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PAESE :Italia
TYPE :Web Grand Public

16 giugno 2023 - 20:04 > Versione online

Sesta edizione del Dottorato in Global

Studies, iscrizioni aperte fino al 29

3' di lettura16/06/2023
- Riparte il percorso triennale di dottorato in Global Studies dell'università di Urbino, che
da sei anni a questa parte viene proposto per studenti di tutto il mondo.

Il bando per l'edizione 2023/24 del Dottorato di ricerca in Global Studies (ciclo XXXIX),
area tematica: International Economic Policy, Business and Governance. Scadenza 29
giugno 2023 e selezioni entro il 13/7/2023. 14 posti sono con borsa (uno senza), 9 borse
a tema libero che riguarderanno l'economia e la politica della globalizzazione e 4 borse a
tema PNRR.
Link: http:// "> http://
Per iscriversi occorre essere in possesso di una laurea magistrale o equivalente, avere
un buon progetto di ricerca e tanta voglia di immergersi in un ambiente internazionale di
studi e formazione in lingua inglese. I temi di quest'anno riguarderanno: crescita
economica e risposta alle sfide delle crisi, delle trasformazioni tecnologiche e del
cambiamento climatico; l'evoluzione di imprese e istituzioni in un contesto di

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PAESE :Italia
TYPE :Web Grand Public

16 giugno 2023 - 20:04 > Versione online

frammentazione internazionale della produzione; i cambiamenti di scenario geopolitico e

governo della globalizzazione. Ci saranno anche 4 borse riservate a progetti specifici
legati al Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR).
English is the working language of the Ph.D. Programme.
The upcoming 2023-2024 edition focuses on the following thematic area: International
Economic Policy, Business and Governance. A specific attention will be given to the
following topics:
· economic growth, inequalities and transformations of economic systems, national and
supra-national responses to crises and disruptive events, technological change and
environmental challenges;
· the evolution of multinational enterprises and SMEs, industry and public sector, finance
and labour in a context of international fragmentation of production;
· geo-political processes and policies carried out by international, regional and national
institutions for the governance of globalization.
Applicants to the 2023/24 edition will have to submit research projects referring to the
general themes listed above. Four positions will be reserved to candidates submitting
projects focusing on specific research lines related to National Recovery and Resilience
Plan (PNRR).
The Ph.D. Programme is developed over three years (from Fall 2023 until Fall 2026) and
will be organised as follows:
• a first year of courses and exams in Urbino;
• a second year of thesis development, research and training, mainly spent in
international institutions associated to the Programme;
• a third year of research activity for completing the Ph.D. thesis.
Introductory courses will be offered online between September and October 2023. Core
courses and workshops will have to be attended in person at the Urbino University
The Faculty of the Ph.D. Programme draws from the staff of the University of Urbino
and from a number of outstanding international institutions.
Services. Accommodation opportunities in the center of the beautiful Renaissance city
of Urbino and surroundings. University facilities for students include meal services,
computer services, libraries, city-wide Wi-Fi connection, fully equipped office for PhD
students while in Urbino, cultural opportunities and events for exploring the rich heritage
of the area.
June 29th 2023 (at 11:00 CEST): Applications due for the 2023/24 Edition of the PhD
July 13th 2023: Interview of shortlisted candidates
Information on the Ph.D. Programme, courses delivered and Faculty is available at the
website: http:// ">
Contact: ">
Director of the Ph.D. Programme: Prof. Antonello Zanfei, DESP - University of Urbino

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