing Improved Bronze Bracelet (1-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Improved Bronze Bracelet (15-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Improved Bronze Bracelet (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Improved Bronze Bracelet (90-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Improved Steel Bracelet (1-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Improved Steel Bracelet (15-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Improved Steel Bracelet (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Improved Steel Bracelet (90-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Improved Mithril Bracelet (1-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Improved Mithril Bracelet (15-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Improved Mithril Bracelet (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Improved Mithril Bracelet (90-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Improved Mithril Bracelet.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Auction House Fee 30% Vouchers.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Auction House Fee 100% Vouchers.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Auction House Extension Vouchers (15-day).
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Auction House Extension Vouchers (30-day).
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 4 for A-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
Increases P. Def. by 1 for A-grade armor and accessories. Starting from +4, increases P. Def. by 3. Can be safely enchanted
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for B-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
P. Def. +1 for B-grade armor and accessories. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for C-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
P. Def. +1 for C-grade armor and accessories. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 2 for D-grade one-handed sword, one-handed blunt, one-handed staff, dagger, spear,
P. Def. +1 for D-grade armor and accessories. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
P. Def. +1 for S-grade armor and accessories when enchanted. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted u
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, P. Def. +2 for R-grade armor and accessories. It is greatly increased starting at +4. Can be safely enchante
Recovers HP. Only characters level 85 or above can use on themselves. Cooldown is 2 min.
Recovers MP. Only characters level 85 or above can use on themselves. Cooldown is 2 min.
Recovers CP. Only characters above level 85 can use on themselves. Re-use delay 2 min.
Dimensional Support Pack\nWrapped Pack containing 2 Superior Minion coupons, 3 feathers of blessing, 5 of each Kamalok
Potion Support Pack\nWrapped Pack containing 20 Superior Quick Healing Potions, 50 Superior Healing Potions, 5 fresh mil
Supplies Support Pack\nWrapped Pack containing 20,000 each of each grade Mysterious Soulshot and Spiritshot.
Wrapped Pack containing 5 Luxury Cocktails, 2 Superior Minion Coupons, 1 Vitality Maintaining Potion (30-min.), 1 Mysteriou
Wrapped Pack containing 15 Luxury Cocktails, 6 Superior Minion Coupons, 4 Vitality Maintaining Potions (30-min.), 1 Vitality
Wrapped Pack containing 45 Luxury Cocktails, 18 Superior Minion Coupons, 15 Vitality Maintaining Potions (30-min.), 3 Vital
Wrapped Pack containing one of the following Agathion (7-day) at random: Baby Panda, Griffin, Phoenix or One-eyed Bat Dr
Wrapped Pack containing 10,000 Soulshots (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 10,000 Blessed Spiritshots (R-grade).

Pagina 251

Wrapped Pack containing 3,000 Soulshots (R-grade).

Wrapped Pack containing 3,000 Blessed Spiritshots (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 10,000 Mysterious Soulshots (S-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 10,000 Mysterious Blessed Spiritshots (S-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing several C-grade Weapons of Fortune. 30-day.
Wrapped Pack containing several B-grade Weapons of Fortune. 30-day.
Wrapped Pack containing several A-grade Weapons of Fortune. 30-day.
Wrapped Pack containing several S-grade Weapons of Fortune. 90 days.
Pack containing one D-grade Armor Set of Fortune. 30-day.
Wrapped Pack containing several C-grade Armor Set of Fortune. 30-day.
Wrapped Pack containing several B-grade armor Set of Fortune. 30-day.
Wrapped Pack containing several A-grade Armor Set of Fortune. 30-day.
Wrapped Pack containing several S-grade Armor Set of Fortune. 90 days.
Pack containing one D-grade weapon of Fortune. 30-day.
When used, increases Max MP by 20%, MP Recovery Bonus by 20%, HP Recovery Bonus by 20%, M. Critical Rate by 100%
Pack containing 3 Leaves of Appreciation.
Wrapped Pack containing 10,000 Mysterious Soulshots (D-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 5,000 Mysterious Soulshots (D-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 10,000 Mysterious Soulshots (C-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 5,000 Mysterious Soulshots (C-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 10,000 Mysterious Soulshots (B-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 5,000 Mysterious Soulshots (B-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 10,000 Mysterious Soulshots (A-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 5,000 Mysterious Soulshots (A-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 10,000 Mysterious Blessed Spiritshots (D-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 5,000 Mysterious Blessed Spiritshots (D-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 10,000 Mysterious Blessed Spiritshots (C-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 5,000 Mysterious Blessed Spiritshots (C-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 10,000 Mysterious Blessed Spiritshots (B-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 5,000 Mysterious Blessed Spiritshots (B-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 10,000 Mysterious Blessed Spiritshots (A-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 5,000 Mysterious Blessed Spiritshots (A-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 10,000 Mysterious Blessed Spiritshots (S-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 5,000 Mysterious Blessed Spiritshots (S-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 2 Vitality Replenishing Potions.
Wrapped Pack containing 4 Vitality Replenishing Potions.
Luxury Cocktail that contains the flavors of many rare fruits. When consumed, you will feel the effects of Horn Melody Lv. 1, P
Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 30% (3-hour). Cannot be exchanged once open.
Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 30% (1-hour). Cannot be exchanged once open.
Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 50% (1-hour). Cannot be exchanged once open.
Entrance pass that lets you enter Rim Kamaloka two more times. Can cancel the limit on entrance if used while a limit on ent
When used, you acquire a Jewelry Set of Fortune (A-grade).
When used, you acquire a Jewelry Set of Fortune (B-grade).
When used, you acquire a Jewelry Set of Fortune (C-grade).
When used, you acquire a Dynasty Accessory of Fortune set.
Item acquired upon completion of the Holiday Tree. When used, Vitality is restored as XP is acquired. Cooldown is 4 hours.
Premium user exclusive item\nWhen the Vitality recovery potion is used, for 60 min., Vitality is restored as XP is acquired.
Premium user exclusive item\nMagic scroll that teleports you to the nearest village. Weight is 0.
Premium user exclusive item\nMagic scroll that resurrects a dead player and completely restores XP.

Pagina 252

Premium user exclusive item\nRestores HP. Can only be used at level 85 or above upon themselves. Cooldown is 2 min.
Premium user exclusive item\nRestores MP. Can only be used at level 85 or above upon themselves. Cooldown is 2 min.
Premium user exclusive item\nRestores CP. Can only be used at level 85 or above upon themselves. Cooldown is 2 min.
Only for premium users\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-h
Premium user exclusive item\nWhen enchanted, P. Def. +2 for R-grade armor and accessories. It is greatly increased starting
Premium user exclusive item\nHigh-level mineral that has been petrified inside a creature through physical or magical damag
Premium user exclusive item\nTop-grade mineral that has been petrified inside a creature through physical or magical damag
Premium user exclusive item\nHigh-level mineral that has been petrified inside a creature through physical or magical damag
Premium user exclusive item\nTop-grade mineral that has been petrified inside a creature through physical or magical damag
Premium user exclusive item\nHigh-level mineral that has been petrified inside a creature through physical or magical damag
Premium user exclusive item\nTop-grade mineral that has been petrified inside a creature through physical or magical damag
Premium user exclusive item\nFire attack increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Fire attack and water defense increas
Premium user exclusive item\nWater attack increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Water attack and fire defense incre
Premium user exclusive item\nEarth attack increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Earth attack and wind defense incre
Premium user exclusive item\nWind attack increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Wind attack and earth defense incre
Premium user exclusive item\nDark attack increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Dark attack and holy defense increa
Premium user exclusive item\nHoly attack increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Holy attack and dark defense increa
Premium user exclusive item\nFire attack increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Fire attack and water defense increas
Premium user exclusive item\nWater attack increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Water attack and fire defense incre
Premium user exclusive item\nEarth attack increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Earth attack and wind defense incre
Premium user exclusive item\nWind attack increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Wind attack and earth defense incre
Premium user exclusive item\nDark attack increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Dark attack and holy defense increa
Premium user exclusive item\nHoly attack increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Holy attack and dark defense increa
Only for premium users\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-h
Premium user exclusive item\nWhen enchanted, P. Def. +2 for R-grade armor and accessories. It is greatly increased starting
Babayaga's special present.
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of an Emerald weapon.
Changes the appearance of a dagger to that of an Emerald weapon.
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a two-handed sword to that of an Emerald weapon.
Changes the appearance of a fist weapon to that of an Emerald weapon.
Changes the appearance of a spear to that of an Emerald weapon.
Changes the appearance of a bow to that of an Emerald weapon.
Changes the appearance of a crossbow to that of an Emerald weapon.
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a one-handed blunt weapon to that of an Emerald weapon.
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a two-handed blunt weapon to that of an Emerald weapon.
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a one-handed staff to that of an Emerald weapon.
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a two-handed staff to that of an Emerald weapon.
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a dual sword to that of an Emerald weapon.
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a dual dagger to that of an Emerald weapon.
Changes the appearance of a dual blunt to that of an Emerald weapon.
Changes the appearance of a shield to that of an Emerald weapon.
Changes the appearance of a sigil to that of an Emerald weapon.
Changes the appearance of an R-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of an S-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of an A-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of a B-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appe
Changes the appearance of a C-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appe
Changes the appearance of a D-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appe
Changes the appearance of an R-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app

Pagina 253

Changes the appearance of an S-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of an A-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of a B-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appe
Changes the appearance of a C-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appe
Changes the appearance of a D-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appe
Restores the original appearance of R-grade armor (no hair accessories) whose appearances have been modified. Double-cl
Restores the original appearance of S-grade armor (no hair accessories) whose appearances have been modified. Double-cl
Restores the original appearance of A-grade armor (no hair accessories) whose appearances have been modified. Double-cl
Restores the original appearance of B-grade armor (no hair accessories) whose appearances have been modified. Double-cl
Restores the original appearance of C-grade armor (no hair accessories) whose appearances have been modified. Double-cl
Restores the original appearance of D-grade armor (no hair accessories) whose appearances have been modified. Double-cl
Restores the original appearance of R-grade equipment (only weapons and armor, no hair accessories) whose appearances
Restores the original appearance of S-grade equipment (weapons and armor, no hair accessories) whose appearances have
Restores the original appearance of A-grade equipment (weapons and armor, no hair accessories) whose appearances have
Restores the original appearance of B-grade equipment (weapons and armor, no hair accessories) whose appearances have
Restores the original appearance of C-grade equipment (weapons and armor, no hair accessories) whose appearances have
Restores the original appearance of D-grade equipment (weapons and armor, no hair accessories) whose appearances have
For test use. Changes whole outfit to formal wear.
For test use. Top only. Immortal heavy armor.
Item that can change a hair accessory's appearance. Works for item with the same number of slots. You need an appearance
Item that can change a hair accessory's appearance. Works for item with the same number of slots. You need an appearance
Magic potion that suspends vitality. Vitality consumption stops, but you also cannot receive Vitality bonuses. Cooldown is 30
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of a Japanese Sword.
Changes the appearance of a dagger to that of a Japanese Dagger.
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a two-handed sword to that of a Japanese Long Sword.
Changes the appearance of a fist weapon to that of a Japanese fist weapon.
Changes the appearance of a spear to that of a Japanese Great Spear.
Changes the appearance of a bow to that of a Japanese Bow.
Changes the appearance of a crossbow to that of a Japanese crossbow.
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a one-handed blunt weapon to that of a Japanese Blunt Weapon.
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a two-handed blunt weapon to that of a Japanese Giant Blunt Weapon.
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a one-handed staff to that of a Japanese One-handed Staff.
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a two-handed blunt weapon to that of a Japanese Giant Two-handed Staff.
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a dual sword to that of a Japanese Dual Sword.
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a dual dagger to that of a Japanese Double Dagger.
Changes the appearance of a dual blunt to that of a Japanese double blunt.
Changes the appearance of a shield to that of a Japanese shield.
Changes the appearance of a sigil to that of a Japanese sigil.
For 30 min., transform into a Fairweather Borna, who has the abilities of the Feoh Wizard and Aeore Healer and can also use
Wrapped Pack containing Vitality Suspending Potion.
Increases the number of Vitality items that can be used per week by 1. Cooldown is 3 days.
Wrapped Pack containing Scroll: increase Vitality.
Increases the number of Vitality items that can be used per week by 2. Cooldown is 3 days.
Wrapped Pack containing Scroll: increase Vitality (High-grade).
Increases the number of Vitality items that can be used per week by 3. Cooldown is 3 days.
Wrapped Pack containing Scroll: increase Vitality (Top-grade).
When stored in the inventory, item acquisition through hunting +30%.
When stored in the inventory, item acquisition through hunting +30%.
When stored in the inventory, item acquisition through hunting +30%.

Pagina 254

When stored in the inventory, item acquisition through hunting +50%.

When stored in the inventory, item acquisition through hunting +50%.
When stored in the inventory, item acquisition through hunting +50%.
When stored in the inventory, item acquisition through hunting +100%.
When stored in the inventory, item acquisition through hunting +100%.
When stored in the inventory, item acquisition through hunting +100%.
When stored in the inventory, item acquisition through hunting +200%.
When stored in the inventory, item acquisition through hunting +200%.
When stored in the inventory, item acquisition through hunting +200%.
Wrapped Pack containing Maphr's Rune 30% (3-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Maphr's Rune 30% (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Maphr's Rune 30% (7-day.
Wrapped Pack containing Maphr's Rune 50% (3-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Maphr's Rune 50% (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Maphr's Rune 50% (7-day.
Wrapped Pack containing Maphr's Rune 100% (3-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Maphr's Rune 100% (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Maphr's Rune 100% (7-day.
Wrapped Pack containing Maphr's Rune 200% (3-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Maphr's Rune 200% (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Maphr's Rune 200% (7-day).
Restores the original appearance of a modified hair accessory. Double-click to use.
Replenishes 1 Vitality slot when used. Cooldown is 60 min.
Replenishes 2 Vitality slots when used. Cooldown is 60 min.
Replenishes Vitality to maximum when used. Cooldown is 60 min.
Dimensional Item\nThe power of a spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, momentarily increasing its P. Atk. significantly. Can be
Dimensional Item\nThe power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, momentarily increasing its M. Atk. significa
Pack containing 10,000 Mysterious Soulshots (R-grade).
Pack containing 5,000 Mysterious Soulshots (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 10,000 Mysterious Blessed Spiritshots (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 5,000 Mysterious Blessed Spiritshots (R-grade).
Item for the Lineage II 8th Anniversary event. Combine with other letters to create a special word and bring it to Angel Cat to
Bring the Ancient Kartia's Labyrinth Chronicle to the Kartia Researcher to receive a reward.
Item that allows you to acquire 1,200,000,000 XP and 360,000 SP. Cooldown is 2 days. Lv. 85 - 89.
Item that allows you to acquire 1,675,000,000 XP and 500,000 SP. Cooldown is 2 days. Lv. 90 - 94.
Item that allows you to acquire 2,425,000,000 XP and 700,000 SP. Cooldown is 2 days. Lv. 95 - 99.
Decreases the number of vitality items that can be used per week by 1. For test.
A spellbook for Expand Inventory skill Lv. 1. Cannot be acquired if you have already learned Expand Inventory skills.
A spellbook for Expand Inventory skill Lv. 2. Expand Inventory Lv. 1 is a prerequisite.
A spellbook for Expand Warehouse skill Lv. 1. Cannot be acquired if you have already learned Expand Warehouse skills.
A spellbook for Expand Warehouse skill Lv. 2. Expand Warehouse Lv. 1 is a prerequisite.
Enchant Scroll exclusive to Power Shirts.\nIncreases the Power Shirt P. Def. and M. Def. by 1. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3. C
Enchant scroll exclusive to Power Shirts.\nIncreases the Power Shirt P. Def. and M. Def. by 1. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3. C
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 50% (1-hour). Cannot be exchanged once opened.
Wrapped Pack containing Honeymoon Ticket and a Big Wedding Cake.
Wrapped Pack containing Formal Wear. 30-day.
Flower pedals showered upon the bride and the groom.
When used with your weapon, Fire +5. When used with your armor, Fire +6 with increased resistance against Water. Attribute
When used with your weapon, Water +5. When used with your armor, Water +6 with increased resistance against Fire. Attrib

Pagina 255

When used with your weapon, Earth +5. When used with your armor, Earth +6 with increased resistance against Wind. Attrib
When used with your weapon, Fire +5. When used with your armor, Fire +6 with increased resistance against Water. Attribute
When used with your weapon, Dark +5. When used with your armor, Dark +6 with increased resistance against Holy. Attribut
When used with your weapon, Holy +5. When used with your armor, Holy +6 with increased resistance against Dark. Attribute
When used with your weapon, Fire +5. When used with your armor, Fire +6 with increased resistance against Water. Attribute
When used with your weapon, Water +5. When used with your armor, Water +6 with increased resistance against Fire. Attrib
When used with your weapon, Earth +5. When used with your armor, Earth +6 with increased resistance against Wind. Attrib
When used with your weapon, Wind +5. When used with your armor, Wind +6 with increased resistance against Earth. Attribu
When used with your weapon, Dark +5. When used with your armor, Dark +6 with increased resistance against Holy. Attribut
When used with your weapon, Holy +5. When used with your armor, Holy +6 with increased resistance against Dark. Attribute
Kartia's Labyrinth Entrance Pass given to adventurers by Kartia Research Center. You can reset the instance timer of the lev
Kartia's Labyrinth Entrance Pass given to adventurers by Kartia Research Center. You can reset the instance timer of the lev
Kartia's Labyrinth Entrance Pass given to adventurers by Kartia Research Center. You can reset the instance timer of the lev
Kartia's Labyrinth Entrance Pass given to adventurers by Kartia Research Center. You can reset the instance timer of the lev
Kartia's Labyrinth Entrance Pass given to adventurers by Kartia Research Center. You can reset the instance timer of the lev
Kartia's Labyrinth Entrance Pass given to adventurers by Kartia Research Center. You can reset the instance timer of the lev
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. Increases acquired XP by 50%. The remaining
Honeymoon ticket given to the bride and groom as a gift. When used, Vitality is maintained for 1 hour. Vitality item with limited
A scroll that summons a large 3-layer wedding cake, a must-have at any wedding.
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. Increases acquired SP by 50%. The remaining
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. Increases acquired XP and SP by 100%. Lv. 8
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. Increases acquired XP and SP by 200%. Lv. 8
Maintains Vitality for 1 h. Vitality item with limited usage.
Wrapped Pack containing Singer & Dancer (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Black Bear (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Black Gem Mask (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Refined Angel Ring (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Devil Horn (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Ruthless Tribe Mask (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Uthanka (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Cheerleader Orodriel (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Tame Princess Ant (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Dryad (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Pink Paper Mask Set (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Arrow-pierced Apple (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 50% (1-hour). Cannot be exchanged once open.
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 100% (1-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 200% (1-hour).
STR +3/ DEX -2. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that
DEX +3/ CON -2. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol tha
CON +3/ STR -2. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol tha
INT +3/ WIT -2. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that b
WIT +3/ MEN -2. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that
MEN +3/ INT -2. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that
STR +3/ DEX -2/ Fire Resistance +5. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will r
DEX +3/ CON -2/ Earth Resistance +5. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you wil
CON +3/ STR -2/ Dark Resistance +5. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will
INT +3/ WIT -2/ Water Resistance +5. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will
WIT +3/ MEN -2/ Wind Resistance +5. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will

Pagina 256

MEN +3/ INT -2/ Holy Resistance +5. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will r
STR +3/ DEX -1/ Fire Resistance +5. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will r
DEX +3/ CON -1/ Earth Resistance +5. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you wil
CON +3/ STR -1/ Dark Resistance +5. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will
INT +3/ WIT -1/ Water Resistance +5. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will
WIT +3/ MEN -1/ Wind Resistance +5. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will
MEN +3/ INT -1/ Holy Resistance +5. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will r
STR +4/ DEX -3. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that
DEX +4/ CON -3. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol tha
CON +4/ STR -3. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol tha
INT +4/ WIT -3. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that b
WIT +4/ MEN -3. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that
MEN +4/ INT -3. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that
STR +4/ DEX -3/ Fire Resistance +10. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will
DEX +4/ CON -3/ Earth Resistance +10. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you w
CON +4/ STR -3/ Dark Resistance +10. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you wi
INT +4/ WIT -3/ Water Resistance +10. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you wil
WIT +4/ MEN -3/ Wind Resistance +10. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you wi
MEN +4/ INT -3/ Holy Resistance +10. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will
STR +4/ DEX- 2/ Fire Resistance +10. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will
DEX +4/ CON- 2/ Earth Resistance +10. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you w
CON +4/ STR- 2/ Dark Resistance +10. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you wi
INT +4/ WIT- 2/ Water Resistance +10. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you wil
WIT +4/ MEN- 2/ Wind Resistance +10. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you wi
MEN +4/ INT- 2/ Holy Resistance +10. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will
STR +5/ DEX -4. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that
DEX +5/ CON -4. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol tha
CON +5/ STR -4. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol tha
INT +5/ WIT -4. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that b
WIT +5/ MEN -4. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that
MEN +5/ INT -4. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that
STR +5/ DEX -4/ Fire Resistance +15. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will
DEX +5/ CON -4/ Earth Resistance +15. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you w
CON +5/ STR -4/ Dark Resistance +15. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you wi
INT +5/ WIT -4/ Water Resistance +15. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you wil
WIT +5/ MEN -4/ Wind Resistance +15. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you wi
MEN +5/ INT -4/ Holy Resistance +15. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will
STR +5/ DEX -3/ Fire Resistance +15. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will
DEX +5/ CON -3/ Earth Resistance +15. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you w
CON +5/ STR -3/ Dark Resistance +15. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you wi
INT +5/ WIT -3/ Water Resistance +15. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you wil
WIT +5/ MEN -3/ Wind Resistance +15. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you wi
MEN +5/ INT -3/ Holy Resistance +15. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will
STR +5/ DEX -2. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that
DEX +5/ CON -2. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol tha
CON +5/ STR -2. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol tha
INT +5/ WIT -2. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that b
WIT +5/ MEN -2. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that
MEN +5/ INT -2. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that

Pagina 257

STR +5/ DEX -2/ Fire Resistance +20. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will
DEX +5/ CON -2/ Earth Resistance +20. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you w
CON +5/ STR -2/ Dark Resistance +20. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you wi
INT +5/ WIT -2/ Water Resistance +20. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you wil
WIT +5/ MEN -2/ Wind Resistance +20. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you wi
MEN +5/ INT -2/ Holy Resistance +20. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will
STR +5/ DEX -1/ Fire Resistance +20. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will
DEX +5/ CON -1/ Earth Resistance +20. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you w
CON +5/ STR -1/ Dark Resistance +20. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you wi
INT +5/ WIT -1/ Water Resistance +20. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you wil
WIT +5/ MEN -1/ Wind Resistance +20. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you wi
MEN +5/ INT -1/ Holy Resistance +20. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will
STR +5. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts y
DEX +5. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts y
CON +5. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts
INT +5. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts y
WIT +5. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts y
MEN +5. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts
STR +5/ Fire Resistance +25. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a
DEX +5/ Earth Resistance +25. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive
CON +5/ Dark Resistance +25. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive
INT +5/ Water Resistance +25. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive
WIT +5/ Wind Resistance +25. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive
MEN +5/ Holy Resistance +25. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive
STR +5/ DEX +1/ Fire Resistance +25. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will
DEX +5/ CON +1/ Earth Resistance +25. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you w
CON +5/ STR +1/ Dark Resistance +25. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you w
INT +5/ WIT +1/ Water Resistance +25. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you wi
WIT +5/ MEN +1/ Wind Resistance +25. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you w
MEN +5/ INT +1/ Holy Resistance +25. Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you wil
Wrapped Pack containing one STR Dye - Dye Lv. 1-5 at random among the following: Giant, Ancient or Legendary.
Wrapped Pack containing one DEX Dye - Dye Lv. 1-5 at random among the following: Giant, Ancient or Legendary.
Wrapped Pack containing one CON Dye - Dye Lv. 1-5 at random among the following: Giant, Ancient or Legendary.
Wrapped Pack containing one INT Dye - Dye Lv. 1-5 at random among the following: Giant, Ancient or Legendary.
Wrapped Pack containing one WIT Dye - Dye Lv. 1-5 at random among the following: Giant, Ancient or Legendary.
Wrapped Pack containing one MEN Dye - Dye Lv. 1-5 at random among the following: Giant, Ancient or Legendary.
Badge made in honor of the nameless soldiers who participated in the siege independently, taking the side of no one. You ca
Test Item\nWhen possessed in the inventory, it increases the item acquisition rate through hunting by 30%.
Test Item\nWhen possessed in the inventory, it increases the item acquisition rate through hunting by 50%.
Test Item\nWhen possessed in the inventory, it increases the item acquisition rate through hunting by 100%.
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its M. Atk. significantly. Can use for R-g
Wrapped Pack containing 10,000 Mysterious Blessed Spiritshots (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing 3,000 Mysterious Blessed Spiritshots (R-grade).
Easter Egg celebrating Easter Day. Double-click to receive one out of many event items.
Wrapped Pack containing Power Shirt enchanted to +7.
Wrapped Pack containing Vitality Replenishing Potion, 1 Vitality Maintaining Potion (1-hour), 3 XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 50%
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Vitality Replenishing Potion, 3 Vitality Maintaining Potion (1-hour), 9 XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) Pa
Wrapped Pack containing 9 Vitality Replenishing Potion, 9 Vitality Maintaining Potion (1-hour), 10 XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) P
Wrapped Pack containing 10,000 Mysterious Soulshots (S-grade), 5,000 Mysterious Blessed Spiritshots (S-grade), 1 XP Run

Pagina 258

Wrapped Pack with 10,000 Mysterious Soulshots (R-grade), 5,000 Mysterious Blessed Spiritshots (R-grade), 1 XP Rune III (L
Wrapped Pack containing Vorpal Heavy Armor Set of Fortune. Disappears after 90 days.
Wrapped Pack containing Vorpal Light Armor Set of Fortune. Disappears after 90 days.
Wrapped Pack containing Vorpal Robe Set of Fortune. Disappears after 90 days.
Wrapped Pack containing Armor of Fortune (S80-grade) (90-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Weapons of Fortune (S80-grade) (90-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Accessories of Fortune (S80-grade) (90-day).
Put this item on the character that will receive the service, and send a support ticket on
Put this item on the character that will receive the service, and send a support ticket on
Put this item on the character that will receive the service, and send a support ticket on
Given to adventurers from the Kartia Research Center. Resets Cooldown for Ancient Kartia's Labyrinth.
Ghost Potion\n P. Atk. +20%, M. Atk. +85%, and Speed +20 for 2 h. Cooldown is 60 min.
Mark given to those who fought as zombies or against zombies in the zombie invasion of the village.\nCan be exchanged for
Use this to receive a useful item out of many.
Use this to receive an item more valuable than the gift itself.
Use this to receive an item more valuable than the gift itself.
Restores 100000 Soul Avatar energy when used. Can be replenished only when the Soul Avatar is equipped and 100000 or
Chocolate for Summer Slushie sought by Herina. Tastes sweet. You need 10 each of chocolate/ cream/ ice/ biscuits to make
Cream for Summer Slushie sought by Herina. Tastes smooth. You need 10 each of chocolate/ cream/ ice/ biscuits to make 1
Ice for Summer Slushie sought by Herina. Seems finely shaven. You need 10 each of chocolate/ cream/ ice/ biscuits to make
Basket containing biscuits for Summer Slushie sought by Herina. Includes assorted biscuits, fruits, candy, and the like. You n
Summer Slushie made by Herina. Use it to change into a Beach Swimsuit. For 1 h., Atk. Spd. +5%, Casting Spd. +5%, Speed
Summer Slushie made by Herina. Use this top-quality slushie to change into an Alluring Swimsuit. For 1 h., Atk. Spd. +10%, C
Changes the appearance of upper armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. One pieces are also possible. It modifies everything,
Double-click to obtain either a Fantastic Summer Slushie, Beach Swimsuit Appearance Stone, Alluring Swimsuit, Beach Sun
Wrapped Pack containing Brilliant Beach Sun Cap (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Stylish Straw Hat (30-day).
Changes the appearance of a top to that of a Ninja outfit. Abilities do not change after modification. Can be used regardless o
Changes the appearance of a bottom to that of a Ninja outfit. Abilities do not change after modification. Can be used regardle
Changes the appearance of gloves to that of a Ninja outfit. Abilities do not change after modification.
Changes the appearance of shoes to that of a Ninja outfit. Abilities do not change after modification.
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory to that of a Ninja outfit. Can only be used on hair accessories that use 2 slots. C
Changes the appearance of a top to that of a Tribal Warrior outfit. Abilities do not change after modification. Can be used reg
Changes the appearance of a bottom to that of a Tribal Warrior outfit. Abilities do not change after modification. Can be used
Changes the appearance of gloves to that of a Tribal Warrior outfit. Abilities do not change after modification.
Changes the appearance of shoes to that of a Tribal Warrior outfit. Abilities do not change after modification.
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory to that of a Tribal Warrior outfit. Can only be used on hair accessories that use
Wrapped Pack containing Ninja Top/ Pants/ Gloves/ Shoes/ Hair Accessory Appearance Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing Tribal Warrior Top/ Pants/ Gloves/ Shoes/ Hair Accessory Appearance Stone.
Double-click to receive either Antharas' Earring, Valakas' Necklace, Earth Wyrm Heart Ring, Bottle of Antharas' Soul, or Bottl
Gives a hair accessory perfect for a fun summer festival.
Restores 3000 HP and the remaining power restores CP. Instant effect with no duration.
Magic potion that instantly restores Mana. Instant effect with no duration.
Transforms you into a Festering Zombie for 30 min.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed blunt into that of a Drake Maul.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed blunt into that of Freya's Staff.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed fist weapon into that of Spezion's Claw.
Changes the appearance of a spear into that of a Maliss Stormer.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed dagger into that of Steregos' Dagger.

Pagina 259

Changes the appearance of a dual blunt into that of Ron's Dual Blunt.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of Darion's Hellblade.
Changes the appearance of a dual dagger into that of a Doll Blader's Butcher Blade.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed blunt into that of Tiat's Tiat's Tiatenon.
Changes the appearance of a dual sword into that of Aenkinel's Aenkinel's Astaroth.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed sword to that of the Yehan Klanikus' Tirbing.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of Mardil's Wind.
Wrapped Pack containing Appearance Stone for either Drake Maul, Spezion's Claw, Steregos' Dagger, Darion's Hellblade, T
Wrapped Pack containing Appearance Stone for either Freya's Staff, Maliss Stormer, Ron's Dual Blunt, Doll Blader's Butcher
Restores full Soul Avatar Energy (up to 200000) when used. Can be replenished only when the Soul Avatar is equipped and
Refreshing apple drink. Maintains Vitality for 30 min. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
Delicious sausage. Restores Vitality upon XP gain through hunting for 30 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
Nutritious pretzel. Increases XP gain by 50% for 1 h.
Instantly restores HP by 500 and MP by 200. Cooldown is 60 sec. Use this right away if you're feeling tired!
Traces of Ancient Kartia's Labyrinth. Perhaps a Kartia Researcher may know more about it.
Traces of Ancient Kartia's Labyrinth. Perhaps a Kartia Researcher may know more about it.
Changes the appearance of upper armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. One pieces are also possible. It modifies everythin
Changes the appearance of upper armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. One pieces are also possible. It modifies everythi
Scroll of Escape dropped by Pirate Captain Uthanka's spirit. Use it to return to his tomb.
Wrapped Pack containing 30 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt. Has a very low chance of acquiring a +7 Pa'agrio's Sh
Wrapped Pack containing Pa'agrio's Shirt enchanted to +7.
Enchant Scroll exclusive to Pa'agrio's Shirt, Sayha's Shirt, Eva's Shirt, Maphr's Shirt, and the Shiny Elemental Shirt. When en
Obtained by defeating a raid boss. Contains a standard or blessed D-grade weapon.
Obtained by defeating a raid boss. Contains a standard or blessed C-grade weapon.
Obtained by defeating a raid boss. Contains a standard or blessed B-grade weapon.
Obtained by defeating a raid boss. Contains a standard or blessed A-grade weapon.
Obtained by defeating a raid boss. Contains a standard or blessed S-grade weapon.
Obtained by defeating a raid boss. Contains standard or blessed D-grade armor.
Obtained by defeating a raid boss. Contains standard or blessed C-grade armor.
Obtained by defeating a raid boss. Contains standard or blessed B-grade armor.
Obtained by defeating a raid boss. Contains standard or blessed A-grade armor.
Obtained by defeating a raid boss. Contains standard or blessed S-grade armor.

Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When stored in the inventory, increases acquired XP by 50%. The remaini
Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When stored in the inventory, increases acquired XP by 100%. The remain
Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When stored in the inventory, increases acquired XP by 100%. The remain
Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When stored in the inventory, increases acquired XP by 100%. The remain
Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When stored in the inventory, increases acquired XP by 200%. The remain
Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When stored in the inventory, increases acquired XP by 200%. The remain
Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When stored in the inventory, increases acquired XP by 200%. The remain
Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When stored in the inventory, increases acquired SP by 50%. The remaini
Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When stored in the inventory, increases acquired SP by 100%. The remain
Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When stored in the inventory, increases acquired SP by 100%. The remain
Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When stored in the inventory, increases acquired SP by 100%. The remain
Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When stored in the inventory, increases acquired SP by 200%. The remain
Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When stored in the inventory, increases acquired SP by 200%. The remain
Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When stored in the inventory, increases acquired SP by 200%. The remain
Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When held in your inventory, grants the user Eva's Rune passive skill. The
Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When held in your inventory, grants the user Eva's Rune passive skill. The

Pagina 260

Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When held in your inventory, grants the user Eva's Rune passive skill. The
When possessed in the inventory, increases the rate of item acquisition through hunting by 50%.
When possessed in the inventory, increases the rate of item acquisition through hunting by 100%.
When possessed in the inventory, increases the rate of item acquisition through hunting by 200%.
When possessed in the inventory, increases the rate of item acquisition through hunting by 50%.
When possessed in the inventory, increases the rate of item acquisition through hunting by 100%.
When possessed in the inventory, increases the rate of item acquisition through hunting by 200%.
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 50% (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 100% (1-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 100% (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 100% (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 200% (1-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 200% (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 200% (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 50% (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 100% (1-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 100% (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 100% (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 200% (1-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 200% (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 200% (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Eva's Rune (1-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Eva's Rune (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Eva's Rune (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Maphr's Rune 50% (1-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Maphr's Rune 100% (1-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Maphr's Rune 200% (1-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Maphr's Rune 50% (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Maphr's Rune 100% (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Maphr's Rune 200% (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing 30 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt. Has a very low chance of acquiring a +7 Sayha's Shirt
Wrapped Pack containing Sayha's Shirt enchanted to +7.
Wrapped Pack containing 30 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt. Has a very low chance of acquiring a +7 Eva's Shirt.
Wrapped Pack containing Eva's Shirt enchanted to +7.
Wrapped Pack containing 30 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt. Has a very low chance of acquiring a +7 Maphr's Shirt
Wrapped Pack containing Maphr's Shirt enchanted to +7.
Recipe needed for making Elven Radler.
Delicious and simple Elven Radler. You can acquire a Dion Pilsner if you're lucky.
Very delicious Dion Pilsner. You can acquire a Dwarven Royal Blue Cocktail if you're lucky.
Extremely delicious Dwarven Royal Blue Cocktail. You can acquire an Aden White Beer if you're lucky.
Aden White Beer made with the finest recipe. Take it to Queen of Hearts with the Beer Tankard to obtain the Gran Kain's Del
Finest beer obtained from Queen of Hearts.
Ingredient needed for crafting beer.
Ingredient needed for crafting beer.
Ingredient needed for crafting beer.
Take this and the Aden White Beer to Queen of Hearts to obtain a Gran Kain's Delight.
If stored in the inventory, STR +7 permanently, and has a 5% chance of Stunning all enemies within 200 grids for 3 sec. durin
If stored in the inventory, INT +7 permanently, and has a 10% chance of decreasing all enemies' M. Def. by 20% for 10 sec. w
If stored in the inventory, CON +7 permanently, and has a 5% chance of becoming invincible for 5 sec when attacked. 3-day.

Pagina 261

If stored in the inventory, STR +7 permanently, and has a 5% chance of inflicting 20% additional damage when using a skill a
If stored in the inventory, DEX +7 permanently, and has a 5% chance of increasing Critical Rate and Critical Damage by 20%
If stored in the inventory, INT +7 permanently, and has a 10% chance of not consuming MP for healing skills. 3-day.
If stored in the inventory, STR +7 permanently, and has a 5% chance of Stunning all enemies within 200 grids for 3 sec. durin
If stored in the inventory, INT +7 permanently, and has a 10% chance of decreasing all enemies' M. Def. by 20% for 10 sec. w
If stored in the inventory, CON +7 permanently, and has a 5% chance of becoming invincible for 5 sec. when attacked.
If stored in the inventory, STR +7 permanently, and has a 5% chance of inflicting 20% additional damage when using a skill a
If stored in the inventory, DEX +7 permanently, and has a 5% chance of increasing Critical Rate and Critical Damage by 20%
If stored in the inventory, INT +7 permanently, and has a 10% chance of not consuming MP for healing skills.
Maintains Vitality for 30 min. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. All levels. Effect remains after death.
Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. All levels. Effect remains after death.
Can acquire 5,000 Soulshots (R-grade).
Can acquire 5,000 Blessed Spiritshots (R-grade).
Increases the number of vitality items that can be used per week by 2. Cooldown is 3 days.
Increases the number of vitality items that can be used per week by 3. Cooldown is 3 days.
Replenishes 1 Vitality slot when used. Cooldown is 60 min.
Replenishes 2 Vitality slots when used. Cooldown is 60 min.
Replenishes Vitality to max when used. Cooldown is 60 min.
For 30 min., vitality is replenished when XP is acquired through hunting. Vitality item with limited usage. Effect remains even
Enchant success rate increases by 10%.\nFailure to enchant does not affect the weapon's enchantment level.\nWhen enchan
Enchant success rate is 100%.\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunt
Enchant success rate +10%.\nIf enchanting fails the existing enchant value is maintained.\nWhen enchanted, P. Def. for arm
Enchant success rate is 100%. \nWhen enchanted, P. Def. for armor/ accessories (R-grade) +2. When enchanted to +4 or ab
For 2 h., Atk. Spd. +15%, Casting Spd. +15%, Speed +20, and equipped weapons/ armor appearance change to that of Mem
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Enchant success rate +15% for armor (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchan
Wrapped Pack containing Power Shirt enchanted to +7.
Wrapped Pack containing Transformation Scroll. Which could it be?
Changes the appearance of an R-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an S-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an A-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an R-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an S-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an A-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Restores the appearance of a modified weapon (R-grade). Double-click to use.
Restores the appearance of a modified weapon (S-grade). Double-click to use.
Restores the appearance of a modified weapon (A-grade). Double-click to use.
Changes the appearance of an R-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of an S-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of an A-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of an R-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of an S-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of an A-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Restores the appearance of modified armor (R-grade). No hair accessories. Double-click to use.
Restores the appearance of modified armor (S-grade). No hair accessories. Double-click to use.
Restores the appearance of modified armor (A-grade). No hair accessories. Double-click to use.
Item that can change a hair accessory's appearance. Works for item with the same number of slots. You need an appearance
Item that can change a hair accessory's appearance. Works for item with the same number of slots. You need an appearance

Pagina 262

Restores the appearance of a modified hair accessory. Double-click to use.

Wrapped Pack containing Weapon Appearance Stone (R-grade) and a Weapon Restoration Stone (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Weapon Appearance Stone (S-grade) and a Weapon Restoration Stone (S-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Armor Appearance Stone (R-grade) and an Armor Restoration Stone (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Armor Appearance Stone (S-grade) and an Armor Restoration Stone (S-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Hair Accessory Appearance Stone and a Hair Accessory Restoration Stone.
Chest containing countless treasures. You can obtain either an Ancient/ Heavenly Enchant Scroll, Lv. 5 Legendary Dye, Sea
Chest containing countless treasures. You can obtain either a +7 Power Shirt, Kaliel's Energy, Enchant Stone, or Attribute St
Chest containing countless treasures. You can obtain either an Agathion, Appearance Stone, or Super Healthy Juice.
Life Stone for Adenian Underwear. Can use through the town blacksmith.
This Blessed Griffin Egg will be of great help to you.
Wrapped Pack containing Transformation Scroll. Which could it be?
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune II (Lv. 1-95) 100% (1-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune II (Lv. 1-95) 100% (3-hour).
If stored in the inventory, Acquired XP/ SP +100%. Lv. 95 or below. 1-hour.
If stored in the inventory, Acquired XP/ SP +100%. Lv. 95 or below. 3-hour.
Wrapped Pack containing Talisman (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Scroll: Seal Weapon (D - R99-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Scroll: Seal Armor (D - R99-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D - R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Scroll: Enchant Armor (D - R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D - R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (D - R-grade).
Transforms you into a Saber Tooth Tiger for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into Oel Mahum for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into a Doll Blader for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into Zaken for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into Anakim for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into Venom for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into Gordon for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into Ranku for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into Kechi for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Transforms you into Demon Prince for 30 min. No effect if used while transformed.
Dimensional Item\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed
Dimensional Item\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed
Dimensional Item\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 4 for A-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed
Dimensional Item\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for B-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed
Dimensional Item\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for C-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed
Dimensional Item\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 2 for D-grade one-handed sword, one-handed blunt, one-handed s
When enchanted, P. Def. for armor/ accessories (R-grade) +2. When enchanted to +4 or above, P. Def. increases greatly. Ca
When enchanted, P. Def. for armor/ accessories (S-grade) +1. When enchanted to +4 or above, P. Def. increases by 3. Can
When enchanted, P. Def. for armor/ accessories (A-grade) +1. When enchanted to +4 or above, P. Def. increases by 3. Can
When enchanted, P. Def. for armor/ accessories (B-grade) +1. When enchanted to +4 or above, P. Def. increases by 3. Can
When enchanted, P. Def. for armor/ accessories (C-grade) +1. When enchanted to +4 or above, P. Def. increases by 3. Can
When enchanted, P. Def. for armor/ accessories (D-grade) +1. When enchanted to +4 or above, P. Def. increases by 3. Can
Dimensional Item\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed
Dimensional Item\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed
Dimensional Item\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 4 for A-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed
Dimensional Item\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for B-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed

Pagina 263

Dimensional Item\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for C-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed
Dimensional Item\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 2 for D-grade one-handed sword, one-handed blunt, one-handed s
When enchanted, P. Def. for armor/ accessories (R-grade) +2. When enchanted to +4 or above, P. Def. increases greatly. Ca
When enchanted, P. Def. for armor/ accessories (S-grade) +1. When enchanted to +4 or above, P. Def. increases by 3. Can
When enchanted, P. Def. for armor/ accessories (A-grade) +1. When enchanted to +4 or above, P. Def. increases by 3. Can
When enchanted, P. Def. for armor/ accessories (B-grade) +1. When enchanted to +4 or above, P. Def. increases by 3. Can
When enchanted, P. Def. for armor/ accessories (C-grade) +1. When enchanted to +4 or above, P. Def. increases by 3. Can
When enchanted, P. Def. for armor/ accessories (D-grade) +1. When enchanted to +4 or above, P. Def. increases by 3. Can
Wrapped Pack containing Phoenix (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Blue Opera (7-day; Sword of Recovery).
Wrapped Pack containing Button-eyed Bear Doll (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Mysterious Friend Summon Bracelet (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Party Cake. Cannot be exchanged or dropped once open.
Wrapped Pack containing Feather of Blessing.
Wrapped Pack containing 3 Super Healthy Juices (HP). Cannot be exchanged or dropped once open.
Wrapped Pack containing 5 Super Healthy Juices (CP). Cannot be exchanged or dropped once open.

Invitation for Aden's celebrities to attend the Fantasy Isle Festival, entrusted to you by Small Bard.
VIP Invitation for Aden's celebrities to attend the Fantasy Isle Festival, entrusted to you by Small Bard.
Notices from celebrities of Aden, accepting the invitation to the Fantasy Isle Festival. Bring 10 to the Sponsorship Manager to
Notices from celebrities of Aden, declining the invitation to the Fantasy Isle Festival. Bring this to the Sponsorship Manager to
Gift from the Fantasy Isle Festival Manager. Has a chance of obtaining one of many items.
Restores 3000 HP, and the remaining power restores CP. Instant effect with no duration.
Restores 100 MP. Instant effect with no duration.
Cookie made for the Fantasy Isle Festival. For 60 min., Speed +33.
Homemade Cookie made to celebrate the Great Fantasy Isle Festival. For 60 min., a powerful soul increases Max MP by 20%
Special cookie made for the Fantasy Isle Festival. For 60 min., Acquired XP/ SP +100%. For characters Lv. 1-95.
Cookie set made for the Fantasy Isle Festival. Contains 1 Fantasy Cookie, 1 Fantasy Homemade Cookie, and 1 Fantasy Spe
Medal obtained with Fantasy Isle Coins. Use to increase your individual fame by 200. Cannot be exchanged or dropped,
Double-click to decrease the PK count by 1. Floran Village only. Can only be used when the PK count is 1 or above. Cannot
Double-click to decrease the PK count by 3. Floran Village only. Can only be used when the PK count is 1 or above. Cannot
Double-click to decrease the PK count by 5. Floran Village only. Can only be used when the PK count is 1 or above. Cannot
Double-click to decrease the PK count by 10. Floran Village only. Can only be used when the PK count is 1 or above. Canno
Double-click to increase reputation points by 1000. Floran Village only. Can only be used when in Chaotic state (reputation is
Double-click to increase reputation points by 5000. Floran Village only. Can only be used when in Chaotic state (reputation is
Double-click to increase reputation points by 30000. Floran Village only. Can only be used when in Chaotic state (reputation i
Double-click to change reputation points to 0. Floran Village only. Can only be used when in Chaotic state (reputation is 0 or
Appearance stone that modifies into a Santa outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance
Appearance stone that modifies into a Santa outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance
Wrapped Pack containing Santa Outfit Appearance Stone (14-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Santa Outfit Appearance Stone.
For 1 h., restores vitality with XP acquired through hunting. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
Maintains vitality for 10 min. Cooldown is 30 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
Maintains vitality for 30 min. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
Changes the appearance of a top into that of a Metal Suit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. All armor
Changes the appearance of pants into that of a Metal Suit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. All armor
Changes the appearance of gloves into that of a Metal Suit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities.
Changes the appearance of shoes into that of a Metal Suit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities.

Pagina 264

Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Metal Suit. Can be used only on hair accessories that take up 2 sl
Changes the appearance of a top into that of a Military look. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. All arm
Changes the appearance of pants into that of a Military look. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. All arm
Changes the appearance of gloves into that of a Military look. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities.
Changes the appearance of shoes into that of a Military look. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities.
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Military look. Can be used only on hair accessories that take up 2
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Maid Costume. Can be used only on hair accessories that take up
Changes the appearance of all weapons into those of Emerald Weapons of corresponding types. Can be used on shields and
Changes the appearance of all weapons into those of Japanese Weapons of corresponding types. Can be used on shields a
Mark with which you can participate in monster duels in the Fantasy Isle Festival. Take it to a Contender to fight with him.
Item provided by a Contender as a reward for your victory. Has a chance of obtaining one of many event items.
Wrapped Pack containing Appearance Stone for either Hellblade, Tiat's Tiatenon, Butcher Blade, Aenkinel's Astaroth, Yehan
Changes the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of the Hellblade.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed blunt into that of a Tiat's Tiatenon.
Changes the appearance of a dual dagger into that of a Butcher Blade.
Changes the appearance of a dual sword into that of Aenkinel's Astaroth.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed sword to that of the Yehan Klanikus' Tirbing.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of Mardil's Wind.
Box that contains a Vesper Noble Light Armor Appearance Stone Set.
Changes the appearance of a top into Vesper Noble Light Armor. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Al
Changes the appearance of pants into Vesper Noble Light Armor. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. A
Changes the appearance of gloves into Vesper Noble Light Armor. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities.
Changes the appearance of shoes into Vesper Noble Light Armor. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities.
Changes the appearance of a top into Vesper Noble Light Armor. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Al
Changes the appearance of pants into Vesper Noble Light Armor. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. A
Changes the appearance of gloves into Vesper Noble Light Armor. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities.
Changes the appearance of shoes into Vesper Noble Light Armor. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities.
Pack that contains 500 Mysterious Soulshots (R-grade).
Pack that contains 500 Mysterious Spiritshots (R-grade).
The power of a spirit is bestowed upon a weapon (R-grade), temporarily inflicting a powerful attack on the enemy.
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon (R-grade), temporarily increasing its magic significantly.
Changes the appearance of a top into that of a Ninja Outfit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. All armo
Changes the appearance of pants into that of a Ninja Outfit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. All armo
Changes the appearance of gloves into that of a Ninja Outfit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Gives
Changes the appearance of shoes into that of a Ninja Outfit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Gives y
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Ninja Outfit. Can be used only on hair accessories that take up 2 s
Changes the appearance of a top into that of a Ninja Outfit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. All armo
Changes the appearance of pants into that of a Ninja Outfit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. All armo
Changes the appearance of gloves into that of a Ninja Outfit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Gives
Changes the appearance of shoes into that of a Ninja Outfit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Gives y
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Ninja Outfit. Can be used only on hair accessories that take up 2 s
Wrapped Pack containing either Vesper Noble Light Armor Top Appearance Stone (7-day) or Vorpal Light Armor Top Appear
Wrapped Pack containing either Vesper Noble Light Armor Pants Appearance Stone (7-day) or Vorpal Light Armor Pants App
Wrapped Pack containing either Vesper Noble Light Armor Gloves Appearance Stone (7-day) or Vorpal Light Armor Gloves A
Wrapped Pack containing either Vesper Noble Light Armor Shoes Appearance Stone (7-day) or Vorpal Light Armor Shoes Ap
Wrapped Pack containing either Istina's Earring, Baium's Ring or Octavis' Necklace.
Box that contains a Vorpal Light Armor Appearance Stone Set.
Changes the appearance of a top into that of Vorpal Light Armor. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Al

Pagina 265

Changes the appearance of pants into that of Vorpal Light Armor. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. A
Changes the appearance of gloves into that of Vorpal Light Armor. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities.
Changes the appearance of shoes into that of Vorpal Light Armor. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities.
Changes the appearance of a top into that of Vorpal Light Armor. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Al
Changes the appearance of pants into that of Vorpal Light Armor. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. A
Changes the appearance of gloves into that of Vorpal Light Armor. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities.
Changes the appearance of shoes into that of Vorpal Light Armor. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities.
Wrapped Pack containing Appearance Stone for either Hellblade (7-day), Tiat's Tiatenon (7-day), Butcher Blade (7-day), Aen
Changes the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of the Hellblade.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed blunt weapon into that of a Tiat's Tiatenon.
Changes the appearance of a dual dagger into that of a Butcher Blade.
Changes the appearance of a dual sword into that of Aenkinel's Astaroth.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed sword to that of the Yehan Klanikus' Tirbing.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of Mardil's Wind.
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, increases P. Def. by 2 for R-grade armor and accessories, and increases greatly starting at +4. Can be enh
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Enchant success rate +15% for armor (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchan
Gift given after accumulating 1-hr worth of PA Points. Double-click to use.
Changes the appearance of all weapons into those of Emerald Weapons of corresponding types. Can be used on shields and
Changes the appearance of all weapons into those of Japanese Weapons of corresponding types. Can be used on shields a
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 50% (1-hour).
Double-click to reset cooldown to Lv. 85 Kartia's Labyrinth solo dungeon. Usable once a day outside instances while on a coo
Double-click to reset cooldown to Lv. 90 Kartia's Labyrinth solo dungeon. Usable once a day outside instances while on a coo
Double-click to reset cooldown to Lv. 95 Kartia's Labyrinth solo dungeon. Usable once a day outside instances while on a coo
Double-click to reset cooldown to Lv. 85 Kartia's Labyrinth party dungeon. Usable once a day outside instances while on a co
Double-click to reset cooldown to Lv. 90 Kartia's Labyrinth party dungeon. Usable once a day outside instances while on a co
Double-click to reset cooldown to Lv. 95 Kartia's Labyrinth party dungeon. Usable once a day outside instances while on a co
Recovers HP by 50%. Only for Lv. 84 or below to use on themselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
Maintains Vitality for 10 min. Cooldown is 30 min. No weekly usage limit.
Wrapped Pack containing Vitality Maintaining Potion with no weekly usage limit.
Wrapped Pack containing Black Gem Mask (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Artisan's Goggles (7-day).
Replenishes a certain amount of Vitality. Cooldown is 1 min. No weekly usage limit.
Stops Vitality consumption and bonuses for 30 min. Cooldown is 60 min. No weekly usage limit.
To change your character's name, follow these steps:\n1. Create a new character with the desired name on your Account.\n2
To change the gender of your character, follow these steps:\n1. Submit a ticket to our Support from this account.\n2. Put "Ch
Famous Polish chocolate doughnut. Maintains vitality for 30 min. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
Famous Polish dish. Restores vitality upon XP gain through hunting for 30 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
Polish bread. Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. All levels.
Polish bread. Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. All levels.
Polish bread. Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. All levels.
Polish bread. Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. All levels.
Polish bread. Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. All levels.
Polish bread. Increases acquired XP by 50% for a certain amount of time. All levels.
Creates a campfire that lasts for 30 min. The warmth of the bonfire reduces the amount of MP consumption during skill use, a
Double-click to obtain a random Star Agathion (7-day).
Replenishes an amount of Vitality.
Replenishes Vitality for 10 min.

Pagina 266

Replenishes Vitality for 10 min.

Restores 50% of Max MP.
Enchant success rate +20% for weapons (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. Not usable on items ench
Enchant success rate +30% for armor (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. Not usable on items enchant
Wrapped Pack containing supplies used by knights, such as various XP Rune Packs, Vitailty Star Candies, firecrackers, etc.
Wrapped Pack containing supplies used by royal guards, such as Blessed Scrolls, Unbind Scrolls, Enchant Scrolls, and Ench
Changes the appearance of an R-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an S-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an A-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of a B-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of a C-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of a D-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of an R-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an S-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an A-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of a B-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of a C-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of a D-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of an R-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an S-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an A-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of a B-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of a C-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of a D-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of R-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appea
Changes the appearance of S-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appea
Changes the appearance of A-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appea
Changes the appearance of B-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appea
Changes the appearance of C-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appea
Changes the appearance of D-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appea
Changes the appearance of R-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appea
Changes the appearance of S-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appea
Changes the appearance of A-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appea
Changes the appearance of B-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appea
Changes the appearance of C-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appea
Changes the appearance of D-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appea
Changes the appearance of R-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appea
Changes the appearance of S-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appea
Changes the appearance of A-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appea
Changes the appearance of B-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appea
Changes the appearance of C-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appea
Changes the appearance of D-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appea
Vitality Potion given as a reward from Aden Kingdom for clearing Kartia's Labyrinth. Restores some Vitality.
Vitality Potion given as a reward from Aden Kingdom for clearing Kartia's Labyrinth. Restores more Vitality than the Dimensio
Vitality Potion given as a reward from Aden Kingdom for clearing Kartia's Labyrinth. Restores more Vitality than the Dimensio
Vitality Potion given as a reward from Aden Kingdom for clearing Kartia's Labyrinth. Restores some Vitality.
Vitality Potion given as a reward from Aden Kingdom for clearing Kartia's Labyrinth. Restores more Vitality than the Dimensio
Vitality Potion given as a reward from Aden Kingdom for clearing Kartia's Labyrinth. Restores more Vitality than the Dimensio
Changes the appearance of a top to that of a Ninja outfit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. All armor t

Pagina 267

Changes the appearance of pants to that of a Ninja outfit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. All armor
Changes the appearance of gloves to that of a Ninja outfit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Modifying
Changes the appearance of shoes to that of a Ninja outfit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Modifying
Changes the appearance of a top into that of a Tribal Warrior outfit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities.
Changes the appearance of pants into that of a Tribal Warrior outfit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities.
Changes the appearance of gloves into that of a Tribal Warrior outfit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities
Changes the appearance of shoes into that of a Tribal Warrior outfit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities
Changes the appearance of a top into that of a Metal Suit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. All armor
Changes the appearance of pants into that of a Metal Suit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. All armor
Changes the appearance of gloves into that of a Metal Suit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Modifyin
Changes the appearance of shoes into that of a Metal Suit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Modifyin
Changes the appearance of a top into that of a Military Outfit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. All arm
Changes the appearance of pants into that of a Military Outfit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. All arm
Changes the appearance of gloves into that of a Military Outfit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Mod
Changes the appearance of shoes into that of a Military Outfit. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Modi

For 1 h., Vitality Bonus +100% if vitality is present. Note that Vitality Bonus does not apply to boss monsters. Cooldown is 1 h
For 1 h., Vitality Recovery +100%.
For 1 h., Vitality consumption upon XP gain - 50%.
100% enchant success rate. Can be enchanted up to +4.\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 4 for A-grade one-handed
100% enchant success rate. Can be enchanted up to +4.\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed
100% enchant success rate. Can be enchanted up to +4.\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed
100% Enchant success rate. Can be enchanted up to +4.\nWhen enchanted, P. Def. for armor and accessories (A-grade) +1
100% Enchant success rate. Can be enchanted up to +4.\nWhen enchanted, P. Def. for armor and accessories (S-grade) +1
100% Enchant success rate. Can be enchanted up to +4.\nWhen enchanted, P. Def. for armor and accessories (R-grade) +2
100% enchant success rate. Can be enchanted up to +4.\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 4 for A-grade one-handed
100% enchant success rate. Can be enchanted up to +4.\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed
100% enchant success rate. Can be enchanted up to +4.\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed
100% Enchant success rate. Can be enchanted up to +4.\nWhen enchanted, P. Def. for armor and accessories (A-grade) +1
100% Enchant success rate. Can be enchanted up to +4.\nWhen enchanted, P. Def. for armor and accessories (S-grade) +1
100% Enchant success rate. Can be enchanted up to +4.\nWhen enchanted, P. Def. for armor and accessories (R-grade) +2
When possessed in the inventory while hunting, Drop and Spoil rate +30%, amount of dropped Adena +30%.
When possessed in the inventory while hunting, Drop and Spoil rate +30%, amount of dropped Adena +30%.
When possessed in the inventory while hunting, Drop and Spoil rate +30%, amount of dropped Adena +30%.
Pack containing High-grade Maphr's Rune 30% (3-hour).
Pack containing High-grade Maphr's Rune 30% (10-hour).
Pack containing High-grade Maphr's Rune 30% (7-day.
When possessed in the inventory while hunting, Drop and Spoil rate +50%, amount of dropped Adena +50%.
When possessed in the inventory while hunting, Drop and Spoil rate +50%, amount of dropped Adena +50%.
When possessed in the inventory while hunting, Drop and Spoil rate +50%, amount of dropped Adena +50%.
Pack containing High-grade Maphr's Rune 50% (3-hour).
Pack containing High-grade Maphr's Rune 50% (10-hour).
Pack containing High-grade Maphr's Rune 50% (7-day.
When possessed in the inventory while hunting, Drop and Spoil rate +100%, amount of dropped Adena +100%.
When possessed in the inventory while hunting, Drop and Spoil rate +100%, amount of dropped Adena +100%.
When possessed in the inventory while hunting, Drop and Spoil rate +100%, amount of dropped Adena +100%.
Wrapped Pack containing High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% (3-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% (10-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% (7-day).

Pagina 268

Double-click to obtain either Dark/ Bloody Eternal Enhancement Stone, Normal/ Giant/ Blessed Weapon Enchant Scroll (R-gr
Double-click to obtain 5 each of High-grade Elixir of Life/ Mind/ CP. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Premium User Only\nFor 60 min., Vitality is restored upon XP gain. Cannot apply another buff with the same effect, and when
Premium User Only\nFor 60 min., you receive the effects of Horn Melody Lv. 2, Pipe Organ Melody Lv. 2, Guitar Melody Lv. 2
Premium User Only\nCan resurrect at the spot if stored in the inventory.
Premium User Only\nPotion with the strength of an ancient warrior. Restores 350 CP.
Card used in the Lucky Game. A long time ago it could be purchased for Adena at Eve's Card Shop. No longer used.
Card used in a Lucky Game. It can be purchased at Eve's Card Shop using a special coupon.
Enchant success rate +20% for weapons (D-grade). Only for items enchanted between +10 and +15.
Enchant success rate +18% for weapons (C-grade). Only for items enchanted between +10 and +15.
Enchant success rate +15% for weapons (B-grade). Only for items enchanted between +10 and +15.
Enchant success rate +12% for weapons (A-grade). Only for items enchanted between +10 and +15.
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (S-grade). Only for items enchanted between +10 and +15.
Enchant success rate +7% for weapons (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +10 and +15.
Enchant success rate +35% for armor (D-grade). Only for items enchanted between +10 and +15.
Enchant success rate +27% for armor (C-grade). Only for items enchanted between +10 and +15.
Enchant success rate +23% for armor (B-grade). Only for items enchanted between +10 and +15.
Enchant success rate +18% for armor (A-grade). Only for items enchanted between +10 and +15.
Enchant success rate +15% for armor (S-grade). Only for items enchanted between +10 and +15.
Enchant success rate +10% for armor (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +10 and +15.
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons when using the Giant's Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade). Only for items enchante
Enchant success rate +15% for armor when using the Giant's Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade). Only for items enchanted bet
If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized but the enchant value will be reset to 0 when using the Giant's Scroll: Ench
If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized but the enchant value will be reset to 0 when using the Giant's Scroll: Ench
Enchant rate rises to between +2 and +4 when using the Giant's Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade). Only for items enchante
Enchant rate rises to between +2 and +4 when using the Giant's Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade). Only for items enchanted b
If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized but the enchant value will be reset to 0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Weap
If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized but the enchant value will be reset to 0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Weap
If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized but the enchant value will be reset to 0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Weap
If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized but the enchant value will be reset to 0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Weap
If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized but the enchant value will be reset to 0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Weap
If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized but the enchant value will be reset to 0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Weap
If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized but the enchant value will be reset to 0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Armo
If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized but the enchant value will be reset to 0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Armo
If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized but the enchant value will be reset to 0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Armo
If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized but the enchant value will be reset to 0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Armo
If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized but the enchant value will be reset to 0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Armo
If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized but the enchant value will be reset to 0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Armo
Maintains Vitality for 10 min. Cooldown is 30 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
Life Stone for Adenian Underwear. Powerful. Has a higher chance of creating high stats when augmenting than a standard A
Life Stone for Adenian Tattoo. Most powerful of all Adenian Life Stones. Has a low chance of bestowing superhuman strength
Life Stone for Adenian Underwear. Can be augmented by blacksmiths in town.
Life Stone for Adenian Underwear. Powerful. Has a higher chance of creating high stats when augmenting than a standard A
Life Stone for Adenian Tattoo. Most powerful of all Adenian Life Stones. Has a low chance of bestowing superhuman strength
Used for purchasing at the L2 Store.
Can transform into Pirate Captain Uthanka.
When stored in the inventory, item acquisition through drops, Adena, and spoils in hunt +30%.
When stored in the inventory, item acquisition through drops, Adena, and spoils in hunt +50%.
When stored in the inventory, item acquisition through drops, Adena, and spoils in hunt +100%.

Pagina 269

Double-click to obtain a High-grade Maphr's Rune 30%.

Double-click to obtain a High-grade Maphr's Rune 50%.
Double-click to obtain a High-grade Maphr's Rune 100%.
Double-click to obtain a Prestige Cube (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing a Chaos Essence (30-day). The Chaos Essence cannot be used by Ertheia.
Wrapped Pack containing a Chaos Essence (Dual Class) (30-day). The Chaos Essence cannot be used by Ertheia.
Pirate Captain Uthanka's treasure. Double-click for a chance to obtain one of many items.
Wrapped Pack containing Uthanka's Ring (7-day).
Return to Uthanka's Tomb.
Wrapped Pack containing Uthanka Agathion (7-day).
Resurrects a dead person and restores their XP.
Mysterious dye containing Human power. Bring this to the village symbol maker to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that contain
Mysterious dye containing Elven power. Bring this to the village symbol maker to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that contains
Mysterious dye containing Dark Elven power. Bring this to the village symbol maker to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that con
Mysterious dye containing Orc power. Bring this to the village symbol maker to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that contains th
Mysterious dye containing Dwarven power. Bring this to the village symbol maker to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that contai
Mysterious dye containing Kamael power. Bring this to the village symbol maker to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that contain
Double-click to obtain an XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 100% Pack (1-hour).
Double-click to obtain a Pa'agrio's Warm Breeze (1-hour).
Has a chance of obtaining either Talisman - Abundance: War, Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Lucky Enc
Has a chance of obtaining either Talisman - Abundance: Tactics, Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Lucky E
Has a chance of obtaining either Talisman - Abundance: Morale, Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Lucky E
Has a chance of obtaining either Talisman - Abundance: Physique, Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Lucky
Take it to the town's Symbol Maker for a 1-day tattoo that increases your power (when HP is 90% or above, P. Def. +20%, Sp
Take it to the town's Symbol Maker for a 1-day tattoo that increases your power (Received Damage from PCs - 2%, Damage
Coupon you can trade in for a Tarot Card through Eve's Card Shop.
Coupon you can trade in for a Tarot Card through Eve's Card Shop.
Coupon you can trade in for a Tarot Card through Eve's Card Shop.
Coupon you can trade in for a Tarot Card through Eve's Card Shop.
Ticket for entering the Royal Training Camp. Talk to the manager to enter. You can stay up to 5 hours inside, and must leave
Transparent armor appearance stone. Makes armor invisible so that Adenian Underwear and Tattoos are visible. Your cloak
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune II (Lv. 1-95) 100% (3-hour).
Has a chance of obtaining either a Dark Helios Enhancement Stone, Bloody Helios Enhancement Stone, Dark Eternal Enhan
Has a chance of obtaining either a Scroll of Blessing: (R99-grade), Scroll of Blessing: (R95-grade), Scroll of Blessing: (R2-gra
Has a chance of obtaining 1 of the following items: Enhanced Power Shirt (+7) Pack, High-grade Maphr's Rune (100%) Pack
Has a chance of obtaining either a Talisman (R-grade) - Knock Back Resistance (Passive), Talisman (R-grade) - Knock Down
To change your clan name:\n1. Request through your own account.\n2. Send a request with the title "Change Clan Name".\n
Double-click to obtain either a Bottle of Orfen's Soul, a Bottle of Frintezza's Soul, a Bottle of Queen Ant's Soul, or a Bottle of B
Bottle Fragment of Valakas' Soul. Gather 1000 and take them to Denign to exchange them for the Bottle of Valakas' Soul.
Bottle Fragment of Antharas' Soul. Gather 1000 and take them to Denign to exchange them for the Bottle of Antharas' Soul.
Bottle Fragment of Baium's Soul. Gather 1000 and take them to Denign to exchange them for the Bottle of Baium's Soul.
Bottle Fragment of Orfen's Soul. Gather 1000 and take them to Denign to exchange them for the Bottle of Orfen's Soul.
Bottle Fragment of Queen Ant's Soul. Gather 1000 and take them to Denign to exchange them for the Bottle of Queen Ant's S
Bottle Fragment of Frintezza's Soul. Gather 1000 and take them to Denign to exchange them for the Bottle of Frintezza's Sou
Bottle Fragment of Freya's Soul. Gather 1000 and take them to Denign to exchange them for the Bottle of Freya's Soul.
Wrapped Pack containing Angel Cat's Blessing (1-hour).
For 60min., P. Atk. +5%, M. Atk. +20%, Atk. Spd. +5%, Casting Spd. +5%, and SP/ XP gain through hunt +30%. Does not sta
When possessed in the inventory while hunting, Drop and Spoil rate +100%, amount of dropped Adena +100%.
When possessed in the inventory while hunting, Drop and Spoil rate +100%, amount of dropped Adena +100%.

Pagina 270

When possessed in the inventory while hunting, Drop and Spoil rate +100%, amount of dropped Adena +100%.
Wrapped Pack containing High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% (1-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% (7-day).
Modifies the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Samurai Outfit. Only for 2-slot hair accessories.
Modifies the appearance of armor into that of a Samurai. Works on one-piece armor. Changes the entire armor set's appeara
Modifies the appearance of armor into that of Anakim. Works on one-piece armor. Changes the entire armor set's appearanc
Modifies the appearance of armor into that of a Vampire Outfit. No change in stats. All armor types.
Modifies the appearance of armor into that of a Vampire Outfit. No change in stats. All armor types.
Modifies the appearance of armor into that of a Vampire Outfit. No change in stats.
Modifies the appearance of armor into that of a Vampire Outfit. No change in stats.
Modifies the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Vampire Outfit. Only for 2-slot hair accessories.
Wrapped Pack containing various Life Stones. Double-click to obtain either a Life Stone Instilled with Giants' Power, Top-grad
Wrapped Pack containing various Adenian Life Stones. Double-click to obtain either a Superior Adenian Life Stone: Tattoo, M
Wrapped Pack containing various Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor. Double-click to obtain either Improved Lucky Enchant Stone:
Wrapped Pack containing various Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon. Double-click to obtain either Improved Lucky Enchant Ston
Pack containing soul bottle or bottle fragment. Double-click to acquire either Bottle of Valakas' Soul, Bottle of Antharas' Soul,
Pandora's Box containing various high-grade items. Double-click to acquire one of the following: Life Stone Instilled with Gian
Gambler's Box containing various high-grade items. Double-click to acquire one of the following: 10 Ziggo's Jewels, Scroll: En
Bring this to the village symbol maker to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that boosts stats (Dark Resistance +120 when fighting
Bring this to the village symbol maker to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that boosts stats (Holy Resistance +120 when fighting
Bring this to the village symbol maker to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that boosts stats (Fire Resistance +120 when fighting
Bring this to the village symbol maker to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that boosts stats (Water Resistance +120 when fightin
Bring this to the village symbol maker to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that boosts stats (Wind Resistance +120 when fighting
Bring this to the village symbol maker to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that boosts stats (Earth Resistance +120 when fighting
Bring this to the village symbol maker to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that boosts stats (Hold, Sleep, Paralysis, Mental Attac
Bring this to the village symbol maker to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that boosts stats (normal hit and duration of invincibilit
Bring this to the village symbol maker to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that boosts stats (P. Def. and M. Def. +15% when figh
Bring this to the village symbol maker to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that boosts stats (P. Def. and M. Def. +20% when figh
Bring this to the village symbol maker to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that boosts stats (P. Def. and M. Def.+20% when fight
Bring this to the village symbol maker to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that boosts stats (P. Def. and M. Def. +20% when figh
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of a Tears One-handed Sword. Limited time item
Changes the appearance of a dagger to that of a Tears Dagger. 7-day.
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a two-handed sword to that of a Tears Two-handed Sword. Limited time item
Changes the appearance of a fist weapon to that of a Tears Fist Weapon. 7-day.
Changes the appearance of a spear to that of a Tears Spear. 7-day.
Changes the appearance of a bow to that of a Tears Bow. 7-day.
Changes the appearance of a crossbow to that of a Tears Crossbow. 7-day.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed blunt weapon to that of a Tears One-handed Blunt Weapon. 7-day.
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a magic sword to that of a Tears Magic Sword. Limited time item (7-day).
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a one-handed blunt weapon to that of a Tears One-handed Staff. Limited time
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a two-handed blunt weapon to that of a Tears Two-handed Staff. Limited time
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a dual sword to that of a Tears Dual Sword. Limited time item (7-day).
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a dual dagger to that of a Tears Dual Dagger. Limited time item (7-day).
Changes the appearance of a dual blunt weapon to that of a Tears Dual Blunt Weapon. 7-day.
Changes the appearance of a shield to that of a Tears Shield. 7-day.
Changes the appearance of a sigil to that of a Tears Sigil. 7-day.
Wrapped Pack containing High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% (3-hour).
Pack containing XP Rune II (Lv. 1-95) 100% (1-hour).

Pagina 271

Key to opening treasure chests in the Infernal and Lunatic Kamaloka. Use 5 to open a Secret Chest, and 2 to open a normal
Key to opening treasure chests in the Infernal and Lunatic Kamaloka. Use 5 to open a Secret Chest, and 2 to open a normal
Double-click to obtain either a Vitality Replenishing Potion (30-min.), Feather of Blessing, Heavenly Cocktail x 2, Scroll of Esc
Wrapped Pack containing Returning Hero's Mark x 250, a Returning Hero's Potion Pack, and a Returning Hero's Support Box
Wrapped Pack containing Rerturning Hero's Shirt, Returning Hero's Belt, and a Returning Hero's Wondrous Cubic.
Entry Pass to Infernal and Lunatic Kamaloka. Use to reset cooldown and enter the dungeon up to 5 times within the cooldow
Identical to the Kamaloka Secret Chest found in Infernal and Lunatic Kamaloka. Has a chance of obtaining either a Dark/ Blo
Identical to the Kamaloka Chest found in Infernal and Lunatic Kamaloka. Has a chance of obtaining either a Blessed Scroll: E

Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Pegasus.

Changes the appearance of a top to that of a Vampire Outfit. Abilities do not change after modification. Can be used regardle
Changes the appearance of pants to those of a Vampire Outfit. Abilities do not change after modification. Can be used regard
Changes the appearance of gloves to those of a Vampire Outfit. Abilities do not change after modification. Can be stored in th
Changes the appearance of shoes to those of a Vampire Outfit. Abilities do not change after modification. Can be stored in th
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Vampire Outfit. Can be used only on hair accessories that take up
Maybe the Kartia Researcher can tell you more about it. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in the private
Resets the cooldown to Ancient Kartia's Labyrinth. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in the private ware
Dimensional Item Pack\nWrapped Pack containing a Rune of Bountiful Growth (30-day). Cannot be exchanged, dropped, de
Acquired XP/ SP +20%. Lv. 99 and below. Can be stacked with XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) and XP Rune II (Lv. 1-95) 100%.
For 60min., Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P./ M. Def. +30%, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +20%, and Wind Attack/ Resistance +20. Skill C
Changes the appearance of your appearance into that of a Dark Assassin Suit. Can use Dark Assassin's Move after appeara
Take 4 parts of the Dark Assassin Suit (tunic, stockings, gloves, boots) to the Dimensional Merchant to trade in for an Appear
Take 4 parts of the Dark Assassin Suit (tunic, stockings, gloves, boots) to the Dimensional Merchant to trade in for an Appear
Take 4 parts of the Dark Assassin Suit (tunic, stockings, gloves, boots) to the Dimensional Merchant to trade in for an Appear
Take 4 parts of the Dark Assassin Suit (tunic, stockings, gloves, boots) to the Dimensional Merchant to trade in for an Appear
Stars twinkle inside a star-shaped jar. Ingredient needed to craft a Zodiac Agathion bracelet with a 100% success rate.
A daily gift from either Chaotic Chronicle, Chaotic Throne, or Goddess of Destruction NPC. You can receive an event item.
Double-click to receive one of Blessed Helios weapons.
Double-click to receive one of Blessed Eternal armors.
Wrapped Pack containing all Gemstones required for rare soul crystal enchantment of a Helios weapon.

Pagina 272

Wrapped Pack containing all Gemstones required for rare soul crystal enchantment of a Specter weapon.
Wrapped Pack containing a Top-grade Life Stone (R99-grade) and all fees required for augmentation and de-augmentation.
Wrapped Pack containing a Top-grade Life Stone (R95-grade) and all fees required for augmentation and de-augmentation.
Has a chance of obtaining either a Sealed Talisman - Longing, Immortal Scroll, Talisman - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of De
Has a chance of obtaining either an Ancient Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone
Has a chance of obtaining either an XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 100% Pack (30-day), High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Ka
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Virgo between Lv. 1 - 4.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Virgo between Lv. 5 - 6.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Virgo between Lv. 7 - 8.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Capricorn between Lv. 1 - 4.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Capricorn between Lv. 5 - 6.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Capricorn between Lv. 7 - 8.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Libra between Lv. 1 - 4.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Libra between Lv. 5 - 6.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Libra between Lv. 7 - 8.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Aries between Lv. 1 - 4.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Aries between Lv. 5 - 6.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Aries between Lv. 7 - 8.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Taurus between Lv. 1 - 4.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Taurus between Lv. 5 - 6.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Taurus between Lv. 7 - 8.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Leo between Lv. 1 - 4.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Leo between Lv. 5 - 6.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Leo between Lv. 7 - 8.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Gemini between Lv. 1 - 4.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Gemini between Lv. 5 - 6.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Gemini between Lv. 7 - 8.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Scorpio between Lv. 1 - 4.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Scorpio between Lv. 5 - 6.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Scorpio between Lv. 7 - 8.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Aquarius between Lv. 1 - 4.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Aquarius between Lv. 5 - 6.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Aquarius between Lv. 7 - 8.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Pisces between Lv. 1 - 4.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Pisces between Lv. 5 - 6.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Pisces between Lv. 7 - 8.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Sagittarius between Lv. 1 - 4.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Sagittarius between Lv. 5 - 6.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Sagittarius between Lv. 7 - 8.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cancer between Lv. 1 - 4.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cancer between Lv. 5 - 6.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cancer between Lv. 7 - 8.
Gift for Easter. Double-click for a chance to obtain an event item.
Stars twinkle inside a star-shaped jar. Ingredient needed to craft a Zodiac Agathion bracelet.
Double-click to acquire 1 of La Vie En Rose's jewels. Cannot be used in the auction house.
Double-click to acquire 10 La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Boxes. Cannot be used in the auction house.
Double-click to acquire 30 La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Boxes and 1 Noble Brooch Chest. Cannot be used in the auction house
Double-click to acquire 55 La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Boxes and 1 Noble Brooch Chest. Cannot be used in the auction house
Double-click to acquire a Starlight Jar. Cannot be used in the auction house.

Pagina 273

Double-click to acquire 10 Starlight Jar Pouches. Cannot be used in the auction house.
Double-click to acquire a Starlight Jar. Cannot be used in the auction house.
Double-click to acquire 10 Starlight Jar Pouches. Cannot be used in the auction house.
Wrapped Pack containing a Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing a Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing a Blessed Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing a Lesser Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing a Blessed Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing a Lesser Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (R-grade).
Wrapped Pack containing a Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade) with 10% increase in enchant success rate.
Wrapped Pack containing a Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade) with 10% increase in enchant success rate.
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 100% (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing a High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% (30-day).
For 30 min., Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P./ M. Def. +30%, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +20%. Effect disappears if active while receivin
Rerstores 1250 HP, and remaining power restores CP. No cooldown. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold, used in the Olym
Changes the appearance of your appearance into that of a Dark Assassin Suit. Can use Dark Assassin's Move after appeara
Has a chance of obtaining either a Sealed Talisman - Longing, Immortal Scroll, Talisman - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of De
Has a chance of obtaining either a Sealed Talisman - Longing, Immortal Scroll, Talisman - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of De
10-min. When possessed, XP gain +1%.
10-min. When possessed, XP gain +3%.
10-min. When possessed, XP gain +6%.
10-min. When possessed, XP gain +10%.
10-min. When possessed, SP gain +1%.
10-min. When possessed, SP gain +3%.
10-min. When possessed, SP gain +6%.
10-min. When possessed, SP gain +10%.
10-min. When possessed, drop rate during hunting +1%.
10-min. When possessed, drop rate during hunting +3%.
10-min. When possessed, drop rate during hunting +6%.
10-min. When possessed, drop rate during hunting +10%.
10-min. When possessed, XP/ SP/ Drop Rate +1%.
10-min. When possessed, XP/ SP/ Drop Rate +3%.
10-min. When possessed, XP/ SP/ Drop Rate +6%.
10-min. When possessed, XP/ SP/ Drop Rate +10%.
Wrapped Pack containing Sayha's Rune: Growth Stage 1.
Wrapped Pack containing Sayha's Rune: Growth Stage 2.
Wrapped Pack containing Sayha's Rune: Growth Stage 3.
Wrapped Pack containing Sayha's Rune: Growth Stage 4.
Wrapped Pack containing Sayha's Rune: Skill Stage 1.
Wrapped Pack containing Sayha's Rune: Skill Stage 2.
Wrapped Pack containing Sayha's Rune: Skill Stage 3.
Wrapped Pack containing Sayha's Rune: Skill Stage 4.
Wrapped Pack containing Sayha's Rune: Luck Stage 1.
Wrapped Pack containing Sayha's Rune: Luck Stage 2.
Wrapped Pack containing Sayha's Rune: Luck Stage 3.
Wrapped Pack containing Sayha's Rune: Luck Stage 4.
Wrapped Pack containing Sayha's Rune: Stage 1.
Wrapped Pack containing Sayha's Rune: Stage 2.
Wrapped Pack containing Sayha's Rune: Stage 3.

Pagina 274

Wrapped Pack containing Sayha's Rune: Stage 4.

Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re

Pagina 275

Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Formal Wear. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can

Pagina 276

Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can

Pagina 277

Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Male Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c

Pagina 278

Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 1. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c

Pagina 279

Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c

Pagina 280

Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Female Swimsuit No. 2. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor c
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto

Pagina 281

Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be

Pagina 282

Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Beach Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can

Pagina 283

Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of an Alluring Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can

Pagina 284

Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can

Pagina 285

Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Seductive Swimsuit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res

Pagina 286

Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Santa Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be

Pagina 287

Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Maid Costume. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims

Pagina 288

Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Talk to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to trade Male/ Female Swimsuit, Formal Wear, Santa Outfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swims
Wrapped Pack containing a low-grade Visual Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing a mid-grade Visual Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing a high-grade Visual Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing a mid-grade or low-grade Visual Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing a low-grade, mid-grade, or high-grade Visual Enchant Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing a mid-grade or high-grade Visual Enchant Stone.
Has a chance of obtaining either an Ancient Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone
Has a chance of obtaining either an XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 100% Pack (30-day), High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Ka
Has a chance of obtaining either an Ancient Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone
Has a chance of obtaining either an XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 100% Pack (30-day), High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Ka
Wrapped Pack containing 14 Ancient Hero weapons (15-day).
Has a chance of obtaining a Mysterious Soulshot, Mysterious Blessed Spiritshot, Gemstone (R-grade), Crystal (R-grade), Lar
Enchant Scroll exclusive to Pa'agrio's Shirt, Sayha's Shirt, Eva's Shirt, Maphr's Shirt, and the Shiny Elemental Shirt. When en
Enchant Scroll exclusive to Pa'agrio's Shirt, Sayha's Shirt, Eva's Shirt, Maphr's Shirt, and the Shiny Elemental Shirt. When en

Pagina 289

For 30 min., Priestess Tsubaki's spirit stays with you, increasing your Speed. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can b
Kartia's Labyrinth Extra Pass delivered to adventurers from the Kartia Research Center. When used, you can reset your insta
Kartia's Labyrinth Extra Pass delivered to adventurers from the Kartia Research Center. When used, you can reset your insta
Kartia's Labyrinth Extra Pass delivered to adventurers from the Kartia Research Center. When used, you can reset your insta
Kartia's Labyrinth Extra Pass delivered to adventurers from the Kartia Research Center. When used, you can reset your insta
Kartia's Labyrinth Extra Pass delivered to adventurers from the Kartia Research Center. When used, you can reset your insta
Kartia's Labyrinth Extra Pass delivered to adventurers from the Kartia Research Center. When used, you can reset your insta
Has a chance of obtaining either a Sealed Talisman - Longing, Immortal Scroll, Talisman - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of De
Has a chance of obtaining either an Ancient Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone
Has a chance of obtaining either an XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 100% Pack (30-day), High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Ka
Has a chance of obtaining either a Sealed Talisman - Longing, Immortal Scroll, Talisman - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of De
Has a chance of obtaining either an Ancient Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone
Has a chance of obtaining either an XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 100% Pack (30-day), High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Ka
Has a chance of obtaining either a Sealed Talisman - Longing, Immortal Scroll, Talisman - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of De
Has a chance of obtaining either an Ancient Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone
Has a chance of obtaining either an XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 100% Pack (30-day), High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Ka
Has a chance of obtaining either a Sealed Talisman - Longing, Immortal Scroll, Talisman - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of De
Has a chance of obtaining either an Ancient Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone
Has a chance of obtaining either an XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 100% Pack (30-day), High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Ka
Has a chance of obtaining either a Sealed Talisman - Longing, Immortal Scroll, Talisman - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of De
Has a chance of obtaining either an Ancient Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone
Has a chance of obtaining either an XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 100% Pack (30-day), High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Ka
Has a chance of obtaining either a Sealed Talisman - Longing, Immortal Scroll, Talisman - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of De
Has a chance of obtaining either an Ancient Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone
Has a chance of obtaining either an XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 100% Pack (30-day), High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Ka
Has a chance of obtaining either a Sealed Talisman - Longing, Immortal Scroll, Talisman - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of De
Has a chance of obtaining either an Ancient Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone
Has a chance of obtaining either an XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 100% Pack (30-day), High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Ka
Has a chance of obtaining either a Sealed Talisman - Longing, Immortal Scroll, Talisman - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of De
Has a chance of obtaining either an Ancient Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone
Has a chance of obtaining either an XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 100% Pack (30-day), High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Ka
Has a chance of obtaining either a Sealed Talisman - Longing, Immortal Scroll, Talisman - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of De
Has a chance of obtaining either an Ancient Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone
Has a chance of obtaining either an XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 100% Pack (30-day), High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Ka
Through the Dimensional Merchant, you can take a +3 Requiem/ Apocalypse weapon and enchant it to +10. You need scroll
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.

Pagina 290

Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.

Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.

Pagina 291

Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.

Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
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Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
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Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
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Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
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Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.

Pagina 292

Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.

Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
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Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.

Pagina 293

Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.

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Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.

Pagina 294

Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.

Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
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Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
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Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.

Pagina 295

Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.

Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.

Pagina 296

Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.

Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.

Pagina 297

Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.

Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain the item as described in the pack name.
Double-click to obtain 500 Steel Door Guild Coins. Lv. 40 or above.
Double-click to receive C-grade equipment items necessary for Ertheia wizard-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv
Double-click to receive C-grade equipment items necessary for Ertheia fighter-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv
Double-click to receive B-grade equipment items necessary for Ertheia wizard-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv
Double-click to receive B-grade equipment items necessary for Ertheia fighter-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv
Double-click to receive A-grade equipment items necessary for Ertheia wizard-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv
Double-click to receive A-grade equipment items necessary for Ertheia fighter-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv
Double-click to receive S-grade equipment items necessary for Ertheia wizard-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv
Double-click to receive S-grade equipment items necessary for Ertheia fighter-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv
Double-click to receive S-grade equipment items necessary for Ertheia wizard-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv
Double-click to receive S-grade equipment items necessary for Ertheia fighter-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv
Double-click to receive equipment items necessary for Sayha's Seer characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 85 - 99.
Double-click to receive equipment items necessary for Eviscerator characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 85 - 99.
Lost gloves.

Pagina 298

Lost boots.
Lost armor.
Symbol of courage.
Symbol of courage.
Double-click to obtain XP Rune IV (Lv. 1-99) 100% (7-day), Freya's Art of Seduction - EXP x10, Dandy's Home Run Ball x3, H
Double-click to get Scroll: Dandy's Home Run Ball x10, Freya's Frozen Scroll (Event) x20, Returning Hero's Vitality Replenish
Double-click to obtain one of the following items at a certain rate: Blessed Antharas' Earring Pack (7-day), Blessed Valakas' N
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Halloween Outfit. The Halloween Skill is applied when the appeara
Changes the appearance of a weapon to that of a Halloween weapon. Can be used on shields and sigils. The Halloween Ski
Mysterious potion that changes the appearance into that of a Halloween weapon and outfit for 1 hour.
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Halloween Outfit. Tops and one-pieces only.
Changes the appearance of a weapon to that of a Halloween weapon. Can be used on shields and sigils. \n\nNote: Appearan
Use Kaliel's Energy to enchant a Talisman - Longing into a Talisman - Insanity. The Talisman - Longing will remain intact eve
Double-click to acquire 1 of La Vie En Rose's jewels. Cannot be used in the auction house.
Double-click to acquire 10 La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Boxes. Cannot be used in the auction house.
Double-click to acquire 30 La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Boxes and 1 Noble Brooch Chest. Cannot be used in the auction house
Double-click to acquire 55 La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Boxes and 1 Noble Brooch Chest. Cannot be used in the auction house
You can start a campfire by using this flint. For 10 min. for you and your party members: Skill Cooldown -10%, PvE Damage
For 10 min. for you and your party members: Speed +20, Skill MP Consumption -20%, received PvE Damage -10%. It will be
For Dwarves only. rare_condition 100000000, rare_announce 1
For Dwarves only. rare_condition 100000000, rare_announce 0
For Dwarves only. rare_condition 100000000
For Dwarves only. rare_announce 1
For Dwarves only. rare_announce 0
Stackable item worth 1000 Adena. Quest item.
Stackable item worth 1000 Adena. Timed item. It doesn't contain any of the items:\nA cubic which you can use for 30 days, o
Stackable item worth 1000 Adena. Premium item.
Price is 0, but can be sold in the shop.
Stackable item worth 1000 Adena. Cannot be sold in the shop.
Stackable item worth 1000. Must be used as an offering.
Main ingredient to create Dragon Claws (Fragments).
Wrapped Pack containing 10 Venir's Talismans Stage 1.
Wrapped Pack containing 10 Venir's Talismans Stage 2.
Wrapped Pack containing 8 Venir's Talismans Stage 3.
Wrapped Pack containing 6 Venir's Talismans Stage 4.
Wrapped Pack containing 4 Venir's Talismans Stage 5.
Wrapped Pack containing 2 Venir's Talismans Stage 6.
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of the Lineage II Baseball Uniform. Tops and one-pieces only. It chang
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory to that of the Lineage II Baseball Cap. Can only be used on hair accessories th
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of the School Uniform A. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyth
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory to that of the School Uniform Hair A. Can only be used on hair accessories that
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of the School Uniform B. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyth
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory to that of the School Uniform Hair B. Can only be used on hair accessories that
For 4th class only. Recipe for Talisman - Abundance (High-grade) Lv. 1. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The su
For 4th class only. Recipe for Talisman - Abundance (High-grade) Lv. 2. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The su
For 4th class only. Recipe for Talisman - Abundance (High-grade) Lv. 3. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The su
For 4th class only. Recipe for Talisman - Abundance (High-grade) Lv. 4. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The su
Double-click to receive 3 Kaliel's Wishes.
Kaliel's Token. Give it to Jolie (Event Manager) to receive a Gift Box or Soul Box.

Pagina 299

Double-click to receive various items with Kaliel's Blessing that are helpful for obtaining XP and hunting. Temporary event item
Double-click to receive various valuable items with Kaliel's Blessing. Temporary event item.
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 4 for A-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, P. Def. +1 for armor and accessories (A-grade). Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
P. Def. +1 for armor and accessories (S-grade). Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one
Used as an ingredient to purchase items from the in-game shop.
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of all weapons into those of Tears Weapons of corresponding types for 30 days. Can be used on s
Changes the appearance of all weapons into those of Tears Weapons of corresponding types. Can be used on shields and s
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Metal Suit for 30 days. Can be used only on hair accessories that
Changes the appearance of a top into that of a Metal Suit for 30 days. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilitie
Changes the appearance of pants into that of a Metal Suit for 30 days. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilitie
Changes the appearance of gloves into that of a Metal Suit fpr 30 days. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilit
Changes the appearance of shoes into that of a Metal Suit for 30 days. An appearance-modified item has no change in abiliti
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Ninja Outfit for 30 days. Can be used only on hair accessories tha
Changes the appearance of a top into that of a Ninja Outfit for 30 days. An appearance-modified item has no change in abiliti
Changes the appearance of a top into that of a Ninja Outfit for 30 days. An appearance-modified item has no change in abiliti
Changes the appearance of a top into that of a Ninja Outfit for 30 days. An appearance-modified item has no change in abiliti
Changes the appearance of a top into that of a Ninja Outfit for 30 days. An appearance-modified item has no change in abiliti
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory to that of a Tribal Warrior outfit for 30 days. Can only be used on hair accessori
Changes the appearance of a top to that of a Tribal Warrior outfit for 30 days. An appearance-modified item has no change in
Changes the appearance of a top to that of a Tribal Warrior outfit for 30 days. An appearance-modified item has no change in
Changes the appearance of a top to that of a Tribal Warrior outfit for 30 days. An appearance-modified item has no change in
Changes the appearance of a top to that of a Tribal Warrior outfit for 30 days. An appearance-modified item has no change in
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Military look for 30 days. Can be used only on hair accessories tha
Changes the appearance of a top into that of a Military look for 30 days. An appearance-modified item has no change in abili
Changes the appearance of a top into that of a Military look for 30 days. An appearance-modified item has no change in abili
Changes the appearance of a top into that of a Military look for 30 days. An appearance-modified item has no change in abili
Changes the appearance of a top into that of a Military look for 30 days. An appearance-modified item has no change in abili
Modifies the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Samurai Outfit for 30 days. Only for 2-slot hair accessories.\n\nNot
Modifies the appearance of armor into that of a Samurai for 30 days. Works on one-piece armor. Changes the entire armor se
Modifies the appearance of armor into that of a Vampire Outfit for 30 days. An appearance-modified item has no change in a
Modifies the appearance of armor into that of a Vampire Outfit for 30 days. An appearance-modified item has no change in a
Modifies the appearance of armor into that of a Vampire Outfit for 30 days. No change in stats. All armor types.
Modifies the appearance of armor into that of a Vampire Outfit for 30 days. No change in stats. All armor types.
Modifies the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Vampire Outfit for 30 days. Only for 2-slot hair accessories.
Modifies the appearance of armor into that of Anakim for 30 days. Works on one-piece armor. Changes the entire armor set's
Magical, liquid medicine that greatly restores HP for 15 sec. Cannot be used in the Olympiad or the Ceremony of Chaos.
Wrapped Pack containing Rune of Feather (7-day).
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. Increases the weight limit by 20%. The remain
Inflicts magic-type attack. Transforms into a Rose (F) for 30 min.
Inflicts warrior-type attack. Transforms into a Rose (M) for 30 min.
Double-click to get a Shadow Shaper. Cannot be exchanged or dropped once open.
Double-click to get a Shadow Cutter. Cannot be exchanged or dropped once open.
Double-click to get a Shadow Slasher. Cannot be exchanged or dropped once open.
Double-click to get a Shadow Fighter. Cannot be exchanged or dropped once open.
Double-click to get a Shadow Stormer. Cannot be exchanged or dropped once open.

Pagina 300

Double-click to get a Shadow Thrower. Cannot be exchanged or dropped once open.

Double-click to get a Shadow Shooter. Cannot be exchanged or dropped once open.
Double-click to get a Shadow Buster. Cannot be exchanged or dropped once open.
Double-click to get a Shadow Retributer. Cannot be exchanged or dropped once open.
Double-click to get a Shadow Dual Sword. Cannot be exchanged or dropped once open.
Double-click to get an Energy of Destruction or one of the ingredients.
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune IV (Lv. 1-99) 100% (1-hr).
Wrapped Pack containing 1 XP Rune IV (Lv. 1-99) 100% (1-hr).
When possessed in inventory, increases XP and SP acquired through hunting by 100%. The effect only applies to characters
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune IV (Lv. 1-99) 100% (1-day).
Wrapped Pack containing 1 XP Rune IV (Lv. 1-99) 100% (1-day).
When possessed in inventory, increases XP and SP acquired through hunting by 100%. The effect only applies to characters
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune IV (Lv. 1-99) 100% (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing 1 XP Rune IV (Lv. 1-99) 100% (7-day).
When possessed in inventory, increases XP and SP acquired through hunting by 100%. For characters Lv. 99 or below.
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune IV (Lv. 1-99) 100% (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing 1 XP Rune IV (Lv. 1-99) 100% (30-day).
When possessed in inventory, increases XP and SP acquired through hunting by 100%. The effect only applies to characters
For 4th class only. Recipe for Talisman - Abundance (High-grade) Lv. 1. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The su
For 4th class only. Recipe for Talisman - Abundance (High-grade) Lv. 2. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The su
For 4th class only. Recipe for Talisman - Abundance (High-grade) Lv. 3. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The su
For 4th class only. Recipe for Talisman - Abundance (High-grade) Lv. 4. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The su
Get 1 of the following: Recipe: Talisman - Abundance Lv. 1-4 (High-grade), Hunter/ Slaughterer/ Conqueror/ Outlaw Talisman
Get 1 of the following: Seven Signs' Energy, Freya's Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor/ Weapon (R-grade), Windy Lucky Enchant
Get 1 of the following: Talisman - Annihilation Crafting Pack, Hellfire/ Desire/ Longing/ Insanity Talisman Upgrade Pack, XP R
Wrapped Pack containing Energy of Destruction that allows one to craft up to a Talisman - Annihilation.
Wrapped Pack containing Energy of Destruction and Kaliel's Energy that allows one to upgrade a Talisman - Annihilation up
Wrapped Pack containing Energy of Destruction and Kaliel's Energy that allows one to upgrade a Talisman - Hellfire up to a T
Wrapped Pack containing Energy of Destruction and Kaliel's Energy that allows one to upgrade a Talisman - Desire up to a T
Wrapped Pack containing Energy of Destruction and Kaliel's Energy that allows one to upgrade a Talisman - Longing up to a
Enchants a skill +1~+10 to the next grade with a success rate of 100% without consuming extra materials.
Enchants a skill between +11~+20 to the next grade with a success rate of 100% without consuming extra materials.
Enchants a skill between +21~+30 to the next grade with a success rate of 100% without consuming extra materials.
For testing.

Double-click to get a +1 ~ +9 Shadow Shaper.

Double-click to get a +1 ~ +9 Shadow Cutter.
Double-click to get a +1 ~ +9 Shadow Slasher.
Double-click to get a +1 ~ +9 Shadow Fighter.
Double-click to get a +1 ~ +9 Shadow Stormer.
Double-click to get a +1 ~ +9 Shadow Thrower.
Double-click to get a +1 ~ +9 Shadow Shooter.
Double-click to get a +1 ~ +9 Shadow Buster.
Double-click to get a +1 ~ +9 Shadow Retributer.
Double-click to get a +1 ~ +9 Shadow Dual Sword.
For 4th class only. Recipe for Talisman - Abundance (High-grade) Lv. 1. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The su
For 4th class only. Recipe for Talisman - Abundance (High-grade) Lv. 2. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The su
For 4th class only. Recipe for Talisman - Abundance (High-grade) Lv. 3. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The su
For 4th class only. Recipe for Talisman - Abundance (High-grade) Lv. 4. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The su

Pagina 301

For 4th class only. Recipe for Talisman - Abundance (High-grade) Lv. 1. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The su
For 4th class only. Recipe for Talisman - Abundance (High-grade) Lv. 2. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The su
For 4th class only. Recipe for Talisman - Abundance (High-grade) Lv. 3. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The su
For 4th class only. Recipe for Talisman - Abundance (High-grade) Lv. 4. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The su
Get 1 of the following: 1 type of Talisman - Abundance, Seven Signs' Energy, Antharas' Earring, Talisman - Lilith, Talisman -
Get 1 of the following: Lindvior's Earring (3-day, 7-day, 15-day, or 30-day).
Get 1 of the following: Lindvior's Earring (3-day, 7-day, 15-day, or 30-day).
Main ingredient for making a La Vie En Rose's Radiant Brooch.
Double-click to acquire a Lv. 1 Vital Stone.
Double-click to acquire a Lv. 1 Garnet.
Double-click to acquire a Lv. 1 Tanzanite.
Double-click to acquire a La Vie En Rose's Radiant Brooch.
Double-click to acquire 1 of the La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Boxes. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Radiant Gemstone Fr
Main ingredient for making a La Vie En Rose's Radiant Brooch.
Double-click to acquire a Lv. 1 Cat's Eye.
Double-click to acquire a Lv. 1 Amethyst.
Scroll for summoning Pomona once. You receive a power-up buff
Attendance Vitality Tonic. 1 out of 4 bars on the vitality gauge are replenished. Cooldown 60 min. Cannot be used in the Olym
Double-click to obtain 1 Anakim Outfit Appearance Stone (30-day) and 1 Agathion - Anakim Holy Barrier (30-day). The Appea
Double-click to get 1 Mysterious Wind Scroll. The scroll cannot be dropped or exchanged.
Double-click to get 1 of the following Lv. 5 Legendary Dyes: STR/ DEX/ CON/ INT/ WIT/ MEN (CHA).
Double-click to get 1 of the following Lv. 5 Legendary Dyes: STR/ DEX/ CON/ INT/ WIT/ MEN (LUC).
Double-click to get 1 of the following Lv. 3 Legendary Dyes: STR/ DEX/ CON/ INT/ WIT/ MEN (CHA).
Double-click to get 1 of the following Lv. 3 Legendary Dyes: STR/ DEX/ CON/ INT/ WIT/ MEN (LUC).
Made of a fake soul, this can summon Terakan, Cassius, or Ladar at the Altar of Souls near Faeron Village.
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Can use Pirate Captain skill after appearance mod
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew member. Can use Pirate Crew skill after appearance m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m

Pagina 302

Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, m
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt

Pagina 303

Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyt
Double-click to get one Rabbit Ears with 2 types of effects.
Double-click to get one Raccoon Ears with 2 types of effects.
Double-click to get one Cat Ears with 2 types of effects.
Double-click to get one Romantic Chapeau with 2 types of effects.
Double-click to get one Angel Circlet with 2 types of effects.
Double-click to get one Demon Circlet with 2 types of effects.
Double-click to get one Pirate's Eyepatch with 2 types of effects.
Double-click to get one Outlaw's Eyepatch with 2 types of effects.
Double-click to get one Eyepatch with 2 types of effects.
Double-click to get one Party Hat with 2 types of effects.
Double-click to get one Refined Angel Ring with 2 types of effects.
Double-click to get one Refined Devil Horn with 2 types of effects.
Double-click to acquire 1 of the La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Boxes. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Radiant Gemstone Fr
Double-click to acquire a Lv. 1 Tanzanite.
Double-click to acquire a Lv. 1 Vital Stone.
Vitality consumption +200% and Acquired XP/ SP +200%. Remains after death. Duration is 30 sec. Cooldown is 1 min. Only
Kartia's Labyrinth Extra Pass delivered to adventurers from the Kartia Research Center. When used, you can reset your insta
Kartia's Labyrinth Extra Pass delivered to adventurers from the Kartia Research Center. When used, you can reset your insta
Kartia's Labyrinth Extra Pass delivered to adventurers from the Kartia Research Center. When used, you can reset your insta
Kartia's Labyrinth Extra Pass delivered to adventurers from the Kartia Research Center. When used, you can reset your insta
Kartia's Labyrinth Extra Pass delivered to adventurers from the Kartia Research Center. When used, you can reset your insta
Kartia's Labyrinth Extra Pass delivered to adventurers from the Kartia Research Center. When used, you can reset your insta
Double-click to get one of the following: Antharas' Earring, Valakas' Necklace, Baium's Ring, Zaken's Earring, Queen Ant's R
Double-click to get one of the following: Baium's Soul Ring, Frintezza's Soul Necklace, Blessed Antharas's Earring, Blessed V
Double-click to get one of the following: Bottle of Freya's Soul, Bottle of Antharas' Soul, Bottle of Valakas' Soul, Bottle of Que
Double-click to obtain a Soul Crystal Coupon Stage 1-5.
Double-click to obtain either a Talisman - Abudance or a Recipe: Talisman - Abundance (High-grade).
Double-click to obtain Spirit Stone.
Double-click to obtain a hair accessory.
Double-click to obtain a pendant.
Double-click to obtain a crafting ingredient.
Double-click to obtain a Crystal, a Super Attribute Stone, or a Super Attribute Crystal.
Double-click to obtain a Super Attribute Stone or a Super Crystal.
Double-click to obtain an Enchant Scroll Pack (R-grade), a Blessed Enchant Scroll, a Giant's Enchant Scroll, a Scroll: Enchan
Double-click to obtain a Blessed Enchant Scroll or a Destruction Enchant Scroll.
Double-click to obtain a Blessed Lucky Enchant Stone (R-grade), a Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone, or a regular Lucky Enchant

Pagina 304

Double-click to get one of the following: Blessed Lucky Enchant Stone (R-grade), Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone, regular Lucky
Double-click to get one of the following: Rare Accessory pack, Soul Crystal Coupon Pack, Talisman - Abundance Pack, Spirit
Double-click to get one of the foolowing: Rare Accessory Pack, Soul Bottle Pack, Greater Rare Accessory Pack, Talisman - A
Double-click to get one of the basic Talisman - Abundance.
Double-click to obtain one of the following: Rare Accessory Pack, Soul Crystal Coupon Pack, Talisman - Abundance Pack, S
Double-click to obtain one of the following: Rare Accessory Pack, Soul Bottle pack, Greater Rare Accessory Box, Talisman -
Support box containing a Novice Adventurer's Shirt, Circlet, and Bracelet.
Support box containing an Experienced Adventurer's Shirt, Circlet, and Bracelet.
Cube that can be used for 30 days. Double-click to get one of the following: Specter weapon/ Seraph armor/ (Blessed) Scroll:
Support box containing a Adventurer's Shirt, Circlet, and Bracelet.
Double-click to get a Talisman - Abundance (War, Tactics, Morale, or Physique.)
Take it to the Dimensional Merchant to exchange for a Requiem weapon.
Take it to the Dimensional Merchant to exchange for an Immortal armor set box.
Can acquire immortal heavy armor.
Can acquire immortal light armor.
Can acquire Immortal Robe Armor.
Pack containing Scrolls of Escape for Alligator Island/ Outlaw Forest/ Sea of Spores/ Forsaken Plains/ Fields of Massacre/ Sw
Diana's onyx earring. Take it to Diana in the Talking Island Village.
Diana's sapphire ring. Take it to Diana in the Talking Island Village.
Diana's ruby necklace. Take it to Diana in the Talking Island Village.
With this you can participate in the Mr. & Ms. Lineage 2 contest. Save it until the very end of the contest.
Double-click to get a +8 Shiny Elemental Shirt.
Double-click to get a +8 Shiny Elemental Shirt.
Double-click to get a +8 enchanted Reflect Magic T-shirt.
Double-click to get a +7 enchanted Bloody Helios weapon.
Double-click to get 2 Lv. 4 Obsidian, Opal, Emerald, or Diamond jewels.
Put this item on the character that will receive the service, and send a support ticket on Clan leaders o
Bring this to the village symbol maker to imprint a 30-day magic symbol that boosts stats (Hold, Sleep, Paralysis, Mental Atta
Double-click to learn how to ride a Wolf.
Double-click to receive a variety of items.
Double-click to receive a variety of items.
Double-click to receive a variety of items.
Double-click to receive a variety of items.
Double-click to receive a variety of items.
Double-click to receive a variety of items.
Double-click to receive a variety of items.
Double-click to receive a variety of items.
Double-click to get Blessed Antharas' Earring, Blessed Valakas' Necklace, Tauti's Ring, Earth Wyrm Heart Ring, Ruler's Auth
This Blessed Griffin Egg will be of great help to you.
Take it to the Dimensional Merchant to exchange for one of the Lv. 3 Giant Dyes: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, or MEN.
Take it to the Dimensional Merchant to exchange for one of the Lv. 4 Legendary Dyes: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, or MEN.
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of the Lineage II Baseball Uniform. Tops and one-pieces only. It chang
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory to that of the Lineage II Baseball Cap. Can only be used on hair accessories th
Obtain an Ultimate Support Cube (30-day). Cubes cannot be dropped or exchanged.
Double-click to get the following: XP Rune IV (Lv. 1-99) 100% (7-day) x1, Venir's Talisman Stage 4 x1, Adventurer's Support
Double-click to get the following: XP Rune IV (Lv. 1-99) 100% (7-day) x2, Requiem Weapon Coupon x1, Immortal Armor Set
Double-click to get the following: Ultimate Support Cube x1, Requiem Weapon Coupon x1, Immortal Armor Set Coupon x1, L
Double-click to obtain a C-grade Steel weapon.
Double-click to obtain a B-grade Steel weapon.

Pagina 305

Double-click to obtain a A-grade Steel weapon.

Double-click to obtain a S-grade Steel weapon.
Double-click to obtain a Steel Dynasty weapon.
Double-click to obtain a crafting ingredient.
Double-click to obtain a crafting ingredient.
Double-click to obtain a crafting ingredient.
Double-click to obtain a crafting ingredient.
Double-click to obtain a crafting ingredient.
Double-click to obtain a crafting ingredient.
Double-click to obtain a crafting ingredient.
Double-click to obtain a crafting ingredient.
Premium User Only\nWrapped Pack containing XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 100% (1-hour).
Premium User Only\nWrapped Pack containing SP Rune 100% (1-hour).
Premium User Only\nWrapped Pack containing High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% (1-hour).
Premium User Only\nAncient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When stored in the inventory, increases acquired XP
Premium User Only\nAncient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When stored in the inventory, increases acquired SP
Premium User Only\nWhen carried during a hunt, Adena/ item drop rate/ item acquisition through Spoil +100%.
Top-grade Spirit Stone. It's an ingredient to augment weapons, and can be used by characters Lv. 99 and above. Augment F
Reward box containing various rewards.
Reward box containing various rewards.
Reward box containing various rewards.
Reward box containing various rewards.
You can obtain a Daily Coin. If you are lucky, you may obtain a Special Supply Box.
You can obtain a Daily Coin. If you are lucky, you may obtain a Special Supply Box.
You can obtain a Daily Coin. If you are lucky, you may obtain a Special Supply Box.
You can obtain a Daily Coin. If you are lucky, you may obtain a Special Supply Box.
Take it to High Priest Franco in Talking Island to exchange for various consumable items.
Vitality consumption +200% and Acquired XP/ SP +200%. Remains after death. Duration is 30 sec. Cooldown is 1 min. Only
Retains Vitality for 10 min. Cooldown is 30 min. No weekly usage limit.
There is a big chance that the Blacksmith of Mammon will exchange for you standard Requiem or Apocalypse equipment for
There is a big chance that the Blacksmith of Mammon will exchange for you standard Specter equipment for Blessed equipm
There is a big chance that the Blacksmith of Mammon will exchange for you standard Helios equipment for Blessed equipme
There is a big chance that the Blacksmith of Mammon will exchange for you standard Immortal or Twilight equipment for Bles
There is a big chance that the Blacksmith of Mammon will exchange for you standard Seraph equipment for Blessed equipme
There is a big chance that the Blacksmith of Mammon will exchange for you standard Eternal equipment for Blessed equipme
Get 1 of the following: 1 type of Talisman - Abundance, Seven Signs' Energy, Antharas' Earring, Talisman - Lilith, Talisman -
Reward chest for completing daily missions. You can obtain one of various rewards.
Double-click to obtain ingredients needed for Double Crystal Enhancement of R99 weapons.
Double-click to receive one of the following: Blessed Helios Shaper, Cutter, Slasher, Avenger, Fighter, Stormer, Thrower, Sho
Double-click to receive one of the following: Blessed Helios Buster, Caster, Retributer.
Double-click to receive one of the following: Blessed Helios Dual Sword, Dual Dagger, Dual Blunt.
A card pouch with great magic power. Double-click to receive one of the event cards.

Pagina 306

Can summon Agathion - Matryoshka (7-day).

Can summon Agathion - Matryoshka (30-day).
Can summon Agathion - Minion Eye (7-day).
Can summon Agathion - Minion Eye (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% (1-hour).
Double-click to obtain a Fancy Fishing Rod (1-day).
Double-click to obtain a Fancy Fishing Rod (7-day).
Double-click to obtain a Fancy Fishing Rod (30-day).
A hidden treasure chest. Double-click to get a random item.
Coin obtained from fishing with Heine Special Bait. Take it to Peeves to exchange for a Fancy Fishing Rod.
Bait for fishing. Double-click to get a Heine Exclusive Reward Chest. Can be used by characters Lv. 85 - 89.
Bait for fishing. Double-click to get a Heine Exclusive Reward Chest. Can be used by characters Lv. 90 - 94.
Bait for fishing. Double-click to get a Heine Exclusive Reward Chest. Can be used by characters Lv. 95 - 98.
Bait for fishing. Double-click to get a Heine Exclusive Reward Chest. Lv. 99 or above.
Exchange for 1 Heine Exclusive Bait of your choice through a fishing guild member.
Exclusive Reward Chest. Double-click to get a random item.
Double-click to get Heine Fishing Coins. Has a chance of obtaining an Exclusive Treasure Chest.
Double-click to get 300 Heine Exclusive Bait Coupons and 300 Fishing Shots.
Double-click to get 3,000 Heine Exclusive Bait Coupons, 3,000 Fishing Shots, and 1 Fishing Rod Pack (30-day).
Bait for fishing. Double-click to get a Heine Exclusive Reward Chest. Can be used by characters Lv. 85 - 89.
Bait for fishing. Double-click to get a Heine Exclusive Reward Chest. Can be used by characters Lv. 90 - 94.
Bait for fishing. Double-click to get a Heine Exclusive Reward Chest. Can be used by characters Lv. 95 - 98.
Bait for fishing. Double-click to get a Heine Exclusive Reward Chest. Lv. 99 or above.
Exchange for 1 Heine Exclusive Bait of your choice through a fishing guild member.
Exclusive Reward Chest. Double-click to get a random item.
Double-click to get Heine Fishing Coins. Has a chance of obtaining an Exclusive Treasure Chest.
Double-click to get 300 Heine Exclusive Bait Coupons and 300 Fishing Shots.
Double-click to get 3,000 Heine Exclusive Bait Coupons, 3,000 Fishing Shots, and 1 Fishing Rod Pack (30-day).
An anniversary coin. It might be a good idea to collect these for later…
Double-click to get 1 of the La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Boxes. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Radiant Gemstone Fragm
Double-click to get one of the following: La Vie En Rose's Vital Stone Chest, Garnet Chest, Tanzanite Chest, Cat's Eye Ches
Double-click to acquire 55 La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Boxes and 1 Noble Brooch Chest. Cannot be used in the auction house
You can obtain a Daily Coin. If you are lucky, you may obtain a Special Supply Box or a timed rare accesory.
Take it to Freya in Schuttgart along with Freya's Frozen Scroll to exchange for Freya's Fated Support Box.
Double-click to obtain a Freya's Frozen Scroll, Freya's Art of Seduction, and Freya's Gift Box.
Double-click to obtain one of the various rewards prepared by Freya.
Wrapped Pack containing 1 random item for enchantment.
Double-click to obtain an item for character growth and strengthening.

Pagina 307

Wrapped Pack containing 1 random item out of the following: Freya's Scroll of Storm, Freya's Bloody Rune (2 hr).
Wrapped Pack containing 1 random item out of the following: Dark/ White Assassin Suit, Red/ White Noblesse Garment, Pira
Vitality consumption +150% and Acquired XP/ SP +150%. Does not disappear upon death. Duration 10 min. Cooldown 10 m
Double-click to get 1 Freya's Frozen Scroll and 1 Freya's Art of Seduction. Has a chance of obtaining one of the following item
Wrapped Pack containing 1 random rare item.
Wrapped Pack containing 1 random item for enchantment.
Wrapped Pack containing 1 random item for skill enchantment.
Luminous bottle containing the soul of a god. Can be used to craft Grankain's Necklace or Einhasad's Necklace.
Fancy bottle containing the soul of a god. Can be used to craft Pa'agrio's Earring or Eva's Earring.
Honorable bottle containing the soul of a god. Can be used to craft Sayha's Ring or Maphr's Ring.
Recipe for making Gran Kain's Sealed Necklace Stage 1. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. Th
Recipe for making Gran Kain's Sealed Necklace Stage 2. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. Th
Recipe for making Gran Kain's Sealed Necklace Stage 3. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. Th
Recipe for making Gran Kain's Sealed Necklace Stage 4. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. Th
Recipe for making Gran Kain's Sealed Necklace Stage 5. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. Th
Recipe for making Gran Kain's Sealed Necklace Stage 6. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. Th
Recipe for making Einhasad's Sealed Necklace Stage 1. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The
Recipe for making Einhasad's Sealed Necklace Stage 2. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The
Recipe for making Einhasad's Sealed Necklace Stage 3. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The
Recipe for making Einhasad's Sealed Necklace Stage 4. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The
Recipe for making Einhasad's Sealed Necklace Stage 5. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The
Recipe for making Einhasad's Sealed Necklace Stage 6. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The
Recipe for making Pa'agrio's Sealed Earring Stage 1. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The su
Recipe for making Pa'agrio's Sealed Earring Stage 2. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The su
Recipe for making Pa'agrio's Sealed Earring Stage 3. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The su
Recipe for making Pa'agrio's Sealed Earring Stage 4. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The su
Recipe for making Pa'agrio's Sealed Earring Stage 5. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The su
Recipe for making Pa'agrio's Sealed Earring Stage 6. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The su
Recipe for making Eva's Sealed Earring Stage 1. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The succe
Recipe for making Eva's Sealed Earring Stage 2. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The succe
Recipe for making Eva's Sealed Earring Stage 3. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The succe
Recipe for making Eva's Sealed Earring Stage 4. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The succe
Recipe for making Eva's Sealed Earring Stage 5. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The succe
Recipe for making Eva's Sealed Earring Stage 6. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The succe
Recipe for making Sayha's Sealed Ring Stage 1. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The succes
Recipe for making Sayha's Sealed Ring Stage 2. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The succes
Recipe for making Sayha's Sealed Ring Stage 3. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The succes
Recipe for making Sayha's Sealed Ring Stage 4. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The succes
Recipe for making Sayha's Sealed Ring Stage 5. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The succes
Recipe for making Sayha's Sealed Ring Stage 6. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The succes
Recipe for making Maphr's Sealed Ring Stage 1. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The succes
Recipe for making Maphr's Sealed Ring Stage 2. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The succes
Recipe for making Maphr's Sealed Ring Stage 3. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The succes
Recipe for making Maphr's Sealed Ring Stage 4. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The succes
Recipe for making Maphr's Sealed Ring Stage 5. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The succes
Recipe for making Maphr's Sealed Ring Stage 6. For 4th class only. Requires Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The succes
Get 1 of the following: Anakim Talisman, Talisman - Lilith, Antharas' Earring, Valakas' Necklace, +7 Shiny Elemental Shirt Pa
Get 1 of the following: Seven Signs' Energy, bottle of Orfen's Soul, Queen Ant's Soul, Baium's Soul, Antharas' Soul, or Valak
Get 1 of the following: Life Stone Instilled with Giants' Power, one of four Enchant Elemental Shirts (+7), Seed Talisman Upgr

Pagina 308

Double-click to get a +7 enchanted Shiny Elemental Shirt. The shirt acquired after opening the box cannot be dropped or exc
Double-click to get a +7 enchanted Physical Reflect Shirt. The shirt acquired after opening the box cannot be dropped or exc
Double-click to get a +7 enchanted Magical Reflect Shirt. The shirt acquired after opening the box cannot be dropped or exch
Double-click to get a +7 enchanted Pa'agrio's Shirt. The shirt acquired after opening the box cannot be dropped or exchange
Double-click to get a +7 enchanted Sayha's Shirt. The shirt acquired after opening the box cannot be dropped or exchanged.
Double-click to get a +7 enchanted Eva's Shirt. The shirt acquired after opening the box cannot be dropped or exchanged.
Double-click to get a +7 enchanted Maphr's Shirt. The shirt acquired after opening the box cannot be dropped or exchanged.
Double-click to get one of the following: La Vie En Rose's Vital Stone Chest, Garnet Chest, Tanzanite Chest, Cat's Eye Ches
Main ingredient for making Shilen's Ring.
Main ingredient for making Shilen's Necklace.
Main ingredient for making Shilen's Earring.
Enchant scroll exclusive to Shilen's Ring. Unlike regular items, there's a chance of failing from +1 enchant level, and it can be
Enchant scroll exclusive to Shilen's Necklace. Unlike regular items, there's a chance of failing from +1 enchant level, and it ca
Enchant scroll exclusive to Shilen's Earring. Unlike regular items, there's a chance of failing from +1 enchant level, and it can
Double-click to obtain Grankain's Necklace Stage 1.
Double-click to obtain Grankain's Necklace Stage 2.
Double-click to obtain Grankain's Necklace Stage 3.
Double-click to obtain Grankain's Necklace Stage 4.
Double-click to obtain Grankain's Necklace Stage 5.
Double-click to obtain Grankain's Necklace Stage 6.
Double-click to obtain Einhasad's Necklace Stage 1.
Double-click to obtain Einhasad's Necklace Stage 2.
Double-click to obtain Einhasad's Necklace Stage 3.
Double-click to obtain Einhasad's Necklace Stage 4.
Double-click to obtain Einhasad's Necklace Stage 5.
Double-click to obtain Einhasad's Necklace Stage 6.
Double-click to obtain Pa'agrio's Earring Stage 1.
Double-click to obtain Pa'agrio's Earring Stage 2.
Double-click to obtain Pa'agrio's Earring Stage 3.
Double-click to obtain Pa'agrio's Earring Stage 4.
Double-click to obtain Pa'agrio's Earring Stage 5.
Double-click to obtain Pa'agrio's Earring Stage 6.
Double-click to obtain Eva's Earring Stage 1.
Double-click to obtain Eva's Earring Stage 2.
Double-click to obtain Eva's Earring Stage 3.
Double-click to obtain Eva's Earring Stage 4.
Double-click to obtain Eva's Earring Stage 5.
Double-click to obtain Eva's Earring Stage 6.
Double-click to obtain Sayha's Ring Stage 1.
Double-click to obtain Sayha's Ring Stage 2.
Double-click to obtain Sayha's Ring Stage 3.
Double-click to obtain Sayha's Ring Stage 4.
Double-click to obtain Sayha's Ring Stage 5.
Double-click to obtain Sayha's Ring Stage 6.
Double-click to obtain Maphr's Ring Stage 1.
Double-click to obtain Maphr's Ring Stage 2.
Double-click to obtain Maphr's Ring Stage 3.
Double-click to obtain Maphr's Ring Stage 4.
Double-click to obtain Maphr's Ring Stage 5.

Pagina 309

Double-click to obtain Maphr's Ring Stage 6.

Double-click to obtain either Dark/ Bloody Eternal Enhancement Stone, various Weapon Enchant Scrolls, Giant's Energy, or G
Wrapped Pack containing 1 Prestige Cube (7-day).
Exclusive treasure chest. Double-click to receive a random item.
La Vie En Rose's refined gemstone powder. Go find Shadai to use it when exchanging for gemstones.
Double-click to obtain a Cat's Eye Lv. 3.
Double-click to obtain a Cat's Eye Lv. 4.
Double-click to obtain an Amethyst Lv. 3.
Double-click to obtain an Amethyst Lv. 4.
A grinder used for refining La Vie En Rose's jewels. Ask Shadai to grind gemstones.
Double-click to obtain a La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Box.
Double-click to obtain a Vital Stone Lv. 3.
Double-click to obtain a Tanzanite Lv. 3.
Double-click to obtain a Vital Stone Lv. 4.
Double-click to obtain a Tanzanite Lv. 4.
Double-click to obtain a Garnet Lv. 3.
Double-click to obtain a Garnet Lv. 4.
Double-click to obtain a Vital Stone Lv. 3.
Double-click to obtain a Tanzanite Lv. 3.
Double-click to obtain a Vital Stone Lv. 4.
Double-click to obtain a Tanzanite Lv. 4.
Get 1 of the following: 1 type of Talisman - Abundance, Lindvior's Earring, Earth Wyrm Heart Ring, Seven Signs' Energy, Tali
Double-click to obtain a La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Box.
Double-click to obtain a Race Change Ticket.
After purchasing a Race Change ticket, you can contact support at,, with the subject title of "Character
Double-click to obtain an Agathion - Unlimited Vitality.
Bait is used to obtain a Heine Exclusive Reward Chest with a certain chance. Can be used by characters Lv. 85-89.
Bait is used to obtain a Heine Exclusive Reward Chest with a certain chance. Can be used by characters Lv. 90-94.
Bait is used to obtain a Heine Exclusive Reward Chest with a certain chance. Can be used by characters Lv. 95-98.
Bait is used to obtain a Heine Exclusive Reward Chest with a certain chance. Can be used by characters Lv. 99 or above.
Exchange for 1 Heine Exclusive Bait of your choice through a fishing guild member.
Double-click to get a Heine Fishing Coin. Has a chance of obtaining an Exclusive Treasure Chest.
Double-click to get 300 Heine Exclusive Bait Coupons and 300 Fishing Shots.
Double-click to get 3,000 Heine Exclusive Bait Coupons, 3,000 Fishing Shots, and 1 Fishing Rod Pack (30-day).
Double-click to obtain 10,000 Grade C-R Soulshots.
Double-click to obtain 10,000 Grade C-R Blessed Spiritshots.
Double-click to reset cooldown to Embryo Command Post. Can only be used once a day outside of the instance zone.
Wrapped Pack containingXP Rune III 100% (1-hr).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune III 100% (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 100% (1-hr).
Wrapped Pack containing SP Rune 100% (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Maphr's Rune 100% (1-hr).
Wrapped Pack containing Maphr's Rune 100% (7-day).
Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When held in your inventory, grants the user Eva's Rune passive skill. The
Ancient charm endowed with mysterious symbols. When held in your inventory, grants the user Eva's Rune passive skill. The
Wrapped Pack containing Eva's Rune (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Eva's Rune (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune II Pack (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing a +10 Shiny Elemental Shirt. The shirt acquired after opening the box cannot be dropped or excha

Pagina 310

Wrapped Pack containing a +10 Reflect Attack T-shirt. The shirt acquired after opening the box cannot be dropped or exchan
Wrapped Pack containing a +10 Reflect Magic T-shirt. The shirt acquired after opening the box cannot be dropped or exchan
Wrapped Pack containing a +10 Pa'agrio's Shirt. The shirt acquired after opening the box cannot be dropped or exchanged.
Wrapped Pack containing a +10 Sayha's Shirt. The shirt acquired after opening the box cannot be dropped or exchanged.
Wrapped Pack containing a +10 Eva's Shirt. The shirt acquired after opening the box cannot be dropped or exchanged.
Wrapped Pack containing a +10 Maphr's Shirt. The shirt acquired after opening the box cannot be dropped or exchanged.
Wrapped Pack containing a Shiny Elemental Shirt. The shirt acquired after opening the box cannot be dropped or exchanged
Wrapped Pack containing a Reflect Attack T-shirt. The shirt acquired after opening the box cannot be dropped or exchanged
Wrapped Pack containing a Reflect Magic T-shirt. The shirt acquired after opening the box cannot be dropped or exchanged.
Double-click to get 1 of the following: Blessed Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt x10, Blessed Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt x
Double-click to get 1 of the following: Blessed Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt x10, Blessed Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt x
Double-click to get 1 of the following: Blessed Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt x10, Blessed Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt x
Enchant success rate +30% for armor (R-grade) with a normal enchant scroll. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Enchant success rate +30% for armor (R95-grade) with a normal enchant scroll. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +
Enchant success rate +30% for armor (R99-grade) with a normal enchant scroll. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +
Enchant success rate +20% for weapons (R-grade) with a normal enchant scroll. Can only be used on 12+enchanted items. W
Enchant success rate +20% for weapons (R95-grade) with a normal enchant scroll. Can only be used on 12+enchanted item
Enchant success rate +20% for weapons (R99-grade) with a normal enchant scroll. Can only be used on 12+enchanted item
Dimensional Item\nDouble-click to reset cooldown to Embryo Command Post. Can only be used once a day outside of the ins
Double-click to obtain 1 random item.
Double-click to obtain a Sayha's Talisman Stage 1. The talisman cannot be dropped or exchanged.
Double-click to obtain a Sayha's Talisman Stage 7. The talisman cannot be dropped or exchanged.
Double-click to obtain a Sayha's Talisman Stage 8. The talisman cannot be dropped or exchanged.
Double-click to obtain a Sayha's Talisman Stage 9. The talisman cannot be dropped or exchanged.
Double-click to obtain a Sayha's Talisman Stage 10. The talisman cannot be dropped or exchanged.
Double-click to obtain a Sayha's Talisman Stage 3-10 or Venir's Talisman Stage 10-15.
Combine with Sayha's Talisman Stage 7 or lower to upgrade. If it fails, Sayha's Talisman will not be destroyed. Only Sayha's
Combine with Sayha's Talisman Stage 8 or lower to upgrade. If it fails, Sayha's Talisman will not be destroyed. Only Sayha's
Double-click to obtain a Dimensional Bracelet Stage 6 (CHA +5).
Double-click to obtain Kalie's Energy - Desire x3, Giant's Energy x135, Energy of Destruction 20-unit Pack x3, and Elcyum x3
Double-click to obtain a radom 2-option Hair Accessory Box.
Bait used for a chance to obtain a Heine Exclusive Reward Chest. Can be used by characters Lv. 85 - 89.
Bait used for a chance to obtain a Heine Exclusive Reward Chest. Can be used by characters Lv. 90 - 94.
Bait used for a chance to obtain a Heine Exclusive Reward Chest. Can be used by characters Lv. 95 - 98.
Bait used for a chance to obtain a Heine Exclusive Reward Chest. Can be used by characters Lv. 99 or above.
Exchange for 1 Heine Exclusive Bait of your choice through a fishing guild member.
Exclusive Reward Chest. Double-click to get a random item.
Double-click to get Heine Fishing Coins. Has a chance of obtaining an Exclusive Reward Chest.
Double-click to get 300 Heine Exclusive Bait Coupons and 300 Fishing Shots.
Double-click to get 3,000 Heine Exclusive Bait Coupons, 3,000 Fishing Shots, and 1 Fishing Rod Pack (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a Topaz Lv. 5 (7-day) item.
Double-click to obtain 1 of the La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Boxes. Has a low chance of obtaining a La Vie En Rose's Magnifice
Mount - Pack containing Elk (7-day).
Pack containing Mount - Elk (30-day).
Pack containing Mount - Elk (Event) (7-day).
Double-click the Luxury Shopping Bag to obtain 1 Freya's Wind Scroll, 1 Freya's Art of Seduction, and 1 Freya's Recovery Po
Double-click to obtain rare items such as rare accessories.
Double-click to receive a random enhancement item.
Double-click to receive a random character growth item.

Pagina 311

A low-grade spellbook that contains the Forbidden Secret. They say that NPC Denign is urgently looking for this to make an a
An intermediate spellbook that contains the Forbidden Secret. They say that NPC Denign is urgently looking for this to make
A high-grade spellbook that contains the Forbidden Secret. They say that NPC Denign is urgently looking for this to make an
Spirit Stone needed for augmenting an Enhanced Magnificent Brooch. Can be also used for upgrading an Elegant Brooch. B
Spirit Stone needed for augmenting a Rare Magnificent Brooch.
A shining jewel needed to create a La Vie En Rose's Magnificent Brooch. Bring this to Shadai in Heine to upgrade an Enhanc
A fragment made with a small amount of Frenzied Tauti's Power. Collect 10 to exchange for Frenzied Tauti's Fragment.
A fragment made with a small amount of Insane Kelbim's Power. Collect 10 to exchange for Insane Kelbim's Fragment.
Double-click the Luxury Shopping Bag to obtain 1 Freya's Wind Scroll, 1 Freya's Art of Seduction, and 1 Freya's Recovery Po
Double-click to obtain rare items such as rare accessories.
Double-click to receive a random enhancement item.
Double-click to receive a random character growth item.
Open to acquire 1 High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% (7-day).
The Lucky Enchant Stone increases the chance of enchanting an R-grade weapon by 20% when using an Enchant Scroll. Ca
When using an R99-grade Weapon Enchantment Standard Weapon Enchant Scroll, increases the chance by 10%. Can only
A chest containing a god's soul. Double-click to obtain various random items.
It contain's Frintezza's feelings. You get a buff and it changes the appearance of your weapon.
Double-click to apply 'Compassion' effect to all party members. Acquired XP/ SP +10%, STR +2, INT +2, Attribute Resistance
Double-click to apply 'Devotion' effect to all party members. Acquired XP/ SP +10%, STR +2, INT +2, DEX +2, WIT +2. Can b
Double-click to apply 'Longing' effect to all party members. Acquired XP/ SP +10%, STR +2, INT +2, CON +2, MEN +2. Can b
Contains Frintezza's limitless power. For 60 min., randomly transform into Snow Kung/ Scarecrow Jack/ Tin Golem/ Makeshif
Contains Frintezza's limitless power. For 60 min., randomly transform in to Snow Kung/ Scarecrow Jack/ Tin Golem/ Makesh
Contains Frintezza's limitless power. For 60 min., randomly transform in to Snow Kung/ Scarecrow Jack/ Tin Golem/ Makesh
Contains Frintezza's limitless power. You can summon a friend every 30 min.
Contains Frintezza's limitless power. You can summon a friend every 30 min.
Contains Frintezza's limitless power. You can summon a friend every 30 min.
Use to change the appearance of your upper or full-bodyarmor into a Red Noblesse Garment. The stone modifies the appear
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of the School Uniform A. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyth
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of the School Uniform B. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everyth
Double-click to obtain a Greater Vital Stone (30-day fixed term) and a Blue Cat's Eye (30-day fixed term).
Double-click to obtain a Mysterious Shaper (7-day).
Double-click to obtain a Mysterious Cutter (7-day).
Double-click to obtain a Mysterious Slasher (7-day).
Double-click to obtain a Mysterious Avenger (7-day).
Double-click to obtain a Mysterious Fighter (7-day).
Double-click to obtain a Mysterious Stormer (7-day).
Double-click to obtain a Mysterious Thrower (7-day).
Double-click to obtain a Mysterious Shooter (7-day).
Double-click to obtain a Mysterious Buster (7-day).
Double-click to obtain a Mysterious Caster (7-day).
Double-click to obtain a Mysterious Retributer (7-day).
Double-click to obtain a Mysterious Dual Sword (7-day).
Double-click to obtain a Mysterious Dual Dagger (7-day).
Double-click to obtain a Mysterious Dual Blunt (7-day).
Treasure Chest with Pomona's gift.
Double-click to obtain random lost treasures of Messiah's Castle.
Top-grade Spirit Stone for La Vie En Rose's Brooch. Can only be augmented for Radiant Brooch (Rare-type).
Double-click to obtain La Vie En Rose's Noble Brooch, Lv. 3 Ruby/ Sapphire/ Emerald/ Vital Stone (30-day), +6 Helios Weap
Magic pouch that contains the letters of TOGETHER. Double-click to get all the letters in TOGETHER.

Pagina 312

Magic pouch that contains the letters of LINEAGE II. Double-click to get all the letters in LINEAGE II.
Magic pouch that contains the letters of NCSOFT. Double-click to get all the letters in NCSOFT.
Spirit Stone needed for augmenting an Enhanced Magnificent Brooch. Can be also used for upgrading an Elegant Brooch. B
Spirit Stone needed for augmenting a Rare Magnificent Brooch.
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire Smuggled Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire Smuggled Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire Smuggled Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire Smuggled Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire Smuggled Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only
Can be exchanged at NPC Peeves in Heine for a Secret Embryo Bait.
Embryo Reward Box. Double-click to receive a random item.
Smuggled Embryo Chest. Double-click to receive a Heine Fishing Coin. There is a small chance to receive an Embryo Rewar
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire Smuggled Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire Smuggled Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire Smuggled Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire Smuggled Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire Smuggled Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only
Can be exchanged at NPC Peeves in Heine for an Embryo Bait.
Embryo Reward Box. Double-click to receive a random item.
Smuggled Embryo Chest. Double-click to receive a Heine Fishing Coin. There is a small chance to receive an Embryo Rewar
A special gift form Galup. Double-click to obtain one of the following items at a certain rate: Ruler's Authority, Mystic Soul Cry
Double-click to obtain the ingredients for crafting Bloody Helios.
Double-click to obtain the ingredients for crafting Bloody Eternal.
Double-click to obtain the ingredients for crafting Dark Helios.
Double-click to obtain the ingredients for crafting Dark Eternal.
Double-click to obtain Freya's Scroll of Storm and Gran Kain's Miraculous Medicine
Double-click to obtain 1 of the Fortune Jewelry Boxes.
Double-click to obtain 1 Cat's Eye Lv. 1-5.
Double-click to obtain one of Level 1-5 Vital Stones.
Double-click to obtain one of Level 1-5 Tanzanites.
Double-click to obtain one of Level 1-5 Amethysts.
Double-click to obtain one of Level 1-5 Garnets.
Fishing Time: 45 sec.\nFishing Waiting Time: 15 sec.\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire a Smuggled Embryo Chest.\nCan be u
Fishing Time: 45 sec.\nFishing Waiting Time: 15 sec.\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire a Smuggled Embryo Chest.\nCan be u
Fishing Time: 45 sec.\nFishing Waiting Time: 15 sec.\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire a Smuggled Embryo Chest.\nCan be u
Fishing Time: 45 sec.\nFishing Waiting Time: 15 sec.\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire a Smuggled Embryo Chest.\nCan be u
Fishing Time: 45 sec.\nFishing Waiting Time: 15 sec.\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire a Smuggled Embryo Chest.\nCan be u
Can be exchanged at NPC Peeves in Heine for a Secret Embryo Bait.
Embryo Reward Box. Double-click to receive a random item.
Smuggled Embryo Chest. Double-click to receive a Heine Fishing Coin. There is a small chance to receive an Embryo Rewar
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire Smuggled Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire Smuggled Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire Smuggled Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire Smuggled Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire Smuggled Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only
Can be exchanged at NPC Peeves in Heine for an Embryo Bait.
Embryo Reward Box. Double-click to receive a random item.
Smuggled Embryo Chest. Double-click to receive a Heine Fishing Coin. There is a small chance to receive an Embryo Rewar
Enchant scroll for the Ancient Kingdom's Cloak. Can be enchanted up to +10. Enchant level goes up by 1 when it succeeds,

Pagina 313

Enchant scroll for the Ancient Kingdom's Cloak. Can be used when the enchant level is at least +10, up to +20. Enchant leve
Enchant scroll for the Ancient Kingdom's Cloak. Can be used when the enchant level is at least +7, up to +20. Success rate i
Exchange a Elmoreden/ Aden/ Elmore/ Ferios Cloak for a legendary cloak through the Dimensional Merchant.
Spirit Stone for the Ancient Kingdom's Cloak. Can augment all ancient kingdom cloaks when they have been enchanted to +1
Legendary Spirit Stone for the Elmoreden Cloak. Can augment Legendary Elmoreden kingdom cloaks when they have been
Legendary Spirit Stone for the Aden Cloak. Can augment Legendary Aden kingdom cloaks when they have been enchanted
Legendary Spirit Stone for the Elmore Cloak. Can augment Legendary Elmore kingdom cloaks when they have been enchan
Legendary Spirit Stone for the Ferios Cloak. Can augment Legendary Ferios kingdom cloaks when they have been enchante
Double-click to obtain 1 Spirit Stone - Elmoreden/ Aden/ Elmore/ Ferios randomly.
Double-click to receive a random item.
Double-click to get a rare item at random.
Double-click to obtain a +10 Elmoreden Cloak - Legendary.
Double-click to obtain a +10 Aden Cloak - Legendary.
Double-click to obtain a +10 Elmore Cloak - Legendary.
Double-click to obtain a +10 Ferios Cloak - Legendary.
Put you in a disguise for 2 hours. Can be used only by characters of Level 85 or higher. The effect is deleted if you switch to
Contains 1 Veteran Duo Bracelet.
Contains 1 Returned Duo Bracelet.
A ticket that enhances probability by 15% when using a Normal Armor Enchant Scroll to enchant R99-grade Armor. Can only
Double-click to obtain a Virgo Agathion Charm.The Agathion Charm obtained cannot be exchanged, dropped or sold in a priv
Double-click to obtain a Capricorn Agathion Charm. The Agathion Charm obtained cannot be exchanged, dropped or sold in
Double-click to obtain a Libra Agathion Charm. The Agathion Charm obtained cannot be exchanged, dropped or sold in a priv
Double-click to obtain a Aries Agathion Charm. The Agathion Charm obtained cannot be exchanged, dropped or sold in a pri
Double-click to obtain a Taurus Agathion Charm. The Agathion Charm obtained cannot be exchanged, dropped or sold in a p
Double-click to obtain a Leo Agathion Charm. The Agathion Charm obtained cannot be exchanged, dropped or sold in a priva
Double-click to obtain a Gemini Agathion Charm. The Agathion Charm obtained cannot be exchanged, dropped or sold in a p
Double-click to obtain a Scorpio Agathion Charm.The Agathion Charm obtained cannot be exchanged, dropped or sold in a p
Double-click to obtain a Aquarius Agathion Charm. The Agathion Charm obtained cannot be exchanged, dropped or sold in a
Double-click to obtain a Pisces Agathion Charm. The Agathion Charm obtained cannot be exchanged, dropped or sold in a p
Double-click to obtain a Sagittarius Agathion Charm. The Agathion Charm obtained cannot be exchanged, dropped or sold in
Double-click to obtain a Cancer Agathion Charm. The Agathion Charm obtained cannot be exchanged, dropped or sold in a p
Zodiac Agathion Charm growth book. Increases M. Def. and unique ability from +1 when the Agathion Charm grows. Can be
Zodiac Agathion Charm growth book. Increases M. Def. and unique ability from +1 when the Agathion Charm grows. Can enc
Cube containing a Zodiac Agathion Charm. Use to obtain one Zodiac Agathion charm.
Ingredient needed to upgrade Evolved Agathions. The star-shaped bottle is filled with shiny red stars.
Ingredient needed to evolve an Agathion that has reached Stage 12. Try evolving them through Head Blacksmith Ferris in the
Changes the appearance of your entire armor into that of Red Zubei. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Enchant scroll for the Ancient Kingdom's Cloak. Can be enchanted between +11-+15. Enchant level goes up by 1 when it suc
Double-click to obtain 1 Scroll: Enchant Cloak - Legendary or 1 Stable Cloak Enchantment Scroll - Legendary.
A coin imbued with the mysterious power of the Ancient Kingdom. Exchange it for a special gift through the Dimensional Merc
Double-click to obtain a Sayha's Talisman Stage 1. The talisman cannot be dropped or exchanged.
Double-click to obtain a Sayha's Talisman Stage 7. The talisman cannot be dropped or exchanged.
Double-click to obtain a Sayha's Talisman Stage 8. The talisman cannot be dropped or exchanged.
Double-click to obtain a Sayha's Talisman Stage 9. The talisman cannot be dropped or exchanged.
Double-click to obtain a Sayha's Talisman Stage 10. The talisman cannot be dropped or exchanged.
Double-click to obtain a Sayha's Talisman Stage 3-10 or Venir's Talisman Stage 10-15.
XP and SP increases by 300% for 2 min. with the blessing of the Mother Tree.
Jack O'Lantern made with love. Go find NPC Rico with it in your inventory to receive the Halloween Blessing.
Double-click to receive a random item.

Pagina 314

Sweet Hallowen candy from the Halloween Gift. Take it to Rico to exchange for another item.
Double-click to get a Talisman - Abundance (War, Tactics, Morale, or Physique.)
Double-click to obtain a Greater Vital Stone (30-day fixed term).
Double-click to obtain (1) of the following types of item randomly: Lv. 1 La Vie En Rose’s Jewelry Box, Radiant Gemstone Fra
Double-click to obtain a Dimensional Talisman - Attack Attribute (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Virgo Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Virgo Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Capricorn Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Capricorn Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Libra Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Libra Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Aries Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Aries Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Taurus Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Taurus Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Leo Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Leo Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Gemini Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Gemini Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Scorpio Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Scorpio Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Aquarius Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Aquarius Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Pisces Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Pisces Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Sagittarius Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Sagittarius Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Cancer Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a +3 Cancer Agathion Charm - Stage 1 (15-day).
Part of the matchsticks that the Match Girls are looking for. It looks like a monster has broken them. Combine with match hea
Part of the matchsticks that the Match Girls are looking for. It looks like a monster has broken them. Combine with match hea
A well-made matchstick. Take it to the older match girl.
A powerful matchstick. It's too strong to use regularly. Take it to the younger match sister who will exchange it for a bonfire.
Bonfire made with a powerful matchstick. Use to have a bonfire for 30 sec. Use cooking ingredients on the bonfire to make de
Regular dish. It looks edible. STR/ DEX/ CON/ INT/ WIT/ MEN +1 and Acquired XP/ SP +10% for 30 min. Cooldown is 5 min.
Very delicious food. Take it to the younger match sister.
A gift with various items from the match sisters who are thankful for your help.
For 30 min., Acquired XP/ SP +30%, Vitality Bonus +30%, P./ M. Atk. And P./ M. Def. +15%.
Cooking ingredients of the Match Sisters. Use it on the bonfire to cook food. \n<Note> If you use it on a bonfire made by som
Changes the appearance to that of a cat doll, and CHA +5 for 30 min. Cannot be stacked with Einhasad's CHA Potion or Map
Changes the appearance to that of a panda doll, and CHA +5 for 30 min. Cannot be stacked with Einhasad's CHA Potion or M
Double-click Freya's Heart-pounding Shopping Bag to obtain 1 Freya's Art of Seduction and 2 Freya's Recovery Potion. Ther
Double-click to randomly obtain an item from a selection of rare items including rare accessories.
Double-click to randomly obtain an item from a selection of various equipment enchantment items.
Double-click to randomly obtain an item from a selection of various character growth and enhancement items.
Freya's Christmas Treasure Chest. Double-click to obtain a random item.
Double-click to randomly obtain one of the 12 Low-grade Zodiac Agathions.
Double-click to randomly obtain one of the 12 Mid-grade Zodiac Agathions.
Double-click to randomly obtain one of the 12 High-grade Zodiac Agathions.

Pagina 315

While carried in inventory, Adena drop amount +300%, item drop rate and spoil acquisition rate +100%.
Rice cake that restores a certain amount of Vitality. Cooldown is 1 min.. No weekly usage limit.
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of the Lineage II Baseball Uniform. Tops and one-pieces only. It chang
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory to that of the Lineage II Baseball Cap. Can only be used on hair accessories th
Changes the appearance of the entire armor into that of the Lineage II Baseball Uniform for 30 days. Tops and one-pieces on
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory to that of the Lineage II Baseball Cap for 30 days. Can only be used on hair acc
Double-click to obtain a High-grade Maphr's Rune (30-day).
A chest containing a starlight. Double-click to obtain one of the following items: Lindvior's Earring, Blessed Antharas' Earring,
Enchant scroll for the Ancient Kingdom's Cloak. Can be enchanted between +1-+10. Enchant level goes up by 1 when it succ
Has a high chance to exchange a Elmoreden/ Aden/ Elmore/ Ferios Cloak for a legendary cloak through the Dimensional Me
High-grade Spirit Stone for the Ancient Kingdom's Cloak. Can augment all ancient kingdom cloaks when they have been enc
High-grade Legendary Spirit Stone for the Elmoreden Cloak. Can augment Legendary Elmoreden kingdom cloaks when they
High-grade Legendary Spirit Stone for the Aden Cloak. Can augment Legendary Aden kingdom cloaks when they have been
High-grade Legendary Spirit Stone for the Elmore Cloak. Can augment Legendary Elmore kingdom cloaks when they have b
High-grade Legendary Spirit Stone for the Ferios Cloak. Can augment Legendary Ferios kingdom cloaks when they have bee
Double-click to obtain 1 High-grade Spirit Stone - Ancient Kingdom/ Elmoreden/ Aden/ Elmore/ Ferios randomly.
Double-click to obtain 1 High-grade Spirit Stone - Ancient Kingdom/ Elmoreden/ Aden/ Elmore/ Ferios randomly.
A solution needed to melt Starlight Jars. Take it along with a Starlight Jar to the Dimensional Merchant to create a Red Stars
Dimensional item\nDouble-click the item to obtain 1 High-grade Maphr's Rune 300% - 7-day.
Dimensional item\nIf stored in inventory, increases Adena gain by 300%, item drop rate and item gain through spoils by 100%
Dimensional item\nDouble-click the item to obtain 1 High-grade Maphr's Rune 300% - 1-day.
Dimensional item\nIf stored in inventory, increases Adena gain by 300%, item drop rate and item gain through spoils by 100%
Double-click on the box to obtain 1 Prestige Cube - 1-day.
Prestige Cube. Double-click it to obtain one of Dark/ Bloody Eternal Enhancement Stone, Scroll: Enchant Weapon Class S to
Dimensional Item Pack\nPack which includes Eva's Rune (1-day).
Dimensional Item\nAncient charm endowed with mysterious symbols when held in your inventory. It grants the user Eva's Ru
Currency earned when playing Master Fishing. Take it to Dimensional Merchant to exchange for a Fishing XP Box.
Enchant Scroll exclusively for Mermaid Agathion. The scroll increases M. Def. and adds a Special Ability from +4. It can enha
Mermaid's Trace. Collect 20 and bring them to Dimensional Merchant to exchange for Mermaid Agathion Charm.
When used, increases Successful Fishing Acquired XP/ SP by 50% for 1 h.\nApplied to all bait. \nCan be stacked with Angler
Soulshot spent on fishing rod. Increases Successful Fishing Rate by 100%.
Box that contains Fishing Scroll: XP (Lv. 85 to 94). There's a chance to obtain a Shining Fishing Box.
Box that contains Fishing Scroll: XP (Lv. 95 to 98). There's a chance to obtain a Shining Fishing Box.
Box that contains Fishing Scroll: XP (Lv. 99 to 101). There's a chance to obtain a Shining Fishing Box.
Box that contains Fishing Scroll: XP (Lv. 102 to 104). There's a chance to obtain a Shining Fishing Box.
Box that contains Fishing Scroll: XP (Lv. 105). There's a chance to obtain a Shining Fishing Box.
Shining Fishing Box. You can obtain one of the various items it contains.
Fishing Scroll: XP rewarded for fishing. Characters between Lv. 85 to 94 can use this. Cannot be used by Chaotic Characters
Fishing Scroll: XP rewarded for fishing. Characters between Lv. 95 to 98 can use this. Cannot be used by Chaotic Characters
Fishing Scroll: XP rewarded for fishing. Characters between Lv. 99 to 101 can use this. Cannot be used by Chaotic Characte
Fishing Scroll: XP rewarded for fishing. Characters between Lv. 102 to 104 can use this. Cannot be used by Chaotic Charact
Fishing Scroll: XP rewarded for fishing. Characters Lv. 105 or higher can use this. Cannot be used by Chaotic Characters.
Double-click to obtain one of the Lucky Jewel Boxes.
Gift Box containing 1 New User Sprout (14-day).
Gift Box containing 1 Dormant User Sprout (14-day).
A suspicious vault secretly being traded in Mystic Tavern. Double-click to obtain one of the following items at a certain rate: D
A highly expensive gold bar secretly being traded in Mystic Tavern. Take it to a Dimensional Merchant to exchange it for a us
Popular beer at Mystic Tavern. Recovers vitality when used. Take it to Dimensional Merchant to exchange it for even more sp
Honey Vitality Beer made from Mystic Tavern's special recipe. Instantly recovers vitality when used and increases CON/ MEN

Pagina 316

Appearance Stone which changes your appearance to a teddy bear. Can be used on top or one-piece dress. Changes appea
Appearance Stone which changes your appearance to a cat plushy. Can be used on top or one-piece dress. Changes appea
Appearance Stone which changes your appearance to a panda plushy. Can be used on top or one-piece dress. Changes app
Double-click to obtain the ingredients for crafting Dark Eternal armor.
Double-click to obtain the ingredients for crafting Bloody Eternal armor.
Double-click to obtain one of T-shirt of Pagrio/ Sayha/ Eva/ Maph.
Double-click to obtain 3 XP Rune IV (Lv. 1-99) 100% Packs (1-hr), 3 Mysterious Wind Scrolls, 3 Dandy's Scrolls: Challenge, 5
Double-click to obtain 5 XP Rune IV (Lv. 1-99) 100% Packs (1-hr), 5 Mysterious Wind Scrolls, 5 Dandy's Scrolls: Challenge, 1
Double-click to obtain 5 High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Packs (1-hr), 10 Mysterious Wind Scrolls, 10 Dandy's Scrolls: Challe
Double-click to obtain ingredients required to upgrade God's Accessory (necklace).
Double-click to obtain ingredients required to upgrade God's Accessory (earrings).
Double-click to obtain ingredients required to upgrade God's Accessory (ring).
Double-click to obtain ingredients required to create God's Accessory (necklace).
Double-click to obtain ingredients required to create God's Accessory (earrings).
Double-click to obtain ingredients required to create God's Accessory (ring).
Double-click to obtain various ingredients required to create God's Accessory with random chance.
14th Anniversary\nIf stored in the inventory, increases XP gain by 100% in celebration of the 14th Anniversary. The remaining
14th Anniversary Item Pack\nPack which includes 14th Anniversary Rune 100% (1 hour).
Crystal shard which came out of broken gourd. Take it to Puss the Cat to exchange it for a special item.
Dimensional Item Pack\nPack containing a Minion Eye Agathion Charm (7-day).
Dimensional Item Pack\nPack containing a Minion Eye Agathion Charm (30-day).
Dimensional Item Pack\nPack containing a Matryoshka Agathion Charm (7-day)
Dimensional Item Pack\nPack containing a Matryoshka Agathion Charm (30-day)
Exclusive Book of Growth for Agathion Charm.\nMaintains the enchant level when enchantment fails.\nCannot be useds on A
Double-click to obtain a +7 Elmoreden Cloak.
Double-click to obtain a +7 Aden Cloak.
Double-click to obtain a +7 Elmore Cloak.
Double-click to obtain a +7 Ferios Cloak.
Double-click to obtain Blessed Circlet Enchant Scroll. Has a chance to obtain Circlet Spirit Stone, Noble Circlet Upgrade Ston
Double-click Freya's Deluxe Shopping Bag to obtain 1 Freya's Art of Seduction, 2 Freya's Recovery Potions, and 1 Freya's F
Double-click to randomly obtain an item from a selection of rare items including rare accessories.
Double-click to randomly obtain an item from a selection of various equipment enchantment items.
Double-click to randomly obtain an item from a selection of various character growth and enhancement items.

Pagina 317

Supply Items prepared by Golden Girl Sibi. When used, an item can be obtained.
Double-click to obtain a random item.
Book of Growth for the Seven Deadly Sins Agathion Charms.\nThe enchant level remains the same even if enchantment fails
Material needed to upgrade Noble Warrior's/ Wizard's/ Knight's Circlets to Radiant. Talk to Head Blacksmith Ferris of Aden to
Coupon to use the power of dragons. Take a dragon weapon (fragment) with limited abiliteis to Snake to exchange for a temp
Double-click to obtain Merlin's Magic Bracelet (30-day).
Card pouch filled with magic power. Double-click to obtain one of the 7 cards of the characters from Seven Deadly Sins.
Pack containing Legendary Knights Card: Seven Deadly Sins (2-hr).
Double-click to obtain one of the following Appearance Stones: School Uniform A/ School Uniform B, Pirate Crew, Blue Dyna
Double-click to obtain a +5 Hawk Agathion Charm - Stage 3 (7-day).
Double-click to obtain Merlin's Magic Bracelet (7-day).\nCannot be enchanted, exchanged, dropped, or used in the private sto
Hero's cheering cube. Obtain Freya's Art of Seduction - EXP x2.\nWhen used 10 times, obtain Dandy's Home Run Ball x5, w
Double-click to get XP Rune IV (Lv. 1-99) 100% (7-day), Freya's Art of Seduction - EXP x10, Dandy's Home Run Ball x3, Her
Double-click to get XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 100% x1, Horn-rimmed Glasses x1 Dandy's Home Run Ball x5, Duo - Freya's W
Double-click to obtain the following: La Vie En Rose's Noble Brooch x1, Lv. 3 Ruby/ Sapphire/ Emerald/ Vital STone (30-day)
Gift Box containing 1 New User Sprout (30-day).
Mark for heroes. Take the Hero's Mark to the Dimensional Merchant to exchange for equipment.
Double-click to obtain one of many random items.
Double-click to acquire one Heavy Seraph armor set.
Double-click to acquire one Light Seraph armor set.
Double-click to acquire one Robe Seraph armor set.
Double-click to acquire one Heavy Eternal armor set.
Double-click to acquire one Light Eternal armor set.
Double-click to acquire one Robe Eternal armor set.
When used, increases Acquired XP/ SP by 30%, Acquired XP/ SP in Vitality state by 30%, and P. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Atk./ M. De
Recharges a certain amount of Vitality when used. No weekly usage limit.
When used, increases Acquired XP/ SP by 50%, Acquired XP/ SP in Vitality state by 50%, and P. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Atk./ M. De
When used, increases Acquired XP/ SP when fishing by 50% for 1 hour.\nApplied to all bait. \nCan be stacked with Angler's B
When used, increases Acquired XP/ SP when fishing by 50% for 2 hours.\nApplied to all bait. \nCan be stacked with Angler's
When used, increases Acquired XP/ SP when fishing by 50% for 4 hours.\nApplied to all bait. \nCan be stacked with Angler's
When used, increases Acquired XP/ SP when fishing by 50% for 8 hours.\nApplied to all bait. \nCan be stacked with Angler's
Double-click to obtain 1 Level 4 La Vie En Rose Gem.
Double-click to obtain 1 Level 5 La Vie En Rose Gem.
Replenishes 1 Vitality slot when used. For 30 min., Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P. Atk./ M. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Def. +30%, Atk. Spd.
Replenishes 4 Vitality slots when used. For 2 hours, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P. Atk./ M. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Def. +30%, Atk. Spd
Double-click to obtain Paulina's Magic Bracelet (7-day).
Double-click to obtain Paulina's Magic Bracelet (30-day).
Obtain an Artifact Box or a Rare Artifact Box. Has a chance to obtain Artifact Fragments.
Double-click the box to randomly obtain one of various items.
Double-click the box to obtain 1 Glowing Dragon's Attribute Potion (XP). Has a chance to obtain a very rare item at random.
Double-click to get 1 random item.
Double-click to obtain Blessed Antharas' Earring, Blessed Valakas' Necklace, Tauti's Ring, Earth Wyrm Heart Ring, Blessed Z
Double-click to obtain an Ancient Relic Box or Shining Ancient Relic Box at a certain rate. Additionally, there is a chance to ob
Double-click to obtain one of the following items at a certain rate: Sayha's Talisman Stage 7/ Stage 8 Pack, Noble Knight's/ W
Double-click to obtain one of the following items at a certain rate: Ultimate Lv. 4/ Lv. 5 Jewelry Box, Lindvior's Earring, Blesse
A coin that can be exchanged for various items through Alexandria. Will be deleted during maintenance on Wednesday, Octo
Double-click to obtain 1 of the Lv. 3 jewels.

Pagina 318

Double-click to obtain 1 of the Lv. 4 jewels.

Double-click to obtain 1 of the Lv. 5 jewels.
Coins that can be exchanged with the Dimensional Merchant for special items.
Double-click to obtain 1 of the Lv. 3 La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Boxes.
Sealbook for learning the skill of transforming yourself into Kat the Cat.
Double-click to receive a random item.
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire Mysterious Boxes.\nCan be used only above
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire Mysterious Boxes.\nCan be used only above
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire Mysterious Boxes.\nCan be used only above
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire Mysterious Boxes.\nCan be used only above
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Used to acquire Mysterious Boxes.\nCan be used only above
Can be exchanged through the Fisher Peeves in Heine for a Mysterious Magic Bait.
Mysterious Magic Box. Double-click to receive a random item.
Double-click to receive a Heine Fishing Coin. There is a small chance to receive a Mysterious Magic Box.
Cocktail that contains the flavors of many rare fruits. When consumed, you will feel the effects of Horn Melody Lv. 1, Pipe Org
Scroll that replenishes 1,000,000 SP.
Can acquire 5,000 soulshots (R-grade).
Can acquire 10,000 soulshots (R-grade).
Can acquire 5,000 spiritshots (R-grade).
Can acquire 10,000 spiritshots (R-grade).
Can acquire 5,000 blessed spiritshots (R-grade).
Can acquire 10,000 blessed spiritshots (R-grade).
Can acquire 10,000 Orichalcum Arrows.
Can acquire 10,000 Orichalcum Bolts.
Can acquire requiem weapons.
Can acquire immortal heavy armor.
Can acquire immortal light armor.
Can acquire immortal robe armor.
Can acquire Apocalypse weapons.
Can acquire Twilight heavy armor.
Can acquire Twilight light armor.
Can acquire Twilight robe armor.
Can acquire immortal accessories.
Can acquire Twilight accessories.
It is the blood of Embryo's high level disciples Isadora and Maliss who protect Shilen's Altar inside the Seal of Shilen. Bring it
Embryo's seal that has been imprinted in blood. Bring it to a worker of the Dusk in the Town of Aden and ask about it.
The report of a ranger of the Dusk that was found in the Catacomb and the Necropolis.
Superior Giant's Codex. Rare item needed for +1~+10 skill enchantment after Awakening.
Superior Giant's Codex. Rare item needed for +1~+10 blessed skill enchantment after Awakening.
Superior Giant's Codex. Rare item needed to change an enchantment path +1~+10 after Awakening.
The Superior Giant's Codex that was given the cold shoulder by heroes who were seeking for power. It can be sold in the sho
Superior Giant's Codex. Item needed for skill enchantment after Awakening.
Superior Giant's Codex. Item needed for blessed skill enchantment after Awakening.
Superior Giant's Codex. Item needed for changing the skill enchantment method after Awakening.
Superior Giant's Codex. Item needed to restore a previous skill enchantment after Awakening.
Check Test Item
Ravidoff in the Reliquary of the Giants will exchange these items for Superior Giant's Codexes.
Report regarding the findings of the expedition team of the Dusk that was found in the Catacomb and the Necropolis. Click to
Mark that symbolizes the efforts of a returned adventurer. It represents the right to receive each type of support through the a

Pagina 319

Tamlin Orc's badge that retired adventurer Isael Silvershadow of Hunter Village asks you to collect.
Mark that retired adventurer Isael Silvershadow of Hunter Village asks you to collect. By hunting with a sponsor, you can acq
Flame Ashes that Head Blacksmith Peris of the Town of Aden asks you to collect.
Marks that Head Blacksmith Peris of the Town of Aden asks you to collect. By hunting with a sponsor, you can acquire treme
Pailaka forgotten temple reward item. Ring with great M. Def. Has the effect of MP +15. Cannot be enchanted.
Mark of a returned adventurer It represents the right to receive each type of support through the adventure guildsmen. 30 day

Recovers HP. Only characters level 85 or above can use on themselves. Cooldown is 2 min.
Recovers MP. Only characters level 85 or above can use on themselves. Cooldown is 2 min.
Recovers CP. Only characters level 85 or above can use on themselves. Cooldown is 2 min.
Recovers HP. Only characters level 85 or above can use on themselves. Cooldown is 2 min.
Recovers MP. Only characters level 85 or above can use on themselves. Cooldown is 2 min.
Recovers CP. Only characters below level 85 can use on themselves. Cooldown is 2 min.
Soul Crystal
Life Stone
Box filled with M. Atk. It contains a useful item.
Box filled with M. Atk. It contains a useful item.

Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Enchant success rate +15% for armor (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchan
Proof given to those who successfully complete a mission. Can be exchanged for equipment.
Proof given to those who successfully complete a mission. Can be exchanged for equipment.
Proof given to those who successfully complete a mission. Can be exchanged for equipment.
Proof given to those who successfully complete a mission. Can be exchanged for equipment.
Box containing support items for a returner. Contains S-grade equipment and weapon. Double-click to use.
Box containing support items for a returner. Contains A-grade equipment and weapon. Double-click to use.
Box containing support items for a returner. Contains B-grade equipment and weapon. Double-click to use.
Box containing support items for a returner. Contains C-grade equipment and weapon. Double-click to use.

Used to make an R-grade dual sword.

Used to make an R95-grade dual sword.
Used to make an R99-grade dual sword.
For dwarves only. Recipe for Soulshot (R-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 11. Success rate is 100%.
For dwarves only. Recipe for Spiritshot (R-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 11. Success rate is 100%.
For dwarves only. Recipe for Blessed Spiritshot (R-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 11. Success rate is 100%.
For those who have completed the fourth class transfer only. Recipe for Elixir of Life (R-grade). Requires Create Common Ite
For those who have completed the fourth class transfer only. Recipe for Elixir of Mind (R-grade). Requires Create Common It
For those who have completed the fourth class transfer only. Recipe for Elixir of CP (R-grade). Requires Create Common Item
Can release Harnak's soul from the seal.
Can release Harnak's soul from prison.
Gift received as a campaign reward.

Pagina 320

Gift received as a campaign reward by top-performers.

Can change your current subclass while keeping the same level. Bring it to Subclass Master Raina in Talking Island Village. C
Boots of Strength in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Black Pearl Ring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Black Pearl Ring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Black Ore Ring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Black Ore Necklace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Black Ore Earring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Ghost staff in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: tw
Ghost staff in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: tw
Hoplon in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shiel
Stockings of Zubei in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Stockings of doom in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Homunkulus' Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Sage's Blood in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Sage's Staff in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Sage's Ring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Sage's Necklace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Sage's Rags in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Sage's Worn Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Sage's Earring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Sword of Revolution*Sword of Revolution in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can b
Sword of Revolution*Elven Long Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be
Sword of Revolution in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Helm
Twilight knife in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Heavy Mace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Heavy War Axe in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Heavy Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Heavy Bone Club in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Heavy Doom Hammer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Heavy Doom Axe in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Heaven's Divider in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Reinforced Bow conversion, Unidentified Field Gun. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquir
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Two-handed Sword Transmutation. A Field Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click to identify
Ring of devotion in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Necklace of devotion in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Halberd in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-
Hand Axe in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: on
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Dark Elven Bow conversion, Unidentified Hand Crossbow. Double-click the item to identify it. The
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Longbow conversion, Unidentified Hand Crossbow. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquir
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Elven Bow conversion, Unidentified Hand Crossbow. Double-click the item to identify it. The acqu
Bow of Peril in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
War Pick in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two
Compound Scale Mail in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Compound Scale Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or B
Half Plate Armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Half Plate Armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Lesser Giant's Hammer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou

Pagina 321

Lesser Giant's Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Tome of blood in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Crucifix of Blood in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Fisted Blade in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Phoenix Earring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Phoenix Ring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Phoenix Necklace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Bastard Sword conversion, Unidentified Flouret. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired i
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Spinebone Sword conversion, Unidentified Flouret. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquire
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Artisan's Sword conversion, Unidentified Flouret. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Knight Sword conversion, Unidentified Flouret. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired ite
Plate Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Plate Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Plate Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Plate Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Plate Shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Plate Shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Plate Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: B
Plate Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: B
Plated Leather Armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Plated Leather Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Plated Leather Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Plated Leather Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Flamberge in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: tw
Puma Skin Shirt in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Puma Skin Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Full Plate Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Full Plate Armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Full Plate Shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Full Plate Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Full Plate Gauntlets in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Blue Buckskin Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Blue Wolf Breastplate in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Blue Wolf Stockings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Blue Wolf Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Blue Wolf Tunic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Blue Wolf Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Blue Wolf Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Blue Wolf Leather Armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bo
Blue Wolf Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Poleaxe in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-
Forgotten Blade in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Paradia Staff in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Pike in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-han
Pa'agrio Hammer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Pa'agrio Axe in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Poniard Dagger in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Destroyer Hammer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Wizard's Tear in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type

Pagina 322

Trident in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-h
Tunic of Zubei in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Tunic of Doom in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Steel Sword conversion, Unidentified Talwar. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Heavy Sword conversion, Unidentified Talwar. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired ite
Tomahawk in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: o
Tallum Stockings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Tallum Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Tallum Plate Armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Tallum Tunic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Tallum Blade in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Tallum Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Tallum Leather Armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Tallum Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Tallum Glaive in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Tateossian Earring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Tateossian Ring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Tateossian Necklace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Tiger's Eye in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: E
Tiger's Eye in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: E
Tower Shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Akat Longbow conversion, Unidentified Tathlum. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired
Tathlum in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one
Claymore in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: tw
Big Hammer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Keshanberk in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Crimson Sword*Sword of Revolution in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Sta
Crimson Sword*Crimson Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standar
Crimson Sword*Elven Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard o
Crimson Sword*Elven Long Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Stand
Crimson Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Crystal Staff in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Crystal Dagger in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Kris in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-han
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Gastraphetes conversion, Unidentified Crossbow. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Light Bow conversion, Unidentified Cranequin. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired ite
Kukuri in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-h
Compound Armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Compound Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Compound Shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Compound Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Conjuror's Staff in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Conjuror's Knife in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Katana*Katana in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Katana*Spirit Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Katana*Raid Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Katana in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Lesser Giant's Sword conversion, Unidentified Katzbalger. Double-click the item to identify it. The
Kaim Vanul's Bones in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound

Pagina 323

Kite Shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: S
Karik Horn in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: tw
Caliburs in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one
Karmian Stockings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Karmian Tunic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Karmian Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Karmian Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Carnage bow in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Tsurugi in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-
Chain Shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Chain Mail Shirt in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Chain Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Chain Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Chain Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Bronze Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Bronze Shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Iron Plate Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Chakram in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two
Crimson Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Crimson Gauntlets in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Scroll of Wisdom in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Stockings of Knowledge in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bo
Tunic of Knowledge in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Gloves of Knowledge in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Boots of Knowledge in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Striped Silk Shirt in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Striped Linen Shirt in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Claymore conversion, Unidentified General's Katzbalger. Double-click the item to identify it. The a
Spirit's Staff in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Cursed Maingauche in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Cursed Dagger in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Cursed Stockings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Cursed Tunic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Cursed Staff in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Artisan's Sword*Sword of Revolution in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Sta
Artisan's Sword*Crimson Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standar
Artisan's Sword*Artisan's Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standar
Artisan's Sword*Elven Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard o
Artisan's Sword*Elven Long Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Stan
Artisan's Sword*Knight's Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standar
Artisan's Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Work Hammer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Imperial Crusader Breastplate in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard
Imperial Crusader Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or B
Imperial Crusader Shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bo
Imperial Crusader Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bo
Imperial Crusader Gauntlets in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard o
Imperial Crusader Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or B
Imperial Staff in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type

Pagina 324

Inferno Staff in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Infernal Master in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Necklace of Mermaid in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Necklace of Mermaid in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Pa'agrian Sword conversion, Unidentified Immortal Edge. Double-click the item to identify it. The a
Ecliptic Axe in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: o
Heathen's Book in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Winged Spear in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Widow Maker in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Silver Axe in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: on
War Axe in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one
War Hammer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Single-Edged Jamadhr in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Orcish Poleaxe in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Orcish Glaive in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Onyx Beast's Eye Earring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or B
Ogre Power Gauntlets in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Ogre Power Gauntlets in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Near Forest Necklace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Near Forest Necklace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Soul Bow in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: tw
Spiritual Eye in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Ring of Ages in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Ring of Ages in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Horn of Glory in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Mace of Miracle in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Elven Stockings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Elven Sword*Sword of Revolution in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Stand
Elven Sword*Elven Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or B
Elven Sword*Elven Long Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standar
Elven Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Elven Bow in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: tw
Elven Tunic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Elven Earring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Elven Earring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Elven Mithril Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Elven Mithril Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Elven Ring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: R
Elven Ring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: R
Elven Long Sword*Elven Long Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be St
Elven Long Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Elven Long Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Elven Necklace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Elven Necklace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Elysian in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-
Elemental Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Elemental Bow in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Eldarake in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shi
Angel Slayer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:

Pagina 325

Kamael-exclusive weapon: Sword of revolution conversion, Unidentified epee. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquire
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Crimson Sword conversion, Unidentified Estoc. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired it
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Elven Sword conversion, Unidentified Estoc. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item
Eminence Bow in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Crystallized Ice Bow in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Assassin Knife in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Military Talwar in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
A two-handed sword in an unidentified state. Double-click to identify the item. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Yaksa Mace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Dark Necklace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Reinforced Longbow conversion, Unidentified Arm Breaker. Double-click the item to identify it. Th
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Crystallized Ice Bow conversion, Unidentified Arbalest. Double-click the item to identify it. The acq
Helm of Nightmare in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Shield of Nightmares in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Boots of Nightmare in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Robe of Nightmare in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Leather Armor of Nightmare in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard o
Sword of Nightmare in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Gauntlets of nightmare in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Armor of Nightmare in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Demon's Stockings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Demon's Tunic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Demon's Staff in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Demon's Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Demon's Fangs in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Demon's Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Demon's Dagger in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Art of Battle Axe in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Atuba Hammer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Atuba Mace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Aquastone Ring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Aquastone Ring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Aquastone Necklace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Aquastone Necklace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Akat Longbow in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Ice Storm Hammer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Aspis in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield
Arthro Nail in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: tw
Avadon Breastplate in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Avadon Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Abaddon Shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Avadon Circlet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Avadon Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Avadon Robe in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Avadon Leather Armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Avadon Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Samurai Long Sword conversion, Unidentified Admiral's Estoc. Double-click the item to identify it.
Arcana Sigil in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Arcana Mace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type

Pagina 326

Adamantite Ring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Adamantite Necklace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Adamantite Necklace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Theca Leather Armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Theca Leather Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Theca Leather Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Theca Leather Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Samurai's Long Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Mace of Judgment in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Temptation of Abyss in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Stick of Faith in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Divine Tome in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Divine Stockings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Divine Tunic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Divine Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Spirit Sword*Spirit Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bo
Spirit Sword*Raid Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bo
Spirit Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Spell Breaker in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Spinebone Sword*Sword of Revolution in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be S
Spinebone Sword*Crimson Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Stand
Spinebone Sword*Artisan's Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Stand
Spinebone Sword*Elven Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard
Spinebone Sword*Elven Long Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Sta
Spinebone Sword*Spinebone Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Sta
Spinebone Sword*Knight Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standa
Spinebone Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Spiked Club in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Stiletto in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-h
Stormbringer*Katana in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Stormbringer*Spirit Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or B
Stormbringer*Stormbringer in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or
Stormbringer*Shamshir in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Stormbringer*Raid Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or B
Stormbringer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Star Buster in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: t
Scorpion in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two
Scale Mail in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: up
Scale Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Skull Breaker in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Skull Graver in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Scalpel in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-
Scallop Jamadhr in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Shamshir conversion, Unidentified Chevalier Rapier. Double-click the item to identify it. The acqui
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Katana conversion, Unidentified Chevalier Rapier. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquire
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Spirit sword conversion, Unidentified Chevalier Rapier. Double-click the item to identify it. The acq
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Raid sword conversion, Unidentified Chevalier Rapier. Double-click the item to identify it. The acq
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Flamberge conversion, schlager in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The a
Zubei's Breastplate in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.

Pagina 327

Zubei's Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Zubei's Shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Zubei's Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Zubei's Gauntlets in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Zubei's Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Zubei's Leather Shirt in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Zubei's Leather Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
White Tunic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Ring of Protection in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Ring of Protection in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Necklace of Protection in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Necklace of Protection in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Earring of Protection in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Earring of Protection in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Chain Hood in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Stormbringer conversion, Unidentified Soldat Estoc. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquir
Soul Separator in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Pa'agrian Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Ecliptic Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Sword of Occult in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Sword of Valhalla in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Sword of Mystic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Sword of Miracles in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Sword of Magic Fog in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Sword of Magic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Saint Spear in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Berserker Blade conversion, Unidentified Sabertooth. Double-click the item to identify it. The acqu
Saber*Sword of Revolution in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or
Saber*Crimson Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Saber*Artisan's Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Saber*Elven Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Saber*Elven Long Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bo
Saber*Spinebone Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bo
Saber*Saber in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Saber*Bastard Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Saber*Knight Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Saber in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-h
Triple-edged Jamadhr in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Crafted Dagger in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Branch of the Mother Tree in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or B
Shamshir*Katana in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Shamshir*Spirit Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Shamshir*Shamshir in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Shamshir*Raid Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Shamshir in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: on
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Eminence Bow conversion, Unidentified Sharpshooter. Double-click the item to identify it. The acq
Shining Circlet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Staff of Life in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: o
Branch of Life in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type

Pagina 328

Salamander Skin Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Salamander Skin Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Salamander Skin Mail in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Salamander Skin Mail in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Goat Head Staff in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Priest Mace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Priest Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Deadman's Glory in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Lion Skin Shirt in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Lion Skin Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Light Bow in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: tw
Light Bow in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: tw
Scythe in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-h
Staff of Evil Spirits in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Square Shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Bone Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Bone Staff in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: tw
Bich'Hwa in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two
Silk Shirt in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: und
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Caliburs conversion, Unidentified Blinzlasher. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Sword of Delusion conversion, Unidentified Blinzlasher. Double-click the item to identify it. The ac
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Tsurugi conversion, Unidentified Blinzlasher. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Sword of Nightmare conversion, Unidentified Blinzlasher. Double-click the item to identify it. The a
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Sword of Delusion conversion, Unidentified Blinzlasher. Double-click the item to identify it. The ac
Breastplate in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: u
Bloody Orchid an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Bloody Tornado an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Brigandine Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Brigandine Shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Brigandine Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Brigandine Gauntlets in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Brigandine Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Brigandine in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: u
Gloves of Seal in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Boots of Seal in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Ring of Seal in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Necklace of Seal in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Robe of Seal in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Earring of Seal in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Earring of Seal in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Bonebreaker in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Proof of Revenge in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Bellion Cestus in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Berserker Blade in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Battle Axe in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: on
Bec de Corbin in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Elemental Bow conversion, Unidentified Ballista. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Noble Elven Bow conversion, Unidentified Ballista. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquire
Bastard Sword*Sword of Revolution in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Stan

Pagina 329

Bastard Sword*Crimson Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard
Bastard Sword*Artisan's Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard
Bastard Sword*Elven Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard o
Bastard Sword*Elven Long Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Stand
Bastard Sword*Spinebone Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Stand
Bastard Sword*Bastard Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard
Bastard Sword*Knight Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard o
Bastard Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Basalt Battlehammer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Body Slasher in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Bagh-Nakh in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: t
Sword of Delusion in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Meteor Shower in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Mystic Staff in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: t
Mystic Knife in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Mysterious Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Mithril Breastplate in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Mithril Stockings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Mithril Stockings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Mithril Tunic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Mithril Tunic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Mithril Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Mithril Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Mithril Scale Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Mithril Banded Mail in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Mithril Banded Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Mithril Ring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: R
Mithril Dagger in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Mithril Gauntlets in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Mithril Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Moonstone Earring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Moonstone Earring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Linen Shirt in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: u
Morning Star in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Maingauche in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Major Arcana Circlet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Major Arcana Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Major Arcana Robe in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Major Arcana Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Mace of Underworld in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Manticore Skin Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Manticore Skin Shirt in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Manticore Skin Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Manticore Skin Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Deadman's Staff in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Majestic Plate Armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Majestic Earring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Majestic Circlet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Majestic Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ

Pagina 330

Majestic Ring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Majestic Robe in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Majestic Leather Armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Majestic Necklace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Majestic Gauntlets in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Soulfire Dirk in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Wizard Stockings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Wizard Tunic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Staff of Magic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Ring of Magic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Ring of Magic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Magic Necklace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Magic Necklace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Earring of Magic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Earring of Magic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Staff of Mana in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Dagger of Mana in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Ring Breastplate in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Longbow in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Saber conversion, Unidentified Chevalier Rapier. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired
Raid Sword*Raid Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bo
Raid Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: o
Red Crescent in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Leather Armor of Doom in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Dark Crystal Leggings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Lance in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-ha
Rind Leather Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Rind Leather Armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Rind Leather Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Rind Leather Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Dwarven Trident in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Dwarven Hammer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Dwarven Pike in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Dwarven Chain Mail Shirt in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or B
Dwarven Chain Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Dwarven Chain Shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Dwarven Chain Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Dwarven Chain Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Dwarven War Hammer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Dwarven Scale Mail in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Dwarven scale Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Drake Leather Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Drake Leather Armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Drake Leather Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Dragon Hunter Axe in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Flaming Dragon Skull in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Dragon Slayer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Dragon Grinder in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Draconic Bow in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type

Pagina 331

Draconic Leather Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bo
Draconic Leather Armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bo
Draconic Leather Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Draconic Leather Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bo
Doom Hammer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Doom Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Doom Plate Armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Doom Crusher in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Doom shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Doom Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Doom Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Dasparion's Staff in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Sword of Whispering Death in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or
Demon Splinter in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Club of Nature in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Dark Elven Bow in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Dark Elven Longbow in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Dark Screamer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Dark Crystal Breastplate in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bo
Dark Crystal Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Dark Crystal Shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Dark Crystal Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Dark Crystal Robe in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Dark Crystal Leather armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or
Dark Crystal Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Dark Crystal Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Dark Elven Dagger in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Dark Legion's Edge in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Damascus Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Needle Wolverine in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Knuckle Duster in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Nirvana Axe in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Shilen Knife in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Knight Sword*Sword of Revolution in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Stand
Knight Sword*Crimson Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard
Knight Sword*Elven Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or
Knight Sword*Elven Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or
Knight Sword*Elven Long Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standa
Knight's Sword*Knight's Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard
Knight's Shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Knight's Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Nassen's Earring in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Mace of Prayer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Glaive in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-h
Ultimate Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Great Pata in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: tw
Great Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Great Axe in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: tw
Great Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:

Pagina 332

Great Dagger in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Elven Long Sword conversion, Unidentified Grand Épée. Double-click the item to identify it. The a
Stick of Eternity in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Ghoul's Staff in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Noble Elven Bow in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Quality Leather Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Dark Stockings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Gauntlets in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gl
Reinforced Longbow in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Reinforced Bow in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Reinforced Mithril Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or B
Reinforced Mithril shirt in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Reinforced Mithril Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bo
Reinforced Mithril Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or B
Reinforced Leather Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or
Reinforced Leather shirt in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bo
Reinforced Leather Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or B
Reinforced Leather Gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or
Steel Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Iron Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: B
Assault Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Leather Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Leather Gauntlets in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Gastraphetes in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Guardian's Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Magical scroll that relocates you to Talking Island.
Proof for awakening.
Pouch containing A-D-grade hardener.
Pouch containing A-C-grade hardener.
Pouch containing A-C-grade hardener.
Pouch containing A-C-grade hardener.
Pouch containing B-grade hardener.
Pouch containing B-grade hardener.
Pouch containing A-grade Hardener.
Pouch containing A-grade Hardener.
Pouch containing A-grade Hardener.
Pouch containing S-grade hardener.
Pouch containing S-grade hardener.
Pouch containing S-grade hardener.
Pouch containing S-grade hardener.
Box containing support goods for adventurers.
Pouch containing A-C-grade hardener.
Quiver containing arrows made of wood. Used with a No-grade bow.
Quiver containing arrows made of sharply ground bone. Used with a D-grade bow.
Quiver containing arrows made of steel. Used with a C-grade bow.
Quiver containing steel arrows plated in silver. Used with a B-grade bow.
Quiver containing steel arrows plated in mithril. Used with an A-grade bow.
This quiver contains arrows made of unknown material. Used with an S-grade bow.
Quiver containing arrows made of orichalcum. Used with an R-grade bow.

Pagina 333

Container with bolts made of wood. Used with a No-grade Crossbow.

Container with bolts made of sharply ground bone. Used with a D-grade Crossbow.
Container with bolts made of steel. Used with a C-grade Crossbow.
Container with steel bolts plated in silver. Used with a B-grade Crossbow.
Container with steel bolts plated in mithril. Used with an A-grade Crossbow.
This container Has bolts made of unknown material. Used with an S-grade Crossbow.
Container with bolts made of orichalcum. Used with an R-grade Crossbow.
Awakened Hero's Olympiad Treasure Chest.
Chest that contains items helpful to Sigel Knights after Awakening.
Chest that contains items helpful to Tyrr Warriors after Awakening.
Chest that contains items helpful to Othell Rogues after Awakening.
Chest that contains items helpful to Yul Archers after Awakening.
Chest that contains items helpful to Feoh Wizards after Awakening.
Chest that contains items helpful to Wynn Summoners after Awakening.
Chest that contains items helpful to Iss Enchanters after Awakening.
Chest that contains items helpful to Aeore Healers after Awakening.
Reward box given to volunteers for the Antharas expedition. When the chest is opened, you can receive the Oren Lord Valtez
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Human Male Wig. Requires Create Common Item
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Human Female Wig. Requires Create Common Ite
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Human Male Wizard Wig. Requires Create Comm
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Human Female Wizard Wig. Requires Create Com
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Elf Male Wig. Requires Create Common Item Skil
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Elf Female Wig. Requires Create Common Item S
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Dark Elf Male Wig. Requires Create Common Item
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Dark Elf Female Wig. Requires Create Common I
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Dwarf Male Wig. Requires Create Common Item S
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Dwarf Female Wig. Requires Create Common Item
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Orc Male Wig. Requires Create Common Item Sk
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Orc Female Wig. Requires Create Common Item
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Orc Male Shaman Wig. Requires Create Common
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Orc Female Shaman Wig. Requires Create Comm
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Kamael Male Wig. Requires Create Common Item
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Kamael Female Wig. Requires Create Common It
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Immortal Belt. Requires Create Common Item Lv.
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Immortal Bracelet. Requires Create Common Item
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Immortal Shirt. Requires Create Common Item Lv
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Twilight Belt. Requires Create Common Item Lv. 1
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Twilight Bracelet. Requires Create Common Item
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Twilight Shirt. Requires Create Common Item Lv.
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Seraph Belt. Requires Create Common Item Lv. 1
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Seraph Bracelet. Requires Create Common Item
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Seraph Shirt. Requires Create Common Item Lv.
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Eternal Belt. Requires Create Common Item Lv. 1
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Eternal Bracelet. Requires Create Common Item L
Used by all classes after completion of the fourth class transfer. Recipe for Eternal Shirt. Requires Create Common Item Lv. 1
Main ingredient for making an Immortal Belt.
Main ingredient for making an Immortal Bracelet.
Main ingredient for making an Immortal Shirt.
Main ingredient for making a Twilight Belt.

Pagina 334

Main ingredient for making a Twilight Bracelet.

Main ingredient for making a Twilight Shirt.
Main ingredient for making a Seraph Belt.
Main ingredient for making a Seraph Bracelet.
Main ingredient for making a Seraph Shirt.
Main ingredient for making an Eternal Belt.
Main ingredient for making an Eternal Bracelet.
Main ingredient for making an Eternal Shirt.
For 30 min., it receives the following level 1 effects: Horn Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Guitar Melody, and Drum Melody. Can
For those who have completed the fourth class transfer only. Recipe for Elixir of Blessing. Requires Create Common Item Sk
Support Orbis Reward Box
High-grade Orbis Reward Box
Luxury-grade Orbis Reward Box
Top-grade Orbis Reward Box
Low-grade Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of R-grade Belt.
Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of R-grade Belt.
High-grade Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of R-grade Belt.
Top-grade Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of R-grade Belt.
Low-grade Magic Pin that can improve the function of an R-grade Belt.
Magic Pin that can improve the function of an R-grade Belt.
High-grade Magic Pin that can improve the function of an R-grade Belt.
Top-grade Magic Pin that can improve the function of an R-grade Belt.
Low-grade Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of R95-grade Belt.
Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of R95-grade Belt.
High-grade Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of R95-grade Belt.
Top-grade Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of R95-grade Belt.
Low-grade Magic Pin that can improve the function of an R95-grade Belt.
Magic Pin that can improve the function of an R95-grade Belt.
High-grade Magic Pin that can improve the function of an R95-grade Belt.
Top-grade Magic Pin that can improve the function of an R95-grade Belt.
Low-grade Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of R99-grade Belt.
Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of R99-grade Belt.
High-grade Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of R99-grade Belt.
Top-grade Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of R99-grade Belt.
Low-grade Magic Pin that can improve the function of an R99-grade Belt.
Magic Pin that can improve the function of an R99-grade Belt.
High-grade Magic Pin that can improve the function of an R99-grade Belt.
Top-grade Magic Pin that can improve the function of an R99-grade Belt.
Reward box containing special item that was crafted to praise the warriors who defeated Shilen's creations. You must open it
Double-click to acquire at random a Hair Accessory Pack, Pendant Pack, Enchant Scroll Pack and Elixir Pack.
Chest containing Hair Accessory.
Chest containing pendant that can strengthen hair accessories.
Box containing S-grade enchant scroll.
Box containing R-grade enchant scroll.
Box containing D-grade enchant scroll.
Box containing C-grade enchant scroll.
Box containing B-grade enchant scroll.
Box containing A-grade enchant scroll.
Box containing S-grade elixir.

Pagina 335

Box containing R-grade elixir.

Box containing D-grade elixir.
Box containing C-grade elixir.
Box containing B-grade elixir.
Box containing A-grade elixir.
Combines rabbit ears to make Rabbit Ears - STR.
Combines rabbit ears to make Rabbit Ears - DEX.
Combines raccoon ears to make Raccoon Ear - CON.
Combines raccoon ears to make Raccoon Ear - MEN.
Combines cat ears to make Cat Ear - INT.
Combines cat ears to make Cat Ear - WIT.
Combines romantic chapeaus to make Romantic Chapeau - P. Critical Rate.
Combines romantic chapeaus to make Romantic Chapeau - P. Critical Damage.
Combines angel circlets to make Angel Circlet - P. Def.
Combines angel circlets to make Angel Circlet - M. Def.
Combines angel circlets to make Angel Circlet - Evasion.
Combines demon circlets to make Demon Circlet - P. Atk.
Combines demon circlets to make Demon Circlet - M. Atk.
Combines demon circlets to make Demon Circlet - Accuracy.
Proof of undertaking a mission from Cruma Tower with the code name Crisis. Collect them and bring them to Ridenbag at the
Proof of undertaking a mission from the Tower of Insolence with the code name Crisis. Collect them and bring them to the dw
Book for adventurers between levels 40-85. It contains information on locations to visit for a variety of level ranges.
Book for adventurers between levels 85-99. It contains information on locations to visit for a variety of level ranges.
Pouch containing A-grade R hardener.
Pouch containing A-grade R95 hardener.
Pouch containing A-grade R99 hardener.
Pouch containing D-grade weapon.
Pouch containing C-grade weapon.
Pouch containing B-grade weapon.
Pouch containing A-grade weapon.
Pouch containing S-grade weapon.
Pouch containing R-grade weapon.
Pouch containing R95-grade weapon.
Pouch containing R99-grade weapon.
Pouch containing D-grade armor Fragment.
Pouch containing C-grade armor Fragment.
Pouch containing B-grade armor Fragment.
Pouch containing A-grade armor Fragment.
Pouch containing S-grade armor Fragment.
Pouch containing R-grade armor Fragment.
Pouch containing R95-grade armor Fragment.
Pouch containing R99-grade armor Fragment.
For those who have completed the fourth class transfer only. Recipe for Soulshot (R-grade). Requires Create Common Item
For those who have completed the fourth class transfer only. Recipe for Spiritshot (R-grade). Requires Create Common Item
For those who have completed the fourth class transfer only. Recipe for Blessed Spiritshot (R-grade). Requires Create Comm
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 2 for D-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for C-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for B-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 4 for A-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp

Pagina 336

When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
P. Def. +1 for D-grade armor and accessories. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-
P. Def. +1 for C-grade armor and accessories. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-
P. Def. +1 for B-grade armor and accessories. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece
P. Def. +1 for A-grade armor and accessories. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece
P. Def. +1 for S-grade armor and accessories when enchanted. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted u
What is inside the box? If you are lucky, you may obtain 1 out of 3 types of Superior Giant's Codexes… or it could be comple
Pouch containing high-grade R weapon.
Pouch containing high-grade R armor.
Box containing support items for playing on the test server.
Box containing support items for a new character playing on the test server.
Dimensional item\nFor 60 min., increases Max MP by 20%, HP Recovery Bonus by 20%, Attack M. Critical Rate by 2, Standa
Allows on-the-spot resurrection during a Castle Siege, Clan Hall, or Fortress Battle.
When carried in the inventory of a character below level 86, increases acquired XP and SP by 100%.
Box containing of various R-grade items (Elixirs, Enchant Scrolls, etc.).
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, P. Def. +2 for R-grade armor and accessories. Greatly increased starting at +4. Can be enhanced safely to
Fire attribute up to level 3 can be bestowed at the same time. Additional attributes cannot be bestowed. Also, armor can be e
Water attribute up to level 3 can be bestowed at the same time. Additional attributes cannot be bestowed. Also, armor can be
Earth attribute up to level 3 can be bestowed at the same time. Additional attributes cannot be bestowed. Also, armor can be
Wind attribute up to level 3 can be bestowed at the same time. Additional attributes cannot be bestowed. Also, armor can be
Dark attribute up to level 3 can be bestowed at the same time. Additional attributes cannot be bestowed. Also, armor can be
Holy attribute up to level 3 can be bestowed at the same time. Additional attributes cannot be bestowed. Also, armor can be e
Fire attribute from level 3 to level 6 can be bestowed at the same time. The crystal's power is destroyed when additional attrib
Water attribute from level 3 to level 6 can be bestowed at the same time. The crystal's power is destroyed when additional att
Earth attribute from level 3 to level 6 can be bestowed at the same time. The crystal's power is destroyed when additional attr
Wind attribute from level 3 to level 6 can be bestowed at the same time. The crystal's power is destroyed when additional attr
Dark attribute from level 3 to level 6 can be bestowed at the same time. The crystal's power is destroyed when additional attri
Holy attribute from level 3 to level 6 can be bestowed at the same time. The crystal's power is destroyed when additional attri
Box containing attribute items for playing on the test server.
Dimensional item\nFor 60 min., increases Max MP by 20%, HP Recovery Bonus by 20%, Attack M. Critical Rate by 2, Standa
Can acquire Requiem weapons.
Can acquire Immortal Heavy Armor.
Can acquire Immortal Light Armor.
Can acquire Immortal Robe Armor.
Can acquire Immortal Accessories.
Proof received as a campaign reward. Can exchange for a gift from the Kingdom Mark Manager in the Town of each castle.
High-level proof received by those with high achievements during the campaign. Can exchange for a special gift from the Kin
Double-click to change the attribute of an S(S80) grade weapon that cannot be bound. Can be used when an S-grade weapo
When used, HP Recovery Bonus, Max MP, and Critical Atk. Rate +20%, and you can feel the effects of Prophecy of Water, M
Contains 5 scrolls that have the following effects for 1 hour: HP Recovery Bonus, Max MP, and Critical Atk. Rate +20%, and y
For 60 min., maintains buffs upon death.
Contains 5 scrolls that maintain buffs upon death, for 60 min.
Scroll for mounting a kukuru. When used by a character who is level 40 or above, he/ she can mount a Kukuru.
Scroll for mounting a kukuru. When used by a character who is level 40 or above, he/ she can mount a Kukuru. Contains 30 s
Mark for a returning hero. If you bring it to the Dimensional Merchant, you can exchange for a returning hero's equipment.
Recovers Vitality while acquiring XP through hunting for 4 hours. No effect applies when used while the "Birthday Vitality" buf
Wrapped Pack containing 5 Vitality Recovering Cakes (4-hour) that recover Vitality of nearby party members while acquiring
Can acquire a 5-unit Hero's Blessing Buff Scroll pack, a 3-unit Minion Coupon pack, a 5-unit Noblesse Blessing buff scroll pa

Pagina 337

Can acquire 250 Returning Hero's Marks, 1 Returning Hero's Vitality Replenishing Juice pack of 5, and a Superior Minion cou
Has a low chance to transforms R-grade Bound items to Standard items.
Has a low chance to transforms R95-grade Bound items to Standard items.
Magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her XP completely.
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, P. Def. +2 for R-grade armor and accessories. Greatly increased starting at +4. Can be enhanced safely to
Box containing various wigs.
Box containing attribute stones, attribute crystals, and attribute changing crystals.
Samurai Long Sword*Samurai Long Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can
Tallum Blade*Damascus in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bo
Dynasty knife in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Dynasty sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Dynasty phantom in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Dynasty rapier in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Dynasty blade in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Dynasty ancient sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Dynasty halberd in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Dynasty crossbow in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Dynasty cudgel in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Dynasty mace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Dynasty staff in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Dynasty crusher in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Dynasty Bagh-Nakh in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Dynasty Dual Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
A Dynasty Dual Dagger in an unidentified state. Double-click to identify the item. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Dynasty breastplate in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Dynasty gaiters in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Dynasty helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Dynasty gauntlets in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Dynasty boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Dynasty shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Dynasty leather armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Dynasty leather leggings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bo
Dynasty leather helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Dynasty leather gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Dynasty leather boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Dynasty tunic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Dynasty stockings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Dynasty circlet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Dynasty gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Dynasty shoes in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Dynasty sigil in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Mysterious scroll that relocates user to the nearest village.
Illusion guard's helmet.
Scroll that can summon a Minion for 2 hours.
Scroll that can summon a Superior Minion for 2 hours.
Scroll that can summon a Minion for 2 hours. Contains 3 sheets.
Scroll that can summon a Superior Minion for 2 hours. Contains 3 sheets.
Can acquire a 5-unit Hero's Blessing Buff Scroll pack, a 3-unit Minion Coupon pack, a 5-unit Noblesse Blessing buff scroll pa

Pagina 338

Can acquire 250 Returning Hero's Marks, 1 Returning Hero's Vitality Replenishing Juice pack of 5, and a Superior Minion cou
Crystal Dagger in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Samurai Long Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Ecliptic Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Samurai Long Sword Conversion, Admiral's Estoc in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item
Berserker Blade in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Berserker Blade Conversion, Saber Tooth in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identi
Eminence Bow in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Eminence Bow Conversion, Sharpshooter in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identi
Ecliptic Axe in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: o
Yaksa Mace in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Dwarven Hammer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Ghoul's Staff in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Orcish Poleaxe in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Great Pata in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: tw
Shamshir*Shamshir in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Full Plate Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Full Plate Armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Full Plate Shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Full Plate Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Full Plate Gauntlets in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Divine Stockings in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Divine Tunic in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Divine Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Drake Leather boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Drake Leather armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Drake Leather gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Demon's Dagger in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Wizard's Tear in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Damascus Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Guardian's Sword in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T
Bow of Peril in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Kaim Vanul's Bones in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Art of Battle Axe in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Star Buster in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: t
Staff of Evil Spirits in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Lance in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-ha
Bellion Cestus in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Samurai Long Sword*Samurai Long Sword in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can
Stockings of Doom in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Tunic of Doom in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Leather Armor of Doom in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Doom Helmet in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Doom Plate Armor in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (
Doom shield in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Doom Boots in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type:
Doom Gloves in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Soul Separator in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Sword of Miracles in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (T

Pagina 339

Dark Legion's Edge in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Dragon Slayer in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Soul Bow in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: tw
Elysian in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-
Flaming Dragon Skull in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Boun
Branch of the Mother Tree in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or B
Doom Crusher in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Typ
Tallum Glaive in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Dragon Grinder in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Ty
Tallum Blade*Damascus in an unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bo
Helm of Nightmare in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Shield of Nightmares in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound
Boots of Nightmare in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Robe of Nightmare in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Leather Armor of Nightmare in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard o
Gauntlets of Nightmare in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bou
Armor of Nightmare in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
Dynasty Bow in an Unidentified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type
Can acquire a Kukurin Feather Helm.
Can acquire a Kukurin Feather Helm and a Kukurin Bracelet.
Crossbow that contains the power of a Trickster. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, destroyed, sold in a private store, or used i
For 30 min., it receives the following level 1 effects: Horn Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Guitar Melody, and Drum Melody. Can
Reward box given in exchange for saving Aden from danger. Double-click to use.
Reward box given in exchange for saving Aden from danger. Double-click to use.
Reward box given in exchange for saving Aden from danger. Double-click to use.
Spirit light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily inflict a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on no-grade weapo
Spirit light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily inflict a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on D-grade weapon
Spirit light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily inflict a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapon
Spirit light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily inflict a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on B-grade weapon
Spirit light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily inflict a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapon
Spirit light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily inflict a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapon
Spirit light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily inflict a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on R-grade weapon
Spirit light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily strengthen M. Atk. Can be used on no-grade weapons.
Spirit light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily strengthen M. Atk. Can be used on D-grade weapons.
Spirit light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily strengthen M. Atk. Can be used on C-grade weapons.
Spirit light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily strengthen M. Atk. Can be used on B-grade weapons.
Spirit light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily strengthen M. Atk. Can be used on A-grade weapons.
Spirit light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily strengthen M. Atk. Can be used on S-grade weapons.
Spirit light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily strengthen M. Atk. Can be used on R-grade weapons.
Higher level spirit light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily strengthen M. Atk. greatly. Can be used on no-grade weapo
Higher level spirit light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily strengthen M. Atk. greatly. Can be used on D-grade weapon
Higher level spirit light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily strengthen M. Atk. greatly. Can be used on C-grade weapon
Higher level spirit light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily strengthen M. Atk. greatly. Can be used on B-grade weapon
Higher level spirit light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily strengthen M. Atk. greatly. Can be used on A-grade weapon
Higher level spirit light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily strengthen M. Atk. greatly. Can be used on S-grade weapon
Higher level spirit light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily strengthen M. Atk. greatly. Can be used on R-grade weapon
Contains 3 Returning Hero's Vitality Replenishing Juices that replenish your vitality for 4 hours.
Gift box that contains 250 Returning Hero's Marks, 1 Returning Hero's Potion Pack, and 1 Returning Hero's Support Box.
Summons a Specter of Light. It can only be used in a Peaceful Zone.

Pagina 340

Shards of Light are summoned when used on a Specter of Light. It can only be used in a Peaceful Zone.
Mentee Diploma. At level 85 or above, you can go find the Mentor Guide and exchange it for Diplomas. Diplomas can be exc
Guidebook containing details about mentoring.
Dimensional Item Pack\nContains a Mentee Certificate and a Mentoring Guidebook. Once the pack is opened, it cannot be s
Contains a Mentee Certificate Pack.
Item given to a Mentor when one of your Mentees levels up. You can exchange Mentee's Marks for items at a Mentor Guide.
Acquired after graduating from being a Mentee. You can go find the Mentor Guide to exchange it for various items.
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 2 for D-grade one-handed sword, one-handed blunt, one-handed staff, dagger, spear,
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for C-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for B-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 4 for A-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
P. Def. +1 for D-grade armor and accessories. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-
P. Def. +1 for C-grade armor and accessories. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-
P. Def. +1 for B-grade armor and accessories. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece
Increases P. Def. by 1 for A-grade armor and accessories. Starting from +4, increases P. Def. by 3. Can be safely enchanted
P. Def. +1 for S-grade armor and accessories. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-p
When enchanted, P. Def. +2 for R-grade armor and accessories. It is greatly increased starting at +4. Can be safely enchante
Increases M. Def. of hair accessories by 2. It is greatly increased starting at +4. Can be safely enchanted to +3.
Life Stone for Hair Accessories.
Unbind Scroll that has decayed over time. You might be able to sell it to a merchant.
Unbind Scroll that has decayed over time. You might be able to sell it to a merchant.
Unbind Scroll that has decayed over time. You might be able to sell it to a merchant.
Unbind Scroll that has decayed over time. You might be able to sell it to a merchant.
Unbind Scroll that has decayed over time. You might be able to sell it to a merchant.
Unbind Scroll that has decayed over time. You might be able to sell it to a merchant.
Converts a Bound item (R-grade) to Standard state through the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Converts a Bound item (R95-grade) to Standard state through the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Soul Crystal Change Stone that has decayed over time. You might be able to sell it to a merchant.
Soul Crystal Change Stone that has decayed over time. You might be able to sell it to a merchant.
Soul Crystal Change Stone that has decayed over time. You might be able to sell it to a merchant.
Soul Crystal Change Stone that has decayed over time. You might be able to sell it to a merchant.
Soul Crystal Change Stone that has decayed over time. You might be able to sell it to a merchant.
Can change an S-grade weapon's attribute.
Can change an S80 -grade weapon's attribute.
Can change an R-grade weapon's attribute.
Can change an R95-grade weapon's attribute.
Can change an R99-grade weapon's attribute.
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 2 for D-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for C-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for B-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 4 for A-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
P. Def. +1 for D-grade armor and accessories. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-
P. Def. +1 for C-grade armor and accessories when enchanted. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted u
P. Def. +1 for B-grade armor and accessories when enchanted. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted u
P. Def. +1 for A-grade armor and accessories when enchanted. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted u

Pagina 341

P. Def. +1 for S-grade armor and accessories when enchanted. Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted u
P. Def. +2 for R-grade armor and accessories, and greatly increases it starting from +4. Can be safely enchanted up to +3. W
Enchant success rate +20% for weapons (D-grade). Can only be used with regular Enchant Scrolls. Only for items enchanted
Enchant success rate +18% for weapons (C-grade). Can only be used with regular Enchant Scrolls. Only for items enchanted
Enchant success rate +15% for weapons (B-grade). Can only be used with regular Enchant Scrolls. Only for items enchanted
Enchant success rate +12% for weapons (A-grade). Can only be used with regular Enchant Scrolls. Only for items enchanted
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (S-grade). Can only be used with regular Enchant Scrolls. Only for items enchanted
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (R-grade). Can only be used with regular Enchant Scrolls. Only for items enchanted
Enchant success rate +35% for armor (D-grade). Can only be used with regular Enchant Scrolls. Only for items enchanted be
Enchant success rate +27% for armor (C-grade). Can only be used with regular Enchant Scrolls. Only for items enchanted be
Enchant success rate +23% for armor (B-grade). Can only be used with regular Enchant Scrolls. Only for items enchanted be
Enchant success rate +18% for armor (A-grade). Can only be used with regular Enchant Scrolls. Only for items enchanted be
Enchant success rate +15% for armor (S-grade). Can only be used with regular Enchant Scrolls. Only for items enchanted be
Enchant success rate +15% for armor (R-grade). Can only be used with regular Enchant Scrolls. Only for items enchanted be
For 30 min., receives the following level 1 effects: Horn Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Guitar Melody, and Drum Melody. Can b
Increases fire attribute by 60 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. 3 types of attributes can be encha
Increases water attribute by 60 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. 3 types of attributes can be enc
Increases earth attribute by 60 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. 3 types of attributes can be ench
Increases wind attribute by 60 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. 3 types of attributes can be ench
Increases dark attribute by 60 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. 3 types of attributes can be ench
Increases holy attribute by 60 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. 3 types of attributes can be encha
Increases fire attribute by 150 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. 3 types of attributes can be ench
Increases water attribute by 150 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. 3 types of attributes can be en
Increases earth attribute by 150 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. 3 types of attributes can be enc
Increases wind attribute by 150 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. 3 types of attributes can be enc
Increases dark attribute by 150 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. 3 types of attributes can be enc
Increases holy attribute by 150 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. 3 types of attributes can be ench
Lv. 5 Giant STR Dye (Str +5 Dex -1). If you go to the village Symbol Maker, you can imprint on your body the symbol of magi
Lv. 5 Giant DEX Dye (Dex +5 Con -1). If you go to the village Symbol Maker, you can imprint on your body the symbol of mag
Lv. 5 Giant CON Dye (Con +5 Str -1). If you go to the village Symbol Maker, you can imprint on your body the symbol of mag
Lv. 5 Giant INT Dye (Int +5 Wit -1). If you go to the village Symbol Maker, you can imprint on your body the symbol of magic t
Lv. 5 Giant WIT Dye (Wit +5 Men -1). If you go to the village Symbol Maker, you can imprint on your body the symbol of magi
Lv. 5 Giant MEN Dye (Men +5 Int -1). If you go to the village Symbol Maker, you can imprint on your body the symbol of mag
Lv. 5 Ancient STR Dye (Str +5 Dex -1 Fire Resistance +25). If you go to the village Symbol Maker, you can imprint on your bo
Lv. 5 Ancient DEX Dye (Dex +5 Con -1 Earth Resistance +25). If you go to the village Symbol Maker, you can imprint on you
Lv. 5 Ancient CON Dye (Con +5 Str -1 Dark Resistance +25). If you go to the village Symbol Maker, you can imprint on your
Lv. 5 Ancient INT Dye (Int +5 Wit -1 Water Resistance +25). If you go to the village Symbol Maker, you can imprint on your bo
Lv. 5 Ancient WIT Dye (Wit +5 Men -1 Wind Resistance +25). If you go to the village Symbol Maker, you can imprint on your
Lv. 5 Ancient MEN Dye (Men +5 Int -1 Holy Resistance +25). If you go to the village Symbol Maker, you can imprint on your b
Lv. 5 Legendary STR Dye (Str +5 Dex +1 Fire Resistance +25). If you go to the village Symbol Maker, you can imprint on you
Lv. 5 Legendary DEX Dye (Dex +5 Con +1 Earth Resistance +25). If you go to the village Symbol Maker, you can imprint on
Lv. 5 Legendary CON Dye (Con +5 Str +1 Dark Resistance +25). If you go to the village Symbol Maker, you can imprint on yo
Lv. 5 Legendary INT Dye (Int +5 Wit +1 Water Resistance +25). If you go to the village Symbol Maker, you can imprint on you
Lv. 5 Legendary WIT Dye (Wit +5 Men +1 Wind Resistance +25). If you go to the village Symbol Maker, you can imprint on yo
Lv. 5 Legendary MEN Dye (Men +5 Int +1 Holy Resistance +25). If you go to the village Symbol Maker, you can imprint on yo
A high-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon au
A top-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. May be used as an ingredient in wea
A high-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 95 or ab
A top-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 95 or abo

Pagina 342

Unusable item. Item cannot be exposed in the game.

For 30 min., increases Atk. Spd. by 34% and Casting Spd. by 31%. Chance of applying a 9% Vampiric Rage Effect.
For 30 min., increases P. Accuracy by 5, P. Evasion and M. Evasion by 5, and Speed by 34. Decreases received Critical Dam
For 30 min., increases Max MP by 20%, HP Recovery bonus by 20%, M. Critical Rate by 20, Critical Damage during a standa
For 30 min., increases Max HP by 37%, Max MP by 37%, Max CP by 37%, and HP Recovery Bonus by 20%.
For 30 min., increases P. Critical Rate by 32%, P. Critical Damage by 35%, and M. Critical Rate by 2. Decreases Skill MP Co
For 30 min., P. Atk. +17%, P. Def. by 15%, M. Atk. by 79%, and M. Def. by 30%.
Recovers HP. Only characters level 85 or above can use on themselves. Cooldown 2 min.
Recovers MP. Only characters level 85 or above can use on themselves. Cooldown 2 min.
Recovers CP. Only characters level 85 or above can use on themselves. Cooldown 2 min.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Converts a Bound weapon (R-grade) to Unidentified state through the town blacksmith. All enchant values are reset.
Converts a Bound weapon (R95-grade) to Unidentified state through the town blacksmith. All enchant values are reset.
Converts a Bound weapon (R99-grade) to Unidentified state through the town blacksmith. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Converts Bound armor (R-grade) to Unidentified state through the town blacksmith. All enchant values are reset.
Converts Bound armor (R95-grade) to Unidentified state through the town blacksmith. All enchant values are reset.
Converts Bound armor (R99-grade) to Unidentified state through the town blacksmith. All enchant values are reset.
Old-looking roll of paper. Try Double-clicking.
Map that reveals the resting place of the heroes who rebelled against the gods. Go and seek out Josephina's Companion Iza
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. Increases acquired XP and SP by 100%. The
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. Increases acquired XP and SP by 100%. The
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. Increases acquired XP and SP by 100%. The
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. Increases acquired XP and SP by 200%. The
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. Increases acquired XP and SP by 200%. The
Ancient characters which bestow a mysterious ability if stored in the inventory. Increases acquired XP and SP by 200%. The
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 100% (3-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 100% (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 100% (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 200% (3-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 200% (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 200% (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 100% (3-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 100% (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 100% (7-day).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 200% (3-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 200% (5-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 200% (7-day).

Pagina 343

Putrefied Extract that Trade Vollodos in the Bloody Swampland asks you to collect.
Rotten Blood that Trade Vollodos in the Bloody Swampland asks you to collect.
Certificate that prove mentorship.
Double-click for a chance to acquire a Giant's Enchant Scroll, Scroll: Enchant Hair Accessory, and Spirit Stone - Hair Accesso
Double-click for a chance to acquire a Bind Removing Scroll, Enchant Stone, and Superior Giant's Codex.
Double-click for a chance to acquire Destruction or Regular Enchant scrolls, Soul Crystal Change Stone, or Attribute Change
Echo Crystal that plays Gi-sung Bae's "To the Brilliant You." Disappears after 1 use.
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 4 for A-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
Increases P. Def. by 1 for A-grade armor and accessories. Starting from +4, increases P. Def. by 3. Can be safely enchanted
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for B-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
P. Def. +1 for armor and accessories (B-grade). Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for C-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
P. Def. +1 for armor and accessories (C-grade). Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 2 for D-grade one-handed sword, one-handed blunt, one-handed staff, dagger, spear,
P. Def. +1 for armor and accessories (D-grade). Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
P. Def. +1 for armor and accessories (S-grade). Increases by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, P. Def. +2 for R-grade armor and accessories. It is greatly increased starting at +4. Can be safely enchante
Double-click for a chance to acquire an R-grade Scroll: Enchant Weapon or Armor, Scroll: Enchant Hair Accessory, and Spiri
Double-click for a chance to acquire an R-grade Unbind Scroll, R-grade Lucky Enchant Stone (Weapon or Armor), Superior G
Has a chance of obtaining Scroll: Enchant Destruction (R-grade), Soul Crystal Change Stone (R-grade), Attribute Change Cr
Double-click for a chance to acquire an Improved Giant's Box, Improved Bound Box, and Improved Box of Destruction.
For 60 min., receives the following Lv. 2 effects: Horn Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Guitar Melody, and Drum Melody. Cooldo
Scroll to enchant the A-grade weapons for PA. Impossible to use for other weapons.
Scroll to enchant the B-grade weapons for PA. Impossible to use for other weapons.
Scroll to enchant the C-grade weapons for PA. Impossible to use for other weapons.
Scroll to enchant the D-grade weapons for PA. Impossible to use for other weapons.
Scroll to enchant the R-grade weapons for PA. Impossible to use for other weapons.
Scroll to enchant the S-grade weapons for PA. Impossible to use for other weapons.
Inflicts magic-type attack. Transforms into a Rose (F) for 10 min.
Inflicts warrior-type attack. Transforms into a Rose (M) for 10 min.
Magic potion that instantly restores HP. Cannot be used when HP is full.
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing power of attack. Used with a No-grade
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing power of attack. Used with a D-grade w
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing power of attack. Used with a C-grade w
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing power of attack. Used with a B-grade w
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing power of attack. Used with an A-grade
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing power of attack. Used with an S-grade
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its P. Atk. significantly. Can be used wit
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its magic significantly. Used with No-gra
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its magic significantly. Used with D-grad
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its magic significantly. Used with C-grad
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its magic significantly. Used with B-grad

Pagina 344

The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its magic significantly. Used with A-grad
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its magic significantly. Used with S-grad
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon, temporarily increasing its M. Atk. significantly. Can be used wi
When used, you can receive an Agathion's gift.
Cocktail that contains the flavors of many rare fruits. When consumed, you will feel the effects of Horn Melody, Pipe Organ M
Click on the item to acquire PA Points.
For 60 min., you receive the following Lv. 1 effects: Horn Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Guitar Melody, and Drum Melody. Coo
Enchant scroll for t-shirts. When enchanted, increases P. Def. and M. Def. by 1. P. Def. +3 starting from +4. Can be safely en
Vitality is replenished for 1 h.
Can increase STR by equipping the Pirate's Eyepatch.
Can increase DEX by equipping the Pirate's Eyepatch.
Can increase CON by equipping the Outlaw's Eyepatch.
Can increase MEN by equipping the Outlaw's Eyepatch.
Can increase INT by equipping the Eyepatch.
Can increase WIT by equipping the Eyepatch.
Can increase P. Critical Rate by equipping a Party Hat.
Can increase P. Critical Damage by equipping a Party Hat.
Can P. Def. +equipping a Refined Angel Ring.
Can M. Def. +equipping a Refined Angel Ring.
Can increase Evasion by equipping a Refined Angel Ring.
Can P. Atk. +equipping a Refined Devil Horn.
Can M. Atk. +equipping a Refined Devil Horn.
Can increase Accuracy by equipping a Refined Devil Horn.
Can infuse a bound item or item acquired through mentor/ mentee with the fire attribute.
Can infuse a bound item or item acquired through mentor/ mentee with the water attribute.
Can infuse a bound item or item acquired through mentor/ mentee with the wind attribute.
Can infuse a bound item or item acquired through mentor/ mentee with the earth attribute.
Can infuse a bound item or item acquired through mentor/ mentee with the holy attribute.
Can infuse a bound item or item acquired through mentor/ mentee with the dark attribute.
Can infuse a bound item or item acquired through mentor/ mentee with the fire attribute.
Can infuse a bound item or item acquired through mentor/ mentee with the water attribute.
Can infuse a bound item or item acquired through mentor/ mentee with the wind attribute.
Can infuse a bound item or item acquired through mentor/ mentee with the earth attribute.
Can infuse a bound item or item acquired through mentor/ mentee with the holy attribute.
Can infuse a bound item or item acquired through mentor/ mentee with the dark attribute.
Can bestow fire attribute up to 60 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes
Can bestow water attribute up to 60 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attribut
Can bestow earth attribute up to 60 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attribut
Can bestow wind attribute up to 60 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attribute
Can bestow dark attribute up to 60 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attribute
Can bestow holy attribute up to 60 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attribute
Can bestow fire attribute up to level 3 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attrib
Can bestow water attribute up to level 3 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of att
Can bestow earth attribute up to level 3 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attr
Can bestow wind attribute up to level 3 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attr
Can bestow dark attribute up to level 3 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attri
Can bestow holy attribute up to level 3 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attri
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.

Pagina 345

Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Scroll that returns an item from bound to unidentified status. All enchant values are reset.
Chest containing Hair Accessory.
Chest containing Hair Accessory Pendant.
Box containing attribute stone.
Box containing Lucky Enchant Stone.
Box containing Enchant Scroll of Destruction.
Box containing Blessed Enchant Scroll.
Box containing Bind Removing Scroll.
Box containing attribute crystal or stone (Super - 60/ 150).
Item that is added to the Aden reconstruction renewal. It's functions have not materialized yet.
Item that is added to the Aden reconstruction renewal. It's functions have not materialized yet.
Item that is added to the Aden reconstruction renewal. It's functions have not materialized yet.

Box containing Pa'agrio's Shirt.

Box containing Maphr's Shirt.
Box containing Sayha's Shirt.
Box containing Eva's Shirt.
Box containing 4 Pa'agrio's Boxes and 1 Einhasad's Energy.
Box containing 4 Maphr's Boxes and 1 Einhasad's Energy.
Box containing 4 Sayha's Boxes and 1 Einhasad's Energy.
Box containing 4 Eva's Boxes and 1 Einhasad's Energy.
Agathion - XP Bottle's gift. Can exchange for an Scroll: XP through the Subclass Master Raina.
Scroll that replenishes 500,000,000 XP. When used by characters below level 85, only 20% of the XP is replenished. Can be
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - XP Bottle (10-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - XP Bottle (20-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - XP Bottle (30-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - XP Bottle (40-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - XP Bottle (50-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - XP Bottle (60-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - XP Bottle (70-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - XP Bottle (80-hour).
Dimensional Item Pack\nContains a Mentee Certificate, a Mentoring Guidebook, and a Mentee Headphone. Only 1 per accou

Pagina 346

Firecracker that make a great bang. When used on the colony of bats on Fantasy Isle it will frighten them. WARNING: Excess
Holy water that can purify the Dwarf Corpse.
Bring it to Herbologist Pobre who is in the Ruins of Agony and Ruins of Despair.
Purified Dwarf's Soul
Item obtained after defeating all the monsters in the Shrine of Loyalty. Collect an adequate amount and bring them to the Elm
Essence obtained after eliminating a Bloody Succubus from the Shrine of Loyalty. Bring it to the Elmorean scholar Gerkensht
Investigation report from the Elmorean scholar Gerkenshtein to Captain Andrei in the Town of Goddard. Double-click on it for
Fragment piece obtained after eliminating the evil creatures that suddenly appeared in the Shrine of Loyalty. Bring it to Godd
Ancient relics that are being collected by the monsters that have appeared in the Imperial Tomb. Bring them to Vice Hierarch
The Blacksmith of Mammon can exchange standard Requiem or Immortal equipment for Blessed equipment. Small fee is cha
The Blacksmith of Mammon can exchange standard Apocalypse or Twilight equipment for Blessed equipment. Small fee is c
The Blacksmith of Mammon can exchange standard Specter or Seraph equipment for Blessed equipment. Small fee is charg
The Blacksmith of Mammon can exchange standard Helios or Eternal equipment for Blessed equipment. Small fee is charged
Magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her XP completely.
When enchanted, P. Def. increases by 1 for S-grade armor and accessories. Starting at +4, P. Def. increases by 3 and a HP
When enchanted, P. Def. +2 for R-grade armor and accessories. It is greatly increased starting at +4. Can be safely enchante
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, P. Def. increases by 1 for S-grade armor and accessories. Starting at +4, P. Def. increases by 3. Enchantin
When enchanted, P. Def. +2 for R-grade armor and accessories. Greatly increased starting at +4. Can be enhanced safely to
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
Fire attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Water Resistance increases by 6 when bestowed on an arm
Water attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Fire Resistance increases by 6 when bestowed on an arm
Earth attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Wind Resistance increases by 6 when bestowed on an ar
Wind attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Earth Resistance increases by 6 when bestowed on an ar
Dark attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Holy Resistance increases by 6 when bestowed on an arm
Holy attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Dark Resistance increases by 6 when bestowed on an arm
Fire attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Water Resistance increases by 6 when bestowed on an arm
Water attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Fire Resistance increases by 6 when bestowed on an arm
Earth attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Wind Resistance increases by 6 when bestowed on an ar
Wind attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Earth Resistance increases by 6 when bestowed on an ar
Dark attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Holy Resistance increases by 6 when bestowed on an arm
Holy attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Dark Resistance increases by 6 when bestowed on an arm
Pack containing soulshot.
Pack containing blessed spiritshot.
Pack containing attribute stone.
Pack containing attribute crystal.
Pack containing S-grade Scroll: Enchant Armor.
Pack containing R-grade Scroll: Enchant Armor.
Pack containing S-grade Scroll: Enchant Weapon.
Pack containing R-grade Scroll: Enchant Weapon.
Squash ring Pack. Can acquire a Warrior-type or Magic-type ring.
Squash earring Pack. Can acquire a Warrior-type or Magic-type earring.
Squash necklace Pack. Can acquire a squash necklace.
When opened, can acquire one of the following: a Squash Ring Pack, a Squash Earring Pack, or a Squash Necklace Pack.
Pack containing rare Soul Crystal (R-grade).
Pack containing rare Soul Crystal (R95-grade).
Pack containing rare Soul Crystal (R99-grade).

Pagina 347

Pack containing talisman.

Pack containing S-grade elixir.
Pack containing R-grade elixir.
Pack containing blessed scroll.
Pack containing 3 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade), 2 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon, 15 Scroll: Enchant Armor, 5 Blesse
When opened, can acquire 1 Afro Hair Accessory.
Open to acquire 1 Afro Hair Accessory (7-day).
Rope that has magical power. It is made by weaving strips of lizard leather together. Using this rope to tie an item will reduce
Small pack containing compressed Soulshots (R-grade). When used, it will change to 300 Soulshots (R-grade).
Small pack containing compressed Spiritshots (R-grade). When used, it will change to 300 Spiritshots (R-grade).
Small pack containing compressed Blessed Spiritshots (R-grade). When used, it will change to 300 Blessed Spiritshots (R-gr
For dwarves only. The recipe for Soulshot Compressed Package (R-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 11. Success rate
For dwarves only. The recipe for Spiritshot Compressed Package (R-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 11. Success rate
For dwarves only. The recipe for Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (R-grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 11. Suc

Wrapped Pack containing Bard's heart.

When used, you can temporarily feel the Vitality recovery herb's effect for 2 hours. No effect applies when used while the "Bir

Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for a Scroll: Armor Enchant (R-grade).
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for a Scroll: Weapon Enchant (R-grade).
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for a Blessed Scroll: Armor Enchant (R-grade).
Speak with a warehouse keeper to exchange this for a Blessed Scroll: Weapon Enchant (R-grade).
Raina's Box exchanged for the XP Bottle. Small chance of acquiring an Scroll: XP.
Echo crystal that plays the theme music of love. May only be used once.
Echo crystal that plays the theme music of a feast. May only be used once.
Echo crystal that plays the theme music of a celebration. May only be used once.
Pouch containing R-grade rafting ingredients and hardener
It says "You only get one lift" in angma language.
Contaminated Draco Egg that the demon Triol created to plant Shilen's monsters. Double-click on it to purify the evil energy.
Draco Egg that has been purified of evil energy. Double-click on it to summon a Small Draco Egg. When the egg's temperatu
Draco Egg that has been purified of evil energy. Double-click on it to summon a Large Draco Egg. When the egg's temperatu
You can receive a reward if you bring it to the Flame Servant Aslan.
Gift from the Draco that was resurrected from a purified Draco Egg.
Gift from the Draco that was resurrected from a purified Draco Egg. It shines for some unknown reason.
Dimensional Item Pack\nContains a Mentee Certificate, a Mentoring Guidebook, and a Mentee Headphone. Only 1 per accou
Low-grade Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of R-grade Belt.
Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of R-grade Belt.
High-grade Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of R-grade Belt.
Top-grade Magic Rune Clip that can improve the function of R-grade Belt.
Bottle containing Istina's Soul. Bring it to Rumiese to bestow Istina's Soul on Istina's Bracelet.
Bottle containing Octavis' Soul. Can bestow Octavis' Soul on Octavis' Bracelet.
Double-click on it to acquire the Circlet of Earthquake (60-day).
Novella Prophecy. It contains a portion of the prophecy that was swallowed by the One Who Eats Prophecies.
Empty bottle for holding hot spring water. Double-click on it while in the hot springs to fill it with hot spring water.
Bottle for holding hot spring water. It contains hot spring water.
Durable Leather. Ingredient for making a weapon that purifies water.
Trowel. Double-click on it to collect flame flowers from the Forge of the Gods.

Pagina 348

energy of fire. Ingredient for making a weapon that purifies water.

Hard fossil containing Energy of Water. Ingredient for making a weapon that purifies water.
Seed of Helping Herb. Double-click on it in a siege battle area to plant a Helping Herb.
Herb Remnants. If you plant a Helping Herb in a siege battle area, you can obtain Herb Remnants.
Item needed to learn the Clan Flag Skill. When you use the Clan Flag Skill, 100 Clan Reputation are consumed. Can be used
Someone who possesses the Proof of Survival can be suddenly challenged by the rare monster "Scaldisect of Hellfire." Alwa
Key that activates a device that allows you to go and meet Tauti through the temple. Must be used by a group leader in order
A weak Power of Darkness can be felt. Marks of Battle can be exchanged through the Olympiad Manager Mysterious Butler l
Can be exchanged for Marks of Battle with Mulia in the Town of Rune.
Can be exchanged for Marks of Battle with Mulia in the Town of Rune.
Item that can only be used in the Ceremony of Chaos Arena. Upon use, becomes hidden and decreases Speed by 30%.
Item that can only be used in the Ceremony of Chaos Arena. Your MP and CP are all reduced to 1 but 1/ 3 of your HP is mai
An item that summons a nurture-type clan pet (Rakun). You have a chance of obtaining an additional item for 72 hours after t
An item that summons a nurture-type clan pet (White Cat). You have a chance of obtaining an additional item for 72 hours af
An item that summons a nurture-type clan pet (Desert Fox). You have a chance of obtaining an additional item for 72 hours a
Item that summons a Clan-exclusive Pet for Training. If the pet's HP becomes 0 within 30 sec., you gain 50 Clan Reputation
Mark received for helping the Zofan Resistance. It is need to enter the Tauti battle.
Mark received for helping Aku. It is need to enter the Tauti battle (limited).
Item given to the winner of the tournament held in the Mysterious Mansion. Increases Max HP/ MP/ CP by 500, Weight Gaug
Summoning Stone that can be used during the Noblesse quest. Double-click on it to summon the Water Spirit Lanya.
Sack containing ingredients. it contains 4 types of ingredients needed to make a weapon that purifies the water of Eva, the go
Box stolen from the transportation unit. Give it to the revolutionaries to receive a campaign reward.
Box stolen from the transportation cart. Give it to the revolutionaries to receive a campaign reward.
Box stolen from the transportation unit. Give it to the revolutionaries to receive a campaign reward.
Box stolen from the transportation cart. Give it to the revolutionaries to receive a campaign reward.
Precious treasure chest being delivered to the King of Aden. Double-click on it to obtain a reward.
Deliver to the Revolutionaries to receive a Campaign Reward.
Precious treasure chest being delivered to the King of Rune. Double-click on it to obtain a reward.
Blue-colored box bestowed by the kingdom of Aden as a reward for defeating the dimension demons in Kartia's Labyrinth. Do
Red-colored box bestowed by the kingdom of Aden as a reward for defeating the dimension demons in Kartia's Labyrinth. Do
Gold-colored box bestowed by the kingdom of Aden as a reward for defeating the dimension demons in Kartia's Labyrinth. Do
Blue-colored box given by the Kartia Researcher as a reward for defeating the dimension demons in Kartia's Labyrinth. Doub
Red-colored box given by the Kartia Researcher as a reward for defeating the dimension demons in Kartia's Labyrinth. Doub
Gold-colored box given by the Kartia Researcher as a reward for defeating the dimension demons in Kartia's Labyrinth. Doub
Gift containing Kranken's heart. Open to acquire a Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade) or Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade).
Gift containing Pobre's heart. Open to acquire a Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade) or Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade).
Increases M. Def. of hair accessories by 2. It is greatly increased starting at +4. Can be safely enchanted to +3.
Life Stone for Hair Accessories.
When opened, you can acquire 1 of the following Lv. 2 Giant Dyes: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, or MEN.
When opened, you can acquire 1 of the following Lv. 2 Legendary Dyes: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, or MEN.
When opened, you can acquire 1 of the following Lv. 2 Ancient Dyes: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, or MEN.
When opened, you can acquire 1 of the following Lv. 3 Giant Dyes: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, or MEN.
When opened, you can acquire 1 of the following Lv. 3 Legendary Dyes: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, or MEN.
When opened, you can acquire 1 of the following Lv. 3 Ancient Dyes: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, or MEN.
When opened, can acquire 1 Scroll of Escape to a random village.
When Letter Collector's Gift is\nused, for 1 hour it increases Atk. Spd. by 10%, Casting Spd. by 10%, Spd. by 10, Max HP an
When opened, you can acquire 1 of the following Lv. 4 Giant Dyes: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, or MEN.
When opened, you can acquire 1 of the following Lv. 4 Legendary Dyes: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, or MEN.
When opened, you can acquire 1 of the following Lv. 4 Ancient Dyes: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, or MEN.

Pagina 349

When opened, you can acquire 1 of the following Lv. 5 Giant Dyes: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, or MEN.
When opened, you can acquire 1 of the following Lv. 5 Legendary Dyes: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, or MEN.
When opened, you can acquire 1 of the following Lv. 5 Ancient Dyes: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, or MEN.
Item for the Lineage II 8th Anniversary event. Combine with other letters to create a special word and bring it to Angel Cat to
Letter sent by Kbaldir at the Keucereus Alliance Base to the Seed of Hellfire. Bring it to Sizrak in the Seed of Hellfire.
Life energy of the Zofans that contain energy of fire. But it is unstable. Bring it to Aku.
Life energy of the Zofans that contain energy of fire. Bring it to Aku.
Tauti's small shard. Bring it to Fergason.
Helping Herb. Double-click on it in a siege area to plant a Tree of Helping.
Ashes of Remnants. If you plant a Tree of Helping in a siege battle area, you can obtain Ashes of Remnants.
Mysterious plant seed that is need to make the flower bloom.
White chrysanthemum. Legend says that this flower blooms like a field of white snow when a pure soul receives salvation fro
Yellow flower called a "Daylily." It symbolizes the alleviation of sorrow and grief.
Red flower called a "Peony." It once represented wealth and honor.
Pink flower called a "Petunia." It symbolizes a calm heart.
Purple flower called a "Pansy." It means, "Think of me."
Blue flower called an "Iris". It symbolizes the bringing of good news.
Black flower called a "Kuon." It is sometimes misunderstood as the flower of death because of its color. It actually symbolizes
Chunk of dead flesh obtained after defeating the undead monsters in the Guillotine Fortress. Collect them and bring them to W
Orders sent from Guard Harlan in the Town of Dion to Watchman Endrigo of the Guillotine Fortress. Double-click on it for mo
Investigative document that Watchman Endrigo of the Guillotine Fortress asks to be delivered to his comrade Warden Roderi
Mandragora Stem obtained after defeating the Mandragora of Joy and Sorrow in the Guillotine Fortress. Bring to the Dark Elf
Mandragora Root obtained after defeating the Mandragora of Prayer in the Guillotine Fortress. Bring to the Dark Elf Dadphyn
Disabled Petra obtained through hunting in the Seed of Hellfire. Take it to Sizrak in the area.
Item collected in the Seed of Hellfire. Contains energy of the Seed of Hellfire. If you take them to Special Product Broker Kirk
Scroll of Escape to the Hot Springs area. Can only be used in the Soul Testing quest. Can move to the special hot springs ar
Scroll of Escape to the Forge of the Gods. Can only be used in the Soul Testing quest. Can move to the special Forge of the
Scroll of Escape to the Isle of Prayer. Can only be used in the Soul Testing quest. Can move to the special Isle of Prayer are
Scroll of Escape to the Aden Castle siege area. Can only be used in the Soul Testing quest. Can move to the special Aden C
Scroll of Escape to the Rune Castle siege area. Can only be used in the Soul Testing quest. Can move to the special Rune C

Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Corroded ingredient. Sell it to a store or trade it in through the Aden Reconstruction Society for a new ingredient.
Used as an ingredient to make A-grade or S-grade items.

Certificate that can be exchanged with the Aden Reconstruction Society Member or Leader for Rabbit Ears, Raccoon Ears, C
Magical scroll that relocates you to the Guillotine Fortress. Cannot be sold in shops.
Bottle containing Tauti's Soul. Tauti's Soul can be bestowed on Tauti's Bracelet.
Main ingredient for making a Specter Shaper.
Main ingredient for making a Specter Cutter.
Main ingredient for making a Specter Slasher.
Main ingredient for making a Specter Avenger.
Main ingredient for making a Specter Fighter.
Main ingredient for making a Specter Stormer.
Main ingredient for making a Specter Thrower.
Main ingredient for making a Specter Shooter.
Main ingredient for making a Specter Buster.
Main ingredient for making a Specter Caster.

Pagina 350

Main ingredient for making a Specter Retributer.

Main ingredient for making a Seraph Helmet.
Main ingredient for making a Seraph Breastplate.
Main ingredient for making Seraph Gaiters.
Main ingredient for making a Seraph Gauntlets.
Main ingredient for making Seraph Boots.
Main ingredient for making a Seraph Shield.
Main ingredient for making a Seraph Leather Helmet.
Main ingredient for making a Seraph Leather Armor.
Main ingredient for making Seraph Leather Leggings.
Main ingredient for making Seraph Leather Gloves.
Main ingredient for making Seraph Leather Boots.
Main ingredient for making a Seraph Circlet.
Main ingredient for making a Seraph Tunic.
Main ingredient for making Seraph Stockings.
Main ingredient for making Seraph Gloves.
Main ingredient for making Seraph Shoes.
Main ingredient for making a Seraph Sigil.
Main ingredient for making a Seraph Necklace.
Main ingredient for making a Seraph Earring.
Main ingredient for making a Seraph Ring.
Main ingredient for making a Helios Shaper.
Main ingredient for making a Helios Cutter.
Main ingredient for making a Helios Slasher.
Main ingredient for making a Helios Avenger.
Main ingredient for making a Helios Fighter.
Main ingredient for making a Helios Stormer.
Main ingredient for making a Helios Thrower.
Main ingredient for making a Helios Shooter.
Main ingredient for making a Helios Buster.
Main ingredient for making a Helios Caster.
Main ingredient for making a Helios Retributer.
Main ingredient for making an Eternal Helmet.
Main ingredient for making an Eternal Breastplate.
Main ingredient for making Eternal Gaiters.
Main ingredient for making an Eternal Gauntlets.
Main ingredient for making Eternal Boots.
Main ingredient for making an Eternal Shield.
Main ingredient for making an Eternal Leather Helmet.
Main ingredient for making an Eternal Leather Armor.
Main ingredient for making Eternal Leather Leggings.
Main ingredient for making Eternal Leather Gloves.
Main ingredient for making Eternal Leather Boots.
Main ingredient for making an Eternal Circlet.
Main ingredient for making an Eternal Tunic.
Main ingredient for making Eternal Stockings.
Main ingredient for making Eternal Gloves.
Main ingredient for making Eternal Shoes.
Main ingredient for making an Eternal Sigil.

Pagina 351

Main ingredient for making an Eternal Necklace.

Main ingredient for making an Eternal Earring.
Main ingredient for making an Eternal Ring.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Specter Shaper.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Specter Cutter.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Specter Slasher.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Specter Avenger.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Specter Fighter.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Specter Stormer.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Specter Thrower.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Specter Shooter.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Specter Buster.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Specter Caster.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Specter Retributer.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Seraph Helmet.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Seraph Breastplate.
Main ingredient for making Blessed Seraph Gaiters.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Seraph Gauntlets.
Main ingredient for making Blessed Seraph Boots.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Seraph Shield.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Seraph Leather Helmet.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Seraph Leather Armor.
Main ingredient for making Blessed Seraph Leather Leggings.
Main ingredient for making Blessed Seraph Leather Gloves.
Main ingredient for making Blessed Seraph Leather Boots.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Seraph Circlet.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Seraph Tunic.
Main ingredient for making Blessed Seraph Stockings.
Main ingredient for making Blessed Seraph Gloves.
Main ingredient for making Blessed Seraph Shoes.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Seraph Sigil.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Seraph Necklace.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Seraph Earring.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Seraph Ring.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Helios Shaper.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Helios Cutter.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Helios Slasher.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Helios Avenger.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Helios Fighter.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Helios Stormer.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Helios Thrower.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Helios Shooter.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Helios Buster.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Helios Caster.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Helios Retributer.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Eternal Helmet.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Eternal Breastplate.
Main ingredient for making Blessed Eternal Gaiters.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Eternal Gauntlets.

Pagina 352

Main ingredient for making Blessed Eternal Boots.

Main ingredient for making a Blessed Eternal Shield.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Eternal Leather Helmet.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Eternal Leather Armor.
Main ingredient for making Blessed Eternal Leather Leggings.
Main ingredient for making Blessed Eternal Leather Gloves.
Main ingredient for making Blessed Eternal Leather Boots.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Eternal Circlet.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Eternal Tunic.
Main ingredient for making Blessed Eternal Stockings.
Main ingredient for making Blessed Eternal Gloves.
Main ingredient for making Blessed Eternal Shoes.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Eternal Sigil.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Eternal Necklace.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Eternal Earring.
Main ingredient for making a Blessed Eternal Ring.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Specter Shaper. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Specter Cutter. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Specter Slasher. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Specter Avenger. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very lo
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Specter Fighter. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Specter Stormer. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Specter Thrower. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Specter Shooter. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Specter Buster. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Specter Caster. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Specter Retributer. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very l
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Seraph Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Seraph Breastplate. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Seraph Gaiters. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low ch
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Seraph Gauntlets. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very lo
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Seraph Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low cha
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Seraph Shield. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 13. 60% success rate. Has a very low chance o
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Seraph Leather Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Seraph Leather Armor. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a v
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Seraph Leather Leggings. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Seraph Leather Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a ve
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Seraph Leather Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Seraph Circlet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low c
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Seraph Tunic. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low c
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Seraph Stockings. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Seraph Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low ch
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Seraph Shoes. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low ch
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Seraph Sigil. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low ch
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Seraph Necklace. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very lo
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Seraph Earring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Seraph Ring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low ch
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Helios Shaper. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low c
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Helios Cutter. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low ch

Pagina 353

For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Helios Slasher. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Helios Avenger. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Helios Fighter. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low c
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Helios Stormer. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Helios Thrower. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Helios Shooter. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Helios Buster. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low c
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Helios Caster. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low c
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Helios Retributer. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very lo
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Eternal Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Eternal Breastplate. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a ver
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Eternal Gaiters. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low ch
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Eternal Gauntlets. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Seraph Shield. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low c
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Eternal Shield. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Eternal Leather Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Eternal Leather Armor. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Eternal Leather Leggings. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Eternal Leather Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a ve
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Eternal Leather Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Eternal Circlet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Eternal Tunic. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Eternal Stockings. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Eternal Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low ch
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Eternal Shoes. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low ch
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Eternal Sigil. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low ch
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Eternal Necklace. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very l
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Eternal Earring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Eternal Ring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low c
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Specter Shaper. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Specter Cutter. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Specter Slasher. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Specter Avenger. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Specter Fighter. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Specter Stormer. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Specter Thrower. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Specter Shooter. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Specter Buster. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Specter Caster. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Specter Retributer. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Seraph Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Seraph Breastplate. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Blessed Seraph Gaiters. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Seraph Gauntlets. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Blessed Seraph Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Seraph Shield. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 13. 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Seraph Leather Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Seraph Leather Armor. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Blessed Seraph Leather Leggings. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%

Pagina 354

For Dwarves only. Recipe for Blessed Seraph Leather Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Blessed Seraph Leather Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Seraph Circlet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Seraph Tunic. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Blessed Seraph Stockings. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Blessed Seraph Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Blessed Seraph Shoes. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Seraph Sigil. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Seraph Necklace. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Seraph Earring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Seraph Ring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Helios Shaper. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Helios Cutter. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Helios Slasher. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Helios Avenger. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Helios Fighter. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Helios Stormer. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Helios Thrower. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Helios Shooter. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Helios Buster. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Helios Caster. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Helios Retributer. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Eternal Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Eternal Breastplate. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Blessed Eternal Gaiters. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Eternal Gauntlets. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Blessed Eternal Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Eternal Shield. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 14. 60% success rate.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Eternal Leather Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Eternal Leather Armor. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Blessed Eternal Leather Leggings. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Blessed Eternal Leather Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Blessed Eternal Leather Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Eternal Circlet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Eternal Tunic. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Blessed Eternal Stockings. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Blessed Eternal Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Blessed Eternal Shoes. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Eternal Sigil. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Eternal Necklace. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Eternal Earring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Blessed Eternal Ring. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
A mysterious mark. It is used at the Mysterious Mansion in the Mysterious Suggestion quest as proof of participation in the to
Box obtained after consoling the soul of the dead wandering in the Guillotine Fortress. Double-click to check for more informa
Box obtained after consoling the soul of the dead wandering in the Guillotine Fortress. Double-click to check for more informa
Box obtaining after completing the Destroy the Machine Device mission on the 2nd floor of the Seed of Hellfire. Double-click t
Box obtained after helping the resistances forces in the Seed of Hellfire. Double-click to check for more information.
Box obtained after helping Aku in the Seed of Hellfire. Double-click to check for more information.
A mysterious mark. It is used at the Mysterious Mansion in the Mysterious Suggestion quest as proof of participation in the to

Pagina 355

Einhasad's Superior Medal obtained after defeating the Chamberlain of Darkness. Exchange it for a reward from the Captain
Einhasad's Medal obtained after defeating the Chamberlain of Darkness. Exchange it for a reward from the Captain of the Re
Revolutionaries' Superior Medal obtained after defeating the Chamberlain of Darkness. Exchange it for a reward from the Ca
Revolutionaries' Medal obtained after defeating the Chamberlain of Darkness. Exchange it for a reward from the Captain of th
Kartia's Labyrinth Entrance Pass given to adventurers by Kartia Research Center. You can reset your return to the level 85 s
Kartia's Labyrinth Entrance Pass given to adventurers by Kartia Research Center. You can reset your return to the level 90 s
Kartia's Labyrinth Entrance Pass given to adventurers by Kartia Research Center. You can reset your return to the level 95 s
Kartia's Labyrinth Entrance Pass given to adventurers by Kartia Research Center. You can reset your return to the level 85 p
Kartia's Labyrinth Entrance Pass given to adventurers by Kartia Research Center. You can reset your return to the level 90 p
Kartia's Labyrinth Entrance Pass given to adventurers by Kartia Research Center. You can reset your return to the level 95 p
Use to exchange or enhance special items.
Use to exchange or enhance special items.
Bestows the PvP option on a Helios/ Krishna weapon through a Blacksmith. When the option is bestowed, Energy of Destruc
Bestows the PvP option on Eternal/ Leviathan armor through a Blacksmith. When the option is bestowed, Energy of Destruct
Bestows the PvE option on a Helios/ Krishna weapon through a Blacksmith. When the option is bestowed, Energy of Destruc
Bestows the PvE option on Eternal/ Leviathan armor through a Blacksmith. When the option is bestowed, Energy of Destruct
Item related to the secret of the darkness.
Box carved with mysterious symbols. Chance of acquiring a low grade magic pin that can be attached to a belt.
Box carved with mysterious symbols. Chance of acquiring a low grade magic pin that can be attached to a belt.
Box carved with mysterious symbols. Chance of acquiring a low grade belt.
Box carved with mysterious symbols. Chance of acquiring a high grade magic pin that can be attached to a belt.
Box carved with mysterious symbols. Chance of acquiring a high grade magic pouch that can be attached to a belt.
Box carved with mysterious symbols. Chance of acquiring a high grade belt.
Box carved with mysterious symbols. Chance of acquiring a high grade magic rune clip that can be attached to a belt.
Box carved with mysterious symbols. Chance of acquiring a high grade magic ornament that can be attached to a belt.
Can be used at level 85 or above. Double-click to acquire the Talisman - Longing. The acquired Talisman - Longing cannot b
Item that can summon a combat-type Bratty Angma. Can be used at levels 76-84. If you can reduce the Bratty Angma's HP t
Item that can summon a combat-type Bratty Angma. Can be used at levels 85-89. If you can reduce the Bratty Angma's HP t
Item that can summon a combat-type Bratty Angma. Can be used at levels 90-94. If you can reduce the Bratty Angma's HP t
Item that can summon a combat-type Bratty Angma. Can be used above level 95. If you can reduce the Bratty Angma's HP to
Double-click to acquire the reward. You may acquire nothing.
Energy that sustains life for all creatures in the Seed of Hellfire. Seed of Hellfire special product.
Mysterious plant seed that is need to make the flower bloom. Plant it in the Mandragora Farm to grow a flower. Double-click t
Mysterious plant seed that is need to make the flower bloom. Plant it in the Mandragora Farm to grow a flower. Double-click t
Mysterious plant seed that is need to make the flower bloom. Plant it in the Mandragora Farm to grow a flower. Double-click t
Mysterious plant seed that is need to make the flower bloom. Plant it in the Mandragora Farm to grow a flower. Double-click t
Mysterious plant seed that is need to make the flower bloom. Plant it in the Mandragora Farm to grow a flower. Double-click t
Mysterious plant seed that is need to make the flower bloom. Plant it in the Mandragora Farm to grow a flower. Double-click t
Mysterious plant seed that is need to make the flower bloom. Plant it in the Mandragora Farm to grow a flower. Double-click t
Scroll that replenishes 10,000 individual fame.
Scroll that replenishes 50,000 individual fame.
Scroll that replenishes 100,000 individual fame.
It seems to have broken away from a part of Tauti. It contains Tauti's strength.
Core containing the energy of powerful evil creatures. If you use the twisted energy correctly, you may be able to awaken the
For 60 min., P. Atk. +5%, M. Atk. by 20%, P. Def. by 5%, M. Def. by 5%, Atk. Spd. by 5%, Casting Spd. by 5%, Max HP/ MP
The light of Spirits fill the pet/ servitor to instantly inflict a powerful attack on the enemy. You can check the number of consum
High-level light of Spirits fill the pet/ servitor to instantly strengthen the pet/ servitor's M. Atk. It is very light. You can check the
Recovers HP. Only characters above level 85 can use on themselves. Cooldown is 2 min.
Recovers MP. Only characters above level 85 can use on themselves. Cooldown is 2 min.

