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APPROACH – English and



Move On 2
Homework 1

1. Complete the sentences with 4 words the minimum:

a. He needs to pay ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b. Did you see ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ?

c. She sang …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

d. It is a very relaxing ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

e. Who is ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ?

f. My father uses ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

g. the newspaper is …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

h. Give me a break, you are ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

i. Jason is younger ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

j. Which car is less ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ?

2. Change the sentences into English:

a. Estes livros são mais caros que aqueles manuais.


b. Está muito mais frio hoje do que ontem.


c. Ela não quis abrir mão de sua viagem. Ela vai em dezembro.


d. Mark é mais esperto que Anna e Anna é tão bonita quanto sua irmã.


e. Quem é o dono deste carro? Ele é realmente bonito!


f. Elas estão prontas? Não quero estar lá depois das 10.


g. Minha filha está interessada em comprar uma TV para seu quarto.


h. Este computador tem vírus. Você poderia me ajudar?


Homework 2

1. Write a paragraph about your last weekend.


2. Answer the questions using the words: but, because, so, and, then.

a. Should I travel in July or in December?

b. Where did you put the report cards?
c. What did you buy at the new mall in Miami?
d. Who did you invite to the prom?
e. Could you help me with my Spanish homework?
f. What will you do tomorrow after school?
g. Did Kate come to do your nails? What about your hair?
h. Are you going to pay all the bills this afternoon?

Homework 3

1. Make 3 affirmative, 3 negative and 3 interrogative sentences with:

a. to take / match / picture

b. gorgeous / between / boy
c. ride / to chicken out
d. schedule / sure / correct
e. life / travel / wonderful
f. nicest / to bring / party
g. less / expensive / bracelet
h. to leave / office / what time
i. trip / amazing / best friend

2. Which sentences are correct and which sentences are wrong. Point out the mistake and
rewrite the sentences.

Example: Mary is more smart than John. Mary is smarter than

a. He have to keep me posted.
b. Mary always chickens out when George is near.
c. If you have a cold you must drink syrup.
d. Did you like the new nightstand that is in the my bedroom?
e. Anny is interested in sell her apartment.

Homework 4

1. Complete the chart with the correct verbs in the past:

To play To take
bought To sell
To go called
To send did
thought To sleep
To speak To prefer
ate wrote
To have To read
gave To teach
To know told
To learn put

2. Complete the sentence with the appropriate word.

a. Mary isn’t in class on time. She is …………………………………………… .

b. I like to go to the ………………………………………… to relax and watch films, usually at the mall.
c. The black watch is 90$, the blue watch is 60$. The black watch is ………………………………… .
d. Math is difficult but arts is very ………………………………… for me.
e. When a person is in another country she is ……………………………………… or overseas.
f. She is more than pretty, she is …………………………………………… .
g. We really need to go to the gas station, the gas tank is …………………………………… .
h. I start my classes at 7am and I leave school at 12h30. This is my ………………………………………… .
i. If you have a cold, you should …………………………………… a medicine.

3. Answer the questions.

1. What is the best TV channel in your opinion? And the worst?

2. What was the most expensive item you bought?
3. Where did you have dinner yesterday? What did you eat?
4. Who is the oldest in your family? And the smartest?
5. Among your friends, who the nicest and who is the most boring?

Homework 5

1. Complete the sentences with four words the minimum.

a. My mother needs to sign ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b. Did you remember …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

c. Why did she change ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

d. He was ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

e. There is a problem with ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

f. What time ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

g. His check bounced, now ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

h. Is this signature ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

i. I received a leaflet ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

j. Could you make a wire ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

k. Were they ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

l. She was writing ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

m. Nancy was upset because ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Continue the story.

Julie was going to school when her best friend arrived and told her computer was not good
so she couldn’t do the math homework. Their math teacher is really angry so…


Homework 6

1. Answer the questions.

a. Where were you yesterday at this time?

b. Was your teacher at home or at the mall?
c. Where did you put all the bracelets and earrings?
d. When you buy, what do you prefer, to pay cash or credit card?
e. Could you give me the stapler please? Do you use it a lot?
f. Where can I buy a good monitor and keyboard?
g. How many necklaces do you have? What about earrings?
h. Is the signature correct? Is your signature easy to read?
i. Did the teacher turn a blind eye when you arrived late?
j. Do you have problems to remember names? What about phone numbers?
k. What would you do if the check bounced?
l. Was he angry at you? What did you do?

