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Teacher’s Guide and Tests

An introduction
Introduction Lesson plans First Tutor to the INVALSI Tests
to the course English test

Marina Spiazzi
Marina Tavella
Margaret Layton

Performer B2
Ready for First
Student’s Book + Workbook

Flipped classroom:
esercizi fotocopiabili con soluzioni

Griglie di valutazione per i compiti

di realtà (Learn by doing)

Per Bisogni Educativi Speciali

- easy reading tests
- guided tests

Vai su

per scaricare i contenuti online

Marina Spiazzi
Marina Tavella
Margaret Layton

Performer B2
Ready for First
Student’s Book + Workbook

Teacher’s Guide and Tests

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Contents 1. Introduction to the course .............................................................................. 1
Key features of Performer B2 ...................................................................................................................... 2
Obiettivi specifici di apprendimento ...................................................................................... 2
The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) Level B2 .... 2
Structure of the course ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Structure of the Unit .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Structure of the Dossier .................................................................................................................................... 5
Teaching with Performer B2 .......................................................................................................................... 5
Building competences through Performer B2 (21st-century skills) ..................... 5
Assessment and tests ........................................................................................................................................ 6
DSA and BES: a guide ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Digital resources ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
How to use the Guarda! app ........................................................................................................................ 8
Exploring the Student’s Book and the Workbook ............................................................... 9

2. Lesson plans ..................................................................................................................................... 17

Syllabus planner (Programmazione per competenze) • Build up to B2 ..... 18
Student’s Book • Keys ........................................................................................................................... 20
Workbook • Keys ......................................................................................................................................... 28
Syllabus planner (Programmazione per competenze) • Unit 1 .......................... 32
Flipped classroom ...................................................................................................................................... 34
Student’s Book • Keys ........................................................................................................................... 36
Workbook • Keys ......................................................................................................................................... 47
Syllabus planner (Programmazione per competenze) • Unit 2 .......................... 50
Flipped classroom ...................................................................................................................................... 52
Student’s Book • Keys ........................................................................................................................... 54
Review Units 1-2 • Keys .................................................................................................................... 63
Workbook • Keys ......................................................................................................................................... 64
Syllabus planner (Programmazione per competenze) • Unit 3 .......................... 68
Flipped classroom ...................................................................................................................................... 70
Student’s Book • Keys ........................................................................................................................... 72
Workbook • Keys ......................................................................................................................................... 83
Syllabus planner (Programmazione per competenze) • Unit 4 .......................... 86
Flipped classroom ...................................................................................................................................... 88
Student’s Book • Keys ........................................................................................................................... 90
Review Units 3-4 • Keys .................................................................................................................... 99
Workbook • Keys ......................................................................................................................................... 100
Syllabus planner (Programmazione per competenze) • Unit 5 .......................... 104
Flipped classroom ...................................................................................................................................... 106
Student’s Book • Keys ........................................................................................................................... 108
Workbook • Keys ......................................................................................................................................... 118
Syllabus planner (Programmazione per competenze) • Unit 6 .......................... 122
Flipped classroom ...................................................................................................................................... 124
Student’s Book • Keys ........................................................................................................................... 126
Review Units 5-6 • Keys .................................................................................................................... 136
Workbook • Keys ......................................................................................................................................... 137
Syllabus planner (Programmazione per competenze) • Unit 7 .......................... 142
Flipped classroom ...................................................................................................................................... 144
Student’s Book • Keys ........................................................................................................................... 146
Workbook • Keys ......................................................................................................................................... 156
Syllabus planner (Programmazione per competenze) • Unit 8 .......................... 160
Flipped classroom ...................................................................................................................................... 162
Student’s Book • Keys ........................................................................................................................... 164
Review Units 7-8 • Keys .................................................................................................................... 173
Workbook • Keys ......................................................................................................................................... 174
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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 III
Syllabus planner (Programmazione per competenze) • Unit 9 .......................... 178
Flipped classroom ...................................................................................................................................... 180
Student’s Book • Keys ........................................................................................................................... 182
Workbook • Keys ......................................................................................................................................... 192
Syllabus planner (Programmazione per competenze) • Unit 10 ...................... 196
Flipped classroom ...................................................................................................................................... 198
Student’s Book • Keys ........................................................................................................................... 200
Review Units 9-10 • Keys ................................................................................................................. 209
Workbook • Keys ......................................................................................................................................... 210
Syllabus planner (Programmazione per competenze) • Dossiers 1-5 ...... 214
Dossier 1 • Keys ........................................................................................................................................... 216
Dossier 2 • Keys ........................................................................................................................................... 220
Dossier 3 • Keys ........................................................................................................................................... 224
Dossier 4 • Keys ........................................................................................................................................... 227
Dossier 5 • Keys ........................................................................................................................................... 230
Phrasal verbs • Keys ............................................................................................................................................. 232
Linkers • Keys ................................................................................................................................................................ 234
Practice test • Keys ................................................................................................................................................ 235
Griglie di valutazione Learn by doing (Compiti di realtà) ................................................ 240

, 3. First Tutor: helping students prepare

for the First exam ................................................................................................................ 251
General introduction to First ........................................................................................................................ 252
Paper 1: Reading and Use of English ................................................................................... 252
Paper 2: Writing ............................................................................................................................................. 253
Paper 3: Listening ....................................................................................................................................... 254
Paper 4: Speaking ....................................................................................................................................... 255
A closer look at the Speaking test ......................................................................................................... 255

4. An introduction to the INVALSI English test ....... 259

General introduction to INVALSI .............................................................................................................. 260
INVALSI in Performer B2 .................................................................................................................................. 262
An overview of the INVALSI tasks in Performer B2 ......................................................... 263

5. Tests ........................................................................................................................................................................ 265

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 266
Standard tests
Entry test / Build up to B2
Entry test Fila A ............................................................................................................................................ 268
Entry test Fila B ............................................................................................................................................ 270
Fast checks
Unit 1 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 272
Unit 2 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 273
Unit 3 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 274
Unit 4 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 275
Unit 5 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 276
Unit 6 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 277
Unit 7 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 278
Unit 8 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 279
Unit 9 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 280
Unit 10 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 281
Unit tests Fila A
Unit 1 Fila A ........................................................................................................................................................ 282
Unit 2 Fila A ........................................................................................................................................................ 286
Unit 3 Fila A ........................................................................................................................................................ 289
Unit 4 Fila A ........................................................................................................................................................ 292
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IV Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Unit 5 Fila A ........................................................................................................................................................ 295
Unit 6 Fila A ........................................................................................................................................................ 298
Unit 7 Fila A ........................................................................................................................................................ 302
Unit 8 Fila A ........................................................................................................................................................ 305
Unit 9 Fila A ........................................................................................................................................................ 308
Unit 10 Fila A .................................................................................................................................................... 311
Unit tests Fila B
Unit 1 Fila B ....................................................................................................................................................... 315
Unit 2 Fila B ....................................................................................................................................................... 319
Unit 3 Fila B ....................................................................................................................................................... 322
Unit 4 Fila B ....................................................................................................................................................... 325
Unit 5 Fila B ....................................................................................................................................................... 328
Unit 6 Fila B ....................................................................................................................................................... 331
Unit 7 Fila B ....................................................................................................................................................... 335
Unit 8 Fila B ....................................................................................................................................................... 338
Unit 9 Fila B ....................................................................................................................................................... 341
Unit 10 Fila B .................................................................................................................................................... 344
Skills tests for FIRST Fila A
Units 1-2 Fila A ............................................................................................................................................. 348
Units 3-4 Fila A ............................................................................................................................................. 352
Units 5-6 Fila A ............................................................................................................................................. 355
Units 7-8 Fila A ............................................................................................................................................. 358
Units 9-10 Fila A .......................................................................................................................................... 361
Skills tests for FIRST Fila B
Units 1-2 Fila B ............................................................................................................................................. 364
Units 3-4 Fila B ............................................................................................................................................. 368
Units 5-6 Fila B ............................................................................................................................................. 371
Units 7-8 Fila B ............................................................................................................................................. 374
Units 9-10 Fila B ......................................................................................................................................... 377
Listening tests Fila A
Units 1-2 Fila A ............................................................................................................................................. 380
Units 3-4 Fila A ............................................................................................................................................. 381
Units 5-6 Fila A ............................................................................................................................................. 382
Units 7-8 Fila A ............................................................................................................................................. 384
Units 9-10 Fila A .......................................................................................................................................... 386
Listening tests Fila B
Units 1-2 Fila B ............................................................................................................................................. 387
Units 3-4 Fila B ............................................................................................................................................. 388
Units 5-6 Fila B ............................................................................................................................................. 389
Units 7-8 Fila B ............................................................................................................................................. 391
Units 9-10 Fila B ......................................................................................................................................... 393
Competences tests
Unit 1 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 394
Unit 2 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 394
Unit 3 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 395
Unit 4 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 395
Unit 5 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 396
Unit 6 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 396
Unit 7 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 397
Unit 8 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 397
Unit 9 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 398
Unit 10 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 398
Recupero tests
Units 1-3 ............................................................................................................................................................... 399
Units 1-5 ............................................................................................................................................................... 401
Units 6-8 ............................................................................................................................................................... 403
Units 6-10 ........................................................................................................................................................... 405
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, Easy reading tests
Entry test Build up to B2 Easy reading .............................................................................. 407
, Guided tests
Entry test Build up to B2 Guided test ................................................................................. 411
Unit tests Guided tests ........................................................................................................................ 415
Skills tests for FIRST Guided tests ......................................................................................... 479
Listening tests Guided tests .......................................................................................................... 510
Recupero tests Guided tests ......................................................................................................... 521
Tests • Keys ............................................................................................................................................................. 537

All the Tests Fila A, Tests Fila B and Guided tests are available on paper in this guide and in rtf and pdf
formats in the teacher’s USB pen drive.
An example of the Easy reading tests is given in a paper version in this guide. All the other Easy reading
tests can be found in rtf and pdf formats in the teacher’s USB pen drive.
The audio for the Skills tests for First and for the Listening tests can be found in the following CDs:
Performer B2 Tests CDs 1-2.
The keys to all the tests are to be found in this guide.
All the tests and all the audio for the tests are also available online at:

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VI Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
to the course

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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 1
Key features of Performer B2

The Performer project is based on the terms of reference set out in the Obiettivi specifici di apprendimento
of the national curriculum and in the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
This is true not only for the level of language but also for the functions, skills and competences within the
suggested topics. Students are encouraged to become independent and autonomous, in control of their
own learning with an emphasis on the concept of ‘can do’. At the same time, students are given frequent
opportunities from the beginning of the book to work cooperatively in pairs, in groups, or as a class. The
ideas of the CEFR are also reflected in the selection of themes and activities of each unit.

Obiettivi specifici di apprendimento

Competenze Contenuti Lessico


Alla fine del secondo biennio, lo studente dovrà acquisire competenze linguistico-comunicative corrispondenti
al Livello B2 del Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le lingue. In particolare dovrà:
• comprendere in modo globale, selettivo e dettagliato testi orali e scritti attinenti ad aree di interesse di
ciascun indirizzo di studi;
• riferire fatti, descrivere situazioni e sostenere opinioni con le opportune argomentazioni in testi orali
articolati e testi scritti strutturati e coesi;
• partecipare a conversazioni e interagire nella discussione in maniera adeguata sia agli interlocutori sia al
• riflettere sul sistema e sugli usi linguistici della lingua straniera, anche al fine di acquisire una
consapevolezza delle analogie e differenze con la lingua italiana;
• utilizzare adeguatamente la lingua straniera per lo studio e l’apprendimento di altre discipline.

The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) Level B2

The Common European Framework of Reference was developed by the Council of Europe in order to set
clear, attainable standards at different levels of language learning for European languages. The document
was intended as a reference tool to describe levels of language in terms of skills or competences, that is,
what students ‘can do’.
The CEFR describes what abilities a learner needs to acquire in the linguistic areas of reading, listening,
speaking and writing at each level. The detailed list for a B2 level is as follows:

Level Description
Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including
technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of fluency and
B2 spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for
either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint
on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

Structure of the course

The course is made up of:
• a Student’s Book;
• a Workbook;
• an eBook;
• a Teacher’s Guide with a variety of tests (Fila A, Fila B, Easy reading and Guided) for each unit (see page
266 for a full list of the tests).

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2 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
The Student’s Book comes with a collection of audio CDs. The Workbook also comes with its own collection
of audio CDs.
The Student’s Book and the Workbook are divided into 10 units. There is a Build up to B2 unit at the beginning
of the course.

Student’s Book
• Build Up to B2 (5 lessons) This section is designed to revise the basic structures students have learnt in
the Biennio before confronting the main textbook. At the end of the Build Up section, students should go
on to complete the Self-assessment test, which gives them and their teacher an idea of their linguistic
competence and a foundation from where their progress can be judged.
• 10 units Each unit has a structural thread and the various sections are linked thematically. Each unit
has been built around the idea of ten separate ‘lessons’ which correspond to the pages and titles of
the sections. There are Extra Activities in the eBook and all of the points raised in the lessons have
corresponding sections in the Self-study exercises of the eBook.
• Review At the end of every two units there are two pages of revision of the grammar and vocabulary,
of the previous units, with summative vocabulary, grammar and Use of English exercises. These pages
can be used for verification and/or remedial work.
• 5 dossiers The aim of the five dossiers is to move beyond the focus on basic competency developed
in the ten units of the course book to promoting understanding of academic content at much higher
levels by weaving 21st-century interdisciplinary themes into the curriculum:
1 Global awareness;
2 Civic literacy;
3 Health literacy;
4 Environmental literacy;
5 Economic literacy.
• Grammar Reference This contains a complete explanation of the grammar rules including irregular
forms and exceptions.
• Speaking reference This presents the communicative functions necessary for the Speaking paper of the
First exam.
• Writing reference This contains examples of the different parts of the Writing paper of the First exam
including the layout, language tips and useful language.
• Phrasal verbs and linkers These pages focus on the most common phrasal verbs and linkers. They
contain maps and exercises to facilitate learning.

The Workbook follows the Student’s Book unit by unit. Like the Student’s Book, it is characterised by a pre-
defined structure based on complete lessons. Each unit contains the same sections as the course book
presented in the same order.

Structure of the Unit

VOCABULARY ACTIVATOR with Flipped classroom video
A whole page devoted to the learning of vocabulary which is an essential lead into language learning. This
section contains a warm-up exercise to activate pre-knowledge, pictures, a listening comprehension
exercise which introduces the topic vocabulary and a pair-work or small-group discussion to activate the
new vocabulary.
A Focus on Vocabulary box guides students in their memorisation of new lexis by organising words and
expressions into categories.
Before the lesson, students can download videos, reading and listening activities as well as listening exercises
by using the Guarda! App. In this way, they can watch the video at home and memorise vocabulary at their
own pace, or teachers can begin the lesson by watching the video in class. Using the video allows teachers to
time-shift and expand on the total learning time. By allowing the students to absorb the basics of a lesson
before coming to class, time is freed up in the classroom for discussion, further questions and collaboration.
The Teacher’s book contains photocopiable pages of vocabulary maps and exercises to enhance and also
verify the study and comprehension of these flipped classroom videos at home. Exercises introducing the
vocabulary contained in the reading/listening texts follow with specific attention to oral practice.
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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 3

This section has been designed as a preparation for the INVALSI test. It contains a warm-up speaking
activity leading the students into the reading comprehension text which is followed by structured activities
of comprehension and interpretation. This text consolidates and expands upon the students’ knowledge
of the vocabulary that they have just learnt and presents the grammar structures for the following page
(Grammar 1). These two pages also contain a Listening task, which asks students to listen for main ideas
or specific information, followed by a Vocabulary focus on phrasal verbs, useful expressions or collocations.

Inductive exercises dealing with the grammar structures introduced in the previous reading section are
used here to encourage students to reflect on each grammar rule individually. Further elaboration and details
of each specific grammar point, irregular forms and exceptions, can be found in the Grammar reference
section at the end of the coursebook. The Frequent mistakes boxes focus on the typical mistakes made
by Italian learners of English. Practice exercises complete the page in order to consolidate the grammar
structures. They are very important for confidence building.

Each unit contains practice based on the requirements of the Cambridge English: First (FCE). Exam
description/Tips related to the First exam open each section. A video supports the explanation of each part
of the exam. There are animated explanations for each separate part of each paper and these can be used
each time a First section is taught in class.

This page provides practice on the first four parts of the Reading and Use of English section of the First

These two pages have been designed as a preparation for First Reading and Use of English parts 5, 6
and 7. It contains a warm-up speaking activity leading the students into the text. This text is followed
by vocabulary-focused activities with particular attention to word formation. The section ends with a
speaking and a writing exercise.
The following page is devoted to Grammar 2, which presents a second grammatical structure present in
the text.

This page provides preparation and practice for the Speaking paper of the First exam. It aims at developing
confidence and fluency and guides students to express personal opinions on a given topic through pair-work
or class discussion. The box Process language contains useful communicative functions.

This page provides preparation and practice for the Listening paper of the First exam. It starts with
a warm-up speaking activity to introduce the topic of the listening exercise and it ends with a guided
The following page, 21st-century skills, further develops listening comprehension and communication
through a video followed by comprehension activities and speaking exercises linked to the viewing of the
video. A final part of the page presents group activities whose aim is to develop 21st-century skills. In some
units, there is also a Learn by doing task. The Teacher’s Guide contains a detailed and useful evaluation grid
for these sections.

This page provides preparation and practice for the Writing paper of the First exam. Students are guided
to learn to express ideas and opinions and to write using specific formats. The box Process language
contains useful functions and phrases.

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4 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Structure of the Dossier
Each dossier opens with the introduction of the main theme and the way it affects people’s essential skills
for life. Then it develops the theme through the practice of the four language skills. Particular attention is

devoted to the interpretation of charts and graphs. There is a Towards INVALSI section to provide practice
for the INVALSI test. The second reading leads into a class debate on a hot issue linked to the main theme.
The Job gate page focuses on the development of 21st-century skills to be connected with Alternanza scuola
lavoro. It always ends with a Learn by doing task that students may exploit during the ESAME DI STATO.

Teaching with Performer B2

Performer B2 follows a communicative approach which pays particular attention to lexis acquisition and to
the development of the four language skills also in preparation of the First exam.

Teaching vocabulary
Lexis is learnt through receptive and productive activities. Each unit follows a vocabulary thread which
helps memorisation and provides meaningful tasks to activate and review vocabulary in real and meaningful
contexts. Vocabulary input continues in the Workbook.
The section Focus on vocabulary presents high-frequency terms while organising them according to areas
or parts of speech. Practice of useful expressions, collocations and phrasal verbs is also provided in each
unit together with a section devoted to word formation (prefixes, suffixes, compound nouns, word families).

Teaching grammar
Grammar is introduced after the two reading texts which are authentic sources adapted to contain both the
target vocabulary and structures. The student’s attention thus focuses first on the topic content and is later
drawn to the grammar rules. Students are guided to recognise the different grammar structures through
different kinds of activities like highlighting or identifying examples in the reading text.

Teaching the four skills (reading, speaking, listening, writing)

Reading and listening exercises do not only provide comprehension practice but also training in interpreting,
making assumptions and developing personal opinions. Speaking activities appear in every section of the
unit both as free practice or structured activities linked to the First exam. Writing is especially devised to
develop language (mastering grammar, lexis, spelling and punctuation) and social and cultural competence
(functions, register and context).

Building competences through Performer B2 (21st-century

The project is based on different educational frameworks:
• Obiettivi specifici di apprendimento provided by the Ministry of Education, which highlights the language
and cultural competences ( C );
• CEFR (Common European Framework);
• Key Competences (Competenze chiave di cittadinanza – D.M. n. 139/2007).
The concept of competence in Performer B2 is defined as a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes
appropriate to the context. 21st-century skills are needed for the personal fulfilment and development
of the individual, for active citizenship, social inclusion and future employment. In Performer B2 the
development of these skills follows the P21 Framework for 21st-century learning which was developed
with input from teachers, education experts, and business leaders to define and illustrate the skills and
knowledge students need to succeed in work, life and citizenship, as well as the support systems necessary
for 21st-century learning outcomes.
The P21 Framework represents both 21st-century student outcomes (as represented by the arches of the
rainbow) and support systems (as represented by the pools at the bottom).

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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 5

Learning and
Innovation Skills – 4Cs
Critical thinking Communication
Collaboration Creativity

Key Subjects – 3Rs

and 21st-Century Themes Information,
Life and Media, and
Career Skills Technology

Standards and

Curriculum and Instruction

Professional Development

Learning Environments

The activities linked to the development of competences focus on 21st-century skills, content knowledge
and expertise. They aim to build understanding across and among academic interdisciplinary themes, they
emphasise deep understanding and engage students with the real-world data and tools they will encounter
in university, college, on the job, and in their future lives.
With Performer B2, teachers have the opportunity to integrate 21st-century skills, tools and teaching
strategies into their classroom practice, they can actually enhance problem solving, critical thinking, and
other 21st-century soft skills. Moreover, they encourage the ability to identify students’ particular learning
styles, strengths and weaknesses and enable students to learn in relevant, real world 21st-century contexts
(e.g., through project-based or other applied study) by providing opportunities for group, team and individual

Assessment and tests

Performer B2 provides continuous opportunities for informal assessment through a wide variety of activities
spread through the units, in the Review and Towards INVALSI sections. There is also a wide range of tests
(see page 266).

DSA and BES: a guide

Learning a foreign language as DSA and BES students

Learning a foreign language implies:
• spelling;
• phonological competence;
• morphological competence;
• lexical competence;
• textual competence;
• social competence.

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6 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
It is therefore necessary to adopt an inclusive approach by:
• implementing pair work;
• using digital and interactive and visual materials;
• presenting structured rather than free activities;

• providing tables and maps (in the Build up and in the Phrasal verbs and Linkers section);

• avoiding learning by heart activities;
• using DSA-friendly layout and materials;
• explaining just one rule each lesson rather than many rules;
• teaching the grammar rule starting form a presentation exercise (reading or listening);
• providing an example to illustrate the grammar rule.

Digital resources
Today’s students aren’t content to be passive recipients of education, they like solving problems and being
creative. They want their learning to be purposeful and personal, and view technology as a way of making
sense of, and contributing to, their world.
Performer B2 presents three kinds of videos:
• Vocabulary videos. They can be used as a flipped classroom, also known as reversed lesson. A flipped
classroom is one where students are introduced to content at home, usually through reading or videos,
and practice working through it at school. It is a blended learning approach where face-to-face interaction
is mixed with independent study by means of technology. Students watch videos at home, acquire
background knowledge and then come to school with questions to clarify, or simply to practise, what
they have learnt. In the flipped classroom model, students practise under the guidance of the teacher,
while accessing content on their own. It has the side benefit of allowing students to pause, rewind and
re-watch. In other words, students study at their own pace thus developing autonomy in their learning.
• First exam presentation videos.
• Videos in the 21st-century skills section.

Performer B2 is also an interactive eBook which the student can download onto their tablet/computer using
the code printed on the coupon inside the front cover of the Student’s Book.
The Student’s eBook contains:
• all the pages and contents of the paper textbook with the possibility to zoom, highlight, insert notes and
links, and to save all changes;
• most of the exercises in an interactive format;
• extra activities for further practice;
• the audio of all the Listening activities and all the Reading texts;
• 10 videos introducing the vocabulary of each unit;
• 10 videos with real life interviews on topical issues;
• 18 animated videos explaining the various parts of the First exam;
• 21 animated videos covering the Speaking exam;
• 99 Self-study exercises with keys for each unit.
• 110 ZTE interactive exercises online.

The Teacher’s eBook contains:

• all the pages and contents of the paper textbook with the possibility to zoom, highlight, insert notes and
links, and to save all changes;
• most of the exercises in an interactive format with the possibility to check and show answers;
• extra activities for further practice;
• the audio of all the Listening activities with karaoke;
• the audio of all the Reading texts;
• the audio of all the Listening activities and all the Reading texts;
• 10 videos introducing the vocabulary of each unit;
• 10 videos with real life interviews on topical issues;
• 18 animated videos explaining the various parts of the First exam;
• 21 animated videos covering the Speaking exam;
• 99 Self-study exercises with keys for each unit;
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 7
• 110 ZTE interactive exercises online;

• syllabus planners (programmazione per competenze) in rtf format for each unit;
• tests in rtf and pdf formats;
• marking grid (griglie di valutazione) for Learn by doing (compiti di realtà) in rtf format.

How to use the Guarda! app

Guarda! is an iOS and Android application for smartphones and tablets, which allows access to all the
multimedia contents associated to the text book, exploiting all the potential of the augmented reality. It will
not therefore be necessary to activate or download the ebook to make use of some of the digital contents.
Students can download the Guarda! app from their own smartphone store. After which all they need to do,
is select the course Performer B2 from those available, and have an Internet connection available to access
the different resources. To use the app it is also necessary to have the textbook: by focussing on the code
picture at the beginning of each unit, students can watch all the videos and listen to all the audio contents
in that unit.

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8 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Exploring the Student’s Book and the Workbook

Guide to the Student’s Book

Build up to B2 Vocabulary activator

introductory unit each unit starts with GUARDA! The icon

containing grammar maps a vocabulary page. It to watch videos and
for the revision of the main introduces the target lexis listen to texts on
tenses of the unit your smartphone

Flipped classroom:
a video to introduce
the vocabulary of meaningful
the unit images
aiming at
a listening activity stimulating
to activate the class
target lexis discussion
and activate
focus on vocabulary:
organises the
knowledge of
vocabulary into


a warm-up activity to a listening task

involve the students in to develop
a preliminary discussion language
about the topic competence

Tow a r d s I N VA L S I 2 Inspirational travel 3 READ the article about a special journey again, then C Listening for specific information
choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-6.
Only one answer is correct. 4 1.14 LISTEN to a young woman talking about
travelling for her job. While listening, answer the
The first one (0) has been done for you.

an authentic 1
LOOK at the map below showing a journey across Asia
and answer the questions.
Josh: We slept in a huge tent, a Mongolian yurt,
and they shared their food with us – mutton, rice and
Mongolian beer is what we used to eat with them every
Where did the idea of the competition come from?
A previous travelling competition. 0
questions using a maximum of 4 words.
The first one (0) has been done for you.

How does Katy feel about her job?

1 Where did the journey start?

reading text 2 Where did it end?

3 How many countries were there to cross on the way?
Sadie: This is also where we had our challenge test.
We had to cover at least 20 miles on camels. I can
A television series.
Eight other couples.
The idea of getting to Beijing.
She loves it

Q1 What does she find most difficult?

followed by C Reading, understanding

and interpreting information
assure you it was very uncomfortable and while we
were crossing the desert, we ran into a sand storm and
couldn’t see a thing for hours.
Q1 What did the competitors have to do in order to win the
A Learn about local people and traditions.
Q2 What doesn’t she like being away from?

Q3 What object gives her a sense of security when she’s
2 READ and listen to the article and say why the couple in
the photo look happy.
Josh: Luckily our driver knew where to go. The next
big problem was when we were crossing the border into
Reach the destination of Moscow first.
Walk from Moscow to Beijing using local roads. travelling?

China. We had to cross the Mongolian border point at D Travel from Moscow to Beijing.
Q4 Who does she send messages back to?

and interpretation The kindness

of strangers
35 Dzamin and then the Chinese border point at Erlian.
They said we had the wrong visa and wanted to send us
back but while we were talking to the border guards, an
Q2 Why did the competitors have no money to use for the
A Because they didn’t have jobs. Q5 What does she carry in her handbag, apart from money
official arrived, stamped the visas and let us through. and credit cards?

B Because they had no bags with them.
Sadie: It was more difficult to get lifts in China. Lots C Because this was one of the rules of the competition.
40 of drivers would slow down to look at us but then drive D Because they had to earn money on the journey. Q6 What does she take to relax her feet?
on. Eventually just when we were giving up all hope, Q3 In which way did Josh and Sadie ‘strike lucky’?
another lorry driver stopped and took us miles and Q7 What does she take to eat?
A A stranger offered them a lift.
miles and even offered us hospitality with his family.
B They spent two days getting out of Moscow.
Josh: This was a truly wonderful part of the journey. C They were able to drive a lorry. Q8 What is Max?
Sadie and Josh were one of eight couples
45 His family were really poor but so generous and insisted D They temperatures were not too cold.
who took part some months ago in a
travelling competition based on the
successful television series ‘Peking Express’.
The couples had to get from Moscow to
on giving us their bed to sleep in.
Sadie: He took us a long way towards our destination.
I loved the scenery. While we were travelling through
Q4 Which part of the trip did they find rather boring?
A The Gobi Desert.
Phrasal verbs for travelling a focus on
5 B Siberia.
MATCH the highlighted phrasal verbs (1-6) in the article
Beijing (previously called Peking) without any money, just the mountains of northern China, we could even catch C Mongolia. to their definitions (A-F).
depending on local people to look after them. The winners 50 glimpses of the Great Wall in the distance. D Russian mountain valleys. 1 take part (in) A meet unexpectedly
were the ones who reached the destination first – and Sadie Josh: And then there we were in Beijing – not only Q5 Which problem did they face at the Chinese border? 2 get out of B go in the direction of

and Josh did it – they won!
So how did they do it? This is their explanation.
Sadie: It was unbelievably hard. We had to hitch-hike
did we arrive but we got there before any of the other
couples. We won!
They had lost their passports and had no identification.
They didn’t have the correct visas.
head for
run into
send back
participate in
decrease your speed
cause to return
verbs, useful
C An official wanted to arrest them.

all the reading

across Russia. We didn’t have any money, this was one of
the rules of the competition, we had to rely totally on the
kindness of strangers. The first problem was getting out of
D There were no border guards to open the border.
Q6 What made the last part of the journey particularly
exciting for Sadie? 6
6 slow down F exit from

COMPLETE the sentences with the correct form of the

expressions and
Moscow but we struck lucky and got a lift with a lorry driver phrasal verbs from exercise 5.


texts are recorded heading for Siberia.

Josh: We travelled with him for two days and he let us sleep
in the back of the lorry – which had a heater thank goodness

The first sight of Beijing as they travelled through the
Chinese mountains.
Travelling on top of the Great Wall of China.
1 Unexpectedly in the middle of the desert we
other couples from the competition.
2 The road was very narrow and full of bends so the cars had
C Travelling through the mountains in China and seeing to .
as the temperatures went below freezing. parts of the Great Wall.
3 It was a great relief when we finally left the town and
20 Sadie: In Siberia people were incredibly hospitable though D Staying with the driver in his spare room. the open countryside.
the scenery was rather monotonous – all those trees… Then 4 The organisers decided to two couples
we crossed the Gobi Desert – with a carpet salesman. who had lost their way.
5 Eight different couples the competition.
6 Many situations on our journey were difficult to

30 31

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Grammar 1 Use of English

a full page frequent mistakes: devoted to Reading

of grammar focus on the most and Use of English
presentation common exceptions Parts 1-2-3-4 of
and practice or differences with L1 the First exam

an exam

First exam


devoted to Reading and

Use of English Parts a section devised to teach
5-6-7 of the First exam word formation

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

10 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Speaking Listening

a page about the a page about the

Speaking paper of Listening paper of

the First exam the First exam

a focus on
for specific
interacting on a
topical issue)

21st-century skills Writing

soft skills to live and a page about the

work in the 21st century Writing paper of the
(decision making) First exam

a video to
introduce the
discussion topic

Learn by doing:
a ‘compito di
realtà’ to assess
expressions for
the Writing paper

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 11

a double page of consolidation

every two units


further development of
the four language skills

five Dossiers dealing with


Job gate: a window onto the

world of work training soft
skills. It can be used for ASL

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12 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Grammar reference Speaking reference

a section expanding the information a section about useful words, phrases

about grammar rules provided in the and collocations about the Speaking

Student’s Book part of the First exam

Writing reference Phrasal verbs and Linkers

a section devoted to the writing part specific training on

of the First exam including useful phrasal verbs and linkers
language and layout tips with maps and exercises

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 13
Guide to the Workbook

Vocabulary activator, Towards INVALSI and phrasal verbs

a double page of exercises designed
to practise the target vocabulary
and reading comprehension

Grammar 1 and Use of English

further exercises about the grammar in the Grammar 1

section of the Student’s Book, two exercises of
Reading and Use of English Parts 1-2-3-4

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14 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Reading and word formation

a section created to enable the practice of Reading

and Use of English Parts 5-6-7 and to consolidate the

word formation of the unit

Grammar 2 Listening and Writing

a page of exercises designed to a section devoted to the practice of

practise the grammar the skills Listening and Writing of the
First exam

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Practice test

A complete sample test

for the First exam

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Lesson plans

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Programmazione per competenze
Tempo di svolgimento 2 settimane
Traguardi formativi Indicatori

A quali “Traguardi per lo sviluppo Che cosa ci si aspetta sappia fare lo Su quali conoscenze e abilità si sviluppano le
delle competenze” mirano le attività studente che ha raggiunto questi competenze?
didattiche dell’unità? traguardi?
per competenze

Utilizzare una lingua straniera Ascolto (comprensione orale) Funzioni linguistiche

per i principali scopi comunicativi − comprendere espressioni e frasi − parlare di esperienze che stanno per essere
ed operativi usate per descrivere il rientro a vissute ed esperienze già vissute
− utilizzare le funzioni linguistico- scuola a settembre, le vacanze, − parlare di esperienze personali
comunicative riferite al livello B1 le attività del tempo libero (es. 3
del Quadro Comune Europeo di p. 8; es. 2 p. 10; es. 3 p. 12; es. 2
Strutture grammaticali
Riferimento p. 14) − present simple and continuous: revision
− comprendere le idee − past simple and continuous: revision
fondamentali di brevi testi su Parlato (produzione e interazione − present perfect: revision
argomenti noti orale) − future tenses: revision
− interagire oralmente − descrivere i propri sentimenti − conditionals and modal verbs: revision
− leggere e comprendere testi sia relativi al rientro a scuola a
orali che scritti che riguardano settembre (es. 1 p. 6) Lessico
un’ampia gamma di argomenti − descrivere luoghi visitati durante − school time
− produrre testi sia orali che scritti le vacanze estive (es. 1-2 p. 8) − holiday memories
che riguardano argomenti noti − esprimere le proprie preferenze − films and books
− leggere e comprendere brevi in merito alla lettura o alla − future projects
testi visione di film (es. 1 p. 10) − advice
− parlare delle proprie esperienze
Utilizzare testi multimediali personali (es. 10 p. 11)
− utilizzare l’eBook per svolgere gli − descrivere le proprie ambizioni
esercizi in maniera interattiva ed future (es. 3 p. 12)
esercitarsi a comprendere i − descrivere le soluzioni personali
prodotti della comunicazione per superare lo stress (es. 1 p.
audiovisiva (brani di ascolto) 14)

Competenze chiave di Lettura (comprensione scritta)

cittadinanza − comprendere brevi testi
− imparare a imparare descrittivi/blog (es. 3-4 p. 6; es.
− collaborare e partecipare 4-5 p. 12)
− acquisire ed interpretare
l’informazione Scrittura (produzione scritta)
− scrivere brevi e semplici testi per
descrivere argomenti noti (es.
12 p. 7; es. 11 p. 13; es. 10 p. 15)

Riflessione sulla lingua

− osservare le parole nei contesti
d’uso e rilevare le eventuali
variazioni di significato
− osservare la struttura delle frasi
e mettere in relazione costrutti e
intenzioni comunicative

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18 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Attività comunicative Attività per lo sviluppo delle Prove autentiche e strutturate
competenze chiave
Con quali attività didattiche si raggiunge l’acquisizione dei contenuti e si Con quali strumenti di valutazione
sviluppano le competenze? (formativa e sommativa) si verifica
l’acquisizione dei contenuti e lo sviluppo
delle competenze?
Ricezione orale Imparare a imparare Nelle Idee per insegnare (prove
− ascolto e comprensione di brevi − sottolineare nei testi esempi di strutturate)
testi presente (es. 5-8 p. 7), passato (es. − Entry test (Fila A e Fila B)
− ascolto e completamento di frasi 5-8 p. 9), passato prossimo (es. 4-5 − Easy reading test (BES)

p. 11), futuro (es. 6-8 p. 13), − Guided test (BES)

Produzione orale condizionali e verbi modali (es. 4-5

per competenze
− interazione a coppie usando le p. 15)
funzioni e il lessico dell’unità − utilizzare tabelle per la revisione
delle strutture apprese nel primo
Ricezione e produzione scritta biennio (Grammar maps p. 7, 9, 11,
− lettura e domande di comprensione 13, 15)
− attività di scrittura per fissare
funzioni, lessico e grammatica Collaborare e partecipare
− collaborare con un compagno per
Esercizi creare dei minidialoghi sulla base
− esercizi di completamento, dei dati forniti (es. 1-2 p. 6; es. 2 p.
trasformazione 8; es. 1 p. 10; es. 1-2 p. 12; es. 1 p.
− attività di scrittura per 14)
memorizzare funzioni, strutture e
lessico Acquisire ed interpretare
− esercizi di consolidamento e l’informazione
potenziamento (Workbook p. 2-7; − leggere o ascoltare brevi testi su
Self-study nell’eBook) argomenti noti (es. 3-4 p. 6; es. 3-4
p. 8; es. 2-3 p. 10; es. 3-5 p. 12; es.
2-3 p. 14)

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BUILD UP TO B2 1. Back to school
Student’s Book WARM-UP

OBJECTIVES 1 DISCUSS. How do you feel at the end of

the holidays? Do you want the holidays
The Build up section is designed as a quick revision and to continue or are you looking forward to
practice of vocabulary and structures at level B1 that most going back to school and seeing your school
students will have covered in their previous English studies friends?
in the first two years of high school. The section focuses on
the main tenses and provides grammar maps for revision. It Student’s activity.
should also give the English teacher a clear idea of the levels
of his/her students and a common, shared starting point for
the class. Students practise the lexical areas linked to school, 2 WORK in pairs and make a list of four
Student’s Book

holidays, books and films, future plans and advice. positive things about returning to school in
Student’s activity aimed at introducing the topic
Grammar of going back to school and how it can be a
Present simple positive time for students.
Present continuous
Past simple
Past continuous
C Reading and understanding a text
Present perfect
Future tenses
Conditionals and modal verbs
3 1.1 READ and listen to the blogs. Then
say if these students are happy to go
back to school.

Self-study and ZTE They all are happy to go back to school to learn
The Self-study and ZTE exercises can be employed either new stuff (Tracy), to meet friends and hear about
to reinforce or review the grammar structures and topic summer (Sharon and Simon).
vocabulary of the Unit.
4 READ the blogs again and do the following
A 1 Sharon, 2 Simon, 3 Tracy, 4 Sharon, 5 All of
B 1 great, 2 mates, 3 stuff, 4 agree, 5 getting
excited, 6 idyllic, 7 miss.
C not cool: not popular or not fashionable, come
round again: the return of something regular,
look forward to: to feel a positive sense of
anticipation, going on: happening, get together:
meet up, highs and lows: good times and bad

Extra activity
COMPLETE the sentences with the words and
phrases below.
1 We are having a great time on holiday.
2 Today my mates and I are getting back to
3 They miss swimming in the clear blue sea.
4 Why are you putting all that stuff into the
5 I agree that learning new things is exciting.
6 The landscape by the lake is really idyllic.
7 Do you get excited when they make you a

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20 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Extra activity 6 MATCH the examples in the present simple
to the corresponding use in the Grammar
MATCH the beginnings to their endings.
map. Then write sentences for each use.
1 It’s cool to come back to school.
1st paragraph: like: 1, comes: 2, begin: 2.
2 Autumn comes round again. 2nd paragraph: agree: 1, have to: 2.
3 I’m looking forward to come back to school. 3rd paragraph: don’t miss: 2, miss: 2, hate: 2
4 So much is going on in our lives. Student’s activity.
5 I’m excited we can get together and chat about
the holidays. 7 CIRCLE all the examples in the present
continuous in the text. Then look at the
6 There are highs and lows in school routine.
Grammar map.
Extra questions 1st paragraph: is approaching (line 5), ’m looking
1 Why is Tracy excited about the coming school (line 8).
year? She is excited about seeing all her school 2nd paragraph: am getting (line 4), is going on
friends again and getting back into a certain (line 6).

rhythm. 3rd paragraph: are travelling (line 1), ’m thinking

2 Does Tracy enjoy studying? She says she (line 4).

Student’s Book
enjoys learning new stuff so she probably enjoys
studying. 8 MATCH the examples in the present
continuous to the corresponding use in the
3 Why does Sharon congratulate Tracy?
Because she recognises that it isn’t easy to Grammar map. Then write sentences for each
admit certain things like liking school. use.
4 What does Sharon like about going back to 1st paragraph: is approaching: 2, ’m looking: 2.
school? She likes hearing about all the things 2nd paragraph: am getting: 3, is going on: 1.
going on in her friends’ busy lives. 3rd paragraph: are travelling: 1, ’m thinking: 2.
5 Where is Simon while writing the blog? He is Student’s activity.
returning home after a holiday by the sea.
6 What is he thinking about? He is already 9 CHOOSE the correct alternative.
thinking about going back to school and meeting 1 are you waiting, 2 Do you generally go, 3 are
up with all his friends and telling them about the always forgetting, 4 is putting, 5 start, 6 are not
summer. having.
7 What doesn’t he miss about school? He
doesn’t miss getting up early and all the 10 COMPLETE the sentences with the
correct form of the verbs in brackets.
8 What does he miss about school? He misses 1 calls, writes, 2 don’t think, is enjoying, 3 Are you
seeing his schoolmates and the daily routine. wearing, Do you like, 4 suits, doesn’t fit, 5 attend,
enjoy, 6 wonder, is speaking.
5 UNDERLINE all the examples in the present
simple in the text. Then look at the Grammar 11 CORRECT the mistakes in the sentences.
map. 1 ‘Why don’t you use the underground to go to
1 paragraph: are (line 1), isn’t (line 1), like (line school?’ ‘I prefer walking.’
2), have to (line 3), comes (line 4), begin (line 5). 2 They have rugby practice on Tuesdays but
2nd paragraph: ’s not (line 1), agree (line 3), ’s (line this week we are having an extra workout on
7), ’s (line 11), have to (line 13). Thursday.
3rd paragraph: don’t miss (line 7), miss (line 7), is 3 ‘Do you generally spend your holidays at the
(line 8), hate (line 9), ’s not (line 9), miss (line 9). seaside?’ ‘Yes, but I am travelling back from the
Teacher’s tip The Grammar maps are designed as a visual mountains now.’
revision of the grammar rules that presumably the students 4 I don’t have any idea where Mark is working now.
have already studied. It is an immediate and stimulating way
for them to revise or re-learn the grammar points in question. 5 Our guests are waiting for the dessert and you
are always getting in my way!
6 ‘Why are you leaving your present house?’ ‘It
doesn’t suit all of us.’

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C Writing about personal 5 Why was Dermot’s holiday unusual? Because
experiences his family chose to try a family volunteering
12 WRITE a paragraph about your holidays in
your school blog. Remember: you are still
6 Where did they stay? They stayed in an animal
rescue centre.
at the seaside. 7 What work did they do there? They fed the
Student’s activity. rescued animals and built shelters for them.
8 Did they also have time to visit the area? They
explored the area and visited places of interest
2. Teen holiday times like the Aran Islands.
9 What happened while they were staying
Student’s Book


there? They helped save a lamb that fell

1 DISCUSS. How well do you know Europe?
Match the places in box A to the countries in
5 metres onto the beach below.
10 Where did Beatrice and her family go on
box B. holiday? They went on an activity holiday in the
Scotland: Edinburgh, Inverness; Ireland: Dublin, mountains in Poland.
Cork; Germany: Munich, Berlin; Spain: Minorca, 11 What did they do there? They climbed
Ibiza, Barcelona; Belgium: Bruges, Brussels; mountains and went canoeing, cycling and riding.
Greece: Mykonos, Athens; Poland: Krakow, 12 What did they admire while they were cycling
Warsaw; Norway: Oslo, Fiords; France: Nice, Paris. or trekking? They admired the wonderful
natural scenery.
2 Work in pairs and say which of these places
you have visited. When did you go? How long
13 What did the parents think about the
holiday? They thought it was excellent value.
did you stay?
14 Why did Judy and her family choose a
Student’s activity. Norwegian cruise for their holiday? Because
they decided it offered something for everyone.
C Reading and understanding a text 15 What did the parents do while the teens
were enjoying the teen club? They enjoyed the
3 1.2 READ and listen to the text about
different types of holiday and
beauty of the scenery and the interesting stops
in picturesque ports.
say which student went on which
holiday. 16 What activities were available for the teens?
There was air hockey and big-screen PlayStation
A 4, B 2, C 3, D 1. in the teen club or the water park with a 200-
foot long inner tube ride as well as dancing in
4 FIND the words in the text which mean the
the evening.

1 facilities, 2 delicious, 3 shelters, 4 strange,

5 picturesque, 6 chat.
5 UNDERLINE all the examples in the past
simple in the text. Then look at the Grammar
Extra questions
1 Where did Beatrice stay in Greece? She stayed Holiday 1: went (line 1), stayed (line 2), were (line
in a campsite, on the mainland coast. 3), was (line 4).
2 Why did she like it there? Because there were Holiday 2: went on (line 1), decided (line 2), chose
wonderful facilities for teens. (line 4), stayed (line 4), meant (line 5), could (line
5), had (line 7), helped (line 9).
3 What kind of facilities were there for teens?
Holyday 3: went on (line 1), climbed (line 2), went
There was a huge water park, a bowling alley
(line 3), thought (line 7), was (lines 7, 8), had (line
and billiard tables as well as an open-air
cinema and lessons in water sports, like paddle
Holiday 4: chose (line 1), agreed (line 4), offered
boarding or scuba diving.
(line 4), could (line 9), danced (line 12), relaxed
4 What could they do while they were doing (line 12).
these activities? They could eat the delicious
Greek food.

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22 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
4 She heard a loud noise while she was talking to
6 MATCH the examples in the past simple to
the corresponding use in the Grammar map.
her boyfriend.
5 When Rachel arrived, we were doing the
Then write sentences for each use.
Holiday 1: went: 1, stayed: 1, were: 1, was: 1.
Holiday 2: went on: 1, decided: 1, chose: 1,
stayed: 1, meant: 2, could: 2, had: 2, helped: 2.
C Talking about personal
Holyday 3: went on: 1, climbed: 2, went: 2, experiences
thought: 1, was: 2, had: 2.
Holiday 4: chose: 1, agreed: 1, offered: 1, could: 1, 12 WORK in pairs. Think about a memorable
event that happened during your summer
danced: 2, relaxed: 2.
Student’s activity. holidays and tell your partner.
Student’s activity.
7 CIRCLE all the examples in the past
continuous in the text. Then look at the
Grammar map.
3. Have you ever seen

Holiday 1: enjoying (line 8), were eating (line 9).
Holiday 2: were staying (line 8). a better version?

Student’s Book
Holiday 3: were cycling (line 3), were trekking (line WARM-UP
4), were admiring (line 5).
Holiday 4: were enjoying (line 6), were chatting 1 DISCUSS in pairs. Do you prefer reading or
going to the cinema? Have you ever read a
(line 12).
book because you enjoyed the film? Or have
8 MATCH the examples in the past continuous
to the corresponding use in the Grammar
you ever gone to see a film of a book you
particularly liked? Did you enjoy the book or
map. Then write sentences for each use. the film more?
Holiday 1: enjoying, were eating: 2. Student’s activity aimed at introducing the idea
Holiday 2: were staying: 3. of books and films and hopefully leading to a
Holiday 3: were cycling, were trekking, were discussion about whether films or books are
admiring: 2. better and for which reasons.
Holiday 4: were enjoying, were chatting: 1.
Student’s activity. C Reading and understanding a text
9 COMPLETE the text with the correct past
tense form of the verbs in brackets.
2 1.3 READ and listen to the two
contrasting opinions below and say
which you agree with.
1 decided, 2 didn’t choose, 3 preferred, 4 began,
5 found, 6 were, 7 were waiting, 8 remembered, Student’s activity.
9 had, 10 did Sean decide, 11 thought, 12 was
climbing, 13 rang, 14 was. 3 READ the text again and do the following
10 COMPLETE the sentences with the
correct past tense form of the verbs from
A 1 setting, 2 customs, 3 background, 4 get
through, 5 allows.
the box.
1 woke up, was raining, 2 was running, struck, 1 What has William often found?
3 met, was studying, 4 were you doing, got, 2 Why does he think films are better?
5 took, was. 3 What difference have advances in technology
made to films?
11 CORRECT the mistakes in the sentences. 4 What has Kirsty always preferred?
1 Were you studying when I called you yesterday? 5 Why is the film different?
2 We were playing tennis when Rob broke his ankle. 6 Why does Kirsty think the book is better?
3 While she was leaving Boston, the sun was

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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 23
Extra activity 4 UNDERLINE all the examples in the present
perfect in the text. Then look at the Grammar
COMPLETE the sentences with the words
1 Bomb shelters were arranged in the city 1st paragraph: have found (line 1), have you seen
during World War II. (line 3), have taken (line 7).
2nd paragraph: have preferred (line 2), has been
2 The cake Mum baked yesterday was delicious. (line 5), have found (line 7).
3 The women were chatting on the deck of the
4 We spent the night in a picturesque village.
5 MATCH the examples in the present perfect
to the corresponding use in the Grammar
5 What recreational facilities are available in the map. Then write sentences for each use.
Student’s Book

campsite? 1st paragraph: have found: 3, have you seen: 1,

6 What a strange coincidence! have taken: 3.
2nd paragraph: have preferred: 3, has been: 3,
have found: 1.
Extra activity Student’s activity.
COMPLETE the sentences with the words
below. 6 CHOOSE the correct past participle of
the verbs from the box to complete the
1 The setting of the film was the Orient
Express. sentences.
2 He has got tired of the big city and has 1 bought, 2 fallen, 3 sent, 4 seen, 5 spoken,
recently moved to a little village in the 6 written, 7 had, 8 preferred.
3 All the new advances in technologies have 7 COMPLETE the sentences with ever, never,
just, already, yet.
allowed the creation of special effects for The
Lord of the Rings. 1 just, 2 yet, 3 ever, 4 already, 5 never, 6 ever,
4 I would like to do something really different, 7 yet, 8 never.
like climbing.
5 It was extremely hard to imagine the setting 8 REORDER the prompts below and write
sentences using the present perfect.
and the customs of Games of Thrones.
6 It was a custom of mine to read a book 1 Have you ever lost your car keys?
because I enjoyed the film. 2 I have visited Paris three times so far this year.
3 Oh no! The bus has already left.
Extra questions
1 What can a film version give to a classic story 4 The teacher has just gone to collect the books for
that the book doesn’t have? It can give the the lesson.
background and the costumes which are hard 5 Have you seen the latest Star Wars film yet?
for a modern mind to imagine. 6 They haven’t ever read books about ghosts or
2 Which kind of film in particular can benefit vampires.
from the new technology? The films based on 7 I have watched that film four times already, it’s
magic like The Lord of the Rings or Game of great!
8 Have you ever tried to write a poem? No, I haven’t
3 How long has Kirsty preferred the book to tried yet.
the film? Ever since she started reading.
4 Has she found the film better when it is really
well done? No, even when it is really well done 9 COMPLETE the sentences with the present
perfect of the verbs in brackets.
she has always preferred the book to the film.
1 have never visited, 2 hasn’t seen, 3 have
5 What advantages has she noticed in films?
already done, 4 have just finished, 5 has already
She has noticed that films are quicker and can
started, 6 has just landed.
give the atmosphere better, especially when the
background is important.

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24 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
C Talking about personal
experiences Extra activity
COMPLETE the sentences with the expressions
10 MAKE a list of five books you have never
read but would like to read and five films
1 Young people like teenagers have dreams
you have seen and would recommend to a about their future careers.
friend. Compare your list with a classmate 2 Listen to your inner voice to understand your
by asking and answering questions using consciousness.
the present perfect.
3 I never know what to expect from my
Student’s activity. Christmas holidays, so I’ve learned that the
best thing to do is go with the flow.
4 Believe anything is possible and make it
4. I’m going to make happen!
5 Make sure you follow the instructions
a vision board! carefully before using your new laptop.


6 He is not going to settle in in that town.

Student’s Book
DISCUSS in pairs. Look at the image of a C
vision board and discuss what it is.
1 The train leaves at a certain time.
Student’s activity. 2 The example of someone starting a new job on
Teacher’s tip A vision board is the name given to the creation a specific day.
of a notice board that contains all your aspirations and hopes 3 By being positive and having dreams.
for your future life. It is supposed to be a point of inspiration 4 You will become more focused, you will look for
containing all the positive and meaningful things that can act opportunities and above all you won’t fall into
in a positive way on your life and future. It can contain pictures, the trap of self-pity.
postcards, quotes… anything meaningful.
Extra questions
2 DISCUSS as a class. What are you inspired
by? What would you put on a vision board?
1 What does 1 consider a careful plan for the
future? Knowing what he/she is going to do at
every phase.
Student’s activity.
2 Is 2’s attitude an active or passive one? It is a
3 READ the ideas about future plans below
and say which one you identify with.
passive one allowing events to happen as they
3 What will 3 rebel against? Anyone who will try
Student’s activity.
and control his/her future.
4 How will 4 control his/her future? By
C Reading and understanding a text organising things and making conscientious
decisions about what will happen in his/her life.
4 1.4 READ and listen to the article and
try to answer the question of the 5 What can we learn to say? We can learn to
title. say that from today we are going to listen to
our inner voice and going to believe anything is
Student’s activity. possible.

5 READ the texts again and do the following

6 What will happen if you refuse to settle for
the easy option? If we expect the best, it will
A 1 careful, 2 consciously, 3 unchangeable,
4 focused, 5 trap, 6 self-pity.
B go with the flow: allow things to happen
6 UNDERLINE all the examples of verbs with
a future meaning in the text. Then look at the
without trying to interfere, make sure: make Grammar map.
certain, have dreams: have positive visions, Will… be (line 1), will happen (line 3), leaves (line 5),
listen to your inner voice: take the time to is starting (line 8), will change (line 10), ’m going to
reflect on what you are doing, believe anything listen (line 14), ’m going to believe (line 15), will see
is possible: have faith in yourself, not settle: (lines 16-17), will become (line 18), will look (line
don’t compromise, expect the best: aim for the 19), won’t fall (line 20), ’ll get (line 24).
highest level that you can achieve.
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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 25
C Reading and understanding a text
7 MATCH the examples to the corresponding
use in the Grammar map. Then write
sentences for each use. 2 1.5 READ and listen to the blogs, then
add the correct name to the answers
Future simple: will… be, you will see, you will below.
become, you will look, you won’t fall, you’ll get: 1.
A 3, B 2, C 1.
will happen, will change: 3.
Present simple: leaves: 2.
Present continuous: is starting: 2. 3 READ the blogs again and do the following
Be going to: ’m going to listen, ’m going to
believe: 2. A 1 Maddy, 2 Tom, 3 Sue, 4 Maddy, 5 Sue, 6 Tony.
Student’s activity.
Student’s Book

Extra questions

1 Why is Sue worried about her friendship?

8 CHOOSE the correct alternative.
Because her friend is ignoring her and looks the
1 will, 2 will make, 3 will call, 4 It’s going to rain, other way when she sees her.
5 does the exhibition open, 6 is visiting. 2 How long has Sue known her friend? Ever
since they started High School.
9 WRITE questions for the answers in bold
type. 3 What advice does Sue receive? To wait and
see because the situation might change.
1 When are they getting married? 4 What is the only thing that Maddy finds
2 Where are they going to build a new hotel? difficult about her boyfriend? The fact that he
3 Does the flight take off at 9:00? smokes.
4 Who will pick me/us up at the station? 5 What is the alternative that she sees before
5 Will you be late for the lecture? her? To end the relationship.
6 What will Blake look for? 6 What does Maddy receive? The advice is that
Maddy should try to persuade her boyfriend to
stop by showing him all the information about
10 COMPLETE the sentences with the
correct future form of the verbs in
smoking being unhealthy.
brackets. 7 What are Tony’s friends planning for the
summer? A camping holiday in the mountains.
1 ’s going to get, 2 ’ll have, 3 are you going to do,
8 Why does he think his parents might not
’ll be, 4 won’t rebel, 5 will happen, 6 ’s seeing, 7 ’ll
agree to let him go? Because he has never
try, 8 ’ll help.
been away on holiday without them before.
9 What does he think they could do? Find
C Writing about personal reasons to keep him at home.
10 What should he do according to the blog? The
11 WRITE about yourself using the future
forms and the prompts.
blog advice is that he should go ahead and ask
his parents.
Student’s activity. B 1 particular, 2 offended, 3 frightened, 4 damage,
5 feel for, 6 tide.
C look the other way: pretend not to see
someone, driving me round the bend: causing
5. Can I give you some total irritation, take the plunge: go ahead with
advice? something difficult, pass on: hand over, give,
change like the tide: keep changing like the sea
WARM-UP tides coming in then going out.
1 DISCUSS in pairs.
Student’s activity – a slightly delicate topic to
raise but an interesting one and hopefully one
that will allow the students to discuss problems
connected with schoolwork, friendships,
relationships and typical teen issues like
appearance and acceptance, etc.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
26 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Extra activity 8 REWRITE the sentences using should or
COMPLETE the sentences with the words
below. 1 Where should I park my car?
1 They say that time and tide wait for no man. 2 You shouldn’t ignore your old school friend.
2 We have a psychologist at school to help us 3 He should ask for advice.
with particular problems. 4 She should be more careful about what she eats.
3 A good strong relationship is fantastic but 5 Should I wait and let him cool down?
requires constant effort and support.
4 My best friend won’t talk to me anymore, she
says she is offended with me.
9 WRITE what you would say in the following
5 I don’t like ghost stories, I’m always frightened 1 Could you give me a lift home?
by them.
2 You should buy Dad a/some…
6 Unfortunately, I had a minor accident with my
dad’s car but luckily there was no damage. 3 Don’t cry, you could might try to see the bright


4 UNDERLINE all the examples of present 4 You shouldn’t smoke here, it’s not allowed.

Student’s Book
conditional and modal verbs in the text. Then 5 I would like to buy a white shirt.
look at the Grammar map.
may have offended (line 4), might feel (line 5), C Writing about personal
should I do (line 5), should I call/wait (line 6), can experiences
I do (line 10), may have to (line 10), would love
(13), can come (line 14), might say (line 16), could
find (line 17), should I do (line 18), may be (line 10 WORK in pairs. Think of a real or
imaginary problem and write a short text
20), shouldn’t find (line 22), should take (line 23),
asking for advice. Ask your partner for a
can try (line 24), could do (line 26), can find (line
27), can do (line 28), should help (line 29), can
change (line 31), should wait (line 32), could make Student’s activity.
(line 33), may be (line 34), could pass (line 35).

5 MATCH the examples of present conditional

and modal verbs to the corresponding use in
Extra activity
MATCH the beginnings to their endings.
the Grammar map. Then write sentences for 1 Winning that sports competition was like getting
each use. everything I’ve ever wanted.
may have offended PP3, might feel conditional, 2 If you discover any interesting new information
should I do A2, should I call/wait A2, can I do A2, about the project, don’t forget to pass it on to
may have to PP2, would love conditional, might us.
say PP2, could find PP2, should I do A2, may be 3 My mum has had a smile on her face ever since
A3, shouldn’t find A3, should take A1, could do she started that new job.
A1, can find PP1, can do PP2, should help A3, can
change PP1, should wait A1, could make A3, may 4 When you see someone who needs help do you
be A3, could pass A3. go to their aid or look the other way?
Student’s activity. 5 I can’t stand listening to my brother’s band any
more: they’re driving me round the bend.
6 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of the present conditional.
6 The idea of learning to drive frightens me but if I
don’t take the plunge I’ll never be independent.
1 would like, 2 Would you win, 3 wouldn’t lie,
4 would stay, 5 wouldn’t accept, 6 would prefer,
7 wouldn’t have, 8 Would she wear. SELF-ASSESSMENT
7 COMPLETE the second sentence so that it
has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
1 CHOOSE the correct option (A, B, C or D) to
complete the sentences.
1 may/could/might give up, 2 might know, 1 D, 2 C, 3 B, 4 C, 5 A, 6 C, 7 A, 8 D, 9 C, 10 B,
3 may/might not want, 4 might feel, 5 may/might 11 B, 12 A, 13 D, 14 D, 15 B, 16 C, 17 A, 18 D,
not. 19 B, 20 C.
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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 27
7 WRITE questions using the words in
brackets and the same tense as the
sentences above.

Present simple and present continuous 1 were you doing when it started to rain, 2 made
salad, 3 songs did he/Ed Sheeran sing at the
1 MATCH the beginning of each sentence (1-5)
to its ending (A-E).
concert, 4 was building shelters (for the rescued
animals), 5 did Adam arrive.
1 D, 2 C, 3 B, 4 E, 5 A.
8 COMPLETE the sentences with the verbs
2 COMPLETE the sentences with the present
simple or continuous of the verbs from the
in brackets in the correct past tense. Then
match the sentences.

box. 1 was experimenting, 2 created, 3 was working,

1 are waiting, is always getting, 2 are you leaving, caused, 4 noticed, was melting, 5 was flying,
doesn’t suit, 3 are you looking, don’t you try, 6 was making.
4 starts, are already warming up, 5 live, are A had, B invented, C ascertained, D was testing,
moving, 6 do they serve, 7 aren’t attending, are E discovered, F was standing.
having, 8 costs. 1 B, 2 D, 3 E, 4 F, 5 C, 6 A.

3 WRITE questions for the following answers. 9 COMPLETE the sentences with the past
simple or past continuous of the verbs in
1 When do they deliver the shopping? brackets.
2 What are you thinking about? 1 didn’t you go, stayed, was snowing, 2 was
3 Why is he coming with us? dreaming, woke, 3 left, got, was waiting, 4 Did
4 Does she usually get to school on time? your mobile phone fall, were texting, 5 smiled,
5 Are you crying? saw, 6 didn’t play, had, 7 Did you like, liked it,
thought, 8 was, climbed, went.
6 How many languages do they speak in
10 COMPLETE the dialogue with the past
simple or past continuous of the verbs in
4 COMPLETE the paragraph with the correct
answer (A, B, C or D).
1 was, 2 was watching, 3 was, 4 had,
1 B, 2 D, 3 C, 4 A, 5 C, 6 A, 7 B, 8 D, 9 B, 10 A. 5 watched, 6 weren’t, 7 saw, 8 was I doing,
9 wasn’t, 10 wasn’t transmitted, 11 imagined,
Past simple and past continuous 12 imagined.
5 CHOOSE the correct alternative.
Present perfect
1 crashed, got, 2 was sailing, reached, 3 was
smoking, was reading, 4 finished, went, 5 were 11 COMPLETE Jamie’s answers to Jennifer’s
questions with the present perfect of
you doing, called, 6 were playing, relaxed.
the verbs in the box. Some sentences are
6 WRITE questions using the prompts below.
Then answer them.
positive and some negative.
1 ’ve never met, 2 haven’t had, 3 ’ve ever had,
1 How long did you sleep last night? 4 haven’t seen, 5 ’ve never been, 6 has happened,
7 has been, 8 ’ve never seen.
2 What time did you start school yesterday?
Were the lessons interesting?
What were you doing when the teacher came into
12 COMPLETE the sentences with the
present perfect or past simple of the verbs
the classroom? in brackets.
5 When did you finish your homework in the 1 has changed, 2 studied, haven’t forgotten,
afternoon? 3 arrested, 4 Has it improved, 5 ’ve finished,
6 What did you watch on TV last night? 6 applied, 7 has been, 8 Have you heard, broke.
Student’s activity.

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28 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
13 COMPLETE the dialogue with the present
perfect or past simple of the verbs in
19 CHOOSE the correct alternative.
1 are going to decorate, 2 are flying, 3 are
brackets. meeting, 4 are going to get, 5 is studying, 6 ’ll
1 have you seen, 2 ’ve just seen, 3 came, 4 Did make, 7 am cooking, 8 ’m starting.
Branagh direct, 5 didn’t understand, 6 found,
7 Haven’t you read, 8 found, 9 was, 10 ’ve never
read, 11 ’ve never seen.
20 COMPLETE the dialogue with the correct
future tense.
1 is having, 2 Are you coming/going to come,
14 FIND the mistakes and correct them.
Some sentences are correct.
3 will be, 4 ’m going to visit/’m visiting, 5 ’s doing,
6 will end up, 7 will prepare, 8 ’ll get, 9 ’m not
1 My Granny grew up in Italy. going to eat, 10 ’ll make, 11 is leaving.
2 Correct.
3 I’ve cut my finger! It’s bleeding. 21 COMPLETE the sentences with the
correct future form.
4 Air pollution has become a big problem in big
1 arrives, 2 is flying, 3 ’ll drive, 4 finish, 5 ’m going


to see, 6 ’s going to rain, 7 see, ’ll show, 8 ’re
5 Where were you born?
6 Correct.

7 Correct. 22 FIND the mistakes and correct them.
Some sentences are correct.
8 Einstein was the scientist who developed the
theory of relativity. 1 The film begins at 9 p.m.
2 We promise we’ll study harder next term.
15 REWRITE the sentences using the words
given so that they have the same meaning
3 Correct.
to the first. Use the present perfect. 4 ‘Are you going to the mountains next weekend?’
‘No, I’m watching TV and relaxing at home’.
1 I’ve never been to a fancy dress party before.
5 Watch out! You’re going to cut your finger!
2 Matilde has just finished writing her film review.
6 I’ll phone you as soon as I know the result of my
3 You haven’t sent him an email yet. exam.
4 Kenneth Branagh has already won an Oscar. 7 I’ve decided: I’ll eat less chocolate from tomorrow.
5 Gregory has read lots of English novels so far. 8 I’m sure that everything will be fine.
6 Linda has never listened to jazz music.
7 Mum hasn’t bought any bread yet. 23 CHOOSE the correct answer (A, B, C or D)
to complete the paragraph.
16 COMPLETE the email with the present
perfect of the verbs from the box.
1 A, 2 C, 3 A, 4 D, 5 C, 6 B, 7 D, 8 C, 9 A, 10 B.

1 have you been, 2 haven’t seen, 3 ’ve bought, 24 WRITE a paragraph about your
arrangements for New Year’s Eve and your
4 ’ve played, 5 haven’t won, 6 Have you done,
7 Have you finished, 8 haven’t even started, intentions for the rest of your school year.
9 haven’t stayed, 10 Have you heard. Student’s activity.

17 WRITE a paragraph about a film you have

recently seen at the cinema.
Conditionals and modal verbs

Student’s activity. 25 CHOOSE the correct alternative to

complete the advice.

Future tenses 1 should, 2 could, 3 should, 4 should, 5 would,

6 could.
18 MATCH the beginning of each sentence
(1-6) to its ending (A-F).
1 E, 2 A, 3 F, 4 B, 5 D, 6 C.

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26 COMPLETE the second sentence using
the word given so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence.
1 we could arrive in time for the party, 2 should
concentrate on her studies, 3 shouldn’t upset her,
said her friend, 4 couldn’t answer the teacher’s
question, 5 would you like to come to, 6 about
how she should study efficiently.

27 CHOOSE suitable answers (A-E) for the

situations below (1-5).

1 C, 2 D, 3 E, 4 A, 5 B.

28 WRITE sentences with your own advice

for the situations in exercise 27.
Student’s activity.

29 COMPLETE the paragraph with should,

could or might and a verb in the box.
1 shouldn’t worry, 2 could turn out, 3 should
think, 4 might want, 5 should say, 6 shouldn’t do,
7 should hear, 8 could be.

30 WRITE an email to a friend who is upset

because someone stole his school bag.
Give advice about what you think he
should do.
Student’s activity.

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30 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Programmazione per competenze
UNIT 1 • Being connected
Tempo di svolgimento: 3/4 settimane
Traguardi formativi Indicatori

A quali “Traguardi per lo sviluppo delle Che cosa ci si aspetta sappia fare lo studente Su quali conoscenze e
per competenze

competenze” mirano le attività didattiche che ha raggiunto questi traguardi? abilità si sviluppano le

dell’unità? competenze?

Padroneggiare la lingua straniera per Ascolto (comprensione orale) Funzioni linguistiche

interagire in diversi ambiti e contesti e per − comprendere espressioni e frasi usate da − dare informazioni
comprendere gli aspetti significativi della persone per descrivere i loro rapporti personali
civiltà degli altri Paesi in prospettiva interpersonali (es. 2 p. 17) − chiedere dettagli
interculturale − identificare informazioni specifiche in testi personali relativi alla
− utilizzare le funzioni linguistico- orali in cui si parla delle proprie relazioni quotidianità
comunicative riferite al livello B2 del (es. 3 p. 17)
Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento − comprendere brevi testi relativi alle Strutture grammaticali
− comprendere le idee fondamentali di testi celebrazioni (es. 4 p. 26) − present simple and
complessi su argomenti sia concreti che − comprendere testi descrittivi complessi present continuous
astratti (es. 2 p. 18; es. 3 p. 22) − stative and dynamic
− interagire oralmente verbs
− leggere e comprendere testi sia orali che Parlato (produzione e interazione orale) − for and since
scritti che riguardano un’ampia gamma di − discutere il tema del rapporto con gli altri − present perfect simple
argomenti (es. 1, 4 p. 17) and past simple
− produrre testi sia orali che scritti che − discutere il tema dell’amicizia (es. 1 p. 18) − present perfect
riguardano un’ampia gamma di argomenti − discutere sul concetto di “essere connessi continuous and
− leggere, analizzare e interpretare testi agli altri” (es. 1 p. 18; es. 1 p. 22; es. 8 p. 23; duration form
letterari es. 3 p. 27)
− esprimere un’opinione su argomenti di − descrivere la propria famiglia e discuterne Lessico
attualità, esponendo i pro e i contro delle l’importanza (es. 1, 6 p. 25) − useful expressions for
diverse opinioni nell’ambito di una − discutere di occasioni speciali (es. 1, 5 p. relationships
discussione di gruppo 26) − phrasal verbs for
Utilizzare testi multimediali Lettura (comprensione scritta) − word formation:
− utilizzare l’eBook per svolgere gli esercizi − comprendere testi descrittivi complessi suffixes to make nouns
in maniera interattiva ed esercitarsi a (es. 2 p. 18; es. 2 p. 22)
comprendere i prodotti della Key language for social
comunicazione audiovisiva (brani di Scrittura (produzione scritta) competence
ascolto e filmati) − scrivere testi brevi sulle proprie relazioni − giving personal
− flipped classroom: video per la (es. 9 p. 23) information
presentazione del vocabolario e filmati − scrivere un breve saggio sulle riunioni
che permettono allo studente di familiari (es. 6 p. 28)
familiarizzare con aspetti vari della vita dei
Paesi di lingua anglofona (brani di ascolto e Riflessione sulla lingua
filmati) − osservare le parole nei contesti d’uso e
− filmato First exam description impararne il significato
− osservare la struttura delle frasi e mettere
Competenze chiave di cittadinanza in relazione costrutti e intenzioni
− imparare a imparare comunicative
− progettare
− collaborare e partecipare
− agire in modo autonomo e responsabile
− risolvere problemi (decision making)
− acquisire ed interpretare l’informazione

Competenze del 21° secolo

- pensiero critico e soluzione dei problemi –
decision making (Learn by doing)

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

32 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Attività comunicative Attività per lo sviluppo delle Prove Preparazione alla
competenze chiave autentiche e certificazione e
strutturate all’INVALSI
Con quali attività didattiche si raggiunge l’acquisizione dei contenuti e si Con quali strumenti di valutazione
sviluppano le competenze? (formativa e sommativa) si verifica
l’acquisizione dei contenuti e lo sviluppo
delle competenze?
Ricezione orale Imparare ad imparare Nelle Idee per First
− ascolto e comprensione di brevi − formulare ipotesi sulla insegnare (prove − Reading and Use
descrizioni coniugazione di present simple e strutturate) of English – Part

− ascolto e abbinamento dello present continuous (es. 1-2 p. 20), − Fast check (Fila A 1, p. 21

− Reading and Use

per competenze
speaker a una foto present perfect simple e past simple, e Fila B)
− ascolto e completamento di frasi present perfect continuous e duration − Unit test (Fila A e of English – Part
− ascolto e abbinamento dello form (es. 1, 3 p. 24) Fila B) 2, p. 21

speaker a una specifica visione − for e since (es. 4 p. 24) − Competences − Reading and Use
dell’amicizia o delle relazioni − apprendere strutture grammaticali test of English – Part
− ascolto e abbinamento domanda/ attraverso frasi tratte dai testi di − Easy reading 5, p. 22-23
risposta reading comprehension (es. 1 p. 20; tests (BES) − Speaking – Part
− ascolto e comprensione di es. 1, 3 p. 24) − Guided tests 1, p. 25
informazioni specifiche − apprendere vocaboli attraverso (BES) − Listening – Part
− visione e comprensione di una video e animazioni (p. 17, 27) 1, p. 26
sequenza video − approfondire il lessico, le strutture e Esercizi online su − Writing – Part 1,
le tipologie First presenti nell’unità ZTE p. 28
Produzione orale attraverso esercizi (Workbook p.
− interagire in coppie o gruppi 8-15; Self-study nell’eBook). Towards INVALSI
usando le funzioni e il lessico (p. 18-19)
dell’unità Progettare (es. 6 p. 27)
− creare mini-dialoghi per ricreare
una situazione comunicativa Collaborare e partecipare
− preparare un breve discorso per − collaborare con un compagno o un
presentarsi alla classe gruppo per discutere sulla base dei
dati forniti (es. 4 p. 17, es. 1 p. 18,
Ricezione e produzione scritta es. 1 p. 22, es. 1 p. 26)
− comprendere le idee chiave di un
articolo e riassumerne il punto di Agire in modo autonomo e
vista responsabile
− leggere un breve testo e − riflettere sui propri errori con l’aiuto
completare gli spazi vuoti con le della sezione Frequent mistakes (p.
parole mancanti 20, es. 4 p. 24)
− riconoscere l’informazione
specifica in un testo Risolvere problemi (es 6 p. 27)
− identificare i paragrafi in un saggio
Acquisire ed interpretare
Esercizi l’informazione
− esercizi di completamento, vero/ − leggere o ascoltare la descrizione di
falso, scelta multipla, alcune persone che parlano delle
abbinamento, riordinamento, relazioni (es. 3 p. 17; es. 4 p. 19)
trasformazione − ascoltare la descrizione di
− attività di scrittura per celebrazioni in famiglia e
memorizzare funzioni, strutture e riconoscere informazioni specifiche
lessico (First Listening – Part 1, p. 26)
− esercizi di role-play
− esercizi di consolidamento e 21st-century skills
potenziamento (Workbook p. Critical thinking and problem solving
8-15; Self-study nell’eBook. − decision making (Learn by doing: es.
5-6 p. 27)

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 33
NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................

1 GIVE the English translation of the following words and phrases.

2 rapporto
1 parenti personale 3 amici
4 conoscenti 5 contatti

12 condividere
6 sentirsi
vicino a/essere
affezionati a

11 condividere
di gioia 10 ridere
8 essere 7 litigare
in contatto
9 parlare
dei problemi

2 ANSWER the questions.

1 Who are our relations?

2 What kind of relationships are common in our lives?

3 Who are our friends?

4 What is the definition of an acquaintance?

5 Who are our contacts?

3 DECIDE if the following statements are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG). Correct the false ones.
1 If you are close to someone, it means you live near them.
2 Having rows with people means arguing or quarrelling about something.
3 If you have a physical relationship with someone, it means you are in touch.
4 People normally talk about their problems with the person who is closest to them.
5 You can only really have a laugh with a close friend.
6 Sharing problems or moments of happiness should be done with someone you trust.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
34 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
Being in touch means you speak or write
FLIPPED CLASSROOM frequently by phone or by email or by text. It
Teacher’s keys might be daily or once in a while. It’s a way of
staying close especially to those far away.
Who do you talk to about your problems? Is it a
VOCABULARY ACTIVATOR: parent, a teacher, a friend or maybe a brother or
sister? It’s important to have someone you trust
Relationships to turn to when you need advice.
TRANSCRIPT Who do you have a laugh with? They say laughter
Today we’re going to talk about relationships. is the best medicine and you can have a laugh
Relationships are fundamental to our lives and with lots of different people but maybe the best
are the basis of everything we do but there are laughs are with your best friends.
different kinds. Let’s look at some of them. Sharing is a great word, it is wonderful to share
moments of happiness and joy with someone
Relations close, and also comforting to share problems or

Relationship moments of difficulty with someone who cares
Friends about you and will support you.

Contacts 1 GIVE the English translation of the following
words and phrases.

Relations are people you are related to either by 1 relations, 2 relationship, 3 friends,
a blood line or through marriage, like parents, 4 acquaintances, 5 contacts, 6 feel close to,
uncles and aunts, cousins and grandparents and 7 have rows with, 8 in touch, 9 talk to about your
so on. problems, 10 have a laugh, 11 share moments of
Relationship is a word describing the kind of happiness, 12 share problems.
connection you have with others. It can be a
family relationship, a romantic relationship or a
2 ANSWER the questions.

Friends are those people you choose to spend 1 People we are related to either by a blood-line or
time with – as you know we can choose our through marriage for example parents, uncles and
friends but not our relations. aunts, cousins and grandparents.
Acquaintances are people you know but don’t 2 The common relationships are a family
have a close relationship with. They may become relationship, a romantic relationship or a
friends or may remain as people you know but friendship.
don’t feel close to. 3 Friends are those people you choose to spend
Contacts is a more general term that covers time with.
all those you are in contact with for whatever 4 Acquaintances are people you know but don’t
reason. Contacts can be relations, friends and have a close relationship with.
classmates or people you know through social
media. 5 Contacts is a more general term that covers all
those you are in contact with through family,
Now let’s see what we do within these work, school or social media.
feel close to
have rows
3 DECIDE if the following sentences are true
(T), false (F) or not given (NG). Correct the
be in touch with false ones.
talk about problems 1 F, It means you have an emotional attachment
have a laugh to them, 2 T, 3 F, Being in touch means you are in
share problems / moments of joy contact frequently with someone, 3 NG, 4 F, You
can have a laugh with lots of different people, 5 T.
Who do you feel close to? If you feel close to
someone, it means you have an emotional or
sentimental attachment to them.
Who do you have rows with? Having rows means
quarrelling and arguing with someone. We
sometimes have rows with family members or
friends, or even acquaintances or work colleagues.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 35
Being connected FLIPPED
Student’s Book classroom

Students can be given the Vocabulary video to watch at
OBJECTIVES home and then work on it at the beginning of class time.
Photocopiable exercices can be found on page 34.
The aim of this Unit is to introduce the vocabulary associated
with relationships in a realistic context. The Towards INVALSI WARM-UP
section focuses on understanding and interpreting information
in reading and listening texts. Students also practise the
phrasal verbs for relationship. The grammar covered in this
1 DISCUSS the questions.
units includes the review of the present tenses, present Student’s activity.
Student’s Book

perfect simple and past simple, present perfect continuous

and duration form. The First Use of English page focuses on C Learning to use vocabulary in context
Reading and Use of English Part 1 (multiple-choice cloze) and
2 (open cloze) while the First Reading presents Reading and
Use of English Part 5 (multiple-choice questions). The word
formation of nouns is also introduced. The First Speaking
2 1.6 LOOK at the pictures and listen
to six people talking about
section deals with the preparation of Part 1 (interview) while relationships. Match the people to
on the First Listening page there is Listening Part 1 (extracts the pictures.
with multiple-choice questions). The 21st-century skills
section includes a video with teenagers speaking about the A 2, B 3, C 6, D 4, E 5, F 1.
relationships within their families. The viewing of the video
aims at stimulating social interaction and ends with the Learn
by doing activity which focuses on the soft skill ‘decision
making’ linked to the 21st-century skill: Critical thinking and
3 1.6 LISTEN again and complete the
problem solving. The unit ends with First Writing Part 1 (an
essay). 1 always listens, 2 get on, a good laugh, 3 close
to me, share the same problems, 4 talk about our
CONTENTS problems, the good and bad things, 5 moments
of joy or pain, 6 with people all over the world,
different perspective.
Phrasal verbs for relationships
Word formation: nouns
Grammar 1 The person I feel close to is my grandad. He
Present simple and present continuous and I have a great relationship maybe because
Dynamic and stative verbs he always listens and is never in a hurry like my
Present perfect simple and past simple
Present perfect continuous and duration form parents who never have any time.
For and since 2 When I need to chat to someone I trust, it is
usually my sister. We don’t always get on and
Functions we often have terrific rows but then after a few
Giving personal information minutes we have a good laugh.
Asking about habits
Being able to useful expressions and phrasal verbs for
3 The people close to me are my friends. We
relationships share the same problems – getting on with
parents, feeling insecure, wanting to be popular –
you know the usual!
Self-study and ZTE 4 I’m lucky, I have a very close family and we all
The Self-study and ZTE exercises can be employed either talk about our problems openly. We normally eat
to reinforce or review the grammar structures and topic
together in the evening and discuss the good and
vocabulary of the Unit.
bad things that have happened during the day.
5 At the moment, I’m going out with a really cool
guy and we share lots of moments of joy or pain.
I feel I can really confide in him.
6 I get a lot of support from my friends in social
networks. I’m in touch with people all over the
world and they give me a different perspective on
loads of stuff.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

36 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
C Listening and understanding information
Extra activity
MATCH the words or phrases to their
4 1.8 LISTEN to people talking about
1 have rows: argue While listening, match the opinions
with the correct speaker.
2 contacts: people you are in touch with
You can choose each speaker more
3 relatives: people like aunts, uncles and than once.
grandparents The first one (0) has been done for
4 head back: return to where you came from you.
5 honeymoon: a holiday for a newly-wedded 1 C, 2 E, 3 D, 4 B, 5 B, 6 A, 7 D.
Teacher’s tip In order to replicate what will happen in the
6 cruise: a holiday on a ship INVALSI exam, you should give students one minute to study
the task before listening. Then students should be allowed to
4 DISCUSS in small groups what makes a
good relationship. Which relationships are
listen to the recording two times. After the second listening,
students should receive one minute to check their answers.

important in your life? Use the vocabulary
from the Focus box.

Student’s Book
A Barbara: Relationships within families are very
Student’s activity. complex and change a lot as you grow up. In your

childhood, the family is everything. Your parents
and any sisters and brothers make up your whole
Tow a rds I NVA L SI world. I think that learning to get on with them is
WARM-UP a kind of training for getting on with people later
on at school or in the work place.
1 DISCUSS in pairs. What do you look for in a
friend? What is the difference between online
B Josh: I know your family is meant to be the
basis of all happy relationships but I ask myself
friends and in-person friends? whether that is always the case. In most families,
Student’s activity. there is a lot of rivalry and jealousy about getting
Students could develop the following notes: enough time and attention from your parents.
• friends generally bring happiness into our lives I know because I have an older brother who is
• friends have a powerful impact on our physical always getting better grades than me and even
health. Lack of social connection can be as does better in sports. I don’t feel particularly close
damaging as smoking, drinking too much, or to him and we don’t hang out with the same
leading a sedentary lifestyle. friends.
C Sophie: I always say that my sister is my best
C Reading, understanding and friend. We feel very close to each other and share
our problems and our moments of joy. At the
interpreting information moment, we’re organising a family reunion for my
grandparents’ fiftieth wedding anniversary. It’s
2 1.7 READ and listen to the article.
very exciting and we’re all looking forward to it
Student’s activity. tremendously.
D Steven: I think school is fundamental in
3 READ the article again and choose the correct
question (A-H) for each paragraph (1-5).
teaching us to socialise and get on with others.
While we learn about History and Mathematics,
There are two extra questions that you should we are also learning to tolerate those we don’t
not use. necessarily get on with. There’s a lot of jealousy
The first one (0) has been done for you. and competition at school and classmates you
Q1 G, Q2 D, Q3 H, Q4 A, Q5 C. like and classmates you really don’t like at all.
Extras: B and E. Relationships with teachers are also part of this
process. A teacher you get on with well, someone
you look up to and admire and sometimes even
have a laugh with, can be a real inspiration,
whereas teachers who seem to be unfair or
unnecessarily cruel can make your life miserable.
E Sharon: I think that friendships fall into two
categories; those that happen at a specific time
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 37
but stay with you, and those that only last while
you have something in common. In the second Extra activity
category, I put people you become friends CORRECT the mistakes in each sentence.
with while you’re studying or working together
1 My sister is living with us until she can find a
but may not be in touch with later. In the first
flat of her own.
category are friends you make when you are both
very young and then stay in touch with over time. 2 I’m angry because my friend is always telling
me what to do.
Phrasal verbs for relationships 3 She is always arriving late at school.

5 MATCH the highlighted phrasal verbs (1-5) in

the article to their definitions (A-E).
4 Look! What is happening over there?
5 Do you have satellite TV at home?
Student’s Book

6 What sports are you doing this year?


1 D, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C, 5 E.
7 During April, there are lots of stratus clouds
6 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of the phrasal verbs from exercise 5.
in the sky; they look like huge, grey blankets.
8 Robots do jobs in factories, where they make
1 going out, 2 hanging out, 3 have fun, 4 make cars.
up, 5 get on.
3 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs in brackets.
G RA M M A R 1
1 develops, 2 are you doing, ’m preparing, 3 don’t
Present simple and present continuous post, 4 don’t always get along, often have, 5 is
1 UNDERLINE examples of present simple
and of present continuous in the article on
studying, 6 are always listening, 7 are taking,
8 are changing, 9 is happening, 10 is your new
page 18. Then explain the function of the two job going.
Present simple: is (line 1), receives (line 3), have Extra activity
(line 4), can (line 5), is (line 9), covers (line 12), COMPLETE the sentences with the correct form
chat (line 13), don’t know (line 14), are (line 16), is of the verbs below.
not (line 16), think (line 17), is (line 18), is not (line 1 An epic hero often fights against evil forces
19), is (lines 20-21), can (line 23), are (line 29), and reaches maturity.
hang on with (line 30), go out with (line 30), have 2 At the moment, Jake is learning about the way
(line 31), cry (line 31), need (line 31), are (line 32), primitive people live.
chat (line 33), text (line 33), have (line 33), make
up with (line 34), makes (line 36), are (line 38), is 3 Does friendship play an important part in that
(line 38), are (line 39), needs (line 41), do not (line film?
41), need (line 42), are (line 44), have (line 45), 4 Quiet please! We are studying History.
play (line 47), shape (line 50), are (line 51), is (line 5 The world’s population is increasing at an
54), support (line 55), can (line 56), know (line 57), alarming rate.
is (line 58), need (line 60), can (line 63), help (line
These verbs point out routine actions and things
4 WRITE sentences with the present simple
and the present continuous using the
that are always or usually true. prompts below.
Present continuous: is now changing (line 7),
is growing (line 8), is changing (line 11), am not 1 I rarely travel by plane.
saying (line 19), am just saying (line 20), are 2 They are becoming more and more interested in
replacing (line 24), are not replacing (line 26), online games.
are adding (line 27), are happening (line 48), are 3 My friends often help me.
taking (line 49), are devoting (line 61). 4 Why are you always using my computer?
These verbs highlight actions that are happening
now. 5 My friend never wears earrings.
6 Look! What is happening over there?
2 MATCH sentences 1-8 to their uses A-H.
1 B, 2 G, 3 H, 4 D, 5 F, 6 E, 7 A, 8 C.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

38 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
C Recognising specific information within
5 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
a text
1 hear, 2 is hearing, 3 are seeing, 4 see, 5 smells,
6 are you smelling, 7 are you feeling, 8 do you
2 1.9 READ and listen to the article and
say how the world is getting smaller.
The speed of social network connections is
making the world smaller.
6 PUT the verbs in brackets into the correct
form of the present simple and present
continuous. VIDEO
This video is a clear and lively animation which explains the
1 have, 2 do you think, 3 are seeing, 4 is always following parts of the First exam: Reading and Use of English
tasting, 5 ’s thinking, 6 m trying. – Part 5.

USE O F ENG L I SH FIRST Reading and Use of English –

Part 5

This video is a clear and lively animation which explains the
article again. For questions 1-6, choose the

Student’s Book
following parts of the First exam: a general introduction to the
First exam; an introduction to the Reading and Use of English answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best
Paper; Reading and Use of English – Part 1. according to the text.

1 C, 2 D, 3 B, 4 B, 5 B, 6 C.
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Extra questions
Part 1 1 Why is the theory called ‘Six degrees of
1-8, read the text below and decide which
separation’? Because it is based on the idea
that everyone can be connected to anyone else
answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There through six links or connections.
is an example at the beginning (0). 2 Who originally thought of it? A Hungarian
1 D, 2 A, 3 C, 4 B, 5 A, 6 C, 7 D, 8 B. called Frigyes Karinthy in 1929.
3 Where did he describe his theory? In a short
story about network theory.
This video is a clear and lively animation which explains the 4 Who else wrote about this theory? An
following parts of the First exam: Reading and Use of English American author, John Guare, wrote a play about
– Part 2. it and there was a film starring Will Smith.
5 What is Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? This is a
FIRST Reading and Use of English – game invented by American students to show
Part 2 that any Hollywood actor could be connected to
Kevin Bacon through six links.
2 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best 6 How has the idea been used for charity?
fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. Kevin Bacon has set up a site connecting people
There is an example at the beginning (0). and causes.
7 What does a character in Guare’s play say
1 relationship, 2 share, 3 rows, 4 on, 5 is, 6 get/
about the theory? He says he finds the idea
come, 7 go, 8 have.
8 Which company has tried out the theory?
REA DI NG Microsoft has carried out experiments and
found the theory to be true.

1 DISCUSS in pairs. 4 FIND the words in the text which mean the
Student’s activity.
This activity is aimed at asking the students to 1 field, 2 shrinking, 3 actual, 4 bound, 5 trail,
think about the role of science and technology in 6 linked.
our personal lives.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 39
Word formation: nouns Present perfect continuous and duration
5 FIND the nouns in the text that are formed
with the suffixes above and say from which
words they derive.
3 READ sentences 1-3 and answer questions
strangers (line 2, strange), acquaintance (line 4, A 3, B 2, C 1.
acquaint), separation (line 4, separate), connection
(line 10, connect), generations (line 16, generate), FREQUENT MISTAKES
mathematicians (line 16, mathematics), physicists For and since
(line 17, physics), sociologists (line 17, sociology),
connectedness (line 20, connected), distances 4 READ the sentences and decide if there is
any difference in meaning. What information
(line 23, distant), writer (line 27, write), possibility
Student’s Book

is being highlighted in each sentence?


(line 36, possible), researchers (line 48, research),

scientists (line 48, science), conversations (line 51, 1 Refers to the length of time, 2 Refers to the
converse). beginning of a length of time.

6 FORM nouns from the words in the box. 5 COMPLETE the sentences using the present
perfect simple or continuous of the verbs in
activity, freedom, excitement, sadness, division,
exploration, jealousy, adolescence, driver, the box.
endurance, maturity, importance, championship, 1 has always stood, 2 have been keeping, 3 have
discussion, scientist. you had, 4 have been crying, 5 Has your uncle
been leading, 6 have been attending, haven’t met,
7 MAKE nouns from the words given to
complete the sentences.
7 have been, 8 has recently made, 9 have been
browsing, 10 has he been, has known.
1 possibility, 2 journalist, 3 imagination,
4 friendship, 5 importance, 6 boredom, Extra activity
7 impression, 8 happiness. COMPLETE the sentences using the present
perfect simple or past simple of the verbs in
C Discussing ideas and expressing brackets.
opinions 1 I have heard of the theory of six degrees of
separation but I haven’t studied it.
8 DISCUSS the questions.
2 No thanks, I don’t want a sandwich, I ate
Student’s activity. some for lunch.
3 ‘Has she broken up with her boyfriend?’ ‘I
9 WRITE a brief paragraph of 6-8 lines about
the six degrees of separation theory.
don’t know, but I think they have quarrelled.’
4 ‘Have you met your new neighbours yet?’
Student’s activity. ‘Yes, I invited them for a drink last night.’
5 ‘Where have you been? I didn’t see you you at
G RA M M A R 2 school this morning.’ ‘I know, the alarm did
not ring.’
Present perfect simple and past simple 6 ‘Did they have a row yesterday?’ ‘I think so,
1 READ sentences 1-2 and answer questions
but they haven’t made it up yet.’

A 2, B 1. Extra activity
COMPLETE the dialogue with the correct form
2 COMPLETE the text using the present
perfect simple or the past simple of the verbs
of the verbs from the box.
in brackets. Sally: Hi Paul! You (1) look serious, is anything
1 have become, 2 have attracted, 3 have recently Paul: I (2) ’m thinking about my friend Pete. We (3)
claimed, 4 started, 5 has gradually destroyed, had a row yesterday, in fact we (4) ’ve been having
6 were, 7 provided, 8 found, 9 rescued, 10 have a lot of rows lately.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

40 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Sally: It’s impossible to get on well all the time. Your home
I (5) ’m always arguing with my friends. I used Do you live in a house or a flat?
to worry about it but now I (6) know it is only What do you like about your house?
temporary. Do you have a garden?
Paul: I (7) ’ve never quarrelled with him before but
we (8) have both been studying really hard lately Study / Work
and I think we’re just tired and irritable. How long have you been learning English?
Sally: Maybe you need a break. How about a Do you like studying languages?
weekend trip or an outing? What do you find difficult about studying
Paul: I (9) had begun to suggest that when we English?
(10) started rowing. Do you have a favourite subject?
Sally: Send him a text, suggest an outing to see a
match somewhere. (11) Do you remember when Hobbies / Interests
we used to go together? What do you do in your spare time?
Paul: Those (12) were fun times. Ok, thanks Sal. What do you like doing with friends?
Do you practise any sports?

COMPLETE the second sentence using the
word in capital letters so that it has a similar Future plans / ambitions

Student’s Book
meaning to the first sentence. Have you decided what to do when you
finish school?
1 has been in love with Brian since, 2 has just What job would you like to do?

arrived, 3 long have they been, 4 haven’t had a What are your personal ambitions?
row for, 5 have been getting on well since, 6 have
not been hanging out. TRANSCRIPT
John: Good morning, I’m John Wills and this is my
SPEA K I NG colleague Jane Goddard. And you?
Pablo: Good morning, my name is Pablo.
WARM-UP John: Good to meet you, Pablo. Let me ask you a
little about yourself. Where are you from?
1 WORK in pairs. Ask and answer questions
about your family and friends.
Pablo: I’m from Madrid in Spain. It’s a very
beautiful city with lots of interesting monuments
Student’s activity. and places to see.
John: I’ve heard it’s a wonderful city. Do you live in
C Developing social interaction a flat or a house?
Pablo: We live in a flat not far from the centre.
2 LOOK at the photograph. Who do you think
these people are and what are they doing?
John: Have you always lived in Madrid?
Pablo: Yes, I was born there.
Student’s activity. John: Tell me about your family.
Suggested answer: Pablo: There are five people in my family: my
They are probably business colleagues and are father, my mother, my two sisters and me. My
having a meeting. father works for a Spanish bank and my mother
is a teacher in a primary school.
John: What about your sisters?
3 1.10 LISTEN to a student doing Part
1 of the Speaking exam and tick the
Pablo: My sisters are twins and they study in an
Art school in Madrid.
questions which correspond to each
John: Do you get on with them?
answer given by the speaker.
Pablo: Sometimes we get on and sometimes we
fight about what television programme to watch
The place where you live or who is going to help in the house or about
Where are you from? using each other’s things.
How long have you lived in your town? John: What do you do in your spare time?
What do you like about your town? Pablo: I like to meet my friends and go into the
centre or maybe go to watch a football match or
Your family a film.
Do you have a large family? John: Do you ever watch films in English?
What’s your father’s / mother’s job? Pablo: We sometimes watch films in English at
Do you spend much time with your family? school during our English lessons, but I find it
What do you do together? quite difficult to understand.
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John: Do you enjoy studying English? How long LISTE NING
have you been studying it?
Pablo: Yes, I do enjoy English. I’ve been studying it WARM-UP
for nearly 6 years and I use it a lot, especially with
friends in the UK. I went on two study holidays 1 DISCUSS in pairs. On what occasions during
the year does your family get together for
there, and I keep in touch with people through
a special meal or a party or to celebrate a
family event?
John: Is there anything you find difficult about
English? Student’s activity.
Pablo: Yes, understanding English people when
they speak. The pronunciation is often so different
from the written word.
2 LOOK at the following pictures of occasions
or celebrations and label them in pairs.
Student’s Book

John: Is English your favourite subject?

1 Christmas, 2 a graduation, 3 a wedding, 4 a
Pablo: My favourite subject is Maths, though I
birthday, 5 a wedding anniversary.
also like Geography.
John: What about the future? Do you have any
plans for when you finish school? 3 ADD a further two events that are special in
your family.
Pablo: I would like to travel for a while after
I finish school. Then I would like to study Student’s activity.
Economics and maybe work in a bank.
John: Thank you, Pablo, and good luck with the C Listening for specific information
banking career.
Pablo: Thanks.
This video is a clear and lively animation which explains
4 1.10 LISTEN to the exam again and
decide on a mark out of five to
the following parts of the First exam: an introduction to the
Listening Paper; Listening – Part 1.
give the candidate (1 = weak; 5 =
excellent). Compare your mark to FIRST Listening – Part 1
your classmates’ and give reasons
for your grading. 4 1.11 EXTRACTS WITH MULTIPLE-
Student’s activity. hear people talking in eight different
situations. For questions 1-8, choose
the best answer (A, B or C).
This video is a clear and lively animation which explains 1 C, Everyone makes an effort to be together, which
the following parts of the First exam: an introduction to is not easy because one brother is now living in
the Speaking Paper; Speaking - Part 1; how to give a good Holland and another in Spain.
performance – Part 1.
2 C, I am now studying hard for my exams as I want
to be the next person in the family to graduate.
FIRST Speaking – Part 1
3 B, It’s where Sue and I first met so it has romantic
5 INTERVIEW. Roleplay in groups of three.
Using some of the questions in exercise
connections for us.
4 B, You know we’re celebrating your gran and
3, take turns being the interlocutor, the
granddad’s fiftieth wedding anniversary.
assessor and the candidate.
5 A, No good I’m afraid. She wants me to wear blue.
Student’s activity.
6 C, Pancake Day is on the Tuesday before Ash
6 PREPARE a brief speech presenting yourself
to the class. Talk about your family, where
Wednesday – just before the beginning of Lent.
7 A, Have you seen our latest model? It’s simple but
you live, your interests and hobbies, and your very nice. Great! I haven’t seen anything I’ve liked
aspirations for the future. as much.
Student’s activity. 8 B, We ask everyone to stay where they are.

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42 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Extra questions 3 You hear two friends talking about last
1 How does speaker 1 share the preparations weekend.
for Christmas in his family? He makes the John: Hi Pete, where have you been? I have called
Christmas pudding. you at least three times over the last two days
and you haven’t answered or even texted back.
2 Where is the degree ceremony the second
Pete: Oh sorry about that, but I’ve just been
speaker goes to? In Edinburgh.
to London for the weekend for the Notting Hill
3 Why is it particularly special in her family? Carnival. I had been planning to go for so long and
Because this is the first person in the family to never managed to. It’s where Sue and I first met
graduate. so it has romantic connections for us…
4 Where is the Notting Hill Carnival held? In John: And was it good?
London. Pete: It was fantastic – I’ve never seen so many
5 Who joined in the fun? All the people and the happy people, dancing, singing – even the police
police. joined in the fun.
4 You hear a message on Tom’s answerphone.
6 What have Tom’s family decided to buy for
Answerphone: You’re through to Tom’s phone
his grandparents’ anniversary? A flat screen
but I can’t take your call at the moment. Leave a

message and I’ll get back to you.
7 Whose dress does Sophie borrow for the

Student’s Book
Woman: Hi Tom, it’s Mum here. I need to talk
wedding? She borrows Leah’s sister’s dress. to you about next Sunday. You know we’re
8 How long has the pancake race taken place in celebrating your gran and granddad’s fiftieth

the village? Ever since Medieval times. wedding anniversary. Well, your dad and I have
9 Who takes part in the race? The local women. been thinking about presents and we’ve decided
10 Why doesn’t speaker 7 give his wife a silver to buy a joint gift from all the family. We’ve been
bracelet for her birthday? Because he has looking at various options and think a flat screen
already given her two in the past. TV is the most convincing. What do you think?
Phone me back when you can.
11 What is the occasion being celebrated in 5 You hear two girls chatting on the phone.
speaker 8’s announcement? New Year’s Eve. Leah: Hi, Sophie.
12 What mustn’t people do? They mustn’t enter Sophie: Hi Leah, I have a favour to ask you. You
or leave the square or push or shout. know my sister’s getting married on Saturday.
Well, I’ve unfortunately torn my dress and I
TRANSCRIPT haven’t got anything to wear. Do you have a blue
1 You hear a young man talking about Christmas. dress I can borrow?
Christmas is a really big deal in my family. There Leah: I haven’t got anything blue but I’ve got a
are loads of us as I have three brothers and two beautiful black evening dress.
sisters, not to mention grandparents and other Sophie: No good I’m afraid. She wants me to wear
relatives like aunts and uncles and cousins. blue.
Christmas is when everyone makes an effort Leah: Tell you what, my sister has a lovely simple
to be together, which is not easy because one blue dress and you’re about the same size. Why
brother is now living in Holland and another in don’t I ask her if you can borrow it?
Spain. For the last few years we have all been Sophie: OK it’s worth a try. Thanks Leah.
sharing the catering and I am the one who makes 6 You hear a woman talking about Pancake Day.
the Christmas pudding. I live in a small village in Yorkshire in the north
2 You hear a girl talking about her cousin’s degree of England. We are a pretty peaceful community
ceremony. but once a year the village becomes a noisy,
My parents, brother and various relations busy place because we have the annual pancake
have just come back from my cousin’s degree race. Pancake Day is the Tuesday before Ash
ceremony in Edinburgh. Ann started her degree Wednesday – just before the beginning of Lent.
four years ago. I have often thought about her Ever since the Middle Ages, our village has had a
over these years and wondered about her life as race down the village high street where all the local
a student. I’m so thrilled that she has managed women take a frying pan and a pancake and run
to finish her degree and be the first person in our down the street tossing the pancake as they go.
family to graduate. She’s even managed to get a 7 You hear a man talking to a shop assistant.
really good job in management training. I am now Shop assistant: Hello there, can I help?
studying hard for my exams as I want to be the Man: Yes, I’m looking for a birthday present for
next person in the family to graduate. my wife.
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Shop assistant: Is there anything in particular you
have in mind? 3 DISCUSS. Which of the teenagers do you
identify with? Why?
Man: I have been thinking about getting a
bracelet. Student’s activity.
Shop assistant: We have a good selection of silver
bracelets, or what about a charm bracelet?
Man: I’ve already given her two silver bracelets,
4 READ the following statements by teenagers
about how their families have shaped them.
maybe a charm bracelet is a good idea. Which are true for you? Would you add any
Shop assistant: Have you seen our latest model? others?
It’s been very popular this year. It’s simple but
very nice. Student’s activity.
Man: Great! I haven’t seen anything I’ve liked as
Student’s Book


much. You’ve been very helpful, thank you.

8 You hear a public announcement. Lydia (17) (long hair): I’m blessed to have really
This is a public announcement. The time now really nice parents and they’re always looking out
is 11.45 so there are just 15 minutes before for me. That being said though, you do quarrel
the New Year celebrations begin. While we are sometimes.
waiting for the fireworks and the clock chimes Tim (16) (stripped hoodie): My relationship with
at midnight, we ask everyone to stay where they my parents, I think relatively, is pretty good.
are. We want the celebrations to be enjoyable for Obviously, there are the moments where, being a
everyone so while you are singing and laughing teenager, I don’t really feel like talking with them.
with your friends make sure people aren’t pushing Don’t really feel like letting them into my life.
or shouting. No one can enter or leave the square Kayla (13) (flowered top): When something’s on
now until the celebrations are over. my mind I usually go to my friends about it, I don’t
really talk to my brother.
Will (15): I do find it difficult to talk to my parents
C Discussing ideas and relating them to because they put a lot of pressure on me, saying
personal experience
I can tell them anything. But that just makes me
feel like, maybe they just want to know and I’m
5 WHAT occasions have been important in
your life so far?
not so sure if I want to tell them about some of
my problems.
Student’s activity. Lydia (long hair): I have a little brother, who’s
about one year’s old, one year old, and my Mum
and I always argue because I have to watch
21 ST - CEN T U RY S KI L L S him a lot, and it’s part of my job, as, you know, a
member of the family I do have to look after my
siblings. So, I always think I should not have to
VIDEO look after them for very long.
Teenagers and families
Boy in dark T-shirt: Every weekend we have like a
little, family movie night where we just kick back
C Watching and understanding a short film and relax, watch a fun little movie. Those, most of
1 WATCH the video and say if the following
sentences are true (T) or false (F). Correct
our arguments are over what movie we watch.
Kayla (13) (flowered top): We don’t exactly get on
the false ones. all that well. I mean we argue a lot and kind and
like of everything turns into an argument and it’s
1 F, She feels like talking to her friends, 2 T, 3 F, kind of hard to get along with him sometimes…
They watch a funny movie to relax every weekend Brother: Yeah.
at home, 4 F, They are like brothers or sisters and Boy in dark T-shirt: My sister’s like – no, let’s
become your friends, 5 T, 6 T. watch Rainbow Pony Unicorn saves Happy
Clownland and like me let’s watch this awesome,
2 WATCH the video again and decide who
says the following: Charlie (C), Kayla (K),
terminator death movie.
Boy Stripped V-neck: Well, being an only child is…
Lydia (L), Tim (T). it has its pros and cons. The pros are either your
1 T, 2 L, 3 K, 4 C, 5 C, 6 L. parents kind of become your brothers and sisters
and they become your friends.
Charlie (16) (with little sister): The best thing
about having a little sister is somebody to pick on.

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Boy Stripped V-neck: The cons are sometimes I do Teacher’s tip Learning by doing means using the knowledge
get lonely when my friends are away and I have and skills acquired in this lesson in contexts linked to real life
nothing to do except to sit and think. or personal experience. It requires the creation by the teacher
Charlie (16) (with little sister): The best thing, of situations or problems for which the student should find
honestly, is that you always have somebody to a solution using his/her competences. The task must be
operative and requires a final product. In this case, the students
talk to or hang out with.
are required to produce a form about decision making.
Will (15): (with sister): She dances in the living
room all the time and she sings really loudly in her
room so that the whole house can hear. WR ITING
Little sister (with Charlie): He makes irritating
noises and I tell him to stop more than once very WARM-UP
nicely, and he doesn’t stop.
Lydia (long hair): I’ve a big sister who I can really 1 DISCUSS in pairs. Family occasions
are meant to be happy and serene, but
talk to about a lot of stuff, especially when, you
sometimes there can be tensions and
know, I just, I feel my inhibitions hold me back
disappointments. Talk about what is positive
from talking to my mom and dad about it.
Charlie (with little sister): She also always dances and what can be negative about family get-

around the house a lot. So that gets in the way of togethers.
just going to do things. Like you have to wait for Student’s activity.

Student’s Book
her to like to finish her plié or something before
you can move. C Expressing ideas and opinions

Little sister: And I dance in public too. in an essay
Charlie: That too sometimes I just walk away.
Kayla (13) (with brother): He calls me a loser and I
like, snap, and I don’t like it at all.
2 DECIDE if the following statements about
essay writing are true (T) or false (F).
Will (15): I call everyone a loser so.
Kayla (13) But you call me a loser more than 1 T, 2 F, Spelling and grammar accuracy are at
anyone else. least as important as vocabulary, 3 T, 4 F, You
Will (15): That’s true. should include personal opinions in your essay.
Boy (blue shirt): Being an only child is fun to me
because I don’t really have to worry about some 3 PUT the following parts of an opinion essay
into the logical order.
other kid running around the house. Or sharing
something, coz I’m an only child and I get a lot of A 2, B 1, C 4, D 3.
attention which I like.
Charlie (with little sister): So it’s always nice just
to have a sibling who’s pretty much always there
4 READ the following essay and say which
paragraphs correspond to the points in
for you. exercise 3.
Paragraph 1 B, Paragraph 2 A, Paragraph 3 D,
Paragraph 4 C.

5 READ the following text. What are difficult 5 READ the essay again and answer the
decisions you might have to take?
Student’s activity. Student’s activity.
Suggested answer: Suggested answer:
Choosing a university course, moving out on your 1 Yes: ‘the idea of surprise parties sounds
own, getting a job or just focusing on school, wonderful’.
deciding whether your friends are true friends, or 2 By the linkers ‘first of all’ and ‘on the other hand’.
whether or not to report bullying you witnessed. 3 With a conclusion beginning with ‘therefore’ and
Griglia di valutazione: p. 240. the writer’s opinion.
4 It is clear and organised in a formal tone.
6 CREATE a form with the 7 steps and
complete it about a problem you have to
face. Explain to the rest of the class what the VIDEO
problem is, what decision you made to solve This video is a clear and lively animation which explains the
it, who/what helped you make that decision. following parts of the First exam: an introduction to the Writing
Paper; Writing – Part 1.
Student’s activity.
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FIRST Writing – Part 1
6 AN ESSAY. In your English class, you have
been talking about family occasions. Now
your teacher has asked you to write an essay
of between 140-190 words. Write your essay
using all the notes and giving reasons for
your point of view.
Student’s activity.
Student’s Book

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46 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Dynamic and stative verbs
Being connected 6 WRITE sentences with the present simple
Workbook or the present continuous using the prompts
1 Do you think it might be true?
VO CA BULA RY AC T I VATO R 2 Why is she smelling the food on that plate?
1 COMPLETE the sentences with the
expressions and collocations in the box.
3 He isn’t listening to what you are saying, he is
sitting too far away.
1 share moments, 2 acquaintance, 3 in touch 4 What are you thinking about? Are you worried?
with, 4 relation, 5 have a laugh, 6 feel close to, 5 Do you want to see John? He’s talking on the
7 talk about problems, 8 have rows. phone right now.

Tow a rds I NVA L SI 7 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete

the dialogue.

2 1.1 READ and listen to the article about
why we observe family traditions. 1 look, 2 get, 3 bet, 4 end, 5 Do you practise,
Choose the correct beginning (A-I) of 6 am starting, 7 play, 8 go, 9 Do you just study,

the first sentence for each paragraph 10 do you have, 11 am working, 12 am working,

(1-6). 13 lives, 14 finish, 15 don’t want.
There are two extra beginnings that
you should not use. 8 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
present form of the verbs in brackets.
The first one (0) has been done for
you. 1 always like, don’t have, 2 ’m waiting, 3 Does
Q1 C, Q2 F, Q3 A, Q4 I, Q5 E, Q6 D. your daughter often come, 4 ’s only working,
Extras: B and G. ’s changing, 5 often have rows, hardly ever share,
6 are you always complaining, ’re getting, 7 is
Phrasal verbs for relationships thinking, Do you think, 8 ’s not watching, doesn’t
he turn.
3 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of a phrasal verb for relationships in the
box. U S E O F E NGLIS H
1 going out with, 2 getting on with, 3 hang out FIRST Reading and Use of English –
with, 4 had fun with, 5 make up.
Part 1
1-8, read the text below and decide which
Present simple and present continuous answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There
is an example at the beginning (0).
4 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
present form of the verbs in brackets. Then 1 D, 2 B, 3 C, 4 B, 5 C, 6 D, 7 B, 8 A.
choose one of the phrases in the box to
describe the sentences given. FIRST Reading and Use of English –
1 are always losing, an annoying habit, 2 do not Part 2
eat, are, a usual habit, 3 is chatting, an action in
progress, 4 are having, a near future, 5 ’s trying,
10 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read
the text below and think of the word which
for a limited period, 6 starts, a scheduled event. best fits each gap. Use only one word
in each gap. There is an example at the
5 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
present form of the verbs in brackets.
beginning (0).
1 is, 2 out, 3 with, 4 are, 5 know, 6 are, 7 do, 8 is.
1 are playing, often play, 2 is shining, have,
’s raining, are eating, 3 is taking, always takes,
4 is moving, usually drives, needs, ’s going,
5 often invites, are doing, want.

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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 47
REA DI NG eating, 5 have you been doing, 6 Has he booked,
hasn’t had, 7 hasn’t slept, 8 have been talking.
FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Part 5 16 COMPLETE the second sentence so that it
has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
QUESTIONS. You are going to 1 They have been living in this town for two years.
read a blog about friendship. For 2 It’s the second time I have lent you £20 this week!
questions 1-6, choose the answer 3 She is the most fascinating woman we’ve ever
(A, B, C or D) which you think fits met.
best according to the text.
4 We haven’t been to the stadium to see a match
1 C, 2 D, 3 A, 4 B, 5 D, 6 A. for years.

5 We’ve never had a row before.

6 Her father hasn’t heard from her for three
12 MAKE nouns from the words given to
complete the sentences.
1 psychologist, relationships, 2 discussion,
connections, 3 jealousy, boredom, 4 adolescence, FIRST Listening – Part 1
sadness, 5 maturity, freedom, decisions, 6 artist,
painter, actor. 17 1.3 EXTRACTS WITH MULTIPLE-
will hear people talking in eight
G RA M M A R 2 different situations. For questions
1-8, choose the best answer (A, B
Present perfect simple and past simple or C).
13 WRITE the correct form of the present
perfect simple or past simple of the verbs
1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 C, 5 B, 6 C, 7 A, 8 B.

in brackets. TRANSCRIPT
1 haven’t heard, 2 ’ve called, 3 haven’t had, 1 You hear a Japanese girl talking about a family
4 haven’t been, 5 had, 6 ’ve just come, 7 tried, celebration.
8 wasn’t able, 9 went, 10 needed, 11 have you My most precious family occasion is in the spring
sold, 12 ’ve already found, 13 has made, 14 ’ve in my native Japan. It is the Cherry Blossom
never visited, 15 ’ve always loved. Festival to celebrate Spring. One of the best
places to celebrate is in Ueno park. The date
14 COMPLETE the sentences with the
present simple, the present continuous
varies according to when the trees are in full
blossom. My family traditionally meets under the
or the present perfect of the verbs in trees to eat and celebrate under the beautiful
brackets. canopy of pink and white flowers. There are
musical events organised and we have lots of
1 does your uncle Ben eat, 2 goes, ’s dieting, food stands every year too. You can also hire
eats, 2 am, haven’t arrived, 3 are you studying, swan-shaped boats for a tour of the small lake.
’ve already passed, ’m trying, 4 Do you know, 2 You hear an Indian boy talking about Holi.
’ve seen, think, ’s living, 5 has phoned, is always In India a favourite family holiday is definitely the
talking, 6 are the footballers doing, are leaving, yearly Holi festival, also known as the Festival
’ve just won. of Colours. It is celebrated for several days every
year in March, throughout India and Nepal. The
Present perfect continuous and duration main event is the throwing of coloured powder.
form All my family, adults and children, go out onto the
streets to throw gulal (powder) and spray dyed
15 COMPLETE the sentences with the
correct form of the present perfect
water. We use water pistols, buckets or water
balloons to throw the colour on as many people
continuous or present perfect simple of
as we can. It is complete chaos but great fun and
the verbs in the box.
we all meet up afterwards to laugh and eat and
1 Have you been walking, 2 Have they found, wash off the colours.
have been discussing, 3 has attracted, 4 ’ve been

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48 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
3 You hear a French girl talking about what her 7 You hear a boy from a village in Guatemala
family celebrate. talking about his family’s favourite festival.
I live in a little town called Provins just an hour In my family we are very proud of a local tradition
outside Paris by train. The festival my family enjoy and celebrate it in the family every year. It is the
the most, happens once a year over a weekend giant Kite Festival held on November 1st in our
in June. It is a festival to re-create medieval times little town of Sumpango in Guatemala. The huge
and has a different theme each year. Last year, colourful kites are our way of honouring the
for example, the theme was children’s games in dead. There are local contestants but also people
medieval times. My friends and I had a fantastic who have travelled from all over Guatemala to
time last June trying out calligraphy, archery and participate. The kites are judged on creativity and
medieval ball games. There were activities for length of flight, and have taken weeks and even
children but also for adults with jousting events, months to build.
birds of prey and war games to watch or even 8 You hear a Mexican boy explaining about a
participate in! festival in his town.
4 You hear an American boy talking about an At midnight on October 31, Mexico’s most
Easter Parade. colourful and most famous festival officially
My family’s favourite event is at Easter when starts. El Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)

the whole town of New Orleans turns out for the is an annual celebration held to honour and
Easter Parade. We do it to celebrate the end of remember those who have died. In spite of
lent and the resurrection of Christ. The parade its sombre theme it is one of the country’s

begins at a famous Restaurant called Antoine’s. most popular festivals and is celebrated

There’s a stop for mass at the St. Louis Cathedral enthusiastically in my village. Our belief is that
and then the parade resumes with a promenade the deceased have permission to visit friends and
in Jackson Square. Some of the family have taken relatives on earth on that day and in the days
part in the decorated carriages in past years while leading up to it there are bright orange Mexican
the rest of us enjoy watching the parade go by. Marigolds and sugar skulls on sale.
There are elaborate costumes, totally extravagant
hats and marching bands. As the parade goes by,
the participants throw stuffed toys and candy into WR ITING
the crowd.
5 You hear a Canadian girl talking about a Winter FIRST Writing – Part 1
For two weeks each February Ontario has a
18 AN ESSAY. In your English class you
have been talking about different family
winter party and my family love it! It is our celebrations all over the world. Now your
Carnival and a way of celebrating winter. We teacher has asked you to write an essay of
look forward all year to meeting the mascot between 140-190 words. Write the essay
Bonhomme at his ice palace and watching the using all the notes and giving reasons for
Carnival parade. We also eat the local maple your point of view.
syrup candy and take part in the numerous
Student’s activity.
winter activities. These vary but last year there
were horse-pulled sleigh rides, snow bowling, ice
fishing, dog sledding, tobogganing and skating 19 AFTER you have finished writing, re-read
your essay and check for any grammar or
under the stars. Something for the whole family
spelling mistakes. Check in particular the
followed by a hot meal at home with friends and
tenses you have used for the verbs. Then
answer the following questions.
6 You hear a young Arab girl talking about a
Bedouin festival. Student’s activity.
If you’re looking for a truly unique experience,
only to be found in one small corner of the world,
then come and join my family at the Al Dhafra
Festival. This is a relatively new festival which
began 10 years’ ago in the Western Region of Abu
Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates. There is dog
racing and camel racing, as well as date packing
and a traditional souk. The highlight of the whole
event however is the Camel Mazayan – a beauty
contest for camels. A serious contest with rich
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Programmazione per competenze
UNIT 2 • Inspirational travel
Tempo di svolgimento: 3/4 settimane
Traguardi formativi Indicatori

A quali “Traguardi per lo sviluppo delle Che cosa ci si aspetta sappia fare lo studente Su quali conoscenze e
per competenze

competenze” mirano le attività didattiche che ha raggiunto questi traguardi? abilità si sviluppano le

dell’unità? competenze?

Padroneggiare la lingua straniera per Ascolto (comprensione orale) Funzioni linguistiche

interagire in diversi ambiti e contesti e per − comprendere espressioni e frasi usate da − descrivere immagini
comprendere gli aspetti significativi della persone per descrivere le loro esperienze − esprimere opinioni
civiltà degli altri Paesi in prospettiva di viaggio (es. 2 p. 29) − dare esempi
interculturale − identificare informazioni specifiche in testi − esprimere contrasto
− utilizzare le funzioni linguistico- orali in cui si parla di esperienze di viaggio
comunicative riferite al livello B2 del (es. 2 p. 30; es. 4 p. 31; es. 2 p. 34) Strutture grammaticali
Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento − comprendere brevi testi relativi a viaggi − past simple and past
− comprendere le idee fondamentali di testi celebri (es. 3 p. 38) continuous
complessi su argomenti sia concreti che − comprendere testi descrittivi complessi − used to and would +
astratti (es. 2 p. 30; es. 2 p. 34) bare infinitive
− interagire oralmente − be used to and get used
− leggere e comprendere testi sia orali che Parlato (produzione e interazione orale) to
scritti che riguardano un’ampia gamma di − descrivere situazioni particolari legate al − past simple and past
argomenti viaggio (es. 1, 4 p. 29; es. 1 p. 30; es. 8 p. perfect simple
− produrre testi sia orali che scritti che 35; es. 2 p. 37; es. 1 p. 38; es. 6-7 p. 39) − past perfect continuous
riguardano un’ampia gamma di argomenti − discutere il tema delle difficoltà legate al
− leggere, analizzare e interpretare testi viaggio (es. 1 p. 34) Lessico
letterari − discutere sui mezzi di trasporto e sui − useful expressions for
− esprimere un’opinione su argomenti di diversi modi di viaggiare (es. 3 p. 37) travelling
attualità, esponendo i pro e i contro delle − phrasal verbs for
diverse opinioni nell’ambito di una Lettura (comprensione scritta) travelling
discussione di gruppo − comprendere testi descrittivi complessi − word formation:
(es. 2 p. 30; es. 2 p. 34) suffixes to make
Utilizzare testi multimediali adjectives
− utilizzare l’eBook per svolgere gli esercizi Scrittura (produzione scritta)
in maniera interattiva ed esercitarsi a − scrivere testi brevi sulle proprie esperienze Key language for social
comprendere i prodotti della di viaggio (es. 9 p. 35) competence
comunicazione audiovisiva − scrivere un breve saggio su un anno − giving your opinion
− flipped classroom: video per la all’estero (es. 4 p. 40)
presentazione del vocabolario e filmati
che permettono allo studente di Riflessione sulla lingua
familiarizzare con aspetti vari della vita dei − osservare le parole nei contesti d’uso e
Paesi di lingua anglofona (brani di ascolto e impararne il significato
filmati) − osservare la struttura delle frasi e mettere
− filmato First exam description in relazione costrutti e intenzioni
Competenze chiave di cittadinanza
− imparare a imparare
− progettare
− collaborare e partecipare
− agire in modo autonomo e responsabile
− risolvere problemi (decision making)
− acquisire ed interpretare l’informazione

Competenze del 21° secolo

− pensiero critico e soluzione dei problemi
– problem solving

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

50 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Attività comunicative Attività per lo sviluppo delle Prove Preparazione alla
competenze chiave autentiche e certificazione e
strutturate all’INVALSI
Con quali attività didattiche si raggiunge l’acquisizione dei contenuti e si Con quali strumenti di valutazione
sviluppano le competenze? (formativa e sommativa) si verifica
l’acquisizione dei contenuti e lo sviluppo
delle competenze?
Ricezione orale Imparare a imparare Nelle Idee per First
− ascolto e comprensione di brevi − formulare ipotesi sulla coniugazione insegnare (prove − Reading and Use
descrizioni di past simple e past continuous (es. strutturate) of English – Part

− ascolto e completamento di frasi 1-2 p. 32), past simple e past perfect − Fast check (Fila A 3, p. 33

− visione e comprensione di una − Reading and Use

per competenze
simple (es. 1 p. 36), past perfect e Fila B)
sequenza video continuous (es. 3 p. 36) − Unit test (Fila A e of English – Part
− used to e would (es. 4 p. 32) Fila B) 4, p. 33

Produzione orale − be used to e get used to (es. 6 p. 32) − Skills test for First − Reading and Use
− interagire in coppie o gruppi − apprendere strutture grammaticali (Fila A e Fila B) of English – Part
usando le funzioni e il lessico attraverso frasi tratte dai testi di − Listening test 6, p. 34
dell’unità reading comprehension (es. 1, 2, 4 p. (Fila A e Fila B) − Speaking – Part
− mettere a confronto due 32; es. 1, 3 p. 36) − Competences 2, p. 37
immagini sullo stesso tema − apprendere vocaboli attraverso test − Listening – Part
− discutere la soluzione di problemi video e animazioni (p. 29, 39) − Easy reading 2, p. 38
− approfondire il lessico, le strutture e tests (BES) − Writing – Part 1,
Ricezione e produzione scritta le tipologie First presenti nell’unità − Guided tests p. 40
− comprendere le idee chiave di un attraverso esercizi (Review p. (BES)
articolo e riassumerne il punto di 41-42; Workbook p. 16-23; Towards INVALSI
vista Self-study nell’eBook). Esercizi online su (p. 30-31)
− leggere un breve testo e ZTE
completare gli spazi vuoti con le Progettare (es 8-9 p. 39)
parole mancanti
− comprendere lo sviluppo di idee Collaborare e partecipare
ed eventi in un testo − collaborare con un compagno o un
− identificare i punti di vista in un gruppo per discutere sulla base dei
paragrafo dati forniti (es. 4 p. 29; es. 1 p. 34; es.
8 p. 35; es. 3 p. 37; es. 7-8 p. 39; es.
Esercizi 1 p. 40)
− esercizi di completamento, vero/
falso, scelta multipla, Agire in modo autonomo e
abbinamento, riordinamento, responsabile
trasformazione − riflettere sui propri errori con l’aiuto
− attività di scrittura per della sezione Frequent mistakes (p.
memorizzare funzioni, strutture 32)
e lessico
− esercizi in coppia e a gruppi Risolvere problemi (es. 8-9 p. 39)
− esercizi di consolidamento e
potenziamento (Review p. Acquisire ed interpretare
41-42; Workbook p. 16-23; Self- l’informazione
study nell’eBook) − leggere o ascoltare la descrizione di
alcune persone che parlano delle
loro esperienze di viaggio (es. 3 p.
29; es. 4 p. 31)
− ascoltare la descrizione di una
spedizione famosa e riconoscere
informazioni specifiche (First
Listening – Part 2, p. 38)

21st-century Skills
Critical thinking and problem solving
− problem solving: es. 8-9 p. 39

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NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................

1 GIVE the English translation of the following words and phrases.

3 nave da
2 destinazione crociera

1 viaggio 4 volare

5 paesaggio

10 luna
di miele 6 panorama

9 escursione 7 bagaglio
8 gita

2 ANSWER the questions.

1 Why do people travel?

2 Which are the journeys we do every day?

3 Which means of public transport do people often use on their everyday journeys?

4 What do people do if there is no public transport?

5 Where do people usually go on holiday?

6 What did T.S. Eliot say?

7 What can you enjoy on a journey?

8 What can go wrong on a journey?

9 What has sometimes happened on outings or excursions?

10 What advice does the speaker give?

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
52 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
3 They often get on a bus or tram or maybe take a
Teacher’s keys 4 They might walk or go by bike or get a lift in a car.
5 They often go to the mountains, or the sea,
VOCABULARY ACTIVATOR: Travelling abroad, on a cruise or a sightseeing tour in
another city.
They say travelling broadens the mind. People 6 He said that the journey not the arrival matters.
travel for different reasons − they travel for 7 That exciting sensation of getting from one place
holidays, for work, to visit friends and relatives, to another, enjoying the different scenery and the
to see new places and to learn about other changing landscape.
countries. 8 You may lose your luggage or even get lost and
The journeys we take everyday tend to be short. have to ask directions.
When we travel for work or school, we often get
9 The weather has suddenly changed and you have
on a bus or a tram or maybe take a train. We

to head back quickly, wondering if you are going
usually get on and off at the same place each day.
to make it back to the hotel or campsite.
If there’s no public means of transport, we might

walk or go by bike or get a lift in a car. 10 He says to remember to enjoy the journey, to take
When we go on holiday, however, we usually photos to look back on later and walk away from
choose a more distant destination. We may plan potentially tricky situations.
a trip to the mountains, or the sea, or perhaps

choose to go abroad. We might set off for a
voyage at sea on a cruise ship or perhaps get on
a plane and fly to a different city for a sightseeing
Sometimes, when you travel, the journey is the
best part of the holiday. T.S. Eliot said ‘The journey
not the arrival matters’. That exciting sensation
of getting from one place to another, enjoying the
different scenery and the changing landscape. But
things can sometimes go wrong. You may lose
your luggage or even get lost and have to ask for
I’ve been on short outings or excursions when the
weather suddenly changes and you have to head
back quickly, wondering if you’re going to make it
back to the hotel or campsite.
So, whether you travel for work, or pleasure, or
a special occasion like a honeymoon, remember
to enjoy the journey. Take photos to look back
on later and walk away from potentially tricky

1 GIVE the English translation of the following

words and phrases.
1 journey, 2 destination, 3 cruise ship, 4 fly,
5 scenery, 6 landscape, 7 luggage, 8 outings,
9 excursions, 10 honeymoon.