Pagina 356

Recovers CP. Only characters above level 85 can use on themselves. Cooldown is 2 min.
Essential ornament for a Holiday Tree. Bring it to Santa Girl to help her decorate the trees.
Essential ornament for a Holiday Tree. Bring it to Santa Girl to help her decorate the trees.
Essential ornament for a Holiday Tree. Bring it to Santa Girl to help her decorate the trees.
Essential ornament for a Holiday Tree. Bring it to Santa Girl to help her decorate the trees.
Double-click to acquire Santa Girl's Cloak Box and Hat Box (1-day). If you are lucky, you can acquire an additional reward.
Double-click to acquire Santa Girl's Cloak Box and Hat Box (3-day). If you are lucky, you can acquire an additional reward.
Double-click to acquire Santa Girl's Gift Box. If you are lucky, you can acquire Santa Girl's Golden Gift Box.
Petra obtained after defeating Zahak in the Seed of Hellfire. You can find out about the quest by clicking on it. Quest start item
Petra obtained after defeating Zahak in the Seed of Hellfire. It feels stronger than the Petra obtained from the Zofans. Bring it
Crystal pouch given to those who support the Antharas Expedition. Open the pouch to acquire a crystal.
The 5th Lineage II Fan Pick Award overall winner. It was created by Orange Elf on the Teon server. Its light and cheerful mel
The 5th Lineage II Fan Pick Award best composition winner. It was created by Changsul on the Starice server. The music exp
The 5th Lineage II Fan Pick Award best composition winner. It was created by Suhr21 on the Leona server. The music is full
Box obtaining after completing the Destroy the Machine Device mission on the 2nd floor of the Seed of Hellfire. Double-click t
Double-click to acquire Santa Girl's Cloak (1-day).
Double-click to acquire Santa Girl's Cloak (3-day).
Double-click to acquire Santa Girl's Hat (1-day).
Double-click to acquire Santa Girl's Hat (3-day).
Pack containing Specter weapon in an Unidentified state.
Pack containing Seraph armor in an Unidentified state.
Pack containing Seraph accessory in an Unidentified state.
Box containing R-grade hardener.
Box containing Seed Talisman ingredient.
Double-click to acquire a Specter Weapon Pack, Seraph Armor Pack, Seraph Accessory Pack, Enchantment Pack (R-grade)
Increases fire attribute by 60 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be
Increases water attribute by 60 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can b
Increases earth attribute by 60 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can b
Increases wind attribute by 60 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be
Increases dark attribute by 60 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be
Increases holy attribute by 60 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be
Increases fire attribute by 150 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be
Increases water attribute by 150 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can
Increases earth attribute by 150 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can
Increases wind attribute by 150 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can b
Increases dark attribute by 150 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can b
Increases holy attribute by 150 at once. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can b
Double-click to lower PK value by 1. Must be in Floran Village to use. It can only be used when the PK value is above 1. Can
Double-click to raise Rep. value by 1000. Can only be used while in a chaotic state (Rep. value is below 0). Cannot be used w
Upon use, it restores 3000 HP and the remaining power restores CP instantly. Instant effect with no duration.
Magical potion that restores MP by 100. Instant effect with no duration. Cannot be used when MP is full.

Double-click to change the attributes of R, R95, R99 and R110-grade weapons. It can be used when there is an R-grade wea
For 30 min., increases XP and SP acquired in hunt by 200% when used by characters level 85 - 90.
Double-click to acquire one of the following: Antharas' Earring, Valakas' Necklace, Earth Wyrm Heart Ring, Bottle of Antharas
Double-click to lower PK value by 3. Must be in Floran Village to use. It can only be used when the PK value is above 1. Can
Double-click to lower PK value by 5. Must be in Floran Village to use. It can only be used when the PK value is above 1. Can
Double-click to lower PK value by 10. Must be in Floran Village to use. It can only be used when the PK value is above 1. Ca
Double-click to raise Rep. value by 5000. Can only be used while in a chaotic state (Rep. value is below 0). Cannot be used w

Pagina 357

Double-click to raise Rep. value by 30000. Can only be used while in a chaotic state (Rep. value is below 0). Cannot be used
Double-click to change Rep. value to 0. Can only be used while in a chaotic state (Rep. value is below 0). Cannot be used wh
For 1 hour, increases XP and SP acquired in hunt by 200% when used by characters level 85 - 90.
For 1 hour, increases XP and SP acquired in hunt by 100% when used by characters level 1 - 95. Temporary event item.
For 3 hours, increases XP and SP acquired in hunt by 200% when used by characters level 85 - 90.
You can bestow STR +3 when one of the following are equipped: Rabbit Ears, Raccoon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Party
You can bestow DEX +3 when one of the following are equipped: Rabbit Ears, Raccoon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Party
You can bestow CON +3 when one of the following are equipped: Rabbit Ears, Raccoon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Part
You can bestow MEN +3 when one of the following are equipped: Rabbit Ears, Raccoon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Part
You can bestow INT +3 when one of the following are equipped: Rabbit Ears, Raccoon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Party
You can bestow WIT +3 when one of the following are equipped: Rabbit Ears, Raccoon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Party
You can bestow Critical Rate +50 when one of the following are equipped: Rabbit Ears, Raccoon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hair
You can bestow Critical Damage +90 when one of the following are equipped: Rabbit Ears, Raccoon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's H
You can bestow P. Def. +5% when one of the following are equipped: Rabbit Ears, Raccoon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, P
You can bestow M. Def. +5% when one of the following are equipped: Rabbit Ears, Raccoon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin,
You can bestow Evasion +5 when one of the following are equipped: Rabbit Ears, Raccoon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, P
You can bestow P. Atk. +5% when one of the following are equipped: Rabbit Ears, Raccoon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, P
You can bestow M. Atk. +10% when one of the following are equipped: Rabbit Ears, Raccoon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin
You can bestow Accuracy +5 when one of the following are equipped: Rabbit Ears, Raccoon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin,
Recovery Potion purchased using Mark of Battle. Upon use, it restores 2500 HP and the remaining power restores CP. Instan
Scroll purchased using Mark of Battle. You can faintly feel the power of darkness. It can only be used on chaotic characters.
Replenishes some vitality upon use. Cooldown is 60 min. No weekly usage limit.
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune II (Lv. 1-95) 100% 7-day. Can only be used by characters level 95 or below.
When possessed in the inventory, increases XP and SP acquired through hunting by 100%. The effect only applies to charac

Box containing Agathion - Heejin Jang (7-day).

Box containing Agathion - Hyuk Jang (7-day).
Box containing Agathion - Sooro Kim (7-day).
Box containing Agathion - Jaebum Park (7-day).
Box containing Agathion - Shin-young Kim (7-day).
Box containing Agathion - Heejin Jang (15-day).
Box containing Agathion - Hyuk Jang (15-day).
Box containing Agathion - Sooro Kim (15-day).
Box containing Agathion - Jaebum Park (15-day).
Box containing Agathion - Shin-young Kim (15-day).
Box containing Agathion - Heejin Jang (30-day).
Box containing Agathion - Hyuk Jang (30-day).
Box containing Agathion - Sooro Kim (30-day).
Box containing Agathion - Jaebum Park (30-day).
Box containing Agathion - Shin-young Kim (30-day).
Box containing Agathion - Heejin Jang (7-day).
Box containing Agathion - Hyuk Jang (7-day).
Box containing Agathion - Sooro Kim (7-day).
Box containing Agathion - Jaebum Park (7-day).
Box containing Agathion - Shin-young Kim (7-day).
Box containing Agathion - Heejin Jang (15-day).
Box containing Agathion - Hyuk Jang (15-day).
Box containing Agathion - Sooro Kim (15-day).
Box containing Agathion - Jaebum Park (15-day).

Pagina 358

Box containing Agathion - Shin-young Kim (15-day).

Box containing Agathion - Heejin Jang (30-day).
Box containing Agathion - Hyuk Jang (30-day).
Box containing Agathion - Sooro Kim (30-day).
Box containing Agathion - Jaebum Park (30-day).
Box containing Agathion - Shin-young Kim (30-day).
Replenishes some vitality upon use. Cooldown is 60 min. No weekly usage limit.
Wrapped Pack containing XP Rune II (Lv. 1-95) 100% (7-day).
Box containing Mysterious Ring: 7-day. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
A pouch given to those who fought bravely in the Ceremony of Chaos but were unable to succeed. When Double Clicked, a V

Increases XP and SP acquired in hunt by 100%. The effect only applies to characters Lv. 86 or below.
Increases XP and SP acquired in hunt by 200%. The effect only applies to characters Lv. 86 or below.
Double-click on the box to acquire 1 XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 100% (1-hour).
Double-click on the box to acquire 1 XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 200% (1-hour).
Item that can be used only at the Ceremony of Chaos Arena. For 7 min., provides the effects of Horn Melody, Guitar Melody,
Item that can be used only at the Ceremony of Chaos Arena. For 7 min., provides the effects of Horn Melody, Guitar Melody,
Item that can be used only at the Ceremony of Chaos Arena. For 7 min., provides the effects of Horn Melody, Guitar Melody,
Double-click to receive a reward.
Not in Use
Dimensional item\nFor 1 h., P. Atk. +22%, P. Critical Rate +100%, P. Critical Damage +70%, Atk. Spd. +10%, and Speed +10
Dimensional item\nFor 1 h., P. Def. +45%, M. Def. +15%, P./ M. Critical Rate +100%, P. Critical Damage +35%, Shield Defen
Dimensional Item\nFor 1 h., M. Atk. +40%, M. Critical Rate +100%, Casting Spd. by 15%, Skill Cooldown -20%, and all Skill M
For 1 hour, increases maximum CP by 20%. Cooldown 60 min. Buff does not get deleted even after death. Cannot use Olym
Wrapped Pack that contains 10 Heavenly Cocktails/ 10 Heavenly P. Atk. Cookies. Cannot use Olympiad.
Wrapped Pack that contains 10 Heavenly Cocktails/ 10 Heavenly P. Def. Cookies. Cannot use Olympiad.
Wrapped Pack that contains 10 Heavenly Cocktails/ 10 Heavenly Magic Cookies. Cannot use Olympiad.
Wrapped Pack that contains 10 Heavenly Cocktails/ 10 Heavenly CP Cookie s. Cannot use Olympiad.
Can get High-grade Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (R-grade) and High-grade Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (R-grade).
Enchant success rate +20% for weapons (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. Not usable on items ench
Enchant success rate +30% for armor (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. Not usable on items enchant
Dimensional item\nFor 1 hour, increases P. Atk. by 22%, P. Critical Rate by 100%, P. Critical Damage by 70%, Atk. Spd. by 1
Dimensional item\nFor 1 hour, increases P. Def. by 45%, M. Def. by 15%, P./ M. Critical Rate by 100%, P. Critical Damage b
Dimensional Item\nFor 1 hour, M. Atk. +40%, M. Critical Rate +100%, Casting Spd. by 15%, Skill Cooldown -20%, and all Sk
For 1 h., increases Max CP by 20%. Cooldown is 60 min. Buff does not get deleted even after death. Cannot use Olympiad.
Wrapped Pack that contains 10 Heavenly Cocktails/ 10 Heavenly P. Atk. Cookies. Cannot use Olympiad.
Wrapped Pack that contains 10 Heavenly Cocktails/ 10 Heavenly P. Def. Cookies. Cannot use Olympiad.
Wrapped Pack that contains 10 Heavenly Cocktails/ 10 Heavenly Magic Cookies. Cannot use Olympiad.
Wrapped Pack that contains 10 Heavenly Cocktails/ 10 Heavenly CP Cookie s. Cannot use Olympiad.
Can get High-grade Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (R-grade) and High-grade Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (R-grade).
Enchant success rate +20% for weapons (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. Not usable on items ench
Enchant success rate +30% for armor (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. Not usable on items enchant
Gift box that contains 30 Returning Hero's Health Potions, 1 Returning Hero's Vitality Replenishing Juice 3-unit Pack, and 6 H
Upon use, it restores 3000 HP and the remaining power restores CP instantly. Instant effect with no duration. Cannot use Oly
Gift box that contains 1 Returning Hero's Shirt, 1 Returning Hero's Belt, and 1 Returning Hero's Wondrous Cubic.
Double-click to acquire one of the following: 30-min. Vitality Recovering Potion, 700 PA coupon points, 2 Heavenly Cocktails,
Can resurrect right away if you die in Kartia's Labyrinth - Tainted Dimension Attacker. (XP Recovery Rate 50%)
Can resurrect right away if you die in Kartia's Labyrinth - Tainted Dimension Attacker. (XP Recovery Rate 100%)

Pagina 359

Clan Production Request A - Provide the leather machine with a Lump of Fur from Cute Buffalo.
Clan Production Request B - Deliver a Fruit Charged with Water to Impatient Mahum Chef.
Clan Production Request B - Deliver a Fruit Charged with Fire to Impatient Mahum Chef.
Clan Production Request B - Deliver a Fruit Charged with Wind to Impatient Mahum Chef.
Item that can be used only in the Ceremony of Chaos Arena. Drags the selected target to your location.
Item that can be used only in the Ceremony of Chaos Arena. Makes you invincible for 5 sec.
Key that the Spiculas in Nornil's Cave have. Its use is not known.
Scroll that enables you to occupy Demolished Throne Stronghold, Transportation Stronghold, and Attack Stronghold in 10 se
Scroll that enables you to occupy Demolished Throne Stronghold, Transportation Stronghold, and Attack Stronghold in 20 se
Scroll that enables you to occupy Demolished Throne Stronghold, Transportation Stronghold, and Attack Stronghold in 30 se
Scroll that enables you to occupy Demolished Throne Stronghold, Transportation Stronghold, and Attack Stronghold in 40 se
Scroll that enables you to occupy Demolished Throne Stronghold, Transportation Stronghold, and Attack Stronghold in 50 se
Vaccine made by Verna. Can be used on Golem Generators that occasionally come out of Scout Golems in Nornil's Cave.
Water scooped from deep inside the Garden of Eva. Probably not the Clearest Water.
The cleanest water received from the Lady of the Lake. Can be used on the Mother Tree at the center of Elven Village.
The Brightest Light received from Nerupa in the Arms of Timiniel in Magmeld. Can be used in front of Shilen's Stone Statue to
The Purest Soul received from Enfeux in the Valley of Saints. Can be used in front of the Cave of Souls close to Kamael Villa
The Fiercest Flame received from the Blacksmith of Flame Vulcan at the Forge of the Gods. Can be used in front of the Pa'ag
Letter that shows the Fondest Heart of the Blacksmith of Flame Vulcan. Can be used in the Deserted Dwarven House.
Mysterious Letter handed over by Subclass Master Raina of Talking Island Village. Double-click to check the content.
Box that contains a vaccine for Virus Laido. Deliver it to Dwarves who are sealing Spicula Clone Generator Brand.
Fragments with information about Metusela Clone Generator Brand. When you collect them all, take them to Hesed of the Bla
Fragments from which information about Metusela Clone Generator Brand has been erased. When you collect them all, take
Key for opening the Red Gate of Nornil Dungeon.
Mark of Penitence. Sins scattered in the world have been made into crumbs by the Sin Eater.
Spellbook that contains the concentrated power of a dual class. It is said that if you take it to Trandon in Talking Island Village
Yum Yum Candy made of the peanuts grown by Maphr, the goddess of earth, for Valentine's Day.\nAcquired XP/ SP +25%.\
Nom Nom Candy made of the peanuts grown by Maphr, the goddess of earth, for Valentine's Day.\nAcquired XP/ SP +25%.\
Special gift box for Valentine's Day that you can get once per account. Click to get 2 Yum Yum Candies or 2 Nom Nom Cand
Magic scroll that takes you to Isle of Souls Harbor. Cannot be sold in a store.
Box that contains 1 Agathion Summoning Bracelet - Innocent Heejin (30-day).
Box that contains 1 Agathion Summoning Bracelet - Dandy Hyuk (30-day).
Box that contains 1 Agathion Summoning Bracelet - Powerful Sooro (30-day).
Box that contains 1 Agathion Summoning Bracelet - Chic Jaebum (30-day).
Box that contains 1 Agathion Summoning Bracelet - Cute Shinyoung (30-day).
Double-click to obtain one of the following randomly: Vitality Replenishing Star Candy, Vitality Recovering Star Candy and Vit
Replenishes a certain amount of vitality.
When used, vitality is recovered for 10 min. When vitality is recovered through hunting and XP is acquired, some of it is reple
Maintains vitality for 10 min.
You can randomly acquire 1 Star Agathion Summoning Bracelet (7-day).
You can get 1 Transformation Scroll: Zaken, Gordon, Ranku, and Kechi at a certain probability.
Badge that symbolizes the Bronze Key Guild. You can get it after completing a clan request. Take it to the Clan Request Man
Badge that symbolizes the Black Anvil Guild. You can get it after completing a clan request. Take it to the Clan Request Man
Badge that symbolizes the Golden Wheel Guild. You can get it after completing a clan request. Take it to the Clan Request M
Contains details about clan missions.
Contains details about clan requests. If you get disconnected after summoning the Clan Request Manager, you cannot start a
Kaliel's Treasure Chest (Low-grade). Double-click to receive a gift.
Kaliel's Treasure Chest (Mid-grade). Double-click to receive a gift.
Kaliel's Treasure Chest (High-grade). Double-click to receive a gift.

Pagina 360

Kaliel's Token. Give it to Jolie (Event Manager) to receive a Gift Box or Soul Box. To be deleted on May 23rd when the event
True Gold handed over by the Blacksmith of Flame Vulcan. It is said to be an ingredient for Mimir's Elixir.
Pure Silver handed over by the Blacksmith of Flame Vulcan. It is said to be an ingredient for Mimir's Elixir.
Blood Fire handed over by the Blacksmith of Flame Vulcan. It is said to be an ingredient for Mimir's Elixir.
The Blacksmith of Mammon can exchange standard Requiem, Immortal, Apocalypse or Twilight equipment for Blessed equip
The Blacksmith of Mammon can exchange standard Specter or Seraph equipment for Blessed equipment for you at a low pro
Contains details about clan requests. If you get disconnected after summoning the Clan Request Manager, you cannot start a
Double-click to receive 5 Scrolls: Enchant Armor (R-grade).
Double-click to receive 1 Pendant of CON or 1 Pendant of MEN.
Double-click to receive 1 Pendant of INT or 1 Pendant of WIT.
Double-click to receive 1 Pendant of STR or 1 Pendant of DEX.
Double-click to receive one of the following: P. Def. Pendant, M. Def. Pendant and P. Evasion Pendant.
Double-click to receive one of the following: P. Atk. Pendant, M. Atk. Pendant and Accuracy Pendant.
Double-click to receive 1 Critical Rate Pendant or 1 Critical Damage Pendant.
Double-click to receive 10 units of Lv. 5 Legendary MEN Dye.
Double-click to receive 10 units of Lv. 5 Legendary WIT Dye.
Double-click to receive 10 units of Lv. 5 Legendary DEX Dye.
Double-click to receive 10 units of Lv. 5 Legendary CON Dye.
Double-click to receive 10 units of Lv. 5 Legendary INT Dye.
Double-click to receive 10 units of Lv. 5 Legendary STR Dye.
Double-click to receive one of the following: Double Crystal Helios Shaper, Cutter, Slasher, Avenger, Fighter, Stormer, Throw
Double-click to receive one of the following: Double Crystal Helios Buster, Caster, and Retributer.
Double-click to receive one of the following: Double Crystal Helios Dual Sword, Dual Dagger, and Dual Blunt.
Double-click to receive one of the Bloody Helios Weapons.
Double-click to receive one of the Dark Helios Weapons.
Double-click to receive a Scroll of Escape - Ruins of Ye Sagira, Isle of Souls Harbor, Guillotine Fortress, Bloody Swampland,
Double-click to receive an XP Bottle (10-hour). The obtained XP Bottle cannot be exchanged, dropped or sold in a store.
Increases XP obtained through hunting by 50% for 1 hour.
Increases XP and SP obtained through hunting by 100% for 30 min. Can be used only by characters of level 90 or lower. Tem
Box containing Kaliel's Energy that prevents Seed Talismans from weakening when they fail to be enchanted. Double-click to
Double-click to receive 6 stones.
Double-click to receive 1 crystal.
Double-click to receive one of the super-150 Attribute Stones.
Double-click to receive one of the super-150 Attribute Crystals.
Double-click to receive 1 Scroll: Enchant Hair Accessory. The obtained scroll cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold in a sto
Double-click to receive 1 Spirit Stone for Hair Accessories. The obtained stone cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold in a st
The Blacksmith of Mammon can exchange standard Requiem or Immortal equipment for Blessed equipment for you. Small fe
The Blacksmith of Mammon can exchange standard Apocalypse or Twilight equipment for Blessed equipment for you. Small
The Blacksmith of Mammon can exchange standard Specter or Seraph equipment for Blessed equipment for you. Small fee i
The Blacksmith of Mammon can exchange standard Helios or Eternal equipment for Blessed equipment for you. Small fee is
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
P. Def. +2 for R-grade armor and accessories. It is greatly increased starting at +4. Can be safely enchanted to +3. When en
Double-click to receive various items with Kaliel's Blessing that are helpful for obtaining XP and hunting. Temporary event item
Double-click to receive various valuable items with Kaliel's Blessing. Temporary event item.
Teleports you to the Bloody Swampland.
Teleports you to the Isle of Souls Harbor.
Teleports you to Hadel at the Ruins of Ye Sagira.
Teleports you to Guillotine Fortress.
Teleports you to Parnassus.

Pagina 361

Teleports you to the Seal of Shilen.

Kaliel's Energy protects the Talisman - Annihilation from turning into Talisman - Destruction when enchanting to Talisman - H
Kaliel's Energy protects the Talisman - Hellfire from turning into Talisman - Annihilation when enchanting to Talisman - Desire
Kaliel's Energy protects the Talisman - Desire from turning into Talisman - Hellfire when enchanting to Talisman - Longing fai
Makes you eligible to receive a Kaliel's Blessing event reward token and 1st-place winner item for 1 hour. Can be used only b
Double-click to receive 3 Kaliel's Wishes. Temporary event item.
A scroll imbued with the power of heroes. You can acquire a Weapon Imbued with Heroes' Power if you use the item skill of a
Cube imbued with Kaliel's power. Double-click to obtain an entrance pass for entering an instance zone once. Cannot be use
Extra Pass for Kartia's Labyrinth Solo Dungeon. Double-click to disable the Lv. 85 entry restriction for the Kartia's Labyrinth P
Extra Pass for Kartia's Labyrinth Solo Dungeon. Double-click to disable the Lv. 90 entry restriction for the Kartia's Labyrinth P
Extra Pass for Kartia's Labyrinth Solo Dungeon. Double-click to disable the Lv. 95 entry restriction for the Kartia's Labyrinth P
Extra Pass for Kartia's Labyrinth Party Dungeon. Double-click to disable the Lv. 85 entry restriction for the Kartia's Labyrinth P
Certificate proving that you are on a mission given by Kargos, captain of the 3rd unit of Elmore Knights. Bring this to Kitchen,
Grants you entry into the Pagan Temple. If you lose it, you may receive another one from Kitchen, a knight disguised as a pa
With this, you can go inside the Pagan Temple. Unlike the Visitor's Badge, it lets you go all the way to the inside of the chape
Totem obtained after defeating the pagans inside the Pagan Temple. Bring this to Razen, the Priest of Light inside the Pagan
Souls obtained after defeating the pagans inside the Pagan Temple. Unlike the Pagan Totems, these can only be obtained a
Reward for defeating the pagans inside the Pagan Temple. Double-click to use. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Double-click to obtain one Istina's Ring/ Istina's Necklace/ Istina's Earring/ Octavis Ring/ Octavis Necklace/ Octavis Earring/ E
Replenishes a certain amount of vitality.
Invitation sent by Verdof. Double-click to summon the Dimensional Door.
Key that opens the inner doors in the Pagan Temple
Reward for a memorable boss raid. Can only be obtained once a day, after killing Queen Ant. Cannot be used in the Olympia
Reward for a memorable boss raid. Can only be obtained once a day, after killing Orfen. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Reward for a memorable boss raid. Can only be obtained once a day, after killing Anakim. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Reward for a memorable boss raid. Can only be obtained once a day, after killing Lilith. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Take it to Denign to imbue the Queen Ant's Ring with Queen Ant's Soul.
Take it to Denign to imbue Orfen's Earring with Orfen's Soul.
Scroll that turns you into Anakim for 30 min. Cooldown of 4 hours. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Turns you into Queen Ant and increases Spd. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Turns you into Orfen and increases Spd. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Turns you into Anakim and increases Spd. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Turns you into Lilith and increases Spd. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Resources sought by Charlotte. Bring them to her before they disappear.
Extra Pass for Kartia's Labyrinth Party Dungeon. Double-click to disable the Lv. 90 entry restriction for the Kartia's Labyrinth P
Extra Pass for Kartia's Labyrinth Party Dungeon. Double-click to disable the Lv. 95 entry restriction for the Kartia's Labyrinth P
Double-click to reset cooldown to Teredor's dungeon. Usable once a day outside instances while on a cooldown.
Extra pass to a daily instanced zone. Double-click to lift the restrictions to Spezion's (Normal) dungeon. Can only be used wh
Extra pass to a daily instanced zone. Double-click to lift the restrictions to Spezion's (Epic) dungeon. Can only be used when
Extra pass to a daily instanced zone. Double-click to lift the restrictions to Fortuna's dungeon. Can only be used when on a co
Extra pass to a daily instanced zone. Double-click to lift the restrictions to Nornil's Garden. Can only be used when on a coold
Additional pass to the instance zone. Double-click to reset cooldown to Istina's (normal) dungeon. Can only be used when on
Additional pass to the instance zone. Double-click to reset cooldown to Octavis' (normal) dungeon. Can only be used when o
Double-click to reset cooldown to Baylor's dungeon. Usable once a day outside instances while on a cooldown.
Blood of Pagans. As Genius Scientist Theomorg's tests have been halted, it can only be obtained by exchanging an Enchant
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the downed server. We will try our best to provide our customers with stable e
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
P. Def. +2 for R-grade armor and accessories. It is greatly increased starting at +4. Can be safely enchanted to +3. When en
Transforms an R-grade bound armor item into a standard item through the Blacksmith of Mammon.

Pagina 362

Transforms an R95-grade bound armor item into a standard item through the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Transforms an R99-grade bound armor item into a standard item through the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Transforms an R-grade bound weapon item into a standard item through the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Transforms an R95-grade bound weapon item into a standard item through the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Transforms an R99-grade bound weapon item into a standard item through the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Has a low chance to transform an R-grade bound weapon item into a standard item through the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Has a low chance to transform an R95-grade bound weapon item into a standard item through the Blacksmith of Mammon.
The Blacksmith of Mammon can exchange standard Requiem/ Apocalypse weapons for Blessed equipment for you at a low p
Transforms an R-grade bound weapon item into a standard item through the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Transforms an R95-grade bound weapon item into a standard item through the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Has a low chance to transform an R-grade bound armor item into a standard item through the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Has a low chance to transform an R95-grade bound armor item into a standard item through the Blacksmith of Mammon.
The Blacksmith of Mammon can exchange a standard Specter weapon for Blessed equipment for you at a low probability. A
Transforms an R-grade bound armor item into a standard item through the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Transforms an R95-grade bound armor item into a standard item through the Blacksmith of Mammon.
The Blacksmith of Mammon can exchange standard Immortal/ Hell armor for Blessed equipment for you at a low probability.
The Blacksmith of Mammon can exchange standard Seraph armor for Blessed equipment for you at a low probability. A smal
Dimensional Item\nA ticket used at the beauty shop. You may purchase various hair styles and facial styles.
Restores 2,500 HP, and the remaining power restores CP. Battleground only.
Removes the target's invincibility. Battleground only.
Becomes resistant to Damage Reflection. Battleground only.
For 30 min., provides the effects of the Horn Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Guitar Melody, and Drum Melody (Lv. 1). Battlegro
Inflicts Sleep on the target for 10 sec. Battleground only.
Draco Egg that has been purified of evil energy. Double-click to summon a Small Draco Egg. When the egg's temperature ris
Draco Egg that has been purified of evil energy. Double-click to summon a Small Draco Egg. When the egg's temperature ris
Combine it with Draco's Hat to create Draco's Hat: STR.
Combine it with Draco's Hat to create Draco's Hat: DEX.
Combine it with Draco's Hat to create Draco's Hat: CON.
Combine it with Draco's Hat to create Draco's Hat: MEN.
Combine it with Draco's Hat to create Draco's Hat: INT.
Combine it with Draco's Hat to create Draco's Hat: WIT.
Use it to receive one of the following: Blessed Valakas' Necklace, Blessed Antharas' Earring, Earth Wyrm Heart Ring, and Ta
Gift from a Lyn Draco that hatched unexpectedly from a purified Draco Egg. It looks like an awesome gift.
Double-click to receive one of the following: Antharas' Earring, Valakas' Necklace, Earth Wyrm Heart Ring, Bottle of Antharas
Gift from a Draco that hatched from a purified Draco Egg.
Gift from a Draco that hatched from a purified Draco Egg. It shines.
Upon use, for 1 hour, Vitality is recovered when XP is acquired through hunting. Vitality item with limited usage.
Upon use, for 1 hour, you can temporarily feel the Vitality-replenishing herb's effect. No effect applies when used while the "B
Upon use, for 1 hour, you can temporarily feel the Vitality-replenishing herb's effect. No effect applies when used while the "B
Upon use, for 1 hour, you can temporarily feel the Vitality-replenishing herb's effect. No effect applies when used while the "B
Upon use, for 1 hour, you can temporarily feel the Vitality recovery effect. No effect applies when used while the "Birthday Jo
Upon use, for 1 hour, you can temporarily feel the Vitality-replenishing effect. No effect applies when used while the "Birthday
Chest of Glory awarded to the winner of the Ceremony of Chaos. Double-click to get a reward but there is a chance that you
Pump-up drink that increases Movement Speed by 15. Formulated to train track and field athletes for Olympiad, it makes them
Caffeine drink that increases DEX by 10. Formulated to train archers for Olympiad, it boosts dexterity and refreshes them with
Protein drink that increases STR by 10. Formulated to train wrestlers for Olympiad, it creates monstrous muscle mass, makin
High-volume drink that increases INT by 10. Formulated to train taekwondo players for Olympiad, it enables them to shout at
Omega 3 drink that increases WIT by 10. Formulated to train swimmers for Olympiad, it is known to make them smarter. Alth
Medal used in the festival hosted by Amadeo Cadmus, the king of Aden. It is rarer and more precious than the Medal of Victo

Pagina 363

Medal used in the festival hosted by Amadeo Cadmus, the king of Aden. There are the Medal of Glory, the Medal of Victory a
Medal used in the festival hosted by Amadeo Cadmus, the king of Aden. There are the Medal of Glory, the Medal of Victory a
Increases acquired XP and SP by 30% for 30 min.
You can get a Golden Chest (Reward) prepared by Amadeo Cadmus, the king of Aden.
Luminous Golden Chest with bright energy. Special reward prepared by Amadeo Cadmus, the king of Aden. Double-click to g
Small Reward Box for your help in the reconstruction of Aden.
Reward Box for your great help in the reconstruction of Aden.
Box containing hair accessory.
Box containing pendant that enchants a hair accessory.
Box containing S-grade enchant scroll.
Box containing R-grade enchant scroll.
Box containing attribute stone.
Box containing various materials required for item crafting.
Box containing Lucky Echant Stone.
Box containing Enchant Scroll of Destruction.
Box containing Giant's Enchant Scroll.
Box containing Hero's Blessed Enchant Scroll.
Pack containing Unbind Scroll.
Box containing either an attribute crystal or a Super - 60/ 150 ore.
Box containing Scroll: PK.
Box containing Scroll: Reputation.
Box containing Mysterious Soulshots/ Spiritshots (R-grade).
Box containing Kaliel's Energy.
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 4 for A-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
Upon enchantment, P. Def. for R-grade armor and accessories increases by 2, and by a significant amount starting from +4.
P. Def. for S-grade armor and accessories increases by 1, and by 3 starting from +4. Armor and accessories can be safely en
P. Def. for A-grade armor and accessories increases by 1, and by 3 starting from +4. Armor and accessories can be safely en
Mark of those who resurrected and returned with Travis. Take this to the Aden Vanguard Quartermaster at the border of the c
Soul of those who resurrected and returned with Travis. Take this to the Aden Vanguard Quartermaster at the border of the c
Small reward received for killing those who resurrected and returned with Travis. Double-click to use it. Cannot be used in the
You can get a gift that Amadeo Cadmus, the king of Aden, prepared for your return. You can sometimes get a Luminous Gold
Each energy drink pack randomly contains 1 of 5 different energy drinks. Open the pack to receive 3 units of one energy drin
Chest of Glory given by Cocoring to celebrate the winning of the glorious gold medal. Double-click to receive a Medal of Glory
Chest of Victory given by Cocoring to celebrate the winning of the glorious silver medal. Double-click to receive a Medal of Gl
Chest of Friendship given by Cocoring to celebrate the winning of the glorious gold medal. Double-click to receive a Medal of
Hourglass that increases acquired XP by additional 50% for 1 h. Available for all levels.
Double-click to get 2 Scrolls: Midsummer Passion and 1 Vitality Replenishing Star Candy.
Double-click to get 6 Scrolls: Midsummer Passion, 2 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies, 2 Feathers of Blessing, 2 Heavenly C
Double-click to get 12 Scrolls: Midsummer Passion, 2 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies, 3 Feathers of Blessing, 2 Heavenly
Increases acquired XP and SP by 30% for 1 hour.
Double-click to get Blessed Antharas' Earring, Blessed Valakas' Necklace, Tauti's Ring, and Earth Wyrm Heart Ring for 14 da
Double-click for one of the following items: Blessed Antharas' Earring, Blessed Valakas' Necklace, Tauti's Ring, and Earth Wy
Double-click to get 1 unidentified Helios weapon.
Double-click to get 1 of the following: R, R95 or R99 weapon/ armor Unbind Scroll
Material for making a dragon weapon.
Item consumed when using a skill of a dragon weapon.
Item consumed when using a skill of a dragon weapon.

Pagina 364

Rare mineral discovered in the deepest part of the Spine Mine area. Take 10 units of Elcyum Powder to a Merchant of Mamm
Rare mineral discovered in the deepest part of the Spine Mine area. Take 10 Elcyum Crystals to a Merchant of Mammon to r
Rare mineral discovered in the deepest part of the Spine Mine area. Use the item to receive various abilities including item en
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Leather (Lv. 2) th
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Durable Leather (
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Quality Leather (L
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Exquisite Leather
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Can be downgraded to a certain amount of Quality Leath
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Silver (Lv. 2) thro
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Adamantite (Lv. 3
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Orichalcum (Lv. 4
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Durandil (Lv. 5), o
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Can be downgraded to a certain amount of Orichalcum (
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Synthetic Fiber (L
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Metallic Fiber (Lv
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Quality Fiber (Lv.
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Exquisite Fiber (L
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Can be downgraded to a certain amount of Quality Fiber
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Thin Braid (Lv. 2)
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Synthetic Braid (L
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Durable Braid (Lv
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Quality Braid (Lv.
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Can be downgraded to a certain amount of Durable Brai
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Leather Braid (Lv
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Durable Leather B
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Quality Leather B
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Exquisite Leather
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Can be downgraded to a certain amount of Quality Leath
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Silver Wire (Lv. 2
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Adamantite Wire
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Orichalcum Wire
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain amount to upgrade to Durandil Wire (Lv
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Can be downgraded to a certain amount of Orichalcum W
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain number to upgrade to Weapon Fragmen
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain number to upgrade to Weapon Fragmen
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain number to upgrade to Weapon Fragmen
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain number to upgrade to Weapon Fragmen
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Can be downgraded to a certain number of Weapon Fra
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain number to upgrade to Armor Fragment
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain number to upgrade to Armor Fragment
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain number to upgrade to Armor Fragment
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain number to upgrade to Armor Fragment
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Can be downgraded to a certain number of Armor Fragm
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain number to upgrade to Accessory Gem (
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain number to upgrade to Accessory Gem (
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain number to upgrade to Accessory Gem (
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain number to upgrade to Accessory Gem (
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Can be downgraded to a certain number of Accessory G
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain number to upgrade to Greater Cokes (L

Pagina 365

Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain number to upgrade to Synthetic Cokes
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain number to upgrade to Greater Synthetic
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Collect a certain number to upgrade to Exquisite Synthet
Ingredient used for Dwarven crafting. Can be sold in general stores. Can be downgraded to a certain number of Greater Synt
Lineage II L-together is even better with friends! When you open the cube, you can get 1 Friendship Cube (30-day), 1 Friends
Lineage II L-together is even better with friends! When you open the cube, you can get 1 Friendship Cube (30-day), 1 Friends
Lineage II L-together is even better with friends! Double-click to obtain either a pass for entering an instance zone one additio
Lineage II L2 Together is even better with friends! Double-click to obtain a Yum Yum Candy (30-day) that increases Acquired
Lineage II L2 Together is even better with friends! Double-click to obtain a Nom Nom Candy (30-day) that increases Acquired
Have fun with your friends! increases additionally obtained XP/ SP by 15%. When this candy and a Nom Nom Candy are use
Have fun with your friends! increases additionally obtained XP/ SP by 15%. When this candy and a Yum Yum Candy are use
Lineage II L-together is even better with friends! If stored in the inventory, it enables you to use the skill of summoning a frien
Changes the appearance of an R-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an S-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an A-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of a B-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of a C-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of a D-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of an R-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an S-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an A-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of a B-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of a C-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of a D-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of an R-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of an S-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of an A-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of a B-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appe
Changes the appearance of a C-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appe
Changes the appearance of a D-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appe
Changes the appearance of an R-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of an S-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of an A-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of a B-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appe
Changes the appearance of a C-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appe
Changes the appearance of a D-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appe
Restores the original appearance of R-grade equipment (only weapons and armor, no hair accessories) whose appearances
Restores the original appearance of S-grade equipment (only weapons and armor, no hair accessories) whose appearances
Restores the original appearance of A-grade equipment (only weapons and armor, no hair accessories) whose appearances
Restores the original appearance of B-grade equipment (only weapons and armor, no hair accessories) whose appearances
Restores the original appearance of C-grade equipment (only weapons and armor, no hair accessories) whose appearances
Restores the original appearance of D-grade equipment (only weapons and armor, no hair accessories) whose appearances
Item that can change a hair accessory's appearance. Works for item with the same number of slots. You need an appearance
Item that can change a hair accessory's appearance. Works for item with the same number of slots. You need an appearance
Changes the appearance of an R-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an S-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an A-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of a B-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of a C-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a

Pagina 366

Changes the appearance of a D-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of an R-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an S-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an A-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of a B-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of a C-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of a D-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of an R-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of an S-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of an A-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of a B-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appe
Changes the appearance of a C-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appe
Changes the appearance of a D-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appe
Changes the appearance of an R-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of an S-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of an A-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of a B-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appe
Changes the appearance of a C-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appe
Changes the appearance of a D-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appe
Item that can change a hair accessory's appearance. Works for item with the same number of slots. You need an appearance
Item that can change a hair accessory's appearance. Works for item with the same number of slots. You need an appearance
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of Emerald One-handed Sword. Limited time item
Changes the appearance of a dagger to that of an Emerald dagger. 7-day.
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a two-handed sword to that of Emerald Two-handed Sword. Limited time item
Changes the appearance of a fist weapon to that of an Emerald fist weapon. 7-day.
Changes the appearance of a spear to that of an Emerald spear. 7-day.
Changes the appearance of a bow to that of an Emerald bow. 7-day.
Changes the appearance of a crossbow to that of an Emerald crossbow. 7-day.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed blunt to that of an Emerald one-handed blunt. 7-day.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed blunt to that of an Emerald two-handed blunt. 7-day.
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a one-handed staff to that of Emerald One-handed Staff. Limited time item (7
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a two-handed staff to that of Emerald Two-handed Staff. Limited time item (7-
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a dual sword to that of Emerald Dual Sword. Limited time item (7-day).
Dimensional item\nChanges the appearance of a dagger dual sword to that of Emerald Dagger Dual Sword. Limited time item
Changes the appearance of a dual blunt to that of an Emerald dual blunt. 7-day.
Changes the appearance of a shield to that of an Emerald shield. 7-day.
Changes the appearance of a sigil to that of an Emerald sigil. 7-day.
Key obtained after killing monsters at Raider's Crossroads. Opens the Nerva temporary prison gate.
Suspicious badge from a dead monster in the Sea of Spores. Take it to Paterson's Disciple, Bacon, in the Sea of Spores to re
Giant's Alphabet that Stakatos are collecting in the Sea of Spores. Take it to Paterson's Disciple, Bacon, in the Sea of Spores
Stakato Shell from the Swamp of Screams. Take it to Mercenary Captain Pierce at the Swamp of Screams to receive a rewar
Stakato Claw from the Swamp of Screams. Take it to Mercenary Captain Pierce at the Swamp of Screams to receive a rewar
Monster bone from the Forest of the Dead. Take it to the Mysterious Wizard at the Forest of the Dead to receive a reward.
Monster blood from the Forest of the Dead. Take it to the Mysterious Wizard at the Forest of the Dead to receive a reward.
Mark of Daimon the White-Eyed instilled in monsters at the Wall of Argos. Take it to Giant's Minion Janitt at the Wall of Argos
Thought of Daimon the White-Eyed instilled in monsters at the Wall of Argos. Take it to Giant's Minion Janitt at the Wall of Arg
Badge of Silenos Soldiers at Varka Silenos Barracks. Take it to Giant's Minion Hansen at Varka Silenos Barracks to receive a
Badge of Silenos Officers at Varka Silenos Barracks. Take it to Giant's Minion Hansen at Varka Silenos Barracks to receive a
Badge of Orc Soldiers at Ketra Orc Outpost. Take it to Giant's Minion Lugonnes at Ketra Orc Outpost to receive a reward.

Pagina 367

Badge of Orc Officers at Ketra Orc Outpost. Take it to Giant's Minion Lugonnes at Ketra Orc Outpost to receive a reward.
Refugee's Necklace. Take it to Rune Backup Trooper Falk in the Land of Chaos to receive a reward.
Corpse Piece obtained after killing monsters in the Land of Chaos. Take it to Investigator Quincy in the Land of Chaos to rece
Soul of Darkness obtained after killing monsters in the Land of Chaos. Take it to Investigator Quincy in the Land of Chaos to
Curious Letter from Rune Captain Mathias. Take it to Flame Patrol Vice Captain Tuska near Gainak.
Turakan's Secret Letter obtained after killing monsters at Raider's Crossroads. Take it to Flame Patrol Warrior Bruener at the
Broken Weapon Fragment obtained after killing monsters at Raider's Crossroads. Take it to Flame Patrol Warrior Bruener at
Mark of a Thief obtained after killing monsters at Raider's Crossroads. Take it to Flame Patrol Warrior Bruener at the entranc
Reinforcements' Badge received from Flame Patrol Vice Captain Tuska. Take it to Flame Patrol Warrior Bruener at the entran
Demon Heart obtained after killing a monster at Gainak. Take it to Flame Patrol Vice Captain Tuska near Gainak.
Suspicious Fragment obtained after killing monsters in the Plains of the Lizardmen. Take it to Investigator Laki in the Plains o
Fantasy Mushroom's Spore obtained after collecting herbs in the Plains of the Lizardmen. Take it to Investigator Sally in the P
Sticky Mushroom Pouch obtained after collecting herbs in the Plains of the Lizardmen. Take it to Investigator Sally in the Plai
Vitality Leaf obtained after collecting herbs in the Plains of the Lizardmen. Take it to Investigator Sally in the Plains of the Liza
Vial of Tanta Blood obtained after killing monsters in the Plains of the Lizardmen. Take it to Researcher Ankumi at the Sel Ma
Evidence of a Conspiracy obtained after killing monsters at the Sel Mahum Training Grounds. Take it to Investigator Roa at th
Sel Mahum ID Tag obtained after killing monsters at the Sel Mahum Training Grounds. Take it to Investigator Roa at the Sel
Mark obtained at the siege of dimension. 14-day.
Mark obtained at the siege of dimension.
Faint Soul of Light obtained after killing monsters in the Land of Chaos. Take it to Investigator Quincy in the Land of Chaos to
Precious Blood Stone obtained after killing monsters in the Plains of the Lizardmen. Take it to Researcher Ankumi at the Sel
Elite Mahum ID Tag obtained after killing monsters at the Sel Mahum Training Grounds. Take it to Investigator Roa at the Se
Nerva's Icon obtained after killing monsters at Raider's Crossroads. Take it to Flame Patrol Warrior Bruener at the entrance o
Doll used in shamanism to control the evil creatures by the Ragna Orcs. Collect and bring it to Beacon Town Manager Chaire
Doll used in shamanism to control evil creatures by the Ragna Orcs. It has a spell more powerful than a regular amulet. Colle
Proof of defeating a Mucrokian. Collect and bring it to Katensa at the Field of Silence Research Center.
Proof of defeating a Mucrokian, which is very valuable as leather. Collect and bring it to Katensa at the Field of Silence Resea
Proof of defeating a Mucrokian. Collect and bring it to Apprentice Atra at the Purified Ceremony Hall.
Proof of defeating a Mucrokian, which is very valuable as leather. Collect and bring it to Apprentice Atra at the Purified Cerem
Letter from Hierarch Kekropus of Kamaels.
Forged Identification Card from Baron's Personal Escort Eli on Alligator Island for a secret mission. Take it to Workman Chen
Pouch containing unknown experiment material from Workman Chen on Alligator Island. Take it to the "Superior" he mention
Fragment obtained after killing monsters on Alligator Island. Take it to Iason Heine on Alligator Island.
Alligator Leather obtained after hunting an alligator on Alligator Island. Can be sold to Enron.
Blue Alligator Leather obtained after hunting an alligator on Alligator Island. Can be sold to Enron at a high price.
Bejeweled Alligator's leather obtained after hunting an alligator on Alligator Island. Can be sold to Enron at a very high price.
Guardian Giant's Nucleus Fragment obtained after killing monsters in the valley area of the Forsaken Plains. Keep collecting
Kartia's Mutated Seed obtained after killing monsters in the Fields of Massacre. Collect and bring it to Shuvann in the Fields o
Soul Core of a monster with an evil soul. In the form of a small jewel with dark purple evil force. Used to summon Dark Sham
Amulet with protection from the evil spirits of the altar. Embedded in a pendant, it shines with red light with the evil soul of the
Temporary Spirit Stone for learning about augmentation.
Temporary practice gemstone for learning about augmentation.
Green crystal for practice containing the light of absorbed souls. Once saturated, it bestows special abilities on a weapon.
Temporary practice gemstone for learning about soul crystal enhancement.
Magic Pin from Weaver Wolf Kanolre. You can have it attached to a belt through Weaver Wolf Kanolre.
Additional quest item (to be changed according to settings)
Mark obtained after killing monsters at Raider's Crossroads and in the Land of Chaos.
Scroll for dimensional teleport. Item required for dimensional teleport through Mermoden's Minion. 14-day.
Mark received upon dimensional teleport. It disappears after 4 hours.

Pagina 368

Mineral with mysterious power. Can get an advanced augmentation effect. Can be used by characters of level 85 or above.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Requiem Shaper. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Requiem Cutter. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Requiem Slasher. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Requiem Avenger. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed ite
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Requiem Fighter. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Requiem Stormer. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Requiem Thrower. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed ite
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Requiem Shooter. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Requiem Buster. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Requiem Caster. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Requiem Retributer. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed it
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Helmet. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Breastplate. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Immortal Gaiters. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item m
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Immortal Gauntlets. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Immortal Boots. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item mi
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Shield. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 11. 60% success rate. Has a very low
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Leather Helmet. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A ble
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Leather Armor. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A bles
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Immortal Leather Leggings. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A bles
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Immortal Leather Gloves. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blesse
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Immortal Leather Boots. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Circlet. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Tunic. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Immortal Stockings. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Immortal Gloves. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item m
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Immortal Shoes. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item m
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Sigil. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item m
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Necklace. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed i
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Earring. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed ite
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Immortal Ring. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item m
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Apocalypse Shaper. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Apocalypse Cutter. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed i
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Apocalypse Slasher. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Apocalypse Avenger. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Apocalypse Fighter. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Apocalypse Stormer. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Apocalypse Thrower. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Apocalypse Shooter. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Apocalypse Buster. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed i
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Apocalypse Caster. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making an Apocalypse Retributer. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A bless
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Helmet. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Breastplate. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed it
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Twilight Gaiters. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item m
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Twilight Gauntlets. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Twilight Boots. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item mig
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Shield. Requires Create Item Skill Lv. 12. 60% success rate. Has a very low c

Pagina 369

For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Leather Helmet. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A bless
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Twilight Leather Armor. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Twilight Leather Leggings. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A bless
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Twilight Leather Gloves. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Twilight Leather Boots. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Circlet. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item m
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Tunic. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item m
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Twilight Stockings. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Twilight Gloves. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item mi
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making Twilight Shoes. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item mig
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Sigil. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item mig
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Necklace. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Earring. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item
For Dwarves only. Recipe for making a Twilight Ring. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item mig
Main ingredient for making a Requiem Shaper.
Main ingredient for making a Requiem Cutter.
Main ingredient for making a Requiem Slasher.
Main ingredient for making a Requiem Avenger.
Main ingredient for making a Requiem Fighter.
Main ingredient for making a Requiem Stormer.
Main ingredient for making a Requiem Thrower.
Main ingredient for making a Requiem Shooter.
Main ingredient for making a Requiem Buster.
Main ingredient for making a Requiem Caster.
Main ingredient for making a Requiem Retributer.
Main ingredient for making an Immortal Helmet.
Main ingredient for making an Immortal Breastplate.
Main ingredient for making Immortal Gaiters.
Main ingredient for making Immortal Gauntlets.
Main ingredient for making Immortal Boots.
Main ingredient for making an Immortal Shield.
Main ingredient for making an Immortal Leather Helmet.
Main ingredient for making Immortal Leather Armor.
Main ingredient for making Immortal Leather Leggings.
Main ingredient for making Immortal Leather Gloves.
Main ingredient for making Immortal Leather Boots.
Main ingredient for making an Immortal Circlet.
Main ingredient for making an Immortal Tunic.
Main ingredient for making Immortal Stockings.
Main ingredient for making Immortal Gloves.
Main ingredient for making Immortal Shoes.
Main ingredient for making an Immortal Sigil.
Main ingredient for making an Immortal Necklace.
Main ingredient for making an Immortal Earring.
Main ingredient for making an Immortal Ring.
Main ingredient for making an Apocalypse Shaper.
Main ingredient for making an Apocalypse Cutter.
Main ingredient for making an Apocalypse Slasher.
Main ingredient for making an Apocalypse Avenger.

Pagina 370

Main ingredient for making an Apocalypse Fighter.

Main ingredient for making an Apocalypse Stormer.
Main ingredient for making an Apocalypse Thrower.
Main ingredient for making an Apocalypse Shooter.
Main ingredient for making an Apocalypse Buster.
Main ingredient for making an Apocalypse Caster.
Main ingredient for making an Apocalypse Retributer.
Main ingredient for making a Twilight Helmet.
Main ingredient for making a Twilight Breastplate.
Main ingredient for making Twilight Gaiters.
Main ingredient for making Twilight Gauntlets.
Main ingredient for making Twilight Boots.
Main ingredient for making a Twilight Shield.
Main ingredient for making a Twilight Leather Helmet.
Main ingredient for making Twilight Leather Armor.
Main ingredient for making Twilight Leather Leggings.
Main ingredient for making Twilight Leather Gloves.
Main ingredient for making Twilight Leather Boots.
Main ingredient for making a Twilight Circlet.
Main ingredient for making a Twilight Tunic.
Main ingredient for making Twilight Stockings.
Main ingredient for making Twilight Gloves.
Main ingredient for making Twilight Shoes.
Main ingredient for making a Twilight Sigil.
Main ingredient for making a Twilight Necklace.
Main ingredient for making a Twilight Earring.
Main ingredient for making a Twilight Ring.
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Leather (Lv. 2) into Worn Leather(Lv. 1). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Durable Leather (Lv. 3) into Leather (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Worn Leather(Lv. 1) into Leather (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Quality Leather (Lv. 4) into Durable Leather (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Leather (Lv. 2) into Durable Leather (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Exquisite Leather (Lv. 5) into Quality Leather (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 1
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Durable Leather (Lv. 3) into Quality Leather (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Quality Leather (Lv. 4) into Exquisite Leather (Lv. 5). Requires Create Item (Lv. 1
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Silver (Lv. 2) into Iron Ore (Lv. 1). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Adamantite (Lv. 3) into Silver (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Iron Ore (Lv. 1) into Silver (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Orichalcum (Lv. 4) into Adamantite (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Silver (Lv. 2) into Adamantite (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Durandil (Lv. 5) into Orichalcum (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Adamantite (Lv. 3) into Orichalcum (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Orichalcum (Lv. 4) into Durandil (Lv. 5). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Synthetic Fiber (Lv. 2) into Fiber (Lv. 1). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Metallic Fiber (Lv. 3) into Synthetic Fiber (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Fiber (Lv. 1) into Synthetic Fiber (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Quality Fiber (Lv. 4) into Metallic Fiber (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Synthetic Fiber (Lv. 2) into Metallic Fiber (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Exquisite Fiber (Lv. 5) into Quality Fiber (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).

Pagina 371

For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Metallic Fiber (Lv. 3) into Quality Fiber (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Quality Fiber (Lv. 4) into Exquisite Fiber (Lv. 5). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Thin Braid (Lv. 2) into Thread (Lv. 1). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Synthetic Braid (Lv. 2) into Thin Braid (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Thread (Lv. 1) into Thin Braid (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Durable Braid (Lv. 4) into Synthetic Braid (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Thin Braid (Lv. 2) into Synthetic Braid (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Quality Braid (Lv. 5) into Durable Braid (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Synthetic Braid (Lv. 2) into Durable Braid (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Durable Braid (Lv. 4) into Quality Braid (Lv. 5). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Leather Braid (Lv. 2) into Worn Leather Braid (Lv. 1). Requires Create Item (Lv.
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Worn Leather(Lv. 1) and Thread (Lv. 1) into Worn Leather Braid (Lv. 1). Require
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Durable Leather (Lv. 3) into Leather Braid (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Worn Leather Braid (Lv. 1) into Leather Braid (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv.
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Leather (Lv. 2) and Thin Braid (Lv. 2) into Worn Leather Braid (Lv. 2). Requires C
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Quality Leather Braid (Lv. 4) into Durable Leather Braid (Lv. 3). Requires Create
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Leather Braid (Lv. 2) into Durable Leather Braid (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (L
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Durable Leather (Lv. 3) and Synthetic Braid (Lv. 3) into Durable Leather Braid (L
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Exquisite Leather Braid (Lv. 5) into Quality Leather Braid (Lv. 4). Requires Creat
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Durable Leather Braid (Lv. 3) into Quality Leather Braid (Lv. 4). Requires Create
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Quality Leather (Lv. 4) and Durable Braid (Lv. 4) into Quality Leather Braid (Lv. 4
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Quality Leather Braid (Lv. 4) into Exquisite Leather Braid (Lv. 5). Requires Creat
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Exquisite Leather (Lv. 5) and Quality Braid (Lv. 5) into Exquisite Leather Braid (L
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Silver Wire (Lv. 2) into Steel Wire (Lv. 1). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Steel (Lv. 1) and Thread (Lv. 1) into Steel Wire (Lv. 1). Requires Create Item (Lv
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Adamantite Wire (Lv. 3) into Silver Wire (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Steel Wire (Lv. 1) into Silver Wire (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Silver (Lv. 2) and Thin Braid (Lv. 2) into Silver Wire (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Orichalcum Wire (Lv. 4) into Adamantite Wire (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv.
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Silver Wire (Lv. 2) into Adamantite Wire (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Adamantite (Lv. 3) and Synthetic Braid (Lv. 3) into Adamantite Wire (Lv. 3). Req
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Durandil Wire (Lv. 5) into Orichalcum Wire (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14)
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Adamantite Wire (Lv. 3) into Orichalcum Wire (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv.
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Orichalcum (Lv. 4) and Durable Braid (Lv. 4) into Orichalcum Wire (Lv. 4). Requi
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Orichalcum Wire (Lv. 4) into Durandil Wire (Lv. 5). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14)
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Durandil Wire (Lv. 5) and Quality Braid (Lv. 5) into Durandil Wire (Lv. 5). Require
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Weapon Fragment (Lv. 2) into Weapon Fragment (Low-grade) (Lv. 1). Requires
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Weapon Fragment (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3) into Weapon Fragment (Lv. 2). Requires C
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Weapon Fragment (Low-grade) (Lv. 1) into Weapon Fragment (Lv. 2). Requires
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Weapon Fragment (High-grade) (Lv. 4) into Weapon Fragment (Mid-grade) (Lv.
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Weapon Fragment (Lv. 2) into Weapon Fragment (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3). Requires C
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Weapon Fragment (Top-grade) (Lv. 5) into Weapon Fragment (High-grade) (Lv.
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Weapon Fragment (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3) into Weapon Fragment (High-grade) (Lv.
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Weapon Fragment (High-grade) (Lv. 4) into Weapon Fragment (Top-grade) (Lv.
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Armor Fragment (Lv. 2) into Armor Fragment (Low-grade) (Lv. 1). Requires Crea
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Armor Fragment (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3) into Armor Fragment (Lv. 2). Requires Crea
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Armor Fragment (Low-grade) (Lv. 1) into Armor Fragment (Lv. 2). Requires Crea
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Armor Fragment (High-grade) (Lv. 4) into Armor Fragment (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3). R
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Armor Fragment (Lv. 2) into Armor Fragment (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3). Requires Crea

Pagina 372

For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Armor Fragment (Top-grade) (Lv. 5) into Armor Fragment (High-grade) (Lv. 4). R
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Armor Fragment (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3) into Armor Fragment (High-grade) (Lv. 4). R
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Armor Fragment (High-grade) (Lv. 4) into Armor Fragment (Top-grade) (Lv. 5). R
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Accessory Gem (Lv. 2) into Accessory Gem (Low-grade) (Lv. 1). Requires Creat
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Accessory Gem (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3) into Accessory Gem (Lv. 2). Requires Create
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Accessory Gem (Low-grade) (Lv. 1) into Accessory Gem (Lv. 2). Requires Creat
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Accessory Gem (High-grade) (Lv. 4) into Accessory Gem (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3). Re
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Accessory Gem (Lv. 2) into Accessory Gem (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3). Requires Create
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Accessory Gem (Top-grade) (Lv. 5) into Accessory Gem (High-grade) (Lv. 4). Re
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Accessory Gem (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3) into Accessory Gem (High-grade) (Lv. 4). Re
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Accessory Gem (High-grade) (Lv. 4) into Accessory Gem (Top-grade) (Lv. 5). Re
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Greater Cokes (Lv. 2) into Cokes (Lv. 1). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Synthetic Cokes (Lv. 3) into Greater Cokes (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8)
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Cokes (Lv. 1) into Greater Cokes (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Greater Synthetic Cokes (Lv. 4) into Synthetic Cokes (Lv. 3). Requires Create Ite
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Greater Cokes (Lv. 2) into Synthetic Cokes (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8)
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Exquisite Synthetic Cokes (Lv. 5) into Greater Synthetic Cokes (Lv. 4). Requires
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Synthetic Cokes (Lv. 3) into Greater Synthetic Cokes (Lv. 4). Requires Create Ite
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for changing Greater Synthetic Cokes (Lv. 4) into Exquisite Synthetic Cokes (Lv. 5). Requires
No longer provided
Mysterious essence with the power of chaos. Take it to Hardin at the Reliquary of the Giants to change your specialized awak
A welcome guide to help warriors start a new journey.
Masterpiece perfected by a Dwarven Artisan after long hours of work. Double-click the Spellbook to learn the skill of getting o
Box that helps new/ dormant heroes. Double-click to receive an item appropriate for the PC's class/ level.
Double-click to receive a box with a no-grade item and a D-grade item. Items are provided according to the PC's level and cla
Double-click to receive a box with a D-grade item and a C-grade item. Items are provided according to the PC's level and clas
Double-click to receive a box with a C-grade item and a B-grade item. Items are provided according to the PC's level and clas
Double-click to receive a box with a B-grade item and an A-grade item. Items are provided according to the PC's level and cla
Double-click to receive a box with an A-grade item and an S-grade item. Items are provided according to the PC's level and c
Double-click to receive an S-grade item. Items are provided according to the PC's level and class. The box whose level does
Can bestow fire attribute up to 60 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes
Can bestow water attribute up to 60 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attribut
Can bestow earth attribute up to 60 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attribut
Can bestow wind attribute up to 60 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attribute
Can bestow dark attribute up to 60 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attribute
Can bestow holy attribute up to 60 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attribute
Can bestow fire attribute up to level 3 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attrib
Can bestow water attribute up to level 3 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of att
Can bestow earth attribute up to level 3 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attr
Can bestow wind attribute up to level 3 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attr
Can bestow dark attribute up to level 3 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attri
Can bestow holy attribute up to level 3 at one time. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attri
Fire attribute from level 3 to level 6 can be bestowed at the same time. The crystal's power is destroyed when additional attrib
Water attribute from level 3 to level 6 can be bestowed at the same time. The crystal's power is destroyed when additional att
Earth attribute from level 3 to level 6 can be bestowed at the same time. The crystal's power is destroyed when additional attr
Wind attribute from level 3 to level 6 can be bestowed at the same time. The crystal's power is destroyed when additional attr
Dark attribute from level 3 to level 6 can be bestowed at the same time. The crystal's power is destroyed when additional attri
Holy attribute from level 3 to level 6 can be bestowed at the same time. The crystal's power is destroyed when additional attri
Increases M. Def. of hair accessories by 2. It is greatly increased starting at +4. Can be safely enchanted to +3.

Pagina 373

Life Stone for Hair Accessories.

Lineage II's 9th Anniversary Gift Box that contains 9th Anniversary Rocket Gun Hat: Chain Fireworks and 9th Anniversary Cu
Lineage II's 9th Anniversary Gift Box that contains 9th Anniversary Rocket Gun Hat: Chain Fireworks and 9th Anniversary Cu
Lineage II's 9th Anniversary Gift Box that contains 9th Anniversary Rocket Gun Hat: Chain Fireworks and 9th Anniversary Cu
Lineage II's 9th Anniversary Gift Box that contains 9th Anniversary Rocket Gun Hat: Chain Fireworks and 9th Anniversary Cu
Lineage II's 9th Anniversary Cube. Double-click to obtain one of the following: Kaliel's Energy (Annihilation/ Hellfire/ Desire), H
Lineage II's 9th Anniversary Cube. Double-click to obtain one of the following: Kaliel's Energy (Annihilation/ Hellfire/ Desire), H
Lineage II's 9th Anniversary Cube. Double-click to obtain one of the following: Kaliel's Energy (Annihilation/ Hellfire/ Desire), H
Lineage II's 9th Anniversary Cube. Double-click to obtain one of the following: Kaliel's Energy (Annihilation/ Hellfire/ Desire), H
Magic pouch that contains the letters of TOGETHE. Double-click to get one of the following letters: T, O, G, E, T, H and E. Th
Magic pouch that contains the letters of LINEAGE. Double-click to get one of the following letters: L, I, N, E, A, G and E. The
Magic pouch that contains the letters of NCOFT. Double-click to get one of the following letters: N, C, O, F and T. The letter S
Magic pouch that contains the letters of RIIS. Double-click to get one of the following letters: H, II and S.
Chance to test your luck! You can get Letter Collector's Pouch: HIIS at a certain probability. If you fail, you won't get anything
Restores HP by 50%. Cooldown is 2 min.
Restores MP by 20%. Cooldown is 2 min.
Restores CP by 50%. Cooldown is 2 min.
For 30 min., provides the effects of Horn Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Guitar Melody, and Drum Melody, and Warrior's Harmo
For 30 min., provides the effects of Horn Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Guitar Melody, and Drum Melody, and Wizard's Harmo
For 30 min., provides the effects of Horn Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Guitar Melody, and Drum Melody, and Knight's Harmon
Scroll for teleporting to Raider's Crossroads.
Scroll for teleporting to the Land of Chaos.
Scroll for teleporting to Gainak.
Supply box from Elmore. Double-click to receive an item at a certain probability.
Mysterious box from Elmore. Double-click to receive an item at a certain probability.
Noble box from Elmore. Double-click to receive an item at a certain probability.
Eternal Ingredient Pouch. Double-click to receive an Eternal ingredient at a certain probability.
Eternal Recipe Pouch. Double-click to receive an Eternal recipe at a certain probability.
Teleports you to Alligator Island.
Teleports you to Outlaw Forest.
Teleports you to the Sea of Spores.
Teleports you to Forsaken Plains.
Teleports you to the Fields of Massacre.
Teleports you to the Swamp of Screams.
Teleports you to the Forest of the Dead.
Teleports you to the Wall of Argos.
Teleports you to the Wall of Argos.
Teleports you to Varka Silenos Barracks.
Teleports you to Ketra Orc Outpost.
Teleports you to the Den of Evil.
Teleports you to Sel Mahum Training Grounds.
Teleports you to the Plains of the Lizardmen.
Teleports you to the Field of Silence.
Teleports you to the Field of Whispers.
Double-click to increase Max HP/ MP/ CP, Defense and M. Def. by 30% for 30 min. If you receive the 'Cannibalistic Stakato C
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for making Divine Protection Elixir. Requires Create Item (Lv. 12). Success rate is 100%.
For those who have completed the fourth class transfer only. Recipe for making Divine Protection Elixir. Requires Create Com
Enchants a skill +1~+10 to the next grade with a success rate of 100% without consuming extra materials.
Coin provided to true adventurers of Aden. Can be exchanged for other items through Adventurers' Guide in each village.

Pagina 374

Lineage II's 9th Anniversary Cube. Double-click to obtain one of the following: Kaliel's Energy (Annihilation/ Hellfire/ Desire), H
Changes the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of Theor's Sword. An appearance-modified item has no change in a
Changes the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of the Sword of Corruption. An appearance-modified item has no ch
Changes the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of Octavis' Sword. An appearance-modified item has no change in a
Changes the appearance of a dual sword to that of Tegaffe's Dual Sword. An appearance-modified item has no change in ab
Changes the appearance of a magic sword to that of Seknus' Sword. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities
Changes the appearance of a one-handed blunt to that of Tebot's Axe. An appearance-modified item has no change in abiliti
Changes the appearance of a one-handed blunt to that of Glakias' Hammer. An appearance-modified item has no change in
Changes the appearance of a dual blunt to that of Tebot's Dual Blunt. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilitie
Changes the appearance of a dagger to that of Drakos' Dagger. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Dou
Changes the appearance of a dual dagger to that of Drakos' Dual Dagger. An appearance-modified item has no change in ab
Changes the appearance of a two-handed sword to that of Guillotine's Greatsword. An appearance-modified item has no cha
Changes the appearance of a spear to that of Thesakar's Spear. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Do
Changes the appearance of a two-handed staff to that of Mimilead's Staff. An appearance-modified item has no change in ab
Changes the appearance of a two-handed staff to that of Satyr's Staff. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilitie
Changes the appearance of a fist weapon to that of Kanadis' Hand. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities.
Changes the appearance of a bow to that of Kanadis' Bow. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Double-c
Changes the appearance of a bow to that of Centaur's Bow. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Double
Changes the appearance of a crossbow to that of Spicula's Crossbow. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilitie
Changes the appearance of a shield to that of Theor's Shield. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Doubl
Changes the appearance of a shield to that of a Shield of Corruption. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities
Energy with the power of dimension. Required to receive a reward or increase the stage level through Mermoden. If you use
Energy with the power of dimension. Required to receive a reward or increase the stage level through Mermoden. If you use
Energy with the power of dimension. Required to receive a reward or increase the stage level through Mermoden. If you use
Energy of dimensional strength. It is needed to receive rewards from Mermoden or to raise the stage. If you raise the stage w
Potion that can be used only in dimensional space. Restores HP by 3,000. if HP is full, CP is restored.
Treasure Chest obtained in dimensional space.
Treasure Chest obtained in dimensional space.
Treasure Chest obtained in dimensional space.
Recovers HP. Only characters above level 85 can use on themselves. Cooldown is 2 min.
Recovers MP. Only characters above level 85 can use on themselves. Cooldown is 2 min.
Recovers CP. Only characters above level 85 can use on themselves. Cooldown is 2 min.
For 30 min., provides the effect of Knight's Harmony. Can be used only by characters above level 85. Cooldown is 2 min.
For 30 min., provides the effect of Wizard's Harmony. Can be used only by characters above level 85. Cooldown is 2 min.
For 30 min., provides the effect of Warrior's Harmony. Can be used only by characters above level 85. Cooldown is 2 min.
For those who have completed the fourth class transfer only. Recipe for Elixir of Life (R-grade). Requires Create Common Ite
For those who have completed the fourth class transfer only. Recipe for Elixir of Mind (R-grade). Requires Create Common It
For those who have completed the fourth class transfer only. Recipe for Elixir of CP (R-grade). Requires Create Common Item
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Elixir of Life (R-grade). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Elixir of Mind (R-grade). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Elixir of Life (R-grade). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Elixir of Protection. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Elixir of Magic. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 100%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Elixir of Aggression. Requires Create Item (Lv. 11). Success rate is 100%.
Teleports you close to Captain Gosta in Heine.
Teleports you close to Head Blacksmith Flutter in the town of Oren.
Teleports you close to Captain Mouen in the town of Oren.
Teleports you close to Paterson in the town of Aden.
Teleports you close to Paterson in the town of Aden.

Pagina 375

Teleports you close to Captain Mathias in the town of Rune.

Teleports you close to Captain Mathias in the town of Rune.
Teleports you close to Captain Andrei in the town of Goddard.
Teleports you close to Captain Andrei in the town of Goddard.
Teleports you close to Captain Andrei in the town of Goddard.
Teleports you close to Captain Andrei in the town of Goddard.
Teleports you close to Captain Vishotsky in the town of Schuttgart.
Teleports you close to Captain Mouen in the town of Oren.
Teleports you close to Captain Mouen in the town of Oren.
Teleports you close to Captain Gosta in Heine.
Double-click to receive 1 Bloody Helios Pack, 1 Bloody Eternal Pack, 1 Istina/ Octavis Accessory Pack, 1 Top-grade Enchant
Double-click to receive 1 of each Bloody Helios Weapon with Double Crystal Enhancement.
Double-click to receive 1 of each Bloody Eternal Armor.
Double-click to receive 1 Istina's Necklace, 1 Octavis' Ring, 1 Istina's Ring, 1 Istina's Earring, and 1 Octavis' Earring.
Double-click to receive 20 Scrolls: Enchant Weapon of Destruction (R-grade), 220 Scrolls: Enchant Armor of Destruction (R-g
Double-click to receive 1 of each Hair Accessory and Hair Accessory Pendant.
Double-click to receive 3 of each Lv. 5 Legendary Dye Pack.
Support Box that Master Toma arranged by himself. Double-click to receive Toma's Living Guide, Returning Hero's Support B
When Double Clicked, an equipment item appropriate for each Grades or job can be obtained. Only available to characters b
Double-click to receive C-grade equipment items necessary for fighter-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 40 - 8
Double-click to receive C-grade equipment items necessary for wizard-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 40 - 8
Double-click to receive C-grade equipment items necessary for warrior-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 40 - 8
Double-click to receive C-grade equipment items necessary for rogue-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 40 - 84
Double-click to receive C-grade equipment items necessary for Kamael-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 40 -
Double-click to receive C-grade equipment items necessary for orc-fighter-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 40
Double-click to receive C-grade equipment items necessary for orc-wizard-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 40
Double-click to receive B-grade equipment items necessary for fighter-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 52 - 84
Double-click to receive B-grade equipment items necessary for wizard-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 52 - 8
Double-click to receive B-grade equipment items necessary for warrior-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 52 - 8
Double-click to receive B-grade equipment items necessary for rogue-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 52 - 84
Double-click to receive B-grade equipment items necessary for Kamael-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 52 -
Double-click to receive B-grade equipment items necessary for orc-fighter-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 52
Double-click to receive B-grade equipment items necessary for orc-wizard-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 52
Double-click to receive A-grade equipment items necessary for fighter-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 61 - 84
Double-click to receive A-grade equipment items necessary for wizard-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 61 - 8
Double-click to receive A-grade equipment items necessary for warrior-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 61 - 8
Double-click to receive A-grade equipment items necessary for rogue-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 61 - 84
Double-click to receive A-grade equipment items necessary for Kamael-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 61 -
Double-click to receive A-grade equipment items necessary for orc-fighter-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 61
Double-click to receive A-grade equipment items necessary for orc-wizard-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 61
Double-click to receive S-grade equipment items necessary for fighter-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 76 - 84
Double-click to receive S-grade equipment items necessary for wizard-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 76 - 8
Double-click to receive S-grade equipment items necessary for warrior-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 76 - 8
Double-click to receive S-grade equipment items necessary for rogue-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 76 - 84
Double-click to receive S-grade equipment items necessary for Kamael-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 76 -
Double-click to receive S-grade equipment items necessary for orc-fighter-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 76
Double-click to receive S-grade equipment items necessary for orc-wizard-type characters. Can be used by characters Lv. 76
Double-click to receive S-grade equipment items necessary for fighter-type characters. Can be used by characters between l
Double-click to receive S-grade equipment items necessary for wizard-type characters. Can be used by characters between l

Pagina 376

Double-click to receive S-grade equipment items necessary for warrior-type characters. Can be used by characters between
Double-click to receive S-grade equipment items necessary for rogue-type characters. Can be used by characters between le
Double-click to receive S-grade equipment items necessary for Kamael-type characters. Can be used by characters between
Double-click to receive S-grade equipment items necessary for orc-fighter-type characters. Can be used by characters betwe
Double-click to receive S-grade equipment items necessary for orc-wizard-type characters. Can be used by characters betwe
When Double Clicked, a useful equipment item for a Sigel Knight can be obtained. Only available to characters above lv85.
When Double Clicked, a useful equipment item for a Tyrr Warrior can be obtained. Only available to characters above lv85.
When Double Clicked, a useful equipment item for an Othell Rogue can be obtained. Only available to characters above lv85
When Double Clicked, a useful equipment item for a Yul Archer can be obtained. Only available to characters above lv85.
When Double Clicked, a useful equipment item for a Feoh Wizard can be obtained. Only available to characters above lv85.
When Double Clicked, a useful equipment item for a Wynn Summoner can be obtained. Only available to characters above lv
When Double Clicked, a useful equipment item for an Aeore Healer can be obtained. Only available to characters above lv85
When Double Clicked, a useful equipment item for an Iss Enchanter can be obtained. Only available to characters above lv85
Badge that confirms you have obtained a Lindvior Support Box. If you have this badge, you cannot obtain a Lindvior Support
Alliance made with blood! Reward given to those who worked hard for the growth of their clans. Use it to receive 2 Vitality Re
Alliance made with blood! Reward given to those who worked hard for the growth of their clans. Use it to receive 3 Vitality Re
Alliance made with blood! Reward given to those who worked hard for the growth of their clans. Use it to receive 4 Vitality Re
Alliance made with blood! Reward given to those who worked hard for the growth of their clans. Use it to receive 5 Vitality Re
Alliance made with blood! Reward given to those who worked hard for the growth of their clans. Use it to receive 6 Vitality Re
Alliance made with blood! Reward given to those who worked hard for the growth of their clans. Use it to receive 6 Vitality Re
Alliance made with blood! Reward given to those who worked hard for the growth of their clans. Use it to receive 7 Vitality Re
Alliance made with blood! Reward given to those who worked hard for the growth of their clans. Use it to receive 7 Vitality Re
Alliance made with blood! Reward given to those who worked hard for the growth of their clans. Use it to receive 8 Vitality Re
Alliance made with blood! Reward given to those who worked hard for the growth of their clans. Use it to receive 10 Vitality R
Alliance made with blood! Reward given to those who worked hard for the growth of their clans. Use it to receive 12 Vitality R
Alliance made with blood! Reward given to those who worked hard for the growth of their clans. Use it to receive 13 Vitality R
Alliance made with blood! Reward given to those who worked hard for the growth of their clans. Use it to receive 14 Vitality R
Alliance made with blood! Reward given to those who worked hard for the growth of their clans. Use it to receive 15 Vitality R
Used to receive the power of chaos. Use it to change your dual class through 'Hardin' at the Reliquary of the Giants.
Use it to learn the revelation skill through the 'Monk of Chaos' at the Reliquary of the Giants.
Use it to learn the revelation skill through the 'Monk of Chaos' at the Reliquary of the Giants. (dual class only)

Changes the appearance of an R-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an S-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of an A-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need
Changes the appearance of a B-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of a C-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of a D-grade weapon to that of a different weapon of the same grade or a lower grade. You need a
Changes the appearance of an R-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of an S-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of an A-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an app
Changes the appearance of a B-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appe
Changes the appearance of a C-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appe
Changes the appearance of a D-grade armor to that of different armor of the same grade or a lower grade. You need an appe
Low-grade reward box prepared by the Steel Door Guild for true adventurers of Aden. Double-click to receive an item.
Mid-grade reward box prepared by the Steel Door Guild for true adventurers of Aden. Double-click to receive an item.
High-grade reward box prepared by the Steel Door Guild for true adventurers of Aden. Double-click to receive an item.
Top-grade reward box prepared by the Steel Door Guild for true adventurers of Aden. Double-click to receive an item.
Scroll that replenishes 10,000,000 SP.

Pagina 377

Double-click to receive an Changes the appearance of a weapon to that of an Emerald Weapon.

Used to cancel the hiding of a monster at Raider's Crossroads.
Chest given by the Black Anvil Guild to the clan who obtains a dimensional castle.
Box given by the Dimensional Castle Lord to thank the receiver.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed staff to that of Emerald One-handed Sword. Limited time item (15-day).
Changes the appearance of a dagger to that of an Emerald dagger. 15-day.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed sword to that of Emerald Two-handed Sword. Limited time item (15-day).
Changes the appearance of a fist weapon to that of an Emerald fist weapon. 15-day.
Changes the appearance of a spear to that of an Emerald spear. 15-day.
Changes the appearance of a bow to that of an Emerald bow. 15-day.
Changes the appearance of a crossbow to that of an Emerald crossbow. 15-day.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed blunt to that of an Emerald one-handed blunt. 15-day.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed blunt to that of an Emerald two-handed blunt. 15-day.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed staff to that of Emerald One-handed Staff. Limited time item (15-day).
Changes the appearance of a two-handed staff to that of Emerald Two-handed Staff. Limited time item (15-day).
Changes the appearance of a dual sword to that of Emerald Dual Sword. Limited time item (15-day).
Changes the appearance of a dagger dual sword to that of Emerald Dagger Dual Sword. Limited time item (15-day).
Changes the appearance of a dual blunt to that of an Emerald dual blunt. 15-day.
Changes the appearance of a shield to that of an Emerald shield. 15-day.
Changes the appearance of a sigil to that of an Emerald sigil. 15-day.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed staff to that of Emerald One-handed Sword.
Changes the appearance of a dagger to that of an Emerald dagger.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed sword to that of Emerald Two-handed Sword.
Changes the appearance of a fist weapon to that of an Emerald fist weapon.
Changes the appearance of a spear to that of an Emerald spear.
Changes the appearance of a bow to that of an Emerald bow.
Changes the appearance of a crossbow to that of an Emerald crossbow.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed blunt weapon to that of Emerald One-handed Blunt Weapon.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed blunt weapon to that of Emerald Two-handed Blunt.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed staff to that of Emerald One-handed Staff.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed staff to that of Emerald Two-handed Staff.
Changes the appearance of a dual sword to that of Emerald Dual Sword.
Changes the appearance of a dagger dual sword to that of Emerald Dagger Dual Sword.
Changes the appearance of a dual blunt to that of an Emerald dual blunt.
Changes the appearance of a shield to that of an Emerald shield.
Changes the appearance of a sigil to that of an Emerald sigil.
Can be exchanged for an Emerald Weapon Appearance Scroll Ticket (Expiratory) through an Aden Reconstruction Society M
Can be exchanged for an Emerald Weapon Appearance Scroll Ticket through an Aden Reconstruction Society Member.
Double-click to receive Talisman - Escape: Town of Gludio. Once obtained, a talisman cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold i
Double-click to receive Talisman - Escape: Town of Dion. Once obtained, a talisman cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in
Double-click to receive Talisman - Escape: Town of Giran. Once obtained, a talisman cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in
Double-click to receive Talisman - Escape: Heine. Once obtained, a talisman cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a privat
Double-click to receive Talisman - Escape: Town of Oren. Once obtained, a talisman cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in
Double-click to receive Talisman - Escape: Town of Aden. Once obtained, a talisman cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in
Double-click to receive Talisman - Escape: Town of Goddard. Once obtained, a talisman cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold
Double-click to receive Talisman - Escape: Town of Rune. Once obtained, a talisman cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in
Double-click to receive Talisman - Escape: Town of Schuttgart. Once obtained, a talisman cannot be exchanged, dropped, so
Double-click to receive Talisman - Escape: Talking Island Village. Once obtained, a talisman cannot be exchanged, dropped,
Double-click to receive Talisman - Escape: Elven Village. Once obtained, a talisman cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a

Pagina 378

Double-click to receive Talisman - Escape: Dark Elf Village. Once obtained, a talisman cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold i
Double-click to receive Talisman - Escape: Orc Village. Once obtained, a talisman cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a p
Double-click to receive Talisman - Escape: Dwarven Village. Once obtained, a talisman cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold
Double-click to receive Talisman - Escape: Floran Village. Once obtained, a talisman cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in
Double-click to receive Talisman - Escape: Hardin's Academy. Once obtained, a talisman cannot be exchanged, dropped, so
Double-click to receive Talisman - Escape: Ivory Tower. Once obtained, a talisman cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a
Double-click to receive Talisman - Escape: Hunters' Village. Once obtained, a talisman cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold
Double-click to receive Talisman - Escape: Ketra Orc Village. Once obtained, a talisman cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold
Double-click to receive Talisman - Escape: Varka Silenos Village. Once obtained, a talisman cannot be exchanged, dropped,
Double-click to receive Talisman - Escape: Kamael Village. Once obtained, a talisman cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in
Dimensional Item Pack\nTalk to a Dimensional Merchant to exchange this for an awakened warrior's weapon.\n\nNote: Cann
Double-click to receive 50 Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Darkness/ Holy Attribute Stones. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Dimensional Item Pack\nDouble-click to receive 1 Talisman - Destruction. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.\n\nNote: Cannot
Restores a modified hair accessory to its original form. Double-click to start the process.
Mysterious essence with the power of chaos. Take it to Hardin at the Reliquary of the Giants to change your specialized awak
Scales that occasionally fall off Lindvior. It has the power of Lindvior.
Double-click to learn how to ride a Lyn Draco.
A blessing that the Dimensional Wizard grants to the winner of a dimensional siege. Atk. Spd. +10%, Casting Spd. +10%, Mo
Fire attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Water defense attribute increases by 6 when bestowed on
Water attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Fire defense attribute increases by 6 when bestowed on
Earth attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Wind defense attribute increases by 6 when bestowed on
Wind attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Earth defense attribute increases by 6 when bestowed on
Darkness Elemental attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Holy defense attribute increases by 6 when
Holy attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Darkness Elemental defense attribute increases by 6 when
Collect and take 10 of these to Lydia to exchange an Octavis' Accessory for an enhanced one.
Collect and take 10 of these to Rumiese to exchange an Istina's Accessory for an enhanced one.
Take it to Denign to imbue Frintezza's Necklace with Frintezza's Soul.
Take it to Denign to imbue Baium's Ring with Baium's Soul.
A scroll that can summon Bae Kisung once. If Bae Kisung is summoned, you can receive Kisung's Power Up buff for 30 min
Treasure Chest with Pomona's gift.
Sealbook for learning the skill of transforming yourself into an One-eyed ParaPara Cat.
Sealbook for learning the skill of transforming yourself into a Smiling ParaPara Cat.
Sealbook for learning the skill of transforming yourself into a Charming ParaPara Cat.
Sealbook for learning the skill of transforming yourself into a Ferocious ParaPara Cat.
Sealbook for learning the skill of transforming yourself into a Merchant ParaPara Cat.
Wind Dragon Egg rewarded on the 9th Anniversary of Lineage II. Double-click to obtain one from 10th Anniversary Time Cap
Double-click to change your appearance to that of a Santa for 3 hours. STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1. Buff remains ev
Double-click to receive 10 Rose Essences as well as a Passion Treasure Chest at a low probability.
Double-click to receive a Bae Kisung Agathion (90-day). Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Double-click to receive 1 Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade) and 1 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade). Cannot be used in the O
Double-click to receive 1 Giant's Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade) and 1 Giant's Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade). Cannot b
Double-click to receive 1 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade) and 1 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade). Cannot
Scroll for summoning Bae Kisung once. From the summoned Bae Kisung, you can receive power-up buff and additionally Ba
Go to Santa to trade in for Snowy Squash Seed or Large Snowy Squash Seed. You can also use it to grow Snowy Squash a
Shaken off of a Snowy Squash, this snow lump is popular among merchants as a bringer of fortune. Perhaps you could inves
Shaken off of a Large Snowy Squash, this snow lump is popular among merchants as a bringer of fortune. Perhaps you could
Winter Holiday Gift for 2012. Gives 10 Nectars for the Snowy Squash Event.
Winter Holiday Gift for 2012. Gives 15 Nectars for the Snowy Squash Event.
Winter Holiday Gift for 2012. Gives 25 Nectars for the Snowy Squash Event.

Pagina 379

Winter Holiday Gift for 2012. Gives 60 Nectars for the Snowy Squash Event.
Replenishes Vitality for 3 h. in a peace zone.
Double-click to acquire one of the following: Bottle of Orfen's Soul, Bottle of Frintezza's Soul, Bottle of Queen Ant's Soul, or B
Double-click to have a Young Snowy Squash appear.
Double-click to have a Young Large Snowy Squash appear.
Double-click to receive Bae Kisung's Power Up buff for 30 min. Cooldown is 15 sec. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
PA event item for 2013. One received per hour spent in a PA. The more you have, the better your chances to win!
Promise Cube. Double-click to acquire one of the following: Dark/ Bloody Eternal Enhancement Stone (Annihilation/ Hellfire/ D
Double-click to acquire one of the following: Dark/ Bloody Eternal Enhancement Stone (Annihilation/ Hellfire/ Desire), Blessed
Double-click to acquire 5 each of high-grade elixirs of life, mind, and CP. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Sparkling coin. Used to exchange for special items through the dimensional merchant.
Water of Vitality containing the strength of the lord. Recovers 1 of the 4 Vitality slots. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. The 5
Water of Vitality containing the strength of the lord. Recovers 2 of the 4 Vitality slots. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. The 5
Water of Vitality containing the strength of the lord. Recovers 3 of the 4 Vitality slots. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. The 5
When used, the emperor's experience is infused so that the character's acquired XP and SP are increased by 30% for one ho
8-hour limited item. While in possession, the character's acquired XP and SP increase by 30%.
Open the box to obtain the Emperor's Rune (8-hour). Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (R-grade) when using Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon. Only for items enchanted b
Enchant success rate +15% for armor (R-grade) when using Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor. Only for items enchanted betwe
Pouch of legendary cards brimming with magic. Double-click to obtain either the Antharas, Valakas, or Lindvior.
Pouch of legendary cards brimming with magic. Double-click to obtain either the Astair van Halter, Amadeo Cadmus, Lionel H
Pouch of legendary cards brimming with magic. Double-click to obtain either the Baium, Beleth, or Tiat card.

Test your luck! You could receive up to 4 cards including Lindvior, Lionel Hunter, Beleth, and Paulina - or you could receive n
Snake's Gift for the Year of the Black Snake. Double-click for a chance to obtain a card excluding the Hidden Card.
Golden card obtained from combining the Lord of the Western Winds. For 30 min., CON +5, MEN +5, and Damage Reflection
Red card obtained from combining the Successors of Destiny. For 30 min., STR +5, INT +5, and P. Def. +10%.
Black card obtained from combining the Dragon Rising. For 30 min., STR +5, INT +5, and M. Def. +10%.
Blue card obtained from combining the Awakening Darkness. For 30 min., STR +5, INT +5, and Attribute Resistance +100.
1 out of 4 bars on the vitality gauge are replenished.
It contains 4 Returning Hero's Vitality Replenishing Juices that can replenish 1 out of 4 bars on the vitality gauge.
Gift box containing 30 Returning Hero's Health Potion, 1 Returning Hero's Vitality Replenishing Juice 4-unit Pack, and 6 Heav
Take this to Snake in town to obtain a weapon (R-grade) for a small fee. Temporary event item.
Take this to Snake in town to obtain a weapon (R95-grade) for a small fee. Temporary event item.

Pagina 380

Take this to Snake in town to obtain a weapon (R99-grade) for a small fee. Temporary event item.
Take this to Snake in town to obtain a weapon (S-grade) for a small fee. Temporary event item.
Take this to Snake in town to obtain a weapon (A-grade) for a small fee. Temporary event item.
Take this to Snake in town to obtain armor (R-grade) for a small fee. Temporary event item.
Take this to Snake in town to obtain armor (R95-grade) for a small fee. Temporary event item.
Take this to Snake in town to obtain armor (R99-grade) for a small fee. Temporary event item.
Take this to Snake in town to obtain armor (S-grade) for a small fee. Temporary event item.
Take this to Snake in town to obtain armor (A-grade) for a small fee. Temporary event item.
Double-click to acquire a Promise Cube (100-day). Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Double-click to obtain either a hair accessory pack, pendant pack, enchant scroll pack, attribute stone pack, or ingredient pac
Double-click to obtain a hair accessory on which you can add a pendant.
Double-click to obtain a pendant.
Double-click to obtain an Enchant Scroll (S or R-grade), or have a low chance of receiving a Blessed Enchant Scroll.
Double-click to obtain either an attribute stone or crystal.
Double-click to obtain either an Energy of Destruction or a crafting ingredient.
Double-click to obtain either a Hero's Lucky Enchant Stone Pack, Hero's Giant Enchant Scroll Pack, Hero's Blessed Enchant
Double-click to obtain a Lucky Enchant Stone (S or R-grade).
Double-click to obtain a Giant's Enchant Scroll (S or R-grade).
Double-click to obtain a Blessed Enchant Scroll (S or R-grade).
Double-click to obtain an Unbind Scroll (R, R95, or R99-grade).
Double-click to obtain an attribute crystal, or either a Super 60 or Super 150 attribute Stone.
Double-click to obtain a random Scroll: PK.
Double-click to obtain a random Scroll: Reputation.
Double-click to obtain either a Mysterious Soulshot or a Mysterious Blessed Spiritshot.
Double-click to obtain one of Kaliel's Energies.
Double-click to obtain either a Bottle of Antharas' Soul, or a Bottle of Valakas' Soul.
Double-click to obtain either a Spirit Stone, or a Life Stone Instilled with Giants' Power.

The power of a high level spirit is bestowed on a weapon causing its M. Atk. to momentarily increase. Double-click to acquire
The power of a high level spirit is bestowed on a weapon causing its M. Atk. to momentarily increase. Double-click to acquire
Double-click to acquire 3 Mysterious Healthy Juices (HP/ CP).
Mysterious juice that momentarily replenishes 30,000 HP and CP. Cannot be used in the Olympiad or Ceremony of Chaos.
Double-click to acquire 30-day Blessed Antharas's Earring, Blessed Valakas's Necklace, Tauti's Ring, and Earth Wyrm Heart
When used, recovers 2500 HP and the remaining power is recovered as CP. There is no duration. Cannot be used in an auc
Double-click to obtain 1 Mysterious Friend Summon Bracelet (30-day).
A scroll that changes the appearance of a two-handed sword to that of Demonic Sword Zariche. Limited time item (30-day).
A scroll that changes the appearance of a dual sword to that of Blood Sword Akamanah. Limited time item (30-day).
You are full of knowledge!\nYou can purchase useful items through the Adventurers' Guide.
When used, can receive the effects of 4 types of level 4 melodies, including Guardian's Harmony, and 3 types of sonatas, for
When used, can receive the effects of 4 types of level 4 melodies, including Berserker's Harmony, and 3 types of sonatas, for
When used, can receive the effects of 4 types of level 4 melodies, including Magician's Harmony, and 3 types of sonatas, for
Can change into the appearance of a Makeshift Bat for 30 min.\nPlease note that a Makeshift Bat is extremely cute.
Test Item; do not open to public
Can change into the appearance of a Lady Tow for 30 min.\nPlease note that a Tow is extremely cute.
Can change into the appearance of a Angry Tow for 30 min.\nPlease note that a Tow is extremely cute.
Can change into the appearance of a Sleepy Tow for 30 min.\nPlease note that a Tow is extremely cute.
Herb that modifies the appearance of weapons for Valentine's Day.
Double-click to cast Decadence (for 2 hr., STR +2, INT +2, and Attribute Resistance +20) on the entire party. Can be stacked
Double-click to cast Sugar Rush (for 2 hr., STR +2, INT +2, DEX +2, and WIT +2) on the entire party. Can be stacked with De

Pagina 381

Double-click to cast Forever Alone (for 2 hr., STR +2, INT +2, CON +2, and MEN +2) on the entire party. Can be stacked with
Item containing the magic of Coco, the messenger of love. For 60 min., you can transform into one of the following: Snow Ma
Item containing the magic of Coco, the messenger of love. For 60 min., you can transform into one of the following: Snow Ma
Item containing the magic of Coco, the messenger of love. For 60 min., you can transform into one of the following: Snow Ma
Item containing the magic of Coco, the messenger of love. Can summon a friend once every 30 min. Target a party member
Item containing the magic of Coco, the messenger of love. Can summon a friend once every 30 min. Target a party member
Item containing the magic of Coco, the messenger of love. Can summon a friend once every 30 min. Target a party member
Bring Talisman - Lilith and Talisman - Anakim to the Seed Talisman Manager to receive a Talisman - Seven Signs.
Wrapped Pack containing Pa'agrio's Shirt. There is also a low chance or acquiring a Shiny Elemental Shirt. \n\nWarning: The
Wrapped Pack containing Maphr's Shirt. There is also a low chance or acquiring a Shiny Elemental Shirt. \n\nWarning: The s
Wrapped Pack containing Sayha's Shirt. There is also a low chance or acquiring a Shiny Elemental Shirt. \n\nWarning: The s
Wrapped Pack containing Eva's Shirt. There is also a low chance or acquiring a Shiny Elemental Shirt. \n\nWarning: The shir
Bring Pa'agrio's Shirt, Maphr's Shirt, Sayha's Shirt, or Eva's Shirt to the Fantasy Isle Paddy to exchange for a Shiny Elementa
Material with the condensed power of Shilen. The groups that oppose Shilen purchase them for research,so they can be sold
Double-click to obtain Blessed Antharas' Earring, Blessed Valakas' Necklace, Tauti's Ring, Earth Wyrm Heart Ring, Blessed Z
Double-click to acquire Dandy's Challenge Scroll and the NC Dinos Uniform.
For 60 min., decreases P. Atk. by 5%, Atk. Spd. by 5%, P. Critical Rate by 30, M. Atk. by 10%, Casting Spd. by 5%, M. Critica
For 60 min., decreases all received damage by 10%. Dandy's Cheer and Dandy's Faith buffs are not applied at the same time
For 60 min., increases acquired XP and SP by 30%. Energy of Glory, Midsummer Passion, and Emperor's Growth scrolls are
Soulshot for test use. To be included in the D-grade or C-grade load effect.
Soulshot for test use. To be included in the C-grade or D-grade load effect.
A powerful light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily inflict a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on no-grade w
A powerful light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily inflict a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on D-grade we
A powerful light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily inflict a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on C-grade we
A powerful light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily inflict a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on B-grade we
A powerful light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily inflict a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on A-grade we
A powerful light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily inflict a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on S-grade we
A powerful light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily inflict a powerful attack on the enemy. Can be used on R-grade we
A powerful light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily strengthen M. Atk. Can be used on no-grade weapons.
A powerful light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily strengthen M. Atk. Can be used on D-grade weapons.
A powerful light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily strengthen M. Atk. Can be used on C-grade weapons.
A powerful light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily strengthen M. Atk. Can be used on B-grade weapons.
A powerful light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily strengthen M. Atk. Can be used on A-grade weapons.
A powerful light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily strengthen M. Atk. Can be used on S-grade weapons.
A powerful light is bestowed on the weapon to temporarily strengthen M. Atk. Can be used on R-grade weapons.
Confirm if it becomes crystal_free
Confirm if it becomes crystal_free
Can exchange it for various items through the warehouse keeper.
Document that proves participation in the Olympiad Match 50. Take this document to the Olympiad Manager to receive a who
Treasure box given to a warrior participating in the Olympiad Match 50 with an indomitable will.
Faint energy of dimensional strength. It is needed to receive rewards from Mermoden or to raise the stage for even greater re
Faint energy of dimensional strength. It is needed to receive rewards from Mermoden or to raise the stage. If you raise the sta
Faint energy of dimensional strength. It is needed to receive rewards from Mermoden or to raise the stage. If you raise the sta
Faint energy of dimensional strength. It is the highest stage for receiving rewards from Mermoden.
Restores 2000 CP.
Message sent from Elikia to Leona Blackbird.
An item obtained by defeating monsters in the Beleth's Magic Circle area in Hellbound.
Potion that replenishes a certain amount of vitality points.
Activates the Crane at the Desert Quarry. Place it inside for a chance at a reward.

Pagina 382

Energy of the dimensions. It is the highest stage for receiving rewards from Mermoden.
There is a small chance that the Blacksmith of Mammon will exchange for you standard Requiem or Apocalypse equipment f
There is a small chance that the Blacksmith of Mammon will exchange for you standard Specter equipment for Blessed equip
There is a small chance that the Blacksmith of Mammon will exchange for you standard Helios equipment for Blessed equipm
Exclusive for Tyrr Maestro. Recipe for making a Scroll of Blessing: R-grade (weapon). Requires Create Item level 12. Succes
Exclusive for Tyrr Maestro. Recipe for making a Scroll of Blessing: R95-grade (weapon). Requires Create Item level 13. Succ
Exclusive for Tyrr Maestro. Recipe for making a Scroll of Blessing: R99-grade (weapon). Requires Create Item level 14. Succ
Main ingredient for making a Scroll of Blessing: R-grade (weapon).
Main ingredient for making a Scroll of Blessing: R95-grade (weapon).
Main ingredient for making a Scroll of Blessing: R99-grade (weapon).
There is a small chance that the Blacksmith of Mammon will exchange for you standard Immortal or Twilight equipment for Bl
There is a small chance that the Blacksmith of Mammon will exchange for you standard Seraph equipment for Blessed equip
There is a small chance that the Blacksmith of Mammon will exchange for you standard Eternal equipment for Blessed equip
Exclusive for Tyrr Maestro. Recipe for making a Scroll of Blessing: R-grade (armor). Requires Create Item level 12. Success
Exclusive for Tyrr Maestro. Recipe for making a Scroll of Blessing: R95-grade (armor). Requires Create Item level 13. Succes
Exclusive for Tyrr Maestro. Recipe for making a Scroll of Blessing: R99-grade (armor). Requires Create Item level 14. Succes
Main ingredient for making a Scroll of Blessing: R-grade (armor).
Main ingredient for making a Scroll of Blessing: R95-grade (armor).
Main ingredient for making a Scroll of Blessing: R99-grade (armor).
When held in the inventory, it increases SP acquired through hunting by 10%. 1-day.
When held in the inventory, it increases SP acquired through hunting by 20%. 1-day.
When held in the inventory, it increases SP acquired through hunting by 30%. 1-day.
Ancient book of a tightly sealed demon. The ancient book managing caravan Budenka is collecting it in the Refugee Village.
When used, increases Resistance to Stun Attacks by 5%.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used with
When used, increases Resistance to Hold Attacks by 5%.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used with
When used, increases Resistance to Bleed Attacks by 5%.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used wi
When used, increases Resistance to Paralysis Attacks by 5%.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used
When used, increases Resistance to MEN Attacks by 5%.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used wit
When used, increases Resistance to Sleep Attacks by 5%.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used wi
When used, increases Resistance to Poison Attacks by 5%.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used w
When used, increases Resistance to Knock back/ Knock Down Attacks by 5%.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not
When used, increases Resistance to Aerial Attacks by 5%.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used wi
Bring 10 fragments to the Blacksmith of Mammon to obtain a Bloody Armor Enhancement Stone.
Bring 10 fragments to the Blacksmith of Mammon to obtain a Dark Armor Enhancement Stone.
Special weapon enchant scroll containing Master Yogi's power, only usable on Master Yogi's Staff. The item and the enchant
Master Yogi's power assembly. Bring it to Master Yogi with a +15 ~ +17 Master Yogi's Staff to increase the Staff' enchant lev
Mysterious box containing 30-day limit appearance stone for Metal Shoot hair accessory, breastplate, gaiters, boots, and glov
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory to that of Metal Shoot hair for 30 days.
Changes the appearance of a top to that of a Metal Shoot breastplate for 30 days.
Changes the appearance of a bottom to that of Metal Shoot gaiters for 30 days.
Changes the appearance of gloves to that of Metal Shoot gloves for 30 days.
Changes the appearance of boots to that of Metal Shoot boots for 30 days.
Modifies your appearance into that of a Metal Suit for 1 h.
Scroll that teleports you to Hellbound.
Leona Blackbird's present that is given to the heroes who help in defeating the evil on Hellbound. Must be under level 99 to u
Item that can be exchanged for a special appearance hair accessory appearance stone (15-day limited). The exchange can b
Item that can be exchanged for a special appearance hair accessory appearance stone (30-day limited). The exchange can b
Item that changes the appearance of a hair accessory to that of an NC Dinos Hat (15-day limited). Works for item with the sa
Item that changes the appearance of a hair accessory to that of an NC Dinos Hat (30-day limited). Works for item with the sa

Pagina 383

Item that changes the appearance of a hair accessory to that of a Vigilante Hat (15-day limited). Works for item with the same
Item that changes the appearance of a hair accessory to that of a Vigilante Hat (30-day limited). Works for item with the same
Item that can be exchanged for a special appearance weapon appearance stone (15-day limited). The exchange can be done
Item that can be exchanged for a special weapon appearance stone (30-day). The exchange can be done through the Adven
Changes the appearance of a dagger to that of a Valentine's Day weapon.15-day.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of a Valentine weapon. Limited time item (15-day).
Changes the appearance of a two-handed sword to that of a Valentine weapon. Limited time item (15-day).
Changes the appearance of a one-handed blunt to that of a Valentine's Day weapon.15-day.
Changes the appearance of a fist weapon to that of a Valentine's Day weapon.15-day.
Changes the appearance of a spear to that of a Valentine's Day weapon.15-day.
Changes the appearance of a bow to that of a Valentine's Day weapon.15-day.
Changes the appearance of a crossbow to that of a Valentine's Day weapon.15-day.
Changes the appearance of a magic sword to that of a Valentine weapon. Limited time item (15-day).
Changes the appearance of a one-handed staff to that of a Valentine weapon. Limited time item (15-day).
Changes the appearance of a two-handed staff to that of a Valentine weapon. Limited time item (15-day).
Changes the appearance of a dual sword to that of a Valentine weapon. Limited time item (15-day).
Changes the appearance of a dagger dual sword to that of a Valentine weapon. Limited time item (15-day).
Changes the appearance of a dual blunt to that of a Valentine's Day weapon.15-day.
Changes the appearance of a shield to that of a Valentine's Day shield.15-day.
Changes the appearance of a sigil to that of a Valentine's Day sigil.15-day.
Changes the appearance of a dagger to that of a Valentine's Day weapon.30-day.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of a Valentine weapon for 30 days.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed sword to that of a Valentine weapon. Limited time item (30-day).
Changes the appearance of a one-handed blunt to that of a Valentine's Day weapon.30-day.
Changes the appearance of a fist weapon to that of a Valentine's Day weapon.30-day.
Changes the appearance of a spear to that of a Valentine's Day weapon.30-day.
Changes the appearance of a bow to that of a Valentine's Day weapon.30-day.
Changes the appearance of a crossbow to that of a Valentine's Day weapon 30-day.
Changes the appearance of a magic sword to that of a Valentine weapon. Limited time item (30-day).
Changes the appearance of a one-handed staff to that of a Valentine weapon. Limited time item (30-day).
Changes the appearance of a two-handed staff to that of a Valentine weapon. Limited time item (30-day).
Changes the appearance of a dual sword to that of a Valentine weapon. Limited time item (30-day).
Changes the appearance of a dagger dual sword to that of a Valentine weapon. Limited time item (30-day).
Changes the appearance of a dual blunt to that of a Valentine's Day weapon. 30-day.
Changes the appearance of a shield to that of a Valentine's Day shield. 30-day.
Changes the appearance of a sigil to that of a Valentine's Day sigil. 30-day.
Double-click to obtain 1,000,000 SP.
Double-click to obtain 5,000,000 SP.
Double-click to obtain 10,000,000 SP.
For 30 min., P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. by 21%, P. Def. by 15%, M. Def. by 15%, Max HP, MP, and CP by 15%. Does not disappe
Item that can be exchanged for a hero's weapon (15-day). The exchange can be done through the Adventurers' Guide. Cann
Treasure box containing hero's present. Double-click to acquire various appearance changing stones and SP scrolls.
Hero's episode event item. After the event ends, characters will receive a reward according to the acquired quantity on the liv
Hero's episode event item. After the event ends, characters will be allowed to exchange them for XP scrolls and SP runes thr
Scroll the replenishes 100,000,000 XP. Can only be used by characters above level 85. When used by characters below leve
When held in the inventory, it increases SP acquired through hunting by 10%. 1-day item. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
For 10 min., Acquired XP/ SP +50%.
For 10 min., Acquired XP/ SP +100%.
For 5 min., Acquired XP/ SP +200%.

Pagina 384

Reward box given by Leona Blackbird of Hellbound for your help. Double-click to acquire the item.
Ancient book of the demon stained with the blood of the caravan. The ancient book managing caravan Budenka is collecting
When used, recovers 5000 HP and the remaining power is recovered as CP. But, there is no duration.
When held in the inventory, it increases SP acquired through hunting by 10%. 7-day.
When held in the inventory, it increases SP acquired through hunting by 20%. 7-day.
When held in the inventory, it increases SP acquired through hunting by 30%. 7-day.
Box containing Kat the Cat's gift. Double-click to acquire 1 of the following at random: 150 Heavenly Recovery Potions, 1 Kat
Double-click to acquire 1 Enhanced Rose Spirit Coupon (5 hours) and 150 Rose Essences. Cannot be used in the auction ho
Double-click to obtain an SP Rune (High-grade) (1-day).
Double-click to obtain an SP Rune (Low-grade) (7-day).
Double-click to obtain an SP Rune (Mid-grade) (7-day).
Double-click to obtain an SP Rune (High-grade) (7-day).
Scroll the replenishes 1,000,000,000 SP.
Box containing Kat the Cat's gift. Double-click to acquire 1 of the following at random: 150 Heavenly Recovery Potions, 1 Kat
Double-click to acquire 1 Enhanced Rose Spirit Coupon (5 hours) and 150 Rose Essences.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of a Pig Lollipop.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of a Chrono Cithara. It has been retouched by Celdion, the master o
Changes the appearance of a fist weapon into that of a Chrono Unitus. It has been retouched by Celdion, the master of the B
Changes the appearance of a spear into that of a Chrono Campana. It has been retouched by Celdion, the master of the Blac
Changes the appearance of a two-handed blunt weapon into that of a Chrono Darbuka. It has been retouched by Celdion, the
Changes the appearance of a dual sword into that of a Chrono Maracas. It has been retouched by Celdion, the master of the
Changes the appearance of a dagger into that of a Pumpkin Dagger.
Changes the appearance of a dual dagger into that of a Pumpkin Dual Dagger.
Changes the appearance of a magic sword to that of a Scarecrow Magic Sword.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of a Pig Lollipop. Limited time item (15-day).
Changes the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of a Chrono Cithara. It has been retouched by Celdion, the master o
Changes the appearance of a fist weapon into that of a Chrono Unitus. It has been retouched by Celdion, the master of the B
Changes the appearance of a spear into that of a Chrono Campana. It has been retouched by Celdion, the master of the Blac
Changes the appearance of a two-handed blunt weapon into that of a Chrono Darbuka. It has been retouched by Celdion, the
Changes the appearance of a dual sword into that of a Chrono Maracas. It has been retouched by Celdion, the master of the
Changes the appearance of a dagger into that of a Pumpkin Dagger. 15-day.
Changes the appearance of a dual dagger into that of a Pumpkin Dual Dagger. 15-day.
Changes the appearance of a magic sword to that of a Scarecrow Sword. Limited time item (15-day).
When used, increases Max HP/ MP/ CP 30%, P. Atk. 10%, M. Atk. 20%, P./ M. Def. 30% for 30 min. Cooldown time is 5 min.
Dimensional Item\nTalk to the Dimensional Merchant to exchange for an Awakened Warrior's Weapon (7-day).\n\nNote: Can
For 1 h., Prevailing/ Combat/ Refreshing Sonata buffs are applied. Cooldown is 60min. Double-click to use. Buff remains eve
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Requiem Shaper.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Requiem Cutter.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Requiem Slasher.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Requiem Avenger.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Requiem Fighter.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Requiem Stormer.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Requiem Thrower.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Requiem Shooter.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Requiem Buster.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Requiem Caster.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Requiem Retributer.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Immortal Helmet.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Immortal Breastplate.

Pagina 385

Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Immortal Gaiters.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Immortal Gauntlets.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Immortal Boots.
Wrapped Box containing all ingredients needed for crafting Immortal Shield.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Immortal Leather Helmet.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Immortal Leather Armor.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Immortal Leather Leggings.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Immortal Leather Gloves.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Immortal Leather Boots.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Immortal Circlet.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Immortal Tunic.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Immortal Stockings.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Immortal Gloves.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Immortal Shoes.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Immortal Sigil.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Immortal Necklace.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Immortal Earring.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Immortal Ring.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Apocalypse Shaper.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Apocalypse Cutter.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Apocalypse Slasher.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Apocalypse Avenger.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Apocalypse Fighter.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Apocalypse Stormer.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Apocalypse Thrower.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Apocalypse Shooter.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Apocalypse Buster.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Apocalypse Caster.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Apocalypse Retributer.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Twilight Helmet.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Twilight Breastplate.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Twilight Gaiters.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Twilight Gauntlets.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Twilight Boots.
Wrapped Box containing all ingredients needed for crafting Twilight Shield.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Twilight Leather Helmet.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Twilight Leather Armor.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Twilight Leather Leggings.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Twilight Leather Gloves.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Twilight Leather Boots.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Twilight Circlet.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Twilight Tunic.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Twilight Stockings.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Twilight Gloves.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Twilight Shoes.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Twilight Sigil.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Twilight Necklace.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Twilight Earring.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Twilight Ring.

Pagina 386

Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Specter Shaper.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Specter Cutter.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Specter Slasher.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Specter Avenger.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Specter Fighter.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Specter Stormer.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Specter Thrower.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Specter Shooter.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Specter Buster.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Specter Caster.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Specter Retributer.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Seraph Helmet.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Seraph Breastplate.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Seraph Gaiters.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Seraph Gauntlets.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Seraph Boots.
Wrapped Box containing all ingredients needed for crafting Seraph Shield.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Seraph Leather Helmet.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Seraph Leather Armor.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Seraph Leather Leggings.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Seraph Leather Gloves.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Seraph Leather Boots.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Seraph Circlet.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Seraph Tunic.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Seraph Stockings.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Seraph Gloves.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Seraph Shoes.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Seraph Sigil.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Seraph Necklace.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Seraph Earring.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Seraph Ring.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Helios Shaper.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Helios Cutter.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Helios Slasher.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Helios Avenger.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Helios Fighter.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Helios Stormer.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Helios Thrower.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Helios Shooter.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Helios Buster.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Helios Caster.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Helios Retributer.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Eternal Helmet.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Eternal Breastplate.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Eternal Gaiters.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Eternal Gauntlets.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Eternal Boots.
Wrapped Box containing all ingredients needed for crafting Eternal Shield.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Eternal Leather Helmet.

Pagina 387

Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Eternal Leather Armor.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Eternal Leather Leggings.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Eternal Leather Gloves.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Eternal Leather Boots.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Eternal Circlet.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Eternal Tunic.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Eternal Stockings.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Eternal Gloves.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Eternal Shoes.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Eternal Sigil.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Eternal Necklace.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Eternal Earring.
Wrapped Pack containing all ingredients needed for crafting Eternal Ring.

Pouch filled with evil power. Double-click to obtain a card for either Seed of Hellfire or Prison of Darkness.
Pouch filled with a rotting stench. Double-click to obtain a card for either Imperial Tomb, Guillotine Fortress, or Pagan Temple
Pouch with a creepy feel. Double-click to obtain a card for either Seed of Annihilation, Sea of Spores, or Land of Chaos.
Pouch with a tough and heavy feel. Double-click to obtain a card for either Ketra Orc Outpost or Raider's Crossroads.
Test your luck! You have a chance of obtaining any Territory Card except the Fairy Settlement card. You might also fail to ge
Card obtained from combining the Destruction's Shadow card. For 30 min., Attribute Atk. +50, and Attribute Resistance +50.
Card obtained from combining the Evolving Darkness card. For 30 min., Attribute Atk. +50.
Card obtained from combining the Sliver of Truth card. For 30 min., Attribute Resistance +50.
Card obtained from combining the Chaotic Ambush card. For 30 min., Attribute Atk. +30, and Attribute Resistance +30.
Double-click for a chance to obtain either Emperor's Rune (2-hour), Emperor's Vitality Tonic, Scroll: 1,000,000 SP, Scroll: 5,0
While possessed, character's Acquired XP/ SP +30%. 2-hour. Only one effect applies if used with Emperor's Rune (8-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing Emperor's Rune (2-hour).
Wrapped Pack containing supplies sent by Leona. Double-click for a chance to obtain either Leona's Scroll: Buffs x 10, High-
For 30 min., Acquired XP/ SPed +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P. Def./ M. Def. +30%, Speed +20, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +2
Double-click for a chance to obtain either Emperor's Rune (2-hour), Emperor's Vitality Tonic, Scroll: 1,000,000 SP, Scroll: 5,0
Double-click to obtain 1,000,000 SP.
Double-click to obtain 5,000,000 SP.
Double-click to obtain 10,000,000 SP.
Double-click to obtain Leona's Cube (30-day).
Restores 1000 CP.
Small Green Mackerel. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this
Small Blue Mackerel. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this a
Small Flatfish. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a cra
Small Rockfish. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a c

Pagina 388

Small Salmon. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a cr
Small Marlin. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a craf
Small Tuna. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a craft
Green Mackerel. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a
Blue Mackerel. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a cr
Flatfish. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting i
Rockfish. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting
Salmon. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting i
Marlin. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting in
Tuna. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ing
Large Green Mackerel. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use thi
Large Blue Mackerel. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this
Large Flatfish. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a cra
Large Rockfish. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a c
Large Salmon. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a cr
Large Marlin. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a craf
Large Tuna. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a craft
Small Killfish. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a cra
Small Minnow. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a cr
Small mandarin Fish. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this a
Small Goldfish. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a cr
Small Eel. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting
Small Catfish. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a cra
Small Carp. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafti
Killfish. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting in
Minnow. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting
Mandarin Fish. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a cr
Goldfish. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting
Eel. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingre
Catfish. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting in
Carp. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ing
Large Killfish. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a cra
Large Minnow. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a cr
Large Mandarin Fish. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this
Large Goldfish. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a c
Large Eel. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a craftin
Large Catfish. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a cra
Large Carp. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafti
Whale. The last of its kind. Double-click to obtain either a Fish Bone/ Fish Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting in
Normal Bait that can no longer be used. Get a refund from a fishing guild member.
Prize-winning Bait that can no longer be used. Get a refund from a fishing guild member.
Luminous Bait that can no longer be used. Get a refund from a fishing guild member.
Luminous Prize-winning Bait that can no longer be used. Get a refund from a fishing guild member.
Normal Fishing Shot that can no longer be used. Get a refund from a fishing guild member.
Soulshot consumed by a fishing rod like general soulshots. Increases the success rate for fishing.
Pass that was used to enter the Fantasy Fishing Dock before it was opened. Now anyone can enter freely.
Pass that was used to enter the Fantasy Fishing Dock before it was opened. Now anyone can enter freely.
An item that can be obtained from an extinct fish. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modific
An item that can be obtained from an extinct fish. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modific

Pagina 389

An item that can be obtained from an extinct fish. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modific
An item that can be obtained from an extinct fish. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modific
An item that can be obtained from an extinct fish. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modific
An item that can be obtained from an extinct fish. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modific
Recipe for making an Arrow-pierced Apple. All races. Create Common Item Skill Lv. 6. Success rate is 100%. Has a chance o
Essential ingredient to making an Arrow-pierced Apple. You can sell in shops.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of a Samurai Long Sword.
Changes the appearance of a magic sword to that of an Apprentice's Spellbook.
Turns the appearance of a one-handed dagger into that of a Crystal Dagger.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of Hellblade. Limited time item (30-day).
Turns the appearance of a dual dagger into that of a Butcher Blades. 30-day.
Turns the appearance of a one-handed blunt weapon into that of a Tiat's Tiatenon. 30-day.
Turns the appearance of a dual sword into that of a Aenkinel's Astaroth. 30-day.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed sword to that of Yehan Klanikus' Tirbing. Limited time item (30-day).
Changes the appearance of a magic sword to that of Mardil's Wind. Limited time item (30-day).
Changes the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of Hellblade.
Turns the appearance of a dual dagger into that of a Butcher Blades.
Turns the appearance of a one-handed blunt weapon into that of a Tiat's Tiatenon.
Turns the appearance of a dual sword into that of a Aenkinel's Astaroth.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed sword to that of Yehan Klanikus' Tirbing.
Changes the appearance of a magic sword to that of Mardil's Wind.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of a Blue Mackerel for 30 days.
Turns the appearance of a one-handed dagger into that of a Trumpetfish. 30-day.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed sword to that of a Shark for 30 days.
Turns the appearance of a spear into that of a Squid. 30-day.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed staff to that of a Sea Horse for 30 days.
Turns the appearance of a fist weapon into that of a Lobster. 30-day.
Turns the appearance of a bow into that of a Giant Crab. 30-day.
Turns the appearance of a crossbow into that of a Crayfish. 30-day.
Turns the appearance of a sigil into that of a Starfish. 30-day.
Turns the appearance of a shield into that of a Turtle. 30-day.
Turns the appearance of a dual sword into that of a Blue Mackerel. 30-day.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed sword to that of a Blue Mackerel.
Turns the appearance of a one-handed dagger into that of a Trumpetfish.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed sword to that of a Shark.
Turns the appearance of a spear into that of a Squid.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed staff to that of a Sea Horse.
Turns the appearance of a fist weapon into that of a Lobster.
Turns the appearance of a bow into that of a Giant Crab.
Turns the appearance of a crossbow into that of a Crayfish.
Turns the appearance of a sigil into that of a Starfish.
Turns the appearance of a shield into that of a Turtle.
Turns the appearance of a dual sword into that of a Blue Mackerel.
Rotten Fish Stew. It no longer grants any effects. Take it to a Fishing Guild Member in each town to exchange it for fish.\n
Rotten Fish Stew. It no longer grants any effects. Take it to a Fishing Guild Member in each town to exchange it for fish.\n
Rotten Fish Stew. It no longer grants any effects. Take it to a Fishing Guild Member in each town to exchange it for fish.\n
Rotten Fish Stew. It no longer grants any effects. Take it to a Fishing Guild Member in each town to exchange it for fish.\n
Rotten Fish Stew. It no longer grants any effects. Take it to a Fishing Guild Member in each town to exchange it for fish.\n
Rotten Fish Stew. It no longer grants any effects. Take it to a Fishing Guild Member in each town to exchange it for fish.\n

Pagina 390

Double-click to obtain a Lady's Hairpin with pendant options.

Double-click to obtain a Party Mask with pendant options.
Double-click to obtain a Monocle with pendant options.
Double-click to obtain a Maiden's Hairpin with pendant options.
Double-click to obtain a Forget-me-not Hairpin with pendant options.
Double-click to obtain a Daisy Hairpin with pendant options.
Double-click to obtain Little Angel Wings with pendant options.
Double-click to obtain Fairy Antennae with pendant options.
Double-click to obtain a Chapeau with pendant options.
Double-click to obtain Artisan's Goggles with pendant options.
Double-click to obtain an Arrow-pierced Apple with pendant options.
Double-click to obtain a Pirate's Eyepatch with pendant options.
Double-click to obtain an Outlaw's Eyepatch with pendant options.
Double-click to obtain a Party Hat with pendant options.
2-hour item. Gives Expertise D-grade Skill while in possession.
Wrapped Pack containing Expertise Rune (D-grade) (2-hour).
2-hour item. Gives Expertise C-grade Skill while in possession.
Wrapped Pack containing Expertise Rune (C-grade) (2-hour).
2-hour item. Gives Expertise B-grade Skill while in possession.
Wrapped Pack containing Expertise Rune (B-grade) (2-hour).
2-hour item. Gives Expertise A-grade Skill while in possession.
Wrapped Pack containing Expertise Rune (A-grade) (2-hour).
2-hour item. Gives Expertise S-grade Skill while in possession.
Wrapped Pack containing Expertise Rune (S-grade) (2-hour).
2-hour item. Gives Expertise S80 Skill while in possession.
Wrapped Pack containing Expertise Rune (S80-grade) (2-hour).
2-hour item. Gives Expertise R-grade Skill while in possession.
Wrapped Pack containing Expertise Rune (R-grade) (2-hour).
2-hour item. Gives Expertise R95 Skill while in possession.
Wrapped Pack containing Expertise Rune (R95-grade) (2-hour).
2-hour item. Gives Expertise R99 Skill while in possession.
Wrapped Pack containing Expertise Rune (R99-grade) (2-hour).
Turns the appearance of a dual blunt weapon into that of a Blue Mackerel. 30-day.
Turns the appearance of a dual dagger into that of a Trumpetfish. 30-day.
Turns the appearance of a dual blunt weapon into that of a Blue Mackerel.
Turns the appearance of a dual dagger into that of a Trumpetfish.
Turns the appearance of a one-handed blunt weapon into that of a Blue Mackerel. 30-day.
Turns the appearance of a one-handed blunt weapon into that of a Blue Mackerel.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Virgo
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Virgo
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Virgo
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Virgo.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Faint Virgo.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Capricorn
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Capricorn
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Capricorn
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Capricorn.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Faint Capricorn.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Libra

Pagina 391

Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Libra

Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Libra
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Libra.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Faint Libra.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Aries
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Aries
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Aries
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Aries.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Faint Aries.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Taurus
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Taurus
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Taurus
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Taurus.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Faint Taurus.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Leo
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Leo
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Leo
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Leo.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Faint Leo.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Gemini
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Gemini
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Gemini
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Gemini.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Faint Gemini.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Scorpio
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Scorpio
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Scorpio
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Scorpio.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Faint Scorpio.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Aquarius
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Aquarius
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Aquarius
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Aquarius.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Faint Aquarius.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Pisces
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Pisces
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Pisces
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Pisces.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Faint Pisces.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Sagittarius
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Sagittarius
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Sagittarius
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Sagittarius.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Faint Sagittarius.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Cancer
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Cancer
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Cancer
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cancer.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Faint Cancer.

Pagina 392

Stone containing Aria's power. Can be used as an ingredient for augmenting a special accessory.
Made of a fake soul, this can summon Terakan at the Altar of Souls near Faeron Village.
Made of a fake soul, this can summon Cassius at the Altar of Souls near Faeron Village.
Made of a fake soul, this can summon Ladar at the Altar of Souls near Faeron Village.
Obtained by defeating Dragonkin, this is a special product of the Seed of Destruction.
A crystallization of souls that have conglomerated due to powerful magic, this is a special product of the Seed of Infinity.
Letter from Keucereus. Bring this to Sergeant Allenos at the Seed of Destruction.
Letter from Keucereus. Bring this to Officer Tepios at the Seed of Infinity.
Obtained by hunting in the Seed of Destruction area. Bring these to Sergeant Allenos at the entrance.
Obtained by hunting in the Seed of Infinity area. Bring these to Officer Tepios at the entrance.
Use to feel the effects of the Heavenly Cocktail, Heavenly P. Atk. Cookie, and Emperor's Cookie for 1 hour. Cannot be used i
Use to feel the effects of the Heavenly Cocktail, Heavenly Magic Cookie, and Emperor's Cookie for 1 hour. Cannot be used in
Use to feel the effects of the Heavenly Cocktail, Heavenly P. Def. Cookie, and Emperor's Cookie for 1 hour. Cannot be used
Double-click to obtain Emperor's Dessert Set (Attack) x 10. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Double-click to obtain Emperor's Dessert Set (Magic) x 10. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Double-click to obtain Emperor's Dessert Set (Defense) x 10. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
You've caught a friend like a true pro! A special gift is prepared for you. Now try catching some fish for a change!
Double-click to obtain either a Requiem, Apocalypse, or Specter weapon.
Double-click to obtain either Immortal, Twilight, or Seraph armor.
Portrait of Uldie with no make-up on her. Always keep it in your inventory to receive Uldie’s special buff. Temporary event item
Uldie can exchange these Certificates for Halloween items in her store. Temporary event item.
A secret gift box from Team Leader Lara! Seems a bit hastily thrown together, but hey, it's a gift.
A box with Ultimate Secret Gift from Uldie. Nobody in the world can ever tell what you will find in this Secret Box. Temporary e
Talk to a GM to receive a Shiny Elemental Shirt +8.
Talk to a GM to receive a Shiny Elemental Shirt +7.
Double-click to obtain a Chaos Essence (30-day).\nOpen it to obtain a 30-day item that cannot be exchanged.
Enchant success rate +20% for R-grade weapons with Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon. Only for items enchanted between +
Enchant success rate +30% for R-grade armor with Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor. Only for items enchanted between +3 an
Success rate +20% for enchanting S-grade weapons with Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon. Only for items enchanted betwee
Success rate +30% for enchanting S-grade armor with Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor. Only for items enchanted between +3
Double-click to obtain Energy of Destruction x 3.
Double-click to obtain Energy of Destruction x 20.
Double-click to obtain Energy of Destruction x 100.
Double-click to obtain a My Teleport Book and My Teleport Scroll x 10.
Double-click to obtain Lara's Key Card and Lara's Gift. Temporary event item.
Scroll containing Assisting Strength. Use Dandy's Breath while possessing the item in the inventory to acquire Dandy's borrow
Scroll containing Assisting Blessing. Speak with Toy Knight while possessing the item in the inventory to exchange for a Gen
Lineage II 10th Anniversary item. It is exchanged for items needed to participate in the events through the Chaotic Chronicle,
Ears, gently flapping, like wings that soar.
Wide eyes, reflecting the vast sky above.
Merciful Einhasad! A free soul was their only sin, as they cry for freedom within a cage. Have mercy, Goddess!
Keep the blood pure, and make it a swifter vessel of mana. Mix the blood free, and it will forge a body of steel.
Humans call her the goddess of light and righteousness. Elves call her the protector of mithril. Dark Elves call her the hypocri
Sylph's Soliloquy\n\nDo you hear it, the laughter?\nAs clear as the wind...\nDo you feel it, their hearts?\nInnocent and pure, th
"Does your soul sing with sorrow in this chaotic time? Lend us your strength, and we will certainly win." \n\n"Forgive us, but w
Humans call him Archangel, while Elves call him the ruler of the wind sprites. Dark Elves call him the hypocrite's child. Orcs c

Pagina 393

Solo-type squash seed. Double-click to make a High Quality Squash or a Defective Squash appear.
Party-type squash seed. Double-click to make a High Quality Large Squash or a Defective Large Squash appear.
Scroll: Enchant Weapon that can only be used on Master Yogi's staff. Find the Goddess of Destruction event NPC in the villa
Double-click to acquire a Lv. 1 Ruby.
Double-click to acquire a Lv. 1 Sapphire.
Double-click to acquire a Lv. 1 Topaz.
Double-click to acquire a Lv. 1 Opal.
Double-click to acquire a Lv. 1 Obsidian.
Double-click to acquire a Lv. 1 Diamond.
Double-click to acquire a Lv. 1 Emerald.
Double-click to acquire a Lv. 1 Aquamarine.
Double-click to acquire a Lv. 1 Pearl.
Double-click to acquire 1 of La Vie En Rose's jewels.
Double-click to acquire 10 La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Boxes.
Double-click to acquire 1 La Vie En Rose's Noble Brooch.
Double-click to acquire 1 La Vie En Rose's Brilliant Brooch.
Double-click to acquire 30 La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Boxes and 1 Noble Brooch Chest.
Double-click to acquire 55 La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Boxes and 1 Noble Brooch Chest.
Dimensional Item Pack\nLineage II 10th Anniversary item. Can acquire a Shiny Elemental Shirt and a 10th Anniversary Festi
Lineage II 10th Anniversary item. It contains the 10th Anniversary Cake. Can only be opened by characters above level 85.
Lineage II 10th Anniversary item. It contains 1 of the 2 special outfit appearance stones with a 100-day limit.
Lineage II 10th Anniversary item. It contains 1 of the 3 special hair accessory appearance stones with a 100-day limit.
Lineage II 10th Anniversary item. When used, recovers 5000 HP and the remaining power is recovered as CP. No cooldown.
Appearance stone that changes an armor's appearance for 100 days. Tops and one-pieces only. It modifies everything, maki
Appearance stone that changes an armor's appearance in an NPC Dinos Uniform for 100 days. Can be used as a full armor
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory to that of a wedding veil for 100 days. Can only be used on hair accessories tha
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory to that of a Black Phantom Mask for 100 days. Can only be used on hair access
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory to that of an NC Dinos Hat for 100 days. Can only be used on hair accessories
Double-click to acquire one of the following: Eternal Armor Crafting Pack, Eternal Armor Pack, or Eternal Armor Pack with an
Double-click to acquire a pack for crafting one Eternal armor piece.
Double-click to acquire one Eternal armor piece.
Double-click to acquire one Eternal armor piece that has been enchanted to +5.
Double-click to acquire one Eternal armor piece that has been enchanted to +6.
Double-click to acquire one Eternal armor piece that has been enchanted to +8.
Double-click to acquire one of the following: Seraph Armor Crafting Pack, Seraph Armor Pack, or Seraph Armor Pack with an
Double-click to acquire a pack for crafting one Seraph armor piece.
Double-click to acquire one Seraph armor piece.
Double-click to acquire one Seraph armor piece that has been enchanted to +5.
Double-click to acquire one Seraph armor piece that has been enchanted to +6.
Double-click to acquire one Seraph armor piece that has been enchanted to +8.
Double-click to acquire one of the following: Twilight Armor Crafting Pack, Twilight Armor Pack, or Twilight Armor Pack with a
Double-click to acquire a pack for crafting one Twilight armor piece.
Double-click to acquire one Twilight armor piece.
Double-click to acquire one Twilight armor piece that has been enchanted to +5.

Pagina 394

Double-click to acquire one Twilight armor piece that has been enchanted to +6.
Double-click to acquire one Twilight armor piece that has been enchanted to +8.
Double-click to acquire one Elegia armor piece.
Can acquire 10 units of an ingredient needed for item crafting.
Double-click to acquire one of the following: Helios Weapon Pack, Helios Weapon Crafting Pack, or Helios Weapon Pack with
Double-click to acquire a pack for crafting one Helios weapon.
Double-click to acquire one Helios weapon.
Double-click to acquire one Helios weapon that has been enchanted to +4.
Double-click to acquire one Helios weapon that has been enchanted to +5.
Double-click to acquire one Helios weapon that has been enchanted to +6.
Double-click to acquire one Helios weapon that has been enchanted to +7.
Double-click to acquire one Helios weapon that has been enchanted to +8.
Double-click to acquire one of the following: Specter Weapon Pack, Specter Weapon Crafting Pack, or Specter Weapon Pack
Double-click to acquire a pack for crafting one Specter weapon.
Double-click to acquire one Specter weapon.
Double-click to acquire one Specter weapon that has been enchanted to +4.
Double-click to acquire one Specter weapon that has been enchanted to +5.
Double-click to acquire one Specter weapon that has been enchanted to +6.
Double-click to acquire one Specter weapon that has been enchanted to +7.
Double-click to acquire one Specter weapon that has been enchanted to +8.
Double-click to acquire one of the following: Apocalypse Weapon Pack, Apocalypse Weapon Crafting Pack, or Apocalypse W
Double-click to acquire a pack for crafting one Apocalypse weapon.
Double-click to acquire one Apocalypse weapon.
Double-click to acquire one Apocalypse weapon that has been enchanted to +4.
Double-click to acquire one Apocalypse weapon that has been enchanted to +5.
Double-click to acquire one Apocalypse weapon that has been enchanted to +6.
Double-click to acquire one Apocalypse weapon that has been enchanted to +7.
Double-click to acquire one Apocalypse weapon that has been enchanted to +8.
Box containing items that were collected over a long period of time by the Aspiring Orc Ruler of Aden.
1st Week Gift Box prepared for those who truly love Lineage II.
2nd Week Gift Box prepared for those who truly love Lineage II.
3rd Week Gift Box prepared for those who truly love Lineage II.
4th Week Gift Box prepared for those who truly love Lineage II.
Double-click to acquire one Vesper weapon.
Scroll that replenishes 1,000,000 SP.
Scroll with 5,000,000 SP.
Scroll with 10,000,000 SP.
Gift box prepared for the warriors who were unfortunately defeated by the Aspiring Orc Ruler of Aden.
Dimensional Item Pack\nLineage II 10th Anniversary item. It contains 1 of 3 10th Anniversary Festival's Cloaks. Cannot be sh
Fortune box prepared for the warriors who were victorious against the Aspiring Orc Ruler of Aden.
Lv. 1 Windy CHA Dye (CHA +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receiv
Lv. 1 Windy CHA Dye (CHA +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receiv
Lv. 1 Windy CHA Dye (CHA +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receiv
Lv. 1 Windy CHA Dye (CHA +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receiv
Lv. 1 Windy CHA Dye (CHA +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receiv
Lv. 1 Windy LUC Dye (LUC +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receiv
Lv. 1 Windy LUC Dye (LUC +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receiv
Lv. 1 Windy LUC Dye (LUC +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receiv
Lv. 1 Windy LUC Dye (LUC +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receiv

Pagina 395

Lv. 1 Windy LUC Dye (LUC +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receiv
Lv. 1 Legendary STR Dye (Charisma) (STR +3 CHA +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in
Lv. 1 Legendary DEX Dye (Charisma) (DEX +3 CHA +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in
Lv. 1 Legendary CON Dye (Charisma) (CON +3 CHA +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker i
Lv. 1 Legendary INT Dye (Charisma) (INT +3 CHA +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in t
Lv. 1 Legendary WIT Dye (Charisma) (WIT +3 CHA +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in
Lv. 1 Legendary MEN Dye (Charisma) (MEN +3 CHA +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker i
Lv. 2 Legendary STR Dye (Charisma) (STR +4 CHA +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in
Lv. 2 Legendary DEX Dye (Charisma) (DEX +4 CHA +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in
Lv. 2 Legendary CON Dye (Charisma) (CON +4 CHA +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker i
Lv. 2 Legendary INT Dye (Charisma) (INT +4 CHA +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in t
Lv. 2 Legendary WIT Dye (Charisma) (WIT +4 CHA +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in
Lv. 2 Legendary MEN Dye (Charisma) (MEN +4 CHA +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker i
Lv. 3 Legendary STR Dye (Charisma) (STR +4 CHA +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in
Lv. 3 Legendary DEX Dye (Charisma) (DEX +4 CHA +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in
Lv. 3 Legendary CON Dye (Charisma) (CON +4 CHA +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker i
Lv. 3 Legendary INT Dye (Charisma) (INT +4 CHA +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in t
Lv. 3 Legendary WIT Dye (Charisma) (WIT +4 CHA +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in
Lv. 3 Legendary MEN Dye (Charisma) (MEN +4 CHA +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker i
Lv. 4 Legendary STR Dye (Charisma) (STR +5 CHA +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in
Lv. 4 Legendary DEX Dye (Charisma) (DEX +5 CHA +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in
Lv. 4 Legendary CON Dye (Charisma) (CON +5 CHA +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker i
Lv. 4 Legendary INT Dye (Charisma) (INT +5 CHA +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in t
Lv. 4 Legendary WIT Dye (Charisma) (WIT +5 CHA +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in
Lv. 4 Legendary MEN Dye (Charisma) (MEN +5 CHA +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker i
Lv. 5 Legendary STR Dye (Charisma) (STR +5 CHA +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in
Lv. 5 Legendary DEX Dye (Charisma) (DEX +5 CHA +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in
Lv. 5 Legendary CON Dye (Charisma) (CON +5 CHA +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker i
Lv. 5 Legendary INT Dye (Charisma) (INT +5 CHA +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in t
Lv. 5 Legendary WIT Dye (Charisma) (WIT +5 CHA +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in
Lv. 5 Legendary MEN Dye (Charisma) (MEN +5 CHA +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker i
Lv. 1 Legendary STR Dye (Luck) (STR +3 LUC +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town
Lv. 1 Legendary DEX Dye (Luck) (DEX +3 LUC +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town
Lv. 1 Legendary CON Dye (Luck) (CON +3 LUC +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in tow
Lv. 1 Legendary INT Dye (Luck) (INT +3 LUC +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town a
Lv. 1 Legendary WIT Dye (Luck) (WIT +3 LUC +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town
Lv. 1 Legendary MEN Dye (Luck) (MEN +3 LUC +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in tow
Lv. 2 Legendary STR Dye (Luck) (STR +4 LUC +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town
Lv. 2 Legendary DEX Dye (Luck) (DEX +4 LUC +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town
Lv. 2 Legendary CON Dye (Luck) (CON +4 LUC +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in tow
Lv. 2 Legendary INT Dye (Luck) (INT +4 LUC +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town a
Lv. 2 Legendary WIT Dye (Luck) (WIT +4 LUC +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town
Lv. 2 Legendary MEN Dye (Luck) (MEN +4 LUC +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in tow
Lv. 3 Legendary STR Dye (Luck) (STR +4 LUC +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town
Lv. 3 Legendary DEX Dye (Luck) (DEX +4 LUC +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town
Lv. 3 Legendary CON Dye (Luck) (CON +4 LUC +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in tow
Lv. 3 Legendary INT Dye (Luck) (INT +4 LUC +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town a
Lv. 3 Legendary WIT Dye (Luck) (WIT +4 LUC +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town
Lv. 3 Legendary MEN Dye (Luck) (MEN +4 LUC +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in tow

Pagina 396

Lv. 4 Legendary STR Dye (Luck) (STR +5 LUC +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town
Lv. 4 Legendary DEX Dye (Luck) (DEX +5 LUC +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town
Lv. 4 Legendary CON Dye (Luck) (CON +5 LUC +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in tow
Lv. 4 Legendary INT Dye (Luck) (INT +5 LUC +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town a
Lv. 4 Legendary WIT Dye (Luck) (WIT +5 LUC +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town
Lv. 4 Legendary MEN Dye (Luck) (MEN +5 LUC +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in tow
Lv. 5 Legendary STR Dye (Luck) (STR +5 LUC +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town
Lv. 5 Legendary DEX Dye (Luck) (DEX +5 LUC +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town
Lv. 5 Legendary CON Dye (Luck) (CON +5 LUC +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in tow
Lv. 5 Legendary INT Dye (Luck) (INT +5 LUC +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town a
Lv. 5 Legendary WIT Dye (Luck) (WIT +5 LUC +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town
Lv. 5 Legendary MEN Dye (Luck) (MEN +5 LUC +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in tow
Lv. 1 Windy Charisma (Luck) (CHA +3 LUC +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town an
Lv. 2 Windy Charisma (Luck) (CHA +4 LUC +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town an
Lv. 3 Windy Charisma (Luck) (CHA +4 LUC +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town an
Lv. 4 Windy Charisma (Luck) (CHA +5 LUC +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town an
Lv. 5 Windy Charisma (Luck) (CHA +5 LUC +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town an
Lv. 1 Windy Luck (Charisma) (LUC +3 CHA +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town an
Lv. 2 Windy Luck (Charisma) (LUC +4 CHA +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town an
Lv. 3 Windy Luck (Charisma) (LUC +4 CHA +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town an
Lv. 4 Windy Luck (Charisma) (LUC +5 CHA +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town an
Lv. 5 Windy Luck (Charisma) (LUC +5 CHA +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town an
Obtained by dissecting the material realm's elements. Used for alchemy experiments.
Enchant success rate +15% for armor (R-grade) when using the Giant's Enchant Scrolls. Only for items enchanted between +
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (R-grade) when using the Giant's Enchant Scrolls. Only for items enchanted betwee
Enchant success rate +30% for armor (R-grade) when using the Giant's Enchant Scrolls. Only for items enchanted between +
Enchant success rate +20% for weapons (R-grade) when using the Giant's Enchant Scrolls. Only for items enchanted betwee
Quickly restores HP for 15 sec. Cannot be used in the Olympiad/ Ceremony of Chaos.
Quickly restores HP for 15 sec. Cannot be used in the Olympiad/ Ceremony of Chaos.
Quickly restores HP for 15 sec. Cannot be used in the Olympiad/ Ceremony of Chaos.
Quickly restores HP for 15 sec. Cannot be used in the Olympiad/ Ceremony of Chaos.
Quickly restores HP for 15 sec. Cannot be used in the Olympiad/ Ceremony of Chaos.
Restores 625 HP. If HP is full, CP is restored. No cooldown. Cannot be used in the Olympiad/ Ceremony of Chaos.
Restores 1250 HP. If HP is full, CP is restored. No cooldown. Cannot be used in the Olympiad/ Ceremony of Chaos.
Restores 2500 HP. If HP is full, CP is restored. No cooldown. Cannot be used in the Olympiad/ Ceremony of Chaos.
Restores 3750 HP. If HP is full, CP is restored. No cooldown. Cannot be used in the Olympiad/ Ceremony of Chaos.
Restores 5000 HP. If HP is full, CP is restored. No cooldown. Cannot be used in the Olympiad/ Ceremony of Chaos.
For 15 sec., P./ M. Atk. and Atk./ Casting Spd. are increased. A strange power changes the appearance of your weapon. Can
For 15 sec., P./ M. Atk. and Atk./ Casting Spd. are increased. A strange power changes the appearance of your weapon. Can
For 15 sec., P./ M. Atk. and Atk./ Casting Spd. are increased. A strange power changes the appearance of your weapon. Can
For 15 sec., P./ M. Atk. and Atk./ Casting Spd. are increased. A strange power changes the appearance of your weapon. Can
Double-click for a random effect of love. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Restores HP/ CP/ MP. Cooldown is 2 min. Cannot be used in the Olympiad/ Ceremony of Chaos.
Contains potion secrets to Transmutation Alchemy. Go to the Alchemist in the Town of Rune or Faeron Village to become a M
Contains enchanting secrets to Transmutation Alchemy. Go to the Alchemist in the Town of Rune or Faeron Village to becom
Contains Life Stone secrets to Transmutation Alchemy. Go to the Alchemist in the Town of Rune or Faeron Village to become
Contains Dye secrets to Transmutation Alchemy. Go to the Alchemist in the Town of Rune or Faeron Village to become a Ma
Teleports you to Levian in Gludin Village.
Teleports you to the Orc Barracks.

Pagina 397

Seems like a key to undoing the magic chains binding the spirits.
Seems like a key to undoing the magic chains binding the spirits.
A bundle of keys that can undo the magic chains binding the spirits.
Teleports you to Levian in Gludin Village.
Teleports you to the Windy Hill.
Obtained by killing off the crazed creatures in the Windy Hill. Something feels unworldly about this.
Teleports you to the Bloody Swampland.
Teleports you to the Seed of Annihilation.
Teleports you to Hadel, who can let you into Harnak's Underground Ruins.
Teleports you to someone who can let you into Kartia's Labyrinth.
Teleports you to Fairy Settlement.
Teleports you to Garden of Genesis.
Teleports you to someone who can let you into Prison of Darkness.
Teleports you to someone who can let you into Fortuna.
Teleports you to Isle of Souls.
Teleports you to Nornil's Cave.
Teleports you to Seal of Shilen.
Teleports you to The Cemetery.
Teleports you to Guillotine Fortress.
Teleports you to the entrance of Orbis Temple.
Obtained by killing Mahum's demonic spirit. Take this to Refugee Leo.
A key to activating the Barrier Enforcer in the Sea of Spores.
Try using this at the Forsaken Plains for a clue hidden in Akum's memories.
Obtained by killing the cursed giant Akum.
A strangely familiar stone you gained through the Life Energy Repository in the Fields of Massacre.
Teleports you to Heine.
Teleports you to Valley of Saints.
Teleports you to Forge of the Gods.
Teleports you to Ivory Tower.
Teleports you to Cerenas, who can let you knot Eva's Secret Room.
Obtained by freeing the spirits that were captured in the Orc Barracks. Get this to the smitten orc.
Written by Gereth so that you may be trained on administrative grounds.
Something you need to give to Grakon of the warehouse. It contains many things Ertheia would need.
A note Grakon has asked you to give Evna the weapon merchant. He claims it contains the name of an item she needs to pic
Something Evna the weapon merchant has asked you to deliver to Sivanthe the forest patrol.
Something Denya the armor merchant has asked you to deliver to Sivanthe the forest patrol.
Something Pelu the grocer has asked you to deliver to Sivanthe the forest patrol.
Something Ceri the accessory merchant has asked you to deliver to Sivanthe the forest patrol.
A box of relics left behind by those who were killed by monsters when Faeron was invaded.
An empty jar for you to put the honey of the honeybees in the Whispering Woods.
Sweet honey from the honeybees of the Whispering Woods. Works great on colds. Bring them all to Leira the forest patrol.
Savory meat from Kiku in the Whispering Woods. Good nutrition is important when sick! Take this to Leira the forest patrol.
Peculiar Muhroom Spore from Evolved Growlers. Take them to Milone the forest patrol and see if they're poisonous.
Leaf from the Leafies of the Whispering Woods. Take it to Maestro Dolkin.
Leaf from the Treants of the Whispering Woods. Looks really stiff. Take this to Maestro Dolkin.
Leaf from Karaphon at the deepest reaches of the Whispering Woods. Looks like a fish scale. Take this to Maestro Dolkin.
A report from Maestro Dolkin, who is conducting research in the Whispering Woods. Take this to Karla at the administrative g
Seems to be something from the Wind Spirit Realm.
Mark given by Queen Navari herself. She says a man named Kain has an identical item.

Pagina 398

Part of a machine used by ancient Ertheia to record prophecies. Double-click to look closer.
Part of a machine used by ancient Ertheia to record prophecies, carried by Kain van Halter.
Machine used by ancient Ertheia to record prophecies. Not all prophecies have been restoreds. Double-click to look closer.
Machine used by ancient Ertheia to record prophecies, its contents have been partially restored by Ivory Tower's Arkenias. D
Machine used by ancient Ertheia to record prophecies, its contents have been restored by Lich King Icarus, a necromancer in
A rare gem only found in the Wind Spirit Realm. It emits powerful energy.
A rare gem only found in the Wind Spirit Realm. It emits a strangely powerful energy.
Given by Arkenias. Gather up ingredients around Ivory Tower and create a Restoration Regeant.
Ingredient for Restoration Reagent.
Ingredient for Restoration Reagent.
Ingredient for Restoration Reagent.
Empty Flask for Restoration Reagent.
A regeant that can restore the records of the Ertheia's magic device that were erased with magic.
Something out of Athrea's box. Take these all to her.
A white rose given by Lich King Icarus. Stain it red with Eva's blood.
A white rose that has been stained red with Eva's blood. Take it to Lich King Icarus.
A scroll given as a gift. Takes you to Talking Island.
A scroll of escape received from Miso the Minstrel. Use to teleport to the Hunter's Village, where Magmeld Delegation Leader
A scroll given as a gift. Takes you to Magmeld.
A scroll given as a gift. Takes you to Town of Rune.
A scroll given as a gift. Takes you to Town of Aden.
Not in Use
Not in Use
Wrapped Pack containing a Lv. 1 - 3 CHA/ LUC Dye.
Wrapped Pack containing a Lv. 4 CHA/ LUC Dye.
Wrapped Pack containing a Lv. 5 CHA/ LUC Dye.
Wrapped Pack containing a Talisman - Wind.
Wrapped Box containing a Talisman - Wind: P. Critical Damage. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Wrapped Box containing a Talisman - Wind: M. Critical Damage. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Wrapped Box containing a Talisman - Wind: Defense. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Wrapped Box containing a Talisman - Wind: Debuff Resistance. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Double-click to obtain a Talisman - Insanity. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold in a private store once open. Lv. 85 or a
Teleports you to Town of Oren.
Teleports you to Sea of Spores.
Teleports you to Town of Aden.
Teleports you to Forsaken Plains.
Teleports you to Town of Aden.
Teleports you to Fields of Massacre.
Teleports you to Town of Rune.
Teleports you to Swamp of Screams.
Teleports you to Town of Rune.
Teleports you to Forest of the Dead.
Teleports you to Town of Goddard.
Teleports you to Wall of Argos.
Teleports you to Town of Giran.
Use to teleport to Dragon Valley.
Wrapped Pack containing a Yum Yum Candy (30-day). Cannot be shared once open. The coupon that came with this gives y
Wrapped Pack containing a Yum Yum Candy (30-day). Cannot be shared once open. The coupon that came with this gives y
Acquired XP/ SP +15%. Stacks with Nom Nom Candy, but not with another Yum Yum Candy.

Pagina 399

Acquired XP/ SP +15%. Stacks with Yum Yum Candy, but not with another Nom Nom Candy.
Precious material gained by dissecting the material world's elements. Used for the greatest of alchemical feats, this can also
Teleports you to Town of Dion.
Teleports you to Cruma Tower.
Teleports you to Town of Dion.
Teleports you to Cruma Tower Underground Lv. 3.
Something you'll need to enter the Dimensional Warp.

Use to obtain 400,000 XP. Go to Grocer Pelu in Faeron Village to combine Stage 1 pouches into a Stage 2 pouch. Under Lv.
Use to obtain 1600000 XP. Go to Pelu the Grocer in Faeron Village to combine to Stage 2 Pockets. Under Lv. 85 only. Canno
Use to obtain 6400000 XP, plus a little something else. Go to Pelu the Grocer in Faeron Village to combine Stage 3 Pockets.
Use to obtain 80000 SP. Go to Pelu the Grocer in Faeron Village to combine to Stage 4 Pockets. Lv. 85 or above. Cannot be
Use to obtain 256000 SP, plus a little something else. Lv. 85 or above. Cannot be used by Chaotic characters.
You can bestow LUC +3 when one of the following are equipped: Rabbit Ears, Raccoon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Party
You can bestow CHA +3 when one of the following are equipped: Rabbit Ears, Raccoon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Party
Found from the magical creatures of Cruma Tower Underground Lv. 3. It emits a mysterious light.
Found by the Ertheia upon the 1st Liberation, maybe this is related to the Grail.
Found from the magical creatures of Cruma Tower Underground Lv. 3. The energy is unstable and must be destroyed.
Shining Mysterious Fragment turns into this once crushed with the Hidden Crusher. Take these to Janssen in Cruma Tower U
Found among magical creatures of followers of darkness in Cruma Tower Underground Lv. 2. Used for restoring a broken ma
A device for restoring the broken machine in Cruma Tower Underground Lv. 2, made by Belkadhi. You can use the machine
For 15 sec., LUC +5.
Obtained by killing monsters in the Sea of Spores. Perhaps it's related to the cause of the weakening of the barrier there? Ta
Obtained by killing the Embryo Predators that suddenly appeared in Forsaken Plains. Take these to Novain.
Obtained by killing giants in Forsaken Plains. Seems to be a part of a lost magic device. Take these to Novain.
Embryo's secret orders. Double-click to read.
Obtained while investigating brkoen shelves in the Forest of the Dead area. Take this to Tracker Hatuba.
Reward for successfully completing missions for the Delegation. Double-click to open.
Reward for successfully completing missions for the Delegation. Double-click to open.
Reward for successfully completing missions for the Delegation. Double-click to open.
Reward for successfully completing missions for the Delegation. Double-click to open.
Obtained by killing Stakatos in the Swamp of Screams. Bring these to Mercenary Kahman for rrewardrs.
Obtained by killing Stakatos in the Swamp of Screams. Bring these to Mercenary Kahman for rrewardrs.
Obtained by killing creatures in the Forest of the Dead. Take it to the Mysterious Wizard for rewards.
Obtained by killing Stakatos in the Swamp of Screams. Bring these to Mercenary Kahman for rrewardrs.
Badge of Daimon the White-eyed ingrained in monsters of the Wall of Argos. Take these to Hermit at the Wall of Argos for re
The will of Daimon the White-eyed ingrained in monsters of the Wall of Argos. Take these to Hermit at the Wall of Argos for re
Obtained by killing monsters in Dragon Valley. Take these to Namo at the entrance of the valley.
Obtained by killing monsters in Dragon Valley. Take these to Namo at the entrance of the valley.
Rock engraved with ancient rune. Used to infuse skills with ancient wisdom. Consumed when learning skills for each class.
Item needed to obtain the skills of a Warrior.
Item needed to obtain the skills of a Archer.
Item needed to obtain the skills of a Wizard.
Item needed to obtain the skills of a Rogue.
Item needed to obtain the skills of a Summoner.
Item needed to obtain the skills of a Enchanter.

Pagina 400

Item needed to obtain the skills of a Healer.

Main ingredient for making a pendant.
Can be combined with Dimensional Bracelet. Successful combination results in STR +1, and failure results in disappearance
Can be combined with Dimensional Bracelet. Successful combination results in DEX +1, and failure results in disappearance
Can be combined with Dimensional Bracelet. Successful combination results in CON +1, and failure results in disappearance
Can be combined with Dimensional Bracelet. Successful combination results in INT +1, and failure results in disappearance o
Can be combined with Dimensional Bracelet. Successful combination results in MEN +1, and failure results in disappearance
Can be combined with Dimensional Bracelet. Successful combination results in WIT +1, and failure results in disappearance
Can be combined with Dimensional Bracelet. Successful combination results in LUC +1, and failure results in disappearance
Can be combined with Dimensional Bracelet. Successful combination results in CHA +1, and failure results in disappearance
Restores 1,000 SP.
Restores 10,000 SP.
Restores 100,000 SP.
Restores 1,000,000 SP.
Restores 10,000,000 SP.
Double-click to obtain a Rune of Bountiful Growth (30-day).
If stored in the inventory, Hunting Acquired XP/ SP increases by 20%. Can be used with both XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) and XP R
For 60 min., Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P./ M. Def. +30%, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +20%, Wind Atk./ Resistance +20. Skill Cooldo
A fake gem being sold in the Material Realm as a gem of the the Wind Spirit Realm.
An ingredient for making a jewel of the Wind Spirit Realm. Take them all to the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Recipe for crafting a pendant. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. Can obtain a pendant with stats if successfu
If you bring the Secret Ancient Tome Fragment to Resed, you can obtain a Divine Inspiration Tome.
Tome used for learning Divine Inspiration Lv. 5.
Tome used for learning Divine Inspiration Lv. 6.
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No

Pagina 401

Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No

Pagina 402

Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No

Pagina 403

Tyrr Maestro only. Disassembly recovers all original crafting ingredients. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No
Double-click to reset cooldown to Lv. 85 Kartia's Labyrinth solo dungeon. Usable once a day outside instances while on a coo
Double-click to reset cooldown to Lv. 85 Kartia's Labyrinth party dungeon. Usable once a day outside instances while on a co
Double-click to reset cooldown to Fortuna's dungeon. Usable once a day outside instances while on a cooldown.
Double-click to reset cooldown to Nornil's Garden. Usable once a day outside instances while on a cooldown.
Additional pass to the instance zone. Double-click to reset cooldown to Octavis' (normal) dungeon. Can only be used when o
Teleports you to Faeron Village.
Double-click to obtain either a bottle of Orfen's Soul, Frintezza's Soul, Queen Ant's Soul, Baium's Soul, Antharas' Soul, or Va
Double-click to obtain a Disassembly Recipe: Armor (R-grade).
Double-click to obtain a Disassembly Recipe: Weapon (R-grade).
Double-click to obtain either a normal/ blessed weapon/ armor/ accessory (R-grade).
Double-click to obtain either a normal/ blessed weapon/ armor/ accessory (R95-grade).
Double-click to obtain either a normal/ blessed weapon/ armor/ accessory (R99-grade).
Main ingredient for crafting a random R-grade item.
Main ingredient for crafting a random R95-grade item.
Main ingredient for crafting a random R99-grade item.
Unidentified Helios weapon. Double-click to see whether you got a normal or blessed weapon.
Unidentified Eternal armor. Double-click to see whether you got normal or blessed armor.
Recipe for crafting an R-grade equipment. Results vary. Very high chance of obtaining blessed equipment. Requires Create I
Recipe for crafting an R95-grade equipment. Results vary. Very high chance of obtaining blessed equipment. Requires Creat
Recipe for crafting an R99-grade equipment. Results vary. Very high chance of obtaining blessed equipment. Requires Creat
Double-click to obtain a Blessed Antharas Earring, Blessed Valakas Necklace, Tauti's Ring, Earth Wyrm Heart Ring, and Bles
Double-click to obtain a Blessed Antharas Earring (7-day).
Double-click to obtain a Blessed Valakas Necklace (7-day).
Double-click to obtain a Tauti's Ring (7-day).
Double-click to obtain an Earth Wyrm Heart Ring (7-day).
Double-click to obtain a Blessed Zaken's Earring (7-day).
Changes the appearance of a fist weapon into that of a Cat Fighter. 90-day.\n\n<Note> Modified items can only be equipped
Changes the appearance of a two-handed staff to that of a Cat Staff for 90 days.\n\n<Note> An appearance-modified item ca
Double-click to obtain an Attribute Stone (+60).
Double-click to obtain an Attribute Stone (+150).
Double-click to obtain an Attribute Crystal - Super.
Scroll given as a gift. Teleoprts you to the Town of Aden.
Teleports you to Knight Captain Kargos, who is related to the Pagan Temple.
Double-click to obtain a Freya's Frozen Scroll and a Freya's Recovery Potion. Has a chance of obtaining one of the following
For 10 min., Vitality consumption +100% and Acquired XP/ SP +100% while hunting. Remains after death. Cooldown is 9 min
Double-click to obtain a very rare item at a random rate.
Double-click for a chance to obtain one of the following items: Lucky Enchant Stone, High-grade Lucky Enchant Stone, Bless
Double-click for a chance to obtain one of the following items: Energy of Destruction, Giant's Energy, Kaliel's Energy, Elemen
For 10 min., Vitality consumption +100% and Acquired XP/ SP +100% while hunting. Remains after death. Cooldown is 9 min
Enchant success rate +20% for weapons (R-grade) when using Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon. Only for items enchanted b
Enchant success rate +30% for armor (R-grade) when using Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor. Only for items enchanted betwe
Double-click to obtain 3 Giant's Energy.
Double-click to obtain 20 Giant's Energy.
Double-click to obtain 100 Giant's Energy.
Double-click to obtain a Transformation Scroll: Anakim/ Zaken/ Kechi/ Saber Tooth Tiger/ Doll Blader. Cannot be used in the
For 60 min., P. Atk. +5%, M. Atk. +20%, P./ M. Def. +5%, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +5%, Max HP/ MP +5%. Acquired XP/ SP +
Double-click to obtain a Freya's Frozen Scroll. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Double-click to obtain Agathion - Freya (30-day). Cannot be used in the Olympiad.

Pagina 404

When used, Resistance to Stun Attacks +5% and PVP damage received -3%.\nCannot be used in Olympiad.\nDoes not stac
When used, increases Resistance to Hold Attacks by 5% and reduces PVP damage taken by 3%.\nCannot be used in the Ol
When used, increases Resistance to Bleed Attacks by 5% and reduces PVP damage taken by 3%.\nCannot be used in the O
When used, increases Resistance to Paralysis Attacks by 5% and reduces PVP damage taken by 3%.\nCannot be used in th
When used, increases Resistance to MEN Attacks by 5% and reduces PVP damage taken by 3%.\nCannot be used in the O
When used, increases Resistance to Sleep Attacks by 5% and reduces PVP damage taken by 3%.\nCannot be used in the O
When used, increases Resistance to Poison Attacks by 5% and reduces PVP damage taken by 3%.\nCannot be used in the
When used, increases Resistance to Knock Back/ Knock Down Attacks by 5% and reduces PVP damage taken by 3%.\nCan
When used, increases Resistance to Aerial Attacks by 5% and reduces PVP damage taken by 3%.\nCannot be used in the O
Karla's gift for those who are struggling to make it in the Material Realm. Double-click to use.
Karla's gift for those who are struggling to make it in the Material Realm. Double-click to use.
Venir's gift for those who are struggling to make it in the Material Realm. Double-click to use.
Venir's gift for those who are struggling to make it in the Material Realm. Double-click to use.
Queen Navari's gift for those who are struggling to make it in the Material Realm. Double-click to use.
Queen Navari's gift for those who are struggling to make it in the Material Realm. Double-click to use.
Box containing Sayha's power. Double-click to use.
Box containing Sayha's power. Double-click to use.
Changes the appearance of your entire armor into that of a Dark Assassin Suit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor ca
A box of relics gathered by the Aspiricing Orc Ruler of Aden.
A box of relics gathered by the Aspiricing Orc Ruler of Aden.
For 30 min., P./ M. Atk. +30%, P./ M. Critical Damage +15%, Speed +20. MP Consumption -15%.
Go to Tiffany in town for a special gift.
Double-click to obtain Lara's Key Card.
Changes the appearance of a one-handed blunt weapon into that of a Turikki's Blunt Weapon. An appearance-modified item
Changes the appearance of a bow into that of a Tayga Archer's Bow. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities
Restores 3500 HP. If HP is full, CP is restored. No cooldown. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Double-click to reset cooldown to Spezion's (normal) dungeon. Usable once a day outside instances while on a cooldown.
Double-click to reset cooldown to Spezion's (Epic) dungeon. Usable once a day outside instances while on a cooldown.
Gives Expertise R99 Skill while in possession.
Open the box to obtain an Expertise Rune (R99-grade) (30-day). Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Double-click to obtain a Dual Expertise Rune Pack (R99-grade) (30-day) and a Mysterious Friend Summon Bracelet Pack (30
Double-click to obtain a Dual Expertise Rune Pack (R99-grade) (30-day), a Mysterious Friend Summon Bracelet Pack (30-da
Teleports you to Dwarven Village.
Changes the appearance of your hair accessory into that of a Santa Hat. Only for hair accessories that use 2 slots.
Double-click to recover Vitality while in peaceful zones. A set amount of Vitality is also restored when the buff is about to expi
Proof of your successful search for Santa alongside Tree Fairy, Stocking Fairy, and Snowman Fairy. Take this to Noelle for a
Changes the appearance of your entire armor into that of a Santa Suit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be res
Use to receive 5 magic staff weapons (S - C-grade). Disappears after 90 days if unused.
Item set for Ertheia Fighter classes. Disappears after 90 days if unused.
Item set for Ertheia Wizard classes. Disappears after 90 days if unused.
Use to receive 5 fist weapons (S - C-grade). Disappears after 90 days if unused.
Use to receive 3 fist weapons (A - C-grade). Disappears after 30 days if unused.
Use to receive 3 magic staff weapons (A - C-grade). Disappears after 30 days if unused.
Item set for Ertheia Fighter classes. Disappears after 30 days if unused.
Item set for Ertheia Warrior classes. Disappears after 30 days if unused.
Use to receive 3 fist weapons (A - C-grade). Disappears after 10 days if unused.
Use to receive 3 magic staff weapons (A - C-grade). Disappears after 10 days if unused.
Item set for Ertheia Fighter classes. Disappears after 10 days if unused.
Item set for Ertheia Wizard classes. Disappears after 10 days if unused.

Pagina 405

Double-click to obtain an Agathion - Joon Charm (30-day). Cannot be shared once open.
Give some of these to High Horse Galup and you might get a special gift.
Double-click to obtain 7 - 63 carrots.
Double-click to obtain special rewards prepared by Galup.
Galup's gift after he had eaten his fill. Double-click to obtain a Carrot Pouch and feel some Horse Power.
Double-click to obtain an Angel Cat's Blessing (1-hour). Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Double-click for a chance to obtain a special weapon appearance stone (30-day) or a special hair accessory at a lower rate.
Wrapped Pack containing a Super Advanced Seed Bracelet (30-day).
Random basic stat +6 for 30 min. Cannot be stacked with Fish Stew or other Alien Nano Supplements.
It looks like something nice might be inside! Cannot be used in Olympiad.
Something nice might be inside! Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Restores a certain amount of Vitality for all party members.
A report on the monsters of Aden. Take these to L2B2 for rewards.

For 1 h., Acquired XP/ SP +100%. Changes the appearance of your armor into that of a Lineage II Uniform. Cannot be stacke
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (R-grade) with a normal enchant scroll. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (R95-grade) with a normal enchant scroll. Only for items enchanted between +3 an
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (R99-grade) with a normal enchant scroll. Only for items enchanted between +3 an
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (R-grade) with a normal enchant scroll. Only for items enchanted between +7 and +
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (R95-grade) with a normal enchant scroll. Only for items enchanted between +7 an
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (R99-grade) with a normal enchant scroll. Only for items enchanted between +7 an

Pagina 406

Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (R-grade) with a normal enchant scroll. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (R95-grade) with a normal enchant scroll. Only for items enchanted between +3 an
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (R99-grade) with a normal enchant scroll. Only for items enchanted between +3 an
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (R-grade) with a normal enchant scroll. Only for items enchanted between +7 and +
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (R95-grade) with a normal enchant scroll. Only for items enchanted between +7 an
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (R99-grade) with a normal enchant scroll. Only for items enchanted between +7 an
Arrow made of Orichalcum. Used as arrows for R-grade bows.
Bolt made of Orichalcum. Used as bolts for R-grade сrossbows.
Double-click to reset cooldown to Spezion's (Epic) dungeon. Can only be used once a day outside of the instance zone.
Double-click to reset cooldown to Baylor's dungeon. Can only be used once a day outside of the instance zone.
Double-click to reset cooldown to Kartia's Labyrinth. Can only be used once a day outside of the instance zone.
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of an NC Dinos Hat (30-day). Works for item with the same number of
Wrapped Pack containing an NC Dinos Hat Appearance Stone (30-day).
Changes the appearance of your armor into that of an NC Dinos Uniform. 30-day. Tops and one-pieces only.
Wrapped Pack containing an NC Dinos Uniform Appearance Stone (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing a Baium's Ring (30-day).
Enchant success rate +20% for weapons (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. Not usable on items ench
Wrapped Pack containing Kisung.
Restores 3000 HP and remaining power restores CP. No cooldown.
For 10 min., transform into a speedy L2B2.
Teleports you to the Blazing Swamp.
Thanks to the protection scroll made with the counterfeit Atelia, the time limit on Hellbound has disappeared. This Visitation S
Thanks to the protection scroll made with the counterfeit Atelia, the time limit on Hellbound has disappeared. Characters belo
Thanks to the protection scroll made with the counterfeit Atelia, the time limit on Hellbound has disappeared. This Visitation S
Thanks to the protection scroll made with the counterfeit Atelia, the time limit on Hellbound has disappeared. Characters belo
A stone that was formed with hardened lava. It can be obtained by killing monsters in the Blazing Swamp. Take it to Harp Zu
Atk. Spd. Test.
Reward for killing monsters in the Blazing Swamp. Double-click to use.
A flower petal that marks the beginning of spring. Collect a certain amount and exchange them for a reward by clicking on the
Wrapped Pack containing either a Napoleon Hat Appearance Stone (1-day), Zorro Hat Appearance Stone (1-day), or a Ruthl
When used, increases Attack Attribute by 100, P. Atk. by 20%, M. Atk. by 30%, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. by 10%, P. Accuracy
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Zorro Hat (90-day). Works for item with the same number of slots.
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Top Hat (90-day). Works for item with the same number of slots. A
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Napoleon Hat (90-day). Works for item with the same number of s
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Ruthless Tribe Mask (90-day). Works for item with the same numb
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Zorro Hat (1-day). Works for item with the same number of slots. A
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Top Hat (1-day). Works for item with the same number of slots. An
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Napoleon Hat (1-day). Works for item with the same number of slo
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Ruthless Tribe Mask (1-day). Works for item with the same numbe
Double-click to reset cooldown to Nightmare Kamaloka. Can only be used once a day outside of the instance zone.
Obtained from Ancient Literature Caravaner Budenka for helping the Hellbound monsters that were brainwashed by Beleth. T
Obtained from Ancient Literature Caravaner Budenka for helping the Hellbound monsters that were brainwashed by Beleth. T
Obtained from Ancient Literature Caravaner Budenka for helping the Hellbound monsters that were brainwashed by Beleth. T
Obtained from Ancient Literature Caravaner Budenka for helping the Hellbound monsters that were brainwashed by Beleth. T
Obtained from Ancient Literature Caravaner Budenka for helping the Hellbound monsters that were brainwashed by Beleth. T
Obtained from Ancient Literature Caravaner Budenka for helping the Hellbound monsters that were brainwashed by Beleth. T
A flash grenade that will let you identify hidden targets.
An extinct fish. It can no longer be caught. When double clicked, a processed fish item can be obtained. The changed item ca
An extinct fish. It can no longer be caught. When double clicked, a processed fish item can be obtained. The changed item ca

Pagina 407

An extinct fish. It can no longer be caught. When double clicked, a processed fish item can be obtained. The changed item ca
An extinct fish. It can no longer be caught. When double clicked, a processed fish item can be obtained. The changed item ca
An extinct fish. It can no longer be caught. When double clicked, a processed fish item can be obtained. The changed item ca
An extinct fish. It can no longer be caught. When double clicked, a processed fish item can be obtained. The changed item ca
An extinct fish. It can no longer be caught. When double clicked, a processed fish item can be obtained. The changed item ca
An extinct fish. It can no longer be caught. When double clicked, a processed fish item can be obtained. The changed item ca
An extinct fish. It can no longer be caught. When double clicked, a Fish Pearl item can be obtained. The changed item can be
An extinct fish. It can no longer be caught. When double clicked, a Fish Pearl item can be obtained. The changed item can be
An extinct fish. It can no longer be caught. When double clicked, a Fish Pearl item can be obtained. The changed item can be
An extinct fish. It can no longer be caught. When double clicked, a Fish Pearl item can be obtained. The changed item can be
An extinct fish. It can no longer be caught. When double clicked, a Fish Pearl or Fresh Whale Blubber item can be obtained.
Double-click to get an item.
Double-click to get an item.
Double-click to get an item.
Can be used as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
Can be used as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
Can be used as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
Open to get a 30-day fishing rod.
Normal Bait that can no longer be used. It can be sold at the store.
Special Bait that can no longer be used. It can be sold at the store.
Soulshot for fishing rods. Doubles the fishing success rate.
A Fishing Pack prepared by Goldeen. Double-click to get Bait and Fishing Shots.
Wrapped Pack containing a Fishing Rod prepared by Goldeen. Double-click to get a Fishing Rod.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Virgo (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Virgo (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Virgo (15-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Capricorn (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Capricorn (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Capricorn (15-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Libra (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Libra (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Libra (15-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Aries (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Aries (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Aries (15-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Taurus (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Taurus (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Taurus (15-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Leo (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Leo (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Leo (15-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Gemini (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Gemini (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Gemini (15-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Scorpio (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Scorpio (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Scorpio (15-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Aquarius (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Aquarius (30-day).

Pagina 408

Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Aquarius (15-day).

Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Pisces (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Pisces (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Pisces (15-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Sagittarius (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Sagittarius (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Sagittarius (15-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Twinkling Cancer (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Radiant Cancer (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Cancer (15-day).
Double-click to obtain one of the Zodiac Agathion Charm Packs (15-day).
Double-click to obtain one of the Zodiac Agathion Charm Packs (30-day).
Double-click to obtain one of the Zodiac Agathion Charm Packs (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing Special Bait. Use Special bait to catch shiny fish.
Wrapped Pack containing an SP Scroll.
Wrapped Pack containing one of the Zodiac Agathion Charm Boxes (15-day).
Enhanced Orichalcum arrow with +5% Atk. Spd. Used as arrows for R-grade bows.
Enhanced Orichalcum arrow with +5% P. Atk. Used as arrows for R-grade bows.
Enhanced Orichalcum arrow with Additional Hit. Used as arrows for R-grade bows.
Enhanced Orichalcum bolt with +5% Atk. Spd. Used as bolts for R-grade crossbows.
Enhanced Orichalcum bolt with +5% P. Atk. Used as bolts for R-grade crossbows.
Enhanced Orichalcum bolt with Additional Hit. Used as bolts for R-grade crossbows.
A mark awarded to those who achieve merit in the Olympiad or Ceremony of Chaos. The Olympiad Manager or Mysterious B
Artificial crystal created with Atelia. Take it to Merlot to get a Dimensional Coin.
Artificial crystal created with Atelia. Take it to Merlot to get a Dimensional Coin.
Artificial crystal created with Atelia. Take it to Merlot to get a Dimensional Coin.
Artificial crystal created with Atelia. Take it to Merlot to get a Dimensional Coin.
Certificate received for finishing Elikia's mission. Take it to Lionel Hunter in Heine to meet the qualifications for Exalted.
Certificate received for finishing the Mysterious Butler's mission. Take it to Lionel Hunter in Heine to meet the qualifications fo
Certificate received for finishing Galladucci's mission. Take it to Lionel Hunter in Heine to meet the qualifications for Exalted.
Certificate received for finishing Sir Eric Rodemai's mission. Take it to Lionel Hunter in Heine to meet the qualifications for Ex
First list of missions from Lionel Hunter to achieve the Exalted status. "Finish the missions from these people and bring back
Certificate received for finishing Daichir's mission. Take it to Lionel Hunter in Heine to meet the qualifications for Exalted.
Certificate received for finishing the Olympiad Manager's mission. Take it to Lionel Hunter in Heine to meet the qualifications
Certificate received for finishing Ishuma's mission. Take it to Lionel Hunter in Heine to meet the qualifications for Exalted.
Certificate received for finishing Sir Kristof Rodemai's mission. Take it to Lionel Hunter in Heine to meet the qualifications for
Second list of missions from Lionel Hunter to achieve the Exalted status. "Finish the missions from these people and bring ba
Certificate received for finishing Kaiena's mission. Take it to Lionel Hunter in Heine to meet the qualifications for Exalted.
Certificate received for finishing Merlot's mission. Take it to Lionel Hunter in Heine to meet the qualifications for Exalted.
Certificate received for finishing Blacksmith of Mammon's mission. Take it to Lionel Hunter in Heine to meet the qualifications
Certificate received for finishing Sir Gustav Athebaldt's mission. Take it to Lionel Hunter in Heine to meet the qualifications fo
Third list of missions from Lionel Hunter to achieve the Exalted status. "Finish the missions from these people and bring back
Get the Exalted status as reward.
Main ingredient to make a Citrine Pendant.
A precious pendant made of a golden crystal. Maestro Ishuma has requested this item in order to test your qualifications for E
Acquired XP/ SP +7%.
Wrapped Pack containing 1 Rodemai's Rune (15-day).
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Citrine Pendant. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 10%.
An unidentified mysterious egg. Double-click to find out what it is.

Pagina 409

Use to obtain 400000 XP. Cannot be combined. Under Lv. 85 only.

Use to obtain 1600000 XP. Cannot be combined. Under Lv. 85 only.
Use to obtain 6400000 XP. Cannot be combined. Under Lv. 85 only.
When used, you acquire a Dynasty Breastplate Armor of Fortune Set. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Dynasty Leather Armor of Fortune Set. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Dynasty Tunic of Fortune Set. Expires after 30 days if not used.
When used, you acquire a Dynasty Accessory of Fortune Set. Expires after 30 days if not used.
Get a +6 enchanted 30-day Twilight Attack Type Heavy set.
Get a +6 enchanted 30-day Twilight Defense Type Heavy set.
Get a +6 enchanted 30-day Twilight Assassin Type Light set.
Get a +6 enchanted 30-day Twilight Enchant Type Light set.
Get a +6 enchanted 30-day Twilight Magic Type Robe set.
Get a +6 enchanted 30-day Twilight Recovery Type Robe set.
Give it to Pippi or Kokko to get a timed weapon, bolt, or arrow.
Double-click to receive +6 Enchanted Eternal Attack Type Heavy Armor Set (30-day).
Double-click to receive +6 Enchanted Eternal Defense Type Heavy Armor Set (30-day).
Double-click to receive +6 Enchanted Eternal Assassin Type Light Armor Set (30-day).
Double-click to receive +6 Enchanted Eternal Enchant Type Light Armor Set (30-day).
Double-click to receive +6 Enchanted Eternal Magic Type Robe Set (30-day).
Double-click to receive +6 Enchanted Eternal Recovery Type Robe Set (30-day).
Get a +6 enchanted 30-day Seraph Attack Type Heavy set.
Get a +6 enchanted 30-day Seraph Defense Type Heavy set.
Get a +6 enchanted 30-day Seraph Assassin Type Light set.
Get a +6 enchanted 30-day Seraph Enchant Type Light set.
Get a +6 enchanted 30-day Seraph Magic Type Robe set.
Get a +6 enchanted 30-day Seraph Recovery Type Robe set.
Wrapped Pack containing 1 Soulshot (Grade C~R).
Wrapped Pack containing 1 Blessed Spiritshot (Grade C~R).
Alliance made with blood! Reward given to those who worked hard for the growth of their clans. Use it to receive 16 Vitality R
Alliance made with blood! Reward given to those who worked hard for the growth of their clans. Use it to receive 17 Vitality R
Alliance made with blood! Reward given to those who worked hard for the growth of their clans. Use it to receive 18 Vitality R
Alliance made with blood! Reward given to those who worked hard for the growth of their clans. Use it to receive 19 Vitality R
Alliance made with blood! Reward given to those who worked hard for the growth of their clans. Use it to receive 20 Vitality R
Alliance made with blood! Reward given to those who worked hard for the growth of their clans. Use it to receive 21 Vitality R
Double-click to change the attributes of R, R95, R99 and R110-grade weapons. It can be used when there is an R-grade wea
When double-clicked, 360 PA Points can be acquired.
When double-clicked, 720 PA Points can be acquired.
Research results received from Cardinal Seresin at the Town of Oren. It talks about the anomaly in the Dark Elf region after t
Unstable energy obtained from defeating the mutated spirits in the Garden of Spirits. Take it to Master Cyphona.
Energy obtained from defeating El Floato in the Garden of Spirits. Take it to Magister Belas.
Item obtained from defeating Harpe in the Garden of Spirits. You can feel the spirit's sadness. Take it to Magister Belas.
Item obtained from defeating Harpe in the Garden of Spirits. You can feel the spirit's anger. Take it to Magister Belas.
Item obtained from defeating Isabella in the Garden of Spirits. Take it to Ferin.
Proof that you've obtained Ferin and her people's trust. The trust level is still low, but at least it's something.
Proof that you've obtained Ferin and her people's trust. The trust level is still low, but at least it's something.
Proof that you've obtained Ferin and her people's trust. The trust level is still low, but at least it's something.
An item obtained by winning the trust of Ferin and his men. It is no longer used. You can exchange it for a reward item throug
An item obtained by winning the trust of Ferin and his men. It is no longer used. You can exchange it for a reward item throug
An item obtained by winning the trust of Ferin and his men. It is no longer used. You can exchange it for a reward item throug

Pagina 410

An item obtained by winning the trust of Ferin and his men. It is no longer used. You can exchange it for a reward item throug
An item obtained by winning the trust of Ferin and his men. It is no longer used. You can exchange it for a reward item throug
An item obtained by winning the trust of Ferin and his men. It is no longer used. You can exchange it for a reward item throug
A mutated spirit's soul obtained from defeating the mutated spirits in the Garden of Spirits. It's proof that you've put them to re
Item obtained from defeating the Embryo in the Dimensional Raid. It's the item that Merlot requested. Take it to Merlot to rece
A coin that can be used to enjoy the various attractions in the Talkity Talk Talk Truope Festival.
A golden festival coin that can be obtained from Kableon's game in the Talkity Talk Talk Troupe Festival. Take it to Nostra Gi
Summon Kableon to get a star rating. If you get 5 stars, you'll receive a Golden Festival Coin. It can only be used in a Peacef
An item needed to play the Regular Lucky Game. It looks like a tarot card. Play a Regular Lucky Game through Nostra Gibbs
An item needed to play the Premium Lucky Game. It looks like a tarot card. Play a Premium Lucky Game through Nostra Gib
Needed to learn active skill, Favor of the Exalted Lv. 2, used to buff a target with 10% Bonus XP and SP.\nCan be obtained if
Item obtained from defeating the monsters that Elikia requested. Take it to Elikia in Heine.
Item received as proof of having participated in the Olympiad or the Ceremony of Chaos. Take it to the Mysterious Butler to re
Item received as proof of having participated in the Olympiad or the Ceremony of Chaos. Take it to the Olympiad Manager to
Item containing the magic of Kokko. Can summon a friend once every 30 min. Target a party member an double-click to activ
Double-click to get a Normal Fishing Rod.
Double-click to get a Fishing Shot.
Double-click to get bait to fish.
A mysterious box with an unidentified item along with Tomas' Support Box. Double-click to find out what it is.
Double-click to get a Magic Armor Set (R-grade). Expires after 30 days if not used.
Kokko's egg. Double-click to find out what it is.
Kokko's shiny egg prepared by Maph. Double-click to find out what it is. <Warning> The item you get after double-clicking can
Kokko's golden egg prepared by Maph. Double-click to find out what it is. <Warning> The item you get after double-clicking c
Take it to Maphr's agent Yuna to get a box containing an Apocalypse weapon.
Double-click to get a +3/ 4/ 6/ 9/ 11 enchanted Apocalypse Shaper Focus.
Double-click to get a +3/ 4/ 6/ 9/ 11 enchanted Apocalypse Cutter Focus.
Double-click to get a +3/ 4/ 6/ 9/ 11 enchanted Apocalypse Slasher Focus.
Double-click to get a +3/ 4/ 6/ 9/ 11 enchanted Apocalypse Avenger Focus.
Double-click to get a +3/ 4/ 6/ 9/ 11 enchanted Apocalypse Fighter Focus.
Double-click to get a +3/ 4/ 6/ 9/ 11 enchanted Apocalypse Stormer Damage Up.
Double-click to get a +3/ 4/ 6/ 9/ 11 enchanted Apocalypse Thrower Focus.
Double-click to get a +3/ 4/ 6/ 9/ 11 enchanted Apocalypse Shooter Focus.
Double-click to get a +3/ 4/ 6/ 9/ 11 enchanted Apocalypse Buster Acumen.
Double-click to get a +3/ 4/ 6/ 9/ 11 enchanted Apocalypse Caster Acumen.
Double-click to get a +3/ 4/ 6/ 9/ 11 enchanted Apocalypse Retributer Acumen.
Double-click to get a +3/ 4/ 6/ 9/ 11 enchanted Apocalypse Dual Sword Damage Up.
Double-click to get a +3/ 4/ 6/ 9/ 11 enchanted Apocalypse Dual Dagger Focus.
Double-click to get a +3/ 4/ 6/ 9/ 11 enchanted Apocalypse Dual Blunt Weapon Damage Up.
Needed to learn passive skill, Dignity of the Exalted Lv. 1.\nCan be obtained if main class is over level 99.
Needed to learn passive skill, Dignity of the Exalted Lv. 2.\nCan be obtained if main class is over level 99.
Needed to learn passive skill, Dignity of the Exalted Lv. 3.\nCan be obtained if main class is over level 99.
Needed to learn active skill, Belief of the Exalted, used to teleport to a selected party member.\nCan be obtained if main clas
Needed to learn active skill, Blessing of the Exalted, used to buff every party member with buff/ de-buff protection even after d
Needed to learn the Exalted skill Summon Battle Potion.\nCan be obtained if main class is over level 99.
Needed to learn active skill, Favor of the Exalted, used to buff every party member with buff/ de-buff protection even after dea
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage and dimensional anomalies. Key compon
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage and dimensional anomalies. Key compon
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage and dimensional anomalies. Key compon
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage and dimensional anomalies. Key compon

Pagina 411

Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage and dimensional anomalies. Key compon
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage and dimensional anomalies. Key compon
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage and dimensional anomalies. Key compon
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage and dimensional anomalies. Key compon
Spirit Stone for hair accessories.
Receive various rewards through Merlot.
Receive various rewards through Merlot.
Receive various rewards through Merlot.
Receive various rewards through Merlot.
A mysterious box that combines Atelia Energy Crystals and creates 1~5 new Atelia Energy Crystals of Grade 2~4. If it fails, y
A mysterious box that combines Atelia Energy Crystals and creates 1~5 new Atelia Energy Crystals of Grade 1~2. If it fails, y
Treasure Chest containing gifts for Dimensional Raid heroes. Double-click to get 1 of the following: Top-grade Spirit Stone, E
Restores 3000 HP, and the remaining power restores CP. Instant effect with no duration.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Sirra's Blade of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Damascus Sword of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Samurai Long Sword of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Dynasty Sword of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Tallum Blade*Damascus of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Samurai Long Sword*Samurai Long Sword of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Spirit Sword*Raid Sword of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Dynasty Dual Sword of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Tiphon's Spear of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Lance of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Orcish Poleaxe of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Dynasty Halberd of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Barakiel's Axe of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Art of Battle Axe of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Yaksa Mace of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Dynasty Cudgel of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Sword of Ipos of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Guardian's Sword of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Berserker Blade of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Dynasty Blade of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Sobekk's Hurricane of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Bellion Cestus of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Great Pata of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Dynasty Bagh-Nakh of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Naga's Storm of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Kris of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Dark Screamer of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Dynasty Knife of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Shyeed's Bow of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Bow of Peril of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Eminence Bow of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Dynasty Bow of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Sword of Miracles of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Wizard's Tear of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Homunkulus' Sword of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Dynasty Phantom of Fortune.

Pagina 412

Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Durendal of Fortune.

Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Dismantler of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Saber Tooth of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Dynasty Ancient Sword of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Éclair Bijou of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Colichemarde of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Admiral's Estoc of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Dynasty Rapier of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Screaming Vengeance of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Hell Hound of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Sharpshooter of Fortune.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Dynasty Crossbow of Fortune.
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Shaper Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Cutter Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Slasher Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Dual Sword Damage Up (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Dual Dagger Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Dual Blunt Weapon Damage Up (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Avenger Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Fighter Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Stormer Damage Up (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Thrower Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Shooter Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Buster Acumen (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Caster Acumen (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Retributer Acumen (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Specter Shaper Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Specter Cutter Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Specter Slasher Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Specter Dual Sword Damage Up (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Specter Dual Dagger Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Specter Dual Blunt Weapon Damage Up (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Specter Avenger Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Specter Fighter Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Specter Stormer Damage Up (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Specter Thrower Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Specter Shooter Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Specter Buster Acumen (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Specter Caster Acumen (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Specter Retributer Acumen (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Helios Shaper Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Helios Cutter Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Helios Slasher Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Helios Dual Sword Damage Up (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Helios Dual Dagger Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Helios Dual Blunt Weapon Damage Up (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Helios Avenger Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Helios Fighter Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Helios Stormer Damage Up (30-day).

Pagina 413

Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Helios Thrower Focus (30-day).

Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Helios Shooter Focus (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Helios Buster Acumen (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Helios Caster Acumen (30-day).
Double-click to create +6 Enchanted Helios Retributer Acumen (30-day).
Needed to learn passive skill, Fate of the Exalted Lv. 1.\nCan be obtained if main class is over level 99.
An Olympiad gift for awakened heroes.
An Olympiad gift for heroes who have participated in 50 Olympiad matches.
Soul Stone obtained from defeating Armed Veridan. When combined with Kechi's Soul Stone and Michaela's Soul Stone, it w
Soul Stone obtained from defeating Armed Kechi. When combined with Veridan's Soul Stone and Michaela's Soul Stone, it w
Soul Stone obtained from defeating Armed Michaela. When combined with Veridan's Soul Stone and Kechi's Soul Stone, it w
Item obtained from defeating Earth Wyrm Trasken or from collecting Veridan, Kechi, and Michaela's Soul Stones. Take it to H
Certificate received from Merlot for finishing the mission. Take it to Lionel Hunter in Heine to get your Exalted qualification.
Certificate from Captain Kurtiz for finishing the mission. Take it to Lionel Hunter in Heine to get your Exalted qualification.
Mark obtained for defeating the monsters in the Dimensional Raid. Take it to Merlot in Hunters' Village.
Mark obtained for obtaining the Flag of Protection by participating in a Castle Siege or a Dimensional Castle Siege. Take it to
Badge bearing the mark of the Town of Gludio. You must have the corresponding badge when running the Dimensional Raid
Badge bearing the mark of Gludin Village. You must have the corresponding badge when running the Dimensional Raid in or
Badge bearing the mark of the Town of Giran. You must have the corresponding badge when running the Dimensional Raid i
Badge bearing the mark of the Town of Oren. You must have the corresponding badge when running the Dimensional Raid in
Badge bearing the mark of the Town of Aden. You must have the corresponding badge when running the Dimensional Raid i
Badge bearing the mark of Gainak. You must have the corresponding badge when running the Dimensional Raid in order to r
Badge bearing the mark of the Town of Goddard. You must have the corresponding badge when running the Dimensional Ra
Badge bearing the mark of the Town of Schuttgart. You must have the corresponding badge when running the Dimensional R
A coupon given to one of the warriors who participated in the Dimensional Raid and earned top scores. Exchange it for a Blo
A coupon given to one of the warriors who participated in the Dimensional Raid and earned top scores. Exchange it for a Blo
Double-click to get 1 of the following: Elcyum Powder, Elcyum Crystal, or Elcyum.
Double-click to get 1 of the following: High-grade Spirit Stone, Top-grade Spirit Stone, Spirit Stone: Hair Accessory, Life Ston
Double-click to get 1 of the following: Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade), Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (S-grade), Scroll: Encha
Enchant success rate +10% for weapons (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Enchant success rate +15% for armor (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchan
A fragment from Kelbim's weapon. The metal was made with Atelia and it's instilled with Kelbim's power.
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for making a Mysterious Soulshot (R-grade). Requires Create Item level 14. Success rate is 1
For Tyrr Maestros only. Recipe for making a Mysterious Blessed Spiritshot (R-grade). Requires Create Item level 14. Succes
The power of a spirit is bestowed upon a weapon (R-grade), temporarily inflicting a powerful attack on the enemy.
The power of a higher-level spirit is bestowed upon a weapon (R-grade), temporarily increasing its magic significantly.
Bait that can no longer be used. Can be exchanged through Village Fishing Guild Members for a new PA Bait Exchange.
A Map Piece obtained using a PA Special Bait. Collect Treasure Map Pieces 1 - 4 and exchange them through a Fishing Gui
A Map Piece obtained using a PA Special Bait. Collect Treasure Map Pieces 1 - 4 and exchange them through a Fishing Gui
A Map Piece obtained using a PA Special Bait. Collect Treasure Map Pieces 1 - 4 and exchange them through a Fishing Gui
A Map Piece obtained using a PA Special Bait. Collect Treasure Map Pieces 1 - 4 and exchange them through a Fishing Gui
A Map Piece obtained using a PA Special Bait. Collect Treasure Map Pieces 1 - 4 and exchange them through a Fishing Gui
A map showing the location of some treasure. Seeing that Zaken's signature is at the bottom, it looks like it's Zaken's treasure
A map showing the location of some treasure. The name Leona Blackbird is written next to the location, so it's probably a trea
A map showing the location of some treasure. It says, "The legacy of the great Elf queen Beora is here…". Double-click to rec
A map showing the location of some treasure. It says, "He lived a bloody life, but he was a good man. I leave his treasure her
A map showing the location of some treasure. It says "For the High Priest", so it's probably a gift for the temple. Double-click
A map showing the location of some treasure. It says, "Glory to the Turek Orcs". It looks like it is related to the Turek Orcs. Do
A map showing the location of some treasure. Seeing that Zaken's signature is at the bottom, it looks like it's Zaken's treasure

Pagina 414

A map showing the location of some treasure. The name Leona Blackbird is written next to the location, so it's probably a trea
A map showing the location of some treasure. It says, "The legacy of the great Elf queen Beora is here…".
A map showing the location of some treasure. It says, "He lived a bloody life, but he was a good man. I leave his treasure her
A map showing the location of some treasure. It says "For the High Priest", so it's probably a gift for the temple.
A map showing the location of some treasure. It says, "Glory to the Turek Orcs". It looks like it is related to the Turek Orcs.
Zaken's treasure chest. Double-click to get an item.
Leona Blackbird's treasure chest. Double-click to get an item.
Beora's treasure chest. Double-click to get an item.
Gladiator's treasure chest. Double-click to get an item.
Raymond's treasure chest. Double-click to get an item.
Turek Orc's treasure chest. Double-click to get an item.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed blunt into that of Drake Maul. 30-day.
An Appearance Stone that transforms a two-handed staff into Freya's Staff for 30 days.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed fist weapon into that of Spezion's Claw. 30-day.
Changes the appearance of a spear into that of a Maliss Stormer. 30-day.
Changes the appearance of a one handed dagger into that of Steregos' Dagger. 30-day.
Changes the appearance of a dual blunt into that of Ron's Dual Blunt Weapon. 30-day.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed blunt into that of Drake Maul's.
An Appearance Stone that transforms a two-handed staff into Freya's Staff.
Changes the appearance of a two-handed fist weapon into that of Spezion's Claw.
Changes the appearance of a spear into that of a Maliss Stormer.
Changes the appearance of a one handed dagger into that of Steregos' Dagger.
Changes the appearance of a dual blunt into that of Ron's Dual Blunt Weapon.
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Little Girl's Hat. 30-day. Can be used only on hair accessories that
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Little Boy's Hat. 30-day. Can be used only on hair accessories tha
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Little Girl's Hat. Can be used only on hair accessories that take up
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Little Boy's Hat. Can be used only on hair accessories that take up
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Uniform Hat. 30-day. Can be used only on hair accessories that ta
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Gold Afro. 30-day. Can be used only on hair accessories that take
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Pink Afro. 30-day. Can be used only on hair accessories that take
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Uniform Hat. Can be used only on hair accessories that take up 2
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Gold Afro. Can be used only on hair accessories that take up 2 slo
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Pink Afro. Can be used only on hair accessories that take up 2 slo
A piece of El Floato's evil thoughts. Use it to open the door to get to Harpe in the Garden of Spirits.
Seal that proves that one is a member of the Blackbird Clan. The seal proves that one is a member of the clan or is someone
A neutralizer that prevents addiction of the by-product that is produced when creating Dark Atelia. All the Embryo in the Atelia
Glenkinchie's report to Elikia. It says stuff about the Embryo.
Hurak's report to Elikia. It says stuff about the Embryo.
Laffian's report to Elikia. It says stuff about the Embryo.
Sherry's report to Elikia. It says stuff about the Embryo.
A certificate that proves that you are an honorary member of the Aden Vanguard. You haven't been recognized by every mem
A certificate that proves that you are an honorary member of the Aden Vanguard. You haven't been recognized by every mem
A certificate that proves that you are an honorary member of the Aden Vanguard. You haven't been recognized by every mem
A certificate that identifies the Honorary Member of Aden Vanguard. It is not recognized by the Kingdom's Royal Guard and is
A piece of cloth to fix the flag that represents the stronghold. Take it to the Aden Vanguard.
Tools to repair the stronghold. Take it to the Aden Stronghold.
A piece of the armor that Kelbim was wearing. Kaysia needs it in order to find out what the Embryo are using the Atelia for. T
Powder from the Giant Atelia that turned black. It will be useful in finding out how it's different from the Atelia of the Wind Spir
A teleport device that takes you to Stronghold I. It was brought from Aden in order to facilitate movement. Because of the inst

Pagina 415

A teleport device that takes you to Stronghold II. It was brought from Aden in order to facilitate movement. Because of the ins
A teleport device that takes you to Stronghold III. It was brought from Aden in order to facilitate movement. Because of the in
A teleport device that takes you to Stronghold IV. It was brought from Aden in order to facilitate movement. Because of the in
Superior Giant's Codex. Rare item needed for enchanting skills between +11~+20 after Awakening.
Superior Giant's Codex. Rare item needed for +21~+30 blessed skill enchantment after Awakening.
Superior Giant's Codex. Rare item needed for changing enchantment paths for skills between +11~+20 after Awakening.
Enchants a skill between +11~+20 to the next grade with a success rate of 100% without consuming extra materials.
Superior Giant's Codex. Rare item needed for enchanting skills between +21~+30 after Awakening.
Superior Giant's Codex. Rare item needed for +21~+30 blessed skill enchantment after Awakening.
Superior Giant's Codex. Rare item needed for changing enchantment paths for skills between +21~+30 after Awakening.
Enchants a skill between +21~+30 to the next grade with a success rate of 100% without consuming extra materials.
Scroll for teleporting to Blackbird Campsite.
A certificate that identifies the Honorary Member of Aden Vanguard. It is not recognized by the Kingdom's Royal Guard and is
A certificate that identifies the Honorary Member of Aden Vanguard. It is not recognized by the Kingdom's Royal Guard and is
A certificate that identifies the Honorary Member of Aden Vanguard. It is not recognized by the Kingdom's Royal Guard and is
A certificate that identifies the Honorary Member of Aden Vanguard. It is not recognized by the Kingdom's Royal Guard and is
A certificate that identifies the Honorary Member of Aden Vanguard. It is not recognized by the Kingdom's Royal Guard and is
A reward for finishing the missions as an honorary member of the Aden Vanguard. Double-click to use.
Reward for helping Ferin and her people. Double-click to open.
A letter from the first stronghold's Barton to the Aden Vanguard Captain Adolph. Take it to Adolph in the Blackbird Campsite.
A letter from the second stronghold's Hayuk to the Aden Vanguard Captain Adolph. Take it to Adolph in the Blackbird Camps
A letter from the third stronghold's Elise to the Aden Vanguard Captain Adolph. Take it to Adolph in the Blackbird Campsite.
A letter from the fourth stronghold's Elliyah to the Aden Vanguard Captain Adolph. Take it to Adolph in the Blackbird Campsit
Reward for Drew's Golden Dice event.
Reward for Drew's Golden Dice event.
Double-click to obtain a Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade), Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade), Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-gra
Changes the appearance of upper armor into that of Male Swimwear No. 1. Works on one-pieces too. It modifies everything,
Changes the appearance of upper armor into that of Male Swimwear No. 2. Works on one-pieces too. It modifies everything,
Changes the appearance of upper armor into that of Bikini No. 1. Works on one-pieces too. It modifies everything, making the
Changes the appearance of upper armor into that of Bikini No. 2. Works on one-pieces too. It modifies everything, making the
Wrapped Pack containing 1 bottle containing Antharas, Valakas, Queen Ant, Orfen, Frintezza, or Baium's soul.
For 60 min., it receives the following level 2 effects: Horn Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Guitar Melody, and Drum Melody. Coo
A gift from Alegria for your character's birthday. Double-click to get 10 Happy Birthday Potions and a Birthday Hat.
3 out of 4 bars on the vitality gauge are replenished. Cooldown is 60 min. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Wrapped Pack containing Holy Barrier Agathion Charm (30-day).
Wrapped Pack containing an Anakim Holy Barrier Agathion Charm (30-day) or an Agathion Charm - Anakim Holy Barrier.
Changes the appearace of your armor into that of a Vampiric Style. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, making
Changes the appearance of your armor into that of a Vampiric Style. 30-day. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everythin
Wrapped Pack containing a Vampiric Style Appearance Stone (30-day) or a Vampiric Style Appearance Stone.
Double-click to get 1 Shiny Elemental Shirt and 10 Elemental Shirt Enchant Scrolls.
Double-click to get 1 Physical Reflect Shirt and 10 Elemental Shirt Enchant Scrolls.
Double-click to get 1 Magical Reflect Shirt and 10 Elemental Shirt Enchant Scrolls.
A shiny gold medal. Sell it at the shop for a lot of money.
Changes the appearance of a top armor or a one-piece into that of a Halloween outfit. It changes everything, making the app
Changes the appearance of a top armor or a one-piece into that of a Halloween outfit. It changes everything, making the app
Changes the appearance of a weapon into that of a Halloween weapon. Can be used on shields and sigils.
Changes the appearance of a weapon into that of a Halloween weapon.
A special injection to re-energize animals in Elysium. Use it to re-energize the Exhausted Elysium Buffalo that appears in Gira
Scroll that summons Market Eleven's mascot, Piero. Use it to play 'Win Against Piero'.

Pagina 416

A membership card for the Eleven Market that was opened to celebrate Lineage 2's 11th anniversary.
1st place prize for the L2 Market giveaway. Get a Bloody or Dark Eternal Enhancement Stones.
Balthus Knight's top-grade supply items. Use it to obtain one +8 Helios weapon.
1st place prize for the L2 Market giveaway. Get a Desire, Insanity, or Venir's Talisman.
Balthus Knight's top-grade supply items. Use it to obtain one +4 Eternal armor set.
1st place prize for the L2 Market giveaway. Get a Lindvior's Earring, Antharas' Earring, Valakas' Necklace, or Tauti's Ring.
1st place prize for the L2 Market giveaway. Get a Bottle of Antharas (10), Valakas (10) or Baium's Soul.
1st place prize for the L2 Market giveaway. Get Tiat or Ekimus' Belt.
1st place prize for the L2 Market giveaway. Get an Anakim, Lilith, or Seven Signs Talisman.
1st place prize for the L2 Market giveaway. Get a Bloody or Dark Helios Enhancement Stone.
Double-click to get a +8 enchanted Helios Shaper.
Double-click to get a +8 enchanted Helios Cutter.
Double-click to get a +8 enchanted Helios Slasher.
Double-click to get a +8 enchanted Helios Dual Sword.
Double-click to get a +8 enchanted Helios Dual Dagger.
Double-click to get a +8 enchanted Helios Dual Blunt Weapon.
Double-click to get a +8 enchanted Helios Avenger.
Double-click to get a +8 enchanted Helios Fighter.
Double-click to get a +8 enchanted Helios Stormer.
Double-click to get a +8 enchanted Helios Thrower.
Double-click to get a +8 enchanted Helios Shooter.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Eternal Heavy Armor set.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Eternal Light Armor set.
Double-click to get a +4 enchanted Eternal Robe Armor set.
11th Anniversary coin. Purchase various items at Market Eleven.
Piero's victory box.
Piero's jackpot box.
Acquired XP/ SP +11%. All levels.
Wrapped Pack containing an 11th Anniversary Venezia Runes that can be used at all levels.
Acquired XP/ SP +22%. The effect only applies to characters below Lv. 99.
Wrapped Pack containing Venezia Runes for characters below Lv. 99.
For 1 h., Acquired XP/ SP +100%, and changes the appearance of your armor into that of an NC Dinos uniform. Cannot be s
Changes the appearance of upper armor into that of a Halloween Outfit. Works on one-pieces too.
Changes the appearance of all weapons into that of the corresponding Halloween Weapon. Can be used on shields and sigil
Teleports you to the Enchanted Valley.
Nymph Stamen obtained from defeating the Nymphs in the Enchanted Valley. Take it to Mimyu to receive a reward.
Reward obtained from defeating Nymphs in the Enchanted Valley. Double-click to use.
Double-click to get 1 Freya's Frozen Scroll and 1 Freya's Art of Seduction. Has a chance of obtaining one of the following item
Dimensional Item.\nWhen used, increases Max HP/ MP/ CP 30%, P. Atk. 10%, M. Atk. 20%, P./ M. Def. 30% and Movement
Wrapped Pack containing 1 random rare item.
Wrapped Pack containing 1 random item for enchantment.
Wrapped Pack containing 1 random item for skill enchantment.
Changes the appearance of a weapon into that of a Frozen weapon. Can be used on shields and sigils.
Changes the appearance of all weapons into those of Frozen Weapons of corresponding types. Can be used on shields and
Modifies the appearance of armor into that of a Dark Knight Suit. Works on one-piece armor. It changes everything, making th
Modifies the appearance of armor into that of a Ninja Outfit. Works on one-piece armor. It changes everything, making the ap
Modifies the appearance of armor into that of a Metal Suit. Works on one-piece armor. It changes everything, making the app
Wrapped Pack containing 1 random item out of the following: Dark Assassin Suit, Dark Knight Suit, Ninja Outfit, Metal Suit, o
Water of Vitality containing the power of the wind. Recovers half of a Vitality slot. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. No weekly

Pagina 417

Wrapped Pack containing a Vampiric Style Appearance Stone and a Vampiric Hair Accessory Appearance Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing a Ninja Outfit Appearance Stone and a Ninja Hair Accessory Appearance Stone.
Wrapped Pack containing a Metal Suit Appearance Stone and a Metal Suit Hair Accessory Appearance Stone.
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Vamparic style. Can be used only on hair accessories that take up
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Ninja style. Can be used only on hair accessories that take up 2 sl
Changes the appearance of a hair accessory into that of a Metal Suit. Can be used only on hair accessories that take up 2 sl
Double-click to get Agathion - Freya (30-day). Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Supplies obtained from the Embryo Supply Box. Take these to Glenkinchie to receive rewards.
Reward received after incapacitating the Embryo Command Post in the Atelia Fortress. Double-click to use.
Exclusive Christmas bait. Use it to catch Fish Gift Boxes.
Box containing Exclusive Christmas Bait. Double-click to get 120 of them.
A fish that swallowed one of the boxes Santa Claus spread over Aden. Double-click to obtain a Santa's Small Gift Box.
Double-click to get +10% XP/ SP for 2 hours, Vitality Consumption -20%. Additionaly, recovers 1 bar of Vitality and changes t
Santa's gift for bringing back Santa's Small Gift Boxes. Double-click to get the reward.
Santa's gifts spread throughout Aden. Collect these and take them to Santa Claus.
Double-click to get a Christmas Talisman: P. Skill Critical Damage (1-hour).
Double-click to get a Christmas Talisman: M. Skill Critical Damage (1-hour).
Double-click to get a Christmas Talisman: Ultimate Defense (1-hour).
Double-click to get a Christmas Talisman: Debuff Resistance (1-hour).
Double-click to get a Christmas Talisman: P. Atk. (1-hour).
Double-click to get a Christmas Talisman: M. Atk. (1-hour).
Double-click to get a Christmas Talisman: P. Def. (1-hour).
Double-click to get a Christmas Talisman: M. Def. (1-hour).
Double-click to get a Christmas Talisman: Attribute Resistance (1-hour).
Send a signal to Adolph, who will use the Protection of Faith skill. The whistle disappears after 2 uses.
Send a signal to Barton, who will use the Berserker skill. Using the Berserker skill will increase Barton's Debuff Resistance/ S
Send a signal to Hayuk, who will use the Phoenix Arrow skill. The whistle disappears after 2 uses.
Send a signal to Elise, who will use the Celestial Party Protection skill. The whistle disappears after 2 uses.
Send a signal to Eliyah, who will use the Shadow Hell skill. The whistle disappears after 2 uses.
Key to get to Core in the Cruma Tower. Key to the System Control Room.
A scroll to enchant a Shadow Weapon that can be obtained from the Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries. Cannot be used on reg
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Virgo.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Capricorn.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Libra.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Aries.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Taurus.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Leo.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Gemini.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Scorpio.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Aquarius.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Pisces.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Sagittarius.
Wrapped Pack containing Agathion - Blessed Cancer.
Wrapped Pack containing a Blessed Zodiac Agathion (30-day).
Christmas Card given by Santa Claus. Only given to people who have been good for a year.
Certificate of the Revolutionaries that Refugee Neti has requested.
Part of the map that shows the strategy of the Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries. If you've collected them all, take them to Sir K
Goods that Blacksmith Kluto has requested from you. If you've collected them all, take them to Blacksmith Kluto.
Proof that you've completed that Yuyuria has requested from you. If you've collected them all, take them to Wanderer Yuyuria

Pagina 418

Reward box given in exchange for saving Gludin from danger. Double-click to use.
Coupon you can trade in for a Shadow Weapon.
Item needed to craft a Shadow Weapon. Take a +10 Shadow Weapon and 10 Shadow Ingots to Neti in Gludio to get an impr
The party leader can use it during the battle against Burnstein inside the Command Post on the 3rd floor to randomly summo
Mr. K's gift basket. Obtain 50 My Teleport Scrolls, 1 My Teleport Book, 10 Feathers of Blessing, 5 Emperor's Vitality Tonics, 5
For 30 min., P. Atk. +5%, M. Atk. by 20%, P. Def. by 5%, M. Def. by 5%, Atk. Spd. by 5%, Casting Spd. by 5%, Max HP/ MP
Tattered clothes are the remains of the monks you battled in the Monastery of Silence. The clothes are nothing more than rag
A torch that was requested by Blacksmith Vulcan at the Forge of the Gods, Lower Level. Collect these and take them to Vulc
Singsing from the Primeval Isle requested bones so that the natives can conduct research. Collect these and take them to Ka
Dinosaur tissue used by magicians and Dwarven artisans for research. Collect these and take them to Dinn of Primeval Isle.
Ancient eggs used by magicians and Dwarven artisans for research. Collect these and take them to Dinn of Primeval Isle.
Shard obtained from hunting Golems in the Pavel Ruins. Collect these and take them to Collector Gutenhagen.
Dinosaur fang necklace obtained for defeating the Elroki Raiders who attacked the Primeval Isle Wharf. Collect these and tak
Coupon received from Collector Gutenhagen in the Pavel Ruins. Exchange it for a Weapon Recipe through Gutenhagen.
If stored in the inventory, will receive STR, INT, CON, DEX, WIT, MEN, LUC, CHA +1.
Fishing bait. Fishing with this bait catches the same item as fishing with normal bait but rewards greater XP. Available for cha
Fishing bait. Fishing with this bait catches the same item as fishing with normal bait but rewards greater XP. Available for cha
Fishing bait. Fishing with this bait catches the same item as fishing with normal bait but rewards greater XP. Available for cha
Fishing bait. Fishing with this bait catches the same item as fishing with normal bait but rewards greater XP. Available for cha
Can be exchanged for 30 Sheep Bait of your level through the Fishing Guild Member in each town.
Reward for killing monsters in the Blazing Swamp. Double-click to use.
Reward for defeating the pagans inside the Pagan Temple. Double-click to use. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Items made by angry spirits to use physical force. Collect these and take them to Karuda in the Crypts of Disgrace to receive
Coupon received for helping Karuda in the Crypts of Disgrace. Exchange it for a reward through Karuda.
Fishing Bait. When used, various types of fish can be caught. Has a very low chance of obtaining Wind Vitality Tonic, Heine T
Bait for fishing. Catch fresh fish and whales. Has a very low chance of obtaining Wind Vitality Tonic, Heine Treasure Chest, o
Fishing Bait. When used, various types of fish can be caught. Has a very low chance of obtaining Wind Vitality Tonic, Heine T
Fishing Bait. When used, various types of fish can be caught. Has a very low chance of obtaining Wind Vitality Tonic, Heine T
Exchange for 1 Heine Special Bait of your choice through a fishing guild member.
Double-click to get Heine Fishing Coins. Has a chance of obtaining a Hidden Treasure Chest.
Double-click to randomly obtain one Zodiac Agathion.
Double-click to get 300 Heine Special Bait Coupons and 300 Fishing Shots.
Double-click to get 3,000 Heine Special Bait Coupons, 3,000 Fishing Shots, and 1 Fishing Rod Pack (30-day).
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s

Pagina 419

Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s

Pagina 420

Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons. Can be compounded to upgrade and if it s
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
Crystal containing the soul of a monster. Can bestow special abilities to weapons.
A crystal with the soul of a monster sealed within. Double-click to summon a soul, and use a Soul Crystal Stage 1-4 to absorb
A crystal with the soul of a monster sealed within. Double-click to summon a soul, and use a Soul Crystal Stage 1-5 to absorb
A crystal with the soul of a monster sealed within. Double-click to summon a soul, and use a Soul Crystal Stage 1-6 to absorb
A crystal with the soul of a monster sealed within. Double-click to summon a soul, and use a Soul Crystal Stage 1-7 to absorb
A crystal with the soul of a monster sealed within. Double-click to summon a soul, and use a Soul Crystal Stage 1-8 to absorb
A crystal with the soul of a monster sealed within. Double-click to summon a soul, and use a Soul Crystal Stage 1-9 to absorb
A crystal with the soul of a monster sealed within, received from a blacksmith to get some practice with Soul Crystals. Double
A Soul Crystal received from a blacksmith for practice. Use this to bestow an effect on to the Practice Stormbringer you recei
For 15 sec., P./ M. Atk. and Atk./ Casting Spd. of party members are increased. A strange power changes the appearance of
A flash grenade that will let you identify hidden targets.
Changes the appearance of a weapon to that of White Day for 1 hour.
Item imbued with Gretel's magic. Can summon a friend every 30 min. Target a party member and double-click to use the skill
Double-click to get one of the following: Blessed Antharas' Earring, Blessed Valakas' Necklace, Tauti's Ring, Earth Wyrm Hea
Double-click to get one of the following: Expertise Rune Pack R, R95, or R99.
Crystal fragment containing the soul of one of the protagonists of the stories told in the Mystic Tavern. Take 10 of these to Se
Item obtained from succeeding at the Soul Crystal practice.
Crystal fragment containing the soul of one of the protagonists of the stories told in the Mystic Tavern. Since it contains the so
Mystic Tavern - Item that can only be used in Tauti's dungeon. Use it near the Sealed Tablet to reduce the defense of the tab
Mystic Tavern - Use it on the Altar of Earth in Kelbim's dungeon to seal the altar.
Mystic Tavern - Use it on the Altar of Wind in Kelbim's dungeon to seal the altar.
Item obtained from defeating the monsters in Hellbound's Phantasmal Ridge. Collect these and take them to Leona Blackbird
Reward box received from Leona Blackbird for helping her in Hellbound. Double-click to open.
Reward box received from Leona Blackbird for helping her in Hellbound. Double-click to open.
Reward box received from Captain Kurtiz for helping him with the monsters of the Nightmare Kamaloka. Double-click to open
Blue Dynasty armor.
Red Zubei armor.
Pouch received as reward for listening to Freya's story and enjoying your time at the epic tales pub. Double-click to use.
Teleports you to the Mystic Tavern.
Exchange it through the blacksmiths of each village for either a Kain's Soul Crystal Stage 1 or Mermoden's Soul Crystal Stag
Exchange it through the blacksmiths of each village for either a Kain's Soul Crystal Stage 2 or Mermoden's Soul Crystal Stag
Exchange it through the blacksmiths of each village for either a Kain's Soul Crystal Stage 3 or Mermoden's Soul Crystal Stag
Exchange it through the blacksmiths of each village for either a Kain's Soul Crystal Stage 4 or Mermoden's Soul Crystal Stag
Exchange it through the blacksmiths of each village for either a Kain's Soul Crystal Stage 5 or Mermoden's Soul Crystal Stag
Double-click to get a Soul Crystal Coupon Stage 5. There's a chance that you might not get anything.
Can change the appearance of helmets into Tauti's Helmet.
Can change the appearance of breastplates into Tauti's Breastplate. Changed items cannot be equipped by Ertheia.
Can change the appearance of gaiters into Tauti's Gaiters. Changed items cannot be equipped by Ertheia.
Can change the appearance of gauntlets into Tauti's Gauntlets. Changed items cannot be equipped by Ertheia.
Can change the appearance of boots into Tauti's Boots. Changed items cannot be equipped by Ertheia.

Pagina 421

Can change the appearance of leather helmets into Kelbim's Leather Helmet.
Can change the appearance of leather armor into Kelbim's Leather Armor.
Can change the appearance of leather leggings into Kelbim's Leather Leggings.
Can change the appearance of leather gloves into Kelbim's Leather Gloves.
Can change the appearance of leather boots into Kelbim's Leather Boots.
Can change the appearance of circlets into Freya's Circlet.
Can change the appearance of tunics into Freya's Tunic.
Can change the appearance of stockings into Freya's Stockings.
Can change the appearance of gloves into Freya's Gloves.
Can change the appearance of shoes into Freya's Shoes.
Go to Settlen to exchange for a Tauti/ Kelbim/ Freya Outfit Appearance Stone.
Ordinary Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 85 or above
A crystal with the soul of a monster sealed within. Double-click to summon a Soul, and use a Soul Crystal Stage 1-10 to abso
A crystal with the soul of a monster sealed within. Double-click to summon a Soul, and use a Soul Crystal Stage 1-11 to abso
A crystal with the soul of a monster sealed within. Double-click to summon a Soul, and use a Soul Crystal Stage 1-12 to abso
A crystal with the soul of a monster sealed within. Double-click to summon a Soul, and use a Soul Crystal Stage 1-13 to abso
A crystal with the soul of a monster sealed within. Double-click to summon a Soul, and use a Soul Crystal Stage 1-14 to abso
Shards of a shattered Ice Crystal. The knights and monsters of the Labyrinth have turned violent because of the effect of the
Changes the appearance of your entire armor into that of Blue Dynasty. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be re
Changes the appearance of your entire armor into that of Red Zubei. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be resto
Changes the appearance of your entire armor into that of the White Assassin Suit. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor
Adena? No, this is Adana. Receive the Abundant Blessing buff from Miss Patch when in possession of this Adana. Lv. 85 or
Adena? No, this is Adana. Take it to Event Manager Miss Patch to exchange for a 30-day Armor Set (R-grade or above), or a
Dimensional item\nExtra pass to a daily instanced zone. Double-click to unbind the Embryo Command Post. Cannot be used
Entrance Pass to Nightmare Kamaloka received from Captain Kurtiz. Double-click to reset cooldown to Nightmare Kamaloka.
Feed for military dogs to accelerate growth.
Roa's lost item. Exchange it for Assistant Roa's Gift when you are lucky enough to run into NPC Roa. Can only exchange 1 it
Gift box full of Roa's love. Double-click to get a random gift from Roa.
Double-click to reset cooldown to Crystal Cavern's Coral Garden, Steam Corridor, and Emerald Square. Can only be used on
Red Libra-exclusive item\nA certificate given to those who complete requests of the Red Libra Merchants. It is used to chang
Red Libra item\nOil made by Grocer Pink. Collect 1320 of these and take them to Grocer Pink to receive 10 Lv.5 Giant Dyes.
Red Libra-exclusive item\nA box that Bodyguard Blue gave in return for your help. Double-click to obtain one of various items
Red Libra-exclusive item\nA box that Bodyguard Blue gave in return for your help. Double-click to obtain one of various items
Red Libra-exclusive item\nA box that Bodyguard Blue gave in return for your help. Double-click to obtain one of various items
Red Libra-exclusive item\nA box that Bodyguard Blue gave in return for your help. Double-click to obtain one of various items

Main ingredient for making a La Vie En Rose's Radiant Brooch.

Double-click to acquire a Lv. 1 Vital Stone.
Double-click to acquire a Lv. 1 Garnet.
Double-click to acquire a Lv. 1 Tanzanite.
Double-click to acquire a La Vie En Rose's Radiant Brooch.
Double-click to acquire 1 of the La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Boxes.
Double-click to get 1 of the following: La Vie En Rose's Vital Stone Chest, La Vie En Rose's Garnet Chest, or La Vie En Rose
Double-click to get 1 of the following: La Vie En Rose's Vital Stone Chest, La Vie En Rose's Garnet Chest, or La Vie En Rose
Double-click to reset cooldown to Embryo Command Post. Can only be used once a day outside of the instance zone.
Dimensional Item\nItem that can change the color of a character's title. After changing the color of the title, the original title co
Additional pass to the daily instance zone. Double-click to reset cooldown to the Nightmare Kamaloka dungeon. Usable once
Dimensional Item.\nWhen used, increases Max HP/ MP/ CP 10%, P. Atk. 20%, M. Atk. 30%, P./ M. Def. 10%, Accuracy 4, M
Dimensional Item\nGift Box containing one Lindvior's Earring (30-day).

Pagina 422

Dimensional Item\nGift Box containing one Blessed Antharas' Earring (30-day).

Dimensional Item\nGift Box containing one Blessed Valakas' Necklace (30-day).
Dimensional Item\nGift Box containing one Tauti's Ring (30-day).
Dimensional Item\nGift Box containing one Earth Wyrm Heart Ring (30-day).
Dimensional Item\nGift Box containing one Mysterious Talisman - STR (30-day).
Dimensional Item\nGift Box containing one Mysterious Talisman - INT (30-day).
Dimensional Item\nGift Box containing one Mysterious Talisman - DEX (30-day).
Dimensional Item\nGift Box containing one Mysterious Talisman - WIT (30-day).
Dimensional Item\nGift Box containing one Mysterious Talisman - CON (30-day).
Dimensional Item\nGift Box containing one Mysterious Talisman - MEN (30-day).
Teleports near the High Priest Gregory in the Town of Goddard.
Teleports to Varka Silenos Barracks.
Teleports near the High Priest Gregory in the Town of Goddard.
Teleports to Ketra Orc Outpost.
Teleports to Town of Giran.
Use to teleport to Dragon Valley.
The article the Researcher Stena asked you to collected. Can be gained by defeating Dragon Hatchlings or Leopard Dragons
A small fish that has been caught for fishing practice. Its impatient character means it is an easy catch, but it has no real prod
Bait used to catch practice fish. Ineffective in catching other types of fish.
A Reward Box obtained by training in fishing. Double-click to obtain the item.
Badge of Silenos Soldiers at Varka Silenos Barracks. Take it to Giant's Minion Hansen at Varka Silenos Barracks to receive a
Badge of Silenos Generals at Varka Silenos Barracks. Take it to Giant's Minion Hansen at Varka Silenos Barracks to receive
Badge of Orc Soldiers at Ketra Orc Outpost. Take it to Giant's Minion Lugonnes at Ketra Orc Outpost to receive a reward.
Badge of Orc Generals at Ketra Orc Outpost. Take it to Giant's Minion Lugonnes at Ketra Orc Outpost to receive a reward.
Dust from a Shine Stone. Collect a certain amount and purify to gain the same effects as a Shine Stone.
A Shine Stone that the Giant's Minion Retbach created by collecting Shinedust. This can be used on the Root of the Lesser G
A Mark obtained as a reward for working hard for the safety of Kamael and all races in the Giant's Cave. Collect a certain num
A Mark obtained as a reward for fighting against the Giants in the Giant's Cave alongside with Kamael. Collect 40 Marks of R
A Mark obtained as a reward for fighting against the Giants in the Giant's Cave alongside with Kamael. With the Giants' activi
A Mark obtained as a reward for fighting against the Giants in the Giant's Cave alongside with Kamael. With the Giants' activi
A Mark obtained as a reward for fighting against the Giants in the Giant's Cave alongside with Kamael. With the Giants' activi
A Mark obtained as a reward for fighting against the Giants in the Giant's Cave alongside with Kamael. With the Giants' activi
Traces indicating that the demons attempted to use the Lesser Giants. Collect these and take them to the Giant's Minion Ret
A report sent by the Giant's Minion Retbach to Hermuncus.
Key that can be used to open the 7 doors concealing the Giant's Relics on the lower level of the Giants's Cave.
Can be exchanged for a Requiem Weapon through the Adventurers' Guide in each village.
Can be exchanged for an Apocalypse Weapon through the Adventurers' Guide in each village.
Double-click to obtain either Immortal or Twilight Armor.
A reward box received from Schumadriba for thwarting the evolution of the Giants. You did this by collecting the Shinedust th
A reward box received from Schumadriba for defeating the successfully evolved Giants in the lower level of the Giant's Cave.
Teleports to Kekropus in the Giant's Cave.
Double-click to obtain one of the Good Fortune Jewelry Boxes
Double-click to obtain one of Level 1-5 Rubies.
Double-click to obtain one of Level 1-5 Sapphires.
Double-click to obtain one of Level 1-5 Topazes.
Double-click to obtain one of Level 1-5 Opals.
Double-click to obtain one of Level 1-5 Obsidians.
Double-click to obtain one of Level 1-5 Diamonds.
Double-click to obtain one of Level 1-5 Emeralds.

Pagina 423

Double-click to obtain one of Level 1-5 Aquamarines.

Double-click to obtain one of Level 1-5 Pearls.
Double-click to obtain one of Level 1-5 Vital Stones.
Double-click to obtain one of Level 1-5 Garnets.
Double-click to obtain one of Level 1-5 Tanzanites.
Replenishes vitality by a certain amount when used. Reuse delay 60 min. No weekly usage limit.
Exchange for 1 Heine Special Bait of your choice through a fishing guild member.
Double-click the chest to receive 1 random item relating to equipment enchantment.
Double-click the chest to receive 1 random item relating to skill enchantment.
Double-click the chest to receive 1 random item.
Use to obtain Soulshot (R-grade), Blessed Spiritshot (R-grade), Premium Account - Art of Seduction, Blessed Scroll of Resur
Equips the Blue Dynasty for 1 hour.
Equips the Red Zubei for 1 hour.
A fragment of the Spirit Realm, received from the Distorted Spirits inside the Dimensional Crack.
The key that opens the door to the Dimension Dissolver's Prison, sealed deep within the Dimensional Crack.
A Remnant of the Rift gained after completing daily explorations of the Dimensional Crack. This is a mark indicating how man
A log of your experiences during the ten-day adventure with the bard. Tells you how much progress you have made on the te
Blood of the Reckless Fairy. Required to create a potion to calm the reckless energy of Fairies and Satyrs. Collect these and
Blood of the Reckless Satyr. Required to create a potion to calm the reckless energy of Fairies and Satyrs. Collect these and
Double-click to obtain a D-grade heavy armor set, earrings, necklace, and ring.
Double-click to obtain a D-grade light armor set, earrings, necklace, and ring.
Double-click to obtain a D-grade robe set, earrings, necklace, and ring.
Double-click to obtain a C-grade heavy armor set, earrings, necklace, and ring.
Double-click to obtain a C-grade light armor set, earrings, necklace, and ring.
Double-click to obtain a C-grade robe set, earrings, necklace, and ring.
Double-click to obtain an A-grade heavy armor set, earrings, necklace, and ring.
Double-click to obtain an A-grade light armor set, earrings, necklace, and ring.
Double-click to obtain an A-grade robe set, earrings, necklace, and ring.
Double-click to obtain an S-grade heavy armor set, earrings, necklace, and ring.
Double-click to obtain a S-grade Light Armor set, earrings, necklace, and ring.
Double-click to obtain an S-grade robe set, earrings, necklace, and ring.
Use to obtain an equipment set appropriate to your class.\nCan be used only by characters between Lv. 20-39.
Use to obtain an equipment set appropriate to your class.\nCan be used only by characters between Lv. 40-60.
Use to obtain an equipment set appropriate to your class.\nCan be used only by characters between Lv. 61-75.
Use to obtain an equipment set appropriate to your class.\nCan be used only by characters between Lv. 76-84.
Use to obtain a 30-day equipment set appropriate to your class.\nCan be used only by characters of Lv. 85 and above.
Double-click to obtain an R-grade heavy armor set, earrings, necklace, and ring.
Double-click to obtain an R-grade light armor set, earrings, necklace, and ring.
Double-click to obtain an R-grade robe set, earrings, necklace, and ring.
A gift from Tulesir the Minstrel to heroes of the future having safely completed 10 days of adventure. Contains supplies neces
Supply Items given by the Dimensional Tracker Beloa to agents who have completed "Exploring the Dimension - 30-day Sea
A device that sustains the ever-changing dimensional force of the Dimensional Crack. While this device is operational, search
An Alligator Leather gained by hunting alligators on Alligator Island. Collect these and take them to Head Blacksmith Flutter a
A Broken Gargoyle Fragment obtained after defeating the Hunter Gargoyle in the Outlaw Forest area. Collect these and take
A Basilisk Scale obtained after defeating the Tarlk Basilisk or Elder Tarlk Basilisk in the Outlaw Forest area. Collect these and
ID Tag obtained after defeating the Mahum monsters in the Outlaw Forest area. Collect these and take them to Captain Mou
A pocket containing spores, obtained after defeating monsters in the Sea of Spores area. Take this to Paterson at the Town o
Obtained after defeating monsters in the Forsaken Plains area. Take it to Head Blacksmith Flutter in the Town of Oren.
Obtained after defeating monsters in the Forsaken Plains area. Take it to Head Blacksmith Flutter in the Town of Oren.

Pagina 424

A mark of proof obtained after defeating monsters in the Fields of Massacre. Collect and take it to Captain Mathias in the Tow
Teleports to the Fairy Citizen in the Arms of Timiniel.
Teleports to Nerupa in the Arms of Timiniel.
Teleports to Hadel, who can send you to the Harnak Underground Ruins.
Teleports to Vollodos, between the Bloody Swampland and the Altar of Evil.
Teleports to the Kartia Researcher, who can send you to Kartia's Labyrinth.
Teleports to Hesed in the Isle of Souls.
Teleports to the Seal of Shilen.
Teleports to Knight Captain Kargos, who has something to do with entering the Pagan Temple.
Teleports to the Cemetery.
Teleports to the Blazing Swamp.
Dimensional Item\nDouble-click to obtain a 30-day Seraph Heavy Armor Set which can be equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.
Dimensional Item\nDouble-click to obtain a 30-day Seraph Light Armor Set which can be equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.
Dimensional Item\nDouble-click to obtain a 30-day Seraph Robe Set which can be equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.
Dimensional Item\nDouble-click to obtain a 30-day Seraph Accessory Set which can be equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.
Double-click to obtain a 4-hour Seraph Heavy Armor Set which can be equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.
Double-click to obtain a 4-hour Seraph Light Armor Set which can be equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.
Double-click to obtain a 4-hour Seraph Robe Set which can be equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.
Double-click to obtain a 4-hour Seraph Accessory Set which can be equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.
Dimensional Item\nDouble-click to obtain a 30-day Specter Dual Sword which can be equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.
Dimensional Item\nDouble-click to obtain a 30-day Specter Cutter which can be equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.
Dimensional Item\nDouble-click to obtain a 30-day Specter Slasher which can be equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.
Dimensional Item\nDouble-click to obtain a 30-day Specter Avenger which can be equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.
Dimensional Item\nDouble-click to obtain a 30-day Specter Fighter which can be equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.
Dimensional Item\nDouble-click to obtain a 30-day Specter Stormer which can be equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.
Dimensional Item\nDouble-click to obtain a 30-day Specter Thrower which can be equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.
Dimensional Item\nDouble-click to obtain a 30-day Specter Shooter which can be equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.
Dimensional Item\nDouble-click to obtain a 30-day Specter Dual Dagger which can be equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.
Dimensional Item\nDouble-click to obtain a 30-day Specter Caster which can be equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.
Dimensional Item\nDouble-click to obtain a 30-day Specter Retributer which can be equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.
Use to receive 1 random item.
Use to obtain one of the following: Kaliel's Energy Box, Superior Giant's Codex Box, Venir's Talisman Box.
Use to obtain one of the following: Superior Giant's Codex, Superior Giant's Codex - Mastery, Superior Giant's Codex - Discip
Use to obtain Venir's Talisman Stage 1, Stage 2, or Stage 3.
Use to obtain one Jewel.
A crystal with Anakim's Energy. When compounded with the Shining Soul of Monster Spirit, the crystal absorbs the monster's
A special Soul Crystal with Anakim's Soul. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons. Can be upgraded to
A special Soul Crystal with Anakim's Soul. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons. Can be upgraded to
A special Soul Crystal with Anakim's Soul. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons. Can be upgraded to
A special Soul Crystal with Anakim's Soul. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons. Can be upgraded to
A special Soul Crystal with Anakim's Soul. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons. Can be upgraded to
A special Soul Crystal with Anakim's Soul. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons. Can be upgraded to
A special Soul Crystal with Anakim's Soul. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons. Can be upgraded to
A special Soul Crystal with Anakim's Soul. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons. Can be upgraded to
A special Soul Crystal with Anakim's Soul. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons. Can be upgraded to
A special Soul Crystal with Anakim's Soul. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons.
A crystal with Lilith's Energy. When compounded with the Shining Soul of Monster Spirit, the crystal absorbs the monster's so
A special Soul Crystal with Lilith's Soul. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons. Can be upgraded to the
A special Soul Crystal with Lilith's Soul. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons. Can be upgraded to the

Pagina 425

A special Soul Crystal with Lilith's Soul. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons. Can be upgraded to the
A special Soul Crystal with Lilith's Soul. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons. Can be upgraded to the
A special Soul Crystal with Lilith's Soul. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons. Can be upgraded to the
A special Soul Crystal with Lilith's Soul. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons. Can be upgraded to the
A special Soul Crystal with Lilith's Soul. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons. Can be upgraded to the
A special Soul Crystal with Lilith's Soul. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons. Can be upgraded to the
A special Soul Crystal with Lilith's Soul. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons. Can be upgraded to the
A special Soul Crystal with Lilith's Soul. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons.
A special Soul Crystal with the Soul of the Seven Signs. Can assign soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons. Can be upg
A special Soul Crystal with the Soul of the Seven Signs. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons, or can
A special Soul Crystal with the Soul of the Seven Signs. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons, or can
A special Soul Crystal with the Soul of the Seven Signs. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons, or can
A special Soul Crystal with the Soul of the Seven Signs. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons, or can
A special Soul Crystal with the Soul of the Seven Signs. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons, or can
A special Soul Crystal with the Soul of the Seven Signs. Can assign the soul crystal enhancement ability to weapons, or can
A fragment with a trace of a monster's soul. Go to the Black Marketeer of Mammon to exchange 100 Soul Fragments for a G
A crystal sealing in a Shining Soul of Monster Spirit. Souls can be assigned to the Anakim's, Lilith's, and Seven Signs Soul C
A crystal sealing in a Glittering Soul of the Monster Spirit. Can be used for compounding Anakim's, Lilith's, and Seven Signs S
A crystal sealing in a Glittering Soul of the Monster Spirit. Can be used for compounding Anakim's, Lilith's, and Seven Signs S
A crystal sealing in a Radiant Soul of the Monster Spirit. Can be used for compounding Anakim's, Lilith's, and Seven Signs S
A crystal sealing in a Dazzling Soul of the Monster Spirit. Can be used for compounding Anakim's, Lilith's, and Seven Signs S
Use to obtain a Crystal with Lilith's Energy.
Use to obtain a Crystal with Anakim's Energy.
Use to obtain a Shining Soul of Monster Spirit.
This key card is necessary to access the room containing the MP Controller, where Queen Ramona is.
When used in the Giant Emperor Helios Warzone, the damage received from the ‘Enuma Elish - Red Lightning Spear' skill us
When used in the Giant Emperor Helios Warzone, the damage received from the ‘Enuma Elish - Blue Lightning Spear' skill us
If used on Helios in the Giant Emperor Helios boss battle while Helios's Shield of Light - Pranarach skill is active, it creates th
Faction Points are obtained as a reward.
A medal obtained after helping the Blackbird Clan. Used to place Blackbird Clan experts or ornaments in the dwelling.
A medal obtained after helping the Giant Trackers. Used to place Giant Trackers experts or ornaments in the dwelling.
A medal obtained after helping the Mother Tree Guardians. Used to place Mother Tree Guardians experts or ornaments in th
A medal obtained after helping the Unworldly Visitors. Used to place Unworldly Visitors experts or ornaments in the dwelling.
A medal obtained after helping the Kingdom's Royal Guard. Used to place Kingdom's Royal Guard experts or ornaments in th
Use to enable WIT +3 and LUC +1 for 30 min. Effect does not stack with identical ones. Cooldown 5 min.
Use to enable INT +3 and LUC +1 for 30 min. Effect does not stack with identical ones. Cooldown 5 min.
Use to enable MEN +3 and LUC +1 for 30 min. Effect does not stack with identical ones. Cooldown 5 min.
Use to enable DEX +3 and LUC +1 for 30 min. Effect does not stack with identical ones. Cooldown 5 min.
Use to enable STR +3 and LUC +1 for 30 min. Effect does not stack with identical ones. Cooldown 5 min.
Use to enable CON +3 and LUC +1 for 30 min. Effect does not stack with identical ones. Cooldown 5 min.
Use to enable WIT +3 and CHA +1 for 30 min. Effect does not stack with identical ones. Cooldown 5 min.
Use to enable INT +3 and CHA +1 for 30 min. Effect does not stack with identical ones. Cooldown 5 min.
Use to enable MEN +3 and CHA +1 for 30 min. Effect does not stack with identical ones. Cooldown 5 min.
Use to enable DEX +3 and CHA +1 for 30 min. Effect does not stack with identical ones. Cooldown 5 min.
Use to enable STR +3 and CHA +1 for 30 min. Effect does not stack with identical ones. Cooldown 5 min.
Use to enable CON +3 and CHA +1 for 30 min. Effect does not stack with identical ones. Cooldown 5 min.
A book that explains how to mount the Hell Hound.\nOnly characters with Lv. 99 or above can mount. Can be obtained in Ma
A book that explains how to mount the War Horse.\nOnly characters with Lv. 99 or above can mount. Can be obtained in Mai
A book that explains how to mount the Pegasus.\nOnly characters with Lv. 99 or above can mount. Can be obtained in Main

Pagina 426

A book that explains how to mount the Griffin.\nOnly characters with Lv. 99 or above can mount. Can be obtained in Main Cla
A book that explains how to mount the Wing Hound.\nOnly characters with Lv. 99 or above can mount. Can be obtained in M
Can be used on Flower Buds to purge contamination.
Can be used on the upper level of the Giant's Cave where the Shine Stone Crystal lies, to induce marred evolution of the Les
A basic supply box received in exchange for helping the Blackbird Clan with their mission in the Beleth's Magic Circle area. D
An intermediate supply box received in exchange for helping the Blackbird Clan with their mission in the Beleth's Magic Circle
An advanced supply box received in exchange for helping the Blackbird Clan with their mission in the Beleth's Magic Circle a
A basic supply box received in exchange for helping the Kingdom's Royal Guard with their mission at Atelia Fortress. Double-
An intermediate supply box received in exchange for helping the Kingdom's Royal Guard with their mission at Atelia Fortress.
An advanced supply box received in exchange for helping the Kingdom's Royal Guard with their mission at Atelia Fortress. D
A basic supply box received in exchange for helping the Mother Tree Guardians with their mission at Enchanted Valley. Doub
An intermediate supply box received in exchange for helping the Mother Tree Guardians with their mission at Enchanted Vall
An advanced supply box received in exchange for helping the Mother Tree Guardians with their mission at Enchanted Valley.
A basic supply box received in exchange for helping the Unworldly Visitors with their mission at Garden of Spirits. Double-clic
An intermediate supply box received in exchange for helping the Unworldly Visitors with their mission at Garden of Spirits. Do
An advanced supply box received in exchange for helping the Unworldly Visitors with their mission at Garden of Spirits. Doub
A basic supply box received in exchange for helping the Giant Trackers with their mission at the upper level of the Giant's Ca
An intermediate supply box received in exchange for helping the Giant Trackers with their mission in the upper level of the Gi
An advanced supply box received in exchange for helping the Giant Trackers with their mission in the upper level of the Gian
An item obtained by defeating the Dark Wizard of the Magic Circle in the Beleth's Magic Circle area of Hellbound, or the Scor
An item obtained by defeating El Fera or El Floato in the Garden of Spirits. Take it to Master Cyphona around the Garden of
An item obtained after defeating the Wind Spirits that appear in the Garden of Spirits during the day. Take it to Ferin around t
An item obtained after defeating the Wind Spirits that appear in the Garden of Spirits during the night. Take it to Ferin around
A piece of a map showing the detailed geography of Superion. Collect and take them to Histie in order to join the pieces of th
A trace from which the difference between a true giant and a restored giant can be known. Collect and take it to Histie.
A Stronghold Situation Report prepared by Barton in Stronghold I. Take this to Logart Van Dyke.
A Stronghold Situation Report prepared by Hayuk in Stronghold II. Take this to Logart Van Dyke.
A Stronghold Situation Report prepared by Elise in Stronghold III. Take this to Logart Van Dyke.
A Stronghold Situation Report prepared by Eliyah in Stronghold IV. Take this to Logart Van Dyke.
Supply items obtained by opening the Atelia Supply Boxes at Atelia Fortress. Logart Van Dyke has asked you to collect them
A sample of Buoyant Seed. The Mother Tree Guardians need this sample.
A sample of Fluttering Seed. The Mother Tree Guardians need this sample.
A sample of Apherus. The Mother Tree Guardians need this sample.
A sample of Flower Bud. The Mother Tree Guardians need this sample.
A material necessary for the production of the Giants Deterioration Protection Potion.
A material necessary for the production of the Giants Lightning Protection Potion.
A component necessary in putting together the Particle Dissolver.
An ingredient of the Academy STR Symbol. Collect and take 1 unit of this magical dye to the Symbol Maker in town and you
An ingredient of the Academy CON Symbol. Collect and take 1 unit of this magical dye to the Symbol Maker in town and you
An ingredient of the Academy DEX Symbol. Collect and take 1 unit of this magical dye to the Symbol Maker in town and you
An ingredient of the Academy INT Symbol. Collect and take 1 unit of this magical dye to the Symbol Maker in town and you w
An ingredient of the Academy MEN Symbol. Collect and take 1 unit of this magical dye to the Symbol Maker in town and you
An ingredient of the Academy WIT Symbol. Collect and take 1 unit of this magical dye to the Symbol Maker in town and you w
A box found on the lower level of the Giant's Cave. There is a chance it contains the Giants' treasure, but it is so old that it ca
A reward received after helping Histie to defeat the Giants at Superion. Double-click to use.
Take it to Denign to enhance the ability of the Ring of the Beginning.
Teleports to the Blackbird Campsite.
Teleports to the Enchanted Valley.
Teleports to Kekropus in the Giant's Cave.