2. Find the mistake and correct it.

a. Kids are on the backyard playing. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

b. She took the bus wrong. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
c. Does she has some friend in New York? …………………………………………………………………………………………
d. This book is a lot better but Jane’s books is the best. ………………………………………………………………
e. She was home alone last night. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

f. Did he bought all the food you wanted? …………………………………………………………………………………………
g. Johnny and his dog were on the street? ………………………………………………………………………………………
Homework 7

1. Continue the story:

Janet is a very forgetful person. One day she started working as a waitress but
after making many mistakes the owner of the snack bar decided to put her in the kitchen to
help with the dishes………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Complete the sentences:

a. How many ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b. How much ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
c. How often …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
d. Once in a while she ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
e. My father frequently ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
f. Andrea hardly ever …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
g. Was there …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
h. There weren’t ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

i. Was he ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
j. Were there any …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Homework 8

1. Find and correct the mistakes:

a. The childrens were outside the house. …………………………………………………………………………………………

b. There were many youngs at school. ………………………………………………………………………………………………
c. They were needed a wireless conection. ………………………………………………………………………………………
d. He writed me a mesage. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
e. You can to forget her opinion. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Change the sentences into English:

a. Ele deveria ter outra opinião sobre aqueles adolescentes.


b. Frequentemente vamos à igreja juntos.


c. Eles quase nunca terminam o que começam.


d. Com que frequência vocês caminham no parque?

e. Não haviam muitos adultos, haviam mais adolescentes dentro da escola.

f. Ele de vez em quando se lembra de sua juventude.

g. Você é mais teimoso que seu irmão?

h. Como eu posso comprar shampoo e condicionador?

i. Quantas mensagens tem no seu telefone?

j.Quanto tempo você precisa para terminar o trabalho?


k. Haviam muitos textos para ler para a prova de ontem.

Checkpoint 1

1. Watch the episode and answer the questions:

a. What would Joe like to buy? Where was he?

b. What is the schedule of the place?
c. Why didn’t Joe like the suggestion about going on Wednesday?

d. What problems does he think he will have at the subway?

e. How much is the ticket? Can he buy it online?
f. Can Joe take pictures of the museum?

g. How did Joe leave the place?


2. Change the sentences into English:

a. Aqueles meninos são bonitos mas a menina é realmente feia.

b. Vocês estão prontos? Vocês são muito lentos!
c. Você viu minhas ligações? Preciso muito falar com você sobre as provas.

d. Ele não pode desistir! É o sonho dele!
e. Elefantes são maiores que girafas?
f. Ela não é a irmã mais nova de Paul, ela é a mais velha.
g. Que horas você saiu da escola hoje? Qual será seu horário amanhã?
h. As garrafas estão vazias ou cheias?
i. Aquela viagem foi maravilhosa! Aquele país é incrível!
j. O trabalho da empregada estava mal feito. Você sabia disso?
k. Quem é a mais inteligente? E a mais ocupada?
l. Meu pai precisa assinar o cheque, quero comprar o teclado e o monitor hoje.
m. O cheque voltou, por favor, faça uma transferência.
n. Eles estavam estudando quando eu liguei. Onde você estava?
o. Queremos começar a assistir o filme! Os adolescentes estão animados!
p. Sua mãe é teimosa? Acho que ela é esquecida!

3. Write sentences with:

a. wireless .............................................................................................................................................


b. to walk ........................................................................................................................................................


c. How often ....................................................................................................................................................


d. How many ....................................................................................................................................................


e. the most handsome ..................................................................................................................................


f. cheaper ........................................................................................................................................................


