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Sono Generatori con alcune capacità da Manifestatori, possiedono infinite risorse di energia e amore
per poter essere in sintonia con la vita. La grande sfida che devono affrontare è quella di imparare
che il loro vero potere risiede nell'aspettare che le opportunità arrivino e non in cercare di farle
succedere. Se cercano attivamente di raggiungere i loro sogni o propositi incontrano solo resistenza
e dolore.
Quando si rilassano la loro vita diventa poesia in movimento.

Sensazione negativa predominante: frustrazione combinata a rabbia.

Strategia: Aspettare una situazione che richiede una risposta. Non iniziare.

Alcuni Generatori Manifestanti Famosi:

Frederic Chopin, Marie Curie, Hillary Clinton, Clint Eastwood, Sigmund Freud, Mahatma Gandhi,
Steffi Graf, Marie Antoinette, Mikhail Gorbachiov, Jimi Hendrix, Papa Giovanni Paolo II, Janis
Joplin, Friedrich Nietzsche, Richard Nixon, Yoko Ono, Prince, Jaqueline Onassis e Maria Antonietta.
Appartengono sempre al 70% del tipo Generatori, e quindi ne sono una percentuale della
percentuale... e a differenza dei Generatori semplici, hanno il centro della gola collegato ad un centro
motore (sacrale, radici, emozioni o plesso solare, ego) quindi dopo essere stati in risposta della vita
possono agire perché arriva al centro della gola, centro di manifestazione appunto, una spinta,
un'energia direttamente da un centro definito e motore...una sorta di marcia in più (ovviamente non
esiste un tipo migliore di un altro) diciamo rispetto a Generatori che anche se hanno il centro della
gola definito, questo non si collega mai ad alcun centro motore sottostante...quindi la differenza
consiste in questo, il Generatore Aspetta e Agisce soltanto in Risposta nella Vita, il Generatore
Manifestante Aspetta la domanda e Agisce anche da solo...Un generatore manifestante è come la
sintesi fra il tipo Generatore e il tipo Manifestatore, quindi oltre che a trasformare la frustrazione in
soddisfazione, ha da trasformare la rabbia (tipico tema del Manifestatore) in pace... quando trova
l'equilibrio fra le due parti che vive costantemente al proprio interno… può diventare un ottimo
maestro di sé stesso.


Sono pur sempre generatori (quindi leggetevi la parte dei generatori) ma con alcune cose dei
MANIFESTATORI (leggetevi anche questo). I generatori manifestanti devono comunque
ASPETTARE UN INPUT ESTERNO prima di agire, ma una volta che questo arriva possono poi
prendere INIZIATIVE e avviare l’evento. Per esempio viene una vostra amica e vi dice se avete
intenzione di fare insieme un’attività lavorativa… a quel punto (prima dovete ascoltare la vostra
autorità interna se vi dice di farla o meno quella cosa) potete prendere iniziativa, decidere quale
attività lavorativa fare, dove farla, chi assumere, AVVIARLA, ecc. Al contrario se domani vi viene
l’idea cosi di PUNTO IN BIANCO, di andare ad aprire un ristorante in egitto, questa è una vostra
iniziativa mentale e, se lo fate, incontrate la RESISTENZA del mondo esterno. I generatori
manifestanti sono quelli piu convinti di essere MANIFESTATORI, cioè vogliono essere sempre loro
a PRENDERE INIZIATIVE, AVVIARE GLI EVENTI, ecc. Lo possono fare ma dopo che il mondo
gli invia prima un INPUT.

Like the Manifestor, you also need to inform those in your impact field about what you are doing.
This does not mean you ask for permission. It also does not mean you advise them of your decision
after the fact. When you inform others prior to your actions, your relationships and interactions will
have less friction and resistance and will be more effective and satisfying.

Il Tema del Generatore Manifestante

Richard Rudd

La domanda del Generatore Manifestante è: io sono il quinto tipo? Più passa il tempo in cui Human
Design è presente nella mia vita, tanto più sono sicuro del più grande segreto che mi ha svelato: il
segreto dell’Aura. Se sappiamo come essere noi stessi, la nostra aura comincia a vibrare. […]

Se vogliamo capire i 4 tipi, dobbiamo guardarli nel mondo. Bisogna vedere come si muovono, come
cambiano, come si risvegliano, come interagiscono con gli altri.

Questo è il segreto per comprendere il generatore manifestante. Poco di veramente nuovo è stato
osservato per lungo tempo su questo tipo, e tuttavia comprende circa un terzo della specie umana.

L'aura del Manifestatore è quella di un vero guerriero. Dichiara ad alta voce: “State attenti! Io sono
qui. Tutto può accadere!” Questo proclama è in gran parte puramente difensivo in quanto i
manifestatori sono in realtà molto vulnerabili. Se si dispone di un’aura con un tale potere, si può
facilmente diventare un bersaglio.

Eppure molte persone fraintendono il manifestatore. Non sono costruiti per essere resistenti. Non
hanno energia sacrale, dopo tutto. Mi piace vedere il manifestatore come il ghepardo nel regno
animale. Sono le più veloci creature viventi, ma i loro corpi sono molto esili. Possono sostenere la
loro velocità solo per brevi periodi (la caccia tipica termina in 2 minuti), dopodiché devono riposare
per almeno quattro ore per ricostituire la loro forza. Credo che molte persone coinvolte in HD non
comprendano quanto i manifestatori siano in realtà sensibili e vulnerabili. E sono molto facilmente
manipolabili attraverso il loro sacrale aperto.

L'aura del Generatore è quella di un Buddha. Dichiara semplicemente: “Io sono a disposizione alla
vita, la lascio fluire attraverso di me”. L'aura del manifestatore è yang, quella del generatore è yin. E’
come il vaso vuoto che non può essere afferrato. Si modella intorno al momento presente in perfetta
simmetria con l'ambiente circostante. Se l'aura del manifestatore tiene a bada la vita, il generatore è
come un buco nero, che invita la vita verso il suo interno, irresistibile e infinito in profondità. E
tuttavia, il generatore ha la limitazione del suo veicolo. Non è costruito per la velocità, ma per il
sostegno energetico prolungato (vi prego di capire che sto ancora parlando metaforicamente). Per il
generatore, la vita si muove al ritmo a cui deve muoversi, attraverso la limitazione della scatola del
cambio del suo motore.

