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sullEuropa centro-orientale
della Biblioteca del CSSEO

CSSEO Working Paper No. 151
Aprile 2010

Centro Studi sulla Storia dellEuropa Orientale
Via Tonelli 13 38056 Levico Terme (Tn) Italy
tel/fax: 0461 702137

Il Fondo FBIS-JPRS sullEuropa centro-orientale
della Biblioteca del CSSEO
CSSEO Working Paper No. 151
Aprile 2010

2010 by Centro Studi sulla Storia dellEuropa Orientale
ISBN 88-87667-21-7

Printed in Italy
Il nostro centro studi ha acquisito un considerevole quantitativo di
fascicoli dei servizi di traduzione statunitensi di Foreign Broadcast
Information Service (FBIS) e Joint Publications Research Service
(JPRS). Questo materiale copre soprattutto gli anni 1976-1978 e
1982-1996 (possediamo anche fascicoli di JPRS della fine degli anni
Cinquanta e dellinizio degli anni Sessanta). Successivamente
queste traduzioni hanno circolato soltanto in formato elettronico.
Questo materiale non disponibile in nessuna biblioteca del nostro
Il materiale riguarda sostanzialmente tre aree geografiche: lEuropa
centro-orientale, lUnione Sovietica e gli stati successori, e la
Repubblica Popolare Cinese.
In questo fascicolo viene presentato lindice del posseduto
sullEuropa centro-orientale relativamente agli anni 1976-1978 e
1982-1996. Successivamente pubblicheremo gli indici del
posseduto relativi allUnione Sovietica e gli stati successori, e alla
Repubblica Popolare Cinese.
Nostro progetto ulteriore, ma il problema sar reperire le risorse,
la pubblicazione degli indici del contenuto di ogni fascicolo, affinch
gli studiosi vengano a disporre di un prezioso strumento di lavoro.
Come si pu ben comprendere, avere a disposizione e tradotto in
inglese materiale in orgine pubblicato nelle varie lingue dellEuropa
centro-orientale avvantaggia ogni lavoro di ricerca.
Il fascicolo ospita anche un lavoro originale di Fernando Orlandi,
che ricostruisce le origini di questi servizi di traduzione nel corso
della Seconda guerra mondiale e delinea i contorni di una
imponente attivit pressoch sconosciuta che si
progressivamente espansa nel corso della Guerra Fredda e che
prosegue ancora oggi.

Giampaolo Martina
Conservatore della Biblioteca del CSSEO


Fernando Orlandi, I l mondo in una lingua sola 1
Catalogo: 1976-1978 e 1982-1996 35

Il mondo in una lingua sola
Fernando Orlandi

Negli ultimi anni si discusso assai di frequente di un Open
Source che non ha nulla a che fare con la famiglia di software
informatico di cui si pu disporre liberamente. Si tratta invece
dellOpen Source Intelligence (OSINT).
Con OSINT si indicano le informazioni frutto di una raccolta da
giornali, agenzie di stampa, trasmissioni radiofoniche e televisive,
internet, blog, letteratura grigia, database commerciali e via di
seguito. In breve, le cosiddette fonti aperte

Un mondo da utilizzare appieno
Dopo l11 settembre, nel vasto dibattito apertosi negli Stati Uniti
sulle funzioni e il ruolo dellintelligence stato fortemente posto
laccento sulla necessit di sfruttare maggiormente e in modo
integrato le fonti aperte
Gi nel 1996 la Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the
United States Intelligence Community (nota anche come
Commissione Aspin-Brown) avanza una serie di critiche alla
comunit dellintelligence per non essere stata in grado di utilizzare
maggiormente queste fonti aperte
. A sua volta, nel rapporto
finale, la 9/11 Commission suggerisce una riorganizzazione
e la costituzione di un Open Source Center
allinterno della Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Nella primavera del 2005 anche la Commission on the Intelligence
Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass
Destruction (WMD Commission) mette in evidenza il modo limitato

La comunit dellintelligence statunitense definisce fonti aperte le informazioni
disponibili pubblicamente a chiunque possa legittimamente ottenerle, acquistarle
o osservarle: Office of the Director of National Intelligence, National Open
Source Enterprise, Intelligence Community Directive Number 301, 11 luglio
2006; e Public Law 109-163, 109th Congress, 6 gennaio 2006: National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006, Washington, U.S. G.P.O., 2006, Section
931, p. 3411 ss. Per una definizione delle categorie e delle fonti dellOSINT, vedi

Amy Sands, Integrating Open Sources into Trasnational Threat Assessment, in
Jennifer E. Sims, Burton Gerber (a cura di), Transforming U.S. Intelligence,
Washington, Georgetown U.P., 2005, pp. 64-65.
Richard A. Best, Jr., Alfred Cummings, Open Source Intelligence (OSINT):
Issues for Congress, Washington, Congressional Research Service, RL34270, 5
dicembre 2007.
Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the United States Intelligence
Community, Preparing for the 21st Century: An Appraisal of U.S. Intelligence,
Washington, U.S. G.P.O., 1996, p. 88.
Per i precedenti, si veda Richard A. Best, Jr., Proposals for Intelligence
Reorganization, 1949-2004, Washington, Congressional Research Service,
RL32500, 24 settembre 2004.
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, The 9/11
Commission Report, New York, Norton, 2004, p. 413.

e non sistematico con cui lintelligence statunitense ha utilizzato gli
esperti esterni e le fonti aperte. Seguendo le indicazioni espresse
dalla 9/11 Commission, a sua volta raccomanda la costituzione di
un Open Source Center allinterno della CIA
In questo senso si muove anche il Congresso che, nellIntelligence
Reform and Terrorism Protection Act del 2004, prevede ampi
cambiamenti nella struttura organizzativa dellintelligence. Il
Director of National Intelligence (DNI) deve costituire un centro di
intelligence con lo scopo di coordinare la raccolta, analisi,
produzione e disseminazione di intelligence da fonti aperte agli
elementi della comunit dellintelligence
Rispondendo al Congresso, lAmministrazione decide la costituzione
di un National Open Source Committee (NOSC) e del DNI Open
Source Center (OSC) allinterno della CIA (che in passato aveva la
responsabilit della raccolta di questo tipo di informazioni). LOSC
viene costituito a partire dalle strutture e dal personale del Foreign
Broadcast Information Service (FBIS)
Lattenzione oggi rivolta alle fonti aperte in realt non affatto
nuova, perch anche in passato, soprattutto per le societ chiuse,
si fatto ampio ricorso allutilizzo di quella che oggi chiamata
OSINT: si pensi al lavoro fatto da generazioni di cremlinologi,
sovietologi e China Watchers. Altra faccenda quale rilevanza esse
abbiano avuto nel lavoro degli analisti dellintelligence, perch non
tutti le hanno ritenute importanti. Per la caratteristica di essere
pubblicamente disponibili, le fonti aperte rimuovono uno dei
benefici psicologici, quello che fa essere un insider che dispone di
informazioni speciali. stato infatti osservato che molti analisti
dellintelligence si fidano solo di informazioni classificate
A dispetto di questi pregiudizi, in molte occasioni analisi basate
unicamente su fonti aperte sono state particolarmente perspicaci, e
in effetti diversi analisti riconoscono esplicitamente il loro valore
Nei primi anni di esistenza della CIA, un gruppo di giovani analisti
dalle visioni non convenzionali, conclude che fra Mosca e Pechino

The Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding
Weapons of Mass Destruction, Report to the President of the United States,
Washington, The Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United
States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction, 31 marzo 2005, pp. 22-23, 351,
377, 379, 396, 568 e 569.
Public Law 108-458, 108th Congress, 17 dicembre 2004: Intelligence Reform
and Terrorism Protection Act of 2004, Washington, U.S. G.P.O., 2004, Section
1052, Open-Source Intelligence, p. 3683.
National Open Source Enterprise, Intelligence Community Directive Number
301, 11 luglio 2006, p. 5.
Amy Sands, Integrating Open Sources, p. 72.
Bernard Drell, Intelligence Research. Some Suggested Approaches, Studies
in Intelligence, vol. 1, n. 4, autunno 1957, p. 83.

non tutto funziona bene
. Nel 1952, quando Stalin ancora in
vita, la Guerra di Corea in corso, e tutti i maggiori studiosi del
comunismo ritengono che il blocco socialista sia quello che dichiara,
cio monolitico, analisti della Foreign Document Division (FDD) e
del Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS), ambedue
strutture della CIA, fanno circolare un elaborato in cui identificano
due aree di divergenze di rilievo nella propaganda sovietica e
cinese: una che riguarda il sostegno del Cremlino allo sforzo bellico
cinese in Corea e laltra che concerne posizione e ruolo della
Repubblica Popolare Cinese allinterno del Movimento comunista
. Lanalisi si fonda sostanzialmente su un attento
impiego delle fonti aperte collazionate da FBIS (e in particolare
della sua Analytic Division), cui si unisce il contributo della FDD.
Passa un anno e mezzo e la FDD pubblica un lavoro prodotto da
Philip Bridgham, Arthur Cohen e Leonard Jaffe; intendono suonare
una campanella dallarme sulle divergenze fra Unione Sovietica e
. Alcuni mesi dopo viene fatto circolare un altro elaborato in
cui si rileva come in modo sistematico il Partito Comunista Cinese
(PCC) affermi il pensiero di Mao Zedong su scala internazionale,
evidenziandone il contributo allo sviluppo del marxismo-leninismo,
e facendogli assumere nel sud-est asiatico il ruolo guida sia dal
punto di vista teorico che strategico
lepoca doro dellidillio fra Mosca e Pechino
, ma nel novembre
1954, in uno studio pubblicato da FBIS compare la parola
conflitto: riguarda il tasso di industrializzazione e socializzazione
delleconomia cinese (e pertanto la prospettiva di affrancamento

Per la parte che segue importante Harold P. Ford, Calling the Sino-Soviet
Split, Studies in Intelligence, unclassified edition, inverno 1998-1999, pp. 57-
71. Ma sono soprattutto debitore nei confronti di Allen S. Whiting, per la lunga
conversazione su questi temi, Hong Kong, 11 gennaio 1996.
Foreign Documents Division and Foreign Broadcast Information Service,
Propaganda Evidence Concerning Sino-Soviet Relations, Washington, Central
Intelligence Agency, 30 aprile 1952.
Foreign Documents Division, Chinese and Soviet Views on Mao as Marxist
Theorist and on the Significance of the Chinese Revolution for the Asian
Revolutionary Movement, Washington, Central Intelligence Agency, 8 settembre
1953. Una versione riveduta di questo lavoro stata pubblicata quasi ventanni
dopo con alcune revisioni editoriali: Philip Bridgham, Arthur Cohen, Leonard
Jaffe, Maos Road and Sino-Soviet Relations: A View from Washington, 1953,
The China Quarterly, n. 52, ottobre-dicembre 1972, pp. 670-698.
Foreign Documents Division and Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Some
Aspects of Sino-Soviet Relations Following Stalins Death, Washington, Central
Intelligence Agency, 17 maggio 1954.
Lorenz M. Lthi, The Sino-Soviet Split. Cold War in the Communist World,
Princeton-Oxford, Princeton U.P., 2008. Per i rapporti fra Mosca e Pechino,
questo un periodo ancora oggi da indagare compiutamente.

dallUnione Sovietica) e riguarda il livello di sostegno fornito da
Mosca a Pechino nellopporsi allimperialismo occidentale in Asia
Sotto la direzione di Paul McPherson, gli analisti di FBIS continuano
a mettere in evidenza laccumularsi di segnali che indicano una
crescente discordia fra Mosca e Pechino. Per loro, nel 1956 tutto
questo assai evidente: a Pechino il Renmin ribao critica il culto
della personalit di Stalin ma contemporaneamente promuove
culto della personalit di Mao Zedong
. Nel 1958 gli stessi
analisti si soffermano sulla fredda ricezione moscovita delle Comuni
popolari e del Grande balzo in avanti. Lanno successivo
lattenzione rivolta al fatto che alcuni partiti comunisti dellEuropa
centro-orientale, oltre a quello del Vietnam del nord, con ci
manifestando una insospettata indipendenza e dimostrandosi
ricettivi alle tesi del PCC, siano affascinati dal Grande balzo in
avanti, a dispetto delle riserve moscovite
. Nel 1960 si osserva
come il Partito Comunista dellUnione Sovietica (PCUS) eserciti
intense pressioni su Pechino, chiedendo che i membri del blocco
comunista subordinino i loro interessi nazionali a quelli del
Movimento comunista internazionale (cio di Mosca) e come i
sovietici critichino il dogmatismo (cio i cinesi)
Gi nel 1956, proprio da queste analisi realizzate a partire da fonti
aperte, la CIA decide di costituire un organismo che si deve
occupare unicamente dei rapporti sino-sovietici. Sorge cos,
allinterno dellOffice of Current Intelligence (OCI)
, il Sino-Soviet
Studies Group (SSSG), inizialmente diretto da Ray S. Cline
. Lo
stesso anno produce il suo primo lavoro analitico, The Chinese View
of Interbloc Relations
. A partire dal 1959 SSSG pubblica unintera

Points of Sino-Soviet Conflict on Far Eastern Policy, Washington, Foreign
Broadcast Information Service, Radio Propaganda Report, novembre 1954.
Ford, Calling the Sino-Soviet Split, p. 59.
Idem. Anche gli studiosi occidentali rilevano la fascinazione esercitata da
Pechino su alcuni paesi dellEuropa centro-orientale. Si vedano, ad esempio,
Liliana Brisby, Bulgaria: Leaping Forward without Communes, e M. J. Esslin,
East Germany: Peking-Pankow Axis?, entrambi in The China Quarterly, n. 3,
luglio-settembre 1960, pp. 80-84 e 85-88. Ma vedi anche Current Intelligence
Staff Study, The Chinese Communist Impact on East Germany, Washington,
Central Intelligence Agency, ESAU VVII-60, 15 aprile 1960.
The Sino-Soviet Argument: Moscow Intensifies Pressure for Conformity;
Peiping Shows No Retreat from Basic Positions, Washington, Foreign Broadcast
Information Service, Radio Propaganda Report, 30 settembre 1960.
Successivamente diverr lo Special Research Staff (SRS) del DDI.
Ray S. Cline, Secret, Spies, and Scholars, Washington, Acropolis, 1976, 1976,
pp. 149-151; Id., The CIA under Reagan, Bush, and Casey, Washington,
Acropolis, 1981, pp. 172-173.
David M. Hays,JLS/OLS Contribution to Postwar Intelligence, The Interpreter,
n. 140, 1 ottobre 2009, pp. 3-4. Fanno parte del SSSG esperti provenienti da
varie strutture della CIA: OCI, FDD, FBIS e dallOffice of [Economic] Research
and Reports (ORR). Fra questi, Walter P. (Bud) Southard, Philip Bridgham,

collana di studi, ESAU
. Il nome non scelto a caso: Esa, figlio di
Isacco e Rebecca, il gemello maggiore che baratta il diritto di
primogenitura per un piatto di lenticchie
. Poco dopo, anche il Vice
direttore dellintelligence (DDI) costituisce uno speciale comitato,
diretto da R. Jack Smith, che fa parte dellOffice of National
Estimates (ONE), per indagare sulla questione dei rapporti sino-
sovietici e verificare cosa viene fatto in termini di raccolta [di
informazioni], analisi e produzione
Nel 1960 accade qualcosa di nuovo che conforta e muta la qualit
delle analisi prodotte. La CIA, infatti, grazie ad unoperazione
clandestina, acquisisce una mole significativa di documenti cinesi e
sovietici che gettano luce sulle divergenze che oppongono le due
capitali mondiali del comunismo. Trovano cos conferma le analisi
basate sullutilizzo delle fonti aperte.
Per comprendere la rivoluzione in corso allinterno della CIA
alimentata da questi eretici, bisogna avere presente che allepoca
la tesi dominante sia nella comunit dellintelligence che fra gli
studiosi del comunismo quella che vede il blocco comunista
compatto, coeso e granitico, al di l di piccole divergenze che non
avrebbero in nessun caso minato la solidariet sino-sovietica e
lunit del Movimento comunista internazionale. Pur riconoscendo
che i loro rapporti contengono sia elementi di coesione e che di
divisione, che sono aumentati gli elementi di disaccordo, che forse
il rapporto non pi monolitico, una National Intelligence Estimate
) dellagosto 1960 conclude che le forze coesive rimarranno
pi forti delle forze divisive, almeno per il periodo di questa
, vale a dire per i successivi cinque anni.

Arthur Cohen, Harry Gelman, Set Mardirosian e Donald Zagoria. Zagoria poi
pubblica un lavoro che segna per molti anni gli studi successivi: The Sino-Soviet
Conflict, 1956-1961, Princeton, Princeton U.P., 1962. Entrano a far parte del
gruppo degli eretici, che si amplia, anche analisti dellOffice of National
Estimates (ONE), fra cui Chester Cooper, Richard Shyrock, James Billington,
John Whitman, Louis Sandine e Harold P. Ford. Condividono queste analisi anche
alcuni funzionari del Dipartimento di Stato: Allen S. Whiting, Roger Hilsman,
Herbert Levin e Marshall Green.
Copia di quasi tutti i volumi disponibile nella Biblioteca del CSSEO.
Gen. 25, 19-34; e Ford, Calling the Sino-Soviet Split, p. 59.
Memorandum for [DDI] R. A. Amory, Jr., Meeting of DDI Ad Hoc Committee
on Sino-Soviet Relations, 21 dicembre 1959, cit. in Ivi, p. 60.
Le estimates sono uno dei documenti maggiormente impegnativi prodotto
dalla comunit dellintelligence, con valutazioni di lungo periodo. Vedi Donald P.
Steury (a cura di), Sherman Kent and the Board of National Estimates: Collected
Essays, CreateSpace, 2008 (riedizione di un volume pubblicato nel 1994 dal
Center for the Study of Intelligence della CIA).
Sino-Soviet Relations, National Intelligence Estimate, NIE 100-3-60, 9
agosto 1960, p. 14, in Tracking the Dragon. National Intelligence Estimates on

Allinterno della CIA lostracismo verso gli elaborati prodotti da
questi analisti tale che ad certo momento qualcuno cerca di far
sciogliere il SSSG
. Si scontrano con uomini portatori di visioni
convenzionali, che faticano ad abbandonare i loro rigidi schemi
interpretativi. Per molti anni, a dispetto dellevidenza, una serie di
alti dirigenti della CIA ritiene che il conflitto fra Mosca e Pechino sia
stato costruito a tavolino con lobiettivo di ingannare lOccidente.
Roccaforte di questa tesi il controspionaggio della CIA, e
soprattutto il suo capo, James Angleton
, affascinato dalle sempre
pi stravaganti teorie di Anatolii Golitsyn
, un maggiore del KGB
che defeziona nel dicembre 1961 a Helsinki. Secondo Golitsyn,
esiste un piano globale del KGB per ingannare lOccidente, e per
questo la rottura fra Mosca e Pechino fittizia. Golitsyn continua ad
avanzare bizzarre teorie anche decenni dopo la sua defezione: sono
un inganno sia la Primavera di Praga che la perestroika di Mikhail
In altri casi, un utilizzo sapiente di queste fonti avrebbe risolto
imbarazzanti problemi. assai noto un aneddoto raccontato da un
ex analista della CIA, Frank Snepp, specialista del Vietnam. Mentre
lesercito nordvietnamita avanza nella travolgente offensiva verso
sud della primavera 1975, la CIA si interroga su quale sia
lobiettivo finale di Hanoi: i comunisti nordvietnamiti vogliono
impadronirsi di gran parte del sud del paese per poi negoziare da
una posizione di forza oppure intendono davvero prendere Saigon e
il resto del paese? Lirrisolto dibattito trova soluzione nei fatti,
quando i carri armati entrano a Saigon. In realt, sottolinea Snepp,
la risposta sempre stata a portata di mano, perch Hanoi, prima
dellinizio delloffensiva, ha dichiarato chiaramente le sue
intenzioni: solo che nessuno ha prestato attenzione a quanto
stato scritto dal quotidiano del partito, una fonte aperta. O forse
quel numero del giornale non arrivato o larticolo non stato
tradotto in inglese

China During the Era of Mao, 1948-1976, Washington, National Intelligence
Council, 2004, p. 231.
Ford, Calling the Sino-Soviet Split, p. 64.
Tom Mangold, Cold Warrior. James Jesus Angleton: The CIA's Master Spy
Hunter, New York, Simon and Schuster, 1991.
Christopher Andrew, Vasili Mitrokhin, The Sword and the Shield. The Mitrokhin
Archive and the Secret History of the KGB, New York, Basic Books, 1999, p. 185,
ma anche pp. 367 e 405.
Si vedano i due libri che pubblica: New Lies for Old. The Communist Strategy
of Deception and Disinformation, New York, Dodd, Mead, 1983; e The
Perestroika Deception. Memoranda to the Central Intelligence Agency, Londra,
Harle, 1995.
Frank Snepp, Decent Interval, New York, Vintage Books, 1978, p. 137.