4. Write a mini composition including the words from the box:

glasses earrings better beautiful to bring was the most












Homework 9

1. Substitute the underlined parts with a suitable Subject/Object pronoun:

a. Martha and I don't like adventure films. …………………

b. I gave Tom a very interesting book. …………………

c. You never tell your mother the truth. …………………

d. It's very important that you bring your workbook. …………………

e. She studies English and French with John. …………………

f. He comes to the movies with Adam and I. …………………

g. My cousins bought some tickets for the concert. …………………

h. Liam, Robert and you go to the same school. …………………

i. The baby cries very much at night. …………………

10. The lawyer helps the woman. …………………

2. Change the sentences into English:

a. Você pode corrigir a lição para mim?


b. Ele nunca pergunta suas dúvidas na sala de aula.


c. A escola dela é publica ou privada?


d. Nosso pai corre a manhã toda. Você corre também?


e. Qual é a solução deles para o problema?


f. Onde posso encontrar um caixa eletrônico?


g. O teatro é do lado oposto ao museu, próximo ao estádio?


h. Encontramos nossos amigos na praça e agora iremos ao teatro.


i.Em frente ao banco tem uma escola particular.


j. O carro novo dela está ao lado do museu.


k. Devemos sempre caminhar na calçada.


3. Complete the chart:

Pessoais Possessivos Oblíquos

I me
She her
You your

4. Circle the correct pronoun:

a. Aurea cooks for we / us.

b. That girl doesn’t like me / my boyfriend.

c. My friends were very happy with them / their grades*.

d. My mother wants to change his / her car next month.

e. Jane’s father washes his / him car every Saturday.

f. On the corner there is a snack bar, do you know her / it?

g. She / her runs with her / she daughters in the square.

Homework 10

1. Change the sentences into English.

a. Quero visitá-los amanhã.


b. Lucy está procurando por você. Você a encontrou?


c. Ela sempre caminha na calçada mas corre próximo ao teatro.


d. O restaurante é na esquina ou é do lado oposto à praça?


e. A professora corrigiu tudo? Você pode perguntar a ela?


f. Ela não nos encontrou em frente ao museu.


2. Using the map from Lesson 10, give instructions to get to the places:

a. I am at King Plaza Hotel, I need to go to a department store.



b. I am at Jamison Hotel and I want to go to the Library



c. I am at the Laundromat and I want to go to the drugstore and after to the gym.



Homework 11

1. Change the sentences into English, use the verb “to get” as much as possible.

a. Você entendeu o que ele falou?

b. A que horas ele deveria chegar ao trabalho?
c. Ela está preocupada com a prova porque não estudou o suficiente.
d. Ele se preocupa com isso por anos.
e. Tem uma borracha e um lápis embaixo da mesa.
f. Aquele avião sobre os prédios é muito grande.
g. Meu sonho é viajar por todo o mundo. Qual é seu sonho?
h. Meu gerente estava preocupado com o cheque sem fundos.
i. A ideia do estudante foi a melhor. Qual é sua opinião?
j. Eu não sei qual é seu sabor favorito.
k. Haviam muitas flores e arbustos no jardim da casa de Jhonny.
l. Pedestres devem se preocupar com o semáforo!

m. Estamos sem dinheiro... você poderia nos ajudar?


n. O jogo acabou, agora devemos ir para casa.


o. Tem muitos equipamentos importantes no escritório.


Homework 12

1. Circle the correct alternative:

a. Don’t put many / much sugar on the coffee.

b. We want to have much / very fun at the party.

c. Those child / children were running in the square.

d. She wants to buy new furniture / furnitures.

e. She will know many people / peoples.

f. Cats have seven lives / lifes.

g. I have to give you some advice / advices.

2. Answer the questions:

a. What do people like to watch on TV at night?


b. How many irons does your wife have?


c. Are the papers on your desk? What about the stapler?


d. How many years of work experience do you have?


e. Did you like physics at school? What did you like to study?


f. How much homework does he have for tomorrow?


g. What are good places to visit in São Paulo?