Entriamo nell’argomento Generatore Manifestante: possiamo dare una formula? Sì, abbiamo un
Buddha Guerriero. Non vi è alcuna aura sulla terra in questo modo.

L'aura del vero generatore manifestante è una perfetta coincidenza di yin e yang.

Allo stesso tempo passivo e anche infinitamente in grado di muoversi alla velocità della luce per
lunghi periodi di tempo. Queste persone sono il vero archetipo di ciò che l'umanità è in grado di fare.
Se coloriamo ogni porta del corpo grafico, otteniamo un generatore manifestante. Se c'è un bambino
d'oro tra i 4 tipi, questo è il generatore manifestante.
Il segreto per il generatore manifestante è quello del femminile. Rappresenta una fusione, o una lotta,
tra i poli maschile e femminile. La natura selvaggia del guerriero e il silenzio e l’arrendersi del
Buddha. Come generatore manifestante, quale dei due preferiresti che controllasse la tua vita? Prima
le signore, per favore.

La tua vita è l'espressione di questo gioco di equilibrio cosmico. Ogni volta che lasci condurre il
guerriero, il Buddha è tirato fuori dal suo centro e la resistenza che incontri è straordinaria. Ma quando
consenti al Buddha di guidare tua vita con pazienza e tranquilla fiducia, la tua aura comincia davvero
risplendere di luce. Il tuo potenziale esplode tutto intorno a te sotto gli occhi di tutti, ma è la tua
capacità di tenerlo sotto controllo che colpisce veramente le persone. È possibile per il generatore
manifestante ottenere di più in una vita di quanto un generatore possa fare in cento (il generatore puro
che vive la propria natura non è interessato a raggiungere niente). Purtroppo, sono molto pochi i
generatori manifestanti in grado di ancorarsi a sufficienza nel femminile per realizzare il loro vero

Se sei un generatore manifestante nel processo di risveglio, prendi coraggio da questo: per i primi 3
anni e mezzo, continuerai a permettere al tuo uomo di buttare giù la porta per mettere la tua donna al
tappeto. Dopo i 3 anni e mezzo, inizierai naturalmente ad avere più interesse per il generatore, per la
parte femminile (puoi imparare molto dai generatori puri). Dopo 7 anni, beh, sai già chi sarà ad
indossare i pantaloni, non è vero? Quindi la risposta alla domanda è: siete entrambi e nessuno dei due
tipi. E’ tutta una questione di chi viene prima.



Life Purpose: Build (work, family)

Strategy: Respond, imagine, inform, act

Wealth Theme: Shortcuts to mastery

Challenges: Finding right work, direction, frustration/anger/impatience, trusting Sacral response,

interruptions to creative flow, power, being too busy Manifesting Generators are essentially the same
as pure Generators with a couple of small differences.

First of all, the Manifesting Generator also has a defined Sacral, like the pure Generator but, in
addition, the Manifesting Generator will also have at least one channel that connects one (or more)
motor Center (the Sacral, the Will, the Emotional Solar Plexus and the Root Center) to the Throat

The effect of this additional energy to the Throat Center means that a Manifesting Generator can
respond very quickly to things and also respond to more than one thing at a time.

To stay healthy and in alignment with their wealth theme, Manifesting Generators actually need to
do more than one thing at a time and it's normal for them to have a "trial" period of "trying on"
something that they've responded to quickly before really committing.
Once they commit, they will experience the same stair-step learning curve as the pure Generator but
they will often skip steps and plateaus. This often results in the Manifesting Generator appearing to
go "faster" than others but often missing important details.

But, the Manifesting Generator has an additional wealth theme that the pure Generator doesn't.
Manifesting Generators are designed to find shortcuts and doing things at high speed is part of their
wealth theme.

Sometimes people think that Manifesting Generators are "better" than pure Generators because they
are faster initially.

But, much like the tortoise and the hare, the Manifesting Generator will lose time responding to
opportunities to repair their mistakes or the steps they've skipped.

The Manifesting Generator also has some traits that are similar to the Manifestor. The Manifesting
Generator also has an internal, non-verbal creative flow. Because of this, they often struggle to ask
for help and react with frustrated anger when their flow is interrupted. Like the Manifestor Type,
Manifesting Generators also need to make sure they are informing others who will be impacted by
their actions so they can prepare for the wave of energy that is the Manifesting Generator.

And, just like the Manifestor, the Manifesting Generator is not here to stop their creative flow or to
be told what to do.

For the Manifesting Generator to stay aligned with their abundance, they need to respond to the right
work. "try on" their response to see how it feels and then jump into the process of manifesting their
many creative flows.


Besides having your type listed in the keynotes section of your chart, you can identify your type as a
Manifesting Generator because:

 You have a defined Sacral Center (like a Generator).

 You have a direct connection between a motor and the Throat (like a Manifestor).

As you can probably guess, the Manifesting Generator has aspects of their personality that match
both the Manifestor and the Generator. Roughly 35 percent of the population are Manifesting

Manifesting Generators are designed to do multiple things at once. Usually, though, this is a great
cover-up to disguise the fact that they have initiated several projects, and they are working very hard
to make them work out, in spite of not having responded.

To others, the Manifesting Generator appears to be “all over the place.” But a Manifesting Generator
is uniquely capable of getting more done than most people, and they can sustain this pace over a long
period of time.
A Manifesting Generator has a defined Sacral Center and a direct connection between a motor and the Throat Center.

The Manifesting Generator’s Strategies: Visualize and Inform

Manifesting Generators should try on ideas in their imagination first and visualize the outcome. Then,
they must wait before taking action.

Another example of a Manifesting Generator chart

Because of their configuration, and society’s bias toward manifesting, Manifesting Generators often
believe they are Manifestors. That is why the emotional theme of the Manifesting Generator is anger
(from the Manifesting part of the personality) and frustration (from the Generator part of the

Manifesting Generators must also inform like Manifestors in order to stabilize the energy around
them. They can go so fast that informing feels as if it is slowing them down, but informing will
decrease the resistance that they feel from others.

A third example of a Manifesting Generator chart

The Manifesting Generator who is not responding runs the risk of being very busy doing nothing.
And because the Manifesting Generator is so fast when they do respond, they have a tendency to skip
important steps and frequently have to go back and fix the steps they skipped.