La rivoluzione dellinternet, infine, ha contribuito a cambiare le
cose. Nel caso della Russia si valuta che la percentuale di utilizzo
fra informazioni classificate e fonti aperte invertita rispetto agli
anni della Guerra Fredda: si passati da 80:20 a 20:80
. In
realt, gi nel 1948 lallora direttore della CIA Roscoe H.
Hillenkoetter riconosce che lottanta per cento dellintelligence
proviene da fonti banali quali i libri stranieri, le riviste, le rassegne
tecniche e scientifiche, le fotografie, le analisi commerciali, i
giornali e le trasmissioni radiofoniche e le informazioni generali
fornite da persone con una buona conoscenza degli affari

Agli albori
Il 26 febbraio 1941, con una direttiva presidenziale, Franklin
Delano Roosevelt costituisce il Foreign Broadcast Monitoring
Service (FBMS), alle dipendenze della Federal Communications
Commission (FCC). Compito assegnato a FBMS il monitoraggio
dei programmi radiofonici di propaganda diffusi da alcuni paesi. Al
momento gli Stati Uniti sono ancora degli spettatori, ma la Seconda
guerra mondiale gi da tempo in corso. Per questo divenuto
importante conoscere e analizzare le trasmissioni radiofoniche dei
paesi belligeranti cos come quelle indirizzate al pubblico
americano, destinate ad avere anche un impatto sullopinione
pubblica nazionale. La propaganda dei regimi totalitari (Germania e
Unione Sovietica), cui si aggiungono Italia e Giappone, occupa gi
uno spazio rilevante nella loro politica estera. Un nuovo aspetto di
questa sfera propagandistica costituito dallutilizzo del mezzo
. Nella seconda met degli anni Trenta, lItalia
particolarmente attiva nelle trasmissioni verso lestero. Da Radio
Bari lEiar diffonde con successo emissioni verso tutto il mondo
arabo, con una attenzione particolare diretta alle colonie
britanniche. In poco tempo, le trasmissioni sono irradiate verso i
tutti i continenti e nel 1938 si impiegano ventitr lingue
. Alle

Mark M. Lowenthal, Intelligence, from Secrets to Policy, seconda ed.,
Washington, CQ Press, 2003, p. 80.
Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, Using the Worlds Information Sources, Army
Information Digest, novembre 1948, pp. 3-6.
Harold N. Graves, Jr., War on the Short Wave, New York, The Foreign Policy
Association, 1941. Graves aveva diretto il PLC e sar uno dei primi
amministratori di FBMS.
Franco Monteleone, La radio italiana nel periodo fascista, Venezia, Marsilio,
1976; Alberto Monticone, Il fascismo al microfono, Roma, Studium, 1978;
Antonio Papa, Storia politica della radio, vol. 2, Napoli, Guida, 1978; e Franco
Monteleone, Storia della radio e della televisione in Italia, Venezia, Marsilio,

trasmissioni ufficiali si affiancano quelle coperte, quali le
emissioni di Radio Verdad e quelle della radio di un inesistente
partito antistalinista ma leninista, dirette verso lUnione Sovietica, e
organizzate da Tommaso Napolitano
FBMS deve quindi registrare, trascrivere, tradurre e analizzare
questi programmi. La prima stazione di monitoraggio allestita a
Portland, nellOregon. Nel dar vita a un servizio di monitoring delle
trasmissioni dellAsse sono stati preceduti di un anno e mezzo dagli
. Per Washington unimpresa del tutto nuova, che prende
il via forse fin troppo tardi, anche perch il paese non dispone di un
servizio segreto n di una qualsivoglia organizzazione in grado di
effettuare operazioni clandestine e lavoro di intelligence: William J.
Donovan propone la costituzione di un servizio di informazione
strategico il 10 giugno 1941
. Nasce cos lOffice of the
Coordinator of Information, ma ha breve vita: nel 1942 spezzato
in due, da una parte lOffice of War Information (OWI) e dallaltra
lOffice of Strategic Services (OSS)
Fortunatamente, fin dalla fine del 1939, grazie ad un finanziamento
della Fondazione Rockfeller allUniversit di Princeton, attivo il
Princeton Listening Center (PLC), che monitora in modo sistematico
le trasmissioni radio di Francia, Germania, Giappone, Gran
Bretagna, Italia, Olanda, Ungheria e Unione Sovietica. Lidea del
centro la si deve a John B. Whitton, direttore del Geneva Research
Center, che focalizza i suoi interessi di ricerca sullutilizzo sempre
maggiore della radio come arma di propaganda, interessandosi in
particolare della propaganda nazista. Alla fine del 1938 alla School
of Public and International Affairs della Princeton University
costituito un comitato incaricato dello studio della propaganda
radiofonica e il 27 novembre 1939 prendono il via le attivit del

Le trasmissioni, che ingannarono lopinione pubblica internazionale e
raggiungevano una vasta zona dellUnione Sovietica, iniziarono la sera del 26
marzo 1938 al suono dellInternazionale. interessante osservare che si
interruppero con il patto Molotov-Ribbentrop.
I preparativi dei britannici iniziano nella primavera del 1939 e le attivit
iniziano nellagosto. Brian Rotheray, A History of BBC Monitoring, Reading, BBC
Monitoring, s.d. [2009], p. 8.
Lyman B. Kirkpatrick, Origin, Missions, and Structure of CIA, Studies in
Intelligence, vol. 2, n. 1, inverno 1958, p. 1.
Richard Harris Smith, OSS. The Secret History of Americas First Central
Intelligence Agency, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1972; Thomas F.
Troy, Donovan and the CIA: A History of the Establishment of the Central
Intelligence Agency, CIA, Center for the Study of Intelligence, 1981; Thomas F.
Troy, Wild Bill and Intrepid: Bill Donovan, Bill Stephenson, and the Origin of CIA,
New Haven, Yale U.P., 1996; Michael Warner, The Office of Strategic Services:
Americas First Intelligence Agency, Washington, Public Affairs, Central
Intelligence Agency, 2000; e Nelson MacPherson, American Intelligence in War-
Time: The Story of the OSS, Londra, Frank Cass, 2003.

. Un progetto simile, ma su scala ridotta, intrapreso anche
dalla Stanford University (Stanford Listening Center).
Il PLC la struttura negli Stati Uniti che dispone della maggiore
esperienza e soprattutto che raccoglie analisti e linguisti di tutto
rispetto. Fra questi Hans Speier
, che dopo la guerra entra a far
parte della RAND Corporation
, Abib J. Awad
, George Chestnut

e Bill Pollock
. Chitoishi Yanaga supervisiona e dirige lo staff degli
specialisti delle lingue asiatiche
. Nel giugno 1941 FBMS assorbe il
. Qualche mese dopo, in settembre, assorbe anche il Listening
Post di San Francisco della CBS.
Il 18 novembre 1941 FBMS pubblica il primo Daily Report of
Foreign Radio Broadcasts, un rapporto di traduzioni
. Pochi giorni
dopo, il 6 dicembre, rilascia il primo rapporto analitico, la Weekly
Review, in cui mette in risalto come, abbandonata la cautela
precedente, il tono delle trasmissioni radiofoniche nipponiche

Nellestate 1939 almeno tre quotidiani di New York, Times, Herald-Tribune e
News, avevano allestito dei loro posti di ascolto. Lo stesso avevano fatto due
emittenti radiofoniche, National e Columbia.
A guerra ancora in corso anche co-autore di una interessante monografia:
Ernst Kris, Hans Speier, German Radio Propaganda: Report on Home Broadcasts
During the War, Londra, Oxford U.P., 1944.
Producendo numerosi lavori sulla guerra psicologica e sulla Germania, fra i
quali, ad esempio, Psychological Warfare Reconsidered, Santa Monica, The RAND
Corporation, P-196, 5 febbraio 1951, Germany in American Foreign Policy, Santa
Monica, The RAND Corporation, P-3321, marzo 1966; e Limited Peace, Santa
Monica, The RAND Corporation, P-3920, agosto 1968. Sulla sua esperienza alla
RAND, si veda lintervista rilasciata a Martin Collins, 5 aprile 1988, per il RAND
History Project Interviews (nastri e trascrizioni sono depositati al National Air and
Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington).
Seguiva le trasmissioni in arabo, farsi, industano e turco. Helena Huntington
Smith, It Pays to Listen, Colliers, 30 gennaio 1943, pp. 42-44.
Seguiva le trasmissioni in francese, italiano, portoghese e spagnolo cui si
aggiungevano, quando era necessario, anche olandese e tedesco. On the Beam,
1 gennaio 1944, p. 5.
Seguiva le trasmissioni giapponesi in francese e tedesco e quelle in russo
dallUnione Sovietica. On the Beam, 1 gennaio 1944, p. 5.
Terminata la guerra Chitoishi Yanaga insegna a Yale e pubblica importanti
lavori quali Japan Since Perry, New York, MaGraw-Hill, 1949, e Big Business in
Japanese Politics, New Haven, Yale U.P., 1968.
Entrano a far parte di FBMS Jerome S. Brunner, Bennett Ferrell Ellington,
Arthur Mathieu e Arthur Cantor. Lloyd Free, che ha lavorato con il PLC e dirige la
Public Opinion Quarterly, assume un incarico dirigente. Lo staff del PLC, alla
cessazione delle sue attivit come centro universitario indipendente pubblica un
interessante volume analitico sullutilizzo della propaganda radiofonica da parte
di diversi paesi: Harwood L. Childs, John B. Whitton (a cura di), Propaganda by
Short Wave, Princeton, Princeton U.P., 1942.
In realt, su base sperimentale, quasi fossero dei numeri di prova per il lavoro
futuro, da marzo a giugno 1941 pubblicato con periodicit irregolare German
Broadcasts to North America. A questo seguono alcuni altri bollettini e rapporti
speciali, egualmente pubblicati in modo irregolare.

divenuto sempre pi belligerante
. Il giorno dopo ci sar lattacco
a Pearl Harbor che porta in guerra gli Stati Uniti. Molti decenni
dopo, sempre partendo dallanalisi del linguaggio impiegato da
Pechino, inusuale nei toni e nella durezza, ma simile a quello
impiegato nel periodo precedente allattacco cinese allIndia del
1962, gli analisti di FBIS preannunciano linvasione cinese del
FBMS si trova a far fronte a notevoli difficolt, necessitando di
analisti e linguisti competenti anche per lingue quali arabo,
birmano, cinese e giapponese
. Oggi abbiamo negli Stati Uniti dei
centri di eccellenza per gli studi asiatici, ma nel 1941 non ne
esisteva nessuno
. In aggiunta, i requisiti richiesti per gli analisti
erano elevati: dovevano essere almeno al livello di un Ph.D. e
disporre di un curriculum di eccellenza nel campo della psicologia
sociale o della scienza della politica
Con larrivo nel dicembre 1941 di Lech Zychlinsky a dirigere la
Translation Section si completa lorganigramma (Goodwin B.
Watson dirige lAnalysis Section e Thomas A. Grandin la Report
La guerra avvicina gli analisti de FBMS a quelli dellOWI e cos
Robert D. Leight propone che lorganizzazione muti il nome in
Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service, riflettendo in modo pi
accurato i suoi compiti. Lordine del 26 luglio 1942 della FCC
sanziona il cambio di denominazione
(di seguito, tuttavia,
continuiamo a chiamarlo FBMS, per non confonderlo con il FBIS del

Joseph E. Roop, Foreign Broadcast Information Service History, Part 1: 1941-
1947, Central Intelligence Agency, aprile 1969, p. 23. Sfortunatamente il
secondo volume di questopera, che arriva alla met degli anni Sessanta non
ancora stato declassificato (al riguardo, pendente una richiesta FOIA fatta per
conto dellautore di questo testo, cos come per la storia della Foreign Document
Divisione di FBIS scritta da Edgar C. Duin).
Remarks by J. Niles Riddel, Deputy Director Foreign Broadcast Information
Service at the First International Symposium National Security and National
Competitivness: Open Source Solution, 2 dicembre 1992, dattiloscritto, p. 6.
Un ulteriore problema sar dato dalla politica discriminatoria attuata anche
verso i cittadini statunitensi di origine giapponese.
Stephen C. Mercado, FBIS Against the Axis, 1941-1945, Studies in
Intelligence, vol. 48, n. 3, 2004, p. 35.
Roop, Foreign Broadcast Information Service History, Part 1, pp. 13-14.
Grandin era stato il corrispondente da Parigi della CBS, licenziato perch lascia
senza permesso la capitale allarrivo dei tedeschi. Per questa macchia nel suo
curriculum viene inizialmente assunto in modo condizionato, ma per le sue
riconosciute capacit in breve assume la direzione della Report Section,
posizione che occupa fino a quando riprende il lavoro di giornalista, poco prima
dello sbarco in Normandia.
Roop, Foreign Broadcast Information Service History, Part 1, p. 50.

A met del 1942 FBMS ha 430 dipendenti (erano 215 nel novembre
1941). Il rapido aumento del personale ha a che fare con le sempre
maggiori richieste che riceve e con il ruolo sempre pi rilevante
svolto: i militari vogliono sempre pi traduzioni
, mentre OSS e
OWI dipendono dai suoi bollettini per lintelligence corrente
. Il
ruolo di FBMS diviene sempre pi importante: ad esempio, fornisce
al Board of Economic Warfare (BEW) il 95 per cento delle
informazioni economiche sul Giappone

In aggiunta alle traduzioni,
lAnalysis Division, diretta da
, un eminente psico-
logo sociale proveniente dalla
Columbia University, appronta
rapporti analitici, fra cui il Radio
Report on the Far East (a partire
dal 24 agosto 1942) e Central
European Radio Analysis. A
Weekly Intelligence Report on
Nazi Propaganda (a partire dal
14 gennaio 1943)
Questultimo bollettino pub-
blicato anche grazie al lavoro di
monitoraggio delle trasmissioni
tedesche fatto a Londra, dove
FBMS dispone di un ufficio e si

Sulla base di materiali prodotti da FBMS il Dipartimento della Guerra produce il
bollettino quotidiano War Department Digest of Foreign Broadcasts. Ivi, p. 145.
Ivi, p. 39; ma vedi anche pp. 116-117 e 120-142.
Ivi, p. 45; e per il resto del mondo, p. 158.
Watson, assieme a Frederick Schumann e William E. Dodd, Jr., sar vittima di
uno scontro politico di Washington, quello fra il direttore della FCC James Fly e i
senatori Eugen Cox e Martin Dies. In ballo era la regolamentazione dei grandi
monopolisti delle trasmissioni radiofoniche statunitensi. Cox, feroce oppositore di
Roosevelt e primo presidente dellHouse Un-American Activities Committee
condusse una campagna contro questi uomini, ottenendone il licenziamento.
Elemento non del tutto estraneo forse era stato il fatto che nel 1942 FBIS aveva
messo in evidenza come le dichiarazioni di Dies fossero fossero diffuse con
approvazione in Germania. Vedi Mercado, FBIS Against the Axis, pp. 41-42;
Susan L. Brinson, War on the Homefront in World War II: The FCC and the
House Committee on Un-American Activities, Historical Journal of Film, Radio
and Television, vol. 21, n. 1, marzo 2001, pp. 63-75; e Roop, Foreign Broadcast
Information Service History, Part 1, pp. 189-195.
Si pubblica anche una newsletter, On the Beam, riedita in anastatica in
occasione delle celebrazioni per i cinquanta anni di attivit: On the Beam.
Newsletter of the Foreign Broadcast Information Service, 1942-1945, s.l.
[Arlington?], Foreign Broadcast Information Service, 1991.

avvale della fondamentale co-operazione della BBC
. Nel 1941
infatti raggiunto con il servizio di monitoring della BBC un accordo
di collaborazione su scala globale che, rinnovato e perfezionato
alcuni anni dopo, continua ad essere operativo ancora oggi
La cooperazione fra USA e Regno Unito poi si sviluppa nel settore
, e in ottobre si allarga a Canada e poi a Australia e
Nuova Zelanda
. Il Canada offre poi alla FCC laccesso alle proprie
attivit di monitoring
. Nel 1943 viene concluso fra Londra e
Washington il British-U.S. Communications Intelligence Agreement,
accordo che ad oggi ancora in forza, e che regolamenta diverse
attivit dei due paesi, dalla SIGINT ai servizi di monitoring. Per
parte britannica coinvolto il British Broadcasting Corporation
Monitoring Service (BBCMS)
Al termine della Seconda guerra mondiale FBMS, come molte altre
agenzie sorte nel corso del conflitto rischia la smobilitazione e la
cessazione delle sue attivit (lOSS sciolto dal presidente Harry S.
Truman il 20 settembre 1945)
Per ordine del Segretario della guerra, a seguito di un accordo fra
FCC e il Dipartimento della guerra, il 31 dicembre 1945 FBMS viene
trasferito alle dipendenze della Military Intelligence Division del
General Staff del Dipartimento della guerra e assume il nome di
Foreign Broadcast Information Division (FBID)
Il 5 agosto 1946, un ulteriore trasferimento: adesso FBMS alle
dipendenze del Central Intelligence Group (CIG), che a sua volta
risponde alla National Intelligence Authority. Il 31 ottobre 1946

Di cui non ci occupiamo nel presente lavoro. Ma si vedano Olive Renier,
Vladimir Rubinstein, Assigned to Listen. The Evesham Experience, 1939-43,
Londra, BBC Books, 1986; e John A Kewell, Guide to the Publications of the
Monitoring Service of the British Broadcasting Corporation. Together with and
Index to Countries and a Chronological Table of Notable Events, 1939-1950,
High Wycombe, Bucks, University Microfilms, 1968. Non si pu non ricordare che
ai monitoring britannici hanno lavorato lo storico dellarte Ernst Gombrich e il
filosofo russo Viktor Frank.
Roop, Foreign Broadcast Information Service History, Part 1, pp. 164-172.
Robert L. Benson, The Origin of U.S.-British Communications Intelligence
Cooperation (1940-41), Cryptologic Spectrum, vol. 7, n. 4, autunno 1977, pp.
Jeffrey Richelson, The U.S. Intelligence Community, seconda ed., Cambridge,
Ma., Ballinger, 1989, pp. 266-267. Per il Canada vedi anche Roop, Foreign
Broadcast Information Service History, Part 1, pp. 177-179.
Bob Elliot, Scarlet to Green: Canadian Army Intelligence 1903-1963, Toronto,
Canadian Military Intelligence Association, 1982, p. 461.
Duncan Campbell, Clive Thomas, BBCs Trade Secrets, New Statesman, 4
luglio 1980, pp. 13-14; e Richelson, The U.S. Intelligence Community, pp. 274-
Roop, Foreign Broadcast Information Service History, Part 1, pp. 261-287.
Kirkpatrick, Origin, Missions, and Structure of CIA, p. 5.

Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service muta nome in Foreign
Broadcast Information Service. Dal 31 dicembre 1946 a settembre
1947 cambia nome ancora una volta: ora il Foreign Broadcast
Information Branch del CIG. Quando viene costituita la CIA, con
ladozione del National Security Act del 26 luglio 1947, firmato dal
presidente Harry Truman a bordo del Sacred Cow, laereo
presidenziale VC-54C, si accasa definitivamente nella nuova
organizzazione con il nome di Foreign Broadcast Information
Service (FBIS).
Alla CIA, inizialmente, dal 25 settembre 1947, FBIS assegnato al
Directorate of Intelligence. Assume il nome di Foreign Broadcast
Information Division il 13 dicembre 1950. Infine, l1 luglio 1965
posto alle dipendenze del Directorate of Science and Technology e
riassume il nome di Foreign Broadcast Information Service.
Con la costituzione della CIA si definisce il rapporto con BBCMS.
Lidea dellaccordo formale fra le due organizzazioni di Russel
, e la sua esistenza viene dichiarata pubblicamente dai
britannici: C una stretta collaborazione fra il Monitoring Service
della BBC e la sua controparte americana, il FBIS della CIA degli
Stati Uniti, e ognuno dei due servizi mantiene unit di collegamento
in ognuna delle stazioni dellaltro allo scopo di realizzare un pieno
scambio di informazioni

Conoscere il nemico
Negli anni della Guerra Fredda sono esistiti negli Stati Uniti vasti
programmi di monitoraggio di ogni genere di fonti aperte,
riguardanti soprattutto lUnione Sovietica, lEuropa centro-orientale
e la Repubblica Popolare Cinese. Ma lo sfruttamento delle fonti
aperte iniziato gi durante la guerra.
Con lOrdine esecutivo del 22 gennaio 1946 costituito il Central
Intelligence Group (CIG)
. La sua creazione d inizio a un processo
di concrezione di funzioni in precedenza di pertinenza delle agenzie
e dei dipartimenti che stanno anticipando le riduzioni di bilancio
previste dalle nuove condizioni di pace. La Strategic Service Unit
trasferita dal Department of Army e diviene lOffice of Special
Operations, con funzioni di spionaggio e controspionaggio. Il

James Hanrahan, An Interview with Former CIA Executive Director Lawrence
K. Red White, Studies in Intelligence, unclassified edition, inverno 1999-2000,
p. 29.
BBC Annual Report for 1948-49, cit. in Duncan Campbell, Clive Thomas,
BBCs Trade Secrets, New Statesman, 4 luglio 1980, p. 14.
Michael Warner, The Creation of the Central Intelligence Group, Studies in
Intelligence, vol. 39, n. 5, 1996, pp. 111-120.

Washington Document Center (WDC) sottratto alla Marina e poco
dopo unificato con il German Military Documents Center di Fort
Holabird. La loro unificazione d vita alla Foreign Documents
Division (FDD)
La Seconda guerra mondiale ancora in corso quando lintelligence
militare degli Stati Uniti costitusce la Special Documents Section,
organismo centralizzato di raccolta dei documenti catturati al
nemico nel corso delle operazioni belliche. Questo organismo studia
e analizza anche il materiale sovietico catturato ai tedeschi. Nel
1942 la Marina costituisce il WDC (che dopo la fine della guerra
apre una sede anche a Tokyo), dove si esaminano i documenti
giapponesi catturati. Il lavoro di questi specialisti servir anche per
il processo di Tokyo contro i criminali di guerra nipponici
. Allo
stesso tempo il WDC analizza la documentazione recuperata per
valutare quali informazioni utili si possono rintracciare sugli sviluppi
tecnici e scientifici dellUnione Sovietica
Il WDC di Tokyo ha come missione la raccolta di ogni tipo di
materiale che possa eventualmente avere un qualsiasi valore
militare, strategico o di intelligence. Di ogni libro, articolo o
documento raccolto viene tradotto il titolo e redatto un succinto
riassunto. Il materiale raccolto viene poi spedito a Washington
Per avere una idea della mole di tale lavoro, basti ricordare che
circa 300.000 libri vengono successivamente trasferiti alla Library
of Congress (LOC)
. Nel solo inverno 1945-1946 sono inviati a
Washington circa 420.000 documenti ritenuti di possibile utilizzo da
parte dellintelligence

Kirkpatrick, Origin, Missions, and Structure of CIA, pp. 4-5.
R. John Pritchard, Sonia Magbanua Zaide (a cura di), The Tokyo War Crimes
Trial, 22 voll., New York, Garland, 1981. Per indicazioni sui materiali del WDC
negli archivi statunitensi realativi ai crimini di guerra, vedi Greg Bradsher (a cura
di), Japanese War Crimes and Reated Topics. A Guide to Records at the National
Archives, Washington, Nazi War Crime and Japanese Imperial Government
Records Interagency Working Group, 2006, cd-rom.
J. J. Bagnall, The Exploitation of Russian Scientific Literature for Intelligence
Purposes, Studies in Intelligence, vol. 2, n. 3, estate 1958, p. 45.
George M. Koshi, Contributions to the Allied Occupation Effort in Japan, (accesso: 7 agosto 2008).
Collections Overview. Japanese Studies, Washington, Asian Division, The
Library of Congress, s.d., p. 1. Per altro materiale collazionato dal WDC e anni
dopo trasferito alla LOC, vedi Hwa-Wei Lee, Building a World-Class Asian
Collection in the Library of Congress for Area Studies, Culture Preservation,
Global Understanding, and Knowledge Creation, in Shinpojiumu kirokusy, Ajia
eno chitekitanky to toshokan sbisu no shintenkai, Tokyo, Kokuritsu kokkai
toshokan, 2003, pp. 153-154.
Greg Bradsher, The Exploitation of Captured and Seized Japanes Records
Relating to War Crimes, 1942-1945, in Edward Drea et al., Researching
Japanese War Crimes Records, Washington, Nazi War Crime and Japanese
Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group, 2006, p. 158.