Homework 13

1. Complete the text with the words from the box:

My neighbor always ……………………………… the grass in front of his house and I have nothing to
………………………………………… about. His wife is very organized and cleans everything. I never see
……………………………………… on the sidewalk, and the …………………………………………………… are most of the
time empty.
There is only one …………………………………………………… situation, they have four dogs and they bark
all the time. Their son once in a while likes to listen to ……………………………… music and my wife
complains a lot.
Our neighborhood is very calm, there isn’t any …………………………, in fact I suggest this place
for my friends who are looking for a place to live.
There is much space for people …………………………………… their cars and the …………………………… of
all houses are very large. Children can play a lot and …………………………………………… the price is ok.

inconvenient cut loud crime as far as I know

garbage complain yard park garbage cans

2. Complete the sentences:

a. Actually he needs …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b. She started complaining ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

c. He always said that ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

d. The furniture …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

e. Did the man cut ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?

f. Is there any inconvenient if …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ?

g. As far as I know ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

h. Only a few people went ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

i. How much ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ?

j. I saw him by chance ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

k. Can you cut the ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ?

Homework 14

1. Answer the questions:

a. How many teenagers are coming to the party?


b. Where is your luggage? And your boarding pass?


c. Is there much milk in the fridge?


d. Is the new furniture beautiful?


e. How many bushes will he cut?


f. Did anybody complain about the weather?


g. His knowledge is amazing. Isn´t it convenient for the company?


h. As far as I know she is an excellent person. What do you think of her?


i. In fact this stadium is really big. Did you visit it?


2. Find the mistake:

Actually I don’t know because you need this. ……………………………………………………………………

There is enough milk for the baby …………………………………………………………………………………………

Are the new furnitures beautiful? ………………………………………………………………………………………..

I knew about it by chance. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Where did he went last vacation? ………………………………………………………………………………………...

Homework 15

1. Change the sentences into English:

a. O menino se tornou um belo adolescente.


b. Você não deve usar esta roupa no trabalho.


c. Você está usando a jaqueta nova?


d. Qual caminho vc escolheu? Não temos muito tempo para escolher.


e. Ela poderia dirigir? Estou muito cansado hoje.


f. Ele não trabalha aqui por muito tempo.


g.Eu não entendo como ele chegou aqui


h. Onde estão meus óculos?


i. O dólar está ficando alto e eu estou ficando preocupada com isso.


j. A menina com cabelos comprido é minha amiga


l. Ele trabalha enquanto eu estudo.


m. Qual prato vc prefere?


n. Este é o homem que te falei


o. Aquele filme é bem interessante . Na minha cidade natal não tem cinema.


p. Há várias opções nesta loja .


q. Precisava de um dia de folga esta semana.


r. Qual novela vc quer assistir?


s. Quantos anos vc tem? Quantos anos tem a irmã dela?


t. O quão grande é sua casa? O quão distante é seu escritório?


u. O quão fácil estava o exercício?


v. O quanto você gostou do novo professor?


x. meus óculos estão em algum lugar mas não encontrei a chave em lugar nenhum.


y.Não quero ir a lugar nenhum este fim de semana.


z. Haviam roupas por toda parte.



1. Complete the sentences:

a. She didn’t correct ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b. Is there anybody to ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

c. I can’t find my ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

d. Were there many women ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

e. How much money ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

f. How far ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

g. I don’t know how big ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

h. He has a good experience to ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Answer the questions:

a. How many knives did Sue need to buy?


b. Could you bring the cake to the party? Which is your favorite flavor?


c. How much traffic is there in your city?


d. Who will take them to the movies? Will you go?


e. Do you help me find my glasses? I see them nowhere.


f. Should we buy new furniture? Where could we do it?


g. How does your office look like? How many people work with you?


h. How difficult was the English test? Did you need any help?


Homework 17

1. Change the sentences into English:

a. O que aconteceu com ele? Como eu poderia ajudá-lo?


b. Ela não acreditou na história de seu chefe. Ele é uma pessoa terrível.


c. Quanto é a tarifa de ônibus? Você tem troco para 50 dólares?


d. A inflação está ficando cada vez mais alta.


e. Ela terá horário flexível no trabalho?


f. Vou encontrá-lo depois das cinco. Não quero chegar tarde.


g. Ela já tentou estudar espanhol mas não consegue aprender!


h. Meus colegas de trabalho entrarão em greve amanhã. Eles reclamam muito.


i. Eu não pude acreditar quando ela me contou que a jaqueta estava em promoção!


j. Ela não quer comer nada e está ficando cada vez mais fraca.


k. Não há muito espaço aqui. Podemos por os produtos lá.


l. Eu não ligo se eles entrarem em greve. Eu trabalharei.


m. Esta mesa não é feita de plástico, ela é muito dura.


n. Isto sempre acontece. Minha dor de cabeça está ficando cada vez mais forte.


