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Dandr Bardon, Michel. 1784-1786. Costume des anciens peuples, a lusage des artistes. Les usages religieux, civils, domestiques & militaires des Grecs, des Romains, des Israelites & des Hebrews, des Egyptiens, des Perses, des Scythes, des Amazones, des Parthes, des Daces, des Sarmates & autres peuples tant orientaux qu'occidentaux, &c. Nouvelle edition. Paris: Alexandre Jombert. Le Vacher de Charnois, Jean Charles. 1790. Recherches sur les costumes et sur les thatres de toutes les nations, tant anciennes que modernes; ouvrage utile ... aux artistes de tous les genres; non moins utile pour l'etude de l'histoire des temps reculs, des murs des peuples antiques . Paris: Drouhin. Rehberg, Friedrich. 1794. Drawings faithfully copied from nature at Naples and with permission dedicated to the Right Honourable Sir William Hamilton. London: S. W. Fores. Roccheggiani, Lorenzo. 1804-1809. [Nuova] Raccolta di cento tavole rappresentante I costumi religiosi civili e militari degli antichi Egiziani, Etruschi, Greci e Romani desegnate de Lorenzo Roccheggiani ed incise da Pietro Ruga. Rome: A. Franzetti. Pronti, Domenico. 1805. Nuova raccolta rappresentante I costumi religiosi, civili, e militari degli antichi Egiziani, Etruschi, Greci, e Romani. Tratti dagli antichi monumenti Disegnata, ed incisa in rame da Domenico Pronti. Rome. Hope, Thomas. 1809. The Costumes of the Ancients. London: William Muller; Chatto and Windus; Dover reprint. Pinelli, Bartolomeo. 1809. Raccolta di cento costumi antichi Ricavati dai monumenti, e dagli autori antichi desegnati, ed incisi allacquaforte da Bartolomeo Pinelli. Rome: Luigi Fabbri. Baxter, Thomas. 1810. An illustration of the Egyptian, Grecian, and Roman costume in forty outlines with descriptions, selected, drawn & engraved. London: W. Miller. Gironi, Robustiano. 1819-1823. Il costume de Greci, rintracciato sumonumenti e descritto de Robustiano Gironi. Con un discorso del medesimo intorno allEuropa. Milan: Editore de'costumi. Ferrario, Giulio. 1827. Il costume antico e moderno o storia del governo, della milizia, della religione, delle arti. Milan: Tipografia dell'editore. Racinet, Auguste. 1876-1888. Le costume historique (Grce). Paris: Firmin-Didot. Smith, John Moyr. 1882. Ancient Greek female costume illustrated by one hundred and twelve plates and numerous smaller illustrations with explanatory letterpress, and

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descriptive passages from the works of Homer, Hesiod, Herodotus, Aeschylus, Euripides, Aristophanes, Theocritus, Xenophon, Lucian, and other Greek authors . London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington. Boehlau, Ioannes. 1884. Quaestiones de re vestiaria Graecorum. Weimar: Hermann Boehlau. Studniczka, Franz. 1886. Beitrge zur Geschichte der altgriechischen Tracht. Vienna: O. Gerold's Sohn. Cavaro, Richard. 1887. Les costumes des peuples anciens. Paris: Librairie de l'art. Evans, Lady Maria Millington. 1893. Chapters on Greek Dress. London and New York: Macmillan. Kalkmann, August. 1896. Die Tracht archaischer Gewandfiguren. Jahrbuch Des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts 11: 19-52. Mariani, Lucio. 1897. Statue muliebri vestite de peplo. Bullettino Della Commissione Comunale Di Roma 25: 169-95. Bryant, Arthur Alexis. 1899. Greek Shoes in the Classical Period. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 10: 57-102. Holwerda, Jan Hendrik. 1904. Die Tracht der archaischen Gewandfiguren. Jahrbuch Des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts 19: 10-14. Brown, G. Baldwin. 1905. How Greek Women Dressed. Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs 8, no. 33-34: 155-63; 237-245. Smith, Kendall K. 1905. The use of the high-soled shoe or buskin in Greek tragedy of the fifth and fourth centuries B.C. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 16: 123-64. Bieber, Margarete. 1907. Das Dresdener Schauspielerrelief. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des tragischen Kostms und der griechischen Kunst. Bonn: Diss. Bonn. Krte, Alfred. 1907. Der Kothurn im fnften Jahrhundert. Festschrift zur 49. Versammlung deutscher Philologen und Schulmnner in Basel im Jahre 1907., 198-212. Basel: Emil Birkhuser. Lermann, Wilhelm. 1907. Altgriechische Plastik: Eine Einfhrung in die griechische Kunst des archaischen und gebundenen Stils. Munich: Beck. Abrahams, Ethel B. 1908. Greek Dress. A study of the costumes worn in ancient Greece, from pre-Hellenistic times to the Hellenistic age. London: John Murray.

