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Morning manifestation journal

"You do not get what you want out of life, you get what you picture."
Thanks for letting me use your quote Wes!

Melinda Recommendations to Use
Along With Your Journal:
Genie Script Accelerator
This course really helped during the process of speeding up my results
helping feel like everything was working perfectly - Click here to Get It if
you haven't Got it already
Drink water and nothing but water for the full 90 days - you will thank
me later
Morning manifestation journal

Intention se!ing
Intention capturing
What is your main intention for the next 90 days?

How do you most want to feel?


What do you most want to manifest?


Why do you want to manifest this?


What will your life look and feel like once you have created your dream? Get deep into the feeling
through great detail.

What in the past has stopped you from creating what you want?
Morning manifestation journal

What needs to happen to overcome these past blocks?


What possibilities lie beyond what you’ve previously experienced?


What do you need to change to allow yourself to open up to these new possibilities?

Connect to your future self, the one who has created what you desire. How does she see herself? What
is she like?
Morning manifestation journal

How to manifest what you want

Learning how to manifest using the law of attraction, at the most foundational level, is about
clarifying your desires and focusing on what you want, rather than what you don’t want.
It’s about consciously aligning your thoughts, emotions, habits and beliefs with the vision you are
creating rather than any outdated, ingrained patterns not taking you where you want to go.
This sounds simple, but most people do the exact opposite, either not creating the space to get clear
on what they want or focusing on worries or fears — things they don’t want to happen.
This is human nature. We’re wired for survival, and that means the habit of scanning our
environment for threats is deeply ingrained.
Many of us feel not good enough, and these corresponding beliefs and feelings interfere with our
ability to manifest our dreams.
Elevating out of survival mode and allowing ourselves to thrive is about calming down our nervous
systems, grounding through rituals, and learning to trust the flow of life as we follow our hearts.
This is the journey of learning how to manifest — living more from the heart and less from the

Here my 7-step
Here is my 7-stepprocess
manifest using
using thethe lawScript.
Genie of attraction.

1. Clarify your vision and connect to it every day.

To create what you want, you first have to know what you want! Give yourself permission to dream
big. The journaling prompts in the beginning part of this book are a great way to connect to a vision
and intention for the next 90 days.
Connecting to your vision each day is essential because it’s the feeling that guides you to it. As you
feel your way into your next right steps, you are aligning yourself with an entirely new reality.
Staying emotionally connected to your goals is a big part of what will help you manifest them.
That’s why each and every day in this journal, you’re invited to reconnect to your vision by writing
it out again. The lines are intentionally limited so this becomes a quick, easy practice you can do daily.
You can definitely dive into more detail in your journal whenever you feel called, but connecting
to your vision daily is important, and when people get really ambitious with lengthy rituals, they
often don’t maintain the habit.

2. Set intentions daily, monthly or weekly.

Intentions are very powerful. They direct your energy and give your subconscious direction for
creating your life.

Morning manifestation journal

Our subconscious minds control around 90 percent of our lives. Even though we think we’re in
control, most of our daily decisions and actions are based on habit and impulses of which we’re
Learning how to manifest using the law of attraction involves creating more conscious awareness,
allowing you to regain power and control over yourself and your life.
I really like sitting with the same intention for an entire month because it takes time to really
This journal has spaces to write in a daily intention. You could change daily, or choose one
to stick with for a week or month.
The choice is yours. This is powerful because every time you re-write something, you are
reinforcing it. Plus, it keeps you focused on your intention, which allows it to slowly transform you.
As an example, a few years ago I set the intention to focus on gratitude.
For an entire month, every time my thoughts veered toward the negative or I found myself
complaining, I gently shifted to a more positive thought.
Our thoughts and habits are deeply ingrained, but a month is a perfect amount of time to make a
lasting shift!
And a lasting shift it was — this time spent in gratitude planted the seed to a deep spiritual
awakening, profound emotional healing, and waking up to self-love.
This led me to discover the work I'm meant to do in this world, creating guided journals to help
people understand themselves and create lives as unique as they are.