Homework 18

1. Answer the questions:

a. What happened to your car last week?


b. Does it happen frequently?


c. Do you believe in horoscopes? Do you read them?


d. Would you like to try a new course at University?


e. Where do you usually meet your friends?


f. Where did you meet your husband/wife/best friend?


g. Is inflation getting higher in Brazil?


h. How flexible are you at work, about your schedule for example?


i. When was the last time you got a promotion?


j. What did you do the last time you had a strong headache?


k. What kind of product does your company sell?


l. When are the stores on sale in the USA?


m. The storm was terrible yesterday. Where were you yesterday at this time?


n. Is there enough space for your family in your home?


Homework 19

1. Complete the sentences with the words from Lesson 19:

a. I think I ……………………………… my cell phone. Could you help me find it?

b. What was your …………………………………………… at school? I didn’t have one.

c. I never believe that boy, do you think this story is ……………………… or ……………………… ?

d. I don’t like math! I would never be an ……………………………………… .

e. Clothes made of ………………………………… are for winter.

f. If you don’t study you will never be a ……………………………………………… on computers.

g. That teacher’s …………………………………………… is really interesting.

h. You should work less and have more ………………………………………… of life.

i. Our boss wants to see us ………………………………………………… in his office.

j. ………………………………………… speaking, I don’t believe he will have any …………………………………………….

k. What did you …………………………………… when you were a kid? I loved miniature cars.

l. He is travelling for only two days but I ……………………………… him a lot!

m. After he ……………………………………………………… he is going to work with his father.

n. He is just a technician, not an ………………………………………………… .

o. You shouldn’t ……………………………………… that chance!

2. Circle the adjective or adverb:

a. He is extreme / extremely gentle.

b. We need an immediate / immediately decision to tell our boss.

c. She never speaks to anybody rude / rudely. He isn’t a rudely / rude person.

d. This is an easy / easily exercise. He will do it easily / easy.

e. It doesn’t happen frequent /frequently.

f. It was a very beautiful / beautifully day.

g. It is better to be frank / frankly.

Homework 20

Write a composition using words from the previous lessons, especially from 15, 17 and 19.

Write a story, invent a situation, talk about something you like. Explore your English.



























Homework 21

1. Change he sentences into English.

a. Aquela professor explica melhor que a sua professora de francês.


b. Bem que eu gostaria de enviar meu currículo àquela empresa.


c. Ela gostaria de acordar mais cedo hoje. O discurso será às 8 da manhã.


d. No dia seguinte ela explicou o que aconteceu.


e. Você acha que eu devo pedir um aumento? Eu tenho meu orgulho!


f. O salário aqui é melhor e temos mais liberdade.


g. Ela poderia se preparar melhor para a campanha política.


h. Estes ingressos são grátis. Gostaria de ir conosco?


i. Podemos ir a um restaurante self-service? Tem um por ali!


j. Não estamos muito orgulhosos de nossos políticos.


k. Quem preparou o discurso? Espero que esteja tão bom quanto este.


l. Em dias pares eu lavo as louças, em dias ímpares meu irmão lava.


m. Espero que eu consiga um aumento este mês.


n. Vamos comprar algumas pizzas? Estou com muita fome.


o. Jane queria que seu chefe fosse mais flexível.


p. Eu queria que não chovesse porque quero ir à praia no fim de semana.


q. Elas queriam que o partido político fosse melhor preparado.


r. Nós não queríamos que isso acontecesse agora.