Pagina 427

Teleports to the Hellbound.

Teleports to the Blazing Swamp.
Teleports to the Raider's Crossroads.
Teleports to the Land of Chaos.
Teleports to the Gainak.
Teleports to the Cemetery.
Teleport to Knight Captain Kargos, who has something to do with entering the Pagan Temple.
A stone with the power of the Giants. Use to neutralize the effects of the Superion Barrier.
A crystal with the power of the Giants. Use to neutralize the effects of the Superion Barrier and the Helios Barrier.
Receive a Supply Box - Blackbird Clan as a reward. Complete a quest with high level to increase your chances of obtaining a
Receive a Supply Box - Kingdom's Royal Guard as a reward. Complete a quest with high level to increase your chances of o
Receive a Supply Box - Mother Tree Guardians as a reward. Complete a quest with high level to increase your chances of ob
Receive a Supply Box - Unworldly Visitors as a reward. Complete a quest with high level to increase your chances of obtainin
Receive a Supply Box - Giant Trackers as a reward. Complete a quest with high level to increase your chances of obtaining a
An item required for the production and enhancement of the Blackbird Clan Talisman.
An item required for the production and enhancement of the Mother Tree Guardians Talisman.
An item required for the production and enhancement of the Kingdom's Royal Guard Talisman.
An item required for the production and enhancement of the Unworldly Visitors Talisman.
An item required for the production and enhancement of the Giant Trackers Talisman.
Spice that can no longer be used. Fishing Guild Leader Santiago exchanges it for Universal Seasoning.
A seasoning available for purchase from a chef at each residence. Take Ugly Fish, Nimble Fish, and Universal Seasoning to
Double-click to obtain a +8 enchanted Bloody Eternal Attack Type Heavy Armor Set.
Double-click to obtain a +8 enchanted Bloody Eternal Assassin Type Light Armor Set.
Double-click to obtain a +8 enchanted Bloody Eternal Magic Type Robe Set.
Double-click to obtain a +8 enchanted Bloody Eternal Defense Type Heavy Armor Set.
Double-click to obtain a +8 enchanted Bloody Eternal Enchant Type Light Armor Set.
Double-click to obtain a +8 enchanted Bloody Eternal Recovery Type Robe Set.
Double-click to obtain a +8 Eternal Enchant Type Set Pack.
Double-click to obtain the Blessed Lindvior's Earring, Antharas' Earring, Blessed Valakas' Necklace, Tauti's Ring, and Earth W
Double-click to obtain Emperor Shunaiman's weapons.
Double-click to obtain Emperor Shunaiman's Weapon Set Pack x1, +8 Bloody Eternal Pack x1, 2,000,000,000 Adena, Rare A
A basic supply box received in exchange for helping the Blackbird Clan with their mission in the Phantasmal Ridge's Magic C
An intermediate supply box received in exchange for helping the Blackbird Clan with their mission at the Phantasmal Ridge. D
An advanced supply box received in exchange for helping the Blackbird Clan with their mission at the Phantasmal Ridge. Dou
A basic supply box received in exchange for helping the Giant Trackers with their mission in the lower level of the Giant's Cav
An intermediate supply box received in exchange for helping the Giant Trackers with their mission in the lower level of the Gia
An advanced supply box received in exchange for helping the Giant Trackers with their mission in the lower level of the Giant
A supply box received in exchange for helping the Kingdom's Royal Guard with their mission at Atelia Fortress. Double-click t
Use to change the appearance of your upper or full-bodyarmor into a Red Noblesse Garment. The stone modifies the appear
Use to change the appearance of your upper or full-bodyarmor into a White Noblesse Garment. The stone modifies the appe
Use to change the appearance of your upper or full-bodyarmor into a Blue Musketeer Garment. The stone modifies the appe
Use to change the appearance of your upper or full-bodyarmor into a Red Musketeer Garment. The stone modifies the appea
Double-click to obtain an R~R99 Red or Blue Royal Save Card.
Double-click to obtain one of the following: Zodiac Agathion Pack (15-day), Radiant Zodiac Agathion Pack (30-day), Twinkling
Double-click to obtain one of the following: Legendary Dye, Windy LUC Dye, Windy CHA Dye, Alchemic Tome.
Double-click to obtain one of a bundle of 80/ 100/ 150 Elcyum Powder.
Double-click to obtain Superior Giant's Codex Chapter 1 x5. Additionally, you can obtain one of the following with a random p
Double-click to obtain Mammon's Talisman - Skill Power 30-day.
Double-click to obtain Mammon's Talisman Box - Attack Attribute 30-day.

Pagina 428

Double-click to obtain Mammon's Talisman Box - Skill Cooldown 30-day.

Red Libra-only Item.\nCraftsman Black no longer deals with this exchange, but the merchants of the continent of Aden, wond
Red Libra-only Item.\nCraftsman Black exchanges this for Helios Weapons. It will be deleted when the Red Libra merchants
Red Libra-only Item\nDouble-click to obtain one of the following: Blessed Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (R-grade), Blessed
Red Libra-only Item\nDouble-click to obtain one of the following: Blessed Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (R-grade), Blessed Hi
Vitality consumption +100%, Acquired XP/ SP +100%. Remains after death. Duration is 10 min. Cooldown is 9 min. Only usa
Red Libra-only Item.\nA box obtained with Bodyguard Blue's help. A random item can be obtained by double clicking it. It will
A bus card that can be used to get on the Express Bus. Use to acquire 100,000,000,000 EXP and 240,000,000 SP.\nCharac
Makes you eligible to receive a Member of the Balthus Knight disguise for 1 hour. Can be used only by characters of Level 85
Letter from the Vice-Chief of the Balthus Knights. This item will be deleted after the event is over.
Double-click to receive 3 Balthus Knight Marks. Can be used only once a day. This item will be deleted after the event is over
A special item created to commemorate the 12th Anniversary of Lineage II. Sell to a store to obtain a massive amount of Ade
Top-grade Balthus Knight Supply Item. Use to obtain 12th Anniversary Souvenir x10.
Top-grade Balthus Knights Supply Box. When used, an Insanity Talisman/ Longing Talisman/ Energy of Longing can be obta
Top-grade Balthus Knight Supply Box. When used, a Venir Talisman Stage 11/ 12/ 13 can be obtained. This item will be dele
Shirt Enchantment-only Scroll.\nIf enchanting fails the existing enchant value is maintained.\nCannot be used on Shirts of +9
Top-grade Balthus Knights Supply Box. When used, a Dark/ White Assassin Suit Appearance Stone can be obtained. This ite
Top-grade Balthus Knight Supply Item. Use to obtain an R99/ R95/ R(2) Grade Scroll of Blessing.
Top-grade Balthus Knights Supply Box. When used, an Antharas/ Valakas/ Baium Soul Bottle can be obtained. This item will
Top-grade Sibi's Lucky Draw Supply Items. When used, a Nurka/ Lydia/ Gustav's Belt can be obtained.
Top-grade Balthus Knights Supply Box. When used, a Seven Signs/ Anakim/ Lilith's Talisman can be obtained. This item will
Top-grade Sibi's Lucky Draw Supply Items. When used, 2 Bloody Eternal Enhancement Stones can be obtained.
Top-grade Balthus Knights Supply Items. When used, 1500 Sibi's Coins can be obtained. This item will be deleted after the e
Use to feel the effects of the Heavenly Cocktail, Heavenly Attack Cookie, and Emperor's Cookie. Cannot be used in the Olym
Use to feel the effects of the Heavenly Cocktail, Heavenly Magic Attack, and Emperor's Cookie. Cannot be used in the Olymp
Use to feel the effects of the Heavenly Cocktail, Heavenly Defense Cookie, and Emperor's Cookie. Cannot be used in the Oly
Use to gain 31 billion EXP and 40 million SP.\nCan be used by main class of Lv. 85 or above.
Use to gain 230 billion EXP and 550 million SP.\nCan be used by main class of Lv. 85 or above.
Use to gain 380 billion EXP and 910 million SP.\nCan be used by dual class Lv. 85 or above.
Can be exchanged for a Helios Weapon (30-day) through the Dimensional Merchant.\nWill be deleted when the event ends.
Can be exchanged for an Eternal Armor Set (30-day) through the Dimensional Merchant.\nWill be deleted when the event en
Increases XP and SP gained through hunting by 30% while having it in your inventory.
Double-click the box to obtain Duo Growth Rune 30% - 30 days x1.\n
When used, Vitality Bonus +20%. Cannot be used together with Dandy's Home Run Ball/ Fall of the Dragon Buff/ Nevit's Hou
Double-click to obtain 200 PA Points.
Use to obtain one of the following: Duo Vital Compression Stone/ Vitality Replenishing Star Candy/ PA Points (200 points). \n
Acquired XP/ SP +100%, Vitality consumption +100%. Effect remains after death. Duration is 10 min. Cooldown is 30 min. On
Supply Box prepared by Balthus Knights' Supply Officer Sibi. When used, a random item can be obtained. This item will be d
Compounding the Energy of Longing with Talisman - Longing gives a certain probability of the production of a Talisman - Insa
Take to the Freya NPC at Town of Schuttgart to exchange for special items. Will be deleted when the event ends.
Double-click the luxury shopping bag to obtain Freya's Wind Scroll x1, Freya's Art of Seduction x1, Freya's Recovery Potion x
Double-click the chest to receive 1 random rare item, such as a rare accessory.
Double-click the chest to receive 1 random item relating to enchantment of items.
Double-click the chest to receive 1 random item relating to the growth and enchantment of your character.
Double-click to obtain one of the following rare items: Freya's Scroll of Storm, Freya's Bloody Rune (2 hr).
Double-click to obtain one of the following: Dark/ White Assassin Suit, Red/ White Noblesse Garment, Pirate Red/ Crew Garm
For 10 min., Vitality consumption +150% and Aсquired XP/ SP +150% while hunting. Remains after death. Cooldown is 9 min
Double-click to obtain Freya's Bloody Rune (2-hour).
When stored in the inventory, PvE Damage +15%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.

Pagina 429

Double-click to obtain Freya's Rune (30-day).

Boosts STR/ DEX/ CON/ INT/ WIT/ MEN by 1 and increases Paralysis/ Mental Resistance by 10% when having it in your inve
Double-click to obtain Freya's Vital Rune (30 min.).
Vitality Bonus +50% when having it in your inventory (Does not apply to Boss Monsters); Vitality consumption rate decreases
Gift Box containing one Mysterious Talisman - STR (2-hour).
Gift Box containing one Mysterious Talisman - INT (2-hour).
Gift Box containing one Mysterious Talisman - DEX (2-hour).
Gift Box containing one Mysterious Talisman - WIT (2-hour).
Gift Box containing one Mysterious Talisman - CON (2-hour).
Gift Box containing one Mysterious Talisman - MEN (2-hour).
Gift Box containing one Mysterious Talisman - Attack Attribute (2-hour).
Gift Box containing one Mysterious Talisman - Attribute Resistance (2-hour).
Double-click to obtain one of the following +8 enchanted items: Shiny Elemental/ Melee Reflect/ Magical Reflect T-Shirt.
Double-click to obtain one of the following +9 enchanted items: Shiny Elemental/ Melee Reflect/ Magical Reflect T-Shirt.
Double-click to obtain a Stage 4-8 Seven Signs Soul Crystal.
Double-click to obtain a Stage 5-8 Lilith Soul Crystal.
Double-click to obtain a Stage 5-8 Anakim Soul Crystal.
Double-click to obtain 1 Level 4 La Vie En Rose Gem.
Double-click to obtain 1 Level 5 La Vie En Rose Gem.
Double-click to obtain a Shadow Weapon.
Double-click to obtain a Tauti Weapon.
Double-click to obtain a Kelbim Weapon.
Use to change the appearance of your upper or full-body armor into a Red Pirate Garment. The stone modifies the appearan
Use to change the appearance of your upper or full-body armor into a Pirate Shipmate Garment. The stone modifies the appe
Use to change the appearance of your upper or full-body armor into a Cowboy-Purple Garment. The stone modifies the appe
Use to change the appearance of your upper or full-body armor into a White Assassin Suit. The stone modifies the appearan
Double-click to obtain Chaos Essence (Dual Class) 30-day.\nOpen it to obtain a 30-day item that cannot be exchanged.
Denign uses this material to melt rare accessories.
A precious ore in which the strong power of monsters is condensed. Denign needs this material to make rare accessories.
A Rune Stone Fragment engraved in ancient Rune language. Collect 10 and take them to Lias in the Dimensional Rift to exch
A single page from the Superior Giant's Codex Chapter 1. Collect 10 and take them to Lias in the Dimensional Rift to exchan
Ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage and dimensional anomalies. Key compon
Supplies given by Lias to agents having completed "Dimensional Rift - 100-day Subjugation Operation".
Traces that have naturally accumulated during activity in the Dimensional Rift. They carry dimensional energy, and help to re
The soul of the Attacker that attempts to attack through the Dimensional Rift. Collect these and take them to the Dimensional
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Bloody Swampland and the Altar of Evil. Th
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Gludio Territory. The request can be accep
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Turek Orc Campsite. The request can be a
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Elven Forest and the Shadow of the Mothe
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Fairy Settlement. The request can be acce
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Garden of Beasts. The request can be acc
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Gorgon Flower Garden and the Breka's Str
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Cruma Marshlands. The request can be ac
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Field of Silence and the Field of Whispers.
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Immortal Plateau. The request can be acce
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Isle of Souls. The request can be accepted
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Seal of Shilen and the Cemetery. The requ
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Valley of Saints. The request can be accep
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the southern region of Isle of Prayer. The requ

Pagina 430

A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the northern region of Isle of Prayer. The reque
A request issued by the Hunter Guild to eliminate Giant Monsters near the Garden of Spirits. Characters of level 100 or highe
A request issued by the Hunter Guild to eliminate Giant Monsters near the Atelia Fortress. Characters of level 100 or higher c
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Bloody Swampland and the Altar of Evil.
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Gludio Territory.
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Turek Orc Campsite.
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Elven Forest and the Shadow of the Mothe
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Fairy Settlement.
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Garden of Beasts.
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Gorgon Flower Garden and the Breka's Str
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Cruma Marshlands.
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Field of Silence and the Field of Whispers.
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Immortal Plateau.
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Isle of Souls.
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Seal of Shilen and the Cemetery.
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Valley of Saints.
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the southern region of Isle of Prayer.
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the northern region of Isle of Prayer.
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Garden of Spirits.
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Atelia Fortress.
This Normal Bait cannot be used any more. You can sell it to NPC Shop.
Fishing time: 105 sec.\nStandby time: 15 sec.\n\nFishing bait available from level 99. Fishing with this bait has a low chance
Fishing time: 105 sec.\nStandby time: 15 sec.\n\nSpecial Fishing Bait. Fish using this bait to catch a Purplish Box with low pro
Can be exchanged for a Fish Dish item through a Fishing Guild Member.
Can be exchanged for a Fish Dish or Appearance Stone item through a Fishing Guild Member.
Can be exchanged for Elcyum Powder, Expertise Rune or another item through a Fishing Guild Member.
Double-click to obtain the item.
Double-click to obtain the item.
Double-click to obtain the item.
Ingredient needed to exchange Elementary Seed Bracelet.
Ingredient necessary for production of the Master Fishing Rod. Also needed when leveling up the Master Fishing Rod.
Double-click to obtain one of the twelve Agathions Stage 1.
A reward given by the Hunter Guild for completing the mission to defeat the giant monsters. Double-click to obtain the item.
A reward given by the Hunter Guild for completing the mission to defeat the giant monsters. Double-click to obtain the item.
A reward given by the Hunter Guild for completing the mission to defeat the giant monsters. Double-click to obtain the item.
A reward given by the Hunter Guild for completing the mission to defeat the giant monsters. Double-click to obtain the item.
A reward given by the Hunter Guild for completing the mission to defeat the giant monsters. Double-click to obtain the item.
A reward given by the Hunter Guild for completing the mission to defeat the giant monsters. Double-click to obtain the item.
A reward given by the Hunter Guild for completing the mission to defeat the giant monsters. Double-click to obtain the item.
A supply box given by Santiago, head of the Fishing Guild, for your hard work in reviving the Fishing Guild. Double-click to ob
A supply box given by Santiago, head of the Fishing Guild, for your sustained effort toward reviving the Fishing Guild. Double
A seasoning that famous chefs in Santiago and Aden developed after studying Fish Stew. With this seasoning and fish, you c
Double-click to obtain the item.
A ticket that enhances probability by 15% when using a Normal Armor Enchant Scroll to enchant R-grade Armor. Can only be
A ticket that enhances probability by 15% when using a Normal Armor Enchant Scroll to enchant R95 grade Armor. Can only
A ticket that enhances probability by 15% when using a Normal Armor Enchant Scroll to enchant R99 grade Armor. Can only
Legendary Miraculous Medicine said to have been concocted using a secret passed on by Gran Kain.\nUse to recover 7000
Christmas Party Herb. P. Atk./ M. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Def. are increased by 50%, and you are turned into Santa for 2 min. Effect
No special abilities, but allows you to transform into Tow for 10 min. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.

Pagina 431

No special abilities, but allows you to transform into Lady Tow for 10 min. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
No special abilities, but allows you to transform into Angry tow for 10 min. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
No special abilities, but allows you to transform into Sleepy Tow for 10 min. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
No special abilities, but allows you to transform into a pig for 10 min. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
No special abilities, but allows you to transform into a rabbit for 10 min. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
No special abilities, but allows you to transform into a Queen Ant for 10 min. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
No special abilities, but allows you to transform into Orfen for 10 min. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
No special abilities, but allows you to transform into Anakim for 10 min. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
No special abilities, but allows you to transform into Lilith for 10 min. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
An appearance stone that changes the appearance of your fist weapons into that of a Cat Fighter.\n\n<Caution> Items whose
An appearance stone that changes the appearance of your fist weapons in to that of Warm Bear Paws.
An appearance stone that changes the appearance of your fist weapons into that of Boxing Gloves.\n\n<Caution> Items who
An appearance stone that changes the appearance of your bow into Cupid's Bow.
An appearance stone that changes the appearance of your one-handed Blunt Weapon into that of a Wedding Bouquet.
An appearance stone that changes the appearance of your one-handed Dagger into that of a Pig Lollipop.
A log recorded by Shannon while training the new Commando recruits. You must take this to the Warehouse Keeper Wilford.
A weapon supply box that the Weapon Merchant Lector has asked you to take to the Administrative Offices
An armor supply box that the Weapon Merchant Lector has asked you to take to the Administrative Offices
A grocery supply box that the Grocer Katerina has asked you to take to the Administrative Offices
An accessory supply box that the Accessory Merchant Trevor has asked you to take to the Administrative Offices
An Exploration Area 2 Husk Distribution Report that was misplaced in Area 2 by Nagel while retreating to Area 1. Collect and
A tonic that the Searchdog King takes for health. Due to the King's habit of hiding his possessions here and there, the tonic li
Fishing Time: 75 sec.\nFishing Standby Time: 15 sec.\n\nFish bait bought from Chef Monkey. Fish using this bait to catch Ug
Fishing Time: 75 sec.\nFishing Standby Time: 15 sec.\n\nFish bait bought from Chef Monkey. Fish using this bait to catch Ug
Fishing Time: 75 sec.\nFishing Standby Time: 15 sec.\n\nFish bait bought from Chef Monkey. Fish using this bait to catch Ug
Chef Monkeys' Banana Herb. P.Atk./ M. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Def. +50% for 5 min., and Acquired XP/ SP +10%. Effect disappears
Chef Monkey's Treasure Chest caught with Banana Bait. Use it to obtain various items.\n
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Use to catch Ugly, Swift, Powerful Fish, with a chance to obtai
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Use to catch Ugly, Swift, Powerful Fish, with a chance to obtai
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Use to catch Ugly, Swift, Powerful Fish, with a chance to obtai
Fishing Guild Members in each village can exchange this for 1 of your desired Angler's Bait.
When used, Master Fishing Rod - Stage 5 30-day can be obtained.
A reward for handing over the Angler's Bait Box.\nDouble-clicking grants an item at random.
A reward for handing over the Angler's Bait Box.\nDouble-clicking grants an item at random.
Double-clicking the box grants 120 Angler's Bait Exchange Coupons and 120 Fishing Shots.
When using an R-grade Weapon Enchantment Standard Weapon Enchant Scroll, increases the chance by 10%. Can only be
When using an R95-grade Weapon Enchantment Standard Weapon Enchant Scroll, increases the chance by 10%. Can only
When using an R99-grade Weapon Enchantment Standard Weapon Enchant Scroll, increases the chance by 10%. Can only
Double-click to obtain a Ruby Lv. 3.
Double-click to obtain a Sapphire Lv. 3.
Double-click to obtain a Topaz Lv. 3.
Double-click to obtain an Opal Lv. 3.
Double-click to obtain a Obsidian Lv. 3.
Double-click to obtain a Diamond Lv. 3.
Double-click to obtain an Emerald Lv. 3.
Double-click to obtain an Aquamarine Lv. 3.
Double-click to obtain a Pearl Lv. 3.
Double-click to obtain a Vital Stone Lv. 3.
Double-click to obtain a Garnet Lv. 3.

Pagina 432

Double-click to obtain a Tanzanite Lv. 3.

Double-click to obtain a Ruby Lv. 4.
Double-click to obtain a Sapphire Lv. 4.
Double-click to obtain a Topaz Lv. 4.
Double-click to obtain an Opal Lv. 4.
Double-click to obtain a Obsidian Lv. 4.
Double-click to obtain a Diamond Lv. 4.
Double-click to obtain an Emerald Lv. 4.
Double-click to obtain an Aquamarine Lv. 4.
Double-click to obtain a Pearl Lv. 4.
Double-click to obtain a Vital Stone Lv. 4.
Double-click to obtain a Garnet Lv. 4.
Double-click to obtain a Tanzanite Lv. 4.

When used, increases Resistance to Pull Attacks by 5%, and reduces damage taken in PvP by 3%.\nCannot be used in the O
When used, increases Resistance to Danger Zone Attacks by 5%, and reduces damage taken in PvP by 3%.\nCannot be use
When used, increases Resistance to Seduction Attacks by 5%, and reduces damage taken in PvP by 3%.\nCannot be used i
When used, increases Resistance to Bluff Attacks by 5%, and reduces damage taken in PvP by 3%.\nCannot be used in the
When used, increases Resistance to Faint Attacks by 5%, and reduces damage taken in PvP by 3%.\nCannot be used in the
A Chest of Glory given to the victors in the Ceremony of Chaos. When double clicked, a prize is given, but it is also possible t
Dimensional Item\nFor 30 min., Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +20%, P./ M. Def. +30%, Speed +20, Skill MP
Dimensional Item\nFor 30 min., Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +20%, P./ M. Def. +30%, Speed +20, Skill MP
Dimensional Item\nFor 30 min., Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%, P. Atk. +20%, M. Atk. +30%, P./ M. Def. +10%, P. Accuracy+4, M. A
For 30 min., Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%, P. Atk. +20%, M. Atk. +30%, P./ M. Def. +10%, P./ M. Accuracy +4, Atk./ Casting Spd. +
MOPP Combat Ration. P. Atk./ M. Atk./ P./ M. Def. increased by 50%, Obtained XP and SP increased by 10% for 5 min. Effe
Arena Event reward.
Arena Event reward.
Arena Event reward.
When double clicked, 180 PA Points can be acquired.\n
An Appearance Stone to change your appearance to Formal Wear. Can be used for Upper Armor and Full-body. All armor ta
When used, increases Max HP/ MP/ CP 30%, P. Atk. 10%, M. Atk. 20%, P./ M. Def. 30%, and Movement Speed by 20, and r
When used, increases Max HP/ MP/ CP 30%, P. Atk. 10%, M. Atk. 20%, P./ M. Def. 30%, and Movement Speed by 20, and r
When used, increases Max HP/ MP/ CP 10%, P. Atk. 20%, M. Atk. 30%, P./ M. Def. 10%, and Accuracy by 4, Magic Accurac
When used, increases Max HP/ MP/ CP 10%, P. Atk. 20%, M. Atk. 30%, P./ M. Def. 10%, and Accuracy by 4, Magic Accurac
Double-click to obtain a Red Cat's Eye Lv. 1.
Double-click to obtain a Blue Cat's Eye Lv. 1.
Double-click to obtain a Red Cat's Eye Lv. 3.
Double-click to obtain a Red Cat's Eye Lv. 4.
Double-click to obtain a Blue Cat's Eye Lv. 3.
Double-click to obtain a Blue Cat's Eye Lv. 4.
Double-click to obtain 1 of the La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Boxes.
Double-click to obtain 1 of the Fortune Jewelry Boxes.
Double-click to obtain 1 Red Cat's Eye Lv. 1-5.
Double-click to obtain 1 Blue Cat's Eye Lv. 1-5.

Pagina 433

Double-click to obtain 1 of the Lv. 3 jewels.

Double-click to obtain 1 of the Lv. 4 jewels.
Take it to Shadai in Heine to exchange for a special item.
Ordinary Mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Usable by characters level 46 or above
Recharge yourself! This item is paid to those who have worked for the growth of the Clan. You can get 25 Vitality Replenishin
Signs of Embryo assassins entering to interfere with the production of defensive batteries. After Ishuma finishes building the d
A bolt specifically for use in defensive batteries, received as a prize for successfully defending Ishuma while the batteries wer
A nut specifically for use in defensive batteries, received as a prize for successfully defending Ishuma while the batteries wer
A cannonball for use in Keucereus defensive batteries. Only people who possess this cannonball are qualified to operate the
Relief material taken from Embryo. It will be collected and used as a relief material for the military base defense group.
Obtained by defeating the Embryo attacking the Keucereus Corps base. It is evidence of the successful Stage 2 defense.
Obtained by defeating the Embryo attacking the Keucereus Corps base. It is evidence of the successful Stage 2 defense.
Obtained by defeating the Embryo attacking the Keucereus Corps base. It is evidence of the successful Stage 3 defense.
Obtained by defeating the Embryo attacking the Keucereus Corps base. It is evidence of the successful Stage 3 defense.
The gunpowder used in the production of shells for the Keucereus Corps base. It is a necessary material to make shells.
A popular bandage taken from the Embryo. This can be used in Gracia to heal injuries.
Needed to drive the Keucereus defense battery. Be careful while using this device to drive your defenses, as it will be the ma
Compensation for participation in the Keucereus Union Base defense. Double-click to acquire an item.
Compensation for participation in the Keucereus Union Base defense. Double-click to acquire an item.
Compensation for participation in the Keucereus Union Base defense. Double-click to acquire an item.
Compensation for participation in the Keucereus Union Base defense. Double-click to acquire an item.
A commemorative gift for defeating Isberg, the guardian guarding the fortress of Mesia. Double-click to acquire an item.\n
When used, increases Max HP/ MP/ CP 30%, P. Atk. 10%, M. Atk. 20%, P./ M. Def. 30%, and Movement Speed by 20, and r
When used, for 30 min. Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P. Atk +10%, M. Atk. +20%, P./ M. Def. +30%, Speed +20, Skill MP Consum
When used, Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%, P. Atk. +20%, M. Atk. +30%, P./ M. Def. +10%, P. Accuracy +4, M. Accuracy by +4, Atk
When used, Max HP/ MP/ CP+10%, P. Atk. +20%, M. Atk. +30%, P./ M. Def. +10%, P. Accuracy +4, M. Accuracy +4, Atk. Sp
Can be purchased with Raid Points from Black Cat NPC in Hunter's Village by members of Hunter's Guild Faction - Level 2 a
Top-grade Balthus Knights Supply Box. When used, a +10 Blessed Helios Weapon can be obtained. This item will be deleted
Top-grade Balthus Knights Supply Box. When used, a +8 Blessed Eternal Armor item can be obtained. This item will be dele
Top-grade Balthus Knights Supply Box. When used, a Shadow Ingot/ Tauti's Fragment/ Kelbim's Atelia Fragment can be obta
Top-grade Balthus Knights Supply Box. When used, 2 Dark Eternal Enhancement Stones can be obtained. This item will be d
Top-grade Balthus Knights Supply Box. When used, a Zodiac Agathion Stage 5 Bracelet can be obtained. This item will be d
Double-click to obtain a +8 Blessed Eternal Armor Heavy Set.
Double-click to obtain a +8 Blessed Eternal Armor Light Set.
Double-click to obtain a +8 Blessed Eternal Armor Robe Set.
Double-click to receive a random item.
Double-click to get one of a rare items, out of Bloody/ Dark Enhancement Stone or Enhancement Protection Stone, at random
When used, Atk. Attribute +30, and Attribute Resistance +30 for 30 min.\n\nEffect remains after death. Cooldown is 5 min.\nC
When used, Atk. Attribute +50, and Attribute Resistance +50, as well as Acquired XP/ SP +10% for 30 min.\n\nEffect remains
If you take this to the Dimensional Merchant, you will receive items based on the number.
Take this to the Dimensional Merchant to exchange for various items.
Double-click this to obtain one of Blessed Antharas' Earring, Antharas' Earring, Blessed Valakas' Necklace, Valakas' Necklac
Double-click to obtain one of Shiny +7 Einhasad/ Reflect Attack/ Reflect Magic Shirt.
Top-grade Top-grade Sibi's Lucky Draw Supply Items. When used, 10 Dragon's Treasure Chests can be obtained.
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in the Altar of Evil and Bloody Swampland. Characters of
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in the Fairy Settlement. Characters of level 85 to level 95
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in the Isle of Souls. Characters of level 90 to level 99 can
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in the Seal of Shilen. Characters of level 90 to level 99 ca
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in the Cemetery, the Pagan Temple, and Blazing Swamp

Pagina 434

A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in Raider's Crossroads. Characters of level 95 to level 10
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in Hellbound. Characters of level 97 to level 103 can rece
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in the Enchanted Valley. Characters of level 100 or highe
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in the Giant's Cave. Characters of level 100 or higher can
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in the Garden of Spirits. Characters of level 100 or highe
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in Atelia Fortress. Characters of level 100 or higher can r
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in Superion. Characters of level 100 or higher can receiv
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in the Altar of Evil and Bloody Swampland.
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in the Fairy Settlement.
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in the Isle of Souls.
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in the Seal of Shilen.
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in the Cemetery, the Pagan Temple, and Blazing Swamp
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in Raider's Crossroads.
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in Hellbound.
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in the Enchanted Valley.
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in the Giant's Cave.
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in the Garden of Spirits.
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in Atelia Fortress.
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in Superion.
Pink's style potion. Transforms your appearance to wearing a Kelbim Light Armor for 1 hour.
Pink's style potion. Transforms your appearance to wearing a Freya Robe for 1 hour.
Pink's style potion. Transforms your appearance to wearing Blue Dynasty Armor for 1 hour.
Pink's style potion. Transforms your appearance to wearing White Assassin Costume for 1 hour.
Pink's style potion. Transforms your appearance to wearing Formal Wear for 1 hour.
Pink's style potion. Transforms your appearance to wearing a Vampiric Outfit for 1 hour.
Pink's style potion. Transforms your appearance to wearing a Robin Hood Costume for 1 hour.
Pink style potion. Use to wear a Magician Garment for 1 hour. It will be deleted when the Red Libra merchants leave.
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate Incarnation of Gluttony Kalios (Group) in Kartia's Labyrinth (level 95
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate Warden Baylor in the Crystal Prison. Characters of level 97 or high
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate Betrayed Dark Rider in Nightmare Kamaloka. Characters of level 9
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate Commander Burnstein in the Embryo Command Post. Characters
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate Incarnation of Gluttony Kalios (Group) in Kartia's Labyrinth (level 95
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate Baylor in the Crystal Prison.
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate Dark Rider in Nightmare Kamaloka.
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate Commander Burnstein in the Command Post.
An Enchant Scroll for T-shirts.\nIf enchanting fails the existing enchant value is maintained..\nMay not be used on +7 T-shirts
An Enchant Scroll for T-shirts.\nIf enchanting fails the existing enchant value is maintained.
When used, grants CHA +5 for 30 min. Cannot stack with Maphr's Luck Potion. Cooldown 5 min. Effect remains after death. C
When used, Sayha's Talisman Stage 1 can be obtained.
When used, a Dimensional Bracelet Stage 6 (CHA+5) can be obtained.\n
When used, Sayha's Talisman Stage 9 can be obtained.
When used, Sayha's Talisman Stage 10 can be obtained.
Photo of the cute face of Puss the Cat. Needed to get a blessing buff from Puss the Cat.\n
A wrapping cloth filled with Chuseok gift from the Green. When you use it, you can get 10 sweet songpyeons and a Hanbok c
Songpyeon looks sweet. When you use it, a certain amount of Vitality is recovered. Cooldown 1 min..
Formal wear for a holiday of the East. Increases all basic abilities by 1 and transforms your appearance to wearing a Hanbok
When used, 500 billion Adena can be obtained.
When used, either 100 billion or 500 billion Adena can be obtained.
List of missions received from Lionel Hunter to new Exalted Power. "Each of the following people will receive a commission a

Pagina 435

The certificate received for completing Commando Captain Sporcha's mission from Fire Dragon Bride Leona Blackbird. Take
The certificate received for completing Giant Tracker Leader Krenaht's mission from Hierarch Kekropus. Take this to Lionel H
The certificate received for completing Fishing Guild Leader Santiago's mission. Take this to Lionel Hunter in Heine with othe
The certificate received for completing Hunter Guild Leader Arcturus's mission. Take this to Lionel Hunter in Heine with other
List of missions received from Lionel Hunter to new Exalted Power. "Each of the following people will receive a commission a
The certificate received for completing Master Cyphona's mission from Ferin. Take this to Lionel Hunter in Heine with other ce
The certificate received for completing Quartermaster Dinford's mission from Royal Guard Captain Logart Van Dyke. Take thi
The certificate received for completing Mystic Tavern Owner Settlen's mission. Take this to Lionel Hunter in Heine with other
The certificate received for completing Admiral Keucereus's mission. Take this to Lionel Hunter in Heine with other certificate
Proof obtained after killing the monsters spoken of by Commando Captain Sporcha in Hellbound. All you have to do is take it
Proof of reaching Amity Level 6 with the Blackbird Clan. Take this with the other certifications to Kekropus, and you can recei
Proof of reaching Amity Level 6 with the Giant Trackers. Take this with the other certifications to Kekropus, and you can rece
A special fish stew of a special recipe commissioned by Fishing Guild Leader Santiago. The taste is excellent, but it has no o
Proof obtained after killing the monsters spoken of by Master Cyphona in Blackbird Campsite. All you have to do is take it to F
Proof of reaching Amity Level 6 with the Mother Tree Guardians. Take this with the other certifications to Logart Van Dyke in
Proof of reaching Amity Level 6 with the Unworldly Visitors. Take this with the other certifications to Logart Van Dyke in the B
Proof of reaching Amity Level 6 with the Kingdom's Royal Guard. Take this with the other certifications to Logart Van Dyke in
A story book containing all the stories of Tauti in the Mystic Tavern
A story book containing all the stories of Kelbim in the Mystic Tavern
A story book containing all the stories of Freya in the Mystic Tavern
A story book containing all the stories of Kain van Halter in the Mystic Tavern
You can increase your stage by combining it with Sayha's Talisman. Can be combined with Sayha's Talismans 1 through 8. I
Exalted Inherent Skill Dignity of the Exalted Lv. 4 can be learned from this Book.\nCan only be learned by Main Class Lv. 99
Exalted Inherent Skill Dignity of the Exalted Lv. 5 can be learned from this Book.\nCan only be learned by Main Class Lv. 99
Exalted Inherent Skill Vitality of the Exalted Lv. 1 can be learned from this Book.\nCan only be learned by Main Class Lv. 99 a
Exalted Inherent Skill Vitality of the Exalted Lv. 2 can be learned from this Book.\nCan only be learned by Main Class Lv. 99 a
Achievement of the commission of Fishing Guild Leader Santiago and compensation received. Used as material to Enhance
Sculpture created by condensing the power of Frenzied Tauti. You can strengthen Tauti's weapon by giving it the power of Fr
Sculpture created by condensing the power of Insane Kelbim. You can strengthen Tauti's weapon by giving it the power of In
An Enhanced Shadow Ingot, the result of research by Shadai, Ishuma, and the Blacksmith of Mammon. If you go to Neti in th
A special fish stew made using Santiago's new recipe. After creating 50 and bringing them to Santiago with 80 Gemstone - R
A Tauti Weapon Crystal made by Ishuma. It is used as a material to strengthen Tauti weapons.
A Kelbim Weapon Crystal made by Kaysia. It is used as a material to strengthen Kelbim weapons.
A crystal received after destroying the Hellbound Monsters. It seems to have magical power. If you collect this and bring it to
Ore received after destroying the Giant's Cave Monsters. It seems to have Giant's Energy. If you collect this and bring it to Ish
A solution with magic powers made by Shadai heating crystals in a laboratory. Take this and the Ishuma's minerals together
Minerals made by Ishuma's synthesis in the lab using the Giant's ore. Let's go to the Blacksmith of Mammon with this and Sh
A sculpture created by the Blacksmith of Mammon during the study of the Shadow Ingot. It feels like it can be restored throug
An Improved Shadow Ingot, a composite of Shadow Ingot pieces. It does not seem to be appropriate for Shadow Weapon En
Crystals made by crystallizing research Shadow Weapons. A special material that can interest the blacksmiths.
Double-click to obtain 30 Shining Magic Baits. Either Archangel's Box of Grace or Nevit's Blessing Box is available to get with
If you double click on the box, you can obtain a rare item.
Double-click the box to obtain one of the very rare items at random.
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Use to catch Ugly, Swift Fish, with a chance to obtain a Coin o
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Use to catch Ugly, Swift Fish, with a chance to obtain a Coin o
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Use to catch Ugly, Swift Fish, with a chance to obtain a Coin o
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Use to catch Ugly, Swift Fish, with a chance to obtain a Coin o
Fishing Time: 45s\nFishing Waiting Time: 15s\n\nFishing Bait. Use to catch Ugly, Swift Fish, with a chance to obtain a Coin o
Fishing Guild Members in each village can exchange this for 1 of your desired Shining Magic Bait.

Pagina 436

Double-click to acquire one Stage 5 (30-day fixed period) fishing pole box and one Scroll: Enchant Faint Elemental Shirt.
Double-click to acquire one Stage 5 (30-day fixed period) fishing pole box and one Scroll: Enchant Faint Elemental Shirt, and
Double-click to acquire one Stage 5 (30-day fixed period) fishing pole box and two Scrolls: Enchant Faint Elemental Shirt, one
Double-click to acquire one Stage 5 (30-day fixed period) fishing pole box and three Scrolls: Enchant Faint Elemental Shirt, o
Double-click to obtain a Greater Vital Stone Lv. 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a Greater Red Cat's Eye Lv. 1 (30-day) and a Blue Cat's Eye Lv. 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a Greater Tanzanite Lv. 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain Nevit's Cloak of Light (30-day fixed term).
When used, increases EXP/ SP acquired from hunting by 50% for 30 min. and obtains 1 Shining Sroll of Growth each time yo
When used, 1 billion EXP obtained, is only 20% effective while below Lv 99.\nCan be used above Lv 85. This scroll cannot be
A special coin obtained using Shiny Magic Bait. Can be used with the Dimensional Merchant.
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate Maliss and Isadora in the Altar of Shilen. Characters of level 103 or
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate Maliss and Isadora in the Altar of Shilen.
Double-click to use a magic woodpile for one player. If you have the Magic Fan equipped, you can use the skills Breeze and
Double-click to use a magic woodpile for party use. If you have the Magic Fan equipped, you can use the skills Breeze and G
Double-click to find out more about the "The Power of Gods, Giants and the almighty Exalted" which is unknown by adventur
Double-click to find out more about the "The Power That Brings Everything Together" which is unknown by adventurers in Ad
Double-click to find out more about the "Rise of the Exiled People, the Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries" which is unknown by
Double-click to find out more about the "Mystic Tavern of the Continent's Hidden Stories" which is known by adventurers in A
Double-click to find out more about the "Kain van Halter and Giselle's (Camille) Tragic Love Story" which is unknown by adve
Double-click to find out more about the "Kamael, the Race Created by Giants" which is unknown by adventurers in Aden. \n
Double-click to find out more about the "Pureblood Surr and Half-blood Nann, Reconciliation and Harmony" which is unknown
Double-click to find out more about the "The Seven Signs, Giants and Embryos" which is unknown by adventurers in Aden. \n
This first gift was prepared for all that deeply love Lineage 2. Double-click to obtain a reward.\n
This second gift was prepared for all that deeply love Lineage 2. Double-click to obtain a reward.\n
This third gift was prepared for all that deeply love Lineage 2. Double-click to obtain a reward.\n
A shining golden chest. Double-click to obtain one of the items that Frederick the Destroyer tenaciously gathered over a long
An old, dusty box. Double-click to obtain one of the Magic Fire Event Items that Frederick the Destroyer haphazardly gathere
A shining golden chest. Double-click to obtain one of the items that Frederick the Destroyer tenaciously gathered over a long
Take it to Bliss to receive a Magic Woodpile.\nWill be deleted after the event is over, September 26, 2018.
Double-click to send the Magic Fire towards heaven and receive a reward. Many people send their hopes and wishes toward
Double-click to receive an instanced zone dungeon request. You can complete the mission if you carry out 1 type of daily que
Double-click to receive a field request. You can complete the mission if you carry out 1 type of daily quest in a field of at least
You can complete the mission if you carry out 1 type of daily quest in an instanced zone dungeon of at least level 85.
You can complete the mission if you carry out 1 type of daily quest in a field of at least level 85.
A crystal infused with the spirits' burning desire for battle. The crystal's special power can be used to upgrade a weapon.
A crystal infused with the spirits' ardent wish to protect. The crystal's special power can be used to upgrade armor.
It can be used to purchase a Challenger weapon of choice through a Dimensional Merchant found in every town.
It can be used to exchange a Challenger weapon to another type of choice through a Dimensional Merchant found in every to
Spirit Stone: Accessory for La Vie En Rose's Brooch. Can only be used to augment an enhanced Glorious Brooch.
Double-click to obtain a +5 Shiny Elemental Shirt.
It can be used to enhance a Challenger weapon through a Dimensional Merchant found in every town.
Double-click to obtain a jewelry box containing Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Opal, Diamond, Emerald, Tanzanite, Red Cat's Eye, B
Take it to Shadai in Heine to exchange it for a special item.
Item crated by infusing a brooch accessory Spirit Stone with a special power. However, it cannot be used as an Augment Sto
When used, WIT +3 and LUC +1 for 30 min. The effects do not stack when several different types of fish stew are used. Cool
When used, INT +3 and LUC +1 for 30 min. The effects do not stack when several different types of fish stew are used. Coold
When used, MEN +3 and LUC +1 for 30 min. The effects do not stack when several different types of fish stew are used. Coo
When used, DEX +3 and LUC +1 for 30 min. The effects do not stack when several different types of fish stew are used. Coo

Pagina 437

When used, STR +3 and LUC +1 for 30 min. The effects do not stack when several different types of fish stew are used. Coo
When used, CON +3 and LUC +1 for 30 min. The effects do not stack when several different types of fish stew are used. Coo
When used, WIT +3 and CHA +1 for 30 min. The effects do not stack when several different types of fish stew are used. Coo
When used, INT +3 and CHA +1 for 30 min. The effects do not stack when several different types of fish stew are used. Cool
When used, MEN +3 and CHA +1 for 30 min. The effects do not stack when several different types of fish stew are used. Coo
When used, DEX +3 and CHA +1 for 30 min. The effects do not stack when several different types of fish stew are used. Coo
When used, STR +3 and CHA +1 for 30 min. The effects do not stack when several different types of fish stew are used. Coo
When used, CON +3 and CHA +1 for 30 min. The effects do not stack when several different types of fish stew are used. Coo
A scroll that contains harmony between races. For 30 min., Acquired XP/ SP +50%. Cannot be used with Fall of the Dragon/
Crystallized form of suspicious energy that manifests in the Energy of Wind. It seems to have been affected by the Altar of Ob
Item obtained after defeating Harpe who appeared at the Altar of Oblivion. According to Ferin, it contains information on how
Take it along with a Freya's Wind Scroll to NPC Freya in Schuttgart Castle to receive a present of destiny from Freya.\n
Double-click Freya's Heart-pounding Shopping Bag to obtain 1 Freya's Wind Scroll. There is also a chance to additionally obt
Double-click to randomly obtain an item from a selection of rare items including rare accessories.
Double-click to randomly obtain an item from a selection of various equipment enchantment items.
Double-click to randomly obtain an item from a selection of various character growth and enhancement items.
Double-click to randomly obtain a White Knight Suit, Healer Costume, Chevalier Costume, Kat the Cat Costume, Barbarian W
Double-click to obtain Freya's Dark Rune (2-hour).\nFreya's Dark Rune effects do not apply in the Olympiad.
When stored in the inventory, PvP Damage +15%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.\nCannot be used in
Changes the appearance of upper or full-body armor to that of a White Knight Suit costume. Makes entire armor look like the
Changes the appearance of upper or full-body armor to that of a Healer costume. Makes entire armor look like the Healer cos
Changes the appearance of upper or full-body armor to that of a Chevalier costume. Makes entire armor look like the Chevali
Changes the appearance of upper or full-body armor to that of a Kat the Cat costume. Makes entire armor look like the Kat th
Changes the appearance of upper or full-body armor to that of a Barbarian Wolf costume. Makes entire armor look like the Ba
Changes the appearance of upper or full-body armor to that of a Valkyrie costume. Makes entire armor look like the Valkyrie
Changes the appearance to that of a teddy bear, and CHA +5 for 30 min. Cannot be stacked with Einhasad's CHA Potion or
Token that strengthens the amity with a faction. Use it at the completion of a faction quest to gain extra quest XP and Faction
Extra Pass for Shilen's Altar. Double-click to reset cooldown to Shilen's Altar. Cannot use if locked out from Instanced Zone. C
Use to obtain a Sayha Talisman Stage 8.\nThe Sayha Talisman Stage 8 obtained can only be shared within the account thro

Zodiac Agathion growth book. Increases M. Def. when the Agathion grows, adding a special ability from +4. Ensures safe enc
Zodiac Agathion growth book. Increases M. Def. when the Agathion grows, adding a Special Ability from +4. Ensures safe en
Mysterious fragment filled with the power of stars, obtainable from some Fishing Treasure Chests or by hunting. Can be exch
Cube containing a Zodiac Agathion Charm. Use to obtain one Zodiac Agathion A charm that activates the power of the Zodia
Open to obtain an Elementary Seed Bracelet.
Open to obtain an Intermediate Seed Bracelet.
Open to obtain a High-grade Seed Bracelet.
Open to obtain a Top-grade Seed Bracelet.
Open to obtain a Super Advanced Seed Bracelet.
Use to obtain an Elementary Seed Bracelet (15-day).
Use to obtain an Intermediate Seed Bracelet (15-day).
Use to obtain a High-grade Seed Bracelet (30-day).
Use to obtain a Top-grade Seed Bracelet (30-day).

Pagina 438

Use to obtain a Super Advanced Seed Bracelet (30-day).

Double-click to receive an Agathion Lantern.
Lantern Agathion's Gift. Double-click to get a random item.
Dimensional Item pack\nA gift box containing 1 Makeshift Bat Agathion Charm.
Dimensional Item pack\nA gift box containing 1 Cow Agathion Charm (7-day).
Dimensional Item pack\nA gift box containing 1 Makeshift Bat Agathion Charm (7-day).
Dimensional Item pack\nA gift box containing 1 Griffin Agathion Charm (7-day).
Dimensional Item pack\nA gift box containing 1 Makeshift Bat Agathion Charm (30-day).
Dimensional Item pack\nA gift box containing 1 Cow Agathion Charm.
Dimensional Item pack\nA gift box containing 1 Cow Agathion Charm (30-day).
Dimensional Item pack\nA gift box containing 1 Griffin Agathion Charm (30-day).
Dimensional Item pack\nA gift box containing 1 Griffin Agathion Charm.
Contains a Pegasus Agathion Charm.
Double-click to obtain 300 Secret Embryo Bait Coupons. Can be used once a day.
When used, P. Atk. +3%, M. Atk. +3%, Atk./ Casting Spd. +3%, Max HP/ MP +3%, and XP gain +30% for 30 min. The effects
Double-click to obtain 60 R99 Baits. There is a small chance of additionally obtain a Zodiac Cube Fragment. Can be used on
Traces that confirm the influence of the same dimensional energy on both Dimensional Rift and Dimensional Crack. Gather th
Fragments of the dimensional energy obtained in the Dimensional Rift and Dimensional Crack after receiving Tarti's advice. G
A report by Tarti on the status of the dimensional exploration.
Proof obtained after defeating a giant who, under the orders of Mimir, came to find the Giant Trackers who planned to betray
One of the pieces used to craft the Hunter's Stone. After gathering 3 Hunter's Stone Fragments, talk to Histie to swap them fo
Item crafted by putting the Hunter's Stone Fragments together. Using it nullifies the effects of the Superion Barrier.
Fire elemental attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Water elemental defense attribute increases by 6
A scroll you received from Blacksmith Rupio to practice weapon enchanting. It can't be used on weapons other than the prac
A list of missions that Herphah instructed you to complete. "Complete missions for the following people and return with the ce
Certificate received from Fishing Guild Leader Santiago after completing the fishing mission. Take it along with the rest of the
Certificate received from Blacksmith Rupio after completing equipment enchantment mission. Take it along with the rest of th
Certificate received from Head Blacksmith Flutter after completing the equipment augmentation mission. Take it along with th
Certificate received from Blacksmith Vincenz after completing the Soul Crystal enchantment mission. Take it along with the re
Certificate received from Head Blacksmith Ferris after completing the attribute assignment mission. Take it along with the res
Seed given to you by High Priestess Morelyn at Eva's Temple in Heine. It contains the Energy of Fire.
Seed given to you by High Priestess Morelyn at Eva's Temple in Heine. It contains the Energy of Wind.
Seed given to you by High Priestess Morelyn at Eva's Temple in Heine. It contains the Energy of Earth.
Seed given to you by High Priestess Morelyn at Eva's Temple in Heine. It contains the Energy of Chaos.
Flowers that bloomed from a planted Seed of Chaos. Lay them at the Nameless Tombstones.
An old, worn necklace was found after digging up a spot revealed by a Nameless Revenant.
Item obtained after defeating a mysterious plant monster that appeared when you planted a Seed of Earth in the Bloody Swa
Petals of a flower that sprouted from a Seed of Wind that took root where it landed.
Fruit obtained from a Pure Flame Flower. It is so vividly red that it looks like it is soaked in blood.
A certificate of Maphr you received from Head Priest of the Earth Daichir in the Town of Schuttgart, as the proof that you have
A certificate of Pa'agrio you received from Pa'agrio Lord Kakai in the Talking Island Village as the proof that you have comple
A certificate of Einhasad you received from High Priest Orven in the Town of Aden as the proof that you have completed the
A certificate of Sayha you received from Queen Navari in the Faeron Village as the proof that you have completed the Seed o
A certificate of Eva you received from High Priestess Morelyn in Heine as the proof that you have completed all four Seed mi
Scales fell out from a hatchling. Take them to Stig Mach to become a member of the Balthus Knights.
A summoning scroll Herphah asked you to deliver to the Balthus Knights. Double-clicking it takes you to Herphah.
Enchant scroll for Warrior's/ Wizard's/ Knight's Circlets. Can be enchanted up to +5. If enchantment fails, the circlet's enchant
Ingredient needed to upgrade Warrior's/ Wizard's/ Knight's Circlets into Noble Circlets. Talk to Head Blacksmith Ferris of Ade
Ingredient needed to upgrade Noble Warrior's/ Wizard's/ Knight's Circlets into Radiant Circlets. Talk to Head Blacksmith Ferri

Pagina 439

Double-click to obtain 1 Blessed Circlet Enchant Scroll. Has a chance to obtain one of the following items: 1 Circlet Spirit Ston
Spirit Stone for circlets. Can only augment Noble/ Radiant circlets.
Double-click to obtain a Noble Upgrade Stone or a Radiant Upgrade Stone.
Box containing Balthus Knights supplies.
Box containing Balthus Knights supplies. Double-click to obtain items.
Box containing Balthus Knights supplies. Double-click to obtain items.
Box containing Balthus Knights supplies. Double-click to obtain items.
A sheet of paper listing the supply items needed by the Balthus Knights.
A package filled with New Year's gifts, received from Chorong. Use to obtain a Lucky Bag and a Hanbok costume.
Use it to change into the Hanbok appearance for 3 hours and enter the Lucky Gift Draw. Can be used above level 85. The bu
Use it to change into the Hanbok appearance for 6 hours and enter the Lucky Gift Draw. Can be used above level 85. The bu
When used, Acquired XP/ SP +30%, Vitality Bonus +30%, and P. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Atk./ M. Def. +15% for 30 min.\n Will be de
A very lucky-looking bait.
Freya's Lucky Gift. Use it to obtain one of +7 Zodiac Agathion Charms. \n
Use it to obtain 3 Life Stones Instilled with Giants' Power.
Can summon a friend to your location once every 30 min. Target a party member and double-click to use the skill.
Putrefied Extract that Grocer Vollodos in the Bloody Swampland asked you to collect.
Rotten Blood that Grocer Vollodos in the Bloody Swampland asked you to collect.
Research item received after helping with the mission of Hesed of the Black Anvil Guild, who you met at the Isle of Souls Har
Research item that was enhanced by using the Fragments of Monster Soul.
Monster soul obtained after defeating a Raid Monster.
A support box received after completing Herphah's mission. Double-click to obtain various items needed for growth.
A support box received after competing all of Herphah's missions. Opening this box requires Herphah's Support Box Key, wh
A key received after completing Herphah's mission. Used to open Herphah's Completion Box you received after helping with
A basic supply box received in exchange for helping the Giant Trackers with their mission in Superion. Double-click to view th
An intermediate supply box received in exchange for helping the Giant Trackers with their mission in Superion. Double-click t
An advanced supply box received in exchange for helping the Giant Trackers with their mission in Superion. Double-click to v
Old Clan Point, an item that proves the glorious past of the clan. You can exchange it for another item through Clan Trader Ili
Material needed to upgrade Clan Cloak - War Specialty from level 1 to level 2. The cloak can be upgraded through Head Blac
Material needed to upgrade Clan Cloak - War Specialty from level 2 to level 3. The cloak can be upgraded through Head Blac
Material needed to upgrade Clan Cloak - War Specialty from level 3 to level 4. The cloak can be upgraded through Head Blac
Material needed to upgrade Clan Cloak - Combat Specialty from level 1 to level 2. The cloak can be upgraded through Head
Material needed to upgrade Clan Cloak - Combat Specialty from level 2 to level 3. The cloak can be upgraded through Head
Material needed to upgrade Clan Cloak - Combat Specialty from level 3 to level 4. The cloak can be upgraded through Head
Enchanting a Clan Cloak increases its P. Def. and adds special abilities at certain enchantment levels. The cloak can be enha
Enchanting a Clan Cloak increases its P. Def. and adds special abilities at certain enchantment levels. The cloak can be ench
Not in Use
Not in Use
Obtained after defeating the ruler of the giants. It is needed for declaring Kamael's independence. Take it to Kekropus in the
Obtained after defeating Giant Queen Ramona. Additionally defeating one of Enhanced Mimir, Enhanced Core or Enhanced
Obtained after defeating one of Enhanced Mimir, Enhanced Core, or Enhanced Harnak. Additionally defeating Queen Ramon
Obsolete Personal Fame. Can be exchanged for other items with the Fame Managers Rapidus in the Town of Aden or Scipio
Box issued as a reward for successfully defending the castle. Use it to obtain several Giant's Scroll: Enchant Weapon.
Chest issued as a reward for capturing the fortress. Use it to obtain the Giant's Energy, with a chance to additionally obtain G
Double-click to obtain a Chaos Essence (30-day). Used for changing the awakened main specialized class, but the Ertheia ca
Double-click to obtain a Chaos Essence (Dual Class, 30-day). Used for changing the dual specialized class, but the Ertheia c
A magical scroll that teleports the entire party to the nearest village.
Use it to fire a flash bang that reveals hidden targets around you.
Upon use, it restores 5000 HP and the remaining power restores CP. \nCannot be used in the Olympiad.

Pagina 440

Double-click to lower PK value by 1. Your PK value has to be at least 1. Cannot be used when the Demonic Sword Zariche o
Double-click to raise Rep. value by 30000. Can only be used while in a chaotic state (Rep. value is below 0). Cannot be used
A box containing support items for playing on the test server. Use to obtain +12 Bloody Weapon Pack, +10 Bloody Armor Pac
Test server support item. Use to obtain all Bloody Helios weapons, enchanted to +12.
Test server support item. Use to obtain +10 Bloody Eternal light armor, heavy armor, and robe sets.
Test server support item. Use to obtain a Bloody Eternal Heavy Armor set, enchanted to +10.
Test server support item. Use to obtain a Bloody Eternal Light Armor set, enchanted to +10.
Test server support item. Use to obtain a Bloody Eternal Robe set, enchanted to +10.
Test server support item. Use to obtain all 12 types of Zodiac Agathion charms, enchanted to +10.
Supply Box issued to players who graduated from the Balthus Knights with honors on the test server. Use it to obtain a 15-da
Upon use, it restores 3000 HP and the remaining power restores CP. Instant effect with no duration.\nCannot be used in the
Special attack scroll that can be obtained with Clan Point Tokens. When used, nearby clan members' P./ M. Atk. +3%, P./ M.
Special defense scroll that can be obtained with Clan Point Tokens. When used, nearby clan members' P./ M. Def. +5%, Deb
Raid Point Rune box that can be obtained with Clan Point Tokens. Double-click to obtain a Resolute Raid Point Rune (2-hour
Having it in the inventory increases Raid Points gained by 100%.\n
Suspicious safes traded tacitly in the Mystic Tavern. Use it to obtain a rare item.\n
A highly expensive gold bar secretly traded at Mystic Tavern. Take it to a Dimensional Merchant to exchange it for a useful ite
Popular beer at the Mystic Tavern. Use it to recover Vitality. Take it along with some fish stew to a Dimensional Merchant to r
Honey Vitality Beer made from Mystic Tavern's special recipe. When used, it instantly restores Vitality and increases CON/ M
Use to obtain a Dark Weapon, Bloody Weapon, Dark Armor, or Bloody Armor Enhancement Stone.
Use to obtain a R, R95, or R99 Royal White Save Ticket.
Use to obtain a R, R95, or R99 Royal Purple Save Ticket.
Double-click to obtain a Basic Dimensional Bracelet - Stage 6 (Non-exchangeable/ tradable).
Double-click to randomly obtain one of the 6 types of Dimensional Bracelet Enhancement Stones.
Scroll for the growth of Zodiac Agathions.\nEnchantment level does not drop when an enchant attempt fails.
Use to obtain 4 Zodiac Agathion Cubes. There is also a chance to additionally obtain a Divine Zodiac Agathion Book of Grow
Use to obtain 4 Zodiac Agathion Cubes and a Divine Zodiac Agathion Book of Growth.
Appearance Stone that gives a shield Burnstein's Aufgabe Shield appearance for 30 days.
Appearance Stone that gives a shield Kelbim's Geffelen Shulter appearance for 30 days.
Appearance Stone that gives a shield Superion Core Shard appearance for 30 days.
Appearance Stone that gives a shield Istina's Reflector appearance for 30 days.
Appearance Stone that gives a shield Taiga Kite Shield appearance for 30 days.
Appearance Stone that gives a shield Tanta Tribe Skull Shield appearance for 30 days.
Appearance Stone that gives a shield Rael Tribe Wrist Shield appearance for 30 days.
Appearance Stone that gives a shield Kunda's Battle Shield appearance for 30 days.
Appearance Stone that gives a shield Freya's Ice Flower Shield appearance for 30 days.
Appearance Stone that gives a shield Deathmask Shield appearance for 30 days.
Appearance Stone that gives a shield Berserker's Crusader Shield appearance for 30 days.
Appearance Stone that gives a shield Makkum's Cartwheel appearance for 30 days.
Appearance Stone that gives a shield Fallen Angel Shulter appearance for 30 days.
Appearance Stone that gives a shield Silver Scarab appearance for 30 days.
Appearance Stone that gives a shield Vampire Fang Shield appearance for 30 days.
Appearance Stone that gives a shield Ice Shard Shield appearance for 30 days.
Appearance Stone that gives a shield Angelus Shield appearance for 30 days.
A support box received after completing the Adventure Guild faction missions. Double-click to obtain various items needed fo
Adventure Guild Completion Box
Threads weaved with Nerupa's power. Using them on a Lithra Bud turns back the Lithra Bud's time and creates a Nerupa Bu
Threads weaved with Nerupa's power. Using them on a Lithra Bud turns back the Lithra Bud's time and creates a Nerupa Bu
Threads weaved with Nerupa's power. Using them on a Lithra Bud turns back the Lithra Bud's time and creates a Nerupa Bu

Pagina 441

Thoughts Lithra has planted to manipulate living creatures and gain more power. As Lithra's Consideration is tied with Lithra's
The thread of fate that binds Nerupa, Lithra, and the Mother Tree together. It is normally not visible to the naked eye, but Ner
Petals of the monsters born from Nerupa Buds. These are evidence of the impact of time regression. As Nerupa Bud Petals o
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Wasteland West. The request can be acce
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Wasteland East. The request can be accep
A request issued by the Hunter Guild to eliminate Giant Monsters in the Forest of the Dead. Characters of level 100-110 can
A request issued by the Hunter Guild to eliminate Giant Monsters in the Swamp of Screams. Characters of level 100-110 can
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Wasteland West.
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Wasteland East.
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Forest of the Dead.
A request from the Hunter Guild calling on you to defeat the giant monsters in the Swamp of Screams.
Items that Black Wizard Lapathia asked you to obtain from monsters in the Altar of Evil for a purification ritual.
Items that Black Wizard Lapathia asked you to obtain from monsters in the Altar of Evil for a memorial ritual for her perished k
The extract that Grocer Vollodos asked you to collect by defeating bugs in the Bloody Swampland.
Blood that Grocer Vollodos asked you to collect by defeating demons and undead monsters in the Bloody Swampland.
Traces obtained after defeating mutated fairies and satyrs in the Forest of Fairies. Take them to the Fairy Refugee.
Shells obtained after defeating Cocoon Destroyers in Kimerian's Forest. Take them to Nerupa.
Control modules obtained after defeating the Control Golems on the Isle of Souls. Take them to Hesed of the Black Anvil Gui
A cannonball that can be used with a cannon in the Prison of Darkness. When hit, it stuns Spezion and his clones for 10 sec.
A cannonball that can be used with a cannon in the Prison of Darkness. When hit, it removes Spezion's Invincibility buff for 1
A cannonball that can be used with a cannon in the Prison of Darkness. When hit, it removes Spezion's Invincibility buff for 1
Zodiac Agathion growth scroll. Increases M. Def. when the Agathion grows, adding a Special Ability from +4. Ensures safe en
Use to randomly obtain either Kaliel's Energy - Desire or the Energy of Longing.
Can be exchanged for the Zodiac Agathion Book of Growth through the Warehouse Keeper.
Can be exchanged for the Faint Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt through the Warehouse Keeper.
Can be exchanged for the Mysterious Bait through the Warehouse Keeper.
Can be exchanged for either Energy of Longing or Sayha's Energy through the Warehouse Keeper.
A cube box received from Herphah for completing the Adventure Guild missions. Double-click to obtain useful items periodica
Fishing Time: 105 sec\nFishing Standby Time: 15 sec\n\nThere is a small chance of hooking a Reddish Box when fishing wit
Appearance Stone that gives a shield Burnstein's Pflicht Shield appearance for 30 days.
A basic supply box received in exchange for helping the Mother Tree Guardians with their mission in Shadow of the Mother T
An intermediate supply box received in exchange for helping the Mother Tree Guardians with their mission in Shadow of the M
An advanced supply box received in exchange for helping the Mother Tree Guardians with their mission in Shadow of the Mo
Scroll used for sealing an item.\nThe sealed item cannot be used for any enchantment related systems and is restricted from
Use to unseal a sealed item.
Specified Usage Count Item
Specified Usage Count Item
Specified Usage Count Item
Appearance Stone that gives a shield Blackish Scarab appearance for 30 days.
Appearance Stone that gives a shield Scarlet Scarab appearance for 30 days.
Appearance Stone that gives a shield Gold Scarab appearance for 30 days.
Double-click to obtain 10 Release Seal Scrolls (15-min).
Use to move to the Town of Aden.
Use to move to the Town of Aden.
Presents prepared with care by GM Lassana. Double-click to obtain various consumables. If you are in luck, you may get a v
Ruler's Authority enhancement material. Talk to Ilia in the Town of Aden to enhance your Ruler's Authority.
Clan Hall Belt crafting material. Talk to Ilia in the Town of Aden to craft a Clan Hall Belt.
Item containing the secret of Clan Hall Belt crafting. Talk to Ilia in the Town of Aden to craft a Clan Hall Belt.
Item containing the secret of Nurka/ Gustav/ Lidia's Belt disassembly. \nTalk to Ilia in the Town of Aden to disassemble each

Pagina 442

Double-click to obtain a box containing a Talisman - Wind (30-day).

Double-click to obtain a Talisman - Wind: P. Critical Damage (30-day). Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Double-click to obtain a Talisman- Wind: M. Critical Damage (30-day). Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Double-click to obtain a Talisman - Wind: Defense (30-day). Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Double-click to obtain a Talisman - Wind: Debuff Resistance (30-day). Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Double-click to obtain a box containing a Fortress Talisman (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a Fortress Talisman - Vitality (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a Fortress Talisman- P. Skill Power (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a Fortress Talisman - M. Skill Power (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a Fortress Talisman - P. Atk. (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a Fortress Talisman - M. Atk. (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a Fortress Talisman - P. Def. (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a Fortress Talisman - M. Def. (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a Fortress Talisman - Atk. Spd. (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a Fortress Talisman - Casting Spd. (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a Fortress Talisman - P. Accuracy (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a Fortress Talisman - M. Accuracy (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a Fortress Talisman - Shield Def. (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a Fortress Talisman - Max HP (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a Fortress Talisman - Max MP (15-day).
Double-click to obtain a Fortress Talisman - Movement Speed (15-day).
A supply box received from Herphah for completing the Adventure Guild missions. Double-click to obtain a variety of supply it
A supply box received from Herphah for completing the Adventure Guild missions. Double-click to obtain a variety of supply it
Special coins imbued with the Night Goblin's power. Can be used with the Black Marketeer of Mammon.
Use it to obtain 500 Night Goblin Coins.\n
Use to obtain 800 Night Goblin Coins.\n
Use to obtain 2000 Night Goblin Coins.\n
Use it to obtain a Dark Weapon Enhancement Stone or Bloody Weapon Enhancement Stone.
Special cube issued by the Balthus Knights to new or returning players. Use to obtain the Knights' Basic Supplies.\nCan obta
Use to obtain 3 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies and 1 PA Points Coupon (720 Points). Also, there is a chance to obtain 1 o
Use to obtain 1 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade) and 1 Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade).
Double-click to obtain a +8 Shiny Elemental Shirt.
Double-click to obtain a +8 Reflect Attack T-shirt.
Double-click to obtain a +8 Reflect Magic T-shirt.
A certificate stating Merlot's promise to help you during crisis. Take it to Merlot before facing a great challenge.\n
Merlot's special order that radiates the aura of Honor Force. Take it to Merlot in the Hunters Village.\n
Use to move to Herphah in the Town of Aden.
Merlot's gift that can be used as long as the influence of Honor Force remains. Recovers two of the four Vitality Gauge bars.
Material needed to upgrade a Dragon Skin Shirt to a Dragon Leather Shirt. Talk to Head Blacksmith Ferris in the Town of Ade
Material needed to upgrade a Dragon Leather Shirt to a Dragon Rind Leather Shirt. Talk to Head Blacksmith Ferris in the Tow
When used, Attack Attribute +70, all Attribute Resistance +70, and Acquired XP/ SP +30% for 30 min.\n\nEffect remains after
Enchant Scroll that is exclusively for Dragon Shirts. The scroll can enchant up to +5. Failure to enchant resets the enchantme
Use it to obtain 2 Dragon Attribute Tonic (XP). There is a chance to obtain a Dragon's Relic Chest or Shining Dragon's Relic C
Double-click to randomly obtain one of various items.\n
Double-click the box to obtain a very rare item at random.\n
Weapon enchant scroll that can only be used on a Mysterious Dragon Slayer. The Mysterious Dragon Slayer weapon can be
Weapon enchant scroll that can only be used on a Mysterious Dragon Slayer. The Mysterious Dragon Slayer weapon can be
Use to obtain +10 Bloody Eternal Light Armor, Heavy Armor, or Robe set.\n
Use to obtain a Bloody Eternal Heavy Armor set, enchanted to +10.\n

Pagina 443

Use to obtain a Bloody Eternal Light Armor set, enchanted to +10.\n

Use to obtain a Bloody Eternal Robe set, enchanted to +10.\n
Use to obtain a +5 Zodiac Agathion.\n
Use it to obtain one +6 Zodiac Agathion Charm.\n
Use it to obtain one +7 Zodiac Agathion Charm.\n
Use to obtain a R, R95, or R99 Royal Red Save Ticket.
Light recovery portion developed by Elysium's technology. When used, it restores 5000 HP, and the remaining power restore
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in the Shadow of the Mother Tree. Characters of level 10
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in the Shadow of the Mother Tree.
A medal awarded to those who contributed to a faction. Can be exchanged for 100 Faction Points of a desired faction through
An honorable medal awarded to those who contributed greatly to a faction. Can be exchanged for 1000 Faction Points of a d
A special cube given to the graduates of the Adventure Guild. Use it to obtain the Adventure Guild Supply Box containing gro
Use it to obtain 2 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies, and 1 Emperor's Rune (2-hour).
When used, increases Acquired XP/ SP by 30%, Acquired XP/ SP in Vitality state by 30%, and P. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Atk./ M. De
A gift box earned for restoring the Exhausted Elysium Buffalo the most. Double-click to obtain 5 billion Adena.\n
A gift box earned for restoring the Exhausted Elysium Buffalo the most. Double-click to randomly obtain one Scroll of Blessing
A gift box earned for restoring the Exhausted Elysium Buffalo the most. Double-click to randomly obtain one Blessed Anthara
A gift box earned for restoring the Exhausted Elysium Buffalo the most. Double-click to obtain randomly one Baium's Soul Rin
A gift box earned for restoring the Exhausted Elysium Buffalo the most. Double-click to randomly obtain one Blessed Valakas
A gift box earned for restoring the Exhausted Elysium Buffalo the most. Double-click to randomly obtain one Energy of Longin
A gift box earned for restoring the Exhausted Elysium Buffalo the most. Double-click to randomly obtain one White Human Kn
A gift box earned for restoring the Exhausted Elysium Buffalo the most. Double-click to randomly obtain one Healer/ Chevalie
A gift box earned for restoring the Exhausted Elysium Buffalo the most. Double-click to randomly obtain one Kain van Halter/
A gift box earned for restoring the Exhausted Elysium Buffalo the most. Double-click to obtain a box containing 3 Top-grade S
A gift box earned for restoring the Exhausted Elysium Buffalo the most. Double-click to randomly obtain a box out of 10 Lv. 5
A gift box earned for restoring the Exhausted Elysium Buffalo the most. Double-click to obtain one Top-grade/ Super Advance
The item that Corzet asked you to gather after defeating demons in the Silent Valley.
The item that Corzet asked you to gather as evidence of defeating demons in the Silent Valley.
Use the scroll to teleport to the Silent Valley.
A crystal containing the power of a special soul, which is made by imbuing Clan Shards with the power of magic. Used to sum
Fishing time: 105 sec.\nStandby time: 15 sec.\n\nNormal Fishing Bait. Fishing with this bait has a low chance of yielding a Blu
Fishing time: 105 sec.\nStandby time: 15 sec.\n\nFishing bait available from level 102. Fishing with this bait has a low chance
Fishing time: 105 sec.\nStandby time: 15 sec.\n\nFishing bait available from level 105. Fishing with this bait has a low chance
When used, increases P. Atk. by 3% or by 4% for 10 min. Even if different types of fish dishes are used, only one effect appli
When used, increases M. Atk. by 4% or by 5% for 10 min. Even if different types of fish dishes are used, only one effect appl
When used, increases Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. by 3%, Speed by 4 or Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. by 4%, Speed by 6 for 10 min. E
When used, increases Max HP/ MP by 6% or by 8% for 10 min. Even if different types of fish dishes are used, only one effec
When used, increases P. Atk./ M. Atk. by 2%, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. by 2%, Max HP/ MP by 2% or P. Atk./ M. Atk. by 3%, A
A message from Leona Blackbird, seeking the help of warriors in defeating Etis van Etina and restoring peace.
A token Etis van Etina gives to those assigned with important missions. Only those carrying out an important mission for Etis
Dark Atelia that demons were extracting. It is not fully extracted yet. Gather and take this Dark Atelia to Devianne at the entra
An item you found near the destroyed throne after defeating Helios. It is a part of the life and power source of the Giants. If yo
A fragment of Condensed Energy you can obtain by defeating demons in charge of the key process of refining the Dimension
A crystal of Condensed Energy you can obtain by defeating Dark Atelia Guardians including Atelia Guardian Harke, Atelia Gu
A glorious rune awarded to the class winner of the World Olympiad. If stored in the inventory, increases Vitality XP by 30%, P
A glorious rune awarded to the class runner-up of the World Olympiad. If stored in the inventory, increases Vitality XP by 20%
A celebration rune awarded to the members of the server that produced a Legend, the glorious World Olympiad winner. If sto
A fragment containing the power of Guardians who inherited the angels' power. Can be exchanged for a Guard Agathion Cha
A material item required to infuse the Guard Agathion's Breath.

Pagina 444

Growth Book exclusively for Guard Agathion. The book increases M. Def. and adds a Special Ability from +4. It can safely en
Growth Book exclusively for Guard Agathion. The book increases M. Def. and adds a Special Ability from +4. It can safely en
Evidence that proves you have defeated demons and prevented Atelia refinement. Take these to Leona Blackbird.
A basic supply box rewarded for helping the Blackbird Clan at the Atelia Refinery. Double-click to see the items inside.
An intermediate supply box rewarded for helping the Blackbird Clan at the Atelia Refinery. Double-click to see the items insid
An advanced supply box rewarded for helping the Blackbird Clan at the Atelia Refinery. Double-click to see the items inside.
Enchant Scroll exclusively for Savior's Mask. Enchantment increases P. Def. and Debuff Resistance. Enchantment to +7 or h
Enchant Scroll exclusively for Savior's Mask. Enchantment increases P. Def. and Debuff Resistance. Enchantment to +7 or h
Embodiment of the wish of the saviors who saved Aden from Etis van Etina. It can be obtained from the Blackbird Clan that le
A material item used to make the Scroll: Enchant Savior's Mask. Only those who are qualified can exchange it for the Savior's
Goblin Liquor. For 2 min., increases P. Atk./ M. Atk./ Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. by 100% and Acquired XP/ SP by 10%. The effe
Use it to obtain one of the precious items prepared by Goblin.\n
Has a chance to produce a Greater Topaz if combined with a level 5 Topaz.
Has a chance to produce a Greater Ruby if combined with a level 5 Ruby.
Has a chance to produce a Greater Obsidian if combined with a level 5 Obsidian.
Has a chance to produce a Greater Opal if combined with a level 5 Opal.
Has a chance to produce a Greater Emerald if combined with a level 5 Emerald.
Has a chance to produce a Greater Aquamarine if combined with a level 5 Aquamarine.
Has a chance to produce a Greater Diamond if combined with a level 5 Diamond.
Has a chance to produce a Greater Pearl if combined with a level 5 Pearl.
Has a chance to produce a Greater Sapphire if combined with a level 5 Sapphire.
Has a chance to produce a Greater Vital Stone if combined with a level 5 Vital Stone.
Has a chance to produce a Greater Garnet if combined with a level 5 Garnet.
Has a chance to produce a Greater Tanzanite if combined with a level 5 Tanzanite.
Has a chance to produce a Greater Red Cat's Eye if combined with a level 5 Red Cat's Eye.
Has a chance to produce a Greater Blue Cat's Eye if combined with a level 5 Blue Cat's Eye.
A material item used to make a level 4 Gem with energy. Can be exchanged through a Black Marketeer of Mammon or Shad
A reward box for the 1st place clan of the Throne of Heroes.
A reward box for the 2nd place clan of the Throne of Heroes.
A reward box for the 3rd place clan of the Throne of Heroes.
A reward box for the 4th place clan of the Throne of Heroes.
A reward box for the 5th place clan of the Throne of Heroes.
A reward box for the clans that reached level 1 in the Throne of Heroes.
A reward box for the clans that reached level 2 in the Throne of Heroes.
A reward box for the clans that reached level 3 in the Throne of Heroes.
A reward box for the clans that reached level 4 in the Throne of Heroes.
A reward box for the clans that reached level 5 in the Throne of Heroes.
Use it to obtain one of the Helios Weapon Crafting Packs.
Use it to obtain one of the Eternal Armor Crafting Packs.
Use it to obtain one of the Specter Weapon Crafting Packs.
Use it to obtain one of the Seraph Armor Crafting Packs.
Use it to obtain the Eternal Heavy Armor Crafting Pack Set.
Use it to obtain the Eternal Light Armor Crafting Pack Set.
Use it to obtain the Eternal Robe Armor Crafting Pack Set.
Warrior's Miracle Cure purchased with the Marks of Battle.\nWhen used, it restores HP by 7000, and the remaining power res
A box containing the Warrior's Rune (1-hour) purchased with the Marks of Battle. Double-click to obtain the Warrior's Rune (1
Warrior's Rune purchased with the Mark of Battle.\nIf stored in the inventory, increases Hunting Acquired XP/ SP by 20%.
Double-click to obtain 30 Secret Embryo Bait Coupons. There is also a chance to obtain 1 Archangel's Fortune Box or Nevit's
Double-click the box to obtain one rare item at random.\n

Pagina 445

Double-click the box to obtain one very item at random.\n

For 1 hour, Acquired XP/ SP +100% when fishing succeeds.\nApplied to all bait.
For 2 hour, Acquired XP/ SP +100% when fishing succeeds.\nApplied to all bait.
For 4 hour, Acquired XP/ SP +100% when fishing succeeds.\nApplied to all bait.
For 8 hour, Acquired XP/ SP +100% when fishing succeeds.\nApplied to all bait.
Use it to obtain a Fantastic Fishing Spot Entrance Pass that allows you to stay in the Fantastic Fishing Spot for 1 hour.\nYou
Use it to obtain a Fantastic Fishing Spot Entrance Pass that allows you to stay in the Fantastic Fishing Spot for 2 hours.\nYou
Use it to obtain a Fantastic Fishing Spot Entrance Pass that allows you to stay in the Fantastic Fishing Spot for 4 hours.\nYou
Use it to obtain a Fantastic Fishing Spot Entrance Pass that allows you to stay in the Fantastic Fishing Spot for 8 hours.\nYou
If stored in the inventory, it allows you to freely enter the Fantastic Fishing Spot. When it expires, you will be expelled from the
If stored in the inventory, it allows you to freely enter the Fantastic Fishing Spot. When it expires, you will be expelled from the
If stored in the inventory, it allows you to freely enter the Fantastic Fishing Spot. When it expires, you will be expelled from the
If stored in the inventory, it allows you to freely enter the Fantastic Fishing Spot. When it expires, you will be expelled from the
When used, increases Hunting Acquired XP/ SP by 100% for 30 min.\nCannot stack with the Fall of the Dragon or Dandy's H
Double-click to obtain a 30-day Greater Red & Blue Cat's Eyes Box, Greater Ruby & Sapphire Box, Greater Diamond Box, G
Double-click to obtain Greater Ruby Lv. 1 and Sapphire Lv. 1 (30-day).
When used, increases Successful Fishing XP by 50% for 1 hour.\nApplied to all bait. \nCan be stacked with Angler's Blessing
Use it to recharge a certain amount of Vitality. No weekly usage limit.
When used, increases Acquired XP/ SP by 30%, Acquired XP/ SP in Vitality state by 30%, and P. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Atk./ M. De
Use it to receive Deton's gift.\n
A fresh tuna that Fisher Deton is desperately looking for. Take it to Deton on the event platform of each town.\n
Double-click to obtain a Greater Opal Lv. 1 (30-day).\n
Double-click to obtain a Greater Diamond Lv. 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a Greater Pearl Lv. 1 (30-day).\n
Double-click to obtain Lindvior's Earring, Blessed Antharas' Earring, Blessed Valakas' Necklace, Tauti's Ring, and Earth Wyrm
Double-click to obtain Greater Red Cat's Eye Lv. 1 and Greater Blue Cat's Eye Lv. 1 (30-day).\n
A special cube that Chorong has prepared as a Thanksgiving gift. You can obtain 1 to 3 Chorong's Thanksgiving Lucky Pouc
When used, increases Acquired XP/ SP by 50%, Acquired XP/ SP in Vitality state by 50%, and P. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Atk./ M. De
Use it to obtain Wind Vitality Tonic and Deton's Purple Potion. There is a chance to receive Deton's special gift.\n
When used, Successful Fishing XP +50% for 2 hours.\nApplied to all bait. \nCan be stacked with Angler's Blessing.\n
When used, Successful Fishing XP +50% for 4 hours.\nApplied to all bait. \nCan be stacked with Angler's Blessing.\n
When used, Successful Fishing XP +50% for 8 hours.\nApplied to all bait. \nCan be stacked with Angler's Blessing.\n
Use it to obtain an Antharas, Valakas, or Lindvior Fragment weapon.
Use it to obtain an Antharas, Valakas, or Lindvior Standard weapon.
Enchant scroll exclusively for Angel and Dragon accessories. The scroll can enchant an accessory up to +10. \n\n<Warning>
A lucky pouch prepared by Chorong. Use it to obtain 1 Sweet Dumpling and 1 Chorong's Fortune Scroll.\n
Use it to obtain a Dandy's Home Run Ball, Dandy's Golden Ball, Ruler's Authority (7-day), Nevit's Cloak of Light (30-day), Em
A lucky pouch that Chorong carefully prepared. Use it to obtain 3 Dandy's Golden Balls, 1 Fantastic Fishing Spot Entrance Pa
Use it to obtain a Fantastic Fishing Spot Entrance Pass that allows you to stay in the Fantastic Fishing Spot for 1 hour.\nYou
Double-click to obtain Freya's Dark Rune (30-day).\nThe effect of Freya's Dark Rune is not applied to Olympiad.
Double-click to obtain Freya's Bloody Rune (30-day).
Double-click to obtain Freya's Vital Rune (30-day).\n
Double-click to obtain the Advanced Mammon's Talisman - Skill Power (30-day).
Double-click to obtain the Advanced Mammon's Talisman - Attack Attribute (30-day).
Double-click to obtain the Advanced Mammon's Talisman - Skill Cooldown (30-day).
When stored in the inventory, PvP Damage +15%.\nCannot be used in Olympiad.
When stored in the inventory, PvE Damage +15%.
If stored in the inventory, increases Bonus XP gain in Vitality state by 50% (excludes boss monsters) and decreases Vitality C
Use it to obtain the Dimensional Bracelet - Stage 6 (CHA +5).\n

Pagina 446

Use it to obtain one of the precious items prepared by Goblin.\n

A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in the Silent Valley. Characters level 95-101 can receive
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in the Atelia Refinery. Characters level 103 or higher can
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate Helios in the Fallen Emperor's Throne. Characters level 103 or high
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate Etis van Etina. Characters level 104 or higher can receive the requ
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in the Silent Valley.
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in the Atelia Refinery.
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate Helios in the Fallen Emperor's Throne.
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate Etis van Etina.
Extra pass to a daily Instanced Zone Dungeon prepared by the Red Libra Merchants. Double-click to unbind Kartia Labyrinth
Extra pass to a daily Instanced Zone Dungeon prepared by the Red Libra Merchants. Double-click to unbind the Crystal Priso
Extra pass to a daily Instanced Zone Dungeon prepared by the Red Libra Merchants. Double-click to unbind the Nightmare K
Extra pass to a daily instanced zone prepared by the Red Libra Merchants. Double-click to unbind the Embryo Command Po
Extra pass to a daily Instanced Zone Dungeon prepared by the Red Libra Merchants. Double-click to unbind the Altar of Shile
Extra pass to a daily Instanced Zone Dungeon prepared by the Red Libra Merchants. Double-click to unbind the Fallen Empe
Extra pass to an Instanced Zone Dungeon prepared by the Red Libra Merchants. Double-click to unbind Fall of Etina. Canno
Dimensional item\nExtra pass to a daily instanced zone. Double-click to unbind the Fallen Emperor's Throne. Cannot be used
Dimensional item\nExtra pass to an instanced zone. Double-click to unbind Fall of Etina. Cannot be used if the instanced zon
A specialty traded by the Red Libra Merchants. Restores 1/ 2 of a Vitality Gauge bar. Cooldown is 1 min. Cannot be used in O
A specialty traded by the Red Libra Merchants. When used, increases Successful Fishing XP by 50% for 1 hour. \nApplied to
Double-click to obtain a 14th Anniversary Rune (30-day).\n
A 14th Anniversary Rune item. If stored in the inventory, increases P. Atk./ M. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Def./ Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd./
Double-click to earn a specialty item of the Red Libra Merchants.\n
Double-click to receive supply items prepared by the Red Libra Merchants.\n
Double-click to receive a gift from the Red Libra Merchants.\n
Double-click to earn one of the Enchant Scroll items prepared by the Red Libra Merchants.\n
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply
The last commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra s
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's specia
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's specia

Pagina 447

A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's specia
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's specia
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's 14th A
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's specia
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's specia
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's specia
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's specia
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's 14th A
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's specia
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's specia
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's specia
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's specia
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's 14th A
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's specia
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's specia
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's specia
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's specia
A commemorative 14th Anniversary cube item that the Red Libra Merchants prepared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra's 14th A
When used, increases Attack Attributes by 70, all Attribute Resistance by 70, and Acquired XP/ SP by 30% for 30 min.\n\nBu
A gift box earned for restoring the Exhausted Elysium Buffalo the most. Double-click to obtain one of the +7 Zodiac Agathion
A gift box earned for restoring the Exhausted Elysium Buffalo the most. Double-click to obtain one of the +6 Guard Agathion C
A gift box earned for restoring the Exhausted Elysium Buffalo the most. Double-click to obtain one of the level 5 Gems.\n
A gift box earned for restoring the Exhausted Elysium Buffalo the most. Double-click to obtain one of the Dark/ Bloody Helios
A gift box earned for restoring the Exhausted Elysium Buffalo the most. Double-click to obtain one of the R99 Royal Purple, R
When used, increases Successful Fishing XP by 100% for 1 hour.\nApplied to all bait.\n
A weapon enchant scroll that can be used only on Freya's Ice Staff. You cannot use items that increase enchant success rate
A weapon enchant scroll that can be used only on Freya's Ice Staff. The scroll enchants the weapon randomly between +1 to
Double-click to obtain a rare item such as a rare accessory at random.\n
Double-click to obtain an item for enchantment at random.\n
Double-click to randomly obtain a greater Gem enchantment material or a character growth item.\n
Double-click Freya's Fortune Stick to obtain 1 Freya's Frozen Scroll and 1 Freya's Art of Seduction XP/ Barrier or Pa'agrio's B
Dimensional item\nWhen used, increases Max HP/ MP/ CP by 30%, P. Atk./ M. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Def. by 30%, Atk. Spd./ Cast
Combine it with a Greater Jewel to increase the jewel's power. Can be used with any Greater Jewel.
Use it to obtain a Lindvior's Earring, a Blessed Antharas' Earring, and a Blessed Valakas' Necklace.\n
Defeat the giant monsters as requested by Head Priest of the Earth Daichir in the Town of Schuttgart. Gather their souls as e
An item containing Merkios' magic power. Can be exchanged for special items through Meirin from the Golden Compass Exp
Extra pass to a daily instanced zone. Double-click to unbind Merkios' Altar. Cannot be used if the instanced zone is not bound
A journal in which Paterson's Disciple Bacon recorded his findings in the Sea of Spores. He lost the journal while hastily evac
Part of the Energy of the Sea of Spores obtained from Orfen's Handmaidens Arima and Arimus. It is dispersing as it is unstab
Seized Energy of the Sea of Spores obtained by defeating monsters in the Sea of Spores. Energy of the Sea of Spores usua
Double-click to obtain one level 5 Gem.
Double-click to obtain one level 1 Greater Gem.
Enchant scroll exclusively for Lucien's Bracelet. When used, the scroll enchants Lucien's Bracelet with a 100% chance and c
Use it to receive a Chronicle Support Box.\nYou can earn a Greater Vital Stone (30-day) on the 30th use.
Use it to receive a Chronicle Support Box.\nYou can earn 1 Greater Vital Stone (30-day) on the 30th use, 10 Immortal Scroll
Dimensional item\nWhen used, increases Max HP/ MP/ CP by 30%, P. Atk./ M. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Def. by 30%, Atk. Spd./ Cast
A rune item. If stored in the inventory, increases P. Atk./ M. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Def./ Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd./ P. Critical Rate/ M.
A rune item. If stored in the inventory, increases P. Atk./ M. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Def./ Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd./ P. Critical Rate/ M.
Double-click to obtain 1 Freya's Ice Rose (Event). There is a chance to obtain a Dark/ Bloody Enhancement Stone, Freya's W

Pagina 448

Use it to receive one of Freya's gifts.\n

Use it to participate in the lucky gift draw for 8 hours. Can be used by level 85 or higher. Buffs persist even after you change
A gift from Chorong's fortune draw. Use it to earn 1 billion Adena.
A gift from Chorong's fortune draw. Use it to earn 2 billion Adena.
A gift from Chorong's fortune draw. Use it to earn 3 billion Adena.
When used, increases Attack Attributes by 70, all Attribute Resistance by 70, and Acquired XP/ SP by 30% for 30 min.\n\nBu

Double-click to obtain 1 Fallen Angel's Ring and 10 Scrolls: Enchant Fallen Angel Accessory.
Double-click to obtain 1 +9 Fallen Angel's Ring.
Double-click to obtain 1 +10 Fallen Angel's Ring.
Enchant scroll exclusively for Fallen Angel accessories. The scroll can enchant an accessory up to +10. Failure to enchant de
A Fantastic Fishing Cube item. Use it to receive a Fantastic Fishing Basic Bundle.\nYou can earn a Fantastic Fishing Interme
Use it to obtain 360 Secret Embryo Bait Coupons and 3 Angler's Blessing (1-hour).\n
Use it to obtain 500 Secret Embryo Bait Coupons, 3 Angler's Blessing (1-hour), and 2 Fantastic Fishing Spot Entrance Pass P
Use it to obtain 600 Secret Embryo Bait Coupons, 4 Angler's Blessing (1-hour), and 4 Fantastic Fishing Spot Entrance Pass P
Use it to obtain a Fantastic Fishing Cube (15 times).\n
Infinite bliss! Aurora is greatly surprised while telling your fortune. You will be incredibly lucky in 2018. Double-click to obtain a
All is well! Aurora smiles brightly while telling your fortune. Everything will go well in 2018. Double-click to obtain a reward.\n
A precious gift that Red Nosed Rudolph secretly snuck out from Santa's pouch. Double-click to obtain a reward. \n
A brightly shining red bell. Contains Red Nosed Rudolph's wish to light your way like a lighthouse guiding ships at night. Take
A herb pouch filled with luck. For 5 min., increases P. Atk./ M. Atk./ Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. by 50% and Acquired XP/ SP by 1
Double-click to randomly obtain a Forgotten Spellbook Chapter 1, Forgotten Spellbook Chapter 2, or Forgotten Spellbook Ch
A spellbook required to learn Forgotten Power Levels 6 to 10. \nYou can exchange it through a Dimensional Merchant for Fo
A spellbook required to learn Forgotten Power Levels 11 to 20.
A spellbook required to learn Forgotten Power Levels 21 to 30.
A request issued by the Hunter Guild to eliminate Giant Monsters in the Sea of Spores. Characters of level 102 or higher can
A request issued by the Hunter Guild to eliminate Giant Monsters in the Shadow of the Mother Tree. Characters of level 102
A request issued by the Hunter Guild to eliminate Giant Monsters in the Sea of Spores
A request issued by the Hunter Guild to eliminate Giant Monsters in the Shadow of the Mother Tree
Gather letters to complete 2018 HAPPY NEW YEAR/ HAPPY NEW YEAR/ HAPPY and take them to Event NPC Happy Dog
Gather letters to complete 2018 HAPPY NEW YEAR/ HAPPY NEW YEAR/ HAPPY and take them to Event NPC Happy Dog
Gather letters to complete 2018 HAPPY NEW YEAR/ HAPPY NEW YEAR/ HAPPY and take them to Event NPC Happy Dog
Gather letters to complete 2018 HAPPY NEW YEAR/ HAPPY NEW YEAR/ HAPPY and take them to Event NPC Happy Dog
Gather letters to complete 2018 HAPPY NEW YEAR/ HAPPY NEW YEAR/ HAPPY and take them to Event NPC Happy Dog
Gather letters to complete 2018 HAPPY NEW YEAR/ HAPPY NEW YEAR/ HAPPY and take them to Event NPC Happy Dog
Gather letters to complete 2018 HAPPY NEW YEAR/ HAPPY NEW YEAR/ HAPPY and take them to Event NPC Happy Dog
Gather letters to complete 2018 HAPPY NEW YEAR/ HAPPY NEW YEAR/ HAPPY and take them to Event NPC Happy Dog
Gather letters to complete 2018 HAPPY NEW YEAR/ HAPPY NEW YEAR/ HAPPY and take them to Event NPC Happy Dog
Contains Golden Dog's strong wish to personally see the brave warriors of Aden. Use the scroll and Golden Dog will be summ
When used, the potion summons a legendary bobsleigh athlete's soul that increases STR by 7, Vitality by 15%, and Acquired
When used, the potion summons a legendary figure skater's soul that increases CON/ MEN by 7, Vitality by 15%, and Acquir
When used, the potion summons a legendary curling athlete's soul that increases INT by 7, Vitality by 15%, and Acquired XP
A lucky pouch filled with the spirit of gold. Is that loud heartbeat coming from Happy Dog or you? Double-click to obtain a rew
Rewards one of the following letters: 2018, H, A P, Y, N, E, W, and R.
A suspicious vault secretly traded at Mystic Tavern. If used, it returns a rare item.\n
A special Soul Crystal with Shilen's Soul. Can assign weapons one of the following soul crystal enhancement abilities: War, R
A special Soul Crystal with Shilen's Soul. Can assign weapons one of the following soul crystal enhancement abilities: War, R
A special Soul Crystal with Shilen's Soul. Can assign weapons one of the following soul crystal enhancement abilities: War, R
A special Soul Crystal with Shilen's Soul. Can assign weapons one of the following soul crystal enhancement abilities: War, R

Pagina 449

A special Soul Crystal with Shilen's Soul. Can assign weapons one of the following soul crystal enhancement abilities: War, R
A special Soul Crystal with Shilen's Soul. Can assign weapons one of the following soul crystal enhancement abilities: War, R
A special Soul Crystal with Shilen's Soul. Can assign weapons one of the following soul crystal enhancement abilities: War, R
A special Soul Crystal with Shilen's Soul. Can assign weapons one of the following soul crystal enhancement abilities: War, R
A special Soul Crystal with Shilen's Soul. Can assign weapons one of the following soul crystal enhancement abilities: War, R
A special Soul Crystal with Shilen's Soul. Can assign weapons one of the following soul crystal enhancement abilities: War, R
Soul fire with Shilen's Soul. Can upgrade the Shilen's Soul Crystal by combining a soul with it.\nIf combination fails, the soul c
Use it to obtain a Shilen's Soul Crystal Stage 1 and 10 Shilen's Souls that are used to enchant the Shilen's Soul Crystal.
Soul fragments that have been rendered useless from a strong clash of powers.\nCan be sold to NPC Shop.
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, sp
A scroll to level-up as fast as the wind. Hunting XP and SP gain +200%. Remains active after death. Duration 10 min. Cooldo
A scroll to hunt with the force of a raging billow. When used, attack attribute +100, all Attribute Resistance +100, and Acquire
When stored in the inventory, it enables you to enter a daily instanced dungeon regardless of its level limit. \n\n<Daily Instanc
When stored in the inventory, it enables you equip all grade items without any penalty.
When stored in the inventory, Acquired XP/ SP +100% and Vitality +100% (excludes boss monsters). \nLv. 104 and below. \n
A mysterious item filled with the love and energy of Frederick the Destroyer. Recovers Vitality in a peace zone. Double-click t
A sweet, lovely box. Perhaps too lovely. It reminds you of Orc’s longing look, making you slightly uncomfortable. Double-click
Part of a storybook that can be obtained in Mystic Tavern. Its content is hidden.
A scroll that can be used only to enchant the Lady's Ornamental Silver Knife. Created by the Blacksmith of Mammon, the scr
An item containing Lucien’s power. Can be exchanged for special items through Meirin from the Golden Compass Explorers.
Extra pass to a daily Instanced Zone Dungeon. Double-click to unbind Lurin’s Fortress. Cannot be used if the Instanced Zone
A mark showing that you are under Toma’s protection. When stored in the inventory, it increases the number of Lucien's Mark
A mysterious ancient herb. It bestows either Ancient Power, Ancient Knowledge, or DEX.
A token of gratitude from a mentee who has grown thanks to his mentor’s aid. Recharges a certain amount of Vitality. Can be
Use it to obtain Mysterious Soulshot, Mysterious Blessed Spiritshot, Zodiac Cube Fragment, Rune Stone, Seed Bracelet, or o
A blessing that the Dimensional Wizard grants to the winner of a dimensional siege. For 60 min, XP and SP gain +15%.\nCoo
A rare box passed down in Elmore. Double-click to obtain an item with a certain chance.
Use it to obtain 1 +8 Fallen Angel's Necklace.
Use it to obtain 1 +8 Fallen Angel's Earring.
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in Sea of Spores. Characters level 106 or higher can rece
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in Krofin’s Nest. Characters of level 107 or higher can rec
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in Sea of Spores.
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in Krofin’s Nest.
Extra pass to a daily Instanced Zone Dungeon prepared by the Red Libra Merchants. Double-click to unbind the Krofin’s Nes
Dimensional item\nExtra pass to a daily Instanced Zone Dungeon. Double-click to unbind the Krofin’s Nest. Cannot be used i
Double-click to obtain one of the Kain van Halter, Mermoden, Leona, Pantheon, and Lionel Stage 5 Soul Crystals.
When used, P. Atk. +3% or +4% for 30 min. Even if different types of fish dishes are used, only one effect applies.
When used, M. Atk. +4% or +5% for 30 min. Even if different types of fish dishes are used, only one effect applies.
When used, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +3%, Speed +4 or Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +4%, Speed +6 for 30 min. Even if different ty
When used, Max HP/ MP +6% or +8% for 30 min. Even if different types of fish dishes are used, only one effect applies.
A scroll that teleports you to the Atelia Refinery
A spellbook so seriously damaged that its content is illegible. Anton of the Mystic Guild Library in the Town of Rune may be a
Use it to obtain a Dragon's Relic Chest or Shining Dragon Treasure Chest. There is a chance to obtain an Artifact Fragment.
Double-click the box to obtain an item at random.
Double-click the box to obtain 1 Shining Dragon Attribute Tonic (XP) and 1 very rare item at random.
Double-click to obtain a rare item such as a rare accessory at random.
Chorong's Lucky Gift. Use it to obtain one of +7 Guard Agathion Charms.
Can obtain 1 of the following: Artifact - Received Damage Reduction When Immobilized, Artifact - P. Skill Power, Artifact - M.
Double-click to obtain a +5 Radiant Warrior's Circlet.

Pagina 450

Double-click to obtain a +5 Radiant Wizard's Circlet.

Double-click to obtain a +5 Radiant Knight's Circlet.
Obtain a +5 Dragon Rind Leather Shirt.
Use it to obtain one of the boxes containing 10 Lv. 5 Legendary Dyes of STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, or MEN.
Use it to obtain one of the boxes containing 10 Lv. 4 Legendary Dyes of STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, or MEN.
Double-click to participate in the lucky gift draw.
When stored in the inventory, Acquired XP/ SP +20% and Vitality +20%. Can be used at all levels. \n
A coin paid for activity while disguised as a Balthus Knight. Balthus Knights' Supply Officer Sibi will be able to exchange them
Material to craft Artifacts. Can craft Artifact - Received Damage Reduction When Immobilized, Artifact - P. Skill Power, Artifac
Gather letters to complete Victory Korea or Korea, and take them to Event NPC Lineage II to get a reward.
Gather letters to complete Victory Korea or Korea, and take them to Event NPC Lineage II to get a reward.
Gather letters to complete Victory Korea or Korea, and take them to Event NPC Lineage II to get a reward.
Gather letters to complete Victory Korea or Korea, and take them to Event NPC Lineage II to get a reward.
Gather letters to complete Victory Korea or Korea, and take them to Event NPC Lineage II to get a reward.
Gather letters to complete Victory Korea or Korea, and take them to Event NPC Lineage II to get a reward.
Gather letters to complete Victory Korea or Korea, and take them to Event NPC Lineage II to get a reward.
Gather letters to complete Victory Korea or Korea, and take them to Event NPC Lineage II to get a reward.
Gather letters to complete Victory Korea or Korea, and take them to Event NPC Lineage II to get a reward.
Gather letters to complete Victory Korea or Korea, and take them to Event NPC Lineage II to get a reward.
For the victory of Korea, Lineage II has prepared this Gold Trophy for warriors. Double-click to receive a reward.
Party Herb for 2018 Russia World Cup
A soccer ball prepared for the victory of Korea. When double-clicked, increases Acquired XP/ SP by 100% for 1 hour. Cannot
When used, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P. Atk./ M. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Def. +30%, Atk./ Casting Spd. +10%, Movement Speed 20,
Double-click to obtain a +5 Enchanted Shiny Elemental Shirt.
Double-click to obtain a +5 Enchanted Reflect Attack T-shirt.
Double-click to obtain a +5 Enchanted Magical Reflect Shirt.
Grants Horn Melody, Guitar Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Drum Melody Lv. 5/ Warrior's Harmony Lv. 2/ War Drum, Marching
Grants Horn Melody, Guitar Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Drum Melody Lv. 5/ Wizard's Harmony Lv. 2/ War Drum, Marching D
Grants Horn Melody, Guitar Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Drum Melody Lv. 5/ Knight's Harmony Lv. 2/ War Drum, Marching D
A scroll for challengers’ growth. Hunting Acquired XP/ SP +200%. Remains active after death. Duration 10 min. Cooldown 9 m
Dimensional item\nExtra pass to a daily Instanced Zone Dungeon. Double-click to unbind the Altar of Shilen. Cannot be used
Use it to obtain 1 Eva’s Summer Fishing Pouch.
Use it to obtain 1 Fantastic Fishing Dock Entrance Pass Pack (1-hour), 120 Secret Embryo Bait Coupons, and 1 Angler's Ble
If used, it returns a rare item.
Double-click to obtain the Advanced Mammon’s Talisman - Skill Power (2-hour).\n
Double-click to obtain the Advanced Mammon’s Talisman Box - Attack Attribute (2-hour).\n
Double-click to obtain the Advanced Mammon’s Talisman - Skill Cooldown (2-hour).\n
A rare mineral stone that is made from a stone inside a monster, solidified by shock from physical and magic strikes and dime
A rare mineral stone that is made from a stone inside a monster, solidified by shock from physical and magic strikes and dime
Double-click to change the attribute of R110-grade weapons. It can be used when there is a R110-grade weapon bestowed in
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Krishna Shaper. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Krishna Cutter. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Krishna Slasher. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Krishna Avenger. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Krishna Fighter. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Krishna Stormer. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Krishna Thrower. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Krishna Shooter. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Krishna Buster. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.

Pagina 451

For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Krishna Caster. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Krishna Retributer. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Leviathan Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Leviathan Breastplate. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Leviathan Gaiters. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for an Leviathan Gauntlets. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Leviathan Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Leviathan Shield. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
Dwarf only. Recipe for a Leviathan Leather Helmet. Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Leviathan Leather Armor. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Leviathan Leather Leggings. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Leviathan Leather Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Leviathan Leather Boots. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Leviathan Circlet. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Leviathan Tunic. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Leviathan Stockings. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for Leviathan Gloves. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Leviathan Shoes. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Leviathan Sigil. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
Key material to make a Krishna Shaper.
Key material to make a Krishna Cutter.
Key material to make a Krishna Slasher.
Key material to make a Krishna Avenger.
Key material to make a Krishna Fighter.
Key material to make a Krishna Stormer.
Key material to make a Krishna Thrower.
Key material to make a Krishna Shooter.
Key material to make a Krishna Buster.
Key material to make a Krishna Caster.
Key material to make a Krishna Retributer.
Key material to make a Leviathan Helmet.
Key material to make a Leviathan Breastplate.
Key material to make Leviathan Gaiters.
Key material to make Leviathan Gauntlets.
Key material to make Leviathan Boots.
Key material to make a Leviathan Shield.
Key material to make a Leviathan leather Helmet.
Key material to make Leviathan Leather Armor.
Key material to make Leviathan Leather Leggings.
Key material to make Leviathan Leather Gloves.
Key material to make Leviathan Leather Boots.
Key material to make a Leviathan Circlet.
Key material to make a Leviathan Tunic.
Key material to make Leviathan Stockings.
Key material to make Leviathan Gloves.
Key material to make Leviathan Shoes.
Key material to make a Leviathan Sigil.
Unidentified coin. Can be used when the Red Libra Merchants come by.
A lucky coupon that rewards powerful supply items to the warriors who are going to face the Water Dragon.\nDouble-click to

Pagina 452

A coin exchangeable for supply items for the warriors who are going to face the Water Dragon.\nCan be exchanged for suppl
A supply item for the warriors who will fight the Water Dragon.\nUse it to obtain 1 Dandy's Home Run Ball, 3 Freya's Wind Sc
A supply item for warriors who are going to face the Water Dragon.\nUse it to obtain 10 Challenger's Scrolls of Growth and 1
When stored in the inventory, Hunting XP/ SP +100% and Vitality +100% (excludes boss monsters). \nLv. 104 and below. \n
Teleports you to the Dimensional Rift.
Teleports you to the Raider's Crossroads.
Teleports you to Parnassus.
A mark required for safe passage deep within Fafurion's Nest. Fafurion gave the mark to his temple guard, Cyrax. If the Pont
A mark that only a few of Fafurion’s best minions can receive. It also indicates that they are still under Fafurion’s influence. G
A Fragment of Power obtained by defeating Fafurion’s minions. It still contains the power that Fafurion bestowed upon his me
Proof of the secret relationship between Krofins and Fafurion. The deformed claws indicate that Fafurion has bestowed some
Proof that the contract between the priestess kin and Fafurion is weakening after the death of Priestess Parme. This fragmen
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Krishna Dual Sword. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Krishna Dual Dagger. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
For Dwarves only. Recipe for a Krishna Dual Blunt. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
Key material to make a Krishna Dual Sword.
Key material to make a Krishna Dual Dagger.
Key material to make a Krishna Dual Blunt.
A mark obtained by defeating Giant Monsters. Can be exchanged for items through Hunter Guild Member Black Cat in the Hu
An item that increases the success rate of the Giant's Armor Enchant Scroll by 30% when it is used to enchant R-grade armo
An item that increases the success rate of the Giant's Weapon Enchant Scroll by 40% when it is used to enchant an R-grade
Use it to obtain a random amount of Adena.
Double-click to obtain Freya's Bloody Rune (30-day).
Double-click to obtain Freya's Vital Rune (30-day).
Use it to obtain a special item.
Special coins that contain Mammon's power. Can be used through a Dimensional Merchant.
A crystal that contains a spirit’s strong fighting will. The special power of the upgrade stone unbinds +12 or above Enchanted
A crystal that contains a spirit’s strong will for protection. The special power of the upgrade stone unbinds +8 or above Encha
Use it to obtain a random amount of Adena.
Use it to obtain a random quantity of Mammon's Keys.
A scroll to level up as fast as the wind. Hunting XP and SP gain +200%. Remains active after death. Duration 10 min. Cooldo
A scroll to hunt with the force of a raging billow. When used, attack attribute +100, all Attribute Resistance +100, and Acquire
Double-click to obtain an Expertise Rune-ALL (30-day).
Double-click to obtain 5 types of Bloody Magic Accessories.
Use it to obtain 10 billion Adena.
Use it to obtain 10,000 Mammon's Keys.
Use it to obtain one Fighting Spirit Artifact Box, Protection Artifact Box, Support Artifact Box, or Balance Artifact Box.
Use it to obtain one of the Fighting Spirit Artifacts.
Use it to obtain one of the Protection Artifacts.
Use it to obtain one Support Artifact.
Use it to obtain one of the Balance Artifacts.

Use it to obtain one +1 Enchanted Fighting Spirit Artifact.

Use it to obtain one +3 Enchanted Fighting Spirit Artifact.
Use it to obtain one +1 Enchanted Protection Artifact.
Use it to obtain one +3 Enchanted Protection Artifact.
Use it to obtain one +1 Enchanted Support Artifact.
Use it to obtain one +3 Enchanted Support Artifact.
Use it to obtain one +1 Enchanted Balance Artifact.

Pagina 453

Use it to obtain one +3 Enchanted Balance Artifact.

Quiver containing arrows made of Orichalcum. Used with an R-grade Bow.
Container with bolts made of Orichalcum. Used with an R-grade Crossbow.
Grants Horn Melody, Guitar Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Drum Melody Lv. 5/ Warrior's Harmony Lv. 2/ War Drum, Marching
Grants Horn Melody, Guitar Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Drum Melody Lv. 5/ Wizard's Harmony Lv. 2/ War Drum, Marching D
Grants Horn Melody, Guitar Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Drum Melody Lv. 5/ Knight's Harmony Lv. 2/ War Drum, Marching D
Grants Horn Melody, Guitar Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Drum Melody Lv. 5/ Warrior's Harmony Lv. 2/ War Drum, Marching
Grants Horn Melody, Guitar Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Drum Melody Lv. 5/ Wizard's Harmony Lv. 2/ War Drum, Marching D
Grants Horn Melody, Guitar Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Drum Melody Lv. 5/ Knight's Harmony Lv. 2/ War Drum, Marching D
Dimensional item\nWhen used, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P. Atk./ M. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Def. +30%, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +10%
Dimensional item\nWhen used, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P. Atk./ M. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Def. +30%, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +10%
Double-click to obtain one of the Kain van Halter, Mermoden, Leona, Pantheon, and Lionel Stage 4 Soul Crystals.\n
Double-click to obtain one of the Kain van Halter, Mermoden, Leona, Pantheon, and Lionel Stage 5 Soul Crystals.\n
Fishing time: 105 sec\nStandby time: 15 sec\n\nFishing bait available from level 108. Fishing with this bait has a low chance
Use it to obtain the Honey Vitality Beer or Shining Nevit Gold Hourglass. In addition, there is a chance to obtain the Maestro's
Use it to obtain one of the special items.
Use it to obtain the Freya's Ice Rose and one of the special items.
Enchant success rate +20% for armor (R-grade and higher) with a normal enchant scroll. Only for items enchanted between +
A mark that shows its holder is walking the path of penitence. Double-click to summon the Sin Eater and receive the Hour of
A mark that shows its holder is walking the path of penitence. Double-click to summon the Sin Eater and receive the Hour of
A mark that shows its holder is walking the path of penitence. Double-click to summon the Sin Eater and receive the Hour of
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in Field of Silence. Characters level 106 or higher can rec
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in Field of Whispers. Characters level 108 or higher can r
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in Field of Silence.
A request issued by the Red Libra Merchants to eliminate monsters in Field of Whispers.
Double-click to obtain one of the Kain van Halter, Mermoden, Leona, Pantheon, and Lionel Stage 3 Soul Crystals.
Double-click to obtain one of the Kain van Halter, Mermoden, Leona, Pantheon, and Lionel Stage 4 Soul Crystals.
Double-click to obtain one +7 Enchanted Agathion Charm.
Double-click to obtain one +8 Enchanted Agathion Charm.
Double-click to obtain one +9 Enchanted Agathion Charm.
Double-click to obtain one +10 Enchanted Agathion Charm.
Double-click to obtain the Expertise Rune - ALL (30-day).
Use it to obtain one of the Fighting Spirit Artifacts.
Use it to obtain one of the Protection Artifacts.
Use it to obtain one of the Support Artifacts.
Use it to obtain one of the Balance Artifacts.
Use it to obtain one Fighting Spirit Artifact Box, Protection Artifact Box, Support Artifact Box, or Balance Artifact Box.
Use it to obtain 3 Mammon's Weapon Enchant Scroll and one additional random item.
Double-click to obtain one Lionel, Kain van Halter, Leona, Pantheon, or Mermoden Stage 5 to 7 Soul Crystal.
Enchant success rate +20% for weapons (R-grade and higher) with a normal enchant scroll. When enchant succeeds, it incre
A weapon enchant scroll that can be used only on Freya's Ice Staff. You cannot use items that increase enchant success rate
L2 Halloween Honey Pumpkin Event. Double-click to get a little pumpkin.
L2 Halloween Honey Pumpkin Event. Double-click to get a little honey pumpkin.
L2 Halloween Honey Pumpkin Event. Double-click to get a little honey pumpkin.
Obtain a Dragon's Box or a Dragon's Golden Box, and has a chance to obtain 1 Glowing Dragon's Attribute Potion.
Double-click the box to randomly obtain one of various items.
Double-click to obtain a very rare item at a random rate.

Double-click to obtain a rare item at random.

Pagina 454

Double-click to obtain an item at random.

Double-click to obtain an item at random.
Double-click Freya's Fortune Stick to obtain 1 Freya's Wind Scroll and 1 Freya's Ice Rose. Additionally, you can randomly ear
Dragon Enchantment Box. Double-click to botain 1 random item.
Double-click to obtain a Santa Girl's Gift. Can be used only once a day. Will be deleted after the event.
Double-click to obtain one of the following items at a certain rate: Dragon Claw, Gran Kain's Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grad
Double-click to obtain one of the following items at a certain rate: +5 Dragon Rind Leather Shirt Box, Radiant Rind Upgrade S
Dimensional item\nIf stored in inventory, increases Adena gain by 300%, item drop rate and item gain through spoils by 100%
Dimensional item\nDouble-click the item to obtain 1 High-grade Maphr's Rune 300% - 30-day.
Dimensional item\nDouble-click the item to obtain 1 High-grade Maphr's Rune 300% - 7-day.
Dimensional item\nIf stored in inventory, increases Adena gain by 300%, item drop rate and item gain through spoils by 100%
Dimensional item\nDouble-click the item to obtain 1 High-grade Maphr's Rune 300% - 1-day.
Dimensional item\nIf stored in inventory, increases Adena gain by 300%, item drop rate and item gain through spoils by 100%
Supply items prepared by Sibi. Use to obtain an item. Will be deleted after the event.
Take it to Shadai to exchange for Jewel Energy.
Double-click to obtain 1 of the La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Box and for a chance to obtain 1 Jewel Energy Fragment.
Combine with a Lv. 5 Cat's Eye to obtian a Greater Cat's Eye.
Combine with a Lv. 5 Amethyst to obtian a Greater Amethyst.
Double-click to obtain a random item.
Coins that can be exchanged with the Dimensional Merchant for special items.
Combine with a Lv. 5 gem to obtain a Greater gem. It can be used on any Lv. 5 gem, regardless of type.
Double-click to obtain a Greater Red Cat's Eye Lv. 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a Greater Blue Cat's Eye Lv. 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a Greater Ruby Lv. 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a Greater Sapphire Lv. 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a Greater Opal Lv. 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a Greater Diamond Lv. 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain a Greater Pearl Lv. 1 (30-day).
Double-click to obtain Paulina's Helios Shaper (30-day).
Double-click to obtain Paulina's Helios Cutter (30-day).
Double-click to obtain Paulina's Helios Slasher (30-day).
Double-click to obtain Paulina's Helios Avenger (30-day).
Double-click to obtain Paulina's Helios Fighter (30-day).
Double-click to obtain Paulina's Helios Stormer (30-day).
Double-click to obtain Paulina's Helios Thrower (30-day).
Double-click to obtain Paulina's Helios Shooter (30-day).
Double-click to obtain Paulina's Helios Buster (30-day).
Double-click to obtain Paulina's Helios Caster (30-day).
Double-click to obtain Paulina's Helios Retributer (30-day).
Double-click to obtain Paulina's Helios Dual Sword (30-day).
Double-click to obtain Paulina's Helios Dual Dagger (30-day).
Double-click to obtain Paulina's Helios Dual Blunt Weapon (30-day).
Double-click to obtain Paulina's Helios Heavy Armor Set (30-day).
Double-click to obtain Paulina's Helios Light Armor Set (30-day).
Double-click to obtain Paulina's Helios Robe Set (30-day).
Exchange for a Paulina's Helios Weapon (30-day) through the Dimensional Merchant.
Exchange for a Paulina's Helios Armor Set (30-day) through the Dimensional Merchant.
Double-click Freya's Fortune Stick to obtain 2 Freya's Frozen Scroll, 2 Freya's Ice Rose, and 1 Scroll: Enchant Freya’s Ice St
Double-click to obtain a random item.

Pagina 455

Double-click to obtain a rare item at random.

Double-click to obtain 1 Krishna Weapon Fragment.
Double-click to obtain 1 Krishna Crafting Recipe.
Use to change the appearance of your upper or full-bodyarmor into Freya. The stone modifies the appearance of all armor, a
An appearance stone that gives a shield/ sigil Freya's Ice Flower Shield appearance.
Double-click Freya's Fortune Stick to obtain Freya's Frozen Scroll/ Freya's Recovery Potion x3 and Freya's Art of Seduction X
Double-click to obtain one of the following items at a certain rate: Balance Artifact - P. Skill Power/ M. Skill Power/ Received D
Double-click to obtain one of the following items at a certain rate: Kain's/ Mermoden's/ Leona's/ Lionel's/ Pantheon's Soul Cry
Double-click to obtain one of the following items at a certain rate: Dark/ Bloody Eternal Ingredient Set, Freya's Bloody/ Dark R
Sealbook for learning the skill of transforming yourself into Kat the Cat.
Double-click to obtain an Expertise Rune - ALL (7-day) Box.
When stored in the inventory, it enables you equip all grade items without any penalty.
Pack containing items for new heroes.
Ticket to participate in the Festival.

Full body armor.

Pagina 456

Full body armor.

Full body armor.

Pagina 457

One-piece upper and lower body armor. Additional lower body armor cannot be worn while wearing this.

Full body armor.

One-piece upper and lower body armor. Additional lower body armor cannot be worn while wearing this.

One-piece upper and lower body armor. Additional lower body armor cannot be worn while wearing this.

One-piece upper and lower body armor. Additional lower body armor cannot be worn while wearing this.
One-piece upper and lower body armor. Additional lower body armor cannot be worn while wearing this.

Pagina 458

One-piece upper and lower body armor. Additional lower body armor cannot be worn while wearing this.

One-piece upper and lower body armor. Additional lower body armor cannot be worn while wearing this.

One-piece upper and lower body armor. Additional lower body armor cannot be worn while wearing this.

One-piece upper and lower body armor. Additional lower body armor cannot be worn while wearing this.

One-piece upper and lower body armor. Additional lower body armor cannot be worn while wearing this.

One-piece upper and lower body armor. Additional lower body armor cannot be worn while wearing this.

One-piece upper and lower body armor. Additional lower body armor cannot be worn while wearing this.
One-piece upper and lower body armor. Additional lower body armor cannot be worn while wearing this.
One-piece upper and lower body armor. Additional lower body armor cannot be worn while wearing this.

Pagina 459

Pagina 460

Pagina 461

Pagina 462

Tateossian Earring. Produces the effect of MP +31.

Majestic Earring. Produces the effect of MP +25.

Phoenix Earring. Produces the effect of M. Def. +3 and MP +20.

Pagina 463

Gold ring with delicately engraved rune characters of knowledge.

Gold ring with engraved rune characters of anguish.

Tateossian Ring. Produces the effect of MP +21.

Majestic Ring. Produces the effect of MP +17.

Phoenix Ring. Produces the effect of MP +13.

Silver necklace engraved with rune characters of knowledge.

Silver necklace engraved with rune characters of anguish.

Tateossian Necklace. Produces the effect of MP +42.

Pagina 464

Majestic Necklace. Produces the effect of MP +33.

Phoenix Necklace. Produces the effect of MP +26.

Tunic made of tough cotton.

Tunic, comfortably designed for mages.

Pair of pants made of tough cotton.
Part of the devotion set.
Pair of pants, comfortably designed for mages.

Temporary item for Kamex

Pagina 465

Temporary item for Kamex

Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Necklace that is given to young Orcs who have proven their courage.
Necklace that is given to young Orcs who have proven their valor.
Ring given to apprentices of the Bronze Key Guild.
Ring given to apprentices of the Black Anvil Guild.

Full body armor.

Full body armor.
Full body armor.

Full body armor.

Full body armor.
Full body armor.
Full body armor.
Full body armor.
Full body armor.

Pagina 466

Full body armor.

Full body armor.
Full body armor.
Full body armor.

Pagina 467

Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.

Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.

Pagina 468

Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.

Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.

Can be put on by Double-clicking. Exclusively used by a Hatchling.

Can be put on by Double-clicking. Exclusively used by a Hatchling.

Double-click to wear. Exclusively used by a Strider.

Double-click to wear. Exclusively used by a Strider.
Double-click to wear. Exclusively used by a Strider.
Double-click to wear. Exclusively used by a Strider.
Double-click to wear. Exclusively used by a Strider.
Double-click to wear. Exclusively used by a Strider.
Double-click to wear. Exclusively used by a Hatchling.
Double-click to wear. Exclusively used by a Hatchling.
Double-click to wear. Exclusively used by a Hatchling.
Double-click to wear. Exclusively used by a Hatchling.
Double-click to wear. Exclusively used by a Hatchling.

Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Tallum Plate Armor. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Tallum Helmet. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Tallum Gloves. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Tallum Boots. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Gloves of the Underworld. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Boots of the Underworld. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Tallum Leather Armor. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.

Pagina 469

Sealed Gust Bracers. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Gust Boots. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Tallum Tunic. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Tallum Stockings. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Red Flame Gloves. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Red Flame Boots. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Dark Crystal Robe. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Phoenix Gloves. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Phoenix Boots. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Armor of Nightmare. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Helm of Nightmare. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Boots of Nightmare. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Majestic Plate Armor. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Majestic Circlet. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Majestic Boots. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Dark Legion Gloves. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Dark Legion Boots. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Majestic Leather Armor. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Gloves of Phantom. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Boots of Phantom. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Robe of Nightmare. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Cerberus Gloves. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Cerberus Boots. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Majestic Robe. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Dasparion's Gloves. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Dasparion's Boots. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.

Makes a unique sound when walking in them.

The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
Part of the heavy Zubei's set.
Part of the light Zubei's set.
Part of the Zubei's robe set.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
Part of the heavy avadon set.
Part of the light avadon set.
Part of the Avadon Robe set.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
Part of the heavy blue wolf set.
Part of the light blue wolf set.
Part of the blue wolf robe set.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
Part of the heavy doom set.
Part of the light doom set.
Part of the doom robe set.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
Part of the heavy Zubei's set.

Pagina 470

Part of the light Zubei's set.

Part of the Zubei's robe set.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
Part of the heavy avadon set.
Part of the light avadon set.
Part of the Avadon Robe set.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
Part of the heavy blue wolf set.
Part of the light blue wolf set.
Part of the blue wolf robe set.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
Part of the heavy doom set.
Part of the light doom set.
Part of the doom robe set.
Part of the heavy dark crystal set.
Part of the light dark crystal set.
Part of the dark crystal robe set.
Part of the heavy tallum set.
Part of the light tallum set.
Part of the robe tallum set.
Part of the heavy nightmare set.
Part of the light nightmare set.
Part of the nightmare robe set.
Part of the heavy majestic set.
Part of the light majestic set.
Part of the majestic robe set.
Part of the heavy dark crystal set.
Part of the light dark crystal set.
Part of the dark crystal robe set.
Part of the heavy tallum set.
Part of the light tallum set.
Part of the robe tallum set.
Part of the heavy nightmare set.
Part of the light nightmare set.
Part of the nightmare robe set.
Part of the heavy majestic set.
Part of the light majestic set.
Part of the majestic robe set.
Fashion item used to display a unique appearance. Used as ingredient for quest: One Who Faces the Limit.
The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item. Effects upon seal release are M. Def. +4 and MP+26.
The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item. Effects upon seal release are M. Def. +3 and MP+20.
The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item. Effects upon seal release are M. Def. +2 and MP+13.
The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item. Effects upon seal release are M. Def. +5 and MP+33.
The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item. Effects upon seal release are M. Def. +3 and MP+25.
The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item. Effects upon seal release are M. Def. +2 and MP+17.

Pagina 471

Full body armor.

Full body armor.

Fashion accessory item that allows you to show a unique appearance.

Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. Equipping this disables armor. Hair accessories, we
MP +37, Bleed Resistance +40%, Bleed Atk. Rate +40%, Vampiric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Attack Resistance +30%, Stun/
MP +50, Sleep Resistance +40%, Sleep Attack Rate +40%, HP +445. Decreases skill cooldown. Increases P. Atk. and M. At
MP +21, Poison Resistance +40%, Poison Atk. Rate +40%, Hold Resistance +30%, Hold Atk. Rate +30%, increases Accurac
MP+31; Bleed Resistance +30%; Bleed Atk. Rate +30%; increases Heal Amount; Vampiric Rage Effect; Stun/ Mental Attack
MP +21, Poison Resistance +30%, Poison Atk. Rate +30%, increases Accuracy, increases P. Critical Damage, Hold Resistan
MP +31, Bleed Resistance +20%, chance of Bleed attack +20%. Increases healing effects. When equipped with two identica
MP +21, Poison Resistance +20%, Poison Atk. Rate +20%. Increases Accuracy. When equipped with two identical rings, the
Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate. Its seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters. Its seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets. Its seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots. Its seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet. Its seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Sealed Draconic Leather Armor. Its seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves. Its seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Sealed Draconic Leather Boots. Its seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet. Its seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Sealed Major Arcana Robe. Its seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Sealed Major Arcana Gloves. Its seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Sealed Major Arcana Boots. Its seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Sealed Major Arcana Circlets. Its seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon.
The seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon. When the seal is broken, the effect of M. Def.+3 and MP
The seal of this item can be broken by going through the Blacksmith of Mammon. When the seal is broken, it will produce the
The seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon. Once the seal is broken, the effect of M. Def. +4 and MP
Daffodil Circlet. Can be worn by the lord of Innadril Castle and clan members but not by allies. Allows use of Residential Skills
Torchlight Circlet. Can be worn by the lord of Dion Castle and clan members but not by allies. Allows use of Residential Skills
Shield Circlet. Can be worn by the lord of Goddard Castle and clan members but not by allies. Allows use of Residential Skills
Tower Circlet. Can be worn by the lord of Oren Castle and clan members but not by allies. Allows use of Residential Skills wh
Three-Swords Circlet. Can be worn by the lord of Gludio Castle and clan members but not by allies. Allows use of Residentia
Cross Circlet. Can be worn by the lord of Giran Castle and clan members but not by allies. Allows use of Residential Skills wh
Lion Circlet. Can be worn by the lord of Aden Castle and clan members but not by allies. Allows use of Residential Skills whe
Lord's crown hair accessory. Allows use of Residential Skills when equipped. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Hair accessory exclusively used by Heroes. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cat-ear shaped hair accessory
Hair accessory exclusive for women. Cannot be transferred between servers. Used as ingredient for quest: One Who Faces t
Eyepatch accessory. When you use the pendant, slots change. Used as ingredient for quest: One Who Faces the Limit.
Monocle accessory with attached ring. Used as ingredient for quest: One Who Faces the Limit.
Exclusive item handed out to convention attendees.
Tateossian Hairband

Pagina 472

Hair accessory in the shape of raccoon ears

Purple eyepatch accessory. When you use the pendant, slots change. Used as ingredient for quest: One Who Faces the Lim
Pink hairpin. Hair accessory for female characters only. Used as ingredient for quest: One Who Faces the Limit.
Hair accessory in the shape of Rabbit Ears.
Hair accessory exclusively used by the Noblesse.
Hairpin with a forget-me-not flower pattern. Hair accessory exclusively for female characters. Used as ingredient for quest: On
Hairpin with a daisy pattern. Hair accessory exclusively for female characters. Used as ingredient for quest: One Who Faces
Santa Hat, which is made to celebrate the holy day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
2006 Lineage II Epic Collection Souvenir.
2007 Lineage II Limited Edition Souvenir.
Rabbit-ear shaped hair accessory. This item
Raccoon-ear shaped hair accessory.
Cat-ear shaped hair accessory.
Eyepatch accessory.
Monocle accessory.
Purple eyepatch accessory.
Pink hairpin for Female only.
Hair accessory for Female only.
Forget-me-not-shaped hair accessory. Female only.
Daisy-shaped hair accessory. Female only.

Full body armor.

Full body armor.

Full body armor.

Full body armor.

Full body armor.

May be worn by Elders or above. Sealed Apella Helmet. A village blacksmith can release the seal on this item.
May be worn by Elders or above. Sealed Apella Plate Armor. A village blacksmith can release the seal on this item.
May be worn by Elders or above. Sealed Apella Gauntlets. A village blacksmith can release the seal on this item.
May be worn by Elders or above. Sealed Apella Solleret. A village blacksmith can release the seal on this item.
May be worn by Elders or above. Sealed Apella Brigandine. A village blacksmith can release the seal on this item.
May be worn by Elders or above. Sealed Apella Leather Gloves. A village blacksmith can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Apella Boots. A village blacksmith can release the seal on this item.
May be worn by Elders or above. Sealed Apella Doublet. A village blacksmith can release the seal on this item.
May be worn by Elders or above. Sealed Apella Silk Gloves. A village blacksmith can release the seal on this item.

Pagina 473

May be worn by Elders or above. Sealed Apella Sandals. A village blacksmith can release the seal on this item.
Beginner's Raid Challenger Circlet.
Intermediate Raid Adventurer Circlet
Advanced Raid Master Circlet.
Circlet obtained by attacking the Ice Fairy Sirra.
When the Academy Benefaction skill is used, the XP penalty upon death is decreased by 50% and the XP acquired through h
Rose Circlet. Can be worn by the lord of Rune Castle and clan members but not by allies. Allows use of Residential Skills wh
Hammer and Torch Circlet. Can be worn by the lord of Schuttgart Castle and clan members but not by allies. Allows use of R
Funky hair accessory which uses 2 hair accessory slots. Used as ingredient for quest: One Who Faces the Limit.
Wide-brimmed hat with a feather. Uses 2 accessory slots. Used as ingredient for quest: One Who Faces the Limit.
Eye protection that uses 2 accessory slots. Used as ingredient for quest: One Who Faces the Limit.
Hair accessory for the 2006 Halloween Event.
Wing-shaped hair accessory. Used as ingredient for quest: One Who Faces the Limit.
Cute antennae hair accessory with stars. Used as ingredient for quest: One Who Faces the Limit.
MP +42, Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun Resistance +15%, Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun Attack Rate +15%, Poison/ Bleed Resistance +25%
Outfit a baby pet with this harness by Double-clicking.
Hair accessory for the 2006 Halloween Event.
Hair accessory souvenir. Uses two hair accessory slots.
Eva's Mark hair accessory.
Hair accessory worn by a bride at her wedding ceremony. This hair accessory can only be worn by Female only.
Fun, bear-shaped hair accessory.
Fun, pig-shaped hair accessory.
Festive jester hat with a split top.
A Wizard Hat with a wide brim and bent tip.
Stylish cap with a visor.
Extravagant chapeau adorned with feathers.
Hair accessory for event. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
The circlet presented to a player who has defeated Valakas.
The circlet presented to a player who has defeated Antharas.
Mysterious costume accessory that covers half of the wearer's face.
Hair accessory for the 2006 Halloween Event.
Hair accessory for the 2006 Halloween Event.
Cute antennae hair accessory with stars. This is an event item.
Hair accessory containing dark feather. It uses 2 hair accessory slots. This is an event item.
Black-colored half mask. Event Item.
Hairpin made in the shape of a flower.
Butterfly-shaped Hairpin. Female only.
Luxurious Gold Circlet. It uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Luxurious Silver Circlet. It uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Eyepatch accessory. When you use the pendant, slots change. Used as ingredient for quest: One Who Faces the Limit.
The goddess' circlet. This is a female-use hair accessory. It uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Medieval hat made of leather. It uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat befitting a favored member of Zaken's crew. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event item.
Hair accessory imbued with Holy energy. It uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hair accessory possessed of dark energy. It uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat worn by pirates. It uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Scar. This is a male-only accessory.
Santa's Horn Hat, which is made to celebrate the holy day.
Hair accessory in the shape of Rabbit Ears.

Pagina 474

Wing-shaped hair accessory.

Cute antennae hair accessory with stars.
Fancy hat containing feather. Uses 2 accessory slot spaces.
Big, round goggles to protect your eyes. Uses 2 accessory slot spaces.
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Bronze Breastplate. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Bronze Gaiters. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Durable Leather Shirt. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besid
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Durable Leather Gaiters. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besid
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Tunic of Magic. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Stockings of Magic. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides e
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Durable Leather Helmet. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions be
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Boots. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Bracer. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantmen
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Mithril Breastplate. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Mithril Gaiters. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Gauntlets. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantme
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Iron Boots. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Reinforced Leather Shirt. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions be
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Reinforced Leather Gaiters. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions b
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Reinforced Leather Gloves. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions be
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Reinforced Leather Boots. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions bes
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Tunic of Knowledge. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions beside
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Stockings of Knowledge. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besid
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Gloves of Knowledge. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Boots of Knowledge. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Helmet. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantme
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Compound Armor. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Compound Boots. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Compound Helmet. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Theca Leather Armor. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Theca Leather Gaiters. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions beside
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Theca Leather Boots. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Theca Leather Gloves. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions beside
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Demon's Tunic. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Demon's Stockings. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides e
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Demon's Boots. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Demon's Gloves. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Shining Circlet. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Zubei's Breastplate. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Zubei's Gaiters. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Zubei's Helmet. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Zubei's Gauntlets. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Zubei's Boots. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchan
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Zubei's Leather Shirt. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions beside
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Zubei's Leather Gaiters. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besid
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Zubei's Gauntlets. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Zubei's Boots. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchan
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Tunic of Zubei. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Stockings of Zubei. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en

Pagina 475

This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Zubei's Gauntlets. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Zubei's Boots. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchan
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Dark Crystal Breastplate. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions be
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Dark Crystal Gaiters. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Dark Crystal Helmet. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions beside
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Dark Crystal Gloves. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Dark Crystal Boots. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides e
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Dark Crystal Leather Armor. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions b
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Dark Crystal Leggings. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions beside
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Dark Crystal Gloves. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Dark Crystal Boots. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides e
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Dark Crystal Robe. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Dark Crystal Gloves. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Dark Crystal Boots. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides e
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Majestic Plate Armor. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Majestic Circlet. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Majestic Gauntlets. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Majestic Boots. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Majestic Leather Armor. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besid
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Majestic Gauntlets. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Majestic Boots. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Majestic Robe. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Majestic Gauntlets. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Majestic Boots. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Mithril Gauntlets. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
Wear it for some holiday fun! Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Wing-shaped hair accessory. Event item.
Golden Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event item.
Silver Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event item.
Top hat made of leather. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event item.
Fun, bear-shaped shadow-type hair accessory. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical effec
Fun, piggy-shaped shadow-type hair accessory. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical effe
Festive, shadow-type jester hat with 2 points. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical effect.
Shadow-type wizard hat with a wide brim and bent tip. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magica
Shadow-type hair accessory with a visor. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical effect.
Shadow-type hair accessory adorned with feathers. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical e
Shadow-type hair accessory made of iron. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical effect.
Fun, bear-shaped shadow-type hair accessory. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical effec
Fun, piggy-shaped shadow-type hair accessory. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical effe
Festive, shadow-type jester hat with 2 points. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical effect.
Shadow-type wizard hat with a wide brim and bent tip. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magica
Shadow-type hair accessory with a visor. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical effect.
Shadow-type hair accessory adorned with feathers. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical e
Shadow-type hair accessory made of iron. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical effect.
Fun, bear-shaped shadow-type hair accessory. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical effec
Fun, piggy-shaped shadow-type hair accessory. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical effe
Festive, shadow-type jester hat with 2 points. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical effect.
Shadow-type wizard hat with a wide brim and bent tip. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magica
Shadow-type hair accessory with a visor. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical effect.

Pagina 476

Shadow-type hair accessory adorned with feathers. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical e
Shadow-type hair accessory made of iron. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical effect.
Fun, bear-shaped shadow-type hair accessory. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical effec
Fun, piggy-shaped shadow-type hair accessory. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical effe
Festive, shadow-type jester hat with 2 points. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical effect.
Shadow-type wizard hat with a wide brim and bent tip. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magica
Shadow-type hair accessory with a visor. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical effect.
Shadow-type hair accessory adorned with feathers. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical e
Shadow-type hair accessory made of iron. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event hair accessory that grants a magical effect.
Scary hair accessory. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. This item is designed for use in events only and
Circlet that can only be worn by the Human Race. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that can be worn by the Elf Race only. uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that can be worn by the Dark Elf Race only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that can be worn by the Orc Race only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that can be worn by the Dwarf Race only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that can be worn by the Kamael Race only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that can be worn by the Knight class after completion of 2nd or 3rd class transfer. Cannot be worn in a subclass condi
Circlet that can be worn by the Bard class after completion of 2nd or 3rd class transfer. Cannot be worn in a subclass conditio
Circlet that can be worn by the Force Master class after completion of 2nd or 3rd class transfer. Cannot be worn in a subclass
Circlet that can be worn by the Weapon Master class after completion of 2nd or 3rd class transfer. Cannot be worn in a subcl
Circlet that can be worn by the Dagger Master class after completion of 2nd or 3rd class transfer. Cannot be worn in a subcla
Circlet that can be worn by the Bow Master class after completion of 2nd or 3rd class transfer. Cannot be worn in a subclass
Circlet that can be worn by the Wizard class after completion of 2nd or 3rd class transfer. Cannot be worn in a subclass cond
Circlet that can be worn by the Summoner class after completion of 2nd or 3rd class transfer. Cannot be worn in a subclass c
Circlet that can be worn by the Healer class after completion of 2nd or 3rd class transfer. Cannot be worn in a subclass condi
Circlet that can be worn by the Enchanter class after completion of 2nd or 3rd class transfer. Cannot be worn in a subclass co
Circlet that can be worn by the Kamael Race only, exclusively for the Weapon Master class after completion of 2nd or 3rd cla
Circlet that can be worn by the Kamael Race only, exclusively for the Bow Master class after completion of 2nd or 3rd class tr
A Phantom Mask hair accessory accented with black and gold metals. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Event item.
A Veteran's Circlet that can be worn by the Human Race only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
A Veteran's Circlet that can be worn by Elf Race only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
A Veteran's Circlet that can be worn by the Dark Elf Race only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
A Veteran's Circlet that can be worn by the Orc Race only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
A Veteran's Circlet that can be worn by the Dwarf Race only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
A Veteran's Circlet that can be worn by the Kamael Race only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

Can only be worn by Phoenix Knights, Hell Knights, Eva's Templars and Shillien Templars.
Can only be worn by Dreadnoughts, Titans, Fortune Seekers, and Maestros.
Can only be worn by Duelists and Grand Khavataris.
Can only be worn by Sword Muses and Spectral Dancers.

Can be equipped by Adventurers, Wind Riders, Ghost Hunters, and Fortune Seekers.
Can only be worn by Sagittarius', Moonlight Sentinels, Ghost Sentinels, and Tricksters.

Pagina 477

Can only be worn by Cardinals, Eva's Saints, and Shillien Saints.

Can only be worn by Hierophants, Dominators and Doomcryers.
Can only be worn by Arcana Lords, Elemental Masters and Spectral Masters.
Can only be worn by Archmages, Mystic Muses, Storm Screamers and Soul Takers.

Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma. When the seal is released, M. Def. +15 and MP +50
Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma. When the seal is released, M. Def. +11 and MP +46
Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma. When the seal is released, M. Def. +7 and MP +23.
Produces the effect of MP +35.
Produces the effect of MP +46.
Produces the effect of MP +23.
Produces the effect of MP +35, Stun Resistance +12.
Produces the effect of MP +46, Stun Resistance +18.
Produces the effect of MP +23, Stun Resistance +8.
Produces the effect of MP +35, Poison Resistance +11.
Produces the effect of MP +46, Poison Resistance +16.
Produces the effect of MP +23, Poison Resistance +7.
Produces the effect of MP +35, Bleed Resistance +8.
Produces the effect of MP +46, Bleed Resistance +11.
Produces the effect of MP +23, Bleed Resistance +5.
Produces the effect of MP +35, Sleep Resistance +12.
Produces the effect of MP +46, Sleep Resistance +18.
Produces the effect of MP +23, Sleep Resistance +8.
Produces the effect of MP +35, Paralysis Resistance +6.
Produces the effect of MP +46, Paralysis Resistance +9.
Produces the effect of MP +23, Paralysis Resistance +4.
Produces the effect of MP +35, Hold Resistance +12.
Produces the effect of MP +46, Hold Resistance +18.
Produces the effect of MP +23, Hold Resistance +8.
Produces the effect of MP +35, Fear Resistance +6.
Produces the effect of MP +46, Fear Resistance +9.
Produces the effect of MP +23, Fear Resistance +4.
Produces the effect of MP +35, Dark Resistance +6.
Produces the effect of MP +46, Dark Resistance +7.
Produces the effect of MP +23, Dark Resistance +5.
Sealed Dynasty Breastplate. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Dynasty Gaiters Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Dynasty Helmet. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Dynasty Gauntlets. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Dynasty Boots. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Dynasty Leather Armor. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Dynasty Leather Leggings. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Dynasty Leather Helmet. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.

Pagina 478

Sealed Dynasty Leather Gloves Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Dynasty Leather Boots. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Dynasty Tunic. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Dynasty Stockings. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Dynasty Circlet. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Dynasty Gloves. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Dynasty Shoes. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.

Uses 1 talisman slot when equipped.

Uses 2 talisman slots when equipped.
Uses 3 talisman slots when equipped.
Uses 4 talisman slots when equipped.
Bracelet that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns the Rainbow Clan Hall. Cannot be tra
Bracelet that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns the Wild Beast Reserve. Cannot be t
Bracelet that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns Gludio Castle. Cannot be transferred
Bracelet that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns Dion Castle. Cannot be transferred b
Bracelet that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns Giran Castle. Cannot be transferred b
Bracelet that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns Oren Castle. Cannot be transferred b
Bracelet that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns Aden Castle. Cannot be transferred b
Bracelet that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns Innadril Castle. Cannot be transferred
Bracelet that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns Goddard Castle. Cannot be transferr
Bracelet that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns Rune Castle. Cannot be transferred b
Bracelet that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns Schuttgart Castle. Cannot be transfe
Double-click to wear. Only for great wolves and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for great wolves and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for great wolves and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for great wolves and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for great wolves and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for great wolves and fenrir.
When you use this with Native Tunic and Pants, you can transform into a Native. Transformation will be cancelled if unequipp
When you use this with Native Helmet and Pants, you can transform into a Native. Transformation will be cancelled if unequip
When you use this with Native Helmet and Tunic, you can transform into a Native. Transformation will be cancelled if unequip
This ring permits you to withstand strong gusts of wind.
Not in Use
Not in Use
Not in Use
Not in Use
Not in Use

Pagina 479

Not in Use
Not in Use
Not in Use
Not in Use
Not in Use

One-piece upper and lower body armor for clans.

One-piece upper and lower body armor for clans.

One-piece upper and lower body armor for clans.

This fun, bear-shaped hair accessory makes your head bigger while allowing you to use active skills. Requires 2 hair accesso
This fun, pig-shaped hair accessory makes your head bigger while allowing you to use active skills. Requires 2 hair accessor
This festive, split-top jester hat makes your head bigger while allowing you to use active skills. Requires 2 hair accessory slot
This Wizard Hat features a wide brim and bent tip and makes your head bigger while allowing you to use active skills. Requir
This stylish cap features a visor and makes your head bigger while allowing you to use active skills. Requires 2 hair accessor
This extravagant chapeau is adorned with feathers and makes your head bigger while allowing you to use active skills. Requi
Iron circlet that makes your head bigger while allowing you to use active skills. Requires 2 hair accessory slots.
Fun, bear-shaped hair accessory. You can use active skills, and firecrackers are set off when it is used. Requires 2 hair acce
Fun, pig-shaped hair accessory. You can use active skills, and firecrackers are set off when it is used. Requires 2 hair access
Festive jester hat with a split top. You can use active skills, and firecrackers are set off when it is used. Requires 2 hair acces
A Wizard Hat with a wide brim and bent tip. You can use active skills, and firecrackers are set off when it is used. Requires 2
Stylish cap with a visor. You can use active skills, and firecrackers are set off when it is used. Requires 2 hair accessory slots
Extravagant chapeau adorned with feathers. You can use active skills, and firecrackers are set off when it is used. Requires 2
Circlet made of iron. You can use active skills, and firecrackers are set off when it is used. Requires 2 hair accessory slots.
Decreases weight when equipped. Effect does not stack with additional Weight Loss Rings.
You can avoid the first attack by monsters when equipped. Lasts for 400 min. Shadow item. Effect does not stack with additio
Bracelet that summons a cute Fortress Agathion. Shadow item. Lasts for 700 min.

Increases P. Atk. when in use. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. Shadow Item.
Increases P. Critical Rate of magic attacks temporarily. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Temporarily decreases P. Def./ M. Def./ Evasion. Increases P. Atk./ M. Atk./ Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd./ speed. Effect does not s
Decreases skill MP consumption when used. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Temporarily greatly decreases skill MP consumption when used. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same
When used, grants a skill whereby any physical melee damage received will be reflected back onto your attacker. Effect does
Makes you invisible for a while, so you cannot be attacked by enemies. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the
When used, increases the protection power of a shield. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
When used, it cures Bleeding. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
When used, it cancels all Movement Inability States. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
It increases HP Recovery Magic temporarily. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
It recovers HP/ CP. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
When used, increases P. Def. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
When used, increases magic P. Def. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
When used, it Speeds up MP Recovery. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
When used, increases the protection power of a shield. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.

Pagina 480

When used, increases Evasion and reduces P. Critical Damage possibilities. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans
When used, it greatly increases MP Recovery Rate. You cannot move during recovery. Effect does not stack with additional T
When used, P. Def. and M. Def. greatly increases momentarily. Only one effect is applied when you wear the same two talism
Increases P. Atk. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases Atk. Spd. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases M. Def. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases M. Atk. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases Casting Spd. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases Accuracy. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases Defense. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases P. Atk., M. Atk., and Speed. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases Speed. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
When used, it decreases damages from physical Critical Attacks. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same
Increases Critical Damage when equipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. Shadow Item.
When used, it decreases P. Critical Damage possibility. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases Evasion. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases HP Recovery Magic temporarily. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases recovering CP. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases HP Recovery. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases MP Recovery. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases weapon Weight Limit. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Obtains Mid-grade Fishing Mastery Lv. (Lv. 18). Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Create 1 Hot Springs CP Potion following the consumption of 16 Soulstone. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans o
Consumes 50 Soulstone to create an Elixir of Life (A-grade). Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type
Consumes 57 Soulstone to create an Elixir of Mind (A-grade). Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same typ
Breaks magic Silence. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
When used, it cancels Magical Movement Inability States. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
When used, it cancels Physical Movement Inability States. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
When used, it cancels Physical Skill Inability States. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Breaks physical/ magical Silence. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases Mental Attack Resistance. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
When equipped, Paralysis Resistance increases. Only one effect is applied when you wear the same two talismans. Shadow
When equipped, Stun Resistance increases. Only one effect is applied when you wear the same two talismans. Shadow Item
When equipped, Sleep Resistance increases. Only one effect is applied when you wear the same two talismans. Shadow Item
When equipped, Bleed Resistance increases. Only one effect is applied when you wear the same two talismans. Shadow Item
Increases Buff-canceling Magic Resistance. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
When equipped, Hold Resistance increases. Only one effect is applied when you wear the same two talismans. Shadow Item
Bracelet that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns a fortress.
Cannot be crystallized or enchanted.
Cannot be crystallized or enchanted.
Cannot be crystallized or enchanted.
Cannot be crystallized or enchanted.
Cannot be crystallized or enchanted.
Cannot be crystallized or enchanted.
Increases Magic Resistance and Dark Resistance.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Cannot be crystallized or enchanted
Cannot be crystallized or enchanted.

Pagina 481

Cannot be crystallized or enchanted.

Can only be worn by Duelists and Grand Khavataris.
Can only be worn by Dreadnoughts, Titans, Fortune Seekers, Maestros, Doombringers and Soul Hounds.
Bracelet that summons a cute Rainbow Clan Hall Agathion. Shadow Item. It lasts for 700 min.
Makes Blessed Scroll of Escape available for up to 250 min., with a 60-sec. cooldown for Escape. Only one effect is applied,
Can be transformed into a Yeti for a certain amount of time. Transformation is cancelled if unequipped. Effect does not stack
Can be transformed into a Buffalo for a certain amount of time. Transformation is cancelled if unequipped. Effect does not sta
Obtains High-grade Fishing Mastery Lv. (Lv. 24). Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Can only be worn by Hierophants, Dominators, Doomcryers and Judicators.
Circlet that can be worn by the Kamael Race only, exclusively for the Enchanter class after completion of 2nd or 3rd class tra
Dark Resistance +30, MP +31.
Gold colored, Goblin shaped hair accessory.
Mysterious costume accessory that covers half of the wearer's face.
Mysterious black mask. Don't you wish you knew where you could find the other half?
Increases Max MP by 35, M. Def. Increases.
Increases Max MP by 70, M. Def. Increases by 50.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Increases Max MP by 60.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Increases Max MP by 120.
Makes a Blessed Resurrection available for up to 180 min. Only one effect is applied, even if you wear two identical rings.
Can only be worn by Arcana Lords, Elemental Masters and Spectral Masters.

Can only be worn by Phoenix Knights, Hell Knights, Eva's Templars and Shillien Templars.
Can only be worn by Dreadnoughts, Titans, Fortune Seekers and Maestros can wear it.
Can only be worn by Duelists and Grand Khavataris.
Can only be worn by Sword Muses and Spectral Dancers.

Can be equipped by Adventurers, Wind Riders, Ghost Hunters, and Fortune Seekers.
Can only be worn by Sagittarius', Moonlight Sentinels, Ghost Sentinels and Tricksters.

Can only be worn by Cardinals, Eva's Saints and Shillien Saints.

Can only be worn by Hierophants, Dominators and Doomcryers
Can only be worn by Arcana Lords, Elemental Masters and Spectral Masters.
Can only be worn by Archmages, Mystic Muses, Storm Screamers and Soultakers.
Hair accessory that looks like a bird nest. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Purple Viking Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Golden Viking Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Interesting hair accessory that looks like a panda. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Fun hair accessory in the shape of a white sheep. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Funny hair accessory that looks like a black sheep. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Interesting hair accessory that looks like a frog. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Interesting hair accessory that looks like a fish. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Straw Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Interesting hair accessory that looks like a chicken. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Adventurer hat commemorating the 1st character creation. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Medieval-style party mask. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Bracelet that summons a wolf that the character can ride. 200 min. once equipped.
A ring made by Tully at the command of Beleth, imbued with Beleth's magic powers. Effects: MP +21, M. Def. +12%, Max HP
Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Lasts for 500 min.
Bracelet that summons a cute little angel Agathion.

Pagina 482

Bracelet that summons a cute little angel Agathion.

Bracelet that summons a cute little angel Agathion.
Bracelet that summons a cute little angel Agathion.
Bracelet that summons a cute little angel Agathion.
Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Lasts for 500 min.
Bracelet that summons the cute little devil Agathion.
Bracelet that summons the cute little devil Agathion.
Bracelet that summons the cute little devil Agathion.
Bracelet that summons the cute little devil Agathion.
Bracelet that summons a cute Little Devil Agathion.
Increases P. Atk./ Atk. Spd. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases M. Atk. and M. Critical Rate. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases Wind attribute. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases Dark attribute. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases Water attribute. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Instantly increases Fire. Only one effect is applied when you wear the same two talismans. Shadow Item.
Increases holy attribute. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Damages a nearby enemy with a powerful explosion. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases heal power. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Shadow Item.
Shadow Item.
Shadow Item.
Duelist and Grand Khavatari can wear it.
Dreadnought, Titan, Fortune Seeker, Maestro, Doombringer and Soul Hound can wear it.
Hierophant, Dominator, Doomcryer and Judicator can wear it.
Arcana Lord, Elemental Master and Spectral Master can wear it.
Increases Max HP by 118 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max MP by 51 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max CP by 354 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max HP by 147 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max MP by 72 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max CP by 441 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max HP by 172 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max MP by 85 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max CP by 516 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max HP by 224 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max MP by 111 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max CP by 672 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max HP by 135 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max MP by 66 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max CP by 405 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max HP by 160 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max MP by 78 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max CP by 480 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max HP by 186 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max MP by 92 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max CP by 564 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max HP by 246 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max MP by 122 when enchanted to +4 or higher.

Pagina 483

Increases Max CP by 744 when enchanted to +4 or higher.

Completely restores MP/ HP when used. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases Earth Resistance by 50 when used. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases P. Atk. when used. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. Shadow Item.
Shield Defense increases when used. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. Shadow Item.
P. Def. increases when equipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. Shadow Item.
Increases M. Atk. when equipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. Shadow Item.
Increases Evasion when equipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. Shadow Item.
HP Recovery M. Atk. Increases when equipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. Shadow Ite
recovering CP rate increases when equipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. Shadow Item
Increases HP Recovery Rate. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. Shadow Item.
Increases MP Recovery Rate. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
HP/ CP are recovered when equipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. Shadow Item.
Speed increases when equipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. Shadow Item.
The bracelet which can summon cute Rudolph Agathion.
Bird nest shaped hair accessory. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Fun hair accessory in the shape of a white sheep. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Fun hair accessory that looks like a black sheep. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Straw Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Fun hair accessory made with Monster Ant shape. Uses 2 hair accessory slots and exclusive for I-Card service.
Monster Ol Mahum shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots and exclusive for I-Card service.
Monster wolf shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots and exclusive for I-Card service.
Monster Ant shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots and available to use active skill exclusive for I-Card service.
Monster Ant shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots and available to use active skill exclusive for I-Card service.
Monster Ant shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots and available to use active skill exclusive for I-Card service.
Monster Ant shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots and available to use active skill exclusive for I-Card service.
Monster Ol Mahum shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots and available to use active skill exclusive for I-Card service.
Monster Ol Mahum shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots and available to use active skill exclusive for I-Card service.
Monster Ol Mahum shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots and available to use active skill exclusive for I-Card service.
Monster Ol Mahum shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots and available to use active skill exclusive for I-Card service.
Monster wolf shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots and available to use active skill exclusive for I-Card service.
Monster wolf shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots and available to use active skill exclusive for I-Card service.
Monster wolf shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots and available to use active skill exclusive for I-Card service.
Monster wolf shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots and available to use active skill exclusive for I-Card service.

Full body armor.

Full body armor.
Full body armor.
Full body armor.
Full body armor.
Full body armor.

Full body armor.

Full body armor.

Phoenix Knight, Hell Knight, Eva's Templar and Shillien Templar can wear it.
Dreadnought, Titan, Fortune Seeker and Maestro can wear it.

Pagina 484

Duelist and Grand Khavatari can wear it.

Sword Muse and Spectral Dancer can wear it.

Can be equipped by Adventurers, Wind Riders, Ghost Hunters, and Fortune Seekers.
Sagittarius, Moonlight Sentinel, Ghost Sentinel and Trickster can wear it.

Cardinals, Eva's Saints and Shillien Saints can wear it.

Hierophants, Dominators and Doomcryers can wear it.
Arcana Lord, Elemental Master and Spectral Master can wear it.
Archmage, Mystic Muse, Storm Screamer and Soul Taker can wear it.
Duelist and Grand Khavatari can wear it.
Dreadnought, Titan, Fortune Seeker, Maestro, Doombringer and Soul Hound can wear it.
Hierophant, Dominator, Doomcryer and Judicator can wear it.
Arcana Lord, Elemental Master and Spectral Master can wear it.

Phoenix Knight, Hell Knight, Eva's Templar and Shillien Templar can wear it.
Dreadnought, Titan, Fortune Seeker and Maestro can wear it.
Duelist and Grand Khavatari can wear it.
Sword Muse and Spectral Dancer can wear it.

Can be equipped by Adventurers, Wind Riders, Ghost Hunters, and Fortune Seekers.
Sagittarius, Moonlight Sentinel, Ghost Sentinel and Trickster can wear it.

Cardinals, Eva's Saints and Shillien Saints can wear it.

Hierophants, Dominators and Doomcryers can wear it.
Arcana Lord, Elemental Master and Spectral Master can wear it.
Archmage, Mystic Muse, Storm Screamer and Soul Taker can wear it.
Duelist and Grand Khavatari can wear it.
Dreadnought, Titan, Fortune Seeker, Maestro, Doombringer and Soul Hound can wear it.
Hierophant, Dominator, Doomcryer and Judicator can wear it.
Arcana Lord, Elemental Master and Spectral Master can wear it.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Masterwork Item that increases Evasion.
Masterwork Item that increases Evasion.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def. and HP
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def. and Max HP.
Masterwork Item that increases Evasion.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def. and Max HP.
Masterwork Item that increases Evasion.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Def.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def. and Max HP.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def. and Max HP.
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Def. and decreases Weight Limit.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def.

Pagina 485

Masterwork Item that increases M. Def. and decreases Weight Limit.

Masterwork Item that increases P. Def. and Casting Spd.
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Def. and decreases Weight Limit.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def.
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP and Breath Gauge
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., MP Recovery Rate, Poison Resistance, and Breath Gauge
Masterwork Item that increases Speed, Breath Gauge and MP Recovery Rate.
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP and Breath Gauge
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., MP Recovery Rate, Poison Resistance, and Breath Gauge
Masterwork Item that increases Speed, Breath Gauge and MP Recovery Rate.
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP and Breath Gauge
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP and Breath Gauge
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., MP Recovery Rate, Poison Resistance, and Breath Gauge
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Masterwork Item that increases Speed, Breath Gauge and MP Recovery Rate.
Masterwork Item that increases Speed and MP Recovery Rate.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def. and Casting Spd.
Masterwork Item that increases Speed and MP Recovery Rate.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def.
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP and MP Recovery Rate.
Masterwork Item that increases Speed and MP Recovery Rate.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def.
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP and MP Recovery Rate.
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP and MP Recovery Rate.
Masterwork Item that increases Speed and MP Recovery Rate.
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP and MP Recovery Rate.
Masterwork Item that increases Speed and MP Recovery Rate.
Masterwork Item that increases Speed, Breath Gauge and MP Recovery Rate.
Masterwork Item that increases heal power and Paralysis resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases heal power and Paralysis resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd. and Paralysis resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def. and Speed and decreases Magic Cancel Rate and Paralysis Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd. and Paralysis resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def., Casting Spd. and Speed, and decreases casting interrupt and Paralysis resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases heal power and Paralysis resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd. and Paralysis resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def. and Speed and decreases Magic Cancel Rate and Paralysis Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases heal power and Paralysis resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases heal power and Paralysis resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd. and Paralysis resistance.

Pagina 486

Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Masterwork Item\n
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd., Weight Limit, and Poison/ Bleed Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate, Max MP, and Poison/ Bleed Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases M. Def. and Poison/ Bleed Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate, Max MP, and Poison/ Bleed Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd., Weight Limit, and Poison/ Bleed Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate, Max MP, and Poison/ Bleed Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases M. Def. and Poison/ Bleed Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases Casting Spd.
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd., Weight Limit, and Poison/ Bleed Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd., Weight Limit, and Poison/ Bleed Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases M. Def. and Poison/ Bleed Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Accuracy and Stun Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases Bow/ Crossbow P. Atk. and Max MP, and decreases Weight Limit and increases Stun Resist
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP, MP Recovery Rate, and Stun Resistance\n
Masterwork Item that increases Bow/ Crossbow P. Atk. and Max MP, and decreases Weight Limit and increases Stun Resist
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP, Casting Spd., MP Recovery Rate and Stun Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Accuracy and Stun Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases Bow/ Crossbow P. Atk. and Max MP, and decreases Weight Limit and increases Stun Resist
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP, MP Recovery Rate, and Stun Resistance\n
Masterwork Item with Stun Resistance. P. Atk. and Accuracy are increased.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Accuracy and Stun Resistance
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.

Pagina 487

Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., and Sleep/ Hold Resistance.

Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., and Sleep/ Hold Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Def. and Sleep/ Hold Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate, M. Atk., and Sleep/ Hold Resistance.
Sleep/ Hold Resistance and M. Def. are increased. Has a chance of using some of the damage inflicted upon the enemy to re
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate, M. Atk., and Sleep/ Hold Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., and Sleep/ Hold Resistance.
Masterwork Item with Sleep/ Hold Resistance and M. Def. are increased.
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate, M. Atk., and Sleep/ Hold Resistance.
Masterwork Item with Sleep/ Hold Resistance and P. Atk. are increased.

Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd., P. Atk. and Max MP, and decreases Weight Limit.
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd., P. Atk. and Max MP, and decreases Weight Limit.
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd., P. Atk. and Max MP, and decreases Weight Limit.
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd., P. Atk. and Max MP, and decreases Weight Limit.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk. and Speed, and decreases casting interrupt, Stun Resistance and Weight Limit.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk. and Speed, and decreases casting interrupt, Stun Resistance and Weight Limit.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk. and Speed, and decreases casting interrupt, Stun Resistance and Weight Limit.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk. and Speed, and decreases casting interrupt, Stun Resistance and Weight Limit.
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def., Max HP, and Sleep/ Hold Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def., Max HP, and Sleep/ Hold Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def., Max HP, and Sleep/ Hold Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def., Max HP, and Sleep/ Hold Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def., Max HP, and Sleep/ Hold Resistance.
A Masterwork Item.\n
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def./ Max HP/ Dark Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def./ Max HP/ Dark Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP/ M. Atk./ Dark Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy/ Evasion/ Max HP/ Atk. Spd./ Dark Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy, Evasion, Max HP, Dark Resistance and Atk. Spd.
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy/ Evasion/ Max HP/ Atk. Spd./ Dark Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy, Evasion, Max HP, Dark Resistance and Atk. Spd.
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy, Evasion, Max HP, Dark Resistance and Atk. Spd.
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy, Evasion, Max HP, Dark Resistance and Atk. Spd.
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy, Evasion, Max HP, Dark Resistance and Atk. Spd.
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy, Evasion, Max HP, Dark Resistance and Atk. Spd.

Pagina 488

Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy, Evasion, Max HP, Dark Resistance and Atk. Spd.
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy, Evasion, Max HP, Dark Resistance and Atk. Spd.
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy, Evasion, Max HP, Dark Resistance and Atk. Spd.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def./ Max HP/ Dark Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def./ Max HP/ Dark Resistance
Masterwork Item that has the effect of increased P. Def., increased Max HP, increased Dark Resistance, and decreased MP
Masterwork Item that has the effect of increased P. Def., increased Max HP, increased Dark Resistance, and decreased MP
Masterwork Item that has the effect of increased P. Def., increased Max HP, increased Dark Resistance, and decreased MP
Masterwork Item that has the effect of increased P. Def., increased Max HP, increased Dark Resistance, and decreased MP
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP, Dark Resistance, and M. Atk.
Masterwork Item that has increased Casting Spd. effect
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def., Max HP and Dark Resistance, and decreases MP consumption rate.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def., Max HP and Dark Resistance, and decreases MP consumption rate.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def., Max HP and Dark Resistance, and decreases MP consumption rate.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def., Max HP and Dark Resistance, and decreases MP consumption rate.
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP, Dark Resistance, and M. Atk.
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy, Evasion, Max MP, Dark Resistance, and Atk. Spd.
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy, Evasion, Max HP, Dark Resistance and Atk. Spd.
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy, Evasion, Max HP, Dark Resistance and Atk. Spd.
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy, Evasion, Max HP, Dark Resistance and Atk. Spd.
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy, Evasion, Max HP, Dark Resistance and Atk. Spd.
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy, Evasion, Max HP, Dark Resistance and Atk. Spd.
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy, Evasion, Max HP, Dark Resistance and Atk. Spd.
Masterwork Item that has increased Casting Spd. effect

Masterwork Item that has the effect of increased P. Def., increased Max HP, increased Dark Resistance, and decreased MP
Masterwork Item that has the effect of increased P. Def., increased Max HP, increased Dark Resistance, and decreased MP
Masterwork Item that has the effect of increased P. Def., increased Max HP, increased Dark Resistance, and decreased MP
Masterwork Item that has the effect of increased P. Def., increased Max HP, increased Dark Resistance, and decreased MP
Masterwork Item that has the effect of increased P. Def., increased Max HP, increased Dark Resistance, and decreased MP
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def./ Max HP/ Dark Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP/ M. Atk./ Dark Resistance
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item
Sealed Masterwork Item

Pagina 489

Sealed Masterwork Item

Masterwork Item that increases Max MP.
Masterwork Item that increases Stun Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate.
Masterwork Item that increases Dark Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases Stun Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP.
Sealed Masterwork Item that has the effect of MP+26 and Max MP +21 when the seal is broken. The blacksmith in a village c
Sealed Masterwork Item that has the effect of MP +13 and MP Recovery Rate +0.71% when the seal is broken. The blacksm
Sealed Masterwork Item that has the effect of MP +20 and M. Def. +1% when the seal is broken. The blacksmith in a village c
Masterwork Item that has the effect of MP +26 and Max MP +21
Masterwork Item that has the effect of MP +13 and MP Recovery Rate +0.71%
Masterwork item that increases MP by 20 and Resistance to attack magic by 1%
Masterwork item that increases MP by 33 and Resistance to attack magic by 1%
Masterwork Item that has the effect of MP +17 and Max MP +11
Masterwork Item that has the effect of MP +25 and Poison Resistance +5.71.
Sealed Masterwork Item that has the effect of MP+33 and M. Def. +1% when the seal is broken. The blacksmith in a village c
Sealed Masterwork Item that has the effect of MP+17 and Max MP +11 when the seal is broken. The blacksmith in a village c
Sealed Masterwork Item that has the effect of MP+25 and Poison Resistance +5.71 when the seal is broken. The blacksmith
Sealed Masterwork Item that has the effect of MP+42 and Poison Resistance +7.61 when the seal is broken.
Sealed Masterwork Item that has the effect of MP+21 and Terrain Resistance +1.14 when the seal is broken.
Sealed Masterwork Item that has the effect of MP+31 and Max MP +20 when seal is broken.
Masterwork Item that has the effect of MP +42 and Bleed Resistance +7.61.
Masterwork Item that has the effect of MP +21 and Earth Resistance +1.14.
Masterwork Item that has the effect of MP +31 and Max MP +20
Masterwork Item that has the effect of MP +46 and Max MP +30
Masterwork Item that has the effect of MP +23 and Dark Resistance +1.14.
Masterwork Item that has the effect of MP+35 and Sleep Resistance +5.
Sealed Masterwork Item that has the effect of MP +46 and Max MP +30 when the seal is broken.
Sealed Masterwork Item that increases Dark Resistance by 1.14.
Sealed Masterwork Item that has the effect of MP+35 and Sleep Resistance +5.
Leather Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Quality Leather Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
Ring Breastplate with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Bone Helmet with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Cursed Tunic with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Cursed Stockings with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Iron Plate Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Puma Skin Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Puma Skin Shirt with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Leather Gauntlets with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dark Stockings with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Wizard Tunic with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Wizard Stockings with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Lion Skin Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Lion Skin Shirt with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
White Tunic with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Scale Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Scale Mail with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 490

Elven Tunic with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Elven Stockings with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Bronze Helmet with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Blue Buckskin Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dwarven Scale Mail Hammer with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul
Mithril Breastplate with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Compound Scale Mail with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Iron Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Reinforced Leather Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cr
Reinforced Leather Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crys
Reinforced Leather Shirt with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cryst
Reinforced Leather Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cry
Gauntlets with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dwarven Scale Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
Linen Shirt with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Mithril Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Mithril Banded Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Mithril Banded Mail with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Breastplate with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Boots of Knowledge with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Gloves of Knowledge with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Tunic of Knowledge with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Stockings of Knowledge with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
Compound Scale Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crys
Helmet with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Manticore Skin Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal
Manticore Skin Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Manticore Skin Shirt with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Manticore Skin Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal
Mithril Scale Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Mithril Tunic with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Mithril Stockings with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Brigandine with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Brigandine Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Brigandine Gauntlets with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Brigandine Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Brigandine Helmet with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Elven Mithril Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Elven Mithril Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Striped Linen Shirt with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Rip Gauntlets with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Boots of Strength with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Assault Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Mithril Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Salamander Skin Mail with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Salamander Skin Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
Ogre Power Gauntlets with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Plate Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Plate Helmet with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 491

Plate Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Half Plate Armor with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sage's Worn Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sage's Rags with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Reinforced Mithril Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crys
Reinforced Mithril Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
Reinforced Mithril Shirt with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal
Reinforced Mithril Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crys
Dwarven Chain Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Boots of Seal with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Chain Hood with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Chain Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Chain Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Chain Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Chain Mail Shirt with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Karmian Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Karmian Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Karmian Tunic with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Karmian Stockings with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Plated Leather Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Plated Leather Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal
Plated Leather Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Plated Leather Armor with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Great Helmet with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dwarven Chain Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
Dwarven Chain Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
Dwarven Chain Mail Shirt with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crys
Rind Leather Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Rind Leather Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Rind Leather Armor with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Rind Leather Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Robe of Seal with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Gloves of Seal with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Silk Shirt with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Crimson Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Mithril Gauntlets with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Shining Circlet with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Demon's Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Demon's Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Demon's Tunic with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Demon's Stockings with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Compound Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Compound Helmet with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Compound Armor with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Theca Leather Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal
Theca Leather Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Theca Leather Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Theca Leather Armor with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Drake Leather Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 492

Drake Leather Armor with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Drake Leather Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Divine Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Divine Tunic with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Divine Stockings with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Striped Silk Shirt with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Full Plate Gauntlets with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Full Plate Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Full Plate Armor with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Full Plate Helmet with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sealed Zubei's Gauntlets with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmentation are impossible. Th
Sealed Zubei's Boots with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmentation are impossible. The b
Sealed Avadon Gloves with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. The bl
Sealed Avadon Boots with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. The bla
Zubei's Leather Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
Zubei's Leather Shirt with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Zubei's Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Zubei's Gauntlets with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Zubei's Gauntlets with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Zubei's Gauntlets with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Zubei's Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Zubei's Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Zubei's Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Zubei's Helmet with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Zubei's Breastplate with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Avadon Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Avadon Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Avadon Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Avadon Leather Armor with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal
Avadon Robe with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Avadon Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Avadon Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Avadon Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Avadon Circlet with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Avadon Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Avadon Breastplate with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Thin Leather Shirt with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Tunic of Zubei with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Stockings of Zubei with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Doom Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Doom Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Doom Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Doom Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Doom Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Doom Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Doom Plate Armor with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Doom Helmet with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Leather Armor of Doom with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
Sealed Doom Gloves with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. The blac

Pagina 493

Sealed Doom Boots with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. The black
Sealed Blue Wolf Boots with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. The b
Sealed Blue Wolf Gloves with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. The
Thin Striped Leather Shirt with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crys
Tunic of Doom with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Blue Wolf Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Blue Wolf Leather Armor with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cryst
Blue Wolf Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Blue Wolf Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Blue Wolf Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Blue Wolf Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Blue Wolf Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Blue Wolf Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Blue Wolf Tunic with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Blue Wolf Helmet with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Blue Wolf Stockings with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Blue Wolf Breastplate with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Stockings of Doom with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dark Crystal Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dark Crystal Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dark Crystal Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dark Crystal Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dark Crystal Leather Armor with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cr
Dark Crystal Robe with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dark Crystal Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dark Crystal Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dark Crystal Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dark Crystal Helmet with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dark Crystal Breastplate with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cryst
Dark Crystal Leggings with limited enhancement options Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Scale Shirt with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. T
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. T
Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impos
Sealed Dark Crystal Robe with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. The
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. Th
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. T
Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossib
Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings with limited power enhancement Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible.
Sealed Tallum Gloves with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. The bla
Sealed Tallum Leather Armor with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible.
Sealed Tallum Boots with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. The blac
Sealed Tallum Tunic with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. The blac
Sealed Tallum Plate Armor with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. Th
Sealed Tallum Helmet with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. The bla
Sealed Tallum Stockings with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. The
Tallum Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Tallum Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Tallum Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 494

Tallum Leather Armor with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Tallum Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Tallum Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Tallum Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Tallum Tunic with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Tallum Plate Armor with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Tallum Helmet with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Tallum Stockings with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Majestic Gauntlets with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Majestic Gauntlets with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Majestic Gauntlets with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Majestic Leather Armor with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
Majestic Robe with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Majestic Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Majestic Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Majestic Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Majestic Circlet with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Majestic Plate Armor with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. The
Sealed Majestic Leather Armor with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible
Sealed Majestic Robe with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. The bla
Sealed Majestic Boots with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. The bla
Sealed Majestic Circlet with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. The bl
Sealed Majestic Plate Armor with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. T
Sealed Armor of Nightmare with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. Th
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impos
Sealed Nightmare Robe with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. The b
Sealed Boots of Nightmare with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. Th
Sealed Helm of Nightmare with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. Th
Armor of Nightmare with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Gauntlets of Nightmare with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
Gauntlets of Nightmare with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
Gauntlets of Nightmare with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
Leather Armor of Nightmare with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul c
Robe of Nightmare with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Boots of Nightmare with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Boots of Nightmare with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Boots of Nightmare with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Helm of Nightmare with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Striped Scale Shirt with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Draconic Leather Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crys
Draconic Leather Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
Draconic Leather Armor with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
Draconic Leather Helmet with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crys
Major Arcana Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Major Arcana Robe with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Major Arcana Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Major Arcana Circlet with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 495

Mithril Shirt with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a so
Sealed Draconic Leather Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a sou
Sealed Draconic Leather Armor with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a so
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a s
Sealed Major Arcana Gloves with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul c
Sealed Major Arcana Robe with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cr
Sealed Major Arcana Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cr
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul c
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a s
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with
Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a so
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a s
Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced wit
Imperial Crusader Gaiters with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crys
Imperial Crusader Gauntlets with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul c
Imperial Crusader Boots with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cryst
Imperial Crusader Helmet with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crys
Imperial Crusader Breastplate with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul
Red Crescent with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Necklace of Devotion with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Ring of Devotion with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Earring of Magic with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Magic Necklace with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Ring of Magic with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Near Forest Necklace with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Tiger's Eye with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Black Pearl Ring with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Elven Necklace with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Elven Ring with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Elven Earring with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Mithril Ring with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dark Necklace with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Onyx Beast's Eye with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Moonstone Earring with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Aquastone Necklace with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Aquastone Ring with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Earring of Protection with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Necklace of Protection with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal
Ring of Protection with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Earring of Seal with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Ring of Ages with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Necklace offers limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Nassen's Earring with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Necklace of Seal with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Ring of Seal with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Adamantite Earring with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Adamantite Necklace with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Adamantite Ring with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 496

Black Ore Earring with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Black Ore Necklace with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Black Ore Ring with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sealed Phoenix Necklace with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, soul storing, and augmenting are impossible. The
Sealed Phoenix Earring with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, soul storing, and augmenting are impossible. The bla
Sealed Phoenix Ring with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, soul storing, and augmenting are impossible. The black
Phoenix Necklace with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls and augmenting are impossible. The effect is
This Phoenix Ring features limited power enhancement, boosting MP by13. Enchantment, storing souls and augmenting are
This Phoenix Earring features limited power enhancement, boosting MP by20. Enchantment, storing souls and augmenting a
Sealed Majestic Necklace with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, soul storing, and augmenting are impossible. The
Sealed Majestic Ring with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, soul storing, and augmenting are impossible. The black
Sealed Majestic Earring with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, soul storing, and augmenting are impossible. The bl
Majestic Necklace with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls and augmenting are impossible. The effect is
This Majestic Ring features limited power enhancement, boosting MP by17. Enchantment, storing souls and augmenting are
This Majestic Earring features limited power enhancement, boosting MP by25. Enchantment, storing souls and augmenting a
Sealed Tateossian Necklace with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, soul storing, and augmenting are impossible. Th
Sealed Tateossian Ring with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, soul storing, and augmenting are impossible. The bl
Sealed Tateossian Earring with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, soul storing, and augmenting are impossible. The
Tateossian Necklace with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls and augmenting are impossible. The effec
This Tateossian Ring features limited power enhancement, boosting MP by21. Enchantment, storing souls and augmenting a
This Tateossian Earring features limited power enhancement, boosting MP by31. Enchantment, storing souls and augmentin
Cute monkey hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Cute pig hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

Luxury gold circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

Luxury silver circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Bracelet that summons a cute little angel Agathion.
Bracelet that summons a cute little devil Agathion.

Hat that looks like Kat the Cat. 30-day.

Hat that looks like Feline Queen. 30-day.

Hat that looks like a Monster Eye. 30-day.

Hat that looks like Brown Bear. 30-day.
Hat that looks like Fungus. 30-day.
Hat that looks like a Skull. 30-day.

Pagina 497

Hat that looks like a Ornithomimus. 30-day.

Hat that looks like Feline King. 30-day.
Hat that looks like Kai the Cat. 30-day.

Increases Max CP when equipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. Shadow Item.
Increases CP Recovery Rate when equipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. Shadow Item
Increases your Force Lv. when attacked while equipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. Sh
Transfers a portion of damage you take onto your servitor while equipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of
Interesting hair accessory that looks like a teddy bear. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Shadow Item.
Interesting hair accessory that looks like a piggy. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Shadow Item.
Festive jester hat with a split top. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Shadow Item.
Interesting hair accessory that looks like a fish. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Medieval-style party mask. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Masterwork Item that increases Evasion.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Def. and the Weight Limit
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def.
Masterwork Item that increases the breathing gauge, P. Atk., MP Recovery Rate, and Poison Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases the Breath Gauge, Speed, and MP Recovery Rate
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def.
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP and MP Recovery Rate
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd., P. Atk., Paralysis resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Def., Speed, and Paralysis Resistance, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate.
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate, Max MP, and Poison/ Bleed Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Def. and Poison/ Bleed Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk. for bows and crossbows, increases Max MP, Weight Limit, and Stun Resistance
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP, MP Recovery Rate, and Stun Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Def. and Sleep/ Hold Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate, M. Atk., and Sleep/ Hold Resistance.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
Can mount a Darkmane Pacer when equipped. 7-day.
Can summon an Love Agathion when equipped. 30-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Angry Devil when equipped. 30-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Shiny when equipped. 30-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Sobbing when equipped. 30-day.
Pailaka Piglis exclusive armor

Top Hat reserved for fashionable society. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Shadow Item.
Traditional mask to hide one's true identity. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Shadow Item.
Goggles used to protect your eyes while riding on a mount. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Shadow Item.

Pagina 498

Increases M. Def. Decreases Magic Cancel Rate.

Sealed Vesper Helmet. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Leather Helmet. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Circlet. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Noble Helmet. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Noble Leather Helmet. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Noble Circlet. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Circlet that represents the Varka race. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that represents the Ketra race. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
This brass-hued luxury hair accessory requires 2 hair accessory slots.
This silver-hued luxury hair accessory requires 2 hair accessory slots.
This gold-hued luxury hair accessory requires 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Kat the Cat. 7-day.
Hat that looks like Feline Queen. 7-day.
Hat that looks like a Monster Eye. 7-day.
Hat that looks like Brown Bear. 7-day.
Hat that looks like Fungus. 7-day.
Hat that looks like a Skull. 7-day.
Hat that looks like a Ornithomimus. 7-day.
Hat that looks like Feline King. 7-day.
Hat that looks like Kai the Cat. 7-day.
Seal bracelet that can summon an Love Agathion. 7-day.
Gift from Gran Kain, it emits a unique sound each time a report is called in. May be used for up to 10 hours.
Pailaka Forgotten Temple reward item. Earring with prominent M. Def. MP +20 effect.
Pailaka Forgotten Temple reward item. Ring with prominent M. Def. MP 15 effect.
Pailaka Devil's Isle reward item. MP +20. Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped.
Pailaka Varka Silenos reward item. Shirt with prominent P. Def. MP 40 effect.
Can mount a Darkmane Pacer when equipped. 7-day.
Can summon an Love Agathion when equipped. 30-day.
Hat that looks like Kat the Cat. 30-day.
Hat that looks like Feline Queen. 30-day.
Hat that looks like a Monster Eye. 30-day.
Hat that looks like Brown Bear. 30-day.
Hat that looks like Fungus. 30-day.
Hat that looks like a Skull. 30-day.
Hat that looks like a Ornithomimus. 30-day.
Hat that looks like Feline King. 30-day.
Hat that looks like Kai the Cat. 30-day.
Hat that looks like Kat the Cat. 7-day.
Hat that looks like Feline Queen. 7-day.
Hat that looks like a Monster Eye. 7-day.
Hat that looks like Brown Bear. 7-day.
Hat that looks like Fungus. 7-day.

Pagina 499

Hat that looks like a Skull. 7-day.

Hat that looks like a Ornithomimus. 7-day.
Hat that looks like Feline King. 7-day.
Hat that looks like Kai the Cat. 7-day.
Seal bracelet that can summon a Love Agathion. 7-day.
Increases Max CP by 516 when over-enchanted to +4 or above.
Increases Max CP by 672 when over-enchanted to +4 or above.
Increases Max CP by 564 when over-enchanted to +4 or above.
Increases Max CP by 744 when over-enchanted to +4 or above.
Cute Monkey Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Cute Pig Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
This unique Frog Hat requires 2 hair accessory slots.
This unique Chicken Hat requires 2 hair accessory slots.
Interesting hair accessory that looks like a teddy bear. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Interesting hair accessory that looks like a piggy. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
A unique jester hat that is split at the end. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

Circlet that symbolizes the valor of Innadril. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that symbolizes the valor of Aden. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that symbolizes the valor of Dion. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that symbolizes the unit y of Dion. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that symbolizes the unit y of Innadril. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that symbolizes the unit y of Oren. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that symbolizes the wisdom of Gludio. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that symbolizes the wisdom of Rune. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that symbolizes the wisdom of Giran. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

Pagina 500

Circlet that symbolizes the power of Goddard. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that symbolizes the power of Schuttgart. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that symbolizes the power of Oren. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that symbolizes the peace of Gludio. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that symbolizes the peace of Schuttgart. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that symbolizes the peace of Aden. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that symbolizes the peace of Rune. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat to celebrate a birthday. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Halloween Pumpkin Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Arrow-pierced Apple. It can be worn on the head. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Used as ingredient for quest: One Who Faces
Popped-out eye shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Graduation Cap. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Carnival Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Angel Ring. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Devil Horn. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Pirate Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined chick shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Wizard Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Jester Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Black Feather Mask. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Romantic Chapeau. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Carnival Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Medieval Party Mask. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Dapper Cap. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Clownfish Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Crown for the Castle Lords. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that has the power of Flame. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that has the power of Freeze. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that has the power of Storm. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that has the power of Severe Earthquake. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that has the power of Darkness. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that has the power of Splendor. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat used during mining. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat used during mining. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat used when searching for minerals. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat used when searching for minerals. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Furry hat captures a raccoon's playful spirit. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Top Hat reserved for fashionable society. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Traditional mask to hide one's true identity. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat of a Jindo Dog. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat of a Shaggy Dog. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Goggles used to protect your eyes while riding on a mount. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Lineage Souvenir Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

This Collection-Use Golem was created by the Dwarves using Agathion as the model. It is able extract a compression stone f
Can summon an Agathion - Teddy Boy when equipped.
Can summon an Agathion - Teddy Girl when equipped.

Pagina 501

Can mount a Steam Sledge when equipped.

Can mount a Tawny Maned Lion when equipped.
Cloak with luxurious embroidery. Dark Attribute Resistance +30. Can be worn by Barons or higher ranks of the clan that own
Cloak with luxurious embroidery. Dark Attribute Resistance +30, and can be worn by Barons or higher ranks of the clan that o
Cloak with luxurious embroidery. Dark Attribute Resistance +30, and can be worn by Barons or higher ranks of the clan that o
Cloak with luxurious embroidery. Dark Attribute Resistance +30, and can be worn by Barons or higher ranks of the clan that o
Necklace given to the guardian of Gludio territory. Water Resistance +26.
Necklace given to the guardian of Dion territory. Holy Resistance +26.
Necklace given to the guardian of Giran territory. Wind Resistance +26.
Necklace given to the guardian of Oren territory. Dark Resistance +26.
Necklace given to the guardian of Aden territory. Earth Resistance +26.
Necklace given to the guardian of Innadril territory. Water Resistance +26.
Necklace given to the guardian of Goddard territory. Fire Resistance +26.
Necklace given to the guardian of Rune territory. Fire Resistance +26.
Necklace given to the guardian of Schuttgart territory. Wind Resistance +26.
Olympiad Warrior's T-shirt. Bestows an option that increases Max CP by 672 when enchanted by 4 or more.
MP+21, increased Accuracy, increased P. Critical Damage, Hold Resistance +30%, and Hold Atk. Rate +30%. 60-day. Only o
MP+42, Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun Resistance +15%. Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun Atk. Rate +15%. Damage Reflection effect. Decreas
MP +31, Stun/ Mental Resistance +20%, Stun/ Mental Atk. Rate +20%, and Vampiric Rage. 60-day. When equipped with two
Summons an Agathion.
Equip this hood, obtained from Secret Agent Colin, to alter your appearance, speak with Native Kuta at Narsell Lake and obta
Equip this tunic, obtained from Secret Agent Colin, to alter your appearance, speak with Native Kuta at Narsell Lake and obta
Equip these trousers, obtained from Secret Agent Colin, to alter your appearance, speak with Native Kuta at Narsell Lake and
Obtained from Secret Agent Colin, it allows you use the Guards' Transformation skill when equipped with the Guards of Dawn
Obtained from Secret Agent Colin, it allows you use the Guards' Transformation skill when equipped with the Guards of Dawn
Obtained from Secret Agent Colin, it allows you use the Guards' Transformation skill when equipped with the Guards of Dawn
Sealed Arcana Sigil. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon.
Sealed Dynasty Sigil. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon.
Sealed Vesper Sigil. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon and Maestro Ishuma.

Cloak covered with energy of the Holy Spirit. Dark Resistance +30. When the entire set of Vesper Noble or Dynasty set is wo
Cloak covered with energy of the Holy Spirit. Dark Resistance +30. When an armor set above the Dynasty level is worn, the S
Cloak covered with energy of the Holy Spirit. Dark Resistance +30. When the entire set of Vesper Noble or Dynasty set is wo
Cloak covered with energy of the Holy Spirit. Dark Resistance +30. When the entire set of Vesper Noble or Dynasty set is wo
Functions can be added by using C-grade Magic Pin or Magic Pouch.
Functions can be added by using B-grade Magic Pin or Magic Pouch.
One can attach a function using A-grade Magic Pin, Magic Pouch, Rune clip, and Magic ornament.
One can attach a function using S-grade Magic Pin, Magic Pouch, Rune clip, and Magic ornament.
Inventory Slots +9
Inventory Slots +12
Inventory Slots +15
Inventory Slots +18
Inventory Slots +15
Inventory Slots +18
Inventory Slots +21
Inventory Slots +24
Inventory Slots +21
Inventory Slots +24
Inventory Slots +27

Pagina 502

Inventory Slots +30

Inventory Slots +27
Inventory Slots +30
Inventory Slots +33
Inventory Slots +36
Weight +3000.
Weight +4000.
Weight +5000.
Weight +6000.
Weight +5000.
Weight +6000.
Weight +7000.
Weight +8000.
Weight +7000.
Weight +8000.
Weight +9000.
Weight +10000.
Weight +9000.
Weight +10000.
Weight +11000.
Weight +12000.

Bracelet used to summon a Collection Agathion.

Can mount a Golden Maned Lion when equipped. 7-day.
Can mount a Steam Beetle when equipped. 7-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Teddy Boy when equipped. 30-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Teddy Girl when equipped. 30-day.
Can mount a Golden Maned Lion when equipped. 7-day.
Can mount a Steam Beetle when equipped. 7-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Teddy Boy when equipped. 30-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Teddy Girl when equipped. 30-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Angry Devil when equipped. 30-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Shiny when equipped. 30-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Sobbing when equipped. 30-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Teddy Boy when equipped. 7-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Teddy Girl when equipped. 7-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Angry Devil when equipped. 7-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Shiny when equipped. 7-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Sobbing when equipped. 7-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Teddy Boy when equipped. 7-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Teddy Girl when equipped. 7-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Angry Devil when equipped. 7-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Shiny when equipped. 7-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Sobbing when equipped. 7-day.
Bracelet that can summon a Collection Agathion.
Sealed Vesper Breastplate. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Leather Breastplate. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.

Pagina 503

Sealed Vesper Tunic. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Gaiters. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Gauntlets. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Boots. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Leather Leggings. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Leather Gloves. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Leather Boots. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Stockings. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Gloves. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Shoes. Seal can be removed by the blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma. When the seal is released, the effect is M. Def. +11
Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma. When the seal is released, the effect is M. Def.+15 a
Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma. When the seal is released, the effect is M. Def.+7 an
Vesper Earring. The effect is MP +37.
Vesper Necklace. The effect is MP +50.
Vesper Ring. The effect is MP +25.

Decreases damage received during PvP. Has a chance of decreasing all Speeds of the attacker.
Decreases damage received during PvP. Has a chance of canceling the opponent's target when attacked.
Decreases damage received during PvP. Has a chance of decreasing the chance of receiving Critical Damage and P. Critica
Decreases damage received during PvP. Has a chance of decreasing all Speeds of the attacker.
Decreases damage received during PvP. Has a chance of canceling the opponent's target when attacked.
Decreases damage received during PvP. Has a chance of decreasing the chance of receiving Critical Damage and P. Critica

A one-piece upper and lower body armor for clans.

A one-piece upper and lower body armor for clans.

A one-piece upper and lower body armor for clans.

Ring given to the guardian of Gludio territory. Earth Resistance +12. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earrin
Ring given to the guardian of Dion territory. Water Resistance +12. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earring
Ring given to the guardian of Giran territory. Fire Resistance +12. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earrings
Ring given to the guardian of Oren territory. Earth Resistance +12. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earring
Ring given to the guardian of Aden territory. Holy Resistance +12. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earrings
Ring given to the guardian of Innadril territory. Holy Resistance +12. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earrin
Ring given to the guardian of Goddard territory. Dark Resistance +12. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earr
Ring given to the guardian of Rune territory. Wind Resistance +12. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earring

Pagina 504

Ring given to the guardian of Schuttgart territory. Dark Resistance +12. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two ea
Item that allows you to summon a Toy Knight. Hunger gauge lasts 5 hours. Cannot feed pet to refill hunger gauge.
Item that allows you to summon a Spirit Shaman. Hunger gauge lasts 5 hours.
When used, Max CP is greatly increased and a certain amount of CP is greatly recovered. Only one effect is applied when yo
When used, Max CP is increased and a certain amount of CP is recovered. Only one effect is applied when you wear the sam
Ancient Power Sealed Cloak. When the entire set of Vesper Noble is worn, the Sealed Cloak Slot will be open and one can n
Sealed cloak containing ancient power. When an armor set above the Dynasty level is worn, the Sealed Cloak Slot will be op
Ancient Power Sealed Cloak. When the entire set of Vesper Noble is worn, the Sealed Cloak Slot will be open and one can n
Rudolph's Nose. 14-day.
When used, one can play rock-paper-scissors with Thomas D. Turkey in each territory.
The bracelet which can summon cute Rudolph Agathion. 14-day.
Earring given to the guardian of Gludio territory. Stun Attack +15%, Bleed Resistance +15%, Water Resistance +8. Only one
Earring given to the guardian of Dion territory. Hold Attack +15%, Poison Resistance +15%, Holy Resistance +8. Only one ef
Earring given to the guardian of Giran territory. Bleed Attack +15%, Paralysis Resistance +15%, Wind Resistance +8. Only on
Earring given to the guardian of Oren territory. Paralysis attack +15%, Hold Resistance +15%, Dark Resistance +8. Only one
Earring given to the guardian of Aden territory. Mental Attack +15%, Stun Resistance +15%, Earth Resistance +8. Only one e
Earring given to the guardian of Innadril territory. Sleep Attack +15%, Stun Resistance +15%, Water Resistance +8. Only one
Earring given to the guardian of Goddard territory. Stun Attack +15%, Sleep Resistance +15%, Fire Resistance +8. Only one
Earring given to the guardian of Rune territory. Poison Attack +15%, Hold Resistance +15%, Fire Resistance +8. Only one ef
Earring given to the guardian of Schuttgart. Hold attack +15%, Mental Resistance +15%, Wind Resistance +8. Only one effec
Bracelet that can summon an Agathion. Cannot receive the gift if the inventory and weight are full.
Hair accessory in the shape of a cow head.
Refined chick shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Black Feather Mask. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Carnival Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

Bamboo Hat. Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots.

Refined Medieval Party Mask. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

Refined chick shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Can use the skill Blessed Escape after equipping.
Refined chick shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Can use the head enlarging skill after equipping.
Refined chick shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Can use the fireworks skill after equipping.
Refined Black Feather Mask. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Can use the skill Blessed Escape after equipping.
Refined Black Feather Mask. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Can use the head enlarging skill after equipping.
Refined Black Feather Mask. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Can use the fireworks skill after equipping.
Refined Carnival Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Can use the skill Blessed Escape after equipping.
Refined Carnival Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Can use the head enlarging skill after equipping.
Refined Carnival Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Can use the fireworks skill after equipping.
Refined Medieval Party Mask. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Can use the skill Blessed Escape after equipping.
Refined Medieval Party Mask. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Can use the head enlarging skill after equipping.
Refined Medieval Party Mask. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Can use the fireworks skill after equipping.
Hat that looks like Kat the Cat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. 14-day. Cannot be restored once deleted.
Formal bridal hair accessory. Female only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Cannot be restored once deleted.
Tuxedo for men, and a wedding dress for women. Equipping this disables armor. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Can summon a Love Agathion when equipped. 14-day. Cannot be restored once deleted.
Can summon an Agathion - Juju when equipped. 14-day. Cannot be restored once deleted.
Sigil made of bread. Can feel Baguette's ease.
Lush Afro perm hair. Cannot undo equip
Lush Afro perm hair. Cannot undo equip

Pagina 505

Lush Afro perm hair. Cannot undo equip

Ring given to the royal guard of Gludio territory. Stun Attack +15%, Bleed Resistance +15%, Water Resistance +10. CP +5%
Ring given to the royal guard of Dion territory. Hold Attack +15%, Poison Resistance +15%, Holy Resistance +10. CP +5%. O
Ring given to the royal guard of Giran territory. Bleed Attack +15%, Paralysis Resistance +15%, Wind Resistance +10. CP +5
Earring given to the royal guard of Oren territory. Paralysis attack +15%, Hold Resistance +15%, Dark Resistance +10. CP +5
Earring given to the royal guard of Aden territory. Mental Attack +15%, Stun Resistance +15%, Earth Resistance +10. CP +5
Earring given to the royal guard of Innadril territory. Sleep Attack +15%, Stun Resistance +15%, Water Resistance +10. CP +
Earring given to the royal guard of Goddard territory. Stun Attack +15%, Sleep Resistance +15%, Fire Resistance +10. CP +5
Earring given to the royal guard of Rune territory. Poison Attack +15%, Hold Resistance +15%, Fire Resistance +10. CP +5%
Earring given to the royal guard of Schuttgart. Hold attack +15%, Mental Resistance +15%, Wind Resistance +10. CP +5%. O
Cancels the buffs of nearby enemies upon use. Only one effect is applied when you wear the same two talismans. Shadow It
Steals the target's abnormal status upon use. Only one effect is applied when you wear the same two talismans. Shadow Item
When used, Max CP is greatly increased and a certain amount of CP is greatly recovered. Only one effect is applied when yo
Greatly decreases damage received during PvP. Only one effect is applied when you wear the same two talismans. Shadow
Increases Attribute Resistance. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon
Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.
Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.
Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.
Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon
Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.
Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.

Pagina 506

Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.

Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Gold skull circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Silver skull circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Red skull circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Black skull circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Increases MP by 25.
Increases MP by 33.
Increases MP by 17.

One-piece Body Armor.

A Set with Dark Crystal Robe of Fortune.

A Set with Dark Crystal Robe of Fortune.
One-piece Body Armor.

A Set with Avadon Robe of Fortune.

A Set with Avadon Robe of Fortune.

A Set with Dark Crystal Leather Armor of Fortune.

A Set with Dark Crystal Leather Armor of Fortune.
One-piece Body Armor.

A Set with Doom Plate Armor of Fortune.

A Set with Doom Leather Armor of Fortune.
A Set with Doom Plate Armor of Fortune.
A Set with Doom Leather Armor of Fortune.
One-piece Body Armor.

Pagina 507

One-piece Body Armor.

One-piece Body Armor.

A Set with Armor of Nightmare of Fortune

A Set with Armor of Nightmare of Fortune
The effect is MP +25.
The effect is MP +33.
The effect is MP +17.

One-piece Body Armor.

A Set with Dark Crystal Robe of Fortune.

A Set with Dark Crystal Robe of Fortune.
One-piece Body Armor.

A Set with Avadon Robe of Fortune.

A Set with Avadon Robe of Fortune.

Pagina 508

A Set with Dark Crystal Leather Armor of Fortune.

A Set with Dark Crystal Leather Armor of Fortune.
One-piece Body Armor.

A Set with Doom Plate Armor of Fortune.

A Set with Doom Leather Armor of Fortune.
A Set with Doom Plate Armor of Fortune.
A Set with Doom Leather Armor of Fortune.
One-piece Body Armor.

One-piece Body Armor.

One-piece Body Armor.

A Set with Armor of Nightmare of Fortune

A Set with Armor of Nightmare of Fortune
Friendship bracelet that can summon a friend. The summon is possible when both the summoner and the one being summon
Bracelet that can summon an Oink Oink Agathion. 10 days.
Puffy hat created to commemorate your friendship with a friend. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Necklace given to the royal guard of Gludio territory. Water Resistance +30.
Necklace given to the royal guard of Dion territory. Holy Resistance +30.
Necklace given to the royal guard of Giran territory. Wind Resistance +30.
Necklace given to the royal guard of Oren territory. Dark Resistance +30.
Necklace given to the royal guard of Aden territory. Earth Resistance +30.
Necklace given to the royal guard of Innadril territory. Water Resistance +30.
Necklace given to the royal guard of Goddard territory. Fire Resistance +30.
Necklace given to the royal guard of Rune territory. Fire Resistance +30.
Necklace given to the royal guard of Schuttgart territory. Wind Resistance +30.
Ring given to the royal guard of Gludio territory. Earth Resistance +15. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two ear
Ring given to the royal guard of Dion territory. Water Resistance +15. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earri
Ring given to the royal guard of Giran territory. Fire Resistance +15. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earrin
Ring given to the royal guard of Oren territory. Earth Resistance +15. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earri
Ring given to the royal guard of Aden territory. Holy Resistance +15. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earrin

Pagina 509

Ring given to the royal guard of Innadril territory. Holy Resistance +15. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two ear
Ring given to the royal guard of Goddard territory. Dark Resistance +15. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two ea
Ring given to the royal guard of Rune territory. Wind Resistance +15. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earri
Ring given to the royal guard of Schuttgart territory. Dark Resistance +15. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two
Dawn's bracelet given from the Priest Franz. Precious looking bracelet. Increases Weight Limit of 5000.
Bracelet to summon Towbat.
Weaver's Colorful Dress. Can be enchanted using the Herdsman's Love Scroll.
Weaver's Colorful Dress. Can be enchanted using the Herdsman's Love Scroll.
Weaver's Colorful Dress. Can be enchanted using the Herdsman's Love Scroll.
Weaver's Colorful Dress. Can be enchanted using the Herdsman's Love Scroll.
Weaver's Colorful Dress. Can be enchanted using the Herdsman's Love Scroll.
Weaver's Colorful Dress. Can be enchanted using the Herdsman's Love Scroll.
Weaver's Colorful Dress. Can be enchanted using the Herdsman's Love Scroll.
Weaver's Colorful Dress. Can be enchanted using the Herdsman's Love Scroll.
Weaver's Colorful Dress. Can be enchanted using the Herdsman's Love Scroll.
Weaver's Colorful Dress. Can be enchanted using the Herdsman's Love Scroll.
Vitality Belt. Can be enchanted using the Scroll: Enchant Vitality Belt. When enchanted, increases Vitality maintenance effect
Vitality Belt. Can be enchanted using the Scroll: Enchant Vitality Belt. When enchanted, increases Vitality maintenance effect
Vitality Belt. Can be enchanted using the Scroll: Enchant Vitality Belt. When enchanted, increases Vitality maintenance effect
Vitality Belt. Can be enchanted using the Scroll: Enchant Vitality Belt. When enchanted, increases Vitality maintenance effect
Vitality Belt. Can be enchanted using the Scroll: Enchant Vitality Belt. When enchanted, increases Vitality maintenance effect
Vitality Belt. Can be enchanted using the Scroll: Enchant Vitality Belt. When enchanted, increases Vitality maintenance effect
Vitality Belt. Can be enchanted using the Scroll: Enchant Vitality Belt. When enchanted, increases Vitality maintenance effect
Vitality Belt. Can be enchanted using the Scroll: Enchant Vitality Belt. When enchanted, increases Vitality maintenance effect
Vitality Belt. Can be enchanted using the Scroll: Enchant Vitality Belt. When enchanted, increases Vitality maintenance effect
Vitality Belt. Can be enchanted using the Scroll: Enchant Vitality Belt. When enchanted, increases Vitality maintenance effect
30-day. Increases MP by 31 and Stun/ Mental Attack Resistance by 20%. Increases Stun/ Mental Atk. Rate by 20%. Has the
Vitality is maintained for 30 min. 7-day. Cooldown is 23 hours. Vitality item with limited usage.
Helm the color of blazing fire.
You can use the card skill necessary for playing Jack's game when equipped.
Super Strong Giant's Mask. You can use the card skill necessary for playing Jack's game when equipped. 4-hour. Cooldown
Shriek Mask. You can use the card skill necessary for playing Jack's game when equipped. 4-hour. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Red Devil Mask. You can use the card skill necessary for playing Jack's game when equipped. 4-hour. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Mummy Mask. You can use the card skill necessary for playing Jack's game when equipped. 4-hour. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Can use the card skill necessary for playing Jack's game when equipped. 4-hour. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Jack O'Lantern Mask made of gold. Shines brightly.
Can use the card skill necessary for playing Jack's game when equipped. 4-hour. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Shiny Reanimated Corpse Mask. You can use the card skill necessary for playing Jack's game when equipped. 4-hour. Coold
Shiny Shriek Mask. You can use the card skill necessary for playing Jack's game when equipped. 4-hour. Cooldown is 1 hou
Shiny Red Devil Mask. You can use the card skill necessary for playing Jack's game when equipped. 4-hour. Cooldown is 1 h
Shiny Mummy Mask. You can use the card skill necessary for playing Jack's game when equipped. 4-hour. Cooldown is 1 ho
Golden Jack O'Lantern Mask. Shines brightly. Cooldown is 23 hour.
Obtained from Tunatun on the Beast Farm, this whip will enable the bearer to control tamed pets. Must be equipped to use.
High-level Angel Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Blessed Escape skill can be used.

Pagina 510

Sealed Moirai Helmet. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Moirai Leather Helmet. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Moirai Circlet. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Moirai Breastplate. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Moirai Leather Gaiters. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Moirai Tunic. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.

Pagina 511

Sealed Moirai Gaiters. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Moirai Leather Leggings. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Moirai Stockings. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Moirai Gauntlets. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Moirai Leather Gloves. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Moirai Gloves. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Moirai Boots. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Moirai Leather Boots. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Moirai Shoes. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Moirai Sigil. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Elegia Ring The effect is MP +27.
Elegia Earring. The effect is MP +39.
Elegia Necklace. The effect is MP +52.
Vorpal Ring. The effect is MP +26.
Vorpal Earring. The effect is MP +38.
Vorpal Necklace. The effect is MP +51.
Moirai Ring. The effect is MP +24.
Moirai Earring. The effect is MP +36.
Moirai Necklace. The effect is MP +48.
Sealed Elegia Helmet. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Elegia Leather Helmet. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Elegia Circlet. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Elegia Breastplate. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Elegia Leather Breastplate. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Elegia Tunic. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Elegia Gaiters. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Elegia Leather Leggings. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Elegia Stockings. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Elegia Gauntlets. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Elegia Leather Gloves. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Elegia Gloves. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Elegia Boots. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Elegia Leather Boots. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Elegia Shoes. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Elegia Sigil. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vorpal Helmet. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vorpal Leather Helmet. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vorpal Circlet. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vorpal Breastplate. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vorpal Leather Breastplate. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vorpal Tunic. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vorpal Gaiters. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vorpal Leather Leggings. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vorpal Stockings. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vorpal Gauntlets. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vorpal Leather Gloves. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vorpal Gloves. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vorpal Boots. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vorpal Leather Boots. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.

Pagina 512

Sealed Vorpal Shoes. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vorpal Sigil. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Elegia Ring. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma. When the seal is released, has
Sealed Elegia Earring. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma. When the seal is released, h
Sealed Elegia Necklace. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma. When the seal is released,
Sealed Vorpal Ring. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma. When the seal is released, has
Sealed Vorpal Earring. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma. When the seal is released, h
Sealed Vorpal Necklace. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma. When the seal is released
Sealed Moirai Ring. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma. When the seal is released, has
Sealed Moirai Earring. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma. When the seal is released, h
Sealed Moirai Necklace. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma. When the seal is released,
Water Resistance +10, Bleed Resistance +20%, Paralysis/ Stun/ Sleep Resistance +15%, magic skill cooldown -5%. \nReflec
Water Resistance +15, Bleed Resistance +25%, Paralysis/ Stun/ Sleep Resistance +20%, magic skill cooldown -5%. \nReflec
Refined Black Skeleton Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Orange Skeleton Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Green Skeleton Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Brown Skeleton Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Shark Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Chic Gold Horn Cap. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Chic Silver Horn Cap. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Penguin Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Brown Turban. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Yellow Turban. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Turtle Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Cow Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Decreases damage received during PvP. Has a chance of decreasing all Speeds of the attacker.
Decreases damage received during PvP. Has a chance of canceling the opponent's target when attacked.
Decreases damage received during PvP. Has a chance of decreasing the chance of receiving Critical Damage and P. Critica
Decreases damage received during PvP. Has a chance of decreasing all Speeds of the attacker.
Decreases damage received during PvP. Has a chance of canceling the opponent's target when attacked.
Decreases damage received during PvP. Has a chance of decreasing the chance of receiving Critical Damage and P. Critica
Decreases damage received during PvP. Has a chance of decreasing all Speeds of the attacker.
Decreases damage received during PvP. Has a chance of canceling the opponent's target when attacked.
Decreases damage received during PvP. Has a chance of decreasing the chance of receiving Critical Damage and P. Critica
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., Stun Resistance, and Fire Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., MP Recovery Bonus, Hold Resistance, and Fire Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., Paralysis Resistance, and Fire Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd., Stun Resistance, and Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., MP Recovery Bonus, Hold Resistance, and Water Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., Casting Spd., Paralysis Resistance, and Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., Stun Resistance, and Water Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., MP Recovery Bonus, Hold Resistance, and Water Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., Paralysis Resistance, and Water Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., Stun Resistance, and Wind Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., MP Recovery Bonus, Hold Resistance, and Wind Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., Paralysis Resistance, and Wind Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., Stun Resistance, and Earth Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., MP Recovery Bonus, Hold Resistance, and Earth Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., Paralysis Resistance, and Earth Resistance.

Pagina 513

Masterwork Item that increases Magic Damage Resistance.

Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Sleep Resistance, and Hold Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Stun Resistance, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, and Hold Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., Casting Spd., MP Regeneration, and Stun Resistance, and decreases Magic Cancel
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Sleep Resistance, and Hold Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Stun Resistance, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Sleep Resistance, and Hold Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Stun Resistance, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Sleep Resistance, and Hold Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Stun Resistance, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate.
Masterwork Item that increases Magic Damage Resistance.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.

Pagina 514

Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma. When the seal is broken, S
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma. When the seal is broken, M
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma. When the seal is broken, M
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma. When the seal is broken, M
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma. When the seal is broken, M
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma. When the seal is broken, M
Masterwork Item that increases MP +25 and Stun Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases MP +37, Sleep Resistance, and Hold Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases MP +50 and Max MP +33.
Masterwork Item that increases MP +24 and Max MP +16.
Masterwork Item that increases MP +36 and Bleed Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases MP +48 and Poison Resistance.
Teddy Boy Summon Bracelet. Can summon an Agathion - Teddy Boy. Increases the Weight Limit by 3000 when equipped.
Teddy Girl Summon Bracelet. Can summon an Agathion - Teddy Girl. Increases the Weight Limit by 3000 when equipped.
Teddy Boy Summon Bracelet. Can summon an Agathion - Teddy Boy. Increases the Weight Limit by 3000 when equipped.
Teddy Girl Summon Bracelet. Can summon an Agathion - Teddy Girl. Increases the Weight Limit by 3000 when equipped.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Sleep Resistance, and Hold Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Stun Resistance, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, and Hold Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., Casting Spd., MP Regeneration, and Stun Resistance, and decreases Magic Cancel
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Sleep Resistance, and Hold Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Stun Resistance, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Sleep Resistance, and Hold Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Stun Resistance, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., P. Def., Max HP, Sleep Resistance, and Hold Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Atk. Spd., MP Regeneration, and Max MP.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk., MP Regeneration, and Stun Resistance, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate.
MP +25.
MP +33.
MP +17.

One-piece Body Armor.

A Set with Dark Crystal Robe of Fortune.

A Set with Dark Crystal Robe of Fortune.
One-piece Body Armor.

Pagina 515

A Set with Avadon Robe of Fortune.

A Set with Avadon Robe of Fortune.

A Set with Dark Crystal Leather Armor of Fortune.

A Set with Dark Crystal Leather Armor of Fortune.
One-piece Body Armor.

A Set with Doom Plate Armor of Fortune.

A Set with Doom Leather Armor of Fortune.
A Set with Doom Plate Armor of Fortune.
A Set with Doom Leather Armor of Fortune.
One-piece Body Armor.

One-piece Body Armor.

One-piece Body Armor.

A Set with Armor of Nightmare of Fortune.

A Set with Armor of Nightmare of Fortune.
Bracelet that summons a cute Kid Rudolph Agathion that gives you a Santa's Gift. The Kid Rudolph gives you Santa's gift eve
Sealed Vesper Noble Breastplate Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Noble Leather Breastplate. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Noble Tunic. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Noble Gaiters. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Noble Gauntlets. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Noble Boots. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.

Pagina 516

Sealed Vesper Noble Leather Leggings. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Noble Leather Gloves. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Noble Leather Boots. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Noble Stockings. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Noble Gloves. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vesper Noble Shoes. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Circlet that has the power of Freeze. Water Resistance increases by 30. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. 30-day.
Activates three talisman slots when equipped. Cannot be equipped in the Olympiad Arena.
Summons another player. Both the summoner and the one being summoned must have it equipped. Cooldown is 1 hour.
STR +2 when equipped. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
DEX +2 when equipped. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
CON +2 when equipped. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
WIT +2 when equipped. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
INT +2 when equipped. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
MEN +2 when equipped. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Stun Resistance +15 when equipped. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Sleep Resistance +15 when equipped. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Hold Resistance +15 when equipped. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Paralysis resistance +15 when equipped. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Increases all stats by 1 when equipped. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Large ribbon hair accessory. Females only. Takes up two hair accessory slots.
Refined Wizard Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Jester Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Romantic Chapeau. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Dapper Cap. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Angel Ring. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Popped-out eye shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Bird nest shaped hair accessory. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that represents the Varka race. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet that represents the Ketra race. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Puffy hat created to commemorate your friendship with a friend. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Arrow-pierced Apple. It can be worn on the head. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Interesting hair accessory that looks like a fish. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Purple Viking Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Golden Viking Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Fun hair accessory in the shape of a white sheep. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Black sheep shaped funny hair accessory. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Afro hair that has been dyed like a white soccer ball. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Afro hair that has been dyed like a blue soccer ball. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Afro hair that has been dyed like a red soccer ball. When equipped, you can receive the blessing of victory effect that raises S
Mark that wishes for victory by the Korean team.
Mark containing cheering heart.
Olympic Athlete's Ring. 3-day. MP+21; Hold Resistance +30%; a chance of Hold attack +30%; increases Accuracy and P. Cr
Olympic Athlete's Necklace. 3-day. MP+42, Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun Resistance increases by 15%. Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun Atk.
Olympic Athlete's Earring. 3-day. MP +31, Stun/ Mental Attack Resistance +20%, Stun/ Mental Atk. Rate +20% and Vampiric
Olympic Athlete's Ring. 7-day. MP+21; Hold Resistance +30%; a chance of Hold attack +30%; increases Accuracy and P. Cr
Olympic Athlete's Necklace. 7-day. MP+42, Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun Resistance increases by 15%. Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun Atk.
Olympic Athlete's Earring. 7-day. MP +31, Stun/ Mental Attack Resistance +20%, Stun/ Mental Atk. Rate +20% and Vampiric
Olympic Athlete's Ring. 10-day. MP+21; Hold Resistance +30%; a chance of Hold attack +30%; increases Accuracy and P. C

Pagina 517

Olympic Athlete's Necklace. 10-day. MP+42, Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun Resistance increases by 15%. Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun Atk
Olympic Athlete's Earring. 10-day. MP +31, Stun/ Mental Attack Resistance +20%, Stun/ Mental Atk. Rate +20% and Vampiri
Olympic Athlete's Ring. 30-day. MP+21; Hold Resistance +30%; a chance of Hold attack +30%; increases Accuracy and P. C
Olympic Athlete's Necklace. 30-day. MP+42, Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun Resistance increases by 15%. Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun Atk
Olympic Athlete's Earring. 30-day. MP +31, Stun/ Mental Attack Resistance +20%, Stun/ Mental Atk. Rate +20% and Vampiri
Olympic Athlete's Ring. MP+21; Hold Resistance +30%; a chance of Hold attack +30%; increases Accuracy and P. Critical D
Olympic Athlete's Necklace. MP+42, Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun Resistance increases by 15%. Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun Atk. Rate in
Olympic Athlete's Earring. MP +31, Stun/ Mental Attack Resistance +20%, Stun/ Mental Atk. Rate +20% and Vampiric Rage.
Bracelet that summons a ball trapping Gnosian. It wears a red uniform.
Bracelet that summons a ball trapping Orodriel. It wears a red uniform.
Bracelet that summons a Gnosian and Orodriel who are practicing penalty kicks. All are wearing red uniforms.
Bracelet that summons a cute Agathion - Antharas.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Nevit's Messenger Kanna.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Guardian of Dawn Kallesin.
Hat that looks like a watermelon. Just looking at it is refreshing. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a watermelon. Just looking at it is refreshing. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, a
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, an
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.

Immortal Necklace. MP +53 effect.

Immortal Earring. MP +40 effect.
Immortal Ring. MP +26 effect.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, a
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, an
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.

Pagina 518

Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.

Twilight Necklace. MP +58 effect.

Twilight Earring. MP +43 effect.
Twilight Ring. MP +29 effect.

Increases Max HP by 246 when enchanted to +4 or higher.

Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Max MP +60.
Necklace of Insolence. Has the effect of MP +26.
Has the effect of MP +15. Only one effect is applied when two of the same ring are equipped.
Has the effect of MP +15 and resistance to Poison increased by 10%. Only one effect is applied when two of the same ring a
Has the effect of MP +15, and increased Poison Resistance by 10% and Poison Atk. Rate by 10%. Only one effect is applied
Has the effect of MP +15, increased Poison Resistance by 10%, Poison Atk. Rate by 10%, and Hold Resistance by 10%. On
Has the effect of MP +15, increased Poison Resistance by 10%, Poison Atk. Rate by 10%, Hold Resistance by 10%, and hol
Has the effect of MP +15, increased Poison Resistance by 10%, Poison Atk. Rate by 10%, Hold Resistance by 10%, hold Atk
Has the effect of MP +15, increased Poison Resistance by 10%, Poison Atk. Rate by 10%, Hold Resistance by 10%, hold Atk
Has the effect of MP +15, increased Poison Resistance by 10%, Poison Atk. Rate by 10%, Hold Resistance by 10%, hold Atk
Has the effect of MP +15, increased Poison Resistance by 10%, Poison Atk. Rate by 10%, Hold Resistance by 10%, hold Atk
When equipped, you can summon a fairy Agathion.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, a
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, an
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.

Seraph Necklace. MP +62 effect.

Seraph Earring. MP +46 effect.
Seraph Ring. MP +31 effect.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, a
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.

Pagina 519

Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, an
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.

Eternal Necklace. MP +65 effect.

Eternal Earring. MP +49 effect.
Eternal Ring. MP +33 effect.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, a
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, an
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.

Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your sword..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your sword..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your sacrifice..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your sacrifice..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your dagger..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your arrow..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your wisdom..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your wisdom..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your wisdom..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your spirit..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your spirit..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your sacrifice..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your sacrifice..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your dagger..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your arrow..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your wisdom..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your wisdom..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your spirit..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your spirit..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your sword..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your dagger..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your arrow..."

Pagina 520

Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your darkness..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your darkness..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your darkness..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your tenacity..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your two fists..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your wisdom..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your wisdom..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your fortune..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your two hands..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your sword..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your wisdom..."
Brilliant ring containing the blessing of light from the angel Nevit. - "May the gods always bless your arrow..."
Purple Viking Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Shadow item. Has 1,000 min. of use time.

Pagina 521

(Not in Use) Istina's Necklace. (needs effect calculation)

MP +38, P./ M. Debuff Resistance +15, MP Regeneration +3, P. Critical Damage +20%, and P. Accuracy +5. Poison Resista

Pagina 522

Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. Increases P
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When en
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When ench
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
MP +53. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
MP +40. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
MP +26. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. Increases P
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.

Pagina 523

Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When en
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When ench
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
MP +58. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
MP +43. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
MP +29. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. Increases P
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When en
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When ench
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
MP +62. Use an Unbind Scroll to change to a Standard item.
MP +46. Use an Unbind Scroll to change to a Standard item.
MP +31. Use an Unbind Scroll to change to a Standard item.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. Increases P
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When en
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When ench
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.

Pagina 524

Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
MP +65. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
MP +49. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
MP +33. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, a
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, an
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.

Blessed Immortal Necklace. MP +53 effect.

Blessed Immortal Earring. MP +40 effect.
Blessed Immortal Ring. MP +26 effect.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, a
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, an
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.

Blessed Twilight Necklace. MP +58 effect.

Blessed Twilight Earring. MP +43 effect.
Blessed Twilight Ring. MP +29 effect.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.

Pagina 525

Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, a
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, an
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.

Blessed Seraph Necklace. MP +62 effect.

Blessed Seraph Earring. MP +46 effect.
Blessed Seraph Ring. MP +31 effect.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, a
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, an
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.

Blessed Eternal Necklace. MP +65 effect.

Blessed Eternal Earring. MP +49 effect.
Blessed Eternal Ring. MP +33 effect.
P. Atk. +37 when equipped. Shadow item.
P. Atk. +43 when equipped. Shadow item.
P. Atk. +52 when equipped. Shadow item.
P. Atk. +60 when equipped. Shadow item.
P. Def. +38 when equipped. Shadow item.
P. Def. +43 when equipped. Shadow item.
P. Def. +49 when equipped. Shadow item.
P. Def. +54 when equipped. Shadow item.
M. Atk. +37 when equipped. Shadow item.
M. Atk. +46 when equipped. Shadow item.
M. Atk. +56 when equipped. Shadow item.
M. Atk. +66 when equipped. Shadow item.
M. Def. +21 when equipped. Shadow item.
M. Def. +24 when equipped. Shadow item.
M. Def. +28 when equipped. Shadow item.
M. Def. +32 when equipped. Shadow item.
Max HP +219 when equipped. Shadow item.

Pagina 526

Max HP +246 when equipped. Shadow item.

Max HP +277 when equipped. Shadow item.
Max HP +305 when equipped. Shadow item.
Max MP +109 when equipped. Shadow item.
Max MP +119 when equipped. Shadow item.
Max MP +130 when equipped. Shadow item.
Max MP +139 when equipped. Shadow item.
Max CP +99 when equipped. Shadow item.
Max CP +108 when equipped. Shadow item.
Max CP +116 when equipped. Shadow item.
Max CP +124 when equipped. Shadow item.
Increases Critical Damage by 135 when equipped. Shadow item.
Increases Critical Damage by 142 when equipped. Shadow item.
Increases Critical Damage by 149 when equipped. Shadow item.
Increases Critical Damage by 155 when equipped. Shadow item.
When equipped, damage from Critical Attacks received is -135. Shadow item.
When equipped, damage from Critical Attacks received is -142. Shadow item.
When equipped, damage from Critical Attacks received is -149. Shadow item.
When equipped, damage from Critical Attacks received is -155. Shadow item.
M. Critical Rate +2% when equipped. Shadow item.
Accuracy +2 when equipped. Shadow item.
M. Accuracy +2 when equipped. Shadow item.
Evasion +2 when equipped. Shadow item.
M. Evasion +2 when equipped. Shadow item.
P. Critical Rate +2 when equipped. Shadow item.
When equipped, the rate of receiving a physical Critical Attacks -2%. Shadow item.
P. Atk. +111 when used. Shadow item.
P. Atk. +129 when used. Shadow item.
P. Atk. +156 when used. Shadow item.
P. Atk. +180 when used. Shadow item.
P. Def. +114 when used. Shadow item.
P. Def. +129 when used. Shadow item.
P. Def. +147 when used. Shadow item.
P. Def. +162 when used. Shadow item.
M. Atk. +111 when used. Shadow item.
M. Atk. +138 when used. Shadow item.
M. Atk. +168 when used. Shadow item.
M. Atk. +198 when used. Shadow item.
M. Def. +63 when used. Shadow item.
M. Def. +72 when used. Shadow item.
M. Def. +84 when used. Shadow item.
M. Def. +96 when used. Shadow item.
Max HP +657 when used. Shadow item.
Max HP +738 when used. Shadow item.
Max HP +831 when used. Shadow item.
Max HP +915 when used. Shadow item.
Max MP +327 when used. Shadow item.
Max MP +357 when used. Shadow item.
Max MP +390 when used. Shadow item.

Pagina 527

Max MP +417 when used. Shadow item.

Max CP +297 when used. Shadow item.
Max CP +324 when used. Shadow item.
Max CP +390 when used. Shadow item.
Max CP +417 when used. Shadow item.
Increases Critical Damage by 405 when used. Shadow item.
Increases Critical Damage by 426 when used. Shadow item.
Increases Critical Damage by 447 when used. Shadow item.
Increases Critical Damage by 465 when used. Shadow item.
When receiving Critical Attacks, -405 of the received damage amount when used. Shadow item.
When receiving Critical Attacks, -426 of the received damage amount when used. Shadow item.
When receiving Critical Attacks, -447 of the received damage amount when used. Shadow item.
When receiving Critical Attacks, -465 of the received damage amount when used. Shadow item.
M. Critical Rate +4% when used. Shadow item.
Accuracy +4 when used. Shadow item.
M. Accuracy +4 when used. Shadow item.
Evasion +4 when used. Shadow item.
M. Evasion +4 when used. Shadow item.
P. Critical Rate +4% when used. Shadow item.
The rate of receiving a physical Critical Attacks -4% when used. Shadow item.
When equipped, Shield Defense +207.
When equipped, Shield Defense +229.
When equipped, Shield Defense +253.
When equipped, Shield Defense +273.
When used, Shield Defense +414.
When used, Shield Defense +457.
When used, Shield Defense +505.
When used, Shield Defense +546.

When used, Momentum increases. Available up to Lv. 5.

When used, Momentum increases. Available up to Lv. 5.
When used, Momentum increases. Available up to Lv. 5.
When used, Momentum increases. Available up to Lv. 5.
Can absorb the attack target MP upon use.
Can absorb the attack target MP upon use.
Can absorb the attack target MP upon use.
Can absorb the attack target MP upon use.
Chance of absorbing the attack target's HP upon use.
Chance of absorbing the attack target's HP upon use.
Chance of absorbing the attack target's HP upon use.
Chance of absorbing the attack target's HP upon use.
User's bow/ crossbow range increases when equipped.
User's bow/ crossbow range increases when equipped.
User's bow/ crossbow range increases when equipped.
User's bow/ crossbow range increases when equipped.
User's bow/ crossbow range increases when used.

Pagina 528

User's bow/ crossbow range increases when used.

User's bow/ crossbow range increases when used.
User's bow/ crossbow range increases when used.
Increases the servitor's max HP and MP when used.
Increases the servitor's max HP and MP when used.
Increases the servitor's max HP and MP when used.
Increases the servitor's max HP and MP when used.
Completely recovers the servitor's HP and MP when used.
Magic cancel rate -10% when used.
Magic is not canceled when used.
MP Recovery amount +0.66 when equipped.
MP Recovery amount +0.68 when equipped.
MP Recovery amount +0.70 when equipped.
MP Recovery amount +0.72 when equipped.
When equipped, MP consumption -15% for physical and magic skills.
HP Recovery magic +75 when equipped.
HP Recovery magic +82 when equipped.
HP Recovery magic +90 when equipped.
HP Recovery magic +96 when equipped.
HP Recovery magic +225 when used.
HP Recovery magic +246 when used.
HP Recovery magic +270 when used.
HP Recovery magic +288 when used.
P. Atk. +37 when equipped. Shadow item.
P. Atk. +43 when equipped. Shadow item.
P. Atk. +52 when equipped. Shadow item.
P. Atk. +60 when equipped. Shadow item.
P. Def. +38 when equipped. Shadow item.
P. Def. +43 when equipped. Shadow item.
P. Def. +49 when equipped. Shadow item.
P. Def. +54 when equipped. Shadow item.
M. Atk. +37 when equipped. Shadow item.
M. Atk. +46 when equipped. Shadow item.
M. Atk. +56 when equipped. Shadow item.
M. Atk. +66 when equipped. Shadow item.
M. Def. +21 when equipped. Shadow item.
M. Def. +24 when equipped. Shadow item.
M. Def. +28 when equipped. Shadow item.
M. Def. +32 when equipped. Shadow item.
HP +219 when equipped. Shadow item.
HP +246 when equipped. Shadow item.
HP +277 when equipped. Shadow item.
HP +305 when equipped. Shadow item.
MP +109 when equipped. Shadow item.
MP +119 when equipped. Shadow item.
MP +130 when equipped. Shadow item.
MP +139 when equipped. Shadow item.
CP +99 when equipped. Shadow item.
CP +108 when equipped. Shadow item.

Pagina 529

CP +116 when equipped. Shadow item.

CP +124 when equipped. Shadow item.
Increases Critical Damage by 135 when equipped. Shadow item.
Increases Critical Damage by 142 when equipped. Shadow item.
Increases Critical Damage by 149 when equipped. Shadow item.
Increases Critical Damage by 155 when equipped. Shadow item.
When receiving Critical Attacks, -135 received damage amount when equipped. Shadow item.
When receiving Critical Attacks, -142 received damage amount when equipped. Shadow item.
When receiving Critical Attacks, -149 received damage amount when equipped. Shadow item.
When receiving Critical Attacks, -155 received damage amount when equipped. Shadow item.
M. Critical Rate +2% when equipped. Shadow item.
Accuracy +2 when equipped. Shadow item.
M. Accuracy +2 when equipped. Shadow item.
Evasion +2 when equipped. Shadow item.
M. Evasion +2 when equipped. Shadow item.
P. Critical Rate +2% when equipped. Shadow item.
The rate of receiving a physical Critical Attacks is -2% when equipped. Shadow item.
P. Atk. +111 when used. Shadow item.
P. Atk. +129 when used. Shadow item.
P. Atk. +156 when used. Shadow item.
P. Atk. +180 when used. Shadow item.
P. Def. +114 when used. Shadow item.
P. Def. +129 when used. Shadow item.
P. Def. +147 when used. Shadow item.
P. Def. +162 when used. Shadow item.
M. Atk. +111 when used. Shadow item.
M. Atk. +138 when used. Shadow item.
M. Atk. +168 when used. Shadow item.
M. Atk. +198 when used. Shadow item.
M. Def. +63 when used. Shadow item.
M. Def. +72 when used. Shadow item.
M. Def. +84 when used. Shadow item.
M. Def. +96 when used. Shadow item.
HP +657 when used. Shadow item.
HP +738 when used. Shadow item.
HP +831 when used. Shadow item.
HP +915 when used. Shadow item.
MP +327 when used. Shadow item.
MP +357 when used. Shadow item.
MP +390 when used. Shadow item.
MP +417 when used. Shadow item.
CP +297 when used. Shadow item.
CP +324 when used. Shadow item.
CP +390 when used. Shadow item.
CP +417 when used. Shadow item.
Increases Critical Damage by 405 when used. Shadow item.
Increases Critical Damage by 426 when used. Shadow item.
Increases Critical Damage by 447 when used. Shadow item.
Increases Critical Damage by 465 when used. Shadow item.

Pagina 530

When receiving Critical Attacks, -405 received damage amount when used. Shadow item.
When receiving Critical Attacks, -426 received damage amount when used. Shadow item.
When receiving Critical Attacks, -447 received damage amount when used. Shadow item.
When receiving Critical Attacks, -465 received damage amount when used. Shadow item.
M. Critical Rate +4% when used. Shadow item.
Accuracy +4 when used. Shadow item.
M. Accuracy +4 when used. Shadow item.
Evasion +4 when used. Shadow item.
M. Evasion +4 when used. Shadow item.
P. Critical Rate +4% when used. Shadow item.
The rate of receiving a physical Critical Attacks is -4% when used. Shadow item.
Shield Defense +414 when equipped.
Shield Defense +457 when equipped.
Shield Defense +505 when equipped.
Shield Defense +546 when equipped.
Shield Defense +1242 when used.
Shield Defense +1371 when used.
Shield Defense +1515 when used.
Shield Defense +1638 when used.

When used, Momentum increases. Available up to Lv. 5.

When used, Momentum increases. Available up to Lv. 5.
When used, Momentum increases. Available up to Lv. 5.
When used, Momentum increases. Available up to Lv. 5.
Can absorb the attack target MP upon use.
Can absorb the attack target MP upon use.
Can absorb the attack target MP upon use.
Can absorb the attack target MP upon use.
Chance of absorbing the attack target's HP upon use.
Chance of absorbing the attack target's HP upon use.
Chance of absorbing the attack target's HP upon use.
Chance of absorbing the attack target's HP upon use.
User's bow/ crossbow range increases when equipped.
User's bow/ crossbow range increases when equipped.
User's bow/ crossbow range increases when equipped.
User's bow/ crossbow range increases when equipped.
User's bow/ crossbow range increases when used.
User's bow/ crossbow range increases when used.
User's bow/ crossbow range increases when used.
User's bow/ crossbow range increases when used.
Increases the servitor's max HP and MP when used.
Increases the servitor's max HP and MP when used.
Increases the servitor's max HP and MP when used.
Increases the servitor's max HP and MP when used.
Completely recovers the servitor's HP and MP when used.
Magic cancel rate +10% when used.

Pagina 531

Magic is not canceled when used.

MP Recovery amount +0.66 when equipped.
MP Recovery amount +0.68 when equipped.
MP Recovery amount +0.7 when equipped.
MP Recovery amount +0.72 when equipped.
When equipped, MP consumption -15% for physical and magic skills.
HP Recovery M. Atk. +75 when equipped.
HP Recovery magic +82 when equipped.
HP Recovery magic +90 when equipped.
HP Recovery magic +96 when equipped.
HP Recovery magic +225 when used.
HP Recovery magic +246 when used.
HP Recovery magic +270 when used.
HP Recovery magic +288 when used.
Activates 5 Talisman slots when equipped.
MP +37, P. Accuracy +3, P. Critical Rate +54.4, Water Resistance +20. Only one effect is applied when two of the same rings
MP +56, Stun Resistance +30%, Stun Atk. Rate +30%, Vampiric Rage +5%, Wind Resistance +30. Only one effect is applied
MP +74, Holy Resistance +35, skill cooldown decrease, Damage Reflection effect.
HP Recovery increases, item slot +6.
MP +216. Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped.
When equipped with Istina's Shirt, STR +2, DEX +1, CON +2, INT +2, WIT +1, MEN +2 , Speed +7 and Water Resistance +3
MP +37, increases P. Critical Damage, Fire Resistance +20. Only one effect is applied when two of the same Ring are equipp
MP +56, Hold/ Sleep Resistance +40%, Hold/ Sleep Atk. Rate +40%, Earth Resistance +30. Only one effect is applied when
MP +74, Dark Resistance +35, P. Skill Power increase.
MP Recovery increase, increased weight by 13000.
MP +216. Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped.
When equipped with Octavis' Shirt, STR +2, DEX +1, CON +2, INT +2, WIT +1, MEN +2 , Speed +7 and Dark Resistance +3
MP +59, P./ M. Def. +15%, CON/ MEN +3, Earth/ Holy Attribute Resistance +30, Bleed Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Stun/
MP +79, HP +625, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +20%, M. Critical Rate +20, STR/ INT+3, Fire Attack Def. +30, Dark Attack Def. +20
R-grade Rune Clip. Can use a magic ornament to add functions.
MP +187. Activates 5 Talisman slots when equipped.

R-grade Rune Clip. Can use a magic ornament to add functions.

MP +204. Activates 5 Talisman slots when equipped.

R95-grade Rune Clip. Can use a magic ornament to add functions.

MP +216. Activates 5 Talisman slots when equipped.

R99-grade Rune Clip. Can use a magic ornament to add functions.

MP +225. Activates 5 Talisman slots when equipped.

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical

Pagina 532

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of rece

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of rece

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of rece

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of rece

Pagina 533

Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage whe
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage whe
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage whe
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.

Pagina 534

Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage whe
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of rece

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of rece

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

Pagina 535

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of rece

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of rece

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of rece

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical

Pagina 536

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of rece

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of rece

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of rece

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of rece

Pagina 537

Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage whe
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage whe
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage whe
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage whe

Pagina 538

Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item. Increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance when
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of rece

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of rece

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

Pagina 539

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of rece

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of rece

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of rece

Can summon Majo when equipped.

Can summon Gold Majo when equipped.
Can summon Black Majo when equipped.
Can summon Majo when equipped.
Can summon Gold Majo when equipped.
Can summon Black Majo when equipped.
Can summon Plaipitak when equipped.
Can summon Plaipitak when equipped.
Can summon Plaipitak when equipped.
Can summon Plaipitak when equipped.

Pagina 540

Magic lenses possess mysterious power.

Afro style hair. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Afro style hair. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Afro style hair. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Stylish uniform hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Wide-brimmed hat fashioned out of bamboo. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Mask worn by a savage tribe.
Large ribbon hair accessory. Exclusive for female characters.
Shades your eyes in style. Exclusive for male characters.
Can mount a Darkmane Pacer when equipped.
Can mount a Darkmane Pacer when equipped. 30-day.
Hat that looks like Kat the Cat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a skull. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Bracelet that summons the Baby Panda.
Bracelet that summons a Bamboo Panda.
Bracelet that summons the Sexy Panda.
Bracelet that summons the Baby Panda.
Bracelet that summons a Bamboo Panda.
Bracelet that summons the Sexy Panda.
Afro style hair. Vitality skill cooldown is 12 hours. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Vitality item with limited usage.
Afro style hair. Vitality skill cooldown is 12 hours. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Vitality item with limited usage.
Afro style hair. Vitality skill cooldown is 12 hours. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Vitality item with limited usage.
Magic Horn-rimmed Glasses. Vitality skill cooldown is 12 hours. Vitality item with limited usage.
Magic Horn-rimmed Glasses. Vitality skill cooldown is 12 hours. Vitality item with limited usage.
Magic Horn-rimmed Glasses. Vitality skill cooldown is 12 hours. Vitality item with limited usage.
Wide brimmed hat made of bamboo. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Active skill: Maintain Vitality. Skill cooldown is 12 hours. Vit
Wide brimmed hat made of bamboo. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Active skill: Maintain Vitality. Skill cooldown is 12 hours. Vit
Wide brimmed hat made of bamboo. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Active skill: Maintain Vitality. Skill cooldown is 12 hours. Vit
Allows you to summon a cute Rudolph Agathion. Can only be used once every 12 hours. Vitality item with limited usage.
This festive hat can put anyone into a the holiday spirit.
When donned, this magical garment transforms into a dashing tuxedo for men or a lovely wedding dress for ladies.
When donned, this magical garment transforms into a dashing tuxedo for men or a lovely wedding dress for ladies.
This festive holiday hat allows you to participate in a "Rock-Paper-Scissors" contest with Thomas D. Turkey. Requires 2 hair
This bracelet summons an Love Agathion. Agathion skill cooldown is 12 hours.
This bracelet summons an Love Agathion. Agathion skill cooldown is 12 hours.
This bracelet summons an Love Agathion. Agathion skill cooldown is 12 hours.
This bracelet summons an Love Agathion. Agathion skill cooldown is 12 hours.
Event Queen Ant's Ring. MP+21, Poison Resistance +30%, Poison Atk. Rate +30%, Accuracy increase, P. Critical Damage i
Event Queen Ant's Ring. MP+21, Poison Resistance +30%, Poison Atk. Rate +30%, Accuracy increase, P. Critical Damage i
Event Queen Ant's Ring. MP+21, Poison Resistance +30%, Poison Atk. Rate +30%, Accuracy increase, P. Critical Damage i
Event Zaken's Earring. MP+31, Bleed Resistance +30%, Bleed Atk. Rate +30%, Heal Amount increase, Vampiric Rage Effec
Event Zaken's Earring. MP+31, Bleed Resistance +30%, Bleed Atk. Rate +30%, Heal Amount increase, Vampiric Rage Effec
Event Zaken's Earring. MP+31, Bleed Resistance +30%, Bleed Atk. Rate +30%, Heal Amount increase, Vampiric Rage Effec
Bracelet that summons a Charming Cupid Agathion.
Bracelet that summons a Naughty Cupid Agathion.
Bracelet capable of summoning an Agathion - White Maneki Neko.
Bracelet capable of summoning an Agathion - Black Maneki Neko.
Bracelet capable of summoning an Agathion - Brown Maneki Neko.
Bracelet capable of summoning an Agathion - White Maneki Neko. Cooldown is 12 hours.

Pagina 541

Bracelet capable of summoning an Agathion - Black Maneki Neko. Cooldown is 12 hours.

Bracelet capable of summoning an Agathion - Brown Maneki Neko. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet capable of summoning an Agathion - One-eyed Bat Drove.
Can summon an Agathion - One-eyed Bat Drove when equipped. 7-day. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet capable of summoning an Agathion - One-eyed Bat Drove. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Pegasus.
Bracelet capable of summoning an Agathion - Pegasus. Cooldown is 4 hours.
Bracelet capable of summoning an Agathion - Pegasus. Cooldown is 12 hours.
Bracelet capable of summoning an Agathion - Yellow-robed Tojigong.
Bracelet capable of summoning an Agathion - Blue-robed Tojigong.
Bracelet capable of summoning an Agathion - Green-robed Tojigong.
Bracelet capable of summoning an Agathion - Yellow-robed Tojigong. Cooldown is 4 hours.
Bracelet capable of summoning an Agathion - Blue-robed Tojigong. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet capable of summoning an Agathion - Green-robed Tojigong. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet capable of summoning an Agathion - Bugbear.
Capable of summoning an Love Agathion.
Gold Afro. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Pink Afro. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Bracelet that summons Agathion - Red Sumo Wrestler.
Bracelet that summons Agathion - Red Sumo Wrestler. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet that summons Agathion - Blue Sumo Wrestler.
Bracelet that summons Agathion - Blue Sumo Wrestler. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet that summons Agathion - Great Sumo Match.
Bracelet that summons Agathion - Great Sumo Match. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet that summons Agathion - Button-eyed Bear Doll.
Bracelet that summons Agathion - Button-eyed Bear Doll. Cooldown is 12 hours.
Bracelet that summons Agathion - Button-eyed Bear Doll. Cooldown is 12 hours.
Bracelet that summons Agathion - Button-eyed Bear Doll. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet that summons Agathion - God of Fortune.
Bracelet that summons Agathion - God of Fortune. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Can summon Agathion - Dryad when equipped.
Bracelet that summons Agathion - Wonboso.
Bracelet that summons Agathion - Wonboso. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet that summons Agathion - Daewoonso.
Bracelet that summons Agathion - Daewoonso. Cooldown is 1 hour.
A stylish goggle accessory with a fine silver decoration. Uses 1 hair accessory slot.
A Napoleon Hat bursting with enough energy to conquer the world.
Pink hairband accessory with a cute horn dangling. Females only.
Black gem mask accessory made of luxurious metal material.
Plastic Hair. It changes to an attractive pink wig for female and a blue wig for male. Uses 2 accessory slots.
Can mount a Steam Beetle when equipped.
Hat that was worn by Reipung.
Hat that was worn by Reipung.
Hat that was worn by Reipung.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Majo.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Gold Majo.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Black Majo.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Plaipitak.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Plaipitak.