2 ANSWER the questions.

1 People travel for lots of different reasons − for
holidays, for work, to visit friends and relatives,
or to see new places and learn about other
2 They are normally short journeys to work or to
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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 53
Inspirational travel FLIPPED
Student’s Book classroom

Students can be given the Vocabulary video to watch at
OBJECTIVES home and then work on it at the beginning of class time.
Photocopiable exercices can be found on page 52.
The aim of this Unit is to introduce the vocabulary associated
with travel in a realistic context. The Towards INVALSI section WARM-UP
focuses on understanding and interpreting information in
reading and listening texts. Students also practise the phrasal
verbs for travelling. The grammar covered in this units includes
1 DISCUSS in pairs. Why do people travel?
Think of as many reasons as you can. Make a
the review of the past tenses, used to and would, past simple
Student’s Book

and past perfect simple, past perfect continuous. The First

list and compare it with your classmates.
Use of English page focuses on Reading and Use of English Student’s activity aimed at introducing the topic
Part 3 (word formation) and 4 (key word transformations) of travelling in a wider context than just holidays.
while the First Reading presents Reading and Use of English
Part 6 (gapped text). The word formation of adjectives is
also introduced. The First Speaking section deals with the C Learning to use vocabulary in context
preparation of Part 2 (individual long turn) while on the First
Listening page there is Listening Part 2 (sentence completion).
The 21st-century skills section includes a video about a
2 1.12 LOOK at the pictures and listen to
five people talking about travelling
travel experience to Peru. The viewing of the video aims at
stimulating social interaction and the concluding activity experiences. Match the people to the
focuses on the soft skill ‘problem solving’ linked to the 21st- pictures.
century skill: Critical thinking and problem solving. The unit
A 5, B 2, C 3, D 4, E 1.
ends with First Writing Part 1 (an essay).
The Review section checks the students’ progress in
vocabulary, grammar and Use of English. TRANSCRIPT
1 Martin: I was travelling in Guatemala on my
CONTENTS way to Mexico. It was quite dark when the group
arrived in the little town near the border and we
Phrasal verbs for travelling
stopped to ask directions. The little old man we
Word formation: adjectives asked pointed in the direction of an unpleasant
looking dirt road. After walking for at least
Grammar 15 minutes we were passing a house when the
Past simple and past continuous owner came out and asked us if we were lost. We
Used to and would + bare infinitive
Past simple and past perfect simple
explained that we were looking for the Mexican
Pas perfect continuous border. He told us to go back the way we had
come until we reached the railroad and follow
Functions that to the border. His directions were right, and
Describing and compare pictures we soon found the border and the wonderful
Expressing opinions open valley that led into Mexico.
Giving examples
Making contrasts 2 Trudy: One day while we were staying in New
Being able to use useful expressions and phrasal verbs for York, my dad suggested a trip to see the Niagara
travelling Falls. I was just eight at the time and very excited
at the idea of a day out with my dad. While my
dad was taking loads of photos and I was running
Self-study and ZTE backwards and forwards in the spray, I came to
The Self-study and ZTE exercises can be employed either
to reinforce or review the grammar structures and topic
a building that looked like a tourist information
vocabulary of the Unit. office with a long queue. It was the Canadian
border! Dad went over to see the Canadian side
of the Falls and I sat and ate some delicious
Canadian cookies offered to me by the frontier
3 Deepak: My new wife Anjali and I had never
been to Europe so we decided to spend our
honeymoon in Switzerland. We flew by plane to
Zurich and then travelled by train to St. Moritz. We
loved the mountain scenery and had a wonderful

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

54 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
holiday. On the return journey by train to Zurich, Towar ds INVALS I
we stopped at some lovely local stations including
Disentis, where a small band were playing on the WARM-UP
platform. I got off to watch and take a couple of
photos inviting my wife to come and see too. But 1 LOOK at the map below showing a journey
across Asia and answer the questions.
suddenly my wife saw part of the train moving
away! It was our part – with all our luggage. We 1 The journey started in Moscow.
panicked and explained the situation to a railway 2 It ended in Beijing/Peking.
assistant on the platform who told us not to 3 There were three countries to cross: Russia,
worry – we would find all our belongings at the Mongolia and China.
next station Andermatt – which we did.
4 Fiona: On a recent holiday in Florida, my friend
Rod and I rented kayaks. We hadn’t tried kayaking C Reading, understanding and interpreting
before but we were both very fit and good information
swimmers so we happily set off into the ocean.
At first, the weather was warm and sunny and 2 1.13 READ and listen to the article and
say why the couple in the photo look
the water was calm but then it began to get

windy. We were busy looking at the jellyfish and happy.

Student’s Book
taking photos when we saw a dark shadow pass They look happy because they have won a
below our boats. We both got rather scared so travelling competition.
decided to head back. Easier said than done! The

Teacher’s tip Before the students do the exercises, you might
clear day had turned wet and windy, the waves do a pre-vocabulary exercise for some of the words like: hitch-
were getting bigger and bigger. We paddled as hike, strangers, a lift, salesman, yurt, uncomfortable, border,
hard as we could and I really began to feel we mutton, stamped, visa, high spot. You can choose whether
might never make it back. It was probably only it is more appropriate to allow the students to attempt the
a few minutes but felt like hours when the hotel reading comprehension first and then read through the text
boat arrived to tow us back to safety. together, or give it to them orally as a pre-exercise.
5 Han: About ten years ago, I visited the
famous Jiuzhai Valley in Sichuan Province. It is 3 READ the article about a special journey
again, then choose the correct answer (A, B,
a fascinating tourist attraction for its dramatic
scenery and one of the most beautiful places I C or D) for questions 1-6.
have ever seen. It is a national park and nature Only one answer is correct.
reserve in the Min Mountains on the edge of the The first one (0) has been done for you.
Tibetan Plateau. I was fascinated by the many Q1 D, Q2 C, Q3 A, Q4 B, Q5 B, Q6 C.
waterfalls and colourful lakes and when I looked Teacher’s tip This task tests students’ careful reading ability,
up I could see the snow-topped peaks of the specifically their ability to read for main ideas and supporting
mountains. While I was taking photo after photo details. You might want to advise students to read the whole
I suddenly realised there was a small monkey in text carefully first – in order to get a clear idea of what it is
the tree in front of me watching me intently. When about – before they read through the questions and options.
I walked towards it, it jumped away, but what a After they’ve read the questions and options, students should
wonderful moment to remember. go back to find the relevant sections of the text. You might also
want to warn students that some options are ‘distractors’, that
is, they include words or ideas that appear somewhere in the
3 1.12 LISTEN again and complete the
text but they are not correct answers.

1 Mexico, 2 visiting, Canadian border, 3 to fly, C Listening for specific information

took, 4 a train, their luggage, 5 kayaked, to rent,
ocean, 6 walked towards. 4 1.14 LISTEN to a young woman talking
about travelling for her job.
4 DISCUSS in small groups. Have you ever
found yourself in a particular situation when
While listening, answer the questions
using a maximum of 4 words.
travelling? What were you doing? What The first one (0) has been done for you.
happened? Use the vocabulary from the Q1 The amount of travelling, Q2 Her own
Focus box. environment, Q3 Her laptop, Q4 (Her) friends and
Student’s activity. family, Q5 Basic make-up, Q6 Comfy socks/(A
pair of) socks, Q7 A (healthy) snack, Q8 A (soft)
toy (puppy)/Her mascot.

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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 55
Hi, I’m Katy and I want to talk about travelling 6 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of the phrasal verbs from exercise 5.
for my job. I have the most wonderful job in the
world. I am an international fashion model. I love 1 ran into, 2 slow down, 3 headed for, 4 send
my job though some parts of it are more difficult back, 5 took part in, 6 get out of.
than others. What is the worst part? Well, it can
be very tough when you have to look great and
smile all day long, when your feet are getting GRAMMAR 1
more and more tired and you just want to get Past simple and past continuous
out of the studio. The one thing I have always
found the most difficult, however, is the amount
of travelling. This is not because I’m scared of
1 UNDERLINE examples of past simple and
of past continuous in the article on page 30.
Student’s Book

flying or anything, it’s just that I find it harder and Then explain the function of the two tenses.

harder to be away from my own environment. Student’s activity.

In order to make it less traumatic I have created Some examples are the following:
a ‘things I just can’t travel without’ bag and I’m Past simple: took part (line 2), had to (line 5), were
going to share it with you. (line 8), reached (line 8).
If I had to say what was the most important of Past continuous: were crossing (line 30), were
all these various essential things, it would have talking (line 37), were giving up (line 41).
to be my laptop. I feel that my whole world is Past simple emphasises an action happened at a
contained in that little machine and it gives me a specific time in the past.
sense of security just knowing it’s there and I can
Past continuous was an action in progress
send back messages to friends and family. The
interrupted by a simple past action.
next essential is my handbag, where I keep my
money and credit cards and also the basic make-
up that might be necessary at any time. After all, 2 MATCH sentences 1-3 to their uses A-C.
you never know who you might run into while 1 C, 2 B, 3 A.
travelling. These two objects are both with me
on every trip. From when I leave home in a taxi
heading for the airport till when I get picked up
3 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
past simple or past continuous form of the
on arrival, these two objects are by my side. Even verbs in the box.
when I’m not working and off on a holiday or a
1 filled in, was watching, 2 was running away,
day trip to the seaside with friends, I have them
arrived, 3 did our driver know, 4 were giving up,
both with me.
gave, 5 didn’t listen, was talking, 6 were playing,
My next essential object for travelling is a pair of
started, 7 was studying, 8 were travelling, could.
comfy socks because my feet need to relax on the
plane. Taking my shoes off is the moment I really
feel I can relax and slow down. Another must is Used to and would + bare infinitive
a snack, a healthy one of course, something with
fruit and cereals in it, and then last but not least,
4 LOOK at the example sentences 1-2 and
answer the questions below. Then decide if
my mascot. This is something that will make used to and would have the same meaning or
you laugh. It’s a soft toy, a little West Highland not.
white puppy called Max. He takes part in all my
adventures. OK so I know I’m not a child any more 1 A No, they don’t, B Yes, they did it in the past
but Max was given to me by a very special person but this doesn’t happen now.
on the day I set out for my first modelling job. 2 A past habit.
Max brought me luck that day and has been on
every journey with me ever since. 5 COMPLETE these sentences about yourself
with used to and would.
So there you have it. I need to travel a great deal
and it’s almost always by plane but with my ‘can’t Student’s activity.
travel without’ bag I feel I can cope. What about
you? What can’t you travel without? FREQUENT MISTAKES
Be used to / Get used to
Phrasal verbs for travelling
6 LOOK at the example sentences 1-2 and
5 MATCH the highlighted phrasal verbs (1-6) in
the article with their definitions (A-F).
think about the difference in meaning. Then
answer questions A-B.
1 C, 2 F, 3 B, 4 A, 5 E, 6 D. A 1, B 2.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
56 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
7 COMPLETE the sentences with a suitable
form of be/get used to.
This video is a clear and lively animation which explains the
1 isn’t used to going, 2 Are you getting used, 3 am following parts of the First exam: Reading and Use of English
used to doing, 4 wasn’t used to drinking, 5 ’ve got – Part 4.
used, 6 ’ll get used to accepting.
FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Extra activity
Part 4
COMPLETE the sentences with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets and a suitable form of be
For questions 1-6, complete the second
used to / get used to or used to + bare infinitive. sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
1 She had never stayed in such a beautiful the first sentence, using the word given. Do
boat, but she soon got used to sailing it. not change the word given. You must use
between two and five words, including the
2 When my father was young, he used to read
a lot. word given. Here is an example (0).
3 Although she is used to lying on the beach, 1 used to talk, 2 ran into, 3 was heading for,

yesterday she got a headache. 4 slowed down when it reached, 5 we were flying

Student’s Book
4 My father used to get angry if I came back late back, 6 would meet my brother.
at night.

5 My friends are used to laughing at my bad R E ADING
jokes. They do it all the time.
6 Did Malcolm use to have nightmares as a WARM-UP
small child?
7 You must get used to studying hard if you
1 DISCUSS in pairs.
Student’s activity.
want to pass your exams.
8 We used to go camping every summer when
we were children.
C Recognising links within a text
9 Sarah is used to donating her blood at the
medical centre whenever they need it.
2 1.15 READ AND LISTEN to the article
and say which famous travellers are
10 ‘Did you use to have a short walk every mentioned in it.
morning?’ ‘Yes I did, but I never have the time
now.’ Famous travellers mentioned are Columbus,
David Livingstone, Henry Stanley and Marco Polo.


This video is a clear and lively animation which explains the
following parts of the First exam: Reading and Use of English
VIDEO – Part 6.
This video is a clear and lively animation which explains the
following parts of the First exam: Reading and Use of English
– Part 3. FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Part 6
FIRST Reading and Use of English – 3 GAPPED TEXT. Read the article again.
Six sentences have been removed from the
Part 3
article. Choose from the sentences A-G the
1 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8,
read the text below. Use the word given in
one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one
extra sentence which you do not need to use.
capitals at the end of some of the lines to
form a word that fits in the gap in the same 1 F, 2 C, 3 G, 4 E, 5 A, 6 D, extra sentence B.
line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
1 landed, 2 dreaming, 3 founder, 4 richest, 4 FIND the words in the text which mean the
5 tourists, 6 freedom, 7 sensation, 8 beginning.
1 hunting grounds, 2 trade, 3 samples, 4 adorn,
5 challenge, 6 landscapes.

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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 57
Extra questions
1 Why did people begin to travel? They travelled 9 WRITE a brief paragraph of 10/12 lines
about the most interesting or unusual place
first for food, then for new hunting grounds, for
exploration and for conquest and trade. you have visited.
2 When did people begin to travel for pleasure? Student’s activity.
They first travelled for pleasure for religious
3 Who travelled to see the classical world? This
was an aristocratic elite who travelled to learn Past simple and past perfect simple
about the classical world in Italy and Greece.
4 What examples of discovery and exploration
1 READ sentences 1-6 and answer questions
Student’s Book

are given in the test? The discovery of America

by Columbus and the discovery of the source of A 5, B 4, C 1, D 3, E 6, F 2.
the Nile by Livingston and Stanley.
5 What do we owe to these courageous 2 COMPLETE the sentences with the past
simple or the past perfect of the verbs in
explorers? We owe to them our knowledge of brackets.
the world.
1 had spent, realised, wanted, had seen, 2 looked,
6 What reassurance have these travelers given
came, was, had met, 3 returned, started, 4 Did
us? The reassurance that when we travel others
you get, had already bought, 5 had dreamt, told,
have been before us.
6 retired, had visited.
7 How have the explorers passed on their
knowledge and information? Many like Marco
Polo have written about their travels. Extra activity
8 Why do we still travel? We travel to see COMPLETE the text with the correct form of the
new places, have different experiences and to verbs below.
discover ourselves. It was the first day of our holiday and we (1) set
off in good spirits. Our initial challenge was how
Word formation: adjectives to (2) reach the airport in time for our flight and
not after it (3) had taken off. Sadly, after an hour
5 FIND the adjectives in the text that are
formed with the suffixes above and say from
we (4) realised we (5) had got lost since we (6) did
not have a map of the area. The problem was to
which words they derive. do with my friend Mary because we had to (7) give
hunting (line 2, hunt), elitist (line 9, elite), classical her a lift to the airport. We finally found her house
(line 10, classic), inspiring (line 15, inspire), and (8) got to the airport just in time to (9) check in
extraordinary (line 16, order), geographic (line 21, and then rush to the departures gate and (10) get
geography), different (line 24, differ), unexplored on the plane. We had made it – but only just
(line 26, explore), unknown (line 26, know), and we (11) spent the first night of our journey
unobtainable (line 28, obtain). laughing about our near-miss!

6 FORM adjectives from the words in the box. Past perfect continuous
inventive, childish, comic, beautiful, lucky,
readable, fruitful, fatalistic, persistent,
3 READ sentences 1-3 and answer questions
considerate, excitable, stationary, golden.
A 1, 3, B 2.
7 MAKE adjectives from the words given to
complete the sentences. 4 COMPLETE the sentences with the past
perfect simple or continuous of the verbs
1 dangerous, 2 idyllic, 3 fortunate, 4 persistent, from the box.
desirable, 5 comfortable, unpredictable,
6 successful, 7 impressive, 8 natural. 1 had been sharing, 2 had spent, 3 had been
decorating, had never done, 4 had been waiting,
had been delayed, 5 Had he been looking for.
C Discussing and interpreting events
8 DISCUSS the questions.
Student’s activity.
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58 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
5 COMPLETE the second sentence using the
word in capital letters so that it has a similar
2 READ the sentences in exercise 3 and try to
guess what word or phrase is missing.
meaning to the first sentence. Student’s activity.
1 had never been to, 2 had never been there
before, 3 after she had made sure, 4 had been C Listening for specific information
driving for, 5 had been studying all day, 6 had
already gone.
This video is a clear and lively animation which explains the
SPEA K I NG following parts of the First exam: Listening – Part 2.

FIRST Listening – Part 2
1 LOOK at the photographs. In pairs, make a
list of useful words and phrases to describe 3 1.16 SENTENCE COMPLETION. You
will hear a lecturer talking about
an incredible voyage. For questions
Picture 1: hot, dry, in Africa, on a safari, in an

1-10, complete the sentences with
open truck, a group of people, watching a leopard, a word or short phrase.

Student’s Book
game park, taking photos, on holiday.
1 had arrived, 2 the sweet potato, 3 from the
Picture 2: London, Big Ben, sightseeing, taking
east, 4 used to sail, 5 five-man crew, 6 sun god,

photos, open air bus, tourists, monuments,
7 parrot, 8 a rescue, 9 flying fish, 10 arrived
historic buildings, backs of heads.
C Developing confidence and fluency Extra questions
1 Why did Thor Heyerdahl think people had
come from the East to populate Polynesia?
VIDEO Because when he was in South Pacific with
This video is a clear and lively animation which explains the his newlywed wife to study the flora and
following parts of the First exam: Speaking - Part 2; how to fauna he noticed the trade winds and waves
give a good performance – Part 2.
on the Pacific Ocean coming from the east.
Heyerdahl also noted the presence of South
FIRST Speaking – Part 2 American plants such as the sweet potato and
photographs showing different ways of
the similarities between stone figures on Fatu
Hiva and the monoliths ancient South American
travelling. Compare them and say how the civilisations had erected.
people feel about the way they are travelling. 2 What local story seemed to verify his belief?
You have one minute to do this. It was the story of how a demigod named Tiki
Student’s activity. had brought his ancestors to the island from a
big country beyond the eastern horizon.
C Expressing personal opinions on a given 3 What did he do on his return to Norway?
topic Heyerdahl recruited a five-man crew who built a
30-by-15-foot raft made of nine logs from the
3 CLASS DISCUSSION. Think of unusual
forms of transport and choose one to talk
Ecuadorian jungle with an open bamboo cabin
with overlapping banana leaves as the only
about to your classmates. protection from the elements.
Student’s activity. 4 What was the raft named after? They named
the raft Kon-Tiki after the legendary Peruvian
sun god who had vanished westward across the
WARM-UP 5 When did the expedition set off? On April 28,
1947, Kon-Tiki departed from Callao, Peru, with
1 DISCUSS in pairs. What kind of traveller are
you? Do you need home comforts when you
six men and a Spanish-speaking green parrot
travel or can you survive with very little? How
would you cope with only bare essentials?
Student’s activity.
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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 59
6 How did they navigate? They navigated with crew used to provide daily meteorological and
just the sun, stars, currents and winds as their oceanographic observations, a rescue would have
guides. been nearly impossible given their remote location
in the ocean. They navigated with just the sun,
7 What did they eat? Each morning the cook
stars, currents and winds as their guides. They
collected the flying fish that flopped onto the manoeuvred the raft with only the sail, paddles
deck overnight. and a very basic steering oar as they beat against
8 Did they prove Heyerdahl’s theory? On the waves that in stormy conditions towered higher
93rd day, Heyerdahl and his crew finally spotted than their masts.
palm trees on the horizon, they had proved Each morning the cook collected the flying
that an ancient voyage from South America to fish that flopped onto the deck overnight. The
Polynesia was possible. seaweed and shellfish that grew on Kon-Tiki’s
Student’s Book

underside attracted sardines, tuna, dolphins and


TRANSCRIPT at least one unwelcome visitor. One day when

The Kon-Tiki expedition one crew-member leaned over to wash his hands,
In 1937, a young Norwegian zoological he came face-to-face with a 30-foot whale shark,
researcher, Thor Heyerdahl, travelled to the South the world’s largest fish species. After circling the
Pacific with his newlywed wife to study the flora vessel for an hour, the enormous sea monster
and fauna of the isolated islands. As he collected thankfully disappeared.
specimens on the tiny Polynesian island of Fatu On the voyage’s 93rd day, Heyerdahl and his
Hiva, however, Heyerdahl’s curious mind became crew finally spotted palm trees on the horizon.
increasingly interested not in plants but in ancient All arrived safely – except for the parrot that
civilisations. had vanished during a storm out at sea – after
Scholars believed that people from Southeast covering 4,300 nautical miles in 101 days, an
Asia had arrived from the west to populate average speed of 42.5 miles per day. Heyerdahl
Polynesia, but the Norwegian noticed the trade had proved that an ancient voyage from South
winds and waves on the Pacific Ocean coming America to Polynesia was possible.
from the east. Heyerdahl also noted the presence
of South American plants such as the sweet
potato and the similarities between stone figures
4 DECIDE in pairs what you might say to
someone who wants to set off on a journey
on Fatu Hiva and the monoliths ancient South following the prompts below.
American civilisations had erected. He saw
Student’s activity.
parallels in the physical appearances, rituals and
myths of Polynesians and South Americans, and
listened to the local stories of how a demigod 2 1 ST - C E NTU RY S KILLS
named Tiki had brought his ancestors to the
island from a big country beyond the eastern
horizon. VIDEO
Heyerdahl returned to Norway determined to An amazing trip
demonstrate that the first people who settled
Polynesia came from the east, not the west. C Watching and understanding a short film
Although the Norwegian never used to sail or
even swim, he announced plans to make the
Extra activity
perilous crossing on a log raft built only with tools
available to pre-Columbian South Americans. BEFORE watching the video, match the words
Heyerdahl recruited a five-man crew who built a to their meanings.
30-by-15-foot raft made of nine logs from the 1 circuit: a circular path
Ecuadorian jungle with an open bamboo cabin 2 struggle with: try to solve a problem
with overlapping banana leaves as the only 3 awesome: impressive
protection from the elements.
They named the raft Kon-Tiki after the legendary 4 breath: take air into the lung
Peruvian sun god who had vanished westward 5 chew: crush with the teeth
across the sea, a mythical figure who served as 6 be under pressure: be under stress or urgent
the mirror image to the Polynesian demigod Tiki claims
who had arrived from the east. On April 28, 1947,
7 effort: use of both mental and physical power
Kon-Tiki departed from Callao, Peru, with six men
and a Spanish-speaking green parrot aboard. 8 push to the limits: work incredibly hard to
Although the vessel carried a radio that the achieve something

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60 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
I only thought there was like a few, and they like
1 WATCH the first part of the video (from
00:00 to 00:35) and write the following
chew coca tea leaves all the time and they use
it to like help with altitude sickness. So every
information: morning I would have coca tea.
1 Peru, Tanzania, Zaire, Zanzibar and Iceland. I met one person who was really really cool. He
was our horseman and he only spoke Quechua
2 It was absolutely beautiful.
you know because you couldn’t talk to him.
3 Lovely and amazing. He didn’t speak English and he couldn’t speak
4 She travelled to Peru alone and then she joined a Spanish. He just spoke Quechua. So we couldn’t
group when she was in Cusco. really communicate. But even though we couldn’t
communicate, he just made everybody feel safe.
2 WATCH the whole video and tick the
things you see.
The things I missed the most from my normal
routine was pretty much the toilets and the
showers as we didn’t have really either. So we
1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9. had no showers for the whole eight days on the
mountain and toilets was nature’s land.
3 WATCH the video again and add the The thing I learnt about myself was that even

missing words to the following sentences. though physically I was under a lot of pressure
to get to the end, it took a lot of emotional and

Student’s Book
1 customs, 2 cliff, peaks, 3 lightning, 4 oxygen,
brick wall, 5 altitude sickness, 6 cool. psychological effort to push my body to the limits
and just get me there. And I did it. I did it!

TRANSCRIPT I really would love to go back to Peru, but I just
Yes, my most interesting trips were when I always want to move to the next place and
was in Peru and I did the Ausangate circuit up try another trip, probably similar, like another
a mountain and then when I was in Tanzania mountain or lake, but just in a nice different place
I climbed two mountains and did Zaire and that I’ve never been.
Zanzibar. Also Iceland was very interesting.
Peru was exactly what I expected. It was 4 LOOK at this picture and answer the
absolutely beautiful and the people were so lovely
and amazing. I didn’t find the customs or food 1 Their horseman.
difficult at all. The only thing I really struggled 2 He only spoke Quechua.
with was the fact that they kept putting fruit on 3 He couldn’t speak English or Spanish.
my plate and I really don’t like fruit.
I travelled to Peru alone and then I joined a group 4 Safe.
when I was in Cusco. The best moment of the
entire trip was when I was sitting on this cliff
over a lake and there was all mountain peaks
5 READ the prompts and write down the
difficulties the woman had to face during her
and this storm had come in and there was all fog trip.
and mist and it was like non-stop rain and I was Food: People kept putting fruit on her plate and
just watching the lightning striking on top of the she really doesn’t like fruit.
mountain and it looked awesome.
Walking uphill: She got altitude sickness and
The most difficult part of the whole trip was when
couldn’t breathe.
I got altitude sickness and we was (were) walking
Personal hygiene: They had neither toilets nor
uphill and I couldn’t breathe. There was no oxygen
going in and I just hit a brick wall, sat down and
thought, ‘I can’t do this’. So rode the horse for
about an hour until I could get my breath back 6 EXPLAIN how Carolyne faced the problems
during the trip to Peru and what she learnt
and I was sort of better.
The images I usually think of every time I think of about herself.
Peru, are all the amazing lakes. They’re so blue The thing she learnt about herself was that even
and everyday there’d be another lake that was though physically she was under a lot of pressure
just bluer or greener and it was just so beautiful. to get to the end, it took a lot of emotional and
And also I saw an avalanche and that was just psychological effort to push her body to the limits
amazing. and get to the end of the trip. And she managed
I think the only two things I can think of that the to do it.
average person doesn’t know, is that they have
like over three thousand potato varieties, which

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7 DISCUSS in pairs. Were you impressed by
Carolyne’s travelling experience? Have you
Extra activity
DECIDE if the following are appropriate for an
had any difficult or dangerous experiences
essay (DO) or not (DON’T).
when travelling? Do you know anybody who
has? What are your travelling ambitions for 1 personal experience DO
the future? 2 jokes DON’T
Student’s activity. 3 colloquial language DON’T
4 clear paragraphs DO
P R O B L E M S O LV I N G 5 examples DO
6 varied vocabulary DO
Student’s Book

Teacher’s tip This page deals with the 21st-century skill of


7 repeated use of the same words DON’T

critical thinking and problem solving, in particular the ability to
solve problems in conventional and creative ways, to identify 8 spontaneous organisation DON’T
various points of view that may clarify the problem and lead to
better solutions.
FIRST Writing – Part 1
8 WORK in groups. Imagine you have just
reached your destination by plane but you
4 AN ESSAY. In your English class you have
been talking about gap years. Now your
have to face one of these problems. Use English teacher has asked you to write an
chain diagrams to discuss ways of solving the essay of between 140-190 words. Write your
problems. essay using all the notes and giving reasons
for your point of view.
Student’s activity.
The elements of the problem are set out in Student’s activity.
words, usually placed in boxes, and positioned in Suggested answer:
different places on a sheet of paper, using lines to Finishing school is an important watershed in
represent the relationship between them. your life. It is the end of a period where you are
sheltered and protected and guided in what you
9 SHARE and compare the findings of the
different groups and vote for the best
do. For most students the choice before them
is between a course of further study, either at
solutions. university or in professional training, or a job.
There is another possibility however, taking a
Student’s activity. break for a year and trying something new. This is
a gap year.
WRI TI NG Those that encourage a gap year say it brings a
series of new experiences such as coping with
WARM-UP different cultures, different countries and above
all different standards of living. In addition,
1 DISCUSS in pairs.
students abroad learn new skills and above all
Student’s activity. learn to cope on their own. It is a form of growing
C Expressing ideas and opinions in an In spite of these obvious advantages, there are
essay points against the idea. For example the cost, the
risks involved and the feelings of homesickness or
2 READ the following points for and against a
gap year and put them in order of importance
loneliness away from family and friends.
All in all the gap year is something to consider
for you and your classmate. with care, bearing in mind your own personality
Student’s activity. and abilities. It can be an enriching positive
experience but must be planned and monitored
3 READ the following points of view about
spending a year away from home and discuss
efficiently. (189 words)

which is most similar to the way you might

Student’s activity.

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62 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
UNITS 1-2 FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Review Part 3
7 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8,
read the text below. Use the word given in
capitals at the end of some of the lines to
VO CA BULA RY AC T I VATO R form a word that fits in the gap in the same
1 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
1 circumnavigating, 2 becoming, 3 traveller,
1 acquaintances, 2 relations, 3 contacts, 4 opportunity, 5 used, 6 expensive,
4 journey, 5 destination, 6 scenery, 7 lost, 7 destinations, 8 moving.
FIRST Reading and Use of English –
2 COMPLETE the sentences using the phrases
in the box. You may have to change them. Part 4
1 feel close to, 2 walks away from, 3 get a lift, 8 KEY WORD TRANSORMATIONS. For
questions 1-6, complete the second sentence

4 make it back, 5 am in touch with, 6 share
problems. so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence, using the word given. Do

not change the word given. You must use
G RA M M A R between two and five words, including the

word given. Here is an example (0).
3 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences. 1 make it back, 2 used to make friends, 3 the
cruise ship had already left, 4 have cycled three
1 doing, come, ’m studying, ’ve been, 2 want, is
times, 5 we are having a holiday, 6 are always
working, 3 Have you seen, used to, don’t like,
having rows.
4 Have you run, ran, 5 have just spoken, is raining.

4 COMPLETE the text using the correct form

of the verbs in brackets.
1 were chatting, 2 received, 3 was thinking,
4 asked, 5 wanted, 6 joined, 7 set, 8 arrived,
9 were walking, 10 met, 11 took, 12 explored,
13 headed, 14 were moving, 15 were also

FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Part 1
1-8, read the text below and decide which
answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There
is an example at the beginning (0).
1 A, 2 D, 3 C, 4 B, 5 A, 6 C, 7 B, 8 D.

FIRST Reading and Use of English –

Part 2
6 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
1 was, 2 been, 3 had, 4 taking, 5 were, 6 back,
7 directions, 8 used.
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6 COMPLETE the sentences with the past
Inspirational travel simple or past continuous of the verbs in
1 cancelled, was looking, 2 were Margery and
Peter doing, broke, 3 arrived, couldn’t, 4 was your
friend saying, interrupted, 5 was going on, came
VO CA BU L A RY AC T I VATO R across, 6 got lost, did not have, 7 headed, missed,
1 WRITE the best word from the box for the
following expressions.
8 saw, couldn’t.

Used to and would + bare infinitive

1 tour, 2 voyage, 3 tour, 4 trip, 5 journey,
7 COMPLETE with the correct form of used to

6 holiday, 7 travelling, 8 cruise.


or would.
2 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
expression for travel.
1 used to, 2 would, 3 would, 4 would, 5 Didn’t
you use to, 6 used to, 7 used to, 8 would.
1 make it back, 2 get lost, 3 hitchhiked, 4 asked
directions, 5 get a lift, 6 headed back, 7 take 8 COMPLETE the sentences using the past
continuous, used to or would and the verbs in
photos, 8 walked towards.
1 was looking, 2 used to drive, 3 was driving, 4 were
Tow a rds I N VA L S I working, 5 Did you use to have, 6 was listening,
3 1.4 READ and listen to the article about
gap year volunteering, then choose
7 used to play, 8 was talking, 9 didn’t use to like.

the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for FREQUENT MISTAKES

the questions. Be used to / Get used to
Only one answer is correct.
The first one (0) has been done for 9 COMPLETE the sentences with a suitable
form of be / get used to.
1 get used to, 2 is used to, 3 get used to, 4 ’m not
Q1 B, Q2 D, Q3 A, Q4 D, Q5 B, Q6 C. used to, 5 get used to, 6 Are you getting used to/
Have you got used to.
Phrasal verbs for travelling
4 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
1 take part, 2 slow down, 3 ran into, 4 head for, FIRST Reading and Use of English –
5 sent us, 6 get out of. Part 3
10 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8,
read the text below. Use the word given in
G RA M M A R 1
capitals at the end of some of the lines to
Past simple and past continuous form a word that fits the gap in the same
5 REWRITE the sentences as one sentence
using while, when or because.
line. There is an example at the beginning
1 While she was hitchhiking along a country road, 1 wanted, 2 destination, 3 scenery, 4 planning,
many cars went by without stopping. 5 independent, 6 unexpectedly, 7 navigation,
2 Jake was waiting for me when I came home. 8 directions.
3 You were thinking of moving to a new flat when I
last saw you in Bristol.
4 My phone rang three times while I was getting
ready to set off for the airport.
5 I was walking down the street when I saw a
famous footballer.
6 We were lucky because we saw a lorry pulling up
near us which was heading for Moscow.

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64 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
FIRST Reading and Use of English – GRAM M AR 2
Part 4 Past simple and past perfect simple
For questions 1-6, complete the second 15 COMPLETE the sentences with the
sentence so that it has a similar meaning correct past form of the verbs in brackets.
to the first sentence, using the word 1 decided, had already finished, 2 arrived, had
given. You must use between two and five headed, 3 got, had gone, 4 broke down, 5 saw,
words, including the word given. Here is an had stopped, 6 got, had broken.
example (0).
1 used to climb trees, 2 set off in, 3 towards 16 USE the sentences 1-4 to complete the
paragraphs A-D. These sentences are in
the centre, 4 to get off this train, 5 to head back
the order in which they happened.
home, 6 while John was reading.
A somebody had broken, called, B there was, had
left early in the morning, C He had just come back
REA DI NG from his journey, looked, D got a call, He was, He
had sent her, she had never answered them.

FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Part 6 17 COMPLETE the paragraph with the
12 correct past form of the verbs in brackets.

1.5 GAPPED TEXT. You are going to

read an article about travelling to 1 had, 2 missed, 3 realised, 4 had left, 5 took,
school. Six sentences have been 6 got.
removed from the article. Choose
from the sentences A-G the one Past perfect continuous
which fits each gap (1-6). There is
one extra sentence which you do 18 COMPLETE the sentences with the past
perfect simple or past perfect continuous
not need to use.
of the verbs in brackets.
1 E, 2 G, 3 A, 4 F, 5 D, 6 B, extra sentence C.
1 had known, 2 had been running, 3 had been
waiting, 4 hadn’t done, had been, 5 had been
WORD FORMATION travelling, 6 had been, 7 had Sarah been working,
Adjectives 8 had never flown.
13 FIND the adjectives in the text that are
formed with suffixes and say from which 19 USE the prompts below to make up
words they derive. sentences with past simple, past perfect
simple or past perfect continuous.
lucky (8, luck), secondary (line 13, second),
dramatic (line 17, drama), excited (line 22, 1 She had been working in that company for twenty
excite), isolated (line 34, isolate), gaping (line years when she became redundant.
36, gap), reliable (line 44, rely), muddy (line 49, 2 I felt ill because I had drunk too many cups of
mud), official (line 53, office), persistent (line 58, coffee.
persist), beautiful (line 61, beauty), wooden (line 3 They had been studying all day so they were tired.
66, wood), contaminated (line 67, contaminate), 4 When she arrived, the match had already started.
glorious (line 71, glory), impassable (sentence D,
pass), dangerous (sentence E, danger). 5 She didn’t go to the English class because she had
not done her homework.
14 MAKE adjectives from the words given to
complete the sentences.
6 ‘Why was he hot and tired?’ ‘He had been running
in the park all that morning’.
1 dangerous, 2 comic, ridiculous, 3 wonderful,
4 boring, fascinating, 5 stimulating, lazy.

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LI STE NI N G Cairo and arranged to have it flown out the next
FIRST Listening – Part 2 What a day! Luckily, from then on all went
smoothly. We had booked a river cruise down
You will hear a tour guide
the Nile to see the Valley of the Kings ending up
in Luxor. From there we had arranged a flight to
talking about a trip to Egypt. For
Cairo and a transfer onto the plane for London.
questions 1-10, complete the
There were seats for everyone and all the luggage
sentences with a word or short
arrived. The trip had gone really well, we hadn’t
lost anyone, or left anyone behind in an ancient
1 London to Cairo, 2 had never been to, 3 pick tomb and the group enjoyed the sights and the
them up, 4 the local cultural guide, 5 were visiting history, and being together – no complaints just

the Giza site, 6 the museum, 7 overbooking on wonderful memories. And for me a sense of
their flight, 8 some had arrived, 9 down the Nile, achievement and relief!
10 wonderful memories.

We set off from London on a splendid Air Egypt
flight for Cairo in the early morning. There were FIRST Writing – Part 1
spectacular views of the Alps as we flew over
Europe and we could see the Italian coast along
21 AN ESSAY. In your English class you
have been talking about the fact that
the Mediterranean. There were 12 people in my people travel much more than in the past.
group and they were very excited as most of them Whether for work, pleasure or necessity,
had never been to Egypt before. We arrived in there are lots of reasons to travel and
good time and a bus was waiting to pick us up low cost flights have made it cheaper and
and take us to the hotel by the pyramids in Giza. easier. But is it too much? Are we polluting
Once we had settled in and had had lunch, I gave the skies unnecessarily? Are we destroying
the group the first lecture about the history of the most famous historic and cultural
Ancient Egypt and some information about the cities? Now your English teacher has asked
building of the pyramids. Then I introduced the you to write an essay of between 140-
local cultural guide who took them on their first 190 words for homework.
visit. Write you essay using all the notes and
While the group were visiting the Giza site I went giving reasons for your point of view.
to the market, one of my favourite things to do Student’s activity.
in Cairo and I spent a couple of happy hours
bargaining over some beautiful silk tops and
candied fruits.
22 After you have finished writing, re-read
your essay and check for any grammar or
Next day we were off to visit the incredible spelling mistakes. Check in particular the
museum where the contents of Tutankhamon’s tenses you have used for the verbs. Then
tomb are displayed. Although I had visited it many answer the following questions.
times before, I went with the group because the
Student’s activity.
museum is a real treasure house.
The day after we flew to Aswan and had our
first problems. This was because of overbooking
on our flight and the air company wanted to put
half the group on another flight. We had to insist
that the group stay together and eventually the
air company managed to find a larger plane and
we all got on board. Of course, this meant a late
arrival and we missed lunch at the hotel and had
to go straight to the temple. While the group were
visiting Abu Simbel, I organised snacks for them.
There was also a mix up over the luggage. Some
had arrived and some hadn’t, so this meant a trip
back to the airport with a van from the hotel and
a long discussion with the left-luggage people.
They tracked the luggage that had remained in
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
66 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Programmazione per competenze
UNIT 3 • Job opportunities
Tempo di svolgimento: 3/4 settimane
Traguardi formativi Indicatori

A quali “Traguardi per lo sviluppo delle Che cosa ci si aspetta sappia fare lo studente Su quali conoscenze e
per competenze

competenze” mirano le attività didattiche che ha raggiunto questi traguardi? abilità si sviluppano le

dell’unità? competenze?

Padroneggiare la lingua straniera per Ascolto (comprensione orale) Funzioni linguistiche

interagire in diversi ambiti e contesti e per − comprendere espressioni e frasi usate da − esprimere opinioni
comprendere gli aspetti significativi della persone per descrivere il loro lavoro (es. 3 − esprimere accordo/
civiltà degli altri Paesi in prospettiva p. 43) disaccordo
interculturale − identificare informazioni specifiche in testi − dare esempi
− utilizzare le funzioni linguistico- orali in cui si parla di successo nel lavoro − portare avanti una
comunicative riferite al livello B2 del (es. 4 p. 45) discussione
Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento − comprendere brevi testi relativi a
− comprendere le idee fondamentali di testi professioni insolite (es. 2 p. 52) Strutture grammaticali
complessi su argomenti sia concreti che − comprendere testi descrittivi complessi − future tenses
astratti (es. 2 p. 44; es. 2 p. 48) − future continuous and
− interagire oralmente future perfect
− leggere e comprendere testi sia orali che Parlato (produzione e interazione orale) − the future with time
scritti che riguardano un’ampia gamma di − discutere riguardo alle diverse professioni clauses
argomenti (es. 2 p. 43; es. 1 p. 44; es. 8 p. 49; es. 3 p.− articles
− produrre testi sia orali che scritti che 51; es. 1 p. 52; es. 6, 7 p. 53) − uses of articles
riguardano un’ampia gamma di argomenti − descrivere situazioni particolari legate a
− leggere, analizzare e interpretare testi professioni insolite (es. 3 p. 52) Lessico
letterari − discutere sul rapporto scuola-lavoro (es. 1 − useful expressions for
− esprimere un’opinione su argomenti di p. 48; es. 1-2 p. 51) the workplace
attualità, esponendo i pro e i contro delle − discutere su come migliorare la propria − phrasal verbs and
diverse opinioni nell’ambito di una flessibilità (es. 8-9 p. 53) collocations for jobs
discussione di gruppo and work
Lettura (comprensione scritta) − word formation:
Utilizzare testi multimediali − comprendere testi descrittivi complessi suffixes to make
− utilizzare l’eBook per svolgere gli esercizi (es. 2 p. 44; es. 2 p. 48) adverbs
in maniera interattiva ed esercitarsi a
comprendere i prodotti della Scrittura (produzione scritta) Key language for social
comunicazione audiovisiva − scrivere testi brevi sui benefici di competence
− flipped classroom: video per la un’esperienza lavorativa (es. 9 p. 49) − expressing opinions
presentazione del vocabolario e filmati − scrivere una lettera formale di risposta ad − agreeing/disagreeing
che permettono allo studente di un cliente (es. 3 p. 54) − giving reasons or
familiarizzare con aspetti vari della vita dei examples
Paesi di lingua anglofona (brani di ascolto e Riflessione sulla lingua − taking the discussion
filmati) − osservare le parole nei contesti d’uso e forward
− filmato First exam description impararne il significato − greetings/introduction/
− osservare la struttura delle frasi e mettere further details/
Competenze chiave di cittadinanza in relazione costrutti e intenzioni requesting a response
− imparare a imparare comunicative in a formal letter
− progettare
− collaborare e partecipare
− agire in modo autonomo e responsabile
− acquisire ed interpretare l’informazione

Competenze del 21° secolo

− flessibilità e adattabilità – being flexible

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68 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Attività comunicative Attività per lo sviluppo delle Prove Preparazione alla
competenze chiave autentiche e certificazione e
strutturate all’INVALSI
Con quali attività didattiche si raggiunge l’acquisizione dei contenuti e si Con quali strumenti di valutazione
sviluppano le competenze? (formativa e sommativa) si verifica
l’acquisizione dei contenuti e lo sviluppo
delle competenze?
Ricezione orale Imparare a imparare Nelle Idee per First
− ascolto e comprensione di brevi − formulare ipotesi sulla insegnare (prove − Reading and Use
descrizioni coniugazione di future tenses (es. 1 strutturate) of English – Part

− ascolto e completamento di p. 46), future continuous e future − Fast check (Fila A 1, p. 47

− Reading and Use

per competenze
affermazioni abbinate agli speaker perfect (es. 3 p. 46) e Fila B)
− visione e comprensione di una − il futuro con le proposizioni − Unit test (Fila A e of English – Part
sequenza video temporali (es. 5 p. 46) Fila B) 3, p. 47

− gli articoli (es. 1 p. 50) − Competences − Reading and Use
Produzione orale − l’uso degli articoli (es. 4 p. 50) test of English – Part
− interagire in coppie o gruppi − apprendere strutture grammaticali − Recupero test 7, p. 48
usando le funzioni e il lessico attraverso frasi tratte dai testi di − Easy reading − Speaking – Part
dell’unità reading comprehension (es. 1, 3 p. tests (BES) 3, p. 51
− abbinare le immagini alle 47; es. 1 p. 50) − Guided tests − Speaking – Part
professioni − apprendere vocaboli attraverso (BES) 4, p. 51
− discutere diverse opzioni video e animazioni (p. 43, 53) − Listening – Part
− approfondire il lessico, le strutture Esercizi online su 3, p. 52
Ricezione e produzione scritta e le tipologie First presenti ZTE − Writing – Part 2,
− comprendere le idee chiave di un nell’unità attraverso esercizi p. 54
articolo e riassumerne il punto di (Workbook p. 24-31; Self-study
vista nell’eBook) Towards INVALSI
− leggere un breve testo e (p. 44-45)
completare gli spazi vuoti con le Progettare (es 3 p. 52; es 8-10 p.
parole mancanti 53)
− comprendere informazioni
specifiche, dettagli, opinioni e punti Collaborare e partecipare
di vista in un testo − collaborare con un compagno o un
− identificare le varie parti di una gruppo per discutere sulla base dei
lettera formale dati forniti (es. 2 p. 43; es. 1 p. 44;
es. 1 p. 48; es. 3 p. 51; es. 1 p. 52;
Esercizi es. 6-9 p. 53)
− esercizi di completamento, vero/
falso, scelta multipla, Agire in modo autonomo e
abbinamento, riordinamento, responsabile
trasformazione − riflettere sui propri errori con
− attività di scrittura per l’aiuto della sezione Frequent
memorizzare funzioni, strutture e mistakes (p. 46, p. 50)
− esercizi in coppia e a gruppi Acquisire ed interpretare
− esercizi di consolidamento e l’informazione
potenziamento (Workbook p. − leggere o ascoltare la descrizione
24-31; Self-study nell’eBook). di alcune persone che parlano del
loro lavoro e riconoscere
informazioni specifiche (es. 4 p. 45;
First Listening – Part 3, p. 52)

21st-century skills
Flexibility and adaptability
− being flexible: es. 8-10 p. 53

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NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................

1 GIVE the English translation of the following words and phrases.

1 guadagnare 2 fare 3 fare 4 lavorare

soldi/ domanda per il pendolare da casa 5 fare
guadagnarsi da un lavoro gli straordinari

6 prendersi
12 andare in una pausa

10 messo
in cassa 8 avanzare
7 scioperare
11 disoccupato integrazione di grado
9 perdere
il lavoro

2 SAY which profession matches the definitions below.

1 related to sport
2 for those good at Maths
3 if you like working with people
4 for those who enjoy writing
5 if you are good at persuading people
6 for those interested in science
7 working in research

3 DECIDE if the following statements are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG). Correct the false ones.
1 In order to earn money and make a living you have to first apply for a job.
2 Commuting means having to use a computer.
3 Lots of people can work from home.
4 Most jobs require obligatory overtime.
5 People go on strike if they are dissatisfied with their pay.
6 A promotion brings better pay and much more responsibility.
7 To be fired or made redundant is the same thing.
8 Unemployed people are those without a job.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
70 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
FLIPPED CLASSROOM 2 SAY which profession matches the
Teacher’s keys definitions below.
1 personal trainer, 2 accountant, IT consultant,
3 beauty therapist, occupational psychologist,
VOCABULARY ACTIVATOR: human resources manager, 4 freelance journalist,
Jobs and work blogger, 5 marketing manager, 6 electrician,
health and safety inspector, 7 laboratory
TRANSCRIPT technician.
Have you already thought about what job you
would like to do in the future? It’s a really difficult
choice, isn’t it? A lucky few have a clear idea of
3 DECIDE if the following statements are true
(T), false (F) or not given (NG). Correct the
what their future career will be. They want to train false ones.
to be doctors or lawyers or maybe have always 1 T, 2 F, It means having to travel everyday to
wanted to do something related to sport, like a

and from work, 3 F, Only a few people can work
personal trainer. Most students don’t have a clear from home, 4 NG, 5 T, 6 NG, 7 F, To be fired is to
idea of what they want to do and look at different

be told to leave whereas to be made redundant
options. means the job isn’t there anymore and you are
If you’re good at Maths, you might think about given financial compensation, 8 T.
becoming an accountant or an IT consultant

working with computers. If you like working
with people, you might consider becoming a
beauty therapist, an occupational psychologist
or a human resources manager. Do you enjoy
writing? You might think about becoming a
freelance journalist or a blogger. If you are good
at persuading people, you could also work as a
marketing manager in a sales department. What
about those interested in Science? You could train
to be an electrician perhaps, a health and safety
inspector or a laboratory technician working in
Let’s look at the working world.
We all want to earn money and make a living. So
first we apply for a job and if we get it, maybe we
have to commute, travelling to work each day.
Only few people can work from home. But a lot of
people do overtime – working extra hours.
Occasionally, we may take time off if we need
time away from work or go on strike if we are
dissatisfied and want more pay. We probably
want to get promoted to a better position with
more pay and we don’t want to lose our job, be
fired or made redundant when the company
don’t need us anymore. We don’t want to become
unemployed. We want a good working life until
we retire.

1 GIVE the English translation of the following

words and phrases.
1 earn money/make a living, 2 apply for a job,
3 commute, 4 work from home, 5 do overtime,
6 take time off, 7 go on strike, 8 get promoted,
9 be fired, 10 made redundant, 11 unemployed,
12 retire.

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Job opportunities FLIPPED
Student’s Book classroom

Students can be given the Vocabulary video to watch at
OBJECTIVES home and then work on it at the beginning of class time.
Photocopiable exercices can be found on page 70.
The aim of this Unit is to introduce the vocabulary associated
with jobs and work in a realistic context. The Towards INVALSI WARM-UP
section focuses on understanding and interpreting information
in reading and listening texts. Students also practise the
phrasal verbs and collocations for jobs and work. The grammar
1 MATCH the professions in the pictures to
their job titles (1-12).
covered in this units includes the review of the future tenses
Student’s Book

and introduces future continuous and future perfect. There A 8, B 12, C 9, D 7, E 6, F 3, G 11, H 10, I 1, J 2,
is also the revision of articles. The First Use of English page K 5, L 4.
focuses on Reading and Use of English Part 1 (multiple-
choice cloze) and Part 3 (word formation) while the First
Reading presents Reading and Use of English Part 7 (multiple Extra activity
matching). The word formation of adverbs is also introduced.
COMPLETE the sentences with the appropriate
The First Speaking section deals with the preparation of
Part 3 (collaborative task) and Part 4 (discussion). The First job.
Listening page is about Listening Part 3 (multiple matching). 1 Some bloggers simply write comments on
The 21st-century skills section includes a video about running news on their websites, others do their own
an art gallery as a job. The viewing of the video aims at reporting of facts.
stimulating social interaction and the concluding activity
focuses on the soft skill ‘being flexible’ linked to the 21st- 2 I applied for that job and I have an interview
century skill: Flexibility and adaptability. The unit ends with with the human resources manager tomorrow
First Writing Part 2 (a formal letter). morning.
3 He works as a laboratory technician in the
chemistry lab of the school.
Vocabulary 4 An occupational psychologist deals with the
Phrasal verbs and collocations for jobs and works application of psychology in various area,
Word formation: adverbs such as mental health or safety.
Grammar 5 If you find a good property to invest your
Future tenses money in, first consult an accountant about
Future continuous and future perfect tax implications.
The future with time clauses
6 The boxer employed a personal trainer to
Uses of articles prepare to win the fight.
7 We have to call an electrician to repair the
Functions wiring.
Expressing opinions
Agreeing/Disagreeing 8 As a marketing manager, she is in charge of
Giving reasons or examples the brand’s whole product range.
Taking the discussion forward 9 My beauty therapist is very good at doing
Being able to use phrasal verbs and collocations for jobs and manicures.
10 Toby works as a freelance freelance journalist
He has recently reported on the political
Self-study and ZTE situation in West Africa.
The Self-study and ZTE exercises can be employed either 11 The health and safety inspector had the school
to reinforce or review the grammar structures and topic
vocabulary of the Unit. canteen closed for hygiene reasons.
12 We hired the services of an IT consultant who
made a number of recommendations on how
we could increase efficiency in our computer

2 DISCUSS in pairs. Which of the above

professions appeals to you? Which would you
like to do in the future?
Student’s activity.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
72 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
C Learning to use vocabulary in context Towar ds INVALS I
3 2.1 LISTEN to six people describing WARM-UP
what they do and match them to one
of the professions in exercise 1.
1 DISCUSS in pairs. Many students at school
now will enter professions in the future that
1 personal trainer, 2 blogger, 3 journalist, don’t yet exist. What do you think these jobs
4 accountant, 5 electrician, 6 occupational may be? Which jobs might disappear?
psychologist. Student’s activity.
Teacher’s tip Encourage your students to use the future
continuous and future perfect when you check on the pair
1 I love sport and I also love working with people discussions as they are tenses that require prompting.
so it was natural for me to train for a sports
qualification after I left school. I could teach PE if
I wanted but I actually prefer working in a gym.
C Reading, understanding and interpreting
2 I was very undecided about a career as there
wasn’t anything that particularly appealed to me,
2 2.2 READ and listen to the article and

but I have managed to create a very satisfying decide which of the highlighted
job out of a hobby. I’m an excellent cook and I

Student’s Book
words has the following meaning:
started using my cooking skills to advise friends
about great recipes and now through the Internet 1 white-collar, 2 blue-collar workers, 3 benefits,

I advise hundreds of people! 4 freelance, 5 consultant, 6 takeover, 7 welfare,
3 I meet so many fascinating people in my job 8 demise.
and I have to travel a lot to be on the scene as
soon as possible when something important has 3 READ the article again, then answer the
questions (1-9) using a maximum of 4 words.
happened. I reckon by the end of the year I will
have been to twenty countries. Write your answers in the spaces provided.
4 Some people will say my job is boring but The first one (0) has been done for you.
that’s not what I feel. Numbers have always been Q1 (Via) a webcam.
my favourite thing and getting sums right gives
me a particular satisfaction. Of course, getting Q2 Advertisers.
them wrong is a nightmare and leads to lots of Q3 (Up to) $400.
overtime or even the sack!
5 I work for myself, which has advantages and Q4 (More) fragmented and insecure.
disadvantages. The advantages are no regular Q5 Two of the following: Truck driver; Brain surgeon;
commute and having a day off when I feel like Nine-to-five jobs; Lifelong jobs; Office-based jobs.
it. The disadvantages are long hours, frequent
emergency calls to fix lights, washing machines or Q6 An Internet connection.
heaters and no overtime pay. Q7 Wages.
6 My work takes me to lots of different
companies and I meet lots of managers and CEOs Q8 The zero-hours contract.
who require advice and help in dealing with their Q9 One of the following: The demise of offices/
staff. I also act as a consultant for recruitment or Demise of office work; That bosses will
for stress-related problems in the workplace. disappear/Old bosses will disappear; More
freedom (and choice).

4 MATCH the expressions for the workplace

(1-12) to their meanings (A-L).
1 D, 2 H, 3 J, 4 G, 5 C, 6 K, 7 E, 8 L, 9 F, 10 A,
11 I, 12 B.

5 CHOOSE the more suitable phrase to

complete the sentences.
1 retire, 2 resigned, 3 are unemployed, 4 go on
strike, 5 promoted, 6 work overtime.

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C Listening for specific information Presenter: Thank you for your enthusiasm and
useful advice. That’s goodbye until next week on
4 2.3 LISTEN to a radio programme about
how to be successful in business.
In Business.

While listening, match the Phrasal verbs and collocations for jobs
beginnings of the sentences with the and work
sentence endings.
There are two sentence endings that 5 MATCH the phrasal verbs and collocations
(1-8) to their definitions (A-H).
you should not use.
The first one (0) has been done for 1 D, 2 G, 3 A, 4 F, 5 H, 6 C, 7 B, 8 E.
Student’s Book

Q1 J, Q2 C, Q3 D, Q4 A, Q5 H, Q6 I, Q7 E, Q8 K.

Extra activity
Extras: B and G. MATCH the words or phrases to their
Teacher’s tip In order to replicate what will happen in the definitions.
INVALSI exam, you should give students one minute to study 1 working life: the part of your life dedicated to
the task before listening. Then students should be allowed to
listen to the recording two times. After the second listening,
students should receive one minute to check their answers. 2 job share: dividing the hours of work with a
TRANSCRIPT 3 call back: return a telephone call
Good evening and welcome to In Business. 4 earn money: receive payment in return for work
In tonight’s programme successful company done
directors are going to share some of their secrets
of success. Mary Nunn is founder and director of 5 charge (up to): demand as payment
Nice Nails Ltd. Andrew Clark is CEO of Coaching 6 make a living: earn enough money to live on
for Life. Let’s start with you, Mary.
Mary: I think that in order to be successful you
have to truly believe in what you do. You shouldn’t
6 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of the phrasal verbs and collocations
concentrate on earning money, although of course from exercise 5.
that is important too, but push out as far as you 1 nine-to-five, 2 call her back, 3 earning a lot of
can with your ideas. I founded a business in nail money, 4 charge up to, 5 make a living, 6 working
varnish because I love it and couldn’t find the lives, 7 job share, 8 contracting out.
colours I wanted so decided to produce them
Presenter: And what about you Andrew? GRAMMAR 1
Andrew: My advice is not to get tied into the nine-
to-five idea. If you want a successful working life Future tenses
you have to be prepared to work longer hours and
maybe even become freelance – which can mean 1 READ sentences 1-5 and answer questions
working all the time! The advantage of going
freelance is that you can charge much more for 1 C, 2 D, 3 A, 4 E, 5 B.
your services and that you are your own boss, but
the disadvantage is that everything is down to
you. You have to work overtime and maybe work
2 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
future form of the verbs in brackets.
from home. You can’t contract out if you want to
1 will turn, 2 will be, are you going to organise,
make money. My advice then is to be flexible with
3 does your train leave, departs, arrives, 4 will
time especially when you’re starting out.
have, 5 are they going to stay, 6 will remember,
Presenter: Something to add, Mary?
7 ’ll go, 8 are leaving.
Mary: It’s easy to be complacent if you don’t
think you will ever be unemployed but everyone
is nervous about what will be happening in their Future continuous and future perfect
company in the future, and of course if it’s your
own company maybe it’s even worse. I’m an 3 READ sentences 1-2 and answer questions
optimist. I always think things will get better and
there will be more markets to push into. I suppose 1 B, 2 A.
what I mean is believe in yourself and love what
you do.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
74 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Extra activity The future with time clauses
MATCH the beginnings to their endings.
1 Please ask your brother to phone me as soon as
5 READ sentences 1-3 and underline the
verbs. Then highlight the time expressions.
he gets home. What do you notice about the tenses?
2 When I was a child I could run really fast but 1 becomes, will change, 2 happens, will rise,
now I can’t run at all. 3 finish, will have finished.
3 Just imagine, at this time next month I will be One future tense is used in each sentence and it is
lying on a sandy beach next to the sea. not used after the time expression but in the main
4 The headmaster says we have to leave our clause.
mobiles with the school secretary.
5 If I could earn enough money, I would definitely
travel round the world.
6 MAKE a single sentence of the following
using the time expressions given in brackets.
6 I have four possible keys to open this box. I’ve 1 Tom will wait at the bus stop until the bus comes.
tried three without success so it must be the
2 You will have made dinner before Bill comes back
fourth one.

7 If my best friend succeeds in getting the job she

Student’s Book
wants, we will go out and celebrate this evening. 3 My mother will be thinking of me while I’m doing
my science exam.
8 If I don’t finish my homework on time, I won’t be

able to watch my favourite programme. 4 I will phone my friends after I have finished my
4 COMPLETE the sentences with the future
continuous or the future perfect of the verbs
5 My sister will take the dog out as soon as she
gets home.
in brackets. 6 They will have demolished all the houses in the
1 will be living, 2 will have run, 3 will you have street before the month of October is over.
made, 4 will have done, 5 will be working, 6 ’ll be 7 When I come back, I’ll do it.
studying, 7 ’ll be sitting, 8 will have left. 8 After I’ll have finished my lesson at school by
noon, I’ll come round.
Extra activity
COMPLETE the sentences with the future simple,
the future continuous or the future perfect of the U S E O F E NGLIS H
verbs in brackets. Use the long forms.
FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Teresa: When shall I come round tomorrow?
Alicia: Well, if you (1) come before six, I (2) will be Part 1
Teresa What time do you think you (3) will be free?
1-8, read the text below and decide which
Alicia: I (4) will be working on my new project answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There
all day and I expect I (5) will have completed the is an example at the beginning (0).
second part by seven. Is that OK?
Teresa: Yes, because I (6) will be quite busy 1 A, 2 D, 3 B, 4 D, 5 C, 6 A, 7 C, 8 B.
at about six tomorrow, as well. I’ve got an
appointment with my doctor and I don’t think I FIRST Reading and Use of English –
(7) will have finished before six.
Alicia: We really must get on with the project, you
Part 3
know. By the end of this month we (8) will have
worked on it for a whole year.
2 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8,
read the text below. Use the word given in
Teresa: I (9) will jump for joy when you (10) will capitals at the end of some of the lines to
have finished it. form a word that fits the gap in the same line.
Alicia: Me too! By the way, (11) will you be going There is an example at the beginning (0).
near the post office? I’ve been expecting an
1 glamourous, 2 photographers, 3 doing,
important parcel and I think it (12) will have arrived
4 impossible, 5 eventually, 6 spent, 7 royalty,
by tomorrow. If you (13) will go past there, could
you collect it for me? 8 uncomplicated.
Teresa: No problem. So, I (14) will see you later.
Bye for now.

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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 75
REA DI NG 6 What can students form while doing work
experience in the bank? They can form useful
WARM-UP networks for a possible future career in banking.
1 DISCUSS in pairs. Why do you think the
possibility of introducing students into
7 What might Vicky be doing in her work
experience with a technology company? She
real working environments is considered may be doing projects related to space imaging,
important? Do you think it is useful or a the medical industry or microwave technology.
waste of precious school time? 8 What will students hopefully learn from
Student’s activity. a work experience according to Martin?
Hopefully students will learn to develop their
C Recognising links within a text skills, grow in confidence and learn about the
Student’s Book

business world.

2 2.4 READ and listen to the blog and

say which of the possibilities most Word formation: adverbs
appeals to you.
Student’s activity.
5 FIND the adverbs in the text and say from
which words they derive.
currently (line 1, current), definitely (line 1,
VIDEO definite), possibly (line 2, possible), completely
This video is a clear and lively animation which explains the (line 11, complete), basically (line 35, basic),
following parts of the First exam: Reading and Use of English boringly (line 42, boring), well (line 48, good),
– Part 7. usually (line 56, usual), hopefully (line 63,
FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Part 7 6 FORM adverbs from the adjectives in the
3 MULTIPLE MATCHING. Read the blog again.
For questions 1-10, choose from the people early, beautifully, otherwise, steadily, scientifically,
(A-D). The people may be chosen more than downward, miserably, happily, fatally, noisily.
1 D, 2 C, 3 A, 4 C, 5 B, 6 A, 7 C, 8 D, 9 A, 10 B. 7 MAKE adverbs from the words given to
complete the sentences.

4 FIND the words in the text which mean the

1 easily, 2 well, badly, 3 hard, 4 systematically,
5 ably, impressively, 6 immediately.
1 worthwhile, 2 feature, 3 on-going, 4 placement,
5 ground-breaking, 6 insight, 7 branding. C Discussing ideas and relating
them to personal experience
Extra questions
1 What information is Sandie asking for in
her blog? She wants to know about work
8 DISCUSS the questions.
experience. Student’s activity.
2 Has she already decided what she wants to
study at university? No, she hasn’t. 9 WRITE a brief paragraph of 10/12 lines
about the benefits of work experience. What
3 Why does Megan think two different working skills do you think you will have gained from
environments are a good idea for work a placement?
experience? Because it gives a wider choice
when you choose what to do at university. Student’s activity.
4 What did she do while working at a Teacher’s tip Teachers should point out that the key to
getting the best out of any work experience is to extract the
newspaper office? She made a short video
maximum learning value from what the students do.
about a project in Uganda. It helps students plan and think about the best kind of work
5 What arrangement does Joel’s school have experience for what they want to do. The students’ future
with an international banking company? It’s employers will want to see evidence of these skills:
an arrangement where students are introduced Self-reliance skills: demonstrating that you can work
independently. Are you self-aware, knowing where your
to the various aspects of a global investment strengths are? Do you organise yourself and prioritise through
bank. rearranging commitments to get the job done?

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76 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
People skills: being able to demonstrate interpersonal skills. FREQUENT MISTAKES
Can you communicate effectively (in writing and in person)? Uses of articles
Can you participate in team activity? Do you sometimes take
the lead?
General skills: those skills that could be used in any situation
4 LOOK at the sentences and decide which
one is correct and which three do not have
and across all sectors. Can you demonstrate flexibility? Are you the correct use of articles. Then explain and
a problem solver? Don’t forget your IT skills. correct the mistakes.
Specialist skills: these are often gained through your studies,
such as subject-specific knowledge or technical skills. Do 1 No article before Mr, Mrs and Miss.
you have experience or understanding of how a particular 2 Correct.
organisation is structured or how it survives commercially?
3 No article before possessive adjectives.
4 No article before abstract nouns.
G RA M M A R 2
Articles 5 FIND and correct the 12 mistakes regarding
the use of articles in the text.
1 READ sentences 1-4 and answer questions
A-D. Some jobs are so specific that they the need

detailed and specific skills, or some just need
A They both refer to something specific. someone mad enough to take on the job.

Student’s Book
B A Take a tea sampler, for example. A person who
C It is one specific programme. does this job for a living needs to know the

names and flavours of all the different varieties
D a law office placement; a week in June.
of tea. But it goes from the extreme of pet food
taster paid at just £20,000 a year to the sublime
2 CHOOSE the correct option: the, a(n) or – (no
article) to complete the sentences.
of bed warmers and professional queuers.
Of course, there are the dream jobs children
1 a, a, 2 the, the, the, the, 3 an, a, -, 4 a, a, a, 5 -, spend their lives wanting to be, including a
an, -, 6 the, the, -, 7 the, -, a, 8 a, the, a. waterslide tester.
The Queen’s official main piper’s duty is to play
the bagpipes under her window at the 9 a.m.
Extra activity every weekday for about 15 minutes.
CHOOSE the correct alternative: the, a(n) or –
(no article) to complete the sentences.
Extra activity
1 They work next to the sports centre in –
Brompton Road. COMPLETE the sentences with a, an, the or –
(no article).
2 My son would like to work as a lawyer.
1 I have an aunt who lives in a home for the
3 Help yourself, there’s plenty of – food for elderly. She is an interesting woman. She
everybody. used to be a nurse. She cured – wounded
4 He usually has – rice – pasta and – the soldiers during – WWII. She always tells me –
vegetables for – lunch. moving stories.
5 Unfortunately, there are – the few stunning 2 – work can make – life stressful if the work
places in the town where I live. you do is hard and dangerous and the people
6 It was an amazing day that we decided to go you work with are not friendly.
to the seaside. 3 My sister likes – Japan because it has a
7 While she was running to catch the bus, she fascinating culture. The Japanese aren’t
broke a leg. generally tall but are – pretty polite people.
When she flies there, she usually lands at –
3 COMPLETE the sentences with the, a(n) or –
(no article).
Narita Airport in – Tokyo. The last time she
went there, she visited – Mount Fuji. She said
it was a wonder.
1 the, the, a, 2 the, a, the, -, 3 a, -, a, 4 the, -, the,
4 After – dinner I usually have an argument
the, -, 5 -, -, 6 a, -, the.
with my husband because he wants me
to wash the dishes while I prefer to use
the dishwasher. I think I’d waste – water
if I washed them by – hand. It would be a
damage to the environment.

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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 77

1 DISCUSS. In your final years at school, you

will be thinking about a future career. What
1 DISCUSS in pairs.
Student’s activity.
do you think you will have decided by the
time you leave?
C Listening and comparing different
Student’s activity. options on a given topic
C Expressing and defending your
opinions VIDEO
Student’s Book

This video is a clear and lively animation which explains the

following parts of the First exam: Listening – Part 3.
This video is a clear and lively animation which explains the FIRST Listening – Part 3
following parts of the First exam: Speaking – Parts 3 and 4.
hear five different people talking
FIRST Speaking – Part 3 about unusual jobs. For questions
2 COLLABORATIVE TASK. Imagine you are
looking at career choices. Here are some
1-5, choose from the list (A-H) the
type of activity that each speaker
possible careers. Talk in pairs about the does. Use the letters only once.
advantages and disadvantages of the various There are three extra letters which
careers shown (two minutes). Then decide you do not need to use.
which two you would most like to do (one 1 D, 2 A, 3 F, 4 H, 5 B, extra letters C, E and G.
Extra questions
Student’s activity. 1 What is speaker 1’s profession? She is a
freelance writer.
C Developing social interaction 2 What does she do to earn extra money? She
writes jokes for Christmas crackers or fortunes
for Fortune Cookies.
This video is a clear and lively animation which explains 3 Why is speaker 2’s job boring? Because it
the following parts of the First exam: how to give a good entails waiting in a queue for hours.
performance – Parts 3 and 4; a closer look at the Speaking 4 Which are the reasons for queuing given in
Paper. the text? To get the latest computer game or
get tickets for a particular sporting event or
FIRST Speaking – Part 4 entertainment show.
3 DISCUSSION. In groups of three ask and
answer the questions.
5 Why should you be grateful to speaker 3 if
you like potato crisps? Because she sorts out
the burnt or misshaped crisps and also tastes
Student’s activity.
Teacher’s tip This could become a class debate with 6 What are tasters not allowed to drink while
2 speakers presenting the motion ‘This house believes that
certain jobs should always be done by men’ and 2 speakers
tasting? They are not allowed to drink tea or
opposing the motion. In a formal debate the first speaker for coffee.
the motion opens the debate with a short speech then the 7 What is speaker 4’s job? He is a ‘cool hunter’,
main speaker against the motion gives an opposing speech. he has to monitor and predict future trends in
The two second speakers then give their speeches, first for culture and fashion.
then against, before the debate is open to the floor – the
whole class. There is usually a time limit given to the general 8 How does he gather the information? By
discussion when people are invited to speak by the debate chatting to friends or walking down the street
chairman (who could be the teacher or a responsible student). noticing and listening or by using indirect
After a class discussion, the main speakers for and against the methods like organising online surveys and
motion make a summary of the main points raised and then focus groups or maybe entering chatrooms and
there is a vote. webgroups within the target demographic and
gather information.

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78 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
9 Why does speaker 5 have to be creative? you ever think about the outrageous names some
Because she has to think of outrageous names nail polishes have? Where do they come from?
for nail varnish. Well, I can tell you, some of them come from me.
Some companies think up the names themselves,
10 How many names will she have the end of
some expect the advertising or marketing
the year? She thinks she will have invented
departments to do it. I work in the advertising
100,000 names.
section and have become a specialist in this field. I
think I will have invented at least 100,000 names
TRANSCRIPT by the end of this year. My favourites are names
1 I am a freelance writer and when I run out of like ‘Under the Moon after Dark’ or ‘Sunset on the
inspiration, as a part-time job I earn extra money Sea’, which is the hot colour for the summer.
writing jokes for Christmas crackers or witty one-
line fortunes to go into Fortune Cookies. There are
several different companies that put messages C Discussing ideas and relating
into their products like romantic quotes or sayings them to a specific experience
in chocolates. My main customer however is the
Fortune Cookie. There are an amazing three billion 3 WORK in pairs. Invent an unusual job and
decide on what the job would entail. Then

Fortune Cookies sold a year, which means there
is a constant need for new one-line fortunes. So I write a brief job description.

Student’s Book
reckon I will be writing these short messages for Student’s activity.
many years to come.
Teacher’s tip It could be a fun activity to pass the different

2 My job may sound particularly boring but it has job descriptions around and ask the students to apply for the
its advantages. I’m a professional queuer. What job they find most interesting.
does that mean? Well there are lots of reasons
why people have to queue. It might be to get
the latest computer game or get tickets for a 2 1 ST - C E NTU RY S KILLS
particular sporting event or entertainment show.
Some people haven’t the time or don’t have the
energy to queue so they pay someone to do it for VIDEO
them. That’s me. I work for an agency and I am Running an art gallery
paid by the hour. The longest I ever had to queue
was 96 hours! But it’s normally much less than C Watching and understanding a
that. short film
3 Do you like potato crisps? Well, you should
be grateful to me because I am a potato crisp 1 BEFORE watching the video, match the
words (1-10) to their meanings (A-J).
inspector and taster. My job is to check that no
burned, broken or strange looking crisps get into 1 E, 2 H, 3 A, 4 J, 5 B, 6 G, 7 I, 8 F, 9 C, 10 D.
the packets. I have to take them off the conveyor
belt and some of them I keep if they look
particularly strange like an angry dog or a sleeping
2 WATCH the first part of the video (from
0:00 to 01:45) and write the following
bird. The other part of my job is tasting the crisps. information:
Here it’s essential to keep the taste buds clean so
I drink lemon water or eat fruit. We tasters are not 1 He spent about 8-9 years as an artist making his
allowed to touch tea or coffee. own work. He was also working for other galleries
4 I have a great job, I’m a cool hunter. I have to as a technician, doing carpentry and installing art
monitor and predict future trends in culture and work.
fashion. How do I do that? Well, while I’m chatting 2 A landlady of a building offered him an
to friends or walking down the street, I will also opportunity.
be noticing and listening and generally gathering 3 He studied Fine Arts and had a BA about ten
information to pass on to my employer. If I go on years ago.
getting it right, I will have earned a fortune by the
4 It’s very time-consuming, there’s different aspects
time I’m thirty. I began while still at school and
to work on, you don’t always do things you really
try to use indirect methods especially with teens.
I organise online surveys and focus groups or
maybe enter chatrooms and webgroups within 5 Two days over the weekend.
the target demographic and gather information. 6 He sits at a desk, dedicating time to specific tasks
5 When you’re painting your nails or watching for the gallery; he visits artists, or meets collectors
your mum or sister or date colouring theirs, do or goes to other galleries.
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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 79
I generally make decisions based on instinct. I
3 WATCH the whole video and put Andy’s
actions in the right order.
generally find that my first thought on an issue is
normally the best way of dealing with it. When it
A 2, B 1, C 9, D 8, E 6, F 5, G 7, H 4, I 3. comes to installing a show, for example, the kind
of first combination of images, first idea for the
4 WATCH the video again and write the
missing words about the way Andy makes
installation, is the one I’d want to go back to after.
Whether the artist agrees or not is a different
decisions. thing but personally yeah I feel that my instinct is
pretty good.
1 instinct, 2 thought, 3 dealing, 4 installing, My best career decision would probably be
5 combination, 6 go back, 7 artist, 8 good. continuing, I mean after university you could do
so many different things and I’ve always kind of
Student’s Book

WATCH the last part of the video (from


followed the path that I’ve sort of set for myself.

02:18 to 03:54) and write down Andy’s So I guess I’m most happy about continuing to
1 Continuing to be involved in the world of art after be involved in this world and that I suppose all
university. the decisions until this point have led to what I’m
2 Trusting the kind of artists he chooses to work doing now.
with, making sure people know that he has Greatest strength? Probably trusting the kind of
confidence in them. He manages to juggle lots of artists I choose to work with. Kind of making sure
different things at once. people know that I have confidence in them, to
bring the best out in them and – yeah – I suppose
3 Getting distracted; he finds it difficult to stay
it is about the relationships with the people you
focussed on a task if he gets interrupted.
work with.
Greatest weakness? Probably I’m getting
TRANSCRIPT distracted. So when I’m at the gallery, trying to
I decided to run a gallery because I spent about do certain jobs, maybe a random email would
8-9 years as an artist making my own work, off come up or someone would walk in and want to
the back of that, or rather alongside that, I was talk to me. And then trying to stay focussed on a
also working for other galleries as a technician, task, I find quite tricky. I guess also my strength,
so doing carpentry and installing art work. And I that relates to my strength, that I somehow do
really got into the idea of the ‘behind the scenes’ manage to juggle lots of different things at once
of the gallery not just the studio. So I think with and kind of still get by.
that kind of prior experience it really led me down Secrets to how I got here? Probably just kind of
this path. being really persistent, really following kind of my
Why did I do this aspect of it? It was more instincts and kind of believing that I wanted to
through chance. A landlady of a building offered be involved within the art world. No secret really
me an opportunity and I decided to open a gallery. except, I guess, hard work and dedication.
So it was quite kind of an unconscious thing really.
I studied Fine Arts, I had a BA I did about ten
years ago, but really just experience and – yeah
6 DISCUSS in pairs. What is Andy’s secret of
success? Do you find his work experience
– kind of learn as you go. I think work experience interesting? Would you like to do a similar
is very important but for me it was always kind of kind of job? Why or why not?
what I was – I was learning as I went all the time.
Nothing particularly that I dislike, except it’s Student’s activity.
very kind of time-consuming. So there’s always
different aspects to work on – which yeah can be 7 DISCUSS. Do you think Andy is a flexible
person? Why or why not?
tricky. You don’t always get as long doing things
you really enjoy. Student’s activity.
I organise my time mainly through the two days
the gallery is open, over the weekend. So that
means I am sat at a desk. It is quite an easy, easy
way of kind of dedicating time to specific tasks for
Teacher’s tip This page deals with the 21st-century skill of
the gallery. Outside of that I am a bit more free-
flexibility and adaptability, in particular the ability to be flexible
flowing so I get to visit artists, or meet collectors to negotiate and balance diverse views and beliefs particularly
or go to other galleries the rest of the week. So it in the working environment and to be ready to make changes
is very much loaded over the weekend as my kind on the way.
of formal gallery time.

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80 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
8 FOCUS on the following questions and
answer them.
10 SHARE and compare the opinions of the
different groups and vote for the most
1 Student’s activity. flexible group in the class.
2 Our own fear, arrogance, resistance, stress, and Student’s activity.
obsession with being right, we often end up
being inflexible to our own detriment and to the
frustration of those around us.
3 Flexibility should be a conscious choice, a WARM-UP
powerful skill, and a valuable approach to the
ever-changing, always-evolving world we live 1 DISCUSS. The list below shows a variety of
possible summer jobs for students. Do any of
in. We can be firm in our convictions, passionate them appeal to you? Why or why not?
about our beliefs, and clear about our intentions,
and at the same time be flexible enough to make Student’s activity.
significant changes and be open to new ideas
along the way. C Writing a formal letter

9 2 READ the formal letter below and match the

Student’s Book
DISCUSS in groups these tips to expand
your capacity for flexibility in your life. Which various parts (1-10) to their position (A-J) on
do you find most effective? Which do you the layout of the letter.

already practice? 1 G, 2 E, 3 J, 4 H, 5 C, 6 A, 7 I, 8 D, 9 B, 10 F.
1 We are, by definition, inflexible every time we
get attached to something. Letting go of our VIDEO
attachment to something means we no longer This video is a clear and lively animation which explains the
want to control every aspect of it by forcing following parts of the First exam: Writing – Part 2.
the action. This is a process of conscious
‘non-attachment’ (letting go), as opposed to
detachment (not caring).
2 Most of us love to be right and will do and
say just about anything to avoid being wrong.
When we’re willing to be wrong (not necessarily
interested in or intending to be wrong), we are
ready to take risks, try new things, and approach
important things with a creative, innovative, and
flexible perspective.
3 Taking ourselves too seriously creates
unnecessary stress, pressure, and worry. When
we’re able to laugh at ourselves, keep things in
perspective, and remember that most of what we
deal with on a daily basis in life is not life or death
– we can take ourselves less seriously and thus
have a more balanced, peaceful, and creative way
of relating to things.
4 The more we’re able to tap into the natural flow
of life, trust ourselves and others, and believe
that things will work out – the more likely we are
to allow things to roll off our backs and manifest
with ease.
5 The support and feedback of others is invaluable
in so many aspects of our life and growth. We
can learn from and model others who are more
flexible than we are. We can also give people in
our life permission to kindly warn us when we
get rigid, uptight, over-attached, and start taking
ourselves too seriously.
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FIRST Writing – Part 2
3 A FORMAL LETTER. You have been asked
to reply to a customer enquiry (see the
enquiry attached on the left). Write your
letter in 140-190 words making reference to
the pictures.
Student’s activity.
Suggested answer:
Agriturismo Il Borro
125 Località Campogialli,
52028 Terranuova Bracciolini
Student’s Book


#5, 4344 Modoc Road

93110 California

1st May 2017

Reference: Visit to Italy

Dear Mr Robinson,

Thank you for your kind enquiry about staying in

our hotel. We are delighted to offer you a charming
double room in our main house for the nights of
12th-14th September.

During your stay, there are various activities that you

can book including a cooking class with our resident
chef, a shopping tour with expert advisors and a free
wine tasting. The sports activities include golf, horse-
riding, biking, yoga and tennis. Our spa is available
at any time during your stay and there is also the
possibility of a drive in a Ferrari.

I’m sure you will not be disappointed in our services

and we can assure you that our staff will be catering
for your every need.

You can confirm your stay online or by email or in

wiring. We look forward to having you as our guests.

Yours truly,

Manuela Santoro
For Hotel Director Sergio Rossi.

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82 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Job opportunities Future tenses
Workbook 5 CHOOSE the correct alternative.
1 leaves, 2 is coming, 3 are you doing, I’m going
to see, 4 won’t make, will pay, 5 is flying, 6 is
VO CA BULA RY AC T I VATO R going to tell.
1 WRITE the job near each definition.
Future continuous and future perfect
1 IT consultant, 2 blogger, 3 electrician,
4 occupational psychologist, 5 freelance
journalist, 6 accountant, 7 human resources
6 COMPLETE the sentences with the simple
future, the future continuous or the future
manager, 8 laboratory technician, 9 marketing perfect of the verbs in brackets.
manager, 10 beauty therapist, 11 personal
1 will not, will be working, 2 won’t have been
trainer, 12 health and safety inspector.
made, will have put, 3 will finish, 4 will be taking,
2 COMPLETE the sentences with the work will be driving, 5 will you apply, 6 will be working,

related expressions in the box. will no longer have, 7 will the general manager
have made, 8 won’t have completed.
1 made redundant, 2 take a day off, 3 work

overtime, 4 go on strike, 5 apply for, 6 resign,
7 FIND the mistakes and correct them.

7 commute, 8 retired, 9 unemployed, 10 sacked.
1 My daughter is really smart, I think she will
graduate very young and will find a good job.
Tow a rds I NVA L S I 2 The students often wonder what they will have
3 1.7 READ and listen to the article about
what millennials want from their
been achieved by the time they are thirty.
3 At midday tomorrow I will still be flying to New
career, then answer the questions York.
using a maximum of 4 words.
4 The meeting starts at 9 p.m. but will have
Write your answers in the spaces
finished before 11 p.m.
The first one (0) has been done for you. 5 If you continue buying so much, you will have
spent all your salary by the end of the month.
Q1 The Boomerang Generation. 6 Kevin has an appointment with the human
Q2 Workplace aspirations and habits. resources manager, he is seeing/will be seeing
Q3 The best talent. him tomorrow morning.
7 The bell’s ringing – don’t worry I will see who it is.
Q4 (As) closely intertwined.
Q6 Tech/The tech industry/The software industry. The future with time clauses
Q7 Healthcare and finance.
Q8 (Lack of) career advancement/Opportunities
8 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs in brackets.
for career advancement/Career advancement, 1 make, will tidy, 2 will start, retires, 3 is, will
compensation/benefits. call, 4 will not work, receive, 5 feels, will not take,
Q9 Their current employer. 6 will wait, begins, 7 will not be able, takes off,
8 will look after, needs.
Phrasal verbs and collocations for jobs
and work 9 COMPLETE the second sentence so that it
has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
4 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of the phrasal verbs and collocations for
1 they will have been married for, 2 will have
been installed, 3 they will be cleaning, 4 the staff
jobs and work.
is meeting/will be meeting, 5 he apologises,
1 working life, 2 make a living, 3 earning enough I will not talk to, 6 is going to change his job,
money, 4 call you back, 5 If you work freelance, 7 the foreign delegates arrive, we will offer them,
you can earn 50$ an hour, 6 job sharing/a job 8 perform before the famous.
share, 7 nine-to-five, 8 contracting out.
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FIRST Reading and Use of English – Articles
Part 1 15 COMPLETE with the definite article where
questions 1-8, read the text below and
1 –, –, the, the, –, 2 the, the, –, the, the, 3 –, the,
decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best –, –, 4 the, the, 5 the, the, the, 6 –, the, the, the,
fits each gap. There is an example at the the, 7 –, –, 8 –, –, –, 9 –, the, –, 10 –, –, –, –, –.
beginning (0).
1 C, 2 A, 3 C, 4 A, 5 B, 6 A, 7 D, 8 C. 16 ADD the or a / an when necessary.
1 The Scala Opera House in Milan faces a square

with Leonardo’s statue providing a meeting point.

FIRST Reading and Use of English –
2 My parents have got a lovely house on the
Part 3 eastern coast of Sicily.
11 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8,
read the text below. Use the word given in
3 If you want to work as a waiter in a restaurant or
a maid in a hotel, there are a lot of opportunities
capitals at the end of some of the lines to
in Italy at the seaside.
form a word that fits the gap in the same
line. There is an example at the beginning 4 The Alps cross the north of Italy with Mount Blanc
(0). as the highest peak.
5 There’s a cold wind this morning. Put on a scarf
1 working, 2 appointments, 3 connection,
and a cap or you’ll catch a cold.
4 workers, 5 stressed, 6 inflexible, 7 specific,
8 creativity. 6 Students can’t use the calculator during the
Maths test but they can look up in the dictionary
when they are doing an English exercise.
REA DI NG 7 We found some valuable English prints in an
antique shop in Dorking.
FIRST Reading and Use of English – 8 She informed the Head of Department she had a
Part 7 sore throat and couldn’t give the lecture that day.
are going to read about how four FREQUENT MISTAKES
students see their dream job. For Uses of articles
questions 1-10, choose from the
people (A-D). The people may be 17 FIND the 20 mistakes regarding the use of
articles and correct them.
chosen more than once.
Lots of kids dream of being an astronaut but
1 D, 2 A, 3 D, 4 C, 5 B, 6 A, 7 C, 8 B, 9 D, 10 C.
may not realise how intense the program is or
what the actual responsibilities are. An astronaut
Adverbs boards a spacecraft to fly on missions for very
13 MAKE adverbs from the adjectives given
to complete the sentences.
specific purposes. Astronauts work as part of a
crew and therefore have specific responsibilities
aboard the spacecraft.
1 automatically, 2 beautifully, well, clearly, Astronauts go through very specialised and
3 dangerously, fast, 4 seriously, 5 noisily, badly, intense training to prepare for these space
6 rationally, efficiently. missions. They must pass certain physical
requirements as well as the comprehensive
14 REPLACE the words in italic with the
correct adverb.
academic and mental exams. Astronauts fly
to various destinations to conduct research
1 tactfully, 2 well, 3 prettily, enthusiastically, and experiments. The missions may vary and
4 responsibly, quickly, 5 anticlockwise, slowly. therefore the actual focus and responsibilities of
the astronaut will change with each mission.
There are various roles that an astronaut may
cover as a part of the spacecraft’s crew, ranging
from a mission specialist to a commander. Not
only are astronauts responsible for fulfilling the
terms, or purpose, of their mission, but they are
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
84 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
also responsible for ensuring the safety of the in prestigious surroundings like Twickenham
spacecraft and the crew. Astronauts will often Stadium, the Ascot Races and the O2 Arena. We
observe the environment they fly to, bringing will need waiters, bar staff, wine waiters and
something back from there. team leaders for all our upcoming Christmas
Astronauts must ensure that they keep in the parties. You don’t need previous experience, all
good physical shape, since they will need to be fit we ask is for you to 18+, reliable and enthusiastic
to fly a spacecraft and carry out missions. when working with us.

LISTE NI NG I’m a drama student and have done several
FIRST Listening – Part 3 amateur dramatic productions first at school
and then at my college. I don’t mind dressing up
will hear five different people
and enjoy being with children. In fact, I’ve done a
few birthday parties as a clown or magician. This
talking about Christmas jobs. For Christmas I’m going to be part of a Christmas
questions 1-5, choose from the grotto in the town’s shopping centre. Each year
list (A-H) the type of activity that they have a living grotto with elves and Father

each person does. Use the letters Christmas. So from tomorrow we will be there,
only once. There are three extra taking turns to be an elf or a Father Christmas. It
letters which you do not need to

won’t be hard work and it’s well paid. I did it last

year too and it was great fun giving out presents
Speaker 1 G, Speaker 2 B, Speaker 3 E, to the children and saying ‘Happy Christmas’ to
Speaker 4 C, Speaker 5 F, extra letters A, D and everyone.
H. 5
During this coming Christmas holiday, I will be
TRANSCRIPT working for the Royal Mail. Because so many
1 people send lots of greetings cards to their friends
I’m a full-time student but each Christmas I earn and relatives, there is a sudden increase in the
some extra money by working as a Warehouse post and extra postmen are needed. I will be
Operative. What does this mean? The Christmas heading down to the nearest sorting office each
season is incredibly hectic for online sales and morning at 7 a.m. to sort the mail for my four
the company I work for prides itself on super fast allotted streets. As soon as that is done, I will be
delivery – even in the festive season – so they cycling off to deliver the mail. The great thing is
need extra staff. It’s a lively place to work and that as soon as I have finished delivering I can
you have to adapt to a really pressured pace, but go home for a break and then back to the sorting
there will be free drinks available and subsidised office for the afternoon delivery. Yes, over the
meals. What I find interesting is that there will Christmas period there will be two deliveries a
be the possibility of overtime as the warehouse day.
keeps going 24/7.

Christmas is a particularly busy time for London
shops and they always recruit extra sales staff FIRST Writing – Part 2
for the festive season and the January sales. This
year I will be working in a West End department
19 A FORMAL LETTER. You are looking
for a temporary job during the
store. At the interview they said they were looking Christmas holidays. You have seen
for reliability, confidence, and passion. I’m not these advertisements in your local
sure about passion but I am reliable and confident newspaper. Choose one and write a letter
and enjoy working with the public. I also love of application. Write between 140-
this store with its wide selection of goods. After 190 words.
this Christmas I will have done this kind of job at
Student’s activity.
Christmas, at least five times.

3 20 When you have finished, remember to

re-read your letter and check for any
Christmas is a time of parties and our events’
grammar or spelling mistakes.
team are looking for young people to join us in
organising and catering for corporation events Student’s activity.
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Programmazione per competenze
UNIT 4 • The crime scene
Tempo di svolgimento: 3/4 settimane
Traguardi formativi Indicatori

A quali “Traguardi per lo sviluppo delle Che cosa ci si aspetta sappia fare lo studente Su quali conoscenze e
per competenze

competenze” mirano le attività didattiche che ha raggiunto questi traguardi? abilità si sviluppano le

dell’unità? competenze?

Padroneggiare la lingua straniera per Ascolto (comprensione orale) Funzioni linguistiche

interagire in diversi ambiti e contesti e per − comprendere espressioni e frasi usate per − esprimere opinioni in
comprendere gli aspetti significativi della descrivere crimini famosi (es. 4 p. 55) modo personale e/o
civiltà degli altri Paesi in prospettiva − identificare informazioni specifiche in testi neutrale
interculturale orali in cui si parla di graffiti (es. 4 p. 57) − descrivere immagini in
− utilizzare le funzioni linguistico- − comprendere un’intervista sul cyber-crime dettaglio
comunicative riferite al livello B2 del (es. 2 p. 64) − confrontare immagini
Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento − comprendere testi descrittivi complessi − presentare fatti
− comprendere le idee fondamentali di testi (es. 2 p. 56; es. 2 p. 60) (p. 63, 66)
complessi su argomenti sia concreti che
astratti Parlato (produzione e interazione orale) Strutture grammaticali
− interagire oralmente − discutere riguardo alle diverse attività che − modals of ability,
− leggere e comprendere testi sia orali che possono essere considerate criminali (es. possibility and
scritti che riguardano un’ampia gamma di 1, 6 p. 55; es. 1 p. 56; es. 1 p. 64; es. 5 p. permission
argomenti 65) − could/manage to/
− produrre testi sia orali che scritti che − descrivere situazioni particolari legate alle succeed in/be able to
riguardano un’ampia gamma di argomenti crime series televisive (es. 1 p. 60; es. 8 p. − modals of deduction
− leggere, analizzare e interpretare testi 61) − modals of obligation,
letterari − discutere sulla criminalità nel proprio necessity and advice
− esprimere un’opinione su argomenti di Paese e sulla gravità dei singoli crimini (es. − need
attualità, esponendo i pro e i contro delle 1, 4 p. 63)
diverse opinioni nell’ambito di una − descrivere e confrontare foto (es. 3 p. 63) Lessico
discussione di gruppo − words related to crime
Lettura (comprensione scritta) − collocations and
Utilizzare testi multimediali − comprendere testi descrittivi complessi expressions for crime
− utilizzare l’eBook per svolgere gli esercizi (es. 2 p. 56; es. 2 p. 60) − word formation:
in maniera interattiva ed esercitarsi a negative prefixes
comprendere i prodotti della Scrittura (produzione scritta)
comunicazione audiovisiva − scrivere una proposta per combattere il Key language for social
− Flipped classroom: video per la bullismo nelle scuole (es. 8 p. 65) competence
presentazione del vocabolario e filmati − scrivere un articolo per un giornale locale − describing pictures in
che permettono allo studente di (es. 5 p. 66) detail
familiarizzare con aspetti vari della vita dei − comparing pictures
Paesi di lingua anglofona (brani di ascolto e Riflessione sulla lingua − giving your opinion
filmati) − osservare le parole nei contesti d’uso e − presenting facts/a
− filmato First exam description impararne il significato neutral opinion/a
− osservare la struttura delle frasi e mettere personal opinion in an
Competenze chiave di cittadinanza in relazione costrutti e intenzioni article
− imparare a imparare comunicative
− progettare
− collaborare e partecipare
− agire in modo autonomo e responsabile
− risolvere problemi (decision making)
− acquisire ed interpretare l’informazione

Competenze del 21° secolo

− iniziativa e autodeterminazione – taking
responsibility (Learn by doing)

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

86 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Attività comunicative Attività per lo sviluppo delle Prove Preparazione alla
competenze chiave autentiche e certificazione e
strutturate all’INVALSI
Con quali attività didattiche si raggiunge l’acquisizione dei contenuti e si Con quali strumenti di valutazione
sviluppano le competenze? (formativa e sommativa) si verifica
l’acquisizione dei contenuti e lo sviluppo
delle competenze?
Ricezione orale Imparare a imparare Nelle Idee per First
− ascolto e comprensione di brevi − formulare ipotesi sulla insegnare (prove − Reading and Use
descrizioni coniugazione di modals of ability, strutturate) of English – Part

− ascolto e scelta tra vero e falso possibility and permission (es. 1 p. − Fast check (Fila A 2, p. 59

− ascolto e comprensione delle idee − Reading and Use

per competenze
58), modals of deduction (es. 4 p. e Fila B)
principali e informazioni specifiche 58), modals of obligation, necessity − Unit test (Fila A of English – Part
tramite domande a scelta multipla and advice (es. 1 p. 62) e Fila FIla B) 4, p. 59

− visione e comprensione di una − could/manage to/succeed in/be able − Skills test for − Reading and Use
sequenza video to (es. 2 p. 58) First (Fila A of English – Part
− apprendere strutture grammaticali e FIla B) 5, p. 60
Produzione orale attraverso frasi tratte dai testi di − Listening test − Speaking – Part
− interagire in coppie o gruppi reading comprehension (es. 1, 4 p. (Fila A e FIla B) 2, p. 63
usando le funzioni e il lessico 58; es. 1 p. 62) − Competences − Listening – Part
dell’unità − apprendere vocaboli attraverso test 4, p. 64
− abbinare le immagini ai crimini video e animazioni (p. 55, 65) − Easy reading − Writing – Part 2,
− approfondire il lessico, le strutture tests (BES) p. 66
Ricezione e produzione scritta e le tipologie First presenti − Guided tests
− comprendere le idee chiave di un nell’unità attraverso esercizi (BES) Towards INVALSI
articolo e riassumerne il punto di (Review p. 41-42; Workbook p. (p. 56-57)
vista 32-39; Self-study nell’eBook) Esercizi online su
− leggere un breve testo e ZTE
completare gli spazi vuoti con le Progettare (es 6-7 p. 65)
parole mancanti
− comprendere informazioni Collaborare e partecipare
specifiche, dettagli, opinioni e punti − collaborare con un compagno o un
di vista in un testo gruppo per discutere sulla base dei
− identificare le diverse opinioni in un dati forniti (es. 1, 6 p. 55; es. 1 p.
articolo 56; es. 1 p. 60; es. 8-9 p. 61; es. 4
p. 63; es. 1 p. 64; es. 5 p. 65; es. 1
Esercizi p. 66)
− esercizi di completamento, vero/
falso, scelta multipla, Agire in modo autonomo e
abbinamento, riordinamento, responsabile
trasformazione − riflettere sui propri errori con
− attività di scrittura per l’aiuto della sezione Frequent
memorizzare funzioni, strutture e mistakes (p. 58, p. 62)
− esercizi in coppia e a gruppi Risolvere problemi (es 6, 8 p. 65)
− esercizi di consolidamento e
potenziamento (Review p. 67-68; Acquisire ed interpretare
Workbook p. 32-39; Self-study l’informazione
nell’eBook) − leggere o ascoltare la descrizione
di alcune persone che parlano del
crimine e riconoscere informazioni
specifiche (es. 3 p. 60; First
Listening – Part 4, p. 64)

21st-century skills
Initiative and self-direction
− taking responsibility (Learn by doing:
es. 6-8 p. 65)

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NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................

1 GIVE the English translation of the following words and expressions.

2 ladro 4 taccheggiatore
d’appartamento 3 rapinatore 5 borseggiatore
1 ladro

6 vandalo
13 pirata

7 teppista

12 spacciatore 11 ricattatore
di droga
10 dirottatore 9 rapinatore,
aggressore 8 assassino

2 ANSWER the questions.

1 Who are criminals?

2 What’s the difference between a burglar and a robber?

3 Who is a criminal who ‘gets away with’ his crime?

4 How do the police act on information?

5 What happens when criminals are taken to court?

6 When is a criminal sent to jail?

7 Can a criminal be let off?

8 What happens if a criminal is caught red-handed by the police?

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
88 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
5 The judge will find them guilty or innocent.
FLIPPED CLASSROOM 6 When he or she is found guilty.
Teacher’s keys 7 Yes, if he or she is found innocent, he or she is let
off and can go home.
VOCABULARY ACTIVATOR: Crime 8 They will go to jail and stay there, unless they
TRANSCRIPT break out, until the end of their sentence.
Crime is all around us and we’ve learnt to be
vigilant. There are many types of criminals. For
example, a thief can be a burglar who steals
from houses, a robber who steals from banks, a
shoplifter who steals from shops or a pickpocket
who tries to steal your wallet or purse. There
are vandals who destroy property and hooligans
who cause damage and fight in public places.

There are violent crimes like murder and mugging
and terrorist crimes like a bomb explosion and

hijacking and other forms of killing. Non-violent
criminals can be blackmailers who demand
money not to reveal private or compromising
information, drug dealers, or computer hackers

stealing your information or identity.
Criminals are those who commit a crime and
break the law. Some get away with it and are
not punished, others are arrested, confess to
the crime and go to jail. The police acting on
information try to track down the criminals and
have them convicted of their crimes. Usually the
suspects are arrested and taken to court, where
the judge will find them guilty or innocent.
If they’re found guilty, they are sent to jail, but if
they’re found innocent, they are let off and can go
home. Sometimes the police will catch a criminal
red-handed, in the middle of their crime and the
result is easy to predict. They will go to jail and
stay there, unless they break out, until the end of
their sentence. After all, as we say ‘crime does not

1 GIVE the English translation of the following

words and expressions.
1 thief, 2 burglar, 3 robber, 4 shoplifter,
5 pickpocket, 6 vandal, 7 hooligan, 8 murderer,
9 mugger, 10 hijacker, 11 blackmailer, 12 drug
dealer, 13 computer hacker.

2 ANSWER the questions.

1 Criminals are those who commit a crime and
break the law.
2 A burglar steals from houses and a robber steals
from banks.
3 A criminal who isn’t punished for what he has
4 They use the information to track down the
criminals and have them convicted of their crimes.

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The crime scene FLIPPED
Student’s Book classroom

Students can be given the Vocabulary video to watch at
OBJECTIVES home and then work on it at the beginning of class time.
Photocopiable exercices can be found on page 88.
The aim of this Unit is to introduce the vocabulary associated
with relationships in a realistic context. The Towards INVALSI WARM-UP
section focuses on understanding and interpreting information
in reading and listening texts. Students also practise the
phrasal verbs for relationship. The grammar covered in this
1 DISCUSS in pairs.
unit include the review of the modals of ability, possibility Student’s activity.
Student’s Book

and permission, the modals of deduction and the modals of

obligation, necessity and advice. The First Use of English page
focuses on Reading and Use of English Part 2 (open cloze) and C Learning to use vocabulary in
4 (key word transformations) while the First Reading presents context
Reading and Use of English Part 5 (multiple-choice questions).
Negative prefixes are introduced in the word formation section.
The First Speaking section deals with the preparation of Part
2 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the definitions.
2 (individual long turn) while on the First Listening page there
is Listening Part 4 (extracts with multiple-choice questions). 1 robber, 2 shoplifter, 3 vandal, 4 murderer,
The 21st-century skills section includes a video with teenagers 5 hijacker, 6 thief, 7 smuggler, 8 hacker.
speaking about bullying. The viewing of the video aims at
stimulating social interaction and ends with the Learn by doing
activity which focuses on the soft skill ‘decision making’ linked
Extra activity
to the 21st-century skill: Critical thinking and problem solving.
The unit ends with First Writing Part 2 (an article). COMPLETE the list below.
The Review section checks the students’ progress in blackmailer, burglar, drug dealing, hijacker,
vocabulary, grammar and Use of English. hacker, hooliganism, kidnapper, mugger, murder,
pickpocketing, robbery, shoplifting, smuggler,
terrorism, thief, vandalism.
Collocations and expressions for crime
Word formation: negative prefixes
3 MATCH the pictures to one of the crimes
deriving from the criminals in exercise 2.
Grammar A 5, B 8, C 6, D 1, E 2, F 3.
Modals for ability, possibility and permission
Could / Manage to / Succeed in / Be able to
Modals of deduction 4 2.6 LISTEN to the descriptions of four
famous crimes and match them with
Modals of obligation, necessity and advice
Need the criminals below.

Functions A 3, B 4, C 1, D 2.
Describing pictures in detail
Comparing pictures TRANSCRIPT
Giving your opinion 1 In August 1963 a gang of criminals held up the
Presenting facts in an article Royal Mail’s Travelling Post Office train and stole
Giving a neutral opinion in an article
Expressing a personal opinion in an article used banknotes valued at £2.6 million, equivalent
today to £40 million. The gang didn’t use any
guns and they didn’t kill anyone but when the
Self-study and ZTE police arrested them and they were put on trial,
The Self-study and ZTE exercises can be employed either they received severe jail sentences because of the
to reinforce or review the grammar structures and topic
public anger. The robbery became famous as The
vocabulary of the Unit.
Great Train Robbery, and two films, ‘Robbery’ in
1966 and ‘Buster’ in 1990, showed how carefully
planned the robbery must have been. Some of
the original gang are still alive but the police were
never able to find most of the stolen money.
2 On November 24, 1971, a man calling himself
Dan Cooper bought an airplane ticket for Seattle,
Washington, in Portland airport, Oregon. This
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
90 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
quiet man boarded the plane, ordered a drink
and then gave the airhostess a note saying he Extra activity
was carrying a bomb. He showed her a mass of COMPLETE the sentences with the correct form
wires and red sticks in his briefcase which could of the verbs below.
have been a bomb and dictated a note asking for
1 Criminals who commit crimes are breaking
4 parachutes and $200,000 in twenty-dollar bills.
the law.
When the flight landed in Seattle, the passengers
were able to leave the plane in return for the cash 2 Although the police caught the thief red-
and parachutes. Cooper then ordered the captain handed, he refused to confess to his crime.
to fly towards Mexico City, but just before Reno, 3 Acting on information, the detective tracked
Cooper jumped out of the plane with the bags down the burglar and arrested her.
of money. The plane later landed safely but to 4 As there wasn’t enough evidence to convict
this day no-one has been able to discover what the terrorist, he got away with his crime.
happened to Cooper or to the money.
5 The judge found the hijacker guilty and
3 This is an example of what extraordinary things
sentenced him to ten years in jail.
can happen. During the night of 9 July 1982, the
Queen woke up in Buckingham Palace and saw 6 The young shoplifter was a first-time

a young man sitting on her bed. His name was offender and the store detective let him off.

Student’s Book
Michael Fagan, a 31-year-old Irishman who said
it was the second time he had broken into the
palace although he hadn’t stolen anything. The Extra activity

incident must have been extremely embarrassing COMPLETE the paragraph using the words in
to the Prime Minister of the time, Margaret brackets to form a word that fits each gap.
Thatcher, and might have been very serious. In the recent riots there was a lot of (1) criminal
Fagan was arrested and apologised to the Queen. activity noticed by plain-clothes policemen who
The head of Scotland Yard’s Royal Protection were positioned in the crowds. Much of the
Squad lost his job and Fagan received a short jail activity consisted of (2) vandalism or (3) shoplifting
sentence. and witnesses stated that they had seen many
4 The 21st century has been marked so far by (4) illegal acts. The police (5) arrested many of the
a series of violent attacks in major cities. The suspects who could appear before a magistrate
most famous is probably the attack using two the next morning.
airplanes that destroyed the Twin Towers in New Those that the magistrate finds (6) guilty will
York on 11th September 2001. The extraordinary probably be sent to jail whereas those for whom
images of the attack and collapse of the towers there is little or no (7) evidence will most likely
was shown live around the world. There have get away with a reprimand. The (8) prosecuting
been several other examples since then however, lawyer said in a (9) statement to the press that it
including those in cities like London, Barcelona, is important to teach all young people that crime
Paris and Nice. All the attacks are linked by the doesn’t pay and that the police could track down
element of surprise and panic, the random loss of those who get mixed up in (10) actions that are
lives and by the extremism behind them. against the law.

FOCUS ON VOCABULARY 6 DISCUSS in pairs the difference in meaning

for these expressions with ‘crime’:
5 MATCH the expressions (1-12) to their
meanings (A-L). commit a crime: the act of doing a crime, report
a crime: tell the police or authorities about a
1 G, 2 C, 3 L, 4 D, 5 H, 6 A, 7 E, 8 B, 9 F, 10 K, crime, carry out a crime: do a criminal action,
11 J, 12 I. beat crime: conquer crime, turn to crime: decide
to become a criminal, solve a crime: find out how
a crime was committed and who was responsible.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 91
Tow a rds I N VA L S I some of the most beautiful buildings in the
town. It is a crime and not a victimless one. An
WARM-UP enormous amount of local tax money is spent
cleaning up and preventing more of the pictures
1 DISCUSS IN PAIRS. Do you download
music or films or video games from the and writing on the walls of public buildings. We
Internet? Is it legal to do this or is it a crime? feel it is a criminal activity, it is illegal and must
Who is hurt by it? be punished. Most so-called graffiti artists are
actually young vandals or first-time offenders
Student’s activity. rather than organised crime groups, but they need
to understand there is civil and criminal liability.
C Reading, understanding and Some of them are in gangs marking territory, but
interpreting information most are just individual taggers spraying their
Student’s Book

names or symbols to gain personal recognition.

2 2.7 READ and listen to the article and
decide which of the highlighted
The neighbourhood begins to deteriorate, and
that invites first minor crime and then major
words has the following meaning: crime. Some suggest that the young offenders
might clean up their own graffiti as punishment,
1 street vendors, 2 revenue, 3 copyright law.
or they could do some form of civil service helping
others in need. Most local authorities agree that
3 READ the article about intellectual property
theft again.
the best approach is zero tolerance – removing
graffiti within 24 hours so that we might have
Parts of the text have been removed.
cleaner, more attractive towns and cities.
Choose the correct part (A-K) for each gap
Woman: I am an Art teacher and I don’t agree.
Graffiti can be very artistic, colourful and
There are two extra parts that you should not
even improve an area. I integrate graffiti into
my teaching as a legitimate form of artistic
The first one (0) has been done for you.
expression. People throughout history have
Q1 I, Q2 A, Q3 G, Q4 K, Q5 E, Q6 B, Q7 F, Q8 J. always wanted to leave their mark, whether a
Extras: C and H. prehistoric animal painted onto a cave wall, or
individual names drawn on the ancient walls
C Listening and understanding of Pompeii. Suppose some local official had
information decided to clean the walls in Pompeii… For many,
the negatives and positives of each community
4 2.8 LISTEN to two people talking about
can be reflected in graffiti. It might be about the
misunderstanding and neglect of some sections
While listening, choose the correct of the population by those in authority, or could
answer (A, B, C or D) for the be a celebration of creativity, originality and
questions. freedom. It can be a very powerful art form. What
Only one answer is correct. if people used violence instead of art to express
The first one (0) has been done for their frustrations? Graffiti can display the artists’
you. feelings or opinions about the world around them.
In one example in south London there is a painted
Q1 B, Q2 C, Q3 A, Q4 C, Q5 D, Q6 B. mural in graffiti style along a public walkway
Teacher’s tip In order to replicate what will happen in the encouraging positive relationships across different
INVALSI exam, you should give students one minute to study sections of the local community. Promoting more
the task before listening. Then students should be allowed to creativity I see as a way of making a difference
listen to the recording two times. After the second listening,
and showing students that art can play an
students should receive one minute to check their answers.
important role, not just in museums, but out on
the streets where more people can see it.
Man: I work for the local town council and it is my
responsibility to keep our town looking clean and
attractive. In recent years we have had a problem
with graffiti which for us is a form of vandalism.
Many of our citizens have complained to the
council and can’t understand why we haven’t
managed to arrest those who are destroying

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

92 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Collocations and expressions for crime
5 MATCH the highlighted collocations and
expressions (1-6) in the article with their
Extra activity
CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the
definitions (A-F). sentences.
1 Look at the lightening! There may be a
1 C, 2 F, 3 A, 4 B, 5 E, 6 D. thunderstorm.

6 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct

collocation or expression from exercise 5.
2 No, it can’t be my brother on the phone, he’s
here with me.
3 It may take a long time to get there but it is
1 victimless crime, 2 organised crime groups,
not certain.
3 (civil and criminal) liability, 4 end users, 5 first-
time offenders, 6 illegal counterfeiting. 4 They must have been at the café. But I didn’t
see them.
5 I must have written the number incorrectly.
G RA M M A R 1 I’ve just called a baker’s and not the
Modals of ability, possibility and restaurant.

permission 6 I can’t understand why she is so upset. She
must have received bad news.

Student’s Book
1 READ sentences 1-7 and answer questions
5 COMPLETE the sentences with the verbs in

A 2, B 1, C 5, D 3, E 6, F 4, G 7. brackets and a modal of deduction.
1 may/could/might have felt, 2 must be, 3 can’t
FREQUENT MISTAKES have failed, 4 must have been, 5 may/could/
Could / Manage to / Succeed in / Be able might have lost, 6 can’t have seen.
2 READ the examples and decide if there is any
difference in meaning. What information is
6 CORRECT the mistakes in each sentence.
1 I left my purse at home, so I could not pay.
given in each sentence?
2 He isn’t in his bedroom. He must be in the garden.
1 Could is used to speak about ability in the past 3 It may/might be sunny tomorrow and it may/
generally. might be hot, too.
2 To be able to/manage to/succeed in express 4 He worked hard and was able to/managed to
ability especially when the outcome has been finish his project.
difficult to achieve.
5 Susan was not able to speak to David because he
had already left for New York.
3 COMPLETE the sentences in a positive (+) or
negative (-) way. 6 I could swim very fast when I was five.
7 Someone was ringing. It must have been my
1 managed to/were able to, 2 ’ll be able, 3 can/
brother. He promised to call.
could/may, 4 may/could/might, 5 couldn’t, 6 may
not/might not. 8 He may/could/might have got that job because
he looked very pleased.
Modals of deduction
4 READ sentences 1-6 and match each modal
verb to an explanation A-F.
A 2, B 4, C 3, D 1, E 5, F 6.
FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Part 2
1 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
1 manage, 2 could/can, 3 must, 4 can, 5 able,
6 may/might, 7 might, 8 can’t.

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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 93
FIRST Reading and Use of English – 3 When and where was the body discovered?
Part 4 It was discovered in 1991 along the Italian
For questions 1-6, complete the second
Austrian border.
4 Why hadn’t the victim’s body been discovered
sentence so that it has a similar meaning to earlier? Because he had been frozen in a glacier.
the first sentence, using the word given. Do 5 How had the victim died? He had been shot in
not change the word given. You must use the back with an arrow.
between two and five words, including the 6 When and where did it happen? It happened in
word given. Here is an example (0). around 3300 B.C. in the Ötztal Alps.
1 he able to, 2 may I go out, 3 can’t be Dad, 7 What was the victim like? He was 5 feet
4 must have been, 5 he had finally tracked down, 5 inches tall, weighed 110 pounds, had brown
Student’s Book

6 might have been. eyes and shoulder-length dark-brown hair and a

size 7 ½ foot.
REA DI NG 8 How did the inspector find out about the
time of year Ötzi died? From the pollen content
WARM-UP in his digestive tract he discovered that Ötzi had
died in late spring or early summer.
1 DISCUSS in pairs.
9 How did the inspector know Ötzi had been
Student’s activity – expected answers will talk involved in a fight? Because of an older wound
about unsolved criminal cases sometimes from on his right hand.
a long time previously. One of the most famous
is Jack the Ripper – the mass murderer in 19th- 10 Was Ötzi expecting to be killed? No, because
century London. he made a camp and laid out all his belongings.
11 Who probably killed Ötzi according to the
C Recognising specific information inspector? He thought it was probably the
within a text person Ötzi had fought with down in the valley.
12 What can’t the inspector’s employers ask
2 2.9 READ and listen to the article and
say how Ötzi was killed.
him to do? They can’t ask him to capture the
He was killed by an arrow shot from a distance of
100 ft. Word formation: negative prefixes
5 FIND some examples of this use of prefixes
in the text and say from which words they
FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Part 5
unknown (line 14, known), uncertain (line 19,
article again. For questions 1-6, choose the
answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best
according to the text. 6 TRANSFORM the meaning of the words in
the box using negative prefixes.
1 B, 2 D, 3 A, 4 C, 5 C, 6 B.
Illegal, disappear, nonsense, unlucky, undesirable,
irrelevant, incapable, illegible, unkind, dishonest,
4 FIND the words in the text which mean the
inapplicable, impatient, irregular, indefinite,
1 nicknamed, 2 melted, 3 fateful, 4 intact,
5 prime, 6 site, 7 wound, 8 belongings. 7 MAKE negative meanings from the words
given to complete the sentences.
Extra questions
1 Who telephoned a Detective Inspector in the 1 impossible, undo, 2 irresponsible, illegal,
Munich police about a cold case? It was the 3 unacceptable, disobey, 4 disadvantages,
director of the South Tyrol museum in Bolzano, uncomfortable, 5 dislikes, misbehaviour, non-
Angelika Fleckinger. attendance, 6 irrational, illogical.
2 Did the inspector agree to help? Yes, he did.

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94 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
C Discussing ideas and relating
them to personal experience 4 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
modal verb.

8 DISCUSS the questions. 1 had to, 2 needs to/must, 3 must, 4 don’t have
to/needn’t, 5 mustn’t, 6 must, 7 shouldn’t.
Student’s activity.

9 WORK in groups. Find out about the most 5 COMPLETE the second sentence using the
word in capital letters so that it has a similar
famous crimes in history and prepare a meaning to the first sentence.
presentation to the class using Power-Point.
1 should be more careful, 2 doesn’t have to clean,
Student’s activity. 3 need to pay the bill, 4 must use a password,
5 mustn’t smoke, 6 oughtn’t to trust.
G RA M M A R 2
Modals of obligation, necessity and S P E AKING
advice WARM-UP

1 READ the sentences 1-7 and answer
1 DISCUSS in pairs. Are some crimes more

Student’s Book
questions A-G. serious than others? Which crime should
A 2, B 3, C 4, D 1, E 5, F 7, G 6. be put at the top of a list of serious crimes?

Compare your answer to others in the class.
2 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
Student’s activity.

1 must, 2 don’t have to, 3 have to, 4 shouldn’t, C Developing confidence and fluency
5 need to, 6 should, 7 mustn’t, 8 had to.
2 LOOK at the photographs. In pairs, make a
list of useful words and phrases to describe
Extra activity
them. Then compare your list with the
COMPLETE the sentences with a modal
expressions in the Process language box.
of obligation, necessity or advice. Use the
contracted forms. Student’s activity.
1 You mustn’t sunbathe without protection. Teacher’s tip Students should be encouraged to brain storm
the vocabulary first either on their own or in pairs and then
2 She neednt’ take a taxi, her father is going to
different students can be asked to speak for a timed minute
pick her up at the airport. describing the pictures. At the end of this activity, there should
3 I’m putting on weight, I must begin to practice be a short class discussion on the one-minute speeches and
regularly. the vocabulary generated. Encourage the students to use the
process language.
4 You shouldn’t leave the door unlocked.
Anybody may get in.
5 The sign says ‘No smoking’, which means you FIRST Speaking – Part 2
mustn’t smoke. 3 INDIVIDUAL LONG TURN. Here are two
photographs showing different crimes.
6 He should have called as soon as he landed.
His mother was so worried. Compare them and say which crime can be
seen as more serious. You have one minute to
7 You don’t have to be serious all the time! A
do this.
good laugh can make you good.
8 She needn’t watch the crime series if she
doesn’t feel like it. C Talking about and comparing
personal experiences on a given
3 COMPLETE the second sentence so that it
means the same as the first. Use the correct
form of the verb need. 4 CLASS DISCUSSION. Choose one of the
questions to talk about to your classmates.
1 needed to study very hard, 2 you needn’t pay/
don’t need to pay, 3 needn’t search/don’t need to Student’s activity.
search the house, 4 needs to eat, 5 needn’t stay
don’t need to stay, 6 didn’t need to remain.
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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 95
Teacher’s tip Any of the questions could lead to a heated 7 Did he receive an award? He has received
class discussion and a good follow up. Perhaps as homework, thanks and rewards from several different
you could ask your students to write a paragraph about the grateful computer users. One group which
question of their choice. Give a word limit of 140 or 10-
12 lines.
rewards ‘ethical hackers’ has offered him
$10,000 which he says he will donate to
charity. His company has also promised him a
LI STE NI N G free trip to Los Angeles.
8 Who might have prevented the attack?
WARM-UP According to the expert, Microsoft might have
1 DISCUSS in pairs. What is a cyber-attack?
Have you heard the term before? Do you
prevented the attack because they should not
have stopped supporting Windows XP so soon.
Student’s Book

know of any examples of cyber-attacks? 9 Can future attacks be avoided according to


Student’s activity. the expert? Yes, by backing up data and making

sure the virus protection is up to date.

This video is a clear and lively animation which explains the Radio Announcer: Good evening everyone and
following parts of the First exam: Listening – Part 4.
welcome to another edition of Technology Today,
our weekly look at the tech world. This evening
C Listening for specific information we’re going to consider the danger of cyber-
attacks, and to talk about this danger we have
FIRST Listening – Part 4 invited Gordon Smith, an Internet security expert.
You will hear an interview on a
Welcome to the programme Gordon.
Gordon: Thank you, pleased to be here.
radio programme where a specialist RA: First of all, I want to ask you about the cyber-
is talking about cyber-crime. For attack that recently put systems all over the
questions 1-7, choose the best world in danger and caused serious problems to
answer (A, B or C). the NHS here in Britain. What happened?
Gordon: That attack was from WannaCry criminal
1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 B, 5 A, 6 A, 7 B.
software that struck thousands of Windows
Teacher’s tip The listening exercise contains several technical systems across the Globe. The cyber-attack
terms that you might like to pre-teach. These are: cyber- paralysed many areas of the NHS and we think
attacks, hacker, software, computer virus, kill switch – a point
that it may have affected 200,000 victims in
in the computer code that if activated would stop the cyber-
attack. 150 countries around the world. The attack was
unprecedented but it actually could have been
Extra questions much worse. Unbelievably a 22-year-old man
1 What is the name of the radio programme? managed to activate a kill switch that slowed
It’s called Technology Today. down the attack.
2 What does the announcer ask the Internet RA: Do you mean to say that a world-wide cyber-
security expert about? He asks him about the attack was stopped by one young man?
WannaCry cyber-attack. Gordon: Yes, but of course he is not just any
young man, he is obviously highly talented in his
3 Did it cause any other problems? It may have
field. He is a young British researcher who works
affected 200,000 victims in 150 countries
for a California-based company. He calls himself
around the world.
an accidental hero because he stopped the hacker
4 What role did a 22-year-old play? He almost by mistake.
incredibly managed to stop the attack. RA: How can you stop an attack by mistake?
5 Who was the young man? He was a young Explain what happened.
British researcher who works for a California- Gordon: What happened was that he was
based company. working on ways of stopping the attack when
6 How did he stop the attack? By activating a kill he found a kill switch while analysing part of the
switch. criminal code. He was able to activate the switch
and that stopped the attack. It must have been a
very exciting moment.
RA: Did the young man get any rewards for this
wonderful achievement?

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96 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Gordon: Apart from personal fame, and I
imagine he might get a promotion at work, he 2 WATCH the first part of the video (from
0:00 to 00:20) and write down the
has received thanks and rewards from several
different grateful computer users. One group reasons why the teens are being bullied.
which rewards ‘ethical hackers’ has offered him 1 For being short.
$10,000 which he says he will donate to charity. 2 For being diabetic.
His company has also promised him a free trip to
Los Angeles. 3 For stupid reasons they pick on.
RA: Will he continue to have a role in fighting
possible attacks in the future?
Gordon: Absolutely. He is already helping the
3 WATCH the whole video and say if the
following sentences are true (T) or false
National Cyber Security Centre in Britain to avoid (F). Correct the false ones.
possible future threats and is part of a global 1 F, He experienced some bullying before in High
community that constantly watches out for School, 2 T, 3 T, 4 F, She spoke her words, 5 T,
suspicious software that might contain a cyber- 6 F, He thinks that if people tried to see the good
attack. in everybody, there wouldn’t be so much bullying,
RA: Could anyone have prevented the attack?

7 T.
Gordon: According to Sir David Omand, a security

Student’s Book
adviser to the Prime Minister, Microsoft itself
might have prevented the attack but failed to give 4 WATCH the video again and decide who
says the following: Will (W), Thalia (T),
sufficient security cover to vulnerable computer

Charlie (C), Tim (Ti), Lydia (L).
systems. In particular, he says Microsoft should
not have stopped supporting Windows XP so 1 T, 2 W, 3 C, 4 L, 5 Th, 6 Ti.
soon. They must have known about all the
various institutions using Windows XP because TRANSCRIPT
Microsoft itself encouraged them to do so. Boy 1 (Will): I was always made fun of for being
RA: So what could institutions do to prevent short.
further attacks? Girl 1 (Thalia): They would make fun of me and
Gordon: We know that these attacks are relatively how I’m diabetic.
common. They are happening all the time but Boy 2 (Charlie): In my old school I got bullied a lot
there are definitely things that institutions and and it would be for really stupid reasons. They’d
individuals can do, to protect themselves against just find things to pick on, you know.
them. First of all, make sure data is backed up and Thalia: They’d start pulling hair, fighting…
the virus protection is up to date. Boy 3 (Tim): Unfortunately, I have witnessed
RA: So there we have it – beware of cyber-attacks some bullying before in High School. The way it
and keep your computer protected. Thank you, is nowadays it’s kind of hard not to, which is the
Gordon for explaining the recent enormous cyber- really unfortunate thing.
attack and telling us about the young cyber-hero. Girl 2 (Lydia): I saw this one group and it looked
really fun and I wanted, I wanted to be part of it.
But I don’t know if they were maliciously trying
21 ST - CENTURY SKI L L S not to like have me be part of their group, I don’t
think that was their intent but I do think that they
were oblivious to me and just kind of went like
VIDEO ‘Oh Hi’ and then just walked away you know and
Teenager about bullying it kind of hurt.
Thalia: They were like ‘Oh she’s diabetic, she can’t
C Watching and understanding a eat this’ or ‘She’s diabetic she can’t eat sugar ha,
short film ha, ha, blah, blah, blah’ and I didn’t like that so I
just spoke my words and… that’s it.
1 BEFORE watching the video, match the
words (1-5) to their meanings (A-E).
Lydia: But then I realised that, that I didn’t really
need to be part of their group because I thought,
you know, there are other people out there that
1 D, 2 E, 3 A, 4 B, 5 C. really want to be my friend. Those people didn’t
want to be my friend but there are people who do
want to be my friend and those are the people I
should pursue friendships with.
Tim: I think that if everyone really just saw the
good in people, then there wouldn’t be as much
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 97
bullying and so that’s what I try to do. I try to see a neutral opinion: The service believes that
the good in everybody as much as I can and I try individuals and communities should feel safe from
to welcome them or at least console them. crime and safe from the fear of crime (lines 7-8),
Charlie: As soon as the bullying starts, you need They say the nature of crime could be changing
to put a stop to it. You need to go directly to (lines 22-23), a personal opinion: Our promise
somebody as soon as it happens because if not, of anonymity means everyone can contact us
the bullies will know that and they can think that without fear of intimidation or recrimination. We
they can keep taking more advantage of you. feel we can give vulnerable individuals a voice
which could help whole communities to take a
5 DISCUSS in pairs. Why do you think students
bully others? What is the atmosphere like
stand against crime (lines 9-13), we must remain
non-judgmental and apolitical. We must never
in your school? What can you do when you judge our callers or comment on government
Student’s Book

see another student being bullied? What can policy or the police or anyone involved in criminal
teachers do? justice (lines 17-20).
Student’s activity.
3 READ the article again and answer the

TA K I N G R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 1 There are 4 paragraphs.

2 It introduces the subject of the article.
Teacher’s tip This page deals with the 21st-century skill
of leadership and responsibility, in particular the ability to 3 The second paragraph.
be responsible to others and learn to act responsibly in the 4 The third paragraph.
interests and benefits of the larger community.
5 The conclusion is that the service is undoubtedly
Griglia di valutazione: p. 242. valued highly and is in the last paragraph.

6 WORK in groups. Imagine you have been

asked for proposals to help the school reduce
4 DISCUSS. What is the style and register of
the article? Give some examples from the
bullying. text to support your answer and say whether
Student’s activity. it is appropriate for the readers of a local
7 SHARE and compare the findings of the
different groups and vote for each final
Student’s activity.
Suggested answer:
proposal. The article is written in a semi-formal style which
Student’s activity. is appropriate for the readers of a local paper. It
also has lots of personal references using ‘our’
8 WRITE a proposal for the school board
following these steps:
and ‘we’.

Student’s activity. FIRST Writing – Part 2

5 AN ARTICLE. You recently saw this notice in
your local newspaper. You are going to write
an article expressing your opinion. Use 140-
WARM-UP 190 words.
1 DISCUSS in pairs about crime help lines. Student’s activity.
Student’s activity.

C Describing and expressing ideas

and opinions in an article
2 READ the following article about a new
help line in a small British town. Pick out an
example of:
a fact: Our reporter recently visited ‘A Helping
Hand’ (line 1), This anonymous service gives
everyone the possibility to speak out (line 3),
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
98 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
UNITS 3-4 FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Review Part 3
7 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8,
read the text below. Use the word given in
capitals at the end of some of the lines to
VO CA BULA RY AC T I VATO R form a word that fits in the gap in the same
1 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
1 disillusioned, 2 overtaken, 3 unconventional,
1 apply, 2 do overtime, 3 the sack, 4 unemployed, 4 efficiently, 5 unwanted, 6 easily, 7 precautions,
5 retire, 6 go on strike, being unemployed. 8 security.

2 COMPLETE the text with a verb from the box

in the correct tense.
FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Part 4
1 break, 2 caught, 3 confess, 4 catch, 5 get away,
6 arrested, 7 sent, 8 break out. 8 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS.
For questions 1-6, complete the second

sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
G RA M M A R the first sentence, using the word given. Do

not change the word given. You must use
3 CHOOSE the correct future form to complete
between two and five words, including the

the sentences.
word given. Here is an example (0).
1 are going, are going to visit, 2 won’t be,
1 might come to the concert, 2 the train will have,
manage, 3 will be doing, be studying, will have
3 are now contracted, 4 to make a living, 5 will be
completed, 4 are you coming, won’t be, ’m having,
travelling, 6 don’t have to use.
5 ’ll phone.

4 COMPLETE the sentences with a suitable

modal verb and say if it is ability (A),
possibility (P) or deduction (D).
1 could, A, 2 could, P, 3 must, D, 4 can, can, can’t,
A, 5 can’t, P, 6 must, D.

FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Part 1
1-8, read the blog below and decide which
answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There
is an example at the beginning (0).
1 B, 2 A, 3 D, 4 C, 5 B, 6 A, 7 C, 8 D.

FIRST Reading and Use of English –

Part 2
6 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
1 must, 2 can, 3 cannot, 4 have, 5 might,
6 which, 7 will, 8 down.

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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 99
UNIT 4 Modals of deduction
The crime scene 6 CHOOSE the correct alternative.

Workbook 1 may, 2 may, 3 may, 4 could, 5 may, 6 must,

7 can, 8 must, 9 must, 10 can’t, 11 must.

VO CA BU L A RY AC T I VATO R 7 COMPLETE the sentences so that they have

a similar meaning to the first sentences. Use
1 COMPLETE the sentences with the
expressions and collocations for crime and
must or can’t.
1 must be, 2 must have left, 3 can’t be pleasant,
punishment. 4 must be, 5 must have been counterfeited,
6 can’t have been.

1 caught/tracked down, confess, 2 had got away,


acting, 3 broken, 4 let him off, 5 caught red-

handed, 6 have broken out, 7 are found, be sent, FREQUENT MISTAKES
8 were sentenced, 9 has been convicted, 10 got Could / Manage to / Succeed in / Be able
away with. to
8 CHOOSE the correct alternative.
Tow a rds I N VA L S I 1 C, 2 A, 3 D, 4 D, 5 C, 6 A.
2 2.1 READ and listen to the article about
Ed Sheeran. U S E OF E NGLIS H
Parts of the text have been removed.
Choose the correct part (A-L) for FIRST Reading and Use of English –
each gap (1-9). Part 2
There are two extra parts that you
should not use. 9 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
The first one (0) has been done for
you. fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
Q1 C, Q2 J, Q3 F, Q4 A, Q5 E, Q6 K, Q7 G, Q8 B,
Q9 D. 1 out, 2 away, 3 murderer, 4 down, 5 jail,
Extras: I and L. 6 might/could, 7 robber(s), 8 can’t/cannot.

Collocations and expressions for crime FIRST Reading and Use of English –
3 COMPLETE the paragraph with the words in Part 4
For questions 1-6, complete the second
1 organised crime groups, 2 illegal, 3 counterfeit
goods, 4 end users, 5 first-time offender, 6 full- sentence so that it has a similar meaning
time offender, 7 victimless, 8 liability. to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must
use between two and five words, including
G RA M M A R 1 the word given. Here is an example (0).
Modals of ability, possibility and 1 could run for a mile, 2 caught the thief red-
permission handed, 3 broke out of, 4 it can’t be Jake, 5 could
be our new neighbour, 6 let off by the police.
4 CHOOSE the correct alternative.
1 may, 2 managed to, 3 might, 4 could, 5 may,
6 will be able to, 7 could.