2. Make the sentences with:

a. breakfast / maid / wake up / when


b. received / resumé / English


c. political party / campaign / watch / TV


d. is proud of / teacher / student


e. Let’s / over here / wait


f. wish / time / more / to travel


g. lessons / difficult / as / even / as / odd.


h. prepare / to give / speech / freedom


i. happen / explain / parents / her


Homework 22

1. Complete the sentences:

1. She needed to explain ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. My mother always prepares…………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. I forgot my resumé…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. The raise I hope to get…………………………………………………………………………………………………………

5. That political party…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

6. Are all the politicians ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

7. She was very proud of……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

8. Freedom is…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

9. We got free tickets to……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

10. The perfect salary……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

11. I wish I had…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

12. The report is over there, near the………………………………………………………………………………………

13. My husband wishes……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

14. The service at that bank is……………………………………………………………………………………………………

15. I don’t like to wake up………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

16. She was trying to explain what happened when…………………………………………………………………

17. The resumé he sent…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

18. On the following day we……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

19. The gas station is………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

20. He gave the speech and the people………………………………………………………………………………………

21. He was extremely………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

22. I really hope…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

23. That gentle man……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

24. The political campaign this year………………………………………………………………………………………………

25. I prefer odd lessons because……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Homework 23

1. Make sentences with:

a. to hate / housework / mess


b. to realize / surprise / finally


c. communication / means / three times


d. dead / dog / to realize / she


e. dangerous / transportation / train / to think


f. messy / students / by the way / aren’t


g. to go bowling / cable TV /

can’t .................................................................................................................................................................................


h. channel / used to / sister


i. twice / insurance / to call


j. to spend / to decide / next


2. Complete the paragraph with words from Lesson 23:

“... when I ........................................ he wasn’t at home I got very angry because his bedroom

was a ........................................ . The Tv was on and he forgot to turn it off.

I ...................................... to look for him and for my ......................................... he was at his

cousin’s apartment, in our building. When I arrived there, I asked: “What are you doing

here?” And he answered: “ We are going .....................................

together. ......................................., don’t you want to go with us? Well, I ...................................... to

go with them and ............................................. I could relax a little.”

Homework 24

1. Change the sentences into English:

a. Nós costumávamos pescar com elas perto daqui. Minhas irmãs odiavam fazer isso!



b. Eu costumava ser muito bagunceira e minha mãe ficava muito brava comigo!



c. Seu pai decidiu onde vocês vão passar as próximas férias?



d. Quais são os meios de transporte que você usa de vez em quando?



e. Eu não percebi que ela estava ficando cada vez mais feliz com seu trabalho.



f. A propósito, vocês tem TV a cabo? Qual o melhor canal de filmes?



g. Quanto é o seguro do carro novo? Quanto eu devo pagar este mês?



h. Os meninos estão no boliche e eu já preparei o jantar. Vamos lá?



2. Correct the sentences if necessary. Circle the mistake and correct it below.

You don’t need to rewrite the whole sentence.

a. Do you know what happened with him?


b. When did you know your husband?


c. She is with a fever. Could you help her?


d. Marcus was extreme gentle with the principal.


e. She will have a prom when she graduates?


f. He has difficulty in learning Spanish.


g. I wish I had more time to spend with my family.


h. The campaign political is getting more and more aggressive.


i. It is getting more and more hard to believe him.


j. I hope he get here in time for the concert!


k. My sister hated going bowling last Sunday!



1. Make sentences with:

a. to happen / frankly / surprise


b. by chance / to meet / cable TV


c. holiday / to spend / to hate


d. dead / alive / hope


e. speech / party / politician


f. to wake up / late / insurance


g. wish / freedom / proud


h. over there / dangerous / to walk


i. explain / hard / exercise


j. to collect / used to / coins


k. engineer / immediately / truth


l. to miss / chance / promotion


m. frequently / to lose / something


n. difficulty / to explain / happened


Homework 25

1. Complete the sentences with at least 5 words:

a. She really enjoyed .......................................................................................................................

b. It is so ...........................................................................................................................................

c. Although he was ............................................................................................................................

d. I am afraid of ..............................................................................................................................

e. I am afraid she .............................................................................................................................

f. That miserable man ......................................................................................................................

g. He shouldn’t agree ........................................................................................................................

h. She could evaluate .......................................................................................................................

i. Their wedding anniversary ............................................................................................................

j. In spite of .......................................................................................................................................

k. Soon we are ....................................................................................................................................

l. His obligation will be .....................................................................................................................

m. The trash can ...............................................................................................................................

n. That black car is ...........................................................................................................................

o. It was already late when .............................................................................................................

p. You can’t oblige .............................................................................................................................

