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Collana diretta da Francesco Mattei


Comitato Scientifico

Enver Bardulla (Parma), Luciano Caimi (Cattolica), Franco Cambi (Firen-

ze), Florencio V. Castro (Extremadura), Enza Colicchi (Messina), J.C.
Sànchez Garcia (Salamanca), Mario Gennari (Genova), Mario Manno
(Palermo), Marielisa Muzi (Roma Tre), Victor Santiuste Bernejo (Madrid
Complutense), Benedetto Vertecchi (Roma Tre), Ignazio Volpicelli (Tor

Dalla Poetica di Aristotele
alla poetica dell’educare
ISBN: 9788867091140

© 2013 - Editoriale Anicia s.r.l.

Via S. Francesco a Ripa, n. 104
00153 Roma - Tel. (06) 5898028/5894742
Sede legale: Via di Trigoria, n. 45
00128 Roma - Tel. 06.50653118

Tutti i diritti di traduzione, di riproduzione, di adattamento, totale o

parziale, con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi i microfilm e le copie fotosta-
tiche) sono riservati. Ogni permesso deve essere dato per iscritto
a Jenny

Preface, di Stephen Halliwell 9

0. Premessa 11
Un’assunzione di responsabilità 11
Capacità razionale e capacità mimesica 14
L’uomo mimesico 22

1. L’umanità della Poetica 33

L’apertura di senso sull’uomo 33
Criticità della disattenzione alla mimesis 37
Una pagina fondamentale 40

2. Dalla teoresi al vivere 53

Il gioco poetico del bambino 53
Lo statuto ontologico/esistenziale dell’atto mimesico 57
Offrire il proprio esserci per l’esserci dell’altro 71

3. Verso un’educazione poetica 75

Una scelta responsabile 75
Luoghi di una poetica dell’educazione 79
Aforismi aperti 99

Bibliografia 101


Important ideas, however ancient, have an en-

during life of their own which allows them to be
constantly rethought, adapted, and reapplied to new
environments and contexts. In his reflections on the
values of pedagogy in the perilous conditions of
modernity, Gilberto Scaramuzzo undertakes the fas-
cinating task of returning to the idea of mimesis
found in Aristotle’s Poetics and fashioning it into
the basis of an educational anthropology for the pre-
sent. Although Aristotle’s own primary concern in
the Poetics is with a philosophy of art, Scaramuzzo
rightly emphasises that this philosophy is itself built
on the foundations of a larger anthropology of (so to
speak) homo mimeticus: in Aristotle’s words, human
beings are ‘the most mimetic of animals’. Scara-
muzzo also extracts maximum interest for his pur-
poses from the precious reference to children’s play
as mimesis in chapter 4 of the Poetics, supplement-
ing Aristotle’s insight with the views of a number of
significant modern thinkers (among them, Adorno,
Benjamin and Gadamer). The result is a thought-
provoking meditation on the possibility of using
educational forms of mimesis as a means of going
‘beyond rationality’ and allowing children to dis-

cover their shared humanity through mimetic explo-
rations of the relationship between self and other.
The ideas presented here, already translated into
practice through the impressive activities of the Mi-
mesisLab, return education to a process that is fun-
damentally creative and a matter of learning, in the
fullest sense, for life.

Stephen Halliwell
University of St Andrews


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