3. Connect to how this goal will make you feel once you’ve created it.
Using the law of attraction will likely require you to reshape your relationship to achieving your
We’re used to taking relentless action and over-planning, but learning how to manifest is all about
magnetizing your desires to you through the power of positive emotion. As a bonus, this approach
will help you feel more confident and capable.
Creating a daily practice of connecting to your vision, allowing yourself to feel hopeful and excited
about what you’re choosing to create, and allowing that positive emotion to pull you forward will
completely transform your life in a very short time.
When people talk about how to use the law of attraction, they often mention that your thoughts
become reality, but how you feel is even more important.
Focus on feeling hopeful, confident and expansive. Full of love and inspiration.
These are the most powerful states to manifest from because they allow you to stay grounded and
avoid getting attached or obsessive about your desire.

Morning manifestation journal

The more I learn to take the right action at the right time and then let go, relaxing, playing,
having fun and enjoying my life, the more effortlessly I receive things — sometimes things I wasn't
even asking for.
Even more importantly, I enjoy the process of creating my goals, which means I enjoy my daily
life, which is the whole point!

4. Identify supportive beliefs to help you achieve your goals.

Emotions are your superpower but supportive beliefs are also very important when learning how to
Most of us are conditioned to either downplay our awesomeness or maybe don’t believe we’re
awesome at all.
To achieve something, you have to believe that you can.
This takes time, and is a daily practice. Re-programming your mind is a big deal! You are literally
creating new neural pathways, which actives different genes in your body. You are changing your very
biology when you do this work, all while overcoming generations of imprinting.
This is why each day in the Morning manifestation journal, you’ll identify limiting beliefs along
with positive ones to replace them with. This will help you manifest faster.

5. Take the next right step.

Taking action is a very important part of manifesting your dreams. Everyone has a different way of
planning, but I’ll share with you what I do —
I essentially create an action plan and turn the plan into habits. Our lives are the sum of our habits.
Manifesting is about becoming the person, which makes your result inevitable.
If you want more help with this, check out Play with the Day, our yearly goal journal. This journal
features a habit tracker with space for a few daily to-do’s rather than a planner.
When you plan your entire day, you end up living by a list, never checking in with your heart and
soul for inspired guidance.
This limits you to achieving your dreams by logic alone, closing you off to the immense power of
the infinite universe that’s always available to help you manifest your dreams.
Learning how to manifest is very much about opening up to this inspired guidance, listening to
your heart and your body.
For example, I have a plan. I have healthy daily or weekly habits that reflect who I'm becoming.
But as I go through my day, those are simply in the back of my mind. All day long, in each and
every moment, I ask myself — what is the right thing to do now?
Sometimes that means I take a break and watch a movie in the middle of the day (like I did today)
before writing this guide. Taking one powerful step in my business each day is a habit.
Morning manifestation journal

I get my work done. I take the steps. I do the actions.

BUT — I also listen to myself, my heart, my soul, and my body. I ask myself — what is it that I’m
meant to do today, in this moment?, and I do it.
Sometimes that’s exactly what I have written in my goal journal, and sometimes it’s completely
Living this way balances structure and flow. It connects you to what’s essential to create your goals,
but it also supports you to create a new kind of life where, in the moments between, you flow.
You listen and respond to the always-changing beating pulse of the day, ultimately creating your
life like the work of art it is.
This results in a beautiful, magical, sacred call and response with the universe. The same universe
that has planted the seed of desire in your heart and is guiding you to toward it with an intelligence
that is beyond anything any human can comprehend.
Over-planning our lives leaves no room for magic! It leaves no room for the universe to support
you along the way. Give it the space, and it definitely will. Manifesting your dreams is all about
following your heart — one next right step at a time.