5 COMPLETE the second sentence so that is

has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
Use the word given.
1 won’t be able, 2 could have started, 3 may not
eat or drink, 4 could run very fast, 5 it may rain,
6 were not able to find.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
100 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
16 COMPLETE the second sentence so that is
has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Use the word given.
Part 5
1 has to work smarty, 2 don’t have to arrive,
QUESTIONS. Read the text. For
3 should be more careful, 4 ought to have written,
5 needn’t discuss/don’t need to discuss, 6 should
questions 1-6, choose the answer
I have said.
(A, B, C or D) which you think fits
best according to the text.
1 C, 2 B, 3 D, 4 A, 5 C, 6 C. Need

WORD FORMATION 17 COMPLETE the second sentence so that it

has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
Negative prefixes
Use the correct form of the verb need.
12 FIND eight words in the text using
negative prefixes and write from which
1 needn’t water/don’t need to water, 2 need to
spend, 3 didn’t need to try, 4 will need to check,

words they derive.
5 didn’t need to get, 6 won’t need to revise, 7 will
illegal (line 1, legal), unauthorised (line 6, need to be sent, 8 don’t need to give/needn’t give.
authorise), discover (line 23, cover), illegally

(line 38, legal), impossible (line 51, possible),
irresponsibly (line 56, responsible), incorrect (line LISTE NING
60, correct), disappear (line 64, appear).
FIRST Listening – Part 4
13 USE a word in the box with a negative
prefix to complete the sentences.
QUESTIONS. You will hear an
interview on a radio programme
1 unacceptable, 2 non-profit, 3 unfortunately,
where an expert on crime is
impossible, 4 incapable of, illegal, 5 irrational,
talking about famous American
criminals. For questions 1-7,
choose the best answer (A, B or
G RA M M A R 2 C).

Modals of obligation, necessity and 1 B, 2 C, 3 C, 4 A, 5 C, 6 B, 7 C.

14 CHOOSE the correct alternative. Broadcaster: Good evening everyone and
welcome to our Famous crimes and Criminals
1 mustn’t, 2 have to, 3 don’t have to, 4 mustn’t,
5 must, 6 had to. series. This evening we’re going to be talking to a
crime expert about famous American criminals.
15 FIND the mistakes and correct them.
Some sentences are correct.
Welcome Dave Truman.
Truman: Thank you. Perhaps I should start with
the best known American criminal, Al Capone. Al
1 In my gym, everyone has to wear rubber shoes. ‘Scarface’
2 Correct. Capone was a gangster in the Prohibition era. He
3 In the future, we will be able to keep fit with more created a multimillion-dollar empire in the 1920s
sophisticated machines. in Chicago with the proceeds from illegal alcohol,
gambling and prostitution. He was probably
4 Correct. also behind the famous Saint Valentine’s Day
5 You needn’t/don’t have to pick me up at the Massacre in Lincoln Park in 1929 where seven of
station because I can get a bus. his enemies were killed.
6 Correct. Broadcaster: Was he shot by the police?
Truman: No, incredibly he died in his own bed.
He had been arrested for tax evasion and spent
over seven years in prison, including the infamous
Alcatraz in San Francisco. But he came out and
went to live in Miami, where he died in his bed.

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Broadcaster: Who is your next choice? WR ITING
Truman: The next criminal I want to mention
is Charles Manson. He was the leader of a FIRST Writing – Part 2
commune in California in the Sixties. He organised
a series of horrific murders on consecutive nights, 19 AN ARTICLE. You recently saw this notice
in your local newspaper. You are going to
as a way of provoking a race war. The worst
write an article expressing your opinion.
was the murder of Roman Polanski’s pregnant
Use 140-190 words.
wife, Sharon Tate, and her house guests. He was
initially sentenced to death but that was later Student’s activity.
commuted into life imprisonment.
Broadcaster: Don’t tell me, he died in his bed too.
Truman: No, he didn’t. He was repeatedly denied
20 When you have finished, remember to
re-read your article and check for any

parole and eventually died in prison in November grammar or spelling mistakes. Check in
2017. particular the tenses you have used for
Broadcaster: Another two criminals who are the verbs. Then answer the following
famous in the US, also because their story was questions.
made into a film, are Bonnie and Clyde. Student’s activity.
Truman: This couple travelled around the central
US at the time of the Great Depression robbing
some banks, small stores and rural gas stations.
They and their gang killed at least nine policemen
and several others.
Broadcaster: Did they end up in jail?
Truman: No, the police organised an ambush and
they were shot and killed.
Broadcaster: A more modern criminal who
is more like the terrorist criminals we are
unfortunately familiar with today, is Timothy
Truman: He became notorious as the Oklahoma
bomber because he detonated a truck bomb in
front of a Federal Building in Oklahoma City on
April 19, 1995 killing 168 people. He claimed
it was a revenge killing against the federal
government for their siege of a religious sect in
Broadcaster: Did he die in the bombing?
Truman: No, he was arrested and tried and
executed in June 2001.
Broadcaster: We have time for one more.
Truman: OK, well this last one is a completely
different kind of criminal. He didn’t kill anyone but
he was accused of being a traitor and disclosing
unclassified but sensitive, military and diplomatic
documents to WikiLeaks. He, who actually then
became a she, served with the US army in Iraq
as an intelligence analyst. She had access to a lot
of information which she then leaked. She was
arrested in 2010 and held in solitary confinement
charged with aiding the enemy. She was given
a sentence of 35 years that was commuted in
2017 to seven. So she is actually now free.
Broadcaster: I remember the media was full of it
all at the time. Thank you Dave for contributing to
our series.
Truman: A pleasure, there are many more famous
criminals we could mention, so maybe I’ll be back.
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102 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Programmazione per competenze
UNIT 5 • Global issues
Tempo di svolgimento: 3/4 settimane
Traguardi formativi Indicatori

A quali “Traguardi per lo sviluppo delle Che cosa ci si aspetta sappia fare lo studente Su quali conoscenze e
per competenze

competenze” mirano le attività didattiche che ha raggiunto questi traguardi? abilità si sviluppano le

dell’unità? competenze?

Padroneggiare la lingua straniera per Ascolto (comprensione orale) Funzioni linguistiche

interagire in diversi ambiti e contesti e per − comprendere espressioni e frasi usate per − descrivere immagini
comprendere gli aspetti significativi della descrivere la necessità per gli studenti di − esprimere opinioni
civiltà degli altri Paesi in prospettiva acquisire la conoscenza e la − dare esempi
interculturale consapevolezza dei problemi globali (es. 3 − esprimere contrasto
− utilizzare le funzioni linguistico- p. 69)
comunicative riferite al livello B2 del − identificare informazioni specifiche in testi Strutture grammaticali
Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento orali in cui si parla di progetti di − zero, first and second
− comprendere le idee fondamentali di testi conservazione sostenibile (es. 5 p. 71) conditionals
complessi su argomenti sia concreti che − comprendere brevi testi relativi ai − unless/in case as long
astratti cambiamenti climatici (es. 2 p. 78) as/provided that
− interagire oralmente − comprendere testi descrittivi complessi − third conditionals
− leggere e comprendere testi sia orali che (es. 3 p. 70; es. 2 p. 74) − mixed conditionals
scritti che riguardano un’ampia gamma di − expressing wishes and
argomenti Parlato (produzione e interazione orale) regrets: I wish/If only
− produrre testi sia orali che scritti che − descrivere problemi globali (es. 6 p. 55; es.
riguardano un’ampia gamma di argomenti 1 p. 64; es. 5 p. 65; es. 1 p. 70) Lessico
− leggere, analizzare e interpretare testi − discutere sul tema dei rifugiati e sul − useful expressions for
letterari rapporto esistente tra conflitti interni di un global issues
− esprimere un’opinione su argomenti di Paese e numero di rifugiati (es. 1 p. 74; − phrasal verbs for global
attualità, esponendo i pro e i contro delle es. 8 p. 75) issues
diverse opinioni nell’ambito di una − discutere sul cambiamento climatico e sul − word formation:
discussione di gruppo riscaldamento globale (es. 1 p. 77; es. 1, 3 suffixes to make
p. 78) abstract nouns
Utilizzare testi multimediali
− utilizzare l’eBook per svolgere gli esercizi Lettura (comprensione scritta) Key language for social
in maniera interattiva ed esercitarsi a − comprendere testi descrittivi complessi competence
comprendere i prodotti della (es. 3 p. 70; es. 2 p. 74) − comparing possibilities
comunicazione audiovisiva − greeting/why you are
− Flipped classroom: video per la Scrittura (produzione scritta) writing/salutation in an
presentazione del vocabolario e filmati − scrivere un breve testo sul problema dei informal email
che permettono allo studente di rifugiati (es. 9 p. 75)
familiarizzare con aspetti vari della vita dei − scrivere una mail informale in risposta ad
Paesi di lingua anglofona (brani di ascolto e una richiesta di raccolta fondi nell’ambito
filmati) di un progetto umanitario (es. 4 p. 80)
− filmato First exam description
Riflessione sulla lingua
Competenze chiave di cittadinanza − osservare le parole nei contesti d’uso e
− imparare a imparare impararne il significato
− progettare − osservare la struttura delle frasi e mettere
− collaborare e partecipare in relazione costrutti e intenzioni
− agire in modo autonomo e responsabile comunicative
− acquisire ed interpretare l’informazione

Competenze del 21° secolo

− abilità sociali e interculturali – creating
new ideas

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104 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Attività comunicative Attività per lo sviluppo delle Prove autentiche Preparazione alla
competenze chiave e strutturate certificazione e
Con quali attività didattiche si raggiunge l’acquisizione dei contenuti e si Con quali strumenti di valutazione
sviluppano le competenze? (formativa e sommativa) si verifica
l’acquisizione dei contenuti e lo sviluppo
delle competenze?
Ricezione orale Imparare a imparare Nelle Idee per First
− ascolto e comprensione di un − formulare ipotesi sulla coniugazione insegnare (prove − Reading and Use
breve commento relativo ai di zero, first e second conditionals (es. strutturate) of English – Part

problemi globali 1 p. 72) − Unit test (Fila A e 3, p. 73

− ascolto e comprensione di − unless/in case/as long as/provided − Reading and Use

per competenze
Fila B)
informazioni specifiche tramite that (es. 5 p. 72) − Fast check (Fila A of English – Part
domande a scelta multipla − third conditionals (es. 1 p. 76) e Fila B) 4, p. 73

− ascolto e comprensione di − mixed conditionals (es. 3 p. 76) − Competences − Reading and Use
informazioni specifiche con − esprimere desideri e rimpianti: I test of English – Part
completamento di frasi wish/if only (es. 5, 6 p. 76) − Recupero test 6, p. 74-75
− visione e comprensione di una − apprendere strutture grammaticali − Easy reading − Speaking – Part
sequenza video attraverso frasi tratte dai testi di tests (BES) 2, p. 77
reading comprehension (es. 1, 2 p. 72; − Guided tests − Listening – Part
Produzione orale es. 1, 5, 6 p. 76) (BES) 2, p. 78
− interagire in coppie o gruppi − apprendere vocaboli attraverso − Writing – Part 2,
usando le funzioni e il lessico video e animazioni (p. 69, 79) Esercizi online su p. 80
dell’unità − approfondire il lessico, le strutture e ZTE
− mettere a confronto due le tipologie First presenti nell’unità Towards INVALSI
immagini sullo stesso tema attraverso esercizi (Workbook p. (p. 70-71)
− discutere la soluzione di problemi 40-47; Self-study nell’eBook)

Ricezione e produzione scritta Progettare (es. 6 p. 79)

− comprendere le idee chiave di un
articolo e riassumerne il punto di Collaborare e partecipare
vista − collaborare con un compagno o un
− leggere un breve testo e gruppo per discutere sulla base dei
completare gli spazi vuoti con le dati forniti (es. 1 p. 74; es. 8 p. 75; es.
parole mancanti 3 p. 77; es. 5-7 p. 79; es. 1 p. 80)
− comprendere lo sviluppo di idee
ed eventi in un testo Agire in modo autonomo e
− scrivere una mail informale come responsabile
risposta ad una ricevuta − riflettere sui propri errori con l’aiuto
della sezione Frequent mistakes (p.
Esercizi 76)
− esercizi di completamento, vero/
falso, scelta multipla, Acquisire ed interpretare
abbinamento, riordinamento, l’informazione
trasformazione − leggere o ascoltare la descrizione di
− attività di scrittura per alcune persone che parlano di
memorizzare funzioni, strutture problematiche globali e di progetti
e lessico eco-sostenibili (es. 5 p. 71)
− esercizi in coppia e a gruppi − ascoltare parte di una conferenza
− esercizi di consolidamento e sul riscaldamento globale e i
potenziamento (Workbook p. cambiamenti climatici e riconoscere
40-47; Self-study nell’eBook) informazioni specifiche (First
Listening – Part 2, p. 78)

21st-century skills
Social and cross-cultural skills
− creating new ideas in teams: es. 6, 7
p. 79

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NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................

1 GIVE the English translation of the following words and phrases.

4 consapevole
2 pace 3 diritti umani delle problematiche

1 giustizia

5 guardare
GLOBAL oltre
10 fare la ISSUES

9 vedere il 6 identità
mondo da altri 8 di mentalità
punti di vista internazionale 7 diversità

2 COMPLETE the sentences with suitable words or phrases from ex. 1.

1 We live in a troubled world with many global issues to do with , peace and
2 is not just an individual concept but everyone’s right.
3 We look for trying to value differences and appreciate the richness of diverse
cultures all over the world.
4 We need to stop just thinking about our own country’s needs and characteristics but become
interested and open to all other nations.
5 To understand what it is like to live in conditions that are different to ours, we must learn to see the
world .
6 If we think global and act local, each one of us can in our own communities.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
106 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
Teacher’s keys

Global issues
We live in an increasingly globalised world – a
troubled world with many global issues to do
with justice, peace and basic human rights.
Fortunately, there are more and more people
becoming globally aware, fighting to improve our

What does it mean to be globally aware? It
means we look beyond our narrow view and

have a larger picture of the world. We learn
that identity is not just an individual concept
but everyone’s right. We look for diversity trying

to value differences and to reach out to other
nationalities, appreciating the richness of diverse
cultures all over the world. We need to become
internationally-minded, which means not just
thinking about our own country’s needs and
characteristics but being interested and open to
all other nations. We need to see the world as
an interconnected area where what happens in
one country affects all the others. We must all
learn to see the world through other eyes and
understand what it is like to live in conditions
that are different to ours. We all need to gain
knowledge and awareness of the wider world we
live in. If everyone makes the effort to understand
others and be open to new cultures, we will surely
make a better world. Each one of us can make a
difference by starting in our own communities.
Remember, ‘think global, act local’.

1 GIVE the English translation of the following

words and phrases.
1 justice, 2 peace, 3 human rights, 4 be globally
aware, 5 look beyond, 6 identity, 7 diversity,
8 internationally-minded, 9 see the world through
other eyes, 10 make a difference.

2 COMPLETE the sentences with suitable

words or phrases from ex. 1.
1 justice, human rights, 2 identity, 3 diversity,
4 internationally minded, 5 through other eyes,
6 make a difference.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 107
Global issues FLIPPED
Student’s Book classroom

Students can be given the Vocabulary video to watch at
OBJECTIVES home and then work on it at the beginning of class time.
Photocopiable exercices can be found on page 106.
The aim of this Unit is to introduce the vocabulary associated
with the global issues in a realistic context. The Towards WARM-UP
INVALSI section focuses on understanding and interpreting
information in reading and listening texts. Students also
practise the phrasal verbs for global issues. The grammar
1 LOOK at the diagram and discuss which
issues affect you and your community.
covered in this unit includes the review of the zero, first and
Student’s Book

second conditionals, unless, in case, as long as, provided Student’s activity.

that, third conditional, wishes and regrets. The First Use of The warm-up exercise is to introduce the various
English page focuses on Reading and Use of English Part issues facing the world and to see if the students
3 (word formation) and Part 4 (key word transformations)
while the First Reading presents Reading and Use of English can relate to those issues most prevalent in their
Part 6 (gapped text). The word formation of abstract nouns own community.
is also introduced. The First Speaking section deals with the
practice of Part 2 (individual long turn). The First Listening page
is about Listening Part 2 (sentence completion). The 21st-
2 LOOK at the pictures and match them to the
corresponding global issues in the diagram
century skills section includes a video about climate change.
The viewing of the video aims at stimulating social interaction
and the concluding activity focuses on the soft skill ‘creating A 7, B 8, C 2, D 1, E 4, F 6.
new ideas’ linked to the 21st-century skill: Working effectively
in teams. The unit ends with First Writing Part 2 (an informal
email). Extra activity
COMPLETE the expressions about global issues
in the sentences.
Vocabulary 1 Learning about other countries and traditions
Phrasal verbs for global issues teaches us to see the world through different
Word formation: abstract nouns
Grammar 2 Sometimes we find it difficult to look beyond
Zero, first and second conditionals our own narrow horizons.
Unless / In case / As long as / Provided that
Third conditionals 3 People who are internationally minded can
Mixed conditionals appreciate the richness of culture all over the
Expressing wishes and regrets: I wish / If only world.
4 The Internet has helped develop an
Comparing possibilities interconnected world where communication is
Greeting / Why you are writing / Salutation in an informal instant and global.
email 5 Students must learn to appreciate their
own individual identity while respecting the
Self-study and ZTE diversity of a multicultural community.
The Self-study and ZTE exercises can be employed either 6 Luckily schools have introduced programmes
to reinforce or review the grammar structures and topic designed to encourage the knowledge and
vocabulary of the Unit.
awareness of the wider world.

C Learning to use vocabulary in

3 3.1 LISTEN to a teacher commenting
on why students need to learn about
global issues and complete the
a candidate’s degree classification or A-level

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108 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Towar ds INVALS I
4 3.1 LISTEN again and say if the
sentences are true (T) or false (F). WARM-UP
Correct the false ones.
1 T, 2 F, They feel in an interconnected world,
1 DISCUSS in pairs. Look at the logo of the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
today’s young generation need to be able to including the 17 icons/issues. Can you
engage in communication with people from a provide your own definition of sustainable
wide range of different cultures and traditions, development?
3 F, When recruiting new staff employers rate
knowledge and awareness of the wider world Student’s activity.
as more important than a candidate’s degree Suggested answer:
classification or A-level results, 4 T. Sustainable development has been defined as
development that meets the needs of the present
TRANSCRIPT without compromising the ability of future
Our students have to know themselves and generations to meet their own needs.
where they come from – and identity is always For sustainable development to be achieved,
important – but we also encourage them to look it is important to bring into harmony three

beyond their own limited horizons and recognise elements: economic growth, social inclusion

Student’s Book
the incredible opportunities that are created by and environmental protection. These elements
diversity and the richness of culture that there is are interconnected and all are of the greatest
importance for the well-being of human beings

across our planet.
Teaching children about global issues and and societies.
encouraging them to see the world through other Eliminating poverty in all its forms and
eyes is of huge importance in our increasingly dimensions is an indispensable requirement for
interconnected world. In fact, there is a growing sustainable development. To this end, there must
movement of internationally-minded educators be promotion of sustainable, inclusive and just
who believe that if today’s young generation learn economic growth, creating greater opportunities
to engage in communication with people from a for all, reducing inequalities, raising basic
wide range of different cultures and traditions, standards of living and promoting integrated and
it will lead to greater understanding and less sustainable management of natural resources
conflict. It also gives students a more complete and ecosystems.
This view is supported by evidence from a survey 2 SURF the net to explain the 17 icons of the
SDGs’ logo.
of UK business leaders carried out for a report by
the British Council and Think Global, a charity that Student’s activity.
works to educate and engage people about global
issues. The report, The Global Skills Gap: preparing C Reading, understanding and
young people for the global economy, reveals interpreting information
that when recruiting new staff, employers rate
knowledge and awareness of the wider world
as more important than a candidate’s degree 3 3.2 READ AND LISTEN to the article
and say which goals focus on
classification or A-level results. improving people’s quality of life.

5 DISCUSS in small groups why awareness

and knowledge of global issues and problems
Goals 1, 2, 4, 5.

is considered so important for young people.

Use the vocabulary from the Focus box.
Student’s activity.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 109
such as path building and erecting sign posts.
4 READ the text about sustainable
development again, then complete the
I was delighted with my choice; the project was
right in the centre of the Amazon rainforest and I
sentences (1-9) using a maximum of 4 words. was surrounded by a rich variety of nature. Every
Write your answers in the spaces provided. day in the space of about 30 minutes I could
The first one (0) has been done for you. see a wonderful and beautiful array of animals
Q1 wisely. and plants. If you ever decide to do something
similar you need experience in heights, as the
Q2 80. only difficulty I had was acclimatising to the high
Q3 water. altitude. Our project dealt with conservation and
community development and called for research,
Q4 poverty and growing populations. record keeping and species identification. I often
Student’s Book

Q5 1st January 2016. worked on my own or as part of a team and feel

I gained enormous insights not only into another
Q6 Two of the following: end/ending poverty, fight/ culture but also into my own strengths and
fighting inequality, tackle/tackling climate change. weaknesses. I hope that my small contribution
Q7 quality of life. has helped to conserve this truly amazing area
and I know I left feeling I had gained more than I
Q8 lifelong learning (opportunities). had given.
Q9 (all) women and girls.
Phrasal verbs for global issues
C Listening and understanding 6 MATCH the highlighted phrasal verbs (1-5) in
the article to their definitions (A-F).
1 D, 2 C, 3 A, 4 E, 5 B.
5 3.3 LISTEN to a young woman
talking about her experience in a
conservation project.
7 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of the phrasal verbs from exercise 6.
While listening, choose the correct
answer (A, B, C or D) for the 1 sign up, 2 come into force, 3 called for, 4 dealt
questions. with, 5 used up.
Only one answer is correct.
The first one (0) has been done for GRAMMAR 1
Q1 B, Q2 A, Q3 C, Q4 B, Q5 D, Q6 B.
Zero, first and second conditionals
Teacher’s tip In order to replicate what will happen in the 1 READ sentences 1-3 and answer questions
INVALSI exam, you should give students one minute to study
the task before listening. Then students should be allowed to A 3, B 1, C 2.
listen to the recording two times. After the second listening,
students should receive one minute to check their answers.
2 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
Hi, I’m Jodie. Are you concerned about the future 1 stops, press, 2 were, would be, 3 Will you,
of the planet? Are you worried about the effects translate, 4 would, lived, 5 opens, will get.
of global warming and climate change? If so, have
you ever asked yourself what you could do to
help? Well, I did – I had just finished my degree
3 COMPLETE the second sentence using the
word in capital letters so that it has a similar
and wasn’t completely sure about which career meaning to the first sentence.
I wanted to follow. I also wanted the experience 1 if I became famous, 2 will go to live, 3 would go
of living in another country. I looked at lots of to school, 4 when the kettle boils, 6 governments
possibilities of projects that needed volunteers together made.
and found the one I wanted in Peru. I wanted a
conservation-related project but preferred one
that was not too focussed on one specific task.
I didn’t want to sign up to a project that claimed
to be a conservation project but on further
inspection seemed to only involve physical work
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
110 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
4 COMPLETE the sentences using conditionals
and the verbs in the box in the correct form.
Extra activity
CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the
1 will leave, don’t get, 2 spent, would end up, sentences.
3 won’t find out, don’t read, 4 cared, wouldn’t 1 The population of the world is growing and
behave, 5 will tell, see. we need to take care not to use up all our
Extra activity 2 International organisations are calling for
CORRECT the mistakes in each sentence. more conservation and less waste.
1 The world will meet the goal of universal 3 As many people as possible should sign up to
primary education by 2010 if children protect the environment.
everywhere completed a full cycle of primary 4 The official list of sustainable development
education. complete goals should come into force over the next
2 If she could work very hard, she sends her few years.
daughter to one of the best government- 5 There are many issues, including gender

aided private schools in Mumbai. would send equality and free education that nations need
3 If I saw Sean at college tomorrow, I will ask to deal with in order to meet the Millennium

Student’s Book
him about our Maths test. see Goals.
4 If land and forests were exhausted, people

find it harder to survive. would find
5 If the urban population in developing
countries grow dramatically, it would FIRST Reading and Use of English –
generate a greater demand of water supply. Part 3
6 It wouldn’t worry me if I stop being famous. 1 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8,
read the text below. Use the word given in
stopped capitals at the end of some of the lines to
form a word that fits the gap in the same line.
Unless / In case / As Long as / Provided that There is an example at the beginning (0).
5 READ sentences 1-3 and answer questions
1 moving, 2 executives, 3 independence, 4 badly,
5 informal, 6 government, 7 evidence, 8 actually.
A 3, B 1, C 2. Teacher’s tip Sweatshops: workshops where workers are
paid low wages and work for long hours under bad conditions.
6 COMPLETE the sentences with unless, in
case, as long as or provided that.
FIRST Reading and Use of English –
1 unless, 2 provided that/as long as, 3 in case, Part 4
4 as long as/provided that, 5 in case, 6 unless.
For questions 1-6, complete the second
7 WRITE sentences using conditionals and the
prompts given.
sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
the first sentence, using the word given. Do
1 Unless you finish your homework, you won’t be not change the word given. You must use
able to watch any television. between two and five words including the
2 If it rains, we won’t go to the open air concert. word given. Here is an example (0).
3 When it snows, we usually drive to the 1 if everyone respected, 2 provided that it doesn’t,
mountains. 3 promised there would be, 4 come into force,
4 If they were rich, they would travel around the 5 in case it is, 6 signed up.
5 I’ll leave these videos here in case you have time R E ADING
to watch them.
6 As long as you keep quiet, you’ll be able to stay WARM-UP
here. 1 DISCUSS in pairs.
Student’s activity.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 111
C Recognising links within a text Word formation: abstract nouns

2 3.4 READ and listen to the article and 5 FIND some examples of this use of suffixes
in the text.
say where Loujean is from and what
she is doing now. childhood (line 13), experience (line 20), arrival
(line 22), safety (line 26), embarrassment (line
She is from Damascus in Syria and is now
27), integration (line 52), unhappiness (line 61),
studying law at university in the UK.
invitation (line 67).

FIRST Reading and Use of English – 6 TRANSFORM the meaning of the words in
the box using the suffixes -al / -ence / -ty /
Part 6
-ness / -hood / -ment / -ship / -tion.
Student’s Book

GAPPED TEXT. Read the article again. Six


sentences have been removed from the disappointment, happiness, intelligence,

article. Choose from the sentences A-G the exploration, relationship, cruelty, adulthood,
one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one dismissal.
extra sentence which you do not need to use.
1 E, 2 G, 3 A, 4 C, 5 F, 6 B, extra sentence D.
7 MAKE abstract nouns from the words given
to complete the sentences.

4 FIND the words in the text which mean the

1 leadership, 2 neighbourhood, 3 happiness,
contentment, 4 puritanism, slavery, 5 possibility,
survival, 6 adolescence, frustration, fulfilment.
1 roadblock, 2 charity, 3 open-minded,
4 wheeled, 5 silly, 6 inconsolable. C Discussing ideas and expressing
Extra questions personal opinions
1 What did Lucy Pavia and her husband offer?
They offered a room in their house to a Syrian
refugee girl called Loujean.
8 DISCUSS the questions.
Student’s activity.
2 When did Loujean’s family decide it was
time for her to leave? When girls started
disappearing in Damascus.
9 WRITE a brief paragraph of 8/10 lines about
why the refugee problem can be seen as a
3 What did she wish at the time? She wished global issue.
she could stay but it was impossible. Student’s activity.
4 If she had known how difficult the journey
would be would, she have left? She might
not have left if she had known how difficult the GRAMMAR 2
journey would be. Third conditionals
5 What was she worried about before arriving
at Lucy’s house? She worried about being 1 READ sentences 1-2 and answer the
questions below.
a woman in a vulnerable position and about
being a Muslim which might embarrass her host 1A No, she didn’t.
family. 1B No, she didn’t.
6 Were her feats justified? No, when she met 2A You couldn’t have thought about it at that
Lucy and William her worries disappeared. time (if they are talking now).
2B An impossible past situation.
7 What did Loujean do as soon as she arrived
in Lucy’s house? She began cooking a Syrian
meal. 2 REWRITE the sentences using the third
conditional and the correct form of the verbs
8 Did she do the same frequently? Yes, she in brackets.
cooked a Syrian meal once a week.
1 hadn’t told, wouldn’t have known, 2 would
9 Why was the first week strange for Lucy? have forgiven, had apologised, 3 Would he have
Because they had to use gestures and talk with survived, had been able, 4 hadn’t left, would have
short sentences. arrived, 5 hadn’t gone, would never have met,
10 Has Loujean gone back to Damascus? No, she 6 Would there have been, had taken, 7 wouldn’t
is now studying law in an English university. have happened, had stopped, 8 had behaved,
would not have punished.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
112 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Extra activity 7 WRITE a suitable sentence expressing wish
or regret for the following situations.
WRITE sentences using the third conditional
and the prompts below. Use the contracted 1 I wish my team would win the championship.
forms where possible. 2 I wish I had more money.
1 You might not have felt sick if you hadn’t eaten 3 I wish I hadn’t been in such a hurry.
so much yesterday. 4 I wish he/she would care about what I say.
2 What may have happened if he’d joined the 5 I wish I had used suntan lotion.
campaign for sustainable development last
3 The excursion would have been much more 8 COMPLETE the second sentence so that it
has the same meaning as the first sentence.
pleasant if it hadn’t poured with rain.
4 If I’d remembered about Mum’s birthday 1 I could find a dress that suits me for the party,
yesterday, I’d have bought her some flowers. 2 I hadn’t treated him rudely, 3 I didn’t have
to take the bus every morning, 4 our teacher
5 Would Bill have gone to the wedding if they’d wouldn’t give so many tests/wouldn’t give tests

invited him? so often.
6 Her life would have been different if she’d

Student’s Book
received an education.
7 Would you leave for Africa as a volunteer if they

asked you? WARM-UP
8 We wouldn’t have said anything if we’d realised
you would have reacted in that way. 1 DISCUSS. If you had been born in a
developing country, you would not have
had the opportunities you perhaps take
for granted. You may not have had access
Mixed conditionals
to school. Think about the advantages of a
3 READ the sentence and decide if the
statements are true (T) or false (F).
school education and the possible problems
of not having that possibility.
1 T, 2 F, Type 3, 3 F, Type 2, 4 T. Student’s activity.

4 CHOOSE the correct option to complete the

C Developing confidence and fluency

1 had been, 2 wouldn’t need, 3 would have, 2 LOOK at the phrases in the Process language
box used when you are comparing two
4 hadn’t eaten, 5 had trained, 6 wouldn’t be.
possibilities and add three more.
Expressing wishes and regrets: I wish / If Student’s activity.
only Teacher’s tip Possible extra comparing phrases: The first is

5 DECIDE if sentences 1-3 express a wish or a

not as… as… / The second is more interesting because… / The
first has… whereas the second hasn’t. / There are more… in
this one compared to that one. / The first picture is outside
1 It expresses a wish about a present/future in an arid bare countryside that looks like an undeveloped
poor country. / The second picture shows schoolchildren in a
situation. classroom. / The girl in the first picture is working and helping
2 It expresses a regret. her family whereas the children in the second picture only have
3 It expresses a wish about the future. to think about learning and don’t have other responsibilities.

6 DECIDE which of these sentences expresses FIRST Speaking – Part 2

the stronger regret.
two photographs showing different life
Sentence 2. ‘If only’ expresses a very strong desire
for a situation. conditions. Compare them and say how the
children feel about the way they learn. You
have one minute to do this.
Student’s activity – to make it realistically exam-
like it is important to time the speeches so that
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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 113
the students get used to the idea and length of a Extra questions
minute. It can be done as a class activity with a 1 What are more and more people worrying
few students chosen to speak or in pairs where about? About pollution and the effects it is
each times the other. Feedback at the end should having on our climate and environment.
include comments on whether the speakers were
2 What is no use? It is no use thinking ‘I wish we
able to talk fluently for a minute or not.
hadn’t polluted the atmosphere’ or ‘If only we
had been aware of the possible problems earlier.’
C Organising and carrying out a 3 What should we do as individuals if we want
discussion on a given topic to avoid future problems? We have to prevent
actions that increase the destruction of our
4 CLASS DISCUSSION. We are lucky enough
to live in a society where education is a
Student’s Book

priority and a legal right for all, but this is 4 What should countries do? They need to
not true in all countries. In many cultures create National Parks and protected areas.
education is not safeguarded and particularly 5 What examples are given in the text of
not for girls. Why do you think it is often nature turning against us? In just one
harder for girls to achieve the right to an year, for example, the United States has had
education? unprecedented heat and devastating drought.
Student’s activity where students can be invited Tornadoes have hit towns while massive
to comment on situations like some African rivers overflowed. The ground shook in places
countries where girls have to fight to be educated like Colorado, where earthquakes had never
and some like Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani girl happened before. Recently a strong quake
who was physically attacked because she insisted even caused tsunami warnings in Alaska while
on going to school. She has brought the problem Arizona and New Mexico suffered terrible
of female education to the notice of the world and wildfires.
been awarded the Nobel Peace prize. 6 What events can be considered abnormal
according to climate expert Andreas Schrast?
5 READ the quotes and write a brief paragraph
of 8/10 lines on the importance of education.
The record-high night-time temperatures.
7 Are all weather disasters caused by climate
Student’s activity. change? The hurricanes and tornadoes can’t all
be attributed just to climate change but the heat
waves and drought certainly can.
LI STE NI N G 8 What might happen if there were a
temperature rise of 4° in the oceans? Such
WARM-UP a rise would leave large parts of Africa and
1 DISCUSS in pairs. the Mediterranean without water and food
production could be decimated, over time
Student’s activity.
polar ice caps could melt and sea levels rise
to the point where whole island nations might
WARM-UP disappear.
Listening for specific information
If we hadn’t ignored the warnings…
FIRST Listening – Part 2 More and more people are becoming concerned
will hear a scientist talking about
about pollution and the effects it is having on our
climate and environment. It is no good thinking
climate change. For questions 1-10, ‘I wish we hadn’t polluted the atmosphere’ or ‘If
complete the sentences with a word only we had been aware of the possible problems
or short phrase. earlier.’ Even as individuals we know that if
1 hadn’t polluted, 2 protected areas, we want to avoid future problems we have to
3 unprecedented heat, 4 earthquakes, 5 human prevent actions that increase the destruction of
causes, 6 might not be, 7 global warming, our planet. On a national level too, if countries
8 extreme events, 9 temperature rise, 10 had want to preserve the natural beauty of their
done more. countryside, they need to create National Parks
and protected areas. Scientists, politicians and
environmentalists are helping to explain what we

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

114 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
can do if we want to prevent further destruction, to us to do more and not allow the situation to
but what about nature’s own destructive abilities? get worse. As the experts say, the disasters are
There are times when nature itself seems to turn just a warning!
against us.
In just one year, for example, the United States C Organising and carrying out a
has had unprecedented heat and devastating class discussion on a given topic
drought. Tornadoes have hit towns while massive
rivers overflowed. The ground shook in places
like Colorado, where earthquakes had never

happened before. Recently a strong quake even Student’s activity.

caused tsunami warnings in Alaska while Arizona
and New Mexico suffered terrible wildfires. 2 1 ST - C E NTU RY S KILLS
Is this normal? Not completely, in fact scientists
and weather experts claim that there could be
human causes to explain the increase in climate VIDEO
extremes. ‘I think this year has really been Climate change
extraordinary in terms of natural catastrophes,’

says climate expert Andreas Schrast. ‘One of C Watching and understanding a

Student’s Book
the most noticeable weather extremes was the short film
record-high night-time temperatures,’ comments
Tom Karl, director of the National Climatic Data 1

BEFORE watching the video, match the
Centre. ‘That shows that the country wasn’t words 1-8 to their meanings (A-H).
cooling off at night, which both the human body
1 G, 2 D, 3 A, 4 H, 5 B, 6 E, 7 C, 8 F.
and agriculture need. These events must be
considered abnormal although it’s part of an
ongoing trend we’ve seen since 1980. If we had 2 WATCH the first part of the video (from
0:00 to 00:12) and write down what these
started to study these phenomena sooner, we
images communicate to you.
might not be in this position now.’
The States is not the only place in the world 1 The increase of population and the consequent
to have suffered from climate change. There need for more energy and water.
were devastating events elsewhere, such as the 2 Cities attract many more people.
earthquake and tsunami in Japan, Australia’s 3 Traffic increases causing more pollution.
flooding and a drought in Africa. It’s no good
thinking it can’t happen in my country, as most 3 WATCH the whole video and say if the
following sentences are true (T) or false
experts agree that if we want to avoid finding
ourselves in extreme conditions we need to limit (F). Correct the false ones.
the amount of global warming. 1 F, It is in large part due to humans, 2 T, 3 T, 4 F,
Weather disasters can’t all be directly attributed It is changing much more rapidly now than in the
just to global warming however. Although it is past, 5 F, It is possible to decrease CO2 with new
certainly an important factor in the magnitude inventions and adjustments, but it is impossible
and the number of extreme events. But if the to get rid of it, 6 T, 7 F, Climate change can be
hurricanes and tornadoes can’t all be attributed considered a global warming.
just to climate change, the heat waves and
drought certainly can.
Talk of avoiding ‘catastrophic climate change’ is
4 WATCH the video again and decide
who says the following: Narrator (N),
now very familiar and experts insist that unless Thompson (T), Overpeck (O), Alley (A).
action is taken over global emissions, there could 1 T, 2 O, 3 N, 4 A, 5 N, 6 T, 7 N.
be a temperature rise in the region of 4°. If there
were such a rise it would leave large parts of TRANSCRIPT
Africa and the Mediterranean without water and Narrator: Today’s climate crisis is in a large part
food production could be decimated. Increased caused by humans. We are finally waking up to
temperatures over time would cause polar ice the dangers and consequences of our actions.
caps to melt and sea levels to rise to the point Political leaders are setting new emissions limits
where whole island nations might disappear. Is it – without these our consumption would spiral
inevitable? No it’s not, but if we had done more to out of control. But, in developing nations – like
prevent global warming in the past, the present India and China – fossil fuel consumption is
situation wouldn’t be as bad. Let this be a lesson rapidly increasing.
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Lonnie Thompson: When I first went to Beijing
in 1984, two million people – all on bicycles. I 5 DISCUSS in pairs. How do you know
that climate is changing? Why are human
was there three months ago – there’s 12 million
people, six ring roads around the city. They’re activities influencing climate? What could be
driving Mercedes and Volkswagens and… and, the impact of climate change in your country?
and I’m looking at this and I’m thinking ‘Where’s Student’s activity.
the energy gonna come from in the future?’ Students should discuss about what they have
Narrator: Eighty per cent of China’s electricity seen on the video, have already studied in Science
comes from burning fossil fuels, and there are and read in newspapers or magazines. They
plans for over 500 new coal-fired power stations should point out the climate change is linked to:
to meet the country’s insatiable demand for • increasing temperatures
energy. Today the nations of the world stand at a • changes in rainfall
Student’s Book

crossroads and they need to act together or face • periods of drought and desertification of farming
a climate even worse than that of our past. lands
Jonathan Overpeck: The thing that’s more • changes in nature (the rise of sea levels, the
disturbing to me is not just the amplitude or the melting of glaciers, the reduction in Arctic sea-
size of the CO2 increases, it’s how fast they’re ice)
taking place… we’re pumping that stuff up at a Human activities have affected the Earth and
much higher rate than we’ve seen naturally in the atmosphere. Developing countries produce
past and that’s causing climate to change more energy by using ‘poor’ technologies together
rapidly than we’ve seen in the past. with fossil fuels, like coal, and increase the
Narrator: It is possible that concerted worldwide greenhouse effect. The release of chemicals into
action could make a difference.
the atmosphere, the reduction of the amount of
Richard Alley: I don’t think this one is easy.
forest cover, the rapid expansion of farming linked
Finding a way to generate that energy without
to OGMs and pesticides, industrial activities are
affecting the world’s climate is not an easy one.
all releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
But I think we get there. We will learn to live with
and changing the balance of the climate system.
what’s coming; we will make the new inventions
Several aspects of our lives could be influenced by
and new adjustments and so on.
climate change: our use of energy and water; the
Lonnie Thompson: I think if you look at the
building of our houses in the future, and transport.
climate change in the future, we have some time.
But I think the clock is ticking.
Narrator: But it may take a major catastrophe C R E AT I N G N E W I D E A S
before we finally take the necessary action on our Teacher’s tip This page deals with the 21st-century social and
changing climate. cross-cultural skills, in particular the ability to work effectively
Lonnie Thompson: ‘What would it take to get in teams taking advantage of social and cultural differences
us all on the same page?’ is a very important in order to create new ideas and increase both innovation and
question because it certainly wasn’t the heat quality work.
wave that hit Europe in 2003 that killed over
35,000 people. It wasn’t Ivan or Katrina that
hit New Orleans in this part of the world. My
6 DESCRIBE the kinds of team work you
have done up to now. Which subjects were
guess it would be something like a category 4 or involved? Did your team manage to create
5 hurricane going into either Washington DC or new ideas about a particular given topic?
New York that would get us all thinking what it
is that we have to do to combat this particular Student’s activity.
Narrator: The last 650 million years of Earth’s 7 DISCUSS the following in groups.
history provides a stark warning of the impact of Student’s activity.
climate change. Savage temperatures, melting ice
sheets, devastating flooding, mass extinctions,
escalating levels of greenhouse gases once again
threaten global warming. Left unchecked, it’s a
potential death sentence for humans and other
species. If we don’t slow down carbon dioxide
emissions, if we don’t learn from the past, we will
doom subsequent generations to an uncertain
future. Our destiny lies in our own hands. Earth
has already had… a global warning.
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116 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
WR I TI NG Hi Anna,
WARM-UP thanks for your recent email about our class’s
contribution to the school’s Global Awareness Day.
1 DISCUSS. Does your school have a Global
Awareness Day? What do you think it is? If
I think the water project for the village in Kenya is a
great idea and one the whole class can feel involved
you had one, what sort of activities should it in.
involve? Or if you have had one, what do you
think it should have achieved? I’m happy to meet up for a meeting with you, Tom
and Paul any afternoon next week except Thursday
Student’s activity. when I have Choir practice. If your Mum doesn’t
mind, we could maybe meet at your place after
C Communicating in informal emails school at about 4 o’clock? As for the money raising,
I really like the idea of the Guess the Weight of
2 READ the email below and decide which
definition (1-11) corresponds with which part
the Cake and think we could also ask members of
the class to make some biscuits or fudge to sell. If
of the email (A-K). no-one else wants to, I’m happy to do some baking.
Another way of making money could be selling any

1 D, 2 G, 3 J, 4 H, 5 K, 6 B, 7 F, 8 A, 9 C, 10 E,
11 I. objects or clothes we don’t use or don’t want any

Student’s Book
3 READ the email again and answer the Let me know about the meeting and any other help

questions. you need.
1 Because Sara has asked her for details about All the best.
their class’s part in the Global Awareness Day.
2 Because these are others who have offered to
3 Yes, they are in the same class. (165 words)
4 She expects to hear the answers to the questions
in the email about a possible meeting, whether 5 CLASS ACTIVITY. Make a poster for a
Global Awareness Day. Use images of
Sara agrees with the choice of project, and ways children and people in need and make it
to raise money. personal by asking questions like: ‘If you had
5 The style is informal and chatty. been born into poverty with little hope for
the future, what kind of help would you most
want to receive?’
FIRST Writing – Part 2
4 AN INFORMAL EMAIL. As part of Global
Awareness Day at your school, your class
Student’s activity.

has decided to raise funds for a water

distribution programme in a village in Kenya.
Read the email on the left and write a reply
of 140-190 words containing the following
Student’s activity.
Suggested answer:

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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 117
Global issues Zero, first and second conditionals
Workbook 5 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
1 found, 2 will arrive, 3 rings, 4 were, 5 jumps,
VO CA BU L A RY AC T I VATO R 6 want, 7 didn’t read, 8 will be.

1 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete 6 MATCH the beginning of each sentence (1-6)
to its ending (A-F).
the sentences.
1 B, 2 E, 3 F, 4 D, 5 C, 6 A.

1 environmental sustainability, 2 water,


3 education, 4 conflict and fragility, 5 growth and

employment, 6 governance. 7 COMPLETE the sentences with thoughts of
your own.

2 COMPLETE the sentences with the words

and expressions in the box.
Student’s activity.

1 an interconnected world, 2 knowledge and 8 COMPLETE the second sentence so that it

has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
awareness of the wider world, 3 to look beyond, Use the word given.
4 identity, 5 diversity, 6 richness of culture,
7 internationally-minded, 8 see the world through 1 travelled with them, you would, 2 if I won the
other eyes. lottery, 3 it would cost too, 4 I were you, I would,
5 it should be here, 6 were better, I could/would.

Tow a rds I N VA L S I Unless / In case / As long as / Provided that

3 2.4 READ and listen to the article about
the elimination of violence against 9 COMPLETE the sentences with unless, in
case, as long as or provided that.
women, then answer the questions
using a maximum of 4 words. 1 as long as/provided that, 2 unless, 3 in case,
The first one (0) has been done for 4 provided that, 5 unless, 6 provided that/as long
you. as.

Q1 Me too/#MeToo. 10 FIND the mistakes and correct them.

Q2 19%. 1 I left my phone switched on in case Jane called.
Q3 Death. 2 I’m playing tennis tomorrow unless it rains.
Q4 The threat of violence/Violence. 3 Children are allowed to use the swimming pool
provided that they are with an adult.
Q5 Two of the following: Substance abuse; Juvenile
pregnancy; Criminal behaviour. 4 You can borrow my car as long as you promise
not to drive too fast.
Q6 The impact of violence.
5 You can’t go in unless you are a member of the
Q7 All of us/Everyone/Men, women and society. club.
Q8 Early/In education/In school. 6 There are no buses to the hotel. Unless you have
Q9 Through mass media/By the mass media. a car, it’s difficult to get there.
7 I don’t mind if you come home late as long as you
Phrasal verbs for global issues come in quietly.
8 Travelling by car is convenient provided that you
4 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of a phrasal verb in the box.
have somewhere to park.

1 deal with, 2 come into force, 3 sign up, 4 called

for, 5 have used up, 6 call out for.

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118 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
15 MAKE abstract nouns from the words
given to complete the sentences.
FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Part 3 1 disappointment, sadness, 2 similarity,
3 hardship, 4 arrival, disappearance, 5 discovery,
11 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8,
read the text below. Use the word given in
capitals at the end of some of the lines to
form a word that fits the gap in the same GRAM M AR 2
line. There is an example at the beginning
(0). Third conditionals and mixed
1 percentage, 2 disadvantage, 3 poverty,
4 regional, 5 unlikely, 6 inadequate, 7 non-
governmental, 8 additional.
16 CHOOSE the correct alternative.
1 might, 2 could afford, 3 wouldn’t have made,
4 wouldn’t have cancelled, 5 wouldn’t be, 6 would
FIRST Reading and Use of English – have got.

Part 4
12 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS. 17 DECIDE which conditional is best for these
sentences and write the verbs in brackets
For questions 1-6, complete the second

sentence so that it has a similar meaning in the correct form.

to the first sentence, using the word given. 1 would have broken, 2 can take, 3 would have
Do not change the word given. You must joined, 4 had explained, 5 were, 6 wouldn’t have
use between two and five words, including read, 7 might not have been, 8 don’t succeed.
the word given. Here is an example (0).
1 if she was, 2 called for action over poverty, 3 to Expressing wishes and regrets: I wish / If
deal with, 4 I think you should, 5 will come into only
force, 6 if she wants extra.
18 REWRITE the sentences using the
prompts below. Do not change the
REA DI NG meaning of the sentences.
FIRST Reading and Use of English – 1 If only she hadn’t been looking at the rainbow, she
Part 6 wouldn’t have slipped over.

13 2.5 GAPPED TEXT. You are going to

read an article about the rising
2 I wish she had had a good voice, then she could
have joined the choir.
sea levels. Six sentences have 3 If only they hadn’t forgotten to bring their
been removed from the article. swimming costumes, they could have used the
Choose from the sentences A-G pool.
the one which fits each gap (1-6). 4 I wish I had finished my homework, then I could
There is one extra sentence which have gone to the cinema with my friends.
you do not need to use.
5 If only you listened, you wouldn’t make so many
1 E, 2 G, 3 B, 4 A, 5 C, 6 D, extra sentence F. mistakes.
Abstract nouns 6 I wish you had told me about it earlier.

14 FIND some examples of abstract nouns in

the text.
communities (line 1), disappearance (line 5),
reality (line 17), likelihood (line 24), solutions (line
32), relationship (line 36), combination (line 57).

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LI STE NI N G significant commitment to ensuring that working
people have enough bargaining power, in both the
FIRST Listening – Part 2 workplace and the political process, to demand
and obtain decent wages and economic security.
will hear an aid worker talking
The new Commitment to Reducing Inequality
Index measures progress in these three spheres
about global inequality. For
for the 152 nations of the world that have
questions 1-10, complete the
adequate data available. At the bottom of the
sentences with a word or short
list, we find Nigeria. This nation has about the
same per capita annual income as Bolivia. Yet
1 2015, 2 blowing smoke, 3 they said they would 10 percent of Nigerian children die before the age
have achieved, 4 global ranking of governments, of five. The child death rate in Bolivia is less than

5 three important areas, 6 decent wages and half that, at only 4 percent.
economic security, 7 nations, 8 10% of children Also lagging in the struggle against inequality
under five, 9 highest level of inequality, 10 had are India and Pakistan. Along with Nigeria, these
given a more caring example. middle-income nations ‘could be spending far
more on health, education, and social protection
TRANSCRIPT than they are’. With a combined population of
In 2015, just about all the nations in the world 1.6 billion, the three ‘could make an enormous
came together and agreed to make reducing impact on reducing global poverty and inequality
inequality – the gap between rich and poor – a if they chose to’.
prime United Nations ‘sustainable development The worst country among the world’s rich
goal’. nations is surprisingly the United States. The
A noble gesture. But UN groups make noble ‘wealthiest country in the history of the world’
gestures all the time. These gestures do has the highest level of inequality among the
sometimes translate into real progress. They world’s major industrial nations. The actual tax
more typically amount to blowing smoke – and rate on US corporate income, for instance, runs
obscuring how little progress governments may at just 14 percent, well below the statutory rate
actually be making. of 35 percent. US workers, meanwhile, need
How can we tell which nations are just blowing $10.60 an hour to keep a family of four above
that smoke? People worldwide clearly need the poverty line. The federal minimum wage
global measures that can help average citizens guarantees just $7.25 an hour. And, labour rights
hold their governments accountable for all their in the United States remain minimal, by developed
noble rhetoric. If nations had really achieved half world standards. Trade union representation has
of what they said they would have achieved, dropped by half, down to just over 10 percent,
the present situation would be much better since 1983.
than it is. However, as an insight into what is These data put the United States at 21st place
actually happening we now have a Commitment among the developed nations in the Commitment
to Reducing Inequality Index, Oxfam, the to Inequality Index but Oxfam and Development
global activist charity, has just teamed up Finance International don’t overcriticise them
with the Development Finance International because according to their results ‘no country is
consulting group to give ‘a new global ranking of doing particularly well’ in the struggle against
governments based on what they are doing to inequality. Even the Scandinavian nations that
tackle the gap between rich and poor’. rank at the top of the new index ‘have room for
We already know what governments should be improvement’.
doing to reduce the gap between rich and poor. If If only the richer developed nations had given a
governments were seriously intending to tackle more caring example, organisations like Oxfam
inequality, there are three important areas they might not have had so much work to do to make
should be acting on. everyone aware of the widespread inequality in
The three areas? Progress against inequality the world.
starts with significant social spending on
education, health, and other public services.
To fund these services – and keep power from
concentrating in the hands of a few – nations
serious about reducing inequality also seriously
tax their rich and the corporations they run.
Reducing inequality demands an equally

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120 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
20 AN INFORMAL EMAIL. Your class has
decided to participate in a local group
called Action against Poverty, which
distributes products donated from local
supermarkets and shops to the needy in
your area. Read the email below and write
a reply of 140-190 words containing the
following information:
Student’s activity.
Suggested answer:
To: Action against Poverty

Subject: Local volunteers

From: Bradley Junior High year 5

Dear Michael, I am one of the students in year
5 of Bradley Junior High and I am very interested
in helping your organisation. I have never had any
previous experience in this kind of activity but I am
interested in helping those in need in our community.

As for my availability, I am of course at school most

of the day but could find a couple of hours in the late
afternoon, perhaps from 5 to 7, three times a week.
I would also be available for half a day, if needed,
at the weekend. Of the different options, you quote
in your email, I would prefer to help by diving the
different products received and putting them into
bags rather than collecting from local companies or
redistributing the bags as I don’t have any suitable
means of transport to deliver or collect. Please write
to me at this email address with details of your
address and when would be a good time to come.

Yours sincerely

(168 words)

21 When you have finished, remember to

re-read your email and check for any
grammar or spelling mistakes. Check in
particular the tenses you have used for
the verbs. Then answer the following
Student’s activity.

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Programmazione per competenze
UNIT 6 • Meet the Arts
Tempo di svolgimento: 3/4 settimane
Traguardi formativi Indicatori

A quali “Traguardi per lo sviluppo delle Che cosa ci si aspetta sappia fare lo studente Su quali conoscenze e
per competenze

competenze” mirano le attività didattiche che ha raggiunto questi traguardi? abilità si sviluppano le

dell’unità? competenze?

Padroneggiare la lingua straniera per Ascolto (comprensione orale) Funzioni linguistiche

interagire in diversi ambiti e contesti e per − comprendere espressioni e frasi relative − coinvolgere un
comprendere gli aspetti significativi della all’arte (es. 2 p. 81) interlocutore nella
civiltà degli altri Paesi in prospettiva − identificare informazioni specifiche in testi discussione
interculturale orali in cui si parla di arte (es. 3 p. 81; es. 4 − esprimere il proprio
− utilizzare le funzioni linguistico- p. 83) punto di vista
comunicative riferite al livello B2 del − comprendere brevi testi sul design (es. 4 p. − esprimere opinioni
Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento 90) positive e/o negative
− comprendere le idee fondamentali di testi − comprendere testi descrittivi complessi − esprimere un’opinione a
complessi su argomenti sia concreti che (es. 2 p. 82; es. 2 p. 86) conclusione di un
astratti discorso
− interagire oralmente Parlato (produzione e interazione orale)
− leggere e comprendere testi sia orali che − discutere delle diverse forme d’arte (es. 1, Strutture grammaticali
scritti che riguardano un’ampia gamma di 4 p. 81; es. 1 p. 89; es. 1 p. 90; es. 4-5, 7 − comparatives
argomenti p. 91; es. 1 p. 92) − superlatives
− produrre testi sia orali che scritti che − descrivere un festival legato − expressions using
riguardano un’ampia gamma di argomenti all’espressione artistica (es. 1 p. 82) comparatives
− leggere, analizzare e interpretare testi − descrivere forme d’arte moderna (es. 1 p. − modifiers of
letterari 86; es. 8 p. 87) comparatives
− esprimere un’opinione su argomenti di − collaborare e interagire per discutere sullo − linkers of manner: like/
attualità, esponendo i pro e i contro delle studio dell’arte nel curriculum scolastico as
diverse opinioni nell’ambito di una (es. 2-3 p. 89)
discussione di gruppo − descrivere e interpretare foto artistiche Lessico
(es. 6 p. 91) − useful expressions for
Utilizzare testi multimediali the Arts
− utilizzare l’eBook per svolgere gli esercizi Lettura (comprensione scritta) − phrasal verbs and
in maniera interattiva ed esercitarsi a − comprendere testi descrittivi complessi expressions for the Arts
comprendere i prodotti della (es. 2 p. 82; es. 2 p. 86) − word formation:
comunicazione audiovisiva compound words
− Flipped classroom: video per la Scrittura (produzione scritta)
presentazione del vocabolario e filmati − scrivere un breve testo su un’opera d’arte Key language for social
che permettono allo studente di (es. 9 p. 87) competence
familiarizzare con aspetti vari della vita dei − scrivere una recensione su un museo (es. 4 − bringing someone else
Paesi di lingua anglofona (brani di ascolto e p. 92) into the discussion
filmati) − explaining your point
− filmato First exam description Riflessione sulla lingua − expressing positive/
− osservare le parole nei contesti d’uso e negative/concluding
Competenze chiave di cittadinanza impararne il significato opinions
− imparare a imparare − osservare la struttura delle frasi e mettere
− progettare in relazione costrutti e intenzioni
− collaborare e partecipare comunicative
− agire in modo autonomo e responsabile
− acquisire ed interpretare l’informazione

Competenze del 21° secolo

− creatività e innovazione – thinking
creatively (Learn by doing)

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122 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Attività comunicative Attività per lo sviluppo delle Prove Preparazione alla
competenze chiave autentiche e certificazione e
strutturate all’INVALSI
Con quali attività didattiche si raggiunge l’acquisizione dei contenuti e si Con quali strumenti di valutazione
sviluppano le competenze? (formativa e sommativa) si verifica
l’acquisizione dei contenuti e lo sviluppo
delle competenze?
Ricezione orale Imparare a imparare Nelle Idee per First
− ascolto e comprensione di brevi − formulare ipotesi sulla formazione insegnare (prove − Reading and Use
descrizioni di comparativi (es. 1, 2 p. 84) e strutturate): of English – Part

− ascolto e comprensione di superlativi (es. 5, 6 p. 84) − Fast check (Fila A 1, p. 85

− espressioni con i comparativi (es. 1 − Reading and Use

per competenze
informazioni specifiche tramite e Fila B)
domande a scelta multipla p. 88) − Unit test (Fila A e of English – Part
− visione e comprensione di una − linkers of manner: like/as (es. 3, 4 p. Fila B) 2, p. 85

sequenza video 88) − Skills test for − Reading and Use
− apprendere strutture grammaticali First (Fila A of English – Part
Produzione orale attraverso frasi tratte dai testi di e Fila B) 7, p. 86
− interagire in coppie o gruppi reading comprehension (es. 1, 5 p. − Listening test − Speaking – Part
usando le funzioni e il lessico 84; es. 1, 3 p. 88) (Fila A e Fila B) 3, p. 89
dell’unità − apprendere vocaboli attraverso − Competences − Speaking – Part
− discutere diverse opzioni video e animazioni (p. 81-91) test 4, p. 89
− approfondire il lessico, le strutture − Easy reading − Listening – Part
Ricezione e produzione scritta e le tipologie First presenti tests (BES) 1, p. 90
− comprendere le idee chiave di un nell’unità attraverso esercizi − Guided tests − Writing – Part 2,
articolo e riassumerne il punto di (Review p. 93-94; Workbook p. (BES) p. 92
vista 48-55; Self-study nell’eBook)
− leggere un breve testo e Esercizi online su Towards INVALSI
completare gli spazi vuoti con le Progettare (es. 5-6 p. 91) ZTE (p. 82-83)
parole mancanti
− comprendere informazioni Collaborare e partecipare
specifiche, dettagli, opinioni e punti − collaborare con un compagno o un
di vista in un testo gruppo per discutere sulla base dei
− identificare le diverse parti di una dati forniti (es. 4 p. 81; es. 1 p. 86,
recensione es. 2-3 p. 89; es. 1, 5 p. 90; es. 4-5
p. 91)
− esercizi di completamento, vero/ Agire in modo autonomo e
falso, scelta multipla, responsabile
abbinamento, riordinamento, − riflettere sui propri errori con
trasformazione l’aiuto della sezione Frequent
− attività di scrittura per mistakes (p. 88)
memorizzare funzioni, strutture e
lessico Acquisire ed interpretare
− esercizi in coppia e a gruppi l’informazione
− esercizi di consolidamento e − leggere o ascoltare la descrizione
potenziamento (Review p. 93-94; di alcune persone che parlano di
Workbook p. 48-55; Self-study arte e design e riconoscere
nell’eBook) informazioni specifiche (es. 2 p. 86;
First Listening – Part 1, p. 90)

21st-century skills
Creativity and innovation
− think creatively (Learn by doing: es.
5-7 p. 91; es. 5 p. 92]

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NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................

1 GIVE the English translation of the following words and phrases.

1 spettacolo 4 un genere di
dal vivo 2 teatro 3 commedia intrattenimento 5 trarre
piacere da

12 poesia
6 disegno

11 romanzo

10 architettura 7 dipinto
8 scultura

9 arte di

2 DECIDE if the following statements are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG). Correct the false ones.
1 The Performing Arts are live performances in a theatre or concert hall, like a play, a musical,
a concert, an opera or a ballet but don’t include films and television programmes.
2 This form of entertainment rarely has a live audience.
3 The Visual Arts express and interpret an artist’s view through drawing or painting or sculpture
which can inspire and stimulate.
4 Some forms of visual art like the masterpieces of the classical artists are deliberately
5 Architecture is the popular form of modern art.
6 There is no form of art where the spectator can be a participant and become part of a work
of art.
7 Poetry and drama have been used to provoke emotional responses to war and hypocrisy.
8 Even when it is difficult to understand and appreciate art in all its forms is essential to our

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
124 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
3 T, 4 F, Graffiti and street art are deliberately
FLIPPED CLASSROOM provocative, 5 NG, 6 F, This is interactive art and
Teacher’s keys installation art, where the spectator can be a
participant and be creative by adding to the art or
VOCABULARY ACTIVATOR: The Arts becoming a part of it, 7 T, 8 NG.

The Arts in general cover a wide spectrum and are
usually divided into various areas of art.
The Performing Arts, for example, are live
performances in a theatre or concert hall,
like a play, a musical, a concert, an opera or a
ballet. They can also be films and television
programmes. This form of entertainment often
has a live audience who get pleasure from

watching and participating.
The Visual Arts express and interpret an

artist’s view through drawing or painting or
sculpture. They can inspire and stimulate, like
the masterpieces of the classical artists, or
deliberately provoke reactions, like graffiti and

street art works created as a form of protest.
Modern architecture is also a form of visual art,
which some appreciate for its beauty whilst
others find difficult to understand.
Other forms of art are interactive art and
installation art, where the spectator can be a
participant and be creative by adding to the art or
becoming a part of it.
Literature too is an art form. It is creative in the
same way as visual art, and can be enjoyed as
inspirational in novels and poetry, or can provoke
emotional reactions like anger and disgust. Think
of the anti war poetry written in both world wars
and every war since. Think of the drama written
that criticises society’s hypocrisy or inertia. So,
every different area of the Arts can be creative in
different ways and can inspire, stimulate, provoke
or give pleasure by expressing and interpreting an
artist’s view whether as a form of entertainment
or even as something which is difficult to
understand and appreciate.

1 GIVE the English translation of the following

words and phrases.
1 live performance, 2 theatre, 3 play,
4 form of entertainment, 5 get pleasure,
6 drawing, 7 painting, 8 sculpture, 9 street art,
10 architecture, 11 novels, 12 poetry.

2 DECIDE if the following statements are true

(T), false (F) or not given (NG). Correct the
false ones.
1 F, It also includes films and television
programmes, 2 F, It often has a live audience who
get pleasure from watching and participating,

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 125
Meet the Arts FLIPPED
Student’s Book classroom

Students can be given the Vocabulary video to watch at
OBJECTIVES home and then work on it at the beginning of class time.
Photocopiable exercices can be found on page 124.
The aim of this Unit is to introduce the vocabulary associated
with the Arts in a realistic context. The Towards INVALSI WARM-UP
section focuses on understanding and interpreting information
in reading and listening texts. Students also practise the
phrasal verbs and expressions for the Arts. The grammar
1 DISCUSS the following questions.
covered in this unit includes the review of comparatives and Student’s activity.
Student’s Book

superlatives. It also introduces expressions using comparatives

and linkers of manner. The First Use of English page focuses on
Reading and Use of English Part 1 (multiple-choice cloze) and
C Learning to use vocabulary in
2 (open cloze) while the First Reading presents Reading and context
Use of English Part 7 (multiple matching). The word formation
of compound words is introduced. The First Speaking section
deals with the practice of Part 3 (collaborative task) and
2 3.6 LISTEN to a talk about different
forms of artistic expression and look
Part 4 (discussion), while on the First Listening page, there is
Listening Part 1 (extracts with multiple-choice questions). The
at the pictures. Match each picture
21st-century skills section includes a video about an artist to its description (1-7).
at work. The viewing of the video aims at stimulating social 1 G, 2 E, 3 D, 4 B, 5 A, 6 C, 7 F.
interaction and ends with the Learn by doing activity which
focuses on the soft skill ‘thinking creatively’ linked to the 21st-
century skill: Creativity and innovation. The unit ends with
First Writing Part 2 (a review).
3 3.6 LISTEN again and complete the
The Review section checks the students’ progress in
vocabulary, grammar and Use of English. 1 our thoughts or emotions, 2than another,
3 architecture, solid but fluid, 4 concerts,
CONTENTS television programmes, 5 traditional, thought-
provoking, 6 concentration, explanation, richness,
Vocabulary variety.
Phrasal verbs and expressions for the Arts
Word formation: compound words
Grammar I’m here today to talk about art in our modern
Comparatives world. What is art? That’s an impossible question.
Superlatives I believe that art is any creative expression or
Expressions using comparatives
interpretation of our thoughts or emotions. For
Modifiers of comparatives
Linkers of manner: like / as some, this is through painting, for others through
sculpture, or writing, or in music, or in the theatre.
Functions Unless we are experts, we cannot say that any
Bringing someone else into the discussion particular form of art is better or worse than
Explaining your point another, we can only voice our own preferences.
Expressing positive and negative opinions in a review
Expressing concluding opinions in a review
For example, I personally get enormous pleasure
from new buildings. There are so many exciting
forms of architecture that are solid but fluid at
Self-study and ZTE the same time. My children on the other hand are
The Self-study and ZTE exercises can be employed either more interested in artistic forms of entertainment
to reinforce or review the grammar structures and topic like pop concerts or inventive television
vocabulary of the Unit. programmes based on unlikely and fantastic
When we look at classical art forms like Leonardo
da Vinci’s paintings or listen to Beethoven’s
symphonies it is easier to admire their
extraordinary beauty, but what about artistic
geniuses like Basquiat whose paintings are less
traditional but more thought-provoking and show
his own very personal interpretation of life? There
are many who see urban art like graffiti as a
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
126 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
clearer expression of the younger generation’s
problems in today’s world. 3 READ the article again, then choose the
correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-6.
It’s true, some art forms are more difficult to
understand than others. Some require more Only one answer is correct.
concentration or more explanation but there is no The first one (0) has been done for you.
doubt about the richness and variety of artistic Q1 C, Q2 A, Q3 D, Q4 B, Q5 C, Q6 B.
expression around us. Whether you prefer films
or literature, music or paintings, sculpture or C Listening for specific information
architecture, creative art is all around us.

4 DISCUSS in small groups which form of

4 3.8 LISTEN to people talking about
different entertainment options.
artistic expression you prefer. Use the While listening, match the options to
vocabulary from the Focus box. the descriptions.
Student’s activity. You can choose each option more
than once.
The first one (0) has been done for
Extra activity

COMPLETE the sentences with expressions
Q1 E, Q2 D, Q3 A, Q4 B, Q5 B, Q6 C.

Student’s Book
about the Arts.
1 I get a lot of pleasure from the performing arts Teacher’s tip In order to replicate what will happen in the
INVALSI exam, you should give students one minute to study

like dance, music and cinema.
the task before listening. Then students should be allowed to
2 Mary and Tom find installation art boring and listen to the recording two times. After the second listening,
difficult to understand. students should receive one minute to check their answers.
3 Interactive art, which can be stimulating or
provocative, is an interesting and creative TRANSCRIPT
form of entertainment. Option A
At the Apollo Victoria Theatre celebrating its 11th
4 Literature, which includes prose, poetry and
year in a London theatre, there is the stunning
drama, gives pleasure to many people who
musical Wicked. In this new and ironic take on
find it inspiring.
the well-known story of Oz, we hear about the
5 Drawing, painting and graffiti are considered two witches who will become Glinda the Good
to be visual arts and can interpret and express and Elphaba the Wicked Witch of the West. The
modern ideas as well as traditional ones. musical is based on Gregory Maguire’s novel of
the same name and is an evening of fun and
Tow a rds I NVA L SI Option B
WARM-UP By far the most famous detective writer of all
time has to be Agatha Christie. It is no surprise
1 LOOK at the pictures in these pages and
discuss in pairs. Have you ever been to a
then that her play The Mousetrap is the longest
running in London’s history. The story takes
festival? Was it in the open air or indoors? place in Monkswell Manor, a guesthouse run by
Was it a music, theatre, book or film festival? Mollie and Giles Ralston. When a snow storm
Student’s activity. unexpectedly prevents anyone from leaving, the
mystery starts to evolve. If you enjoy being glued
to your seat by ingenious plots such as this one
C Reading, understanding and join the audience at St Martin’s Theatre.
interpreting information Option C
There is no better place, outside of Jamaica,
2 3.7 READ and listen to the article and
decide which of the highlighted
to hear reggae than London. The capital’s first
black soul and reggae venue was the Q Club in
words has the following meaning: Paddington which opened 50 years ago. Since
1 venue, 2 flowering, 3 built up, 4 bonanza. then the reggae scene has changed a lot, offering
more and more quality music from London reggae
artists or visiting superstars like the legendary
Jamaican reggae trombonist, Vin Gordon, who will
be playing at Nell’s Jazz and Blues club in West
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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 127
Option D GRAMMAR 1
The famous Cirque du Soleil are back with at the
Royal Albert Hall with another beautiful show Comparatives
like no other on Earth. Each production they put
on has a theme and this time it is insects. The 1 READ sentences 1-5 and explain how
comparatives are formed in English.
carnival of animals in their acts includes ants,
grasshoppers and spiders performing amazing Comparatives of majority are formed by adding
routines. It’s difficult to find a more inspiring or ‘er’ to adjectives or adverbs with one or two
spectacular show anywhere else. syllables otherwise, ‘more’ or ‘less’ is added
Option E before the word. If comparing to something else,
At London’s most famous concert hall, the Royal ‘than’ is added.
Festival Hall, Daniel Barenboim will conduct the The last sentence (5) can also be expressed
Student’s Book

using less… than. The comparative of minority


West-Eastern Divan Orchestra in Tchaikovsky’s

Symphony No. 5. He formed this Orchestra as is expressed with the following structure: less +
a means of opening dialogues between Israeli adjective/uncountable noun + than and fewer +
and Palestinian musicians and it now tours all plural nouns + than.
over the world. The programme is particularly The structure as + adjective + as in the
appropriate as Tchaikovsky’s symphony is a battle affirmative and not so/not as + adjective + as in
between despair and hope. the negative can be used to say that people, thing
or actions are equal in some way.
Phrasal verbs and expressions for the
Arts 2 DECIDE if these statements are true (T)
or false (F) to revise your knowledge about
5 MATCH the phrasal verbs and expressions
(1-5) in the article to their definitions (A-E).
A F, Only some take ‘er’, B T, C T, D F, We use less
1 E, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C, 5 D. + adjective / uncountable noun + than; fewer +
plural noun + than.
6 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of the phrasal verbs and expressions
from exercise 5.
3 COMPLETE the sentences with the
comparative form of the adjectives in
1 put on, 2 live stage, 3 artistic heritage, cultural brackets. Use than when necessary.
prestige, 4 built up, reputation. 1 quieter, 2 more/less amusing than, 3 tougher,
4 as good as/less good than, 5 fewer, less
Extra activity polluted.
CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the
sentences. 4 COMPLETE the second sentence so that it
has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
1 Our school puts on a Shakespeare’s play
every spring. 1 less than we expected, 2 was better than
2 The end-of-year festival had a live stage with Jennifer, 3 less money than you, 4 is not as fast
several well-known rack bands. as, 5 is better than it was.
3 The official festival in Edinburgh is exciting
and stimulating but the fringe has built up Extra activity
a reputation for stunning and innovative CORRECT the mistakes in the sentences.
productions. 1 The Fringe is the well organised now: they
4 Most festivals try to achieve a certain cultural have few problems than before. better
prestige to attract visitors from all over the 2 The match was badder than I expected but
world. there were less spectators than the last time
5 There are some European cities that have a I came to the stadium. worse, fewer
remarkable artistic heritage from their past. 3 I’ve got much more DVDs than you. many
4 There are fewer accidents on this road
because it is narrow than others. more,

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128 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
5 She’s a lot happy in her new school that she FIRST Reading and Use of English –
was in the previous one. happier, than Part 2
6 This company is much rich of that one. richer
7 Let’s take a taxi: it’s going to be fewer
2 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
expensive than four bus tickets. less fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
Superlatives 1 more, 2 for, 3 hard, 4 than, 5 on, 6 old, 7 as,
5 READ sentences 1-4 and explain how
superlatives are formed in English.
8 most.

Superlatives of majority are formed by adding R E ADING

‘est’ to adjectives or adverbs with one or two
syllables, otherwise ‘the most’ or ‘the least’ is WARM-UP
added before the word. 1 DISCUSS in pairs.
Student’s activity.
6 ANSWER questions 1-2 to revise your

knowledge about superlatives.
C Recognising links within a text

Student’s Book
1 We use ‘in’ to show what places we are talking
about (It’s the most expensive car in the world). 2 3.9 READ and listen to the texts about

‘Of’ is used when there is a superlative followed different forms of Urban and Land
by plural nouns or pronouns (She is the most Art and match them to the pictures.
sensible of the girls).
1 C, 2 D, 3 B, 4 A.
‘That + clause’ is often found after superlatives
(She is the funniest person that I know).
2 We can use ‘much’, ‘a lot’ or ‘far’. FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Part 7
7 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
3 MULTIPLE MATCHING. Read the texts
again. For questions 1-10, choose from the
1 the happiest, 2 the most important, 3 the paragraphs (A-D). The same paragraph may
biggest, 4 the least comfortable, 5 the simplest, be chosen more than once.
the most successful, 6 the most unusual. 1 C, 2 A, 3 B, 4 D, 5 B, 6 A, 7 C, 8 A, 9 D, 10 B.

8 COMPLETE the second sentence so that it

has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
4 FIND the words in the text which mean the
1 are the best graffiti, 2 the worst reception, 1 vandalism, 2 comedian, 3 crushed,
3 the most famous earthwork, 4 most traditional 4 monograms, 5 mainstream, 6 walkways.
painter of that, 5 the most skilful at sculpture of,
Extra questions
6 the funniest, 7 the least tall. 1 How did Urban Art start? It started as a social
and political comment on urban life-styles.
USE O F ENG L I SH 2 What kinds of art are included? It includes
spray paint graffiti, stencil graffiti, poster art,
FIRST Reading and Use of English – sticker art, street installations, and sculpture.
Part 1 3 What examples are given of this form of
art? The examples given are street poetry like
1-8, read the text below and decide which
Broken Promises by John Fekner or Fearless
Girl, the statue by Kristen Visbal.
answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There
is an example at the beginning (0). 4 What is the message behind the project
Sommeils Lourds by Ella and Pitr?
1 A, 2 D, 3 C, 4 B, 5 A, 6 B, 7 D, 8 A. The message has to do with the lack of space in
urban environments.
5 Where do they create their work? Their work
is on the roofs of buildings, on walls and in
parking places.

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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 129
6 Where did graffiti begin? It began in New York GRAMMAR 2
in the Seventies when young people used spray
paint on buildings and subway trains. Expressions using comparisons
7 Is this now accepted as a form of art? Yes,
some of the most famous graffiti artists like
1 READ sentences 1-3 and match the
comparative expressions to the correct
Basquiat, Haring, Banksy and McGee are meanings A-C.
recognised as artists and exhibited in art
1 C, 2 A, 3 B.
galleries around the world.
8 What was Land Art a rejection of? It was a
rejection of the commercialisation of art. 2 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
comparative expression using the adjectives
9 What materials do land artists like Edwardo in brackets.
Sanguinetti use? They use natural materials
Student’s Book

like soil, rocks, vegetation and water. 1 harder and harder, 2 more, better, 3 better and
better, 4 longer, more worried, 5 more and more
10 What land art did Christo recently create in
competitive, 6 fewer, higher, 7 more and more
Italy? He created a walkway across Lake Iseo so
that people could perform the miracle of walking interesting, 8 less and less, 9 noisier and noisier,
on water. 10 more, more involved.

Word formation: compound words Linkers of manner: like / as

5 FIND some compound words from the texts. 3 READ sentences 1-4 and explain the
different function of like and as.
landscape (line 3), life-styles (line 4), rooftops
(line 18), subway (line 34), wildside (line 36), 1 ‘As’ is a conjunction and is used with the verbs
mainstream (line 43), land-artist (line 51), ‘to accept, to know, to refer, to regard, to use, to
walkway (line 59). criticise’.
2 ‘As’ refers to an occupation.
6 FORM compound words by joining a word
from list A to a word from list B.
3 ‘Like’ is a preposition and means ‘similar to’.
4 ‘Like’ means ‘for example’.
old-fashioned, lifetime, bus stop, earthquake,
moonlight, paper-bag, somewhere, grandmother,
apple tree, airport, skateboard.
4 CHOOSE the correct answer to revise your
knowledge about like and as.

7 COMPLETE the sentences with a suitable

compound noun from the texts.
1 similarity, 2 as, 3 like, 4 as.

1 life-style, 2 landscape, 3 rooftop, 4 subway,

5 COMPLETE the sentences with like or as.

5 walkway, 6 earthworks, 7 wildside, 8 land- 1 like, 2 like, 3 as, 4 like, 5 as, 6 as, 7 as, 8 like.
6 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
comparative expression of the adjectives in
C Discussing ideas and relating brackets or like/as.
them to personal experience
1 more and more, 2 like, 3 more and more
8 DISCUSS the questions. popular, 4 as, 5 the harder, the less, 6 as, 7 the
happier, the louder, 8 like.
Student’s activity.

9 WRITE a brief paragraph of 10/12 lines

about any particular artwork you have seen
which could be classified as Urban or Land WARM-UP
Art. Describe it, say what you think the
artist’s message or intention might be and
1 DISCUSS in pairs. Do you think the Arts
should be taught at school? Is it important
whether in your opinion it is effective or not. for children to receive an education in music,
Student’s activity. art and drama? Should this be part of the
curriculum or an outside activity?
Student’s activity.

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130 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
C Expressing and defending your 2 C, Its transverse engine and front-wheel drive
opinions layout allowed 80 percent of the interior to be
used for passengers and luggage.
FIRST Speaking – Part 3 3 B, Up to then the wheels were iron or clay but he
invented wheels made of polyurethane.
2 COLLABORATIVE TASK. Imagine that your
school has decided to introduce some after- 4 A, They’re not useful any more – we all have
school activities. Here are some possible mobiles.
options. Talk in pairs about the different 5 A, In fact, the present owner is a grandson of the
new skills the various activities would teach original founder.
(two minutes). Then decide which two you 6 C, Because I have one!
think would teach the most useful skills (one 7 B, Not just what you could do but the beautiful
minute). slim design.
Student’s activity. 8 C, Designed by a basketball player who
walked into the Converse company one day in
1923 complaining of sore feet.
C Talking about and comparing
personal experiences on a given

Extra questions
topic 1 Who invented the Rubik’s Cube? It was a

Student’s Book
Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture
FIRST Speaking – Part 4 called Ernő Rubik.

DISCUSSION. In groups of three ask and 2 What was the Mini Minor voted in 1999? It
answer the questions. was voted the second most influential car of
Student’s activity. the 20th century, behind the Ford Model T, and
ahead of the Citroën DS and Volkswagen Beetle.
3 What was the origin of the skateboard we
LISTE NI NG know today? It was invented by an American
WARM-UP called Frank Nasworthy.
4 What does Alex’s grandfather miss? He
1 DISCUSS in pairs. Are you interested in
design? Does the external appearance of an misses the red telephone boxes.
object or a building matter? Can you think 5 Who designed the red telephone boxes? Sir
of any exceptional examples of successful Giles Gilbert Scott who also designed Waterloo
designs? Bridge and the Battersea Power Station.
Student’s activity. 6 Where does the name Lego come from? The
name Lego comes from two Danish words that
2 LOOK at the following pictures of iconic
designs and match the objects to the names
mean ‘play well’ which is the company’s motto.
7 What does Jill say about the Vespa’s design?
(A-F). She says its design is attractive but functional.
1 B, 2 F, 3 G, 4 D, 5 E, 6 C, 7 H, 8 A. 8 What was the iPod the first example of? It
was the first of a long line of portable media
3 ADD a further two design items that you
know of.
players and multi-purpose pocket computers
designed and marketed by the Apple Company.
Student’s activity. 9 Which company now owns the famous
American footwear company, Converse? It is
now owned by Nike.
C Listening for specific information
10 What were their most iconic shoes? Their
FIRST Listening – Part 1 most iconic model was the All Star basketball
shoe designed by a basketball player.

people talking about eight different TRANSCRIPT

design icons. For questions 1-8, 1 You hear a young man talking about the Rubik
choose the best answer (A, B or C). cube.
Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture
1 A, The competitive element of the game is to Ernő Rubik designed this amazing game in
see who can complete the cube correctly in the 1974 and it quickly became the world’s best-
quickest time. selling toy. The cube has six sides, each with

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a different colour, and divided into nine small Jill: Hi Katie.
identical squares. An internal mechanism allows Katie: Oh hi Jill. I need your advice. I have to
each face to turn independently, thus mixing up choose an iconic object to describe in my art class
the colours. To solve the puzzle each face must be tomorrow and I just can’t think of anything.
returned to having one complete colour. Jill: The most iconic object I can think of is the
2 You hear a girl talking about the Mini Minor. Vespa scooter – it’s been in so many films and
A British designer, Sir Alec Issigonis, designed this fashion photos. You can say that it was designed
distinctive little two-door car which became an in Italy after the war and the name means ‘wasp’
icon in the Sixties. Its transverse engine and front- in Italian. You can also say its design is attractive
wheel drive layout allowed 80 percent of the but functional and it’s still being made today.
interior to be used for passengers and luggage. Katie: How do you know all this?
It influenced a generation of car makers and in Jill: Because I have one!
Student’s Book

1999 it was voted the second most influential car 7 You hear a boy talking to his mum.

of the 20th century, behind the Ford Model T, and Mum: Hi Chris. Had a good day?
ahead of the Citroën DS and Volkswagen Beetle. Chris: Yes, actually we watched a fascinating
3 You hear two friends talking about the documentary about how some tech objects were
skateboard. designed.
Keith: Hi Rod what are you reading? Mum: What kind of objects?
Rod: I’m reading about the origins of the Chris: One was the iPod. It was the first of a long
skateboard as I’ve just received a super new one line of portable media players and multi-purpose
as a present. pocket computers designed and marketed by the
Keith: Looks great. So what was the origin? Apple Company. The first came out in 2001 but
Rod: Well, it says here that the origin of the there have been more and more models since
skateboard as we know it today was due to an then.
American called Frank Nasworthy. Up to then the Mom: What does it do?
wheels were iron or clay but he invented wheels Chris: Lots – you can store data, transfer music,
made of polyurethane. photos, games information, but all of these things
Keith: What difference did that make? can be done by lots of digital devices. What made
Rod: An enormous difference, the boards were much the iPod different was not just what you could do
faster and more flexible. He founded a company but the beautiful slim design.
called Cadillac Wheels. Isn’t that a great name? 8 You hear a man talking about one of his most
4 You hear a grandfather talking to his grandson. prized possessions.
Grandad: Do you know something Alex, one of the If you are like me there are some things you just
saddest things about getting older is seeing so can’t bring yourself to throw away. For me one
many changes. of the best of these is a pair of shoes, not just
Alex: What sort of changes Grandad? any pair of shoes – oh no – the Converse All
Grandad: Things that are no longer there. Do you Stars. Converse is a famous American footwear
know what I miss? I miss the red telephone boxes. company now owned by Nike that at one
They were so distinctive and a wonderful example time dominated the sport shoe market. Their
of something beautiful to see but useful too. most iconic model was the All Star basketball
Alex: They’re not useful any more – we all have shoe designed by a basketball player who
mobiles. walked into the Converse Company one day in
Grandad: They were invented by an architect 1923 complaining of sore feet.
called Sir Giles Gilbert Scott who also designed
Waterloo Bridge and the Battersea Power Station.
Alex: I’ve never heard of him. I must say his
5 DISCUSS in pairs. What can be considered
design features of your town or area?
telephone box is much more famous than he is. Consider statues, buildings, Street Art and
5 You hear a young man talking about Lego. fashion in your discussion.
I was fascinated recently to discover that one
of my favourite toys is now considered an Student’s activity.
icon. What’s more, it’s also having a revival in
popularity. I’m talking about Lego. You know the
little plastic bricks that can become simple or
complex structures. The name Lego comes from
two Danish words that mean ‘play well’ which is
the company’s motto. The company is still family
run, in fact the present owner is a grandson of the
original founder.
6 You hear two girls talking on the phone.
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132 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
21 ST - CENTURY SKI L L S painting or doing sort of various things beyond
just what was sort of being taught. But I only took
it seriously really when I started studying and
VIDEO even after studying at university, and that’s when
Making art I really thought about making art as something
more than just kind of a passing passion, but
C Watching and understanding becoming something that was a full-on, a full-on
a short film sort of, not career but something that I would
spend, you know, the majority of my time doing
and trying to do.
Extra activity For me being creative is mostly about having
BEFORE watching the video, match the words the time and freedom and space, to explore new
to their meanings. ideas or explore new materials or having a way in
1 all the way through: during which I have an idea and it develops and it grows
2 full on: complete and becomes something bigger than it is. And
3 large scale: huge I think that’s when I find that I’m most creative
is when I am kind of developing new things and

4 threat: menace looking for new ideas and exploring in an original

Student’s Book
5 lay behind: is hidden in way.
6 cranes: structures used for lifting heavy objects The methods I mainly use is I use both a sort of
a lot of quite large scale pieces of laser cut metal

7 make a living: earn the money one needs
and also wood. So in the studio I use those kind
8 realm: area of interest of materials, quite heavy industrial materials,
1 WATCH the whole video about artist Jack
West and say if the following sentences
but I also use the computer to explore ideas. And
so I will play with forms and shapes that start
are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false their life in the computer and then through laser
ones. cuttings become into actual physical shapes in
1 T, 2 F, It has to do with exploring new ideas, the real world. So there is a relationship between
3 T, 4 F, He thinks machines look like sculptures, the virtual world of the computer and the real
5 F, They are also philosophical concepts, 6 F, It is world of the studio.
making a living as an artist, 7 T, 8 T. I’ve always found the machine to be a really
interesting object in terms of both a physical thing
2 WATCH the second part of the video
(from 00:32 to 00:58) and complete with
in making sculpture. A machine itself is, almost
looks like a sculpture itself, it’s got a real presence
the missing words. and form. But also as an idea I find the machine
as a whole something that provides a lot of
1 creative, 2 freedom, 3 ideas, 4 materials,
thoughts regarding the way in which we work, or
5 way, 6 develops, 7 grows, 8 original.
the way in which it can be a threat to us almost.
There’s lots of talk about automation in the way
3 WATCH the third part of the video (from
00:59 to 03:10) and write:
that it is sort of a threat to people’s jobs. So it’s
both interesting in terms of a physical object but
1 Large scale pieces of laser cut metal, wood and also the ideas that lay behind it.
quite heavy industrial materials. There’s a couple of difficulties in making work.
2 He uses the computer to explore ideas, he plays Practically, I use quite large-scale objects so
with forms and shapes that start their life in the they’re very heavy and so it can be quite hard
computer and then through laser cuttings become to manipulate objects in the studio. But that’s
into actual physical shapes in the real world. quite easy to overcome in terms of just finding
cranes or ways of lifting. I think one of the biggest
3 Moving and lifting large scale objects to
difficulties in being an artist is just living in London
manipulate in the studio.
and having to sort of make a living. That can be
4 As a source of inspiration and a threat. quite hard. And so.
5 Seeing an idea that is in his head translate to an For me the biggest reward about making work,
object in the studio. is seeing an idea that’s in your head translate to
an object in the studio. So you have an idea and
TRANSCRIPT you sort of think about what it might be. And
I’ve always been interested in making art. All then when you start to play with it in reality, that
the way through school I was always making or starts to shift and change and that becomes
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really exciting when you start to see something
or an object develop and become something 6 LOOK at the work below by French street
artist JR. Describe it and your reaction to it.
bigger than it was originally. And that’s the main
reason why you make work. It’s to kind of get Do you think that a work like this may change
that moment of real excitement about exploring the way we assume things about people?
objects in the studio.
Teacher’s tip JR (1983) is one of the most important
The works I am most proud of, are the works that contemporary artists working today, with exhibitions all across
I’ve made in the public realm. So objects which the world. He has received awards and has been praised by
are on a much larger scale and these tend to have the press. His work is in dialogue with the Realism of Courbet,
a larger audience. And equally I like the fact that the Surrealism of Man Ray, the Situationist slogans and posters
you’ve made an object that’s got permanence of May ’68, and the wheat-paste street-art communities active
to it. So it lives in a place for a much longer time. in Europe, the US and elsewhere, as well as contemporary
Student’s Book

dance, documentary photography and social practice.


And it’s those moments, you know, knowing that He began as a graffiti tagger on the streets of Paris in the late
you’ve created something that is much bigger 1990s. His work takes in photography and graffiti, as well as
than you and your studio, that’s what I tend to social activism, both on and offline, as well as film and dance.
feel quite excited about. JR has taken this powerful mix of documentary photography,
My main aspiration as an artist is to keep making public artworks and activism to incredibly different
work that I’m excited about and that sort of communities across the globe, from war-ravaged west Africa,
others see as interesting and in particular making to the Indigenous tribes of North America, as well as groups in
Palestine, Pakistan and Phnom Penh. In some instances, his art
work that has a relevance. I think you make art has addressed specific problems, such as child deaths in drone
because you want to kind of answer questions strikes along the Afghan-Pakistani border.
and pose new ones. And so for me as long as I JR has broadened the conventional context of fine art,
can keep having time and space to make the work attempting to bring about positive social change with his work.
that I find interesting, then that’s what I hope for Student’s activity.
and within that, then I hope, you know, to show The artwork contains a trap: the blackman in the
my work to more people and so maybe on a foreground seems to be holding a gun but he is
larger scale with larger institutions. But I realise, actually holding a video camera.
you know, that these things take time and as long
as I’m making work that I’m satisfied with, for
me that’s the most important thing. And so that’s
7 CARRY out a survey about your classmates’
favourite work of art and create a virtual art
what I hope to continue to be able to do. gallery for your class. Follow these steps:

4 DISCUSS in pairs. How does Jack’s creativity

lead to innovation? Why does he make art?
Student’s activity.

What do you think of his works? Do you like WR ITING

them? What do they communicate to you?
By using the computer, he reconstructs an object WARM-UP
in a different material. This leads to an exploration
of the object itself in such a way not thought
1 DISCUSS. Where was your last school trip?
Did you visit a city of historic interest? Did
possible before. Making art means experimenting you visit an art gallery or museum? Do you
and exploring. ever go on school outings to museums in
He makes art because he wants to answer your own town or area? Talk about what you
questions and pose new ones. liked or didn’t like about the visits.
Student’s activity.
Student’s activity.

C Expressing personal opinions on a

T H I N K I N G C R E AT I V E LY specific experience.
Teacher’s tip This page deals with the 21 -century social and
learning and innovation skills, in particular the ability to think
creatively using a wide range of idea creation techniques to
2 READ the review of a visit to a museum and
decide which number (1-5) corresponds to
develop and communicate new ideas to others. which part of the review (A-E).
Griglia di valutazione: p. 244. A 3, B 5, C 4, D 2, E 1.

5 DISCUSS in groups.
Student’s activity.

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3 READ the review again and answer the
1 To the Sforza Castle in Milan.
2 They visited four: the museums of ancient art,
of applied arts, musical instruments and the
Rondanini Pietà.
3 The reviewer praised the way the exhibits were
displayed and lit and the information sheets in
different languages. The reviewer also praised the
variety of furniture and musical instruments.
4 The reviewer thought there was too much to
take in during a single visit, the fact that the
information sheets were too long and detailed
and that the indications were difficult to follow.
5 The highlight of the visit was the very moving


Student’s Book
6 The reviewer found the visit stimulating but tiring.

FIRST Writing – Part 2
4 A REVIEW. An international arts website is
looking for reviews of local museums for a
new section called ‘Making the most of our
culture’. You have decided to write a review of
a museum you’ve recently visited. Describe
the visit and say what you think about it.
Would you recommend this museum to
Student’s activity.

5 CLASS ACTIVITY. Make a review board

in the classroom where students can post
reviews of films, books, exhibitions, visits or
holidays. To make it more visually exciting,
the different reviews can award stars from
one to five.
Student’s activity.

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UNITS 5-6 FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Review Part 3
7 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8,
read the text below. Use the word given in
capitals at the end of some of the lines to
VO CA BU L A RY AC T I VATO R form a word that fits in the gap in the same
1 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
1 old-fashioned, 2 community, 3 reputation,
1 identity, 2 internationally, 3 architecture, 4 belief, 5 workplace, 6 necessity, 7 optimism,
4 poetry, 5 entertainment, 6 awareness. 8 disordered.


COMPLETE the paragraph with a suitable

phrasal verb from the box in the correct
FIRST Reading and Use of English –
tense. Part 4
1 build up, 2 sign up, 3 call for, 4 put on, 5 have 8 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS.
For questions 1-6, complete the second
dealt with, 6 have used up.
sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
the first sentence, using the word given. Do
G RA M M A R not change the word given. You must use
between two and five words, including the
3 MATCH a beginning (1-5) with a suitable
ending (A-E).
word given. Here is an example (0).
1 might not have had, 2 wish I hadn’t been,
1 D, 2 E, 3 A, 4 C, 5 B.
3 louder and louder, 4 unless the weather, 5 will
come into force, 6 the best firework display.
4 COMPLETE the sentences with the
adjectives in brackets in the comparative or
superlative form.
1 more intelligent, 2 best, 3 warmer, 4 easiest,
5 least interesting, 6 most controversial.

FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Part 1
1 8, read the blog below and decide which
answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There
is an example at the beginning (0).
1 B, 2 D, 3 A, 4 A, 5 B, 6 D, 7 A, 8 C.

FIRST Reading and Use of English –

Part 2
6 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
1 had, 2 have, 3 biggest, 4 than, 5 most, 6 would,
7 fastest, 8 better/more.

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UNIT 6 Superlatives
Meet the Arts 7 COMPLETE the sentences with the
superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
Workbook Add the second term of comparison.
1 the most experienced, in, 2 the worst, 3 the
second largest, in, 4 the most generous, 5 the
VO CA BULA RY AC T I VATO R most famous works, of/in, 6 the fastest of/
among, 7 the greatest of, 8 the most brilliant of/
1 COMPLETE the sentences with different
forms of artistic expression.

1 sculptures, 2 pop concert, 3 modern paintings,

4 urban art, 5 modern architecture, 6 television
8 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of the comparative or superlative of
programme, 7 classical painting. majority and minority.
1 the best, 2 fewer, than, 3 the least damaging,
2 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs and expressions in the box.
4 the biggest, in, 5 farther, than, the farthest, in,
6 less large than, 7 earlier, 8 the most dangerous,

1 appreciate, 2 get pleasure, 3 being creative, in.
4 inspired, 5 finds it difficult, 6 stimulates,

7 provoked. COMPLETE the second sentence so that it

has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
Tow a rds I NVA L S I 1 is less difficult to understand than, 2 have
fewer posters than my friend, 3 is not as/so long
3 2.7 READ and listen to the article about
Rei Kawakubo, then choose the
as the flight to, 4 person in my family I get on
with most, 5 much more time to read this novel
correct answer (A, B, C or D) for the than, 6 never eaten a worse, 7 as fashionable as,
questions. 8 was less complicated.
Only one answer is correct.
The first one (0) has been done for
you. U S E O F E NGLIS H
Q1 C, Q2 D, Q3 A, Q4 D, Q5 B, Q6 C, Q7 A, Q8 D.
FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Phrasal verbs and expressions for the Part 1
questions 1-8, read the text below and
4 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
phrasal verbs and expressions for the Arts.
decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best
fits each gap. There is an example at the
1 artistic heritage, 2 cultural prestige, 3 build up, beginning (0).
4 put on, 5 live stage. 1 C, 2 A, 3 D, 4 B, 5 A, 6 D, 7 C, 8 D.

G RA M M A R 1 FIRST Reading and Use of English –

Part 2
5 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete 11 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which
the sentences.
best fits each gap. Use only one word
1 as amazing, 2 more expensive, 3 fewer, 4 more in each gap. There is an example at the
and more, 5 fewer, 6 easier, 7 more impressive, beginning (0).
8 as old.
1 work, 2 best-known, 3 prestige, 4 more, 5 best,
6 than, 7 more, 8 the.
6 WRITE six sentences comparing different
kinds of Arts using the adjectives in the box.
Student’s activity.

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REA DI NG promising young artists.
3 Yes, your coat is getting smaller and smaller.
FIRST Reading and Use of English – 4 Yes, Nick earns more and more money.
Part 7 5 Yes, the works of that photographer are getting
are going to read a text about
more and more unconventional.

different musical festivals. For

questions 1-10, choose from
16 REWRITE the sentences as in the
the paragraphs (A-D). The same
paragraph may be chosen more 1 The older she grew, the wiser she became.
than once. 2 The more I study his works, the more I like that


1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 D, 5 A, 6 A, 7 C, 8 B, 9 D, 10 B.
3 The more chocolate he eats, the more he wants.
WORD FORMATION 4 The more little tasks you give the children to do,
Compound words the more responsible they become.
13 FIND the compound words in the texts
and complete the table writing the two
5 The more complicated things got, the more
anxious Sarah became.
words from which they are formed.
FIRST WORD SECOND WORD Modifiers of comparatives
17 COMPLETE the sentences with modifiers
of comparatives.
best known 1 much/far/a lot, 2 many/far, 3 much/far/a lot,
out side 4 much/far/a lot, 5 much/far/a lot, 6 many/far.
awe inspiring
Linkers of manners: like / as
line up
dub step 18 COMPLETE the sentences with as or like.
1 as, 2 like, 3 as, 4 like, 5 as, 6 as, 7 as, 8 like,
every where
sun kissed
through out 19 COMPLETE the second sentence so that it
has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
cutting edge Use the word given.
forward thinking
1 considered it as, 2 and more people now
three day choose to, 3 was by far longer, 4 much cheaper,
5 is regarded as the best, 6 the same as it was,
14 COMPLETE the sentences with a
compound word from exercise 13.
7 earlier we leave, the.

1 awe-inspiring, cutting-edge, 2 everywhere, LISTE NING

line-ups, throughout, 3 best-known, outside,
moonlight, 4 international, forwards-thinking, FIRST Listening – Part 1
5 sun-kissed, daylight.
G RA M M A R 2 will hear people talking about
eight different art galleries. For
Expressions using comparatives questions 1-8, choose the best
15 REPLY to the statements using the
comparative expressions more and more /
answer (A, B or C).
1 C, 2 B, 3 C, 4 B, 5 A, 6 C, 7 A, 8 C.
-er and -er / less and less as in the example.
1 Yes, there are fewer and fewer small shops. TRANSCRIPT
2 Yes, it’s getting harder and harder to find 1 You hear a young man talking about the Centre
Georges Pompidou.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
138 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
I have just returned from a visit to Paris and was always leave and go for an ice-cream if you don’t
absolutely amazed by the modern art display in like it.
the Centre Georges Pompidou. It was designed by 5 You hear a lady taking about an art museum in
two famous architects, Renzo Piano and Richard Tokyo.
Rogers, who certainly created a dynamic and I have never been, but I read recently that one of
vibrant building full of cutting-edge exhibitions, the best modern art galleries in the world is the
hands-on workshops, dance performances, Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo. The works
cinemas and other entertainment venues. Outside are by both Japanese and foreign artists. They
in the square the art goes on with mechanical have a permanent collection and also rotating
fountains of skeletons, hearts, treble clefs and a exhibitions, displayed on five floors. The gallery is
big pair of ruby-red lips, created by Jean Tinguely made of stone, steel and wood with interesting
and Niki de Saint Phalle. features like a V-shaped structural support, water
2 You hear two friends talking about the and stone promenades and contains a beautiful
Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. sunken garden.
Steve: Hey Josie, haven’t seen you around for a 6 You hear a boy talking to his father about an art
while. Have you been away? project.
Josie: I spent a long weekend in Bilbao with my Boy: Hello Dad. Have you got time to help me with

uncle and aunt. this art project? We need to describe an unusual
Steve: Why Bilbao? modern art gallery.
Josie: We went to see the Guggenheim Museum Father: The best gallery I know is actually in

and art gallery. It was truly extraordinary. The Berlin. It used to be a railway station and is now

American architect, Frank Gehry, used computer- part of the Berlin National Gallery. It’s called the
aided design technology to create a building Hamburger Bahnhof Museum and is considered
with no straight walls. It’s all a beautiful mass of as one of the world’s leading exhibition spaces for
curving lines. I’ve never seen a building like it. contemporary art.
Steve: I remember when it was built in 1997 they Boy: Have you seen it?
said it was the most important building of its Father: I was lucky enough to have a conference
time. in Berlin with some free time and yes, I spent half
Josie: I loved it – I found the building even more a day there.
fascinating than the contents. 7 You hear a man talking about a museum of
3 You will hear a lady talking about the Hermitage contemporary art.
in St. Petersburg. If you like modern and contemporary art I would
If anyone asked me about my favourite art advise you to visit the Museum of Contemporary
gallery I would always say the Hermitage in St. Art in Rome. This gallery, also known as Macro,
Petersburg in Russia. It is housed in what used opened in 1999 in two different venues. One
to be the Winter Palace of the Russian Tsars, a is in a former slaughterhouse in the Testaccio
stunning building in Baroque architecture built area of Rome and the other, larger one, is in
in 1764 when Catherine the Great was on the a former brewery in the Salario district. The
throne. She started the gallery with 225 paintings collection includes some of the most significant
she brought from Berlin, but now the museum Italian artists since the 1960s, as well as notable
has nearly 3 million exhibits from all over the international artists.
world. They say that if you spent just one minute 8 You hear a girl talking about New York City’s
looking at every item in the museum, it would Museum of Modern Art.
take you 11 years to see everything. Although it’s not a new museum, in fact it’s
4 You hear two girls talking about the Tate nearly a hundred years old, New York City’s
Modern. Museum of Modern Art, known as MOMA,
Anne: We have a free afternoon, why don’t we go is considered as the world’s most influential
to the Tate Modern? modern and contemporary art museum. It has
Susan: What’s that? I’ve never heard of it. been fundamentally important in developing and
Anne: Oh come on, you must have heard of it. It’s collecting modernist artworks. It was created by
the art gallery housed in what used to be a power Rockefeller’s daughter-in-law and an American
station on the South Bank of the Thames. philanthropist called Goodyear in 1929, and
Susan: But neither of us likes looking at paintings. is probably the best and most comprehensive
Anne: But this is different. It’s a very unusual collection of modern Western masterpieces in the
building and the art is displayed according to world, with over 150,000 pieces of art and more
themes rather than dates, which I think makes it than 20,000 films.
more interesting. Go on, say you’ll come. We can
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FIRST Writing – Part 2
21 A REVIEW. Your school website is
producing a guide to your town and
has asked for reviews of the sculptures
displayed in public squares and streets
around the town. Choose at least two
to write about. In your review give a
description of what they are made of and
approximately what they represent. Also
give your opinion on how effective they

are. Write the review in 140-190 words.

Student’s activity.

22 After you have finished writing, re-read

your review and check for any grammar or
spelling mistakes. Check in particular the
tenses you have used for the verbs. Then
answer the following questions.
Student’s activity.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

140 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Programmazione per competenze
UNIT 7 • A techno world
Tempo di svolgimento: 3/4 settimane
Traguardi formativi Indicatori

A quali “Traguardi per lo sviluppo delle Che cosa ci si aspetta sappia fare lo studente Su quali conoscenze e
per competenze

competenze” mirano le attività didattiche che ha raggiunto questi traguardi? abilità si sviluppano le

dell’unità? competenze?

Padroneggiare la lingua straniera per Ascolto (comprensione orale) Funzioni linguistiche

interagire in diversi ambiti e contesti e per − comprendere espressioni e frasi usate da − descrivere immagini
comprendere gli aspetti significativi della persone per descrivere dispositivi − esprimere opinioni
civiltà degli altri Paesi in prospettiva tecnologici (es. 2 p. 95) − dare esempi
interculturale − identificare diversi punti di vista sulla − esprimere contrasto
− utilizzare le funzioni linguistico- tecnologia (es. 4 p. 97)
comunicative riferite al livello B2 del − comprendere testi relativi al cambiamento Strutture grammaticali
Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento apportato dall’uso di Internet nella nostra − passives
− comprendere le idee fondamentali di testi vita (es. 2 p. 104) − Have/Get something
complessi su argomenti sia concreti che − comprendere testi descrittivi complessi done
astratti (es. 2 p. 96; es. 2 p. 100) − Expressing emphasis
− interagire oralmente with so and such
− leggere e comprendere testi sia orali che Parlato (produzione e interazione orale)
scritti che riguardano un’ampia gamma di − discutere se la parola “smart” è adatta allo Lessico
argomenti smartphone e ad altri dispositivi − collocations and
− produrre testi sia orali che scritti che tecnologici (es. 1, 5 p. 95; es. 1-4 p. 103; expressions for
riguardano un’ampia gamma di argomenti es. 1 p. 104; es. 5 p. 105) technology
− leggere, analizzare e interpretare testi − discutere il tema dell’intelligenza artificiale − word formation:
letterari (es. 1 p. 96) prefixes
− esprimere un’opinione su argomenti di − discutere il rapporto tra app legate al
attualità, esponendo i pro e i contro delle benessere fisico e alla salute (es. 1 p. 100;
Key language for social
diverse opinioni nell’ambito di una es. 8 p. 101) competence
discussione di gruppo − positive and negative
Lettura (comprensione scritta) linking words to
Utilizzare testi multimediali − comprendere testi descrittivi complessi continue a discussion
− utilizzare l’eBook per svolgere gli esercizi (es. 2 p. 96; es. 2 p. 100) − formal language/
in maniera interattiva ed esercitarsi a making formal
comprendere i prodotti della Scrittura (produzione scritta) complaints in a formal
comunicazione audiovisiva − scrivere un breve testo su una app o su un letter
− Flipped classroom: video per la dispositivo tecnologico che vorremmo
presentazione del vocabolario e filmati utilizzare (es. 9 p. 101)
che permettono allo studente di − scrivere una lettera formale per esprimere
familiarizzare con aspetti vari della vita dei delle lamentele formali in merito ad un
Paesi di lingua anglofona (brani di ascolto e acquisto fatto (es. 5 p. 106)
− filmato First exam description Riflessione sulla lingua
− osservare le parole nei contesti d’uso e
Competenze chiave di cittadinanza impararne il significato
− imparare a imparare − osservare la struttura delle frasi e mettere
− progettare in relazione costrutti e intenzioni
− collaborare e partecipare comunicative
− agire in modo autonomo e responsabile
− acquisire ed interpretare l’informazione

Competenze del 21° secolo

− conoscenza dei media – analysing media
(Learn by doing)

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142 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Attività comunicative Attività per lo sviluppo delle Prove autentiche Preparazione alla
competenze chiave e strutturate certificazione e
Con quali attività didattiche si raggiunge l’acquisizione dei contenuti e si Con quali strumenti di valutazione
sviluppano le competenze? (formativa e sommativa) si verifica
l’acquisizione dei contenuti e lo sviluppo
delle competenze?
Ricezione orale Imparare a imparare Nelle Idee per First
− ascolto e comprensione di una − formulare ipotesi sulla insegnare (prove − Reading and Use
breve descrizione di dispositivi coniugazione dei passivi (es. 1, 2 p. strutturate) of English – Part

tecnologici 98) − Fast check (Fila A 2, p. 99

− ascolto e completamento di frasi − Have/Get something done (es. 1 p. − Reading and Use

per competenze
e Fila B)
− visione e comprensione di una 102) − Unit test (Fila A of English – Part
sequenza video − espressioni con so e such (es. 4 p. e Fila B) 3, p. 99

102) − Competences − Reading and Use
Produzione orale − apprendere strutture grammaticali test of English – Part
− interagire in coppie o gruppi attraverso frasi tratte dai testi di − Easy reading 5, p. 100
usando le funzioni e il lessico reading comprehension (es. 1 p. 98; tests (BES) − Speaking – Part
dell’unità es. 1, 4 p. 102) − Guided tests 3, p. 103
− esprimere opinioni personali − apprendere vocaboli attraverso (BES) − Speaking – Part
− parlare della propria esperienza in video e animazioni (p. 95, 105) 4, p. 103
merito ad un argomento dato e − approfondire il lessico, le strutture e Esercizi online su − Listening – Part
confrontarla con quella degli altri le tipologie First presenti nell’unità ZTE 2, p. 104
attraverso esercizi (Workbook p. − Writing – Part 2,
Ricezione e produzione scritta 56-63; Self-study nell’eBook) p. 106
− comprendere le idee chiave di un
articolo e riassumerne il punto di Progettare (es 6-7 p. 105) Towards INVALSI
vista (p. 96-97)
− leggere un breve testo e Collaborare e partecipare
completare gli spazi vuoti con le − collaborare con un compagno o un
parole mancanti gruppo per discutere sulla base dei
− comprendere lo sviluppo di idee dati forniti (es. 1, 5 p. 95; es. 1 p. 96;
ed eventi in un testo es. 1 p. 100; es. 3-4 p. 103; es. 5, 7
− scrivere una lettera formale di p. 105; es. 1-2 p. 106)
Agire in modo autonomo e
Esercizi responsabile
− esercizi di completamento, vero/ − riflettere sui propri errori con l’aiuto
falso, scelta multipla, della sezione Frequent mistakes (p.
abbinamento, riordinamento, 98)
− attività di scrittura per Acquisire ed interpretare
memorizzare funzioni, strutture e l’informazione
lessico − leggere o ascoltare la descrizione di
− esercizi in coppia e a gruppi alcune persone che esprimono il
− esercizi di consolidamento e loro punto di vista sulla tecnologia
potenziamento (Workbook p. (es. 2 p. 95; es. 4 p. 97)
53-63; Self-study nell’eBook) − ascoltare un’intervista sul
cambiamento introdotto da
Internet nella nostra vita e
riconoscere informazioni specifiche
(First Listening – Part 2, p. 104)

21st-century skills
Analyse media
− create a poster about ‘staying safe
online’ (Learn by doing: es. 6-7
p. 105)

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NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................

1 GIVE the English translation of the following verbs.

1 avere 2 utilizzare le 4 tenersi in

accesso a applicazioni 3 mandare contatto
Internet messaggi

5 collegarsi

12 fare una 6 accedere

copia tramite password


11 digitare
10 uscire da
una sessione 8 scaricare 7 postare

9 caricare

2 ANSWER the questions.

1 Which is probably the device we use the most?

2 Why is this?

3 Where can we find a GPS system?

4 What do we have to make our lives easier and more interconnected?

5 What can we do through social media?

6 How do we do this?

7 How can apps help us?

8 What should we frequently do? Why?

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
144 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
4 We have many gadgets and devices.
FLIPPED CLASSROOM 5 We can keep in touch with people all over the
Teacher’s keys world at the click of a mouse.
6 We just log on, sign in and go to our profile or
VOCABULARY ACTIVATOR: Technology page where we can post a message, download a
video, upload a photo or two and sign off.
In this techno world, which are the devices you 7 Apps can tell us when the next bus is due, book us
use the most? Your computer, your laptop, your a table at the restaurant, tell us how many steps
tablet? The answer is probably your smartphone. we have taken and give us our heart rate.
After all this little device is a miniature computer 8 We should frequently back up all the information
which can access the Internet, use countless because if we lose the device, we might lose a
apps, take photos, send messages, give us chunk of irretrievable information.
directions and… oh yes, can also make a phone
call. Many smartphones now have an inbuilt GPS

system to tell us where we are and guide us to
our destination. New cars have a GPS where the

radio used to be.
I think we’re really lucky to be living in an age
where so many gadgets and devices make our
lives easier, and more interconnected. Think about

communication. Through social media we can
keep in touch with people all over the world at the
click of a mouse. We just log on, sign in and go to
our profile or page where we can post a message,
download a video, upload a photo or two and sign
off – all in a matter of minutes. We can download
apps for so many different activities or interests.
Apps will tell us when the next bus is due, book us
a table at the restaurant, tell us how many steps
we’ve taken and give us our heart rate. We now
use the phone or tablet to tap in key words for
information on anything and everything.
Don’t forget to back up all the information
frequently – for if we lose the device, we might
lose a chunk of irretrievable information. Our lives
are contained within these little devices, but be
careful, they say ‘Technology is a useful servant
but a dangerous master’.

1 GIVE the English translation of the following

1 access the Internet, 2 use apps, 3 send
messages, 4 keep in touch, 5 log on, 6 sign
in, 7 post, 8 download, 9 upload, 10 sign off,
11 tap/key in, 12 back up.

2 ANSWER the questions.

1 The smartphone.
2 Because this little device is a miniature computer
which can access the Internet, use countless
apps, take photos, send messages, give directions
and make phone calls.
3 On smartphones and in new cars where the radio
used to be.

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A techno world FLIPPED
Student’s Book classroom

Students can be given the Vocabulary video to watch at
OBJECTIVES home and then work on it at the beginning of class time.
Photocopiable exercices can be found on page 144.
The aim of this Unit is to introduce the vocabulary associated
with technology in a realistic context. The Towards INVALSI WARM-UP
section focuses on understanding and interpreting information
in reading and listening texts. Students also practise
collocations and expressions for technology. The grammar
1 LOOK at the pictures and discuss in pairs.
covered in this unit includes the review of passives, have / Student’s activity.
Student’s Book

get something done, and it introduces so / such to express

emphasis. The First Use of English page focuses on Reading C Learning to use vocabulary in context
and Use of English Part 2 (open cloze) and Part 3 (word
formation), while the First Reading presents Reading and
Use of English Part 5 (multiple-choice questions). Prefixes are
introduced in the word formation section. The First Speaking
2 4.1 LISTEN to four people describing
technical devices and match them to
section deals with the practice of Part 3 (collaborative task) one of the following objects.
and Part 4 (discussion). The First Listening page is about
Listening Part 2 (sentence completion). The 21st-century skills 1 cash machine, 2 microwave oven, 3 GPS,
section includes a video about the Internet revolution. The 4 mobile phone.
viewing of the video aims at stimulating social interaction and
ends with the Learn by doing activity which focuses on the TRANSCRIPT
soft skill ‘analysing media’ linked to the 21st-century skill:
1 Well, before this was around we had to use the
Information, media and technology. The unit ends with First
Writing Part 2 (a formal letter). bank much more frequently and there were often
long queues. We were sometimes told to wait or
CONTENTS had to remember opening times. This machine
has made it possible to withdraw money at any
Vocabulary time and in many different places.
Collocations and expressions for technology
Word formation: prefixes
2 My family don’t all come home at the same
time and in the past I often had to cook different
Grammar meals at different times. Now the meal can be
Passives cooked once and then heated up in this useful and
Be supposed to / be expected to… may I say essential addition to my kitchen.
Have/Get something done
Expressing emphasis with so and such
3 My dad is hopeless at finding places and he has
been lost loads of times. I have a good sense of
Functions direction which was taught to me by my grandad
Linking words to continue a discussion: positive and negative but Dad is hopeless. Thank goodness he now has
The use of formal language in a formal letter one of these fitted in the car and only gets lost
Making formal complaints in a formal letter occasionally.
4 This has become the absolute ‘cannot do
Self-study and ZTE without’ of all devices. What other object is used
The Self-study and ZTE exercises can be employed either by young and old, men, women and children?
to reinforce or review the grammar structures and topic Everyone I know has at least one and lots of my
vocabulary of the Unit. friends have more than one. I sometimes wonder
how on earth people managed to live without it.


3 MATCH the words or expressions (1-10) to

their meaning (A-J).
1 B, 2 C, 3 G, 4 I, 5 J, 6 F, 7 E, 8 A, 9 D, 10 H.

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146 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Extra activity 3 READ the article about artificial intelligence
again, then choose the correct answer (A, B, C
CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the
or D) for questions 1-6.
Only one answer is correct.
1 I’ve been working all day on my computer. I The first one (0) has been done for you.
logged on at eight this morning, and I didn’t
log off until six this evening. Q1 B, Q2 D, Q3 A, Q4 C, Q5 D, Q6 B.
2 Before you send an email or post a message
on the tablet, you need to key in your
C Listening and understanding information
3 Look, Tom has downloaded a whole lot of new
4 4.3 LISTEN to an interview with a
technology expert.
apps onto his smartphone. While listening, match the
4 I’m afraid I’m not participating in the interviewer’s questions (A-I) with
marathon next week, I just can’t face up to the answers (1-6).
such a difficult challenge. There are two extra questions that
you do not need to use.

5 Who is your opponent in the tennis match this
evening? The first one (0) has been done for

Student’s Book
4 COMPLETE the paragraph with words or Q1 C, Q2 G, Q3 A, Q4 E, Q5 B, Q6 D.

phrases from exercise 3. Extras: F and H.
1 device, 2 application, 3 download, 4 logged, Teacher’s tip In order to replicate what will happen in the
5 profile, 6 posting, 7 in touch, 8 tap in, 9 sign off, INVALSI exam, you should give students one minute to study
10 back up. the task before listening. Then students should be allowed to
listen to the recording two times. After the second listening,
students should receive one minute to check their answers.
5 DISCUSS. Look up the different definitions
of the word ‘smart’ and say why it is or isn’t
a suitable word for smartphones and other TRANSCRIPT
devices. Interviewer: Hello, everyone, and welcome back
Student’s activity. to Technology Today. I’m delighted to have in
Suggested answer: the studio with me Ted Hughes, a journalist and
The definitions are mainly two: intelligent, clever expert on technology. Thank you, Ted, for your
or elegant; the students should agree that the time.
word is very suitable for devices that are both
intelligent and pleasing and elegant to see and Ted: My pleasure.
Ted: Internet technology has changed our lives
Tow a rds I NVA L SI in so many ways. One area where we’ve seen
changes is in global trade, which has become
WARM-UP faster, easier, and more reliable. We’ve also seen
1 DISCUSS in pairs. What do you understand
by the term ‘artificial intelligence’? Can you
changes in our personal lives. It is now so easy to
book travel tickets, cinema or theatre tickets, or
think of any examples? How have our lives even restaurants from wherever we are.
been affected by AI?
Student’s activity. Ted: Banking has been transformed by online
services, and ATM machines mean we have
C Reading, interpreting and understanding access to our money all the time. Every business
information – from huge companies to small shops – have
to have a web presence or they risk going out of
2 4.2 READ and listen to the article and
decide which of the highlighted
business. Commercial activity is quicker and more
challenging, and there is increasing competition in
words has the following meaning: every field.
1 injure, 2 sound, 3 entrap, 4 urged, 5 grafted,
6 harm.
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QUESTION 2: Collocations and expressions for
Ted: Absolutely! Students can now study in technology
interactive classrooms with all the visual help of
interactive whiteboards. There is talk of computer- 5 MATCH the collocations and expressions (1-
7) in the article to their definitions (A-G).
only classes with no paper textbooks, just tablets
and smartphones to download videos and audio 1 E, 2 F, 3 B, 4 A, 5 G, 6 D, 7 C.
content directly.

6 COMPLETE the sentences using the correct
form of the collocations and expressions
Ted: This is an interesting area because the from exercise 5.
changes here are the introduction of distance
learning. What I mean by this is that the students 1 disclosure of confidential information, 2 rate
Student’s Book

of progress, 3 take steps, 4 fake tweets,


can follow lectures from home. Lecturers and

students might even be in different countries. 5 cyberbullying, 6 engaged in, 7 labelled.

QUESTION 4: Extra activity

Ted: Undoubtedly the answer to that question is CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the
communication. Technology has revolutionised sentences.
the way we communicate. Social networking
1 The rate of progress in AI is considered
services are dominating the communication
market and producing enormous advertising
revenue. 2 Fake tweets are causing concern especially in
political elections.
QUESTION 5: 3 There are valid reasons for concern about AI
Ted: I’m not sure they communicate more, just in certain fields where experts should take
differently. No one writes letters now, and steps to protect information.
telegrams have disappeared. With the latest 4 One area for concern is cyberbullying where
gadgets, emails, chats, texting and mobile forms of aggression are used online.
phones, we can be in touch instantly with anyone,
5 Those who engage in acquiring or disclosing
confidential information should be punished.
QUESTION 6: 6 Those who insist on a form of protection
Ted: Cyber security is of course a serious concern, against AI are labelled as false scientists.
and everyone has to learn to protect their data.
Other problem areas are to do with confusing
virtual reality with real life, and accepting what
people say online as true – when it is sometimes Passives
deliberately false. The issue of too much screen
time is also often talked about, especially for 1 READ sentences 1-3 and answer questions
children and young people who might not be as
physically active or enterprising as before. A 1 the rules, 2 they (the rules of robotics), 3 a
B 1 the three laws of robotics, 2 the writer Isaac
Asimov, 3 human beings.
C By.

2 MATCH each of the following examples (1-5)

to one of the explanations (A-E) below.
1 E, 2 A, 3 B, 4 D, 5 C.

3 READ the sentences and underline the

passive forms. Then rewrite them in the
active form.
1 won’t be allowed, Human beings will not allow AI
to engage in cyberbullying, stock manipulation or
terrorist threats.
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148 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
2 can’t be violated, AI weapons can’t violate
international treatises. 5 COMPLETE the second sentence using the
word in capital letters so that it has a similar
3 has been recently released, Researchers have
meaning to the first sentence.
recently released a fake video of former President
Barack Obama. 1 computers are being used by, 2 been given
4 were introduced, Asimov introduced the ‘three to me by, 3 is believed to be, 4 will be made by,
laws of robotics’ in 1942. 5 haven’t been seen, 6 plane is expected to arrive,
7 was seen by, 8 are being discussed by.
5 might have been sent, I should have received the
letter by now. Someone might have sent it to the
wrong address. Extra activity
6 wouldn’t have been stolen, If you had locked the COMPLETE the second sentence so that it
car, someone wouldn’t have stolen it. means the same as the first using passive forms.
1 My sister doesn’t like other people telling her
4 FIND and correct the mistakes in the
sentences. One of the sentences is correct.
what to do.
My sister doesn’t like being told what to do.

1 Problems as well as advantages have been 2 Someone should have dealt with this
brought into our lives by technology. problem a long time ago.

Student’s Book
This problem should have been dealt with a
2 Closed Circuit Television Cameras will be installed long time ago.
on buses next month.

3 They had closed the road after that plane
3 People are requested not to smoke anywhere in crash and the emergency services were
the building. treating the injured.
4 Job applicants were informed of the result of the The road had been closed after that plane
interview yesterday. crash and the injured were being treated by
5 Correct. the emergency services.
6 This dictionary is often used by our students. 4 People felt that the Italian government
7 Has your motorbike been repaired yet? wasn’t spending enough money on
8 You would not be allowed to arrive so late if you It was felt that not enough money was
attended my school. being spent by the Italian government on
Extra activity 5 The bus strike delayed him and that’s why he
COMPLETE the sentences with the passive arrived late at the meeting.
forms of the verbs in brackets. He was delayed and that’s why he arrived late
at the meeting.
1 In Japan, electricity production was restricted
after the 2011 accident. 6 Some people say that this is a dangerous
2 Passive voice is used widely in technical texts.
It is said that this is a dangerous area.
3 The world energy demand was determined by
the Chinese and Indian markets last year.
4 That eReader is provided with a dictionary. U S E O F E NGLIS H
5 Famous people should expect to be FIRST Reading and Use of English –
photographed at the Royal Wedding.
Part 2
6 A new series of ‘Suits’ is being filmed at the
moment. 1 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
7 That actress wore a pair of dark sunglasses
fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
to avoid being recognised.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
8 The Imagine Dragons’ latest song will be
released next month. 1 are, 2 is, 3 by, 4 personal, 5 was, 6 been,
7 between, 8 social.

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FIRST Reading and Use of English – 6 What can a fitness watch tell you if you are a
Part 3 runner? It can tell you how fast you are going,
2 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8,
read the text below. Use the word given in
how that works out as an average over your
chosen distance and how it compares with
capitals at the end of some of the lines to previous runs.
form a word that fits in the gap in the same 7 Can it be used for other sports or just for
line. There is an example at the beginning (0). running? It can be used for walking, biking and
even swimming.
1 governments, 2 journalism, 3 delivery/
deliveries, 4 management, 5 inaccessible, 8 Which app does Dave share with the forum?
6 monitoring, 7 development, 8 promising. It’s an app against phobias, in particular he talks
about an app to help with arachnophobia.
Student’s Book



1 DISCUSS in pairs. 5 FIND some examples of this use of prefixes

in the text and say from which words they
Student’s activity. derive.
overload (line 16, load), downloaded (line 12,
C Recognising specific information within load), interactive (active, line 56).
a text

2 4.4 READ and listen to the blog and 6 Transform the meaning of the words in the
box using the prefixes above.
say which of the apps or devices
interests you most. underestimate, downsize, reset, international,
counteract, overvalue, transport, foresee, outgrow.
Student’s activity.

FIRST Reading and Use of English –

7 MAKE suitable words using prefixes and the
words given to complete the sentences.
Part 5 1 downloaded, 2 intercontinental, 3 underground,
blog again. For questions 1-6, choose the
4 transaction, 5 rethink.

answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best C Discussing ideas and relating them to
according to the text. personal experience
1 C, 2 A, 3 D, 4 B, 5 C, 6 D.
8 DISCUSS the questions.

4 READ the text again and find the words

which mean the following:
Student’s activity.

1 device, 2 wonderland, 3 overload, 4 equipment, 9 WRITE a brief paragraph of 10/12 lines

describing the kind of app or device that you
5 average, 6 arachnophobia.
would like to use. Describe what its functions
Extra questions should be and why you would like to use it.
1 What is Dave’s forum about? Health apps and
Student’s activity.
2 What does he consider the greatest advance
in healthcare? The smartphone. GRAMMAR 2
3 What is Kate’s app to help her with? It helps Have/Get something done
her with working out the calories and nutritional
value of food. 1 Read sentences 1-2 and underline the form
using have/get + the past participle. Who
4 What will it help her with in the future? It will
does the action in the sentences?
help her organise her daily diet.
5 What does Bob’s favourite app tell him? It 1 Has… had… fitted, 2 to get… applied.
tells him about his sleep patterns, how many It is not stated because in each case it is obvious
hours of deep sleep and how many hours of (a computer expert; the owner of the app).
light sleep he has.
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150 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
3 James has so many video games that he
2 WRITE sentences with the correct form of
have/get something done and the prompts
never gets bored.
below. 4 The app is so useful that we can’t do without
1 I got the new table for the living room delivered
last week. 5 Megan speaks Russian so fluently that we
thought she came from Moscow.
2 The school will have all its computers updated
next month. 6 Most teachers never discuss such topics with
their students, but I think cyber safety is so
3 He finds it difficult to read the newspaper. He important.
must have his eyes tested.
7 We had never climbed such a high mountain.
4 Have they ever had anything stolen from their flat? We thought it was worthwhile.
5 Tina is having her wedding dress made in Milan at 8 There was so little interest in the lecture
the moment. on the frontiers of new technology that the
6 Our neighbours have got a new garage built at the lecturer stopped talking.
back of their house recently. 9 How could she say such rude things to me?

10 His new laptop is so cool that I want to buy a

Student’s Book
Extra activity similar one.
READ the situations. Use the words in brackets

to write sentences with have something done. JOIN the two sentences together using so or
such. You may need to make changes.
1 Our neighbours will have a hedge planted
around the garden. 1 The tree in the garden has so many branches that
2 I’m going to have my tooth pulled out on Friday. we must have it pruned.
3 We had our pipes checked in case there was a 2 It was such wonderful weather that they decided
leak. to have a picnic. / The weather was so wonderful
that they decided to have a picnic.
4 We had a new alarm installed.
3 The room is so dark that it’s impossible to see
5 Brian had his appendix removed at the hospital
where the furniture is.
last week.
4 There are such good arguments against the
6 Sheila will have her hair dyed tomorrow.
building of the new factory that we have decided
to vote against it.
3 COMPLETE these pairs of sentences with
a suitable second sentence using the verbs 5 It was such a beautiful surprise that she burst
given. into tears.

1 to have it cut, 2 get it repaired, 3 have it

cleaned, 4 had them redecorated, 5 get them 7 COMPLETE the second sentence using the
word in capital letters so that it has a similar
shortened, 6 have it checked.
meaning to the first sentence.
Expressing emphasis with so and such 1 so softly that I, 2 such delicious meat, 3 so
much that, 4 such a wonderful journey that,
4 READ sentences 1-5 and complete the rules
A-E using so and such.
5 so much that she is.

A so, B such, C such, D such, E so.

5 COMPLETE the sentences using so and such. WARM-UP
1 such, 2 so, 3 such, 4 so, 5 such.
1 DISCUSS. Which are the three most
important technical devices in current use?
Extra activity Compare your ideas with your classmates.
COMPLETE the sentences using so and such. Student’s activity.
1 She is such a techie! She always buys the
latest device.
2 They are such funny people! They know a lot
of jokes.