2. Circle the correct option:

a. I am not sure if this house is her / hers.

b. She was proud of him / his speech.

c. They didn’t decide about their / them vacation at our / us grandmother’s house.

d. Are these sunglasses mine / my / me?

e. He needs to talk to mine / me / my immediately about mine / my schedule.

f. His / him task was more difficult than my / mine.

g. Ours / our apartment is cheaper than his / him.

h. That agreement was excellent for they / them.

i. Her / hers car is at the mechanic and he / him is my / mine neighbor.

Homework 26

1. Complete the chart with the correct pronouns or adjectives:

Pronomes Adjetivos Pronomes Pronomes

Pessoais Possessivos Oblíquos Possessivos
I me
your you
He his
It its
You you
they their

2. Write a mini composition with the words from the box at any order:

already anniversary although to be afraid of despite to enjoy soon
















Homework 27

1. Complete the sentences with words from Lesson 27.

a. It is an emergency, you must send this resumé .................................................................................

b. ........................................................... I can’t help you. I wish I could!

c. She .......................................... prefers ................................ work. She loves working with a lot
of people.

d. I am not sure but ............................................ we will get a raise.

e. Jane ......................................... to be his secretary only to answer the phone.

f. He hates his boss because he only ........................................... his work.

g. The manager is .............................................. for many things in a bank.

h. .................................. getting angry at her, you should ask what happened.

i. He ........................... arriving late. He is very responsible and punctual.

j. What did you ....................................... with that question? She is very confused now!

k. He worked as a teacher. What is his ....................................... job?

l. ............................................. she will ask about the report. You should prepare it now.

m. How many ................................ are there on your list?

n. I am ............................ about the .............................. of the game! Do you know it?

2. Continue the sentences using verbs as the first word.

a. Nancy enjoys .........................................................................................................................................

b. Is Mark interested in ....................................................................................................................... ?

c. Before .....................................................................................................................................................

d. She got upset after .............................................................................................................................

e. He was responsible for .......................................................................................................................

f. What about ............................................................................................................................................ ?

g. After .......................................................................................................................................................

Homework 28

1. Answer the questions:

a. What is the most famous sightseeing you know?


b. Are you more praised or more criticized?


c. What do you intend to do next holiday?


d. Did you already pretend to be anybody on the phone?


e. What is the current rate in Brazil?


f. Do you think you are a responsible person?


g. Who is the most curious person you know?


h. Do you prefer individual or team sports?


i. Is it probable that the rain will be strong this evening?


j. What website should I visit to have faster results on the internet?


k. When you go to the supermarket, what items are always in your cart?


l. When do we start learning about responsibility?


m. Are you afraid of anything? What?


Homework 29

1. Change the sentences into English:

a. Ele tentou esconder as mentiras dela mas ela descobriu tudo.



b. Eu nunca senti que esta decisão seria a correta. Os candidatos precisam explicar isso



c. Sentimentos e emoções são muito difíceis de explicar e entender, não são?



d. Qual tipo de pessoa você odeia? Pessoas que eu não posso confiar.



e. Aquele candidato tomou a decisão errada. Ele deveria voltar ao eu país imediatamente.



f. Quem vai se candidatar à presidência ano que vem? Eu acho que o governador deveria



g. Depois de descobrir sobre suas notas ela se sentiu muito desapontada, não se sentiu?


h. As reuniões no clube acontecem à noite, não acontecem? Você frequentava o clube antes?


i. O prefeito caiu em frente a muitas pessoas depois de seu discurso.



j. Você sabe quando ela volta de Salvador? Ela te ligou?



k. Espero que esses candidatos sejam confiáveis. A presidência é uma grande




l. Ela não percebeu a decepção dele. Que tipo de namorada ela é?



m. Eu nunca gostei deste tipo de filme. Me senti desapontada com o final.



2. Write sentences with:

a. to run for / trustworthy


b. to fall / club


c. to come back / to intend


d. didn’t he / to hide


e. type / more expensive


f. emotion / speech


g. to attend / public


h. to find out / disappointment


Homework 30

Write a composition using at least 12 words from the last 5 lessons. Write the words you

used in the box below.



























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