6. Surrender by releasing attachment to achieving your goal. Have fun along the way.
Surrendering is perhaps the hardest part of manifesting! But we have to trust. We have to trust that
we are being guided, that we will always be okay no matter what.
That we will always have access to everything we need.
That you are meant for incredible things, but you don't have to struggle and criticize and stress
yourself out to achieve them. In fact, those things slow you down and make your life drudgery.
You're here to have fun. To be who you really are.
One of the most important prayers I've ever made is this: Please let me want what's best for me.
This demonstrates a faith that there IS something out there for me, but I don't always know what
it is.
Creating our destinies is a moment-by-moment commitment to following our inner guidance
rather than letting our minds get carried away, planning things that might not even be the best way
Manifesting is a journey of recognizing that we are already good enough. You don’t have to
achieve or do or create or become anything to be worthy or deserving. You get to create what you
desire because you already ARE worthy and deserving. One thing has nothing to do with the other.
Knowing you are worthy and that your life has beauty right here, right now helps with giving
yourself permission to be happy along the way. To enjoy every moment.
As you walk this path, everything that is meant for you will come flowing into your life easily and
effortlessly, so gracefully you can’t even believe it. Like magic.

Morning manifestation journal

7. Take really good care of yourself!

The Morning manifestation journal has space each day to check in with yourself and see what you
need. So often we bulldoze over our inner needs and desires on the way to our goals.
We feel like we’ll be happy when we get somewhere, or after achieving a specific goal.
Applying the energetic alignment principles of manifestation is about being really happy right
now, and allowing ourselves to be guided into increasingly amazing experiences that align with our
perfect intentions.
When you take amazing care of yourself, including nurturing your inner child, you are treating
yourself as the worthy, valuable human you are. You are also ensuring that you enjoy your life right
now, rather than waiting until you achieve an arbitrary goal.
Because the truth is that happiness doesn’t come from achieving goals.
It comes from living in alignment with your soul, your true self. The things you achieve tend to be
the natural accumulation of effort — aligned, joyful effort that flows out naturally from your perfect
soul alignment.


I’m so grateful to guide your journey! I’d love to hear how it goes for you. Visit us on Facebook or
Instagram @soulscrolljournals, or post a picture and tag us in it!

Morning manifestation journal

How to use "is journal

Spend time each morning answering the questions. If you miss a day, it’s okay! What matters most
is committing to the habit over time. Progress never erodes, but always builds.

The difference betw#n goals and intentions

Each day includes space to write both a goal and intention. An intention refers more to a quality
of being. Maybe you want to stay focused, peaceful, or positive.
A goal typically refers to something you do. Having one main goal for the day, especially related to
what you want to manifest, will help you stay focused. If you have a lot going on, making sure to take
one powerful move each day toward what you most want to create will help you get there.

One vision or multiple visions?

The choice is yours! You can focus on one specific desire, but if there are a couple things you want
to manifest, you could write a few sentences about each desire each day. You could also alternate,
focusing your energy on whichever goal is most at the top of your mind on that particular day.
As always, do whatever feels best for you. Follow your instincts. Trust yourself!

How to answer "e questions

Many of the questions contained in this journal are designed to elicit answers from your
subconscious. Don’t think too much about the answers. Let whatever comes out, come out. One of my
favorite mantras in life is, “trust what comes out,” and that couldn’t be more true when it comes to
letting your subconscious speak during journaling.
If you feel stuck, simply start moving your pen. You will be surprised by what you write, in a good
way! This is how you find deep, true answers to your core problems. The moment you start to think
too much, you activate your analytical mind. This mind is useful for problem solving, but lacks the
deeper connection to your soul necessary to hear information needed to manifest your desires.
Don’t edit yourself when writing! If you feel called to explore a question more deeply in a regular
journal, by all means do that. Typos, grammar, incomplete sentences — none of it matters. You
should see my personal journal. I can’t even read it! I write fast to make sure it all comes out. You may
write differently — possibly with perfect penmanship! That’s awesome, too. The important thing is to
set the intention to connect to your inner guidance and let the deep, true answers emerge directly
from your soul.

Morning manifestation
GENIE SCRIPT Morningjournal
manifestation journal

Day 1 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Universe, please help me build this vision. How can I do that?


In what ways do I need to grow to manifest this dream?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 2 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Sometimes I don’t believe I can create this vision because:


The higher truth is:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 3 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

In what ways do I try to control the way my desires manifest?


How can I surrender more?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 4 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Beliefs or attitudes that don’t align with my vision include:


In order to create this vision, I choose to believe:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 5 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

What habits don’t reflect my highest self? Why do I do them?