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Extra questions
2 LOOK at the phrases below to continue a
discussion and write three sentences based
1 Who is Jane Barton? She is a leading
on the discussion in exercise 1 using phrases
from the box. 2 How has the Internet revolutionised
communication? It is now by far the most
Student’s activity. widely used tool for chatting to friends, sending
pictures, instant messaging or catching up with
C Expressing personal opinions local and world news.
FIRST Speaking – Part 3 3 What other uses does she mention? She says
3 COLLABORATIVE TASK. Imagine you are
looking at different technological devices.
the Internet is used for ordering food, shopping,
looking for information about where to buy
Student’s Book

what we need or where we need to go. If we


Talk in pairs about the advantages and

disadvantages of the different devices shown need to have our hair cut, have our car washed,
(two minutes). Then decide which two you have alterations done to the house we look on
would most like to have (one minute). the Internet.
4 Does she think the Internet has changed
Student’s activity. people? She says it is difficult to say if it has
changed us, but it has definitely made our lives
C Talking about and comparing personal easier and less stressful, we have access to
experiences on a given topic so much information, we have so many social
possibilities and communicate in different ways.
FIRST Speaking – Part 4
5 How has communication changed? People
4 DISCUSSION. In groups of three ask and
answer the questions.
used to communicate by letter or using a phone
at home which was very restricting in time
Student’s activity. and place. Now we can communicate instantly
LI STE NI N G 6 What have virtually disappeared? Letters and
WARM-UP 7 Why do the Internet generation have no
1 DISCUSS IN PAIRS. How have our lives
been changed by the Internet, smartphones
‘dead time’? Because they multitask, wherever
they are – on the metro, walking along the
and the World Wide Web? Think of five street, in shops – they are using their phone.
different ways and compare your list with 8 What are two downsides to getting
other classmates. used to instant information and instant
Student’s activity. communication? The two downsides are
that concentration levels are dropping and
intolerance is rising.
C Listening for specific information
FIRST Listening – Part 2 TRANSCRIPT
will hear an interview about how
Interviewer: The Internet entered our lives more
than 25 years ago. At first, the effect was felt
the Internet has transformed our by just a few, but gradually the Internet and
lives. For questions 1-10, complete the World Wide Web have taken over our lives.
the sentences with a word or short How have our lives been changed? Let’s talk to
phrase. a leading sociologist, Jane Barton, who has just
written a book about the Internet Generation.
1 the Internet generation, 2 would have been, Welcome Jane, so how do you think our lives have
3 chatting to friends, 4 hair cut, 5 less stressful, been changed?
6 instant, 7 to music, 8 dead time, 9 are dropping, Jane: Hello. That is of course an enormous
10 overdependence. question and a difficult one because we don’t
know how our lives would have been without the
Internet. We can only look at different aspects like
communication, social interaction and education
and see what changes have been brought there.
Interviewer: Where would you like to start?
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
152 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Jane: With communication. The Internet has Jane: Absolutely not! No one wants to go back. I’m
revolutionised communication. It is now by far just saying that while the changes brought into
the most widely used tool for chatting to friends, our lives by the net are tremendous, we need to
sending pictures, ordering food or even shopping, be aware of possible overdependence. After all
instant messaging – the uses are so many. It is there is life beyond the net too.
where we catch up with local and world news,
look for information about where to buy what we C Interacting in a discussion on a topical
need or where we need to go. If I need to have my issue
hair cut, have my car washed, have alterations
done to the house – what do I do? I look on the 3 CLASS DISCUSSION. How has the Internet
affected education? Has it changed the
Interviewer: Has this changed us as people? way students study or the way teachers
Jane: I can’t say if it has changed us, but it has teach? Think of the benefits brought and any
definitely made our lives easier and less stressful.
We have access to so much information and Student’s activity.
so many social possibilities. And above all, we
communicate in different ways. 2 1 ST - C E NTU RY S KILLS

Interviewer: What do you mean?

Student’s Book
Jane: People used to communicate by letter or
using a phone at home – this was very restricting VIDEO
in terms of time and place. Letters took a long The Internet revolution

time to arrive and we could only speak on the
phone if we were at home. Communication has C Watching and understanding a short film
now become instant and from anywhere to
anywhere. Letters and telegrams have virtually
1 BEFORE watching the video, match the
words (1-6) to their meanings (A-F).
Interviewer: What else has the Internet replaced?
1 E, 2 A, 3 F, 4 B, 5 D, 6 C.
Jane: Oh endless things, most young people use
their smartphones to talk, to send messages,
to keep up with social media, as cameras, as 2 WATCH the video and say if the following
sentences are true (T) or false (F). Correct
watches, as navigators – all these things used the false ones.
to be separate objects. The smartphone is also
a source of music and videos and even used for 1 F, Our world has been transformed by the World
reading books. Wide Web in the last ten years, 2 T, 3 F, Ordinary
Interviewer: What changes has that all brought people have been encouraged to fight for freedom
then? and democracy by the Web, 4 T, 5 F, It provides
Jane: You can see the changes most of all in the us with new allegiances that cross traditional
Internet Generation – they multitask and have no borders, 6 T.
‘dead time’, as wherever they are – on the metro,
walking along the street, in shops – they are 3 WATCH the video again and decide who
says the following: Al Gore (AG), Jeff Bezos
using their phone.
The other noticeable difference is that no one (JB), Tim Berners-Lee (TB), Clay Shirky
needs a phone book or even to learn numbers by (CS), Stephen Fry (SF), Narrator (N).
heart – the phone does it all. 1 N, 2 SF, 3 TB, 4 AG, 5 JB, 6 CS.
Interviewer: Does this mean we’re becoming too
reliant on phones? TRANSCRIPT
Jane: This is a crucial part of the debate. As Narrator: Over the last ten years that I’ve been
long as the phone is carrying out useful tasks writing about the World Wide Web, I’ve watched it
that save us time or money, that’s fine, but we transform our world.
don’t want to lose the habit of thinking things Al Gore: Well, it represents the emergence of
through and reflecting on things for ourselves. The a completely new information ecosystem that
overwhelming characteristic of the net is that it is will have a more profound impact on human
instant, so we are becoming more and more used civilisation than did the printing press.
to instant information, instant replies, instant Jeff Bezos: It’s driving transparency, it’s driving the
gratification, which means concentration levels perfection of information.
are dropping and intolerance is rising. Narrator: The Web seems to have set information
Interviewer: So are you saying we need to stop free and we’ve seen that emboldening ordinary
using the phone and the Internet? people in the fight for freedom and democracy.
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Tim Berners-Lee: The Web naturally tends to
lead to openness… it makes openness easy and 6 READ the following tips to help you create
the poster for exercise 7.
closeness more difficult.
Clay Shirky: Anyone who wants to participate has Student’s activity.
at least the means to participate.
Narrator: But all is not what it seems… In the
chaotic free-for-all of this virtual revolution there
7 CREATE in groups a poster to illustrate how
to be safe on the web. Stand by your poster
is an ebb and flow of winners and losers in the display while you present your research to
fight for power. the rest of your class.
Stephen Fry: It is a hugely powerful tool for the
State to control us, to know about us. Student’s activity.
Martha Lane Fox: We are only at the beginning of Students should include these points in their
Student’s Book

research poster:

being able to kind of see how that power balance

will work out. • keep your personal details private
Narrator: Even as the age-old struggle for • use letters, numbers and symbols in your
freedom captures the headlines, quietly in its password that must be changed frequently
wake the Web is shifting power, sometimes • never share your password, even with a friend
menacingly in ways we could never have • when you do not want others to know about
imagined. It’s accelerating globalisation. It’s something, do not post it
providing us with new allegiances that cross • limit the information you share on social media
traditional borders. But it’s also reinventing and remember that letting your online friends
warfare and seems to be creating frightening know your address, phone number, and habits
cultural cul-de-sacs. Will the Web help us to can put you in physical danger
achieve greater global understanding? Or will we • use different email accounts to separate the
face new dangers that we never even imagined? different aspects of your life (school, friends)
• use a safe connection
4 LOOK at these online logos. Can you identify
• be careful of hackers in games: they can find out
your IP (Protocol address) and use it

They are the logos of Twitter, Whatsapp,

Instagram and YouTube. WR ITING
5 DISCUSS these questions in groups.
Student’s activity. 1 DISCUSS in pairs.
This activity should help students discuss Student’s activity.
and understand some of the issues related to
potential risks in disclosing personal information
online. It also reinforces the basics of Internet
2 DISCUSS in pairs when or where it is
safety strategies.
Student’s activity.
Suggested answer:
to speak to someone: probably a shop or
A N A LYS I N G M E D I A restaurant where the complaint can be made
immediately and in person.
Teacher’s tip This page deals with the 21st-century skill of to write an email: probably in response to
media literacy, in particular the ability to analyse media, to something bought online or a complaint made
understand how they work and for what purposes, interpret after the problem has occurred.
messages and how media can influence beliefs and behavior. to write a letter: this is the most formal way to
We are living in a highly-technological world with a great deal
of information and rapid changes in technological devices that
complain and obviously is most appropriate for a
increase the ability to collaborate and communicate. Nowadays more serious complaint like on the return from a
information and communication technologies (ICT) are the terrible holiday or as a complaint for an expensive
prevalent mode of communication among teens. However, the hotel or item that has cost a lot of money and is
net may be full of dangers. not up to expectations.
Griglia di valutazione: p. 246.

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154 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
C Expressing a complaint in a letter
3 READ the letters A-B. Chris ordered a
new wireless speaker online but he is very
disappointed with the product and wants to
return it. Letter A is Chris’s letter and letter B
is his dad’s corrected version.
Student’s activity.

4 DISCUSS what Chris’s dad changed with a

classmate. Consider the following points.
Student’s activity.
Student’s should note:
• the lack of a proper formal layout (date should
also be in full)
• inappropriate language – too casual with a lot

of colloquial terms

Student’s Book
• unnecessary detail (was delivered today)
• no paragraphing

• inappropriate greeting and ending
• no mention of the reasons why the product is

FIRST Writing – Part 2

5 A FORMAL LETTER. You have recently
bought an expensive new fitness training
wrist watch but the first time you tried to
use it, you found the display was faulty
and difficult to read and the pulse rate
information kept changing. Moreover, the ear
plugs that came with the watch only work
intermittently. Write a letter of complaint
to the shop where you bought it, listing the
reasons for your dissatisfaction and ask for
a replacement or a total refund. Write your
letter in 140-190 words.
Student’s activity.

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6 COMPLETE the second sentence so that it
A techno world has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
Workbook 1 were produced by gifted artists, 2 has been
changed by social networks, 3 was given a
speeding fine on the motorway by the traffic
police, 4 was asked by the shop assistant to try
VO CA BU L A RY AC T I VATO R the dress on, 5 was lent to me by, 6 was shot
1 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
by mistake by a, 7 was sent some brochures by,
8 was given a special prize.
1 profile, post, 2 logging on, 3 gadgets,
7 PUT the verb in brackets in the most suitable

4 download, app, 5 gadget.


passive form.

2 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct

words or expressions.
1 was the first social network invented, 2 Are we
being followed, 3 has not been repaired, 4 would
be sacked, 5 was taught, 6 being threatened.
1 log on, key/tap in, 2 download, upload,
3 devices, 4 to back up, 5 sing in, 6 apps,
7 logged out/signed off, 8 keep in touch. 8 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form, active or passive, of the verbs in the
Tow a rds I N VA L S I 1 built, 2 was sold, 3 are made, 4 be stolen,
3 3.1 READ and listen to the article about
teaching ethics to robots, then
5 have left, 6 be solved, 7 Was the woman taken,
8 have taken.
choose the correct answer (A, B, C
or D) for the questions. Be supposed to, be expected to, be asked
Only one answer is correct. to, be allowed / permitted to, be told to
The first one (0) has been done for
you. 9 COMPLETE the sentences using be supposed
to, be expected to, be asked to, be allowed /
Q1 B, Q2 C, Q3 D, Q4 D, Q5 B, Q6 A. permitted to, be told to and the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.
Collocations and expressions for 1 are supposed to be moving, 2 are allowed/
technology permitted to smoke, 3 are expected to arrive,
4 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
collocation or expression in the box.
4 was supposed to be, 5 is expected to end,
6 was supposed to take off.
1 labelled, 2 engaged in, 3 rate of progress,
4 take steps, 5 disclosed confidential information, U S E OF E NGLIS H
6 cyberbullying, 7 fake tweets.
FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Part 2
G RA M M A R 1
10 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which
5 COMPLETE the paragraph with the correct
passive tense of the verbs in brackets.
best fits each gap. Use only one word
in each gap. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
1 is plugged in/has been plugged in, 2 is
connected/has been connected, 3 is turned on/ 1 well, 2 to, 3 is, 4 be, 5 between, 6 most, 7 has,
has been turned on, 4 has been put, 5 is usually 8 steps.
placed, 6 be selected, 7 are normally printed, 8 be

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FIRST Reading and Use of English – 3 We will have/get that broken window replaced.
Part 3 4 I had/got my computer repaired by a technician
11 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8,
read the text below. Use the word given in
5 She has/gets her hair done by a hairdresser once
capitals at the end of some of the lines to a month.
form a word that fits the gap in the same 6 I’ll have/get my passport renewed soon.
line. There is an example at the beginning 7 He had/got his novel published in instalments last
(0). month by a national newspaper.
1 added, 2 automatic, 3 movements, 4 countless, 8 He had his car polished last week.
5 undeniably, 6 expanded, 7 convenience,
8 transportation.
16 WRITE sentences about yourself using
have/get something + past participle.
REA DI NG Student’s activity.

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Expressing emphasis with so and such

Part 5
12 3.2 MULTIPLE-CHOICE 17 FIND the mistakes and correct them.
1 The students couldn’t write fast enough to finish

QUESTIONS. Read the text. For
the exam in time.

questions 1-6, choose the answer
(A, B, C or D) which you think fits 2 It was such an exciting film we decided to see it
best according to the text. twice!
1 B, 2 D, 3 A, 4 C, 5 D, 6 B. 3 The weather was so awful that we had to
abandon the picnic and go home.
WORD FORMATION 4 There were too many people in the lift and it
Prefixes couldn’t start.
5 The sun was so bright that we couldn’t see
13 FIND some examples in the text of words
that are formed with prefixes and say from
anything on the computer screen.
which words they derive. 6 Unfortunately, there aren’t enough ice-creams for
everyone, someone will have to go without.
upgrade (line 2, grade), internationally (line 5, 7 The children are very polite, they have such good
nation), outlawing (line 8, law), forefront (line 14, manners!
front), outside (line 22, side), transport (line 25,
port), supermarket (line 49, market), remake (line 8 There was so much room on the boat that all my
56, make), counterparts (line 69, part), undertake friends came.
(line 72, take).
18 COMPLETE the second sentence so that it
14 WRITE suitable words using prefixes
and the words given to complete the
has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
1 a good lecture that we stayed, 2 gifted a pianist
sentences. that it was obvious, 3 is so interesting I wish,
1 upgrade, 2 redesigned, internationally, 4 a lot of time on her mobile phone I think,
3 overcomplicated, 4 downgraded, 5 spoke so quietly that nobody, 6 such an
5 underestimate. amusing app that I’d like, 7 so good at the
job that he was given a rise in salary, 8 such
interesting people at the party I really hope.
G RA M M A R 2
Have/Get something done
15 REWRITE the sentences using the correct
form of one of the verbs in the box.
1 I had/got my flight changed by the airline
2 We have/get our rubbish collected twice a week
by workers.

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LI STE NI N G Richard: The latest robot, Sparki, is suggested
for ages 11 and up, but I am convinced it is
FIRST Listening – Part 2 user-friendly enough to teach and entertain any
school-age child.
will hear an interview about using
Interviewer: Can schools afford these robots?
Richard: The co-owners of the robot company
robots in school. For questions
have carried out a series of fund-raising initiatives
1-10, complete the sentences
so that the robots can be produced and delivered
with a word or short phrase.
to schools free of charge. Their profits would then
1 the use of robots, 2 inexpensive robots, come from sales to interested parents or private
3 type, 4 balanced correctly, 5 facilitate learning, customers.
6 human commands, 7 in science, 8 eleven, Interviewer: Has the fundraising produced enough

9 plug him, 10 worldwide. capital to set up the programme?

Richard: Yes, in fact Sparki went into production
TRANSCRIPT last June and was scheduled to arrive in
Interviewer: Hello everyone and welcome to our classrooms in October.
technology programme. We have in the studio Interviewer: Is it complicated to set up?
today a mechanical engineer who has been in the Richard: Absolutely not. You can have it operated
forefront of experimenting the use of robots in by anyone. The producers claim that all you have
schools. Thank you Richard for coming to talk to to do is take Sparki out of the box, and he’s ready
us. to go when you plug him in via the USB port on
Richard: My pleasure. your computer.
Interviewer: So tell us, who introduced this idea of Interviewer: What are its realistic chances of
robots in schools. success?
Richard: Lots of people have been playing with Richard: Excellent. Sparki’s ‘arms’ may be a
the idea of robotic teaching aids and having them mere inch long, but his reach is worldwide. Pilot
introduced into schools. One of these companies, programmes have already been set up in schools
ArcBotics, have developed relatively inexpensive from Mexico to Norway. Tutorials and individual
robots as teaching tools. classroom lesson plans will soon be available for
Interviewer: What do they do? anyone purchasing the ‘bot’.
Richard: Teachers can get them to do lots of Interviewer: So it doesn’t replace the teacher;
different things. The first one produced could it aids the teacher – sounds good. Perhaps we
march, dance, wave and type. And a more recent could get something similar going here in the
one can react to light, write its name on a sheet studio. Thank you Richard for your interesting
of paper and carry up to 10 pounds on its back, if input to the show.
the weight is balanced correctly.
Interviewer: How does it help the teacher?
Richard: Teachers can have it push or drag objects
across surfaces which helps them distribute
objects and then they can get it hooked up to a
computer where it facilitates learning, teaching
kids to see how the basic human commands
translate into robot actions.
Interviewer: How have children reacted to its use
so far?
Richard: It is still in its early days but our aim is
to get kids who don’t really know electronics or
robotics to interact with the robots and get them
to trust in science.
Interviewer: Have you seen the robots in action?
Richard: I’ve seen many of the initial trails where
we got the bots to fetch and carry and had them
perform a series of tasks. It all worked very well
and I must say, was also very entertaining.
Interviewer: What is the age group the bots are
intended for?

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158 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
FIRST Writing – Part 2
20 A FORMAL LETTER. You have recently
bought an expensive new drone with a
fitted camera. But the first time you tried
to use it, the video didn’t work and the
camera gave pictures that were unclear.
The speed control was faulty and the
drone couldn’t maintain a decent altitude.
Write a letter of complaint to the shop
where you bought it, listing the reasons
for your dissatisfaction and ask for a
replacement or a total refund. Write your
letter in 140-190 words.
Student’s activity.

Suggested answer:



Dear Sirs,

I am writing to say how disappointed I am with

the drone with a fitted camera I bought recently from
your website online. The drone was an expensive one
and several friends had recommended it to me so I
certainly didn’t expect to have so many problems.

First of all, the first time I tried to use it, I found

that the video didn’t work and then realised that
the camera gave pictures that were really unclear.
Secondly, I discovered that the speed control was
faulty and no matter how I tried, the drone couldn’t
keep to a decent height. I am extremely disappointed
with this product which was advertised as being
efficient and easy to use.

I am therefore returning the drone to you and

would like to receive a complete refund. I look
forward to hearing from you very soon.

Yours faithfully,

(146 words)

21 After you have finished writing, re-read

your letter and check for any grammar or
spelling mistakes. Check in particular the
tenses you have used for the verbs. Then
answer the following questions.
Student’s activity.

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Programmazione per competenze
UNIT 8 • A sporting life
Tempo di svolgimento: 3/4 settimane
Traguardi formativi Indicatori

A quali “Traguardi per lo sviluppo delle Che cosa ci si aspetta sappia fare lo studente Su quali conoscenze e
per competenze

competenze” mirano le attività didattiche che ha raggiunto questi traguardi? abilità si sviluppano le

dell’unità? competenze?

Padroneggiare la lingua straniera per Ascolto (comprensione orale) Funzioni linguistiche

interagire in diversi ambiti e contesti e per − comprendere espressioni e frasi usate da − descrivere immagini
comprendere gli aspetti significativi della persone per descrivere come si tengono in − esprimere opinioni
civiltà degli altri Paesi in prospettiva forma (es. 3 p. 107) − parlare di un’esperienza
interculturale − comprendere un testo relativo a sport personale
− utilizzare le funzioni linguistico- pericolosi (es. 4 p. 109) − esprimere contrasto
comunicative riferite al livello B2 del − identificare diversi punti di vista sullo sport
Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento (es. 2 p. 116) Strutture grammaticali
− comprendere le idee fondamentali di testi − comprendere testi descrittivi complessi − gerunds and infinitives
complessi su argomenti sia concreti che (es. 2 p. 108; es. 2 p. 112) − verbs + both -ing and
astratti infinitive
− interagire oralmente Parlato (produzione e interazione orale) − relative clauses
− leggere e comprendere testi sia orali che − discutere sui benefici del tenersi in forma
scritti che riguardano un’ampia gamma di (es. 1-2 p. 107; es. 1 p. 108; es. 1-2 p. 112; Lessico
argomenti es. 1, 3 p. 116; es. 5-7 p. 117) − collocations and
− produrre testi sia orali che scritti che − discutere sugli ultimi sport olimpici (es. 7 p. expressions for sport
riguardano un’ampia gamma di argomenti 113) − word formation: word
− leggere, analizzare e interpretare testi − discutere sul ruolo dello sport nella nostra families (1)
letterari vita (es. 1 p. 115)
− esprimere un’opinione su argomenti di − discutere su come dare una buona o Key language for social
attualità, esponendo i pro e i contro delle cattiva impressione di sé in un esame (es. competence
diverse opinioni nell’ambito di una 4 p. 115) − talking about personal
discussione di gruppo experiences
Lettura (comprensione scritta) − positive/negative
Utilizzare testi multimediali − comprendere testi descrittivi complessi adjectives to describe
− utilizzare l’eBook per svolgere gli esercizi (es. 2 p. 108; es. 2 p. 112) experiences
in maniera interattiva ed esercitarsi a − linkers (in a story)
comprendere i prodotti della Scrittura (produzione scritta)
comunicazione audiovisiva − scrivere un breve testo sulle ragioni che
− Flipped classroom: video per la hanno reso lo sport così popolare sia da
presentazione del vocabolario e filmati praticare che da guardare (es. 8 p. 113)
che permettono allo studente di − scrivere una storia su un’esperienza
familiarizzare con aspetti vari della vita dei interessante o terribile legata allo sport
Paesi di lingua anglofona (brani di ascolto e (es. 3 p. 118).
− filmato First exam description Riflessione sulla lingua
− osservare le parole nei contesti d’uso e
Competenze chiave di cittadinanza impararne il significato
− imparare a imparare − osservare la struttura delle frasi e mettere
− collaborare e partecipare in relazione costrutti e intenzioni
− agire in modo autonomo e responsabile comunicative
− risolvere problemi (decision making)
− acquisire ed interpretare l’informazione

Competenze del 21° secolo

− flessibilità e adattabilità – adapting to

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160 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Attività comunicative Attività per lo sviluppo delle Prove autentiche Preparazione alla
competenze chiave e strutturate certificazione e
Con quali attività didattiche si raggiunge l’acquisizione dei contenuti e si Con quali strumenti di valutazione
sviluppano le competenze? (formativa e sommativa) si verifica
l’acquisizione dei contenuti e lo sviluppo
delle competenze?
Ricezione orale Imparare a imparare Nelle Idee per First
− ascolto e comprensione di una − formulare ipotesi sulla insegnare (prove − Reading and Use
breve descrizione su sei persone coniugazione di gerundi e infiniti strutturate) of English – Part

che si tengono in forma (es. 1 p. 110) e sulle proposizioni − Fast check (Fila A 1, p. 111

− ascolto di un breve testo sui − Reading and Use

per competenze
relative (es. 1-2 p. 114) e Fila B)
pericoli legati allo sport − verbi + -ing e infinito (es. 4 p. 110) − Unit test (Fila A e of English – Part
− ascolto e confronto di diverse − apprendere strutture grammaticali Fila B) 4, p. 111

opzioni su un argomento dato attraverso frasi tratte dai testi di − Skills test for − Reading and Use
− visione e comprensione di una reading comprehension (es. 1 p. First (Fila A of English – Part
sequenza video 110; es. 1 p. 114) e Fila B) 7, p. 112
− apprendere vocaboli attraverso − Listening test − Speaking – Part
Produzione orale video e animazioni (p. 107, 117) (Fila A e Fila B) 1, p. 115
− interagire in coppie o gruppi − approfondire il lessico, le strutture − Competences − Listening – Part
usando le funzioni e il lessico e le tipologie First presenti test 3, p. 116
dell’unità nell’unità attraverso esercizi − Recupero test − Writing – Part 2,
− discutere la soluzione di problemi (Review p. 119-120; Workbook p. − Easy reading p. 118
− sviluppare fiducia e fluency 64-71; Self-study nell’eBook) tests (BES)
− Guided tests Towards INVALSI
Ricezione e produzione scritta Collaborare e partecipare (BES) (p. 108-109)
− comprendere le idee chiave di un − collaborare con un compagno o un
articolo e riassumerne il punto di gruppo per discutere sulla base dei Esercizi online su
vista dati forniti (es. 2 p. 107; es. 1 p. ZTE
− leggere un breve testo e scegliere 108; es. 1 p. 112; es. 1, 3-4 p. 115;
tra quattro opzioni quella corretta es. 1 p. 116; es. 5-7 p. 117)
per completare gli spazi vuoti
− individuare collegamenti esistenti Agire in modo autonomo e
all’interno di un testo responsabile
− scrivere una storia su − riflettere sui propri errori con
un’esperienza legata ad un’attività l’aiuto della sezione Frequent
sportiva mistakes (p. 114)

Esercizi Risolvere problemi (es. 7 p. 117)

− esercizi di completamento, vero/
falso, scelta multipla, Acquisire ed interpretare
abbinamento, riordinamento, l’informazione
trasformazione − leggere o ascoltare la descrizione
− attività di scrittura per su come tenersi in forma (es. 2 p.
memorizzare funzioni, strutture e 108; es. 3 p. 109)
lessico − ascoltare un giornalista che parla
− esercizi in coppia e a gruppi dei pericoli legati allo sport (es. 4 p.
− esercizi di consolidamento e 109)
potenziamento (Review p. − ascoltare e comprendere diverse
119-120; Workbook p. 64-71; opinioni su sport insoliti e
Self-study nell’eBook) riconoscere informazioni
specifiche (First Listening – Part 3
p. 116)

21st-century skills
Flexibility and adaptability
− adapting to change: es. 6-7 p. 117

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NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................

1 GIVE the English translation of the following words and expressions.


1 correre ad andatura moderata 9 sfida

10 gara
2 scalata in montagna 11 partita
3 arrampicata libera 12 affrontare
4 volo con parapendio 13 mettersi alla prova
5 vela 14 avversario
6 freccette 15 rifiutare
7 surf 16 accettare una sfida
8 rafting sulle rapide

2 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

1 The speaker loves / hates sports and played football / cricket at school where he was an excellent
batter / bowler.
2 He also used to go jogging / skateboarding or sailing / mountaineering with friends who were good at
paragliding / free climbing.
3 The speaker’s son is also sporty and likes skateboarding / sailing as well as baseball and surfing /
4 With his American cousins he also tried playing darts / white-water rafting and zorbing / jogging.
5 Sport is important at work / school where learning to participate and join in as part of a match / team
helps you accept / decline and work with others.
6 Being part of a friendly game or a contest / match, is teaching you to approach / face up to difficulties
and test / be yourself.
7 Your opponent / opposite or challenger is a fellow participant in the contest, where winning is
important but accepting defeat is a learning example / opportunity.
8 Don’t turn down / enter the chance to play in a team and don’t refuse to take up / turn in a sports

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
162 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
Teacher’s keys
I love sport. I love watching it and practising it.
Maybe it’s because I enjoyed it so much at school,
where cricket was my favourite. I was an excellent
bowler. In my free time, I used to go jogging and
mountaineering with friends who were brilliant at
free climbing. I also tried paragliding but I found it
scaring. And now I sometimes go sailing or play
darts with my mates.

But I’m not the only sporty one in the family.
My son is really keen on skateboarding. He’s

also a baseball player and he goes surfing in the
summer with his American cousins. Last year they
tried white-water rafting and zorbing, which he
said it’s rolling down a hill in a giant plastic ball.

Sounds dreadful!
Sport has an essential role in education. It teaches
you a lot. For example, learning to participate
and join in as part of a team helps you accept
and work with others. As we all know, there’s
strength in numbers. Each sporting possibility
is a challenge and a competition. Whether you
enter a friendly game or a match, it is teaching
you to face up to difficulties and test yourself.
Remember, the harder the battle, the sweeter
the victory! Your opponent or challenger is not
an enemy but a fellow participant in the contest,
where winning is important but so is learning to
lose. Accepting defeat is a learning opportunity.
So, don’t turn down a possibility to play in a team
or decline to participate or refuse to take up a
sports challenge. Just join in, compete, enjoy the
thrill of competing and have fun!

1 GIVE the English translation of the following

words and expressions.
1 jogging, 2 mountaineering, 3 free
climbing, 4 paragliding, 5 sailing, 6 darts,
7 surfing, 8 white-water rafting, 9 challenge,
10 competition, 11 game, 12 face up to, 13 test
yourself, 14 opponent, 15 turn down, 16 take up
a challenge.

2 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete

the sentences.
1 loves, cricket, bowler, 2 jogging, mountaineering,
free climbing, 3 skateboarding, surfing, 4 white-
water rafting, zorbing, 5 school, team, accept,
6 match, face up to test, 7 opponent, opportunity,
8 turn down, take up.

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A sporting life FLIPPED
Student’s Book classroom

Students can be given the Vocabulary video to watch at
OBJECTIVES home and then work on it at the beginning of class time.
Photocopiable exercices can be found on page 162.
The aim of this Unit is to introduce the vocabulary associated
with sport in a realistic context. The Towards INVALSI section WARM-UP
focuses on understanding and interpreting information in
reading and listening texts. Students also practise collocations
and expressions for sport. The grammar covered in this unit
1 LOOK at the list below and discuss in pairs
which of the sports appeal to you.
includes the review of gerunds and infinitives, and relative
Student’s Book

clauses. The First Use of English page focuses on Reading and Student’s activity.
Use of English Part 1 (multiple-choice cloze) and 4 (key word
transformations) while the First Reading presents Reading and
Use of English Part 7 (multiple matching). The word formation 2 DISCUSS in in pairs. Have you tried any of
them? What was it like? Which do you think
of word families is also introduced. The First Speaking section
deals with the practice of Part 1 (interview), while on the First might be dangerous to do?
Listening page, there is Listening Part 3 (multiple matching).
The 21st-century skills section includes a video about free
Student’s activity.
climbing. The viewing of the video aims at stimulating social
interaction and focuses on the soft skill ‘adapting to change’ C Learning to use vocabulary in context
linked to the 21st-century skill: Flexibility and adaptability. The
unit ends with First Writing Part 2 (a story).
The Review section checks the students’ progress in 3 4.6 LISTEN to six people describing the
way they keep fit and match them to
vocabulary, grammar and Use of English.
one of the pictures.
CONTENTS A 1, B 2, C 4, D 6, E 3, F 5.
Collocations and expressions for sport TRANSCRIPT
Word formation: word families (1) 1 I took up this sport because I wanted to keep
fit but don’t like competitive sports. I wanted the
Grammar challenge of facing up to difficult situations on my
Gerunds and infinitives
Verbs + both -ing and infinitive
own in the open air. It is not a contest and I don’t
Relative clauses need an opponent: I’m competing against myself.
And, of course, I love the scenery especially when
Functions I reach the summits.
Talking about personal experiences 2 I needed a sport to keep fit without having to
Positive / Negative adjectives to describe experiences
go a long way into the country or the mountains.
The use of linkers in a story
Something I could do in the lunch-hour in a local
park with the minimum of equipment. In fact, I
Self-study and ZTE only need a pair of shorts, a T-shirt and a good
The Self-study and ZTE exercises can be employed either pair of running shoes.
to reinforce or review the grammar structures and topic 3 Whenever I can, I practise my sport, which
vocabulary of the Unit. is a recreational or competitive sport using
lightweight, free-flying, foot-launching glider
aircraft. We use a complicated but not rigid
structure in the shape of a fabric wing and the
pilot is suspended below in a harness. We stay
in the air and maintain height by regulating the
pressure of air entering vents on the front of
the wing and the aerodynamic forces of the air
flowing over the outside. It’s exhilarating and
although there’s no engine, flights can last for
4 My sport has a long history and is traditionally
played in pubs all over the country, although it is
also a family game at home. It can be seen as a
game and social activity or a professional sport
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
164 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
with national competitions. I am a member of our Towar ds INVALS I
local team and we practise three times a week. To
join in you need darts, which are like little arrows, WARM-UP
and a circular board divided into 20 numbered
sections each with a score. The ability is in 1 DISCUSS in pairs. What are the benefits of
keeping fit? Does doing sport only improve
throwing the dart from a specific distance and our muscle strength and our general health
hitting a high score or even the ‘bull’s eye’, the tiny or does it also improve our ability to study
circle in the middle with the highest score. and do well at school?
5 This is a sport I normally practise in the
summer. I was in a team at school where we won Student’s activity.
most of our matches against other participating Teacher’s tip Walking, also referred to as The Wild, is a
schools in the county league. I’m now captain lecture by the American naturalist and philosopher Henry
of the local team and we play friendly matches David Thoreau, which was first delivered at the Concord
on the village green every weekend from May to Lyceum on April 23, 1851.
October. We all have to wear the classic whites The German philosopher Nietzsche walked to think. He stated
and we all bring our own precious bats. that ‘All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking.’
6 If you enjoy the outdoors and want to take on

a sport that challenges the body you should try C Reading, interpreting and understanding

Student’s Book
my sport. Each participant needs to guide and information
paddle a raft through the rough water in a river’s
rapids. You can run the whole river or just take 2

4.7 READ and listen to the article and
on the tricky parts. It’s a sport that has grown decide which of the highlighted
in popularity ever since it was recognised as an words has the following meaning:
Olympic sport in the 1970s.
1 interspersing, 2 bent, 3 core, 4 flexing,
5 randomised, 6 bouts.

4 LOOK at the groups of words related to

sports challenges and decide which word or
3 READ the article about a sporting brain
phrase doesn’t fit. Parts of the text have been removed.
Choose the correct part (A-I) for each gap
Verbs: accept, take up, decline. (1-6).
Nouns: present, exam, enemy, test. There are two extra parts that you should not
5 CHOOSE the more suitable alternative to
complete the sentences.
The first one (0) has been done for you.
Q1 H, Q2 A, Q3 F, Q4 G, Q5 D, Q6 B.
1 opponent, 2 challenge, 3 race, 4 surfing, Extras: E and I.
5 skateboarding, 6 paragliding.
C Listening and understanding information
Extra activity
COMPLETE the sentences with a suitable noun 4 4.8 LISTEN to a sports journalist talking
about danger in sports.
or a suitable verb in the correct tense.
While listening, choose the correct
1 At the end of the cricket match the players
answer (A, B, C or D) for the
felt exhausted but happy to have won.
2 All the runners participated/joined in the final Only one answer is correct.
race at the end of the sports day. The first one (0) has been done for
3 The team had to take up the challenge against you.
their opponents in the schools competition.
Q1 A, Q2 C, Q3 D, Q4 B, Q5 C.
4 The rugby game went on for ages, it was a
Teacher’s tip In order to replicate what will happen in the
brilliant contest/match between two very able
INVALSI exam, you should give students one minute to study
teams. the task before listening. Then students should be allowed to
5 The mountaineers turned down the listen to the recording two times. After the second listening,
opportunity to repeat their successful climb students should receive one minute to check their answers.
because the weather wasn’t good enough.

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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 165
During my career as a sports journalist I’ve often 6 COMPLETE the sentences using the correct
form of the collocations and expressions
been involved in dramatic sports situations.
One of the most memorable was the rescue from exercise 5.
of a young paraglider and winner of last 1 stay on task, 2 attention span, 3 on the move,
year’s paragliding world cup. While training in 4 flex our muscles, 5 get out of breath, 6 push…
Australia, Anna was sucked into a thunderstorm hard.
and lifted to more than 10,000 metres. She
lost consciousness for almost an hour but
miraculously managed to land safely. Her Extra activity
flying suit was covered in ice when she was COMPLETE the sentences with the words
found. ‘I was shaking all the time,’ she told me. below.
Student’s Book

‘I was struggling to stay on task. The last thing 1 Although he often walked in the mountains,
I remember, it was dark, I could see lightning this particular climb got him out of breath
all around me.’ She thought her chances of very quickly.
surviving were ‘almost zero’. When she regained 2 The more I practise yoga the longer my
consciousness, she looked around for a place to attention span seems to grow.
land and eventually found a small farm where her
3 Tom doesn’t go to the gym and doesn’t have
ground team came to collect her. She said that
time to practise sports as he’s always on the
coming down was like landing from the moon.
move for his job.
Another exciting rescue concerned Abby
Sunderland, the teenager attempting to become 4 I love watching the gymnasts practising and
the youngest sailor to circumnavigate the Globe. flexing their muscles while working out.
She was in the Southern Indian Ocean when a 5 Our volleyball coach is very severe, he knows
violent storm with waves of over 10 metres tall how to stimulate a good performance but not
turned her boat onto its side and broke the main to push us too hard.
mast. Abby, who was just 16 at the time, told me 6 I enjoy working out at the gym although I
that she was unharmed when the boat turned sometimes get distracted by the music and
over and actually managed to turn the boat back, find it hard to stay on task for more than
but it could no longer sail. She was luckily seen by twenty minutes.
a Qantas Airbus plane, which communicated with
her via radio until a helicopter team rescued her.
Another interesting event I wrote about concerned GRAMMAR 1
a 13-year-old American boy who became
the youngest person to reach the summit of
Gerunds and infinitives
Mount Everest. Jordan Romero, from California,
telephoned his mother from the top of the world’s
1 READ the sentences 1-10, then match the
examples to the rules A-J below.
highest mountain to tell her he was literally on
A 4, B 2, C 5, 8, D 1, E 6, F 2, 7, G 10, H 3, 5, 7,
top of the world. He climbed the mountain with
10, I 8, J 3, 4, 5, 10.
his father and three Sherpa guides from the
Chinese side because Nepal insists that anyone
planning to climb Mount Everest must be at 2 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
least 16. Jordan is quite a mountaineer, he has
conquered the highest mountains on six of the 1 sitting, 2 multitasking, 3 running, 4 to pick up,
world’s seven continents. 5 study, 6 losing, 7 to win, 8 know, 9 buying,
10 stopping.
Collocations and expressions for sport
5 MATCH the collocations and expressions (1-
3 COMPLETE the sentences using the correct
form of the verbs in brackets.
6) in the article with their definitions (A-F).
1 saying, 2 to park, 3 taking, 4 to go, 5 climbing,
1 E, 2 F, 3 B, 4 A, 5 D, 6 C. sailing, achieve, 6 to try, falling, 7 to answer, 8 to
be performed, 9 doing, 10 going.

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166 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Extra activity
COMPLETE the sentences using the correct FIRST Reading and Use of English –
form of the verbs in brackets. Part 1
1 She gave up practising any sports.
2 Before introducing the congestion charge,
1-8, read the text below and decide which
average speed in the centre was about answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There
40Km/h. is an example at the beginning (0).
3 I shut the door to prevent anybody from 1 C, 2 A, 3 D, 4 B, 5 C, 6 A, 7 D, 8 C.
listening to me.
4 I couldn’t help laughing even though the FIRST Reading and Use of English –
situation was serious.
Part 4
5 He kept hoping that something would change.
6 They continued to lose money on their new 2 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS.
For questions 1-6, complete the second
restaurant. sentence so that it has a similar meaning to

7 Are you starting to feel better? the first sentence, using the word given. Do

Student’s Book
8 On my way to school, I stopped to buy a not change the word given. You must use
paper. between two and five words including the

word given. Here is an example (0).
T3 FREQUENT MISTAKES 1 besides keeping your body fit, 2 coming home
Verbs + both -ing and infinitive this evening, 3 remember posting the letter, 4 for
4 LOOK at sentences 1-2 and decide on the
difference in meaning of the verb stop. Then
playing, 5 stopped to greet, 6 to turn his phone
answer questions A-B.
A 2, B 1. R E ADING
5 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete WARM-UP
the sentences.
1 DISCUSS in pairs.
1 doing, 2 to help, 3 leaving, not doing, 4 to read, Student’s activity.
5 being, 6 to keep, 7 using, 8 to call, 9 meeting,
10 to inform. C Recognising links within a text
Extra activity 2 4.9 READ and listen to the texts about
new Olympic sports and say which
CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the
sentences. you already know and which you
would like to know more about.
1 Remember to stop at crossroads.
2 I regret saying that to my father. Student’s activity.
3 Your laptop doesn’t work. Try to switch on the
monitor. FIRST Reading and Use of English –
4 When I arrived at school, I became aware I Part 7
had forgotten to lock my door.
5 I told him you really love to climbing.
3 MULTIPLE MATCHING. Read the texts
again. For questions 1-10, choose from the
6 Playing the piano could entertain and relax descriptions (A-E). The descriptions may be
lots of people. chosen more than once.
7 She is not very good at rollerblading. She falls 1 B, 2 C, 3 D, 4 A, 5 E, 6 D, 7 B, 8 C, 9 E, 10 A.
down a lot.
8 My car started to make a terrible noise. 4 FIND the words in the texts which mean the
1 damage, 2 lack, 3 doping, 4 batting, 5 fielding,
6 stance, 7 curve, 8 heading, 9 anchors.

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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 167
Extra questions
1 What does skateboarding involve? It involves 6 MAKE suitable variations of the words given
to complete the sentences.
riding and performing jumps and turns.
2 What has developed in this sport since the 1 competitors, spectators, 2 climbers, 3 favourite
1970s? Since the 1970s specific parks have players, 4 fielders, 5 sailing, 6 achievement,
been built for skateboarders and competitions 7 observer, practising, 8 competitive, runner.
3 How can you define baseball? It is a bat-and-
C Discussing ideas and relating them to
personal experience
ball game played between two teams of nine
players who take turns batting and fielding.
4 What do the fielders do? The fielders have to
7 DISCUSS the questions.
Student’s activity.
Student’s Book

get the ball back to base while the batting team

is trying to score points by hitting the ball.
5 Is karate an individual or team sport? It can be
8 WRITE a brief paragraph of 10/12 lines
about the reasons why sport is so popular
played either as individuals or as part of a team. to perform and to watch. Why do supporters
6 What is the Dan system? This is a system of become so emotionally involved with their
belts for various levels of ability with the best teams or favourite athletes or players?
level being a black belt. Student’s activity.
7 Why do surfers prefer to surf on the ocean
rather than on lakes or rivers? Because the
waves considered best for surfing are found in
the sea or ocean, especially with strong winds Relative clauses
heading inland whereas lake or river waves are
weaker. 1 LOOK at the following sentences from the
texts and decide if the underlined part is
8 Why do some sport climbers prefer purpose- essential to the meaning of the sentence or
built climbing walls to real mountains? not.
Because it is less stressful and done in a
protected environment. 1 essential, 2 non-essential, 3 essential, 4 non-
essential, 5 essential, 6 non-essential.
Word formation: word families (1)
5 COMPLETE the table with words from the
2 DECIDE which of the following statements
are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.
1 F, Only for things: who or that are used for
Base word people, 2 T, 3 T, 4 F, They cannot be omitted, 5 F,
skateboard, play, compete, field, surf, gym, It makes sense without it, 6 T, 7 T.
perform, develop
skateboarding/skateboarder, player, play,
3 UNDERLINE the relative clauses in the
sentences and say which are defining (D) and
competitor/competition, field, fielder, surfing/ which are non-defining (ND).
surfer, gym/gymnastics, performer, development/
1 who is wearing a helmet for head protection,
ND, 2 that were held in Brazil, D, 3 which has
artificial waves, ND, 4 D, 5 whose style is very
skateboarding, playful, competitive, fielding, surf/
aggressive, ND.
surging, gymnastic, performing, developing
to skateboard, to play, to compete, to field, Extra activity
to surf, –, to perform, to develop CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the
1 Do you know the reason why they lost every
match during the championship?
2 He’s the most brilliant footballer that I’ve ever
seen play.
3 The team employed a new coach, whose
team performed very well last year.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
168 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
4 We went to the gym where we practiced all S P E AKING
5 They didn’t know all the celebs who were
invited to the sports programme. 1 DISCUSS. Does sport have a place in
your life? What is the difference between
6 Mr Bunton, who lives across the street, is an
employee. individual or team sports? What different
benefits can you obtain from them?
7 The sports meeting that was organised by
the City Hall was a great success. Student’s activity.
8 Do you remember the date when we have to
subscribe to the sports magazine? C Developing confidence and fluency
9 Jane, whose brother is a famous volleyball
player, is not very good at sports. 2 WRITE four sentences, two positive and two
negative, about a sporting experience. Use
10 He lent me the money, which was very the Process language box below. Then share
generous of him. your sentences with a partner.

Student’s activity.
4 COMPLETE the text with suitable relative

Student’s Book
1 whom, 2 who, 3 whose, 4 who/that, 5 which, FIRST Speaking – Part 1

6 who/that, 7 where, 8 which, 9 when, INTERVIEW. Form groups of four in which
10 which/that. two students are the examiners and two
students are the candidates. Use the role
5 JOIN these pairs of sentences using a relative
cards to role-play Part 1 of the Speaking
exam. After three minutes, exchange roles.
Use the Process language box.
1 Skateboarders, who are very creative sportsmen,
are always trying new figures. Student’s activity.
2 The programme about the new Olympic games I Teacher’s tip The closer this is to the actual exam the better
was telling you about yesterday was broadcast practice the students will receive. It will probably require
on TV last night. monitoring and timing so that the students change roles every
three minutes. Allow feedback time after every session. You
3 Our volleyball team, who played against may want to show the students the video of this part of the
Nottingham College, won the first set. exam before they start.
4 I saw a book at the library which explained all
about the rules of baseball. 4 CLASS DISCUSSION. Talk as a class about
how to give a good or bad impression in an
5 The red and blue outfit which my team was
oral exam. Talk about the importance of body
wearing was the best.
language as well as the quality of spoken
6 The gym at the end of the sports centre, where answers.
the national champions train, is very well
equipped. Student’s activity.


6 FIND and correct the mistakes in the

1 My new knee pads, which I have just bought 1 DISCUSS in pairs. Have you ever tried any
unusual sports? Did you do it alone or with a
them, have a hole in them. partner? Did it take courage? If you’ve never
2 The team, where my brother played there last done any unusual or dangerous sport, would
year, has been sold to a Chinese investor. you like to? Which would you choose?
3 All the equipment which you recommended it to Student’s activity.
me has arrived!

7 CROSS out the word/s in the sentences that

is/are not necessary.
1 whom, 2 of which, 3 that, 4 there, 5 which, 6 it.
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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 169
C Listening and comparing different who was responsible for balancing the boat as
options on a given topic the expert pilot drove the boat into turns where
you could feel your stomach jump! The design
FIRST Listening – Part 3 of these boats means it can change direction
2 4.10 MULTIPLE MATCHING. You will
hear five different people talking
really fast and sometimes quite unexpectedly.
It certainly gives you some heart-stopping
about unusual sports. For questions moments.
1-5, choose from the list (A-H) the 2 I’m not usually particularly brave but I accepted
type of activity that each person has a challenge to try a white-water kayaking
experienced. Use the letters only experience. This meant taking to the water in a
once. There are three extra letters two-man inflatable raft so I went with my expert
which you do not need to use. boyfriend George. Before we started there were
Student’s Book

instructions from an experienced trainer and then

1 F, 2 A, 3 H, 4 E, 5 C, extra letters B, D and G. we were off. One of the advantages of these
Extra questions smaller rafts is that you explore areas of the river
1 How fast can zapcats go in the water? A not usually approached by beginners and they
terrifying 45mph on the water – that’s nearly also allow more manoeuvrability and stability,
80 kilometres per hour. which means you can turn on the more difficult
parts of the river.
2 What does the design of the boat permit?
3 I have just had the most extraordinary
The design of these boats means they can
experience! I went Bungee Jumping – but not
change direction really fast and sometimes quite
unexpectedly. just anywhere – it was next to Tower Bridge in
the centre of London. It is called the London Rat
3 What is white-water kayaking? It is taking to Race and is 160ft up – that’s 50 metres high. I
the water in a two-man inflatable raft. had never tried bungee jumping before and I have
4 What did they have before starting? Before to admit I was really scared – but the staff who
they started there were instructions from an took me in and showed me what to do, were
experienced trainer. very reassuring. They put me in a special suit
5 What was speaker 3’s extraordinary with cords attached and carried out lots of safety
experience? It was bungee jumping – but not checks before I began the ride up to the top. From
just anywhere – it was next to Tower Bridge in there you have breathtaking views over the city.
the centre of London. 4 I began BMX biking when I was eight years
6 Apart from the thrill of jumping what else is old. Bicycle motocross, or BMX, is a terrific cycle
impressive about this jump? The breathtaking sport, which in its simplest form just involves
views over the city of London. racing, but then there are a whole range of stunts
in which the rider has to perform a combination
7 How long has speaker 4 been BMX biking?
of acrobatics while still riding the bike. It was my
Ever since he was eight years old.
childhood passion and I became the fastest BMX
8 What was his dream and did he achieve it? rider in Britain, winning everything there was to
His dream was Olympic gold and he succeeded, win including World, European and British titles.
he won two gold medals at the Beijing Olympic My objective however was Olympic gold. I went
Games. into intensive training and eventually my dream
9 What does speaker 5 like about ice-climbing? came true. I won two gold medals at the Beijing
The fact that it requires intense concentration Olympic Games.
so he is exercising the brain at the same time as 5 If I want to do something challenging I go ice
keeping himself fit physically. climbing. I find this requires intense concentration
10 Once you have learnt to climb on your own so I am exercising the brain at the same time
what are the two intense sensations? The as keeping myself fit physically. The challenging
unforgettable adrenaline rush and the relief of nature of tackling a wall of ice or a frozen waterfall
getting back safely. requires thought and precision from the climbers,
as well as a high level of concentration. Obviously,
TRANSCRIPT it is not suitable for those who don’t have
1 The sport I have recently tried is called mountaineering experience. When I first started, I
zapcatting. Zapcats are lightweight power boats used to go with an instructor, as first-hand advice
that can reach a terrifying 45mph on the water – is essential in the early stages. Once you’ve learned
that’s nearly 80 kilometres per hour. They have a the technique you can take on the challenge on
powerful 50-horsepower engine which just gets your own and the adrenaline rush is unforgettable,
you jumping through the waves. I was the co-pilot as is the relief of getting back safely.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
170 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
C Discussing ideas and relating them to TRANSCRIPT
personal experience Chris Sharma: We’re here at the island of Kos right
now. We’re gonna be flying north to Kalymnos.
3 WORK in pairs. Decide which of the sports
described in the listening exercise you would
Rumour has it that the Greek islands are just filled
with awesome limestone going down into the
like to try and which you absolutely wouldn’t. ocean, so we’re just going to go and see what we
find. Hey Beaver?
Student’s activity. Beaver: Yup?
Chris Sharma: I see a wall over here.
21 ST - CENTURY SKI L L S Beaver: Okay.
Chris Sharma: Any way you can circle around?
Beaver: All right, you got it.
Chris Sharma: You know climbing is a creative
Free climbing process of trying to open your perception of what
is possible and what attracts you. For me that’s
C Watching and understanding a short film the whole joy of climbing and travelling and
encountering unexpected things, and just being

1 BEFORE watching the video, match the able to explore and see what’s out there. We’re

Student’s Book
words (1-7) to their meanings (A-G). going all the way out to the middle of the Aegean
Sea and no one’s climbed there ever so it’s an
1 E, 2 G, 3 A, 4 F, 5 B, 6 D, 7 C.
adventure. You may find something amazing, you

may not find anything at all, but you still have to
2 WATCH the video and identify the
functions of the close-ups which open the
go out there and try.
Beaver: Look at this roof Chris. Look at the roof!
Chris Sharma: If you never go and look around the
1 It introduces the setting in place of the sequence. next corner, maybe the perfect line is right around
2 It focuses on the protagonist, Chris Sharma. the corner waiting and you never found it.
3 It concentrates on the exact geographical region Chris Sharma: Wow, that’s a nice wall right there.
where the sequence will take place. Sam Whittaker: At the end of the first day, we
spotted this amazing overhanging wall. Really
clean rock, split in the middle by this roof.
3 ANSWER these questions about the short
Chris Sharma: There was perfect height, and
beautiful red rock with stalactites and tufas.
1 A small plane and a motorboat. Sam Whittaker: The line looked like it was going
2 Because rumour says that the Greek islands are to be hard from the start. We could not see an
filled with impressive limestone rocks going down easy way to get on the wall.
into the ocean. Chris Sharma: The water was pretty cold that day.
I knew I didn’t really have many times to fall in the
3 A rock wall and a roof. water before I got too cold to climb anymore.
4 They reached an amazing overhanging wall. Sam Whittaker: We were on the outside
5 Chris’s climbing was one of the most amazing bits watching. He was climbing smooth, and then
of climbing he had ever seen. when he started climbing in the roof, it’s one of
6 We can admire Chris’s climbing every possible the most amazing bits of climbing I’ve ever seen.
route without any effort.
7 It ends with Chris’s reaching the roof of the cliff 5 DISCUSS in pairs. Have you ever had a true
passion for a particular activity? Have you
after splashing down into the sea. ever worked hard towards sports challenges
keeping up your effort and interest despite
4 WATCH the video again and complete
these sentences about what climbing is to
obstacles or failures?

Chris. Student’s activity.

1 creative process, 2 what is possible, 3 whole

joy, unexpected things, 4 adventure, amazing,
may not find, have to go, 5 rock, height, perfect, Teacher’s tip This page deals with the 21st-century skill of
6 to fall into the water, climb anymore, succeeded. flexibility and adaptability, in particular the ability to adapt to
varied roles, job responsibility, schedules and context, to work
effectively in a climate of uncertainties and changing priorities.

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6 IN GROUPS discuss the following:
Student’s activity.

7 DISCUSS in pairs the changes that have

happened in your life so far. Did you find it
difficult to adapt to them? How did you cope
with the new situation?
Student’s activity.
Teacher’s tip For this class discussion, you can follow these
Student’s Book

Step 1: You should point out that sport is a sort of metaphor of


human life because:

• you have to face several difficulties
• you can fail
• you have to muster your courage and overcome your
Step 2: Sports in general can be the starting point of a
discussion in class about the difficulties and the changes life
impose us. Even in the video the free-climber falls missing the
grip to the rock and splashing into the sea (= difficulties). He
decides to change (= change) the route to reach the top of the
Step 3: You can ask your students to quote personal
experiences where they had to overcome a difficulty, to adapt
to a new situation and to change their initial plan.


1 LOOK at the pictures and discuss in pairs

what might have happened. Use the Process
language box.
Student’s activity.

2 REORDER the paragraphs so that they form

a story.
B, D, A, C.

FIRST Writing – Part 2

3 A STORY. You have seen this announcement
on your school website. Write your story
using 140-190 words.
Student’s activity.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

172 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
UNITS 7-8 FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Review Part 3
7 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8,
read the text below. Use the word given in
capitals at the end of some of the lines to
VO CA BULA RY AC T I VATO R form a word that fits in the gap in the same
1 FIND the right piece of technology according
to the definitions.
line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
1 reliable, 2 powered, 3 advised, 4 overcome,
A digital television, B smartphone, C microwave 5 counterproductive, 6 publicise, 7 opportunity,
oven, D computer, E ATM/cash machine, F GPS. 8 interested.

2 COMPLETE the sentences with suitable

sports taken from the box.
FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Part 4
1 cricket, baseball, 2 mountaineering, free
climbing, paragliding, 3 sailing, surfing, 4 jogging, 8 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS.
For questions 1-6, complete the second

skateboarding, 5 darts, 6 zorbing/sphering,
white-water rafting. sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
the first sentence, using the word given. Do

not change the word given. You must use
G RA M M A R between two and five words, including the

word given. Here is an example (0).
3 COMPLETE the second sentence using the
prompts so that it has the same meaning as 1 to turn his phone off, 2 will be built, 3 is having
the first. the grass cut, 4 to join in, 5 is being shown on
television, 6 was fined/given a fine by.
1 the sitting room painted next week, 2 was
robbed by a gang of robbers, 3 is being cut, 4 has
been drawn, 5 will be performed by a dance
company, 6 my hair cut.

4 COMPLETE the text with the correct

1 jogging, 2 who, 3 meeting, 4 working, 5 when,
6 where, 7 to talk, 8 to meet, 9 which, 10 which.

FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Part 1
1-8, read the blog below and decide which
answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There
is an example at the beginning (0).
1 A, 2 C, 3 B, 4 D, 5 A, 6 C, 7 B, 8 A.

FIRST Reading and Use of English –

Part 2
6 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
1 up, 2 been, 3 touch, 4 by, 5 is, 6 in, 7 have, 8 to.

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6 COMPLETE the sentences so that they are
A sporting life true for you.
Workbook Student’s activity.

7 COMPLETE the sentences with the gerund

or the infinitive of the verbs in the box.
1 using, 2 to join in, 3 to lose, 4 stealing, 5 not
watching, 6 staying, 7 to accept, 8 thinking, 9 to
1 WRITE the sport near each definition. do, 10 to be.
1 cricket, 2 free climbing, 3 white-water

rafting, 4 jogging, 5 baseball, 6 paragliding, COMPLETE the second sentence so that it


7 skateboarding, 8 sailing, 9 darts, has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

10 mountaineering, 11 zorbing/sphering, Use the word given.
12 surfing. 1 you are supposed to wear, 2 apologises for
hurting his opponent, 3 not worth insisting on,
2 COMPLETE the sentences with a verb or
noun in the box related to sport challenges.
4 offered to help Martin, 5 succeeded in eating
more fruit, 6 demand to speak to.
1 participant, face up to, 2 join in, competition,
3 refused, participate in, contest, 4 turned down, Verbs + both -ing and infinitive
opportunity, match, 5 challenger, 6 race.
9 MATCH the beginning of each sentence (1-8)
to its ending (A-H). Then choose the correct
Tow a rds I N VA L S I form of the verb to complete the sentences.

3 3.4 READ and listen to the text about

the use of drugs in sport.
1 H, having, 2 C, to lift, 3 A, smoking, 4 F, to have,
5 D, to warm, 6 G, meeting, 7 B, flying, 8 E, to
Parts of the text have been removed. respect.
Choose the correct part (A-L) for
each gap (1-9). U S E OF E NGLIS H
There are two extra parts that you
should not use. FIRST Reading and Use of English –
The first one (0) has been done for
you. Part 1
Q1 E, Q2 J, Q3 A, Q4 C, Q5 G, Q6 B, Q7 L, Q8 I, 10 MULTIPLE-CHOICE CLOZE. For
questions 1-8, read the text below and
Q9 D. decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best
Extras: F and K. fits each gap. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
Collocations and expressions for sport
1 C, 2 A, 3 D, 4 B, 5 C, 6 D, 7 A, 8 C.
4 REPLACE the words in italics with
the correct form of the collocations or FIRST Reading and Use of English –
expressions for sport.
Part 4
1 flexing his muscles, 2 stay on task, 3 human
attention span, 4 push it too hard, 5 got out of 11 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS.
For questions 1-6, complete the second
breath, 6 on the move.
sentence so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence, using the word given.
G RA M M A R 1 Do not change the word given. You must
use between two and five words including
Gerunds and infinitives the word given. There is an example at the
5 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs in brackets.
beginning (0).
1 going to the gym, 2 posting the, 3 to make a
1 to swim, 2 to undergo, 3 to buy, 4 doing, phone, 4 to stay on, 5 to flex their muscles, 6 very
5 to meet, 6 finding, 7 giving, 8 watching, 9 to pleased to meet me.
improve, 10 starting.
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REA DI NG 3 After he broke his knee, he stopped skiing, which
was very wise.
FIRST Reading and Use of English – 4 The ice rink where we skated was brand new.
Part 7 5 Brian, who is an orthopedist, ran to help the
going to read four opinions about
injured athlete.
6 Shoulder pads are things which protect American
dance and sport. For questions football players.
1-10, choose from the paragraphs
(A-D). The paragraphs may be
chosen more than once. 17 JOIN these pairs of sentences using a
relative clause.
1 C, 2 D, 3 A, 4 B, 5 C, 6 B, 7 D, 8 B, 9 A, 10 C.
1 This is the gym where we work out every day.
WORD FORMATION 2 Have you tried baseball, which is not a new
Word families (1) Olympic sport?
3 He is the coach whose team has won the
13 Complete the table with the highlighted

words from the texts.
4 Charles, who likes taking risks, introduced me to
Base word climbing.
dance, accept, tradition, determine, entertain,

compete, perform, flex, train, consider 5 He is the boy whose cricket bat was lost.

Noun 6 I will always remember the day when I tried
dancers/dance/dancing, acceptance, tradition, bungee jumping for the first time.
determination, entertainer/entertainment, 7 This is a camera that/which can take pictures
competition/competitor, performer/performance, underwater.
flexibility, training, consideration 8 The date of the concert was cancelled, which was
Adjective a huge disappointment.
dancing, accepted, traditional, determined,
entertaining, competitive, performing, flexible,
trained, considerate
Relative pronouns
to dance, to accept, -, to determine, to entertain,
to compete, to perform, to flex, to train, to consider
18 FIND the mistakes and correct them.
There are ten mistakes.
Natalie du Toit, who she was born on 29 January
14 CHOOSE the correct alternative to
complete the sentences.
1984, is a South African swimmer. She is best-
known for the gold medals which she won
1 competition, determination, 2 traditional, them at the 2004 Paralympic Games. Du Toit
acceptable, 3 to dedicate, to training, became the third amputee ever to qualify for
4 professional, flexible, 5 performance, the Olympics, where she was placed 16th in the
sensational, 6 difficult, considered. 10K ‘Marathon’ swim there.
In 2001 Du Toit, which who began competing
internationally in swimming at the age of 14,
G RA M M A R 2 was riding her scooter back to school after
Relative clauses swimming practice, when she was hit by a
car. Three months later, Natalie, whom whose
15 COMPLETE the sentences with a suitable
relative pronoun when necessary.
left leg was amputated at the knee, was back
in the pool with the intention of competing in
1 whose, 2 who, 3 when, 4 which, 5 where, the 2002 Commonwealth Games in Manchester,
6 which/that, 7 which, 8 where. which where she won both the multi-disability
50 m freestyle and the multi-disability 100 m
16 READ the sentences and add commas
where necessary.
freestyle in world record time. Du Toit is one
of the athletes to compete without the aid of
a prosthetic limb. In her free time, she does
1 That Brazilian footballer, who is very famous, has motivational speaking, that which helps
been bought by our team. many disabled find hope. After winning many
2 People who never practice sports put their health medals and awards, on 27 August 2012, she
at risk. announced her intention to retire. It was South
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
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Africa’s Olympic Committee what who chose wide lanes. At the same time, equipment has
Du Toit to carry their flag at the 2008 Summer evolved from skis and poles that were made of
Olympics opening ceremony, whose which wood, to man-made materials like fiberglass,
made her the first athlete to carry a flag in both carbon fiber, and polyethylene plastics.
Olympics and Paralympics in a single year. 4
Scotland’s national sport is golf. Golf is a club and
ball sport in which players use various clubs to hit
LI STE NI N G balls into a series of holes on a course, in as few
strokes as possible. Golf, unlike most ball games,
FIRST Listening – Part 3 cannot and does not utilise a standardized
19 3.6 MULTIPLE MATCHING. You will
hear five different people talking
playing area, and coping with the varied terrains
encountered on different courses, is a key part of

the game. The classic game is played on a course


about their national sport. For

questions 1-5, choose from the which has an arranged progression of 18 holes,
list (A-H) the type of sport that though recreational courses can be smaller,
each speaker is describing. Use usually with just 9 holes.
the letters only once. There are 5
three extra letters which you do Rugby union, commonly known in most of the
not need to use. world as rugby, is a contact team sport which
originated in England in the first half of the
A 3, C 4, E 2, F 1, G 5, extra letters B, D and H. 19th century and has become New Zealand’s
national sport. The game is based on running
TRANSCRIPT with the ball in hand. It is played between two
1 teams of 15 players using an oval-shaped ball
Mongolian wrestling, known as Bökh is the folk on a rectangular field with H-shaped goalposts
wrestling style of Mongols in Mongolia, where on each try line. International matches have
touching the ground with anything other than taken place since 1871, when the first game
a foot loses the match. Bökh means ‘durability’. was played between Scotland and England in
Wrestling is the most important of the Mongolian Edinburgh.
culture’s historic ‘Three Manly Skills’, that also
include horsemanship and archery. Genghis
Khan considered wrestling to be an important WR ITING
way to keep his army in good physical shape
and combat-ready. There are several different FIRST Writing – Part 2
versions, Mongolian, Buryatian, Oirat and Inner
Mongolian, and it is still one of the most popular
20 A STORY. You have seen this
announcement on your school web site.
sports in the region. Write your story using 140-190 words.
Student’s activity.
Sepak takraw, or kick volleyball, is a sport native
to Southeast Asia. Sepak takraw differs from 21 After you have finished writing, re-read
your story and check for any grammar or
the similar sport of footvolley in its use of a spelling mistakes. Check in particular the
special ball and only allowing players to use tenses you have used for the verbs. Then
their feet, knee, chest and head to touch the ball. answer the following questions.
It is a popular sport in Malaysia, Thailand and
Indonesia. In Myanmar it is known as chin lone, Student’s activity.
and is considered more of an art as there is often
no opposing team, and the point is to keep the
ball aloft gracefully and interestingly.

The national sport of Norway is cross-country
skiing. It’s popularity grew from the Norwegian
army units who were skiing for sport and prizes
in the 18th century. More recently a technique
has evolved from the striding in-track classic
technique, to include skate-skiing, which takes
place on courses that have been prepared with
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
176 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Programmazione per competenze
UNIT 9 • Saving our planet
Tempo di svolgimento: 3/4 settimane
Traguardi formativi Indicatori

A quali “Traguardi per lo sviluppo delle Che cosa ci si aspetta sappia fare lo studente Su quali conoscenze e
per competenze

competenze” mirano le attività didattiche che ha raggiunto questi traguardi? abilità si sviluppano le

dell’unità? competenze?

Padroneggiare la lingua straniera per Ascolto (comprensione orale) Funzioni linguistiche

interagire in diversi ambiti e contesti e per − comprendere espressioni e frasi usate da − descrivere immagini
comprendere gli aspetti significativi della un gruppo di persone per descrivere − esprimere e difendere
civiltà degli altri Paesi in prospettiva problemi ambientali e la loro possibile opinioni
interculturale soluzione (es. 3 p. 121) − sviluppare l’interazione
− utilizzare le funzioni linguistico- − comprendere informazioni specifiche (es. 4 sociale
comunicative riferite al livello B2 del p. 123) − discutere idee e
Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento − comprendere testi relativi alle specie di rapportarle alla propria
− comprendere le idee fondamentali di testi animali in via di estinzione (es 2 p. 130) esperienza personale
complessi su argomenti sia concreti che − comprendere testi descrittivi complessi
astratti (es. 2 p. 122; es. 2 p. 126) Strutture grammaticali
− interagire oralmente − reported speech
− leggere e comprendere testi sia orali che Parlato (produzione e interazione orale) − say and tell
scritti che riguardano un’ampia gamma di − discutere sulla possibilità di riciclare la − reporting verbs
argomenti plastica (es. 1, 4 p. 121; es. 1 p. 122; es. 3 − reported questions
− produrre testi sia orali che scritti che p. 129; es. 1, 3 p. 130; es. 5, 9 p. 133)
riguardano un’ampia gamma di argomenti − discutere su quanto ci si considera Lessico
− leggere, analizzare e interpretare testi coinvolti e responsabili nei confronti − useful expressions for
letterari dell’ambiente (es. 1 p. 126) the environment
− esprimere un’opinione su argomenti di − discutere su possibili iniziative e progetti − phrasal verbs and
attualità, esponendo i pro e i contro delle per proteggere l’ambiente (es. 7 p. 127) expressions for the
diverse opinioni nell’ambito di una − discutere sulle possibili responsabilità del environment
discussione di gruppo governo e/o delle comunità locali relative − word formation: word
all’ambiente (es. 1 p. 129) families (2)
Utilizzare testi multimediali − esprimere e difendere la propria opinione
− utilizzare l’eBook per svolgere gli esercizi (es. 2 p. 129) Key language for social
in maniera interattiva ed esercitarsi a competence
comprendere i prodotti della Lettura (comprensione scritta) − comparing options
comunicazione audiovisiva − comprendere testi descrittivi complessi − giving examples from
− Flipped classroom: video per la (es. 2 p. 122; es. 2 p. 126) your own experience
presentazione del vocabolario e filmati − reporting information
che permettono allo studente di Scrittura (produzione scritta) − linkers
familiarizzare con aspetti vari della vita dei − scrivere un breve testo sui problemi
Paesi di lingua anglofona (brani di ascolto e ambientali della zona in cui si vive e le
filmati) possibili soluzioni per risolverli (es. 8 p.
− filmato First exam description 127)
− scrivere un saggio su come preservare il
Competenze chiave di cittadinanza nostro pianeta (es. 3 p. 132)
− imparare a imparare
− progettare Riflessione sulla lingua
− collaborare e partecipare − osservare le parole nei contesti d’uso e
− agire in modo autonomo e responsabile impararne il significato
− acquisire ed interpretare l’informazione − osservare la struttura delle frasi e mettere
in relazione costrutti e intenzioni
Competenze del 21° secolo comunicative
− produttività e responsabilità – managing

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

178 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Attività comunicative Attività per lo sviluppo delle Prove autentiche Preparazione alla
competenze chiave e strutturate certificazione e
Con quali attività didattiche si raggiunge l’acquisizione dei contenuti e si Con quali strumenti di valutazione
sviluppano le competenze? (formativa e sommativa) si verifica
l’acquisizione dei contenuti e lo sviluppo
delle competenze?
Ricezione orale Imparare a imparare Nelle Idee per First
− ascolto e comprensione di una − formulare ipotesi sulla insegnare (prove − Reading and Use
breve discussione di gruppo sugli coniugazione del reported speech strutturate) of English – Part

elementi positivi e negativi (es. 1-2 p. 124), dei reporting verbs − Fast check (Fila A 2, p. 125

− Reading and Use

per competenze
dell’ambiente (es. 1 p. 128) e delle reported e Fila B)
− ascolto di una lezione tenuta da questions (es. 4 p. 128) − Unit test (Fila A of English – Part
un insegnante sulla − say e tell (es. 5 p. 124) e Fila B) 4, p. 125

contaminazione dell’ambiente da − apprendere strutture grammaticali − Competences − Reading and Use
parte della plastica attraverso frasi tratte dai testi di test of English – Part
− ascolto per individuare reading comprehension (es. 1-2 p. − Easy reading 6, p. 126
informazioni specifiche 124; es. 1 p. 128) tests (BES) − Speaking – Part
− visione e comprensione di una − apprendere vocaboli attraverso − Guided tests 3, p. 129
sequenza video video e animazioni (p. 121, 131) (BES) − Speaking – Part
− approfondire il lessico, le strutture 4, p. 129
Produzione orale e le tipologie First presenti Esercizi online su − Listening – Part
− interagire in coppie o gruppi nell’unità attraverso esercizi ZTE 1, p. 130
usando le funzioni e il lessico (Workbook p. 72-79; Self-study − Writing – Part 1,
dell’unità nell’eBook) p. 132
− discutere idee e rapportarle alla
propria esperienza Progettare (es 6-8 p. 131) Towards INVALSI
− esprimere e difendere la propria (p. 122-123)
opinione Collaborare e partecipare:
− sviluppare l’interazione sociale − collaborare con un compagno o un
gruppo per discutere sulla base dei
Ricezione e produzione scritta dati forniti (es. 1, 4 p. 121; es. 1 p.
− comprendere le idee chiave di un 122; es. 1 p. 126; es. 1-3 p. 129;
articolo e riassumerne il punto di es. 1, 3 p. 130; es. 5, 7, 9 p. 131)
− leggere un breve testo e Agire in modo autonomo e
completare gli spazi vuoti responsabile
− individuare collegamenti esistenti − riflettere sui propri errori con
all’interno di un testo l’aiuto della sezione Frequent
− scrivere un saggio sull’uso delle mistakes (p. 124)
forme di energia alternative per
proteggere l’ambiente e sul Acquisire ed interpretare
riutilizzo dei rifiuti l’informazione
− leggere o ascoltare la descrizione
Esercizi sul problema della plastica (es. 2 p.
− esercizi di completamento, vero/ 122)
falso, scelta multipla, − ascoltare un insegnante che parla
abbinamento, riordinamento, della contaminazione
trasformazione dell’ambiente da parte della
− attività di scrittura per plastica (es. 4 p. 123)
memorizzare funzioni, strutture e − ascoltare per cogliere informazioni
lessico specifiche (First Listening – Part 1,
− esercizi in coppia e a gruppi p. 130)
− esercizi di consolidamento e
potenziamento (Workbook p. 21st-century skills
72-79; Self-study nell’eBook) Productivity and accountability
− managing projects (es. 7-9 p. 131)

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NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................

1 GIVE the English translation of the following words and phrases.


1 inquinamento 9 carestia
2 effetto serra 10 disboscamento
3 riscaldamento globale 11 contaminazione
4 cambiamento climatico 12 discarica
5 terremoti 13 panelli solari
6 inondazioni 14 energia eolica
7 ondate di caldo 15 strato di ozono
8 siccità 16 impronta di carbonio

2 ANSWER the questions.

1 Why is the environment a hot topic?

2 What has caused the greenhouse effect and global warming according to the experts?

3 What is said to be responsible for natural disasters?

4 What examples are given of natural disasters?

5 What else is climate change considered responsible for?

6 Which other environmental problems are mentioned?

7 What can we do to reduce the contamination and pollution?

8 How can we protect the ozone layer?

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
180 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
Teacher’s keys 1 Because experts insist that we need to act
promptly if we want to avoid further damage.
2 They say these problems are caused by high
VOCABULARY ACTIVATOR: levels of pollution in the atmosphere.
The environment 3 The climate change, brought about by global
warming, is said to be responsible for natural
The environment is a hot topic. Experts insist disasters.
that we need to act promptly if we want to avoid
further damage. 4 The examples are earthquakes, floods and heat
According to them, high levels of pollution waves that bring drought or famine.
in the atmosphere have been the cause of 5 It is also considered responsible for the increase
the greenhouse effect and global warming. in tsunamis or tornados and other weather
Temperatures have got warmer causing the ice extremes.

caps to melt in the Arctic and the sea levels to rise 6 Other problems mentioned are the increased rate
all over the world.

of deforestation, the growth in the number of
The climate change, brought about by global endangered species and the lack of biodiversity.
warming, is said to be responsible for natural 7 We can carry out careful recycling, put pressure
disasters. These can be earthquakes, when the on politicians to introduce a congestion charge,

Earth moves causing destruction, or floods, prevent the dumping of waste and introduce
when water levels rise dramatically and houses alternative energy ecosystems with solar panels
are submerged. Or heat waves that bring and wind power.
drought with no water or famine with no food.
Climate change is also thought responsible for 8 By reducing our carbon footprint – that is, the
the increase in tsunamis or tornados and other amount of CO2 we produce in our daily activities.
weather extremes.
Further environmental problems are the increased
rate of deforestation, the growth in the number of
endangered species and the lack of biodiversity.
What can we do? We can reduce contamination
and pollution through careful recycling. We can
put pressure on politicians and those in authority
to act. They could charge private cars for access
to city centres with a congestion charge, prevent
the dumping of waste and introduce alternative
energy ecosystems with solar panels and wind
power. We must help protect the diminishing
ozone layer, which is our filtre in the atmosphere,
by reducing our own carbon footprint – that
is, the amount of CO2 we produce in our daily
Leonardo di Caprio recently said ‘Our planet’s
alarm is going off, and it’s time to wake up and
take action!’ He’s right and stopping pollution is
the best solution or, to put it another way, let’s go
green before the green goes!

1 GIVE the English translation of the following

words and expressions.
1 pollution, 2 greenhouse effect, 3 global
warming, 4 climate change, 5 earthquakes,
6 floods, 7 heat waves, 8 drought, 9 famine,
10 deforestation, 11 contamination, 12 dumping
of waste, 13 solar panels, 14 wind power,
15 ozone layer, 16 carbon footprint.

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Saving our planet FLIPPED
Student’s Book classroom

Students can be given the Vocabulary video to watch at
OBJECTIVES home and then work on it at the beginning of class time.
Photocopiable exercices can be found on page 180.
The aim of this Unit is to introduce the vocabulary associated
with the environment in a realistic context. The Towards WARM-UP
INVALSI section focuses on understanding and interpreting
information in reading and listening texts. Students also
practise phrasal verbs and expressions for the environment.
1 DISCUSS how ‘green’ you are by answering
the following questions.
The grammar covered in this unit includes the review of the
Student’s Book

reported speech, reporting verbs and reported questions. Student’s activity.

The First Use of English page focuses on Reading and
Use of English Part 2 (open cloze) and Part 4 (key word
transformations), while the First Reading presents Reading C Learning to use vocabulary in context
and Use of English Part 6 (gapped text). The word formation
of word families is continued. The First Speaking section
deals with the practice of Part 3 (collaborative task) and Part
2 READ the list below and decide what
is positive and what is negative for the
4 (discussion). The First Listening page is about Listening Part environment. Then look at the pictures and
1 (extracts with multiple-choice questions). The 21st-century match them to the right words (1-12).
skills section includes a video about a conservation project.
The viewing of the video aims at stimulating social interaction Positive: 6, 7, 8, 12.
and the concluding activity focuses on the soft skill ‘managing Negative: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11.
projects’ linked to the 21st-century skill: Productivity and
accountability. The unit ends with First Writing Part 1 (an
A 1, B 12, C 3, D 5, E 8, F 7, G 11, H 4, I I0, J 9,
essay). K 6, L 10.

CONTENTS 3 5.1 LISTEN to a group discussion

on environmental problems and
Vocabulary possible solutions. Match each
Phrasal verbs and expressions for the environment
Word formation: word families (2) speaker (1-4) to an opinion (A-D).
1 C, 2 D, 3 A, 4 B.
Reported speech
Say and tell TRANSCRIPT
Reporting verbs Tutor: Thank you all for coming to this group
Reported questions discussion about environmental issues. The
President of the World Wildlife Fund recently said
that the world was facing some of the worst
Comparing options
Giving examples from your own evidence environmental issues in its history. Do you agree?
Reporting information Let’s start with you John, what problems is the
Linkers environment facing?
John: There are so many it’s difficult to know
where to start. Perhaps the one that stands out is
Self-study and ZTE climate change. It seems that this global warming
The Self-study and ZTE exercises can be employed either
to reinforce or review the grammar structures and topic is affecting the climate and causing disasters like
vocabulary of the Unit. tornados, earthquakes and tsunamis.
Tutor: Marilyn?
Marilyn: Global warming is also causing the
glaciers to melt and the sea level to rise with
dramatic consequences for low-lying areas and
islands. Al Gore said that if we didn’t act soon it
would be too late. I think he’s right.
Tutor: Steve?
Steve: Pollution worries me, not enough is being
done to change the energy sources from fossil
fuels to cleaner alternative sources like solar
panels and wind farms.
Tutor: Frances?
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182 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Frances: What about the gigantic amount of waste
we produce especially the quantity of plastic which 3 READ the article about recycling plastic
again, then answer the questions (1-9) using
is so difficult to disperse and is contaminating the
atmosphere, the land and the sea? a maximum of 4 words.
Tutor: It’s good to hear you all have such strong Write your answers in the spaces provided.
views on these issues. I think we can say that we The first one (0) has been done for you.
all agree with the WWF President. Q1 They were horrified.
Q2 More than 400 years.
Extra activity
MATCH the beginnings to their endings. Q3 12%.
1 The new house in the mountains will be very Q4 Fish.
ecological, it will have solar panels and use wind Q5 Henderson Island.
Q6 12 billion metric tons/tonnes.
2 There is an increase in natural disasters like
drought and famine caused by global warming. Q7 In the oceans.

3 The correct disposal of waste has become a Q8 15 years.
huge recycling issue.

Student’s Book
Q9 One of the following: Using different materials;
4 The Greenhouse Effect with melting ice caps and Phasing out some products.
glaciers is responsible for rising sea levels.

5 The ozone layer is a filter protecting us from C Listening for specific information
some of the effects of pollution.
6 Changes in land use are leading to the increase
of deforestation and the growth of more
4 5.3 LISTEN to a teacher talking
to a class about microplastic
endangered species. contamination.
7 Our ecosystem is delicate and requires each of While listening, answer the
us to be aware of our own carbon footprint. questions using a maximum of
8 The congestion charge and the use of alternative 4 words.
energy are positive ways of reducing the effects The first one (0) has been done
of fossil fuel emissions. for you.
Q1 83%.
4 DISCUSS in small groups. Is the climate
really changing? Is global warming a reality? Q2 The US/The USA/The United States.
What evidence is there to prove it is or isn’t? Q3 Lebanon; India.
Student’s activity. Q4 Europe.
Q5 (In) seafood.
Tow a rds I NVA L SI Q6 (From looking at) wildlife.
WARM-UP Q7 All (24 of them).
1 LOOK at the picture below and discuss in
Q8 3 to 10 tons/tonnes.
Q9 Waste management/Management of plastic waste.
Student’s activity.
C Reading, understanding and interpreting Today I want to talk about microplastic
information contamination. This refers to tiny particles of
plastic suspended in water. It has in fact been
2 5.2 READ and listen to the article and
decide which of the highlighted
found in tap water in countries around the world,
leading to calls from scientists for urgent research
words has the following meaning: on the implications for health.
Scientists have declared that they have taken tap
1 lifespan, 2 phasing out, 3 leakage, 4 sheer, water samples from more than a dozen nations
5 outpaced, 6 landfills. as part of an investigation and found that 83%
of the samples were contaminated with plastic
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Their leading researcher said that the US had
the highest contamination rate, at 94%, with Extra activity
plastic fibres found in tap water sampled at COMPLETE the sentences with the words
sites including Congress buildings, the US below.
Environmental Protection Agency’s headquarters,
and Trump Tower in New York. He went on to add 1 Towns and cities must rethink their recycling
that the Lebanon and India had the next highest strategies if they want to improve the
rates. Even though European nations including environment.
the UK, Germany and France had the lowest 2 Plastic and other man-made materials are
contamination rate, this was still a worrying 72%. causing an increasing problem of waste
As you can see, these analyses indicate the disposal.
ubiquitous extent of microplastic contamination in 3 One of the most serious problems for the
Student’s Book

the global environment. This is considered as new


oceans is caused by plastic pollution.

information as they said previous work had been
largely focused on plastic pollution in the oceans, 4 We use far too many disposable products
which suggested people were eating microplastics most of which end up in the sea.
in contaminated seafood. 5 It is cheaper if we mass produce products but
Dr Sherri Mason, a microplastic expert at the State we need to set out ways of dealing with the
University of New York said they had enough data excess in an environmentally friendly way.
from looking at wildlife, and the impacts that it was 6 It is time for those in authority to come up
having on wildlife, to be concerned. She was the with innovative waste systems particularly as
one who supervised the recent analyses. Dr Mason regards plastic.
also said that if this contamination was impacting
wildlife, then how did we think that it was not
going to somehow impact us. GRAMMAR 1
The scale of global microplastic contamination REPORTED SPEECH
is only starting to become clear, with studies in
Germany finding fibres and fragments in all of 1 MATCH direct sentences 1-4 to reported
sentences A-D.
the 24 beer brands they tested, as well as in
honey and sugar. In Paris in 2015, researchers 1 C, 2 D, 3 A, 4 B.
discovered microplastic falling from the air, which
they estimated deposits three to 10 tonnes of
fibres on the city each year, and that it was also
2 READ the sentences in exercise 1 and list
the three things that change when you report
present in the air in people’s homes. what someone has said.
Scientists agree that this tap water analysis
has raised a red flag in warning but that more 1 The verb tenses.
work was needed to replicate the results, find 2 The personal pronouns.
the sources of contamination and evaluate the 3 The time reference.
possible health impacts. Certainly, we know that
plastics are very useful, but that management
of the waste must be drastically improved. The 3 REPORT the following statements using the
experts’ opinion was that we needed plastics in
our lives, but we were causing the damage by 1 they only accepted new clients by appointment,
discarding them in very careless ways. 2 he would travel round the world if he won the
lottery, 3 she should help her mother with the
Phrasal verbs and expressions for the housework, 4 the President was holding/would
environment hold a press conference on the following day,
5 they could use all the facilities of the hotel,
5 MATCH the phrasal verbs and expressions
(1-8) in the article to their definitions (A-H).
6 the Antarctic might be at risk.

1 C, 2 F, 3 A, 4 G, 5 H, 6 D, 7 E, 8 B. 4 REPORT the following statements making all

the necessary changes. Begin each reported
6 COMPLETE the sentences using the correct
form of the phrasal verbs and expressions
statement with ‘He said ...’ .
1 He said to stop annoying him and complaining
from exercise 5. about everything.
1 disposable products, plastic pollution, 2 waste 2 He said that the combination of effects had
systems, recycling strategies, 3 set out, end up, played a major role in the alarming rise of sea
4 man-made materials, mass produced. levels in the past ten years.
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184 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
3 He said that he would come and help me on the celebration had become an opportunity to raise
following Saturday. the awareness of threats to our planet and to
4 He said that he was waiting for the bus when learn how to protect the environment.
Nick arrived. Scientists stated that humans caused that
warming because they used to burn fossil fuels
5 He said that he had never been there before.
such as coal, oil and gas for their cars, houses
6 He said that they were convinced that we/the and factories. They went on saying that it would
people would like the innovations such as three- take time to educate people about environmental
dimensional figures on birthday cards. problems properly.
Mr Irons also told us that the Earth Day had
started in 1969 when a massive oil spill in Santa
Extra activity Barbara had destroyed the environment and
REPORT these sentences making all the killed sea life. In 1990, Earth Day developed into a
necessary changes. Use the contracted forms. global event; now, 141 countries participate in it.
1 Andrew said he couldn’t come to the meeting. He also explained that in 2017, for the first time,
2 Harry told me he’d phone me later. another event had happened on the same day:
the International March for Science. In London,

3 Meghan said she wasn’t going to do anything
thousands of people had marched from the
special that weekend.

Student’s Book
Science Museum to Parliament Square to draw
4 James told me I’d made a terrible mistake. attention to the importance of science. There
5 Tom told me that problem was his fault. had also been big crowds in Edinburgh, Scotland,

6 Lindy told her mother she hadn’t done do Sydney, in Australia, and Washington DC, the
anything wrong. capital of the USA. There, the organisers of the
march had declared that science had been under
FREQUENT MISTAKES attack from some politicians.
Say and tell 1 Mr Irons, a scientific researcher, said to his
students: ‘Last year on 22nd April, hundreds of
5 READ sentences 1-2 and complete the rules
A-B with say or tell.
thousands of people around the world gathered
to celebrate Earth Day.’
1 tell, 2 say. 2 He also stated: ‘This celebration has become an
opportunity to raise the awareness of threats
6 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of say or tell.
to our planet and to learn how to protect the
1 tell, said, 2 said, 3 didn’t say, 4 did you say, 3 Scientists stated: ‘Humans have caused this
5 Are you telling. warming because people burn fossil fuels such
as coal, oil and gas for their cars, houses and
factories. It will take time to educate people about
Extra activity environmental problems properly.’
CORRECT the mistakes in each sentence.
4 Mr Irons also said to us: ‘The Earth Day started in
1 I said to her I was getting angry. told 1969 when a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara
2 The manager said them the results will destroyed the environment and killed sea life.’
improve the following term. told 5 He also explained: ‘In 2017, for the first time,
3 He told he is going to learn how to play the another event happened on the same day: the
drums. said International March for Science. In London,
4 They said me they will contact me in the thousands of people marched from the Science
future. told Museum to Parliament Square to draw attention
to the importance of science. There were also big
5 Mary told she hadn’t liked that film. said
crowds in Edinburgh, Scotland, Sydney, in Australia,
and Washington DC, the capital of the USA.’
7 READ the text and underline all the examples
of reported speech. Then turn those 6 He went on saying: ‘Here, the organisers of the
sentences into direct speech. march declared: “Science was under attack from
some politicians.”’
Mr Irons, a scientific researcher, told his students
that last year on 22 nd April, hundreds of
thousands of people around the world gathered
to celebrate Earth Day. He also stated that the
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US E O F E N G L I SH Extra questions
1 Where did Alex Lin first learn about the
FIRST Reading and Use of English – problems of e-waste? In an article in the Wall
Part 2 Street Journal.
1 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
2 What have he and his team managed to
do so far? They have organised the recycling
fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. of 300,000 pounds of e-waste, successfully
There is an example at the beginning (0). lobbied the Rhode Island state legislature
and have asked them to pass a statewide bill
1 species, 2 in, 3 by, 4 plants, 5 them, 6 change, banning the dumping of e-waste.
7 up, 8 said.
3 What have they created in developing
Student’s Book

countries? They have created media centres

FIRST Reading and Use of English – in developing countries using refurbished
Part 4 computers.
For questions 1-6, complete the second
4 When did Greg Woodburn have the idea of
helping underprivileged kids who wanted
sentence so that it has a similar meaning to to run? When an injury suddenly stopped him
the first sentence, using the word given. Do running.
not change the word given. You must use 5 What does his organisation do? The
between two and five words including the organisation collects and donates used running
word given. Here is an example (0). shoes, in good condition, to underprivileged
1 had to tell manufacturers, 2 had not dumped, young people and orphans.
3 ends up into, 4 her idea was to open, 5 climate 6 Why did student Adeline Tiffanie Suwana
change was to blame, 6 mass produced. form a community of young people called
Sahabat Alam? Because she thought the local
authorities were not doing enough for the
REA DI NG environment.
WARM-UP 7 What does the organisation do? It organises
students to plant coral reefs, help with fish
1 DISCUSS in pairs. breeding and turtle protection, plant mangrove
trees and engage in environmental cleanups and
Student’s activity.
education activities.
C Recognising links within a text 8 How do they help remoter villages? They
operate the Electric Generator Water Reel project
2 5.4 READ and listen to the texts
about recycling and care for the
where they connect remote villages to an electric
grid, providing potential economic growth to
environment and match the pictures villagers and improving health facilities.
to the texts. 9 Where did Merit Leighton and Marlowe
Peyton learn about the problem of plastic
A 3, B 1, C 2, D 4.
waste? They were watching Oprah’s Earth Day
FIRST Reading and Use of English – 10 What are they doing to raise awareness
Part 6 of the plastic problem? They said that the
3 GAPPED TEXT. Read the texts again. Six
sentences have been removed from the texts.
smallest of actions made a big difference
– picking up a plastic wrapper, making sure
Choose from the sentences A-G the one parents bring reusable bags to the market or
which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra even bringing reusable utensils and cups to
sentence which you do not need to use. eateries that use plastic ware.
11 How are they going to raise money to fight
1 C, 2 A, 3 F, 4 D, 5 E, 6 B, extra sentence G. ocean pollution? By making and selling craft
items out of recycled plastic.
4 FIND the words in the texts which mean the
1 lobbied, 2 dumping, 3 freshman, 4 orphans,
5 flooding, 6 breeding, 7 wrapper, 8 eateries.
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Word formation: word families (2) 4 The actress threatened not to give any more
interviews if the press treated her unfavourably.
5 COMPLETE the table where you find words
from the texts. 5 My father warned me to avoid taking the
underground at the rush hour.
Base word: wrap, create, privilege, manufacture,
6 Mrs Smith invited Mr Brown and his wife to come
environment, prevent.
to have dinner the following Saturday.
Noun: impression, organiser/organisation,
wrapping, creator/creation, privilege, 7 The students complained about having too much
environment/environmentalist, prevention. homework to do.
Adjective: organised, wrapped/wrapping, 8 The child denied eating all the biscuits in the jar.
creative, manufactured, environmental.
Verb: impress, organise, wrap, privilege,
4 READ the following examples, then say
whether the statements below them are true
6 MAKE suitable variations of the words given
to complete the sentences.
(T) or false (F).
1 F, The question word remains, 2 T, 3 T, 4 F, The
1 privileged, environmentalists, 2 manufacturers, construction of the sentence is affirmative.

wrappers, 3 participated, protection, difference,
4 impressive, organisation, 5 eatery.
5 CORRECT the mistakes in the sentences.

Student’s Book
1 I asked her why she was crying.
C Discussing ideas and relating them to

personal experience 2 They asked Susan if/whether she needed help.
3 She wanted to know how long the film lasted.
7 DISCUSS the questions. 4 He wondered whether there was another way to
Student’s activity. reach the station.
5 We asked the traffic warden when the next bus
8 WRITE a brief paragraph of 10/12 lines
about environmental problems in your area

and what you think could be done to solve

them. 6 COMPLETE the second sentence using the
word in capital letters so that it has a similar
Student’s activity. meaning to the first sentence.
1 why he/she behaved like that, 2 whether the
G RA M M A R 2 teacher had explained, 3 what he had been
throwing into the bin, 4 if I could turn, 5 if I had
Reporting verbs ever been, 6 would meet the next day.
1 READ sentences 1-4 and answer questions
A-D. 7 TURN the following sentences into direct
A suggest (sentence 3), B agree (sentence 2),
C accuse (sentence 4), D insist (sentence 1). 1 What will the ending of the book be like?
2 Why don’t we choose this area for a picnic?
2 MATCH each reported sentence (1-5) with
the corresponding direct sentence (A-E).
3 Are you going to volunteer to clean the beaches of
1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 D, 5 E. 4 Why haven’t you filmed any tutorials to teach
how to reduce pollution before?
3 REPORT the following sentences using the
prompts and one of the reporting verbs given
5 Do not smoke inside the school.

in the box.
1 The shop assistant apologised for keeping us S P E AKING
waiting. WARM-UP
2 Your friend suggested taking the plastic bottles to
the recycling bin. 1 DISCUSS in pairs.
3 Tom explained to his colleague that he couldn’t Student’s activity.
finish the report on time because it was too long.

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C Expressing and defending your opinions 5 What does the name orang-utan mean in the
Malay language? The name means ‘man of the
FIRST Speaking – Part 3 forest’ in the Malay language.
different ways in which we can contribute
6 Why is the snow leopard in danger? Because
it is hunted and poached and shot by farmers
to preserving or improving the environment.
protecting their farm animals.
Talk in pairs about the different options and
how they could help the environment (two 7 Why is the Hawksbill turtle considered highly
minutes). Then decide which two you think valuable? Because their coloured and patterned
would help the most (one minute). shells are commonly sold as ‘tortoiseshell’ in
markets all over the world.
Student’s activity.
8 Which were the two species of dolphin that
Student’s Book

C Developing social interaction used to be in the Yangtze River? The two

different species of dolphin in the Yangtze River
FIRST Speaking – Part 4 were the Yangtze finless porpoise and the Baiji
3 DISCUSSION. In groups of three ask and
answer the questions.

Student’s activity.
1 You hear a conversation about the tiger.
Mandy: Hi Jane are you OK? You weren’t in school
LI STE NI N G today.
WARM-UP Jane: I’m fine, I had a dentist’s appointment. I’ll be
back tomorrow. Did I miss anything?
1 LOOK at the following pictures of
endangered species and discuss in pairs.
Mandy: Oh you know the usual, but we did have
an interesting English lesson.
Student’s activity. Jane: How was that?
Mandy: We started by reading a poem by William
C Listening for specific information Blake about a tiger and ended up discussing how
the tiger has become an endangered species.
FIRST Listening – Part 1
Jane: Is that because of hunting?
Mandy: Partly hunting, partly because their
habitat is shrinking through deforestation.
people talking about endangered 2 You hear a talk about the blue whale.
species. For questions 1-8, choose The blue whale is the largest animal on the
the best answer (A, B or C). planet. These whales are the loudest animals
1 B, 2 C, 3 C, 4 A, 5 B, 6 A, 7 C, 8 B. on Earth. Their low frequency whistle can be
heard for hundreds of miles and is probably
Extra questions
used to attract other blue whales. They are now
1 Why is the tiger becoming an endangered
however an endangered species. The current
species? Partly because of hunting and partly
because their habitat is shrinking through population is thought to have been reduced by up
deforestation. to 90% by whaling in the 20th century. Although
hunting whales is now banned, many are killed
2 Why is the blue whale considered the in collisions with ships or become entangled in
loudest animal on Earth? Because it has a
fishing nets.
low frequency whistle that can be heard for
3 You hear an interview with a nature
hundreds of miles and is probably used to
attract other blue whales.
Interviewer: Why do you think there is all this
3 What is the aim of the current project of interest in endangered species?
awareness of the nature conservationist? Expert: I think it’s because people are genuinely
It is to raise awareness about animals in danger concerned about what is happening on our planet.
of extinction, not just the attractive ones but We have seen so many radical changes in climate
also the unattractive ones.
and in habitat.
4 Why is the elephant in danger of extinction in Interviewer: What are you concentrating on at the
India? It is in danger because more of its habitat moment?
is being taken over for crops and housing and Expert: We have an ongoing project of awareness
also because of poaching for its precious ivory about animals in danger of extinction. Everyone
tusks. is touched by seeing the fate of dramatic and
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
188 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
attractive animals like the panda or the tiger, but 8 You hear a brother and sister talking about
there are also unattractive animals in danger like different species of dolphin.
types of cockroach. Sam: Why did Josie leave so quickly without
4 You hear an Indian talking about the importance saying goodbye?
of elephants in his culture. Sue: She insisted that I was boring her. I was
Elephants are an important cultural icon in Asia. explaining about the Yangtze finless porpoise.
In Hinduism, the powerful deity honoured before Sam: Then I don’t blame her!
all sacred rituals is the elephant-headed Lord Sue: But you’re wrong, it’s fascinating. Do you
Ganesha, who is also called the Remover of know there used to be two different species of
Obstacles. So in some ways it is ironic that the dolphin in the Yangtze River – the Yangtze finless
Indian population is squeezing out the elephant porpoise and the Baiji dolphin. The Baiji dolphin
as more of its habitat is taken over for crops was declared extinct in 2006 because of human
and housing. The other reason the elephants are activity.
endangered is poaching for the precious ivory Sam: But you can’t expect Josie to be interested in
tusks. Chinese dolphins.
5 You hear a biology teacher talking about the Sue: But this one is special. It is famous for its
orang-utan. mischievous smile and has a level of intelligence

The name orang-utan means ‘man of the forest’ comparable to that of a gorilla.

Student’s Book
in the Malay language. Although their appearance
is theatrical, their sophisticated cognitive abilities C Expressing personal opinions on a given

are very human. Like gorillas and chimpanzees, topic
they have been known to use tools. In the lowland
forests in which they live, orang-utans live a
solitary existence. They eat wild fruits like lychees
3 DISCUSS in pairs. What do you feel about
the animal kingdom? Is it our responsibility
and figs, and drink water from holes in trees. They to preserve the natural habitat that supports
make nests in trees to sleep at night and rest the lives of animals? Is it a problem if animals
during the day. become extinct? Why or why not?
6 You hear two friends talking about a snow Student’s activity.
David: What animal is that in your picture?
Lynn: It’s a snow leopard. Isn’t it beautiful? 2 1 ST - C E NTU RY S KILLS
David: It looks pretty powerful. Why do you need
the picture?
Lynn: It’s part of a project on endangered animals. VIDEO
I chose the snow leopard because I read that The Panda Project
there are probably fewer than 6,500 left in the
wild. The largest populations are in China and C Watching and understanding a short film
Mongolia but there are significant numbers in
India and Kyrgyzstan as well. 1 BEFORE watching the video, match the
words (1-5) to their meanings (A-E).
David: Is it being hunted?
Lynn: Yes, it is hunted and poached and shot by 1 C, 2 E, 3 A, 4 B, 5 D.
farmers protecting their farm animals. It’s tragic
as this leopard used to be called the ‘king of the
mountains’ for its strength and agility.
2 WATCH this shot (from 00:00 to 0:18).
What does this animal communicate to
7 You hear part of a radio programme about the you?
Hawksbill turtle.
Student’s activity.
And now we are going to talk about the Hawksbill
Suggested answer:
turtle. You can recognise them by their narrow,
It is an adorable animal communicating peace
pointed beak and a distinctive pattern of scales
and calm.
on their shells. In fact, these coloured and
patterned shells make them highly-valuable
and commonly sold as ‘tortoiseshell’ in markets 3 WATCH the whole video and identify:
all over the world. They live in the tropical 1 It takes place in China in a research base of panda
oceans, predominantly in coral reefs and feed breeding.
mainly on sponges extracted from the reef by 2 He is Zhang Hemin, the Director of the research
their sharp beaks, but also eat sea anemones and base.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 189
3 The narrator says that the breeding of animals
costs millions of dollars. 5 DISCUSS in pairs. Have you ever heard of
conservation animal projects around the
4 Re-wilding the giant panda.
Globe? Have you ever seen documentaries
5 It deals with the training of pandas born in about endangered animals? Share your
captivity to live in the wild. findings with the rest of the class.
6 This project also includes creating new forest Student’s activity.
habitat for pandas.

4 WATCH the video again and complete

6 SURF the net to discover where these
conservation projects may take you.
these sentences about the Panda Project.
Student’s activity.
1 selecting the wildest, 2 life in the wild, immense Here are the most important animal conservation
Student’s Book

challenge, 3 to encourage the mothers, their cubs projects around the Globe:
the skills, 4 are selecting the best bamboo, chase • Panda Conservation in China
off, to climb high, dead branches, 5 the right • Brown bear protection in Romania
training. • Dolphin conservation in Kenya
• Sea turtle Conservation in the Indian Ocean
TRANSCRIPT • Seal protection in South Africa
Narrator: One animal isn’t saving us millions • Asian elephant conservation
of dollars but costing millions. This is a part of • Puma and jaguar conservation in South America
arguably the single biggest wildlife project in • Penguin Rehabilitation in Africa
history… ‘Re-wilding’ the giant panda. It’s not
just the science of breeding them. It’s also about M A N AG I N G P R O J E C T S
creating new forest habitat. And in China, they’re Teacher’s tip This page deals with the 21st-century skill of
planting thousands of acres. Right now, Director productivity and accountability, in particular the ability to
Zhang Hemin, or Papa Panda as he’s known manage projects, to set and meet goals, even in the face of
here, is in the final stages of picking which of obstacles, to establish priorities, plan and manage work to
the pandas has proved itself the most wild. achieve a fixed result. The skills of managing projects allow
you to be much more engaged in the learning process, to have
Whichever does will be chosen to go back into
a deeper knowledge of the subject matter and to have an
these mountains. Preparing these captive pandas opportunity to work on real problems.
for life in the wild is an immense challenge. Papa
Panda and his team have discovered they can
unlock wild instincts in captive-born babies. And 7 DESCRIBE what kinds of projects you have
been involved in up to now. How did you deal
the key is the mother. Papa Panda has discovered with them and what results did you achieve?
how to encourage the mothers to teach the cubs
all the wild skills they need to survive. Nothing Student’s activity.
must escape his watchful eye. Any failures could
mean death in the wild. He watches as the babies 8 READ the chart about the phases of a
project. Then explain each step with your own
learn essential skills like how to select the best
bamboo, or when to chase off animals like this words referring to your personal experience.
nosey civet cat, and how to climb high out of Student’s activity.
harm’s way to avoid predators they may meet in Students should be aware that a project has a
the wild like snow leopards and black bears. clear beginning and end and it has a concrete
Dr M. Sanjayan: She’s really encouraging her baby purpose. Learning to manage projects includes:
to come up. • project initiation: after choosing a subject, it is
Director Zhang Hemin: That’s right. important to think about the final goal of the
Dr M. Sanjayan: She’s really really really showing project
her. • project planning: start by writing what you
Director Zhang Hemin: The baby can learn that in already know about the subject and list the
one day. possible sources of information (textbooks, the
Narrator: The mother knows climbing can be net, books, magazine articles)
dangerous and that getting it right is all in the • project execution: read the sources and make
details, like learning how to avoid dead branches. notes. To make my research authentic, I look
Giant pandas are born survivors, and Director for surveys, interviews, visual information
(graphs, pictures, maps) and contrast the
Zhang knows that with the right training they can
different opinions. Then arrange the information
have a future in the wild.
according to a plan

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190 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
• project monitoring: write the first draft with C Organising a class discussion on a given
an interesting opening, a main part and a topic
conclusion. Check also whether you achieved
your goal
• project closure: choose an interesting form in 4 CLASS DISCUSSION. As an experiment,
go around your school and see how much
which you would like to present your project to rubbish you find in the way of paper, plastic,
the class (a poster, a PPT presentation, an oral cans or anything else. If you have recycling
bins, check that the contents match what
9 DISCUSS the following in groups.
they should contain. Then have a class
Student’s activity. discussion on how ‘green’ your school is. If
necessary, make notices about how rubbish
should be dealt with more efficiently.
Student’s activity.

1 DISCUSS in pairs. Nature, the air we breathe,

the source of food and water, is essential to

our well-being and yet we as a human race

Student’s Book
seem to be doing as much as possible to
destroy it. Do you agree? What further steps

should be taken?
Student’s activity.

C Expressing ideas and opinions in an


2 LOOK at the essay below about the

environment and put the paragraphs in the
correct order. Then add the correct label to
each part.
B, D, A, C.
Introduction: B, One side of the argument: D,
Other side of the argument: A, Conclusion: C.

FIRST Writing – Part 1

3 AN ESSAY. In your geography class, you
have been talking about nature and the ways
we are failing to maintain and preserve our
planet. Now your teacher has asked you to
write an essay of between 140-190 words.
Write you essay using all the notes and giving
reasons for your point of view.
Student’s activity.

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UNIT 9 out, 6 mass production, 7 end up, 8 disposable
Saving our planet
Workbook GRAMMAR 1
Reported speech
VO CA BU L A RY AC T I VATO R 5 REPORT the following statements from the
article on the previous page.
1 MATCH the beginning of each expression (1-
12) to its ending (A-L). 1 Dr Owen explained that it was the idea of bringing
fun and games into a serious topic in order to try
1 J, 2 G/E, 3 K, 4 I, 5 C, 6 H, 7 B, 8 L, 9 D, 10 A,
and enhance engagement.

11 E/G, 12 F.

2 She added that the other aspect she was

2 COMPLETE the sentences with a word
or expression in the box related to the
looking at was actually using games but with an
environmental twist.
environment. 3 She said that her idea was to cover a wide range
of environmental actions.
1 contamination, 2 congestion charge,
3 greenhouse effect, 4 ozone layer, 5 carbon 4 She stated that people were asked to create their
footprint, 6 endangered species, 7 dumping, own eco world by choosing which actions they
8 alternative energy. could take and then add up how much carbon,
money and other resources they would save.
5 She said that they were testing those ideas to
Tow a rds I N VA L S I see if they enhanced environmental education in
3 3.7 READ and listen to the text
about a project to use games to
terms of recalling information and encouraging
people to change their behaviour.
increase people’s awareness of 6 She said she had a lot of evidence of the success
environmental issues, then answer of that card game, but what she needed to take
the questions using a maximum that idea further was quantifiable evidence
of 4 words. gathered from a wide range of the general public.
The first one (0) has been done for 7 She wondered whether there was a particular
you. socio-demographic group it worked best with.
Q1 London/In London/The Science Museum, London. Once she had those data, she could take the
project into the academic world.
Q2 Games/Fun and games.
Q3 Two of the following: (Renewable) energy; Waste;
Water; Transport; Purchasing efficient products;
6 WRITE what the following people actually
Resource use/Use of resources.
1 Jamie said: ‘I’m working in a factory.’
Q4 Their own eco-world/An eco-world. 2 Lindy said to me: ‘I have been working very hard
Q5 To change their behaviour. today.’
Q6 (A number of) universities. 3 Lucy said: ‘I’m not going to watch this programme.’
4 A newspaper reporter said: ‘I have met some very
Q7 A few months later.
interesting contacts through the Internet and I
Q8 An eco-action card game. have arranged an interview with an author for
Q9 As human nature/Part of human nature. tomorrow.’
5 Harry said: ‘I haven’t seen Tom recently.’
Phrasal verbs and expressions for the 6 ‘Whether/If people like it or not the Internet
environment and the opportunities it gives, are here to stay’
concluded the writer.
4 REPLACE the words in italics with the
correct form of phrasal verbs or expressions
7 Harry was taking a long time to get ready, so I
said to him: ‘Hurry up.’
for the environment.
8 The manager said to me: ‘Those problems are my
1 plastic pollution, 2 man-made materials, fault.’
3 recycling strategies, 4 waste system, 5 set

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192 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Say and tell Word families (2)

7 FIND the mistakes and correct them. One

sentence is correct.
11 COMPLETE the table with the highlighted
words from the text.
1 Correct. Base word
2 I told her that I was getting confused. protect, expose, insist, explain, found, confront,
destroy, campaign, regulate, disarm.
3 The teacher was very cross and told the student Noun
not to tell her lies. protection/protector, exposure, insistence,
4 He told her that he could lend her some money. explanation, foundation/founder, confrontation,
5 My brother Jake is very good at telling us jokes. destruction/destroyer, campaign/campaigner/
campaigning, regulator/regulation, disarmament.
6 The little girl asked her granny to tell her a story.
Adjective: protective, exposed, insistent,
explanatory, founding/foundamental,
confrontational, destructive, campaigning,
USE O F ENG L I SH regulated, disarming.

Verb: to protect, to expose, to insist, to explain,
FIRST Reading and Use of English – to found, to confront, to destroy, to campaign,
Part 2 to regulate, to disarm.

OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the

text below and think of the word which best CHOOSE the correct alternative.
fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. 1 director, campaign, 2 suggested, protection,
There is an example at the beginning (0). 3 commitment, promoting, 4 regulation,
1 floods, 2 that, 3 climate, 4 told, 5 said, 6 global, destruction, 5 organisers, admirable.
7 up, 8 say.
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Reporting verbs
Part 4
13 REPORT the sentences using the prompts
and one of the reporting verbs in the box.
For questions 1-6, complete the second
sentence so that it has a similar meaning to 1 The dentist suggested that the man could come
the first sentence, using the word given. Do back the week after.
not change the word given. You must use 2 The waiter apologised for spilling the coffee on
between two and five words including the the customer’s new dress and offered to clean it
word given. There is an example (0). for her.
1 the science museum would be, 2 not to worry 3 The woman invited the boy to her/their picnic on
about him, 3 told the customer, 4 there could be the following Saturday.
thrown, 5 that they had had that, 6 set out all the 4 The trainer encouraged the girl to try again the
rules. week after.
5 The girl accused the boy in the green jacket of
REA DI NG taking her tennis racket.
6 The boy protested to his neighbour that he
First and Use of English – Part 6 couldn’t cut the grass as he had already spent
10 3.8 GAPPED TEXT. You are going to
read an article about Greenpeace.
three hours doing gardening for her.
7 The customer complained to the shop assistant
Six sentences have been removed that he had bought a jumper there the day before
from the article. Choose from the but that when he had arrived home, he had seen
sentences A-G the one which fits a hole in it.
each gap (1-6). There is one extra 8 The girl promised her mother she wouldn’t be
sentence which you do not need back late.
to use.
1 E, 2 C, 3 A, 4 G, 5 D, 6 B, extra sentence F.

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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 193
Reported questions in Bhutan’s Royal Manas National Park in just
6 years. From only 10 individual tigers in 2010,
14 REPORT the following questions. the number rose to 22 tigers in 2016, a step
1 He asked me whether/if I had seen his sister towards achieving the global mission of doubling
recently. wild tigers by 2022. The study goes on to suggest
2 She asked me if I could (please) wait in reception. that this rise indicates that the Royal Manas
National Park could soon hold one of the largest
3 I asked him whether/if he would be staying long.
single tiger populations in the country.
4 She asked me how long I had been waiting for 3 You hear Ruth Ochan, coordinator of Kyanjuki
her. Handcraft Women’s Association, talking about
5 I asked them why they hadn’t mentioned the their work.
problem before. Interviewer: What can you tell us about your

6 The teacher asked her students to stop chatting. Association? Where are you and what do you do?
Ruth: If you ask about where we are, we are
in Kasese District, Western Uganda, and if you
15 FIND the mistakes and correct them.
ask what we do, the answer is we specialise
1 I asked him what he meant. in making handmade woven baskets, beaded
2 He asked me whether I needed anything. jewellery and other crafts for a living and sell
3 I asked the assistant how much it cost. them to both local and international tourists that
visit the Rwenzori Landscape.
4 We asked an official when the next train left. Interviewer: What was the tragedy?
5 I asked her why she was upset. Ruth: In 2013 the whole region was destroyed by
6 I didn’t know where Tom had gone. a massive flood that swept away several villages.
Our efforts are rebuilding our villages and our
LI STE NI N G 4 You hear a forester talking about forest projects
in Tanzania.
FIRST Listening – Part 1
Sustainable maintenance, management,
harvesting and marketing of forest products,
especially timber, in villages around the Ruvuma
will hear people talking about Landscape in Tanzania has led to a dramatic
conservation projects. For increase in village revenue. One community
questions 1-8, choose the best in Nanjilingi village in Tanzania has forged a
answer (A, B or C). partnership with investors to construct eco-
1 A, 2 C, 3 A, 4 B, 5 C, 6 A, 7 C, 8 B. lodges, using the revenue collected from selling
timber. A spokesman insisted that forests can
TRANSCRIPT now support the livelihoods of 87% of rural
1 You hear a man talking about dolphins in the households in Tanzania as well as providing 90%
Amazon river. of the energy used in the country.
For the first time ever, WWF and research 5 You hear an expert being asked about why the
partners are now tracking river dolphins in the Great Sea Reef needs conservation aid.
Amazon using satellite technology, after scientists Interviewer: Tell us about the Great Sea Reef.
successfully tagged dolphins in Brazil, Colombia Expert: The Great Sea Reef is the third longest
and Bolivia, attaching small transmitters that will reef in the Southern Hemisphere and is home
provide new insights into the animals’ movements to 40 per cent of all known marine flora in Fiji.
and behaviour and the growing threats they Unfortunately, recent years have seen the reef
face. As of today, 11 dolphins, including both reel under the impacts of unsustainable fishing
Amazonian and Bolivian river dolphins – two of practices, soil erosion and pollution from farm
the four species of freshwater dolphin found in run-off and industrial waste.
the world’s largest river system – have safely Interviewer: What is being done?
been tagged and researchers are already studying Expert: In order to effectively manage 200 km
the invaluable incoming data. of reef there is currently a shared commitment
2 You hear a woman talking about tiger and passion for the reef which is leading to less
conservation efforts. invasive fishing habits and other conservation
In what is explained as an important victory for practices.
tiger conservation, it has been announced that 6 You hear a farmer talking about producing
the population of the endangered cat has doubled rattan in Borneo.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
194 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Recently a district on the island of Borneo has
become only the second place in the world to 18 When you have finished writing, re-read
your essay and check for any grammar or
produce officially acceptable rattan. Rattan is a
climbing vine-like palm native to the region which spelling mistakes. Check in particular the
is widely used in furniture, handicrafts and other tenses you have used for the verbs. Then
applications. The Katingan Farmers Rattan Group answer the following questions.
represents more than 200 farmers in Central Student’s activity.
Kalimantan in the Indonesian part of the island.
Their success is the result of several years of
work, and provides a sustainable way for local
people to make a living.
7 You hear a fisherman called Christophe talking
to a journalist about becoming a seaweed farmer.
Journalist: Good morning Christophe. Can you
tell us about how you became a seaweed
Christophe: In my small village of Ankilimionga on

the southern coast of Madagascar, most people
are fishermen, but overfishing has made the
amount of fish in the region steadily decrease.

Journalist: And has the new occupation helped?

Christophe: Definitely; I now have 120 lines
of algae, which I harvest two or three times a
month. It is in increasing demand as a health
food. Also the seaweed helps to de-acidify ocean
waters by removing carbon and creates a healthy
environment in which shellfish thrive.
8 You hear a WWF activist talking about a
sustainable energy programme.
A few years ago we introduced a training
programme for sustainable energy to bring solar
lamps to communities still using petroleum. The
training was for women from remote villages
in a range of developing countries, selected
through a village meeting bringing together the
entire community. Along with the women a solar
committee is needed in the village to manage the
administrative, social and financial aspects of
the solar equipment, thus ensuring the financial
sustainability of the programme. Two of these
early ‘solar engineers’ were volunteers from a
small village in Madagascar.

FIRST Writing – Part 1
17 AN ESSAY. In your biology class you have
been talking about how important animals
are on our planet. Now your teacher has
asked you to write an essay of between
140-190 words for homework. Write
your essay using all the notes and giving
reasons for your point of view.
Student’s activity.

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Programmazione per competenze
UNIT 10 • Money and business
Tempo di svolgimento: 3/4 settimane
Traguardi formativi Indicatori

A quali “Traguardi per lo sviluppo delle Che cosa ci si aspetta sappia fare lo studente Su quali conoscenze e
per competenze

competenze” mirano le attività didattiche che ha raggiunto questi traguardi? abilità si sviluppano le

dell’unità? competenze?

Padroneggiare la lingua straniera per Ascolto (comprensione orale) Funzioni linguistiche

interagire in diversi ambiti e contesti e per − comprendere espressioni e frasi usate − descrivere immagini
comprendere gli aspetti significativi della durante una conversazione telefonica − sviluppare la fiducia
civiltà degli altri Paesi in prospettiva legata al denaro (es. 2 p. 133) nelle proprie capacità
interculturale − comprendere informazioni specifiche in un espositive e la fluency
− utilizzare le funzioni linguistico- audio in cui alcuni adolescenti parlano del − esprimere e
comunicative riferite al livello B2 del denaro (es. 4 p. 135) confrontare le proprie
Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento − comprendere un testo relativo alla opinioni
− comprendere le idee fondamentali di testi giornata mondiale del risparmio (es. 2 p. − esprimere opinioni
complessi su argomenti sia concreti che 142) personali su un
astratti − comprendere testi descrittivi complessi determinato tema
− interagire oralmente (es. 2 p. 134; es. 3 p. 138)
− leggere e comprendere testi sia orali che Strutture grammaticali
scritti che riguardano un’ampia gamma di Parlato (produzione e interazione orale) − causative verbs
argomenti − discutere sulla possibilità di avere un conto − uses of get
− produrre testi sia orali che scritti che bancario personale e su un eventuale − linkers of reason and
riguardano un’ampia gamma di argomenti budget per le proprie spese (es. 1 p. 133) result
− leggere, analizzare e interpretare testi − discutere la natura delle start-up (es. 1 p.
letterari 134) Lessico
− esprimere un’opinione su argomenti di − discutere sulla possibilità di aiutare i propri − useful expressions for
attualità, esponendo i pro e i contro delle vicini per attività legate, per esempio, allo money and business
diverse opinioni nell’ambito di una shopping o al giardinaggio (es. 1 p. 138) − phrasal verbs and
discussione di gruppo − discutere sullo scambio di abilità nella collocations for
propria comunità (es. 8 p. 139) business
Utilizzare testi multimediali − esprimere opinioni personali legate ad un − word formation:
− utilizzare l’eBook per svolgere gli esercizi tema (es. 3 p. 142) suffixes to form verbs
in maniera interattiva ed esercitarsi a − parlare delle proprie esperienze relative
comprendere i prodotti della allo spendere o al risparmiare e Key language for social
comunicazione audiovisiva (brani di paragonarle a quelle degli altri (es. 1, 3-4 competence
ascolto e filmati) p. 141; es. 1 p. 142; es. 5-6 p. 143; es. 7 − describing the people,
− flipped classroom: video per la p. 144) the atmosphere and
presentazione del vocabolario e filmati what the people are
che permettono allo studente di Lettura (comprensione scritta) doing in pictures
familiarizzare con aspetti vari della vita dei − comprendere testi descrittivi complessi − greeting/why you are
Paesi di lingua anglofona (brani di ascolto e (es. 2 p. 134; es. 3 p. 138) writing/salutation in a
filmati) formal email
− filmato First exam description Scrittura (produzione scritta)
− scrivere un breve testo sulla possibilità di
Competenze chiave di cittadinanza usare servizi bancari piuttosto che il
− imparare a imparare denaro per pagare dei servizi (es. 9 p. 139)
− progettare − scrivere una mail formale per richiedere
− collaborare e partecipare informazioni relative ad un corso di finanza
− agire in modo autonomo e responsabile (es. 3 p. 144)
− risolvere problemi (decision making)
− acquisire ed interpretare l’informazione Riflessione sulla lingua
− osservare le parole nei contesti d’uso e
impararne il significato
Competenze del 21° secolo
− osservare la struttura delle frasi e mettere
− autorità e responsabilità – guiding and
in relazione costrutti e intenzioni
leading others (Learn by doing)

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196 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Attività comunicative Attività per lo sviluppo delle Prove autentiche Preparazione alla
competenze chiave e strutturate certificazione e
Con quali attività didattiche si raggiunge l’acquisizione dei contenuti e si Con quali strumenti di valutazione
sviluppano le competenze? (formativa e sommativa) si verifica
l’acquisizione dei contenuti e lo sviluppo
delle competenze?
Ricezione orale Imparare a imparare Nelle Idee per First
− ascolto e comprensione di una breve − formulare ipotesi sulla insegnare (prove − Reading and Use
conversazione telefonica sulla coniugazione dei causative verbs strutturate) of English – Part

possibilità di aprire un conto (es. 1 p. 136) e sui linkers of − Fast check (Fila A 1, p. 137

− Reading and Use

per competenze
corrente bancario reason and result (es. 1 p. 140) e Fila B)
− ascolto di brevi testi in cui quattro − usi di get (es. 5 p. 136) − Unit test (Fila A of English – Part
adolescenti spiegano come sono − apprendere strutture e Fila B) 3, p. 137

riusciti a diventare milionari grammaticali attraverso frasi − Skills test for − Reading and Use
− ascolto al fine di individuare tratte dai testi di reading First (Fila A of English – Part
informazioni specifiche comprehension (es. 1 p. 136; es. 1 e Fila B) 5, p. 138
− visione e comprensione di una p. 140) − Listening test − Speaking – Part
sequenza video − apprendere vocaboli attraverso (Fila A e Fila B) 2, p. 141
video e animazioni (p. 133, 143) − Competences − Listening – Part
Produzione orale − approfondire il lessico, le test 4, p. 142
− interagire in coppie o gruppi usando strutture e le tipologie First − Recupero test − Writing – Part 2,
le funzioni e il lessico dell’unità presenti nell’unità attraverso − Easy reading p. 144
− discutere idee e rapportarle alla esercizi (Review p. 145-146; tests (BES)
propria esperienza Workbook p. 80-87; Self-study − Guided tests Towards INVALSI
− confrontare due immagini legate al nell’eBook) (BES) (p. 134-135)
tema dell’utilizzo del denaro
− sviluppare fluency e fiducia nelle Progettare (es. 5-6 p. 143) Esercizi online su
proprie capacità ZTE
− parlare e paragonare le proprie Collaborare e partecipare:
esperienze su un tema dato − collaborare con un compagno o
un gruppo per discutere sulla
Ricezione e produzione scritta base dei dati forniti (es. 1 p. 133;
− comprendere le idee chiave di un es. 1 p. 134; es. 1 p. 138; es. 1-4
articolo e riassumerne il punto di p. 141; es. 1, 3 p. 142; es. 5-6 p.
vista 143)
− leggere un breve testo e completare
gli spazi vuoti scegliendo tra quattro Agire in modo autonomo e
proposte responsabile
− riconoscere informazioni specifiche − riflettere sui propri errori con
all’interno di un testo l’aiuto della sezione Frequent
− scrivere una email formale mistakes (p. 136)
rispondendo ad un annuncio
pubblicitario per potersi iscrivere a Acquisire ed interpretare
un corso di economia finanziaria l’informazione
− ascoltare e comprendere
Esercizi informazioni (es. 4 p. 135)
− esercizi di completamento, vero/ − leggere o ascoltare un testo sul
falso, scelta multipla, abbinamento, time banking (es. 2-4 p. 138-139)
riordinamento, trasformazione − ascoltare per cogliere
− attività di scrittura per memorizzare informazioni specifiche (First
funzioni, strutture e lessico Listening – Part 4, p. 142)
− esercizi in coppia e a gruppi
− esercizi di consolidamento e 21st-century skills
potenziamento (Review p. 145- Leadership and responsibility
146; Workbook p. 80-87; Self- − guiding and leading others (Learn
study nell’eBook) by doing: es. 7-8 p. 143)

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NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................

VOCABULARY ACTIVATOR: Money and business
1 GIVE the English translation of the following words and phrases.


1 prendere in prestito 9 carta di credito, carta di debito

2 dare in prestito 10 conto risparmio
3 pagare 11 conto bancario
4 incassare 12 libretto degli assegni
5 spendere 13 interessi fissi o variabili
6 risparmiare 14 estratto conto
7 scrivere un assegno 15 consulente finanziario
8 versare un anticipo 16 sportello automatico

2 ANSWER the questions.

1 What are the things you can do with money?
2 What’s the difference between a bank account and a savings account?
3 What can a financial advisor help you with?
4 Where do people usually withdraw money?
5 What is a good investment for the future?

3 DECIDE if the following statements are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG). Correct the false ones.
1 The Personnel or Human Resources Department is the one which deals with your application
if you apply for a job.
2 The Marketing Department and the Sales Department are the same.
3 Every company has a large Production or Manufacturing Department where products
are made.
4 Some companies have a Finance or Accounting Department to deal with the money.
5 The Research and Development Department look for ways to improve the company’s
6 The Customer Services Department organises services for customers.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
198 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
Teacher’s keys 1 You can pay for things, borrow or lend, cash in a
cheque, spend money or even save.
2 A bank account has a cheque book and a credit
VOCABULARY ACTIVATOR: or debit card; a savings account has no cards or
Money and business cheques but a fixed or variable rate of interest.
3 He or she can help you about filling in cheques or
Money doesn’t grow on trees unfortunately so we putting down a deposit on an important item like
really have to look after it. Of course, we can do a flat or a car.
a lot of things with money: we can pay for things,
borrow from a friend, lend to them, cash in a 4 From cash machines.
cheque, spend money or even save money. 5 Learning to manage your money is a good
How do you organise your money? Do you have a investment for the future.
bank account with a cheque book and a credit or

debit card? Have you opened a savings account
with no cheques or cards but a fixed or variable
3 DECIDE if the following statements are true

(T), false (F) or not given (NG). Correct the
rate of interest? false ones.
Do you know how to read a monthly bank
statement? Have you ever talked to a financial 1 T, 2 F, The Marketing Department publicises

advisor about filling in cheques or putting down a products while the Sales Department sells them,
deposit on an important item like a flat or a car? 3 NG, 4 F, All companies have a Finance or
Do you use online banking or use a cash machine Accounting Department, 5 T, 6 F, It deals with
to withdraw money? complaints or enquiries from customers.
Money makes the world go round and learning
how to manage your money is an investment for
the future.
Another important civic lesson is about business.
It’s useful to understand how a company works
and which departments make up a typical firm.
The one you may already know is the Personnel
or Human Resources Department, which deals
with your application when you apply for a
job. Then there is the Marketing Department
publicising and the Sales Department selling
the products which are made in the Production
or Manufacturing Department. Every company
also has a Finance or Accounting Department
to deal with the money and perhaps a Research
and Development Department finding ways
to improve the products. Another important
department is the Customer Services Department,
which deals with customer enquiries and
Which department would like to work in?

1 GIVE the English translation of the following

words and phrases.
1 borrow, 2 lend, 3 pay for, 4 cash in, 5 spend,
6 save, 7 filling in cheques, 8 putting down a
deposit, 9 withdraw money, 10 credit or debit
card, 11 savings account, 12 bank account,
13 cheque book, 14 fixed or variable rate of
interest, 15 bank statement, 16 financial advisor,
17 online banking, 18 cash machines.

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Money and business FLIPPED
Student’s Book classroom

Students can be given the Vocabulary video to watch at
OBJECTIVES home and then work on it at the beginning of class time.
Photocopiable exercices can be found on page 198.
The aim of this Unit is to introduce the vocabulary associated
with money and business in a realistic context. The Towards WARM-UP
INVALSI section focuses on understanding and interpreting
information in reading and listening texts. Students also
practise phrasal verbs and collocations for business. The
1 DISCUSS. Do you have a set amount each
week or month from your parents? Do you
grammar covered in this unit includes the review of causative
Student’s Book

verbs and the verb to get. It also introduces the linkers of have your money in a bank account? Do you
reason and result. The First Use of English page focuses on have a budget for your expenses?
Reading and Use of English Part 1 (multiple-choice cloze) and
3 (word formation) while the First Reading presents Reading
Student’s activity.
and Use of English Part 5 (multiple-choice questions). The word
formation section introduces suffixes to form verbs. The First C Learning to use vocabulary in context
Speaking section deals with the practice of Part 2 (individual
long turn), while on the First Listening page, there is Listening
Part 4 (multiple-choice questions). The 21st-century skills 2 5.6 LISTEN to a phone conversation
about opening a bank account and
section includes a video about Pay-Pal: a global currency. The
viewing of the video aims at stimulating social interaction and complete the sentences.
ends with the Learn by doing activity which focuses on the soft
1 cheque book, monthly, 2 savings, interest,
skill ‘guiding and leading others’ linked to the 21st-century
skill: Leadership and responsibility. The unit ends with First 3 credit card, debit card, 4 cash card, 5 online
Writing Part 2 (a formal email). banking, bank transfers.
The Review section checks the students’ progress in
vocabulary, grammar and Use of English. TRANSCRIPT
Bank: Good morning Trustees Saving Bank, Sally
speaking. Can I help you?
Vocabulary Customer: Yes, I am thinking of opening an
Phrasal verbs and collocations for business account.
Word formation: suffixes to form verbs Bank: Certainly, we have different options for
accounts. A current account which comes with
Causative verbs a cheque book and monthly statements or a
Uses of get savings account without a cheque book but
Linkers of reason and result bearing a small monthly interest.
Customer: What about credit and debit cards?
Bank: You get to have a credit card with the
Describing the people in the pictures
Describing the atmosphere in the pictures current account and also a debit card if you want
Describing what the people are doing one. The savings account can also have a credit
Greeting / Why you are writing / Salutation in a formal email card but no debit card.
Customer: What about a cash card?
Bank: The debit card acts as a cash card in any
Self-study and ZTE
The Self-study and ZTE exercises can be employed either
ATM machine.
to reinforce or review the grammar structures and topic Customer: The other thing I wanted to ask about
vocabulary of the Unit. is online banking. Is it a service you provide?
Bank: It is normally a service that we allow
customers to take up after at least a year with
our bank. However, you can talk to a financial
advisor in your local branch and he can explain
the criteria to you.
Customer: What about payments and bank
Bank: You can have payments and bank transfers
done through your branch and when you begin
online banking you can arrange for them to be
done from any computer.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
200 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Customer: Can an account be opened straight Towar ds INVALS I
Bank: If you are over 18, you can open the WARM-UP
account on your own. If you aren’t 18 yet, you
need to get a parent to come with you. The 1 DISCUSS in pairs. What is a startup? Have
you heard this expression? What do you think
process is quite simple and the bank just requires it means and can you name any startups that
you to sign a few documents. you know?
Customer: Thank you, you’ve been very helpful.
Student’s activity.

Extra activity
C Reading, interpreting and understanding
DECIDE which word or phrase is the odd one information
1 research and development, personnel
department, financial advisor, sales
2 5.7 READ and listen to the article and
decide which of the highlighted
department words has the following meaning:
2 online banking, marketing, variable rate

1 custom-designed, 2 unseasoned, 3 stamina,
interest, savings account, bank transfers 4 grit, 5 soar, 6 hatched.