Dopo la sua costituzione, la CIA ad occuparsi della letteratura
scientifica e tecnica sovietica. Nellimmediato dopoguerra il numero
di riviste sovietiche specializzate limitato e inoltre non agevole
. Tuttavia, a partire dal 1952 aumenta rapidamente
laccesso alla letteratura scientifica prodotta in Unione Sovietica, sia
per numero di titoli che per reperimento: se nel 1952 le riviste
disponibili erano 87, nel 1954 sono quasi raddoppiate, giungendo a
165. LAviazione, che vuole disporre del maggior quantitativo
possibile di documentazione, sviluppa con la CIA un progetto
congiunto di riassunto completo di 58 riviste, ritenute di primario
interesse per lintelligence. Questo programma, che prende il via
nellagosto 1947, prosegue fino allaprile 1956. Di ogni articolo
pubblicato fatta una scheda e riassunto il contenuto, mentre
quelli ritenuti di maggiore rilevanza sono tradotti integralmente
Nel 1956, a seguito della maggior apertura generata dal Ventesimo
congresso del PCUS, le riviste scientifiche accessibili aumentano a
328. Inoltre, iniziano a pubblicare anche informazioni e contributi
su ambiti di ricerca fino allora proibiti o coperti dal massimo
segreto: sullenergia atomica, la missilistica, lelettronica,
lautomazione e i problemi della guerra. Allincremento delle
pubblicazioni sovietiche accessibili si accompagna linteresse
statunitense e pertanto aumenta considerevolmente il numero delle
riviste ritenute di primaria importanza. Questo improvviso flusso di
informazioni, ovviamente, comporta dei problemi. Non pi
questione del valore delle informazioni per la comunit
dellintelligence. Ora si tratta di riuscire a gestirle al meglio, a
seconda delle necessit delle varie agenzie e dei singoli analisti
A quel punto le strade si dividono. LAviazione ritiene necessario
espandere il programma di riassunti della letteratura scientifica
sovietica, pi che raddoppiando il numero di riviste catalogate
come di primaria importanza. Altri soggetti della comunit
dellintelligence, mancando le risorse per gestire varie decine di
migliaia di estratti allanno, optano per procedure maggiormente
selettive. Cos, a partire dallaprile 1956 la CIA inizia a pubblicare
due volte al mese un digest di informazioni sulla letteratura
scientifica, affiancandolo a rapporti su singole personalit,
organizzazioni e attivit nei diversi settori scientifici.
Ma non vengono seguite solo le riviste. A partire dal 1953,
lAviazione inizia a schedare e riassumere ogni libro tecnico e
scientifico sovietico ricevuto dalla LOC e da una serie di altre grandi

The Exchange of Scientific Information with the Soviet Union, Bulletin of the
Atomic Scientists, vol. 9, n. 1, febbraio 1953, pp. 13-15 e 22.
Bagnall, The Exploitation of Russian Scientific Literature, p. 45-46.
Ivi, p. 46.

biblioteche collegate
, un programma che prosegue per tutto il
periodo della Guerra Fredda. Una pubblicazione non classificata,

permette di valutare le dimensioni
di questa impresa: gli imponenti
fascicoli del Monthly Index of
Russian Accessions (MIRA) della
LOC (il titolo iniziale era Monthly
List of Russian Accessions),
fascicoli, appunto, mensili, media-
mente di oltre mille pagine di
Nel 1958 lAviazione prepara gli
estratti di ogni articolo pubblicato
da 137 riviste, poi fatti circolare
in forma di scheda. A sua volta, la
CIA produce due digest scientifici.
Scientific Information Report ha il
compito di fornire informazioni
condensate, vuoi riassunti o
estratti, su soggetti ritenuti di alto
interesse. Pubblicato ogni quindici giorni, Scientific Information
Report il frutto di un esame di tutti i periodici scientifici sovietici.
Laltro digest, preparato dalla CIA ma apparentemente pubblicato
dal Department of Commerce, riguarda esclusivamente questioni di
Dal 1958 fino al 1970 la FDD della CIA pubblica il Consolidated
Translation Survey, volumi mensili che raccolgono gli indici di
riviste sovietiche e dei paesi del blocco comunista che sono
disponibili in traduzione inglese, come pure le indicazioni di singoli
lavori tradotti. Il Consolidated Translation Survey, elenca un vasto
spettro di traduzioni: economiche, politiche, militari, sociologiche e
scientifiche. La maggior parte dello spazio dedicato allURSS e
agli altri paesi comunisti, ma elenca anche materiali provenienti da
ogni continente

Sulle strutture e le attivit della LOC nei primi anni del dopoguerra, vedi Jacob
Ornstein, Facilities and Activities of the Library of Congress in the Slavic and
East European Field, The American Slavic and East European Review, vol. 12, n.
4, dicembre 1953, pp. 549-554.
A partire dal 1951 viene affiancato da unaltra massiccia pubblicazione
mensile, sempre edita dalla LOC, la East European Accessions List.
La Biblioteca del CSSEO ne possiede una vasta raccolta, 131 volumi, dal n. 17
del 1959 al n. 151 del 1970 (mancano i n. 30, 41, 71 e 150). Si tratta di volumi
mensili, mediamente dalle 250-280 pagine, ma in certi casi raggiungono le 404
pagine del n. 138 (che copre il mese di giugno 1969). Classificato For Official
Use Only (FOUO), inizialmente ha come editore la FDD della CIA (fino al n. 78,


Quando i sovietici, con il periodico Referativnii Zhurnal, iniziano a
loro volta pubblicare estratti e riassunti della propria produzione
scientifica, la neocostitituita Joint Publications Research Service
(JPRS) ne traduce alcune serie: quelle di biologia, chimica e fisica.
Ad affiancare questo enorme lavoro di traduzioni dellAviazione e
della comunit dellintelligence si affiancano altre istituzioni, quali la
National Science Foundation e il National Institute of Health (che
finanziano la traduzione integrale di altre 30-40 riviste), societ,
organizzazioni e associazioni di settore (che editano altrettanti
periodici quali Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts e Excerpta
Medica), e anche imprese commerciali di traduzioni
. Il
Consolidated Translation Survey, fornisce una idea del vasto
spettro di attivit di spoglio e traduzione dalle riviste scientifiche
pubblicate nei paesi comunisti.
Ma non si pu tradurre tutto. Nel 1958, valutata in un milione e
mezzo di pagine allanno la letteratura scientifica sovietica
accessibile in Occidente
. Non solo i costi sono crescenti, ma un
ulteriore problema costituito dalla necessit di avere a

che copre giugno 1964). Dal 79 al 109 (che copre giugno 1967) pubblicato
dallOffice of Central Reference della FDD, e dal numero successivo fino alla
cessazione delle pubblicazioni ha come editore semplicemente la CIA. Vedi anche
Gregory A. Benadom, Robert U. Goehlert, The CIA: Its History, Organization,
Functions, and Publications, Government Publications Review, vol. 6, n. 3,
1979, pp. 195-211.
Il Consolidated Translation Survey pubblica regolarmente gli elenchi di tutte le
pubblicazioni tradotte e dei rispettivi enti originatori.
Bagnall, The Exploitation of Russian Scientific Literature, p. 49.

disposizione un numero adeguato di traduttori altamente
specializzati. Il problema maggiore, comunque costituito dalla
circolazione e dalla gestione analitica di tutto questo ingente
materiale. poi davvero di interesse per la comunit
dellintelligence statunitense tutto ci che di scientifico si pubblica
in Unione Sovietica?
Per questo, con la costituzione del Committee on Exploitation of
Foreign Language Publications, viene introdotto un meccanismo di
selezione e scrematura
JPRS inizia le sue attivit nel marzo 1957, con fondi provenienti
dalla Difesa
. A differenza di FBIS, orientato sullattualit e sulla
produzione di numerose serie quotidiane di traduzioni, JPRS
pubblica fascicoli tematici e traduce anche interi volumi
. Poco
dopo linizio delle sue attivit, JPRS stipula un accordo con il Joint
Committee on Contemporary China dellAmerican Council of
Learned Societies e il Social Science Research Council, accordo in
base al quale molte delle traduzioni prodotte vengono depositate
nelle biblioteche delle principali universit americane
particolarmente complesso, in ragione di numerazioni
francamente poco comprensibili, seguire bene le tutte pubblicazioni
dei primi di anni di attivit di JPRS
. Lo sforzo di JPRS stato
imponente soprattutto per la traduzione di interi volumi o
addirittura, in alcuni casi, intere serie di volumi. Si va, tanto per
fare alcuni esempi, dalla traduzione di materiali sul Xinjiang

In apparenza JPRS risulta essere una struttura alle dipendenze del Department
of Commerce, come si legge sulla copertina dei suoi rapporti.
Per una serie di osservazioni relative allutilizzo delle fonti aperte sovietiche nel
caso dello Sputnik, vedi Soviet Communications Journals as Sources of
Intelligence, NSA Technical Journal, vol. 9, n. 3, agosto 1964, pp. 55-58
(declassificato nel 2008 con tagli, in origine Secret Kimbo).
Un fascicolo del 1960 elenca 35 biblioteche degli Stati Uniti e una canadese.
Vedi JPRS 3936, 19 settembre 1960, pagine iniziali non numerate fra la
copertina e lindice.
Cfr. Peter Berton, Eugene Wu, Contemporary China. A Research Guide,
Stanford, The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, 1967, p. 411
(ma si vedano ugualmente le pp. 409-430). La difficolt dichiarata nel seguire le
traduzioni sulla Cina nei primi anni di JPRS, vale anche per tutti gli altri paesi.
Vedi Debra Hassig, U.S. Joint Publications Research Service Translations: A
Users Manual, Government Publications Review, vol. 14, n. 5, 1987, pp 559-
Ad esempio Konstantin F. Kotov, Autonomy of Local Nationalities in the
Chinese Peoples Republic, JPRS 3547, 18 luglio 1960 (traduzione di Mestnaya
natsionalnaya avtonomiya v Kitaiskoi Narodnoi Respublike na primere
Sintszyan-Uygurskoi Avtonomnoi Oblasti, Mosca, Gos. Izdat. Yuridicheskoi
Literatury, 1959); e Mohammed Said Ismail, Mohammed Aziz Ismail, Moslem in
the Soviet Union and in China, JPRS 3936, 19 settembre 1960 (traduzione di Al-

quella di una delle prime storie del PCC pubblicate in Cina
estratti delle Shnime pr Kinm di Enver Hoxha
o ad unampia
scelta dai primi dieci volumi di Mo Takuto shu, una vasta collazione
di testi di Mao Zedong altrimenti inaccessibili, pubblicati in
Giappone grazie a un progetto di ricerca diretto da Takeuchi

Quale curiosit italiana, infine, non si pu non ricordare, la
traduzione parziale di La verit sullAlto Adige, pubblicato dal
Movimento Sociale Italiano nel 1959

Mouslimour Fi-al-ittihad Al Sovietti Wal Sin Ash-shabiyya, pubblicato a Teheran
nel 1960).
A Brief History of the Chinese Communist Party, JPRS 8756, 16 agosto 1961
(traduzione di Wang Shi et al., Zhongguo gongchandang lishi jianbian, Shanghai,
Renmin chubanhe, 1958).
Extracts from Hoxha's Reflections on China, 4 voll., JPRS 73890, 24 luglio
1979; JPRS 74000, 13 agosto 1979; JPRS 74587, 16 novembre 1979; e JPRS
74750, 11 dicembre 1979.
Collected Works of Mao Tse-tung (1917-1949), 5 voll., JPRS 71911-1, 22
settembre 1978; JPRS 71911-2, 5 ottobre 1978; JPRS 71911-3, 10 ottobre
1978; JPRS 71911-4, 1 novembre 1978; e JPRS 71911-5, 16 novembre 1978.
Sempre di Mao JPRS aveva tradotto alcuni volumi di testi collazionati e pubblicati
durante la cosiddetta Rivoluzione culturale: Selections from Chairman Mao, 2
voll., JPRS 49826, 12 febbraio 1970; e JPRS 50792, 23 giugno 1970; Talks and
Writings of Chairman Mao, JPRS 52029, 21 dicembre 1970; e Miscellany of Mao
Tse-tung Thought (1949-1968), 2 voll., JPRS 61269-1 e 61269-2, 20 febbraio
1974. Aveva altres preceduto ledizione inglese del quinto volume delle Opere
scelte di Mao: Selections from Volume V of the Selected Works of Mao Tse-
tung, JPRS 69195, 3 giugno 1977.
Giorgio Almirante et al., The Truth about Alto Adige, JPRS 3550, 14 luglio

Si traduce anche importante letteratura scientifica e National
Technical Information Service (NTIS) riproduce commercialmente
su richiesta i fascicoli di JPRS e mette in circolazione, in certi casi,
anche traduzioni effettuate da altri enti, ad esempio quelle
pubblicate della Translation Service Division del Naval Intelligence
Support Center (NISC)
, e altre ancora nelle quali non indicato
lente originatore, ad esempio il Dictionary of Basic Military Terms,
traduzione di un volume pubblicato a Mosca nel 1965
. Sempre la
Translation Service Division negli anni Settanta produce molte serie
di traduzioni, fra cui Soviet Naval Digest, Shipbuilding, Atomnaya
Energiya, e Prikladnaya Mekhanika i Tekhnicheskaya Fizika. Un
altro vasto programma di traduzioni quello del National Air
Intelligence Center (NAIC), con sede nella Wright-Patterson Air
Force Base, che rivolge una particolare attenzione alle traduzioni di
materiale in lingua cinese. Anche lEsercito pubblica, ad esempio le
traduzioni fatte dal National Ground Intelligence Center, destinate
unicamente alla circolazione allinterno delle agenzie governative
Nel 1948 lAir Research Division crea la Federal Research Division
(FRD), affinch utilizzi le risorse della LOC per individuare obiettivi
nellUnione Sovietica
. In seguito la FDR amplia i suoi servizi,
conducendo ricerche speciali e bibliografiche e realizzando
abstracts di articoli e monografie per diverse agenzie governative,
fra cui la Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) e le altre intelligence
delle forze armate, sfruttando per questa missione le straordinarie
raccolte della LOC e dellintero sistema bibliotecario degli Stati

Nella Biblioteca del CSSEO sono disponibili due pubblicazioni di questa serie:
G. A. Belchlik, et al., Welding of Ship Structures (Selected Translations),
Washington, Naval Intelligence Support Center, AD-750 894, 28 settembre
1972; e Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Mekhanika Materialov, Number 7, 1971 (Selected
Translations). Soviet Materials Science, Washington, Naval Intelligence Support
Center, AD-750 896, 28 settembre 1972. Delle traduzioni del NISC non
sembrano essere disponibili indici.
Dictionary of Basic Military Terms, AD-A022 762, s.d. (molto probabilmente si
tratta di una edizione dellAviazione).
Ad esempio The Stamp of Secrecy is Removed. Soviet Armed Forces Losses in
Wars, Combat Operations and Military Conflicts, Charlottesville, U.S. Army
National Ground Intellice Center, NGIC-HT-0288-95, 3 gennaio 1996; traduzione
di G. F. Krivosheeva (a cura di), Grif sekretnosti snyat. Poteri vooruzhennykh sil
SSSR v voinakh, boevykh deistviyakh i voennykh konfliktak, Mosca, Voennoe
izdatelstvo, 1993.
Jeffrey Richelson, American Espionage and the Soviet Target, New York,
William Morrow, 1987, pp. 252-253.
Defense Intelligence Agency Review and Analysis of the General Intelligence
Career Development Program (ICDP) Annual Status Report for FY 1980 and FY
1981, Washington, Defense Intelligence Agency, 1983, p. III-12, Federal
Research Division, Washington, Federal Research Division, s.d.; e Library of

La FRD, negli anni della Guerra Fredda, dipende da un Director for
General Reference, Research Services, ed divisa in sei sezioni:
Supporto alle ricerche, Europa occidentale/America latina, Medio
oriente/Africa, Asia, URSS/Europa orientale (affari militari, politici
ed economici) e URSS/Europa orientale (scienza e tecnologia e
. In ragione dei suoi collegamenti con la comunit
dellintelligence, la FRD non ha le sue strutture allinterno della LOC
bens nel Washington Navy Yard.
Altre serie di traduzioni sono realizzate in modo autonomo
dallAviazione. Ad esempio, alla Soviet Awareness Division
(dipendente dal Directorate of Research and Soviet Affairs)

compete il Soviet Awareness
Program, che produce alcune
collane di volumi e serie di tra-
duzioni. La collana Soviet Mil-
itary Thought traduce i volumi
della Biblioteca dellufficiale
(Biblioteka ofitsera)
, mentre
nella serie Studies in Com-
munist Affairs sono pubblicati
libri di rilievo, quali lantologia di
testi dalledizione classificata di
Voyennaya mysl
. Sempre alla
Soviet Awareness Division com-
petono i periodici Soviet Press
Selected Translations e Soviet
Military Concepts, cos come va-
rie altre pubblicazioni interne
Di pari passo alla loro acquisizione, i testi delledizione classificata
di Voyennaya mysl sono tradotti dalla FDD come Intelligence

Congress Regulation 214-10, Functions and Organization of the Federal
Research Division, Research Services, 10 maggio 1985.
Fra i quali, ad esempio, A. A. Sidorenko, The Offensive, Washington, U.S.
G.P.O., 1974; N. A. Lomov, Scientific-Technical Progress and the Revolution in
Military Affairs, Washington, U.S. G.P.O., 1974; e S. N. Kozlov (a cura di), The
Officers Handbook, Washington, U.S. G.P.O., 1977. Alcuni di questi volumi
erano stati pubblicati in una precedente edizione interna dellAviazione; ad
esempio, S. N. Kozlov (a cura di), The Officers Handbook, U.S. Air Force,
Foreign Technology Division, AD 733-207, 26 ottobre 1971.
Joseph D. Douglass, Jr., Amoretta M. Hoeber (a cura di), Selected Readings
from Military Thought 1963-1973, 2 voll., Washington, U.S. G.P.O., 1982.
Air Force Intelligence Service, Air Force Magazine, maggio 1987, p. 145;
AFSIR 23-1, Organization and Functions: Air Force Intelligence Service, 15
febbraio 1984 (aggiornato al 9 novembre 1984), p. Q-1; e Richelson, The U.S.
Intelligence Community, p. 81.

Information Special Report. Alla FDD spetta anche il compito di
tradurre documenti classificati. Tra le serie pubblicate da FDD e ora
accessibili ai National Archives di College Park sono i seguenti
Information Reports:
OO-UC 1947-1954
OO-UT 1949-1957
OO-X 1949-1977
OO-XX 1949-1969
U 1947-1953
OO-M 1954-1956
OO-W 1947-1956
OO-J 1957-1968
Sono altres accessibili:
Weekly Information Reports on Communist China 1954-1959
Foreign Translations 1946-1966
Surveys and Abstracts 1948-1975
Press Information Reports and Press Digest 1966-1978
Summaries 1947-1967
Il controllo dei materiali pubblicati da JPRS non agevole, perch
non esiste una sola bibliografia comprensiva. Per il periodo fino al
1969 esistono diversi repertori, ma tutti parziali
. Per gli anni
successivi, invece, la schedatura del materiale pubblicato
pressoch completa
. Da tutti questi repertori sono, ovviamente,
escluse le serie di traduzioni classificate GUO (Government Use
Only) e FOUO (For Official Use Only)

JPRS Published Reports, s.l., s.e., 1957-1958; Theodore E. Kyriak (a cura di),
International Communist Developments, 1957-1961, Annapolis, Research
Microfilm, 1962; le quattro serie di pubblicazioni mensili Bibliography-Index to
Current U.S. JPRS Translations, pubblicate dal 1962 al 1970 da Research &
Microfilm Publications, CCM Information Corp. di New York (precisamente: Soviet
Union; East Europe; China & Asia Exclusive of Near East; e International
Developments); e JPRS Transdex Books in Print, New York, CCM Information,
trimestrale pi indice cumulativo annuale. Reference Aid. Directory of JPRS Serial
Publications, 1957-1972, Arlington, Joint Publications Research Service, 1973,
un libriccino che elenca il materiale per grandi soggetti allinterno delle single
aree geografiche. Le traduzioni tecniche e scientifiche sono invece elencate nel
periodico Technical Translations, pubblicato dal 1959 al 1967 dallInstitute for
Applied Technology, National Bureau of Standards, Department of Commerce. La
raccolta completa di Technical Translations digitalizzata e disponibile on-line
alla Hathi Trust Digital Library:
Per gli anni 1964-1978 Index to Readex Microprint Edition of JPRS Reports,
New York, Readex Microprint Corp.; per il periodo 1972-1974 Transdex, New
York, CCM Information, trimestrale pi indice cumulativo annuale; e per gli anni
successivi Bell & Howell Transdex, Wooster, Micro Photo Division, Bell & Howell
Co., microfiche mensili pi indice cumulativo annuale (sono a conoscenza di un
indice a stampa, ma non ho mai avuto occasione di vederlo o poterlo
Nella Biblioteca del CSSEO sono disponibili certi fascicoli classificati FOUO, ad
esempio Selected Translation on the Eichmann Case from German Magazine,


Depositati nelle biblioteche delle principali universit statunitensi,
duplicati dei fascicoli delle serie di traduzioni di JPRS oltre che da
NTIS si possono acquistare al Photoduplication Service della LOC.
In passato, sulla base di un accordo con JPRS, riproduzioni sono
state commercializzate anche dalla compagnia privata Research &
Microfilm Publications (CCM Information Corporation, una societ
allepoca controllata da Crowe Collier and Macmillan Inc.)
JPRS ha una sala di lettura pubblica a Arlington, Virginia (1000
North Glebe Road). Nella sala di lettura accessibile il pubblicato
fin dal 1975, in copia su microfiche. Sono apparentemente
disponibili anche le copie cartacee degli indici di tutto il pubblicato
fin dal 1957, ma questo materiale non organizzato in nessun

JPRS 3495, 6 luglio 1960, oppure USSR Report, Military Affairs, JPRS L/10122,
18 novembre 1981. Il fascicolo contiene indici, riassunti e traduzioni di estratti
da quattro volumi. La classificazione FOUO spiegata da una nota riprodotta
stampata nellinterno della copertina: Leggi sul copyright e regolamenti che
governano la propriet dei materiali qui riprodotti richiedono che la diffusione di
questa pubblicazione sia limitata alluso ufficiale, ovvero esclusivamente
allinterno delle agenzie governative.
Per la descrizione che segue mi sono basato sullutilizzo delle serie di JPRS
disponibili allUniversity of Maryland, College Park, e ad una raccolta pi
completa, che comprende materiali che non riprodotti nelledizione commerciale
perch classificati FOUO, cui ho avuto accesso allinizio degli anni Novanta
allU.S. Army Russian Institute di Garmisch-Partenkirchen (quellistituzione non
esiste pi ed stata trasformata nel George C. Marshall European Center for
Security Studies).