What do I need to know or do to gracefully release them?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 6 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

I’m afraid my dreams won’t come true because:


My dreams coming true is inevitable because:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 7 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

What habits and daily flow align with my vision?


What needs to shift within me to adopt these habits and flow?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 8 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

When I feel insecure or afraid, this is how I have responded:


When I feel insecure or afraid, this is how I choose to respond:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 9 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

I worry I’m not far enough along on my journey because:


Instead, I choose to believe:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 10 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Sometimes I feel anxious because:


But I know the higher truth is:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 11 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

What would it look like if I trusted myself and life more?


What in my thinking needs to change to feel more trusting?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 12 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Sometimes I doubt myself because:


If I tapped into more confidence, I would know and do:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 13 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Do I believe I have the power to create my reality? Why or not?


What needs to change in my thinking to own that power?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 14 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

One way weak boundaries interfere with my dreams is:


To change this, I choose to:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 15 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

How do I think my desire will make me feel worthy or safe?


What needs to shift to feel worthy and safe right now?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 16 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Sometimes I don’t think I deserve what I want because:


But I really do deserve what I desire because:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 17 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Sometimes I’m hard on myself because:


If I was kinder and gentler to myself I would:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 18 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Sometimes I feel things are harder for me than others because:


But when I choose to see this differently, I know:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 19 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Sometimes I feel that what I want isn’t possible because:


But I choose to know that it’s possible because:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 20 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Things that I feel I ‘have to’ or ‘should’ do are:


What I really want to do, or feel excited to do, is:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 21 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

I feel confused or uncertain about:


When I tune into clarity, I know:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 22 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

I feel disappointed about… The story I tell myself about this is:

Tuning into acceptance and faith, I know:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 23 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

I don’t always trust my inner guidance because:


What needs to shift within me to trust myself more?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 24 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

These past events cause me to worry I can’t create my dream:


But when I see these differently, I know:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 25 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Some days I compare myself to others in these ways:


But when I tune into my higher self, I know:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 26 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Sometimes I judge myself or feel not enough because:


But when I tune into my true value and worth, I know:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 27 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

What lies in the gap between who I am and who I want to be?

What do I need to know or do to bridge that gap?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 28 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

What is my relationship to impatience?


How can I enjoy the process of manifesting my desires more?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 29 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Where am I blocking my receptivity?


What do I need to know or do to remove these blocks?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 30 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

What do I need to let go of right now? What no longer fits?


If I felt safe in releasing this, I would know:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 31 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Some negative thoughts I’m currently experiencing include:


More positive thoughts are:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 32 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

I don’t always have faith because:


If I chose to create unyielding faith I would know:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 33 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Ways I bring a lot to the table are:


If I owned this more, I would:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 34 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

A thing I’ve achieved but used to think would never happen is:

From that experience, I know:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 35 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Sometimes I don’t see myself as a success because:


But I am already a success because:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 36 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Today, I’m so proud of myself for… because:


Through doing these things, I’ve learned:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 37 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

One way I hold myself back or keep myself stuck is:


If I gave myself permission to move forward, I would:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 38 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

One thing I really love about myself is… I love it because:


If I celebrated this thing more, I would:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 39 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

I am so happy and grateful that:


If I allowed myself to focus more on the good, I would:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 40 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Something not going well is… The story I tell myself about this is:

When I tune into the energy of faith, a possible solution is:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 41 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

One thing that’s going really well is:


When I tune into the energy of appreciation, I think and feel:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 42 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

When I tune into the energy of my vision, I feel:


Ways I can increase these feelings in my life today are:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 43 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

When I feel doubtful, these are the ways I settle in life:


If I had total faith in my dreams, I would:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 44 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Sometimes I forget life’s magic, and I do or think this:


If I committed to remembering life’s magic, I would:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 45 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

One thing I don’t listen to my intuition on, and the reason is:

If I totally trusted my intuition, I would:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 46 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

One way the fear of judgment holds me back is:


If I released this fear, I would know and do:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 47 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

I don’t always trust in the flow of life because:


If I totally trusted the flow of life, I would know and do:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 48 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

If I knew nothing was wrong with me, what would shift?