Student’s Book
3 borrow, lend, worth, save, spend, pay
4 fixed rate interest, customer services, product 3 READ the article about startups again, then

design, production department, accounting choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for
questions 1-6.
5 current account, savings, interest,
Only one answer is correct.
statements, cheque book, sales
The first one (0) has been done for you.

3 LOOK at the list of departments in

companies and organisations (1-8) and
Q1 B, Q2 C, Q3 A, Q4 D, Q5 B, Q6 C.

match them to the right picture (A-H). C Listening and understanding information
A 7, B 2, C 5, D 4, E 1, F 8, G 3, H 6.
4 5.8 LISTEN to teenage millionaires
talking about how they made their
4 CHOOSE from the list above the right word
or phrase to complete the sentences.
While listening, match the questions
1 Sales Department, 2 Finance Department, with the correct speaker.
3 Research and Development, 4 Human You can choose each speaker more
Resources/Personnel Department, 5 Marketing, than once.
6 Product Design, 7 Customer Services, The first one (0) has been done for
8 Production/Manufacturing Department. you.
Q1 C, Q2 A, Q3 D, Q4 C, Q5 B, Q6 A.
Extra activity Teacher’s tip In order to replicate what will happen in the
CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the INVALSI exam, you should give students one minute to study
sentences. the task before listening. Then students should be allowed to
listen to the recording two times. After the second listening,
1 I left my wallet at home and had to get my students should receive one minute to check their answers.
friend to lend me some money.
2 We have just bought a new tablet with a
huge discount; it is really economical.
3 Our cousin Betty earns a good salary and
buys lots of famous brands.
4 Excuse me, can you tell me the price of this
suitcase and can I pay by cheque / currency?
5 All items must be paid for at the till and
remember to ask for a receipt.
6 You can have the pizza delivered but they
don’t accept credit cards so you need to pay
in cash.

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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 201
TRANSCRIPT Phrasal verbs and collocations for
A Tony: I started using the computer when I was business
about 9 and by the age of 12 I was writing apps
for smartphones. One of these I sold to Yahoo 5 MATCH the phrasal verbs and collocations
(1-8) in the article with their definitions (A-
for 20 million pounds. It was an idea I had from
trying to find information quickly on the net. I H).
thought it would be great to have an app that 1 D, 2 A, 3 G, 4 C, 5 H, 6 B, 7 F, 8 E.
looked for me and then even summarised the
information. My advice to anyone starting out is
to persevere. You have to make loads of mistakes
6 COMPLETE the sentences using the correct
form of the phrasal verbs and collocations
before you come up with the right solution. from exercise 5.
B Julia: My idea was based on a cartoon. There
Student’s Book

1 staying power, take the plunge, 2 come up with,


was this cartoon for girls called ‘cool girls’ which

was about giving a positive role model to girls turn it into, 3 comes down to, set your sights,
in their teens. So what I did was take one of the 4 pays off, lose count.
characters and make my own website. I created
more characters and the site became so popular Extra activity
I had to get my parents to help out. I had my REPLACE the phrases in italics with the correct
mum draw the pictures because she’s actually a form of the verbs below.
graphic designer, and I made my dad deal with
1 My brother has decided to focus on a new job
the business side. It was fun and I also began to
in finance. set his sights on
make a lot of money. It’s a site where girls can ask
and give advice and feel supported. The next thing 2 I’m rather scared about my oral exam next
was that I wrote books based on the site and sold week but my dad says just go for it. take the
over 100,000 copies! plunge
C Martin: My idea came out of my love of fast 3 Even a tiny startup company can transform a
cars. I began to buy car parts at good prices from multi-dollar business. turn into
Asian suppliers with my own money when I was 4 Finally all my long hours of studying are
16. I knew a local mechanic who was a genius showing results. paying off
with cars and I got him to come into partnership
5 Success in business is basically hard work and
with me. We used the spare parts to jazz up
staying power. comes down to
cars putting in better engines, up-graded sound
systems and luxury finishings. The cars sold really 6 The ability to learn from your mistakes is
well and word got round, soon we were making essential in starting up your own company
a lot of money. After that, we started our own and I can’t remember how often I had to
spare parts company for specialist markets. My correct my errors. have lost count of
next move will be into the clothes market as I’m
already in contact with a rapper who has his own
clothes brand and is looking for a partner.
D Annie: I guess I always had an instinct about Causative verbs
selling. I started selling lemonade in the street
when I was 5. Do you know I made £20 an hour! 1 READ sentences 1-5 and answer questions
Then I began doing magic shows for children’s
parties and organising games for them. When I A have, make, get, let/allow.
was 15, I set up a website teaching people how B 3, 5.
to make their computer safe. I organised online
C 1, 2, 4.
lessons on online safety and on things like how
to get rid of viruses and how to upgrade your
computer. I had people pay for the lessons but 2 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
also made a lot of money from advertisements.
1 make, 2 have, 3 made, 4 made, 5 made, 6 had,
7 let.

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202 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
FIRST Reading and Use of English –
3 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of the causative verbs in the box. Part 3
1 had, 2 made, 3 had, 4 let, 5 got, 6 make, 7 allow. 2 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8,
read the text below. Use the word given in
capitals at the end of some of the lines to
Extra activity form a word that fits the gap in the same line.
CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the There is an example at the beginning (0).
sentences. 1 shopping, 2 delivered, 3 security, 4 payments,
1 My parents always make me finish my 5 unnecessary, 6 contactless, 7 generally,
homework before supper. 8 consumers.
2 I had the computer technician check my
laptop. Now, it works better.
3 Why don’t you let me carry your luggage? It’s
so heavy! WARM-UP
4 I had my hair cut at the new hairdressing salon. 1 DISCUSS in pairs.

5 Did your manager made you work till late last Student’s activity.

Student’s Book
6 He got me to send that email to a distant C Recognising specific information within

relative of mine. a text

4 WRITE two answers using causative verbs

for each of the following questions.
2 5.9 READ and listen to the text about
Time Banking and say which
Student’s activity. activities are mentioned as skills.
Babysitting, volunteering, teaching the guitar,
FREQUENT MISTAKES helping with IT, gardening, bringing up children,
Uses of get acting as a carer for older people, keeping
5 REPLACE the expression using get in the
sentences with the correct form of one of the
communities safe, fighting injustice and making
democracy work.
verbs in the box.
1 understand, 2 rise, 3 received, 4 manage to FIRST Reading and Use of English –
deal with, 5 prepare, 6 beginning, 7 arrive, 8 listen Part 5
to, 9 persuades, 10 are on friendly terms.
the text again. For questions 1-6, choose the
6 MATCH each question (1-8) with the suitable
answer (A-H).
answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best
according to the text.
1 H, 2 D, 3 G, 4 B, 5 A, 6 C, 7 E, 8 F. 1 C, 2 A, 3 D, 4 A, 5 B, 6 C.

USE O F ENG L I SH 4 FIND the words or phrases in the text which

mean the following:
FIRST Reading and Use of English – 1 in return, 2 nearby, 3 owing to, 4 rewarding,
Part 1 5 record, 6 incentive, 7 wellbeing, 8 carer.


1-8, read the text below and decide which
Extra questions
1 What was true about neighbours in the past?
answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There That we knew them well and knew who would
is an example at the beginning (0). do us a favour.
1 A, 2 C, 3 B, 4 C, 5 A, 6 D, 7 B, 8 C. 2 Why does Time Banking make everyone
feel valued? Because people of all ages and all
abilities can utilise and exchange a whole range
of skills.

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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 203
3 How is it a type of skills-swapping? Because GRAMMAR 2
a person can cash in the credit earned from an
hour of volunteering for an hour of learning a Linkers of reason and result
new skill such as being taught how to play the
1 READ sentences (1-7) and answer questions
4 What does the Time Online system do? It A 1, 3, 5, 7, B 2, 4, 6.
keeps a record of all the time credits earned.
5 What did Ian Toplis exchange his computer
skills for? He exchanged them for help with
2 COMPLETE the sentences using the linkers
from the box. You can use more than one
gardening. linker in some sentences.
6 What other examples of activities are given? 1 because/since, 2 since/because, 3 so/
Student’s Book

Activities such as bringing up children, acting as as a result, 4 because of/due to/owing to,
a carer for older people, keeping communities 5 consequently/thus, 6 due to/owing to,
safe, fighting injustice and making democracy 7 therefore/consequently, 8 since/because, 9 as
work. a result/so/consequently, 10 because of/due to/
7 If people share their time and skills within owing to.
a community, how does the community
change? The community becomes healthier and
3 CHOOSE the correct linker to complete the
1 due to the fact that, 2 due to, 3 so, 4 due to,
Word formation: suffixes to form verbs 5 since, 6 therefore, 7 owing to, 8 because of,
5 FIND some examples of this use of suffixes
in the text and say from which words they
9 consequently, 10 because.

derive. 4 REWRITE the following sentences. Replace

because and so with other linkers of reason or
organising (line 10, organise), strengthen (line 11, result.
strength), utilise (line 13, use), qualifies (line 23,
quality), authorised (line 29, authority). 1 She needs to buy a very elegant dress since/
owing to the fact that she has just received an
6 Transform the following into verbs using the
suffixes above.
invitation to a wedding.
2 The student cheated in the test. Consequently/
Therefore/Thus, the teacher put him in detention.
horrify, whiten, characterise, electrify, economise,
sharpen, apologise, beautify, thicken, notify, 3 We have decided to buy a bigger house since/
criticise. owing to the fact that/due to the fact that we are
expecting our fourth baby.
7 MAKE verbs in a suitable tense from the
words given to complete the sentences.
4 The thief was caught red-handed. Consequently/
Therefore/Thus, he was arrested by the police.
1 frighten, 2 individualise, sympathise, 3 identify, 5 We don’t think the young woman would be a
4 lengthen, quantify. good candidate for this job since/owing to the
fact that she is not self-confident enough.
C Discussing ideas and relating them to 6 My son has long been interested in economics.
personal experience Consequently/Therefore/Thus, he has decided to
study finance at university.
8 DISCUSS the questions. 7 The government does not provide enough relief
Student’s activity. money. Consequently/Therefore/Thus, the
number of poor people is increasing.
9 WRITE a brief paragraph of 10/12 lines
giving your views on this form of time
8 I like the view of life young people have since/
owing to the fact that/due to the fact that they
banking or using services rather than money always see the bright side.
to pay for things you need.
Student’s activity.

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204 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
C Talking about and comparing personal
Extra activity experiences on a given topic
CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the
sentences. 4 CLASS DISCUSSION. Choose one of the
questions to talk about to your classmates.
1 There was a terrible flood due to the weather
conditions. Student’s activity.
2 They didn’t raise enough money;
consequently, the campaign failed. LISTE NING
3 People don’t manage to save any money as a
result of the rise of the cost of living. WARM-UP
4 We were thirsty so we stopped to have
something to drink.
1 DISCUSS in pairs.
Student’s activity.
5 I won’t give you any more advice since you
never follow it. C Listening for specific information
6 They rejected his application because he was
FIRST Listening – Part 4

too old for the job.
7 When you speak you might hurt people, 2 5.10 MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS.

Student’s Book
therefore choose the words carefully. You will hear an interview on a
radio programme where a banker

8 The price of oil has risen owing to the
decrease in production. is talking about World Savings Day.
For questions 1-7, choose the best
answer (A, B or C).
SPEA K I NG 1 C, 2 A, 3 C, 4 B, 5 C, 6 A, 7 C.
WARM-UP Extra questions
1 DISCUSS IN PAIRS. 1 Who is Mary Shannon? She is an international
Student’s activity.
2 What is she going to explain? How October
31st became World Savings Day.
C Developing confidence and fluency
3 Who had the idea of the name? An Italian
2 LOOK at the photographs. In pairs, make a list
of useful words and phrases to describe them.
professor, Filippo Ravizza, declared that it would
be known as International Savings Day.
Student’s activity. 4 What was the aim of the conference held in
Suggested answer: Milan? The whole idea was to inform people all
Picture 1: grandmother and grandson, inside a over the world about possible ways of saving
living room, putting money in a jam jar to save, money.
lots of coins on the table, counting money, sitting 5 What happened during the war? Many people
on a sofa, during the day because it is light saw their savings vanish.
outside, enjoying what they are doing, smiling, 6 How has the emphasis changed in more
wearing bright clothes. recent times? Savings day has become known
Picture 2: two girls, friends, teens looking very as Thrift Day and here the emphasis changes
happy, carrying lots of shopping bags, have from not just saving but deliberately not
just been shopping, have spent a lot of money,
smiling, probably outside, with long hair, wearing
casual tops and jeans. 7 Where are the headquarters of the World
Savings Bank? It is based in Brussels but has
contacts in every country in the world.
FIRST Speaking – Part 2 8 Does Mary Shannon save by keeping money
photographs showing different ways of
under her mattress? No she has no money
under her mattress.
dealing with money. Compare them and say
which way you consider a good way to use TRANSCRIPT
your money and why. You have one minute to Radio announcer: Hello and welcome to this
do this. week’s edition of Money Box. Today we are going
Student’s activity. to hear about how October 31st became World
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 205
Savings Day. And here to explain it all to us is Mary: It is based in Brussels but has contacts in
Mary Shannon, an international banker. Hello every country in the world.
Mary. So where did the idea come from? Radio announcer: Thank you Mary for coming in
Mary: The idea came out of an international to tell us about World Savings Day, and one last
conference about saving which was held in Milan, question – do you save yourself?
Italy, in 1924. The conference was organised Mary: Yes of course. There’s no money under my
by the World Society of Savings Banks and on mattress.
the last day of the conference, which was 31st
October, an Italian professor, Filippo Ravizza, C Expressing personal opinions on a given
declared that it would be known as International topic
Savings Day.
Radio announcer: What was the aim of the 3 WORK in pairs. Decide if a Savings Day is a
Student’s Book

initiative? good idea or not. Is it necessary to persuade

Mary: The whole idea was to inform people all people to spend less?
over the world about the possible ways of saving
Student’s activity.
money and above all that putting your savings
into a bank account or savings institution was
safer than keeping it under the mattress or hidden 2 1 ST - C E NTU RY S KILLS
in the house.
Radio announcer: Did it continue during and after
the war? VIDEO
Mary: Of course, the war was a difficult time for A global currency
everyone and many people saw their savings
vanish, but the idea did continue afterwards and C Watching and understanding a short film
reached a peak of popularity in the Sixties.
Radio announcer: Has the emphasis changed 1 BEFORE watching the video, match the
words (1-5) to their meanings (A-E).
more recently?
Mary: Yes, it has because the International 1 E, 2 C, 3 A, 4 B, 5 D.
Savings Day is also known as Thrift Day and here
the emphasis changes from not just saving but
deliberately not spending.
2 WATCH the video and identify the
functions of these shots at the beginning
Radio announcer: So it becomes a no shopping of the sequence.
day. 1 The headquarters of PayPal.
Mary: In a way, but I feel it’s important not to lose
sight of the original intentions behind the day. 2 The founder of PayPal.
It began as an event to make the public more 3 A new form of payment on the Web.
aware of the importance of saving, not just for
modern economics but also as individuals. In a
global economy, savings can become a way that
3 ANSWER these questions about the short
everyone contributes to development.
Radio announcer: What role does the World 1 It came through a web service on the Web.
Savings Bank play? 2 Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in
Mary: They act as enthusiastic encouragement 1989.
to the countless local banks and financial retail 3 He is the man who founded PayPal, a
services. They encourage the smaller institutions revolutionary, international money transfer
to play an active role in the communities they system. He is not as famous as Bill Gates and Tim
serve by staying close to individual customers like Berners-Lee.
householders but also to small and middle-sized 4 It allows ordinary people to move money across
local companies. national borders through cyberspace.
Radio announcer: Where is the day celebrated?
5 At Stanford University, just outside San Francisco
Mary: It is now celebrated in nearly 80 countries
in the 1990s.
covering most of the world. Some countries have
developed symbols and mascots to represent the 6 He met Max Lefchin, a computer scientist, at a
day such as Austria, which has a little mascot seminar. Their collaboration led to PayPal.
called the ‘happy saver’. 7 He considered PayPal an opportunity to make
Radio announcer: Where are the headquarters of money but also a chance of breaking down some
the World Savings Bank? barriers existing between people.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
206 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
4 WATCH the video again and complete
these sentences about the features of
5 DISCUSS in pairs. Have you ever heard
of PayPal? What do you know about the
PayPal highlighted by Peter Thiel. methods of payment supported by PayPal?
1 create a new channel, to move money freely, You can surf the net to look for more
2 the New World Currency, 3 to transform, about information about it.
money, 4 money a meaning, 5 the way people Student’s activity.
would transact money, 6 a sovereignty over their Suggested answer:
money, 7 transfer small amounts of money. You can have an instant transfer with PayPal.
The money you are transferring is immediately
TRANSCRIPT credited to your client’s account. That person can
Narrator: The most important first attempt to then immediately transfer that money to his or
harness a new kind of global consciousness her personal bank account. Remember that you
through the Web came not through any must have a credit or debit card registered with
information-based sites but through a money PayPal as a backup for your funds. It’s just like
service. Back in the late 1990s, one man saw that writing a secure cheque.
the Web’s ability to function globally, unregulated
You can also send an eCheque. This form of

and uncontrolled by individual governments meant
payment can take from three to five days.
ordinary people had a new channel to freely move

Student’s Book
If someone sent you money through PayPal, you
money around the world. Peter Thiel is not as
well-known as Bill Gates or Tim Berners-Lee but have a balance in your PayPal account. This is

he should be. He’s the man who founded PayPal, a applied to your purchases.
revolutionary, international money transfer system. You can register multiple credit cards on your
In effect a new global currency. Through PayPal, PayPal account. In this way you are protected by
money can be moved across national borders PayPal in case of fraud.
through abstract cyberspace. By 2008, it was
handling $60 billion in transactions every year. 6 DISCUSS the following questions in groups.
Peter Thiel: I came to believe that the place Student’s activity.
in which the decision would be made for the
individual or for the State would not be in
the halls of politics or in public debates or in
things like that but in the development of new G U I D I N G A N D L E A D I N G OT H E R S
technologies and that basically the future of the
21st century’s gonna involve some version of Teacher’s tip This page deals with the 21st-century skill of
globalisation and we have to get globalisation leadership and responsibility, in particular the skill to use
to work. And, you know, that means we have to interpersonal and problem-solving skills to lead and guide
somehow figure out ways to break down certain others towards a common goal.
barriers that exist between people.
Narrator: The origins of PayPal lie at Stanford 7 WORK IN GROUPS. Imagine you have been
asked to create a digital newspaper and
University, just outside San Francisco. Thiel met
Max Lefchin, a computer scientist, at a seminar. periodical library for your school. Write the
They hit it off and their collaboration would lead ‘business plan’ for your project.
to PayPal. Student’s activity.
Dr Aleks Krotoski: Now, for Thiel he saw this as
an opportunity to make some money but he also
saw it as a chance to put some of his deepest 8 WRITE a business plan for your project
following these steps:
held beliefs into practice.
Peter Thiel: The slogan we had for PayPal was Student’s activity.
that it was the New World Currency and that Griglia di valutazione: p. 248.
it was going to somehow change the way the
world thought about money, it was gonna change
the meaning of money, the way people would WR ITING
transact and would basically in some sense give
people a sovereignty over their money in a way in
which they had not had ever before.
Narrator: PayPal’s system allows ordinary
1 DISCUSS the following questions.
Student’s activity.
people to transfer small amounts of money
internationally and like so much of the Web, it
caught authority on the hop.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 207
C Communicating in formal emails C Organising a class activity on a given
2 LOOK at the advertisement again and say
who the courses are for: young people. 4 CLASS ACTIVITY. Make a poster containing
essential financial information about banking
how long they last: a weekend.
what will be taught: which accounts to open, services, plastic money, saving possibilities
which savings accounts or options to choose, how and explaining terms like variable or fixed
to use credit cards sensibly without running into interest rates, mortgage, rating and spread.
debt, what are terms like ‘fixed interest’, mortgage Student’s activity.
or rating and spread all about, how to understand
your paycheck.
Student’s Book

FIRST Writing – Part 2

3 A FORMAL EMAIL. Your economics teacher
has shown the class an advertisement for
courses that teach young people about
money. The teacher has asked you to write
an email of 140-190 words asking for the
following information:
Student’s activity.
Suggested answer:
To: Dave Turner

Dear Mr Turner,

I have seen your advertisement for courses about

learning to deal with money and I find it very
interesting so I would like to know some further
details. I am particularly interested in learning about
using credit cards sensibly. I would like to join a
course but would like some further information. First
of all, can you send me the possible dates and the
times of the courses? I would also like information
about the location and if there are buses or trains
that are nearby. Can you also tell me about the
number of people attending and the age range?
Finally, I would also like details about the costs.

One extra question regarding a certificate. Does the

course offer an attendance certificate?

I would be grateful if you could send me all this

information at this email address above.

Thank you for your attention, and looking forward to

hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely

(158 words)

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

208 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
UNITS 9-10 FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Review Part 2
6 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
VO CA BULA RY AC T I VATO R There is an example at the beginning (0).
1 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
1 that, 2 power, 3 get, 4 into, 5 come, 6 since,
7 result, 8 consequently.
1 floods, 2 tornados, tsunami, 3 energy,
footprint, 4 warming, effect, ice melting, 5 rising,
contamination, 6 drought, endangered.
FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Part 3
2 MATCH a sentence form the first list (1-6) to
one in the second (A-F).
7 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8,
read the text below. Use the word given in
1 B, 2 C, 3 E, 4 A, 5 F, 6 D. capitals at the end of some of the lines to
form a word that fits in the gap in the same

line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
G RA M M A R 1 reusable, 2 modernise, 3 contamination,

UNITS 9-10
3 REWRITE the sentences as direct or 4 intensify, 5 reconsider, 6 impressive,

reported speech. 7 recyclability, 8 obligation.
1 Sue asked if/whether Mary could come to the
fashion show the next day. FIRST Reading and Use of English –
2 The personnel manager said: ‘The company are Part 4
looking for new sales staff this week.’
3 The customer asked/wanted to know what
For questions 1-6, complete the second
interest there was on a savings account at that sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
time. the first sentence, using the word given. Do
4 ‘I didn’t take the silver cups from the sports centre not change the word given. You must use
display!’ insisted the young man. between two and five words, including the
word given. Here is an example (0).
5 Jim asked if/whether there would be a vacancy in
the Research and Development Department the 1 apologised for being late, 2 she would not be
following month. available, 3 due to strike action, 4 why he had
6 ‘Unfortunately there is nobody in the customer arrived, 5 let the players replay, 6 to take the
services department today’, said the manager. plunge.

4 COMPLETE the sentences with a suitable

causative verb: let, allow, make, have, permit,
1 allowed/permitted, 2 get, let, 3 make, make,
4 let, get, 5 makes, allowed/permitted, 6 had, got.

FIRST Reading and Use of English –

Part 1
1 8, read the blog below and decide which
answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There
is an example at the beginning (0).
1 public, 2 set out, 3 natural, 4 layer, 5 could end
up, 6 congestion, 7 carbon, 8 wind.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 209
6 REWRITE the words in italics using the
Money and business correct causative verb.
Workbook 1 Let me tell/Allow me, 2 get Josh to play, 3 didn’t
allow the students to consult, 4 made the boy
take, 5 will have my colleague take over, 6 got
Graham to make up with, 7 have your boyfriend
1 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of one of the words or expressions in 7 COMPLETE the second sentence so that it
the box. has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
Use the word given.

1 opened a bank account, withdraw money, cash


machine, debit card, 2 borrow, fixed-rate, variable 1 have your friend do, 2 not allow anybody to get,
rate interest, 3 bank statements, online banking, 3 made me take up skiing, 4 get my daughter to
4 have filled in a cheque, pay. help, 5 let me drive his car, 6 got that pianist to
2 MATCH the departments in companies and
organisations (1-8) to their definitions (A-H). 8 COMPLETE the sentences in your own
words using a causative verb.
1 G, 2 E, 3 H, 4 B, 5 A, 6 D, 7 C, 8 F.
Student’s activity.


3 4.1 READ and listen to the article about Uses of get
concept stores, then choose the
correct answer (A, B, C or D) for the
9 COMPLETE the sentences using get and the
correct preposition or expression.
Only one answer is correct. 1 gets on well, 2 get him to, 3 Get this, 4 get to,
The first one (0) has been done for 5 to get to know, 6 get ready, 7 ’ll get through,
you. 8 get good marks, 9 gets up, 10 get what.

Q1 B, Q2 A, Q3 D, Q4 B, Q5 C, Q6 D, Q7 A, Q8 B.
Phrasal verbs and collocations for
business FIRST Reading and Use of English –
Part 1
4 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of the phrasal verbs and collocations for 10 MULTIPLE-CHOICE CLOZE. For
business in the box. questions 1-8, read the text below and
decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best
1 come up with, 2 staying power, 3 take the fits each gap. There is an example at the
plunge, 4 lose count, 5 come down to, 6 paid off, beginning (0).
7 set her sights on, 8 turn into.
1 D, 2 B, 3 C, 4 A, 5 D, 6 B, 7 D, 8 C.

G RA M M A R 1 FIRST Reading and Use of English –

Causative verbs Part 3
5 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of make, let, have, get, allow.
11 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8,
read the text below. Use the word given in
capitals at the end of some of the lines to
1 made, 2 to get, 3 Will you let, 4 will get, form a word that fits the gap in the same
5 doesn’t allow, 6 made, 7 had, 8 made. line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
1 allowed, 2 mathematical, 3 staying,
4 conventional, 5 characteristic, 6 decentralised,
7 payment, 8 independent.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

210 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
REA DI NG 6 My daughter has long been interested in the Arts.
Therefore/Consequently/Thus, she has decided to
FIRST Reading and Use of English – run an art gallery.
Part 5 7 Our economy does not create enough jobs. As a
QUESTIONS. Read the text. For
result/Consequently/Therefore, the number of
unemployed people is increasing.
questions 1-6, choose the answer 8 I like my best friend’s attitude to life owing to the
(A, B, C or D) which you think fits fact that/since she is always optimistic about the
best according to the text. future.
1 C, 2 D, 3 A, 4 C, 5 B, 6 A.
17 COMBINE the pair of sentences into one
sentence using appropriate linkers.
Suffixes to form verbs 1 Brian finished his homework late, so/thus/
13 FIND some examples of the use of
suffixes to form verbs in the text and say
therefore/consequently, he missed his favourite
TV series. / Brian missed his favourite TV series
because/since he finished his homework late.

from which words they derive.
quicken (line 3, quick), qualifies (line 15, qualify), 2 My son had to skip breakfast because/since he
stabilise (line 34, stable), quickening (line 41, woke up late. / My son woke up late, as a result/

therefore, he had to skip breakfast.

quick), utilise (line 46, use), satisfy (line 53,
satisfaction), reutilises (line 56, use), lengthen (line 3 I haven’t slept well recently because/since/due to
60, length). the fact I am too anxious.
4 He got interested in volleyball because/since/
14 COMPLETE the sentences with verbs in a
suitable tense formed from the words in
owing to the fact his father was a professional
the box.
5 She has had some bad experiences, so/thus/
1 emphasises, strengthens, 2 intensify, heighten, therefore/consequently, she has become more
3 penalise, satisfied, 4 overdramatise, exemplify. careful.
6 The children are being very noisy, so/thus/
G RA M M A R 2 therefore/consequently, I find it difficult to
Linkers of reason and result concentrate on my work. / I find it difficult to
concentrate on my work because/since the
15 COMPLETE the sentences with a linker in
the box.
children are being very noisy.

1 because, due to/owing to, 2 consequently/

so, 3 since, 4 therefore, 5 due to/owing to,
18 WRITE the linker which best fits in each
gap. More than one is sometimes possible.
6 consequently, 7 as a result, 8 thus.
1 since/because, 2 because, 3 due/owing,
16 REWRITE the following sentences.
Replace because and so with other linkers
4 result, 5 so/thus, 6 due, 7 therefore/thus/
consequently, 8 because, 9 therefore/thus/
of reason or result. consequently, 10 therefore.

1 Tom needs to buy a new car as/since/owing to the

fact that/due to the fact that his old car broke down. LISTE NING
2 The child broke the neighbour’s window with his
ball. Accordingly/As a result/Therefore, he had to FIRST Listening – Part 4
apologise to his neighbour. 19 4.3 MULTIPLE-CHOICE
QUESTIONS. You will hear an
3 We have decided to follow an English course due
to the fact that/owing to the fact that we are interview on a radio programme
going to England on holiday. where a financial expert is asked
about the new economy. For
4 The pickpocket was caught red-handed. questions 1-7, choose the best
Therefore/Thus, the police arrested him. answer (A, B or C).
5 We don’t think the young footballer should play
the final match due to the fact that/since he has 1 B, 2 A, 3 C, 4 B, 5 C, 6 A, 7 B.
not enough experience.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 211
TRANSCRIPT using innovations coming out of the tech sector.
Interviewer: Good evening everyone. In our Of course, we still buy and sell products, but the
Understanding the World programme this evening service economy – due to ever more efficient
we have John Melbourne who is an economic technology – is becoming an increasingly
advisor to an international trading company. Hello important part of the global economy.
John. Interviewer: So are we already in this new
John: Hello. economy?
Interviewer: We have had a lot of enquiries about John: We are definitely living in an economy
the new economy. Can you tell us what it really is? that is qualitatively different from the one in
John: The term new economy is a buzzword the 1980s. Fewer people are employed in direct
describing new, high-growth industries that are on manufacturing and consequently we are more
the cutting edge of technology and consequently anxious of being replaced by a machine or

the driving force of economic growth. outsourced, and data has become a currency of
Interviewer: So when did it start? its own. The only problem is that now that the
John: The new economy is commonly believed to new economy is here, we’re not as confident that
have started in the late 1990s, as high tech tools, it was the one we wanted after all.
particularly the Internet and increasingly powerful Interviewer: I’m afraid that due to lack of time we
computers, made their way into the consumer must stop here. Thank you John for your time, you
and business marketplace. have given us a lot to think about.
Interviewer: What was new about it?
John: It was seen as a shift from a manufacturing
and commodity based economy to one that used WR ITING
technology to create new products and services
at a rate that the traditional manufacturing
FIRST Writing – Part 2
economy could not match. The idea that a new 20 A FORMAL EMAIL. Your class has
been invited to attend an Open Day in
economy had arrived was part of the hysteria
surrounding the tech-bubble of the late 1990s the Stock Market of your town. Your
and early 2000s. Without fully considering the teacher has asked you to write an email of
fundamentals, investors and financial institutions 140-190 words asking for the following
bid up technology sector stock prices, which information:
as a result reached unprecedented highs. The Student’s activity.
new economy was variously heralded as the
knowledge economy, the data economy, the
ecommerce economy and so on.
21 After you have finished writing, re-read
your email and check for any grammar or
Interviewer: Was that a positive thing? spelling mistakes. Check in particular the
John: Many believed that the excitement around tenses you have used for the verbs. Then
the tech sector did more harm than good. Many answer the following questions.
potentially good business ideas were probably
Student’s activity.
destroyed, owing to the way these firms were
pushed too hard to become the next Microsoft.
Although the tech bubble has long since burst,
many of the remaining firms like Google, Amazon
and Facebook, remain very innovative and
therefore at the forefront of technology.
Interviewer: So what did that lead to?
John: The tech boom of the 90s, thus leading to
the growth of many new and exciting subsectors
in tech. These include the sharing economy, the
streaming economy, the gig economy, cloud
computing, big data and artificial intelligence.
Consequently in terms of market capital the
companies involved in tech, particularly Google,
Facebook and Apple, have benefitted enormously.
Interviewer: Where does that leave the traditional
John: More and more of the traditional
manufacturing economy is being automated,
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
212 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Programmazione per competenze
Dossiers 1-5
Tempo di svolgimento: 4/5 ore per dossier
Traguardi formativi Indicatori

A quali “Traguardi per lo sviluppo delle Che cosa ci si aspetta sappia fare lo studente Su quali conoscenze e
competenze” mirano le attività didattiche che ha raggiunto questi traguardi? abilità si sviluppano le
dell’unità? competenze?
Programmazione per competenze
Dossiers and 21st-century skills

Padroneggiare la lingua straniera per Ascolto (comprensione orale) Funzioni linguistiche

interagire in diversi ambiti e contesti e per − identificare informazioni specifiche in testi − funzioni per
comprendere gli aspetti significativi della orali in cui si parla di organisations and l’interazione di livello B2
civiltà degli altri Paesi in prospettiva campaigns, civil rights, healthy eating, the
interculturale environment, economics Strutture grammaticali
− utilizzare le funzioni linguistico- − strutture morfologiche
comunicative riferite al livello B2 del Parlato (produzione e interazione orale) di livello B2
Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento − descrivere un acronimo
− comprendere le idee fondamentali di testi − discutere i temi di povertà, integrazione, Lessico
complessi su argomenti sia concreti che diritto di voto, comportamenti relativi al Useful expressions for:
astratti cibo, gestione dello stress, impatto − global issues
− interagire oralmente dell’uomo sull’ambiente, gestione − civil rights
− leggere e comprendere testi sia orali che personale del denaro − health
scritti che riguardano un’ampia gamma di − condurre un dibattito su temi diversi − environmental issues
argomenti − economics
− produrre testi sia orali che scritti che Lettura (comprensione scritta)
riguardano un’ampia gamma di argomenti − comprendere testi descrittivi e
− leggere, analizzare e interpretare testi argomentativi complessi
− esprimere un’opinione su argomenti di
attualità, esponendo i pro e i contro delle Scrittura (produzione scritta)
diverse opinioni nell’ambito di una − riassumere le informazioni fornite da un
discussione di gruppo grafico
− scrivere un’intervista semi-strutturata
Utilizzare testi multimediali − scrivere un paragrafo sull’uso dei social
− utilizzare l’eBook per svolgere gli esercizi media e uno sull’inquinamento
in maniera interattiva ed esercitarsi a − scrivere una lettera formale
comprendere i prodotti della − scrivere un CV
comunicazione audiovisiva
Riflessione sulla lingua
Competenze chiave di cittadinanza − osservare le parole nei contesti d’uso e
− imparare a imparare: impararne il significato
− progettare − osservare la struttura delle frasi e mettere
− collaborare e partecipare in relazione costrutti e intenzioni
− agire in modo autonomo e responsabile comunicative
− risolvere problemi (decision making)
− acquisire ed interpretare l’informazione
− individuare collegamenti e relazioni

Competenze del 21° secolo

− acquisire e interpretare l’informazione
(Information, Media and Technology skills)
− comunicare e collaborare (Learning and
Innovation skills)
− sviluppare obiettivi personali (Initiative &
− creare un piano di sviluppo personale
(Initiative & self-direction)
− sviluppare l’auto-apprendimento
permanente (Initiative & self-direction)

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

214 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
ATTIVITÀ DIDATTICHE Strumenti di valutazione
Attività comunicative Attività per lo sviluppo delle Preparazione alla certificazione e
competenze chiave all’INVALSI
Con quali attività didattiche si raggiunge l’acquisizione dei contenuti e si Con quali strumenti di valutazione
sviluppano le competenze? (formativa e sommativa) si verifica
l’acquisizione dei contenuti e lo sviluppo

Programmazione per competenze

delle competenze?

Dossiers and 21st-century skills

Ricezione orale Imparare ad imparare Towards INVALSI (p. 149, 153, 157,
− ascolto e comprensione di brevi − imparare le abilità richieste nel 161, 165)
descrizioni mondo del lavoro (p. 151, 155, 159,
− ascolto e comprensione con 163, 167)

domande a scelta multipla − approfondire il lessico e le strutture
− ascolto e completamento di frasi della lingua
− auto-valutare le proprie soft-skills
Produzione orale (es. 6-7 p. 166)
− interazione a coppie o gruppi
usando le funzioni e il lessico Collaborare e partecipare
dell’area specifica dell’unità − collaborare con un compagno o un
− creazione di un dibattito attorno ad gruppo per discutere sulla base dei
un tema dati forniti o creare un prodotto (Job
− preparare un breve discorso da gate: p. 151, 155, 159, 163, 167)
presentare alla classe
Acquisire ed interpretare
Ricezione e produzione scritta l’informazione
− comprendere le idee chiave di un − leggere e ascoltare testi descrittivi
articolo e riassumerne il punto di − interpretare grafici (es. 3 p. 148; es.
vista 3 p. 152; es. 3 p. 156; es. 3 p. 160)
− leggere e riconoscere − condurre ricerche su argomenti
l’informazione specifica in un testo specifici

Esercizi Progettare:
− esercizi di completamento, vero/ − elaborare e realizzare progetti
falso, scelta multipla, abbinamento riguardanti le proprie attività di
− attività di produzione scritta studio o di lavoro (es. 9 p. 151; es.
− esercizi di debate 10 p. 155; es. 9-10 p. 159; es.
10-11 p. 163; es. 8-9 p. 167)

Individuare collegamenti e relazioni

− individuare e rappresentare in
modo coerente collegamenti e
relazioni tra fenomeni, eventi e
concetti diversi

21-st century skills

Information, Media and Technology
− access information p. 151
Learning and Innovation skills
− communication and collaboration p.
Life and career skills
− initiative & self-direction p. 159
Life and career skills
− initiative & self-direction p. 163
Life and career skills
− initiative & self-direction p. 167

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 215
Dossier 1 Global ambassadors
GLOBAL AWARENESS British rock band Coldplay have been among
Oxfam’s most popular supporters of the
Skills last decade. They have campaigned in over
50 countries encouraging their fans to stand as
Global awareness includes: one with migrants forced to flee their lands by
• appreciating and respecting personal and terrifying natural disasters, extreme hardship and
cultural differences brutal conflicts. During 2013, Coldplay donated
• being aware of the diverse needs, feelings, an acoustic version of their song In My Place
and views of other people as backing for a unique Oxfam video for the
• communicating and working with people GROW campaign against land grabbing wherever
Dossiers and 21st-century skills

from different countries and backgrounds


Coldplay starred around the world. Coldplay has

• understanding how world issues may affect also drawn enormous attention to the Make
society and people’s lives Trade Fair campaign. In 2005, Chris Martin visited
• being active in society at different levels – Ghana to find out more about how trade injustice
local, national and international affects poor farmers.
As we live in a global world and travel more, and For a long time now, American actress Angelina
increasingly live and work in different countries as Jolie has been dedicating years of service to
part of a multi-national business environment, so UNHCR and the cause of refugees. In her role as
employers of graduates look for global awareness ambassador, Jolie focuses on major crises that
in their recruits. result in mass population displacements. She
has worked tirelessly, carrying out nearly 60 field

Global ambassadors
missions contributing to finding solutions for
people forced to flee their homes.
Bono, the U2 vocalist, was one of the founders
SPEAKING of (Product) RED, a brand which tries to
1 MATCH the acronyms (1-6) with their
definitions (A-F). Then discuss about the
engage the private sector in raising funds to
help eliminate HIV/AIDS in Africa. In 2009 the
goals of these organisations. world’s best-known footballers joined in with the
1 F, 2 E, 3 A, 4 B, 5 C, 6 D. announcement of a partnership between NIKE,
Student’s activity. Inc. and RED. This partnership aimed to deliver
funds to support programs offering education and
medication on the ground, and would also employ
LISTENING the power of sport to involve youth around the
2 6.1 LISTEN to a talk about celebrities as
global ambassadors. Match them to
world in the fight against AIDS in Africa.
In 2014 United Nations Secretary-General Ban
the pictures and complete the table Ki-moon designated the actor, Leonardo Di Caprio,
below. as a UN Messenger of Peace with a special focus
Celebrity Issue supported Action taken
Name: Coldplay, Oxfam, Make Trade migrants forced to flee their Acoustic version of their song In My Place for a
Chris Martin Fair lands, land grabbing, unique Oxfam video
Picture: 4 trade injustice visited Ghana in 2005
Name: Angelina UNHCR the cause of refugees 60 field missions contributing to finding solutions
Jolie mass population for people forced to flee their homes.
Picture: 2 displacements
Name: Bono, the one of the founders raising funds to help
vocalist of U2 of (Product) RED eliminate HIV/AIDS in Africa
Picture: 3
Name: Leonardo UN Messenger of Peace with In 1998 established the ‘Leonardo DiCaprio
DiCaprio a special focus on climate Foundation: brought attention and funding to three
Picture: 5 change focus areas — protecting biodiversity, ocean and
forest conservation, and climate change.
Name: Christina United Nations global hunger She has travelled to Guatemala to see WFP’s
Aguilera World Food maternal and child health programmes.
Picture: 1 Programme (WFP)

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216 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
on climate change. In the same year, at the UN • learn about and support human rights. When
Climate Summit, Mr Di Caprio addressed leaders people have the power to claim their basic
from government, business, finance and civil rights, they can escape poverty – permanently
society to promote climate action for a healthy • fight for gender equality to empower human
planet, sustainable economic growth and better development
standards of living for all. In 1998, Di Caprio had • help people caught up in natural disasters and
established the ‘Leonardo Di Caprio Foundation,’ conflict
which through grant making, public campaigning • share natural resources in a fair way
and media projects, has brought attention • contribute to raise global food supplies so that
and funding to three focus areas – protecting people always have enough to eat
biodiversity, ocean and forest conservation, and • get information about different diets from
climate change. around the world so you have all the food for
Grammy Award-winning singer Christina Aguilera a week laid out on a table before the family. It

Dossiers and 21st-century skills

is among the celebrities committed to using their makes quite a stark contrast looking at the food
voice to spotlight global hunger as ambassadors eaten by a family of six in Chad to the family of
for the United Nations World Food Programme three in Italy.
(WFP). She travelled to Guatemala to see WFP’s • eat less and waste less

maternal and child health programmes. After
having her own child she said she just had to do READING
something to help change a dramatic situation
where a child dies of hunger every six seconds in Towards INVALSI
the world. Teacher’s tip MDGs: Millennium Development Goals, SDGs:
Sustainable Development Goals.
3 LOOK at the chart showing hunger in 5 6.2 READ and listen to the article. Then
choose the correct answer for the
numbers. Summarise the information by
highlighting and reporting the main features.
Student’s activity. Q1 D
Suggested answer: Q2 B
The latest available estimates indicate that Q3 B
about 795 million people in the world – just over Q4 B
one in nine – are undernourished. That means
one in nine people do not get enough food to Q5 A
be healthy and lead an active life. Hunger and
malnutrition are in fact the number one risk to
health worldwide – greater than AIDS, malaria
and tuberculosis combined.
The challenge of integration
Teacher’s tip Point out that nearly half the world’s population
lives on less than $2 a day and 0.5% of the world’s population
holds more than a third of the world’s wealth.
6 DISCUSS in groups.
1 Economic, cultural, linguistic, social, racial.
2 Student’s activity.

Zero hunger challenge 3

Student’s activity.
Student’s activity.
4 DISCUSS in pairs how we can fight poverty
also in our everyday life.
Student’s activity.
Students could develop the following notes:
• use assembly time to reflect on the world
around us

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Teacher’s tip You could ask students to find out how many
Job gate
and which states belong to the Organisation for Economic INORMATION, MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY SKILLS
Co-operation and Development (OECD), which was founded
in 1960 and whose seat is in Paris. (At the moment, there are • Access information
35 countries.)
Teacher’s tip Here are the pros and cons of a semi-structured
7 6.3 READ and listen to the text and
answer the questions. Pros Cons
Provides valuable Can be time consuming to
1 Effective integration policies can enrich countries information from context collect and analyse data.
economically, socially and culturally, generating of participants (and
Dossiers and 21st-century skills

new opportunities for development. stakeholder) experiences.

2 There seems to be the impression that Use of pre-determined Requires some level of
international migration is out of control, that questions provides training or practice in order
governments are feeble in the face of unstoppable uniformity. to prevent interviewer
movements, and that migrants are threatening suggesting answers.
the social fabric of many countries.
Analysing and making sense of the data
3 Migrants and refugees are often vulnerable Here is an example of data collection and analysis template
people fleeing war, violence or extreme hardship. you can make available to your students.
They may have endured great trials, crossing Organise Enter the respondent’s details,
continents, and losing relatives and friends. and manage and consider developing codes
In host countries they are often viewed as a responses to categorise respondents by
threat to local values and cultures, a burden on demographic or knowledge/attitude
taxpayers. traits to help future data analysis.
4 Asylum seekers and humanitarian migrants Identify and Once all the interviews have been
represent only a fraction of total migration flows. interpret common, transcribed, review the data in order
recurrent and to identify common, recurrent, or
5 There is an exaggerated perception of how much emergent themes emergent themes. It is advisable to
migrants cost and how much they access social have a second person to also review
benefits. The evidence reported annually by OECD the transcripts or notes to bring a
shows that migrants are productive members fresh idea or discussion as to the
of society who work in various sectors, set up interpretation of the information.
businesses and have innovative ideas. This can also be where you discard
information that is not relevant to the
6 Xenophobia and discrimination must be fought questions you need to answer. Identify
just like smuggling and corruption and the illegal relevant themes and their codes in the
employment of foreign workers. data collection template.
7 The domestic issues are economic costs, political Entering Enter the responses into the data
costs, instability, and the erosion of social responses and collection template. Responses can
cohesion. coding the data be entered based on the question
number or question identifier. It is best
8 As well as recognising qualifications, there should to enter one theme per line to help
be efforts to improve literacy and language coding, especially if respondents had
proficiency, and provide adult education and both positive and negative responses
vocational training. Host countries also need to a question. In order to analyse
to build ties between migrant and host country the data you have collected, you will
need to code the responses based on
communities. themes.
Analyse patterns Look to see if there are similar traits
Class debate amongst themes between respondents who present the
8 DIVIDE the class into groups to debate the
following issue: Is migration a threat or an
same themes. For example, you may
want to see if there are demographic
(age, sex, household size, income,
opportunity? Then choose two speakers with
etc.) or pre-existing knowledge and
different opinions who will carry out a debate attitude traits that lead to themes
about the problem of integration. Each of recurring. Analysing patterns allows
them will stick to four points: the evaluation to move from a more
descriptive role to an analysing role.
Student’s activity.

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218 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Present your Present the results of your analysis
evaluation by identifying patterns, what this
means for the research, and what
can be done next to improve or build
upon the responses. Add quotes from
respondents to support your analysis.

9 PREPARE a semi-structured interview to

gather data for the following research: My
school/town as a place for integration. Carry
out the interviews, record them, analyse and
report the results.
Student’s activity.

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CIVIC LITERACY 2 6.4 LISTEN to a conversation about the
rights and responsibilities of children
and young people. For questions

Youth’s rights and responsibilities

1-6, choose the correct answer (A, B
or C).
1 C, 2 B, 3 A, 4 B, 5 C, 6 A.
Civic literacy involves asking students questions TRANSCRIPT
like: Presenter: The Convention on the Rights of
• How does government in our community, Children and Youth, adopted by the General
Dossiers and 21st-century skills

our province, our country work? Assembly of the United Nations in 1989, listed
• How do people participate in the rights of children. What is its aim?
government? What is the role of a citizen? Jamie: The aim of this convention is to emphasise
• What rights and responsibilities do you something that adults tend to forget: a child is an
have? What’s the difference between the individual who has the same rights that adults
two? have and no one has owner’s rights over him or
• How do the decisions our government her, including parents.
makes affect our lives? Presenter: Do the children and youth have any
Teacher’s tip Civic literacy can be a bit difficult to encourage
Jamie: In addition to rights, children and youth
in young learners because they have the perception that until also have responsibilities, like adult members of
they are old enough to vote, they are too young to participate. the society. Child’s rights end where the rights
Even young students can be introduced to the idea of rights of another child or an adult begin. Rights and
and responsibilities. You can use family life and school as responsibilities go hand in hand.
examples, and ask them what they’re allowed to do and what Presenter: What are the rights of a child?
they’re expected to do. Discuss with them about things like
Jamie: A child has the right to education, but
fairness, freedom, equality, and justice. Learners of all ages
have opinions about them. You can also introduce the notion of at the same time his or her duty is to attend
taking a vote by making family or class / school decisions. Talk school. A child has a right to health protection, but
about how they feel when they’re not in the majority. they have to take care of their health. A child has
Discuss with them about things like fairness, freedom, equality, a right to free speech, but they must respect the
and justice. Learners of all ages have opinions about them. opinions of adults, without damaging the honour
and dignity of other children. However, as the
SPEAKING child grows, their right to decide increases and so
does their responsibility.
1 LOOK at the pictures and express your
personal opinions about youth’s rights and
Until a child is able to execute their rights, their
parents or representatives will have to do it.
Children have to be protected from mental and
Students’ activity. physical violence, injustice, negligence, abuse and
Suggested answer: other threats. Additionally, adults must establish
These pictures introduce different issues: suitable conditions for their physical and mental
• the right to vote and the question of whether development and the improvement of their skills
the voting age should be lowered and interests.
• the UN’s International Youth Day linked to The basis for a mutually respectful living
youth’s rights and duties environment is mutual respect between children
• the promotion of the active participation of and adults.
young people to the school community to Presenter: What are the general principles of the
integrate human rights, values and duties into Convention?
all areas of school life Jamie: They are:
• the march about women’s rights, a sign of • prohibition of unfair treatment: all children and
enormous frustration felt both by women and youths have equal rights. A child and a youth
men who believe in equality cannot be treated worse than others due to
his/her gender, origin, nationality, race, health
condition or some other reason.

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220 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
• setting the interests of a child as a priority. To I have the right to grow I have the responsibility
guarantee a child and youth friendly society, up healthy with good to respect other people’s
legislators, governments, employees, unions and housing. homes and property.
members of society must evaluate the impact of I have the right to say how I have the responsibility to
decisions and activities on children. Setting the I feel and have my views respect other people’s views
interests of a child as a priority means that the respected. and feelings.
I have the right to an I have the responsibility
young generation’s concerns are paid attention education. to study and to let other
to and their opinion is taken into consideration. children learn.
• guaranteeing survival and development. The
primary obligation of parents is to do whatever 2 Student’s activity.
they can to establish a growth environment for What follows is an example:
their children, which enables them to grow and The right to health.
to realise their talents and skills. 1 I guide my neighbours and friends so that they

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• paying attention to the younger generation’s do not get ill and protect themselves. I guide
opinions. Their opinion must be heard and taken everyone so that they do not eat too many
into consideration. This principle must be applied sweet things and exercise.
to all aspects of a child’s life. 2 My family gives advice about staying healthy,

for example exercising, washing food before
WRITING eating it, and walking/cycling carefully near
3 LOOK at the graph below. It shows the
negative trend of the decline in political
3 My government could help by putting more
rights, civil liberties and freedom in health places and hospitals in communities
the period 2006-2013. Summarise the which do not have them, by vaccinating
information by highlighting and reporting the babies and children and checking regularly on
main features. their state of health.
Student’s activity.
Suggested answer: READING
The graph shows a contradiction where the
political rights decrease but in a minor percentage
in regard to freedom of association. The two 5 6.5 READ and listen to the article.
Then answer the questions using a
rights are strictly connected.
maximum of 4 words.

Young people, social media Q1 More control.

Q2 Their parents’ consent/Parental consent.
and civic literacy Q3 Two of the following: Express opinions; Interact
with peers; Learn about the news; Obtain health
SPEAKING information; Access services.
4 DISCUSS in pairs. Q4 Freedom of expression/Expression and
1 Student’s activity. information.
Suggested answer: Q5 One of the following: Social engagement among
RIGHTS RESPONSIBILITIES youth; Ability to assimilate; Ability to explore
I have the right not to be I have the responsibility not
bullied. to bully others. Q6 (New) barriers (among youth).
I have the right to be I have the responsibility to Q7 Parents.
myself. respect others and allow
them to be themselves. Q8 To ignore the law/Lie about their age.
I have the right to grow up I have the responsibility to
healthy with good food. eat healthy things.
I have the right not to be I have the responsibility not
hurt or exploited. to hurt or exploit others.
I have the right to live in I have the responsibility to
peace. allow other people to live in
I have the right to have a I have the responsibility to
good time. let other children have a
good time.

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WRITING in Scotland, where 16- and 17-year-olds have
been given the right to vote in local and Scottish
6 WRITE a paragraph about your classmates’
behaviour using social media.
parliamentary elections.
16-year-olds haven’t yet experienced the world
Student’s activity. of employment and this may prevent them from
Suggested answer: making a considered judgement at elections.
Social media have become a fundamental part of Moreover, teenagers may be easily influenced by
life for a large portion of the population, especially radical politics or may blindly vote for the same
the young. The use of social media has increased party as their parents.
the freedom of expression for those under the age
of 20, but has made privacy decline. READING
People have created a social environment where
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6.6 READ and listen to the article and


it is common to share lots of information about

themselves and access lots of information about answer the questions.
other people. To put it in political terms, the young 1 Their not being involved in policymaking.
increasingly exercise their right to freedom of 2 They want to know how they will be able to
expression, but increasingly ignore the right to contribute their ideas and experience, as well as
privacy. For the young who have been socialised protect their own interests, in the development of
in this new environment, this is the norm. As policies and the society where they live.
they are experiencing adolescence and forming
3 They have understood that even voting may be a
relationships, they have as much social activity
waste of time and effort, as only a small number
online as they do in person. The more Facebook
of voters in a small number of marginal seats
friends they have, the more important and social
decide who will form the next government.
they feel.
4 They are: to give the subject the status it
deserves, and students’ political organisations the
Young people and their right to vote training and support to do it well; give 16-year-
olds the vote, so that they have an incentive
SPEAKING to learn and participate; set up a commission
on learning for democracy, to build cross-party
7 DISCUSS. What is the voting age in our
country? Are you old enough to vote? Are
support based on evidence of what works.
there any European countries where you 5 To add some political sciences to schools.
are allowed to vote at 16? Do you think that Elections of fellow pupils, or even staff, to class
the 16- and 17-year-olds are too young to and school bodies, referendums on changes
be trusted? Are you interested in political to school rules, etc. all impart some practical
issues? understanding of what democracy means.
Student’s activity. 6 Three quarters.
Suggested answer: 7 They should help students acquire the knowledge,
The voting age in my country is 18 years old and skill and will to own, connect and engage with
25 years old for the Senate. their communities and society.
Some European countries have already lowered
the voting age to 16. Austria became the first Class debate
European country to lower the voting age to 16,
in 2011. Political interest among young Austrians 9 DIVIDE the class into two groups. One group,
as happens in Parliament, has to express
increased when they were given the opportunity the opinions of the majority, and the other,
to vote and had the ability to discuss and debate as representative of the opposition, debates
the issues in school. about these topics. Then choose a speaker in
Norway experimented with lowering the voting each group who will deliver a speech to the
age in 2011, but the effect was less successful. class about the issues above.
The trial saw some but not all municipalities
allow 16- and 17-year-olds to vote. The eligible Student’s activity.
teenagers were generally interested in voting,
but when compared to those of the same age
who couldn’t vote, they showed no sign of an
increased sense of civic responsibility.
In the UK, the minimum voting age is 18, except

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222 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Job gate
Communication and collaboration
10 PLAN a campaign to let the school
courtyard become a parking area for the
students’ bicycles. Write down your ideas
in a leaflet/poster.
Student’s activity.
Students should follow these guidelines:
• analysis of the needs of the stakeholders

Dossiers and 21st-century skills

• answer these questions: What do you know
already? Where can you find the information?
How are you going to record what you have
found out?

• identify the priorities
• team work: remember that you need both
support and resources. Share the work and
wonder whether you need one person to be a
project manager
• establish a precise budget
• it’s important to know and understand your
potential opponents
• discuss ideas with your team and write them
• evaluate what you have done so that you can
do it better next time

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of unhealthy foods, you may find yourself craving
Dossier 3 them less or thinking of them as only occasional
HEALTH LITERACY indulgences.
Think smaller portions. If you don’t feel satisfied
at the end of a meal, add more leafy greens or
How to plan a healthy diet round off the meal with fruit.
4 Eating late at night. Try to eat dinner earlier
and fast for 14-16 hours until breakfast the
SKILLS next morning. Studies suggest that eating only
Health literacy includes: when you’re most active and giving your digestive
• knowledge of health topics system a long break each day may help to
• numeracy skills, for example, calculating regulate weight.
Dossiers and 21st-century skills

cholesterol and blood sugar levels,

measuring medications, understanding LISTENING
nutrition label
• setting up health plans 2 6.7 LISTEN to a talk about healthy
eating. For questions 1-5, choose
People with limited health literacy often lack
the correct answer (A, B or C).
knowledge or have misinformation about the
body as well as the nature and causes of disease. 1 A, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C, 5 A.
Without this knowledge, they may not understand
the relationship between lifestyle factors such as TRANSCRIPT
diet and exercise and various health outcomes. Good afternoon, my name is Amanda Logan
and I’m going to give you a short introduction
to nutrition and well-being. I’ll start with some
SPEAKING simple guidelines to plan and enjoy a healthy
1 LOOK at the pictures and discuss which
behaviours belong to a healthy diet and
diet. Healthy eating is not to do with strict
dietary limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or
which do not. depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather,
Student’s activity. it’s about having more energy, improving your
Suggested answer: health, and stabilising your mood.
Healthy habits are: The cornerstone of a healthy diet pattern should
1 Drink plenty of water. be to replace processed food with real food
Water helps flush our systems of waste products whenever possible. We all need a balance of
and toxins. protein, fat, carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins, and
Avoid to go through life dehydrated – feeling minerals in our diets to sustain a healthy body.
tiredness, low energy, and headaches. Protein gives us the energy to keep going while
It’s common to mistake thirst for hunger, so also supporting mood and cognitive functions.
staying well hydrated will also help you make Too much protein can be harmful to people with
healthier food choices. kidney disease, but the latest research suggests
3 Prepare more of your own meals. that many of us need more high-quality protein,
Cooking more meals at home can help you take especially as we get older.
charge of what you’re eating and better monitor Not all fat is the same. While bad fats increase
exactly what goes into your food, eat fewer your risk of certain diseases, good fats such as
calories and avoid the chemical additives, added omega-3s protect your brain and heart.
sugar, and unhealthy fats of packaged and Carbohydrates are one of your body’s main
takeout foods, avoid feeling tired, bloated, and sources of energy. But most should come from
irritable. complex, unrefined carbs like vegetables, whole
5 Read the labels. grains or fruit. Cutting back on white bread,
It’s important to be aware of what’s in your food pastries and sugar can prevent rapid spikes in
as manufacturers often hide large amounts of blood sugar, fluctuations in mood and energy, and
sugar or unhealthy fats in packaged food, even a build-up of fat, especially around your waistline.
food claiming to be healthy. Eating foods high in dietary fibre like grains, fruit,
Unhealthy habits are: vegetables, nuts, and beans, can help you stay
2 Eating certain foods that are ‘off-limits’ /Eating regular and lower your risk of heart disease and
exaggerated portions. diabetes. It can also improve your skin and even
Reduce portion sizes of unhealthy foods and do help you to lose weight.
not eat them as often. As you reduce your intake Your body uses calcium to build healthy bones
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224 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
and teeth, keep them strong, send messages 2 It can originate from major stressors – like
through the nervous system, and regulate the changing jobs, moving or going through a
heart’s rhythm. As well as leading to osteoporosis, separation – or from chronic sources that are
not getting enough calcium in your diet can also more difficult to understand.
contribute to anxiety, depression, and sleep 3 To keep a stress journal in order to handle
difficulties. It’s vital to include calcium-rich foods predictable stressors and eventually change the
in your diet, and get enough magnesium and situation.
vitamins D and K to help calcium do its job.
4 Avoid and alter. The first refers to the ability to
say ‘no’ or avoid the people that cause you stress.
WRITING The second one refers to the capacity to alter the
3 LOOK at the table. It shows blood sugar
levels. Summarise the information by
negative view of a situation if you can’t change.
5 Exercising to release endorphins, connecting
highlighting and reporting the main features. regularly in person with friends and family,

Dossiers and 21st-century skills

Student’s activity. making time for fun and relaxation and laughing
at oneself, sleeping enough time to fuel the mind
and the body.

Emotional eating Class debate
SPEAKING 8 DIVIDE the class into groups to debate
4 ANSWER the questions in pairs to find out if
you are an emotional eater.
the following issues. Always discuss the
argument and the counterargument.
Student’s activity. Student’s activity.
Suggested answer:
Why most people do not exercise.
READING • They hate it because they sweat or get bored
Towards INVALSI in the gym. Counter argument: you can take a
5 6.8 READ and listen to the article. Then
choose the correct answer for the
walk at lunchtime through a scenic park, for
example, walk laps of an air-conditioned mall
questions. while window shopping, walk, run, or bike with a
friend, or listen to your favorite music while you
Q1 C
Q2 A • They are too busy and can’t find the necessary
Q3 D time. Counter argument: you don’t need a
Q4 B full hour for a good workout. Short 5-, 10-,
or 15-minute bursts of activity can be very
Q5 C
effective – so, too, can be squeezing all your
exercise into a couple of sessions at the

Stress management
weekend. If you’re too busy during the week, get
up and get moving at the weekends when you
have more time.
SPEAKING • They say they are too tired. Counter argument:
6 DISCUSS how you currently manage
and cope with stress in your life. Are your
physical activity is a powerful pick-me-up that
actually reduces fatigue and boosts energy
strategies healthy or unhealthy, helpful or levels in the long run. With regular exercise, you’ll
unproductive? feel much more energised, refreshed, and alert
Student’s activity. at all times.
• They say exercise is too difficult and painful.
Counter argument: ‘No pain, no gain’ is an
READING outdated way of thinking about exercise.
7 6.9 READ and listen to the article and
answer the questions.
Exercise shouldn’t hurt. And you don’t have to
push yourself until every muscle aches to get
results. You can build your strength and fitness
1 First of all, taking charge of your lifestyle,
by walking, swimming, even playing golf, or
thoughts, emotions and problems, second,
identifying the sources of stress in your life.

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• They say they are not confident with their
body. Counter argument: be kind to yourself.
Research shows that self-compassion increases
the likelihood that you’ll succeed in any given
You need safety rules when you exercise.
• Talk with your doctor before you start to exercise
and get medical clearance.
• Warm up with dynamic stretches – active
movements that warm and flex the muscles
you’ll be using.
• After your workout, it’s important to take a few
Dossiers and 21st-century skills

minutes to cool down and allow your heart rate

to return to its resting rate.
• Drink plenty of water. Your body performs best
when it’s properly hydrated.
• Listen to your body. If you feel pain or discomfort
while working out, stop!
Stress is not always negative.
Arguments in favour:
• every emotion exists for a reason and we
adapted to feel stress through evolution
• you need some stress to survive, since the
stress response is one of the ways that the body
protects itself in dangerous situations
• stress can enhance performance under pressure,
helping you rise to the occasion
• stress can fuel creativity, create excitement, or
energise you for an important event or project
• stress lends excitement and vigour to many
aspects of life
• stress is motivating
Arguments against:
• it can become devastating upon your body, your
peace of mind, and your productivity
• it mustn’t be confused with pressure
• it puts your mind and body under strain

Job gate
LIFE AND CAREER SKILLS: Initiative & self-
direction • Manage goals
9 REVIEW your medical history and consider
your current lifestyle. Then plan your
personal health and fitness goals.
Student’s activity.

10 WRITE a letter to the teachers and

administrators of your school to give
advice on how to increase health literacy
among adolescents.
Student’s activity.

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226 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
ENVIRONMENTAL LITERACY 2 6.10 LISTEN to a lecture about the rising
of CO2 levels. As you listen, complete
the notes below. Write no more than
SKILLS three words for each answer.
Environmental literacy includes: 1 its goals, 2 rising pollution, 3 how to strengthen,
• knowledge of environment topics 4 power plants, 5 should decline, 6 coal
• numeracy skills, for example, collecting plants, 7 slowed down, 8 energetic efficiency,
quantitative and qualitative data and 9 transportation and buildings, 10 fall 0.2.
organising them in charts and graphs
• capacity for personal and collective action TRANSCRIPT
• problem solving and critical thinking skills The increase of greenhouse gases
No one can deny the urgency of the major

Dossiers and 21st-century skills

Global emissions of CO2 from fossil fuels
environmental problems, in particular those employed in industry are going to rise again
related to global warming and climate change, this decade. This is a sign that the world is far
because they have become a threat to human life. from achieving its goals to limit global warming.

Thus, there is a serious need for all global citizens While dozens of nations have been reducing their
to acquire appropriate knowledge, increase their emissions for years, the increase of CO2 has been
awareness and take more actions to make these due to rising pollution in developing countries.
worsening conditions less severe. All this could This situation confirms what the countries
be achieved by environmental and scientific that signed up to the 2015 Paris agreement
education. discussed: how to strengthen their efforts to
prevent drastic climate change.

The increase of greenhouse gases

Under the Paris agreement, the world’s nations
promised to keep the rise in global temperatures
below 2 degrees Celsius. For that to happen,
SPEAKING global emissions from power plants, factories,
1 LOOK at the pictures and express your
personal opinions about the effects of human
cars and trucks, as well as those from land use
change and deforestation, should decline swiftly
activities upon the environment. to zero before the end of the century.
Student’s activity. For most of the 21st century, global carbon dioxide
Suggested answer: emissions in the atmosphere have increased at
Human impacts on the environment are varied. a rate of more than 2 percent per year, as rapidly
The common effects include: industrialising countries like China and India built
• decrease of natural resources – deforestation hundreds of coal plants and put millions of new
• greenhouse gas emissions coming from burning cars on the road. The link between economic
fossil fuels, like coal and natural gas and development and emissions growth seemed
petroleum: inextricable.
– for electricity production On the flip side, at least 21 countries have
– for transportation (cars, trucks, ships, trains, managed to cut their emissions significantly
planes) while growing their economies over the past
– for industry decade, including the United States, Britain,
– for the heat required by businesses and France, Germany and Sweden. These countries
houses have steadily transitioned away from energy-
• water pollution intensive industries while increasing investments
• production of a large amount of waste: food in efficiency and the use of cleaner energy.
and garden waste, construction and demolition But there are signs that emissions reductions in
waste, industrial waste, old cars, batteries, these wealthier countries have recently slowed
papers, clothes, furniture, etc. down. In the United States, fossil-fuel emissions
may fall by approximately 0.4 percent this year,
compared to an average decline of 1.2 percent
per year over the past decade.
Much of the fall in American emissions has come
since increasing supplies of natural gas, wind and
solar power have driven hundreds of coal plants
into retirement. However, emissions from sectors
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 227
like transportation and buildings remain high, Q5 G
and with the Trump administration dismantling Q6 B
domestic climate policies, it is unclear how far
Q7 C
the country’s emissions will continue to fall in the
coming years. Extras: D and I.
Similarly, the European Union’s emissions are
expected to fall just 0.2 percent this year, a WRITING
smaller decrease than the 2.2 percent average
annual decline of the previous decade. Global 6 WRITE a paragraph where you explain and
judge the rules about the congestion charge.
emissions could rise again in 2018 without
stronger decarbonisation efforts. Student’s activity.
Every year that goes by without an emissions Suggested answer:
Dossiers and 21st-century skills

peak, makes the job of cutting greenhouse gases The London Mayor’s transport strategy will set
quickly enough to stabilise global warming this targets to ensure 80% of journeys made by public
century, much harder. transport, walking or cycling.
In comparison to London, the same problem – air
pollution – is not different in the city of Milan.
WRITING Although most people use public transport to
3 LOOK at the graph below. It shows
the annual CO2 emissions in the most
get around Milan (57% of all trips in Milan are
taken by public transport, 30% by cars, 7% by
industrialised countries in the period motorbike and 6% by bicycle), the city still
1959-2010. Summarise the information by has one of the highest European rates of car
highlighting and reporting the main features. ownership and one of the highest concentrations
Student’s activity. of particulate matter among large European
Suggested answer: cities. It is for these critical reasons that the City
The graph shows global CO2 emissions from fossil of Milan launched several measures to address
fuels, divided into emissions from China (red), air pollution and traffic congestion. One of these
India (yellow), the US (bright blue), EU (dark blue) measures is an innovative road pricing scheme
and the remainder of the world (grey). There has called Area C, a congestion charge aimed at
been a rapid increase in global emissions per year reducing traffic pollution in the city of Milan and,
between 2000 and 2010 with a trend to the consequently, improving the quality of life for
upper-right corner of the graph. citizens and visitors alike.

Breathe less… or ban cars Less air pollution in towns

4 ANSWER the questions in pairs to express
your personal opinions.
7 DISCUSS the life styles which can help the
reduction of air pollution in towns.
Student’s activity. Student’s activity.
Students should mention:
• the need for a stricter testing and control of
READING diesel cars and trucks
Towards INVALSI • the ban of diesel vehicles in city centres
5 6.11 READ and listen to the article.
Parts of the text have been removed.

the promotion of e-mobility (electric vehicles)
the need for more space for bicycles and public
Choose the correct part for each gap. transport
There are two extra parts that you • greening the city: plants also help improving a
should not use. city’s air quality. They convert carbon dioxide
The first one (0) has been done for into oxygen, filter particulates out of the air and
you. help to cool down cities subject to the ‘urban
heat island’ effect. Parks, green belts and green
Q1 J roofs are very important for a city’s climate.
Q2 E
Q3 H
Q4 A
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
228 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
8 6.12 READ and listen to the text and Job gate
answer the questions. LIFE & CAREER SKILLS • Initiative & self-
1 They are looking for all kinds of air-purifying direction
solutions, from the use of bikes to moss-covered
walls. 10 IMAGINE a project linked to sustainable
mobility in the area you have decided to
2 The architect Stefano Boeri designed two towers, analyse. Then plan your personal proposal.
called ‘Bosco Verticale’, with over 100 apartments
together with nearly 500 medium and large Student’s activity.
trees, 300 small trees, 5,000 shrubs, and Students should follow these guidelines:
11,000 plants. • analysis of the area: stakeholders and
sociological research, points of interests, road
3 He was inspired by a simple scientific principle:

Dossiers and 21st-century skills

trees are the cheapest and most efficient way to
• apps on smartphone, magnetic cards, personal
absorb carbon dioxide.
4 The 20,000 trees and plants across this • buying and maintenance of the bike fleet,

pair of towers can transform approximately taxation on income, rules, authorisation, tariffs
44,000 pounds of carbon dioxide into oxygen to apply
each year. Trees can also keep temperatures cool • either start from dozens of bikes or develop the
indoors and filter out fine dust particles and noise fleet according to a marketing plan
pollution from the traffic below. • record of all the data and analysis. You can
5 A generation that is less into ownership and more collect your data in a graph specifying the
into ‘service provision’. average daily uses per day of the week/month
6 They are often financial, language related or • general evaluation
simply a lack of confidence.
7 The price of annual membership for Nextbike, 11 PREPARE a communication plan for the
stakeholders, that is, a group interested in
Glasgow’s bike-share provider, was reduced from
what your plan proposes.
£60 to £3. It was so successful that subscriptions
sold out in a matter of days. Special events such Student’s activity.
as cycle-in movie nights, group rides and road Students could propose leaflets, radio and TV
skill courses also helped break down the social news, involvement of the Mayor.
barriers that saw bike schemes as the exclusive
preserve of the better off. In Liverpool, bike-share
firms are working more closely with job centres to
offer free membership to the unemployed.
8 It will be the introduction of electric bikes.

Class debate
9 DIVIDE the class into groups. Each group
has to choose one of the following topics and
debate it.
Then choose a speaker in each group who will
deliver a speech to the class about the issues
Student’s activity.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 229
There are many opportunities for economics
Dossier 5 graduates. With an economics degree, you can
ECONOMIC LITERACY work in a variety of different fields from finance
and banking to public policy, sales and marketing,
civil service, insurance and statistics. You can also
Why study economics? go on to do further studies in economics, political
science, business, or a variety of other fields. If
you’re certain your interest is in the business
SKILLS world, an economics degree opens a lot of doors.
Economic literacy includes: When pursuing a degree in economics, you’ll learn
• evaluating costs, benefits, and the a lot of skills and knowledge that you can apply to
limitations of resources your professional and personal life.
Dossiers and 21st-century skills

• using this knowledge to make informed Learning about interest rates, exchange rates,
choices as consumers, producers, savers, economic indicators and equity markets can help
investors, and citizens you make better decisions about investing your
• being able to describe the roles of various money or obtaining mortgages. As computers
public and private economic institutions become more and more important in both our
• identifying and evaluating the benefits and business and private lives, being able to use data
costs of alternative public policies, and intelligently gives you a tremendous advantage
assessing who enjoys the benefits and who over people with fewer skills who make a lot of
bears the costs decisions on impulse.
• understanding the basics of income and Economics teaches students how to understand
its distribution, interest rates, inflation, and identify secondary effects and possible
unemployment, investment, and risk unintended consequences. Most economic
decisions have secondary effects, one of the most
common is seen in taxation. Governments create
SPEAKING taxes to pay for necessary social programmes,
1 DISCUSS your money management skills. but if the taxation is not designed carefully, a
Student’s activity. secondary effect may be to change people’s
behaviour, causing economic growth to slow.
2 MATCH the words and expressions (1-5)
with their definitions (A-E).
By learning more about economics and working
on hundreds of economics problems, you will
learn to spot secondary effects and unintended
1 C, 2 E, 3 D, 4 A, 5 B. consequences in other areas. This can help you
make better decisions about your personal life
Teacher’s tip deadweight loss: perdita secca, perdita di and make you more valuable to business.
efficienza economica You will learn more about how the world
econometrics: econometria
equity or stock market: mercato azionario
works. You will learn more about the impact
game theory: teoria dei giochi economic decisions have on specific firms, entire
mortgage: ipoteca industries, and on a national level. You will learn
more about the impact of international trade,
both good and bad. You will discover the effect
LISTENING government policies have on the economy and
3 6.13 LISTEN to a talk about economics.
For questions 1-5, choose the
on employment; again both good and bad. It
will help you make more informed decisions as
correct answer (A, B or C). both a consumer and as a voter. The country
1 A, 2 B, 3 C, 4 B, 5 C. needs better-informed citizens. Economics is
a very good way of improving public sector
TRANSCRIPT performance. Economics gives us tools to think
Why study economics? more clearly, helping us to understand the
Economics has the reputation of being a dry implications of our possible assumptions.
topic. This is wrong in several ways. First of
all, economics isn’t a single topic, but rather
many topics. It covers many different areas,
from microeconomics to industrial organisation,
government policies, econometrics, game theory
and dozens of other fields.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
230 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
to have some set of people skills to get along in
A beginner’s guide to economics any job, not just those working directly with the
Teacher’s tip demand: domanda
elasticity: flessibilità
exchange rates: tassi di cambio
fiscal stimulus: stimolo fiscale
Gross Domestic Product: prodotto interno lordo
6 READ and complete the self-evaluation
questionnaire about your skills. The
inflation: inflazione assessment score ranges from 1 (low) to
interest rates: tassi di interesse 5 (high).
macroeconomics: macroeconomia
microeconomics: microeconomia Student’s activity.
recession: recessione
stock market: mercato azionario, borsa Class debate
supply: offerta

Dossiers and 21st-century skills

7 DIVIDE the class into groups to debate the
results of the questionnaire. Discuss what
READING you have achieved in the course of your

Towards INVALSI studies up to now as regards each area of the
4 6.14 READ and listen to the article.
Then answer the questions using a
test. Then choose a speaker in each group
who will deliver a speech to the class about
maximum of 4 words. the ‘soft skill profile’ of the group.

Q1 microeconomics and macroeconomics. Student’s activity.

Q2 costs typically decrease.
Q3 negatively impacts sales/impacts negatively on
Job gate
Q4 go up/increase. LIFE AND CAREER SKILLS • Initiative & self-
Q5 buy and borrow more/tend to buy more. direction
Q6 compares to others/compares to other countries’/
compares to another.
8 WRITE a cover letter for your CV using the
following steps.
Q7 goods and services. Student’s activity.
Q8 encourage economic growth/encourage consumer
spending. 9 WRITE your CV. Many companies require the
Europass European Standard Format (you can

Assessing soft skills

download the template at http://europass. You may decide to use
this format or create your own CV. Here are
SPEAKING some principles before you start.
5 DISCUSS. Do you know what ‘soft skills’
are? Do you think employers care about
Student’s activity.
them? If so, why?
Student’s activity.
Suggested answer:
They are interpersonal skills, personal attributes
that enable someone to interact effectively and
harmoniously with other people. Employers care
about them because, regardless of the job, you
will have to interact effectively with supervisors
and people above and below you on the work
chart, as well as others possibly – such as
customers, vendors, patients, students, etc. If
you have a negative attitude, can’t get along
with others, don’t communicate well, don’t work
well as part of a team, and aren’t able to think
creatively and critically, it may not matter how
well educated and competent you are. You need
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 231
Phrasal verbs Give
1 MATCH the phrasal verbs with give in the
diagram to their definitions.
Br e ak
A 6, B 4, C 8, D 5, E 1, F 9, G 3, H 7, I 2.
1 MATCH the phrasal verbs with break in the
diagram to their definition.
A 4, B 6, C 5, D 8, E 7, F 9, G 1, 6, H 3, I 2.
2 CHOOSE the correct preposition/adverb to
complete the sentences.
1 A, 2 D, 3 C, 4 B, 5 D, 6 A, 7 B, 8 C.
2 CHOOSE the correct preposition/adverb to
complete the sentences.
3 FILL the gaps using phrasal verbs with give in
the correct form.
Phrasal verbs

1 B, 2 A, 3 C, 4 C, 5 A, 6 B, 7 A, 8 C.

1 given up, 2 give me back, 3 gives onto, 4 gave

3 FILL the gaps using phrasal verbs with break
in the correct form.
over, 5 giving out, 6 give up, 7 given over to,
9 giving off, 10 gave it away, 10 give in.
1 have broken off, 2 broke into, 3 broke up,
4 broke down, 5 broke up, 6 to break off, 7 to
break into, 8 broke up, 9 broke through, 10 broke Go
out. 1 REWRITE the underlined parts of the
sentences using phrasal verbs with go.
Br in g 1 gone through, 2 gone off, 3 go over, 4 went
away, 5 went out, 6 go ahead, 7 going on,
1 CHOOSE the correct preposition/adverb to
complete the sentences.
8 going up, 9 went down, 10 went on working,
11 went into, 12 went in for.
1 C, 2 A, 3 D, 4 B, 5 B, 6 C, 7 D, 8 A, 9 A, 10 C.
2 FILL the gaps using phrasal verbs with go in
2 REWRITE the underlined parts of the
sentences using phrasal verbs with bring.
the correct form.
1 went off, 2 went up, 3 going away, 4 go ahead,
1 to bring in, 2 brought me up, 3 brought back, 5 going through, 6 went over, 7 go for, 8 is going
4 bring it forward, 5 brings her dog along, out, 9 go deeper into, 10 go on, 11 to go in for,
6 brought my daughter round, 7 bring down, 12 went down.
8 brought forth, 9 bring in, 10 bringing out.
Co me 1 MATCH the phrasal verbs with look in the
1 CHOOSE the correct preposition/adverb to
complete the sentences.
diagram to their definitions.
A 3, B 5, C 7, D 9, E 8, F 2, G 11, H 6, I 4, J 10,
1 D, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C, 5 B, 6 D, 7 A. K 1.

2 FILL the gaps using phrasal verbs with come

in the correct form.
2 CHOOSE the correct answer.
1 C, 2 A, 3 A, 4 B, 5 C.
1 came across, 2 to come over, 3 will the exam
results come out, 4 comes up, 5 comes down
with, 6 came round, 6 came about.
3 FILL the gaps using phrasal verbs with look in
the correct form.
1 looking forward to, 2 looks down on, 3 look up,
3 MATCH the phrasal verbs with come (1-7) to
a suitable ending (A-G) to form phrases.
4 look out, 5 look back on, 6 looking for, 7 look at,
8 look over, 9 looking into, 10 looks up.
1 G, 2 D, 3 E, 4 F, 5 A, 6 B, 7 C.

4 USE the phrases from exercise 3 to write

down sentences.
Student’s activity.

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232 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Ma ke an d d o
2 FIND the mistakes in the phrasal verbs with
1 FIND the mistakes with the phrasal verbs
with make in the sentences and correct them.
take in the sentences and correct them.
1 took off, 2 took it back, 3 took in, 4 took it
1 made for, 2 made up, 3 make out, 4 made up apart, 5 taking over, 6 take after, 7 take up,
of, 5 made up his mind, 6 made up, 7 make up 8 taking on, 9 taken away, 10 took down
for, 8 made off, 9 make with, 10 make up with.
3 FILL the gaps using phrasal verbs with take
2 CHOOSE the correct preposition/adverb to
complete the sentences.
in the correct form.
1 took off, 2 takes after, 3 takes up, 4 take over,
1 C, 2 B, 3 B, 4 B, 5 C, 6 A. 5 has taken up, 6 take it down, 7 take in, 8 did
you take on, 9 take off, 10 took apart, 11 take
3 FILL the gaps using phrasal verbs with do in
the correct form.
back, 12 took off.

1 had been done over, 2 do without, 3 did away Tu r n

with, 4 do up, 5 do with, 6 do up, 7 did for.

1 MATCH the phrasal verbs with turn in the
4 USE phrasal verbs with make and do to diagram to their definitions.

Phrasal verbs
replace the words in italics. Make sure you A 4, B 6, C 5, D 8, E 2, F 7, G 9, H 1, I 10, J 3.
use the correct tense.
1 makes it up, 2 could do with, 3 make up, 2 CHOOSE the correct preposition/adverb to
complete the sentences.
4 make for, 5 done over, 6 made for, 7 making
up, 8 doing them over. 1 D, 2 A, 3 C, 4 D, 5 B, 6 B, 7 C, 8 D, 9 A, 10 C.

5 COMPLETE the sentences using the

collocations with make and do.
3 FILL the gaps using phrasal verbs with turn in
the correct form.
1 does, 2 do 3 do, do, 4 make, 5 made, 6 make, 1 turned up, 2 turn up, 3 turned out, 4 turn
7 making, 8 do, 9 make, 10 do, 11 made, 12 do, down, 5 turned into, 6 turn off, 7 turned around,
13 make, 14 making, 15 did. 8 turned up, 9 turned in, 10 turn around/round,
11 turn on, 12 turned over.
Pu t
1 DECIDE which situation is described in the
following sentences.
1 B, 2 A, 3 A, 4 B, 5 B, 6 A, 7 A, 8 B, 9 B, 10 A.

2 FILL the gaps using phrasal verbs with put in

the correct form.
1 putting out, 2 put up with, 3 putting by, 4 put
on, 5 put off, 6 put away, 7 put back, 8 put
through, 9 put across, 10 putting down.

3 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete

the phrasal verbs with put.
1 down, 2 up, 3 off, 4 away.

1 MATCH the phrasal verbs with take in the
diagram to their definitions.
A 4, B 6, C 10, D 5, E 1, F 9, G 3, H 8, I 7, J 2.

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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 233
4 Josh is very good at acting as well as dancing.
Linkers 5 They visited a lot of castles and also a lot of
Pur po se 6 My father is a careful driver, furthermore, he has
1 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
never got a fine.
7 He won the gold medal in the race, as well as/
furthermore his was the fastest time.
1 to, 2 so that, 3 in order not to, 4 so that, 5 in
order to, 6 so that, 7 so as to, 8 in order to. 8 Besides/Moreover our two dogs, we have a little
2 JOIN these pairs of sentences using the
linkers of purpose. You may need to make

C on tr ast

some changes.
1 She changed the subject so that we didn’t know 1 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
about her mistake.
2 Lindy took a taxi yesterday so as not to/in order 1 however, 2 although, 3 whereas, 4 on the other
not to be late. hand, 5 in spite of, 6 yet.
3 The teacher worked on her lesson plans in order
to be well prepared. 2 COMPLETE the sentences using linkers of
4 I will go to university to continue my studies.
5 He exercises regularly in order to be fit. 1 although, 2 in spite of, 3 even though,
4 although, 5 despite the fact that, 6 whereas,
6 They bought some knives for cutting steaks. 7 on the other hand, 8 however/nevertheless.
7 Concentrate on your exercises so as not/in order
not to make mistakes.
8 You have to register in order to participate in the
3 COMPLETE the second sentence so as to
have a similar meaning to the first sentence.
forum. 1 Although the young boy did not have much
money, he bought a birthday present for his
3 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
linker of purpose.
2 Even though I don’t agree with his choice, I can
1 so that, 2 so that, 3 to, 4 to, 5 for, 6 to/in order understand his motivations.
to, 7 for fear of, 8 so as to, 9 in order not to, 3 Despite the fact that most students in the class
10 so that. agreed that the lecture could be interesting, none
of them attended it.
Additio n 4 No one doubts Brian’s working ability, however it
is not easy to get on well with him.
1 COMPLETE the sentences with linkers of
5 In spite of the snow, we will go jogging.
6 The journey is fascinating, on the other hand, it
1 also, 2 as well as, 3 besides, 4 in addition, may hide some dangers.
5 moreover, 6 furthermore.
7 Whereas Joel had always been self-confident,
Kate had always struggled to find her way.
2 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
1 moreover, 2 also, 3 as well as, 4 furthermore,
5 in addition, 6 also, 7 moreover, 8 besides.

3 JOIN the sentences with linkers of addition.

1 Smoking is bad for your health, besides, many
people are annoyed by it.
2 I think Mrs Smith is rather old for this job,
moreover, she has little experience in this field.
3 The food in this restaurant is delicious, in addition,
the waiters are very kind.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
234 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Paper 1 Reading and use of English – Part 7
Practice test You are going to read about four unusual hotels.
For questions 43-52, choose from the hotels (A-D).
Paper 1 Reading and use of English – Part 1 The same hotel may be chosen more than once.
For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide 43 A, 44 C, 45 A, 46 D, 47 D, 48 C, 49 A, 50 D, 51 B,
which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. 52 B.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
1 D, 2 B, 3 A, 4 D, 5 B, 6 C, 7 D, 8 A. Paper 2 Writing – Part 1
You must answer this question. Write your answer
Paper 1 Reading and use of English – Part 2 in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.
For questions 9-16, read the text below and think Student’s activity.
of the word which best fits each gap. Use only
one word in each gap. There is an example at the
Paper 2 Writing – Part 2
beginning (0). Write your answers in CAPITAL
Write an answer to one of the questions 2-5 in
this part. Write your answer in 140-190 words in
9 was, 10 pull, 11 who, 12 have, 13 by, 14 out, 15 be,
an appropriate style.
16 than.
Student’s activity.

Paper 1 Reading and use of English – Part 3
For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the Paper 3 Listening – Part 1

Practice test
word given in capitals at the end of some of the 4.4 You will hear people talking in eight
lines to form a word that fits the gap in the same different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the
line. There is an example at the beginning (0). best answer (A, B or C).
Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS. 1 B, 2 A, 3 C, 4 B, 5 C, 6 B, 7 A, 8 C.
17 competition, 18 youngest, 19 swimmer,
20 gymnast, 21 known, 22 achievement, TRANSCRIPT
23 international, 24 unexpected. 1 You hear two friends talking on the phone.
Sally: Hi Roger. How are things with you?
Paper 1 Reading and use of English – Part 4 Roger: Hi Sally. Listen I’m calling to ask you for a
For questions 25-30, complete the second favour. My bike’s got a flat tyre and I need to go into
sentence so that it has a similar meaning to town to take a library book back that’s due in today.
the first sentence, using the word given. Do not Can I borrow yours?
change the word given. You must use between Sally: Yes of course. I’m not using it this afternoon. But
two and five words, including the word given. you’ll have to come and pick it up at my house.
Here is an example (0). Roger: Of course. I wouldn’t expect you to bring it over.
25 is being built, 26 wish it would snow, 27 we didn’t How about in half an hour?
have to, 28 we can put him up, 29 is shier than she Sally: That’s fine. I’ll see you then.
used, 30 invited me to the picnic. Roger: Thanks Sal. See you later.
2 A teacher is talking to his class about a trip to a
Paper 1 Reading and use of English – Part 5 science museum.
You are going to read an article about a refugee Ok everyone listen carefully. I’m going to give you the
who ran in the Olympic Games. For questions details for our trip to the science museum tomorrow.
31-36, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you We’ll leave straight after morning assembly and use
think fits best according to the text. public transport to get to the museum. I’ll give out the
31 C, 32 B, 33 D, 34 A, 35 D, 36 B. project sheets that have to be completed and returned
at the end of the visit. Each group of students will have
Paper 1 Reading and use of English – Part 6 a particular area of the museum to visit and write
You are going to read an article about a wildlife about. You can also take photos but remember not to
reserve in Antarctica. Six sentences have been use a flash. At the end of the morning, we will meet up
removed from the article. Choose from the in the museum foyer and go together to their dining
sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (37- area. We will be back at school mid-afternoon. Is that
42). There is one extra sentence which you do not all clear?
need to use. 3 You hear a message on an answerphone.
37 F, 38 A, 39 D, 40 G, 41 C, 42 E, extra sentence B. Answerphone: This is the Smiths answerphone. Leave
us a message and we’ll get back to you.
Message: Good morning, this is the dentist’s surgery. I
just want to remind Mrs Smith that her annual check-
up is due. We have her booked in for next Tuesday
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 235
13th May at 12.30 but if that isn’t convenient she can journeys. The programme after that was due to be
phone the surgery any day from Monday to Friday a sports special about the national football final but
from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and change the appointment it has been cancelled because the match has been
time. Any time next week would be fine but Mr postponed due to poor weather conditions. Our final
Femming will be away the week after. programme of the evening is Book at Bedtime.
4 You hear a man phoning the bank. 8 You hear a student talking to his class about a
Bank: Good morning Central Bank, Peter speaking, how special experience.
can I help? Well I belong to a local choir. We practise once a week
Mr Collins : Good morning. My name is Bill Collins, I all year and give a couple of local concerts, usually at
have an account with you. I need to transfer some Christmas and Easter. This year we were invited to
money to my son’s account in Germany and wanted participate in a mass-choirs concert in the Royal Albert
some advice on how to do it quickly and how much it Hall in London. All the choirs taking part had to prepare
Practice test

would cost. Handel’s Messiah which is an extremely difficult

Bank: I can transfer your call to our foreign department oratorio. We practised for nearly three months and last
or book an appointment for you to see an advisor. weekend we all travelled down to London to perform. It
Mr Collins: I think I’d rather come in and talk to was a truly amazing experience. There were 100 choirs
someone. Is an advisor available this afternoon? from all over the country singing together in front of a
Bank: You could see Miss Elliot at 2.30 or Mr massive audience.
Thompson at 4.
Mr Collins: Miss Elliot at 2.30 is fine. Thank you for Paper 3 Listening – Part 2
your help. 4.5 You will hear an Australian nature
5 You hear a young girl commenting on a talk she has correspondent talking about Australian animals.
just heard. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with
I have been wondering for some time now about a word or short phrase.
what career I should be aiming for. It is such a difficult 9 best-known, 10 average house cat, 11 140 species,
decision as there are lots of subjects I enjoy. I like 12 half a kilogram, 13 not a bear, 14 36 kilogrammes,
languages, sciences and literature but I don’t have any 15 like a duck, 16 flightless emu, 17 freshwater
particular profession in mind. Anyway, I’ve just been to crocodile, 18 the whales.
this talk about career choices and it’s made me think.
According to the speaker there are lots of jobs people TRANSCRIPT
are doing now, that could disappear in the future. He Radio announcer: Good evening everyone and
talked about robot cleaning ladies, automated factories welcome to another edition of Wildlife. In this
with no workers, online schools with no teachers. Truly programme, we’re going to hear about unique
amazing! Australian animals from our Australian nature
6 You hear two friends meet after school. correspondent Stuart Fraser. Hi Stuart.
Tony: Hey Alex you’re looking a bit fed up. Anything Stuart: Hi all. Well I guess the best-known Aussie
wrong? animals are the mammals and marsupials. The dingo,
Alex: Yes, I’ve just heard I haven’t been picked for the or wild dog, is our largest carnivorous mammal, while
school rugby team. the numbat, quoll and Tasmanian devil are each
Tony: Sorry to hear that and you’re such a good player! generally the size of an average house cat. Australia
Alex: I’m particularly disappointed because they’re has more than 140 species of marsupials, including
playing against my cousin’s school next week. He’s in kangaroos, wallabies, koalas, and wombats. Our 55
his school team and I wanted to play against him – different native species of kangaroos and wallabies
and win. vary greatly in size and weight, ranging from half a
Tony: I’m sure you’ll get another chance to try for the kilogram to 90 kilograms. You come across kangaroos
team. and wallabies in the National Parks, in the bush and if
Alex: I hope so, I’ve been practising really hard but I you’re not careful, on the roads! Despite popular belief,
guess it just wasn’t enough. our native koala is not a bear. In fact, they can be rather
Tony: Come on, let me offer you a drink in the bar. vicious so beware. You can see them in the wild or in
7 You hear a radio announcer talking about the sanctuaries. This is also where you can see another
evening’s programmes. famous Aussie symbol, the wombat. This is a stout,
In a few minutes we’ll go over the news desk burrowing animal that can weigh up to 36 kilograms.
for the latest news and current events. In the Another animal group unique to Australia is the
meantime, I can tell you about some of this evening’s monotremes, or egg-laying mammals. The most
programmes. After the news we have our weekly distinctive is the platypus, a river-dwelling animal with
science programme, What’s new in science? And that a bill like a duck, a furry waterproof body and webbed
is followed by a new programme based on historic feet.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
236 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
We have more than 800 species of birds in Australia, Juarez, amongst many other sights ranging from nine
and about half cannot be found anywhere else. They to 20 feet underwater.
range from tiny honeyeaters to the large, flightless 2 I would like to talk about the Kafka Museum in the
emu, which stands nearly two metres tall. See Czech Republic. Many museums dedicated to authors
cassowaries in our tropical rainforest, kookaburras in try to recreate the intricate worlds of the books, be
our open woodlands and emus in sclerophyll forests it the Victoriana of Dickens or the quaint countryside
and savanna woodlands. You can also get up close of Beatrix Potter. However, when an author is known
to penguins on Kangaroo Island in South Australia for his books about paranoia, purgatorial dread and
and Philip Island in Victoria. There are 55 species of psychological horror, this approach seems a bad idea.
parrots in Australia, including a spectacular variety of Alongside artefacts and history from the author’s life
cockatoos, parakeets and budgerigars, which are seen are pieces like a replica of the torture machine from his
in rural and urban areas. short story In the Penal Colony.
You may be surprised to hear that Australia has more 3 For most of us, broken and failed relationships are
venomous snakes than any other continent, 21 of the things we want to quickly recover from and never
world’s 25 deadliest in fact. We are, of course, famous see again. The Museum of Broken Relationships in
for our crocodiles, and host two different species, the Croatia, however, takes a different path, sharing in the
freshwater crocodile, which is found nowhere else in collective misery of love gone wrong. Exhibits include

the world, and the estuarine crocodile, also known video confessionals, items full of romantic memories
as the saltwater crocodile. Of the seven species of gone sour and, in one case, an axe that a woman used

Practice test
marine turtles in the world, six can be found here to dismantle her ex’s furniture when she was jilted. Call
including the flatback turtle, green turtle, hawksbill it schadenfreude of the worst kind, but this acclaimed
turtle, leatherback turtle, loggerhead turtle and olive museum manages to get great entertainment out of
ridley turtle. There is also an amazing array of lizards, one of life’s most painful events.
‘dragons’ and goannas (monitor lizards), such as the 4 My choice to speak about is a very unusual museum.
spectacular frilled-neck lizard and bearded dragon. It is the Museum Of Bad Art, in Massachusetts USA.
We also have the world’s largest coral reef system, the The thinking behind this museum is simple: Why see
World Heritage-listed Great Barrier Reef, where there a masterpiece when you can see a room full of art so
are countless species of colourful fish, including the bad that even the world’s kindest mother would not
beautiful clownfish seen in Finding Dory. put it on the fridge as an example of her child’s art?
Larger marine species include the humpback, southern Psychotic surrealism, lacklustre landscapes and just
right and orca whales, the dugong, or manatee, several pure bad taste abound in these sites, creating a rare
dolphin species and a number of different sharks. If art gallery where your child could definitely have done
you’re lucky you can catch a glimpse of the whales better.
during their migration along the east coast from May 5 Technically an information centre rather than a
to November, or if you’re a courageous and strong museum proper, the architecture of the Sheep And Dog
swimmer you could try swimming with gentle whale Building in New Zealand is so bizarre it blows proper
sharks on Ningaloo Reef in Western Australia. reasoning out of the window. As the name suggests,
the long building is shaped on the one side like a sheep,
Paper 3 Listening – Part 3 and on the other as a dog, with neither end having
4.6 You will hear five different people talking any real rhyme or reason. Apparently an example of
about unusual museums. For questions 19-23, ‘mimetic architecture’, when it comes to New Zealand
choose from the list (A-H) what characterises landmarks, this one is a lot more representative of the
each museum. Use the letters only once. There are folky novelty Flight of the Conchords than the epic,
three extra letters which you do not need to use. overblown beauty of the Lord of the Rings series.
Speaker 1 F, Speaker 2 B, Speaker 3 C, Speaker 4
H, Speaker 5 E, extra letters A, D and G. Paper 3 Listening – Part 4
4.7 You will hear an interview on a radio
TRANSCRIPT programme about life in the Outer Hebrides. For
1 The Cancun Underwater Museum in Mexico is questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or
perhaps the only museum in the world that you need C).
scuba gear to enter. Museo Subacuatico de Arte is 24 B, 25 A, 26 C, 27 B, 28 C, 29 A, 30 B.
a submerged sculptural extravaganza found in one
of the world’s clearest bodies of water, the Mexican TRANSCRIPT
National Marine Park in the Caribbean. Visitors to Interviewer: Scotland’s Outer Hebrides can be rainy,
this aquatic art gallery can expect to find more than remote and cold – yet their inhabitants rank as being
400 sculptures, depicting residents and even some among the happiest people in the UK. What is their
celebrities of Cancun, Playa del Carmen and Puerto secret? To find out we’re going to talk to one of the
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 237
inhabitants who left, and has come back to visit, Interviewer: It sounds almost too good to be true.
Kathryn Macleod. So Kathryn, what’s the secret? Kathryn: I really believe there is a genuine sense
Kathryn: I grew up on these islands and couldn’t wait of belonging here. I know it sounds quite romantic,
to get away. In fact, for the last three years I’ve been but as Hebrideans, we always carry the place in our
living in New York City. This visit is my first time back heart. I think it’s deeper than community; I think it’s
and from when I arrived back I’ve been blown away by connection. I keep calling it a sense of place. The
the physical beauty of the place. natural beauty is outstanding and there’s something
Interviewer: Is it just like you remember? for everyone, but what makes it unique is the people.
Kathryn: It is definitely as beautiful as I remembered. I Interviewer: Does that mean you’ll be staying?
love the wild flowers and the heather on the moorland Kathryn: I wish I could. It’s a question of earning a
that covers the interior of the islands. living, but when I leave and watch the moorland, lochs
Interviewer: Did you know that after you left, the and beaches disappear beneath the clouds, I feel that
Practice test

islands made the headlines as one of happiest places I will carry it within me till I return and yes, I’m not
in Britain? According to the annual wellbeing survey surprised the Outer Hebrides is considered one of the
published by the Office of National Statistics (ONS), happiest places in Britain.
respondents in the Outer Hebrides returned the highest
ratings for the question ‘How happy did you feel Paper 4 Speaking – Part 1
yesterday?’ out of any other residents in the UK. They Student’s activity.
came out in the top five in terms of life satisfaction,
too. Paper 4 Speaking – Part 2
Kathryn: When I read about this, I was amazed. I kept Student’s activity.
asking myself how this had happened and the answer
seems to be in the link between our environment Paper 4 Speaking – Part 3
and our happiness. I spoke to a University of Sussex Student’s activity.
lecturer, George Mackerron, who told me that people
are happier in natural environments, and the happiest Paper 4 Speaking – Part 4
environments, by far, are marine and coastal areas. Student’s activity.
Interviewer: Yes, it seems there is evidence that being
near the water, or what is called ‘blue space’, can
potentially make us happier – and of course, the sea is
never far away in the Outer Hebrides.
Kathryn: I think the sea has a fundamental role here.
On the west coast of the Isle of Harris, the water is
every shade from deep navy to bright turquoise. In
North and South Uist, it can feel as if it is following you
as sea lochs stretch their fingers inland. In the now-
uninhabited Shiant Isles there are thousands of puffins
and guillemots diving into clear waters, filling watchers
with awe.
Interviewer: But of course, the natural landscape is
not as beautiful all year round. When that scenery is
hidden by rain, the winter days are long and dark, and
the wind can reach 100 miles per hour. What else
keeps people in the Outer Hebrides happy?
Kathryn: I believe it’s the people. Every community
needs social hubs. We’ve got quite a few here, and
every community in the Western Isles will have their
own. When it comes to our sense of well-being,
research confirms the importance of these kinds of
social ties. A well-known Canadian economist, John
F Helliwell, says: ‘A sense of community belonging
has the largest impact in explaining inter-community
differences in average life satisfaction.’ His research
in Canada has found that smaller communities have,
on average, a higher sense of community belonging,
higher levels of trust in neighbours and more time
spent with family and friends.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
238 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................

LEARN BY DOING U1: Competenze di base – Asse dei linguaggi: Utilizzare una lingua straniera per i principali scopi comunicativi ed
operativi; Utilizzare e produrre testi multimediali
Competenza chiave europea: Competenza multilinguistica

□ Individua e seleziona diverse informazioni e le

Competenza personale, ACQUISIZIONE E
organizza in modo puntuale facendo collegamenti con
sociale e capacità di Imparare a imparare GESTIONE DELLE
le conoscenze acquisite in precedenza per rispondere
imparare a imparare INFORMAZIONI
alle consegne in modo personale.
Learn by doing
Griglie di valutazione

□ Conosce, individua e gestisce le fasi progettuali in

situazioni di relativa complessità e le pianifica con
creatività e capacità di individuare azioni correttive in
PIANIFICAZIONE E fase di revisione.
ORGANIZZAZIONE DEL Utilizza in maniera completa le conoscenze apprese
PROPRIO LAVORO e approfondite per ideare, pianificare e realizzare un
Critical thinking and Organizza in autonomia il proprio lavoro in funzione
problem solving dei tempi disponibili rispettando le scadenze.

□ Affronta in modo efficace situazioni problematiche

Risolvere problemi RISOLUZIONE DI
ipotizzando anche soluzioni alternative efficaci.
(decision making) SITUAZIONI
Si confronta con novità e imprevisti con sicurezza e

UTILIZZO DELLE □ Usa le tecnologie della comunicazione per ricercare

TECNOLOGIE PER LA un’ampia quantità di informazioni e immagini e
Competenza digitale
PRODUZIONE DI TESTI produce testi con supporti multimediali utilizzando il
MULTIMEDIALI software in modo esperto e autonomo.

□ Il piano (plan) contiene tutte le parti e le informazioni

ORGANIZZAZIONE utili e pertinenti a sviluppare la consegna; i dati sono
DELLE INFORMAZIONI inseriti in modo funzionale allo scopo finale e collegati
Competenza tra loro in forma organica ed originale.
□ La parte grafica della presentazione è pienamente
Competenza digitale REQUISITI GRAFICI DEL adeguata al contesto; c’è ottimo equilibrio fra testo e
PIANO (PLAN) immagini; la schematizzazione è efficace, i caratteri
sono chiari e di immediata leggibilità.

□ Comunica le idee con entusiasmo e con un appropriato

tono di voce e una buona pronuncia; l’esposizione
segue rigorosamente un percorso logico e coerente.


□ Il linguaggio è chiaro e corretto e i termini specifici

utilizzati sono sempre appropriati e adeguati al
contesto. Usa gran parte dei vocaboli dell’unità
oggetto di studio e mostra di possedere un ampio
bagaglio lessicale di precedente acquisizione.

Conversione dei livelli in decimi: avanzato (9-10), intermedio (7-8), base (6-<7), base non raggiunto (<6)

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
240 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................


□ Individua e seleziona alcune □ Individua e seleziona
informazioni idonee alle □ Anche se guidato, non
le informazioni minime
varie fasi di realizzazione è in grado di identificare
funzionali all’esecuzione
del compito e le organizza informazioni valide e adeguate
del compito. Utilizza solo le
facendo alcuni collegamenti alle varie fasi di realizzazione
conoscenze minime acquisite
con le conoscenze acquisite in del compito.
in precedenza.
□ Coglie le fasi essenziali di
realizzazione del progetto,
□ Individua correttamente le varie
talvolta con il supporto del □ Supportato dal docente o
fasi di realizzazione del progetto
docente o dei compagni, e le dai compagni comprende le
e le pianifica nelle linee generali.
pianifica in modo non sempre fasi essenziali di esecuzione
Utilizza nel complesso le
sequenziale. del compito ma non le mette
conoscenze apprese per
Utilizza parzialmente le in pratica in modo logico e

Griglie di valutazione
pianificare e realizzare un

conoscenze apprese per sequenziale.
prodotto. PROCESSO
realizzare un prodotto semplice. Non organizza correttamente il
Organizza in maniera adeguata

Learn by doing
Organizza in maniera lavoro in funzione del tempo e
il lavoro in funzione del tempo.
sufficientemente adeguata il non rispetta le scadenze. □ AVANZATO
Rispetta le scadenze.
lavoro in funzione del tempo e/o □ INTERMEDIO
a volte non rispetta le scadenze. □ BASE
□ Mostra difficoltà nell’affrontare RAGGIUNTO
□ Affronta e risolve solo semplici e risolvere semplici situazioni
□ Affronta in modo adeguato
situazioni problematiche, problematiche e ipotizza
situazioni problematiche
ipotizzando soluzioni non soluzioni non efficaci, anche se
ipotizzando alcune soluzioni.
sempre efficaci. guidato.
Si confronta con novità e
Si confronta con novità e Si confronta con novità e
imprevisti con adeguatezza.
imprevisti con rigidità. imprevisti con passività o
mostrando grande rigidità.
□ Anche se guidato dai docenti o
□ Usa le tecnologie della □ Usa le tecnologie della
dai compagni, mostra difficoltà
comunicazione in maniera comunicazione per ricercare
nell’utilizzo delle attrezzature/
efficace per ricercare informazioni e immagini
dispositivi per acquisire
informazioni e immagini e essenziali e produce testi
informazioni o lo fa in maniera
produce testi con supporti utilizzando il software in modo
impropria e produce testi
multimediali utilizzando il procedurale e solo con l’aiuto dei
utilizzando il software in modo
software in modo autonomo. compagni o dell’insegnante.
meccanico ed impreciso.
□ La proposta contiene □ La proposta contiene
informazioni utili e abbastanza le informazioni di base □ La proposta contiene solo poche
pertinenti a sviluppare la sostanzialmente attinenti alle e approssimative informazioni,
consegna; i dati sono inseriti richieste; i dati sono inseriti in non organiche e poco attinenti
in modo adeguato allo scopo modo non sempre lineare e/o alle richieste. PRODOTTO
finale. talvolta casuale.
□ La parte grafica della □ La parte grafica della □ INTERMEDIO
□ La parte grafica della presentazione è abbastanza presentazione è scarsa e □ BASE
presentazione è adeguata e c’è adeguata al contesto, ma inadeguata allo scopo; non c’è □ BASE NON
discreto equilibrio fra testo e non c’è equilibrio fra testo equilibrio fra testo e immagini RAGGIUNTO
immagini; la schematizzazione e immagini o sono presenti o le immagini non sono
è buona anche se la leggibilità poche immagini; il testo è per presenti; la schematizzazione
potrebbe essere migliorata. lo più discorsivo e manca di è inesistente e il testo è per lo
efficace schematizzazione. più discorsivo.
□ Comunica le idee in modo
semplice; evidenzia talvolta □ Evidenzia grandi difficoltà
□ Comunica le idee con un alcune difficoltà nella nel comunicare le idee, parla
appropriato tono di voce ed comunicazione; la pronuncia troppo piano e pronuncia i
una pronuncia accettabile. non è sempre corretta; il termini in modo scorretto.
L’esposizione è adeguata, tono di voce è monotono; L’esposizione è frammentaria
corretta e abbastanza ESPOSIZIONE ORALE
l’esposizione è semplice e non e non segue una struttura
coerente. è sempre strutturata in modo logica.
logico. □ AVANZATO
□ Il linguaggio è semplice e □ BASE
□ Il linguaggio è abbastanza non sempre corretto; la □ Il linguaggio è spesso confuso □ BASE NON
chiaro e corretto; i termini terminologia specifica è e la terminologia specifica non RAGGIUNTO
specifici sono piuttosto limitata e i tempi verbali non viene utilizzata o è del tutto
appropriati e quasi sempre sempre corretti e adeguati al inadeguata al contesto. Non
adeguati al contesto. Usa un contesto; espone i contenuti riutilizza, se non in minima
numero adeguato di termini utilizzando solo una parte del parte, il lessico dell’unità
dell’unità oggetto di studio. lessico dell’unità oggetto di oggetto di studio.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo 241
NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................

LEARN BY DOING U4: Competenze di base – Asse dei linguaggi: Utilizzare una lingua straniera per i principali scopi comunicativi ed
operativi; Utilizzare e produrre testi multimediali
Competenza chiave europea: Competenza multilinguistica

□ Individua e seleziona diverse informazioni e le

Competenza personale, ACQUISIZIONE E
organizza in modo puntuale facendo collegamenti con
sociale e capacità di Imparare a imparare GESTIONE DELLE
le conoscenze acquisite in precedenza per rispondere
imparare a imparare INFORMAZIONI
alle consegne in modo personale.
Learn by doing
Griglie di valutazione

□ Conosce, individua e gestisce le fasi progettuali in

situazioni di relativa complessità e le pianifica con
creatività e capacità di individuare azioni correttive in
fase di revisione.
Utilizza in maniera completa le conoscenze apprese
e approfondite per ideare, pianificare e realizzare un
Organizza in autonomia il proprio lavoro all’interno del
Initiative and self- team in funzione dei tempi disponibili rispettando le
direction scadenze

□ Affronta in modo efficace situazioni problematiche

Risolvere problemi ipotizzando anche soluzioni alternative efficaci.
(decision making) Si confronta con novità e imprevisti con sicurezza e

□ Usa le tecnologie della comunicazione per ricercare
un’ampia quantità di informazioni e produce testi con
Competenza digitale PER RICERCA E
supporti multimediali utilizzando il software in modo
esperto e autonomo

□ La proposta contiene tutte le parti e le informazioni

ORGANIZZAZIONE utili e pertinenti a sviluppare la consegna; i dati sono
DELLE INFORMAZIONI inseriti in modo funzionale allo scopo finale e secondo
Competenza un ordine logico, organico ed originale.
□ La parte grafica della proposta è pienamente adeguata
Competenza digitale REQUISITI GRAFICI al contesto; c’è ottimo equilibrio fra testo e immagini;
DELLA PROPOSTA la sequenza logica e cronologica degli eventi è efficace,
i caratteri sono chiari e di immediata leggibilità.

□ Comunica le idee con entusiasmo e con un appropriato

tono di voce e una buona pronuncia; l’esposizione
segue rigorosamente un percorso logico e coerente.

□ Il linguaggio è chiaro e corretto e i termini specifici
e i tempi verbali utilizzati sono sempre appropriati
e adeguati al contesto. Usa gran parte dei vocaboli
dell’unità oggetto di studio e mostra di possedere un
ampio bagaglio lessicale di precedente acquisizione.

Conversione dei livelli in decimi: avanzato (9-10), intermedio (7-8), base (6-<7), base non raggiunto (<6)

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242 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................


□ Individua e seleziona alcune
□ Individua e seleziona le
informazioni idonee alle varie □ Anche se guidato, non è in grado
informazioni minime funzionali
fasi di realizzazione del compito di identificare informazioni valide
all’esecuzione del compito.
e le organizza facendo alcuni e adeguate alle varie fasi di
Utilizza solo le conoscenze
collegamenti con le conoscenze realizzazione del compito.
minime acquisite in precedenza.
acquisite in precedenza.
□ Coglie le fasi essenziali di
realizzazione del progetto,
□ Individua correttamente le varie talvolta con il supporto del □ Supportato dal docente o
fasi di realizzazione del progetto docente o dei compagni, e le dai compagni comprende le
e le pianifica nelle linee generali. pianifica in modo non sempre fasi essenziali di esecuzione
Utilizza nel complesso le sequenziale. del compito ma non le mette
conoscenze apprese per Utilizza parzialmente le in pratica in modo logico e
pianificare e realizzare un conoscenze apprese per sequenziale.

Griglie di valutazione
prodotto. realizzare un prodotto semplice. Non organizza correttamente
Organizza in maniera adeguata Organizza in maniera il lavoro all’interno del team PROCESSO

Learn by doing
il lavoro in funzione del tempo. sufficientemente adeguata il in funzione del tempo e non
Rispetta le scadenze. lavoro all’interno del team in rispetta le scadenze. □ AVANZATO
funzione del tempo e/o a volte □ INTERMEDIO
non rispetta le scadenze. □ BASE
□ Mostra difficoltà nell’affrontare RAGGIUNTO
□ Affronta e risolve solo semplici e risolvere semplici situazioni
□ Affronta in modo adeguato
situazioni problematiche, problematiche e ipotizza
situazioni problematiche
ipotizzando soluzioni non soluzioni non efficaci, anche se
ipotizzando alcune soluzioni.
sempre efficaci. guidato.
Si confronta con novità e
Si confronta con novità e Si confronta con novità e
imprevisti con adeguatezza.
imprevisti con rigidità. imprevisti con passività o
mostrando grande rigidità.
□ Anche se guidato dai docenti o
□ Usa le tecnologie della □ Usa le tecnologie della
dai compagni, mostra difficoltà
comunicazione in maniera comunicazione per ricercare
nell’utilizzo delle attrezzature/
efficace per ricercare informazioni essenziali e
dispositivi per acquisire
informazioni e immagini e produce testi utilizzando il
informazioni o lo fa in maniera
produce testi con supporti software in modo procedurale e
impropria e produce testi
multimediali utilizzando il solo con l’aiuto dei compagni o
utilizzando il software in modo
software in modo autonomo. dell’insegnante.
meccanico ed impreciso.
□ La proposta contiene □ La proposta contiene
informazioni utili e abbastanza le informazioni di base □ La proposta contiene solo poche
pertinenti a sviluppare la sostanzialmente attinenti alle e approssimative informazioni,
consegna; i dati sono inseriti richieste; i dati sono inseriti in non organiche e poco attinenti
in modo adeguato allo scopo modo non sempre lineare e/o alle richieste. PRODOTTO
finale. talvolta casuale.
□ La parte grafica della proposta
□ La parte grafica della proposta è □ INTERMEDIO
□ La parte grafica della proposta è abbastanza adeguata al
scarsa e inadeguata allo scopo o □ BASE
è adeguata e c’è discreto contesto, ma la sequenza logica
incompleta; non c’è equilibrio fra □ BASE NON
equilibrio fra testo e immagini; degli eventi non è sempre RAGGIUNTO
testo e immagini o le immagini
la sequenza logica degli eventi funzionale; sono presenti poche
non sono presenti; il testo è
è efficace anche se la leggibilità immagini; il testo è per lo più
per lo più discorsivo e manca di
potrebbe essere migliorata. discorsivo e manca di efficace
organizzazione grafica.
organizzazione grafica.
□ Comunica le idee in modo
semplice; evidenzia talvolta □ Evidenzia grandi difficoltà nel
□ Comunica le idee con un
alcune difficoltà nella comunicare le idee, parla troppo
appropriato tono di voce ed
comunicazione; la pronuncia piano e pronuncia i termini in
una pronuncia accettabile.
non è sempre corretta; il tono di modo scorretto. L’esposizione è
L’esposizione è adeguata, ESPOSIZIONE ORALE
voce è monotono; l’esposizione frammentaria e non segue una
corretta e abbastanza coerente.
è semplice e non è sempre struttura logica.
strutturata in modo logico. □ AVANZATO
□ Il linguaggio è semplice e non □ BASE
□ Il linguaggio è abbastanza chiaro □ Il linguaggio è spesso confuso
sempre corretto; la terminologia □ BASE NON
e corretto; i termini specifici e i e la terminologia specifica non
specifica è limitata e i tempi RAGGIUNTO
tempi verbali sono quasi sempre viene utilizzata o è del tutto
verbali non sempre corretti e
corretti e quasi sempre adeguati inadeguata al contesto. Non
adeguati al contesto; espone
al contesto. Usa un numero riutilizza, se non in minima parte,
i contenuti utilizzando solo
adeguato di termini dell’unità il lessico dell’unità oggetto di
una parte del lessico dell’unità
oggetto di studio. studio e i tempi verbali richiesti.
oggetto di studio.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo 243
NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................

LEARN BY DOING U6: Competenze di base – Asse dei linguaggi: Utilizzare una lingua straniera per i principali scopi comunicativi ed
operativi; Utilizzare e produrre testi multimediali.
Competenza chiave europea: Competenza multilinguistica

□ Individua e seleziona diverse informazioni e le

Competenza personale, ACQUISIZIONE E
organizza in modo puntuale facendo collegamenti con
sociale e capacità di Imparare a imparare GESTIONE DELLE
le conoscenze acquisite in precedenza per rispondere
imparare a imparare INFORMAZIONI
alle consegne in modo personale.
Learn by doing
Griglie di valutazione

□ Conosce, individua e gestisce le fasi progettuali in

situazioni di relativa complessità e le pianifica con
creatività e capacità di individuare azioni correttive in
PIANIFICAZIONE E fase di revisione.
Progettare ORGANIZZAZIONE DEL Utilizza in maniera completa le conoscenze apprese
PROPRIO LAVORO e approfondite per ideare, pianificare e realizzare un
Organizza in autonomia il proprio lavoro in funzione
Creativity and innovation dei tempi disponibili rispettando le scadenze.

□ Affronta in modo efficace situazioni problematiche

Risolvere problemi ipotizzando anche soluzioni alternative efficaci.
(decision making) Si confronta con novità e imprevisti con sicurezza e

EVENTUALE UTILIZZO □ Usa le tecnologie della comunicazione per ricercare

DELLE TECNOLOGIE un’ampia quantità di informazioni e immagini e
Competenza digitale
PER LA PRODUZIONE produce testi con supporti multimediali utilizzando il
DI TESTI MULTIMEDIALI software in modo esperto e autonomo.

□ La galleria virtuale contiene tutte le parti e le

ORGANIZZAZIONE informazioni utili e pertinenti a sviluppare la consegna;
DELLE INFORMAZIONI i dati sono inseriti in modo funzionale allo scopo finale
Competenza e collegati tra loro in forma organica ed originale.
□ La parte grafica del progetto è pienamente adeguata
Competenza digitale REQUISITI GRAFICI
al contesto; c’è ottimo equilibrio fra testo e immagini;
la schematizzazione è efficace, i caratteri sono chiari e
di immediata leggibilità.

□ Comunica le idee con entusiasmo e con un appropriato

tono di voce e una buona pronuncia; l’esposizione
segue rigorosamente un percorso logico e coerente.

□ Il linguaggio è chiaro e corretto e i termini specifici
utilizzati sono sempre appropriati e adeguati al
contesto. Usa gran parte dei vocaboli dell’unità
oggetto di studio e mostra di possedere un ampio
bagaglio lessicale di precedente acquisizione.

Conversione dei livelli in decimi: avanzato (9-10), intermedio (7-8), base (6-<7), base non raggiunto (<6)

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
244 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................


□ Individua e seleziona alcune
□ Individua e seleziona le
informazioni idonee alle varie □ Anche se guidato, non è in grado
informazioni minime funzionali
fasi di realizzazione del compito di identificare informazioni valide
all’esecuzione del compito.
e le organizza facendo alcuni e adeguate alle varie fasi di
Utilizza solo le conoscenze
collegamenti con le conoscenze realizzazione del compito.
minime acquisite in precedenza.
acquisite in precedenza.
□ Coglie le fasi essenziali di
realizzazione del progetto,
□ Individua correttamente le varie
talvolta con il supporto del □ Supportato dal docente o
fasi di realizzazione del progetto
docente o dei compagni, e le dai compagni comprende le
e le pianifica nelle linee generali.
pianifica in modo non sempre fasi essenziali di esecuzione
Utilizza nel complesso le
sequenziale. del compito ma non le mette
conoscenze apprese per
Utilizza parzialmente le in pratica in modo logico e
pianificare e realizzare un
conoscenze apprese per sequenziale.

Griglie di valutazione

realizzare un prodotto semplice. Non organizza correttamente il PROCESSO
Organizza in maniera adeguata
Organizza in maniera lavoro in funzione del tempo e
il lavoro in funzione del tempo.

Learn by doing
Rispetta le scadenze.
sufficientemente adeguata il non rispetta le scadenze. □ AVANZATO
lavoro in funzione del tempo e/o □ INTERMEDIO
a volte non rispetta le scadenze. □ BASE
□ Mostra difficoltà nell’affrontare □ BASE NON
□ Affronta e risolve solo semplici e risolvere semplici situazioni RAGGIUNTO
□ Affronta in modo adeguato
situazioni problematiche, problematiche e ipotizza
situazioni problematiche
ipotizzando soluzioni non soluzioni non efficaci, anche se
ipotizzando alcune soluzioni.
sempre efficaci. guidato.
Si confronta con novità e
Si confronta con novità e Si confronta con novità e
imprevisti con adeguatezza.
imprevisti con rigidità. imprevisti con passività o
mostrando grande rigidità.
□ Anche se guidato dai docenti o
□ Usa le tecnologie della □ Usa le tecnologie della
dai compagni, mostra difficoltà
comunicazione in maniera comunicazione per ricercare
nell’utilizzo delle attrezzature/
efficace per ricercare informazioni e immagini
dispositivi per acquisire
informazioni e immagini e essenziali e produce testi
informazioni o lo fa in maniera
produce testi con supporti utilizzando il software in modo
impropria e produce testi
multimediali utilizzando il procedurale e solo con l’aiuto dei
utilizzando il software in modo
software in modo autonomo. compagni o dell’insegnante.
meccanico ed impreciso.
□ La galleria virtuale contiene □ La galleria virtuale contiene
informazioni utili e abbastanza le informazioni di base □ La galleria virtuale contiene
pertinenti a sviluppare la sostanzialmente attinenti alle solo poche e approssimative
consegna; i dati sono inseriti richieste; i dati sono inseriti in informazioni, non organiche e PRODOTTO
in modo adeguato allo scopo modo non sempre lineare e/o poco attinenti alle richieste.
finale. talvolta casuale. □ AVANZATO
□ La parte grafica del progetto □ La parte grafica del progetto □ INTERMEDIO
□ La parte grafica del progetto □ BASE
è abbastanza adeguata al è scarsa e inadeguata allo
è adeguata e c’è discreto □ BASE NON
contesto, ma non c’è equilibrio scopo; non c’è equilibrio
equilibrio fra testo e immagini; RAGGIUNTO
fra testo e immagini o sono fra testo e immagini o le
la schematizzazione è buona
presenti poche immagini; il testo immagini non sono presenti; la
anche se la leggibilità potrebbe
è per lo più discorsivo e manca di schematizzazione è inesistente
essere migliorata.
efficace schematizzazione. e il testo è per lo più discorsivo.
□ Comunica le idee in modo
semplice; evidenzia talvolta □ Evidenzia grandi difficoltà nel
□ Comunica le idee con un
alcune difficoltà nella comunicare le idee, parla troppo
appropriato tono di voce ed
comunicazione; la pronuncia piano e pronuncia i termini in
una pronuncia accettabile.
non è sempre corretta; il tono di modo scorretto. L’esposizione è
L’esposizione è adeguata, ESPOSIZIONE ORALE
voce è monotono; l’esposizione frammentaria e non segue una
corretta e abbastanza coerente.
è semplice e non è sempre struttura logica.
strutturata in modo logico. □ AVANZATO
□ Il linguaggio è semplice e non □ BASE
□ Il linguaggio è abbastanza chiaro □ Il linguaggio è spesso confuso
sempre corretto; la terminologia □ BASE NON
e corretto; i termini specifici e la terminologia specifica non
specifica è limitata e i tempi RAGGIUNTO
sono piuttosto appropriati viene utilizzata o è del tutto
verbali non sempre corretti e
e quasi sempre adeguati al inadeguata al contesto. Non
adeguati al contesto; espone
contesto. Usa un numero riutilizza, se non in minima
i contenuti utilizzando solo
adeguato di termini dell’unità parte, il lessico dell’unità oggetto
una parte del lessico dell’unità
oggetto di studio. di studio.
oggetto di studio.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo 245
NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................

LEARN BY DOING U7: Competenze di base – Asse dei linguaggi: Utilizzare una lingua straniera per i principali scopi comunicativi ed
operativi; Utilizzare e produrre testi multimediali
Competenza chiave europea: Competenza multilinguistica

□ Individua e seleziona diverse informazioni e le

Competenza personale, ACQUISIZIONE E
organizza in modo puntuale facendo collegamenti con
sociale e capacità di Imparare a imparare GESTIONE DELLE
le conoscenze acquisite in precedenza per rispondere
imparare a imparare INFORMAZIONI
alle consegne in modo personale.
Learn by doing
Griglie di valutazione

□ Conosce, individua e gestisce le fasi progettuali in

situazioni di relativa complessità e le pianifica con
creatività e capacità di individuare azioni correttive in
PIANIFICAZIONE E fase di revisione.
ORGANIZZAZIONE DEL Utilizza in maniera completa le conoscenze apprese
PROPRIO LAVORO e approfondite per ideare, pianificare e realizzare un
Organizza in autonomia il proprio lavoro in funzione
Analyse media dei tempi disponibili rispettando le scadenze.

□ Affronta in modo efficace situazioni problematiche

Risolvere problemi ipotizzando anche soluzioni alternative efficaci.
(decision making) Si confronta con novità e imprevisti con sicurezza e

EVENTUALE UTILIZZO □ Usa le tecnologie della comunicazione per ricercare

DELLE TECNOLOGIE un’ampia quantità di informazioni e immagini e
Competenza digitale
PER LA PRODUZIONE produce testi con supporti multimediali utilizzando il
DI TESTI MULTIMEDIALI software in modo esperto e autonomo.

□ Il poster contiene tutte le parti e le informazioni utili e

ORGANIZZAZIONE pertinenti a sviluppare la consegna; i dati sono inseriti
DELLE INFORMAZIONI in modo funzionale allo scopo finale e collegati tra loro
Competenza in forma organica ed originale.
□ La parte grafica del prodotto è pienamente adeguata
Competenza digitale REQUISITI GRAFICI DEL al contesto; c’è ottimo equilibrio fra testo e immagini;
POSTER la schematizzazione è efficace, i caratteri sono chiari e
di immediata leggibilità.

□ Comunica le idee con entusiasmo e con un appropriato

tono di voce e una buona pronuncia; l’esposizione
segue rigorosamente un percorso logico e coerente.

□ Il linguaggio è chiaro e corretto e i termini specifici
utilizzati sono sempre appropriati e adeguati al
contesto. Usa gran parte dei vocaboli dell’unità
oggetto di studio e mostra di possedere un ampio
bagaglio lessicale di precedente acquisizione.

Conversione dei livelli in decimi: avanzato (9-10), intermedio (7-8), base (6- <7), base non raggiunto (<6)

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
246 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................


□ Individua e seleziona alcune
□ Individua e seleziona le
informazioni idonee alle varie □ Anche se guidato, non è in grado
informazioni minime funzionali
fasi di realizzazione del compito di identificare informazioni valide
all’esecuzione del compito.
e le organizza facendo alcuni e adeguate alle varie fasi di
Utilizza solo le conoscenze
collegamenti con le conoscenze realizzazione del compito.
minime acquisite in precedenza.
acquisite in precedenza.
□ Coglie le fasi essenziali di
realizzazione del progetto,
□ Individua correttamente le varie
talvolta con il supporto del □ Supportato dal docente o
fasi di realizzazione del progetto
docente o dei compagni, e le dai compagni comprende le
e le pianifica nelle linee generali.
pianifica in modo non sempre fasi essenziali di esecuzione
Utilizza nel complesso le
sequenziale. del compito ma non le mette
conoscenze apprese per
Utilizza parzialmente le in pratica in modo logico e
pianificare e realizzare un
conoscenze apprese per sequenziale.

Griglie di valutazione

realizzare un prodotto semplice. Non organizza correttamente il PROCESSO
Organizza in maniera adeguata
Organizza in maniera lavoro in funzione del tempo e
il lavoro in funzione del tempo.

Learn by doing
Rispetta le scadenze.
sufficientemente adeguata il non rispetta le scadenze. □ AVANZATO
lavoro in funzione del tempo e/o □ INTERMEDIO
a volte non rispetta le scadenze. □ BASE
□ Mostra difficoltà nell’affrontare □ BASE NON
□ Affronta e risolve solo semplici e risolvere semplici situazioni RAGGIUNTO
□ Affronta in modo adeguato
situazioni problematiche, problematiche e ipotizza
situazioni problematiche
ipotizzando soluzioni non soluzioni non efficaci, anche se
ipotizzando alcune soluzioni.
sempre efficaci. guidato.
Si confronta con novità e
Si confronta con novità e Si confronta con novità e
imprevisti con adeguatezza.
imprevisti con rigidità. imprevisti con passività o
mostrando grande rigidità.
□ Anche se guidato dai docenti o
□ Usa le tecnologie della □ Usa le tecnologie della
dai compagni, mostra difficoltà
comunicazione in maniera comunicazione per ricercare
nell’utilizzo delle attrezzature/
efficace per ricercare informazioni e immagini
dispositivi per acquisire
informazioni e immagini e essenziali e produce testi
informazioni o lo fa in maniera
produce testi con supporti utilizzando il software in modo
impropria e produce testi
multimediali utilizzando il procedurale e solo con l’aiuto dei
utilizzando il software in modo
software in modo autonomo. compagni o dell’insegnante.
meccanico ed impreciso.
□ Il poster contiene le informazioni
□ Il poster contiene informazioni
di base sostanzialmente □ Il poster contiene solo poche e
utili e abbastanza pertinenti a
attinenti alle richieste; i dati approssimative informazioni,
sviluppare la consegna; i dati
sono inseriti in modo non non organiche e poco attinenti PRODOTTO
sono inseriti in modo adeguato
sempre lineare e/o talvolta alle richieste.
allo scopo finale.
casuale. □ AVANZATO
□ La parte grafica del prodotto □ La parte grafica del prodotto □ INTERMEDIO
□ La parte grafica del prodotto □ BASE
è abbastanza adeguata al è scarsa e inadeguata allo
è adeguata e c’è discreto □ BASE NON
contesto, ma non c’è equilibrio scopo; non c’è equilibrio
equilibrio fra testo e immagini; RAGGIUNTO
fra testo e immagini o sono fra testo e immagini o le
la schematizzazione è buona
presenti poche immagini; il testo immagini non sono presenti; la
anche se la leggibilità potrebbe
è per lo più discorsivo e manca di schematizzazione è inesistente
essere migliorata.
efficace schematizzazione. e il testo è per lo più discorsivo.
□ Comunica le idee in modo
semplice; evidenzia talvolta □ Evidenzia grandi difficoltà nel
□ Comunica le idee con un
alcune difficoltà nella comunicare le idee, parla troppo
appropriato tono di voce ed
comunicazione; la pronuncia piano e pronuncia i termini in
una pronuncia accettabile.
non è sempre corretta; il tono di modo scorretto. L’esposizione è
L’esposizione è adeguata, ESPOSIZIONE ORALE
voce è monotono; l’esposizione frammentaria e non segue una
corretta e abbastanza coerente.
è semplice e non è sempre struttura logica.
strutturata in modo logico. □ AVANZATO
□ Il linguaggio è semplice e non □ BASE
□ Il linguaggio è abbastanza chiaro □ Il linguaggio è spesso confuso
sempre corretto; la terminologia □ BASE NON
e corretto; i termini specifici e la terminologia specifica non
specifica è limitata e i tempi RAGGIUNTO
sono piuttosto appropriati viene utilizzata o è del tutto
verbali non sempre corretti e
e quasi sempre adeguati al inadeguata al contesto. Non
adeguati al contesto; espone
contesto. Usa un numero riutilizza, se non in minima
i contenuti utilizzando solo
adeguato di termini dell’unità parte, il lessico dell’unità oggetto
una parte del lessico dell’unità
oggetto di studio. di studio.
oggetto di studio.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo 247
NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................