If a Manifesting Generator and a Generator start the same job at the same time, the Manifesting
Generator will appear to learn the ropes more quickly. But if you compare the two six months later,
the Generator will have caught up, and they will both be at the same level of mastery, because the
Generator has a more deliberate process.

Special Traits: Active Multitasking

What people often don’t understand about the Manifesting Generator is that they need to do more
than one thing at a time. If they don’t get to express that part of their energy, it’s actually unhealthy
for them, and they can end up feeling very frustrated and angry.
Most Manifesting Generators feel that the world just doesn’t move fast enough for them. If you’re a
Manifesting Generator, it’s good to remember that most people are not able to do as much or move
as fast as you. Try to be patient.

The Manifesting Generator’s Health

Manifesting Generators have two important considerations when it comes to health: responding and
making sure they are doing enough. The thyroid of a Manifesting Generator is exceptionally
vulnerable. To stay healthy, a Manifesting Generator has to respond, which isn’t easy for them.

A Manifesting Generator who is not doing a lot, and feels stuck or trapped, can also have thyroid
challenges. When a Manifesting Generator is fallow, it’s like trying to keep a lightning bolt in a glass
jar. That energy has to go somewhere, and if it’s not being used, it will ricochet around in the body.

Manifesting Generators, like Generators, need to wear themselves out each day to get good sleep and
renewal. They need to stay active to stay strong and healthy.

Parenting a Manifesting Generator Child

Manifesting Generator children are always on the go! They need lots of activity, physical
engagement, and the freedom to start things, experiment with them, and then quit if it doesn’t feel
right. Many parents worry that Manifesting Generator children won’t stick with things. They will.
But they have to try on a lot of things as part of their creative processes.

Many parents are challenged by the Manifesting Generator’s seeming lack of attention to detail. It’s
not that they don’t pay attention to details. It’s just that they often miss things or skip steps while they
create. It’s important when you parent a Manifesting Generator that you help them correct what they
may have missed without judgment or criticism. They are just being what they are—speedy creators.

The Manifesting Generator child needs to do many things to stay healthy and engaged. This can often
be exhausting for parents, especially if they don’t have this same kind of energy. Sometimes parents
need help facilitating things for the Manifesting Generator child.

Anger and frustration can be a difficult challenge for the parents of the Manifesting Generator.
Manifesting Generators have big, creative ideas, just like a Manifestor, but the need to wait, like a
Generator. When things don’t work out as expected, or if they aren’t moving fast enough, the
energetic meltdown can be difficult to witness and manage.

Sometimes a young Manifesting Generator can’t articulate what is frustrating them. They move
quickly, and the creative process isn’t always verbal. When they are deep into the frustration/anger
reaction, sometimes these guys will bite or throw things. Parents need to help their children learn to
manage their energetic intensity appropriately. Helping the child burn off steam physically is often

Everything that applies to parenting a Generator and Manifestor apply here to. If you have a
Manifesting Generator child, also read the sections on parenting a Manifestor and parenting a

 Even though I am inspired and excited, I wait for something to respond and then take action.
 I am patient with others. Not everyone can move as quickly as I can.
 I need to do many things at once. It’s who I am.
 It’s okay to skip steps. If I need to go back and do something I missed, it’s just a part of my
intense creative process.
 I am a powerful creator. I inspire others to support my creative process when I respond and
then inform people about what I’m doing.


Manifesting Generators are a combination of Generators and Manifestors. They have to balance gifts
from both sides. They have to process the anger of the Manifestor and the frustration of the Generator.
They can be most erratic and impatient of all types but the one with the greatest potential.

Manifesting Generators are like a Manifestor compressed to fit inside a Generator vehicle. The
Manifestor in you wants to leap to action and the Generator in you wants to wait. Every time you leap
into something without waiting to respond – you will meet resistance.

You are designed to be doing what you love in life. If you are not fulfilled, you will be deeply angry
and frustrated inside.

The way for you to find fulfillment is to follow your strategy, wait to respond, follow your authority
and double check your responses to make sure it is right for you. Often you will begin a project and
find out later that it is not right for you. This is normal and correct for you. If it doesn’t feel right –
then it is not right for you.

Manifesting Generators strategy for waiting only governs new experiences. Once you are in the door
– your manifesting power takes over. Your highest potential is balancing the raw power and presence
of the Manifestor and the patience and surrender of a Generator.

The Manifesting Generator’s aura is like a Warrior Buddha. There is no aura on earth like this. It is
the perfect coincidence of Yin/Yang energy effortlessly moving at light speed for sustainable periods
of time. Manifesting Generators are the archetype of what humanity is capable of. These are the
“golden childs” of humanity.

Manifesting Generators secret is the feminine. They represent a struggle and fusion between male
and female poles. The Manifesting Generator is the untamed wildness of the warrior and the silence
and surrender of the Buddha.

For women, life is expression of cosmic balancing act. When you allow the warrior to lead, the
Buddha is thrown off center and the resistance met is extraordinary. But when you allow the Buddha
to lead life, in patience and quiet trust, then the aura really begins to burn brightly.
Your potential in life bursts out all around you for others to see but it is your ability to hold it in check
that impresses people the most. You can achieve more in once lifetime than a generator can in a
hundred years.

Sadly, few Manifesting Generators are able to anchor into the feminine energy to fulfill their true
potential. So, you are both types – the raging warrior and the gentle patient Buddha. It is up to you to
determine who is operating.

The difference between Manifesting Generators is found significantly in their sleep. In their
awakened state they are the same frequency as a Pure Generator.

For Manifesting Generators, once they have responded, they can go right into action after their
response. They can behave like Manifestors once they have responded without the experience of
mastery through the levels.

They move through the steps much faster than Generators and sometimes miss steps causing to go
back to the beginning again and start over. Both Manifesting Generators and Generators arrive at the
same place at the same time but in different ways.

The other difference is the response – they may stand up with coat in hand and walk to the door to
go out to dinner only to realize they would rather stay home. They have to respond to their response.
They may hear themselves say “yes” but then their real response emerges and either confirms or
denies their “yes” – they often have to allow themselves to change their mind.


The Manifesting Generator

Have you noticed that there is not much written or discussed about the Manifesting Generator? Why
are we so ignored and neglected? We don’t even rate a “type” of our own! We are so different than
the other types and no one seems to talk much about it.