Pagina 542

Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Plaipitak.

Can summon an Agathion - Baby Panda when equipped. 7-day. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet that summons a Bamboo Panda.
Bracelet that summons the Sexy Panda.
Magic horn-rimmed glasses with mysterious power.
Afro style hair. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Afro style hair. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
A cool uniform hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. 7-day.
Wide brimmed hat made of bamboo. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Cooldown is 18m.
Mask worn by the reckless tribe.
Large ribbon hair accessory. Females only.
Accessory that stylishly covers the eye area. Males only.
Hat that looks like Kat the Cat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a skull. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Afro style hair in gold. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Afro style hair in pink. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Stylish goggle accessory with a fine silver decoration.
A Napoleon Hat accessory that has world conquering energy.
Pink hairband accessory with a cute horn dangling. Females only.
Black gem mask accessory made of luxurious metal material. When equipped, grants a Vitality Maintaining skill that can be u
Plastic Hair. It changes to an attractive pink wig for female/ blue wig for male. Uses 2 accessory slots.
Daisy shaped hairpin. Females only.
Forget-me-not shaped hairpin. Females only.
Purple eyepatch accessory.
Eyepatch accessory.
Monocle accessory.
Hair accessory for World Cup Events.
Hair accessory for World Cup Events.
Fashion item which creates an unique taste.
Fashion item which creates an unique taste.
Cat ear shaped hair accessory.
Hair accessory exclusive to female.
Raccoon ear shaped hair accessory.
Bunny Girls Rabbit Ears shaped hair accessory.
Wings shaped hair accessory.
Stars attached cute tentacle hair accessory.
Feather attached nice poke bonnet. Uses 2 accessory slots.
Large goggles which protect eyes. Uses 2 accessory slots.
Can mount a Darkmane Pacer when equipped. 7-day.
Can mount a Steam Beetle when equipped. 7-day.
Can summon Agathion - Pomona when equipped.
Can summon Agathion - Pomona when equipped.
Hat that looks like the Feline Queen.
Hat that looks like the Feline King.
Hat that looks like Kai the Cat.
Can mount a Gold Maned Lion when equipped.
Can mount a Gold Maned Lion when equipped.
Can mount a Steam Beetle when equipped.
Can mount a Steam Beetle when equipped.

Pagina 543

Can mount a Gold Maned Lion when equipped.

Afro style hair. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Vitality cooldown 12 hour. Vitality item with limited usage.
Magic horn-rimmed glasses with mysterious power. Vitality cooldown 12 hour. Vitality item with limited usage.
Wide brimmed hat made of bamboo. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Vitality cooldown 12 hour. Vitality item with limited usage.
Circlet containing Eva's mysterious power. Uses 2 accessory slots.
Circlet containing Eva's mysterious power. Uses 2 accessory slots.
Circlet containing Eva's mysterious power. Uses 2 accessory slots.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Weaver.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Weaver.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Weaver.
Bracelet that can summon a lover. The summon is possible when the summoner and the one being summoned are all party m
Hat that comforts souls. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Cooldown is 24 hours.
Magic headphones that play town theme music.
Magic headphones that play hero theme music.
Wrapped Pack containing magical Headphone that plays Theme Park music.
Magic headphones that play town theme music.
Magic headphones that play hero theme music.
Wrapped Pack containing magical Headphone (7-day) playing Theme Park music.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Weaver.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Weaver.
Hat that comforts souls. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Cooldown is 12 hours.
Bracelet that can summon a friend. The summon is possible when the summoner and the one being summoned are all party
Hat that looks like a watermelon. It feels cool just by looking at it. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a watermelon. It feels cool just by looking at it. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Mithril Gloves with limited power enhancement. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Plate Boots with limited power enhancement. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Plate Helmet with limited power enhancement. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Plate Gaiters with limited power enhancement. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Half Plate Armor with limited power enhancement. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Salamander Skin Mail with limited power enhancement. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Mithril Tunic with limited power enhancement. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Mithril Stockings with limited power enhancement. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Salamander Skin Boots with limited power enhancement. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal
Ogre Power Gauntlets with limited power enhancement. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Lucky Girl.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Lucky Girl.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Lucky Boy.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Lucky Boy.
The bracelet to summon an Agathion - Dancing Lucky Kid.
The bracelet to summon an Agathion - Dancing Lucky Kid.
Can summon Agathion - Monkey King when equipped.
Can summon Agathion - Monkey King when equipped.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Uthanka.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Uthanka.
Bracelet that summons Agathion - Bonus B.
Bracelet that summons Agathion - Bonus B.
The hat with Valkyrie's power in it. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
The hat with Valkyrie's power in it. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Tiger-shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

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Tiger-shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

Cute Maid Hairband Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Cute Maid Hairband Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Baby-panda shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Baby Panda shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Bamboo-panda shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Bamboo-panda shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Sexy-panda shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Sexy-panda shaped hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat worn by Gatekeepers. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat worn by Gatekeepers. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Cooldown is 1h.
For events. Jack O'Lantern Mask. Equip to use card skill needed to play Jack Game.
For events. Super Strong Giant's Mask. Equip to use card skill needed to play Jack Game. Cooldown is 1 hour.
For events. Shriek Mask. Equip to use card skill needed to play Jack Game. Cooldown is 1 hour.
For events. Red Devil Mask. Equip to use card skill needed to play Jack Game. Cooldown is 1 hour.
For events. Mummy Mask. Equip to use card skill needed to play Jack Game. Cooldown is 1 hour.
For events. Alien Mask. Equip to use card skill needed to play Jack Game. Cooldown is 1 hour.
For events. Brightly shining Super Strong Giant's Mask. Equip to use card skill needed to play Jack Game. Cooldown is 2 hou
For events. Brightly shining Shriek Mask. Equip to use card skill needed to play Jack Game. Cooldown is 2 hour.
For events. Brightly shining Red Devil Mask. Equip to use card skill needed to play Jack Game. Cooldown is 2 hour.
For events. Brightly shining Mummy Mask. Equip to use card skill needed to play Jack Game. Cooldown is 2 hour.
For events. Shiny Alien Mask. Equip to use card skill needed to play Jack Game. Cooldown is 2 hour.
Jack O'Lantern Mask made with gold. It glows gorgeously.
Jack O'Lantern Mask made with gold. It glows gorgeously. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Valakas' Helm of red color as if it is burning.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Zombie.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Zombie. Cooldown is 12 hours.
Bracelet that summons the Bluebird Agathion.
Bracelet that summons the Hatbird Agathion.
Reanimated Corpse Mask. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Shriek Mask. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Red Devil Mask. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Mummy Mask. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Shiny Alien Mask. Cooldown is 1 hour.
T-shirt filled with Christmas fortune. When enchanted, it gains a powerful function.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Guangong. Cooldown is 5 min.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Gwanseum Nyang Nyang. Depending on the requirements, the Blessing of Mercy that
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Blue Opera. Depending on the requirements, the Sword of Recovery that fills HP casts
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Blue Opera. Depending on the requirements, the Sword of Lightning that inflicts damag
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Red Opera. Depending on the requirements, the Spear of Flames that inflicts damage o
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Opera.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Opera.
Bracelet that summons Agathion - Miss Chipao. Cooldown is 4 hours.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Nepal Snow.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Round Ball Snow.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Ladder Snow.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Nepal Snow. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Round Ball Snow. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Ladder Snow. Cooldown is 1 hour.

Pagina 545

Hat shaped like a rocket gun. When equipped, grants a Fireworks skill that can be used every 5 min.
Brilliant hat made of yellow paper. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Brilliant mask and hat made of pink paper. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Hat made of delicious-looking cheese. If you look carefully, you can find a hidden golden mouse.
Hat made of delicious-looking cheese. If you look carefully, you can find a hidden pink mouse.
Hat made of delicious-looking cheese. If you look carefully, you can find a hidden golden mouse. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Hat made of delicious-looking cheese. If you look carefully, you can find a hidden pink mouse. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet that summons the image of Iken as an Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Iken as an Agathion through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Lanya as an Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Lanya as an Agathion through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Gnosian as an Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Gnosian as an Agathion through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Orodriel as an Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Orodriel as an Agathion through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Lakinos as an Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Lakinos as an Agathion through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Mortia as an Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Mortia as an Agathion through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Heintz as an Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Heintz as an Agathion through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Meruril as an Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Meruril as an Agathion through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Taman Zu Rapatui as an Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Taman Zu Rapatui as an Agathion through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Kaurin as an Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Kaurin as an Agathion through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Ahertbein as an Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Ahertbein as an Agathion through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Naonin as an Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.
Bracelet that summons the image of Naonin as an Agathion through the red Dimensional Door.
Brilliant mask made of purple paper. Cooldown is 1 hour.
The Santa Hat made for celebrating Christmas.
Adventurer Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Crown with Versper's elegance. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet with Versper's grace. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Unique hair accessory with Noble Vesper's grace. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Crown with Versper's grace. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet with Versper's grace. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
A Vesper Noble Mask. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. 30-day.
Crown with Versper's grace. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet with Versper's grace. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Unique hair accessory with Noble Vesper's grace. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
This item allows you to mount Jet Bike which is the core of Dwarven technology.
This item allows you to mount Jet Bike which is the core of Dwarven technology.
Can summon an Agathion - Phoenix when equipped. 7-day. Cooldown is 12 hours.
Can summon an Agathion - Phoenix. Cooldown is 4 h. 7-day.
Fox Mask that automatically covers your face during battle. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Fox Mask This mask automatically covers your face during battle. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Cooldown is 4 hours.

Pagina 546

Traditional Paiwan Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

Traditional Paiwan Hat. When the Power of Guardian Deity, Critical Damage is increased by 35% for 10 min. Uses 2 hair acc
Bracelet that summons Agathion - Zombie. Invisible effect for 5 sec. after resurrection, and will not receive preemptive attack
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - Guangong.
Bracelet that summons Babayaga.
Mask worn by the actor playing the Liu Bei role in the opera. Can use the Buff of Virtue and the Age of the Three Kingdoms. U
Mask worn by the actor playing the Guan Yu role in the opera. Can use the Silence of Fidelity and the Age of the Three Kingd
Mask worn by the actor playing the Zhang Fei role in the opera. Can use the Vitality of Courage and the Age of the Three Kin
Hat shaped like a dragon boat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat shaped like a dragon boat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet that summons a ball-trapping Gnosian. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet that summons a ball-trapping Orodriel. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet that summons Gnosian and Orodriel who are practicing penalty kicks. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet that summons a ball-trapping Gnosian. Wearing a blue uniform. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet that summons a ball-trapping Orodriel. Wearing a blue uniform. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet that summons Gnosian and Orodriel who are practicing penalty kicks. All are wearing blue uniforms. Cooldown is 1 h
Bracelet that summons a ball-trapping Gnosian. Wearing a red uniform. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet that summons a ball-trapping Orodriel. Wearing a red uniform. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet that summons Gnosian and Orodriel who are practicing penalty kicks. All are wearing red uniforms. Cooldown is 1 h
White soccer ball Has been dyed into a afro hair. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Blue soccer ball Has been dyed into a afro hair. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Red soccer ball Has been dyed into a afro hair. When equipped, you can receive the blessing of victory effect that raises Spe
Mark that wishes for victory by the Korean team.
Mark that wishes for victory by the Japanese team.
Mark containing cheering heart.
Hat displaying the flag of Taiwan. Looks good for cheering. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Cooldown is 12 hour.
Hat displaying the flag of Taiwan. Looks good for cheering. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat worn by a granny tiger. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat shaped like a cute bee. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Bracelet that summons a granny tiger. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet that summons a granny tiger.
Bracelet that summons a flower fairy spirit. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Bracelet that summons a cheerleader Orodriel. Cooldown is 2 hour.
Bracelet that summons a cheerleader Orodriel.
Bracelet that summons a cheerleader Lanya. Cooldown is 2 hour.
Bracelet that summons a cheerleader Lanya.
Bracelet that summons a cheerleader Naonin. Cooldown is 2 hour.
Bracelet that summons a cheerleader Naonin.
Bracelet that summons a cheerleader Mortia. Cooldown is 2 hour.
Bracelet that summons a cheerleader Mortia.
Bracelet that summons a cheerleader Kaurin. Cooldown is 2 hour.
Bracelet that summons a cheerleader Kaurin.
Bracelet that summons a cheerleader Meruril. Cooldown is 2 hour.
Bracelet that summons a cheerleader Meruril.
Bracelet that summons Handy from Fantasy Isle. Cooldown is 2 hour.
Bracelet that summons Handy from Fantasy Isle.
Sweet mount made by Dwarven science and engineering. This item enables you to drive a Jet Bike.
Plastic hair. It changes to an attractive pink wig for women and a blue wig for men. Uses 2 accessory slots.
Polar bear hat that makes you feel cozy just by looking at it. Uses 2 hair accessory slot(s).

Pagina 547

Polar bear hat that makes you feel cozy just by looking at it. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Cannot be exchanged or dropped o
Hat shaped like a stag beetle with 2 tough jaws. Uses 2 hair accessory slot(s).
Hat shaped like a stag beetle with 2 tough jaws. Uses 2 hair accessory slot(s).
Hat shaped like a beetle with a great horn. Uses 2 hair accessory slot(s).
Hat shaped like a beetle with a great horn. Uses 2 hair accessory slot(s).
Hat shaped like a ladybug with its black and red pattern. Uses 2 hair accessory slot(s).
Hat shaped like a ladybug with its black and red pattern. Uses 2 hair accessory slot(s).
Hat shaped like a praying mantis with sharp claws. Uses 2 hair accessory slot(s).
Hat shaped like a praying mantis with sharp claws. Uses 2 hair accessory slot(s).
Hat shaped like a grasshopper with large eyes. Uses 2 hair accessory slot(s).
Hat shaped like a grasshopper with large eyes. Uses 2 hair accessory slot(s).
Expensive-looking gold-rimmed glasses. Uses 1 hair accessory slot(s).
Expensive-looking gold-rimmed glasses. Uses 1 hair accessory slot(s).
White uniform hat that makes you feel the energy of a man of the sea. Uses 2 hair accessory slot(s).
White uniform hat that makes you feel the energy of a man of the sea. Uses 2 hair accessory slot(s).
Helmet of a brave ancient warrior. Uses 2 hair accessory slot(s).
Helmet of a brave ancient warrior. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Can stand upon the Shiny Platform with brilliant lighting when equipped.
Can summon Agathion - Singer & Dancer that gleefully sings and dances when equipped.
Can summon Agathion - Singer & Dancer that gleefully sings and dances when equipped.
Wedding ring exchanged by an engaged couple. Male only.
Wedding ring exchanged by an engaged couple. Female only.
Pure white wedding veil. Female only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Bracelet that summons Zaken's Spirit Sword, which is made up of Zaken's 6 swords.
Can summon Zaken's Spirit Swords when equipped. Cooldown is 2 hours. 7-day.
A pair of magic glasses that increase MP by 10 and M. Def. by 70. 30-day. Cannot be exchanged, or dropped.
MP +21, Poison Resistance +30%, Poison Atk. Rate +30%, Accuracy increase, P. Critical Damage increase, hold tolerance 2
MP +21, Poison Resistance +40%, Poison Atk. Rate +40%, Accuracy increase, P. Critical Damage increase, hold tolerance +
MP +31, Bleed Resistance +30%, Bleed Atk. Rate +30%, Heal Amount increase, Vampiric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Attack R
MP +21, Poison Resistance +30%, Poison Atk. Rate +30%, Accuracy increase, P. Critical Damage increase, hold tolerance 2
MP +21, Poison Resistance +40%, Poison Atk. Rate +40%, Accuracy increase, P. Critical Damage increase, hold tolerance +
MP +31, Bleed Resistance +30%, Bleed Atk. Rate +30%, Heal Amount increase, Vampiric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Attack R
MP +50, Sleep Resistance +40%, Sleep Attack Rate +40%, HP +445, cooldown decrease, P. Atk. and M. Atk. Increase, Wild
MP +37, Bleed Resistance +40%, Bleed Atk. Rate +40%, Heal Amount increase, Vampiric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Attack R
Can summon an Agathion - Griffin when equipped. 7-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Griffin when equipped. 7-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Griffin when equipped. 30-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Griffin when equipped. 30-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Griffin when equipped.
Can summon an Agathion - Griffin when equipped.
Can summon an Agathion - Cow when equipped. 7-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Cow when equipped. 7-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Cow when equipped. 30-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Cow when equipped. 30-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Cow when equipped.
Can summon Agathion - Cow when equipped.
Can summon an Agathion - Makeshift Bat when equipped. 7-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Makeshift Bat when equipped. 7-day.
Can summon an Agathion - Makeshift Bat when equipped. 30-day.

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Can summon an Agathion - Makeshift Bat when equipped. 30-day.

Can summon Agathion - Makeshift Bat when equipped.
Can summon an Agathion - Makeshift Bat when equipped.
Can mount a Darkmane Pacer when equipped. 7-day.
Can mount a Darkmane Pacer when equipped. 7-day.
Can ride a Darkmane Pacer when equipped. 30-day.
Can mount a Darkmane Pacer when equipped. 30-day.
Can mount a Darkmane Pacer when equipped.
Can mount a Darkmane Pacer when equipped.
Can mount a Steam Beetle when equipped. 7-day.
Can mount a Steam Beetle when equipped. 7-day.
Can ride a Steam Beetle when equipped. 30-day.
Can mount a Steam Beetle when equipped. 30-day.
Can mount a Steam Beetle when equipped.
Can mount a Steam Beetle when equipped.
Can mount a Gold Maned Lion when equipped. 7-day.
Can mount a Gold Maned Lion when equipped. 7-day.
Can mount a Gold Maned lion when equipped. 30-day.
Can mount a Gold Maned Lion when equipped. 30-day.
Can ride a Gold Maned Lion when equipped.
Can mount a Gold Maned Lion when equipped.
Can ride a Jet Bike when equipped. 7-day.
Can mount a Jet Bike when equipped. 7-day.
Can ride a Jet Bike when equipped. 30-day.
Can mount a Jet Bike when equipped. 30-day.
Can mount a Jet Bike when equipped.
Can mount a Jet Bike when equipped.
Hat that looks like a Brown Bear. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a Brown Bear. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a Brown Bear. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a Brown Bear. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a Brown Bear. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a Brown Bear. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a chicken. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a chicken. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a chicken. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a chicken. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a chicken. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a chicken. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Wedding hall bride's hair accessory (7-day). Females only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Wedding hall bride's hair accessory (7-day). Females only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Wedding hall bride's hair accessory (30-day). Females only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Wedding hall bride's hair accessory (30-day). Females only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Bride's hair accessory. Females only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Wedding hall bride's hair accessory. Females only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a white sheep. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a white sheep. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a white sheep. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a white sheep. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

Pagina 549

Hat that looks like a white sheep. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a white sheep. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a frog. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a frog. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a frog. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a frog. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a frog. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a frog. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Kat the Cat. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Kat the Cat. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Kat the Cat. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Kat the Cat. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Kat the Cat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Kat the Cat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Kai the Cat. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Kai the Cat. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Kai the Cat. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Kai the Cat. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Kai the Cat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Kai the Cat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Feline Queen. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Feline Queen. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Feline Queen. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Feline Queen. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Feline Queen. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Feline Queen. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Feline King. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Feline King. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Feline King. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Feline King. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Feline King. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like Feline King. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Large ribbon hair accessory (7-day). Females only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Large ribbon hair accessory (7-day). Females only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Large ribbon hair accessory (30-day). Females only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Large ribbon hair accessory (30-day). Females only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Large ribbon hair accessory. Females only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Large ribbon hair accessory. Females only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined dapper's hat. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined dapper's hat. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
A Refined Dapper Cap. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined dapper's hat. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined dapper's hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined dapper's hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet covered with a valkyrie's strength. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet covered with a valkyrie's strength. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet covered with a valkyrie's strength. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet covered with a valkyrie's strength. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet imbued with a Valkyrie's strength. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

Pagina 550

Circlet covered with a valkyrie's strength. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

Plastic hair. Changes into an attractive pink wig for women and a handsome blue wig for men. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory s
Plastic hair. Changes into an attractive pink wig for women and a handsome blue wig for men. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory s
Plastic hair. Changes into an attractive pink wig for women and a handsome blue wig for men. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory
Plastic hair. Changes into an attractive pink wig for women and a handsome blue wig for men. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory
Plastic hair. Changes into an attractive pink wig for women and a handsome blue wig for men. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Plastic hair. Changes into an attractive pink wig for women and a handsome blue wig for men. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Special shirt that was handcrafted by the best weavers of Aden. Can be enchanted up to +10 with Power Shirt exclusive ench
When an armor set above the Dynasty level is worn, the Sealed Cloak Slot will be open so that the cloak can be equipped. C
Cloak with the feeling of pitch black darkness. When an armor set above the Dynasty level is worn, the Sealed Cloak Slot will
When an armor set above the Dynasty level is worn, the Sealed Cloak Slot will be open so that the cloak can be equipped. C
When an armor set above the Dynasty level is worn, the Sealed Cloak Slot will be open so that the cloak can be equipped. C
When an armor set above the Dynasty level is worn, the Sealed Cloak Slot will be open so that the cloak can be equipped. C
It's your birthday! Hair accessory that shows you are 1 year older. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Special shirt that was handcrafted by the best weavers of Aden. Can be enchanted up to +10 with Power Shirt exclusive ench
Bracelet that can summon a cute Rudolph Agathion.
MP+37, Bleed Resistance +30%, Bleed Atk. Rate +30%, Heal Amount +15%, Vampiric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Attack Res
Cloak that makes you feel Zaken's sorrow. Increases P. Def. and attribute resistance. Unlocks a skill to move to the boss are
Cloak that makes you feel Freya's chill. Increases P. Def. and attribute resistance. Unlocks a skill to move to the boss area. C
Cloak that plays Frintezza's melody over and over in your head. Increases P. Def. and attribute resistance. Unlocks a skill to
Cloak embroidered with Zaken's soul. Increases P. Def. and attribute resistance. Unlocks a skill to move to the boss area. Ca
Cloak embroidered with Freya's soul. Increases P. Def. and attribute resistance. Unlocks a skill to move to the boss area. Ca
Cloak embroidered with Frintezza's soul. Increases P. Def. and attribute resistance. Unlocks a skill to move to the boss area.
Bracelet skill that lets you summon Zinyanzi for 3 days.\nUpon using the skill name, instantly recovers HP, MP, and CP, and
Bracelet skill that lets you summon Zinyanzi for 7 days.\nUpon using the skill name, instantly recovers HP, MP, and CP, and
Yanzi Agathion. Upon skill use, transforms into an Yanzi fairy. Can stay as an Yanzi fairy for 10 min. Cooldown is 5 hours.
Scholar's hat showing knowledge. Gold tassel is attached.
Scholar's hat showing knowledge. Silver tassel is attached.
Scholar's hat showing knowledge. Red tassel is attached.
Scholar's hat showing knowledge. Blue tassel is attached.
Can be assigned an attribute.
Can be assigned an attribute.
Can be assigned an attribute.
Can be assigned an attribute.
Can be assigned an attribute.
One-piece Body Armor. Can be assigned an attribute.
Can be assigned an attribute.
Can be assigned an attribute.
Can be assigned an attribute.
One-piece Body Armor. Can be assigned an attribute.
Can be assigned an attribute.
Can be assigned an attribute.
Can be assigned an attribute.

Can be assigned an attribute.

Can be assigned an attribute.
Can be assigned an attribute.
Can be assigned an attribute.
Can be assigned an attribute.

Pagina 551

Can be assigned an attribute.

Can be assigned an attribute.
Can be assigned an attribute.
Can be assigned an attribute.
Can be assigned an attribute.
Can be assigned an attribute.
Can be assigned an attribute.
Can be assigned an attribute.
Can be assigned an attribute.
Can be assigned an attribute.

The effect is MP +31.

The effect is MP +21.
The effect is MP +42.
Increases MP by 35.
Increases MP by 46.
Increases MP by 23.
Bracelet that can summon a Neolithic Agathion. Requires room in inventory and weight limit to receive a New Year gift from a
Shiny party hat. When equipped, can use the Blessed Body skill.
Pirate King Zaken's Hat. Would probably match well with Zaken's Cloak. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Scarlet van Halisha's Hat. Would probably match well with Frintezza's Cloak. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Ice Queen Freya's Tiara. Would probably match well with Freya's Cloak. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Clownfish Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Angel Ring. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Wizard Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Jester Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Romantic Chapeau. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Bracelet that summons a cute Agathion - Antharas.
Hat worn by pirates. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Can stand upon the Shiny Platform with brilliant lighting when equipped.
Polar bear hat that makes you feel cozy just by looking at it. Uses 2 hair accessory slot(s).
Monster wolf shaped hat. Blessed Escape skill can be used. Use 2 hair accessory slots.
Monster wolf shaped hat. Blessed Resurrection skill can be used. Use 2 hair accessory slots.
Daisy shaped hairpin. Female only.
Forget-me-not shaped hairpin. Female only.
Purple eyepatch accessory
Eyepatch accessory.
Monocle accessory
Hair accessory for World Cup Events
Hair accessory for World Cup Events
Fashion item which creates a unique taste.
Fashion item which creates a unique taste.
Cat ear shaped hair accessory.
Hair accessory exclusive to female.
Raccoon ear shaped hair accessory.
Bunny Girls Rabbit Ears shaped hair accessory.
Wings shaped hair accessory.
Stars attached cute tentacle hair accessory.
Handsome hat with an attached feather. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

Pagina 552

Large goggles that protect the eyes. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
MP +21, Poison Resistance +40%, Poison Atk. Rate +40%, Hold Resistance +30%, Hold Atk. Rate +30%. Increases Accurac
MP +21, Poison Resistance +30%, Poison Atk. Rate +30%, Hold Resistance +20%, Hold Atk. Rate +20%. Increases Accurac
MP +37, Bleed Resistance +30%, Bleed Atk. Rate +30%, Heal Amount +15%, Vampiric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Attack Res
Graduation Cap. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
First Mate Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Taiwanese child exclusive hat (boy). Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Taiwanese child exclusive hat (girl). Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Can mount a Rocking Horse when equipped. 7-day.
Can mount a Rocking Horse when equipped. 30-day.
Can mount a Rocking Horse when equipped.
Bracelet that can summon an Agathion - Lantern. Requires room in the inventory and the weight limit to receive a gift from an
Its effects are MP+300, HP+500, CP+1035, increased P. Atk., increased M. Atk., Wild Magic Effect, and increased Critical Da
Its effects are MP+37, HP+250, Vampiric Rage Effect, increased Accuracy, decreased cooldown for magic skills, and decrea
Its effects are MP+25, increased Atk. Spd., and increased Casting Spd. When two identical rings are equipped, only one effe
Its effects are MP+300, HP+500, CP+1035, increased P. Atk., increased M. Atk., Wild Magic Effect, and increased Critical Da
Its effects are MP+37, HP+250, Vampiric Rage Effect, increased Accuracy, decreased cooldown for magic skills, and decrea
Its effects are MP+25, increased Atk. Spd., and increased Casting Spd. When two identical rings are equipped, only one effe
Summons another player. Both the summoner and the one being summoned must have it equipped. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Not in Use
Summons another player. Both the summoner and the one being summoned must have it equipped. 30-day. Cooldown is 1 h
Chic Silver Chapeau. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Fancy Flower Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Unicorn Horn Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Forest Forget-me-not Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
White Uniform Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Golden Viking Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Mischievous Bee Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Chic Silver Chapeau. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Fancy Flower Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Unicorn Horn Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Forest Forget-me-not Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
White Uniform Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Golden Viking Circlet. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Mischievous Bee Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Circlet containing mysterious power of Eva. Uses 2 accessory slots.
Bracelet that can summon an Agathion - Juju. Requires room in the inventory and the weight limit to receive a gift from an Ag
MP +37, Bleed Resistance +40%, Bleed Attack Rate +40%, increases Heal Amount, Vampiric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Atta
MP +37, Bleed Resistance +40%, Bleed Attack Rate +40%, increases Heal Amount, Vampiric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Atta
MP +21, Poison Resistance +40%, Poison Attack Rate +40%, Hold Resistance +30%, Hold attack rate +30%, and increases
MP +21, Poison Resistance +40%, Poison Attack Rate +40%, Hold Resistance +30%, Hold attack rate +30%, and increases
Weight +6000.
Inventory Slots +18
Cancels the buffs of nearby enemies upon use. Only one effect is applies when you wear two of the same talismans.
Steals the target's abnormal status upon use. Only one effect is applies when you wear two of the same talismans.
Can mount a tame princess ant when equipped. 7-day.
Can mount a tame princess ant when equipped.
Can ride a Black Bear when equipped. 7-day.
Can ride a Black Bear when equipped.

Pagina 553

Powerful-looking Black Bear Hat. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

Powerful-looking Black Bear Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Brilliant beach sun cap that provide perfect protection from the sun. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Brilliant Beach Sun Cap that provides perfect protection from the sun. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat made of straw. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat made of straw. Uses 3 hair accessory slots.
Can mount a flying Halloween Broomstick. It is a Halloween event reward item that 7-day.
Can mount a flying Halloween Broomstick. It is a Halloween event reward item.
Cloak that gives off charisma. It is a Halloween event reward item that 7-day.
Cloak that gives off charisma. It is a Halloween event reward item.
Scary pumpkin hat. It is a Halloween event reward item. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Scary pumpkin hat. It is a Halloween event reward item. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Bracelet that can summon a level 1 Valakas Agathion.
Bracelet that can summon a level 2 Valakas Agathion.
Bracelet that can summon a level 3 Valakas Agathion.
Bracelet that can summon a level 4 Valakas Agathion.
Bracelet that can summon a level 5 Valakas Agathion.
Bracelet that can summon a level 6 Valakas Agathion.
Bracelet that can summon a level 7 Valakas Agathion.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped.
Warm and festive winter cloak to celebrate the holidays. Decreases weight. Increases inventory slots. Expires after 1 day.
Warm and festive winter cloak to celebrate the holidays. Decreases weight. Increases inventory slots. Expires after 7 days.
Warm and festive winter cloak to celebrate the holidays. Decreases weight. Increases inventory slots. Expires after 30 days.
Warm and festive winter cloak to celebrate the holidays. You can keep it forever!
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. 1 day.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. 15 days.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. 30-day.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. 90 days.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. 1 day.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. 15 days.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. 30-day.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. 90 days.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. 1 day.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. 15 days.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. 30-day.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. 90 days.
Beautiful white cloak. Provided to celebrate the New Lineage II Awakening Party. Can be equipped only when the cloak slot i
Emerald Weapon. Sigil form. Basic Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Japanese weapon. Sigil form. Basic Japanese Weapon Appearance Stone.
Ring acquired when you mourn for Pirate Captain Uthanka's spirit. Use it to turn into Pirate Captain Uthanka.
Can ride a unicorn when equipped.
Hat made of straw. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Scar. This is a male-only accessory.
Mask worn by a ruthless tribe.
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. 30-day. Equipping this disables armor. Hair accesso
Wedding ring for groom.
Wedding ring for bride.

Pagina 554

Refined Jester Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

Wide-brimmed hat fashioned out of bamboo. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Helmet of a brave ancient warrior. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Repairs the Broken Ballista outside the Aden battleground. Can use the Siege Equipment Repair skill.
Repairs the Broken Ballista outside the Rune battleground. Can use the Siege Equipment Repair skill.
Container with strong corrosive compounds. Can use the Throw Corrosive Chemical skill. Battleground only.
Container with strong corrosive compounds. Can use the Throw Corrosive Chemical skill. Battleground only.
Reacts to the Holy Artifact in Aden Castle to activate the Engraving. Can use the Relic Engraving Activation skill. Battlegroun
Reacts to the Holy Artifact in Rune Castle to activate the Engraving. Can use the Relic Engraving Activation skill. Battlegroun
Can summon Singer & Dancer that gleefully sings and dances when equipped.
Can ride a Black Bear when equipped. 30-day.
Black gem mask made of luxurious metal.
Refined Angel Ring. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined Devil Horn. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Mask worn by a ruthless tribe. 30-day.
Can summon Uthanka when equipped.
Can summon Cheerleader Orodriel when equipped.
Can ride a Tame Princess Ant when equipped.
Can summon Dryad when equipped. 30-day.
Fancy mask and hat made of pink paper. Cooldown is 1 h.
Arrow-pierced apple that can be worn on the head. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Fancy Flower Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Can summon a bright stage to stand on when equipped.
Fancy mask and hat made of pink paper.
Arrow-pierced Apple that can be worn on the head. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Can be enchanted up to +10 with the Scroll: Enchant Power Shirt and Blessed Scroll: Enchant Power Shirt.

MP +51.
Ring acquired when you mourn for Pirate Captain Uthanka's spirit. Use it to turn into Pirate Captain Uthanka.
Underwear with a military look.
Underwear for premium users.
Sexy underwear.

Pagina 555

Underwear with a cyberpunk look.

Cute underwear. Female only.
Consecrated by the Einhasad Priests, this relic provides skills imbued with the Power of Einhasad. Use it to defeat zombies s
Consecrated by the Einhasad Priests, the holy water in this flask provides the healing skill of the Crystal of Protection and Ne
Bracelet that summons the image of Lancet as a Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Resis
Bracelet that summons the image of Liposa as a Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Resis
Bracelet that summons the image of Velarin as a Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Resis
Bracelet that summons the image of Dulcinel as a Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Res
Bracelet that summons the image of Chimeros as a Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Re
Bracelet that summons the image of Niveri as a Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Resist
Bracelet that summons the image of Hamell as a Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Resis
Bracelet that summons the image of Joriya as a Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Resist
Bracelet that summons the image of Ralmak as a Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Resi
Bracelet that summons the image of Goras as a Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Resist
Bracelet that summons the image of Vensar as a Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Resis
Bracelet that summons the image of Kiela as a Soul Avatar through the red Dimensional Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Resista
Swimsuit for the beach.
Alluring swimsuit with exquisite prints.
Fancy cap that completely blocks the sun. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. 30-day.
Hat made of straw fibers. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. 30-day.
Ninja Top. Part of a costume.
Ninja Pants. Part of a costume.
Ninja Gloves. Part of a costume.
Ninja Shoes. Part of a costume.
Ninja Hair Accessory. Mask form. Part of a costume.
Tribal Warrior Top. Part of a costume.
Tribal Warrior Pants. Part of a costume.
Tribal Warrior Gloves. Part of a costume.
Tribal Warrior Shoes. Part of a costume.
Tribal Warrior Hair Accessory. Hat form. Part of a costume.
CON +1, MEN +1 and INT +1. 3-day.
CON +1, STR +1 and DEX +1. 3-day.
CON +1, DEX +1 and WIT +1. 3-day.
INT +1, MEN +1 and WIT +1. 3-day.
STR +1, DEX +1 and WIT +1. 3-day.
Seductive swimsuit with exquisite prints.
Helmet for brave warriors on server Aria. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Bracelet acquired when you mourn for Pirate Captain Uthanka's spirit. Use it to summon the Uthanka Agathion.
Magic shirt filled with the power of Pa'agrio, the god of fire.\nCan be enchanted to +10 using Elemental Shirt Enchant Scrolls.
Magic shirt filled with the power of Sayha, the god of wind.\nCan be enchanted to +10 using Elemental Shirt Enchant Scrolls.
Magic shirt filled with the power of Eva, the goddess of water.\nCan be enchanted to +10 using Elemental Shirt Enchant Scro
Magic shirt filled with the power of Maphr, the goddess of earth.\nCan be enchanted to +10 using Elemental Shirt Enchant Sc
Adenian Collection\nUnderwear with a military look. High basic stats. P. Def. +35, M. Def. +15, all Attribute Resistance +15, a
Adenian Collection\nUnderwear with a sophisticated feel. High basic stats. P. Def. +35, M. Def. +15, all Attribute Resistance +
Adenian Collection\nSexy underwear. High basic stats. P. Def. +35, M. Def. +15, all Attribute Resistance +15, and Speed +7.
Adenian Collection\nUnderwear with a cyberpunk look. High basic stats. P. Def. +35, M. Def. +15, all Attribute Resistance +1
Adenian Collection\nCute underwear. High basic stats. P. Def. +35, M. Def. +15, all Attribute Resistance +15, and Speed +7.
Can summon Griffin when equipped.
Hair accessory commemorating Lineage II's 4th anniversary. Looks like a traditional Russian kokoshnik. Uses 2 hair accesso

Pagina 556

Hair accessory commemorating Lineage II's 4th anniversary. Looks like a Russian navy cap. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Ma
Cloak commemorating Lineage II's 4th anniversary. Elaborately embroidered.
Hair accessory commemorating Lineage II's 4th anniversary. Looks like a traditional Russian kokoshnik. Uses 2 hair accesso
Hair accessory commemorating Lineage II's 4th anniversary. Looks like a Russian navy cap. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Ma
Cloak commemorating Lineage II's 4th anniversary. Elaborately embroidered.
Metal Suit Top. Part of a costume.
Metal Suit Pants. Part of a costume.
Metal Suit Gloves. Part of a costume.
Metal Suit Shoes. Part of a costume.
Metal Suit Hair Accessory. Hat form. Part of a costume.
Military Top. Part of a costume.
Military Pants. Part of a costume.
Military Gloves. Part of a costume.
Military Shoes. Part of a costume.
Military Hair Accessory. Hat form. Part of a costume. Sailor hat for women, and navy cap for men.
Maid costume. Female only.
Maid hair accessory. Part of a costume. Female only.
Hat with the secretive air of magicians. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hairpin in the shape of a butterfly. Female only.
Wizard's hat with a wide rim and slumped, pointy top. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Santa outfit to celebrate the holiday season.
Instant Camera given once a day during the Fantasy Isle Festival for quests. 3-hour. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. Can
Ninja top. Used in costumes. Gives you active skills.
Ninja pants. Used in costumes. Gives you active skills.
Ninja gloves. Used in costumes. Gives you active skills.
Ninja shoes. Used in costumes. Gives you active skills.
Ninja hair accessory in the form of a mask. Used in costumes. Gives you active skills.
Ninja top. Used in costumes. Gives you passive skills.
Ninja pants. Used in costumes. Gives you passive skills.
Ninja gloves. Used in costumes. Gives you passive skills.
Ninja shoes. Used in costumes. Gives you passive skills.
Ninja hair accessory in the form of a mask. Used in costumes. Gives you passive skills.
Can summon Hussar when equipped.
Special armor used first by the Polish army between the 16th - 18th century. Equip on cloak slot.
Crown bestowed upon the winner of the tournament. The hero's name will be forever engraved in server history.
Black gem mask made of luxurious metal.
Large round goggles to protect your eyes. Uses 2 accessory slots.
Hat worn by mountain dwellers. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Fancy hat with feathers worn by Polish aristocrats in the 17th century. Requires 2 hair accessory slots.
Red and white hat worn by Polish fans at soccer games. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Cloak for Poland only. Elaborately embroidered.
MP +59, Bleed Resistance +50%, Bleed Attack Rate +50%, Stun/ Mental Resistance +40%, Stun/ Mental Attack +40%, CON
MP +59, Bleed Resistance +50%, Bleed Attack Rate +50%, Stun/ Mental Resistance +40%, Stun/ Mental Attack +40%, CON
HP +625, MP +79, Sleep Resistance +50%, Sleep Attack Rate +50%, Fire Resistance +30, Dark Resistance +20, STR +3, IN
HP +625, MP +79, Sleep Resistance +50%, Sleep Attack Rate +50%, Fire Resistance +30, Dark Resistance +20, STR +3, IN
Ninja Top. Part of a costume. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
Ninja Pants. Part of a costume. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
Ninja Gloves. Part of a costume. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
Ninja Shoes. Part of a costume. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.

Pagina 557

Tribal Warrior Top. Part of a costume. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
Tribal Warrior Pants. Part of a costume. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
Tribal Warrior Gloves. Part of a costume. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
Tribal Warrior Shoes. Part of a costume. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
Metal Suit Top. Part of a costume. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
Metal Suit Pants. Part of a costume. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
Metal Suit Gloves. Part of a costume. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
Metal Suit Shoes. Part of a costume. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
Military Top. Part of a costume. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
Military Pants. Part of a costume. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
Military Gloves. Part of a costume. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
Military Shoes. Part of a costume. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
Adenian Collection\nP. Def. +35, M. Def. +15, Attribute Resistance +15, and Speed +7. Can augment through the town black
Adenian Collection\nP. Def. +35, M. Def. +15, Attribute Resistance +15, and Speed +7. Can augment through the town black
Adenian Collection\nP. Def. +35, M. Def. +15, Attribute Resistance +15, and Speed +7. Can augment through the town black
Ring acquired when you mourn for Pirate Captain Uthanka's spirit. Use it to turn into Pirate Captain Uthanka.
Can transform into Pirate Captain Uthanka (7-day).\n
Summon Uthanka Agathion.
Summon Uthanka Agathion (7-day).
P. Atk. +154, M. Atk. +181, and P. Evasion/ M. Evasion +4.\nNote: Effect for the Talisman of Abundance does not stack even
Attribute Resistance +10 and Debuff Resistance +10%.\nNote: Effect for the Talisman of Abundance does not stack even wh
P./ M. Critical Rate +8%, Received Critical Damage -10%, and skill damage during PvP -10%.\nNote: Effect for the Talisman
Max HP/ MP/ CP +325 and HP/ MP/ CP Recovery Rate +5.\nNote: Effect for the Talisman of Abundance does not stack even
P. Atk. +231, M. Atk. 271, P. Evasion/ M. Evasion +7, Attribute Resistance +15, Debuff Resistance +13%, P./ M. Critical Rate
P. Atk. +231, M. Atk. +271 P. Evasion/ M. Evasion +7, Attribute Resistance +15, Debuff Resistance +13%, Max HP, MP, and
P. Atk. +231, M. Atk. +271, P. Evasion/ M. Evasion +7, P./ M. Critical Rate +13%, Max HP, MP, and CP +490, HP, MP, and C
Attribute Resistance +15, Debuff Resistance +13%, P./ M. Critical Rate +13%, Max HP, MP, and CP +490, HP, MP, and CP R
Transparent armor that shows your underwear. Your cloak also becomes invisible.
Memento for Van Halter's users.
Samurai look.
Samurai look.
Anakim's look.
Vampiric wear.
Vampiric wear.
Vampiric wear.
Vampiric wear.
Vampiric wear in the form of a mask.
Equip to summon the Anakim Agathion.
Russia's weapon crafting contest finalist. Sigil type. Weapon Appearance Basic.
Hair Accessory worn by the hero of the 2014 World Olympiad. Equip for a boost of +5 on all stats.
Hair Accessory worn by the semifinalist of the 2014 World Olympiad. Equip for a boost of +2 on all stats.
Can summon Pegasus when equipped.
Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to
Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to
Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to
Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to
Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to
Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to
Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to

Pagina 558

Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to
Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to
Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to
Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to
Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 118 se
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 110 se
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 102 se
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 94 sec
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 86 sec
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 78 sec
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 70 sec
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 62 sec
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 54 sec
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 46 sec
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 38 sec
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 30 sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.
Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.
Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.
Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.
Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.
Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.
Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.
Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.

Pagina 559

Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.
Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.
Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.
Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 37 min. 30 sec.)
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 35 min.)\n2. Bal
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 32 min. 30 sec.)
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 30 min.)\n2. Bal
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 27 min. 30 sec.)
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 25 min.)\n2. Bal
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 22 min. 30 sec.)
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 20 min.)\n2. Bal
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 17 min. 30 sec.)
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 17 min.)\n2. Bal
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 12 min. 30 sec.)
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 10 min.)\n2. Bal
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the
Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the
Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the
Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the
Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the
Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the
Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the
Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the
Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the

Pagina 560

Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the
Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the
Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped.
Summons a cute Three-headed Dragon. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or sold.
Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to
Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to
Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to
Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to
Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to
Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to
Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to
Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to

Pagina 561

Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to
Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to
Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to
Can summon Virgo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Healing Light: Restores entire party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 118 se
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 110 se
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 102 se
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 94 sec
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 86 sec
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 78 sec
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 70 sec
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 62 sec
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 54 sec
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 46 sec
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 38 sec
Can summon Capricorn when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Skipping Kid: Teleports 600 grids forward. (Cooldown is 30 sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Libra when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scale of Life: Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/ sec
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Aries when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Rocky Camouflage: For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate
Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.
Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.
Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.
Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.
Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.
Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.
Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.
Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.
Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.

Pagina 562

Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.
Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.
Can summon Taurus when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Battle Rhapsody: For 30 sec., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd.
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 37 min. 30 sec.)
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 35 min.)\n2. Bal
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 32 min. 30 sec.)
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 30 min.)\n2. Bal
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 27 min. 30 sec.)
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 25 min.)\n2. Bal
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 22 min. 30 sec.)
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 20 min.)\n2. Bal
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 17 min. 30 sec.)
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 17 min.)\n2. Bal
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 12 min. 30 sec.)
Can summon Leo when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Maiden's Prayer: Invincible for 10 sec. (Cooldown is 10 min.)\n2. Bal
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Gemini when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bountiful Resurrection: Resurrect from death with full health resto
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Scorpio when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Scorpion's Mass Exile: Banishes enemies near target into anothe
Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the
Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the
Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the
Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the
Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the
Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the
Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the
Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the
Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the
Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the

Pagina 563

Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the
Can summon Aquarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Mass Binding Flood: Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Pisces when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Slippery Scale: For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times. (Coo
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Sagittarius when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Archer's Call: Summons all party members to you. (Cooldown
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
Can summon Cance when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Exoskeletal Shield: For 20 min., reflects 20% of received damage.
P. Atk. +231, M. Atk. +271, P./ M. Evasion +7, Attribute Resistance +15, Debuff Resistance +13%, P./ M. Critical Rate +13%.
P. Atk. +231, M. Atk. +271, P./ M. Evasion +7, Attribute Resistance +15, Debuff Resistance +13%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +490, H
P. Atk. +231, M. Atk. +271, P./ M. Evasion +7, P./ M. Critical Rate +13%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +490, HP/ MP/ CP Recovery Bonu
Attribute Resistance +15, Debuff Resistance +13%, P./ M. Critical Rate +13%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +490, HP/ MP/ CP Recovery
Cute Draco Hat. 7-day. STR/ DEX/ CON +2. Can use Blessed Resurrection. Cooldown is 1 h. Cannot be used in the Olympia
Cute Draco Hat. 7-day. INT/ WIT/ MEN +2. Can use Blessed Resurrection. Cooldown is 1 h. Cannot be used in the Olympiad
MP +37, Bleed Resistance +40%, Bleed Attack Rate +40%, Heal Amount increase, Vampiric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Resis
MP +50, Sleep Resistance +40% , Sleep Attack Rate +40%, HP +445, Cooldown decrease, P./ M. Atk. increase, Wild Magic
MP +31, Bleed Resistance +30%, Bleed Attack Rate +30%, Heal Amount increase, Vampiric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Resis
MP +21, Poison Resistance +30%, Poison Attack Rate +30% , Accuracy increase, Critical Damage increase, Hold Resistanc
MP +21, Poison Resistance +40% , Poison Attack Rate +40% , Accuracy increase, Critical Damage increase, Hold Resistanc

Pagina 564

When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped.
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b

Pagina 565

Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
Tuxedo for male characters, and a wedding dress for female characters. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot b
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M

Pagina 566

When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M

Pagina 567

When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. M
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F

Pagina 568

When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F

Pagina 569

When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F

Pagina 570

When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. F
When modified, Debuff Reflect +3%.
When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +5%.
When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +3%.
When modified, P. Def. +3%.
When modified, M. Def. +3%.
When modified, Attribute Resistance +5.
When modified, Received Heal Amount +3%.
When modified, Max. HP +3%.
When modified, Max. MP +3%.
When modified, Max. CP +3%.
When modified, Speed +3.
When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +5.
When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +3.
When modified, P./ M. Evasion +3.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +15.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +16.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +17.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +18.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +19.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +20.
When modified, Debuff Reflect +5%.
When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +7%.
When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +5%.
When modified, P. Def. +5%.
When modified, M. Def. +5%.
When modified, Attribute Resistance +7.
When modified, Received Heal Amount +7%.
When modified, Max. HP +7%.
When modified, Max. MP +5%.
When modified, Max. CP +7%.
When modified, Speed +7.
When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +8.
When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +4.
When modified, P./ M. Evasion +4.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +15.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +16.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +17.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +18.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +19.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +20.
When modified, Debuff Reflect +10%.
When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +15%.

Pagina 571

When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +10%.

When modified, P. Def. +10%.
When modified, M. Def. +10%.
When modified, Attribute Resistance +15.
When modified, Received Heal Amount +15%.
When modified, Max. HP +15%.
When modified, Max. MP +10%.
When modified, Max. CP +15%.
When modified, Speed +15.
When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +16.
When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +8.
When modified, P./ M. Evasion +8.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +15.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +16.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +17.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +18.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +19.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +20.
When modified, Debuff Reflect +3%.
When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +5%.
When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +3%.
When modified, P. Def. +3%.
When modified, M. Def. +3%.
When modified, Attribute Resistance +5.
When modified, Received Heal Amount +3%.
When modified, Max. HP +3%.
When modified, Max. MP +3%.
When modified, Max. CP +3%.
When modified, Speed +3.
When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +5.
When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +3.
When modified, P./ M. Evasion +3.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +15.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +16.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +17.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +18.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +19.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +20.
When modified, Debuff Reflect +5%.
When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +7%.
When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +5%.
When modified, P. Def. +5%.
When modified, M. Def. +5%.
When modified, Attribute Resistance +7.
When modified, Received Heal Amount +7%.
When modified, Max. HP +7%.
When modified, Max. MP +5%.
When modified, Max. CP +7%.
When modified, Speed +7.

Pagina 572

When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +8.

When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +4.
When modified, P./ M. Evasion +4.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +15.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +16.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +17.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +18.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +19.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +20.
When modified, Debuff Reflect +10%.
When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +15%.
When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +10%.
When modified, P. Def. +10%.
When modified, M. Def. +10%.
When modified, Attribute Resistance +15.
When modified, Received Heal Amount +15%.
When modified, Max. HP +15%.
When modified, Max. MP +10%.
When modified, Max. CP +15%.
When modified, Speed +15.
When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +16.
When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +8.
When modified, P./ M. Evasion +8.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +15.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +16.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +17.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +18.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +19.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +20.
When modified, Debuff Reflect +3%.
When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +5%.
When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +3%.
When modified, P. Def. +3%.
When modified, M. Def. +3%.
When modified, Attribute Resistance +5.
When modified, Received Heal Amount +3%.
When modified, Max. HP +3%.
When modified, Max. MP +3%.
When modified, Max. CP +3%.
When modified, Speed +3.
When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +5.
When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +3.
When modified, P./ M. Evasion +3.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +15.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +16.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +17.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +18.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +19.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +20.

Pagina 573

When modified, Debuff Reflect +5%.

When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +7%.
When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +5%.
When modified, P. Def. +5%.
When modified, M. Def. +5%.
When modified, Attribute Resistance +7.
When modified, Received Heal Amount +7%.
When modified, Max. HP +7%.
When modified, Max. MP +5%.
When modified, Max. CP +7%.
When modified, Speed +7.
When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +8.
When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +4.
When modified, P./ M. Evasion +4.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +15.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +16.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +17.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +18.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +19.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +20.
When modified, Debuff Reflect +10%.
When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +15%.
When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +10%.
When modified, P. Def. +10%.
When modified, M. Def. +10%.
When modified, Attribute Resistance +15.
When modified, Received Heal Amount +15%.
When modified, Max. HP +15%.
When modified, Max. MP +10%.
When modified, Max. CP +15%.
When modified, Speed +15.
When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +16.
When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +8.
When modified, P./ M. Evasion +8.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +15.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +16.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +17.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +18.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +19.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +20.
When modified, Debuff Reflect +3%.
When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +5%.
When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +3%.
When modified, P. Def. +3%.
When modified, M. Def. +3%.
When modified, Attribute Resistance +5.
When modified, Received Heal Amount +3%.
When modified, Max. HP +3%.
When modified, Max. MP +3%.

Pagina 574

When modified, Max. CP +3%.

When modified, Speed +3.
When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +5.
When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +3.
When modified, P./ M. Evasion +3.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +15.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +16.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +17.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +18.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +19.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +20.
When modified, Debuff Reflect +5%.
When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +7%.
When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +5%.
When modified, P. Def. +5%.
When modified, M. Def. +5%.
When modified, Attribute Resistance +7.
When modified, Received Heal Amount +7%.
When modified, Max. HP +7%.
When modified, Max. MP +5%.
When modified, Max. CP +7%.
When modified, Speed +7.
When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +8.
When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +4.
When modified, P./ M. Evasion +4.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +15.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +16.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +17.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +18.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +19.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +20.
When modified, Debuff Reflect +10%.
When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +15%.
When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +10%.
When modified, P. Def. +10%.
When modified, M. Def. +10%.
When modified, Attribute Resistance +15.
When modified, Received Heal Amount +15%.
When modified, Max. HP +15%.
When modified, Max. MP +10%.
When modified, Max. CP +15%.
When modified, Speed +15.
When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +16.
When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +8.
When modified, P./ M. Evasion +8.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +15.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +16.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +17.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +18.

Pagina 575

When modified, Top-grade/ Option +19.

When modified, Top-grade/ Option +20.
When modified, Debuff Reflect +3%.
When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +5%.
When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +3%.
When modified, P. Def. +3%.
When modified, M. Def. +3%.
When modified, Attribute Resistance +5.
When modified, Received Heal Amount +3%.
When modified, Max. HP +3%.
When modified, Max. MP +3%.
When modified, Max. CP +3%.
When modified, Speed +3.
When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +5.
When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +3.
When modified, P./ M. Evasion +3.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +15.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +16.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +17.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +18.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +19.
When modified, Low-grade/ Option +20.
When modified, Debuff Reflect +5%.
When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +7%.
When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +5%.
When modified, P. Def. +5%.
When modified, M. Def. +5%.
When modified, Attribute Resistance +7.
When modified, Received Heal Amount +7%.
When modified, Max. HP +7%.
When modified, Max. MP +5%.
When modified, Max. CP +7%.
When modified, Speed +7.
When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +8.
When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +4.
When modified, P./ M. Evasion +4.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +15.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +16.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +17.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +18.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +19.
When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +20.
When modified, Debuff Reflect +10%.
When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +15%.
When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +10%.
When modified, P. Def. +10%.
When modified, M. Def. +10%.
When modified, Attribute Resistance +15.
When modified, Received Heal Amount +15%.

Pagina 576

When modified, Max. HP +15%.

When modified, Max. MP +10%.
When modified, Max. CP +15%.
When modified, Speed +15.
When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +16.
When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +8.
When modified, P./ M. Evasion +8.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +15.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +16.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +17.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +18.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +19.
When modified, Top-grade/ Option +20.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Debuff Reflect +3%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +5%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +3%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, P. Def. +3%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, M. Def. +3%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Attribute Resistance +5.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Received Heal Amount +3%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Max. HP +3%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Max. MP +3%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Max. CP +3%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Speed +3.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +5.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +3.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +3.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +15.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +16.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +17.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +18.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +19.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +20.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Debuff Reflect +5%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +7%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +5%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, P. Def. +5%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, M. Def. +5%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Attribute Resistance +7.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Received Heal Amount +7%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Max. HP +7%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Max. MP +5%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Max. CP +7%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Speed +7.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +8.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +4.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +4.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +15.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +16.

Pagina 577

Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +17.

Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +18.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +19.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +20.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Debuff Reflect +10%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +15%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +10%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, P. Def. +10%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, M. Def. +10%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Attribute Resistance +15.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Received Heal Amount +15%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Max. HP +15%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Max. MP +10%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Max. CP +15%.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Speed +15.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +16.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +8.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +8.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +15.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +16.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +17.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +18.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +19.
Maid costume. Female only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +20.
Can summon Agathion - Minion Eye.
Can summon Agathion - Matryoshka.
Cloak of Light for those who have proven themselves as testers in Lineage II. P. Def. +100, M. Def. +80, and STR/ MEN/ DEX
Cloak of Darkness for those who have proven themselves as testers in Lineage II. P. Def. +100, M. Def. +80, and STR/ MEN
Mask for players who came from the Lilith server. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Halloween outfit.
When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and accessories remain equipped.
Halloween sigil.
Halloween sigil.
Can summon Agathion - Minion Eye. You can receive Minion Eye's Encouragement (CON +3, MEN +3, Weight Gauge +1000
Can summon Agathion - Matryoshka.\nActive Skill: Teleport to Talking Island Village/ Aden/ Ancient City Arcan/ Keucereus A
Can summon Agathion - Minion Eye. You can receive Minion Eye's Encouragement (CON +3, MEN +3, Weight Gauge +1000
Can summon Agathion - Matryoshka.\nActive Skill: Teleport to Talking Island Village/ Aden/ Ancient City Arcan/ Keucereus A
Hair accessory for the 3rd anniversary of Lineage 2. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Item for the 3rd anniversary of Lineage 2. Bracelet that can summon Agathion - Nepal Snow.
Hair accessory for the 6th anniversary of Lineage 2. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Item for the 6th anniversary of Lineage 2. Bracelet that can summon Agathion - Nepal Snow.
Santa's warm cloak.
Lineage II baseball uniform. When equipped, armor is removed and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic a
Lineage II baseball cap.
School Uniform A. When equipped, armor is removed and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor are
School Uniform A hair accessory.
School Uniform B. When equipped, armor is removed and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor are
School Uniform B hair accessory.
Max HP/ MP/ CP +510, P. Def. +971, M. Def. +552, P. Evasion/ M. Evasion +7, Attribute Resistance +15, Debuff Resistance

Pagina 578

HP/ MP/ CP +531, P. Def. +1051, M. Def. +609, P. Evasion/ M. Evasion +8, Attribute Resistance +17, Debuff Resistance +15
Max HP/ MP/ CP +563, P. Def. +1184, M. Def. +706, P. Evasion/ M. Evasion +9, Attribute Resistance +20, Debuff Resistance
HP/ MP/ CP +591, P. Def. +1307, M. Def. +799, P. Evasion/ M. Evasion +10, Attribute Resistance +25, Debuff Resistance +1
Pirate captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is removed and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor
Pirate crew member's outfit. When equipped, armor is removed and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic a
Equip to summon the Anakim Agathion. 30-day.

P. Atk. +154, M. Atk. +181, and P. Evasion/ M. Evasion +4.\nNote: Effect for the Talisman of Abundance does not stack even
Attribute Resistance +10 and Debuff Resistance +10%.\nNote: Effect for the Talisman of Abundance does not stack even wh
P./ M. Critical Rate +8%, Received P. Critical Damage -10%, Received Skill Damage in PvP -10%.\nNote: Effect for the Talis
Max HP/ MP/ CP +325 and HP/ MP/ CP Recovery Rate +5.\nNote: Effect for the Talisman of Abundance does not stack even
P. Atk. +231, M. Atk. 271, P. Evasion/ M. Evasion +7, Attribute Resistance +15, Debuff Resistance +13%, P./ M. Critical Rate
P. Atk. +231, M. Atk. +271 P. Evasion/ M. Evasion +7, Attribute Resistance +15, Debuff Resistance +13%, Max HP, MP, and
P. Atk. +231, M. Atk. +271, P. Evasion/ M. Evasion +7, P./ M. Critical Rate +13%, Max HP, MP, and CP +490, HP, MP, and C
Attribute Resistance +15, Debuff Resistance +13%, P./ M. Critical Rate +13%, Max HP, MP, and CP +490, HP, MP, and CP R
Max HP/ MP/ CP +510, P. Def. +971, M. Def. +552, P. Evasion/ M. Evasion +7, Attribute Resistance +15, Debuff Resistance
HP/ MP/ CP +531, P. Def. +1051, M. Def. +609, P. Evasion/ M. Evasion +8, Attribute Resistance +17, Debuff Resistance +15
Max HP/ MP/ CP +563, P. Def. +1184, M. Def. +706, P. Evasion/ M. Evasion +9, Attribute Resistance +20, Debuff Resistance
HP/ MP/ CP +591, P. Def. +1307, M. Def. +799, P. Evasion/ M. Evasion +10, Attribute Resistance +25, Debuff Resistance +1
MP +59, Petrification and Resistance to it +50%, Knock Back/ Knock Down and Resistance to it +40%, Pulling and Resistanc
MP +59, Petrification and Resistance to it +50%, Knock Back/ Knock Down and Resistance to it +40%, Pulling and Resistanc
MP +59, Petrification and Resistance to it +50%, Knock Back/ Knock Down and Resistance to it +40%, Pulling and Resistanc
MP +59, Petrification and Resistance to it +50%, Knock Back/ Knock Down and Resistance to it +40%, Pulling and Resistanc
Activates 5 jewel slots when equipped. Inventory Slots +12.
Vitality Bonus +3%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Vitality Bonus +6%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Vitality Bonus +12%. Can use Vital Wind skill. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Vitality Bonus +20% and Vitality Point Consumption Speed -7%. Can use Vital Wind skill. Effect does not stack with additiona
Vitality Bonus +30% and Vitality Point Consumption Speed -15%. Can use Vital Wind skill. Effect does not stack with addition
Debuff Resistance +3%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Debuff Resistance +6%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Debuff Resistance +12%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Debuff Resistance +20%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Debuff Resistance +30%. Adds the Purge skill to remove debuffs. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same typ
Creates a protection shield that absorbs 5,000 damage for 5 sec. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same typ
Creates a protection shield that absorbs 10,000 damage for 5 sec. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same ty
Creates a protection shield that absorbs 15,000 damage for 10 sec. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same t
Creates a protection shield that absorbs 30,000 damage for 10 sec. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same t
Creates a protection shield that absorbs 50,000 damage for 15 sec. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same t
Damage Reflection Resistance +10%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Damage Reflection Resistance +20%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Damage Reflection Resistance +30%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Damage Reflection Resistance +40%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Damage Reflect Resistance +50%. Can use invincibility. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
PvP Damage +3%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
PvP Damage +5%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
PvP Damage +7%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
PvP Damage +10%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.

Pagina 579

PvP Damage +15%. Can remove invincibility and debuff invincibility. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same
Pirate captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is removed and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor
Pirate crew member's outfit. When equipped, armor is removed and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic a
STR +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
STR +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
DEX +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CON +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
MEN +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
INT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
WIT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.

Pagina 580

INT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.

WIT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
STR +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
DEX +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CON +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
MEN +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
INT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
WIT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.

Pagina 581

WIT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.

STR +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
STR +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
DEX +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CON +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
MEN +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
INT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
WIT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.

Pagina 582

STR +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.

DEX +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
STR +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
DEX +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CON +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
MEN +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
INT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
WIT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.

Pagina 583

DEX +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.

CON +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
STR +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
DEX +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CON +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
MEN +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
INT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
WIT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.

Pagina 584

CON +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.

MEN +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
STR +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
DEX +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CON +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
MEN +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
INT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
WIT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.

Pagina 585

MEN +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.

INT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
STR +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
DEX +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CON +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
MEN +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
INT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
WIT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.

Pagina 586

INT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.

WIT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
STR +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
DEX +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CON +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
MEN +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
INT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
WIT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.

Pagina 587

WIT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.

STR +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
DEX +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CON +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
MEN +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
INT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
WIT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.

Pagina 588

STR +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
DEX +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CON +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
MEN +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
INT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
WIT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
STR +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.

Pagina 589

DEX +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CON +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
MEN +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
INT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
WIT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
STR +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
DEX +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.

Pagina 590

CON +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
MEN +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
INT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
WIT +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
STR +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
DEX +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CON +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
MEN +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
INT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
WIT +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
STR +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
DEX +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CON +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
MEN +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
INT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
WIT +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
LUC +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CHA +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.

Pagina 591

CHA +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.

LUC +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
LUC +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CHA +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
LUC +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CHA +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
LUC +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CHA +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.

Pagina 592

LUC +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.

CHA +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
LUC +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CHA +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
LUC +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CHA +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
LUC +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CHA +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.

Pagina 593

CHA +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.

LUC +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
LUC +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CHA +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
LUC +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CHA +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
LUC +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CHA +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.

Pagina 594

LUC +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.

CHA +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
LUC +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CHA +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
LUC +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
CHA +3, P. Critical Damage +90, and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Def. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Evasion +5 when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
LUC +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
CHA +3 and M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
LUC +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
CHA +3 and P. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm

Pagina 595

Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate Captain's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic arm
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma

Pagina 596

Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Pirate crew memeber's outfit. When equipped, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and ma
Vitality Bonus +25% and Vitality Point Consumption Speed -7%. Can use Vital Wind skill. Effect does not stack with additiona
Vitality Bonus +50% and Vitality Point Consumption Speed -15%. Can use Vital Wind skill. Effect does not stack with addition
Debuff Resistance +30%. Cancels your debuffs. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Creates a protection shield that absorbs 5,000 damage for 5 sec. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same typ
Creates a protection shield that absorbs 10,000 damage for 5 sec. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same ty
Creates a protection shield that absorbs 15,000 damage for 10 sec. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same t
Creates a protection shield that absorbs 30,000 damage for 10 sec. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same t
Creates a protection shield that absorbs 50,000 damage for 15 sec. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same t
Vitality Bonus +3%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Vitality Bonus +6%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Vitality Bonus +12%. Can use Vital Wind skill. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Novice Adventurer's shirt. M. Def. +11 when equipped.
Novice Adventurer's brass-hued hair accessory. Requires 2 hair accessory slots. Critical Rate +10 when equipped.
Novice Adventurer's bracelet. MP +60 and uses 3 talisman slots when equipped.
Experienced Adventurer's shirt. M. Def. +12 and CON +2 when equipped.
Experienced Adventurer's silver-hued hair accessory. Requires 2 hair accessory slots. Critical Rate +20 when equipped.
Experienced Adventurer's bracelet. MP +90 and uses 3 talisman slots when equipped.
Adventurer's shirt. INT +2, STR +2, Speed +7 when equipped.
Adventurer's circlet. Requires 2 hair accessory slots. P. Atk. +3%, M. Atk. +5% when equipped.
Adventurer's Bracelet. STR/ DEX/ CON/ INT/ WIT/ MEN +1 and uses 3 talisman slots when equipped.
Item given to the winner of the Ceremony of Chaos that takes place in the Mysterious Mansion. When equipped, increases M
Can summon Griffin when equipped.
Lineage II baseball uniform.
Lineage II baseball cap.
Tauti's Ring. Fire/ Dark Resistance +25, MP +38, Critical Damage +15%, Skill Power +5%, PvP damage +5%, Paralysis/ Bind
MP +38, P./ M. Debuff Resistance +15, MP Regeneration +3, P. Critical Damage +20%, and P. Accuracy +5. Poison Resista
MP +107, Dark Attack Resistance +50, STR +3, INT +3, CON +3, Skill Cooldown -10%, Damage Reflection +5%, P. Atk. +15

Pagina 597

MP +114, Dark Attack Resistance +50, STR +3, INT +3, CON +3, Skill Cooldown -11%, Damage Reflection +6%, P. Atk. +16
MP +121, Dark Attack Resistance +60, STR +4, INT +4, CON +4, Skill Cooldown -12%, Damage Reflection +7%, P. Atk. +17
MP +126, Dark Attack Resistance +60, STR +4, INT +4, CON +4, Skill Cooldown -13%, Damage Reflection +8%, P. Atk. +18
MP +131, Dark Attack Resistance +70, STR +5, INT +5, CON +5, Skill Cooldown -14%, Damage Reflection +9%, P. Atk. +19
MP +136, Dark Attack Resistance +70, STR +5, INT +5, CON +5, Skill Cooldown -15%, Damage Reflection +10%, P. Atk. +2
MP +107, Divinity Resistance +50, STR +3, INT +3, CON +3, Skill Cooldown -10%, Damage Reflection +5%, P. Atk. +10%, M
MP +114, Divinity Resistance +50, STR +3, INT +3, CON +3, Skill Cooldown -11%, Damage Reflection +6%, P. Atk. +11%, M
MP +121, Divinity Resistance +60, STR +4, INT +4, CON +4, Skill Cooldown -12%, Damage Reflection +7%, P. Atk. +12%, M
MP +126, Divinity Resistance +60, STR +4, INT +4, CON +4, Skill Cooldown -13%, Damage Reflection +8%, P. Atk. +13%, M
MP +131, Divinity Resistance +70, STR +5, INT +5, CON +5, Skill Cooldown -14%, Damage Reflection +9%, P. Atk. +14%, M
MP +136, Divinity Resistance +70, STR +5, INT +5, CON +5, Skill Cooldown -15%, Damage Reflection +10%, P. Atk. +15%,
MP +80, Fire Resistance +70, DEX +3, WIT +3, MEN +3, Vampiric effect 5%, MP Consumption -5%, P. Def. +15%, M. Def. +
MP +86, Fire Resistance +75, DEX +3, WIT +3, MEN +3, Vampiric effect 5%, MP Consumption -5%, P. Def. +16%, M. Def. +
MP +91, Fire Resistance +80, DEX +4, WIT +4, MEN +4, Vampiric effect 6%, MP Consumption -6%, P. Def. +17%, M. Def. +
MP +94, Fire Resistance +85, DEX +4, WIT +4, MEN +4, Vampiric effect 6%, MP Consumption -6%, P. Def. +18%, M. Def. +
MP +98, Fire Resistance +90, DEX +5, WIT +5, MEN +5, Vampiric effect 7%, MP Consumption -7%, P. Def. +19%, M. Def. +
MP +102, Fire Resistance +100, DEX +5, WIT +5, MEN +5, Vampiric effect 8%, MP Consumption -7%, P. Def. +20%, M. Def
MP +80, Water Resistance +70, DEX +3, WIT +3, MEN +3, Vampiric effect 5%, MP Consumption -5%, P. Def. +10%, M. Def
MP +86, Water Resistance +75, DEX +3, WIT +3, MEN +3, Vampiric effect 5%, MP Consumption -5%, P. Def. +11%, M. Def
MP +91, Water Resistance +80, DEX +4, WIT +4, MEN +4, Vampiric effect 6%, MP Consumption -6%, P. Def. +12%, M. Def
MP +94, Water Resistance +85, DEX +4, WIT +4, MEN +4, Vampiric effect 6%, MP Consumption -6%, P. Def. +13%, M. Def
MP +98, Water Resistance +90, DEX +5, WIT +5, MEN +5, Vampiric effect 7%, MP Consumption -7%, P. Def. +14%, M. Def
MP +102, Water Resistance +100, DEX +5, WIT +5, MEN +5, Vampiric effect 8%, MP Consumption -7%, P. Def. +15%, M. D
MP +53, CHA +3, LUC +3, Physical and Magic Critical Damage +20%, Atk. Spd. +6%, Casting Spd. +6%, Damage Reflection
MP +57, CHA +3, LUC +3, Physical and Magic Critical Damage +20%, Atk. Spd. +6%, Casting Spd. +6%, Damage Reflection
MP +60, CHA +4, LUC +4, Physical and Magic Critical Damage +21%, Atk. Spd. +7%, Casting Spd. +7%, Damage Reflection
MP +62, CHA +4, LUC +4, Physical and Magic Critical Damage +21%, Atk. Spd. +7%, Casting Spd. +7%, Damage Reflection
MP +64, CHA +5, LUC +5, Physical and Magic Critical Damage +22%, Atk. Spd. +8%, Casting Spd. +8%, Damage Reflection
MP +68, CHA +6, LUC +6, Physical and Magic Critical Damage +22%, Atk. Spd. +8%, Casting Spd. +8%, Damage Reflection
MP +53, CHA +3, LUC +3, Physical and Magic Critical Damage +20%, Atk. Spd. +6%, Casting Spd. +6%, Damage Reflection
MP +57, CHA +3, LUC +3, Physical and Magic Critical Damage +20%, Atk. Spd. +6%, Casting Spd. +6%, Damage Reflection
MP +60, CHA +4, LUC +4, Physical and Magic Critical Damage +21%, Atk. Spd. +7%, Casting Spd. +7%, Damage Reflection
MP +62, CHA +4, LUC +4, Physical and Magic Critical Damage +21%, Atk. Spd. +7%, Casting Spd. +7%, Damage Reflection
MP +64, CHA +5, LUC +5, Physical and Magic Critical Damage +22%, Atk. Spd. +8%, Casting Spd. +8%, Damage Reflection
MP +68, CHA +6, LUC +6, Physical and Magic Critical Damage +22%, Atk. Spd. +8%, Casting Spd. +8%, Damage Reflection
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows an attack or defense type set opt
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows an attack or defense type set opt
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows an attack or defense type set opt
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows an attack or defense type set opt
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows an attack or defense type set opt
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type set o
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type set o
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type set o
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type set o
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type set o
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set optio
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set optio
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set optio
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set optio

Pagina 598

Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set optio
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Criti
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evas
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Criti
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evas
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. C
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.

Pagina 599

Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. When enchanted to +4, increases Eva
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. E
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. C
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. When enchanted to +4, increases Eva
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. E
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. C
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. When enchanted to +4, increases Eva

Pagina 600

Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. E
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. C
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. When enchanted to +4, increases Eva
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. E
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. C
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. When enchanted to +4, increases Eva
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.

Pagina 601

Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. E
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. C
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. When enchanted to +4, increases Eva
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. E
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. C
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. When enchanted to +4, increases Eva
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. E
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.

Pagina 602

Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. C
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. When enchanted to +4, increases Eva
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. E
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows an attack or defense type set o
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows an attack or defense type set o
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows an attack or defense type set o
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows an attack or defense type set o
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows an attack or defense type set o
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type se
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type se
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type se
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type se
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type se
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set op
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set op
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set op
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set op
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set op
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Cr
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasio
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Ev
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Cr
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.

Pagina 603

Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasio
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Ev
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows an attack or defense type set opt
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows an attack or defense type set opt
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows an attack or defense type set opt
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows an attack or defense type set opt
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows an attack or defense type set opt
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type set o
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type set o
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type set o
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type set o
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type set o
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set optio
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set optio
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set optio
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set optio
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set optio
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Criti
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evas
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Criti
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.

Pagina 604

Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.

Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evas
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. C
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. When enchanted to +4, increases Eva
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. E
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. C
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. When enchanted to +4, increases Eva
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. E

Pagina 605

Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.1% and M. Atk. by 2.2%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. C
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. When enchanted to +4, increases Eva
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. E
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. C
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. When enchanted to +4, increases Eva
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. E
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.2% and M. Atk. by 2.4%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows an attack or defense type set

Pagina 606

Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. C
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. When enchanted to +4, increases Eva
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. E
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. C
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. When enchanted to +4, increases Eva
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. E
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.3% and M. Atk. by 2.6%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows an attack or defense type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows an attack or defense type set

Pagina 607

Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type s
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. C
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. When enchanted to +4, increases Eva
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. E
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. C
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. When enchanted to +4, increases Eva
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. E
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.4% and M. Atk. by 2.8%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows an attack or defense type set o
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows an attack or defense type set o
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows an attack or defense type set o
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows an attack or defense type set o
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows an attack or defense type set o
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type se
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type se
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type se
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type se

Pagina 608

Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type se
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set op
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set op
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set op
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set op
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set op
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Cr
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasio
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Ev
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Cr
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasio
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Ev
Decreases Damage Received by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
Decreases Damage Received by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1.5% and M. Atk. by 3%.
A ring containing Shilen's strength.

A necklace containing Shilen's strength.

An earring containing Shilen's strength.

Activates 6 jewel slots when equipped. Inventory Slots +12.

Damage Reflection Resistance +50 and there's a 10% chance of reflecting debuffs to the enemy. Can use the invincibility ski
PvP Damage +15%, chance of receiving a critical attack -25%. Can remove invincibility and debuff invincibility. Effect does no
Vitality Bonus +50% and Vitality Point Consumption Speed -15%. Acquired XP/ SP +10%. Can use Vital Wind skill. Effect doe

Pagina 609

Debuff Resistance +30%, and when receiving damage to a PC, Stun/ Silence are canceled. Cancels debuff and you become
Creates a protection shield that absorbs 50,000 damage for 15 sec. Recover 15% of Max HP instantly. Effect does not stack
Increases Resistance to all Debuffs by 30%, and when receiving damage to a PC, Stun/ Silence are canceled. When used, a
A belt from Chef Monkey. When equipped, Max HP/ MP/ CP +300, Weight +12800, Damage +7%, Received Damage -5%, In
Summons Unlimited Vitality Agathion.
Special hair accessory crafted for the winner of the 2016 World Olympiad, XXX. STR/ INT/ DEX/ WIT/ CON/ MEN +5 when e
Can summon Babayaga when equipped.
Can mount a Fire Elk when equipped.
A cute Draco's Hat. Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. STR +2, DEX +2, CON +2.
A cute Draco's Hat. Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. STR +2, DEX +2, CON +2.
When equipped, P. Def. +112, M. Def. +74, Acquired XP/ SP +1%.\n\nOnly the effect of the max level Talisman is applied wh
When equipped, P. Def. +225, M. Def. +147, Acquired XP/ SP +2%. \n\nOnly the effect of the max level Talisman is applied w
When equipped, P. Def. +450, M. Def. +294, Acquired XP/ SP +3%. \n\nOnly the effect of the max level Talisman is applied w
When equipped, P. Def. +676, M. Def. +441, X/ SP Gain +5%. If equipped with Venir's Talisman Stage 12 or above, Skill Pow
When equipped, P. Def. +901, M. Def. +589, Acquired XP/ SP +7%. If equipped with Venir's Talisman Stage 12 or above, Sk
When equipped, P. Def. +1126, M. Def. +736, Acquired XP/ SP +10%. If equipped with Venir's Talisman Stage 12 or above,
When equipped, P. Def. +1351, M. Def. +883, Acquired XP/ SP +15%. If equipped with Venir's Talisman Stage 12 or above,
When equipped, P. Def. +1576, M. Def. +1030, Acquired XP/ SP +20%. If equipped with Venir's Talisman Stage 12 or above
When equipped, P. Def. +1801, M. Def. +1178, Acquired XP/ SP +25%, Effect of Potions/ Medicines +5000. If equipped with
When equipped, P. Def. +2027, M. Def. +1325, Acquired XP/ SP +30%, Effect of Potions/ Medicines +7000. If equipped with
CHA +5. Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped.
A 7-day item. Disrupts the target from casting skills. Using it on a PC additionally ignores the target's CP and inflicts 13275 po
Can mount an Elk when equipped.
Can mount an Elk when equipped.
Equip it to mount an elk. \n<Usable Skill>\n1. Elk's Blessing: Maintains Vitality for 1 hour. (Cooldown time is 12 hours)\n2. Su
Activates 6 jewel slots when equipped. Inventory Slots +12.
Activates 6 jewel slots when equipped. Inventory Slots +12. Additionally, CHA +1.\nCan be augmented.
Activates 6 jewel slots when equipped. Inventory Slots +12. Additionally, all basic stats +2. Max CP +12%.\nCan be augment
When equipped, increases Soulshot and Beast Soulshot damage by 7.5%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the
When equipped, increases Spiritshot and Blessed Spiritshot damage by 7.5%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of
When equipped, STR +1, DEX +1, CON +1, INT +1, WIT +1, and MEN +1. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the
Vitality Bonus +12%. Can use Vital Wind skill. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Cloak with the crest of the ancient Elmoreden Kingdom.\nCan be enchanted up to +10 with the Scroll: Enchant Cloak, and dif
Cloak with the crest of the ancient Aden Kingdom.\nCan be enchanted up to +10 with the Scroll: Enchant Cloak, and differen
Cloak with the crest of the ancient Elmore Kingdom.\nCan be enchanted up to +10 with the Scroll: Enchant Cloak, and differe
Cloak with the crest of the ancient Ferios Kingdom.\nCan be enchanted up to +10 with the Scroll: Enchant Cloak, and differen
Legendary cloak with the crest of the ancient Elmoreden Kingdom.\nCan be enchanted up to +10 with the Scroll: Enchant Clo
Legendary cloak with the crest of the ancient Aden Kingdom.\nCan be enchanted up to +10 with the Scroll: Enchant Cloak an
Legendary cloak with the crest of the ancient Elmore Kingdom.\nCan be enchanted up to +10 with the Scroll: Enchant Cloak
Legendary cloak with the crest of the ancient Ferios Kingdom.\nCan be enchanted up to +10 with the Scroll: Enchant Cloak a
Summons Evolved Virgo. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nHealing Light Lv. 1
Summons Evolved Virgo. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nHealing Light Lv. 1
Summons Evolved Virgo. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nHealing Light Lv. 1
Summons Evolved Virgo. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nHealing Light Lv. 1
Summons Evolved Virgo. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nHealing Light Lv.
Summons Evolved Capricorn. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSkipping Kid
Summons Evolved Capricorn. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSkipping Kid
Summons Evolved Capricorn. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSkipping Kid
Summons Evolved Capricorn. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSkipping Kid

Pagina 610

Summons Evolved Capricorn. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSkipping Kid
Summons Evolved Libra. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScale of Life Lv. 1
Summons Evolved Libra. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScale of Life Lv. 1
Summons Evolved Libra. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScale of Life Lv. 1
Summons Evolved Libra. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScale of Life Lv. 1
Summons Evolved Libra. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScale of Life Lv.
Summons Evolved Aries. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nRocky Camouflag
Summons Evolved Aries. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nRocky Camouflag
Summons Evolved Aries. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nRocky Camouflag
Summons Evolved Aries. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nRocky Camouflag
Summons Evolved Aries. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nRocky Camoufla
Summons Evolved Taurus. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBattle Rhapsody
Summons Evolved Taurus. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBattle Rhapsody
Summons Evolved Taurus. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBattle Rhapsody
Summons Evolved Taurus. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBattle Rhapsody
Summons Evolved Taurus. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBattle Rhapsod
Summons Evolved Leo. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMaiden's Prayer Lv
Summons Evolved Leo. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMaiden's Prayer Lv
Summons Evolved Leo. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMaiden's Prayer Lv
Summons Evolved Leo. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMaiden's Prayer Lv
Summons Evolved Leo. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMaiden's Prayer L
Summons Evolved Gemini. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBountiful Resurr
Summons Evolved Gemini. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBountiful Resurr
Summons Evolved Gemini. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBountiful Resurr
Summons Evolved Gemini. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBountiful Resurr
Summons Evolved Gemini. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBountiful Resu
Summons Evolved Scorpio. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScorpion's Mas
Summons Evolved Scorpio. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScorpion's Mas
Summons Evolved Scorpio. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScorpion's Mas
Summons Evolved Scorpio. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScorpion's Mas
Summons Evolved Scorpio. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScorpion's Ma
Summons Evolved Aquarius. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMass Binding
Summons Evolved Aquarius. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMass Binding
Summons Evolved Aquarius. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMass Binding
Summons Evolved Aquarius. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMass Binding
Summons Evolved Aquarius. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMass Binding
Summons Evolved Pisces. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSlippery Scale L
Summons Evolved Pisces. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSlippery Scale L
Summons Evolved Pisces. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSlippery Scale L
Summons Evolved Pisces. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSlippery Scale L
Summons Evolved Pisces. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSlippery Scale
Summons Evolved Sagittarius. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nArcher's Cal
Summons Evolved Sagittarius. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nArcher's Cal
Summons Evolved Sagittarius. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nArcher's Cal
Summons Evolved Sagittarius. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nArcher's Cal
Summons Evolved Sagittarius. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nArcher's Ca
Summons Evolved Cancer. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nExoskeletal Shie
Summons Evolved Cancer. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nExoskeletal Shie
Summons Evolved Cancer. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nExoskeletal Shie

Pagina 611

Summons Evolved Cancer. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nExoskeletal Shie
Summons Evolved Cancer. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nExoskeletal Sh
Summons Evolved Virgo. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nHealing Light Lv. 1
Summons Evolved Virgo. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nHealing Light Lv. 1
Summons Evolved Virgo. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nHealing Light Lv. 1
Summons Evolved Virgo. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nHealing Light Lv. 1
Summons Evolved Virgo. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nHealing Light Lv.
Summons Evolved Capricorn. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSkipping Kid
Summons Evolved Capricorn. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSkipping Kid
Summons Evolved Capricorn. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSkipping Kid
Summons Evolved Capricorn. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSkipping Kid
Summons Evolved Capricorn. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSkipping Kid
Summons Evolved Libra. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScale of Life Lv. 1
Summons Evolved Libra. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScale of Life Lv. 1
Summons Evolved Libra. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScale of Life Lv. 1
Summons Evolved Libra. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScale of Life Lv. 1
Summons Evolved Libra. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScale of Life Lv.
Summons Evolved Aries. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nRocky Camouflag
Summons Evolved Aries. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nRocky Camouflag
Summons Evolved Aries. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nRocky Camouflag
Summons Evolved Aries. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nRocky Camouflag
Summons Evolved Aries. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nRocky Camoufla
Summons Evolved Taurus. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBattle Rhapsody
Summons Evolved Taurus. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBattle Rhapsody
Summons Evolved Taurus. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBattle Rhapsody
Summons Evolved Taurus. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBattle Rhapsody
Summons Evolved Taurus. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBattle Rhapsod
Summons Evolved Leo. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMaiden's Prayer Lv
Summons Evolved Leo. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMaiden's Prayer Lv
Summons Evolved Leo. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMaiden's Prayer Lv
Summons Evolved Leo. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMaiden's Prayer Lv
Summons Evolved Leo. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMaiden's Prayer L
Summons Evolved Gemini. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBountiful Resurr
Summons Evolved Gemini. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBountiful Resurr
Summons Evolved Gemini. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBountiful Resurr
Summons Evolved Gemini. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBountiful Resurr
Summons Evolved Gemini. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBountiful Resu
Summons Evolved Scorpio. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScorpion's Mas
Summons Evolved Scorpio. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScorpion's Mas
Summons Evolved Scorpio. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScorpion's Mas
Summons Evolved Scorpio. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScorpion's Mas
Summons Evolved Scorpio. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScorpion's Ma
Summons Evolved Aquarius. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMass Binding
Summons Evolved Aquarius. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMass Binding
Summons Evolved Aquarius. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMass Binding
Summons Evolved Aquarius. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMass Binding
Summons Evolved Aquarius. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMass Binding
Summons Evolved Pisces. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSlippery Scale L
Summons Evolved Pisces. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSlippery Scale L

Pagina 612

Summons Evolved Pisces. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSlippery Scale L
Summons Evolved Pisces. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSlippery Scale L
Summons Evolved Pisces. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSlippery Scale
Summons Evolved Sagittarius. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nArcher's Cal
Summons Evolved Sagittarius. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nArcher's Cal
Summons Evolved Sagittarius. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nArcher's Cal
Summons Evolved Sagittarius. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nArcher's Cal
Summons Evolved Sagittarius. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nArcher's Ca
Summons Evolved Cancer. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nExoskeletal Shie
Summons Evolved Cancer. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nExoskeletal Shie
Summons Evolved Cancer. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nExoskeletal Shie
Summons Evolved Cancer. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 1 sub slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nExoskeletal Shie
Summons Evolved Cancer. Activates 1 Agathion main slot and 2 sub slots when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nExoskeletal Sh
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion. Can enchant up to +10, and depending on the enchant level, addition
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion. Can enchant up to +10, and depending on the enchant level, ad
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion. Can enchant up to +10, and depending on the enchant level, addition
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion. Can enchant up to +10, and depending on the enchant level, addition
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion. Can enchant up to +10, and depending on the enchant level, additi
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion. Can enchant up to +10, and depending on the enchant level, additiona
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion. Can enchant up to +10, and depending on the enchant level, additi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion. Can enchant up to +10, and depending on the enchant level, addition
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion. Can enchant up to +10, and depending on the enchant level, add
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion. Can enchant up to +10, and depending on the enchant level, additio
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion. Can enchant up to +10, and depending on the enchant level, ad
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion. Can enchant up to +10, and depending on the enchant level, additi
Activates 1 Agathion main slot.
Charm to summon Agathion - Guardian of Dawn Kallesin.
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion. Can enchant up to +10, and depending on the enchant level, addition
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b

Pagina 613

A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using

Pagina 614

A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us

Pagina 615

A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b

Pagina 616

A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usin
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by usi
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u

Pagina 617

A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by us
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b

Pagina 618

A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 b
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.Combine with Starlight Jar up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by u
When equipped, P. Def. +112, M. Def. +74, Acquired XP/ SP +1%.\n\nOnly the effect of the max level Talisman is applied wh
When equipped, P. Def. +225, M. Def. +147, Acquired XP/ SP +2%. \n\nOnly the effect of the max level Talisman is applied w
When equipped, P. Def. +450, M. Def. +294, Acquired XP/ SP +3%. \n\nOnly the effect of the max level Talisman is applied w
When equipped, P. Def. +676, M. Def. +441, X/ SP Gain +5%. If equipped with Venir's Talisman Stage 12 or above, Skill Pow
When equipped, P. Def. +901, M. Def. +589, Acquired XP/ SP +7%. If equipped with Venir's Talisman Stage 12 or above, Sk
When equipped, P. Def. +1126, M. Def. +736, Acquired XP/ SP +10%. If equipped with Venir's Talisman Stage 12 or above,
When equipped, P. Def. +1351, M. Def. +883, Acquired XP/ SP +15%. If equipped with Venir's Talisman Stage 12 or above,
When equipped, P. Def. +1576, M. Def. +1030, Acquired XP/ SP +20%. If equipped with Venir's Talisman Stage 12 or above
When equipped, P. Def. +1801, M. Def. +1178, Acquired XP/ SP +25%, Effect of Potions/ Medicines +1000. If equipped with
When equipped, P. Def. +2027, M. Def. +1325, Acquired XP/ SP +30%, Effect of Potions/ Medicines +2000. If equipped with
Vitality Bonus +30% and Vitality Point Consumption Speed -15%. Acquired XP/ SP +10% as well. Can use Vital Wind skill. E
When equipped, Attack Attribute increases by 50. The effect does not stack when two or more identical Talismans are equipp
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 1, and depending on the level
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 1, and depending on the le
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 1, and depending on the level o
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 1, and depending on the
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 1, and depending on the l
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 1, and depending on the leve
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 1, and depending o
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 1, and depending o
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 1, and depending on
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 1, and depending on the lev
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 1, and depending on the l
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 1, and depending on th
A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 1, and depending on the level
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 1, and depending on the le
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 1, and depending on the level o

Pagina 619

A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 1, and depending on the
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 1, and depending on the l
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 1, and depending on the leve
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 1, and depending o
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 1, and depending o
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 1, and depending on
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 1, and depending on the lev
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 1, and depending on the l
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 1, and depending on th
Accessory in the form of Rudolph's nose.
When equipped, P. Def. +1126, M. Def. +736, Acquired XP/ SP +10%. If equipped with Venir's Talisman Stage 12 or above,
A Jindo dog hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
A shaggy dog hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Equip to summon Mermaid Agathion.
Special hair accessory for heroes who just started their adventures in the world of Aden.
Special hair accessory for heroes who've returned to the world of Aden.
Luxurious golden hair accessory for adventurers. It takes 2 hair accessory slots. Increases P. Atk. by 3% and M. Atk. by 5% w
Bracelet for adventurers. Increases STR/ DEX/ CON/ INT/ WIT/ MEN by +1 when equipped and activates three talisman slots
A charm that can summon Babayaga Agathion.
A charm that can summon Minion Eye Agathion.
A charm that can summon Minion Eye Agathion. Minion Eye's Encouragement effect (CON +3, MEN +3, increases weight ga
A charm that can summon Minion Eye Agathion. Minion Eye's Encouragement effect (CON +3, MEN +3, increases weight ga
A charm that can summon Matryoshka Agathion.
A charm that can summon Matryoshka Agathion.\nSkill used: Talking Island Village, Aden Castle Town, Ancient City Arcan, X
A charm that can summon Matryoshka Agathion.\nSkill used: Talking Island Village, Aden Castle Town, Ancient City Arcan, X
Charm that summons a ball trapping Gnosian. It wears a red uniform.
Charm that summons a ball trapping Orodriel. It wears a red uniform.
Charm that summons a Gnosian and Orodriel who are practicing penalty kicks. All are wearing red uniforms.
A charm that activates the power of the Meliodas Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates
A charm that activates the power of the Elizabeth Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates
A charm that activates the power of the Hawk Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates the
A charm that activates the power of the Ban Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates the
A charm that activates the power of the Diane Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates th
A charm that activates the power of the King Agathion.. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates the
A charm that activates the power of the Merlin Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates th
A charm that activates the power of the Gowther Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates
A charm that activates the power of the Escanor Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates
A charm that activates the power of the Meliodas Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates
A charm that activates the power of the Elizabeth Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates
A charm that activates the power of the Hawk Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates the
A charm that activates the power of the Ban Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates the
A charm that activates the power of the Diane Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates th
A charm that activates the power of the King Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates the
A charm that activates the power of the Merlin Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates th
A charm that activates the power of the Gowther Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates
A charm that activates the power of the Escanor Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates
A charm that activates the power of the Meliodas Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates
A charm that activates the power of the Elizabeth Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates
A charm that activates the power of the Hawk Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates the

Pagina 620

A charm that activates the power of the Ban Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates the
A charm that activates the power of the Diane Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates th
A charm that activates the power of the King Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates the
A charm that activates the power of the Merlin Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates th
A charm that activates the power of the Gowther Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates
A charm that activates the power of the Escanor Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates
A magic bracelet prototype made by Merlin. Activates 1 main slot and 2 sub slots.
A charm that activates the power of the Hawk Agathion. Equipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates the
A magic bracelet prototype made by Merlin. Activates 1 main slot and 2 sub slots.\nCannot be enchanted, exchanged, dropp
Special hair accessory for heroes who just started their adventures in the world of Aden.
Activates 1 main Agathion slot and 2 sub slots. 7-day.
Activates 1 main Agathion slot and 2 sub slots. 30-day.

Cloak that can only be worn by someone who has received the strength of the ancient giant Abelius. M. Def. +40.
Cloak that can only be worn by someone who has received the strength of the ancient giant Sapyros. M. Def. +40.
Cloak that can only be worn by someone who has received the strength of the ancient giant Ashagen. M. Def. +40.
Cloak that can only be worn by someone who has received the strength of the ancient giant Cranigg. M. Def. +40.
Cloak that can only be worn by someone who has received the strength of the ancient giant Soltkreig. M. Def. +40.
Cloak that can only be worn by someone who has received the strength of the ancient giant Naviarope. M. Def. +40.
Cloak that can only be worn by someone who has received the strength of the ancient giant Leister. M. Def. +40.
Cloak that can only be worn by someone who has received the strength of the ancient giant Lakcis. M. Def. +40.
Necklace given to the guardian of Gludio. Water Resistance +30.
Necklace given to the guardian of Dion. Holy Resistance +30.
Necklace given to the guardian of Giran. Wind Resistance +30.
Necklace given to the guardian of Oren. Dark Resistance +30.
Necklace given to the guardian of Aden. Earth Resistance +30.
Necklace given to the guardian of Innadril. Water Resistance +30.
Necklace given to the guardian of Goddard. Fire Resistance +30.
Necklace given to the guardian of Rune. Fire Resistance +30.
Necklace given to the guardian of Schuttgart. Wind Resistance +30.
Earring given to the guardian of Gludio. Stun attack +15%, Bleed Resistance +15%, Water Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only on
Earring given to the guardian of Dion. Hold attack +15%, Poison Resistance +15%, Holy Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only one
Earring given to the guardian of Giran. Bleed attack +15%, Paralysis Resistance +15%, Wind Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only
Earring given to the guardian of Oren. Paralysis attack +15%, Hold Resistance +15%, Dark Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only o
Earring given to the guardian of Aden. Mental attack +15%, Stun Resistance +15%, Earth Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only on
Earring given to the guardian of Innadril. Sleep attack +15%, Stun Resistance +15%, Water Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only o
Earring given to the guardian of Goddard. Stun attack +15%, Sleep Resistance +15%, Fire Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only on
Earring given to the guardian of Rune. Poison attack +15%, Hold Resistance +15%, Fire Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only one
Earring given to the guardian of Schuttgart. Hold attack +15%, Mental Resistance +15%, Wind Resistance +10. CP +5%. On
Ring given to the guardian of Gludio. Earth Resistance +15. Only one effect is applied when two rings with the same effect ar
Ring given to the guardian of Dion. Water Resistance +15. Only one effect is applied when two rings with the same effect are
Ring given to the guardian of Giran. Fire Resistance +15. Only one effect is applied when two rings with the same effect are e
Ring given to the guardian of Oren. Earth Resistance +15. Only one effect is applied when two rings with the same effect are
Ring given to the guardian of Aden. Holy Resistance +15. Only one effect is applied when two rings with the same effect are
Ring given to the guardian of Innadril. Holy Resistance +15. Only one effect is applied when two rings with the same effect ar
Ring given to the guardian of Goddard. Dark Resistance +15. Only one effect is applied when two rings with the same effect
Ring given to the guardian of Rune. Wind Resistance +15. Only one effect is applied when two rings with the same effect are

Pagina 621

Ring given to the guardian of Schuttgart. Dark Resistance +15. Only one effect is applied when two rings with the same effec
Headgear crafting ingredient
Boots crafting ingredient
Gloves crafting ingredient
The cloak of an Olympiad Hero. STR/ DEX/ CON/ INT/ WIT/ MEN +3 when equipped. Decreases PvP Damage by 15%.
Glorious Cloak of an Olympiad Hero. STR/ DEX/ CON/ INT/ WIT/ MEN +2 when equipped. Decreases PvP Damage by 5%.
Ring received by an academy member after training with his sponsor. Produces the effect of MP +22.
Increases Knock Back Resistance when equipped. Shadow item.
Increases Knock Down Resistance when equipped. Shadow item.
Increases resistance to binding when equipped. Shadow item.
Increases resistance to pulling when equipped. Shadow item.
Increases resistance to banishment when equipped. Shadow item.
Increases resistance to mutation when equipped. Shadow item.
Increases Knock Back Resistance when equipped. Shadow item.
Increases Knock Down Resistance when equipped. Shadow item.
Increases resistance to binding when equipped. Shadow item.
Increases resistance to pulling when equipped. Shadow item.
Increases resistance to banishment when equipped. Shadow item.
Increases resistance to mutation when equipped. Shadow item.
Bound Boots of strength.
Bound black pearl Ring.

Rags of the Bound sage.

Bound Sage's worn Gloves.

Bound Helmet.
Bound Ring of devotion.
Bound Necklace of devotion.
Bound Compound Scale Mail.
Bound Compound Scale Gaiters.
Bound Half Plate.
Bound Half Plate.
Phoenix Earring Has the effect of MP +20.
Phoenix Ring Has the effect of MP +13.
Phoenix Necklace. Has the effect of MP +26.
Bound Plate Gaiters.
Bound Plate Gaiters.
Bound Plate Helmet. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Bound Plate Helmet.

Pagina 622

Bound Plate Boots.

Bound Plate Boots.
Bound Plated Leather Armor.
Bound plated leather Boots.
Bound plated leather Gloves.
Bound Plated Leather Gaiters.
Bound Puma Skin Shirt.
Bound Puma Skin Gaiters.
Bound full plate Helmet.
Bound full plate armor.
Bound full plate Boots.
Bound full plate Gauntlets.
Bound Blue Buckskin Boots.

Part of the heavy blue wolf set.

Part of the light blue wolf set.
Part of the blue wolf robe set.
Part of the heavy blue wolf set.
Part of the light blue wolf set.
Part of the blue wolf robe set.
Full body armor.

Full body armor.

Part of the heavy tallum set.

Part of the light tallum set.
Part of the robe tallum set.
Full body armor.
Part of the heavy tallum set.
Part of the light tallum set.
Part of the robe tallum set.
Tateossian Earring Has the effect of MP +31.
Tateossian Ring Has the effect of MP +21.
Tateossian Necklace. Has the effect of MP +42.
Bound Tiger's Eye.

Bound Compound Armor.

Bound Compound Helmet.
Bound Compound Boots.
Bound Karmian Stockings.
Bound Karmian Tunic.
Bound Karmian Boots.

Pagina 623

Bound Karmian Gloves.

Bound Chain Mail Shirt.
Bound Chain Gaiters.
Bound chain Boots.
Bound Chain Gloves.
Bound bronze Helmet.
Bound Iron Plate Gaiters.
Bound crimson Boots.
Bound Rip Gauntlets.
Bound Stockings of Knowledge.
Bound Tunic of Knowledge.
Bound Gloves of Knowledge.
Bound Boots of knowledge.
Bound Striped Silk Shirt.
Bound Striped Linen Shirt.
Bound Cursed Stockings.
Bound Cursed Tunic.

Bound Necklace of Mermaid.

Bound Onyx Beast's Eye.

Bound Ogre Power Gauntlets.
Bound Ogre Power Gauntlets.
Bound Near Forest Necklace.

Bound Ring of ages.

Bound Elven Stockings.

Bound Elven Tunic.
Bound Elven Earring.

Bound Elven Mithril Boots.

Bound Elven Mithril Gloves.
Bound Elven Ring.

Bound Elven Necklace.

Bound Dark Necklace.

Part of the Heavy Nightmare set.

Part of the Light Nightmare set.
Part of the Nightmare Robe set.
Full body armor.
Full body armor.
Part of the Heavy Nightmare set.

Pagina 624

Part of the Light Nightmare set.

Part of the Nightmare Robe set.
Full body armor.
Bound Demon's Stockings.
Bound Demon's Tunic.
Bound Demon's Gloves.
Bound Demon's Boots.
Bound Aquastone Ring.

Bound Aquastone Necklace.

Part of the Heavy Avadon set.

Part of the Light Avadon set.
Part of the Avadon Robe set.
Full body armor.
Full body armor.
Part of the Heavy Avadon set.
Part of the Light Avadon set.
Part of the Avadon Robe set.

Bound Theca Leather Armor.

Bound theca leather Boots.
Bound theca leather Gloves.
Bound Theca Leather Gaiters.
Bound Divine Stockings.
Bound Divine Tunic.
Bound Divine Gloves.
Bound Scale Mail.
Bound Scale Gaiters.

Part of the Heavy Zubei's set.

Part of the Light Zubei's set.
Part of the Zubei's Robe set.
Part of the Heavy Zubei's set.
Part of the Light Zubei's set.
Part of the Zubei's Robe set.

Bound white Tunic.

Bound Ring of protection.

Pagina 625

Bound Necklace of protection.

Bound Earring of protection.

Bound Chain Hood.

Bound Shining Circlet.
Bound salamander leather Boots.
Bound salamander leather Boots.
Bound salamander leather armor.
Bound salamander leather armor.
Bound Lion Skin Shirt.
Bound Lion Skin Gaiters.
Bound bone Helmet.
Bound Silk Shirt.
Bound Breastplate.
Bound brigandine Helmet.
Bound brigandine Boots.
Bound Brigandine Gauntlets.
Bound brigandine Gaiters.
Bound Brigandine.
Bound Gloves of Seal.
Bound Boots of seal.
Bound Ring of seal.
Bound Necklace of seal.
Bound robe of seal.
Bound Earring of seal.

Bound Mithril Breastplate.

Bound Mithril Stockings.
Bound Mithril Stockings.
Bound Mithril Tunic.
Bound Mithril Tunic.
Bound Mithril Gloves.
Bound Mithril Gloves.
Bound Mithril Scale Gaiters.
Bound Mithril Banded Mail.
Bound Mithril Banded Gaiters.
Bound Mithril Ring.
Bound Mithril Gauntlets.
Bound Mithril Gaiters.
Bound Moonstone Earring.

Bound Linen Shirt.

Full body armor.

Bound Manticore Skin Gloves.

Bound Manticore Skin Shirt.

Pagina 626

Bound Manticore Skin Boots.

Bound Manticore Skin Gaiters.
Full body armor.
Majestic Earring Has the effect of MP +25.

Part of the Heavy Majestic set.

Part of the Light Majestic set.
Part of the Majestic Robe set.
Majestic Ring Has the effect of MP +17.
Full body armor.
Full body armor.
Majestic Necklace. Has the effect of MP +33.
Part of the Heavy Majestic set.
Part of the Light Majestic set.
Part of the Majestic Robe set.
Bound Wizard Stockings.
Bound Wizard Tunic.
Bound Ring of Magic.

Bound Magic Necklace.

Bound Earring of Magic.

Bound Ring Breastplate.

Bound Red Crescent.
Full body armor.

Bound rind leather Boots.

Bound rind leather armor.
Bound rind leather Gloves.
Bound rind leather Gaiters.
Bound Dwarven Chain Mail Shirt.
Bound Dwarven Chain Gaiters.
Bound dwarven chain Boots.
Bound Dwarven Chain Gloves.
Bound Dwarven Scale Mail.
Bound Dwarven Scale Gaiters.
Bound drake leather Boots.
Bound drake leather armor.
Bound drake leather Gloves.

Full body armor.

Full body armor.

Part of the Heavy Doom set.
Part of the Light Doom set.
Part of the Doom Robe set.

Pagina 627

Part of the Heavy Doom set.

Part of the Light Doom set.
Part of the Doom Robe set.

Part of the Heavy Dark Crystal set.

Part of the Light Dark Crystal set.
Part of the Dark Crystal Robe set.

Bound Nassen's Earring.

Bound great Helmet.
Bound Quality Leather Gloves.
Bound Dark Stockings.
Bound Gauntlets.
Bound Reinforced Mithril Gloves.
Bound Reinforced Mithril Shirt.
Bound Reinforced Mithril Boots.
Bound Reinforced Mithril Gaiters.
Bound Reinforced Leather Gloves.
Bound Reinforced Leather Shirt.
Bound Reinforced Leather Boots.
Bound Reinforced Leather Gaiters.
Bound Iron Boots.
Bound Assault Boots.
Bound Leather Boots.
Bound Leather Gauntlets.
P. Atk. +2% when equipped.
Atk. Spd. +2% when equipped.
M. Atk. +2% when equipped.
Casting Spd. +2% when equipped.

Pagina 628

P. Atk. +2% when equipped.

Atk. Spd. +2% when equipped.
M. Atk. +2% when equipped.
Casting Spd. +2% when equipped.
Cancels all debuffs when used.
Cancels all debuffs when used.
Olympiad Guardian Warrior's Ring. 30-day. MP +28.
Olympiad Guardian Warrior's Necklace. 30-day. MP +57.
Olympiad Guardian Warrior's Earring. 30-day. MP +42.
Atk. Spd. +2% when equipped. Shadow weapon.
P. Atk. +2% when equipped. Shadow weapon.
P. Def. +3% when equipped. Shadow weapon.
Casting Spd. +2% when equipped. Shadow weapon.
M. Def. +3% when equipped. Shadow weapon.
M. Atk. +2% when equipped. Shadow weapon.

Tunic, comfortably designed for mages.

Pair of pants, comfortably designed for mages.

Pagina 629

Full body armor.

Part of the heavy Zubei's set.

Part of the light Zubei's set.
Part of the Zubei's robe set.
Part of the heavy Zubei's set.
Part of the light Zubei's set.
Part of the Zubei's robe set.

Full body armor.

Full body armor.

Full body armor.

Full body armor.
Part of the heavy dark crystal set.
Part of the light dark crystal set.

Pagina 630

Part of the dark crystal robe set.

Part of the heavy majestic set.
Part of the light majestic set.
Part of the majestic robe set.
Part of the heavy dark crystal set.
Part of the light dark crystal set.
Part of the dark crystal robe set.
Part of the heavy majestic set.
Part of the light majestic set.
Part of the majestic robe set.

Full body armor.

Full body armor.
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP/ M. Atk./ Dark Resistance

Increases M. Def. and Dark Resistance.

Pagina 631

Increases Max HP by 301 when enchanted to +4 or higher.

Increases Max MP by 148 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max CP by 811 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max HP by 316 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max MP by 162 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max CP by 851 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max HP by 332 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max MP by 176 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max CP by 894 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max HP by 339 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max MP by 182 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases Max CP by 912 when enchanted to +4 or higher.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon.
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon.
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon.
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon.
Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.
Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.
Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.
Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.

Pagina 632

Increases MP Recovery Rate.

Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon.
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon.
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon.
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon.
Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.
Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.
Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.
Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon.
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon.
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon.
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon.
Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.
Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.
Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.
Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon.
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon.
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon.
Increases PvP damage during an attack with a weapon.
Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.
Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.
Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.

Pagina 633

Increased PvP damage during an attack with a skill.

Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Increases PvP defense against physical and skill attacks.
Chic Silver Chapeau. 3-day. STR/ INT +1. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hair accessory with weak energy. 3-day. CON/ MEN +1. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
STR +3 when equipped.
DEX +3 when equipped.
CON +3 when equipped.
MEN +3 when equipped.
INT +3 when equipped.
WIT +3 when equipped.
P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
P. P. Critical Damage +90 and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
P. Def. +5% when equipped.
M. Def. +5% when equipped.
Evasion +5 when equipped.
P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
Accuracy +5 when equipped.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
The set effect will appear only after the seal is broken.
Wooden Helmet of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA
Wooden Breastplate of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except wit
Wooden Gaiters of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA
Leather Helmet of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA
Tunic of Devotion of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with P
Stockings of Devotion of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the devotion set. This item canno
Leather Gloves of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA
Low Boots of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Ench
Wooden Helmet of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with P
Wooden Breastplate of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except w
Wooden Breastplate of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except w
Leather Helmet of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with P

Pagina 634

Tunic of Devotion of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Stockings of Devotion of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the devotion set. This item can
Leather Gloves of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with P
Low Boots of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA En
Brigandine Helmet of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Brigandine of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Ench
Brigandine Gaiters of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Brigandine Boots of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with P
Brigandine Gauntlets of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except wi
Manticore Skin Shirt of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Manticore Skin Gaiters of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except w
Manticore Skin Boots of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except wi
Manticore Skin Gloves of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except w
Mithril Tunic of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enc
Mithril Stockings of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA
Elven Mithril Gloves of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Elven Mithril Boots of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Brigandine Helmet of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except wit
Brigandine of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA En
Brigandine Gaiters of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except wit
Brigandine Boots of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Brigandine Gauntlets of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except
Manticore Skin Shirt of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except w
Manticore Skin Gaiters of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced excep
Manticore Skin Boots of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except
Manticore Skin Gloves of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced excep
Mithril Tunic of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA E
Mithril Stockings of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Elven Mithril Gloves of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except w
Elven Mithril Boots of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except wit
Full Plate Helmet of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with P
Full Plate Armor of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Full body armor. This item cannot be enhance
Full Plate Boots of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA
Full Plate Gauntlets of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Drake Leather Armor of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Full body armor. This item cannot be enh
Drake Leather Boots of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except wit
Drake Leather Gloves of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except w
Divine Tunic of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA En
Divine Stockings of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA
Divine Gloves of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA E
Full Plate Helmet of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Full Plate Armor of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Full body armor. This item cannot be enhan
Full Plate Boots of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with P
Full Plate Gauntlets of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except w
Drake Leather Armor of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Full body armor. This item cannot be e
Drake Leather Boots of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except w
Drake Leather Gloves of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except
Divine Tunic of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA E
Divine Stockings of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with

Pagina 635

Divine Gloves of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA
Blue Wolf Helmet of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with P
Blue Wolf Breastplate of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except w
Blue Wolf Gaiters of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with P
Blue Wolf Gloves of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the heavy blue wolf set. This item can
Blue Wolf Boots of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the heavy blue wolf set. This item cann
Blue Wolf Helmet of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with P
Blue Wolf Leather Armor of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Full body armor. This item cannot be
Blue Wolf Gloves of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the light blue wolf set. This item cann
Blue Wolf Boots of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the light blue wolf set. This item canno
Blue Wolf Helmet of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with P
Blue Wolf Tunic of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA
Blue Wolf Stockings of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Blue Wolf Gloves of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the blue wolf robe set. This item cann
Blue Wolf Boots of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the blue wolf robe set. This item canno
Blue Wolf Helmet of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Blue Wolf Breastplate of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except
Blue Wolf Gaiters of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Blue Wolf Gloves of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the heavy blue wolf set. This item c
Blue Wolf Boots of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the heavy blue wolf set. This item ca
Blue Wolf Helmet of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Blue Wolf Leather Armor of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Full body armor. This item cannot b
Blue Wolf Gloves of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the light blue wolf set. This item can
Blue Wolf Boots of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the light blue wolf set. This item cann
Blue Wolf Helmet of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Blue Wolf Tunic of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with P
Blue Wolf Stockings of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except w
Blue Wolf Gloves of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the blue wolf robe set. This item ca
Blue Wolf Boots of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the blue wolf robe set. This item can
Majestic Circlet of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA
Majestic Plate Armor of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Full body armor. This item cannot be enh
Majestic Gauntlets of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the heavy majestic set. This item ca
Majestic Boots of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the heavy majestic set. This item canno
Majestic Circlet of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA
Majestic Leather Armor of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Full body armor. This item cannot be e
Majestic Gauntlets of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the light majestic set. This item cann
Majestic Boots of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the light majestic set. This item cannot b
Majestic Circlet of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA
Majestic Robe of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Full body armor. This item cannot be enhanced
Majestic Gauntlets of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the majestic robe set. This item cann
Majestic Boots of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the majestic robe set. This item cannot b
Majestic Circlet of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with P
Majestic Plate Armor of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Full body armor. This item cannot be e
Majestic Gauntlets of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the heavy majestic set. This item c
Majestic Boots of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the heavy majestic set. This item cann
Majestic Circlet of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with P
Majestic Leather Armor of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Full body armor. This item cannot be
Majestic Gauntlets of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the light majestic set. This item ca
Majestic Boots of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the light majestic set. This item canno

Pagina 636

Majestic Circlet of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with P
Majestic Robe of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Full body armor. This item cannot be enhance
Majestic Gauntlets of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the majestic robe set. This item ca
Majestic Boots of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Part of the majestic robe set. This item canno
Vesper Helmet of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA
Vesper Breastplate of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Vesper Gaiters of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA
Vesper Gauntlets of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with P
Vesper Boots of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA E
Vesper Leather Helmet of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except
Vesper Leather Breastplate of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced exc
Vesper Leather Leggings (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA E
Vesper Leather Gloves of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except w
Vesper Leather Boots of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except w
Vesper Circlet of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA E
Vesper Tunic of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA En
Vesper Stockings of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with P
Vesper Gloves of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA E
Vesper Shoes of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA E
Vesper Sigil of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enc
Vesper Helmet of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with P
Vesper Breastplate of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except wi
Vesper Gaiters of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with P
Vesper Gauntlets of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Vesper Boots of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA
Vesper Leather Helmet of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced excep
Vesper Leather Breastplate of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced e
Vesper Leather Leggings of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced exc
Vesper Leather Gloves of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced excep
Vesper Leather Boots of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except
Vesper Circlet of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA
Vesper Tunic of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA
Vesper Stockings of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Vesper Gloves of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA
Vesper Shoes of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA
Vesper Sigil of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA E
M. Def. +50% when used. Shadow weapon.
Increases Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +80% when used. Shadow weapon.
M. Def. +50% when used. Shadow weapon.
Increases Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +80% when used. Shadow weapon.
WiFi helmet.
T-shirt for a returning hero. When equipped, STR +1 and Int +1.
Belt for a returning hero. When equipped, Weight Gauge +5000.
M. Critical Rate +2% when equipped. Shadow weapon.
Accuracy +2 when equipped. Shadow weapon.
M. Accuracy +2 when equipped. Shadow weapon.
Evasion +2 when equipped. Shadow weapon.
M. Evasion +2 when equipped. Shadow weapon.
P. Critical Rate +2% when equipped. Shadow weapon.

Pagina 637

The rate of receiving a physical Critical Attacks -2% when equipped. Shadow weapon.
M. Critical Rate +4% when used. Shadow weapon.
Accuracy +4 when used. Shadow weapon.
M. Accuracy +4 when used. Shadow weapon.
Evasion +4 when used. Shadow weapon.
M. Evasion +4 when used. Shadow weapon.
P. Critical Rate +4% when used. Shadow weapon.
The rate of receiving a physical Critical Attacks - 4% when used. Shadow weapon.
P. Atk. Spd. +2% when equipped. Shadow weapon.
P. Atk. +2% when equipped. Shadow weapon.
P. Def. +3% when equipped. Shadow weapon.
Casting Spd. +2% when equipped. Shadow weapon.
P. Def. +3% when equipped. Shadow weapon.
M. Atk. +2% when equipped. Shadow weapon.

When equipped, you can mount a Kukurin.

Kukurin Feather Helm.
Increases Lethal Strike Resistance upon use. Shadow weapon.
Increases Damage Reflection Resistance when equipped. Shadow weapon.
Increases Lethal Strike Resistance upon use. Shadow weapon.
Increases Damage Reflection Resistance upon use. Shadow weapon.
Bracelet that can summon Tersi's Light, which was distributed by the temple to oppose Shilen's darkness. Requires room in t
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Can bestow the assassin type or strong type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, a
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, an

Pagina 638

Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.

Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.

Immortal Necklace. MP +53 effect.

Immortal Earring. MP +40 effect.
Immortal Ring. MP +26 effect.

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of rece

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Resistance to Mental Attacks.

M. Def. Increases by 63 when used. Shadow weapon.

M. Def. Increases by 21 when equipped. Shadow weapon.
M. Atk. +111 when used. Shadow weapon.
M. Atk. +37 when equipped. Shadow weapon.
P. Atk. +111 when used. Shadow weapon.
P. Atk. +37 when equipped. Shadow weapon.
P. Def. increases by 114 when used. Shadow weapon.
P. Def. increases by 38 when equipped. Shadow weapon.
Max CP increases by 297 when used. Shadow weapon.
Max CP increases by 99 when equipped. Shadow weapon.
HP increases by 657 when used. Shadow weapon.
Max HP increases by 219 when equipped. Shadow weapon.

Pagina 639

Increases Max MP by 327 when used. Shadow weapon.

MP increases by 109 when equipped. Shadow weapon.
Bracelet that can summon a Propeller Agathion. Can teleport party members to town after summoning an Agathion. 30-day.
Bracelet that can summon a Magical Girl Agathion. Can teleport party members to town after summoning an Agathion. 30-da
Bracelet that can summon a Cobra Agathion. Can teleport party members to town after summoning an Agathion. 30-day.
Bracelet that can summon a Baby Ufa Agathion. Can teleport party members to town after summoning an Agathion. 30-day.
Bracelet that summons a black bear that the character can ride. 30-day.
Increases resistance to half-kill and lethal strike when equipped. Shadow weapon.
Increases resistance to half-kill and lethal strike when used. Shadow weapon.
Magic shirt filled with the power of Pa'agrio, the god of fire.\nCan be enchanted to +10 using Elemental Shirt Enchant Scrolls.
Magic shirt filled with the power of Sayha, the god of wind.\nCan be enchanted to +10 using Elemental Shirt Enchant Scrolls.
Magic shirt filled with the power of Eva, the goddess of water.\nCan be enchanted to +10 using Elemental Shirt Enchant Scro
Magic shirt filled with the power of Maphr, the goddess of earth.\nCan be enchanted to +10 using Elemental Shirt Enchant Sc
Pirate's Eyepatch
Outlaw's Eyepatch
Party Hat
Refined Angel Ring
Refined Devil Horn
STR +3 when equipped.
DEX +3 when equipped.
CON +3 when equipped.
MEN +3 when equipped.
INT +3 when equipped.
WIT +3 when equipped.
P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
P. Critical Damage +90 and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
P. Def. +5% when equipped.
M. Def. +5% when equipped.
Evasion +5 when equipped.
P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
Accuracy +5 when equipped.
Sealed Power Shirt. Please note that after the transfer, if the seal on Power Shirt is removed, you can no longer use seal/ un
Power Shirt that has already been exchanged. Dimensional item.\nCan be enchanted to a max +10 with Scroll: Enchant Pow
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - XP Bottle. The bracelet must be removed in order to seal an Agathion. After unequippin
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - XP Bottle. The bracelet must be removed in order to seal an Agathion. After unequippin
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - XP Bottle. The bracelet must be removed in order to seal an Agathion. After unequippin
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - XP Bottle. The bracelet must be removed in order to seal an Agathion. After unequippin
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - XP Bottle. The bracelet must be removed in order to seal an Agathion. After unequippin
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - XP Bottle. The bracelet must be removed in order to seal an Agathion. After unequippin
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - XP Bottle. The bracelet must be removed in order to seal an Agathion. After unequippin
Bracelet that summons an Agathion - XP Bottle. The bracelet must be removed in order to seal an Agathion. After unequippin
Hair accessory acquired by mentees. When equipped, there is a great effect that show that you are a mentee.
Magic shirt filled with the power of Pa'agrio, the god of fire. Can be enchanted to +10 using Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt. W
Magic shirt filled with the power of Sayha, the god of wind. Can be enchanted to +10 using Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt. W
Magic shirt filled with the power of Eva, the goddess of water. Can be enchanted to +10 using Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shir
Magic shirt filled with the power of Maphr, the goddess of earth. Can be enchanted to +10 using Scroll: Enchant Elemental Sh
Squash ring, Warrior-type. Increases P. Critical Damage by 15%, P. Accuracy by 2, limited time item (15-day). Effects do not

Pagina 640

Squash earring, warrior-type. Increases Atk. Spd. by 4% and Speed by 5. 15-day. When two identical earrings are equipped,
Squash necklace. Increases Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun/ Poison/ Bleed Resistance and attack rate by 20%. Decreases skill cooldo
Squash ring for wizards. Increases M. Critical Rate by 2% and M. Accuracy by 2. 15-day. Wearing 2 of these rings will give th
Squash earring for wizards. Increases Casting Spd. by 4% and Speed by 5. 15-day. When two identical earrings are equippe
Hair accessory that looks like Afro hair.
Hair accessory that looks like Afro hair. (7-day)
Circlet that has the power of Severe Earthquake. Increases earth defense by 60. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Istina's Bracelet with refined abilities. Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. MP +216, Con +1, and Men +1.
Octavis' Bracelet with refined abilities. Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. MP +216, Dex +1, and Wit +1.
Bracelet distributed by Pa'agrio's servant Aslan in order to resurrect the purified Draco Eggs. When equipped, you can summ
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases HP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
Increases MP Recovery Rate.
When equipped, STR +3, DEX +1, CON +1, P. Evasion +1, and M. Evasion +1.
Increases INT +3, WIT +1, MEN +1, Physical Attack Resistance +1, and Mental Attack Resistance +1.
A cloak that symbolizes glory and light. When equipped, STR/ DEX/ CON/ INT/ WIT/ MEN/ LUC/ CHA +2, and Damage Rece
A cloak that symbolizes avarice and darkness. When equipped, STR/ MEN/ DEX/ WIT/ INT/ CON/ LUC/ CHA +2, and Damag
7-day\nIncreases CON +3, MEN +3, Weight Gauge by 10000, Max HP/ MP/ CP by 300, M. Def. by 5%, Max HP by 5%, and
7-day\nIncreases CON +3, MEN +3, Weight Gauge by 10000, Max HP/ MP/ CP by 300, P. Atk. by 5%, and Attribute Resistan
7-day\nIncreases CON +3, MEN +3, Weight Gauge by 10000, Max HP/ MP/ CP by 300, P. Def. by 5%, Max HP by 5%, and A
7-day\nIncreases CON +3, MEN +3, Weight Gauge by 10000, Max HP/ MP/ CP by 300, M. Atk. By 6%, and Attribute Resista
7-day\nIncreases CON +3, MEN +3, Weight Gauge by 10000, Max HP/ MP/ CP by 300, and Attribute Resistance by 10. Dec
Increases Max HP/ MP/ CP by 100, P. Accuracy and M. Accuracy by 1, P. Evasion and M. Evasion by 1 Vampiric Rage Effec
Increases Max HP/ MP/ CP by 100, P. Accuracy and M. Accuracy by 2, P. Evasion and M. Evasion by 2, Vampiric Rage Effe
Increases Max HP/ MP/ CP by 300, P. Accuracy and M. Accuracy by 2, P. Evasion and M. Evasion by 2, Vampiric Rage Effe
When equipped, increases Max HP, MP, and CP by 400, P. and M. Accuracy by 2, P. and M. Evasion by 2, Vampiric Rage 3
When equipped, increases Max HP, MP, and CP by 500, P. and M. Accuracy by 2, P. and M. Evasion by 2, Vampiric Rage 3
When equipped, increases Max HP, MP, and CP by 600, P. and M. Accuracy by 2, P. and M. Evasion by 2, Vampiric Rage 3
A cloak that symbolizes glory and light. When equipped, STR/ DEX/ CON/ INT/ WIT/ MEN/ LUC/ CHA +4, and Damage Rece
A cloak that symbolizes avarice and darkness. When equipped, STR/ MEN/ DEX/ WIT/ INT/ CON/ LUC/ CHA +4, and Damag
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 3%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 8%. Decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. D
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 5%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 3%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 8%. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physi
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 5%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 3%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 8%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Att
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 5%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%.

Pagina 641

PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%.

PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 3%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 8%. Decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. D
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 5%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 3%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 8%. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physi
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 5%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 3%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 8%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Att
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 5%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchante
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchante
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchante
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchante
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchante
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchante
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 3%. Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 8%. Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Decreases P. C
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 5%. Bestows an attack or defense type set option.

Pagina 642

PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%. Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%. Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 3%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 8%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. When encha
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 5%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%. Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 3%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 8%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchante
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 5%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%. Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchante
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchante
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchante
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Glorious T-shirt. HP increases by 465.
MP +216. Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped.
Tauti's Bracelet with refined abilities. Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. MP +216, Str +1, Int +1.
Item given to the winner of the Ceremony of Chaos that takes place in the Mysterious Mansion. When equipped, Max HP, MP
Item acquired after winning the Ceremony of Chaos Tournament in the Mysterious Mansion. When equipped, increases Max
Tauti's Ring. Fire/ Dark Resistance +25, MP +38, Critical Damage +15%, Skill Power +5%, PvP damage +5%, Paralysis/ Bind
Necklace purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Water Resistance +26, MP +33.
Necklace purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Holy Resistance +26, MP +33.
Necklace purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Wind Resistance +26, MP +33.
Necklace purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Dark Resistance +26, MP +33.
Necklace purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Earth Resistance +26, MP +33.
Necklace purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Fire Resistance +26, MP +33.
Necklace purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Water Resistance +30, MP +62.
Necklace purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Fire Resistance +30, MP +62.
Necklace purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Holy Resistance +30, MP +62.
Necklace purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Dark Resistance +30, MP +62.
Necklace purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Wind Resistance +30, MP +62.
Necklace purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Earth Resistance +30, MP +62.
Ring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Earth Resistance +12, MP +17. Only one effect is applied when two rings with th
Ring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Water Resistance +12, MP +17. Only one effect is applied when two rings with th
Ring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Fire Resistance +12, MP +17. Only one effect is applied when two rings with the
Ring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Holy Resistance +12, MP +17. Only one effect is applied when two rings with the

Pagina 643

Ring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Dark Resistance +12, MP +17. Only one effect is applied when two rings with the
Ring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Wind Resistance +12, MP +17. Only one effect is applied when two rings with the
Ring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Earth Resistance +15, MP +31. Only one effect is applied when two rings with th
Ring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Water Resistance +15, MP +31. Only one effect is applied when two rings with th
Ring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Fire Resistance +15, MP +31. Only one effect is applied when two rings with the
Ring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Holy Resistance +15, MP +31. Only one effect is applied when two rings with the
Ring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Dark Resistance +15, MP +31. Only one effect is applied when two rings with the
Ring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Wind Resistance +15, MP +31. Only one effect is applied when two rings with the
Necklace purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Water Resistance +30, MP +46.
Necklace purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Earth Resistance +30, MP +46.
Necklace purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Fire Resistance +30, MP +46.
Necklace purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Holy Resistance +30, MP +46.
Necklace purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Dark Resistance +30, MP +46.
Necklace purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Wind Resistance +30, MP +46.
Ring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Water Resistance +15, MP +23. Only one effect is applied when two rings with th
Ring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Earth Resistance +15, MP +23. Only one effect is applied when two rings with th
Ring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Fire Resistance +15, MP +23. Only one effect is applied when two rings with the
Ring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Holy Resistance +15, MP +23. Only one effect is applied when two rings with the
Ring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Dark Resistance +15, MP +23. Only one effect is applied when two rings with the
Ring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Wind Resistance +15, MP +23. Only one effect is applied when two rings with the
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Stun attack +15%, Bleed Resistance +15%, Water Resistance +8, MP +25. On
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Hold attack +15%, Poison Resistance +15%, Holy Resistance +8, MP +25. On
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Bleed attack +15%, Paralysis Resistance +15%, Wind Resistance +8, MP +25
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Paralysis attack +15%, Hold Resistance +15%, Dark Resistance +8, MP +25.
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Mental attack +15%, Stun Resistance +15%, Earth Resistance +8, MP +25. O
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Sleep attack +15%, Stun Resistance +15%, Water Resistance +8, MP +25. On
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Stun attack +15%, Sleep Resistance +15%, Fire Resistance +8, MP +25. Only
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Poison attack +15%, Hold Resistance +15%, Fire Resistance +8, MP +25. On
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Mental Attack Resistance +15%, hold attack 15%, Wind Resistance +8, MP +2
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. MP +46, CP +5%. Increases shock attack/ resistance by 20%. Only one effect
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. MP +46, CP +5%. Increases hold attack/ resistance by 20%. Only one effect is
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. MP +46, CP +5%. Increases bleed attack/ resistance by 20%. Only one effect
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. MP +46, CP +5%. Increases paralysis attack/ resistance by 20%. Only one eff
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. MP +46, CP +5%. Increases Mental attack/ resistance by 20%. Only one effec
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. MP +46, CP +5%. Increases sleep attack/ resistance by 20%. Only one effect
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. MP +46, CP +5%. Increases poison attack/ resistance by 20%. Only one effec
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. MP +46, CP +5%. Increases Knock Back and Knock Down attack/ resistance
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. MP +46, CP +5%. Increases aerial yoke attack/ resistance by 20%. Only one e
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Stun attack +15%, Bleed Resistance +15%, Water Resistance +10. CP +5%, M
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Hold attack +15%, Poison Resistance +15%, Holy Resistance +10. CP +5%, M
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Bleed attack +15%, Paralysis Resistance +15%, Wind Resistance +10. CP +5
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Paralysis attack +15%, Hold Resistance +15%, Dark Resistance +10. CP +5%
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Mental attack +15%, Stun Resistance +15%, Earth Resistance +10. CP +5%,
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Sleep attack +15%, Stun Resistance +15%, Water Resistance +10. CP +5%, M
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Stun attack +15%, Sleep Resistance +15%, Fire Resistance +10. CP +5%, MP
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Poison attack +15%, Hold Resistance +15%, Fire Resistance +10. CP +5%, M
Earring purchased at the Mysterious Mansion. Hold attack +15%, Mental Resistance +15%, Wind Resistance +10. CP +5%,
Warm and festive winter cloak to celebrate the holidays. This Santa Girl's Holiday Event reward item. 1 day.
Warm and festive winter cloak to celebrate the holidays. This Santa Girl's Holiday Event reward item. 3 days.

Pagina 644

Refined Romantic Chapeau containing the GM's sincerity. It uses 2 hair accessory slots. P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
Refined Romantic Chapeau containing the GM's sincerity. It uses 2 hair accessory slots. M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
Refined Romantic Chapeau containing the GM's sincerity. It uses 2 hair accessory slots. WIT +3 when equipped.
Refined Romantic Chapeau containing the GM's blessing. It uses 2 hair accessory slots. P. Atk. +5% and P. Critical Rate +50
Refined Romantic Chapeau containing the GM's blessing. It uses 2 hair accessory slots. M. Atk. +10% and INT +3 when equ
Refined Romantic Chapeau containing the GM's blessing. It uses 2 hair accessory slots. WIT +3 and MEN +3 when equipped
The hat brings Christmas cheer.
The hat brings Christmas cheer.
Draco's Hat
A cute Draco's Hat. 7-day. STR +2, DEX +2, CON +2. Can use the blessed resurrection skill (1 hour cooldown). Temporary e
A cute Draco's Hat. 7-day. INT +2, WIT +2, MEN +2. Can use the blessed resurrection skill (1 hour cooldown). Temporary ev
A cute Draco's Hat.
CON +3 when equipped.
MEN +3 when equipped.
INT +3 when equipped.
WIT +3 when equipped.
P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
P. Critical Damage +90 and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
P. Def. +5% when equipped.
M. Def. +5% when equipped.
Evasion +5 when equipped.
P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
Accuracy +5 when equipped.
STR +3 when equipped.
DEX +3 when equipped.
INT +3 when equipped.
WIT +3 when equipped.
P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
P. Critical Damage +90 and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
P. Def. +5% when equipped.
M. Def. +5% when equipped.
Evasion +5 when equipped.
P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
Accuracy +5 when equipped.
STR +3 when equipped.
DEX +3 when equipped.
CON +3 when equipped.
MEN +3 when equipped.
P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
P. Critical Damage +90 and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
P. Def. +5% when equipped.
M. Def. +5% when equipped.
Evasion +5 when equipped.
P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
Accuracy +5 when equipped.
STR +3 when equipped.

Pagina 645

DEX +3 when equipped.

CON +3 when equipped.
MEN +3 when equipped.
INT +3 when equipped.
WIT +3 when equipped.
P. Def. +5% when equipped.
M. Def. +5% when equipped.
Evasion +5 when equipped.
P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
Accuracy +5 when equipped.
STR +3 when equipped.
DEX +3 when equipped.
CON +3 when equipped.
MEN +3 when equipped.
INT +3 when equipped.
WIT +3 when equipped.
P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
P. Critical Damage +90 and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
Accuracy +5 when equipped.
STR +3 when equipped.
DEX +3 when equipped.
CON +3 when equipped.
MEN +3 when equipped.
INT +3 when equipped.
WIT +3 when equipped.
P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
P. Critical Damage +90 and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
P. Def. +5% when equipped.
M. Def. +5% when equipped.
Evasion +5 when equipped.
CON +3 when equipped.
MEN +3 when equipped.
INT +3 when equipped.
WIT +3 when equipped.
P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
P. Critical Damage +90 and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
P. Def. +5% when equipped.
M. Def. +5% when equipped.
Evasion +5 when equipped.
P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
Accuracy +5 when equipped.
STR +3 when equipped.
DEX +3 when equipped.
INT +3 when equipped.
WIT +3 when equipped.

Pagina 646

P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.

P. Critical Damage +90 and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
P. Def. +5% when equipped.
M. Def. +5% when equipped.
Evasion +5 when equipped.
P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
Accuracy +5 when equipped.
STR +3 when equipped.
DEX +3 when equipped.
CON +3 when equipped.
MEN +3 when equipped.
P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
P. Critical Damage +90 and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
P. Def. +5% when equipped.
M. Def. +5% when equipped.
Evasion +5 when equipped.
P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
Accuracy +5 when equipped.
STR +3 when equipped.
DEX +3 when equipped.
CON +3 when equipped.
MEN +3 when equipped.
INT +3 when equipped.
WIT +3 when equipped.
P. Def. +5% when equipped.
M. Def. +5% when equipped.
Evasion +5 when equipped.
P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
Accuracy +5 when equipped.
STR +3 when equipped.
DEX +3 when equipped.
CON +3 when equipped.
MEN +3 when equipped.
INT +3 when equipped.
WIT +3 when equipped.
P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
P. Critical Damage +90 and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
Accuracy +5 when equipped.
STR +3 when equipped.
DEX +3 when equipped.
CON +3 when equipped.
MEN +3 when equipped.
INT +3 when equipped.
WIT +3 when equipped.

Pagina 647

P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.

P. Critical Damage +90 and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
P. Def. +5% when equipped.
M. Def. +5% when equipped.
Evasion +5 when equipped.
STR +3 when equipped.
DEX +3 when equipped.
CON +3 when equipped.
MEN +3 when equipped.
INT +3 when equipped.
WIT +3 when equipped.
P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
P. Critical Damage +90 and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
P. Def. +5% when equipped.
M. Def. +5% when equipped.
Evasion +5 when equipped.
P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
Accuracy +5 when equipped.
Ring purchased using Mark of Battle. Can be used for 60 days. It summons the selected clan member to your location. Coold
15-day\nWhen equipped, it increases CON +3, MEN +3, weight gauge +10000, Max HP, MP, and CP 300, M. Def. 5%, Max H
15-day\nWhen equipped, it increases CON +3, MEN +3, weight gauge +10000, Max HP, MP, and CP 300, P. Def. 5%, and A
15-day\nWhen equipped, it increases CON +3, MEN +3, weight gauge +10000, Max HP, MP, and CP 300, P. Def. 5%, Max H
15-day\nWhen equipped, it increases CON +3, MEN +3, weight gauge +10000, Max HP, MP, and CP 300, P. Atk. 6%, and A
15-day\nWhen equipped, it increases CON +3, MEN +3, weight gauge +10000, Max HP, MP, and CP 300, and Attribute Res
30-day\nWhen equipped, it increases CON +3, MEN +3, weight gauge +10000, Max HP, MP, and CP 300, M. Def. 5%, Max H
30-day\nWhen equipped, it increases CON +3, MEN +3, weight gauge +10000, Max HP, MP, and CP 300, P. Def. 5%, and A
30-day\nWhen equipped, it increases CON +3, MEN +3, weight gauge +10000, Max HP, MP, and CP 300, P. Def. 5%, Max H
30-day\nWhen equipped, it increases CON +3, MEN +3, weight gauge +10000, Max HP, MP, and CP 300, P. Atk. 6%, and A
30-day\nWhen equipped, it increases CON +3, MEN +3, weight gauge +10000, Max HP, MP, and CP 300, and Attribute Res
Mysterious Ring. 7-day. It summons the selected clan member to your location. Cooldown is 1 hour. Cannot be used in the O
Talisman - Annihilation (3-day). When equipped, increases Max HP, MP, and CP by 300, P./ M. Accuracy by 2, P./ M. Evasio
Talisman - Annihilation (7-day). When equipped, increases Max HP, MP, and CP by 300, P./ M. Accuracy by 2, P./ M. Evasio

Rough stat data inserted

Rough stat data inserted
Alliance made with blood! Cloak that is specifically designed for clans and symbolizes the honor of clans. Can be acquired th
Alliance made with blood! Cloak that is specifically designed for clans and symbolizes the honor of clans. Can be used only o
Alliance made with blood! Cloak that is specifically designed for clans and symbolizes the honor of clans. Can be used only o
Bracelet used to summon Agathion, the Sin Eater. It must be removed to seal Agathion. Hour of Penitence not in effect for 10
Bracelet used to summon Agathion, the Sin Eater. It must be removed to seal Agathion. Hour of Penitence not in effect for 10
Bracelet used to summon Agathion, the Sin Eater. It must be removed to seal Agathion. Hour of Penitence not in effect for 10
Bracelet used to summon Agathion, the Sin Eater. It must be removed to seal Agathion. Hour of Penitence not in effect for 10
Bracelet used to summon Agathion, the Sin Eater. It must be removed to seal Agathion. Hour of Penitence not in effect for 10
Bracelet for summoning Agathion - Innocent Heejin (30-day)\n<Used Skill>\n1. Blessing of Star Agathion\nIncreases acquired
Bracelet for summoning Agathion - Dandy Hyuk (30-day)\n<Used Skill>\n1. Blessing of Star Agathion\nIncreases acquired XP
Bracelet for summoning Agathion - Powerful Sooro (30-day)\n<Used Skill>\n1. Blessing of Star Agathion\nIncreases acquired
Bracelet for summoning Agathion - Chic Jaebum (30-day)\n<Used Skill>\n1. Blessing of Star Agathion\nIncreases acquired X

Pagina 648

Bracelet for summoning Agathion - Cute Shinyoung (30-day)\n<Used Skill>\n1. Blessing of Star Agathion\nIncreases acquire
Bracelet for summoning Agathion - Innocent Heejin (7-day)\n<Used Skill>\n1. Blessing of Star Agathion\nIncreases acquired
Bracelet for summoning Agathion - Dandy Hyuk (7-day)\n<Used Skill>\n1. Blessing of Star Agathion\nIncreases acquired XP
Bracelet for summoning Agathion - Powerful Sooro (7-day)\n<Used Skill>\n1. Blessing of Star Agathion\nIncreases acquired
Bracelet for summoning Agathion - Chic Jaebum (7-day)\n<Used Skill>\n1. Blessing of Star Agathion\nIncreases acquired XP
Bracelet for summoning Agathion - Cute Shinyoung (7-day)\n<Used Skill>\n1. Blessing of Star Agathion\nIncreases acquired

Alliance made with blood! Cloak that is specifically designed for clans and symbolizes the honor of clans. Can be used only o
STR +1 effect. Can use a private warehouse. Limited-time Item (3-day).
DEX +1 effect. Can use a private warehouse. Limited-time Item (3-day).
WIT +1 effect. Can use a private warehouse. Limited-time Item (3-day).
INT +1 effect. Can use a private warehouse. Limited-time Item (3-day).
STR +2 effect. Can use a private warehouse. Limited-time Item (7-day).
DEX +2 effect. Can use a private warehouse. Limited-time Item (7-day).
WIT +2 effect. Can use a private warehouse. Limited-time Item (7-day).
INT +2 effect. Can use a private warehouse. Limited-time Item (7-day).
Belt that contains the power of Bloody Lord Nurka of the Fortress of Resistance. Increases damage by 5% and decreases rec
Belt that contains the power of Lidia von Hellmann of the Fortress of the Dead. Increases damage by 5% and decreases rece
Belt that contains the power of Gustav of the Devastated Castle. Additional damage +5%, Weight Limit +12800, Inventory Slo
Hair accessory of 2012 World Olympiad Winner, Jowangshin. Mark of the strongest Sigel Knight in the entire server. STR/ ME
Hair accessory of 2012 World Olympiad Winner, NangmanNalppi. Mark of the strongest Yul Archer in the entire server. STR/
Hair accessory of 2012 World Olympiad Winner, Gumsungs. Mark of the strongest Tyrr Warrior in the entire server. STR/ ME
Hair accessory of 2012 World Olympiad Winner, Matdongsan. Mark of the strongest Othell Rogue in the entire server. STR/ M
Hair accessory of 2012 World Olympiad Winner, Akinsihoo. Mark of the strongest Iss Enchanter in the entire server. STR/ ME
Hair accessory of 2012 World Olympiad Winner, Isisunarang. Mark of the strongest Wynn Summoner in the entire server. ST
Hair accessory of 2012 World Olympiad Winner, Shinudambi. Mark of the strongest Aeore Healer in the entire server. STR/ M
Hair accessory of 2012 World Olympiad Winner, Chunhagun. Mark of the strongest Feoh Wizard in the entire server. STR/ M
Increases Speed by 7, STR by 1, and INT by 1. Can be used if the levels of main and dual classes are 87 or higher.
Increases Speed by 7, STR by 1, INT by 1, CON by 1, and MEN by 1. Can be used if the levels of main and dual classes are
Increases weight by 12800 and the number of inventory slots by 12. Can be used if the levels of main and dual classes are 8
Increases weight by 12800 and the number of inventory slots by 18. Can be used if the levels of main and dual classes are 9
Istina's Necklace. 3-hour. Increases MP by 74 and Holy Resistance by 35. Decreases Skill Cooldown and creates a Damage
Istina's Ring. 3-hour. Increases MP by 37, Accuracy by 3, Critical by 54.4, and Water Resistance by 20. Wearing two of these
Istina's Earring. 3-hour. Increases MP by 56, Stun Resistance by 30%, and Stun attack by 30%. Creates Vampiric Rage and
Octavis' Ring. 3-hour. Increases MP by 37, Critical Damage, and Fire Resistance by 20. Wearing two of these rings will give y
Octavis' Necklace. 3-hour. Increases MP by 74, Dark Resistance by 35, and P. Skill Power. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Octavis' Earring. 3-hour. Increases MP by 56, Hold/ Sleep Resistance by 40%, Hold/ Sleep attack by 40%, and Earth Resista
Blessed Antharas' Earring. 3-hour. Increases MP by 59, Bleed Resistance by 50% Bleed rate by 50% Heal Amount, Vampiric
Blessed Valakas' Necklace. 3-hour. Increases HP by 625, MP by 79, Sleep Resistance by 50%, Sleep Attack Rate by 50%, F
Earth Wyrm's Heart Ring. 3-hour. MP +38, P./ M. Debuff Resistance +15, MP Regeneration +3, P. Critical Damage +20%, an
Tauti's Ring. 3-hour. Increases Fire/ Dark Resistance by 25, MP by 38, Critical Damage by 15%, Skill Atk. Power by 5%, dam
MP +31, P./ M. Accuracy +4, P./ M. Critical Rate +20, P./ M. Critical Damage +15%, Stun/ Poison/ Bleed Atk./ Def. Success R
MP +46, Sleep/ Paralysis/ Mental Resistance +25%, Sleep/ Paralysis/ Mental Atk. Rate +25%, Heal Received +10%, Skill MP
Necklace containing Lilith's soul. Increases MP by 62, Mental Attack/ Paralysis Resistance by 20%, Mental/ Paralysis attack r
A Devil Circlet given by Andreas Van Halter.
A Devil Circlet given by Andreas Van Halter. P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
A Devil Circlet given by Andreas Van Halter. M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
Bracelet received from Event Manager Cocoring. When you wear it, you can summon Jr. Cocoring Agathion. This Agathion c
Equipping this disables armor. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. Male only.

Pagina 649

Equipping this disables armor. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. Male only.
Equipping this disables armor. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. Female only.
Equipping this disables armor. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. Female only.
Hair accessory that can be used with a pendant.
Item for the Aden Golden Medal Event. Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. MP +216, Str +1, Int +1.
Item for the Aden Golden Medal Event. Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. MP +216, Dex +1, Wit +1.
Item for the Aden Golden Medal Event. Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. MP +216, Con +1, Men +1.
Hair accessory for the Aden Golden Medal Event. STR +3 when equipped.
Hair accessory for the Aden Golden Medal Event. DEX +3 when equipped.
Hair accessory for the Aden Golden Medal Event. CON +3 when equipped.
Hair accessory for the Aden Golden Medal Event. MEN +3 when equipped.
Hair accessory for the Aden Golden Medal Event. INT +3 when equipped.
Hair accessory for the Aden Golden Medal Event. WIT +3 when equipped.
Hair accessory for the Aden Golden Medal Event. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
Hair accessory for the Aden Golden Medal Event. P. Critical Damage +90 and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
Hair accessory for the Aden Golden Medal Event. P. Def. +5% when equipped.
Hair accessory for the Aden Golden Medal Event. M. Def. +5% when equipped.
Hair accessory for the Aden Golden Medal Event. Evasion +5 when equipped.
Hair accessory for the Aden Golden Medal Event. P. Atk. +5 when equipped.
Hair accessory for the Aden Golden Medal Event. M. Atk. +10 when equipped.
Hair accessory for the Aden Golden Medal Event. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
MP +59, P./ M. Def. +15%, CON/ MEN+3, Earth/ Holy Attribute Resistance +30, Bleed Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Stun/ M
MP +79, HP +625, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +20%, M. Critical Rate +20, STR/ INT+3, Fire Attribute Resistance +30, Dark Attribu
Tauti's Ring. Fire/ Dark Resistance +25, MP +38, Critical Damage +15%, Skill Power +5%, PvP damage +5%, Paralysis/ Bind
MP +38, P./ M. Debuff Resistance +15, MP Regeneration +3, P. Critical Damage +20%, and P. Accuracy +5. Poison Resista
Changes into single mesh in a certain area.
Emerald Weapon. Sigil style. Initial Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
9-year anniversary hair accessory. Enables emoticon skills.
One can attach a function using Practice Magic Pin (C-grade).

MP +59, P./ M. Critical Damage +10%, Movement Speed +5, DEX/ WIT +3, Wind/ Dark Attribute Resistance +30, Petrify Res
No longer provided
Item to commemorate the 9th anniversary. Hat shaped like a rocket gun. Enables the Chain Fireworks skill.
Item to commemorate the 9th anniversary. Hat shaped like a rocket gun. Enables the Chain Fireworks skill. STR +3 when eq
Item to commemorate the 9th anniversary. Hat shaped like a rocket gun. Enables the Chain Fireworks skill. DEX +3 when eq
Item to commemorate the 9th anniversary. Hat shaped like a rocket gun. Enables the Chain Fireworks skill. CON +3 when eq
Item to commemorate the 9th anniversary. Hat shaped like a rocket gun. Enables the Chain Fireworks skill. MEN +3 when eq
Item to commemorate the 9th anniversary. Hat shaped like a rocket gun. Enables the Chain Fireworks skill. INT +3 when equ
Item to commemorate the 9th anniversary. Hat shaped like a rocket gun. Enables the Chain Fireworks skill. WIT +3 when equ
Item to commemorate the 9th anniversary. Hat shaped like a rocket gun. Enables the Chain Fireworks skill. P. Critical Rate +
Item to commemorate the 9th anniversary. Hat shaped like a rocket gun. Enables the Chain Fireworks skill. P. Critical Damag
Item to commemorate the 9th anniversary. Hat shaped like a rocket gun. Enables the Chain Fireworks skill. P. Def. +5% whe
Item to commemorate the 9th anniversary. Hat shaped like a rocket gun. Enables the Chain Fireworks skill. M. Def. +5% whe
Item to commemorate the 9th anniversary. Hat shaped like a rocket gun. Enables the Chain Fireworks skill. Evasion +5 when
Item to commemorate the 9th anniversary. Hat shaped like a rocket gun. Enables the Chain Fireworks skill. P. Atk. +5% when
Item to commemorate the 9th anniversary. Hat shaped like a rocket gun. Enables the Chain Fireworks skill. M. Atk. +10% wh
Item to commemorate the 9th anniversary. Hat shaped like a rocket gun. Enables the Chain Fireworks skill. Accuracy +5 whe
Cloak that symbolizes glory and light. With the power of dimension, characters of all levels can wear it. Defense +50, M. Def.
Cloak that symbolizes avarice and darkness. With the power of dimension, characters of all levels can wear it. Defense +50,

Pagina 650

Full Plate Helmet with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Full Plate Armor with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Full Plate Boots with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Full Plate Gauntlets with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Karmian Tunic with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Karmian Stockings with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Karmian Gloves with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Karmian Boots with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Plated Leather Armor with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Plated Leather Gaiters with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Plated Leather Boots with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Plated Leather Gloves with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Doom Helmet with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Doom Gloves - Heavy Armor with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-
Doom Boots - Heavy Armor with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-d
Doom Plate Armor with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Avadon Robe with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Avadon Circlet with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Avadon Gloves - Robe with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Avadon Boots - Robe with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Leather Armor of Doom with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Doom Gloves - Light Armor with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-d
Doom Boots - Light Armor with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-da
Armor of Nightmare with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Helm of Nightmare with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Gauntlets of Nightmare with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Boots of Nightmare with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dark Crystal Robe with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dark Crystal Helmet with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dark Crystal Gloves - Robe with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-d
Dark Crystal Boots - Robe with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-da
Dark Crystal Leather Armor with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-d
Dark Crystal Leggings with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dark Crystal Gloves - Light Armor with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting
Dark Crystal Boots - Light Armor with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting).
Imperial Crusader Breastplate with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60
Imperial Crusader Gaiters with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-da
Imperial Crusader Gauntlets with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-d
Imperial Crusader Boots with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Imperial Crusader Shield with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day
Major Arcana Robe with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Major Arcana Gloves with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Major Arcana Boots with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Major Arcana Circlet with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Arcana Sigil with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Draconic Leather Armor with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Draconic Leather Gloves with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day
Draconic Leather Boots with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Draconic Leather Helmet with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day

Pagina 651

Dynasty Breastplate with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Gaiters with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Helmet with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Gauntlets with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Boots with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Tunic with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Stockings with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Circlet with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Gloves with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Shoes with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Sigil with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Leather Armor with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Leather Leggings with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-da
Dynasty Leather Helmet with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Leather Gloves with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Leather Boots with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Immortal Breastplate with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 30-day.
Immortal Gaiters with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 30-day.
Immortal Helmet with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 30-day.
Immortal Gauntlets with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 30-day.
Immortal Boots with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 30-day.
Immortal Leather Armor with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 30-day.
Immortal Leather Leggings with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 30-da
Immortal Leather Helmet with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 30-day
Immortal Leather Gloves with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 30-day
Immortal Leather Boots with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 30-day.
Immortal Tunic with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 30-day.
Immortal Stockings with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 30-day.
Immortal Circlet with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 30-day.
Immortal Gloves with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 30-day.
Immortal Shoes with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 30-day.
Immortal Sigil with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 30-day.
Moonstone Earring with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Aquastone Necklace with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Aquastone Ring with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Adamantite Earring with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Adamantite Necklace with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Adamantite Ring with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Phoenix Earring with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Phoenix Necklace with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Phoenix Ring with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Tateossian Earring with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Tateossian Necklace with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Tateossian Ring with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Earring with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Necklace with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Ring with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Immortal Necklace with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 30-day.
Immortal Earring with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 30-day.

Pagina 652

Immortal Ring with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 30-day.
Use it to escape to the Town of Gludio.
Use it to escape to the Town of Dion.
Use it to escape to the Town of Giran.
Use it to escape to Heine.
Use it to escape to the Town of Oren.
Use it to escape to the Town of Aden.
Use it to escape to the Town of Goddard.
Use it to escape to the Town of Rune.
Use it to escape to the Town of Schuttgart.
Use it to escape to Talking Island Village.
Use it to escape to Elven Village.
Use it to escape to Dark Elf Village.
Use it to escape to Orc Village.
Use it to escape to Dwarven Village.
Use it to escape to Floran Village.
Use it to escape to Hardin's Academy.
Use it to escape to the Ivory Tower.
Use it to escape to Hunters' Village.
Use it to escape to Ketra Orc Village.
Use it to escape to Varka Silenos Village.
Use it to escape to Kamael Village.
Glorious circlet given to the player who successfully attacks Lindvior.
MP +37, Atk. Spd. +3%, P. Critical Rate +10, and P. Critical Damage +15%. Wearing two of these rings will give you the effec
MP +56, Def. +3%, P. Skill MP consumption -5%, and Vampiric Rage +5%. Wearing two of these earrings will give you the ef
MP +74, P. Atk. +3%, P. Skill Cooldown -10%, and Damage Reflection +5%.
MP +37, Atk. Spd. +2%, P. Critical Rate +10, and P. Critical Damage +10%. Wearing two of these rings will give you the effec
MP +56, Def. +2%, P. Skill MP consumption -3%, and Vampiric Rage +5%. Wearing two of these earrings will give you the ef
MP +74, P. Atk. +2%, P. Skill Cooldown -5%, and Damage Reflection +5%.
MP +37, Casting Spd. +2%, M. Critical Rate +10, and M. Critical Damage +10%. Wearing two of these rings will give you the
MP +56, M. Def. +2%, M. Skill MP consumption -3%, and Vampiric Rage +5%. Wearing two of these earrings will give you th
MP +74, M. Atk. +3%, M. Skill Cooldown -5%, and Damage Reflection +5%.
MP +37, Casting Spd. +3%, M. Critical Rate +10, and M. Critical Damage +15%. Wearing two of these rings will give you the
MP +56, M. Def. +3%, M. Skill MP consumption -5%, and Vampiric Rage +5%. Wearing two of these earrings will give you th
MP +74, M. Atk. +5%, M. Skill Cooldown -10% and Damage Reflection +5%.
MP +31, P./ M. Accuracy +4, P./ M. Critical Damage +15%, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +5%, Stun/ Hold/ Mental Atk./ Def. Succe
MP +62, Movement Speed +5, Poison/ Bleed/ Stun/ Hold/ Paralysis Atk./ Def. Success Rate +20%, Skill Cooldown -10%, Da
A bracelet that can summon Bae Kisung Agathion. 90-day item. Cannot be used in Olympiad.\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bae Kisung
NC Messenger's Hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. When equipped, STR/ DEX/ INT/ WIT each increase by 1.
Santa Suit.
Santa Hat.
Refined blue romantic chapeau. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined gold romantic chapeau. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined green romantic chapeau. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined red romantic chapeau. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Refined yellow romantic chapeau. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Dimensional Item\nMP +59, Bleed Resistance +50%, Bleed Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Heal Amount +10%, Vampiric Ra
Dimensional Item\nHP +625, MP +79, M. Critical Rate +20, Sleep Resistance +50%, Sleep Atk. Rate +50%, P./ M. Skill Cool
Dimensional Item\nTauti's Ring. Fire/ Dark Resistance +25, MP +38, Critical Damage +15%, Skill Power +5%, PvP damage +

Pagina 653

Dimensional Item\nMP +38, P./ M. Debuff Resistance +15, MP Regeneration +3, P. Critical Damage +20%, and P. Accuracy
Bracelet that can summon another character. The summoning character and the summoned character must both be equippe
Test Item; do not open to public
Modifies the appearance of a sigil. Valentine Sigil type.
When equipped, M. Def. +552, MP Recovery by 3, Dark Resistance by 10, and Damage Reflection Resistance by 6. No effec
When equipped, P. Def. +971, HP Recovery by 6, Dark Resistance and Holy Resistance by 10, and Damage Reflection Resi
When equipped, M. Def. +736, P. Def. + 1126, MP Recovery +4, HP Recovery +8, Attribute Resistance +10, and Damage Re
Shining magic shirt containing Einhasad's energy.\nIt can be enchanted up to +10 using Enchant Scroll: Elemental Shirt. Whe
NC Dinos Uniform. When equipped, armor is removed and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor are
NC Dinos Defense Hat.
MP +59, P./ M. Def. +15%, CON/ MEN+3, Earth/ Holy Attribute Resistance +30, Bleed Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Stun/ M
MP +79, HP +625, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +20%, M. Critical Rate +20, STR/ INT+3, Fire Attribute Resistance +30, Dark Attribu
Tauti's Ring. Fire/ Dark Resistance +25, MP +38, Critical Damage +15%, Skill Power +5%, PvP damage +5%, Paralysis/ Bind
MP +38, P./ M. Debuff Resistance +15, MP Regeneration +3, P. Critical Damage +20%, and P. Accuracy +5. Poison Resista
MP +37, Bleed Resistance +30%, Bleed Attack Rate +30%, Heal Amount +15%, Vampiric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Resista
An item awarded to the winner of the Ceremony of Chaos held in the Mysterious Mansion. When equipped, increases Max H
A cloak that symbolizes the Exalted status. STR/ DEX/ CON/ INT/ WIT/ MEN/ LUC/ CHA +1.
A replica of the Exalted Tiara. Attack Attribute Bonus +30 when equipped.
Metal Suit Hair Accessory. Part of a costume.
Metal Suit Breastplate. Part of a costume.
Metal Suit Gaiters. Part of a costume.
Metal Suit Gloves. Part of a costume.
Metal Suit Boots. Part of a costume.
Vigilante Hat.
Can summon Virgo.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown
Can summon Virgo.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown
Can summon Virgo.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown
Summons Virgo.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is
Summons Virgo.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is
Starfish-shaped sigil.
STR +3. Female only.
DEX +3. Female only.
CON +3. Female only.
MEN +3. Female only.
INT +3. Female only.
WIT +3. Female only.
Critical Rate +50. Female only.
Critical Damage +90, M. Critical Damage +68. Female only.
P. Def. +5%. Female only.
M. Def. +5%. Female only.
Evasion +5. Female only.
P. Atk. +5%. Female only.
M. Atk. +10%. Female only.
Accuracy +5. Female only.
STR +3.
DEX +3.
CON +3.
MEN +3.
INT +3.

Pagina 654

WIT +3.
Critical Rate +50.
Critical Damage +90, M. Critical Damage +68.
P. Def. +5%.
M. Def. +5%.
Evasion +5.
P. Atk. +5%.
M. Atk. +10%.
Accuracy +5.
STR +3.
DEX +3.
CON +3.
MEN +3.
INT +3.
WIT +3.
Critical Rate +50.
Critical Damage +90, M. Critical Damage +68.
P. Def. +5%.
M. Def. +5%.
Evasion +5.
P. Atk. +5%.
M. Atk. +10%.
Accuracy +5.
STR +3. Female only.
DEX +3. Female only.
CON +3. Female only.
MEN +3. Female only.
INT +3. Female only.
WIT +3. Female only.
Critical Rate +50. Female only.
Critical Damage +90, M. Critical Damage +68. Female only.
P. Def. +5%. Female only.
M. Def. +5%. Female only.
Evasion +5. Female only.
P. Atk. +5%. Female only.
M. Atk. +10%. Female only.
Accuracy +5. Female only.
STR +3. Female only.
DEX +3. Female only.
CON +3. Female only.
MEN +3. Female only.
INT +3. Female only.
WIT +3. Female only.
Critical Rate +50. Female only.
Critical Damage +90, M. Critical Damage +68. Female only.
P. Def. +5%. Female only.
M. Def. +5%. Female only.
Evasion +5. Female only.
P. Atk. +5%. Female only.

Pagina 655

M. Atk. +10%. Female only.

Accuracy +5. Female only.
STR +3. Female only.
DEX +3. Female only.
CON +3. Female only.
MEN +3. Female only.
INT +3. Female only.
WIT +3. Female only.
Critical Rate +50. Female only.
Critical Damage +90, M. Critical Damage +68. Female only.
P. Def. +5%. Female only.
M. Def. +5%. Female only.
Evasion +5. Female only.
P. Atk. +5%. Female only.
M. Atk. +10%. Female only.
Accuracy +5. Female only.
STR +3.
DEX +3.
CON +3.
MEN +3.
INT +3.
WIT +3.
Critical Rate +50.
Critical Damage +90, M. Critical Damage +68.
P. Def. +5%.
M. Def. +5%.
Evasion +5.
P. Atk. +5%.
M. Atk. +10%.
Accuracy +5.
STR +3.
DEX +3.
CON +3.
MEN +3.
INT +3.
WIT +3.
Critical Rate +50.
Critical Damage +90, M. Critical Damage +68.
P. Def. +5%.
M. Def. +5%.
Evasion +5.
P. Atk. +5%.
M. Atk. +10%.
Accuracy +5.
STR +3.
DEX +3.
CON +3.
MEN +3.
INT +3.

Pagina 656

WIT +3.
Critical Rate +50.
Critical Damage +90, M. Critical Damage +68.
P. Def. +5%.
M. Def. +5%.
Evasion +5.
P. Atk. +5%.
M. Atk. +10%.
Accuracy +5.
STR +3.
DEX +3.
CON +3.
MEN +3.
INT +3.
WIT +3.
Critical Rate +50.
Critical Damage +90, M. Critical Damage +68.
P. Def. +5%.
M. Def. +5%.
Evasion +5.
P. Atk. +5%.
M. Atk. +10%.
Accuracy +5.
STR +3.
DEX +3.
CON +3.
MEN +3.
INT +3.
WIT +3.
Critical Rate +50.
Critical Damage +90, M. Critical Damage +68.
P. Def. +5%.
M. Def. +5%.
Evasion +5.
P. Atk. +5%.
M. Atk. +10%.
Accuracy +5.
Summons Capricorn.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown
Summons Capricorn.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown
Summons Capricorn.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown
Summons Capricorn.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldow
Summons Capricorn.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldow
Summons Libra.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 3
Summons Libra.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 3
Summons Libra.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 3
Summons Libra.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 3
Summons Libra.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 3
Summons Aries.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 3
Summons Aries.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 3

Pagina 657

Summons Aries.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 3
Summons Aries.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 3
Summons Aries.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 3
Summons Taurus.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is
Summons Taurus.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is
Summons Taurus.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is
Summons Taurus.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown i
Summons Taurus.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown i
Summons Leo.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30
Summons Leo.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30
Summons Leo.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30
Summons Leo.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30
Summons Leo.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30
Summons Gemini.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is
Summons Gemini.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is
Summons Gemini.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is
Summons Gemini.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown i
Summons Gemini.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown i
Summons Scorpio.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown i
Summons Scorpio.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown i
Summons Scorpio.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown i
Summons Scorpio.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown
Summons Scorpio.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown
Summons Aquarius.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown
Summons Aquarius.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown
Summons Aquarius.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown
Summons Aquarius.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown
Summons Aquarius.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown
Summons Pisces.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is
Summons Pisces.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is
Summons Pisces.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is
Summons Pisces.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is
Summons Pisces.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is
Summons Sagittarius.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldow
Summons Sagittarius.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldow
Summons Sagittarius.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldow
Summons Sagittarius.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldow
Summons Sagittarius.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldow
Summons Cancer.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is
Summons Cancer.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is
Summons Cancer.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is
Summons Cancer.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown i
Summons Cancer.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown i
Aria's Bracelet. Activates 5 Talisman slots. HP +531, CON +3.
Aria's Bracelet. Activates 5 Talisman slots. HP +531, MEN +3.
Aria's Bracelet. Activates 5 Talisman slots. HP +531, DEX +3.

Pagina 658

Aria's Bracelet. Activates 5 Talisman slots. HP +531, WIT +3.

Aria's Bracelet. Activates 5 Talisman slots. HP +531, STR +3.
Aria's Bracelet. Activates 5 Talisman slots. HP +531, INT +3.
Fish-shaped hair accessory. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Puffer-shaped hair accessory. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Shark-shaped hair accessory. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Turtle-shaped hair accessory. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Belt instilled with Tiat's power. Max HP/ CP +398, Max MP +176, weight gauge +12800, additional damage +5%, Inventory S
Belt instilled with Ekimus' power. Max HP/ CP +398, Max MP +176, weight gauge +12800, additional damage +5%, Inventory
The Wi-Fi on your head will prevent you from getting caught! Do try to be careful from now on.
Steel Full Plate Helmet.
Steel Full Plate Armor.
Steel Full Plate Boots.
Steel Full Plate Gauntlets.
Steel Karmian Tunic.
Steel Karmian Stockings.
Steel Karmian Gloves.
Steel Karmian Boots.
Steel Plated Leather Armor.
Steel Plated Leather Gaiters.
Steel Plated Leather Boots.
Steel Plated Leather Gloves.
Steel Doom Helmet.
Steel Doom Gloves (Heavy Armor).
Steel Doom Boots (Heavy Armor).
Steel Doom Plate Armor.
Steel Avadon Robe.
Steel Avadon Circlet.
Steel Avadon Gloves (Robe).
Steel Avadon Boots (Robe).
Steel Leather Armor of Doom.
Steel Doom Gloves (Light Armor).
Steel Doom Boots (Light Armor).
Steel Armor of Nightmare.
Steel Helm of Nightmare.
Steel Gauntlets of Nightmare (Heavy Armor).
Steel Boots of Nightmare (Heavy Armor).
Steel Dark Crystal Robe.
Steel Dark Crystal Helmet.
Steel Dark Crystal Gloves (Robe).
Steel Dark Crystal Boots (Robe).
Steel Dark Crystal Leather Armor.
Steel Dark Crystal Leggings.
Steel Dark Crystal Gloves (Light Armor).
Steel Dark Crystal Boots (Light Armor).
Steel Imperial Crusader Breastplate.
Steel Imperial Crusader Gaiters.
Steel Imperial Crusader Gauntlets.
Steel Imperial Crusader Boots.

Pagina 659

Steel Imperial Crusader Shield.

Steel Major Arcana Robe.
Steel Major Arcana Gloves.
Steel Major Arcana Boots.
Steel Major Arcana Circlet.
Steel Arcana Sigil.
Steel Draconic Leather Armor.
Steel Draconic Leather Gloves.
Steel Draconic Leather Boots.
Steel Draconic Leather Helmet.
Steel Dynasty Breastplate.
Steel Dynasty Gaiters.
Steel Dynasty Helmet.
Steel Dynasty Gauntlets.
Steel Dynasty Boots.
Steel Dynasty Tunic.
Steel Dynasty Stockings.
Steel Dynasty Circlet.
Steel Dynasty Gloves.
Steel Dynasty Shoes.
Steel Dynasty Sigil.
Steel Dynasty Leather Armor.
Steel Dynasty Leather Leggings.
Steel Dynasty Leather Helmet.
Steel Dynasty Leather Gloves.
Steel Dynasty Leather Boots.
Steel Moonstone Earring.
Steel Aquastone Necklace.
Steel Aquastone Ring.
Steel Adamantite Earring.
Steel Adamantite Necklace.
Steel Adamantite Ring.
Steel Phoenix Earring.
Steel Phoenix Necklace.
Steel Phoenix Ring.
Steel Tateossian Earring.
Steel Tateossian Necklace.
Steel Tateossian Ring.
Steel Dynasty Earring.
Steel Dynasty Necklace.
Steel Dynasty Ring.
Activates 2 jewel slots when equipped.
Activates 3 jewel slots when equipped.
Activates 4 jewel slots when equipped. Inventory Slots +12.
Test Jewel
Test Jewel

Pagina 660

Test Jewel
Test Jewel
Test Jewel
Test Jewel
Opens 3 jewel slots when equipped.
Interrupts the target's skill casting when used. Ignores CP and deals a fixed damage of 1,062 when used in PvP. Effect does
Interrupts the target's skill casting when used. Ignores CP and deals a fixed damage of 3,717 when used in PvP. Effect does
Interrupts the target's skill casting when used. Ignores CP and deals a fixed damage of 6,903 when used in PvP. Effect does
Interrupts the target's skill casting when used. Ignores CP and deals a fixed damage of 10,089 when used in PvP. Effect doe
Interrupts the target's skill casting when used. Ignores CP and deals a fixed damage of 13,275 when used in PvP. Effect doe
When equipped, increases Soulshot and Beast Soulshot damage by 1%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the s
When equipped, increases Soulshot and Beast Soulshot damage by 3.5%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the
When equipped, increases Soulshot and Beast Soulshot damage by 7.5%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the
When equipped, increases Soulshot and Beast Soulshot damage by 12.5%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of th
When equipped, increases Soulshot and Beast Soulshot damage by 20%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the
Recovers 1500 HP/ CP.
Recovers 3000 HP/ CP.
Recovers 6000 HP/ CP.
Recovers 8000 HP/ CP.
Recovers 13000 HP/ CP.
Received Heal Amount +3%.
Received Heal Amount +6%.
Received Heal Amount +9%.
Received Heal Amount +13%.
Received Heal Amount +21%.
When equipped, received PvP damage -1%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
When equipped, received PvP damage -3%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
When equipped, received PvP damage -7%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
When equipped, received PvP damage -11%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
When equipped, received PvP damage -15%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
When equipped, the weapon attribute increases by 10. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
When equipped, the weapon attribute increases by 20. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
When equipped, the weapon attribute increases by 40. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
When equipped, the weapon attribute increases by 70. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
When equipped, the weapon attribute increases by 120. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
When equipped, CON +1 and MEN +1. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
When equipped, STR +1, CON +1, INT +1, and MEN +1. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
When equipped, STR +1, DEX +1, CON +1, INT +1, WIT +1, and MEN +1. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the
When equipped, STR +2, DEX +2, CON +2, INT +2, WIT +2, and MEN +2. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the
When equipped, STR +3, DEX +3, CON +3, INT +3, WIT +3, and MEN +3. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the
When using a skill after equipping, there is a 1% chance of recovering 136 MP. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of
When using a skill after equipping, there is a 2% chance of recovering 136 MP. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of
When using a skill after equipping, there is a 4% chance of recovering 136 MP. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of
When using a skill after equipping, there is a 9% chance of recovering 136 MP. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of
When using a skill after equipping, there is a 15% chance of recovering 136 MP. Effect does not stack with additional jewels o
When equipped, P. Def. +283 and received P. Critical Damage decreases. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the
When equipped, P. Def. +567 and received P. Critical Damage decreases. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the
When equipped, P. Def. +945 and received P. Critical Damage decreases. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the
When equipped, P. Def. +1418 and received P. Critical Damage decreases. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the

Pagina 661

When equipped, P. Def. +1986 and received P. Critical Damage decreases. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the
When equipped, M. Def. +163 and received M. Critical Damage decreases. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the
When equipped, M. Def. +328 and received M. Critical Damage decreases. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the
When equipped, M. Def. +548 and received M. Critical Damage decreases. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the
When equipped, M. Def. +821 and received M. Critical Damage decreases. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the
When equipped, M. Def. +1150 and received M. Critical Damage decreases. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of th
Test Brooch
Test Brooch
Test Brooch
Test Brooch
Test Brooch
Test Brooch
When equipped, increases Spiritshot and Blessed Spiritshot damage by 1%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of th
When equipped, increases Spiritshot and Blessed Spiritshot damage by 3.5%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of
When equipped, increases Spiritshot and Blessed Spiritshot damage by 7.5%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of
When equipped, increases Spiritshot and Blessed Spiritshot damage by 12.5%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels o
When equipped, increases Spiritshot and Blessed Spiritshot damage by 20%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of t
Lineage II 10th Anniversary item.
Lineage II 10th Anniversary item.
Lineage II 10th Anniversary item.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Eternal Helmet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Eternal Breastplate.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Eternal Gaiters.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Eternal Gauntlets.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Eternal Boots.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Eternal Leather Helmet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Eternal Leather Armor.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Eternal Leather Leggings.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Eternal Leather Gloves.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Eternal Leather Boots.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Eternal Circlet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Eternal Tunic.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Eternal Stockings.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Eternal Gloves.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Eternal Shoes.
Bring this to the Memory Fragment Manager Chaotic Chronicle to exchange it for a +5 Eternal Sigil.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Eternal Helmet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Eternal Breastplate.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Eternal Gaiters.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Eternal Gauntlets.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Eternal Boots.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Eternal Leather Helmet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Eternal Leather Armor.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Eternal Leather Leggings.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Eternal Leather Gloves.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Eternal Leather Boots.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Eternal Circlet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Eternal Tunic.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Eternal Stockings.

Pagina 662

Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Eternal Gloves.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Eternal Shoes.
Bring this to the Memory Fragment Manager Chaotic Chronicle to exchange it for a +6 Eternal Sigil.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Eternal Helmet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Eternal Breastplate.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Eternal Gaiters.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Eternal Gauntlets.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Eternal Boots.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Eternal Leather Helmet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Eternal Leather Armor.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Eternal Leather Leggings.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Eternal Leather Gloves.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Eternal Leather Boots.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Eternal Circlet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Eternal Tunic.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Eternal Stockings.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Eternal Gloves.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Eternal Shoes.
Bring this to the Memory Fragment Manager Chaotic Chronicle to exchange it for a +8 Eternal Sigil.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Seraph Helmet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Seraph Breastplate.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Seraph Gaiters.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Seraph Gauntlets.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Seraph Boots.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Seraph Leather Helmet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Seraph Leather Armor.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Seraph Leather Leggings.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Seraph Leather Gloves.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Seraph Leather Boots.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Seraph Circlet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Seraph Tunic.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Seraph Stockings.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Seraph Gloves.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Seraph Shoes
Bring this to the Memory Fragment Manager Chaotic Chronicle to exchange it for a +5 Seraph Sigil.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Seraph Helmet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Seraph Breastplate.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Seraph Gaiters.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Seraph Gauntlets.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Seraph Boots.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Seraph Leather Helmet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Seraph Leather Armor.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Seraph Leather Leggings.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Seraph Leather Gloves.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Seraph Leather Boots.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Seraph Circlet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Seraph Tunic.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Seraph Stockings.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Seraph Gloves.

Pagina 663

Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Seraph Shoes
Bring this to the Memory Fragment Manager Chaotic Chronicle to exchange it for a +6 Seraph Sigil.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Seraph Helmet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Seraph Breastplate.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Seraph Gaiters.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Seraph Gauntlets.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Seraph Boots.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Seraph Leather Helmet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Seraph Leather Armor.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Seraph Leather Leggings.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Seraph Leather Gloves.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Seraph Leather Boots.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Seraph Circlet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Seraph Tunic.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Seraph Stockings.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Seraph Gloves.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Seraph Shoes
Bring this to the Memory Fragment Manager Chaotic Chronicle to exchange it for a +8 Seraph Sigil.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Twilight Helmet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Twilight Breastplate.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Twilight Gaiters.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Twilight Gauntlets.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Twilight Boots.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Twilight Leather Helmet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Twilight Leather Armor.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Twilight Leather Leggings.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Twilight Leather Gloves.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Twilight Leather Boots.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Twilight Circlet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Twilight Tunic.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Twilight Stockings.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Twilight Gloves.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +5 Enchanted Twilight Shoes.
Bring this to the Memory Fragment Manager Chaotic Chronicle to exchange it for a +5 Twilight Sigil.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Twilight Helmet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Twilight Breastplate.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Twilight Gaiters.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Twilight Gauntlets.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Twilight Boots.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Twilight Leather Helmet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Twilight Leather Armor.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Twilight Leather Leggings.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Twilight Leather Gloves.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Twilight Leather Boots.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Twilight Circlet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Twilight Tunic.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Twilight Stockings.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Twilight Gloves.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +6 Enchanted Twilight Shoes.

Pagina 664

Bring this to the Memory Fragment Manager Chaotic Chronicle to exchange it for a +6 Twilight Sigil.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Twilight Helmet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Twilight Breastplate.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Twilight Gaiters.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Twilight Gauntlets.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Twilight Boots.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Twilight Leather Helmet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Twilight Leather Armor.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Twilight Leather Leggings.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Twilight Leather Gloves.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Twilight Leather Boots.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Twilight Circlet.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Twilight Tunic.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Twilight Stockings.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Twilight Gloves.
Take it to Memory Fragment Manager "Chaotic Chronicle" to exchange it for +8 Enchanted Twilight Shoes.
Bring this to the Memory Fragment Manager Chaotic Chronicle to exchange it for a +8 Twilight Sigil.
Formal Wear appears as a tuxedo for men and a wedding dress for women.
Appears in an NC Dinos Uniform when equipped.
P. Skill Critical Damage +10%.
M. Skill Critical Damage +10%.
For 15 sec., P./ M. Def. are maximized. Cooldown is 20 min.
For 15 sec., Debuff Resistance is increased. Cooldown is 20 min.
Max HP/ MP/ CP +800, P./ M. Accuracy +2, P./ M. Evasion +2, Atk./ Casting Spd. +60, P. Critical Rate +30, M. Critical Rate +
MEN +1. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
MEN/ WIT +1. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
MEN/ WIT/ CON +1. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
MEN/ WIT/ CON/ INT +1. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
MEN/ WIT/ CON/ INT/ DEX +1. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
MEN/ WIT/ CON/ INT/ DEX/ STR +1. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
MEN/ WIT/ CON/ INT/ DEX/ STR/ LUC +1. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-level talisma
MEN/ WIT/ CON/ INT/ DEX/ STR/ LUC/ CHA +1. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-level t
MEN +2, WIT/ CON/ INT/ DEX/ STR/ LUC/ CHA +1. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-lev
MEN/ WIT +2, CON/ INT/ DEX/ STR/ LUC/ CHA +1. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-lev
MEN/ WIT/ CON +2, INT/ DEX/ STR/ LUC/ CHA +1. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-lev
MEN/ WIT/ CON/ INT +2, DEX/ STR/ LUC/ CHA +1. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-lev
MEN/ WIT/ CON/ INT/ DEX +2, STR/ LUC/ CHA +1. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-lev
MEN/ WIT/ CON/ INT/ DEX/ STR+2, LUC/ CHA +1. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-lev
MEN/ WIT/ CON/ INT/ DEX/ STR/ LUC +2, CHA +1. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-lev
MEN/ WIT/ CON/ INT/ DEX/ STR/ LUC/ CHA +2. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-level t
MEN +3, WIT/ CON/ INT/ DEX/ STR/ LUC/ CHA +2. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-lev
MEN/ WIT +3, CON/ INT/ DEX/ STR/ LUC/ CHA +2. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-lev
MEN/ WIT/ CON +3, INT/ DEX/ STR/ LUC/ CHA +2. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-lev
MEN/ WIT/ CON/ INT +3, DEX/ STR/ LUC/ CHA +2. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-lev
MEN/ WIT/ CON/ INT/ DEX +3, STR/ LUC/ CHA +2. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-lev
MEN/ WIT/ CON/ INT/ DEX/ STR +3, LUC/ CHA +2. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-lev
MEN/ WIT/ CON/ INT/ DEX/ STR/ LUC +3, CHA +2. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-lev
MEN/ WIT/ CON/ INT/ DEX/ STR/ LUC/ CHA +3. Equipping 2 or more Venir's Talismans gives the effect of the highest-level t
LUC +3 when equipped.

Pagina 665

CHA +3 when equipped.

LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.
LUC +3 when equipped.
CHA +3 when equipped.

Pagina 666

Made by Shadai, who was inspired by Moon Voice Irene. Activates 5 Jewel Slots.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Gives STR Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Gives DEX Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Gives CON Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Gives INT Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Gives MEN Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Gives WIT Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Gives LUC Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Gives CHA Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the STR+1 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the STR+2 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the STR+3 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the STR+4 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the STR+5 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the DEX+1 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the DEX+2 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the DEX+3 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the DEX+4 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the DEX+5 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the CON+1 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the CON+2 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the CON+3 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the CON+4 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the CON+5 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the INT+1 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the INT+2 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the INT+3 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the INT+4 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the INT+5 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the MEN+1 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the MEN+2 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the MEN+3 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the MEN+4 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the MEN+5 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the WIT+1 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the WIT+2 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the WIT+3 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the WIT+4 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the WIT+5 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the LUC+1 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the LUC+2 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the LUC+3 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the LUC+4 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the LUC+5 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the CHA+1 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the CHA+2 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the CHA+3 function.
Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the CHA+4 function.

Pagina 667

Activates 1 talisman slot when equipped. Has the CHA+5 function.

Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Gives STR Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Gives DEX Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Gives CON Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Gives INT Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Gives MEN Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Gives WIT Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Gives LUC Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Gives CHA Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+1 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+2 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+3 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+4 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+5 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+1 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+2 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+3 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+4 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+5 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+1 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+2 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+3 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+4 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+5 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+1 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+2 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+3 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+4 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+5 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN+1 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN+2 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN +3 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN +4 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN +5 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT +1 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT +2 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT +3 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT +4 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT +5 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC +1 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC +2 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC +3 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC +4 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC +5 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA +1 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA +2 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA +3 function.
Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA +4 function.

Pagina 668

Activates 2 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA +5 function.

Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Gives STR Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Gives DEX Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Gives CON Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Gives INT Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Gives MEN Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Gives WIT Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Gives LUC Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Gives CHA Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+1 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+2 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+3 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+4 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+5 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+1 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+2 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+3 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+4 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+5 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+1 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+2 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+3 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+4 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+5 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+1 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+2 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+3 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+4 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+5 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN+1 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN+2 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN+3 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN+4 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN+5 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT+1 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT+2 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT+3 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT+4 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT+5 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC+1 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC+2 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC+3 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC+4 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC+5 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA+1 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA+2 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA+3 function.
Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA+4 function.

Pagina 669

Activates 3 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA+5 function.

Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Gives STR Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Gives DEX Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Gives CON Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Gives INT Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Gives MEN Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Gives WIT Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Gives LUC Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Gives CHA Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+1 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+2 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+3 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+4 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+5 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+1 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+2 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+3 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+4 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+5 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+1 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+2 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+3 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+4 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+5 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+1 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+2 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+3 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+4 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+5 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN+1 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN+2 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN+3 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN+4 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN+5 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT+1 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT+2 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT+3 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT+4 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT+5 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC+1 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC+2 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC+3 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC+4 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC+5 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA+1 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA+2 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA+3 function.
Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA+4 function.

Pagina 670

Activates 4 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA+5 function.

Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Gives STR Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Gives DEX Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Gives CON Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Gives INT Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Gives MEN Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Gives WIT Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Gives LUC Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Gives CHA Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+1 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+2 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+3 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+4 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+5 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+1 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+2 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+3 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+4 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+5 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+1 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+2 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+3 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+4 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+5 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+1 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+2 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+3 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+4 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+5 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN+1 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN+2 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN+3 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN+4 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN+5 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT+1 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT+2 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT+3 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT+4 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT+5 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC+1 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC+2 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC+3 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC+4 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC+5 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA+1 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA+2 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA+3 function.
Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA+4 function.

Pagina 671

Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA+5 function.

Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Gives STR Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Gives DEX Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Gives CON Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Gives INT Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Gives MEN Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Gives WIT Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Gives LUC Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Gives CHA Options/ Can be Enhanced.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+1 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+2 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+3 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+4 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the STR+5 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+1 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+2 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+3 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+4 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the DEX+5 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+1 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+2 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+3 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+4 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CON+5 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+1 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+2 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+3 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+4 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the INT+5 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN+1 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN+2 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN+3 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN+4 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the MEN+5 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT+1 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT+2 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT+3 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT+4 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the WIT+5 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC+1 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC+2 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC+3 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC+4 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the LUC+5 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA+1 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA+2 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA+3 function.
Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA+4 function.

Pagina 672

Activates 6 talisman slots when equipped. Has the CHA+5 function.

Activates 5 Talisman Slots. MP +216, STR +1, and INT +1.
Cloak for those that carry the power of Sayha. M. Def. +40.
Cloak for those that carry the power of Sayha. M. Def. +40.
Summons Freya agathion. 30-day. Cannot be used in the Olymipad.\n<Active Skill>\n1. Freya's Scroll of Escape - Town of A
Dark Assassin Suit. Equipping this disables armor. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped.
M. Def. +40, STR/ INT/ CON/ MEN +1. 20-day.
M. Def. +40, STR/ INT/ CON/ MEN +1. 20-day.
M. Def. +40, STR/ INT/ CON/ MEN +1. 20-day.
M. Def. +40, STR/ INT/ CON/ MEN +1. 20-day.
M. Def. +40, STR/ INT/ CON/ MEN +1. 20-day.
M. Def. +40, STR/ INT/ CON/ MEN +1. 20-day.
M. Def. +40, STR/ INT/ CON/ MEN +1. 20-day.
M. Def. +40, STR/ INT/ CON/ MEN +1. 20-day.
M. Def. +40, STR/ INT/ CON/ MEN +1. 20-day.
M. Def. +40, STR/ INT/ CON/ MEN +1. 20-day.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. STR +3.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. DEX +3.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. CON +3.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. MEN +3.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. INT +3.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. WIT +3.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. Critical Rate +50.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. P. Critical Damage +90, M. Critical Damage +68.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. P. Def. +5%.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. M. Def. +5%.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. Evasion +5.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. P. Atk. +5%.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. M. Atk. +10%.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. Accuracy +5.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. LUC +3.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. CHA +3.
Light and cozy cloak.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. STR +3.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. DEX +3.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. CON +3.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. MEN +3.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. INT +3.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. WIT +3.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. Critical Rate +50.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. P. Critical Damage +90, M. Critical Damage +68.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. P. Def. +5%.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. M. Def. +5%.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. Evasion +5.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. P. Atk. +5%.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. M. Atk. +10%.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. Accuracy +5.
Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. LUC +3.

Pagina 673

Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. CHA +3.

Can summon Joon when equipped. 30-day. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Joon's Magic: For 30 min.
A hat accessory for conquering the world.
A delicious cheese hat. There might be a pink rat hiding in there somewhere.
A swashbuckler's hat.
Summons Pisces.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is
Magical-looking hat. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Cute hairband. Female only. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat worn by Lei Feng. Uses 1 hair accessory slot.
Mask worn by a ruthless tribe. Uses 1 hair accessory slot.
MP +21, Poison Resistance +40%, Poison Atk. Rate +40%, Hold Resistance +30%, Hold Atk. Rate +30%, increases Accurac
Kisung Agathion summon bracelet.
A swashbuckler's hat.
Mask worn by a ruthless tribe. Uses 1 hair accessory slot.
Summons Virgo Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Coo
Summons Virgo Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Coo
Summons Virgo Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Coo
Summons Capricorn Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(
Summons Capricorn Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(
Summons Capricorn Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.
Summons Libra Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cool
Summons Libra Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cool
Summons Libra Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Coo
Summons Aries Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Coo
Summons Aries Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Coo
Summons Aries Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Coo
Summons Taurus Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Co
Summons Taurus Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Co
Summons Taurus Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (C
Summons Leo Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Coold
Summons Leo Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Coold
Summons Leo Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Coold
Summons Gemini Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Co
Summons Gemini Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Co
Summons Gemini Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (C
Summons Scorpio Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(C
Summons Scorpio Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(C
Summons Scorpio Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (C
Summons Aquarius Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(C
Summons Aquarius Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(C
Summons Aquarius Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (
Summons Pisces Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Co
Summons Pisces Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Co
Summons Pisces Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Co
Summons Sagittarius Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine
Summons Sagittarius Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine
Summons Sagittarius Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine
Summons Cancer Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Co
Summons Cancer Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Co

Pagina 674

Summons Cancer Agathion.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (C
Necklace purchased with a Mark of Battle. MP +65, Max CP +10%, and M. Skill Cooldown -5%.
Necklace purchased with a Mark of Battle. MP +65, Max CP +10%, and M. Skill Cooldown -5%.
Necklace purchased with a Mark of Battle. MP +65, Max CP +10%, and M. Skill Cooldown -5%.
Necklace purchased with a Mark of Battle. MP +65, Max CP +10%, and M. Skill Cooldown -5%.
Necklace purchased with a Mark of Battle. MP +65, Max CP +10%, and M. Skill Cooldown -5%.
Necklace purchased with a Mark of Battle. MP +65, Max CP +10%, and M. Skill Cooldown -5%.
A ring purchased with the Mark of Battle. MP +33, Max. CP +10%, P./ M. Critical Damage +5%. Effect does not stack with ide
A ring purchased with the Mark of Battle. MP +33, Max. CP +10%, P./ M. Critical Damage +5%. Effect does not stack with ide
A ring purchased with the Mark of Battle. MP +33, Max. CP +10%, P./ M. Critical Damage +5%. Effect does not stack with ide
A ring purchased with the Mark of Battle. MP +33, Max. CP +10%, P./ M. Critical Damage +5%. Effect does not stack with ide
A ring purchased with the Mark of Battle. MP +33, Max. CP +10%, P./ M. Critical Damage +5%. Effect does not stack with ide
A ring purchased with the Mark of Battle. MP +33, Max. CP +10%, P./ M. Critical Damage +5%. Effect does not stack with ide
Earring purchased with a Mark of Battle. MP +49, CP +10%, Stun Attack/ Resistance +40%, and Vampiric Rage Effect by +3
Earring purchased with a Mark of Battle. MP +49, CP +10%, Hold Attack/ Resistance +40%, and Vampiric Rage Effect by +3
Earring purchased with a Mark of Battle. MP +49, CP +10%, Bleed Attack/ Resistance +40%, and Vampiric Rage Effect by +3
Earring purchased with a Mark of Battle. MP +49, CP +10%, Paralysis Attack/ Resistance +40%, and Vampiric Rage Effect b
Earring purchased with a Mark of Battle. MP +49, CP +10%, Mental Attack/ Resistance +40%, and Vampiric Rage Effect by +
Earring purchased with a Mark of Battle. MP +49, CP +10%, Sleep Attack/ Resistance +40%, and Vampiric Rage Effect by +3
Earring purchased with a Mark of Battle. MP +49, CP +10%, Poison Attack/ Resistance +40%, and Vampiric Rage Effect by +
Earring purchased with a Mark of Battle. MP +49, CP +10%, Knock Back/ Knock Down Attack/ Resistance +40%, and Vampi
Earring purchased with a Mark of Battle. MP +49, CP +10%, Aerial Yoke Attack/ Resistance +40%, and Vampiric Rage Effec
Belt purchased with a Mark of Battle. Weight +12800, Inventory Slots +18, PvE Damage +6%.
Belt purchased with a Mark of Battle. Weight +12800, Inventory Slots +18, PvE Damage -7%.
Belt purchased with a Mark of Battle. Weight +12800, Inventory Slots +18, PVP Damage +6%.
Belt purchased with a Mark of Battle. Weight +12800, Inventory Slots +18, PVP Damage -7%.
Can use the Talisman - Battle: Attack skill when equipped. P. Atk./ M. Atk./ Skill Critical Rate/ Skill Critical Damage +20% for
Can use the Talisman - Battle: Attack skill when equipped. P. Atk./ M. Atk./ Skill Critical Rate/ Skill Critical Damage +20% for
Can use the Talisman - Battle: Attack skill when equipped. P. Atk./ M. Atk./ Skill Critical Rate/ Skill Critical Damage +20% for
Can use the Talisman - Battle: Speed skill when equipped. Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +20%, Speed +60, and Cooldown -20% fo
Can use the Talisman - Battle: Speed skill when equipped. Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +20%, Speed +60, and Cooldown -20% fo
Can use the Talisman - Battle: Speed skill when equipped. Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +20%, Speed +60, and Cooldown -20% fo
Can use the Talisman - Battle: Support skill when equipped. Cancels hiding, invincible, and talisman buffs of enemies within r
Can use the Talisman - Battle: Support skill when equipped. Cancels hiding, invincible, and talisman buffs of enemies within r
Can use the Talisman - Battle: Support skill when equipped. Cancels hiding, invincible, and talisman buffs of enemies within r
Hair accessory exclusively used by those with the Exalted status. Increases Atk. Attribute Bonus by 50 when equipped.
MP +187. Activates 5 Talisman slots when equipped.
Talisman to summon Pippi.
Talisman to summon Kokko.

Pagina 675

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

Increases Evasion, Speed, and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit when enchanted to

Increases Evasion, Speed, and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit when enchanted to

Increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit when

Increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit when

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

Pagina 676

Increases Evasion, Speed, and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit when enchanted to

Increases Evasion, Speed, and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit when enchanted to

Increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit when

Increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit when

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

Increases Evasion, Speed, and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit when enchanted to

Increases Evasion, Speed, and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit when enchanted to

Increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit when

Pagina 677

Increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit when

MP +62, Sleep Resistance +40%, Sleep Atk. Rate +40%, HP +445, Skill Cooldown decreases, P./ M. Atk. Increases, Wild Ma
MP +62, Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun Resistance +15%, Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun Atk. Rate +15%, Poison/ Bleed Resistance +25%, P
MP +46, Sleep Resistance +40%, Bleed Atk. Rate +40%, Heal Amount increases, Vampiric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Attak R
MP +46, Bleed Resistance +30%, Bleed Atk. Rate +30%, Heal Amount increases, Vampiric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Resist
MP +31, Poison Resistance +40%, Poison Atk. Rate +40%, Accuracy increases, P. Critical Damage increases, Hold Resistan
MP +31, Poison Resistance +30%, Poison Atk. Rate +30%, Accuracy increases, P. Critical Damage increases, Hold Resistan
Speed +7, STR +1, INT +1 when equipped.
Speed +7, STR/ INT/ CON/ MEN +1 when equipped.
Weight +12800, Inventory Slots +12.
Weight +12800, Inventory Slots +18.
STR +5 when wearing the Talisman. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
INT +5 when wearing the Talisman. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
DEX +5 when wearing the Talisman. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
WIT +5 when wearing the Talisman. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
CON +5 when wearing the Talisman. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
MEN +5 when wearing the Talisman. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
Attack Attribute Bonus +50 when wearing the Talisman. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
Fire Resistance +50 when equipped. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two talismans with the same effect.
Water Resistance +50 when equipped. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two talismans with the same effect.
Wind Resistance +50 when equipped. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two talismans with the same effect.
Earth Resistance +50 when equipped. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two talismans with the same effect.
Holy Resistance +50 when equipped. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two talismans with the same effect.
Dark Resistance +50 when equipped. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two talismans with the same effect.
Swimwear for male characters.
Swimwear for male characters.
Bikini for female characters.
Bikini for female characters.
Summons Anakim Holy Barrier, which is comprised of 5 Anakim Spheres.\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CO
Summons Anakim Holy Barrier, which is comprised of 5 Anakim Sphere.\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON
Vampiric outfit.
Magic shirt for P. Def. Can be enchanted to +10 using Elemental Shirt Enchant Scrolls. When enchanted to +4 or more, pass
Magic shirt for M. Def. Can be enchanted to +10 using Elemental Shirt Enchant Scrolls. When enchanted to +4 or more, pass
Halloween appearance.

Dark Knight suit.

Ninja outfit.
Metal suit.
Event item. All Stats +2 when equipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Event item. All Stats +1 when equipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
Event item. P. Skill Critical Damage +7% when equipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. 1
Event item. M. Skill Critical Damage +7% when equipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. 1
Event item. P. Atk. +5000 and M. Def. +5000 for 15 sec. Cooldown is 10 min. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans
Event Item. Defends against Debuffs 5 times for 15 sec. Cooldown is 10 min. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans

Pagina 678

Event item. P. Atk. +5% when equipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. 1-hour.
Event item. M. Atk. +5% when equipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. 1-hour.
Event item. P. Def. +7% when equipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. 1-hour.
Event item. M. Def. +7% when equipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. 1-hour.
Event item. All Attributes Defense +30 when equipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. 1-ho
Sigel Knight Transformation appearance.
Tyrr Warrior Transformation appearance.
Othell Rogue Transformation appearance.
Yul Archer Transformation appearance.
Feoh Wizard Transformation appearance.
Iss Enchanter Transformation appearance.
Wynn Summoner Transformation appearance.
Aeore Healer Transformation appearance.
Can summon Virgo.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown
Summons Capricorn.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown
Summons Libra.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 3
Summons Aries.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 3
Summons Taurus.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is
Summons Leo.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30
Summons Gemini.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is
Summons Scorpio.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown i
Summons Aquarius.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown
Summons Sagittarius.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldow
Summons Cancer.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is

STR +3, P. Atk. +3% when equipped. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
INT +3, M. Atk. +5% when equipped. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
CON +3, P./ M. Def. +3% when equipped. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Hat that looks like a white sheep. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
A sheep-shaped hat. Occupies 2 Hair Accessory slots.\n<Active Skill>\n1. Blessed Resurrection (Cooldown: 60 min) \n2. Baa
Can summon an Agathion - Shiny when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Lets you teleport to Town of Aden
Scholar's hat showing knowledge. Gold tassel is attached.

Pagina 679

Blue Dynasty Cloak.

Blue Dynasty Circlet. Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots.
Blue Dynasty Circlet. Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. STR +3 when equipped.
Blue Dynasty Circlet. Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. DEX +3 when equipped.
Blue Dynasty Circlet. Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. CON +3 when equipped.
Blue Dynasty Circlet. Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. MEN +3 when equipped.
Blue Dynasty Circlet. Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. INT +3 when equipped.
Blue Dynasty Circlet. Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. WIT +3 when equipped.
Blue Dynasty Circlet. Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
Blue Dynasty Circlet. Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. P. Critical Damage +90 and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
Blue Dynasty Circlet. Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. P. Def. +5% when equipped.
Blue Dynasty Circlet. Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. M. Def. +5% when equipped.
Blue Dynasty Circlet. Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. Evasion +5 when equipped.
Blue Dynasty Circlet. Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
Blue Dynasty Circlet. Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
Blue Dynasty Circlet. Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
Can summon Shadow Blue.
Blue Dynasty Circlet. Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. LUC +3 when equipped.
Blue Dynasty Circlet. Uses 2 Hair Accessory slots. CHA +3 when equipped.
Twilight Necklace. MP +58.
Twilight Earring. MP +43.
Twilight Ring. MP +29.
Seraph Necklace. MP +62.
Seraph Necklace. MP +46.
Seraph Ring. MP +31.
Eternal Necklace. MP +65.
Eternal Earring. MP +49.
Eternal Ring. MP +33.
Red Libra-exclusive item\nWhen used, it resurrects all dead party members and additionally restores 100% XP. Cannot be us
Red Libra-exclusive item\nWhen used, it restores all party members' HP/ MP/ CP completely and has a chance to dispel deb
Red Libra-exclusive item\nWhen used, it dispels debuffs from all party members and makes them immune to debuffs for 7 se
Red Libra-exclusive item\nWhen used, it increases all party members' Speed by 70 for 10 sec. Cannot be used in Olympiad.
Red Libra-exclusive item\nWhen equipped, it decreases damage received by 10%. Cannot be used in Olympiad.
Activates 5 jewel slots when equipped. Inventory Slots +12.
Vitality Bonus +3%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.

Pagina 680

Vitality Bonus +6%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Vitality Bonus +12%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Vitality Bonus +20% and Vitality Point Consumption Speed -7%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type
Vitality Bonus +30% and Vitality Point Consumption Speed -15%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same typ
Debuff Resistance +3%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Debuff Resistance +6%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Debuff Resistance +12%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Debuff Resistance +20%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Debuff Resistance +30%. Cancels your debuffs. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Creates a protection shield that absorbs 5,000 damage for 5 sec. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same typ
Creates a protection shield that absorbs 10,000 damage for 5 sec. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same ty
Creates a protection shield that absorbs 15,000 damage for 10 sec. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same t
Creates a protection shield that absorbs 30,000 damage for 10 sec. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same t
Creates a protection shield that absorbs 50,000 damage for 15 sec. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same t
Dimensional Item\nMP +59, Petrification Atk./ Resistance +50%, Knock Back/ Knock Down Atk./ Resistance +40%, Pulling S
Dimensional Item\nRefined Black Romantic Chapeau. Occupies 2 hair accessory slots.
Dimensional Item\nSTR +5 when wearing the Talisman. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
Dimensional Item\nINT +5 when wearing the Talisman. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
Dimensional Item\nDEX +5 when wearing the Talisman. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
Dimensional Item\nWIT +5 when wearing the Talisman. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
Dimensional Item\nCON +5 when wearing the Talisman. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
Dimensional Item\nMEN +5 when wearing the Talisman. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
Dimensional Item\nA Seraph Helmet that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment
Dimensional Item\nA Seraph Breastplate that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantm
Dimensional Item\nSeraph Gaiters that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, C
Dimensional Item\nSeraph Gauntlets that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment
Dimensional Item\nSeraph Boots that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Cr
Dimensional Item\nA Seraph Leather Helmet that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnch
Dimensional Item\nA Seraph Leather Armor that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEncha
Dimensional Item\nSeraph Leather Leggings that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnch
Dimensional Item\nSeraph Leather Gloves that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchan
Dimensional Item\nSeraph Leather Boots that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantm
Dimensional Item\nA Seraph Circlet that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment,
Dimensional Item\nSeraph Tunic that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Cry
Dimensional Item\nSeraph Stockings that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment
Dimensional Item\nSeraph Gloves that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, C
Dimensional Item\nSeraph Shoes that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, C
Dimensional Item\nA Seraph Sigil that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.
Dimensional Item\nA Seraph Necklace that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing. MP +62, Skil
Dimensional Item\nSeraph Earrings that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing. MP +46, Vampi
Dimensional Item\nSeraph Earrings that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing. MP +46, MP Co
Dimensional Item\nA Seraph Ring that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing. MP +31, P./ M. C
Dimensional Item\nA Seraph Ring that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing. MP +31, P./ M. C
A Seraph Helmet that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Att
A Seraph Breastplate that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization
Seraph Gaiters that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attrib
Seraph Gauntlets that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Att
Seraph Boots that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribu
A Seraph Leather Helmet that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystalliza

Pagina 681

A Seraph Leather Armor that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallizat
Seraph Leather Leggings that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystalliza
Seraph Leather Gloves that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallizatio
Seraph Leather Boots that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization
A Seraph Circlet that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attr
Seraph Tunic that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribu
Seraph Stockings that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Att
Seraph Gloves that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attrib
Seraph Shoes that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribu
A Seraph Sigil that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.
A Seraph Necklace that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing. MP +62, Skill Cooldown -10%.
Seraph Earrings that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing. MP +46, Vampiric Rage.
Seraph Earrings that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing. MP +46, MP Consumption -5%.
A Seraph Ring that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing. MP +31, P./ M. Critical Damage +15%
A Seraph Ring that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing. MP +31, P./ M. Critical Rate +40.
Brigandine Helmet imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Brigandine imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Brigandine Gaiters imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Brigandine Gauntlets imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Brigandine Boots imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Manticore Skin Helmet imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Manticore Skin Shirt imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Manticore Skin Gaiters imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Manticore Skin Gloves imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Manticore Skin Boots imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Mithril Circlet imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Mithril Tunic imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Mithril Stockings imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Elven Mithril Gloves imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Elven Mithril Boots imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
An Elven Necklace imbued with the energy of Paulina.
Elven Earring imbued with the energy of Paulina.
An Elven Ring imbued with the energy of Paulina.
A Chain Helmet imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Chain Mail Shirt imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Chain Gaiters imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Chain Gloves imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Chain Boots imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Theca Leather Helmet imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Theca Leather Armor imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Theca Leather Gaiters imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Theca Leather Gloves imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Theca Leather Boots imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Demon Circlet imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Demon Tunic imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Demon Stockings imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Demon Gloves imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Demon Boots imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Necklace of Protection imbued with the energy of Paulina. Skill Cooldown -3%.

Pagina 682

Earrings of Protection imbued with the energy of Paulina. Vampiric Rage effect.
Earrings of Protection imbued with the energy of Paulina. MP Consumption -2%.
A Ring of Protection imbued with the energy of Paulina. P./ M. Critical Damage +5%.
A Ring of Protection imbued with the energy of Paulina. P./ M. Critical Rate +10.
A Dynasty Helmet imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Dark Crystal Breastplate imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Dark Crystal Gaiters imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Dark Crystal Gloves imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Dark Crystal Boots imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Dark Crystal Leather Helmet imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Dark Crystal Leather Armor imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Dark Crystal Leggings imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Dark Crystal Gloves imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Dark Crystal Boots imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Tallum Circlet imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Tallum Tunic imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Tallum Stockings imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Tallum Gloves imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Tallum Boots imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Majestic Necklace imbued with the energy of Paulina. Skill Cooldown -3%.
Majestic Earrings imbued with the energy of Paulina. Vampiric Rage effect.
Majestic Earrings imbued with the energy of Paulina. MP Consumption -2%.
A Majestic Ring imbued with the energy of Paulina. P./ M. Critical Damage +5%.
A Majestic Ring imbued with the energy of Paulina. P./ M. Critical Rate +10.
A Dynasty Helmet imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Dynasty Breastplate imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Dynasty Gaiters imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Dynasty Gauntlets imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Dynasty Boots imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Dynasty Leather Helmet imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Dynasty Leather Armor imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Dynasty Leather Leggings imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Dynasty Leather Gloves containing Paulina's strength. Enchantment, Attribute Assignment are not possible.
Dynasty Leather Boots imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Dynasty Circlet imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Dynasty Tunic imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Dynasty Stockings imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Dynasty Gloves imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Dynasty Shoes imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Dynasty Necklace imbued with the energy of Paulina. Skill Cooldown -5%.
Dynasty Earrings imbued with the energy of Paulina. Vampiric Rage effect.
Dynasty Earrings imbued with the energy of Paulina. MP Consumption -3%.
A Dynasty Ring imbued with the energy of Paulina. P./ M. Critical Damage +7%.
A Dynasty Ring imbued with the energy of Paulina. P./ M. Critical Rate +20.
A gift that Tulesir the Minstrel gives future heroes who successfully complete the 10-day Adventure. Although old, it functions
A Twilight Helmet imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Twilight Breastplate imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Twilight Gaiters imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Twilight Gauntlets imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.

Pagina 683

Twilight Boots imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Twilight Leather Helmet imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Twilight Leather Armor imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Twilight Leather Leggings imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Twilight Leather Gloves imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Twilight Leather Boots imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Twilight Circlet imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Twilight Tunic imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Twilight Stockings imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Twilight Gloves imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
Twilight Shoes imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Twilight Sigel imbued with the energy of Paulina.
A Twilight Necklace imbued with the energy of Paulina. MP +58, Skill Cooldown -10%.
Twilight Earrings imbued with the energy of Paulina. MP +43, Vampiric Rage effect.
Twilight Earrings imbued with the energy of Paulina. MP +43, MP Consumption -5%.
A Twilight Ring imbued with the energy of Paulina. MP +29, P./ M. Critical Damage +15%.
A Twilight Ring imbued with the energy of Paulina. MP +29, P./ M. Critical Rate +40.
The Commando Belt is the symbol of the Dimensional Commandos, and is given to elite veterans who have completed "Expl

When equipped, XP gained through hunting +10%, STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, MEN, LUC, CHA +1 each.
MP +42, Stun/ Paralysis/ Knock Back Atk. Rate +15%, Stun/ Paralysis/ Knock Back Resistance +15%, Additional Damage to
MP +43, Stun/ Paralysis/ Knock Back Atk. Rate +25%, Stun/ Paralysis/ Knock Back Resistance +25%, Additional Damage to
MP +46, P. Atk. +5%, P. Critical Damage +20%, LUC/ CHA +2, Stun/ Paralysis/ Knock Back Atk./ Def. Success Rate +30%, A
MP +43, Stun/ Paralysis/ Knock Back Atk. Rate +25%, Stun/ Paralysis/ Knock Back Resistance +25%, Additional Damage to
MP +46, M. Atk. +5%, M. Critical Damage +20%, LUC/ CHA +2, Stun/ Paralysis/ Knock Back Atk./ Def. Success Rate +30%,

Can be exchanged for the Source of the Emperor through Denign. Increases MP by 64, additional damage to Giants by 5%,

Pagina 684

Can be exchanged for the Source of the Emperor through Denign. Increases MP by 64, additional damage to Giants by 5%,
Can be exchanged for the Source of the Emperor through Denign. Increases MP by 79, additional damage to Giants by 5%,
Can be exchanged for the Source of the Emperor through Denign. Increases MP by 42, additional damage to Giants by 5%,
Can be exchanged for the Source of the Emperor through Denign. Increases MP by 39, additional damage to Giants by 5%,
A Talisman that can be worn only by those who have gained acceptance from the Blackbird Clan. When equipped, damage r
A Talisman that can be worn only by those who have gained acceptance from the Blackbird Clan. When equipped, damage r
A Talisman that can be worn only by those who have gained acceptance from the Blackbird Clan. When equipped, damage r
A Talisman that can be worn only by those who have gained acceptance from the Blackbird Clan. When equipped, damage r
A Talisman that can be worn only by those who have gained acceptance from the Blackbird Clan. When equipped, damage r
A Talisman that can be worn only by those who have gained acceptance from the Blackbird Clan. When equipped, damage r
A Talisman that can be worn only by those who have gained acceptance from the Blackbird Clan. When equipped, damage r
A Talisman that can be worn only by those who have gained acceptance from the Blackbird Clan. When equipped, damage r
A Talisman that can be worn only by those who have gained acceptance from the Blackbird Clan. When equipped, damage r
A Talisman that can be worn only by those who have gained acceptance from the Blackbird Clan. When equipped, damage r
A Talisman created by the Mother Tree Guardians using all of their knowledge. When equipped, damage received from Plant
A Talisman created by the Mother Tree Guardians using all of their knowledge. When equipped, damage received from Plant
A Talisman created by the Mother Tree Guardians using all of their knowledge. When equipped, damage received from Plant
A Talisman created by the Mother Tree Guardians using all of their knowledge. When equipped, damage received from Plant
A Talisman created by the Mother Tree Guardians using all of their knowledge. When equipped, damage received from Plant
A Talisman created by the Mother Tree Guardians using all of their knowledge. When equipped, damage received from Plant
A Talisman created by the Mother Tree Guardians using all of their knowledge. When equipped, damage received from Plant
A Talisman created by the Mother Tree Guardians using all of their knowledge. When equipped, damage received from Plant
A Talisman created by the Mother Tree Guardians using all of their knowledge. When equipped, damage received from Plant
A Talisman created by the Mother Tree Guardians using all of their knowledge. When equipped, damage received from Plant
A Talisman issued by the Kingdom's Royal Guard for the battle against the Embryo. When equipped, damage received from
A Talisman issued by the Kingdom's Royal Guard for the battle against the Embryo. When equipped, damage received from
A Talisman issued by the Kingdom's Royal Guard for the battle against the Embryo. When equipped, damage received from
A Talisman issued by the Kingdom's Royal Guard for the battle against the Embryo. When equipped, damage received from
A Talisman issued by the Kingdom's Royal Guard for the battle against the Embryo. When equipped, damage received from
A Talisman issued by the Kingdom's Royal Guard for the battle against the Embryo. When equipped, damage received from
A Talisman issued by the Kingdom's Royal Guard for the battle against the Embryo. When equipped, damage received from
A Talisman issued by the Kingdom's Royal Guard for the battle against the Embryo. When equipped, damage received from
A Talisman issued by the Kingdom's Royal Guard for the battle against the Embryo. When equipped, damage received from
A Talisman issued by the Kingdom's Royal Guard for the battle against the Embryo. When equipped, damage received from
A Talisman created by the energy of the Pure Spirits remaining in the Garden of Spirits. When equipped, damage received fr
A Talisman created by the energy of the Pure Spirits remaining in the Garden of Spirits. When equipped, damage received fr
A Talisman created by the energy of the Pure Spirits remaining in the Garden of Spirits. When equipped, damage received fr
A Talisman created by the energy of the Pure Spirits remaining in the Garden of Spirits. When equipped, damage received fr
A Talisman created by the energy of the Pure Spirits remaining in the Garden of Spirits. When equipped, damage received fr
A Talisman created by the energy of the Pure Spirits remaining in the Garden of Spirits. When equipped, damage received fr
A Talisman created by the energy of the Pure Spirits remaining in the Garden of Spirits. When equipped, damage received fr
A Talisman created by the energy of the Pure Spirits remaining in the Garden of Spirits. When equipped, damage received fr
A Talisman created by the energy of the Pure Spirits remaining in the Garden of Spirits. When equipped, damage received fr
A Talisman created by the energy of the Pure Spirits remaining in the Garden of Spirits. When equipped, damage received fr
A talisman created by the Giant Trackers based on their research into Giant evolution. When equipped, damage received from
A talisman created by the Giant Trackers based on their research into Giant evolution. When equipped, damage received from
A talisman created by the Giant Trackers based on their research into Giant evolution. When equipped, damage received from
A talisman created by the Giant Trackers based on their research into Giant evolution. When equipped, damage received from
A talisman created by the Giant Trackers based on their research into Giant evolution. When equipped, damage received from

Pagina 685

A talisman created by the Giant Trackers based on their research into Giant evolution. When equipped, damage received from
A talisman created by the Giant Trackers based on their research into Giant evolution. When equipped, damage received from
A talisman created by the Giant Trackers based on their research into Giant evolution. When equipped, damage received from
A talisman created by the Giant Trackers based on their research into Giant evolution. When equipped, damage received from
A talisman created by the Giant Trackers based on their research into Giant evolution. When equipped, damage received from
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -3%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Tyrr, Sigel and Iss classes only.
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -8%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. When enchanted to +4, P. Critical Da
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -5%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Tyrr, Sigel and Iss classes only.
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -2%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Tyrr, Sigel and Iss classes only.
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -2%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Tyrr, Sigel and Iss classes only.
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -3%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Othell and Yul classes only.
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -8%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. When enchanted to +4, Evasion and
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -5%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Othell and Yul classes only.
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -2%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Othell and Yul classes only.
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -2%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Othell and Yul classes only.
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -3%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Aeore, Feoh, Wynn, Iss classes and
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -8%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. When enchanted to +4, M. Evasion a
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -5%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Aeore, Feoh, Wynn, Iss classes and
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -2%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Aeore, Feoh, Wynn, Iss classes and
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -2%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Aeore, Feoh, Wynn, Iss classes and
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -3%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Sigel classes only.
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -8%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. When enchanted to +4, P. Critical Da
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -5%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Sigel classes only.
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -2%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Sigel classes only.
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -2%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Sigel classes only.
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -3%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Othell, Yul, Iss, Aeore, Wynn, Tyrr cla
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -8%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. When enchanted to +4, Evasion and
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -5%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Othell, Yul, Iss, Aeore, Wynn, Tyrr cla
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -2%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Othell, Yul, Iss, Aeore, Wynn, Tyrr cla
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -2%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Othell, Yul, Iss, Aeore, Wynn, Tyrr cla
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -3%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Aeore classes only.
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -8%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. When enchanted to +4, M. Evasion a
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -5%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Aeore classes only.
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -2%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Aeore classes only.
PvE enchant type item. Damage received from an NPC -2%, P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. Aeore classes only.

When equipped, Skill Power +4%.

When equipped, Attack Attribute Bonus +40.
When equipped, Skill Cooldown -4%.
MP +216, CON +2, MEN +2; activates 5 Talisman Slots when equipped. \n\n<Skills Used>\nDuo - Energy of Blessing - When
MP +216, CON +2, MEN +2, activates 5 Talisman Slots when equipped. \n\n<Skills Used>\n1. Duo - Prophecy: When used,
A shiny magic shirt laden with Einhasad's Energy.\n\n<Item Skill>\nM. Def. +17. \nMovement Speed +7. \n Max HP +547. Ma
A shining magic T-shirt imbued with Einhasad's Energy.\n\n<Item Skill>\nIncreases M. Def. by 18. \nIncreases Speed by 7. \n
Armor that takes on the appearance of the NC Dinos Uniform. Enables the skills Perfect Pitch and Perfect Swing. When equi
STR +5 when wearing the Talisman. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
INT +5 when wearing the Talisman. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
DEX +5 when wearing the Talisman. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
WIT +5 when wearing the Talisman. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
CON +5 when wearing the Talisman. Effect does not stack with identical ones.

Pagina 686

MEN +5 when wearing the Talisman. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
Attack Attribute Bonus +50 when wearing the Talisman. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
Attribute Resistance +50 when wearing the Talisman. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
MP +31, P./ M. Accuracy +4, P./ M. Critical Damage +15%, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +5%, Stun/ Hold/ Mental Atk./ Def. Succe
MP +31, P./ M. Accuracy +4, P./ M. Critical Damage +15%, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +5%, Stun/ Hold/ Mental Atk./ Def. Succe
MP +31, P./ M. Accuracy +4, P./ M. Critical Damage +15%, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +5%, Stun/ Hold/ Mental Atk./ Def. Succe
MP +62, Movement Speed +5, Poison/ Bleed/ Stun/ Hold/ Paralysis Atk./ Def. Success Rate +20%, Skill Cooldown -10%, Da
MP +62, Movement Speed +5, Poison/ Bleed/ Stun/ Hold/ Paralysis Atk./ Def. Success Rate +20%, Skill Cooldown -10%, Da
MP +62, Movement Speed +5, Poison/ Bleed/ Stun/ Hold/ Paralysis Atk./ Def. Success Rate +20%, Skill Cooldown -10%, Da
MP +31, P./ M. Accuracy +4, P./ M. Critical Rate +20, P./ M. Critical Damage +15%, Stun/ Poison/ Bleed Atk./ Def. Success R
MP +31, P./ M. Accuracy +4, P./ M. Critical Rate +20, P./ M. Critical Damage +15%, Stun/ Poison/ Bleed Atk./ Def. Success R
MP +31, P./ M. Accuracy +4, P./ M. Critical Rate +20, P./ M. Critical Damage +15%, Stun/ Poison/ Bleed Atk./ Def. Success R
MP +46, Sleep/ Paralysis/ Mental Atk./ Def. Success Rate +25%, Heal Received +10%, Skill MP Consumption -5%, Vampiric
MP +46, Sleep/ Paralysis/ Mental Atk./ Def. Success Rate +25%, Heal Received +10%, Skill MP Consumption -5%, Vampiric
MP +46, Sleep/ Paralysis/ Mental Atk./ Def. Success Rate +25%, Heal Received +10%, Skill MP Consumption -5%, Vampiric
MP +46, P. Atk. +5%, P. Critical Damage +20%, LUC/ CHA +2, Stun/ Paralysis/ Knock Back Atk./ Def. Success Rate +30%, A
MP +46, P. Atk. +5%, P. Critical Damage +20%, LUC/ CHA +2, Stun/ Paralysis/ Knock Back Atk./ Def. Success Rate +30%, A
MP +46, P. Atk. +5%, P. Critical Damage +20%, LUC/ CHA +2, Stun/ Paralysis/ Knock Back Atk./ Def. Success Rate +30%, A
MP +46, M. Atk. +5%, M. Critical Damage +20%, LUC/ CHA +2, Stun/ Paralysis/ Knock Back Atk./ Def. Success Rate +30%,
MP +46, M. Atk. +5%, M. Critical Damage +20%, LUC/ CHA +2, Stun/ Paralysis/ Knock Back Atk./ Def. Success Rate +30%,
MP +46, M. Atk. +5%, M. Critical Damage +20%, LUC/ CHA +2, Stun/ Paralysis/ Knock Back Atk./ Def. Success Rate +30%,
MP +59, P./ M. Def. +15%, CON/ MEN +3, Earth/ Holy Attribute Resistance +30, Bleed Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Stun/
MP +59, P./ M. Def. +15%, CON/ MEN +3, Earth/ Holy Attribute Resistance +30, Bleed Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Stun/
MP +59, P./ M. Def. +15%, CON/ MEN +3, Earth/ Holy Attribute Resistance +30, Bleed Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Stun/
MP +79, HP +625, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +20%, M. Critical Rate +20, STR/ INT+3, Fire Attack Def. +30, Dark Attack Def. +20
MP +79, HP +625, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +20%, M. Critical Rate +20, STR/ INT+3, Fire Attack Def. +30, Dark Attack Def. +20
MP +79, HP +625, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +20%, M. Critical Rate +20, STR/ INT+3, Fire Attack Def. +30, Dark Attack Def. +20
MP +59, P./ M. Critical Damage +10%, Movement Speed +5, DEX/ WIT +3, Wind/ Dark Attack Def. +30, Petrify Atk./ Def. Su
MP +59, P./ M. Critical Damage +10%, Movement Speed +5, DEX/ WIT +3, Wind/ Dark Attack Def. +30, Petrify Atk./ Def. Su
MP +59, P./ M. Critical Damage +10%, Movement Speed +5, DEX/ WIT +3, Wind/ Dark Attack Def. +30, Petrify Atk./ Def. Su
The Bracelet of the Conqueror. Equip to activate 5 Talisman slots. HP +531 CON +3.
The Bracelet of the Conqueror. Equip to activate 5 Talisman slots. HP +531 MEN +3.
The Bracelet of the Conqueror. Equip to activate 5 Talisman slots. HP +531 DEX +3.
The Bracelet of the Conqueror. Equip to activate 5 Talisman slots. HP +531 WIT +3.
The Bracelet of the Conqueror. Equip to activate 5 Talisman slots. HP +531 STR +3.
The Bracelet of the Conqueror. Equip to activate 5 Talisman slots. HP +531 INT +3.
Red Libra-only Item\nA shirt widely used in Elysium. However, cannot increase power in Aden.\n\n<Item Skill>\nMagic Defen
Earrings bought using the Mark of Battle.\nEarring bought using Mark of Battle. Max MP +49, Max CP +10%, P./ M. Def. +3%
When using a physical skill after equipping, P. Critical Damage +1% and P. Skill Critical Damage +1%. Effect does not stack
When using a physical skill after equipping, P. Critical Damage +2% and P. Skill Critical Damage +2%. Effect does not stack
When using a physical skill after equipping, P. Critical Damage +4% and P. Skill Critical Damage +4%. Effect does not stack
When using a physical skill after equipping, P. Critical Damage +7% and P. Skill Critical Damage +7%. Effect does not stack
When using a physical skill after equipping, P. Critical Damage +12% and P. Skill Critical Damage +12%. Effect does not stac
When equipped, M. Skill Critical Damage +1%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
When equipped, M. Skill Critical Damage +2%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
When equipped, M. Skill Critical Damage +4%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
When equipped, M. Skill Critical Damage +7%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
When equipped, M. Skill Critical Damage +12%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Disrupts the target's skill casting when used. When used on a PC, inflicts damage with 13275 power, ignoring the target's CP

Pagina 687

When equipped, increases Soulshot and Beast Soulshot damage by 20% and P. Atk. By 9%. Effect does not stack with addit
When equipped, increases Spiritshot and Blessed Spiritshot damage by 20% and M. Atk. By 13%. Effect does not stack with
When equipped, received PvP damage -15% and cancels the attacker's target. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of
When equipped, increases Attack Attribute by 120 and all Attribute Resistance by 70. Effect does not stack with additional jew
When equipped, all basic stats +3 and Skill Mastery rate +30%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
When using a skill after equipping, there is a 15% chance of recovering 136 MP, and skill cooldown is reduced by 5%. Effect
When equipped, P. Def. increases by 1986 and incoming P. Critical Damage decreases by 5%. P. Def. increases by 10% as
When equipped, M. Def. Increases by 1150 and incoming M. Critical Damage decreases by 5%. M. Def. increases by 10% as
Vitality Bonus +30% and Vitality Point Consumption Speed -15%. Acquired XP/ SP +10% as well. Can use Vital Wind skill. E
Increases success rate of Debuff Resistance by 30%, and when receiving damage to a PC, Stun/ Silence are canceled. Whe
Creates a protection shield that absorbs 50,000 damage for 15 sec., and recovers 15% of Max HP immediately. Effect does n
When using a physical skill after equipping, P. Critical Damage +12%, P. Skill Critical Damage +12% and P. Skill Power +5%
When equipped, M. Skill Critical Damage +12% and M. Skill Power +5%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the sa
Advanced Aria's Bracelet. Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the HP+531 CON+4 functions.
Advanced Aria's Bracelet. Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the HP+531 MEN+4 functions.
Advanced Aria's Bracelet. Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the HP+531 DEX+4 functions.
Advanced Aria's Bracelet. Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the HP+531 WIT+4 functions.
Advanced Aria's Bracelet. Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the HP+531 STR+4 functions.
Advanced Aria's Bracelet. Activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. Has the HP+531 INT+4 functions.
MP+59, Petrification P. Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Knock Back/ Knock Down P. Atk. and Resistance +40%, Pull Success
When equipped, through Sayha's strength, P. Def. +112, M. Def. +74, Acquired XP/ SP +1%. \n\nWhen identical Talismans a
When equipped, through Sayha's strength, P. Def. +225, M. Def. +147, Acquired XP/ SP +2%. \n\nWhen identical Talismans
When equipped, through Sayha's strength, P. Def. +450, M. Def. +294, Acquired XP/ SP +3%. \n\nWhen identical Talismans
When equipped, through Sayha's strength, P. Def. +676, M. Def. +441, Acquired XP/ SP +5%. When equipped with Venir Ta
If equipped by Sayha's power, P. Def. +901, M. Def. +589, and Acquired XP/ SP +7%. If equipped along with Stage 10 or hig
If equipped by Sayha's power, P. Def. +1126, M. Def. +736, and Acquired XP/ SP +10%. If equipped along with Stage 10 or h
If equipped by Sayha's power, P. Def. +1351, M. Def. +883, and Acquired XP/ SP +15%. If equipped along with Stage 10 or h
If equipped by Sayha's power, P. Def. +1576, M. Def. +1030, and Acquired XP/ SP +20%. If equipped along with Stage 10 or
If equipped by Sayha's power, P. Def. +1801, M. Def. +1178, Acquired XP/ SP +25%, and Recovery Potion/ Miracle Cure effe
If equipped by Sayha's power, P. Def. +2027, M. Def. +1325, Acquired XP/ SP +30%, and Recovery Potion/ Miracle Cure effe
When equipped, activated 6 Talisman sots. Has the CHA+5 function.\n
Items to make a Hanbok Outfit.
By Angel Nevit's strength, when equipped reduces received damage by -10%, and increases all stats by +3.
Increases bonus EXP by 30% and decreases Vitality consumption by 15% when worn using Vitality. Additionally, acquired XP
Increases P. Critical Damage by 12%, P. Skill Critical Damage by 12%, and P. Skill Power by 5%. When you wear the same
Increases Magic Critical Damage by 12%, M. Skill Power by 5%. When you wear the same type of gemstone, only the effect
When used, it creates a shield that absorbs 50,000 damage for 15 sec. and recovers 15% of maximum HP immediately after
When equipped, activates six Jewel Slots. Inventory Slots +12.
When equipped, activates six Jewel Slots. Inventory Slots +12. CHA +1.\nCan be augmented.
When equipped, activates six Jewel Slots. Inventory Slots +12. All stats +1.\nCan be augmented.
A Bracelet of Challenger. When equipped, it increases basic stats by 1 and activates 5 talisman slots.

Pagina 688

A charm that activates the power of the Virgo Agathion.\n\nEquipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates
A charm that activates the power of the Capricorn Agathion.\n\nEquipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activ
A charm that activates the power of the Libra Agathion.\n\nEquipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates
A charm that activates the power of the Aries Agathion.\n\nEquipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates
A charm that activates the power of the Taurus Agathion.\n\nEquipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activate
A charm that activates the power of the Leo Agathion.\n\nEquipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activates th
A charm that activates the power of the Gemini Agathion.\n\nEquipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activate
A charm that activates the power of the Scorpio Agathion.\n\nEquipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activat
A charm that activates the power of the Aquarius Agathion.\n\nEquipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activa
A charm that activates the power of the Pisces Agathion.\n\nEquipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activate
A charm that activates the power of the Sagittarius Agathion.\n\nEquipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and acti
A charm that activates the power of the Cancer Agathion.\n\nEquipping it in the main slot summons the Agathion and activate
Activates one main Agathion slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Enables teleportation to Town of A
Activates one main Agathion slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Enables teleportation to Town of A
Activates one main Agathion slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Enables teleportation to Town of A
Activates one main Agathion slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Enables teleportation to Town of A
When equipped, it activates one main Agathion slot and one auxiliary slot. Can be enchanted through Fishing Guild Leader S
Activates one main Agathion slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Enables teleportation to Town of A
Activates one main Agathion slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Enables teleportation to Town of A
Activates one main Agathion slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Enables teleportation to Town of A
Activates one main Agathion slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Enables teleportation to Town of A
Activates one main Agathion slot when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Enables teleportation to Town of A
Charm that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns the Rainbow Clan Hall. Cannot be tran
Charm that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns the Wild Beast Reserve. Cannot be tra
Charm that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns the Gludio Castle. Cannot be transferr
Charm that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns the Dion Castle. Cannot be transferred
Charm that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns the Giran Castle. Cannot be transferre
Charm that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns the Oren Castle. Cannot be transferred
Charm that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns the Aden Castle. Cannot be transferre
Charm that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns the Innadril Castle. Cannot be transfer
Charm that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns the Goddard Castle. Cannot be transfe
Charm that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns the Rune Castle. Cannot be transferre
Charm that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns the Schuttgart Castle. Cannot be trans
Charm that summons a cute Fortress Agathion. It is a Shadow Item that lasts for 700 min.
Charm that can summon an Agathion. Wearable only by members of a clan that owns a fortress. Cannot be transferred betw
Charm that summons a cute Rainbow Agathion. It is a Shadow Item that lasts for 700 min.
Charm that summons a cute Little Angel Agathion.
Charm that summons a cute Little Angel Agathion.
Charm that summons a cute Little Angel Agathion.
Charm that summons a cute Little Angel Agathion.
Charm that summons a cute Little Angel Agathion.
Charm that summons a cute Little Devil Agathion.
Charm that summons a cute Little Devil Agathion.
Charm that summons a cute Little Devil Agathion.

Pagina 689

Charm that summons a cute Little Devil Agathion.

Charm that summons a cute Little Devil Agathion.
Charm that summons a cute Rudolph Agathion.

Charm that summons a cute Little Angel Agathion.

Charm that summons a cute Little Devil Agathion.
Dimensional Item\nCan summon a Love Agathion when equipped. Can be used for 30 days.
Dimensional Item\nCan summon an Agathion - Angry Devil when equipped. Can be used for 30 days.
Dimensional Item\nCan summon an Agathion - Shiny when equipped. Can be used for 30 days.
Dimensional Item\nCan summon an Agathion - Sobbing when equipped. Can be used for 30 days.
Dimensional Item\nThis sealing charm can summon a Love Agathion when equipped. Can be used for 7 days.
Dimensional Item\nCan summon a Love Agathion when equipped. Can be used for 30 days.
Dimensional Item\nThis sealing charm can summon a Love Agathion when equipped. Can be used for 7 days.
Charm that summons an Agathion.
Charm that summons a cute Rudolph Agathion. Limited-time item (14-day).
Can summon a Love Agathion when equipped in the main Agathion slot. Can be used for 14 days. No restore after deletion a
Can summon a Juju Agathion when equipped in the main Agathion slot. Can be used for 14 days. Restoration unavailable af
Charm that summons a cute Agathion - Antharas.
Charm that summons a cute Agathion - Nevit's Messenger Kanna.
When equipped, you can summon a fairy Agathion.
Charm that summons a Propeller Agathion. Can use a skill that teleports party members back to town after summoning the A
Charm that summons a Magical Girl Agathion. Can use a skill that teleports party members back to town after summoning the
Charm that summons a Cobra Agathion. Can use a skill that teleports party members back to town after summoning the Aga
Charm that summons a Baby Ufa Agathion. Can use a skill that teleports party members back to town after summoning the A
Charm that summons a Bae Kisung Agathion. 90-day limited item. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bae K
Charm that summons a Bae Kisung Agathion. 1-day limited item. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bae K
Charm that summons an Anakim Holy Barrier Agathion, which consists of Anakim's 5 spheres.\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced P
Charm that summons an Anakim Holy Barrier Agathion, which consists of Anakim's 5 spheres.\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced P
Charm that summons an Agathion - Joon. 30-day limited item. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. \n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Joon's M
Can summon an Agathion - Shiny when equipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Enables teleportation to Town of
Can summon Zaken's Spirit Swords when equipped.
Charm that summons a Lantern Agathion. Requires room in the inventory and the weight limit to receive Lantern Agathion's G
Dimensional Item\nCan summon a Makeshift Bat Agathion when equipped. Can be used for 7 days.
Dimensional Item\nCan summon a Cow Agathion when equipped. Can be used for 7 days.
Dimensional Item\nCan summon a Griffin Agathion when equipped. Can be used for 7 days.
Dimensional Item\nCan summon a Makeshift Bat Agathion when equipped. Can be used for 30 days.
Dimensional Item\nCan summon a Cow Agathion when equipped.
Dimensional Item\nCan summon a Cow Agathion when equipped. Can be used for 30 days.
Dimensional Item\nCan summon a Griffin Agathion when equipped. Can be used for 30 days.
Dimensional Item\nCan summon a Griffin Agathion when equipped.
Bracelet that summons a Pegasus Agathion.
Dimensional Item\nCan summon a Makeshift Bat Agathion when equipped.
Warrior's Circlet.\n\n<Upgrade Requirement>\nEnchant to +5 to upgrade to a Noble Warrior's Circlet.
Noble Warrior's Circlet. \n\n<Upgrade Requirement>\nEnchant to +5 to upgrade to a Radiant Warrior's Circlet.\nCan be augm
Radiant Warrior's Circlet.\nCan be augmented.
Wizard's Circlet.\n\n<Upgrade Requirement>\nEnchant to +5 to upgrade to a Noble Wizard's Circlet.
Noble Wizard's Circlet.\n\n<Upgrade Requirement>\nEnchant to +5 to upgrade to a Rdiant Wizard's Circlet.\nCan be augmen
Radiant Wizard's Circlet.\nCan be augmented.

Pagina 690

Knight's Circlet.\n\n<Upgrade Requirement>\nEnchant to +5 to upgrade to a Noble Knight's Circlet.

Noble Knight's Circlet.\n\n<Upgrade Requirement>\nEnchant to +5 to upgrade to a Radiant Knight's Circlet.\nCan be augmen
Radiant Knight's Circlet.\nCan be augmented.
NPC only costume
Can be worn when your level is at least 85 and your clan is at least level 8.\n\n<Upgrade Condition>\nCan be upgraded to lev
Can be worn when your level is at least 99 and your clan is at least level 10.\n\n<Upgrade Condition>\nCan be upgraded to le
Can be worn when your level is at least 105 and your clan is at least level 12.\n\n<Upgrade Condition>\nCan be upgraded to
Can be worn when your level is at least 110 and your clan is at least level 13.
Not open
Not open
Not open
Not open
Can be worn when your level is at least 85 and your clan is at least level 8.\n\n<Upgrade Condition>\nCan be upgraded to lev
Can be worn when your level is at least 99 and your clan is at least level 10.\n\n<Upgrade Condition>\nCan be upgraded to le
Can be worn when your level is at least 105 and your clan is at least level 12.\n\n<Upgrade Condition>\nCan be upgraded to
Can be worn when your level is at least 110 and your clan is at least level 13.
Bracelet received after completing Herphah's mission. MP +187. Activates 5 Talisman slots when equipped.
Equipping it summons a Training Fairy Agathion.
A bracelet received as a reward for defeating Antharas with the Balthus Knights. When equipped, STR/ DEX/ CON/ INT/ WIT
Not open
Not open
Not open
Not open
Dimensional Item\nMP +59, P./ M. Def. +15%, CON/ MEN+3, Earth/ Holy Attribute Resistance +30, Bleed Atk./ Def. Success
Dimensional Item\nMP +59, P./ M. Def. +15%, CON/ MEN+3, Earth/ Holy Attribute Resistance +30, Bleed Atk./ Def. Success
Dimensional Item\nMP +59, P./ M. Def. +15%, CON/ MEN+3, Earth/ Holy Attribute Resistance +30, Bleed Atk./ Def. Success
Dimensional Item\nMP +79, HP +625, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +20%, M. Critical Rate +20, STR/ INT+3, Fire Attribute Resistan
Dimensional Item\nMP +79, HP +625, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +20%, M. Critical Rate +20, STR/ INT+3, Fire Attribute Resistan
Dimensional Item\nMP +79, HP +625, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +20%, M. Critical Rate +20, STR/ INT+3, Fire Attribute Resistan
Dimensional Item\nMP +59, P./ M. Critical Damage +10%, Movement Speed +5, DEX/ WIT +3, Wind/ Dark Attribute Resistan
Dimensional Item\nMP +59, P./ M. Critical Damage +10%, Movement Speed +5, DEX/ WIT +3, Wind/ Dark Attribute Resistan
Dimensional Item\nMP +59, P./ M. Critical Damage +10%, Movement Speed +5, DEX/ WIT +3, Wind/ Dark Attribute Resistan
Adventure Guild Talisman
Belt imbued with the concentrated energies of Nurka, Gustav, and Lidia. Max HP/ MP/ CP +500, Damage +6%, Received Da
Belt imbued with the concentrated energies of Nurka, Gustav, and Lidia. Max HP/ MP/ CP +500, Damage +7%, Received Da
Enhanced Ruler's Authority. Max HP/ MP/ CP +1000, Weight +25600, Damage +10%, Received Damage -10%, Damage Re
When equipped, P. Skill Critical Damage +10%.
When equipped, M. Skill Critical Damage +10%.
When used, Physical and Magic Def. are maximized for 15 sec. Cooldown of 20 min.
When used, debuff resistance increases for 15 sec. Cooldown of 20 min.
When equipped, STR +5. The effect does not stack when two or more identical Talismans or a Mysterious Talisman with the
When equipped, INT +5. The effect does not stack when two or more identical Talismans or a Mysterious Talisman with the s
When equipped, DEX +5. The effect does not stack when two or more identical Talismans or a Mysterious Talisman with the
When equipped, WIT +5. The effect does not stack when two or more identical Talismans or a Mysterious Talisman with the s
When equipped, CON +5. The effect does not stack when two or more identical Talismans or a Mysterious Talisman with the
When equipped, MEN +5. The effect does not stack when two or more identical Talismans or a Mysterious Talisman with the
When equipped, Attack Attribute +50. The effect does not stack when two or more identical Talismans or a Mysterious Talism
When equipped, P. Def. +50. The effect does not stack when two or more identical Talismans or a Mysterious Talisman with
When equipped, Vitality Bonus +10%.

Pagina 691

When equipped, P. Skill Power +5%.