LEARN BY DOING U10: Competenze di base – Asse dei linguaggi: Utilizzare una lingua straniera per i principali scopi comunicativi ed
operativi; Utilizzare e produrre testi multimediali.
Competenza chiave europea: Competenza multilinguistica

□ Individua e seleziona diverse informazioni e le

Competenza personale, ACQUISIZIONE E
organizza in modo puntuale facendo collegamenti con
sociale e capacità di Imparare a imparare GESTIONE DELLE
le conoscenze acquisite in precedenza per rispondere
imparare a imparare INFORMAZIONI
alle consegne in modo personale.
Learn by doing
Griglie di valutazione

□ Conosce, individua e gestisce le fasi progettuali in


situazioni di relativa complessità e le pianifica con

creatività e capacità di individuare azioni correttive in
PIANIFICAZIONE E fase di revisione.
Progettare ORGANIZZAZIONE DEL Utilizza in maniera completa le conoscenze apprese
LAVORO PROPRIO E e approfondite per ideare, pianificare e realizzare un
DEL TEAM prodotto.
Organizza in autonomia il proprio lavoro e quello del
Leadership and team in funzione dei tempi disponibili rispettando le
responsibility scadenze.

□ Affronta in modo efficace situazioni problematiche

Risolvere problemi ipotizzando anche soluzioni alternative efficaci.
(decision making) Si confronta con novità e imprevisti con sicurezza e

EVENTUALE UTILIZZO □ Usa le tecnologie della comunicazione per ricercare

DELLE TECNOLOGIE un’ampia quantità di informazioni e immagini e
Competenza digitale
PER LA PRODUZIONE produce testi con supporti multimediali utilizzando il
DI TESTI MULTIMEDIALI software in modo esperto e autonomo.

□ Il business plan contiene tutte le parti e le informazioni

ORGANIZZAZIONE utili e pertinenti a sviluppare la consegna; i dati sono
DELLE INFORMAZIONI inseriti in modo funzionale allo scopo finale e collegati
Competenza tra loro in forma organica ed originale.
□ La parte grafica del prodotto è pienamente adeguata
Competenza digitale REQUISITI GRAFICI DEL al contesto; c’è ottimo equilibrio fra testo e immagini;
BUSINESS PLAN la schematizzazione è efficace, i caratteri sono chiari e
di immediata leggibilità.

□ Comunica le idee con entusiasmo e con un appropriato

tono di voce e una buona pronuncia; l’esposizione
segue rigorosamente un percorso logico e coerente.

□ Il linguaggio è chiaro e corretto e i termini specifici
utilizzati sono sempre appropriati e adeguati al
contesto. Usa gran parte dei vocaboli dell’unità
oggetto di studio e mostra di possedere un ampio
bagaglio lessicale di precedente acquisizione.

Conversione dei livelli in decimi: avanzato (9-10), intermedio (7-8), base (6-<7), base non raggiunto (<6)

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NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................


□ Individua e seleziona alcune
□ Individua e seleziona le
informazioni idonee alle varie □ Anche se guidato, non è in grado
informazioni minime funzionali
fasi di realizzazione del compito di identificare informazioni valide
all’esecuzione del compito.
e le organizza facendo alcuni e adeguate alle varie fasi di
Utilizza solo le conoscenze
collegamenti con le conoscenze realizzazione del compito.
minime acquisite in precedenza.
acquisite in precedenza.
□ Coglie le fasi essenziali di
realizzazione del progetto,
□ Individua correttamente le varie
talvolta con il supporto del □ Supportato dal docente o
fasi di realizzazione del progetto
docente o dei compagni, e le dai compagni comprende le
e le pianifica nelle linee generali.
pianifica in modo non sempre fasi essenziali di esecuzione
Utilizza nel complesso le
sequenziale. del compito ma non le mette
conoscenze apprese per
Utilizza parzialmente le in pratica in modo logico e
pianificare e realizzare un
conoscenze apprese per sequenziale.

Griglie di valutazione

realizzare un prodotto semplice. □ Non organizza correttamente il PROCESSO
Organizza in maniera adeguata
Organizza in maniera lavoro in funzione del tempo e
il lavoro in funzione del tempo.

Learn by doing
Rispetta le scadenze.
sufficientemente adeguata il non rispetta le scadenze. □ AVANZATO
lavoro in funzione del tempo e/o □ INTERMEDIO
a volte non rispetta le scadenze. □ BASE
□ Mostra difficoltà nell’affrontare □ BASE NON
□ Affronta e risolve solo semplici e risolvere semplici situazioni RAGGIUNTO
□ Affronta in modo adeguato
situazioni problematiche, problematiche e ipotizza
situazioni problematiche
ipotizzando soluzioni non soluzioni non efficaci, anche se
ipotizzando alcune soluzioni.
sempre efficaci. guidato.
Si confronta con novità e
Si confronta con novità e Si confronta con novità e
imprevisti con adeguatezza.
imprevisti con rigidità. imprevisti con passività o
mostrando grande rigidità.
□ Anche se guidato dai docenti o
□ Usa le tecnologie della □ Usa le tecnologie della
dai compagni, mostra difficoltà
comunicazione in maniera comunicazione per ricercare
nell’utilizzo delle attrezzature/
efficace per ricercare informazioni e immagini
dispositivi per acquisire
informazioni e immagini e essenziali e produce testi
informazioni o lo fa in maniera
produce testi con supporti utilizzando il software in modo
impropria e produce testi
multimediali utilizzando il procedurale e solo con l’aiuto dei
utilizzando il software in modo
software in modo autonomo. compagni o dell’insegnante.
meccanico ed impreciso.
□ Il business plan contiene □ Il business plan contiene
informazioni utili e abbastanza le informazioni di base □ Il business plan contiene solo
pertinenti a sviluppare la sostanzialmente attinenti alle poche e approssimative
consegna; i dati sono inseriti richieste; i dati sono inseriti in informazioni, non organiche e PRODOTTO
in modo adeguato allo scopo modo non sempre lineare e/o poco attinenti alle richieste.
finale. talvolta casuale. □ AVANZATO
□ La parte grafica del prodotto □ La parte grafica del prodotto □ INTERMEDIO
□ La parte grafica del prodotto □ BASE
è abbastanza adeguata al è scarsa e inadeguata allo
è adeguata e c’è discreto □ BASE NON
contesto, ma non c’è equilibrio scopo; non c’è equilibrio
equilibrio fra testo e immagini; RAGGIUNTO
fra testo e immagini o sono fra testo e immagini o le
la schematizzazione è buona
presenti poche immagini; il testo immagini non sono presenti; la
anche se la leggibilità potrebbe
è per lo più discorsivo e manca di schematizzazione è inesistente
essere migliorata.
efficace schematizzazione. e il testo è per lo più discorsivo.
□ Comunica le idee in modo
semplice; evidenzia talvolta □ Evidenzia grandi difficoltà nel
□ Comunica le idee con un
alcune difficoltà nella comunicare le idee, parla troppo
appropriato tono di voce ed
comunicazione; la pronuncia piano e pronuncia i termini in
una pronuncia accettabile.
non è sempre corretta; il tono di modo scorretto. L’esposizione è
L’esposizione è adeguata, ESPOSIZIONE ORALE
voce è monotono; l’esposizione frammentaria e non segue una
corretta e abbastanza coerente.
è semplice e non è sempre struttura logica.
strutturata in modo logico. □ AVANZATO
□ Il linguaggio è semplice e non □ BASE
□ Il linguaggio è abbastanza chiaro □ Il linguaggio è spesso confuso
sempre corretto; la terminologia □ BASE NON
e corretto; i termini specifici e la terminologia specifica non
specifica è limitata e i tempi RAGGIUNTO
sono piuttosto appropriati viene utilizzata o è del tutto
verbali non sempre corretti e
e quasi sempre adeguati al inadeguata al contesto. Non
adeguati al contesto; espone
contesto. Usa un numero riutilizza, se non in minima
i contenuti utilizzando solo
adeguato di termini dell’unità parte, il lessico dell’unità oggetto
una parte del lessico dell’unità
oggetto di studio. di studio.
oggetto di studio.

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First Tutor:
helping students
prepare for the
First exam

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General introduction to First
The Cambridge English: First (FCE) is an internationally recognised qualification at the B2 level of the
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. This scale, which describes language
proficiency on seven levels, has come to be the accepted reference point of language learning.

Language level Common European Framework

Beginner A1
Elementary A1-A2
Pre-Intermediate A2-B1
Intermediate B1
Upper Intermediate B2
Advanced C1
Proficiency C2
for the First exam
helping students prepare

The First Certificate is divided into four papers testing different areas of language competence.

These are: Paper 1 Reading and Use of English; Paper 2 Writing; Paper 3 Listening; Paper 4

Exam description
Paper 1: Reading and Use of English
Time: 1 hour and 15 minutes
Parts: 7

The Reading and Use of English paper contains 7 parts. For parts 1–3, the test contains texts with
accompanying grammar and vocabulary tasks. Part 4 consists of separate items with a grammar
and vocabulary focus. For parts 5–7 the test contains a range of texts and comprehension tasks.
The task types are multiple-choice cloze, open cloze, word formation, key word transformation,
multiple-choice, gapped text and multiple matching.
• Part 1 Multiple-choice cloze
8 gaps

In part 1 there is a text from which 8 words have been removed. For each numbered gap there are 4
possibilities (A, B, C or D) given in a multiple-choice option and students must choose which option
fits each gap. This task tests vocabulary and also grammar use. Each correct answer receives 1 mark.
• Part 2 Open cloze
8 gaps

In part 2 there is again a text with eight numbered gaps but this time there are no options given
and students must decide which word is missing in each gap. This task tests the use of grammar
and vocabulary. Each correct answer receives 1 mark.
• Part 3 Word formation
8 gaps
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252 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
In this part of the test, there is a text with 8 gaps, each of which has a root word given. This root
must be modified to fit the gap. This may require the use of a prefix or suffix or other internal
changes. This task tests the use of vocabulary and grammar. Each correct answer receives 1 mark.

• Part 4 Key word transformations

6 questions

In this part of the test there are 6 questions, each with a lead-in sentence and a gapped second
sentence which must be completed with the word given so that it has the same meaning as the
first sentence. Apart from the key word, which cannot be modified, only from 2 to 5 words may
be used. The task tests the use of vocabulary and grammar. Each correct answer receives up to 2

• Part 5 Multiple choice

6 questions

There are 6 questions in this part based on a text or related texts. Each question has a possible
four answers (A, B, C or D) and students must choose the one they consider most suitable. This
task tests comprehension of detail, opinion, attitude and purpose as well as the main idea or
meaning from the context. It may also focus on text organisation, like examples or comparisons.
Each correct answer receives 2 marks.

• Part 6 Gapped text

6 questions

helping students prepare

In this part there are 6 sentences removed from a text leaving numbered gaps. The sentences are

for the First exam

placed after the text in a jumbled order with an extra sentence that is not from the text. Students

must choose which sentence matches each gap. This task tests the ability to recognise text
structure and look for links and cohesion. Each correct answer receives 2 marks.

• Part 7 Multiple matching

10 questions

In part 7 there is a text, or several short texts, preceded by a list of 10 multiple matching
questions. The task is to relate each question to elements in the text or texts. The task is testing
the comprehension of specific information, detail, opinion and attitude. Each correct answer
receives 1 mark.

Paper 2: Writing
Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes
Parts: 2

In the Writing paper there is 1 hour and 20 minutes to complete 2 parts. The first part is an
obligatory question and the second part gives students a choice between various types of writing

• Part 1 An essay

In part 1 students are required to write an essay giving their opinion on the essay title using the
ideas given and providing ideas of their own in 140-190 words. The language skills here will include
advising, apologising, comparing options, describing, explaining and expressing opinions.
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• Part 2 A choice between: an essay, an article, an email / letter, a report, a review or a short

In the second part of the Writing paper, students have a choice between 4 options taken from
the list given above, or a possible fourth option based on a set text. In all the options, students
are asked to write between 140–190 words and the task may ask to advise, compare, describe,
explain, express or justify opinions or make recommendations. Each part of the Writing paper has
a specific purpose and specific target audience. Both parts carry equal marks.

Paper 3: Listening
Time: about 40 minutes
Parts: 4

The Listening paper contains 4 parts, each of which contains a recorded text or texts with
corresponding comprehension tasks. Each part is heard twice. The different tasks are: multiple
choice, sentence completion, multiple matching and a second multiple choice.

• Part 1 Multiple choice

8 questions

In this part there are 8 brief unrelated texts of about 30 seconds each. They can be from monologues
for the First exam
helping students prepare

or interacting speakers. There is one multiple-choice question with 3 options (A, B or C) for each
text. The questions may test general understanding, purpose or attitude and opinion or ask about
place, situation or genre. Each correct answer receives 1 mark.

• Part 2 Sentence completion

10 questions

Part 2 lasts about 3 minutes and is a monologue. Students are required to complete gapped
sentences with information from the recording. There are 10 gaps and students are tested on
comprehension of detail, specific information like numbers and prices or stated opinions. Each
correct answer receives 1 mark.

• Part 3 Multiple matching

5 questions

In part 3 there are 5 short related monologues of about 30 seconds each. In the task students
are asked to match the correct options from a list of 8 options to the appropriate speaker. There
are three extra options that students don’t need to use. Again the comprehension exercise tests
general understanding but also understanding of detail, purpose, attitude, relationship, topic,
situation, genre and options. Each correct answer receives 1 mark.

• Part 4 Multiple choice

7 questions

In this part there is an interview or interacting speakers talking for about 3 minutes. There are
7 multiple-choice questions, each of which has 3 possible answers (A, B or C). Students have to
choose the most suitable answers after listening to the recording. The task tests the understanding
of opinion, attitude and gist as well as specific information. Each correct answer receives 1 mark.

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254 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Paper 4: Speaking
Time: about 14 minutes
Parts: 4

The Speaking paper contains 4 parts and lasts about 14 minutes. There are 2 candidates and 2
examiners. One examiner acts as interlocutor and also assessor. This examiner manages the
interaction by asking questions or by providing cues for the candidates. The other examiner acts
only as assessor and does not join in the conversation. The second examiner normally sits in the

• Part 1 Interview

Part 1 is a conversation between the interlocutor and each of the candidates based on general
and social interactional language. This part of the test lasts 2 minutes and is designed to allow
candidates to relax and give basic personal information about themselves. The questions relate
to the candidates’ lives, their interests, areas of study and future plans. Candidates are expected
to respond to direct questions and listen to the other candidate’s replies. Although they are not
invited directly to do so, they may also talk to the other candidate if they so wish.

• Part 2 Individual long turn

Part 2 is an individual ‘long turn’ of 1 minute for each candidate, followed by a 30 second response
from the other candidate. The candidates are given, in turn, two photographs and are expected to
describe and compare the pictures as well as express personal opinions. A prompt is also given in
the form of a direct question written above the photographs. Each candidate has an uninterrupted

helping students prepare

1 minute, followed by a brief comment from the other candidate.

for the First exam

• Part 3 Collaborative task

Part 3 is a two-way conversation between the candidates. They are given spoken instructions
and written stimuli to be used in a decision-making task. This part of the test lasts 4 minutes
and gives the candidates an opportunity to show their ability to exchange ideas, express and
justify an opinion, agree or disagree, make suggestions, evaluate and reach a decision through oral

• Part 4 Discussion

Part 4 is a discussion linked to the topics from part 3. The interlocutor directs the interaction through
questions which encourage the candidates to discuss the topics raised in a broader context. This part
of the exam lasts 4 minutes and allows students to show their ability to discuss issues at a deeper

A closer look at the Speaking test

1 Assessment
There are four different areas that are assessed in the Speaking exam. These areas are: 1 Grammar
and vocabulary; 2 Discourse management; 3 Pronunciation; 4 Interactive communication.

Each area is given a mark out of a possible 5, where 3 is adequate, below 3 is not adequate and 4
or 5 are considered an effective and competent level.
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1 Grammar and vocabulary
Students are not expected to have perfect grammar at this level and some mistakes don’t prevent
them from achieving an adequate or even good mark. It is important that the grammar mistakes don’t
interfere with understanding. Students can practise varying verb tenses and checking their use of
prepositions. Vocabulary is an area that distinguishes a good student from an adequate one, because
a good student will try to use a variety of vocabulary and not repeat the same words too often.
It is difficult to improve grammar just before an exam but vocabulary can be learnt and enriched in
an on-going process. Students can be encouraged to keep notes of new words and practise using
them in class discussion and in pair work.

2 Discourse management
This area is all about the organisation of language. Good discourse management can be seen
in the structure of answers to the examiner’s questions and especially in the ‘long turn’ where
each candidate has to speak continuously for a minute. There are three areas to think about here:
relevance – students should make sure their answers are relevant to the question; coherence –
obviously it is important that the answers are easily understood; the extension of the answers –
not giving brief or abrupt replies.
Speaking without interruption for a minute is more difficult than it seems, so students need to
practise. Topics can be chosen from the students’ text book and they can be encouraged to try to
talk about them – with a stop watch – for a minute without stopping.
for the First exam
helping students prepare

3 Pronunciation
Pronunciation is not only the way individual words are pronounced but it concerns the stress and
intonation and rhythm of sentences and answers. Good students will avoid a monotonous tone, which
always gives a negative impression, and use stress to add interest and enthusiasm to their answers.
The best way to improve pronunciation is through listening. Students can be encouraged to listen
to others in class, listen to the teacher and listen to songs, films or talks on the Internet.

4 Interactive communication
A very important part of the exam concerns interaction between the students and the examiner
and also in particular interaction between the two students. Interaction means taking turns to
speak, listening to the other candidate and encouraging them to participate. The interaction seems
most natural when a candidate shows genuine interest in what the other candidate is saying.
Interaction is being assessed all through the exam but becomes particularly important in parts 3
and 4. The interaction being looked for, is being good about turns, allowing the other student time to
answer without interrupting and not dominating by giving answers that are too long. Students need
to show real interest in what the other student is saying and also encourage them to participate by
bringing them in with appropriate questions, like ‘What do you think?’

2 How to give a good performance

• Part 1

The beginning part of the test is designed to help students feel less tense. Students will normally
be asked questions in turn about personal and familiar topics, like their home town, their family,
their interests, and about the way they study.
Students must remember to answer each question fully – not just saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’. First of
all, this is considered almost rude in English, as English people rarely give such a short answer.
Secondly, it makes the examiner work harder, because they have to ask further questions. So
students should always give a full answer – this doesn’t mean dominating the conversation but
producing a relevant and interesting reply.
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• Part 2

In part 2 it is important to keep going. It is an opportunity for students to show that they can describe
a picture in detail and also compare it to another. Students need to listen very carefully to the
instructions and remember the written question placed above the pictures. A good way of ensuring
that they use the time fully, is to talk about each picture in turn and then answer the written question
for each in turn.
It is easy to be tense in this part of the test, so students should be encouraged to breathe in and
take their time, they must remember to smile and to look at the examiner occasionally, too, to
show that they are addressing them. Remind students to talk about the details in the pictures but
also comment on the atmosphere and on the people’s possible feelings.

• Part 3

Part 3 is a real test of interaction. There are normally 7 options to discuss and comment on in turn.
Students will be asked to come to a negotiated decision, usually picking two of the options. The
discussion is more important than the decision, so students shouldn’t be tempted to reach a quick
Students must remember that they are being asked to compare different activities or situations,
so rather than saying ‘this is important’ and ‘this is also important’, they need to show that they are
comparing by saying ‘this is important, but this is even more so because… ’ Pair work is invaluable
as practice for this part of the test. Remember that students are being judged on their ability to
listen and encourage others as well as their ability to express their views.

• Part 4

helping students prepare

This part of the exam can be more challenging as there are no prompts or aids. The questions are not

for the First exam

just asking for personal information as in part 1 of the test, but are designed to encourage students to
express opinions and evaluations. At this stage of the test, students need to try to show confidence
and a good range of vocabulary. All oral work done in class will help prepare for the Speaking part
of the test. Above all, students should be encouraged to listen very carefully to the questions and
give a full, relevant answer. Remind students not to worry about asking the examiner to repeat the
question if they haven’t fully understood – that is better than giving a vague, inappropriate answer
and also shows confidence.

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An introduction
to the INVALSI
English test

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General introduction to INVALSI
Aims and objectives
The INVALSI English test, taken at the end of upper secondary school (Year 13), is designed to measure the
level of competence achieved by students in the receptive language skills of Reading and Listening, as laid
out in the documents published by the Istituto Nazionale per la Valutazione del Sistema Educativo di Istruzione
e di Formazione (INVALSI).

The test is organised on a rising level of difficulty, following the descriptors of the Reading and Listening
competences expected at the B1 and B2 levels of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference
for Languages).

B1 Overall Listening Comprehension B1 Overall Reading Comprehension

Can understand the main points of clear Can read straightforward factual texts on
standard speech on familiar matters regularly subjects related to his/her field and interests
encountered in work, school, leisure, etc., with a satisfactory level of comprehension.
including short narratives.
B2 Overall Reading Comprehension
B2 Overall Listening Comprehension Can read with a large degree of independence,
Can understand the main ideas of propositionally adapting style and speed of reading to different
and linguistically complex speech on both texts and purposes, and using appropriate
concrete and abstract topics delivered in reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
standard speech, including technical discussions reading vocabulary, but may experience some
in his/her field of specialisation. difficulty with low-frequency idioms.
Can follow extended speech and complex lines
of argument provided the topic is reasonably
familiar, and the direction of the talk is sign-
posted by explicit markers.

The test concentrates on the communicative aspects of the language in general and not on any sectorial
or specialised language. The test is the same for all the different types of secondary schools, as the final
language requirement is the same for all secondary school curricula (cfr. Linee Guida per gli Istituti Tecnici e
Professionali and Indicazioni Nazionali per i Licei).
English test
An introduction to the INVALSI


The test results will be shown as a qualitative descriptor on a rising scale in which there will be three distinct
levels for Reading and Listening: Less than B1, B1 and B2.

The test is made up of two parts: the first part aims at measuring the achieved levels of Listening skills. The
second part aims at measuring the achieved levels of Reading skills.
Each part has two B1 tasks and three B2 tasks.
The total number of items in each part can vary from 35 to 40.
Each task is preceded by detailed instructions in English and also gives an initial example to show how the
task should be carried out.

In Year 13 of upper secondary schools (Scuola Secondaria di Secondo Grado), the INVALSI tests will be
administered digitally. They are in fact computer-based tests (CBT), as they are carried out using computers
equipped with earphones and connected to the Internet. For each student, the tests are drawn from a vast
items bank and therefore vary from student to student while maintaining the same level of difficulty and
structure (context, type of text, format and number of tasks, etc.).

The audio recordings of each task are always heard twice. Before listening for the first time, the students
have one minute to read the questions. After they have heard the recording for the second time, they have
one additional minute to complete their answers.
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260 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
The duration of the standard listening test is about 60 minutes. It may vary by a few minutes according
to the length of the audio texts used. The time given to those students with learning difficulties (DSA) is
75 minutes, and they are allowed to hear the texts three times instead of the two times allowed for the
standard test.
The duration of the standard Reading test is 90 minutes. The time given to those students with learning
difficulties (DSA) is 105 minutes.

Types of text
The reading and listening texts in the INVALSI English test are all authentic. The written texts can be
continuous, non-continuous or mixed, narrative, descriptive, argumentative, expositive or regulative. The
maximum length of the B1 texts is about 350 words; the B2 texts can reach a maximum of 600 words.
The audio texts can be monologues or dialogues between two or at the most three people. They are from
2 to 4 minutes in length. Alternatively, they can be made up of a series of short monologues with different
speakers lasting about 20 seconds each.

Test contents
Both the reading and listening tests are based on situations relevant to everyday life and to the topic areas
indicated within the European Framework for the B1 and B2 levels, which are also used as a reference by
the INVALSI test. These include: social and professional lifestyles, the environment, science and technology,
free time and leisure, entertainment and media, sport, travel, personal relationships, health and a healthy
lifestyle, education and vocational training, public services, languages, the world of work, multiculturalism,
crime, history, art, music, culture and traditions, food, global issues.

Task types
The documents published by INVALSI show the different task types for the tests to be taken in the final
year of upper secondary school (cfr. La Prova INVALSI di inglese al termine del secondo ciclo di istruzione, from
28/09/2018). The type of task chosen for the reading and listening tests can be of the following types:

Questions with 4 options of which only one is correct. The choice can be:
• a complete answer
• the second half of the initial sentence


An introduction to the INVALSI

These can be in various formats:
• matching the first and second parts of sentences
• matching phrases/titles/descriptions to other phrases/titles/descriptions
• gap filling
• matching questions to answers in an interview (Listening)
• matching short texts to a title or summary

English test
All the multiple matching exercises include one or more distracters (options that should not be used). Some
exercises also include options that can be used more than once.


These are questions to which the answer cannot be longer than four words. In some cases students may
be asked to give two answers to a question, or where more than one answer is possible, they may be asked
to give just one answer. In these tasks, spelling and grammar mistakes are not taken into consideration as
long as the meaning is clear.

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INVALSI in Performer B2
The updated edition of Performer B2 offers a opening spread in every unit under the heading of Towards
INVALSI. Each of these sections offers a Reading and Listening task designed to give authentic practice for
students in their preparation for the INVALSI test. The Dossier bank of Performer B2 offers additional extra
Reading texts using the INVALSI format. There are also INVALSI Reading texts and exercises included in
every unit of the workbook under the heading Towards INVALSI.

The texts used in the Reading and Listening tasks are realistic and authentic. The Reading texts are adapted
from authoritative sources including: The Financial Times, The Guardian, The UN, National Geographic and The
New York Times. Where necessary, they have been adapted to fit the length criteria of the INVALSI test.
The Listening texts offer a variety of authentic accents from the English-speaking world, including different
British and American accents. The speakers are both male and female and from different age groups. The
length, speed and situation offered in the Listening texts have been studied to mirror the INVALSI test. They
include: short monologues with different speakers, longer monologues, radio programmes with multiple
speakers, two speakers offering different viewpoints, interviews and lectures.

All the texts refer to everyday situations and the topic areas indicated within the European Framework for
the B2 level, which are also referred to by the INVALSI test. These include: social and professional lifestyles,
the environment, science and technology, free time and leisure, entertainment and media, sport, travel,
personal relationships, health and a healthy lifestyle, education and vocational training, public services,
languages, the world of work, multiculturalism, crime, history, art, music, culture and traditions, food, global

Task types
The type of exercise chosen for the INVALSI sections reflects the different proposals put forward by the
Ministry of Education for the INVALSI English test. These include:

Questions with 4 options of which only one is correct. The choice can be:
English test
An introduction to the INVALSI


• a complete answer
• the second half of the initial sentence

These can be in various formats:
• matching the first and second parts of sentences
• matching phrases/titles/descriptions to other phrases/titles/descriptions
• gap filling
• matching questions to answers in an interview (Listening)
• matching short texts to a title or summary
All the multiple matching exercises include one or more distracters (options that should not be used). Some
exercises also include options that can be used more than once.


These are questions to which the answer cannot be longer than four words. In some cases students may
be asked to give two answers to a question, or where more than one answer is possible, they may be asked
to give just one answer. In these tasks, spelling and grammar mistakes are not taken into consideration as
long as the meaning is clear.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

262 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
An overview of the INVALSI tasks in Performer B2
Student’s Book
pp.18-19, ex.3 B2 Friendship Multiple Careful Reading for main ideas and 5
matching reading supporting details
p.19, ex.4 B2 Relationships Multiple Careful Listening for main ideas and 7
matching listening supporting details
pp.30-31, ex.3 B2 Travel Multiple Careful Reading for main ideas and 6
choice reading supporting details
p.31, ex.4 B2 Travel and work Short open Selective Listening for specific 8
answers listening information and important
pp.44-45, ex.3 B2 Work and Short open Selective Reading for specific 9
economics answers reading information and important
p.45, ex.4 B2 Business and Multiple Quick Listening for specific 8
entrepreneurship matching selective information and important
listening details
pp.56-57, ex.3 B2 Crime and Multiple Careful Reading for main ideas and 8
technology matching reading supporting details
p.57, ex.4 B2 Art and crime Multiple Careful Listening for main ideas and 6
choice listening supporting details
pp.70-71, ex.4 B2 The environment Short open Quick Reading for specific 9
answers selective information and important
reading details
p.71, ex.5 B2 Conservation Multiple Careful Listening for main ideas and 6
choice listening supporting details
pp.82-83, ex.3 B2 Art and music Multiple Careful Reading for main ideas and 6
choice reading supporting details
p.83, ex.4 B2 Entertainment Multiple Selective Listening for specific 6

An introduction to the INVALSI

matching listening information and important
pp.96-97, ex.3 B2 Technology Multiple Careful Reading for main ideas and 6
choice reading supporting details
p.97, ex.4 B2 Technology Multiple Careful Listening for main ideas and 6
matching listening supporting details

English test
pp.108-109, B2 Health Multiple Careful Reading for main ideas and 6
ex.3 matching reading supporting details
p.109, ex.4 B2 Sport Multiple Careful Listening for main ideas and 5
choice listening supporting details
pp.122-123, B2 The environment Short open Quick Reading for specific 9
ex.3 answers selective information and important
reading details
p.123, ex.4 B2 The environment Short open Selective Listening for specific 9
answers listening information and important
pp.134-135, B2 Entrepreneurship Multiple Careful Reading for main ideas and 6
ex.3 choice reading supporting details
p.135, ex.4 B2 Money and Multiple Careful Listening for main ideas and 6
business matching listening supporting details

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 263
Student’s Book
p.149, ex.5 B2 Global issues Multiple Careful Reading for main ideas and 5
choice reading supporting details
p.153, ex.5 B2 Online behaviour Short open Quick Reading for specific 8
answers selective information and important
reading details
p.157, ex.5 B2 Food and health Multiple Careful Reading for main ideas and 5
choice reading supporting details
p.161, ex.5 B2 The environment Multiple Careful Reading for main ideas and 7
matching reading supporting details
p.165, ex.4 B2 Economics Short open Quick Reading for specific 8
answers selective information and important
reading details
pp.8-9, ex.2 B2 Family Multiple Careful Reading for main ideas and 6
matching reading supporting details
pp.16-17, ex.3 B2 Travel and Multiple Careful Reading for main ideas and 6
volunteering choice reading supporting details
pp.24-25, ex.3 B2 Jobs and Short open Selective Reading for specific 9
employment answers reading information and important
pp.32-33, ex.2 B2 Crime and music Multiple Careful Reading for main ideas and 9
matching reading supporting details
pp.40-41, ex.3 B2 Gender equality Short open Quick Reading for specific 9
answers selective information and important
reading details
pp.48-49, ex.3 B2 Art and fashion Multiple Careful Reading for main ideas and 8
choice reading supporting details
pp.56-57, ex.3 B2 Technology Multiple Careful Reading for main ideas and 6
English test
An introduction to the INVALSI


choice reading supporting details

pp.64-65, ex.3 B2 Sport and health Multiple Careful Reading for main ideas and 9
matching reading supporting details
pp.72-73, ex.3 B2 The environment Short open Quick Reading for specific 9
and technology answers selective information and important
reading details
pp.80-81, ex.3 B2 Shopping Multiple Careful Reading for main ideas and 8
choice reading supporting details

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

264 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 265
The tests section contains a wide variety of tests to suit different didactic needs.
• Entry test (Fila A and Fila B: the exercises are different but have the same level of difficulty) This test
assesses the level of students at the beginning of the school year or after the ‘riallineamento’ through
the Build Up Units. This test allows the teacher also to identify the students who need some extra
support to be able to follow the rhythm of the lessons. This test is based on 50 marks.
• Fast checks Quick tests with 20 multiple-choice questions to assess the knowledge of words, idioms
and the structures of the unit. This can also be a digital test to be done on the Kahoot app (see page
267). Timing is important in this kind of test and is paced automatically on Kahoot. Done as a written
test, each question should be given 1 minute to answer. Overall each test takes 20 minutes and there
are 20 marks.
• Unit tests (Fila A and Fila B: the exercises are different but have the same level of difficulty) They test
the knowledge of lexis, grammar and use of English at the end of each unit. The test can be done in one
lesson and the assessment is based on 50 marks.
• Skills tests for FIRST (Fila A and Fila B) Every 2 units, they test the four language skills in preparation for
the First exam. Their aim is to familiarise students with the First Test format. However, they can also be
considered as summative tests because they evaluate the students’ learning process and their language
competences. Teachers can split these tests into two parts (reading and writing; listening and speaking)
or allow the students more time. These tests are also suitable for communal testing (Prove comuni). The
marks reflect the official marks of the First exam.
• Listening tests (Fila A and Fila B) They test the language listening skills every 2 units. Every test includes
two listening tasks and is based on 30 marks.
• Competences tests They test the students on the competences acquired in every unit through individual
or group activities which require project, development, production and presentation to the rest of the
class. Assessment tables are provided for the teachers (see page 568).
• Recupero tests: They can be used at the end of ‘corso di recupero’. There are four tests: the first is based
on units 1-3, the second one is based on units 1-5, the third one on units 6-8, the last one on units
6-10. The second and the fourth recupero tests can be used in September of the second year. This test
is based on 50 marks.
• Easy reading tests These tests have the same text as the standard tests, but contain some typographic
aids that lessen the level of difficulty both for reading and writing. During the tests, the students are
allowed to consult the grammar maps and tables included in the Student’s book (see pages 7, 9, 11, 13,
15, 168-193).
• Guided tests The Entry test and the Unit, Skills for First, Listening and Recupero tests have been adapted
to specific learning disabilities. The instructions are in English, an example is provided, the number of
items is reduced, no translation from Italian into English and no error correction are required. In the
Listening and Speaking tests the original text is maintained but the exercises are simplified.

All the Tests Fila A, Fila B and Guided tests are available on paper in this guide and in rtf and pdf formats
in the teacher’s USB pen drive.
An example of the Easy reading tests is given in a paper version in this guide. All the other Easy reading
tests can be found in rtf and pdf formats in the teacher’s USB pen drive.
The audio for the Skills tests for First and for the Listening tests can be found in the following CDs:
Performer B2 Tests CDs 1-2.
The keys to all the tests are to be found in this guide.
All the tests and all the audio for the tests are also available at:


Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

266 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Che cos’è Kahoot!
Kahoot! è una piattaforma di blended learning (apprendimento misto che prevede l’affiancamento di una
piattaforma tecnologica alla didattica tradizionale), ispirata alla pedagogia del gioco e nata per la creazione
di quiz, discussioni e sondaggi utili anche all’attività didattica.
Gli studenti sono stimolati a partecipare attivamente all’esperienza didattica attraverso l’uso del proprio
smartphone o tablet, secondo la metodologia del BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), in un clima di gioco e di
Ogni quiz Kahoot! è composto da 20 domande, da proporre agli studenti alla fine di ciascuna unità. Il quiz
consente all’insegnante di verificare, in un clima rilassato e giocoso, la preparazione generale della classe,
individuando eventuali argomenti che necessitano di maggiore lavoro o ripasso.

Come si usa Kahoot!

1 Usare la LIM per collegarsi online al sito indicato alla fine di ogni Fast check (esempio per Unit 1:
2 Scrollare sulla schermata per visualizzare Game options, con cui si può personalizzare il gioco. Scegliere
la modalità di gioco: Classic se si vuole proporre il quiz individualmente, Team vs Team se si vuole dividere
la classe in squadre.
3 Sul monitor appare un PIN. Ogni studente (o squadra) si collega al sito (o scarica l’app) con il
proprio smartphone (o altro device dotato di connessione Internet). Inserisce il PIN per attivare il gioco e
un nickname (che sarà quello con cui verrà identificato il giocatore sullo schermo). A mano a mano che gli
studenti (o le squadre) si loggano ed entrano in gioco, questo numero varia.
4 Per far partire l’attività basta un semplice clic su start.
Per partecipare al quiz non è necessario disporre di un account personale.
Per ogni domanda, gli studenti hanno 20 secondi di tempo per rispondere. Lo studente usa lo smartphone
come risponditore a distanza: entro il tempo a disposizione, deve scegliere la sua risposta selezionando il
riquadro associato a ogni risposta. Riceverà feedback immediato per verificarne la correttezza.
Al termine del gioco sarà possibile visualizzare i punteggi dei giocatori e salvare i risultati con download
diretto di un file Excel o su Google Drive.


Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 267
FILA A ENTRY TEST BUILD UP TO B2 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

TEST 1 COMPLETE the sentences with the present
simple or continuous of the verbs in brackets.
5 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
past participle of the verbs in the box.
UP TO 1 ‘Where’s Mother?’ ‘She
fall / buy / write / speak / have
B2 (cook) dinner in the kitchen.’
Fila A 2 Tom always (go) clubbing 1 Have you ever a terrifying
on Saturdays. experience?
3 The students (always 2 Michael has a best selling
complain) about too much homework. novel.
4 Water (boil) at 100° Celsius. 3 Robert has in love with a
5 Mary is in Paris. She (study) girl he met last night.
French and Economics at the Sorbonne. 4 Have you just a new car?
Marks: …… / 5 5 The teacher has to the
headmaster about the problems in class.
2 MATCH the sentences in exercise 1 to the
corresponding use from the options below.
Marks: …… / 5

general statements of fact
actions happening at the moment
6 WRITE sentences using the present perfect
and the prompts below.
C actions in progress 1 have / you / ever / eat / Indian / food?
D actions expressing annoyance
E repeated or usual actions 2 John / has / just / come / back / from /
Marks: …… / 5 Australia.

3 COMPLETE the text with the past simple or

continuous of the verbs in brackets.
3 I / have / not / see / the / Oscar-winning / film
/ yet.
Yesterday afternoon, Mary and Liz
(1) (go) shopping in the 4 have / you / meet / your / neighbours / yet?
High Street. They (2)
(look) for something to wear to the party 5 how / long / have / you / live / in / Italy?
on Saturday evening. At last, after trying on
several outfits, they (3) Marks: …… / 5
(find) just what they wanted. Unfortunately, at
the cash desk, Mary (4)
(discover) she had no money on her. Liz
7 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
(5) (lend) her some
money to pay for her dress. Mary 1 I can hear thunder. It won’t / will / is going to
(6) (be) embarrassed. rain.
Marks: …… / 6 2 What time does / will / is your flight to London
4 CORRECT the mistakes in the sentences. 3 You are very busy. I am going to do / will do / do
1 Robert had a shower when the phone rang. the shopping.
4 I am going to / will / am spend six months in the
United States next year.
Fila A


2 Many Americans ask themselves ‘What did I

do when Robert Kennedy was assassinated?’ 5 Weather forecasts say this summer is / will / is
going to be very hot.
3 The storm was breaking out just as the plane Marks: …… / 5
was landing.

4 ‘Why didn’t you answer the door when I was

ringing the bell?’ ‘Sorry, I was in the garden and
didn’t hear it.’

Marks: …… / 4
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268 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

4 I’m not sure I’ll come to the party tomorrow

8 MATCH the sentences with the
corresponding use from the options below.
night because nobody can give me a lift home.
I not come to the party
1 The door bell is ringing! I’ll answer it. tomorrow night because nobody can give me
2 If you don’t water the plants, they will die. a lift home.
3 The film starts at 8. We’re meeting at 7.30 5 In the past it was not possible for people to
outside the cinema because we have to buy have a computer at home.
tickets. In the past people have a
computer at home.
4 Promise me you will take a taxi to come home
from the party. Marks: …… / 5
5 I am going to do my homework after the TV TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
programme finishes.
A intention
B promise
C inevitable future action
D spontaneous decision
E planned action
Marks: …… / 5

9 WRITE what you would say in the following

situations using the ideas in the box.

talk to her boss / put some pictures on the walls /

study more / not smoke / take a holiday

1 You look tired.

2 Alice works very long hours.

3 Our sitting room is very plain.

4 Peter has a difficult English test next week.

5 I always have a terrible cough.

Marks: …… / 5

10 COMPLETE the second sentence using

modal verbs.
1 She is afraid of flying so going to New Zealand
is out of question.
She is afraid of flying so she
never go to New Zealand.

2 Our teacher is very demanding so our test will

probably be difficult.
Our teacher is very demanding so our test
be difficult.
3 Before the introduction of low cost flights,
fewer people had the possibility to fly.
Before the introduction of low cost flights

fewer people fly.

Fila A

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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo 269
FILA B ENTRY TEST BUILD UP TO B2 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 COMPLETE the sentences with the present

simple or continuous of the verbs in brackets.
5 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
past participle of the verbs in the box.
TEST 1 John (do) his homework in his room.
BUILD see / speak / fall / buy / write
2 My grandparents always (go) to
UP TO church on Sundays.
B2 1 Have you ever asleep
Fila B 3 The Earth (move) around the sun. during a lesson?
4 My mother (always complain) about 2 My parents have just to
my untidy room. my teachers about my progress at school.
5 Tom is in London. He (study) 3 Have you ever a piece of
medicine. jewellery at Tiffany’s?
Marks: …… / 5 4 The pupils have a poem
to give to their mothers for Mother’s Day.
2 MATCH the sentences in exercise 1 to the
corresponding use from the options below.
5 We have never a
performance of a Shakespeare play.
A general statements of fact Marks: …… / 5
B actions happening at the moment
C actions in progress 6 WRITE sentences using the present perfect
and the prompts below.
D actions expressing annoyance
E repeated or usual actions 1 have / you / ever / fly / in / a / two-seater /
Marks: …… / 5

3 COMPLETE the text with the past simple or

continuous of the verbs in brackets.
2 Peter / have / just / meet / his / new / boss.

3 Mary /have / not / start / her / French /

Yesterday, Sarah was preparing for a party.
language / course / yet.
First of all she (1) (invite)
all her friends who (2)
(go) to her school. She cooked a lot of food 4 How / long / have / John / be / study /
and (3) (order) a special Spanish?
cake. She (4) (put)
the food on the table when her friends 5 Have / you / try / the / new / Indian /
(5) (arrive). There was restaurant / yet?
a lot of good loud music. While people were
dancing and listening to music, outside Marks: …… / 5
in the garden, some of the guests
was a great party.
(swim) in the pool. It
7 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
Marks: …… / 6
1 There are dark clouds in the sky. It will / won’t /
4 CORRECT the mistakes in the sentences. is going to rain.
2 What time does / will / is / the train for Paris
1 My mother cooked the meal when my father
arrived. leave?
3 You look tired. I am going to cook / will cook /
Fila B


2 The policeman asked the suspect: ‘What did cook dinner for everyone.
you do at the time of the murder?’ 4 We have already booked the hotel. We are
going / will go / go to Spain in July.
3 I was copying from my friend when my teacher 5 A scientific report says that global warming will
was catching me. / is going to / go to increase.
Marks: …… / 5
4 Why didn’t you answer the phone when it was

Marks: …… / 4
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270 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

3 At the beginning of the 20th century it was not

8 MATCH the sentences with the
corresponding use from the options below.
possible for everyone to have a car.
At the beginning of the 20th century not
1 We have no bread left. I’ll go out and buy everyone have a car.
some. 4 I’m not sure I’ll go to the cinema tomorrow
2 Don’t be sad if Christmas is over, it will come night because I have to babysit.
again next year. I not go to the cinema
3 The play starts at 8. We’re meeting at 7.30 tomorrow night because I have to babysit.
outside the theatre. 5 I don’t like cats, I like dogs.
4 Don’t worry, father will phone if something I prefer not to have cats.
happens as he always does. I like dogs.
5 Mary is going out with her friends after she Marks: …… / 5
finishes her homework.
TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
A intention
B promise
C inevitable future action
D spontaneous decision
E planned action
Marks: …… / 5

9 WRITE what you would say in the following

situations using the ideas in the box.

apologise / go to the doctor / go on a diet /

learn the language / look for a job

1 You don’t look well.

2 Sheila has had an argument with her parents.

3 My clothes don’t fit me anymore.

4 I’m going to study in Spain for a year.

5 Peter needs money.

Marks: …… / 5

10 COMPLETE the second sentence using

modal verbs.
1 When they go to Paris they want to visit

They to visit Versailles

when they go to Paris.
2 Stephen is not a very good tennis player so
there is a possibility you will win.
Stephen is not a very good tennis player so
you win.

Fila B

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
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FAST CHECK UNIT 1 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 My brother usually … Christmas with his wife’s 12 Have you done your school assignment …?
CHECK family. still ever
Unit 1 is spending spends yet just
spend has spent
13 I … my essay on the set book two days ago.
2 A good writer has a lot of ... . have finished finished
image imaginative am finishing finish
imagination imagine
14 This is the first time I … to this club.
3 I have … with my friends at the weekend. have been been
play laugh go went
fun share
15 My father isn’t at home. He … to Rome.
4 My father … me to school every day. went is gone
is driving drives has gone has been
drove drove
16 What is the … of family life for a young child?
5 … you watching that film? import importence
do is importance important
does are
17 I’m tired. I … for five hours.
6 My mother is preparing dinner and my father have studied
… the car. studied
washes wash was studying
is washing washed have been studying

7 My brothers don’t agree with each other, they 18 Her children’s … was all the mother cared
often … ! about.
share problems are in touch happiness happily
have a laug have rows happy unhappy

8 They don’t get … at all. 19 Who do you … your problems with?

off on have divide
with in talk share

9 My boyfriend … my parents tonight. 20 Are you … with a new boyfriend?

is meeting met seeing getting on
are meeting meets going out going

10 Have you … been abroad? TOTAL MARKS: …… / 20

always yet
never ever KAHOOT!


This test can be used as a quick assessment either on paper

or with Kahoot! the game-based learning platform
11 I have a very large family with many … .
relationships connections
relations parents

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
272 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 He … fat but now he’s lost a lot of weight. 11 When Mary arrived outside the cinema, her
used to be is used to being friends … for an hour.
got used to being would be were waiting had been waiting FAST
waited had waited CHECK
2 While we … over Egypt we caught a glimpse of Unit 2
the Pyramids. 12 Yesterday the soldiers … for two hours and
flew had flown they were exhausted.
were flying is flying march have marched
marched were marching
3 When I was little, my brother … me after
school to take me home. 13 The 5-star hotel was very … .
used to meet was meeting comfort comfortable
met would to meet comforting comfortless

4 He loves being on big cruise ships, so he 14 The Caribbean Islands is a … destination.

always prefers a sea … to flying. desire desirability
trip journey desirable desirableness
travel voyage
15 He is such a boring and … person.
5 They were … Paris but got the wrong train and predict predictive
ended up in Bordeaux. prediction predictable
head back set for
heading for directed for 16 The children satisfied their ... curiosity for
animals during our safari holiday in Africa.
6 If you go to the cosmetics shop today they are nature unnatural
giving away free … . naturally natural
specimens examples
quantities samples 17 Her clothes and hands were full of paint
because she … all day.
7 The United States is a vast country with many painted had been
different … . paints painting
landscapes views has painted
panoramas honeymoons
18 We arrived at the station just as the train …
8 I’ll miss my train if I don’t hurry up. Could you the platform.
…? left had left
take me collect me was leaving had been leaving
give me a lift get me
19 The amount of work she did for her University
9 How long … Italian before you moved to research is certainly … .
Rome? impressionable impressive
do you study impressed impression
you studied 20 The Sunday flight to London is now full. It was
had you been studying … that you booked so far in advance.
fortune fortunate

10 The lecture … when John arrived at the fortunately fortunateness

started had starting TOTAL MARKS: …… / 20
had started was starting

This test can be used as a quick assessment either on paper
or with Kahoot! the game-based learning platform

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo 273
FAST CHECK UNIT 3 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 Martin wanted a new job with better 12 Call me before 7 p.m. because after that we …
prospects. He … from his old job. dinner
retired resigned will have had will have
FAST got the sack contracted out will be having having
Unit 3 2 This week has been a nightmare! I have 13 Work experience should help students adapt ...
worked … every single day. to working life.
nine-to-five from home easily systematic
overtime extra easy systematically

3 We … our friends outside the cinema at 7 p.m. 14 The employees want a new contract so they
are meeting going to meet are … .
meet will meet taking time off on strike
working from home commuting
4 I’ll cook dinner … I get home.
by the time while 15 Sally managed to get an interview only after
until as soon as she had … ten jobs.
asked for applied to
5 Let’s go out for dinner tonight, … we? applied for written for
will do
shall can 16 Electricians earn a lot of money. They …
between £30 to £ 80 an hour.
6 My daughter wants to move abroad as soon require credit
as she finishes … university. demand charge
an –
a the 17 When we finish trekking in the mountains we
… 10 miles.
7 By the time we get to the party, everyone … have walked will be walking
home. will have walked were walking
will be going will have gone
has gone was going 18 Scientists say that in twenty years time people
… regularly to Mars.
8 The new client phoned while you were out for will have been travelling
lunch. He wants you to … . are going to
are travelling
recall call in
will be travelling
contact call back

19 After the morning shift in the operating

9 His sister is … employee in a bank.
theatre the doctors … for 5 hours.
the a
will have operated
an –
will have been operating
were operating
10 People’s … will last longer in the future.


were operating
working lives employment
life work work 20 Her job interview this morning went very … .
good well
11 By next June I … in this company for 20 years. goodly bad
will be working
have worked TOTAL MARKS: …… / 20
will have worked
will have been working KAHOOT!
This test can be used as a quick assessment either on paper
or with Kahoot! the game-based learning platform

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274 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 I know a good lawyer who … help you with 12 Children … be taught rules if they are to grow
your case in court. up respecting the law. FAST
needs can may could CHECK
might must can should Unit 4

2 The new student has had problems with the 13 During the trial the jury fell asleep. They …
police. He … cause problems at school. have been bored.
need not must must can
could not may might should

3 Be careful of … when you travel on the 14 It is … to prove your innocence if you do not
underground. have an alibi.
shoplifters burglars possible inpossible
pickpockets muggers impossible possibly

4 Many teenagers do not realise that it is … to 15 She is accused of shoplifting. She … to see a
download films. lawyer.
legalisation illegality must needs
legal illegal might should

5 The police … in catching the suspect only after 16 Someone who steals from a bank is a ... .
a ten-minute chase. burglar stealer
managed succeeded thief robber
was able should
17 As a private detective he … investigate many
6 You … carry a passport when travelling in interesting cases.
Schengen countries. must have could
mustn’t have to may have needed
may needn’t
18 There were no witnesses so the criminal …
7 If you … the school rules, you will be punished. with murder.
disobey obey get away got away
not obey break out was sentenced was guilty

8 They … the shoplifters because the police 19 … usually do not get hard sentences.
didn’t find anything on them. offenders
must be could be illegal offenders
can’t be may be offensive
first-time offenders
9 If you … the law, you will go to prison.
break act on 20 Yesterday John … to cheat in the test because
get away with are convicted the teacher was watching him.
wasn’t able couldn’t
10 You … see that new crime series, it is could didn’t
have to might TOTAL MARKS: …… / 20

must may
This test can be used as a quick assessment either on paper
11 You … stop and let pedestrians cross on a or with Kahoot! the game-based learning platform
zebra crossing.

can must
ought could
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FAST CHECK UNIT 5 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 Integration problems … if we do not solve the 12 Robert wants to … for volunteer work in a
refugee problem. school in Africa.
FAST continues continue sign in sign out
will continue will not continue sign up sign down
Unit 5
2 If there is no food, people … of hunger. 13 If there had been fewer refugees, they would
will die died not have … all the camp supplies.
die dying been using up use
use up used up
3 Universal education ... a better quality of life for
everyone. 14 If we followed the laws on gender equality, we
bring would bring … human rights principles.
will bring brings would have respected
will respect
4 If the whole world works towards solutions, respect
we … the planet would respect
will save would save
save saved 15 The … of the country is in good hands.
lead leadership
5 Politicians rarely try to solve problems … there leading leader
is a personal advantage for them.
if provided that 16 It’s time the country ... another election.
as long as unless
has had
is having will have
6 The … of a person depends on having the basic
necessities of life.
17 The aid operators will stay in the refugee camp
happy happily … they are protected by soldiers.
happiness unhappiness
until as long as
in case so that
7 Recognising the … of many different ethnic
groups leads to cultural richness.
18 The local government … start a recycling
diversity sustainability programme.
fragility security
had better would prefer
will rather prefers
8 It will … a lot of effort to solve all the problems
of poorer countries.
19 I wish I … helped as a volunteer during my gap
call in call for
call at call up
would will
9 The minister will go to the international had have
meeting … they need him.
as long as unless 20 Unicef … the protection of children’s rights.
provided that in case calls for deals in


calls up deals with

10 If all countries sign the resolution, we … many
ecological issues. TOTAL MARKS: …… / 20
solves will have solved
will solve solve KAHOOT!
This test can be used as a quick assessment either on paper
or with Kahoot! the game-based learning platform
11 If I had known the film was a documentary
about refugees, I ... to see it.
would go would have gone
will go will have gone

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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 We cannot say that an artist is better … 12 I love … art exhibitions where visitors are
another. It’s a question of preference. encouraged to experiment.
as than interact live FAST
to over installation interactive CHECK
Unit 6
2 Eugenio Montale’s … won him a Nobel Prize. 13 The Louvre is the … art museum in the world.
drama prose cost largest more large
poetry literature largest most large

3 Cézanne … Monet were Impressionist artists. 14 I find 18th-century novels … interesting than
like as modern novels.
with alike fewer less
few lesser
4 Our local theatre group … a Christmas play
every year. 15 The film that won the award is … good but I
puts over puts up prefer the one that came second.
puts on puts out much quite
little bit
5 The Vatican has one of the … art collections in
the world. 16 The museum was disappointing, it had ...
very rich richer paintings than I expected.
rich richest fewer little
few less
6 The director’s new film is not … as his last one.
as good good 17 I didn’t like the artist’s work, it showed …
better bad talent.
little less
7 Her performance was the … I had ever seen. fewer few
better best
good worse 18 Unesco is an organisation which protects the
artistic … of countries.
8 I love vintage shops where you can find old-… importance heritage
clothes. prestige works
styles revival
fashioned century 19 Robert hoped that living in Paris would help
him be more … .
9 Usually musicals are teenagers’ favourite … of creation creativity
entertainment. create creative
expression style
version form 20 Artists have to work hard to … a reputation.
put on build on
10 Robert can … paintings because he studied Art build up put up
History at University.
express inspire TOTAL MARKS: …… / 20
appreciate stimulate

This test can be used as a quick assessment either on paper

11 Vincent van Gogh worked … a teacher before or with Kahoot! the game-based learning platform
dedicating his life to art.
as like
for under

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FAST CHECK UNIT 7 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 The laboratory … used by students every day 12 A home gym is … great idea because I can
for their IT lessons. exercise whenever I like.
CHECK been are so much a such
Unit 7 is being so many such a

2 Fake news is … on social media regularly. 13 My favourite blogger … interesting articles and
post been posted comments every day.
posting posted downloads keys in
uploads logs in
3 She has been … as a cyberbully because of her
aggressive tweets. 14 He has … cool gadgets at home that it is
labelled called interesting to visit.
label pointed so much so many
such a so little
4 It’s important to … in order to protect your
privacy. 15 By using video conferences it is easy to carry
log in log out out business … from home.
sign out log off interacts interactions
transacts transactions
5 Social media have … attacked recently for
promoting anti social behaviour. 16 My computer broke down so I … it repaired by
being been an expert.
got be have was having
had having
6 Computers help us get more work … in less
time. 17 Recently, many people … concerned by the
done doing advance of Artificial Intelligence.
do does is have been
are had been
7 The first Apple computer … designed by Steve
Wozniak. 18 Important documents … downloaded when
is had been there was a blackout.
has been was were being had been
are being have been
8 By 2020 computers … have been accepted as
a feature of our lives for half a century. 19 If the office computers had not had a firewall,
may would they … hacked.
will could will have been have been
would be would have been
9 Social media helps us … in touch with friends
all over the world. 20 Young people love to engage … live chats on
being keep social media.


kept keeping on in
with for
10 Steps have … to solve the problem.
have taken be taken TOTAL MARKS: …… / 20
been taken taken
This test can be used as a quick assessment either on paper
11 Yesterday an app to monitor my health … on or with Kahoot! the game-based learning platform
my smartphone.
was fitted has been fitted
had been fitted fitted
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 The greatest … of a climber’s life must be 12 His school friends hoped … him win the
climbing Mount Everest. swimming competition.
demand possibility see to see CHECK
challenge opportunity seeing to be seeing Unit 8

2 Besides … you fit, exercise improves your mind 13 It is just as important to … on task in sport as
and mood. it is in learning.
keep to keep being be
keeps keeping stay staying

3 Rafael Nadal, … is Spanish, is considered to be 14 In baseball the … are the players out on the
one of the top tennis players in the world. field catching the ball.
whom whose fielders field
who that fieldings fielded

4 He surprised everyone by … around the world 15 A noisy crowd in a stadium could disturb an
single-handed. athlete’s attention … .
sailing to sail range moment
sail having sailed span time

5 According to surfers, Hawaii, … you can find 16 In a marathon you must keep a steady rhythm
the highest waves, is the best place to go. in order not to run out of … .
which where breathing wind
that in which air breath

6 One of my … sports is skiing. 17 In sport it is not important to win but to … .

favourite prefered join join on
favourable preferable join up join in

7 People … ski on black slopes are the most 18 You must not complain about … sent off field,
experienced. you behaved badly.
whose whom have been being
where who to be have

8 Most sports are … . 19 My mother insisted … to see me play in the

compete competition volleyball match.
competitive to compete on coming to come
in coming for coming
9 He could not decide which sport … because he
had no particular preference. 20 The city was full of runners getting ready to
he does to do take part in the marathon … .
he did doing test competition
race contest
10 The team … won the world cup is not playing
well this season. TOTAL MARKS: …… / 20
who whose

which – KAHOOT!

This test can be used as a quick assessment either on paper
or with Kahoot! the game-based learning platform
11 … helps you keep fit and helps the
environment too.

cycling having cycled

to cycle going cycle
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FAST CHECK UNIT 9 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 He said he … to attend the meeting on global 11 Pandas are one of the most endangered ... .
FAST warming. species types
CHECK wants wanted group class
Unit 9 will want would want
12 … products encourage consumerism.
2 The ozone … protects us from the sun’s removable dispensable
ultraviolet rays. unimportant disposable
hole layer
gas strata 13 The media reports that the world … running
out of natural resources very quickly.
3 ‘Demonstrators … the meeting on nuclear end up ends up
power,’ said the police. will end up is ending up
will be disrupting
will disrupt 14 He said that if all countries had respected the
would have disrupted Kyoto Protocol we … global warming.
would have solved will be solving
will solve will have solved
4 He declared that if the whole world worked
towards solutions, we … the planet.
15 He suggested … paper to save trees.
can save would save
recycles recycling
will be saving could save
recycled to recycle

5 The politician was accused of rarely … towards

16 Young people from ... backgrounds are working
solutions if there was no personal advantage
to save the planet.
for him.
advanced privileged
working to work
favourable privilege
not working having worked
17 They asked the politician … he was going to do
6 The problem is that … use a lot of plastic to
to stop the killing of whales.
wrap their goods.
– if
manufacture manufacturing
whether what
manufacturers manufactured
18 Is the local government going to install waste
7 The problem of recycling … must be solved.
… for the city?
designs sustainability
systems scheme
strategies actions
structures setup

8 Our carbon … is the measurement of our

19 If everyone did something to help the
individual impact on the environment.
environment, it would make a … .
impression footstep
differ different
finger print footprint
difference differently


9 She said if the ice caps …, polar bears would

20 The official said that they agreed … campaigns
not survive.
for the protection of animals.
melts melted
will support supporting
will melt will not melt
support to support

10 He said that if all countries … the resolution,

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 20
they will solve many ecological issues.
signed would sign KAHOOT!
will sign sign This test can be used as a quick assessment either on paper
or with Kahoot! the game-based learning platform

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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 The biggest challenge for new entrepreneurs is 12 When I need money my brother … it to me.
… people to give funds. borrowing lending FAST
making getting lends borrows CHECK
allow having Unit 10
13 All big banks have their own apps which … you
2 Crowdfunding is a new method of funding make payments from your smartphone.
which ... young people to start a business.
let allow
allowing has have lets
getting allows
14 You need a safe password to protect your ...
3 To be successful you need the ability to ... with
when paying online.
new ideas.
identifiable identity
come down invent
identifier identify
come up come in

4 You need good financial knowledge to be able 15 We don’t want to ask the bank for credit … the
to ... your profits and losses. high interest involved.
quantify quantification due to therefore
quantifiably qualify because since

5 Many startups are short-lived and only a few 16 With credit card payments it is easy to … count
… to survive for a long time. of how much you spend.
have are made take taking
are allowed are let losing lose

6 Time banking respects people’s skills, … 17 I admire young people who … the plunge and
everyone feels valued. create their own company.
because consequently taking take
since owing to make making

7 Many startup enterprises … people work from 18 Our financial advisor … us invest in a new
home. startup.
allows lets allowed have
let allow make had

8 Many talented young students ... successful

19 Cash … are very useful because you can
withdraw money wherever you are.
come turn out
mechanisms registers
turn up turn into
machines machinery
9 In the financial world, hard work and
motivation … in the end. 20 I … my blood pressure checked by my
smartphone app.
pay pay off
pay in pay up let have
make getting
10 Being successful in business … to know-how,
stamina and a bit of luck. TOTAL MARKS: …… / 20
comes comes up

comes in comes down KAHOOT!

This test can be used as a quick assessment either on paper
or with Kahoot! the game-based learning platform
11 I offered my IT skills in Time Banking and … I
have a lovely garden.

as a result since
therefore due to
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FILA A UNIT TEST UNIT 1 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

UNIT Vocabulary Grammar

Unit 1 1 COMPLETE the sentences with words and
phrases about relationships.
4 COMPLETE the dialogue with the present
simple, present continuous, present perfect
Fila A
1 My grandma died a few years ago but simple, present perfect continuous and past
just looking across the sea makes me simple of the verbs in brackets.
to her. Meghan and Rick are old friends. They meet by
2 We are still with the people chance at a train station.
we met during our cruise in the Mediterranean. Meghan: Hi, Rick. I haven’t seen you for ages!
3 I with my boyfriend last How are you?
night. We are always arguing. Rick: Fine, thank you. How about you? You
(1) (look) good.
4 ‘Who do you your Meghan: Thanks, you too.
problems with?’ ‘With my elder sister, I feel she
(2) (you / go) somewhere
understands me.’
or are you going to meet anybody?
5 of joy with others can Rick: I’m going to Manchester for a business
easily be seen as life’s most exciting moments. meeting. And you?
6 They say that with Meghan: I (3) (wait) for a
friends is the best medicine. friend of mine for nearly an hour but her train
Marks: …… / 6 has been delayed.
Rick: Are you working at the moment? The last
2 CORRECT the phrasal verbs about
time I (4)
you had a job in a travel agency.
(speak) to you,

Meghan: Yes, that’s right. Unfortunately,

1 Even though we don’t share many interests,
the company went out of business and I
we always hang out with together.
(5) (lose) my job.
Rick: Haven’t you had a job since then?
2 Ann and Jeremy have only been making up for Meghan: Not a permanent job. I’ve had
five weeks. a few temporary jobs. By the way,
(6) (you / see) Mark
3 Do you have fun well with your new colleague? recently?
Rick: Mark? He’s in New York.
4 I often get on with my friends at the shopping Meghan: What is he doing there?
centre. Rick: I have no idea. Anyway, I have to go and
catch my train now. It was good to see you.
5 My brother and I often argue but we go out Take care!
quickly. Meghan: Bye. Have a good trip!
Marks: …… / 6
Marks: …… / 5 5 COMPLETE the text with the present simple,
past simple, present perfect simple and
3 MAKE nouns from the words given to
complete the sentences.
present perfect continuous of the verbs in
1 of speech is restricted in Chess is a very popular game which
some countries. (FREE) (1) (originate) in East Asia
2 The marathon is a test of . many centuries ago. Those who
Fila A


(ENDURE) (2) (already / play) it,

3 Joseph entered the national high school and those who do it regularly, know that it is
basketball competition. an amazing game. It (3)
(CHAMPION) (teach) you a new way of thinking. Although it
has a set of rules which are easily understood,
4 There was a lot of in
preparation for the American President’s visit. it requires a lot of practice in order to defeat a
(ACTIVE) skilled opponent.
My friend Sam (4)
5 The two parties arrived at an agreement after (play) chess since he was 6 years old. He
a two-hour . (DISCUSS) has always liked playing this game and he
Marks: …… / 5 often plays with his friends.
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Lately, also his girlfriend Patricia 3 A drove B drive

(5) (learn) how to play C are driving D have driven
because she (6) (want) to 4 A hang in with B hang out by
be able to play against Sam. C hang with D hang out with
Marks: …… / 6
5 A close to B close
C closed by D close of
Reading and Use of English 6 A get a laugh B have laugh
C have a laugh D get laugh
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 1 7 A has happened B is happening
1-8, read the text below and decide which
C to happen D happened
8 A community B acquaintance
answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There C communication D contact
is an example at the beginning (0).
Marks: …… / 8
Good neighbours
When we talk about (0) GETTING FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2
on with people, we immediately think
about our relationship with our family and
7 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
friends. How about our relationship with our fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
neighbours? How many of us actually take the There is an example at the beginning (0).
time to (1) problems or
moments of joy with our neighbours?
Why I love being part of a team
Today’s lifestyle doesn’t encourage I’ve (0) BEEN in a team of some
(2) between neighbours. sort since I was 4 years old. I’ve played almost
Most people (3) straight every sport offered in my middle school,
to work every morning and into their garage because I love making new friends
at night. It is very easy not to know anything and learning something new. When I first
about their neighbourhood. However, you (1) to college, I told
need to realise that taking the time to myself I (2) not need to
(4) your neighbours is do a sport, that I would just focus on school.
very important. According to safety experts, I was so wrong. My first two years here I felt
neighbourhoods become safer and friendlier like something was missing, but just could
when the people living there feel not figure out what. I finally decided to give
(5) each other. cheerleading a chance and be part of a team
So how can you be a good neighbour? First again. There is no greater feeling than knowing
of all, you can smile and say hello every time that you are close (3)
you see your neighbours, and if you have time, others and sharing moments of joy
talk about local problems or perhaps (4) them. The friendships
(6) together. Once you get you make along the way are by far the best
to know your neighbours better, you can form part of being in a team. I have met so many
a neighbourhood watch programme of mutual unbelievably amazing girls that ended up being
help where everyone keeps an eye on what some of my (5) friends
(7) in your street. through the many teams I have been a part of.
Cultivating bonds between neighbours All of these girls are so talented and I am proud
doesn’t take much effort, and strengthening to say I am still in (6)
neighbourhood relationships will not only help with them all. My teammates, both past and
you make friends, but also build a strong and present, truly hold a special place in my heart.
safe (8) . There is no (7) like the
Adapted from one you have with your team. Some weeks
you see your team more than anyone else
and it doesn’t even matter because they

0 A get B to get
C getting D got (8) your best friends, so
1 A share B have where else would you rather be?
Adapted from
C get D give

Marks: …… / 8
Fila A

2 A friends B friendly
C befriend D friendship
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FILA A UNIT TEST UNIT 1 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 5 So how can you treat yourself better? You
the article. For questions 1-6, choose the
can write down your feelings – not your
judgements about your feelings – but just
answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best how you’re feeling. Keeping a diary helps to
according to the text. create distance between your reactions and
your actions, between your emotions and
The most important relationship your choices. Avoid making judgements about
in your life others – how they feel, what their desires
and motives are, and the like. That will keep
We hear a lot these days about whether a
person is an introvert or an extrovert. But the focus where it needs to be, on yourself.
while whether you are an introvert or an You are not the thoughts you think. You are
extrovert is important, it’s only half of the not the emotions you feel. Those things pop
picture when it comes to the important into your mind, and you then choose how
relationship dynamics in your life. Introversion to relate to them, but they are not who you
and extroversion have to do with how you are. Remember you need to love and nurture
relate to others – interpersonal relations. yourself. That is not selfish. In fact, to really
But that is just one kind of relationship. What love and nurture yourself is necessary in
about the other relationships, the most order to really love and nurture others in any
important one? I’m talking about intrapersonal sustainable way.
relationships – or how you relate to yourself. Accept yourself. Being at peace with yourself
How often have you found yourself feeling is difficult. It requires a lot of initial work, and
angry, and out of sorts, but not at another a lot of maintenance. It requires changing
person, or group of people – you’re just angry? your disposition from being critical to being
This is background anger. Anger that comes compassionate – to yourself and to others. Of
from your having failed to meet expectations all the various people who come and go in your
that you’ve placed on yourself. Even life, one is always there – you. The more you
expectations that others have placed on you understand, accept, love, and nurture yourself,
won’t hold a candle to the ones that you’ve the better your life will be.
internalised yourself. Adapted from
These internalised expectations are often
far from realistic, which is what makes them 1 In the first paragraph, which relationship does
so harmful. And those of us who are actively the writer consider the most important?
engaged in self-improvement, whether it be A The interpersonal relationship.
through reading books and articles, taking B The relationship with others.
classes, or other means, tend to have the
C The intrapersonal relationship.
most unrealistic demands of all. We have
D The extrovert one.
a lethal combination: we are great at being
critical of ourselves, we are passionate 2 Which definition is closest to the writer’s
about improvement, and thus we place high concept of ‘background anger’?
expectations on ourselves – ones that we A The frustration of not achieving what
passionately hammer into our subconscious others think you should.
minds. B The negative feeling attached to wanting to
So when you (unsurprisingly) fail to meet achieve as much as you can.
those unrealistic demands that you’ve placed C The angry feeling of knowing others expect
on yourself, you create a cognitive dissonance too much of you.
– a space between how you perceive you D The frustration of not achieving self-
should be and how you feel you actually
Fila A


imposed expectations.
are. Anger, sadness, anxiety, and the related
41 negative emotions are a result of that. You 3 Who have the most unrealistic expectations,
feel a distance between who you expect according to the writer?
yourself to be, and who you are. How you treat A Those who are most concerned with
yourself is ultimately how you treat others. improving themselves.
The relationship you have with yourself is the B Those who care the most about other
foundation for all of the other relationships people’s feelings.
in your life. If you tend to harshly judge and C Those who have passionate natures.
blame yourself for even small things, you will D Those with a lethal combination of passion
likely do that for others – especially those and subconscious.
close to you.
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

4 What does the word ‘that’ refer to in line 41?

A It refers to a mix of anger, sadness and
B It refers to a cognitive dissonance.
C It refers to how you see yourself.
D It refers to how you actually are.
5 How does keeping a diary of your feelings help
your relationship with yourself?
A It helps understand the criticism and
judgement of others.
B It creates a distance between what you
want and what you need.
C It clarifies what you think and feel about
D It helps keep your focus on yourself rather
than on others.
6 What are the benefits of a better relationship
with yourself, according to the article?
A It makes you more compassionate and
B It improves your relationships with others
and your life in general.
C It makes you feel good about yourself and
think less of others.
D It teaches you to distinguish between the
true difficulties and the false ones.
Marks: …… / 6

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50



Fila A

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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Vocabulary Grammar

1 COMPLETE the sentences with words and
phrases about travelling.
4 COMPLETE the sentences with used
to, would or with the past simple, past
TEST continuous, past perfect simple and past
1 This travel agency offers free
Unit 2 perfect continuous of the verbs in the box.
Fila A to attract visitors.
2 Last summer I went on a steal / go / be / shop / take / wait
holiday and had the opportunity of seeing
many famous Mediterranean ports. 1 She toured round France after she
3 In the 70’s young people thought it very trendy to Spain.
to . 2 As John in the duty free
4 The best hotels always have daily area his flight took off.
on offer for their guests. 3 The beach secluded but
5 I decided not to fly to South America they have built a bar and now it is crowded.
because I wanted to experience a long sea 4 When I was in my early teens my brother
. me to campsites abroad.
6 Travelling by train in Italy is the best way to 5 The passengers in the
enjoy its remarkable .
airport for two hours when a bomb scare
Marks: …… / 6 occurred.
6 John was waiting for the plane when someone
2 WRITE sentences for the phrasal verbs and
expressions in the box.
his passport.
Marks: …… / 6
send back / take part in / get lost / head for /
run into / get out of 5 COMPLETE the text with the correct past
tense of the verbs in brackets.
Last summer Mary had the best holiday
2 of her life. She stayed at a hotel in France.
3 Every day she would go to different
4 beaches and spend all day sunbathing and
swimming. One day she saw a man she
5 (1) (never / see) before.
6 He (2) (sit) and drawing
Marks: …… / 6 on the beach. Mary became interested since
she was an artist herself. She introduced
3 MAKE adjectives from the words given to
complete the sentences.
herself and they quickly became friends.
They decided to spend the holiday together.
1 My first holiday in France was very Every day, after (3)
. I had never been abroad. (spend) the mornings sightseeing in town
(EXCITE) and after having had lunch together they
(4) (go) to the beach.
2 It can be for young people One day as they (5)
to travel around the world alone. (DANGER)
(talk) about their lives they discovered
3 Their cruise around the world cost them that as children they had lived in the same
a amount of money.
Fila A


neighbourhood and (6)

(CONSIDER) (go) to the same school. At the end of the
4 The 5-star hotel in the Bahamas was summer they decided they had to make plans
very expensive and . to stay together forever.
(IMPRESS) Marks: …… / 6
5 She was very rude to the hotel staff and made
difficult and demands.
6 We learnt a lot on our trip to China. It was a
holiday. (FRUIT)
Marks: …… / 6
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Reading and Use of English

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 3
6 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the
end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at
the beginning (0).
It is not an (0) EXAGGERATION to say that Bath is a well-known hotspot for tourists EXAGGERATE
flocking to see the Roman Baths, the Royal Crescent and much more. This delightful and
(1) ancient city dates back to Roman times and is steeped in ORDINARY
history. The Romans called the city Aquae Sulis after the goddess Sulis Minerva and built
a (2) settlement including grand temples and bathing complexes. CONSIDER
After the Romans left, the city fell into decline and was not revived until the
arrival of the Normans who turned it into a place of (3) RELIGION
significance. Situated in the county of Somerset south-west of London with a
temperate climate, Bath is an (4) destination both for Britons ATTRACT
and foreigners. Journey through time and see the (5) Georgian BEAUTY
architecture. Highlights include the iconic Royal Crescent and the majestic
Circus. There’s plenty to see beyond the city too, with the (6) IDYLL
Somerset countryside to explore as well as attractions like Stonehenge, Avebury
and Longleat Safari Park. Bath also boasts a variety of (7) ENTERTAIN
options such as theatres, clubs and a wide (8) of restaurants CHOOSE
and shops. It is no surprise that in 1987 the cultural significance of Bath was formally
recognised when the city was granted World Heritage Site status.
Marks: …… / 8

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4 3 The small town in Portugal is becoming
For questions 1-6, complete the second
familiar with crowds of tourists arriving on
sentence so that it has a similar meaning to USED
the first sentence, using the word given. Do The small town in Portugal
not change the word given. You must use crowds of tourists
between two and five words, including the arriving on pilgrimage.
word given. Here is an example (0). 4 When I was a child I used to spend my
0 He always spent his holidays in the same summers swimming in the lake near my home.
campsite but last year he went abroad. SPEND
USED When I was a child I my
He USED TO spend his holiday in the same summers swimming in the lake near my home.
campsite but last year he went abroad. 5 On my trip to Paris I unexpectedly met an old
1 Going abroad for the first time means that you school friend I hadn’t seen for over ten years.
are leaving your comfort zone. INTO
OUT On my trip to Paris I an
Going abroad for the first time means you old school friend I hadn’t seen for over ten
your comfort zone. years.
2 She was refused entry at the border because 6 During our holiday in France we joined in the
she didn’t have the correct documents. Lemon Festival in Menton.
She at the border During our holiday in France we
because she didn’t have the correct the Lemon Festival in

documents. Menton.
Marks: …… / 6

Fila A

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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 6 Ushuaia meanwhile is its own little world at
8 GAPPED TEXT. Read the article. Six
sentences have been removed from the
the end of the world. 6 A bustling port
and sense of community give it the feel of
article. Choose from the sentences A-G the a real city. Apart from the classic trip up the
one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one Beagle Canal, taking in El Faro del Fin del
extra sentence which you do not need to use. Mundo (Lighthouse at the End of the World),
a short boat ride takes you to Isla Martillo to
Patagonia walk with penguins. It’s a fantastic experience.
Bruce Chatwin’s In Patagonia has become a classic, Here at the farthest post of civilisation,
and one that redefined travel writing. 1 Chatwin’s reflection rings true: ‘Patagonia
It had been a long held dream of Chatwin’s is the farthest place to which man walked
to explore Patagonia, particularly to retrace from his place of origins. It is a symbol of his
the steps of his grandmother’s uncle, Charley restlessness.’
Milward, who was a globe-trotter and family Adapted from The Independent Argentina
legend. Chatwin became fascinated by a piece
of animal skin he found in his grandmother’s A They are distinct in geography, culture and
cabinet. 2 society.
Patagonia is a magical region breaking borders B Faithful to his idea of photography, Chatwin
of land and culture. It is like its own country. rarely appears in his travelogue.
It spreads over eleven Argentine and Chilean C Like most things I have come to realise that
provinces, which have more in common with Patagonia is worth the journey alone.
each other than the countries to which they
D He was my Patagonia.
belong. 3
The book is written in numerous short E Unlike El Calafate, it has industry aside from
chapters, similar to photographs that capture tourism.
a decisive moment. 4 Each chapter F Tracking down the origin of this relic became
captures the magic and myth of the region the pretence for his trip.
through a blending of fact and fiction. G His tales have inspired many to go in search of
On my long bus journey from El Calafate to similar adventures.
Ushuaia, I encountered my very own Patagonia
Marks: …… / 6
in the form of Manuel, a jolly driller from the
oil-rich Río Gallegos. He took it upon himself to
TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
be the tour leader of our public bus, filled with
ill-tempered travellers preparing themselves
for the four border crossings and 18 hours of
road that lay ahead.
Manuel insisted on entertaining us and would
point out every animal along the route, go into
the history of every statue and would line us
up at each border. In those hours I learnt more
about Patagonia than I could have imagined.
5 When he left the bus at Río Grande, he
received a round of applause.
El Calafate has grown since Chatwin’s journey,
and exists solely as a result of tourism, acting
as a base from which to explore the famous
Fila A


Perito Moreno glacier. While the town appears

ill-planned, El Calafate held real charm for
me. At immigration on the Chilean border I
found myself staring at the ‘wanted’ posters
behind the officer’s desk. They may have just
as well been missing persons. But in my mind
they were fugitives living off the land. It was
a pleasure to watch the scenery unfold along
the journey, opening up into vast golden fields
before closing around a sharp corner into
steep dark blue-coloured mountains.
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Vocabulary 3 ‘What time are you leaving for the conference?’

‘It (start) in an hour but
1 WRITE the correct job next to each
I’m leaving now because of the traffic.’
4 Who are they (promote)
1 She/he checks if a company is following all the as the next Sales Manager?
safety procedures. Marks: …… / 4 UNIT
2 She/he helps people to keep fit.
4 COMPLETE the dialogue with the correct
future form of the verbs in brackets.
Unit 3
Fila A
3 She/he writes for various newspapers and Jane: Hi Mark, are you going to the clients’
magazines. dinner party tomorrow night?
4 She/he has to keep the financial records of a Mark: Yes and I (1) (bring)
company. my wife too.
5 She/he deals with everything relevant to Jane: Good! By the way, remember the boss is
personnel. coming today to talk about our progress on the
new marketing strategy.
Marks: …… / 5 Mark: What time will he be here?
Jane: Around 3 p.m.
2 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
Mark: After lunch I (2)
(interview) candidates for the new secretarial
1 I’ve got too much work this week. I’m going to position. I (3) (not /
have to work overtime / take time off. finish) by 3 p.m. because there are over ten
candidates to see.
2 Trains are delayed today because the railway Jane: What about late afternoon?
workers have decided to resign / go on strike for Mark: Sorry, after finishing the interviews I will
extra pay. be reviewing the results of the market survey
3 He can’t find a job so he has been unemployed I put out last week and after that I will be
/ made redundant for a long time now. writing the report on the statistics.
4 The company doesn’t employ many people Jane: (4) (I help) you?
because they job share / contract out a lot of Mark: No don’t worry, by 6 o’clock I
work. (5) (do) everything. We
could go out for dinner and I will have a good
5 The job isn’t well-paid but it is enough for me report ready to give to the boss.
to make a living / work from home. Marks: …… / 5
6 Are you a volunteer or do you earn money /
make a living for working here? 5 COMPLETE the sentences with the, a(n) or –
(no article).
7 If you are too busy to take phone calls, it’s
important to call back / charge clients as soon 1 Tom is doing well at work. He won prize
as you can. for being the best employee of the year.
8 When robots become common our working 2 In Norway unemployment rate is low.
lives / life work will be reduced. 3 What’s job of teaching like?
9 He was a very good worker so he was sacked / 4 clients have arrived and are waiting in
promoted. the reception area.
10 A nine-to-five job / job share is boring, I prefer 5 At the end of the day the secretary has to put
the freedom of working from home. all files and documents away.
Marks: …… / 5 6 Please book hotel in Paris for the Head of
Department who is leaving on a business trip.
Grammar 7 Next year’s Sales Conference is going to take
place in United States.
3 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
future form of the verbs in brackets.
8 Our bank has branches only in Western

1 By 2020 our company 9 There is conference on marketing
(become) the most important multinational in strategies for new employees next month.
the country.

10 Did you go to weekly business meeting

Fila A

2 My boss (spend) all at Head Office?

morning in a meeting with clients. Marks: …… / 5
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Reading and Use of English Another advantage is organisational

capabilities, which you will be demonstrating
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 1 regularly as you plan tours. Finally, if you are a
1-8, read the text below and decide which
problem solver, this could really be the career
you are looking for. At the end of each day as
answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There a tour guide you (8) feel
is an example at the beginning (0). fully rewarded.

A dream job 0 A does B did

(0) DO you dream of a future C is D do
(1) travelling around the 1 A work B job
world? Would you like to visit exciting new C business D jobs
places and meet lots of new people? Well, why 2 A tour B trip
not take (2) guiding into C outing D journey
consideration? This job offers many benefits.
3 A work B worked
You can wave goodbye to boring routine. Most
C working D have worked
of the time you will be (3)
flexible hours, outdoors, or touring art 4 A shall B have
galleries, museums and ancient sites. You C will D are
(4) have an opportunity 5 A could B can
to learn about history and art. You C cannot D could not
(5) visit foreign countries 6 A an B a
all free of charge, since your trip will be C – D the
financed by (6) tour
7 A knowledge B know-how
company which employs you. It can be a
C skills D gift
demanding job which requires
(7) such as speaking to 8 A will B be
an audience by entertaining and holding their C are D shall
attention while you show off your knowledge. Marks: …… / 8

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 3

7 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the
end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at
the beginning (0).
Who needs a university degree?
We no (0) LONGER need a university degree to find a lifelong career. LONG
(1) skills and abilities has become a continuing learning experience. OBTAIN
In this modern era, because of (2) in technology, subjects we are ADVANCE
taught at university will become obsolete much more (3) than in the past. QUICK
We will be involved in a cycle of learning for our entire lives. Now, many
(4) take sabbaticals, going off for a month or so to acquire EMPLOY
new knowledge or skills. In the future, these periods will last a few years.
Workers will go to school, get a job, then take a couple of years off to go
back to school, returning with a (5) new career. How will people COMPLETE
be (6) supported to do this? No need to worry. Thanks to shared FINANCE
Fila A


or gig economy, people will (7) be able to supplement EASY

their income by working several part-time jobs. Achievement of new skills will
become affordable, (8) more flexibility. GUARANTEE
Freely adapted from The Independent
Marks: …… / 8

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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 7 The equipment includes tripods, a dolly, tracks,
8 MULTIPLE MATCHING. You are going to
read an article about women’s jobs. For
cranes and static rigs. It is very specialised
gear that needs a high level of experience
questions 1-10, choose from the jobs (A-D). to operate and move. Most women are
The jobs may be chosen more than once. intimidated by the physical aspect of the job,
as I was at the beginning. Some of the kit is
Women in men’s jobs hard to move but it is a question of working
Four women talk about their experience in out how to lift things differently. My training
male dominated professions. was hard but gave me all the skills I needed
for the job. At first I didn’t realise I was such an
A Catherine, 23, truck driver
oddity. People on the set would shout and tell
I left college with a full qualification to work
me not to touch my own gear, assuming that
with young children but quickly decided it
I was not the grip. Usually they take me for
wasn’t for me. My father, who owns a haulage
the assistant. I love my job and now that I am
firm, suggested I study and take the exams for
more confident, I just shout back.
a licence to drive a lorry or a bus. The first time
in class I felt really intimidated because I was D Mary, 25, butcher
the only girl. I was also terrified the first time People are amazed when I say I am a butcher
I sat behind a wheel. I am used to people’s and immediately ask me what’s it like to cut
surprise when they see me driving. It happens ‘stuff’ up. I don’t mind that aspect of the job
every day, particularly in traffic. I get a lot of at all. It is a mechanical job and you have to
teasing from my male colleagues, but they are be a specialist to do it correctly. If people
beginning to accept me because I know how realised what a butcher does, it would be more
to do my job. A typical reaction is like the one popular. Often when I am serving, people ask
I had recently, when manoeuvering out of a to speak to the butcher. I say nothing and
tight spot, an onlooker insisted on telling me just get another butcher to come and help.
how to move my lorry, even if his advice was The colleague always tells them I am the
completely wrong. Male or female, if you are best person to talk to anyway. While I was
shy, it is not a job for you. From what I see, at university studying theology, I worked in
women in this profession are always going to a part-time job as a butcher and enjoyed it.
be a minority. It will always be seen as a man’s After university, I worked as a proofreader in
world. an office. But I hated the routine aspect of
B Frances, 30, coxswain working in an office and I realised that I would
What is a coxswain? A coxswain is in command prefer to be a butcher and have the freedom of
of a rescue operation at sea. Most lifeboat owning my own business.
Freely adapted from The Guardian
crew are volunteers and most are male. I am
one of only three females in the UK in this
position of command. My choice is not so Which person
unusual since I come from a seafaring family. has to construct mechanical equipment? 1
At first, I had to prove myself but once my has to face bad weather conditions? 2
team mates realised I was competent and feels her profession will always be in
could do the job properly, I was accepted. a man’s world? 3
The team is the most important thing in this
job and we must have full confidence in each thinks team work is very important? 4
other’s abilities especially when facing a says her job description is fairly unknown? 5
rescue operation, perhaps in extreme weather was intimidated by the physical difficulties
conditions. It is definitely not a glamorous job of her job? 6
and we are often wet. There are 28 members
feels customers have little confidence
on our lifeboat crew and we do not have a rota 7
in her?
so when I’m called, I have to go.
does a job which helps people in distress? 8
C Louise, 27, grip

The first question people ask me is: ‘What is often gets unwanted and wrong advice? 9
a grip?’ Few people have ever met this word. enjoys the freedom of having her own
It is the person responsible for building and business? 10

operating all the equipment which supports a Marks: …… / 10

Fila A

camera. Grips work on everything from big film

productions, TV, adverts to low budget films. TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Vocabulary Grammar
1 COMPLETE the sentences with words and
phrases about crime.
4 COMPLETE the sentences using the correct
form of the verbs in the box.
TEST 1 The suspect immediately
to the crime hoping to get a shorter sentence. must (x2) / may (x2) / need / have to /
Unit 4 might / ought to
Fila A 2 The bank manager was caught
taking documents from 1 The lawyer has no more witnesses, the trial
the office. be over by this afternoon.
3 The teenagers were to 2 If you tell the police you saw the thief, you
prison for one month for shoplifting. have to appear in court as
4 It was the prisoner’s third attempt to a witness.
. 3 If the suspect does not confess immediately,
5 The man was sentenced to life imprisonment he have a heavier
because the jury him sentence.
4 At the end of our trip in England we discovered
Marks: …… / 5 that we have carried our
passports all the time.
2 REPLACE the expressions in italics with a
suitable phrasal verb or a collocation.
5 By law you answer a
request to do jury service.
1 The teenagers got a light sentence because 6 All the evidence presented by the lawyers is
they had not committed an offense before.
against the accused. He
be guilty.
2 People who ultimately use a stolen product
7 Many people believe that the death penalty
cannot be accused of a crime.
be abolished.
8 Prisoners obey the rules
3 Crimes where nobody is injured have the lightest
if they want to avoid further punishment.
Marks: …… / 8
4 They were accused of making copies without
permission. 5 REORDER the words to make sentences.
1 lawyers / can / in / court / exams / argue / a /
5 Prosecuting lawyers have to prove a person’s after / passing / only / case / difficult.
legal responsibility.
2 witness / the / might / be / enough / to /
Marks: …… / 5 accuse / not / shoplifter / the.

3 MAKE negative meanings from the words

given to complete the sentences.
3 the / trial / during / must / protected / a / be /
1 People who are suspected of a crime are at a
if they have already been 4 succeeded / robbers / getting / in / the / after
in prison. (ADVANTAGE) / a / chase / away / police.
2 The lawyer the mood of
Fila A


the jury and lost the trial. (JUDGE) 5 minister / resign / after / had / the / being / to
3 This writing on this legal document is / of / counterfeiting / accused.
4 It was obvious to everyone that the criminal 6 lawyers / in / have / wear / to / a / British /
was being and not telling toga / court.
the truth. (HONEST)
5 The police could not find any evidence of the 7 countries / some / in / murderers / face /
burglary. All the proof had . penalty / might / the / death.
Marks: …… / 5 Marks: …… / 7
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Reading and Use of English 1 It wasn’t the butler because the police were
interviewing him at the time of the murder.
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2 HAVE
6 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
It the butler because the
police were interviewing him at the time of the
fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. murder.
There is an example at the beginning (0). 2 The police caught the thief hiding in the
Why are we drawn to true crime DOWN
shows? The police the thief hiding
In recent years there has been an increase in TV in the garden.
series about real (0) LIFE crime. 3 The judge sent the shoplifter to jail for three
TV producers have (1) months.
to make true crime shows so interesting and SENTENCED
engaging that they are (2) The shoplifter to three
to getting very high audience ratings. These months in jail.
shows examine actual crime and describe the 4 I’m sure he is the murderer because all the
actions of real people. Frequently featuring clues point to him.
(3) , the shows often MUST
describe the horrific exploits of legendary He because all the clues
serial killers. What (4) point to him.
the reasons for this unhealthy interest be?
Why (5) people be 5 There is no point in calling other witnesses, he
attracted to such horrific scenes? It might be has confessed to the crime.
the same as the allure of traffic accidents and NEED
train crashes. It (6) be a There other witnesses,
fascination for death, surely! Although many he has confessed to the crime.
consider this morbid interest unacceptable and 6 It is not advisable to park on a double yellow
immoral, it is common to see people rushing line if you don’t want a fine.
(7) scenes of accidents, SHOULD
so it must be just that. Research has shown You on a double yellow
that true crime provokes the most basic and line if you don’t want a fine.
powerful emotion – fear. We can experience Marks: …… / 6
fear in a safe environment where we are not
the victims. The threat is exciting but not real. FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 5
Last but not least, we (8)
to remember the attraction that playing
the article. For questions 1-6, choose the
armchair detective holds for many of us. answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best
Freely adapted from Time according to the text.
Marks: …… / 8
Juvenile crime
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4 There has been a dramatic rise in juvenile
For questions 1-6, complete the second
crime in London, where there have been more
than 50 murders since the beginning of the
sentence so that it has a similar meaning to year. Many of these attacks involve young
the first sentence, using the word given. Do teenagers and are gang-linked killings. There
not change the word given. You must use has been a 19% rise in killings, a 30% rise in
between two and five words, including the robberies and a 14% leap in car thefts. Some
word given. Here is an example (0). of these offences include moped thefts, which
apparently are being used to ‘facilitate’ other
0 Does your teacher know how to use an crimes. There is a growing awareness that

interactive whiteboard? weapons may be too freely available on the

ABLE streets of London and there is a need to take
Is your teacher ABLE TO use an interactive action.

whiteboard? In the past, police were often accused of

Fila A

concentrating their attention on non-white

communities. This controversy over alleged
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racial discrimination led to restrictions 2 What does the Police and Criminal Evidence
on police actions. Now there has been a Act allow police to do?
turnaround and police powers have been A Investigate non white-people.
increased. B Search unsuspected persons in order to
Section 60 of the Police and Criminal Evidence prevent possible violence or crime.
Act allows Police officers to search anyone, C Search with precaution, to avoid racial
without suspicion, where there might be discrimination.
a risk of violence. A total of 1,571 people D Search only suspected non-white people.
were searched, using this power, between
April 2017 and March 2018, compared with 3 Why is it difficult to charge criminals?
fewer than 400 people searched in each of A Most of the time the police haven’t got
the previous three years, according to figures enough proof.
obtained by the BBC. B Young people involved in crimes are
When interviewed, Police Commissioner protected by their family.
Cressida Dick said that most young people C It’s difficult to identify the criminals.
may never get involved in crime, but in some D It’s difficult to arrest the criminals.
communities there is very real fear that a 4 What is the main reason for the rise in crime?
family member could get hurt. She went on to A The government cuts of police and youth
say that many attacks remain unsolved and services.
criminals are not charged. This is because it is B Not engaging with young people.
hard to reach the standard of proof required C The growth of poverty.
by courts in many gang-linked killings. Police D Fall in charge rates.
officers declare that they often have a good
idea of who is involved but proving it is 5 Amber Rudd, ex Secretary of State for the
difficult. Home Department, said that
The government has been criticised for not A the Mayor is not in control of the capital.
tackling the problem and of encouraging gang B crime is falling despite the cuts in the police
crime by implementing cuts to police and force.
youth services, which are vital to prevention C police numbers are no longer stable.
work. Amber Rudd, ex Secretary of State for D there’s no link between the rise in crime
the Home Department, however, insists that and the poor funding of the police force.
there is no link between the cuts and the rise 6 What could a solution for juvenile crime be,
in crime. She claims that not only have the according to the Mayor of London?
number of police officers remained stable,
but that the crime rate is actually falling. A Easier access to weapons.
However, research, carried out as part of the B Increase police power and control.
Serious Violence Strategy, said offenders may C Alternative opportunities and activities for
have been encouraged by the lack of police young people.
resources and the fall in charge rates. The D Government commitment to wiping out
Mayor of London declared that the solution crime.
is to engage with young people and provide Marks: …… / 6
them with credible alternatives that will
prevent them from being drawn into crime. TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
The Mayor himself has also come under fire
for not having complete control of the capital.
The figures which claim that, half of the 20%
Fila A


nationwide rise are accounted for by offences

in London, seem to confirm this idea.
Freely adapted from The Independent

1 Which crime has had the lowest increase?

A Moped thefts.
B Murders.
C Car thefts.
D Killings.

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Vocabulary Grammar
1 COMPLETE the sentences with words and 4 COMPLETE the sentences using conditionals
and the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
phrases about global issues.
1 Governments must begin to 1 If world leaders were less greedy for power,
we (have) fewer wars. UNIT
everyday issues and plan TEST
for future disasters. 2 If I had set my alarm yesterday, I
Unit 5
(not / arrive) late at work.
2 The mixing of ethnic groups in a country Fila A
guarantees . 3 If I eat something I am allergic to, I
(get) a bad reaction.
3 There is a lot of talk about the
of species living on our 4 When the sun goes down it
planet but there is no action. (get) dark.
4 It is important to travel and gain knowledge 5 It’s time the government woke up and
and of the wider world. (take) steps to solve the
water problem.
5 I want to study languages because I am very
and would like to live in 6 If we had not continued research, we
different countries. (not / solve) the problem
of epidemics.
Marks: …… / 5
Marks: …… / 6
2 COMPLETE the sentences with phrasal
verbs about global issues.
5 COMPLETE the sentences using unless, in
case, as long as or provided that.
1 This test a deeper 1 Global warming will remain a problem
knowledge of the language. governments act
2 Human aid operators have to effectively.
many delicate moments 2 Scientific breakthroughs are possible
during their work. research is funded.
3 The ban on smoking in public places 3 Aid workers should take extra supplies to the
many years ago. refugee camp they need
4 Did you for voluntary them.
work in Africa? 4 I will be able to apply for volunteer work
5 The world is rapidly all I pass my first aid exams.
its fossil resources. Alternative energy is the 5 He never speaks he is
answer. spoken to.
Marks: …… / 5 Marks: …… / 5

3 MAKE nouns from the words given to 6 WRITE sentences using conditionals and the
prompts given.
complete the sentences.
1 Our has lasted over a 1 if / only / the / soldiers / give / shelter / to /
long period of time. (FRIEND) the / refugees.
2 The consequences of can
2 he / wish / rich / countries / give / more / to /
be both negative and positive. (PATRIOT)
international / aid.
3 Some countries are criticised for the
of their police methods.
3 some / organisations / rather / help / poor /
countries / at / home / than / give / aid.
4 I live in a very green and pleasant
4 unemployment / continue / to / increase /

5 The stimulus behind the discovery unless / the / economy / improves.

of new lands has been the love of
. (EXPLORE) Marks: …… / 4
Marks: …… / 5

Fila A

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Reading and Use of English

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 3
7 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the
end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at
the beginning (0).
Saving species
Sudan is a 45-year-old male northern-white rhino who had been
kept in (0) CAPTIVITY . He died last week and the news of his death was met CAPTIVE
with great (1) . His confinement was for protection and not out DISAPPOINT
of cruelty, as some animal rights groups claimed. Now the (2) SURVIVE
of the species rests on his daughter and the hope that the efficiency of a team of
international scientists can develop new reproductive technology.
For our interconnected world it is a moment of great (3) . SAD
The destruction of (4) is as important as climate change. DIVERSE
Our wisdom in dealing with the issues of sustainability and the future of our planet
is demonstrated in our (5) with animals. RELATION
The problem is that animals are being treated not as important for their own sake,
but on the basis of how (6) they are to humans. Whether they VALUE
are fun, charming, useful, dangerous, inconvenient or simply (7) , RELEVANT
the problem is not just population growth and development, but our patterns of
economic and social life. (8) the way we live is necessary for our CHANGE
own sake.
Freely adapted from The Guardian
Marks: …… / 8

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4 3 Large-scale use of alternative energy will
For questions 1-6, complete the second
remain a dream while power is in the hands of
the petrol industry.
sentence so that it has a similar meaning to LONG
the first sentence, using the word given. Do Large-scale use of alternative energy will
not change the word given. You must use remain a dream is in the
between two and five words, including the hands of the petrol industry.
word given. Here is an example (0). 4 The minister regretted that not enough people
0 Let’s take our swimsuits on holiday, there may had signed the petition for a referendum.
be a pool at the hotel. WISHED
IN CASE The minister had signed
Let’s take our swimsuits on holiday IN CASE the petition for a referendum.
THERE IS a pool at the hotel. 5 Other solutions should be found in case the
1 Global warming will continue to increase if government’s first plan fails.
governments don’t take steps to solve the BETTER
problem. If their first plan fails,
UNLESS other solutions.
Global warming will continue to increase 6 He thinks it’s better to write to government
Fila A


steps to solve the ministers than protest in demonstrations.

problem. RATHER
2 We can improve gender equality as long as He to government
governments make suitable laws to protect ministers than protest in demonstrations.
women’s rights. Marks: …… / 6
We can improve gender equality
make suitable laws to
protect women’s rights.

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FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 6 A Through good urban planning, we could
9 GAPPED TEXT. Read the article. Six
sentences have been removed from the
remove ourselves from a considerable amount
of the planet’s surface.
article. Choose from the sentences A-G the B It is a question of how we make this move.
one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one C All those people in cities still need to eat and
extra sentence which you do not need to use. food production needs land.
How to save the Earth D That is more than twice as many as fifty years
There are nearly eight billion humans alive
on the planet now. 1 It is questionable E Furthermore, all that land has to be
that the Earth’s biosphere can support the surrounded by healthy oceans and seas, which
needs of so many people or absorb their entails leaving them partly unfished.
waste on a renewable and sustainable basis. F This includes technologies called justice and
2 After that, we are dipping into non- law.
renewable supplies, actually stealing from G Scientists estimate that we use up our annual
future generations. At the same time, we supply of renewable resources by August
are polluting the atmosphere with carbon every year.
dioxide at a rate that is changing the climate
Marks: …… / 6
in a dangerous way and will certainly damage
TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
Cities emerge from this critical situation like
a ray of light. By definition, cities house a lot
of people on small plots of land which makes
them better ecologically than suburbia. 3
Emptying half the Earth of its humans is
happening already. This process would be
good for the species we share our planet with,
which in turn would be good for us, since we
are closely connected to all aspects of life on
our planet. The emptied landscapes would not
be wilderness. On the contrary, they would
be working landscapes offering pastures and
agriculture a proper place. 4
This vision is one possible pattern for our
survival on this planet. Cities will have
to be green. We will need transport and
energy production which is free from
carbon emissions together with all the
other sustainable technology. 5 Peace,
justice, equality and the rule of law are all
fundamental survival strategies. If we have
adequate income and a system of progressive
taxation, based on the concept of ability to pay,
this will prevent the poorest and richest from
damaging the biosphere in the way extreme
poverty or wealth do. All these working
landscapes should exist side by side. Those
areas of empty land will be working for us in
their own way as part of the health-giving
context of a sustainable civilisation. 6
All this can be done. All this must be done

if we are to create a civilisation that can be

passed on to future generations. There is no
alternative. There is no planet B. We have only

this planet and we have to fit our species into

Fila A

the energy flows of its biosphere.

Adapted from The Guardian

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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Vocabulary 2 Tom had difficulty finding a role in drama

because he had a reputation for being the
UNIT 1 MATCH words from the two columns to
make compound words.
actor in the business.
TEST 3 I prefer installation art to classical art. I find it
Unit 6 1 sub A top .
Fila A 4 John’s acting during the audition was
2 life B board
than Paul’s, so he got the
3 skate C styles
4 roof D way
5 The scenography of the musical Cats was the
Marks: …… / 2 I had ever seen.
Marks: …… / 5
2 COMPLETE the sentences with compound
words from exercise 1.
1 Many street artists use their art to protest
5 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
comparative expression in positive (+)
against urban . or negative (-) or using the adjectives in
2 Musicians playing in often brackets.
have to look out for the arrival of the police. 1 Fantasy films are becoming (+)
3 concerts became popular and (+) popular among young
as a way for musicians to play in a more people.
exciting setting. 2 After the 1970’s, westerns became
4 Some people might consider (-) and (-)
performances as a new attractive to audiences.
type of visual art. 3 The (+) I watch detective films,
Marks: …… / 2 the (good) I am at guessing the
3 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
4 The (+ popular) the film stars
are, the (+ successful) the film
1 Countries arising from ancient civilisations is.
have a rich artistic heritage / cultural prestige. Marks: …… / 4
2 Dance and theatre are perfect for visual art /
live stage performances. 6 COMPLETE the sentences using like or as.
3 The Edinburgh Festival, which takes place in 1 Graffiti is still considered by many people
August, has built up a reputation / is creative as vandalism.
an innovative festival. 2 Ron Howard used to work
4 A city with many museums and theatres has a an actor, now he is also a producer.
lot of enjoyments / forms of entertainment. 3 Super hero films are
5 Every year our school puts on / interprets a fantasy films, both are set in an imaginary
theatrical production. world.
6 To be a successful artist you have to build up / 4 Virginia Woolf James
put on a reputation. Joyce were pioneers of the modern novel.
Marks: …… / 3 Marks: …… / 2
Fila A


4 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
comparative or superlative expression using
the adjectives in the box.

forgetful / good / colourful / boring / clear

1 Both Renata Tebaldi and Maria Callas

were top sopranos, but Tebaldi had a
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pay less attention to what you are studying. By

7 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the dialogue.
far the (4) choice is rock
music because its loud music and aggressive
Two friends are talking about a musical they have lyrics are the (5)
seen. distractors of all. Music with a slower rhythm
A: I went to see that new musical at the Circus and a regular beat is more relaxing than a
Theatre last night. Have you seen it? faster beat. This kind of music together with
B: I saw it last week. What did you think about Baroque music helps to create a serene
the girl dressed (1) than / as a hippy? atmosphere which (6)
A: She was the leading actress. She was (2) quite greater creativity. Many students get
/ bit good, but her voice was (3) highly / slightly (7) from Japanese music
off-tune. I didn’t think she interpreted the part as it is fairly relaxing but it can become boring.
(4) than / as well as she could have done. The University of Helsinki has concluded that
B: Still she is the (5) best / better singer around. classical music is (8)
A: The male lead is getting better and (6) best / effective and is the best choice.
better with each new performance. He is
(7) quite / much more professional. 0 A best B good
B: The dancing was good. Generally, the C very good D better
choreography was (8) most / more stimulating 1 A sounds B music
than you normally see in this kind of musical. It C instrumental D songs
was the best part of the musical. 2 A performing B sporting
A: You’re right. The music was (9) slightly / C artistic D visual
rather contemporary, wasn’t it? What I didn’t
like was the storyline. It was a (10) bit / more 3 A inspiring B inspirational
banal in my opinion. C inspire D inspired
B: Yes, the usual boy meets girl. However, 4 A bad B worse
I thought the ending was (11) most / more C worst D worser
captivating than usual. 5 A strongest B stronger
A: Yes, more unusual but (12) less / fewer C more strong D most strong
realistic. 6 A stimulating B builds up
Marks: …… / 6 C building up D stimulates
7 A enjoy B enjoyment
Reading and Use of English C pleasant D pleasure
8 A bit B a bit
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 1 C slightly D extremely
1-8, read the text below and decide which
Marks: …… / 8

answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There

is an example at the beginning (0).
Better results with music
Studying while listening to music is a good
habit but only if you choose the correct
type. A lot of research has been done on
this subject with the following results. As
background, music played at a low volume
is (0) BETTER than loud
(1) . Pop and rock music
with their faster rhythms and easier lyrics
make them more suitable for dance and

(2) activities than for

studying. According to research by Cambridge
Sound Management, instrumental tracks are
more (3) than songs

Fila A

with lyrics. If the lyrics are even slightly

comprehensible, you tend to sing along and

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FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2 natural pigments for ceremonies and was
9 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
an inseparable part of tribalism culture.
This practice continues today among the
fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. indigenous people in Oceania and part of
There is an example at the beginning (0). Africa. In India, Mehndi, using dyes made
of henna leaves, is practiced especially
Life is just a dream on brides. This use of henna has currently
This article is about one of the become popular also in Western culture,
(0) MOST important fan especially during summer, when an increasing
conventions in Europe. Lucca Comics and number of women like to paint designs on
Games, an international convention started their hands. Today this ancient custom has
in 1998, has quickly grown to become the evolved into an art form. But is it art?
second (1) convention of
its kind in Europe. (2) and B Tattoos
more people are attracted to this festival. The Some critics link body painting to tattoos
event is divided into two. In the exhibition part, calling it lowbrow art. Also known as Pop
publishing houses, comics and game creators Surrealism, lowbrow was born out of the
have stands to (3) Los Angeles’ underground movement in
their products and promote their activities. the 1970’s and was inspired by street art.
They challenge each other to have the However, there are important differences
most interesting displays and the between the two. First of all, body painting art
(4) gadgets and see who is temporary. Painted onto the human skin, it
can sell the most. lasts only for several hours. On the other hand,
The exhibition takes place all over town. There tattoos, where the skin is injected with ink,
are concerts, live (5) last forever. Skin cells soak up the pigment and
performances and upcoming film previews. release it when they die for other cells to pick
The (6) innovative up, so the cycle continues. Body painting also
aspect of this convention is the presence of has a richer history and experienced a revival in
Cosplayers, who are people dressed up as the 1960’s. It developed in various forms and
characters from books or films. However, cannot easily be dismissed as an illegitimate
it is not your usual (7) contemporary art practice.
-fashioned fancy dress. Characters from
Star Wars or Star Trek are the most common. C Artists
Everyone competes to have the most stunning A number of artists looking for new visual
costume in the festival. Their extremely precise forms began to create artwork on the human
detail, from wigs down to shoes and make-up, body. Famous artists using this medium
makes them exactly (8) are Chinese artist Liu Bolin and Australian
the characters they portray. All in all, this Emma Hack. As part of his own political and
convention is not just for fans of this genre; it socially engaged art, Liu Bolin uses his own
is an amazing spectacle which everyone, from body in the practice of painting himself into
children to grown-ups, can enjoy. various settings in Beijing, thus emotionally
Freely adapted from Travels in Tuscany responding to the demolition of many areas of
Marks: …… / 8 the city. On the other hand, Emma Hack paints
women into wallpaper, turning their naked
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 7 bodies into exquisite murals. These artists are
selling their works at auctions at quite high
10 MULTIPLE MATCHING. Read the texts.
Fila A


prices, therefore they should be considered

For questions 1-10, choose from the
contemporary artists. Others like Los Angeles
paragraphs (A-D). The same paragraph
artist, Paul Roustan, or the Peruvian Cecilia
may be chosen more than once.
Paredes, famous for her style of painting
The art of body painting her own body to camouflage herself against
A History complex floral backgrounds and natural
The art of body painting has a rich history landscapes, have contributed to elevate the
which can be traced back to prehistoric art form.
and culture. In ancient times, tribes used
to paint their bodies with clay and other

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D Festivals
Body painting has become more widely
accepted. Festivals take place annually both
in Europe and the United States. The World
Bodypainting Festival is a week-long festival,
originating in 1998; it has been held in Austria
since 2017. Participants attend from over
fifty countries and the event has more than
20,000 visitors. In Italy, the Rabarama Skin
Art Festival is held every year during the
summer and autumn, touring major Italian
cities. This is a different event focused on the
artistic side of body painting, highlighting the
emotional impact of the painted body in a
live performance. In 2006, the first art gallery
dedicated exclusively to fine art body painting
was opened in New Orleans. Commercially,
many artists work as professional body
painters for television. They also work
frequently in the film industry, especially in
science-fiction, with an increasing number
of elaborate alien creations being body
painted. The debate about the legitimacy of
body painting continues, but in the end it is a
question of quality, aesthetics and concept.
If an artist respects these established norms,
then we should not ignore it as a significant
part of contemporary art.
Freely adapted from Widewalls

Which paragraph
explains why tattoos last forever? 1
mentions the indigenous people of Africa? 2
talks about an Australian artist? 3
talks about the use of body painting for
ceremonies? 4
describes the underground movement
in Los Angeles? 5
talks about working on TV? 6
talks about social and political engagement? 7
talks about a festival in Italy? 8
mentions the use of henna leaves? 9
tells about the emotional impact of body
painting? 10
Marks: …… / 10

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50

Fila A

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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Vocabulary Grammar
1 COMPLETE the sentences with words and
phrases about technology.
4 TRANSFORM the following sentences from
active to passive.
1 You should check if an is 1 People in the office suppose that Robert’s
UNIT free before downloading it on your smartphone. boss will promote him.
TEST 2 The on your social media
Unit 7 page is where you write information about 2 The computer broke down so we did not send
Fila A yourself. the documents.
3 I love to comments and
messages on my social media page to share 3 Recently, critics have attacked social media for
happy moments with friends. its negative effects on adolescents.
4 After the power failure I lost all my documents
because I forgot to my 4 The local police have asked the Secret Service
work. to check the suspect’s computer.
5 If you want your friends to see the photo,
you should it on your 5 We do not allow mobile phones in the exam
Facebook page. room.
Marks: …… / 5
Marks: …… / 5
2 REPLACE the words in italics with the
correct collocation and expression about
5 COMPLETE the sentences using so and such.
1 She spends much time
The (1) speed at which chatting on social media that she never goes out.
technology is advancing has brought us many
2 My mobile is full of
advantages but we must not forget the more
messages that it has stopped working.
negative aspects. Students using the net can
(2) have access to a mass 3 She bought an expensive
of information to facilitate their studies. This computer that she had no money left.
is a good thing but it can have drawbacks if 4 Computer science is
they fail to (3) carry out advanced that it allows us to work faster.
the necessary checks to ensure the authenticity 5 You have limited
of what they read. This also applies to social knowledge of computers that there is no point
media. When they (4) in buying a very expensive one.
take part in online conversations, they must be
6 IT is a popular subject
careful because their lives could be ruined by
that the classes are overcrowded.
(5) false messages.
Marks: …… / 5 Marks: …… / 3

3 MAKE suitable variations of the words given

to complete the sentences.
6 WRITE sentences using have / get something
done and the prompts given.
1 You must not the 1 yesterday / I / got / my / new / computer /
addictive aspect of social media. (ESTIMATE) deliver.
2 You must be careful what you
2 the / school / have / all / the / IT / computers /
Fila A


; you could get a virus.

(LOAD) replace / next / week.
3 Online banking means you can carry out
financial on your 3 I / have / the / holiday / photos / post / on /
computer. (ACTION) my / phone / now.
4 Sometimes you need to
your computer to make it work. (SET) 4 tomorrow / I / get / a / new / app / fit.
5 Phone applications like Skype allow us to have
conversations at a low 5 I / want / get / my / profile / update.
Marks: …… / 5 Marks: ……./5
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Reading and use of English (2) on our phones. For

example, in the tourist industry, it is predicted
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2 that VR will be employed as teleportation. You
7 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
will be (3) to visit holiday
destinations even before booking flights.
fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. Novelties in the housing market,
There is an example at the beginning (0). (4) already been
discovered. Prospective buyers will go on a
How virtual reality has changed virtual tour of the house, making it
the world (5) much faster to
Experiences which have (0) BEEN choose a home. As an application in shopping,
imagined vividly cannot be distinguished by it will allow you to shop and buy in no time.
our brain from those lived in reality; that is Architecture is another field where VR is useful
why our emotions are strongly stimulated by and projects can (6)
virtual reality (VR). VR is a technological (1) checked for design flaws, giving the
, which at first became opportunity of living in a house, even before
popular as a well-known computer game, the first brick (7) been
giving us first-hand experience of fantastic laid. The rate of (8) is
adventures. However, it will be useful also certainly fast!
in other fields and has already become an Marks: …… / 8

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 3

8 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the
end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at
the beginning.
How videogaming can be a full time job
Felic Arvid, also known as PewDiePie, is an (0) INTERNATIONAL star. He was the first NATIONAL
You Tuber to reach ten billion hits on his channel. A new Net record! Today, his channel has 62
million (1) . What has he done to be so famous? He plays videogames FOLLOW
together with millions of his fans. He has completely rethought the concept of videogames.
He has (2) criticism about the counterproductive aspects of playing COME
on computers. With PewDiePie, adolescents (3) daily in challenging ACT
and exciting game competitions. PewDiePie (4) numerous vblogs LOAD
and gives suggestions on the latest technology and other (5) video INTEREST
entertainment. The most trendy and popular games are posted in installments to keep the
fans hooked with the promise of future creations. It is an addiction which few people are able
to outgrow. His channel is (6) to people of all ages who regularly sign ACCESS
in. In spite of distance and the occasional linguistic problem, he is considered to be a friend
by his fans. He receives payment from famous game brands for reviewing their products
and from (7) . His talent for business and creativity is certainly not ADVERT
overvalued. He has earned 124 million dollars so far so he, and young people like him, must
not be (8) ESTIMATE
Marks: …… / 8

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 5 Four fans of the web have decided to share
the text. For questions 1-6, choose the
their experiences and their results thanks to
this channel.
answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best Sophie
according to the text. I live in small town with only one gym which

just has a few workout machines. You Tube

A web portal for learning was suggested to me by some of my friends.
You Tube is not just music and entertainment As soon as I went on the site, I found so many
videos, it has become an important teaching

videos and tutorials that I was spoilt for choice.

Fila A

tool. You can learn anything from a great Yoga lessons from beginners to advanced had
variety of teachers without spending a penny. been uploaded by several instructors from
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all over the world. After two months, I had on all the lessons I hadn’t understood. It was
already lost weight and learnt how to do a also possible to ask questions directly and get
headstand. I love the fact that I don’t have to answers from other users as well as the teacher.
leave home to keep fit, the freedom of being My future marks were improved by these
able to choose my instructors and not having lessons. The following day I had an oral test and
to spend money on a gym subscription. surprised myself and everyone else with my
Lola results. Now in chemistry I am top of the class.
I was thrilled when I was invited to Spain for
a month’s holiday by my friend. I had always 1 Why can’t Sophie go to yoga lessons in her
wanted to learn Spanish, and meet warm town?
and friendly Spanish people, above all the A She’s too far from a big city.
boys; now I had another reason. I was also B The gym in her town has only weight lifting
promised an introduction to her attractive machines.
cousin. However, I was more interested in C She does not like working out.
making other friends so I was very motivated D She prefers to exercise with friends.
to learn quickly. Unfortunately, I didn’t have 2 Which benefits did Sophie get from practicing
enough money to pay for private lessons, yoga?
so I logged in to You Tube and I found lots of
A She made friends.
sites with Spanish teachers ready to give me
B She became flexible.
as many lessons as I wanted without paying.
C She paid less for a gym subscription.
The advantage of watching videos compared
D She lost weight.
to ordinary lessons, is that you can stop and
start, fast forward or rewind whenever you 3 Why was Lola so motivated to learn Spanish?
want. I can watch the more difficult lessons A Her friend invited her to go to Spain.
again and again. Now I’m ready to go to Spain B She has wanted to learn Spanish for years.
to meet some nice-looking Spanish guys! C She wanted to meet her friend’s cousin.
Paris D She wanted to meet some Spanish boys.
I started to wear make-up only at the age 4 According to Lola why is learning on You Tube
of twenty with very poor results. While my so useful?
friends were always immaculately made A You can meet your teacher in person.
up, I looked like a clown. I wanted to enroll B You cannot watch it twice if you have not
in a school to learn, but the fees were very understood.
high. I knew that on You Tube there were C You can ask questions.
many beauty tutorials also for beginners, so D You can stop the video and go faster if you
I decided to follow a famous You Tuber and want to skip something.
her make-up guide. In two months I had been
taught how to apply the most amazing make- 5 Why did Paris decide to learn make up on You
up by these competent teachers. I no longer Tube?
look like a carnival mask and am not ashamed A She was too old to go to school for
of my appearance. Now I am asked for advice beauticians.
by my friends and I am so confident that I have B She was ashamed in front of her expert
set up my own channel of tutorials. friends.
Daniel C Schools for beauticians are too expensive.
I found it difficult to follow my chemistry D Schools for beauticians are for experts.
teacher’s explanations in class. My fear of 6 Why did Daniel hate chemistry?
Fila A


him and the subject was increased by the A He had difficulties because of the teacher’s
fact that he was such a strict teacher. I used personality.
to tremble at the idea of being questioned in B He was too often questioned in front of all
front of the whole class. Since I had failed my the class.
class tests, he gave me one last opportunity C He was not so good in science subjects.
to catch up. My mother, who despite not being D His professor did not have confidence in
very technological, suggested researching on Daniel’s abilities.
the Internet. I followed her advice and found Marks: …… / 6
a fantastic teacher, who explained even the
most difficult points clearly. He was lively and TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
entertaining. In only one afternoon I caught up
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Vocabulary Grammar
1 CORRECT the mistakes in words related to
sports in the sentences.
4 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs in brackets. UNIT
1 I accepted my friend’s opportunity to climb 1 The football teams all trained in the mountains Unit 8
Mount Everest. (get) used to the high Fila A
altitudes before the Peru World Cup.
2 I love water and excitement so I turned down 2 (walk) is the best way to
white-water rafting which combines both. lose weight.
3 Arsenal hopes (win) this
3 In last year’s tennis tournament Robert year’s football League Championship.
accepted the school’s number one player.
4 The students complained about
(play) football in the rain.
4 Do you know how many opponents were in
5 She is the first athlete
this year’s marathon?
(hold) the 800 metre race record for six years
5 Rachel thinks she will win the decathlon exam.
6 The athlete stopped
(smoke), obeying his doctor’s orders.
Marks: …… / 5
Marks: …… / 6
2 COMPLETE the sentences with collocations
and expressions for sport. 5 JOIN these pairs of sentences using a relative
1 I have to train more for this year’s city
marathon because after a few miles I find I 1 The team won the championship. The team
. also won yesterday.
2 Before our training sessions, the coach
makes us do a few exercises in order to 2 Adriano Panatta is Italian. He was a tennis
. champion.
3 The runner missed coming first because a
noise among the spectators disturbed his 3 The waves in Bali are excellent for surfing. I
. love surfing in Bali.
4 Even if we were at the top of the football league,
the coach was criticised for 4 The golf club is near my home. The golf club is
the team . expensive.
5 In sport, as in the academic field, it is important
to to get the best results. 5 Robert’s father was a boxing coach. Robert
Marks: …… / 5 does not like boxing.

3 MAKE suitable variations of the words given

to complete the sentences.
Marks: …… / 5

1 I would rather do sports than be a Reading and Use of English

2 I can’t think of any sport which isn’t FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 1
1-8, read the text below and decide which
3 Americans don’t like European football
because they say there isn’t enough answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There
. (ACT) is an example at the beginning (0).

4 Australians are keen on . Young girls and sport

(SURF) A survey (0) WHICH has been
5 In baseball the are the carried out in the United States has found that
people who are in the field and have to catch

1,000 teenage girls are likely to drop out of

Fila A

the ball. (FIELD) sports between the ages of 13 and 18. They
Marks: …… / 5 decide (1) an activity
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which has been proved of vital importance FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4
for future happiness, health and confidence.
Girls (2) drop out, do
For questions 1-6, complete the second
so because they cannot see a future career sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
in sport. They do not want to waste their the first sentence, using the word given. Do
time (3) for hours and not change the word given. You must use
choose (4) focused on between two and five words including the
their school work. Some girls regret word given. Here is an example (0)
(5) up but cannot manage
to deal with both school and sports. Scientists 0 Warming up is important before you start
recommend (6) physical doing a sport.
activity because it helps people focus and FLEXING
FLEXING YOUR MUSCLES is important before
relax and also increases productivity. There is
you start doing a sport.
a lot of scientific proof that there is a strong
link between sport and getting higher marks 1 The trainer told us that it was important not to
and accomplishing more. Another reason is stop in a marathon.
low confidence levels (7) MOVE
some girls have about their sporting abilities. The trainer told us that it was important
Staying active improves communication, in a marathon.
teamwork and leadership skills and increases 2 The referee said he was sorry that he had
your competitive spirit. Without sport these announced the wrong result.
are all qualities that could take years APOLOGISED
(8) up. The referee the wrong
Adapted from Refinery 29 result.
3 You should do more exercise to keep fit.
0 A which B where TRY
C who D whom Why don’t you to keep
1 A give in B to giving in fit?
C giving down D to give up 4 I must not forget to check my sports kit before
2 A who B which going to the gym.
I sports kit before going
3 A to practise B practising
to the gym.
C practise D to practising
5 It is important to concentrate when doing a
4 A to stay B staying sport.
C stay D to staying STAY
5 A to give B giving It is important when
C to giving D give doing a sport.
6 A to do B to doing 6 Not only is he a good runner, he is also an
C doing D do excellent tennis player.
7 A – B who BESIDES
C whom D which He is a good an excellent
tennis player.
8 A to build B to building
C building D build Marks: …… / 6
Marks: …… / 8
Fila A


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FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 7 bar, and combined exercises, which combines
8 MULTIPLE MATCHING. Read the texts. For
questions 1-10, choose from the paragraphs
the scores of the other six events. For
women the artistic events are floor exercise,
(A-D). The same paragraph may be chosen vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and
more than once. combined exercises, both team and individual.
Teams for international competitions are made
GYMNASTICS up of six gymnasts. In the team competition
A History each gymnast performs on every piece of
Gymnastics has a long and important equipment, and the team with the highest
history. We can see evidence from Egyptian number of points wins. There is also a
hieroglyphs to a well-known fresco from separate competition for the all-around title,
the Palace of Knossos in Crete. The Greeks which goes to the gymnast with the highest
invented the word from gymnasium, which total score after performing on each piece of
was the place were males exercised without equipment.
any clothes. Other words were ‘agon’ meaning D Benefits
competition; ‘athlon’ meaning effort and Gymnastics is a great way to build strength,
‘athlos’ meaning fight. In fact, for the Greeks, develop your core muscles (the mid-section
sport and exercise were very important for of your body) and teach discipline. It’s a sport
building character. Modern gymnastics can be that requires a high starting fitness level. An
traced to the educational ideas of Rousseau, athlete has to go to the gym regularly, every
who stressed the importance of physical as day, almost all day and follow a vigorous
well as cognitive training. Inspired by his work, resistance training programme in order to
reformers in Germany started opening schools achieve the body conditioning required for the
in 1700’s which included physical exercise sport. Warming up is key before beginning
as part of the curriculum. Johan Muths, the any exercise. Proper stretching of key
‘grandfather’ of modern gymnastics, divided muscles can help to prevent long term injuries
the discipline into natural and artistic. The and generally improve poise. In the past
former emphasises the health of the body and gymnastics highlighted grace and elegance.
the latter focuses on beauty and not function. Today the sport has evolved into exercise
B Famous gymnasts requiring muscular strength and power. Simon
Gymnastics is equally balanced between Biles, USA gymnast, showed how strength
male and female participants. Many of the together with complicated exercises could lead
world’s greatest gymnasts have come from to a gold medal and three consecutive world
Eastern Europe. Larisa Latynina from Ukraine, titles.
is widely considered to be the greatest female Adapted from Britannica
gymnast of all time. Other stars in this field
are the Russian gymnast Olga Korbut and Which paragraph
the Romanian Nadia Comaneci. Both were an describes the Ancient Greek concept of sport? 1
inspiration for young girls all over the world
discusses the problem of doping? 2
and it was thanks to their popularity that
gymnastics started to have a preponderance talks about differences between past
of young girls. However, the presence of and present? 3
young girls, who had not yet reached physical describes gymnastic competitions? 4
maturity, posed difficulties because of the explains the attraction of gymnastics among
intense exercise and long hours of training. young girls? 5
This led to the use of doping techniques to
talks about the advantages of this sport? 6
delay physical maturity, consequently altering
the gymnast’s weight and centre of balance. talks about pioneers in educational reform? 7
By 2000 the age requirement for Olympic gives the origin of the word gymnastics? 8
participation was raised to 16. describes the difference between male

C Types of exercises and female exercises? 9

Gymnastics has been on the Olympic says how much training is required? 10
agenda continually since 1924 for men Marks: …… / 10
and 1936 for women. For men the artistic

Fila A

gymnastics events are: floor exercise, pommel TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50

horse, rings, vault, parallel bars, horizontal

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Vocabulary Grammar
1 COMPLETE the sentences with words and
phrases about the environment.
4 REPORT the following statements making all
the necessary changes. Begin each reported
Unit 9 speech with He said… .
1 Many cities have introduced a
Fila A to discourage people 1 ‘I’ve never seen a sea with so much plastic
from using cars in the centre. pollution.’
2 Whales and pandas are examples of
species. 2 ‘By 2020, we will have reduced carbon
3 Because the are melting, emissions by 20%.’
polar bears are losing their habitat.
4 There is a when it doesn’t 3 ‘People who hunt for rhino tusks will be
rain for a very long time. imprisoned.’
5 In recent years, we have witnessed many
like earthquakes and 4 ‘We would have changed the city water
systems if we had had the money.’
Marks: …… / 5
5 ‘In the future we will consider dumping waste
as a serious criminal offence.’
2 COMPLETE the sentences using the
expressions in the box.
Marks: …… / 5
set out / waste systems / man-made materials

1 There is a lot of disagreement about what the

5 COMPLETE the sentences using the correct
form of say or tell.
best are for the disposal 1 He what he thought
of rubbish. about nuclear energy but I didn’t understand.
2 like nylon and plastic take 2 Did you your guest about
a long time to decompose. the recycling strategy?
3 Some people don’t to 3 The minister the
cause pollution but do so because they are not journalists that he had no comments to make.
4 Why did you that there
Marks: …… / 3 was danger of a worldwide epidemic?
5 In your report you that
3 MAKE suitable variations of the words given
to complete the sentences.
global warming was a myth.
6 Did the charity organiser
1 It really is not necessary to have so many you the results of the aid campaign?
plastic . (WRAP)
Marks: …… / 3
2 Your idea for a waste system really made an

on the local authorities.
6 MATCH the reported sentence (1-5) with the
corresponding direct sentence (A-E).
3 Scientists must collaborate in the 1 He suggested buying an electric car as our
of new vaccines to fight contribution to the environment.
epidemics. (CREATE)
Fila A


2 The Prime Minister reminded his ministers

4 The of famine is a main that they had voted for nuclear power.
priority of the United Nations. (PREVENT)
3 The Government apologised for not
5 like Unesco and Unicef fulfilling their promise to reduce carbon
are very important in helping in the work of the emissions.
United Nations. (ORGANISE)
4 The Mayor refused to listen to the
Marks: …… / 5 residents’ complaints about the recycling
5 The United Nations warned that if
governments did not follow directives,
global warming would be irreversible.
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A ‘We are sorry but we haven’t been able to fulfill (5) not enough to save
our promise to reduce carbon emissions.’ the planet. He also (6) the
B ‘If you do not follow directives, global warming audience that people would never change their
will be irreversible.’ habits and (7) always end
up polluting the sea by (8)
C ‘I won’t listen to your complaints about
waste. He also said that the plastic which
recycling in your area.’
already existed would take 500 years to
D ‘Why don’t we make a contribution to the disappear.
environment by buying an electric car?’ Freely adapted from Ambiente
E ‘Remember that you all voted for nuclear power.’ Marks: …… / 8
Marks: …… / 5
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4
7 REPORT the questions starting each 9 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS.
For questions 1-6, complete the second
sentence with They asked… or They wanted to
know… sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
the first sentence, using the word given. Do
1 ‘Are you going to continue your support for the not change the word given. You must use
anti-nuclear campaigners?’ between two and five words, including the
word given. Here is an example (0).
2 ‘What are you doing about the problem of
0 The voters said: ‘The government is
violence against women?’
3 ‘Have you made any progress in reducing The voters ACCUSED THE GOVERNMENT OF
unemployment?’ BEING irresponsible.
1 They tried to help the refugees leave the war
4 ‘Where will you go on your next diplomatic zone.
mission?’ OUT
They the refugees leave
Marks: …… / 4 the war zone.
2 The scientist said: ‘I think that climate change
Reading and Use of English is overestimated.’
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2 The scientist
8 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text and think of the word which best fits
3 Robert asked: ‘Do you plan to volunteer for
each gap. Use only one word in each gap. Doctors Without Borders?’
There is an example at the beginning (0) HIS
Water (0) POLLUTION is one of the Robert asked volunteer
most worrying problems facing our world. for Doctors Without Borders.
22-year-old Boyan Slat, from Holland has 4 The administration could not dispose of city
found a different solution to the problem, waste efficiently.
thanks to an idea which came to him while SYSTEM
on holiday. He said that when he was in the The administration could not find an
Azores, he saw more (1) city.
wrappers and bags than fish. He asked 5 Mary said: ‘I don’t want John to join the eco-
himself the question, ‘Why don’t we clean up warrior group.’
the sea?’ He (2) out to RATHER
challenge himself and in 2015 he founded his Mary said she John didn’t
(3) called Ocean Cleanup. join the eco-warrior group.
A group of experts have been participating

with him on the project for the past five years. 6 All the soaps and detergents we use ultimately
His idea consists in (4) get to rivers and waterways.
a floating platform with a barrier that END
All the soaps and detergents we use ultimately

catches the plastic as the sea currents push

Fila A

it along. During an appearance on TED Talks, rivers and waterways.