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Bremer, Walter. 1911. Die Haartracht des Mannes in archaisch-griechischer Zeit. Giessen: Diss. Ludwigs University. Blmner, Hugo. 1912. Technologie und Terminologie der Gewerbe und Knste bei den Griechen und Rmern. Hildesheim: Olds. von Netoliczka, Ada. 1912. Die Manteltracht der archaischen Frauenfiguren. Jahresheft Des sterreichischen Archologischen Institutes in Wien 15: 253-64. Erbacher, Konrad. 1914. Griechische Schhwerk. Eine antiquarische Untersuchung. Wrzburg: Diss. Wrzburg. Mller, Valentin Kurt. 1915. Der Polos: die griechische Gtterkrone. Berlin: Diss. Bieber, Margarete. 1917. Die Herkunft des tragischen Kostms. Jahrbuch Des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts 32: 15-99. . 1917. Der Schnitt des Armelkleides. Jahrbuch Des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts 32: 101-4. . 1917. Der schrge Mantel der archaischen Koren. Jahrbuch Des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts 32: 99-101. . 1918. Der Chiton der ephesischen Amazonen. Jahrbuch Des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts 33: 49-75. Mller, Valentin Kurt. 1921. Gewandschemata der archaischen Kunst. Athenische Mitteilungen 46: 36-69. Barker, Albert W. 1922. Domestic costumes of the Athenian women in fifth and fourth centures B.C. American Journal of Archaeology 26: 410-425. Heuzey, Lon. 1922. Histoire du costume antique d'aprs des tudes sur le modle vivant. Paris. Pfuhl, Ernst. 1923. Bemerkungen zur zur archaischen Kunst IV. Der schrge Mantel der archaischen Koren. Athenische Mitteilungen 48: 137-53. Barker, Albert W. 1924. The Costume of the Servant on the Grave-Relief of Hegeso. American Journal of Archaeology 28: 209-92. Wunderlich, Eva. 1925. Die Bedeutung der roten Farbe im Kultus der Griechen und Rmer. Giessen: Diss. Heuzey, Lon. 1927. Notes sur quelques manteaux grecs: l'phaptide et la zeira. Revue Des tudes Grecques 40: 1-16.