When equipped, M. Skill Power +5%.
When equipped, P. Atk. +5%.
When equipped, M. Atk. +5%.
When equipped, P. Def. +10%.
When equipped, M. Def. +10%.
When equipped, Atk. Spd. +5%.
When equipped, Casting Spd. +5%.
When equipped, P. Accuracy +16.
When equipped, M. Accuracy +16.
When equipped, Shield Def. +50%.
When equipped, Max HP +10%.
When equipped, Max MP +10%.
When equipped, Movement Speed +15.
A magical t-shirt infused with Einhasad's energy.\n\n<Item Skill>\nM. Def. +15. \nMovement Speed +7. \nMax HP +536. Max
A magical t-shirt specialized for physical defense.\n\n<Item Skill>\nM. Def. +15. \nMovement Speed +7. \nMax HP +536. Max
A magical t-shirt specialized for magical defense.\n\n<Item Skill>\nM. Def. +15. \nMovement Speed +7. \nMax HP +536. Max
When equipped, Sayha's power increases P. Def. by 1126, M. Def. by 736, and Acquired XP/ SP by 10%. Equipping it with V
A Dragon Skin Shirt.\n\n<Upgrade Condition>\nCan be upgraded to a Dragon Leather Shirt when enchanted to +5.\nFor char
A Dragon Leather Shirt.\n\n<Upgrade Condition>\nCan be upgraded to a Dragon Rind Leather Shirt when enchanted to +5.\n
A Dragon Rind Leather Shirt.\nFor characters Lv. 105 or above.
A charm that activates the power of Masia's Guard Agathion.\nUnique Abilities become active only when applied to a heavy a
A charm that activates the power of Paulina's Guard Agathion.\nUnique Abilities become active only when applied to a light a
A charm that activates the power of Tersi's Guard Agathion.\nUnique abilities become active only when applied to a robe set
When equipped, it activates one main Agathion slot and two auxiliary slots. Can be enchanted through Fishing Guild Leader
When equipped, it activates one main Agathion slot and three auxiliary slots. Can be enchanted through Fishing Guild Leade
When equipped, it activates one main Agathion slot and four auxiliary slots.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Provides
A mask granted only to those credited for saving Aden by helping the Blackbird Clan defeat Etis van Etina at the Savior's Pat

A ring purchased with the Marks of Battle.\nMax MP +33, Max CP +10%, Stun/ Paralysis/ Knock Back/ Knock Down Success
When equipped, increases Damage by 20% and P. Atk. by 9% for Soulshot and Beast Soulshot. If identical Gems are equipp
When equipped, increases damage of Spiritshot and Blessed Spiritshot by 20% and M. Atk. by 13%. If identical Gems are eq
When equipped, increases Attack Attribute by 120 and all Attribute Resistance by 70. If identical Gems are equipped, only th
When equipped, increases P. Def. by 1986 and decreases Received P. Critical Damage by 5%. Additionally increases P. Def
When equipped, increases M. Def. by 1150 and decreases Received M. Critical Damage by 5%. Additionally increases M. De
Angel's Necklace.\nEnchantment increases Stun/ Paralysis/ Bleed Resistance and Atk. Rate, Speed, Damage Reflection, P./
When equipped, increases Skill Power by 5% and Skill Critical Damage by 10%.
When equipped, increases Attack Attribute by 70 and Normal Critical Damage by 10%.
When equipped, decreases Skill Cooldown by 5% and increases P. Def./ M. Def. by 10%.
When equipped, activates Talisman Slot 6. CHA +5.
A shining magic T-shirt imbued with Einhasad's Energy.\n\n<Item Skill>\nIncreases M. Def. by 14. \nIncreases Speed by 7. \n
Equip it to use the Talisman - Battle: Cancel Hide skill. This skill cancels hiding buffs of enemies within range and can be use
Equip it to use the Talisman - Battle: Cancel Hide skill. This skill cancels hiding buffs of enemies within range and can be use

Disrupts the target's skill casting. When used on a PC, inflicts damage with 14868 Power and ignores CP. Low chance of killi
Disrupts the target's skill casting. When used on a PC, inflicts damage with 16461 Power and ignores CP. Low chance of killi
Disrupts the target's skill casting. When used on a PC, inflicts damage with 18054 Power and ignores CP. Low chance of killi

Pagina 692

Disrupts the target's skill casting. When used on a PC, inflicts damage with 19647 Power and ignores CP. Low chance of killi
When equipped, increases Damage by 20% and P. Atk. by 10% for Soulshot and Beast Soulshot. If identical Gems are equip
When equipped, increases Damage by 20% and P. Atk. by 11% for Soulshot and Beast Soulshot. If identical Gems are equip
When equipped, increases Damage by 20% and P. Atk. by 13% for Soulshot and Beast Soulshot. If identical Gems are equip
When equipped, increases Damage by 20% and P. Atk. by 15% for Soulshot and Beast Soulshot. If identical Gems are equip
When equipped, increases damage of Spiritshot and Blessed Spiritshot by 20% and M. Atk. by 14%. If identical Gems are eq
When equipped, increases damage of Spiritshot and Blessed Spiritshot by 20% and M. Atk. by 15%. If identical Gems are eq
When equipped, increases damage of Spiritshot and Blessed Spiritshot by 20% and M. Atk. by 17%. If identical Gems are eq
When equipped, increases damage of Spiritshot and Blessed Spiritshot by 20% and M. Atk. by 19%. If identical Gems are eq
When equipped, decreases Received PvP Damage by 15%, releases the attacker's target if you're hit, and increases P. Def./
When equipped, decreases Received PvP Damage by 15%, releases the attacker's target if you're hit, and increases P. Def./
When equipped, decreases Received PvP Damage by 15%, releases the attacker's target if you're hit, and increases P. Def./
When equipped, decreases Received PvP Damage by 15%, releases the attacker's target if you're hit, and increases P. Def./
When equipped, increases Attack Attribute by 120 and all Attribute Resistance by 80. If identical Gems are equipped, only th
When equipped, increases Attack Attribute by 120 and all Attribute Resistance by 90. If identical Gems are equipped, only th
When equipped, increases Attack Attribute by 120 and all Attribute Resistance by 100. If identical Gems are equipped, only t
When equipped, increases Attack Attribute by 120 and all Attribute Resistance by 120. If identical Gems are equipped, only t
When equipped, increases STR by 3, DEX by 3, CON by 4, INT by 3, WIT by 3, MEN by 4, CHA by 3, LUC by 3, and Skill Ma
When equipped, increases STR by 3, DEX by 4, CON by 4, INT by 3, WIT by 4, MEN by 4, CHA by 3, LUC by 3, and Skill Ma
When equipped, increases STR by 4, DEX by 4, CON by 4, INT by 4, WIT by 4, MEN by 4, CHA by 3, LUC by 3, and Skill Ma
When equipped, increases STR by 4, DEX by 4, CON by 4, INT by 4, WIT by 4, MEN by 4, CHA by 4, LUC by 4, and Skill Ma
If a skill is used after the gem is equipped, there is a 15% chance of restoring 136 MP, decreasing Skill Cooldown by 5%, and
If a skill is used after the gem is equipped, there is a 15% chance of restoring 136 MP, decreasing Skill Cooldown by 5%, and
If a skill is used after the gem is equipped, there is a 15% chance of restoring 136 MP, decreasing Skill Cooldown by 5%, and
If a skill is used after the gem is equipped, there is a 15% chance of restoring 136 MP, decreasing Skill Cooldown by 5%, and
When equipped, increases P. Def. by 2128 and decreases Received P. Critical Damage by 6%. Additionally increases P. Def
When equipped, increases P. Def. by 2317 and decreases Received P. Critical Damage by 7%. Additionally increases P. Def
When equipped, increases P. Def. by 2558 and decreases Received P. Critical Damage by 8%. Additionally increases P. Def
When equipped, increases P. Def. by 2837 and decreases Received P. Critical Damage by 10%. Additionally increases P. De
When equipped, increases M. Def. by 1375 and decreases Received M. Critical Damage by 6%. Additionally increases M. De
When equipped, increases M. Def. by 1485 and decreases Received M. Critical Damage by 7%. Additionally increases M. De
When equipped, increases M. Def. by 1621 and decreases Received M. Critical Damage by 8%. Additionally increases M. De
When equipped, increases M. Def. by 1785 and decreases Received M. Critical Damage by 10%. Additionally increases M. D
When equipped, increases Bonus XP gain in Vitality state by 32%, and decreases Vitality Consumption Spd. by 16%. Additio
When equipped, increases Bonus XP gain in Vitality state by 34%, and decreases Vitality Consumption Spd. by 17%. Additio
When equipped, increases Bonus XP gain in Vitality state by 36%, and decreases Vitality Consumption Spd. by 18%. Additio
When equipped, increases Bonus XP gain in Vitality state by 40%, and decreases Vitality Consumption Spd. by 20%. Additio
When equipped, increases All Debuff Defense Success Rates by 30%, Reflect Resistance by 3%, and removes Stun/ Silence
When equipped, increases All Debuff Defense Success Rates by 30%, Reflect Resistance by 6%, and removes Stun/ Silence
When equipped, increases All Debuff Defense Success Rates by 30%, Reflect Resistance by 9%, and removes Stun/ Silence
When equipped, increases All Debuff Defense Success Rates by 30%, Reflect Resistance by 15%, and removes Stun/ Silenc
When used, creates a barrier that absorbs 55000 Damage for 15 sec, and instantly restores 15% of Max HP. If identical Gem
When used, creates a barrier that absorbs 60000 Damage for 15 sec, and instantly restores 15% of Max HP. If identical Gem
When used, creates a barrier that absorbs 65000 Damage for 15 sec, and instantly restores 15% of Max HP. If identical Gem
When used, creates a barrier that absorbs 70000 Damage for 15 sec, and instantly restores 15% of Max HP. If identical Gem
When equipped, increases P. Critical Damage by 13%, P. Skill Critical Damage by 13%, P. Skill Power by 5%. If identical Ge
When equipped, increases P. Critical Damage by 13%, P. Skill Critical Damage by 13%, P. Skill Power by 6%. If identical Ge
When equipped, increases P. Critical Damage by 14%, P. Skill Critical Damage by 14%, P. Skill Power by 6%. If identical Ge
When equipped, increases P. Critical Damage by 15%, P. Skill Critical Damage by 15%, P. Skill Power by 7%. If identical Ge

Pagina 693

When equipped, increases M. Skill Critical Damage by 13% and M. Skill Power by 5%. If identical Gems are equipped, only t
When equipped, increases M. Skill Critical Damage by 13% and M. Skill Power by 6%. If identical Gems are equipped, only t
When equipped, increases M. Skill Critical Damage by 14% and M. Skill Power by 6%. If identical Gems are equipped, only t
When equipped, increases M. Skill Critical Damage by 15% and M. Skill Power by 7%. If identical Gems are equipped, only t
An Angel's earring.\nEnchanting increases Stun/ Mental/ Sleep Resistance and Atk. Rate, Received Healing, Vampiric Rage,
A magical bracelet with the restored power of Lucien, an ancient Dwarf king. Enchantment increases P. Atk., according to the
A magical bracelet with the restored power of Lucien, an ancient Dwarf king. Enchantment increases M. Atk., according to the
A magical bracelet with the restored power of Lucien, an ancient Dwarf king. Enchantment increases P. Def./ M. Def., accord
If equipped by Sayha's power, increases P. Def. by 1576, M. Def. by 1030, and Acquired XP/ SP by 20%. If equipped along w
Fallen Angel's Ring.\nEnchantment increases Knock Back/ Knock Down/ Pull/ Faint Resistance and Attack Success, Vitality B
Radiant Warrior's Circlet.\nAugment allowed.
Radiant Wizard's Circlet.\nAugment allowed.
Radiant Knight's Circlet.\nAugment allowed.
Activates 5 Jewel Slots when equipped. Adds 12 inventory slots.
When equipped, P. Def. +1986 and decreases P. Critical Damage Received. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect o
When equipped, M. Def. +1150 and decreases M. Critical Damage Received. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect
When equipped, increases Damage by 20% for Soulshot and Beast Soulshot. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect
When equipped, Spiritshot and Blessed Spiritshot damage +20%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highe
When equipped, it increases a weapon’s attribute attack power by 120. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the
When equipped, increases Bonus XP gain in Vitality state by 40%, and decreases Vitality Consumption Spd. by 20%. Additio
Activates 1 Artifact - Attack slot, 1 Artifact - Protection slot, 1 Artifact - Support slot, 4 Artifact - Balance slots when equipped.\
Activates 2 Artifact - Attack slots, 2 Artifact - Protection slots, 2 Artifact - Support slots, 8 Artifact - Balance slots when equipp
Activates 3 Artifact - Attack slots, 3 Artifact - Protection slots, 3 Artifact - Support slots, 12 Artifact - Balance slots when equip
An artifact that increases P. Atk. Can be equipped in an artifact balance slot.\nEnchantment increases P. Atk.\nEnchantment
An artifact that increases M. Atk. Can be equipped in an artifact fight slot.\nEnchantment increases M. Atk.\nEnchantment us
An artifact that increases Atk. Spd. Can be equipped in an artifact fight slot.\nEnchantment increases Atk. Spd.\nEnchantmen
An artifact that increases Casting Spd. Can be equipped in an artifact fight slot.\nEnchantment increases Casting Spd.\nEnch
An artifact that increases P. Def. Can be equipped in an artifact protection slot.\nEnchantment increases P. Def.\nEnchantme
An artifact that increases M. Def. Can be equipped in an artifact protection slot.\nEnchantment increases M. Def.\nEnchantm
An artifact that increases Max HP. Can be equipped in an artifact protection slot.\nEnchantment increases Max HP.\nEnchan
An artifact that increases Max MP. Can be equipped in an artifact protection slot.\nEnchantment increases Max MP.\nEnchan
An artifact that increases XP and SP. Can be equipped in an artifact support slot.\nEnchantment increases XP and SP gains.
An artifact that increases Vampiric Rage. Can be equipped in an artifact support slot.\nEnchantment increases Vampiric Rag
An artifact that increases Movement Speed. Can be equipped in an artifact support slot.\nEnchantment increases Movement
An artifact that increases Received Healing. Can be equipped in an artifact support slot.\nEnchantment increases Received H
An artifact that increases P. Atk. Can be equipped in an artifact balance slot.\nEnchantment increases P. Atk.\nEnchantment
An artifact that increases M. Atk. Can be equipped in an artifact balance slot.\nEnchantment increases M. Atk.\nEnchantmen
An artifact that increases P. Accuracy. Can be equipped in an artifact balance slot.\nEnchantment increases P. Accuracy.\nE
An artifact that increases M. Accuracy. Can be equipped in an artifact balance slot.\nEnchantment increases M. Accuracy.\nE
An artifact that can increase Normal Attack Critical Rate. Can be equipped in an artifact balance slot.\nEnchantment increase
An artifact that can increase P. Skill Critical Rate. Can be equipped in an artifact balance slot.\nEnchantment increases P. Sk
An artifact that can increase M. Skill Critical Rate. Can be equipped in an artifact balance slot.\nEnchantment increases M. S
An artifact that boosts the effects of Recovery Potion/ Elixirs. Can be equipped in an artifact balance slot.\nEnchantment incre
An artifact that reduces the damage received while action-prohibited. Can be equipped in an artifact balance slot.\nEnchantm
An artifact that increases Atk. Attribute. Can be applied to Artifact - Balance slots.\nAtk. Attribute +30 when equipped.\nCan b
An artifact that increases Attribute Resistance. Can be applied to Artifact - Balance slots.\nAttribute Resistance +30 when equ
An artifact that reduces Received Damage when Immobilized. Can be applied to Artifact - Balance slots.\nReceived Damage
An artifact that increases P. Skill Power. Can be applied to Artifact - Balance slots.\nP. Skill Power +11% when equipped.\n\n
An artifact that increases M. Skill Power. Can be applied to Artifact - Balance slots.\nM. Skill Power +11% when equipped.\n\n

Pagina 694

An artifact that decreases the fixed damage. Can be equipped in an artifact balance slot.\nEnchantment decreases the fixed
When equipped, it activates one main Agathion slot and one auxiliary slots.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Provides
MP +59, P. Def./ M. Def. +15%, CON/ MEN+3, Earth/ Holy Attribute Resistance +30, Bleed Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, S
MP +79, HP +625, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +20%, M. Critical Rate +20, STR/ INT+3, Fire Attribute Resistance +30, Dark Attribu
MP +59, P./ M. Critical Damage +10%, Movement Speed +5, DEX/ WIT +3, Wind/ Dark Attribute Resistance +30, Petrify Atk.
An event hair accessory.\nGrants you all the Might, Foresight, and Grace Circlet set effects of +7 Savior's Mask. Occupies 1
A hat with red and white mixed that Polish soccer fans often wear. Occupies 2 accessory slots.
Dimensional item\nAn Eternal Helmet whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade pena
Dimensional item\nAn Eternal Breastplate whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade p
Dimensional item\nEternal Gaiters whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty
Dimensional item\nEternal Gauntlets whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penal
Dimensional item\nEternal Boots whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty fr
Dimensional item\nAn Eternal Leather Helmet whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo gra
Dimensional item\nEternal Leather Armor whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade p
Dimensional item\nEternal Leather Leggings whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grad
Dimensional item\nEternal Leather Gloves whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade
Dimensional item\nEternal Leather Boots whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade p
Dimensional item\nAn Eternal Circlet whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penal
Dimensional item\nAn Eternal Tunic whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalt
Dimensional item\nEternal Stockings whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penal
Dimensional item\nEternal Gloves whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty f
Dimensional item\nEternal Shoes whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty fr
Dimensional item\nAn Eternal Sigil whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty
Dimensional item\nAn Eternal Necklace whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade pe
Dimensional item\nEternal Earrings whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty
Dimensional item\nEternal Earrings whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty
Dimensional item\nAn Eternal Ring whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty
Dimensional item\nAn Eternal Ring whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty
Dimensional item\nAn Eternal Bracelet whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade pen
Bestows a heavy armor enchantment option.
Bestows a heavy armor enchantment option. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Bestows a heavy armor enchantment option.
Bestows a heavy armor enchantment option.
Bestows a heavy armor enchantment option.
Bestows a light armor enchantment option.
Bestows a light armor enchantment option. When +4 enchanted, increases Evasion, Movement Speed, and Physical Attack R
Bestows a light armor enchantment option.
Bestows a light armor enchantment option.
Bestows a light armor enchantment option.
Bestows a robe enchantment option.
Bestows a robe enchantment option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and MEN Resistance Decreases P. Critic
Bestows a robe enchantment option.
Bestows a robe enchantment option.
Bestows a robe enchantment option.
Bestows a robe enchantment option.
When equipped, Skill Power +5% and Skill Critical Damage +10%.
When equipped, Attack Attribute +70 and Normal Critical Damage +10%.
When equipped, Skill Cooldown -5% and P. Def./ M. Def. +10%.

Pagina 695

Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the cha

PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchante
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchante
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchante
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 3%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 8%. Decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. D
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 5%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 3%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 8%. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physi
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 5%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 3%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 8%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Att
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 5%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%.
PvP Enchant Type Item. Decreases damage from a PC by 2%.
PvP/ PvE enchant type item. All Damage Received -3%, P. Atk. +2%, and M. Atk. +4%.
PvP/ PvE enchant type item. All Damage Received -8%, P. Atk. +2%, and M. Atk. +4%. When +4 enchanted, decreases P. C
PvP/ PvE enchant type item. All Damage Received -5%, P. Atk. +2%, and M. Atk. +4%.
PvP/ PvE enchant type item. All Damage Received -2%, P. Atk. +2%, and M. Atk. +4%.
PvP/ PvE enchant type item. All Damage Received -2%, P. Atk. +2%, and M. Atk. +4%.

Pagina 696

PvP/ PvE enchant type item. All Damage Received -3%, P. Atk. +2%, and M. Atk. +4%.
PvP/ PvE enchant type item. All Damage Received -8%, P. Atk. +2%, and M. Atk. +4%. When +4 enchanted, increases Evas
PvP/ PvE enchant type item. All Damage Received -5%, P. Atk. +2%, and M. Atk. +4%.
PvP/ PvE enchant type item. All Damage Received -2%, P. Atk. +2%, and M. Atk. +4%.
PvP/ PvE enchant type item. All Damage Received -2%, P. Atk. +2%, and M. Atk. +4%.
PvP/ PvE enchant type item. All Damage Received -3%, P. Atk. +2%, and M. Atk. +4%.
PvP/ PvE enchant type item. Decreases all damage received by 8%. P. Atk. +1%, M. Atk. +2%. When enchanted to +4, incre
PvP/ PvE enchant type item. All Damage Received -5%, P. Atk. +2%, and M. Atk. +4%.
PvP/ PvE enchant type item. All Damage Received -2%, P. Atk. +2%, and M. Atk. +4%.
PvP/ PvE enchant type item. All Damage Received -2%, P. Atk. +2%, and M. Atk. +4%.
Enchantment effects: Casting Spd. +5%, M. Skill Power +2%, P. Skill Power -10%.
A Twilight Bracelet with Paulina's power. When equipped, increases STR/ DEX/ CON/ INT/ WIT/ MEN by 1 and allows up to 5
A limited-edition cloak that a Dwarf Artisan has stitched with great care to celebrate the opening of the Bloody Server. Can be
A dragon’s necklace.\nEnchantment adds abilities to increase Stun/ Paralysis/ Poison/ Bleed attack success rates and resista
A dragon’s earring.\nEnchantment adds abilities to increase Stun/ Faint/ Sleep/ Pull attack success rates and resistance, dec
A dragon’s ring.\nEnchantment adds abilities to increase Stun/ MEN/ Knock Back/ Knock Down/ Aerial Yoke Resistance, Atta
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchante
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchante
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchante
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchante
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchante
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchante
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
Bloody Magic Necklace.\nMP +62, Skill Cooldown -10%, Damage Reflection +4%, Movement Speed +3.\nNo Enchantment o
Bloody Magic Earring.\nMP +46, Heal Received 10%, HP Drain on Hit +4%.\nNo Enchantment or Crystallization allowed.
Bloody Magic Earrings.\nMP +46, Heal Received +10%, MP Consumption -4%.\nNo Enchantment or Crystallization allowed.

Pagina 697

A Bloody Magic Ring.\nMP +31, Normal/ P./ M. Skill Critical Damage +15%, Atk./ Casting Spd. +4%.\nNo Enchantment or Cr
A Bloody Magic Ring.\nMP +31, Normal/ P./ M. Skill Critical Damage +15%, P./ M. Critical Rate +20%.\nNo Enchantment or C
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchante
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchante
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 3%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 8%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchante
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 5%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.
PvE enchant type item. Decreases damage from an NPC by 2%. Increases P. Atk. by 1% and M. Atk. by 2%.

Vitality Bonus +52% and Vitality Point Consumption Speed -16%. Acquired XP/ SP +10%. Can use Vital Wind skill. Effect doe
Vitality Bonus +54% and Vitality Point Consumption Speed -17%. Acquired XP/ SP +10%. Can use Vital Wind skill. Effect doe
Vitality Bonus +56% and Vitality Point Consumption Speed -18%. Acquired XP/ SP +10%. Can use Vital Wind skill. Effect doe
Vitality Bonus +60% and Vitality Point Consumption Speed -20%. Acquired XP/ SP +10%. Can use Vital Wind skill. Effect doe
Debuff Defense Success Rate +30%, Reflect Resistance +3%, and when receiving damage from a PC, Stun/ Silence are can
Debuff Defense Success Rate +30%, Reflect Resistance +6%, and when receiving damage from a PC, Stun/ Silence are can
Debuff Defense Success Rate +30%, Reflect Resistance 9%, and when receiving damage from a PC, Stun/ Silence are canc
Debuff Defense Success Rate +30%, Reflect Resistance +15%, and when receiving damage from a PC, Stun/ Silence are ca
Debuff Defense Success Rate +30%, Reflect Resistance +3%, and when receiving damage from a PC, Stun/ Silence are can
Debuff Defense Success Rate +30%, Reflect Resistance +6%, and when receiving damage from a PC, Stun/ Silence are can
Debuff Defense Success Rate +30%, Reflect Resistance 9%, and when receiving damage from a PC, Stun/ Silence are canc
Debuff Defense Success Rate +30%, Reflect Resistance +15%, and when receiving damage from a PC, Stun/ Silence are ca
Creates a protection shield that absorbs 55,000 damage for 15 sec. Recover 15% of Max HP instantly. Effect does not stack
Creates a protection shield that absorbs 60,000 damage for 15 sec. Recover 15% of Max HP instantly. Effect does not stack
Creates a protection shield that absorbs 65,000 damage for 15 sec. Recover 15% of Max HP instantly. Effect does not stack
Creates a protection shield that absorbs 70,000 damage for 15 sec. Recover 15% of Max HP instantly. Effect does not stack
Damage Reflection Resistance +55 and there's a 10% chance of reflecting debuffs to the enemy. Can use the invincibility ski
Damage Reflection Resistance +60 and there's a 10% chance of reflecting debuffs to the enemy. Can use the invincibility ski
Damage Reflection Resistance +65 and there's a 15% chance of reflecting debuffs to the enemy. Can use the invincibility ski
Damage Reflection Resistance +70 and there's a 20% chance of reflecting debuffs to the enemy. Can use the invincibility ski
PvP Damage +17%, chance of receiving a critical attack -25%. Can remove invincibility and debuff invincibility. Effect does no
PvP Damage +20%, chance of receiving a critical attack -25%. Can remove invincibility and debuff invincibility. Effect does no
PvP Damage +23%, chance of receiving a critical attack -25%. Can remove invincibility and debuff invincibility. Effect does no
PvP Damage +25%, chance of receiving a critical attack -30%. Can remove invincibility and debuff invincibility. Effect does no
Freya's appearance.

Pagina 698

When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Pagina 699

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Pagina 700

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Pagina 701

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Pagina 702

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Pagina 703

Pagina 704

Bronze sword crafted long ago in memory of the union between the Humans and the Elves.
Steel blade issued to those fighters that have been acknowledged as protectors of the woods.
Staff issued to those magicians that have been acknowledged as protectors of the woods.
The wand presented to those who have finished their studies at the school of magic.
Oak wand enchanted by Gallint's spell. This will capture and seal the spirit of mirrors.

Staff used by warriors belonging to the Red Sunset clan.

Small wooden shield that perpetrators of mages use.

An Oriharukon sword crafted in the Abella style of the east.

Sword used by warriors belonging to the Red Sunset clan.
Steel dagger engraved with the runes of Shilen and Gran Kain.
Old and rusty bronze sword called the 'Sword of Trial'. Use this to hunt Venomous Spiders and Arachnid Trackers.
Favorite bow used by Neti, who was once a Treasure Hunter. Use it when hunting the skeletons and Spartoi of the Ruins of A

Pagina 705

Neti used this dagger when she was a Treasure Hunter. Use it when hunting the skeletons and Spartoi of the Ruins of Agony
Bow given by Guard Moretti. May be efficiently used for some purpose.
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Temporary item for Kamex
Beginner's Two-handed Sword
Spear that guards use.

Sword granted to young Orc Fighters who distinguished themselves at war.

Hammer silversmiths of the ancient Elmoreden used.
Cursed Maingauche. Although its P. Atk. is weak, it gives Bleeding effect with a certain rate during a Critical Attacks.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.

Pagina 706

When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m

When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m

Pagina 707

When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m

Pagina 708

When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
Use this sword to deliver the final blow to the spirit of Sir Herod.
Use this spear to deliver the final blow to Eva's unicorn.
Use this sword to deliver the final blow to the spirit of Sir Herod.
Use this bow to deliver the final blow to Commander Kadesh.
Use this sword to deliver the final blow to Zeruel.
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.
Dagger used in ceremony to raise the purity of blood crystal.
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves, great wolves, and fenril.
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.

Chronicle I Souvenir!!!

When enchanted, P. Atk. of a dual sword increases more significantly than that of one-handed or fist weapon. Can bestow 1
Can be put on by Double-clicking. Exclusively used by a Hatchling.

Pagina 709

Can be put on by Double-clicking. Exclusively used by a Hatchling.

Instrument used to collect the blood of living creatures. Use it to cut Baium and obtain a blood sample.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used

Pagina 710

Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases P. Critical Rate.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases P. Critical Rate during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used

Pagina 711

Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 2.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases P. Critical Rate.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases P. Critical Rate when attacking the target from behind.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
<Special Option>\nAbsorbs the target's HP during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used

Pagina 712

Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
<Special Option>\nHas a 30% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal optio
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nDecreases cooldown by about 10%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas about a 15% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nBroadens the angle of attack.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used

Pagina 713

Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used

Chronicle II Souvenir!!!
Double-click to wear. Exclusively used by a Strider.
Double-click to wear. Exclusively used by a Strider.
Double-click to wear. Exclusively used by a Strider.
Double-click to wear. Exclusively used by a Strider.
Double-click to wear. Exclusively used by a Strider.
Double-click to wear. Exclusively used by a Strider.
Double-click to wear. Exclusively used by a Hatchling.
Double-click to wear. Exclusively used by a Hatchling.
Double-click to wear. Exclusively used by a Hatchling.
Double-click to wear. Exclusively used by a Hatchling.
Double-click to wear. Exclusively used by a Hatchling.

Pagina 714

When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Sealed Dark Crystal Shield. A village blacksmith can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Shield of Nightmare. A village blacksmith can release the seal on this item.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Increases damage inflicted during
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 42% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Attack. Increases
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +32 and decreases Max HP by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 19 HP from the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Increases damage inflicted during
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 30% chance of inflicting an additional power 8 of magical damage on the target during m
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 35% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Attack. Increases
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 38% chance of decreasing MP consumption to 1 during a standard attack. Increases da
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDecreases cooldown by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas an 18% chance of casting Poison on the target during a standard Critical Attack. Increase
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 67. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases P. Critical Rate by 37% when attacking the target from behind. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 12% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Attack. Increases
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 4.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +200 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +38 and decreases Max HP by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Evasion by 6 when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted during P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas about a 25% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nBroadens the angle of attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 4. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nBroadens the angle of attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 10% chance of casting Poison on the target during a standard Critical Attack. Increases
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +31 and decreases Max HP by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Pagina 715

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP consumption by 15% and M. Atk. by 153 during magic use. Increases damage
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 5% chance of casting Paralysis on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +30. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP consumption by 15% and M. Atk. by 167 during magic use. Increases damage
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 10% chance of casting Silence on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 24% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Attack. Increases
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 11 HP from the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +326 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 130 when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted during

When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m

Chronicle III Souvenir!!!

Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used

Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Pagina 716

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

A corroded item. Can be sold at the store.

A corroded item. Can be sold at the store.
A corroded item. Can be sold at the store.
A corroded item. Can be sold at the store.
A corroded item. Can be sold at the store.
A corroded item. Can be sold at the store.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used

Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Divine hero's weapon. During a Critical Attack, casts a P. Def.-decreasing de-buff on the target. Also causes Damage Reflect
Divine hero's weapon. During a Critical Attack, inflicts additional damage on the target. Also has a chance to reflect skills, inc
Divine hero's weapon. During a Critical Attack, inflicts discord on the target. Also causes Damage Reflection. Increases Max
Divine hero's weapon. Recovers HP by 100%. Increases Max MP/ Max CP, Casting Spd., MP Recovery Rate when using ma

Pagina 717

Divine hero's weapon. Inflicts Stun on the target during a Critical Attack. Also Has a chance of causing skill reflect and increa
Divine hero's weapon. Recovers HP 100% and adds holy P. Atk. Has a chance of increasing Max MP, Max CP, M. Atk., and
Divine hero's weapon. During a Critical Attack, inflicts Silence on the target. Also causes Vampiric Rage. Increases success r
Divine hero's weapon. Inflicts Stun on the target during a Critical Attack. Also Has a chance of causing skill reflect and increa
Divine hero's weapon. Inflicts Slow on the target during a Critical Attack Also causes Cheap Shot. Decreases cooldown. Incre
Divine hero's weapon. During a Critical Attack, inflicts physical skill Silence on the target. Also Has a chance of causing skill r
Divine hero's weapon. During a Critical Attack, inflicts cancel on the target. Also Has a chance of causing skill reflect and incr
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield. Its seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon.

Shield that can only be used by the members of a clan that owns a clan hall. Cannot be transferred between servers.

Shield that can only be used by the members of a clan that owns a castle. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Chronicle IV Souvenir!!!

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used

Pagina 718

Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Apprentice Adventurer's Staff. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used
Apprentice Adventurer's Bone Club. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot b
Apprentice Adventurer's Knife. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be use
Apprentice Adventurer's Cestus. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be us
Apprentice Adventurer's Bow. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used
Apprentice Adventurer's Long Sword. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot
Traveler's Mace. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
Traveler's Dark Elven Bow. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
Traveler's Longbow. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
Traveler's Staff. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
Traveler's Bastard Sword. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
Traveler's Scroll. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
Traveler's Jamadh. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
Traveler's Tomahawk. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
Traveler's Poniard Dagger. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
Traveler's Pike. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Pagina 719

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Frintezza's sword of transformation.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +270 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 18 HP from the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +32 and decreases Max HP by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted duri
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas an 8% chance of casting Curse Poison on the target during magic use. Increases damag

Pagina 720

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP consumption by 15%, M. Atk. by 167. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 10% chance of casting Silence on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflic
Deadly and powerful magical sword that was once wielded by the devil Bremnon himself. It is always thirsty for blood. Canno

Chronicle V Souvenir!!!

For the PA coupon event. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
For the PA coupon event. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
For the PA coupon event. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
For the PA coupon event. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
For the PA coupon event. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
For the PA coupon event. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
For the PA coupon event. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
For the PA coupon event. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
For the PA coupon event. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
For the PA coupon event. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
For the PA coupon event. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
For the PA coupon event. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
For the PA coupon event. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
For the PA coupon event. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
For the PA coupon event. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
For the PA coupon event. This item cannot be crystallized or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.

Pagina 721

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
This demonic twin blade was forged by Gran Kain, the god of chaos. It needs the fresh blood of a PK at least every 24 hours
Trap weapon used on the Primeval Isle.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 15% chance of casting Poison on the target during a regular Critical Attack. Increases d
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +32 and decreases Max HP by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 67. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +200 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases P. Critical Rate by 37 when attacking the target from behind. Increases damage infl
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas about a 25% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nBroadens the angle of attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 30% chance of decreasing MP consumption to 1 during a standard attack. Increases da
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDecreases cooldown by about 17%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance to absorb 14 HP from the target during a critical attack. Increases damage inflic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 50% chance of casting Mental Shield on the target during magic use. Increases damag
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Focus on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicte
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Increases damage inflicted during
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 10% chance of casting Silence on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 50% chance of casting Mental Shield on the target during magic use. Increases damag
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Two-handed Sword. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Crimson Sword. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Spiked Club. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha

Pagina 722

This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Staff of Magic. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Kukuri. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantmen
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Dagger of Mana. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Triple-Edged Jamadh. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besid
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Gastraphetes. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a War Hammer. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Katana. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantme
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Bec de Corbin. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Cursed Staff. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Stiletto. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantme
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Soulfire Dirk. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of an Elemental Bow. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Dwarven War Hammer. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions bes
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Sword of Revolution. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions beside
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Knuckle Duster. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Sword of Delusion. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Poleaxe. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Stick of Eternity. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of an Inferno Staff. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Pa'agrio Hammer. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides e
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Dark Screamer. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of an Akat Longbow. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Pa'agrian Sword. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Fisted Blade. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Stormbringer. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Great Sword. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Heavy War Axe. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Spirit's Staff. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Keshanberk. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Sword of Valhalla. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides e
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Kris. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of an Arthro Nail. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Dark Elven Longbow. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions beside
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Swords of Delusion. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides e
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Great Axe. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchant
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Tallum Blade. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Halberd. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantme
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Dasparion's Staff. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides e
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Bloody Orchid. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Blood Tornado. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Carnage Bow. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of Dual Keshanberks. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Meteor Shower. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of an Infernal Master. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Sword of Delusion. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Poleaxe. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Stick of Eternity. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of an Inferno Staff. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Pa'agrio Hammer. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides e

Pagina 723

This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Dark Screamer. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of an Akat Longbow. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Pa'agrian Sword. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Fisted Blade. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Stormbringer. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Great Spear. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Falchion. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of an Iron Hammer. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Voodoo Doll. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Flanged Mace. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Mage Staff. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchan
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Sword Breaker. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Viper Fang. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchan
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Compound Bow. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Crucifix of Blessing. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Two-handed Sword. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Crimson Sword. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Spiked Club. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Staff of Magic. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Kukuri. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantmen
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Dagger of Mana. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Triple-Edged Jamadh. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besid
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Gastraphetes. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a War Hammer. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Sword of Delusion. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Poleaxe. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Stick of Eternity. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of an Inferno Staff. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Pa'agrio Hammer. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides e
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Dark Screamer. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of an Akat Longbow. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Pa'agrian Sword. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Fisted Blade. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Stormbringer*Stormbringer. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Great Sword. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Heavy War Axe. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Spirit's Staff. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Keshanberk. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Sword of Valhalla. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides e
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Kris. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of an Arthro Nail. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Dark Elven Longbow. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions beside
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Sword of Delusion*Sword of Delusion. It cannot be crystallized or granted
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Great Axe. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchant
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Tallum Blade. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Halberd. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantme
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Dasparion's Staff. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides e

Pagina 724

This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Bloody Orchid. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Blood Tornado. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Carnage Bow. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Keshanberk*Keshanberk. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions be
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Meteor Shower. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of an Infernal Master. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Keshanberk*Damascus. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions bes
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Dragon Slayer. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Sword of Miracles. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides e
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of an Elysian. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Branch of the Mother Tree. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions b
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Soul Separator. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Dragon Grinder. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Soul Bow. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Tallum Glaive. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Dark Legion's Edge. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Bone Shield. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Hoplon. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantme
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Compound Shield. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides e
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Zubei's Shield. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Dark Crystal Shield. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Shield of Nightmares. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions beside

Shoots a harmless heart-tipped arrow and allows use of the Forgiveness active skill. (Warning: If you use this skill against a m
Event item. Send a heart with love to select mutated creatures. The active skills "Heart Shot" and "Double Heart Shot" can be
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Saber Conversion\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk.,
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Heavy Sword Conversion.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Steel Sword Conversion.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Reinforced Bow Conversion.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Bastard Sword Conversion\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk.,
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Spinebone Sword Conversion\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. A
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Artisan's Sword Conversion\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Saber Conversion.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Longbow Conversion.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Scream Sword Conversion\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk.,
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Elven Sword Conversion\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Two-handed Sword Transmutation
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Gastraphetes Conversion.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Revolution Conversion\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Lesser Giant's Sword Conversion.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Reinforced Longbow Conversion.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Elven Long Sword Conversion\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. A
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Claymore Conversion.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Light Bow Conversion.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Stormbringer Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen
Not used
Not used
Not used

Pagina 725

Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Flamberge Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Crystallized Ice Bow\Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shamshir\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Katana\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Spirit Sword\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Raid Sword\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Elemental Bow\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: High Lv. Elven Bow\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Caliburs\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 o
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Delusion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen encha
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Tsurugi\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 o
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Nightmare\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen ench
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Ultimate Sword\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchante

Pagina 726

Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Pa'agrian Sword\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Akat Longbow\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Samurai Long Sword\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enc
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Berserker Blade\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Eminence Bow\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Keshanberk\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Great Sword\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dark Elven Longbow Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Damascus Sword Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nW
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Guardian's Sword Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Bow of Peril Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Tallum Blade Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Tallum Blade Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nPoisons the target with a 10% chance

Pagina 727

Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Tallum Blade Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Incre
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Tallum Blade Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +31 and decreases Max HP by
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Infernal Master Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Infernal Master Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Inc
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Infernal Master Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +297 during a Critical Attack.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Infernal Master Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases d
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Carnage Bow Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Carnage Bow Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nWeight Gauge increases by 20%. Incr
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Carnage Bow Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 35% chance of casting Bleed o
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Carnage Bow Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dark Legion Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen e
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dark Legion Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +326 during a Critical Attack. Inc
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dark Legion Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases d
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dark Legion Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 130 when HP drop
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dragon Slayer Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dragon Slayer Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dragon Slayer Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 24% chance of casting Bleed o
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dragon Slayer Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nUser absorbs 11 HP from the target d
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Soul Bow Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Soul Bow Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDecreased MP consumption by 12% durin
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Soul Bow Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDecreases cooldown by about 15%. Incre
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Soul Bow Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas an 18% chance of casting Poison on
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sirra's Blade Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sirra's Blade Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Incre
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sirra's Blade Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases d
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sirra's Blade Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 15% chance of casting Poison o
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Ipos Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Ipos Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases da
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Ipos Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Incr
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Ipos Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shyeed's Bow Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shyeed's Bow Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDecreased MP consumption by 12%
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shyeed's Bow Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases da
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shyeed's Bow Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDecreases cooldown by about 17%. I
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Forgotten Blade Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWh
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Heaven's Divider Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Draconic Bow Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Sword Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhe
Not used
Not used

Pagina 728

Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Blade Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Bow Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Divine hero's weapon. During a Critical Attack, casts a P. Def.-decreasing de-buff on the target. Also causes Damage Reflect
Divine hero's weapon. During a Critical Attack, inflicts additional damage on the target. Also has a chance to reflect skills, inc
Divine hero's weapon. Inflicts Slow on the target during a Critical Attack Decreases MP consumption during skill use. Increas

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Sealed Dynasty Shield. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.

Double-click to wear. Only for great wolves and fenrir.

Double-click to wear. Only for great wolves and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for great wolves and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for great wolves and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for great wolves and fenrir.
Double-click to wear. Only for great wolves and fenrir.
This sword identifies its wielder as a Warrior of Kamael.

Put this into a the flagpole to win Fortress War. You are forced to wear it once you acquire it, during which time use of Attack
This Shadow Item Has the power of a Chevalier Rapier. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
This Shadow Item Has the power of a Riter Schlager. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
This Shadow Item Has the power of a Ballista. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
This Shadow Item Has the power of a Blinzlasher. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
This Shadow Item Has the power of an Immortal Edge. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
This Shadow Item Has the power of a Tathlum. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
This Shadow Item Has the power of a Military Fleuret. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
This Shadow Item Has the power of an Innominate Victory. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantmen

Pagina 729

This Shadow Item Has the power of a Peacemaker. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Transformed Falchion which is stronger and brighter.
Transformed Great Spear which is stronger and brighter.
Transformed Iron Hammer which is stronger and brighter.
Transformed Sword Breaker which is stronger and brighter.
Transformed Viper Fang which is stronger and brighter.
Transformed Compound Bow which is stronger and brighter.
Transformed Flanged Mace which is stronger and brighter.
Transformed Mage Staff which is stronger and brighter.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Elven Bow Conversion.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dark Elven Bow Conversion.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Knight Sword Conversion\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
A Shadow Item with the power of a Fleuret. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
A Shadow Item with the power of a Military Talwar. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
A Shadow Item with the power of a Hand Crossbow. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
A Shadow Item with the power of a Blinzlasher. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
A Shadow Item with the power of an Immortal Edge. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
A Shadow Item with the power of a Tathlum. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
A Shadow Item with the power of a War Axe. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
A Shadow Item with the power of a War Axe. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.

Pagina 730

Magic lollipop with a cute piggy drawing on it. Makes a piggy noise when striking. Can transform yourself into a cute piggy for

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Sawsword Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nW
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Heavy Arms Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Spitter Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used

Pagina 731

Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Apprentice Adventurer's Staff. Shadow Item. Cannot be crystallized or enchanted. Chaotic characters are not allowed to use
Apprentice Adventurer's Bone Club. Shadow Item. Cannot be crystallized or enchanted. Chaotic characters are not allowed t
Apprentice Adventurer's Knife. Shadow Item. Cannot be crystallized or enchanted. Chaotic characters are not allowed to use
Apprentice Adventurer's Cestus. Shadow Item. Cannot be crystallized or enchanted. Chaotic characters are not allowed to us
Apprentice Adventurer's Bow. Shadow Item. Cannot be crystallized or enchanted. Chaotic characters are not allowed to use
Apprentice Adventurer's Long Sword. Shadow Item. Cannot be crystallized or enchanted. Chaotic characters are not allowed
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of rec
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recoverin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 15% chance of casting Poison on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting add
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inf
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recoverin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of rec
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering C
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting add
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting
<Soul Crystal Enhancement> \nP. Atk. +32 and decreases Max HP by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a ch
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 67. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +200 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases P. Critical Rate by 37 when attacking the target from behind. Increases damage infl
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas about a 25% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nBroadens the angle of attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflictin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 30% chance of decreasing MP consumption to 1 during a standard attack. Increases da
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing A
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDecreases cooldown by about 17%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of ca
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance to absorb 14 HP from the target during a critical attack. Increases damage inflic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 50% chance of casting Mental Shield on the target during magic use. Increases damag
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Focus on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicte
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Increases damage inflicted during
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 10% chance of casting Silence on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflic

Pagina 732

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of incr
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 50% chance of casting Mental Shield on the target during magic use. Increases damag
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sirra's Blade Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damag
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sirra's Blade Conversion \n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage infl
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sirra's Blade Conversion.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 15% chance of casting Poison on the target
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Ipos Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicte
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Ipos Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases dama
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Ipos Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inf
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shyeed's Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nWhen using skills MP consumption is decreased
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shyeed's Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflict
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shyeed's Bow conversion\n<Special Option>\nDecreases cooldown by about 17%. Increases da
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 84. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additio
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional da
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 84. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional dama
<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 3% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage inflicted durin
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during
<Special Option>\nIncreases HP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP dur
<Special Option>\nIncreases HP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additiona
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional da
<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 3% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage inflicted durin
<Special Option> \nP. Atk. +265 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of cancelling 1
<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 3% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage inflicted durin
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional da
<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting addition
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additio
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 80. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of t
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more
<Special Option>\nHas about a 27% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Cast
<Special Option>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting S
<Special Option>\nM. Atk. +60. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attack
<Special Option>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting
<Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted durin
<Special Option>\nHas a 26% chance of decreasing MP consumption to 1 during a standard attack. Increases damage inflict
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 88. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of b
<Special Option>\nHas a chance of casting Slow during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chan
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Forgotten Blade Conversion \n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases da
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Forgotten Blade Conversion \n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Forgotten Blade Conversion \n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 84. Increases damage infl
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Heaven's Divider Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases da
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Heaven's Divider Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Heaven's Divider Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 84. Increases damage inf

Pagina 733

Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Draconic Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>when using the \nSkill MP consumption decreases b
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Draconic Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 88. Increases damage inflicte
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Draconic Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nHas a chance of casting Slow during a Critical Att
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 111. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during a
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during
<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 111. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional dam
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional da
<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additi
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +78 and decreases HP by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recoverin
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 164 when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +78 and decreases HP by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional da
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 164 when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 116. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of
<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of th
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +559 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +78 and decreases HP by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting
<Special Option>\nHas a 48% chance of casting Stun on the target. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of
<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additi
<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 6.8 when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 106. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 10%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Cast
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting S
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting S
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Cast
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting S
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Cast
<Special Option>\nDecreases MP consumption by 4% during a skill attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a cha
<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 5.32. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 116. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Sword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 111. Increases damage infl
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Sword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage in
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Sword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases dam
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Blade Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 111. Increases damage infli
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Blade Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage in
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Blade Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases dam
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nWhen using skills MP consumption is decreased b
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 5.32. Increases damage in
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 116. Increases damage inflict
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used

Pagina 734

Not used
Not used
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu

Pagina 735

Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork Item that increases Evasion.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Evasion.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used

Pagina 736

Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Heal Amount.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crysta
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork item that increases Max HP\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed bl
Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crysta
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted t
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflict

Pagina 737

Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP b
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage i
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Carnage Bow Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhanceme
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Carnage Bow Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhanceme
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Carnage Bow Conversion. \n<Soul Crystal Enhancem
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Tallum Blade Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Tallum Blade Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Tallum Blade Conversion \n<Soul Crystal Enhancement
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nInflicts Bleed on the target with a 42% chance durin
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60%
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted d
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +38 and decreases Max HP by 15%. Increase
Masterwork Item that increases Evasion.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases Evasion.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 67. Increases damage inflicted
Masterwork Item that increases Evasion.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases P. Critical Rate by 37% when attacking t
Masterwork Item that increases Evasion.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nInflicts Bleed on the target with a 12% chance durin
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP consumption by 15% and M. Atk. by 1
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 5% chance of casting Paralysis on the target d
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflict
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas an 8% chance of casting Curse Poison on the ta
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage i
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases dama
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +297 during a Critical Attack. Increases da
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicte
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases dama
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nInflicts Bleed on the target with a 35% chance dur
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inf
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nInflicts Poison on the target with a 10% chance durin
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +31 and decreases Max HP by 15%. Increase
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases dama
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 18 HP from the target during a Criti
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Infernal Master Conversion \n<Soul Crystal Enhancem

Pagina 738

Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Infernal Master Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancem
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Infernal Master Conversion. \n<Soul Crystal Enhance
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas about a 25% chance of casting Stun on
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nWidens the angle of attack. Increases dama
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen ench
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Dark Legion's Edge Transmutation\n<Soul Cry
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Dark Legion's Edge Transmutation\n<Soul Cry
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Dark Legion's Edge Transmutation\n<Soul Cry
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-ha
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\n<Soul Crystal Option>\nOn a critical hit, increases P. Atk. by 326. Inflicts m
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\n<Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Inflicts more damage d
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\n<Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases Critical by 130 when HP drops below 60%
Masterwork Item with chance of HP absorption during an attack.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crys
Masterwork Item with chance of HP absorption during an attack.\nExclusive Weapon: Dragon Slayer Conversion.\n<Soul Cry
Masterwork Item with chance of HP absorption during an attack.\nExclusive Weapon: Dragon Slayer Conversion.\n<Soul Cry
Masterwork Item with chance of HP absorption during an attack.\nExclusive Weapon: Dragon Slayer Conversion.\n<Soul Cry
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\n<Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Inflicts more damage d
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\n<Soul Crystal Option>\nDecreases Max HP by 15% and P. Atk. increases b
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\n<Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops below
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Evasion by 6 when HP drops to 60% or b
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 5. Increases damage
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflic
Masterwork Item with chance of HP absorption during an attack.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crys
Masterwork Item with chance of HP absorption during an attack.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nMax HP +25%. Increases d
Masterwork Item with chance of HP absorption during an attack.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nInflicts Bleed on the target w
Masterwork Item with chance of HP absorption during an attack.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 11 HP from the tar
Masterwork Item that decreases MP consumption when using the skill.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Sou
Masterwork Item that decreases MP consumption when using the skill.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Sp
Masterwork Item that decreases MP consumption when using the skill.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP consum
Masterwork Item that decreases MP consumption upon skill use.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 10% chance of casti
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 30% chance of inflicting an additional power
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage
Masterwork Item that increases Heal Amount.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases Heal Amount.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP consumption by 15%. M. Atk. +
Masterwork Item that increases Heal Amount.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 10% chance of casting Silence on the t
Masterwork Item that increases Heal Amount.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases da
Masterwork Item that increases the attack range.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases the attack range.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Soul Bow Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhance
Masterwork Item that increases the attack range.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Soul Bow Conversion. \n<Soul Crystal Enhanc
Masterwork Item that increases the range.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Soul Bow Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>
Masterwork Item that increases HP Recovery Rate.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Pagina 739

Masterwork Item that increases HP Recovery Rate.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 4. Increase
Masterwork Item that increases HP Recovery Rate.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +200 during a Critical Attack. Inc
Masterwork Item that increases HP Recovery Rate.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP dr
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage infl
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +32 and decreases Max HP by 15%. Increa
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 19 HP from the target during a Critical Att
Masterwork Item that increases the attack range.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases the attack range.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 38% chance of decreasing MP cons
Masterwork Item that increases the attack range.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDecreases cooldown by 15%. Increases da
Masterwork Item that increases the attack range.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nPoisons the target at the chance of 18% du
Masterwork Item that increases HP Recovery Rate.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases HP Recovery Rate.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 4. Increase
Masterwork Item that increases HP Recovery Rate.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases da
Masterwork Item that increases HP Recovery Rate.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nWidens the angle of attack. Increases da
Double-click to wear. Exclusive to Maned Wolves
Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crysta
Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 67. Incre
Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +200 during a Critical
Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases P. Critical Rate by
Masterwork Item that decreases MP consumption when using the skill.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Sou
Masterwork Item that decreases MP consumption when using the skill.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by
Masterwork Item that decreases MP consumption when using the skill.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Sp
Masterwork Item that decreases MP consumption for skill use.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 50% chance of casting
Masterwork Item that increases HP Recovery Rate.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases HP Recovery Rate.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases da
Masterwork Item that increases HP Recovery Rate.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increa
Masterwork Item that increases HP Recovery Rate.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases dama
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Shyeed's Bow Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhanceme
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Shyeed's Bow Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhanceme
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Shyeed's Bow Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhanceme
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted d
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicte
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +32 and decreases Max HP by 15%. Increase
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Ipos Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Sou
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Ipos Conversion. \n<Soul Crystal Enhancem
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Ipos Conversion. \n<Soul Crystal Enhancem
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Ipos Conversion. \n<Soul Crystal Enhancem
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 30% chance of decreasing MP consumption
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicte
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDecreases cooldown by about 17%. Increases dam
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damag
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflic
Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crysta

Pagina 740

Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% w
Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about
Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance to absorb 14 H
Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crysta
Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about
Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. In
Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 6% chance to Poison t
Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crysta
Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Sirra's Blade Conversion \n<Sou
Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Sirra's Blade Conversion \n<Sou
Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Sirra's Blade Conversion. \n<Sou
Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crysta
Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas about a 25% chance of c
Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range. In
Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nThe angle of attack widens. In
Masterwork item that has a chance to trigger the Stun effect on hit\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-han
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases da
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 50% chance of casting Mental Sh
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Focus on
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decrease
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases da
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 10% chance of casting Silence on
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen ench
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Pagina 741

Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork item that increases Critical Rate\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-hande
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork item that increases Max HP\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed bl
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen When encha
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used

Pagina 742

Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. \nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. \nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Heal Amount.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that has a chance to poison during an attack.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crysta
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. \nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork Item that increases Evasion.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used

Pagina 743

Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen When enchan
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy. \nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP. \nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Increases Resistance to attack magic by 2%.
Increases Resistance to attack magic by 1%.
Increases Resistance to attack magic by 2%.
Increases Resistance to attack magic by 2%.
Sealed Masterwork Item. A village blacksmith can release the seal on this item.
Sealed Masterwork Item. A village blacksmith can release the seal on this item.
Increases Resistance to attack magic by 2%.
Sealed Masterwork Item
Increases Resistance to attack magic by 2%.
Increases Resistance to attack magic by 2%.
Sealed Masterwork Item
Steel Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Reinforced Bow with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 744

Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Saber conversion. Rapier with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, spec
Bagh-Nakh with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Proof of Revenge with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Bone Staff with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Priest Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Branch of Life with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Crafted Dagger with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Saber with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Scalpel with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Temptation of Abyss with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Assassin Knife with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Work Hammer with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Scroll of Wisdom with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Steel Sword conversion. Talwar with limited ability enhancement. Enchantmen
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Heavy Sword conversion. Talwar with limited ability enhancement. Enchantme
Trident with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Hand Axe with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Reinforced Bow conversion. Field Gun with limited ability enhancement. Encha
Heavy Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Heavy Mace with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Mace of Prayer with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Knight's Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dark Elven Bow with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Doom Hammer with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dwarven Trident with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Longbow with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Staff of Mana with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Mystic Staff with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Bastard Sword with limited enhancement options Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Spinebone Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Divine Tome with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Mace of Judgment with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Military Talwar with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Elven Bow with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Mace of Miracle with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Single-Edged Jamadhr with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
Artisan's Sword with limited enhancement options Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Conjuror's Staff with limited enhancement options Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Tomahawk with limited enhancement options Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Poniard Dagger with limited enhancement options Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Pike with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Bastard Sword conversion. Fleuret with limited ability enhancement. Enchantm
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Spinebone Sword conversion. Fleuret with limited ability enhancement. Encha
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Artisan's Sword conversion. Fleuret with limited ability enhancement. Enchantm
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Knight's Sword conversion. Fleuret with limited ability enhancement. Enchantm
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Dark Elven Bow conversion. Hand Crossbow with limited ability enhancement.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Longbow conversion. Hand Crossbow with limited ability enhancement. Encha
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Elven Bow conversion. Hand Crossbow with limited ability enhancement. Ench
Sword of Magic with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 745

Sword of Mystic with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sword of Occult with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Saber*Saber with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Gastraphetes with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Shilen Knife with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dwarven Pike with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dagger of Mana with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Staff of Magic with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Mystic Knife with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Triple-Edged Jamadhr with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Spiked Club with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Two-handed Sword with limited enchantment options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented or assigned Soul Crystals.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Crimson Sword conversion. Estoc with limited ability enhancement. Enchantm
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Elven Sword conversion. Estoc with limited ability enhancement. Enchantmen
Elven Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
War Hammer with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Conjuror's Knife with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kukuri with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Gastraphetes conversion. Crossbow with limited ability enhancement. Enchan
Crimson Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Tome of Blood with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Basic Weapon - Field Sword with limited two-handed sword transmutation and enchantment optio
Sage's Blood with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Saber*Knight's Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Saber*Bastard Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Saber*Spinebone Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cryst
Saber*Artisan's Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal
Reinforced Longbow with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Knight's Sword*Knight's Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a sou
Maingauche with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Morning Star with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Bastard Sword*Knight's Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a sou
Bastard Sword*Bastard Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a sou
Bastard Sword*Spinebone Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a s
Bastard Sword*Artisan's Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a sou
Bich'Hwa with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Priest Mace with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Goat Head Staff with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Saber*Elven Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Saber*Crimson Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sword of Magic Fog with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Skull Breaker with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Spinebone Sword*Knight's Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a s
Spinebone Sword*Spinebone Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with
Spinebone Sword*Artisan's Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Reinforced Longbow conversion. Arm Breaker with limited ability enhancemen
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Sword of Revolution conversion. Épée with limited ability enhancement. Encha
Winged Spear with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Artisan's Sword*Knight's Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a so

Pagina 746

Artisan's Sword*Artisan's Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a so
Cursed Maingauche with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Lesser Giant's Sword conversion. Katzbalger with limited ability enhancement.
Tarbar with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Crucifix of Blood with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Lesser Giant's Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Lesser Giant's Hammer with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
War Pick with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Heavy Bone Club with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sword of Revolution with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Demon's Fangs with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Knight's Sword*Elven Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul c
Knight's Sword*Crimson Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a sou
Bastard Sword*Elven Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul c
Bastard Sword*Crimson Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a sou
Spinebone Sword*Elven Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a so
Spinebone Sword*Crimson Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a
Artisan's Sword*Elven Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul
Artisan's Sword*Crimson Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a so
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Elven Long Sword conversion. Grand Épée with limited ability enhancement. E
Glaive with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Mithril Dagger of Mana with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal
Bonebreaker with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Light Bow with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Staff of Life with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Scallop Jamadhr with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Atuba Mace with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Atuba Hammer with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Elven Long Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Claymore conversion. General's Katzbalger with limited ability enhancement. E
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Light Bow conversion. Cranequin with limited ability enhancement. Enchantme
Claymore with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Ghost Staff of Mana with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Saber*Sword of Revolution with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cr
Elven Sword*Elven Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cry
Crimson Sword*Elven Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul c
Crimson Sword*Crimson Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a so
Knight's Sword*Sword of Revolution with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with
Bastard Sword*Sword of Revolution with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with
Spinebone Sword*Sword of Revolution with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced w
Artisan's Sword*Sword of Revolution with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with
Needle Wolverine with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dark Elven Dagger with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Mysterious Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Body Slasher with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Battle Axe with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Scythe with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Saber*Elven Long Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crys
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Stormbringer conversion. Soldat Estoc with limited ability enhancement. Encha

Pagina 747

Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Flamberge conversion. Schlager with limited ability enhancement. Enchantme
Skull Graver with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Stormbringer with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Stick of Faith with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Crystallized Ice Bow conversion. Arbalest with limited ability enhancement. En
Crystallized Ice Bow with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Orcish Glaive with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Silver Axe with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Cursed Dagger with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Chakram with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Crystal Staff of Magic with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Big Hammer with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Flamberge with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Heavy Doom Axe with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Heavy Doom Hammer with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Knight's Sword*Elven Long Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a
Bastard Sword*Elven Long Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a
Spinebone Sword*Elven Long Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with
Elven Sword*Sword of Revolution with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a
Artisan's Sword*Elven Long Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a
Crimson Sword*Sword of Revolution with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with
Noble Elven Bow with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Knuckle Duster with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dwarven War Hammer with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal
Raid Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Soulfire Dirk with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Elemental Bow conversion. Ballista with limited ability enhancement. Enchantm
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Noble Elven Bow conversion. Ballista with limited ability enhancement. Enchan
Bec de Corbin with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Shamshir with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Shamshir conversion. Chevalier Rapier with limited ability enhancement. Ench
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Katana conversion. Chevalier Rapier with limited ability enhancement. Enchan
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Spirit Sword conversion. Chevalier Rapier with limited ability enhancement. En
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Raid Sword conversion. Chevalier Rapier with limited ability enhancement. En
Stiletto with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Spirit Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Elemental Bow with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Elven Sword*Elven Long Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a so
Horn of Glory with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Cursed Staff with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Katana with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Crimson Sword*Elven Long Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a
Sword of Revolution*Sword of Revolution with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced
Sword of Revolution*Elven Long Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced w
Elven Long Sword*Elven Long Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced wit
Stick of Eternity with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Grace Dagger with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Ultimate Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Nirvana Axe with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 748

Dark Screamer with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Club of Nature with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sword of Whispering Death with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cr
Mace of Underworld with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sword of Delusion with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Caliburs conversion. Blinzlasher with limited ability enhancement. Enchantmen
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Sword of Delusion conversion. Blinzlasher with limited ability enhancement. En
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Tsurugi conversion. Blinzlasher with limited ability enhancement. Enchantmen
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Sword of Nightmare conversion. Blinzlasher with limited ability enhancement.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Ultimate Sword conversion. Blinzlasher with limited ability enhancement. Ench
Pa'agrian Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Akat Longbow with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sword of Nightmare with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
War Axe with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Heathen's Book with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Sword of Pa'agrio conversion. Immortal Edge with limited ability enhancement
Inferno Staff with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Tsurugi with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Caliburs with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Karik Horn with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Akat Longbow conversion. Tathlum with limited ability enhancement. Enchantm
Pa'agrio Hammer with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Paradia Staff with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Poleaxe with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Fisted Blade with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sage's Staff with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Homunkulus' Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Scorpion with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Stormbringer*Stormbringer with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cry
Widow Maker with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Pa'agrio Axe with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Stormbringer*Raid Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crys
Stormbringer*Shamshir with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
Stormbringer*Spirit Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cry
Stormbringer*Katana with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Ghoul's Staff with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Great Pata with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dwarven Hammer with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Raid Sword*Raid Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
Deadman's Staff with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Berserker Blade with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Eminence Bow of Nobility conversion. Sharpshooter with limited ability enhanc
Shamshir*Raid Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Shamshir*Shamshir with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Shamshir*Spirit Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal
Shamshir*Katana with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Berserker Blade conversion. Saber Tooth with limited ability enhancement. En
Ecliptic Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Spirit Sword*Raid Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cryst

Pagina 749

Spirit Sword*Spirit Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crys
Samurai Long Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Samurai Long Sword conversion. Admiral's Estoc with limited ability enhancem
Demon's Staff with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Yaksa Mace with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Eminence Bow with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Orcish Poleaxe with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Ecliptic Axe with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Katana*Raid Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Katana*Spirit Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Katana*Katana with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Crystal Dagger with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Stormbringer*Ultimate Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul
Stormbringer*Sword of Delusion with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a so
Stormbringer*Sword of Nightmare with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a
Stormbringer*Tsurugi with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Stormbringer*Caliburs with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Raid Sword*Ultimate Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cr
Raid Sword*Sword of Delusion with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a sou
Raid Sword*Sword of Nightmare with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a so
Raid Sword*Tsurugi with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Raid Sword*Caliburs with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Shamshir*Ultimate Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crys
Shamshir*Sword of Delusion with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul c
Shamshir*Sword of Nightmare with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a sou
Shamshir*Tsurugi with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Shamshir*Caliburs with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Spirit Sword*Ultimate Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul c
Spirit Sword*Sword of Delusion with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a so
Spirit Sword*Sword of Nightmare with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a s
Spirit Sword*Tsurugi with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Spirit Sword*Caliburs with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Katana*Ultimate Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
Katana*Sword of Delusion with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cry
Katana*Sword of Nightmare with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul c
Katana*Tsurugi with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Katana*Caliburs with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Great Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Great Axe with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Ultimate Sword*Ultimate Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a so
Ultimate Sword*Sword of Delusion with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a
Ultimate Sword*Sword of Nightmare with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with
Ultimate Sword*Tsurugi with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Great Sword conversion. Innominate Victory with limited ability enhancement.
Dark Elven Longbow with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sword of Delusion*Sword of Delusion with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced wit
Sword of Delusion*Sword of Nightmare with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced w
Sword of Delusion*Tsurugi with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cry
Sword of Valhalla with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 750

Stormbringer*Samurai Long Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a
Spell Breaker with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Arthro Nail with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Ice Storm Hammer with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sword of Nightmare*Sword of Nightmare with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced
Sword of Nightmare*Tsurugi with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul c
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Keshanberk conversion. Military Fleuret with limited ability enhancement. Ench
Spirit's Staff of Mana with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Tsurugi*Tsurugi with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Caliburs*Ultimate Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cryst
Caliburs*Sword of Delusion with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cr
Caliburs*Sword of Delusion with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cr
Caliburs*Tsurugi with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Caliburs*Caliburs with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kris with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Keshanberk with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Dark Elven Longbow conversion. Peacemaker with limited ability enhancemen
Heavy War Axe with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Twilight Knife with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Raid Sword*Samurai Long Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a s
Shamshir*Samurai Long Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a so
Spirit Sword*Samurai Long Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a
Katana*Samurai Long Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul
Ultimate Sword*Samurai Long Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with
Sword of Delusion*Samurai Long Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced
Sword of Nightmare*Samurai Long Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced
Tsurugi*Samurai Long Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul
Caliburs*Samurai Long Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a sou
Guardian's Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Damascus Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Guidance Sword conversion. Dismantler with limited ability enhancement. Enc
Lance with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Bellion Cestus with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Staff of Evil Spirits with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Deadman's Glory with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Star Buster with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Samurai Long Sword*Samurai Long Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhance
Art of Battle Axe with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Demon's Dagger with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Demon's Dagger with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kaim Vanul's Bones with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Damascus Sword conversion. Colichemarde with limited ability enhancement.
Wizard's Tear with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Bow of Peril with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Bow of Peril conversion. Hell Hound with limited ability enhancement. Enchant
Dasparion's Staff with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Carnage Bow conversion. Doomchanter with limited ability enhancement. Enc
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Tallum Blade conversion. White Lightning with limited ability enhancement. En
Meteor Shower with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 751

Blood Tornado with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Bloody Orchid with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Elemental Sword with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Spiritual Eye with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Infernal Master with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Carnage Bow with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Keshanberk*Keshanberk with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crys
Tallum Blade with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Destroyer Hammer with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow Item: Infernal Master conversion. Divine Pain with limited ability enhancement. Enchantm
Halberd with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Keshanberk*Damascus with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Dark Legion conversion. Lacerator with limited ability enhancement. Enchantm
Damascus*Damascus with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dark Legion's Edge with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow Item: Dragon Slayer conversion. Undertaker with limited ability enhancement. Enchantm
Doom Crusher with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dragon Grinder with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dragon Slayer with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Flaming Dragon Skull with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Branch of the Mother Tree with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cry
Sword of Miracles with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Soul Bow conversion. Reaper with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment,
Soul Separator with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Elysian with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Soul Bow with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Tallum Glaive with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Naga's Storm with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Daimon Crystal with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Barakiel's Axe with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Shyeed's Bow conversion. Screaming Vengeance with limited ability enhancem
Behemoth' Tuning Fork with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crysta
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Sword of Ipos conversion. Durendal with limited ability enhancement. Enchant
Shyeed's Bow with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sword of Ipos with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sobekk's Hurricane with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sirra's Blade with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shadow weapon - Sirra's Blade conversion. Éclair Bijou with limited ability enhancement. Enchan
Tiphon's Spear with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Tallum Blade*Damascus with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cryst
Themis' Tongue with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Cabrio's Hand with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Gram with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Demon Splinter with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Draconic Bow with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dragon Hunter Axe with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Laevateinn with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Basalt Battlehammer with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sarunga with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 752

Saint Spear with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Arcana Mace with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Angel Slayer with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Imperial Staff with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Tallum Blade*Dark Legion's Edge with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a s
Forgotten Blade with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Heaven's Divider with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Bronze Shield with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Aspis with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Hoplon with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Brigandine Shield with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, SA, and augmentation not possible.
Kite Shield with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, SA, and augmentation not possible.
Square Shield with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Plate Shield with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, SA, and augmentation not possible.
Eldarake with limited enhancement options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Chain Shield with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, SA, and augmentation not possible.
Dwarven Chain Shield with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, SA, and augmentation not possible.
Knight's Shield with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, SA, and augmentation not possible.
Compound Shield with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, SA, and augmentation not possible.
Tower Shield with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, SA, and augmentation not possible.
Full Plate Shield with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, SA, and augmentation not possible.
Zubei's Shield with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, SA, and augmentation not possible.
Abaddon Shield with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, SA, and augmentation not possible.
Doom Shield with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, SA, and augmentation not possible.
Dark Crystal Shield with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, SA, and augmentation not possible.
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, SA, and augmentation not possible. A village blac
Sealed Shield of Nightmare with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, SA, and augmentation not possible. A village bla
Shield of Nightmare with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, SA, and augmentation not possible.
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, SA, and augmentation not possible.
Imperial Crusader Shield with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, SA, and augmentation not possible.
O-type stick. 30-day.
X Stick. 30-day.
Scissor stick. 30-day.
Rock stick. 30-day.
Paper stick. 30-day.

Transformation stick that turns you into a pumpkin. 30-day.

Allows you to transform into a Gatekeeper for 60 min. The transformation ends when you unequip the item.

Pagina 753

Masterwork Item that activates the Poison effect occasionally during an attack.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 67. I
Masterwork Item that activates the Poison effect occasionally during an attack.\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +200 during a Crit
Masterwork Item that activates the Poison effect occasionally during an attack.\n<Special Option>\nP. Critical Rate increases
Masterwork Item that decreases MP consumption when using the skill.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Incre
Masterwork Item that decreases MP consumption when using the skill.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%.
Masterwork Item that decreases MP consumption upon skill use.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 50% chance of casting Mental S
Masterwork Item that increases HP Recovery Rate.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflict
Masterwork Item that increases HP Recovery Rate.\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Masterwork Item that increases HP Recovery Rate.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted
Masterwork Item that decreases MP consumption and increases Accuracy when using a bow.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: S
Masterwork Item that decreases MP consumption and increases Accuracy when using a bow.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: S
Masterwork Item that decreases MP consumption and increases Accuracy when using a bow.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: S
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\n<Special Option>\nDecreases Max HP by 15% and P. Atk. +32. Increases damage i
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Ipos Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreas
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Ipos Conversion. The \nAtk. Spd. of \n<Spec
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Ipos Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreas
Masterwork Item that decreases MP consumption when using a bow.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 30% chance of decreasing M
Masterwork Item that decreases MP consumption when using a bow.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases
Masterwork Item that decreases MP consumption when using a bow.\n<Special Option>\nCooldown decreases by about 17%
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a ch
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during P
Masterwork Item that activates the Stun effect occasionally during an attack.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11%
Masterwork Item that has the Stun effect occasionally when hitting.\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inf
Masterwork Item that activates the Stun effect occasionally during an attack.\n<Special Option>\nAbsorbs HP 14 of the targe
Masterwork Item that has the Stun effect occasionally when hitting.\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inf
Masterwork Item that activates the Stun effect occasionally during an attack.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%.
Masterwork Item that activates the Stun effect occasionally during an attack.\n<Special Option>\nPoisons the target at the ch
Masterwork Item that activates the Stun effect occasionally during an attack.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Sirra's Blade Conv
Masterwork Item that activates the Stun effect occasionally during an attack.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Sirra's Blade Conv
Masterwork Item that activates the Stun effect occasionally during an attack.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Sirra's Blade Conv
Masterwork Item that activates the Stun effect occasionally during an attack.\n<Special Option>\nHas about a 25% chance o
Masterwork Item that has the Stun effect occasionally when hitting.\n<Special Option>\nThe range increases. Increases dam
Masterwork Item that has the Stun effect occasionally when hitting.\n<Special Option>\nThe angle of attack widens. Increase
Masterwork item that has a chance to trigger the Stun effect on hit\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-han
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflic
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 50% chance of casting Mental Shield on the t
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Focus on the target du
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP b
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflic
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 10% chance of casting Silence on the target d
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Heaven's Divider Transmutation.\n<Special Op
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Heaven's Divider Transmutation.\n<Special Op
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Heaven's Divider Transmutation.\n<Special Op
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 80. Inflicts more damage during Pv
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Inflicts more damage during
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\n<Special Option>\nHas a 27% chance of triggering Stun on a critical hit. Inf

Pagina 754

Masterwork Item that increases Max HP\n<Special Option>\nHas a 26% chance of decreasing MP consumption to 1 during a
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 88. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP\n<Special Option>\nInflicts Slow occasionally during a Critical Attack. Increases dam
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\n<Special Option>\nIncreases HP recovery rate. Inflicts more damage during
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Inflicts more damage during
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\n<Special Option>\nHas a chance to recover HP by 3% of the damage inflic
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Forgotten Blade Conversion \n<Special Option>
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Forgotten Blade Conversion \n<Special Option>
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Forgotten Blade Conversion \n<Special Option>
Masterwork Item that increases the effect of increased Accuracy\n<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 3% of standard melee damage
Masterwork Item that increases the effect of increased Accuracy\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases d
Masterwork Item that increases the effect of increased Accuracy\n<Special Option>\nIncreases HP Recovery Rate. Increase
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Draconic Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>when usi
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Draconic Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreas
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Draconic Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nHas a c
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 5. Increases damage inflicted durin
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted dur
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted du
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP.\n<Special Option>\nMP Recovery Rate is increased. Increases damage inflicted du
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy.\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +265 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicte
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy.\n<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 3% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the ene
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP.\n<Special Option>\nM. Atk. +60. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a cha
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP.\n<Special Option>\nMP Recovery Rate is increased. Increases damage inflicted du
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during m
Masterwork item that increases Critical Rate\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-hande
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases damage inf
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted d
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 84. Increases damage inflicted duri
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by approximately 7%. Inflicts more d
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Inflicts more damage during
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 84. Inflicts more damage during Pv
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Blade Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncrea
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Blade Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncrea
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Blade Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncrea
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 116. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +559 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicte
Masterwork item that increases Max HP\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed bl
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Sword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncrea
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Sword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncrea
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Sword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncrea
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Inc
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted du
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 6.8 when HP drops to 60% or below. Inc
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 106. Increases damage inflicted during Pv

Pagina 755

Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 10%. Increases damage inflicted
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\n<Special Option>\nDecreases MP consumption by 4% during a skill attack. Increa
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 5.32. Increases damage inflicted during
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 116. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 111. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases damage inflicted d
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 111. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during P
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases damage inflicted d
Masterwork Item that increases Heal Amount.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted du
Masterwork Item that increases the Heal Amount.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by
Masterwork Item that increases the Heal Amount.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage in
Masterwork Item that activates the Stun effect occasionally during an attack.\n<Special Option>\nOne's own HP decreases b
Masterwork Item that has the Stun effect occasionally when hitting.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increase
Masterwork Item that activates the Stun effect occasionally during an attack.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 164 wh
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\n<Special Option>\nOne's own HP decreases by 15%. P. Atk. +78. Increases dam
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 164 when HP drops to 60% or below. Incr
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>when usi
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreas
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreas
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted du
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. In
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\n<Special Option>\nYour own HP decreases by 15%. P. Atk. +78 during a Critical A
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 48% of Stun effect during a Critical Attack. Increases dam
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases damage inflicted d
Sword created with the essences of water and fire. Can only be equipped in the Pailaka instant dungeon.
Sword created with the essences of water and fire. Can only be equipped in the Pailaka instant dungeon.
Sword created with the essences of water and fire. Can only be equipped in the Pailaka instant dungeon.
Sword containing the power of the Giants. Can only be equipped in the Pailaka instant dungeon.
Sword containing the power of the Giants. Can only be equipped in the Pailaka instant dungeon.
Sword containing the power of the Giants. Can only be equipped in the Pailaka instant dungeon.
Spear of Silenos obtained from the Internal Supporter. Can only be equipped in the Pailaka instant dungeon.
Spear of Silenos obtained from the Internal Supporter. Can only be equipped in the Pailaka instant dungeon.
Spear of Silenos obtained from the Internal Supporter. Can only be equipped in the Pailaka instant dungeon.

A Great Spear with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment
A Falchion with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
An Iron Hammer with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantme
A Voodoo Doll with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment
A Flanged Mace with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantme
A Mage Staff with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
A Sword Breaker with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantme
A Viper Fang with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
A Composite Bow with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
A Crucifix of Blessing with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha

Pagina 756

A Bastard Sword*Crimson Sword with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions be
A Claymore with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
A Bonebreaker with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantmen
An Atuba Hammer with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
A Ghost Staff with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
A Staff of Life with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
An Atuba Mace with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantmen
A Mithril Dagger with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantme
A Scallop Jamadhr with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
A Light Bow with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
A Glaive with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
An Elven Long Sword with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
Grand Épée with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment. H
General's Katzbalger with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
Cranequin with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
Samurai Long Sword with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73. Expiratory. Cannot be cry
Deadman's Staff with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas a 30% chance of casting Regeneration on the targ
Ghoul's Staff with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%.Expiratory. Cannot be crystalliz
Demon's Staff with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas a 7% chance of casting Curse Weakness on the garg
Crystal Dagger with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +140 during a Critical Attack. Expiratory. Cannot b
Great Pata with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% or below
Eminence Bow with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas a 42% chance of consuming 1MP during a regular a
Orcish Poleaxe with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nWidens the attack range. Expiratory. Cannot be crystalliz
Yaksa Mace with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nMax HP increases by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallize
Shamshir*Shamshir with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, tw
Admiral's Estoc with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. Increases by about 7%.\nWhen enchanted to 4
Sabertooth with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted fun
Sharpshooter with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nAccuracy increases by 4. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallize
Ecliptic Sword with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nM. Atk. Increases by 26. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallize
Ecliptic Axe with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\n10% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during mag
Dwarven Hammer with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\n42% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a st
Damascus Sword with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +64. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or gran
Lance with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nAbout a 25% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critica
Deadman's Glory with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. Increases by about 6%. Expiratory. Cannot b
Art of Battle Axe with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nMax HP increases by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot be cryst
Staff of Evil Spirits with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\n20% chance of casting Blessed Body on the target du
Demon's Dagger with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. Increases by 160 during a critical attack. Expira
Bellion Cestus with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. decreases by 9% when HP drops to 60% or bel
Bow of Peril with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCooldown decreases by about 13%. Expiratory. Cannot be
Samurai Long Sword*Samurai Long Sword with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with
Guardian's Sword with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nMax HP increases by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot be crys
Wizard's Tear with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCasting Spd. Increases by 15%. Expiratory. Cannot be cry
Kaim Vanul's Bones with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nMax MP increases by 30%. Expiratory. Cannot be c
Star Buster with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. Increases by about 6%. Expiratory. Cannot be crys
Colichemarde with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +64.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, chance of inc
Dismantler with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nAbsorbs 8 HP from the target during a Critical Attack. Expirat
Hell Hound with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nMP consumption decreases by 12% during skill use. Expirato
Sirra's Blade with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nMax HP increases by 25%. Increases damage inflicted duri
Sword of Ipos with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Expir

Pagina 757

Barakiel's Axe with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Expir
Behemoth' Tuning Fork with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during P
Naga's Storm with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +67. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Expira
Tiphon's Spear with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nThe angle of attack widens. Increases damage inflicted d
Shyeed's Bow with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Expir
Sobekk's Hurricane with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. Increases by about 6%. Increases damage
Themis' Tongue with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nMax MP increases by 30%. Increases damage inflicted
Cabrio's Hand with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nMax MP increases by 30%. Increases damage inflicted du
Daimon Crystal with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCasting Spd. Increases by 15%. Increases damage inflic
Tallum Blade*Damascus with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed swo
Éclair Bijou with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. Increases by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted
Durendal with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Expiratory
Screaming Vengeance with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during P
O-type stick. 7-day.
X Stick. 7-day.
Scissor stick. 7-day.
Rock stick. 7-day.
Paper stick. 7-day.
Pumpkin transformation stick. 7-day.
O-type stick. 30-day.
X Stick. 30-day.
Scissor stick. 30-day.
Rock stick. 30-day.
Paper stick. 30-day.
Transformation stick that turns you into a pumpkin. 30-day.
O-type stick. 7-day.
X Stick. 7-day.
Scissor stick. 7-day.
Rock stick. 7-day.
Paper stick. 7-day.
Pumpkin transformation stick. 7-day.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Cutter Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Thrower Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Slasher Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

A Gracian Soldier's one-handed sword. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

A Gracian Soldier's standard shield. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

Pagina 758

This official territorial flag can only be obtained on a battleground in Gludio.

This official territorial flag can only be obtained on a battleground in Dion.
This official territorial flag can only be obtained on a battleground in Giran.
This official territorial flag can only be obtained on a battleground in Oren.
This official territorial flag can only be obtained on a battleground in Aden.
This official territorial flag can only be obtained on a battleground in Innadril.
This official territorial flag can only be obtained on a battleground in Goddard.
This official territorial flag can only be obtained on a battleground in Rune.
This official territorial flag can only be obtained on a battleground in Schuttgart.
Enchant this staff using Master Yogi's weapon enchant scrolls, equip it, and speak with Master Yogi to claim a reward based
Used to control a Airship.
Used to control a Airship's cannon.
Projectile fired by a Flying Boat's cannon.
Ward bearing the unique pattern of Gludio. Can obtain great strength when capturing the friendly forces' outpost. It is automa
Ward bearing the unique pattern of Dion. Can obtain great strength when capturing the friendly forces' outpost. It is automatic
Ward bearing the unique pattern of Giran. Can obtain great strength when capturing the friendly forces' outpost. It is automat
Ward bearing the unique pattern of Oren. Can obtain great strength when capturing the friendly forces' outpost. It is automati
Ward bearing the unique pattern of Aden. Can obtain great strength when capturing the friendly forces' outpost. It is automati
Ward bearing the unique pattern of Innadril. Can obtain great strength when capturing the friendly forces' outpost. It is autom
Ward bearing the unique pattern of Goddard. Can obtain great strength when capturing the friendly forces' outpost. It is autom
Ward bearing the unique pattern of Rune. Can obtain great strength when capturing the friendly forces' outpost. It is automati
Ward bearing the unique pattern of Schuttgart. Can obtain great strength when capturing the friendly forces' outpost. It is auto
(Not Determined)
Shield type shadow item that bears the crest of last hero of Ancient Gracian Kingdom. The user of this item will have the pow
Used during the block-flipping match, it is needed to attach the block to the floor.
Used during the block-flipping match, it is needed to attach the block to the floor.
Used during the block-flipping match.
Used during the block-flipping match.
Tiat's two-handed weapon.
Peltast's weapon.
Weapon provided by Attribute Master Yin for capturing the Reckless Water Spirits. You can feel the powerful energy of fire. T
Weapon provided by Attribute Master Yang for capturing the Reckless Wind Spirits. You can feel the powerful energy of earth
A dual dagger. When enchanted its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can be equipped by Da
A dual dagger. When enchanted its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can be equipped by Da
A dual dagger. When enchanted its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can be equipped by Da
Fantasy Isle reward item. It enlarges the target's head at a certain rate with attacks.
Fantasy Isle reward item. It enlarges the target's head at a certain rate with attacks.
Fantasy Isle reward item. It enlarges the target's head at a certain rate with attacks.
Fantasy Isle reward item. It enlarges the target's head at a certain rate with attacks.

Pagina 759

Transformation stick that turns you into a Snow Man. 30-day.

Transformation stick that turns you into a Scarecrow Jack. 30-day.
Transformation stick that turns you into a Tin Golem. 30-day.
Transformation stick that turns you into a Snow Man. 30-day.
Transformation stick that turns you into a Scarecrow Jack. 30-day.
Transformation stick that turns you into a Tin Golem. 30-day.
Transformation stick that turns you into a Snow Man. 7-day.
Transformation stick that turns you into a Scarecrow Jack. 7-day.
Transformation stick that turns you into a Tin Golem. 7-day.
Transformation stick that turns you into a Snow Man. 7-day.
Transformation stick that turns you into a Scarecrow Jack. 7-day.
Transformation stick that turns you into a Tin Golem. 7-day.
Sealed Vesper Shield. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used

Pagina 760

Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used

Pagina 761

Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasin
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal optio
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal optio
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasin
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an attack.\nNo Soul
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Sawsword Conversion\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, there's a chance that party membe
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Heavy Arms Conversion\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflictin
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Spitter Conversion\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing A
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 111. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during a
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during
<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 111. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional dam
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional da
<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additi
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Cast
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting S
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a
<Special Option>\nDecreases MP consumption by 4% during a skill attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a cha
<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 5.32. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 116. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 116. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of
<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of th
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +559 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +78 and decreases HP by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting
<Special Option>\nHas a 48% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during
<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additi
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +78 and decreases HP by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recoverin
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 164 when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting S
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Cast
<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 6.8 when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 106. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 10%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Sawsword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 111. Increases damage in

Pagina 762

Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Sawsword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Sawsword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases d
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Heavy Arms Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 111. Increases damage
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Heavy Arms Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damag
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Heavy Arms Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Spitter Conversion\n<Special Option>when using the \nSkill MP consumption decreases b
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Spitter Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 5.32. Increases damage in
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Spitter Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 116. Increases damage inflict
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork Item that increases Evasion.\nBestows one of the following three functions: Focus, Evasion, or P. Critical Damag
Masterwork Item that increases Evasion.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 116. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Masterwork Item that increases Evasion.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Masterwork Item that increases Evasion.\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +559 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\nBestows one of the following three functions: Focus, Health, or Light. Increases dam
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 111. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases damage inflicted dur
Masterwork Item that increases the Accuracy\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Spitter Conversion\nBestows one of the fol
Masterwork Item that increases the Accuracy\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Spitter Conversion\n<Special Option>when
Masterwork Item that increases the Accuracy\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Spitter Conversion\n<Special Option>\nInc
Masterwork Item that increases the Accuracy\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Spitter Conversion\n<Special Option>\nInc
A rare item with P. Atk. Boost.\n\nEnchant to level 4 or higher and deal a critical attack to enable the following effects: Boost
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Sawsword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncrea
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Sawsword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncrea
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Sawsword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nWeigh
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted du
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during
Masterwork Item that increases Max MP.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. In
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy.\nBestows one of the following functions, Cheap Shot, Guidance, or Focus. Increas
Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy\n<Special Option>\nDecreases MP consumption by 4% during a skill attack. Increa
Masterwork Item that increases the Accuracy.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 5.32 during a Critical Attack. Increa
Masterwork Item that increases the Accuracy.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 116 during a Critical Attack. Increase
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additiona
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Heavy Arms Conversion\n<Special Optio
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Heavy Arms Conversion\n<Special Optio
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Heavy Arms Conversion\n<Special Optio
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\nInflicts more damage during PvP and has a chance to inflict additional dam
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\n<Special Option>\nDecreases your HP by 15% to increase P. Atk. by 78%.
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\n<Special Option>\nHas a 48% chance of triggering Stun on a critical hit. Inf
Masterwork item that increases Critical Damage\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Inflicts more damage
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\n<Special Option>\nYour own HP decreases by 15%. P. Atk. +78 during a Critical A
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during P
Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 164 when HP drops to 60% or below. Incr
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the t
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 6.8 when HP drops to 60% or below. Increa
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 106. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 10%. Increases damage inflicted du

Pagina 763

Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additiona
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 111. Increases damage inflicted du
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted d
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases damage inf
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. wh
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Incr
Masterwork Item that increases the power of magic.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage
A dual dagger that has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed sword when enchanted. When enchanted to 4 or higher, in
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal optio
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasin
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasin
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal optio
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal optio
Increases damage inflicted during PvP, and the chance to increase Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an attack.\nNo Soul
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Cutter Conversion\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, there's a chance that party members
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Thrower Conversion\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Slasher Conversion\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting ad
A dual dagger that has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed sword when enchanted. When enchanted to 4 or higher, in
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during a
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting addi
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional da
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional dam
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting S
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Cast
<Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted durin
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +906 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1
<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage inflicted durin
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 o
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 123. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more
<Special Option>\nHas about a 43% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional da
<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 75 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance o
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting addi
<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage inflicted durin
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during
<Special Option>\nIncreases HP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP dur
<Special Option>\nIncreases HP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additiona
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional da
<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage inflicted durin

Pagina 764

<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Cast
<Special Option>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting S
<Special Option>\nM. Atk. +151. Increases damage inflicted during PvP, and the chance to increase Casting Spd. when attac
<Special Option>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting
<Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted durin
<Special Option>\nDecreases MP consumption by 8% during a skill attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a cha
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 133. Increases damage inflicted during PvP, and the chance to increase Atk. Spd. of
<Special Option>\nHas a 33% chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted durin
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Cutter Conversion \n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases dam
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Cutter Conversion \n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage in
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Cutter Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Cutter Conversion \n<Special Option>\nIncrea
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Thrower Conversion\n<Special Option>when using the \nSkill MP consumption decrease
Kamael-exclusive weapon Vesper Thrower Conversion\n<Special Option>\nCritical Attack increases by 133. Increases dama
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Thrower Conversion\n<Special Option>\nCasts Slow at a 24% rate during a Critical Attac
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Slasher Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases da
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Slasher Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage in
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Slasher Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases damage infl
Masterwork item that increases Atk. Spd.\nA dual dagger that has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed sword when enc
Masterwork item that increases Evasion\nA dual dagger that has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed sword when ench
Masterwork item that increases Atk. Spd.\nA dual dagger that has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed sword when enc
Masterwork item that increases Evasion\nA dual dagger that has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed sword when ench
A dual dagger that has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed sword when enchanted. When enchanted to 4 or higher, in
Soul Crystal Enhancement and Augmentation not allowed.
Soul Crystal Enhancement and Augmentation not allowed.
Soul Crystal Enhancement and Augmentation not allowed.
Soul Crystal Enhancement and Augmentation not allowed.
Soul Crystal Enhancement and Augmentation not allowed.
Soul Crystal Enhancement and Augmentation not allowed.
Soul Crystal Enhancement and Augmentation not allowed.
Soul Crystal Enhancement and Augmentation not allowed.
Soul Crystal Enhancement and Augmentation not allowed.
Soul Crystal Enhancement and Augmentation not allowed.
Soul Crystal Enhancement and Augmentation not allowed.
Soul Crystal Enhancement and Augmentation not allowed.
Soul Crystal Enhancement and Augmentation not allowed.
Soul Crystal Enhancement and Augmentation not allowed.
Soul Crystal Enhancement and Augmentation not allowed.
Soul Crystal Enhancement and Augmentation not allowed.
Soul Crystal Enhancement and Augmentation not allowed.
Soul Crystal Enhancement and Augmentation not allowed.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Val Turner Family's Slasher Conversion. Soul Crystal Enhancement and Augmentation not allowe
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Ashton Family's Sword conversion. Enchanted to 4 or more, there is a chance that party member
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Esthus Family's Slasher Conversion. Soul Crystal Enhancement and Augmentation not allowed.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Cadmus Family's Bow Conversion. Soul Crystal Enhancement and Augmentation not allowed.
A Gracian Soldier's two-handed sword.
Santa's Sirra Blade.
Santa's Sword of Ipos.
Santa's Barakiel Axe.

Pagina 765

Santa's Behemoth' Tuning Fork.

Santa's Naga's Storm.
Santa's Tiphon Spear.
Santa's Shyeed Bow.
Santa's Sobekk Hurricane.
Santa's Themis Tongue.
Santa's Cabrio's Hand.
Santa's Daimon Crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Santa's Sirra Blade Conversion
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Santa's Shyeed Bow Conversion
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Santa's Sword of Ipos Conversion
Santa's Tallum Blade*Damascus
Even if I'm lonely or sad, I won't cry~ Let's laugh and run through the lush field~. When equipped, can find oneself laughing a
Sword made of bread. Contains Baguette's joy.
Dagger made of bread. Contains Baguette's tears.
A two-handed sword made of bread. Contains the passion of Baguette.
Mace made of bread. Contains Baguette's pain.
Hammer made of bread. Can feel Baguette's melancholy.
Spear made of bread. Can feel Baguette's loneliness.
Bow made of bread. Can feel Baguette's vigorous energy.
Fist weapon made of bread. Can feel Baguette's persevering disposition.
Magic sword made of bread. Contains Baguette's madness.
Staff made of bread. Contains Baguette's wisdom.
Two-handed staff made of bread. Contains Baguette's tears.
Shield made of bread. Can feel Baguette's sorrow.
Rapier made of bread. Contains Baguette's sigh.
Ancient Sword made of bread. Can feel Baguette's regret.
Crossbow made of bread. Contains Baguette's anger.
A dual sword made of bread. Contains the great power of Baguette.
Two-handed dagger made of bread. Can feel Baguette's sharpness.

Increases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Increases Casting Spd. by 15%.
Increases Casting Spd. by 15%.

Increases P. Critical Rate by 67. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Increases Critical by 71.
Increases Critical by 81.

Increases P. Critical Rate by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Has a 42% chance of decreasing MP consumption to 2 during a standard attack.
Has a 42% chance of decreasing MP consumption to 1 during a standard attack.

Increases P. Critical Rate by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Pagina 766

Increases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Max HP increases by 25%.

Increases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Increases P. Critical Rate by 64.
Increases Critical by 73.

Increases P. Critical Rate by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Max HP increases by 25%.
Increases Critical by 73.

Increases Atk. Spd. by 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Increases Atk. Spd. by 9% when HP drops to 60% or below.
Increases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% or below.

Increases Atk. Spd. by 8%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Increases Atk. Spd. by 4%.
Increases Critical by 40.

angle of attack widens. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Range increases.
angle of attack widens.

Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Increases P. Critical Rate by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Increases Max HP by 25%.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Increases Critical by 73.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Increases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance that part
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Increases Atk. Spd. by about 6%, and improves the chance that party members including yourse
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Increases Atk. Spd. by 7%, and improves the chance that party members including yourself will g
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Has a chance that party members including yourself will get increased P. Atk., M. Atk. and the am
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Increases P. Critical Rate by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. MP consumption decreases by about 12% during skill use.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Skill MP consumption decreases by 12%.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon.

Increases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Increases Casting Spd. by 15%.
Increases Casting Spd. by 15%.

Increases Critical by 67. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Increases Critical by 71.
Increases Critical by 81.

Pagina 767

Increases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Has a 42% chance of decreasing MP consumption to 2 during a standard attack.
Has a 42% chance of decreasing MP consumption during a standard attack.

Increases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Max HP increases by 25%.
Max HP increases by 25%.

Increases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Increases Critical by 64.
Increases Critical by 73.

Increases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Max HP increases by 25%.
Increases Critical by 73.

Increases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Increases Atk. Spd. by 9% when HP drops to 60% or below.
Increases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% or below.

Increases Atk. Spd. by 8%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Increases Atk. Spd. by 4%.
Increases Critical by 40.

angle of attack widens. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Range increases.
angle of attack widens.

Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Increases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Increases Max HP by 25%.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Increases Critical by 73.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Increases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance that part
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Increases Atk. Spd. by about 6%, and improves the chance that party members including yourse
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%, and improves the chance that party members including yourse
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Has a chance that party members including yourself will get increased P. Atk., M. Atk. and the am
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Increases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. MP consumption decreases by about 12% during skill use.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. MP consumption decreases by about 12% during skill use.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon.

Pagina 768

Einhasad's Sacred Sword given by the Emperor of Elmoreden Shunaiman.

Forgotten Blade with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +84. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Exp
Basalt Battlehammer with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nMax HP increases by 25%. Increases damage infli
Imperial Staff with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nMP Recovery Rate increases. Increases damage inflicted
Angel Slayer with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. Increases by 265 during a critical attack. Increases
Dragon Hunter Axe with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHP Recovery Rate increases. Increases damage infl
Saint Spear with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nMax HP increases by 25%. Increases damage inflicted durin
Demon Splinter with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +80. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Exp
Heaven's Divider with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +84. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Ex
Arcana Mace with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCasting Spd. Increases by 15%. Increases damage inflicte
Draconic Bow with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +88. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Expir
Laevateinn with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. Increases by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted
Gram with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +84. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Expiratory. Ca
Sarunga with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +88. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Expiratory.
Tallum Blade*Dark Legion's Edge with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-han
Transformation stick that turns you into an Aqua Elf. 60 days.
Transformation stick that turns you into an Aqua Elf. 60 days.
Berserker Blade with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or grante
You can transform to Halloween Pumpkin. Requires a weapon slot. It is a Halloween event reward item.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Eternal Core Sword Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Lava Saw conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Recurvethorne Bow conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Periel Sword Conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Feather Eye Blade conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Skull Carnium Bow conversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Pagina 769

<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 82.1. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional dam
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional dam
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more o
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 75.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional dam
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. by 377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target'
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Cast
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Cast
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Cast
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. o
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cannot be transferred between servers.
Sealed Moirai Shield. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Elegia Shield. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Vorpal Shield. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used

Pagina 770

Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used

Pagina 771

Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasin
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal optio
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal optio
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasin
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal optio
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an attack.\nNo Soul
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Eternal Core Sword Conversion\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recove
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Lava Saw Conversion\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting addition
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Recurvethorne Bow Conversion\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increa
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal optio
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal optio
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasin
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal optio
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an attack.\nNo Soul
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Periel Sword Conversion\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering C
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Feather Eye Blade Conversion\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflictin
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Skull Carnium Bow Conversion\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increas
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 134. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during a
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP
<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage inflicted durin
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 o
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +1,000 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during
<Special Option>\nIncreases HP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP dur
<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage inflicted durin
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional da
<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage inflicted durin
<Special Option>\nIncreases HP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additiona
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional da
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 134. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional dam
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. There is a chance of inflicting a
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more
<Special Option>\nHas about a 43% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted

Pagina 772

<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 129. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of
<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional dam
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. There is a chance of inflicting a
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional da
<Special Option>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting S
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Cast
<Special Option>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting
<Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted durin
<Special Option>\nM. Atk. +167. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when atta
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Cast
<Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted durin
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting S
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 139. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of
<Special Option>\nHas a 33% chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted durin
<Special Option>\nHas an 8% chance of decreasing MP consumption to 1 during a standard attack. Increases damage inflict
Kamael-exclusive weapon Peri El Sword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflic
Kamael-exclusive weapon Peri El Sword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 134. Increases damage inflicte
Kamael-exclusive weapon Peri El Sword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases dama
Kamael-exclusive weapon Feather Eye Blade Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage
Kamael-exclusive weapon Feather Eye Blade Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 134. Increases damage i
Kamael-exclusive weapon Feather Eye Blade Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases
Kamael-exclusive weapon Skull Carnium Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 139. Increases damage
Kamael-exclusive weapon Skull Carnium Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nInflicts Slow at a 24% rate during a Critical Att
Kamael-exclusive weapon Skull Carnium Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nHas a 12% chance of decreasing MP consum
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 134. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during a
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 o
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +1060 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling
<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage inflicted durin
<Special Option>\nIncreases HP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP dur
<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage inflicted durin
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during
<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage inflicted durin
<Special Option>\nIncreases HP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additiona
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional da
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 134. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional dam
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. There is a chance of inflicting a
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional da
<Special Option>\nThere is about a 43% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage infli
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 129. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. There is a chance of inflicting a
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional da
<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional dam
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting S
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. whe
<Special Option>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting

Pagina 773

<Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted durin
<Special Option>\nM. Atk. +177. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when atta
<Special Option>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting
<Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted durin
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting S
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Cast
<Special Option>\nHas a 44% chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted durin
<Special Option>\nHas an 8% chance of decreasing MP consumption to 1 during a standard attack. Has a chance of increas
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 139. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of
Kamael-exclusive weapon Incessantcore Sword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 134. Increases damag
Kamael-exclusive weapon Incessantcore Sword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increase
Kamael-exclusive weapon Incessantcore Sword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases dama
Kamael-exclusive weapon Lavamond Saw Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 134. Increases damage inflic
Kamael-exclusive weapon Lavamond Saw Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases dam
Kamael-exclusive weapon Lavamond Saw Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage in
Kamael-exclusive weapon Recurvethorne Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nInflicts Slow at a 24% rate during a Critical A
Kamael-exclusive weapon Recurvethorne Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nHas a 12% chance of decreasing MP consum
Kamael-exclusive weapon Recurvethorne Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 139. Increases damage
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that has a chance of casting Stun on the target during an attack.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery Rate.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases range.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen ench
Masterwork Item that increases range.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used

Pagina 774

Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate.\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP dur
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional dama
Masterwork Item that decreases MP Consumption.\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Cas
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of th
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of th
Masterwork Item that increases Critical Rate.\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional da
Masterwork Item that inflicts Stun with a certain chance during an attack.\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a cha
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd.\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional dama
Masterwork Item that increases Max Regeneration.\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Cas
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk.\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. du
Masterwork Item that increases range.\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bow
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate. Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Cutter Conversion\nHaste, Focus, or Hea
Masterwork Item that increases range.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Thrower Conversion\nBestows one of the followi
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Slasher Conversion\nBestows one of the follow
Masterwork item that increases Atk. Spd.\nA dual dagger that has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed sword when enc
Masterwork item that increases Atk. Spd.\nA dual dagger that has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed sword when enc
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
Masterwork item that increases P. Atk.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blu
A dual dagger. When enchanted its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can be equipped by Da
A dual dagger that has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed sword when enchanted. When enchanted to 4 or higher, in
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
A dual dagger that has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed sword when enchanted. Can be equipped by Dagger Maste
A dual dagger that has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed sword when enchanted. When enchanted to 4 or higher, in

Pagina 775

When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases damage inf
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted du
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases damage inflicted duri
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases damage inflicted d
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during P
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted dur
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicte
Masterwork Item that increases MP Recovery. <Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target dur
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +906 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. <Special Option>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enem
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases damage inflicted d
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 123. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during P
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. <Special Option>\nInflicts Stun with about a 43% chance during a Critical Attack. In
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted du
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.5. Increases damage inflicted du
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases damage inf
Masterwork Item that has a chance of casting Stun on the target during an attack.\n<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 4% of standa
Masterwork Item that has a chance of casting Stun on the target during an attack.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by
Masterwork Item that has a chance of casting Stun on the target during an attack.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases HP Recove
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. <Special Option>\nHP's Recovery Rate increases. Increases damage inflicted durin
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during P
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. <Special Option>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enem
Masterwork Item that increases MP Regen. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted d
Masterwork Item that increases MP Regen. <Special Option>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted dur
Masterwork Item that increases MP Regen. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk. <Special Option>\nM. Atk. +151. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chanc
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk. <Special Option>\nMP's Recovery Rate increases. Increases damage inflicted during
Masterwork Item that increases M. Atk. <Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during mag
Masterwork Item that increases range. <Special Option>\nMP consumption decreases by 8% during a skill attack. Increases
Masterwork Item that increases range. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 133. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. H
Masterwork Item that increases range. <Special Option>\nInflicts Slow with 33% chance during a Critical Attack. Increases da
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate. Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Cutter Conversion \n<Special Option>\nI
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate. Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Cutter Conversion \n<Special Option>\nI
Masterwork Item that increases P. Critical Rate. Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Cutter Conversion \n<Special Option>\nI
Masterwork Item that increases range. Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Thrower Conversion\n<Special Option>\nMP cons
Masterwork Item that increases range. Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Thrower Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncrease
Masterwork Item that increases range. Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Thrower Conversion\n<Special Option>\nCasts Sl
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Slasher Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncrea
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Slasher Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncrea
Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd. Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Slasher Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncrea
Masterwork Item that increases Magic Damage Resistance.
Masterwork Item that increases Magic Damage Resistance.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
Sealed Masterwork Item. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.

Pagina 776

Increases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Increases Casting Spd. by 15%.
Increases Casting Spd. by 15%.

Increases P. Critical Damage by 67. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Increases P. Critical Damage by 71.
Increases P. Critical Damage by 81.

Increases P. Critical Damage by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Has a 42% chance of decreasing MP consumption to 2 during a standard attack.
Has a 42% chance of decreasing MP consumption to 1 during a standard attack.

Increases P. Critical Damage by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Max HP increases by 25%.
Max HP increases by 25%.

Increases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Increases P. Critical Damage by 64.
Increases P. Critical Damage by 73.

Increases P. Critical Damage by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Max HP increases by 25%.
Increases P. Critical Damage by 73.

Increases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Increases Atk. Spd. by 9% when HP drops to 60% or below.
Increases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% or below.

Increases Atk. Spd. by 8%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Increases Atk. Spd. by 4%.
Increases P. Critical Damage by 40.

Angle of attack widens. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Range increases.
angle of attack widens.

Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Increases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Increases Max HP by 25%.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Increases Critical by 73.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Increases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance that part
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Increases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. There is a chance that party members including yourself will ge
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. There is a chance that party members including yourself will ge
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Has a chance that party members including yourself will get increased P. Atk., M. Atk. and the am

Pagina 777

Kamael-exclusive Weapon. Increases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. MP consumption decreases by about 12% during skill use.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon. MP consumption decreases by about 12% during skill use.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon.
Balloon stick containing cheering heart.
Balloon stick containing cheering heart.
Balloon stick containing cheering heart.
Balloon stick containing cheering heart.
Balloon stick containing cheering heart.
Balloon stick containing cheering heart.
Balloon stick containing cheering heart.
Balloon stick containing cheering heart.
Balloon stick containing cheering heart.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Accuracy and P. Critical Rate when enchanted to +
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate when enchanted
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Damage when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, and Casting Spd. whe
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage increases P. Atk. when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Accuracy and P. Critical Rate when enchanted to +
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate when enchanted
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Damage when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, and Casting Spd. whe
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage increases P. Atk. when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.

Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Accuracy and P. Critical Rate when enchanted to +
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.

Pagina 778

Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate when enchanted
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Damage when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, and Casting Spd. whe
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage increases P. Atk. when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Accuracy and P. Critical Rate when enchanted to +
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate when enchanted
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Damage when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, and Casting Spd. whe
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage increases P. Atk. when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows one of the following functions: Guidance, Haste, or Focus. Two functions can be bestowed through a rare soul cryst
Bestows one of the following functions: Haste, Focus, or Health. Two functions can be bestowed through a rare soul crystal. I
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Damage Up, or Haste. Two functions can be bestowed through a rare soul cry
Bestows one of the following functions: Haste, P. Critical Damage, or Focus. Two functions can be bestowed through a rare s
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Damage Up, or Haste. Two functions can be bestowed through a rare soul cry
Bestows one of the following functions: HP Drain, Guidance, or Damage Up. Two functions can be bestowed through a rare s
Bestows one of the following functions: Damage Up, Focus, or Long Blow. Two functions can be bestowed through a rare so
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Critical Slow, or Haste. Two functions can be bestowed through a rare soul cry
Bestows one of the following functions: Acumen, Magic Hold, or Mana Up. Two functions can be bestowed through a rare sou
Bestows one of the following functions: Empower, Acumen, or Magic Hold. Two functions can be bestowed through a rare so
Bestows one of the following functions: MP Regeneration, Acumen, or Empower. Two functions can be bestowed through a r
Bestows one of the following functions: Haste, Damage Up, or Health. Two functions can be bestowed through a rare soul cry
Bestows one of the following functions: Damage Up, Focus, or Guidance. Two functions can be bestowed through a rare sou
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Guidance, or Damage Up. Two functions can be bestowed through a rare sou
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.

Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4. Can use
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Accuracy and P. Critical Rate when enchanted to +
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4. Can use an Unbind
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4. Can use
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4. Can u
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted to +4. Can use an Un

Pagina 779

Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power when enchanted to +4. Can use an U
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. when enchanted to +4. Can use an Unbin
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate when enchanted
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Damage when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, and Casting Spd. whe
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage increases P. Atk. when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4. C
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4. Can use
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Accuracy and P. Critical Rate when enchanted to +
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4. Can use an Unbind
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4. Can use
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4. Can u
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted to +4. Can use an Un
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power when enchanted to +4. Can use an U
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. when enchanted to +4. Can use an Unbin
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate when enchanted
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Damage when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, and Casting Spd. whe
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage increases P. Atk. when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4. C
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4. Can use
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Accuracy and P. Critical Rate when enchanted to +
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4. Can use an Unbind
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4. Can use
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4. Can u
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted to +4. Can use an Un
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power when enchanted to +4. Can use an U
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. when enchanted to +4. Can use an Unbin
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate when enchanted
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Damage when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, and Casting Spd. whe
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage increases P. Atk. when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4. C
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4. Can use
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Accuracy and P. Critical Rate when enchanted to +
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4. Can use an Unbind
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4. Can use
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4. Can u
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted to +4. Can use an Un
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power when enchanted to +4. Can use an U
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. when enchanted to +4. Can use an Unbin
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate when enchanted
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Damage when enchan

Pagina 780

Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, and Casting Spd. whe
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage increases P. Atk. when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4. C
Bestows an attack or defense type set option. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Accuracy and P. Critical Rate when enchanted to +
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate when enchanted
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Damage when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, and Casting Spd. whe
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage increases P. Atk. when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Accuracy and P. Critical Rate when enchanted to +
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate when enchanted
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Damage when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, and Casting Spd. whe
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage increases P. Atk. when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Accuracy and P. Critical Rate when enchanted to +
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate when enchanted
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Damage when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, and Casting Spd. whe
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage increases P. Atk. when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.

Pagina 781

Bestows an attack or defense type set option.

Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Accuracy and P. Critical Rate when enchanted to +
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases Atk. Spd. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate when enchanted
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Damage when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, and Casting Spd. whe
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Critical Damage increases P. Atk. when enchan
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 82.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accurac
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enc
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +1108 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Cr
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 76.3. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when en
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage in
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power when enchante
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. when e
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicte
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +296. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical D
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. C
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +296. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, a

Pagina 782

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage and P. Atk
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. whe
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 82.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accurac
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enc
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +1108 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Cr
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 76.3. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when en
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage in
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power when enchante
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. when e
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicte
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +296. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical D
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. C
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +296. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage and P. Atk
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power an

Pagina 783

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. whe
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 82.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accurac
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enc
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +1108 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Cr
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 76.3. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when en
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage in
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power when enchante
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. when e
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicte
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +296. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical D
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. C
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +296. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage and P. Atk
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. whe
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 82.3. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accurac
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P.

Pagina 784

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enc
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +1158 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Cr
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 76. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. A
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when en
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage in
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power when enchante
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. when e
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicte
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +322. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical D
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. C
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +322. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage and P. Atk
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. whe
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 82.3. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accurac
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enc
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +1158 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Cr
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama

Pagina 785

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 76. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. A
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when en
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage in
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power when enchante
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can use an Unbind Scroll
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. when e
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicte
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +322. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical D
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. C
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +322. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. P. Critical Damage and P. Atk. Increase
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. whe
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 82.3. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accurac
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enc
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +1158 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Cr
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 76. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. A
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when en
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage in
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power when enchante

Pagina 786

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. when e
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicte
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +322. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical D
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. C
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +322. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage and P. Atk
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. whe
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 82.1. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accurac
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enc
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +1199 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Cr
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 75.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when en
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage in
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power when enchante
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. when e
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicte
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i

Pagina 787

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +395. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical D
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. C
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +395. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage and P. Atk
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. whe
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 82.1. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accurac
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enc
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +1199 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Cr
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 75.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when en
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage in
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. by 377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power when enchan
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. when e
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicte
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +395. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical D
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. C
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +395. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, a

Pagina 788

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage and P. Atk
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. whe
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 82.1. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accurac
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enc
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +1199 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Cr
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 75.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when en
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage in
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power when enchante
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. when e
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicte
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +395. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical D
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. C
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +395. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage and P. Atk
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power an

Pagina 789

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. whe
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 81.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accurac
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enc
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +1232 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Cr
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 75.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when en
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage in
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power when enchante
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. when e
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicte
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +460. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical D
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. C
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +460. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage and P. Atk
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. whe
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 81.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accurac
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P.

Pagina 790

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enc
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +1232 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Cr
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 75.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when en
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage in
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power when enchante
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. when e
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicte
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +460. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical D
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. C
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +460. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage and P. Atk
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. whe
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 81.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accurac
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enc
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +1232 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Cr
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama

Pagina 791

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 75.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when en
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage in
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power when enchante
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. when e
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicte
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +460. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical D
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. C
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +460. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage and P. Atk
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. whe
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 8.0. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 81.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accurac
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enc
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +457. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +1254 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Cr
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 75.4. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +457. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when en
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage in
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 8.0. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +457. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +457. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power when enchante

Pagina 792

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. when e
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicte
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +532. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical D
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. C
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +532. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +457. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +457. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage and P. Atk
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 8.0. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 8.0. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +457. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power and P. Atk. whe
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 8. and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 81.7. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 75.7 and Accuracy by 8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 78.5. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.5 and Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25% and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. and P. Atk. by 457. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 78.5. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15% and P. Atk. by 1254 during a Critical Attack. Increases dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +1254 during a Critical Attack. Increases Critical by 78.5. Increases damage inflicted d
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.5 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 75.5. and P. Atk. by 457. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases A
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 75.4. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases Accuracy
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.8. and P. Atk. by 457. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332 and absorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Inc
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases Critical by 78.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.5. Increases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range and P. Atk. by 457. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.5 and has a chance of casting Slow during a Critical Attack. Increases
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases Atk. Spd. by ab
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 78.5. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Has a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target durin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases Max MP

Pagina 793

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30% and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +532 and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Has a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target durin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. M. Atk. +532. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. M. Atk. +532. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +395 and MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. At
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15% and P. Atk. by 457. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +457 and Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critica
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25% and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases Critical by 78.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9 and Accuracy by 8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.9. and P. Atk. by 457. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 82.1 and Accuracy by 8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.8. and P. Atk. by 457. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases Critical by 78.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Additionally increases Shield Defense. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Additionally increases Shield Defense. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Additionally increases Shield Defense. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Additionally increases Shield Defense. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Additionally increases Shield Defense. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Additionally increases Shield Defense. Can use an Unbind Scroll to change this item into a Standard item.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.9 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 82.7. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 82.7 and Accuracy by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7 and Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25% and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9 and P. Atk. by 288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increase

Pagina 794

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15% and P. Atk. by 1108 during a Critical Attack. Increases dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +1108 during a Critical Attack. Increases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted d
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9 and P. Atk. by 288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increase
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases A
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 76.3. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases Accuracy
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.6 and P. Atk. by 288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288 and absorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Inc
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range and P. Atk. by 288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5 and has a chance of casting Slow during a Critical Attack. Increases
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases Atk. Spd. by ab
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Has a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target durin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases Max MP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30% and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +296 and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Has a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target durin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. M. Atk. +296. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. M. Atk. +296. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +296 and MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. At
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15% and P. Atk. by 288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288 and Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critica
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25% and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5 and Accuracy by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.8 and P. Atk. by 288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5 and Accuracy by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.7 and P. Atk. by 288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.9 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 82.7. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 82.7 and Accuracy by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. And Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7 and Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25% and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9 and P. Atk. by 288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increase
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. P. Atk. +1108 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases P.Atk. by 1108 during a Critical Attack. Increases Critical by 79.5. Increases damag
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9 and P. Atk. by 288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increase
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases A

Pagina 795

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 76.3. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases Accuracy
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.6 and P. Atk. by 288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Absorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Sword of Revolution for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Lesser Giant's Sword for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Maingauche for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Tarbar for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Lesser Giant's Hammer for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Priest Mace for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Goat Head Staff for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Bich'Hwa for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Reinforced Longbow for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Winged Spear for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Artisan's Sword*Artisan's Sword for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Épée for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Katzbalger for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Arm Breaker for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Samurai Long Sword for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Berserker Blade for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Crystal Dagger for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Yaksa Mace for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dwarven Hammer for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Ecliptic Axe for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Demon's Staff for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Great Pata for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Eminence Bow for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Orcish Poleaxe for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Katana*Katana for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Admiral's Estoc for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Saber Tooth for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sharpshooter for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Damascus Sword for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Guardian's Sword for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Demon's Dagger for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Art of Battle Axe for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Star Buster for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Kaim Vanul's Bones for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Staff of Evil Spirits for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Bellion Cestus for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Bow of Peril for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Lance for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Samurai Long Sword*Samurai Long Sword for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Colichemarde for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dismantler for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Hell Hound for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dark Legion's Edge for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 796

Dragon Slayer for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Soul Separator for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Elysian for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Doom Crusher for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Flaming Dragon Skull for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Branch of the Mother Tree for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dragon Grinder for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Soul Bow for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Tallum Glaive for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Damascus*Damascus for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Lacerator for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Undertaker for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Reaper for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Forgotten Blade for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Heaven's Divider for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Angel Slayer for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Basalt Battlehammer for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Dragon Hunter Axe for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Arcana Mace for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Imperial Staff for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Demon Splinter for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Draconic Bow for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Saint Spear for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Tallum Blade*Dark Legion's Edge for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Laevateinn for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Gram for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sarunga for events. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Sword made of bread. Fills you with the joy of a buttery Baguette.
Dagger made of bread. Fills you with the tears of a moldy Baguette.
A two-handed sword made of bread. Contains the passion of Baguette.
Mace made of bread. Fills you with the pain of a spicy Baguette.
Hammer made of bread. Fills you with the melancholy of a half-eaten Baguette.
Spear made of bread. Fills you with the solitude of an uneaten Baguette.
Bow made of bread. Fills you with the lively energy of a fresh baked Baguette.
Fist weapon made of bread. Fills you with the tenacious nature of a three-day-old Baguette.
Magic sword made of bread. Fills you with the madness of a burnt Baguette.
Staff made of bread. Fills you with the wisdom of a health-conscious Baguette.
Two-handed staff made of bread. Fills you with the tears of a soggy Baguette.
Shield made of bread. Fills you with the sorrow of a wasted Baguette.
Rapier made of bread. Fills you with the relief of a toasty Baguette.
Ancient Sword made of bread. Fills you with the regret of eating too many Baguettes.
Crossbow made of bread. Fills you with the rage of not having enough Baguette.
A dual sword that contains the great power of Baguette.
Staff that calls souls. Cooldown is 1 hour.
Elven Long Sword with limited power enhancement. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Light Bow with limited power enhancement. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Knight's Sword*Elven Sword with limited power enhancement. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul cr
Plate Shield with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, SA, and augmentation not possible.
Ghost Staff of Mana with limited power enhancement. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 797

Kadomas Transformation Stick. 7-day.

Stick that transforms you into a the Blessed Child Trejuo. The transformation ends when you de-equip the item. Cooldown is
Stick that transforms you into a the Blessed Child Sujin. The transformation ends when you de-equip the item. Cooldown is 4
Balloon stick containing cheering heart.
Balloon stick containing cheering heart.
Balloon stick containing cheering heart.
Balloon stick containing cheering heart.
Balloon stick containing cheering heart.
Balloon stick containing cheering heart.
Balloon stick containing cheering heart.
Balloon stick containing cheering heart.
Balloon stick containing cheering heart.
Fist weapon that looks like cozy bear paws. It Has a very low P. Atk.
Fist weapon that looks like cozy bear paws. P. Atk. is very low.
Beautiful wedding bouquet. Female only.
Transformation Harp that turns you into an Aqua Elf. 7-day.
Transformation Harp that turns you into an Aqua Elf. 7-day.
Transformation Harp that turns you into an Aqua Elf. 30-day.
Transformation Harp that turns you into an Aqua Elf. 30-day.
Transformation Harp that turns you into an Aqua Elf.
Transformation Harp that turns you into an Aqua Elf.
Letter Collector's Maingauche of Memory
Letter Collector's Sword of Revolution of Memory
Letter Collector's Lesser Giant's Sword of Memory
Letter Collector's Priest Mace of Memory
Letter Collector's Tarbar of Memory
Letter Collector's Goat Head Staff of Memory
Letter Collector's Lesser Giant's Hammer of Memory
Letter Collector's Winged Spear of Memory
Letter Collector's Strengthened Low Bow of Memory
Letter Collector's Épée of Memory
Letter Collector's Sword of Magic Fog of Memory
Letter Collector's Bastars*Bastard of Memory
Letter Collector's Bich'Hwa of Memory
Letter Collector's Katzbalger of Memory
Letter Collector's Arm Breaker of Memory
Magic pencil with a sharp tip. Provided to and only used by Pencil Corps.

Increases Magic Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
During Critical, P. Atk. +265. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Increases Critical by 88. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Increases Maximum HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Increases Critical by 84. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Increases Critical by 84. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Increases Critical by 80. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Increases Max HP +15%, Max MP +20%, and Max CP +30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an at
Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Kamael-exclusive weapon\nIncreases Critical by 84. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.

Pagina 798

Kamael-exclusive weapon\nIncreases Critical by 84. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nDuring Critical, party members
Kamael-exclusive weapon\nIncreases Critical by 88. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Increases Magic Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Increases P. Critical Rate by 116. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Increases P. Critical Rate by 116. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Increases Maximum HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Increases P. Critical Rate by 111. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Increases P. Critical Rate by 111. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Increases P. Critical Rate by 106. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Increases P. Critical Rate by 109, Maximum HP by 10%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribut
During Critical, inflicts Stun with a 48% probability. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Kamael-exclusive weapon\nIncreases P. Critical Rate by 111. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an at
Kamael-exclusive weapon\nIncreases P. Critical Rate by 111. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance that part
Kamael-exclusive weapon\nIncreases P. Critical Rate by 116. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an at
Sword used by Darion. Bestows a special power upon the wielder. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Cry
Not used
Not used
Not used
Sword used by Darion. Bestows a special power upon the wielder. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of r
<Special Option>\nSword used by Darion. Bestows a special power upon the wielder. Increases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Inc
<Special Option>\nSword used by Darion. Bestows a special power upon the wielder. Increases Max HP by 25%. Increases
<Special Option>\nSword used by Darion. Bestows a special power upon the wielder. Increases Critical by 131. Increases da
Masterwork Item that increases the P. Critical Rate.\nSword used by Darion. Bestows a special power upon the wielder. Can
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that increases the P. Critical Rate.\nSword used by Darion. Bestows a special power upon the wielder. Incre
Masterwork Item that increases the Critical Rate. <Special Option>\nSword used by Darion. Bestows a special power upon th
Masterwork Item that increases the Critical Rate. <Special Option>\nSword used by Darion. Bestows a special power upon th
Masterwork Item that increases the Critical Rate. <Special Option>\nSword used by Darion. Bestows a special power upon th
A dual dagger used by Doll Blader. Bestows a special power on the wearer. Has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed s
A dual dagger used by Doll Blader. Bestows a special power on the wearer. Has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed s
Masterwork item that increases Evasion\nA dual dagger used by Doll Blader. Bestows a special power on the wearer. Has gr
Masterwork item that increases Evasion\nA dual dagger used by Doll Blader. Bestows a special power on the wearer. Has gr
Blunt weapon used by Tiat. Bestows a special power upon the wielder. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul
Not used
Not used
Not used
Blunt weapon used by Tiat. Bestows a special power upon the wielder. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance
<Special Option>\nBlunt used by Tiat. Bestows a special power upon the wielder. Absorbs 4% of standard melee damage inf
<Special Option>\nBlunt used by Tiat. Bestows a special power upon the wielder. Increases Max HP by 25%. Increases dam
<Special Option>\nBlunt used by Tiat. Bestows a special power upon the wielder. Increases HP Recovery Rate. Increases da
Masterwork Item that has the Stun effect at a fixed rate when striking.\nBlunt weapon used by Tiat. Bestows a special power
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item that has the Stun effect at a fixed rate when striking.\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance
Masterwork Item that has the Stun effect at a fixed rate when striking.\n<Special Option>\nBlunt weapon used by Tiat. Bestow
Masterwork Item that has the Stun effect at a fixed rate when striking.\n<Special Option>\nBlunt weapon used by Tiat. Bestow

Pagina 799

Masterwork Item that has the Stun effect at a fixed rate when striking.\n<Special Option>\nBlunt weapon used by Tiat. Bestow
A dual sword used by Aenkinel. Bestows a special power on the wearer. Has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed swor
A dual sword used by Aenkinel. Bestows a special power on the wearer. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two
Masterwork item that increases Max HP\nA dual sword used by Aenkinel. Bestows a special power on the wearer. When a du
Masterwork item that increases Max HP\nA dual sword used by Aenkinel. Bestows a special power on the wearer. When a du
A two-handed sword used by Yehan Klanikus. Bestows a special power on the wearer. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal an
Not used
Not used
Not used
<Special Option>\nA two-handed sword used by Yehan Klanikus. Bestows a special power on the wearer. Increases Critical
<Special Option>\nA two-handed sword used by Yehan Klanikus. Bestows a special power on the wearer. Increases Max HP
<Special Option>\nA two-handed sword used by Yehan Klanikus. Bestows a special power on the wearer. Increases Weight
Masterwork item that increases Atk. Spd.\nA two-handed sword used by Yehan Klanikus. Bestows a special power on the we
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork item that increases Atk. Spd.\n<Special Option>\nA two-handed sword used by Yehan Klanikus. Bestows a spec
Masterwork item that increases Atk. Spd.\n<Special Option>\nA two-handed sword used by Yehan Klanikus. Bestows a spec
Masterwork item that increases Atk. Spd.\n<Special Option>\nA two-handed sword used by Yehan Klanikus. Bestows a spec
Magic fan used by Mardil. Bestows a special power upon the wielder. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nMagic fan used by Mardil. Bestows a special power upon the wielder. Increases MP consump
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nMagic fan used by Mardil. Bestows a special power upon the wielder. Inflicts Silence on the ta
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nMagic fan used by Mardil. Bestows a special power upon the wielder. Increases Casting Spd.
Masterwork Item that increases Heal Amount.\nMagic fan used by Mardil. Bestows a special power upon the wielder. Can be
Masterwork Item that increases Heal Amount.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nMagic fan used by Mardil. Bestows a special p
Masterwork Item that increases Heal Amount.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nMagic fan used by Mardil. Bestows a special p
Masterwork Item that increases Heal Amount.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nMagic fan used by Mardil. Bestows a special p
Fist weapon that looks like cozy bear paws. Very low P. Atk.
Stick that transforms you into a the Blessed Child Sujin. The transformation ends when you de-equip the item. Cooldown is 4
Stick that transforms you into a the Blessed Child Trejuo. The transformation ends when you de-equip the item. Cooldown is
Emerald Sword. One-handed Sword
Emerald Dual Sword.
Powerful-looking fist weapon in the shape of Black Bear claws. 7-day. Very low P. Atk.
Powerful-looking fist weapon in the shape of Black Bear claws. Very low P. Atk.
Scythe that give off the shadow of death. It is a Halloween event reward item that 7-day.
Scythe that gives off the shadow of death. It is a Halloween event reward item.
For Test. Emerald one-handed sword.
Emerald weapon. One-handed sword type. Base appearance of Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald Weapon. Dagger form. Basic Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald weapon. Two-handed sword type. Base appearance of Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald Weapon. Fist weapon form. Basic Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald Weapon. Spear form. Basic Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald Weapon. Bow form. Basic Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald Weapon. Crossbow form. Basic Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald weapon. One-handed blunt weapon type. Base appearance of Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald weapon. Two-handed blunt weapon type. Base appearance of Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald weapon. One-handed staff type. Base appearance of Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald weapon. Two-handed staff type. Base appearance of Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald weapon. Dual Sword type. Base appearance of Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.

Pagina 800

Emerald weapon. Dual dagger type. Base appearance of Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald Weapon. Dual blunt form. Basic Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald Weapon. Shield form. Basic Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Japanese weapon. One-handed sword type. Base appearance of Japanese Weapon Appearance Stone.
Japanese weapon. Dagger form. Basic Japanese Weapon Appearance Stone.
Japanese weapon. Two-handed sword type. Base appearance of Japanese Weapon Appearance Stone.
Japanese weapon. Fist weapon form. Basic Japanese Weapon Appearance Stone.
Japanese weapon. Spear form. Basic Japanese Weapon Appearance Stone.
Japanese weapon. Bow form. Basic Japanese Weapon Appearance Stone.
Japanese weapon. Crossbow form. Basic Japanese Weapon Appearance Stone.
Japanese weapon. One-handed blunt weapon type. Base appearance of Japanese Weapon Appearance Stone.
Japanese weapon. Two-handed blunt weapon type. Base appearance of Japanese Weapon Appearance Stone.
Japanese weapon. One-handed staff type. Base appearance of Japanese Weapon Appearance Stone.
Japanese weapon. Two-handed staff type. Base appearance of Japanese Weapon Appearance Stone.
Japanese weapon. Dual Sword type. Base appearance of Japanese Weapon Appearance Stone.
Japanese weapon. Dual dagger type. Base appearance of Japanese Weapon Appearance Stone.
Japanese weapon. Dual blunt form. Basic Japanese Weapon Appearance Stone.
Japanese weapon. Shield form. Basic Japanese Weapon Appearance Stone.
Two-handed blunt with special powers used by the Drake Lord. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal
Not used
Not used
Not used
Two-handed blunt with special powers used by the Drake Lord. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of reco
<Special Option>\nTwo-handed blunt with special powers used by the Drake Lord. Absorbs 4% of standard melee damage in
<Special Option>\nTwo-handed blunt with special powers used by the Drake Lord. Increases HP Recovery Rate. Increases d
<Special Option>\nTwo-handed blunt with special powers used by the Drake Lord. Max HP increases by 25%. Increases dam
Masterwork Item with chance of HP absorption during an attack.\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crys
Not used
Not used
Not used
Masterwork Item with chance of HP absorption during an attack.\nIncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of re
Masterwork Item with chance of HP absorption during an attack\n<Special Option>\nTwo-handed blunt with special powers u
Masterwork Item with chance of HP absorption during an attack\n<Special Option>\nTwo-handed blunt with special powers u
Masterwork Item with chance of HP absorption during an attack\n<Special Option>\nTwo-handed blunt with special powers u
A two-handed staff used by Freya. Bestows a special power on the user. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special So
Not used
Not used
Not used
A two-handed staff used by Freya. Bestows a special power on the user. Inflicts more damage during PvP and has a chance
<Special Option>\nA two-handed staff used by Freya. Bestows a special power on the user. Has a 20% chance to trigger Dry
<Special Option>\nA two-handed staff used by Freya. Bestows a special power on the user. Increases M. Atk. by 177. Inflicts
<Special Option>\nA two-handed staff used by Freya. Bestows a special power on the user. Increases MP Recovery Rate. In
Masterwork item that increases MP Recovery Rate\nA two-handed staff used by Freya. Bestows a special power on the user
Not used
Not used
Not used
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Masterwork item that increases MP Recovery Rate\n<Special Option>\nA two-handed staff used by Freya. Bestows a specia
Masterwork item that increases MP Recovery Rate\n<Special Option>\nA two-handed staff used by Freya. Bestows a specia

Pagina 801

Masterwork item that increases MP Recovery Rate\n<Special Option>\nA two-handed staff used by Freya. Bestows a specia
Fist weapon with special powers used by Spezion. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When enc
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nFist weapon with special powers used by Spezion. Critical +76. Increases damage inflicted du
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nFist weapon with special powers used by Spezion. P. Atk. Increases by 332. Increases damag
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nFist weapon with special powers used by Spezion. Atk. Spd. Increases by about 15%. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nFist weapon with special powers used by Spezion. Critical +78.9. P. Atk. Increases by 332. In
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nFist weapon with special powers used by Spezion. P. Atk. Increases by 332. Atk. Spd. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nFist weapon with special powers used by Spezion. Atk. Spd. Increases by about 15%. Critical
Spear used by Maliss. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When enchanted to +4, Multi-attack als
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nSpear used by Maliss. Recovers 4% of standard physical damage inflicted upon the enemy as
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nSpear used by Maliss. Accuracy increases by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nSpear used by Maliss. P. Atk. Increases by 288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Whe
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nSpear used by Maliss. Recovers 4% of standard melee physical damage inflicted upon the en
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nSpear used by Maliss. Accuracy increases by 7.6. P. Atk. Increases by 288. Increases damag
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nSpear used by Maliss. P. Atk. Increases by 288. Recovers 4% of standard melee physical dam
Dagger used by Steregos. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When enchanted to +4, P. Critical
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDagger used by Steregos. Accuracy increases by 7.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDagger used by Steregos. Atk. Spd. Increases by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDagger used by Steregos. Critical +82.3. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. When encha
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDagger used by Steregos. Accuracy increases by 7.9. Atk. Spd. Increases by about 15%. Incr
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDagger used by Steregos. Atk. Spd. Increases by about 15%. Critical +82.3. Increases damag
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDagger used by Steregos. Critical +82.3. Accuracy increases by 7.7. Increases damage inflict
Dual blunt with special powers used by Ron. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When enchanted
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDual blunt with special powers used by Ron. Critical +78.9. Increases damage inflicted during
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDual blunt with special powers used by Ron. Accuracy increases by 7.8. Increases damage in
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDual blunt with special powers used by Ron. P. Atk. Increases by 377. Increases damage infli
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDual blunt with special powers used by Ron. Critical +79.2. Accuracy increases by 7.8. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDual blunt with special powers used by Ron. Accuracy increases by 7.7. P. Atk. Increases by
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDual blunt with special powers used by Ron. P. Atk. Increases by 377. Critical +78.9. Increase
Shoots a heart with love. Can use the 'Heart Shot' active skill. \nNote: If you use this skill against a monster, you can be attac
Critical +131. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Critical +131. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Casting Spd. +15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
P. Atk. +906 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Has a 43% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assig
Max HP +25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Absorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assi
Max HP +25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Casting Spd. +15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Critical +151. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Critical +133. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Kamael-only weapon. \nCritical +131. Has a chance of increasing all party members' P. Atk., M. Atk., and Heal Amount, and
Kamael-only weapon. \nCritical +133. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Kamael-only weapon. \nCritical +131. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.

When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
A dual dagger that has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed sword when enchanted. When enchanted to 4 or higher, in
Russia's weapon crafting contest finalist. One-handed sword type. Base appearance of Weapon Appearance Stone.
Russia's weapon crafting contest finalist. Dagger type. Weapon Appearance Basic.

Pagina 802

Russia's weapon crafting contest finalist. Two-handed sword type. Base appearance of Weapon Appearance Stone.
Russia's weapon crafting contest finalist. Fist weapon type. Weapon Appearance Basic.
Russia's weapon crafting contest finalist. Spear type. Weapon Appearance Basic.
Russia's weapon crafting contest finalist. Bow type. Weapon Appearance Basic.
Russia's weapon crafting contest finalist. Crossbow type. Weapon Appearance Basic.
Russia's weapon crafting contest finalist. One-handed blunt weapon type. Weapon Appearance Basic.
Russia's weapon crafting contest finalist. Magic sword type. Base appearance of Weapon Appearance Stone.
Russia's weapon crafting contest finalist. One-handed staff type. Base appearance of Weapon Appearance Stone.
Russia's weapon crafting contest finalist. Two-handed staff type. Base appearance of Weapon Appearance Stone.
Russia's weapon crafting contest finalist. Dual Sword type. Base appearance of Weapon Appearance Stone.
Russia's weapon crafting contest finalist. Dual dagger type. Base appearance of Weapon Appearance Stone.
Russia's weapon crafting contest finalist. Dual Blunt Weapon type. Weapon Appearance Basic.
Russia's weapon crafting contest finalist. Shield type. Weapon Appearance Basic.
Cannot enchant, augment, or enchant with a soul crystal. 60-day.
Cannot enchant, augment, or enchant with a soul crystal. 60-day.
Cannot enchant, augment, or enchant with a soul crystal. 60-day.
Cannot enchant, augment, or enchant with a soul crystal. 60-day.
Cannot enchant, augment, or enchant with a soul crystal. 60-day.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween shield.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween weapon.
Halloween shield.
Weapon worth 1000 Adena. Shadow item.

Pagina 803

A fancy fishing rod. Acquired XP/ SP +50% when fishing. Reduces fishing time. Consumes 1 Fishing Shot.
A 1-day fancy fishing rod. Acquired XP/ SP +50% when fishing. Reduces fishing time. Consumes 1 Fishing Shot.
A 7-day fancy fishing rod. Acquired XP/ SP +50% when fishing. Reduces fishing time. Consumes 1 Fishing Shot.
A 30-day fancy fishing rod. Acquired XP/ SP +50% when fishing. Reduces fishing time. Consumes 1 Fishing Shot.
A cheering item used to support favorite athletes. Allows to use the Cheer Firecracker skill.
A cheering item used to support favorite athletes. Allows to use the Cheer Firecracker skill.
A cheering item used to support favorite athletes. Allows to use the Cheer Firecracker skill.
A cheering item used to support favorite athletes. Allows to use the Cheer Firecracker skill.
Antharas Shaper fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins. Take it along with a Dragon Claw Coupon t
Antharas Slasher fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins. Take it along with a Dragon Claw Coupon
Antharas Thrower fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins. Take it along with a Dragon Claw Coupon
Antharas Buster fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins. Take it along with a Dragon Claw Coupon to
Antharas Cutter fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins. Take it along with a Dragon Claw Coupon to
Antharas Stormer fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins. Take it along with a Dragon Claw Coupon
Antharas Fighter fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins. Take it along with a Dragon Claw Coupon t
Antharas Avenger fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.Take it along with a Dragon Claw Coupon
Antharas Dual Blunt fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins. Take it along with a Dragon Claw Coupo
Antharas Dual Sword fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins. Take it along with a Dragon Claw Coup
Valakas Shaper fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins. Take it along with a Dragon Claw Coupon to
Valakas Cutter fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins. Take it along with a Dragon Claw Coupon to
Valakas Slasher fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins. Take it along with a Dragon Claw Coupon to
Valakas Thrower fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.Thrower Take it along with a Dragon Claw C
Valakas Buster fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins. Take it along with a Dragon Claw Coupon to
Valakas Caster fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins. Take it along with a Dragon Claw Coupon to
Valakas Retributer fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins. Take it along with a Dragon Claw Coupon
Lindvior Shaper fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins. Take it along with a Dragon Claw Coupon to
Lindvior Thrower fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.Thrower Take it along with a Dragon Claw C
Lindvior Slasher fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins. Take it along with a Dragon Claw Coupon to
Lindvior Caster fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins. Take it along with a Dragon Claw Coupon to
Lindvior Cutter fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins. Take it along with a Dragon Claw Coupon to
Lindvior Shooter fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins. Take it along with a Dragon Claw Coupon to
Lindvior Dual Dagger fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins. Take it along with a Dragon Claw Coup
Antharas Shaper High-grade to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +
Antharas Slasher High-grade to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP
Antharas Thrower High-grade to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP
Antharas Buster High-grade to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +
Antharas Cutter High-grade to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +3
Antharas Stormer High-grade to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP
Antharas Fighter High-grade to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +
Antharas Avenger High-grade to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP
Antharas Dual Blunt High-grade to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ C
Antharas Dual Sword High-grade to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/
Valakas Shaper fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30
Valakas Cutter fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%
Valakas Slasher fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30
Valakas Thrower fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +3
Valakas Buster fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%
Valakas Caster fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%
Valakas Retributer fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +

Pagina 804

Lindvior Shaper fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30
Lindvior Thrower fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30
Lindvior Slasher fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30
Lindvior Caster fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%
Lindvior Cutter fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%
Lindvior Shooter fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30
Lindvior Dual Dagger fragment to celebrate the collaboration with Seven Deadly Sins.\nPvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP
Item that changes the appearance of a weapon into that of a White Day Two-handed Blunt.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range and P. Atk. by 288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5 and has a chance of casting Slow during a Critical Attack. Increases
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases Atk. Spd. by ab
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Has a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target durin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases Max MP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30% and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +296 and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Has a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target durin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. M. Atk. +296. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. M. Atk. +296. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +296 and MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. At
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15% and P. Atk. by 288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288 and Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critica
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25% and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5 and Accuracy by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.8 and P. Atk. by 288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5 and Accuracy by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.7 and P. Atk. by 288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.9 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 82.3. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 82.3 and Accuracy by 7.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2 and Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25% and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9 and P. Atk. by 332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increase
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15% and P. Atk. by 1158 during a Critical Attack. Increases dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +1158 during a Critical Attack. Increases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted d
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9 and P. Atk. by 332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increase
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases A
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 76. Increases damage inflicted during
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases Accuracy
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.7 and P. Atk. by 332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Absorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.

Pagina 805

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Increases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range and P. Atk. by 332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2 and has a chance of casting Slow during a Critical Attack. Increases
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases Atk. Spd. by ab
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Has a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target durin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases Max MP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30% and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +322 and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Has a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target durin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. M. Atk. +322. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. M. Atk. +322. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +296 and MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. At
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15% and P. Atk. by 332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332 and Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critica
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25% and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5 and Accuracy by 7.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.8 and P. Atk. by 332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 76.3. Increases Accuracy by 7.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.7 and P. Atk. by 332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.9 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 82.3. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 82.3 and Accuracy by 7.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2 and Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25% and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9 and P. Atk. by 332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increase
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15% and P. Atk. by 1158 during a Critical Attack. Increases dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +1158 during a Critical Attack. Increases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted d
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9 and P. Atk. by 332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increase
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases A
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 76. Increases damage inflicted during
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases Accuracy
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.7 and P. Atk. by 332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Absorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases by Critical by 79.2. Increases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range and P. Atk. by 332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2. Has a chance of casting Slow during a Critical Attack. Increases da
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases Atk. Spd. by ab
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Has a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target durin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases Max MP

Pagina 806

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30% and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +322 and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Has a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target durin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. M. Atk. +322. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. M. Atk. +322. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +296 and MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. At
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15% and P. Atk. by 332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332 and Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critica
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25% and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5 and Accuracy by 7.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.8 and P. Atk. by 332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 76.3 and Accuracy by 7.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.7 and P. Atk. by 332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases Critical by 79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 8 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 82.1. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2 and Accuracy by 7.8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.5 and Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25% and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7 and P. Atk. by 377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increase
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. P. Atk. +1199 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +1199 during a Critical Attack. Increases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted d
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7 and P. Atk. by 377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increase
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases A
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 75.7. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases Accuracy
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.7 and P. Atk. by 377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Absorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range and P. Atk. by 377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Has a chance of casting Slow during a Critical Attack. Increases da
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases Atk. Spd. by ab
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Has a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target durin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases Max MP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30% and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +395 and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Has a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target durin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. M. Atk. +395. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. M. Atk. +395. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +322 and MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. At

Pagina 807

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15% and P. Atk. by 377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377 and Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critica
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25% and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 76 and Accuracy by 7.8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.9 and P. Atk. by 377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2 and Accuracy by 7.8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.7 and P. Atk. by 377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 8 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 82.1. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2 and Accuracy by 7.8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.5 and Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25% and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7 and P. Atk. by 377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increase
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. P. Atk. +1199 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +1199 during a Critical Attack. Increases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted d
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7 and P. Atk. by 377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increase
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases A
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 75.7. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases Accuracy
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.7 and P. Atk. by 377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Absorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Increases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range and P. Atk. by 377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.9. Has a chance of casting Slow during a Critical Attack. Increases da
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases Atk. Spd. by ab
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Has a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target durin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases Max MP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30% and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +395 and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Has a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target durin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. M. Atk. +395. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. M. Atk. +395. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +322 and MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. At
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15% and P. Atk. by 377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377 and Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critica
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25% and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 76 and Accuracy by 7.8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.9 and P. Atk. by 377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2 and Accuracy by 7.8. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa

Pagina 808

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.7 and P. Atk. by 377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases Critical by 78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 8 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 81.9. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2 and Accuracy by 7.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 75.4 and Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25% and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7 and P. Atk. by 415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increase
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. P. Atk. +1232 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +1232 during a Critical Attack. Increases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted d
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 81.9 and P. Atk. by 415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increase
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases A
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 75.5. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases Accuracy
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.8 and P. Atk. by 415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Absorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range. P. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Has a chance of casting Slow during a Critical Attack. Increases da
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases Atk. Spd. by ab
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Has a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target durin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases Max MP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30% and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +460 and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Has a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target durin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. M. Atk. +460. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. M. Atk. +460. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +322. Increases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increase
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15% and P. Atk. by 415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415 and Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critica
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25% and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2 and Accuracy by 7.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.9 and P. Atk. by 415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2 and Accuracy by 7.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.8 and P. Atk. by 415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 8 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 81.9. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2 and Accuracy by 7.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 75.4 and Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa

Pagina 809

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25% and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7 and P. Atk. by 415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increase
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15% and P. Atk. by 1232 during a Critical Attack. Increases dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +1232 during a Critical Attack. Increases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted d
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 81.9 and P. Atk. by 415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increase
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415 and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases A
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 75.5. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases Accuracy
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.8 and P. Atk. by 415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Absorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Increases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range and P. Atk. by 415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 78.7. Has a chance of casting Slow during a Critical Attack. Increases da
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases Atk. Spd. by ab
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted duri
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Has a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target durin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases Max MP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30% and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +460 and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Has a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target durin
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. M. Atk. +460. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate and Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. M. Atk. +460. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +322 and MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. At
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15% and P. Atk. by 415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415 and Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critica
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25% and Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2 and Accuracy by 7.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.9 and P. Atk. by 415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.2 and Accuracy by 7.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increa
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.8 and P. Atk. by 415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increas
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases Critical by 78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P.
Envoy Weapon
Olympiad Hero's Weapon. When equipped, increases PC Damage by 30%. Additionally gives Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P. Sk
Olympiad Hero's Weapon. When equipped, increases PC Damage by 30%. Additionally gives Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P. Sk
Olympiad Hero's Weapon. When equipped, increases PC Damage by 30%. Additionally gives Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P. Sk
Olympiad Hero's Weapon. When equipped, increases PC Damage by 30%. Additionally gives Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P. Sk
Olympiad Hero's Weapon. When equipped, increases PC Damage by 30%. Additionally gives Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P. Sk
Olympiad Hero's Weapon. When equipped, increases PC Damage by 30%. Additionally gives Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P. Sk
Olympiad Hero's Weapon. When equipped, increases PC Damage by 30%. Additionally gives Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P. Sk
Olympiad Hero's Weapon. When equipped, increases PC Damage by 30%. Additionally gives Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P. Sk
Olympiad Hero's Weapon. When equipped, increases PC Damage by 30%. Additionally gives Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, M. Sk
Olympiad Hero's Weapon. When equipped, increases PC Damage by 30%. Additionally gives Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, M. Sk
Olympiad Hero's Weapon. When equipped, increases PC Damage by 30%. Additionally gives Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, M. Sk

Pagina 810

Olympiad Hero's Weapon. When equipped, increases PC Damage by 30%. Additionally gives Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P. Sk
Olympiad Hero's Weapon. When equipped, increases PC Damage by 30%. Additionally gives Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P. Sk
Olympiad Hero's Weapon. When equipped, increases PC Damage by 30%. Additionally gives Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, P. Sk
Bound Ghost Staff.
Bound Ghost Staff.
Bound Hoplon.
Bound Homunkulus' Sword.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 5% chance of casting Paralysis on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Sage's Blood.
Bound Sage's Staff.
<Special Option>\nHas a 6% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 7% chance of casting Curse Poison on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 7% chance of casting Curse Weakness on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Sword of Revolution*Sword of Revolution.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Sword of Revolution*Elven Long Sword.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Sword of Revolution.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 30% chance of casting Regeneration on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Cryst
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 50% chance of casting Mental Shield on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Cryst
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 7% chance of casting Curse Weakness on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Cry
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Bow of Peril Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 3.\nNo Soul C
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Bow of Peril Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases cooldown by about 13%.\nN
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Bow of Peril Conversion\n<Special Option>\nDecreases MP consumption by 12%
Bound Heavy Mace.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nDecreases Max HP by 15%. P. Atk. +28.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 107 when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Heavy Sword.
Bound Heavy Bone Club.
Bound Heavy Doom Hammer.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 30% chance of casting Regeneration on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 50% chance of casting Mental Shield on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 6% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Heavy Doom Axe.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas an 8% chance of casting Curse Poison on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas an 8% chance of casting Curse Weakness on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas an 8% chance of casting Curse Chaos on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about +7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crysta
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 84. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Reinforced bow conversion, Bound field gun.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Two-handed Sword Transmutation. A bound Field Sword.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal

Pagina 811

Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by about 25% and Stun effect. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nN
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nWidened angle of attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Hand Axe.
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Longbow Conversion, Bound Hand Crossbow.
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Elven Bow Conversion, Bound Hand Crossbow.
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Dark Elven Bow Conversion, Bound Hand Crossbow.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 3.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases cooldown by about 13%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 42% chance of decreasing MP consumption to 1 during a standard attack.\nNo Soul
Bound War Pick.
Bound Lesser Giant's Hammer.
Bound Lesser Giant's Sword.
Bound Tome of Blood.
Bound Crucifix of Blood.
Bound Fisted Blade.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 6 when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 12% when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Dark Elven Longbow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 2.\nNo
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Dark Elven Longbow conversion\nHas a 41% chance of casting Bleed on the targe
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Dark Elven Longbow conversion\n<Special Option>>\nHas a 19% chance of reduc
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Bastard sword conversion, Bound fleuret.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Spinebone sword conversion, Bound fleuret.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Artisan's sword conversion, Bound fleuret
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Knight's sword conversion, Bound fleuret.
Bound Plate Shield.
Bound Plate Shield.
Bound Flamberge.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +174 during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 86.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Full Plate Shield.
Bound Poleaxe.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas about a 25% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases the attack range.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nBroadens the angle of attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 84. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Infernal Master conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. I
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Infernal Master Conversion\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +297 during a Critical Attac
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Infernal Master conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases
Bound Paradia Staff. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 30% chance of casting Regeneration on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 50% chance of casting Mental Shield on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.

Pagina 812

<Special Option>\nHas a 6% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Pike.
Bound Pa'agrio Hammer.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 6 when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 7% chance of casting Curse Poison on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 7% chance of casting Curse Weakness on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Pa'agrio Axe.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 7% chance of casting Curse Weakness on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 7% chance of casting Curse Chaos on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Poniard Dagger.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Bound Item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage infli
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 18 HP from the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases MP consumption by 15% and M. Atk. by 139 during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Trident.
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Heavy Sword Conversion, Bound Talwar.
Kamael-exclusive weapon: Steel Sword Conversion, Bound Talwar..
Bound Tomahawk.
Bound item.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. At
Bound item.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. At
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 10% chance of casting Poison on the target during a standard Critical Attack. Increas
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nDecreases Max HP by 15%. P. Atk. +31. Inflicts additional damage during PvP.\nNo Soul C
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 4. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal op
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nBroadens the angle of attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal opti
Bound Tower Shield.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Akat Longbow conversion, Bound tathlum. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Akat Longbow\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 4.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Akat Longbow\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 2.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Akat Longbow\n<Special Option>\nHas a 32% chance of reducing the number of Soulshots cons
Bound Tarbar.
Bound Claymore.
Bound Big Hammer. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 138 when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 8%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound item.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. At
Bound item.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. At
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 5.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 68.\nNo Soul Crystal option.

Pagina 813

Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases P. Critical Rate by 56 when attacking the target from behind.\nNo Soul Crystal op
Bound Crimson Sword*Sword of Revolution. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Crimson Sword*Crimson Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Crimson Sword*Elven Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Crimson Sword*Elven Long Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Crimson Sword.
Bound crystal staff. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 7 when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Blessed Body on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound crystal dagger. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 14% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal optio
<Special Option>\nHas a 7% chance of casting Poison on the target during a standard Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal optio
<Special Option>\nIncreases the success rate of Mortal Blow and Deadly Blow by 44%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 2.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 71.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases P. Critical Rate by 40% when attacking the target from behind.\nNo Soul Crystal o
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Gastraphetes conversion, Bound crossbow. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Light Bow Conversion, Bound Cranequin. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound kukuri.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Damascus sword conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 64. When e
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Damascus sword conversion\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +262 during a Critical Atta
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Damascus sword conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%
Bound Compound Shield.
Bound Conjuror's Staff.
Bound Conjuror's Knife.
Bound katana*katana. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Katana*Spirit Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Katana*Raid Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Katana. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 82.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +194 during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Lesser Giant's Sword conversion, Bound Katzbalger.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 10% chance of casting Silence on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal optio
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and Max HP by 40%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Kite Shield.
Bound Karik Horn. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 77.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 9 HP from the target during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Caliburs. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 5.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 77.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +213 during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.

Pagina 814

Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.

Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 35% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Attack. Increase
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Bound Tsurugi. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 77.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +213 during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Chain Shield.
Bound bronze Shield.
Bound Chakram. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 6 HP from the target during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 17% chance of casting Poison on the target during a standard Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal opti
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 13% when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Scroll of Wisdom.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Claymore conversion, Bound general's katzbalger.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 30% chance of casting Regeneration on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Cryst
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 50% chance of casting Mental Shield on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Cryst
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 10% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal
Bound Cursed Maingauche.
Bound Cursed Dagger. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 17% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal optio
<Special Option>\nHas a 9% chance of casting Poison on the target during a standard Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal optio
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 13% when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Cursed Staff. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 6% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas an 8% chance of casting Curse Poison on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas an 8% chance of casting Curse Weakness on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Artisan's Sword*Sword of Revolution. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Artisan's Sword*Crimson Sword.
Bound Artisan's Sword*Artisan's Sword.
Bound Artisan's Sword*Elven Sword.
Bound Artisan's Sword*Elven Long Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Artisan's Sword*Knight's Sword.
Bound Artisan's Sword.
Bound Work Hammer.

Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.

Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nM. Atk. +60. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal opt
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damag
Bound Inferno Staff. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 10% chance of casting Silence on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 5% chance of casting Paralysis on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage infli
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +297 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crys

Pagina 815

Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Pa'agrian Sword conversion, Bound immortal edge. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Pa'agrian Sword\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 77.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Pa'agrian Sword\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Pa'agrian Sword\n<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 9 HP from the target during a Critical Attack.\nNo S
Bound Ecliptic Axe. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases MP consumption by 15% and M. Atk. by 112 during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 6% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound item.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. At
Bound item.\nWhen enchanted, a dual dagger has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed sword. When enchanted to 4 or
Bound Heathen's Book. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Winged Spear.
Bound Widow Maker. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas about a 31% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases the attack range.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nBroadens the angle of attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Silver Axe. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +20 and decreases Max HP by 15%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 138 when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 8%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound War Axe. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +24 and decreases Max HP by 15%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound War Hammer.
Bound Single-Edged Jamadh.
Bound Orcish Poleaxe. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas about a 29% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases the attack range.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nBroadens the angle of attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Orcish Glaive. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +20 and decreases Max HP by 15%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas about a 34% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases the attack range.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 38% chance of decreasing MP consumption to 1 during a standard attack. Increases
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nDecreases cooldown by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crys
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas an 18% chance of casting Poison on the target during a standard Critical Attack. Increa
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas an 8% chance of casting Curse Poison on the target during magic use. Increases dama
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. By 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal o
Bound Horn of Glory. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Mace of Miracle.
Bound Elven Sword*Sword of Revolution. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Elven Sword*Elven Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Elven Sword*Elven Long Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Elven Sword

Pagina 816

Bound Elven Bow.

Bound Elven Long Sword*Elven Long Sword.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Elven Long Sword
Bound Elven Long Sword
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nDecreases Max HP by 15%. P. Atk. +32. Inflicts additional damage during PvP.\nNo Soul C
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 19 HP from the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases MP consumption by 15% and M. Atk. by 153 during magic use. Increases damag
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 5% chance of casting Paralysis on the target during magic use. Increases damage in
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nM. Atk. +30. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Elemental Bow. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 5.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 59% chance of reducing the number of soulshots consumed to 7.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nDecreases cooldown by about 20%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Eldarake.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +265 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crys
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 3% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Revolution, Bound Épée.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Crimson Sword conversion, Bound estoc.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Elven Sword conversion, Bound estoc.
Bound Eminence Bow. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 4.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 61% chance of reducing the number of soulshots consumed to 9.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 42% chance of decreasing MP consumption to 1 during a standard attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Crystallized Ice Bow. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 5.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 2.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nDecreases cooldown by about 17%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Assassin Knife.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Keshanberk\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 5.\nWhen enchanted to 4
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Keshanberk\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 68.\nWhen enchanted to 4 o
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Keshanberk\n<Special Option>\nIncreases P. Critical Rate 56 when attacking the t
Bound Military Talwar.
A bound two-handed sword.
Bound Yaksa Mace. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +26 and decreases Max HP by 15%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 115 when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Reinforced Longbow Conversion, Bound arm breaker.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Crystallized Ice Bow conversion, Bound Arbalest. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Crystallized Ice Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 5.\nNo Soul Crystal
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Crystallized Ice Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 2.\nNo Soul Crystal o
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Crystallized Ice Bow\n<Special Option>\nDecreases cooldown by about 17%.\nNo Soul Crystal o

Pagina 817

Bound Sword of Nightmare. \nNo Soul Crystal option.

<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 77.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Demon's Staff. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 7% chance of casting Curse Poison on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 7% chance of casting Curse Weakness on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 7% chance of casting Curse Chaos on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Demon's Fang.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 12% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Attack.\nNo Sou
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 6% chance of casting Poison on the target during a standard Critical Attack.\nNo Sou
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases success rate of Mortal Blow and Deadly Blow by 40%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +160 during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 99 when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Bound Atuba Hammer.
Bound Atuba Mace.
Bound Akat Longbow. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 4.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 2.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 60% chance of reducing the number of soulshots consumed to 8.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 68.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +28 and decreases Max HP by 15%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 41% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Attack.\nNo Sou
Bound Aspis.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 14% chance of casting Poison on the target during a standard Critical Attack.\nNo So
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 6 when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 10% when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.

Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Samurai long sword conversion, Bound admiral's estoc. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Samurai Long Sword\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or mor
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Samurai Long Sword\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +231 during a Critical Attack.\nWhen enchanted
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Samurai long sword\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.\n When enchanted to
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal o
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal opt
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Bound Samurai Long Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +231 during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Mace of Judgment.
Bound Temptation of Abyss.
Bound Stick of Faith. \nNo Soul Crystal option.

Pagina 818

<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.

<Special Option>\nHas a 6% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 50% chance of casting Mental Shield on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Divine Tome.
Bound Spirit Sword*Spirit Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Spirit Sword*Raid Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Spirit Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +194 during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 15% chance of casting Poison on the target during a standard Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal opti
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 50% chance of casting Mental Shield on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Cryst
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 10% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal
Bound Spinebone Sword*Sword of Revolution. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Spinebone Sword*Crimson Sword.
Bound Spinebone Sword*Artisan's Sword.
Bound Spinebone Sword*Elven Sword.
Bound Spinebone Sword*Elven Long Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Spinebone Sword*Spinebone Sword.
Bound Spinebone Sword*Knight's Sword.
Bound Spinebone Sword
Bound Spiked Club.
Bound Stiletto. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 17% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal optio
<Special Option>\nHas a 9% chance of casting Poison on the target during a standard Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal optio
<Special Option>\nIncreases the success rate of Mortal Blow and Deadly Blow by 48%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Stormbringer*Katana. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Stormbringer*Spirit Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Stormbringer*Stormbringer. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Stormbringer*Shamshir. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Stormbringer*Raid Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Stormbringer. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +248 and decreases HP by 12 during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 86.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 99 when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Scorpion. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +24 and decreases Max HP by 15%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas about a 31% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases the attack range.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Skull Breaker.
Bound Skull Graver. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +20 and decreases Max HP by 15%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 138 when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.

Pagina 819

Bound scalpel.
Bound Scallop Jamadh.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shamshir conversion, Bound Chevalier Rapier. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Katana conversion, Bound Chevalier Rapier. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Spirit Sword conversion, Bound Chevalier Rapier. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Raid Sword conversion, Bound Chevalier Rapier. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shamshir\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 6.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Keshanberk\n<Special Option>\nIncreases P. Critical Rate by 67 when attacking the target from
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shamshir\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion 7 when HP drops to 60% or below.\nWhen enc
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Katana\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 82.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a cha
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Katana\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +194 during a Critical Attack.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Katana\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.\n When enchanted to 4 or more, it
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Spirit Sword\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +194 during a Critical Attack.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or m
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Spirit Sword\n<Special Option>\nHas a 15% chance of casting Poison on the target during a stan
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Spirit Sword\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.\n When enchanted to 4 or mo
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Raid Sword\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 82.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Raid Sword\n<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 9 HP from the target during a Critical Attack.\nWhen en
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Spirit Sword\n<Special Option>\nHas a 15% chance of casting Poison on the target during a stan
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Flamberge conversion, Bound Schlager. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Flamberge conversion\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +174 during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crysta
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Flamberge conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 86.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Flamberge Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%.\nNo Soul Crystal o

Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Stormbringer conversion, Bound Soldat Estoc. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Stormbringer conversion\n<Special Option>\Decreases HP by 12 during a Critical Attack. P. Atk.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Stormbringer conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 86.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Stormbringer conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%.\nWhen enchante
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 4. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal op
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +200 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crys
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted du
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Soul Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nMP consumption by 12% when using sk
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Soul Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nDecreases cooldown by about 15%. Inc
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Soul Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nHas an 18% chance of casting Poison o
Bound Pa'agrian Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 77.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 9 HP from the target during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Ecliptic Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nM. Atk. +26.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases MP consumption by 15% and M. Atk. by 112 during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 10% chance of casting Silence on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Sword of Occult.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 7% chance of casting Curse Weakness on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Cry
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 30% chance of casting Regeneration on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Cryst
Bound Sword of Mystic.

Pagina 820

Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.

Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases MP consumption by 15% and M. Atk. by 167 during magic use. Increases damag
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 10% chance of casting Silence on the target during magic use. Increases damage inf
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal o
Bound Sword of Magic Fog. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Sword of Magic.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal op
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Berserker Blade conversion, Bound Saber Tooth. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Berserker Blade\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Berserker Blade\n<Special Option>\nIncreases P. Atk. 270 during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Cry
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Berserker Blade\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Saber*Sword of Revolution. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Saber*Crimson Sword.
Bound Saber*Artisan's Sword.
Bound Saber*Elven Sword.
Bound Saber*Elven Long Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Saber*Spinebone Sword.
Bound Saber*Saber.
Bound Saber*Bastard Sword.
Bound Saber*Knight's Sword.
Bound Saber.
Bound Triple-Edged Jamadh.
Bound Crafted Dagger.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Increases damage inflicted dur
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nA 30% chance of inflicting additional magic damage of Power 8 on the target during magic u
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal o
Bound shamshir*katana. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Shamshir*Spirit Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound shamshir*shamshir. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Shamshir*Raid Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Shamshir. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 6.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases P. Critical Rate by 67 when attacking the target from behind.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 7 when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Eminence Bow Conversion, Bound Sharpshooter.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Eminence Bow\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 4.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Eminence Bow\n<Special Option>\nHas a 32% chance of reducing the number of Soulshots con
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Eminence Bow\n<Special Option>\nIncreases MP consumption by 12% when using skills.\nNo S
Bound Staff of Life.
Bound Branch of Life.
Bound Goat Head Staff.
Bound Priest Mace.
Bound Priest Sword.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nDecreases Max HP by 15%. P. Atk. +30.\nNo Soul Crystal option.

Pagina 821

Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.

Bound Item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Bound Light Bow.
Bound Light Bow.
Bound Side. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +20 and decreases Max HP by 15%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas about a 34% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Draconic Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases MP consumption by 12%
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Draconic Bow conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 88. Increases d
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Draconic Bow conversion\n<Special Option>\nHas a chance of casting Slow during
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Focus on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Blessed Body on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Cryst
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 6% chance of casting Curse Poison on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crysta
Bound square Shield.
Bound bone staff.
Bound Bich'Hwa.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Caliburs conversion, Bound Blinzlasher. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Delusion conversion, Bound Blinzlasher. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Tsurugi conversion, Bound Blinzlasher. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Nightmare conversion, Bound Blinzlasher. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Delusion conversion, Bound Blinzlasher. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Caliburs\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 5.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a c
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Caliburs\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 77.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a ch
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Caliburs\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +213 during a Critical Attack.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Delusion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 77.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more,
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Delusion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max Hip by 77.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Delusion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. 12% when HP drops to 60% or below
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Caliburs\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 77.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a ch
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Caliburs\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +213 during a Critical Attack.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Tsurugi\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.\n When enchanted to 4 or more, it
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Delusion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max Hip by 77.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Nightmare\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 77.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Nightmare\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%.\nWhen enchanted to
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Ultimate Sword\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 5.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Ultimate Sword\n<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 9 HP from the target during a Critical Attack.\nWhen
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Sword of Delusion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max Hip by 77.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 67. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases P. Critical Rate by 37% when attacking the target from behind. Increases damage
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 12% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Attack. Increase
Bound Item.\nBestows one of the following functions: Haste, Focus or Anger.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nDecreases Max HP by 15%. P. Atk. +38. Inflicts additional damage during PvP.\nNo Soul C
Bound Brigandine Shield.
Bound Bonebreaker.

Pagina 822

Bound Proof of Revenge.

Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a chance to absorb 14 HP from the target during a critical attack.\nNo Soul Crystal opti
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 12% chance of casting Poison on the target during a standard Critical Attack.\nNo So
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 9% when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Berserker Blade. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +270 during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Battle Axe. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +20 and decreases Max HP by 15%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 138 when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 8%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Bec de Corbin. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas about a 32% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases the attack range.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Elemental Bow conversion, Bound Ballista. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Noble Elven Bow conversion, Bound Ballista. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Elemental Bow\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 5.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Elemental Bow\n<Special Option>\nHas a 40% chance of reducing the number of Soulshots con
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Elemental Bow\n<Special Option>\nDecreases cooldown by about 20%.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Noble Elven Longbow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 2.\nNo Soul Crystal
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Noble Elven Bow\n<Special Option>\nHas a 40% chance of reducing the number of Soulshots co
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Noble Elven Bow\n<Special Option>\nDecreases MP consumption by 12% when using skills.\nN
Bound Bastard Sword*Sword of Revolution. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Bastard Sword*Crimson Sword.
Bound Bastard Sword*Artisan's Sword.
Bound Bastard Sword*Elven Sword
Bound Bastard Sword*Elven Long Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Bastard Sword*Spinebone Sword.
Bound Bastard Sword*Bastard Sword
Bound Bastard Sword*Knight's Sword.
Bound Bastard Sword
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 3% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal opt
Bound Body Slasher. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas about a 34% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases the attack range.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nBroadens the angle of attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Bagh-Nakh.
Bound Sword of Delusion. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 77.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 12% when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.

Pagina 823

Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 42% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Attack. Increase
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted du
Bound Mystic Staff.
Bound Mystic Knife.
Bound Mysterious Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases MP consumption by 15% and M. Atk. by 75 during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas an 8% chance of casting Curse Weakness on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Mithril Dagger.
Bound Morning Star.
Bound Maingauche.
Bound Mace of Underworld. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 10% chance of casting Silence on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Deadman's Staff. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 30% chance of casting Regeneration on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 50% chance of casting Mental Shield on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 6% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Soulfire Dirk. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 6% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 10% chance of casting Silence on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Staff of Magic.
Bound Staff of Mana.
Bound Dagger of Mana.
Bound Longbow.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Saber conversion, Bound Rapier.
Bound Raid Sword*Raid Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Raid Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 82.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 9 HP from the target during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 15% chance of casting Poison on the target during a standard Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal opti
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Forgotten Blade Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Forgotten Blade Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by about 25%.
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Forgotten Blade Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 84. Increase
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nDecreases Max HP by 15%. P. Atk. +30.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas about a 25% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Cr
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases range.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Tallum Sword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nHas a 10% chance of casting Poiso
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Tallum Blade Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. In
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Tallum Blade Conversion\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +31 and decreases Max HP b
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Guardian's Sword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 8 HP from the target du
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Guardian's Sword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%.\nNo
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Guardian's Sword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nHas a 24% chance of casting B

Pagina 824

Bound Dwarven Trident.

Bound Dwarven Hammer. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +26 and decreases Max HP by 15%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 42% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal optio
Bound Dwarven Pike.
Bound Dwarven Chain Shield.
Bound Dwarven War Hammer. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +22 and decreases Max HP by 15%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal opt
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 3% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal o
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases MP consumption by 15% and M. Atk. by 167 during magic use. Increases damag
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 10% chance of casting Silence on the target during magic use. Increases damage inf
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 24% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Attack. Increase
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 11 HP from the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 6 when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted during
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal op
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 26% chance of decreasing MP consumption to 1 during a standard attack. Increases
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 88. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a chance of casting Slow during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Bound Doom Hammer.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +32 and decreases Max HP by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo So
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted du
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Carnage Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. In
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Carnage Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nHas a 35% chance of casting Bleed
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Carnage Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increas

Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.

Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Increases damage inflicted dur
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal o
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Dragon Slayer Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increas
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Dragon Slayer Conversion\n<Special Option>\nHas a 24% chance of casting Bleed
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Dragon Slayer Conversion\n<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 11 HP from the target duri

Pagina 825

Bound Sword of Whispering Death. \nNo Soul Crystal option.

<Special Option>\nM. Atk. +24.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases MP consumption by 15% and M. Atk. by 99 during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 10% chance of casting Silence on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 80. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 27% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage
Bound Club of Nature. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 50% chance of casting Mental Shield on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 6% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Dark Elven Bow.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 2.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 41% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Attack.\nNo Sou
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>>\nHas a 19% chance of reducing the number of Soulshots consumed to 2 during an attack.\n
Bound Dark Screamer. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 2.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 81.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 14% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal optio

Bound Dark Elven Dagger. \nNo Soul Crystal option.

<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 90.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases P. Critical Rate by 50% when attacking the target from behind.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases the success rate of Mortal Blow and Deadly Blow by 50%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +326 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crys
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 130 when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted durin
Bound item.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. At
Bound item.\nWhen enchanted, a dual dagger has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed sword. When enchanted to 4 or
Bound item.\nWhen a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. At
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 64.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +262 during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item. Cannot be exchanged or dropped\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%.\nNo Soul Crystal option
Bound Needle Wolverine. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Great Sword\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%.\nNo Soul Crystal opt
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Great Sword\n<Special Option>\nIncreases P. Atk. 247 during a Critical Attack.\nN
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Great Sword\n<Special Option>\nInternal Critical by 68.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Knuckle Duster. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 7 when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 12% when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Nirvana Axe. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases MP consumption by 15% and M. Atk. by 99 during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 7% chance of casting Curse Poison on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.

Pagina 826

<Special Option>\nHas a 7% chance of casting Curse Weakness on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Shilen Knife.
Bound Knight's Sword*Sword of Revolution. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Knight's Sword*Crimson Sword.
Bound Knight's Sword*Elven Sword.
Bound Knight's Sword*Elven Sword.
Bound Knight's Sword*Elven Long Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Knight's Sword*Knight's Sword
Bound Knight's Shield.
Bound Knight's Sword
Bound Mace of Prayer.
Bound Glaive.
Bound Ultimate Sword. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 5.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 9 HP from the target during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Dark Legion Conversion\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. by 326 during a Critical Attack
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Dark Legion Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by about 25%. Inc
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Dark Legion Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 130 when HP dr
Bound Great Pata. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 10 HP from the target during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 14% chance of casting Poison on the target during a standard Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal opti
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +28 and decreases Max HP by 15%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 27% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal o
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +247 during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 68.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound grace dagger. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 2.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 81.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases P. Critical Rate by 45% when attacking the target from behind.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Elven Sword conversion, Bound grand epee.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Heaven's Divider Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 7%. Incre
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Heaven's Divider Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Incre
Bound Item.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Heaven's Divider Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 84. Increas
Bound Stick of Eternity. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nM. Atk. +24.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 7 when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Blessed Body on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Ghoul's Staff. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 6 when HP drops to 60% or below.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Blessed Body on the target during magic use.\nNo Soul Crystal option.

Pagina 827

Bound Noble Elven Bow. \nNo Soul Crystal option.

<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 2.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 59% chance of reducing the number of soulshots consumed to 7.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 47% chance of decreasing MP consumption to 1 during a standard attack.
Bound Reinforced Longbow.
Bound Reinforced Bow.
Bound Steel Sword.
Bound Gastraphetes.
Bound Item.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nAbsorbs 8 HP from the target during a Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Bound Item.\n<Special Option>\nHas a 24% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Attack.\nNo Sou
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.

Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Bastard Sword Conversion\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk.,

Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Saber Conversion

Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Longbow Conversion

Bestows one of the following functions: Magic Hold, Magic Silence or Mana Up.
Bestows one of the following functions: Critical Bleed, Critical Poison or Rsk. Haste.
Bestows one of the following functions: Evasion, Focus, or Critical Bleed.
Bestows one of the following functions: P. Critical Damage, Focus or Haste.
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Health, or Rsk. Haste.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Shamshir\nBestows one of the following functions: Guidance, Back Blow or Risk Evasion.\nWhen
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Caliburs\nBestows one of the following functions: Guidance, Focus or Critical Damage.\nWhen e

Pagina 828

Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Health or Critical Drain.

Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Flamberge Conversion\nBestows one of the following functions: Critical Damage, Focus or Light.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Pa'agrian Sword\nBestows one of the following functions: Focus, Health or Critical Drain.
Bestows one of the following functions: Guidance, Miser or Quick Recovery.
Bestows one of the following functions: Guidance, Evasion or Miser.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Elemental Bow\nBestows one of the following functions: Guidance, Miser or Quick Recovery.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Akat Longbow\nBestows one of the following functions: Guidance, Evasion or Miser.
Bestows one of the following functions: Empower, Rsk. Evasion, or Blessed Body.
Bestows one of the following functions: Anger, Health or Haste.
Bestows one of the following functions: Anger, Health or Haste.
Bestows one of the following functions: Magic Hold, Magic Poison, or Magic Weakness.
Bestows one of the following functions: Magic Silence, Acumen or Magic Paralyze.
Bestows one of the following functions: Rsk. Evasion, Magic Poison, or Magic Weakness.
Bestows one of the following functions: Critical Stun, Long Blow or Light.
Bestows one of the following functions: Wide Blow, Long Blow or Critical Stun.
Bestows one of the following functions, Rsk. Evasion, Rsk. Haste or Haste.
Bestows one of the following functions: Rsk. Evasion, Rsk. Haste or Haste.
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m

Bestows one of the following functions: Evasion, Focus, or Back Blow.

Bestows one of the following functions: Acumen, Magic Weakness or Magic Regeneration.
Bestows one of the following functions: Guidance, Focus or Back Blow
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Keshanberk\nBestows one of the following functions: Guidance, Focus or Back Blow.\nWhen enc
Bestows one of the following functions: Health, P. Critical Damage or Focus.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Great Sword\nBestows one of the following functions: Health, P. Critical Damage or Focus.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Guardian's Sword Conversion\nBestows one of the following functions: Critical Drain, Health or C
Bestows one of the following functions: Evasion, Critical Bleed or Miser.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dark Elven Longbow conversion\nBestows one of the following functions: Evasion, Critical Bleed
Bestows one of the following functions: Anger, Health or Rsk. Focus.
Bestows one of the following functions: Regeneration, Mental Shield or Hold.
Bestows one of the following functions: Anger, Critical Stun or Light.
Bestows one of the following functions: Critical Poison, Rsk. Evasion or Rsk. Haste.
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m

Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Back Blow, or Critical Bleed.
Bestows one of the following functions: Guidance, P. Critical Damage, or Rsk. Haste.
Bestows one of the following functions: M. Atk., Magic Silence or Acumen.
Bestows one of the following functions: Critical Poison, Haste or Anger.
Bestows one of the following functions: P. Critical Damage, Health, or Rsk. Focus.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Tallum Blade Conversion\nBestows one of the following functions: Critical Poison, Haste or Ange
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dark Legion Conversion\nBestows one of the following functions: Critical Damage, Health or Rsk
Bestows one of the following functions: Haste, P. Critical Damage, or Focus.
Bestows one of the following functions: Health, Critical Bleed or Critical Drain.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Infernal Master conversion\nBestows one of the following functions: Haste, P. Critical Damage, o
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dragon Slayer Conversion\nBestows one of the following functions: Health, Critical Bleed or Criti
Bestows one of the following functions: Light, Critical Bleed, or Mana Up.
Bestows one of the following functions: Cheap Shot, Quick Recovery, or Critical Poison.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Carnage Bow Conversion\nBestows one of the following functions: Light, Critical Bleed, or Mana

Pagina 829

Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Soul Bow conversion.\nBestows one of the following functions: Cheap Shot, Quick Recovery or C
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Critical Bleed, or Rsk. Haste.
Bestows one of the following functions: Health, Anger, or a Critical Drain.
Bestows one of the follow three functions, Mana Up, Conversion or Acumen.
Bestows one of the following functions: Conversion, Magic Damage, or Acumen.
Bestows one of the following functions: Haste, Critical Stun or Wide Blow.
Bestows one of the following functions: Guidance, Health, or Wide Blow.
Bestows one of the following functions: Haste, Focus, or Anger.
Bestows one of the following functions: Rsk. Evasion, Guidance, or Health.
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m

Bestows one of the following functions: P. Critical Damage, HP Drain or Haste.

Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Evasion or P. Critical Damage.
A dual dagger that has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed sword when enchanted. When enchanted to 4 or higher, in
Bestows one of the following functions: Acumen, Mana Up or Conversion.
Bestows one of the following functions: Haste, Health or Focus.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Forgotten Blade Conversion\nBestows one of the following functions: Haste, Health or Focus.\nW
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Sword Conversion\nBestows one of the following functions: Focus, Health or Light.\nWh
Bestows one of the following functions: Haste, Health or Focus.
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Health or Light.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Heaven's Divider Conversion\nBestows one of the following functions: Haste, Health or Focus.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Blade Conversion\nBestows one of the following functions: Focus, Health or Light.
Bestows one of the following functions: Cheap Shot, Focus, or Critical Slow.
Bestows one of the following functions: Cheap Shot, Guidance or Focus.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Draconic Bow conversion.\nBestows one of the following functions: Cheap Shot, Focus or Critica
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Bow Conversion\nBestows one of the following functions: Cheap Shot, Guidance or Foc
Bestows one of the following functions: Acumen, MP Regeneration, or Mana Up.
Bestows one of the follow three functions, Mana Up, Conversion or Acumen.
Bestows one of the following functions: Empower, MP Regeneration, or Magic Hold.
Bestows one of the following functions: Acumen, Mana Up or Conversion.
Bestows one of the following functions: Health, Guidance or Haste.
Bestows one of the following functions: Anger, Critical Stun or Light.
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Health or Critical Stun.
Bestows one of the following functions: Rsk. Evasion, Focus, or Haste.
Bestows one of the following functions: Critical Poison, Haste or Anger.
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m

Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Evasion or P. Critical Damage.

A dual dagger that has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed sword when enchanted. When enchanted to 4 or higher, in
Bestows one of the following functions: Acumen, Mana Up or Conversion.
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Health or Light.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Sawsword Conversion\nBestows one of the following functions: Focus, Health or Light.\nW
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Health or Light.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Heavy Arms Conversion\nBestows one of the following functions: Focus, Health or Light.
Bestows one of the following functions: Cheap Shot, Guidance or Focus.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Icarus Spitter Conversion\nBestows one of the following functions: Cheap Shot, Guidance or Foc
Bestows one of the follow three functions, Mana Up, Conversion or Acumen.

Pagina 830

Bestows one of the following functions: Anger, Critical Stun or Light.

Bestows one of the following functions: Rsk. Evasion, Focus, or Haste.
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
Bestows one of the following functions: P. Critical Damage, HP Drain or Haste.
A dual dagger that has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed sword when enchanted. When enchanted to 4 or higher, in
Bestows one of the following functions: Acumen, Mana Up, or Magic Hold.
Bestows one of the following functions: Haste, Focus, or Health.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Cutter Conversion\nBestows one of the following functions: Haste, Focus or Health.\nWh
Bestows one of the following functions: Haste, Focus, or Health.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Slasher Conversion\nBestows one of the following functions: Haste, Focus or Health.
Bestows one of the following functions: Cheap Shot, Critical Slow, or Focus.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Vesper Thrower Conversion.\nBestows one of the following functions: Cheap Shot, Critical Slow
Bestows one of the following functions: Acumen, MP Regeneration, or Mana Up.
Bestows one of the following functions: HP Regeneration, HP Drain, or Health.
Bestows one of the following functions: Empower, MP Regeneration, or Magic Hold.
Bestows one of the following functions: HP Regeneration, HP Drain, or Health.
Bestows one of the following functions: Health, Guidance or Haste.
Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Health or Critical Stun.
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m

For NPC.
For NPC.
For NPC.
For NPC.
For NPC.
Sword Breaker of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scro
Falchion of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Warrior's Sword of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. This sword identifies its wielder as a Warrior of Kamael. Th
Zweihander of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls
Compound Bow of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Sc
Iron Hammer of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scroll
Mage Staff of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Great Spear of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls
Viper Fang of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Sword Breaker of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant S
Falchion of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Warrior's Sword of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. This sword identifies its wielder as a Warrior of Kamael.
Zweihander of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scro
Compound Bow of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant S
Iron Hammer of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scr
Mage Staff of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scroll
Great Spear of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scro
Viper Fang of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scroll
Sword Breaker of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Sc
Falchion of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Warrior's Sword of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. This sword identifies its wielder as a Warrior of Kamael. T
Zweihander of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scroll
Compound Bow of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant S
Iron Hammer of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scro

Pagina 831

Mage Staff of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls
Great Spear of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrol
Viper Fang of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls
Sword Breaker of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Sc
Falchion of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Warrior's Sword of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. This sword identifies its wielder as a Warrior of Kamael. T
Zweihander of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrol
Compound Bow of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant S
Iron Hammer of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scro
Mage Staff of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls
Great Spear of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scro
Viper Fang of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls
Sword Breaker of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scr
Falchion of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Warrior's Sword of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This sword identifies its wielder as a Warrior of Kamael. T
Zweihander of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls
Compound Bow of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Sc
Iron Hammer of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scro
Mage Staff of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Great Spear of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scroll
Viper Fang of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls
Sword Breaker of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Sc
Falchion of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Warrior's Sword of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This sword identifies its wielder as a Warrior of Kamael. T
Zweihander of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls
Compound Bow of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant S
Iron Hammer of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scro
Mage Staff of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls
Great Spear of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scroll
Viper Fang of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls
Round Shield of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA E
Round Shield of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA
Mithril Dagger (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Elven Long Sword (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Grand Épée (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. When enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. A
Claymore of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
General's Katzbalger of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Encha
Light Bow of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Cranequin of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Bonebreaker of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scroll
Staff of Life of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Atuba Hammer of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scr
Glaive of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Scallop Jamadhr of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Sc
Bastard Sword*Crimson Sword of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Mithril Dagger (Water) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Elven Long Sword (Water) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Grand Épée (Water) with limited ability enhancement. When enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M
Claymore of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls

Pagina 832

General's Katzbalger of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Ench
Light Bow of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls
Cranequin of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls
Bonebreaker of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scr
Staff of Life of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrol
Atuba Hammer of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant S
Glaive of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Scallop Jamadhr of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant
Bastard Sword*Crimson Sword of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except wit
Mithril Dagger (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Elven Long Sword (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Grand Épée (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. When enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M.
Claymore of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
General's Katzbalger of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Ench
Light Bow of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Cranequin of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls
Bonebreaker of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scro
Staff of Life of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls
Atuba Hammer of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Sc
Glaive of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Scallop Jamadhr of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant S
Bastard Sword*Crimson Sword of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Mithril Dagger (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Elven Long Sword (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Grand Épée (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. When enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M.
Claymore of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
General's Katzbalger of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Ench
Light Bow of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Cranequin of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls
Bonebreaker of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scro
Staff of Life of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scroll
Atuba Hammer of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Sc
Glaive of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Scallop Jamadhr of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant S
Bastard Sword*Crimson Sword of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Mithril Dagger (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Elven Long Sword (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Grand Épée (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. When enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. A
Claymore of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
General's Katzbalger of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Encha
Light Bow of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Cranequin of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Bonebreaker of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrol
Staff of Life of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls
Atuba Hammer of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Sc
Glaive of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Scallop Jamadhr of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant S
Bastard Sword*Crimson Sword of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Mithril Dagger (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.

Pagina 833

Elven Long Sword (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Grand Épée (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. When enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M.
Claymore of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
General's Katzbalger of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Encha
Light Bow of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Cranequin of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Bonebreaker of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scro
Staff of Life of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls
Atuba Hammer of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Sc
Glaive of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Scallop Jamadhr of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant S
Bastard Sword*Crimson Sword of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Brigandine Shield of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with P
Brigandine Shield of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Crystal Dagger of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +140 during a Critical Attack. Thi
Samurai Long Sword of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73. This item
Admiral's Estoc of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73.\nWhen enchan
Berserker Blade of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73. This item cann
Saber Tooth of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73. This item cannot b
Eminence Bow of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 4. This item
Sharpshooter of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 4. This item
Yaksa Mace of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This item cann
Ecliptic Axe of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases MP consumption by 15% and M.
Deadman's Staff of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas a 30% chance of casting Regener
Orcish Poleaxe of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nAbout 29% chance of casting Stun on th
Great Pata of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops
Shamshir*Shamshir of Destiny (Fire) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-
Crystal Dagger (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +140 during a Critical Attack. This item ca
Samurai Long Sword of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73. This ite
Admiral's Estoc of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73.\nWhen ench
Berserker Blade of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73. This item ca
Saber Tooth of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73. This item canno
Eminence Bow of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 4. This i
Sharpshooter of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 4. This ite
Yaksa Mace of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This item can
Ecliptic Axe of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases MP consumption by 15% and M
Deadman's Staff of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas a 30% chance of casting Regen
Orcish Poleaxe of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nAbout 29% chance of casting Stun on
Great Pata of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drop
Shamshir*Shamshir of Destiny (Water) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a tw
Crystal Dagger (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +140 during a Critical Attack. This item ca
Samurai Long Sword of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73. This item
Admiral's Estoc of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73.\nWhen encha
Berserker Blade of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73. This item can
Saber Tooth of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73. This item cannot
Eminence Bow of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 4. This ite
Sharpshooter of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 4. This item
Yaksa Mace of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This item can
Ecliptic Axe of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases MP consumption by 15% and M

Pagina 834

Deadman's Staff of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas a 30% chance of casting Regene
Orcish Poleaxe of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nAbout 29% chance of casting Stun on
Great Pata of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drop
Shamshir*Shamshir of Destiny (Wind) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two
Crystal Dagger (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +140 during a Critical Attack. This item ca
Samurai Long Sword of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73. This item
Admiral's Estoc of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73.\nWhen encha
Berserker Blade of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73. This item can
Saber Tooth of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73. This item canno
Eminence Bow of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 4. This it
Sharpshooter of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 4. This item
Yaksa Mace of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This item can
Ecliptic Axe of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases MP consumption by 15% and M
Deadman's Staff of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas a 30% chance of casting Regen
Orcish Poleaxe of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nAbout 29% chance of casting Stun on
Great Pata of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drop
Shamshir*Shamshir of Destiny (Earth) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two
Crystal Dagger (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +140 during a Critical Attack. This item can
Samurai Long Sword of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73. This item
Admiral's Estoc of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73.\nWhen encha
Berserker Blade of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73. This item can
Saber Tooth of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73. This item cannot
Eminence Bow of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 4. This ite
Sharpshooter of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 4. This item
Yaksa Mace of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This item cann
Ecliptic Axe of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases MP consumption by 15% and M.
Deadman's Staff of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas a 30% chance of casting Regene
Orcish Poleaxe of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nAbout 29% chance of casting Stun on t
Great Pata of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops
Shamshir*Shamshir of Destiny (Holy) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two
Crystal Dagger of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +140 during a Critical Attack. Th
Samurai Long Sword of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73. This item
Admiral's Estoc of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73.\nWhen encha
Berserker Blade of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73. This item can
Saber Tooth of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 73. This item cannot
Eminence Bow of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 4. This ite
Sharpshooter of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by about 4. This item
Yaksa Mace of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This item cann
Ecliptic Axe of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases MP consumption by 15% and M
Deadman's Staff of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas a 30% chance of casting Regene
Orcish Poleaxe of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nAbout 29% chance of casting Stun on t
Great Pata of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops
Shamshir*Shamshir of Destiny (Dark) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two
Full Plate Shield of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA
Full Plate Shield of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with P
Demon's Dagger of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +160 during a Critical Attack. T
Damascus Sword of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 64. This item can
Wizard's Tear of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. This item
Colichemarde of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 64.\nWhen enchante

Pagina 835

Guardian's Sword of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This item
Dismantler of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This item cannot
Bow of Peril of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nDecreases cooldown by about 13%. This it
Hell Hound of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nDecreases cooldown by about 13%. This ite
Deadman's Glory of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This item
Kaim Vanul's Bones of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. This ite
Staff of Evil Spirits of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Blesse
Lance of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nAbout 25% chance of casting Stun on the target
Bellion Cestus of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 9% when HP dro
Samurai Long Sword*Samurai Long Sword of Destiny (Fire) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchant
Demon's Dagger (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +160 during a Critical Attack. This item
Damascus Sword of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 64. This item c
Wizard's Tear of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. This it
Colichemarde of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 64.\nWhen encha
Guardian's Sword of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This ite
Dismantler of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This item cann
Bow of Peril of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nDecreases cooldown by about 13%. This
Hell Hound of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nDecreases cooldown by about 13%. This
Deadman's Glory of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This ite
Kaim Vanul's Bones of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. This
Staff of Evil Spirits of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Bles
Lance of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nAbout 25% chance of casting Stun on the targe
Bellion Cestus of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 9% when HP d
Samurai Long Sword*Samurai Long Sword of Destiny (Water) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is encha
Demon's Dagger (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +160 during a Critical Attack. This item c
Damascus Sword of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 64. This item ca
Wizard's Tear of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. This ite
Colichemarde of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 64.\nWhen enchan
Guardian's Sword of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This item
Dismantler of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This item canno
Bow of Peril of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nDecreases cooldown by about 13%. This
Hell Hound of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nDecreases cooldown by about 13%. This it
Deadman's Glory of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This item
Kaim Vanul's Bones of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. This i
Staff of Evil Spirits of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Bless
Lance of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nAbout 25% chance of casting Stun on the targe
Bellion Cestus of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 9% when HP dr
Samurai Long Sword*Samurai Long Sword of Destiny (Wind) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchan
Demon's Dagger (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +160 during a Critical Attack. This item c
Damascus Sword of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 64. This item c
Wizard's Tear of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. This ite
Colichemarde of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 64.\nWhen enchan
Guardian's Sword of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This item
Dismantler of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This item cann
Bow of Peril of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nDecreases cooldown by about 13%. This
Hell Hound of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nDecreases cooldown by about 13%. This i
Deadman's Glory of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This item
Kaim Vanul's Bones of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. This
Staff of Evil Spirits of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Bless

Pagina 836

Lance of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nAbout 25% chance of casting Stun on the targe
Bellion Cestus of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 9% when HP dr
Samurai Long Sword*Samurai Long Sword of Destiny (Earth) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is encha
Demon's Dagger (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +160 during a Critical Attack. This item ca
Damascus Sword of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 64. This item ca
Wizard's Tear of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. This item
Colichemarde of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 64.\nWhen enchant
Guardian's Sword of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This item
Dismantler of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This item canno
Bow of Peril of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nDecreases cooldown by about 13%. This i
Hell Hound of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nDecreases cooldown by about 13%. This ite
Deadman's Glory of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This item
Kaim Vanul's Bones of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. This it
Staff of Evil Spirits of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Blesse
Lance of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nAbout 25% chance of casting Stun on the target
Bellion Cestus of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 9% when HP dro
Samurai Long Sword*Samurai Long Sword of Destiny (Holy) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchan
Demon's Dagger (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +160 during a Critical Attack. This item c
Damascus Sword of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 64. This item ca
Wizard's Tear of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. This ite
Colichemarde of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 64.\nWhen enchan
Guardian's Sword of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This item
Dismantler of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This item canno
Bow of Peril of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nDecreases cooldown by about 13%. This i
Hell Hound of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nDecreases cooldown by about 13%. This it
Deadman's Glory of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. This item
Kaim Vanul's Bones of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. This it
Staff of Evil Spirits of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Bless
Lance of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nAbout 25% chance of casting Stun on the target
Bellion Cestus of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 9% when HP dro
Samurai Long Sword*Samurai Long Sword of Destiny (Dark) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchan
Dark Dragon Shield of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with
Dark Dragon Shield of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except w
Naga's Storm of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +200 during a Critical Attack. Incre
Sirra's Blade of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increase
Themis' Tongue of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases
Éclair Bijou of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases
Sword of Ipos of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damag
Durendal of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage in
Shyeed's Bow of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases dama
Screaming Vengeance of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increas
Barakiel's Axe of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases dama
Cabrio's Hand of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases da
Behemoth' Tuning Fork of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Incr
Daimon Crystal of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increas
Tiphon's Spear of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 25% chance of casting Stu
Sobekk's Hurricane of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. In
Tallum Blade*Damascus of Destiny (Fire) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a
Naga's Storm of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +200 during a Critical Attack. Inc

Pagina 837

Sirra's Blade of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increa
Themis' Tongue of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increase
Éclair Bijou of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increas
Sword of Ipos of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases dam
Durendal of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage
Shyeed's Bow of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases dam
Screaming Vengeance of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Incre
Barakiel's Axe of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases dam
Cabrio's Hand of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases
Behemoth' Tuning Fork of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. In
Daimon Crystal of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Incre
Tiphon's Spear of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 25% chance of casting S
Sobekk's Hurricane of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%.
Tallum Blade*Damascus of Destiny (Water) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with
Naga's Storm of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +200 during a Critical Attack. Inc
Sirra's Blade of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increas
Themis' Tongue of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases
Éclair Bijou of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increase
Sword of Ipos of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases dama
Durendal of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage i
Shyeed's Bow of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases dam
Screaming Vengeance of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increa
Barakiel's Axe of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases dam
Cabrio's Hand of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases d
Behemoth' Tuning Fork of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Inc
Daimon Crystal of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increa
Tiphon's Spear of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 25% chance of casting St
Sobekk's Hurricane of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%.
Tallum Blade*Damascus of Destiny (Wind) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with
Naga's Storm of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +200 during a Critical Attack. Inc
Sirra's Blade of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increas
Themis' Tongue of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases
Éclair Bijou of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increase
Sword of Ipos of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases dam
Durendal of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage
Shyeed's Bow of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases dam
Screaming Vengeance of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increa
Barakiel's Axe of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases dam
Cabrio's Hand of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases d
Behemoth' Tuning Fork of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. In
Daimon Crystal of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Incre
Tiphon's Spear of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 25% chance of casting St
Sobekk's Hurricane of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%.
Tallum Blade*Damascus of Destiny (Earth) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with
Naga's Storm of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +200 during a Critical Attack. Incr
Sirra's Blade of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increas
Themis' Tongue of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases
Éclair Bijou of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increase
Sword of Ipos of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases dama

Pagina 838

Durendal of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage in
Shyeed's Bow of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases dama
Screaming Vengeance of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increas
Barakiel's Axe of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases dama
Cabrio's Hand of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases d
Behemoth' Tuning Fork of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Inc
Daimon Crystal of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increa
Tiphon's Spear of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 25% chance of casting Stu
Sobekk's Hurricane of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. I
Tallum Blade*Damascus of Destiny (Holy) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a
Naga's Storm of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +200 during a Critical Attack. Incr
Sirra's Blade of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increas
Themis' Tongue of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases
Éclair Bijou of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increase
Sword of Ipos of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases dama
Durendal of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage in
Shyeed's Bow of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases dam
Screaming Vengeance of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increa
Barakiel's Axe of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases dam
Cabrio's Hand of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases d
Behemoth' Tuning Fork of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Inc
Daimon Crystal of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increa
Tiphon's Spear of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 25% chance of casting Stu
Sobekk's Hurricane of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. I
Tallum Blade*Damascus of Destiny (Dark) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a
Shield of Nightmares of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except wit
Shield of Nightmare of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except w
Vesper Shaper of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +906 during a Critical Attack. Inc
Vesper Dual Dagger of Destiny (Fire) with limited enchantment options. When enchanted, P. Atk. of a dual dagger increases
Vesper Cutter of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases dam
Vesper Buster of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increase
Vesper Pincer of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131.\nIncreases dam
Vesper Slasher of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases dam
Vesper Nagan of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases dam
Vesper Thrower of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 133. Increases da
Vesper Shooter of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 133. Increases da
Vesper Avenger of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases d
Vesper Caster of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increas
Vesper Retributer of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases
Vesper Singer of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nM. Atk. +151. Increases damage inflicted
Vesper Stormer of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Incr
Vesper Fighter of Destiny (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 123. Increases dam
Vesper Dual Sword of Destiny (Fire) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-h
Vesper Shaper of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +906 during a Critical Attack. I
Vesper Dual Dagger of Destiny (Water) with limited enchantment options. When enchanted, P. Atk. of a dual dagger increase
Vesper Cutter of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases da
Vesper Buster of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increa
Vesper Pincer of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131.\nIncreases d
Vesper Slasher of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases d

Pagina 839

Vesper Nagan of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases da
Vesper Thrower of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 133. Increases d
Vesper Shooter of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 133. Increases d
Vesper Avenger of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increase
Vesper Caster of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increa
Vesper Retributer of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increas
Vesper Singer of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nM. Atk. +151. Increases damage inflict
Vesper Stormer of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. In
Vesper Fighter of Destiny (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 123. Increases da
Vesper Dual Sword of Destiny (Water) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two
Vesper Shaper of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +906 during a Critical Attack. In
Vesper Dual Dagger of Destiny (Wind) with limited enchantment options. When enchanted, P. Atk. of a dual dagger increases
Vesper Cutter of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases dam
Vesper Buster of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increa
Vesper Pincer of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131.\nIncreases da
Vesper Slasher of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases da
Vesper Nagan of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases da
Vesper Thrower of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 133. Increases d
Vesper Shooter of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 133. Increases d
Vesper Avenger of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases
Vesper Caster of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increa
Vesper Retributer of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increase
Vesper Singer of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nM. Atk. +151. Increases damage inflicte
Vesper Stormer of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Inc
Vesper Fighter of Destiny (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 123. Increases da
Vesper Dual Sword of Destiny (Wind) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two
Vesper Shaper of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +906 during a Critical Attack. In
Vesper Dual Dagger of Destiny (Earth) with limited enchantment options. When enchanted, P. Atk. of a dual dagger increase
Vesper Cutter of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases dam
Vesper Buster of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increa
Vesper Pincer of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131.\nIncreases d
Vesper Slasher of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases d
Vesper Nagan of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases da
Vesper Thrower of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 133. Increases d
Vesper Shooter of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 133. Increases d
Vesper Avenger of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases
Vesper Caster of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increa
Vesper Retributer of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increase
Vesper Singer of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nM. Atk. +151. Increases damage inflicte
Vesper Stormer of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Inc
Vesper Fighter of Destiny (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 123. Increases da
Vesper Dual Sword of Destiny (Earth) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two
Vesper Shaper of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +906 during a Critical Attack. Inc
Vesper Dual Dagger of Destiny (Holy) with limited enchantment options. When enchanted, P. Atk. of a dual dagger increases
Vesper Cutter of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases dam
Vesper Buster of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increas
Vesper Pincer of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131.\nIncreases da
Vesper Slasher of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases da
Vesper Nagan of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases dam

Pagina 840

Vesper Thrower of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 133. Increases da
Vesper Shooter of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 133. Increases da
Vesper Avenger of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases
Vesper Caster of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increas
Vesper Retributer of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increase
Vesper Singer of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nM. Atk. +151. Increases damage inflicted
Vesper Stormer of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Inc
Vesper Fighter of Destiny (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 123. Increases dam
Vesper Dual Sword of Destiny (Holy) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-
Vesper Shaper of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +906 during a Critical Attack. In
Vesper Dual Dagger of Destiny (Dark) with limited enchantment options. When enchanted, P. Atk. of a dual dagger increases
Vesper Cutter of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases dam
Vesper Buster of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increas
Vesper Pincer of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131.\nIncreases da
Vesper Slasher of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases da
Vesper Nagan of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 131. Increases dam
Vesper Thrower of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 133. Increases da
Vesper Shooter of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 133. Increases da
Vesper Avenger of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases
Vesper Caster of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increas
Vesper Retributer of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increase
Vesper Singer of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nM. Atk. +151. Increases damage inflicte
Vesper Stormer of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. By about 11%. Inc
Vesper Fighter of Destiny (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 123. Increases dam
Vesper Dual Sword of Destiny (Dark) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-
Vesper Shield of Destiny (Fire, Wind, Dark) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA E
Vesper Shield of Destiny (Water, Earth, Holy) with limited ability enhancement. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 111. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 111. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo
<Special Option>\nDecreases MP consumption by 4% during a skill attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Sou
<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 5.32. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 116. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 116. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +559 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +78 and decreases HP by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 48% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during
<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +78 and decreases HP by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.

Pagina 841

<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 164 when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo S
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 6.8 when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo S
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 106. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 10%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +78 and decreases HP by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 164 when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nNo S
A dual dagger that has greater P. Atk. than a regular one-handed sword when enchanted. When enchanted to 4 or higher, in
When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases m
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Sword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 111. Increases damage infl
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Sword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage in
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Sword Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases dam
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Blade Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 111. Increases damage infli
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Blade Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage in
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Blade Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases dam
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nDecreases MP consumption by 12% when using s
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 5.32. Increases damage in
Kamael-exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 116. Increases damage inflict

Shilen Wand.
Dual Sword that contains the power of a Duelist. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Spear that contains the power of a Dreadnought. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Sword that contains the power of a Phoenix Knight. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Sword that contains the power of a Hell Knight. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Bow that contains the power of a Sagittarius. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Dual daggers that contains the power of an Adventurer. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Sword that contains the power of an Archmage. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Sword that contains the power of a Soultaker. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Blunt Weapon that contains the power of an Arcana Lord. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Staff that contains the power of a Cardinal. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Staff that contains the power of a Hierophant. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Sword that contains the power of an Eva's Templar. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Sword that contains the power of a Sword Muse. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Dagger that contains the power of a Wind Rider. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Bow that contains the power of a Moonlight Sentinel. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Sword that contains the power of a Mystic Muse. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Blunt Weapon that contains the power of an Elemental Master. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Blunt Weapon that contains the power of an Eva's Saint. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Sword that contains the power of a Shillien Templar. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Dual Sword that contains the power of a Spectral Dancer. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Dagger that contains the power of a Ghost Hunter. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Bow that contains the power of a Ghost Sentinel. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Sword that contains the power of a Storm Screamer. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.

Pagina 842

Sword that contains the power of a Spectral Master. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Blunt Weapon that contains the power of a Shillien Saint. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Two-handed Sword that contains the power of a Titan. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Fist Weapon that contains the power of a Grand Khavatari. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Sword that contains the power of a Dominator. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Dual Sword that contains the power of a Doomcryer. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Dagger that contains the power of a Fortune Seeker. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Staff with sealed power of a Maestro. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Dummy item - do not delete. Deleting this causes errors to the AI. It must be kept in the level time in the event that numbers 3
Dummy item - do not delete. Deleting this causes errors to the AI. It must be kept in the level time in the event that numbers 3
Dummy item - do not delete. Deleting this causes errors to the AI. It must be kept in the level time in the event that numbers 3
Dummy item - do not delete. Deleting this causes errors to the AI. It must be kept in the level time in the event that numbers 3
Dummy item - do not delete. Deleting this causes errors to the AI. It must be kept in the level time in the event that numbers 3
Dummy item - do not delete. Deleting this causes errors to the AI. It must be kept in the level time in the event that numbers 3
Dummy item - do not delete. Deleting this causes errors to the AI. It must be kept in the level time in the event that numbers 3
Dummy item - do not delete. Deleting this causes errors to the AI. It must be kept in the level time in the event that numbers 3
Dummy item - do not delete. Deleting this causes errors to the AI. It must be kept in the level time in the event that numbers 3
Dummy item - do not delete. Deleting this causes errors to the AI. It must be kept in the level time in the event that numbers 3
Dagger that contains the power of a Fortune Seeker. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Sword that contains the power of a Doombringer. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Sword that contains the power of a Soul Hound (male). Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Sword that contains the power of a Soul Hound (female). Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Sword that contains the power of a Judicator. Cannot be enchanted, agumented, or assigned an attribute.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When enchanted to +4, physical Critical Damage increases.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When enchanted to +4, Accuracy and P. Critical Rate increas
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When enchanted to +4, P. Atk. additionally increases.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When enchanted to +4, physical Critical Damage increases.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When enchanted to +4, Atk. Spd. Increases and P. Atk. addit
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When enchanted to +4, Multi-attack additionally increases.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When enchanted to +4, P. Skill Power increases.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When enchanted to +4, Atk. Spd. Increases.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When enchanted to +4, Magical Accuracy and M. Critical Rat
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When enchanted to +4, Magical Accuracy and M. Critical Dam
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When enchanted to +4, M. Atk. M. Critical Damage, and Cast
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When enchanted to +4, P. Critical Rate increases and P. Atk.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When enchanted to +4, P. Critical Damage increases and P.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When enchanted to +4, P. Skill Power increases and P. Atk. a
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nCritical +82.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage when enc
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accurac
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enc
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 1108 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. I

Pagina 843

<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nCritical +76.3. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when e
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and P. Atk. when en
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 4% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage in
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power when enchante
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power w
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. when e
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a chance of casting Slow on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicte
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy an
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +296. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical D
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accura
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 20% chance of casting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage i
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases MP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. C
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nM. Atk. +296. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, a
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critic
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. wh
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage and P. Atk
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dama
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Dam
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power. In
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Accuracy by 7.6. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Skill Power. Increases P. A
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Grand Épée (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchant
Grand Épée (Water) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchan
Grand Épée (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchant
Grand Épée (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
Grand Épée (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
Grand Épée (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
Glaive (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
Glaive (Water) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment
Glaive (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
Glaive (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment. T
Glaive (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
Glaive (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
Mithril Dagger (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
Mithril Dagger (Water) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
Mithril Dagger (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
Mithril Dagger (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchan

Pagina 844

Mithril Dagger (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchan
Mithril Dagger (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchan
Bastard Sword*Crimson Sword (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted function
Bastard Sword*Crimson Sword (Water) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functio
Bastard Sword*Crimson Sword (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted function
Bastard Sword*Crimson Sword (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions
Bastard Sword*Crimson Sword (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted function
Bastard Sword*Crimson Sword (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted function
Bonebreaker (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchan
Bonebreaker (Water) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
Bonebreaker (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchan
Bonebreaker (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
Bonebreaker (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchant
Bonebreaker (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchan
Light Bow (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
Light Bow (Water) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
Light Bow (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantme
Light Bow (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantmen
Light Bow (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantme
Light Bow (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantme
Staff of Life (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
Staff of Life (Water) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchant
Staff of Life (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
Staff of Life (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
Staff of Life (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
Staff of Life (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
Scallop Jamadhr (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
Scallop Jamadhr (Water) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
Scallop Jamadhr (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
Scallop Jamadhr (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
Scallop Jamadhr (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
Scallop Jamadhr (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
Atuba Hammer (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
Atuba Hammer (Water) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
Atuba Hammer (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides ench
Atuba Hammer (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
Atuba Hammer (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
Atuba Hammer (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides encha
Elven Long Sword (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
Elven Long Sword (Water) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides e
Elven Long Sword (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
Elven Long Sword (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enc
Elven Long Sword (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
Elven Long Sword (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides en
General's Katzbalger (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
General's Katzbalger (Water) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions beside
General's Katzbalger (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
General's Katzbalger (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides e
General's Katzbalger (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides

Pagina 845

General's Katzbalger (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides
Cranequin (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
Cranequin (Water) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
Cranequin (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
Cranequin (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantme
Cranequin (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantme
Cranequin (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
Claymore (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantme
Claymore (Water) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantm
Claymore (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantme
Claymore (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantmen
Claymore (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantme
Claymore (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantme
Great Pata (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% o
Great Pata (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% o
Great Pata (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% o
Great Pata (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% or
Great Pata (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% or
Great Pata (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% or
Deadman's Staff (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIt Has a 30% chance of casting Regeneration o
Deadman's Staff (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIt Has a 30% chance of casting Regeneration o
Deadman's Staff (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIt Has a 30% chance of casting Regeneration on
Deadman's Staff (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIt Has a 30% chance of casting Regeneration on
Deadman's Staff (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIt Has a 30% chance of casting Regeneration on
Deadman's Staff (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIt Has a 30% chance of casting Regeneration on
Berserker Blade (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized o
Berserker Blade (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized o
Berserker Blade (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized o
Berserker Blade (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or
Berserker Blade (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or
Berserker Blade (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or
Sharpshooter (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 4. Expiratory. Cannot be cr
Sharpshooter (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 4. Expiratory. Cannot be cr
Sharpshooter (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 4. Expiratory. Cannot be cry
Sharpshooter (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 4. Expiratory. Cannot be crys
Sharpshooter (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 4. Expiratory. Cannot be cry
Sharpshooter (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 4. Expiratory. Cannot be cry
Shamshir*Shamshir (Earth) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed s
Shamshir*Shamshir (Water) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed s
Shamshir*Shamshir (Wind) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed s
Shamshir*Shamshir (Fire) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sw
Shamshir*Shamshir (Holy) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sw
Shamshir*Shamshir (Dark) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sw
Saber Tooth (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or gr
Saber Tooth (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or g
Saber Tooth (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or gra
Saber Tooth (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or gran
Saber Tooth (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or gra
Saber Tooth (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized or gra

Pagina 846

Samurai Long Sword (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73. Expiratory. Cannot be crystalliz
Samurai Long Sword (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73. Expiratory. Cannot be crystall
Samurai Long Sword (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73. Expiratory. Cannot be crystalliz
Samurai Long Sword (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallize
Samurai Long Sword (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73. Expiratory. Cannot be crystalliz
Samurai Long Sword (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73. Expiratory. Cannot be crystalliz
Admiral's Estoc (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it ha
Admiral's Estoc (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it h
Admiral's Estoc (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it ha
Admiral's Estoc (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has
Admiral's Estoc (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it ha
Admiral's Estoc (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +73.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it ha
Yaksa Mace (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot be c
Yaksa Mace (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot be c
Yaksa Mace (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot be cr
Yaksa Mace (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot be cry
Yaksa Mace (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot be cry
Yaksa Mace (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot be cr
Eminence Bow (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 4. Expiratory. Cannot be c
Eminence Bow (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 4. Expiratory. Cannot be
Eminence Bow (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 4. Expiratory. Cannot be c
Eminence Bow (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 4. Expiratory. Cannot be cry
Eminence Bow (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 4. Expiratory. Cannot be cr
Eminence Bow (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 4. Expiratory. Cannot be c
Orcish Poleaxe (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 29% chance Stunning the target dur
Orcish Poleaxe (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 29% chance Stunning the target du
Orcish Poleaxe (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 29% chance Stunning the target dur
Orcish Poleaxe (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 29% chance Stunning the target durin
Orcish Poleaxe (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 29% chance Stunning the target duri
Orcish Poleaxe (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 29% chance Stunning the target duri
Ecliptic Axe (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nMP consumption increases by 15%. M. Atk. +112 du
Ecliptic Axe (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nMP consumption increases by 15%. M. Atk. +112 du
Ecliptic Axe (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nMP consumption increases by 15%. M. Atk. +112 du
Ecliptic Axe (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nMP consumption increases by 15%. M. Atk. +112 duri
Ecliptic Axe (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nMP consumption increases by 15%. M. Atk. +112 dur
Ecliptic Axe (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nMP consumption increases by 15%. M. Atk. +112 dur
Crystal Dagger (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +140 during a Critical Attack. Expiratory. C
Crystal Dagger (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +140 during a Critical Attack. Expiratory.
Crystal Dagger (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +140 during a Critical Attack. Expiratory. C
Crystal Dagger (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +140 during a Critical Attack. Expiratory. Ca
Crystal Dagger (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +140 during a Critical Attack. Expiratory. C
Crystal Dagger (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +140 during a Critical Attack. Expiratory. C
Guardian's Sword (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Canno
Guardian's Sword (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Canno
Guardian's Sword (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot
Guardian's Sword (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot b
Guardian's Sword (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot
Guardian's Sword (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot
Damascus Sword (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +64. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized

Pagina 847

Damascus Sword (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +64. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized
Damascus Sword (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +64. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized
Damascus Sword (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +64. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized o
Damascus Sword (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +64. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized o
Damascus Sword (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +64. Expiratory. Cannot be crystallized
Dismantler (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot be cry
Dismantler (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot be cry
Dismantler (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot be cry
Dismantler (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot be cryst
Dismantler (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot be crys
Dismantler (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot be crys
Lance (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 25% chance Stunning the target during a Crit
Lance (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 25% chance Stunning the target during a Cri
Lance (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 25% chance Stunning the target during a Crit
Lance (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 25% chance Stunning the target during a Critic
Lance (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 25% chance Stunning the target during a Critic
Lance (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 25% chance Stunning the target during a Criti
Bellion Cestus (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 9% when HP drops to 60%
Bellion Cestus (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 9% when HP drops to 60%
Bellion Cestus (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 9% when HP drops to 60%
Bellion Cestus (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 9% when HP drops to 60%
Bellion Cestus (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 9% when HP drops to 60%
Bellion Cestus (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 9% when HP drops to 60%
Staff of Evil Spirits (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIt Has a 20% chance of casting Blessed Body
Staff of Evil Spirits (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIt Has a 20% chance of casting Blessed Body
Staff of Evil Spirits (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIt Has a 20% chance of casting Blessed Body
Staff of Evil Spirits (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIt Has a 20% chance of casting Blessed Body o
Staff of Evil Spirits (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIt Has a 20% chance of casting Blessed Body o
Staff of Evil Spirits (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIt Has a 20% chance of casting Blessed Body
Deadman's Glory (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot
Deadman's Glory (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Canno
Deadman's Glory (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot
Deadman's Glory (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot b
Deadman's Glory (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot b
Deadman's Glory (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Expiratory. Cannot
Samurai Long Sword*Samurai Long Sword (Earth) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted togeth
Samurai Long Sword*Samurai Long Sword (Water) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted toget
Samurai Long Sword*Samurai Long Sword (Wind) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted togeth
Samurai Long Sword*Samurai Long Sword (Fire) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted togethe
Samurai Long Sword*Samurai Long Sword (Holy) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted togethe
Samurai Long Sword*Samurai Long Sword (Dark) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted togeth
Demon's Dagger (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +160 during a Critical Attack. Expiratory
Demon's Dagger (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +160 during a Critical Attack. Expiratory
Demon's Dagger (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +160 during a Critical Attack. Expiratory.
Demon's Dagger (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +160 during a Critical Attack. Expiratory. C
Demon's Dagger (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +160 during a Critical Attack. Expiratory.
Demon's Dagger (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +160 during a Critical Attack. Expiratory.
Kaim Vanul's Bones (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Expiratory. Can
Kaim Vanul's Bones (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Expiratory. Can

Pagina 848

Kaim Vanul's Bones (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Expiratory. Cann
Kaim Vanul's Bones (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Expiratory. Canno
Kaim Vanul's Bones (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Expiratory. Cann
Kaim Vanul's Bones (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Expiratory. Cann
Colichemarde (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +64.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has
Colichemarde (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +64.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it ha
Colichemarde (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +64.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has
Colichemarde (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +64.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a
Colichemarde (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +64.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has
Colichemarde (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +64.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has
Wizard's Tear (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Expiratory. Canno
Wizard's Tear (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Expiratory. Cann
Wizard's Tear (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Expiratory. Canno
Wizard's Tear (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Expiratory. Cannot
Wizard's Tear (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Expiratory. Canno
Wizard's Tear (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Expiratory. Canno
Bow of Peril (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCooldown decreases by about 13%. Expiratory. Can
Bow of Peril (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCooldown decreases by about 13%. Expiratory. Ca
Bow of Peril (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCooldown decreases by about 13%. Expiratory. Can
Bow of Peril (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCooldown decreases by about 13%. Expiratory. Cann
Bow of Peril (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCooldown decreases by about 13%. Expiratory. Cann
Bow of Peril (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCooldown decreases by about 13%. Expiratory. Can
Hell Bound (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCooldown decreases by about 13%. Expiratory. Cann
Hell Bound (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCooldown decreases by about 13%. Expiratory. Can
Hell Bound (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCooldown decreases by about 13%. Expiratory. Cann
Hell Bound (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCooldown decreases by about 13%. Expiratory. Canno
Hell Bound (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCooldown decreases by about 13%. Expiratory. Cann
Hell Bound (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCooldown decreases by about 13%. Expiratory. Cann
Naga's Storm (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +200 during a Critical Attack. Increases dam
Naga's Storm (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +200 during a Critical Attack. Increases da
Naga's Storm (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +200 during a Critical Attack. Increases dam
Naga's Storm (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +200 during a Critical Attack. Increases dama
Naga's Storm (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +200 during a Critical Attack. Increases dam
Naga's Storm (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +200 during a Critical Attack. Increases dam
Daimon Crystal (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases dama
Daimon Crystal (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases dama
Daimon Crystal (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases dama
Daimon Crystal (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damag
Daimon Crystal (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damag
Daimon Crystal (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damag
Barakiel's Axe (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Barakiel's Axe (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Barakiel's Axe (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Barakiel's Axe (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Barakiel's Axe (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Barakiel's Axe (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Screaming Vengeance (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted d
Screaming Vengeance (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted d
Screaming Vengeance (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted d

Pagina 849

Screaming Vengeance (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted du
Screaming Vengeance (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted du
Screaming Vengeance (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted du
Durendal (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Ex
Durendal (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Ex
Durendal (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Ex
Durendal (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Exp
Durendal (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Exp
Durendal (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Exp
Behemoth' Tuning Fork (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases da
Behemoth' Tuning Fork (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases da
Behemoth' Tuning Fork (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases da
Behemoth' Tuning Fork (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases dam
Behemoth' Tuning Fork (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases dam
Behemoth' Tuning Fork (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases dam
Shyeed's Bow (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Shyeed's Bow (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Shyeed's Bow (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Shyeed's Bow (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Shyeed's Bow (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Shyeed's Bow (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Sword of Ipos (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Sword of Ipos (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Sword of Ipos (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Sword of Ipos (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Sword of Ipos (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Sword of Ipos (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Sobekk's Hurricane (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases
Sobekk's Hurricane (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases
Sobekk's Hurricane (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases d
Sobekk's Hurricane (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases da
Sobekk's Hurricane (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases d
Sobekk's Hurricane (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases d
Sirra's Blade (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damag
Sirra's Blade (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damag
Sirra's Blade (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damag
Sirra's Blade (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage
Sirra's Blade (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage
Sirra's Blade (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage
Éclair Bijou (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage
Éclair Bijou (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage
Éclair Bijou (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage
Éclair Bijou (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage in
Éclair Bijou (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage i
Éclair Bijou (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage
Tiphon's Spear (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 25% chance Stunning the target dur
Tiphon's Spear (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 25% chance Stunning the target du
Tiphon's Spear (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 25% chance Stunning the target dur
Tiphon's Spear (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 25% chance Stunning the target durin

Pagina 850

Tiphon's Spear (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 25% chance Stunning the target durin
Tiphon's Spear (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nHas about a 25% chance Stunning the target duri
Tallum Blade*Damascus (Earth) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-hand
Tallum Blade*Damascus (Water) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-han
Tallum Blade*Damascus (Wind) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-hand
Tallum Blade*Damascus (Fire) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-hande
Tallum Blade*Damascus (Holy) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-hande
Tallum Blade*Damascus (Dark) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-hand
Themis' Tongue (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage i
Themis' Tongue (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage
Themis' Tongue (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage in
Themis' Tongue (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inf
Themis' Tongue (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage in
Themis' Tongue (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage in
Cabrio's Hand (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inf
Cabrio's Hand (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage in
Cabrio's Hand (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage infl
Cabrio's Hand (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflic
Cabrio's Hand (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage infli
Cabrio's Hand (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage infl
Vesper Nagan (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131. Increases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Nagan (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131. Increases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Nagan (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131. Increases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Nagan (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Vesper Nagan (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Vesper Nagan (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Vesper Dual Dagger (Earth) with limited enchantment options. When enchanted, P. Atk. of dual dagger increases more than
Vesper Dual Dagger (Water) with limited enchantment options. When enchanted, P. Atk. of dual dagger increases more than
Vesper Dual Dagger (Wind) with limited enchantment options. When enchanted, P. Atk. of dual dagger increases more than t
Vesper Dual Dagger (Fire) with limited enchantment options. When enchanted, P. Atk. of dual dagger increases more than th
Vesper Dual Dagger (Holy) with limited enchantment options. When enchanted, P. Atk. of dual dagger increases more than th
Vesper Dual Dagger (Dark) with limited enchantment options. When enchanted, P. Atk. of dual dagger increases more than t
Vesper Dual Sword (Earth) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sw
Vesper Dual Sword (Water) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed s
Vesper Dual Sword (Wind) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sw
Vesper Dual Sword (Fire) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed swo
Vesper Dual Sword (Holy) with limited enchantment options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sw
Vesper Dual Sword (Dark) with limited enchantment options.. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sw
Vesper Retributer (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage
Vesper Retributer (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage
Vesper Retributer (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage
Vesper Retributer (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage in
Vesper Retributer (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage
Vesper Retributer (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage
Vesper Buster (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damag
Vesper Buster (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases dama
Vesper Buster (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damag
Vesper Buster (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage
Vesper Buster (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage

Pagina 851

Vesper Buster (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damag
Vesper Shaper (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +906 during a Critical Attack. Increases da
Vesper Shaper (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +906 during a Critical Attack. Increases d
Vesper Shaper (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +906 during a Critical Attack. Increases da
Vesper Shaper (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +906 during a Critical Attack. Increases dam
Vesper Shaper (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +906 during a Critical Attack. Increases da
Vesper Shaper (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +906 during a Critical Attack. Increases da
Vesper Shooter (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +133. Increases damage inflicted during
Vesper Shooter (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +133. Increases damage inflicted during
Vesper Shooter (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +133. Increases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Shooter (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +133. Increases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Shooter (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +133. Increases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Shooter (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +133. Increases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Thrower (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +133. Increases damage inflicted during
Vesper Thrower (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +133. Increases damage inflicted during
Vesper Thrower (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +133. Increases damage inflicted during
Vesper Thrower (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +133. Increases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Thrower (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +133. Increases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Thrower (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +133. Increases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Stormer (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases da
Vesper Stormer (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases da
Vesper Stormer (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases da
Vesper Stormer (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases dam
Vesper Stormer (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases dam
Vesper Stormer (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 11%. Increases dam
Vesper Slasher (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131. Increases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Slasher (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131. Increases damage inflicted during
Vesper Slasher (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131. Increases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Slasher (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Vesper Slasher (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131. Increases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Slasher (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131. Increases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Singer (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nM. Atk. +151. Increases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Singer (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nM. Atk. +151. Increases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Singer (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nM. Atk. +151. Increases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Singer (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nM. Atk. +151. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Vesper Singer (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nM. Atk. +151. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Vesper Singer (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nM. Atk. +151. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Vesper Avenger (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage i
Vesper Avenger (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage
Vesper Avenger (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage in
Vesper Avenger (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inf
Vesper Avenger (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage in
Vesper Avenger (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage in
Vesper Caster (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damag
Vesper Caster (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases dama
Vesper Caster (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damag
Vesper Caster (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage
Vesper Caster (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage
Vesper Caster (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damag

Pagina 852

Vesper Cutter (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Vesper Cutter (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131. Increases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Cutter (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Vesper Cutter (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
Vesper Cutter (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Vesper Cutter (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Vesper Fighter (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +123. Increases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Fighter (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +123. Increases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Fighter (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +123. Increases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Fighter (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +123. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Vesper Fighter (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +123. Increases damage inflicted during Pv
Vesper Fighter (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +123. Increases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Pincer (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131.\nIncreases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Pincer (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131.\nIncreases damage inflicted during
Vesper Pincer (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131.\nIncreases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Pincer (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131.\nIncreases damage inflicted during Pv
Vesper Pincer (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131.\nIncreases damage inflicted during P
Vesper Pincer (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +131.\nIncreases damage inflicted during P
Apocalypse Retributer (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases
Apocalypse Retributer (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increase
Apocalypse Retributer (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases
Apocalypse Retributer (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases
Apocalypse Retributer (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases
Apocalypse Retributer (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases
Apocalypse Buster (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases da
Apocalypse Buster (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases d
Apocalypse Buster (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases da
Apocalypse Buster (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases dam
Apocalypse Buster (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases dam
Apocalypse Buster (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases da
Apocalypse Shaper (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +82.3. Increases damage inflicted du
Apocalypse Shaper (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +82.3. Increases damage inflicted du
Apocalypse Shaper (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +82.3. Increases damage inflicted du
Apocalypse Shaper (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +82.3. Increases damage inflicted duri
Apocalypse Shaper (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +82.3. Increases damage inflicted dur
Apocalypse Shaper (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +82.3. Increases damage inflicted dur
Apocalypse Shooter (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted du
Apocalypse Shooter (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted d
Apocalypse Shooter (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted du
Apocalypse Shooter (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted dur
Apocalypse Shooter (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted du
Apocalypse Shooter (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted du
Apocalypse Thrower (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted d
Apocalypse Thrower (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted d
Apocalypse Thrower (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted du
Apocalypse Thrower (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted dur
Apocalypse Thrower (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted du
Apocalypse Thrower (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted du
Apocalypse Stormer (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted du

Pagina 853

Apocalypse Stormer (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted du
Apocalypse Stormer (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted dur
Apocalypse Stormer (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted durin
Apocalypse Stormer (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted dur
Apocalypse Stormer (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted dur
Apocalypse Slasher (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted du
Apocalypse Slasher (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted d
Apocalypse Slasher (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted du
Apocalypse Slasher (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted duri
Apocalypse Slasher (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted dur
Apocalypse Slasher (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted du
Apocalypse Avenger (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted d
Apocalypse Avenger (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted d
Apocalypse Avenger (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted du
Apocalypse Avenger (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted dur
Apocalypse Avenger (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted du
Apocalypse Avenger (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted du
Apocalypse Caster (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases da
Apocalypse Caster (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases d
Apocalypse Caster (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases da
Apocalypse Caster (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases dam
Apocalypse Caster (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases da
Apocalypse Caster (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases da
Apocalypse Cutter (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted duri
Apocalypse Cutter (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted dur
Apocalypse Cutter (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted duri
Apocalypse Cutter (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted durin
Apocalypse Cutter (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted durin
Apocalypse Cutter (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted durin
Apocalypse Fighter (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +76. Increases damage inflicted durin
Apocalypse Fighter (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +76. Increases damage inflicted duri
Apocalypse Fighter (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +76. Increases damage inflicted durin
Apocalypse Fighter (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +76. Increases damage inflicted during
Apocalypse Fighter (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +76. Increases damage inflicted during
Apocalypse Fighter (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +76. Increases damage inflicted durin
Apocalypse Dual Sword (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted
Apocalypse Dual Sword (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicte
Apocalypse Dual Sword (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted
Apocalypse Dual Sword (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted d
Apocalypse Dual Sword (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted
Apocalypse Dual Sword (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted
Apocalypse Dual Dagger (Earth) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflict
Apocalypse Dual Dagger (Water) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflic
Apocalypse Dual Dagger (Wind) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicte
Apocalypse Dual Dagger (Fire) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted
Apocalypse Dual Dagger (Holy) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicte
Apocalypse Dual Dagger (Dark) with limited ability enhancement. <Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicte
Item used by the revolutionaries during an attack on the transportation unit. It can use powerful skills. Can only be used on th
Item used by the revolutionaries during an attack on the transportation unit. It can use powerful skills. Can only be used on th

Pagina 854

Item used by the revolutionaries during an attack on the transportation unit. It can use powerful skills. Can only be used on th
Item used by the revolutionaries during an attack on the transportation unit. It can use powerful skills. Can only be used on th
A weapon made using Tauti's Fragment Augment. When equipped, increases PVP Damage by 15%, Max HP by 25%, P. Atk
A weapon made using Tauti's Fragment Augment. When equipped, increases PVP Damage by 15%, Max HP by 25%, P. Atk
Weapon augmented from Tauti's Fragment. When equipped, can use Tauti's Wrath skill. When equipped, increases Atk. Spd
A weapon made using Tauti's Fragment Augment. When equipped, increases PVP Damage by 15%, Max HP by 25%, P. Atk
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n

Pagina 855

PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n

Pagina 856

PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvP enchant type item. When equipped, damage to a PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement>\n
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul C
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul C
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul C
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul C
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul C
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul C
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul C
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul C
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul C
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul C
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul C
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul C
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul C
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul C
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement

Pagina 857

PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement

Pagina 858

PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, damage to an NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. <Soul Crystal Enhancement
Long Sword created to develop the Revolutionaries.
Bow created to develop the Revolutionaries.
Magic sword created to develop the Revolutionaries.
Dagger created to develop the Revolutionaries.
A dual sword created to develop the Revolutionary.
A two-handed sword created to develop the Revolutionary.
Character Collector's Transformed Dual Dagger
Fist weapon created to develop the Revolutionaries.
Short sword created to develop the Revolutionaries.
Blunt created to develop the Revolutionaries.
For Test (not GD2.0 update content)
For Test (not GD2.0 update content)
For Test (not GD2.0 update content)
For Test (not GD2.0 update content)
For Test (not GD2.0 update content)
For Test (not GD2.0 update content)
For Test (not GD2.0 update content)
For Test (not GD2.0 update content)
For Test (not GD2.0 update content)
For Test (not GD2.0 update content)
For Test (not GD2.0 update content)
For Test (not GD2.0 update content)
For Test (not GD2.0 update content)
For Test (not GD2.0 update content)
Test weapon.
Lumi Exclusive Weapon
Rough stat data inserted
Clan Handicraft Request A - When equipped, it provides you with a skill to repair or destroy a certain robot.
Item used in clan requests.
Clan Production Request A - When equipped, it provides you with a skill to repair or destroy a certain robot.
Clan Production Request B - When equipped, it provides you with a skill to repair or destroy a certain robot.
Alternative Clan Request A - When equipped, it provides you with a skill to repair or destroy a certain robot.
Alternative Clan Request B - When equipped, it provides you with a skill to repair or destroy a certain robot.

Pagina 859

A weapon with the power of heroes sealed within. You can acquire a Weapon Imbued with Heroes' Power if you have a Scro
A weapon with the power of heroes sealed within. You can acquire a Weapon Imbued with Heroes' Power if you have a Scro
A weapon with the power of heroes sealed within. You can acquire a Weapon Imbued with Heroes' Power if you have a Scro
A weapon with the power of heroes sealed within. You can acquire a Weapon Imbued with Heroes' Power if you have a Scro
A weapon with the power of heroes sealed within. You can acquire a Weapon Imbued with Heroes' Power if you have a Scro
A weapon with the power of heroes sealed within. You can acquire a Weapon Imbued with Heroes' Power if you have a Scro
A weapon with the power of heroes sealed within. You can acquire a Weapon Imbued with Heroes' Power if you have a Scro
A weapon with the power of heroes sealed within. You can acquire a Weapon Imbued with Heroes' Power if you have a Scro
A weapon with the power of heroes sealed within. You can acquire a Weapon Imbued with Heroes' Power if you have a Scro
A weapon with the power of heroes sealed within. You can acquire a Weapon Imbued with Heroes' Power if you have a Scro
A weapon with the power of heroes sealed within. You can acquire a Weapon Imbued with Heroes' Power if you have a Scro
A weapon with the power of heroes sealed within. You can acquire a Weapon Imbued with Heroes' Power if you have a Scro
A weapon with the power of heroes sealed within. You can acquire a Weapon Imbued with Heroes' Power if you have a Scro
A weapon with the power of heroes sealed within. You can acquire a Weapon Imbued with Heroes' Power if you have a Scro
A weapon imbued with the power of heroes. Can be used by all levels. Must use No-grade Soulshots/ Spiritshots/ Blessed Sp
A weapon imbued with the power of heroes. Can be used by all levels. Must use No-grade Soulshots/ Spiritshots/ Blessed Sp
A weapon imbued with the power of heroes. Can be used by all levels. Must use No-grade Soulshots/ Spiritshots/ Blessed Sp
A weapon imbued with the power of heroes. Can be used by all levels. Must use No-grade Soulshots/ Spiritshots/ Blessed Sp
A weapon imbued with the power of heroes. Can be used by all levels. Must use No-grade Soulshots/ Spiritshots/ Blessed Sp
A weapon imbued with the power of heroes. Can be used by all levels. Must use No-grade Soulshots/ Spiritshots/ Blessed Sp
A weapon imbued with the power of heroes. Can be used by all levels. Must use No-grade Soulshots/ Spiritshots/ Blessed Sp
A weapon imbued with the power of heroes. Can be used by all levels. Must use No-grade Soulshots/ Spiritshots/ Blessed Sp
A weapon imbued with the power of heroes. Can be used by all levels. Must use No-grade Soulshots/ Spiritshots/ Blessed Sp
A weapon imbued with the power of heroes. Can be used by all levels. Must use No-grade Soulshots/ Spiritshots/ Blessed Sp
A weapon imbued with the power of heroes. Can be used by all levels. Must use No-grade Soulshots/ Spiritshots/ Blessed Sp
A weapon imbued with the power of heroes. Can be used by all levels. Must use No-grade Soulshots/ Spiritshots/ Blessed Sp
A weapon imbued with the power of heroes. Can be used by all levels. Must use No-grade Soulshots/ Spiritshots/ Blessed Sp
A weapon imbued with the power of heroes. Can be used by all levels. Must use No-grade Soulshots/ Spiritshots/ Blessed Sp
Antharas' Shaper Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through the Watcher of Antharas Theodric.\nCannot be crys
Antharas' Slasher Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through the Watcher of Antharas Theodric.\nIts appearance
Antharas' Thrower Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through the Watcher of Antharas Theodric.\nIts appearance
Antharas' Buster Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through the Watcher of Antharas Theodric.\nIts appearance c
Antharas' Cutter Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through the Watcher of Antharas Theodric.\nIts appearance c
Antharas' Stormer Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through the Watcher of Antharas Theodric.\nIts appearance
Antharas' Fighter Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through the Watcher of Antharas Theodric.\nIts appearance
Antharas' Avenger Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through the Watcher of Antharas Theodric.\nIts appearance
Antharas' Dual Blunt Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through the Watcher of Antharas Theodric.\nIts appearan
Antharas' Dual Sword Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through the Watcher of Antharas Theodric.\nIts appeara
Valakas' Shaper Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through Valakas Watchman Klein.\nIts appearance cannot be
Valakas' Cutter Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through Valakas Watchman Klein.\nIts appearance cannot be
Valakas' Slasher Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through Valakas Watchman Klein.\nIts appearance cannot b
Valakas' Thrower Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through Valakas Watchman Klein.\nIts appearance cannot b
Valakas' Buster Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through Valakas Watchman Klein.\nIts appearance cannot be
Valakas' Caster Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through Valakas Watchman Klein.\nIts appearance cannot be
Valakas' Retributer Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through Valakas Watchman Klein.\nIts appearance cannot
Lindvior's Shaper Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through Aden's Wizard Jenna.\nIts appearance cannot be ch

Pagina 860

Lindvior's Thrower Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through Aden's Wizard Jenna.\nIts appearance cannot be c
Lindvior's Slasher Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through Aden's Wizard Jenna.\nIts appearance cannot be c
Lindvior's Caster Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through Aden's Wizard Jenna.\nIts appearance cannot be ch
Lindvior's Cutter Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through Aden's Wizard Jenna.\nIts appearance cannot be ch
Lindvior's Shooter Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through Aden's Wizard Jenna.\nIts appearance cannot be c
Lindvior's Dual Dagger Fragment. Can be upgraded to a higher grade through Aden's Wizard Jenna.\nIts appearance cannot
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the wisdom of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Casting Spd. +30%, M. Criti
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the wisdom of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Casting Spd. +30%, M. Criti
A weapon imbued with the wisdom of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Casting Spd. +30%, M. Criti
A weapon imbued with the wisdom of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Casting Spd. +30%, M. Criti
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the wisdom of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Casting Spd. +30%, P. Criti
A weapon imbued with the wisdom of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical R
A weapon imbued with the wisdom of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical R
A weapon imbued with the wisdom of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Casting Spd. +30%, M. Criti
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the wisdom of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Casting Spd. +30%, M. Criti
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the wisdom of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Casting Spd. +30%, M. Criti
A weapon imbued with the wisdom of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Casting Spd. +30%, M. Criti
A weapon imbued with the wisdom of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Casting Spd. +30%, M. Criti
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra

Pagina 861

A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the wisdom of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Casting Spd. +30%, M. Criti
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%, P. Critical Ra
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100%, P. Critical
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100%, P. Critical
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100%, P. Critical
A weapon imbued with the wisdom of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Casting Spd. +100%, M. C
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100%, P. Critical
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100%, P. Critical
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100%, P. Critical
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100%, P. Critical
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100%, P. Critical
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100%, P. Critical
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100%, P. Critical
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100%, P. Critical
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100%, P. Critical
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100%, P. Critical
A weapon imbued with the wisdom of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Casting Spd. +100%, M. C
A weapon imbued with the wisdom of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Casting Spd. +100%, P. C
A weapon imbued with the wisdom of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Casting Spd. +100%, M. C
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100%, P. Critical
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100%, P. Critical
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100%, P. Critical
A weapon imbued with the wisdom of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Casting Spd. +100%, M. C
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100%, P. Critical
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100%, P. Critical
A weapon imbued with the power of the dragons. PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100%, P. Critical
Emerald weapon. One-handed sword type. Base appearance of Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald Weapon. Dagger style. Initial Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald weapon. Two-handed sword type. Base appearance of Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald Weapon. Fist weapon style. Initial Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald Weapon. Spear style. Initial Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald Weapon. Bow style. Initial Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald Weapon. Crossbow style. Initial Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald Weapon. One-handed blunt style. Initial Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald Weapon. Two-handed blunt style. Initial Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald weapon. One-handed staff type. Base appearance of Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald weapon. Two-handed staff type. Base appearance of Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald weapon. Dual Sword type. Base appearance of Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald weapon. Dagger dual sword type. Base appearance of Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald Weapon. Dual blunt style. Initial Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Emerald Weapon. Shield style. Initial Emerald Weapon Appearance Stone.
Temporary practice weapon for learning about augmentation. Very inefficient as a weapon.
Temporary practice weapon for learning about soul crystal enhancement. Very inefficient as a weapon.
<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 86.
Instrument to commemorate the 9th anniversary of Lineage II. You can play great music with it.

Pagina 862

Monster weapon. One-handed sword type. Base appearance of Monster Weapon Appearance Stone.
Monster weapon. One-handed sword type. Base appearance of Monster Weapon Appearance Stone.
Monster weapon. One-handed sword type. Base appearance of Monster Weapon Appearance Stone.
Monster weapon. Dual Sword type. Base appearance of Monster Weapon Appearance Stone.
Monster weapon. Magic sword type. Base appearance of Monster Weapon Appearance Stone.
Monster Weapon. One-handed blunt style. Initial Monster Weapon Appearance Stone.
Monster Weapon. One-handed blunt style. Initial Monster Weapon Appearance Stone.
Monster Weapon. Dual blunt style. Initial Monster Weapon Appearance Stone.
Monster Weapon. Dagger style. Initial Monster Weapon Appearance Stone.
Monster Weapon. Dual dagger style. Initial Monster Weapon Appearance Stone.
Monster weapon. Two-handed Sword. Base appearance of Monster Weapon Appearance Stone.
Monster Weapon. Spear. Initial Monster Weapon Appearance Stone.
Monster Weapon. Staff. Initial Monster Weapon Appearance Stone.
Monster Weapon. Staff. Initial Monster Weapon Appearance Stone.
Monster Weapon. Fist weapon style. Initial Monster Weapon Appearance Stone.
Monster Weapon. Bow style. Initial Monster Weapon Appearance Stone.
Monster Weapon. Crossbow style. Initial Monster Weapon Appearance Stone.
Monster Weapon. Crossbow style. Initial Monster Weapon Appearance Stone.
Monster Weapon. Shield style. Initial Monster Weapon Appearance Stone.
Monster Weapon. Shield style. Initial Monster Weapon Appearance Stone.
Full Plate Shield with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Doom Shield with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Abaddon Shield with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Shield of Nightmares with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dark Crystal Shield with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Imperial Crusader Helmet with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day
Dynasty Shield with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Immortal Shield with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 30-day.
Stormbringer with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Yaksa Mace with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Saber*Sword of Revolution with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-d
Mysterious Sword with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Body Slasher with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Soulfire Dirk with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Crystallized Ice Bow with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Schlager with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Soldat Estoc with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Arbalest with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Flamberge with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Chakram with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Sword of Valhalla with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Spell Breaker with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Stormbringer*Ultimate Sword with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60
Wizard's Tear with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Great Axe with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Twilight Knife with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dark Elven Longbow with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.

Pagina 863

Innominate Victory with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Military Fleuret with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Hell Hound with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Great Sword with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Arthro Nail with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Elemental Sword with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Spiritual Eye with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Keshanberk*Keshanberk with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day
Sword of Miracles with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Halberd with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Bloody Orchid with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Carnage Bow with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
White Lightning with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Doomchanter with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Divine Pain with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Infernal Master with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Blood Tornado with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Forgotten Blade with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Basalt Battlehammer with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Tallum Blade*Dark Legion's Edge with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting
Arcana Mace with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Saint Spear with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Angel Slayer with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Gram with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Laevateinn with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Sarunga with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Heaven's Divider with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Demon Splinter with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Phantom with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Cudgel with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Dual Sword with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Halberd with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Knife with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Crossbow with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Ancient Sword with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Rapier with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Blade with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
Dynasty Bagh-Nakh with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Attack Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Attack Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Attack Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Attack Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 79.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Attack Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +288. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.

Pagina 864

<Special Option>\nIncreases Attack Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Attack Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Draconic Bow with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60 days.
Dynasty Bow with limited ability enhancement (enchantment, soul crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60 days.
Awakened Warrior's weapon. One-handed sword type. When equipped, increases attack speed. Cannot be used in Olympiad
Awakened Warrior's weapon. Two-handed sword type. When equipped, increases attack speed. Cannot be used in Olympiad
An awakened warrior's weapon. This one-handed blunt increases your attack speed. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Awakened Warrior's weapon. One-handed staff type. When equipped, increases Casting Spd. Cannot be used in Olympiad.
An awakened warrior's weapon. This two-handed blunt increases your attack speed. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Awakened Warrior's weapon. Two-handed staff type. When equipped, increases Casting Spd. Cannot be used in Olympiad.
An awakened warrior's weapon. This one-handed dagger increases your attack speed. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
An awakened warrior's weapon. This fist weapon increases your attack speed. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
An awakened warrior's weapon. This bow increases your attack speed. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
An awakened warrior's weapon. This dual sword increases your attack speed. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
An awakened warrior's weapon. This spear increases your attack speed. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Awakened Warrior's weapon. Rapier type. When equipped, increases attack speed. Cannot be used in Olympiad. Kamaels c
Awakened Warrior's weapon. Ancient Sword type. When equipped, increases attack speed. Cannot be used in Olympiad. Ka
An awakened warrior's weapon. This crossbow increases your attack speed. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. Kamaels can
Throws a love-filled heart. Can use the active skill "Heart Shot." \nWarning: When using on a monster, you can receive anoth
Magic lollipop with a cute piggy drawing on it. It makes a piggy squeal upon a strike. Can transform into a cute piggy for a cer
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O
Weapon infused with mysterious power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Cannot be used in the O

Pagina 865

Magmeld's special instrument. Can play lively music.

Demonic Sword Zariche skin.
Blood Sword Akamanah skin.
Modifies the appearance of a weapon.
Modifies the appearance of a weapon. Valentine one-handed sword type.
Modifies the appearance of a weapon. Valentine two-handed sword type.
Modifies the appearance of a weapon. Valentine one-handed blunt weapon type.
Modifies the appearance of a weapon. Valentine fist weapon type.
Modifies the appearance of a weapon.
Modifies the appearance of a weapon.
Modifies the appearance of a weapon.
Modifies the appearance of a weapon. Valentine magic sword type.
Modifies the appearance of a weapon. Valentine one-handed staff type.
Modifies the appearance of a weapon. Valentine two-handed staff type.
Modifies the appearance of a weapon.
Modifies the appearance of a weapon.
Modifies the appearance of a weapon.
Modifies the appearance of a shield.
Test your luck! A good reward is waiting.
Test your luck! A good reward is waiting.
Test your luck! A good reward is waiting.
Test your luck! A good reward is waiting.
Weapon infused with heroes' power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. All levels. 15-day. Cannot b
Weapon infused with heroes' power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. All levels. 15-day. Cannot b
Weapon infused with heroes' power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. All levels. 15-day. Cannot b
Weapon infused with heroes' power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. All levels. 15-day. Cannot b
Weapon infused with heroes' power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. All levels. 15-day. Cannot b
Weapon infused with heroes' power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. All levels. 15-day. Cannot b
Weapon infused with heroes' power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. All levels. 15-day. Cannot b
Weapon infused with heroes' power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. All levels. 15-day. Cannot b
Weapon infused with heroes' power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. All levels. 15-day. Cannot b
Weapon infused with heroes' power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. All levels. 15-day. Cannot b
Weapon infused with heroes' power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. All levels. 15-day. Cannot b
Weapon infused with heroes' power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. All levels. 15-day. Cannot b
Weapon infused with heroes' power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. All levels. 15-day. Cannot b
Weapon infused with heroes' power. Must use No-grade Soulshot/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. All levels. 15-day. Cannot b
Cute, pumpkin-shaped dagger.
Cute, pumpkin-shaped dual dagger.
Cute, scarecrow-shaped magic sword.
Awakened Warrior's weapon. When equipped, this one-handed sword increases attack speed. Limited time item (7-day). Can
Awakened Warrior's weapon. When equipped, this two-handed sword increases attack speed. Limited time item (7-day). Can
Awakened warrior's weapon. One-handed Blunt Weapon. Increases Atk. Spd. 7-day. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. Canno
Awakened Warrior's weapon. When equipped, this one-handed staff increases Casting Spd. Limited time item (7-day). Canno
Awakened warrior's weapon. Two-handed Blunt Weapon. Increases Atk. Spd. 7-day. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. Canno
Awakened Warrior's weapon. When equipped, this two-handed staff increases Casting Spd. Limited time item (7-day). Canno
Awakened warrior's weapon. One-handed Dagger. Increases Atk. Spd. 7-day. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. Cannot be u
Awakened warrior's weapon. Fist Weapon. Increases Atk. Spd. 7-day. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. Cannot be used by C
Awakened warrior's weapon. Bow. Increases Atk. Spd. 7-day. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. Kamaels can use the Change
Awakened warrior's weapon. Dual Sword. Increases Atk. Spd. 7-day. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. Cannot be used by C

Pagina 866

Awakened warrior's weapon. Spear. Increases Atk. Spd. 7-day. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. Cannot be used by Chaotic
Awakened Warrior's weapon. When equipped, this rapier increases attack speed. Limited time item (7-day). Cannot be used
Awakened Warrior's weapon. When equipped, this ancient sword increases attack speed. Limited time item (7-day). Cannot b
Awakened warrior's weapon. Crossbow. Increases Atk. Spd. 7-day. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. Kamaels can use the C
Chrono Cithara. It has been retouched by Celdion, the master of the Black Anvil Guild. 15-day.
Chrono Unitus. It has been retouched by Celdion, the master of the Black Anvil Guild. 15-day.
Chrono Campana. It has been retouched by Celdion, the master of the Black Anvil Guild. 15-day.
Chrono Darbuka. It has been retouched by Celdion, the master of the Black Anvil Guild. 15-day.
Chrono Maracas. It has been retouched by Celdion, the master of the Black Anvil Guild. 15-day.
Novice Fishing Rod that can no longer be used. Get a refund from a fishing guild member.
Experienced Fishing Rod that can no longer be used. Get a refund from a fishing guild member.
Expert Fishing Rod that can no longer be used. Get a refund from a fishing guild member.
Hero Fishing Rod that can no longer be used. Get a refund from a fishing guild member.
Blue Mackerel-shaped weapon. One-handed sword type. Base appearance of Blue Mackerel Weapon Appearance Stone.
Trumpetfish-shaped weapon. Dagger.
Shark-shaped weapon. Two-handed sword type. Base appearance of Shark Weapon Appearance Stone.
Squid-shaped weapon. Spear.
Sea Horse-shaped weapon. Two-handed staff type. Base appearance of Sea Horse Weapon Appearance Stone.
Lobster-shaped weapon. Fist weapon. Base appearance of Lobster Weapon Appearance Stone.
Giant crab-shaped weapon. Bow.
Crayfish-shaped weapon. Crossbow.
Turtle-shaped shield.
Blue Mackerel-shaped weapon. Dual Sword.