Ra finally did a Manifesting Generator workshop recently. If you are a Manifesting Generator or want
to understand them get the CD set from It’s an excellent purchase.

“The Manifesting Generator’s greatest gift to humanity is their efficiency.”

I am a 34/20 Manifesting Generator and I never really related to the “Generator story”. It just did not
resonate for me. Yes, eventually the responding part resonated but it stopped there. And it took me a
while before I could really understand this thing called responding.

I’m not someone to go through steps and stages to perfect something. I don’t get stuck. I get frustrated
but it does not come from getting stuck or hitting a plateau. It comes from me seeing the end result
almost immediately and then having to wait for it. It comes from things not moving fast enough for
me. I’ve learned to ride the energy but I can still get frustrated when I have to slow my energy down
to “be” with another type and to try and explain things step by step. Waiting for someone else to get
something done for me is very difficult.

It’s so funny to observe myself. Even in this writing I’m noticing how I leave out what I think are
unessential words or phrases and I have to go back over it slowly to fill in the missing pieces. Others
are going to read this and try to absorb what I am communicating so I must be thorough! But it’s not
easy for me. I see and feel the end result so quickly and I just want to be there now! All the words
want to pour out onto the page at once but I can’t type that fast nor would it be comprehensible.

There was such a relief in my body when I heard Ra say that Manifesting Generator’s see the essential
steps and skip the non-essential steps. I said yes! This is so true. I can do one week worth of work in
a day. Now, someone will probably have to go in and clean up my mess but the work got done and it
got done efficiently and quickly! Yes there will be mistakes but to me the small mistakes are nothing
compared to the efficiency of getting stuff done.

I realize I am a builder but not a builder like the Generator. I don’t have the patience for building
through steps or detail. I want it to be done so we can get something else done! I have so much respect
for the pure Generator and their step by step building capacity.

My executive assistant is a Generator and she has taught me so much about the differences between
Generators and Manifesting Generators. I have so much respect for someone that has the patience to
go through the steps and do a thorough job. It does not mean that she does not make any mistakes
though. But her mistakes are different than mine.

It was so funny...recently I did a reading for my daughter who is a Manifesting Generator as well.
Same channel, single definition and open head centers...very, very quick and bright. I could sense
that she was taking the information from me faster than I could get the words out of my mouth. I felt
so rushed! It gave me a good insight into how others must feel when they are around Manifesting
Generators. It was a great learning experience.

I think Richard Rudd’s article about Manifesting Generators was really great. We do carry both the
feminine and the masculine or the receptive and active and we are constantly trying to balance the
two. Life does flow better when I am receptive first. There is less resistance when I am receptive first.
I have much less anger and frustration about things not moving fast enough when I am in a receptive
mode of operation.

There are many nuances and subtleties to the way the MG energy works and you have to be observant
to notice them. For example, let’s say you are sitting on the couch relaxing reading a book and an
impulse or thought hits you that you need to return a phone call. One of two things happens, you find
yourself up off the couch making the phone call in response to the impulse or your mind says “you
should return that phone call” but your body does not move. In the second scenario you would have
to force yourself up off the couch to make the call. Which one is effortless?

Another example: Let’s say the kitchen needs to be cleaned up. I walk through the kitchen several
times a day and each time my mind says “you should really clean those dishes” but my body resists
and does not go to the sink to clean up. Then there is one time that I walk through the kitchen and I
just simply find myself at the sink cleaning and it was effortless. I let my body take me there when it
was ready...when it responded. The kitchen was cleaned in a nanosecond (remember I am a
Manifesting Generator) and I actually enjoyed it and it now feels satisfying to have a clean kitchen.
There is such a difference between “resenting that I have to clean the kitchen” and just effortlessly
doing it from response!

Now try applying this strategy in your relationships and in your work in the world. If I wait for the
body to tell me, through its response, the correct timing before taking action I am a much happier
person and my life just flows effortlessly.

The Manifesting Generators need to understand the tremendous power available to them through
waiting for the response and resisting the temptation to force an outcome. We really can accomplish
incredible things when we wait.

Remember, when we wait for the response we enter into things correctly. Our energy is really efficient
and we get the essential things done without missing an essential step. When we try and force the
outcome without waiting for the response/timing we skip essential steps in our rush to get it done.
Then we suffer later when we have to go back and fix or clean up what was missed.

Lynda Stone

Human Design Teacher


Manifesting Generators

Approximately 33% of the population are Manifesting Generators, which are a combination of
Generators and Manifestors.MG

They have to balance characteristics of both Types. They process the anger of the Manifestor and
inform others at key moments. They also must process the frustration of the Generator and wait for
the right timing to act on things.

The Manifesting Generator’s aura is like a Warrior Buddha. There is no other aura on earth like it. It
is the perfect coincidence of Yin/Yang energy effortlessly moving at light speed for sustainable
periods of time when it is doing something that it loves.

Manifesting Generators are the archetype of what humanity is capable of when they are fully tuned
into how they operate. These are the “golden children” of humanity on the physical plane if they
choose to wake up and live out their fullest potential.

Manifesting Generators are like a Manifestor compressed to fit inside a Generator vehicle. The
Manifestor yearns to leap into action and the Generator must wait for good timing. Every time the
Manifesting Generator leaps into something without waiting to respond – they will meet resistance.
They can be most erratic and impatient of all Types.
Manifesting Generators are designed to be doing what they love in life. If they are not fulfilled, they
will be deeply angry and frustrated inside.

Manifesting Generators secret is the feminine. They represent a struggle and fusion between male
and female poles. The Manifesting Generator is the untamed wildness of the warrior and the silence
and surrender of the Buddha.

For women, life is expression of cosmic balancing act. When you allow the warrior to lead, the
Buddha is thrown off center and the resistance met is extraordinary. But when you allow the Buddha
to lead life, in patience and quiet trust, then the aura really begins to burn brightly.

The MG potential in life bursts out for others to see but it is the ability to hold the aura in check that
impresses people the most. An MG has the ability to achieve more in one lifetime than what a
Generator or any other Type is capable of achieving in a hundred years.