What do I most need to hear right now?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 49 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Sometimes I worry I’m not good enough because:


When I tune into a higher truth, I know:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 50 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

In what ways am I afraid of getting what I want?


What is the higher truth?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 51 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Sometimes I push too hard because:


If I allowed myself to relax, I would:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 52 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Something I need more of in my life is… The reason why is:


If I allowed myself to receive it, I would know and do:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 53 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

If I had everything I wanted, how would I think of myself?


What can I remind myself of when I don’t think this way?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 54 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

In what ways is my life out of balance?


How does continued, sustainable, nourishing expansion look?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 55 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Sometimes I feel like things don’t work out for me because:


What within me needs to shift to create more ease?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 56 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

When I encounter obstacles or problems, I typically:


If I grounded into my confidence, I would respond this way:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 57 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

One reason I hold onto old, painful stories and events is:

If I chose to release these things, I would know:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 58 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

I often find myself stressing or worrying about:


If I had total faith in the process, I would know:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 59 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Some ways I listen to other people over my inner wisdom are:


My inner wisdom is telling me:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 60 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

What is blocking me from greater growth or expansion?


What would it look like to expand beyond these blocks?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 61 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Something I’m not happy about in life is:


When I tune into my inner wisdom, I know the solution is:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 62 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

One way I judge myself or others is:


If I loved myself and others totally and unconditionally, I would:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 63 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

In what ways do I struggle more than necessary?


If I dropped the struggle and opened to more ease, I would:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 64 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

One thing I undervalue about myself is:


If I valued this more about myself, I would know and do:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 65 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

In what ways do I lack faith in myself?


If I had total faith, what would change?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 66 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

If I allowed myself to enjoy my life just a little more, I would:


My next step to making this change is:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 67 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

How good am I about caring for my soul and bodily needs?


If I cared for myself so I glowed, I would:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 68 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

What is stopping me from next-level, amazing self-care?


If I committed to overcoming this, I would know and do:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 69 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

What does my inner child have to say today?


What do I want to tell my inner child?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 70 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

One thing I’m too hard on myself about is:


If I gave myself more grace, I would:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 71 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Something I’m struggling to accept about my life is:


If I completely accepted everything, I would know:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 72 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

One thing I’ve done well lately is… I succeeded at this because:

When I sit with this, it feels:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 73 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

What’s out of alignment right now? What’s going on there?


What needs to change or shift to feel more in alignment?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 74 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

One thing I really love about my life is… I love it because:


If I poured that same love into other areas of my life, I would:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 75 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

In what ways do I close myself off to love, peace and joy?


If I opened up to more love, peace and joy, I would:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 76 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

What is my relationship to commitment?


What do I need to know or do to become more committed?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 77 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

What do I feel most curious, excited or interested about?


What is the next right step to follow that impulse?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 78 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Sometimes I feel powerless because:


If I focused on what I could control, I would:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 79 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

What would it look like if I accessed more personal power?


What is in the way of this power? What am I ready to release?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 80 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

What is my relationship with technology and social media?


Valuing myself and my time, I choose to make these shifts:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 81 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Someone who inspires me, and the reason they inspire me is:

How do those traits appear in me, or how can I cultivate them?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 82 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Do I need more discipline or more fun? Why?


What shifts do I feel called to make?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 83 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

Sometimes I worry my gifts don’t matter because:


The world needs my gifts because:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 84 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

My highest goal in life is to:


Changes I need to make to align to this are:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 85 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

One thing that’s disturbed my inner peace lately, and why, is:

Tuning into my higher self, the message here is:


Morning manifestation journal

Day 86 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

What is something I blame myself for, and why?


What do I need to know or release to forgive myself?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 87 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

What’s something that causes me to feel resentful, and why?


Tuning into my higher self, how can I shift this?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 88 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

When things are going well, in what ways do I sabotage?


What do I need to know or do to shift this?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 90 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

How have these 90 days gone for me?


What am I most proud about with this journey?


Morning manifestation journal

Day 89 Date________________

Today, I am grateful for:


Today, my inner self needs:


My intention today is:


My goal today is:


My vision is:

What expectations or ‘shoulds’ are stealing my happiness?


What do I need to know to feel happier and at peace?



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