Blue Mackerel-shaped weapon. One-handed blunt weapon.

Trumpetfish-shaped weapon. Dual Dagger.
Blue Mackerel-shaped weapon. Two-handed blunt weapon.
Monster weapon. One-handed sword type.
Monster weapon. One-handed blunt weapon type.
Monster weapon. Bow
Monster weapon. One-handed sword type.
Monster weapon. Dagger
Monster weapon. One-handed sword type. Base appearance of Monster Weapon Appearance Stone.
Monster weapon. Bow
Monster weapon. Dual dagger type.
Monster weapon. One-handed sword type.
Monster weapon. One-handed blunt weapon type.
Monster weapon. Spear type.
Monster weapon. Shield
Monster weapon. Shield
Monster weapon. Spear type.
Monster weapon. One-handed sword type.
Monster weapon. Shield
Monster weapon. One-handed Blunt weapon
Monster weapon. Dagger
Monster weapon. Spear type.
Monster weapon. Two-handed blunt weapon type.
Monster weapon.
Monster weapon.

Pagina 867

Monster weapon.
<Special Option>\nCritical +68. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 42% chance of consuming 1 MP during a standard attack. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Cryst
<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. +6%. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCritical +88. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCritical +111. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
Steel Full Plate Shield.
Steel Doom Shield.
Steel Abaddon Shield.
Steel Shield of Nightmare.
Steel Dark Crystal Shield.
Steel Imperial Crusader Helmet.
Steel Dynasty Shield.
<Special Option>\nCritical +86. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nMax HP +25%. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
Cannot augment.
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIn a Critical attack, 34% chance of inflicting Stun. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nMax MP +30%. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nAccuracy +5. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCritical +86. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCritical +86.\nWhen enchanted to +4 or above, has a chance during a Critical to increase entire party's P./
<Special Option>\nAccuracy +5. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCritical +86. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nWhen HP drops to 60% or below, Atk. Spd. +13%. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
Stormbringer*Ultimate Sword with limited augmentation options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIn a Critical attack, 27% chance of inflicting Stun. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCritical +71. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIn a normal Critical Attack, 41% chance of inflicting Bleed. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal optio
<Special Option>\nCritical +68. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCritical +68.\nWhen enchanted to +4 or above, has a chance during a Critical to increase entire party's P./
<Special Option>\nSkill MP Consumption -12%. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCritical +68. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nWhen HP drops to 60% or below, Atk. Spd. +10%. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nMP Consumption +15% and M. Atk. +153. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a S
<Special Option>\n Casting Spd. +15%. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
Keshanberk*Keshanberk with limited augmentation options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sw
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIn a Critical attack, 25% chance of inflicting Stun.Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or besto
<Special Option>\nCritical +67. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nIn a normal Critical Attack, 35% chance of inflicting Bleed. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augmen
<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. +6%. Additional damage during PvP.\nWhen enchanted to +4 or above, has a chance during a C
<Special Option>\nIn a normal Critical Attack, 35% chance of inflicting Bleed. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augmen
<Special Option>\nCritical +61. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCritical +61. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCritical +61. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.

Pagina 868

<Special Option>\nCritical +84. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nMax HP +25%. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
Tallum Blade*Dark Legion's Edge with limited augmentation options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-ha
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. +7%. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. +7%. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCritical +84. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCritical +84. Additional damage during PvP.\nWhen enchanted to +4 or above, has a chance during a Crit
<Special Option>\nCritical +88. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCritical +84. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCritical +80. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nMax HP +25%. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
Dynasty Dual Sword with limited augmentation options. When a dual sword is enchanted together with a two-handed sword,
<Special Option>\nIn a Critical Attack, 48% chance of inflicting Stun. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or best
<Special Option>\nCritical +116. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCritical +116. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCritical +111. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCritical +111. Additional damage during PvP.\nWhen enchanted to +4 or above, has a chance during a Cr
<Special Option>\nCritical +111. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. +10%. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCritical +116. Additional damage during PvP. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
Dragon weapon that Antharas lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Sea
Dragon weapon that Antharas lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Sea
Dragon weapon that Antharas lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Sea
Dragon weapon that Antharas lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Sea
Dragon weapon that Antharas lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Sea
Dragon weapon that Antharas lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Sea
Dragon weapon that Antharas lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Sea
Dragon weapon that Antharas lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Sea
Dragon weapon that Antharas lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Sea
Dragon weapon that Antharas lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Sea
Dragon weapon that Valakas lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Seal
Dragon weapon that Valakas lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Seal
Dragon weapon that Valakas lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Seal
Dragon weapon that Valakas lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Seal
Dragon weapon that Valakas lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Seal
Dragon weapon that Valakas lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Seal
Dragon weapon that Valakas lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Seal
Dragon weapon that Lindvior lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Seal
Dragon weapon that Lindvior lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Seal
Dragon weapon that Lindvior lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Seal
Dragon weapon that Lindvior lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Seal
Dragon weapon that Lindvior lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Seal
Dragon weapon that Lindvior lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Seal
Dragon weapon that Lindvior lent to Toy Knight. Use the Dandy's Breath skill while possessing Dandy's Scroll: Release Seal
Dragon weapon that Antharas lent to Toy Knight. No-grade Soulshot, Spiritshot, and Blessed Spiritshot must be used. 1 hour
A dragon weapon that Antharas has lent to Toy Knight.\nMust use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n8-h
Dragon weapon that Antharas lent to Toy Knight. No-grade Soulshot, Spiritshot, and Blessed Spiritshot must be used. 1 hour

Pagina 869

Dragon weapon that Antharas lent to Toy Knight. No-grade Soulshot, Spiritshot, and Blessed Spiritshot must be used. 1 hour
A dragon weapon that Antharas has lent to Toy Knight.\nMust use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n8-h
A dragon weapon that Antharas has lent to Toy Knight.\nMust use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n8-h
A dragon weapon that Antharas has lent to Toy Knight.\nMust use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n8-h
A dragon weapon that Antharas has lent to Toy Knight.\nMust use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n8-h
A dragon weapon that Antharas has lent to Toy Knight.\nMust use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n8-h
A dragon weapon that Antharas has lent to Toy Knight.\nMust use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n8-h
Dragon weapon that Valakas lent to Toy Knight. No-grade Soulshot, Spiritshot, and Blessed Spiritshot must be used. 1 hour
Dragon weapon that Valakas lent to Toy Knight. No-grade Soulshot, Spiritshot, and Blessed Spiritshot must be used. 1 hour
Dragon weapon that Valakas lent to Toy Knight. No-grade Soulshot, Spiritshot, and Blessed Spiritshot must be used. 1 hour
Dragon weapon that Valakas lent to Toy Knight. No-grade Soulshot, Spiritshot, and Blessed Spiritshot must be used. 1 hour
A dragon weapon that Valakas has lent to Toy Knight.\nMust use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n8-ho
A dragon weapon that Valakas has lent to Toy Knight.\nMust use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n8-ho
A dragon weapon that Valakas has lent to Toy Knight.\nMust use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n8-ho
A dragon weapon that Lindvior has lent to Toy Knight.\nMust use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n8-ho
A dragon weapon that Lindvior has lent to Toy Knight.\nMust use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n8-ho
Dragon weapon that Lindvior lent to Toy Knight. No-grade Soulshot, Spiritshot, and Blessed Spiritshot must be used. 1 hour l
Dragon weapon that Lindvior lent to Toy Knight. No-grade Soulshot, Spiritshot, and Blessed Spiritshot must be used. 1 hour l
Dragon weapon that Lindvior lent to Toy Knight. No-grade Soulshot, Spiritshot, and Blessed Spiritshot must be used. 1 hour l
A dragon weapon that Lindvior has lent to Toy Knight.\nMust use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n8-ho
A dragon weapon that Lindvior has lent to Toy Knight.\nMust use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n8-ho
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n<Passive: Gre
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n<Passive: Gre
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n<Passive: Gre
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n<Passive: Gre
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n<Passive: Gre
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n<Passive: Gre
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n<Passive: Gre
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n<Passive: Gre
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n<Passive: Gre
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot.\n<Passive: Gre
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Limited time ite
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Limited time ite
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Limited time ite
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Limited time ite
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Limited time ite
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Limited time ite
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Limited time ite
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Limited time ite
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Limited time ite
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Limited time ite
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Limited time ite
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Limited time ite
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Limited time ite
A truly great Genuine Dragon Weapon. Required to use a Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Blessed Spiritshot. Limited time ite
Staff provided by Master Yogi for the Lineage II 10th Anniversary. Raise it to +5~+10 to exchange for a reward. When receivi
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Helios Shaper.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Helios Cutter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Helios Slasher

Pagina 870

Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Helios Avenger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Helios Fighter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Helios Stormer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Helios Thrower.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Helios Shooter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Helios Buster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Helios Caster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Helios Retributer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Helios Dual Sword.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Helios Dual Dagger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Helios Dual Blunt Weapon.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Helios Shaper.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Helios Cutter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Helios Slasher
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Helios Avenger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Helios Fighter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Helios Stormer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Helios Thrower.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Helios Shooter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Helios Buster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Helios Caster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Helios Retributer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Helios Dual Sword.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Helios Dual Dagger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Helios Dual Blunt Weapon.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Helios Shaper.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Helios Cutter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Helios Slasher
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Helios Avenger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Helios Fighter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Helios Stormer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Helios Thrower.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Helios Shooter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Helios Buster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Helios Caster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Helios Retributer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Helios Dual Sword.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Helios Dual Dagger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Helios Dual Blunt Weapon.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Helios Shaper.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Helios Cutter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Helios Slasher
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Helios Avenger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Helios Fighter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Helios Stormer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Helios Thrower.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Helios Shooter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Helios Buster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Helios Caster.

Pagina 871

Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Helios Retributer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Helios Dual Sword.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Helios Dual Dagger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Helios Dual Blunt Weapon.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Helios Shaper.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Helios Cutter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Helios Slasher
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Helios Avenger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Helios Fighter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Helios Stormer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Helios Thrower.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Helios Shooter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Helios Buster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Helios Caster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Helios Retributer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Helios Dual Sword.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Helios Dual Dagger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Helios Dual Blunt Weapon.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Specter Shaper.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Specter Cutter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Specter Slasher.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Specter Avenger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Specter Fighter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Specter Stormer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Specter Thrower.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Specter Shooter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Specter Buster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Specter Caster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Specter Retributer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Specter Dual Sword.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Specter Dual Dagger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Specter Dual Blunt Weapon.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Specter Shaper.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Specter Cutter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Specter Slasher.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Specter Avenger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Specter Fighter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Specter Stormer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Specter Thrower.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Specter Shooter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Specter Buster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Specter Caster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Specter Retributer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Specter Dual Sword.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Specter Dual Dagger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Specter Dual Blunt Weapon.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Specter Shaper.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Specter Cutter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Specter Slasher.

Pagina 872

Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Specter Avenger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Specter Fighter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Specter Stormer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Specter Thrower.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Specter Shooter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Specter Buster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Specter Caster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Specter Retributer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Specter Dual Sword.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Specter Dual Dagger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Specter Dual Blunt Weapon.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Specter Shaper.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Specter Cutter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Specter Slasher.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Specter Avenger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Specter Fighter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Specter Stormer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Specter Thrower.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Specter Shooter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Specter Buster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Specter Caster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Specter Retributer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Specter Dual Sword.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Specter Dual Dagger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Specter Dual Blunt Weapon.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Specter Shaper.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Specter Cutter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Specter Slasher.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Specter Avenger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Specter Fighter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Specter Stormer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Specter Thrower.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Specter Shooter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Specter Buster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Specter Caster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Specter Retributer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Specter Dual Sword.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Specter Dual Dagger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Specter Dual Blunt Weapon.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Apocalypse Shaper.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Apocalypse Cutter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Apocalypse Slasher.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Apocalypse Avenger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Apocalypse Fighter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Apocalypse Stormer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Apocalypse Thrower.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Apocalypse Shooter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Apocalypse Buster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Apocalypse Caster.

Pagina 873

Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Apocalypse Retributer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Apocalypse Dual Sword.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Apocalypse Dual Dagger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +4 Enchanted Apocalypse Dual Blunt Weapon.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Apocalypse Shaper.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Apocalypse Cutter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Apocalypse Slasher.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Apocalypse Avenger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Apocalypse Fighter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Apocalypse Stormer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Apocalypse Thrower.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Apocalypse Shooter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Apocalypse Buster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Apocalypse Caster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Apocalypse Retributer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Apocalypse Dual Sword.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Apocalypse Dual Dagger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +5 Enchanted Apocalypse Dual Blunt Weapon.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Shaper.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Cutter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Slasher.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Avenger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Fighter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Stormer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Thrower.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Shooter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Buster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Caster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Retributer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Dual Sword.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Dual Dagger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +6 Enchanted Apocalypse Dual Blunt Weapon.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Apocalypse Shaper.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Apocalypse Cutter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Apocalypse Slasher.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Apocalypse Avenger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Apocalypse Fighter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Apocalypse Stormer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Apocalypse Thrower.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Apocalypse Shooter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Apocalypse Buster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Apocalypse Caster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Apocalypse Retributer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Apocalypse Dual Sword.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Apocalypse Dual Dagger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +7 Enchanted Apocalypse Dual Blunt Weapon.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Apocalypse Shaper.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Apocalypse Cutter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Apocalypse Slasher.

Pagina 874

Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Apocalypse Avenger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Apocalypse Fighter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Apocalypse Stormer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Apocalypse Thrower.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Apocalypse Shooter.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Apocalypse Buster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Apocalypse Caster.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Apocalypse Retributer.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Apocalypse Dual Sword.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Apocalypse Dual Dagger.
Take it to Yogi's Staff Manager "Goddess of Destruction" to exchange it for a +8 Enchanted Apocalypse Dual Blunt Weapon.
Bring this to the Memory Fragment Manager Chaotic Chronicle to exchange it for a +5 Eternal Shield.
Bring this to the Memory Fragment Manager Chaotic Chronicle to exchange it for a +6 Eternal Shield.
Bring this to the Memory Fragment Manager Chaotic Chronicle to exchange it for a +8 Eternal Shield.
Bring this to the Memory Fragment Manager Chaotic Chronicle to exchange it for a +5 Seraph Shield.
Bring this to the Memory Fragment Manager Chaotic Chronicle to exchange it for a +6 Seraph Shield.
Bring this to the Memory Fragment Manager Chaotic Chronicle to exchange it for a +8 Seraph Shield.
Bring this to the Memory Fragment Manager Chaotic Chronicle to exchange it for a +5 Twilight Shield.
Bring this to the Memory Fragment Manager Chaotic Chronicle to exchange it for a +6 Twilight Shield.
Bring this to the Memory Fragment Manager Chaotic Chronicle to exchange it for a +8 Twilight Shield.
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Atk. Spd. +1500, P. Critical
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Atk. Spd. +1500, P. Critical
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Atk. Spd. +1500, P. Critical
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Casting Spd. +1999, M. Crit
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Atk. Spd. +1500, P. Critical
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Atk. Spd. +1500, P. Critical
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Atk. Spd. +1500, P. Critical
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Atk. Spd. +1500, P. Critical
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Atk. Spd. +1500, P. Critical
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Atk. Spd. +1500, P. Critical
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Atk. Spd. +1500, P. Critical
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Atk. Spd. +1500, P. Critical
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Atk. Spd. +1500, P. Critical
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Atk. Spd. +1500, P. Critical
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Casting Spd. +1999, M. Crit
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Casting Spd. +1999, M. Crit
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Casting Spd. +1999, M. Crit
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Atk. Spd. +1500, P. Critical
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Atk. Spd. +1500, P. Critical
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Atk. Spd. +1500, P. Critical
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Casting Spd. +1999, M. Crit
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Atk. Spd. +1500, P. Critical
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Atk. Spd. +1500, P. Critical
Top-grade Dragon Weapon.\n<Passive Skill>\nPvP Damage +30%, HP/ MP +100%, CP +200%, Atk. Spd. +1500, P. Critical
A basic for appearance modification.
A basic item for appearance modification.
Monster weapon.
A basic for appearance modification.
A basic for appearance modification.

Pagina 875

<Special Option>\nHas a 7% chance of inflicting Curse Chaos on target when using a magical skill on them. Cannot augmen
<Special Option>\nHas a 50% chance of inflicting Mental Shield on target when using a magical skill on them. Cannot augme
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. PvP damage increased. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nM. Atk. +60. PvP damage increased. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. PvP damage increased. Cannot augment or bestow a Soul Crystal option.
Monster weapon.
Monster weapon.
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. PvP damage increased. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 6% chance of inflicting Curse Poison on target when using a magical skill on them. \nNo Soul Cryst
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. \nNo Soul Crystal option.

<Special Option>\nM. Atk. +60. PvP damage increased.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. PvP damage increased.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. PvP damage increased.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 6% chance of inflicting Curse Poison on target when using a magical skill on them.\nNo Soul Crysta
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.

<Special Option>\nM. Atk. +60. PvP damage increased.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. PvP damage increased.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. PvP damage increased.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nHas a 6% chance of inflicting Curse Poison on target when using a magical skill on them.\nNo Soul Crysta
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%.\nNo Soul Crystal option.

<Special Option>\nM. Atk. +60. PvP damage increased.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. PvP damage increased.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Use this and its active skill Pew Pew to defeat Alien Researchers!
Looks like the energy pack is nearly drained, but it can use a Knock Back skill! 1-hour.
Be careful, this one is set to the highest power! Use this and you can also use the Spirit Hit skill. 1-hour.
A 30-day fishing rod. Consumes 1 Fishing Shot.
A stiff fishing rod. Used to make fishing rods for master fishermen. \nFishing Shots consumed: 1
An ornamental silver knife received from the Blacksmith of Mammon in order to test your qualifications. Not valuable as a wea

Additionally increases Shield Defense.

Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Casting Spd. +15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Critical +116. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Critical +116. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Max HP +25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Critical +111. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Critical +111. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Critical +106. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Critical +109, Max HP +10%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Critical attack has a 48% chance for Stun. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
Kamael-exclusive Weapon\nCritical +111. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.

Pagina 876

Kamael-exclusive Weapon\nCritical +111. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. \nHas a chance during a Critical to increas
Kamael-exclusive Weapon\nCritical +116. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Can be assigned an attribute.
<Special Option>\nCritical +82.3. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +
<Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P. Critical Damage when e
<Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Power when enchanted to +4.\nNo S
<Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +
<Special Option>\nCritical +76. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and Atk. Power when enchanted
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Multi Attack when enchanted to +4.\nNo S
<Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases effect of P. Skills when enchanted to +4.\
<Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. when enchanted to +4.\nNo So
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate w
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Damag
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Atk., M. Critical Damage, and C
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. when enchant
<Special Option>\nCritical +79.2. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage and P. Atk. when enc
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +332. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases effect of P. Skills and P. Atk. when encha
<Special Option>\nCritical +82.1. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +
<Special Option>\nCritical +78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P. Critical Rate when ench
<Special Option>\nCritical +78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.\nNo Soul
<Special Option>\nCritical +78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +
<Special Option>\nCritical +75.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. and Atk. Power when enchante
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. when enchanted to +4.\nNo Sou
<Special Option>\nCritical +78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases effect of P. Skills when enchanted to +4.\
<Special Option>\nCritical +78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. when enchanted to +4.\nNo So
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate w
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate w
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate w
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. when enchant
<Special Option>\nCritical +78.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage and P. Atk. when enc
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +377. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases effect of P. Skills and P. Atk. when encha
<Special Option>\nCritical +81.9. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +
<Special Option>\nCritical +78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Accuracy and P. Critical Rate when ench
<Special Option>\nCritical +78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Atk. when enchanted to +4.\nNo Soul
<Special Option>\nCritical +78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +
<Special Option>\nCritical +75.5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. And P. Atk. when enchanted to
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. when enchanted to +4.\nNo Sou
<Special Option>\nCritical +78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases effect of P. Skills when enchanted to +4.\
<Special Option>\nCritical +78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases Atk. Spd. when enchanted to +4.\nNo So
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate w
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate w
<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases M. Accuracy and M. Critical Rate w
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Rate and P. Atk. when enchant
<Special Option>\nCritical +78.7. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases P. Critical Damage and P. Atk. when enc
<Special Option>\nP. Atk. +415. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Increases effect of P. Skills and P. Atk. when encha
A weapon made using Kelbim's Atelia Fragment. When equipped, increases PVP Damage by 15%, Max HP by 25%, P. Atk.
A weapon made using Kelbim's Atelia Fragment. When equipped, increases PVP Damage by 15%, Max HP by 25%, P. Atk.
A weapon made using Kelbim's Atelia Fragment. When equipped, increases PVP Damage by 15%, Max HP by 25%, P. Atk.
A weapon made using Kelbim's Atelia Fragment. When equipped, increases PVP Damage by 15%, Max HP by 25%, P. Atk.
Exclusive weapon of Kelbim.

Pagina 877

11th anniversary's dual candle sword.

Fishing rod purchased from Santa Claus. Changes appearance to that into that of Santa Claus. Consumes 1 Fishing Shot.
Weapon of the Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries. \nCan only be enchanted up to +10 with a Scroll: Enchant Shadow Weapon.
Weapon of the Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries. \nCan only be enchanted up to +10 with a Scroll: Enchant Shadow Weapon.
Weapon of the Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries. \nCan only be enchanted up to +10 with a Scroll: Enchant Shadow Weapon.
Weapon of the Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries. \nCan only be enchanted up to +10 with a Scroll: Enchant Shadow Weapon.
Weapon of the Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries. \nCan only be enchanted up to +10 with a Scroll: Enchant Shadow Weapon.
Weapon of the Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries. \nCan only be enchanted up to +10 with a Scroll: Enchant Shadow Weapon.
Weapon of the Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries. \nCan only be enchanted up to +10 with a Scroll: Enchant Shadow Weapon.
Weapon of the Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries. \nCan only be enchanted up to +10 with a Scroll: Enchant Shadow Weapon.
Weapon of the Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries. \nCan only be enchanted up to +10 with a Scroll: Enchant Shadow Weapon.
Weapon of the Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries. \nCan only be enchanted up to +10 with a Scroll: Enchant Shadow Weapon.
Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries Weapon.\nWhen equipped, increases PvE Damage 10%, Max HP/ MP 15%, P. Atk. 7%, P. C
Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries Weapon.\nWhen equipped, increases PvE Damage 10%, Max HP/ MP 15%, P. Atk. 7%, P. C
Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries Weapon.\nWhen equipped, increases PvE Damage 10%, Max HP/ MP 15%, P. Atk. 7%, P. C
Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries Weapon.\nWhen equipped, increases PvE Damage 10%, Max HP/ MP 15%, P. Atk. 7%, P. C
Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries Weapon.\nWhen equipped, increases PvE Damage 10%, Max HP/ MP 15%, P. Atk. 7%, P. C
Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries Weapon.\nWhen equipped, increases PvE Damage 10%, Max HP/ MP 15%, P. Atk. 7%, P. C
Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries Weapon.\nWhen equipped, increases PvE Damage 10%, Max HP/ MP 15%, P. Atk. 7%, P. C
Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries Weapon.\nWhen equipped, increases PvE Damage 10%, Max HP/ MP 15%, M. Atk. 7%, M.
Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries Weapon.\nWhen equipped, increases PvE Damage 10%, Max HP/ MP 15%, P./ M. Atk. 7%,
Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries Weapon.\nWhen equipped, increases PvE Damage 10%, Max HP/ MP 15%, P. Atk. 7%, P. C

Pagina 878

For NPC.
For NPC.
For NPC.
For NPC.
For NPC.
A magic pen with a sharp tip that never goes dry. Can mount a Magic Broom when equipped.\nProvided to and only used by
For NPC.
For NPC.
Temporary practice weapon for learning about the Soul Crystal system. Very inefficient as a weapon.
Red Libra-exclusive item\nA weapon widely used in Elysium. However, it cannot be enchanted in Aden. Cannot be used in O
Red Libra-exclusive item\nA weapon widely used in Elysium. However, it cannot be enchanted in Aden. Cannot be used in O
Red Libra-exclusive item\nA weapon widely used in Elysium. However, it cannot be enchanted in Aden. Cannot be used in O
Red Libra-exclusive item\nA weapon widely used in Elysium. However, it cannot be enchanted in Aden. Cannot be used in O
Red Libra-exclusive item\nA weapon widely used in Elysium. However, it cannot be enchanted in Aden. Cannot be used in O
Red Libra-exclusive item\nA weapon widely used in Elysium. However, it cannot be enchanted in Aden. Cannot be used in O
Red Libra-exclusive item\nA weapon widely used in Elysium. However, it cannot be enchanted in Aden. Cannot be used in O
Red Libra-exclusive item\nA weapon widely used in Elysium. However, it cannot be enchanted in Aden. Cannot be used in O
Red Libra-exclusive item\nA weapon widely used in Elysium. However, it cannot be enchanted in Aden. Cannot be used in O
Red Libra-exclusive item\nA weapon widely used in Elysium. However, it cannot be enchanted in Aden. Cannot be used in O
Red Libra-exclusive item\nA weapon widely used in Elysium. However, it cannot be enchanted in Aden. Cannot be used in O
Red Libra-exclusive item\nA weapon widely used in Elysium. However, it cannot be enchanted in Aden. Cannot be used in O
Red Libra-exclusive item\nA weapon widely used in Elysium. However, it cannot be enchanted in Aden. Cannot be used in O
Red Libra-exclusive item\nA weapon widely used in Elysium. However, it cannot be enchanted in Aden. Cannot be used in O
Dimensional Item\nEmperor Shunaiman's Weapon. Can be used at all levels. Must use Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Bless
Dimensional Item\nEmperor Shunaiman's Weapon. Can be used at all levels. Must use Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Bless
Dimensional Item\nEmperor Shunaiman's Weapon. Can be used at all levels. Must use Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Bless
Dimensional Item\nEmperor Shunaiman's Weapon. Can be used at all levels. Must use Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Bless
Dimensional Item\nEmperor Shunaiman's Weapon. Can be used at all levels. Must use Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Bless
Dimensional Item\nEmperor Shunaiman's Weapon. Can be used at all levels. Must use Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Bless
Dimensional Item\nEmperor Shunaiman's Weapon. Can be used at all levels. Must use Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Bless
Dimensional Item\nEmperor Shunaiman's Weapon. Can be used at all levels. Must use Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Bless
Dimensional Item\nEmperor Shunaiman's Weapon. Can be used at all levels. Must use Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Bless
Dimensional Item\nEmperor Shunaiman's Weapon. Can be used at all levels. Must use Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Bless
Dimensional Item\nEmperor Shunaiman's Weapon. Can be used at all levels. Must use Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Bless
Dimensional Item\nEmperor Shunaiman's Weapon. Can be used at all levels. Must use Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Bless
Dimensional Item\nEmperor Shunaiman's Weapon. Can be used at all levels. Must use Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Bless
Dimensional Item\nEmperor Shunaiman's Weapon. Can be used at all levels. Must use Soulshot (No-grade)/ Spiritshot/ Bless
A shoddy fishing rod that has been given to you for practice. It's fine for practice, though.
A fishing rod obtained by training in fishing.

A Sword of Revolution imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment no
A Claymore imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Tarbar imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not possible.\n<
A Scallop Jamadhr imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not po
A Light Bow imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not possible

Pagina 879

A Mithril Dagger imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not poss
A Ghost Staff imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not possibl
A General's Katzbalger imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment n
A Grand Épée imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not possib
A Cranequin imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not possible
A Samurai Long Sword imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment n
A Berserker Blade imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not po
A Yaksa Mace imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not possib
A Great Pata imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not possible
An Orcish Poleaxe imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not po
A Eminence Bow imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not pos
A Crystal Dagger imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not pos
A Deadman's Staff imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not po
A Katana*Katana imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not pos
A Saber Tooth imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not possib
A Admiral's Estoc imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not pos
A Sharpshooter imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not poss
A Dark Legion's Edge imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment no
A Dragon Slayer imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not poss
A Elysian imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not possible.\n<
A Dragon Grinder imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not pos
A Halberd imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not possible.\n
A Soul Bow imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Bloody Orchid imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not poss
A Branch of the Mother Tree imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignm
A Damascus*Damascus imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment
A Undertaker imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not possible
A Lacerator imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not possible.
A Reaper imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not possible.\n
A Dynasty Sword imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not pos
A Dynasty Blade imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not pos
A Dynasty Cudgel imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not po
A Dynasty Bagh-Nakh imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment no
A Dynasty Halberd imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not po
A Dynasty Bow imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not possi
A Dynasty Knife imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not poss
A Dynasty Staff imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not poss
A Dynasty Dual Sword imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment no
A Dynasty Ancient Sword imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignmen
A Dynasty Rapier imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not pos
A Dynasty Crossbow imbued with the energy of Paulina. Enchantment, Soul Crystal, Augment, and Attribute Assignment not
Dimensional Item\nA Specter Dual Sword that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\n<Special
Dimensional Item\nA Specter Cutter that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\n<Special Optio
Dimensional Item\nA Specter Slasher that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\n<Special Op
Dimensional Item\nA Specter Avenger that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\n<Special Op
Dimensional Item\nA Specter Fighter that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\n<Special Opt
Dimensional Item\nA Specter Stormer that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\n<Special Op
Dimensional Item\nA Specter Thrower that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\n<Special Op
Dimensional Item\nA Specter Shooter that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\n<Special Op

Pagina 880

Dimensional Item\nA Specter Dual Dagger that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\n<Specia
Dimensional Item\nA Specter Caster that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\n<Special Opti
Dimensional Item\nA Specter Retributer that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\n<Special O
Dimensional Item\nA Seraph Shield that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.
A Specter Dual Sword that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\n<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd
A Specter Cutter that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\n<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. +5%
A Specter Slasher that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\n<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. +5
A Specter Avenger that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\n<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. +5
A Specter Fighter that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\n<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. +5%
A Specter Stormer that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\n<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. +5
A Specter Thrower that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\n<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. +5
A Specter Shooter that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\n<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. +5
A Specter Dual Dagger that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\n<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd
A Specter Caster that can be equipped from Level 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\n<Special Option>\nCasting Sp
A Specter Retributer that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\n<Special Option>\nCasting Sp
A Seraph Shield that can be equipped from Lv. 85 onwards, thanks to Paulina's blessing.
Brigandine Shield imbued with Paulina's energy.
Chain Shield imbued with Paulina's energy.
Dark Crystal Shield imbued with Paulina's energy.
Dynasty Shield imbued with Paulina's energy.
Apocalypse Shaper imbued with the energy of Paulina.
An Apocalypse Cutter imbued with the energy of Paulina.\n<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. +5%, Max HP +25%.\nEnchantment,
An Apocalypse Slasher imbued with the energy of Paulina.\n<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. +5%, P. Critical Rate +82.\nEnchan
An Apocalypse Avenger imbued with the energy of Paulina.\n<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. +5%, P. Critical Rate +82.\nEncha
An Apocalypse Fighter imbued with the energy of Paulina.\n<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. +5%, P. Critical Rate +82.\nEnchan
An Apocalypse Stormer imbued with the energy of Paulina.\n<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. +5%, P. Critical Rate +82.\nEnchan
An Apocalypse Thrower imbued with the energy of Paulina.\n<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. +5%, P. Skill Critical Damage +10%
An Apocalypse Shooter imbued with the energy of Paulina.\n<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. +5%, P. Skill Critical Damage +10%
Apocalypse Buster imbued with the energy of Paulina.
An Apocalypse Caster imbued with the energy of Paulina.\n<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%, M. Atk. +5%.\nEnchantm
An Apocalypse Retributer imbued with the energy of Paulina.\n<Special Option>\nCasting Spd. +15%, Atk. Spd. +5%, M. Atk
An Apocalypse Dual Sword imbued with the energy of Paulina.\n<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. +5%, P. Critical Rate +82.\nEnc
An Apocalypse Dual Dagger imbued with the energy of Paulina.\n<Special Option>\nAtk. Spd. +5%, P. Skill Critical Damage
An Apocalypse Dual Blunt imbued with the energy of Paulina.
A Twilight Shield imbued with Paulina's energy.
Monster weapon. Bow type.

Additionally increases Shield Defense.

Additionally increases Shield Defense.
Fishing time reduced by: 10 sec.\n\nA fishing rod modified personally by Santiago, head of the Fishing Guild. Engraved with t
Fishing time reduced by: 15 sec.\n\nA fishing rod modified personally by Santiago, head of the Fishing Guild. Engraved with t
Fishing time reduced by: 20 sec.\n\nA fishing rod modified personally by Santiago, head of the Fishing Guild. Engraved with t
Fishing time reduced by: 25 sec.\n\nA fishing rod modified personally by Santiago, head of the Fishing Guild. Engraved with t
Fishing time reduced by: 30 sec.\n\nA fishing rod modified personally by Santiago, head of the Fishing Guild. Engraved with t

Pagina 881

A shoddy fishing rod that has been given to you for practice. It's fine for practice, though.

Fishing Time Reduction: 30s\n\nA rod made for Fishing Guild Leader Santiago. It has the name of the legendary Angler writte
Monsters Weapon. Hand Axe
Fishing Time Reduction: 60s\n\nA fast fishing rod for test purposes. Fishing Shot: 1
A weapon made using Tauti's Fragment Augment. When equipped, increases PVP Damage by 15%, Max HP by 25%, P. Atk
A weapon made using Tauti's Fragment Augment. When equipped, increases PVP Damage by 15%, Max HP by 25%, P. Atk
A weapon made using Tauti's Fragment Augment. When equipped, increases PVP Damage by 15%, Max HP by 25%, P. Atk
Kelbim's Dagger made using Kelbim's Fragment Augment. When equipped, increases PVP Damage by 15%, Max HP by 25%
Kelbim's Dual Dagger made using Kelbim's Fragment Augment. When equipped, increases PVP Damage by 15%, Max HP b
Kelbim's Bow made using Kelbim's Fragment Augment. When equipped, increases PVP Damage by 15%, Max HP by 25%, P
Kelbim's Crossbow made using Kelbim's Fragment Augment. When equipped, increases PVP Damage by 15%, Max HP by 2
Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries Weapon created through research by Shadai, Ishuma, and the Blacksmith of Mammon.\nWh
Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries Weapon created through research by Shadai, Ishuma, and the Blacksmith of Mammon.\nWh
Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries Weapon created through research by Shadai, Ishuma, and the Blacksmith of Mammon.\nWh
Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries Weapon created through research by Shadai, Ishuma, and the Blacksmith of Mammon.\nWh
Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries Weapon created through research by Shadai, Ishuma, and the Blacksmith of Mammon.\nWh
Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries Weapon created through research by Shadai, Ishuma, and the Blacksmith of Mammon.\nWh
Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries Weapon created through research by Shadai, Ishuma, and the Blacksmith of Mammon.\nWh
Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries Weapon created through research by Shadai, Ishuma, and the Blacksmith of Mammon.\nWh
Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries Weapon created through research by Shadai, Ishuma, and the Blacksmith of Mammon.\nWh
Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries Weapon created through research by Shadai, Ishuma, and the Blacksmith of Mammon.\nWh
An Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries Weapon being researched by the Blacksmith of Mammon. As a research weapon, you ca
For NPC: Vampire
Use this magic fan to light a fire.
Use this magic fan to light a fire.
<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Rate +50, P. Critical Damage +10%. \n\nCannot be enchanted, crystallized,
<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Rate +100, P. Critical Damage +5%. \n\nCannot be enchanted, crystallized,
<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Rate +100, P. Critical Damage +5%. \n\nCannot be enchanted, crystallized,
<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Rate +100, P. Critical Damage +5%. \n\nCannot be enchanted, crystallized,
<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Rate +100, P. Critical Damage +5%. \n\nCannot be enchanted, crystallized,
<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Rate +100, P. Critical Damage +5%. \n\nCannot be enchanted, crystallized,
<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Rate +50, P. Critical Damage +10%. \n\nCannot be enchanted, crystallized,
<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Rate +50, P. Critical Damage +10%. \n\nCannot be enchanted, crystallized,
<Special Options>\nCasting Spd. +15%.\nM. Critical Rate +50, M. Critical Damage +10%. \n\nCannot be enchanted, crystalli
<Special Options>\nCasting Spd. +15%.\nM. Critical Rate +50, M. Critical Damage +10%. \n\nCannot be enchanted, crystalli
<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Damage +10%, M. Critical Damage +5%. \n\nCannot be ench
<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Rate +100, P. Critical Damage +5%. \n\nCannot be enchanted, crystallized,
<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Rate +50, P. Critical Damage +10%. \n\nCannot be enchanted, crystallized,
<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Rate +100, P. Critical Damage +5%. \n\nCannot be enchanted, crystallized,
When equipped, PvE Damage +10%.\n\n<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Rate +50, P. Critical Damage +10%
When equipped, PvE Damage +10%.\n\n<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Rate +100, P. Critical Damage +5%
When equipped, PvE Damage +10%.\n\n<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Rate +100, P. Critical Damage +5%
When equipped, PvE Damage +10%.\n\n<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Rate +100, P. Critical Damage +5%
When equipped, PvE Damage +10%.\n\n<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Rate +100, P. Critical Damage +5%

Pagina 882

When equipped, PvE Damage +10%.\n\n<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Rate +100, P. Critical Damage +5%
When equipped, PvE Damage +10%.\n\n<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Rate +50, P. Critical Damage +10%
When equipped, PvE Damage +10%.\n\n<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Rate +50, P. Critical Damage +10%
When equipped, PvE Damage +10%.\n\n<Special Options>\nCasting Spd. +15%.\nM. Critical Rate +50, M. Critical Damage
When equipped, PvE Damage +10%.\n\n<Special Options>\nCasting Spd. +15%.\nM. Critical Rate +50, M. Critical Damage
When equipped, PvE Damage +10%.\n\n<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Damage +10%, M. C
When equipped, PvE Damage +10%.\n\n<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Rate +100, P. Critical Damage +5%
When equipped, PvE Damage +10%.\n\n<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Rate +50, P. Critical Damage +10%
When equipped, PvE Damage +10%.\n\n<Special Options>\nAtk. Spd. +15%.\nP. Critical Rate +100, P. Critical Damage +5%
A crude weapon you received to practice applying attributes on a weapon. It is practically worthless in combat.
A training sword you received from Blacksmith Rupio to practice weapon enchanting. It is worthless as a weapon. Take it to R
A weapon forged by the Balthus Knights, emulating the power of Antharas. Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%.
A weapon forged by the Balthus Knights, emulating the power of Antharas. Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%.
A weapon forged by the Balthus Knights, emulating the power of Antharas. Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%.
A weapon forged by the Balthus Knights, emulating the wisdom of Antharas. Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Casting Spd. +30%.
A weapon forged by the Balthus Knights, emulating the power of Antharas. Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%.
A weapon forged by the Balthus Knights, emulating the power of Antharas. Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%.
A weapon forged by the Balthus Knights, emulating the power of Antharas. Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%.
A weapon forged by the Balthus Knights, emulating the power of Antharas. Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%.
NPC only weapon
NPC only weapon
Stick that turns you into a Snowman.
Stick that turns you into Scarecrow Jack.
Stick that turns you into a Tin Golem.
Turns you into a Gatekeeper.
Harp that turns you into an Aqua Elf.
Material item for crafting Burnstein's Aufgabe (Fallen) appearance.
Material item for crafting Kelbim's Geffelen Shulter appearance.
Material item for crafting Superion Core Shard appearance.
Material item for crafting Istina's Reflector (Reflecting mirror) appearance.
Material item for crafting Taiga Kite Shield appearance.
Material item for crafting Tanta Skull Shield appearance.
Material item for crafting Rael Tribe Wrist Shield appearance.
Material item for crafting Kunda's Battle Shield appearance.
Material item for crafting Freya's Ice Flower Shield appearance.
Material item for crafting Deathmask Shield appearance.
Material item for crafting Berserker's Crusader Shield appearance.
Material item for crafting Makkum's Cartwheel appearance.
Material item for crafting Fallen Angel Shulter appearance.
Material item for crafting Silver Scarab appearance.
Material item for crafting Vampire Fang appearance.
Material item for crafting Ice Shard Shield appearance.
Material item for crafting Angelus Shield appearance.
Material item for crafting Burnstein's Pflicht (Responsibility) Shield appearance.
Material item for crafting Blackish Scarab Shield appearance.
Material item for crafting Scarlet Scarab Shield appearance.
Material item for crafting Gold Scarab Shield appearance.
The Mysterious Dragon Slayer contains the power of an ancient dragon, which can be drawn by enchanting. Enchant it to a h
NPC only weapon

Pagina 883

Legendary Olympiad weapon. When equipped, increases PvP Damage on PC by 30%.\nAdditionally increases Max HP/ MP/
Legendary Olympiad weapon. When equipped, increases PvP Damage on PC by 30%.\nAdditionally increases Max HP/ MP/
Legendary Olympiad weapon. When equipped, increases PvP Damage on PC by 30%.\nAdditionally increases Max HP/ MP/
Legendary Olympiad weapon. When equipped, increases PvP Damage on PC by 30%.\nAdditionally increases Max HP/ MP/
Legendary Olympiad weapon. When equipped, increases PvP Damage on PC by 30%.\nAdditionally increases Max HP/ MP/
Legendary Olympiad weapon. When equipped, increases PvP Damage on PC by 30%.\nAdditionally increases Max HP/ MP/
Legendary Olympiad weapon. When equipped, increases PvP Damage on PC by 30%.\nAdditionally increases Max HP/ MP/
Legendary Olympiad weapon. When equipped, increases PvP Damage on PC by 30%.\nAdditionally increases Max HP/ MP/
Legendary Olympiad weapon. When equipped, increases PvP Damage on PC by 30%.\nAdditionally increases Max HP/ MP/
Legendary Olympiad weapon. When equipped, increases PvP Damage on PC by 30%.\nAdditionally increases Max HP/ MP/
Legendary Olympiad weapon. When equipped, increases PvP Damage on PC by 30%.\nAdditionally increases Max HP/ MP/
Legendary Olympiad weapon. When equipped, increases PvP Damage on PC by 30%.\nAdditionally increases Max HP/ MP/
Legendary Olympiad weapon. When equipped, increases PvP Damage on PC by 30%.\nAdditionally increases Max HP/ MP/
Legendary Olympiad weapon. When equipped, increases PvP Damage on PC by 30%.\nAdditionally increases Max HP/ MP/
Freya's Ice Staff. Enchant it to draw out its power. If you successfully enchant it to a high level, you can exchange it for a spe
An ornamental silver knife that the Blacksmith of Mammon gave you to test whether you are qualified to become Exalted. Has
A cheering tool issued to commemorate the anniversary of Lineage II. Hold on to your dreams, as the day will come when the

Pagina 884

Pagina 885

Pagina 886

Dimensional item\na Helios Shaper whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty
Dimensional item\na Helios Cutter whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty
Dimensional item\na Helios Slasher whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty
Dimensional item\na Helios Avenger whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalt
Dimensional item\na Helios Fighter whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty
Dimensional item\na Helios Stormer whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalt
Dimensional item\na Helios Thrower whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalt
Dimensional item\na Helios Shooter whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalt
Dimensional item\na Helios Buster whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty
Dimensional item\na Helios Caster whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty
Dimensional item\na Helios Retributer whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade pena
Dimensional item\na Helios Dual Sword whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade pe
Dimensional item\na Helios Dual Dagger whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing Dual Dagger.
Dimensional item\na Helios Dual Blunt Weapon whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo g
Dimensional item\nAn Eternal Shield whose grade penalty condition has been eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penal
A fragment of the Fafurion Knight. Can be upgraded through Lionel Hunter the Fafurion’s Watcher.\nEnchantment, Soul Crys
A fragment of the Fafurion Fighter. Can be upgraded through Lionel Hunter the Fafurion’s Watcher.\nEnchantment, Soul Crys
A fragment of the Fafurion Stormer. Can be upgraded through Lionel Hunter the Fafurion’s Watcher.\nEnchantment, Soul Cry
A fragment of the Fafurion Retributer. Can be upgraded through Lionel Hunter the Fafurion’s Watcher.\nEnchantment, Soul C
A fragment of the Fafurion Dual Blunt Weapon. Can be upgraded through Lionel Hunter the Fafurion’s Watcher.\nEnchantme
A fragment of the Fafurion Dual Sword. Can be upgraded through Lionel Hunter the Fafurion’s Watcher.\nEnchantment, Soul
A weapon bestowed with the dragon’s power. When equipped, PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%
A weapon bestowed with the dragon’s power. When equipped, PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%
A weapon bestowed with the dragon’s power. When equipped, PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%
A weapon bestowed with the dragon’s wisdom. When equipped, PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Casting Spd. +
A weapon bestowed with the dragon’s power. When equipped, PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%
A weapon bestowed with the dragon’s power. When equipped, PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%
A weapon bestowed with the dragon’s power. When equipped, PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%
A weapon bestowed with the dragon’s power. When equipped, PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%
A weapon bestowed with the dragon’s power. When equipped, PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%
A weapon bestowed with the dragon’s wisdom. When equipped, PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Casting Spd. +
A weapon bestowed with the dragon’s power. When equipped, PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%
A weapon bestowed with the dragon’s power. When equipped, PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%
A weapon bestowed with the dragon’s power. When equipped, PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100
A weapon bestowed with the dragon’s power. When equipped, PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100
A weapon bestowed with the dragon’s power. When equipped, PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100
A weapon bestowed with the dragon’s wisdom. When equipped, PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Casting Spd.
A weapon bestowed with the dragon’s power. When equipped, PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100
A weapon bestowed with the dragon’s power. When equipped, PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, P. Accuracy +4 and P. Skill Critical Dam
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, P. Accuracy +4 and Normal Attack Critic
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, P. Atk. +5%
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, P. Accuracy +4 and P./ M. Skill Power +
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, P. Atk. +2% and Normal Attack Critical D
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, P. Atk. +2% and enables the character t
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, P. Atk. +2% and Atk. Spd. +2%
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, P. Atk. +2% and P. Skill Power +2%.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, M. Accuracy +4 and M. Skill Power +2%
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, M. Accuracy +4 and Casting Spd. +2%.

Pagina 887

Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, M. Atk. 3% and M. Skill Critical Damage
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, P. Atk. +2% and P. Skill Power +2%.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, P. Atk.+2% and a chance to drain HP on
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, P. Atk. +2% and Max HP +4%.
Bestows a heavy armor enchantment option.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, P. Accuracy +4 and P. Skill Critical Dam
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, P. Accuracy +4 and Normal Attack Critic
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, P. Atk. +5%.\nEnchantment effects: P. S
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, P. Accuracy +4 and P./ M. Skill Power +
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, P. Atk. +2% and Normal Attack Critical D
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 2% and enables th
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, P. Atk. +2% and Atk. Spd. +2%.\nEncha
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, P. Atk. +2% and P. Skill Power +2%.\nE
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, M. Accuracy +4 and M. Skill Power +2%
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, M. Accuracy +4 and Casting Spd. +2%.
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, M. Atk. 3% and M. Skill Critical Damage
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, P. Atk. +2% and P. Skill Power +2%.\nE
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, P. Atk.+2% and a chance to drain HP on
Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crystals and 1 special Soul Crystal. When +4 enchanted, P. Atk. +2% and Max HP +4%.\nEnchan
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%.Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crys
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%.Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crys
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%.Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crys
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%.Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crys
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%.Can bestow 2 regular Soul Crys
PvP Enchant Type Item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cr
PvP Enchant Type Item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cr
PvP Enchant Type Item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cr
PvP Enchant Type Item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cr
PvP Enchant Type Item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cr
PvP Enchant Type Item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cr
PvP Enchant Type Item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cr
PvP Enchant Type Item, When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cr
PvP Enchant Type Item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cr
PvP Enchant Type Item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cr
PvP Enchant Type Item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cr
PvP Enchant Type Item, When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cr
PvP Enchant Type Item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cr
PvP Enchant Type Item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cr
PvP/ PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC and PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 reg
PvP/ PvE enchant type item, When equipped, Damage to NPC and PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 reg

Pagina 888

PvP/ PvE enchant type item, When equipped, Damage to NPC and PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 reg
PvP/ PvE enchant type item, When equipped, Damage to NPC and PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 reg
PvP/ PvE enchant type item, When equipped, Damage to NPC and PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 reg
PvP/ PvE enchant type item, When equipped, Damage to NPC and PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 reg
PvP/ PvE enchant type item, When equipped, Damage to NPC and PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 reg
PvP/ PvE enchant type item, When equipped, Damage to NPC and PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 reg
PvP/ PvE enchant type item, When equipped, Damage to NPC and PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 reg
PvP/ PvE enchant type item, When equipped, Damage to NPC and PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 reg
PvP/ PvE enchant type item, When equipped, Damage to NPC and PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 reg
PvP/ PvE enchant type item, When equipped, Damage to NPC and PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 reg
PvP/ PvE enchant type item, When equipped, Damage to NPC and PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 reg
PvP/ PvE enchant type item, When equipped, Damage to NPC and PC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 reg
Additionally increases Shield Defense.\nEnchantment effects: Atk. Spd. +5%, P. Skill Power +2%, M. Skill Power -10%.
A fragment of the Fafurion Dual Dagger.\nCan be upgraded through Lionel Hunter the Fafurion’s Watcher.\nEnchantment, So
A weapon bestowed with the dragon’s power. When equipped, PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%
A weapon bestowed with the dragon’s power. When equipped, PvP Damage +30%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +30%, Atk. Spd. +30%
A weapon bestowed with the dragon’s power. When equipped, PvP Damage +50%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +100%, Atk. Spd. +100
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
PvE enchant type item. When equipped, Damage to NPC +15% and Max HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Can bestow 2 regular Soul Cry
A cheerleading tool distributed to celebrate the 14th anniversary of Lineage II. Never give up on your dream, and it will somed

Pagina 889

ta lettera al Guardiano Roxxy.

ve essere consegnata a Darin.
sto a Greenis.

corna di gargoyle

rete Yohanes.

nti a una mano, bastoni a una mano, pugnali, lance e altre armi. Aumenta P. Atk. da 5 per spade a due mani, blunt a due mani, bastoni a d
Def. di 3. Può essere incantato in sicurezza fino a +3. Per l'armatura di un pezzo, può essere incantata in sicurezza fino a +4. Gli HP aume

Pagina 890

Roien della Training Hall di Sedrick.

Pagina 891

età. Porta questo al fabbro Altran.

al tetrarca Kaitar.

Pagina 892

Obelisco della Vittoria. L'ingresso alle rovine si trova sul pendio della montagna.

nti a una mano, bastoni a una mano, pugnali, lance e altre armi. Aumenta P. Atk. da 4 per spade a due mani, blunt a due mani, bastoni a d
incantato in sicurezza fino a +3. Per l'armatura di un pezzo, può essere incantata in sicurezza fino a +4. Gli HP aumentano gradualmente

nti a una mano, bastoni a una mano, pugnali, lance e altre armi. Aumenta P. Atk. da 4 per spade a due mani, blunt a due mani, bastoni a d
ere incantato tranquillamente fino a +3. Per l'armatura di un pezzo, può essere incantata in sicurezza fino a +4. Gli HP aumentano gradualm

a una mano, personale a una mano, pugnale, lancia, altre armi, spade a due mani, contundenti a due mani, personale a due mani, doppi p
ere incantato tranquillamente fino a +3. Per l'armatura di un pezzo, può essere incantata in sicurezza fino a +4. Gli HP aumentano gradualm

nti a una mano, bastoni a una mano, pugnali, lance e altre armi. Aumenta P. Atk. da 6 per spade a due mani, blunt a due mani, bastoni a d
da +4, P. Def. aumenta di 3 e viene concesso un bonus HP. L'incantamento è sicuro fino a +3, ma l'armatura di un pezzo può essere incan

ali a Master Minia.

ttenere le lacrime della driade.

maestro Cobendell.

pio di Shilen.
ister Harne nel villaggio.
scure, caccia gli scheletri e raccogli 10 frammenti di ossa.
a questo al celebrante abissale Cecktinon.
a caccia di zombi nelle paludi.
orta questo al celebrante abissale Cecktinon.

spaccacrani Tanuki e fai rapporto alla sentinella Kendell.

a di sangue degli orchi Bhato e fai rapporto alla Sentinella Kendell.

e portale all'Abyssal Celebrant Kartia.

Pagina 893

lla al Celebrante Abissale Kartia.

elebrante abissale Kartia.

Vai e raccogli i frammenti di golem necessari per creare lo strumento.

a Magister Harrys al tempio.

merciante Silvia. Porta il vaso di terracotta al magazziniere Rant.

questo alla guardia Arnold.

o alla guardia Arnold.
uesto alla guardia Arnold.
una riunione. Consegna questo a Sir Windawood.
Dallo alla mercante Katerina.
ndine. Dai alla mercante Katerina.
otizie sul suo amante per lei.

Warehouse Keeper Wilford.

mmo Sacerdote Biotina.

lo trasformerà nei capelli della bambola.

uattro e portateli a Sentinel Starden.

quattro e portateli a Sentinel Starden.
attro e portateli a Sentinel Starden.
e portateli a Sentinel Starden.

esto a Trader Creamees.

Pagina 894

lfici e mistici oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 7 Libro degli

elfici e mistici oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 7 Libro degli
mistici oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 14 Libro degli
oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 14 Libro degli
ici e Maghi Oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 20
mistici elfici e mistici oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 7 Libro degli
tici elfici e mistici oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 14 Libro degli
oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 7 Libro degli
mistici elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 14 Libro degli

elfici e mistici oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 7 Libro degli

ano le acque del villaggio elfico.

olvere della peste dagli zombi.

perdite della gilda del Dark Elf Village.

o. Raccoglili per portarli a Rizraell.

sto deve essere consegnato a Baulro.
osciuti. Questo deve essere consegnato a Darin.

uo possesso e dai la caccia a Orchi o lupi mannari.

uesto al capitano Gilbert.

stode del magazzino Dorankus e al maestro Trudy.

bissale Undrias.

dai Guerrieri Oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 10 Libro degli

Pagina 895

llo richiesto: 15
errieri oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: guerriero oscuro - 15, cavaliere - 20
fici e oracoli Shillien.\nLivello richiesto: 20 Libro degli
stics.\nLivello richiesto: 14
perdite della gilda della regione di Gludio.

pecchi in una bacchetta e portala al Gran Magister Gallint.

pecchi in una bacchetta e portala al Gran Magister Gallint.
pecchi in una bacchetta e portala al Gran Magister Gallint.

vine dell'Agonia e uccidi gli scheletri dei localizzatori.

Trader Simplon.
to che era una "spada della prova". Porta questo al Maestro Auron.

e venti e portali al Maestro Auron.

e la tua occupazione in Guerriero.

elfici e mistici oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 7

3 teschi di Elfi e portali a Unoren.

cupazione in Cavaliere.
fine alla Prova dell'Esquire.
fine alla Prova dell'Esquire.
fine alla Prova dell'Esquire.
fine alla Prova dell'Esquire.
porre fine a Trial of the Esquire.

Pagina 896

fine alla Prova dell'Esquire.

i la caccia ai Bugbear Raiders.

onfiggi gli spiriti defunti dei sacerdoti e raccogli 12 Crocifissi di Einhasad.

cerdote Raymond.
Bezique, caccia i ragni giganti.

ogli le prove.
rtali dalla Somma Sacerdotessa Levian.
ccia i ragni giganti.

ua occupazione in un Ladro.
ogli tutti i libri proibiti.
rdote Zigaunt. Porta questo a Lionel per alleanza.
School of Magic.

Guardia Praga e ricevi un libro proibito.

lle Rovine dell'agonia per completarlo.
ete il marchio della fede.
e in un chierico.

cupazione in Cavaliere.

Blacksmith Kluto.

ti e portali alla Guardia Moretti.

strappati e portali alla Guardia Moretti.
ti e portali alla Guardia Moretti.
ti e portali alla Guardia Moretti.

are la tua occupazione in un Esploratore Elfico.

Pagina 897

ster Greenis per il magico potere rubino.

li a Rosella come pegno per cambiare occupazione.
e portali a Rosella per un gettone per cambiare occupazione.

a Thalia per un'acquamarina.

ottenere informazioni sull'ametista.
della nobiltà.
tali a Rosella come pegno per cambiare occupazione.

stri a Varsak, puoi ottenere il peridoto della fertilità.

ali a Rosella come pegno per cambiare occupazione.
azione in un Mago Elfico.
a ragazza che fa miracoli.

caccia il licantropo nella Zona Neutrale.

gio di Gludin.
eriali necessari per la bara.
Aracnidi al Celebrante Abissale Kalinta.
agno Velenoso al Celebrante Abissale Kalinta.

occupazione in Cavaliere.

ogliere i loro molari.

portarli alla guardia Leikan.

one in un Assassino.

l Gioiello Oscuro.

oi ottenere il seme della disperazione.

per ottenere il Seme dell'Orrore.
ogli 3 Hearts of Lunacy e portali ad Arkenia.
ccupazione in un Mago Oscuro.

e Sidra ti ha detto di trovare.

uesto e caccia scheletri e zombi nelle Rovine della Disperazione.

Pagina 898

tali dal sacerdote Adonius.

dra ti ha detto di trovare.
de città per cambiare la tua occupazione in uno Shillien Oracle.
ani delle guardie e i sommi sacerdoti.

i mannari sukar.

li a Charkeren.
ad Annika per il Seme dell'Orrore.
e portali ad Arkenia.
lla salamandra in cambio del segno di fuoco.
na salamandra, ti darà il segno di fuoco.
egnali a Parina per ricevere il gettone che consente di cambiare occupazione.
ottieni la Piuma del vento e restituiscila alla Silfide del vento.
lfide del vento per ricevere un gettone del vento.
e quattro i gettoni e consegnali a Parina per ricevere un gettone speciale che ti consentirà di cambiare occupazione.
il gettone d'acqua.
ei ti darà il gettone dell'acqua.
egnali a Parina per ricevere il gettone che consente di cambiare occupazione.
terra per Token of Earth.
o della terra.
er ricevere il gettone che consente di cambiare occupazione.

ci e dai Guerrieri Oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 5

richiesta di Samed.

Pagina 899

ak. Porta questo a Samed nella città di Gludio.

esto al commerciante Arodin.

ommerciante Arodin.
llinas a Gludin.
mmerciante Toronto.

ello richiesto: 20 Libro degli

: 20 Libro degli

ri Elfi e Esploratori Elfici.\nLivello richiesto: Cavaliere Elfico - 20, Esploratore Elfico - 24

umani.\nLivello richiesto: 28 Libro degli
Esploratori Elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 24 Libro degli
oratori Elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 36 Libro degli
Palus.\nLivello richiesto: 36 Libro degli
us.\nLivello richiesto: 32 Libro degli
ello richiesto: 20
Esploratori Elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 32 Libro degli
nLivello richiesto: 30 Libro degli
ci e oracoli Shillien.\nLivello richiesto: 20 Libro degli
nLivello richiesto: Oracolo - 35, Profeta - 60
acoli elfici e oracoli Shillien.\nLivello richiesto: 25 Libro degli
ello richiesto: 25 Libro degli
nLivello richiesto: 35
Livello richiesto: 25 Libro degli
to: 35 Libro degli

ci, maghi elfici, oracoli elfici, maghi oscuri e oracoli Shillien.\nLivello richiesto: 25 Libro degli

iesto: 35 Libro degli

richiesto: 25
ani, chierici, maghi elfici, oracoli elfici, maghi oscuri e oracoli Shillien.\nLivello richiesto: 20 Libro degli
llo richiesto: 25 Libro degli

: 25 Libro degli
ello richiesto: 20 Libro degli
Elfici e Maghi Oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 25 Libro degli
e Maghi Oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 20

Pagina 900

mani.\nLivello richiesto: 35 Libro degli

llo richiesto: 35 Libro degli
ichiesto: 35 Libro degli
ello richiesto: 35 Libro degli
scuri.\nLivello richiesto: 25 Libro degli
scuri.\nLivello richiesto: 20 Libro degli
Elfi.\nLivello richiesto: Mago Elfico - 25, Profeta - 58
n Oracles and Prophets.\nLivello richiesto: Shillien Oracle - 35, Prophet - 58
i.\nLivello richiesto: 30 Libro degli
racoli di Shillien.\nLivello richiesto: 25 Libro degli
aghi oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 35 Libro degli
chiesto: 35 Libro degli
ello richiesto: 25

oniana. Muschio di palude. Carne di occhi fluttuanti.

ci di mandragora.

appa reale dall'ape sanguinante o dalla vespa strana.

portali alla guardia Jacob.

per la cucina di Jonas.
cinque ingredienti necessari per la cucina di Jonas.
e patate come ricompensa.
ortali al droghiere Pano.
gredienti necessari per la cucina di Jonas.
schio di palude dalle formiche grigie o cremisi.
alla sacerdotessa Glyvka.
esto e portalo alla sacerdotessa Glyvka.
que ingredienti necessari per la cucina di Jonas.
que ingredienti necessari per la cucina di Jonas.
gliere il cercatore di occhi mostro giusto o il cercatore di occhi mostro.

enti necessari per la cucina di Jonas.

Pagina 901

raneamente il potere di attacco. Usato con un'arma di grado D.

raneamente il potere di attacco. Usato con un'arma di grado C.
raneamente il potere di attacco. Usato con un'arma di grado B.
raneamente il potere di attacco. Usato con un'arma di grado A.
raneamente il potere di attacco. Usato con un'arma di grado S.

rian Rukain.
i 50 da portare alla veggente Livina.
al capo di Atuba Varkees.
i al capo di Atuba Varkees.
cogli 40 di questi e portali al Prefetto Brukurse.

io di Kasha. Questa è la chiave che richiama lo spirito totem kasha.

asha. Porta questo al Veggente Tanapi.

Golden Wheel.

Golden Wheel.
la che la Silver Scale Guild ha chiesto ai briganti di attaccare i carri merci.
el Pilastro Grigio.
per completare la mappa.

accogli 50 e portali ad Arin di Black Anvil.

al Guardiano delle Fiamme Vulku.

mma, re degli Orchi.

un prezzo elevato.

Pagina 902

sini del palazzo.\nLv. acquisito: Palace Knight 24, Assassin 24

Elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 20 Libro degli
coli Shillien.\nLivello richiesto: 20 Libro degli
acoli Shillien.\nLivello richiesto: 20
to da maghi umani e maghi oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 30 Libro degli
i Sciamani.\nLivello
Orchi Sciamani.\nLivello

Sciamani.\nLivello richiesto: 20


i Sciamani.\nLivello

ani.\nLivello richiesto: 25

mans.\nLivello richiesto: 20 Pergamena

on può essere utilizzato quando HP è pieno.

sto al centurione Nakusin.
al centurione Nakusin.
uo proprietario. Porta questo al centurione Nakusin.
Porta questo al centurione Nakusin.
frescato. Porta questo al centurione Nakusin.
esto al centurione Nakusin.

al minatore Bolter.

natore Bolter.

e portala al capo di Urutu Hatos.

a la lettera e portala al capo di Urutu Hatos.
a la lettera e portala al capo di Urutu Hatos.
a lettera al capo di Urutu Hatos.
di Urutu Hatos.
apo di Urutu Hatos.
ellato dal commerciante Reep. Porta questo al commerciante Reep.
diamante stellato. Porta questo a Carrier Torocco.

Pagina 903

mico Maron. Porta questo al minatore Maron.

bbro Brunon.
il diamante stellato.
berilli al fabbro Brunon.
berilli al fabbro Brunon.

del magazzino Airy come regalo di scuse.

di pipistrelli a lama per ottenere il diamante stellato.

ardiano Tamil.

esto e vai da Jonas.

esto a Jonas.
esto a Jonas.
esto a Jonas.
atto Kuruka.

ortare al Prefetto Karukia.

stabilito ai margini di una montagna a ovest del Nido del Ragno.
stabilito ai margini di una montagna a ovest del Nido del Ragno.
stabilito ai margini di una montagna a ovest del Nido del Ragno.
stabilito ai margini di una montagna a ovest del Nido del Ragno.
stabilito ai margini di una montagna a ovest del Nido del Ragno.
stabilito ai margini di una montagna a ovest del Nido del Ragno.
stabilito ai margini di una montagna a ovest del Nido del Ragno.
stabilito ai margini di una montagna a ovest del Nido del Ragno.
stabilito ai margini di una montagna a ovest del Nido del Ragno.
stabilito ai margini di una montagna a ovest del Nido del Ragno.

chi. Porta questo all'alto prefetto per cambiare la tua occupazione in un Orc Raider.

raccogli 5 dei loro artigli.

questo e raccogli 5 artigli.
di salamandre scarlatte per ottenere 5 delle loro squame.

vatari Rosheek.

esta raccomandazione al Prefetto Kasman nel Villaggio di Gludin.

e razze e raccogli 12 gettoni.

havatari Toruku.

Pagina 904

all'alto prefetto per cambiare la tua occupazione in un monaco orco.

arlato Tataru.

sha e un uovo infuocato.

elle di orso kasha e a un guscio di ragno lama kasha.

rtalo a Seer Umos.

o all'interno di Venomous Spiders.

a chiave per invocare lo spirito malvagio durka.

all'alto prefetto, per cambiare la tua occupazione in un Orco Sciamano.

man e raccogli i loro denti anteriori.
devi andare dal fabbro Kluto del villaggio Gludin.
Kluto a Gludin.
po per cambiare occupazione in un artigiano.
Raccogli 10 di questi e portali al fabbro Silvera.
accogline 2 e portali dal fabbro Silvera.

rtali dal fabbro Pinter.

onosciuto, ma comunque portalo dal fabbro Pinter.
ortalo dal fabbro Kluto nel villaggio di Gludin.
o porti a un capo del magazzino, puoi trasferire la tua classe a Scavenger.

della Morte.

ciatori, quindi apparirà l'orso del miele.

Pagina 905

tuale di successo è del 100%.

nLivello richiesto: 20 Libro degli
llo richiesto: 20 Libro degli
ivello richiesto: 20
ghi elfici.\nLivello richiesto: 20 Libro degli

Pagina 906

ntuale di successo è del 100%.

percentuale di successo è del 100%.
e di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
di successo è del 100%.
uale di successo è del 100%.
centuale di successo è del 100%.
. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
entuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
ntuale di successo è del 100%.
rcentuale di successo è del 100%.
ntuale di successo è del 100%.
v. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.

Pagina 907

a percentuale di successo è del 100%.

La percentuale di successo è del 100%.

ale di successo è del 100%.

uale di successo è del 100%.

entuale di successo è del 100%.

el villaggio più vicino.

gio più vicino.

raneamente il potere di attacco. Usato con un'arma No-grade.

a la collina, a ovest del villaggio elfico.
ei Nove, a sud-ovest del Villaggio degli Elfi.
la fortezza sotterranea degli Elfi.
el teatro all'aperto, a sud-ovest del villaggio elfico.
a al mare, a nord-ovest del Lago Iris.
a al mare, a ovest del Lago Iris.
iva al mare, a sud del Lago Iris.
va al mare, a est del Lago Iris.

otur per una ricompensa.

Piotur per una ricompensa.

Pagina 908

lo richiesto: 20

Society per un nuovo ingrediente.

Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
materiali presso l'Aden Reconstruction Society.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
duto in qualsiasi negozio.
enduto in qualsiasi negozio.
venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
e venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.
uto in qualsiasi negozio.
ualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.

Pagina 909

o in qualsiasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
ere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
e venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
duto in qualsiasi negozio.
e venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
uto in qualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
duto in qualsiasi negozio.
to in qualsiasi negozio.
duto in qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
alsiasi negozio.
o in qualsiasi negozio.
lsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
re venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
ere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
venduto in qualsiasi negozio.

qualsiasi negozio.
alsiasi negozio.

enduto in qualsiasi negozio.

alsiasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.
uto in qualsiasi negozio.
ere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.

ere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.

venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
uto in qualsiasi negozio.
alsiasi negozio.
siasi negozio.
uto in qualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.
siasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.
nduto in qualsiasi negozio.
to in qualsiasi negozio.

Pagina 910

alsiasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.
alsiasi negozio.
ere venduto nei negozi.
qualsiasi negozio.
ualsiasi negozio.
duto in qualsiasi negozio.
uto in qualsiasi negozio.
ò essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
iasi negozio.
enduto in qualsiasi negozio.
lsiasi negozio.
enduto in qualsiasi negozio.
e venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
e venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
o in qualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
uto in qualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
ualsiasi negozio.
ssere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
duto in qualsiasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.
venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
enduto in qualsiasi negozio.
venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
re venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.

qualsiasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
ere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.
enduto in qualsiasi negozio.
nduto in qualsiasi negozio.
venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.
nduto in qualsiasi negozio.

Pagina 911

e venduto in qualsiasi negozio.

enduto in qualsiasi negozio.
siasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.

in qualsiasi negozio.

siasi negozio.
ualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.
o in qualsiasi negozio.
o in qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.
siasi negozio.
siasi negozio.
nduto in qualsiasi negozio.

uto in qualsiasi negozio.

uto in qualsiasi negozio.
duto in qualsiasi negozio.
nduto in qualsiasi negozio.
alsiasi negozio.
ualsiasi negozio.
siasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
alsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
uto in qualsiasi negozio.
ere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.
e venduto in qualsiasi negozio.

alsiasi negozio.
duto in qualsiasi negozio.

alsiasi negozio.
duto in qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.
nduto in qualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
duto in qualsiasi negozio.
uto in qualsiasi negozio.
alsiasi negozio.
alsiasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.

Pagina 912

o in qualsiasi negozio.
ualsiasi negozio.

siasi negozio.
o in qualsiasi negozio.
ualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
ualsiasi negozio.
ualsiasi negozio.
o in qualsiasi negozio.

o in qualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
alsiasi negozio.
sere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.
o in qualsiasi negozio.
e venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
uto in qualsiasi negozio.
ualsiasi negozio.
venduto in qualsiasi negozio.

sere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.

qualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
ualsiasi negozio.

n qualsiasi negozio.
o in qualsiasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.
siasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.
alsiasi negozio.
o in qualsiasi negozio.
lsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.

o in qualsiasi negozio.
lsiasi negozio.
venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
lsiasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.
ò essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.
o in qualsiasi negozio.
to in qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.

Pagina 913

o in qualsiasi negozio.
to in qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.
uto in qualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.
duto in qualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
siasi negozio.
ualsiasi negozio.
e venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
nduto in qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.
to in qualsiasi negozio.
uto in qualsiasi negozio.

n qualsiasi negozio.
o in qualsiasi negozio.
e venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.
ere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.
uto in qualsiasi negozio.
ere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.

lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.

ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
entuale di successo è del 100%.
Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
etto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.

Pagina 914

v. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.

2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
rcentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
entuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
o - Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
v. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
à lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
tà lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
e di successo è del 100%.
ntuale di successo è del 100%.
entuale di successo è del 100%.
uale di successo è del 100%.
. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
rcentuale di successo è del 100%.
v. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
centuale di successo è del 100%.
ale di successo è del 100%.
tà lv. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
entuale di successo è del 100%.
uale di successo è del 100%.
so di successo del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
centuale di successo è del 100%.
ntuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.

Pagina 915

ercentuale di successo è del 100%.

ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
entuale di successo è del 100%.
. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
centuale di successo è del 100%.
ità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
- Abilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
e di successo è del 100%.
v. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
o - Abilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
rcentuale di successo è del 100%.
rcentuale di successo è del 100%.
Tasso di successo del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ntuale di successo è del 100%.
bilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
asso di successo del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
entuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
v. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
lità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
à lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
rcentuale di successo è del 100%.
uale di successo è del 100%.
rcentuale di successo è del 100%.
centuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.

Pagina 916

v. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.

percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
v. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
tuale di successo è del 100%.
. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ntuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
rcentuale di successo è del 100%.
ale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
lv. 3 La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
centuale di successo è del 100%.
v. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
e di successo è del 100%.
3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
v. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ntuale di successo è del 100%.
uale di successo è del 100%.
. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
uale di successo è del 100%.
centuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
le di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.

Pagina 917

ntuale di successo è del 100%.

lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
le di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
centuale di successo è del 100%.
lità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
4 La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ale di successo è del 100%.
bilità lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
rcentuale di successo è del 100%.
uale di successo è del 100%.
le di successo è del 100%.
centuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
uale di successo è del 100%.
centuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
centuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
e di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ale di successo è del 100%.
5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
uale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
bilità lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.

Pagina 918

ercentuale di successo è del 100%.

rcentuale di successo è del 100%.
rcentuale di successo è del 100%.
5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
rcentuale di successo è del 100%.
entuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
v. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
entuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
bilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
tà lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.

Atk. aumentare momentaneamente. Usato con un'arma No-grade.

Atk. aumentare momentaneamente. Usato con un'arma di grado D.
Atk. aumentare momentaneamente. Usato con un'arma di grado C.
Atk. aumentare momentaneamente. Usato con un'arma di grado B.
Atk. aumentare momentaneamente. Usato con un'arma di grado A.
Atk. aumentare momentaneamente. Usato con un'arma di grado S.
nsumato automaticamente.

di Shyslassys.

l'albero dell'impiccato.

rapporto di Talianus.
al fantasma di Sir Talianus.

e portali a Isael Silvershadow.

e alle costole di Athebaldt e allo stinco di Athebaldt.

e al teschio di Athebaldt e allo stinco di Athebaldt.

Pagina 919

e alle costole di Athebaldt e al teschio di Athebaldt.

a il sigillo di Terry.

questo al maestro Terry.

questo al maestro Terry.
Turek. Porta questo al maestro Terry.
a questo al maestro Terry.
a questo al maestro Terry.
ggio dei cacciatori.

entati con Shilen, la dea della morte.

lettera chiede a Marina di analizzare il bezoar oscuro.

Torre d'Avorio.
Ore. Consegnalo a Master Terry nella città di Dion.
ito dopo aver raggiunto il livello 36.
guerriero, Leto uomo lucertola guerriero"

maestro Terry.
al maestro Terry.
ufner della città di Giran.
bio di occupazione.
mbio di occupazione.
a del Sommo Sacerdote Sylvain.
del Gran Magister Jurek.
sta dell'anziano Cronos.
per il prossimo compito dopo aver raggiunto il livello 36.

rta questo a Maria.

rta questo al capitano Lucas.

purezza. Raccogli 5 di questi e portali a Maria.

seguendo gli ordini del Sommo Sacerdote.

ndo gli ordini del Gran Magister.
o gli ordini dell'anziano Cronos.

ta questo a Magister Mirien nella città di Dion.

Pagina 920

il distruttore di occhi mostruosi, lo sciamano degli orchi Breka e il ceppo.

rek nella città di Giran.

sto a Magister Mirien nella città di Dion.

o all'astrologo Creta nel villaggio di Floran.

Magister Dieter nella città di Giran.

pero delle Scritture della Conoscenza.

le Scritture della Conoscenza.

assato. Fa parte di un insieme di 4 scritture.

are con te per il capitolo 2 delle scritture.

orced Gargoyle's Nails.

irien nella città di Dion.

io di occupazione.

uccessiva di questa prova, vai da Gauri Twinklerock del Dwarven Village.

vine elfiche a Talking Island.

vicino alla Radura dell'Albero Madre nel Villaggio degli Elfi.

cambio di occupazione.
ggio degli Elfi.
Villaggio degli Elfi Oscuri.

illaggio degli Orchi.

Trust, al Sommo Sacerdote Hollint.

alla pergamena della fiducia degli Elfi Oscuri al Sommo Sacerdote Hollint.
mena della fiducia degli Orchi, al cardinale Seresin.

Pagina 921

amena della fiducia dei nani, al cardinale Seresin.

erarca Asterios.
, al Gerarca Asterios.

Honey Dew da una Ant Guard e portali a Magister Clayton.

ittà di Giran.

lla Torre Cruma.

are a Duelist Kaien.

di Oren e il Lakin di Aden per 3 volte.

Duelist Kaien.

Pagina 922

di Duke Ashton.
al commerciante Tyra.
0 sacchetti di polvere di spore rosse con un vino Malrukian.
al commerciante Tyra.

pe di Solt e Makel.

bio di occupazione.

in possesso?
l'orfanotrofio vicino a Gludio.

bio di occupazione.
cambio di occupazione.
senza nome con il potere della luce.
Sla delle Terre Desolate.

all'isola parlante in questo ordine.

consegnale a Sla.
e consegnale a Sla.

o tutti i discepoli di Sla.

a alle streghe del duca Byron Ashton. Collezionane 7.
na nella città di Giran.

a non morte, a Ramus.

di ossa non morte, a Ramus.
mmenti di ossa non morte, a Ramus.
ti ossei dei non morti.
di ossa non morte, a Ramus.
a non morte, a Ramus.

Pagina 923

portali a Bard Rukal.

portali a Bard Rukal.
portali a Bard Rukal.

i questi e portali al Serpente della Terra.

Serpente della Terra.
Bard Rukal nella città di Dion.
Bard Rukal nella città di Dion.
Bard Rukal nella città di Dion.
Bard Rukal nella città di Dion.
in cambio di 5 cristalli di fiamma.
bio dei materiali raccolti dall'arpia, dal Wyrm e da Windsus.
o di 20 gocce abbaglianti.
cambio dell'uccisione dei Mostri Rinforzati nei dintorni della Torre d'Avorio.
ockirin of the Iron Gate.
Lockirin del Cancello di Ferro.
n of the Iron Gate.
o di occupazione.
della Porta di Ferro.

ngresso della Torre Cruma.

gna questo a Eldar Filaur.
consegnali al ricercatore Lorain.

il cambio di lavoro.
dai la caccia agli Orchi Tamlin.

kus nella Caverna delle Prove.

Veggente Somak.
ai capi lucertola di Leto per recuperare i resti di Tonar.
Veggente Pekiron.

Pagina 924

l Veggente Pekiron.
eme agli altri 4 resti, al Veggente Pekiron.
4 resti, al Veggente Pekiron.
ri 4 resti, al Veggente Pekiron.
i, al Veggente Somak.
la regina delle gorgoni, per recuperare i resti di Hermodt.
a Priest Manakia.
, a Priest Manakia.
nsieme agli altri 4 resti, a Priest Manakia.
altri 4 resti, a Priest Manakia.
altri 4 resti, a Priest Manakia.
e eroi, al Veggente Somak.
à di Gludio per chiedere di Kiruna.
e Meridionali.
o e caccia le formiche nobili per recuperare i resti di Kiruna.
Seer Racoy.
a Seer Racoy.
sieme agli altri 4 resti, a Seer Racoy.
i 4 resti, a Seer Racoy.
ri 4 resti, a Seer Racoy.
oi, al Veggente Somak.
averna delle Prove.
Caverna delle Prove.
a Caverna delle Prove.
Caverna delle Prove.

iasi negozio.
o in qualsiasi negozio.
ualsiasi negozio.
o in qualsiasi negozio.
siasi negozio.
alsiasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.

to in qualsiasi negozio.
o in qualsiasi negozio.
ualsiasi negozio.
siasi negozio.
lsiasi negozio.
lsiasi negozio.
o in qualsiasi negozio.
iasi negozio.
o in qualsiasi negozio.
siasi negozio.
o in qualsiasi negozio.
ualsiasi negozio.

n qualsiasi negozio.

Pagina 925

alsiasi negozio.

in qualsiasi negozio.
alsiasi negozio.
siasi negozio.
siasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.
siasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.

qualsiasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.
ualsiasi negozio.
n qualsiasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.

siasi negozio.

n qualsiasi negozio.
alsiasi negozio.
qualsiasi negozio.
in qualsiasi negozio.
enduto in qualsiasi negozio.

to in qualsiasi negozio.
ualsiasi negozio.
o in qualsiasi negozio.
alsiasi negozio.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
v. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
entuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
rcentuale di successo è del 100%.
. 3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
3. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
centuale di successo è del 100%.
asso di successo del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
lv. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
so di successo del 100%.
v. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.

Pagina 926

4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.

ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
entuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ntuale di successo è del 100%.
4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
rcentuale di successo è del 100%.
centuale di successo è del 100%.
o di successo del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
. 5. Tasso di successo del 100%.
à lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ntuale di successo è del 100%.
lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
entuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
uale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
rcentuale di successo è del 100%.
tuale di successo è del 100%.
lv. 6. Tasso di successo del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
lv. 5. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
entuale di successo è del 100%.
. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 1. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.

mantenere i servitori. Può essere venduto in qualsiasi negozio.

La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
e consegnale a Sla.
ato dagli artigiani.\nLivello richiesto: 28 Libro degli
del tempio.\nLivello richiesto: 40
ien Knights.\nLivello richiesto: 43 Libro degli
s e Phantom Summoners.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli

Pagina 927

ello richiesto: 40 Libro degli

: 46 Libro degli
hiesto: 46 Libro degli
o e dagli Evocatori Elementali.\nLivello richiesto: Cavaliere del Tempio - 43, Evocatore Elementale - 40

endicatori Oscuri.\nLivello richiesto: 43 Libro degli

lo richiesto: 40 Libro degli
illien Knights.\nLivello richiesto: 46 Libro degli
ers, Abyss Walkers e Phantom Rangers.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
gers, Plainswalkers e Silver Rangers.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
richiesto: 43 Libro degli
o richiesto: 40
nights.\nLivello richiesto: 49 Libro degli
o richiesto: 58 Libro degli
uri.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
Livello richiesto: 44 Libro degli
ello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
ello richiesto: 48 Libro degli
o: 44 Libro degli
llo richiesto: 40
Usato da Negromanti, Cantamagie, Spellhowlers e Stregoni.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
44 Libro degli
Livello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
e Phantom Summoners.\nLivello richiesto: 44 Libro degli
pellhowlers.\nLivello richiesto: 52 Libro degli
ers.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
richiesto: 48
hiesto: 44 Libro degli
hiesto: 48 Libro degli
40 Libro degli
vello richiesto: 44 Libro degli
i.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
incantesimi.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
simi.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
vello richiesto: 40
aincantesimi.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
esto: 48 Libro degli
vello richiesto: 48 Libro degli
simi.\nLivello richiesto: 44 Libro degli
nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
llo richiesto: 40 Libro degli
chiesto: 52 Libro degli
richiesto: 44
ivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
o: 40 Libro degli
sto: 44 Libro degli
nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli
to: 48 Libro degli
o: 40 Libro degli

Pagina 928

ri Elementali e Evocatori Fantasma.\nLivello richiesto: 44 Libro degli

atori Elementali e Evocatori Fantasma.\nLivello richiesto: 40
i, Evocatori Elementali e Evocatori Fantasma.\nLivello richiesto: 44 Libro degli
o: 40 Libro degli
o: 44 Libro degli
sto: 44 Libro degli
sto: 44 Libro degli
sto: Profeta- 40, Anziano: 44
chiesto: 44 Libro degli
lo richiesto: 40
e Anziani Shillien.\nLivello richiesto: 40 Libro degli


ds.\nLivello richiesto: 44

.\nLivello richiesto: 48

Livello richiesto: 44
mbio di occupazione.
bbro Altran di Talking Island.

el magazzino Norman del villaggio di Gludin.

ter della città di Gludio.
di Hunter's Village e riportare la chiave.
nter's Village.

a, 70 pietre per affilare in granito, 70 unità di pigmento rosso e 70 unità di filato intrecciato.
ouse Keeper Norman.
ortali al Warehouse Keeper Norman.
e portali al Warehouse Keeper Norman.
ehouse Keeper Norman.

pletati al custode del magazzino Valkon.

Pagina 929

bio di occupazione.

ntali del Lago Iris.

o il livello 38.

bro Pushkin e realizzata in puro mithril. Riporta questo a Talia.

l libro di Andariel dal villaggio di Gludin.
inhasad nel villaggio di Gludin.

zzi della Lancia di Talin dagli sciamani lucertola di Leto.

rta questo a Talia.

esto e vai dal Gerarca Asterios.
rtali al fabbro Pushkin.
esto, insieme al resto degli ingredienti, e portali al fabbro Pushkin.
o degli ingredienti, e riportali al fabbro Pushkin.

lancia, a Isael Silvershadow.

ncia, a Isael Silvershadow.
nenti della lancia, a Isael Silvershadow.
nenti della lancia, a Isael Silvershadow.
nenti della lancia, a Isael Silvershadow.
nenti della lancia, a Isael Silvershadow.
ambio di lavoro.
eve essere consegnato segretamente.
sorella di Metheus.

onna velenosa.
di cadaveri, sangue di tiranno e radice di Nightshade.

llo Metheus.
Magister Kaira.

azzino nel villaggio di Gludin.

aver raggiunto il livello 38.

Pagina 930

Thifiell del villaggio degli elfi oscuri.

della Cerimonia di Iniziazione del Circolo Shillien.

nfa treant della ruggine.

elle quattro razze diverse.

ro in agguato e riporta la sua foglia.

completa. Porta questo al tetrarca Thifiell.

bio di lavoro.
silisco guardiano.

nta nella città di Dion.

amma dalle tribù degli orchi inferiori.

me agli scettri di altre 4 tribù e vai a vedere Gandi Chief Chianta.
ti 4 scettri, a Gandi Chief Chianta.
ti 4 scettri, a Gandi Chief Chianta.
tanti 4 scettri, a Gandi Chief Chianta.
tanti 4 scettri, a Gandi Chief Chianta.
aver raggiunto il livello 38.
di Timak e Tamlin Orc.
esti e portali a Gandi Chief Chianti.
rtali a Gandi Chief Chianti.
sto al Veggente Tanapi del Villaggio degli Orchi.

to al capo di Enku Kepra.

sto al capo di Turek Burai.

arsh Stakato nelle Terre paludose di Cruma.

recupera lo scettro di Tantosc.

a'agrio Lord Kakai.

Pagina 931

al cambio di occupazione.

di Maphr, che contiene gli ultimi segreti della geometria.

del magazzino Parman della città di Giran.
stode del magazzino Parman della città di Giran.
custode del magazzino Parman della città di Giran.
o al custode del magazzino Parman della città di Giran.
a questo al custode del magazzino Parman della città di Giran.
vono ancora contributi e raccogli i fondi da loro.

are nella creazione di oggetti.

ermare se Miner Bolter ha già inviato il suo contributo.

portale a Lockirin dell'Iron Gate.
ale a Lockirin dell'Iron Gate.
a Lockirin dell'Iron Gate.
e a Lockirin dell'Iron Gate.
Lockirin dell'Iron Gate.
rta questo a Bronze Key's Keef.
di muschio cremisi"

mily nella città di Dion.

po aver raggiunto il livello 38.

a serratura dalla scatola del Lesser Giant.

Ingrediente chiave nella creazione della chiave del gigante minore.

a chiave del gigante minore.

la vendetta al posto di Mason.

di ferro. Aiuta il commerciante Groot nella sua raccolta di materiale.

Pagina 932

e Groot della città di Giran.

merciante Groot della città di Giran.
rciante Groot della città di Giran.

al Capitano Mouen.

bio di occupazione.

laggio di Floran.
eme al talismano serpente, al Prefetto Vokian.
el villaggio di Floran.
fetto Vokian della città di Giran.
ingredienti, al Magister Gauen della Torre d'Avorio.
ingredienti, al Magister Gauen della Torre d'Avorio.
ingredienti, al Magister Gauen della Torre d'Avorio.
ingredienti, al Magister Gauen della Torre d'Avorio.

mbio di occupazione.
Cubo di Aklantoth sono raffigurati qui.
er, Magister Kaira, Trader Lara"
one Golem Heartstones.

a Magister Iker.
di questi e portali a Magister Iker.
l acquistò il gioiello da Lara.
Nero portò il gioiello.
on morti mentre fuggivano nelle Terre Desolate.
th e portale a Orim l'Ombra.
Orim l'Ombra.
6 le gemme di Aklantoth e portale a Orim l'Ombra.
le gemme di Aklantoth e portale a Orim l'Ombra.
le gemme di Aklantoth e portale a Orim l'Ombra.
le gemme di Aklantoth e portale a Orim l'Ombra.

del Sigillo e il Cristallo Trappola dell'Anima.

il prestito della Spada del Sigillo.
stito del Cristallo Trappola dell'Anima.
pada del Sigillo.

ortali a Vadin.
Sir Klaus Vasper della città di Gludin.

o spirito del Dre Vanul Zeruel.

the Shadow.

Pagina 933

mbio di occupazione.
ortali al commerciante Lara.
mmerciante Lara.
mmerciante Lara.

portali al commerciante Lara.

ali al commerciante Lara.

esti e riportali al commerciante Lara.

nità di polvere di spore rosse dal fungo gigante nel mare di spore.
dal Cratere della Torre d'Avorio.
isi dell'anima incatenata dal Passo della morte.

orito di Gorgone.

e battaglie degli evocatori.

vocatore Capo Galatea.
atore Capo Galatea.
Evocatore Capo Galatea.
Evocatore Capo Galatea.
Evocatore Capo Galatea.
l'Evocatore Capo Galatea.

uesto a Summoner Almors.

uesto all'evocatore Camoniell.

uesto all'evocatore Belthus.

uesto all'evocatrice Basillia.

uesto all'evocatore Celestiel.

Pagina 934

uesto all'evocatrice Brynthea.

o all'evocatrice Brynthea.
trice Brynthea.

tribù e torna con le loro approvazioni.

Shamans e Breka Orc Overlords e riportare 20 zanne Breka Orc.

questi e portali al capo Duda-Mara Takuna.

questi e portali al capo Duda-Mara Takuna.

e portali a Gandi Chief Chianti.

enato Martankus.
o Lord Kakai.
n e la Gioielleria degli Accessori Ellie nella Città di Giran.
k Avian, Husk Creature e Husk Rider.

rrori oscuri e predatori.

asha e i ragni lama kasha.
e cacciatrici e tarantole saccheggiatrici.
ager della città di Gludin.
nager della città di Gludin.
ager della città di Gludin.
tin, il Pet Manager della città di Gludin.
Martin, il Pet Manager della città di Gludin.
o di Talking Island.
, Elder e Shillien Elder.\nLivello richiesto: Bishop-40, Elder, Shillien Elder 48
iesto: 40 Libro degli
Shillien e Anziani.\nLivello richiesto: Vescovo: 40, Anziano di Shillien e Anziano: 48

Pagina 935


uto nei negozi.

duto nei negozi.

Può essere venduto nei negozi.

ò essere venduto nei negozi.
della statua...?
della statua...?
della statua...?
della statua...?
o nei negozi a un prezzo elevato.

un prezzo elevato.

Pagina 936

dal Pet master.

dal Pet master.

ro. Viene apposto il sigillo di Lockirin della Porta di Ferro.
enatus. Devi consegnarlo rapidamente.
onsegnarlo rapidamente.
nsegnarlo rapidamente.

bbastanza dell'articolo di fornitura.

pressione di ringraziamento per aver portato abbastanza degli articoli forniti.
a. Cosa potrebbe esserci dentro...?
a. Cosa potrebbe esserci dentro...?

rendendo questo e la ricevuta.

a prendendo questo e la ricevuta.
ndendo questo e la ricevuta.
ccogli 50 certificati, puoi scambiarli con una dichiarazione di consegna blu.
gna aumenta del 4% per ogni certificato.
000 consegne. Ricevuto il 120% della tassa di consegna!
Raccogli tre fogli e portali al capo del magazzino Gesto.
Raccogli due fogli e portali al capo del magazzino Gesto.

Pagina 937

mune di Gludio.

egione degli Elfi Oscuri.

autonoma degli Elfi Oscuri.

della fortezza sotterranea della regione autonoma elfica.

lla Città di Gludio.

Tunnel situato nelle Terre Desolate.

lla regione autonoma degli Elfi Oscuri.
a maturità nella regione autonoma degli Elfi Oscuri.
à nella regione autonoma degli Elfi Oscuri.
ei Riti nella regione autonoma degli Elfi Oscuri.

Pagina 938

lle paludi nella regione autonoma degli Elfi Oscuri.

egione autonoma degli Elfi Oscuri.

Territorio di Giran.

Magister Baulro.

Sir Collin Windawood.

l'alto prefetto Osborn.

Sir Karrel Vasper.

la sacerdotessa Vivyan.
Maestro Leona.
fabbro Pinter.
Sentinel Knight Smallberry.
Pixy Murika.

Magister Harne.
Sir Ortho Lancer.

vescovo Massimiliano.
maestro Stapin.
maestro Genwitter.
l'Alto Prefetto Clogg.
Sir Kiel Nighthawk.
fabbro Poitan.
cardinale Seresin.
capo Duda-Mara Takuna.
Colin, membro della gilda dei cacciatori.
la guardia Makhis.

Gran Magister Scraide.

droghiere Pano.

miliziano Leirynn.
pescatore Evert.
l'astrologo Creta.
Magister Kaiena.

Sentry Irene.

icolo. È firmato da Northwind.

Pagina 939

la guardia del corpo Jax.

ricercatore Lorain.
Maestro Nikola.
Warden Roderik dell'Execution Grounds.
l'evocatore Belthus.
capo di Enku Kepra.
l'evocatore Celestiel.
maestro dell'orfanotrofio Gupu.
l'evocatore Basillia.
Sir Aaron Tanford.

Windy Shaoring.

Slein Shining Blade.

Shaman Varika.

Piper Longbow.

l'evocatore Camoniell.
Orim l'Ombra.
capo Breka Voltar.
l'evocatore Brynthea.

rticolo appositamente ordinato da Sir Ortho Lancer.

o dalla maga Kaiena.

ordinato dal Maestro Nikola.

ervizi di spedizione.
ervizi di spedizione.

zzino di servizi di spedizione.

zi di spedizione.

a Resistenza.
aree meridionali delle regioni Dion e Giran.

ro, vai a trovare l'albero del custode segreto situato nelle paludi di Cruma e prendi il libro segreto.

del Giaguaro di Vetro e Sangue di Turak Bugbear.

Pagina 940

ore della Nebbia Squartatore dell'Orrore.

elevato a una persona interessata...

ienti all'Alchimista Matild.
ienti all'Alchimista Matild.
ienti all'Alchimista Matild.
ienti all'Alchimista Matild.
ienti all'Alchimista Matild.
ienti all'Alchimista Matild.
ienti all'Alchimista Matild.
ienti all'Alchimista Matild.
e gli ordini impartiti dalla Gilda dei cacciatori.
re gli ordini impartiti dalla Gilda dei cacciatori.
un cacciatore è esperto, più ne ha.
sei compiti presentati da Grey.
sei compiti presentati da Grey.
di Leto o gli uomini lucertola di Harit con il pugnale di cibellina.
urezza del cristallo, maggiore è il valore.
urezza del cristallo, maggiore è il valore.
urezza del cristallo, maggiore è il valore.
urezza del cristallo, maggiore è il valore.
urezza del cristallo, maggiore è il valore.
urezza del cristallo, maggiore è il valore.
urezza del cristallo, maggiore è il valore.
urezza del cristallo, maggiore è il valore.
urezza del cristallo, maggiore è il valore.
purezza del cristallo, maggiore è il valore.

d Member Grey.
Hunter Guild Member Grey.
me ai capi di Jaka e Marka al membro della Gilda dei cacciatori Grey.
me alle teste di haka e marka a Hunter Guild Member Grey.
nsieme alle teste di haka e jaka a Hunter Guild Member Grey.
Gilda dei cacciatori.
20 e portali a Hunter Guild Member Grey.

a Hunter Guild Member Grey.

d Member Grey.
unter Guild Member Grey.
Member Grey.
i a Hunter Guild Member Grey.
e di cinque predoni e portale al membro della Gilda dei cacciatori Grey.
oni e portale al membro della Gilda dei cacciatori Grey.
rtale al membro della Gilda dei cacciatori Grey.
predoni e portale al membro della Gilda dei cacciatori Grey.
di cinque predoni e portale al membro della Gilda dei cacciatori Greay.

Pagina 941

Collane Spinate Harit.

onete dall'antico impero e portale al membro della Gilda Tor.

tali alla Gilda dei cacciatori.

e portali alla Gilda dei cacciatori.
dei cacciatori.
0 e portali alla Gilda dei cacciatori.

Pagina 942

ali a Guild Member Tor.

Member Tor.
portali a Guild Member Tor.
membro della gilda Tor.

ella gilda Tor.

d Member Tor.
e portali a Guild Member Tor.
ali a Guild Member Tor.

Guild Member Tor.

portali a Guild Member Tor.

rtali a Guild Member Tor.

10 e portali a Guild Member Tor.

contra il presidente della Hunter Guild Bernard che ti istruirà su cosa fare dopo.
l magazziniere Sorint.
i di altri luoghi.
re monete con membri di livello 2 o 3 di altri luoghi.
re monete con membri di livello 3 di altri luoghi.

eature che vivono nella Valle Incantata scompaiono quando vengono uccise.
mma (di grado D), 10 pezzi di Toad Lord Back Skin e 1 Coca Cola
mma (di grado C), 20 pezzi di pelle per il
utilizzato per rimuovere le impurità dalla pietra fatata.

ino al castello di Oren.

no al Death Pass.

Pagina 943

nord di Giran.

schi Minori della Zona Contaminata.

l clan entro il tempo.

l clan entro il tempo.
l clan entro il tempo.
l clan entro il tempo.

te. Richiede Crea oggetto - Abilità lv. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 25%.
ipi di uova e portarle a Martien.
uova e portarle a Martien.
a e portarle a Martien.
di uova e portarle a Martien.
abbro Kusto, suo fratello minore nella città di Giran.
sti e le pietre del potere del gigante e portarli tutti a Balthazar.

Cristalli di Nebulite e portarli tutti a Balthazar.

ato distrutto. Raccogli questo e portalo alla mercenaria Sophia.

ili e portali alla mercenaria Sophya.
enaria Sophya.
ogli questo e portalo alla mercenaria Sophia.
opo aver preso questo e aver incontrato gli altri guardiani.
Magister Kaiena, il Guardiano del Sigillo.
da Magister Kaiena, il Guardiano del Sigillo.
Chakiris, il Guardiano del Sigillo.
o al Prefetto Chakiris, il Guardiano del Sigillo.

endra il Guardiano del Sigillo.

agazzino Moke, il guardiano del sigillo.
il guardiano del sigillo.
aras Theodric all'ingresso della Tana di Antharas.
agazzino Moke, il guardiano del sigillo.
on, il guardiano del sigillo.
o aver ricevuto i certificati dai guardiani di ogni regione.
di Antharas.
rtien della città di Giran.
di Hunter Village.
odemai della città di Aden.
al dio della luce. Certificato che rappresenta l'autorità dell'imperatore.

Pagina 944

a, l'avvelenamento viene curato.

di questo e vai a incontrare Antharas Watchman Gilmore.

49 Libro degli
o richiesto: 40 Libro degli
\nLivello richiesto: 48
esto: 44 Libro degli
richiesto: 35

raneamente la sua magia in modo significativo. Usato con armi No-grade.

raneamente la sua magia in modo significativo. Usato con armi di grado D.
raneamente la sua magia in modo significativo. Usato con armi di grado C.
raneamente la sua magia in modo significativo. Usato con armi di grado B.
raneamente la sua magia in modo significativo. Usato con armi di prima classe.
raneamente la sua magia in modo significativo. Usato con armi di grado S.
v. 2. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
v. 4. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
v. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
v. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
v. 8. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.

Pagina 945

l teletrasporto al castello interno o alla postazione del guardiano.

l teletrasporto al castello esterno o alla posizione del guardiano.
l teletrasporto all'interno o all'esterno del castello.

l teletrasporto al castello interno o alla posizione del guardiano.

l teletrasporto al castello esterno o alla posizione del guardiano.
eletrasporto all'interno o all'esterno del castello.

teletrasporto al castello interno o alla posizione del guardiano.

teletrasporto al castello esterno o alla posizione del guardiano.
teletrasporto all'interno o all'esterno del castello.

eletrasporto al castello interno o alla posizione del guardiano.

eletrasporto al castello esterno o alla posizione del guardiano.
eletrasporto all'interno o all'esterno del castello.

Pagina 946

l teletrasporto verso la Porta Est o Ovest del castello interno, le sale o la posizione del guardiano.
l teletrasporto al castello esterno, alla porta est del castello interno, alle sale o alla posizione del guardiano.
l teletrasporto al castello esterno, alla porta ovest del castello interno, alle sale o alla posizione del guardiano.
e il teletrasporto al castello esterno, alla porta est o ovest del castello interno o alla posizione del guardiano.
l teletrasporto al castello esterno, alla porta est o ovest del castello interno o alle sale.

sarà consumato automaticamente.

Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
duto anche in un emporio.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
Society per un nuovo ingrediente.
ntite. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
dmantite. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
mantite. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
erale nero. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
erale nero. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
a di minerali neri. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
lsiasi negozio.
zato di Zubei. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
uò essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
ò essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.

Pagina 947

on. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.

Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
di Zubei. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
di Zubei. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
Avadon. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
ssere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
ò essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
clet. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
del Silenzio. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
ssere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
edizione. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.

o blu. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.

one. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
blu. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
e del destino. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
le di lupo blu. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
o del destino. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
blu. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
no. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
lu. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
ò essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
po blu. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
o. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
ò essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
sione. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
lu. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
ò essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
ò essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.

uò essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.

ere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
ere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
a pesante. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
to. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
ò essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
uò essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
ere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
ò essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
venduto anche nei normali negozi.
li Elfi Oscuri. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.

Pagina 948

e venduto anche nei normali negozi.

sco. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
ssere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
battaglia. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
maligni. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
ne. Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
Può essere venduto anche nei normali negozi.
6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
o - Abilità lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
v. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
sso di successo del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
ercentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
entuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
rcentuale di successo è del 100%.
lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
v. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
entuale di successo è del 100%.
centuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
à lv. 6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
asso di successo del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
6. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
bilità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
tà lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
lità lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
La percentuale di successo è del 100%.

Pagina 949

La percentuale di successo è del 100%.

percentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
v. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
a percentuale di successo è del 100%.
rcentuale di successo è del 100%.
percentuale di successo è del 100%.
lv. 7. La percentuale di successo è del 100%.
centuale di successo è del 100%.
success rate is 100%.
6. The success rate is 100%.
. 6. The success rate is 100%.
7. The success rate is 100%.
v. 6. The success rate is 100%.
success rate.
success rate is 100%.
ccess rate is 100%.

ccess rate is 100%.

success rate is 100%.
cess rate is 100%.
ccess rate is 100%.
he success rate is 100%.

uccess rate is 100%.

cess rate is 100%.
. The success rate is 100%.
ess rate is 100%.
he success rate is 100%.
rate is 100%.
The success rate is 100%.
he success rate is 100%.

e success rate is 100%.

uccess rate is 100%.
cess rate is 100%.

Summoners and Phantom Summoners.\nRequired level: 40

Cat to claim your prize.

Cat to claim your prize.
Cat to claim your prize.

Pagina 950

Cat to claim your prize.

Cat to claim your prize.
Cat to claim your prize.
Cat to claim your prize.
Cat to claim your prize.
Cat to claim your prize.

them to Trader Tyra.

the Dwarves. Take it to Guard Alvah.

, show it to Guard Alvah.

unter's Village.
e it to Priestess Flownia of Town of Aden.

rade 1 members of the Coin Collectors Club.

of them and take them to Guard Weisz.
her death. Take it along with Agnes' Rosary to Priest Adonius.
with the Crucifix of the goddess of Einhasad to Priest Adonius.

of Floran Village.

er it to High Prefect Drikus.

er it to Priest Manuel.
er it to Vuku Chief Driko.
er it to Seer Somak.
er it to Prefect Dowki.
er it to Watchman Endrigo.
er it to Captain Lucas.
er. What do you think is in the box...?
These articles have been collected by hunting cave servants. Take them to Antharas Watchman Gilmore.
ran. Take it to him.
. Take it to him.
er's Village. Take it to him.
of Aden where the dead soldier used to be stationed.
nes and take them to Xenovia.
ones and take them to Xenovia.
nes and take them to Xenovia.
es and take them to Xenovia.
and take them to Xenovia.

Pagina 951

haps something good will happen...?

s into a the Psychic Medium's Urn.
mith Dorothy.
diately! I want to turn back to normal as soon as possible!!!

cksmith Silvera.
ke it to Magister Hanellin.
in the Town of Gludio and receive the next instructions.
d receive your next assignment from her.
ive your next assignment from him.
to open the sacred ark and retrieve the sacred object.
y to open the sacred ark and retrieve the sacred object.
e key to open the sacred ark and retrieve the sacred object.
and Overlords and soak the cloth with their blood.
ou that in order to challenge Baium, you must wrap this blood-soaked cloth around your body.
an and bring back their fangs as proof.
dman Shaman have been hunted.

us information regarding Innadril. How could this have happened...?

us information regarding Innadril. How could this have happened...?
us information regarding Innadril. How could this have happened...?
us information regarding Innadril. How could this have happened...?
us information regarding Innadril. How could this have happened...?
us information regarding Innadril. How could this have happened...?
us information regarding Innadril. How could this have happened...?
us information regarding Innadril. How could this have happened...?
us information regarding Innadril. How could this have happened...?
us information regarding Innadril. How could this have happened...?

nnadril, you can use it to purchase various ingredients.

o Gandi Chief Chianta in the Town of Dion.

e. Take them to Musician Nanarin.

llect 10 of them and take them to Katari.

e them to Piotur.

Pagina 952

ree and take them to Magister Joan.

nd take them to a Clan Hall Herald.

ry contest for a Clan Hall Siege War.

the Ant Fluids.

ngeon and administer the enzyme to them.

un at a high price.
her craftsman, you can have an Alligator Leather Belt made.
her craftsman, you can have an Alligator Leather Purse made.
Water and dedicate it to the statue.
e and dedicate it to the statue.
Wind and dedicate it to the statue.
Earth and dedicate it to the statue.
of Darkness and dedicate it to the statue.
ght and dedicate it to the statue.
e them to Bentley of Hunter's Village.

at a high price.

n Hardin's Academy.

store or keep it as a souvenir.

n could attract the attention of princes and princesses.

mo Aden Empire.

ves and Humans.

used occasionally by blood queens.
ds "I love you Merkenis!" are engraved.

Pagina 953

make a delicious treat.

l-being as well as having mysterious healing properties.

bsorbed into a the rice and produces a wonderful taste.

ouse in Town of Giran.

wer respectively, go to Town of Aden to see her.

lower respectively, go to Town of Aden to see her.
wer respectively, go to Town of Aden to see her.
nt to Magister Hanellin.
bottle. Take it, along with the Book of Saint and the Bough of Saint to Magister Hanellin.
with the book of a Saint and the blood of a Saint and take it to Magister Hanellin.

of Insolence.
of Insolence.
r of Insolence.

u can use it to buy various ingredients.

an have an echo crystal made.
can have an echo crystal made.
n have an echo crystal made.

ody, you can have an echo crystal made.

y, you can have an echo crystal made.
n have an echo crystal made.
n have an echo crystal made.

s all the summoner's XP. The Sin Eater must be fed Wolf Food.
hat the Sin Eater is gone. You cannot start a quest with these manacles but you can sell them to a trader.

Pagina 954

made from a rare blue type of Leather.

made from a Leather that is studded with rare jewels.

is made from a rare blue type of Leather.

is made of Leather studded with rare jewels.
sold at any store or taken to Magister Nell.
Can be sold at any store or taken to Magister Nell.
n be sold at any store or taken to Magister Nell.
etc. that inhabit the Enchanted Valley.
anor Silenos in the area near the Cemetery.
m a regular store.

success rate is 100%.

% success rate.
e posted every Saturday at 7 p.m. You can't win if you don't play! Good luck!

maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. All cla
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. All cla
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. All cla
l maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. All c
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. All cla
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. All c
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. Wizard
aker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. Warrior
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. Wiza
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. Wiza
aker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. Warrior
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. Wizar
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. All cla
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. All cla
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. All cla
l maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. All c
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. All cla
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. All c
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. Wizard
aker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. Warrior
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. Wiza
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. Wiza
aker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. Warrior
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. Wizar
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. All cla
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. All cla
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. All cla
l maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. All c
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. All cla
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. All c
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. Wizard

Pagina 955

aker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. Warrior
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. Wiza
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. Wiza
aker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. Warrior
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 1st class transfer, before 2nd class transfer. Wizar
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er
ymbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for E
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er
ymbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for E
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er
ymbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for E
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er
ymbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe

Pagina 956

symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for E
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er
ymbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for E
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er
ymbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for E
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er
ymbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used by the Wizard class and the Healer the Wizard c
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for E
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er
ymbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth

Pagina 957

symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for E
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er
ymbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for E
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er
ymbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for E
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er
ymbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used by the Wizard class and the Healer class. after
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for E
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er
ymbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class trasfer, or 1st Liberation for Erth
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Er

Pagina 958

mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Erthe
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after 2nd class transfer, or 1st Liberation for Ert

26 MP is consumed each time it is used.

special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. A crystal of this level is said to absorb crystals on its own, so it doesn't seem like you nee
on. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
s special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
s special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
s special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
s special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
s special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
s special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
s special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
s special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
s special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
ws special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. A crystal of this level is said to absorb crystals on its own, so it doesn't seem like you ne
n. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
special abilities to a weapon. 26 MP is consumed each time it is used.
s special abilities to a weapon. Each use consumes 26 MP. A crystal of this level is said to absorb crystals on its own, so it doesn't seem lik
s rendered it useless.
as rendered it useless.
s rendered it useless.

Take it to Maestro Reorin.

Maestro Reorin.
purity. Take it to Maestro Reorin.

Pagina 959

s.\nRequired level: 58
Required level: 20

ers.\nRequired level: 40

quired level: 40
quired level: 40

uired level: 68

% success rate.
he success rate is 70%.
Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 70%.
6. The success rate is 70%.
The success rate is 60%.
uccess rate is 60%.
success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 60%.
. The success rate is 60%.
uccess rate is 60%.
. The success rate is 60%.

Pagina 960

6. The success rate is 60%.

v. 6. The success rate is 60%.
uccess rate is 60%.
e success rate is 60%.
success rate is 60%.
success rate is 60%.
v. 6. The success rate is 60%.
6. The success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 60%.
e success rate is 60%.
success rate is 60%.
6. The success rate is 60%.
. 6. The success rate is 60%.
Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.

success rate is 60%.

ccess rate is 60%.
success rate is 60%.
cess rate is 60%.
ess rate is 60%.
The success rate is 60%.

uccess rate is 60%.

ccess rate is 60%.
. The success rate is 60%.
ess rate is 60%.
success rate is 70%.
success rate is 70%.
The success rate is 70%.
e success rate is 60%.
ccess rate is 60%.
success rate is 60%.
uccess rate is 60%.

7. The success rate is 60%.

The success rate is 60%.
he success rate is 60%.
v. 7. The success rate is 60%.
. 7. The success rate is 60%.
success rate is 60%.
success rate is 60%.
7. The success rate is 60%.
e success rate is 60%.
e success rate is 60%.
uccess rate is 60%.
Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
7. The success rate is 60%.
success rate is 60%.
uccess rate is 60%.

Pagina 961

he success rate is 60%.

uccess rate is 60%.
Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
7. The success rate is 60%.
he success rate is 60%.

The success rate is 60%.

he success rate is 60%.

The success rate is 60%.

e success rate is 60%.
cess rate is 60%.

own identity.

equired level: 72

da. For best results, a level 5-15 character should plant it on a monster within the same level range. Cannot be transferred between servers
For best results, a level 8-18 character must plant it on a monster within the same level range. Cannot be transferred between servers.
For best results, a level 11- 21 character must plant it on a monster within the same level range. Cannot be transferred between servers.
For best results, a level 14- 24 character must plant it on a monster within the same level range. Cannot be transferred between servers.
a. For best results, a level 17- 27 character must plant it on a monster within the same level range. Cannot be transferred between servers.
For best results, a level 20- 30 character must plant it on a monster within the same level range. Cannot be transferred between servers.
a. For best results, a level 23- 33 character must plant it on a monster within the same level range. Cannot be transferred between servers.
bol. For best results, a level 32- 42 character must plant it on a level 32- 42 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
or best results, a level 14- 24 character must plant it on a monster within the same level range. Cannot be transferred between servers.
For best results, a level 17- 27 character must plant it on a monster within the same level range. Cannot be transferred between servers.
r best results, a level 20- 30 character must plant it on a monster within the same level range. Cannot be transferred between servers.
For best results, a level 23- 33 character must plant it on a monster within the same level range. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ol. For best results, a level 26- 36 character must plant it on a level 26- 36 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
bol. For best results, a level 29- 39 character must plant it on a level 29- 39 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
bol. For best results, a level 35- 45 character must plant it on a level 35- 45 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
obol. For best results, a level 38- 48 character must plant it on a level 38- 48 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
bol. For best results, a level 41- 51 character must plant it on a level 41- 51 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ol. For best results, a level 26- 36 character must plant it on a level 26- 36 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
bol. For best results, a level 29- 39 character must plant it on a level 29- 39 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
bol. For best results, a level 32- 42 character must plant it on a level 32- 42 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
obol. For best results, a level 35- 45 character must plant it on a level 35- 45 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cobol. For best results, a level 38- 48 character must plant it on a level 38- 48 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
bol. For best results, a level 41- 51 character must plant it on a level 41- 51 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ran. For best results, a level 44- 54 character must plant it on a level 44- 54 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
dran. For best results, a level 53- 63 character must plant it on a level 53- 63 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
odran. For best results, a level 59- 69 character must plant it on a level 59- 69 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
or best results, a level 5-15 character must plant it on a monster within the same level range.
or best results, a level 8-18 character must plant it on a monster within the same level range.
or best results, a level 14- 24 character must plant it on a monster within the same level range.

Pagina 962

ol. For best results, a level 26- 36 character must plant it on a level 26- 36 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
bol. For best results, a level 29- 39 character must plant it on a level 29- 39 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ol. For best results, a level 32- 42 character must plant it on a level 32- 42 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
bol. For best results, a level 35- 45 character must plant it on a level 35- 45 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
an. For best results, a level 45- 55 character must plant it on a level 45- 55 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
dran. For best results, a level 47- 57 character must plant it on a level 47- 57 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ran. For best results, a level 50- 60 character must plant it on a level 50- 60 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ran. For best results, a level 53- 63 character must plant it on a level 53- 63 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
obol. For best results, a level 35- 45 character must plant it on a level 35- 45 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cobol. For best results, a level 38- 48 character must plant it on a level 38- 48 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
bol. For best results, a level 41- 51 character must plant it on a level 41- 51 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ran. For best results, a level 44- 54 character must plant it on a level 44- 54 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
dran. For best results, a level 47- 57 character must plant it on a level 47- 57 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ran. For best results, a level 50- 60 character must plant it on a level 50- 60 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
dran. For best results, a level 53- 63 character must plant it on a level 53- 63 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
dran. For best results, a level 56- 66 character must plant it on a level 56- 66 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
odran. For best results, a level 59- 69 character must plant it on a level 59- 69 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.

Pagina 963

ost successful when character and target are not more than 5 levels apart.
you obtain from a shop or quest.

Pagina 964

Create Item - Skill Lv. 2. The success rate is 100%.

Create Item - Skill Lv. 4. The success rate is 100%.
Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
Create Item - Skill Lv. 2. The success rate is 100%.
Create Item - Skill Lv. 4. The success rate is 100%.
Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 2. The success rate is 100%.
Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 4. The success rate is 100%.
Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
utomatically. Food consumption efficiency improves while riding a Strider.
ing this rope to tie an item will reduce its weight so that it will be easier to carry.
ing this rope to tie an item will reduce its weight so that it will be easier to carry.
ing this rope to tie an item will reduce its weight so that it will be easier to carry.
ing this rope to tie an item will reduce its weight so that it will be easier to carry.
ing this rope to tie an item will reduce its weight so that it will be easier to carry.
el treasure chest, the success rate will decrease.
vel treasure chest, the success rate will decrease.
vel treasure chest, the success rate will decrease.
vel treasure chest, the success rate will decrease.
vel treasure chest, the success rate will decrease.
vel treasure chest, the success rate will decrease.
vel treasure chest, the success rate will decrease.
vel treasure chest, the success rate will decrease.

ciety for a new ingredient.

Cobol. For best results, a level 29- 39 character must plant it on a level 29- 39 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
obol. For best results, a level 32- 42 character must plant it on a level 32- 42 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.

Pagina 965

Cobol. For best results, a level 35- 45 character must plant it on a level 35- 45 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cobol. For best results, a level 38- 48 character must plant it on a level 38- 48 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Cobol. For best results, a level 41- 51 character must plant it on a level 41- 51 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
odran. For best results, a level 44- 54 character must plant it on a level 44- 54 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
odran. For best results, a level 45- 55 character must plant it on a level 45- 55 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.

ccess rate is 100%.

Lv. 4. The success rate is 100%.
ngels and soak the cloth with their blood.

male or female characters. The results may be viewed on the Character Creation Screen.
male or female characters. The results may be viewed on the Character Creation Screen.
male or female characters. The results may be viewed on the Character Creation Screen.
emale characters. The results may be viewed on the Character Creation Screen.
emale characters. The results may be viewed on the Character Creation Screen.
emale characters. The results may be viewed on the Character Creation Screen.
be viewed on the Character Creation Screen. Cannot be used by Kamaels or Ertheia.
emale characters. The results may be viewed on the Character Creation Screen.
emale characters. The results may be viewed on the Character Creation Screen.
emale characters. The results may be viewed on the Character Creation Screen.
emale characters. The results may be viewed on the Character Creation Screen.
emale characters. The results may be viewed on the Character Creation Screen.
racters. The results may be viewed on the Character Creation Screen.
racters. The results may be viewed on the Character Creation Screen.

grade blessed spiritshots.

rade blessed spiritshots.
rade blessed spiritshots.
rade blessed spiritshots.
rade blessed spiritshots.
rade blessed spiritshots.
equires Create Item - Skill Lv. 2. The success rate is 100%.
equires Create Item - Skill Lv. 4. The success rate is 100%.
equires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
equires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
equires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.

Pagina 966

equires Create Item - Skill Lv. 2. The success rate is 100%.

equires Create Item - Skill Lv. 4. The success rate is 100%.
equires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
equires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
equires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 2. The success rate is 100%.
grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 4. The success rate is 100%.
grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
grade). Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.

Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.

Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
- Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
- Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
- Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
- Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.

cess rate is 70%.

cess rate is 100%.
7. The success rate is 60%.
7. The success rate is 100%.
ill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
ill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
kill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
kill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
v. 8. The success rate is 60%.
v. 8. The success rate is 100%.
Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
uccess rate is 70%.
uccess rate is 100%.
uccess rate is 70%.
uccess rate is 100%.
ss rate is 70%.
ss rate is 100%.
ss rate is 70%.
ss rate is 100%.
Lv. 7. 60% success rate.
Lv. 7. 100% success rate.
kill Lv. 8. 60% success rate.
kill Lv. 8. 100% success rate.
kill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
kill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.

Pagina 967

7. The success rate is 60%.

7. The success rate is 100%.
Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
. The success rate is 60%.
. The success rate is 100%.
l Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
l Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
. 7. The success rate is 60%.
. 7. The success rate is 100%.
kill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
kill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
v. 8. The success rate is 60%.
v. 8. The success rate is 100%.
ill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
ill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
ll Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
ll Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
v. 8. The success rate is 60%.
v. 8. The success rate is 100%.
ll Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
ll Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
v. 7. The success rate is 60%.
v. 7. The success rate is 100%.
Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
7. The success rate is 60%.
7. The success rate is 100%.
ill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
ill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
- Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
- Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
ill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
ill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
kill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
kill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
kill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
kill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
kill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
kill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
m - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
m - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
kill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.

Pagina 968

kill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.

kill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
kill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
v. 7. The success rate is 60%.
v. 7. The success rate is 100%.
ill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
ill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
v. 8. The success rate is 60%.
v. 8. The success rate is 100%.
uccess rate is 60%.
uccess rate is 100%.
success rate is 100%.
uccess rate is 100%.
success rate is 60%.
success rate is 100%.
ss rate is 60%.
ss rate is 100%.
ss rate is 60%.
ss rate is 100%.
uccess rate is 60%.
uccess rate is 100%.
uccess rate is 60%.
uccess rate is 100%.
success rate is 60%.
success rate is 100%.
success rate is 60%.
success rate is 100%.
success rate is 60%.
success rate is 100%.
e success rate is 60%.
e success rate is 100%.
uccess rate is 60%.
uccess rate is 100%.
s rate is 60%.
s rate is 100%.
The success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 100%.
Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
The success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 100%.
he success rate is 60%.
he success rate is 100%.

Pagina 969

he success rate is 60%.

he success rate is 100%.
ccess rate is 60%.
ccess rate is 100%.
. 4. The success rate is 100%.
Skill Lv. 4. The success rate is 100%.
5. The success rate is 100%.
. 6. The success rate is 100%.
- Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
It can be sold at a regular store.
be sold at a regular store.
can be sold at a regular store.
be sold at a regular store.
e sold at a regular store.
egular store.
egular store.
at a regular store.
sold at a regular store.
sold at a regular store.
t a regular store.
d at a regular store.

a regular store.

old at a regular store.

a regular store.
sold at a regular store.
regular store.
d at a regular store.
at a regular store.
old at a regular store.
at a regular store.
old at a regular store.
ld at a regular store.
at a regular store.
old at a regular store.
sold at a regular store.
t a regular store.
e sold at a regular store.
t a regular store.
old at a regular store.
at a regular store.
be sold at a regular store.
old at a regular store.
sold at a regular store.

Pagina 970

old at a regular store.

d at a regular store.
sold at a regular store.
an be sold at a regular store.
old at a regular store.
sold at a regular store.
sold at a regular store.
sold at a regular store.
e sold at a regular store.
at a regular store.
sold at a regular store.
d at a regular store.

egular store.

egular store.

regular store.
sold at a regular store.
t a regular store.
a regular store.
a regular store.

ciety for a new ingredient.

ciety for a new ingredient.
ciety for a new ingredient.
ciety for a new ingredient.
ciety for a new ingredient.
ciety for a new ingredient.

will create a Holiday Tree for you.

ingredients, and he will create a Holiday Tree for you.
ingredients, and he will create a Holiday Tree for you.
ingredients, and he will create a Holiday Tree for you.

produced if the Special Holiday Tree is summoned a certain distance away from the village.

Pagina 971

nts of Mammon and the Blacksmith of Mammon.

special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. A crystal of this level is said to absorb crystals on its own, so it doesn't seem like you nee
ws special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. A crystal of this level is said to absorb crystals on its own, so it doesn't seem like you ne
s special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. A crystal of this level is said to absorb crystals on its own, so it doesn't seem like you nee
special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. A crystal of this level is said to absorb crystals on its own, so it doesn't seem like you nee
ws special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. A crystal of this level is said to absorb crystals on its own, so it doesn't seem like you ne
s special abilities to a weapon. Consumes 26 MP. A crystal of this level is said to absorb crystals on its own, so it doesn't seem like you nee

harge up to 2 levels.

ive Dark Coda. For best results, a level 5-15 character must plant it on a level 5-15 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ive Red Coda. For best results, a level 8-18 character must plant it on a level 8-18 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ive Chilly Coda. For best results, a level 11- 21 character must plant it on a level 11- 21 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ive Blue Coda. For best results, a level 14- 24 character must plant it on a level 14- 24 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ive Golden Coda. For best results, a level 17- 27 character must plant it on a level 17- 27 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ive Lute Coda. For best results, a level 20- 30 character must plant it on a level 20- 30 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ive Desert Coda. For best results, a level 23- 33 character must plant it on a level 23- 33 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ive Blue Coda. For best results, a level 32- 42 character must plant it on a level 32- 42 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Blue Coda. For best results, a level 14- 24 character must plant it on a level 14- 24 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Golden Coda. For best results, a level 17- 27 character must plant it on a level 17- 27 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Lute Coda. For best results, a level 20- 30 character must plant it on a level 20- 30 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Desert Coda. For best results, a level 23- 33 character must plant it on a level 23- 33 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Red Cobol. For best results, a level 26- 36 character must plant it on a level 26- 36 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Chilly Cobol. For best results, a level 29- 39 character must plant it on a level 29- 39 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Thorn Cobol. For best results, a level 35- 45 character must plant it on a level 35- 45 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Golden Cobol. For best results, a level 38- 48 character must plant it on a level 38- 48 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Great Cobol. For best results, a level 41- 51 character must plant it on a level 41- 51 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Red Cobol. For best results, a level 26- 36 character must plant it on a level 26- 36 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Chilly Cobol. For best results, a level 29- 39 character must plant it on a level 29- 39 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Blue Cobol. For best results, a level 32- 42 character must plant it on a level 32- 42 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Thorn Cobol. For best results, a level 35- 45 character must plant it on a level 35- 45 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.

Pagina 972

ve Golden Cobol. For best results, a level 38- 48 character must plant it on a level 38- 48 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Great Cobol. For best results, a level 41- 51 character must plant it on a level 41- 51 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Red Codran. For best results, a level 44- 54 character must plant it on a level 44- 54 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Twin Codran. For best results, a level 53- 63 character must plant it on a level 53- 63 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Desert Codran. For best results, a level 59- 69 character must plant it on a level 59- 69 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Dark Coda. For best results, a level 5-15 character must plant it on a level 5-15 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Red Coda. For best results, a level 8-18 character must plant it on a level 8-18 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Blue Coda. For best results, a level 14- 24 character must plant it on a level 14- 24 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Red Cobol. For best results, a level 26- 36 character must plant it on a level 26- 36 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Chilly Cobol. For best results, a level 29- 39 character must plant it on a level 29- 39 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Blue Cobol. For best results, a level 32- 42 character must plant it on a level 32- 42 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Thorn Cobol. For best results, a level 35- 45 character must plant it on a level 35- 45 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Sea Codran. For best results, a level 45- 55 character must plant it on a level 45- 55 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Chilly Codran. For best results, a level 47- 57 character must plant it on a level 47- 57 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Blue Codran. For best results, a level 50- 60 character must plant it on a level 50- 60 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Twin Codran. For best results, a level 53- 63 character must plant it on a level 53- 63 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Thorn Cobol. For best results, a level 35- 45 character must plant it on a level 35- 45 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Golden Cobol. For best results, a level 38- 48 character must plant it on a level 38- 48 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Great Cobol. For best results, a level 41- 51 character must plant it on a level 41- 51 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Red Codran. For best results, a level 44- 54 character must plant it on a level 44- 54 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Chilly Codran. For best results, a level 47- 57 character must plant it on a level 47- 57 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Blue Codran. For best results, a level 50- 60 character must plant it on a level 50- 60 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Twin Codran. For best results, a level 53- 63 character must plant it on a level 53- 63 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Great Codran. For best results, a level 56- 66 character must plant it on a level 56- 66 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Desert Codran. For best results, a level 59- 69 character must plant it on a level 59- 69 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
tive Chilly Cobol. For best results, a level 29- 39 character must plant it on a level 29- 39 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
tive Blue Cobol. For best results, a level 32- 42 character must plant it on a level 32- 42 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
tive Thorn Cobol. For best results, a level 35- 45 character must plant it on a level 35- 45 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
tive Golden Cobol. For best results, a level 38- 48 character must plant it on a level 38- 48 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers
tive Great Cobol. For best results, a level 41- 51 character must plant it on a level 41- 51 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
tive Red Codran. For best results, a level 44- 54 character must plant it on a level 44- 54 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
tive Sea Codran. For best results, a level 44- 54 character must plant it on a level 44- 54 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
his/ her abilities will not be diminished. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is 19 or below.

one can join the Lords of Dawn.

Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
v. 6. The success rate is 100%.
v. 6. The success rate is 60%.

Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.

7. The success rate is 100%.
7. The success rate is 60%.
6. The success rate is 100%.
6. The success rate is 60%.
. 6. The success rate is 100%.
. 6. The success rate is 60%.
Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.

Pagina 973

7. The success rate is 100%.

7. The success rate is 60%.

also be sold to a regular store.

an also be sold to a regular store.
also be sold to a regular store.

also be sold to a regular store.

n also be sold to a regular store.
so be sold to a regular store.

his/ her abilities will not be diminished. This item can only be used on self, by characters level 20 - 39.
his/ her abilities will not be diminished. This item can only be used on self by characters level 40 - 51.
his/ her abilities will not be diminished. This item can only be used on self by characters level 52 - 60.
his/ her abilities will not be diminished. This item can only be used on self by characters level 61 - 75.
his/ her abilities will not be diminished. This item can only be used on self by a character whose level is 76 or higher.

moners and Phantom Summoners.\nRequired level: 52

d Phantom Summoners.\nRequired level: 40
s and Phantom Summoners.\nRequired level: 62

Pagina 974

sesses a clan hall, this scroll will have no effect.

ls a castle, this scroll will have no effect.

o Trader Galman in Dragon Valley.

earch material by Magister Gauen of the Ivory Tower.

h material by Magister Gauen of the Ivory Tower.
va of Hunter's Village.
own of Aden.
ect 60 of them and take them to High Priest Orven.

hem, you may be able to decipher the information the document conveys.

eeper Randolf of Town of Giran.

ot be deciphered.

Pagina 975

et some of the texts of the Lesser Giants.

ntire texts of the Lesser Giants.
Harlan located in the Town of Dion.
ese and take them to Guard Harlan located in the Town of Dion.
m to Magister Rollant in the Town of Dion.
Magister Rollant in the Town of Dion.
0 of these and take them to Magister Rollant in the Town of Dion.

determine your score.

i-colored honey rice cakes and 1 Lineage II Commemorative Mark.

colored honey rice cakes and 1 Lineage II Commemorative Mark.
plied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. Every time it is used, it consumes 26 of MP. A crystal of this level is said to ab
colored honey rice cakes and 1 Lineage II Commemorative Mark.
colored honey rice cakes and 1 Lineage II Commemorative Mark.
applied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. Every time it is used, it consumes 26 of MP. A crystal of this level is said to
colored honey rice cakes and 1 Lineage II Commemorative Mark.
colored honey wheat cakes and 1 Lineage II Commemorative Mark.
plied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. Every time it is used, it consumes 26 of MP. A crystal of this level is said to ab
appears to have a mark showing the location of treasure!
ick it, you can examine it closely.
Wind and Earth and take all of them to Elder Casian.
er, Wind and Earth and take all of them to Elder Casian.
r, Wind and Earth and take all of them to Elder Casian.
r, Wind and Earth and take all of them to Elder Casian.

Pagina 976

ra. The 1st of five chapters.

ra. The 2nd of five chapters.
ra. The 3rd of five chapters.
ra. The 4th of five chapters.
ra. The 5th of five chapters.
The 1st of five chapters.
The 2nd of five chapters.
The 3rd of five chapters.
The 4th of five chapters.
The 5th of five chapters.

oductivity. If you collect them, you can use them to play bingo.
al with Mammon's Trader?

o 10 other people, you will have good luck!"

Pagina 977

1st of 13 floors.
2nd of 13 floors.
3rd of 13 floors.
4th of 13 floors.
5th of 13 floors.
6th of 13 floors.
7th of 13 floors.
8th of 13 floors.
9th of 13 floors.
10th of 13 floors.
11th of 13 floors.
12th of 13 floors.
13th of 13 floors.
been evaluated by antique experts yet.
nt" porcelain.

Pagina 978

ng urn located in the basement of the Ivory Tower.

ll Lv. 7. The success rate is 70%.

ll Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
Lv. 7. The success rate is 70%.
Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
7. The success rate is 70%.
7. The success rate is 100%.
ll Lv. 8. The success rate is 70%.
ll Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
Lv. 8. The success rate is 70%.
Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
8. The success rate is 70%.
8. The success rate is 100%.
ld at any store.
ld at any store.
sold at any store.
sold at any store.
at any store.
at any store.

Pagina 979

of Town of Aden to play bingo.

-owning clan.

e item of your choice.

ne cannot prove one's grade.

one cannot prove one's grade.
cannot prove one's grade.
e cannot prove one's grade.
n. Can be used as an ingredient to make other types of fireworks.

ited. It is needed to make large fireworks.

when HP is full.

Pagina 980

can also be sold in shops.

can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.

Pagina 981

can also be sold in shops.

can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.

blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 5 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
ely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level starting f
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
ely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level starting f
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
afely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level star
lunt, one-handed staff, dagger, spear, other weapons, two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-handed staffs, dual daggers, dual sword
afely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level star
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 6 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
t +4, P. Def. increases by 3 and a HP bonus is granted. Enchanting is safe up to +3, but one-piece body armor can be safely enchanted up

Pagina 982

able of evolving, they will do so at various rates. Once a monster reaches a certain level of growth, it can then become a pet. This food also
able of evolving, they will do so at various rates. Once a monster reaches a certain level of growth, it can then become a pet. This food also
r of attack. The number of soulshots consumed can be viewed in the Pet/ Servitor Information window. (Used in the master's inventory.)
r of M. Atk. The number of spiritshots consumed can be viewed in the Pet/ Servitor Information window. (Used in the master's inventory.)
ses the power of M. Atk. The number of blessed spiritshots consumed can be viewed in the Pet/ Servitor Information window. (Used in the m
the XP that its master acquires.
he XP that its master acquires.
percent of the XP that its master acquires.

dinary shops.
at ordinary shops.

inary shops.

Pagina 983

rdinary shops.
d at ordinary shops.
be sold at ordinary shops.
sold at ordinary shops.
o be sold at ordinary shops.
. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
n also be sold at ordinary shops.
an also be sold at ordinary shops.
also be sold at ordinary shops.

n also be sold at ordinary shops.

also be sold at ordinary shops.
also be sold at ordinary shops.
also be sold at ordinary shops.
also be sold at ordinary shops.
be sold at ordinary shops.
o be sold at ordinary shops.
be sold at ordinary shops.
o be sold at ordinary shops.
ative Great Coba. For best results, a level 80-90 character must plant it on a level 80-90 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Sea Coba. For best results, a level 74-84 character must plant it on a level 74-84 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Sea Coba. For best results, a level 74-84 character must plant it on a level 74-84 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ative Sea Coba. For best results, a level 74-84 character must plant it on a level 74-84 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Red Coba. For best results, a level 65-75 character must plant it on a level 65-75 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Red Coba. For best results, a level 65-75 character must plant it on a level 65-75 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
tive Red Coba. For best results, a level 65-75 character must plant it on a level 65-75 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Red Coba. For best results, a level 65-75 character must plant it on a level 65-75 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Red Coba. For best results, a level 65-75 character must plant it on a level 65-75 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Desert Coba. For best results, a level 71-81 character must plant it on a level 71-81 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Desert Coba. For best results, a level 71-81 character must plant it on a level 71-81 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
tive Desert Coba. For best results, a level 71-81 character must plant it on a level 71-81 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ative Desert Coba. For best results, a level 71-81 character must plant it on a level 71-81 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers
ve Desert Coba. For best results, a level 71-81 character must plant it on a level 71-81 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ative Twin Coba. For best results, a level 77-87 character must plant it on a level 77-87 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ive Blue Coba. For best results, a level 62-72 character must plant it on a level 62-72 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Blue Coba. For best results, a level 62-72 character must plant it on a level 62-72 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Blue Coba. For best results, a level 62-72 character must plant it on a level 62-72 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ative Blue Coba. For best results, a level 62-72 character must plant it on a level 62-72 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Blue Coba. For best results, a level 62-72 character must plant it on a level 62-72 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Golden Coba. For best results, a level 68-78 character must plant it on a level 68-78 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Golden Coba. For best results, a level 68-78 character must plant it on a level 68-78 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Golden Coba. For best results, a level 68-78 character must plant it on a level 68-78 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ative Golden Coba. For best results, a level 68-78 character must plant it on a level 68-78 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers
ative Golden Coba. For best results, a level 68-78 character must plant it on a level 68-78 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers
ve Golden Coba. For best results, a level 68-78 character must plant it on a level 68-78 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Coba. For best results, a level 80-90 character must plant it on a level 80-90 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
a. For best results, a level 74-84 character must plant it on a level 74-84 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
a. For best results, a level 74-84 character must plant it on a level 74-84 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Coba. For best results, a level 74-84 character must plant it on a level 74-84 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.

Pagina 984

a. For best results, a level 65-75 character must plant it on a level 65-75 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
a. For best results, a level 65-75 character must plant it on a level 65-75 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
oba. For best results, a level 65-75 character must plant it on a level 65-75 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Coba. For best results, a level 65-75 character must plant it on a level 65-75 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
a. For best results, a level 65-75 character must plant it on a level 65-75 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
oba. For best results, a level 71-81 character must plant it on a level 71-81 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
oba. For best results, a level 71-81 character must plant it on a level 71-81 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Coba. For best results, a level 71-81 character must plant it on a level 71-81 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
rt Coba. For best results, a level 71-81 character must plant it on a level 71-81 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
oba. For best results, a level 71-81 character must plant it on a level 71-81 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Coba. For best results, a level 77-87 character must plant it on a level 77-87 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ba. For best results, a level 62-72 character must plant it on a level 62-72 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ba. For best results, a level 62-72 character must plant it on a level 62-72 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
a. For best results, a level 62-72 character must plant it on a level 62-72 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Coba. For best results, a level 62-72 character must plant it on a level 62-72 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ba. For best results, a level 62-72 character must plant it on a level 62-72 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Coba. For best results, a level 68-78 character must plant it on a level 68-78 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
oba. For best results, a level 68-78 character must plant it on a level 68-78 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Coba. For best results, a level 68-78 character must plant it on a level 68-78 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Coba. For best results, a level 68-78 character must plant it on a level 68-78 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
en Coba. For best results, a level 68-78 character must plant it on a level 68-78 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Coba. For best results, a level 68-78 character must plant it on a level 68-78 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.

to the inner castle or the guardian's location.

to the outer castle or the guardian's location.
to the inner or outer castle.

Pagina 985

Lv. 9. The success rate is 70%.

Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
v. 9. The success rate is 70%.
v. 9. The success rate is 100%.
kill Lv. 9. The success rate is 70%.
kill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
m - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
m - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
- Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
- Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
Skill Lv. 9. 60% success rate.
Skill Lv. 9. 100% success rate.
m - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
m - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.

Pagina 986

Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.

kill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
kill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
- Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
- Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
l Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
l Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
ill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
ill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
success rate is 60%.
success rate is 100%.
. The success rate is 60%.
. The success rate is 100%.
success rate is 60%.
success rate is 100%.
uccess rate is 60%.
uccess rate is 100%.
ccess rate is 60%.
ccess rate is 100%.
The success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 100%.
cess rate is 60%.
cess rate is 100%.
success rate is 60%.
success rate is 100%.
e success rate is 60%.
e success rate is 100%.
success rate is 60%.
success rate is 100%.
success rate is 100%.

can also be sold in shops.

can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
Common Item Skill Lv. 2.

Pagina 987

Common Item Skill Lv. 3.

Skill Lv. 4. Has a chance of crafting a hair accessory with Pendant options.
m Skill Lv. 4. Has a chance of crafting a hair accessory with Pendant options.
n Item - Skill Lv. 4. Has a chance of crafting a hair accessory with Pendant options.
l Lv. 4. Has a chance of crafting a hair accessory with Pendant options.
m Skill Lv. 1.
mon Item Skill Lv. 2.
mmon Item Skill Lv. 5.
Item Skill Lv. 1.
tem Skill Lv. 2.

mon Item Skill Lv. 2.

ate Common Item Skill Lv. 1.

mon Item Skill Lv. 3.
uires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 3.
on Item Skill Lv. 1.
e Common Item Skill Lv. 3.
Item Skill Lv. 2.
tem Skill Lv. 3.
tem Skill Lv. 3.
tem Skill Lv. 3.

Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 3.

Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 3.
Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 3.
Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 3.
Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 3.
Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 3.
Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 3.
mmon Item Skill Lv. 4.
mmon Item Skill Lv. 4.
ommon Item Skill Lv. 4.
Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
mmon Item Skill Lv. 4.
ommon Item Skill Lv. 4.
mmon Item Skill Lv. 4.
mon Item Skill Lv. 4.
ommon Item Skill Lv. 4.
ommon Item Skill Lv. 4.
mon Item Skill Lv. 4.

reate Common Item Skill Lv. 4.

eate Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
reate Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.

Pagina 988

reate Common Item Skill Lv. 4.

Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
eate Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
ate Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
reate Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
ate Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
reate Common Item Skill Lv. 4.
reate Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
eate Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
reate Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
reate Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
eate Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
ate Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
reate Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
ate Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
reate Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
reate Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
eate Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
reate Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
reate Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
eate Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
ate Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
reate Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
Create Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
ate Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
reate Common Item Skill Lv. 5.
reate Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
eate Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
reate Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
Create Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
reate Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
Create Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
eate Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
ate Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
reate Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
Create Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
ate Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
reate Common Item Skill Lv. 6.
ol. For best results, a level 32- 42 character must plant it on a level 32- 42 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
dran. For best results, a level 50- 60 character must plant it on a level 50- 60 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
dran. For best results, a level 50- 60 character must plant it on a level 50- 60 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
obol. For best results, a level 29- 39 character must plant it on a level 29- 39 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
da. For best results, a level 11- 21 character must plant it on a level 11- 21 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.

Pagina 989

odran. For best results, a level 47- 57 character must plant it on a level 47- 57 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
dran. For best results, a level 47- 57 character must plant it on a level 47- 57 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Codran. For best results, a level 59- 69 character must plant it on a level 59- 69 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
rt Codran. For best results, a level 59- 69 character must plant it on a level 59- 69 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
obol. For best results, a level 38- 48 character must plant it on a level 38- 48 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
oda. For best results, a level 17- 27 character must plant it on a level 17- 27 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
bol. For best results, a level 41- 51 character must plant it on a level 41- 51 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
odran. For best results, a level 56- 66 character must plant it on a level 56- 66 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
dran. For best results, a level 56- 66 character must plant it on a level 56- 66 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Blue Cobol. For best results, a level 32- 42 character must plant it on a level 32- 42 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ive Blue Codran. For best results, a level 50- 60 character must plant it on a level 50- 60 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Blue Codran. For best results, a level 50- 60 character must plant it on a level 50- 60 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ive Chilly Cobol. For best results, a level 29- 39 character must plant it on a level 29- 39 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Chilly Coda. For best results, a level 11- 21 character must plant it on a level 11- 21 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ive Chilly Codran. For best results, a level 47- 57 character must plant it on a level 47- 57 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Chilly Codran. For best results, a level 47- 57 character must plant it on a level 47- 57 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ive Desert Codran. For best results, a level 59- 69 character must plant it on a level 59- 69 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers
ative Desert Codran. For best results, a level 59- 69 character must plant it on a level 59- 69 monster. Cannot be transferred between serv
e Golden Cobol. For best results, a level 38- 48 character must plant it on a level 38- 48 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Golden Coda. For best results, a level 17- 27 character must plant it on a level 17- 27 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Great Cobol. For best results, a level 41- 51 character must plant it on a level 41- 51 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ive Great Codran. For best results, a level 56- 66 character must plant it on a level 56- 66 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers
ve Great Codran. For best results, a level 56- 66 character must plant it on a level 56- 66 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ive Red Cobol. For best results, a level 26- 36 character must plant it on a level 26- 36 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Red Codran. For best results, a level 44- 54 character must plant it on a level 44- 54 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Red Codran. For best results, a level 44- 54 character must plant it on a level 44- 54 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Sea Codran. For best results, a level 45- 55 character must plant it on a level 45- 55 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Sea Codran. For best results, a level 45- 55 character must plant it on a level 45- 55 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Sea Codran. For best results, a level 45- 55 character must plant it on a level 45- 55 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ive Twin Codran. For best results, a level 53- 63 character must plant it on a level 53- 63 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
bol. For best results, a level 26- 36 character must plant it on a level 26- 36 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
an. For best results, a level 44- 54 character must plant it on a level 44- 54 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
an. For best results, a level 44- 54 character must plant it on a level 44- 54 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
an. For best results, a level 44- 54 character must plant it on a level 44- 54 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ran. For best results, a level 44- 54 character must plant it on a level 44- 54 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ran. For best results, a level 44- 54 character must plant it on a level 44- 54 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
odran. For best results, a level 53- 63 character must plant it on a level 53- 63 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.

Pagina 990

ess Spirit at the entrance of the 4th sepulcher for directions.

al with those subdued by his devilishness. Double-click to view contents.

ncient giant. Double-click to view contents.

o view contents.
o view contents.
o view contents.
o view contents.
o view contents.
o view contents.
o view contents.
o view contents.

Pagina 991

urned it to you. Take this to Dark Elf Magister Tifaren.

d. It is a model spear thus it Has no P. Atk.

Lidia's maid. Take this to the mysterious magus and question him.

pear in the Forest of the Dead at night.

Town of Rune and question them about it.

ity of the king.

Pagina 992

nt alliance relations.
ndent alliance relations.
dly alliance relations.
alliance relations.
fast firm alliance relations.

Pagina 993

nce relations.
lliance relations.
nce relations.

m alliance relations.

be used again. It may be useful when meeting the ghost of Elmoreden Chamberlain.
meeting the Nameless Spirit.

Valakas Watchman Klein, you will be permitted to go up to the entrance to the Hall of Flames.

Pagina 994

ion requested by Magister Justin.

ion requested by Magister Alminas.
ion requested by Magister Kamilen.
igation requested by Guard Baird.
ion requested by High Priest Gregory.
eated with a highly skilled hand, it looks like a flower.
ower of the gods from the beginning of the world.
hey are freezing.
cient times to strengthen their stamina the day before their match.
o legend, depending on the fish you use to make it, it can have the effect of increasing or of decreasing one's lifespan.
t feels cold to the lips it becomes hot in one's body.

ain the memory of the moment of its death.

d. Perhaps it was used to transfix the shape of the necromancer.
ower of undead.
ne piece of this high quality meat can be obtained from one beast.
have a pleasant aroma, it doesn't give good flavor when eating it.

omplained that one of the maps he was supposed to receive didn't arrive...?

If you collect this item and take them to a gatekeeper, you can trade them for various types of Scroll of Escape.

Pagina 995

een looking for.

sold at ordinary shops.

uccess rate is 60%.
uccess rate is 100%.
5% or below, this feed will be consumed automatically.

you hold it in your hand, you smell the scent of grass, wet with spring rain.
g of an ocean breeze filled with moisture blowing gently in your face.

to use this bait. Only those who are highly skilled in fishing should use it.
to use this bait. Only those who are highly skilled in fishing should use it.
use this bait. Only those who are highly skilled in fishing should use it.
sy to use this bait. Only those who are highly skilled in fishing should use it.

Pagina 996

It seems to be designed by Shaling.

-click to see the contents.

click to see the contents.
e-click to see the contents.
o see the contents.
to see the contents.
e the contents.
e the contents.
see the contents.
see the contents.

Required level: 40
ers.\nRequired level: 40

ners.\nRequired level: 56
quired level: 56

pectral Masters.

Pagina 997

d when you reach Subclass Lv. 65.

d when you reach Subclass Lv. 75.

ordinary shops.
dinary shops.

reate Common Item Skill Lv. 4. Has a chance of crafting a hair accessory with Pendant options.
Common Item Skill Lv. 4. Has a chance of crafting a hair accessory with Pendant options.

old at a general store.

Create Common Item Skill Lv. 4. Has a chance of crafting a hair accessory with Pendant options.
Common Item Skill Lv. 4. Has a chance of crafting a hair accessory with Pendant options.
here and there. It seems to contain an object that looks like a water bottle. If you Double-click it, you can view what it contains.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.

Pagina 998

s a regular ingredient to make other items.

s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.

Pagina 999

s a regular ingredient to make other items.

s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
s a regular ingredient to make other items.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
turers' Guide.

during the end of year holiday season.

n to the inner castle or the guardian's location.

n to the outer castle or the guardian's location.
n to the inner or outer castle.

Pagina 1000

y when in the possession of the Lords of Dawn.

when in the possession of the Lords of Dawn.
when in the possession of the Lords of Dawn.
when in the possession of the Lords of Dawn.
y when in the possession of the Lords of Dawn.
hen in the possession of the Lords of Dawn.
en in the possession of the Lords of Dawn.
n in the possession of the Lords of Dawn.
en in the possession of the Lords of Dawn.
hen in the possession of the Lords of Dawn.
y when in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
when in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
when in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
when in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
y when in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
hen in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
en in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
n in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
en in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
hen in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
y when in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
when in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
when in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
when in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
y when in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
hen in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
en in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
n in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
en in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
hen in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
hen in the possession of the Lords of Dawn.
hen in the possession of the Lords of Dawn.

Pagina 1001

he East Gate of the inner castle, the western section of the outer castle, the Plaza or the guardian's location.
he outer castle, the East Gate of the inner castle, the Plaza or the guardian's location.
he outer castle, the West Gate of the outer castle, the Plaza or the guardian's location.
he outer castle, the western section of the outer castle, the East Gate of the outer castle or the guardian's location.
he outer castle, the western section of the outer castle, the East Gate of the outer castle or to the Plaza.

en in the possession of the Lords of Dawn.

n in the possession of the Lords of Dawn.
in the possession of the Lords of Dawn.
n in the possession of the Lords of Dawn.
en in the possession of the Lords of Dawn.
n the possession of the Lords of Dawn.
the possession of the Lords of Dawn.
he possession of the Lords of Dawn.
the possession of the Lords of Dawn.
n the possession of the Lords of Dawn.
en in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
n in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
n in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
en in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
n the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
he possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
n the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
en in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
n in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
n in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
en in the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
n the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
he possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
n the possession of the Revolutionaries of Dusk.
n the possession of the Lords of Dawn.
n the possession of the Lords of Dawn.

Pagina 1002

d through the Red-colored box, which is a reward for fishing.

prings Clan Hall Battle.
prings Clan Hall Battle.
prings Clan Hall Battle.
prings Clan Hall Battle.
prings Clan Hall Battle.
prings Clan Hall Battle.
prings Clan Hall Battle.
prings Clan Hall Battle.
prings Clan Hall Battle.
prings Clan Hall Battle.
prings Clan Hall Battle.
prings Clan Hall Battle.
prings Clan Hall Battle.
prings Clan Hall Battle.
prings Clan Hall Battle.
prings Clan Hall Battle.
prings Clan Hall Battle.
prings Clan Hall Battle.
prings Clan Hall Battle.
prings Clan Hall Battle.
prings Clan Hall Battle.

nd take it with you.

ear the Imperial Tomb entrance and he will let you enter the forbidden area.
Floran Village.

ke it to Almankel in Floran Village.

Pagina 1003

something useful.
something useful.
something useful.
something useful.
something useful.
something useful.
something useful.
something useful.
something useful.
something useful.
something useful.
something useful.
something useful.
something useful.
something useful.
something useful.
something useful.

something useful.
eted upon entering the Last Imperial Tomb.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.

Pagina 1004

can also be sold in shops.

can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
dran. For best results, a level 53- 63 character must plant it on a level 53- 63 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
dran. For best results, a level 56- 66 character must plant it on a level 56- 66 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
odran. For best results, a level 59- 69 character must plant it on a level 59- 69 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ba. For best results, a level 62-72 character must plant it on a level 62-72 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
a. For best results, a level 65-75 character must plant it on a level 65-75 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Coba. For best results, a level 68-78 character must plant it on a level 68-78 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
oba. For best results, a level 71-81 character must plant it on a level 71-81 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Twin Codran. For best results, a level 53- 63 character must plant it on a level 53- 63 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Great Codran. For best results, a level 56- 66 character must plant it on a level 56- 66 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Desert Codran. For best results, a level 59- 69 character must plant it on a level 59- 69 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Blue Coba. For best results, a level 62-72 character must plant it on a level 62-72 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Red Coba. For best results, a level 65-75 character must plant it on a level 65-75 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Golden Coba. For best results, a level 68-78 character must plant it on a level 68-78 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Desert Coba. For best results, a level 71-81 character must plant it on a level 71-81 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
k Coda. For the best chance of success, it should be planted by a character whose level is between 5-15 onto a monster whose level is bet
Coda. For the best chance of success, it should be planted by a character whose level is between 8-18 onto a monster whose level is betw
y Coda. For best results, a level 11- 21 character must plant it on a level 11- 21 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Coda. For the best chance of success, it should be planted by a character whose level is between 14- 24 onto a monster whose level is be
den Coda. For the best chance of success, it should be planted by a character whose level is between 17- 27 onto a monster whose level is
e Coda. For the best chance of success, it should be planted by a character whose level is between 20- 30 onto a monster whose level is be
ert Coda. For the best chance of success, it should be planted by a character whose level is between 23- 33 onto a monster whose level is
Cobol. For best results, a level 26- 36 character must plant it on a level 26- 36 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
y Cobol. For best results, a level 29- 39 character must plant it on a level 29- 39 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Cobol. For best results, a level 32- 42 character must plant it on a level 32- 42 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
rn Cobol. For best results, a level 35- 45 character must plant it on a level 35- 45 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
den Cobol. For best results, a level 38- 48 character must plant it on a level 38- 48 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
at Cobol. For best results, a level 41- 51 character must plant it on a level 41- 51 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Codran. For best results, a level 44- 54 character must plant it on a level 44- 54 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Codran. For best results, a level 45- 55 character must plant it on a level 45- 55 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
y Codran. For best results, a level 47- 57 character must plant it on a level 47- 57 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e Codran. For best results, a level 50- 60 character must plant it on a level 50- 60 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
n Codran. For best results, a level 53- 63 character must plant it on a level 53- 63 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
rnative Dark Coda. For best results, a level 5-15 character must plant it on a level 5-15 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
rnative Red Coda. For best results, a level 8-18 character must plant it on a level 8-18 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
rnative Chilly Coda. For best results, a level 11- 21 character must plant it on a level 11- 21 monster. Cannot be transferred between server
rnative Blue Coda. For best results, a level 14- 24 character must plant it on a level 14- 24 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers
rnative Golden Coda. For best results, a level 17- 27 character must plant it on a level 17- 27 monster. Cannot be transferred between serv
rnative Lute Coda. For best results, a level 20- 30 character must plant it on a level 20- 30 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers
rnative Desert Coda. For best results, a level 23- 33 character must plant it on a level 23- 33 monster. Cannot be transferred between serve
rnative Red Cobol. For best results, a level 26- 36 character must plant it on a level 26- 36 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers
rnative Chilly Cobol. For best results, a level 29- 39 character must plant it on a level 29- 39 monster. Cannot be transferred between serve
rnative Blue Cobol. For best results, a level 32- 42 character must plant it on a level 32- 42 monster. Cannot be transferred between server

Pagina 1005

rnative Thorn Cobol. For best results, a level 35- 45 character must plant it on a level 35- 45 monster. Cannot be transferred between serve
rnative Golden Cobol. For best results, a level 38- 48 character must plant it on a level 38- 48 monster. Cannot be transferred between serv
rnative Great Cobol. For best results, a level 41- 51 character must plant it on a level 41- 51 monster. Cannot be transferred between serve
rnative Red Codran. For best results, a level 44- 54 character must plant it on a level 44- 54 monster. Cannot be transferred between serve
rnative Sea Codran. For best results, a level 45- 55 character must plant it on a level 45- 55 monster. Cannot be transferred between serve
rnative Chilly Codran. For best results, a level 47- 57 character must plant it on a level 47- 57 monster. Cannot be transferred between serv
rnative Blue Codran. For best results, a level 50- 60 character must plant it on a level 50- 60 monster. Cannot be transferred between serve
rnative Twin Codran. For best results, a level 53- 63 character must plant it on a level 53- 63 monster. Cannot be transferred between serve

Warehouse Keeper Norman in Gludin Village.

Warehouse Keeper Norman in Gludin Village.
Warehouse Keeper Norman in Gludin Village.
for the study of balancing spirit power.


es Create Item - Skill Lv. 2. The success rate is 100%.

ires Create Item - Skill Lv. 3. The success rate is 100%.
ires Create Item - Skill Lv. 5. The success rate is 100%.
Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
success rate is 60%.
equires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
equires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
res Create Item - Skill Lv. 2. The success rate is 100%.
d Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 3. The success rate is 100%.
Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 4. The success rate is 100%.
quires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
tem - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
tem - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
es Create Item - Skill Lv. 3. The success rate is 100%.
res Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
ires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
ires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
used by Dwarves and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
em - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.

Pagina 1006

em - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.

nd Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
nd Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.
and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 3. The success rate is 100%.
Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
s Create Item - Skill Lv. 5. The success rate is 100%.
es and Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
quires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 100%.
quires Create Item - Skill Lv. 6. The success rate is 60%.
es Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 100%.
es Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.
uires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 100%.
uires Create Item - Skill Lv. 8. The success rate is 60%.

ailable at any shop.

can also be sold in shops.

can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.

Pagina 1007

Common Skill level 6. The success rate is 100%. Has a chance of crafting a hair accessory with Pendant options.
Common Skill level 6. The success rate is 70%. Has a chance of crafting a hair accessory with Pendant options.
mmon Skill level 6. The success rate is 100%. Has a chance of crafting a hair accessory with Pendant options.
mmon Skill level 6. The success rate is 70%. Has a chance of crafting a hair accessory with Pendant options.
em Common Skill level 6. The success rate is 100%. Has a chance of crafting a hair accessory with Pendant options.
em Common Skill level 6. The success rate is 70%. Has a chance of crafting a hair accessory with Pendant options.
level 4. 100% chance of success. Has a chance of crafting a hair accessory with Pendant options.
Common Item Skill level 4. 100% chance of success. Has a chance of crafting a hair accessory with Pendant options.
mmon Item Skill level 4. 100% chance of success. Has a chance of crafting a hair accessory with Pendant options.

tom Summoners.

nRequired level: 58
Required level: 58

om Summoners.\nRequired level: 58

quired level: 58
uired level: 58

n Elders.\nRequired level: 56

hillien Elders.\nRequired level: 56

other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.

Pagina 1008

other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.

Pagina 1009

other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.
other items.

Requires Create Item - Skill Lv. 7. The success rate is 60%.

ain that flies.

can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.

Pagina 1010

can also be sold in shops.

can also be sold in shops.
can also be sold in shops.

76-84). Can also be used by characters below level 76.

a. For best results, a level 74-84 character must plant it on a level 74-84 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Sea Coba. For best results, a level 74-84 character must plant it on a level 74-84 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ba. For best results, a level 77-87 character must plant it on a level 77-87 monster.
ve Twin Coba. For best results, a level 77-87 character must plant it on a level 77-87 monster.
ba. For best results, a level 80-90 character must plant it on a level 80-90 monster.
ve Great Coba. For best results, a level 80-90 character must plant it on a level 80-90 monster.

vel 20 may redeem it at a Newbie Helper for travel between Talking Island Village, Dark Elf Village, Elven Village, Dwarven Village, Orc Vill

eau's Southern Region.

can obtain the Certificate for Participation in a Clan Hall war in the Hot Springs at a certain chance.
Can only be used in daytime.

andomly change to a different item.

egular store.

entering the Last Imperial Tomb.

used when the Weight Gauge is below 80% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
used when the Weight Gauge is below 80% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
used when the Weight Gauge is below 80% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
used when the Weight Gauge is below 80% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
used when the Weight Gauge is below 80% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
used when the Weight Gauge is below 80% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
a No-grade weapon at Adventurers' Guide.
a D-grade weapon at Adventurers' Guide.
be used on self by a character of level 19 or below. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters.
be used on self by characters level 20 - 39. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters.
be used on self by characters level 40 - 51. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters.
be used on self by characters level 52 - 60. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters.

Pagina 1011

be used on self by characters level 61 - 75. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters.
be used by a character whose level is 76 or higher. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters.

and Phantom Summoners.\nRequired level: 56

modern language. (Can only be used by characters level 52 or above.)

urposes. It contains more information than the modern language version. (Can only be used by characters level 61 or above.)
the same as the original version. (Can only be used by characters level 76 or above.)
d its contents. (Can only be used by characters level 76 or above.)
Cooldown is 5 min.

Cooldown is 5 min.

Cooldown is 5 min.

tem Skill Lv. 1.

em Skill Lv. 2.
em Skill Lv. 3.
em Skill Lv. 4.
em Skill Lv. 5.
em Skill Lv. 6.
Item Skill Lv. 1.

Pagina 1012

tem Skill Lv. 2.

tem Skill Lv. 3.
tem Skill Lv. 4.
tem Skill Lv. 5.
tem Skill Lv. 6.
em Skill Lv. 1.
m Skill Lv. 2.
m Skill Lv. 3.
m Skill Lv. 4.
m Skill Lv. 5.
m Skill Lv. 6.

o transform into a random special item.

Results are temporary at best."
BEWARE! Changes caused will be permanent. Drink at your own risk!"
BEWARE! Changes caused will be permanent. Drink at your own risk!"
BEWARE! Changes caused will be permanent. Drink at your own risk!"
BEWARE! Changes caused will be permanent. Drink at your own risk!"
BEWARE! Changes caused will be permanent. Drink at your own risk!"
BEWARE! Changes caused will be permanent. Drink at your own risk!"
BEWARE! Changes caused will be permanent. Drink at your own risk!"
BEWARE! Changes caused will be permanent. Drink at your own risk!"
BEWARE! Changes caused will be permanent. Drink at your own risk!"
BEWARE! Changes caused will be permanent. Drink at your own risk!"
BEWARE! Changes caused will be permanent. Drink at your own risk!"
BEWARE! Changes caused will be permanent. Drink at your own risk!"
BEWARE! Changes caused will be permanent. Drink at your own risk!"
BEWARE! Changes caused will be permanent. Drink at your own risk!"
0% success rate.
00% success rate.
60% success rate.
100% success rate.
60% success rate.
100% success rate.
kill Lv. 8. 60% success rate.
kill Lv. 8. 100% success rate.
60% success rate.
100% success rate.
. 60% success rate.
. 100% success rate.
60% success rate.
100% success rate.
Lv. 8. 60% success rate.
Lv. 8. 100% success rate.
8. 60% success rate.
8. 100% success rate.
60% success rate.
100% success rate.
v. 8. 60% success rate.

Pagina 1013

. 8. 100% success rate.

egular store.

at a regular store.

regular store.

ey component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 46 or above.

ey component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 49 or above.
ey component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 52 or above.
ey component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 55 or above.
ey component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 58 or above.
ey component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 61 or above.
ey component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 64 or above.
ey component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 67 or above.
ey component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 70 or above.
ey component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 76 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 46 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 49 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 52 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 55 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 58 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 61 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 64 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 67 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 70 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 76 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 46 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 49 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 52 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 55 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 58 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 61 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 64 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 67 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 70 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 76 or above.
magical damage. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 46 or above.
magical damage. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 49 or above.
magical damage. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 52 or above.
magical damage. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 55 or above.
magical damage. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 58 or above.
magical damage. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 61 or above.
magical damage. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 64 or above.

Pagina 1014

magical damage. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 67 or above.
magical damage. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 70 or above.
magical damage. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 76 or above.

e card game if you bring Klump more than 50 of these gems.

bring him more than 50.

er, Captain Marquez.

Deliver it to Kirikachin.

and Dwarven craftsmen.

m a special ritual.

a memorial service at the Warrior's Tomb.

attle Sailren.

your class to exchange it for a shadow item.

your class to exchange it for a shadow item.
and Channel. Use it to create a Command Channel.
he swoop cannon skill.

Pagina 1015

ired level: 62
er.\nRequired level: 58
hoenix Knight, Hell Knight, Eva's Templar, and Shillien Templar.
rd Muse and Spectral Dancer.
a Titan and Fortune Seeker.
adnought and Maestro.
elist and Grand Khavatari.
Sagittarius, Ghost Sentinel, and Moonlight Sentinel.
Adventurer and a Windrider.

ord, Elemental Master, and Spectral Master.

d Shillien Saint.
arsmith.\nRequired level: 68

uired level: 56

hadow Items appropriate to your level.

hadow Items appropriate to your level.
nsumables appropriate to your level.
the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are more than 20 empty inventory slots.)
the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are more than 20 empty inventory slots.)
the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are more than 20 empty inventory slots.)
he Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are more than 20 empty inventory slots.)
the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are more than 20 empty inventory slots.)
the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are more than 20 empty inventory slots.)
n the Weight Gauge is below 80% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
the Weight Gauge is below 80% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
the Weight Gauge is below 80% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
the Weight Gauge is below 80% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
the Weight Gauge is below 80% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)

Pagina 1016

d when the Weight Gauge is below 80% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
ed when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
en the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
hen the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
used when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
hen the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
ed when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
ed when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
ed when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
d when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
(Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
d when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
(Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
n the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
e used when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
e used when the Weight Gauge is below 60% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
the Weight Gauge is below 80% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
the Weight Gauge is below 80% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
the Weight Gauge is below 80% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
the Weight Gauge is below 80% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
the Weight Gauge is below 80% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)
when the Weight Gauge is below 80% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)

o earn a reward in a lottery.

ucky, you won't receive anything. (Can be used when the Weight Gauge is below 80% and there are 10 or more empty inventory slots.)

equipped during the year end.

cle to your Recipe Book. Requires Create Item (Lv. 1). The success rate is 100%.

Pagina 1017

rcle to your Recipe Book. Requires Create Item (Lv. 1). The success rate is 100%.
Circle to your Recipe Book. Requires Create Item (Lv. 1). The success rate is 100%.
Circle to your Recipe Book. Requires Create Item (Lv. 1). The success rate is 100%.
Circle to your Recipe Book. Requires Create Item (Lv. 1). The success rate is 100%.
Circle to your Recipe Book. Requires Create Item (Lv. 1). The success rate is 100%.

not be used when HP is full.

re powerful options.
v. 9). The success rate is 60%.
. The success rate is 60%.
. The success rate is 60%.
9). The success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 60%.
(Lv. 9). The success rate is 60%.
em (Lv. 9). The success rate is 60%.
m (Lv. 9). The success rate is 60%.
m (Lv. 9). The success rate is 60%.
(Lv. 9). The success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 60%.
9). The success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 60%.
. The success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 60%.
60% success rate.
v. 9). The success rate is 100%.
. The success rate is 100%.
. The success rate is 100%.
9). The success rate is 100%.
The success rate is 100%.
(Lv. 9). The success rate is 100%.
em (Lv. 9). The success rate is 100%.
m (Lv. 9). The success rate is 100%.
m (Lv. 9). The success rate is 100%.
(Lv. 9). The success rate is 100%.
The success rate is 100%.
9). The success rate is 100%.
The success rate is 100%.
. The success rate is 100%.
The success rate is 100%.

Pagina 1018

. 9. 100% success rate.

te increases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Stones can be used up to attribute level 3. Additionally, a maximum of three types
te increases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Stones can be used up to attribute level 3. Additionally, a maximum of three types
ttribute by 6 when bestowed on armor, thereby increasing wind resistance. The maximum attribute level is 3. Additionally, a maximum of thr
ute increases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Stones can be used up to attribute level 3. Additionally, a maximum of three types
e increases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Stones can be used up to attribute level 3. Additionally, a maximum of three types
e increases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Stones can be used up to attribute level 3. Additionally, a maximum of three types
te increases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Crystals can be used up to attribute level 6. Additionally, a maximum of three type
n and water defense attribute by 6 when bestowed on armor, thereby increasing fire resistance. The maximum attribute level is 6. Additiona
and earth defense attribute by 6 when bestowed on armor, thereby increasing wind resistance. The maximum attribute level is 6. Additiona
ute increases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Crystals can be used up to attribute level 6. Additionally, a maximum of three type
e increases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Crystals can be used up to attribute level 6. Additionally, a maximum of three types
e increases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Crystals can be used up to attribute level 6. Additionally, a maximum of three types
nd fire defense attribute by 6 when bestowed on armor, thereby increasing water resistance. The maximum attribute level is 9. Additionally,
n and water defense attribute by 6 when bestowed on armor, thereby increasing fire resistance. The maximum attribute level is 9. Additiona
and earth defense attribute by 6 when bestowed on armor, thereby increasing wind resistance. The maximum attribute level is 9. Additiona
ute increases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. The maximum attribute level is 9. Additionally, a maximum of three types of elemental Attri
e increases by 9 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Crystals can be used up to attribute level 6. Additionally, a maximum of three types
e increases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Crystals can be used up to attribute level 9. Additionally, a maximum of three types
ute increases by % when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Stones can be used up to attribute level 12. Additionally, a maximum of three typ
ute increases by % when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Stones can be used up to attribute level 12. Additionally, a maximum of three typ
bute increases by % when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Stones can be used up to attribute level 12. Additionally, a maximum of three ty
bute increases by % when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Stones can be used up to attribute level 12. Additionally, a maximum of three ty
ute increases by % when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Stones can be used up to attribute level 12. Additionally, a maximum of three typ
ute increases by % when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Stones can be used up to attribute level 12. Additionally, a maximum of three typ
plied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. Every time it is used, it consumes 26 of MP. A crystal of this level is said to ab
plied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. Every time it is used, it consumes 26 of MP. A crystal of this level is said to ab
applied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. Every time it is used, it consumes 26 of MP. A crystal of this level is said to
ey component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 80 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 80 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 80 or above.
al or magical force. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 80 or above.
his to Blacksmith Ram, he will exchange it for a useful item.

Pagina 1019

his to Blacksmith Ram, he will exchange it for a useful item.

s to Blacksmith Ram, he will exchange it for a useful item.
s to Blacksmith Ram, he will exchange it for a useful item.
his to Blacksmith Ram, he will exchange it for a useful item.
is to Blacksmith Ram, he will exchange it for a useful item.

ciety for a new ingredient.

ciety for a new ingredient.
ciety for a new ingredient.

his permit can travel freely throughout Hellbound whether he is a follower of Beleth, a native, or anyone else.

Pagina 1020

n the wrong targets.

le making a pilgrimage to the Tablet. Double-click it for more information.

Pagina 1021

Town of Gludio.
of the Kamael Guild to change your job.

own of Oren.
rand master of the Kamael Guild to change your job.

ell as Ol Mahum Organization Charts, and give them to Kamael Master Sione.
hem, as well as the Ol Mahum Orders, and give them to Kamael Master Sione.
m. It should be delivered to Kamael Master Gobie.
athis in the Town of Gludio.

Master Tobias in the Town of Gludio.

Dark Elves, should be delivered to Master Sione.

Master to complete the class transfer to a Warder.

unt, he will give you information.

eldina can decode it.

Pagina 1022

over who is behind the attack.

aius. Let's interrogate Gaius with the request.
ed Manashen if you can find every piece of the charm.
eleth's minion, the Crimson Duchess. Take it to Master Selsia.
mael Grand Master to be transferred to Arbalester.
ecover her memories.
be delivered to Priest Karnis.
ound Island under observation. Give it to him and try to talk with him.
enable him to carry on with his experiments.
formation magic.
r Clayton of Dion.

It should be delivered to Hardin.

o 2nd floor of the Ivory Tower to the Wizard of Transformation, you can be transformed.

be delivered to a Manager at the Fortress Monster Prison Camp.

should be delivered to a Manager at the Fortress Monster Prison Camp.

something useful.
something useful.
something useful.
something useful.
something useful.

Pagina 1023

gthen subordinate forces. Cannot be traded, dropped or sold.

ngthen subordinate forces. Cannot be traded, dropped or sold.
ortress battles.
% success rate.
% success rate.
60% success rate.
success rate.
% success rate.
0% success rate.
0% success rate.
% success rate.
). 60% success rate.
0% success rate.
0% success rate.
100% success rate.
% success rate.
% success rate.
00% success rate.
00% success rate.
% success rate.
). 100% success rate.
v. 9). 70% success rate.
(Lv. 9). 70% success rate.
9). 70% success rate.
v. 9). 100% success rate.
(Lv. 9). 100% success rate.
9). 100% success rate.

Pagina 1024

Required level: 52

balesters.\nRequired level: 40

uired level: 20

ired level: 10

Pagina 1025

quired level: 28

n be acquired at level 81.

mer. Can be acquired at level 81.

9). 60% success rate.

- Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
ocate you to the nearest village.

Pagina 1026

Haste Lv. 1 can be obtained for a certain period of time. Can only be used in Siege and Fortress war.
wer Lv. 1 can be obtained for a certain period of time. Can only be used in Siege and Fortress war.
mpower Lv. 1 can be obtained for a certain period of time. Can only be used in Siege and Fortress war.
1 can be obtained for a certain period of time. Can only be used in Siege and Fortress war.
Lv. 1 can be obtained for a certain period of time. Can only be used in Siege and Fortress war.
time. Can only be used in Siege and Fortress war.

n Siege and Fortress war.

ed on the battleground during a siege battle or a fortress battle. It will have no effect if used while in a transformed state.
g a Siege or Fortress war.
g a Siege or Fortress war.
g a Siege or Fortress war.
le and Fortress Sieges.

h Shadai in Hellbound to process.

h Shadai in Hellbound to process.
mith Shadai in Hellbound to process.

anager of the Town of Gludin.

da. For best results, a level 5-15 character must plant it on a level 5-15 monster.
a. For best results, a level 8-18 character must plant it on a level 8-18 monster.
da. For best results, a level 11- 21 character must plant it on a level 11- 21 monster.
a. For best results, a level 14- 24 character must plant it on a level 14- 24 monster.
Might, Shield, Wind Walk, Focus, Death Whisper, Guidance, Blessed Shield, Blessed Body, Haste, and Vampiric Rage for a certain amoun
Berserker Spirit, Blessed Body, Magic Barrier, Shield, Wind Walk, Blessed Soul, Empower, Acumen, and Clarity effects for a certain amou

ve Dark Coda. For best results, a level 5-15 character must plant it on a level 5-15 monster.
ve Red Coda. For best results, a level 8-18 character must plant it on a level 8-18 monster.
ve Chilly Coda. For best results, a level 11- 21 character must plant it on a level 11- 21 monster.

Pagina 1027

ve Blue Coda. For best results, a level 14- 24 character must plant it on a level 14- 24 monster.
ve Golden Coda. For best results, a level 17- 27 character must plant it on a level 17- 27 monster.
Coda. For best results, a level 17- 27 character must plant it on a level 17- 27 monster.

Breakers, and Inspectors.\nRequired level: 46

10%, magic skill MP consumption by 4%, and song/ dance skill MP consumption by 10%.

will have no effect if used while a pet or servitor is summoned or while in a transformed state.

ergy of the subclass to the main class.

ergy of the subclass to the main class.
ergy of the subclass to the main class.
ergy of the subclass to the main class.
ergy of the subclass to the main class.
ergy of the subclass to the main class.
ergy of the subclass to the main class.

Pagina 1028

quired by the pet master.

uired by the pet master.
ed by the pet master.
y the Pet master.
y the Pet master.
ed by the Pet master.

oof of identity and the "Badge: Temple Missionary."

ng it to Spellbook Seller Rouke.

proof of identity and the "Badge: Temple Executor."

High Priest Sylvain.

r Mia, she can turn it into a Document Chest Key.

nspect the contents.

o Rionelle. Bring this to Kluck.

g it to Warehouse Chief Natools.
gency. Encoded as a Cryptogram. Decipher it through High Priest Raymond in the Town of Gludio.
l the Fallen Angel's location.
liver it to High Priest Raymond in the Town of Gludio.
in Gludio Castle.

Pagina 1029

er. Hold onto it and return to her later.

used in the Cruma Tower laboratory.

is back to Lorain.

tell you its purpose.

60% success rate.
0% success rate.
success rate.
. 60% success rate.
% success rate.
% success rate.
success rate.

success rate.
The success rate is 60%.
v. 9. The success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 60%.
v. 9. The success rate is 100%.
. 9. The success rate is 100%.
The success rate is 100%.
Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
. The success rate is 100%.
9. The success rate is 100%.
The success rate is 100%.
he success rate is 100%.
The success rate is 100%.
The success rate is 100%.
v. 9. The success rate is 100%.
The success rate is 100%.

e sold in the Store.

Pagina 1030

by other races.
without effect if used by other races.
other races.
han Dynastic Essence.

plied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. Every time it is used, it consumes 26 of MP. A crystal of this level is said to ab
plied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. Every time it is used, it consumes 26 of MP. A crystal of this level is said to ab
applied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. Every time it is used, it consumes 26 of MP. A crystal of this level is said to
hit. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 82 or above.
c hit. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 82 or above.
gic hit. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 82 or above.
c hit. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 82 or above.

east Spiritshots when used.

ppears after being used.
by 6 and water resistance becomes stronger when given to armor. Element attribute can be given up until level 3, and it cannot be given ab
ses by 6 and fire resistance becomes stronger when given to armor. Element attribute can be given up until level 3, and it cannot be given a
increases by 6 and wind resistance becomes stronger when given to armor. Element attribute can be given up until level 3, and it cannot b
es by 6 and earth resistance becomes strong if given to defensive armor. Element attribute can be given up until level 3, and it cannot be giv
ses Holy Resistance when given to armor. Element attribute can be given up until level 3, and it cannot be given above level 3.
rk Resistance becomes stronger when given to armor. Element attribute can be given up until level 3, and it cannot be given above level 3.
success rate.
0% success rate.

and Shillien Templar use it. Can be acquired by level 81.

quired by level 76.

en Templar, Sword Muse, Spectral Dancer, Adventurer, Wind Rider, Ghost Hunter, Trickster and Soul Hound use it. Can be acquired by lev
Titan, Fortune Seeker, Maestro, Doombringer, Adventurer, Wind Rider, Ghost Hunter and Soul Hound use it. Can be acquired by level 81.

Pagina 1031

d by level 83.

Master use it. Can be acquired by level 81.

al Master use it. Can be acquired by level 81.
al Master use it. Can be acquired by level 81.

Lord, Elemental Master, and Spectral Master use it.

Can be acquired by level 83.

ers, and Inspectors.\nRequired level: 66

Pagina 1032

chant scroll. (Can only be used once per day.)

sing in your inventory.

Pagina 1033

tal ingredient in Inventor Maru's energy conversion device.

death. Collect them and bring them to Trader Kunai.

and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.

smith of Mammon.
mith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
mith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
smith of Mammon.

smith of Mammon.
smith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
mith of Mammon.

Pagina 1034

cksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
mith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
lacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
smith of Mammon.
mith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
smith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
mith of Mammon.
h of Mammon.
ith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
mith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
d by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
of Mammon.
ith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
th of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
smith of Mammon.

Pagina 1035

mith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.

acksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
mith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
h of Mammon.
smith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
smith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
lacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
lacksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
smith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
smith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
mith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.

Pagina 1036

cksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
smith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
smith of Mammon.
smith of Mammon.
smith of Mammon.
mith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.

Pagina 1037

e Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
ed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
ed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
ed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
d by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
d by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
ed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
nished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
shed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
hed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
d by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
smith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.

Pagina 1038

cksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
d by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
ished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
hed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
ed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
ished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
d by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
d by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
d by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
d by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
ed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
nished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
ished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
nished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
rnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
arnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
nished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
shed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.

Pagina 1039

arnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.

be varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
ed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
shed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
d by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
d by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
d by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
d by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
d by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
d by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
hed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
hed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
hed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
hed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
hed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
hed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
hed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.

Pagina 1040

y the Blacksmith of Mammon.

y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
d by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
nished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
arnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
ished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
shed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
nished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
ed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
d by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
lacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
hed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
d by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
ksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.

Pagina 1041

by the Blacksmith of Mammon.

he Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.

characters level 46 or above when augmenting items.

characters level 49 or above when augmenting items.
characters level 52 or above when augmenting items.
characters level 55 or above when augmenting items.
characters level 58 or above when augmenting items.
characters level 61 or above when augmenting items.
characters level 64 or above when augmenting items.
characters level 67 or above when augmenting items.

characters level 76 or above when augmenting items.

Walker use it. Can be acquired by level 72.

nRequired level: 44

ired level: 68

nspectors.\nRequired level: 58

quired level: 52
characters level 80 or above when augmenting items.
characters level 82 or above when augmenting items.

characters level 46 or above when augmenting items.

characters level 49 or above when augmenting items.
characters level 52 or above when augmenting items.
characters level 55 or above when augmenting items.
characters level 58 or above when augmenting items.
characters level 61 or above when augmenting items.

Pagina 1042

characters level 64 or above when augmenting items.

characters level 67 or above when augmenting items.
characters level 70 or above when augmenting items.
characters level 76 or above when augmenting items.
characters level 80 or above when augmenting items.
characters level 82 or above when augmenting items.

byss). Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next daily time
e if used while a limit on entrance to Near Kamaloka exists. Can only be used once a day outside the instant zone. After use, the effect disa
the Abyss). Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After the item is consumed, be sure to enter the instance before its next dail

s. My Teleport locations can be expanded up to 18 slots.

Hunger gauge lasts 5 hours.

c. Hunger gauge lasts 5 hours.
uge lasts 5 hours.
uge lasts 5 hours.
original color by using the "/ resetname" command after changing the title color.

Pailaka instanced zone dungeon.

d when HP is full.
Can only be used on the Sword of Water and Fire.
em for an Reinforced Spirit's Sword.
exchange them for a Sword of Ice and Fire.
a instant dungeon.
aka instant dungeon.
Can only be used on Ancient Legacy Sword.
change them for an Ancient Legacy Sword Stage 2.
u can exchange them for an Ancient Legacy Sword Stage 3.

Can only be used on the Spear of Silenos.

n exchange them for Spear of Silenos Stage 2.
, you can exchange them for Spear of Silenos Stage 3.

Pagina 1043

asy Isle Paddy.

plied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. Every time it is used, it consumes 26 of MP. A crystal of this level is said to ab
plied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. Every time it is used, it consumes 26 of MP. A crystal of this level is said to ab
applied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. Every time it is used, it consumes 26 of MP. A crystal of this level is said to
smith of Mammon.

of the Abyss), Near Kamaloka, and Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss).

Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.

Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 100%.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.

of the Abyss), Near Kamaloka, and Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss).

Pagina 1044

f the Abyss).

s to Near Kamaloka. Cannot be exchanged, dropped or sold in a private store. Can be stored in a private warehouse.

Vitality item with limited usage.

Vitality item with limited usage.

f the Abyss).

of the Abyss).

Pagina 1045

to summon a Minion (5-hour).

u to summon a Minion (5-hour).
u to summon a Minion (5-hour).

mit on entrance if used while a limit on entrance to the Hall of the Abyss exists. Can only be used once a day outside the instant zone. After
e if used while a limit on entrance to Near Kamaloka exists. Can only be used once a day outside the instant zone. After use, the effect disa
the limit on entrance if used while a limit on entrance to the Labyrinth of the Abyss exists. Can only be used once a day outside the instant

an expand up to 9 slots.

ginal title color by using the "/ resetname" command after changing the title color. If there is no original title, the title will disappear.

of the Abyss), Near Kamaloka, and Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss).

Pagina 1046

of the Abyss).

f the Abyss).

summon a Minion (5-hour).

to summon a Minion (5-hour).

Pagina 1047

ecial word and bring it to Angel Cat to receive a great gift!

Angel Cat to receive a great gift!
t loses its effect.
0 min. Vitality item with limited usage.

em to see what you've won.

ner to see what you've won.
ntainer to see what you've won.
m to see what you've won.
ner to see what you've won.
ntainer to see what you've won.
ntainer to see what you've won.
Master Yogi in town. Lucky Enchant Stones cannot be used with this item.

cenary in Gludio Territory.

cenary in Gludio Territory.
mercenary in Gludio Territory.
nary in Gludio Territory.
ercenary in Gludio Territory.
rcenary in Gludio Territory.
ry in Gludio Territory.
nary in Gludio Territory.
ary in Gludio Territory.
enary in Gludio Territory.
ed Mercenary in Gludio Territory.
Mercenary in Gludio Territory.
cenary in Dion Territory.
cenary in Dion Territory.
mercenary in Dion Territory.
nary in Dion Territory.
ercenary in Dion Territory.
rcenary in Dion Territory.
ry in Dion Territory.
nary in Dion Territory.
ary in Dion Territory.
enary in Dion Territory.

Pagina 1048

ed Mercenary in Dion Territory.

Mercenary in Dion Territory.
cenary in Giran Territory.
cenary in Giran Territory.
mercenary in Giran Territory.
nary in Giran Territory.
ercenary in Giran Territory.
rcenary in Giran Territory.
ry in Giran Territory.
nary in Giran Territory.
ary in Giran Territory.
enary in Giran Territory.
ed Mercenary in Giran Territory.
Mercenary in Giran Territory.
cenary in Oren Territory.
cenary in Oren Territory.
mercenary in Oren Territory.
nary in Oren Territory.
ercenary in Oren Territory.
rcenary in Oren Territory.
ry in Oren Territory.
nary in Oren Territory.
ary in Oren Territory.
enary in Oren Territory.
ed Mercenary in Oren Territory.
Mercenary in Oren Territory.
cenary in Aden Territory.
cenary in Aden Territory.
mercenary in Aden Territory.
nary in Aden Territory.
ercenary in Aden Territory.
rcenary in Aden Territory.
ry in Aden Territory.
nary in Aden Territory.
ary in Aden Territory.
enary in Aden Territory.
ed Mercenary in Aden Territory.
Mercenary in Aden Territory.
cenary in Innadril Territory.
cenary in Innadril Territory.
mercenary in Innadril Territory.
nary in Innadril Territory.
ercenary in Innadril Territory.
rcenary in Innadril Territory.
ry in Innadril Territory.
nary in Innadril Territory.
ary in Innadril Territory.
enary in Innadril Territory.
ed Mercenary in Innadril Territory.

Pagina 1049

Mercenary in Innadril Territory.

cenary in Goddard Territory.
cenary in Goddard Territory.
mercenary in Goddard Territory.
nary in Goddard Territory.
ercenary in Goddard Territory.
rcenary in Goddard Territory.
ry in Goddard Territory.
nary in Goddard Territory.
ary in Goddard Territory.
enary in Goddard Territory.
ed Mercenary in Goddard Territory.
Mercenary in Goddard Territory.
cenary in Rune Territory.
cenary in Rune Territory.
mercenary in Rune Territory.
nary in Rune Territory.
ercenary in Rune Territory.
rcenary in Rune Territory.
ry in Rune Territory.
nary in Rune Territory.
ary in Rune Territory.
enary in Rune Territory.
ed Mercenary in Rune Territory.
Mercenary in Rune Territory.
cenary in Schuttgart Territory.
cenary in Schuttgart Territory.
mercenary in Schuttgart Territory.
nary in Schuttgart Territory.
ercenary in Schuttgart Territory.
rcenary in Schuttgart Territory.
ry in Schuttgart Territory.
nary in Schuttgart Territory.
ary in Schuttgart Territory.
enary in Schuttgart Territory.
ed Mercenary in Schuttgart Territory.
Mercenary in Schuttgart Territory.

+30 effect. The seal can be cancelled through the weaver Olf Kanore and Olf Adams. It cannot be worn before the seal cancellation. Canno
ough to the Hall of Suffering. This mark is required for taking on higher level missions.
e Hall of Erosion. Mark given to prove heroic achievements at the Seed of Infinity.

Pagina 1050

be acquired at a certain rate.

acquired at a certain rate.
e acquired at a certain rate.
e acquired at a certain rate.
e acquired at a certain rate.
be acquired at a certain rate.
n be acquired at a certain rate.
e acquired at a certain rate.
an be acquired at a certain rate.
an be acquired at a certain rate.
n be acquired at a certain rate.
n be acquired at a certain rate.
n be acquired at a certain rate.
n be acquired at a certain rate.
can be acquired at a certain rate.
t can be acquired at a certain rate.
n be acquired at a certain rate.
o the belt is packaged.

cated in each village.

ess rate is 100%.

vel 9. Success rate is 100%.
quired by level 75 or above.

eat amount of energy is condensed into a it.

Pagina 1051

e the monsters that attack the Seed of Life. Can be used only to defend the instant dungeon Hall of Erosion in the Seed of Infinity. Exclusiv
letely blocks the skin oxidation. It lessens the effects of lethal de-buff skills inside the Hall of Erosion. Can be used only inside Hall of Erosio
he true nature of the Seed of Infinity, when you adhere it to your body. It increases Bleed/ Poison Resistance, and Netherworld's Magyun in
to the maximum effect 8 caused by the monsters inside Seed of Infinity. Can be used only inside Seed of Infinity instant dungeons.
the powerful Poison up to the maximum effect 8 caused by the monsters inside Seed of Infinity. Can be used only inside Seed of Infinity in
ancels the effect of Bleeding and Poison caused by the monsters inside Seed of Infinity up to the maximum effect 8 or Netherworld's Magyu
rotection against death. Can be used only inside Seed of Infinity instant dungeons.

used at Special Product Broker Kirklan.

/ defend reward
of Infinity. Seed of Infinity collection additional reward

n the bead from the Frog King at Narsell Lake.

n candy from Grandma Tess at Narsell Lake.
Flame of Lilim inside the Necropolis.

se, you can reach the Seed of Infinity. Deliver this mark to Officer Tepios there.
ed of Destruction west of Keucereus Alliance Base.
en Castle and learn about the whereabouts of Contractor Jacob.

Hollint in Einhasad's Temple inside Oren Castle.

Pagina 1052

entrance of the town of Aden.

n one needs to enter the Dawn Lord's temple.

egarding the Seven Signs. Deliver it to High Priest Rayment in the Town of Gludio.
mperor Shunaiman. It seems to be hiding a mysterious power.
aiman (Elmoreden Era).
device. Activate the device!

xt, stretching back to the Elmoreden Era.

in the Town of Dion.

Product Broker Kirklan.

rly sealed. Deliver it to Emperor Shunaiman.

liver it to the wounded Guard Ell at Keucereus Alliance Base.

destroyed. Collect them and take them to War Mage Artius at Keucereus Alliance Base.

. If you are prepared for it to break, the sacred power of this fragment piece may allow you to inflict damage on Witch Tiat of the Dragon of
at Keucereus Alliance Base as proof of your skill in flying.
fely in Gracian airs.
acted when you have more practice.
racted when you have more practice.
extracted when you have more practice.

oker Kirklan you can exchange 5 of these items for a Freed Soul.
l Product Broker Kirklan at Keucereus Alliance Base to exchange it for a special item.
ct Broker Kirklan, you can exchange 5 of these items for a Dragonkin Charm.
irklan to exchange them for a reward.
on. If you bring it to the Special Product Broker Kutran at the Kucereus clan outpost, you can exchange it for a useful item.
Seed of Infinity.

Pagina 1053

Seed of Infinity.
M. Atk. of the Seed of Infinity.
and receive a reward.
nt Falcon or Dra Hawk minions. Collect the remains of those who were sacrificed and take them to Soldier Orbyu at Keucereus Alliance Ba
nt Falcon or Dra Hawk minions. Collect the remains of those who were sacrificed and take them to Soldier Orbyu at Keucereus Alliance Ba
nt Falcon or Dra Hawk minions. Collect the remains of those who were sacrificed and take them to Soldier Orbyu at Keucereus Alliance Ba

d Soldier Tenius at Keucereus Alliance Base.

ms contains the collected anger toward Keucereus. Its true origin is obscure.
f this Bait for Drakes is used when Seed of Destruction is stabilized, one can call the Dead of Destruction, Dius.
ldier Tenis or soldier Plenos at Keucereus Alliance Base, you can receive a reward.
ce +30 effect. The seal can be cancelled through the weaver Olf Kanore and Olf Adams. It cannot be worn before the seal cancellation. En
he weaver Olf Kanore and Olf Adams.
he weaver Olf Kanore and Olf Adams.
he weaver Olf Kanore and Olf Adams.
he weaver Olf Kanore and Olf Adams.

can also unseal these items.

can also unseal these items.
can also unseal these items.
can also unseal these items.

Pagina 1054

g Star Stones.
ky person to receive this prize.

esper Noble item through Maestro Ishuma.

a useful item through combining.

raft a useful item through combining.
aft a useful item through combining.
aft a useful item through combining.
a useful item through combining.
a useful item through combining.
e. Can craft a useful item through combining.
ater. Can craft a useful item through combining.
nd. Can craft a useful item through combining.
rth. Can craft a useful item through combining.
. Can craft a useful item through combining.
Can craft a useful item through combining.
es Create Common item level 9. Success rate is 100%.
Create Common item level 9. Success rate is 100%.
ires Create Common item level 9. Success rate is 100%.
quires Create Common item level 9. Success rate is 100%.
uires Create Common item level 9. Success rate is 100%.

Pagina 1055

equires Create Common item level 9. Success rate is 100%.

s Create Common item level 9. Success rate is 100%.
Requires Create Common item level 9. Success rate is 100%.
Create Common item level 9. Success rate is 100%.
quires Create Common item level 9. Success rate is 100%.

transformed objects.

d pet to refill hunger gauge.

Minion (5-hour).

and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
ey component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 84 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 84 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 84 or above.
magical damage. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 84 or above.

of the Phoenix.

Pagina 1056

e of Destruction.

eteor from this Forgotten Scroll.

learn Star Fall from this Forgotten Scroll.

e of Berserker.
on Lesser Phoenix.
mum Force Focus.

t of the Unicorn.
of the Phantom.
hillien Templars, Sword Muses and Spectral Dancers level 81 or above to learn Deflect Magic.
, Fortune Seekers, Maestros and Doombringers level 81 or above to learn Final Secret.
el 81 or above to learn Hide.
el 81 or above to learn Dual Dagger Mastery.
els level 81 or above to learn Seven Arrow.
creamers and Soul Hounds level 81 or above to learn Enlightenment.
nts, Dominators and Doomcryers level 81 or above to learn Enlightenment.

e learned by level 83 or above.

els level 81 or above to learn Silent Mind.

nts, Dominators and Doomcryers level 81 or above to learn Turn to Stone.
Strike. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.
Eye. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.

Pagina 1057

ou to summon a Superior Minion (5-hour).

u to summon a Superior Minion (5-hour).

Pagina 1058

ou to summon a Superior Minion (5-hour).

u to summon a Superior Minion (5-hour).

ngels and the Platinum race in the Tower of Insolence.

et Coupon (5-hour), 1 Mount - Darkmane Pacer (7-day) and one of Ornithomimus Hat (30-day).
at can be attached to a belt.
can be attached to a belt.
t can be attached to a belt.
can be attached to a belt.
can be attached to a belt.
hat can be attached to a belt.
that can be attached to a belt.
can be attached to a belt.
n that can be attached to a belt.
that can be attached to a belt.
hat can be attached to a belt.
that can be attached to a belt.
hat can be attached to a belt.
hat can be attached to a belt.
h that can be attached to a belt.
ch that can be attached to a belt.
hat can be attached to a belt.
the belt is packaged.

Pagina 1059

Olf Adams. It cannot be worn before the seal is removed. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or assigned an attribute.
ough Token Exchanger.

ng for 1 hour.

e winter holidays.

Pagina 1060

for a Masterwork Item.

m for a Masterwork Item.
m for a Masterwork Item.
m for a Masterwork Item.
Cooldown is 5 min.
down is 5 min.
down is 5 min.
down is 5 min.
down is 5 min.
down is 5 min.
Cooldown is 5 min.
down is 5 min.
mselves. Cooldown is 5 min.
down is 5 min.
down is 5 min.
down is 5 min.
Cooldown is 5 min.
down is 5 min.
down is 5 min.
down is 5 min.
down is 5 min.
down is 5 min.

ration. Cannot be used when HP is full.

and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
in order to receive Greater Elixirs.
n order to receive Greater Elixirs.
n order to receive Greater Elixirs.
n order to receive Greater Elixirs.
n order to receive Greater Elixirs.
n order to receive Greater Elixirs.

Apiga. (Recovery is only possible through Cupid's Fatigue Relief Potion or Cupid's Powerful Fatigue Relief Potion.)
you can acquire Apiga. (Recovery is only possible through Cupid's Fatigue Relief Potion or Cupid's Powerful Fatigue Relief Potion.)
ing to recover the Milk Cow. (Recovery is only possible through Cupid's Fatigue Relief Potion or Cupid's Powerful Fatigue Relief Potion.)

Pagina 1061

d Bull while trying to recover the Milk Cow. (Recovery is only possible through Cupid's Fatigue Relief Potion or Cupid's Powerful Fatigue Re
will receive a Cube Fragment that can be used while speaking with a Warehouse Keeper.

Acumen, Wind Walk, Vampiric Rage, Berserker Spirit, Shield, Focus, Death Whisper, Guidance, Clarity, Wild Magic, and Concentration for
em, Double-click it and you will obtain the Summon Scroll: Milk Cow and 'Cupid's Fatigue Relief Potion' that are needed for the event.
e exchanged. Vitality item with limited usage.
o effect applies when used while the "Birthday Cake" buff is in effect. Vitality item with limited usage.
o effect applies when used while the "Birthday Cake" buff is in effect. Vitality item with limited usage.
item with limited usage.
e exchanged. Vitality item with limited usage.
it on entrance if used while a limit on entrance to Rim Kamaloka exists. Can only be used once a day outside the instant zone. After use, th
ndies. Also contains one of the following items at random: Agathion - Juju (14-day), Formal Wear (14-day) and Coronet (permanent).
ndy. Can receive a bonus limited item (Kat the Cat Hat, Agathion - Love) occasionally.
a bonus limited item (wild rose pig candy) occasionally.
s 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
upon use. Cooldown is 30 min. Vitality item with limited usage.

, Atk. Spd., Casting Spd., and Speed.

level 75. Can only be used on the battleground during a Territory War.
level 75. Can only be used on the battleground during a Territory War.
level 75. Can only be used on the battleground during a Territory War.
% they will be able to feed themselves automatically.

Suffering. Can only be used once a day outside the entrance to the Hall of Suffering. Cannot use multiple skull keys daily.
Erosion. Can only be used once a day outside the entrance to the Hall of Erosion. Cannot use multiple skull keys daily.
outside the instance. After use, the effect disappears when the instance is reset.
ditional Tears of a Freed Soul. Can be used only inside Seed of Infinity instant dungeons.

unger. Takes a part of the XP gained by the Pet master.

ancient giants

nce will stimulate the growth of a Cannibalistic Stakato Captain.

m. Small size.
m. Fairly heavy.
nest entrance.

Pagina 1062

d driven into a the pendant to make it shine with a red glow.

o check more information.
uble-click to check more information.

ancient giants

and is pretty much useless.

agister Hanellin.

at the Den of Evil.

ore information about the mission.

ield of Silence Research Center located in the Field of Silence.
a of the Ritual Site of Purge located in the Field of Silence.
rtificate is necessary to receive an additional mission from him.
is necessary to receive an additional mission from her.
al Site of Purge. Gather all and bring them to Dr. Helvetica in the Field of Silence Development Research Center.
irit and Evil Spirit in the Magic Force near the Ritual Site of Purge. Gather all and bring them to Dr. Helvetica in the Field of Silence Develop
have collected 10 pieces, return to Athenia.
g to Dr. Helvetica. Collect 20 fragments, then return to Athenia in the Field of Whispers.
o trade your hides for a reward.
ield of Silence Research Center.
Athenia to trade your hides for a reward.
eturn to Priestess Athenia to trade these hides for a reward.
ct and bring them to representative Filaur of the Grey Column guild at the Dwarven Village Chief Hall.
m. Collect and bring them to Grave Robber Leader Kanemika.
n's altars and enhance the energy of power.
d. Also proof that replenishment is complete. When all replenishments are complete, take this bead as proof of the mission's completion to

inside the Stakato's Nest. Once you have 500, return to Kintaijin to receive your reward.

ng them to Beacon Town Manager Torrant at the Den of Evil.

elt can be acquired at a certain rate.

Pagina 1063

can be acquired at a certain rate.

t can be acquired at a certain rate.
can be acquired at a certain rate.
t can be acquired at a certain rate.
elt can be acquired at a certain rate.
belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
t can be acquired at a certain rate.
e belt can be acquired at a certain rate.
an be acquired at a certain rate.
n be acquired at a certain rate.
an be acquired at a certain rate.
n be acquired at a certain rate.
n be acquired at a certain rate.
can be acquired at a certain rate.
t can be acquired at a certain rate.
n be acquired at a certain rate.
elt can be acquired at a certain rate.
gh the weaver Olf Kanore and Olf Adams.
gh the weaver Olf Kanore and Olf Adams.
gh the weaver Olf Kanore and Olf Adams.
gh the weaver Olf Kanore and Olf Adams.

fter 10 days if not used.

ys if not used.
ays if not used.
ays if not used.
days if not used.
10 days if not used.
0 days if not used.
fter 30 days if not used.
ys if not used.
ays if not used.
ays if not used.
days if not used.

Pagina 1064

30 days if not used.

0 days if not used.

ass transfer. Expires after 10 days if not used.

ass transfer. Expires after 30 days if not used.

ccessory, and Minion coupon. Expires after 30 days if not used.

a Bracelet of Glory: Friendship, Agathion - Oink oink, High-level Minion coupon. Expires after 30 days if not used.

elet of Glory: Friendship, hair accessory, and Minion coupon. Expires after 30 days if not used.

an Equipment Set Pack (30-day), Bracelet of Glory: Friendship, Agathion - Oink oink, High-level Minion coupon. Expires after 30 days if no
ys if not used.

ys if not used.
s if not used.

ys if not used.

ys if not used.
s if not used.

Pagina 1065

When used, you can acquire occasionally such items as Fresh Milk, Blessed Scroll of Escape, Blessed Scroll of Resurrection, and weapon

oba. For best results, a level 74-84 character must plant it on a level 74-84 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Coba. For best results, a level 74-84 character must plant it on a level 74-84 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ba. For best results, a level 77-87 character must plant it on a level 77-87 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ba. For best results, a level 77-87 character must plant it on a level 77-87 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ba. For best results, a level 77-87 character must plant it on a level 77-87 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
n Coba. For best results, a level 77-87 character must plant it on a level 77-87 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ba. For best results, a level 80+character must plant the seed on a level 80-90 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
tive Sea Coba. For best results, a level 74-84 character must plant it on a level 74-84 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
rnative Sea Coba. For best results, a level 74-84 character must plant it on a level 74-84 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Twin Coba. For best results, a level 77-87 character must plant it on a level 77-87 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
tive Twin Coba. For best results, a level 77-87 character must plant it on a level 77-87 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Twin Coba. For best results, a level 77-87 character must plant it on a level 77-87 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
rnative Twin Coba. For best results, a level 77-87 character must plant it on a level 77-87 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ve Great Coba. For best results, a level 80-90 character must plant it on a level 80-90 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.

Pagina 1066

effect than the Sweet Fruit Cocktail. When consumed, one can feel Might, Shield, Wind Walk, Focus, Death Whisper, Guidance, Blessed Sh
effect than the Fresh Fruit Cocktail. When consumed, one can feel Berserker Spirit, Blessed Body, Magic Barrier, Shield, Wind Walk, Blesse
within 30 days.
s if not used within 30 days.
if not used within 30 days.
not used within 30 days.
not used within 30 days.
not used within 30 days.

kier than an ordinary cool air cannon.

us expiratory item (Weaver's Colorful Dress).

us expiratory item (Weaver's Colorful Dress).

n. Vitality item with limited usage.

n. Vitality item with limited usage.
e P. Def. and M. Def. of the Weaver's Colorful Dress. Can be safely enchanted to +3, and the item disappears when the enchant fails. When
. Def. Maintains Vitality. Vitality maintenance cooldown reduced. Can be safely enchanted to +3, and the item disappears when the enchan

ends on how lucky you are. One use per day. Cooldown is 23 hour.
ends on how lucky you are. One use per day. Cooldown is 23 hour.
ends on how lucky you are. One use per day. Cooldown is 23 hour.
ends on how lucky you are. One use per day. Cooldown is 23 hour.
ends on how lucky you are. One use per day. Cooldown is 23 hour.

Pagina 1067

ends on how lucky you are. One use per day. Cooldown is 23 hour.
ends on how lucky you are. One use per day. Cooldown is 23 hour.

with limited usage.

k's game. You cannot summon Uldie if a pet is summoned or if the Halloween mask isn't equipped. You cannot play Jack's game is you are
lay Jack's game. You cannot summon Belldandy if a pet is summoned or if the Halloween mask isn't equipped. You cannot play Jack's gam
play Jack's game. You cannot summon Skooldie if a pet is summoned or if the Halloween mask isn't equipped. You cannot play Jack's gam

m Wraith, and Grail Apostle.

fect remains even after death.

nk or a feather of blessing and 1 small Halloween pumpkin.

O'Lantern Mask (7 day).

nk or a feather of blessing and 1 small Halloween pumpkin.

O'Lantern Mask (7 day).

known M. Atk.
ster to drop Adena and/ or items, but will give less XP
o give more XP, but no Adena or items.

with just one application. Using this feed will allow the monster to drop Adena and/ or items, but will give less XP
with just one application. This feed causes the monster to give more XP, but no Adena or items.

ecial Feed will be received.

stal Spices. Special Feed may also come out.

be used at Special Product Broker Kirklan.

nihilation. Under the right circumstances, plasma collection allows you to obtain a pet Maguen.
d Takes a part of the XP gained by the Pet master.
ed, and Takes a part of the XP gained by the Pet master.

Pagina 1068

zardmen. Detailed information can be obtained from Investigator Sally on the Plains of the Lizardmen.
rdmen. Detailed information can be obtained from Investigator Sally on the Plains of the Lizardmen.
on can be obtained from Investigator Sally on the Plains of the Lizardmen.
sess the required skills. It indicates that you have the right to go and see Tanta Lizardman Seer Ugoros. Show it to Gatekeeper Batracos ne
nta Lizardmen Seer Ugoros. Take it to Researcher Ankumi on the Plains of the Lizardmen.
goros. Take it to Researcher Ankumi on the Plains of the Lizardmen.
of the Lizardmen.

ge, he'll take care of everything else, right?

Oren Village, he'll take care of everything else, right?

he Sel Mahum Training Grounds, you could ruin the dish.

naps of Oren Village.
of Oren Village.

ollector Gutenhagen at Pavel Ruins.

d of Annihilation and deliver it to his subordinate, Officer Klemis.
Officer Jakan who is stationed at the pier near the Seed of Annihilation.
owers of the Ice Queen. Needed to rescue Kegor, who has fallen into a trouble.
e Tower of Infinitum in the Steel Citadel. It is destroyed after one use.
Infinitum in the Steel Citadel. It is destroyed after one use.
nfinitum. You can make a Seal Breaker that negates great power by putting this piece together with others like it.
nfinitum. You can make a Seal Breaker that negates great power by putting this piece together with others like it.
nfinitum. You can make a Seal Breaker that negates great power by putting this piece together with others like it.
finitum. You can make a Seal Breaker that negates great power by putting this piece together with others like it.

o are worthy of going after the Land Dragon Antharas. He says the necklace will transform after you defeat Antharas.
rom Watcher of Antharas Theodric changed into a this item. Take this necklace to him.
ch. However, it is said to transform into a something worth much more after killing Valakas.
Klein, into this. Take the necklace back to him.
The clothes are nothing more than rags after their years of use. Let's take them to Greymore in the Monastery of Silence.
s request. If you take it to Greymore, you will receive a reward.
t. But you received the Mark of Darkness rather than the Mark of Splendor. If you take this to Greymore, he will laugh at you.
o Priest Greymore in the Monastery of Silence.
Greymore in the Monastery of Silence.
Farm. Collect them and bring them to Tunatun in the Beast Farm.
n at the Beast Farm.
what my old friends are doing now…
ct these and take them to Beast Herder Tunatun.
roduct Broker Kirklan to exchange them for a reward.

out about the quest by clicking on it. Quest start item.

owner, you must figure out who it belongs to. Go to Library of Sages Director Sophia in the Rune Castle Library and ask for help.
e book to its owner.

Pagina 1069

ide the Monastery of Silence.

plied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. MP 26 is consumed each time of use. A crystal of this level is said to absorb c
plied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. MP 26 is consumed each time of use. A crystal of this level is said to absorb c
applied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. MP 26 is consumed each time of use. A crystal of this level is said to absorb

dinary stores.

at ordinary stores.
be sold at ordinary stores.
at ordinary stores.
sold at ordinary stores.
can be sold at ordinary stores.
t ordinary stores.
at ordinary stores.
an be sold at ordinary stores.
old at ordinary stores.
old at ordinary stores.
be sold at ordinary stores.
at ordinary stores.
t ordinary stores.
be sold at ordinary stores.
at ordinary stores.
d at ordinary stores.
n be sold at ordinary stores.
at ordinary stores.
e sold at ordinary stores.
e sold at ordinary stores.
at ordinary stores.
d at ordinary stores.
sold at ordinary stores.

Pagina 1070

at ordinary stores.

can be sold at ordinary stores.

n be sold at ordinary stores.
be sold at ordinary stores.
sold at ordinary stores.
d at ordinary stores.
at ordinary stores.

t ordinary stores.
ordinary stores.

hese and take them back to Soldier Ilvenis at the pier in the Seed of Annihilation to exchange for a reward.
an of Oren Village.
f Oren Village.
k to Guard Pinaps of Oren Village.
ok. Sell it at the shop and get at least a little money.
book is inside. Double-click for more information.

m - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.

eate Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
- Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
s Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
- Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
m - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
Create Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
em - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
em - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
eate Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
m - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
- Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
ate Item - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
- Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 60%.
Skill Lv. 9. 60% success rate.
m - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
reate Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
m - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
e Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
es Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
- Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
m - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
Create Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.

Pagina 1071

Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.

Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
reate Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
m - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
m - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
eate Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
m - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
m Skill Lv. 10. 60% success rate.
- Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 70%.
m - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 70%.
tem - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 70%.
Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 70%.
m - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 70%.
em - Skill Lv. 9. The success rate is 70%.
Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
l Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
l Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
ll Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
ill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
kill Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
ll Lv. 10. The success rate is 60%.
plied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. MP 26 is consumed each time of use. A crystal of this level is said to absorb c
plied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. MP 26 is consumed each time of use. A crystal of this level is said to absorb c
applied to the weapon when absorbing certain amount of souls. MP 26 is consumed each time of use. A crystal of this level is said to absorb

ksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon.
cksmith of Mammon.
quires the Create Common Item skill level 6.
Requires the Create Common Item skill level 6.
equires the Create Common Item skill level 6.
equires the Create Common Item skill level 6.
reate Common Item skill level 6.

Pagina 1072

Create Common Item skill level 6.

Create Common Item skill level 6.
Create Common Item skill level 6.
he Create Common Item skill level 6.
he Create Common Item skill level 6.
reate Common Item skill level 6.
eate Common Item skill level 6.
n be sold at ordinary stores.
an be sold at ordinary stores.
n be sold at ordinary stores.
n be sold at ordinary stores.
ordinary stores.
t ordinary stores.
at ordinary stores.
at ordinary stores.
d at ordinary stores.
d at ordinary stores.
ordinary stores.
rdinary stores.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 85 or above.
. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 85 or above.
it. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 85 or above.
t. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 85 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 85 or above.
. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 85 or above.
it. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 85 or above.
t. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 85 or above.
when augmenting accessories, and characters level 85 or above can use it.
when augmenting accessories, and characters level 85 or above can use it.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
shed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
arnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
nished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
shed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
hed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
ished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.

Pagina 1073

d by the Blacksmith of Mammon.

varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
rnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
ished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
hed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
shed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
arnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
nished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
shed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
hed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
ished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
d by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
varnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
rnished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
ished by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
he Blacksmith of Mammon.
hed by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.

Pagina 1074

the Blacksmith of Mammon.

by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
e Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
by the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Blacksmith of Mammon.
the Blacksmith of Mammon.
y the Blacksmith of Mammon.
Oren Village.

er Wish Candles.
r Wish Candles.
er Wish Candles.
r Wish Candles.
with limited usage.
min. Vitality item with limited usage.
with limited usage.
min. Vitality item with limited usage.

ng for 1 hour.

he 1st class change. Expires after 90 days if not used.

ys if not used.

ys if not used.

Pagina 1075

s if not used.

not be exchanged or dropped.

. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.

r (7-day), and 1 Mount - Steam Beetle (7-day).

Blessing 3-unit Pack, and an Entrance Pass: Kamaloka 3-unit Pack.

r sold in private store.

red by level 82.

let of Freezing - Wrapped Pack for event.

Pagina 1076

ou can acquire Apiga. (Recovery is only possible through Cupid's Fatigue Relief Potion or Cupid's Powerful Fatigue Relief Potion.)
e Tiger while trying to recover the Baby White Tiger. (Recovery is only possible through Cupid's Fatigue Relief Potion or Cupid's Powerful F
aptain's fatigue, you can acquire Apiga. (Recovery is only possible through Cupid's Fatigue Relief Potion or Cupid's Powerful Fatigue Relief
o a White Tiger Captain while trying to recover the Baby White Tiger. (Recovery is only possible through Cupid's Fatigue Relief Potion or C
, you can obtain the Summon Scroll: Baby White Tiger and "Cupid's Fatigue Relief Potion" that are needed for the event.

gue Relief Potion.

high when a level 77 - 87 character uses it on a level 77 - 87 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ess rate is high when a level 77 - 87 character uses it on a level 77 - 87 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
te is high when a level 65 - 75 character uses it on a level 65 - 75 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
success rate is high when a level 65 - 75 character uses it on a level 65 - 75 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
s rate is high when a level 68 - 78 character uses it on a level 68 - 78 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.
he success rate is high when a level 68 - 78 character uses it on a level 68 - 78 monster. Cannot be transferred between servers.

quire 100,000 Adena by Double-clicking.

Pagina 1077

or a character whose name is purple, your name will turn purple. Can also be used on Event Manager Freya in town.
a character whose name is purple, your name will turn purple. Can also be used on Event Manager Freya in town.
which was first performed on the stage in London in 1912. If used against a chaotic character or a character whose name is purple, your na
en cocktail is fresh and fragrant. If used against a chaotic character or a character whose name is purple, your name will turn purple. Can al
chaotic character or a character whose name is purple, your name will turn purple. Can also be used on Event Manager Freya in town.
chaotic character or a character whose name is purple, your name will turn purple. Can also be used on Event Manager Freya in town.
rmal butter cream or whipped cream. If used against a chaotic character or a character whose name is purple, your name will turn purple. C
whose name is purple, your name will turn purple.

s a chance of recovering 5% of the standard melee damage inflicted on the enemy as HP.

Pagina 1078

quire 100,000 Adena by Double-clicking.

text Has been banned throughout the kingdom and is incredibly difficult to find and intact copy. Double-click for more information.
n from his perspective. This book was never circulated but it's original print Has been archived inside the monastery. Double-click for more i
by Kaerun. The book is divided into a 4 parts and is kept inside the Monastery of Silence. Double-click for more information.
by Kaerun. The book is divided into a 4 parts and is kept inside the Monastery of Silence. Double-click for more information.
by Kaerun. The book is divided into a 4 parts and is kept inside the Monastery of Silence. Double-click for more information.
by Kaerun. The book is divided into a 4 parts and is kept inside the Monastery of Silence. Double-click for more information.
astery of Silence. Double-click for more information.
-click for more information.
er the passageway with this key.
tess. You cannot enter the Tomb without this key.
ntess. You cannot enter the Library without this key.
e Saintess. You cannot enter the Warehouse without this key.
ntess. You cannot enter the Armory without this key.

al energy. The scroll is very old and worn. It must be handled with care.
al energy. But it is very worn and large. It is fragile and cannot be used in battle.
al energy. But it is very worn and large. It is fragile and cannot be used in battle.
energy. But it is very worn and heavy. It is fragile cannot be used in battle.

oice by using it.

oice by using it.
Olympiad Operator to receive the minimum reward.
Olympiad Operator to receive an incomplete reward.
e Olympiad Operator to receive a whole reward.
rtificate to the Olympiad Operator. If you take it with the all-class and class battle certificates, you can expect a greater reward.
to the Olympiad Operator. If you take it with the team event and class battle certificates, you can expect a greater reward.
to the Olympiad Operator. If you take it with the team event and All-Class Battle certificates, you can expect a greater reward.
n to the Olympiad Operator to receive the minimum reward.
o the Olympiad Operator to receive an incomplete reward.
to the Olympiad Operator to receive a whole reward.

But if the raid monster Has already been summoned, it cannot be called.
. After obtaining the dragon skulls from all 7 different raid monsters, bring them to Gilmore.
. After obtaining the baby dragon, bring it to the separated soul in the Dragon Valley.

Pagina 1079

blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 5 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
ely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level starting f
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
ely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level starting f
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
afely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level star
lunt, one-handed staff, dagger, spear, other weapons, two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-handed staffs, dual daggers, dual sword
afely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level star
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 6 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
t +4, P. Def. increases by 3 and a HP bonus is granted. Enchanting is safe up to +3, but one-piece body armor can be safely enchanted up
cate to Priest Wood, he will exchange it for an occupation specific Forgotten Scroll that can be learned at level 81.
will always have control over them. Used to create Antharas Blood Crystal. Bring it to a Separated Soul.
nd absorbed the blood and acted as a filter that separated the Poison from the blood creating a pure form of his blood that crystallized over
re XP of all dead characters in the Command Channel. Can only be used while inside the Lair of Antharas. Cooldown is 1 hour.
btain an Agathion - Antharas.
you can obtain an Agathion - Nevit's Messenger Kanna.
ou can obtain an Agathion - Guardian of Dawn Kallesin.
ider pet through the News Informer.

Transformation Sealbook: Anakim.

n a Transformation Sealbook: Anakim.
rader Kitzka in Dragon's Valley.

fect applies when used while the "Birthday Vitality" buff is in effect. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage. Will not be deleted u
fect applies when used while the "Birthday Joy" buff is in effect. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage. Will not be deleted upo

e Stakato in the Fairy Settlement.

ent City Arcan.

ncient City Arcan.
ur fairy friends.

Pagina 1080

and two-handed sword/ blunt, dual dagger, dual sword, crossbow +7. P. Atk. +12 for bow weapons. M. Atk. +5 for all weapons. P. Atk./ M.
ve effect is growing, and HP increases depending on the enchant value. Enchantment is safe up to +3.

byrinth of Belis.

n the Town of Gludio.

e from Sakum.

ef Slaski at the Ancient City Arcan.

ct. It also represents a contract between Beleth and the demons.

ea. If you bring it to Kirklan, you can exchange it for something else.

It is uncertain whether it is effective on all trees.

osis was blocked. It is an ingredient for the Timiniel's Tonic.

at statues in the Reliquary of the Giants found in the Ruins of Ye Sagira.
us life force.
n. Bring it to Kirklan.
e tree that is by Timiniel's side. Requires level 1 of the create command item skill. Success rate is 100%.

Pagina 1081

e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes
he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classe
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes
s magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Lib
this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd
his magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd L
is magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Li
his magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd L
his magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd L
of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3
nits of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, o
ts of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or
of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3
ts of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 will only give the effe
s of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes
he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classe
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes
f this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd
s of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or
of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3
f this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd
of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3
of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3
s of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or
units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening,
nits of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, o
s of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or
nits of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, o
its of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, o
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes
he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classe
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes
f this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd
s of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or
of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3
f this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd
of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3

Pagina 1082

of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3
s of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or
units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening,
nits of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, o
s of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or
nits of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, o
its of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, o
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes
he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classe
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes
symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes
f this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd
s of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or
of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3
f this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd
of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3
of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3
s of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or
units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening,
nits of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, o
s of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or
nits of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, o
its of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, o
ol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
bol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
bol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
ol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
bol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
agical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libera
magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Lib
magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libe
magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liber
magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liber
magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libe
ts of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or
units of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening
nits of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening,
ts of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, o
nits of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening,
nits of this magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, o

Pagina 1083

Cruma Tower.
Cruma Tower.
dy. Bring it to Head Priest of the Earth Daichir in the Town of Schuttgart.
art. Bring it to Head Priest of the Earth Daichir in the Town of Schuttgart.
l. Bring it to Head Priest of the Earth Daichir in the Town of Schuttgart.
o the messenger of the gods, Lydia.
wn of Schuttgart.
rf Filaur of the Grey Pillar in the Town of Schuttgart.
eastian, Birestian, Heaven Palace Guard Warrior, and Heaven Palace Guard Knight. Bring it to dwarf Ende at the entrance to the Tower of I
in the Tower of Insolence. Bring it to dwarf Ender at the entrance to the Tower of Insolence.

he instant dungeon.
he instant dungeon.
he instant dungeon.
he instant dungeon.
rom the Adventure Guildsman inside the instant dungeon.
rom the Adventure Guildsman inside the instant dungeon.
rom the Adventure Guildsman inside the instant dungeon.
rom the Adventure Guildsman inside the instant dungeon.

s P. Atk. significantly. Can be used with an R-grade weapon.

unter Village.
t in Ancient Arcan.
d for equipment.
nged for equipment.

uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
red item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ sword)
quired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ combat)
uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)

Pagina 1084

quired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ crossbow/ bow)
ired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
ired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
cquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound.
acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound.
it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound.
uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: helmet/ heavy armor)
acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: upper/ heavy armor)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: lower/ heavy armor)
uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Gloves/ heavy armor)
d item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Boots/ heavy armor)
uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Shield/ Heavy armor)
The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: helmet/ light armor)
The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: upper/ light armor)
The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: lower/ light armor)
e acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Gloves/ light armor)
acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Boots/ light armor)
uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: helmet/ robe)
ired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: upper/ robe)
acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: lower/ robe)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Gloves/ robe)
d item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Boots/ robe)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: shield/ robe)
cquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
quired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Earring)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Ring)
uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
ired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ sword)
quired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ combat)
quired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
quired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
quired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ crossbow/ bow)
uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
cquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound.
The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound.
ntify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound.
red item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Helmet/ heavy armor)
cquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: upper/ heavy armor)
d item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: lower/ heavy armor)
quired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Gloves/ heavy armor)
item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Boots/ heavy armor)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Shield/ Heavy armor)
e acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Helmet/ light armor)

Pagina 1085

acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: upper/ light armor)
e acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: lower/ light armor)
acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Gloves/ light armor)
cquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Boots/ light armor)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Helmet/ robe)
d item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: upper/ robe)
red item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: lower/ robe)
d item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Gloves/ robe)
item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Boots/ robe)
item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Shield/ robe)
uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
red item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Earring)
d item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Ring)
red item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
red item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ sword)
uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
red item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ combat)
ired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
ired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ crossbow/ bow)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
quired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
entify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound.
dentify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound.
em to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound.
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Helmet/ heavy armor)
cquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: upper/ heavy armor)
d item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: lower/ heavy armor)
uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Gloves/ heavy armor)
tem can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Boots/ heavy armor)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Shield/ Heavy armor)
e acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Helmet/ light armor)
cquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: upper/ light armor)
e acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: lower/ light armor)
acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Gloves/ light armor)
quired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Boots/ light armor)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Helmet/ robe)
d item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: upper/ robe)
red item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: lower/ robe)
item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Gloves/ robe)
item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Boots/ robe)
item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Shield/ robe)
uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Earring)
item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Ring)
d item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)

Pagina 1086

ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ sword)

ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
d item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ combat)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ crossbow/ bow)
d item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
d item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
ired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
ntify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound.
ntify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound.
m to identify it. The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound.
ired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Helmet/ heavy armor)
acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: upper/ heavy armor)
d item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: lower/ heavy armor)
quired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Gloves/ heavy armor)
tem can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Boots/ heavy armor)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Shield/ Heavy armor)
he acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Helmet/ light armor)
he acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: upper/ light armor)
e acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: lower/ light armor)
acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Gloves/ light armor)
cquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Boots/ light armor)
red item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Helmet/ robe)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: upper/ robe)
red item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: lower/ robe)
item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Gloves/ robe)
item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Boots/ robe)
d item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Shield/ robe)
quired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
ired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Earring)
d item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Ring)
d item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
d item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ sword)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
d item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ combat)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
d item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ crossbow/ bow)
item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
red item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound.
quired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound.
The acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound.
uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Helmet/ heavy armor)
acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: upper/ heavy armor)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: lower/ heavy armor)

Pagina 1087

cquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Gloves/ heavy armor)
d item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Boots/ heavy armor)
red item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Shield/ Heavy armor)
he acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Helmet/ light armor)
e acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: upper/ light armor)
he acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: lower/ light armor)
e acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Gloves/ light armor)
acquired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Boots/ light armor)
ired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Helmet/ robe)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: upper/ robe)
uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: lower/ robe)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Gloves/ robe)
d item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Boots/ robe)
item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Shield/ robe)
quired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
uired item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Earring)
ed item can be Blessed, Standard, or Bound. (Type: Ring)
, you can receive the Oren Lord Valtez' reward.

special abilities to a weapon.

ws special abilities to a weapon.
special abilities to a weapon.
ies on the weapon.
ows special abilities to a weapon.
ws special abilities to a weapon.
ws special abilities to a weapon.
ows special abilities to a weapon.
ws special abilities to a weapon.
ated, Bestows an additional special ability on a weapon with a Red Soul Crystal.
an additional special ability on a weapon with a Green Soul Crystal.
w an additional special ability on a weapon with a Blue Soul Crystal.
ey component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 85 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 85 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 85 or above.
May be used as an ingredient in weapon augmentation at level 85 or above. Can be exchanged or dropped.
rce. May be used as an ingredient in weapon augmentation by characters higher than level 85.
ey component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 95 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 95 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 95 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 95 or above.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 95 or above.
ey component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 99.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 99.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 99.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 99.
Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 99.
characters level 85 or above when augmenting items.
characters level 95 or above when augmenting items.
characters level 95 or above when augmenting items.

Pagina 1088

ciety for a new ingredient.

ciety for a new ingredient.
ciety for a new ingredient.
ciety for a new ingredient.
ciety for a new ingredient.
ciety for a new ingredient.
ciety for a new ingredient.
ciety for a new ingredient.
ciety for a new ingredient.
ciety for a new ingredient.

). Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
). Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
1). Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
1). Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
1). Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
1). Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
1). Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.

Pagina 1089

v. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
1). Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
. 11. 60% success rate. If successful, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
m (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
(Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
em (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
m (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
(Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
). Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
1). Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
). Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
11). Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
1). Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
reate item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
eate item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
reate item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
eate item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
eate item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
e create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
eate item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
ate item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
em skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
2. 60% success rate. If successful, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
e create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
of the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
he create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
e create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
tem skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
em skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
ate item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
tem skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
m skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
te item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.

Pagina 1090

em skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
tem skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
e item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
e item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
e item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
e item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
e item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
ate item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
eate item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
te item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
em skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
3. 60% success rate. If successful, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
he create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
tem skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
em skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
te item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
tem skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
m skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
te item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
m skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
tem skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
em skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
tem skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
em skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
em skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
em skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
e item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
e item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
reate item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
e item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
ate item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
14. 60% success rate. If successful, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.

Pagina 1091

he create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
e create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
the create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
he create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
e create item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
tem skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
ate item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
e item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
em skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
ate item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
e item skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.
em skill. Success rate is 60%. In case of the success, the obtained item can be bound, normal, or blessed.

s M. Atk. Can be used with an R-grade weapon.

s M. Atk. significantly. Can be used with an R-grade weapon.

mmon. Also has a low chance of becoming Blessed.

ammon. Also has a low chance of becoming Blessed.
ammon. Also has a low chance of becoming Blessed.
and two-handed sword/ blunt, dual dagger, dual sword, crossbow +7. P. Atk. +12 for bow weapons. M. Atk. +5 for all weapons. P. Atk./ M.
r above, P. Def. Increases greatly. Can be safely enchanted up to +3. HP gradually increases with each enchant level starting from +4. If en

ollect 10 to make a complete crystal.

lect 10 to make a complete crystal.
ollect 10 to make a complete crystal.
rt to the Ivory Tower, visit the Gatekeeper in Gludio. Teleport to the Tower of Oren. Speak with the Gatekeeper in Oren and teleport to the I
d floor to magister Joan in the elven Mystic Guild.
Captain Mouen in the Town of Oren.
o Captain Mouen in the Town of Oren.
eturn to Captain Mouen in the Town of Oren.
have completed task assigned to you from Captain Kurtiz in the Town of Aden.
Magister Desmond in the Mystic Guide in the Town of Aden.
and bring them to High Priest Agripel in the Town of Rune Einhasad Temple.
d shortage in Schuttgart.
shortage in Schuttgart.
hortage in Schuttgart.
ter Tifaren in the Mystic Guild of the Town of Rune. You have been warned not to read its contents.
needs you to deliver it to the Mysterious Wizard in the Forest of the Dead.
bring them to Priest Ross in Einhasad's Temple in the Town of Aden.
gh and bring them to Magister Justin at the Mystic Guild in Goddard.
ehouse Keeper Walderal in the Town of Aden.
n to Mercenary Supplier Abercrombie near the Swamp of Screams.
ng them to Pamela Aprodia in the Goddard town warehouse.
ipe Merchant Dolphren at the Aden Blacksmith.
ring them to Priest Bastian in Einhasad's Temple in the Town of Goddard.

Pagina 1092

n additional special ability on a weapon with a Red Soul Crystal.

additional special ability on a weapon with a Green Soul Crystal.
n additional special ability on a weapon with a Blue Soul Crystal.
w an additional special ability on a weapon with a Red Soul Crystal.
an additional special ability on a weapon with a Green Soul Crystal.
w an additional special ability on a weapon with a Blue Soul Crystal.
ect 10 to make a complete crystal.
t 10 to make a complete crystal.
ect 10 to make a complete crystal.
ollect 10 to make a complete crystal.
lect 10 to make a complete crystal.
ollect 10 to make a complete crystal.
ciety for a new ingredient.
ciety for a new ingredient.
ciety for a new ingredient.
ciety for a new ingredient.
ciety for a new ingredient.
ciety for a new ingredient.
ciety for a new ingredient.
ciety for a new ingredient.

mit on entrance if used while a limit on entrance to the Hall of the Abyss exists. Can only be used once a day outside the instant zone. After
e if used while a limit on entrance to Near Kamaloka exists. Can only be used once a day outside the instant zone. After use, the effect disa
the limit on entrance if used while a limit on entrance to the Labyrinth of the Abyss exists. Can only be used once a day outside the instant
ared within an account through the Dimensional Merchant.
ity item with limited usage.

Pagina 1093

the Vitality recovery capability.

ecovery Capability.

e every hour.

of the Abyss).

of the Abyss).

rts, and she will create a Heavenly Valentine Cake just for you.

Pagina 1094

entine Cake. Double-click to see what happens.

entine Cake. Double-click to see what happens.
a Decadent Valentine Cake. Double-click to see what happens.

Pagina 1095

only when summoned at a certain distance away from the village. It lasts for 20 min.

ng its P. Atk. significantly. Used from the master's inventory.

ng its M. Atk. Used from the master's inventory.
ng its M. Atk. significantly. Used from the master's inventory.
es acquired XP by 30%. The timer decreases even during log-off state. Only one XP Rune can be applied at any given time regardless of a
s acquired XP by 50%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired XP by 30%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
s acquired XP by 50%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired XP by 30%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
s acquired XP by 50%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
s acquired SP by 50%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
s acquired SP by 50%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired SP by 30%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
s acquired SP by 50%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired SP by 30%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
s acquired SP by 50%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ases 3 levels of penalty for your equipment grade. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ases 5 levels of penalty for your equipment grade. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ases 3 levels of penalty for your equipment grade. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ases 5 levels of penalty for your equipment grade. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ases 3 levels of penalty for your equipment grade. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ases 5 levels of penalty for your equipment grade. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.

elf. Cooldown 5 min.

it only for oneself. Cooldown 5 min.
it only for oneself. Cooldown 5 min.
self. Cooldown 5 min.
Cooldown 5 min.
elf. Cooldown 5 min.
only for oneself. Cooldown 5 min.

Pagina 1096

only for oneself. Cooldown 5 min.

elf. Cooldown 5 min.
Cooldown 5 min.

e, Vampiric Rage, Might, Shield, Death Whisper, Guidance and Blessed Body can be felt for 1 hour.
Magic Barrier, Blessed Soul, Empower, Greater Acumen, Clarity, Blessed Body and Wild Magic can be felt for 1 hour.

Pagina 1097

n can be acquired at a constant rate.

Pagina 1098

n be acquired at a constant rate.

S-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 6 for two-h
1 and by 3 starting from +4. It can be safely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can be safely enchanted up to +4. Increases HP ac
n's enchantment level.\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, d
ue is retained. \nDefense for S-grade armor or accessory by 1 and by 3 starting from +4. It can be safely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece
-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 6 for two-handed sword
3 starting from +4. Increases HP according to level when armor is enchanted above +4. Can enchant to +7.

ckage is opened.

the user Eva's Rune passive skill. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
the user Eva's Rune passive skill. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
es acquired XP by 30%. The timer decreases even during log-off state. Only one XP Rune can be applied at any given time regardless of a

Pagina 1099

the box is opened.

s max HP by 60%, max MP by 60%, max CP by 60%, P. Def. by 30%, Magic Def. by 30%, Speed by 30, P. Atk. by 20%, and decreases sk
ax HP by 40%, max CP by 40%, P. Def. by 30%, Magic Def. by 30%, Speed by 20, P. Atk. by 45%, and decreases skill MP consumption by

e on every 24 hours.)

Pagina 1100

. Uldie can't be summoned with pet or if Halloween Mask is not equipped. You can't play Jack Game while morphed or in stance status so b
ck Game. Belldandy can't be summoned with pet or if Halloween Mask is not equipped. You can't play Jack Game while morphed or in stan
ack Game. Skooldie can't be summoned with pet or if Halloween Mask is not equipped. You can't play Jack Game while morphed or in stan

nventory. It increases acquired SP by 30%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
nventory. It increases acquired XP by 30%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.

Pagina 1101

ar on a good note!

n any town, you will receive a very powerful permanent weapon.

a chance of also receiving a Weapon Coupon - Jackpot!

, you cannot receive more necklaces until this certificate expires.

ooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
ooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
ooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
ooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
acquiring XP. Vitality item with limited usage.

4 Vitality Star Candy, Mysterious Food, and Transformation Scroll Pack.

Pagina 1102

y 20%. The Recovery Bonus effect occurs only when summoned at a certain distance away from the village.

STR by 1. Cooldown is 4 hours.

CON by 1. Cooldown is 4 hours.
DEX by 1. Cooldown is 4 hours.
MEN by 1. Cooldown is 4 hours.
WIT by 1. Cooldown is 4 hours.
INT by 1. Cooldown is 4 hours.

16%, Atk. Spd. by 8%, Casting Spd. by 8%, and Speed by 8 for 1 hour. Has a chance of recovering 9% of the standard melee damage infli
ption by 10%, and song/ dance skill's MP consumption by 20%. Increases Casting Spd. by 30% and Max MP by 35%.

n enter 1 more time. Cooldown is 5 hours.

Pagina 1103

Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.

pet to refill hunger gauge. Special Abilities require Rose Essence to use.
o refill hunger gauge. Special Abilities require Rose Essence to use.
to refill hunger gauge. Special Abilities require Rose Essence to use.
refill hunger gauge. Special Abilities require Rose Essence to use.
t to refill hunger gauge. Special Abilities require Rose Essence to use.
to refill hunger gauge. Special Abilities require Rose Essence to use.
ou can only return it 24 hours after receiving it. It cannot be destroyed.

l Avatar is on and when the consumed energy is 5000 or more.

ul Avatar is on and the consumed energy is 10000 or more.

Pagina 1104

and Vitality of Courage with the opera mask.

h the opera mask.
items enchanted between +3 and +9.
items enchanted between +3 and +9.
items enchanted between +3 and +9.
used while a Ball Trapping Agathion or Agathion - Penalty Kick are equipped.
Blessed Weapon Scroll of Enchantment (D~S-grade s) with a fixed chance.

e. Cooldown is 15 min.
own is 15 min.

nearby targets by 500. Cooldown 30 min.

ly restores 500 HP when HP falls below 30%.
ically restores 500 MP when MP falls below 10%.

60 sec. cooldown.

ginal) and the Lesser Giant's Codex.

Pagina 1105

It increases acquired XP by 30%. The remaining period decreases even while logged off.

It increases acquired SP by 30%. The remaining period decreases even while logged off.

one can feel the effects of Wind Walk, Haste, Vampiric Rage, Might, Shield, Death Whisper, Guidance, and Blessed Body.
one can feel Berserker Spirit, Magic Barrier, Blessed Soul, Empower, Greater Acumen, Clarity, Blessed Body, and Wild Magic.

chant scroll. (Disappears after 1 time use.)

Pagina 1106

ned for 1 hour. Vitality item with limited usage.

1) Cake Topper hat, (1) Birthday Vitality Potion and (1) Birthday Cake.
lity item with limited usage.
Event Treasure Chests. No effect if used while already transformed.

them to the Gatekeeper, you can exchange them for various types of escape scrolls.

Pagina 1107

%, Attack M. Critical Rate by 2, Standard Attack Critical Damage by 20%, increases P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, M. A

el Might, Shield, Wind Walk, Focus, Death Whisper, Guidance, Blessed Shield, Blessed Body, Haste, Vampiric Rage, and Berserker Spirit e
el Might, Shield, Wind Walk, Focus, Death Whisper, Guidance, Blessed Shield, Blessed Body, Haste, Vampiric Rage, and Berserker Spirit e

el Berserker Spirit, Blessed Body, Magic Barrier, Shield, Wind Walk, Blessed Soul, Empower, Acumen, and Clarity effects for 60 min.
el Berserker Spirit, Blessed Body, Magic Barrier, Shield, Wind Walk, Blessed Soul, Empower, Acumen, and Clarity effects for 60 min.

Acumen, Wind Walk, Vampiric Rage, Berserker Spirit, Shield, Focus, Death Whisper, Guidance, Clarity, Wild Magic, and Concentration (1-h
Acumen, Wind Walk, Vampiric Rage, Berserker Spirit, Shield, Focus, Death Whisper, Guidance, Clarity, Wild Magic, and Concentration for

eleted upon death.

ill not be deleted upon death.

Pagina 1108

eleted upon death.

ill not be deleted upon death.

ecovery Bonus by 20%, Attack M. Critical Rate by 2, Standard Attack Critical Damage by 20%, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. b
ecovery Bonus by 20%, Attack M. Critical Rate by 2, Standard Attack Critical Damage by 20%, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. b

%, Attack M. Critical Rate by 2, Standard Attack Critical Damage by 20%, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%
%, Attack M. Critical Rate by 2, Standard Attack Critical Damage by 20%, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%

P may vary according to the level. Will not be deleted upon death.
may vary according to the level. Will not be deleted upon death.

ou to summon a Superior Minion for 5 hours.

Minion (5-hour).

Pagina 1109

apon/ armor enchant scroll.

apon/ armor enchant scroll.

Replenishing Potion, or Superior Minion coupon (5-hour).

Replenishing Potion, or Superior Minion coupon (5-hour).

for Darkmane Pacer, Steam Beetle, Gold Maned Lion, or Jet Bike.
for Darkmane Pacer, Steam Beetle, Gold Maned Lion, or Jet Bike.

r Cap, Valkyrie Circlet, or Plastic Hair.

r Cap, Valkyrie Circlet, or Plastic Hair.

n, Giran, Rune), super healthy juice (HP, CP), sweet/ fresh fruit cocktail, or fresh milk.
n, Giran, Rune), super healthy juice (HP, CP), sweet/ fresh fruit cocktail, or fresh milk.

Pagina 1110

em for a Masterwork Item.

Pagina 1111

f. by 1. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3 and can be enchanted to a max of +10. Basic stats (CON, MEN, ST
f. by 1. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3 and can be enchanted up to a max of +10. Basic stats (CON, MEN,

ay), Baium's Ring (180-day), Zaken's Earring (180-day), and Queen Ant's Ring (180-day).
rge sum by selling it at a shop.
fixed intervals, the Birthday Cake recharges nearby party members' Vitality. Can be used from lv85.

Superior Minions.

Pagina 1112

pped. Can be shared within an account through the Dimensional Merchant.

Pagina 1113

Honey Rice Cake.

and Honey Rice Cakes.

f. by 1. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3 and can be enchanted up to a max of +10. Basic stats (CON, MEN,

eel the effects of Prophecy of Water, Might, Haste, Empower, Acumen, Wind Walk, Vampiric Rage, Berserker Spirit, Shield, Focus, Death W
can be used. It can be equipped only after releasing the seal through the weavers Olf Kanore in Aden or Olf Adams in Rune. Cannot be enc
can be used. It can be equipped only after releasing the seal through the weavers Olf Kanore in Aden or Olf Adams in Rune. Cannot be enc
can be used. It can be equipped only after releasing the seal through the weavers Olf Kanore in Aden or Olf Adams in Rune. Cannot be enc
what use it Has.
what use it Has.
ut what use it Has.

eel the effects of Prophecy of Water, Might, Haste, Empower, Acumen, Wind Walk, Vampiric Rage, Berserker Spirit, Shield, Focus, Death W
g Spd. +15%, Speed +20, and changes the appearance of the equipped weapon and armor to look like items of memory. Cooldown is 60 m
er level 77 or below uses it on a treasure chest that is 6 levels higher or more, or when a character level 78 or above uses it on a treasure c
andom C or D-grade Weapon.
e random B, A or S-grade Weapon (Dynasty excluded).
om Dynasty, Icarus or Vesper Weapon.
ain Mathias in Rune, you will receive a reward.
Crystals of Life with a certain chance.
lisman with a certain chance.
you can obtain a hat with a certain chance.

uld still fetch a certain price at the shop.

ould still fetch a certain price at the shop.

htly. It should still fetch a considerable price at the shop.

htly. It should still fetch a considerable price at the shop.
y. It should still fetch a considerable price at the shop.
ays if not used.
s if not used.
after 90 days if it is not used.
days if not used.

Pagina 1114

s if not used.

Used with No-grade weapons.

Used with D-grade weapons.
Used with C-grade weapons.
Used with B-grade weapons.
Used with A-grade weapons.
Used with S-grade weapons.
agic. Used with No-grade weapons.
agic. Used with D-grade weapons.
agic. Used with C-grade weapons.
agic. Used with B-grade weapons.
agic. Used with A-grade weapons.
agic. Used with S-grade weapons.
sional Support Pack, Potion Support Pack, and Supplies Support Pack.
hers of blessing, 5 Kamaloka (Near Kamaloka, Hall of the Abyss, Labyrinth of the Abyss) entrance passes, and 3 Vitality Replenishing Potio
Superior Healing Potions, 5 fresh milks, and 5 Leaf of Appreciations.
pirits according to grade.
oldown is 60 min. Can only be used at levels 1 - 75. Vitality item with limited usage.
f receiving a 1h~4h PA Vitality buff. Can only be used at levels 1 - 75.
ldown is 60 min.

ooldown is 60 min. Can only be used at levels 1 - 75. Vitality item with limited usage.
ooldown is 60 min. Can only be used at levels 1 - 75. Vitality item with limited usage.
ooldown is 60 min. Can only be used at levels 1 - 75. Vitality item with limited usage.