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Mayer, Karl. 1927. Die Bedeutung der weissen Farbe im Kultus der Griechen und Rmer. Freiburg im Breisgau: Diss. Freiburg (Buchdruckerei K. Henn). Wallace, Florence Elizabeth. 1927. Color in Homer and in Ancient Art. Smith Classical Studies 9: 1-83. Bieber, Margarete. 1928. Griechische Kleidung. Berlin. Elderkin, Kate McK. 1928. Buttons and their Use on Greek Garments. American Journal of Archaeology 32: 333-45. Neuffler, Eduard. 1929. Das Kostm Alexanders d. Gr. Giessen: Diss. Richter, Gisela M. A. 1929. Silk in Greece. American Journal of Archaeology 33: 27-33. Noack, Ferdinand. 1930. Ein Gewandmotiv des Parthenos. Jahrbuch Des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts: 198-217. Galt, Caroline M. 1931. Veiled Ladies. American Journal of Archaeology 35: 373-93. Horn, Rudolf. 1931. Stehende weibliche Gewandstatuen in der hellenistischen Plastik. Munich: Bruckmann. Repond, Jules. 1931. Les secrets de la draperie antique de l'himation grec au pallium romain. Rome and Paris: Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia cristiana. Brummell, Beau George Bryan. 1932. Male and Female Costume: Grecian and Roman Costume, British Costume from the Roman invasion until 1822, and the Principles of Costume applied to the Improved Dress of the Present Day. Garden City: Doubleday. Schoppa, Helmut. 1933. Die Darstellung der Perser in der griechischen Kunst bis zum Beginn des Hellenismus. Heidelberg: Diss. Bieber, Margarete. 1934. Entwicklungsgeschichte der griechische Tracht. Berlin: Mann. Wace, Alan J. B. 1934. The Veil of Despoina. American Journal of Archaeology 38: 10711. Deonna, Waldemare. 1935. Monokripides. Revue De L'Histoire Des Religions 89: 50-72. Hill, Dorothy Kent. 1936. A Copy of the Athena Parthenos. Art Bulletin 18, no. 2: 150167. Thiersch, Hermann. 1936. Ependytes und Ephod: Gottesbild und Priesterkleid im alten Vorderasien. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

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Crowfoot, Grace M. 1936-1937. Of the Warp-Weighted Loom. Annual of the British School at Athens 37: 36-47. Heuzey, Lon. 1937. Sur le costume de la Cor 593. Revue Des tudes Anciennes 34: 325-29. von Lorentz, Friedrich. 1937. . Rmische Mitteilungen 52: 165-222. Fink, Joseph. 1938. Beitrge zur Trachtgeschichte Griechenlands. Josef Fink, and Hanz WeberWrzburg-Aumhle: Triltsch. Jacobstahl, Paul. 1938. A Sybarite Himation. Journal of Hellenic Studies 58: 205-16. Weber, Hanz. 1938. Griechische Frauentrachten im 4. Jhr.v.Chr. Beitrge zur Trachtgeschichte Griechenlands. Josef Fink, and Hanz WeberWrzburgAumhle: Triltsch. Robertson, Donald Struan. 1939. A Sybarite Himation. Journal of Hellenic Studies 59: 136. Stiassny, Edith. 1940. The History of Women's Costume in Crete and Mycenae (A Survey of the Earliest Traces of Clothing in Those Regions, and Notes on Those of the Varous Other Prehistoric Periods and on Some More Recent Costumes of the Balkans). Man 40: 187-88. Robbins, Cleta Olmstead. 1942. Ionic chiton-clad maidens of the fifth century. Bryn Mawr: Diss. Bryn Mawr College. Schaefer, Herwin. 1943. Hellenistic textiles in northern Mongolia. American Journal of Archaeology 47: 266-77. Hill, Dorothy Kent. 1945. Ancient Greek Dress. Baltimore : Walters Art Gallery. Houston, Mary G. 1947. Ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine Costume and Decoration. London: Adam & Charles Black. Wace, Alan J. B. 1948. Weaving or Embroidery? American Journal of Archaeology 52: 51-55. Beare, William. 1949. Slave costume in new comedy. Classical Quarterly 43: 30-31. Bonner, Campbell. 1949. KESTOS IMAS and the Saltire of Aphrodite. American Journal of Philology 70: 1-6. Demargne, Pierre. 1949. La Robe de la desse minoenne sur un cachet de Mallia.