In realt, per il pubblicato fino al 1962 esistono ancora oggi
incertezze, perch non si comprende come esattamente siano state
distribuite nei primi anni queste serie di traduzioni. Per il periodo
fino al 1962 Research & Microfilm Publications ha effettuato
soltanto una scelta dei materiali tradotti, disponibili in microfilm e
in passato stampati su richiesta anche in singole copie: insomma,
un Book on Demand di una cinquantina di anni fa. Pertanto, per
questo periodo, probabilmente non esiste una raccolta completa
Nella versione in microfilm, per gli anni 1957-1962, le serie di
traduzioni di JPRS sono pubblicate per aree geografiche.
Eastern Europe
International Communist Developments
Mongolia (non comprende il 1962)
North Korea
Soviet Union
Scholarly Book Translations: Asia
Scholarly Book Translations: China
Scholarly Book Translations: Eastern Europe
Scholarly Book Translations: Soviet Union
A partire dallinizio del 1962 sembra che tutto il pubblicato da JPRS
(esclusion fatta per il materiale classificato) sia anche microfilmato.
I rotoli di microfilm sono organizzati per aree geografiche:
Asia 19621974
China 19631964
China and Asia 19641974
East Europe 19621974
International Developments 19621974
Soviet Union 19621974
Con il 1975 Bell & Howell Information Company acquisisce il diritto
di commercializzare la copia delle serie di traduzioni di JPRS in
microfiche. Le raccolte, che coprono gli anni 1975-1996, seguono i
codici di catalogazione di JPRS. Con l1 gennaio 1984 cambiano i
criteri di numerazione delle serie di JPRS: la numerazione
progressiva sostituita da una stringa alfanumerica. Le prime
quattro lettere, JPRS sono uguali per tutti i rapporti (e ovviamente
indicano lente originatore), mentre le seconde tre indicano il tipo
rapporto (e sono sciolte nellelenco che segue): unarea geografica,
una determinata tematica oppure la traduzione di un periodico.
Seguono poi due numeri, che indicano lanno, e le tre cifre
successive indicano lordine progressivo di pubblicazione.
Nel corso degli anni alcune pubblicazioni hanno mutato titolo, e
nellelenco che segue, sono elencate in successione, sotto la stessa

sigla (quando mantenuta). Alcune altre sono cessate mentre altre
ancora sono state assorbite allinterno di una nuova pubblicazione.
Ad un certo punto la traduzione di alcuni periodici
apparentemente cessata, mentre in realt (per questioni di
copyright) prosegue nelle serie classificate FOUO, destinate
soltanto al personale governativo
. Sempre classificate FOUO
sono poi state create altre nuove serie

Le serie JPRS dopo il 1984
JPRS-AKU JPRS Report. East Asia. Korea: Kulloja
JPRS-ATC JPRS Report. East Asia. Vietnam: Tap Chi Cong San
JPRS-ATC JPRS Report. East Asia. Southeast Asia. Vietnam: Tap Chi Cong
JPRS-CAG JPRS Report. China. Agriculture
JPRS-CAR JPRS Report. China
JPRS-CEA China Report. Economic Affairs
JPRS-CEN JPRS Report. Science & Technology, China, Energy
JPRS-CPI China Report. Plant and Installation Data
JPRS-CPS China Report. Political, Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-CRF China Report. Red Flag
JPRS-CRF JPRS Report. China. Red Flag
JPRS-CSB JPRS Report. China. State Council Bulletin
JPRS-CST China Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-CST JPRS Report. Science and Technology. China
JPRS-EEI East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EER East Europe Report
JPRS-EER JPRS Report. East Europe
JPRS-EER Daily Report. Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-ELS Europe/Latin America Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ELS JPRS Report. Science & Technology. Europe & Latin America
JPRS-EPS East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-ESA East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs
JPRS-ESA East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-EST Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-EST JPRS Report. Science & Technology. Europe
JPRS-EST JPRS Report. Science and Technology. Europe/International
JPRS-JAR Japan Report
JPRS-JAR JPRS Report. Eat Asia. Japan
JPRS-JST Japan Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-JST JPRS Report. Science & Technology. Japan
JPRS-KAR Korean Affairs Report
JPRS-KAR JPRS Report. East Asia. Korea
JPRS-LAM Latin America Report
JPRS-LAM JPRS Report. Latin America
JPRS-MON Mongolia Report

Ad esempio, un avviso pubblicato in JPRS-USS-92-001, 3 gennaio 1992,
pagina non numerata prima dellindice, informa che le traduzioni dal mensile
Sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya non saranno pi pubblicate nelle normali serie
di traduzioni, bens nella FOUO JPRS Political Affairs Report.
Ad esempio: JPRS UCM (USSR Report. Control Systems and Machines); JPRS-
UHP (USSR Report. Journal of Marine Hydrophysics); JPRS-UMH (USSR Report.
Meteorology and Hydrology); e JPRS-UMP (USSR Report. Microprocessor
Hardware and Systems).

JPRS-MON JPRS Report. East Asia. Mongolia
JPRS-NEA Near East/South Asia Report
JPRS-NEA JPRS Report. Near East and South Asia
JPRS-SEA Southeast Asia Report
JPRS-SEA JPRS Report. East Asia. Southeast Asia
JPRS-SSA Sub-Saharan Africa Report
JPRS-SSA JPRS Report. Africa (Sub-Sahara)
JPRS-TAC Worldwide Report. Arms Control
JPRS-TAC JPRS Report. Arms Control
JPRS-TEN JPRS Report. Environmental Issues
JPRS-TEP Worldwide Report. Epidemiology
JPRS-TEP JPRS Report. Epidemiology
JPRS-TND Worldwide Report. Nuclear Development and Proliferation
JPRS-TND JPRS Report. Nuclear Developments
JPRS-TND JPRS Report. Proliferation Issues
JPRS-TTP Worldwide Report. Telecommunications Policy, Research and
JPRS-TTP JPRS Report. Telecommunications
JPRS-UAA JPRS Report. Soviet Union. Peoples of Asia and Africa
JPRS-UAC JPRS Report. Central Eurasia. Aviation and Cosmonautics
JPRS-UAG USSR Report. Agriculture
JPRS-UBB USSR Report. Life Sciences. Biomedical and Behavioral Sciences
JPRS-UCC USSR Report. Cybernetics, Computers and Automation
JPRS-UCC JPRS Report. Science & Technology USSR: Computer
JPRS-UCG USSR Report. Consumer Goods and Domestic Trade
JPRS-UCH USSR Report. Chemistry
JPRS-UCH JPRS Report. Science and Technology. USSR: Chemistry
JPRS-UCH JPRS Report. Science and Technology. Central Eurasia: Chemistry
JPRS-UCR USSR Report. Construction and Related Industries
JPRS-UEA USSR Report. Economic Affairs
JPRS-UEA JPRS Report. Soviet Union. Economic Affairs
JPRS-UEA JPRS Report. Central Eurasia. Economic Affairs
JPRS-UEE USSR Report. Electronics and Electrical Engineering
JPRS-UEE JPRS Report. Science and Technology. Central Eurasia:
Electronics and Electical Engineering
JPRS-UEN USSR Report. Energy
JPRS-UEQ JPRS Report. USSR: Engineering and Equipment
JPRS-UEQ JPRS Report. Science and Technology. Central Eurasia:
Engineering and Equipment
JPRS-UEO JPRS Report. Soviet Union. EKO: Economics and Organization of
Industrial Production
JPRS-UES USSR Report. Earth Sciences
JPRS-UES JPRS Report. Science and Technology. Central Eurasia: Earth
JPRS-UFE USSR Report. Problems of the Far East
JPRS-UFE JPRS Report. Soviet Union. Problems of the Far East
JPRS-UFM JPRS Report. Soviet Union. Foreign Military Review
JPRS-UHR USSR Report. Human Resources
JPRS-UIA USSR Report. International Affairs
JPRS-UIA JPRS Report. Soviet Union. International Affairs
JPRS-UIA JPRS Report. Central Eurasia. International Affairs
JPRS-UIE USSR Report. International Economic Relations
JPRS-UKO USSR Report. Translations from Kommunist
JPRS-UKO USSR Report. Kommunist

JPRS-UKO JPRS Report. Soviet Union. Kommunist
JPRS-ULS USSR Report. Life Sciences
JPRS-ULS JPRS Report. Science and Technology. USSR: Life Sciences
JPRS-ULS JPRS Report. Science and Technology. Central Eurasia: Life
JPRS-UNE USSR Report. National Economy
JPRS-UMA USSR Report. Military Affairs
JPRS-UMA JPRS Report. Soviet Union. Military Affairs
JPRS-UMA JPRS Report. Central Eurasia. Military Affairs
JPRS-UMJ JPRS Report. Soviet Union. Military History Journal
JPRS-UMM USSR Report. Machine Tools and Metalworking Equipment
JPRS-UMS USSR Report. Materials Science and Metallurgy
JPRS-UMS JPRS Report. Materials Science
JPRS-UMS JPRS Report. Science and Technology. Central Eurasia: Materials
JPRS-UNE USSR Report. National Economy
JPRS-UPA JPRS Report. Soviet Union. Political Affairs
JPRS-UPA JPRS Report. Central Eurasia. Political Affairs
JPRS-UPM USSR Report. Physics and Mathematics
JPRS-UPM JPRS Report. Science and Technology. USSR: Physics and
JPRS-UPM JPRS Report. Science and Technology. Central Eurasia: Physics
and Mathematics
JPRS-UPS USSR Report. Political and Sociological Affairs
JPRS-USA USSR Report. USA: Economics, Politics, Ideology
JPRS-USA JPRS Report. Soviet Union. USA: Economics, Politics, Ideology
JPRS-USB USSR Report. Space Biology and Aerospace Medicine
JPRS-USB JPRS Report. Science and Technology. USSR: Space Biology and
Aerospace Medicine
JPRS-USP USSR Report. Space
JPRS-USP JPRS Report. Science and Technology. USSR: Space
JPRS-USP JPRS Report. Science and Technology. Central Eurasia: Space
JPRS-USS USSR Report. Sociological Studies
JPRS-USS JPRS Report. Soviet Union. Sociological Studies
JPRS-UST USSR Report. Science and Technology Policy
JPRS-UST JPRS Report. Science and Technology. USSR: Science and
Technology Policy
JPRS-UST JPRS Report. Science and Technology. Central Eurasia: Science
and Technology Policy
JPRS-UTR USSR Report. Transportation
JPRS-UWC JPRS Report. Soviet Union. The Working Class and the
Contemporary World
JPRS-UWE USSR Report. World Economy and International Relations
JPRS-UWE JPRS Report. Soviet Union. World Economy and International
JPRS-WER West Europe Report
JPRS-WER JPRS Report. West Europe
JPRS-WST West Europe Report. Science and Technology

Dopo avere a lungo operato allinterno di FBIS, nel 1995 i servizi di
traduzioni di JPRS confluiscono in FBIS. Di l a poco cessa la
produzione a stampa: da quel momento circolano e sono accessibili

solo in formato elettronico
. Venerd 30 agosto si pubblica lultimo
fascicolo di FBIS-EEU (East Europe); due settimane dopo, venerd
13 settembre 1996 cessa FBIS-SOV (Central Eurasia).
Purtroppo, esistono vari livelli di accesso al materiale e quello
pubblico, commercializzato da NTIS via World News Connection
(WNC) parziale. Per il periodo luglio 1993-luglio 2004 la CIA ha
fornito alle biblioteche delle grandi universit statunitensi, la serie
di cd-rom FBIS Publications. Contengono maggior materiale di
quello accessibile nella versione WNC, ma si possono utilizzare
unicamente su particolari pc sottoposti a restrizioni: non si pu n
stampare n copiare il materiale, ma solo consultarlo a schermo.

A cavallo del passaggio alledizione solo elettronica, FBIS attraversa
un momento di particolare crisi: c chi addirittura vorrebbe
scioglierlo, mentre la comunit accademica statunitense si indigna
e si mobilita. La Federation of American Scientists (FAS) anima una
serie di proteste pubbliche
. Riusciranno a salvare FBIS, ma non
ottengono la prosecuzione delle edizioni a stampa. In ogni caso, il

In realt continuano per un certo periodo ad essere stampati ancora fascicoli
delle serie Science and Technology: per i grafici riprodotti, allepoca non
potevano essere fatti circolare in formato elettronico.
Ben Barber, CIA Media Translations May Be Cut, The Washington Times, 30
dicembre 1996; Norman Kempster, Academia Mounts Fight to Save a CIA
Program, Los Angeles Times, 14 gennaio 1997; Listening the World, The
Washington Post, 31 gennaio 1997 FAS Statement on the Foreign Broadcast
Information Service, 6 febbraio 1997,
(accesso: 17 luglio 2008); e Ben Barber, Scientific Set Celebrates Survival of
CIA Service, The Washington Times, 7 febbraio 197.

personale di FBIS drasticamente ridotto del 60 per cento
. Di l
a poco anche su NTIS pesa la spada di Damocle della chiusura
Come abbiamo visto, l11 settembre segna la svolta e il servizio
prende nuova vita. Con la costituzione del DNI Open Source Center
(OSC) a partire dal personale e dalle strutture di FBIS, apre una
pagina nuova nella storia di questa agenzia. Il direttore del nuovo
centro Douglas Naquin, un analista della CIA che dirigeva
. Unattenzione nuova rivolta a siti web, blog
e a tutto
ci che concerne il fondamentalismo e il terrorismo islamico.

FBIS per molti decenni stato alle dipendenze del Directorate of
Science and Technology (DS&T) della CIA
. In aggiunta alla casa
madre, a Reston, in Virginia, nellarea metropolitana di
Washington, FBIS dispone di diciannove grandi centri regionali
sparsi nel mondo, dove le informazioni sono raccolte e selezionate.
Questi centri sono generalmente collegati a unambasciata, un
consolato o un comando militare
. Negli anni Ottanta le principali
stazioni di monitoraggio sono quelle di Abidjan City, Amman,

Susan B. Glasser, Probing Galaxies of Data for Nuggets, The Washington
Post, 25 novembre, 2005.
Information Policy. NTIS Financial Position Provides an Opportunity to
Reassess Its Mission, Washington, U.S. General Accounting Office, GAO-GGD-00-
147, giugno 2000.
David Ensor, Open Source Intelligence Center, CNN, 8 novembre 2005: (accesso: 22 luglio 2008).
Bill Gerz, CIA Mines Rich Content from Blogs, The Washington Times, 19
aprile 2006.
Richelson, The U.S. Intelligence Community, pp. 18-19.
Remarks by J. Niles Riddel, pp. 3-4.

Asuncion, Atene, Bangkok, Chiva Chiva, Hong Kong, Key West,
Londra, Nicosia, Okinawa, Seoul, Tel Aviv e Vienna
Nel 1992, oltre alle trasmissioni radiofoniche e televisive sono
passati in rassegna oltre 3000 fra periodici e quotidiani in circa 60
. Con il 1992 sorge un problema particolare: dove prima
cera lUnione Sovietica e la lingua franca era il russo, sono
comparsi 15 stati con altrettante lingue. Da qui la necessit di
aumentare lo staff di traduttori per lingue quali quelle del Caucaso
e dellAsia centrale.
In aggiunta al lavoro di raccolta, scelta e traduzione, di un servizio
di allerta diretto verso una cinquantina di istituzioni governative,
FBIS dispone anche una di unimportante struttura analitica, e
produce una vasta serie di analisi.

Fino al 1967 FBIS si occupa soprattutto di trasmissioni radiofoniche
e dispacci delle agenzie di stampa. A partire da quellanno
incaricato anche dello screening delle fonti a stampa, dei
quotidiani, dei periodici e delle riviste
A met degli anni Settanta FBIS Daily Report, la principale
pubblicazione giornaliera di FBIS diviene accessibile in
abbonamento a chiunque ne sia interessato (tramite NTIS). Negli
ultimi ventanni di edizioni a stampa FBIS Daily Report pubblicato

Military Communication Electronic Board, Joint Department of Defense Plain
Language Address Directory, Washington, Department of Defense, 9 agosto
1982, p. II-15, cit. in Richelson, The U.S. Intelligence Community, p. 256.
Remarks by J. Niles Riddel, p. 5.
Remarks by J. Niles Riddel, p. 3.

in otto grandi e fitti fascicoli quotidiani, divisi per aree geografiche:
Cina, Europa orientale, Unione Sovietica, Asia e Pacifico, Medio
Oriente e Nord Africa, America Latina, Europa occidentale, e Africa
In realt non tutto il pubblicato di FBIS facilmente accessibile.
Vari fascicoli hanno una sorta di doppia copertina, che raccoglie
una parte classificata For Official Use Only. La classificazione
data non in ragione della segretezza, perch si tratta di traduzioni
di materiali pubblici, ma in genere per questioni di copyright.

Nel corso degli anni lo staff di linguisti di FBIS ha prodotto una
serie di repertori, dizionari e altro materiale di grande utilit, quali i
repertori degli acronimi, ovvero il loro scioglimento, per molti paesi
e lingue. Ha anche gestito il progetto SMITE (Soviet Military
Terminology), creando una banca dati e pubblicando repertori

Per concludere questa rassegna dei servizi di traduzione del
governo americano non si pu fare a meno di aggiungere quelli
prodotti dallambasciata di Tokyo (Daily Summary of Japanese
Press e Summaries of Selected Japanese Magazines) e quelli del
Consolato generale di Hong Kong. Qui sono state pubblicate per

Queste restrizioni sono assai significative nella versione ora accessibile on-
line. Quanto manca? Molto mi riferisce chi ha accesso alla versione disponibile
agli utenti governativi.
Soviet Military Terminology Project. Reference Aid, JPRS-UMA-87-025, 14
aprile 1987.

decenni tre serie di traduzioni di periodici della Cina comunista
Si tratta precisamente di:
Current Background (CB e successivamente, dal marzo 1974, CMP-CB), n. 1-
1065 (13 giugno 1950-7 luglio 1977);
Extracts from China Mainland Magazines (ECMM), n. 1-212 (15 agosto 1955-23
maggio 1960). Successivamente il titolo diventa Selections from China Mainland
Magazines (SCMM), n. 213-770 (7 giugno 1960-4 marzo 1974). La terza e ultima
serie muta la testata in Selections from Peoples Republic of China Magazines
(CMP-SPRCM), n. 771-943 (25 marzo 1974-26 settembre 1977);
Survey of China Mainland Press (SCMP), n. 1-5573 (1 novembre 1950-15 marzo
1974). Il titolo poi muta in Survey of Peoples Republic of China Press (CMP-
SPRCP), n. 5574-6434 (18 marzo 1974-30 settembre 1977).

Ognuna di queste serie ha un supplemento classificato
, e per
tutte sono stampate degli accurati indici tematici.