Sadly, few Manifesting Generators are able to anchor into the feminine energy to fulfill their highest
potential. Through the practice of patience, the yin quality is strengthened, bringing balance to the


Manifesting Generators: wait to respond before you can initiate

Manifesting Generators are Generators with a direct link from the Throat Centre to a motor, Sacral
Centre, Root Centre, Solar Plexus Centre or Heart (Ego) Centre. You always have a defined Sacral
Centre. You have more energy than a pure Generator and more potential for growth.

Like the Pure Generator, you need to wait to respond. It is the hardest thing for Manifesting
Generators to wait, and therefore it is a valuable lesson that you need to learn in order to live your
life successfully. You want to leap into action because of your Manifestor part, but the Generator part
needs you to wait. Although this seems frustrating for a Manifesting Generator, when you notice what
is being offered around, you will find there is plenty to respond to. You cannot plan your life in
advance; it is so important that you remember use your response mechanism. You will only have a
successful and fulfilled life if you follow the strategy of waiting however passive it may appear.

Until you, as a Generator are “awake” you may miss the many stimuli around you. So many
Generators and Manifesting Generators are living the not-self and spend their lives missing so many
opportunities that are right for them, yet taking the ones that are not correct. Then they end up
exhausted. Just because you have the energy, it doesn’t mean it is right for you. The key is to keep
watching and noticing what is going on around you and listen to your body. The response mechanism
can come in the form of a “yes” or “no” grunt or sound, and it will come from your Sacral Centre,
not your Head Centre. You need to understand your Sacral sounds so that your body can respond
correctly. Often the sound is “uhuh” or “unhunh”. The Sacral Centre only has a voice if it is linked
to the Throat Centre as it is in a Manifesting Generator. As small children we are often told to speak
properly and not grunt, and we lose our ability to connect with our inner sacral response.
Unlike other Generators, once you have started the new experience by responding positively, you can
act like a Manifestor. If you pursue something before you have responded you are not in your
strategy. Waiting does not mean doing nothing, it means getting on with your life, not having to be
in control, just responding. The moment something catches you interest, you can respond, whether
or not you have other plans. Acting like a Manifestor means that you can start to initiate as soon as
you have a positive response

Sometimes, as Manifesting Generator, you can be so speedy that you will miss out a part of the
sequence. If you have missed out something important you may look for the opportunity to go back
and do the missing piece. Often you find that you didn’t need that piece anyway and you have got
where you wanted without it. Manifesting Generators are the type who notice which areas of their
education are not for them and leap forward to what they really want. They are like a Ferrari with
their foot on the pedal. Professions that require detailed training, like a surgeon or even an airline
pilot, are not really suited to the Manifesting Generator type, just in case a vital stage in the learning
process has been missed!

All Generators experience times in their lives when they feel stuck. Living the not self aspect is where
you feel the frustration. When you respond incorrectly you waste valuable energy. Even when you
respond with a “yes”, there will be a time when you sense a barrier. It is important for you to push
through this barrier and check the responses from the Sacral Centre again, to be certain that this is
what you really want. Pushing through the barrier will keep those confirmations to you that you are
on the right track.

Be aware that other types will not have similar energy levels. Generators are the life force. Without
the Sacral Centre no one would even be born. Other types do not provide the life force. You do.
You provide the energy that other types reflect and sometimes amplify. It is helpful to understand
other types, otherwise you may think they are lazy! Non-energy types will act like you around you,
and collapse later. Unless you are with another Manifesting Generator you cannot expect similar
levels of energy from others. For instance, it no longer becomes relevant to divide chores evenly
when there is an imbalance in energy levels! There is a difference. It is impossible for you to know
how it feels to live permanently with less or no energy, but you do know how it feels to be exhausted
as a result of responding to something that is not correct for you.

In a relationship with a Projector or Reflector, it is always the Generator who needs to initiate even
though their strategy is to wait to respond. A Projector will spend their life waiting to be invited.
Even inviting a Projector to have breakfast with you will light up their day and give them a reason to
get out of bed in the morning! Recognising and inviting a Projector allows them to do their real work
of waking up the Generators so that the planet can heal. The Projector needs to be taught to ask “yes”,
“no” questions to the Generators so that they have a chance to check their sacral response. They have
no idea what it feels like.

Understanding your sacral response takes time and practice. In adults it is deeply repressed and not
everyone will get there. Notice whether you are coming from your Sacral Centre or your Head
Centres. Thank your head for its input, but never let it make the final decision, however much it will
try to. If you let it, the head will always win! You will also find that you are starting to look for all
those things in your life that you can respond to. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that it will come
and hit you on the head. You must learn to keep all your senses alert and open. Notice the detail and
be ready for what it is you are waiting to respond to.

When you become aware, you will notice that every few minutes there is something for you to say
“yes” or “no” to. This is the greatest gift you have. Learn to feel it, love it and always use it.

To find out your Human Design and how it can liberate your way of living, have your Personal
Analysis done and get a much clearer picture of yourself, your strengths and your individuality.


The Human Design Manifesting Generator: Providing the Work Force Energy. The Builders.

The Manifesting Generator has a direct connection from a motor to the Throat, just like a Manifestor.
But they also have a defined Sacral, just like a pure Generator. Because of this configuration,
Manifesting Generators often believe they are Manifestors. Anyone with a defined Sacral has
sustainable life force energy and they are designed to respond.

A Manifesting Generator has a defined Sacral. The Sacral is considered the most powerful motor in
the body. It is the Center for work force and life force energy. The Sacral Center is a source of
sustainable energy. All of the motors, to a certain degree, have wave-like, inconsistent qualities, but
the Sacral can keep going and going. It is energy that is here for work and life force. It’s about
providing the resources, the education, raising children, taking care of the family and the tribe, and
the community. It’s about work in every way, and doing all of those things sustainably.

Because you have a motor to the Throat, you can initiate and make things happen, but only after
honoring the Generator gut response.

Manifesting Generators have to wait for something to respond to before they leap into action. This is,
in essence, like waiting for a “sign” or a signal that the timing is right before taking action.
Manifesting Generators have a deep inner awareness that “pulses” on or off. Following these strong
gut-level pulses always puts the Manifesting Generator in the right place, doing the right work, and
having the right impact. In addition, Manifesting Generators have a unique ability to do more than
one thing at a time and need to constantly keep many balls in the air. They will also skip over details
that aren’t important and find the fastest way to mastery. If, however, they respond to correcting a
step that has been skipped over, then they need to go back and correct it. A Manifesting Generator is
uniquely capable of getting more things done than most and for a long period of time.