Slat said that prevention and education Marks: …… / 6
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FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 6 to turn off the tap when brushing your teeth.
10 GAPPED TEXT. Read the article. Six
sentences have been removed from the
5 If your car is dirty go to a car wash.
They use half the water you would to do the
article. Choose from the sentences A-G same job. Don’t run dishwashers and washing
the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is machines on half empty loads. Another energy
one extra sentence which you do not need saver in the home is to turn off the lights
to use. when leaving a room. You should also buy low
wattage lightbulbs.
Small actions to save the planet What can be done on a larger scale? As
Have you ever heard of Environmental individuals, we cannot stop big multinationals
Activism? It is a peaceful form of activism from cutting down the Amazon but in our
and doesn’t mean tying yourself to a tree and own small way we can cut down on the use of
being arrested. Anyone can be part of the paper. Now that we have computer technology
movement by simply carrying out small daily we should take advantage of it. 6 When
actions, both inside the home and out. They paper documents are indispensable remember
may seem insignificant but added up together to use both sides, on recycled paper, of course!
they really make a difference. These are just a few of the things we can do
One of the first things to do is environmental personally to help save the environment. At
shopping. This means buying products made first, they may seem hard to do but once you
of recycled materials, using minimal packaging start, you will find that these actions quickly
and coming from renewable sources. 1 become good habits.
That way the product will not have travelled Freely adapted from Infographic
far to get to your shop. Go to farmer’s markets,
shop locally. You will be supporting your local A Save more water by having a shower instead
producers and cutting demand for products of a bath.
from large companies. Remember they are the B The dustbin is the last resort and should be
ones who are largely responsible for producing avoided if possible.
a great deal of waste – they tend to use C We don’t need bills or emails to be in paper
excessive plastic wrapping. form.
What do you do with extra food or even
D They tend to use excessive plastic wrapping.
clothing and other household items? Before
throwing anything away, ask yourself these E Choose to buy food which is not imported and
questions: ‘Can it be donated? Can it be saved comes from your local area.
or recycled?’ 2 Find a local shelter or F We can only hope that other countries will
organisation which will gladly take what you follow their example.
no longer want. This gives the concept of G Better still ride a bike or walk whenever
donating a whole new meaning. possible.
What can be done about global warming and
Marks: …… / 6
the problem of pollution from gas emissions?
Norway has declared that by 2025 only
TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
electric cars will be circulating in their country.
This is truly a good piece of news. 3 In the
meantime, we can easily cut down on our use
of cars. Choose public transport. It’s cheaper
and more eco-friendly. If you must drive, you
can choose carpooling and share with others.
Fila A


This will cut down on the number of cars on

the road. 4 You will be saving the planet
but also saving money by keeping fit without
paying for the gym.
In the home, there are endless things that
can be done. First of all, water must not be
wasted. It’s true that 75 percent of the world’s
surface is covered by water, but only one
percent of that is drinkable. There are people
on the planet with no water to drink, yet we
waste water at an alarming rate. Remember
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Vocabulary 4 MAKE verbs in a suitable tense from the

1 COMPLETE the sentences with words and
expressions about money and business.
words given to complete the sentences.
1 The company fired a lot of people last week, UNIT
1 When you are 18 you can open a and it has really the mood TEST
without your parents’ in the office. (DARK) Unit 10
permission. 2 I am going to explain the procedures Fila A
for opening an account and try to
2 I don’t have to wait for the bank to open, I can
them for you. (SIMPLE)
use the .
3 Has the boss how much
3 My gives me advice about
extra help we will need over the Christmas
period? (QUANTITY)
4 A is so useful because
4 Our office manager
you don’t have to carry any cash.
the new secretaries when they first arrive.
Marks: …… / 4 (TERROR)
Marks: …… / 4
2 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
1 Sara needed money so she asked her brother
to lend / borrow her some.
2 I wanted to know how much money I had in
5 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
my account so I asked for my bank statement / 1 The manager’s wrong decisions made / let the
credit card. company close down.
3 Using online banking / financial advisor is 2 My colleague allowed / got me to deal with the
so easy and comfortable because you do clients because she was too busy.
everything from home.
3 The boss had / let the staff have a day off
4 You should open a current account / savings because they had been working hard.
account if you want to be paid interest. 4 Online banking gets / allows you to carry out
5 The richest men in the country are worth / pay transactions from the comfort of home.
for a lot of money. 5 The manager lets / has the staff work overtime
6 I have no money on me now so I need to pay every day.
you back / withdraw some cash. 6 He got / let me to invest in a new startup
Marks: …… / 3 because it was a promising venture.
Marks: …… / 3
3 COMPLETE the sentences with phrasal
verbs and collocations about money and
business. 6 REPLACE the expression using get in each
sentence with the correct form of the verbs in
1 Why don’t you and invest the box.
in a startup?
manage to deal with / understand / be on friendly
2 Concentration is important if you are a bank
terms with / receive
clerk or you will of what
you are doing. 1 Did you get the difference between crowd
3 He is very ambitious and has funding and ordinary credit?
becoming a top financial
advisor in Wall Street. 2 I finally got through all the complicated paper
4 Robert got the promotion instead of Sally work.
because it the fact of

gender discrimination. 3 My colleagues are very arrogant and I don’t get

5 All her hard work in the company has now on with them at all.
and she has become
Chief Executive. 4 Did you get this month’s bank statement?

Fila A

Marks: …… / 5
Marks: …… / 4
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expensive, it soon (4)

7 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
a more complete payment form, and
consequently, Swish was launched for web
1 Time banking is a tremendous resource based sales. What does Swish have that
because / so / thus many people with different got both customers and small shopkeepers
skills support it. to accept the system? Swish is better
2 I am useless at IT so / because / as I went to (5) it is free so
Time Banking to exchange English lessons shopkeepers economise. It provides
with an IT expert. immediate transfer of money and its intuitive
app has (6) transactions.
3 As a result / Consequently / Due to of However, it will take older people, who often
unexpected funding, I am thinking of launching feel they are (7) of their
a startup. money if they do not see cash changing
4 His company went bankrupt as / so / because hands, longer to accept the idea of no cash.
of the collapse of Wall Street. Swish is here to stay and probably many more
5 Many people consider online banking unsafe countries will (8) and
because / consequently / as they don’t use it. follow in Sweden’s footsteps.
Marks: …… / 5
0 A payments B deposits
C debit cards D savings accounts
Reading and Use of English 1 A bank statements B bank transfer
C online banking D cash machine
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 1
2 A let B allowed
1-8, read the text below and decide which
C had D made
3 A Although B Accordingly
answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There
C Thus D So
is an example at the beginning (0).
4 A turned out B turned into
Swish it to me C turned up D turned down
In everyday life about 80% of all 5 A so B thus
(0) PAYMENTS are made with credit C due to D because
or bank cards, (1) and 6 A simply B simple
mobile phones. In Sweden, cash has been C simplified D simplification
(2) even more unpopular
because of Swish. This is a mobile app which 7 A losing count B paid off
allows people to make small payments. C paying off D lost count
(3) originally it was used 8 A came up with B take the plunge
by sports clubs, small restaurants and kiosks C come up with D took the plunge
as payment for food and beverages at small Marks: …… / 8
events where a credit card reader was too
Fila A


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FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 3

9 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the
end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at
the beginning (0).
Pocket money
Is (0) GETTING pocket money important for children and young teenagers? GET
Not all parents give pocket money. They buy things that children need whenever
necessary. Financial (1) however claim that giving a weekly or ADVICE
monthly allowance, makes children learn to handle money and it (2) SHARP
their awareness of its value. When is the best time to start? Each child and family
is different, so it is important for parents to (3) needs, and INDIVIDUAL
(4) with their children’s problems, and then make decisions accordingly. SYMPATHY
How much should parents let them have? This would depend on family circumstances,
consequently it is an individual decision and cannot be (5) in the QUANTITY
same way for everyone. Without doubt the educational advantages of getting a regular
sum of money are many. With the assistance of parents, children learn to plan and budget
their finances. Parents could help them open a (6) account so they SAVE
learn the value of saving perhaps for a future (7) or to buy something INVEST
their parents would not normally buy. They could also be made to keep a record to avoid
(8) count of what they spend. All this will help simplify their future LOSE
relationship with money.
Marks: …… / 8

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 5 targeted for store cards, new mobile phone
the article. For questions 1-6, choose the
rates and download charges. Companies carry
out marketing specifically targeting younger
answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits consumers and encouraging them to spend
best according to the text. more. The report further stated that young
people are not fully educated on complex
Finance and education and potentially damaging financial products.
A study reveals a time bomb of rising debt The report was issued the same day that
among teenagers. Teenagers are under the Financial Conduct Authority published its
intense pressure to take out store cards and Future Approach to Consumers, which warned
build up debt to buy gadgets and appear rich, that companies need to do more to protect the
according to teachers who took part in a study vulnerable.
into what young people understand about In September 2014, personal finance
finance. The study also found that education education was made a component within
about money has come to a standstill. There is the ‘citizenship’ element of the national
particular concern about young people finding curriculum at key stage 3 and 4. At the time,
themselves in high levels of debt made worse the government said its aim was ‘to enable
by extortionate interest rates. The study students to manage their money on a day-to-
mentions pressure from celebrities, reality day basis, and plan for future needs’. Russell
television and social media. Winnard, a former teacher who is now head of
In a capitalist society, corporations spend programme and services at Young Money, says
billions advertising their products while the number of schools teaching pupils about
the media depict being rich as being cool. money is worryingly low. It is compulsory in
Television programmes such as MTV Cribs, every secondary school, though this does not
which features tours of celebrities’ mansions, apply to academies and free schools. Why are
and My Super Sweet 16, about teens who schools ignoring the curriculum requirements?
‘expect and will only accept the absolute best’, Winnard says it may, in part, be down to the

as well as social media sites such as Facebook, teachers’ lack of confidence. We need teachers
were also attacked. to be more comfortable and confident enough
The study found that students were opening to deliver high quality financial education.

store cards and building up significant debt But do young adults find personal finance
Fila A

with high interest rates. There has also been education boring and does it take time off
a sharp increase in older students being the curriculum that could be used for other
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

subjects? According to some teachers, there 4 What do teenagers think about personal
is evidence that it is teenagers themselves finance education?
who are asking for more information. A They want more information from their
Most students find the terminology of parents.
finance confusing. Often it is those from B They are curious.
middle-income homes that have a worse C They want to spend more time on other
understanding of money. Disadvantaged subjects.
households see cash physically and have D They are bored.
a better fundamental understanding of its
value, what it’s used for and where it comes 5 What is the relationship with money of
from. In more affluent homes, children see teenagers from affluent homes?
money less. One teacher told the study that A They give more value to money.
parents, too, have poor financial skills. Young B They use more cash.
Money receives financing from various sources C They have little understanding.
including banks. There is a risk that teenagers D They see money on a daily basis.
are being taught an approach to money 6 Which are the three things causing low
that upholds the world-view of the banks. financial skills?
‘It is certainly not about individual financial A Corporations, celebrities, banks.
products. It is about improving understanding B Social media, reality TV, government.
so young adults are in a better position to C Corporations, schools, parents.
make choices,’ says Winnard. D Mobile phone companies, advertising,
Adapted from The Guardian
Marks: …… / 6
1 The study reveals
A that teenagers spend most of their money TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
on gadgets.
B that celebrities are the main cause for
teenagers’ debt.
C that teenagers are in debt in spite of
adequate financial education.
D that teenagers are under pressure because
of corporation advertising.
2 What should companies do for teenagers?
A They should stop broadcasting MTV Cribs.
B Companies have to have more control over
social media.
C They have to do more to protect them,
according to the Financial Conduct
D Companies have to target young
3 What does Russell Winnard say?
A Not enough schools teach personal finance
education and teachers are not qualified.
B The government does not help students to
Fila A


manage their money.

C Academies and free schools have personal
finance on their curriculum.
D Schools are following the national

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Vocabulary Grammar UNIT

1 COMPLETE the sentences with words and
phrases about relationships.
4 COMPLETE the dialogue with the present
simple, present continuous, present perfect
Unit 1
Fila B
1 I am an only child and have only an aunt and simple, present perfect continuous and past
uncle so my circle of is simple of the verbs in brackets.
very small. Pete and Joan are two friends. They meet at a
2 I have a lot of , people club one evening.
I know on a superficial level, but few close Pete: Hi Joan, How are you?
friends. I (1) (never / see) you
3 I have university friends I have been here before.
for twenty years. Joan: I’ve just discovered this place. It’s great!
Good music!
4 He is very successful in business because he Pete: My friends and I (2)
has a large network of . (come) here a lot. Are you waiting for
5 Weddings and births are important someone?
to share with your family. Joan: Do you remember my friend Sally? She
6 She is such a funny person, you can always said she’s coming, but I (3)
with her. (wait) for an hour.
Marks: …… / 6 Pete: Yes, I met Sally with you at John’s
party last year. Anyway, why not join me and
2 CORRECT the phrasal verbs about
my friends? They are over there sitting by the
Joan: OK, I don’t want to go home yet. What
1 I make up with my sister because she is so (4) you (do) now? Are you
funny and full of exciting ideas. still interested in working in commerce?
Pete: At the moment I (5)
2 Mary has been getting on with John for a few (finish) a marketing course paid by my company.
months. I’m hoping for a promotion soon. What about
you? Are you still working for the same travel
3 In summer Paul always makes up with his agency?
friends in the park after school. Joan: Yes, it’s a great job! I (6)
(just / be) to the States to set up some tours
4 The new girl is making up with her classmates. there. It was really exciting.
Pete: Let’s dance, shall we?
Marks: …… / 6
5 They’re always having rows but in the end they
are in touch with each other.
5 COMPLETE the text with the present simple,
past simple, present perfect simple and
Marks: …… / 5 present perfect continuous of the verbs in
3 MAKE nouns from the words given to
complete the sentences. Tennis is a popular sport which people play all
year round. It is not clear where it
1 We are supposed to reach (1) (originate). Some say
when we come of age. (MATURE) medieval France, some say England in the
2 When does the football 800’s. There is no doubt that it is an exciting
begin? (CHAMPION) game. It (2) (involve) not
3 can often be the cause of only the body but also the mind. It requires a
the breakdown of a relationship. (JEALOUS) lot of practice, like all sports, to be proficient,
but it is a lot of fun even at a beginner’s level.

4 is the most difficult phase

My friend Mary (3)
for parents to deal with. (ADOLESCENT)
(always / want) to learn. She joined a club near
5 We must stress the home and started practicing. After a few years
of family relationships in the life of a child.

she entered some competitions. Now she

Fila B

(IMPORTANT) (4) (play) for ten years

Marks: …… / 5 and (5) (won) even some
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international tournaments. Recently, she 2 A friendship B befriend

has opened an afternoon club. She C friendly D friends
(6) (train)primary school 3 A have driven B are driving
children and she has been entering them for C drive D drove
local competitions. Her club has become very
4 A hang with B hang out with
C hang in with D hang out by
Marks: …… / 6
5 A close B close to
C closed of D close by
Reading and Use of English 6 A have laugh B have a laugh
C a laugh D get laugh
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 1
7 A to happen B happened
1-8, read the text below and decide which
C has happened D is happening
answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There 8 A communication B acquaintance
is an example at the beginning (0). C community D contact
Marks: …… / 8
Good neighbours
When we talk about (0) GETTING FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2
on with people, we immediately think
about our relationship with our family and
7 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
friends. How about our relationship with our fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
neighbours? How many of us actually take the There is an example at the beginning (0).
time to (1) problems or
moments of joy with our neighbours? Why I love being part of a team
Today’s lifestyle doesn’t encourage I’ve (0) BEEN in a team
(2) between neighbours. of some sort since I was 4 years old. I
Most people (3) straight (1) with gymnastics and
to work every morning and into their garage all my friends from kindergarten also joined.
at night. It is very easy not to know anything It created an extra bond which
about their neighbourhood. However, you need (2) not been broken
to realise that taking the time to even now after twenty years. We are all still
(4) your neighbours in (3) with each other
is very important. According to safety experts, regularly. That was the beginning and I have
neighbourhoods become safer and friendlier never looked back. In high school, I joined
when the people living there feel the volleyball team. I loved being a member
(5) each other. of a close-knit group. I needed to feel
So how can you be a good neighbour? First (4) to my peers and I
of all, you can smile and say hello every time loved sharing the (5) of
you see your neighbours, and if you have joy. Of course there were also the times when
time, talk about local problems or perhaps we had (6) and would
(6) together. Once you get
accuse each other of not pulling our weight,
to know your neighbours better, you can form
especially after a defeat in a match. But we
a neighbourhood watch programme of mutual
would always make (7)
help where everyone keeps an eye on what
immediately. After a match or a hard training
(7) in your street.
session we would (8) out
Cultivating bonds between neighbours
Fila B


and talk about our problems with sport and

doesn’t take much effort, and strengthening
with our studies. I have met so many people
neighbourhood relationships will not only help
during my student years and have built up a
you make friends, but also build a strong and
safe (8) . vast network of contacts which are useful also
in my daily work.
Adapted from
Adapted from
Marks: …… / 8
0 A got B to get
C get D getting
1 A get B give
C share D have

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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 5 close to you.

the article. For questions 1-6, choose the
So how can you treat yourself better? You
can write down your feelings – not your
answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best judgements about your feelings – but just
according to the text. how you’re feeling. Keeping a diary helps to
create distance between your reactions and
The most important relationship your actions, between your emotions and
in your life your choices. Avoid making judgements about
others – how they feel, what their desires
We hear a lot these days about whether a
and motives are, and the like. That will keep
person is an introvert or an extrovert. But
the focus where it needs to be, on yourself.
while whether you are an introvert or an
You are not the thoughts you think. You are
extrovert is important, it’s only half of the
not the emotions you feel. Those things pop
picture when it comes to the important
into your mind, and you then choose how
relationship dynamics in your life. Introversion
to relate to them, but they are not who you
and extroversion have to do with how you
are. Remember you need to love and nurture
relate to others – interpersonal relations.
yourself. That is not selfish. In fact, to really
But that is just one kind of relationship.
love and nurture yourself is necessary in
What about the other relationships, the most
order to really love and nurture others in any
important one? I’m talking about intrapersonal
sustainable way.
relationships – or how you relate to yourself.
Accept yourself. Being at peace with yourself
How often have you found yourself feeling
is difficult. It requires a lot of initial work, and
angry, and out of sorts, but not at another
a lot of maintenance. It requires changing
person, or group of people – you’re just angry?
your disposition from being critical to being
This is background anger. Anger that comes
compassionate – to yourself and to others. Of
from your having failed to meet expectations
all the various people who come and go in your
that you’ve placed on yourself. Even
life, one is always there – you. The more you
expectations that others have placed on you
understand, accept, love, and nurture yourself,
won’t hold a candle to the ones that you’ve
the better your life will be.
internalised yourself.
Adapted from
These internalised expectations are often
far from realistic, which is what makes them
1 In the first paragraph, which relationship does
so harmful. And those of us who are actively
the writer consider the most important?
engaged in self-improvement, whether it be
through reading books and articles, taking A The relationship with others.
classes, or other means, tend to have the B The extrovert one.
most unrealistic demands of all. We have C The interpersonal relationship.
a lethal combination: we are great at being D The intrapersonal relationship.
critical of ourselves, we are passionate 2 Which definition is closest to the writer’s
about improvement, and thus we place high concept of ‘background anger’?
expectations on ourselves – ones that we
A The angry feeling of knowing others expect
passionately hammer into our subconscious
too much of you.
B The frustration of not achieving what
So when you (unsurprisingly) fail to meet
others think you should.
those unrealistic demands that you’ve placed
C The frustration of not achieving self-
on yourself, you create a cognitive dissonance
imposed expectations.
– a space between how you perceive you
D The negative feeling attached to wanting to
should be and how you feel you actually
achieve as much as you can.
are. Anger, sadness, anxiety, and the related
line 41 negative emotions are a result of that. You 3 Who have the most unrealistic expectations,
feel a distance between who you expect according to the writer?
yourself to be, and who you are. How you treat A Those with a lethal combination of passion

yourself is ultimately how you treat others. and subconscious

The relationship you have with yourself is the B Those who have passionate natures.
foundation for all of the other relationships C Those who care the most about other
in your life. If you tend to harshly judge and

people’s feelings.
Fila B

blame yourself for even small things, you will D Those who are most concerned with
likely do that for others – especially those improving themselves.
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4 What does the word ‘that’ refer to in line 41?

A It refers to how you actually are.
B It refers to how you see yourself.
C It refers to a mix of anger, sadness and
D It refers to a cognitive dissonance.
5 How does keeping a diary of your feelings help
your relationship with yourself?
A It clarifies what you think and feel about
B It helps keep your focus on yourself rather
than on others.
C It helps understand the criticism and
judgement of others.
D It creates a distance between what you
want and what you need.
6 What are the benefits of a better relationship
with yourself, according to the article?
A It improves your relationships with others
and your life in general.
B It makes you more compassionate and
C It teaches you to distinguish between the
true difficulties and the false ones
D It makes you feel good about yourself and
think less of others.
Marks: …… / 6

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
Fila B


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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Vocabulary Grammar
1 COMPLETE the sentences with words and
phrases about travelling.
4 COMPLETE the sentences with used
to, would or with the past simple, past
continuous, past perfect simple and past Unit 2
1 The couple left the wedding reception
perfect continuous of the verbs in the box. Fila B
early because they had to leave for their
snow / look / lose / watch / play / go
2 Before flying became a common means
of travel, people had to go on long sea 1 I my house keys today so
to reach America. I broke a window to get in.
3 Have you thought about your next holiday 2 He TV for a long time
? when his parents arrived home.
4 There are no lessons today because we are 3 Mary for the way back to
going on a school to the the hotel when the rescue team found her.
British Museum.
4 The hotel we stayed at every summer had a
5 Italy is a beautiful country with many different wonderful tennis court. I
kinds of fantastic . tennis with the other guests every day.
6 I always have too much
5 We trekking every year.
when I go on holiday.
Now we’re too old.
Marks: …… / 6
6 When we arrived for our skiing holiday,
2 WRITE sentences for the phrasal verbs and
expressions in the box.
everything was white – it
Marks: …… / 6

get out of / head back / slow down /

ask directions / run into / send back
5 COMPLETE the text with the correct past
tense of the verbs in brackets.
1 I (1) (be) packing all
morning and at last I was ready to leave.
Peter (2) (promise) to
3 take me to the airport but he was late. The
4 doorbell rang. To my surprise it was Peter.
5 He (3) (try) to call me all
6 morning to tell me he had lost his car keys.
I (4) (not / answer) the
Marks: …… / 6 phone because I (5)
3 MAKE adjectives from the words given to
complete the sentences.
(listen) to loud music while packing. Luckily
I had the keys to his car because a month
before he (6) (give) me a
1 My attempts at speaking foreign languages spare set so that I could use his car while he
with the natives were was on holiday. At that point we took a taxi to
(COMIC) his house with the keys and we left together
2 The young pupils were from there. I did not miss my flight.
because it was their first trip abroad. (EXCITE) Marks: …… / 6
3 They had their honeymoon in a resort in the
exotic and islands of
Polynesia. (IDYLL)
4 She was very unpopular with the hotel staff
with her complaints.

5 The 5-star hotel was great. It had a spa and

the rooms were a size.

6 Booking so late you were

Fila B

to find cheap tickets still available. (FORTUNE)

Marks: …… / 6
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FILA B UNIT TEST UNIT 2 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Reading and Use of English

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 3
6 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the
end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at
the beginning (0).
It is not an (0) EXAGGERATION to say that Bath is a well-known hotspot for EXAGGERATE
tourists flocking to see the Roman Baths, the Royal Crescent and much more. This
(1) and extraordinary ancient city dates back to Roman times and DELIGHT
is steeped in history. The Romans called the city Aquae Sulis after the goddess Sulis
Minerva and built an (2) settlement including grand temples and IMPRESS
bathing complexes. After the Romans left, the city fell into decline and was not revived
until the (3) of the Normans who turned it into a place of ARRIVE
(4) significance. Situated in the county of Somerset south-west RELIGION
of London with a temperate climate, Bath is an (5) both for ATTRACT
Britons and (6) . Journey through time and see the beautiful FOREIGN
Georgian architecture. Highlights include the iconic Royal Crescent and the majestic
Circus. There’s plenty to see beyond the city, too, with the (7) IDYLL
Somerset countryside to explore as well as sights like Stonehenge, Avebury and
Longleat Safari Park. Bath also boasts a variety of entertainment, such as theatres,
clubs and a wide choice of restaurants and shops. It is no surprise that in 1987 Bath’s
cultural (8) was formally recognised when the city was granted IMPORTANT
World Heritage Site status.
Marks: …… / 8

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4 Cruise ships have so many passengers that it
For questions 1-6, complete the second
is likely you
someone you

sentence so that it has a similar meaning to 4 Last summer I travelled around Europe by
the first sentence, using the word given. Do rail and often had to solve some difficult
not change the word given. You must use situations.
between two and five words, including the OUT
word given. Here is an example (0). Last summer I travelled around Europe by
0 He smoked a lot a few years ago but because rail and often difficult
of health problems he had to give it up. situations.
USED 5 When I was a child, my family usually went to
He USED TO smoke a lot a few years ago but France for their summer holiday.
because of health problems he had to give it up. WOULD
1 The father is often away on business trips so When I was a child, my family
his family is adjusting to his absence. to France for their
USED summer holiday.
The family the father’s 6 His most frightening experience was when
absence. he couldn’t find his way while hiking in the
Fila B


2 John avoids holidays in tourist resorts because mountains.

he hates joining in all the activities. GOT
PART His most frightening experience was when
John avoids holidays in tourist resorts because he while hiking in the
he hates all the activities. mountains.
3 Cruise ships have so many passengers that it Marks: …… / 6
is likely you will meet someone you know.

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FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 6 Ushuaia meanwhile is its own little world at
8 GAPPED TEXT. Read the article. Six
sentences have been removed from the
the end of the world. Unlike El Calafate, it has
industry aside from tourism. 5 Apart from
article. Choose from the sentences A-G the the classic trip up the Beagle Canal, taking in El
one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one Faro del Fin del Mundo (Lighthouse at the End
extra sentence which you do not need to use. of the World), a short boat ride takes you to Isla
Martillo to walk with penguins. 6 Here
Patagonia at the farthest post of civilisation, Chatwin’s
Bruce Chatwin’s In Patagonia has become reflection rings true: ‘Patagonia is the farthest
a classic, and one that redefined travel place to which man walked from his place of
writing. His tales have inspired many to go origins. It is a symbol of his restlessness.’
in search of similar adventures. Adapted from The Independent Argentina
It had been a long held dream of Chatwin’s
to explore Patagonia, particularly to retrace A When he left the bus at Río Grande, he
the steps of his grandmother’s uncle, Charley received a round of applause.
Milward, who was a globe-trotter and family B It is like its own country.
legend. 1 Tracking down the origin of this C A bustling port and sense of community give it
relic became the pretence for his trip. the feel of a real city.
Patagonia is a magical region breaking borders
D Like most things I have come to realise that
of land and culture. 2 It spreads over
Patagonia is worth the journey alone.
eleven Argentine and Chilean provinces, which
have more in common with each other, than E It’s a fantastic experience.
the countries to which they belong. They are F Each chapter captures the magic and myth
distinct in geography, culture and society. of the region through a blending of fact and
The book is written in numerous short fiction.
chapters, similar to photographs that capture G Chatwin became fascinated by a piece of
a decisive moment. Faithful to his idea of animal skin he found in his grandmother’s
photography, Chatwin rarely appears in his cabinet.
travelogue. 3
Marks: …… / 6
On my long bus journey from El Calafate to
Ushuaia, I encountered my very own Patagonia
TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
in the form of Manuel, a jolly driller from the
oil-rich Río Gallegos. He took it upon himself to
be the tour leader of our public bus, filled with
ill-tempered travellers preparing themselves
for the four border crossings and 18 hours of
road that lay ahead.
Manuel insisted on entertaining us and would
point out every animal along the route, go into
the history of every statue and would line us
up at each border. In those hours I learnt more
about Patagonia than I could have imagined.
He was my Patagonia. 4
El Calafate has grown since Chatwin’s journey,
and exists solely as a result of tourism, acting
as a base from which to explore the famous
Perito Moreno glacier. While the town appears
ill-planned, El Calafate held real charm for me.
At immigration on the Chilean border I found
myself staring at the ‘wanted’ posters behind
the officer’s desk. They may have just as well

been missing persons. But in my mind they

were fugitives living off the land. It was a
pleasure to watch the scenery unfold along

the journey, opening up into vast golden fields

Fila B

before closing around a sharp corner into

steep dark blue-coloured mountains.
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FILA B UNIT TEST UNIT 3 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Vocabulary 4 COMPLETE the dialogue with the correct

1 WRITE the correct job next to each
future form of the verbs in brackets.
Jane: Hi Mark, (1) (go) to
TEST the clients’ dinner party tomorrow night?
1 He/she is an expert on computers and advises
Unit 3 Mark: Yes, and I’m bringing my wife too.
Fila B Jane: Good! By the way, remember the boss
2 He/she writes for various newspapers and
(2) (come) today to talk
about our progress on the new marketing
3 He/she improves your appearance. strategy.
4 He/she studies people’s behaviour at work. Mark: I’ve got a busy day today. What time will
he be here?
5 He/she keeps the financial records of a Jane: Around 3 p.m. Shall I lead the meeting
company. then?
Marks: …… / 5 Mark: Yes, please. After lunch
I (3) (interview)
2 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
candidates for the new secretarial position.
I (4) (not / finish) by 3 p.m.
because there are over ten candidates to see.
1 My mother is over 60 years old and she is Jane: What about late afternoon.?
ready to retire / resign. Mark: Sorry, after finishing the interviews
2 I don’t like routine so I would not like to work I will be reviewing the results of the market
with set hours in a job share / nine-to-five job. survey I put out last week and after that
3 I need a job which gives me enough to work I (5) (write) the report on
from home / make a living. the statistics. But don’t worry, by 6 o’clock
4 What does your personal trainer charge / I will have done everything. We could go out
contract out for an hour’s workout? for dinner and I will have a good report ready
to give to the boss.
5 To solve the problem of unemployment the
Marks: …… / 5
solution is to contract out / job share.
6 The client who called while you were in a
meeting asks you to charge him / call back. 5 COMPLETE the sentences with the, a(n) or –
(no article).
7 One of the consequences of globalisation is
that companies contract out / job share abroad. 1 Mary, please prepare refreshments
for the conference participants.
8 You should find a job to earn money / charge to
help pay for your studies. 2 The company is going to buy new
computer for the boss.
9 In the future making a living / working lives will
become shorter. 3 We are opening a branch office in
10 Employees who always arrive late will get the
sack / be promoted. 4 He was the best applicant for job.
Marks: …… / 5 5 Mr Baker is new boss in the Sales
Grammar 6 In your opinion is Germany a world
3 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
future form of the verbs in brackets. 7 candidates we saw yesterday were
not qualified for the job.
Fila B


1 I suppose we (work) a lot

8 I have received answers from all the
during the business conference.
jobs I applied for.
2 I can go out tonight because by 7 p.m.
9 She was excellent employee and
I (finish) that important
was promoted to a higher position.
report for my boss.
10 We are promoting you to new
3 ‘Are you free this afternoon?’ ‘No, I
(interview) job applicants position of Sales Manager.
between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.‘ Marks: …… / 5
4 I’ll phone you as soon as the client
Marks: …… / 4
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Reading and Use of English organisational capabilities, which you will be

demonstrating regularly as you plan tours.
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 1 Finally, if you are a problem solver, this could
1-8, read the text below and decide which
really be the career you are looking for. At the
end of each day as a tour guide you
answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There (8) feel fully rewarded.
is an example at the beginning (0).
0 A do B is
A dream job C did D does
(0) DO you dream of a future 1 A business B jobs
(1) travelling around the C job D work
world? Would you like to visit exciting new 2 A trip B outing
places and meet lots of new people? Well why C journey D tour
not take (2) guiding into
3 A working B have worked
consideration? This job offers many benefits.
C worked D work
You can wave goodbye to boring routine. Most
of the time you will be (3) 4 A have had B will
flexible hours, outdoors, or touring art C be D shall
galleries, museums and ancient sites. You 5 A can B cannot
(4) have an opportunity C could D could not
to learn about history and art. You 6 A 0 B the
(5) visit foreign countries all C an D a
free of charge, since your trip will be financed
7 A know-how B gift
by (6) tour company
C knowledge D skills
which employs you. It can be a demanding job
which requires (7) such 8 A shall B be
as speaking to an audience by entertaining C will D are
and holding their attention while you show Marks: …… / 8
off your knowledge. Another advantage is

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 3

7 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the
end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at
the beginning (0).
Who needs a university degree?
We no (0) LONGER need a university degree to find a lifelong career. LONG
Obtaining skills and abilities which can be (1) applied, has become USE
a continuing learning experience. In this modern era, because of technology, which is
(2) more advanced, subjects we are taught at university will INCREASE
become obsolete much more (3) than in the past. It will be hard QUICK
to keep up with all the innovations. We will be (4) in a cycle of INVOLVE
learning for our entire lives. Now many people take sabbaticals, going off for a month
or so to acquire (5) new skills. In the future, these periods will last a COMPLETE
few years. Workers will go to school, get a job, then take a couple of years off to go back
to school, returning with a new career. They will see results (6) . IMMEDIATE
(7) this could be a problem. However, worrying about where the FINANCIAL
money will come from is unnecessary. Thanks to shared or gig economy, people will
easily supplement their income by working several part-time jobs. The achievement of
new skills will become more (8) guaranteeing more flexibility. AFFORD
Freely adapted from The Independent

Marks: …… / 8

Fila B

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FILA B UNIT TEST UNIT 3 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 7 The equipment includes tripods, a dolly, tracks,
8 MULTIPLE MATCHING. You are going to
read an article about women’s jobs. For
cranes and static rigs. It is very specialised
gear that needs a high level of experience
questions 1-10, choose from the jobs (A-D). to operate and move. Most women are
The jobs may be chosen more than once. intimidated by the physical aspect of the job,
as I was at the beginning. Some of the kit is
Women in men’s jobs hard to move but it is a question of working
Four women talk about their experience in out how to lift things differently. My training
male dominated professions. was hard but gave me all the skills I needed
for the job. At first I didn’t realise I was such an
A Catherine, 23, truck driver
oddity. People on the set would shout and tell
I left college with a full qualification to work
me not to touch my own gear, assuming that
with young children but quickly decided it
I was not the grip. Usually they take me for
wasn’t for me. My father, who owns a haulage
the assistant. I love my job and now that I am
firm, suggested I study and take the exams for
more confident, I just shout back.
a licence to drive a lorry or a bus. The first time
in class I felt really intimidated because I was D Mary, 25, butcher
the only girl. I was also terrified the first time People are amazed when I say I am a butcher
I sat behind a wheel. I am used to people’s and immediately ask me what’s it like to cut
surprise when they see me driving. It happens ‘stuff’ up. I don’t mind that aspect of the job
every day, particularly in traffic. I get a lot of at all. It is a mechanical job and you have to
teasing from my male colleagues, but they are be a specialist to do it correctly. If people
beginning to accept me because I know how realised what a butcher does, it would be more
to do my job. A typical reaction is like the one popular. Often when I am serving, people ask
I had recently, when manoeuvering out of a to speak to the butcher. I say nothing and
tight spot, an onlooker insisted on telling me just get another butcher to come and help.
how to move my lorry, even if his advice was The colleague always tells them I am the
completely wrong. Male or female, if you are best person to talk to anyway. While I was
shy, it is not a job for you. From what I see, at university studying theology, I worked in
women in this profession are always going to a part-time job as a butcher and enjoyed it.
be a minority. It will always be seen as a man’s After university, I worked as a proofreader in
world. an office. But I hated the routine aspect of
B Frances, 30, coxswain working in an office and I realised that I would
What is a coxswain? A coxswain is in command prefer to be a butcher and have the freedom of
of a rescue operation at sea. Most lifeboat owning my own business.
Freely adapted from The Guardian
crew are volunteers and most are male. I am
one of only three females in the UK in this
position of command. My choice is not so Which person
unusual since I come from a seafaring family. often gets unwanted and wrong advice? 1
At first, I had to prove myself but once my says her job description is fairly unknown? 2
team mates realised I was competent and has to construct mechanical equipment? 3
could do the job properly, I was accepted.
The team is the most important thing in this has to face bad weather conditions? 4
job and we must have full confidence in each does a job which helps people in distress? 5
other’s abilities especially when facing a feels customers have little confidence
rescue operation, perhaps in extreme weather in her? 6
Fila B


conditions. It is definitely not a glamorous job was intimidated by the physical difficulties
and we are often wet. There are 28 members of her job? 7
on our lifeboat crew and we do not have a rota
so when I’m called, I have to go. thinks team work is very important? 8
enjoys the freedom of having her own
C Louise, 27, grip
business? 9
The first question people ask me is: ‘What is
a grip?’ Few people have ever met this word. feels her profession will always be in
It is the person responsible for building and a man’s world? 10
operating all the equipment which supports a Marks: …… / 10
camera. Grips work on everything from big film
productions, TV, adverts to low budget films. TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Vocabulary Grammar
1 COMPLETE the sentences with words and
phrases about crime.
4 COMPLETE the sentences using the correct
form of the verbs in the box.
1 The police took three months to Unit 4
may • might (x2) • be able to • need • must • Fila B
all the members of the gang.
have to • can • ought to
2 Some teenagers who are socially at risk, are
recruited by gangs and crime. 1 We have gone to court
3 There were no CCTV cameras so Mary because they did not call us as witnesses.
shoplifting. 2 Our client’s crime is very serious, we
4 With new evidence the man was hire more lawyers.
after wrongly spending five years in prison. 3 Illegal counterfeiting
5 The pickpocket was caught while damage the music industry.
trying to steal the lady’s bag. 4 The jury has been in court all day without a
Marks: …… / 5 break. They be starving.
5 The suspect was at work when the crime
2 REPLACE the expressions in italics with a
suitable phrasal verb or a collocation.
was committed so he be
1 Innocent people could be accused unknowingly 6 Vandals be sentenced to
of a crime if they are found to be the ultimate a long period of community service.
users of stolen products. 7 Thanks to our professor, we
attend many court
2 Crimes where nobody suffers are considered to hearings as part of our law training.
be minor crimes. 8 By law you pay taxes.
Marks: …… / 8
3 Drug dealers are often members of an
organisation dealing in criminal actions.
5 REORDER the words to make sentences.

4 Hologram adhesives are strips which provide 1 the / courtroom / full / because / the / in /
protection against making copies of documents involved / celebrity / trial / was / a / was.
without permission.
2 can’t / heard / you / have / judge’s / correctly /
5 Teenagers who have not committed an offense the / sentence.
before are often put on special programmes
and not sent to prison. 3 police / station / full / people / of / burglaries /
the / reporting / was.
Marks: …… / 5
4 he / might / be / convicted / theft / of.
3 MAKE negative meanings from the words
given to complete the sentences. 5 vandals / shop / damaged / caught / the / who
1 Drinking and driving is . / the / they.
2 In cases of domestic violence, sometimes 6 police / case / closed / acted / and / the / the /
the police are to the information / on / the.
problems involved. (SENSE)
3 The reasons of the defense are not 7 managed / he / get / away / the / crime / with
convincing. In fact they are completely / to.

4 He is an intelligent lawyer but Marks: …… / 7

of speaking in public.

5 It was of you to park on a

Fila B

double yellow line. (WISE)

Marks: …… / 5
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FILA B UNIT TEST UNIT 4 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Reading and Use of English The inspector all the

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2 2 It is possible you’ll get a shorter sentence if
6 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
your defense lawyers are good.
fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. You if your defense
There is an example at the beginning (0). lawyers are good.
Why are we drawn to true crime 3 I’m sure the detective is ill, he never gives up
shows? an interesting case.
In recent years there has been an increase MUST
in TV series about real (0) LIFE The , he never gives up an
crime. TV producers have succeeded in interesting case.
(1) true crime shows 4 The police examined all the information and
so interesting and engaging that they have quickly caught the murderer.
(2) able to get very high ACTED
audience ratings. Frequently featuring actual The police and quickly
crime, (3) shows often caught the murderer.
describe the horrific exploits of legendary
5 The police didn’t have any witnesses, so the
serial (4) . What could the
burglar was not charged with the crime.
reasons for this unhealthy interest be? Why
might people be attracted to such horrific
The burglar because the
scenes? It might (5) the
police didn’t have any witnesses.
same as the allure of traffic accidents and
train crashes. It can’t be a fascination for 6 The accusations against you are strong. It is
death, surely! Although many consider this advisable that you hire a good lawyer.
morbid interest unacceptable and immoral, it OUGHT
is common to see people rushing to scenes The accusations against you are strong. You
of accidents, so it (6) good lawyer.
be just that. Research has shown that true Marks: …… / 6
crime provokes the most basic and powerful
emotion – fear. We can experience fear in a FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 5
safe environment where we are not the
(7) . The threat is exciting
the article. For questions 1-6, choose the
but not real. Last but not least, we answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best
(8) not forget the according to the text.
attraction that playing armchair detective
holds for many of us. Juvenile crime
Freely adapted from Time There has been a dramatic rise in juvenile
Marks: …… / 8 crime in London, where there have been more
than 50 murders since the beginning of the
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4 year. Many of these attacks involve young
For questions 1-6, complete the second
teenagers and are gang-linked killings. There
has been a 19% rise in killings, a 30% rise in
sentence so that it has a similar meaning to robberies and a 14% leap in car thefts. Some
the first sentence, using the word given. Do of these offences include moped thefts, which
not change the word given. You must use apparently are being used to ‘facilitate’ other
Fila B


between two and five words, including the crimes. There is a growing awareness that
word given. Here is an example (0). weapons may be too freely available on the
streets of London and there is a need to take
0 Does your teacher know how to use an action.
interactive whiteboard? In the past, police were often accused of
ABLE concentrating their attention on non-white
Is your teacher ABLE TO use an interactive communities. This controversy over alleged
whiteboard? racial discrimination led to restrictions
1 The inspector was able to interview all the on police actions. Now there has been a
witnesses. turnaround and police powers have been
SUCCEEDED increased.
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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Section 60 of the Police and Criminal Evidence 2 What does the Police and Criminal Evidence
Act allows Police officers to search anyone, Act allow the police to do?
without suspicion, where there might be A Search only suspected non-white people.
a risk of violence. A total of 1,571 people B Search with precaution, to avoid racial
were searched, using this power, between discrimination.
April 2017 and March 2018, compared with C Investigate non white-people.
fewer than 400 people searched in each of D Search unsuspected persons in order to
the previous three years, according to figures prevent possible violence or crime.
obtained by the BBC.
When interviewed, Police Commissioner 3 Why is it difficult to charge criminals?
Cressida Dick said that most young people A It’s difficult to identify the criminals.
may never get involved in crime, but in some B It’s difficult to arrest the criminals.
communities there is very real fear that a C Young people involved in crimes are
family member could get hurt. She went on to protected by their family.
say that many attacks remain unsolved and D Most of the time the police haven’t got
criminals are not charged. This is because it is enough proof.
hard to reach the standard of proof required 4 What is the main reason for the rise in crime?
by courts in many gang-linked killings. Police A Not engaging with young people.
officers declare that they often have a good B The growth of poverty.
idea of who is involved but proving it is C Fall in charge rates.
difficult. D The government cuts of police and youth
The government has been criticised for not services.
tackling the problem and of encouraging gang
crime by implementing cuts to police and 5 Amber Rudd, ex Secretary of State for the
youth services, which are vital to prevention Home Department, said that
work. Amber Rudd, ex Secretary of State for A there’s no link between the rise in crime
the Home Department, however, insists that and the poor funding of the police force.
there is no link between the cuts and the rise B the Mayor is not in control of the capital.
in crime. She claims that not only have the C police numbers are no longer stable.
number of police officers remained stable, D crime is falling despite the cuts in the police
but that the crime rate is actually falling. force.
However, research, carried out as part of the 6 What could be a solution for juvenile crime
Serious Violence Strategy, said offenders may according to the Mayor of London?
have been encouraged by the lack of police
resources and the fall in charge rates. The A Increase police power and control.
Mayor of London declared that the solution B Government commitment to wiping out
is to engage with young people and provide crime.
them with credible alternatives that will C Easier access to weapons.
prevent them from being drawn into crime. D Alternative opportunities and activities for
The Mayor himself has also come under fire young people.
for not having complete control of the capital. Marks: …… / 6
The figures which claim that, half of the 20%
nationwide rise are accounted for by offences TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
in London, seem to confirm this idea.
Freely adapted from The Independent

1 Which crime has had the lowest increase?

A Car thefts.
B Moped thefts.
C Killings.
D Murders.

Fila B

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FILA B UNIT TEST UNIT 5 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Vocabulary Grammar
1 COMPLETE the sentences with words and 4 COMPLETE the sentences using conditionals
and the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
UNIT phrases about global issues.
TEST 1 It is an advantage to have ethnic 1 If we used more recycled paper, we
Unit 5 groups mingling because it leads to (save) more trees.
Fila B . 2 It’s time we reduce the use of nuclear power
2 The Earth is a wonderful planet with a great if we (want) to avoid
of species. disasters.
3 Some countries behave as though they
3 Governments must
(rule) the world.
current issues and think of a sustainable
future. 4 If a war broke out, people
(leave) their home.
4 Travelling brings knowledge and
of the wider world. 5 If people ask for asylum, countries
(have) to help them.
5 Having classmates of a different nationality
has enabled me to see the world 6 If we don’t regulate gas emissions, the
. problem of pollution
Marks: …… / 5
Marks: …… / 6
2 COMPLETE the sentences with phrasal
verbs about global issues.
5 COMPLETE the sentences with unless, in
case, as long as or provided that.
1 The government has made laws to protect 1 The United Nations Millennium Goals will not
the environment but they have not be reached all countries
yet. make an effort.
2 Humanitarian agencies in the war zone have 2 Unesco will continue to recognise historic sites
all their supplies. they are protected.
3 Working with refugees 3 We can reduce our waste
a deeper knowledge of their language and we follow recycling regulations.
culture. 4 The government will take precautions
4 The United Nations peacekeeping forces of a nuclear accident.
have to many delicate 5 There won’t be a referendum
moments during their job. we have enough
5 I would like to for signatures on the petition.
voluntary work during my gap year. Marks: …… / 5
Marks: …… / 5
6 WRITE sentences using conditionals and the
3 MAKE nouns from the words given to
complete the sentences.
prompts given.
1 I / prefer / to / support / ecological issues /
1 They were accused of to than / cultural issues.
animals. (CRUEL)
2 you / better / follow / recycling / regulations /
2 My has changed rapidly
or / they / fine / you.
in recent years with a lot of new houses being
Fila B


built. (NEIGHBOUR)
3 the / Minister / wish / he / not / promised / to
3 You will certainly be elected as class
/ sign / the / law / on / equality.
representative because you have a talent for
4 if / only / the / government / deal / with /
4 I have very pleasant the / problem / sooner.
memories. (CHILD)
5 Precision and are Marks: …… / 4
important in secretarial work. (EFFICIENT)
Marks: …… / 5

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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Reading and Use of English

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 3
7 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the
end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at
the beginning (0).
Saving species
Sudan is a 45-year-old male northern-white rhino who had been kept
in (0) CAPTIVITY . He died last week and the news of his death was met CAPTIVE
with great (1) . His confinement was for protection and not out SAD
of (2) , as some animal rights groups claimed. Now the CRUEL
(3) of the survival of the species rests on his daughter POSSIBLE
and the hope that the (4) of a team of international scientists EFFICIENT
can develop new reproductive technology.
For our interconnected world it is a moment of (5) . The FRUSTRATE
destruction of diversity is as important as climate change. Our (6) WISE
in dealing with the issues of sustainability and the future of our planet is
demonstrated in our relationship with animals.
The problem is that animals are being treated not as important for their own
sake, but on the basis of how valuable they are to humans. Whether they are fun,
charming, useful, dangerous, (7) or simply irrelevant. This CONVENIENT
shortsighted view spells danger not only to the animal kingdom but to humankind.
Our (8) depends on our patterns of economic and social life. HAPPY
Changing the way we live is necessary for our own sake.
Freely adapted from The Guardian
Marks: …… / 8

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4 3 The United Nations can make a real change if
For questions 1-6, complete the second
all countries are seriously engaged.
sentence so that it has a similar meaning to The United Nations can make a real change
the first sentence, using the word given. Do seriously engaged.
not change the word given. You must use 4 Women will never reach equality if they don’t
between two and five words, including the stand up for their rights.
word given. Here is an example (0). UNLESS
0 Let’s take our swimsuits on holiday, there may Women will never reach equality
be a pool at the hotel. for their rights.
IN CASE 5 It would be better if politicians started to
Let’s take our swimsuits on holiday IN CASE seriously worry about global warming.
THERE IS a pool at the hotel. ONLY
1 We can help to reduce poverty if people If to seriously worry
continue to donate to charity. about global warming.
AS 6 We never know how much food is needed,
We can help to reduce poverty so humanitarian operators always take extra
people continue to supplies.
donate to charity. IN CASE
2 I prefer to do volunteer work as a teacher than Humanitarian operators always take extra
to work in war zone hospitals. supplies of food .
RATHER Marks: …… / 6

I as a teacher than to
work in war zone hospitals.

Fila B

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FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 6 A On the contrary, they would be working
9 GAPPED TEXT. Read the article. Six
sentences have been removed from the
landscapes offering pastures and agriculture a
proper place.
article. Choose from the sentences A-G the B We will need transport and energy production
one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one which is free from carbon emissions together
extra sentence which you do not need to use. with all the other sustainable technology.
C After that we are dipping into non-renewable
How to save the Earth supplies, actually stealing from future
There are nearly eight billion humans alive on generations.
the planet now. That is more than twice as
D Through good urban planning, we could
many as fifty years ago. It is questionable that
remove ourselves from a considerable amount
the Earth’s biosphere can support the needs
of the planet’s surface.
of so many people or absorb their waste on
a renewable and sustainable basis. Scientists E There is no planet B.
estimate that we use up our annual supply of F Those areas of empty land will be working
renewable resources by August every year. for us in their own way as part of the health-
1 At the same time, we are polluting the giving context of a sustainable civilisation.
atmosphere with carbon dioxide at a rate that G It is a question of how we make this move.
is changing the climate in a dangerous way
Marks: …… / 6
and will certainly damage agriculture.
Cities emerge from this critical situation like
TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
a ray of light. By definition, cities house a lot
of people on small plots of land which makes
them better ecologically than suburbia. 2
Emptying half the Earth of its humans is
happening already. This process would be
good for the species we share our planet with,
which in turn would be good for us, since we
are closely connected to all aspects of life on
our planet. The emptied landscapes would not
be wilderness. 3 All those people in cities
still need to eat and food production needs
This vision is one possible pattern for our
survival on this planet. Cities will have to be
green. 4 This includes technologies called
justice and law. Peace, justice, equality and
the rule of law are all fundamental survival
strategies. If we have adequate income and
a system of progressive taxation, based on
the concept of ability to pay, this will prevent
the poorest and richest from damaging the
biosphere in the way extreme poverty or
wealth do. All these working landscapes
should exist side by side. 5 Furthermore,
all that land has to be surrounded by oceans
Fila B


and seas that have to be healthy too, which

entails leaving them partly unfished. All this
can be done. All this must be done if we are
to create a civilisation that can be passed on
to future generations. There is no alternative.
6 We have only this planet and we have
to fit our species into the energy flows of its
Adapted from The Guardian

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Vocabulary 2 The performance of the actors was

during rehearsal than on
1 MATCH words from the two columns to
make compound words.
the first night.
3 We remember Audrey Hepburn for her beauty. UNIT
1 old A board In fact she is considered to be one of the TEST
actresses of all time. Unit 6
2 roof B style
3 skate C fashioned
4 Modern Art is to interpret Fila B
than Classical Art.
4 life D top
5 Agatha Christie’s play The Mousetrap was
Marks: …… / 2 than The Woman in Black.

2 COMPLETE the sentences with compound

words from exercise 1.
Marks: …… / 5

1 The Beatles were the first group to stage a

5 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
comparative expression in positive (+)
performance. or negative (-) or using the adjectives in
2 Teenagers on perform brackets.
such wonderful stunts that we could almost 1 The (+) film roles that actress
call it visual art. interprets, the (+) popular she
3 We can say that all artistic works are becomes.
an expression of the artist and his
2 The (late) we arrive at the
museum, the (long) we
4 Single-screen cinemas are . will have to queue up.
Now we have multi-screen theatres.
3 Young people are becoming (-)
Marks: …… / 2 and (-) enthusiastic about
studying literature.
3 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
4 Science-fiction films are getting
(+) and (+)
1 The local theatre is interpreting / putting on a unbelievable.
season of Shakespeare’s plays. Marks: …… / 4
2 Fringe festivals usually include many live stage
/ forms of entertainment performances in the
6 COMPLETE the sentences using like or as.
1 I prefer Madonna a singer
3 The museum is holding a Picasso exhibition than an actress.
which will give it artistic heritage / cultural prestige.
2 Claude Monet Édouard
4 She is slowly provoking / building up a Manet is an exponent of Impressionist
reputation as a top-class soprano. painting.
5 Venice has so much cultural prestige / artistic 3 I was very uncomfortable last night at the
heritage that it is packed with tourists every day. theatre, it was as hot an
6 In the world of art it is difficult for artists to oven.
build up a reputation / inspire unless they have
4 In a western film it is common to find half
good publicity.
the cast dressed Native
Marks: …… / 3 Americans.
Marks: …… / 2
4 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
comparative or superlative expression using
the adjectives in the box.

beautiful / expressive / hard / good / successful


1 Both Maria Callas and Renata Tebaldi

Fila B

were top sopranos, but Callas had the

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music because its loud music and aggressive

7 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the dialogue.
lyrics are the (5)
distractors of all. Music with a slower rhythm
Two friends are talking about a film they have and a regular beat is more relaxing than a
seen. faster beat. This kind of music together with
A: I’ve just been to see the new Steve Martin Baroque music helps to create a serene
comedy. Have you seen it? atmosphere which (6)
B: Yes. Last week. (1) As / Like a comedy, it was greater creativity. Many students get
nothing special. (7) from Japanese music
A: It was not as funny (2) than / as The Pink as it is fairly relaxing but it can become boring.
Panther. The University of Helsinki has concluded that
B: Oh The Pink Panther was the (3) best / better classical music is (8)
comedy ever. I thought the plot was (4) more effective and is the best choice.
silly / sillier than most comedies.
A: Yes, the story was implausible. The rest of 0 A better B very good
the cast was (5) bit / fairly good. C best D good
B: Steve Martin was (6) better / best than the 1 A music B songs
others, though. I suppose this may be one of C sounds D instrumental
his last films. He’s getting (7) bit / quite old. 2 A visual B artistic
What about the funny scenes? C performing D sporting
A: They were (8) more / most spectacular than
in The Pink Panther. Obviously, we have more 3 A inspirational B inspired
advanced special effects now. C inspiring D inspire
B: Yes, but they weren’t (9) funniest / funnier. 4 A worser B worst
I thought they were a (10) rather / bit banal. C worse D bad
A: All in all, it was (11) more / rather 5 A stronger B strongest
disappointing. I expect (12) little / few people C most strong D more strong
will go to see it. 6 A stimulates B builds up
Marks: …… / 6 C stimulating D building up
7 A pleasure B pleasant
Reading and Use of English C enjoyment D enjoy
8 A a bit B slightly
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 1 C extremely D bit
1-8, read the text below and decide which
Marks: …… / 8

answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There

is an example at the beginning (0).
Better results with music
Studying while listening to music is a good
habit but only if you choose the correct
type. A lot of research has been done on
this subject with the following results. As
background, music played at a low volume
is (0) BETTER than loud
Fila B


(1) . Pop and rock music

with their faster rhythms and catchier lyrics
make them more suitable for dance and
(2) activities than for
studying. According to research by Cambridge
Sound Management, instrumental tracks are
more (3) than songs
with lyrics. If the lyrics are even slightly
comprehensible, you tend to sing along and
pay less attention to what you are studying. By
far the (4) choice is rock

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FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2 an inseparable part of tribalism culture.
9 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
This practice continues today among the
indigenous people in Oceania and part of
fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. Africa. In India, Mehndi, using dyes made
There is an example at the beginning (0). of henna leaves, is practiced especially
on brides. This use of henna has currently
Life is just a dream become popular also in Western culture,
This article is about one of the especially during summer, when an increasing
(0) MOST important fan number of women like to paint designs on
conventions in Europe. Every year the city their hands. Today this ancient custom has
of Lucca puts (1) an evolved into an art form. But is it art?
international convention called Lucca Comics B Tattoos
and Games. The festival has quickly Some critics link body painting to tattoos
(2) up a reputation and calling it lowbrow art. Also known as Pop
become the second largest convention of its Surrealism, lowbrow was born out of the
kind in Europe. (3) and Los Angeles’ underground movement in
more people are attracted to this festival. the 1970’s and was inspired by street art.
The event is divided into two. In the exhibition However, there are important differences
part, publishing houses, comics and game between the two. First of all, body painting art
creators have stands to sell their products and is temporary. Painted onto the human skin, it
promote their activities. They challenge each lasts only for several hours. On the other hand,
other to have the most interesting displays tattoos, where the skin is injected with ink,
and the coolest gadgets and see who can sell last forever. Skin cells soak up the pigment and
the (4) . release it when they die for other cells to pick
Visitors can appreciate the exhibition which up, so the cycle continues. Body painting also
takes place all over town. There are concerts, has a richer history and experienced a revival in
live (5) performances and the 1960’s. It developed in various forms and
upcoming film previews. The most stimulating cannot easily be dismissed as an illegitimate
aspect of this convention is the presence of contemporary art practice.
Cosplayers, who are people dressed up
C Artists
(6) characters from
A number of artists looking for new visual
books or films. However, it is not your usual
forms began to create artwork on the human
(7) fancy dress. The most
body. Famous artists using this medium
common characters they interpret are from
are Chinese artist Liu Bolin and Australian
Star Wars or Star Trek. Everyone competes
Emma Hack. As part of his own political and
to have the most stunning costume (8)
socially engaged art, Liu Bolin uses his own
the festival. All in all, this
body in the practice of painting himself into
convention is not just for fans of this genre, it
various settings in Beijing, thus emotionally
is an amazing spectacle which everyone, from
responding to the demolition of many areas of
children to grown-ups, can enjoy.
the city. On the other hand, Emma Hack paints
Freely adapted from Travels in Tuscany
women into wallpaper, turning their naked
Marks: …… / 8
bodies into exquisite murals. These artists are
selling their works at auctions at quite high
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 7
prices, therefore they should be considered
10 MULTIPLE MATCHING. Read the texts.
For questions 1-10, choose from the
contemporary artists. Others like Los Angeles
artist, Paul Roustan, or the Peruvian Cecilia
paragraphs (A-D). The same paragraph Paredes, famous for her style of painting
may be chosen more than once. her own body to camouflage herself against
The art of body painting complex floral backgrounds and natural
landscapes, have contributed to elevate the
A History form.

The art of body painting has a rich history

which can be traced back to prehistoric art
and culture. In ancient times, tribes used

to paint their bodies with clay and other

Fila B

natural pigments for ceremonies and was

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D Festivals
Body painting has become more widely
accepted. Festivals take place annually both
in Europe and the United States. The World
Body painting Festival is a week-long festival,
originating in 1998; it has been held in Austria
since 2017. Participants attend from over
fifty countries and the event has more than
20,000 visitors. In Italy, the Rabarama Skin
Art Festival is held every year during the
summer and autumn, touring major Italian
cities. This is a different event focused on the
artistic side of body painting, highlighting the
emotional impact of the painted body in a
live performance. In 2006, the first art gallery
dedicated exclusively to fine art body painting
was opened in New Orleans. Commercially,
many artists work as professional body
painters for television. They also work
frequently in the film industry, especially in
science-fiction, with an increasing number
of elaborate alien creations being body
painted. The debate about the legitimacy of
body painting continues, but in the end it is a
question of quality, aesthetics and concepts.
If an artist respects these established norms,
then we should not ignore it as a significant
part of contemporary art.
Freely adapted from Widewalls

Which paragraph
talks about a festival with over 20,000
visitors? 1
mentions art work selling at high prices? 2
talks about the use of painting brides? 3
mentions a body painting museum? 4
describes women used as murals? 5
mentions body painting as a camouflage
against landscapes? 6
talks about body painting as a live
performance? 7
mentions the indigenous people
of Africa? 8
describes Pop Surrealism? 9
Fila B


talks about an artist who is socially

and politically engaged? 10
Marks: …… / 10

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50

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Vocabulary Grammar
1 COMPLETE the sentences with words and
phrases about technology.
4 TRANSFORM the following sentences from
active to passive.
1 There have been so many changes in my life 1 At last the police have traced the source of the Unit 7
I need to update my . anonymous emails. Fila B
2 I have problems when I need to
because I always forget 2 If the computers did not have some form of
my password. protection, a virus would have attacked them.
3 The electronics shop on the High Street has
some really cool . 3 We suppose that the government’s secret
service will solve cases of cybercrime.
4 Social media make it easier for people to
4 The boss got the technician to update the
5 your password and you computer software.
will access the website.
Marks: …… / 5 5 Unfortunately, by tomorrow many people will
have read your fake tweet.
2 REPLACE the words in italics with the
correct collocation and expression about Marks: …… / 5
Mary was a computer fanatic. She was always 5 COMPLETE the sentences using so and such.
chatting and posting on social media. One 1 She has many friends
day she read a (1) false that she is always messaging.
message about her boyfriend and another 2 Her mobile phone is an
girl. She immediately believed what she read old one that it doesn’t even have any apps.
without (2) carrying 3 In the future, artificial intelligence will be
out the necessary checks to be sure of the advanced that robots
truth of the message. She posted angry could take over the world.
messages (3) revealing
4 She has limited
secret information. This led to an exchange
knowledge of computers that she does not
of unpleasant messages and aggression on
even know how to send an email.
her part. Her friends (4)
put her into the category as being jealous. 5 He spends much time
In the end, she lost her boyfriend and most playing on the computer that he never does
of her friends and she was accused of his homework.
(5) computer aggression. 6 There was still a lot to do
Marks: …… / 5 that he had to work overtime.
Marks: …… / 3
3 MAKE suitable variations of the words given
to complete the sentences. 6 WRITE sentences using have / get something
done and the prompts given.
1 With social media you can
1 I / get / my / health / monitor / by / a / special
with a number of people at the same time.
/ app.
2 His computer skills have been 2 the / city / council / have / new / WI-FI /
because he could not install / last / month.
solve the technical problem. (ESTIMATE)
3 Our latest computer all 3 they / have / IT / courses / organise.
the other brands and makes them obsolete.

4 I / get / the TV / repair / tomorrow.

4 Many bureaucratic can
now be done online. (ACTION) 5 he / have / his / smartphone / steal / on / the /
5 How did he to your post

bus / yesterday.
Fila B

on Facebook? (ACT)
Marks: …… / 5 Marks: ……./5
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Reading and Use of English adventures. However, it is also technology

which is (2) to be used in
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2 many other fields. For example, in the tourist
7 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
industry, VR will be employed as teleportation.
You will be (3) to visit
holiday destinations even before booking
fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
flights. In the housing market the novelty
There is an example at the beginning (0).
of using a (4) called
How virtual reality has changed a visor will allow prospective buyers to be
accompanied on a virtual tour of the house.
the world It is a (5) faster way
Experiences which have (0) BEEN to choose a home. This innovation can also
imagined vividly cannot be distinguished by be applied to shopping. Entire shops will be
our brain from those lived in reality; that is visited with VR and decisions on what to buy
why our emotions are strongly stimulated will be (6) at the same
(1) virtual reality (VR). VR time. The (7) of progress
is a technological device which at first became has been so fast that VR is already available as
popular as a well-known computer game, an (8) on our phones.
giving us first-hand experience of fantastic Marks: …… / 8

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 3

8 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the
end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at
the beginning.
How videogaming can be a full time job
Felix Arvid, also known as PewDiePie, is an (0) INTERNATIONAL star. He was the first NATIONAL
You Tuber to reach ten billion hits on his channel. A new Net record! Today, his You Tube
channel has 62 million followers. What has he done to be so famous? He plays videogames
together with millions of his fans. He has completely (1) the concept THINK
of videogames. He has overcome criticism about the (2) aspects PRODUCT
of playing on computers. With PewDiePie, adolescents interact daily in challenging and
exciting game competitions. PewDiePie (3) numerous vblogs and LOAD
gives suggestions on the latest technology and other interesting video entertainment.
The most trendy and popular games are posted in installments to keep the fans hooked
with the promise of future (4) . It is an addiction which few people are CREATE
able to outgrow. His channel is accessible to people of all ages who regularly sign in. In
spite of distance and the (5) linguistic problem, he is considered to OCCASION
be a friend by his fans. He receives (6) from famous game brands for PAY
(7) their products and from advertising. His talent for business and REVIEW
creativity is certainly not (8) . He has earned 124 million dollars so far, VALUE
so he, and young people like him, must not be underestimated.
Marks: …… / 8

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 5 their experiences and their results thanks to
Fila B



the text. For questions 1-6, choose the
this channel.
answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best I live in small town with only one gym which
according to the text. just has a few workout machines. You Tube
was suggested to me by some of my friends.
A web portal for learning As soon as I went on the site, I found so many
You Tube is not just music and entertainment videos and tutorials that I was spoilt for choice.
videos, it has become an important teaching Yoga lessons from beginners to advanced had
tool. You can learn anything from a great been uploaded by several instructors from
variety of teachers without spending a penny. all over the world. After two months, I had
Four fans of the web have decided to share already lost weight and learnt how to do a
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

headstand. I love the fact that I don’t have to answers from other users as well as the teacher.
leave home to keep fit, the freedom of being My future marks were improved by these
able to choose my instructors and not having lessons. The following day I had an oral test and
to spend money on a gym subscription. surprised myself and everyone else with my
Lola results. Now in chemistry I am top of the class.
I was thrilled when I was invited to Spain for
a month’s holiday by my friend. I had always 1 Why can’t Sophie go to yoga lessons in her
wanted to learn Spanish, and meet warm town?
and friendly Spanish people, above all the A She does not like working out.
boys; now I had another reason. I was also B She’s too far from a big city.
promised an introduction to her attractive C The gym in her town has only weight lifting
cousin. However, I was more interested in machines.
making other friends so I was very motivated D She prefers to exercise with friends.
to learn quickly. Unfortunately, I didn’t have 2 Which benefits did Sophie get from practicing
enough money to pay for private lessons, yoga?
so I logged in to You Tube and I found lots of
A She lost weight.
sites with Spanish teachers ready to give me
B She paid less for a gym subscription.
as many lessons as I wanted without paying.
C She made friends.
The advantage of watching videos compared
D She became flexible.
to ordinary lessons, is that you can stop and
start, fast forward or rewind whenever you 3 Why was Lola so motivated to learn Spanish?
want. I can watch the more difficult lessons A She wanted to meet her friend’s cousin.
again and again. Now I’m ready to go to Spain B She wanted to meet some Spanish boys.
to meet some nice-looking Spanish guys! C She has wanted to learn Spanish for years.
Paris D Her friend invited her to go to Spain.
I started to wear make-up only at the age 4 According to Lola why is learning on You Tube
of twenty with very poor results. While my so useful?
friends were always immaculately made A You can stop the video and go faster if you
up, I looked like a clown. I wanted to enroll want to skip something.
in a school to learn, but the fees were very B You can meet your teacher in person.
high. I knew that on You Tube there were C You can ask questions.
many beauty tutorials also for beginners, so D You cannot watch twice if you have not
I decided to follow a famous You Tuber and understood.
her make-up guide. In two months I had been
taught how to apply the most amazing make- 5 Why did Paris decide to learn make up on You
up by these competent teachers. I no longer Tube?
look like a carnival mask and am not ashamed A She was ashamed in front of her expert
of my appearance. Now I am asked for advice friends.
by my friends and I am so confident that I have B She was too old to go to school for
set up my own channel of tutorials. beauticians.
Daniel C Schools for beauticians are for experts.
I found it difficult to follow my chemistry D Schools for beauticians are too expensive.
teacher’s explanations in class. My fear of 6 Why did Daniel hate chemistry?
him and the subject was increased by the A He was too often questioned in front of all
fact that he was such a strict teacher. I used the class.
to tremble at the idea of being questioned in B He was not so good in science subjects.
front of the whole class. Since I had failed my C He had difficulties because of the teacher’s
class tests, he gave me one last opportunity personality.
to catch up. My mother, who despite not being D His professor did not have confidence in
very technological, suggested researching on Daniel’s abilities.

the Internet. I followed her advice and found Marks: …… / 6

a fantastic teacher, who explained even the
most difficult points clearly. He was lively and TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
entertaining. In only one afternoon I caught up

Fila B

on all the lessons I hadn’t understood. It was

also possible to ask questions directly and get
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FILA B UNIT TEST UNIT 8 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Vocabulary Grammar
1 CORRECT the mistakes in words related to
sport in the sentences.
4 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs in brackets.
Unit 8 1 During last night’s boxing match, the World 1 The referee admitted
Fila B Heavyweight champion lost to his participant. (make) the wrong decision when he expelled
the footballer.
2 My teacher has asked me to accept tennis as 2 Don’t forget (take) your
a new sport. sports kit when you go to the gym.
3 He apologised for (cause)
3 The ten-hour hike on the Yorkshire Moors was the team to be disqualified.
a greater possibility than I realised. 4 After the third foul, the referee told the player
(leave) the field.
4 The opponents in the golf tournament all came 5 (sail) is a wonderful sport
from different countries. but it can be expensive.
6 The athlete stopped (do)
5 I am training for the 100 metre game. sport, obeying his doctor’s orders.
Marks: …… / 6
Marks: …… / 5

2 COMPLETE the sentences with collocations

5 JOIN these pairs of sentences using a relative
and expressions for sport.
1 The volleyball team won the championship
1 The temperatures were below freezing so the last year. The volleyball team also won the
climbers had to keep to championship yesterday.
avoid hypothermia.
2 Before starting any sport or training 2 Adriano Panatta is Italian. Adriano Panatta
session you must spend a few minutes was the only player to beat Bjorn Borg.
3 The boxer had a breakdown before 3 The man you met yesterday. He loves football
his big match because he had been and goes to the stadium every week.
4 There are exercises that help people improve 4 Mary’s mother was a swimming champion.
their . Mary has taken up swimming.
5 I am unfit because I very
quickly. 5 Wimbledon is in London. Wimbledon is where
Marks: …… / 5 a famous tennis tournament takes place.

3 MAKE suitable variations of the words given

to complete the sentences.
Marks: …… / 5

1 My sport is skiing.
2 The most popular sport is
Fila B


football. (SPECTATE)
3 If you want to be a top sportsman, you must
be ambitious and .
4 You will never be good at tennis if you don’t
spend more time .
5 Winning a gold medal is the greatest
for an athlete. (ACHIEVE)
Marks: …… / 5
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Reading and Use of English 7 A – B which

C whom D who
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 1 8 A building B to building
1-8, read the text below and decide which
C to build D build
Marks: …… / 8
answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There
is an example at the beginning (0). FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4
Young girls and sport 7 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS.
A survey (0) WHICH has been
For questions 1-6, complete the second
sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
carried out in the United States has found that
the first sentence, using the word given. Do
1,000 teenage girls are likely to drop out of
not change the word given. You must use
sports between the ages of 13 and 18. They
between two and five words including the
decide (1) an activity
word given. Here is an example (0)
which has been proved of vital importance
for future happiness, health and confidence. 0 Warming up is important before you start
Girls (2) drop out, do doing a sport.
so because they cannot see a future career FLEXING
in sport. They do not want to waste their FLEXING YOUR MUSCLES is important before
time (3) for hours and you start doing a sport.
choose (4) focused on 1 That hike was so difficult that I had no breath
their school work. Some girls regret left after it.
(5) up but cannot manage RAN
to deal with both school and sports. Scientists I that difficult hike.
recommend (6) physical
2 Our coach made us work hard in order to win
activity because it helps people focus and
the championship.
relax and also increases productivity. There is
a lot of scientific proof that there is a strong
Our coach the
link between sport and getting higher marks
and accomplishing more. Another reason is
low confidence levels (7) 3 Remember that you require maximum
some girls have about their sporting abilities. concentration during a climb.
Staying active improves communication, SPAN
teamwork and leadership skills and increases Remember be at its
your competitive spirit. Without sport these maximum during a climb.
are all qualities that could take years 4 Martin comes from Australia. He is my tennis
(8) up. coach.
Adapted from Refinery 29 WHO
Martin, comes from
0 A who B where Australia.
C which D whom 5 You can find all the information about Real
1 A give in B to give up Madrid on their official website.
C giving down D to giving in WHERE
2 A whom B which Real Madrid’s official website
C who D 0 all the information about
3 A to practise B to practising
C practise D practising 6 The athlete confessed that he had taken an
illegal substance before the race.
4 A stay B staying
C to stay D to staying
The athlete an illegal
5 A to give B to giving substance before the race.

C giving D give
Marks: …… / 6
6 A to do B do
C to doing D doing

Fila B

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FILA B UNIT TEST UNIT 8 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 7 bar, and combined exercises, which combines
8 MULTIPLE MATCHING. Read the texts. For
questions 1-10, choose from the paragraphs
the scores of the other six events. For
women the artistic events are floor exercise,
(A-D). The same paragraph may be chosen vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and
more than once. combined exercises, both team and individual.
Teams for international competitions are made
GYMNASTICS up of six gymnasts. In the team competition
A History each gymnast performs on every piece of
Gymnastics has a long and important equipment, and the team with the highest
history. We can see evidence from Egyptian number of points wins. There is also a
hieroglyphs to a well-known fresco from separate competition for the all-around title,
the Palace of Knossos in Crete. The Greeks which goes to the gymnast with the highest
invented the word from gymnasium, which total score after performing on each piece of
was the place were males exercised without equipment.
any clothes. Other words were ‘agon’ meaning D Benefits
competition; ‘athlon’ meaning effort and Gymnastics is a great way to build strength,
‘athlos’ meaning fight. In fact, for the Greeks, develop your core muscles (the mid-section
sport and exercise were very important for of your body) and teach discipline. It’s a sport
building character. Modern gymnastics can be that requires a high starting fitness level. An
traced to the educational ideas of Rousseau, athlete has to go to the gym regularly, every
who stressed the importance of physical as day, almost all day and follow a vigorous
well as cognitive training. Inspired by his work, resistance training programme in order to
reformers in Germany started opening schools achieve the body conditioning required for the
in 1700’s which included physical exercise sport. Warming up is key before beginning
as part of the curriculum. Johan Muths, the any exercise. Proper stretching of key muscles
‘grandfather’ of modern gymnastics, divided can help to prevent long term injuries and
the discipline into natural and artistic. The generally improve poise. In the past gymnastics
former emphasises the health of the body and highlighted grace and elegance. Today the
the latter focuses on beauty and not function. sport has evolved into exercise requiring
B Famous gymnasts muscular strength and power. Simon Biles,
Gymnastics is equally balanced between USA gymnast, showed how strength together
male and female participants. Many of the with complicated exercises could lead to a gold
world’s greatest gymnasts have come from medal and three consecutive world titles.
Eastern Europe. Larisa Latynina from Ukraine, Adapted from Britannica
is widely considered to be the greatest female
gymnast of all time. Other stars in this field Which paragraph
are the Russian gymnast Olga Korbut and explains the attraction of gymnastics
the Romanian Nadia Comaneci. Both were an among young girls? 1
inspiration for young girls all over the world describes the difference between male
and it was thanks to their popularity that and female exercises? 2
gymnastics started to have a preponderance
describes the Ancient Greek concept
of young girls. However, the presence of
of sport? 3
young girls, who had not yet reached physical
maturity, posed difficulties because of the talks about the advantages of this sport? 4
intense exercise and long hours of training. says how much training is required? 5
Fila B


This led to the use of doping techniques to gives the origin of the word gymnastics? 6
delay physical maturity, consequently altering describes gymnastic competitions? 7
the gymnast’s weight and centre of balance.
By 2000 the age requirement for Olympic discusses the problem of doping? 8
participation was raised to 16. talks about pioneers in educational
reform? 9
C Types of exercises
Gymnastics has been on the Olympic talks about differences between past
agenda continually since 1924 for men and present? 10
and 1936 for women. For men the artistic Marks: …… / 10
gymnastics events are: floor exercise, pommel
horse, rings, vault, parallel bars, horizontal TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Vocabulary Grammar
1 COMPLETE the sentences with words and
phrases about the environment.
4 REPORT the following statements making all
the necessary changes. Begin each reported
speech with He said… Unit 9
1 The measurement of the amount of carbon Fila B
dioxide used by individuals in all human 1 ‘I am doing new research on biodiversity.’
activities is called .
2 Too many people in the world are dying of 2 ‘We will be making big investments in
because there is not alternative energy.’
enough food.
3 Rising have caused some 3 ‘I am a resident so I don’t have to pay the
islands in the Pacific to disappear. congestion charge.’
4 The problem caused by gases trapping
the heat from the sun is called the 4 ‘I can and I will improve the city’s recycling
. strategy.’
5 We must invest in and
stop using oil or gas. 5 ‘If I had had the support of the government, I
Marks: …… / 5 would have banned all cars running on petrol
or gas.’
2 COMPLETE the sentences using the
expressions in the box. Marks: …… / 5

mass produce / man-made materials /

disposable products / end up
5 COMPLETE the sentences using the correct
form of say or tell.
1 He me that he was
1 Because of business and financial reasons
researching alternative sources of energy.
many world governments
damaging the environment. 2 Did she which position
she will have in the United Nations?
2 cause problems in the
management of waste because they take a 3 He caused panic when he
long time to decompose. the audience that there was a serious danger
of war.
3 The invention of has
caused an increase in consumerism. 4 I your supervisor that you
were still at the international summit.
Marks: …… / 3
5 Did he if he had signed
3 MAKE suitable variations of the words given
to complete the sentences.
the petition supporting endangered species?
6 Did he you about his
experiences as a volunteer in Africa?
1 The of the waste
system in our town seems to be working well. Marks: …… / 3
2 Global warming is a serious 6 MATCH the reported sentence (1-5) with the
corresponding direct sentence (A-E).
(ENVIRONMENT) 1 The fishermen complained about people
3 People in the Western world are fishing in their waters.
because they do not 2 The man expected that the authorities
suffer from starvation. (PRIVILEGE) would have accepted his application as a
4 Even small actions made by individuals
3 The soldiers apologised to the refugees for

can make a in solving

ecological problems. (DIFFER) not having enough aid supplies.
5 We must do all we can for the 4 The minister denied taking money from the
of endangered species. aid fund.

Fila B

(PROTECT) 5 The dictator threatened to declare war if

Marks: …… / 5 the troops were not withdrawn.
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FILA B UNIT TEST UNIT 9 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

A ‘I didn’t take any money from the aid fund.’ Talks, Slat said that (5)
B ‘It isn’t right that people come to fish in our and education was not enough to save the
waters.’ planet. He also (6) the
audience that people (7)
C ‘If you don’t withdraw your troops, I will never change their habits and would always
declare war.’ (8) up polluting the sea by
D ‘I thought you were going to accept my dumping waste. He also said that the plastic
application as a refugee.’ which already existed would take 500 years to
E ‘We’re sorry but we haven’t got enough food, disappear.
blankets and water for everyone.’ Freely adapted from Ambiente
Marks: …… / 8
Marks: …… / 5
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4
7 REPORT the questions starting each
sentence with They asked… or They wanted to 9 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS.
For questions 1-6, complete the second
know… sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
1 ‘What do you think about young people’s the first sentence, using the word given. Do
contribution to global issues?’ not change the word given. You must use
between two and five words, including the
word given. Here is an example (0).
2 ‘Has a law been passed against hunting
endangered animals in Africa?’ 0 The voters said: ‘The government is
3 ‘Have you made any progress in stopping
piracy on the seas?’
BEING irresponsible.
1 She plans to use a method of recycling but
4 ‘Where will you be sending the Peacekeeping
after a few days she gives up.
Forces in the near future?’ STRATEGIES
She plans but after a few
Marks: …… / 4 days she gives up.
2 Mary said: ‘Shall we go to the conference on
natural disasters?’
Reading and Use of English SUGGESTED
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2 Mary to the conference
on natural disasters.
8 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text and think of the word which best fits 3 Philip said to Mary: ‘Would you please send
each gap. Use only one word in each gap. your research on biodiversity?’
There is an example at the beginning (0) ASKED
Philip research on
Water (0) POLLUTION is one of the biodiversity.
most worrying problems facing our world. 4 My neighbour said: ‘No, I don’t throw away my
22-year-old Boyan Slat, from Holland has rubbish in public places.’
found a different solution to the problem, DUMPING
thanks to an idea which came to him while My neighbour in public
on holiday. He (1) that places.
when he was in the Azores, he saw more
Fila B


plastic (2) and bags 5 The city’s method of getting rid of waste is
than fish. He asked himself the question, inefficient.
‘Why don’t we clean up the sea?’ He set
The city’s inefficient.
(3) to challenge himself
and in 2015 he founded his organisation 6 ‘All countries should eliminate nuclear
called Ocean Cleanup. A group of experts have weapons’, said the United Nations
been (4) with him on the representative.
project for the past five years. His idea consists ADVISED
in creating a floating platform with a barrier The United Nations representative
that catches the plastic as the sea currents nuclear weapons.
push it along. During an appearance on TED Marks: …… / 6
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 6 If your car is dirty go to a car wash. They use
10 GAPPED TEXT. Read the article. Six
sentences have been removed from the
half the water you would to do the same job.
5 Another energy saver in the home is to
article. Choose from the sentences A-G turn off the lights when leaving a room. You
the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is should also buy low wattage lightbulbs.
one extra sentence which you do not need What can be done on a larger scale? As
to use. individuals we cannot stop big multinationals
from cutting down the Amazon but in our own
Small actions to save the planet small way we can cut down on the use of
Have you ever heard of Environmental paper. 6 We don’t need bills or emails to
Activism? It is a peaceful form of activism be in paper form. When paper documents are
and doesn’t mean tying yourself to a tree and indispensable remember to use both sides, on
being arrested. Anyone can be part of the recycyled paper, of course!
movement by simply carrying out small daily These are just a few of the things we can do
actions, both inside the home and out. They personally to help save the environment. At
may seem insignificant but added up together first they may seem hard to do but once you
they really make a difference. start, you will find that these actions quickly
One of the first things to do is environmental become good habits.
shopping. This means buying products made Adapted from Infographic
of recycled materials, using minimal packaging
and coming from renewable sources. Choose A Now that we have computer technology we
to buy food which is not imported and comes should take advantage of it.
from your local area. That way the product B Don’t run dishwashers and washing machines
will not have travelled far to get to your shop. on half empty loads.
Go to farmer’s markets, shop locally. 1 C You will be supporting your local producers
Remember they are the ones who are largely and cutting demand for products from large
responsible for producing a great deal of waste companies.
– they tend to use excessive plastic wrapping.
D This gives the concept of donating a whole
What do you do with extra food or even
new meaning.
clothing and other household items? Before
throwing anything away, ask yourself these E First of all, water must not be wasted.
questions: ‘Can it be donated? Can it be saved F They tend to use excessive plastic wrapping.
or recycled? The dustbin is the last resort. Find G In the meantime, we can easily cut down on
a local shelter or organisation which will gladly our use of cars.
take what you no longer want. 2
Marks: …… / 6
What can be done about global warming
and the problem of of pollution from gas
TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
emissions? Norway has declared that by 2025
only electric cars will be circulating in their
country. This is truly a good piece of news. We
can only hope that other countries will follow
their example. 3 Choose public transport.
It’s cheaper and more eco-friendly. If you must
drive you can choose carpooling and share
with others. This will cut down on the number
of cars on the road. Better still ride a bike or
walk whenever possible. You will you be saving
the planet but also saving money by keeping
fit without paying for the gym.
In the home, there are endless things that can
be done. 4 It’s true that 75 percent of

the world’s surface is covered by water, but

only one percent of that is drinkable. There
are people on the planet with no water to

drink, yet we waste water at an alarming rate.

Fila B

Remember to turn off the tap when brushing

your teeth. Have a shower instead of a bath.
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FILA B UNIT TEST UNIT 10 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Vocabulary 2 It is difficult in our technological age to

all the passwords and

1 COMPLETE the sentences with words and
expressions about money and business.
bank codes that fill our lives. (MEMORY)
3 All the staff have to
TEST themselves by Iris Recognition Technology
Unit 10 1 In the future banks as buildings will
not exist because everyone will use before entering the building. (IDENTITY)
Fila B
. 4 When dealing with customers you must be
2 Every month my bank sends me a able to with their needs.
which tells me how much (SYMPATHY)
money I am spending. Marks: …… / 4
3 The easiest way to pay for a hotel abroad is to
do it by .
4 Fixed payment on money lent is called
Marks: …… / 4
5 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
1 New technology allows / gets young people to
2 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
create new opportunities.
2 The new boss makes / gets her secretary work
1 My financial advisor / online banking gives me overtime.
good advice on my investments.
3 My husband got / allowed me to change our
2 The bank is closed but it doesn’t matter, I can account because our bank does not give good
go to the financial advisor / cash machine. interest rates.
3 How much deposit / interest rate did you pay on 4 Because of the electrical failure, the boss have
the new house. / let us go home.
4 I do not like to borrow / lend money from my 5 The financial advisor had / let the secretary call
friends. all the clients about the new developments on
5 Does your bank account bear / pay for interest? the Stock Market.
6 The shop would not cash in / pay back my 6 Asking for credit at my bank makes / lets me
cheque so I had to go to the bank. nervous.
Marks: …… / 3 Marks: …… / 3

3 COMPLETE the sentences with phrasal

verbs about money and business.
6 REPLACE the expression using get in each
sentence with the correct form of the verbs in
1 Many young people are the box.
with brilliant ideas to start their own business.
manage to deal with / understand / receive / begin
2 She was a good student at school and now
she has an efficient 1 I’m getting to like the idea of time banking now
accountant. that I am using it.
3 My bank manager gave me good advice
about some investments and now they have 2 I got a letter from the bank this morning about
. an overdraft.
4 If you want to have a career in finance you must
Fila B


show that you have . 3 I can’t get all this financial language! What
5 I would be no good in an office job because I does it mean?
keep of everything.
Marks: …… / 5 4 I have to get through a lot of financial
information to be a good consultant.
4 MAKE verbs in a suitable tense from the
words given to complete the sentences. Marks: …… / 4
1 A gang of bank robbers entered our bank
yesterday and everyone.
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

a more complete payment form, and

7 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
consequently, Swish was launched for web
based sales. What does Swish have that
1 With Time Banking I feel rewarded got both customers and small shopkeepers
consequently / due to / thus the warm to accept the system? Swish is better
appreciation I receive. (5) it is free so
2 I consulted time banking to find a gardener shopkeepers economise. It provides
because / so / thus I don’t like gardening. immediate transfer of money and its intuitive
app has (6) transactions.
3 I need to find credit for my new startup as a However, it will take older people, who often
result / because / consequently I am learning feel they are (7) of their
about crowd funding. money if they do not see cash changing
4 The new startup is doing very well since / so / hands, longer to accept the idea of no cash.
therefore its founder is full of creative ideas. Swish is here to stay and probably many more
5 Time Banking values every individual’s countries will (8) and
experience because / so / due to the fact that all follow in Sweden’s footsteps.
of society benefits.
Marks: …… / 5 0 A payments B deposits
C debit cards D savings accounts
Reading and Use of English 1 A bank transfer B online banking
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 1 C cash machine D bank statements


1-8, read the text below and decide which
2 A
answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There 3 A Accordingly B Although
is an example at the beginning (0). C So D Thus
4 A turned up B turned out
Swish it to me C turned into D turned down
In everyday life about 80% of all
PAYMENTS 5 A thus B because
(0) are made with credit
C so D due to
or bank cards, (1) and
mobile phones. In Sweden, cash has been 6 A simplified B simply
(2) even more unpopular C simplification D simple
because of Swish. This is a mobile app which 7 A lost count B paying off
allows people to make small payments. C paid off D losing count
(3) , originally it was used 8 A take the plunge B come up with
by sports clubs, small restaurants and kiosks C took the plunge D came up with
as payment for food and beverages at small
Marks: …… / 8
events where a credit card reader was too
expensive. It soon (4)



Fila B

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FILA B UNIT TEST UNIT 10 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 3

9 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the
end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at
the beginning (0).
Pocket money
Is (0) GETTING pocket money important for children and young teenagers? GET
Not all parents give pocket money. They buy things that children need whenever
necessary. (1) advisors, however claim that giving a weekly FINANCE
or (2) allowance, makes children learn to handle money and it MONTH
(3) their awareness of its value. When is the best time to start? SHARP
Each child and family is different, so it is important for parents to individualise needs,
and (4) with their children’s problems, and then make decisions SYMPATHY
How much should parents let them have? This would depend on family circumstances,
(5) it is an individual decision and cannot be quantified in the same CONSEQUENCE
way for everyone. Without doubt the educational advantages of getting a regular sum
of money are many. With the assistance of parents, children learn to plan and budget
their finances. Parents could help them open a (6) account SAVE
so they learn the value of saving perhaps for a future (7) or INVEST
to buy something their parents would not normally buy. They could also be made
to keep a record to avoid losing count of what they spend. All this will help
(8) their future relationship with money. SIMPLE
Marks: …… / 8

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 5 with high interest rates. There has also been
the article. For questions 1-6, choose the
a sharp increase in older students being
targeted for store cards, new mobile phone
answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits rates and download charges. Companies carry
best according to the text. out marketing specifically targeting younger
consumers and encouraging them to spend
Finance and education more. The report further stated that young
A study reveals a time bomb of rising debt people are not fully educated on complex
among teenagers. Teenagers are under and potentially damaging financial products.
intense pressure to take out store cards and The report was issued the same day that
build up debt to buy gadgets and appear rich, the Financial Conduct Authority published its
according to teachers who took part in a study Future Approach to Consumers, which warned
into what young people understand about that companies need to do more to protect the
finance. The study also found that education vulnerable.
about money has come to a standstill. There is In September 2014, personal finance
particular concern about young people finding education was made a component within
themselves in high levels of debt made worse the ‘citizenship’ element of the national
by extortionate interest rates. The study curriculum at key stage 3 and 4. At the time,
mentions pressure from celebrities, reality the government said its aim was ‘to enable
television and social media. students to manage their money on a day-
Fila B


In a capitalist society, corporations spend to-day basis, and plan for future needs’.
billions advertising their products while Russell Winnard, a former teacher who is now
the media depicts being rich as being cool. head of programme and services at Young
Television programmes such as MTV Cribs, Money, says the number of schools teaching
which features tours of celebrities’ mansions, pupils about money is worryingly low. It
and My Super Sweet 16, about teens who is compulsory in every secondary school,
‘expect and will only accept the absolute best’, though this does not apply to academies
as well as social media sites such as Facebook, and free schools. Why are schools ignoring
were also attacked. the curriculum requirements? Winnard says
The study found that students were opening it may, in part, be down to the teachers’ lack
store cards and building up significant debt of confidence. We need teachers to be more
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

comfortable and confident enough to deliver 4 What do teenagers think about personal
high quality financial education. finance education?
But do young adults find personal finance A They want more information from their
education boring and does it take time off parents.
the curriculum that could be used for other B They are bored.
subjects? According to some teachers, there C They want to spend more time on other
is evidence that it is teenagers themselves subjects.
who are asking for more information. D They are curious.
Most students find the terminology of
finance confusing. Often it is those from 5 What relationship do richer teenagers have
middle-income homes that have a worse with money?
understanding of money. Disadvantaged A They have little understanding.
households see cash physically and have B They use more cash.
a better fundamental understanding of its C They give more value to money.
value, what it’s used for and where it comes D They see money on a daily basis.
from. In more affluent homes, children see 6 Which are the three things causing low
money less. One teacher told the study that financial skills?
parents, too, have poor financial skills. Young A Corporations, celebrities, banks.
Money receives financing from various sources B Corporations, schools, parents.
including banks. There is a risk that teenagers C Social media, reality TV, government.
are being taught an approach to money D Mobile phone companies, advertising,
that upholds the world-view of the banks. teenagers.
‘It is certainly not about individual financial Marks: …… / 6
products. It is about improving understanding
so young adults are in a better position to TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
make choices,’ says Winnard.
Adapted from The Guardian

1 The study reveals

A that celebrities are the main cause for
teenager debt.
B that teenagers spend most of their money
on gadgets.
C that teenagers are under pressure because
of corporations.
D that teenagers are in debt in spite of
adequate financial education.
2 What should companies do for teenagers?
A They have to do more to protect them,
according to the Financial Conduct
B They should stop broadcasting MTV Cribs.
C Companies have to target young
D Companies have to have more control over
social media.
3 What does Russell Winnard say?
A Academies and free schools have personal
finance on their curriculum.

B Not enough schools teach personal finance

education and teachers are not qualified.
C the government does not help students to
manage their money.

D Schools are following the national

Fila B


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FILA A SKILLS TEST FOR FIRST NAME .....................................................................................................

UNITS 1-2 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Reading and Use of English FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 1

2 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
1-8, read the text below and decide which
fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
FOR word (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is
FIRST an example at the beginning (0). What are friends for?
Units 1-2 You (0) CHOOSE your friends,
Fila A I have always loved (0) TRAVELLING
not your (1) – and for
and I have always loved astrology. When I many today, the former have become the
discovered astrological (1) , most important people in their lives, the
I felt like an explorer with a brand new ones you talk to (2)
(2) . I could get on a plane, your problems and spend most of the time
take off and reach my destination according (3) . On one level,
(3) my astrological sky. friendships are very simple. They are the
That looked like a honeymoon to a fresh bride! (4) between people who
When I was younger I (4) , enjoy one another’s company. There is no
to organise my holiday in accordance with agreement about what friendship involves or
popular opinion and price, but far from why you hang (5) with
being inspirational or adventurous. I would the same people.
select an easy (5) to Recent research concluded that at any time we
reach and book a cheap hotel which was easy have around 30 friends, six of whom we think
to get to. After my star discovery, I was finally of as (6) . Over a lifetime
able to change my idea and way of travelling. we make almost 400 friends, but we keep in
My first astrological trip was in January (7) with fewer than 10%
2013: I checked the star chart and then of them and we have (8)
I booked tickets, packed and took part because of different points of view for about
(6) my first real adventure. 90% of the time. We enjoy being together and
I went in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean, spending time together chatting or watching
heading (7) Azores a movie. We make ourselves available when
Islands. I had been waiting for this moment needed and expect the others to do the same.
so (8) : my special way Adapted from
of travelling had just begun and many other Marks: …… / 8
astrological trips were about to come.
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 5
0 A
the article. For questions 1-6, choose the
1 A trips B holiday answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best
C tour D cruise according to the text.
2 A chart B diagram Jim Gallien was driving four miles out of
C draw D map Fairbanks when he spotted a hitchhiker
3 A in B for standing in the snow beside the road, thumb
C to D out raised high, shivering in the grey Alaska dawn.
4 A got B used He didn’t appear to be very old: eighteen,
C had D went maybe nineteen at most. A rifle was coming
out of the young man’s backpack, but he
Units 1-2 - Fila A


5 A goal B destination looked friendly enough; a hitchhiker with a

C task D travel Remington semiautomatic isn’t the sort of
6 A towards B to thing that gives motorists a desire to stop.
C in D for Gallien drove his truck onto the shoulder
7 A for B in and told the kid to climb in. The hitchhiker
C to D out swung his pack into the back of the Ford and
8 A much B long introduced himself as Alex. ‘Alex?’ Gallien
C lots D a lot responded, waiting for a last name. ‘Just Alex,’
the young man replied.
Marks: …… / 8 Five feet seven or eight, he claimed to be
twenty-four years old and said he was from
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
South Dakota. He explained that he wanted a C the fact that he hadn’t told him his real
ride as far as the edge of Denali National Park, name.
where he intended to walk deep into the bush D they were not going in the same direction.
and ‘live off the land for a few months.’ 2 The word ‘gear’ in line 33 can be a synonym of
Gallien, a union electrician, was on his way to
Anchorage, 240 miles beyond Denali on the A water.
George Parks Highway; he told Alex he‘d drop B vitamins.
him off wherever he wanted. Alex’s backpack C electronic devices.
looked as though it weighed only twenty-five D equipment.
line 28 or thirty pounds, which struck Gallien – an 3 According to Gallien (in paragraph 4), ‘people
accomplished hunter and woodsman – as from other parts’
an improbably light load for a stay of several A think it’s very easy to live in Alaska but then
months in the wild, especially so early in the they realise it isn’t.
spring. ‘He wasn’t carrying anywhere near as B want to go to live in Alaska but actually
line 33 much food and gear as you’d expect a guy to can’t.
be carrying for that kind of trip,’ Gallien recalls. C choose randomly to go and live in Alaska
‘People from other parts,’ reports Gallien, but then realise it’s very difficult and give
‘they’ll pick up a copy of Alaska magazine, look up.
through it quickly and think: “Hey, I’m going to D read about Alaska in magazines but then
get on up there, live off the land, go claim me a don’t want to see it.
piece of the good life.” But when they get here
4 What did Gallien understand after two hours?
and actually head out into the bush – well, it
isn’t like the magazines make it out to be. The A That Alex was completely mad.
rivers are big and fast. The mosquitoes eat you B That Alex was more intelligent than he had
alive and there aren’t a lot of animals to hunt. imagined.
Living in the bush isn’t easy.’ C That Alex was a hunter.
It was a two-hour drive from Fairbanks to the D That Alex was a genius.
edge of Denali Park. The more they talked, 5 The pronoun ‘which’ in line 28 refers to
the less Alex struck Gallien as insane. He was A the harsh conditions.
congenial and seemed well educated. He B Alex’s gear.
asked Gallien thoughtful questions about the C the interior.
kind of small game that live in the country, the D the snowpack.
kinds of berries he could eat – ‘that kind of
thing.’ 6 What can we understand about Gallien from
Still, Gallien was concerned. Alex admitted that the text?
the only food in his pack was a ten-pound bag A That he’s an electrician but he prefers being
of rice. His gear seemed exceedingly minimal a hunter and woodsman.
for the harsh conditions of the interior, B That he doesn’t like people who want to go
which in April still lay buried under the winter and live in Alaska.
snowpack. Alex’s cheap leather hiking boots C That he doesn’t care about Alex because
were neither waterproof nor well insulated. he’s too young.
His rifle was only .22 calibre, too small to rely D That he likes Alex and he’s worried about
on to kill large animals, like moose or caribou, him, because he’s not well equipped.
which he would have to eat if he hoped to Marks: …… / 6
remain very long in the country. He had no
ax, no snowshoes, no compass. The only
navigational aid in his possession was an old,
badly torn state road map.
Adapted from Into the wild, copyright © Jon Krakauer 1997

1 Gallien says the hitchhiker looked friendly

enough to give him a ride despite
Units 1-2 - Fila A

A having noticed he was armed.

B having noticed he was too young to travel


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FILA A SKILLS TEST FOR FIRST NAME .....................................................................................................

UNITS 1-2 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Writing 4 You hear a young man asking for travel advice.

Why is the young man organising a weekend
FIRST Writing – Part 1 in Paris?
4 AN ESSAY. You must answer this question.
Write your answer in 140-190 words in an
A He wants to stay near the Louvre.
B It is a surprise for his girlfriend.
appropriate style. C He wants to experience the Eurostar.
In your English class you have been talking 5 You hear two friends talking about a new
about relationships, friends and social motorway.
networks. Now your teacher has asked you to Why are the two friends against the idea of a
write an essay. new motorway?
Write an essay using all the notes and give A Because they think the airport is polluting
reasons for your point of view. the atmosphere.
B Because the airport is very close to the city
Are social networks and relationships enemies
centre and doesn’t need a motorway.
or allies in everyday life?
C Because there are already efficient ways of
Notes getting to the airport.
Write about:
6 You hear a drama teacher talking about a new
1 how social networks and relationships are
What is special about this production of
2 some problems related to social networks and
A Midsummer Night’s Dream?
3 (your own idea) A It is the first Shakespeare play staged by
the school.
Marks: …… / 10 B It will be staged in the open air.
(5 for interesting and appropriate use C It contains opportunities for actors, dancers
of vocabulary, 5 for accuracy) and singers.
7 You hear two friends talking about a television
Listening programme.
FIRST Listening – Part 1 What does Stephen find fascinating about the
Blue Planet series?
CHOICE QUESTIONS. You will A It shows the beauty of the coral reefs.
hear people talking in eight different B It uses the latest technology to show
situations. For questions 1-8, choose greater depths in the oceans.
the best answer (A, B or C). C It explains the reasons why the seas are
under threat.
1 You hear a boy talking about best friends.
8 You hear part of a programme on the subject
Who has he been skateboarding with for
of pandas.
What reason is given for Tian Tian’s failure to
A Joe, his best mate. conceive?
B His cousin Ken.
A She may have been upset by the different
C Guys from his junior school.
daylight levels.
2 You hear a girl talking to a friend about B The climate in Edinburgh is thought to be
weddings. too cold.
Is Grace going to be a bridesmaid at her aunt’s C She has never given birth before.
Units 1-2 - Fila A


Marks: …… / 8
A Yes, and she is very excited about it.
B No, and she is very disappointed.
C No, and she is pleased not to be.
3 You hear a teacher talking to her class about a
school trip.
What did she notice the students doing while
she was walking with the guide?
A Making notes and drawing.
B Visiting St. George’s Chapel.
C Viewing Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House.
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
FIRST Speaking – Part 1
6 INTERVIEW. Form groups of four in which
two students are the examiners and two
students are the candidates. Use the role
cards to role play part 1 of the speaking
exam. After 3 minutes, exchange the roles.
Remember to use the process language box.
• How many times have you travelled?
• Where did you go on your first journey?
• What did you do to prepare for your journey?
• What kind of travelling did you use to do
when you were a child?
• What did you like doing while you were
• Do you prefer travelling by train or by plane?
• Did you travel by train or by plane on your
last journey? Describe the journey.
Did everything go smoothly?
• Do you miss your home comforts when you
are on holiday?
• What is the longest time you’ve been abroad?
Was it a positive experience?
Marks: …… / 5
(from 1 – weak – to 5 – excellent)

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 45


Units 1-2 - Fila A

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FILA A SKILLS TEST FOR FIRST NAME .....................................................................................................

UNITS 3-4 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Reading and Use of English 1 I’m sure burglars got in by the back window, as
it was open.
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2 HAVE

SKILLS 1 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the

text below and think of the word which best
The burglars
window, as it was open.
by the back

TEST fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. 2 I will call Dad only if the job interview is
FOR There is an example at the beginning (0). successful.
Units 3-4 Criminalising squatters I the job interview is
Fila A (0) MAKE more people successful.
homeless 3 This job takes a long time to do, I think we
The government’s plans to criminalise must ask for some help.
squatting had (1) SO
admit that it (2) boost This job is I think we must
homelessness and damage those who ask for some help.
are already suffering from mental health 4 He managed to talk to the visitor of the gallery
and addiction problems. This admission even though he didn’t speak Chinese.
must (3) followed the IN
warnings from criminology experts who He to the visitor of the
stated that the squatting plan might lead gallery even though he didn’t speak Chinese.
the homeless to be sentenced and sent to 5 The Director was out; his secretary said he’d
(4) instead of being return my phone call after lunch.
helped in the middle of a housing crisis. The CALL
Justice Ministry said that the police and local The Director was out; his secretary said he
authorities (5) to find after lunch.
alternative accommodation in order to avoid
punishment. But ministers insisted also on 6 The new laboratory technician is gradually
the fact that these people must find other learning how to work with his colleagues.
methods to protest against homelessness USED
instead of occupying someone else’s property The new laboratory technician is
without authority. In the Ministry of Justice with his colleagues.
consultation paper, the options included Marks: …… / 6
creating the new (6)
of squatting in buildings, which FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 7
(7) enable the courts to
jail the most persistent (8)
3 MULTIPLE MATCHING. Read the texts.
For questions 1-10, choose from the people
and prevent legitimate occupiers from using (A-D). The people may be chosen more than
force to re-enter their squatted buildings. once.
Adapted from
A – Jamal
Marks: …… / 8
Last summer I worked for one month at a
computer store in a nearby town. I had to
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4
commute to the shop every day and the
For questions 1-6, complete the second
journey took me one hour in the morning and
one hour back in the afternoon. Although they
sentence so that it has a similar meaning to had told me I had to stay there only five hours
Units 3-4 - Fila A


the first sentence, using the word given. Do a day, the boy doing the shift after mine was
not change the word given. You must use always late or sick, so I had to do overtime
between two and five words, including the very often. In the end, this was really time-
word given. Here is an example (0). consuming. Considering that I did it only to
0 When I saw the tourists, they were going in acquire some extra knowledge on software and
the direction of the Cathedral. hardware and that the pay was not so high, I
WALKING can’t say it was a positive experience. For sure,
When I saw the tourists, THEY WERE next year I’m not going to apply again; I think I
WALKING TOWARDS the Cathedral. will choose to do something from home, such
as graphic designer, to have more time for
myself and enjoy my holidays properly.
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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
B – Patty were excellent. I definitely want to follow this
The flower shop right in front of my house career and make a living as a teacher.
needed someone for deliveries and to stay
behind the counter, so I offered and spent Which teenager
four weeks in June and July working there. worked using a talent he/she has? 1
The job was varied and I was able to do new
didn’t work the whole day? 2
tasks every day; moreover, I got on well with
the owner who was always eager to teach me worked both inside and outside? 3
something. didn’t work in his/her hometown? 4
The only negative experience I had happened had to work longer than agreed? 5
just before closing time one day: we noticed a
chose the job to learn more about
young woman trying to shoplift some plastic
certain products? 6
vases on the shelves. We pointed it out to her
calmly and, although at the beginning she tried worked with a relative? 7
to deny it, she finally confessed and opened chose the Summer job because
her bag, where we found some other objects of a decision he/she has made regarding
she had previously stolen. We didn’t call the his/her future? 8
police and let her go; I must admit this was never got bored during the work
quite an experience! experience? 9
C – Alex
did a job connected with a free time
Two years ago, my brother opened a comic
activity he/she likes? 10
book shop with a friend and I have been
helping them in summers since. I do it for Marks: …… / 10
free, but I think it’s the ideal job for me, as I
am really into comics, TV series and tabletop Writing
games. As a matter of fact, there is a room
in the shop where people can meet and play FIRST Writing – Part 2
games; one of my duties is to keep track of
the bookings of this room and make sure
4 AN ARTICLE. You have seen this
announcement in a local newspaper. You
everything runs smoothly there. are going to write an article expressing your
Last June, a famous sci-fi actor was filming opinion. Use 140-190 words.
in the countryside around our town and –
guess what? – he came into our shop to have Private police officers
a look at some Star Wars miniatures, as he Our community needs more security and
is a big fan of the film. I was thrilled and we public police officers cannot cope with all
took a picture together; he even asked me for the crime. Private police officers could be a
directions to get lunch somewhere! It was the solution. Write an article discussing the pros
most memorable day of my working life. and cons of private police officers.
D – Sally Marks: …… / 10
The director of the gospel choir I sing in during (5 for interesting and appropriate use
the year asked me to teach children this of vocabulary, 5 for accuracy)
summer. This couldn’t be called a full-time job,
as I was working only two days a week for two
hours, and didn’t earn enough to make a living,
yet it was still quite challenging.
I accepted because I would like to become a
music teacher in the future, so I thought it
would be an excellent learning opportunity. I
didn’t get a salary, but the director paid for the

tickets, because the lessons were in a music

school that was quite far, but still in town.
I must say I spent a very tough month trying to
Units 3-4 - Fila A

get the attention of eight- and nine-year-old

children who were really lively. On the bright
side, the majority of them took part in the final

show at the end of the course and the results

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FILA A SKILLS TEST FOR FIRST NAME .....................................................................................................

UNITS 3-4 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Listening Speaking
FIRST Listening – Part 3 FIRST Speaking – Part 2
hear five teenagers talking about
two photographs showing different job
possible future careers. For questions interviews. Compare them and say how the
1-5, choose from the list (A-H) what job applicants feel about the job interview
each speaker says about their future. they are doing. You have one minute to do
Use the letters only once. There are this.
three extra letters which you do not
need to use.
A He/she decided what he/she wanted to be at a
very young age.
B He/she thinks that by the time they’re thirty
they will be working on a specialist team.
C He/she would like information about more
unusual careers.
D He/she enjoys talks about future careers and
finds them very stimulating.
E He/she isn’t sure that it is necessary to work
hard and earn a lot of money.
F He/she is unlikely to take up the same career
as their father.
G He/she will probably not go to university
because he/she doesn’t like studying.
H He/she thinks it would be a good idea to try a
job out first.

Speaker 1 1

Speaker 2 2

Speaker 3 3

Speaker 4 4
Marks: …… / 5
Speaker 5 5 (from 1 – weak – to 5 – excellent)
Marks: …… / 5
TOTAL MARKS: …… / 44
Units 3-4 - Fila A


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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
Reading and Use of English
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 3
1 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the
end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at
the beginning (0). FIRST
We owe it to the suffragettes Units 5-6
Fila A
If the (0) GOVERNMENT let women vote, that was thanks to the suffragettes’ GOVERN
battles. If you had no vote, and marches and petitions did not change this, what
would you do? Would you be (1) to take the risks that came PREPARE
with the acts of violence in case you needed it? Emily Davison did exactly that
and suffered many times before her death – her most famous and tragic act
of suffragette (2) at the 1913 Derby. My mum was a RESIST
(3) in the 1960s and insists when we discuss that violence will CAMPAIGN
never be the way. But before suffrage, they could not change the status quo unless
they put pressure on the governments even (4) , through an VIOLENT
(5) world of people who saw the community through different INTERCONNECT
eyes. Indeed, (6) beyond was and is the key. If my mum’s LOOK
generation had not (7) the injustices against women’s rights, FIGHT
no future women would have been allowed to work. And just like my grand-mum
and mum did, my generation has to fight the next round of battles, too. Issues
including maternity leave, equal pay, childcare, domestic violence and increasing
female (8) in Parliament. Unless we call for an internationally- REPRESENT
minded vision, we will always face injustices against women.
Adapted from
Marks: …… / 8

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4 3 Don’t leave the tap on when you brush your
For questions 1-6, complete the second
teeth or you’ll waste water.
sentence so that it has a similar meaning to on when you brush your
the first sentence, using the word given. Do teeth, you’ll waste water.
not change the word given. You must use 4 I think modern painting is more difficult to
between two and five words, including the understand than classical painting.
word given. Here is an example (0). AS
0 Don’t worry! In three hours this exam will be In my opinion, classical painting
over! modern painting to
FINISHED understand.
Don’t worry! In three hours this exam WILL 5 ‘Education should be free for everyone,’ the
HAVE FINISHED. President told the journalist.
1 Renting a flat for the holidays is less expensive TO
than booking a room in a hotel. The President told the journalist that
AS education free for
Renting a flat for the holidays everyone.
booking a room in a hotel. 6 Dad worked hard; his goal was a rise in salary
2 I wish we hadn’t accepted her invitation to the and responsibility, he finally succeeded.
cinema: we got so bored. BE

HAVE Dad worked hard and he

If we hadn’t accepted her invitation to the finally succeeded.
cinema, we so bored. Marks: …… / 6
Units 5-6 - Fila A

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UNITS 5-6 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 6 How expensive is his work?
3 GAPPED TEXT. Read the article. Six
sentences have been removed from the
Banksy was an artistic celebrity by the early
2000s and his work would sell for a lot of
article. Choose from the sentences A-G the money. 5
one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one What can cities do with Banksy’s artworks?
extra sentence which you do not need to use. When Banksy leaves his artwork on buildings,
there can sometimes be arguments about who
Who is the street artist Banksy? owns the pieces and what a town can do with
Banksy is a famous – but anonymous – British them, as they are very valuable. 6
graffiti artist: he keeps his identity secret. He Adapted from:
produces pieces of work which appear in public
places, such as on the walls of buildings and A In an auction in 2008, a piece of work was sold
his art has got a particular style which people for just over £1 million.
can easily recognise. 1 An installation B For example, in 2008 the newspaper The Mail
is when an artist builds or constructs works on Sunday revealed who they thought he was.
of art in a particular space in order to hold a C He has also done installation work, such as a
special exhibition there.
piece called Fish Sticks.
He began spray-painting trains and walls in
his home city of Bristol in the early 1990s, but D Sometimes people want to sell them to raise
in the 2000s, he expanded his work beyond money for charity, while others think they
Bristol and was soon leaving his artistic should stay where they are.
mark all over the world. 2 For example, E Nowadays, in Bristol, you will be able to find
in May 2017, a mural showing a workman some examples of Banksy’s works of art.
removing one of the EU flag’s stars with a F The piece of a girl letting go of a heart-shaped
hammer appeared at the ferry port in Dover. balloon is one of Banksy’s most famous
It is believed to be the work of Banksy and it artworks which shows this typical style.
clearly shows strong criticism against Britain’s
decision to leave the EU. G He quickly became well known as an artist
Why does no one know who he is? who would make fun of big companies and
His identity is unknown, although many send political messages through his work.
people try to guess who he is. 3 Despite Marks: …… / 6
these rumours, Banksy’s true identity is still
unknown; he has made some declarations
about his art and his anonymity: ‘Graffiti is one Writing
of the few tools you have if you have almost
nothing’ and ‘If you want to say something and FIRST Writing – Part 2
have people listen, then you have to wear a
mask’ are the two most important.
4 A REVIEW. An international civil rights
newspaper is looking for reviews of social
What is his style? action and activism for a new section called
A French graffiti artist called Blek le Rat ‘Women and men who changed the world’.
influenced Banksy, both politically and for his You have decided to write a review about
use of stencils. Banksy copied this visual style a person who fought for civil rights and
and personalised it; he uses stencils to do his changed society.
work. This allows him to create his paintings Who is that person? What did that person
with great detail in a short amount of time fight for? Would you have done the same in
while also remaining anonymous. that situation?
4 He created it using a stencil and
Units 5-6 - Fila A


Marks: …… / 10
originally painted it onto the wall of a printing
(5 for interesting and appropriate use
shop in Shoreditch in London in 2002. In 2017,
people voted it the nation’s favourite artwork. of vocabulary, 5 for accuracy)
Why is he controversial?
His artwork can be rebellious and delivers a
political message; moreover, many people love
his art, but others consider it to be vandalism.
The debate is about why Banksy’s work can be
protected as ‘art’ when other graffiti artists are
prosecuted and sometimes even put in prison
for doing the same thing.
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
Listening FIRST Speaking – Part 4

FIRST Listening – Part 2

7 DISCUSSION. In groups of three ask and
answer the questions.
will hear a student called Jane
1 Which rights are the most important ones in
our society?
talking about Global Awareness
Day. For questions 1-10, complete 2 Who fought for human rights and why?
the sentences with a word or short 3 What would you fight for?
phrase. 4 What would you do if you saw injustices?
The Global Awareness Day is taking place at Marks: …… / 5
Jane’s school for the (1) (from 1 – weak – to 5 – excellent)
running. Her class can choose between different
global issues like gender equality, immigration, TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
the (2) and diversity.
After a long class discussion, Jane’s class
chose to dramatise (3)
and produce art work to display other issues.
Immigration as an issue will be staged by
(4) as will problems like
famine and drought in the environment.
Jane feels there’s not a lot of preparation
time before the chosen date which is
(5) . She is hoping for
a day that will be more interesting, more
stimulating and (6)
than the last one. Her group wants to
produce different tableaux to show the
(7) in a wider world.
A larger group in the class hope to obtain
permission to create a (8)
display about the right to education.
Another group will tackle the issue of gender
discrimination urging women’s full and
(9) in political, economic
and public life.
Jane’s final idea, if there is time, is to make
a visual art display with a huge board
representing a boat (10)
encouraging participants to imagine
themselves in that situation.
Marks: …… / 10

FIRST Speaking – Part 3
6 COLLABORATIVE TASK. Imagine you are
looking at two different ways of protesting:

a peaceful one and a violent one. Talk in pairs

about the advantages and disadvantages
of the two different methods. Then decide
Units 5-6 - Fila A

which one you would embrace.

Marks: …… / 5
(from 1 – weak – to 5 – excellent)

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FILA A SKILLS TEST FOR FIRST NAME .....................................................................................................

UNITS 7-8 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Reading and Use of English 5 A that B those

C who D which
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 1 6 A taken B carried
1-8, read the text below and decide which
C pushed D brought
TEST 7 A provided B if
FOR word (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is C when D unless
FIRST an example at the beginning (0). 8 A stomach B breath
Units 7-8 Can you get addicted to physical C sore D head
Fila A
exercise? Marks: …… / 8
(0) JOINING in the opportunity
to get fit is a great (1) .
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4
Stating that exercise can become addictive 2 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS.
For questions 1-6, complete the second
just like drugs might have a biological reason.
You’ve probably heard of ‘runner’s high’ and sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
‘yoga bliss’: feelings of euphoria that can come the first sentence, using the word given. Do
after periods of exercise. And maybe you’ve not change the word given. You must use
heard people talk about how they ‘have’ to be between two and five words, including the
on the (2) – as though if word given. Here is an example (0).
they didn’t exercise, they would suffer severe 0 She started running in the park thirty minutes
physical or psychological repercussions. ago and she is still running.
But is exercise a potent enough ‘drug’ that it BEEN
can literally make a person an addict? Do some She HAS BEEN RUNNING FOR thirty minutes.
people really need to (3)
1 Five years ago I decided never to buy online
it so hard or will they suffer withdrawal
because I heard about cyber crimes.
symptoms if they don’t?
(4) exercise can be
Five years ago I decided
addictive for some people but they’re
because I heard about cyber crimes.
the exception. Sports psychologists,
(5) have been asked if 2 I ran 10 kilometers and found it very difficult to
exercise addiction is legitimate, may confirm breathe, so I had to sit down.
that it is. However, the research that has OUT
been (6) out, suggests I ran 10 kilometers and ,
that the so-called exercise addiction affects so I had to sit down.
only a small part of people, those who push 3 The English teacher’s voice was very calm and
too hard and exercise when they’re injured I nearly fell asleep.
or exhausted. So (7) SO
you are about to lose your job because of The English teacher spoke
your gym habit, you’re probably not truly I nearly fell asleep.
‘addicted’ to exercise. So, being out of 4 I really can’t replace the broken piece of the
(8) but responsibly means computer myself, I’ll ask the technician to do it.
they aren’t addicted; they’re what sports HAVE
scientists refer to as ‘committed exercisers’. I’ll as I really can’t do it myself.
5 The thieves stole my computer outside the
0 A joining B join
Units 7-8 - Fila A


Public Library.
C to join D joined
1 A challenge B to challenge My computer outside the
C challenged D challenging Public Library.
2 A moving B move 6 I wish I hadn’t spent all my money on that
C moved D moves cruise! I’m broke now.
3 A pull B lead IF
C push D hand I’m broke now. spent all
4 A Doing B Making my money on that cruise!
C Creating D Practicing Marks: …… / 6

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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 5 combustion engines are heavily taxed, while
the article. For questions 1-6, choose the
electric vehicles pay almost no tax. Owners
also get free access to toll roads, ferries and
answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best parking at public car parks.
according to the text. Back in London, car-maker Ford is partnering
with Transport for London and taking steps to
Future energy: will buses use pilot electric-only vans in the city. The number
coffee as fuel? of commercial vehicles has increased by 12%
in cities as more and more people use fast
Green entrepreneur Arthur Kay wants the red
deliveries of online goods. ‘As cities grow,
buses of London to run on fuel generated by
and London is growing by the equivalent of
coffee waste. He runs Biobean, a start-up
two full Tube trains every week, there will
which collects waste from coffee chains such
be a continuation of that trend,’ said Graham line 62
as Costa and converts it into liquid fuel. The
Hoare, Ford’s chief engineer. Delivery vans
firm is due to unveil a coffee-run bus in the
are a familiar sight in cities and running them
capital in a few weeks. ‘We are going through
on clean fuel could make a difference to the
a period of change where we are moving environment.
from a fossil-fuel based society to one that is Ford’s trial will see 20 plug-in hybrid vans on
increasingly diversified. Bio-fuel will be crucial the roads that will complete ‘the majority of
to that; the rate of progress is increasing,’ said drives’ in electric mode, with a conventional
Mr Kay. engine available to be used on longer trips.
The biochemical method by which oil is Adapted from
extracted from a pile of coffee grounds is
patented but uses a process which evaporates 1 Why has Artur Kay decided to run a start-up?
the grounds through what’s known as hexane A To collect waste from coffee chains.
extraction. It extracts around 15 to 20% of B To create a new type of alternative fuel.
line 18 oil and the remaining mass is turned into C To make a bus which uses coffee as fuel.
bio-mass pellets which can be burnt as fuel D To convert all London buses in a few
in wood burners. And, said Mr Kay, there is weeks.
always a ready supply of ingredients. ‘As long 2 The verb ‘turn into’ in line 18 means
as people are still drinking coffee, there will
be coffee waste. In the UK, people consume A transform.
500,000 tonnes of coffee each year, and if we B eliminate.
could use all of it, we could power a city such C throw away.
as Manchester,’ he said. Lots of countries are D build.
starting to see the benefits of bio-fuel, which 3 In paragraph 3, which problem connected with
can be made out of anything. certain bio-fuels is mentioned?
In 2009, the EU decided that by 2020, 10% A The fact that ethanol is toxic.
of transport in member nations should be B The fact that transport should be powered
powered by renewable energy. Since then by renewable energy.
there have been concerns about certain bio- C The fact that it is difficult to grow large
fuels, such as ethanol which is generated from quantities of the raw material.
corn. Being edible as well creates a conflict D The fact that there is no space to grow the
with using the crops for food; making such raw material.
material on a large scale is also problematic
because it requires land to grow. As a result, 4 Which advantage of having an electric car in
more attention has been focused on bio-fuel Norway is not mentioned in paragraph 5?
that can be generated from waste products A Parking your car free of charge.
such as coffee grounds. B Not paying when you drive on certain

Some cities are choosing more conventional roads.

routes to improve air quality with many C Free entry to parks.
following policies that favour electric vehicles. D Paying little money to the State.
Beijing is the latest to announce plans to
Units 7-8 - Fila A

5 The expression ‘that trend’ in line 62 refers to

convert its 70,000 taxis to electric, they are
A the tendency to have products delivered
engaging in it from this year at a cost of

around 9 billion yuan.

B the increasing number of commercial
Norway has currently got the world’s highest
number of electric cars per capita. Cars with
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FILA A SKILLS TEST FOR FIRST NAME .....................................................................................................

UNITS 7-8 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

C the growing number of people in London. G A team using this device is claimed to have
D the growing number of Tube trains. had considerable improvement.
6 The purpose of this text is to H He/she is impressed by the technology used to
A advertise new forms of transport. create this piece of sports equipment.
B inform people about some forms of tax 1
Speaker 1
C show two ideas to reduce air pollution. Speaker 2 2
D Present a company and its invention.
Marks: …… / 6 Speaker 3 3

Speaker 4 4
Writing Speaker 5 5
Marks: …… / 5
FIRST Writing – Part 2
4 A STORY. You have seen this announcement
on your school website. Speaking
Write an interesting and happy story about an 6 COLLABORATIVE TASK. Imagine you
are looking at two different ways of
environmental event starting with this sentence: communicating: via chat and in person.
We were walking on the seaside when we saw… Talk in pairs about the advantages and
Your story must include: disadvantages of the two different methods.
• a problem Then decide which one you would embrace.
• a surprise
Marks: …… / 5
Write your story using 140-190 words. (from 1 – weak – to 5 – excellent)
Marks: …… / 10
(5 for interesting and appropriate use FIRST Speaking – Part 4
of vocabulary, 5 for accuracy)
7 DISCUSSION. In groups of three ask and
answer the questions.
Listening 1 What are the advantages and what are the
disadvantages of having a chat group?
FIRST Listening – Part 3
2 What is dangerous for your privacy on the
hear five short extracts about
internet and why?
technology in sport. For questions 3 How can a person be discriminated on the
1-5, choose from the list (A-H) what social media?
each speaker says. Use the letters 4 Which social media do you think is the most
only once. There are three extra useful?
letters which you do not need to use. Marks: …… / 5
A A leading American manufacturer is being (from 1 – weak – to 5 – excellent)
challenged by a Chinese company.
TOTAL MARKS: …… / 45
B This app is particularly effective due to its social
Units 7-8 - Fila A


C The market in this field is huge and expanding

D He/she has used the device and found it to be
the best available for jumping.
E The founders of the original company
have been taken over by larger sports
F He/she feels the device has been over-rated and
is less efficient than previous examples.

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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
UNITS 9-10
Reading and Use of English analysed and scientists say the particles have
been carried across the country by the wind.
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2 Research on micro-plastic pollution has
1 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
largely concentrated on the oceans, in
(4) it is found across TEST
the globe, including the Arctic. The particles
fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. FIRST
There is an example at the beginning (0). have been shown to harm marine life and
Units 9-10
can absorb toxins (5)
Fila A
Major study finds micro plastics the water. Record levels of micro-plastics
in soil across Switzerland were revealed in rivers; other studies
have found it in bottled water, as well
and scientists warn urgent (6) in beer, honey and
research is needed salt. On the other (7) ,
Soil across Switzerland (0) WAS almost no research has yet been done on the
contaminated by micro-plastic particles being harmful to humans.
(1) and scientists said the Researcher Michael Scheurer said those
problem could (2) findings (8) alarming and
worse in other nations with poorer waste that new studies indicated that micro-plastics
management and that research was could be harmful to and even kill earthworms
urgently needed to see if microplastics in the soil.
contaminate food. In the first major study, soil Adapted from
(3) from 29 different Marks: …… / 8
river flood plains in nature reserves have been

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 3

2 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the
end of some of the lines to form a word that fits the gap in the same line. There is an example at
the beginning (0).
Feng Shui your money
Feng Shui makes you create good energy in your home, and the result will be
(0) PROSPERITY and wealth in all areas of your life. PROSPER
(1) , if you want to increase your savings, let Feng Shui help you CONSEQUENT
focus on an abundant and prosperous energy in your house and in your pocket.
Feng Shui will show you how to place furniture in a certain way, (2) USE
specific colors, spending and (3) money in accordance with SAVE
financial (4) . But how do you cash in? How does Feng Shui ADVISE
help you (5) make money? ACTUAL
Here are two elements worth (6) observed to reach your goal: BE
bones – this is the physical structure of your home, or in our case, your money.
What accounts do you have? The old accounts will result in (7) STAGNATE
energy because they have no current role in your financial flow. Heart – this is the
most difficult element of money to quantify and the trickiest to define. How do you
feel about your money, your accounts, your (8) , etc.? Does it INVEST
give you vigor, or make you feel tired?
Adapted from
Marks: …… / 8
Units 9-10 - Fila A

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FILA A SKILLS TEST FOR FIRST NAME .....................................................................................................