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Mlanges Charles Picard., 280-288. Paris. Lorimer, Hilda Lockhart. 1950. Homer and the Monuments. London. Myres, John L. 1950. Minoan Dress. Man 50: 1-6. Thompson, Dorothy Burr. 1950. A Bronze Dancer from Alexandria. American Journal of Archaeology 54: 371-85. Darsow, Wolfgang. 1951. Zur archaisch-ionischen Tracht. Mitteilungen Des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts 4: 85-102. Bieber, Margarete. 1952. Das Menander-Relief der Sammlung Sroganoff. in Festschrift fr Andreas RumpfFestschrift Andreas Rumpf. Zum 60. Geburstag dargebracht von Freunden und Schlern. Kln, im Dezember 1950. ed. Tobias Dohrn, 14-17. Krefeld: Scherpe. Darsow, Wolfgang. 1952. Zum ionischen Mntelchen. in Festschrift Andreas Rumpf. Zum 60. Geburstag dargebracht von Freunden und Schlern. Kln, im Dezember 1950. ed. Tobias Dohrn, 43-58. Krefeld: Scherpe. Seltman, Charles T. 1952. The Wardrobe of Artemis. Numismatic Chronicle: 33-51. Wace, Alan J. B. 1952. The Cloaks of Zeuxis and Demetrius. Jahresheft Des sterreichischen Archologischen Institutes in Wien 39: 111-18. Amandry, Pierre. 1953. Collection Hlne Stathatos. Les Bijoux antiques. Strasbourg: University Institute of Archaeology. Royal Ontario Museum of Archaeology. 1953. Jewellery of the Ancient World. Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum of Archaeology, University of Toronto. Webster, Thomas Bertram Lonsdale. 1953. Attic Comic Costume: a Re-examination. Archaologike Ephemeris 2: 192-201. Beare, William. 1954. The costume of the actors in Aristophanic comedy. Classical Quarterly n.s. 4: 64-75. Beckwith, John. 1954. Textile Fragments from Classical Antiquity. An important find at Koropi, near Athens. Illustrated London News 224, no. Jan. 23: 114-15. Webster, Thomas Bertram Lonsdale. 1954. Greek comic costume: its history and diffusion. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 36: 563-88. Zisis, Vasilis. 1954. Cotton, linen, and hemp textiles from the fifth century B.C. [in Greek]. Praktika Tes Akademias Athenon 29: 587-93.

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Webster, Thomas Bertram Lonsdale. 1955. The costume of the actors in Aristophanic comedy. Classical Quarterly n.s. 5: 94-95. Jacobsthal, Paul. 1956. Greek Pins and their Connexions with Europe and Asia. Oxford. Pritchett, W. Kendrick. 1956. The Attic Stelai II. Clothing and Shoes. Hesperia 25: 20310. Weinberg, Gladys Davidson, and Saul S. Weinberg. 1956. Arachne of Lydia at Corinth. The Aegean and the Near East. Studies Presented to Hetty Goldman. ed. Saul S. Weinberg, 262-67. Locust Valley, N.Y.. Beare, William. 1957. Aristophanic costume again. Classical Quarterly n.s. 7: 184-85. Bieber, Margarete. 1957. A Bronze Statuette in Cincinnati and its Place in the Development of the Asklepios Types. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 101: 70-92. von Bothmer, Dietrich. 1957. Amazons in Greek art. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Webster, Thomas Bertram Lonsdale. 1957. A reply on Aristophanic costume. Classical Quarterly n.s. 7: 185. Beare, William. 1959. Aristophanic costume: a last word. Classical Quarterly n.s. 9: 12627. Beaulieu, Michle. 1961. Le costume antique et mdival. Paris: Presses universitaires de France. Bieber, Margarete. 1961. Costume, Historical Development, the Ancient World. Encyclopedia of World Art., 19-26. Vol. 4. Boardman, John. 1961. Ionian bronze belts. Anatolia/Anadolu 6: 181-82. Kardara, Chryssoula. 1961. Dyeing and Weaving Works at Isthmia. American Journal of Archaeology 65: 261-66. Bellinger, Louisa. 1962. Textiles from Gordion. Bulletin of the Needle and Bobbin Club 46: 4-17. Bieber, Margarete. 1962. Copies of the Herculaneum Women. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 106: 111-34. Brooke, Iris. 1962. Costume in Greek classic drama. London. Ryder, Michael L. 1962. The Origin of Felt-Making and Spinning. Antiquity 36: 304.