The Manifesting Generator who is not responding runs the risk of being very busy doing nothing.
And because the Manifesting Generator is so fast when they do respond, they have a tendency to skip
important steps and frequently have to go back and fix the steps they skipped.

The Generator has a stair-step learning curve with steps and plateaus. The Manifesting Generator,
because of the motor to the Throat, can move and respond quite quickly. It’s hard for them to tell the
difference between responding and initiating because they respond so fast. Once they respond, the
Manifesting Generator should stop and envision what their choice will be. They will do well if they
try on ideas in their imagination first and visualize the outcome before they actually do something.
Then, they still must wait before they take action. The pure Generator has a much more deliberate
process. If a Manifesting Generator and a pure Generator start the same job at the same time, it will
look like the Manifesting Generator is faster and learns much more quickly. But six months later the
Generator will have caught up and they will both be at the same level of mastery.

The Manifesting Generator Strategy is to wait to respond, then envision (imagine), reprocess, inform
before taking action, then act. If it still feels correct once you’ve imagined it, inform the people in
your impact field. The informing piece is important. The Manifesting Generator moves fast, and
they have a creative thought process that is non-verbal. Their creative energy comes from deep
within, not from the head. For a Manifesting Generator to stop and explain what they’re doing takes
too long. It slows them down. The Manifestor does not need to be slowed down. The main goal of
the Generator is to achieve mastery. The Manifesting Generator cannot achieve mastery if they’re
leaping and leaping.

When the Sacral responds to the Right Work, the Manifesting Generator has an enormous amount of
energy. A Manifesting Generator who is truly doing the Right Work doesn’t want to go on vacation
and their need for sleep decreases. The Manifesting Generator is here to find the Right Work and to
master that Work. The Manifesting Generator is here, through repetition, to become a Master of their
Right Work. That Work shows up for them, and then they respond to it. They don’t create it out of
their head.

The Sacral gets turned on by two sounds. When these sounds are emitted, the Sacral can find its truth.
The Sacral is pretty far away from the head. So when you are operating out of the rudimentary life
force energy, if you have to stop and use words, you’re talking out of your head, your energy is far
away from your Sacral. Your Sacral is your compass, your navigational tool for your life. It will guide
you: tell you where you need to go, when you need to do something, what you need to do. The way
in which you are to bypass your head is by making two sounds: “uh-huh” and “un-unh.” It’s life force
energy. The uh-huh and the un-unh turn the Sacral on. That’s your truth. The gut feelings are for the
Generators. The gut is the source of the truth.

The key to waking up your Sacral is to have someone ask you questions which are answered by a yes
or no, but in this way: yes is uh-huh and no is un-unh. That’s your truth. This is because the Sacral
can’t lie. There’s no energy for lying in the Sacral; the Sacral always knows the truth. If however,
you have the 34 -20 channel, your response will be very fast, and the difference between your
response time and the action taken may be a split second. A person with this channel will respond
with “yes” and “no” rather than “uh-huh” and “un-unh.” Be aware that Sacral responses are based on
the availability, or not, of your Sacral energy to connect to and do what you have been asked. Your
Sacral cannot lie; it knows your truth.

The emotional themes of the Manifesting Generator are anger and frustration. That is why the
emotional theme of the Manifesting Generator is anger (from the Manifesting part of the personality)
and frustration (from the Generator part of the personality). Manifesting Generators must also inform
like Manifestors in order to stabilize the energy around them. They can go so fast that informing feels
like it is slowing them down, but informing will decrease the resistance they get from others.
The Manifesting Generator Aura. The aura is an invisible energy field that surrounds all living
creatures, extending about 6 feet in every direction. Its frequency communicates who we are to
others, and governs the way we impact or connect with others. The Manifesting Generator aura is
open and enveloping. But it is not personal. They literally generate the life force of the planet.

Manifesting Generators and sleep. Manifesting Generators have to wear themselves out every day to
get a good night’s sleep. If they struggle with sleep, it’s because they’re not wearing out their Sacral.
In contrast to Generators, Manifesting Generators should get into bed before they are exhausted and
continue to work (or read or watch TV) until they are finished generating. If you have a hard time
falling asleep or sleeping well, it may be that you need more physical exercise to “wear out” your

Manifesting Generator keywords: • Responsive • Persistent • Consistent • Has the ability to hang in
and do things over and over • Finds shortcuts • Can usually find the fastest way to do something •
Sustainable • Steady • Mastery


Manifesting Generators – Why So Busy?

Manifesting Generators are 1 of the 5 types in the Human Design System and make up 35% of the
population. These people are busy by nature. Often they are multi-taskers and they get bored just
doing one thing. The Manifesting Generator or Man-Gen is here to do things and they have a lot of
energy to do it!

To be a Manifesting Generator you need two things. First you need a defined the Sacral Center. The
Sacral center is the most consistent energy in the System and with a defined Sacral it makes you a
Generator. Secondly you need motorized energy that connects through a channel to the throat. There
are 4 motor centers in the Human Design System. They are the Sacral, the Root, the Solar Plexus and
the Heart/Will centers. If you have one of these that is defined and there is a channel connection(s)
from a motor center to the throat you are a Man-Gen.

So what make the Man-Gen so busy? The throat is all about expression of energy. With motorized
energy having a direct connection to the throat it can be expressed in many ways, even
simultaneously. In addition, Manifesting Generators have a quickness about them. The motorized
energy to the throat can also be quick and be initiating like a true Manifestor. So the Man-Gen
straddles the line between the Generator, who is here to do, and the Manifestor who is here to spark
and initiate. The Man-Gen works best by following a strategy of rapid response. They get something
to respond to and respond quickly often in a chain of succession.

Sometimes the Man-Gen is fooled into thinking they are a Manifestor. This can be a trap as the
Manifesting Generator will have more success manifesting if they manifest in response to things in
their reality because ultimately they are not true Manifestors.