7-day Pak, an Agathion - Button-eyed Bear Doll Pack (7-day), a Quick Healing Potion, and a Mount - Steam Beetle Pack (7-day).
eats for 10 min.

Mark of Battle for 100 Fame points using the ‘Mark of Battle Exchange' list.
HP, MP, and CP Recovery Rate, but only when far away from towns.
Pack (4-hour), party cake, and shiny party hat.
Pack (4-hour), party cake, and shiny party hat.

fect applies when used while the "Birthday Joy" buff is in effect. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.

"Birthday Vitality Buff" is in effect. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.

Pagina 1115

ooldown is 60 min.

om the topography by 80%. Total duration is 30 min. Can only be used inside the lairs of Valakas and Antharas. But cannot be used in "Bal
Can only be used inside the lairs of Valakas and Antharas. But cannot be used in "Balthus Knights - Antharas Expedition." cooldown is 10 m
is 30 min. Can only be used inside the lairs of Valakas and Antharas. But cannot be used in "Balthus Knights - Antharas Expedition." coold
duration is 30 min. Can only be used inside the lairs of Valakas and Antharas. But cannot be used in "Balthus Knights - Antharas Expedition
used inside the lairs of Valakas and Antharas. Cooldown is 5 min.
e used inside the lairs of Valakas and Antharas. Cooldown is 5 min.
aras' energy.
akas' energy.

aurus moves.

chant. Pack containing 15 units of Vitality Replenishing Potion.

g this to Rune Captain Mathias.

on with 10 % improved success rate.

hant Weapon with 10 % improved success rate.
n can be acquired at a constant rate.
rate can be acquired at a constant rate.
ved success rate can be acquired at a constant rate.
n be acquired at a constant rate.
D-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, other weapons, two-handed swords, two-handed blu
C-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-h
B-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-h
A-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 5 for two-h
increases by 1. It increases by 3 after +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4.
increases by 1. It increases by 3 after +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4.
increases by 1. It increases by 3 after +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4.
increases by 1 and by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4.
n's enchantment level.\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for B-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, d
n's enchantment level.\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 4 for A-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, d

Pagina 1116

ue is retained. \nDefense for B-grade armor and accessories increases by 1. It increases by 3 after +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3
ue is retained. \nDefense for A-grade armor and accessories increases by 1 and by 3 starting from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3.
-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed sword
-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 5 for two-handed sword
1 and by 3 starting from +4. Can enchant to +7.
3 starting from +4. Can enchant to +7.

t. Cannot be used when HP is full.

oldown is very short.

r oneself. Cooldown is very short.
r oneself. Cooldown is very short.
oldown is very short.
wn is very short.
oldown is very short.
r oneself. Cooldown is very short.
r oneself. Cooldown is very short.
oldown is very short.
wn is very short.

+8%, M. Atk. by 16%, Atk. Spd. by 8%, Casting Spd. by 8%, and Speed by 8.

%, and song/ dance skill's MP consumption by 20%.

ses acquired XP by 10%. It applies up to a maximum of 50%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired XP by 10%. It applies up to a maximum of 50%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired XP by 10%. It applies up to a maximum of 50%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired XP by 10%. It applies up to a maximum of 50%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired SP by 10%. It applies up to a maximum of 50%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired SP by 10%. It applies up to a maximum of 50%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired SP by 10%. It applies up to a maximum of 50%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired SP by 10%. It applies up to a maximum of 50%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ases a penalty and level for one's equipment grade. It applies up to level 5. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ases a penalty and level for one's equipment grade. It applies up to level 5. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ases a penalty and level for one's equipment grade. It applies up to level 5. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.

Pagina 1117

ases a penalty and level for one's equipment grade. It applies up to level 5. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
s the weight limit by 20%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
is very light.

s M. Atk. significantly. Can be used with a D-grade weapon.

s M. Atk. significantly. Can be used with a C-grade weapon.
s M. Atk. significantly. Can be used with a B-grade weapon.
s M. Atk. significantly. Can be used with an A-grade weapon.
s M. Atk. significantly. Can be used with an S-grade weapon.
s M. Atk. Can be used with a D-grade weapon.
s M. Atk. Can be used with a C-grade weapon.
s M. Atk. Can be used with a B-grade weapon.
s M. Atk. Can be used with an A-grade weapon.
s M. Atk. Can be used with an S-grade weapon.
s P. Atk. significantly. Can be used with a D-grade weapon.
s P. Atk. significantly. Can be used with a C-grade weapon.
s P. Atk. significantly. Can be used with a B-grade weapon.
s P. Atk. significantly. Can be used with an A-grade weapon.
s P. Atk. significantly. Can be used with an S-grade weapon.

Pagina 1118

ager is available.
ager is available.
pet manager is available.
w. It is very light.

ire Apiga. (Recovery is only possible through Cupid's Fatigue Relief Potion or Cupid's Powerful Fatigue Relief Potion.)
t can sometimes transform into a Big Liver Bunny. (Recovery is only possible through Cupid's Fatigue Relief Potion or Cupid's Powerful Fat
ue, you can acquire Apiga. (Recovery is only possible through Cupid's Fatigue Relief Potion or Cupid's Powerful Fatigue Relief Potion.)
eing recovered, it can sometimes transform into a Big Liver Bunny Captain. (Recovery is only possible through Cupid's Fatigue Relief Potio
t, you will obtain a Summon Scroll: Bad Bunny and "Cupid's Fatigue Relief Potion" that are needed for the event.

Pagina 1119

n obtain (3) Birthday Vitality Potion(s), a birthday cake, and a Birthday Hat.
y item with limited usage.

crolls: Enchant Armor of Destruction (S-grade).

blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 6 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
g from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. When enchant fails, the item is no
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 5 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
g from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. When enchant fails, the item is no
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
g from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. When enchant fails, the item is no
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
g from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. When enchant fails, the item is no
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 2 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
g from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. When enchant fails, the item is no
. Can be used on S-grade weapons.

annot be used when already receiving the same effect. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
hion - Juju (14-day), Wild Rose Pig Candy (14-day), and Scroll: Enchant Hair Accessory (warrior or wizard use).

annot be used when already receiving the same effect. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
nificantly. Can be used with a C-grade weapon.
nificantly. Can be used with a B-grade weapon.
nificantly. Can be used with an A-grade weapon.
nificantly. Can be used with an S-grade weapon.

ts M. Atk. significantly. Can be used with a C-grade weapon.

Pagina 1120

ts M. Atk. significantly. Can be used with a B-grade weapon.

ts M. Atk. significantly. Can be used with an A-grade weapon.
ts M. Atk. significantly. Can be used with an S-grade weapon.

tains 1 random Transformation Scroll.

o receive a special gift.

down is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.

he effects of Prophecy of Water, Might, Haste, Empower, Acumen, Wind Walk, Vampiric Rage, Berserker Spirit, Shield, Focus, Death Whisp

a certain chance.

change into a Tasty Valentine Cake.

e into a Delicious Valentine Cake.
ange into a Decadent Valentine Cake.
d this cake might have for you, or you can take this along with a Miraculous Valentine Cake: Special Ingredient to the Valentine Messenger

Hearts to complete a Miraculous Valentine Cake.

h limited usage.
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 6 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 5 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each e
P. Def. by 3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each
nd Scroll: Enchant Weapon.
n can be acquired at a constant rate.
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 6 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. If enchanting fails, the item will not
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 5 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
afely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized bu
ely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized but the
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 5 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
P. Def. by 3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each
ely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level starting f

Pagina 1121

nly be used on the battleground.

nly be used on the battleground.
nly be used on the battleground.
Vitality maintaining potions.
ems such as rocket gun hats.

creases acquired XP by 50%. The remaining period decreases even while logged off.

f the plague.
it on entry if used while a limit on entry to Rim Kamaloka exists. Can only be used once per day from outside the instant zone. After use, th

blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
afely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level star
lunt, one-handed staff, dagger, spear, other weapons, two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-handed staffs, dual daggers, dual sword
afely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level star

d XP when killed by an NPC.\n<Warning>\nThe Adventurer's Song button in the resurrection menu is available only in the current game se
n of the 'Shilen's Breath' de-buff upon death. The effect lasts for 1 hour upon use. Can only be used by characters level 1 - 84.
n of the 'Shilen's Breath' de-buff upon death. The effect lasts for 30 min. upon use. Can only be used by characters level 85 and above.
ntory to be used.
entory to be used.
y for 7 days. Must be in the inventory to be used.
y for 7 days. Must be in the inventory to be used.

wn is 60 min. Only applies when a one-handed sword is equipped.

ooldown is 60 min. Only applies when a dual sword is equipped.

y 20%, HP Recovery Bonus by 20%, M. Critical Rate by 2, P. Critical Rate during a standard attack by 20%, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%

e-click to summon the evolution deliverer.

me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified ite
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified ite
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified ite

Pagina 1122

e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified it
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified it
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified it

R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 7 for two-h
n's enchantment level.\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, d
-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 7 for two-handed sword
or and accessories. It is greatly increased starting at +4. Can be safely enchanted to +3. When enchanted to +4 or more, HP also increases
failure. \nWhen enchanted, P. Def. +2 for R-grade armor and accessories. It is greatly increased starting at +4. Can be safely enchanted to
ccessories. It is greatly increased starting at +4. When enchanted to +4 or more, HP also increases according to the enchant value. Can en
Enchant Weapon.
nchant Armor.
s P. Atk. significantly. Can be used with an R-grade weapon.
s M. Atk. significantly. Can be used with an R-grade weapon.

he nearest village. Weight is 0.

u to the nearest village. Weight is 0.

s you to the nearest village. Weight is 0.

Scroll of Escape - Castle.

ed Scroll of Escape - Clan Hall.

Pagina 1123

ation Stone (R-grade).

ation Stone (S-grade).
ation Stone (A-grade).
ation Stone (B-grade).
ation Stone (C-grade).
ation Stone (D-grade).
n Restoration Stone (R-grade).
n Restoration Stone (S-grade).
n Restoration Stone (A-grade).
n Restoration Stone (B-grade).
n Restoration Stone (C-grade).
n Restoration Stone (D-grade).

an (R-grade).

reward, and a chance at getting a temporary or permanent Santa Girl's Cloak.

ou to summon a Minion (5-hour).

you to summon a Minion (5-hour).
stle that allows you to summon a Superior Minion for 5 hours.
that allows you to summon a Superior Minion for 5 hours.

Pagina 1124

blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 5 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
P. Def. by 3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
ely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level starting f
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
afely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level star
lunt, one-handed staff, dagger, spear, other weapons, two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-handed staffs, dual daggers, dual sword
afely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level star
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 6 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each e
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 7 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
starting at +4. Can be safely enchanted to +3. When enchanted to +4 or more, HP also increases according to the enchant value.

athers of blessing, 5 of each Kamaloka (Near Kamaloka, Hall of the Abyss, Labyrinth of the Abyss) entrance passes, and 3 Vitality Replenis
Superior Healing Potions, 5 fresh milk, and 5 Leaf of Appreciation.
us Soulshot and Spiritshot.
intaining Potion (30-min.), 1 Mysterious Soulshot Pack (S-grade - 10,000 Soulshots), 1 Mysterious Blessed Spiritshot Pack (S-grade - 10,00
aintaining Potions (30-min.), 1 Vitality Replenishing Potion, 3 Mysterious Soulshot Packs (S-grade - 10,000 Soulshots), 3 Mysterious Blesse
Maintaining Potions (30-min.), 3 Vitality Replenishing Potions, 10 Mysterious Soulshot Packs (S-grade - 10,000 Soulshots), 10 Mysterious
a, Griffin, Phoenix or One-eyed Bat Drove.

Pagina 1125

onus by 20%, M. Critical Rate by 100%, P. Critical Damage by 20%, P. Atk. By 10%, P. Def. By 20%, Atk. Spd. By 20%, M. Atk. By 20%, M.

eel the effects of Horn Melody Lv. 1, Pipe Organ Melody Lv. 1, Guitar Melody Lv. 1 for 30 min.

n entrance if used while a limit on entrance to Rim Kamaloka is in effect. Can only be used once a day outside the instance. After use, the e

XP is acquired. Cooldown is 4 hours.

tality is restored as XP is acquired.

y restores XP.

Pagina 1126

n themselves. Cooldown is 2 min.

on themselves. Cooldown is 2 min.
n themselves. Cooldown is 2 min.
ded swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 7 for two-handed swords, tw
essories. It is greatly increased starting at +4. Can be safely enchanted to +3. When enchanted to +4 or more, HP also increases according
re through physical or magical damage. Can be used by characters who are level 85 or above.
ure through physical or magical damage. Can be used by characters who are level 85 or above.
re through physical or magical damage. Can be used by characters who are above level 95.
ure through physical or magical damage. Can be used by characters who are above level 95.
re through physical or magical damage. Can be used by characters who are above level 99.
ure through physical or magical damage. Can be used by characters who are above level 99.
Fire attack and water defense increases by 6 when bestowed on armor. Elemental attributes can be bestowed from levels 1- 6. Additional
n. Water attack and fire defense increases by 6 when bestowed on armor. Elemental attributes can be bestowed from levels 1- 6. Additiona
n. Earth attack and wind defense increases by 6 when bestowed on armor. Elemental attributes can be bestowed from levels 1- 6. Addition
n. Wind attack and earth defense increases by 6 when bestowed on armor. Elemental attributes can be bestowed from levels 1- 6. Additiona
. Dark attack and holy defense increases by 6 when bestowed on armor. Elemental attributes can be bestowed from levels 1- 6. Additional
. Holy attack and dark defense increases by 6 when bestowed on armor. Elemental attributes can be bestowed from levels 1- 6. Additional
Fire attack and water defense increases by 6 when bestowed on armor. Elemental attributes can be bestowed from levels 1- 6. The crysta
n. Water attack and fire defense increases by 6 when bestowed on armor. Elemental attributes can be bestowed from levels 1- 6. The crys
n. Earth attack and wind defense increases by 6 when bestowed on armor. Elemental attributes can be bestowed from levels 1- 6. The crys
n. Wind attack and earth defense increases by 6 when bestowed on armor. Elemental attributes can be bestowed from levels 1- 6. The crys
. Dark attack and holy defense increases by 6 when bestowed on armor. Elemental attributes can be bestowed from levels 1- 6. The crysta
. Holy attack and dark defense increases by 6 when bestowed on armor. Elemental attributes can be bestowed from levels 1- 6. The crysta
ded swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 7 for two-handed swords, tw
essories. It is greatly increased starting at +4. Can be safely enchanted to +3. When enchanted to +4 or more, HP also increases according

ald weapon.

n Emerald weapon.
n Emerald weapon.

ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
de or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
de or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
de or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item h

Pagina 1127

ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item h
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item h
de or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item ha
de or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item ha
de or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item ha
rances have been modified. Double-click to use.
rances have been modified. Double-click to use.
rances have been modified. Double-click to use.
rances have been modified. Double-click to use.
rances have been modified. Double-click to use.
rances have been modified. Double-click to use.
hair accessories) whose appearances have been modified. Double-click to use.
ccessories) whose appearances have been modified. Double-click to use.
ccessories) whose appearances have been modified. Double-click to use.
ccessories) whose appearances have been modified. Double-click to use.
ccessories) whose appearances have been modified. Double-click to use.
ccessories) whose appearances have been modified. Double-click to use.

mber of slots. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has no cha
mber of slots. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has no ch
eive Vitality bonuses. Cooldown is 30 min.

ese Long Sword.

Japanese Blunt Weapon.

Japanese Giant Blunt Weapon.
e One-handed Staff.
Japanese Giant Two-handed Staff.

uble Dagger.

rd and Aeore Healer and can also use the Escape: Clan Hall skill. Lv. 80 or above.

Pagina 1128

easing its P. Atk. significantly. Can be used with an R-grade weapon. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. Can be stored in a private warehou
entarily increasing its M. Atk. significantly. Can be used with an R-grade weapon. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. Can be stored in a priv

ecial word and bring it to Angel Cat to receive a great gift!

. Lv. 85 - 89.
. Lv. 90 - 94.
. Lv. 95 - 99.

rned Expand Inventory skills.

earned Expand Warehouse skills.

ef. by 1. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3 and can be enchanted up to a max of +10. Basic stats (CON, MEN,
f. by 1. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3 and can be enchanted up to a max of +10. Basic stats (CON, MEN,
d once opened.

sed resistance against Water. Attribute Lv. 1-3 only. Armor can have up to 3 unopposing attributes bestowed.
creased resistance against Fire. Attribute Lv. 1-3 only. Armor can have up to 3 unopposing attributes bestowed.

Pagina 1129

eased resistance against Wind. Attribute Lv. 1-3 only. Armor can have up to 3 unopposing attributes bestowed.
sed resistance against Water. Attribute Lv. 1-3 only. Armor can have up to 3 unopposing attributes bestowed.
ased resistance against Holy. Attribute Lv. 1-3 only. Additional Elemental attributes cannot be bestowed. Armor can have up to 3 unopposin
ased resistance against Dark. Attribute Lv. 1-3 only. Armor can have up to 3 unopposing attributes bestowed.
sed resistance against Water. Attribute Lv. 1-6 only; any further would break the crystal's power. Armor can have up to 3 unopposing attribu
creased resistance against Fire. Attribute Lv. 1-6 only; any further would break the crystal's power. Armor can have up to 3 unopposing attri
eased resistance against Wind. Attribute Lv. 1-6 only; any further would break the crystal's power. Armor can have up to 3 unopposing attri
eased resistance against Earth. Attribute Lv. 1-6 only; any further would break the crystal's power. Armor can have up to 3 unopposing attrib
ased resistance against Holy. Attribute Lv. 1-6 only; any further would break the crystal's power. Armor can have up to 3 unopposing attribu
ased resistance against Dark. Attribute Lv. 1-6 only; any further would break the crystal's power. Armor can have up to 3 unopposing attribu
can reset the instance timer of the level 85 solo dungeon. Can be used only once a day.
can reset the instance timer of the level 90 solo dungeon. Can be used only once a day.
can reset the instance timer of the level 95 solo dungeon. Can be used only once a day.
can reset the instance timer of the level 85 party dungeon. Can be used only once a day.
can reset the instance timer of the level 90 party dungeon. Can be used only once a day.
can reset the instance timer of the level 95 party dungeon. Can be used only once a day.
s acquired XP by 50%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ned for 1 hour. Vitality item with limited usage.

s acquired SP by 50%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
s acquired XP and SP by 100%. Lv. 86 or below. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
s acquired XP and SP by 200%. Lv. 86 or below. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.

own and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
own and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
own and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
wn and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
own and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
wn and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Resis
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Resi
he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res

Pagina 1130

e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Resis
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Resis
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Resi
he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
e symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Resis
own and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
own and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
own and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
wn and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
own and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
wn and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
o the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Re
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Re
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Re
he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
o the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Re
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Re
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Re
he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
own and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
own and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
own and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
wn and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
own and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
wn and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
o the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Re
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Re
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Re
he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
o the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Re
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Re
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Re
he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
own and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
own and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
own and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
wn and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
own and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
wn and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.

Pagina 1131

he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
o the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Re
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Re
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Re
he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
o the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Re
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Re
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Re
he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
ou will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
ol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Resistance.
bol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Resistance
bol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Resistance
bol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Resistance
bol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Resistance.
bol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Resistance.
he symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
o the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute R
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Re
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Re
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Re
the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Equipping 2 or more gives the effect of 1 for Attribute Res
Giant, Ancient or Legendary.
Giant, Ancient or Legendary.
Giant, Ancient or Legendary.
iant, Ancient or Legendary.
Giant, Ancient or Legendary.
Giant, Ancient or Legendary.
ntly, taking the side of no one. You can exchange it for various items through the Mysterious Butlers in each village.
ugh hunting by 30%.
ugh hunting by 50%.
ugh hunting by 100%.
s M. Atk. significantly. Can use for R-grade weapons.

hour), 3 XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 50% (1-hour) and 3 SP Rune 50% (1-hour).
-hour), 9 XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) Pack 50% (1-hour), 9 SP Rune Pack 50% (1-hour), and 2 Heavenly Cocktails.
-hour), 10 XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) Pack 50% (1-hour), 10 SP Rune Pack 50% (1-hour), 3 XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) Pack 50% (5-hour), 3 S
essed Spiritshots (S-grade), 1 XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) 200% Pack (1-hour), and 1 Heavenly Cocktail.

Pagina 1132

Spiritshots (R-grade), 1 XP Rune III (Lv. 1-100+) 50% Pack (1-hour), 1 SP Rune 50% Pack (1-hour), and 1 Heavenly Cocktail.
artia's Labyrinth.

of the village.\nCan be exchanged for various items through Exorcist Seira or Zombie Shaman Alestina.

oul Avatar is equipped and 100000 or more energy has been consumed.
hocolate/ cream/ ice/ biscuits to make 1 Sweet Summer Slushie.
ocolate/ cream/ ice/ biscuits to make 1 Sweet Summer Slushie.
hocolate/ cream/ ice/ biscuits to make 1 Sweet Summer Slushie.
cuits, fruits, candy, and the like. You need 10 each of chocolate/ cream/ ice/ biscuits to make 1 Sweet Summer Slushie.
. Spd. +5%, Casting Spd. +5%, Speed +5, and Max HP/ MP +5%. Cooldown is 1 h.
g Swimsuit. For 1 h., Atk. Spd. +10%, Casting Spd. +10%, Speed. +10, and Max HP/ MP +10%. Cooldown is 1 h.
also possible. It modifies everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of swimwear. When changed, the cloak is not visible. Ap
Stone, Alluring Swimsuit, Beach Sun Cap Pack (30-day), or Stylish Straw Hat Pack (30-day) at random.

modification. Can be used regardless of material.

er modification. Can be used regardless of material.
on hair accessories that use 2 slots. Cannot be exchanged or dropped. Can be destroyed and stored in a private warehouse.
ge after modification. Can be used regardless of material.
hange after modification. Can be used regardless of material.
nge after modification.
ge after modification.
be used on hair accessories that use 2 slots.

ppearance Stone.
Ring, Bottle of Antharas' Soul, or Bottle of Valakas' Soul.

Pagina 1133

eregos' Dagger, Darion's Hellblade, Tiat's Tiat's Tiatenon, or Yehan Klanikus' Yehan Klanikus' Tirbing.
on's Dual Blunt, Doll Blader's Butcher Blades, Aenkinel's Aenkinel's Astaroth or Mardil's Wind.
when the Soul Avatar is equipped and 10000 or more energy has been consumed.
with limited usage.
em with limited usage.

you're feeling tired!

are also possible. It modifies everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of swimwear. When changed, the cloak is not visible.
are also possible. It modifies everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of swimwear. When changed, the cloak is not visible

hance of acquiring a +7 Pa'agrio's Shirt.

nd the Shiny Elemental Shirt. When enchanted, increases P. Def. and M. Def. by 1. From +3, Elemental defense increases by 5, and from +

ses acquired XP by 50%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired XP by 100%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired XP by 100%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired XP by 100%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired XP by 200%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired XP by 200%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired XP by 200%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired SP by 50%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired SP by 100%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired SP by 100%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired SP by 100%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired SP by 200%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired SP by 200%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
ses acquired SP by 200%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
the user Eva's Rune passive skill. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
the user Eva's Rune passive skill. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.

Pagina 1134

the user Eva's Rune passive skill. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.

hance of acquiring a +7 Sayha's Shirt.

hance of acquiring a +7 Eva's Shirt.

hance of acquiring a +7 Maphr's Shirt.

r if you're lucky.
Tankard to obtain the Gran Kain's Delight.

emies within 200 grids for 3 sec. during a standard attack. 3-day.
enemies' M. Def. by 20% for 10 sec. within 400 grids during a magic attack. 3-day.
ncible for 5 sec when attacked. 3-day.

Pagina 1135

additional damage when using a skill attack. 3-day.

ical Rate and Critical Damage by 20% for 10 sec. 3-day.
g MP for healing skills. 3-day.
emies within 200 grids for 3 sec. during a standard attack.
enemies' M. Def. by 20% for 10 sec. within 400 grids during a magic attack.
ncible for 5 sec. when attacked.
additional damage when using a skill attack.
ical Rate and Critical Damage by 20% for 10 sec.
g MP for healing skills.

h limited usage. Effect remains even after death.

n's enchantment level.\nWhen enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, d
ne-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 7 for two-handed sw
ed.\nWhen enchanted, P. Def. for armor/ accessories (R-grade) +2. When enchanted to +4 or above, P. Def. increases greatly. Can be safe
rade) +2. When enchanted to +4 or above, P. Def. increases greatly. HP gradually increases with each enchant level starting from +4. Can
mor appearance change to that of Memorable items. Cooldown is 60 min.

and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.

me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified ite
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified ite
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified ite
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified

ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item h
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item h
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item h

mber of slots. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has no cha
mber of slots. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has no ch

Pagina 1136

ation Stone (R-grade).

ation Stone (S-grade).
on Stone (R-grade).
n Stone (S-grade).
storation Stone.
hant Scroll, Lv. 5 Legendary Dye, Seal Scroll, or Life Stone.
Energy, Enchant Stone, or Attribute Stone.
Stone, or Super Healthy Juice.

words, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 7 for two-handed swords, two-han
words, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 6 for two-handed swords, two-han
words, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 5 for two-handed swords, two-han
words, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-han
words, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-han
word, one-handed blunt, one-handed staff, dagger, spear, other weapons, two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-handed staffs, dual
or above, P. Def. increases greatly. Can be safely enchanted up to +3. HP gradually increases with each enchant level starting from +4.
or above, P. Def. increases by 3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, and one-piece armor can be safely enchanted up to +4. HP gradually in
or above, P. Def. increases by 3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, and one-piece armor can be safely enchanted up to +4. HP gradually in
or above, P. Def. increases by 3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, and one-piece armor can be safely enchanted up to +4. HP gradually in
or above, P. Def. increases by 3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, and one-piece armor can be safely enchanted up to +4. HP gradually in
or above, P. Def. increases by 3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, and one-piece armor can be safely enchanted up to +4. HP gradually in
words, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 7 for two-handed swords, two-han
words, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 6 for two-handed swords, two-han
words, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 5 for two-handed swords, two-han
words, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-han

Pagina 1137

words, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-han
word, one-handed blunt, one-handed staff, dagger, spear, other weapons, two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-handed staffs, dual
or above, P. Def. increases greatly. Can be safely enchanted up to +3. HP gradually increases with each enchant level starting from +4. If e
or above, P. Def. increases by 3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, and one-piece armor can be safely enchanted up to +4. HP gradually in
or above, P. Def. increases by 3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, and one-piece armor can be safely enchanted up to +4. HP gradually in
or above, P. Def. increases by 3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, and one-piece armor can be safely enchanted up to +4. HP gradually in
or above, P. Def. increases by 3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, and one-piece armor can be safely enchanted up to +4. HP gradually in
or above, P. Def. increases by 3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, and one-piece armor can be safely enchanted up to +4. HP gradually in

ed once open.
ed once open.

by Small Bard.
ing 10 to the Sponsorship Manager to receive a gift.
ng this to the Sponsorship Manager to exchange for a matching number of rewards.

owerful soul increases Max MP by 20%, HP Recovery Bonus by 20%, Attack M. Critical Rate by 2, Standard Attack Critical Damage by 20%
%. For characters Lv. 1-95.
omemade Cookie, and 1 Fantasy Special Cookie.
annot be exchanged or dropped,
n the PK count is 1 or above. Cannot be used when equipped with Demonic Sword Zariche or Blood Sword Akamanah.
n the PK count is 1 or above. Cannot be used when equipped with Demonic Sword Zariche or Blood Sword Akamanah.
n the PK count is 1 or above. Cannot be used when equipped with Demonic Sword Zariche or Blood Sword Akamanah.
en the PK count is 1 or above. Cannot be used when equipped with Demonic Sword Zariche or Blood Sword Akamanah.
ed when in Chaotic state (reputation is 0 or below). Cannot be used when equipped with Demonic Sword Zariche or Blood Sword Akamanah
ed when in Chaotic state (reputation is 0 or below). Cannot be used when equipped with Demonic Sword Zariche or Blood Sword Akamanah
sed when in Chaotic state (reputation is 0 or below). Cannot be used when equipped with Demonic Sword Zariche or Blood Sword Akamana
en in Chaotic state (reputation is 0 or below). Cannot be used when equipped with Demonic Sword Zariche or Blood Sword Akamanah.
es everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Santa outfit. Appearance is restored through the use of a Restoration Stone
es everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Santa outfit. Appearance is restored through the use of a Restoration Stone

item with limited usage.

m has no change in abilities. All armor types.

m has no change in abilities. All armor types.
em has no change in abilities.
m has no change in abilities.

Pagina 1138

y on hair accessories that take up 2 slots.

em has no change in abilities. All armor types.
tem has no change in abilities. All armor types.
item has no change in abilities.
tem has no change in abilities.
nly on hair accessories that take up 2 slots.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. Female only.
d only on hair accessories that take up 2 slots. Female only.
ing types. Can be used on shields and sigils. Double-click to use.
ding types. Can be used on shields and sigils. Double-click to use.
it to a Contender to fight with him.
ne of many event items.
her Blade, Aenkinel's Astaroth, Yehan Klanikus' Tirbing, or Mardil's Wind.

fied item has no change in abilities. All armor types.

fied item has no change in abilities. All armor types.
dified item has no change in abilities.
ified item has no change in abilities.
fied item has no change in abilities. All armor types.
fied item has no change in abilities. All armor types.
dified item has no change in abilities.
ified item has no change in abilities.

erful attack on the enemy.

creasing its magic significantly.
em has no change in abilities. All armor types. Gives you active skills upon modification.
em has no change in abilities. All armor types. Gives you active skills upon modification.
tem has no change in abilities. Gives you active skills upon modification.
em has no change in abilities. Gives you active skills upon modification.
ly on hair accessories that take up 2 slots. Gives you active skills upon modification.
em has no change in abilities. All armor types. Gives you passive skills upon modification.
em has no change in abilities. All armor types. Gives you passive skills upon modification.
tem has no change in abilities. Gives you passive skills upon modification.
em has no change in abilities. Gives you passive skills upon modification.
ly on hair accessories that take up 2 slots. Gives you passive skills upon modification.
ay) or Vorpal Light Armor Top Appearance Stone (7-day).
-day) or Vorpal Light Armor Pants Appearance Stone (7-day).
7-day) or Vorpal Light Armor Gloves Appearance Stone (7-day).
7-day) or Vorpal Light Armor Shoes Appearance Stone (7-day).

ied item has no change in abilities. All armor types.

Pagina 1139

fied item has no change in abilities. All armor types.

dified item has no change in abilities.
ified item has no change in abilities.
ied item has no change in abilities. All armor types.
fied item has no change in abilities. All armor types.
dified item has no change in abilities.
ified item has no change in abilities.
n (7-day), Butcher Blade (7-day), Aenkinel's Astaroth (7-day), Yehan Klanikus' Tirbing (7-day), or Mardil's Wind (7-day).

blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 7 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
ases greatly starting at +4. Can be enhanced safely to +3. When enhanced to +4 or higher, HP also increases according to the enchantmen

and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.

ing types. Can be used on shields and sigils.

ding types. Can be used on shields and sigils.

a day outside instances while on a cooldown.

a day outside instances while on a cooldown.
a day outside instances while on a cooldown.
a day outside instances while on a cooldown.
a day outside instances while on a cooldown.
a day outside instances while on a cooldown.

he desired name on your Account.\n2. Submit a ticket to Support with "Rename Character" in the title and indicate the new nickname.\n3. T
Support from this account.\n2. Put "Change gender" in the ticket title. The gender of the character with this item in the inventory will be chan
Vitality item with limited usage.
tem with limited usage.

of MP consumption during skill use, and increases HP/ MP/ CP Recovery Rate. The closer you sit to the fire, the better the effect. All mem

Pagina 1140

+3 and +9. Not usable on items enchanted +10 or above.

and +9. Not usable on items enchanted +10 or above.
itailty Star Candies, firecrackers, etc.
nd Scrolls, Enchant Scrolls, and Enchant Stones of various levels and types.
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified it
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified it
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified it
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified it
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified it
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified it
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified it
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified it
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified it
or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
stores some Vitality.
stores more Vitality than the Dimension Traveler's Red Vitality Potion.
stores more Vitality than the Dimension Traveler's Blue Vitality Potion.
stores some Vitality.
stores more Vitality than the Dimension Protector's Red Vitality Potion.
stores more Vitality than the Dimension Protector's Blue Vitality Potion.
has no change in abilities. All armor types. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.

Pagina 1141

m has no change in abilities. All armor types. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
m has no change in abilities. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
m has no change in abilities. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
dified item has no change in abilities. All armor types. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
odified item has no change in abilities. All armor types. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
odified item has no change in abilities. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
odified item has no change in abilities. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
m has no change in abilities. All armor types. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
m has no change in abilities. All armor types. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
em has no change in abilities. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
m has no change in abilities. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
item has no change in abilities. All armor types. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
item has no change in abilities. All armor types. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
d item has no change in abilities. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
d item has no change in abilities. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.

ply to boss monsters. Cooldown is 1 h.

P. Atk. by 4 for A-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. At
P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. At
P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. At
r armor and accessories (A-grade) +1. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3.
r armor and accessories (S-grade) +1. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3, and HP gradually increases.
r armor and accessories (R-grade) +2. Starting from +4, increases P. Def. greatly, and HP gradually increases.
P. Atk. by 4 for A-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. At
P. Atk. by 5 for S-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. At
P. Atk. by 6 for R-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. At
r armor and accessories (A-grade) +1. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3.
r armor and accessories (S-grade) +1. Starting from +4, P. Def. +3, and HP gradually increases.
r armor and accessories (R-grade) +2. Starting from +4, increases P. Def. greatly, and HP gradually increases.
dropped Adena +30%.
dropped Adena +30%.
dropped Adena +30%.

dropped Adena +50%.

dropped Adena +50%.
dropped Adena +50%.

dropped Adena +100%.

dropped Adena +100%.
dropped Adena +100%.

Pagina 1142

Blessed Weapon Enchant Scroll (R-grade), Normal/ Giant/ Blessed Armor Enchant Scroll (R-grade), Gemstone (R-grade), or Giant's Energ
he Olympiad.
er buff with the same effect, and when applying a similar effect, the Vitaily Maintaining Potion's buff effect will disappear.
gan Melody Lv. 2, Guitar Melody Lv. 2. Cooldown is 60 min.

s Card Shop. No longer used.

+10 and +15.

+10 and +15.
+10 and +15.
+10 and +15.
+10 and +15.
+10 and +15.

on (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.

-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
0 when using the Giant's Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
0 when using the Giant's Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant mu
on (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized but the enchant value will be
(R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9. If enchanting fails, the
0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Armor (D-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be betw
0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be betw
0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Armor (B-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be betw
0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Armor (A-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be betw
0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be betw
0 when using a Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade). Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be betw

s when augmenting than a standard Adenian Life Stone. Can be augmented by blacksmiths in town.
nce of bestowing superhuman strengths. Can be augmented by blacksmiths in town.

s when augmenting than a standard Adenian Life Stone. Can be augmented by blacksmiths in town.
nce of bestowing superhuman strengths. Can be augmented by blacksmiths in town.

Pagina 1143

sed by Ertheia.
e cannot be used by Ertheia.

int a 7-day magic symbol that contains the abilities of the Human race. (Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth Resistance +10, Debuff Resistance +1%/ A
t a 7-day magic symbol that contains the abilities of the Elf race. (Water Resistance +20, P. Critical Rate +10, M. Critical Rate +10/ Active S
mprint a 7-day magic symbol that contains the abilities of the Dark Elf race. (Wind Resistance +20, P. Critical Damage and M. Critical Dama
a 7-day magic symbol that contains the abilities of the Orc race. (Fire Resistance +20, HP/ MP/ CP +1%/ Active Skill: Savage.) All classes.
print a 7-day magic symbol that contains the abilities of the Dwarf race. (Earth Resistance +20, Skill Cooldown - 1%/ Active Skill: Endurance
rint a 7-day magic symbol that contains the abilities of the Kamael race. (Dark Resistance +20, PvP Damage +1%/ Active Skill: Soul Protect

Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Elcyum Powder, D
nt Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Elcyum Powder
nt Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Elcyum Powder
hant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Elcyum Powd
HP is 90% or above, P. Def. +20%, Speed +33). All classes. Awakened only.\n\nNote: Tattoo is only effective in the Olympiad and Ceremon
ved Damage from PCs - 2%, Damage Reflection Resistance +2, effect increased for PC kills, up to Lv. 5) All classes. Awakened only.\n\nNo

y up to 5 hours inside, and must leave when the time resets at 6:30 am.
ar and Tattoos are visible. Your cloak also becomes invisible.

hancement Stone, Dark Eternal Enhancement Stone, Bloody Eternal Enhancement Stone, Kaliel's Energy - Desire, Kaliel's Energy - Hellfire
R95-grade), Scroll of Blessing: (R2-grade), Scroll of Blessing: (R1-grade), Lv. 5 Legendary Dye Pack, Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-g
gh-grade Maphr's Rune (100%) Pack (7-day), Weapon Appearance/ Restoration Stone Pack (R-grade), Armor Appearance/ Restoration St
ve), Talisman (R-grade) - Knock Down Resistance (Passive), Talisman (R-grade) - Binding Resistance (Passive), Talisman (R-grade) - Pul
with the title "Change Clan Name".\n3. Your character must be the clan leader, with the Change Clan Name item in the inventory.
le of Queen Ant's Soul, or a Bottle of Baium's Soul.
hem for the Bottle of Valakas' Soul.
hem for the Bottle of Antharas' Soul.
em for the Bottle of Baium's Soul.
em for the Bottle of Orfen's Soul.
ge them for the Bottle of Queen Ant's Soul.
them for the Bottle of Frintezza's Soul.
em for the Bottle of Freya's Soul.

gain through hunt +30%. Does not stack with event buffs such as the Letter Collector's Gift.
dropped Adena +100%.
dropped Adena +100%.

Pagina 1144

dropped Adena +100%.

t hair accessories.
hanges the entire armor set's appearance. Can be undone with a Restoration Stone.
nges the entire armor set's appearance. Can be undone with a Restoration Stone.

armor types.

t hair accessories.
e Instilled with Giants' Power, Top-grade Life Stone (R-grade), High-grade Life Stone (R-grade), Mid-grade Life Stone (R-grade), or Life Sto
Superior Adenian Life Stone: Tattoo, Major Adenian Life Stone, or Adenian Life Stone.
either Improved Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (R-grade), Blessed Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (R-grade), High-grade Lucky Enchant Stone
n either Improved Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (R-grade), Blessed Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (R-grade), High-grade Lucky Enchant
alakas' Soul, Bottle of Antharas' Soul, Bottle of Baium's Soul, Bottle of Orfen's Soul, Bottle of Queen Ant's Soul, Bottle of Frintezza's Soul, B
ollowing: Life Stone Instilled with Giant's Power, Destruction Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade), Destruction Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grad
ollowing: 10 Ziggo's Jewels, Scroll: Enchant Hair Accessory, Weapon Attribute Change Crystal (R-grade), Gemstone (R-grade), Scroll: Enc
(Dark Resistance +120 when fighting normal monsters). All classes.
(Holy Resistance +120 when fighting normal monsters). All classes.
(Fire Resistance +120 when fighting normal monsters). All classes.
(Water Resistance +120 when fighting normal monsters). All classes.
(Wind Resistance +120 when fighting normal monsters). All classes.
(Earth Resistance +120 when fighting normal monsters). All classes.
(Hold, Sleep, Paralysis, Mental Attack, Poison, Bleed, Stun Resistance +20/ Buff-canceling Attack Resistance +20/ 5% chance of reflecting
(normal hit and duration of invincibility against skills +50%). All classes.
(P. Def. and M. Def. +15% when fighting Antharas, Valakas, or Lindvior). All classes.
(P. Def. and M. Def. +20% when fighting Antharas). All classes.
(P. Def. and M. Def.+20% when fighting Valakas). All classes.
(P. Def. and M. Def. +20% when fighting Lindvior). All classes.
One-handed Sword. Limited time item (7-day).

Two-handed Sword. Limited time item (7-day).

d Blunt Weapon. 7-day.

Sword. Limited time item (7-day).
Tears One-handed Staff. Limited time item (7-day).
Tears Two-handed Staff. Limited time item (7-day).
ord. Limited time item (7-day).
agger. Limited time item (7-day).

Pagina 1145

Secret Chest, and 2 to open a normal Chest.

Secret Chest, and 2 to open a normal Chest.
g, Heavenly Cocktail x 2, Scroll of Escape Pack: Village, or MP Recovery Potion. Once a day.
k, and a Returning Hero's Support Box.
ng Hero's Wondrous Cubic.
geon up to 5 times within the cooldown.
chance of obtaining either a Dark/ Bloody Helios Enhancement Stone, Dark/ Bloody Eternal Enhancement Stone, Life Stone Instilled with G
of obtaining either a Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), High-grade Life Stone (R/ R95/ R99-grade), Scroll: Enchant Weap

er modification. Can be used regardless of material. Can be stored in the clan warehouse.
after modification. Can be used regardless of material. Can be stored in the clan warehouse.
after modification. Can be stored in the clan warehouse.
after modification. Can be stored in the clan warehouse.
only on hair accessories that take up 2 slots. Can be stored in the clan warehouse.
d, or sold. Can be stored in the private warehouse.
sold. Can be stored in the private warehouse.
). Cannot be exchanged, dropped, destroyed, auctioned, or sold in a private store. Can be stored in a private warehouse. Can be shared w
nd XP Rune II (Lv. 1-95) 100%.
d Wind Attack/ Resistance +20. Skill Cooldown -10%. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, auctioned, sold in a private store, or used in the Oly
e Dark Assassin's Move after appearance modification. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearan
nal Merchant to trade in for an Appearance Stone: Dark Assassin Suit.
nal Merchant to trade in for an Appearance Stone: Dark Assassin Suit.
nal Merchant to trade in for an Appearance Stone: Dark Assassin Suit.
nal Merchant to trade in for an Appearance Stone: Dark Assassin Suit.
celet with a 100% success rate.
PC. You can receive an event item.

a Helios weapon.

Pagina 1146

a Specter weapon.
augmentation and de-augmentation.
augmentation and de-augmentation.
n - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of Destruction 20-unit Pack, Giant's Energy, Top-grade Augmentation Pack (R95-grade), Top-grade Augm
Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Giant's Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Scroll: Ench
h-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Kat the Cat's Box of Roses, Pa'agrio's Warm Breeze, Ghost Potion, Emperor's Growth Scroll, Feather o

Cannot be used in the auction house.

Cannot be used in the auction house.

Pagina 1147

chant success rate.

hant success rate.

fect disappears if active while receiving Art of Seduction. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, or used in the Olympiad. Can be used in the Cer
nged, dropped, sold, used in the Olympiad, or used in the Ceremony of Chaos. Can be stored in the private warehouse.
e Dark Assassin's Move after appearance modification. Tops and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearan
n - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of Destruction 20-unit Pack, Giant's Energy, Top-grade Augmentation Pack (R95-grade), Top-grade Augm
n - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of Destruction 20-unit Pack, Giant's Energy, Top-grade Augmentation Pack (R95-grade), Top-grade Augm

Pagina 1148

pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +3%.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistan
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resista
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +3%.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +3%.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistance +5
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Amount
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +3%.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +3%.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +3%.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +3.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +5
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +3
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +3.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +15.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +16.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +17.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +18.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +19.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +20.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +5%.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistan
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resista
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +5%.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +5%.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistance +7
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Amount
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +7%.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +5%.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +7%.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +7.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +8
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +4
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +4.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +15.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +16.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +17.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +18.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +19.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +20.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +10%.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistan
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resista
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +10%.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +10%.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistance +1
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Amount
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +15%.

Pagina 1149

pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +10%.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +15%.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +15.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +1
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +8
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +8.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +15.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +16.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +17.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +18.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +19.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +20.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +3%
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Re
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow R
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +3%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +3%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistan
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Am
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +3%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +3%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +3%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +3.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bon
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bon
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +3
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +5%
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Re
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow R
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +5%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +5%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistan
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Am
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +7%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +5%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +7%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +7.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bon
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bon
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +4
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option

Pagina 1150

d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +10
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Re
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow R
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +10%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +10%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistan
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Am
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +15%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +10%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +15%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +15.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bon
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bon
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +8
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +3%
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Re
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow R
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +3%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +3%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistan
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Am
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +3%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +3%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +3%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +3.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bon
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bon
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +3
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +5%
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Re
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow R
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +5%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +5%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistan

Pagina 1151

d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Am
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +7%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +5%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +7%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +7.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bon
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bon
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +4
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +10
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Re
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow R
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +10%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +10%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistan
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Am
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +15%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +10%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +15%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +15.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bon
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bon
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +8
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect R
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +3%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +3%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resist
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +3%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +3%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +3%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +3.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery B
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery B
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Opt

Pagina 1152

and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Opt
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Opt
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Opt
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Opt
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Opt
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect R
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +5%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +5%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resist
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +7%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +5%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +7%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +7.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery B
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery B
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Opti
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Opti
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Opti
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Opti
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Opti
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Opti
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect R
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +10%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +10%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resist
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +15%
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +10%
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +15%
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +15.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery B
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery B
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Opt
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Opt
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Opt
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Opt
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Opt
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Opt
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect R
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +3%.

Pagina 1153

and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +3%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resist
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +3%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +3%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +3%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +3.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery B
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery B
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Opt
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Opt
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Opt
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Opt
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Opt
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Opt
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect R
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +5%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +5%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resist
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +7%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +5%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +7%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +7.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery B
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery B
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Opti
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Opti
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Opti
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Opti
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Opti
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Opti
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect R
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +10%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +10%.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resist
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +15%
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +10%
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +15%
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +15.
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery B
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery B

Pagina 1154

and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Opt
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Opt
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Opt
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Opt
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Opt
and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Opt
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +3%.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +3%.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +3%.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistance +5.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Amount +3%
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +3%.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +3%.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +3%.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +3.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +5.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +3.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +3.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +15.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +16.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +17.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +18.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +19.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +20.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +5%.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +5%.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +5%.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistance +7.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Amount +7%
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +7%.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +5%.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +7%.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +7.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +8.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +4.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +4.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +15.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +16.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +17.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +18.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +19.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +20.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +10%.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance

Pagina 1155

ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +10%.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +10%.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistance +15.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Amount +15
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +15%.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +10%.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +15%.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +15.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +16.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +8.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +8.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +15.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +16.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +17.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +18.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +19.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +20.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +3%.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resis
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Res
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +3%.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +3%.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistance
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Amou
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +3%.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +3%.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +3%.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +3.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +3.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +5%.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resis
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Res
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +5%.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +5%.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistance
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Amou
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +7%.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +5%.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +7%.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +7.

Pagina 1156

ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +4.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +1
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +1
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +1
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +1
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +1
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +2
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +10%
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resis
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Res
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +10%.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +10%.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistance
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Amou
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +15%.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +10%.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +15%.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +15.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +8.
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +1
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +1
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +1
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +1
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +1
ne-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +2
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +3%
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Res
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Re
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +3%.
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +3%.
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistanc
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Am
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +3%.
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +3%.
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +3%.
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +3.
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bon
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bon
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +3.
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option

Pagina 1157

one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +5%
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Res
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Re
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +5%.
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +5%.
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistanc
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Am
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +7%.
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +5%.
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +7%.
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +7.
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bon
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bon
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +4.
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +10
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Res
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Re
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +10%.
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +10%.
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistanc
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Am
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +15%.
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +10%.
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +15%.
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +15.
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bon
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bon
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +8.
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option
one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +3
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Re
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow R
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +3%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +3%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistan
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal A
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +3%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +3%.

Pagina 1158

d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +3%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +3.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bon
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bo
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +3
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Optio
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Optio
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Optio
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Optio
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Optio
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Optio
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +5
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Re
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow R
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +5%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +5%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistan
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal A
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +7%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +5%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +7%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +7.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bon
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bo
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +4
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Optio
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Optio
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Optio
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Optio
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Optio
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Optio
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +1
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Re
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow R
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +10%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +10%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistan
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal A
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +15%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +10%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +15%.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +15.
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bon
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bo
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +8
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Optio
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Optio
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Optio
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Optio

Pagina 1159

d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Optio
d one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Optio
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +3%.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistanc
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistan
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +3%.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +3%.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistance +5.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Amount +
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +3%.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +3%.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +3%.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +3.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +5.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +3.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +3.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +15.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +16.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +17.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +18.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +19.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +20.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +5%.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistanc
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistan
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +5%.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +5%.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistance +7.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Amount +
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +7%.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +5%.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +7%.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +7.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +8.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +4.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +4.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +15.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +16.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +17.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +18.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +19.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +20.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +10%.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistanc
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistan
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +10%.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +10%.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistance +15
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Amount +

Pagina 1160

ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +15%.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +10%.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +15%.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +15.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +16
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +8.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +8.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +15.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +16.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +17.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +18.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +19.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +20.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +3%.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resista
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resis
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +3%.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +3%.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistance +
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Amoun
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +3%.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +3%.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +3%.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +3.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +3.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +15
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +16
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +17
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +18
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +19
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +20
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +5%.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resista
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resis
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +5%.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +5%.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistance +
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Amoun
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +7%.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +5%.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +7%.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +7.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +4.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +15
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +16

Pagina 1161

e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +17
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +18
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +19
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +20
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect +10%.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resista
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resis
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P. Def. +10%.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, M. Def. +10%.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Attribute Resistance +
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Received Heal Amoun
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. HP +15%.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. MP +10%.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Max. CP +15%.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Speed +15.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +8.
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +15
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +16
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +17
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +18
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +19
e-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +20
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Debuff Reflect +3% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Damage Reflection Resistance 5% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +3% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into P. Def. +3% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into M. Def. +3% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Attribute Resistance +5 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Received Heal Amount +3% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Max. HP +3% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Max. MP +3% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Max. CP +3% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Speed +3 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into HP Recovery Bonus +5 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into MP Recovery Bonus +3 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into P./ M. Evasion +3 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Low-grade/ Option 15 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Low-grade/ Option 16 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Low-grade/ Option 17 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Low-grade/ Option 18 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Low-grade/ Option 19 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Low-grade/ Option 20 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Debuff Reflect +5% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Damage Reflection Resistance 7% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +5% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into P. Def. +5% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into M. Def. +5% Appearance Stone.

Pagina 1162

utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Attribute Resistance +7 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Received Heal Amount +7% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Max. HP +7% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Max. MP +5% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Max. CP +7% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Speed +7 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into HP Recovery Bonus +8 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into MP Recovery Bonus +4 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into P./ M. Evasion +4 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Mid-grade/ Option 15 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Mid-grade/ Option 16 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Mid-grade/ Option 17 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Mid-grade/ Option 18 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Mid-grade/ Option 19 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Mid-grade/ Option 20 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Debuff Reflect +10% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Damage Reflection Resistance 15% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +10% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into P. Def. +10% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into M. Def. +10% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Attribute Resistance +15 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Received Heal Amount +15% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Max. HP +15% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Max. MP +10% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Max. CP +15% Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Speed +15 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into HP Recovery Bonus +16 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into MP Recovery Bonus +8 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into P./ M. Evasion +8 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Top-grade/ Option 15 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Top-grade/ Option 16 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Top-grade/ Option 17 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Top-grade/ Option 18 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Top-grade/ Option 19 Appearance Stone.
utfit, Beach/ Alluring/ Seductive Swimsuit, and Maid Costume into Top-grade/ Option 20 Appearance Stone.

Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Giant's Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Scroll: Ench
h-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Kat the Cat's Box of Roses, Pa'agrio's Warm Breeze, Ghost Potion, Emperor's Growth Scroll, Feather o
Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Giant's Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Scroll: Ench
h-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Kat the Cat's Box of Roses, Pa'agrio's Warm Breeze, Ghost Potion, Emperor's Growth Scroll, Feather o

tone (R-grade), Crystal (R-grade), Large Firecracker, Attribute Crystal, Attribute Stone, Scroll: PK, Blessed Scroll of Resurrection, Superior
nd the Shiny Elemental Shirt. When enchanted, increases P. Def. and M. Def. by 1. P. Def. +3 starting from +4. Can be safely enchanted to
nd the Shiny Elemental Shirt. When enchanted, increases P. Def. and M. Def. by 1. From +3, Elemental defense increases by 5, and from +

Pagina 1163

e exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in the private warehouse.

. When used, you can reset your instance timer for the level 85 solo dungeon.
. When used, you can reset your instance timer for the level 90 solo dungeon.
. When used, you can reset your instance timer for the level 95 solo dungeon.
. When used, you can reset your instance timer for the level 85 party dungeon.
. When used, you can reset your instance timer for the level 90 party dungeon.
. When used, you can reset your instance timer for the level 95 party dungeon.
n - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of Destruction 20-unit Pack, Giant's Energy, Top-grade Augmentation Pack (R95-grade), Top-grade Augm
Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Giant's Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Scroll: Ench
h-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Kat the Cat's Box of Roses, Pa'agrio's Warm Breeze, Ghost Potion, Emperor's Growth Scroll, Feather o
n - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of Destruction 20-unit Pack, Giant's Energy, Top-grade Augmentation Pack (R95-grade), Top-grade Augm
Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Giant's Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Scroll: Ench
h-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Kat the Cat's Box of Roses, Pa'agrio's Warm Breeze, Ghost Potion, Emperor's Growth Scroll, Feather o
n - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of Destruction 20-unit Pack, Giant's Energy, Top-grade Augmentation Pack (R95-grade), Top-grade Augm
Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Giant's Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Scroll: Ench
h-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Kat the Cat's Box of Roses, Pa'agrio's Warm Breeze, Ghost Potion, Emperor's Growth Scroll, Feather o
n - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of Destruction 20-unit Pack, Giant's Energy, Top-grade Augmentation Pack (R95-grade), Top-grade Augm
Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Giant's Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Scroll: Ench
h-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Kat the Cat's Box of Roses, Pa'agrio's Warm Breeze, Ghost Potion, Emperor's Growth Scroll, Feather o
n - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of Destruction 20-unit Pack, Giant's Energy, Top-grade Augmentation Pack (R95-grade), Top-grade Augm
Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Giant's Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Scroll: Ench
h-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Kat the Cat's Box of Roses, Pa'agrio's Warm Breeze, Ghost Potion, Emperor's Growth Scroll, Feather o
n - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of Destruction 20-unit Pack, Giant's Energy, Top-grade Augmentation Pack (R95-grade), Top-grade Augm
Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Giant's Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Scroll: Ench
h-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Kat the Cat's Box of Roses, Pa'agrio's Warm Breeze, Ghost Potion, Emperor's Growth Scroll, Feather o
n - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of Destruction 20-unit Pack, Giant's Energy, Top-grade Augmentation Pack (R95-grade), Top-grade Augm
Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Giant's Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Scroll: Ench
h-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Kat the Cat's Box of Roses, Pa'agrio's Warm Breeze, Ghost Potion, Emperor's Growth Scroll, Feather o
n - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of Destruction 20-unit Pack, Giant's Energy, Top-grade Augmentation Pack (R95-grade), Top-grade Augm
Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Giant's Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Scroll: Ench
h-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Kat the Cat's Box of Roses, Pa'agrio's Warm Breeze, Ghost Potion, Emperor's Growth Scroll, Feather o
n - Abundance, Elycum, Energy of Destruction 20-unit Pack, Giant's Energy, Top-grade Augmentation Pack (R95-grade), Top-grade Augm
Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Giant's Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade), Blessed Scroll: Ench
h-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack, Kat the Cat's Box of Roses, Pa'agrio's Warm Breeze, Ghost Potion, Emperor's Growth Scroll, Feather o
and enchant it to +10. You need scrolls and ingredients to make this work, but will never fail to enchant.

Pagina 1164

racters. Can be used by characters Lv. 40 - 84.

racters. Can be used by characters Lv. 40 - 84.
racters. Can be used by characters Lv. 52 - 84.
racters. Can be used by characters Lv. 52 - 84.
racters. Can be used by characters Lv. 61 - 84.
racters. Can be used by characters Lv. 61 - 84.
racters. Can be used by characters Lv. 76 - 84.
racters. Can be used by characters Lv. 76 - 84.
racters. Can be used by characters Lv. 81 - 84.
racters. Can be used by characters Lv. 81 - 84.
e used by characters Lv. 85 - 99.
used by characters Lv. 85 - 99.

Pagina 1165

XP x10, Dandy's Home Run Ball x3, Hero's Mark x250, Hero's High-grade Support Box. For characters Lv. 85 or above.
20, Returning Hero's Vitality Replenishing Juice x5, My Teleport Book (Event) x1, My Teleport Scroll (Event) x10, vReturning Hero's Suppor
rring Pack (7-day), Blessed Valakas' Necklace Pack (7-day), Tauti's Ring Pack (7-day), Earth Wyrm Heart Ring Pack (7-day), Blessed Zake
een Skill is applied when the appearance is changed. Tops and one-pieces only.
shields and sigils. The Halloween Skill is applied when the appearance is changed. \n\nNote: Appearance may reset when the Change We
utfit for 1 hour.
one-pieces only.
shields and sigils. \n\nNote: Appearance may reset when the Change Weapon skill is used.
isman - Longing will remain intact even if it fails.

Cannot be used in the auction house.

Cannot be used in the auction house.
: Skill Cooldown -10%, PvE Damage +10%, Vampiric Rage effect 5%. It will be effective only when the fire is started at a certain distance a
received PvE Damage -10%. It will be effective only when summoned at a certain distance away from the village. Can be stacked with the C

ubic which you can use for 30 days, once a day. Open it to obtain various items:\nBlessed Valakas' Necklace\nBlessed Antharas' Earring\n

m. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of the Lineage II Baseball Uniform. Appea
n only be used on hair accessories that use 2 slots.
d one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of the School Uniform A. Appearance is restored thr
only be used on hair accessories that use 2 slots.
d one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of the School Uniform B. Appearance is restored thr
only be used on hair accessories that use 2 slots.
te Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 25%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
te Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 25%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
te Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 25%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
te Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 25%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.

Pagina 1166

XP and hunting. Temporary event item.

blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 5 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
ng from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with eac
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 6 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level sta

e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew member. Appearance is restored
g types for 30 days. Can be used on shields and sigils. Double-click to use.\n\nNote: Appearance may reset when the Change Weapon skill
g types. Can be used on shields and sigils. Double-click to use.\n\nNote: Appearance may reset when the Change Weapon skill is used.
be used only on hair accessories that take up 2 slots.
modified item has no change in abilities. All armor types. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
modified item has no change in abilities. All armor types. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
-modified item has no change in abilities. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
-modified item has no change in abilities. Modifying the full set creates a new skill.
be used only on hair accessories that take up 2 slots. Gives you active skills upon modification.
-modified item has no change in abilities. All armor types. Gives you passive skills upon modification of top, pants, gloves, and shoes.
-modified item has no change in abilities. All armor types. Gives you passive skills upon modification of top, pants, gloves, and shoes.
-modified item has no change in abilities. Gives you passive skills upon modification of top, pants, gloves, and shoes.
-modified item has no change in abilities. Gives you passive skills upon modification of top, pants, gloves, and shoes.
s. Can only be used on hair accessories that use 2 slots.
arance-modified item has no change in abilities. All armor types. Gives you passive skills upon modification of top, pants, gloves, and shoes
arance-modified item has no change in abilities. All armor types. Gives you passive skills upon modification of top, pants, gloves, and shoes
arance-modified item has no change in abilities. Gives you passive skills upon modification of top, pants, gloves, and shoes.
arance-modified item has no change in abilities. Gives you passive skills upon modification of top, pants, gloves, and shoes.
n be used only on hair accessories that take up 2 slots.
e-modified item has no change in abilities. All armor types. Gives you passive skills upon modification of top, pants, gloves, and shoes.
e-modified item has no change in abilities. All armor types. Gives you passive skills upon modification of top, pants, gloves, and shoes.
e-modified item has no change in abilities. Gives you passive skills upon modification of top, pants, gloves, and shoes.
e-modified item has no change in abilities. Gives you passive skills upon modification of top, pants, gloves, and shoes.
nly for 2-slot hair accessories.\n\nNote: Bestowing a pendant on a modified hair accessory wil reset the appearance.
ce armor. Changes the entire armor set's appearance. Can be undone with a Restoration Stone.\n\nNote: Upgrading or bestowing options o
nce-modified item has no change in abilities. All armor types.
nce-modified item has no change in abilities. All armor types.
n stats. All armor types.
n stats. All armor types.
nly for 2-slot hair accessories.
armor. Changes the entire armor set's appearance. Can be undone with a Restoration Stone.\n\nNote: Upgrading or bestowing options on
mpiad or the Ceremony of Chaos.

s the weight limit by 20%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.

Pagina 1167

. The effect only applies to characters Lv. 99 or below. 1-h.

. The effect only applies to characters Lv. 99 or below. 1-day.

. For characters Lv. 99 or below.

. The effect only applies to characters Lv. 99 or below. 30-day.

te Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 25%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
te Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 25%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
te Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 25%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
te Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 25%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ughterer/ Conqueror/ Outlaw Talisman, Valakas' Necklace, Istina's Necklace, Octavis' Necklace, Antharas' Earring, Istina's Earring, Octavis
pon (R-grade), Windy Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor/ Weapon (R-grade), Blessed Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor/ Weapon Pack (R-gr
nsanity Talisman Upgrade Pack, XP Rune III 100% Pack (30-day), High-grade Maphr's Rune 100% Pack (30-day), Pa'agrio's Warm Breeze
an - Annihilation.
upgrade a Talisman - Annihilation up to a Talisman - Hellfire.
upgrade a Talisman - Hellfire up to a Talisman - Desire.
upgrade a Talisman - Desire up to a Talisman - Longing.
upgrade a Talisman - Longing up to a Talisman - Insanity.
ng extra materials.
ut consuming extra materials.
ut consuming extra materials.

te Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 25%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
te Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 25%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
te Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 25%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
te Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 25%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.

Pagina 1168

te Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 25%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
te Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 25%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
te Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 25%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
te Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 25%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
Earring, Talisman - Lilith, Talisman - Anakim, Baium's Soul Ring, Valakas' Necklace, Bottle of Antharas' Soul, Bottle of Valakas' Soul, Baiu

e of obtaining a Radiant Gemstone Fragment or a La Vie En Rose's Radiant Brooch.

wn 60 min. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.

akim Holy Barrier (30-day). The Appearance Stone and bracelet cannot be dropped or exchanged.

/ MEN (CHA).
/ MEN (LUC).
/ MEN (CHA).
/ MEN (LUC).
near Faeron Village.
te Captain skill after appearance modification. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into th
e Pirate Crew skill after appearance modification. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor int
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u

Pagina 1169

e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
e-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Captain. Appearance is restored through the u
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored

Pagina 1170

nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored
nd one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Pirate Crew Member. Appearance is restored

e of obtaining a Radiant Gemstone Fragment or a La Vie En Rose's Radiant Brooch.

on is 30 sec. Cooldown is 1 min. Only usable when 1 or more Vitality slot is full. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
. When used, you can reset your instance timer for the level 85 solo dungeon.
. When used, you can reset your instance timer for the level 90 solo dungeon.
. When used, you can reset your instance timer for the level 95 solo dungeon.
. When used, you can reset your instance timer for the level 85 party dungeon.
. When used, you can reset your instance timer for the level 90 party dungeon.
. When used, you can reset your instance timer for the level 95 party dungeon.
Ring, Zaken's Earring, Queen Ant's Ring, Frintezza's Necklace, Orfen's Earring, Freya's Necklace.
Blessed Antharas's Earring, Blessed Valakas's Necklace, Blessed Freya's Necklace, Queen Ant's Soul Ring, Orfen's Soul Earring, Blessed
Bottle of Valakas' Soul, Bottle of Queen Ant's Soul, Bottle of Orfen's Soul, Bottle of Frintezza's Soul, Bottle of Baium's Soul.

e (High-grade).

iant's Enchant Scroll, a Scroll: Enchant Hair Accessory, or a Destruction Enchant Scroll.

ant Stone, or a regular Lucky Enchant Stone.

Pagina 1171

's Lucky Enchant Stone, regular Lucky Enchant Stone, Blessed Greater Lucky Enchant Stone, Wind Lucky Enchant Stone, regular Greater
ck, Talisman - Abundance Pack, Spirit Stone Pack, Hair Accessory Pack, Pendant Pack, Enchant Scroll Pack, Attribute Stone Pack, Ingred
er Rare Accessory Pack, Talisman - Abundance Pack, Pendant Pack, Greater Enchant Scroll Pack, Greater Attribute Stone Pack, Greater

Pack, Talisman - Abundance Pack, Spirit Stone Pack, Hair Accessory Pack, Pendant Pack, Enchant Scroll Pack, Attribute Stone Pack, Ing
ater Rare Accessory Box, Talisman - Abundance Pack, Pendant Pack, Greater Enchant Scroll Pack, Greater Attribute Stone Pack, Greater

apon/ Seraph armor/ (Blessed) Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade)/ (Blessed) Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade)/ Spirit Stone/ Attribute Cryst

orsaken Plains/ Fields of Massacre/ Swamp of Screams/ Forest of the Dead/ Wall of Argos/ Varka Silenos Barracks/ Ketra Orc Outpost/ Den

nd of the contest. Clan leaders only!

s (Hold, Sleep, Paralysis, Mental Attack, Poison, Bleed, Stun Resistance +20/ Buff-canceling Attack Resistance +20/ 5% chance of reflectin

Earth Wyrm Heart Ring, Ruler's Authority, and Lindvior's Earring for 30 days.


m. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of the Lineage II Baseball Uniform. Appea
n only be used on hair accessories that use 2 slots.

man Stage 4 x1, Adventurer's Support Box x1, Talisman - Abundance Pack x1, Radiant Zodiac Agathion Pack (30-day) x1, Beauty Shop Tic
apon Coupon x1, Immortal Armor Set Coupon x1, Lv. 3 Giant Dye Exchange Coupon x10, Venir's Talisman Stage 6 x1, Adventurer's Suppo
x1, Immortal Armor Set Coupon x1, Lv. 4 Legendary Dye Exchange Coupon x10, Venir's Talisman Stage 8 x1, XP Rune IV (Lv. 1-99) 100%

Pagina 1172

the inventory, increases acquired XP by 100%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
the inventory, increases acquired SP by 100%. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
on through Spoil +100%.
aracters Lv. 99 and above. Augment Fees are significantly less than normal.

on is 30 sec. Cooldown is 1 min. Only usable when 1 or more Vitality slot is full. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.

equiem or Apocalypse equipment for Blessed equipment.

pecter equipment for Blessed equipment.
elios equipment for Blessed equipment.
mmortal or Twilight equipment for Blessed equipment.
eraph equipment for Blessed equipment.
ternal equipment for Blessed equipment.
Earring, Talisman - Lilith, Talisman - Anakim, Baium's Soul Ring, Valakas' Necklace, Bottle of Antharas' Soul, Bottle of Valakas' Soul, Baiu

enger, Fighter, Stormer, Thrower, Shooter.

Pagina 1173

Fancy Fishing Rod.

haracters Lv. 85 - 89.
haracters Lv. 90 - 94.
haracters Lv. 95 - 98.

shing Rod Pack (30-day).

haracters Lv. 85 - 89.
haracters Lv. 90 - 94.
haracters Lv. 95 - 98.

shing Rod Pack (30-day).

obtaining a Radiant Gemstone Fragment or a La Vie En Rose's Radiant Brooch.

est, Tanzanite Chest, Cat's Eye Chest.
Cannot be used in the auction house.
a timed rare accesory.
Fated Support Box.

Pagina 1174

reya's Bloody Rune (2 hr).

t, Red/ White Noblesse Garment, Pirate Red/ Crew Outfit, Cowboy Purple Outfit Appearance Stone.
ath. Duration 10 min. Cooldown 10 min. Only usable when 1 or more Vitality slot is full.
e of obtaining one of the following items: Freya's Wish Box, Sirra's Wish Box, or a Snowman's Wish Box.

or Einhasad's Necklace.

Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
Create Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ate Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ate Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ate Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ate Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ate Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ate Common Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ommon Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ommon Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ommon Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ommon Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ommon Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ommon Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ommon Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ommon Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ommon Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ommon Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ommon Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ommon Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ommon Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ommon Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ommon Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ommon Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ommon Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
ommon Item - Skill Lv. 10. The success rate is 50%. Use offerings to increase the success rate to 100%.
Necklace, +7 Shiny Elemental Shirt Pack, Physical Reflect Shirt Pack/ Magical Reflect Shirt Pack, Baium's Ring, Talisman - Abundance (Hig
aium's Soul, Antharas' Soul, or Valakas' Soul, R-grade enchant stone or enchant scroll, Lucky Box 1, Destruction Weapon/ Armor Scroll.
ental Shirts (+7), Seed Talisman Upgrade Pack, , Immortal Scroll/ Chapter 1, XP Rune III, High-grade Maphr's Rune 100%, Talisman - Ann

Pagina 1175

ing the box cannot be dropped or exchanged.

ing the box cannot be dropped or exchanged.
ng the box cannot be dropped or exchanged.
e box cannot be dropped or exchanged.
box cannot be dropped or exchanged.
x cannot be dropped or exchanged.
box cannot be dropped or exchanged.
est, Tanzanite Chest, Cat's Eye Chest.

g from +1 enchant level, and it can be enchanted up to +5. If it succeeds, M. Def., Dark Resistance, STR/ INT and other various stats will in
failing from +1 enchant level, and it can be enchanted up to +5. If it succeeds, M. Def., Dark Resistance, STR/ INT and other various stats w
iling from +1 enchant level, and it can be enchanted up to +5. If it succeeds, M. Def., Dark Resistance, STR/ INT and other various stats wi

Pagina 1176

n Enchant Scrolls, Giant's Energy, or Gemstone (R-grade). Once a day. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.

for gemstones.

Heart Ring, Seven Signs' Energy, Talisman - Lilith, Talisman - Anakim, Talisman - Insanity, Talisman - Longing, Antharas' Earring, Bottle of

om, with the subject title of "Character Race Change"\n\n\Only characters that have reached at least level 85 and who have completed the 4

sed by characters Lv. 85-89.

sed by characters Lv. 90-94.
sed by characters Lv. 95-98.
sed by characters Lv. 99 or above.

shing Rod Pack (30-day).

y outside of the instance zone.

the user Eva's Rune passive skill. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.
the user Eva's Rune passive skill. The remaining time decreases even when not playing.

g the box cannot be dropped or exchanged.

Pagina 1177

the box cannot be dropped or exchanged.

the box cannot be dropped or exchanged.
ox cannot be dropped or exchanged.
cannot be dropped or exchanged.
annot be dropped or exchanged.
cannot be dropped or exchanged.
box cannot be dropped or exchanged.
box cannot be dropped or exchanged.
box cannot be dropped or exchanged.
sed Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt x5, Shining Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt x1, Shiny Elemental Shirt Pack x1.
sed Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt x5, Shining Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt x1, Reflect Attack T-shirt Pack x1.
sed Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt x5, Shining Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt x1, Reflect Magic T-shirt Pack x1.
tems enchanted between +3 and +9. When enchant succeeds, it increases randomly by 1-3. When enchant fails, the item does not crystall
or items enchanted between +3 and +9. When enchant succeeds, it increases randomly by 1-3. When enchant fails, the item does not cryst
or items enchanted between +3 and +9. When enchant succeeds, it increases randomly by 1-3. When enchant fails, the item does not cryst
nly be used on 12+enchanted items. When enchant succeeds, it increases by 1. When enchant fails, the item does not crystallize, but the e
n only be used on 12+enchanted items. When enchant succeeds, it increases by 1. When enchant fails, the item does not crystallize, but th
n only be used on 12+enchanted items. When enchant succeeds, it increases by 1. When enchant fails, the item does not crystallize, but th
be used once a day outside of the instance zone.

r exchanged.

n will not be destroyed. Only Sayha's Energy will be consumed.

n will not be destroyed. Only Sayha's Blessing will be consumed.

uction 20-unit Pack x3, and Elcyum x3.

racters Lv. 85 - 89.

racters Lv. 90 - 94.
racters Lv. 95 - 98.
racters Lv. 99 or above.

shing Rod Pack (30-day).

btaining a La Vie En Rose's Magnificent Brooch Jewel.

Seduction, and 1 Freya's Recovery Potion. There is also a chance to additionally obtain Freya's, Sirra's, or Snowman's Gift Box.

Pagina 1178

s urgently looking for this to make an accessory containing the soul of a god.
gn is urgently looking for this to make an accessory containing the soul of a god.
is urgently looking for this to make an accessory containing the soul of a god.
d for upgrading an Elegant Brooch. Bring this stone to Shadai in Heine to upgrade an Elegant Brooch to an Enhanced Magnificent Brooch.

Shadai in Heine to upgrade an Enhanced Magnificent Brooch to a Rare one. Additional fee is required.
e for Frenzied Tauti's Fragment.
e for Insane Kelbim's Fragment.
Seduction, and 1 Freya's Recovery Potion. There is also a chance to additionally obtain Freya's, Sirra's, or Snowman's Gift Box.

20% when using an Enchant Scroll. Can only be used on items that have been enchanted between +3 and +9. In case of Enchantment failu
creases the chance by 10%. Can only be used with 7 to 11 Enchantment Item. On success, Enchantment count increases by 1 to 3. In case

STR +2, INT +2, Attribute Resistance +20. Can be stacked with 'Devotion' and 'Longing' effects.
R +2, INT +2, DEX +2, WIT +2. Can be stacked with 'Compassion' and 'Longing' effects.
R +2, INT +2, CON +2, MEN +2. Can be stacked with 'Compassion' and 'Devotion' effects.
Scarecrow Jack/ Tin Golem/ Makeshift Bat/ Lady Tow/ Heavy Tow/ Sleepy Tow.
Scarecrow Jack/ Tin Golem/ Makeshift Bat/ Lady Tow/ Heavy Tow/ Sleepy Tow.
Scarecrow Jack/ Tin Golem/ Makeshift Bat/ Lady Tow/ Heavy Tow/ Sleepy Tow.

rment. The stone modifies the appearance of all armor, and all armor appears as a Red Noblesse Garment.
d one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of the School Uniform A. Appearance is restored thr
d one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of the School Uniform B. Appearance is restored thr
0-day fixed term).

nt Brooch (Rare-type).
Vital Stone (30-day), +6 Helios Weapon Capsule Coupon (30-day), +6 Eternal Armor Set Coupon (30-day), Tauti's Ring (14-day), Earth Wy

Pagina 1179


d for upgrading an Elegant Brooch. Bring this stone to Shadai in Heine to upgrade an Elegant Brooch to an Enhanced Magnificent Brooch.

ed Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only above level 85.

ed Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only above level 95.
ed Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only above level 99.
ed Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only above level 102.
ed Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only above level 105.

ll chance to receive an Embryo Reward Box.

ed Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only above level 85.
ed Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only above level 95.
ed Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only above level 99.
ed Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only above level 102.
ed Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only above level 105.

ll chance to receive an Embryo Reward Box.

ate: Ruler's Authority, Mystic Soul Crystal, Seven Signs' Energy, Destruction Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade), Freya's Lucky Enchant Sto

a Smuggled Embryo Chest.\nCan be used only above level 85.

a Smuggled Embryo Chest.\nCan be used only above level 95.
a Smuggled Embryo Chest.\nCan be used only above level 99.
a Smuggled Embryo Chest.\nCan be used only above level 102.
a Smuggled Embryo Chest.\nCan be used only above level 105.

ll chance to receive an Embryo Reward Box.

ed Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only above level 85.
ed Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only above level 95.
ed Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only above level 99.
ed Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only above level 102.
ed Embryo Chests.\nCan be used only above level 105.

ll chance to receive an Embryo Reward Box.

level goes up by 1 when it succeeds, and if it fails, the item remains and the level goes down by 1.

Pagina 1180

at least +10, up to +20. Enchant level goes up by 1 when it succeeds, and if it fails, the item remains and the level goes down by 1.
at least +7, up to +20. Success rate is 10% better than normal Cloak Scrolls. Enchant level goes up by 1 when it succeeds, and if it fails, th
Dimensional Merchant.
when they have been enchanted to +10, and a random effect will be added when augmented. Effects bestowed through augmentation will b
kingdom cloaks when they have been enchanted to +15, and a random effect will be added when augmented. Effects bestowed through au
aks when they have been enchanted to +15, and a random effect will be added when augmented. Effects bestowed through augmentation
cloaks when they have been enchanted to +15, and a random effect will be added when augmented. Effects bestowed through augmenta
loaks when they have been enchanted to +15, and a random effect will be added when augmented. Effects bestowed through augmentatio

The effect is deleted if you switch to a different class.

o enchant R99-grade Armor. Can only be used on 3-9 enchanted items. When Enchant fails, the item does not crystallize, but the existing e
e exchanged, dropped or sold in a private store.
not be exchanged, dropped or sold in a private store.
e exchanged, dropped or sold in a private store.
e exchanged, dropped or sold in a private store.
be exchanged, dropped or sold in a private store.
exchanged, dropped or sold in a private store.
be exchanged, dropped or sold in a private store.
be exchanged, dropped or sold in a private store.
ot be exchanged, dropped or sold in a private store.
be exchanged, dropped or sold in a private store.
nnot be exchanged, dropped or sold in a private store.
be exchanged, dropped or sold in a private store.
n the Agathion Charm grows. Can be enchanted up to +10, and the Agathion Charm disappears if the enchantment fails.
n the Agathion Charm grows. Can enchant between +1 and +3 when it succeeds, but the Agathion Charm disappears if the enchantment fa

hiny red stars.

through Head Blacksmith Ferris in the Town of Aden.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone.
Enchant level goes up by 1 when it succeeds, and if it fails, the enchant level remains the same.
ent Scroll - Legendary.
ecial gift through the Dimensional Merchant.

r exchanged.

e Halloween Blessing.

Pagina 1181

s Jewelry Box, Radiant Gemstone Fragment, La Vie En Rose's Radiant Brooch Chest, or a very small chance to win a Lv. 3 Jewelry Box.

roken them. Combine with match heads to fix them.

roken them. Combine with match heads to fix them.

er who will exchange it for a bonfire.

g ingredients on the bonfire to make delicious food.
+10% for 30 min. Cooldown is 5 min.

f you use it on a bonfire made by someone else, the ingredients will disappear.
ed with Einhasad's CHA Potion or Maphr's Luck Potion.\nCooldown: 5 min. Effect remains after death. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
acked with Einhasad's CHA Potion or Maphr's Luck Potion.\nCooldown: 5 min. Effect remains after death. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
and 2 Freya's Recovery Potion. There is also a chance to additionally obtain one a Freya, Sirra, or Snowman Winter Card or Freya's Ice C

d enhancement items.

Pagina 1182

tion rate +100%.

m. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of the Lineage II Baseball Uniform. Appea
n only be used on hair accessories that use 2 slots.
m for 30 days. Tops and one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of the Lineage II Baseball Uni
30 days. Can only be used on hair accessories that use 2 slots.

's Earring, Blessed Antharas' Earring, Seven Signs' Energy, Ring of Creation, Dark Helios/ Eternal Enhancement Stone, Mystic Soul Crysta
nchant level goes up by 1 when it succeeds, and if it fails, the enchant level remains the same.
ary cloak through the Dimensional Merchant.
dom cloaks when they have been enchanted to +10, and a random effect will be added when augmented. Effects bestowed through augme
Elmoreden kingdom cloaks when they have been enchanted to +15, and a random effect will be added when augmented. Effects bestowed
kingdom cloaks when they have been enchanted to +15, and a random effect will be added when augmented. Effects bestowed through au
ore kingdom cloaks when they have been enchanted to +15, and a random effect will be added when augmented. Effects bestowed through
s kingdom cloaks when they have been enchanted to +15, and a random effect will be added when augmented. Effects bestowed through
Elmore/ Ferios randomly.
Elmore/ Ferios randomly.
ional Merchant to create a Red Stars Bottle.

and item gain through spoils by 100%.

and item gain through spoils by 100%.

e, Scroll: Enchant Weapon Class S to R, Blessed Scroll of Resurrection, High-grade Elixir Pack, Energy of Destruction, Giant's Energy. Can

inventory. It grants the user Eva's Rune passive skill. The remaining time decreases even when logged out.
hange for a Fishing XP Box.
s a Special Ability from +4. It can enhance Agathion safely to +3 and enhance up to +10. Unique Abilities level up gradually from +1.
Mermaid Agathion Charm.
all bait. \nCan be stacked with Angler's Blessing.

g Fishing Box.
g Fishing Box.
ng Fishing Box.
ing Fishing Box.

Cannot be used by Chaotic Characters.

Cannot be used by Chaotic Characters.
Cannot be used by Chaotic Characters.
s. Cannot be used by Chaotic Characters.
not be used by Chaotic Characters.

the following items at a certain rate: Dark Helios/ Bloody Eternal (x2)/ Eternal Enhancement Stone, Blessed Valakas' Necklace, Lindvior's/
ional Merchant to exchange it for a useful item.
rchant to exchange it for even more special beer.\nCannot be used in Olympiad. No weekly usage limit.
when used and increases CON/ MEN/ LUC/ CHA by +1 for 10 min. When additional Honey Vitality Beer is used when Buff effects are still

Pagina 1183

op or one-piece dress. Changes appearance of all armor to a teddy bear. Armors can be changed back to its original form using a Scroll: Re
p or one-piece dress. Changes appearance of all armor to cat plushy. Armors can be changed back to its original form using a Scroll: Resto
n top or one-piece dress. Changes appearance of all armor to panda plushy. Armors can be changed back to its original form using a Scroll

Scrolls, 3 Dandy's Scrolls: Challenge, 5 Dragon Vitality Replenishing Potions, Entrance Pass: Kartia's Labyrinth Lv. 85/ 90 Party, Adventurer
Scrolls, 5 Dandy's Scrolls: Challenge, 10 Dragon Vitality Replenishing Potions, Entrance Pass: Istina/ Octavis (Normal), Adventurer's Bracel
ind Scrolls, 10 Dandy's Scrolls: Challenge, 3 XP Buffs 50% (1-hr), Entrance Pass: Nightmare Kamaloka, 5 Feathers of Blessing, 10 Top-gr

of the 14th Anniversary. The remaining time decreases even when logged out.

or a special item.

hantment fails.\nCannot be useds on Agathions above +7.

irit Stone, Noble Circlet Upgrade Stone or Radiant Circlet Upgrade Stone.
a's Recovery Potions, and 1 Freya's Frozen Scroll. There is also a chance to additionally obtain one Freya, Sirra, or Snowman Special Card

d enhancement items.

Pagina 1184

ns the same even if enchantment fails.

k to Head Blacksmith Ferris of Aden to upgrade +5 Circlets into Noble Circlets.
iliteis to Snake to exchange for a temporarily enhanced dragon weapon (high-grade).

racters from Seven Deadly Sins.

ool Uniform B, Pirate Crew, Blue Dynasty, Red/ White Noblesse, Red Musketeer, Cowboy-Purple, White Assassin, Healer/ Chevalier/ Barba

ed, dropped, or used in the private store, NPC Store, or shared within the account. Can be stored in a private warehouse.
obtain Dandy's Home Run Ball x5, when used 20 times, obtain Vitality Maintaining Potion (30-min.) x10, and when used 30 times, obtain M
x10, Dandy's Home Run Ball x3, Hero's Mark x250, Hero's High-grade Support Box. Lv. 85 or above.
s Home Run Ball x5, Duo - Freya's Wind Cube x1, Hero Support Cube x1 ,Top-grade Hero's Support Box x1. Lv. 95 or above.
pphire/ Emerald/ Vital STone (30-day), Warrior's Recovery Potion x100, Returning Hero's Vitality Replenishing Juice x10, Lv. 99 or above.

0%, and P. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Atk./ M. Def. by 15% for 30 min.

0%, and P. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Atk./ M. Def./ Normal Critical Damage/ Skill Power by 15% for 30 min. \nCannot stack with Deton's Red Potion.
bait. \nCan be stacked with Angler's Blessing.
ll bait. \nCan be stacked with Angler's Blessing.
ll bait. \nCan be stacked with Angler's Blessing.
ll bait. \nCan be stacked with Angler's Blessing

Atk./ P. Def./ M. Def. +30%, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +10%, Speed +20, Attack/ Defense Attribute +100, Damage +10%, P./ M. Skill Power
. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Def. +30%, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +10%, Speed +20, Attack/ Defense Attribute +100, Damage +10%, P./ M. Skill Power

to obtain a very rare item at random.

ng, Earth Wyrm Heart Ring, Blessed Zaken's Earring, Ruler's Authority Belt, all with 7-day limit.
e. Additionally, there is a chance to obtain Artifact Fragment.
ge 7/ Stage 8 Pack, Noble Knight's/ Wizard's/ Warrior's Circlet, Kaliel's Energy Longing, Ultimate Lv. 3/ Lv. 4 Jewelry Box, Noble Circlet Up
ewelry Box, Lindvior's Earring, Blessed Valakas' Necklace, Blessed Antharas' Earring, Mystic Soul Crystal, Sealed Talisman - Insanity/ Lon
ng maintenance on Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018.

Pagina 1185

ous Boxes.\nCan be used only above level 85.

ous Boxes.\nCan be used only above level 95.
ous Boxes.\nCan be used only above level 99.
ous Boxes.\nCan be used only above level 102.
ous Boxes.\nCan be used only above level 105.

erious Magic Box.

effects of Horn Melody Lv. 1, Pipe Organ Melody Lv. 1, Guitar Melody Lv. 1 for 30 min.

Altar inside the Seal of Shilen. Bring it to Lord of the Dusk Baro Negrado.
own of Aden and ask about it.

er Awakening.
ing for power. It can be sold in the shop.

Catacomb and the Necropolis. Click to check its content.

ive each type of support through the adventure guildsmen. Also, if you possess Marks of Effort, that benefit accumulates. Increases.

Pagina 1186

y hunting with a sponsor, you can acquire tremendous experience in a short period of time.

with a sponsor, you can acquire tremendous experience in a short period of time.
Cannot be enchanted.
ough the adventure guildsmen. 30 day limited period.

and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.

Double-click to use.
Double-click to use.
Double-click to use.
Double-click to use.

uccess rate is 100%.

Success rate is 100%.
Lv. 11. Success rate is 100%.
-grade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.
R-grade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.
grade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.

Pagina 1187

aster Raina in Talking Island Village. Cannot be applied while in Dual Class.
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Ring)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Ring)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Ring)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Earring)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
an be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
ired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ robe)
ired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ robe)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ other)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Ring)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ robe)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Earring)
to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
o identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
an be Standard or Bound. (Type: Helmet)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ sword)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ sword)
-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ crossbow)
dentified state. Double-click to identify the item. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Two-handed weapon/ ancient sword)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Ring)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
an be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ crossbow)
click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ crossbow)
e-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ crossbow)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ heavy armor)
e acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ heavy armor)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ heavy armor)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ heavy armor)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)

Pagina 1188

cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ sword)

item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ combat)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Earring)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Ring)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
k the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon type: rapier)
click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon type: rapier)
ck the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon type: rapier)
the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon type: rapier)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ heavy armor)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ heavy armor)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Helmet)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Helmet)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ light armor)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ light armor)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ sword)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ light armor)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ light armor)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Helmet)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ heavy armor)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ heavy armor)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ robe)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: headgear)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ robe)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
e acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (one-piece/ light armor)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ heavy armor)
an be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)

Pagina 1189

n be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)

item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ robe)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ robe)
he item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ ancient sword)
the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ ancient sword)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ robe)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: headgear)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ heavy armor)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ robe)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ light armor)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Earring)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Ring)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Earring)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Earring)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
ck the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ crossbow)
an be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ sword)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
entify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
y it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
ntify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
e Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
ick the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ crossbow)
the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ crossbow)
n be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ heavy armor)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Helmet)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
item can be Standard or Bound.
uired item can be Standard or Bound.
uired item can be Standard or Bound.
an be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ ancient sword)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)

Pagina 1190

m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)

m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
an be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ robe)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ robe)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
an be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ heavy armor)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ heavy armor)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Helmet)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ heavy armor)
can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ combat)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
ired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ robe)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ robe)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: undergarment)
ired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: undergarment)
ouble-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ ancient sword)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ robe)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ robe)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
entify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
y it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
y it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
ntify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
t. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ heavy armor)
he acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: headgear)
e acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
e acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
he acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ heavy armor)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)

Pagina 1191

em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)

d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ sword)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
ouble-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ ancient sword)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ other)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ combat)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
he acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Earring)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Ring)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Ring)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ other)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ robe)
ify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
he acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
y it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ robe)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Earring)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Earring)
ired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Ring)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Ring)
dentify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
ired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
ired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
an be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)

Pagina 1192

click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon type: rapier)
k the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon type: rapier)
e item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon type: rapier)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ ancient sword)
ired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Two-handed weapon/ sword)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ crossbow)
ble-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ crossbow)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: headgear)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ robe)
The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ light armor)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ heavy armor)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ robe)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ robe)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Ring)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Ring)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ fist weapon)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ heavy armor)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ heavy armor)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: headgear)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ robe)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ light armor)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
oc. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon type: rapier)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield/ robe)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)

Pagina 1193

ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Ring)

cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Earring)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ light armor)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ light armor)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
ired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ robe)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ robe)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
e acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
e acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
tify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
tify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
dentify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
entify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
y it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
n be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
quired item can be Standard or Bound.
he acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
he acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
e acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ heavy armor)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ heavy armor)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
an be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ combat)
e-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon type: rapier)
lick the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon type: rapier)
ble-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon type: rapier)
ble-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon type: rapier)
ouble-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ ancient sword)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ heavy armor)

Pagina 1194

item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: headgear)

item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ heavy armor)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ light armor)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ light armor)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ robe)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Ring)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Ring)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Earring)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Earring)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Helmet)
-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon type: rapier)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ sword)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
e-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ ancient sword)
he acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
cquired item can be Standard or Bound.
cquired item can be Standard or Bound.
uired item can be Standard or Bound.
e acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
e acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
em can be Standard or Bound.
cquired item can be Standard or Bound.
uired item can be Standard or Bound.
n be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ combat)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
he acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
ed item can be Standard or Bound.
cquired item can be Standard or Bound.
uired item can be Standard or Bound.
cquired item can be Standard or Bound.
can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
ble-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ crossbow)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Helmet)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon)

Pagina 1195

acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)

acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ light armor)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ light armor)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ light armor)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ light armor)
can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
n be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
ired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Helmet)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ combat)
can be Standard or Bound. (Type: undergarment)
he item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon type: rapier)
uble-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon type: rapier)
he item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon type: rapier)
ouble-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon type: rapier)
uble-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon type: rapier)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ heavy armor)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ fist weapon)
ired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Helmet)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
ired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ heavy armor)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ heavy armor)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Ring)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ robe)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Earring)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Earring)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ fist weapon)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ sword)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
ck the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ crossbow)
click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ crossbow)
entify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.

Pagina 1196

it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.

it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
tify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
ify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ combat)
ired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ heavy armor)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ robe)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ robe)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ robe)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ robe)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ heavy armor)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ light armor)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ light armor)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Ring)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ heavy armor)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Earring)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Earring)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: undergarment)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: headgear)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ robe)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ light armor)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ light armor)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ heavy armor)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Earring)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: headgear)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)

Pagina 1197

tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Ring)

item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ robe)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ light armor)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
ired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ robe)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ robe)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Ring)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Ring)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Necklace)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Earring)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Earring)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ heavy armor)
can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
ck the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon type: rapier)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Earring)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ light armor)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ light armor)
n be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ light armor)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ light armor)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
e acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ heavy armor)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ heavy armor)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ heavy armor)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ heavy armor)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ light armor)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ sword)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ fist weapon)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)

Pagina 1198

e acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: headgear)

acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ light armor)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
e acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: headgear)
ired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ heavy armor)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ fist weapon)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
e acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ heavy armor)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: headgear)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
ired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ robe)
The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ light armor)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ heavy armor)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ combat)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
ntify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
he acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
he acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
y it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Earring)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
n be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ combat)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Helmet)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ sword)

Pagina 1199

tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)

ouble-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon type: rapier)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ robe)
can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
e acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ light armor)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
e acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ light armor)
The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ light armor)
he acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ light armor)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ sword)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Boots)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ sword)

Pagina 1200

, you can receive the Oren Lord Valtez' reward.

e Wig. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.
male Wig. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.
e Wizard Wig. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.
male Wizard Wig. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.
g. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.
Wig. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.
e Wig. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.
male Wig. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.
Wig. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.
le Wig. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.
ig. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.
Wig. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.
haman Wig. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.
Shaman Wig. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.
e Wig. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.
male Wig. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.
lt. Requires Create Common Item Lv. 10. Success rate is 60%.
acelet. Requires Create Common Item Lv. 10. Success rate is 60%.
irt. Requires Create Common Item Lv. 10. Success rate is 60%.
. Requires Create Common Item Lv. 10. Success rate is 60%.
celet. Requires Create Common Item Lv. 10. Success rate is 60%.
t. Requires Create Common Item Lv. 10. Success rate is 60%.
. Requires Create Common Item Lv. 10. Success rate is 60%.
celet. Requires Create Common Item Lv. 10. Success rate is 60%.
t. Requires Create Common Item Lv. 10. Success rate is 60%.
Requires Create Common Item Lv. 10. Success rate is 60%.
celet. Requires Create Common Item Lv. 10. Success rate is 60%.
t. Requires Create Common Item Lv. 10. Success rate is 60%.

Pagina 1201

Guitar Melody, and Drum Melody. Can be used at level 85 or above. Cooldown is 2 min.
ng. Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.

d Shilen's creations. You must open it to see what it contains. Double-click to examine.
ll Pack and Elixir Pack.

Pagina 1202

em and bring them to Ridenbag at the entrance of Cruma Tower to exchange for a reward.
Collect them and bring them to the dwarf Ende at the entrance of the Tower of Insolence to exchange for a reward.
or a variety of level ranges.
or a variety of level ranges.

ade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.
ade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.
hot (R-grade). Requires Create Common Item Skill Lv. 10. Success rate is 100%.
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, other weapons, two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-handed staffs, dual daggers, dual
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-handed
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-handed
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 5 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-handed

Pagina 1203

blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 6 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
afely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level star
afely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level star
ely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level starting f
ely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level starting f
from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each e
ant's Codexes… or it could be completely empty.

%, Attack M. Critical Rate by 2, Standard Attack Critical Damage by 20%, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%

SP by 100%.

blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 7 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
ting at +4. Can be enhanced safely to +3. When enhanced +4 or more, HP also increases according to the enchant value. If enchanting fai
ot be bestowed. Also, armor can be enchanted up to 3 attributes. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed.
nnot be bestowed. Also, armor can be enchanted up to 3 attributes. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed.
nnot be bestowed. Also, armor can be enchanted up to 3 attributes. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed.
not be bestowed. Also, armor can be enchanted up to 3 attributes. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed.
not be bestowed. Also, armor can be enchanted up to 3 attributes. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed.
not be bestowed. Also, armor can be enchanted up to 3 attributes. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed.
wer is destroyed when additional attributes are bestowed. Also, armor can be enchanted up to 3 attributes. Opposite attributes cannot be be
power is destroyed when additional attributes are bestowed. Also, armor can be enchanted up to 3 attributes. Opposite attributes cannot be
ower is destroyed when additional attributes are bestowed. Also, armor can be enchanted up to 3 attributes. Opposite attributes cannot be
ower is destroyed when additional attributes are bestowed. Also, armor can be enchanted up to 3 attributes. Opposite attributes cannot be b
ower is destroyed when additional attributes are bestowed. Also, armor can be enchanted up to 3 attributes. Opposite attributes cannot be b
wer is destroyed when additional attributes are bestowed. Also, armor can be enchanted up to 3 attributes. Opposite attributes cannot be b

%, Attack M. Critical Rate by 2, Standard Attack Critical Damage by 20%, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%

Manager in the Town of each castle.

xchange for a special gift from the Kingdom Mark Manager in the Town of each castle.
Can be used when an S-grade weapon with a bestowed attribute exists in the inventory. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in shops, or
eel the effects of Prophecy of Water, Might, Haste, Empower, Acumen, Wind Walk, Vampiric Rage, Berserker Spirit, Shield, Focus, Death W
MP, and Critical Atk. Rate +20%, and you can feel the effects of Prophecy of Water, Might, Haste, Empower, Acumen, Wind Walk, Vampiric

he can mount a Kukuru.

he can mount a Kukuru. Contains 30 scrolls that allow 10 min. of mounting.
e for a returning hero's equipment.
n used while the "Birthday Vitality" buff is in effect. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
earby party members while acquiring XP through hunting.
5-unit Noblesse Blessing buff scroll pack, a 30-unit Kukuru mounting scroll pack, and a 3-unit Feather of Blessing pack.

Pagina 1204

e pack of 5, and a Superior Minion coupon pack of 2.

blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 7 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
ting at +4. Can be enhanced safely to +3. When enhanced +4 or more, HP also increases according to the enchant value.

m to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.

e acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ short sword)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ sword)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ ancient sword)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
ired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ crossbow)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ fist weapon)
quired item can be Standard or Bound.
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Two-handed weapon/ dual dagger)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ heavy armor)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ heavy armor)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: headgear)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: gloves)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: boots)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ light armor)
e acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ light armor)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: headgear)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: gloves)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: boots)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ robe)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ robe)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: headgear)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: gloves)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: boots)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: sigil)

5-unit Noblesse Blessing buff scroll pack, a 30-unit Kukuru mounting scroll pack, and a 3-unit Feather of Blessing pack.

Pagina 1205

e pack of 5, and a Superior Minion coupon pack of 2.

d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
identified state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon: rapier)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ sword)
d state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ ancient sword)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
d state. Double-click the item to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ crossbow)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ fist weapon)
uired item can be Standard or Bound.
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Headgear)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-piece/ heavy armor)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: boots)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ robe)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ robe)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: boots)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one piece/ light armor)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ sword)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
ed item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
m can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
ired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
n be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ fist weapon)
m to identify it. The acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: lower/ robe)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: upper/ robe)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one piece/ light armor)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Headgear)
ired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one piece/ heavy armor)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: boots)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ dagger)
red item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)

Pagina 1206

uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ sword)

item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ sword)
can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)
an be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
cquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one-handed weapon/ blunt)
he acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ blunt)
tem can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ spear)
d item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ fist weapon)
e acquired item can be Standard or Bound.
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Headgear)
quired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Shield)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: boots)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one piece/ robe)
The acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one piece/ light armor)
acquired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: Gloves)
uired item can be Standard or Bound. (Type: one piece/ heavy armor)
em can be Standard or Bound. (Type: two-handed weapon/ bow)

oyed, sold in a private store, or used in an Auction House. Enchantment, augmentation, and addition of attributes are not possible. Can be
Guitar Melody, and Drum Melody. Can be used at level 85 or above. Cooldown is 2 min.

my. Can be used on no-grade weapons.

my. Can be used on D-grade weapons.
my. Can be used on C-grade weapons.
my. Can be used on B-grade weapons.
my. Can be used on A-grade weapons.
my. Can be used on S-grade weapons.
my. Can be used on R-grade weapons.
n no-grade weapons.
n D-grade weapons.
n C-grade weapons.
n B-grade weapons.
n A-grade weapons.
n S-grade weapons.
n R-grade weapons.
atly. Can be used on no-grade weapons.
atly. Can be used on D-grade weapons.
atly. Can be used on C-grade weapons.
atly. Can be used on B-grade weapons.
atly. Can be used on A-grade weapons.
atly. Can be used on S-grade weapons.
atly. Can be used on R-grade weapons.

d 1 Returning Hero's Support Box.

Pagina 1207

a Peaceful Zone.
it for Diplomas. Diplomas can be exchanged for R-grade equipment after Awakening.

nce the pack is opened, it cannot be shared among characters within an account through the Dimensional Merchant.

e's Marks for items at a Mentor Guide.

xchange it for various items.
lunt, one-handed staff, dagger, spear, other weapons, two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-handed staffs, dual daggers, dual sword
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 5 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 6 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 7 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
afely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level star
afely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level star
ely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level starting f
P. Def. by 3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each
afely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level star
starting at +4. Can be safely enchanted to +3. When enchanted to +4 or more, HP also increases according to the enchant value. Every en
safely enchanted to +3.

blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 2 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 5 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 6 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 7 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
afely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. If enchanting fails, the power of the Goddess of Des
from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. If enchanting fails, the power of the
from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. If enchanting fails, the power of the
from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. If enchanting fails, the power of the

Pagina 1208

from +4. It can safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. If enchanting fails, the power of the
Can be safely enchanted up to +3. When enchanted to +4 or more, HP also increases according to the enchantment stats. If enchanting fa
hant Scrolls. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
hant Scrolls. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
hant Scrolls. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
hant Scrolls. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
hant Scrolls. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
hant Scrolls. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
nt Scrolls. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
nt Scrolls. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
nt Scrolls. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
nt Scrolls. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
nt Scrolls. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
nt Scrolls. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
uitar Melody, and Drum Melody. Can be used at level 85 or above. Cooldown is 2 min.
ed. 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
owed. 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
wed. 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
wed. 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
wed. 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
wed. 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
wed. 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
towed. 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
owed. 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
owed. 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
owed. 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
owed. 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
print on your body the symbol of magic that can change abilities. In order to imprint the symbol, 10 dyes are required. Can be used by all cla
mprint on your body the symbol of magic that can change abilities. In order to imprint the symbol, 10 dyes are required. Can be used by all c
print on your body the symbol of magic that can change abilities. In order to imprint the symbol, 10 dyes are required. Can be used by all c
nt on your body the symbol of magic that can change abilities. In order to imprint the symbol, 10 dyes are required. Can be used by all clas
print on your body the symbol of magic that can change abilities. In order to imprint the symbol, 10 dyes are required. Can be used by all cl
print on your body the symbol of magic that can change abilities. In order to imprint the symbol, 10 dyes are required. Can be used by all cl
mbol Maker, you can imprint on your body the symbol of magic that can change abilities. In order to imprint the symbol, 10 dyes are required
Symbol Maker, you can imprint on your body the symbol of magic that can change abilities. In order to imprint the symbol, 10 dyes are requi
mbol Maker, you can imprint on your body the symbol of magic that can change abilities. In order to imprint the symbol, 10 dyes are require
mbol Maker, you can imprint on your body the symbol of magic that can change abilities. In order to imprint the symbol, 10 dyes are required
mbol Maker, you can imprint on your body the symbol of magic that can change abilities. In order to imprint the symbol, 10 dyes are require
mbol Maker, you can imprint on your body the symbol of magic that can change abilities. In order to imprint the symbol, 10 dyes are require
Symbol Maker, you can imprint on your body the symbol of magic that can change abilities. In order to imprint the symbol, 10 dyes are requ
ge Symbol Maker, you can imprint on your body the symbol of magic that can change abilities. In order to imprint the symbol, 10 dyes are re
e Symbol Maker, you can imprint on your body the symbol of magic that can change abilities. In order to imprint the symbol, 10 dyes are req
Symbol Maker, you can imprint on your body the symbol of magic that can change abilities. In order to imprint the symbol, 10 dyes are requ
e Symbol Maker, you can imprint on your body the symbol of magic that can change abilities. In order to imprint the symbol, 10 dyes are req
Symbol Maker, you can imprint on your body the symbol of magic that can change abilities. In order to imprint the symbol, 10 dyes are req
e. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 85 or above. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.
. May be used as an ingredient in weapon augmentation by characters above level 85. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.
e. Usable by characters level 95 or above when augmenting items. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.
. Usable by characters level 95 or above when augmenting items.

Pagina 1209

a 9% Vampiric Rage Effect.

y 34. Decreases received Critical Damage by 30%.
by 20, Critical Damage during a standard attack by 20%, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%, M. Def. by 20%
covery Bonus by 20%.
cal Rate by 2. Decreases Skill MP Consumption by 20% for physical skills and by 10% for magic skills.

All enchant values are reset.

th. All enchant values are reset.
th. All enchant values are reset.

enchant values are reset.

All enchant values are reset.
All enchant values are reset.

seek out Josephina's Companion Izael in the Ancient City Arcan.

s acquired XP and SP by 100%. The effect only applies to characters below level 86. The remaining time decreases even when not playing
s acquired XP and SP by 100%. The effect only applies to characters below level 86. The remaining time decreases even when not playing
s acquired XP and SP by 100%. The effect only applies to characters below level 86. The remaining time decreases even when not playing
s acquired XP and SP by 200%. The effect only applies to characters below level 86. The remaining time decreases even when not playing
s acquired XP and SP by 200%. The effect only applies to characters below level 86. The remaining time decreases even when not playing
s acquired XP and SP by 200%. The effect only applies to characters below level 86. The remaining time decreases even when not playing

Pagina 1210

essory, and Spirit Stone - Hair Accessory.

rior Giant's Codex.
al Change Stone, or Attribute Change Crystal.

blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 5 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
P. Def. by 3. Can be safely enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level sta
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level sta
lunt, one-handed staff, dagger, spear, other weapons, two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-handed staffs, dual daggers, dual sword
safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level sta
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 6 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
safely be enchanted up to +3. For one-piece armor, it can safely be enchanted up to +4. HP gradually increases with each enchant level sta
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 7 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
starting at +4. Can be safely enchanted to +3. When enchanted to +4 or more, HP also increases according to the enchant value.
oll: Enchant Hair Accessory, and Spirit Stone - Hair Accessory.
Stone (Weapon or Armor), Superior Giant's Codex, and R-grade Scroll: Enchant Weapon or Armor.
Stone (R-grade), Attribute Change Crystal (R-grade), and Scroll: Enchant Weapon/ Armor (R-grade). Double-click to use.
nd Improved Box of Destruction.
ar Melody, and Drum Melody. Cooldown is 60 min.

ower of attack. Used with a No-grade weapon.

ower of attack. Used with a D-grade weapon.
ower of attack. Used with a C-grade weapon.
ower of attack. Used with a B-grade weapon.
ower of attack. Used with an A-grade weapon.
ower of attack. Used with an S-grade weapon.
s P. Atk. significantly. Can be used with an R-grade weapon.
s magic significantly. Used with No-grade weapons.
s magic significantly. Used with D-grade weapons.
s magic significantly. Used with C-grade weapons.
s magic significantly. Used with B-grade weapons.

Pagina 1211

s magic significantly. Used with A-grade weapons.

s magic significantly. Used with S-grade weapons.
s M. Atk. significantly. Can be used with an R-grade weapon.

effects of Horn Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Guitar Melody, and Drum Melody.

Guitar Melody, and Drum Melody. Cooldown is 60 min.

+3 starting from +4. Can be safely enchanted to +3 and up to a maximum of +10. From +4, basic abilities (CON, MEN, STR, INT, DEX, WT

e bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
e bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
ot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
nnot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
not be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
not be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
not be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
not be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.

Pagina 1212

20% of the XP is replenished. Can be used by sub (dual) classes level 76 or above.

Mentee Headphone. Only 1 per account. Cannot be shared once opened.

Pagina 1213

will frighten them. WARNING: Excessive use may result in temporary hallucinogenic effects.

ate amount and bring them to the Elmorean scholar Gerkenshtein in the Shrine of Loyalty.
g it to the Elmorean scholar Gerkenshtein in the Shrine of Loyalty.
own of Goddard. Double-click on it for more information.
he Shrine of Loyalty. Bring it to Goddard Vanguard Sirik in the Shrine of Loyalty.
ial Tomb. Bring them to Vice Hierarch Zenya in the Imperial Tomb.
or Blessed equipment. Small fee is charged.
for Blessed equipment. Small fee is charged.
Blessed equipment. Small fee is charged.
essed equipment. Small fee is charged.

t +4, P. Def. increases by 3 and a HP bonus is granted. Enchanting is safe up to +3, but one-piece body armor can be safely enchanted up
starting at +4. Can be safely enchanted to +3. When enchanted to +4 or more, HP also increases according to the enchant value.
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 6 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 7 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
t +4, P. Def. increases by 3. Enchanting is safe up to +3, but one-piece body armor can be safely enchanted up to +4. If enchanting fails, th
ting at +4. Can be enhanced safely to +3. When enhanced +4 or more, HP also increases according to the enchant value. If enchanting fai
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 6 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 7 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
reases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Stones can be used up to attribute level 3. Additionally, a maximum of three types of Ele
reases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Stones can be used up to attribute level 3. Additionally, a maximum of three types of Ele
creases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Stones can be used up to attribute level 3. Additionally, a maximum of three types of El
creases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Stones can be used up to attribute level 3. Additionally, a maximum of three types of El
eases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Stones can be used up to attribute level 3. Additionally, a maximum of three types of Ele
eases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Stones can be used up to attribute level 3. Additionally, a maximum of three types of Ele
reases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Crystals can be used up to attribute level 6. Additionally, a maximum of three types of E
reases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Crystals can be used up to attribute level 6. Additionally, a maximum of three types of E
creases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Crystals can be used up to attribute level 6. Additionally, a maximum of three types of E
creases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Crystals can be used up to attribute level 6. Additionally, a maximum of three types of E
eases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Crystals can be used up to attribute level 6. Additionally, a maximum of three types of El
eases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Crystals can be used up to attribute level 6. Additionally, a maximum of three types of El

g Pack, or a Squash Necklace Pack.

Pagina 1214

on, 15 Scroll: Enchant Armor, 5 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor, Super Attribute Stone, and 4 Spirit Stones.

ing this rope to tie an item will reduce its weight so that it will be easier to carry.
00 Soulshots (R-grade).
300 Spiritshots (R-grade).
ange to 300 Blessed Spiritshots (R-grade).
Create Item - Skill Lv. 11. Success rate is 100%.
Create Item - Skill Lv. 11. Success rate is 100%.
equires Create Item - Skill Lv. 11. Success rate is 100%.

ffect applies when used while the "Birthday Vitality" buff is in effect. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage. Will not be deleted

ble-click on it to purify the evil energy.

Draco Egg. When the egg's temperature rises, it can be hatched.
Draco Egg. When the egg's temperature rises, it can be hatched. Multiple players are required to hatch the egg.

unknown reason.
Mentee Headphone. Only 1 per account. Cannot be shared once opened.

Who Eats Prophecies.

l it with hot spring water.

Pagina 1215

eputation are consumed. Can be used by Count or higher.

monster "Scaldisect of Hellfire." Always be prepared for the attack.
ust be used by a group leader in order to activate the device.
Olympiad Manager Mysterious Butler located in each village.

en and decreases Speed by 30%.

educed to 1 but 1/ 3 of your HP is maintained. Has a 50% chance of inflicting a lethal strike on the target.
an additional item for 72 hours after the pet is summoned. Only clan member PCs of level 5 and higher can summon it.
ning an additional item for 72 hours after the pet is summoned. Only clan member PCs of level 5 and higher can summon it.
ining an additional item for 72 hours after the pet is summoned. Only clan member PCs of level 5 and higher can summon it.
30 sec., you gain 50 Clan Reputation and 10 Individual Fame.

Max HP/ MP/ CP by 500, Weight Gauge by 12000, damage inflicted during PvP by 5%, Damage Reflection Resistance by 5, and Attribute R
mmon the Water Spirit Lanya.
n that purifies the water of Eva, the goddess of water.

nsion demons in Kartia's Labyrinth. Double-click on it to see its contents.

nsion demons in Kartia's Labyrinth. Double-click on it to see its contents.
nsion demons in Kartia's Labyrinth. Double-click on it to see its contents.
on demons in Kartia's Labyrinth. Double-click on it to see its contents.
n demons in Kartia's Labyrinth. Double-click on it to see its contents.
on demons in Kartia's Labyrinth. Double-click on it to see its contents.
r Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade).
Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade).
safely enchanted to +3.

NT, WIT, or MEN.

NT, WIT, or MEN.

Spd. by 10%, Spd. by 10, Max HP and Max MP by 10%, and the appearance of the equipped weapon and armor change to that of Memora
NT, WIT, or MEN.

Pagina 1216

NT, WIT, or MEN.

ecial word and bring it to Angel Cat to receive a great gift!
Sizrak in the Seed of Hellfire.

n Ashes of Remnants.

hen a pure soul receives salvation from the gods.

ause of its color. It actually symbolizes paying tribute to the dead.

ress. Collect them and bring them to Warden Roderik of the Guillotine Fortress.
ine Fortress. Double-click on it for more information.
ivered to his comrade Warden Roderik. Double-click on it for more information.
uillotine Fortress. Bring to the Dark Elf Dadphyna in the Guillotine Fortress.
ortress. Bring to the Dark Elf Dadphyna in the Guillotine Fortress.

e them to Special Product Broker Kirklan at the Kucereus clan outpost, you can exchange them for useful items.
Can move to the special hot springs area for the quest mission. Cannot be received again.
Can move to the special Forge of the Gods area for the quest mission. Cannot be received again.
move to the special Isle of Prayer area for the quest mission. Cannot be received again.
uest. Can move to the special Aden Castle siege area for the quest mission. Cannot be received again.
uest. Can move to the special Rune Castle siege area for the quest mission. Cannot be received again.

ciety for a new ingredient.

ciety for a new ingredient.
ciety for a new ingredient.

ader for Rabbit Ears, Raccoon Ears, Cat Ears, Romantic Chapeau, Angel Circlet, Demon Circlet, Pirate's Eyepatch, Outlaw's Eyepatch, Eye

Pagina 1217

e success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
e success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
he success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
e success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
he success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
he success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
he success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
e success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
e success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
The success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
e success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
The success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
The success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
ccess rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
success rate. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
. 13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
13. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
3. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
e success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
uccess rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
uccess rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
uccess rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
he success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
e success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
uccess rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
uccess rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.

Pagina 1218

success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
e success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
e success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
he success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
e success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
4. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
uccess rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
The success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
e success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
v. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
. 14. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
4. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
. The success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
e success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
e success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
uccess rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
uccess rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
The success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
he success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
v. 13. The success rate is 60%.
13. The success rate is 60%.
v. 13. The success rate is 60%.
Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
v. 13. The success rate is 60%.
Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
. 13. The success rate is 60%.
. 13. The success rate is 60%.
l Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
. 13. The success rate is 60%.
ill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
13. The success rate is 60%.
Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
3. The success rate is 60%.
13. 60% success rate.
- Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
- Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.

Pagina 1219

Skill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.

kill Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
13. The success rate is 60%.
13. The success rate is 60%.
v. 13. The success rate is 60%.
13. The success rate is 60%.
3. The success rate is 60%.
3. The success rate is 60%.
Lv. 13. The success rate is 60%.
v. 13. The success rate is 60%.
3. The success rate is 60%.
14. The success rate is 60%.
14. The success rate is 60%.
14. The success rate is 60%.
v. 14. The success rate is 60%.
14. The success rate is 60%.
. 14. The success rate is 60%.
. 14. The success rate is 60%.
. 14. The success rate is 60%.
14. The success rate is 60%.
14. The success rate is 60%.
Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
. 14. The success rate is 60%.
ill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
14. The success rate is 60%.
Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
4. The success rate is 60%.
14. 60% success rate.
- Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
- Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
Skill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
kill Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
14. The success rate is 60%.
14. The success rate is 60%.
v. 14. The success rate is 60%.
14. The success rate is 60%.
4. The success rate is 60%.
4. The success rate is 60%.
Lv. 14. The success rate is 60%.
. 14. The success rate is 60%.
4. The success rate is 60%.
quest as proof of participation in the tournament.
Double-click to check for more information.
Double-click to check for more information.
r of the Seed of Hellfire. Double-click to check for more information.
check for more information.

quest as proof of participation in the tournament.

Pagina 1220

hange it for a reward from the Captain of the Revolutionaries.

or a reward from the Captain of the Revolutionaries.
Exchange it for a reward from the Captain of the Revolutionaries.
e it for a reward from the Captain of the Revolutionaries.
can reset your return to the level 85 solo dungeon using the pass. Cannot be used if you are not in an Instanced Zone. Can be used only o
can reset your return to the level 90 solo dungeon using the pass. Cannot be used if you are not in an Instanced Zone. Can be used only o
can reset your return to the level 95 solo dungeon using the pass. Cannot be used if you are not in an Instanced Zone. Can be used only o
can reset your return to the level 85 party dungeon using the pass. Cannot be used if you are not in an Instanced Zone. Can be used only o
can reset your return to the level 90 party dungeon using the pass. Cannot be used if you are not in an Instanced Zone. Can be used only o
can reset your return to the level 95 party dungeon using the pass. Cannot be used if you are not in an Instanced Zone. Can be used only o

option is bestowed, Energy of Destruction and Giant's Energy are required.

ption is bestowed, Energy of Destruction and Giant's Energy are required.
option is bestowed, Energy of Destruction and Giant's Energy are required.
ption is bestowed, Energy of Destruction and Giant's Energy are required.

an be attached to a belt.
an be attached to a belt.

can be attached to a belt.

at can be attached to a belt.

that can be attached to a belt.

t that can be attached to a belt.
acquired Talisman - Longing cannot be exchanged, dropped or sold in a private store.
u can reduce the Bratty Angma's HP to 0 within 30 sec., you will acquire 100 Clan Fame, 1000 individual Fame, and receive an additional it
u can reduce the Bratty Angma's HP to 0 within 30 sec., you will acquire 100 Clan Fame, 1000 individual Fame, and receive an additional it
u can reduce the Bratty Angma's HP to 0 within 30 sec., you will acquire 100 Clan Fame, 1000 individual Fame, and receive an additional it
u can reduce the Bratty Angma's HP to 0 within 30 sec., you will acquire 100 Clan Fame, 1000 individual Fame, and receive an additional it

Farm to grow a flower. Double-click to use.

Farm to grow a flower. Double-click to use.
Farm to grow a flower. Double-click to use.
Farm to grow a flower. Double-click to use.
Farm to grow a flower. Double-click to use.
Farm to grow a flower. Double-click to use.
Farm to grow a flower. Double-click to use.

rectly, you may be able to awaken the hidden power.

%, Casting Spd. by 5%, Max HP/ MP by 5%, and XP and SP acquired through hunting by 30%. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. Cannot b
You can check the number of consumed soulshots at the pet/ servitor info screen. (They are used from the master's inventory.)
Atk. It is very light. You can check the number of consumed spiritshots at the pet/ servitor info screen. (They are used from the master's inv

Pagina 1221

u can acquire an additional reward.

u can acquire an additional reward.
rl's Golden Gift Box.
quest by clicking on it. Quest start item.
etra obtained from the Zofans. Bring it to Aku.
acquire a crystal.
Teon server. Its light and cheerful melody lets you feel the adventure of Lineage II.
ul on the Starice server. The music expresses the fantastic world of Lineage II.
on the Leona server. The music is full of lively guitar riffs.
r of the Seed of Hellfire. Double-click to check for more information.

y Pack, Enchantment Pack (R-grade), Seed Talisman Box, Adena, soulshots, blessed spiritshots, and a Scroll: SP.
ed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
owed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
wed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
wed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
wed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
wed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
wed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
towed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
owed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
owed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
owed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
owed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
d when the PK value is above 1. Cannot be used when the Demonic Sword Zariche or the Blood Sword Akamanah are in possession.
p. value is below 0). Cannot be used when the Demonic Sword Zariche or the Blood Sword Akamanah are in possession. Must be in Floran
ffect with no duration.
when MP is full.

be used when there is an R-grade weapon bestowed in the inventory.

evel 85 - 90.
h Wyrm Heart Ring, Bottle of Antharas' Soul, or Bottle of Valakas' Soul.
d when the PK value is above 1. Cannot be used when the Demonic Sword Zariche or the Blood Sword Akamanah are in possession.
d when the PK value is above 1. Cannot be used when the Demonic Sword Zariche or the Blood Sword Akamanah are in possession.
ed when the PK value is above 1. Cannot be used when the Demonic Sword Zariche or the Blood Sword Akamanah are in possession.
p. value is below 0). Cannot be used when the Demonic Sword Zariche or the Blood Sword Akamanah are in possession. Must be in Floran

Pagina 1222

ep. value is below 0). Cannot be used when the Demonic Sword Zariche or the Blood Sword Akamanah are in possession. Must be in Flora
value is below 0). Cannot be used when the Demonic Sword Zariche or the Blood Sword Akamanah are in possession. Must be in Floran V

vel 1 - 95. Temporary event item.

evel 85 - 90.
n Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Party Mask, Monocle, Maiden's Hairpin, Forget-me-not Hairpin, Daisy Hairpin, Little Angel Wings, Fairy An
n Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Party Mask, Monocle, Maiden's Hairpin, Forget-me-not Hairpin, Daisy Hairpin, Little Angel Wings, Fairy An
n Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Party Mask, Monocle, Maiden's Hairpin, Forget-me-not Hairpin, Daisy Hairpin, Little Angel Wings, Fairy An
n Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Party Mask, Monocle, Maiden's Hairpin, Forget-me-not Hairpin, Daisy Hairpin, Little Angel Wings, Fairy An
Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Party Mask, Monocle, Maiden's Hairpin, Forget-me-not Hairpin, Daisy Hairpin, Little Angel Wings, Fairy Ant
Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Party Mask, Monocle, Maiden's Hairpin, Forget-me-not Hairpin, Daisy Hairpin, Little Angel Wings, Fairy An
Raccoon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Party Mask, Monocle, Maiden's Hairpin, Forget-me-not Hairpin, Daisy Hairpin, Little Angel Wings,
ars, Raccoon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Party Mask, Monocle, Maiden's Hairpin, Forget-me-not Hairpin, Daisy Hairpin, Little Angel Wi
coon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Party Mask, Monocle, Maiden's Hairpin, Forget-me-not Hairpin, Daisy Hairpin, Little Angel Wings, Fair
ccoon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Party Mask, Monocle, Maiden's Hairpin, Forget-me-not Hairpin, Daisy Hairpin, Little Angel Wings, Fai
coon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Party Mask, Monocle, Maiden's Hairpin, Forget-me-not Hairpin, Daisy Hairpin, Little Angel Wings, Fairy
coon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Party Mask, Monocle, Maiden's Hairpin, Forget-me-not Hairpin, Daisy Hairpin, Little Angel Wings, Fair
accoon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Party Mask, Monocle, Maiden's Hairpin, Forget-me-not Hairpin, Daisy Hairpin, Little Angel Wings, Fa
ccoon Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Party Mask, Monocle, Maiden's Hairpin, Forget-me-not Hairpin, Daisy Hairpin, Little Angel Wings, Fai
e remaining power restores CP. Instant effect with no duration.
n only be used on chaotic characters. It makes the selected chaotic character Escape. Cooldown is 30 min.

acters level 95 or below.

00%. The effect only applies to characters level 95 or below. 7-day.

Pagina 1223

to succeed. When Double Clicked, a Victory or Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade) can be obtained.

v. 86 or below.
v. 86 or below.

ffects of Horn Melody, Guitar Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Lute Melody, Harp Melody, Drum Melody, and Warrior's Harmony Lv. 1.
ffects of Horn Melody, Guitar Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Lute Melody, Harp Melody, Drum Melody, and Wizard's Harmony Lv. 1.
ffects of Horn Melody, Guitar Melody, Pipe Organ Melody, Lute Melody, Harp Melody, Drum Melody, and Knight's Harmony Lv. 1.

+70%, Atk. Spd. +10%, and Speed +10. Cooldown is 60 min. The buffs persist after death. Cannot be used in Olympiad.
. Critical Damage +35%, Shield Defense Rate +30%, Shield P. Def. +50%. Cooldown is 60 min. The buffs persist after death. Cannot be us
%, Skill Cooldown -20%, and all Skill MP Consumption -15%. Cooldown 60 min. Buff does not get deleted even after death. Cannot be used
ed even after death. Cannot use Olympiad.
not use Olympiad.
not use Olympiad.
ot use Olympiad.
use Olympiad.
nchant Stone: Armor (R-grade).
+3 and +9. Not usable on items enchanted +10 or above.
and +9. Not usable on items enchanted +10 or above.
Critical Damage by 70%, Atk. Spd. by 10%, and Speed by 10. Cooldown is 60 min. The buffs persist after death. Cannot be used in Olympia
l Rate by 100%, P. Critical Damage by 35%, Shield Defense Rate by 30%, Shield P. Def. by 50%. Cooldown is 60 min. The buffs persist af
15%, Skill Cooldown -20%, and all Skill MP Consumption -15%. Cooldown 60 min. Buff does not get deleted even after death. Cannot be u
n after death. Cannot use Olympiad.
not use Olympiad.
not use Olympiad.
ot use Olympiad.
use Olympiad.
nchant Stone: Armor (R-grade).
+3 and +9. Not usable on items enchanted +10 or above.
and +9. Not usable on items enchanted +10 or above.
eplenishing Juice 3-unit Pack, and 6 Heavenly Cocktails.
ffect with no duration. Cannot use Olympiad.
g Hero's Wondrous Cubic.
coupon points, 2 Heavenly Cocktails, Scroll of Escape Box: Village, and Blessed Scroll of Escape. (Can only be used once a-day)
XP Recovery Rate 50%)
XP Recovery Rate 100%)

Pagina 1224

to your location.

ghold, and Attack Stronghold in 10 sec.

ghold, and Attack Stronghold in 20 sec.
ghold, and Attack Stronghold in 30 sec.
ghold, and Attack Stronghold in 40 sec.
ghold, and Attack Stronghold in 50 sec.
t of Scout Golems in Nornil's Cave.

e at the center of Elven Village.

sed in front of Shilen's Stone Statue towering at the center of Dark Elf Village.
e Cave of Souls close to Kamael Village.
Gods. Can be used in front of the Pa'agrio Temple in Orc Village.
the Deserted Dwarven House.
ble-click to check the content.
ula Clone Generator Brand.
hem all, take them to Hesed of the Black Anvil Guild.
ased. When you collect them all, take them to Hesed of the Black Anvil Guild.

e it to Trandon in Talking Island Village, you can get the power in this spellbook.
ntine's Day.\nAcquired XP/ SP +25%.\nIts effect applies together with that of Nom Nom Candy (limited to 1). Temporary event item.
ntine's Day.\nAcquired XP/ SP +25%.\nIts effect applies together with that of Yum Yum Candy (limited to 1). Temporary event item.
m Yum Candies or 2 Nom Nom Candies randomly. Temporary event item.

Vitality Recovering Star Candy and Vitality Maintaining Star Candy.

and XP is acquired, some of it is replenished.

uest. Take it to the Clan Request Manager in any village.

uest. Take it to the Clan Request Manager in each village.
equest. Take it to the Clan Request Manager in any village.

n Request Manager, you cannot start any clan request. (Can be used only once a-day)

Pagina 1225

deleted on May 23rd when the event ends.

t for Mimir's Elixir.
nt for Mimir's Elixir.
t for Mimir's Elixir.
r Twilight equipment for Blessed equipment for you at a low probability. Small fee is charged.
Blessed equipment for you at a low probability. Small fee is charged.
n Request Manager, you cannot start any clan request. (Can be used only once a-day)

vasion Pendant.
racy Pendant.

her, Avenger, Fighter, Stormer, Thrower, and Shooter.

agger, and Dual Blunt.

uillotine Fortress, Bloody Swampland, Crystal Caverns, and Seal of Shilen.

anged, dropped or sold in a store.

by characters of level 90 or lower. Temporary event item.

y fail to be enchanted. Double-click to receive one of the following: Kaliel's Energy - Annihilation/ Hellfire/ Desire.

exchanged, dropped, or sold in a store.

be exchanged, dropped, or sold in a store.
or Blessed equipment for you. Small fee is charged.
for Blessed equipment for you. Small fee is charged.
Blessed equipment for you. Small fee is charged.
essed equipment for you. Small fee is charged.
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 7 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
n be safely enchanted to +3. When enchanted to +4 or more, HP also increases according to the enchant value. Randomly adds between +
XP and hunting. Temporary event item.

Pagina 1226

tion when enchanting to Talisman - Hellfire fails.

when enchanting to Talisman - Desire fails.
n enchanting to Talisman - Longing fails.
er item for 1 hour. Can be used only by characters of Lv. 40 or higher who have done the 2nd class transfer. Buff gets deleted upon Subcla

oes' Power if you use the item skill of a Weapon Sealed with Heroes' Power with this scroll in your inventory.
an instance zone once. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. Can only be used once a day. Temporary event item.
restriction for the Kartia's Labyrinth Party Dungeon. Cannot use if locked out from Instanced Zone. Can be used once a day only, outside t
restriction for the Kartia's Labyrinth Party Dungeon. Cannot use if locked out from Instanced Zone. Can be used once a day only, outside t
restriction for the Kartia's Labyrinth Party Dungeon. Cannot use if locked out from Instanced Zone. Can be used once a day only, outside t
y restriction for the Kartia's Labyrinth Party Dungeon. Cannot use if locked out from Instanced Zone. Can be used once a day only, outside
Elmore Knights. Bring this to Kitchen, a knight disguised as a pagan in the Pagan Temple, and he will give you your next mission.
m Kitchen, a knight disguised as a pagan inside the Pagan Temple.
o all the way to the inside of the chapel. If you lose it, you can get another one from Priestess of Light Razen inside the Pagan Temple.
en, the Priest of Light inside the Pagan Temple, or Captain Kargos in Rune Castle, to receive a reward.
Totems, these can only be obtained after prolonged hunting. Bring these to Razen, the Priest of Light inside the Pagan Temple, or Captain
be used in the Olympiad.
/ Octavis Necklace/ Octavis Earring/ Earth Wyrm Heart Ring/ Tauti's Ring/ Blessed Antharas' Earring/ Blessed Valakas' Necklace (3-hour).

n Ant. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.

. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
m. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Cannot be used in the Olympiad.

e Olympiad.

y restriction for the Kartia's Labyrinth Party Dungeon. Cannot use if locked out from Instanced Zone. Can be used once a day only, outside
y restriction for the Kartia's Labyrinth Party Dungeon. Cannot use if locked out from Instanced Zone. Can be used once a day only, outside
ces while on a cooldown.
ormal) dungeon. Can only be used when on a cooldown to the instanced zone. Can only be used once during the set time period outside of
pic) dungeon. Can only be used when on a cooldown to the instanced zone. Can only be used once a day outside of the instanced zone.
ngeon. Can only be used when on a cooldown to the instanced zone. Can only be used once a day outside of the instanced zone.
en. Can only be used when on a cooldown to the instanced zone. Can only be used once a day outside of the instanced zone.
dungeon. Can only be used when on a cooldown to the instance zone. Can only be used once during the set time period outside of the ins
l) dungeon. Can only be used when on a cooldown to the instance zone. Can only be used once during the set time period outside of the in
es while on a cooldown.
e obtained by exchanging an Enchant Scroll through Razen at the Pagan Temple.
to provide our customers with stable environments for fun play.\nDouble-click to receive 5 scrolls imbued with the power of heroes, 1 unit of
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 7 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
n be safely enchanted to +3. When enchanted to +4 or more, HP also increases according to the enchant value. In case of failed enchantme

Pagina 1227

h of Mammon.
h of Mammon.
h of Mammon.
mith of Mammon.
mith of Mammon.
ough the Blacksmith of Mammon.
hrough the Blacksmith of Mammon.
r Blessed equipment for you at a low probability. A small fee is charged.
h of Mammon.
mith of Mammon.
gh the Blacksmith of Mammon.
ough the Blacksmith of Mammon.
ipment for you at a low probability. A small fee is charged.

h of Mammon.
quipment for you at a low probability. A small fee is charged.
ent for you at a low probability. A small fee is charged.
yles and facial styles.

y, and Drum Melody (Lv. 1). Battleground only.

Egg. When the egg's temperature rises, it can be hatched. The rewards from successful or failed hatching of this egg are 10 times greater
Egg. When the egg's temperature rises, it can be hatched. The rewards from successful or failed hatching of this egg are 50 times greater

arring, Earth Wyrm Heart Ring, and Tauti's Ring.

an awesome gift.
h Wyrm Heart Ring, Bottle of Antharas' Soul, Bottle of Valakas' Soul, Istina's Earring/ Necklace/ Ring, and Octavis' Earring/ Necklace/ Ring.

item with limited usage.

effect applies when used while the "Birthday Joy" buff is in effect. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage. Not deleted upon de
effect applies when used while the "Birthday Joy" buff is in effect. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage. Not deleted upon de
effect applies when used while the "Birthday Joy" buff is in effect. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage. Not deleted upon de
lies when used while the "Birthday Joy" buff is in effect. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage.
applies when used while the "Birthday Joy" buff is in effect. Cooldown is 60 min. Vitality item with limited usage. Not deleted upon death.
reward but there is a chance that you won't get anything.
ld athletes for Olympiad, it makes them run like “slow” wild horses. The recipe remains a secret. For fair play, it is prohibited in Olympiad ma
oosts dexterity and refreshes them with a single cup. This energy drink should be used with care as it can raise pulse rate and blood pressu
eates monstrous muscle mass, making them extremely powerful. Due to serious side effects, it is prohibited in Olympiad matches. It is so p
Olympiad, it enables them to shout at a high pitch and sharpen mental/ magical attacks unto one's enemy while strengthening the brain from
is known to make them smarter. Although the relationship between omega 3 and swimming remains a mystery, statistics show that those w
more precious than the Medal of Victory and the Medal of Friendship. Event Manager Cocoring can exchange it for a Golden Chest for you

Pagina 1228

Medal of Glory, the Medal of Victory and the Medal of Friendship. Event Manager Cocoring can exchange it for a Golden Chest for you.
Medal of Glory, the Medal of Victory and the Medal of Friendship. Event Manager Cocoring can exchange it for a Golden Chest for you.

us, the king of Aden. Double-click to get the reward.

blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 7 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 6 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 5 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
a significant amount starting from +4. Armor and accessories can be safely enchanted up to +3. When armor is enchanted to +4 or above, H
mor and accessories can be safely enchanted up to +3. One-piece armor can be safely enchanted up to +4. When armor is enchanted to +
mor and accessories can be safely enchanted up to +3. One-piece armor can be safely enchanted up to +4. When armor is enchanted to +
d Quartermaster at the border of the cemetery and the Seal of Shilen to get a reward.
d Quartermaster at the border of the cemetery and the Seal of Shilen to get a reward.
e-click to use it. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
u can sometimes get a Luminous Golden Chest.
k to receive 3 units of one energy drink.
ouble-click to receive a Medal of Glory/ Victory/ Friendship at a certain probability.
Double-click to receive a Medal of Glory/ Victory/ Friendship at a certain probability.
dal. Double-click to receive a Medal of Glory/ Victory/ Friendship at a certain probability.

2 Feathers of Blessing, 2 Heavenly Cocktails, and 1 High-grade Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (R-grade).
s, 3 Feathers of Blessing, 2 Heavenly Cocktails, 2 units of Energy of Destruction, and a Rare Accessory Pack (Expiratory). If you are very lu

and Earth Wyrm Heart Ring for 14 days.

' Necklace, Tauti's Ring, and Earth Wyrm Heart Ring.

Pagina 1229

cyum Powder to a Merchant of Mammon to receive an Elcyum Crystal.

rystals to a Merchant of Mammon to receive Elcyum.
ceive various abilities including item enchantment/ augmentation.
mount to upgrade to Leather (Lv. 2) through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Durable Leather (Lv. 3), or downgrade to a certain amount of Worn Leather(Lv. 1), through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Quality Leather (Lv. 4), or downgrade to a certain amount of Leather (Lv. 2), through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Exquisite Leather (Lv. 5), or downgrade to a certain amount of Durable Leather (Lv. 3), through a Warsmith.
ed to a certain amount of Quality Leather (Lv. 4) through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Silver (Lv. 2) through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Adamantite (Lv. 3), or downgrade to a certain number of Iron Ores (Lv. 1), through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Orichalcum (Lv. 4), or downgrade to a certain amount of Silver (Lv. 2), through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Durandil (Lv. 5), or downgrade to a certain amount of Adamantite (Lv. 3), through a Warsmith.
ed to a certain amount of Orichalcum (Lv. 4) through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Synthetic Fiber (Lv. 2) through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Metallic Fiber (Lv. 3), or downgrade to a certain amount of Fiber (Lv. 1), through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Quality Fiber (Lv. 4), or downgrade to a certain amount of Synthetic Fiber (Lv. 2), through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Exquisite Fiber (Lv. 5), or downgrade to a certain amount of Metallic Fiber (Lv. 3), through a Warsmith.
ed to a certain amount of Quality Fiber (Lv. 4) through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Thin Braid (Lv. 2) through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Synthetic Braid (Lv. 3), or downgrade to a certain amount of Thread (Lv. 1), through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Durable Braid (Lv. 4), or downgrade to a certain amount of Thin Braid (Lv. 2), through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Quality Braid (Lv. 5), or downgrade to a certain amount of Synthetic Braid (Lv. 3), through a Warsmith.
ed to a certain amount of Durable Braid (Lv. 4) through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Leather Braid (Lv. 2) through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Durable Leather Braid (Lv. 3), or downgrade to a certain amount of Worn Leather Braid (Lv. 1), through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Quality Leather Braid (Lv. 4), or downgrade to a certain amount of Leather Braid (Lv. 2), through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Exquisite Leather Braid (Lv. 5), or downgrade to a certain amount of Durable Leather Braid (Lv. 3), through a Warsmith
ed to a certain amount of Quality Leather Braid (Lv. 4) through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Silver Wire (Lv. 2) through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Adamantite Wire (Lv. 3), or downgrade to a certain amount of Steel Wire (Lv. 1), through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Orichalcum Wire (Lv. 4), or downgrade to a certain amount of Silver Wire (Lv. 2), through a Warsmith.
mount to upgrade to Durandil Wire (Lv. 5), or downgrade to a certain amount of Adamantite Wire (Lv. 3), through a Warsmith.
ed to a certain amount of Orichalcum Wire (Lv. 4) through a Warsmith.
umber to upgrade to Weapon Fragment (Lv. 2) through a Warsmith.
umber to upgrade to Weapon Fragment (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3), or downgrade to a certain number of Weapon Fragments (Low-grade) (Lv. 1), t
umber to upgrade to Weapon Fragment (High-grade) (Lv. 4), or downgrade to a certain number of Weapon Fragments (Low-grade) (Lv. 2),
umber to upgrade to Weapon Fragment (Top-grade) (Lv. 5), or downgrade to a certain number of Weapon Fragments (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3), th
ed to a certain number of Weapon Fragments (High-grade) (Lv. 4) through a Warsmith.
umber to upgrade to Armor Fragment (Lv. 2) through a Warsmith.
umber to upgrade to Armor Fragment (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3), or downgrade to a certain number of Armor Fragments (Low-grade) (Lv. 1), throug
umber to upgrade to Armor Fragment (High-grade) (Lv. 4), or downgrade to a certain number of Armor Fragments (Lv. 2), through a Warsm
umber to upgrade to Armor Fragment (Top-grade) (Lv. 5), or downgrade to a certain number of Armor Fragments (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3), throug
ed to a certain number of Armor Fragments (High-grade) (Lv. 4) through a Warsmith.
umber to upgrade to Accessory Gem (Lv. 2) through a Warsmith.
umber to upgrade to Accessory Gem (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3), or downgrade to a certain number of Accessory Gems (Low-grade) (Lv. 1), throug
umber to upgrade to Accessory Gem (High-grade) (Lv. 4), or downgrade to a certain number of Accessory Gems (Lv. 2), through a Warsmit
umber to upgrade to Accessory Gem (Top-grade) (Lv. 5), or downgrade to a certain number of Accessory Gems (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3), throug
ed to a certain number of Accessory Gems (High-grade) (Lv. 4) through a Warsmith.
umber to upgrade to Greater Cokes (Lv. 2) through a Warsmith.

Pagina 1230

umber to upgrade to Synthetic Cokes (Lv. 3), or downgrade to a certain number of Cokes (Lv. 1), through a Warsmith.
umber to upgrade to Greater Synthetic Cokes (Lv. 4), or downgrade to a certain number of Greater Cokes (Lv. 2), through a Warsmith.
umber to upgrade to Exquisite Synthetic Cokes (Lv. 5), or downgrade to a certain number of Synthetic Cokes (Lv. 3), through a Warsmith.
ed to a certain number of Greater Synthetic Cokes (Lv. 4) through a Warsmith.
1 Friendship Cube (30-day), 1 Friendship Summon Cube (30-day), and 2 Yum Yum Candy Gift Boxes.
1 Friendship Cube (30-day), 1 Friendship Summon Cube (30-day), and 2 Nom Nom Candy Gift Boxes.
entering an instance zone one additional time or an Unbind Scroll R/ R95/ R99 (weapon/ armor). Can be used only once a day.
andy (30-day) that increases Acquired XP/ SP 15%. Cannot be exchanged once open. A Nom Nom Candy Gift Box is included in the gift co
andy (30-day) that increases Acquired XP/ SP 15%. Cannot be exchanged once open. A Nom Nom Candy Gift Box is included in the gift co
candy and a Nom Nom Candy are used together, both of their effects apply. When this candy is used with an identical candy, their effects a
candy and a Yum Yum Candy are used together, both of their effects apply. When this candy is used with an identical candy, their effects ap
u to use the skill of summoning a friend once every 30 min.
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified ite
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified ite
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified ite
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified it
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified it
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified it
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
de or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
de or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
de or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item h
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item h
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item h
de or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item ha
de or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item ha
de or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item ha
hair accessories) whose appearances have been modified. Double-click to use.
hair accessories) whose appearances have been modified. Double-click to use.
hair accessories) whose appearances have been modified. Double-click to use.
hair accessories) whose appearances have been modified. Double-click to use.
hair accessories) whose appearances have been modified. Double-click to use.
hair accessories) whose appearances have been modified. Double-click to use.
mber of slots. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has no cha
mber of slots. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has no ch
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified ite
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified ite
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified ite
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item

Pagina 1231

e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified it
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified it
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified it
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
de or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
de or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
de or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item h
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item h
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item h
de or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item ha
de or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item ha
de or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item ha
mber of slots. You need an appearance item, which is destroyed after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has no cha
mber of slots. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item has no ch
One-handed Sword. Limited time item (7-day).

Two-handed Sword. Limited time item (7-day).

One-handed Staff. Limited time item (7-day).

wo-handed Staff. Limited time item (7-day).
word. Limited time item (7-day).
Dagger Dual Sword. Limited time item (7-day).

prison gate.
iple, Bacon, in the Sea of Spores to receive a reward.
Disciple, Bacon, in the Sea of Spores to receive a reward.
Swamp of Screams to receive a reward.
Swamp of Screams to receive a reward.
st of the Dead to receive a reward.
est of the Dead to receive a reward.
ant's Minion Janitt at the Wall of Argos to receive a reward.
Giant's Minion Janitt at the Wall of Argos to receive a reward.
at Varka Silenos Barracks to receive a reward.
at Varka Silenos Barracks to receive a reward.
a Orc Outpost to receive a reward.

Pagina 1232

a Orc Outpost to receive a reward.

ive a reward.
or Quincy in the Land of Chaos to receive a reward.
gator Quincy in the Land of Chaos to receive a reward.
near Gainak.
o Flame Patrol Warrior Bruener at the entrance of Raider's Crossroads.
it to Flame Patrol Warrior Bruener at the entrance of Raider's Crossroads.
Patrol Warrior Bruener at the entrance of Raider's Crossroads to receive a reward.
me Patrol Warrior Bruener at the entrance of Raider's Crossroads.
aptain Tuska near Gainak.
e it to Investigator Laki in the Plains of the Lizardmen to receive a reward.
en. Take it to Investigator Sally in the Plains of the Lizardmen to receive a reward.
Take it to Investigator Sally in the Plains of the Lizardmen to receive a reward.
estigator Sally in the Plains of the Lizardmen to receive a reward.
it to Researcher Ankumi at the Sel Mahum Training Grounds to receive a reward.
ounds. Take it to Investigator Roa at the Sel Mahum Training Grounds to receive a reward.
Take it to Investigator Roa at the Sel Mahum Training Grounds to receive a reward.

tigator Quincy in the Land of Chaos to receive a reward.

ke it to Researcher Ankumi at the Sel Mahum Training Grounds to receive a reward.
. Take it to Investigator Roa at the Sel Mahum Training Grounds to receive a reward.
atrol Warrior Bruener at the entrance of Raider's Crossroads to receive a reward.
ng it to Beacon Town Manager Chairen at the Den of Evil.
powerful than a regular amulet. Collect and bring it to Beacon Town Manager Chairen at the Den of Evil.
esearch Center.
Katensa at the Field of Silence Research Center.
eremony Hall.
Apprentice Atra at the Purified Ceremony Hall.

ret mission. Take it to Workman Chen on Alligator Island to get a mission.

d. Take it to the "Superior" he mentioned.
Alligator Island.

d to Enron at a high price.

be sold to Enron at a very high price.
the Forsaken Plains. Keep collecting it and a Guardian Giant might appear.
and bring it to Shuvann in the Fields of Massacre.
vil force. Used to summon Dark Shaman Varangka.
s with red light with the evil soul of the Soul Core purified.

ows special abilities on a weapon.

er Wolf Kanolre.

n's Minion. 14-day.

Pagina 1233

d by characters of level 85 or above.

). Success rate is 60%. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
1). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
. Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
1). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
1). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
1). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
. Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
1). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
v. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
uccess rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
. 11. 60% success rate. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.
m (Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
(Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
(Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
Lv. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
v. 11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
uccess rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
11). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
1). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
v. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
v. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
v. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
v. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
uccess rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
ccess rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
2. 60% success rate. Has a very low chance of obtaining a Blessed item upon success.

Pagina 1234

Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
(Lv. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
v. 12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
12). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
uccess rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
uccess rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
ccess rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
ccess rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
). Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
Success rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.
uccess rate is 60%. A blessed item might come out at a very low probability.

Pagina 1235

equires Create Item (Lv. 6).

). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
equires Create Item (Lv. 6).
er (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
her (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).
er (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
her (Lv. 5). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).
s Create Item (Lv. 6).
uires Create Item (Lv. 8).
s Create Item (Lv. 6).
Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
uires Create Item (Lv. 8).
equires Create Item (Lv. 14).
Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
equires Create Item (Lv. 14).
equires Create Item (Lv. 6).
Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
equires Create Item (Lv. 6).
3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
v. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).

Pagina 1236

4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).

v. 5). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).
uires Create Item (Lv. 6).
2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
uires Create Item (Lv. 6).
Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).
Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
. 5). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).
aid (Lv. 1). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
o Worn Leather Braid (Lv. 1). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
(Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
aid (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
Worn Leather Braid (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
Leather Braid (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
Braid (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
d (Lv. 3) into Durable Leather Braid (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
Leather Braid (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).
Leather Braid (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
Lv. 4) into Quality Leather Braid (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
Leather Braid (Lv. 5). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).
(Lv. 5) into Exquisite Leather Braid (Lv. 5). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).
Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
Wire (Lv. 1). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
v. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
ver Wire (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
Wire (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
v. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
. 3) into Adamantite Wire (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
(Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).
Wire (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
4) into Orichalcum Wire (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
(Lv. 5). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).
. 5) into Durandil Wire (Lv. 5). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
agment (Low-grade) (Lv. 1). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
Weapon Fragment (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
o Weapon Fragment (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
o Weapon Fragment (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
agment (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
Weapon Fragment (High-grade) (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).
Weapon Fragment (High-grade) (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
o Weapon Fragment (Top-grade) (Lv. 5). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).
ent (Low-grade) (Lv. 1). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
rmor Fragment (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
rmor Fragment (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
Armor Fragment (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
ent (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).

Pagina 1237

rmor Fragment (High-grade) (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).
rmor Fragment (High-grade) (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
Armor Fragment (Top-grade) (Lv. 5). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).
m (Low-grade) (Lv. 1). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
ccessory Gem (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
ccessory Gem (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
ccessory Gem (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
m (Mid-grade) (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
ccessory Gem (High-grade) (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).
ccessory Gem (High-grade) (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
ccessory Gem (Top-grade) (Lv. 5). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).
Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
s (Lv. 2). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
Requires Create Item (Lv. 6).
etic Cokes (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
s (Lv. 3). Requires Create Item (Lv. 8).
ater Synthetic Cokes (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).
etic Cokes (Lv. 4). Requires Create Item (Lv. 11).
site Synthetic Cokes (Lv. 5). Requires Create Item (Lv. 14).

iants to change your specialized awakened class. Cannot be used by Ertheia. Can be used only by the main class. 30-day.

Spellbook to learn the skill of getting on the Air Bike. Can be used only by characters who belong to a clan of level 5 or higher. Can be obta
PC's class/ level.
ded according to the PC's level and class. The box whose level does not match the PC's level cannot be used.
ed according to the PC's level and class. The box whose level does not match the PC's level cannot be used.
ed according to the PC's level and class. The box whose level does not match the PC's level cannot be used.
ded according to the PC's level and class. The box whose level does not match the PC's level cannot be used.
ided according to the PC's level and class. The box whose level does not match the PC's level cannot be used.
and class. The box whose level does not match the PC's level cannot be used.
e bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
e bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
ot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
nnot be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
not be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
not be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
not be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
not be bestowed. Up to 3 types of attributes can be enchanted for armor. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed at the same time.
wer is destroyed when additional attributes are bestowed. Also, armor can be enchanted up to 3 attributes. Opposite attributes cannot be be
power is destroyed when additional attributes are bestowed. Also, armor can be enchanted up to 3 attributes. Opposite attributes cannot be
ower is destroyed when additional attributes are bestowed. Also, armor can be enchanted up to 3 attributes. Opposite attributes cannot be
ower is destroyed when additional attributes are bestowed. Also, armor can be enchanted up to 3 attributes. Opposite attributes cannot be b
ower is destroyed when additional attributes are bestowed. Also, armor can be enchanted up to 3 attributes. Opposite attributes cannot be b
wer is destroyed when additional attributes are bestowed. Also, armor can be enchanted up to 3 attributes. Opposite attributes cannot be b
safely enchanted to +3.

Pagina 1238

ain Fireworks and 9th Anniversary Cube (30-day) (Event).

ain Fireworks and 9th Anniversary Cube (20-day) (Event).
ain Fireworks and 9th Anniversary Cube (10-day) (Event).
ain Fireworks and 9th Anniversary Cube (5-day) (Event).
nergy (Annihilation/ Hellfire/ Desire), Honey Wheat Cake, Honey Rice Cake, and Blessed Scroll of Resurrection. Can be used once a day.
nergy (Annihilation/ Hellfire/ Desire), Honey Wheat Cake, Honey Rice Cake, and Blessed Scroll of Resurrection. Can be used once a day.
nergy (Annihilation/ Hellfire/ Desire), Honey Wheat Cake, Honey Rice Cake, and Blessed Scroll of Resurrection. Can be used once a day.
nergy (Annihilation/ Hellfire/ Desire), Honey Wheat Cake, Honey Rice Cake, and Blessed Scroll of Resurrection. Can be used once a day.
wing letters: T, O, G, E, T, H and E. The letter R can be obtained from the RIIS pouch at a certain probability.
ng letters: L, I, N, E, A, G and E. The letter II can be obtained from the RIIS pouch at a certain probability.
g letters: N, C, O, F and T. The letter S can be obtained from the RIIS pouch at a certain probability.
ters: H, II and S.
ility. If you fail, you won't get anything.

nd Drum Melody, and Warrior's Harmony Lv. 1.

nd Drum Melody, and Wizard's Harmony Lv. 1.
nd Drum Melody, and Knight's Harmony Lv. 1.

ou receive the 'Cannibalistic Stakato Captain' from Improved Rose Spirit while this is in effect, the effect will disappear. Can be used by cha
m (Lv. 12). Success rate is 100%.
Protection Elixir. Requires Create Common Item (Lv. 10). Success rate is 100%.
ng extra materials.
Adventurers' Guide in each village.

Pagina 1239

nergy (Annihilation/ Hellfire/ Desire), Honey Wheat Cake, Honey Rice Cake, and Blessed Scroll of Resurrection. Can be used once a day.
nce-modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
nce-modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
ce-modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
-modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
ance-modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
ed item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
nce-modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
ed item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
ce-modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
dified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
m has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
em has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
e level through Mermoden. If you use it to increase the stage level, you can later receive more rewards. To increase the level to Stage 2, yo
e level through Mermoden. If you use it to increase the stage level, you can later receive more rewards. To increase the level to Stage 3, yo
e level through Mermoden. If you use it to increase the stage level, you can later receive more rewards. To increase the level to Stage 4, yo
aise the stage. If you raise the stage without receiving the reward, you can receive even more rewards later. But, in order to raise to stage 5
CP is restored.

bove level 85. Cooldown is 2 min.

above level 85. Cooldown is 2 min.
above level 85. Cooldown is 2 min.
-grade). Requires Create Common Item (Lv. 10). Success rate is 100%.
R-grade). Requires Create Common Item (Lv. 10). Success rate is 100%.
grade). Requires Create Common Item (Lv. 10). Success rate is 100%.
ccess rate is 100%.
uccess rate is 100%.
ccess rate is 100%.
ss rate is 100%.

ess rate is 100%.

Pagina 1240

Accessory Pack, 1 Top-grade Enchantment Pack, 1 Talisman - Longing, 1 Enhanced Tauti's Bracelet, 2 billion Adena, 10 Scrolls: 100,000,0

rring, and 1 Octavis' Earring.

lls: Enchant Armor of Destruction (R-grade), 3 Scrolls: Enchant Weapon (R-grade), 33 Scrolls: Enchant Armor (R-grade), each of the 12 Su

ng Guide, Returning Hero's Support Box, and Returning Hero's Potion Pack.
tained. Only available to characters between Lv. 40 and Lv. 85 who have completed their first job advancement.
Can be used by characters Lv. 40 - 84.
Can be used by characters Lv. 40 - 84.
Can be used by characters Lv. 40 - 84.
Can be used by characters Lv. 40 - 84.
s. Can be used by characters Lv. 40 - 84.
ers. Can be used by characters Lv. 40 - 84.
ers. Can be used by characters Lv. 40 - 84.
Can be used by characters Lv. 52 - 84.
Can be used by characters Lv. 52 - 84.
Can be used by characters Lv. 52 - 84.
Can be used by characters Lv. 52 - 84.
. Can be used by characters Lv. 52 - 84.
ers. Can be used by characters Lv. 52 - 84.
ers. Can be used by characters Lv. 52 - 84.
Can be used by characters Lv. 61 - 84.
Can be used by characters Lv. 61 - 84.
Can be used by characters Lv. 61 - 84.
Can be used by characters Lv. 61 - 84.
. Can be used by characters Lv. 61 - 84.
ers. Can be used by characters Lv. 61 - 84.
ers. Can be used by characters Lv. 61 - 84.
Can be used by characters Lv. 76 - 84.
Can be used by characters Lv. 76 - 84.
Can be used by characters Lv. 76 - 84.
Can be used by characters Lv. 76 - 84.
. Can be used by characters Lv. 76 - 84.
ers. Can be used by characters Lv. 76 - 84.
ers. Can be used by characters Lv. 76 - 84.
Can be used by characters between level 81 and level 84.
Can be used by characters between level 81 and level 84.

Pagina 1241

Can be used by characters between level 81 and level 84.

Can be used by characters between level 81 and level 84.
. Can be used by characters between level 81 and level 84.
ers. Can be used by characters between level 81 and level 84.
ers. Can be used by characters between level 81 and level 84.
y available to characters above lv85.
y available to characters above lv85.
nly available to characters above lv85.
available to characters above lv85.
y available to characters above lv85.
. Only available to characters above lv85.
nly available to characters above lv85.
Only available to characters above lv85.
you cannot obtain a Lindvior Support Box. Cannot be transferred between servers.
ir clans. Use it to receive 2 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies.
ir clans. Use it to receive 3 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies.
ir clans. Use it to receive 4 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies.
ir clans. Use it to receive 5 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies.
ir clans. Use it to receive 6 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies.
ir clans. Use it to receive 6 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies.
ir clans. Use it to receive 7 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies.
ir clans. Use it to receive 7 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies.
ir clans. Use it to receive 8 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies.
ir clans. Use it to receive 10 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies.
ir clans. Use it to receive 12 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies.
ir clans. Use it to receive 13 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies.
ir clans. Use it to receive 14 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies.
ir clans. Use it to receive 15 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies.
t the Reliquary of the Giants.

ants. (dual class only)

me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
me grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified it
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified it
e grade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified it
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item h
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item h
ade or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item h
de or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item ha
de or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item ha
de or a lower grade. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appearance-modified item ha
Double-click to receive an item.
ouble-click to receive an item.
Double-click to receive an item.
Double-click to receive an item.

Pagina 1242

Limited time item (15-day).

d. Limited time item (15-day).

imited time item (15-day).

mited time item (15-day).
em (15-day).
d. Limited time item (15-day).

d Blunt Weapon.

gh an Aden Reconstruction Society Member.

Reconstruction Society Member.
cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private store, or transferred to another character within the same account.
nnot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private store, or transferred to another character within the same account.
annot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private store, or transferred to another character within the same account.
exchanged, dropped, sold in a private store, or transferred to another character within the same account.
annot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private store, or transferred to another character within the same account.
annot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private store, or transferred to another character within the same account.
n cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private store, or transferred to another character within the same account.
annot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private store, or transferred to another character within the same account.
an cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private store, or transferred to another character within the same account.
sman cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private store, or transferred to another character within the same account.
nnot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private store, or transferred to another character within the same account.

Pagina 1243

cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private store, or transferred to another character within the same account.
not be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private store, or transferred to another character within the same account.
cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private store, or transferred to another character within the same account.
annot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private store, or transferred to another character within the same account.
an cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private store, or transferred to another character within the same account.
not be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private store, or transferred to another character within the same account.
cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private store, or transferred to another character within the same account.
n cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private store, or transferred to another character within the same account.
sman cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private store, or transferred to another character within the same account.
cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private store, or transferred to another character within the same account.
ened warrior's weapon.\n\nNote: Cannot be shared once open.
annot be used in the Olympiad.
sed in the Olympiad.\n\nNote: Cannot be shared once open.

iants to change your specialized awakened class. Cannot be used by Ertheia. Can be used only by dual classes. 30-day.

k. Spd. +10%, Casting Spd. +10%, Movement Speed +10, and MAX HP/ MP/ CP +10%. Cooldown: 60 min. Cannot be used in the Olympia
te increases by 6 when bestowed on armor. Attribute Stones. levels 1- 3. Additionally, a maximum of three types of Elemental defense attri
te increases by 6 when bestowed on armor. Attribute Stones. levels 1- 3. Additionally, a maximum of three types of Elemental defense attri
ute increases by 6 when bestowed on armor. Attribute Stones. levels 1- 3. Additionally, a maximum of three types of Elemental defense attr
ute increases by 6 when bestowed on armor. Attribute Stones. levels 1- 3. Additionally, a maximum of three types of Elemental defense attr
defense attribute increases by 6 when bestowed on armor. Attribute Stones. levels 1- 3. Additionally, a maximum of three types of Element
defense attribute increases by 6 when bestowed on armor. Attribute Stones. levels 1- 3. Additionally, a maximum of three types of Element

ve Kisung's Power Up buff for 30 min and also obtain Kisung's Gift Box containing special gifts. Cooldown is 15 sec. Cannot be used in Oly

one from 10th Anniversary Time Capsule Box, 10th Anniversary Cake Pack, and 10th Anniversary Designer's Edition.
DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1. Buff remains even after death.\n\nNote: If you use an item that changes your appearance, such as Letter Collector's G
w probability.

on (R-grade). Cannot be used in the Olympiad.

Enchant Weapon (R-grade). Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
l: Enchant Weapon (R-grade). Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
eive power-up buff and additionally Bae Kisung's gift box that has special gifts.
n also use it to grow Snowy Squash and Large Snowy Squash.
er of fortune. Perhaps you could invest this in Aden Reconstruction for the future?
a bringer of fortune. Perhaps you could invest this in Aden Reconstruction for the future?

Pagina 1244

Soul, Bottle of Queen Ant's Soul, or Bottle of Baium's Soul.

nnot be used in the Olympiad.

better your chances to win!
ncement Stone (Annihilation/ Hellfire/ Desire), Blessed Scroll of Resurrection, High-grade Elixir Box, or Energy of Destruction. Can use 1 tim
(Annihilation/ Hellfire/ Desire), Blessed Scroll of Resurrection, High-grade Elixir Box, or Energy of Destruction. Cannot be used in the Olymp
ed in the Olympiad.

annot be used in the Olympiad. The 5 uses per week limit does not apply.
annot be used in the Olympiad. The 5 uses per week limit does not apply.
annot be used in the Olympiad. The 5 uses per week limit does not apply.
d SP are increased by 30% for one hour. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.

t Weapon. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. Not for items enchanted to +10 or above.
rmor. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
as, Valakas, or Lindvior.
van Halter, Amadeo Cadmus, Lionel Hunter, or Elcadia.
, Beleth, or Tiat card.

h, and Paulina - or you could receive nothing at all.

excluding the Hidden Card.
N +5, MEN +5, and Damage Reflection +20%.
T +5, and P. Def. +10%.
nd M. Def. +10%.
+5, and Attribute Resistance +100.

bars on the vitality gauge.

enishing Juice 4-unit Pack, and 6 Heavenly Cocktails.

Pagina 1245

attribute stone pack, or ingredient pack.

ng a Blessed Enchant Scroll.

Scroll Pack, Hero's Blessed Enchant Scroll Pack, Hero's Unbind Scroll Pack, Hero's Attribute Crystal Pack, PK Pack, Reputation Pack, My

arily increase. Double-click to acquire 10,000 rounds of Mysterious Blessed Spiritshots. Can be used with R-grade weapons.
arily increase. Double-click to acquire 20,000 rounds of Mysterious Blessed Soulshots. Can be used with R-grade weapons.

e Olympiad or Ceremony of Chaos.

e, Tauti's Ring, and Earth Wyrm Heart Ring.
o duration. Cannot be used in an auction house or the Olympiad. Can be shared within the same account through the Dimensional Mercha

Zariche. Limited time item (30-day).

h. Limited time item (30-day).

Harmony, and 3 types of sonatas, for 60 min. Cannot be used in the Olympiad or Ceremony of Chaos. Cooldown is 2 min.
Harmony, and 3 types of sonatas, for 60 min. Cannot be used in the Olympiad or Ceremony of Chaos. Cooldown is 2 min.
Harmony, and 3 types of sonatas, for 60 min. Cannot be used in the Olympiad or Ceremony of Chaos. Cooldown is 2 min.
keshift Bat is extremely cute.

extremely cute.
extremely cute.
s extremely cute.

0) on the entire party. Can be stacked with Sugar Rush and Forever Alone effects.
e entire party. Can be stacked with Decadence and Forever Alone effects.

Pagina 1246

n the entire party. Can be stacked with Decadence and Sugar Rush effects.
rm into one of the following: Snow Man, Scarecrow Jack, Tin Golem, Makeshift Bat, Lady Tow, Angry Tow, Sleepy Tow.
rm into one of the following: Snow Man, Scarecrow Jack, Tin Golem, Makeshift Bat, Lady Tow, Angry Tow, Sleepy Tow.
rm into one of the following: Snow Man, Scarecrow Jack, Tin Golem, Makeshift Bat, Lady Tow, Angry Tow, Sleepy Tow.
every 30 min. Target a party member and double click to activate the skill.
every 30 min. Target a party member and double click to activate the skill.
every 30 min. Target a party member and double click to activate the skill.
e a Talisman - Seven Signs.
iny Elemental Shirt. \n\nWarning: The shirt acquired after opening the box is restored to the character and cannot be moved.
y Elemental Shirt. \n\nWarning: The shirt acquired after opening the box is restored to the character and cannot be moved.
y Elemental Shirt. \n\nWarning: The shirt acquired after opening the box is restored to the character and cannot be moved.
Elemental Shirt. \n\nWarning: The shirt acquired after opening the box is restored to the character and cannot be moved.
ddy to exchange for a Shiny Elemental Shirt.
them for research,so they can be sold at stores for a high price.
ng, Earth Wyrm Heart Ring, Blessed Zaken's Earring, and Ruler's Authority Belt, all with 7-day limit.

y 10%, Casting Spd. by 5%, M. Critical Rate by 20, MP consumption by 3%, and cooldown by 3%. Dandy's Cheer and Dandy's Passion bu
buffs are not applied at the same time.
ion, and Emperor's Growth scrolls are not applied at the same time.

e enemy. Can be used on no-grade weapons.

e enemy. Can be used on D-grade weapons.
e enemy. Can be used on C-grade weapons.
e enemy. Can be used on B-grade weapons.
e enemy. Can be used on A-grade weapons.
e enemy. Can be used on S-grade weapons.
e enemy. Can be used on R-grade weapons.
sed on no-grade weapons.
sed on D-grade weapons.
sed on C-grade weapons.
sed on B-grade weapons.
sed on A-grade weapons.
sed on S-grade weapons.
sed on R-grade weapons.

e Olympiad Manager to receive a whole reward.

r to raise the stage for even greater rewards. But, in order to raise to stage 2, the next period's defense must be successful. 15-day.
r to raise the stage. If you raise the stage, you can receive even more rewards. But, in order to raise to stage 3, the next period's defense m
r to raise the stage. If you raise the stage, you can receive even more rewards. But, in order to raise to stage 4, the next period's defense m

Pagina 1247

Requiem or Apocalypse equipment for Blessed equipment.

Specter equipment for Blessed equipment.
Helios equipment for Blessed equipment.\nCan be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in the private warehouse. Can not be shar
Requires Create Item level 12. Success rate is 100%.
). Requires Create Item level 13. Success rate is 100%.
). Requires Create Item level 14. Success rate is 100%.

Immortal or Twilight equipment for Blessed equipment.

Seraph equipment for Blessed equipment.
Eternal equipment for Blessed equipment.\nCan be exchanged, dropped, or sold. Can be stored in the private warehouse. Can not be sha
quires Create Item level 12. Success rate is 100%.
Requires Create Item level 13. Success rate is 100%.
Requires Create Item level 14. Success rate is 100%.

is collecting it in the Refugee Village.

mpiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.
mpiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.
mpiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.
Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.
mpiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.
mpiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.
ympiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.
t be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.
mpiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.

Yogi's Staff. The item and the enchant value remain intact when enchanting fails. Cannot be used on a Staff enchanted to +15 or above. Lu
Staff to increase the Staff' enchant level by 1.
y, breastplate, gaiters, boots, and gloves.

Hellbound. Must be under level 99 to use.

(15-day limited). The exchange can be done through the Adventurers' Guide.
(30-day limited). The exchange can be done through the Adventurers' Guide.
ay limited). Works for item with the same number of slots. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extra
ay limited). Works for item with the same number of slots. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extra

Pagina 1248

limited). Works for item with the same number of slots. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracte
limited). Works for item with the same number of slots. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracte
ay limited). The exchange can be done through the Adventurers' Guide.
hange can be done through the Adventurers' Guide.

d time item (15-day).

d time item (15-day).

item (15-day).
ime item (15-day).
ime item (15-day).
em (15-day).
d time item (15-day).

d time item (30-day).

item (30-day).
ime item (30-day).
ime item (30-day).
em (30-day).
d time item (30-day).

MP, and CP by 15%. Does not disappear upon death. Cannot be used in the Olympiad or the Ceremony of Chaos.
hrough the Adventurers' Guide. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
anging stones and SP scrolls.
ding to the acquired quantity on the live server.
e them for XP scrolls and SP runes through the Adventurers' Guide on the live server.
. When used by characters below level 98, the XP is only replenished by 30%. Cannot be used by chaotic characters. Cannot be used in th
m. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.

Pagina 1249

naging caravan Budenka is collecting it in the Refugee Village.

is no duration.

50 Heavenly Recovery Potions, 1 Kat the Cat's Box of Roses, or 1 Emperor's Rune Box. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private s
ces. Cannot be used in the auction house.

50 Heavenly Recovery Potions, 1 Kat the Cat's Box of Roses, or 1 Emperor's Rune Box. Can be shared within the same account through th

en retouched by Celdion, the master of the Black Anvil Guild.

uched by Celdion, the master of the Black Anvil Guild.
hed by Celdion, the master of the Black Anvil Guild.
It has been retouched by Celdion, the master of the Black Anvil Guild.
touched by Celdion, the master of the Black Anvil Guild.

item (15-day).
en retouched by Celdion, the master of the Black Anvil Guild. Limited time item (15-day).
uched by Celdion, the master of the Black Anvil Guild. 15-day.
hed by Celdion, the master of the Black Anvil Guild. 15-day.
It has been retouched by Celdion, the master of the Black Anvil Guild. 15-day.
touched by Celdion, the master of the Black Anvil Guild. Limited time item (15-day).

tem (15-day).
% for 30 min. Cooldown time is 5 min. Cannot be stacked with 'Art of Seduction'. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
arrior's Weapon (7-day).\n\nNote: Cannot be shared once exchanged.
Double-click to use. Buff remains even after death.

Pagina 1250

rison of Darkness.
, Guillotine Fortress, or Pagan Temple.
Sea of Spores, or Land of Chaos.
utpost or Raider's Crossroads.
lement card. You might also fail to get any!
k. +50, and Attribute Resistance +50.

0, and Attribute Resistance +30.

onic, Scroll: 1,000,000 SP, Scroll: 5,000,000 SP, or Scroll: 10,000,000 SP. Once a day. 30-day.
used with Emperor's Rune (8-hour).

either Leona's Scroll: Buffs x 10, High-grade Lucky Enchant Stone Special Box, Blessed Blessed Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (R-grade),
Speed +20, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +20%. Skill MP Consumption -15%. Cannot be used with the Art of Seduction. Cooldown is 30min. Cann
onic, Scroll: 1,000,000 SP, Scroll: 5,000,000 SP, or Scroll: 10,000,000 SP.

sh Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member
h Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
e/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.

Pagina 1251

/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
ish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
ale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
e/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
ewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
wel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
sh Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member
h Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
e/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
ish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
h Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
e/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
h Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
ish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
ewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
e/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
el. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
wel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
h Scale/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
e/ Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
h Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
Fish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
ish Jewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
ewel. You can use this as a crafting ingredient or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.

ne can enter freely.

ne can enter freely.
ent or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
ent or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.

Pagina 1252

ent or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
ent or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
ent or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
ent or trade for an appearance modification item through a fishing guild member.
Success rate is 100%. Has a chance of crafting a hair accessory with pendant options.

mited time item (30-day).

each town to exchange it for fish.\n

each town to exchange it for fish.\n
each town to exchange it for fish.\n
each town to exchange it for fish.\n
each town to exchange it for fish.\n
each town to exchange it for fish.\n

Pagina 1253

al product of the Seed of Infinity.

t the entrance.

s Cookie for 1 hour. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.

s Cookie for 1 hour. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
's Cookie for 1 hour. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.

g some fish for a change!

ie’s special buff. Temporary event item.

will find in this Secret Box. Temporary event item.

cannot be exchanged.
n. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
y for items enchanted between +3 and +9. One-piece armor must be enchanted between +4 and +9.
pon. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. One-piece armor must be enchanted between +4 and +9.

he inventory to acquire Dandy's borrowed dragon weapon.

n the inventory to exchange for a Genuine dragon weapon.
events through the Chaotic Chronicle, Chaotic Throne, and Goddess of Destruction event NPC's in the village.

Have mercy, Goddess!

ll forge a body of steel.
mithril. Dark Elves call her the hypocrite of the light. Orcs call her the mother of gold, while the Dwarves call her the goddess of justice.
it, their hearts?\nInnocent and pure, those children of Sayha!
ll certainly win." \n\n"Forgive us, but we cannot hold your bloodied hand. The wind is indiscriminate, and does not favor one side over anoth
s call him the hypocrite's child. Orcs call him the keeper of the storm, while the Dwarves him the wanderer of the wind.

Pagina 1254

uash appear.
ive Large Squash appear.
s of Destruction event NPC in the village. Cannot use enchant rate increasing items.

tal Shirt and a 10th Anniversary Festival's Cloak pack. Cannot be shared once opened.
pened by characters above level 85.
with a 100-day limit.
ce stones with a 100-day limit.
wer is recovered as CP. No cooldown.
eces only. It modifies everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of formalwear.
00 days. Can be used as a full armor or a one piece. It modifies everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of an NC Dinos Un
n only be used on hair accessories that use 2 slots. When changed to the appearance of a female-only hair accessory, it cannot be equippe
days. Can only be used on hair accessories that use 2 slots.
Can only be used on hair accessories that use 2 slots.
r Pack, or Eternal Armor Pack with an item enchanted to 5, 6, or 8.

r Pack, or Seraph Armor Pack with an item enchanted to 5, 6, or 8.

or Pack, or Twilight Armor Pack with an item enchanted to 5, 6, or 8.

Pagina 1255

ing Pack, or Helios Weapon Pack with an item enchanted to 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8.

rafting Pack, or Specter Weapon Pack with an item enchanted to 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8.

eapon Crafting Pack, or Apocalypse Weapon Pack with an item enchanted to 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8.

Ruler of Aden.

Ruler of Aden.
ersary Festival's Cloaks. Cannot be shared once opened.

mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.

Pagina 1256

mbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation. All classes.
is magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Li
his magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd L
his magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd L
magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libe
s magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Lib
his magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd L
is magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Li
his magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd L
his magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd L
magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libe
s magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Lib
his magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd L
is magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Li
his magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd L
his magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd L
magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libe
s magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Lib
his magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd L
is magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Li
his magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd L
his magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd L
magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libe
s magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Lib
his magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd L
is magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Li
his magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd L
his magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd L
magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libe
s magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Lib
his magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd L
agical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberat
agical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libera
agical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libera
ical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberatio
gical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberati
agical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libera
agical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberat
agical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libera
agical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libera
ical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberatio
gical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberati
agical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libera
agical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberat
agical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libera
agical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libera
ical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberatio
gical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberati
agical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libera

Pagina 1257

agical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberat
agical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libera
agical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libera
ical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberatio
gical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberati
agical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libera
agical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberat
agical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libera
agical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libera
ical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberatio
gical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberati
agical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Libera
al dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation.
al dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation.
al dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation.
al dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation.
al dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation.
al dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation.
al dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation.
al dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation.
al dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation.
al dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening, or 3rd Liberation.

s. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
rolls. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9.
s. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9. If enchanting fails, the item wil
rolls. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +9. If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized but the enchant value will be reset to

mpiad/ Ceremony of Chaos.

ympiad/ Ceremony of Chaos.
ympiad/ Ceremony of Chaos.
ympiad/ Ceremony of Chaos.
ympiad/ Ceremony of Chaos.
the appearance of your weapon. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. Cannot be stacked with Battle Rhapsody Dance.
the appearance of your weapon. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. Cannot be stacked with Battle Rhapsody Dance.
the appearance of your weapon. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. Cannot be stacked with Battle Rhapsody Dance.
the appearance of your weapon. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. Cannot be stacked with Battle Rhapsody Dance.

Rune or Faeron Village to become a Master Alchemist.

wn of Rune or Faeron Village to become a Master Alchemist.
n of Rune or Faeron Village to become a Master Alchemist.
une or Faeron Village to become a Master Alchemist.

Pagina 1258

ia would need.
the name of an item she needs to pick up.

g them all to Leira the forest patrol.

! Take this to Leira the forest patrol.
and see if they're poisonous.

scale. Take this to Maestro Dolkin.

ke this to Karla at the administrative grounds.

Pagina 1259

storeds. Double-click to look closer.

restored by Ivory Tower's Arkenias. Double-click to look closer.
by Lich King Icarus, a necromancer in Hardin's Academy. Double-click to look closer.

e, where Magmeld Delegation Leader Lada is.

a private store once open. Lv. 85 or above.

The coupon that came with this gives you the Nom Nom Candy Box. Cannot be used in the Olympiad/ Ceremony of Chaos.
The coupon that came with this gives you the Yum Yum Candy Box. Cannot be used in the Olympiad/ Ceremony of Chaos.

Pagina 1260

test of alchemical feats, this can also be double-clicked to gain either a Low/ Mid/ High-grade Windy Dye Pack or Talisman - Wind.

uches into a Stage 2 pouch. Under Lv. 85 only. Cannot be used by Chaotic characters. Cannot be obtained from monsters.
e 2 Pockets. Under Lv. 85 only. Cannot be used by Chaotic characters.
n Village to combine Stage 3 Pockets. Under Lv. 85 only. Cannot be used by Chaotic characters.
4 Pockets. Lv. 85 or above. Cannot be used by Chaotic characters.
by Chaotic characters.
n Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Party Mask, Monocle, Maiden's Hairpin, Forget-me-not Hairpin, Daisy Hairpin, Little Angel Wings, Fairy An
n Ears, Cat Ears, Lady's Hairpin, Party Mask, Monocle, Maiden's Hairpin, Forget-me-not Hairpin, Daisy Hairpin, Little Angel Wings, Fairy An

nstable and must be destroyed.

ke these to Janssen in Cruma Tower Underground Lv. 3.
Lv. 2. Used for restoring a broken machine.
y Belkadhi. You can use the machine to briefly meet an ancient Giant.

he weakening of the barrier there? Take this to Bacon.

ake these to Novain.
. Take these to Novain.

o Tracker Hatuba.

an for rrewardrs.
an for rrewardrs.
d for rewards.
an for rrewardrs.
e to Hermit at the Wall of Argos for rewards.
se to Hermit at the Wall of Argos for rewards.

when learning skills for each class.

Pagina 1261

, and failure results in disappearance of the bestowed STR. Stats can be bestowed to +5.
1, and failure results in disappearance of the bestowed DEX. Stats can be bestowed to +5.
1, and failure results in disappearance of the bestowed CON. Stats can be bestowed to +5.
and failure results in disappearance of the bestowed INT. Stats can be bestowed to +5.
1, and failure results in disappearance of the bestowed MEN. Stats can be bestowed to +5.
, and failure results in disappearance of the bestowed WIT. Stats can be bestowed to +5.
, and failure results in disappearance of the bestowed LUC. Stats can be bestowed to +5.
1, and failure results in disappearance of the bestowed CHA. Stats can be bestowed to +5.

h both XP Rune I (Lv. 1-85) and XP Rune II (Lv. 1-95) 100%. If used with Emperor's Rune, only the effect of Emperor's Rune applies.
ind Atk./ Resistance +20. Skill Cooldown -10%. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. Does not stack with Art of Seduction. Effect remains after

mith of Mammon.
btain a pendant with stats if successful. Tyrr Maestros only.
ration Tome.

te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.

Pagina 1262

te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 11. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.

Pagina 1263

te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting. Augmented weapons cannot be disassembled.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.

Pagina 1264

te Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. No extra rewards for enchanting.
a day outside instances while on a cooldown.
a day outside instances while on a cooldown.
ces while on a cooldown.
s while on a cooldown.
l) dungeon. Can only be used when on a cooldown to the instance zone. Can only be used once during the set time period outside of the in

l, Baium's Soul, Antharas' Soul, or Valakas' Soul.

blessed equipment. Requires Create Item Lv. 12. 100% success rate. Tyrr Maestros only.
ng blessed equipment. Requires Create Item Lv. 13. 100% success rate. Tyrr Maestros only.
ng blessed equipment. Requires Create Item Lv. 14. 100% success rate. Tyrr Maestros only.
Ring, Earth Wyrm Heart Ring, and Blessed Zaken's Earring (7-day). Cannot be used in the Olympiad.

Modified items can only be equipped by Ertheia.

ote> An appearance-modified item can be used only by the Ertheia race. Keep this in mind when extracting the appearance.

ance of obtaining one of the following items: Freya's Wish Box, Sirra's Wish Box, or a Snowman's Wish Box.
emains after death. Cooldown is 9 min. Only usable when 1 or more Vitality slot is full. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. Cannot be stacked

gh-grade Lucky Enchant Stone, Blessed Lucky Enchant Stone, Elemental Shirt Pack, Dark/ Bloody Eternal Enhancement Stone, Blessed H
ant's Energy, Kaliel's Energy, Elemental Shirt Pack, Sealed Talisman – Longing, Seven Signs' Energy, Talisman – Anakim, Talisman – Lilit
emains after death. Cooldown is 9 min. Only usable when 1 or more Vitality slot is full. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. Cannot be stacked
t Weapon. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +15. If enchanting fails, the enchant value will drop by 1.
rmor. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +15. If enchanting fails, the enchant value will drop by 1.

er/ Doll Blader. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.

Max HP/ MP +5%. Acquired XP/ SP +50% while hunting. Does not stack with Letter's Collector Gift or Art of Seduction buffs.

Pagina 1265

be used in Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.
ken by 3%.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.
aken by 3%.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.
e taken by 3%.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.
ken by 3%.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.
aken by 3%.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.
taken by 3%.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.
uces PVP damage taken by 3%.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.
aken by 3%.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.

e-click to use.
e-click to use.

nd one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone.

eapon. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.

modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.

ide instances while on a cooldown.

e instances while on a cooldown.

ous Friend Summon Bracelet Pack (30-day). Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Friend Summon Bracelet Pack (30-day), and 2 Ertheia's Rare Accessory Packs. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.

accessories that use 2 slots.

estored when the buff is about to expire. 6-hour.
owman Fairy. Take this to Noelle for a reward.
ieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone.

Pagina 1266

me Horse Power.

pecial hair accessory at a lower rate.

o Supplements.

a Lineage II Uniform. Cannot be stacked with the Fall of the Dragon or XP Buff 50%. Buff remains after death.
or items enchanted between +3 and +6. A failed enchant drops the enchant level by 3 instead of crystallizing.
y for items enchanted between +3 and +6. A failed enchant drops the enchant level by 3 instead of crystallizing.
y for items enchanted between +3 and +6. A failed enchant drops the enchant level by 3 instead of crystallizing.
or items enchanted between +7 and +11. Randomly adds between +1 and +3 enchant value. A failed enchant drops the enchant level by 3
y for items enchanted between +7 and +11. Randomly adds between +1 and +3 enchant value. A failed enchant drops the enchant level by
y for items enchanted between +7 and +11. Randomly adds between +1 and +3 enchant value. A failed enchant drops the enchant level by

Pagina 1267

or items enchanted between +3 and +6. A failed enchant drops the enchant level by 1 instead of crystallizing.
y for items enchanted between +3 and +6. A failed enchant drops the enchant level by 1 instead of crystallizing.
y for items enchanted between +3 and +6. A failed enchant drops the enchant level by 1 instead of crystallizing.
or items enchanted between +7 and +11. Randomly adds between +1 and +3 enchant value. A failed enchant drops the enchant level by 1
y for items enchanted between +7 and +11. Randomly adds between +1 and +3 enchant value. A failed enchant drops the enchant level by
y for items enchanted between +7 and +11. Randomly adds between +1 and +3 enchant value. A failed enchant drops the enchant level by

day outside of the instance zone.

de of the instance zone.
de of the instance zone.
orks for item with the same number of slots. You need an appearance item, which remains intact after its appearance is extracted. An appea

and one-pieces only.

+3 and +9. Not usable on items enchanted +10 or above.

und has disappeared. This Visitation Scroll is no longer needed. You might be able to sell it to a merchant.
und has disappeared. Characters below Lv. 99 can also visit Hellbound, and this Visitation Scroll is no longer needed.
und has disappeared. This Visitation Scroll is no longer needed. You might be able to sell it to a merchant.
und has disappeared. Characters below Lv. 99 can also visit Hellbound, and this Visitation Scroll is no longer needed.
e Blazing Swamp. Take it to Harp Zu Hestui to get a reward.

ge them for a reward by clicking on the Points button in the PA Points screen.
Appearance Stone (1-day), or a Ruthless Tribe Mask Appearance Stone (1-day).
d./ Casting Spd. by 10%, P. Accuracy by 4, M. Atk. by 4, Movement Speed by 10, Max HP/ MP/ CP by 10%, P. Def. by 10%, M. Def. by 10%
or item with the same number of slots. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
item with the same number of slots. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
ks for item with the same number of slots. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
y). Works for item with the same number of slots. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
item with the same number of slots. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
em with the same number of slots. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
s for item with the same number of slots. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
. Works for item with the same number of slots. An appearance-modified item has no change in abilities. Double-click to use.
utside of the instance zone.
rs that were brainwashed by Beleth. There is a very low chance of acquiring a Scroll: PK.
rs that were brainwashed by Beleth. There is a chance of acquiring a Scroll: PK.
rs that were brainwashed by Beleth. There is a very low chance of acquiring a Scroll: Reputation.
rs that were brainwashed by Beleth. There is a chance of acquiring a Scroll: Reputation.
rs that were brainwashed by Beleth. There is a very low chance of acquiring Elcyum Powder.
rs that were brainwashed by Beleth. There is a chance of acquiring Elcyum Powder.

can be obtained. The changed item can be used as crafting material or exchanged by a Fishing Guild Member for a cosmetic item.
can be obtained. The changed item can be used as crafting material or exchanged by a Fishing Guild Member for a cosmetic item.

Pagina 1268

can be obtained. The changed item can be used as crafting material or exchanged by a Fishing Guild Member for a cosmetic item.
can be obtained. The changed item can be used as crafting material or exchanged by a Fishing Guild Member for a cosmetic item.
can be obtained. The changed item can be used as crafting material or exchanged by a Fishing Guild Member for a cosmetic item.
can be obtained. The changed item can be used as crafting material or exchanged by a Fishing Guild Member for a cosmetic item.
can be obtained. The changed item can be used as crafting material or exchanged by a Fishing Guild Member for a cosmetic item.
can be obtained. The changed item can be used as crafting material or exchanged by a Fishing Guild Member for a cosmetic item.
be obtained. The changed item can be used as crafting material or exchanged by a Fishing Guild Member for a cosmetic item.
be obtained. The changed item can be used as crafting material or exchanged by a Fishing Guild Member for a cosmetic item.
be obtained. The changed item can be used as crafting material or exchanged by a Fishing Guild Member for a cosmetic item.
be obtained. The changed item can be used as crafting material or exchanged by a Fishing Guild Member for a cosmetic item.
Whale Blubber item can be obtained. The changed item can be used as crafting material or exchanged by a Fishing Guild Member for a cos

gh a fishing guild member.

gh a fishing guild member.
gh a fishing guild member.

Pagina 1269

he Olympiad Manager or Mysterious Butler can exchange this for a reward item.

et the qualifications for Exalted.

r in Heine to meet the qualifications for Exalted.
o meet the qualifications for Exalted.
Heine to meet the qualifications for Exalted.
ns from these people and bring back a certificate - Verdure Elder Elikia from Heine, the Mysterious Butler, Weapon Merchant Galladucci fro
meet the qualifications for Exalted.
ter in Heine to meet the qualifications for Exalted.
meet the qualifications for Exalted.
n Heine to meet the qualifications for Exalted.
ssions from these people and bring back a certificate - Head Priest of the Earth Daichir from Schuttgart, the Olympiad Manager, Maestro Ish
meet the qualifications for Exalted.
eet the qualifications for Exalted.
nter in Heine to meet the qualifications for Exalted.
in Heine to meet the qualifications for Exalted.
ons from these people and bring back a certificate - Captain Kurtiz from Aden, Merlot from Hunters' Village, Blacksmith of Mammon, and Si

n order to test your qualifications for Exalted.

e success rate is 10%.

Pagina 1270

days if not used.

s if not used.

ir clans. Use it to receive 16 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies.

ir clans. Use it to receive 17 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies.
ir clans. Use it to receive 18 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies.
ir clans. Use it to receive 19 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies.
ir clans. Use it to receive 20 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies.
ir clans. Use it to receive 21 Vitality Replenishing Star Candies.
be used when there is an R-grade weapon bestowed in the inventory.

anomaly in the Dark Elf region after the appearance of Shilen and the epidemic. Double-click to read the details.
ake it to Master Cyphona.

dness. Take it to Magister Belas.

ger. Take it to Magister Belas.

least it's something.

least it's something.
least it's something.
n exchange it for a reward item through Master Cyphona at the Blackbird Campsite.
n exchange it for a reward item through Master Cyphona at the Blackbird Campsite.
n exchange it for a reward item through Master Cyphona at the Blackbird Campsite.

Pagina 1271

n exchange it for a reward item through Master Cyphona at the Blackbird Campsite.
n exchange it for a reward item through Master Cyphona at the Blackbird Campsite.
n exchange it for a reward item through Master Cyphona at the Blackbird Campsite.
its. It's proof that you've put them to rest in peace. Take it to Master Cyphona.
lot requested. Take it to Merlot to receive the certificate for finishing the mission.

k Troupe Festival. Take it to Nostra Gibbs to exchange for a Lucky Tarot Card.
Coin. It can only be used in a Peaceful Zone.
ar Lucky Game through Nostra Gibbs.
mium Lucky Game through Nostra Gibbs.
Bonus XP and SP.\nCan be obtained if main class is over level 99.

s. Take it to the Mysterious Butler to receive the certificate for finishing the mission.
s. Take it to the Olympiad Manager to receive the certificate for finishing the mission.
party member an double-click to activate the skill.

k to find out what it is.

e item you get after double-clicking cannot be shared between accounts.

he item you get after double-clicking cannot be shared between accounts.

ss is over level 99.

ss is over level 99.
ss is over level 99.
ember.\nCan be obtained if main class is over level 99.
ith buff/ de-buff protection even after death.\nCan be obtained if main class is over level 99.
s is over level 99.
buff/ de-buff protection even after death.\nCan be obtained if main class is over level 99.
d dimensional anomalies. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 46 or above.
d dimensional anomalies. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 85 or above.
d dimensional anomalies. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 95 or above.
d dimensional anomalies. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 99 or above.

Pagina 1272

d dimensional anomalies. Key component used in accessory augmentation by characters level 46 or above.
d dimensional anomalies. Key component used in accessory augmentation by characters level 85 or above.
d dimensional anomalies. Key component used in accessory augmentation by characters level 95 or above.
d dimensional anomalies. Key component used in accessory augmentation by characters level 99 or above.

ergy Crystals of Grade 2~4. If it fails, you might not get anything.
ergy Crystals of Grade 1~2. If it fails, you might not get anything.
e following: Top-grade Spirit Stone, Elcyum, Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade), Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade), Bloody

Pagina 1273

is over level 99.

Stone and Michaela's Soul Stone, it will be turned into a Dark Soul Stone. Take it to Head Priest of the Earth Daichir to be recognized for d
Stone and Michaela's Soul Stone, it will be turned into a Dark Soul Stone. Take it to Head Priest of the Earth Daichir to be recognized for d
oul Stone and Kechi's Soul Stone, it will be turned into a Dark Soul Stone. Take it to Head Priest of the Earth Daichir to be recognized for d
d Michaela's Soul Stones. Take it to Head Priest of the Earth Daichir to be recognized for defeating Earth Wyrm Trasken.
ne to get your Exalted qualification.
e to get your Exalted qualification.
Hunters' Village.
a Dimensional Castle Siege. Take it to Captain Kurtiz in the Town of Aden.
e when running the Dimensional Raid in order to receive the reward from that town's raid boss.
en running the Dimensional Raid in order to receive the reward from that town's raid boss.
when running the Dimensional Raid in order to receive the reward from that town's raid boss.
when running the Dimensional Raid in order to receive the reward from that town's raid boss.
when running the Dimensional Raid in order to receive the reward from that town's raid boss.
ning the Dimensional Raid in order to receive the reward from that town's raid boss.
dge when running the Dimensional Raid in order to receive the reward from that town's raid boss.
adge when running the Dimensional Raid in order to receive the reward from that town's raid boss.
ned top scores. Exchange it for a Bloody Weapon Enhancement Stone through Merlot in Hunter’s Village.
ned top scores. Exchange it for a Bloody Armor Enhancement Stone through Merlot in Hunter’s Village.

Spirit Stone: Hair Accessory, Life Stone Instilled with Giants' Power.
Stone: Armor (S-grade), Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade), Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade), Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (R-grad

and +9. For one-piece armor, enchant must be between +4 and +9.
h Kelbim's power.
Create Item level 14. Success rate is 100%.
Requires Create Item level 14. Success rate is 100%
erful attack on the enemy.
creasing its magic significantly.
bers for a new PA Bait Exchange.
exchange them through a Fishing Guild Member. Then collect Treasure Map Pieces 1 - 5and take them to Fishing Guild Leader Santiago to
exchange them through a Fishing Guild Member. Then collect Treasure Map Pieces 1 - 5and take them to Fishing Guild Leader Santiago to
exchange them through a Fishing Guild Member. Then collect Treasure Map Pieces 1 - 5and take them to Fishing Guild Leader Santiago to
exchange them through a Fishing Guild Member. Then collect Treasure Map Pieces 1 - 5and take them to Fishing Guild Leader Santiago to
exchange them through a Fishing Guild Member. Then collect Treasure Map Pieces 1 - 5and take them to Fishing Guild Leader Santiago to
ottom, it looks like it's Zaken's treasure. Double-click to receive the quest.
t to the location, so it's probably a treasure for Leona. Double-click to receive the quest.
n Beora is here…". Double-click to receive the quest.
s a good man. I leave his treasure here". Double-click to receive the quest.
ably a gift for the temple. Double-click to receive the quest.
s like it is related to the Turek Orcs. Double-click to receive the quest.
ottom, it looks like it's Zaken's treasure.

Pagina 1274

t to the location, so it's probably a treasure for Leona.

n Beora is here…".
s a good man. I leave his treasure here".
ably a gift for the temple.
s like it is related to the Turek Orcs.

be used only on hair accessories that take up 2 slots. Female only.

be used only on hair accessories that take up 2 slots. Male only.
d only on hair accessories that take up 2 slots. Female only.
d only on hair accessories that take up 2 slots. Male only.
e used only on hair accessories that take up 2 slots.
sed only on hair accessories that take up 2 slots.
sed only on hair accessories that take up 2 slots.
nly on hair accessories that take up 2 slots.
on hair accessories that take up 2 slots.
on hair accessories that take up 2 slots.

s a member of the clan or is someone trusted by the clan.

Dark Atelia. All the Embryo in the Atelia Fortress carry this neutralizer.

haven't been recognized by every member yet.

haven't been recognized by every member yet.
haven't been recognized by every member yet.
d by the Kingdom's Royal Guard and is no longer used. You can exchange it for a reward item through Dinford at the Blackbird Campsite.

the Embryo are using the Atelia for. Take it to Kaysia in the Town of Oren.
ferent from the Atelia of the Wind Spirit Realm. Take it to Kaysia in the Town of Oren.
cilitate movement. Because of the instability in the Atelia Fortress, it can only be used for 24 hours.

Pagina 1275

acilitate movement. Because of the instability in the Atelia Fortress, it can only be used for 24 hours.
acilitate movement. Because of the instability in the Atelia Fortress, it can only be used for 24 hours.
acilitate movement. Because of the instability in the Atelia Fortress, it can only be used for 24 hours.
etween +11~+20 after Awakening.
ut consuming extra materials.
etween +21~+30 after Awakening.
ut consuming extra materials.

d by the Kingdom's Royal Guard and is no longer used. You can exchange it for a reward item through Dinford at the Blackbird Campsite.
d by the Kingdom's Royal Guard and is no longer used. You can exchange it for a reward item through Dinford at the Blackbird Campsite.
d by the Kingdom's Royal Guard and is no longer used. You can exchange it for a reward item through Dinford at the Blackbird Campsite.
d by the Kingdom's Royal Guard and is no longer used. You can exchange it for a reward item through Dinford at the Blackbird Campsite.
d by the Kingdom's Royal Guard and is no longer used. You can exchange it for a reward item through Dinford at the Blackbird Campsite.
ble-click to use.

to Adolph in the Blackbird Campsite.

ke it to Adolph in the Blackbird Campsite.
to Adolph in the Blackbird Campsite.
e it to Adolph in the Blackbird Campsite.

rade), Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-grade), Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-grade), Blessed Scroll of Escape, Blessed Scroll of Resurrection, or Eli
ne-pieces too. It modifies everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of swimwear. Appearance is restored through the use of
ne-pieces too. It modifies everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of swimwear. Appearance is restored through the use of
too. It modifies everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a bikini. Appearance is restored through the use of a Restoration
too. It modifies everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a bikini. Appearance is restored through the use of a Restoration
ntezza, or Baium's soul.
Guitar Melody, and Drum Melody. Cooldown is 60 min.
Potions and a Birthday Hat.
ed in the Olympiad.

hion Charm - Anakim Holy Barrier.

es only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Vampiric Style.
one-pieces only. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Vampiric Style.
tyle Appearance Stone.

t changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of the Halloween outfit.
t changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of the Halloween outfit.
n shields and sigils.

ed Elysium Buffalo that appears in Giran Harbor at 14:00 and 23:00. Note that it recovers 1 to 6 power at random due to it being unstable in

Pagina 1276

h anniversary.

Valakas' Necklace, or Tauti's Ring.

or Baium's Soul.

of an NC Dinos uniform. Cannot be stacked with the Fall of the Dragon or XP Buff 50%.

pon. Can be used on shields and sigils.

o Mimyu to receive a reward.

e of obtaining one of the following items: Freya's Wish Box, Sirra's Wish Box, or a Snowman's Wish Box.
20%, P./ M. Def. 30% and Movement Speed by 20, and decreases Skill MP Consumption 15% for 30 min.\n\nEffect remains after death. C

hields and sigils.

ng types. Can be used on shields and sigils.
rmor. It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into a Dark Knight suit.
It changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into that of a Ninja's outfit.
t changes everything, making the appearance of all armor into a Metal suit.
Knight Suit, Ninja Outfit, Metal Suit, or Vampiric Style.
ot be used in the Olympiad. No weekly usage limit.

Pagina 1277

essory Appearance Stone.

Appearance Stone.
ory Appearance Stone.
d only on hair accessories that take up 2 slots.
y on hair accessories that take up 2 slots.
y on hair accessories that take up 2 slots.

Double-click to use.

obtain a Santa's Small Gift Box.

ecovers 1 bar of Vitality and changes the appearance into that of Santa Claus.

rs after 2 uses.
crease Barton's Debuff Resistance/ Speed/ P. Atk./ P. Accuracy/ P. Def./ Atk. Spd./ Critical Damage. Recovre 20% of HP when killing the o

ppears after 2 uses.

evolutionaries. Cannot be used on regular weapons.

collected them all, take them to Sir Klaus Vasper.

hem to Blacksmith Kluto.
em all, take them to Wanderer Yuyuria.

Pagina 1278

Ingots to Neti in Gludio to get an improved Shadow weapon.

st on the 3rd floor to randomly summon one of the 5 Aden Vanguard members as reinforcement. Does not work on the 1st and 2nd floors. 3
Blessing, 5 Emperor's Vitality Tonics, 5 Emperor's Rune 2-hour Boxes, 25 Vitality Replenishing Potions. Also, randomly get one of the follow
%, Casting Spd. by 5%, Max HP/ MP by 5%, and XP and SP acquired through hunting increase by 30%. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
The clothes are nothing more than rags after their years of use. Let's take them to Greymore in the Monastery of Silence.
l. Collect these and take them to Vulcan.
rch. Collect these and take them to Karakawei.
nd take them to Dinn of Primeval Isle.
take them to Dinn of Primeval Isle.
o Collector Gutenhagen.
meval Isle Wharf. Collect these and take them to Dinn of Primeval Isle to get a reward.
pon Recipe through Gutenhagen.

rewards greater XP. Available for characters below level 85.

rewards greater XP. Available for characters level 85-94.
rewards greater XP. Available for characters from level 95-98.
rewards greater XP. Available for characters level 99 or higher.

be used in the Olympiad.

a in the Crypts of Disgrace to receive a reward.
through Karuda.
obtaining Wind Vitality Tonic, Heine Treasure Chest, or Seed Bracelet Treasure Chest. Can only be used by Lv.85-Lv.89.
Vitality Tonic, Heine Treasure Chest, or a Seed Bracelet Treasure Chest. Can be used by characters Lv. 90- 94.
obtaining Wind Vitality Tonic, Heine Treasure Chest, or Seed Bracelet Treasure Chest. Can only be used by Lv.95-Lv.98.
obtaining Wind Vitality Tonic, Heine Treasure Chest, or Seed Bracelet Treasure Chest. Can only be used above Lv.99.

ng Rod Pack (30-day).

be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.

be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.

Pagina 1279

be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.

be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.

be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.

be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.
be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.

Pagina 1280

be compounded to upgrade and if it succeeds, the power of the soul sealed within the Soul Crystal will be enhanced.

use a Soul Crystal Stage 1-4 to absorb the soul.

use a Soul Crystal Stage 1-5 to absorb the soul.
use a Soul Crystal Stage 1-6 to absorb the soul.
use a Soul Crystal Stage 1-7 to absorb the soul.
use a Soul Crystal Stage 1-8 to absorb the soul.
use a Soul Crystal Stage 1-9 to absorb the soul.
me practice with Soul Crystals. Double-click to summon a Soul and use the Practice Soul Crystal Stage 1 to absorb the Soul.
o the Practice Stormbringer you received from the blacksmith.
ge power changes the appearance of your weapon. Does not stack with Battle Rhapsody Dance. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.

ember and double-click to use the skill.

ecklace, Tauti's Ring, Earth Wyrm Heart Ring, or Blessed Zaken's Earring (7-day). Cannot be used in the Olympiad.

Mystic Tavern. Take 10 of these to Settlen in the Mystic Tavern to exchange for a Mystic Soul Crystal.

Mystic Tavern. Since it contains the soul of a legend within the stories, it can bestow a special Soul Crystal effect to weapons.
ablet to reduce the defense of the tablet. Deleted 1 hour after acquisition.

ese and take them to Leona Blackbird in the Refugee Village.

mare Kamaloka. Double-click to open.

ic tales pub. Double-click to use.

ge 1 or Mermoden's Soul Crystal Stage 1.

ge 2 or Mermoden's Soul Crystal Stage 2.
ge 3 or Mermoden's Soul Crystal Stage 3.
ge 4 or Mermoden's Soul Crystal Stage 4.
ge 5 or Mermoden's Soul Crystal Stage 5.
t get anything.

nnot be equipped by Ertheia.

quipped by Ertheia.
be equipped by Ertheia.
pped by Ertheia.

Pagina 1281

sable by characters level 85 or above when augmenting Rare items.

use a Soul Crystal Stage 1-10 to absorb the soul.
use a Soul Crystal Stage 1-11 to absorb the soul.
use a Soul Crystal Stage 1-12 to absorb the soul.
use a Soul Crystal Stage 1-13 to absorb the soul.
use a Soul Crystal Stage 1-14 to absorb the soul.
ed violent because of the effect of the Ice Crystal, and Melissa's health has deteriorated. Collect these and take them to Sayan.
pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone.
ces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone.
s and one-pieces only. Modified armor can be restored to their original appearance with a Restoration Stone.
n possession of this Adana. Lv. 85 or above.
ay Armor Set (R-grade or above), or a Weapon (R-grade or above). Lv. 85 or above.
bryo Command Post. Cannot be used if the instanced zone is not bound. Can be used only once a day outside of the instanced zone.
set cooldown to Nightmare Kamaloka. Can only be used once a day outside of the instance zone.

nto NPC Roa. Can only exchange 1 item per day.

Emerald Square. Can only be used once a day outside of the instance zone. Can enter twice each time it is used.
d Libra Merchants. It is used to change a dual class through Elder Green or exchange a weapon through Artisan Black.
er Pink to receive 10 Lv.5 Giant Dyes.
ble-click to obtain one of various items at random.
ble-click to obtain one of various items at random.
ble-click to obtain one of various items at random.
ble-click to obtain one of various items at random.

ose's Garnet Chest, or La Vie En Rose's Tanzanite Chest.

ose's Garnet Chest, or La Vie En Rose's Tanzanite Chest.
y outside of the instance zone.
he color of the title, the original title color can be restored through the command '/ resettitle'. If there was no original title, the title disappears
mare Kamaloka dungeon. Usable once a day outside instances while on a cooldown.
30%, P./ M. Def. 10%, Accuracy 4, Magic Accuracy by 4, Movement Speed 10, Attack/ casting Speed 10%, Attack Attribute 100, and reduc

Pagina 1282

Dragon Hatchlings or Leopard Dragons that appear in the Dragon Valley area. Collect these and take them to the Researcher Stena at the e
an easy catch, but it has no real product value.

at Varka Silenos Barracks to receive a reward.

n at Varka Silenos Barracks to receive a reward.
a Orc Outpost to receive a reward.
ra Orc Outpost to receive a reward.
s a Shine Stone.
n be used on the Root of the Lesser Giant to induce evolution.
he Giant's Cave. Collect a certain number of these and take them to Kekropus to be recognized as a member of the Resistance.
de with Kamael. Collect 40 Marks of Resistance and go to Kekropus to trade with a Stage 2 Mark.
de with Kamael. With the Giants' activity increasing, it has been agreed that these eye-catching marks will no longer be used, so as to reduc
de with Kamael. With the Giants' activity increasing, it has been agreed that these eye-catching marks will no longer be used, so as to reduc
de with Kamael. With the Giants' activity increasing, it has been agreed that these eye-catching marks will no longer be used, so as to reduc
de with Kamael. With the Giants' activity increasing, it has been agreed that these eye-catching marks will no longer be used, so as to reduc
d take them to the Giant's Minion Retbach at the Giant's Cave.

vel of the Giants's Cave.

did this by collecting the Shinedust that Giants need to evolve in the upper level of the Giant's Cave. Double-click to view the item.
in the lower level of the Giant's Cave. Double-click to view the item.

Pagina 1283

of Seduction, Blessed Scroll of Resurrection, Blessed Scroll of Escape.

e Dimensional Crack.
ack. This is a mark indicating how many times you have participated in daily explorations.
uch progress you have made on the ten-day adventure.
Fairies and Satyrs. Collect these and take them to a Fairy Citizen to receive a reward.
Fairies and Satyrs. Collect these and take them to a Fairy Citizen to receive a reward.

ters between Lv. 20-39.

ters between Lv. 40-60.
ters between Lv. 61-75.
ters between Lv. 76-84.
characters of Lv. 85 and above.

of adventure. Contains supplies necessary for adventure.

Exploring the Dimension - 30-day Search Operation".
While this device is operational, search operations can be continued in the Dimensional Crack.
ake them to Head Blacksmith Flutter at the Town of Oren.
w Forest area. Collect these and take them to Captain Mouen in the Town of Oren.
Outlaw Forest area. Collect these and take them to Captain Mouen in the Town of Oren.
these and take them to Captain Mouen in the Town of Oren.
a. Take this to Paterson at the Town of Aden.
mith Flutter in the Town of Oren.
mith Flutter in the Town of Oren.

Pagina 1284

d take it to Captain Mathias in the Town of Rune.

be equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.

e equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.
pped from Lv. 85 upwards.
equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.
v. 85 upwards.
. 85 upwards.

quipped from Lv. 85 upwards.

ed from Lv. 85 upwards.
ped from Lv. 85 upwards.
pped from Lv. 85 upwards.
ped from Lv. 85 upwards.
pped from Lv. 85 upwards.
pped from Lv. 85 upwards.
ped from Lv. 85 upwards.
equipped from Lv. 85 upwards.
ed from Lv. 85 upwards.
uipped from Lv. 85 upwards.

nir's Talisman Box.

astery, Superior Giant's Codex - Discipline

pirit, the crystal absorbs the monster's soul and becomes Anakim Soul Crystal, which releases the seal of power and is able to assign spec
ility to weapons. Can be upgraded to the next stage by compounding with a monster's soul. If upgrade is successful, the power of the soul
ility to weapons. Can be upgraded to the next stage by compounding with a monster's soul. If upgrade is successful, the power of the soul
ility to weapons. Can be upgraded to the next stage by compounding with a monster's soul. If upgrade is successful, the power of the soul
ility to weapons. Can be upgraded to the next stage by compounding with a monster's soul. If upgrade is successful, the power of the soul
ility to weapons. Can be upgraded to the next stage by compounding with a monster's soul. If upgrade is successful, the power of the soul
ility to weapons. Can be upgraded to the next stage by compounding with a monster's soul. If upgrade is successful, the power of the soul
ility to weapons. Can be upgraded to the next stage by compounding with a monster's soul. If upgrade is successful, the power of the soul
ility to weapons. Can be upgraded to the next stage by compounding with a monster's soul. If upgrade is successful, the power of the soul
ility to weapons. Can be upgraded to the next stage by compounding with a monster's soul. If upgrade is successful, the power of the soul
ility to weapons.
t, the crystal absorbs the monster's soul and becomes Lilith's Soul Crystal, which releases the seal of power and is able to assign special a
y to weapons. Can be upgraded to the next stage by compounding with a monster's soul. If upgrade is successful, the power of the soul sea
y to weapons. Can be upgraded to the next stage by compounding with a monster's soul. If upgrade is successful, the power of the soul sea

Pagina 1285

y to weapons. Can be upgraded to the next stage by compounding with a monster's soul. If upgrade is successful, the power of the soul sea
y to weapons. Can be upgraded to the next stage by compounding with a monster's soul. If upgrade is successful, the power of the soul sea
y to weapons. Can be upgraded to the next stage by compounding with a monster's soul. If upgrade is successful, the power of the soul sea
y to weapons. Can be upgraded to the next stage by compounding with a monster's soul. If upgrade is successful, the power of the soul sea
y to weapons. Can be upgraded to the next stage by compounding with a monster's soul. If upgrade is successful, the power of the soul sea
y to weapons. Can be upgraded to the next stage by compounding with a monster's soul. If upgrade is successful, the power of the soul sea
y to weapons. Can be upgraded to the next stage by compounding with a monster's soul. If upgrade is successful, the power of the soul sea
y to weapons.
cement ability to weapons. Can be upgraded to the next stage by compounding with a monster's soul. If upgrade is successful, the power o
hancement ability to weapons, or can be exchanged for a Mystic Soul Crystal through the Black Marketeer of Mammon. Can be upgraded t
hancement ability to weapons, or can be exchanged for a Mystic Soul Crystal through the Black Marketeer of Mammon. Can be upgraded t
hancement ability to weapons, or can be exchanged for a Mystic Soul Crystal through the Black Marketeer of Mammon. Can be upgraded t
hancement ability to weapons, or can be exchanged for a Mystic Soul Crystal through the Black Marketeer of Mammon. Can be upgraded t
hancement ability to weapons, or can be exchanged for a Mystic Soul Crystal through the Black Marketeer of Mammon. Can be upgraded t
hancement ability to weapons, or can be exchanged for a Mystic Soul Crystal through the Black Marketeer of Mammon.
xchange 100 Soul Fragments for a Glittering Soul of the Monster Spirit, or exchange 1000 Soul Fragments for a Top-grade Glittering Soul o
im's, Lilith's, and Seven Signs Soul Crystals to upgrade the stage of the Soul Crystal.\nIf compounding fails, the Soul Crystal is destroyed, a
g Anakim's, Lilith's, and Seven Signs Soul Crystals of stage 3 or lower, and increases the probability of successful compounding by 10%.\nI
g Anakim's, Lilith's, and Seven Signs Soul Crystals of stage 6 or lower, and increases the probability of successful compounding by 10%.\nI
Anakim's, Lilith's, and Seven Signs Soul Crystals of stage 6 or lower. If compounding fails, the Soul Crystal is not destroyed, but Anakim's/
g Anakim's, Lilith's, and Seven Signs Soul Crystals of stage 6 or lower. If compounding fails, the Soul Crystal is not destroyed, and the stage

een Ramona is.

ma Elish - Red Lightning Spear' skill used by Helios is reduced for 5 sec.
ma Elish - Blue Lightning Spear' skill used by Helios is reduced for 5 sec.
Pranarach skill is active, it creates the Shield of Light Particle Cracking debuff. If the debuff state reaches stage 50, the Shield of Light - Pr

s or ornaments in the dwelling.

s or ornaments in the dwelling.
Guardians experts or ornaments in the dwelling.
experts or ornaments in the dwelling.
oyal Guard experts or ornaments in the dwelling.
Cooldown 5 min.
Cooldown 5 min.
s. Cooldown 5 min.
. Cooldown 5 min.
. Cooldown 5 min.
s. Cooldown 5 min.
. Cooldown 5 min.
Cooldown 5 min.
s. Cooldown 5 min.
s. Cooldown 5 min.
. Cooldown 5 min.
s. Cooldown 5 min.
ve can mount. Can be obtained in Main Class status.
ve can mount. Can be obtained in Main Class status.
can mount. Can be obtained in Main Class status.

Pagina 1286

n mount. Can be obtained in Main Class status.

ove can mount. Can be obtained in Main Class status.

to induce marred evolution of the Lesser Giant.

on in the Beleth's Magic Circle area. Double-click to view the item.
eir mission in the Beleth's Magic Circle area. Double-click to view the item.
mission in the Beleth's Magic Circle area. Double-click to view the item.
heir mission at Atelia Fortress. Double-click to view the item.
rd with their mission at Atelia Fortress. Double-click to view the item.
with their mission at Atelia Fortress. Double-click to view the item.
eir mission at Enchanted Valley. Double-click to view the item.
s with their mission at Enchanted Valley. Double-click to view the item.
with their mission at Enchanted Valley. Double-click to view the item.
ssion at Garden of Spirits. Double-click to view the item.
h their mission at Garden of Spirits. Double-click to view the item.
eir mission at Garden of Spirits. Double-click to view the item.
on at the upper level of the Giant's Cave. Double-click to view the item.
eir mission in the upper level of the Giant's Cave. Double-click to view the item.
mission in the upper level of the Giant's Cave. Double-click to view the item.
c Circle area of Hellbound, or the Scorpion King in the Phantasmal Ridge area. Collect and take it to the Fire Dragon Bride Leona Blackbird
aster Cyphona around the Garden of Spirits.
uring the day. Take it to Ferin around the Garden of Spirits.
uring the night. Take it to Ferin around the Garden of Spirits.
o Histie in order to join the pieces of the map and find out the location of the secret entrance.
wn. Collect and take it to Histie.

n Dyke has asked you to collect them in order to cut off supplies to the Embryo.

o the Symbol Maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used by all classes.
to the Symbol Maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used by all classes.
o the Symbol Maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used by all classes.
o the Symbol Maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used by all classes.
to the Symbol Maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used by all classes.
o the Symbol Maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used by all classes.
ants' treasure, but it is so old that it cannot be opened.

Pagina 1287

rier and the Helios Barrier.

o increase your chances of obtaining an Advanced Supply Box.
gh level to increase your chances of obtaining an Advanced Supply Box.
h level to increase your chances of obtaining an Advanced Supply Box.
el to increase your chances of obtaining an Advanced Supply Box.
o increase your chances of obtaining an Advanced Supply Box.

ersal Seasoning.
ble Fish, and Universal Seasoning to the chef to make Royal Fish Soup.

as' Necklace, Tauti's Ring, and Earth Wyrm Heart Ring.

Pack x1, 2,000,000,000 Adena, Rare Accessory Pack x1, Talisman - Longing x1, Enhanced Tauti's Bracelet x1, Refined Romantic Chapeau
on in the Phantasmal Ridge's Magic Circle area. Double-click to view the item.
eir mission at the Phantasmal Ridge. Double-click to view the item.
mission at the Phantasmal Ridge. Double-click to view the item.
on in the lower level of the Giant's Cave. Double-click to view the item.
eir mission in the lower level of the Giant's Cave. Double-click to view the item.
mission in the lower level of the Giant's Cave. Double-click to view the item.
ssion at Atelia Fortress. Double-click to view the item.
rment. The stone modifies the appearance of all armor, and all armor appears as a Red Noblesse Garment.
Garment. The stone modifies the appearance of all armor, and all armor appears as a White Noblesse Garment.
Garment. The stone modifies the appearance of all armor, and all armor appears as a Blue Musketeer Garment.
arment. The stone modifies the appearance of all armor, and all armor appears as a Red Musketeer Garment.

diac Agathion Pack (30-day), Twinkling Zodiac Agathion Pack (30-day), Agathion- Anakim Holy Barrier Pack.
A Dye, Alchemic Tome.

n one of the following with a random probability: Mastery Codex x3, Master Chapter 1 x1, Chaos Essence Box.

Pagina 1288

chants of the continent of Aden, wondering about the weapon exchange ability of Craftsman Black, are buying the secrets of the exchange.
eleted when the Red Libra merchants leave.
nt Stone: Weapon (R-grade), Blessed High-grade Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (R-grade).
nt Stone: Armor (R-grade), Blessed High-grade Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (R-grade).
10 min. Cooldown is 9 min. Only usable when 1 or more Vitality slot is full.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.
e obtained by double clicking it. It will be deleted when the Red Libra merchants leave.
0 EXP and 240,000,000 SP.\nCharacters with Lv. 99 or higher only.
be used only by characters of Level 85 or higher. Buff gets deleted upon Subclass/ Dual Class change. This item will be deleted after the ev

m will be deleted after the event is over.

re to obtain a massive amount of Adena.

sman/ Energy of Longing can be obtained. This item will be deleted after the event is over.
can be obtained. This item will be deleted after the event is over.
ned.\nCannot be used on Shirts of +9 or higher.
arance Stone can be obtained. This item will be deleted after the event is over.

Bottle can be obtained. This item will be deleted after the event is over.
an be obtained.
lisman can be obtained. This item will be deleted after the event is over.
t Stones can be obtained.
d. This item will be deleted after the event is over.
s Cookie. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
Cookie. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
or's Cookie. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.

Will be deleted when the event ends.

nt.\nWill be deleted when the event ends.

ll/ Fall of the Dragon Buff/ Nevit's Hourglass.\n

Star Candy/ PA Points (200 points). \n

tion is 10 min. Cooldown is 30 min. Only usable when at least 1 Vitality slot is full. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
m can be obtained. This item will be deleted after the event is over.
y of the production of a Talisman - Insanity. If production fails, the Talisman - Longing is not destroyed, and only the Energy of Longing is lo
eted when the event ends.
duction x1, Freya's Recovery Potion x1. In addition, there is the chance that you will obtain 1x Freya/ Sirra/ Snowman Gift Box.

t of your character.
loody Rune (2 hr).
esse Garment, Pirate Red/ Crew Garment, Cowboy Purple Outfit Appearance Stone.
emains after death. Cooldown is 9 min. Only usable when 1 or more Vitality slot is full. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. Cannot be stacked

when not playing.

Pagina 1289

nce by 10% when having it in your inventory.

); Vitality consumption rate decreases by 15%.

Reflect/ Magical Reflect T-Shirt.

Reflect/ Magical Reflect T-Shirt.

ent. The stone modifies the appearance of all armor, and all armor appears as a Red Pirate Outfit.
Garment. The stone modifies the appearance of all armor, and all armor appears as a Pirate Shipmate Outfit.
Garment. The stone modifies the appearance of all armor, and all armor appears as a Cowboy-Purple Outfit.
Suit. The stone modifies the appearance of all armor, and all armor appears as a White Assassin Outfit.
item that cannot be exchanged.

material to make rare accessories.

to Lias in the Dimensional Rift to exchange for a Rune Stone.
Lias in the Dimensional Rift to exchange for the Superior Giant's Codex Chapter 1.
d dimensional anomalies. Key component used in weapon augmentation by characters level 95 or above.
ation Operation".
ry dimensional energy, and help to reach special areas within the Dimensional Rift.
ese and take them to the Dimensional Researcher Lias.
dy Swampland and the Altar of Evil. The request can be accepted by characters between Lv. 85-93. Double-click to receive the request
o Territory. The request can be accepted by characters between Lv. 85-93. Double-click to receive the request
k Orc Campsite. The request can be accepted by characters between Lv. 87-97. Double-click to receive the request
n Forest and the Shadow of the Mother Tree. The request can be accepted by characters between Lv. 88-98. Double-click to receive the req
Settlement. The request can be accepted by characters between Lv. 88-98. Double-click to receive the request
en of Beasts. The request can be accepted by characters between Lv. 89-99. Double-click to receive the request
on Flower Garden and the Breka's Stronghold. The request can be accepted by characters between Lv. 92-102. Double-click to receive the
a Marshlands. The request can be accepted by characters between Lv. 92-102. Double-click to receive the request
of Silence and the Field of Whispers. Characters of level 102 or higher can receive the request by double-clicking the item.
ortal Plateau. The request can be accepted by characters between Lv. 93-103. Double-click to receive the request
f Souls. The request can be accepted by characters between Lv. 93-103. Double-click to receive the request
of Shilen and the Cemetery. The request can be accepted by characters between Lv. 93-103. Double-click to receive the request
y of Saints. The request can be accepted by characters between Lv. 93-103. Double-click to receive the request
hern region of Isle of Prayer. The request can be accepted by characters between Lv. 96-106. Double-click to receive the request

Pagina 1290

ern region of Isle of Prayer. The request can be accepted by characters between Lv. 96-106. Double-click to receive the request
pirits. Characters of level 100 or higher can receive the request by double-clicking the item.
ss. Characters of level 100 or higher can receive the request by double-clicking the item.
dy Swampland and the Altar of Evil.

k Orc Campsite.
n Forest and the Shadow of the Mother Tree.

en of Beasts.
on Flower Garden and the Breka's Stronghold.
a Marshlands.
of Silence and the Field of Whispers.
ortal Plateau.

of Shilen and the Cemetery.

hern region of Isle of Prayer.

ern region of Isle of Prayer.
en of Spirits.

shing with this bait has a low chance of yielding a Reddish Box.
ait to catch a Purplish Box with low probability. Can be used outside PAs.

ng Guild Member.

ing up the Master Fishing Rod.

ters. Double-click to obtain the item.

ters. Double-click to obtain the item.
ters. Double-click to obtain the item.
ters. Double-click to obtain the item.
ters. Double-click to obtain the item.
ters. Double-click to obtain the item.
ters. Double-click to obtain the item.
g the Fishing Guild. Double-click to obtain the item.
ard reviving the Fishing Guild. Double-click to obtain the item.
ew. With this seasoning and fish, you can make an excellent Royal Fish Soup.

o enchant R-grade Armor. Can only be used on 3-9 enchanted items. When Enchant fails, the item does not crystallize, but the existing enc
o enchant R95 grade Armor. Can only be used on 3-9 enchanted items. When Enchant fails, the item does not crystallize, but the existing e
o enchant R99 grade Armor. Can only be used on 3-9 enchanted items. When Enchant fails, the item does not crystallize, but the existing e
by Gran Kain.\nUse to recover 7000 HP; the remaining effect of the medicine recovers your CP. \nCan be used under most debuffs excep
are turned into Santa for 2 min. Effect disappears when restarted.
the Olympiad.

Pagina 1291

ed in the Olympiad.
ed in the Olympiad.
used in the Olympiad.
the Olympiad.
in the Olympiad.
used in the Olympiad.
n the Olympiad.
in the Olympiad.
the Olympiad.
Cat Fighter.\n\n<Caution> Items whose appearance has been changed can be equipped on by Ertheia. Remember this when extracting app
arm Bear Paws.
xing Gloves.\n\n<Caution> Items whose appearance has been changed can be equipped on by Ertheia. Remember this when extracting ap

into that of a Wedding Bouquet.

at of a Pig Lollipop.
his to the Warehouse Keeper Wilford.
dministrative Offices
ministrative Offices

the Administrative Offices

while retreating to Area 1. Collect and take to Celin who is in Area 2 for the meantime, instead of Nagel.
ossessions here and there, the tonic lies scattered throughout Exploration Area 4. The Husks sometimes unearth the tonic that the King has
onkey. Fish using this bait to catch Ugly Fish, Nimble Fish, Powerful Fish, and Chef Monkey's Treasure Chest.\nCan be used by characters
onkey. Fish using this bait to catch Ugly Fish, Nimble Fish, Powerful Fish, and Chef Monkey's Treasure Chest.\nCan be used by characters
onkey. Fish using this bait to catch Ugly Fish, Nimble Fish, Powerful Fish, and Chef Monkey's Treasure Chest.\nCan be used by characters
uired XP/ SP +10%. Effect disappears when restarted.

Powerful Fish, with a chance to obtain Angler's Treasure Chest.\nCan be used only at levels 85 - 94.
Powerful Fish, with a chance to obtain Angler's Treasure Chest.\nCan be used only at levels 95 - 98.
Powerful Fish, with a chance to obtain Angler's Treasure Chest.\nCan be used only above level 99.

ases the chance by 10%. Can only be used with a 12 or higher Enchantment Item. On success, Enchantment count increases by 1. In case
creases the chance by 10%. Can only be used with a 12 or higher Enchantment Item. On success, Enchantment count increases by 1. In ca
creases the chance by 10%. Can only be used with a 12 or higher Enchantment Item. On success, Enchantment count increases by 1. In ca

Pagina 1292

PvP by 3%.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.
e taken in PvP by 3%.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.
aken in PvP by 3%.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.
n PvP by 3%.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.
n PvP by 3%.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\nDoes not stack when used with other Potions of Protection.
a prize is given, but it is also possible to obtain nothing.
P./ M. Def. +30%, Speed +20, Skill MP Consumption -15%.\nAdditionally, Damage Reduction +10%, All Attributes Defense +100.\n\nBuff re
P./ M. Def. +30%, Speed +20, Skill MP Consumption -15%.\nAdditionally, Acquired XP/ SP +30%, Vitality Bonus +12.\n\nBuff remains in pla
P./ M. Def. +10%, P. Accuracy+4, M. Accuracy +4, Atk./ Casting Spd. +10%, Speed +10, Attack Attribute +100, Skill MP Consumption -10%
/ M. Accuracy +4, Atk./ Casting Spd. +10%, Speed +10, Atk. Attribute +100, Skill MP Consumption -10%. Additionally, Acquired XP +30%,
d SP increased by 10% for 5 min. Effect disappears upon restart.

pper Armor and Full-body. All armor takes the appearance of Formal Wear. Effect can be removed using an appearance restoration scroll.
%, and Movement Speed by 20, and reduces Skill MP Consumption by 15% for 30 min.\nAdditionally reduces damage taken by 10%, and i
%, and Movement Speed by 20, and reduces Skill MP Consumption by 15% for 30 min.\nAdditionally Increases XP by 30%, and grants 12%
%, and Accuracy by 4, Magic Accuracy by 4, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. by 10%, Movement Speed by 10, Attack Attribute by 100, and reduce
%, and Accuracy by 4, Magic Accuracy by 4, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. by 10%, Movement Speed by 10, Attack Attribute by 100, and reduce

Pagina 1293

sable by characters level 46 or above when augmenting Rare items.

an. You can get 25 Vitality Replenishing Star Candy.
es. After Ishuma finishes building the defensive batteries, prove that she was protected by taking it to her.
ending Ishuma while the batteries were constructed.
ending Ishuma while the batteries were constructed.
annonball are qualified to operate the Keucereus defensive batteries.
he military base defense group.
of the successful Stage 2 defense.
of the successful Stage 2 defense.
of the successful Stage 3 defense.
of the successful Stage 3 defense.
ecessary material to make shells.

ive your defenses, as it will be the main target of the Embryo.

cquire an item.
cquire an item.
cquire an item.
cquire an item.
Double-click to acquire an item.\n
%, and Movement Speed by 20, and reduces Skill MP Consumption by 15% for 30 min.\nAdditionally reduces damage taken by 10%, and i
. +30%, Speed +20, Skill MP Consumption -15%.\nAdditionally Acquired XP +30% and Vitality Bonus +12%.\n\nEffect remains after death.
Accuracy +4, M. Accuracy by +4, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +10%, Movement Speed +10, Attack Attribute +100, and Skill MP Consumption
Accuracy +4, M. Accuracy +4, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +10%, Movement Speed +10, Attack Attribute +100, and Skill MP Consumption -10%
s of Hunter's Guild Faction - Level 2 and above. Can be exchanged with a Faction NPC when upgrading a Faction Talisman. The Hunter's A
n be obtained. This item will be deleted after the event is over.
an be obtained. This item will be deleted after the event is over.
Kelbim's Atelia Fragment can be obtained. This item will be deleted after the event is over.
es can be obtained. This item will be deleted after the event is over.
et can be obtained. This item will be deleted after the event is over.

ancement Protection Stone, at random.

ins after death. Cooldown is 5 min.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.
SP +10% for 30 min.\n\nEffect remains after death. Cooldown is 5 min.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.

Valakas' Necklace, Valakas' Necklace, Lindvior's Earring.

re Chests can be obtained.

and Bloody Swampland. Characters of level 85 to level 95 can receive the request by double-clicking the item.\nCan be played once a day.
ment. Characters of level 85 to level 95 can receive the request by double-clicking the item.\nCan be played once a day.
Characters of level 90 to level 99 can receive the request by double-clicking the item.\nCan be played once a day.
n. Characters of level 90 to level 99 can receive the request by double-clicking the item.\nCan be played once a day.
e Pagan Temple, and Blazing Swamp. Characters of level 95 to level 101 can receive the request by double-clicking the item.\nCan be play

Pagina 1294

ads. Characters of level 95 to level 101 can receive the request by double-clicking the item.\nCan be played once a day.
acters of level 97 to level 103 can receive the request by double-clicking the item.\nCan be played once a day.
alley. Characters of level 100 or higher can receive the request by double-clicking the item.\nCan be played once a day.
. Characters of level 100 or higher can receive the request by double-clicking the item.\nCan be played once a day.
pirits. Characters of level 100 or higher can receive the request by double-clicking the item.\nCan be played once a day.
Characters of level 100 or higher can receive the request by double-clicking the item.\nCan be played once a day.
cters of level 100 or higher can receive the request by double-clicking the item.\nCan be played once a day.
and Bloody Swampland.

e Pagan Temple, and Blazing Swamp.

e Red Libra merchants leave.

s (Group) in Kartia's Labyrinth (level 95 party). Characters of level 95 to level 105 can receive the request by double-clicking the item.\nCan
Prison. Characters of level 97 or higher can receive the request by double-clicking the item.\nCan be played twice a day.
mare Kamaloka. Characters of level 99 or higher can receive the request by double-clicking the item.\nCan be played twice a day.
Embryo Command Post. Characters of level 100 or higher can receive the request by double-clicking the item.\nCan be played twice a day
s (Group) in Kartia's Labyrinth (level 95 party).

Command Post.
ned..\nMay not be used on +7 T-shirts or higher.

wn 5 min. Effect remains after death. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.

10 sweet songpyeons and a Hanbok costume.

oldown 1 min..
our appearance to wearing a Hanbok for 30 min. Cooldown is 5 min.

ng people will receive a commission and bring a certificate - search for Commando Captain Sporcha the Hellbound Refugee Camp, Giant T

Pagina 1295

e Dragon Bride Leona Blackbird. Take this to Lionel Hunter in Heine with other certificates and get a new Exalted Power.
erarch Kekropus. Take this to Lionel Hunter in Heine with other certificates and get a new Exalted Power.
his to Lionel Hunter in Heine with other certificates and get a new Exalted Power.
s to Lionel Hunter in Heine with other certificates and get a new Exalted Power.
ng people will receive a commission and bring a certificate - search for Master Cyphona and Quartermaster Dinford in the Blackbird Camps
to Lionel Hunter in Heine with other certificates and get a new Exalted Power.
ard Captain Logart Van Dyke. Take this to Lionel Hunter in Heine with other certificates and get a new Exalted Power.
s to Lionel Hunter in Heine with other certificates and get a new Exalted Power.
Hunter in Heine with other certificates and get a new Exalted Power.
Hellbound. All you have to do is take it to Fire Dragon Bride Leona Blackbird in the Hellbound Refugee Camp.
ations to Kekropus, and you can receive Kekropus' Certification.
ations to Kekropus, and you can receive Kekropus' Certification.
The taste is excellent, but it has no other effect.
mpsite. All you have to do is take it to Ferin in the Blackbird Campsite.
er certifications to Logart Van Dyke in the Blackbird Campsite, and you can receive Logart Van Dyke' Certification.
tifications to Logart Van Dyke in the Blackbird Campsite, and you can receive Logart Van Dyke' Certification.
er certifications to Logart Van Dyke in the Blackbird Campsite, and you can receive Logart Van Dyke' Certification.

with Sayha's Talismans 1 through 8. In the event of failure, Sayha's Talisman is not destroyed, and Sayha's energy is lost.
only be learned by Main Class Lv. 99 and above.
only be learned by Main Class Lv. 99 and above.
only be learned by Main Class Lv. 99 and above.
only be learned by Main Class Lv. 99 and above.
ceived. Used as material to Enhance Seed Bracelets.
i's weapon by giving it the power of Frenzied Tauti.
i's weapon by giving it the power of Insane Kelbim.
mith of Mammon. If you go to Neti in the Town of Gludio, you can enhance your Shadow weapon.
em to Santiago with 80 Gemstone - R Grades, you can be recognized as a leader.

ower. If you collect this and bring it to Shadai, you can get Shadai's solution.
gy. If you collect this and bring it to Ishuma, you can get Ishuma's minerals.
s and the Ishuma's minerals together to find the Blacksmith of Mammon.
acksmith of Mammon with this and Shadai's Solution.
t. It feels like it can be restored through compounding.\nYou can exchange 10 Shadow Ingot Fragments for a Shadow ingot by visiting Neti
e appropriate for Shadow Weapon Enhance as it has different properties from the Shadow Ingot. It should be brought to the Blacksmith of
nterest the blacksmiths.
's Blessing Box is available to get with a random chance.

Fish, with a chance to obtain a Coin of light.\nCan be used only above level 85.
Fish, with a chance to obtain a Coin of light.\nCan be used only above level 95.
Fish, with a chance to obtain a Coin of light.\nCan be used only above level 99.
Fish, with a chance to obtain a Coin of light.\nCan be used only above level 102.
Fish, with a chance to obtain a Coin of light.\nCan be used only above level 105.

Pagina 1296

oll: Enchant Faint Elemental Shirt.

oll: Enchant Faint Elemental Shirt, and one Greater Vital Stone (30-day fixed period).
lls: Enchant Faint Elemental Shirt, one Greater Vital Stone (30-day fixed period), and one Advanced Red&Blue Cat's Eye (30-day fixed per
rolls: Enchant Faint Elemental Shirt, one Greater Vital Stone (30-day fixed period), one Advanced Red&Blue Cat's Eye (30-day fixed period

1 Shining Sroll of Growth each time you obtain 5 billion EXP.\nCannot be used with Fall of the Dragon, Dandy's Home Run Ball, and Agathi
sed above Lv 85. This scroll cannot be used by chaotic characters.

ar of Shilen. Characters of level 103 or higher can receive the request by double-clicking the item.\nCan be played twice a day.

ed, you can use the skills Breeze and Gust to set fire to the woodpile.\nWill be deleted after the event is over, September 26, 2018.
d, you can use the skills Breeze and Gust to set fire to the woodpile.\nWill be deleted after the event is over, September 26, 2018.
xalted" which is unknown by adventurers in Aden. \n
hich is unknown by adventurers in Aden. \n
Revolutionaries" which is unknown by adventurers in Aden. \n
s" which is known by adventurers in Aden. \n
Love Story" which is unknown by adventurers in Aden. \n
unknown by adventurers in Aden. \n
ation and Harmony" which is unknown by adventurers in Aden. \n
is unknown by adventurers in Aden. \n

oyer tenaciously gathered over a long time. With a premium account, you will receive an even better reward. \n
ck the Destroyer haphazardly gathered. \n
oyer tenaciously gathered over a long time.\n
eptember 26, 2018.
e send their hopes and wishes towards heaven with this fire for luck. It is said that the wishes will come true if the fire reaches the sky witho
sion if you carry out 1 type of daily quest in an instanced zone dungeon of at least level 85. \nCan be carried out once a day.
type of daily quest in a field of at least level 85. \nCan be carried out once a day.
e dungeon of at least level 85.

an be used to upgrade a weapon.

be used to upgrade armor.
hant found in every town.
imensional Merchant found in every town.
enhanced Glorious Brooch.

d in every town.
Emerald, Tanzanite, Red Cat's Eye, Blue Cat's Eye, or Obsidian.

it cannot be used as an Augment Stone. Can be used to inject the special power into an enhanced Glorious Brooch through Shadai in Hein
erent types of fish stew are used. Cooldown of 5 min.\n
rent types of fish stew are used. Cooldown of 5 min.\n
erent types of fish stew are used. Cooldown of 5 min.\n
erent types of fish stew are used. Cooldown of 5 min.\n

Pagina 1297

erent types of fish stew are used. Cooldown of 5 min.\n

erent types of fish stew are used. Cooldown of 5 min.\n
erent types of fish stew are used. Cooldown of 5 min.\n
rent types of fish stew are used. Cooldown of 5 min.\n
ferent types of fish stew are used. Cooldown of 5 min.\n
erent types of fish stew are used. Cooldown of 5 min.\n
erent types of fish stew are used. Cooldown of 5 min.\n
ferent types of fish stew are used. Cooldown of 5 min.\n
nnot be used with Fall of the Dragon/ XP Buff 50%/ Dandy's Home Run Ball.
have been affected by the Altar of Oblivion built in the Garden of Spirits. Take it to Magister Belas, who should be near the Garden of Spir
Ferin, it contains information on how the Altar of Oblivion affects other matters in the Material Realm. Take them to Ferin.
present of destiny from Freya.\n
ere is also a chance to additionally obtain one a Freya, Sirra, or Snowman Winter Card.

d enhancement items.
me, Kat the Cat Costume, Barbarian Wolf Costume, or Valkyrie Costume Appearance Stone.
pply in the Olympiad.
when not playing.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.
ume. Makes entire armor look like the White Knight Suit costume.
s entire armor look like the Healer costume.
akes entire armor look like the Chevalier costume.
Makes entire armor look like the Kat the Cat costume.
me. Makes entire armor look like the Barbarian Wolf costume.
es entire armor look like the Valkyrie costume.
acked with Einhasad's CHA Potion or Maphr's Luck Potion. \nCooldown: 5 min. Effect remains after death. Cannot be used in the Olympiad
est to gain extra quest XP and Faction Points. However, no further rewards will be gained if the quest rewards do not include XP or Faction
se if locked out from Instanced Zone. Can only be used once a day outside of the instance zone.
only be shared within the account through a Dimensional Merchant, and cannot be exchanged.

ecial ability from +4. Ensures safe enchantment up to +3 and enables the Agathion to be enchanted up to +10. Increases the Agathion's un
pecial Ability from +4. Ensures safe enchantment up to +3 and enables the Agathion to be enchanted up to +10. Increases the agathion's U
ure Chests or by hunting. Can be exchanged for Zodiac Agathion Cubes through the Fishing Guild Member in every town.
m that activates the power of the Zodiac.

Pagina 1298

XP gain +30% for 30 min. The effects do not stack even when several different types of fish stew are used. Cooldown 5 min.
diac Cube Fragment. Can be used once a day.
Rift and Dimensional Crack. Gather them and take them to Tarti in the Town of Aden.
Crack after receiving Tarti's advice. Gather them and take them to Tarti.

Giant Trackers who planned to betray the giants.

agments, talk to Histie to swap them for a Hunter's Stone.
cts of the Superion Barrier.
mental defense attribute increases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Stones can be used up to attribute level 3. Additionally, a ma
used on weapons other than the practice sword you received with it.
ollowing people and return with the certificates they give you. - Fishing Guild Leader Santiago in Heine, Blacksmith Rupio in the Town of Gi
sion. Take it along with the rest of the certificates to Herphah in the Town of Aden.
ssion. Take it along with the rest of the certificates to Herphah in the Town of Aden.
entation mission. Take it along with the rest of the certificates to Herphah in the Town of Aden.
ment mission. Take it along with the rest of the certificates to Herphah in the Town of Aden.
ent mission. Take it along with the rest of the certificates to Herphah in the Town of Aden.
Energy of Fire.
Energy of Wind.
Energy of Earth.
Energy of Chaos.

ed a Seed of Earth in the Bloody Swampland.

Schuttgart, as the proof that you have completed the Seed of Earth mission.
age as the proof that you have completed the Seed of Fire mission.
he proof that you have completed the Seed of Chaos mission.
of that you have completed the Seed of Wind mission.
you have completed all four Seed missions.
althus Knights.
ng it takes you to Herphah.
nchantment fails, the circlet's enchantment level is reset. Noble or Radiant Circlets cannot be downgraded after an enchantment fails.
Talk to Head Blacksmith Ferris of Aden to upgrade +5 Circlets into Noble Circlets.
Circlets. Talk to Head Blacksmith Ferris of Aden to upgrade +5 Noble Circlets into Radiant Circlets.

Pagina 1299

he following items: 1 Circlet Spirit Stone, 1 Noble Circlet Upgrade Stone, or 1 Radiant Circlet Upgrade Stone.

ag and a Hanbok costume.

w. Can be used above level 85. The buff is deleted when you change to dual or subclass.\n
w. Can be used above level 85. The buff is deleted when you change to dual or subclass.\n
M. Def. +15% for 30 min.\n Will be deleted after the event.

ouble-click to use the skill.

, who you met at the Isle of Souls Harbor.

us items needed for growth.

uires Herphah's Support Box Key, which can be obtained by completing other missions from Herphah.
n Box you received after helping with Herphah's missions.
on in Superion. Double-click to view the item.
eir mission in Superion. Double-click to view the item.
mission in Superion. Double-click to view the item.
or another item through Clan Trader Ilia in the Town of Aden or Mulia in the Town of Rune.\n
k can be upgraded through Head Blacksmith Ferris in the Town of Aden.
k can be upgraded through Head Blacksmith Ferris in the Town of Aden.
k can be upgraded through Head Blacksmith Ferris in the Town of Aden.
cloak can be upgraded through Head Blacksmith Ferris in the Town of Aden.
cloak can be upgraded through Head Blacksmith Ferris in the Town of Aden.
cloak can be upgraded through Head Blacksmith Ferris in the Town of Aden.
antment levels. The cloak can be enhanced to up to +5. \nA failed enchanting attempt resets the enchantment level.
antment levels. The cloak can be enchanted to up to +5.\nWhen enchanting is successful, the enchantment level increases randomly to +1

pendence. Take it to Kekropus in the Town of Giran.

d Mimir, Enhanced Core or Enhanced Harnak changes it to the Huge Giant's Apostle, enabling the declaration of Kamael's independence.
. Additionally defeating Queen Ramona changes it to the Huge Giant's Apostle, enabling the declaration of Kamael's independence.
Rapidus in the Town of Aden or Scipio in the Town of Rune. \n
iant's Scroll: Enchant Weapon.
with a chance to additionally obtain Giant's Scroll: Enchant Weapon.
in specialized class, but the Ertheia cannot use it.\n\nOpen it to obtain a 30-day item that cannot be exchanged.
ual specialized class, but the Ertheia cannot use it.\n\nOpen it to obtain a 30-day item that cannot be exchanged.

d in the Olympiad.

Pagina 1300

d when the Demonic Sword Zariche or the Blood Sword Akamanah is in possession.
ep. value is below 0). Cannot be used when the Demonic Sword Zariche or the Blood Sword Akamanah is in possession.
Weapon Pack, +10 Bloody Armor Pack, Dimensional Bracelet- Stage 6, Ruler's Authority, Talisman- Golden Bough, Talisman- Seven Sign

nd robe sets.

he test server. Use it to obtain a 15-day Antharas weapon.

no duration.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad.\n
clan members' P./ M. Atk. +3%, P./ M. Skill Power +3%, and Acquired XP/ SPed +5% for 30 min. \nCannot be used together with Resolute D
y clan members' P./ M. Def. +5%, Debuff Resistance +5%, and Acquired XP/ SPed +5% for 30 min. \nCannot be used together with Resolu
n a Resolute Raid Point Rune (2-hour) that increases Raid Points gained by 100%.\n

Merchant to exchange it for a useful item.

h stew to a Dimensional Merchant to receive even more special beer in return.\nCannot be used in the Olympiad. No weekly usage limit.
estores Vitality and increases CON/ MEN/ LUC/ CHA by 1 for 10 min. If additional Honey Vitality Beer items are used while this buff is active

enchant attempt fails.