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Bovon, Anne. 1963. La Reprsentation des guerriers perses et la notion de barbare dans le Ive moiti du Ve sicle. Bulletin De Correspondence Hellenique 87: 579-602. Khler, Carl, and Emma Sichart. 1963. A History of Costume. New York: Dover. Vos, Maria F. 1963. Skythian archers in Archaic Attic vase-painting. Groningen: Wolters. Hoffmann, Marta. 1964. The Warp-Weighted Loom: Studies in the History and Technology of an Ancient Implement. Oslo: University. Laver, James. 1964. Costume in antiquity. London: Thames & Hudson. Astrm, Paul. 1965. Remains of Ancient Cloth from Cyprus. Opuscula Atheniensa 5: 111-14. Carroll, Diane Lee. 1965. Patterned Textiles in Greek Art: A Study of their Designs in Relationship to Real Textiles and to Local and Period Styles. Los Angeles: Diss. University of California. Harrison, Evelyn B. 1965. The Athenian Agora XI. Archaic and Archaistic Sculpture. Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Hoffman, Herbert, and Patricia F. Davidson. 1965. Greek Gold. Jewelry from the Age of Alexander. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts. Johnson, Marie. 1965. Ancient Greek Dress. Chicago: Argonaut. Brandenburg, Hugo. 1966. Studien zur Mitra. Beitrge zur Waffen- und Trachtgeschichte der Antike. Munster: Diss. Cologne 1961. Killen, John T. 1966. The Knossos Lc (Cloth) Tablets. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 13: 105-11. Oliver, Andrew Jr. 1966. Greek, Roman, and Etrsucan Jewelry. Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin May: 269-84. Richter, Gisela M. A. 1966. The furniture of the Greeks, Etruscans and Romans. London: Phaidon. Segall, Berta. 1966. Zur griechischen Goldschmiedekunst des vierten Jahrhunderts v. Chr. Eine griechische Schmuckgruppe im Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag. Bieber, Margarete, and Felix Eckstein. 1967. Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der griechische Tracht. Berlin.

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Jucker, Ines. 1967. Artemis Kindyas. in Gestalt und Geschichte. Festschrift fr Karl Schefold., 133-45. Bern. Lau, Otto. 1967. Schuster und Schusterhandwerk in der griechisch-rmischen Literatur und Kunst. Bonn: Diss. Marinatos, Spyridon. 1967. Kleidung, Haar- und Barttracht. Gttingen: Archaeologica Homerica I A,B. Pieridou, Angeliki. 1967. Pieces of Cloth from Early and Middle Cypriot Periods. Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus: 25-. Herdejrgen, Helge. 1968. Untersuchungen zur thronenden Gttin aus Tarent in Berlin. Waldsassen. Krug, Antje. 1968. Binden in der griechischen Kunst. Untersuchungen zur Typologie (6. 1. Jahrh.v.Chr.). Hsel: Dissertation Mainz. Lister, Margot. 1968. Costume: an Illustrated Survey from Ancient Times to the Twentieth Century. London: Herbert Jenkins. Mathiopoulou, Elsie. 1968. Zur Typologie der Gttin Athena im 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Bonn; Diss. Bonn. Pickard-Cambridge, Arthur. 1968. The dramatic festivals of Athens. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Richter, Gisela M. A. 1968. Korai. Archaic Greek Maidens. A Study of the Development of the Kore Type in Greek Sculpture. London: Phaidon. Smithson, Evelyn Lord. 1968. The Tomb of a Rich Athenian Lady, ca. 850 B.C. Hesperia 37: 77-116. Polaschek, Karin. 1969. Untersuchungen zu griechischen Mantelstatuen. Der Himationtypus mit Armschlinge. Diss. Berlin. Carroll, Diane Lee. 1970. A Group of Asymmetrical Spiral-Form Earrings. American Journal of Archaeology 74: 37-42. Gullberg, Elsa, and Paul Astrm. 1970. The Thread of Ariadne. A Study of Ancient Greek Dress. Gteborg: Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 21. Reinhold, Meyer. 1970. History of Purple as a status symbul in antiquity. Brussels: Collection Latomus 116. Tinh, Tran tam. 1970. Une statuette d'Isis-Ourania. Revue Archeologique: 283-96.