Manifesting Generator Friends

At this point in my experience with Human Design, I am beginning to actually see a profound
distinction between the Manifesting Generator and the Generator.
It has always been a mystery to me and it seems a little vague as to exactly what the difference is
being a Generator versus a Manifesting Generator without the awareness that comes over time.
It’s taken me years of witnessing and experiencing Manifesting Generators before I could actually
see this distinction between the two types within a Type, clearly. It has a puzzling sensation with the
auras being the same but as I witness, they are so different in another way.
The understanding of how unique they are from each other seems to have layers and dimensions much
like looking through a kaleidoscope. You have to open your mind a bit to see this difference.
The one thing that is prevalent to me is the quality of patience that many Manifesting Generators
seem to be absent of. I know no better way to describe this lack of patience than a racehorse at the
gate just waiting to bust free from the confines of the gate door on the racetrack.
I watch it in the subtle way they operate. I even see the initiating happening as though it is second
nature because sometimes things go easy for them, for a moment, while they are racing down the
track making things happen.
The other strong distinction between the two types is the enthusiasm that a Manifesting Generator
can have at the start of a project, go deep into it as fast as they can, taking it as far as it can go until
something else comes up, they drop the project and they head in another direction. The project then,
falls flat and dissipates; lots of wasted energy riding on the wave of initiation and not waiting for the
truly correct thing.
It’s exhausting for me in collaboration, as an Emotional Generator, to ride the wave high and then
crash without warning when collaborating. I don’t have that fast energy as a Generator. I can even
have heart palpitations if I am in the aura of an MG for too long. It has a big impact on me.
With the fast energy of the Manifesting Generator is also the tendency to push energy, even when
there is tremendous resistance. Sometime, I have to actually ask my Manifesting Generator friends to
please stop pushing me trying to convince me to do something. They can really be overwhelming.
Conversely, I witness a small number of MG’s live out their life through their HD awareness unlike
the above descriptions. I don’t feel pushing, taking things so far and dropping and being impatient. I
do get to witness an MG in relaxation, which is very different from most Manifesting Generators.
When I witness an MG who is aware of their chemistry and how important it is to be patient, I really
enjoy their company. It is a very different sensation to be in the company of a relaxed, aware
Manifesting Generator. This is where the aura feels the same and the possible resonation of how we
are operating similarly through our auras. Our chemistry can actually compliment each other in our
My best experiences in creating and collaborating with Manifesting Generators has been when I
watch a Manifesting Generator go through their own personal Inner Authority, naturally, as second
As the Manifesting Generator moves through their Inner Authority there is a wonderful sense of
relaxation for me. I feel no pushing, rushing or speeding up, its just smooth interaction and it feels
If there was any one thing that I could tell Manifesting Generators in my observation and witness is
that patience is absolutely key; it is everything.
Many Manifesting Generators are designed with a chemistry that is fast to jump on things and be
incredibly impatient. It can be a great challenge for them to be patient.
Many of my Open Ego/Heart/ Will Center friends jump on an opportunity, make a commitment and
then don’t follow through. It really happens often.
It helps running decision making through your Inner Authority and if your inner Authority says that
it is “not time now”, it is not time; gotta wait! And if your Inner Authority says that it is not the thing
for you, then don’t commit to it.
Be patient and don’t over commit to things. Give your self, space and time.
For instance, someone with an Open Root Center will take on as much as they can, fill their plate full,
hurry and spend lots of energy up really fast and hard. This kind of pace blows out the adrenals and
zaps their energy for a long time.
The MG’s with an Open G Center, I notice, often will jump into relationships with an idealized
concept of what they can create and want it to be. Of course, most will not experience a truly
compatible relationship because they did not take their time to be really sure, which romance requires.
And with the wrong environment come ill health, psychosis and depression. It’s so important to take
your time with romance.
To me, MG’s should be with MG’s when it comes to romance. With their fast frequency and the
quality of its manifesting ability, they are a good reflection for the way they operate.
When a MG and a Pure Generator are together in romance, there is going to be a lot of pressure on
the Generator to manifest and initiate, there will be the heart palpitations if you are in each other’s
aura a lot or sleep together and there will be a movement that is much faster than the Generator at
navigating life. The Generator can also take on a quality of anger that is really foreign to them and
reflect it back in the relationship even more than the MG.
When I feel anger come up in me, I look around to see if there is a Manifestor or a Manifesting
Generator around me and there usually is. I turn and ask them, “What are you angry about?” and they
are angry about something. I’m not angry; It is not my natural chemistry. That is why I notice it and
it feels foreign to me, it is not in me and it is coming from somewhere else.
This can bring a lot of confusion when the two types of frequencies try to have a romance.
With the other types you have the challenge with the open Sacral Centers and the possible drain on
energy that can happen with a non-sacral being. A non-Sacral can begin to adopt the busyness of the
Manifesting Generator, initiate and not follow through, dropping projects suddenly and move away
from their own natural rhythm through life according to their aura. It can become very confusing and
I love the magic that my MG friends carry in their aura; I do play with it. If someone gets excited it
revs up my fantasy channel and off we go until we get to the point of manifesting or initiating and
then it all changes.
Everybody has their own way of operating, their own inner compass to guide them when they use
their Inner Authority and way to operate that leads them to the next correct thing.
To Manifesting Generator friends, just a word: patience!
And try not to push the Pure Generators! We are moving at a little different pace and we are fine with
it. Things work out better for us when we move in our own rhythm.
I love to watch the passion in a Manifesting Generator when they are doing something they love.
They can really move mountains and make things happen when they get to shine in what they do best.
Checking in and seeing if you are relaxed and doing what you love versus pushing up against energy
that feels like a brick wall that is causing you to feel angry and frustrated is a good indicator of where
you are in your ability to tune into your inner guide and whether or not your are initiating.
I love my MG friends and truly enjoy the excitement and possibilities that they bring into my life.
Just yesterday, I sat with a dear friend of mine who is a Manifesting Generator and whose company
I enjoy very much. When she walks in the room the energy lightens and the next thing becomes
purposeful and appropriate. We are in synch and it’s great.
When I first met her I did notice the many not-self tendencies that are inherent in a Manifesting
Generator and the open Center behavior that went with her design. Fortunately, upon meeting she
was immediately interested in knowing more about Human Design and herself.
I started sharing with her about her chemistry and her strategy to wait to respond and with the
Emotional Authority, how she must wait and give herself time to come to some kind of clarity.
What a joy many months later to sit with her and encounter a completely different person in chemistry
who is relaxed and confidant. I ask her what she has discovered that brings her to this state of being
and she said that her focus has been on being patient and giving herself time before she jumps on
She mentioned that she has noticed how much her response to something can change so radically
from one day to the next as she sleeps on things and continues to wave through decisions. She is truly
practicing the science and applying the tools and it really shows in our afternoon visit.
I see her more aware, more acute with the sense of initiation and how her open Centers are operating.
I see her understanding how her mental process takes her into a different space than her Inner
Authority. It is a joy to share, witness and celebrate the awareness that has taken place over this last
year just playing with the Inner Authority, Sacral Voice, Decision making and getting to know one’s
own chemistry intimately.
Aware friends are a great blessing.