Divine Zodiac Agathion Book of Growth.

click to obtain various items needed for growth.

a Bud's time and creates a Nerupa Bud. However, there is no knowing what the repercussion of turning back the time will be. The threads a
a Bud's time and creates a Nerupa Bud. However, there is no knowing what the repercussion of turning back the time will be. The threads a
a Bud's time and creates a Nerupa Bud. However, there is no knowing what the repercussion of turning back the time will be. Replete with N

Pagina 1301

hra's Consideration is tied with Lithra's power, removing it from creatures that serve Lithra weakens Lithra's power. Gather them and take th
y not visible to the naked eye, but Nerupa's power allows for it to be seen.
me regression. As Nerupa Bud Petals of the same shape contain different memories of time, Nerupa can read memories through these peta
eland West. The request can be accepted by characters between Lv. 96-106. Double-click to receive the request.
eland East. The request can be accepted by characters between Lv. 96-106. Double-click to receive the request.
ead. Characters of level 100-110 can receive the request by double-clicking the item.
ams. Characters of level 100-110 can receive the request by double-clicking the item.

st of the Dead.
mp of Screams.
for a purification ritual.
for a memorial ritual for her perished kin.

sters in the Bloody Swampland.

them to the Fairy Refugee.

them to Hesed of the Black Anvil Guild.

ns Spezion and his clones for 10 sec., and removes the Invincibility buff for 1 min..
moves Spezion's Invincibility buff for 1 min. and causes Spezion's clones and minions to use the Crazed Immolation skill and self-destruct.
moves Spezion's Invincibility buff for 1 min. and inflicts Eroded Rage buff on Spezion's clones and minions for 30 sec.
pecial Ability from +4. Ensures safe enchantment up to +3 and enables the Agathion to be enchanted up to +10. Increases the Agathion's U

use Keeper.
e-click to obtain useful items periodically.
oking a Reddish Box when fishing with this bait.

eir mission in Shadow of the Mother Tree. Double-click to view the item.
s with their mission in Shadow of the Mother Tree. Double-click to view the item.
with their mission in Shadow of the Mother Tree. Double-click to view the item.
related systems and is restricted from functions such as exchange/ drop/ destroy/ clan warehouse.\nThe item can be unsealed by using a R

es. If you are in luck, you may get a very good item.
ur Ruler's Authority.

raft a Clan Hall Belt.

e Town of Aden to disassemble each belt and obtain Clan Hall Belt Ornaments. There is also a small chance of obtaining an Authority Orna

Pagina 1302

in the Olympiad.
in the Olympiad.

in the Olympiad.

ble-click to obtain a variety of supply items.

ble-click to obtain a variety of supply items.
eer of Mammon.

he Knights' Basic Supplies.\nCan obtain special items at the 5th, 10th, 15th, and 25th uses. Can obtain a Challenger's Weapon Exchange T
s). Also, there is a chance to obtain 1 of PA - Art of Seduction, Freya's Art of Seduction, Freya's Art of Seduction - Barrier or Freya's Art of S

acing a great challenge.\n

nters Village.\n

s two of the four Vitality Gauge bars. No weekly usage limit.\n

d Blacksmith Ferris in the Town of Aden to upgrade a +5 Dragon Skin Shirt to a Dragon Leather Shirt.
k to Head Blacksmith Ferris in the Town of Aden to upgrade a +5 Dragon Leather Shirt to a Dragon Rind Leather Shirt.
0% for 30 min.\n\nEffect remains after death. Cooldown is 5 min. \nCannot be used in Olympiad.
ilure to enchant resets the enchantment level of the Dragon Shirt.
Relic Chest or Shining Dragon's Relic Chest.\n

erious Dragon Slayer weapon can be purchased from Dragon Slayer Luna on the event platform in the each town.\nCannot use enchant su
erious Dragon Slayer weapon can be purchased from Dragon Slayer Luna on the event platform in the each town. Enchants the weapon ra

Pagina 1303

HP, and the remaining power restores CP. Instant effect with no duration.\n
e Mother Tree. Characters of level 103 or higher can receive the request by double-clicking the item.\nCan be played once a day.
e Mother Tree.
tion Points of a desired faction through Adventure Guildsman Penny in the Town of Aden.
hanged for 1000 Faction Points of a desired faction through Adventure Guildsman Penny in the Town of Aden.
nture Guild Supply Box containing growth support items. You can obtain 2 Home Run Balls on the 5th and 10th uses.

0%, and P. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Atk./ M. Def. by 15% for 30 min.\n

obtain 5 billion Adena.\n
randomly obtain one Scroll of Blessing - R95/ R99.\n
randomly obtain one Blessed Antharas' Earring, Ramona's Fancy Earrings, Helios's Majestic Earrings, Orfen's Soul Earring, or Lindvior's E
obtain randomly one Baium's Soul Ring, Tauti's Ring, Queen Ant's Soul Ring, Mimir's Worn Ring, Forgotten Ring of the Core, or Earth Wyrm
randomly obtain one Blessed Valakas' Necklace, Angel's Necklace, or Harnak's Deformed Necklace.\n
randomly obtain one Energy of Longing, Sealed Talisman - Longing, Sealed Talisman - Golden Bough, Seven Signs' Energy, or Talisman -
randomly obtain one White Human Knight Suit or White Assassin Suit Appearance Stone.\n
randomly obtain one Healer/ Chevalier/ Kat the Cat/ Barbarian Wolf/ Valkyrie Outfit Appearance Stone.\n
randomly obtain one Kain van Halter/ Mermoden/ Leona/ Pantheon/ Lionel's Soul Crystal - Stage 8.\n
obtain a box containing 3 Top-grade Spirit Stones and 3 Life Stones Instilled with Giants' Power.\n
randomly obtain a box out of 10 Lv. 5 Legendary Dye boxes: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, or MEN.\n
obtain one Top-grade/ Super Advanced Seed Bracelet.\n

with the power of magic. Used to summon a Raid Monster through a Soul Summon Stone.
bait has a low chance of yielding a Blueish Box.
Fishing with this bait has a low chance of yielding a Reddish Box.
Fishing with this bait has a low chance of yielding a Reddish Box.
dishes are used, only one effect applies.
dishes are used, only one effect applies.
g Spd. by 4%, Speed by 6 for 10 min. Even if different types of fish dishes are used, only one effect applies.
of fish dishes are used, only one effect applies.
MP by 2% or P. Atk./ M. Atk. by 3%, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. by 3%, and Max HP/ MP by 3% for 10 min. Even if different types of fish dishe
na and restoring peace.
ying out an important mission for Etis van Etina possess it. Take the token to Devianne for further investigation.
s Dark Atelia to Devianne at the entrance of the Atelia Refinery.
e and power source of the Giants. If you gather many, you can use some of the Giants' power. Gather and take them to Leona Blackbird.
key process of refining the Dimensional Energy. Gather these fragments and take them to Devianne at the Atelia Refinery.
uding Atelia Guardian Harke, Atelia Guardian Ergalion and Atelia Guardian Spira. Take it to Devianne to receive an additional reward.
ntory, increases Vitality XP by 30%, P. Def. by 1986, M. Def. by 1150, Speed by 7, and Skill Power by 5%.\nWill be deleted once the Olymp
nventory, increases Vitality XP by 20%, P. Def. by 1428, M. Def. by 821, Speed by 3, and Skill Power by 3%.\nWill be deleted once the Oly
glorious World Olympiad winner. If stored in the inventory, increases Vitality XP by 10%, P. Def. by 567, M. Def. by 328, Speed by 1, and S
exchanged for a Guard Agathion Charm or Scroll of Growth through a Black Marketeer of Mammon.

Pagina 1304

pecial Ability from +4. It can safely enchant Agathion to +3 and enchant up to +10. Unique Abilities level up gradually from +1.
pecial Ability from +4. It can safely enchant Agathion to +3 and enchant up to +10. Unique Abilities level up gradually from +1. \nIf successf
e these to Leona Blackbird.
le-click to see the items inside.
ry. Double-click to see the items inside.
Double-click to see the items inside.
ff Resistance. Enchantment to +7 or higher increases P. Atk., M. Atk., P. Def., and M. Def., depending on the type of the equipped circlet. T
ff Resistance. Enchantment to +7 or higher increases P. Atk., M. Atk., P. Def., and M. Def., depending on the type of the equipped circlet. T
btained from the Blackbird Clan that led the Savior's Path. Those who are credited for saving Aden by helping the Blackbird Clan defeat Eti
alified can exchange it for the Savior's Enchant Scroll through Elikia at the Blackbird Campsite.
nd Acquired XP/ SP by 10%. The effect disappears on restart.

Black Marketeer of Mammon or Shadai in Heine.

by 7000, and the remaining power restores CP. \nCan be used even in Mesmerized state.\nCannot be used in Olympiad.
e-click to obtain the Warrior's Rune (1-hour) that increases XP/ SP by 20%.
Hunting Acquired XP/ SP by 20%.
n 1 Archangel's Fortune Box or Nevit's Fortune Box.\n

Pagina 1305

antastic Fishing Spot for 1 hour.\nYou can earn greater XP by fishing in the Fantastic Fishing Spot than fishing in Aden.
antastic Fishing Spot for 2 hours.\nYou can earn greater XP by fishing in the Fantastic Fishing Spot than fishing in Aden.
antastic Fishing Spot for 4 hours.\nYou can earn greater XP by fishing in the Fantastic Fishing Spot than fishing in Aden.
antastic Fishing Spot for 8 hours.\nYou can earn greater XP by fishing in the Fantastic Fishing Spot than fishing in Aden.
t expires, you will be expelled from the Fantastic Fishing Spot.\nYou can enter the Fishing Spot through the Fantasy Isle Paddy on the cent
t expires, you will be expelled from the Fantastic Fishing Spot.\nYou can enter the Fishing Spot through the Fantasy Isle Paddy on the cent
t expires, you will be expelled from the Fantastic Fishing Spot.\nYou can enter the Fishing Spot through the Fantasy Isle Paddy on the cent
t expires, you will be expelled from the Fantastic Fishing Spot.\nYou can enter the Fishing Spot through the Fantasy Isle Paddy on the cent
th the Fall of the Dragon or Dandy's Home Run Ball.\nCannot stack with the effect of Agathion - XP Bottle.\nCooldown is 5 min.
apphire Box, Greater Diamond Box, Greater Opal Box, and Greater Pearl Box, as well as a 30-day Full Rare Accessory Box (Lindvior's Earr

Can be stacked with Angler's Blessing.

0%, and P. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Atk./ M. Def. by 15% for 30 min.\n

platform of each town.\n

Necklace, Tauti's Ring, and Earth Wyrm Heart Ring, all with a 30-day limit.\n

3 Chorong's Thanksgiving Lucky Pouches, depending on how many times you use it.\nYou can earn 2 Dandy's Home Run Balls on the 5th
0%, and P. Atk./ P. Def./ M. Atk./ M. Def./ Normal Critical Damage/ Skill Power by 15% for 30 min. \nCannot stack with Rudolph's Red Potio
eive Deton's special gift.\n
cked with Angler's Blessing.\n
cked with Angler's Blessing.\n
cked with Angler's Blessing.\n

n accessory up to +10. \n\n<Warning>\nThe Angel Accessory may fail to enchant starting from +1, and it will be destroyed if it fails.
's Fortune Scroll.\n
y), Nevit's Cloak of Light (30-day), Emperor's Rune Pack (2-hour), Bloody Weapon Enhancement Stone, or Dark Weapon Enhancement St
, 1 Fantastic Fishing Spot Entrance Pass Pack (1-hour), and 1 Zodiac Agathion Cube. \n
antastic Fishing Spot for 1 hour.\nYou can earn greater XP by fishing in the Fantastic Fishing Spot than fishing in Aden.\n
not applied to Olympiad.

oss monsters) and decreases Vitality Consumption Spd. by 15%.

Pagina 1306

Characters level 95-101 can receive the request by double-clicking the item.\nCan be played once a day.
ry. Characters level 103 or higher can receive the request by double-clicking the item.\nCan be played once a day.
s Throne. Characters level 103 or higher can receive the request by double-clicking the item.\nCan be played twice a day.
vel 104 or higher can receive the request by double-clicking the item.\nCan be played twice a day.

Double-click to unbind Kartia Labyrinth (Lv. 95 Party). Cannot be used if the instanced zone is not bound. Can be used only once a day outs
Double-click to unbind the Crystal Prison (Baylor). Cannot be used if the instanced zone is not bound. Can be used only once a day outside
Double-click to unbind the Nightmare Kamaloka. Cannot be used if the instanced zone is not bound. Can be used only once a day outside o
k to unbind the Embryo Command Post. Cannot be used if the instanced zone is not bound. Can be used only once a day outside of the Ins
Double-click to unbind the Altar of Shilen. Cannot be used if the instanced zone is not bound. Can be used only once a day outside of the ins
Double-click to unbind the Fallen Emperor's Throne. Cannot be used if the instanced zone is not bound. Can be used only once a day outsid
le-click to unbind Fall of Etina. Cannot be used if the instanced zone is not bound. Can only be used once during the set time period of the
en Emperor's Throne. Cannot be used if the instanced zone is not bound. Can be used only once a day outside of the instanced zone.
a. Cannot be used if the instanced zone is not bound. Can only be used once during the set time period of the instanced zone.
ooldown is 1 min. Cannot be used in Olympiad. No weekly usage limit.\n
ng XP by 50% for 1 hour. \nApplied to all bait. \nCan be stacked with Angler's Blessing.\n

Def./ M. Def./ Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd./ P. Critical Rate/ M. Critical Rate/ Max HP&MP&CP by 5%, and Vitality by 14%.\nCannot be used in O

Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply items.\nUse the cube 6 times to earn Red's Hidden Libra Cube. Use Red's Hidden Libra Cube twice
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply items.\nUse the cube 6 times to earn Red's Hidden Libra Cube. Use Red's Hidden Libra Cube twice
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply items.\nUse the cube 6 times to earn Red's Hidden Libra Cube. Use Red's Hidden Libra Cube twice
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply items.\nUse the cube 6 times to earn Red's Hidden Libra Cube. Use Red's Hidden Libra Cube twice
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply items.\nUse the cube 6 times to earn Red's Hidden Special Libra Cube. Use Red's Hidden Special L
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply items.\nUse the cube 6 times to earn Red's Hidden Libra Cube. Use Red's Hidden Libra Cube twice
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply items.\nUse the cube 6 times to earn Red's Hidden Libra Cube. Use Red's Hidden Libra Cube twice
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply items.\nUse the cube 6 times to earn Red's Hidden Libra Cube. Use Red's Hidden Libra Cube twice
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply items.\nUse the cube 6 times to earn Red's Hidden Libra Cube. Use Red's Hidden Libra Cube twice
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply items.\nUse the cube 6 times to earn Red's Hidden Special Libra Cube. Use Red's Hidden Special L
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply items.\nUse the cube 6 times to earn Red's Hidden Libra Cube. Use Red's Hidden Libra Cube twice
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply items.\nUse the cube 6 times to earn Red's Hidden Libra Cube. Use Red's Hidden Libra Cube twice
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply items.\nUse the cube 6 times to earn Red's Hidden Libra Cube. Use Red's Hidden Libra Cube twice
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply items.\nUse the cube 6 times to earn Red's Hidden Libra Cube. Use Red's Hidden Libra Cube twice
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply items.\nUse the cube 6 times to earn Red's Hidden Special Libra Cube. Use Red's Hidden Special L
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply items.\nUse the cube 6 times to earn Red's Hidden Libra Cube. Use Red's Hidden Libra Cube twice
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply items.\nUse the cube 6 times to earn Red's Hidden Libra Cube. Use Red's Hidden Libra Cube twice
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply items.\nUse the cube 6 times to earn Red's Hidden Libra Cube. Use Red's Hidden Libra Cube twice
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply items.\nUse the cube 6 times to earn Red's Hidden Libra Cube. Use Red's Hidden Libra Cube twice
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's supply items.\nUse the cube 6 times to earn Red's Hidden Special Libra Cube. Use Red's Hidden Special L
pared. Use it to obtain the Red Libra supply items.\nUse the cube 6 times to earn the 14th Anniversary Enchant Scroll Pack.\n
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's special supply items.\nOn the 2nd use, you can earn a Libra Cube of the next level.\n
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's special supply items.\nOn the 2nd use, you can earn a Libra Cube of the next level.\n

Pagina 1307

Use it to obtain the Red Libra's special supply items.\nOn the 2nd use, you can earn a Libra Cube of the next level.\n
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's special supply items.\nOn the 2nd use, you can earn a Libra Cube of the next level.\n
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's 14th Anniversary Gift.\nOn the 2nd use, you can earn a Libra Cube of the next level.\n
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's special supply items.\nOn the 2nd use, you can earn a Libra Cube of the next level.\n
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's special supply items.\nOn the 2nd use, you can earn a Libra Cube of the next level.\n
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's special supply items.\nOn the 2nd use, you can earn a Libra Cube of the next level.\n
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's special supply items.\nOn the 2nd use, you can earn a Libra Cube of the next level.\n
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's 14th Anniversary Gift.\nOn the 2nd use, you can earn a Libra Cube of the next level.\n
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's special supply items.\nOn the 2nd use, you can earn a Libra Cube of the next level.\n
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's special supply items.\nOn the 2nd use, you can earn a Libra Cube of the next level.\n
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's special supply items.\nOn the 2nd use, you can earn a Libra Cube of the next level.\n
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's special supply items.\nOn the 2nd use, you can earn a Libra Cube of the next level.\n
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's 14th Anniversary Gift.\nOn the 2nd use, you can earn a Libra Cube of the next level.\n
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's special supply items.\nOn the 2nd use, you can earn a Libra Cube of the next level.\n
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's special supply items.\nOn the 2nd use, you can earn a Libra Cube of the next level.\n
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's special supply items.\nOn the 2nd use, you can earn a Libra Cube of the next level.\n
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's special supply items.\nOn the 2nd use, you can earn a Libra Cube of the next level.\n
Use it to obtain the Red Libra's 14th Anniversary Gift.\nOn the 2nd use, you can earn a Libra Cube of the next level.\n
ired XP/ SP by 30% for 30 min.\n\nBuffs persist after death. Cooldown is 5 min. \nCannot be used in Olympiad.\n
obtain one of the +7 Zodiac Agathion Charms.\n
obtain one of the +6 Guard Agathion Charms.\n
obtain one of the level 5 Gems.\n
obtain one of the Dark/ Bloody Helios Enhancement Stones.\n
obtain one of the R99 Royal Purple, Royal Red, Royal White, or Royal Blue Save Tickets.\n

ms that increase enchant success rates.\nWill be deleted when the event ends.
s the weapon randomly between +1 to +3, and can only be used up to +14. Failure to enchant destroys the item. You cannot use items that

f Seduction XP/ Barrier or Pa'agrio's Blessing XP/ Might. Additionally, you can randomly earn 1 Freya/ Sirra/ Snowman's Fortune Box.\n
Def./ M. Def. by 30%, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. by 10%, Speed by 20, Attack/ Attribute Resistance by 100, Damage by 10%, P./ M. Skill Pow
reater Jewel.
s' Necklace.\n
of Schuttgart. Gather their souls as evidence and take them to Head Priest of the Earth Daichir in the Town of Schuttgart.
Meirin from the Golden Compass Explorers.\n
used if the instanced zone is not bound. Can be used only once a day outside of the instanced zone.\n
. He lost the journal while hastily evacuating from the Sea of Spores when it expanded. Gather the records and take them to Paterson's Dis
Arimus. It is dispersing as it is unstable. It will be stabilized once Orfen's Handmaidens absorb all the Energy of the Sea of Spores. Gather
es. Energy of the Sea of Spores usually disperses through the air, but Chorina can use it as an energy source for barriers in the Sea of Spo

s Bracelet with a 100% chance and can enchant it up to +10.

) on the 30th use.
) on the 30th use, 10 Immortal Scroll Preface on the 60th use, and 10 Immortal Scroll Chapter 1 on the 90th use.
Def./ M. Def. by 30%, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. by 10%, Speed by 20, Attack/ Attribute Resistance by 100, Damage by 10%, P./ M. Skill Pow
Spd./ Casting Spd./ P. Critical Rate/ M. Increases Critical Rate/ Max HP&MP&CP by 5% and Vitality by 14%.\nCannot be used in Olympiad.
Spd./ Casting Spd./ P. Critical Rate/ M. Increases Critical Rate/ Max HP&MP&CP by 5% and Vitality by 14%.\nCannot be used in Olympiad.
Bloody Enhancement Stone, Freya's Wind Scroll, Dandy's Home Run Ball, Vitality Replenishing Star Candy, or Shining Dragon Attribute Ton

Pagina 1308

. Buffs persist even after you change to a dual class or subclass.\n

ired XP/ SP by 30% for 30 min.\n\nBuffs persist after death. Cooldown is 5 min. \nCannot be used in Olympiad.

ssory up to +10. Failure to enchant destroys the accessory.

u can earn a Fantastic Fishing Intermediate Bundle containing Fantastic Fishing Spot Entrance Passes on the 3th, 6th, 9th, and 12th uses a

antastic Fishing Spot Entrance Pass Packs (1-hour).\n

antastic Fishing Spot Entrance Pass Packs (1-hour).\n

lucky in 2018. Double-click to obtain a reward.\n

8. Double-click to obtain a reward.\n
-click to obtain a reward. \n
ighthouse guiding ships at night. Take this bell to Event NPC Aurora, who will be extremely delighted to receive it.\n
Spd. by 50% and Acquired XP/ SP by 10%. The effect disappears on restart.
Chapter 2, or Forgotten Spellbook Chapter 3. The Forgotten Spellbook can boost Forgotten Power: Physical Attack/ Magical Attack/ Armor
rough a Dimensional Merchant for Forgotten Spellbook Chapter 2 or Forgotten Spellbook Chapter 3.

Characters of level 102 or higher can receive the request by double-clicking the item.
Mother Tree. Characters of level 102 or higher can receive the request by double-clicking the item.

Mother Tree
d take them to Event NPC Happy Dog to get a reward.
d take them to Event NPC Happy Dog to get a reward.
d take them to Event NPC Happy Dog to get a reward.
d take them to Event NPC Happy Dog to get a reward.
d take them to Event NPC Happy Dog to get a reward.
d take them to Event NPC Happy Dog to get a reward.
d take them to Event NPC Happy Dog to get a reward.
d take them to Event NPC Happy Dog to get a reward.
d take them to Event NPC Happy Dog to get a reward.
he scroll and Golden Dog will be summoned as long as Hellion White Dog or Pink Dog do not interfere.
TR by 7, Vitality by 15%, and Acquired XP/ SP by 15% for 30 min. Cannot be used in Olympiad matches to ensure fair play.\n
MEN by 7, Vitality by 15%, and Acquired XP/ SP by 15% for 30 min. Cannot be used in Olympiad matches to ensure fair play.\n
by 7, Vitality by 15%, and Acquired XP/ SP by 15% for 30 min. Cannot be used in Olympiad matches to ensure fair play.\n
g or you? Double-click to obtain a reward.

l crystal enhancement abilities: War, Revelation, Greed, Punishment, Awakening, Disaster, and Advent. Can be upgraded to the next stage
l crystal enhancement abilities: War, Revelation, Greed, Punishment, Awakening, Disaster, and Advent. Can be upgraded to the next stage
l crystal enhancement abilities: War, Revelation, Greed, Punishment, Awakening, Disaster, and Advent. Can be upgraded to the next stage
l crystal enhancement abilities: War, Revelation, Greed, Punishment, Awakening, Disaster, and Advent. Can be upgraded to the next stage

Pagina 1309

l crystal enhancement abilities: War, Revelation, Greed, Punishment, Awakening, Disaster, and Advent. Can be upgraded to the next stage
l crystal enhancement abilities: War, Revelation, Greed, Punishment, Awakening, Disaster, and Advent. Can be upgraded to the next stage
l crystal enhancement abilities: War, Revelation, Greed, Punishment, Awakening, Disaster, and Advent. Can be upgraded to the next stage
l crystal enhancement abilities: War, Revelation, Greed, Punishment, Awakening, Disaster, and Advent. Can be upgraded to the next stage
l crystal enhancement abilities: War, Revelation, Greed, Punishment, Awakening, Disaster, and Advent. Can be upgraded to the next stage
l crystal enhancement abilities: War, Revelation, Greed, Punishment, Awakening, Disaster, and Advent.
with it.\nIf combination fails, the soul crystal will be destroyed.
nchant the Shilen's Soul Crystal.
be sold to NPC Shop.
blunts, one-handed staffs, daggers, spears, and other weapons. Increases P. Atk. by 7 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, two-han
e after death. Duration 10 min. Cooldown 9 min. \nOnly for characters below Lv. 108.\n\nCannot be stacked with Freya’s Wind Scroll or Fre
ttribute Resistance +100, and Acquired XP/ SP +100% for 30 min.\nBuffs persist after death. Cooldown 5 min.\nOnly for characters below L
ess of its level limit. \n\n<Daily Instanced Dungeons>\nKartia's Labyrinth (Party) 85/ 90/ 95, The Emperor’s Baylor, Nightmare Kamaloka, E

oss monsters). \nLv. 104 and below. \n

Vitality in a peace zone. Double-click to transform into a Snow Man, Scarecrow Jack, Tin Golem, Tow, Lure Tow, Heavy Tow, Warm Tow, W
u slightly uncomfortable. Double-click to obtain one of the gifts that Orc has prepared to win the favor of warriors.

y the Blacksmith of Mammon, the scroll enables you to enchant the knife successfully with a bit of luck.
from the Golden Compass Explorers.
Cannot be used if the Instanced Zone is not bound. Can be used only once a day outside of the instanced zone.
ncreases the number of Lucien's Marks you gain by 20%. It disappears once you defeat Lucien and obtains a Lucien's Mark.

es a certain amount of Vitality. Can be used only 5 times per week.

ment, Rune Stone, Seed Bracelet, or other items.
r 60 min, XP and SP gain +15%.\nCooldown: 60 min. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.

Characters level 106 or higher can receive the request by double-clicking the item. \nCan be played once a day.
aracters of level 107 or higher can receive the request by double-clicking the item. \nCan be played twice a day.

Double-click to unbind the Krofin’s Nest. Cannot be used if the Instanced Zone Dungeon is not bound. Can be used only once a day outside
nd the Krofin’s Nest. Cannot be used if the Instanced Zone is not bound. Can be used only once a day outside of the instanced zone.
onel Stage 5 Soul Crystals.
ed, only one effect applies.
ed, only one effect applies.
peed +6 for 30 min. Even if different types of fish dishes are used, only one effect applies.
are used, only one effect applies.

Library in the Town of Rune may be able to recover it.

hance to obtain an Artifact Fragment.

m at random.

d, Artifact - P. Skill Power, Artifact - M. Skill Power.

Pagina 1310



at all levels. \n
cer Sibi will be able to exchange them for Sibi's Suspicious Supply Box. This item will be deleted after the event is over.
bilized, Artifact - P. Skill Power, Artifact - M. Skill Power through Alexandria in Giran Town Luxury Shop.
e II to get a reward.
e II to get a reward.
e II to get a reward.
e II to get a reward.
e II to get a reward.
e II to get a reward.
e II to get a reward.
e II to get a reward.
e II to get a reward.
e II to get a reward.
click to receive a reward.

ed XP/ SP by 100% for 1 hour. Cannot be stacked with the Fall of the Dragon buff/ Nevit's Hourglass/ Dandy's Home Run Ball.
ng Spd. +10%, Movement Speed 20, Attack/ Attribute Resistance +100, and Skill MP Consumption -15% for 30 min. Acquired XP/ SP +30%

Harmony Lv. 2/ War Drum, Marching Drum, Soothing Drum/ Elemental Resistance, Resistance Debuff, and Mental Attack Resistance effec
Harmony Lv. 2/ War Drum, Marching Drum, Soothing Drum/ Elemental Resistance, Resistance Debuff, and Mental Attack Resistance effec
Harmony Lv. 2/ War Drum, Marching Drum, Soothing Drum/ Elemental Resistance, Resistance Debuff, and Mental Attack Resistance effect
death. Duration 10 min. Cooldown 9 min. \nOnly for characters Lv. 105 or below.\n\nCannot be stacked with Freya’s Wind Scroll or Freya’s
nd the Altar of Shilen. Cannot be used if the Instanced Zone is not bound. Can be used only once a day outside of the instanced zone.

bryo Bait Coupons, and 1 Angler's Blessing (1-hour).

m physical and magic strikes and dimensional abnormality.\nCan be used to augment R110 weapons.\nOnly for Lv. 110+characters.
m physical and magic strikes and dimensional abnormality.\nCan be used to augment R110 accessories.\nOnly for Lv. 110+characters.
e is a R110-grade weapon bestowed in the inventory.
The success rate is 60%.
he success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 60%.
he success rate is 60%.

Pagina 1311

he success rate is 60%.

5. The success rate is 60%.
. The success rate is 60%.
el 15. The success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 60%.
el 15. The success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 60%.
evel 15. The success rate is 60%.
Level 15. The success rate is 60%.
evel 15. The success rate is 60%.
vel 15. The success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 60%.
15. The success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 60%.
The success rate is 60%.
he success rate is 60%.

e the Water Dragon.\nDouble-click to increase XP and SP gain by 15% for 60 min once a day.\nRemains after dual class/ subclass transmu

Pagina 1312

Dragon.\nCan be exchanged for supply items through the Water Dragon’s Messenger after the Water Dragon appears.\n
y's Home Run Ball, 3 Freya's Wind Scrolls (Event), and 3 Glowing Dragon's Attribute Potions (Event).\n
Challenger's Scrolls of Growth and 1 Special Growth Rune (1 hour).\n
ss monsters). \nLv. 104 and below. \n

o his temple guard, Cyrax. If the Pontus Stone falls into hands other than Cyrax's, it will automatically return to him after a certain time.
are still under Fafurion’s influence. Gather the marks and take them to Lupicia at the entrance of Fafurion Temple.
er that Fafurion bestowed upon his men guarding his temple. Gather the fragments and take them to Lupicia at the entrance of Fafurion Tem
cate that Fafurion has bestowed some of his power upon the Krofins. Gather the claws and take them to Lionel Hunter in Heine.
eath of Priestess Parme. This fragment of the contract may lead you to find clues to Fafurion. Gather them and take them to Lionel Hunter in
15. The success rate is 60%.
l 15. The success rate is 60%.
5. The success rate is 60%.

nter Guild Member Black Cat in the Hunter's Village.

en it is used to enchant R-grade armor.
when it is used to enchant an R-grade weapon.

one unbinds +12 or above Enchanted Bloody Helios Weapons.

ade stone unbinds +8 or above Enchanted Bloody Eternal Armor.

e after death. Duration 10 min. Cooldown 9 min. \nOnly for characters below Lv. 108.\n\nCannot be stacked with Freya’s Wind Scroll or Fre
ttribute Resistance +100, and Acquired XP/ SP +100% for 30 min.\nBuffs persist after death. Cooldown 5 min.\nOnly for characters below L

Box, or Balance Artifact Box.

Pagina 1313

Harmony Lv. 2/ War Drum, Marching Drum, Soothing Drum/ Elemental Resistance, Resistance Debuff, and Mental Attack Resistance effec
Harmony Lv. 2/ War Drum, Marching Drum, Soothing Drum/ Elemental Resistance, Resistance Debuff, and Mental Attack Resistance effec
Harmony Lv. 2/ War Drum, Marching Drum, Soothing Drum/ Elemental Resistance, Resistance Debuff, and Mental Attack Resistance effect
Harmony Lv. 2/ War Drum, Marching Drum, Soothing Drum/ Elemental Resistance, Resistance Debuff, and Mental Attack Resistance effec
Harmony Lv. 2/ War Drum, Marching Drum, Soothing Drum/ Elemental Resistance, Resistance Debuff, and Mental Attack Resistance effec
Harmony Lv. 2/ War Drum, Marching Drum, Soothing Drum/ Elemental Resistance, Resistance Debuff, and Mental Attack Resistance effect
f. +30%, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +10%, Speed +20, Attack/ Attribute Resistance +100, Damage +10%, P./ M. Skill Power +10%, Acquired
f. +30%, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. +10%, Speed +20, Attack/ Attribute Resistance +100, Damage +10%, P./ M. Skill Power +10%, Acquired
onel Stage 4 Soul Crystals.\n
onel Stage 5 Soul Crystals.\n
shing with this bait has a low chance of yielding a Reddish Box.
ere is a chance to obtain the Maestro's Article Box or Maestro's Luxury Box.

ll. Only for items enchanted between +3 and +11. When enchant succeeds, it increases randomly by 1-2. When enchant fails, the item doe
he Sin Eater and receive the Hour of Penitence buff.
he Sin Eater and receive the Hour of Penitence buff.
he Sin Eater and receive the Hour of Penitence buff.
Characters level 106 or higher can receive the request by double-clicking the item. \nCan be played once a day.
s. Characters level 108 or higher can receive the request by double-clicking the item. \nCan be played once a day.

onel Stage 3 Soul Crystals.

onel Stage 4 Soul Crystals.

Box, or Balance Artifact Box.

ge 5 to 7 Soul Crystal.
croll. When enchant succeeds, it increases randomly by 1-3. When enchant fails, the item does not crystallize, but the existing enchant valu
ms that increase enchant success rates.\nWill be deleted when the event ends.

g Dragon's Attribute Potion.

Pagina 1314

se. Additionally, you can randomly earn 1 Freya/ Sirra/ Snowman's Fortune Box.

after the event.

ain's Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade), Royal Purple Save Card (R99/ R95/ R-grade), Destruction Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade), Fre
her Shirt Box, Radiant Rind Upgrade Stone, Blessed Antharas' Earring, Blessed Valakas' Necklace, Lindvior's Earring, Dragon Claw, Noble
and item gain through spoils by 100%.

and item gain through spoils by 100%.

and item gain through spoils by 100%.

1 Jewel Energy Fragment.

egardless of type.

, and 1 Scroll: Enchant Freya’s Ice Staff. Additionally, you have a chance to earn a Freya or Snowman's Fortune Box.

Pagina 1315

odifies the appearance of all armor, and all armor appears as Freya.

otion x3 and Freya's Art of Seduction XP/ Barrier or Pa'agrio's Blessing XP/ Might. Additionally, you can randomly earn 1 Freya's/ Sirra's/ Sn
Skill Power/ M. Skill Power/ Received Damage When Imobilized, Ultimate Lv. 5/ Lv. 4/ Lv. 3 Jewelry Box, Ruler's Authority, Seven Signs' En
Leona's/ Lionel's/ Pantheon's Soul Crystal - Stage 8, Dark/ Bloody Helios Enhancement Stone, Tauti/ Kelbim Crystal, Kain's/ Mermoden's S
ngredient Set, Freya's Bloody/ Dark Rune (30-day) Pack, Freya's Rune (30-day) Box, Ancient Book: Divine Inspiration (Intermediate), Gian

Pagina 1316

hile wearing this.

hile wearing this.

hile wearing this.

hile wearing this.

hile wearing this.

Pagina 1317

hile wearing this.

hile wearing this.

hile wearing this.

hile wearing this.

hile wearing this.

hile wearing this.

hile wearing this.

hile wearing this.
hile wearing this.

Pagina 1318

Who Faces the Limit.

are M. Def. +4 and MP+26.
are M. Def. +3 and MP+20.
are M. Def. +2 and MP+13.
are M. Def. +5 and MP+33.
are M. Def. +3 and MP+25.
are M. Def. +2 and MP+17.

Pagina 1319

disables armor. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped.
Mental Attack Resistance +30%, Stun/ Mental Atk. Rate +30%, decreases MP consumption. Increases Heal Amount and Earth Resistance.
ooldown. Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Wild Magic Effect and Damage Reflection effect. Increases Fire Resistance.
ld Atk. Rate +30%, increases Accuracy, P. Critical Damage, Atk. Spd. and Casting Spd. When two identical rings are equipped, the effect o
piric Rage Effect; Stun/ Mental Attack Resistance +20%; Stun/ Mental Atk. Rate +20%. When equipped with two identical earrings, only one
ses P. Critical Damage, Hold Resistance +20%, and Hold Atk. Rate +20%. When two identical rings are equipped, the effect of only one rin
cts. When equipped with two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.
equipped with two identical rings, the effect of only one ring will be applied.
smith of Mammon.
h of Mammon.
mith of Mammon.
of Mammon.
h of Mammon.
of Mammon.
of Mammon.

of Mammon.

roken, the effect of M. Def.+3 and MP+31 is given.

n the seal is broken, it will produce the effects of M. Def. +2 and MP+21.
roken, the effect of M. Def. +4 and MP+42 are given.
allies. Allows use of Residential Skills when equipped. Cannot be transferred between servers.
allies. Allows use of Residential Skills when equipped. Cannot be transferred between servers.
allies. Allows use of Residential Skills when equipped. Cannot be transferred between servers.
es. Allows use of Residential Skills when equipped. Cannot be transferred between servers.
not by allies. Allows use of Residential Skills when equipped. Cannot be transferred between servers.
es. Allows use of Residential Skills when equipped. Cannot be transferred between servers.
s. Allows use of Residential Skills when equipped. Cannot be transferred between servers.
e transferred between servers.

ngredient for quest: One Who Faces the Limit.

quest: One Who Faces the Limit.

Pagina 1320

ent for quest: One Who Faces the Limit.

ne Who Faces the Limit.

cters. Used as ingredient for quest: One Who Faces the Limit.
ingredient for quest: One Who Faces the Limit.

se the seal on this item.

elease the seal on this item.
ease the seal on this item.
se the seal on this item.
lease the seal on this item.
an release the seal on this item.

se the seal on this item.

elease the seal on this item.

Pagina 1321

ase the seal on this item.

by 50% and the XP acquired through hunting is increased by 10%.

es. Allows use of Residential Skills when equipped. Cannot be transferred between servers.
bers but not by allies. Allows use of Residential Skills when equipped. Cannot be transferred between servers.
One Who Faces the Limit.
One Who Faces the Limit.

15%, Poison/ Bleed Resistance +25%, Poison/ Bleed Attack Rate +25%. Decreases skill cooldown. Damage Reflection effect. Increases D

be worn by Female only.

quest: One Who Faces the Limit.

Pagina 1322

ystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.

ed or granted functions besides enchantment.
crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ized or granted functions besides enchantment.
allized or granted functions besides enchantment.
be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
nted functions besides enchantment.
granted functions besides enchantment.
stallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.
granted functions besides enchantment.
r granted functions besides enchantment.
be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
e crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
stallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
granted functions besides enchantment.
allized or granted functions besides enchantment.
llized or granted functions besides enchantment.
stallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
rystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
rystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
lized or granted functions besides enchantment.
tallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
zed or granted functions besides enchantment.
ized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.
lized or granted functions besides enchantment.
llized or granted functions besides enchantment.
d or granted functions besides enchantment.
crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
llized or granted functions besides enchantment.
d or granted functions besides enchantment.
zed or granted functions besides enchantment.
allized or granted functions besides enchantment.

Pagina 1323

llized or granted functions besides enchantment.

d or granted functions besides enchantment.
be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
stallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
rystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
stallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
allized or granted functions besides enchantment.
be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
rystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
stallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
allized or granted functions besides enchantment.
stallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
stallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
allized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
lized or granted functions besides enchantment.
allized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.
crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
allized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.
zed or granted functions besides enchantment.
allized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.
ized or granted functions besides enchantment.

accessory that grants a magical effect.

r accessory that grants a magical effect.
ccessory that grants a magical effect.
nt hair accessory that grants a magical effect.
sory that grants a magical effect.
hair accessory that grants a magical effect.
ssory that grants a magical effect.
accessory that grants a magical effect.
r accessory that grants a magical effect.
ccessory that grants a magical effect.
nt hair accessory that grants a magical effect.
sory that grants a magical effect.
hair accessory that grants a magical effect.
ssory that grants a magical effect.
accessory that grants a magical effect.
r accessory that grants a magical effect.
ccessory that grants a magical effect.
nt hair accessory that grants a magical effect.
sory that grants a magical effect.

Pagina 1324

hair accessory that grants a magical effect.

ssory that grants a magical effect.
accessory that grants a magical effect.
r accessory that grants a magical effect.
ccessory that grants a magical effect.
nt hair accessory that grants a magical effect.
sory that grants a magical effect.
hair accessory that grants a magical effect.
ssory that grants a magical effect.

r. Cannot be worn in a subclass condition. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

Cannot be worn in a subclass condition. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
transfer. Cannot be worn in a subclass condition. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
ss transfer. Cannot be worn in a subclass condition. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
s transfer. Cannot be worn in a subclass condition. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
ansfer. Cannot be worn in a subclass condition. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
er. Cannot be worn in a subclass condition. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
nsfer. Cannot be worn in a subclass condition. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
r. Cannot be worn in a subclass condition. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
nsfer. Cannot be worn in a subclass condition. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
lass after completion of 2nd or 3rd class transfer. Cannot be worn in a subclass condition. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
after completion of 2nd or 3rd class transfer. Cannot be worn in a subclass condition. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
essory slots. Event item.

Pagina 1325

l is released, M. Def. +15 and MP +50.

l is released, M. Def. +11 and MP +46.
l is released, M. Def. +7 and MP +23.

aestro Ishuma.

stro Ishuma.

Maestro Ishuma.
n or Maestro Ishuma.
r Maestro Ishuma.

Pagina 1326

Maestro Ishuma.
Maestro Ishuma.

estro Ishuma.

the Rainbow Clan Hall. Cannot be transferred between servers.

the Wild Beast Reserve. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Gludio Castle. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Dion Castle. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Giran Castle. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Oren Castle. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Aden Castle. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Innadril Castle. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Goddard Castle. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Rune Castle. Cannot be transferred between servers.
Schuttgart Castle. Cannot be transferred between servers.

formation will be cancelled if unequipped.

sformation will be cancelled if unequipped.
sformation will be cancelled if unequipped.

Pagina 1327

e active skills. Requires 2 hair accessory slots.

active skills. Requires 2 hair accessory slots.
e skills. Requires 2 hair accessory slots.
lowing you to use active skills. Requires 2 hair accessory slots.
active skills. Requires 2 hair accessory slots.
allowing you to use active skills. Requires 2 hair accessory slots.
s 2 hair accessory slots.
when it is used. Requires 2 hair accessory slots.
when it is used. Requires 2 hair accessory slots.
when it is used. Requires 2 hair accessory slots.
are set off when it is used. Requires 2 hair accessory slots.
used. Requires 2 hair accessory slots.
are set off when it is used. Requires 2 hair accessory slots.
ed. Requires 2 hair accessory slots.

tem. Effect does not stack with additional rings.

me type. Shadow Item.

onal Talismans of the same type.
Casting Spd./ speed. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
mans of the same type.
with additional Talismans of the same type.
d back onto your attacker. Effect does not stack with additional talismans of the same type.
stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
ional Talismans of the same type.

al Talismans of the same type.

mans of the same type.

the same type.

s of the same type.
ional Talismans of the same type.

Pagina 1328

s not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.

Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
ed when you wear the same two talismans. Shadow Item.

of the same type.

with additional Talismans of the same type.

ans of the same type. Shadow Item.
ional Talismans of the same type.

ans of the same type.

alismans of the same type.

s not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. Shadow Item.
additional Talismans of the same type.
h additional Talismans of the same type.

ditional Talismans of the same type.

dditional Talismans of the same type.
al Talismans of the same type.

the same type.

wear the same two talismans. Shadow Item.
the same two talismans. Shadow Item.
r the same two talismans. Shadow Item.
r the same two talismans. Shadow Item.
mans of the same type.
the same two talismans. Shadow Item.

Pagina 1329

and Soul Hounds.

or Escape. Only one effect is applied, even if you wear 2 identical rings.
d if unequipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
lled if unequipped. Effect does not stack with additional Talismans of the same type.
alismans of the same type.

fter completion of 2nd or 3rd class transfer. Cannot be worn in a subclass condition. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

ven if you wear two identical rings.

fects: MP +21, M. Def. +12%, Max HP +105, Mental Atk. +10, Mental Attack Resistance +10, MP Recovery +0.23, Dark Attack Def. +30. Ef

Pagina 1330

of the same type.

ans. Shadow Item.

nal Talismans of the same type.

Pagina 1331

s of the same type.

smans of the same type.
me type. Shadow Item.
f the same type. Shadow Item.
e same type. Shadow Item.
e same type. Shadow Item.
he same type. Shadow Item.
alismans of the same type. Shadow Item.
smans of the same type. Shadow Item.
me type. Shadow Item.

of the same type. Shadow Item.

same type. Shadow Item.

lusive for I-Card service.

xclusive for I-Card service.

xclusive for I-Card service.
xclusive for I-Card service.
xclusive for I-Card service.
skill exclusive for I-Card service.
skill exclusive for I-Card service.
skill exclusive for I-Card service.
skill exclusive for I-Card service.
xclusive for I-Card service.
xclusive for I-Card service.
xclusive for I-Card service.
xclusive for I-Card service.

Pagina 1332

and Paralysis Resistance

g interrupt and Paralysis resistance.

and Paralysis Resistance

Pagina 1333

eight Limit and increases Stun Resistance

eight Limit and increases Stun Resistance

eight Limit and increases Stun Resistance

Pagina 1334

damage inflicted upon the enemy to restore one's own HP. Excludes damage from skill and ranged attacks.

un Resistance and Weight Limit.

un Resistance and Weight Limit.
un Resistance and Weight Limit.
un Resistance and Weight Limit.

Pagina 1335

Dark Resistance, and decreased MP consumption upon skill use

Dark Resistance, and decreased MP consumption upon skill use
Dark Resistance, and decreased MP consumption upon skill use
Dark Resistance, and decreased MP consumption upon skill use

MP consumption rate.
MP consumption rate.
MP consumption rate.
MP consumption rate.

Dark Resistance, and decreased MP consumption upon skill use

Dark Resistance, and decreased MP consumption upon skill use
Dark Resistance, and decreased MP consumption upon skill use
Dark Resistance, and decreased MP consumption upon skill use
Dark Resistance, and decreased MP consumption upon skill use

Pagina 1336

s broken. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
when the seal is broken. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
s broken. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.

s broken. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
s broken. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
en the seal is broken. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
en the seal is broken.
en the seal is broken.

enhanced with a soul crystal.

ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 1337

nhanced with a soul crystal.

or enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
ted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanced with a soul crystal.
ugmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
gmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ugmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
anced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 1338

enhanced with a soul crystal.

or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
gmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
gmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
anced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 1339

nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

ted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
and augmentation are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
d augmentation are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
nd augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
d augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.

Pagina 1340

augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
gmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ugmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanced with a soul crystal.
uls, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
uls, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
ring souls, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
s, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
s, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
uls, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
g souls, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
ouls, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
d augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
ouls, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
s, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
nd augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 1341

nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
ted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
s, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
souls, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
d augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
nd augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
nd augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
uls, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
ls, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
souls, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
oring souls, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
s, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
s, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 1342

hanced with a soul crystal.

ed, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ugmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ugmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
anted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
chanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
gmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
gmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 1343

, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item. Effects upon seal release are M. Def. +4 and
nd augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item. Effects upon seal release are M. Def. +3 and M
augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item. Effects upon seal release are M. Def. +2 and Max
gmenting are impossible. The effect is MP +26.
ent, storing souls and augmenting are impossible.
ment, storing souls and augmenting are impossible.
and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item. Effects upon seal release are M. Def. +5 and
augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item. Effects upon seal release are M. Def. +2 and Max
nd augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item. Effects upon seal release are M. Def. +3 and M
gmenting are impossible. The effect is MP +33.
ent, storing souls and augmenting are impossible.
ment, storing souls and augmenting are impossible.
ng, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item. Effects upon seal release are M. Def. +4 a
nd augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item. Effects upon seal release are M. Def. +2 and M
, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item. Effects upon seal release are M. Def. +3 and
augmenting are impossible. The effect is MP +42.
ment, storing souls and augmenting are impossible.
antment, storing souls and augmenting are impossible.

Pagina 1344

he same type. Shadow Item.

smans of the same type. Shadow Item.
itional Talismans of the same type. Shadow Item.
not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. Shadow Item.

Poison Resistance.

es Magic Cancel Rate.

eight Limit, and Stun Resistance

. Shadow Item.

Pagina 1345

Maestro Ishuma.

Maestro Ishuma.
mon or Maestro Ishuma.
aestro Ishuma.

d for up to 10 hours.

Pagina 1346

ingredient for quest: One Who Faces the Limit.

t is able extract a compression stone from seed effect.

Pagina 1347

s or higher ranks of the clan that own a castle. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or assigned an attribute. Cannot be transferred between
arons or higher ranks of the clan that own a castle. The cloak is exclusively for Bow Masters and Dagger Masters (excluding Kamaels). Can
arons or higher ranks of the clan that own a castle. The cloak is exclusively for Healer, Enchanter, Summoner and Wizard (excluding Kamae
arons or higher ranks of the clan that own a castle. Kamael-exclusive cloak. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or assigned an attribute. Ca

hanted by 4 or more.
d Hold Atk. Rate +30%. 60-day. Only one effect is applied even when two identical rings are worn.
%. Damage Reflection effect. Decreased skill cooldown. 60-day.
age. 60-day. When equipped with two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.

h Native Kuta at Narsell Lake and obtain the Native's Gloves.

h Native Kuta at Narsell Lake and obtain the Native's Gloves.
k with Native Kuta at Narsell Lake and obtain the Native's Gloves.
hen equipped with the Guards of Dawn Tunic and Pants.
hen equipped with the Guards of Dawn Helmet and Pants.
hen equipped with the Guards of Dawn Tunic and Helmet.

of Vesper Noble or Dynasty set is worn, the Sealed Cloak Slot will be open and one can now wear the cloak. Kamael-exclusive cloak. Can
above the Dynasty level is worn, the Sealed Cloak Slot will be open so that the cloak can be equipped. Cannot be enchanted, augmented,
of Vesper Noble or Dynasty set is worn, the Sealed Cloak Slot will be open and one can now wear the cloak. The cloak is exclusively for D
of Vesper Noble or Dynasty set is worn, the Sealed Cloak Slot will be open and one can now wear the cloak. The cloak is exclusively for H

Pagina 1348

estro Ishuma.
n or Maestro Ishuma.

Pagina 1349

or Maestro Ishuma.
Maestro Ishuma.
Maestro Ishuma.

l is released, the effect is M. Def. +11 and MP+37.

l is released, the effect is M. Def.+15 and MP+50.
l is released, the effect is M. Def.+7 and MP+25.

get when attacked.

ceiving Critical Damage and P. Critical Damage amount.

get when attacked.

ceiving Critical Damage and P. Critical Damage amount.

applied even when wearing two earrings having the same effect.
pplied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
plied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
pplied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
plied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
s applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
pplied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.

Pagina 1350

is applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
d pet to refill hunger gauge.

ed. Only one effect is applied when you wear the same two talismans. Shadow Item.
fect is applied when you wear the same two talismans. Shadow Item.
Cloak Slot will be open and one can now wear the cloak. The cloak is exclusively for Dagger Master and Bow Master excluding Kamaels. C
worn, the Sealed Cloak Slot will be open so that the cloak can be equipped. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or assigned an attribute.
Cloak Slot will be open and one can now wear the cloak. The cloak is exclusively for Healer, Enchanter, Summoner and Wizard excluding K

15%, Water Resistance +8. Only one effect is applied when wearing the same two earrings.
15%, Holy Resistance +8. Only one effect is applied when wearing the same two earrings.
e +15%, Wind Resistance +8. Only one effect is applied when wearing the same two earrings.
+15%, Dark Resistance +8. Only one effect is applied when wearing the same two earrings.
15%, Earth Resistance +8. Only one effect is applied when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
+15%, Water Resistance +8. Only one effect is applied when wearing the same two earrings.
e +15%, Fire Resistance +8. Only one effect is applied when wearing the same two earrings.
15%, Fire Resistance +8. Only one effect is applied when wearing the same two earrings.
%, Wind Resistance +8. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.

pe after equipping.
l after equipping.

cape after equipping.

skill after equipping.
ter equipping.
after equipping.
after equipping.

scape after equipping.

skill after equipping.
after equipping.
once deleted.
ored once deleted.
ccessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. 14-day. Cannot be restored once deleted.

Pagina 1351

15%, Water Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only one effect is applied when wearing the same two earrings.
15%, Holy Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only one effect is applied when wearing the same two earrings.
e +15%, Wind Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only one effect is applied when wearing the same two earrings.
ce +15%, Dark Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only one effect is applied when wearing the same two earrings.
e +15%, Earth Resistance +10. CP +5% increase. Only one effect is applied when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
e +15%, Water Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only one effect is applied when wearing the same two earrings.
nce +15%, Fire Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only one effect is applied when wearing the same two earrings.
e +15%, Fire Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only one effect is applied when wearing the same two earrings.
5%, Wind Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
ar the same two talismans. Shadow Item.
the same two talismans. Shadow Item.
ed. Only one effect is applied when you wear the same two talismans. Shadow Item.
ear the same two talismans. Shadow Item.

Pagina 1352

summoner and the one being summoned are equipped with the Bracelet of Glory: Friendship. 30-day.

is applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.

Pagina 1353

is applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
t is applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
ect is applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
ht Limit of 5000.

, increases Vitality maintenance effect, and decreases Vitality maintenance cooldown.

, increases Vitality maintenance effect, and decreases Vitality maintenance cooldown.
, increases Vitality maintenance effect, and decreases Vitality maintenance cooldown.
, increases Vitality maintenance effect, and decreases Vitality maintenance cooldown.
, increases Vitality maintenance effect, and decreases Vitality maintenance cooldown.
, increases Vitality maintenance effect, and decreases Vitality maintenance cooldown.
, increases Vitality maintenance effect, and decreases Vitality maintenance cooldown.
, increases Vitality maintenance effect, and decreases Vitality maintenance cooldown.
, increases Vitality maintenance effect, and decreases Vitality maintenance cooldown.
, increases Vitality maintenance effect, and decreases Vitality maintenance cooldown.
un/ Mental Atk. Rate by 20%. Has the Vampiric Rage Effect. Only one effect is applied even when the two identical earrings are worn.

me when equipped. 4-hour. Cooldown is 1 hour.

ped. 4-hour. Cooldown is 1 hour.
uipped. 4-hour. Cooldown is 1 hour.
pped. 4-hour. Cooldown is 1 hour.
down is 1 hour.

down is 1 hour.
s game when equipped. 4-hour. Cooldown is 2 hours.
equipped. 4-hour. Cooldown is 1 hour.
hen equipped. 4-hour. Cooldown is 1 hour.
n equipped. 4-hour. Cooldown is 1 hour.

med pets. Must be equipped to use.

Pagina 1354

Maestro Ishuma.

stro Ishuma.
Maestro Ishuma.

Pagina 1355

r Maestro Ishuma.

Maestro Ishuma.

aestro Ishuma.

Maestro Ishuma.

stro Ishuma.
n or Maestro Ishuma.

or Maestro Ishuma.

Maestro Ishuma.

aestro Ishuma.

Maestro Ishuma.

estro Ishuma.
n or Maestro Ishuma.

or Maestro Ishuma.

Maestro Ishuma.

Maestro Ishuma.

Pagina 1356

huma. When the seal is released, has an M. Def. +8 and MP+27.

Ishuma. When the seal is released, has an M. Def. +12 and MP+39.
ro Ishuma. When the seal is released, has an M. Def. +17 and MP+52.
huma. When the seal is released, has an M. Def. +8 and MP+26.
Ishuma. When the seal is released, has an M. Def. +12 and MP+38.
ro Ishuma. When the seal is released, has an M. Def. +16 and MP+51.
huma. When the seal is released, has an M. Def. +7 and MP+24.
Ishuma. When the seal is released, has M. Def. +10 and MP+36.
ro Ishuma. When the seal is released, has an M. Def. +14 and MP+48.
%, magic skill cooldown -5%. \nReflect 4% of damage, Max MP +50, MP Regeneration +0.23, Mental Attack Resistance +10%.
%, magic skill cooldown -5%. \nReflect 4% of damage, Max MP +50, MP Regeneration +0.46, Mental Attack Resistance +10%, caster hea

get when attacked.

ceiving Critical Damage and P. Critical Damage amount.

get when attacked.

ceiving Critical Damage and P. Critical Damage amount.

get when attacked.

ceiving Critical Damage and P. Critical Damage amount.

e Resistance.

th Resistance.
ter Resistance.
Water/ Wind/ Earth Resistance.

ter Resistance.

nd Resistance.

rth Resistance.

Pagina 1357

ecreases Magic Cancel Rate.

istance, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate.

ecreases Magic Cancel Rate.

ecreases Magic Cancel Rate.

ecreases Magic Cancel Rate.

Pagina 1358

ro Ishuma. When the seal is broken, Stun Resistance is increased.

ro Ishuma. When the seal is broken, MP +37, and Sleep/ Hold Resistance are increased.
ro Ishuma. When the seal is broken, MP +50 and Max MP +33.
ro Ishuma. When the seal is broken, MP increases 24 and Max MP +16.
ro Ishuma. When the seal is broken, MP +36 and Bleed Resistance is increased.
ro Ishuma. When the seal is broken, MP +48 and Poison Resistance is increased.

eight Limit by 3000 when equipped.

eight Limit by 3000 when equipped.
eight Limit by 3000 when equipped.
eight Limit by 3000 when equipped.

ecreases Magic Cancel Rate.

istance, and decreases Magic Cancel Rate.

ecreases Magic Cancel Rate.

ecreases Magic Cancel Rate.

ecreases Magic Cancel Rate.

Pagina 1359

Kid Rudolph gives you Santa's gift every 30 min. after being summoned.
or Maestro Ishuma.
Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
aestro Ishuma.
Maestro Ishuma.
r Maestro Ishuma.
aestro Ishuma.

Pagina 1360

mmon or Maestro Ishuma.

mon or Maestro Ishuma.
on or Maestro Ishuma.
r Maestro Ishuma.
Maestro Ishuma.
aestro Ishuma.
cessory slots. 30-day.

e it equipped. Cooldown is 1 hour.

e blessing of victory effect that raises Speed by 2%. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

+30%; increases Accuracy and P. Critical Damage. Only one effect is applied even when two identical rings are worn.
s by 15%. Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun Atk. Rate increases by 15%. Decreased skill cooldown and Damage Reflection effects.
Mental Atk. Rate +20% and Vampiric Rage. When equipped with two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.
+30%; increases Accuracy and P. Critical Damage. Only one effect is applied even when two identical rings are worn.
s by 15%. Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun Atk. Rate increases by 15%. Decreased skill cooldown and Damage Reflection effects.
Mental Atk. Rate +20% and Vampiric Rage. When equipped with two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.
k +30%; increases Accuracy and P. Critical Damage. Only one effect is applied even when two identical rings are worn.

Pagina 1361

es by 15%. Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun Atk. Rate increases by 15%. Decreased skill cooldown and Damage Reflection effects.
n/ Mental Atk. Rate +20% and Vampiric Rage. When equipped with two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.
k +30%; increases Accuracy and P. Critical Damage. Only one effect is applied even when two identical rings are worn.
es by 15%. Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun Atk. Rate increases by 15%. Decreased skill cooldown and Damage Reflection effects.
n/ Mental Atk. Rate +20% and Vampiric Rage. When equipped with two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.
increases Accuracy and P. Critical Damage. Only one effect is applied even when two identical rings are worn.
5%. Sleep/ Paralysis/ Stun Atk. Rate increases by 15%. Decreased skill cooldown and Damage Reflection effects.
l Atk. Rate +20% and Vampiric Rage. Only one effect is applied even when the two identical earrings are worn.

wearing red uniforms.

cal Damage when enchanted to +4.

sion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

sion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

cal Damage when enchanted to +4.

sion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

sion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

Pagina 1362

s applied when two of the same ring are equipped.

ate by 10%. Only one effect is applied when two of the same ring are equipped.
0%, and Hold Resistance by 10%. Only one effect is applied when two of the same ring are equipped.
0%, Hold Resistance by 10%, and hold Atk. Rate by 10%. Only one effect is applied when two of the same ring are equipped.
0%, Hold Resistance by 10%, hold Atk. Rate by 10%, and increased Accuracy. Only one effect is applied when two of the same ring are eq
0%, Hold Resistance by 10%, hold Atk. Rate by 10%, increased Accuracy, and increased Atk. Spd. Only one effect is applied when two of t
0%, Hold Resistance by 10%, hold Atk. Rate by 10%, increased Accuracy, increased Atk. Spd, and increased Casting Spd. Only one effect
0%, Hold Resistance by 10%, hold Atk. Rate by 10%, increased Accuracy, Atk. Spd, Casting Spd., and P. Critical Damage. Only one effect

cal Damage when enchanted to +4.

sion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

sion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

cal Damage when enchanted to +4.

sion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

Pagina 1363

sion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

cal Damage when enchanted to +4.

sion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

sion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

s bless your sword..."

s bless your sword..."
s bless your sacrifice..."
s bless your sacrifice..."
s bless your dagger..."
s bless your arrow..."
s bless your wisdom..."
s bless your wisdom..."
s bless your wisdom..."
s bless your spirit..."
s bless your spirit..."
s bless your sacrifice..."
s bless your sacrifice..."
s bless your dagger..."
s bless your arrow..."
s bless your wisdom..."
s bless your wisdom..."
s bless your spirit..."
s bless your spirit..."
s bless your sword..."
s bless your dagger..."
s bless your arrow..."

Pagina 1364

s bless your darkness..."

s bless your darkness..."
s bless your darkness..."
s bless your tenacity..."
s bless your two fists..."
s bless your wisdom..."
s bless your wisdom..."
s bless your fortune..."
s bless your two hands..."
s bless your sword..."
s bless your wisdom..."
s bless your arrow..."

Pagina 1365

, and P. Accuracy +5. Poison Resistance +50%, Poison Atk. Rate +50%, Knock Back, Knock Down, Pulling, Danger Zone Resistance +20%

Pagina 1366

item into a Standard item.

item into a Standard item. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
item into a Standard item.
item into a Standard item.
item into a Standard item.
his item into a Standard item.
his item into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of rece
his item into a Standard item.
his item into a Standard item.
his item into a Standard item.
tem into a Standard item.
tem into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the ch
tem into a Standard item.
tem into a Standard item.
tem into a Standard item.

item into a Standard item.

item into a Standard item. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
item into a Standard item.

Pagina 1367

item into a Standard item.

item into a Standard item.
his item into a Standard item.
his item into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of rece
his item into a Standard item.
his item into a Standard item.
his item into a Standard item.
tem into a Standard item.
tem into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the ch
tem into a Standard item.
tem into a Standard item.
tem into a Standard item.

item into a Standard item.

item into a Standard item. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
item into a Standard item.
item into a Standard item.
item into a Standard item.
his item into a Standard item.
his item into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of rece
his item into a Standard item.
his item into a Standard item.
his item into a Standard item.
tem into a Standard item.
tem into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the ch
tem into a Standard item.
tem into a Standard item.
tem into a Standard item.

item into a Standard item.

item into a Standard item. Increases P. Def. and decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.
item into a Standard item.
item into a Standard item.
item into a Standard item.
his item into a Standard item.
his item into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of rece
his item into a Standard item.
his item into a Standard item.
his item into a Standard item.
tem into a Standard item.
tem into a Standard item. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the ch
tem into a Standard item.
tem into a Standard item.

Pagina 1368

tem into a Standard item.

cal Damage when enchanted to +4.

sion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

sion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

cal Damage when enchanted to +4.

sion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

sion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

cal Damage when enchanted to +4.

Pagina 1369

sion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

sion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

cal Damage when enchanted to +4.

sion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

sion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

Pagina 1370

is applied when two of the same rings are equipped.

stance +30. Only one effect is applied when two of the same earrings are equipped.

, Speed +7 and Water Resistance +30.

when two of the same Ring are equipped.
+30. Only one effect is applied when two of the same earrings are equipped.

2 , Speed +7 and Dark Resistance +30.

Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Stun/ Mental Atk./ Def. Success Rate +40%, Heal Received +10%, Skill MP Consumption -5%, Vampiric Ra
Attack Def. +30, Dark Attack Def. +20, Sleep Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, P. Skill Power +5%, Skill Cooldown -10%, Damage Reflection

ses the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

Pagina 1371

eases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

ses the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

eases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

ses the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

eases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

ses the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

eases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

Pagina 1372

nd decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

+4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

+4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

nd decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

+4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

+4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

nd decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

+4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

+4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

Pagina 1373

nd decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

+4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

+4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

ses the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

eases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

ses the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

eases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

Pagina 1374

ses the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

eases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

ses the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

eases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

ses the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

eases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

ses the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

Pagina 1375

eases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

ses the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

eases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

ses the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

eases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

ses the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

eases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

Pagina 1376

nd decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

+4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

+4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

nd decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

+4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

+4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

nd decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

+4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

+4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

nd decreases P. Critical Damage when enchanted to +4.

Pagina 1377

+4, increases Evasion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

on and Mental Attack Resistance when enchanted to +4.

ses the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

eases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

ses the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

eases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

Pagina 1378

ses the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

eases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

ses the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

eases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

ses the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

eases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

Pagina 1379

em with limited usage.

em with limited usage.
em with limited usage.

Vitality. Skill cooldown is 12 hours. Vitality item with limited usage.

Vitality. Skill cooldown is 12 hours. Vitality item with limited usage.
Vitality. Skill cooldown is 12 hours. Vitality item with limited usage.
s. Vitality item with limited usage.

ly wedding dress for ladies.

ly wedding dress for ladies.
h Thomas D. Turkey. Requires 2 hair accessory slots.

ccuracy increase, P. Critical Damage increase, hold tolerance +20%, and hold Atk. Rate +20%. Only one effect is applied even when the tw
ccuracy increase, P. Critical Damage increase, hold tolerance +20%, and hold Atk. Rate +20%. Only one effect is applied even when the tw
ccuracy increase, P. Critical Damage increase, hold tolerance +20%, and hold Atk. Rate +20%. Only one effect is applied even when the tw
Amount increase, Vampiric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Attack Resistance +20%, and Stun/ Mental Atk. Rate +20%. Only one effect is applied
Amount increase, Vampiric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Attack Resistance +20%, and Stun/ Mental Atk. Rate +20%. Only one effect is applied
Amount increase, Vampiric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Attack Resistance +20%, and Stun/ Mental Atk. Rate +20%. Only one effect is applied

Pagina 1380

s 2 accessory slots.

Pagina 1381

Vitality Maintaining skill that can be used every hour. 7-day.

ccessory slots.

Pagina 1382

limited usage.
em with limited usage.
hour. Vitality item with limited usage.

e one being summoned are all party members who are equipped with the Summon of Love Bracelet.

he one being summoned are all party members who are equipped with the Summon of Love Bracelet.

nhanced with a soul crystal.

hanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 1383

me. Cooldown is 1 hour.

wn is 1 hour.

to play Jack Game. Cooldown is 2 hour.

ame. Cooldown is 2 hour.
k Game. Cooldown is 2 hour.
Game. Cooldown is 2 hour.
own is 2 hour.

uirements, the Blessing of Mercy that fills HP casts automatically.

Sword of Recovery that fills HP casts automatically.
Sword of Lightning that inflicts damage on the enemy casts automatically.
Spear of Flames that inflicts damage on the enemy casts automatically.

Pagina 1384

every 5 min.

n mouse. Cooldown is 1 hour.

mouse. Cooldown is 1 hour.

red Dimensional Door.

Dimensional Door.

nsional Door.

y slots. Cooldown is 4 hours.

Pagina 1385

ed by 35% for 10 min. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Cooldown is 1 hour.

and will not receive preemptive attack from the monsters for 2 min. Speed is decreased by 50% while the skill effect is operative. Cooldown

and the Age of the Three Kingdoms. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Fidelity and the Age of the Three Kingdoms. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
Courage and the Age of the Three Kingdoms. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Vitality item with limited usage.

wearing blue uniforms. Cooldown is 1 hour.

wearing red uniforms. Cooldown is 1 hour.

essing of victory effect that raises Speed by 2%. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

. Cooldown is 12 hour.

e a Jet Bike.
s 2 accessory slots.

Pagina 1386

s. Cannot be exchanged or dropped or sold.

ssory slot(s).
ssory slot(s).

xchanged, or dropped.
cal Damage increase, hold tolerance 20% increase, and hold Atk. Rate 20% increase. Only one effect is applied even when two identical rin
cal Damage increase, hold tolerance +30%, hold Atk. Rate +30%, attack increase, and Casting Spd. Increase. Only one effect is applied ev
iric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Attack Resistance +20%, and Stun/ Mental Atk. Rate +20%. When equipped with two identical earrings, the e
cal Damage increase, hold tolerance 20% increase, and hold Atk. Rate 20% increase. Only one effect is applied even when two identical rin
cal Damage increase, hold tolerance +30%, hold Atk. Rate +30%, attack increase, and Casting Spd. Increase. Only one effect is applied ev
iric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Attack Resistance 20% increase, and Stun/ Mental Atk. Rate 20% increase. When equipped with two identica
ase, P. Atk. and M. Atk. Increase, Wild Magic Effect, Damage Reflection effect, and Fire Resistance increases. 180 days.
iric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Attack Resistance 30%, Stun/ Mental Atk. Rate +30%, MP consumption decrease, and Earth Resistance incr

Pagina 1387

or men. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.

or men. 7-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
or men. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
or men. 30-day. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
or men. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
or men. Uses 2 hair accessory slots.
o +10 with Power Shirt exclusive enchant scrolls. Each enchant level bestows the shirt with special additional bonuses.
so that the cloak can be equipped. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or assigned an attribute.
vel is worn, the Sealed Cloak Slot will be open so that the cloak can be equipped.
so that the cloak can be equipped. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or assigned an attribute.
so that the cloak can be equipped. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or assigned an attribute.
so that the cloak can be equipped. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or assigned an attribute.

o +10 with Power Shirt exclusive enchant scrolls. Each enchant level bestows the shirt with special additional bonuses.

Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Attack Resistance +30%, Stun/ Mental Atk. Rate +30%, and Dark Resistance +15. Only one effect is applied eve
Unlocks a skill to move to the boss area. Can only be equipped when the cloak slot is open. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or assigned
cks a skill to move to the boss area. Can only be equipped when the cloak slot is open. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or assigned an
attribute resistance. Unlocks a skill to move to the boss area. Can only be equipped when the cloak slot is open.
ks a skill to move to the boss area. Can only be equipped when the cloak slot is open. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or assigned an a
s a skill to move to the boss area. Can only be equipped when the cloak slot is open. Cannot be enchanted, augmented, or assigned an at
ocks a skill to move to the boss area. Can only be equipped when the cloak slot is open. Enchantment, attribute, augmenting, exchange, a
tantly recovers HP, MP, and CP, and makes you invincible for 5 sec. (But can only be used when HP is below 30%.)\nCooldown is 12 hour
tantly recovers HP, MP, and CP, and makes you invincible for 5 sec. (But can only be used when HP is below 30%.)\nCooldown is 12 hour
ry for 10 min. Cooldown is 5 hours.

Pagina 1388

limit to receive a New Year gift from a Neolithic Agathion.

cessory slots.
ir accessory slots.
cessory slots.

Pagina 1389

ld Atk. Rate +30%. Increases Accuracy, P. Critical Damage, Atk. Spd., and Casting Spd. Only one effect is applied when wearing two of the
ld Atk. Rate +20%. Increases Accuracy and P. Critical Damage. Only one effect is applied when wearing two of the same ring.
c Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Attack Resistance +30%, Stun/ Metal Atk. Rate +30%, and Dark Resistance +15. Only one effect is applied eve

he weight limit to receive a gift from an Agathion - Lantern.

Magic Effect, and increased Critical Damage. 7-day.
cooldown for magic skills, and decreased MP consumption for magic skills. When two identical earrings are equipped, only one effect is app
tical rings are equipped, only one effect is applied. 7-day.
Magic Effect, and increased Critical Damage. 30-day.
cooldown for magic skills, and decreased MP consumption for magic skills. When two identical earrings are equipped, only one effect is app
tical rings are equipped, only one effect is applied. 30-day.
e it equipped. Cooldown is 1 hour.

e it equipped. 30-day. Cooldown is 1 hour.

weight limit to receive a gift from an Agathion - Juju.

ampiric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Attack Resistance +30%, Stun/ Mental attack rate +30%, decreases MP consumption, and increases Hea
ampiric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Attack Resistance +30%, Stun/ Mental attack rate +30%, decreases MP consumption, and increases Hea
Hold attack rate +30%, and increases Accuracy, Critical Damage, P. Atk., and Casting Spd. Only one effect is applied when two of the sam
Hold attack rate +30%, and increases Accuracy, Critical Damage, P. Atk., and Casting Spd. Only one effect is applied when two of the sam

ar two of the same talismans.

two of the same talismans.

Pagina 1390

accessory slots.

nventory slots. Expires after 1 day.

nventory slots. Expires after 7 days.
nventory slots. Expires after 30 days.

be equipped only when the cloak slot is open.

ate Captain Uthanka.

ping this disables armor. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped.

Pagina 1391

ent Repair skill.

ent Repair skill.
ill. Battleground only.
ill. Battleground only.
Engraving Activation skill. Battleground only.
Engraving Activation skill. Battleground only.

nchant Power Shirt.

ate Captain Uthanka.

Pagina 1392

f Einhasad. Use it to defeat zombies spreading Shilen's plague. 30-min.

kill of the Crystal of Protection and Nevit's skills that heal infected people before they turn into zombies. 30-min.
nal Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Resistance by 10. Effective for M. Def. Cannot use the Olympiad.
nal Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Resistance by 10. Effective for M. Def. Cannot use the Olympiad.
nal Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Resistance by 10. Excellent for improving the caster's skills. Cannot use the Olympiad.
onal Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Resistance by 10. Excellent for improving the caster's skills. Cannot use the Olympiad.
sional Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Resistance by 10. Effective for M. Atk. Cannot use the Olympiad.
al Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Resistance by 10. Effective for M. Atk. Cannot use the Olympiad.
nal Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Resistance by 10. Effective for P. Def. Cannot use the Olympiad.
al Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Resistance by 10. Effective for P. Def. Cannot use the Olympiad.
onal Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Resistance by 10. Effective for P. Atk. Cannot use the Olympiad.
nal Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Resistance by 10. Effective for P. Atk. Cannot use the Olympiad.
nal Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Resistance by 10. Excellent for improving the caster's skills. Cannot use the Olympiad.
al Door.\nIncreases 6 Attribute Resistance by 10. Excellent for improving the caster's skills. Cannot use the Olympiad.

n the Uthanka Agathion.

using Elemental Shirt Enchant Scrolls. When enchanted to +7 or above, can remove abnormal conditions and use the ultimate invincibility s
using Elemental Shirt Enchant Scrolls. When enchanted to +7 or above, can use a portal teleport skill that allows you to create a portal at a
10 using Elemental Shirt Enchant Scrolls. When enchanted to +7 or above, can use HP/ MP/ CP recovering skills.
+10 using Elemental Shirt Enchant Scrolls. When enchanted to +7 or above and equipped, the enchant success rate is increased (cannot b
ef. +15, all Attribute Resistance +15, and Speed +7. Can be augmented with Life Stone - Adenian Underwear through the town blacksmith.
M. Def. +15, all Attribute Resistance +15, and Speed +7. Can be augmented with Life Stone - Adenian Underwear through the town blacks
ribute Resistance +15, and Speed +7. Can be augmented with Life Stone - Adenian Underwear through the town blacksmith.
. Def. +15, all Attribute Resistance +15, and Speed +7. Can be augmented with Life Stone - Adenian Underwear through the town blacksm
ibute Resistance +15, and Speed +7. Female only. Can be augmented with Life Stone - Adenian Underwear through the town blacksmith.

ssian kokoshnik. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Female only.

Pagina 1393

cap. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Male only.

ssian kokoshnik. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Female only.

cap. Uses 2 hair accessory slots. Male only.

annot be exchanged or dropped. Can be destroyed and stored in a private warehouse.

ngraved in server history.

accessory slots.

40%, Stun/ Mental Attack +40%, CON +3, and MEN +3. Increases Heal Amount, Vampiric Rage Effect, Earth Resistance, Holy Resistance,
40%, Stun/ Mental Attack +40%, CON +3, and MEN +3. Increases Heal Amount, Vampiric Rage Effect, Earth Resistance, Holy Resistance,
+30, Dark Resistance +20, STR +3, INT +3, P. Skill Attack +5%, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +20%. Wild Magic Effect, and Damage Reflection ef
+30, Dark Resistance +20, STR +3, INT +3, P. Skill Attack +5%, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +20%. Wild Magic Effect, and Damage Reflection ef

Pagina 1394

Can augment through the town blacksmith using the Adenian Life Stone. Augmenting with a Life Stone: Tattoo can specialize stats for eith
Can augment through the town blacksmith using the Adenian Life Stone. Augmenting with a Life Stone: Tattoo can specialize stats for eith
Can augment through the town blacksmith using the Adenian Life Stone. Augmenting with a Life Stone: Tattoo can specialize stats for eith
ate Captain Uthanka.

an of Abundance does not stack even when 2 or more are equipped.

of Abundance does not stack even when 2 or more are equipped.
-10%.\nNote: Effect for the Talisman of Abundance does not stack even when 2 or more are equipped.
man of Abundance does not stack even when 2 or more are equipped.
Resistance +13%, P./ M. Critical Rate +13%. Received Critical Damage -15%, and skill damage during PvP -15%. Additionally, skill damag
Resistance +13%, Max HP, MP, and CP +490, and HP, MP, and CP Recovery +7.\nNote: Effect for the Talisman of Abundance does not
HP, MP, and CP +490, HP, MP, and CP Recovery +7. Received Critical Damage -15%, and skill damage during PvP -15%.\nNote: Effect fo
MP, and CP +490, HP, MP, and CP Recovery +7. Received Critical Damage -15%, and skill damage during PvP -15%.\nNote: Effect for th

of +2 on all stats.

e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 37 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dar
e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 35 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute
e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 32 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance
e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 30 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance:
e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 27 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Res
e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 25 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resista
e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 22 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute

Pagina 1395

e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 20 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute R
e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 17 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. At
e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 17 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attrib
e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 12 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n
e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 10 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2.
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 118 sec.)\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy +5.
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 110 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy +5.
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 102 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy +10.
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 94 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 86 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 78 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 70 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 62 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 54 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 46 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ W
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 38 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ W
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ E
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 118 sec.)\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 110 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ W
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 102 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ W
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 94 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: F
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 86 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: F
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 78 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistan
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 70 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistan
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 62 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Re
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 54 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Re
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 46 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribu
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 38 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribu
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. A
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 225 sec.)\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Wat
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 210 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2.
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 195 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2.
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 180 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 165 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 150 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ M
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 135 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ M
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 120 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ W
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 105 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ W
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 90 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DE
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 75 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DE
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 60 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON
c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 37 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy +5.
c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 35 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth
c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 32 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Wate
c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 30 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/
c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 27 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire
c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 25 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ W
c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 22 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance
c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 20 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: F

Pagina 1396

c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 17 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Ench
c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 17 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistan
c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 12 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute
c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 10 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Re
10 sec. (Cooldown is 37 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy +5.
10 sec. (Cooldown is 35 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy +5.
10 sec. (Cooldown is 32 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy +10.
10 sec. (Cooldown is 30 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy +10.
10 sec. (Cooldown is 27 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy +
10 sec. (Cooldown is 25 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy +15
10 sec. (Cooldown is 22 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ H
10 sec. (Cooldown is 20 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Ho
10 sec. (Cooldown is 17 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ D
10 sec. (Cooldown is 17 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark
10 sec. (Cooldown is 12 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wi
10 sec. (Cooldown is 10 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 3 h. 45 min.)\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 3 h. 30 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. A
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 3 h. 15 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. A
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 3 h.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attr
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 2 h. 45 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 2 h. 30 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ ME
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 2 h. 15 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ ME
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 2 h.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 1 h. 45 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ W
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 1 h. 30 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DE
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 1 h. 15 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DE
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 1 h.)\n2. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 118 sec.)\n2. Attr
sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 110 sec.)\n2. Bal
sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 102 sec.)\n2. Bal
sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 94 sec.)\n2. Bala
sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 86 sec.)\n2. Bala
sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 78 sec.)\n2. Bala
sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 70 sec.)\n2. Bala
sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 62 sec.)\n2. Bala
sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 54 sec.)\n2. Bala

Pagina 1397

sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 46 sec.)\n2. Bala
sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 38 sec.)\n2. Bala
sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 30 sec.)\n2. Bala
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 37 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy +5.
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 35 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ D
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 32 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 30 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ W
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 27 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 25 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Ea
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 22 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ W
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 20 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Wat
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 17 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: F
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 17 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 12 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistan
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 10 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 1 h. 52 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy +5.
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 1 h. 45 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dar
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 1 h. 37 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ W
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 1 h. 30 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Win
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 1 h. 22 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Ea
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 1 h. 15 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 1 h. 7 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Wate
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 1 h.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Water/ Earth/
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 52 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Wa
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 45 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/ Wate
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 37 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fir
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 30 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Resistance: Fire/
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 1 h. 15 min.)\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +5 each.
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 1 h. 10 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n3. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 1 h. 5 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n3. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 1 h.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n3. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 55 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n3. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistan
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 50 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n3. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Res
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 45 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n3. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Res
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 40 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n3. Attribute Enchant: Attribu
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 35 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n3. Attribute Enchant: Attribu
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 30 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n3. Attribute Enchant: At
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 25 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n3. Attribute Enchant: At
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 20 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n3. Attribute Encha
and magic armor remain equipped.

e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 37 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +5.
e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 35 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute
e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 32 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: A
e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 30 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Att
e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 27 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Ench
e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 25 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchan
e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 22 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute
e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 20 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute E

Pagina 1398

e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 17 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. At
e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 17 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attrib
e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 12 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n
e party's HP/ MP/ CP with a chance to cancel debuffs. (Cooldown is 10 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2.
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 118 sec.)\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +5.
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 110 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +5.
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 102 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +10.
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 94 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +10.
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 86 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +15.
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 78 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +15.
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 70 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +20.
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 62 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +20.
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 54 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +25.
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 46 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +2
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 38 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +3
00 grids forward. (Cooldown is 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistan
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 118 sec.)\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +5.
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 110 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 102 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 94 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attr
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 86 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attr
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 78 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchan
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 70 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchan
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 62 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute En
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 54 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute En
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 46 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribu
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 38 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribu
party's HP and restores 333 HP/ second for 15 sec. (Cooldown is 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. A
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 225 sec.)\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Res
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 210 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2.
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 195 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2.
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 180 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 165 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 150 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ M
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 135 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ M
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 120 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ W
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 105 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ W
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 90 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DE
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 75 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DE
ec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. (Cooldown is 60 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON
c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 37 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +5.
c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 35 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance
c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 32 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Res
c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 30 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resis
c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 27 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribu
c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 25 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute
c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 22 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: A
c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 20 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attr
c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 17 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Ench

Pagina 1399

c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 17 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant
c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 12 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute
c., P./ M. Atk., and Atk./ Casting Spd. x 2. (Cooldown is 10 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute En
10 sec. (Cooldown is 37 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +5.
10 sec. (Cooldown is 35 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +5.
10 sec. (Cooldown is 32 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +10.
10 sec. (Cooldown is 30 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +10.
10 sec. (Cooldown is 27 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +15.
10 sec. (Cooldown is 25 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +15.
10 sec. (Cooldown is 22 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +20.
10 sec. (Cooldown is 20 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +20.
10 sec. (Cooldown is 17 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +25.
10 sec. (Cooldown is 17 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +25.
10 sec. (Cooldown is 12 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +30
10 sec. (Cooldown is 10 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +30.
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 3 h. 45 min.)\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resi
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 3 h. 30 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. A
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 3 h. 15 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. A
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 3 h.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attr
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 2 h. 45 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 2 h. 30 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ ME
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 2 h. 15 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ ME
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 2 h.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 1 h. 45 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ W
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 1 h. 30 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DE
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 1 h. 15 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DE
urrect from death with full health restored. Buff/ Debuffs remain after death. (Cooldown is 1 h.)\n2. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
ishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and
sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 118 sec.)\n2. Attr
sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 110 sec.)\n2. Bal
sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 102 sec.)\n2. Bal
sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 94 sec.)\n2. Bala
sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 86 sec.)\n2. Bala
sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 78 sec.)\n2. Bala
sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 70 sec.)\n2. Bala
sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 62 sec.)\n2. Bala
sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 54 sec.)\n2. Bala
sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 46 sec.)\n2. Bala

Pagina 1400

sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 38 sec.)\n2. Bala
sts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/ second. (Cooldown is 30 sec.)\n2. Bala
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 37 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +5.
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 35 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +5.
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 32 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 30 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +1
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 27 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resist
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 25 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistan
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 22 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute R
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 20 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Re
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 17 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attri
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 17 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribut
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 12 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant
defends against debuffs 5 times. (Cooldown is 10 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: A
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 1 h. 52 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +5.
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 1 h. 45 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +5.
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 1 h. 37 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +1
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 1 h. 30 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +10.
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 1 h. 22 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistan
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 1 h. 15 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 1 h. 7 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Res
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 1 h.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 52 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute R
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 45 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resi
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 37 min. 30 sec.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribu
all party members to you. (Cooldown is 30 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 1 h. 15 min.)\n2. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +5 each.
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 1 h. 10 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n3. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 1 h. 5 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: MEN +1.\n3. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 1 h.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n3. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistance +
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 55 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ MEN +1.\n3. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Resistan
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 50 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n3. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Res
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 45 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n3. Attribute Enchant: Attribute Res
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 40 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n3. Attribute Enchant: Attribu
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 35 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n3. Attribute Enchant: Attribu
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 30 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n3. Attribute Enchant: At
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 25 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n3. Attribute Enchant: At
min., reflects 20% of received damage. (Cooldown is 20 min.)\n2. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n3. Attribute Encha
ance +13%, P./ M. Critical Rate +13%. Received Critical Damage -15%, Received Skill Damage during PVP -15%. Extra defense against sk
ance +13%, Max HP/ MP/ CP +490, HP/ MP/ CP Recovery Bonus +7.\nNote: Effect for the Talisman of Abundance does not stack even wh
CP +490, HP/ MP/ CP Recovery Bonus +7. Received Critical Damage -15%, Received Skill Damage during PVP -15%.\nNote: Effect for th
MP/ CP +490, HP/ MP/ CP Recovery Bonus +7. Received Critical Damage -15%, Received Skill Damage during PVP -15%.\nNote: Effect
is 1 h. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. Can be destroyed and sold in a private warehouse.
s 1 h. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. Can be destroyed and sold in a private warehouse.
mpiric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Resistance +30%, Stun/ Mental Attack Rate +30% , MP Consumption decrease, Earth Resistance increas
ase, P./ M. Atk. increase, Wild Magic Effect, Damage Reflection Effect, Fire Resistance increase. Equipping 2 will give the effect of 1. Cann
mpiric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Resistance +20% , Stun/ Mental Attack Rate +20%. Equipping 2 will give the effect of 1. Cannot be used in
cal Damage increase, Hold Resistance +20% , Hold Attack Rate +20%. Equipping 2 will give the effect of 1. Cannot be used in the Olympia
ical Damage increase, Hold Resistance +30%, Hold Attack Rate +30%, P. Atk. increase, and Casting Spd. increase. Equipping 2 will give t

Pagina 1401

and magic armor remain equipped.

ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Debuff Refle
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Debuff Refle
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Bow/ Crossb
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, P. Def. +3%.
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, M. Def. +3%
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Attribute Res
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Received He
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max. HP +3%
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max. MP +3%
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max. CP +3%
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Speed +3.
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, HP Recovery
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, MP Recover
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, P./ M. Evasio
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Low-grade/ O
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Low-grade/ O
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Low-grade/ O
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Low-grade/ O
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Low-grade/ O
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Low-grade/ O
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Debuff Refle
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Debuff Refle
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Bow/ Crossb
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, P. Def. +5%.
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, M. Def. +5%
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Attribute Res
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Received He
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max. HP +7%
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max. MP +5%
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max. CP +7%
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Speed +7.
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, HP Recovery
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, MP Recover
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, P./ M. Evasio
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Mid-grade/ O
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Mid-grade/ O
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Mid-grade/ O
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Mid-grade/ O
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Mid-grade/ O
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Mid-grade/ O
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Debuff Refle
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Debuff Refle
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Bow/ Crossb
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, P. Def. +10%
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, M. Def. +10%
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Attribute Res
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Received He
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max. HP +15

Pagina 1402

ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max. MP +10
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max. CP +15
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Speed +15.
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, HP Recovery
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, MP Recover
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, P./ M. Evasio
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Top-grade/ O
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Top-grade/ O
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Top-grade/ O
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Top-grade/ O
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Top-grade/ O
ed, armor is unequipped and cannot be used. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Top-grade/ O
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Debuff Reflect +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, P. Def. +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, M. Def. +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Attribute Resistance +5.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Received Heal Amount +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Max. HP +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Max. MP +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Max. CP +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Speed +3.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +5.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +3.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +3.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +15.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +16.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +17.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +18.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +19.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +20.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Debuff Reflect +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +7%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, P. Def. +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, M. Def. +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Attribute Resistance +7.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Received Heal Amount +7%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Max. HP +7%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Max. MP +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Max. CP +7%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Speed +7.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +8.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +4.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +4.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +15.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +16.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +17.

Pagina 1403

and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +18.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +19.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +20.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Debuff Reflect +10%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +15%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +10%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, P. Def. +10%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, M. Def. +10%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Attribute Resistance +15.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Received Heal Amount +15%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Max. HP +15%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Max. MP +10%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Max. CP +15%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Speed +15.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +16.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +8.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +8.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +15.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +16.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +17.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +18.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +19.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +20.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Debuff Reflect +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, P. Def. +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, M. Def. +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Attribute Resistance +5.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Received Heal Amount +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Max. HP +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Max. MP +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Max. CP +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Speed +3.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +5.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +3.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +3.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +15.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +16.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +17.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +18.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +19.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +20.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Debuff Reflect +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +7%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, P. Def. +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, M. Def. +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Attribute Resistance +7.

Pagina 1404

and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Received Heal Amount +7%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Max. HP +7%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Max. MP +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Max. CP +7%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Speed +7.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +8.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +4.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +4.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +15.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +16.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +17.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +18.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +19.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +20.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Debuff Reflect +10%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +15%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +10%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, P. Def. +10%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, M. Def. +10%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Attribute Resistance +15.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Received Heal Amount +15%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Max. HP +15%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Max. MP +10%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Max. CP +15%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Speed +15.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +16.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +8.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +8.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +15.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +16.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +17.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +18.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +19.
and magic armor remain equipped. Male only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +20.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Debuff Reflect +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, P. Def. +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, M. Def. +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Attribute Resistance +5.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Received Heal Amount +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Max. HP +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Max. MP +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Max. CP +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Speed +3.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +5.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +3.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +3.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +15.

Pagina 1405

and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +16.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +17.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +18.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +19.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +20.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Debuff Reflect +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +7%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, P. Def. +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, M. Def. +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Attribute Resistance +7.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Received Heal Amount +7%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Max. HP +7%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Max. MP +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Max. CP +7%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Speed +7.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +8.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +4.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +4.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +15.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +16.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +17.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +18.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +19.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +20.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Debuff Reflect +10%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +15%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +10%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, P. Def. +10%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, M. Def. +10%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Attribute Resistance +15.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Received Heal Amount +15%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Max. HP +15%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Max. MP +10%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Max. CP +15%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Speed +15.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +16.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +8.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +8.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +15.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +16.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +17.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +18.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +19.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +20.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Debuff Reflect +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, P. Def. +3%.

Pagina 1406

and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, M. Def. +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Attribute Resistance +5.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Received Heal Amount +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Max. HP +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Max. MP +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Max. CP +3%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Speed +3.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +5.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +3.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +3.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +15.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +16.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +17.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +18.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +19.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Low-grade/ Option +20.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Debuff Reflect +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +7%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, P. Def. +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, M. Def. +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Attribute Resistance +7.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Received Heal Amount +7%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Max. HP +7%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Max. MP +5%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Max. CP +7%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Speed +7.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +8.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +4.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +4.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +15.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +16.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +17.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +18.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +19.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Mid-grade/ Option +20.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Debuff Reflect +10%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Debuff Reflect Resistance +15%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +10%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, P. Def. +10%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, M. Def. +10%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Attribute Resistance +15.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Received Heal Amount +15%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Max. HP +15%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Max. MP +10%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Max. CP +15%.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Speed +15.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +16.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +8.

Pagina 1407

and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +8.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +15.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +16.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +17.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +18.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +19.
and magic armor remain equipped. Female only. When modified, Top-grade/ Option +20.

Pagina 1408

100, M. Def. +80, and STR/ MEN/ DEX/ WIT/ INT/ CON +2. Damage received during PvP decreases by 5%. Can use Blessed Escape.
ef. +100, M. Def. +80, and STR/ MEN/ DEX/ WIT/ INT/ CON +2. Damage received during PvP decreases by 5%. Can use Blessed Escape.

and accessories remain equipped.

ON +3, MEN +3, Weight Gauge +10000, Max HP/ MP/ CP/ +300, Skill Cooldown -3%, Skill Consumption MP -3%).\nActive Skill: Minion Eye
den/ Ancient City Arcan/ Keucereus Alliance Base \nMatryoshka's Gift - Receive a special gift from matryoshka every 12 hours.\nMatryoshk
ON +3, MEN +3, Weight Gauge +10000, Max HP/ MP/ CP/ +300, Skill Cooldown -3%, Skill Consumption MP -3%).\nActive Skill: Minion Eye
den/ Ancient City Arcan/ Keucereus Alliance Base \nMatryoshka's Gift - Receive a special gift from matryoshka every 12 hours.\nMatryoshk

air accessories, weapons, and magic armor are not removed.

ories, weapons, and magic armor are not removed.

ories, weapons, and magic armor are not removed.

e Resistance +15, Debuff Resistance +15%, Received P. Critical Damage -15%, PVP Damage -15% when equipped. Can use the Power o

Pagina 1409

esistance +17, Debuff Resistance +15%, Received P. Critical Damage -15%, PVP Damage -15% when equipped. Can use the Power of Ab
ute Resistance +20, Debuff Resistance +15%, Received P. Critical Damage -15%, PVP Damage -15% when equipped. Can use the Power
Resistance +25, Debuff Resistance +15%, Received P. Critical Damage -15%, PVP Damage -15% when equipped. Can use the Power of A
essories, weapons, and magic armor are not removed.
air accessories, weapons, and magic armor are not removed.

an of Abundance does not stack even when 2 or more are equipped.

of Abundance does not stack even when 2 or more are equipped.
PvP -10%.\nNote: Effect for the Talisman of Abundance does not stack even when 2 or more are equipped.
man of Abundance does not stack even when 2 or more are equipped.
Resistance +13%, P./ M. Critical Rate +13%. Received P. Critical Damage -15%, Received Skill Damage in PvP -15%. Additionally, receive
Resistance +13%, Max HP, MP, and CP +490, and HP, MP, and CP Recovery +7.\nNote: Effect for the Talisman of Abundance does not
HP, MP, and CP +490, HP, MP, and CP Recovery +7. Received P. Critical Damage -15%, Received Skill Damage in PvP -15%.\nNote: Effe
MP, and CP +490, HP, MP, and CP Recovery +7. Received P. Critical Damage -15%, Received Skill Damage in PvP -15%.\nNote: Effect
e Resistance +15, Debuff Resistance +15%, Received P. Critical Damage -15%, PVP Damage -15% when equipped. Can use the Power o
esistance +17, Debuff Resistance +15%, Received P. Critical Damage -15%, PVP Damage -15% when equipped. Can use the Power of Ab
ute Resistance +20, Debuff Resistance +15%, Received P. Critical Damage -15%, PVP Damage -15% when equipped. Can use the Power
Resistance +25, Debuff Resistance +15%, Received P. Critical Damage -15%, PVP Damage -15% when equipped. Can use the Power of A
ance to it +40%, Pulling and Resistance to it +40%, P. Critical Damage +10%, M. Critical Damage +10%, P./ M. Abnormal Status Reflection
ance to it +40%, Pulling and Resistance to it +40%, P. Critical Damage +10%, M. Critical Damage +10%, P./ M. Abnormal Status Reflection
ance to it +40%, Pulling and Resistance to it +40%, P. Critical Damage +10%, M. Critical Damage +10%, P./ M. Abnormal Status Reflection
ance to it +40%, Pulling and Resistance to it +40%, P. Critical Damage +10%, M. Critical Damage +10%, P./ M. Abnormal Status Reflection

els of the same type.

ll. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
kill. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.

with additional jewels of the same type.

with additional jewels of the same type.
k with additional jewels of the same type.
ck with additional jewels of the same type.
ck with additional jewels of the same type.
ck with additional jewels of the same type.
e same type.
e same type.
e same type.
e same type.
tional jewels of the same type.

Pagina 1410

ack with additional jewels of the same type.

essories, weapons, and magic armor are not removed.
air accessories, weapons, and magic armor are not removed.

Pagina 1411

accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Debuff Reflect +3%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Damage Reflection Resistance +5%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +3%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, P. Def. +3%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, M. Def. +3%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Attribute Resistance +5.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Received Heal Amount +3%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max HP +3%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max MP +3%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max CP +3%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Speed +3.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +5.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +3.

Pagina 1412

accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +3.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Debuff Reflect +5%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Damage Reflection Resistance +7%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +5%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, P. Def. +5%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, M. Def. +5%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Attribute Resistance +7.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Received Heal Amount +7%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max HP +7%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max MP +7%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max CP +7%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Speed +7.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +8.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +4.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +4.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Debuff Reflect +10%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Damage Reflection Resistance +15%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +10%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, P. Def. +10%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, M. Def. +10%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Attribute Resistance +15.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Received Heal Amount +15%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max HP +15%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max MP +10%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max CP +15%.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Speed +15.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +16.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +8.
accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +8.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Debuff Reflect +3%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Damage Reflection Resistance +5%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +3%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, P. Def. +3%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, M. Def. +3%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Attribute Resistance +5.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Received Heal Amount +3%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max HP +3%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max MP +3%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max CP +3%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Speed +3.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +5.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +3.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +3.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Debuff Reflect +5%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Damage Reflection Resistance +7%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +5%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, P. Def. +5%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, M. Def. +5%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Attribute Resistance +7.

Pagina 1413

d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Received Heal Amount +7%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max HP +7%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max MP +7%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max CP +7%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Speed +7.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +8.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +4.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +4.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Debuff Reflect +10%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Damage Reflection Resistance +15%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Bow/ Crossbow Resistance +10%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, P. Def. +10%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, M. Def. +10%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Attribute Resistance +15.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Received Heal Amount +15%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max HP +15%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max MP +10%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Max CP +15%.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, Speed +15.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, HP Recovery Bonus +16.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, MP Recovery Bonus +8.
d. Hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor remain equipped. When modified, P./ M. Evasion +8.
ll. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
kill. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
wels of the same type.
with additional jewels of the same type.
k with additional jewels of the same type.
ck with additional jewels of the same type.
ck with additional jewels of the same type.
ck with additional jewels of the same type.

els of the same type.

al Rate +10 when equipped.

Critical Rate +20 when equipped.

when equipped.
Mansion. When equipped, increases Max HP, MP, and CP by 1000, weight by 25600, and damage by 8%. Decreases received damage by

5%, PvP damage +5%, Paralysis/ Binding/ Banishment Resistance +10, Damage Reflection Resistance +5, Absorption Resistance +5, rece
, and P. Accuracy +5. Poison Resistance +50%, Poison Atk. Rate +50%, Knock Back, Knock Down, Pulling, Danger Zone Resistance +20%
, Damage Reflection +5%, P. Atk. +15%, M. Atk. +10%, Skill Power +15%, Max HP +3%, Max MP +5% Resistance to the following abnorm

Pagina 1414

, Damage Reflection +6%, P. Atk. +16%, M. Atk. +11%, Skill Power +17%, Max HP +3%, Max MP +5% Resistance to the following abnorm
, Damage Reflection +7%, P. Atk. +17%, M. Atk. +12%, Skill Power +25%, Max HP +5%, Max MP +7% Resistance to the following abnorm
, Damage Reflection +8%, P. Atk. +18%, M. Atk. +13%, Skill Power +29%, Max HP +5%, Max MP +7% Resistance to the following abnorm
, Damage Reflection +9%, P. Atk. +19%, M. Atk. +14%, Skill Power +35%, Max HP +7%, Max MP +10% Resistance to the following abnorm
, Damage Reflection +10%, P. Atk. +20%, M. Atk. +15%, Skill Power +50%, Max HP +7%, Max MP +10% Resistance to the following abno
mage Reflection +5%, P. Atk. +10%, M. Atk. +15%, Skill Power +15%, Max HP +5%, Max MP +3% Resistance to the following abnormal sta
mage Reflection +6%, P. Atk. +11%, M. Atk. +16%, Skill Power +17%, Max HP +5%, Max MP +3% Resistance to the following abnormal sta
mage Reflection +7%, P. Atk. +12%, M. Atk. +17%, Skill Power +25%, Max HP +7%, Max MP +5% Resistance to the following abnormal sta
mage Reflection +8%, P. Atk. +13%, M. Atk. +18%, Skill Power +29%, Max HP +7%, Max MP +5% Resistance to the following abnormal sta
mage Reflection +9%, P. Atk. +14%, M. Atk. +19%, Skill Power +35%, Max HP +10%, Max MP +7% Resistance to the following abnormal s
mage Reflection +10%, P. Atk. +15%, M. Atk. +20%, Skill Power +50%, Max HP +10%, Max MP +7% Resistance to the following abnormal
umption -5%, P. Def. +15%, M. Def. +10%, Physical and Magic Atk. Abnormal Status Reflection +13%, Reflect Damage Magic chance 13%
umption -5%, P. Def. +16%, M. Def. +11%, Physical and Magic Atk. Abnormal Status Reflection +14%, Reflect Damage Magic chance 14%
umption -6%, P. Def. +17%, M. Def. +12%, Physical and Magic Atk. Abnormal Status Reflection +15%, Reflect Damage Magic chance 15%
umption -6%, P. Def. +18%, M. Def. +13%, Physical and Magic Atk. Abnormal Status Reflection +16%, Reflect Damage Magic chance 16%
umption -7%, P. Def. +19%, M. Def. +14%, Physical and Magic Atk. Abnormal Status Reflection +18%, Reflect Damage Magic chance 18%
nsumption -7%, P. Def. +20%, M. Def. +15%, Physical and Magic Atk. Abnormal Status Reflection +20%, Reflect Damage Magic chance 2
nsumption -5%, P. Def. +10%, M. Def. +15%, Physical and Magic Atk. Abnormal Status Reflection +13%, Reflect Damage Magic chance 13
nsumption -5%, P. Def. +11%, M. Def. +16%, Physical and Magic Atk. Abnormal Status Reflection +14%, Reflect Damage Magic chance 14
nsumption -6%, P. Def. +12%, M. Def. +17%, Physical and Magic Atk. Abnormal Status Reflection +15%, Reflect Damage Magic chance 15
nsumption -6%, P. Def. +13%, M. Def. +18%, Physical and Magic Atk. Abnormal Status Reflection +16%, Reflect Damage Magic chance 16
nsumption -7%, P. Def. +14%, M. Def. +19%, Physical and Magic Atk. Abnormal Status Reflection +18%, Reflect Damage Magic chance 18
Consumption -7%, P. Def. +15%, M. Def. +20%, Physical and Magic Atk. Abnormal Status Reflection +20%, Reflect Damage Magic chance
Casting Spd. +6%, Damage Reflection Resistance +30%, Resistances Against Fixed Damage Effects +5%, Physical and Magic Atk. Skill P
Casting Spd. +6%, Damage Reflection Resistance +33%, Resistances Against Fixed Damage Effects +6%, Physical and Magic Atk. Skill P
Casting Spd. +7%, Damage Reflection Resistance +35%, Resistances Against Fixed Damage Effects +7%, Physical and Magic Atk. Skill P
Casting Spd. +7%, Damage Reflection Resistance +37%, Resistances Against Fixed Damage Effects +10%, Physical and Magic Atk. Skill
Casting Spd. +8%, Damage Reflection Resistance +39%, Resistances Against Fixed Damage Effects +13%, Physical and Magic Atk. Skill
Casting Spd. +8%, Damage Reflection Resistance +45%, Resistances Against Fixed Damage Effects +18%, Physical and Magic Atk. Skill
Casting Spd. +6%, Damage Reflection Resistance +30%, Resistances Against Fixed Damage Effects +5%, Physical and Magic Atk. Skill P
Casting Spd. +6%, Damage Reflection Resistance +33%, Resistances Against Fixed Damage Effects +6%, Physical and Magic Atk. Skill P
Casting Spd. +7%, Damage Reflection Resistance +35%, Resistances Against Fixed Damage Effects +7%, Physical and Magic Atk. Skill P
Casting Spd. +7%, Damage Reflection Resistance +37%, Resistances Against Fixed Damage Effects +10%, Physical and Magic Atk. Skill
Casting Spd. +8%, Damage Reflection Resistance +39%, Resistances Against Fixed Damage Effects +13%, Physical and Magic Atk. Skill
Casting Spd. +8%, Damage Reflection Resistance +45%, Resistances Against Fixed Damage Effects +18%, Physical and Magic Atk. Skill
ows an attack or defense type set option.
ows an attack or defense type set option. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.
ows an attack or defense type set option.
ows an attack or defense type set option.
ows an attack or defense type set option.
ows an assassin or enchant type set option.
ows an assassin or enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decrea
ows an assassin or enchant type set option.
ows an assassin or enchant type set option.
ows an assassin or enchant type set option.
ows a magic or recovery type set option.
ows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. C
ows a magic or recovery type set option.
ows a magic or recovery type set option.

Pagina 1415

ows a magic or recovery type set option.

n enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

n enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

n enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receiving P.

n enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

n enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

n enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receiving P.

Bestows an attack or defense type set option.

Bestows an attack or defense type set option. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and de
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.

When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

Pagina 1416

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receivin

When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receivin

Bestows an attack or defense type set option.

Bestows an attack or defense type set option. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and de
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.

When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

Pagina 1417

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receivin

When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receivin

Bestows an attack or defense type set option.

Bestows an attack or defense type set option. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and de
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.

When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

Pagina 1418

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receivin

When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receivin

Bestows an attack or defense type set option.

Bestows an attack or defense type set option. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and de
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.

When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receivin

Pagina 1419

When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receivin

stows an attack or defense type set option.

stows an attack or defense type set option. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.
stows an attack or defense type set option.
stows an attack or defense type set option.
stows an attack or defense type set option.
stows an assassin or enchant type set option.
stows an assassin or enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decr
stows an assassin or enchant type set option.
stows an assassin or enchant type set option.
stows an assassin or enchant type set option.
stows a magic or recovery type set option.
stows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P.
stows a magic or recovery type set option.
stows a magic or recovery type set option.
stows a magic or recovery type set option.

hen enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

hen enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

hen enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receiving

hen enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

Pagina 1420

hen enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

hen enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receiving

ows an attack or defense type set option.

ows an attack or defense type set option. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.
ows an attack or defense type set option.
ows an attack or defense type set option.
ows an attack or defense type set option.
ows an assassin or enchant type set option.
ows an assassin or enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decrea
ows an assassin or enchant type set option.
ows an assassin or enchant type set option.
ows an assassin or enchant type set option.
ows a magic or recovery type set option.
ows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. C
ows a magic or recovery type set option.
ows a magic or recovery type set option.
ows a magic or recovery type set option.

n enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

n enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

n enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receiving P.

n enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

n enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

Pagina 1421

n enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receiving P.

Bestows an attack or defense type set option.

Bestows an attack or defense type set option. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and de
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.

When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receivin

When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receivin

Pagina 1422

Bestows an attack or defense type set option.

Bestows an attack or defense type set option. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and de
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.

When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receivin

When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receivin

Bestows an attack or defense type set option.

Pagina 1423

Bestows an attack or defense type set option. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and de
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.

When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receivin

When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receivin

Bestows an attack or defense type set option.

Bestows an attack or defense type set option. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.
Bestows an attack or defense type set option.

Pagina 1424

Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.

Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and de
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows an assassin or enchant type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.
Bestows a magic or recovery type set option.

When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receivin

When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receivin

stows an attack or defense type set option.

stows an attack or defense type set option. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.
stows an attack or defense type set option.
stows an attack or defense type set option.
stows an attack or defense type set option.
stows an assassin or enchant type set option.
stows an assassin or enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decr
stows an assassin or enchant type set option.
stows an assassin or enchant type set option.

Pagina 1425

stows an assassin or enchant type set option.

stows a magic or recovery type set option.
stows a magic or recovery type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P.
stows a magic or recovery type set option.
stows a magic or recovery type set option.
stows a magic or recovery type set option.

hen enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

hen enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

hen enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receiving

hen enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.

hen enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

hen enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mentall Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receiving

he enemy. Can use the invincibility skill. Effect does not stack with additional Gems of the same type. Equipping various Greater Gems will g
and debuff invincibility. Effect does not stack with additional Gems of the same type. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additional
%. Can use Vital Wind skill. Effect does not stack with additional Gems of the same type. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additio

Pagina 1426

eled. Cancels debuff and you become immune to debuffs for 7 sec. Effect does not stack with additional Gems of the same type. Equipping
ax HP instantly. Effect does not stack with additional Gems of the same type. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additional effects.
/ Silence are canceled. When used, all debuffs are canceled and you become immune to debuffs for 7 sec. Effect does not stack with addit
mage +7%, Received Damage -5%, Inventory Slots +18, Attribute Resistance +5.

NT/ DEX/ WIT/ CON/ MEN +5 when equipped.

f the max level Talisman is applied when 2 or more of the same are equipped.
of the max level Talisman is applied when 2 or more of the same are equipped.
of the max level Talisman is applied when 2 or more of the same are equipped.
Talisman Stage 12 or above, Skill Power +2%, Skill Cooldown -2%.\nOnly the effect of the max level Talisman is applied when 2 or more of
enir's Talisman Stage 12 or above, Skill Power +2%, Skill Cooldown -2%.\n\nActive Skills\nSayha's Protection Lv. 1\n\nOnly the effect of the
Venir's Talisman Stage 12 or above, Skill Power +3%, Skill Cooldown -3%.\n\nActive Skills\nSayha's Protection Lv. 1\nSayha's Encourage
Venir's Talisman Stage 12 or above, Skill Power +3%, Skill Cooldown -3%.\n\n<Active Skills>\nSayha's Protection Lv. 1\nSayha's Encoura
h Venir's Talisman Stage 12 or above, Skill Power +5%, Skill Cooldown -5%.\n\n<Active Skills>\nSayha's Protection Lv. 2\nSayha's Encour
ns/ Medicines +5000. If equipped with Venir's Talisman Stage 12 or above, Skill Power +5%, Skill Cooldown -5%.\n\n<Active Skills>\nSayha
ns/ Medicines +7000. If equipped with Venir's Talisman Stage 12 or above, Skill Power +9%, Skill Cooldown -5%.\n\n<Active Skills>\nSayha

s the target's CP and inflicts 13275 power at a fixed rate. When equipped with another jewel of the same type, only the effects of the jewel

r. (Cooldown time is 12 hours)\n2. Summon Elk: Can summon a party member. (Cooldown time is 10 min.)

n be augmented.
+2. Max CP +12%.\nCan be augmented.
not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
oes not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
els of the same type.
with the Scroll: Enchant Cloak, and different effects are applied depending on the level.\nUse Spirit Stone - Ancient Kingdom at +10 to best
he Scroll: Enchant Cloak, and different effects are applied depending on the level.\nUse Spirit Stone - Ancient Kingdom at +10 to bestow an
the Scroll: Enchant Cloak, and different effects are applied depending on the level.\nUse Spirit Stone - Ancient Kingdom at +10 to bestow a
the Scroll: Enchant Cloak, and different effects are applied depending on the level.\nUse Spirit Stone - Ancient Empire at +10 to bestow an
up to +10 with the Scroll: Enchant Cloak and from +10 to +20 with the Scroll: Enchant Cloak - Legendary, and different effects are applied
+10 with the Scroll: Enchant Cloak and from +10 to +20 with the Scroll: Enchant Cloak - Legendary, and different effects are applied depen
to +10 with the Scroll: Enchant Cloak and from +10 to +20 with the Scroll: Enchant Cloak - Legendary, and different effects are applied dep
o +10 with the Scroll: Enchant Cloak and from +10 to +20 with the Scroll: Enchant Cloak - Legendary, and different effects are applied depe
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nHealing Light Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2. STR/ INT/ C
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nHealing Light Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and Def. by 40.\
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nHealing Light Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and Def. by 40.\
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nHealing Light Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and Def. by 40.\
d.\n\n<Active Skill>\nHealing Light Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and Def. by 40
pped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSkipping Kid Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2. STR/ IN
pped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSkipping Kid Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and Def. by
pped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSkipping Kid Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and Def. by
pped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSkipping Kid Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and Def. by

Pagina 1427

ipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSkipping Kid Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and Def. by
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScale of Life Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2. STR/ INT/ C
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScale of Life Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and Def. by 40.\n
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScale of Life Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and Def. by 40.\n
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScale of Life Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and Def. by 40.\n
d.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScale of Life Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and Def. by 40.\
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nRocky Camouflage Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2. STR/
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nRocky Camouflage Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and Def. b
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nRocky Camouflage Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and Def. b
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nRocky Camouflage Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and Def. b
d.\n\n<Active Skill>\nRocky Camouflage Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and Def.
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBattle Rhapsody Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2. STR/ I
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBattle Rhapsody Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and Def. by
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBattle Rhapsody Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and Def. by
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBattle Rhapsody Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and Def. by
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBattle Rhapsody Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and Def. b
n\n<Active Skill>\nMaiden's Prayer Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2. STR/ INT/
n\n<Active Skill>\nMaiden's Prayer Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and Def. by 40
n\n<Active Skill>\nMaiden's Prayer Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and Def. by 40
n\n<Active Skill>\nMaiden's Prayer Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and Def. by 40
\n\n<Active Skill>\nMaiden's Prayer Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and Def. by 4
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBountiful Resurrection Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2. S
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBountiful Resurrection Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and D
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBountiful Resurrection Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and D
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBountiful Resurrection Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and D
ped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBountiful Resurrection Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2.
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and D
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and D
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and D
ped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and
ped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMass Binding Flood Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2. S
ped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMass Binding Flood Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and D
ped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMass Binding Flood Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and D
ped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMass Binding Flood Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and D
pped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMass Binding Flood Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and
d.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSlippery Scale Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2. STR/ INT
d.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSlippery Scale Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and Def. by 4
d.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSlippery Scale Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and Def. by 4
d.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSlippery Scale Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and Def. by 4
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSlippery Scale Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and Def. by
pped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nArcher's Call Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2. STR/ I
pped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nArcher's Call Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and Def. by
pped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nArcher's Call Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and Def. by
pped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nArcher's Call Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and Def. by
uipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nArcher's Call Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and Def. b
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nExoskeletal Shield Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2. STR
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nExoskeletal Shield Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and Def.
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nExoskeletal Shield Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and Def.

Pagina 1428

ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nExoskeletal Shield Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and Def.
ped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nExoskeletal Shield Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and Def
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nHealing Light Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2. STR/ INT/ C
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nHealing Light Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and Def. by 40.\
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nHealing Light Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and Def. by 40.\
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nHealing Light Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and Def. by 40.\
d.\n\n<Active Skill>\nHealing Light Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and Def. by 40
pped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSkipping Kid Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2. STR/ IN
pped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSkipping Kid Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and Def. by
pped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSkipping Kid Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and Def. by
pped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSkipping Kid Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and Def. by
ipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSkipping Kid Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and Def. by
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScale of Life Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2. STR/ INT/ C
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScale of Life Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and Def. by 40.\n
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScale of Life Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and Def. by 40.\n
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScale of Life Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and Def. by 40.\n
d.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScale of Life Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and Def. by 40.\
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nRocky Camouflage Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2. STR/
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nRocky Camouflage Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and Def. b
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nRocky Camouflage Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and Def. b
.\n\n<Active Skill>\nRocky Camouflage Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and Def. b
d.\n\n<Active Skill>\nRocky Camouflage Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and Def.
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBattle Rhapsody Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2. STR/ I
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBattle Rhapsody Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and Def. by
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBattle Rhapsody Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and Def. by
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBattle Rhapsody Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and Def. by
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBattle Rhapsody Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and Def. b
n\n<Active Skill>\nMaiden's Prayer Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2. STR/ INT/
n\n<Active Skill>\nMaiden's Prayer Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and Def. by 40
n\n<Active Skill>\nMaiden's Prayer Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and Def. by 40
n\n<Active Skill>\nMaiden's Prayer Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and Def. by 40
\n\n<Active Skill>\nMaiden's Prayer Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and Def. by 4
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBountiful Resurrection Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2. S
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBountiful Resurrection Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and D
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBountiful Resurrection Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and D
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBountiful Resurrection Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and D
ped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nBountiful Resurrection Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2.
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and D
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and D
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and D
ped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nScorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and
ped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMass Binding Flood Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2. S
ped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMass Binding Flood Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and D
ped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMass Binding Flood Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and D
ped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMass Binding Flood Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and D
pped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nMass Binding Flood Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and
d.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSlippery Scale Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2. STR/ INT
d.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSlippery Scale Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and Def. by 4

Pagina 1429

d.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSlippery Scale Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and Def. by 4
d.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSlippery Scale Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and Def. by 4
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSlippery Scale Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and Def. by
pped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nArcher's Call Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2. STR/ I
pped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nArcher's Call Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and Def. by
pped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nArcher's Call Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and Def. by
pped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nArcher's Call Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and Def. by
uipped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nArcher's Call Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and Def. b
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nExoskeletal Shield Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Def. increases by 40.\n2. STR
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nExoskeletal Shield Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 10 and Def.
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nExoskeletal Shield Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 20 and Def.
ed.\n\n<Active Skill>\nExoskeletal Shield Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 30 and Def.
ped.\n\n<Active Skill>\nExoskeletal Shield Lv. 12\n\n<Passive Effect>\n1. Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. increases by 50 and Def
pending on the enchant level, additional special and unique abilities are added.\n\nEquip it on the Agathion main slot to get both special an
d depending on the enchant level, additional special and unique abilities are added.\n\nEquip it on the Agathion main slot to get both speci
pending on the enchant level, additional special and unique abilities are added.\n\nEquip it on the Agathion main slot to get both special an
pending on the enchant level, additional special and unique abilities are added.\n\nEquip it on the Agathion main slot to get both special an
depending on the enchant level, additional special and unique abilities are added.\n\nEquip it on the Agathion main slot to get both special a
ending on the enchant level, additional special and unique abilities are added.\n\nEquip it on the Agathion main slot to get both special and
depending on the enchant level, additional special and unique abilities are added.\n\nEquip it on the Agathion main slot to get both special a
pending on the enchant level, additional special and unique abilities are added.\n\nEquip it on the Agathion main slot to get both special an
d depending on the enchant level, additional special and unique abilities are added.\n\nEquip it on the Agathion main slot to get both specia
epending on the enchant level, additional special and unique abilities are added.\n\nEquip it on the Agathion main slot to get both special a
nd depending on the enchant level, additional special and unique abilities are added.\n\nEquip it on the Agathion main slot to get both spec
depending on the enchant level, additional special and unique abilities are added.\n\nEquip it on the Agathion main slot to get both special a

pending on the enchant level, additional special and unique abilities are added.\n\nEquip it on the Agathion main slot to get both special an
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 2, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 3, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 4, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 5, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 6, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 7, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 8, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 9, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 10, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 11, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 12, and depending on the level of the charm
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 2, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 3, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 4, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 5, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 6, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 7, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 8, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 9, and depending on the level of the ch

Pagina 1430

up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 10, and depending on the level of the c
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 11, and depending on the level of the c
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 12, and depending on the level of the c
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm,
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 2, and depending on the level of the charm,
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 3, and depending on the level of the charm,
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 4, and depending on the level of the charm,
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 5, and depending on the level of the charm,
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 6, and depending on the level of the charm,
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 7, and depending on the level of the charm,
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 8, and depending on the level of the charm,
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 9, and depending on the level of the charm,
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 10, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 11, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 12, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the c
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 2, and depending on the level of the c
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 3, and depending on the level of the c
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 4, and depending on the level of the c
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 5, and depending on the level of the c
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 6, and depending on the level of the c
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 7, and depending on the level of the c
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 8, and depending on the level of the c
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 9, and depending on the level of the c
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 10, and depending on the level of the
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 11, and depending on the level of the
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 12, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the c
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 2, and depending on the level of the c
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 3, and depending on the level of the c
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 4, and depending on the level of the c
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 5, and depending on the level of the c
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 6, and depending on the level of the c
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 7, and depending on the level of the c
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 8, and depending on the level of the c
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 9, and depending on the level of the c
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 10, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 11, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 12, and depending on the level of the
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 2, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 3, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 4, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 5, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 6, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 7, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 8, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 9, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 10, and depending on the level of the cha

Pagina 1431

Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 11, and depending on the level of the cha
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 12, and depending on the level of the cha
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 1, and depending on the level of
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 2, and depending on the level of
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 3, and depending on the level of
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 4, and depending on the level of
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 5, and depending on the level of
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 6, and depending on the level of
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 7, and depending on the level of
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 8, and depending on the level of
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 9, and depending on the level of
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 10, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 11, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 12, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 1, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 2, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 3, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 4, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 5, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 6, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 7, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 8, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 9, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 10, and depending on the level
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 11, and depending on the level
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 12, and depending on the level
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 1, and depending on the level of
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 2, and depending on the level of
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 3, and depending on the level of
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 4, and depending on the level of
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 5, and depending on the level of
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 6, and depending on the level of
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 7, and depending on the level of
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 8, and depending on the level of
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 9, and depending on the level of
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 10, and depending on the level o
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 11, and depending on the level o
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 12, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the cha
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 2, and depending on the level of the cha
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 3, and depending on the level of the cha
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 4, and depending on the level of the cha
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 5, and depending on the level of the cha
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 6, and depending on the level of the cha
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 7, and depending on the level of the cha
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 8, and depending on the level of the cha
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 9, and depending on the level of the cha
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 10, and depending on the level of the ch
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 11, and depending on the level of the ch

Pagina 1432

to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 12, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 2, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 3, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 4, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 5, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 6, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 7, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 8, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 9, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 10, and depending on the level of the
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 11, and depending on the level of the
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 12, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 2, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 3, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 4, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 5, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 6, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 7, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 8, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 9, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 10, and depending on the level of th
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 11, and depending on the level of th
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 12, and depending on the level of th
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 2, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 3, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 4, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 5, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 6, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 7, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 8, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 9, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 10, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 11, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Healing Light Lv. 12, and depending on the level of the charm
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 2, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 3, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 4, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 5, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 6, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 7, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 8, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 9, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 10, and depending on the level of the c
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 11, and depending on the level of the c
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Skipping Kid Lv. 12, and depending on the level of the c

Pagina 1433

Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm,
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 2, and depending on the level of the charm,
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 3, and depending on the level of the charm,
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 4, and depending on the level of the charm,
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 5, and depending on the level of the charm,
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 6, and depending on the level of the charm,
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 7, and depending on the level of the charm,
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 8, and depending on the level of the charm,
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 9, and depending on the level of the charm,
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 10, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 11, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scale of Life Lv. 12, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the c
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 2, and depending on the level of the c
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 3, and depending on the level of the c
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 4, and depending on the level of the c
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 5, and depending on the level of the c
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 6, and depending on the level of the c
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 7, and depending on the level of the c
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 8, and depending on the level of the c
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 9, and depending on the level of the c
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 10, and depending on the level of the
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 11, and depending on the level of the
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Rocky Camouflage Lv. 12, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the c
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 2, and depending on the level of the c
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 3, and depending on the level of the c
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 4, and depending on the level of the c
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 5, and depending on the level of the c
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 6, and depending on the level of the c
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 7, and depending on the level of the c
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 8, and depending on the level of the c
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 9, and depending on the level of the c
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 10, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 11, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Battle Rhapsody Lv. 12, and depending on the level of the
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 2, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 3, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 4, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 5, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 6, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 7, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 8, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 9, and depending on the level of the charm
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 10, and depending on the level of the cha
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 11, and depending on the level of the cha
Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Maiden's Prayer Lv. 12, and depending on the level of the cha
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 1, and depending on the level of

Pagina 1434

to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 2, and depending on the level of
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 3, and depending on the level of
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 4, and depending on the level of
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 5, and depending on the level of
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 6, and depending on the level of
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 7, and depending on the level of
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 8, and depending on the level of
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 9, and depending on the level of
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 10, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 11, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Bountiful Resurrection Lv. 12, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 1, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 2, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 3, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 4, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 5, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 6, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 7, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 8, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 9, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 10, and depending on the level
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 11, and depending on the level
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Scorpion's Mass Exile Lv. 12, and depending on the level
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 1, and depending on the level of
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 2, and depending on the level of
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 3, and depending on the level of
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 4, and depending on the level of
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 5, and depending on the level of
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 6, and depending on the level of
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 7, and depending on the level of
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 8, and depending on the level of
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 9, and depending on the level of
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 10, and depending on the level o
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 11, and depending on the level o
p to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Mass Binding Flood Lv. 12, and depending on the level o
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the cha
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 2, and depending on the level of the cha
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 3, and depending on the level of the cha
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 4, and depending on the level of the cha
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 5, and depending on the level of the cha
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 6, and depending on the level of the cha
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 7, and depending on the level of the cha
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 8, and depending on the level of the cha
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 9, and depending on the level of the cha
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 10, and depending on the level of the ch
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 11, and depending on the level of the ch
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Slippery Scale Lv. 12, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 2, and depending on the level of the ch

Pagina 1435

up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 3, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 4, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 5, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 6, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 7, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 8, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 9, and depending on the level of the ch
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 10, and depending on the level of the
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 11, and depending on the level of the
up to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Archer's Call Lv. 12, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 2, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 3, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 4, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 5, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 6, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 7, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 8, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 9, and depending on the level of the
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 10, and depending on the level of th
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 11, and depending on the level of th
to Stage 12, and upgrade to +10 by using Book of Growth.\nIts special ability is Exoskeletal Shield Lv. 12, and depending on the level of th
f the max level Talisman is applied when 2 or more of the same are equipped.
of the max level Talisman is applied when 2 or more of the same are equipped.
of the max level Talisman is applied when 2 or more of the same are equipped.
Talisman Stage 12 or above, Skill Power +2%, Skill Cooldown -2%.\nOnly the effect of the max level Talisman is applied when 2 or more of
enir's Talisman Stage 12 or above, Skill Power +2%, Skill Cooldown -2%.\n\nActive Skills\nSayha's Protection Lv. 1\n\nOnly the effect of the
Venir's Talisman Stage 12 or above, Skill Power +3%, Skill Cooldown -3%.\n\nActive Skills\nSayha's Protection Lv. 1\nSayha's Encourage
Venir's Talisman Stage 12 or above, Skill Power +3%, Skill Cooldown -3%.\n\n<Active Skills>\nSayha's Protection Lv. 1\nSayha's Encoura
h Venir's Talisman Stage 12 or above, Skill Power +5%, Skill Cooldown -5%.\n\n<Active Skills>\nSayha's Protection Lv. 2\nSayha's Encour
ns/ Medicines +1000. If equipped with Venir's Talisman Stage 12 or above, Skill Power +5%, Skill Cooldown -5%.\n\n<Active Skills>\nSayha
ns/ Medicines +2000. If equipped with Venir's Talisman Stage 12 or above, Skill Power +9%, Skill Cooldown -5%.\n\n<Active Skills>\nSayha
% as well. Can use Vital Wind skill. Effect does not stack with additional Gems of the same type. Equipping various Greater Gems will gran
or more identical Talismans are equipped.
ght Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Agathion Brace
ng Kid Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Agathion B
fe Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Agathion Brace
mouflage Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Agathion
hapsody Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Agathion
ayer Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Agathion Bra
Resurrection Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Aga
n's Mass Exile Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Aga
Binding Flood Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Agat
Scale Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Agathion Bra
er's Call Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Agathion
etal Shield Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Agathio
ght Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Agathion Brace
ng Kid Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Agathion B
fe Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Agathion Brace

Pagina 1436

mouflage Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Agathion
hapsody Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Agathion
ayer Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Agathion Bra
Resurrection Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Aga
n's Mass Exile Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Aga
Binding Flood Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Agat
Scale Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Agathion Bra
er's Call Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Agathion
etal Shield Lv. 1, and depending on the level of the charm, a unique ability will be added.\n\nWhen equipped on the main slot of the Agathio

Venir's Talisman Stage 12 or above, Skill Power +3%, Skill Cooldown -3%.\n\nActive Skills\nSayha's Protection Lv. 1\nSayha's Encourage

ses P. Atk. by 3% and M. Atk. by 5% when equipped.

pped and activates three talisman slots.

CON +3, MEN +3, increases weight gauge by 10000, maximum HP/ MP/ CP by 300, and decreases cooldown delay by 3%, Skill MP Consu
CON +3, MEN +3, increases weight gauge by 10000, maximum HP/ MP/ CP by 300, and decreases cooldown delay by 3%, Skill MP Consu

en Castle Town, Ancient City Arcan, Xerces Alliance Base Teleport\nMatryoshka's Gift - You can receive a special gift from Matryoshka eve
en Castle Town, Ancient City Arcan, Xerces Alliance Base Teleport\nMatryoshka's Gift - You can receive a special gift from Matryoshka eve

wearing red uniforms.

summons the Agathion and activates the Special Ability option.\nUpgrade to +7 by using Seven Deadly Sins Agathion Book of Growth.\n\n
t summons the Agathion and activates the Special Ability option.\nUpgrade to +7 by using Seven Deadly Sins Agathion Book of Growth.\n\n
mmons the Agathion and activates the Special Ability option.\nUpgrade to +7 by using Seven Deadly Sins Agathion Book of Growth.\n\n<U
mons the Agathion and activates the Special Ability option.\nUpgrade to +7 by using Seven Deadly Sins Agathion Book of Growth.\n\n<Up
mmons the Agathion and activates the Special Ability option.\nUpgrade to +7 by using Seven Deadly Sins Agathion Book of Growth.\n\n<U
mmons the Agathion and activates the Special Ability option.\nUpgrade to +7 by using Seven Deadly Sins Agathion Book of Growth.\n\n<Up
ummons the Agathion and activates the Special Ability option.\nUpgrade to +7 by using Seven Deadly Sins Agathion Book of Growth.\n\n<U
summons the Agathion and activates the Special Ability option.\nUpgrade to +7 by using Seven Deadly Sins Agathion Book of Growth.\n\n
summons the Agathion and activates the Special Ability option.\nUpgrade to +7 by using Seven Deadly Sins Agathion Book of Growth.\n\n
summons the Agathion and activates the Special and Unique abilities. When equipped in a sub slot, only the unique ability is applied.\nUp
t summons the Agathion and activates the Special and Unique abilities. When equipped in a sub slot, only the unique ability is applied.\nUp
mmons the Agathion and activates the Special and Unique abilities. When equipped in a sub slot, only the unique ability is applied.\nUpgra
mons the Agathion and activates the Special and Unique abilities. When equipped in a sub slot, only the unique ability is applied.\nUpgrade
mmons the Agathion and activates the Special and Unique abilities. When equipped in a sub slot, only the unique ability is applied.\nUpgra
mmons the Agathion and activates the Special and Unique abilities. When equipped in a sub slot, only the unique ability is applied.\nUpgrad
ummons the Agathion and activates the Special and Unique abilities. When equipped in a sub slot, only the unique ability is applied.\nUpgra
summons the Agathion and activates the Special and Unique abilities. When equipped in a sub slot, only the unique ability is applied.\nUpg
summons the Agathion and activates the Special and Unique abilities. When equipped in a sub slot, only the unique ability is applied.\nUpg
summons the Agathion and activates the Special and Unique abilities. When equipped in a sub slot, only the unique ability is applied.\nUp
t summons the Agathion and activates the Special and Unique abilities. When equipped in a sub slot, only the unique ability is applied.\nUp
mmons the Agathion and activates the Special and Unique abilities. When equipped in a sub slot, only the unique ability is applied.\nUpgra

Pagina 1437

mons the Agathion and activates the Special and Unique abilities. When equipped in a sub slot, only the unique ability is applied.\nUpgrade
mmons the Agathion and activates the Special and Unique abilities. When equipped in a sub slot, only the unique ability is applied.\nUpgra
mmons the Agathion and activates the Special and Unique abilities. When equipped in a sub slot, only the unique ability is applied.\nUpgrad
ummons the Agathion and activates the Special and Unique abilities. When equipped in a sub slot, only the unique ability is applied.\nUpgra
summons the Agathion and activates the Special and Unique abilities. When equipped in a sub slot, only the unique ability is applied.\nUpg
summons the Agathion and activates the Special and Unique abilities. When equipped in a sub slot, only the unique ability is applied.\nUpg

mmons the Agathion and activates the Special and Unique abilities. When equipped in a sub slot, only the unique ability is applied.\nCanno
nnot be enchanted, exchanged, dropped, or used in the private store, NPC Store, or shared within the account. Can be stored in a private w

giant Abelius. M. Def. +40.

giant Sapyros. M. Def. +40.
giant Ashagen. M. Def. +40.
giant Cranigg. M. Def. +40.
giant Soltkreig. M. Def. +40.
giant Naviarope. M. Def. +40.
giant Leister. M. Def. +40.
giant Lakcis. M. Def. +40.

ater Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
y Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
Wind Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
Dark Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
rth Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
ater Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
Fire Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
e Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
%, Wind Resistance +10. CP +5%. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
when two rings with the same effect are equipped.
hen two rings with the same effect are equipped.
en two rings with the same effect are equipped.
hen two rings with the same effect are equipped.
en two rings with the same effect are equipped.
when two rings with the same effect are equipped.
when two rings with the same effect are equipped.
hen two rings with the same effect are equipped.

Pagina 1438

ed when two rings with the same effect are equipped.

Decreases PvP Damage by 15%.

ed. Decreases PvP Damage by 5%.
ect of MP +22.

Pagina 1439

m cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.

s item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
m cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
m cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
em cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
art of the devotion set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
not be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
em cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
his item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
his item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
em cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.

Pagina 1440

item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.

Part of the devotion set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
em cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
annot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
tem cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
not be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
tem cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
m cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
s item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
his item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
s item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
his item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
nnot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
m cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
tem cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
s item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
annot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
s item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
his item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
tem cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
his item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
s item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
m cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
y armor. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
m cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
l body armor. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
s item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
his item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
annot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
m cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
ody armor. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
em cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
his item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Full body armor. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
his item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
tem cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.

Pagina 1441

m cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.

em cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
is item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
em cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
the heavy blue wolf set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
he heavy blue wolf set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
em cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Full body armor. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
the light blue wolf set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
he light blue wolf set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
em cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
m cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
the blue wolf robe set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
he blue wolf robe set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
of the heavy blue wolf set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
f the heavy blue wolf set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
nt. Full body armor. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
of the light blue wolf set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
f the light blue wolf set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
em cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
his item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
of the blue wolf robe set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
f the blue wolf robe set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
body armor. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
of the heavy majestic set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
e heavy majestic set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
Full body armor. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
of the light majestic set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
e light majestic set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
armor. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
of the majestic robe set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
e majestic robe set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
em cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
ull body armor. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
t of the heavy majestic set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
the heavy majestic set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
em cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
. Full body armor. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
t of the light majestic set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
the light majestic set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.

Pagina 1442

em cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.

y armor. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
t of the majestic robe set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
the majestic robe set. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
em cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
annot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
nt. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
his item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
his item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
annot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
em cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
nnot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
m cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
is item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
m cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
m cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
ment. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
nt. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
. This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
This item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
m cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
m cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
item cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
m cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
m cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.
cannot be enhanced except with PA Enchant Scrolls.

Pagina 1443

Shilen's darkness. Requires room in the inventory and the weight limit to receive the Specter of Light.

cal Damage when enchanted to +4.

sion, Speed and P. Atk. Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

sion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

Pagina 1444

ses the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

eases Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

ses the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

Pagina 1445

ter summoning an Agathion. 30-day.

n after summoning an Agathion. 30-day.
summoning an Agathion. 30-day.
ter summoning an Agathion. 30-day.

using Elemental Shirt Enchant Scrolls. When enchanted to +7 or above, can remove abnormal conditions and use the ultimate invincibility s
using Elemental Shirt Enchant Scrolls. When enchanted to +7 or above, can use a portal teleport skill that allows you to create a portal at a
10 using Elemental Shirt Enchant Scrolls. When enchanted to +7 or above, can use HP/ MP/ CP recovering skills.
+10 using Elemental Shirt Enchant Scrolls. When enchanted to +7 or above, the enchant success rate is increased. No effect in the Olymp

oved, you can no longer use seal/ unseal.

o a max +10 with Scroll: Enchant Power Shirts and Blessed Scroll: Enchant Power Shirts.
r to seal an Agathion. After unequipping the bracelet, the XP bottle's divine power will not be felt for 10 sec.
r to seal an Agathion. After unequipping the bracelet, the XP bottle's divine power will not be felt for 10 sec.
r to seal an Agathion. After unequipping the bracelet, the XP bottle's divine power will not be felt for 10 sec.
r to seal an Agathion. After unequipping the bracelet, the XP bottle's divine power will not be felt for 10 sec.
r to seal an Agathion. After unequipping the bracelet, the XP bottle's divine power will not be felt for 10 sec.
r to seal an Agathion. After unequipping the bracelet, the XP bottle's divine power will not be felt for 10 sec.
r to seal an Agathion. After unequipping the bracelet, the XP bottle's divine power will not be felt for 10 sec.
r to seal an Agathion. After unequipping the bracelet, the XP bottle's divine power will not be felt for 10 sec.
that you are a mentee.
sing Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt. When enchanted above +7, can remove abnormal conditions and use the ultimate invincibility skill for
ing Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt. When enchanted above +7, can use a portal teleport skill that allows you to create a portal at a selecte
0 using Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt. When enchanted above +7, can use HP, MP, and recovering CP skills.
10 using Scroll: Enchant Elemental Shirt. When enchanted above +7 and equipped, the enchant success rate is increased. Cannot be used
ted time item (15-day). Effects do not stack with additional rings of the same type.

Pagina 1446

n two identical earrings are equipped, only one effect is applied.

ck rate by 20%. Decreases skill cooldown and skill MP consumption by 5%. 15-day.
y. Wearing 2 of these rings will give the effect of 1.
hen two identical earrings are equipped, only one effect is applied.

2 hair accessory slots.

16, Con +1, and Men +1.
216, Dex +1, and Wit +1.
Eggs. When equipped, you can summon a Flame Spirit.

Resistance +1.
EN/ LUC/ CHA +2, and Damage Received -5%. Can use the Escape: Castle skill. Cannot be used while in a chaotic state. Can be equipped
INT/ CON/ LUC/ CHA +2, and Damage Received -5%. Can use the Escape: Castle skill. Can be equipped only by marquis or higher.\nCan
, M. Def. by 5%, Max HP by 5%, and Attribute Resistance by 10.\nUsable Skill: Blessed Escape.
, P. Atk. by 5%, and Attribute Resistance by 10. \nUsable Skill: Blessed Escape.
, P. Def. by 5%, Max HP by 5%, and Attribute Resistance by 10. \nUsable Skill: Blessed Escape.
, M. Atk. By 6%, and Attribute Resistance by 10. \nUsable Skill: Blessed Escape.
, and Attribute Resistance by 10. Decreases skill cooldown and MP consumed during skill use by 3%. \nUsable Skill: Blessed Escape.
M. Evasion by 1 Vampiric Rage Effect by 2%, and Atk. Spd. and Casting Spd. by 10.
M. Evasion by 2, Vampiric Rage Effect by 2%, Atk. Spd. and Casting Spd. by 10, P. Critical Rate by 30, and M. Critical Rate by 10.
M. Evasion by 2, Vampiric Rage Effect by 3%, Atk. Spd. and Casting Spd. by 20, P. Critical Rate by 30, M. Critical Rate by 10, P. Atk. by 1
nd M. Evasion by 2, Vampiric Rage 3% effect, Atk. Spd. and Casting Spd. by 30, Critical Rate by 30, M. Critical Rate by 10, P. Atk. by 103,
nd M. Evasion by 2, Vampiric Rage 3% effect, Atk. Spd. and Casting Spd. by 40, Critical Rate by 30, M. Critical Rate by 10, P. Atk. by 203,
nd M. Evasion by 2, Vampiric Rage 3% effect, Atk. Spd. and Casting Spd. by 50, Critical Rate by 30, M. Critical Rate by 10, P. Atk. by 303,
EN/ LUC/ CHA +4, and Damage Received -15%. Can use the Escape: Castle skill. Cannot be used while in a chaotic state. Can be equippe
INT/ CON/ LUC/ CHA +4, and Damage Received -15%. Can use the Escape: Castle skill. Can be equipped only by marquis or higher.\nCa

amage and additionally increases P. Def. when enchanted to +4.

increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

Pagina 1447

amage and additionally increases P. Def. when enchanted to +4.

increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

% and M. Atk. by 2%.

% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of rec
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of rec
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
efense type set option.
efense type set option. Decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def. when enchanted to +4.
efense type set option.

Pagina 1448

efense type set option.

efense type set option.
enchant type set option.
enchant type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion and Movement Speed, decreases P. Critical Rate Received, and incre
enchant type set option.
enchant type set option.
enchant type set option.
overy type set option.
overy type set option. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance and decreases P. Critical Rate and Dam
overy type set option.
overy type set option.
overy type set option.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of rec
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.

16, Str +1, Int +1.

Mansion. When equipped, Max HP, MP, and CP +1000, weight +25600, and damage +8%. Received damage -9% and Damage Reflection R
sion. When equipped, increases Max HP, MP, and CP by 500, PvP damage by 6%, and Damage Reflection Resistance by 5%. Decreases
5%, PvP damage +5%, Paralysis/ Binding/ Banishment Resistance +10, Damage Reflect Resistance +5, Absorption Resistance +5, receive

ffect is applied when two rings with the same effect are equipped.
effect is applied when two rings with the same effect are equipped.
ect is applied when two rings with the same effect are equipped.
fect is applied when two rings with the same effect are equipped.

Pagina 1449

fect is applied when two rings with the same effect are equipped.
ffect is applied when two rings with the same effect are equipped.
ffect is applied when two rings with the same effect are equipped.
effect is applied when two rings with the same effect are equipped.
ect is applied when two rings with the same effect are equipped.
fect is applied when two rings with the same effect are equipped.
fect is applied when two rings with the same effect are equipped.
ffect is applied when two rings with the same effect are equipped.

effect is applied when two rings with the same effect are equipped.
ffect is applied when two rings with the same effect are equipped.
ect is applied when two rings with the same effect are equipped.
fect is applied when two rings with the same effect are equipped.
fect is applied when two rings with the same effect are equipped.
ffect is applied when two rings with the same effect are equipped.
5%, Water Resistance +8, MP +25. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
15%, Holy Resistance +8, MP +25. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
e +15%, Wind Resistance +8, MP +25. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
+15%, Dark Resistance +8, MP +25. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
15%, Earth Resistance +8, MP +25. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
5%, Water Resistance +8, MP +25. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
5%, Fire Resistance +8, MP +25. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
15%, Fire Resistance +8, MP +25. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
tack 15%, Wind Resistance +8, MP +25. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
k/ resistance by 20%. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
/ resistance by 20%. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
k/ resistance by 20%. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
tack/ resistance by 20%. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
ck/ resistance by 20%. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
k/ resistance by 20%. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
ck/ resistance by 20%. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
k and Knock Down attack/ resistance by 20%. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
attack/ resistance by 20%. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
5%, Water Resistance +10. CP +5%, MP +35. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
15%, Holy Resistance +10. CP +5%, MP +35. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
e +15%, Wind Resistance +10. CP +5%, MP +35. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
+15%, Dark Resistance +10. CP +5%, MP +35. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
15%, Earth Resistance +10. CP +5%, MP +35. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
5%, Water Resistance +10. CP +5%, MP +35. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
5%, Fire Resistance +10. CP +5%, MP +35. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
15%, Fire Resistance +10. CP +5%, MP +35. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
15%, Wind Resistance +10. CP +5%, MP +35. Only one effect is applied when two earrings with the same effect are equipped.
t reward item. 1 day.
t reward item. 3 days.

Pagina 1450

s. P. Atk. +5% when equipped.

s. M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
s. WIT +3 when equipped.
s. P. Atk. +5% and P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
s. M. Atk. +10% and INT +3 when equipped.
s. WIT +3 and MEN +3 when equipped.

n skill (1 hour cooldown). Temporary event item.

skill (1 hour cooldown). Temporary event item.

Pagina 1451

d clan member to your location. Cooldown is 1 hour. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
P, MP, and CP 300, M. Def. 5%, Max HP 5%, and Attribute Resistance +10. \nUsed skill: Blessed Escape ability.
P, MP, and CP 300, P. Def. 5%, and Attribute Resistance +10. \nUsed skill: Blessed Escape ability.
P, MP, and CP 300, P. Def. 5%, Max HP 5%, and Attribute Resistance +10. \nUsed skill: Blessed Escape ability.
P, MP, and CP 300, P. Atk. 6%, and Attribute Resistance +10. \nUsed skill: Blessed Escape ability.
P, MP, and CP 300, and Attribute Resistance +10. Skill cooldown 3% and skill MP consumption -3%. \nUsed skill: Blessed Escape ability.
P, MP, and CP 300, M. Def. 5%, Max HP 5%, and Attribute Resistance +10. \nUsed skill: Blessed Escape ability.
P, MP, and CP 300, P. Def. 5%, and Attribute Resistance +10. \nUsed skill: Blessed Escape ability.
P, MP, and CP 300, P. Def. 5%, Max HP 5%, and Attribute Resistance +10. \nUsed skill: Blessed Escape ability.
P, MP, and CP 300, P. Atk. 6%, and Attribute Resistance +10. \nUsed skill: Blessed Escape ability.
P, MP, and CP 300, and Attribute Resistance+10. Skill cooldown 3% and skill MP consumption -3%. \nUsed skill: Blessed Escape ability.
wn is 1 hour. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
0, P./ M. Accuracy by 2, P./ M. Evasion by 2, Vampiric Rage 3%, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. by 20, Critical Rate by 30, M. Critical Rate by 10,
0, P./ M. Accuracy by 2, P./ M. Evasion by 2, Vampiric Rage 3%, Atk. Spd./ Casting Spd. by 20, Critical Rate by 30, M. Critical Rate by 10,

he honor of clans. Can be acquired through a clan request. Can be used only on clan members.
he honor of clans. Can be used only on members of clans that own auction-type Clan Halls.
he honor of clans. Can be used only on members of clans that own a castle. STR +2/ INT +2 effect.
. Hour of Penitence not in effect for 10 sec. after you remove the bracelet.
. Hour of Penitence not in effect for 10 sec. after you remove the bracelet.
. Hour of Penitence not in effect for 10 sec. after you remove the bracelet.
. Hour of Penitence not in effect for 10 sec. after you remove the bracelet.
. Hour of Penitence not in effect for 10 sec. after you remove the bracelet.
g of Star Agathion\nIncreases acquired XP and SP by 30% for 60 min. (cooldown 5 min.)\n2. Star Agathion Teleport\nLets you teleport to va
Star Agathion\nIncreases acquired XP and SP by 30% for 60 min. (cooldown 5 min.)\n2. Star Agathion Teleport\nLets you teleport to vario
g of Star Agathion\nIncreases acquired XP and SP by 30% for 60 min. (cooldown 5 min.)\n2. Star Agathion Teleport\nLets you teleport to va
f Star Agathion\nIncreases acquired XP and SP by 30% for 60 min. (cooldown 5 min.)\n2. Star Agathion Teleport\nLets you teleport to vario

Pagina 1452

g of Star Agathion\nIncreases acquired XP and SP by 30% for 60 min. (cooldown 5 min.)\n2. Star Agathion Teleport\nLets you teleport to v
of Star Agathion\nIncreases acquired XP and SP by 30% for 60 min. (cooldown 5 min.)\n2. Star Agathion Teleport\nLets you teleport to var
Star Agathion\nIncreases acquired XP and SP by 30% for 60 min. (cooldown 5 min.)\n2. Star Agathion Teleport\nLets you teleport to variou
of Star Agathion\nIncreases acquired XP and SP by 30% for 60 min. (cooldown 5 min.)\n2. Star Agathion Teleport\nLets you teleport to var
Star Agathion\nIncreases acquired XP and SP by 30% for 60 min. (cooldown 5 min.)\n2. Star Agathion Teleport\nLets you teleport to variou
of Star Agathion\nIncreases acquired XP and SP by 30% for 60 min. (cooldown 5 min.)\n2. Star Agathion Teleport\nLets you teleport to va

he honor of clans. Can be used only on members of clans that own a contestable Clan Hall. STR +1/ INT +1 effect. Can use a private wareh

ses damage by 5% and decreases received damage by 5%. Increases weight by 12800 and the number of inventory slots by 18.
es damage by 5% and decreases received damage by 5%. Increases weight by 12800 and the number of inventory slots by 18.
%, Weight Limit +12800, Inventory Slots +18. Received Damage -5%.
el Knight in the entire server. STR/ MEN/ DEX/ WIT/ INT/ CON +5.
t Yul Archer in the entire server. STR/ MEN/ DEX/ WIT/ INT/ CON +5.
Warrior in the entire server. STR/ MEN/ DEX/ WIT/ INT/ CON +5.
hell Rogue in the entire server. STR/ MEN/ DEX/ WIT/ INT/ CON +5.
nchanter in the entire server. STR/ MEN/ DEX/ WIT/ INT/ CON +5.
nn Summoner in the entire server. STR/ MEN/ DEX/ WIT/ INT/ CON +5.
ore Healer in the entire server. STR/ MEN/ DEX/ WIT/ INT/ CON +5.
oh Wizard in the entire server. STR/ MEN/ DEX/ WIT/ INT/ CON +5.
ual classes are 87 or higher.
he levels of main and dual classes are 92 or higher.
levels of main and dual classes are 87 or higher.
levels of main and dual classes are 92 or higher.
Skill Cooldown and creates a Damage Reflection effect. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
esistance by 20. Wearing two of these rings will give you the effect of wearing one. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
by 30%. Creates Vampiric Rage and Wind Resistance. Wearing two of these earrings will give you the effect of wearing one. Cannot be us
. Wearing two of these rings will give you the effect of wearing one. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
wer. Cannot be used in the Olympiad.
eep attack by 40%, and Earth Resistance by 30. Wearing two of these earrings will give you the effect of wearing one. Cannot be used in th
d rate by 50% Heal Amount, Vampiric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Attack Resistance by 40%, Stun/ Mental attack rate by 40%, Earth Resista
by 50%, Sleep Attack Rate by 50%, Fire Resistance by 30, Dark Resistance by 20, STR by 3, INT by 3, P. Skill Power by 5%, P. Atk. by 10
ation +3, P. Critical Damage +20%, and P. Accuracy +5. Poison Resistance +50%, Poison Atk. Rate +50%, Knock Back, Knock Down, Pulli
by 15%, Skill Atk. Power by 5%, damage inflicted during PvP by 5%, Paralyze/ Yoke/ Banishment Resistance by 10, Damage Reflection R
un/ Poison/ Bleed Atk./ Def. Success Rate +25%\nEffect does not stack with identical ones.\nCan be crafted.
+25%, Heal Received +10%, Skill MP Consumption -5%, Vampiric Rage +4%. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
nce by 20%, Mental/ Paralysis attack rate by 20%, and M. Critical Rate by 20.

r. Cocoring Agathion. This Agathion can take away one of the three medals (the Medal of Glory, the Medal of Victory and the Medal of Frie
uipped. Male only.

Pagina 1453

uipped. Male only.

uipped. Female only.
uipped. Female only.

+216, Str +1, Int +1.

+216, Dex +1, Wit +1.
+216, Con +1, Men +1.

al Damage +68 when equipped.

Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Stun/ Mental Atk./ Def. Success Rate +40%, Heal Received +10%, Skill MP Consumption -5%, Vampiric Ra
Attribute Resistance +30, Dark Attribute Resistance +20, Sleep Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, P. Skill Power +5%, Skill Cooldown -10%, D
5%, PvP damage +5%, Paralysis/ Binding/ Banishment Resistance +10, Damage Reflection Resistance +5, Absorption Resistance +5, rece
, and P. Accuracy +5. Poison Resistance +50%, Poison Atk. Rate +50%, Knock Back, Knock Down, Pulling, Danger Zone Resistance +20%

Attribute Resistance +30, Petrify Resistance/ Atk. Rate +50%, Knock Back/ Knock Down/ Pull Resistance/ Atk. Rate +40%, Danger Zone D

hain Fireworks skill.

hain Fireworks skill. STR +3 when equipped.
hain Fireworks skill. DEX +3 when equipped.
hain Fireworks skill. CON +3 when equipped.
hain Fireworks skill. MEN +3 when equipped.
hain Fireworks skill. INT +3 when equipped.
hain Fireworks skill. WIT +3 when equipped.
hain Fireworks skill. P. Critical Rate +50 when equipped.
hain Fireworks skill. P. Critical Damage +90 and M. Critical Damage +68 when equipped.
hain Fireworks skill. P. Def. +5% when equipped.
hain Fireworks skill. M. Def. +5% when equipped.
hain Fireworks skill. Evasion +5 when equipped.
hain Fireworks skill. P. Atk. +5% when equipped.
hain Fireworks skill. M. Atk. +10% when equipped.
hain Fireworks skill. Accuracy +5 when equipped.
els can wear it. Defense +50, M. Def. +40 and STR/ MEN/ DEX/ WIT/ INT/ CON +2. Damage received during PvP decreases by 5%. Can u
of all levels can wear it. Defense +50, M. Def. +40 and STR/ MEN/ DEX/ WIT/ INT/ CON +2. Damage received during PvP decreases by 5%

Pagina 1454

ment and augmenting). 60-day.

ent and augmenting). 60-day.
ent and augmenting). 60-day.
ement and augmenting). 60-day.
nt and augmenting). 60-day.
ement and augmenting). 60-day.
ent and augmenting). 60-day.
nt and augmenting). 60-day.
ncement and augmenting). 60-day.
ancement and augmenting). 60-day.
ncement and augmenting). 60-day.
ancement and augmenting). 60-day.
t and augmenting). 60-day.
al enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
ement and augmenting). 60-day.
t and augmenting). 60-day.
nt and augmenting). 60-day.
ancement and augmenting). 60-day.
ncement and augmenting). 60-day.
hancement and augmenting). 60-day.
enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
ement and augmenting). 60-day.
ement and augmenting). 60-day.
ancement and augmenting). 60-day.
ement and augmenting). 60-day.
ment and augmenting). 60-day.
cement and augmenting). 60-day.
enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
ancement and augmenting). 60-day.
crystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
rystal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
tal enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
nhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
l enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
hancement and augmenting). 60-day.
nhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
ement and augmenting). 60-day.
ncement and augmenting). 60-day.
cement and augmenting). 60-day.
cement and augmenting). 60-day.
and augmenting). 60-day.
hancement and augmenting). 60-day.
nhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
hancement and augmenting). 60-day.
nhancement and augmenting). 60-day.

Pagina 1455

cement and augmenting). 60-day.

ent and augmenting). 60-day.
ent and augmenting). 60-day.
ment and augmenting). 60-day.
nt and augmenting). 60-day.
nt and augmenting). 60-day.
ement and augmenting). 60-day.
nt and augmenting). 60-day.
ent and augmenting). 60-day.
nt and augmenting). 60-day.
and augmenting). 60-day.
ancement and augmenting). 60-day.
enhancement and augmenting). 60-day.
hancement and augmenting). 60-day.
hancement and augmenting). 60-day.
ancement and augmenting). 60-day.
cement and augmenting). 30-day.
ment and augmenting). 30-day.
ent and augmenting). 30-day.
ement and augmenting). 30-day.
nt and augmenting). 30-day.
hancement and augmenting). 30-day.
enhancement and augmenting). 30-day.
nhancement and augmenting). 30-day.
nhancement and augmenting). 30-day.
hancement and augmenting). 30-day.
nt and augmenting). 30-day.
ement and augmenting). 30-day.
ent and augmenting). 30-day.
ent and augmenting). 30-day.
ent and augmenting). 30-day.
t and augmenting). 30-day.
ement and augmenting). 60-day.
cement and augmenting). 60-day.
ent and augmenting). 60-day.
ement and augmenting). 60-day.
ncement and augmenting). 60-day.
ment and augmenting). 60-day.
ent and augmenting). 60-day.
ment and augmenting). 60-day.
and augmenting). 60-day.
ement and augmenting). 60-day.
ncement and augmenting). 60-day.
ent and augmenting). 60-day.
ent and augmenting). 60-day.
ment and augmenting). 60-day.
and augmenting). 60-day.
ement and augmenting). 30-day.
ment and augmenting). 30-day.

Pagina 1456

t and augmenting). 30-day.

wo of these rings will give you the effect of wearing one.

o of these earrings will give you the effect of wearing one.

wo of these rings will give you the effect of wearing one.

o of these earrings will give you the effect of wearing one.

ng two of these rings will give you the effect of wearing one.
g two of these earrings will give you the effect of wearing one.

ng two of these rings will give you the effect of wearing one.
g two of these earrings will give you the effect of wearing one.

%, Stun/ Hold/ Mental Atk./ Def. Success Rate +25%\nEffect does not stack with identical ones.\nCan be crafted.
Rate +20%, Skill Cooldown -10%, Damage Reflection +5%\nCan be crafted.
mpiad.\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bae Kisung Agathion Teleport: Assigns a skill to teleport to Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Talking Island Village.
T each increase by 1.

0%, Heal Amount +10%, Vampiric Rage Effect +4%, Stun/ Mental Atk.Resistance +40%, Stun/ Mental Attack Rate +40%, P./ M. Skill MP C
eep Atk. Rate +50%, P./ M. Skill Cooldown -10%, Wild Magic effect, Damage Reflection effect, Fire Attribute Resistance +30, Dark Attribute
15%, Skill Power +5%, PvP damage +5%, Paralysis/ Binding/ Banishment Resistance +10, Damage Reflect Resistance +5, Absorption Res

Pagina 1457

tical Damage +20%, and P. Accuracy +5. Poison Resistance +50%, Poison Atk. Rate +50%, Knock Back, Knock Down, Pulling, Danger Zo
oned character must both be equipped with it and in the same party. 30-day. Cooldown is 60 min. Cannot be used in the Olympiad. Cannot

e Reflection Resistance by 6. No effect if equipped with Talisman - Anakim or Talisman - Seven Signs. Equipping two talismans will give the
e by 10, and Damage Reflection Resistance by 6. No effect if equipped with Talisman - Seven Signs. Equipping two talismans will give the
bute Resistance +10, and Damage Reflection Resistance +14. When equipped with Talisman - Longing, Attribute Attack +50 and all weapo
g Enchant Scroll: Elemental Shirt. When enchanted to +4 or above, passive stats are increased. When enchanted to +6 or above, various a
sories, weapons, and magic armor are not removed.

Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Stun/ Mental Atk./ Def. Success Rate +40%, Heal Received +10%, Skill MP Consumption -5%, Vampiric Ra
Attribute Resistance +30, Dark Attribute Resistance +20, Sleep Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, P. Skill Power +5%, Skill Cooldown -10%, D
5%, PvP damage +5%, Paralysis/ Binding/ Banishment Resistance +10, Damage Reflect Resistance +5, Absorption Resistance +5, receive
, and P. Accuracy +5. Poison Resistance +50%, Poison Atk. Rate +50%, Knock Back, Knock Down, Pulling, Danger Zone Resistance +20%
iric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Resistance +30%, Stun/ Mental Attack Rate +30%, Dark Attribute Resistance +15. Only one effect is applied
on. When equipped, increases Max HP, MP, and CP by 1000, Weight by 25600, and Damage by 8%. Decreases damage received by 9%.

une/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2.
une/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2.
une/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2.
/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.
/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)

Pagina 1458

Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2
Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2
Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2
Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.
Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)
Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. Attr
Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. Attr
Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. Attr
Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.
Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)
Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. Attr
Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. Attr

Pagina 1459

Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. Attr
Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.
Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)
e/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. A
e/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. A
e/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. A
e/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.
e/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)
Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. Attrib
Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. Attrib
Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. Attrib
Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.
Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)
ne/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. A
ne/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. A
ne/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. A
ne/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.
ne/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)
ne/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. A
ne/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. A
ne/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. A
ne/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.
ne/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)
une/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2.
une/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2.
une/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2.
une/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.
une/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)
e/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. At
e/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. At
e/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. At
e/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.
e/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)
Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2
Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2
Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2
Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.
Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)
ne/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. A
ne/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. A
ne/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. A
ne/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.
ne/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)

Pagina 1460

, additional damage +5%, Inventory Slots +18. Received damage -6%.

00, additional damage +5%, Inventory Slots +18. Received damage -6%.

Pagina 1461

1,062 when used in PvP. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private st
3,717 when used in PvP. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private st
6,903 when used in PvP. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private st
10,089 when used in PvP. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type. Cannot be exchanged, dropped, sold in a private s
13,275 when used in PvP. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type. Cannot be used in the auction house.
ot stack with additional jewels of the same type.
not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
s not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
not stack with additional jewels of the same type.

s of the same type.

s of the same type.
s of the same type.
els of the same type.
els of the same type.
onal jewels of the same type.
onal jewels of the same type.
onal jewels of the same type.
onal jewels of the same type.
tional jewels of the same type.
he same type.
ditional jewels of the same type.
not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
oes not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
oes not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
oes not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
oes not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
s not stack with additional jewels of the same type.

Pagina 1462

s not stack with additional jewels of the same type.

not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
s not stack with additional jewels of the same type.

s not stack with additional jewels of the same type.

oes not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
oes not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
es not stack with additional jewels of the same type.

anted Eternal Helmet.

anted Eternal Breastplate.
nted Eternal Gaiters.
nted Eternal Gauntlets.
nted Eternal Boots.
anted Eternal Leather Helmet.
nted Eternal Leather Armor.
nted Eternal Leather Leggings.
nted Eternal Leather Gloves.
nted Eternal Leather Boots.
anted Eternal Circlet.
anted Eternal Tunic.
nted Eternal Stockings.
nted Eternal Gloves.
nted Eternal Shoes.
Eternal Sigil.
anted Eternal Helmet.
anted Eternal Breastplate.
nted Eternal Gaiters.
nted Eternal Gauntlets.
nted Eternal Boots.
anted Eternal Leather Helmet.
nted Eternal Leather Armor.
nted Eternal Leather Leggings.
nted Eternal Leather Gloves.
nted Eternal Leather Boots.
anted Eternal Circlet.
anted Eternal Tunic.
nted Eternal Stockings.

Pagina 1463

nted Eternal Gloves.

nted Eternal Shoes.
Eternal Sigil.
anted Eternal Helmet.
anted Eternal Breastplate.
nted Eternal Gaiters.
nted Eternal Gauntlets.
nted Eternal Boots.
anted Eternal Leather Helmet.
nted Eternal Leather Armor.
nted Eternal Leather Leggings.
nted Eternal Leather Gloves.
nted Eternal Leather Boots.
anted Eternal Circlet.
anted Eternal Tunic.
nted Eternal Stockings.
nted Eternal Gloves.
nted Eternal Shoes.
Eternal Sigil.
anted Seraph Helmet.
anted Seraph Breastplate.
nted Seraph Gaiters.
nted Seraph Gauntlets.
nted Seraph Boots.
anted Seraph Leather Helmet.
nted Seraph Leather Armor.
nted Seraph Leather Leggings.
nted Seraph Leather Gloves.
nted Seraph Leather Boots.
anted Seraph Circlet.
anted Seraph Tunic.
nted Seraph Stockings.
nted Seraph Gloves.
nted Seraph Shoes
Seraph Sigil.
anted Seraph Helmet.
anted Seraph Breastplate.
nted Seraph Gaiters.
nted Seraph Gauntlets.
nted Seraph Boots.
anted Seraph Leather Helmet.
nted Seraph Leather Armor.
nted Seraph Leather Leggings.
nted Seraph Leather Gloves.
nted Seraph Leather Boots.
anted Seraph Circlet.
anted Seraph Tunic.
nted Seraph Stockings.
nted Seraph Gloves.

Pagina 1464

nted Seraph Shoes

Seraph Sigil.
anted Seraph Helmet.
anted Seraph Breastplate.
nted Seraph Gaiters.
nted Seraph Gauntlets.
nted Seraph Boots.
anted Seraph Leather Helmet.
nted Seraph Leather Armor.
nted Seraph Leather Leggings.
nted Seraph Leather Gloves.
nted Seraph Leather Boots.
anted Seraph Circlet.
anted Seraph Tunic.
nted Seraph Stockings.
nted Seraph Gloves.
nted Seraph Shoes
Seraph Sigil.
anted Twilight Helmet.
anted Twilight Breastplate.
nted Twilight Gaiters.
nted Twilight Gauntlets.
nted Twilight Boots.
anted Twilight Leather Helmet.
nted Twilight Leather Armor.
nted Twilight Leather Leggings.
nted Twilight Leather Gloves.
nted Twilight Leather Boots.
anted Twilight Circlet.
anted Twilight Tunic.
nted Twilight Stockings.
nted Twilight Gloves.
nted Twilight Shoes.
Twilight Sigil.
anted Twilight Helmet.
anted Twilight Breastplate.
nted Twilight Gaiters.
nted Twilight Gauntlets.
nted Twilight Boots.
anted Twilight Leather Helmet.
nted Twilight Leather Armor.
nted Twilight Leather Leggings.
nted Twilight Leather Gloves.
nted Twilight Leather Boots.
anted Twilight Circlet.
anted Twilight Tunic.
nted Twilight Stockings.
nted Twilight Gloves.
nted Twilight Shoes.

Pagina 1465

Twilight Sigil.
anted Twilight Helmet.
anted Twilight Breastplate.
nted Twilight Gaiters.
nted Twilight Gauntlets.
nted Twilight Boots.
anted Twilight Leather Helmet.
nted Twilight Leather Armor.
nted Twilight Leather Leggings.
nted Twilight Leather Gloves.
nted Twilight Leather Boots.
anted Twilight Circlet.
anted Twilight Tunic.
nted Twilight Stockings.
nted Twilight Gloves.
nted Twilight Shoes.
Twilight Sigil.

P. Critical Rate +30, M. Critical Rate +10, P. Atk. +638, M. Atk. +742, Skill Power +5%, Damage Reflection Resistance +30, P. Def. +563, M

est-level talisman.
highest-level talisman.
of the highest-level talisman.
effect of the highest-level talisman.
s the effect of the highest-level talisman.
s gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
mans gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
mans gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
mans gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
mans gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
mans gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
ans gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
mans gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
s gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
mans gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
mans gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
mans gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
mans gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
mans gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
mans gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
mans gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.
s gives the effect of the highest-level talisman.

Pagina 1466

. Freya's Scroll of Escape - Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Talking Island Village. Cooldown is 30 min.\n\n<Passive SKill>\n1. Freya's Mind:
gic armor remain equipped.

Pagina 1467

e Skill>\n1. Joon's Magic: For 30 min., Acquired XP/ SP +10%, Attack Attribute +100, P. Atk. +20%, M. Atk. +30%, Atk./ Casting Spd. +10%

e/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. At

ld Atk. Rate +30%, increases Accuracy, P. Critical Damage, Atk. Spd. and Casting Spd. Equipping two gives the effect of one. 30-day.

n of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases
n of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases
n of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases
Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increa
Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increa
Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN incre
n of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases
n of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases
n of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases
n of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases
n of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases
n of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases
wn of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increase
wn of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increase
wn of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increas
of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases b
of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases b
of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases b
wn of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increase
wn of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increase
wn of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increas
wn of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increas
wn of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increas
wn of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increas
own of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increa
own of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increa
own of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increa
wn of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increase
wn of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increase
wn of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increase
Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN incre
Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN incre
Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN incr
wn of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increase
wn of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increase

Pagina 1468

wn of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Passive Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increas

ge +5%. Effect does not stack with identical ones.

ge +5%. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
ge +5%. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
ge +5%. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
ge +5%. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
ge +5%. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
40%, and Vampiric Rage Effect by +3%. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
40%, and Vampiric Rage Effect by +3%. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
+40%, and Vampiric Rage Effect by +3%. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
ce +40%, and Vampiric Rage Effect by +3%. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
+40%, and Vampiric Rage Effect by +3%. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
+40%, and Vampiric Rage Effect by +3%. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
+40%, and Vampiric Rage Effect by +3%. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.
Attack/ Resistance +40%, and Vampiric Rage Effect by +3%. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effe
ance +40%, and Vampiric Rage Effect by +3%. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earrings with the same effect.

Rate/ Skill Critical Damage +20% for 10 sec. Can only be used in the Olympiad and Ceremony of Chaos. 1-day.
Rate/ Skill Critical Damage +20% for 10 sec. Can only be used in the Olympiad and Ceremony of Chaos. 3-day.
Rate/ Skill Critical Damage +20% for 10 sec. Can only be used in the Olympiad and Ceremony of Chaos. 30-day.
%, Speed +60, and Cooldown -20% for 10 sec. Can only be used in the Olympiad and Ceremony of Chaos. 1-day.
%, Speed +60, and Cooldown -20% for 10 sec. Can only be used in the Olympiad and Ceremony of Chaos. 3-day.
%, Speed +60, and Cooldown -20% for 10 sec. Can only be used in the Olympiad and Ceremony of Chaos. 30-day.
and talisman buffs of enemies within range. Can only be used in the Olympiad and Ceremony of Chaos. 1-day.
and talisman buffs of enemies within range. Can only be used in the Olympiad and Ceremony of Chaos. 3-day.
and talisman buffs of enemies within range. Can only be used in the Olympiad and Ceremony of Chaos. 30-day.
te Bonus by 50 when equipped.

Pagina 1469

ving P. Critical Hit when enchanted to +4.

ving P. Critical Hit when enchanted to +4.

hance of receiving P. Critical Hit when enchanted to +4.

hance of receiving P. Critical Hit when enchanted to +4.

Pagina 1470

ving P. Critical Hit when enchanted to +4.

ving P. Critical Hit when enchanted to +4.

hance of receiving P. Critical Hit when enchanted to +4.

hance of receiving P. Critical Hit when enchanted to +4.

ving P. Critical Hit when enchanted to +4.

ving P. Critical Hit when enchanted to +4.

hance of receiving P. Critical Hit when enchanted to +4.

Pagina 1471

hance of receiving P. Critical Hit when enchanted to +4.

reases, P./ M. Atk. Increases, Wild Magic Effect, Damage Reflection Effect, and Fire Resistance increases.
%, Poison/ Bleed Resistance +25%, Poison/ Bleed Atk. Rate +25%, Skill Cooldown decreases, Damage Reflection Effect and Dark Resista
piric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Attak Resistance +30%, Stun/ Mental Atk. Rate +30%, MP Consumption decreases, and Earth Resistance i
piric Rage Effect, Stun/ Mental Resistance +20%, Stun/ Mental Atk. Rate +20%. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two earrings
ical Damage increases, Hold Resistance +30%, Hold Atk. Rate +30%, P./ M. Atk. increases. Only one effect is applied even when wearing
ical Damage increases, Hold Resistance +20%, Hold Atk. Rate +20%. Only one effect is applied even when wearing two rings with the sam

talismans with the same effect.

wo talismans with the same effect.
o talismans with the same effect.
o talismans with the same effect.
o talismans with the same effect.
o talismans with the same effect.

l>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. in
>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. Attribute Enchant: Fire/ Water/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark/ Holy Atk. inc

When enchanted to +4 or more, passive and stats are increased. When enchanted to +5 or more, a P. Def. effect is given.
When enchanted to +4 or more, passive and stats are increased. When enchanted to +5 or more, a M. Def. effect is given.

s of the same type.

s of the same type.
ditional Talismans of the same type. 1-hour.
ditional Talismans of the same type. 1-hour.
es not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. 1-hour.
es not stack with additional Talismans of the same type. 1-hour.

Pagina 1472

s of the same type. 1-hour.

s of the same type. 1-hour.
s of the same type. 1-hour.
ns of the same type. 1-hour.
onal Talismans of the same type. 1-hour.

une/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2.
Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2
Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. Attr
Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. Attr
e/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. A
Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. Attrib
ne/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. A
ne/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. A
une/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2.
Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2
ne/ Town of Giran/ Heine.(Cooldown is 30min.)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN increases by 1.\n2. A

urrection (Cooldown: 60 min) \n2. Baa~: Use the skill to obtain 2 Sheep Bait Coupons (can be used only once a day).\n
ort: Lets you teleport to Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Talking Island Village/ Town of Giran/ Town of Goddard/ Town of Schuttgart. (Coold

Pagina 1473

cal Damage +68 when equipped.

nally restores 100% XP. Cannot be used in Olympiad.

letely and has a chance to dispel debuffs from them. Cannot be used in Olympiad.
akes them immune to debuffs for 7 sec. Cannot be used in Olympiad.
10 sec. Cannot be used in Olympiad.
nnot be used in Olympiad.

Pagina 1474

with additional jewels of the same type.

with additional jewels of the same type.

wels of the same type.

with additional jewels of the same type.
k with additional jewels of the same type.
ck with additional jewels of the same type.
ck with additional jewels of the same type.
ck with additional jewels of the same type.
own Atk./ Resistance +40%, Pulling Success Rate +40%, Pulling/ Danger Zone Resistance +40%, P. Critical Damage +10%, M. Critical Da

to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.

anks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
o Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
s to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
s, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
s, thanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
hanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
hanks to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
s to Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
o Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
Paulina's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
Paulina's blessing.
ks to Paulina's blessing. MP +62, Skill Cooldown -10%.
to Paulina's blessing. MP +46, Vampiric Rage.
to Paulina's blessing. MP +46, MP Consumption -5%.
Paulina's blessing. MP +31, P./ M. Critical Damage +15%.
Paulina's blessing. MP +31, P./ M. Critical Rate +40.
ng.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
essing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
ng.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
's blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.

Pagina 1475

s blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.

s blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
blessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
lessing.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
g.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
ng.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
.\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.
\nEnchantment, Crystallization, Attribute Assignment not possible.

sing. MP +62, Skill Cooldown -10%.

g. MP +46, Vampiric Rage.
g. MP +46, MP Consumption -5%.
MP +31, P./ M. Critical Damage +15%.
MP +31, P./ M. Critical Rate +40.
gnment not possible.
not possible.
gnment not possible.
signment not possible.
nment not possible.
e Assignment not possible.
ssignment not possible.
Assignment not possible.
Assignment not possible.
signment not possible.
ent not possible.
ent not possible.
ment not possible.
ignment not possible.
gnment not possible.

ment not possible.

nment not possible.
nt not possible.
nt not possible.
ent not possible.
Assignment not possible.
Assignment not possible.
Assignment not possible.
ssignment not possible.
signment not possible.
ment not possible.
ment not possible.
nment not possible.
ent not possible.
nt not possible.

Pagina 1476

nment not possible.

ute Assignment not possible.
signment not possible.
ignment not possible.
gnment not possible.
tribute Assignment not possible.
ribute Assignment not possible.
ssignment not possible.
ignment not possible.
gnment not possible.
ment not possible.
ent not possible.
ment not possible.
ent not possible.
nt not possible.

nment not possible.

ssignment not possible.
ment not possible.
nment not possible.
ent not possible.
te Assignment not possible.
e Assignment not possible.
te Assignment not possible.
ent are not possible.
Assignment not possible.
nment not possible.
ment not possible.
gnment not possible.
ment not possible.
ent not possible.

y Adventure. Although old, it functions just as good as a new one.\nNot enchantable.\nWhen equipped, STR +1, DEX +1, CON +1, INT +1,
nment not possible.
ssignment not possible.
ment not possible.
nment not possible.

Pagina 1477

nt not possible.
e Assignment not possible.
e Assignment not possible.
e Assignment not possible.
Assignment not possible.
ssignment not possible.
ment not possible.
ment not possible.
nment not possible.
ent not possible.
ent not possible.

e veterans who have completed "Exploring the Dimension - Sealing the Dimension".\nDamage +2%, Damage Received -2%, Weight +1280

UC, CHA +1 each.

sistance +15%, Additional Damage to the Giants +5%, P./ M. Critical Damage +15%, P./ M. Atk. +3%. Effect does not stack with identical o
sistance +25%, Additional Damage to the Giants +5%, P. Critical Damage +15%, P. Atk. +4%. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
Back Atk./ Def. Success Rate +30%, Additional Damage to the Giants +5%, 3-sec. Paralysis when single P. Atk. skill is used\nEffect does n
sistance +25%, Additional Damage to the Giants +5%, M. Critical Damage +15%, M. Atk. +4%. Effect does not stack with identical ones.
Back Atk./ Def. Success Rate +30%, Additional Damage to the Giants +5%, 3-sec. Knock Down when single M. Atk. skill is used.\nEffect d

, additional damage to Giants by 5%, and Vampiric Rage by 5%. When two identical earrings are equipped, only one effect is applied.\nCan

Pagina 1478

, additional damage to Giants by 5%, and Vampiric Rage by 5%. When two identical earrings are equipped, only one effect is applied.\nCan
, additional damage to Giants by 5%, and decreases Skill Cooldown by 10%.\nCannot be enchanted, augmented or crystallized.
, additional damage to Giants by 5%, and P. Critical Damage by 15%. These effects do not stack with identical rings.\nCannot be enchante
, additional damage to Giants by 5%, and M. Critical Damage by 15%. These effects do not stack with identical rings.\nCannot be enchante
kbird Clan. When equipped, damage received from Demons -1%.
kbird Clan. When equipped, damage received from Demons -2%.
kbird Clan. When equipped, damage received from Demons -3%.
kbird Clan. When equipped, damage received from Demons -4%.
kbird Clan. When equipped, damage received from Demons -5%.
kbird Clan. When equipped, damage received from Demons -6%, P. Atk. against Demons +1%.
kbird Clan. When equipped, damage received from Demons -7%, P. Atk. against Demons +2%.
kbird Clan. When equipped, damage received from Demons -8%, P. Atk. against Demons +3%, P. Atk. +1%.
kbird Clan. When equipped, damage received from Demons -9%, P. Atk. against Demons +4%, P. Atk. +2%.
kbird Clan. When equipped, damage received from Demons -10%, P. Atk. against Demons +5%, P. Atk. +3%.
quipped, damage received from Plants -1%.
quipped, damage received from Plants -2%.
quipped, damage received from Plants -3%.
quipped, damage received from Plants -4%.
quipped, damage received from Plants -5%.
quipped, damage received from Plants -6%, P. Atk. against Plants +1%.
quipped, damage received from Plants -7%, P. Atk. against Plants +2%.
quipped, damage received from Plants -8%, P. Atk. against Plants +3%, M. Atk. +1%.
quipped, damage received from Plants -9%, P. Atk. against Plants +4%, M. Atk. +2%.
quipped, damage received from Plants -10%, P. Atk. against Plants +5%, M. Atk. +3%.
hen equipped, damage received from Embryo -1%.
hen equipped, damage received from Embryo -2%.
hen equipped, damage received from Embryo -3%.
hen equipped, damage received from Embryo -4%.
hen equipped, damage received from Embryo -5%.
hen equipped, damage received from Embryo -6%, P. Atk. against Embryo +1%.
hen equipped, damage received from Embryo -7%, P. Atk. against Embryo +2%.
hen equipped, damage received from Embryo -8%, P. Atk. against Embryo +3%, P./ M. Def. +1%.
hen equipped, damage received from Embryo -9%, P. Atk. against Embryo +4%, P./ M. Def. +2%.
hen equipped, damage received from Embryo -10%, P. Atk. against Embryo +5%, P./ M. Def. +3%.
When equipped, damage received from Spirits -1%.
When equipped, damage received from Spirits -2%.
When equipped, damage received from Spirits -3%.
When equipped, damage received from Spirits -4%.
When equipped, damage received from Spirits -5%.
When equipped, damage received from Spirits -6%, P. Atk. against Spirits +1%.
When equipped, damage received from Spirits -7%, P. Atk. against Spirits +2%.
When equipped, damage received from Spirits -8%, P. Atk. against Spirits +3%, M. Critical Damage +1%.
When equipped, damage received from Spirits -9%, P. Atk. against Spirits +4%, M. Critical Damage +2%.
When equipped, damage received from Spirits -10%, P. Atk. against Spirits +5%, M. Critical Damage +3%.
When equipped, damage received from Giants -1%.
When equipped, damage received from Giants -2%.
When equipped, damage received from Giants -3%.
When equipped, damage received from Giants -4%.
When equipped, damage received from Giants -5%.

Pagina 1479

When equipped, damage received from Giants -6%, P. Atk. against Giants +1%.
When equipped, damage received from Giants -7%, P. Atk. against Giants +2%.
When equipped, damage received from Giants -8%, P. Atk. against Giants +3%, P. Critical Damage +1%.
When equipped, damage received from Giants -9%, P. Atk. against Giants +4%, P. Critical Damage +2%.
When equipped, damage received from Giants -10%, P. Atk. against Giants +5%, P. Critical Damage +3%.
Tyrr, Sigel and Iss classes only.
When enchanted to +4, P. Critical Damage decreased and P. Def. increased additionally. Tyrr, Sigel and Iss classes only.
Tyrr, Sigel and Iss classes only.
Tyrr, Sigel and Iss classes only.
Tyrr, Sigel and Iss classes only.
Othell and Yul classes only.
When enchanted to +4, Evasion and Movement Speed increased, P. Critical Rate Received decreased, and Physical Attack Resistance in
Othell and Yul classes only.
Othell and Yul classes only.
Othell and Yul classes only.
Aeore, Feoh, Wynn, Iss classes and Sayha's Seer only.
When enchanted to +4, M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance increased, P. Critical Rate/ Damage Received decreased. Aeore, Feoh,
Aeore, Feoh, Wynn, Iss classes and Sayha's Seer only.
Aeore, Feoh, Wynn, Iss classes and Sayha's Seer only.
Aeore, Feoh, Wynn, Iss classes and Sayha's Seer only.
Sigel classes only.
When enchanted to +4, P. Critical Damage decreased and P. Def. increased additionally. Sigel classes only.
Sigel classes only.
Sigel classes only.
Sigel classes only.
Othell, Yul, Iss, Aeore, Wynn, Tyrr classes and Eviscerator only.
When enchanted to +4, Evasion and Movement Speed increased, P. Critical Rate Received decreased, and Physical Attack Resistance in
Othell, Yul, Iss, Aeore, Wynn, Tyrr classes and Eviscerator only.
Othell, Yul, Iss, Aeore, Wynn, Tyrr classes and Eviscerator only.
Othell, Yul, Iss, Aeore, Wynn, Tyrr classes and Eviscerator only.
Aeore classes only.
When enchanted to +4, M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance increased, P. Critical Rate/ Damage Received decreased. Aeore classe
Aeore classes only.
Aeore classes only.
Aeore classes only.

ed>\nDuo - Energy of Blessing - When used, EAcquired XP/ SPed from hunting +30% for 3 hours. ‘Duo's Gift' item received when the buff e
ed>\n1. Duo - Prophecy: When used, party members' P./ M. Atk. +10% for 5 min. (Cooldown: 270 sec.)\n2. Duo - Energy of Blessing - Whe
ement Speed +7. \n Max HP +547. Max MP +547. Skill MP Consumption -3%. Damage Reflection Resistance +5. Vampiric Rage +5%. Skil
Def. by 18. \nIncreases Speed by 7. \n Increases Max HP by 552, Max MP by 552. Decreases Skill MP Consumption by 3%. Increases Dam
t Pitch and Perfect Swing. When equipped, armor is disabled and cannot be used. However, hair accessories, weapons, and magic armor i

Pagina 1480

%, Stun/ Hold/ Mental Atk./ Def. Success Rate +25%\nEffect does not stack with identical ones.\n<Craft Effect>\nSTR +2
%, Stun/ Hold/ Mental Atk./ Def. Success Rate +25%\nEffect does not stack with identical ones.\n<Craft Effect>\nINT +2
%, Stun/ Hold/ Mental Atk./ Def. Success Rate +25%\nEffect does not stack with identical ones.\n<Craft Effect>\nCON +2
Rate +20%, Skill Cooldown -10%, Damage Reflection +5%\n\n<Craft Effect>\nMax HP +5%
Rate +20%, Skill Cooldown -10%, Damage Reflection +5%\n\n<Craft Effect>\nSkill Cooldown -3%
Rate +20%, Skill Cooldown -10%, Damage Reflection +5%\n\n<Craft Effect>\nFixed Damage Resistance +5%
un/ Poison/ Bleed Atk./ Def. Success Rate +25%\nEffect does not stack with identical ones.\n\n<Craft Effect>\nSTR +2
un/ Poison/ Bleed Atk./ Def. Success Rate +25%\nEffect does not stack with identical ones.\n\n<Craft Effect>\nINT +2
un/ Poison/ Bleed Atk./ Def. Success Rate +25%\nEffect does not stack with identical ones.\n\n<Craft Effect>\nCON +2
Skill MP Consumption -5%, Vampiric Rage +4%\nEffect does not stack with identical ones.\n\n<Craft Effect>\nP. Def. +4%
Skill MP Consumption -5%, Vampiric Rage +4%\nEffect does not stack with identical ones.\n\n<Craft Effect>\nM. Def. +4%
Skill MP Consumption -5%, Vampiric Rage +4%\nEffect does not stack with identical ones.\n\n<Craft Effect>\n6 Major Attributes Def. +25
Back Atk./ Def. Success Rate +30%, Additional Damage to the Giants +5%, 3-sec. Paralysis when single P. Atk. skill is used\nEffect does n
Back Atk./ Def. Success Rate +30%, Additional Damage to the Giants +5%, 3-sec. Paralysis when single P. Atk. skill is used\nEffect does n
Back Atk./ Def. Success Rate +30%, Additional Damage to the Giants +5%, 3-sec. Paralysis when single P. Atk. skill is used\nEffect does n
Back Atk./ Def. Success Rate +30%, Additional Damage to the Giants +5%, 3-sec. Paralysis when single P. Atk. skill is used\nEffect does
Back Atk./ Def. Success Rate +30%, Additional Damage to the Giants +5%, 3-sec. Paralysis when single P. Atk. skill is used\nEffect does
Back Atk./ Def. Success Rate +30%, Additional Damage to the Giants +5%, 3-sec. Paralysis when single P. Atk. skill is used\nEffect does
Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Stun/ Mental Atk./ Def. Success Rate +40%, Heal Received +10%, Skill MP Consumption -5%, Vampiric Ra
Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Stun/ Mental Atk./ Def. Success Rate +40%, Heal Received +10%, Skill MP Consumption -5%, Vampiric Ra
Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Stun/ Mental Atk./ Def. Success Rate +40%, Heal Received +10%, Skill MP Consumption -5%, Vampiric Ra
Attack Def. +30, Dark Attack Def. +20, Sleep Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, P. Skill Power +5%, Skill Cooldown -10%, Damage Reflection
Attack Def. +30, Dark Attack Def. +20, Sleep Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, P. Skill Power +5%, Skill Cooldown -10%, Damage Reflection
Attack Def. +30, Dark Attack Def. +20, Sleep Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, P. Skill Power +5%, Skill Cooldown -10%, Damage Reflection
Attack Def. +30, Petrify Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Knock Back/ Knock Down/ Pull Atk./ Def. Success Rate +40%, Danger Zone Def. S
Attack Def. +30, Petrify Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Knock Back/ Knock Down/ Pull Atk./ Def. Success Rate +40%, Danger Zone Def. S
Attack Def. +30, Petrify Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Knock Back/ Knock Down/ Pull Atk./ Def. Success Rate +40%, Danger Zone Def. S

n Aden.\n\n<Item Skill>\nMagic Defense Increased by 18.\nMovement Speed increased by 7.\nMax HP increased by 552. Max MP increase
P +49, Max CP +10%, P./ M. Def. +3%, Stun/ Mental Resistance and Stun/ Mental Success Rate +30%, Vampiric Rage +4%. These effects
Damage +1%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Damage +2%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Damage +4%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
Damage +7%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
al Damage +12%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type.
wels of the same type.
wels of the same type.
wels of the same type.
wels of the same type.
wels of the same type.
13275 power, ignoring the target's CP. Low chance of killing the enemy instantly. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same ty

Pagina 1481

y 9%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type. Equipping various Greater Jewels will grant additional effects.
k. By 13%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type. Equipping various Greater Jewels will grant additional effects.
oes not stack with additional jewels of the same type. Equipping various Greater Jewels will grant additional effects.
ffect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type. Equipping various Greater Jewels will grant additional effects.
ith additional jewels of the same type. Equipping various Greater Jewels will grant additional effects.
kill cooldown is reduced by 5%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type. Equipping various Greater Jewels will grant ad
s by 5%. P. Def. increases by 10% as well. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type. Equipping various Greater Jewels
s by 5%. M. Def. increases by 10% as well. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type. Equipping various Greater Jewels
% as well. Can use Vital Wind skill. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type. Equipping various Greater Jewels will gra
PC, Stun/ Silence are canceled. When used, all debuffs are canceled. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type. Equipp
of Max HP immediately. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type. Equipping various Greater Jewels will grant addition
amage +12% and P. Skill Power +5%. Effect does not stack with additional jewels of the same type. Equipping various Greater Jewels will
ot stack with additional jewels of the same type. Equipping various Greater Jewels will grant additional effects.
CON+4 functions.
MEN+4 functions.
DEX+4 functions.
WIT+4 functions.
STR+4 functions.
NT+4 functions.
k. and Resistance +40%, Pull Success Rate +40%, Pull/ Danger Zone Resistance +40%, P. Critical Damage +10%, M. Critical Damage +10
+1%. \n\nWhen identical Talismans are equipped, the higher level Talisman's effects are applied.
P +2%. \n\nWhen identical Talismans are equipped, the higher level Talisman's effects are applied.
P +3%. \n\nWhen identical Talismans are equipped, the higher level Talisman's effects are applied.
P +5%. When equipped with Venir Talisman Stage 10 or higher, additionally grants Skill power +2% and Cooldown -2%.\nWhen identical T
f equipped along with Stage 10 or higher Venir Talisman, Skill Power +2% and cooldown -2%.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSayha's Divine Protection
%. If equipped along with Stage 10 or higher Venir Talisman, Skill Power +3% and cooldown -3%.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSayha's Divine Protect
%. If equipped along with Stage 10 or higher Venir Talisman, Skill Power +3% and cooldown -3%.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSayha's Divine Protect
%. If equipped along with Stage 10 or higher Venir Talisman, Skill Power +5% and cooldown +5%.\n\n<Active Skill>\nSayha's Divine Prote
nd Recovery Potion/ Miracle Cure effect +1000. If equipped along with Stage 10 or higher Venir Talisman, Skill Power +5% and cooldown -
nd Recovery Potion/ Miracle Cure effect +2000. If equipped along with Stage 10 or higher Venir Talisman, Skill Power +9% and cooldown -

eases all stats by +3.

using Vitality. Additionally, acquired XP is increased by 10%. When you wear the same type of gemstone, only the effect of the highest leve
wer by 5%. When you wear the same type of gemstone, only the effect of the highest level gem is applied.
ame type of gemstone, only the effect of the highest level gem is applied.
5% of maximum HP immediately after use. When you wear the same type of gemstone, only the effect of the highest level gem is applied.

talisman slots.

Pagina 1482

summons the Agathion and activates the Special Ability option. Equipping in the sub slot only activates the Unique Ability.\nAgathion charm
slot summons the Agathion and activates the Special Ability option. Equipping in the sub slot only activates the Unique Ability.\nAgathion c
summons the Agathion and activates the Special Ability option. Equipping in the sub slot only activates the Unique Ability.\nAgathion charm
summons the Agathion and activates the Special Ability option. Equipping in the sub slot only activates the Unique Ability.\nAgathion charm
ot summons the Agathion and activates the Special Ability option. Equipping in the sub slot only activates the Unique Ability.\nAgathion cha
ummons the Agathion and activates the Special Ability option. Equipping in the sub slot only activates the Unique Ability.\nAgathion charms
ot summons the Agathion and activates the Special Ability option. Equipping in the sub slot only activates the Unique Ability.\nAgathion cha
ot summons the Agathion and activates the Special Ability option. Equipping in the sub slot only activates the Unique Ability.\nAgathion cha
slot summons the Agathion and activates the Special Ability option. Equipping in the sub slot only activates the Unique Ability.\nAgathion ch
ot summons the Agathion and activates the Special Ability option. Equipping in the sub slot only activates the Unique Ability.\nAgathion char
n slot summons the Agathion and activates the Special Ability option. Equipping in the sub slot only activates the Unique Ability.\nAgathion
ot summons the Agathion and activates the Special Ability option. Equipping in the sub slot only activates the Unique Ability.\nAgathion cha
ort: Enables teleportation to Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown 30 min)
ort: Enables teleportation to Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown 30 min)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. STR/ INT/ CON/ DE
ort: Enables teleportation to Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown 30 min)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. STR/ INT/ CON/ DE
ort: Enables teleportation to Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown 30 min)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. STR/ INT/ CON/ DE
hanted through Fishing Guild Leader Santiago.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Provides a teleport skill to teleport to Town of Aden/
ort: Enables teleportation to Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown 30 min)
ort: Enables teleportation to Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown 30 min)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. STR/ INT/ CON/ DE
ort: Enables teleportation to Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown 30 min)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. STR/ INT/ CON/ DE
ort: Enables teleportation to Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown 30 min)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. STR/ INT/ CON/ DE
ort: Enables teleportation to Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine. (Cooldown 30 min)\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. STR/ INT/ CON/ DE
he Rainbow Clan Hall. Cannot be transferred between servers.
he Wild Beast Reserve. Cannot be transferred between servers.
he Gludio Castle. Cannot be transferred between servers.
he Dion Castle. Cannot be transferred between servers.
he Giran Castle. Cannot be transferred between servers.
he Oren Castle. Cannot be transferred between servers.
he Aden Castle. Cannot be transferred between servers.
he Innadril Castle. Cannot be transferred between servers.
he Goddard Castle. Cannot be transferred between servers.
he Rune Castle. Cannot be transferred between servers.
he Schuttgart Castle. Cannot be transferred between servers.

a fortress. Cannot be transferred between servers.

Pagina 1483

ed for 30 days.

Can be used for 7 days.

Can be used for 7 days.

or 14 days. No restore after deletion available for this item.

or 14 days. Restoration unavailable after deletion.

s back to town after summoning the Agathion. Used for 30 days.

bers back to town after summoning the Agathion. Used for 30 days.
ack to town after summoning the Agathion. Used for 30 days.
s back to town after summoning the Agathion. Used for 30 days.
he Olympiad.\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bae Kisung Agathion Teleport: Enables teleportation to Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Talking Island Villag
e Olympiad.\n<Active Skill>\n1. Bae Kisung Agathion Teleport: Enables teleportation to Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Talking Island Village
pheres.\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Enchant Attribute Attack Boost: Attribute Attack +30
pheres.\n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Balanced Power: STR/ INT/ CON/ DEX/ WIT/ MEN +1.\n2. Enchant Attribute Attack Boost: Attribute Attack +30
lympiad. \n\n<Item Skill>\n1. Joon's Magic: For 30 min, Acquired XP/ SPed +10%, Attack Attribute +100, P. Atk. +20%, M. Atk. +30%, Atk.
ort: Enables teleportation to Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Talking Island Village/ Town of Giran/ Town of Goddard/ Town of Schuttgart. (C

ht limit to receive Lantern Agathion's Gift.

d for 7 days.

d for 30 days.

arrior's Circlet.
adiant Warrior's Circlet.\nCan be augmented.

zard's Circlet.
ant Wizard's Circlet.\nCan be augmented.

Pagina 1484

iant Knight's Circlet.\nCan be augmented.

e Condition>\nCan be upgraded to level 2 cloak when enchanted to +5.

de Condition>\nCan be upgraded to level 3 cloak when enchanted to +5.
ade Condition>\nCan be upgraded to level 4 cloak when enchanted to +5.

e Condition>\nCan be upgraded to level 2 cloak when enchanted to +5.

de Condition>\nCan be upgraded to level 3 cloak when enchanted to +5.
ade Condition>\nCan be upgraded to level 4 cloak when enchanted to +5.

slots when equipped.

equipped, STR/ DEX/ CON/ INT/ WIT/ MEN +1 and 5 Talismans can be equipped. Cannot be shared within the account.

stance +30, Bleed Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Stun/ Mental Atk./ Def. Success Rate +40%, Heal Received +10%, Skill MP Consumptio
stance +30, Bleed Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Stun/ Mental Atk./ Def. Success Rate +40%, Heal Received +10%, Skill MP Consumptio
stance +30, Bleed Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Stun/ Mental Atk./ Def. Success Rate +40%, Heal Received +10%, Skill MP Consumptio
0, STR/ INT+3, Fire Attribute Resistance +30, Dark Attribute Resistance +20, Sleep Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, P. Skill Power +5%, Ski
0, STR/ INT+3, Fire Attribute Resistance +30, Dark Attribute Resistance +20, Sleep Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, P. Skill Power +5%, Ski
0, STR/ INT+3, Fire Attribute Resistance +30, Dark Attribute Resistance +20, Sleep Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, P. Skill Power +5%, Ski
WIT +3, Wind/ Dark Attribute Resistance +30, Petrification Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Knock Back/ Knock Down/ Pull Atk./ Def. Succes
WIT +3, Wind/ Dark Attribute Resistance +30, Petrification Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Knock Back/ Knock Down/ Pull Atk./ Def. Succes
WIT +3, Wind/ Dark Attribute Resistance +30, Petrification Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Knock Back/ Knock Down/ Pull Atk./ Def. Succes

CP +500, Damage +6%, Received Damage -6%, Weight +12800, and Inventory Slots +18.
CP +500, Damage +7%, Received Damage -7%, Weight +12800, Inventory Slots +18, and all Attribute Resistance +10.
Received Damage -10%, Damage Reflection Resistance +10%, Fixed Damage Resistance +10%, Inventory Slots +36, and all Attribute Res

ans or a Mysterious Talisman with the same effect is equipped.

ns or a Mysterious Talisman with the same effect is equipped.
ans or a Mysterious Talisman with the same effect is equipped.
ns or a Mysterious Talisman with the same effect is equipped.
ans or a Mysterious Talisman with the same effect is equipped.
ans or a Mysterious Talisman with the same effect is equipped.
tical Talismans or a Mysterious Talisman with the same effect is equipped.
smans or a Mysterious Talisman with the same effect is equipped.

Pagina 1485

ment Speed +7. \nMax HP +536. Max MP +536. Skill MP Consumption -3%. Damage Reflection Resistance +5. Vampiric Rage +5%. Water
ment Speed +7. \nMax HP +536. Max MP +536. Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, Holy, Dark Attack Resistance +24. STR +3, DEX +3, CON +3, IN
ment Speed +7. \nMax HP +536. Max MP +536. Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, Holy, Dark Attack Resistance +24. STR +3, DEX +3, CON +3, IN
ed XP/ SP by 10%. Equipping it with Venir Talisman Stage 10 or higher increases Skill Power by 3% and reduces cooldown by 3%.\n\n<Act
Shirt when enchanted to +5.\nFor characters Lv. 85 or above.
Leather Shirt when enchanted to +5.\nFor characters Lv. 99 or above.

active only when applied to a heavy armor set enchanted to +8 or higher.\n\nWhen equipped in a main slot, it summons the Agathion and a
e active only when applied to a light armor set enchanted to +8 or higher.\n\nWhen equipped in a main slot, it summons the Agathion and a
active only when applied to a robe set enchanted to +8 or higher.\n\nWhen equipped in a main slot, it summons the Agathion and activates
hanted through Fishing Guild Leader Santiago.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Provides a teleport skill to teleport to Town of Aden
nchanted through Fishing Guild Leader Santiago.\n\n<Active Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Provides a teleport skill to teleport to Town of Ade
Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Provides a teleport skill to teleport to Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine (Cooldown 30 min)\n
feat Etis van Etina at the Savior's Path - Fall of Etina. \n\nWhen equipped, increases M. Def. by 5%.

is/ Knock Back/ Knock Down Success Rate and Resistance +15%, Standard/ P. Atk./ M. Atk. Critical Damage +15%, and Atk. Spd./ Casting
Soulshot. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied.
Atk. by 13%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied.
identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied.
e by 5%. Additionally increases P. Def. by 10%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied.
ge by 5%. Additionally increases M. Def. by 10%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied.
Rate, Speed, Damage Reflection, P./ M. Def., Skill Power, decreases Skill Cooldown, depending on the enchantment level.

Def. by 14. \nIncreases Speed by 7. \nIncreases Max HP by 531. Increases Max MP by 531. Decreases Skill MP Consumption by 3%. Incre
enemies within range and can be used only in Grand Olympiad. 1-day item.
enemies within range and can be used only in Grand Olympiad. 3-day item.

er and ignores CP. Low chance of killing the enemy instantly. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is app
er and ignores CP. Low chance of killing the enemy instantly. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is app
er and ignores CP. Low chance of killing the enemy instantly. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is app

Pagina 1486

er and ignores CP. Low chance of killing the enemy instantly. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is app
t Soulshot. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant ad
t Soulshot. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant ad
t Soulshot. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant ad
t Soulshot. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant ad
Atk. by 14%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant
Atk. by 15%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant
Atk. by 17%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant
Atk. by 19%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant
get if you're hit, and increases P. Def./ M. Def. by 1%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Eq
get if you're hit, and increases P. Def./ M. Def. by 2%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Eq
get if you're hit, and increases P. Def./ M. Def. by 3%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Eq
get if you're hit, and increases P. Def./ M. Def. by 5%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Eq
identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additional effe
identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additional effe
If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additional eff
If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additional eff
y 4, CHA by 3, LUC by 3, and Skill Mastery Rate by 30%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied
y 4, CHA by 3, LUC by 3, and Skill Mastery Rate by 30%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied
y 4, CHA by 3, LUC by 3, and Skill Mastery Rate by 30%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied
y 4, CHA by 4, LUC by 4, and Skill Mastery Rate by 30%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied
decreasing Skill Cooldown by 5%, and increasing Max HP/ MP by 1%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level G
decreasing Skill Cooldown by 5%, and increasing Max HP/ MP by 3%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level G
decreasing Skill Cooldown by 5%, and increasing Max HP/ MP by 5%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level G
decreasing Skill Cooldown by 5%, and increasing Max HP/ MP by 10%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level G
e by 6%. Additionally increases P. Def. by 10%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equippin
e by 7%. Additionally increases P. Def. by 10%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equippin
e by 8%. Additionally increases P. Def. by 10%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equippin
e by 10%. Additionally increases P. Def. by 10%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipp
ge by 6%. Additionally increases M. Def. by 10%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipp
ge by 7%. Additionally increases M. Def. by 10%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipp
ge by 8%. Additionally increases M. Def. by 10%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipp
ge by 10%. Additionally increases M. Def. by 10%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equip
ity Consumption Spd. by 16%. Additionally increases XP gain by 10%. Can use the Vital Wind skill. If identical Gems are equipped, only the
ity Consumption Spd. by 17%. Additionally increases XP gain by 10%. Can use the Vital Wind skill. If identical Gems are equipped, only the
ity Consumption Spd. by 18%. Additionally increases XP gain by 10%. Can use the Vital Wind skill. If identical Gems are equipped, only the
ity Consumption Spd. by 20%. Additionally increases XP gain by 10%. Can use the Vital Wind skill. If identical Gems are equipped, only the
nce by 3%, and removes Stun/ Silence if damaged by a PC. When used, removes your debuff. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effe
nce by 6%, and removes Stun/ Silence if damaged by a PC. When used, removes your debuff. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effe
nce by 9%, and removes Stun/ Silence if damaged by a PC. When used, removes your debuff. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effe
nce by 15%, and removes Stun/ Silence if damaged by a PC. When used, removes your debuff. If identical Gems are equipped, only the ef
ores 15% of Max HP. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems w
ores 15% of Max HP. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems w
ores 15% of Max HP. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems w
ores 15% of Max HP. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems w
%, P. Skill Power by 5%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems
%, P. Skill Power by 6%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems
%, P. Skill Power by 6%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems
%, P. Skill Power by 7%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems

Pagina 1487

If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additional eff
If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additional eff
If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additional eff
If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additional eff
te, Received Healing, Vampiric Rage, P./ M. Atk., decreases Skill MP Consumption, Received P./ M. Critical Damage, depending on the en
ent increases P. Atk., according to the enchantment level.
ent increases M. Atk., according to the enchantment level.
ent increases P. Def./ M. Def., according to the enchantment level.
d XP/ SP by 20%. If equipped along with Stage 10 or higher Venir Talisman, increases Skill Power by 5% and decreases cooldown by 5%.
sistance and Attack Success, Vitality Bonus, Acquired XP/ SP, P. Critical Damage, P. Skill/ M. Skill Critical Damage, and additional Damag

l Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied.
al Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied.
al Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied.
equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied.
s are equipped, only the effect of the highest level Gem is applied.
ity Consumption Spd. by 20%. Additionally increases XP gain by 10%. If identical Gems are equipped, only the effect of the highest level G
tifact - Balance slots when equipped.\nWhen artifacts are equipped to all slots Damage +1%, Received Damage -5%.\nCan be equipped b
8 Artifact - Balance slots when equipped.\nWhen artifacts are equipped to all slots Damage +5%, Received Damage -6%.\nCan be equippe
12 Artifact - Balance slots when equipped.\nWhen artifacts are equipped to all slots Damage +6%, Received Damage -7%, all basic stats +1
ment increases P. Atk.\nEnchantment uses a Attack Artifact of the same type as a material.
nt increases M. Atk.\nEnchantment uses a Attack Artifact of the same type as a material.
ent increases Atk. Spd.\nEnchantment uses a Attack Artifact of the same type as a material.
ntment increases Casting Spd.\nEnchantment uses a Attack Artifact of the same type as a material.
ntment increases P. Def.\nEnchantment uses a Protection Artifact of the same type as a material.
ntment increases M. Def.\nEnchantment uses a Protection Artifact of the same type as a material.
antment increases Max HP.\nEnchantment uses a Protection Artifact of the same type as a material.
hantment increases Max MP.\nEnchantment uses a Protection Artifact of the same type as a material.
hantment increases XP and SP gains.\nEnchantment uses a Support Artifact of the same type as a material.
Enchantment increases Vampiric Rage.\nEnchantment uses a Support Artifact of the same type as a material.
.\nEnchantment increases Movement Speed.\nEnchantment uses a Support Artifact of the same type as a material.
.\nEnchantment increases Received Healing.\nEnchantment uses a Support Artifact of the same type as a material.
ment increases P. Atk.\nEnchantment uses a Balance Artifact of the same type as a material.
ment increases M. Atk.\nEnchantment uses a Balance Artifact of the same type as a material.
chantment increases P. Accuracy.\nEnchantment uses a Balance Artifact of the same type as a material.
chantment increases M. Accuracy.\nEnchantment uses a Balance Artifact of the same type as a material.
balance slot.\nEnchantment increases Normal Attack Critical Rate.\nEnchantment uses a Balance Artifact of the same type as a material.
e slot.\nEnchantment increases P. Skill Critical Rate.\nEnchantment uses a Balance Artifact of the same type as a material.
ce slot.\nEnchantment increases M. Skill Critical Rate.\nEnchantment uses a Balance Artifact of the same type as a material.
ifact balance slot.\nEnchantment increases the active effects of Recovery Potion/ Elixirs.\nEnchantment uses a Balance Artifact of the sam
in an artifact balance slot.\nEnchantment reduces the damage received while action-prohibited.\nEnchantment uses a Balance Artifact of th
Attribute +30 when equipped.\nCan be purchased at Giran Town Luxury Shop.\n\nCannot be upgraded.
s.\nAttribute Resistance +30 when equipped.\nCan be purchased at Giran Town Luxury Shop.\n\nCannot be upgraded.
t - Balance slots.\nReceived Damage Reduction when Immobilized -11%.\n\nCannot be upgraded.
Skill Power +11% when equipped.\n\nCannot be upgraded.
Skill Power +11% when equipped.\n\nCannot be upgraded.

Pagina 1488

t.\nEnchantment decreases the fixed damage received.\nEnchantment uses a Balance Artifact of the same type as a material.
Skill>\n1. Agathion Teleport: Provides a teleport skill to teleport to Town of Aden/ Town of Rune/ Town of Giran/ Heine (Cooldown 30 min)\n
eed Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Shock/ Mental Atk./ Def. Success Rate +40%, Heal Received +10%, Skill MP Consumption -5%, Vamp
Attribute Resistance +30, Dark Attribute Resistance +20, Sleep Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, P. Skill Power +5%, Skill Cooldown -10%, D
Attribute Resistance +30, Petrify Atk./ Def. Success Rate +50%, Knock Back/ Knock Down/ Pull Atk./ Def. Success Rate +40%, Danger Zo
ects of +7 Savior's Mask. Occupies 1 accessory slot. No Enchantment or Augment allowed.\n\nM. Def. +6%, Debuff Resistance +7%, P. At

y Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty from Lv. 85.\nNo Enchantment, Crystallization, or Attribute Assignment allowed.
ed by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty from Lv. 85.\nNo Enchantment, Crystallization, or Attribute Assignment allowed.
aulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty from Lv. 85.\nNo Enchantment, Crystallization, or Attribute Assignment allowed.
y Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty from Lv. 85.\nNo Enchantment, Crystallization, or Attribute Assignment allowed.
ulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty from Lv. 85.\nNo Enchantment, Crystallization, or Attribute Assignment allowed.
eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty from Lv. 85.\nNo Enchantment, Crystallization, or Attribute Assignment allowed.
ed by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty from Lv. 85.\nNo Enchantment, Crystallization, or Attribute Assignment allowed.
eased by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty from Lv. 85.\nNo Enchantment, Crystallization, or Attribute Assignment allowed.
sed by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty from Lv. 85.\nNo Enchantment, Crystallization, or Attribute Assignment allowed.
ed by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty from Lv. 85.\nNo Enchantment, Crystallization, or Attribute Assignment allowed.
y Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty from Lv. 85.\nNo Enchantment, Crystallization, or Attribute Assignment allowed.
Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty from Lv. 85.\nMP+649\nNo Enchantment, Crystallization, or Attribute Assignment allowed.
y Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty from Lv. 85.\nMP+427\nNo Enchantment, Crystallization, or Attribute Assignment allowed.
aulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty from Lv. 85.\nNo Enchantment, Crystallization, or Attribute Assignment allowed.
aulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty from Lv. 85.\nNo Enchantment, Crystallization, or Attribute Assignment allowed.
Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty from Lv. 85.\nNo Enchantment or Crystallization allowed.
d by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty from Lv. 85.\nMP +65, Skill Cooldown -10%.\nNo Enchantment or Crystallization allowed.
Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty from Lv. 85.\nMP +49, Heal Received +10%, MP Consumption -5%.\nNo Enchantment or Crystalliza
Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty from Lv. 85.\nMP +49, HP Drain on hit +5%.\nNo Enchantment or Crystallization allowed.
Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty from Lv. 85.\nMP +33, P./ M. Critical Rate +50.\nNo Enchantment or Crystallization allowed.
Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty from Lv. 85.\nMP +33, Normal/ P./ M. Critical Damage +15%.\nNo Enchantment or Crystallization allo
by Paulina's Blessing.\nNo grade penalty from Lv. 85.\nMP +225, activates 5 talisman slots when equipped. P. Atk./ M. Atk./ P. Def./ M. De

al Damage when enchanted to +4.

ovement Speed, and Physical Attack Resistance and decreases P. Critical Rate Received.

MEN Resistance Decreases P. Critical Rate Received and damage.

Pagina 1489

d decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

eases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

% and M. Atk. by 2%.

% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of rec
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.

amage and additionally increases P. Def. when enchanted to +4.

increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and the chance of receiving P. Critical Hit.

When +4 enchanted, decreases P. Critical Damage and increases P. Def. additionally.

Pagina 1490

When +4 enchanted, increases Evasion, Movement Speed, and Physical Attack Attribute and decreases P. Critical Rate Received.

tk. +2%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and MEN Resistance and decreases P. Critical Rate Received and damage.

NT/ WIT/ MEN by 1 and allows up to 5 Talismans to be equipped.

opening of the Bloody Server. Can be used only in the Bloody Server.\n<Additional option>\nAll stats +1, all Attribute Resistance +5
Bleed attack success rates and resistance, decrease Skill Cooldown, and increase CHA/ LUC, Damage Reflection, Movement Speed, Skill
ack success rates and resistance, decrease MP Consumption, and increase CHA/ LUC, P./ M. Critical Damage Received, and increase Hea
ck Down/ Aerial Yoke Resistance, Attack Success, CHA/ LUC, Atk./ Casting Spd., Physical/ Magic Accuracy, Movement Speed, Skill Power
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of rec
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of rec
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
ement Speed +3.\nNo Enchantment or Crystallization allowed.
antment or Crystallization allowed.
nchantment or Crystallization allowed.

Pagina 1491

ng Spd. +4%.\nNo Enchantment or Crystallization allowed.

cal Rate +20%.\nNo Enchantment or Crystallization allowed.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, decreases P. Critical Damage and additionally increases P. Def.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, increases Evasion, Speed and Physical Attack Resistance, and decreases the chance of rec
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%. When enchanted to +4, increases M. Evasion and Mental Attack Resistance, and decreases P. Critical Damage and
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.
% and M. Atk. by 2%.

%. Can use Vital Wind skill. Effect does not stack with additional Gems of the same type. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additio
%. Can use Vital Wind skill. Effect does not stack with additional Gems of the same type. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additio
%. Can use Vital Wind skill. Effect does not stack with additional Gems of the same type. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additio
%. Can use Vital Wind skill. Effect does not stack with additional Gems of the same type. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additio
mage from a PC, Stun/ Silence are canceled. Cancels debuff and you become immune to debuffs for 7 sec. Effect does not stack with additi
mage from a PC, Stun/ Silence are canceled. Cancels debuff and you become immune to debuffs for 7 sec. Effect does not stack with additi
age from a PC, Stun/ Silence are canceled. Cancels debuff and you become immune to debuffs for 7 sec. Effect does not stack with additio
mage from a PC, Stun/ Silence are canceled. Cancels debuff and you become immune to debuffs for 7 sec. Effect does not stack with add
mage from a PC, Stun/ Silence are canceled. Cancels debuff and you become immune to debuffs for 7 sec. Effect does not stack with additi
mage from a PC, Stun/ Silence are canceled. Cancels debuff and you become immune to debuffs for 7 sec. Effect does not stack with additi
age from a PC, Stun/ Silence are canceled. Cancels debuff and you become immune to debuffs for 7 sec. Effect does not stack with additio
mage from a PC, Stun/ Silence are canceled. Cancels debuff and you become immune to debuffs for 7 sec. Effect does not stack with add
ax HP instantly. Effect does not stack with additional Gems of the same type. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additional effects.
ax HP instantly. Effect does not stack with additional Gems of the same type. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additional effects.
ax HP instantly. Effect does not stack with additional Gems of the same type. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additional effects.
ax HP instantly. Effect does not stack with additional Gems of the same type. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additional effects.
he enemy. Can use the invincibility skill. Effect does not stack with additional Gems of the same type. Equipping various Greater Gems will g
he enemy. Can use the invincibility skill. Effect does not stack with additional Gems of the same type. Equipping various Greater Gems will g
he enemy. Can use the invincibility skill. Effect does not stack with additional Gems of the same type. Equipping various Greater Gems will g
he enemy. Can use the invincibility skill. Effect does not stack with additional Gems of the same type. Equipping various Greater Gems will g
and debuff invincibility. Effect does not stack with additional Gems of the same type. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additional
and debuff invincibility. Effect does not stack with additional Gems of the same type. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additional
and debuff invincibility. Effect does not stack with additional Gems of the same type. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additional
and debuff invincibility. Effect does not stack with additional Gems of the same type. Equipping various Greater Gems will grant additional

Pagina 1492

or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C

Pagina 1493

ers and Arachnid Trackers.

keletons and Spartoi of the Ruins of Agony to gather bone pieces.

Pagina 1494

ons and Spartoi of the Ruins of Agony to gather bone pieces.

rate during a Critical Attacks.

Pagina 1495

or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C

or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C

Pagina 1496

or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C

Pagina 1497

or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C

handed or fist weapon. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Pagina 1498

blood sample.

Pagina 1499

o Soul Crystal option.

Pagina 1500

Critical Attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.

during a Critical Attack.

Pagina 1501

or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C

0%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

cted during PvP.

a standard Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

elow. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

damage inflicted during PvP.

ncreases damage inflicted during PvP.
0%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
magical damage on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
cted during PvP.
licted during PvP.
a standard Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

during a standard attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

inflicted during PvP.
ng a standard Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

rget from behind. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

a standard Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

inflicted during PvP.

elow. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
licted during PvP.

damage inflicted during PvP.

w. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ted during PvP.

licted during PvP.

during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
d during PvP.

ted during PvP.

d during PvP.
g a standard Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
licted during PvP.
damage inflicted during PvP.

Pagina 1502

during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

ng magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

ng magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
cted during PvP.

a standard Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

ncreases damage inflicted during PvP.
inflicted during PvP.

w. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C

Pagina 1503

or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C

e target. Also causes Damage Reflection, increases Max HP/ Max MP/ Max CP, and Damage Reflection. Adds holy P. Atk. Increases dama
Also has a chance to reflect skills, increases max HP/ max CP, and increases Critical Damage/ Critical Rate. Adds Holy P. Atk. Inflicts more
s Damage Reflection. Increases Max HP/ Max MP/ Max CP and shield rate. Adds holy P. Atk. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Cann
d., MP Recovery Rate when using magic skills. Adds holy P. Atk. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Cannot be transferred between se

Pagina 1504

ance of causing skill reflect and increasing Max HP/ Max CP and Atk. Spd. Adds holy P. Atk. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Canno
asing Max MP, Max CP, M. Atk., and M. Critical Rate, and of decreasing MP consumption and Magic Cancel Rate while using a magic skill
s Vampiric Rage. Increases success rate when using mortal type skills. Increases Max MP/ Max CP, Atk. Spd. and MP Regeneration Rate.
ance of causing skill reflect and increasing Max HP/ Max MP/ Max CP and Evasion. Adds holy P. Atk. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
heap Shot. Decreases cooldown. Increases Max MP/ Max CP. Adds holy P. Atk. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Cannot be transfer
t. Also Has a chance of causing skill reflect and increasing Max HP/ Max MP/ Max CP and P. Critical Rate. Adds holy P. Atk. Increases dam
chance of causing skill reflect and increasing Max HP/ Max CP, Atk. Spd., and Accuracy. Adds Holy P. Atk. Increases damage inflicted duri
of Mammon.

transferred between servers.

ansferred between servers.

Pagina 1505

K count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.

ne's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
K count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
K count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
r more, it cannot be used.
ount is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
1 or more, it cannot be used.
more, it cannot be used.
unt is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
r more, it cannot be used.
1 or more, it cannot be used.
is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
ount is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
more, it cannot be used.

Pagina 1506

licted during PvP.

inflicted during PvP.

licted during PvP.

ncreases damage inflicted during PvP.

damage inflicted during PvP.

elow. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

et during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Pagina 1507

cted during PvP.

cted during PvP.
reases damage inflicted during PvP.
ng magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
lf. It is always thirsty for blood. Cannot be transferred between servers.

unt is 1 or more, it cannot be used.

unt is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
unt is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
unt is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
unt is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
unt is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
unt is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
unt is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
unt is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
unt is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
unt is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
unt is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
unt is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
unt is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
unt is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
unt is 1 or more, it cannot be used.

Pagina 1508

blood of a PK at least every 24 hours or it will disappear. Cannot be transferred between servers.

licted during PvP.

g a regular Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

licted during PvP.

licted during PvP.

damage inflicted during PvP.

inflicted during PvP.

et from behind. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

d during PvP.
during a standard attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

inflicted during PvP.

elow. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
licted during PvP.
critical attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

et during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

g magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
0%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

ng magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

cted during PvP.

et during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
llized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.

Pagina 1509

zed or granted functions besides enchantment.

granted functions besides enchantment.
allized or granted functions besides enchantment.
crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
zed or granted functions besides enchantment.
zed or granted functions besides enchantment.
granted functions besides enchantment.
zed or granted functions besides enchantment.
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.
granted functions besides enchantment.
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.
allized or granted functions besides enchantment.
e crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
rystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
lized or granted functions besides enchantment.
stallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
r granted functions besides enchantment.
llized or granted functions besides enchantment.
zed or granted functions besides enchantment.
tallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
lized or granted functions besides enchantment.
llized or granted functions besides enchantment.
allized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.
llized or granted functions besides enchantment.
d or granted functions besides enchantment.
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.
tallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
nted functions besides enchantment.
d or granted functions besides enchantment.
crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
tallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
or granted functions besides enchantment.
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.
granted functions besides enchantment.
tallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
zed or granted functions besides enchantment.
ized or granted functions besides enchantment.
zed or granted functions besides enchantment.
allized or granted functions besides enchantment.
lized or granted functions besides enchantment.
allized or granted functions besides enchantment.
stallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
r granted functions besides enchantment.
llized or granted functions besides enchantment.
zed or granted functions besides enchantment.
tallized or granted functions besides enchantment.

Pagina 1510

lized or granted functions besides enchantment.

llized or granted functions besides enchantment.
allized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.

ed or granted functions besides enchantment.

or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.
r granted functions besides enchantment.
ized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.
zed or granted functions besides enchantment.
d or granted functions besides enchantment.
lized or granted functions besides enchantment.
d or granted functions besides enchantment.
allized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
llized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.
zed or granted functions besides enchantment.
granted functions besides enchantment.
allized or granted functions besides enchantment.
crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
zed or granted functions besides enchantment.
zed or granted functions besides enchantment.
stallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
r granted functions besides enchantment.
llized or granted functions besides enchantment.
zed or granted functions besides enchantment.
tallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
lized or granted functions besides enchantment.
llized or granted functions besides enchantment.
allized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.
ot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.
llized or granted functions besides enchantment.
d or granted functions besides enchantment.
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.
tallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
nted functions besides enchantment.
d or granted functions besides enchantment.
crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
on. It cannot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
or granted functions besides enchantment.
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.
granted functions besides enchantment.
tallized or granted functions besides enchantment.

Pagina 1511

zed or granted functions besides enchantment.

ized or granted functions besides enchantment.
zed or granted functions besides enchantment.
be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
lized or granted functions besides enchantment.
allized or granted functions besides enchantment.
e crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ized or granted functions besides enchantment.
stallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
r granted functions besides enchantment.
ot be crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
lized or granted functions besides enchantment.
llized or granted functions besides enchantment.
or granted functions besides enchantment.
zed or granted functions besides enchantment.
ystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.
granted functions besides enchantment.
stallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
zed or granted functions besides enchantment.
ystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.
crystallized or granted functions besides enchantment.

Warning: If you use this skill against a monster, you will be flagged for PvP.)
Shot" and "Double Heart Shot" can be used.
chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasing MP consumption for skill use for you and your party members d

it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasing MP consumption for skill use for you and your party m
ore, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasing MP consumption for skill use for you and your party
e, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasing MP consumption for skill use for you and your party m

it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasing MP consumption for skill use for you and your party m
has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasing MP consumption for skill use for you and your party mem

more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasing MP consumption for skill use for you and your pa

ore, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasing MP consumption for skill use for you and your part

tal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of dec

Pagina 1512

and 1 special Soul Crystal.

d 1 special Soul Crystal.

l Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasing MP con

Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasing MP consu

cial Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasing MP c

cial Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasing MP co

pecial Soul Crystal.

d 1 special Soul Crystal.

Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasing MP cons

1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasing

Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasing MP consu

d 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasin

special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increases P. Atk., M. Atk., and the amount of received heal, and of

Pagina 1513

special Soul Crystal.

pecial Soul Crystal.

nd 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreas

special Soul Crystal.

pecial Soul Crystal.

cial Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasing MP c

ecial Soul Crystal.

oul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of

Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

al and 1 special Soul Crystal.

tal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, P. Atk., magical power, and received healing of all party members, including
Poisons the target with a 10% chance during a standard Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or m

Pagina 1514

ncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. A
P. Atk. +31 and decreases Max HP by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of incr
ystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
nP. Atk. +297 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
stal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Weight Gauge increases by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Has a 35% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Increases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
al and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decr
. Atk. +326 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P
creases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M.
creases Critical by 130 when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a c
stal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
nHas a 24% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
nUser absorbs 11 HP from the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
and 1 special Soul Crystal.
reased MP consumption by 12% during use of skill. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
reases cooldown by about 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
an 18% chance of casting Poison on the target during a standard Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
al and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decr
ncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. A
ncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M.
Has a 15% chance of casting Poison on the target during a standard Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nWhen enchant
stal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Increases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Increases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Increases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
stal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
nDecreased MP consumption by 12% during use of skill. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
nDecreases cooldown by about 17%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
rystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of d

Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

stal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

ystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of de

Pagina 1515

stal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

tal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

e target. Also causes Damage Reflection. Increases Max HP/ Max MP/ Max CP. Adds holy P. Atk. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\n
Also has a chance to reflect skills, increases max HP/ max CP, and increases Critical Damage/ Critical Rate. Adds Holy P. Atk. Inflicts more
consumption during skill use. Increases Max MP/ Max CP. Adds holy P. Atk. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Cannot be transferred

uire it, during which time use of Attack and Attack Skills is impossible, but Flag Display Skills can be used.
nted functions besides enchantment.
d functions besides enchantment.
ions besides enchantment.
unctions besides enchantment.
ted functions besides enchantment.
tions besides enchantment.
ed functions besides enchantment.
granted functions besides enchantment.

Pagina 1516

functions besides enchantment.

t has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasing MP consumption for skill use for you and your party me
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C
s besides enchantment.
unctions besides enchantment.
d functions besides enchantment.
tions besides enchantment.
functions besides enchantment.
ns besides enchantment.
ns besides enchantment.
ns besides enchantment.

Pagina 1517

ransform yourself into a cute piggy for a certain amount of time.

Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of
l Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
tal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul C

Pagina 1518

otic characters are not allowed to use it.

. Chaotic characters are not allowed to use it.
otic characters are not allowed to use it.
haotic characters are not allowed to use it.
otic characters are not allowed to use it.
d. Chaotic characters are not allowed to use it.

licted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
g a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
ng PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
licted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
licted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
ng PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
ng PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
ng PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasing the target's Shield Defense during an attack
inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasing the target's Shield Defense dur
et from behind. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasi
during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Cry
during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
d during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
during a standard attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an attac
ng PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
elow. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasing the tar
licted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasing the target's Shield Defense during
critical attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasin
during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
et during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal opti
g magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
0%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
ng magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.

Pagina 1519

during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
cted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
et during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal opti
k. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or mo
ax HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, th
hance of casting Poison on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP durin
ritical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option
tk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crys
ax HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal opt
skills MP consumption is decreased by 12%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossb
Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an attack.\nNo Soul
cooldown by about 17%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an attack
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. When enchanted to 4 or higher, increases Atk. Spd. by
PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
s a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
s a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
HP. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
P. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
P. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
HP. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
ring PvP. Has a chance of cancelling 1 or more of enemy's enchants during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
HP. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of enemy's enchants or decreasing their Shield Defense
PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasing the target's Shield Defense during an attack.\n
Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
vP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
s a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasing the target's Shield Defense during an attack.\nNo Soul C
Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasing the target's Shield Defense during an attack.\nNo So
cal Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasing th
PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
P. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
P. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
c use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
ndard attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an attack.\nNo Soul
s a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
mage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
s Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nWhen enchanted to 4 o
s Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more
s Critical by 84. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, th
s Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul C
s Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal
s Critical by 84. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal opt

Pagina 1520

e \nSkill MP consumption decreases by 12%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossb
ritical by 88. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an attack.\nNo Soul C
ce of casting Slow during a Critical Attack increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. When enchanted to 4 or higher, increases Max HP by 1
as a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
as a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
s damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
s damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
as a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasing the target's Shield Defense during an attack.\nNo Sou
s a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasing the target's Shield Defense during an attack.\nNo Soul C
ng PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasing the target's Shield Defense during an attack
during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
s damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasing the target's Shield De
as a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasing the target's Shield Defense during an attack.\nNo Sou
. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasing the target's Shield Defense during an attack.\nNo S
PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
es damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
es damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
es damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
amage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
as a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Critical by 111. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, th
Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more,
Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or
Critical by 111. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal optio
Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal op
Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Cry
skills MP consumption is decreased by 12%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossb
ccuracy by 5.32. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an attack.\nNo So
itical by 116. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an attack.\nNo Soul
or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. When enchanted to 4 or higher, increases Critical by 10
d 1 special Soul Crystal.

Pagina 1521

d 1 special Soul Crystal.

a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
d 1 special Soul Crystal.

pecial Soul Crystal.

a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
cial Soul Crystal.

a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
ial Soul Crystal.

al Soul Crystal.

d 1 special Soul Crystal.

a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
al Soul Crystal.

ial Soul Crystal.

a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r

Pagina 1522

a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
ecial Soul Crystal.

al Soul Crystal.

pecial Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
ecial Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

Pagina 1523

ecial Soul Crystal.

1 special Soul Crystal.

Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

h a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1
Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasing MP c

l and 1 special Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

ial Soul Crystal.

MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Pagina 1524

MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ing Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
pecial Soul Crystal.
onversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nWeight Gauge increases by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
onversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 35% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Attack. Increases da
onversion. \n<Soul Crystal Enhancement> \nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
al Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasing MP co
version\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nPoisons the target with a 10% chance during a standard Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted
version\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nWhen enchanted to 4 o
version \n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +31 and decreases Max HP by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nWhen encha
ecial Soul Crystal.
tical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
on the target with a 42% chance during a standard Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
k. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
al Soul Crystal.
Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
cal by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
decreases Max HP by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ecial Soul Crystal.
tical by 67. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Critical Rate by 37% when attacking the target from behind. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
on the target with a 12% chance during a standard Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ial Soul Crystal.
consumption by 15% and M. Atk. by 153 during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
nce of casting Paralysis on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ial Soul Crystal.
MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ance of casting Curse Poison on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ing Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
pecial Soul Crystal.
tk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
7 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ritical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
pecial Soul Crystal.
Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
d on the target with a 35% chance during a standard Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
al Soul Crystal.
on the target with a 10% chance during a standard Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
decreases Max HP by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
d 1 special Soul Crystal.
ses Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ses Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
bs 18 HP from the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
pecial Soul Crystal.
Conversion \n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Pagina 1525

Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nP. Atk. +297 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Conversion. \n<Soul Crystal Enhancement> \nIncreases Critical Attack by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
d 1 special Soul Crystal.
ses Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
bout a 25% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
s the angle of attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
d 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or higher, it has a chance to increase P. Atk., M. Atk., and Received Heal Amount, and dec
ion's Edge Transmutation\n<Soul Crystal Option>\nOn a critical hit, increases P. Atk. by 326. Inflicts more damage during PvP.\nWhen enc
ion's Edge Transmutation\n<Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Inflicts more damage during PvP.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or
ion's Edge Transmutation\n<Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases Critical by 130 when HP drops below 60%. Inflicts more damage during PvP.
ether with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can b
d 1 special Soul Crystal.
hit, increases P. Atk. by 326. Inflicts more damage during PvP.
x HP by 25%. Inflicts more damage during PvP.
tical by 130 when HP drops below 60%. Inflicts more damage during PvP.
r Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Dragon Slayer Conversion.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nMax HP +25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Dragon Slayer Conversion.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 24% chance of casting Bleed on the target during a standard Critical Atta
Dragon Slayer Conversion.\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nAbsorbs 11 HP from the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflict
d 1 special Soul Crystal.
x HP by 25%. Inflicts more damage during PvP.
ax HP by 15% and P. Atk. increases by 32. Inflicts more damage during PvP.
k. Spd. by 11% when HP drops below 60%. Inflicts more damage during PvP.
ecial Soul Crystal.
asion by 6 when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
curacy by about 5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ax HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
r Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
cement>\nMax HP +25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
cement>\nInflicts Bleed on the target with a 24% chance during a standard Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
cement>\nAbsorbs 11 HP from the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Enhancement>\nIncreases MP consumption by 15%. M. Atk. +167 during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
cement>\nHas a 10% chance of casting Silence on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
cial Soul Crystal.
ax MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
hance of inflicting an additional power 8 magic damage on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
asting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
1 special Soul Crystal.
es MP consumption by 15%. M. Atk. +167 during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
0% chance of casting Silence on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
es Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
nd 1 special Soul Crystal.
w Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement> \nDecreases MP consumption by 12% when using skills. Increases damage inflicted during P
w Conversion. \n<Soul Crystal Enhancement> \nDecreases cooldown by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
version\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nPoisons the target with an 18% chance during a standard Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicte
l and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Pagina 1526

creases Accuracy by about 4. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Atk. +200 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
creases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ecial Soul Crystal.
ax HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
nd decreases Max HP by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
HP from the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
nd 1 special Soul Crystal.
a 38% chance of decreasing MP consumption to 1 during a standard attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
eases cooldown by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ons the target at the chance of 18% during the standard attack Critical. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
l and 1 special Soul Crystal.
creases Accuracy by about 4. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
creases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
dens the angle of attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

ment>\nIncreases Critical by 67. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ment>\nP. Atk. +200 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ment>\nIncreases P. Critical Rate by 37 when attacking the target from behind. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
Enhancement>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Enhancement>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ment>\nHas a 50% chance of casting Mental Shield on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
l and 1 special Soul Crystal.
creases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
creases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
creases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ecial Soul Crystal.
Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDecreases MP consumption by 12% when using skills. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nDecreases cooldown by about 17%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
al Soul Crystal.
cal by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
decreases Max HP by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
onversion\nCan bestow 1 regular Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
onversion. \n<Soul Crystal Enhancement> \nIncreases Critical Attack by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
onversion. \n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
onversion. \n<Soul Crystal Enhancement> \nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ecial Soul Crystal.
hance of decreasing MP consumption to 1 during a standard attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
itical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ooldown by about 17%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ecial Soul Crystal.
tical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
k. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ax HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

Pagina 1527

ment>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ment>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ment>\nHas a chance to absorb 14 HP from the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
ment>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ment>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ment>\nHas a 6% chance to Poison the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, a
pon: Sirra's Blade Conversion \n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\n
pon: Sirra's Blade Conversion \n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nWhen
pon: Sirra's Blade Conversion. \n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nHas a 6% chance to Poison the target during a Critical Attack. Increases d
Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.
ment>\nHas about a 25% chance of casting Stun on the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ment>\nIncreases the attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
ment>\nThe angle of attack widens. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-han
and 1 special Soul Crystal.
reases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
as a 50% chance of casting Mental Shield on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
as a 20% chance of casting Focus on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
and 1 special Soul Crystal.
reases Max MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
reases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
as a 10% chance of casting Silence on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
d 1 special Soul Crystal.

d 1 special Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

d 1 special Soul Crystal.

d 1 special Soul Crystal.\nWhen enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasin

ecial Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

Pagina 1528

al Soul Crystal.

cial Soul Crystal.

pecial Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

r with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can best
d 1 special Soul Crystal.

d 1 special Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

h a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1
ecial Soul Crystal.\nWhen When enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasin

ecial Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

Pagina 1529

ecial Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

1 special Soul Crystal.

Soul Crystal and 1 special Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. Can bestow 1 r
ecial Soul Crystal.

al Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

Pagina 1530

al Soul Crystal.\nWhen When enchanted to 4 or more, it has a chance of increasing P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and of decreasing

cial Soul Crystal.

pecial Soul Crystal.

d 1 special Soul Crystal.

d 1 special Soul Crystal.

ecial Soul Crystal.

al Soul Crystal.

d 1 special Soul Crystal.

ial Soul Crystal.

nhanced with a soul crystal.

or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 1531

ility enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
hanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed with a soul crystal.
ced with a soul crystal.
ted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ted ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
mited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
ced with a soul crystal.
anced with a soul crystal.
with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
anced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
d with a soul crystal.
imited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
th limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
imited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
sbow with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
ith limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 1532

or enhanced with a soul crystal.

or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
d or assigned Soul Crystals.
mited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
ed ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed with a soul crystal.
h limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
d transmutation and enchantment options. Cannot be enchanted, augmented or assigned Soul Crystals.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
anced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
eaker with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
ith limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 1533

ed, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
alger with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
ced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
anced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
pée with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
ed with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
anced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ger with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
mited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
anced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ugmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
gmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
anted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanced with a soul crystal.
ced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.

Pagina 1534

mited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
st with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
anced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
hanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
anted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
th limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
anced with a soul crystal.
with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
h limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
er with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
r with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
ced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
ced with a soul crystal.
nted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
chanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 1535

r enhanced with a soul crystal.

r enhanced with a soul crystal.
ugmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
er with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
ted ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
her with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
Edge with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
ced with a soul crystal.
nced with a soul crystal.
hanced with a soul crystal.
limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
nced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
anced with a soul crystal.
ugmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
gmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
gmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
harpshooter with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
h with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 1536

mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
al's Estoc with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ugmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
gmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
gmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanced with a soul crystal.
d, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
tory with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
ted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
chanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ugmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 1537

anted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.

enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
ted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ugmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ugmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
maker with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
e enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
ed with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanced with a soul crystal.
be enchanted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
arde with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
nhanced with a soul crystal.
h limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
g with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 1538

r enhanced with a soul crystal.

enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
nced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
imited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
mited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
gmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
d ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
ced with a soul crystal.
anced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
engeance with limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
ented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
h limited ability enhancement. Enchantment, special abilities and augmentation are not possible.
r enhanced with a soul crystal.
mented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
hanced with a soul crystal.
ted, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
nced with a soul crystal.

Pagina 1539

nhanced with a soul crystal.

enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
nted, augmented, or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
or enhanced with a soul crystal.
enhanced with a soul crystal.
ed with a soul crystal.
ced with a soul crystal.
ion not possible.

enhanced with a soul crystal.

anced with a soul crystal.

entation not possible.

not possible.
ion not possible.

n not possible.
not possible.
n not possible.

ation not possible.

gmentation not possible. A village blacksmith can release the seal on this item.
ugmentation not possible. A village blacksmith can release the seal on this item.
ation not possible.
and augmentation not possible.
mentation not possible.

ou unequip the item.

Pagina 1540

al Option>\nIncreases Critical by 67. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Cr
al Option>\nP. Atk. +200 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\
al Option>\nP. Critical Rate increases by 37 during an attack from behind the target. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance
n>\nIncreases Max MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Sou
n>\nIncreases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo
as a 50% chance of casting Mental Shield on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increas
HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
cal by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
a bow.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Shyeed's Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>when using the P. Skills, MP consumption decreases by
a bow.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Shyeed's Bow Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted du
a bow.\nKamael-exclusive Weapon: Shyeed's Bow conversion\n<Special Option> \nDecreases cooldown by about 17%. Increases damage
creases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
% and P. Atk. +32. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal o
onversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage
onversion. The \nAtk. Spd. of \n<Special Option> increases by 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additio
onversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional dam
>\nHas a 30% chance of decreasing MP consumption to 1 during a standard attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance
>\nIncreases Critical by 61. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an atta
>\nCooldown decreases by about 17%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows d
ncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 11% when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling
d. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreas
Option>\nAbsorbs HP 14 of the target during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more
d. by about 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul C
Option>\nPoisons the target at the chance of 15% during the standard attack Critical. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chanc
exclusive Weapon: Sirra's Blade Conversion The \nAtk. Spd. of \n<Special Option> increases by 6%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP
exclusive Weapon: Sirra's Blade Conversion \n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a
exclusive Weapon: Sirra's Blade Conversion\n<Special Option>\nHas a 15% chance of casting Poison on the target during a standard Critic
Option>\nHas about a 25% chance of casting Stun during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflictin
nThe range increases. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Cry
nThe angle of attack widens. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo So
is enchanted together with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-han
x MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
ance of casting Mental Shield on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting S
ance of casting Focus on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. wh
MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attack
x MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
ance of casting Silence on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. w
Divider Transmutation.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by approximately 7%. Inflicts more damage during PvP and has a chance
Divider Transmutation.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Inflicts more damage during PvP and has a chance to inflict additio
Divider Transmutation.\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 84. Inflicts more damage during PvP and has a chance to inflict additiona
by 80. Inflicts more damage during PvP and has a chance to remove 1 or more of the target's enhanced status or decrease its Shield Defen
P by 25%. Inflicts more damage during PvP and has a chance to remove 1 or more of the target's enhanced status or decrease its Shield De
e of triggering Stun on a critical hit. Inflicts more damage during PvP and has a chance to remove 1 or more of the target's enhanced status

Pagina 1541

reasing MP consumption to 1 during a standard attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bow
ncreases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an attack.\
overy rate. Inflicts more damage during PvP and has a chance to inflict additional damage during an attack. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
P by 25%. Inflicts more damage during PvP and has a chance to inflict additional damage during an attack. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
ecover HP by 3% of the damage inflicted on the enemy by a normal melee physical attack. Inflicts more damage during PvP and has a cha
Blade Conversion \n<Special Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recover
Blade Conversion \n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP
Blade Conversion \n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 84. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP du
bsorbs 3% of standard melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering
creases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option
creases HP Recovery Rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal opt
onversion\n<Special Option>when using the \nSkill MP consumption decreases by 12%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a cha
onversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 88. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bow
onversion\n<Special Option>\nHas a chance of casting Slow during a Critical Attack increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance o
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
ut 5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
ut 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
y 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
reased. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
itical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasing
melee damage inflicted upon the enemy as HP. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of enemy's e
about 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasing the
amage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
reased. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
sting Dryad Root on the target during magic use. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when att
r with a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. When en
d. by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
by 84. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
d. by approximately 7%. Inflicts more damage during PvP and has a chance to inflict additional damage during an attack. \nNo Soul Crystal
P by 25%. Inflicts more damage during PvP and has a chance to inflict additional damage during an attack. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
by 84. Inflicts more damage during PvP and has a chance to inflict additional damage during an attack. \nNo Soul Crystal option.
Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 111. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional dama
Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional dam
Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additio
. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasing the target's
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasing the target's S
tical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasing
h a two-handed sword, two-handed blunt, or fist weapon, its P. Atk. increases more than that of a regular one-handed sword. When enchan
Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 111. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an
Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during
Conversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Weight Gauge by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP d
%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo S
y 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
8 when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced st
. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasing the target's

Pagina 1542

bout 10%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of canceling 1 or more of the target's enhanced status, or of decreasing th
tion by 4% during a skill attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an
.32. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal o
. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bows/ crossbows during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal optio
. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
MP by 60% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacke
ng Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
Option>\nOne's own HP decreases by 15%. P. Atk. +78. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an
nIncreases Max HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering CP during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal opt
Option>\nIncreases Critical by 164 when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of recovering C
s by 15%. P. Atk. +78. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crys
%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
when HP drops to 60% or below. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nN
onversion\n<Special Option>when using the \nSkill MP consumption decreases by 12%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a cha
onversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 5.32. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of
onversion\n<Special Option>\nIncreases Critical by 116. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Atk. Spd. of bo
y 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
% and decreases Max HP by 40%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of increasing Casting Spd. when attacked.\nNo S
by 15%. P. Atk. +78 during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an
during a Critical Attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Cr
by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP. Has a chance of inflicting additional damage during an attack.\nNo Soul Crystal option.
a instant dungeon.
a instant dungeon.
a instant dungeon.

laka instant dungeon.

laka instant dungeon.
laka instant dungeon.

anted functions besides enchantment.

ed functions besides enchantment.
granted functions besides enchantment.
anted functions besides enchantment.
granted functions besides enchantment.
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granted functions besides enchantment.
nted functions besides enchantment.
r granted functions besides enchantment.
ed or granted functions besides enchantment.

Pagina 1543

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ranted functions besides enchantment.
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