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Haubner, Doris. 1971. Die Tracht des gttes Dionysos in der griechischen Kunst. Vienna: Diss. Killeen, J. F. 1971. The Comic Costume Controversy. Classical Quarterly n.s. 21: 51-54. Sapouna-Sakellaraki, Efie. 1971. Minoikon Zoma. Athens: Athens Archaeological Society. Austin, Roland G. 1972. Hector's Hair-Style. Classical Quarterly 22: 199. Colafranceschi Cecchetti, Paola, and Giovanni Becatti. 1972. Decorazione dei Costumi nei vasi Attici a figure nere. Studi Miscellanei 19. Linders, Tullia. 1972. Studies in the Treasure Records of Artemis Brauronia found in Athens. Stockholm: Astroms. Stupka, Doris. 1972. Die Grtel in der griechischen Kunst. Vienna: Diss. Bieber, Margarete. 1973. Charakter und Unterschiede der griechische und rmische Kleidung. Archologischer Anzeiger: 425-27. Boardman, John. 1973. Heroic Haircuts. Classical Quarterly 23: 196-97. Gansiniec, Z. 1973. Note on Silk in Greece. Archeologia. Rocznik Instytutu Historii Kultury Materialnej Polskiej Akademii Nauk [Warsaw] 14: 87-88. Schaeffer, Judith. 1973. A Comparative Study of Archaic Costume in Greece and Italy. Berkeley: Diss. University of California. Blanck, Ingrid. 1974. Studien zum griechischen Halsschmuck der archaischen und klassischen Zeit. Cologne: Diss. Mainz. Killen, John T. 1974. A Problem in the Knossos Lc(I) (Cloth) Tablets. Hermathena 118: 82-90. Morizot, Yvette. 1974. A propos de la reprsentation sculpte des vtements dans l'art grec. Revue Des tudes Anciennes 76: 117-32. Rssler, Detlef. 1974. Gab es Modetendenzen in der griechischen Tracht am Ende des 5. und 4. Jahrhundert v.u.Z? in Hellenische Poleis 3. ed. E. C. Welskopf, 1539-69. Berlin. Barber, Elizabeth Wayland. 1975. The Proto-Indo-European notion of cloth and clothing. Journal of Indo-European Studies 3, no. 4: 294-320. Bonfante, Larissa. 1975. Etruscan Dress. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

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Carington-Smith, Jill. 1975. Spinning, Weaving, and Textile Manufacture in Prehistoric Crete. Hobart: Diss. University of Tasmania. Gernand, Michelle. 1975. Hellenistische Peplosfiguren nach klassischen Vorbildern. Athenische Mitteilungen 90: 1-47. Herrmann, Peter. 1975. Milesischer Purpur. Istanbuler Mitteilungen 25: 141-47. Kabus-Preisshofen, Renate. 1975. Statuettengruppe aus dem Demeter-Heiligtum bei Kyparissi auf Kos. Antike Plastik 15: 31-64. Kingsley, Bonnie M. 1975. The Stele of Myttion. J. Paul Getty Museum Journal 2: 7-14. Lattimore, Steven. 1975. The Chlamys of Daochos I. American Journal of Archaeology 79: 87-88. Melena, Jos L. 1975. Studies on some Mycenaean inscriptions from Knossos dealing with textiles. Salamanca: Diss. University of Madrid 1973. Palagia, Olga. 1975. A Draped Female Torso in the Ashmolean Museum. Journal of Hellenic Studies 95: 180-182. Schaeffer, Judith. 