In questo contributo lautore ha cercato di fornire una descrizione
degli imponenti servizi di traduzione realizzati dalla comunit
dellintelligence statunitense e di cui hanno beneficiato soprattutto
gli studiosi anglosassoni (quelli italiani li hanno pressoch sempre
Non stato semplice scrivere questo paper, perch non esiste una
sola monografia sullargomento. Questo testo soprattutto frutto

Dal luglio 1947 al maggio 1961 pubblicata anche la Review of the Hong
Kong Chinese Press (poi Chinese Press Review).
Survey of China Mainland Press Supplement pubblica 393 fascicoli nel periodo
6 maggio 1960-27 maggio 1977.

dellesperienza, delle conoscenze accumulate nel corso degli anni,
del lavoro in molte istituzioni e archivi.
Indubbiamente non un lavoro esaustivo. Mancando, tuttavia, ogni
contributo bibliografico, lautore certo di avere scritto alcune
pagine utili per chi intende impiegare questi materiali per le proprie

Le raccolte FBIS e JPRS degli anni 1976-1978 e 1982-1996

JPRS Report. Translations on Eastern Europe. 1976

JPRS 68088 (19 October 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1309
JPRS 68099 (21 October 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 525
JPRS 68102 (21 October 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1310
JPRS 68125 (27 October 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1311
JPRS 68135 (28 October 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1312
JPRS 68136 (28 October 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 526
JPRS 68138 (29 October 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1313
JPRS 68153 (2 November 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 527
JPRS 68158 (2 November 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1314
JPRS 68169 (4 November 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1315
JPRS 68180 (8 November 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1316
JPRS 68185 (9 November 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 528
JPRS 68187 (9 November 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1317
JPRS 68199 (11 November 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1318
JPRS 68204 (12 November 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1319
JPRS 68222 (17 November 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 529
JPRS 68228 (17 November 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1320
JPRS 68242 (19 November 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1321
JPRS 68262 (24 November 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 530
JPRS 68267 (24 November 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1323
JPRS 68273 (26 November 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1324
JPRS 68277 (29 November 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1325
JPRS 68288 (30 November 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1326
JPRS 68303 (1 December 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1327
JPRS 68308 (2 December 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1328
JPRS 68317 (3 December 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1329

JPRS 68320 (6 December 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1330
JPRS 68333 (8 December 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1331
JPRS 68352 (13 December 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1332
JPRS 68369 (15 December 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1333
JPRS 68374 (16 December 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1334
JPRS 68385 (20 December 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 531
JPRS 68390 (21 December 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1335
JPRS 68403 (27 December 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1336
JPRS 68415 (29 December 1976). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1337

JPRS Report. Translations on Eastern Europe. 1977

JPRS 68430 (3 January 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1338
JPRS 68440 (5 January 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 532
JPRS 68444 (5 January 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1339
JPRS 68457 (7 January 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1340
JPRS 68469 (12 January 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 533
JPRS 68473 (13 January 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1341
JPRS 68475 (13 January 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 534
JPRS 68487 (17 January 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1342
JPRS 68510 (21 January 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1343
JPRS 68524 (25 January 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1344
JPRS 68541 (27 January 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1347
JPRS 68546 (28 January 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1346
JPRS 68557 (1 February 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Economic and
Industrial Affairs, No. 1582. Yugoslav Law on Associated Labor
JPRS 68559 (1 February 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1347
JPRS 68576 (3 February 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1348

JPRS 68586 (7 February 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1349
JPRS 68592 (8 February 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 535
JPRS 68597 (8 February 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1350
JPRS 68603 (9 February 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1351
JPRS 68612 (10 February 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1352
JPRS 68624 (14 February 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1353
JPRS 68642 (16 February 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1354
JPRS 68645 (17 February 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1355
JPRS 68654 (18 February 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1356
JPRS 68663 (22 February 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1357
JPRS 68670 (23 February 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 536
JPRS 68678 (24 February 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1358
JPRS 68693 (28 February 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe.Economic and
Industrial Affairs, No. 1596. 1977 Polish Budget
JPRS 68701 (1 March 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1359
JPRS 68716 (3 March 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1360
JPRS 68729 (7 March 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 537
JPRS 68736 (7 March 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1361
JPRS 68740 (8 March 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1362
JPRS 68757 (10 March 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1363
JPRS 68770 (14 March 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1364
JPRS 68774 (15 March 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1365
JPRS 68783 (16 March 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 538
JPRS 68794 (18 March 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1366
JPRS 68796 (18 March 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1367
JPRS 68803 (21 March 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1368
JPRS 68820 (23 March 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1369
JPRS 68821 (23 March 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 539

JPRS 68832 (28 March 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1370
JPRS 68840 (29 March 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1371
JPRS 68849 (30 March 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1372
JPRS 68866 (1 April 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs, No. 1373
JPRS 68872 (4 April 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs, No. 1374
JPRS 68877 (4 April 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs, No.
JPRS 68886 (6 April 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs, No. 1375
JPRS 68901 (8 April 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs, No.
JPRS 68902 (8 April 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs, No. 1376
JPRS 68920 (12 April 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1377
JPRS 68948 (18 April 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1378
JPRS 68952 (18 April 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 542
JPRS 68961 (19 April 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1379
JPRS 69008 (27 April 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1383
JPRS 69025 (29 April 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 543
JPRS 69033 (3 May 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs, No. 1384
JPRS 69046 (5 May 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs, No. 1385
JPRS 69066 (9 May 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs, No. 1386
JPRS 69068 (10 May 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1387
JPRS 69078 (11 May 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1388
JPRS 69100 (16 May 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 544
JPRS 69101 (16 May 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1389
JPRS 69130 (20 May 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1390
JPRS 69141 (24 May 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1391
JPRS 69143 (24 May 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 545
JPRS 69153 (25 May 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1392
JPRS 69160 (26 May 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1393

JPRS 69161 (27 May 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 546
JPRS 69168 (31 May 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1394
JPRS 69182 (1 June 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs, No. 1395
JPRS 69194 (3 June 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs, No.
JPRS 69198 (3 June 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs, No. 1396
JPRS 69203 (6 June 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs, No. 1397
JPRS 69224 (9 June 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs, No.
JPRS 69234 (9 June 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs, No. 1398
JPRS 69241 (13 June 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1399
JPRS 69254 (15 June 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1400
JPRS 69266 (16 June 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1401
JPRS 69270 (17 June 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Economic and
Industrial Affairs, No. 1638
JPRS 69276 (17 June 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1402
JPRS 69282 (20 June 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1403
JPRS 69287 (21 June 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 549
JPRS 69291 (21 June 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1404
JPRS 69293 (22 June 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1404-A
JPRS 69309 (24 June 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1405
JPRS 69315 (27 June 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1406
JPRS 69321 (28 June 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1407
JPRS 69334 (29 June 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1408
JPRS 69336 (29 June 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 550
JPRS 69343 (30 June 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1409
JPRS 69350 (1 July 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs, No. 1411
JPRS 69360 (5 July 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs, No. 1412
JPRS 69374 (6 July 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs, No. 1413
JPRS 69388 (8 July 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs, No. 1414

JPRS 69396 (11 July 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 551
JPRS 69404 (11 July 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 552
JPRS 69412 (12 July 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1415
JPRS 69420 (14 July 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1416
JPRS 69431 (15 July 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1417
JPRS 69438 (18 July 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1418
JPRS 69448 (19 July 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 553
JPRS 69449 (19 July 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1419
JPRS 69458 (20 July 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1420
JPRS 69474 (22 July 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1421
JPRS 69483 (25 July 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1422
JPRS 69492 (26 July 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 554
JPRS 69494 (26 July 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1423
JPRS 69506 (28 July 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1424
JPRS 69508 (28 July 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1425
JPRS 69532 (1 August 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1426
JPRS 69545 (3 August 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1427
JPRS 69568 (8 August 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1428
JPRS 69571 (9 August 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Economic and
Industrial Affairs, No. 1659
JPRS 69576 (9 August 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 555
JPRS 69583 (10 August 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1429
JPRS 69588 (11 August 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1430
JPRS 69599 (12 August 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1431
JPRS 69616 (16 August 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1432
JPRS 69621 (17 August 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1433
JPRS 69648 (22 August 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 556
JPRS 69651 (22 August 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1434

JPRS 69658 (23 August 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1435
JPRS 69677 (25 August 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1436
JPRS 69686 (26 August 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1437
JPRS 69698 (29 August 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1438
JPRS 69706 (30 August 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 557
JPRS 69716 (31 August 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1439
JPRS 69728 (1 September 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1440
JPRS 69732 (2 September 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 558
JPRS 69741 (7 September 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1441
JPRS 69746 (7 September 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1442
JPRS 69754 (8 September 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1443
JPRS 69764 (9 September 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1444
JPRS 69782 (13 September 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1445
JPRS 69793 (14 September 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1446
JPRS 69803 (16 September 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1447
JPRS 69820 (19 September 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1449
JPRS 69822 (20 September 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1449
JPRS 69844 (23 September 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1450
JPRS 69862 (27 September 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1451
JPRS 69873 (28 September 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1452
JPRS 69892 (30 September 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1453
JPRS 69897 (3 October 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1454
JPRS 69910 (4 October 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1455
JPRS 69911 (4 October 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 559
JPRS 69911 (4 October 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 560
JPRS 69929 (6 October 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1456
JPRS 69934 (7 October 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1457

JPRS 69938 (11 October 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1458
JPRS 69950 (12 October 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1459
JPRS 69960 (13 October 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 561
JPRS 69969 (14 October 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1460
JPRS 69978 (17 October 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1461
JPRS 69989 (18 October 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1462
JPRS 70013 (21 October 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1464
JPRS 70031 (26 October 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1465
JPRS 70048 (28 October 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1466
JPRS 70052 (28 October 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 562
JPRS 70072 (1 November 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1467
JPRS 70097 (3 November 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1468
JPRS 70111 (8 November 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1469
JPRS 70121 (8 November 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1470
JPRS 70131 (9 November 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1471
JPRS 70142 (11 November 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1472
JPRS 70153 (11 November 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 563
JPRS 70165 (16 November 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1473
JPRS 70169 (16 November 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 564
JPRS 70175 (16 November 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1474
JPRS 70190 (18 November 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1475
JPRS 70196 (21 November 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1476
JPRS 70205 (22 November 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1477
JPRS 70215 (23 November 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 565
JPRS 70234 (28 November 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1478
JPRS 70252 (30 November 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1479
JPRS 70266 (5 December 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1480

JPRS 70274 (5 December 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1481
JPRS 70283 (6 December 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 566
JPRS 70285 (6 December 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1482
JPRS 70309 (9 December 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1483
JPRS 70317 (12 December 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1484
JPRS 70330 (14 December 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1485
JPRS 70342 (16 December 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 567
JPRS 70348 (19 December 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1486
JPRS 70355 (20 December 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1487
JPRS 70373 (23 December 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1488
JPRS 70388 (28 December 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1489
JPRS 70399 (30 December 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Economic and
Industrial Affairs, No. 1710
JPRS 70400 (30 December 1977). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1490

JPRS Report Translations on Eastern Europe. 1978

JPRS 70412 (4 January 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1491
JPRS 70417 (5 January 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1492
JPRS 70435 (9 January 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 568
JPRS 70472 (12 January 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 569
JPRS 70474 (12 January 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1494
JPRS 70482 (16 January 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1495
JPRS 70498 (18 January 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 570
JPRS 70502 (19 January 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1496
JPRS 70541 (25 January 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1498
JPRS 70564 (30 January 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1499
JPRS 70580 (1 February 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1500

JPRS 70590 (3 February 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 571
JPRS 70605 (7 February 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1501
JPRS 70616 (9 February 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1502
JPRS 70629 (13 February 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 572
JPRS 70640 (15 February 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1503
JPRS 70852 (28 March 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1517
JPRS 71066 (5 May 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs, No.
JPRS 71173 (24 May 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 584
JPRS 71245 (6 June 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs, No. 1543
JPRS 71263 (9 June 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs, No.
JPRS 71296 (15 June 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1547
JPRS 71315 (19 June 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 589
JPRS 71360 (27 June 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1553
JPRS 71375 (28 June 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 590
JPRS 71378 (28 June 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1554
JPRS 71383 (29 June 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1555
JPRS 71392 (30 June 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1556
JPRS 71400 (3 July 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs, No. 1557
JPRS 71405 (6 July 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs, No. 1558
JPRS 71427 (10 July 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 591
JPRS 71428 (10 July 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1561
JPRS 71444 (12 July 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1562
JPRS 71458 (13 July 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 592
JPRS 71462 (13 July 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1563
JPRS 71488 (18 July 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1564
JPRS 71501 (19 July 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1565
JPRS 71509 (20 July 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1566

JPRS 71523 (21 July 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1567
JPRS 71539 (25 July 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1568
JPRS 71553 (26 July 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1569
JPRS 71563 (27 July 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1570
JPRS 71581 (31 July 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1571
JPRS 71590 (1 August 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1572
JPRS 71618 (3 August 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1573
JPRS 71635 (7 August 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1574
JPRS 71640 (8 August 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1575
JPRS 71649 (9 August 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 596
JPRS 71672 (14 August 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1576
JPRS 71699 (17 August 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 597
JPRS 71708 (18 August 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1577
JPRS 71722 (21 August 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1578
JPRS 71738 (23 August 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1579
JPRS 71752 (25 August 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1580
JPRS 71783 (31 August 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific Affairs,
No. 598
JPRS 71785 (31 August 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1582
JPRS 71805 (5 September 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 599
JPRS 71808 (5 September 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1583
JPRS 71826 (7 September 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 600
JPRS 71838 (8 September 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1584
JPRS 71839 (11 September 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1585
JPRS 71874 (15 September 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1586
JPRS 71883 (18 September 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 601
JPRS 71903 (21 September 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1587
JPRS 71912 (22 September 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1588

JPRS 71935 (26 September 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1589. Index Czech Legislation 1977
JPRS 71945 (28 September 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 602
JPRS 71957 (29 September 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1590
JPRS 71960 (29 September 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1591
JPRS 71980 (3 October 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1592
JPRS 71992 (5 October 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1593
JPRS 72018 (10 October 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1594
JPRS 72025 (11 October 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1595
JPRS 72027 (11 October 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 603
JPRS 72035 (12 October 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1596
JPRS 72054 (16 October 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1597
JPRS 72055 (17 October 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1598
JPRS 72065 (18 October 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 604
JPRS 72074 (19 October 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1599
JPRS 72087 (23 October 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1600
JPRS 72109 (25 October 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1601
JPRS 72117 (26 October 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1602
JPRS 72120 (26 October 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Economic and
Industrial Affairs, No. 1805
JPRS 72156 (1 November 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1603
JPRS 72164 (1 November 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 605
JPRS 72182 (3 November 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1604
JPRS 72190 (6 November 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1605
JPRS 72193 (7 November 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1606
JPRS 72194 (7 November 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Scientific
Affairs, No. 606
JPRS 72210 (13 November 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1607
JPRS 72217 (13 November 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs, No. 1608
JPRS 72243 (15 November 1978). Translations on Eastern Europe. Economic and
Industrial Affairs, No. 1811

JPRS East Europe Report. 1982

JPRS 80515 (7 April 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 1996
JPRS 80881 (21 May 1982). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 743
JPRS 80882 (21 May 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2013
JPRS 80893 (24 May 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2014
JPRS 80896 (25 May 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2015
JPRS 80913 (26 May 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2016
JPRS 80914 (26 May 1982). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial Affairs,
No. 2473
JPRS 80936 (28 May 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2017
JPRS 80938 (28 May 1982). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial Affairs,
No. 2274
JPRS 80943 (28 May 1982). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 744
JPRS 80960 (2 June 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2018
JPRS 80972 (3 June 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2019
JPRS 80985 (4 June 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2020
JPRS 81023 (10 June 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2021
JPRS 81039 (14 June 1982). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 745
JPRS 81040 (14 June 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2022
JPRS 81055 (18 June 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2023
JPRS 81097 (22 June 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2024
JPRS 81118 (24 June 1982). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 746
JPRS 81121 (24 June 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2025
JPRS 81133 (25 June 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2025
JPRS 81133 (25 June 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2026
JPRS 81167 (29 June 1982). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
Affairs, No. 2289. Yugoslavia. Basic Premises of the Long-Range Economic
Stabilization Program
JPRS 81169 (30 June 1982). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 747
JPRS 81186 (1 July 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and Military
Affairs, No. 2027
JPRS 81212 (6 July 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and Military
Affairs, No. 2028
JPRS 81222 (7 July 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and Military
Affairs, No. 2029
JPRS 81236 (8 July 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and Military
Affairs, No. 2030

JPRS 81242 (9 July 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and Military
Affairs, No. 2031
JPRS 81262 (13 July 1982). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 748
JPRS 81264 (13 July 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2033
JPRS 81301 (16 July 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2034
JPRS 81316 (20 July 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2035
JPRS 81342 (22 July 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2036
JPRS 81344 (23 July 1982). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 749
JPRS 81369 (26 July 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2037
JPRS 81391 (29 July 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2038
JPRS 81425 (2 August 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2039
JPRS 81435 (3 August 1982). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 750
JPRS 81449 (4 August 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2040
JPRS 81487 (9 August 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2041
JPRS 81500 (10 August 1982). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 751
JPRS 81506 (11 August 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2042
JPRS 81546 (16 August 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2043
JPRS 81567 (18 August 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2044
JPRS 81598 (20 August 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2045
JPRS 81605 (23 August 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2046
JPRS 81621 (25 August 1982). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 752
JPRS 81624 (25 August 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2047
JPRS 81642 (26 August 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2048
JPRS 81649 (27 August 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2049
JPRS 81669 (31 August 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2050
JPRS 81684 (1 September 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2051
JPRS 81690 (2 September 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2052
JPRS 81717 (7 September 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2053
JPRS 81730 (9 September 1982). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 753
JPRS 81738 (10 September 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2054
JPRS 81764 (15 September 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2055

JPRS 81793 (17 September 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2056
JPRS 81817 (22 September 1982). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No.
JPRS 81823 (22 September 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2057
JPRS 81842 (24 September 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2058
JPRS 81861 (27 September 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2059
JPRS 81869 (28 September 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2060
JPRS 81892 (30 September 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2061
JPRS 81924 (22 June 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2024
JPRS 81935 (6 October 1982). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 756
JPRS 81941 (7 October 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2062
JPRS 81963 (12 October 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2063
JPRS 81989 (15 October 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2064
JPRS 82005 (18 October 1982). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 757
JPRS 82007 (18 October 1982). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
Affairs, No. 2325
JPRS 82028 (20 October 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2065
JPRS 82048 (21 October 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2066
JPRS 82071 (25 October 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2067
JPRS 82165 (4 November 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2070
JPRS 82174 (5 November 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2071
JPRS 82196 (9 November 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2072
JPRS 82210 (10 November 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2073
JPRS 82219 (12 November 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2074
JPRS 82224 (12 November 1982). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 759
JPRS 82247 (16 November 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2075
JPRS 82250 (17 November 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2076
JPRS 82251 (17 November 1982). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 760
JPRS 82283 (19 November 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2077
JPRS 82290 (22 November 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2078
JPRS 82320 (24 November 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2079

JPRS 82346 (30 November 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2080
JPRS 82376 (3 December 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 20812
JPRS 82395 (6 December 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2082
JPRS 82397 (6 December 1982). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 761
JPRS 82426 (8 December 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2083
JPRS 82447 (13 December 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2084
JPRS 82464 (14 December 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2085
JPRS 82489 (17 December 1982). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 762
JPRS 82490 (17 December 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2087
JPRS 82507 (21 December 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2088
JPRS 82514 (22 December 1982). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 763
JPRS 82530 (27 December 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2089
JPRS 82564 (30 December 1982). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2090
JPRS 82565 (30 December 1982). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 764

JPRS East Europe Report. 1983

JPRS 82583 (4 January 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2091
JPRS 82585 (4 January 1983). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
Affairs, No. 2355
JPRS 82606 (10 January 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2092
JPRS 82607 (10 February 1983). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
Affairs, No. 2356
JPRS 82626 (12 January 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2093
JPRS 82637 (13 January 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2094
JPRS 82642 (14 January 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 765
JPRS 82643 (9 June 1983). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial Affairs,
No. 2409
JPRS 82656 (17 January 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2095
JPRS 82675 (19 January 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2096
JPRS 82684 (20 January 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2097. Nuclear Weapons and Protection Against Nuclear
JPRS 82688 (20 January 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2098
JPRS 82709 (21 January 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 766

JPRS 82717 (24 January 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2099
JPRS 82723 (25 January 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2100
JPRS 82758 (28 January 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2101
JPRS 82763 (31 January 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2102
JPRS 82803 (4 February 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2103
JPRS 82815 (7 February 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2104
JPRS 82817 (7 February 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 767
JPRS 82824 (8 February 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2105
JPRS 82848 (10 February 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2106
JPRS 82913 (22 February 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 768
JPRS 82915 (22 February 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2109
JPRS 82965 (28 February 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 769
JPRS 83001 (4 March 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2113
JPRS 83014 (7 March 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2114
JPRS 83015 (7 March 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 770
JPRS 83038 (9 March 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2115
JPRS 83048 (10 March 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2116
JPRS 83054 (11 March 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2117
JPRS 83056 (11 March 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 771
JPRS 83074 (16 March 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2118
JPRS 83088 (17 March 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2119
JPRS 83103 (21 March 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2120
JPRS 83129 (24 March 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2121
JPRS 83135 (25 March 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 772
JPRS 83152 (28 March 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2122
JPRS 83157 (29 March 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2123
JPRS 83282 (18 April 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2130
JPRS 83293 (19 April 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 775
JPRS 83300 (20 April 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2131
JPRS 83316 (22 April 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2132
JPRS 83332 (25 April 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2133

JPRS 83359 (28 April 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2134
JPRS 83378 (2 May 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and Military
Affairs, No. 2135
JPRS 83409 (5 May 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and Military
Affairs, No. 2137
JPRS 83423 (6 May 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and Military
Affairs, No. 2138
JPRS 83438 (10 May 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2139
JPRS 83448 (11 May 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 776
JPRS 83466 (13 May 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2140
JPRS 83472 (16 May 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2141
JPRS 83477 (16 May 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 777
JPRS 83541 (25 May 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2144
JPRS 83620 (6 June 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 779
JPRS 83621 (7 June 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2149
JPRS 83641 (9 June 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2150
JPRS 83654 (10 June 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2151
JPRS 83664 (13 June 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 780
JPRS 83667 (13 June 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2152
JPRS 83673 (14 June 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 781
JPRS 83700 (16 June 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2153
JPRS 83709 (17 June 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2154
JPRS 83734 (22 June 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2155
JPRS 83739 (22 June 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2156
JPRS 83760 (24 June 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 782
JPRS 83762 (24 June 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2157
JPRS 83765 (27 June 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2158
JPRS 83791 (29 June 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2159
JPRS 83803 (30 June 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2160
JPRS 83817 (6 July 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and Military
Affairs, No. 2161
JPRS 83839 (7 July 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 783
JPRS 83860 (11 July 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2164
JPRS 83906 (15 July 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2167
JPRS 83912 (18 July 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 784

