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Prof. Federico del Vecchio - Esame INGLESE per la comunicazione artistica –

2 SESSIONE AA 2021-22

Gentili Studenti,
vi riporto di seguito le indicazioni e le modalità:

- Consisterà in una prova scritta /orale ed esercizi grammaticali.

- la prova scritta/orale:
sceglierete uno dei tre topics che vi ho assegnato - all'esame condividerete il vostro schermo: presenterete e
leggerete quello che avrete scritto in 150/200 parole (trovate i topics di seguito).

- grammatica:
condividerò in schermo un testo con alcune frasi mancanti ed attraverso risposta multipla (esempio: a, b, c)
e la lettura del testo, mi direte quale sarà' quella giusta per completare la frase (ovviamente tutto verterà'
sulla grammatica che abbiamo studiato durante il corso.

Cercheremo di tradurre anche il significato dell'intero paragrafo.


Please be aware that you don’t need to send any file to me by email, but you will share it on the screen
during our Google Meet meeting.

Below you will find the three choices for the writing topic:

Please write your thoughts in a relaxed way without putting too much pressure on yourself.
English knowledge gathering is gradual, so conduct this task within your working ability.

In 150/200 words, briefly introduce yourself and talk about your artistic practice/interests or about one of
your artworks/creations.

Please attach one or more images that support your statement.

In 150/200 words, briefly introduce yourself and talk about one or more aspects/details which captured your
attention, in relation to one of the artists whose videos we watched during the course.

Please attach one or more images to support your statement.

(n.b. il tema n.3 possono prenderlo in considerazione soltanto quegli studenti che hanno seguito questi
incontri lo scorso anno / the topic 3 can only be considered by those students who attended these meetings
last year).

In 150/200 words, briefly introduce yourself and talk about one or more aspects/details which captured your
attention, in relation to one of the artists we met in Google Meet during the videoconference and who told
their story and shared their artistic practice.
Please attach one or more images to support your statement.
Here the artists:

Jennifer Bailey, UK
Matthew Gregory, UK
Scott Rogers, Canada
Suzanne Sphai, Canada

I trust that these instructions are clear!

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