1975. The costume of the Korai: A Re-Interpreation. California Studies in Classical Antiquity 8: 241-56. Jung, Helmet. 1976. Zur Eirene des Kephisodot. Jahrbuch Des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts 91: 97-134. Levi, Mario Attilio. 1976. La Grecia Antica. Societ e Costume. ed. Mario Attilio Levi, 63-114. Torino: Unione. Linfert, Andreas. 1976. Kunstzentren hellenistischer Zeit: Studien an weiblichen Gewandfiguren. Wiesbaden. Bieber, Margarete. 1977. Ancient Copies: Contributions to the History of Greek and Roman Art. New York: New York University Press. Burnham, Dorothy K. 1977. Transverse Selvages on Classical Sculpture. Bulletin Du CIETA (Centre International D'tudes Des Textiles Anciens) 46: 10-12. Harrison, Evelyn B. 1977. Alkamenes' Sculptures for the Hephaisteion: I. The Cult Statues. American Journal of Archaeology 81: 137-78. . 1977. Notes on Daedalic Dress. Journal of the Walters Art Gallery 36: 37-48. . 1977. The Shoulder-Cord of Themis. in Festschrift fr Frank Brommer. eds.

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Ursula Hckman, and Antje Krug, 155-61. Mainz: von Zabern. Iakovides, Spyros. 1977. On the use of Mycenaean 'Buttons'. Annual of the British School at Athens 72: 113-19. Ridgway, Brunilde Sismondo. 1977. The Peplos Kore, Acropolis 679. Journal of the Walters Art Gallery 36: 49-61. Tlle-Kastenbein, Renate. 1977. Zur Mitra in klassischer Zeit. Revue Archeologique, no. 23-76. Bonfante, Larissa. 1978. The Language of Dress. Etruscan Influences. Archaeology: 1426. Cook, Robert M. 1978. The Peplos Kore and its Dress. Journal of the Walters Art Gallery 37: 85-87. Kilian, Imma. 1978. Weihungen an Eileithyia und Artemis Orthia. Zeitschrift Fr Papyrologie Und Epigraphik 31: 219-22. Knauer, Elfriede R. 1978. Toward a History of the Sleeved Coat. A Study of the Impact of an Ancient Eastern Garment on the West. Expedition 21: 18-36. Laffineur, Robert. 1978. L-orfvrerie rhodienne orientalisante. Paris: de Boccard. Yarwood, Doreen. 1978. The Encyclopedia of World Costume. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Harrison, Evelyn B. 1979. Apollo's Cloak. in Studies in Classical Art and Archaeology. A Tribute to Peter Heinrich von Blanckenhagen. eds. Gnter Kopcke, and Mary B. Moore, 91-98. Locust Valley, NY: J. J. Augustin. Hopper, Robert John. 1979. Trade and Industry in Classical Greece. London: Thames and Hudson. Miller, Stella G. 1979. The So-Called Palaiokastro Treasure. American Journal of Archaeology 83: 175-91. . 1979. Two Groups of Thessalian Gold. Berkeley: University of California Press. Lewis, David Malcolm. 1979-1980. Athena's Robe. Scripta Classica Israelica 56: 28-29. Boardman, John. 1980. The Amazon's belt. American Journal of Archaeology 84: 18182. Brown, Kristine Stuart. 1980. The Question of Near Eastern Textile Decoration of the

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