JPRS 83918 (18 July 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2168
JPRS 83937 (20 July 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2169
JPRS 83941 (24 February 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2111
JPRS 83961 (28 February 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2112
JPRS 83963 (25 July 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2170
JPRS 83979 (26 July 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2171
JPRS 83987 (27 July 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2172
JPRS 83995 (28 July 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2173
JPRS 84019 (2 August 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2174
JPRS 84028 (5 August 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2175
JPRS 84035 (5 August 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2176
JPRS 84048 (5 August 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2177
JPRS 84052 (5 August 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2178
JPRS 84062 (8 August 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2179
JPRS 84079 (10 August 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2180
JPRS 84084 (10 August 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2181
JPRS 84097 (11 August 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2182
JPRS 84098 (11 August 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 785
JPRS 84117 (12 August 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2183
JPRS 84118 (12 August 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2184
JPRS 84122 (15 August 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2185
JPRS 84127 (15 August 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 786
JPRS 84132 (17 August 1983). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
Affairs, No. 2437
JPRS 84134 (17 August 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2186
JPRS 84155 (19 August 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2187
JPRS 84163 (22 August 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2188
JPRS 84178 (23 August 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2189
JPRS 84196 (25 August 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2190
JPRS 84199 (25 August 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 787

JPRS 84213 (29 August 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2191
JPRS 84227 (30 August 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2192
JPRS 84259 (6 September 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2193
JPRS 84265 (7 September 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2194
JPRS 84283 (8 September 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2195
JPRS 84286 (9 September 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 788
JPRS 84300 (12 September 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2196. Bulgaria. Government Efforts to Expand
Relations with Emigres
JPRS 84304 (13 September 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2197
JPRS 84318 (14 September 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2198
JPRS 84334 (15 September 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2199
JPRS 84345 (16 September 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2200
JPRS 84369 (20 September 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2201
JPRS 84385 (22 September 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2202
JPRS 84391 (22 September 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2203
JPRS 84410 (26 September 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2204
JPRS 84419 (27 September 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2205
JPRS 84426 (28 September 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No.
JPRS 84427 (28 September 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2206
JPRS 84440 (29 September 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2207
JPRS 84454 (30 September 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2208
JPRS 84489 (6 October 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2210
JPRS 84493 (6 October 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2211
JPRS 84496 (7 October 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 790
JPRS 84503 (11 October 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2212
JPRS 84513 (12 October 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2213
JPRS 84533 (13 October 1983). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
Affairs, No. 2459
JPRS 84538 (14 October 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2214
JPRS 84542 (14 October 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2215

JPRS 84552 (17 October 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2216
JPRS 84555 (17 October 1983). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
Affairs, No. 2461
JPRS 84559 (19 October 1983). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
Affairs, No. 2462
JPRS 84560 (19 October 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2217
JPRS 84565 (19 October 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2218
JPRS 84583 (21 October 1983). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
Affairs, No. 2463
JPRS 84596 (24 October 1983). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
Affairs, No. 2464
JPRS 84598 (24 October 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2219
JPRS 84606 (25 October 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2220
JPRS 84616 (26 October 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2221
JPRS 84624 (26 October 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 791
JPRS 84627 (27 October 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2222
JPRS 84630 (27 October 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 792
JPRS 84648 (28 October 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2223
JPRS 84656 (1 November 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2224
JPRS 84668 (2 November 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2225
JPRS 84677 (3 November 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2226
JPRS 84701 (8 November 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2227
JPRS 84704 (6 November 1983). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
Affairs, No. 2471
JPRS 84708 (8 November 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 793
JPRS 84715 (10 November 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2228
JPRS 84725 (10 November 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2229
JPRS 84753 (15 November 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 794
JPRS 84771 (17 November 1983). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
Affairs, No. 2475
JPRS 84775 (18 November 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2231
JPRS 84785 (18 November 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2232
JPRS 84813 (25 November 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2233
JPRS 84830 (28 November 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2234
JPRS 84832 (28 November 1983). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
Affairs, No. 2478

JPRS 84841 (29 November 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2235
JPRS 84862 (2 December 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2236
JPRS 84866 (2 December 1983). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs, No. 795
JPRS 84873 (2 December 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2237
JPRS 84894 (7 December 1983). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs, No. 2238

JPRS East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and Military Affairs.
1984 [JPRS-EPS]

JPRS-EPS-84-001 (3 January 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-002 (4 January 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-003 (4 January 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-004 (6 January 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-005 (9 January 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-006 (11 January 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-007 (16 January 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-008 (18 January 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-009 (19 January 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-010 (20 January 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-011 (23 January 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-012 (25 January 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-013 (27 January 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-015 (30 January 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-016 (3 February 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-017 (3 February 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-018 (3 February 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-019 (6 February 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs. Zhivkov Lectures at BCP Acad for Soc Sc
JPRS-EPS-84-020 (6 February 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs

JPRS-EPS-84-021 (8 February 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-022 (10 February 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-023 (10 February 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-024 (14 February 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-025 (16 February 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-026 (17 February 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-027 (21 February 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-028 (24 February 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-029 (27 February 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-030 (29 February 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-031 (1 March 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-032 (5 March 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-033 (7 March 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-034 (12 March 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-035 (13 March 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-036 (15 March 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-037 (20 March 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-038 (20 March 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-039 (22 March 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-040 (26 March 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-041 (28 March 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-042 (2 April 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-043 (3 April 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-044 (5 April 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-045 (5 April 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-046 (11 April 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-047 (12 April 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs

JPRS-EPS-84-048 (13 April 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-049 (17 April 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-050 (18 April 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-051 (20 April 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-052 (23 April 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-053 (25 April 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-054 (26 April 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-056 (30 April 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-057 (2 May 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-057 (27 April 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-058 (3 May 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-059 (8 May 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-060 (9 May 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-061 (11 May 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-062 (15 May 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-063 (17 May 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-064 (18 May 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-065 (21 May 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-066 (22 May 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs. PZPR Conference
JPRS-EPS-84-067 (23 May 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-068 (24 May 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-069 (29 May 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-070 (1 June 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-072 (6 June 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-073 (7 June 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-074 (13 June 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-075 (14 June 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs

JPRS-EPS-84-076 (18 June 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-077 (19 June 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-078 (21 June 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-079 (26 June 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-080 (27 June 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-081 (1 July 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-082 (5 July 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-083 (6 July 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-084 (10 July 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-085 (11 July 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-086 (13 July 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-087 (18 July 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-088 (19 July 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-089 (20 July 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-090 (23 July 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-091 (25 July 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-092 (25 July 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-093 (27 July 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-094 (1 August 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-095 (3 August 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-096 (6 August 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-097 (8 August 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-098 (9 August 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-099 (13 August 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-100 (15 August 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-102 (20 August 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-103 (21 August 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs

JPRS-EPS-84-104 (22 August 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-105 (24 August 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-106 (29 August 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-107 (30 August 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-108 (4 September 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-109 (5 September 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-110 (6 September 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-111 (7 September 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-112 (11 September 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-113 (12 September 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs. Hungary's Economic Work Associations
JPRS-EPS-84-114 (14 September 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-115 (17 September 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-116 (19 September 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-117 (20 September 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-118 (24 September 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-119 (27 September 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-120 (28 September 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-121 (1 October 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-123 (3 October 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-124 (4 October 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-125 (9 October 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-126 (10 October 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-127 (12 October 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-128 (18 October 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-129 (19 October 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-130 (22 October 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-131 (24 October 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs

JPRS-EPS-84-132 (26 October 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-133 (29 October 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-134 (30 October 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-135 (1 November 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-136 (2 November 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs.Bulgaria. On 40th Anniv Soc Rev
JPRS-EPS-84-137 (5 November 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-138 (5 November 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-140 (13 November 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-141 (14 November 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-142 (19 November 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-143 (20 November 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-144 (23 November 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-145 (28 November 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-146 (30 November 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-147 (3 December 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-148 (4 December 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-149 (5 December 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-150 (6 December 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-151 (7 December 1984). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-152 (13 December 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-153 (14 December 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-154 (18 December 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-155 (20 December 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-156 (21 December 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-157 (28 December 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-84-158 (31 December 1984). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs

JPRS East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial Affairs. 1984 [JPRS-

JPRS-EEI-84-001 (3 January 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-003 (10 January 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-004 (11 January 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-005 (11 January 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-006 (12 January 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-007 (16 January 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-008 (17 January 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-009 (17 January 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-010 (18 January 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-011 (20 January 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-012 (25 January 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-013 (25 January 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-014 (30 January 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-015 (3 February 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-016 (3 February 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-017 (9 February 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-018 (9 February 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-019 (10 February 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-020 (14 February 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-021 (15 February 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-022 (21 February 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-023 (22 February 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-024 (23 February 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-025 (24 February 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-026 (29 February 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-027 (5 March 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial

JPRS-EEI-84-028 (6 March 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-029 (12 March 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-030 (13 March 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-031 (15 March 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-032 (16 March 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-033 (20 March 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-034 (20 March 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-035 (21 March 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-036 (23 March 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-038 (3 April 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-039 (3 April 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-040 (4 April 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-041 (9 April 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-042 (10 April 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-043 (12 April 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-044 (16 April 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-045 (18 April 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-046 (23 April 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-047 (24 April 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-048 (26 April 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-049 (27 April 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-050 (2 May 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-051 (3 May 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-052 (4 May 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-053 (8 May 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-054 (9 May 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-055 (10 May 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial

JPRS-EEI-84-056 (14 May 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-057 (17 May 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-058 (18 May 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-059 (21 May 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-060 (24 May 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-061 (25 May 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-062 (29 May 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-063 (30 May 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-064 (31 May 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-065 (1 June 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-066 (5 June 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-067 (7 June 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-068 (8 June 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-069 (12 June 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-070 (13 June 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-071 (14 June 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-072 (18 June 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-074 (25 June 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-075 (28 June 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-076 (3 July 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-077 (5 July 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-078 (11 July 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-079 (12 July 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-080 (16 July 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-081 (18 July 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-082 (20 July 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-083 (23 July 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial

JPRS-EEI-84-084 (25 July 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-085 (26 July 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-086 (30 July 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-087 (1 August 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-088 (6 August 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-089 (8 August 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-84-090 (10 August 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-091 (13 August 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-092 (15 August 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-093 (16 August 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-095 (20 August 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-096 (24 August 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-097 (27 August 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-098 (30 August 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-099 (31 August 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-100 (5 September 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-101 (7 September 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-102 (10 September 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-103 (11 September 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-104 (13 September 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-105 (14 September 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-84-106 (20 September 1984). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs

JPRS East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs.1984 [JPRS-ESA]

JPRS-ESA-84-001 (3 January 1984). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs
JPRS-ESA-84-002 (13 January 1984). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs
JPRS-ESA-84-003 (24 January 1984). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs
JPRS-ESA-84-004 (1 February 1984). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs
JPRS-ESA-84-005 (9 February 1984). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs

JPRS-ESA-84-006 (17 February 1984). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs
JPRS-ESA-84-007 (5 March 1984). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs
JPRS-ESA-84-008 (8 March 1984). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs
JPRS-ESA-84-009 (21 March 1984). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs
JPRS-ESA-84-010 (9 April 1984). East Europe Report. Scientific Affairs

JPRS East Europe Report. Science and Technology.1984 [JPRS-ESA]

JPRS-ESA-84-011 (24 April 1984). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-84-012 (2 May 1984). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-84-013 (7 May 1984). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-84-014 (15 May 1984). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-84-015 (22 May 1984). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-84-016 (24 May 1984). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-84-017 (31 May 1984). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-84-018 (1 June 1984). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-84-019 (8 June 1984). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-84-020 (15 June 1984). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-84-021 (28 June 1984). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-84-022 (10 July 1984). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-84-023 (11 July 1984). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-84-024 (16 July 1984). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-84-025 (17 July 1984). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-84-026 (20 July 1984). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-84-027 (26 July 1984). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-84-028 (1 August 1984). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-84-029 (3 August 1984). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-84-030 (8 August 1984). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-84-031 (15 August 1984). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-84-032 (24 August 1984). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-84-033 (28 August 1984). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-84-034 (10 September 1984). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-84-035 (11 September 1984). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-84-036 (24 September 1984). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-84-037 (28 September 1984). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-84-038 (25 October 1984). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-84-039 (1 November 1984). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-84-040 (5 November 1984). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-84-041 (20 November 1984). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-84-042 (23 November 1984). East Europe Report. Science and

JPRS-ESA-84-043 (3 December 1984). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-84-044 (7 December 1984). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-84-045 (13 December 1984). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-84-046 (26 December 1984). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-84-047 (28 December 1984). East Europe Report. Science and

JPRS East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and Military Affairs.
1985 [JPRS-EPS]

JPRS-EPS-85-001 (2 January 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-002 (3 January 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-003 (7 January 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-004 (9 January 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-005 (10 January 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-006 (11 January 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs. Extracts from Hoxha Work
JPRS-EPS-85-007 (14 January 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-008 (15 January 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-009 (17 January 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-010 (18 January 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-011 (19 January 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-012 (23 January 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-013 (24 January 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-014 (28 January 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-015 (30 January 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-017 (2 February 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-018 (5 February 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-019 (7 February 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-020 (11 February 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs

JPRS-EPS-85-021 (12 February 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-022 (15 February 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-023 (19 February 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-024 (21 February 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-025 (25 February 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-026 (26 February 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-027 (28 February 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-028 (1 March 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-029 (4 March 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-030 (5 March 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-031 (6 March 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-032 (11 March 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-033 (14 March 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-034 (15 March 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-035 (19 March 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-037 (21 March 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-038 (27 March 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-039 (28 March 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-040 (1 April 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-041 (2 April 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-042 (4 April 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-043 (9 April 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-044 (10 April 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-045 (15 April 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-046 (16 April 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-047 (18 April 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-048 (22 April 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs

JPRS-EPS-85-049 (24 April 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-050 (30 April 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-051 (1 May 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-052 (2 May 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-053 (6 May 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-054 (8 May 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-055 (10 May 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-056 (16 May 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-057 (17 May 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-058 (22 May 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-059 (23 May 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-060 (24 May 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-061 (30 May 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-062 (31 May 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-063 (3 June 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-064 (4 June 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-065 (7 June 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-066 (11 June 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-067 (13 June 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-068 (20 June 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-069 (24 June 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-070 (25 June 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-071 (26 June 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-072 (1 July 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-073 (5 July 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-074 (9 July 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-075 (15 July 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs

JPRS-EPS-85-076 (17 July 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-077 (19 July 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-078 (23 July 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-079 (31 July 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and
Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-080 (6 August 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-082 (9 August 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-083 (14 August 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-084 (15 August 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-085 (21 August 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-086 (26 August 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-087 (27 August 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-088 (26 August 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-089 (29 August 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-090 (3 September 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-091 (5 September 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-092 (6 September 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-093 (9 September 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-095 (13 September 1985). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-096 (19 September 1985). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-097 (23 September 1985). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-098 (27 September 1985). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-099 (30 September 1985). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-100 (3 October 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-101 (8 October 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-102 (15 October 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-103 (16 October 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-104 (22 October 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs

JPRS-EPS-85-105 (25 October 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-106 (28 October 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-108 (4 November 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-109 (6 November 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-110 (8 November 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-111 (12 November 1985). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-114 (18 November 1985). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-115 (20 November 1985). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-116 (21 November 1985). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-117 (22 November 1985). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-118 (26 November 1985). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-119 (29 November 1985). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-120 (6 December 1985). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-121 (10 December 1985). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-122 (16 December 1985). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-123 (17 December 1985). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-124 (24 December 1985). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-125 (26 December 1985). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-126 (27 December 1985). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs
JPRS-EPS-85-127 (28 December 1985). East Europe Report. Political,
Sociological and Military Affairs

JPRS East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial Affairs. 1985 [JPRS-

JPRS-EEI-85-003 (9 January 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-004 (11 January 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-85-007 (17 January 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-85-015 (8 February 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs

JPRS-EEI-85-016 (11 February 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-85-018 (15 February 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs. Laws, Decrees on Development of Hungarian Economic
Management System
JPRS-EEI-85-021 (22 February 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-85-026 (5 March 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-031 (19 March 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
Affairs. Romania's Socialist Agriculture
JPRS-EEI-85-032 (20 March 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
Affairs. Roundtable. Economic Problems Facing Socialism
JPRS-EEI-85-033 (21 March 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-034 (22 March 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-035 (25 March 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-036 (28 March 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-037 (2 April 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-038 (4 April 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-039 (8 April 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-040 (12 April 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-041 (15 April 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-042 (18 April 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-043 (23 April 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-044 (24 April 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-045 (26 April 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-046 (30 April 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-048 (10 May 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-049 (16 May 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-050 (21 May 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-051 (24 May 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-052 (4 June 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-053 (6 June 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-054 (11 June 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial

JPRS-EEI-85-055 (18 June 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-056 (24 June 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-057 (28 June 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-058 (10 July 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-059 (16 July 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-060 (22 July 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-061 (23 July 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-062 (29 July 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-064 (9 August 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-065 (13 August 1985). East Europe Report.Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-066 (14 August 1985). East Europe Report.Economic and Industrial
JPRS-EEI-85-067 (22 August 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-85-068 (26 August 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-85-069 (30 August 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-85-070 (3 September 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-85-071 (9 September 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-85-072 (10 September 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-85-079 (11 October 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs
JPRS-EEI-85-091 (27 November 1985). East Europe Report. Economic and
Industrial Affairs

JPRS East Europe Report. Science and Technology. 1985 [JPRS-ESA]

JPRS-ESA-85-001 (2 January 1985). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-85-002 (16 January 1985). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-85-003 (23 January 1985). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-85-004 (24 January 1985). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-85-005 (4 February 1985). East Europe Report. Science and

JPRS-ESA-85-007 (14 February 1985). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-85-008 (15 February 1985). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-85-009 (26 February 1985). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-85-010 (11 March 1985). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-85-011 (18 March 1985). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-85-012 (26 March 1985). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-85-013 (2 April 1985). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-85-014 (8 April 1985). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-85-015 (16 April 1985). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-85-016 (22 April 1985). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-85-017 (2 May 1985). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-85-018 (10 May 1985). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-85-019 (21 May 1985). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-85-020 (6 June 1985). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-85-021 (21 June 1985). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-85-022 (9 July 1985). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-85-023 (30 July 1985). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-85-024 (7 August 1985). East Europe Report. Science and Technology
JPRS-ESA-85-025 (13 August 1985). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-85-026 (29 August 1985). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-85-027 (12 September 1985). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-85-028 (26 September 1985). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-85-029 (30 September 1985). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-85-030 (7 October 1985). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-85-031 (9 October 1985). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-85-033 (5 November 1985). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-85-035 (22 November 1985). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-85-037 (20 December 1985). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-85-038 (30 December 1985). East Europe Report. Science and
JPRS-ESA-85-039 (29 December 1985). East Europe Report. Science and

JPRS East Europe Report. Political, Sociological and Military Affairs.
1986 [JPRS-EPS]

JPRS-EPS-86-001 (29 January 1986). East Europe Report. Political, Sociological
and Military Affairs. Table of Contents, July-December 1985


JPRS East Europe Report. Science and Technology. 1986 [JPRS-ESA]

JPRS-ESA-86-001 (24 January 1986). East Europe Report. Science and
Technology. Table of Contents. JPRS-ESA-85-001, 2 January 1985- JPRS-
ESA-85-039, 29 December 1985

JPRS East Europe Report. 1986 [JPRS-EER]

JPRS-EER-86-003 (10 January 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-005 (15 January 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-006 (16 January 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-007 (17 January 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-008 (21 January 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-009 (23 January 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-010 (24 January 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-012 (28 January 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-013 (29 January 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-014 (30 January 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-015 (3 February 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-016 (4 February 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-017 (7 February 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-018 (10 February 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-019 (12 February 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-020 (13 February 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-021 (14 February 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-022 (15 February 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-023 (18 February 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-024 (19 February 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-025 (25 February 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-026 (26 February 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-027 (27 February 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-028 (28 February 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-029 (1 March 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-030 (3 March 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-031 (4 March 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-032 (5 March 1986). East Europe Report. Yugoslavia. Critical
Analysis of Functioning of Political System
JPRS-EER-86-033 (6 March 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-034 (11 March 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-035 (12 March 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-036 (13 March 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-037 (14 March 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-038 (15 March 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-039 (17 March 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-040 (19 March 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-041 (20 March 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-042 (21 March 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-043 (22 March 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-044 (24 March 1986). East Europe Report

JPRS-EER-86-045 (26 March 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-046 (28 March 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-047 (31 March 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-048 (1 April 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-049 (2 April 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-050 (3 April 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-051 (4 April 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-052 (7 April 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-053 (8 April 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-054 (9 April 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-055 (10 April 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-056 (11 April 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-057 (14 April 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-058 (15 April 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-059 (16 April 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-060 (17 April 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-061 (18 April 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-062 (21 April 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-063 (22 April 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-064 (24 April 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-065 (25 April 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-066 (28 April 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-067 (30 April 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-068 (1 May 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-069 (5 May 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-070 (6 May 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-071 (8 May 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-072 (9 May 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-073 (12 May 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-074 (13 May 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-075 (16 May 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-076 (19 May 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-077 (21 May 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-078 (22 May 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-079 (29 May 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-080 (30 May 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-081 (2 June 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-082 (3 June 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-083 (4 June 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-084 (5 June 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-085 (9 June 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-086 (12 June 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-087 (13 June 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-089 (17 June 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-090 (19 June 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-093 (25 June 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-099 (8 July 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-107 (22 July 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-111 (28 July 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-113 (30 July 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-124 (14 August 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-125 (15 August 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-126 (18 August 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-127 (19 August 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-128 (21 August 1986). East Europe Report

JPRS-EER-86-129 (22 August 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-130 (26 August 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-131 (27 August 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-132 (29 August 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-133 (2 September 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-134 (5 September 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-135 (6 September 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-136 (10 September 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-137 (12 September 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-138 (16 September 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-139 (18 September 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-140 (19 September 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-141 (23 September 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-142 (24 September 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-143 (25 September 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-144 (26 September 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-145 (27 September 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-146 (29 September 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-147 (30 September 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-148 (1 October 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-149 (7 October 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-150 (9 October 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-151 (10 October 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-152 (14 October 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-153 (15 October 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-154 (16 October 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-155 (17 October 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-156 (20 October 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-157 (21 October 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-158 (22 October 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-159 (23 October 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-160 (24 October 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-161 (28 October 1986). East Europe Report. Basic Results from the
1985 Bulgarian Census
JPRS-EER-86-162 (28 October 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-163 (29 October 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-164 (30 October 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-165 (31 October 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-166 (1 November 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-167 (4 November 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-168 (5 November 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-169 (6 November 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-170 (7 November 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-171 (10 November 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-172 (12 November 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-173 (13 November 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-174 (14 November 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-175 (17 November 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-176 (18 November 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-177 (19 November 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-178 (20 November 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-179 (26 November 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-180 (28 November 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-181 (1 December 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-182 (2 December 1986). East Europe Report