Fastest Racehorse of Them All

MG’s (Manifesting Generators) are a 50/50 mix of Manifestor chemistry and Generator chemistry.
The pure Manifestor aura is actually being phased out of the human race and off the planet. The
Manifestor aura will not be incarnating again. This is their final lifetime. They are very much a part
of the seven-centered consciousness that existed prior to the advent of the nine centered being in
1780’s. They are the kings and queens, the priests and wealthy lords and ladies from previous
lifetimes who governed and enslaved large groups of Generators. This is the last round of that type
of hierarchy and reign over humans.
The MG has been created as a bridge to the distant worlds that rest between the Manifestor and
Generators. This new bridge takes Generators out of slavery and paves the way for Projectors to
guide, organize, and strategize.
What the MG has gained is the strategy to inform. The pure Generator has the ability to patiently wait
to respond to life but the MG, however, wants to push energy and make things happen. It can feel
that extra juice that it has and it can make it really confusing for the MG, sometimes.
With the chemistry of the Manifestor, the MG gains an advantage over the Generator by being able
to push energy in a particular direction. If it is not correct, the process is not smooth and there is no
momentum for getting a project off the ground, as it soon goes flat. It is this push to leap into action
and to “just do it” that is sitting on the edge of the chemistry of all MG’s. This can cause them to be
very erratic, especially if they are not tuned in to their chemistry.
The tendency of the MG is to push energy, waste time and ultimately, money. If you count how much
money was spent and how much is left and what has been manifested, you will see the results of
mental decision-making and the obvious truth to this statement.
One will find that most of the time, the pressure to initiate and jump comes from fear of survival and
need for security. We make so many decisions in desperation to be comfortable, accepted, to feel love
and to feel a sense of significance.
This pressure to jump and lack of patience also “bleeds” into the aura’s of others. I can feel when I
am sitting in the company of a MG aura. I begin to feel really fast inside in my chemistry and a
tremendous pressure on my Throat Center, even my heart organ too. I actually feel like a fast
racehorse about to burst through the gate when I am interacting and trying to plan with a MG. It’s
kind of comical to watch. I can really see the change and feel the rush. I truly have great compassion
upon seeing the struggle to be patient that a MG endures.
I also get a thrill watching a MG when it has slid into a position that activates them and provides the
opportunity to make things happen. It is really, really exciting to watch and be a part of. Wow, a
racehorse crossing the finishing line, victorious in energy well spent doing what they love! It is truly
glorious to witness.
I also see a big difference in how the Generators tend to cover more of the details in the planning that
save money and time when the MG skips certain steps to “Just do it and make it happen.”
Recently, I invited a Splenic MG to assist me in placing my floor rugs. His suggestion was that we
just try it several ways, move the furniture a few times and see what works.
I looked at him and said, “You gotta be kidding. How about I get a blank piece of paper, pencil and
tape measure?” I asked hoping that we could slow down and actually measure the room and the rugs
before going into a furniture-moving marathon.
He chuckled and said, “I knew you would want to do that, sure, go ahead.”
I was pleasantly surprised.
The waiting and pacing is crucial, though, I can see this. I can see how MG’s get excited and then
lose focus, skip steps, initiate and jump ahead thinking that they have it all under control. How
different it is when time proves that they have jumped and mistakes have been made, money has been
wasted and they could have spent their energy on something more beneficial.
Then, there is the difference between the Manifestor and the Manifesting Generator.
The correct, pure Manifestor informs and tells people before they do something – after they have
gained clarity. Then, before they act, they tell those around them who they are impacting by this
The Manifestor aura is so vague in sensation because of its repelling nature that the Generator cannot
easily “taste” the aura nor really gain understanding like it can with other Types. So the informing
has a magical quality that helps gain understanding and bring a sense of relaxation to those who are
impacted by its movement and decisions.
The Manifesting Generator also causes a slight glitch in the process of moving ahead when it doesn’t
inform. The just like the Manifestor, it will avoid informing before it does something. And just like
the Manifestor, it really, really does not like having to inform. In the same way, like the Manifestor,
it gets flow for projects when it informs and is correct in its actions. Informing reduces resistance,
frustration and limitations. It’s actually the golden rule for getting energy to move.
The key is patience. If the MG can master the process of being patient, being busy doing what they
love, informing as they activate, great things will come the MG way.
Life brings those correct opportunities that work in alignment with one’s life purpose. It does become
obvious over time in the daily practice of patience and observation.


Generatori Manifestanti... avete un potenziale di energia super… se la rivolgete verso voi stessi, cioè
rispettate la vostra strategia (strategia del Generatore) Stare in Risposta della Vita...e poi subito dopo
Agite (Manifestazione) e non il contrario...vedrete migliorare le vostre relazioni a qualunque livello quando, troppo spesso, indirizzate tutto il vostro flusso energetico (talvolta fin troppo
emozionale) verso l'altro che ancora non vi ha chiesto alcunché....e che, anche se ben intenzionato,
può avere poca facilità a gestire l'energia che gli scaricate addosso con la vostra parte
manifestante...non state agendo in modo corretto in primis per voi..l'energia dei propri centri motori
non va "sparata"... va DOSATA, in funzione dell'interazione con l'altro...

Trovo che i Generatori/Manifestanti (ed anche a volte certi Generatori puri con quattro centri motori,
definiti nel loro disegno umano) dovrebbero essere ancora più pazienti dei Tipi Generatori Puri (fin
troppo pacati a volte ad indugiare nel proprio giardino e a ripulirlo anche quando tutte le foglie sono
cadute dagli alberi), per portare in equilibrio la propria vita e generare soddisfazione per voi stessi al
posto della frustrazione di essere rifiutati ed allontanati… perché "troppa intensità" può risultare
invasiva.... e come si diceva un tempo... a buon intenditor poche parole.



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