JPRS-EER-86-183 (3 December 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-184 (4 December 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-185 (5 December 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-186 (6 December 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-187 (8 December 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-188 (9 December 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-189 (10 December 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-190 (11 December 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-196 (30 December 1986). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-86-197 (31 December 1986). East Europe Report

JPRS East Europe Report/East Europe. 1987 [JPRS-EER]

JPRS-EER-87-001 (2 January 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-002 (6 January 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-003 (7 January 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-004 (8 January 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-005 (9 January 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-006 (12 January 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-007 (15 January 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-008 (16 January 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-009 (20 January 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-010 (23 January 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-011 (26 January 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-012 (28 January 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-013 (2 February 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-014 (3 February 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-015 (4 February 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-016 (5 February 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-017 (6 February 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-018 (9 February 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-019 (10 February 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-020 (11 February 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-021 (13 February 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-022 (17 February 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-023 (18 February 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-024 (19 February 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-026 (23 February 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-027 (25 February 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-028 (26 February 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-029 (27 February 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-030 (2 March 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-031 (3 March 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-032 (5 March 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-033 (6 March 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-034 (9 March 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-060 (14 April 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-069 (4 May 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-071 (6 May 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-077 (14 May 1987). East Europe Report
JPRS-EER-87-090 (9 June 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-091 (10 June 1987). East Europe

JPRS-EER-87-095 (17 June 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-107 (13 July 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-114 (22 July 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-135 (4 September 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-136 (8 September 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-137 (9 September 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-138 (10 September 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-139 (14 September 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-140 (17 September 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-141 (23 September 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-142 (29 September 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-143 (30 September 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-144 (5 October 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-145 (6 October 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-146 (9 October 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-147 (19 October 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-148 (21 October 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-149 (28 October 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-150 (29 October 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-151 (30 October 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-152 (4 November 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-153 (5 November 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-154 (16 November 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-155 (17 November 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-156 (18 November 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-157 (24 November 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-158 (2 December 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-159 (3 December 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-160 (8 December 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-161 (16 December 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-162 (18 December 1987). East Europe
JPRS-EER-87-163 (22 December 1987). East Europe

JPRS East Europe. 1988 [JPRS-EER]

JPRS-EER-88-001 (4 January 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-002 (14 January 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-003 (15 January 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-004 (19 January 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-005 (25 January 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-006 (25 January 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-007 (29 January 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-008 (3 February 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-009 (5 February 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-010 (8 February 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-011 (12 February 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-012 (17 February 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-013 (22 February 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-014 (24 February 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-015 (25 February 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-016 (29 February 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-017 (2 March 1988). East Europe

JPRS-EER-88-018 (3 March 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-019 (7 March 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-020 (8 March 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-021 (9 March 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-022 (17 March 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-023 (22 March 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-024 (25 March 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-025 (29 March 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-026 (30 March 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-027 (31 March 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-028 (4 April 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-029 (5 April 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-030 (12 April 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-031 (13 April 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-032 (19 April 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-033 (26 April 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-034 (2 May 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-035 (3 May 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-036 (6 May 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-037 (10 May 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-038 (12 May 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-040 (23 May 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-041 (25 May 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-042 (31 May 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-043 (3 June 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-044 (7 June 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-045 (9 June 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-060 (28 July 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-063 (4 August 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-068 (22 August 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-072 (31 August 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-076 (15 September 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-086 (17 October 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-087 (18 October 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-088 (21 October 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-089 (24 October 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-090 (25 October 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-091 (26 October 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-092 (28 October 1988). East Europe
JPRS-EER-88-093 (1 November 1988). East Europe. Glasnost in Bulgaria
JPRS-EER-88-101 (28 November 1988). East Europe. Poland. 1988 National
Budget Law
JPRS-EER-88-103 (2 December 1988). East Europe. Poland. CEMA Cooperative
JPRS-EER-88-107 (14 December 1988). East Europe

JPRS East Europe. 1989 [JPRS-EER]

JPRS-EER-89-006 (19 January 1989). East Europe. Hungary. Reform &
JPRS-EER-89-040 (13 April 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-041 (14 April 1989). East Europe

JPRS-EER-89-051 (5 May 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-052 (8 May 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-053 (9 May 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-054 (11 May 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-055 (12 May 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-056 (15 May 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-057 (16 May 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-058 (17 May 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-059 (18 May 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-059 (3 May 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-060 (22 May 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-061 (25 May 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-062 (26 May 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-063 (30 May 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-064 (1 June 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-065 (6 June 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-066 (8 June 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-067 (12 June 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-068 (14 June 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-069 (15 June 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-070 (19 June 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-071 (22 June 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-072 (23 June 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-073 (26 June 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-074 (29 June 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-075 (3 July 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-076 (6 July 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-077 (7 July 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-078 (11 July 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-079 (13 July 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-080 (17 July 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-081 (21 July 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-082 (25 July 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-083 (26 July 1989). East Europe. Hungary. 40 Years of
JPRS-EER-89-084 (27 July 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-085 (28 July 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-111 (10 October 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-112 (12 October 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-113 (13 October 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-116 (24 October 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-117 (26 October 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-118 (27 October 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-119 (30 October 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-120 (1 November 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-121 (2 November 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-122 (7 November 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-123 (9 November 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-124 (14 November 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-125 (15 November 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-126 (17 November 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-127 (20 November 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-128 (21 November 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-129 (22 November 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-130 (27 November 1989). East Europe

JPRS-EER-89-131 (28 November 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-132 (29 November 1989). East Europe. Reference Aid.
Abbreviations in the Yugoslav Press
JPRS-EER-89-133 (1 December 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-134 (4 December 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-135 (5 December 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-136 (7 December 1989). East Europe. Reference Aid.
Abbreviations in the Polish Press
JPRS-EER-89-137 (7 December 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-138 (9 December 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-139 (12 December 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-140 (13 December 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-141 (18 December 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-142 (19 December 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-143 (20 December 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-144 (26 December 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-146 (28 December 1989). East Europe
JPRS-EER-89-147 (29 December 1989). East Europe

JPRS East Europe. 1990 [JPRS-EER]

JPRS-EER-90-001 (2 January 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-002 (3 January 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-003 (4 January 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-004 (9 January 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-005 (11 January 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-006 (17 January 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-007 (19 January 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-008 (23 January 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-009 (24 January 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-010 (25 January 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-011 (29 January 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-012 (31 January 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-013 (1 February 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-014 (2 February 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-015 (5 February 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-017 (8 February 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-018 (12 February 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-019 (13 February 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-020 (14 February 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-021 (16 February 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-022 (20 February 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-023 (21 February 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-024 (23 February 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-025 (28 February 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-026 (2 March 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-027 (5 March 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-028 (7 March 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-029 (8 March 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-030 (9 March 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-031 (14 March 1990). East Europe

JPRS-EER-90-032 (15 March 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-033 (16 March 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-034 (19 March 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-035 (20 March 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-036 (21 March 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-037 (22 March 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-038 (26 March 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-039 (27 March 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-040 (28 March 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-041 (29 March 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-042 (30 March 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-043 (2 April 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-044 (3 April 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-045 (4 April 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-046 (5 April 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-047 (6 April 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-049 (10 April 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-050 (13 April 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-051 (16 April 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-052 (17 April 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-053 (19 April 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-054 (24 April 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-055 (25 April 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-056 (26 April 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-057 (27 April 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-058 (30 April 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-059 (3 May 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-060 (4 May 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-061 (7 May 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-062 (8 May 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-063 (9 May 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-064-S (10 May 1990). East Europe. Poland. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-90-065 (10 May 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-066 (11 May 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-067 (14 May 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-068-S (16 May 1990). East Europe. Bulgaria. New Political Parties
& Organizations
JPRS-EER-90-069 (16 May 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-070 (18 May 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-071 (21 May 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-072 (22 May 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-073 (29 May 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-074 (30 May 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-075 (31 May 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-076 (1 June 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-077 (4 June 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-078 (6 June 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-079 (7 June 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-080 (8 June 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-081 (11 June 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-082 (12 June 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-083 (13 June 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-084 (14 June 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-085 (15 June 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-086 (18 June 1990). East Europe

JPRS-EER-90-087 (19 June 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-088 (20 June 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-089 (21 June 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-090 (22 June 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-091 (25 June 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-092 (26 June 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-093 (27 June 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-094 (28 June 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-095 (29 June 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-096 (2 July 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-097 (3 July 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-098 (5 July 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-099 (6 July 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-100 (9 July 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-101 (10 July 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-102 (11 July 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-103 (12 July 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-104 (13 July 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-105 (17 July 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-106 (18 July 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-107 (19 July 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-108 (20 July 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-109 (24 July 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-110 (30 July 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-111 (1 August 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-112 (2 August 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-113 (7 August 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-115-S (13 August 1990). East Europe. Poland. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-90-117 (16 August 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-118 (17 August 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-119 (20 August 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-121 (24 August 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-123-S (29 August 1990). East Europe. Czechoslovakia. New 1990
Economic Laws
JPRS-EER-90-124 (30 August 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-125 (31 August 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-126 (5 September 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-127 (10 September 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-128 (12 September 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-129 (17 September 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-130 (19 September 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-131-S (20 September 1990). East Europe. Albania. The Knives
JPRS-EER-90-132 (21 September 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-133 (24 September 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-134 (27 September 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-135 (28 September 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-136 (1 October 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-137 (3 October 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-138 (5 October 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-139 (11 October 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-140 (12 October 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-141 (16 October 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-142 (17 October 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-143-S (19 October 1990). East Europe. Recent Legislation

JPRS-EER-90-144 (22 October 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-145 (23 October 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-147 (25 October 1990). East Europe. Reference Aid. Abbreviations
and Acronyms Used in the Bulgarian Press
JPRS-EER-90-150 (1 November 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-151 (5 November 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-152 (8 November 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-153 (13 November 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-155 (19 November 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-157 (26 November 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-159 (29 November 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-160 (4 December 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-161 (7 December 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-162 (11 December 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-163 (13 December 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-164-S (18 December 1990). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-90-165 (17 December 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-166 (19 December 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-167 (20 December 1990). East Europe
JPRS-EER-90-168 (27 December 1990). East Europe

JPRS East Europe. 1991 [JPRS-EER]

JPRS-EER-91-001 (2 January 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-002 (9 January 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-004 (11 January 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-006 (18 January 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-007 (22 January 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-008-S (23 January 1991). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-91-009 (25 January 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-010 (28 January 1991). East Europe. Reference Aid. Abbreviations
in the Polish Press
JPRS-EER-91-011 (29 January 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-012 (30 January 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-013 (31 January 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-014 (1 February 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-015 (5 February 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-016 (5 February 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-017 (6 February 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-018 (11 February 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-019 (12 February 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-020 (14 February 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-021-S (15 February 1991). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-91-022 (20 February 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-023 (21 February 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-025 (26 February 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-025-S (28 February 1991). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-91-026 (1 March 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-027 (4 March 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-028 (6 March 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-029 (8 March 1991). East Europe

JPRS-EER-91-030 (12 March 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-031 (13 March 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-032 (15 March 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-033 (18 March 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-034 (20 March 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-036 (22 March 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-037 (26 March 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-038-S (27 March 1991). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-91-039 (28 March 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-040 (1 April 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-041 (2 April 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-042 (3 April 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-043 (4 April 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-044 (5 April 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-045-S (10 April 1991). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-91-046 (10 April 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-047 (11 April 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-048 (15 April 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-049 (16 April 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-050 (18 April 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-051 (22 April 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-052 (23 April 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-053 (25 April 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-054 (26 April 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-055 (29 April 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-056 (30 April 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-058 (2 May 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-059 (3 May 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-060 (6 May 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-061-S (7 May 1991). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-91-062 (8 May 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-063 (9 May 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-064 (13 May 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-073 (31 May 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-074 (3 June 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-075 (4 June 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-076 (6 June 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-077-S (7 June 1991). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-91-078 (10 June 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-079-S (8 June 1991). East Europe. Hungary. Antall Government's
Economic Program (The Kupa Plan)
JPRS-EER-91-080 (11 June 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-081 (12 June 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-082 (13 June 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-083 (14 June 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-084 (15 June 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-085 (17 June 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-086 (18 June 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-087 (19 June 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-088 (20 June 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-089 (21 June 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-090 (24 June 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-091 (25 June 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-092 (26 June 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-093 (27 June 1991). East Europe

JPRS-EER-91-094 (28 June 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-095 (1 July 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-096 (2 July 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-097 (3 July 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-098 (5 July 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-100 (8 July 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-101 (9 July 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-102 (10 July 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-103 (11 July 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-104 (15 July 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-105 (17 July 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-106-S (19 July 1991). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-91-107 (19 July 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-108 (23 July 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-109 (24 July 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-110 (26 July 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-111 (30 July 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-112 (31 July 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-113 (1 August 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-114-S (2 August 1991). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-91-115 (5 August 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-116-S (6 August 1991). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-91-117-S (7 August 1991). East Europe. Romania. Draft Constitution
JPRS-EER-91-118 (7 August 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-119 (8 August 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-120 (12 August 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-121 (13 August 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-122 (14 August 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-123-S (15 August 1991). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-91-124 (16 August 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-125 (20 August 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-126-S (22 August 1991). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-91-127 (22 August 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-128 (27 August 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-129 (28 August 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-130 (30 August 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-131 (4 September 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-132-S (5 September 1991). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-91-133 (6 September 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-134 (10 September 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-135 (11 September 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-136 (12 September 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-137 (13 September 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-138 (16 September 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-139 (17 September 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-140 (19 September 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-141-S (23 September 1991). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-91-142 (23 September 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-143 (25 September 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-144 (26 September 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-145 (27 September 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-146 (30 September 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-147 (1 October 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-148 (3 October 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-149 (4 October 1991). East Europe

JPRS-EER-91-150 (8 October 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-151 (9 October 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-152 (10 October 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-153 (11 October 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-154 (15 October 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-155 (17 October 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-156 (18 October 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-157 (21 October 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-158-S (22 October 1991). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-91-159 (23 October 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-160 (25 October 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-161 (28 October 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-162-S (30 October 1991). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-91-163 (31 October 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-164 (4 November 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-165 (5 November 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-166 (7 November 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-167 (8 November 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-168 (13 November 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-169 (14 November 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-170 (18 November 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-171 (19 November 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-172 (21 November 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-173 (25 November 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-174 (29 November 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-175 (3 December 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-176 (6 December 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-177 (10 December 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-178 (12 December 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-179-S (12 December 1991). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-91-180 (17 December 1991). East Europe
JPRS-EER-91-181-S (24 December 1991). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-91-182 (27 December 1991). East Europe

FBIS Daily Report. East Europe. 1991 [FBIS-EEU]

FBIS-EEU-91-106 (3 June 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-107 (4 June 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-108 (5 June 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-109 (6 June 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-110 (7 June 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-111 (10 June 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-112 (11 June 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-113 (12 June 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-114 (13 June 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-115 (14 June 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-116 (17 June 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-117 (18 June 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-119 (20 June 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-120 (21 June 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-121 (24 June 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-122 (25 June 1991). Daily Report. East Europe

FBIS-EEU-91-123 (26 June 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-124 (27 June 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-125 (28 June 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-126 (1 July 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-127 (2 July 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-128 (3 July 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-129 (5 July 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-130 (8 July 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-131 (9 July 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-132 (10 July 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-133 (11 July 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-134 (12 July 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-135 (15 July 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-136 (16 July 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-137 (17 July 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-138 (18 July 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-139 (19 July 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-140 (22 July 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-141 (23 July 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-142 (24 July 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-143 (25 July 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-144 (26 July 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-145 (29 July 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-146 (30 July 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-147 (31 July 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-148 (1 August 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-149 (2 August 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-150 (5 August 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-151 (6 August 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-152 (7 August 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-153 (8 August 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-154 (9 August 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-155 (12 August 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-156 (13 August 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-157 (14 August 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-158 (15 August 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-159 (16 August 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-160 (19 August 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-161 (20 August 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-162 (21 August 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-163 (22 August 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-164 (23 August 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-165 (26 August 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-166 (27 August 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-167 (28 August 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-168 (29 August 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-169 (30 August 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-170 (3 September 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-171 (4 September 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-172 (5 September 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-173 (6 September 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-174 (9 September 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-175 (10 September 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-176 (11 September 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-177 (12 September 1991). Daily Report. East Europe

FBIS-EEU-91-178 (13 September 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-179 (16 September 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-180 (17 September 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-181 (18 September 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-182 (19 September 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-183 (20 September 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-184 (23 September 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-185 (24 September 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-186 (25 September 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-187 (26 September 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-188 (27 September 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-189 (30 September 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-190 (1 October 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-191 (2 October 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-192 (3 October 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-193 (4 October 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-194 (7 October 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-195 (8 October 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-196 (9 October 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-197 (10 October 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-198 (11 October 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-199 (15 October 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-200 (16 October 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-201 (17 October 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-202 (18 October 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-203 (21 October 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-204 (22 October 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-205 (23 October 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-206 (24 October 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-207 (25 October 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-208 (28 October 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-209 (29 October 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-210 (30 October 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-211 (31 October 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-212 (1 November 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-213 (4 November 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-214 (5 November 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-215 (6 November 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-216 (7 November 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-217 (8 November 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-218 (12 November 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-219 (13 November 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-220 (14 November 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-221 (15 November 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-222 (18 November 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-223 (19 November 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-224 (20 November 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-225 (21 November 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-226 (22 November 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-227 (25 November 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-228 (26 November 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-229 (27 November 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-230 (29 November 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-231 (2 December 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-232 (3 December 1991). Daily Report. East Europe

FBIS-EEU-91-233 (4 December 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-237 (10 December 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-238 (11 December 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-239 (12 December 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-240 (13 December 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-241 (16 December 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-242 (17 December 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-243 (18 December 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-244 (19 December 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-245 (20 December 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-246 (23 December 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-246-S (23 December 1991). Daily Report. East Europe.
Supplement. Constitution of Romania
FBIS-EEU-91-247 (24 December 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-248 (26 December 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-249 (27 December 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-250 (30 December 1991). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-91-251 (31 December 1991). Daily Report. East Europe

JPRS East Europe. 1992 [JPRS-EER]

JPRS-EER-92-001 (2 January 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-002 (7 January 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-003 (9 January 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-004 (13 January 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-005 (14 January 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-006-S (15 January 1992). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-92-007 (16 January 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-008 (17 January 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-009 (22 January 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-010 (24 January 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-011 (28 January 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-012-S (30 January 1992). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-92-013 (31 January 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-014 (4 February 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-015 (7 February 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-016-S (10 February 1992). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-92-017 (12 February 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-018 (19 February 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-019-S (24 February 1992). East Europe. Draft Constitution
JPRS-EER-92-020 (24 February 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-021 (25 February 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-022 (28 February 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-023 (2 March 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-024-S (3 March 1992). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-92-025 (3 March 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-026 (5 March 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-027 (6 March 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-028 (9 March 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-029-S (11 March 1992). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-92-030 (11 March 1992). East Europe

JPRS-EER-92-031 (13 March 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-032 (17 March 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-033 (18 March 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-034 (20 March 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-035 (24 March 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-036 (25 March 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-037 (26 March 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-038 (27 March 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-039 (30 March 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-040 (1 April 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-041 (3 April 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-042 (6 April 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-043 (8 April 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-044 (10 April 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-045-S (16 April 1992). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-92-046 (14 April 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-047 (16 April 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-048 (20 April 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-049 (22 April 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-050 (24 April 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-051 (27 April 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-052 (28 April 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-053 (30 April 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-054 (1 May 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-055 (5 May 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-056 (6 May 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-057 (8 May 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-058 (12 May 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-059 (13 May 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-060 (15 May 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-061 (16 May 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-062 (18 May 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-063 (20 May 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-064-S (19 May 1992). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-92-065 (22 May 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-065-S (22 May 1992). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-92-066 (27 May 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-067 (28 May 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-068 (29 May 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-070 (3 June 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-071 (5 June 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-073 (9 June 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-074 (11 June 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-075 (15 June 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-076 (17 June 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-077 (19 June 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-079-S (23 June 1992). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-92-080 (24 June 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-082 (26 June 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-083 (30 June 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-084 (2 July 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-085 (7 July 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-086 (8 July 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-087 (9 July 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-088 (10 July 1992). East Europe

JPRS-EER-92-089 (13 July 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-090 (14 July 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-091 (16 July 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-092 (17 July 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-093 (21 July 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-094 (22 July 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-095 (24 July 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-096 (27 July 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-097 (28 July 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-098 (30 July 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-099 (1 August 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-100 (4 August 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-101 (5 August 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-102 (7 August 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-103 (10 August 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-104 (11 August 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-105 (12 August 1992). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-92-106 (13 August 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-106-S (12 August 1992). East Europe. Commercial Code of
JPRS-EER-92-107 (14 August 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-108-S (15 August 1992). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-92-109 (18 August 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-110 (19 August 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-111-S (20 August 1992). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-92-112 (20 August 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-113 (21 August 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-114 (24 August 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-115 (25 August 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-116 (26 August 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-117 (27 August 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-118 (28 August 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-119 (31 August 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-120 (1 September 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-121 (2 September 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-122-S (2 September 1992). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-92-123 (3 September 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-124 (4 September 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-125 (8 September 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-126 (9 September 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-127 (10 September 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-128 (14 September 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-129-S (15 September 1992). East Europe. Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-92-130 (16 September 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-131-S (16 September 1992). East Europe. Platform of the
Democratic Convention of Romania
JPRS-EER-92-132-S (17 September 1992). East Europe. Hungary. MDF Vice
President Csurka's Political Treatise, Related Articles
JPRS-EER-92-133 (18 September 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-135 (22 September 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-136 (23 September 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-138 (25 September 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-140 (1 October 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-141 (5 October 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-142 (6 October 1992). East Europe

JPRS-EER-92-143 (7 October 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-144 (8 October 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-145 (14 October 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-146 (16 October 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-147 (20 October 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-148 (21 October 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-149 (22 October 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-150 (23 October 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-151 (27 October 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-152 (29 October 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-160 (19 November 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-161 (20 November 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-165 (3 December 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-166 (7 December 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-167 (11 December 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-168 (14 December 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-169 (15 December 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-170 (17 December 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-171 (18 December 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-172 (22 December 1992). East Europe
JPRS-EER-92-173 (29 December 1992). East Europe

FBIS Daily Report. East Europe. 1992 [FBIS-EEU]

FBIS-EEU-92-001 (2 January 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-002 (3 January 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-003 (6 January 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-004 (7 January 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-005 (8 January 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-006 (9 January 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-007 (10 January 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-008 (13 January 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-009 (14 January 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-010 (15 January 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-011 (16 January 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-012 (17 January 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-013 (21 January 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-014 (22 January 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-015 (23 January 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-016 (24 January 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-017 (27 January 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-018 (28 January 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-019 (29 January 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-020 (30 January 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-021 (31 January 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-022 (3 February 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-023 (4 February 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-024 (5 February 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-025 (6 February 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-026 (7 February 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-027 (10 February 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-028 (11 February 1992). Daily Report. East Europe

FBIS-EEU-92-029 (12 February 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-030 (13 February 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-031 (14 February 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-032 (18 February 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-033 (19 February 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-034 (20 February 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-035 (21 February 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-036 (24 February 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-037 (25 February 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-038 (26 February 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-039 (27 February 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-040 (28 February 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-041 (2 March 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-042 (3 March 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-043 (4 March 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-044 (5 March 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-045 (6 March 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-046 (9 March 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-047 (10 March 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-048 (11 March 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-049 (12 March 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-050 (13 March 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-051 (16 March 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-052 (17 March 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-053 (18 March 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-054 (19 March 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-055 (20 March 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-056 (23 March 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-057 (24 March 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-058 (25 March 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-059 (26 March 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-060 (27 March 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-061 (30 March 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-062 (31 March 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-063 (1 April 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-064 (2 April 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-065 (3 April 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-066 (6 April 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-067 (7 April 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-068 (8 April 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-069 (9 April 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-070 (10 April 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-071 (13 April 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-072 (14 April 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-073 (15 April 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-074 (16 April 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-075 (17 April 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-076 (20 April 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-077 (21 April 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-078 (22 April 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-077 (23 April 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-080 (24 April 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-081 (27 April 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-082 (28 April 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-083 (29 April 1992). Daily Report. East Europe

FBIS-EEU-92-084 (30 April 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-085 (1 May 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-086 (4 May 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-087 (5 May 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-088 (6 May 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-089 (7 May 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-090 (8 May 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-091 (11 May 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-092 (12 May 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-093 (13 May 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-094 (14 May 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-095 (15 May 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-096 (18 May 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-097 (19 May 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-098 (20 May 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-098-S (20 May 1992). Daily Report. East Europe. Supplement.
FBIS-EEU-92-099 (21 May 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-100 (22 May 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-101 (26 May 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-102 (27 May 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-103 (28 May 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-104 (29 May 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-109 (5 June 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-110 (8 June 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-111 (9 June 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-112 (10 June 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-113 (11 June 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-114 (12 June 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-115 (15 June 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-116 (16 June 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-117 (17 June 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-118 (18 June 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-119 (19 June 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-120 (22 June 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-121 (23 June 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-122 (24 June 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-123 (25 June 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-124 (26 June 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-125 (29 June 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-126 (30 June 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-127 (1 July 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-128 (2 July 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-129 (6 July 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-130 (7 July 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-131 (8 July 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-132 (9 July 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-133 (10 July 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-134 (13 July 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-135 (14 July 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-136 (15 July 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-137 (16 July 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-138 (17 July 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-139 (20 July 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-140 (21 July 1992). Daily Report. East Europe

FBIS-EEU-92-141 (22 July 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-142 (23 July 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-143 (24 July 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-144 (27 July 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-145 (28 July 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-146 (29 July 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-147 (30 July 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-148 (31 July 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-149 (3 August 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-150 (4 August 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-151 (5 August 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-152 (6 August 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-153 (7 August 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-154 (10 August 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-155 (11 August 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-156 (12 August 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-157 (13 August 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-158 (14 August 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-159 (17 August 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-160 (18 August 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-161 (19 August 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-162 (20 August 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-163 (21 August 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-164 (24 August 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-165 (25 August 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-166 (26 August 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-167 (27 August 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-168 (28 August 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-169 (31 August 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-170 (1 September 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-171 (2 September 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-172 (3 September 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-173 (4 September 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-174 (8 September 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-175 (9 September 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-176 (10 September 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-177 (11 September 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-178 (14 September 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-179 (15 September 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-179-S (15 September 1992). Daily Report. East Europe.
Supplement. Constitution of the Slovak Republic
FBIS-EEU-92-180 (16 September 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-181 (17 September 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-182 (18 September 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-183 (21 September 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-184 (22 September 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-185 (23 September 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-186 (24 September 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-187 (25 September 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-188 (28 September 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-189 (29 September 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-190 (30 September 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-191 (1 October 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-192 (2 October 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-193 (5 October 1992). Daily Report. East Europe

FBIS-EEU-92-194 (6 October 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-195 (7 October 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-196 (8 October 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-197 (9 October 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-198 (13 October 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-199 (14 October 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-200 (15 October 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-201 (16 October 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-202 (19 October 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-203 (20 October 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-204 (21 October 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-205 (22 October 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-206 (23 October 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-207 (26 October 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-208 (27 October 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-209 (28 October 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-210 (29 October 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-211 (30 October 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-212 (2 November 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-213 (3 November 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-214 (4 November 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-215 (5 November 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-216 (6 November 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-217 (9 November 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-218 (10 November 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-219 (12 November 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-220 (13 November 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-221 (16 November 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-222 (17 November 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-223 (18 November 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-224 (19 November 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-225 (20 November 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-226 (23 November 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-227 (24 November 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-228 (25 November 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-229 (27 November 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-230 (30 November 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-231 (1 December 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-232 (2 December 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-233 (3 December 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-234 (4 December 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-235 (7 December 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-236 (8 December 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-237 (9 December 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-238 (10 December 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-239 (11 December 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-240 (14 December 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-241 (15 December 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-242 (16 December 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-243 (17 December 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-244 (18 December 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-245 (21 December 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-246 (22 December 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-247 (23 December 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-248 (24 December 1992). Daily Report. East Europe

FBIS-EEU-92-250 (29 December 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-251 (30 December 1992). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-92-252 (31 December 1992). Daily Report. East Europe

JPRS East Europe. 1993 [JPRS-EER]

JPRS-EER-93-001 (5 January 1993). East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-002 (7 January 1993). East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-003 (11 January 1993). East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-004 (14 January 1993). East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-005 (19 January 1993). East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-006 (22 January 1993). East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-007 (26 January 1993). East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-008 (28 January 1993). East Europe

FBIS Daily Report Supplement. East Europe. 1993 [JPRS-EER]

JPRS-EER-93-001-S (29 January 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-002-S (2 February 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-003-S (3 February 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-004-S (5 February 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-005-S (9 February 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-006-S (10 February 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-007-S (11 February 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-008-S (17 February 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-009-S (19 February 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-010-S (19 February 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-011-S (22 February 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-012-S (23 February 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe.
Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-93-013-S (24 February 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-014-S (25 February 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-015-S (2 March 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-016-S (3 March 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-017-S (4 March 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-018-S (9 March 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-019-S (11 March 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-020-S (16 March 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-021-S (19 March 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-022-S (23 March 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-023-S (24 March 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-024-S (26 March 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-025-S (30 March 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-026-S (2 April 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-027-S (6 April 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-028-S (7 April 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-029-S (9 April 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-030-S (13 April 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe

JPRS-EER-93-031-S (14 April 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe.
Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-93-032-S (15 April 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe.
Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-93-033-S (20 April 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe.
Recent Legislation
JPRS-EER-93-034-S (23 April 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-035-S (27 April 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-036-S (29 April 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-037-S (4 May 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-038-S (6 May 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-039-S (7 May 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-040-S (12 May 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-041-S (17 May 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-042-S (18 May 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-043-S (20 May 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-044-S (21 May 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-045-S (25 May 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-046-S (26 May 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-047-S (28 May 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-048-S (2 June 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-050-S (4 June 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-051-S (8 June 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-057-S (22 June 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-058-S (25 June 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-059-S (29 June 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-060-S (30 June 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-062-S (1 July 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-063-S (2 July 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-068-S (15 July 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-069-S (19 July 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-070-S (20 July 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-071-S (22 July 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-073-S (26 July 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-074-S (28 July 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-076-S (2 August 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-081-S (11 August 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-082-S (12 August 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-083-S (13 August 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-084-S (16 August 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-085-S (17 August 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-086-S (18 August 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-087-S (19 August 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-088-S (20 August 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-089-S (23 August 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe
JPRS-EER-93-090-S (24 August 1993). Daily Report Supplement. East Europe

FBIS Daily Report. East Europe. 1993 [FBIS-EEU]

FBIS-EEU-93-001 (4 January 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-002 (5 January 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-003 (6 January 1993). Daily Report. East Europe

FBIS-EEU-93-004 (7 January 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-005 (8 January 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-006 (11 January 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-007 (12 January 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-008 (13 January 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-009 (14 January 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-010 (15 January 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-011 (19 January 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-012 (21 January 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-013 (22 January 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-014 (25 January 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-015 (26 January 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-016 (27 January 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-017 (28 January 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-018 (29 January 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-019 (1 February 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-020 (2 February 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-021 (3 February 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-022 (4 February 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-023 (5 February 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-024 (8 February 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-025 (9 February 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-026 (10 February 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-027 (11 February 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-028 (12 February 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-029 (16 February 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-030 (17 February 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-031 (18 February 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-032 (19 February 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-033 (22 February 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-034 (23 February 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-035 (24 February 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-036 (25 February 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-037 (26 February 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-038 (1 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-039 (2 March 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-040 (3 March 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-041 (4 March 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-042 (5 March 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-043 (8 March 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-044 (9 March 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-045 (10 March 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-046 (11 March 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-047 (12 March 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-048 (15 March 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-049 (16 March 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-050 (17 March 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-051 (18 March 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-052 (19 March 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-053 (22 March 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-054 (23 March 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-055 (24 March 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-056 (25 March 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-057 (26 March 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-058 (29 March 1993). Daily Report. East Europe

FBIS-EEU-93-059 (30 March 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-060 (31 March 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-061 (1 April 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-062 (2 April 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-063 (5 April 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-064 (6 April 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-065 (7 April 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-066 (8 April 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-067 (9 April 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-068 (9 April 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-069 (13 April 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-070 (14 April 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-071 (15 April 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-072 (16 April 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-073 (19 April 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-074 (20 April 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-075 (21 April 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-076 (22 April 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-077 (23 April 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-078 (26 April 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-079 (27 April 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-080 (28 April 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-081 (29 April 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-082 (30 April 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-083 (3 May 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-084 (4 May 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-085 (5 May 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-086 (6 May 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-087 (7 May 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-088 (10 May 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-089 (11 May 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-090 (12 May 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-091 (13 May 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-092 (14 May 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-093 (17 May 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-094 (18 May 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-095 (19 May 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-096 (20 May 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-097 (21 May 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-098 (24 May 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-099 (25 May 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-100 (26 May 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-101 (27 May 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-102 (28 May 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-103 (1 June 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-104 (2 June 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-105 (3 June 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-106 (4 June 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-107 (7 June 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-108 (8 June 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-109 (9 June 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-110 (10 June 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-111 (11 June 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-112 (14 June 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-113 (15 June 1993). Daily Report. East Europe

FBIS-EEU-93-114 (16 June 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-115 (17 June 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-116 (18 June 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-117 (21 June 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-118 (22 June 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-119 (23 June 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-120 (24 June 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-121 (25 June 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-122 (28 June 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-123 (29 June 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-124 (30 June 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-125 (1 July 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-126 (2 July 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-127 (6 July 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-128 (7 July 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-129 (8 July 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-130 (9 July 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-131 (12 July 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-132 (13 July 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-133 (14 July 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-134 (15 July 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-135 (16 July 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-136 (19 July 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-137 (20 July 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-138 (21 July 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-139 (22 July 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-140 (23 July 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-141 (26 July 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-142 (27 July 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-143 (28 July 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-144 (29 July 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-145 (30 July 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-146 (2 August 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-147 (3 August 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-148 (4 August 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-149 (5 August 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-150 (6 August 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-151 (9 August 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-152 (10 August 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-153 (11 August 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-154 (12 August 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-155 (13 August 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-156 (16 August 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-157 (17 August 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-158 (18 August 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-159 (19 August 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-160 (20 August 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-161 (23 August 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-162 (24 August 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-163 (25 August 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-164 (26 August 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-165 (27 August 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-166 (30 August 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-167 (31 August 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-168 (1 September 1993). Daily Report. East Europe

FBIS-EEU-93-169 (2 September 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-170 (3 September 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-171 (7 September 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-172 (8 September 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-173 (9 September 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-174 (10 September 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-175 (13 September 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-176 (14 September 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-177 (15 September 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-178 (16 September 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-179 (17 September 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-180 (20 September 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-181 (21 September 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-182 (22 September 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-183 (23 September 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-184 (24 September 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-185 (27 September 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-186 (28 September 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-187 (29 September 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-188 (30 September 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-189 (1 October 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-190 (4 October 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-191 (5 October 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-192 (6 October 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-193 (7 October 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-194 (8 October 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-195 (12 October 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-196 (13 October 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-197 (14 October 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-198 (15 October 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-199 (18 October 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-200 (19 October 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-201 (20 October 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-202 (21 October 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-203 (22 October 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-204 (25 October 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-205 (26 October 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-206 (27 October 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-207 (28 October 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-208 (29 October 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-209 (1 November 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-210 (2 November 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-211 (3 November 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-212 (4 November 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-213 (5 November 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-214 (8 November 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-215 (9 November 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-216 (10 November 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-217 (12 November 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-218 (15 November 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-219 (16 November 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-220 (17 November 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-221 (18 November 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-222 (19 November 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-223 (22 November 1993). Daily Report. East Europe

FBIS-EEU-93-224 (23 November 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-225 (24 November 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-226 (26 November 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-227 (29 November 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-228 (30 November 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-229 (1 December 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-230 (2 December 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-231 (3 December 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-232 (6 December 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-233 (7 December 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-234 (8 December 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-235 (9 December 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-236 (10 December 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-237 (13 December 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-238 (14 December 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-239 (15 December 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-240 (16 December 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-241 (17 December 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-242 (20 December 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-243 (21 December 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-244 (22 December 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-245 (23 December 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-246 (27 December 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-247 (28 December 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-248 (29 December 1993). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-93-249 (30 December 1993). Daily Report. East Europe

FBIS Daily Report. East Europe. 1994 [FBIS-EEU]

FBIS-EEU-94-001 (3 January 1994). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-94-002 (4 January 1994). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-94-003 (5 January 1994). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-94-004 (6 January 1994). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-94-005 (7 January 1994). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-94-006 (10 January 1994). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-94-007 (11 January 1994). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-94-009 (13 January 1994). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-94-111 (9 June 1994). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-94-111-S (9 June 1994). Daily Report. East Europe. Supplement.
Hungarian Privatization Law, Strategy

FBIS Daily Report. East Europe. 1995 [FBIS-EEU]

FBIS-EEU-95-012 (19 January 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-013 (20 January 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-014 (23 January 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-015 (24 January 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-016 (25 January 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-018 (27 January 1995). Daily Report. East Europe

FBIS-EEU-95-019 (30 January 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-020 (31 January 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-022 (2 February 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-023 (3 February 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-023-S (3 February 1995). Daily Report. East Europe. Supplement.
Hungarian Natioanl Assembly: Rules, Procedures
FBIS-EEU-95-024 (6 February 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-025 (7 February 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-026 (8 February 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-026-S (8 February 1995). Daily Report. East Europe DR
Supplement. Hungarian Socialist Partys Program
FBIS-EEU-95-027 (9 February 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-028 (10 February 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-029 (13 February 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-030 (14 February 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-030-S (14 February 1995). Daily Report. East Europe, Supplement.
Slovak Republic Government Policy Statement
FBIS-EEU-95-031 (15 February 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-032 (16 February 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-033 (17 February 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-034 (21 February 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-035 (22 February 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-036 (23 February 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-037 (24 February 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-038 (27 February 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-039 (28 February 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-040 (1 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-041 (2 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-042 (3 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-042-S (3 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe. Supplement.
Hungarian Constitution 1994
FBIS-EEU-95-043 (6 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-044 (7 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-045 (8 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-046 (9 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-047 (10 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-048 (13 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-049 (14 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-050 (15 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-051 (16 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-052 (17 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-053 (20 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-054 (21 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-055 (22 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-056 (23 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-057 (24 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-058 (27 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-059 (28 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-060 (29 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-061 (30 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-062 (31 March 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-063 (3 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-064 (4 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-065 (5 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-066 (6 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe

FBIS-EEU-95-067 (7 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-068 (10 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-069 (11 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-070 (12 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-071 (13 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-072 (14 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-073 (17 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-074 (18 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-075 (19 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-076 (20 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-077 (21 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-078 (24 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-079 (25 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-080 (26 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-081 (27 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-082 (28 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-083 (1 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-084 (2 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-085 (3 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-086 (4 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-087 (5 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-088 (8 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-089 (9 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-090 (10 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-091 (11 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-092 (12 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-093 (15 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-094 (16 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-095 (17 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-096 (18 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-097 (19 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-098 (22 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-099 (23 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-100 (24 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-101 (25 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-102 (29 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-103 (30 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-104 (31 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-105 (1 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-106 (2 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-107 (5 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-108 (6 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-109 (7 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-110 (8 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-112 (12 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-113 (13 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-114 (14 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-115 (15 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-116 (16 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-117 (19 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-118 (20 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-119 (21 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-120 (22 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-121 (23 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-122 (26 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe

FBIS-EEU-95-123 (27 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-124 (28 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-125 (29 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-126 (30 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-127 (3 July 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-128 (5 July 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-129 (6 July 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-130 (7 July 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-131 (10 July 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-132 (11 July 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-133 (12 July 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-134 (13 July 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-135 (14 July 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-136 (17 July 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-137 (18 July 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-138 (19 July 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-139 (20 July 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-140 (21 July 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-142 (25 July 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-143 (26 July 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-144 (27 July 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-145 (28 July 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-146 (31 July 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-147 (1 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-148 (2 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-149 (3 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-150 (4 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-151 (7 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-152 (8 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-153 (9 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-154 (10 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-155 (11 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-156 (14 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-157 (15 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-158 (16 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-158-S (15 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe Supplement.
Yugoslav Military Capabilities
FBIS-EEU-95-159 (17 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-160 (18 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-161 (21 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-162 (22 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-163 (23 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-164 (24 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-165 (25 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-166 (28 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-167 (29 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-168 (30 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-169 (31 August 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-170 (1 September 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-171 (5 September 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-172 (6 September 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-173 (7 September 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-174 (8 September 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-175 (11 September 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-176 (12 September 1995). Daily Report. East Europe

FBIS-EEU-95-177 (13 September 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-178 (14 September 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-179 (15 September 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-180 (18 September 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-181 (19 September 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-182 (20 September 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-183 (21 September 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-184 (22 September 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-185 (25 September 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-186 (26 September 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-187 (27 September 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-188 (28 September 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-189 (29 September 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-190 (2 October 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-191 (3 October 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-192 (4 October 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-193 (5 October 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-194 (6 October 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-195 (10 October 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-196 (11 October 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-197 (12 October 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-199 (16 October 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-200 (17 October 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-201 (18 October 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-202 (19 October 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-203 (20 October 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-204 (23 October 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-205 (24 October 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-206 (25 October 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-207 (26 October 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-208 (27 October 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-209 (30 October 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-210 (31 October 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-211 (1 November 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-212 (2 November 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-234 (5 December 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-235 (6 December 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-95-236 (9 December 1995). Daily Report. East Europe

FBIS Daily Report. East Europe. 1996 [FBIS-EEU]

FBIS-EEU-96-001 (2 January 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-002 (3 January 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-003 (4 January 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-004 (5 January 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-008 (11 January 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-010 (16 January 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-060 (27 March 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-061 (28 March 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-062 (29 March 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-063 (1 April 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-064 (2 April 1996). Daily Report. East Europe

FBIS-EEU-96-065 (3 April 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-066 (4 April 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-067 (5 April 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-068 (8 April 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-069 (9 April 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-070 (10 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-071 (11 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-072 (12 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-073 (15 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-074 (16 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-075 (17 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-076 (18 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-077 (19 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-078 (22 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-079 (23 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-080 (24 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-081 (25 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-082 (26 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-083 (29 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-084 (30 April 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-085 (1 May 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-086 (2 May 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-087 (3 May 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-088 (6 May 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-089 (7 May 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-090 (8 May 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-091 (9 May 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-092 (10 May 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-093 (13 May 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-094 (14 May 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-095 (15 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-096 (16 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-097 (17 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-098 (20 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-099 (21 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-100 (22 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-101 (23 May 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-102 (24 May 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-103 (28 May 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-104 (29 May 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-105 (30 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-106 (31 May 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-107 (3 June 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-108 (4 June 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-109 (5 June 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-110 (6 June 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-111 (7 June 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-112 (10 June 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-113 (11 June 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-114 (12 June 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-115 (13 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-116 (14 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-117 (17 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-118 (18 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-119 (19 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe

FBIS-EEU-96-120 (20 June 1995). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-121 (21 June 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-122 (24 June 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-123 (25 June 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-124 (26 June 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-125 (27 June 1996). Daily Report. East Europe
FBIS-EEU-96-126 (28 June 1996). Daily Report. East Europe

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