UNITS 9-10 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 6 A To other teenagers, his advice is not to be
3 GAPPED TEXT. Read the article. Six
sentences have been removed from the
B ‘Before school I spend time looking on the
article. Choose from the sentences A-G the Internet to find interesting products to buy and
one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one sell,’ he says.
extra sentence which you do not need to use. C Alex is already making plans to improve his
business career when he finishes school.
The teenage entrepreneur
D His father suggested getting a financial advisor
wants a £183,000 profit to help, but he refused.
The 14-year-old Londoner Alex Philip is
currently cashing in £22,000 a month by E That’s why I am fearless; maybe I will
buying products on the website Alibaba and encounter a few failures, but I will also learn a
selling them through Shopify. He took up lot.
business at the age of 11, and he credits much F ‘I can remember that every time I found loose
to his dad, also a businessman in the Research change my dad said I would make a lot of
and Development department of a company. of money,’ says Alex.
1 He also gave him a valuable piece of G ‘This was when Pokémon Go came out, so I
advice; in business you must work as hard as
sold Pokémon toys, buying them at a cheaper
possible, or you’ll fail.
price and putting them on Ebay,’ he says.
When he went to senior school he decided to
find something to do that would pay for his Marks: …… / 6
efforts, and began selling on Amazon. 2
After this experience, Alex set up a candy box
business. ‘I launched a few e-stores and it was Writing
what I felt I really wanted to do.’ Alex eventually
focused on Alibaba and Shopify and, using both FIRST Writing – Part 2
platforms, set up his online store, The Cool Life
and then opened his first bank account.
4 A FORMAL EMAIL. Your biology teacher
has shown the class an advertisement for a
Running a profitable business is a big course about global warming. The teacher
challenge, but Alex keeps his business model has asked you to write an email of 140-190
simple. At 14, Alex has the added pressure of words asking for the following information:
school, but he has worked out how to balance
study with his business. 3 ‘School takes • Dates and times of the course
up most of the next nine hours of my day, and • Duration of the course
I pay great attention in class to make up for • Costs of the course
the time I have to work on my business.’ As • Location of the course
soon as he gets home, homework becomes his • Whether there is an attendance certificate
priority, but then he spends the next few hours • Whether there is a discount for students
focusing on the business, learning new skills • Other
and reading books on Marketing and Sales.
4 ‘My goal is to be in business, not Marks: …… / 10
just to make money, and I’m working really (5 for interesting and appropriate use
hard to reach my goal. I’m finally starting to of vocabulary, 5 for accuracy)
understand what my dad meant when he
said that in business you had to work as hard
as possible, or you’d fail.’ 5 ‘Don’t worry
about things not going to plan,’ he says. ‘At
Units 9-10 - Fila A


such a young age we have nothing to lose if

it all goes wrong. 6 ’ His other piece of
advice is not to focus on making money, but
rather on improving your skills, learning how
to do new things effectively and discovering
where your real passion lies. ‘This is what will
take you to a new level, and make you really
happy,’ says Alex.
Adapted from

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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
UNITS 9-10
Listening 7 What is Stuart’s conclusion?
A That companies and banks should both
FIRST Listening – Part 4 have to pay for the environment.
You will hear an interview on a radio
B That it is impossible to get companies and
individuals to pay taxes.
programme where an international C That green taxes should be a kind of fine
banker is talking about banking and or punishment for companies polluting the
the environment. For questions 1-7, atmosphere.
choose the best answer (A, B or C). Marks: …… / 7
1 According to Stuart, what is the general feeling
about banking? Speaking
A That banks should concentrate on making
money. FIRST Speaking – Part 2
B That banks should show concern for the
photographs showing different ways of using
C That there is no connection between banks recycled paper. Compare them and say which
and the environment. way you consider better and why. You have
2 What has economic analysis been used for in one minute to do so.
the US and other countries?
A To decide on the feasibility of
environmental policies.
B To introduce a more efficient tax system.
C To encourage the use of green taxes.
3 What are ‘green taxes’?
A Taxes based on a fairer system of income
and sales revenues.
B A system where polluting ‘bad’ companies
pay an additional tax.
C A system where ‘good’ companies are
given a tax incentive.
4 What is the interviewer’s opinion of the carbon
A She doesn’t fully understand what it is.
B She disapproves of it.
C She is in favour of it.
5 What is meant by a ‘double dividend’?
A Two different ways of collecting taxes.
B Two different advantages.
C A double reduction in taxes.
6 Why do researchers say that the green tax
probably won’t be introduced?
A Because their base is not large enough.
B Because particular industries would not
C Because they say it wouldn’t co-exist with

other taxes.
Marks: …… / 5
Units 9-10 - Fila A

(from 1 – weak – to 5 – excellent)

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 44

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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo 363
FILA B SKILLS TEST FOR FIRST NAME .....................................................................................................

UNITS 1-2 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Reading and Use of English FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2
SKILLS FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 1
2 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
1-8, read the text below and decide which
fits each gap.
Use only one word in each gap. There is an
word (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is example at the beginning (0).
Units 1-2
Fila B an example at the beginning (0).
What are friends for?
I have always loved (0) TRAVELLING CHOOSE
You (0) your friends,
and I have always loved astrology. When I
not your family – and for many today, the
discovered astrological (1) ,
former have (1) the most
I felt like an explorer with a brand new
important people in their lives, the ones you
(2) . I could get on a plane,
(2) to about your problems
take off and reach my destination according
and (3) most of the time
(3) my astrological sky.
with. On one level, friendships are very simple.
That looked like a honeymoon to a fresh bride!
They are the links (4)
When I was younger, I (4)
people who enjoy staying together. There is no
to organise my holiday in compliance with
agreement about what friendship involves or
popular opinion and price, but far from being
why you (5) out with the
inspirational or adventurous. I would select same people.
an easy (5) to reach and Recent research concluded that at any time
book a cheap hotel which was easy to get to. we have around 30 friends, six of whom
After my star discovery I was finally able to we think of as close. Over a lifetime we
change my idea and way of travelling. My first (6) almost 400 friends,
astrological trip was in January 2013: I checked but we (7) in touch with
the star chart and then I booked tickets fewer than 10% of them and most of them
packed and took part (6) have become friends after a quarrel. They
my first real adventure. I went in the enjoy (8) together and
direction of the Atlantic Ocean, heading spending time together chatting or watching a
(7) Azores Islands. movie. They make themselves available when
I had been waiting for this moment so needed and expect the others to do the same.
(8) : my special way of Adapted from
travelling had just begun and many other Marks: …… / 8
astrological trips were about to come.
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 5
0 A
the article. For questions 1-6, choose the
1 A tour B holiday answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best
C trips D cruise according to the text.
2 A map B draw Jim Gallien was driving four miles out of
C chart D diagram Fairbanks when he spotted a hitchhiker
3 A to B in standing in the snow beside the road, thumb
C out D for raised high, shivering in the grey Alaska dawn.
4 A used B went He didn’t appear to be very old: eighteen,
C had D got maybe nineteen at most. A rifle was coming
out of the young man’s backpack, but he
Units 1-2 - Fila B


5 A task B travel looked friendly enough; a hitchhiker with a

C goal D destination Remington semiautomatic isn’t the sort of
6 A to B for thing that gives motorists a desire to stop.
C towards D in Gallien drove his truck onto the shoulder
7 A in B for and told the kid to climb in. The hitchhiker
C to D out swung his pack into the back of the Ford and
8 A lots B much introduced himself as Alex. ‘Alex?’ Gallien
C long D a lot responded, waiting for a last name. ‘Just Alex,’
the young man replied.
Marks: …… / 8 Five feet seven or eight, he claimed to be
twenty-four years old and said he was from
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
South Dakota. He explained that he wanted a 2 Why was Gallien surprised about Alex?
ride as far as the edge of Denali National Park, A Because he was travelling to Alaska in
where he intended to walk deep into the bush spring.
line 22 and ‘live off the land for a few months.’ B Because he wasn’t well equipped for the
Gallien, a union electrician, was on his way to journey he said he’d undertake.
Anchorage, 240 miles beyond Denali on the C Because he was going away for a long
George Parks Highway; he told Alex he‘d drop time.
him off wherever he wanted. Alex’s backpack D Because he didn’t expect to meet anyone
looked as though it weighed only twenty-five on the George Parks Highway.
or thirty pounds, which struck Gallien – an
accomplished hunter and woodsman – as 3 The pronoun ‘it’ in line 37 refers to
an improbably light load for a stay of several A the bush.
months in the wild, especially so early in the B the magazine.
spring. ‘He wasn’t carrying anywhere near as C the land.
much food and gear as you’d expect a guy to D living in Alaska.
be carrying for that kind of trip,’ Gallien recalls. 4 What is Gallien’s attitude towards Alex after
‘People from other parts,’ reports Gallien, two hours?
‘they’ll pick up a copy of Alaska magazine, look A He was surprised because the boy was
line 37 through it quickly and think: “Hey, I’m going to intelligent and kind.
get on up there, live off the land, go claim me a B He was worried because the boy asked him
piece of the good life.” But when they get here about animals and berries.
and actually head out into the bush – well, it C He was scared because Alex was mad and
isn’t like the magazines make it out to be. The might strike him.
rivers are big and fast. The mosquitoes eat you D The more they talked, the less he was
alive and there aren’t a lot of animals to hunt. interested in him.
Living in the bush isn’t easy.’
It was a two-hour drive from Fairbanks to the 5 In the end, Gallien is
edge of Denali Park. The more they talked, A relieved that Alex is leaving his truck.
the less Alex struck Gallien as insane. He was B worried because Alex hasn’t got the right
congenial and seemed well educated. He equipment to survive in Alaska.
asked Gallien thoughtful questions about the C concerned because Alex’s boots are too
kind of small game that live in the country, the cheap.
kinds of berries he could eat – ‘that kind of D worried because Alex’s map is ruined.
thing.’ 6 From the text, we can understand that Alex is
Still, Gallien was concerned. Alex admitted that
the only food in his pack was a ten-pound bag A well prepared for what he is going to do.
of rice. His gear seemed exceedingly minimal B escaping from someone or something
for the harsh conditions of the interior, because he’s hiding his identity.
which in April still lay buried under the winter C determined to stay away alone for a long
snowpack. Alex’s cheap leather hiking boots time.
were neither waterproof nor well insulated. D too young to go to Alaska alone.
His rifle was only .22 calibre, too small to rely Marks: …… / 6
on to kill large animals, like moose or caribou,
which he would have to eat if he hoped to
remain very long in the country. He had no
ax, no snowshoes, no compass. The only
navigational aid in his possession was an old,
badly torn state road map.
Adapted from Into the wild, copyright © Jon Krakauer 1997

1 What does the expression ‘live off the land’ in

line 22 mean?
Units 1-2 - Fila B

A Living in the countryside.

B Living on an island.

C Eating whatever food you can grow, kill or

find yourself.
D Being a vegetarian.
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FILA B SKILLS TEST FOR FIRST NAME .....................................................................................................

UNITS 1-2 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Writing 4 You hear a young man asking for travel advice.

Which is the best way to travel to Paris from
FIRST Writing – Part 1 London according to the travel agency?
4 AN ESSAY. You must answer this question.
Write your answer in 140-190 words in an
A Through the Eurotunnel.
B By train.
appropriate style. C By aeroplane.
In your English class you have been talking 5 You hear two friends talking about a new
about relationships, friends and social motorway.
networks. Now your teacher has asked you to What does Pete wish for?
write an essay. A Greener policies concerning transport.
Write an essay using all the notes and give B Less traffic on the railways.
reasons for your point of view. C More efficient transport to get to the airport.
6 You hear a drama teacher talking about a new
Are social networks and relationships enemies play.
or allies in everyday life? When will the rehearsals start for the new
Notes production?
Write about: A In the summer.
1 how social networks and relationships are B The next day after school.
connected C The following week.
2 some problems related to social networks and
acquaintances 7 You hear two friends talking about a television
3 (your own idea) programme.
What was the programme about the evening
Marks: …… / 10 before?
(5 for interesting and appropriate use A The worrying levels of pollution in the
of vocabulary, 5 for accuracy) oceans.
B The new technology for filming deep in the
Listening C The beauty of coral reefs in the oceans.
FIRST Listening – Part 1 8 You hear part of a programme on the subject
of pandas.
When did the pandas arrive at Edinburgh Zoo?
hear people talking in eight different A Four years ago.
situations. For questions 1-8, choose B When the daylight hours increased.
the best answer (A, B or C). C Nearly ten years ago.
Marks: …… / 8
1 You hear a boy talking about best friends.
Who does he hang out with most?
A His cousin Ken.
B His school mate, Joe.
C Guys from his junior school.
2 You hear a girl talking to a friend about a family
What does Grace think about the groom?
A She hasn’t met him yet.
Units 1-2 - Fila B


B That he’s been living abroad for years.

C That he’s tall and handsome.
3 You hear a teacher talking to her class about a
school trip.
What is the class’s weekend homework?
A A project on Windsor Castle with notes and
B A description of the State Apartments at
Windsor Castle.
C A review of their recent school trip.

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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
FIRST Speaking – Part 1
6 INTERVIEW. Form groups of four in which
two students are the examiners and two
students are the candidates. Use the role
cards to role play part 1 of the speaking
exam. After three minutes, exchange the
roles. Remember to use the process language
• How many times have you travelled?
• Where did you go on your first journey?
• What did you do to prepare for your journey?
• What kind of travelling did you use to do
when you were a child?
• What did you like doing while you were
• Do you prefer travelling by train or by plane?
• Did you travel by train or by plane on your
last journey? Describe the journey.
Did everything go smoothly?
• Do you miss your home comforts when you
are on holiday?
• What is is the longest time you’ve been
abroad? Was it a positive experience?
Marks: …… / 5
(from 1 – weak – to 5 – excellent)

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 45


Units 1-2 - Fila B

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FILA B SKILLS TEST FOR FIRST NAME .....................................................................................................

UNITS 3-4 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Reading and Use of English 1 The TV said the robber killed two people, but I
also heard that his gun was a toy, so I think it
SKILLS FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2 is not true.
1 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
The robber two people
FIRST fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. because his gun was a toy.
Units 3-4 There is an example at the beginning (0). 2 Peter said he would call us the moment he
Fila B finished his job interview.
(0) PREVENTION and security in UNTIL
the arts: tips from the experts Peter said he he finished
Arts thieves rarely receive a his job interview.
(1) sentence although they 3 Every time I explain something to her, the new
commit serious crimes against the community. accountant makes noise: it’s so irritating!
A recent crime (2) IS
in the Kunsthal Rotterdam Museum That new accountant
demonstrates that it can only take a couple every time I explain something: it’s so irritating!
of young people, a rucksack and two bikes to
(3) paintings of extremely 4 He finally succeded in getting his driving
significant value. It (4) license and celebrated all night.
be noted that many major museum thefts TO
take place with only a ladder and a broken He finally his driving
window or where the CCTV cameras are licence and celebrated all night.
switched off. We (5) 5 They robbed a very big bank but didn’t get
to take these crimes more seriously into caught.
consideration: art theft will have to be AWAY
punished severely. An art gallery should They robbed a very big bank and
be fully integrated with CCTV cameras, an it.
alarm monitoring system and the control
room staff should (6) 6 Single parents often have problems because
in constant communication with security they don’t earn enough money to live on.
staff who need to know the local and MAKE
community police officers: a good working Single parents don’t earn enough money
relationship is extremely important. This and so they often have
(7) guarantee a visible problems.
presence in your museum and can allow you to Marks: …… / 6
exchange information and advice on a variety
of things from shoplifters to pickpockets. FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 7
Museum managers (8) be
ready for the worst: museums need to have a 3 MULTIPLE MATCHING. Read the texts.
For questions 1-10, choose from the people
clear policy about what to do after a theft. An
efficient media strategy is important to protect (A-D). The people may be chosen more than
museums’ reputation, too. once.
Adapted from A – Jamal
Marks: …… / 8 Last summer I worked for one month at a
computer store in a nearby town. I had to
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4 commute to the shop every day and the
2 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS. journey took me one hour in the morning and
Units 3-4 - Fila B


For questions 1-6, complete the second one hour back in the afternoon. Although they
sentence so that it has a similar meaning to had told me I had to stay there only five hours
the first sentence, using the word given. Do a day, the boy doing the shift after mine was
not change the word given. You must use always late or sick, so I had to do overtime
between two and five words, including the very often. In the end, this was really time-
word given. Here is an example (0). consuming. Considering that I did it only to
0 When I saw the tourists, they were going in acquire some extra knowledge on software
the direction of the Cathedral. and hardware and that the pay was not so
WALKING high, I can’t say it was a positive experience.
When I saw the tourists, THEY WERE For sure, next year I’m not going to apply
WALKING TOWARDS the Cathedral. again; I think I will choose to do something
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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
from home, such as graphic designer, to have side, the majority of them took part in the final
more time for myself and enjoy my holidays show at the end of the course and the results
properly. were excellent. I definitely want to follow this
B – Patty career and make a living as a teacher.
The flower shop right in front of my house
needed someone for deliveries and to stay Which teenager
behind the counter, so I offered and spent
felt close to the person working with
four weeks in June and July working there.
him/her? 1
The job was varied and I was able to do new
tasks every day; moreover, I got on well with witnessed a petty crime? 2
the owner who was always eager to teach me complains about the money earned? 3
something. didn’t get any money but was refunded? 4
The only negative experience I had happened caught someone red-handed? 5
just before closing time one day: we noticed a
young woman trying to shoplift some plastic had to check something regularly
vases on the shelves. We pointed it out to her as one of his/her tasks? 6
calmly and, although at the beginning she tried mentions the fact that the job was
to deny it, she finally confessed and opened not very easy? 7
her bag, where we found some other objects had to help someone to get
she had previously stolen. We didn’t call the somewhere? 8
police and let her go; I must admit this was doesn’t want to repeat this work
quite an experience! experience? 9
C – Alex
Two years ago, my brother opened a comic lived an unforgettable experience? 10
book shop with a friend and I have been Marks: …… / 10
helping them in the summers since. I do it for
free, but I think it’s the ideal job for me, as I
am really into comics, TV series and tabletop Writing
games. As a matter of fact, there is a room FIRST Writing – Part 2
in the shop where people can meet and play
games; one of my duties is to keep track of 4 AN ARTICLE. You have seen this
announcement in a local newspaper. You
the bookings of this room and make sure
everything runs smoothly there. are going to write an article expressing your
Last June, a famous sci-fi actor was filming opinion. Write the article in 120-190 words.
in the countryside around our town and – Private police officers
guess what? – he came into our shop to have
Our community needs more security and
a look at some Star Wars miniatures, as he
public police officers cannot cope with all
is a big fan of the film. I was thrilled and we
the crime. Private police officers could be a
took a picture together; he even asked me for
solution. Write an article discussing the pros
directions to get lunch somewhere! It was the
and cons of private police officers.
most memorable day of my working life.
Marks: …… / 10
D – Sally
The director of the gospel choir I sing in during
(5 for interesting and appropriate use
the year asked me to teach children this
of vocabulary, 5 for accuracy)
summer. This couldn’t be called a full-time job,
as I was working only two days a week for two
hours, and didn’t earn enough to make a living,
yet it was still quite challenging.

I accepted because I would like to become a

music teacher in the future, so I thought it
would be an excellent opportunity. I didn’t get
a salary, but the director paid for the tickets,
Units 3-4 - Fila B

because the lessons were in a music school

quite far, but still in town.

I must say I spent a very tough month trying to

get the attention of eight- and nine-year-old
children who were really lively. On the bright
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FILA B SKILLS TEST FOR FIRST NAME .....................................................................................................

UNITS 3-4 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Listening Speaking
FIRST Listening – Part 3 FIRST Speaking – Part 2
hear five teenagers talking about
two photographs showing different job
possible future careers. For questions interviews. Compare them and say how the
1-5, choose from the list (A-H) what job applicants feel about the job interview
each speaker likes most about their they are doing. You have one minute to do
hobby. Use the letters only once. this.
There are three extra letters which
you do not need to use.
A He/she has had some negative job experiences
in his/her family.
B He/she would prefer not to have to work for
C He/she really enjoys studying and would like a
university career.
D He/she thinks the career talks he/she has had
weren’t very inspiring.
E He/she has always wanted to have the same
career as his/her father.
F He/she feels he/she has received a lot of
useful advice and information from school.
G He/she has a definite career in mind and is
enthusiastic about it.
H He/she doesn’t have a clear idea of what he/
she wants to do but wants to care for others.

Speaker 1 1

Speaker 2 2

Speaker 3 3

Speaker 4 4
Marks: …… / 5
Speaker 5 5 (from 1 – weak – to 5 – excellent)
Marks: …… / 5
TOTAL MARKS: …… / 44
Units 3-4 - Fila B


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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
Reading and Use of English
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 3 TEST
1 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the
end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at
the beginning (0). Units 5-6
Fila B
We owe it to the suffragettes
If the (0) GOVERNMENT let women vote, that was thanks to the suffragettes’ GOVERN
If you had no vote, and marches and petitions did not change this, what would you do?
Would you be (1) to take the risks that came with the acts WILL
of violence in case you needed it? Emily Davidson did exactly that and suffered
many times before her death – her most famous and tragic act of suffragette
(2) at the 1913 Derby. INVOLVE
My mum was a (3) in the 1960s and insists when we discuss that REVOLUTION
violence will never be the way. But before suffrage, they could not change the status
quo unless they put pressure on the governments even (4) , BRUTAL
through a (5) world of people who saw the community through LINK
different eyes. Indeed, (6) further was and is the key. SEE
If my mum’s generation had not (7) the injustices against STRUGGLE
women’s rights, no future women would have been allowed to work. And just like
my grand-mum and mum did, my generation has to fight the next round of battles,
too. Issues including maternity leave, equal pay, childcare, domestic violence and
increasing female (8) in Parliament. Unless we call for an PRESENT
internationally-minded vision, we will always face injustices against women.
Adapted from
Marks: …… / 8

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4

For questions 1-6, complete the second
3 Imagine being a refugee girl: what would you do?
sentence so that it has a similar meaning to What would you do a
the first sentence, using the word given. Do refugee girl?
not change the word given. You must use 4 We hope the new law on computer piracy will
between two and five words, including the become effective as soon as possible
word given. Here is an example (0). INTO
0 Don’t worry! In three hours this exam will be We hope the new law on computer piracy
over! as soon as possible
FINISHED 5 It is compulsory for everybody to take notes
Don’t worry! In three hours this exam WILL during the visit to the museum.
1 The temperature is getting high and at the Everybody notes during
same time ice caps are melting faster. the visit to the museum.
THE 6 Be quiet and watch! The street artist will start
The , the faster ice caps his performance in a moment.
melt. IS
2 If I hadn’t spent the day listening to music, I Be quiet and watch! The street artist

wouldn’t have failed the History of Art exam! his performance in a

ONLY moment.
spent the day listening to Marks: …… / 6
Units 5-6 - Fila B


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FILA B SKILLS TEST FOR FIRST NAME .....................................................................................................

UNITS 5-6 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 6 What can cities do with Banksy’s artworks?
3 GAPPED TEXT. Read the article. Six
sentences have been removed from the
When Banksy leaves his artwork on buildings,
there can sometimes be arguments about who
article. Choose from the sentences A-G the owns the pieces and what a town can do with
one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one them, as they are very valuable. 6
Adapted from:
extra sentence which you do not need to use.
Who is the street artist Banksy? A Banksy copied this visual style and
personalised it; he uses stencils to do his work.
Banksy is a famous – but anonymous – British
graffiti artist: he keeps his identity secret. B Nowadays, in Bristol, you will be able to find
He produces pieces of work which appear in some examples of Banksy’s art.
public places, such as on the walls of buildings C Despite these rumours, Banksy’s true
and his art has got a particular style which identity is still unknown; he has made some
people can easily recognise. He has also declarations about his art and his anonymity.
done installation work, such as a piece called D Sometimes people want to sell them to raise
Fish Sticks from an installation in New York. money for charity, while others think they
An installation is when an artist builds or should stay where they are.
constructs works of art in a particular space in E He began spray-painting trains and walls in his
order to hold a special exhibition there. home city of Bristol and then he expanded his
1 He quickly became well known as an work beyond the city.
artist who would make fun of big companies F The debate is about why Banksy’s work can be
and send political messages through his work. protected as ‘art’ when other graffiti artists are
2 prosecuted.
Why does no one know who he is?
G For example, a mural showing a workman
His identity is unknown, although many people removing one of the EU flag’s stars shows
try to guess who he is. For example, in 2008 criticism against Britain’s decision to leave the
the newspaper The Mail on Sunday revealed EU.
who they thought he was. 3 ‘Graffiti is one
of the few tools you have if you have almost Marks: …… / 6
nothing’ and ‘If you want to say something and
have people listen, then you have to wear a
mask’ are the two most important.
What is his style? FIRST Writing – Part 2
A French graffiti artist called Blek le Rat
influenced Banksy, both politically and for
4 A REVIEW. An international civil rights
newspaper is looking for reviews of social
his use of stencils. 4 This allows him action and activism for a new section called
to create his paintings with great detail in a ‘Women and men who changed the world’.
short amount of time – while also remaining You have decided to write a review about
anonymous. a person who fought for civil rights and
The piece of a girl letting go of a heart-shaped changed society.
balloon is one of Banksy’s most famous Who is that person? What did that person
artworks which shows this typical style. He fight for? Would you have done the same in
created it using a stencil and originally painted that situation?
it onto the wall of a printing shop in Shoreditch Marks: …… / 10
in London in 2002. In 2017, people voted it the (5 for interesting and appropriate use
nation’s favourite artwork. of vocabulary, 5 for accuracy)
Units 5-6 - Fila B


Why is he controversial?
His artwork can be rebellious and delivers a
political message; moreover, many people love
his art, but others consider it to be vandalism.
How expensive is his work?
Banksy was an artistic celebrity by the early
2000s and his work would sell for a lot of
money. In an auction in 2008, a piece of work
called Keep It Spotless was sold for $1.8m –
that’s just over £1 million.
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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
Listening Speaking
FIRST Listening – Part 2 FIRST Speaking – Part 3
will hear a student called Jane
6 COLLABORATIVE TASK. Imagine you are
looking at two different ways of protesting:
talking about Global Awareness a peaceful one and a violent one. Talk in pairs
Day. For questions 1-10, complete about the advantages and disadvantages
the sentences with a word or short of the two different methods. Then decide
phrase. which one you would embrace.
The Global Awareness Day, which Marks: …… / 5
is being organised for the end of (from 1 – weak – to 5 – excellent)
(1) , will be the second
time for Jane’s school. Jane’s class have FIRST Speaking – Part 4
to choose (2) to
dramatise or if they want they can choose 7 DISCUSSION. In groups of three ask and
answer the questions.
more than one. The choice was difficult but
Jane’s class eventually decided to dramatise 1 Which rights are the most important ones in
diversity and create an art work to illustrate our society?
(3) and the right to 2 Who fought for human rights and why?
education. Other classes will take on issues 3 What would you fight for?
like immigration and problems concerning
(4) like famine and 4 What would you do if you saw injustices?
drought. Marks: …… / 5
Jane feels the class will have to get moving if (from 1 – weak – to 5 – excellent)
they want to produce something worthwhile
as they only have (5) TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
to prepare. She thinks it could be
(6) ever if only they can
show the issues in an inspiring but provocative
way. Jane’s group will use dramatic scenes of
diverse cultures to encourage the spectators
to view the world (7) .
A mural about the right to education is the
idea of a larger group who want to paint
a (8) with children
excluded outside. Another group will
concentrate on some of the global goals for
gender equality like ending violence against
women and girls and their exploitation in
(9) and domestic abuse.
In order to make participants imagine
themselves as refugees, Jane’s last idea is
to make a piece of (10)
painted as a boat with the possibility of on-
lookers becoming part of the art work.
Marks: …… / 10
Units 5-6 - Fila B

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FILA B SKILLS TEST FOR FIRST NAME .....................................................................................................

UNITS 7-8 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Reading and Use of English 5 A who B those

SKILLS C that D which
TEST FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 1
FOR 6 A pushed B taken
1-8, read the text below and decide which
C carried D brought
Units 7-8 7 A unless B when
Fila B word (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is C if D provided
an example at the beginning (0). 8 A head B sore
Can you get addicted to physical C breath D stomach
exercise? Marks: …… / 8
(0) JOINING in the opportunity
to get fit is a great (1) .
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4
Stating that exercise can become addictive 2 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS.
For questions 1-6, complete the second
just like drugs might have a biological reason.
You’ve probably heard of ‘runner’s high’ and sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
‘yoga bliss’: feelings of euphoria that can come the first sentence, using the word given. Do
after periods of exercise. And maybe you’ve not change the word given. You must use
heard people talk about how they ‘have’ to be between two and five words, including the
on the (2) – as though if word given. Here is an example (0).
they didn’t exercise, they would suffer severe 0 She started running in the park thirty minutes
physical or psychological repercussions. ago and she is still running.
But is exercise a potent enough ‘drug’ that it BEEN
can literally make a person an addict? Do some She HAS BEEN RUNNING FOR thirty minutes.
people really need to (3) 1 When we went to the museum, we had to take
so hard or will they suffer withdrawal a lot of breaks so that we could look at all the
symptoms if they don’t? paintings.
(4) exercise can be STOP
addictive for some people but they’re When we went to the museum, we had
the exception. Sports psychologists, at all the paintings.
(5) have been asked if 2 He decided to start playing football when he
exercise addiction is legitimate, may confirm was very young and still plays it now.
that it is. However, the research that has TAKE
been (6) out, suggests He decided to when he
that the so-called exercise addiction affects was very young and still plays it now.
only a small part of people, those who push 3 He could run so fast that he became a
too hard and exercise when they’re injured successful athlete.
or exhausted. So (7) SUCH
you are about to lose your job because of He that he became a
your gym habit, you’re probably not truly successful athlete.
‘addicted’ to exercise. So, being out of
4 The school gives all the students permission to
(8) but responsibly means
download material from their official website.
they aren’t addicted; they’re what sports
scientists refer to as ‘committed exercisers’. The students material
from their official website.
5 The Government will post important
Units 7-8 - Fila B


0 A to join B joined information for the citizens before the

C joining D join summer.
1 A challenging B challenged WILL
C challenge D to challenge Important information for the citizens
2 A moves B moving before the summer.
C move D moving 6 The children are making a lot of noise and
3 A lead B push I can’t study while they do so.
C hand D pull LONG
I can’t study as a lot of
4 A Making B Creating noise.
C Practicing D Doing
Marks: …… / 6
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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 5 combustion engines are heavily taxed here,
the article. For questions 1-6, choose the
while electric vehicles pay almost no tax.
Owners also get free access to toll roads,
answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best ferries and parking at public car parks.
according to the text. Back in London, car-maker Ford is partnering
with Transport for London and taking steps to
Future energy: will buses use pilot electric-only vans in the city. The number
coffee as fuel? of commercial vehicles has increased by 12%
in cities as more and more people use fast
Green entrepreneur Arthur Kay wants the red
deliveries of online goods. ‘As cities grow,
buses of London to run on fuel generated by
and London is growing by the equivalent of
coffee waste. He runs Biobean, a start-up
which collects waste from coffee chains such two full Tube trains every week, there will
as Costa and converts it into liquid fuel. The be a continuation of that trend,’ said Graham
firm is due to unveil a coffee-run bus in the Hoare, Ford’s chief engineer. Delivery vans
line 6
capital in a few weeks. ‘We are going through are a familiar sight in cities and running them
a period of change where we are moving on clean fuel could make a difference to the
from a fossil-fuel based society to one that is environment.
increasingly diversified. Bio-fuel will be crucial Ford’s trial will see 20 plug-in hybrid vans on
to that; the rate of progress is increasing,’ said the roads that will complete ‘the majority of
Mr Kay. drives’ in electric mode, with a conventional
The biochemical method by which oil is engine available to be used on longer trips.
Adapted from
extracted from a pile of coffee grounds is
patented but uses a process which evaporates
the grounds through what’s known as hexane 1 Which expression can replace the word ‘unveil’
extraction. It extracts around 15 to 20% of in line 6?
oil and the remaining mass is turned into A Show to the public.
bio-mass pellets which can be burnt as fuel B Manufacture.
in wood burners. And, said Mr Kay, there is C Advertise.
always a ready supply of ingredients. ‘As long D Announce.
as people are still drinking coffee, there will 2 When Mr Kay speaks about this new type of
be coffee waste. In the UK, people consume fuel, he is
500,000 tonnes of coffee each year, and if we
A happy because people drink coffee.
could use all of it, we could power a city such
B not sure about its benefits.
as Manchester,’ he said. Lots of countries are
C optimistic because there is plenty of raw
starting to see the benefits of bio-fuel, which
material to make it.
can be made out of anything.
D worried because the process to produce it
In 2009, the EU decided that by 2020, 10%
is patented.
of transport in member nations should be
powered by renewable energy. Since then 3 In paragraph 3, which problem connected with
there have been concerns about certain bio- certain bio-fuels is mentioned?
fuels, such as ethanol which is generated from A The fact that it is difficult to grow large
corn. Being edible as well creates a conflict quantities of the raw material.
with using the crops for food; making such B The fact that ethanol is toxic.
material on a large scale is also problematic C The fact that transport should be powered
because it requires land to grow. As a result, by renewable energy.
more attention has been focused on bio-fuel D The fact that the raw material to make
that can be generated from waste products them is also used for other reasons.
such as coffee grounds.
4 What does ‘some cities are choosing more

line 41 Some cities are choosing more conventional

conventional routes’ in lines 41-42 mean?
line 42 routes to improve air quality with many
following policies that favour electric vehicles. A Some cities have built more roads.
Beijing is the latest to announce plans to B Some cities have decided on more common
Units 7-8 - Fila B

convert its 70,000 taxis to electric; they are solutions.

engaging in it from this year at a cost of C Some cities have changed the routes for
the vehicles.

around 9 billion yuan.

Norway has currently got the world’s highest D Some cities have built roads to favour
number of electric cars per capita. Cars with electric vehicles.
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FILA B SKILLS TEST FOR FIRST NAME .....................................................................................................

UNITS 7-8 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

5 Why has the number of commercial vehicles in C He/she was asked to give a professional
London increased? opinion about this piece of sports equipment.
A Because people buying online want to D The original technology in sport now seems
receive their goods quickly. very old-fashioned.
B Because more and more people buy goods E He/she has used the device in different sports
online. like mountaineering and cricket.
C Because the number of people living in
F He/she thinks this device can act as a personal
London has increased.
D Because the city of London is growing.
G Personalised information from the devices
6 When he writes about delivery vans in could provide useful health indications.
paragraph 6, the writer is
H He/she looks forward to the next fascinating
A implying that everybody has seen a device to be produced in this field.
delivery van at least once.
B stating that in the future all of them will Speaker 1 1
run on clean fuel.
C regretting the fact that not all the vans can Speaker 2 2
be electric. 3
D hoping that the new electric vans may Speaker 3
contribute to reduce pollution. Speaker 4 4
Marks: …… / 6
Speaker 5 5
Marks: …… / 5
FIRST Writing – Part 2 Speaking
4 A STORY. You have seen this announcement
on your school website. FIRST Speaking – Part 3


are looking at two different ways of
MONTH’S SCHOOL MAGAZINE communicating: via chat and in person.
Write an interesting and happy story about an Talk in pairs about the advantages and
environmental event starting with this sentence: disadvantages of the two different methods.
We were walking on the seaside when we saw… Then decide which one you would embrace.
Your story must include:
Marks: …… / 5
• a problem
(from 1 – weak – to 5 – excellent)
• a surprise
Write your story using 140-190 words. FIRST Speaking – Part 4
Marks: …… / 10
(5 for interesting and appropriate use 7 DISCUSSION. In groups of three ask and
answer the questions.
of vocabulary, 5 for accuracy)
1 What are the advantages and what are the
disadvantages of having a chat group?
Listening 2 What is dangerous for your privacy on the
FIRST Listening – Part 3 internet and why?

5 1.4 MULTIPLE MATCHING. You will 3 How can a person be discriminated on the
Units 7-8 - Fila B


hear five short extracts about social media?

technology in sport. For questions 4 Which social media do you think is the most
1-5, choose from the list (A-H) what useful?
each speaker says. Use the letters Marks: …… / 5
only once. There are three extra (from 1 – weak – to 5 – excellent)
letters which you do not need to use.
A The device is technologically advanced but has TOTAL MARKS: …… / 45
failed to make an impact on the market.
B He/she has recently looked at two interesting
devices for swimming and athletics.
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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
UNITS 9-10
Reading and Use of English particles have (4) carried
across the country by the wind.
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2 Research on micro-plastic pollution has
1 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-8, read the
text below and think of the word which best
largely concentrated on the oceans,
(5) which it is found
fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. across the globe, including the Arctic. The FIRST
There is an example at the beginning (0). particles have been shown to harm marine Units 9-10
life and can absorb toxins from the water. Fila B
Major study finds micro plastics Record levels of micro-plastics were revealed
in soil across Switzerland in rivers; other studies have found it in bottled
and scientists warn urgent water, (6) well as in beer,
honey and salt. However, almost no research
research is needed has yet been done on whether the particles
Soil across Switzerland (0) IS end up being widely consumed by people and
contaminated by micro-plastic pollution and whether they (7) harmful
scientists (1) the problem to humans.
could be (2) in other Researcher Michael Scheurer said the leakage
nations with poorer waste management and from global (8) systems
that research was urgently needed to see if into the ocean are alarming and that new
microplastics contaminate food. In the first major studies indicated that micro-plastics could be
study, soil samples (3) 29 harmful to and even kill earthworms in the soil.
different river flood plains in nature reserves Adapted from
have been analysed and scientists say the Marks: …… / 8

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 3

2 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the
end of some of the lines to form a word that fits the gap in the same line. There is an example at
the beginning (0).
Feng Shui your money
Feng Shui makes you create good energy in your home, and the result will be
(0) PROSPERITY and wealth in all areas of your life. PROSPER
(1) , if you want to increase your savings, let Feng Shui help THERE
you focus on an abundant and (2) energy in your house and in MAKE
your pocket.
Feng Shui will show you how to place furniture in a certain way, (3) BUY
specific colors, (4) and saving money in accordance with SPEND
financial advisors. But how do you cash in? How does Feng Shui help you
(5) make money? Here are two elements worth being CONSEQUENT
(6) to reach your goal: bones – this is the physical structure of OBSERVE
your home, or in our case, your money.
What accounts do you have? The old accounts will result in (7) LIFE
energy because they have no current role in your financial flow. Heart – this is the
most difficult element of money to quantify and the trickiest to define. How do you
feel about your money, your investments, your (8) accounts, SAVE
etc.? Does it give you vigor, or make you feel tired?
Adapted from
Marks: …… / 8
Units 9-10 - Fila B

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FILA B SKILLS TEST FOR FIRST NAME .....................................................................................................

UNITS 9-10 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Reading and Use of English

A At home, homework becomes his priority, but
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 6 afterwards he reads books on Marketing and
3 GAPPED TEXT. Read the article. Six
sentences have been removed from the
B He also gave him a valuable piece of advice; in
article. Choose from the sentences A-G the business you must work hard, or you’ll fail.
one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one C After this, Alex set up a candy box business. ‘It
extra sentence which you do not need to use. was what I really wanted to do.’
The teenage entrepreneur D I’m finally starting to understand what my dad
meant when he said that in business you had
wants a £183,000 profit to work hard.
The 14-year-old Londoner Alex Philip is currently
cashing in £22,000 a month by buying products E His father suggested getting a financial advisor
on the website Alibaba and selling them to help him, but he refused.
through Shopify. He took up business at the F His other piece of advice is not to focus on
age of 11, and he credits much to his dad, also a making money, but on improving your skills,
businessman in the Research and Development doing new things and discovering your real
department of a company. ‘I can remember that passion.
every time I found loose change somewhere my G ‘Don’t worry about things not going to plan,’ he
dad would say it was a sign that I would make a says.
lot of of money,’ says Alex. 1 Marks: …… / 6
When he went to senior school he decided to
find something to do that would pay for his
efforts, and began selling on Amazon. ‘This Writing
was around the time Pokémon Go came out,
so I started selling Pokémon toys, buying them FIRST Writing – Part 2
from eBay at a cheaper price and putting them
on this famous website,’ he says. 2 Alex 4 A FORMAL EMAIL. Your biology teacher
has shown the class an advertisement for a
eventually focused on Alibaba and Shopify course about global warming. The teacher
and, using both platforms, set up his online has asked you to write an email of 140-190
store, The Cool Life, then opened his first bank words asking for the following information:
Running a profitable business is a big • Dates and times of the course
challenge, but Alex keeps his business model • Duration of the course
simple. At 14, Alex has the added pressure of • Costs of the course
school, but he has worked out how to balance • Location of the course
study with his business. ‘For an hour before • Whether there is an attendance certificate
school I spend time looking at all the big • Whether there is a discount for students
Instagram pages to find interesting products • Other
to buy and sell,’ he says. ‘School takes up most
Marks: …… / 10
of the next nine hours of my day, and I pay
(5 for interesting and appropriate use
great attention in class to make up for the time
of vocabulary, 5 for accuracy)
I have to work on my business.’ 3
Alex is already making plans to improve his
business career after he finishes school. ‘My
goal is to be in business, not just to make
Units 9-10 - Fila B


money, and I’m working really hard to reach

my goal. 4 ’ To other teenagers who
have similar ambitions, his advice is not to be
afraid. 5 At such a young age we have
nothing to lose if it all goes wrong. That’s why
I am fearless when I take action, maybe I will
encounter a few failures here and there, but I will
also learn a lot which will eventually help me to
succeed.’ 6 ‘This is what will take you to a
new level, and make you really happy,’ says Alex.
Adapted from

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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
UNITS 9-10
Listening 7 In which way are banks involved at the end of
the interview?
FIRST Listening – Part 4 A They are responsible for the way ‘bad’
You will hear an interview on a radio
companies behave.
B They should also have to pay fines if they
programme where an international finance ‘bad’ companies.
banker is talking banking and the C They must resist the temptation to give
environment. For questions 1-7, loans to ‘bad’ companies.
choose the best answer (A, B or C). Marks: …… / 7
1 Does Stuart feel the banks should give back to
the community? Speaking
A No, because banking is about making
money. FIRST Speaking – Part 2
B No, because there is not a connection
between financial systems and the
photographs showing different ways of using
environment. recycled paper. Compare them and say which
C Yes, because banks make a lot of money way you consider better and why. You have
from the financial systems. one minute to do so.
2 How long has economic analysis been used
in the USA and other countries to evaluate
environmental policies?
A For the last three years.
B For thirty years.
C For at least forty years.
3 How does Stuart say ‘bad’ companies should
be treated?
A They should be taught how to convert to
being ‘good’.
B They should not be allowed to save and
C They should have to pay additional taxes.
4 Does Sadie consider the introduction of a
carbon tax a good idea?
A Yes.
B No.
C She doesn’t say.
5 How would the green tax revenues produce a
‘double dividend’?
A By doubling the amount of taxes being
B By reducing traditional taxes and also
improving the environment.
C By introducing a second system of income
6 Why would green taxes not replace traditional

taxes according to researchers?

A Because they are more expensive to
impose. Marks: …… / 5
Units 9-10 - Fila B

B Because their base is higher than (from 1 – weak – to 5 – excellent)

traditional taxes.
C Because individuals are not prepared to pay
TOTAL MARKS: …… / 44

extra taxes.

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FILA A LISTENING TEST UNITS 1-2 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

3 Travellers and traders have been travelling

1 2.1 LISTEN to a tutorial about
relationships and complete the table.
on the road for hundreds of years.
NING 4 Samarkand is the most famous trading
TEST Who… Tina Phil centre on the route.
Units 1-2 1 thinks there are 5 Some parts used to be impossible to visit
Fila A many important because of the climate.
relationships. 6 Most travellers focus on visiting one
city at a time
2 thinks there should be
freedom in relationships. 7 The speaker has never been to the
Silk Road.
3 has a motto about
relationships. 8 Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva
are cities in Uzbekistan.
4 talks to an uncle about
9 The speaker travelled by air.
10 The speaker’s most unforgettable experience
5 says family relationships was stargazing in Uzbekistan.
are the ones that last all
your life. Marks: …… / 10
6 has relatives she/he has
never met.
4 2.2 LISTEN again and choose the
correct answer (A, B or C).
Marks: …… / 3
1 The goods transported on the Silk Road used
to be
2 2.1 LISTEN again and answer the
following questions. A camels, horses and mules.
B jade, gunpowder and exotic pets.
1 Where are the students discussing C a variety of goods including jade and silk.
2 Some of the countries along the route used to
2 What does Tina appreciate most in
A part of the Iron Curtain.
B closed to tourists.
C hidden behind the mountains.
3 Why does Phil have a good relationship with
3 Uzbekistan offers fascinating
most people?
A historical mosques, madrasas and markets.
B native tents called yurts.
4 Which relationships remain superficial C cities in northern Asia.
according to Phil?
4 While the speaker was travelling in Uzbekistan,
he visited
5 What does Tina consider a test of getting on
with people? A the Uzbek national hero Tamerlane’s shrine
in Samarkand.
B several impressive mausoleums in
6 What is Tina’s advice about getting on as a Bukhara.
family? C Khiva, the capital of central Asia.
5 While he was riding through the mountains the
Marks: …… / 12
Fila A


speaker camped

3 2.2 LISTEN to a traveller talking

about the Silk Road and say if the
A in a yurt with the local shepherds.
B by a high-altitude lake to stargaze.
statements are True (T), False (F) or C before watching the night sky from his
Not Given (NG). hotel terrace.
Marks: …… / 5
1 The Silk Road is a popular destination
for travellers who are looking for culture TOTAL MARKS: …… / 30
and history.
2 The Silk Road used to be famous
for the sale of camels and horses.
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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 2.3 LISTEN to the careers talk and fill

in the gaps with a suitable word
3 2.4 LISTEN to five different people
talking about crime. Read the
or short phrase. Use no more than statements below and match each NING
three words. statement to one of the speakers. Be TEST
1 Susan is a career counsellor who has over careful because there are three extra Units 3-4
experience advising statements you do not need to use. Fila A
students on their future careers. Speaker 1
2 Her first job was in a . Speaker 2
Speaker 3
3 After a couple of years, she
before getting the sack. Speaker 4
Speaker 5
4 She didn’t like writing about events, she liked
. A My job uses observation skills and can be
5 She wants to help students avoid dangerous.
. B Local people might themselves be the
6 Some students will already have decided on perpetrators of crime.
their career but others will be weighing up C We are not professionals but our actions can
. deter criminals.
7 She asks the students to think about where D I think there are several ideas and rules that
they think in ten years’
can be learnt to help prevent crime.
E I am usually the first person to report a crime
8 Most careers will require a degree
to the police.
or some qualification.
F Not all the people involved in crime are
9 Susan advises undecided students to talk to
necessarily hardened criminals.
people in the they are
interested in. G Shoplifting is a crime associated in people’s
minds with terrorism.
10 She tells them to remember that a career will
be of their future. H People need to be aware of how certain
actions and crowded places encourage crime.
Marks: …… / 10
Marks: …… / 5
2 2.3 LISTEN again and tick the advice
Susan gives about a future career. 4 2.4 LISTEN again and answer the
following questions.
1 Start working first, then decide what you
want to do. 1 How do people attract unwanted attention
according to speaker 1?
2 A few wasted years are a good start to
your career.
2 What does speaker 2 suggest to his class for
3 Try to imagine yourself in a future job.
when they go out in the evening?
4 Look into the qualifications needed for your
3 What is a ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ scheme?
5 Always get the qualification rather than a
4 Why doesn’t speaker 4 have to wear a
6 Find out about entrance requirements for uniform?
your chosen course.
7 Don’t talk to people doing the job now, they 5 How does speaker 5 define most of the people

may put you off. she meets who are involved in crime?
8 Consider your own special qualities.
9 You need practical sense to do a job like Marks: …… / 10
10 Don’t spend too much time over the TOTAL MARKS: …… / 30
decision as you will not be working much in

Fila A

the future.
Marks: …… / 5
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FILA A LISTENING TEST UNITS 5-6 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 2.5 LISTEN to a radio programme

about global issues and say if the
3 2.6 LISTEN to a teacher talking about
an Arts weekend and fill in the gaps
LISTE- statements are True (T), False (F) or in the form below. Use from one to
NING Not Given (NG). three words.
Units 5-6 1 The United Nations is one of many PRIORY SCHOOL ARTS WEEKEND
Fila A international organisations that try to deal INFORMATION LEAFLET
with global issues.
CINEMA workshop in (1) –
2 The UN’s initial goals included peace-keeping, including instructions and help about making short
human rights and promoting economic and films. Completed films to be shown at the end of
social progress. the weekend.
3 More recent issues the UN is dealing with
include drugs and health issues. DRAMA workshop run by a couple of professional
(2) who will work with the
4 Among the UN’s most visible efforts are
group to stage a theatre production on Sunday
peacekeeping and conflict resolution.
afternoon. The show may be a musical or could be
5 The UN has specialised agencies dealing a theatre play.
with minor problems in underdeveloped
countries. ART – 4 workshops
6 David Clark doesn’t see the UN as having • Drawing
a role in communication. • (3)
• Sculpture
7 If knowledge and awareness of the wider • Graffiti – a smaller group will also be
world were taught in schools, the UN’s role decorating the (4)
would be more difficult. behind the playing field
8 Children can begin to learn about freedom, • Architecture – a well-known local architect
patriotism, equality, identity and tolerance will talk about life (5)
while still in school. and run a workshop designing a new sports
9 David Clark thinks the major issues are being pavilion
10 He says there are so many urgent issues at Circus members will demonstrate:
the moment it is impossible to say which are • tight-rope walking
more pressing. • (6)
Marks: …… / 10 • gymnastics

2 2.5 LISTEN again and fill in the gaps

with a suitable word or short phrase.
There will be no (7) but there
will be a workshop on clowning run by a circus
Use no more than three words. clown.
The circus workshops include a visit to the circus.
1 This week’s programme of Our World is
dedicated to . MUSIC
There will be workshops for:
2 The UN is the only truly in
• (8)
the world.
• the choir
3 Apart from the organisation’s initial goals • trying out an instrument
concerning peace, human rights, international • trying out singing
justice and progress,
Fila A


there are new challenges, such as climate PUBLIC SPEAKING

change, refugees and AIDS. How to give (9) and better
4 The UN wants to encourage people to be more presentations.
, to look beyond their Deposit required: (10)
narrow nationalistic view of the world. Full workshop fee: £40 (including all the necessary
5 If individual countries in equipment)
the past, there might be fewer problems in the Completed enrolment forms to be handed in to the
world today. school secretary
Marks: …… / 5 Marks: …… / 10

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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

4 2.6 LISTEN again and choose the best

answer (A, B or C).
1 Why did the teacher call for a school
A To talk about a local Arts Festival.
B To talk about last year’s school Arts
C To describe this year’s Arts weekend.
2 The cinema workshop will
A give instructions on film making.
B allow students to appear in a television
C organise the production of a full-length
3 Which workshops are offered in the Visual
A Drawing, painting, sculpture and
B Drawing, graffiti, painting and architecture.
C Drawing, painting, sculpture, graffiti and
4 The circus workshops will include
A lion taming.
B a trip to the circus.
C tight-rope walking and snake charming.
5 The music workshops are for
A those already enrolled in the choir and
B anyone who wants to try an instrument or
C those students who have never played an
instrument before.
Marks: …… / 5

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 30



Fila A

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FILA A LISTENING TEST UNITS 7-8 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 2.7 LISTEN to the recording and match
the person to the gadget or device
4 2.8 LISTEN to two PE teachers talking
about sport in school and choose the
NING they have received. correct answer (A, B or C).
Units 7-8 1 the lawyer A a smartphone 1 The announcer thinks sport is important in
Fila A 2 the student B a laptop education but people disagree about
3 the technology expert C a tablet A whether sports should be taught outside
4 the grandmother D an e-reader
B which sports should be taught and when.
Marks: …… / 2 C when and where sports should be learnt.

2 2.7 LISTEN again and say who: 2 Sally would like to see sports like
taught in

1 has a parent who has had extra features

A football, rugby and cricket
added to the device.
B tennis, cricket, football and rugby
2 finds their little device particularly good when C free climbing or mountaineering
3 John is concerned that introducing new sports
3 has never used a similar device before. will
A mean they don’t learn any sports properly.
4 had the device delivered after ordering it B give them the wrong idea of
online. sportsmanship.
5 is amazed at how much technology C mean they can’t get the students to do
has been fitted into a small machine. anything.
4 Sally believes that some sports are
6 is being taught to use the new device by complicated to do out of school because
someone else. A they require too many participants.
7 has friends who ask for his/her advice about B they are part of a school sports
technology. programme.
8 was not initially pleased when he/she received C they may require special equipment.
the device. 5 John thinks that PE time should be used
Marks: …… / 4 A to learn basic sports well.
B to organise activity weeks for white-water
3 2.7 LISTEN again and answer the
following questions.
rafting or paragliding or surfing.
C to introduce students to all sports.
1 Why did the lawyer change her mind about her 6 Sally says her school will be offering new
e-reader? sports next year because
A there will be more after-school clubs.
2 Why did the student doubt whether his B swimming, diving and canoeing are to be
tablet could do all the functions his desktop obligatory.
computer did? C a new swimming pool is being built.
7 John thinks most schools have to select which
3 What does the student’s tablet have instead sports to introduce because
of a keyboard?
A they don’t have a swimming pool or a
Fila A


playing field.
4 What does the tech. expert think of his phone B they have a limited budget.
compared to others? C they want to maintain cricket and rugby as
the principal sports.
5 What did the lady’s grandson get the computer 8 John says his students are motivated by
shop to do for his grandmother?
A the choices of different sports.
B joining in but not competing.
Marks: …… / 10 C the challenge of competing.
Marks: …… / 8

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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

5 2.8 LISTEN again and choose the

correct alternative.
1 Sally and John are sports coaches / trainers /
2 Most schools offer athletic / unusual /
traditional sports like football, rugby, cricket
and tennis.
3 If teams don’t practise enough they are likely
to lose / win / compete.
4 In a normal school week there is so much / too
much / not enough to fit into limited time.
5 After-school clubs should be used to introduce
alternative / basic / fun sports like baseball.
6 If the school has a playing field / swimming pool
/ athletic pitch, students can practise football
and cricket.
Marks: …… / 6

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 30



Fila A

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FILA A LISTENING TEST UNITS 9-10 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

the type of industrial dumping and discourage

1 2.9 LISTEN to the report of a conference
on protecting the planet and say if
the use of private transport with congestion
charges in cities.
the statements are True (T), False (F)
LISTE- or Not Given (NG).
Marks: …… / 5
Units 9-10
1 The reporter who attended the conference
was relieved by the speaker’s positive
3 2.10 LISTEN to an interview with lottery
winners and choose the correct
Fila A view of the world. answer (A, B or C).
2 One of the most important problems 1 What kind of radio programme is it?
is due to the melting ice caps in the A A lottery quiz.
Arctic. B A news programme.
3 Mr Douglas said that climate change C The evening news.
was caused by the proliferation of 2 Where do Mr and Mrs Bennet work?
A She works in a Sales Department and he
4 He stated that no other human activities works in a Customer Services office.
contributed to climate change. B They have just resigned from their jobs.
5 According to Mr Douglas the CO2 C He works in a Sales Department and she
emissions are dramatically high works in a Customer Services office.
and will double in the next ten years. 3 Who bought the winning ticket?
6 He stated that in the last Ice Age average A Gillian.
temperatures were about 4° F lower B Adrian.
than today. C A friend of Adrian’s.
7 Rising ocean temperatures give rise 4 Their friends were shocked to hear from Mr
to more frequent storms and climate and Mrs Bennet because
extremes according to Mr Douglas. A it was late in the evening.
8 Some natural reservoirs such as the B they thought there might be something
oceans can absorb CO2 but not in sufficient wrong.
quantities to make a difference. C they hadn’t thought it possible to win a
9 Individuals should think about their own lottery.
carbon footprint and not recycling. 5 Mr and Mrs Bennet want to change everything
10 He ended his speech with a warning except
about world temperatures falling. A their debts.
Marks: …… / 10 B their relationship with friends and family.
C their banking arrangements and credit
2 2.9 LISTEN again and fill in the gaps
with a suitable word or short phrase.
Marks: …… / 5
Use no more than three words.
1 The reporter attended
4 2.10 LISTEN again and answer the
following questions.
about protecting the planet and listened to a 1 What have Mr and Mrs Bennet won?
speaker, William Douglas, who was an expert
on climate patterns.
2 Have the Bennets left their old jobs?
2 According to the speaker, one of the
problems was to do with the ice caps melting
Fila A


3 What was Adrian’s joke?

in the Arctic and as a result there were
4 How did they celebrate the win with their
3 Fossil fuels, like are children?
responsible for the build up of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere.
5 What may they allow themselves to buy in the
4 Mr Douglas told his audience that future?
rising sea levels contribute to greater
Marks: …… / 10
5 Governments need to encourage the
introduction of , control TOTAL MARKS: …… / 30
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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

3 The network of routes have recently

1 2.1 LISTEN to a tutorial about
relationships and complete the table.
revived as trade routes.
4 It is impossible to visit the entire region LISTE-
Who… Tina Phil on one journey. NING
5 None of the routes are dangerous. TEST
1 looks for relaxed Units 1-2
relationships. 6 Most travellers leave the decision Fila B
of what to see to a guide.
2 says many
relationships remain 7 The speaker chose to visit two
superficial. countries on the Silk Road.
3 doesn’t get on with a 8 Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva are
cousin. cities in Kazakhstan.
4 feels there is no excuse 9 The speaker travelled as part of an
for arrogance or organised group.
rudeness. 10 The journey is perfect for casual
travellers on their own.
5 feels family
relationships last a Marks: …… / 10
6 thinks it’s important 4 2.2 LISTEN again and choose the
correct answer (A, B or C).
not to quarrel over
little things. 1 The routes on the Silk Road linked
Marks: …… / 3 A China to the west.
B Mongolia to China.
2 2.1 LISTEN again and answer the
following questions.
C China to Azerbaijan.
2 Most tourists in this area
1 What is the subject of the tutorial? A try to see all the countries on the route.
B chose to travel by horseback.
2 What kind of relationship is Phil looking for? C focus on a small part of the route.
3 The medieval Turko-Mongol leader and Uzbek
3 How does Phil think we should behave in national hero Tamerlane
casual relationships? A has a mausoleum in Bukhara, Samarkand
and Khiva.
4 Why does Tina think getting on with relations B is buried in Samarkand.
can be tricky? C has an exquisite mosaic in his name in
5 What are the qualities you need to get on well 4 While he was travelling in the mountains the
in your immediate family according to Phil? speaker saw
A breathtaking monuments.
6 What is Tina’s advice for getting on in the B a group of horse lovers.
family? C a golden eagle and unusual plants.
5 According to the speaker the best way to visit
Marks: …… / 12 the Silk Road is
A as part of an organised tour with a good
3 2.2 LISTEN to a traveller talking guide.

about the Silk Road and say if the B hitch-hiking or renting a car and travelling
statements are True (T), False (F) or alone.
Not Given (NG). C by immerging in the local culture and
1 The Silk Road used to be a famous history and seeing extra places.
trade route. Marks: …… / 5
2 Traders opened up this route between
TOTAL MARKS: …… / 30

the East and the South centuries ago.

Fila B

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FILA B LISTENING TEST UNITS 3-4 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 2.3 LISTEN to the careers talk and fill
in the gaps with a suitable word
3 2.4 LISTEN to five different people
talking about crime. Read the
NING or short phrase. Use no more than statements below and match each
TEST three words. statement to one of the speakers. Be
Units 3-4 careful because there are three extra
Fila B 1 Susan’s job is to advise students on their
. statements you do not need to use.
2 She began working in a newspaper office Speaker 1
school but discovered it Speaker 2
was not what she wanted as a career. Speaker 3
3 She found she didn’t like Speaker 4
and resigned before they sacked her. Speaker 5
4 What she was good at was
and she enjoyed it too. A Learning about crime and crime prevention
should be done at school.
5 Susan didn’t talk to anyone about careers
when she was at school and had to B An essential skill in my job is the ability to
for herself. watch and observe people and their actions.
6 She thinks that some students C There is little or nothing that individuals can do
the areas that most to prevent crime.
interest them and a few will already have D Avoiding certain places, or at least being
chosen a particular field of study. vigilant in them, is an essential way of avoiding
7 She asks them to think about where they will be crime.
in the future, working in an office or in a hospital E Non-professionals should not get involved in
or maybe as a blogger. reporting crime but leave it to the police.
8 She tells them to and F There should be tolerance towards some
then work backwards. people who become involved in crime for
9 Students should find out social reasons.
they need and where they can get them.
G Some local communities organise ways of
10 She thinks students should talk to reporting and avoiding crime.
as possible and think
about their own special qualities. H Hardened criminals, like murderers or drug
dealers, should be convicted and sentenced to
Marks: …… / 10 long jail sentences.
2 2.3 LISTEN again and tick the advice
Susan gives about a future career.
Marks: …… / 5

1 Your original choice is never the final one. 4 2.4 LISTEN again and answer the
following questions.
2 Start working straight after school and
learn on the job. 1 In which places should you be particularly
3 Think about what you would like to be vigilant, according to speaker 1?
doing in ten years’ time.
4 There are always wasted years at the start 2 What should students do with their bags in
of a career. restaurants according to speaker 2?
5 Talk to experts before you leave school.
6 Find out the qualifications needed for your 3 What example is given of the efficiency of a
Fila B


chosen career. ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ scheme?

7 You can decide to train in college or on the
job. 4 What extra training does speaker 4 receive?
8 Look into the entrance requirements for
the course you want to take. 5 Does speaker 5 think all criminals should be
9 Find out the advantages and disadvantages forgiven?
of your chosen career from those doing it.
10 Make a quick decision considering your Marks: …… / 10
personal qualities.
TOTAL MARKS: …… / 30
Marks: …… / 5
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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

5 School is where children can begin to learn

1 2.5 LISTEN to a radio programme
about global issues and say if the
about global issues and should be taught to LISTE-
to a global world.
statements are True (T), False (F) or TEST
Marks: …… / 5 Units 5-6
Not Given (NG).
Fila B
1 The United Nations is the most
important forum where global issues
3 2.6 LISTEN to a teacher talking about
an Arts weekend and fill in the gaps
are addressed. in the form below. Use from one to
2 It is having to deal with fewer issues three words.
now than when it was founded. PRIORY SCHOOL ARTS WEEKEND
3 The organisation’s most visible efforts INFORMATION LEAFLET
concern women and refugees.
CINEMA workshop in the hall – including
4 The UN is also involved in disaster relief, instructions and help about making
the education and advancement of women (1) .
and peaceful uses of atomic energy.
5 The organisation deals directly with DRAMA workshop run by a couple of professional
activities to improve people’s lives actors who will work with the group to stage a
around the world. theatre production on (2) .
The show may be a musical or it could be a
6 According to David Clark, the UN wants
(3) .
to encourage people to be more
ART – 4 workshops
internationally minded.
• Drawing • Painting
7 Children need to learn to see the world • (4)
through other eyes as soon as they • Graffiti – a smaller group will also be
leave school. decorating the school wall.
8 The UN has begun an education • Architecture – a well-known local architect
programme for schools in Africa. will talk about life as an architect and
9 David Clark says the most urgent run a workshop designing a new
problems are population growth and (5)
decolonisation. CIRCUS
10 If individual countries had done more Circus members will demonstrate:
in the past, there might be fewer • tight-rope walking • magic tricks
problems to deal with now. • (6)
There will be no lion taming but there will be a
Marks: …… / 10
workshop on (7) run by a
circus clown.
2 2.5 LISTEN again and fill in the gaps
with a suitable word or short phrase.
The circus workshops include a visit to the circus
Use no more than three words. MUSIC
1 David Clark is a for the There will be workshops for:
United Nations. • the orchestra • the choir
• trying out (8)
2 The UN deals with problems that • trying out singing
and can’t be resolved by
individual countries. PUBLIC SPEAKING
3 The organisation’s initial goals were How to give a speech and better (9)
safeguarding peace, , .

establishing the framework for international Deposit required: £20

justice and promoting economic and social Full workshop fee: (10)
progress. (including all the necessary equipment)
Completed enrolment forms to be handed in to the
4 The UN is also engaged in activities like
school secretary.
disaster relief, the education and advancement
Marks: …… / 10
as well as the peaceful

uses of atomic energy.

Fila B

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FILA B LISTENING TEST UNITS 5-6 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

LISTE- 4 2.6 LISTEN again and choose the best

answer (A, B or C).
TEST 1 The teacher wants to talk about an Arts
Units 5-6 weekend
Fila B A that the school is organising for the first
B that will be like last year’s Arts weekend.
C that will be organised by local artists.
2 The cinema workshop
A is expected to be smaller than last year.
B had the biggest numbers in the last Arts
C has a greater need of space.
3 Which of the Visual Arts will be present as a
workshop for the first time?
A Architecture.
B Graffiti.
C Sculpture.
4 The circus workshops will include
A tight-rope walking, gymnastics, a trip to
the circus and lion taming.
B tight-rope walking, magic tricks,
gymnastics and lion taming.
C tight-rope walking, magic tricks,
gymnastics and clowning.
5 The public speaking workshop is to
A learn to give a speech and improve
presentation skills.
B learn how to perform in public like an actor
in front of an audience.
C learn how to give public speeches like
Marks: …… / 5

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 30
Fila B


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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 2.7 LISTEN to the recording and match

the person to the gadget or device
4 2.8 LISTEN to two PE teachers talking
about sport in school and choose the
they have received. correct answer (A, B or C). NING
1 the lawyer A a tablet 1 The announcer thinks everyone would agree TEST
2 the student B a laptop that sport Units 7-8
A has an important role in education. Fila B
3 the technology expert C an e-reader
B is the most important part of education.
4 the grandmother D a smartphone
C needs to be taught only in schools.
Marks: …… / 2
2 Sally thinks there should be
2 2.7 LISTEN again and say who: A fewer traditional sports taught in schools.
B more PE lessons in the school curriculum.
1 thinks he/she will spend so much time on
C a greater variety of sports taught in school.
the new device he/she may not have time to
study. 3 John believes that traditional sports teach
2 particularly likes the voice activation feature.
A to learn other subjects properly.
B to follow rules, work with others and
3 is going to get an expert to give him/her
C to practise in the way other schools do.
4 can use the device for work and for pleasure.
4 Sally believes that students can only practise
sport outside school if
5 was given the new gadget as a birthday
present. A they are sports that don’t require special
6 wondered whether the new device would B they are interested in the possibility of
do the same as what he/she was used to. choosing.
C they have been introduced to them in
7 enjoys the extra features that light up the school.
screen or make a text bigger or smaller.
5 John’s proposal is
A to introduce unusual sports like white-
8 gives advice to his/her friends about
water rafting or paragliding or surfing.
what he/she is using himself/herself.
B for schools to introduce activity weeks.
C to use PE time for learning new sports.
Marks: …… / 4
6 Sally offers an alternative solution which is
3 2.7 LISTEN again and answer the
following questions.
A to organise weeks away.
B to introduce baseball and canoeing.
C to have after-school clubs introducing
1 Which features of the e-book particularly alternative sports.
please the lawyer?
7 In John’s school there’s no pool but the
students do athletics
2 Who did the student get a computer from
originally? A on the playing field.
B in the gym.
C on the football and cricket pitch.
3 Which features of the tablet does the student
mention? 8 Sally thinks the challenge for PE teachers is
A to motivate and encourage students to

4 How did the tech. expert receive his participate.

smartphone? B to find the time and the resources to teach
more sport.
5 How did the grandmother learn to use her C to learn to compete well in matches and
laptop? competitions.
Marks: … / 8

Fila B

Marks: …… / 10

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FILA B LISTENING TEST UNITS 7-8 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

5 2.8 LISTEN again and choose the

correct alternative.
1 The discussion about sport is a weekly /
LISTE- monthly / daily discussion.
NING 2 Sally has been teaching for nearly ten / twenty
TEST / thirty years.
Units 7-8
Fila B 3 Traditional sports offer a kind of challenge /
opportunity / basis where students learn many
4 Some sports like jogging / sailing / walking
require complicated equipment.
5 More energetic / unusual / basic sports like
white-water rafting or paragliding or surfing
could be part of an activity week.
6 If the school has a playing field / swimming pool
/ athletic pitch, students can swim and dive and
Marks: …… / 6

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 30
Fila B


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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 2.9 LISTEN to the report of a conference

on protecting the planet and say if
3 2.10 LISTEN to an interview with lottery
winners and choose the correct
the statements are True (T), False (F) answer (A, B or C). TEST
or Not Given (NG). 1 How much money have Mr and Mrs Bennet Units 9-10
1 The main subject of the conference was won? Fila B
climate patterns. A Nearly fifty million pounds.
2 Sea levels are rising, according to the B Just under one hundred and forty million
speaker, due to greater rainfall. pounds
3 Human activities such as agriculture C One hundred and forty-eight million
and deforestation can also contribute pounds.
to climate change. 2 What advice are they looking for from a
4 Mr Douglas showed us how the CO2 financial advisor? They want information about
emissions increased at the time of the A savings account and mortgage rates.
Industrial Revolution. B saving, interest rates and investments.
5 He argues that the average temperature C bank investments and borrowing rates.
may rise by over 10° F in the next 3 What did they do when they discovered that
century. they had won?
6 Warmer ocean temperatures are responsible A They woke the children and went to have a
for milder weather patterns. pizza at Domino’s Pizza.
7 Mr Douglas believes that CO2 emissions B They phoned their friends and woke the
can be absorbed by the oceans. children.
8 He believes that there is little governments C They phoned friends and family which
can do to improve the situation. woke the children.
9 Mr Douglas feels governments are 4 What can they do straight away with the
playing an important part in the money?
changes. A Buy a house and a car and go abroad.
10 He admitted that the changes were B They can pay off the mortgage and pay
threatening nature and creating more back what they have borrowed.
endangered species. C Get new credit cards and debit cards.
Marks: …… / 10 5 Who would they like to help in the future?
A Those less fortunate.
2 2.9 LISTEN again and fill in the gaps
with a suitable word or short phrase.
B Friends and family.
C Anyone playing the lottery.
Use no more than three words. Marks: …… / 5
1 At a weekend conference on protecting the
planet, the reporter was 4 2.10 LISTEN again and answer the
following questions.
the state our world is in.
2 Governments need to do more but also 1 What can this radio programme make you do?
individuals can think about their own carbon
footprint and especially 2 How did the Bennets hear that they’d won the
concerning plastic. lottery?
3 Mr Douglas explained that warming
are associated with 3 Why did Mrs Bennet think they couldn’t have

stronger and more frequent storms. won?

4 Human activities like ,
but most of all emissions from fossil fuels 4 What kind of amount have they won?
like oil and coal, are causing the build-up of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. 5 How has their life been up to now?
5 An alarming consequence of
in the Arctic was rising

Marks: …… / 10
Fila B

sea levels.
Marks: …… / 5 TOTAL MARKS: …… / 30
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COMPETENCES TEST UNIT 1 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

IN GROUPS discuss and plan some team building activities for the first week of the school year in
CES secondary school. These activities should help develop students’ social interaction skills and establish a
TESTS classroom culture.
Units 1-2 Step 1
Think of various activities to perform in the classroom, in the gym or outdoors that are both fun and
challenging. Write down some specific instructions on leading each team-building activity to ensure it will
be successful.

Step 2
Start with an icebreaker activity.

Step 3
Decide on an activity to improve communication.

Step 4
Write down a problem-solving activity.

Step 5
Make a poster to show to the class and describe it.

COMPETENCES TEST UNIT 2 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

IN GROUPS discuss and plan a one-week school trip for your class.

Step 1
Think of various destinations both in your country and abroad and discuss what they have to offer.

Step 2
Decide on the destination, transport and accommodation.

Step 3
Make a plan of all the things to see and do.

Step 4
Write down the objectives and the itinerary of the trip.

Step 5
Units 1-2


Prepare a presentation to show to the class and describe it.

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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

IN GROUPS write four job adverts for summer jobs for the students in your school. COM-
Step 1 CES
Write a list of various possible jobs. TESTS
Units 3-4
Step 2
Provide some general information about each job (description, place, hours, wages).

Step 3
List the skills/qualifications that are required.

Step 4
Write the adverts and add some graphics or pictures.

Step 5
Present them to the class.

NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

IN GROUPS carry out a research project on how technology can prevent crime.

Step 1
Think of devices equipped with an Internet connection that can be used to prevent and reduce crime in the

Step 2
Surf the Net to find suitable material about them.

Step 3
Create a mind map about these devices and decide on the pictures to go with it.

Step 4
Add a title to your mind map and use arrows to link the key concepts to the pictures of the device.

Step 5
Illustrate it to the class.
Units 3-4

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COMPETENCES TEST UNIT 5 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

IN GROUPS make a proposal for the leader of a small rural community about providing education both
COM- to boys and girls.
CES Step 1
TESTS Choose a developing country and surf the Net to find material about the topic of education in that region.
Units 5-6
Step 2
Read the material carefully and discuss:
• why education is important
• what may help students learn
• what stops students from learning and how these barriers can be overcome
• why girls sometimes have more limited educational opportunities than boys.
Step 3
Summarise the result of your discussion in a two-column table. In the left column, list the reasons why
students do not attend school and in the right, possible activities to be undertaken in order to solve these

Step 4
State your suggestions to encourage parents to send their children, especially daughters, to school and
how to involve the community in supporting the school.

Step 5
Conclude your proposal making comparisons with existing good examples (if there are any).

COMPETENCES TEST UNIT 6 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

IN GROUPS carry out a research project on the use of light in the Arts and make a presentation for the
rest of the class.

Step 1
Decide which field you want to investigate (light festivals, abstract art, classic art, photography, the
cinema, etc.).

Step 2
Surf the Net to find suitable material.

Step 3
Make a plan of your presentation and decide on the pictures to go with it.

Step 4
Prepare a digital presentation to show to the class.
Units 5-6


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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

IN GROUPS organise a debate about the popularity of video games.

Step 1 PETEN-
Write a list of arguments in favour of or against playing video games, highlighting the key ideas. CES
Step 2 Units 7-8
Give your speech a structure: a claim with key points; a section where you describe your points in detail;
further material to back up your argument.

Step 3
Make sure your speech includes no more than 3/4 points.

Step 4
Present your speech to the class.

NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

IN GROUPS prepare a social media announcement for your school website to engage supporters
among the students for the annual Sports Week closing the school year.

Step 1
Use the Net to look for pictures of the sports that will be part of your school Sports Week.

Step 2
Discuss the possible messages those pictures communicate.

Step 3
Choose the essential information you want to communicate about the event. Then take advantage of the
picture messages to choose a catchy slogan.

Step 4
Create your announcement with a picture that stands out. Then choose an appropriate font and graphics
both for your slogan and for the essential information.

Step 5

Present your social media announcement to the class.

Units 7-8

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COMPETENCES TEST UNIT 9 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

IN GROUPS prepare a plan to celebrate the annual event of World Environment Day whose theme is
‘Connecting people to nature’.

COM- Step 1
PETEN- Discuss all the different things we rely on nature for.
TESTS Step 2
Units Write a list of actions you can personally do to feel close to nature.
Step 3
Think of some community actions which can help people appreciate nature in all its beauty and

Step 4
Write down some slogans to celebrate the day.

Step 5
Make a poster or a presentation to show your plan to the class.

COMPETENCES TEST UNIT 10 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

IN GROUPS discuss the topic of ‘spending decisions’ and prepare a leaflet to be used in your school to
educate students on money management.

Step 1
Discuss your spending habits.

Step 2
List the factors that influence you when you spend money.

Step 3
Focus on the importance of peer pressure on your spending. Provide examples of the influence of peers
when managing money.

Step 4
List some strategies to resist all kinds of pressure.
Units 9-10


Step 5
Prepare a leaflet to be used at school.

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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Vocabulary 4 Tomorrow we are going to

off for our holiday. RECU-
1 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
5 When workers protest they often go on
1 I have close friends / acquaintances I have Marks: …… / 5 Units 1-3
known all my life.
2 I am glad I have a sister who I can share 4 REPLACE the words or expressions in italics
with a suitable phrasal verb or collocation.
problems with / be in touch with.
3 I know many friends / acquaintances who I just 1 The two sisters are very close and
say hello to when I meet them in the street. have a good relationship.
4 While we were in Paris we went on an 2 I have a good group of friends and we
excursion / a journey to Versailles. spend time with each
5 It was late so the tourists wanted to walk away other every day.
from / head back to the hotel. 3 There are always so many tourists in Venice
that it is difficult to exit
6 The United States is a large country with a
the city.
varied landscape / destination.
4 All the hotel guests
7 Robert has found a better job so he is going to
participated in the free tour to see the city
retire / resign from work.
8 After university I want to apply / be promoted
5 Some young people are impatient to start a
for a job in advertising.
job and receive payment in
9 If people work from home / work overtime, we return for work.
can save office space.
Marks: …… / 5
10 People who live far from their work have to
commute / resign.
Marks: …… / 5
5 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of the words given.
1 A good relationship in a family brings
2 COMPLETE the sentences using the words
and expressions in the box.
2 Building good is very
make a living / headed for / charge / slow down / important in your social life. (FRIEND)
going out with 3 A safari holiday is no longer as
as in the past. (DANGER)
1 My sister is a new 4 I have found a new job and they asked me to
boyfriend called Mark. start . (IMMEDIATE)
2 I the hotel after a long 5 Students who have had job experience adapt
morning of sightseeing. to the working world.
3 We told the coach driver to (EASY)
because he was going Marks: …… / 5
too fast.
4 I by selling cars.
5 He will you a lot of money
to repair your computer.
Marks: …… / 5

3 COMPLETE the sentences with suitable

1 I have many on Facebook
who are useful for my work.
2 My family is very close and we don’t often
have .

3 If you are lost in a strange city you must

for directions.
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RECUPERO TEST UNITS 1-3 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Grammar 9 COMPLETE the sentences using the correct

6 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences. 1 He
form of the verbs in brackets.
(visit) his grandmother
1 Have you bought / Did you buy / Had you bought every day.
a present for Mother’s Day yet? 2 I don’t think employment
2 I would / was used to / used to like camping (increase) at the moment.
holidays when I was younger. 3 She (make) good friends
3 We had been flying / were flying / flew for an when she started at the new school.
hour when we had to turn back for a technical 4 He (travel) all over the
problem. world when, in 1980, he met his future wife.
4 The Sales Manager is seeing / will have seen / 5 If you are busy, I (write)
will see a client at 3 p.m. that report for you.
5 We will be working / will have worked / will have Marks: …… / 5
been working harder because the company is
not doing very well.
Marks: …… / 5
10 CORRECT the verb tense in each

7 COMPLETE the sentences with the, a(n) or –

(no article).
1 Paul hangs out with a group of friends from
the youth club this week.
1 My brother is doctor.
2 Mary is in France and she didn’t see her family
2 Have you ever been to United States? for three months.
3 He has found a job in Paris.
4 She is architect. 3 I have booked our holiday hotel yesterday.
5 Rome is one of most beautiful cities
in the world. 4 By 2020 I will be working here for two years.
6 I love skiing in mountains in Italy.
7 I don’t like watching news on TV, it is 5 We are going to have a meeting with the
boring. clients at 10 o’clock.
8 work experience while you are still at
school can be useful for the future. Marks: …… / 5
9 He is applying for job in media.
10 Did you get job you applied for? TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
Marks: …… / 5

8 WRITE sentences using the correct tense

and the prompts given.
1 they / come / back / yesterday / after / they /
be / on / holiday / for / a / long / time.

2 my / mother / cook / dinner / when / my /

aunt / arrive.


3 my cousin / just / come / back / from / London

/ and / I / see / him / yesterday.

4 I / work / as / a / secretary / for / two / years /

when / they / promote / me.

5 everyone / be / attending / the / conference /

tomorrow / so / the / office / be / closed.

Marks: …… / 5
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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Vocabulary 2 The tourists were

because of the risk of a terrorist attack. RECU-
1 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
3 Mary, please the client, I PERO
forgot to tell him something.
Units 1-5
1 My brother is very funny and I always go out 4 They accused the office worker of
with him / have a laugh when we are together. .
2 I am late for my flight. Can I get a lift / head 5 We will soon be facing serious problems if we
back to the airport? continue to the world’s
3 I want to retire / apply for that job advertised in food supply.
the newspaper. Marks: …… / 5
4 During the economic crisis many workers were
made redundant / promoted and lost their jobs. 4 REPLACE the expressions in italics with a
suitable phrasal verb or collocation.
5 The shoplifter was caught red-handed / found
guilty with the stolen goods in his pocket. 1 I had a good relationship
6 The murderer was convicted / sentenced to life with my father.
imprisonment. 2 When it started to rain the tourists stopped
7 The police did not catch the vandals so they the hike and went in the
managed to get away with / track down the direction of the hotel.
crime. 3 People who divide the
8 Travelling has given me knowledge and work with a colleague find they have more time
awareness / identity and diversity of the wider to dedicate to their family.
world. 4 The most serious crimes are committed
9 We need to look beyond / be aware our by organisations that
differences. specialise in criminal actions.
10 Countries with many ethnic groups have an 5 The latest international summit must
interconnected world / a richness of culture. be about the problem of
Marks: …… / 5
Marks: …… / 5
2 COMPLETE the sentences with suitable
expressions. 5 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of the words given.
1 Even if I don’t see them often, I 1 The United Nations needs strong
my relations who live in if it is going to be
Australia. effective. (LEADER)
2 I am not good at finding my way and I often 2 Many people consider tropical islands to be a
in foreign cities. very holiday destination.
3 They asked the doctor for (DESIRE)
malpractice. 3 He did his job so they
4 Juvenile crime is on the rise and more fired him. (BAD)
teenagers the law every 4 Do not break the law or you will find yourself
day. spending an time in
5 means that there are prison. (COMFORTABLE)
many different types of people and things. 5 The of all diversity is vital
Marks: …… / 5 to save our planet. (SURVIVE)

Marks: …… / 5
3 COMPLETE the sentences using the phrasal
verbs and collocations in the box.

illegal counterfeiting / use up / victimless crime /

call back / sent back

1 A is one where no-one is


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RECUPERO TEST UNITS 1-5 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Grammar 8 COMPLETE the sentences with unless,

6 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
provided that, as long as, in case.
1 The problem of water shortage will not be
1 We are having / have a family reunion to solved we continue to
celebrate my grandmother’s birthday. waste it.
2 My grandfather still goes / is going to the gym 2 Nuclear weapons cannot be eliminated
regularly. all governments agree.
3 I have never seen / never saw my relations who 3 The hospital must be supplied with enough
live in South America. vaccine there is an
4 He went / was going to the airport when he
realised he did not have his passport. 4 War zone victims can be saved
we send enough aid.
5 He had always wanted / has always wanted to
go to Niagara Falls and now he was on his way 5 Gender inequality in some countries will
there. not be solved laws are
6 Probably, I am going / will go to my usual introduced.
seaside resort this summer. Marks: …… / 5
7 I will have gone / will be going to the office party
tomorrow so I cannot go to the cinema with you. 9 COMPLETE the sentences using the correct
form of the verbs in brackets.
8 The crime of vandalism may / must lead to
more serious offences. 1 The police (just be able) to
track down the gang leaders.
9 Social services don’t have to / need to do more
for young people to stop them turning to crime. 2 As a first-time offender you might not
10 If the nuclear power station had followed (send) to prison.
safety rules, the accident would not / will not 3 If everyone respected recycling strategies, we
have happened. (save) the planet.
Marks: …… / 5 4 If we choose alternative energy, we
(save) money.
7 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
5 If war had not not broken out, people
(not lose) their homes.
1 My family has lived in the same house since / Marks: …… / 5
for twenty years.
2 My mother has been working for / since I 10 DECIDE if the following sentences with
wish and if only express a wish (W) or a
started school.
regret (R).
3 I have felt lonely for / since my brother went
away to university. 1 I wish richer nations would help poorer
4 My brothers have been arguing since / for nations more.
hours. 2 I wish our country had signed the petition
5 My father has been in the States for work for / against nuclear weapons.
since two months. 3 Our city would be cleaner if only everyone
6 Camping sometimes can be uncomfortable but would follow recycling regulations.
you are used / get used to it quickly. 4 If only plastic had not been invented


7 We were used / got used to having holidays in a we would not have waste and pollution
camper. problems now.
8 I was afraid of flying but my guiding job 5 I wish the clean air programme would
requires a lot of travelling so now I have got continue.
used / am used to it. Marks: …… / 5
9 At first the heat was too much for the tourists
but after two days they got used / were used to it. TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
10 They were experienced climbers and got used /
were used to high altitudes.
Marks: …… / 5
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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Vocabulary 2 Michelangelo was a famous

as well as a painter.
1 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
3 I want my friends to share my ideas so I PERO
comments and articles on TEST
1 Not many young people get / appreciate pleasure my social media page. Units 6-8
from going to a ballet or even an opera. 4 When working on your computer you must
2 TV and cinema are popular visual / performing remember to or you risk
arts. losing everything.
3 Sometimes it is difficult to express / understand 5 When you take up a sport you
Modern Art. your physical strength.
4 Do you have game gadgets / apps on your Marks: …… / 5
mobile phone?
5 To order online you must key in / log on to the 4 REPLACE the words or expressions in italics
with a suitable phrasal verb or collocation.
company’s personal website.
6 What information have you put on your 1 Artists have to work hard to
Facebook app / profile? gradually obtain a good
7 You can download / upload music and videos
from the Internet only for your personal use. 2 The theatre is in financial difficulties and
has not produced a
8 If you play a sport, it is challenging to enter performance for a long time.
competitions / exams.
3 Recently there has been much concern about
9 The opponent was not in good form so he incidents of aggression
turned down / took up the opportunity to play towards others using the Internet.
against the world champion.
4 You know when you are unfit because you
10 Our local football team is going to participate in find it difficult to breathe.
/ accept the regional football league next year.
5 Top athletes sometimes collapse because their
Marks: …… / 5 coaches exaggerate.

2 COMPLETE the sentences using the phrasal

verbs and collocations in the box.
Marks: …… / 5

5 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct

form of the words given.
put on / rate of progress / take steps /
stay on task / build up a reputation 1 Graffiti artists display their work around the
cities and in subways and .
1 The bigger theatres have more funds to (STOP)
spectacular shows.
2 All works of art, in one way or the
2 Graffiti art has managed to other, describe the society in their
and is now accepted as . (TIME)
mainstream art.
3 Involvement or is a word
3 The in technology is which characterises our technological age.
unbelievable. (ACT)
4 We must to regulate 4 When strategies do not work you should
Artificial Intelligence. the whole problem and
5 An athlete like an academic needs to find other ways of doing things. (THINK)
concentrate and . 5 ships are very beautiful to

Marks: …… / 5 see in a harbor. (SAIL)

Marks: …… / 5
3 COMPLETE the sentences with suitable
1 Teachers complain that students don’t read
poetry and prose or in


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RECUPERO TEST UNITS 6-8 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Grammar 8 JOIN the two sentences together using so or

6 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
such. You may need to make changes.
1 Our portable computer is very old. It still has a
1 Musicals are becoming more and most / more DVD player.
popular among young people.
2 Some people think that graffiti art is least / less 2 Technology is progressing at a fast pace. We
socially acceptable than painting. cannot keep up with all the changes.
3 One of the Oscar awards is for best / better
actor in a leading role. 3 People need many IT skills. We have to
continue learning.
4 Urban art expresses the fact that people are
least / less and less enthusiastic about urban
living. 4 There are many apps to choose from. I am
5 My computer broke down last week and has
been / was repaired only yesterday.
5 Robotic science is a fascinating subject. Many
6 AI is becoming important and it is believed / people are enthusiastic about it.
is allowed that our lives will be greatly affected
by it.
Marks: …… / 5
7 Drones are / will have been used in many fields
but have been criticised mainly for their use in
war. 9 COMPLETE the sentences using the correct
form of have / get something done.
8 Steps should be / had to be taken to regulate
the future rate of progress of technology. 1 I’m going to my wireless
Bluetooth speaker connected to WI-Fi so I can
9 It is important not to avoid taking up / take up a order a pizza just by speaking.
sport if you want to be healthy.
2 My doctor advised me to install an app so I can
10 Walking / To walk will increase your heart rate. my health monitored daily.
Marks: …… / 5 3 I am additional memory
installed in my computer.
7 COMPLETE the sentences using like or as.
4 You must remember to
1 The Bafta Award the Oscars is a your computer protection software renewed.
prize given in the film industry. 5 I need to my photos
2 In the Lord of the Rings the actors were dressed uploaded on my Facebook page because I
hobbits, which are small imaginary don’t know how to do it.
creatures. Marks: …… / 5
3 I prefer Woody Allen a film director
than an actor.
4 Drama poetry, as a commercial
10 COMPLETE the sentences using relative
pronouns and say if they are defining (D)
product, is not as successful as prose. or non-defining (ND).
5 Everyone says my sister looks Julia 1 The surfers are down on the
Roberts. beach are very brave.
6 Apps on smartphones can be used 2 The Himalayas are in Asia are


aids to monitor your health and fitness. the most challenging mountains to climb.
7 The use of Artificial Intelligence 3 The swimming pool is near my
drones is not easily accepted by everyone. house is always too crowded.
8 Modern techno-thrillers The Circle 4 The girl is sitting near the
are very popular among young people. referee is the new tennis champion.
9 In squash in tennis you play with a 5 Tokyo the next Olympic Games
ball and a racquet. will be held has a population of over
10 Wimbledon the US Open are both 9,000,000.
part of the Grand Slam tennis tournaments. Marks: …… / 5
Marks: …… / 5 TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Vocabulary 2 Older people may find the

of technology disturbing.
1 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
3 When taking part in a race it is important to
concentrate and stay .
1 Shakespeare is considered one of the most 4 Man-made are the most
important authors of poetry / drama. difficult to dispose of. RECU-
2 The most popular way to keep in touch / back up 5 If you make good investments in the end they PERO
with friends is through social media. will . TEST
Units 6-10
3 All participants / enemies in a competition hope Marks: …… / 5
to win.
4 The 100 metres is an exam / a race. 4 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
form of the words given.
5 My school football team is playing a match /
test against our rival school tomorrow. 1 Expressions of art can be seen as a
6 A long period without rain is a drought / global reflection of society during the artist’s
warming. . (LIFE)
7 A congestion charge / carbon footprint is a tax 2 You can a lot of useful
used to discourage the use of cars in cities. apps on your smartphone. (LOAD)
8 The ozone layer / ecosystem absorbs solar 3 Gold medal winners must be very proud of
radiation. their . (ACHIEVE)
9 Current bank accounts give no interest rate / 4 Recently, a law has come into force to prohibit
credit. plastic . (WRAP)
10 A cash machine allows you to withdraw / 5 NGO’s are non-governmental
borrow money without going to a bank. . (ORGANISE)
Marks: …… / 5 6 Online banking helps to
your financial transactions. (SIMPLE)
2 COMPLETE the sentences using phrasal
verbs and collocations in the box.
Marks: …… / 6

end up / get out of breathe / come up with / Grammar

lose count / build up a reputation / fake tweets
5 WRITE sentences using the correct tense
and the prompts given. Make all necessary
1 Artists need to before
becoming successful. changes.
2 Recently, there has been a lot of concern about 1 the / much / young / people / play / on /
false news especially on computers / the / little / they / read.
social media.
3 You know you are not fit when you 2 he / have / to / contact / the / manufacturer /
just climbing a few stairs. yesterday / to / get / his / computer / repair.
4 Many detergents and soaps we use
in our water systems. 3 pupils / who / want / to / avoid / do / sports /
5 People who always must / show / a / doctor’s / certificate.
good ideas are usually the most successful in
business. 4 the / football / player / complain / about / be /
6 She was a shopaholic and would always send / off / the / field / during the match.

of how much she was

spending. 5 my / boss / make / me / take / a / training /
Marks: …… / 6 course / last week.

3 COMPLETE the sentences using suitable

phrasal verbs and expressions.
Marks: …… / 5

1 Live performances in the

streets is a modern form of entertainment.

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RECUPERO TEST UNITS 6-10 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

2 We decided to buy a bigger house

6 REPORT the following statements making
all the necessary changes.
our investments had paid
1 ‘We are satisfied with the success of our 3 We have funding and we have a lot of ideas,
recycling strategies,’ said the Mayor. we are ready to create
The Mayor said our startup.
recycling strategies. 4 He decided to change to online banking
2 ‘We want to install alternative energy in the the many advantages it
country by 2030,’ said the politician. offers.
The politician said 5 She doesn’t keep track of her credit card
install payments, she never
alternative energy in the country by 2030. knows how much she spends.
3 ‘Are you going to give an incentive to people who Marks: …… / 5
install solar panels?’ they asked the Minister.
They asked the Minister
an incentive to 8 CORRECT the mistakes in italics.
people who installed solar panels. 1 Bad skiers should avoid
to ski down the difficult black slopes.
4 ‘What are you going to do to reduce traffic in
the city centre?’ we asked the Mayor. 2 Don’t forget flexing your
We asked the Mayor muscles before a training session.
to reduce 3 They are the swimmers who
traffic in the city centre. win the last swimming
5 ‘Do you think that global warming is competition.
responsible for rising sea levels?’ they asked 4 Canada, which the 2019
the scientist. Winter Olympics will take place, has already
They asked the scientist hosted the Olympics in the past.
that global 5 The Minister said he will
warming was responsible for rising sea levels. do everything to clean waterways.
6 ‘Ok, our company has been dumping chemical 6 They wanted to know
waste in the river,’ the manager admitted. the government was going to sign the petition
The manager admitted against nuclear power.
chemical waste
7 They suggested to
in the river.
promote alternative energy.
7 ‘Why don’t you start a media campaign
8 The Mayor agreed
against the use of plastic,’ the conservationist
sponsoring the young students’ Clean the
Environment Project.
The conservationist suggested
a media 9 The credit from the bank
campaign against the use of plastic. let the company pay a high interest rate.
8 ‘Your government has not done anything to 10 I’ll allow my secretary to
protect endangered species,’ the reporters send you a bank statement immediately.
said. Marks: …… / 10
The reporters said
anything to TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50


protect endangered species.

Marks: …… / 8

7 COMPLETE the sentences using a linker

in the box.

consequently / due to / because / since / therefore

1 Our company has failed

our competitors have pushed us out of the

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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 COMPLETE the sentences with the present simple or

continuous of the verbs in brackets.
1 ‘Where’s Mother?’ ‘She (cook) dinner in the TEST
kitchen.’ BUILD
2 Tom always (go) clubbing on Saturdays. B2
Easy rea-
3 The students (always complain) about too ding
much homework.
4 Water (boil) at 100° Celsius.
5 Mary is in Paris. She (study) French and
Economics at the Sorbonne.
Marks: …… / 5

2 MATCH the sentences in exercise 1 to the corresponding use

from the options below.
A general statements of fact
B actions happening at the moment
C actions in progress
D actions expressing annoyance
E repeated or usual actions
Marks: …… / 5

3 COMPLETE the text with the past simple or continuous of the

verbs in brackets.
Yesterday afternoon, Mary and Liz (1) (go)
shopping in the High Street. They (2) (look)
for something to wear to the party on Saturday evening. At last,
just what they wanted. Unfortunately, at the cash desk, Mary
(4) (discover) she had no money on her. Liz
(5) (lend) her some money to pay for her
dress. Mary (6) (be) embarrassed.

Marks: …… / 6
Easy reading

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READING ENTRY TEST BUILD UP TO B2 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

4 CORRECT the mistakes in the sentences.

1 Robert had a shower when the phone rang.

2 Many Americans ask themselves ‘What did I do when Robert

Kennedy was assassinated?’

3 The storm was breaking out just as the plane was landing.

4 ‘Why didn’t you answer the door when I was ringing the bell?’
‘Sorry, I was in the garden and didn’t hear it.’

Marks: …… / 4

5 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct past participle of

the verbs in the box.
fall / buy / write / speak / have

1 Have you ever a terrifying experience?

2 Michael has a best selling novel.
3 Robert has in love with a girl he met last night.
4 Have you just a new car?
5 The teacher has to the headmaster about the
problems in class.
Marks: …… / 5

6 WRITE sentences using the present perfect and the prompts

1 have / you / ever / eat / Indian / food?

2 John / has / just / come / back / from / Australia.

Easy reading



4 have / you / meet / your / neighbours / yet?

5 how / long / have / you / live / in / Italy?

Marks: …… / 5
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7 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

1 I can hear thunder. It won’t / will / is going to rain.
2 What time does / will / is\RXUɠLJKWWR/RQGRQOHDYH"
3 You are very busy. I am going to do / will do / do the shopping.
4 I am going to / will / am spend six months in the United States next
5 Weather forecasts say this summer is / will / is going to be very hot.
Marks: …… / 5

8 MATCH the sentences with the corresponding use from the

options below.
1 The door bell is ringing! I’ll answer it.
2 If you don’t water the plants, they will die.
because we have to buy tickets.
4 Promise me you will take a taxi to come home from the party.

A intention
B promise
C inevitable future action
D spontaneous decision
E planned action
Marks: …… / 5

9 WRITE what you would say in the following situations using

the ideas in the box.
talk to her boss / put some pictures on the walls / study more /
not smoke / take a holiday

1 You look tired.


2 Alice works very long hours.

3 Our sitting room is very plain.

Easy reading

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READING ENTRY TEST BUILD UP TO B2 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................


5 I always have a terrible cough.

Marks: …… / 5

10 COMPLETE the second sentence using modal verbs.

Our teacher is very demanding so our test be
4 I’m not sure I’ll come to the party tomorrow night because nobody
can give me a lift home.
I not come to the party tomorrow night
because nobody can give me a lift home.
5 In the past it was not possible for people to have a computer at
In the past people have a computer at home.
Marks: …… / 5

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
Easy reading


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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 COMPLETE the sentences with the present simple or

continuous of the verbs in brackets. ENTRY
0 ‘Where’s Mother?’ ‘She is cooking (cook) dinner in the kitchen.’ BUILD
1 Tom always (go) clubbing on Saturdays. UP TO
2 The students (always complain) about Guided
too much homework. test

3 Water (boil) at 100° Celsius.

4 Mary is in Paris. She (study) French and
Economics at the Sorbonne.
Marks: …… / 4

2 MATCH the sentences in exercise 1 to the corresponding use

from the options below.
A 0 actions happening at the moment
B general statements of fact
C actions expressing annoyance
D repeated or usual actions
E actions in progress
Marks: …… / 5

3 COMPLETE the text with the past simple or continuous of the

verbs in brackets.
Yesterday afternoon, Mary and Liz (0) went (go) shopping in the
High Street. They (1) (look) for something
to wear to the party on Saturday evening. At last, after trying
what they wanted. Unfortunately, at the cash desk, Mary
(3) (discover) she had no money on her.
Liz (4) (lend) her some money to pay
for her dress.

Marks: …… / 4
Guided test

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TEST ENTRY TEST BUILD UP TO B2 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

4 Choose the correct alternative.

1 Robert had / was having a shower when the phone was ringing /
2 Many Americans ask themselves ‘What did I do / was I doing
when Robert Kennedy was assassinated?’
3 The storm broke out / was breaking outMXVWDVWKHSODQHZDV
Marks: …… / 3

5 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct past participle of

the verbs in the box.
fall / buy / write / have

Example: Have you ever had a terrifying experience?

1 Michael has a best selling novel.
2 Robert has in love with a girl he met last night.
3 +DYH\RXMXVW a new car?
Marks: …… / 3

6 WRITE sentences using the prompts below and the present

Example: have / you / ever / eat / Indian / food?
Have you ever eaten Indian food?


3 have / you / meet / your / neighbours / yet?

Marks: …… / 3
Guided test


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7 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

Example: I can hear thunder. It will / is going to rain.
1 What time does / will / is \RXUɠLJKWWR/RQGRQOHDYH"
2 You are very busy. I am going to do / will do / do the shopping.
3 I am going to / will / am spend six months in the United States
next year.
4 Weather forecasts say this summer is / will / is going to be very
Marks: …… / 4

8 MATCH the sentences with the corresponding use from the

options below.
0 If you don’t water the plants, they will die.
because we have to buy tickets.
2 Promise me you will take a taxi to come home from the party.
A intention
B promise
C 0 inevitable future action
D planned action
Marks: …… / 3

9 WRITE what you would say in the following situations using

the ideas in the box.
talk to her boss / put some pictures on the walls / study more /
take a holiday

Example: You look tired. You should take a holiday.

1 Alice works very long hours.

2 Our sitting room is very plain.

Guided test

Marks: …… / 3

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TEST ENTRY TEST BUILD UP TO B2 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

10 COMPLETE the second sentence using modal verbs.

Example: In the past it was not possible for people to have a
computer at home.
In the past people could not have a computer at home.
Our teacher is very demanding so our test be
3 I’m not sure I’ll come to the party tomorrow night because nobody
can give me a lift home.
I not come to the party tomorrow night
because nobody can give me a lift home.
Marks: …… / 3

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 35
Guided test


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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the sentences. UNIT
Example: They say that having a good laugh / having rows TEST
Unit 1
with friends is the best medicine. Guided
1 Ann and Jeremy have only been making up / going outIRUɟYH
2 Do you have fun / get on well with your new colleague?
3 I often hang out / get on with my friends at the shopping centre.
4 My brother and I often argue but we go out / make up.
Marks: …… / 2

2 COMPLETE the sentences using the words in the box.

a row / talk about / sharing moments / in touch / feel close to

Example: My grandma died a few years ago but just looking across
the sea makes me feel close to her.
1 We are still with the people we met during
our cruise in the Mediterranean.
2 I had with my boyfriend last night. We are
always arguing.
3 ‘Who do you your problems with?’ ‘With
my elder sister, I feel she understands me.’
4 of joy with others can easily be seen as
life’s most exciting moments.
Marks: …… / 4

3 MAKE nouns from the words given to complete the

Example: Freedom of speech is restricted in some countries.
1 The marathon is a test of . (ENDURE)
2 Joseph entered the national high school basketball

competition. (CHAMPION)
3 There was a lot of in preparation for the
Guided test

American President’s visit. (ACTIVE)


Marks: …… / 3
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

4 COMPLETE the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs
in brackets. Use the present simple, present continuous,
present perfect simple, present perfect continuous and the
past simple.
Meghan and Rick are old friends. They meet by chance at a train
Meghan: Hi, Rick. I (0) haven’t seen (not / see) you for ages!
How are you?
Rick: Fine, thank you. How about you? You
(1) (look) good.
Meghan: Thanks, you too. (2)
(you / go) somewhere or are you going to meet anybody?
Rick: I’m going to Manchester for a business meeting. And you?
Meghan: I (3) (wait) for a friend
of mine for nearly an hour but her train has been delayed.
Rick: Are you working at the moment? The last time I
(4) (speak) to you, you had a job
in a travel agency.
Meghan: Yes, that’s right. Unfortunately, the company
(5) (go) out of business and I’ve
lost my job.
Rick: (6) (you / not / have) a job
since then?
Meghan: Not a permanent job. I’ve had a few temporary jobs.
Rick: I have to go and catch my train now. It was good to see you.
Take care!
Meghan: Bye. Have a good trip!
Marks: …… / 6
Guided test


5 COMPLETE the text with the present simple, past simple,

present perfect simple and present perfect continuous of the
verbs in brackets.
Chess (0) is a very popular game which (1)
(originate) in East Asia many centuries ago. Those who
(2) (already / play) it, and those
who do it regularly, know that it is an amazing game.
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It (3) (teach) you a new way of thinking.

Although it has a set of rules which are easily understood, it
requires a lot of practice in order to defeat a skilled opponent.
My friend Sam (4) (play) chess since he
was 6 years old. He has always liked playing this game and he often
plays with his friends.
Marks: …… / 4

Reading and Use of English

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 1
6 MULTIPLE-CHOICE CLOZE. For questions 1-6, read the text
gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Good neighbours
When we talk about (0) GETTING on with people, we
immediately think about our relationship with our family and friends.
How about our relationship with our neighbours? How many of us
actually take the time to (1) problems or
moments of joy with our neighbours?
Today’s lifestyle doesn’t encourage friendship between neighbours.
Most people (2) straight to work every
morning and into their garage at night. It is very easy not to know
anything about their neighbourhood. However, you need to realise
that taking the time to (3) your neighbours
is very important. According to safety experts, neighbourhoods
become safer and friendlier when the people living there feel
(4) each other.
So how can you be a good neighbour? First of all, you can smile and
say hello every time you see your neighbours, and if you have time,
talk about local problems or perhaps (5)
together. Once you get to know your neighbours better, you can form a
neighbourhood watch programme of mutual help where everyone keeps
an eye on what is happening in your street. Cultivating bonds between

relationships will not only help you make friends, but also build a strong
Guided test

and safe (6) .

Adapted from
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TEST UNIT TEST UNIT 1 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

0 A get B to get C getting

1 A share B have C get
2 A drove B drive C are driving
3 A hang in with B hang out by C hang out with
4 A close to B close C closed by
5 A get a laugh B have laugh C have a laugh
6 A community B acquaintance C communication
Marks: …… / 6

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2

7 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-5, read the text below and
word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Why I love being part of a team
I’ve (0) BEEN in a team of some sort since I was 4 years
because I love making new friends and learning something new. When
,ɟUVW(1) to college, I told myself
I (2) not need to do a sport, that I would
decided to give cheerleading a chance and be part of a team again.
There is no greater feeling than knowing that you are close
(3) others and sharing moments of joy with
them. The friendships you make along the way are by far the best
part of being in a team. I have met so many unbelievably amazing
girls that ended up being some of my (4)
friends through the many teams I have been a part of. All of
these girls are so talented and I am proud to say I am still in
(5) with them all.
Guided test


Adapted from

Marks: …… / 5

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FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 5

8 MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS. Read the article. For
questions 1-5, choose the answer (A, B or C) which you think
The most important relationship in your life
We hear a lot these days about whether a person is an introvert or an
extrovert. But while whether you are an introvert or an extrovert is
important, it’s only half of the picture when it comes to the important
relationship dynamics in your life. Introversion and extroversion have
to do with how you relate to others – interpersonal relations. But that
is just one kind of relationship. What about the other relationships, the
most important one? I’m talking about intrapersonal relationships – or
how you relate to yourself.
How often have you found yourself feeling angry, and out of sorts, but
not at another person, or group of people – you’re just angry? This is
background anger. Anger that comes from your having failed to meet
expectations that you’ve placed on yourself. Even expectations that
others have placed on you won’t hold a candle to the ones that you’ve
internalised yourself.
These internalised expectations are often far from realistic, which is
what makes them so harmful. And those of us who are actively engaged
in self-improvement, whether it be through reading books and articles,
taking classes, or other means, tend to have the most unrealistic
demands of all. We have a lethal combination: we are great at being
critical of ourselves, we are passionate about improvement, and thus
we place high expectations on ourselves – ones that we passionately
hammer into our subconscious minds.
So when you (unsurprisingly) fail to meet those unrealistic demands that
you’ve placed on yourself, you create a cognitive dissonance – a space
between how you perceive you should be and how you feel you actually
are. Anger, sadness, anxiety, and the related negative emotions are a
result of that. You feel a distance between who you expect yourself to
be, and who you are. How you treat yourself is ultimately how you treat

others. The relationship you have with yourself is the foundation for all
of the other relationships in your life. If you tend to harshly judge and
Guided test

blame yourself for even small things, you will likely do that for others –
especially those close to you.
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So how can you treat yourself better? You can write down your feelings
– not your judgements about your feelings – but just how you’re feeling.
Keeping a diary helps to create distance between your reactions and
your actions, between your emotions and your choices. Avoid making
judgements about others – how they feel, what their desires and
motives are, and the like. That will keep the focus where it needs to
be, on yourself. You are not the thoughts you think. You are not the
emotions you feel. Those things pop into your mind, and you then
choose how to relate to them, but they are not who you are. Remember
really love and nurture yourself is necessary in order to really love and
nurture others in any sustainable way.
lot of initial work, and a lot of maintenance. It requires changing your
disposition from being critical to being compassionate – to yourself and
to others. Of all the various people who come and go in your life, one is
always there – you. The more you understand, accept, love, and nurture
yourself, the better your life will be.
Adapted from

the most important?
A The interpersonal relationship.
B The relationship with others.
C The intrapersonal relationship.
A The frustration of not achieving what others think you should.
B The angry feeling of knowing others expect too much of you.
C The frustration of not achieving self-imposed expectations.
Guided test


2 Who have the most unrealistic expectations, according to the writer?

A Those who are most concerned with improving themselves.
B Those who care the most about others’ feelings.
C Those who have passionate natures.

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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

3 What does the word ‘that’ refer to in line 27?

A It refers to a cognitive dissonance.
B It refers to how you see yourself.
C It refers to how you actually are.
4 How does keeping a diary of your feelings help your relationship
with yourself?
A It creates a distance between what you want and what you need.
C It helps keep your focus on yourself rather than on others.
according to the article?
A It makes you more compassionate and peaceful.
B It improves your relationships with others and your life in general.
C It makes you feel good about yourself and think less of others.
Marks: …… / 5

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 35


Guided test

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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................


UNIT 1 COMPLETE the sentences using the words and phrases about
TEST travelling in the box.
Unit 2
Guided hitch-hike / tours / trips / voyage / cruise

Example: 7KLVWUDYHODJHQF\RɞHUVIUHHtours to attract visitors.

1 Last summer I went on a holiday and had
the opportunity of seeing many famous Mediterranean ports.
2 In the 70’s young people thought it very trendy to
3 The best hotels always have daily RQRɞHU
for their guests.
experience a long sea .
Marks: …… / 4

2 MAKE adjectives from the words given to complete the

Example: 0\ɟUVWKROLGD\LQ)UDQFHZDVYHU\exciting. I had never
been abroad. (EXCITE)
1 It can be for young people to travel
around the world alone. (DANGER)
2 Their cruise around the world cost them a
amount of money. (CONSIDER)
3 The 5-star hotel in the Bahamas was very expensive and
demands. (PERSIST)
Marks: …… / 4
Guided test


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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

3 COMPLETE the sentences using the past simple of the verbs

in the box.
send back / take part in / get lost / head for / get out of

Example: Mary got lost in the wood.

1 Mark the swimming competition.
2 Susan the soup because it was too spicy.
3 Jim jail two years ago.
4 He the tower and then took a taxi.
Marks: …… / 4

4 COMPLETE the sentences with used to, would or with the

past simple, past continuous and past perfect continuous of
the verbs in brackets.
Example: She toured round France after she had been (be) to
1 As John (shop) in the duty free area his
2 The beach be secluded but they have built
a bar and now it is crowded.
3 When I was in my early teens my brother
take me to campsites abroad.
4 The passengers (wait) in the airport for
two hours when there was a bomb scare.
5 John was waiting for the plane when someone
(steal) his passport.
Marks: …… / 5
Guided test

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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

5 COMPLETE the text with would or with the past continuous

and past perfect simple of the verbs in brackets.
Last summer Mary had the best holiday of her life. She stayed at
and spend all day sunbathing and swimming. One day she saw
a man she (0) had never seen (never / see) before. He
(1) (sit) and drawing on the beach. Mary
became interested since she was an artist herself. She introduced
herself and they quickly became friends. They decided to spend
the holiday together. Every day, after spending the mornings
sightseeing in town and after having had lunch together they
(2) (go) to the beach. One day as
they (3) (talk) about their lives they
discovered that as children they had lived in the same
neighbourhood and (4) (go) to the same
school. At the end of the summer they decided they had to make
plans to stay together forever.
Marks: …… / 4

Reading and Use of English

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 3
6 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-6, read the text below.
Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines
an example at the beginning (0).
It is not an (0) EXAGGERATION to say that EXAGGERATE
see the Roman Baths, the Royal Crescent and much
Guided test


more. This delightful and (1) ORDINARY

ancient city dates back to Roman times and is steeped
in history. The Romans called the city Aquae Sulis
after the goddess Sulis Minerva and built a
(2) settlement including CONSIDER
grand temples and bathing complexes.

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After the Romans left, the city fell into decline and
was not revived until the arrival of the Normans who
turned it into a place of (3) RELIGION
south-west of London with a temperate climate, Bath
is an (4) destination both ATTRACT
for Britons and foreigners. Journey through time
and see the (5) Georgian BEAUTY
architecture. Highlights include the iconic Royal Crescent
and the majestic Circus. There’s plenty to see beyond
the city too, with the (6) IDYLL
Somerset countryside to explore as well as attractions
like Stonehenge, Avebury and Longleat Safari Park.
Marks: …… / 6

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4

7 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS. For questions 1-3, complete
the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
the word given. Here is an example (0).
0 He always spent his holidays in the same campsite but last year he
went abroad.
He USED TO spend his holiday in the same campsite but last year
he went abroad.
comfort zone.
your comfort zone.
2 She was refused entry at the border because she didn’t have the
correct documents.

She at the border because she didn’t have
Guided test

the correct documents.

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3 The small town in Portugal is becoming familiar with crowds of

tourists arriving on pilgrimage.
The small town in Portugal crowds of
tourists arriving on pilgrimage.
Marks: …… / 3

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 6

8 GAPPED TEXT. Read the article. Five sentences have been
removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-E the
Bruce Chatwin’s In Patagonia has become a classic, and one that
UHGHɟQHGWUDYHOZULWLQJ 0 F It had been a long held dream of
Chatwin’s to explore Patagonia, particularly to retrace the steps of
his grandmother’s uncle, Charley Milward, who was a globe-trotter
and family legend. Chatwin became fascinated by a piece of animal
skin he found in his grandmother’s cabinet. 1
Patagonia is a magical region breaking borders of land and culture.
It is like its own country. It spreads over eleven Argentine and
Chilean provinces, which have more in common with each other
than the countries to which they belong. 2
The book is written in numerous short chapters, similar to
photographs that capture a decisive moment. 3 Each chapter
captures the magic and myth of the region through a blending of
On my long bus journey from El Calafate to Ushuaia, I encountered
my very own Patagonia in the form of Manuel, a jolly driller from
the oil-rich Río Gallegos. He took it upon himself to be the tour
Guided test


themselves for the four border crossings and 18 hours of road that
lay ahead.
Manuel insisted on entertaining us and would point out every animal
along the route, go into the history of every statue and would line
us up at each border. In those hours I learnt more about Patagonia
than I could have imagined. 4 When he left the bus at Río
Grande, he received a round of applause.
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El Calafate has grown since Chatwin’s journey, and exists solely

as a result of tourism, acting as a base from which to explore the
famous Perito Moreno glacier. While the town appears ill-planned,
El Calafate held real charm for me. At immigration on the Chilean
border I found myself staring at the ‘wanted’ posters behind the
to watch the scenery unfold along the journey, opening up into vast
blue-coloured mountains.
Ushuaia meanwhile is its own little world at the end of the world.
5 A bustling port and sense of community give it the feel of
a real city. Apart from the classic trip up the Beagle Canal, taking
in El Faro del Fin del Mundo (Lighthouse at the End of the World),
a short boat ride takes you to Isla Martillo to walk with penguins.
It’s a fantastic experience. Here at the farthest post of civilisation,
which man walked from his place of origins. It is a symbol of his
Adapted from The Independent Argentina

A They are distinct in geography, culture and society.

B Faithful to his idea of photography, Chatwin rarely appears in his
C He was my Patagonia.
D Unlike El Calafate, it has industry aside from tourism.
E Tracking down the origin of this relic became the pretence for his
F His tales have inspired many to go in search of similar
Marks: …… / 5

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 35
Guided test

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TEST Example: She/he checks if a company is following all safety
Unit 3
Guided procedures. health and safety manager
2 She/he writes for various newspapers and magazines.


Marks: …… / 3

2 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

Example: I’ve got too much work this week. I’m going to have to
work overtime / WDNHWLPHRɞ.
1 Trains are delayed today because the railway workers have decided
to resign / go on strike for extra pay.
2 +HFDQȏWɟQGDMREVRKHKDVEHHQunemployed / made
redundant for a long time now.
3 The company doesn’t employ many people because they job share
/ contract out a lot of work.
4 The job isn’t well-paid but it is enough for me to make a living /
work from home.
5 Are you a volunteer or do you earn money / make a living for
working here?
6 If you are too busy to take phone calls, it’s important to call back /
charge clients as soon as you can.
Marks: …… / 3

Guided test


3 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct future form of the

verbs in brackets.
Example: By 2020 our company will have become (become) the
most important multinational in the country.
1 My boss (spend) all morning in a meeting
with clients.
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2 ‘What time are you leaving for the conference?’

‘It (start) in an hour but I’m leaving now
3 Who are they (promote) as the next Sales
Marks: …… / 3

4 COMPLETE the dialogue with the correct future form of the

verbs in brackets.
Jane: Hi Mark, are you going to the clients’ dinner party tomorrow
Mark: Yes and I (0) ’m bringing (bring) my wife too.
Jane: Good! By the way, remember the boss is coming today to talk
about our progress on the new marketing strategy.
Mark: What time will he be here?
Jane: Around 3 p.m.
Mark: After lunch I (1) (interview) candidates
for the new secretarial position. I (2)  ɟQLVK 
by 3 p.m. because there are over ten candidates to see.
Jane: What about late afternoon?
results of the market survey I put out last week and after that I will
be writing the report on the statistics.
Jane: (3) (I help) you?
Mark: No don’t worry, by 6 o’clock I (4)
(do) everything. We could go out for dinner and I will have a good
report ready to give to the boss.
Marks: …… / 4

5 COMPLETE the sentences with the, a(n) or – (no article).

Example: Tom is doing very well at work. He won the prize for
being the best employee of the year.
1 In Norway unemployment rate is low.
2 clients have arrived and are waiting in the reception area.
3 Our bank has branches only in Western Europe.

4 There is conference on marketing strategies for new

Guided test

employees next month.


Marks: …… / 4
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Reading and Use of English

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 1
6 MULTIPLE-CHOICE CLOZE. For questions 1-6, read the text
gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).
A dream job
(0) DO you dream of a future (1)
travelling around the world? Would you like to visit exciting new
places and meet lots of new people? Well, why not take
(2) guiding into consideration? This job
Most of the time you will be (3) ɠH[LEOH
hours, outdoors, or touring art galleries, museums and ancient
sites. You (4) have an opportunity to
learn about history and art. You (5) visit
by (6) tour company which employs you.
Finally, if you are a problem solver, this could really be the career
you are looking for. At the end of the day as a tour guide you will
feel fully rewarded.

0 A does B did C do
1 A work B job C business
2 A tour B trip C journey
3 A work B worked C working
4 A shall B have C will
5 A could B can C cannot
6 A the B a C –
Marks: …… / 6
Guided test


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FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 3

7 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-5, read the text below.
Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines
an example at the beginning (0).
Who needs a university degree?
lifelong career.
(1) skills and abilities has become OBTAIN
a continuing learning experience.
In this modern era, because of (2) ADVANCE
in technology, subjects we are taught at university will
become obsolete much more (3) QUICK
than in the past.
We will be involved in a cycle of learning for our entire
lives. Now, many (4) take EMPLOY
knowledge or skills. In the future, these periods will last a
few years.
Workers will go to school, get a job, then take a couple
(5) new career. COMPLETE
Freely adapted from The Independent

Marks: …… / 5


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FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 7

8 MULTIPLE MATCHING. You are going to read an article about
women’s jobs. For questions 1-7, choose from the jobs (A-C).
The jobs may be chosen more than once.
Women in men’s jobs
Three women talk about their experience in male dominated

A Catherine, 23, truck driver

quickly decided it wasn’t for me. My father, who owns a haulage
wheel. I am used to people’s surprise when they see me driving.
from my male colleagues, but they are beginning to accept me
because I know how to do my job. A typical reaction is like the one
I had recently, when manoeuvering out of a tight spot, an onlooker
insisted on telling me how to move my lorry, even if his advice was
completely wrong. Male or female, if you are shy, it is not a job for
you. From what I see, women in this profession are always going to
be a minority. It will always be seen as a man’s world.

B Frances, 30, coxswain

What is a coxswain? A coxswain is in command of a rescue
operation at sea. Most lifeboat crew are volunteers and most are
male. I am one of only three females in the UK in this position
of command. My choice is not so unusual since I come from a
Guided test


mates realised I was competent and could do the job properly, I was
accepted. The team is the most important thing in this job and we
facing a rescue operation, perhaps in extreme weather conditions.
are 28 members on our lifeboat crew and we do not have a rota so
when I’m called, I have to go.
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C Louise, 27, grip

have ever met this word. It is the person responsible for building
and operating all the equipment which supports a camera. Grips
and static rigs. It is very specialised gear that needs a high level of
experience to operate and move. Most women are intimidated by
the physical aspect of the job, as I was at the beginning. Some of
the kit is hard to move but it is a question of working out how to lift
People on the set would shout and tell me not to touch my own
gear, assuming that I was not the grip. Usually they take me for the
shout back.
Freely adapted from The Guardian

Which person
has to construct mechanical equipment? 0 C
has to face bad weather conditions? 1
feels her profession will always be in a man’s world? 2
thinks team work is very important? 3
says her job description is fairly unknown? 4
does a job which helps people in distress? 6
often gets unwanted and wrong advice? 7
Marks: …… / 7

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 35
Guided test

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Unit 4 1 COMPLETE the sentences using the words and expressions
Guided about crime in the box.
sent / confessed / break out / red-handed

Example: The suspect immediately confessed to the crime hoping

to get a shorter sentence.
1 The bank manager was caught taking
2 The teenagers were to prison for one
month for shoplifting.
3 It was the prisoner’s third attempt to .
Marks: …… / 3

2 REWRITE the sentences replacing the underlined expressions

with the correct collocations and expressions related to
crime in the box.
victimless crimes / illegal counterfeitingZHUHɟUVWWLPHRɞHQGHUV
end users of

Example: The teenagers got a light sentence because they had not
The teenagers got a light sentence because they
1 People who ultimately use a stolen product cannot be accused of a

2 Crimes where nobody is injured have the lightest sentences.

Guided test


3 They were accused of making copies without permission.

Marks: …… / 3

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complete the sentences.
Example: People who are suspected of a crime are at a
disadvantage if they have already been in prison.
1 The lawyer the mood of the jury and lost
the trial. (JUDGED)
2 This writing on this legal document is .
3 It was obvious to everyone that the criminal was being
and not telling the truth. (HONEST)
had . (APPEARED)
Marks: …… / 4

4 COMPLETE the sentences using the verbs in the box.
must be / may be / needn’t have carried / should be / have to /
might have to / may have

Example: The lawyer has no more witnesses, the trial may be over
by this afternoon.
1 If you tell the police you saw the thief, you
appear in court as a witness.
2 If the suspect does not confess immediately, he
a heavier sentence.
3 At the end of our trip in England we discovered that we
our passports all the time.
4 By law you answer a request to do jury
5 All the evidence presented by the lawyers is against the accused.
He guilty.

6 Many people believe that the death penalty

Guided test

Marks: …… / 6

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5 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

Example: Lawyers can / must argue a case in court only after
1 The witness might not be / ought not be enough to accuse the
2 During a trial the jury can be / must be protected.
3 The robbers succeeded in getting / succeeded to get away after
a police chase.
4 The minister had to / must have resign after being accused of
5 British lawyers have to / can wear a toga in court.
6 In some countries murderers might not be / might face the death
Marks: …… / 3

Reading and Use of English

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2
6 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-7, read the text below and
word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Why are we drawn to true crime shows?
In recent years there has been an increase in TV series about real
(0) LIFE crime. TV producers have (1)
to make true crime shows so interesting that they are
(2) to getting very high audience ratings.
These shows examine actual crime and describe the actions of
real people. Frequently featuring (3) the shows
(4) the reasons for this unhealthy interest be?
Guided test



scenes? It (6) be a fascination for death, surely!
Although many consider this morbid interest unacceptable and
immoral, it is common to see people rushing (7)
scenes of accidents, so it must be just that.
Freely adapted from Time

Marks: …… / 7
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FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4

7 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS. For questions 1-5, complete
the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
the word given. Here is an example (0).
0 0 Does your teacher know how to use an interactive whiteboard?
Is your teacher ABLE TO use an interactive whiteboard?
1 It wasn’t the butler because the police were interviewing him
at the time of the murder.
It the butler because the police were
interviewing him at the time of the murder.
2 The police caught the thief hiding in the garden.
The police the thief hiding in the garden.
3 The judge sent the shoplifter to jail for three months.
The shoplifter to three months in jail.
4 I’m sure he is the murderer because all the clues point to him.
He because all the clues point to him.
5 It is not advisable to park on a double yellow line if you don’t want
You on a double yellow line if you don’t
Marks: …… / 5
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FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 5

8 MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS. Read the article. For
questions 1-4, choose the answer (A, B or C) which you think
Juvenile crime
There has been a dramatic rise in juvenile crime in London, where
there have been more than 50 murders since the beginning of the
year. Many of these attacks involve young teenagers and are gang-
linked killings. There has been a 19% rise in killings, a 30% rise
include moped thefts, which apparently are being used to ‘facilitate’
other crimes. There is a growing awareness that weapons may be
too freely available on the streets of London and there is a need to
take action.
In the past, police were often accused of concentrating their
attention on non-white communities. This controversy over alleged
racial discrimination led to restrictions on police actions. Now there
has been a turnaround and police powers have been increased.
Section 60 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act allows Police
be a risk of violence. A total of 1,571 people were searched, using
this power, between April 2017 and March 2018, compared with
fewer than 400 people searched in each of the previous three years,
When interviewed, Police Commissioner Cressida Dick said that
most young people may never get involved in crime, but in some
communities there is very real fear that a family member could get
hurt. She went on to say that many attacks remain unsolved and
criminals are not charged. This is because it is hard to reach the
Guided test


standard of proof required by courts in many gang-linked killings.

The government has been criticised for not tackling the problem
and of encouraging gang crime by implementing cuts to police and
youth services, which are vital to prevention work. Amber Rudd, ex
Secretary of State for the Home Department, however, insists that

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there is no link between the cuts and the rise in crime. She claims
but that the crime rate is actually falling. However, research, carried
have been encouraged by the lack of police resources and the fall in
charge rates.
Freely adapted from The Independent

0 Which crime has had the lowest increase?

A Moped thefts.
B Car thefts.
C Killings.
1 What does the Police and Criminal Evidence Act allow police to do?
A Investigate non white-people.
B Search unsuspected persons in order to prevent possible violence
or crime.
C Search with precaution, to avoid racial discrimination.
A Most of the time the police haven’t got enough proof.
3 What is the main reason for the rise in crime?
A The government cuts of police and youth services.
B Not engaging with young people.
C Fall in charge rates.
4 Amber Rudd, ex Secretary of State for the Home Department, said
A the Mayor is not in control of the capital.
B crime is falling despite the cuts in the police force.
C police numbers are no longer stable.
Marks: …… / 4

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 35
Guided test

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1 COMPLETE the sentences using the words and phrases about
TEST global issues in the box.
Unit 5
Guided diversity / internationally minded / awareness / richness of culture
Example: The mixing of ethnic groups in a country guarantees
richness of culture.
1 I want to study languages because I am
2 There is a lot of talk about the of species
on our planet but no action has been taken to prevent extinction.
3 It is important to travel and gain knowledge and
of the wider world.
Marks: …… / 3

2 COMPLETE the sentences using the phrasal verbs about

global issues in the box.
deal with / calls for / sign up / came into force

Example: This test calls for a deeper knowledge of the language.

1 Human aid operators have to many delicate
moments during their work.
2 The ban on smoking in public places many years ago.
3 Did you for voluntary work in Africa?
Marks: …… / 3

3 MAKE nouns from the words given to complete the

Example: Our friendship has lasted over a long period of time.
Guided test


1 The consequences of can be both

negative and positive. (PATRIOT)
2 Some countries are criticised for the of
their police methods. (CRUEL)
3 I live in a very green and pleasant .
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4 COMPLETE the sentences using unless, in case, as long as or
provided that.
Example: Global warming will remain a problem unless
research is funded.
2 Aid workers should take extra supplies to the refugee camp
they need them.
3 I will be able to apply for volunteer work
4 He never speaks he is spoken to.
Marks: …… / 4

5 COMPLETE the sentences using the correct form of the verbs

in brackets.
Example: If world leaders were less greedy for power, we would
have (have) fewer wars.
1 If I had set my alarm yesterday, I
(not / arrive) late at work.
2 If I eat something I am allergic to, I (get)
a bad reaction.
3 When the sun goes down it (get) dark.
4 If we had not continued research, we
(not / solve) the problem of epidemics.
Marks: …… / 4
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6 WRITE sentences using conditionals and the prompts given.

Example: If / only / the / soldiers / give / shelter / to / the /
If only the soldiers had given shelter to the
1 He / wish / rich / countries / give / more / to / international / aid.

2 Some / organisations / rather / help / poor / countries / at / home /

than / give / aid.

3 Unemployment / continue / to / increase / unless / the / economy /


Marks: …… / 3

Reading and Use of English

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 3
7 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-6, read the text below.
Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines
an example at the beginning (0).
Saving species
Sudan is a 45-year-old male northern-white rhino who
had been kept in (0) CAPTIVITY . He died last CAPTIVE
week and the news of his death was met with great
protection and not out of cruelty, as some animal rights
groups claimed. Now the (2) SURVIVE
of the species rests on his daughter and the hope that
Guided test


develop new reproductive technology.
For our interconnected world it is a moment of great
(3) The destruction of SAD
(4) is as important as DIVERSE
climate change.

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Our wisdom in dealing with the issues of sustainability

and the future of our planet is demonstrated in our
(5) with animals. RELATION
The problem is that animals are being treated not as
important for their own sake, but on the basis of how
(6) they are to humans. VALUE
Freely adapted from The Guardian

Marks: …… / 6

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4

8 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS. For questions 1-4, complete
the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
the word given. Here is an example (0).
0 Let’s take our swimsuits on holiday, there may be a pool at the
Let’s take our swimsuits on holiday IN CASE THERE IS a pool at
the hotel.
1 Global warming will continue to increase if governments don’t take
steps to solve the problem.
Global warming will continue to increase
steps to solve the problem.
2 We can improve gender equality as long as governments make
suitable laws to protect women’s rights.
We can improve gender equality make
suitable laws to protect women’s rights.
3 Large-scale use of alternative energy will remain a dream while
power is in the hands of the petrol industry.

Large-scale use of alternative energy will remain a dream

Guided test

is in the hands of the petrol industry.


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4 The minister regretted that not enough people had signed the
petition for a referendum.
The minister had signed the petition for a
Marks: …… / 4

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 6

9 GAPPED TEXT. Read the article. Five sentences have been
removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-E the
How to save the Earth
There are nearly eight billion humans alive on the planet now.
0 F It is questionable that the Earth’s biosphere can support the
needs of so many people or absorb their waste on a renewable
and sustainable basis. 1 After that, we are dipping into non-
renewable supplies – actually stealing from future generations. At
the same time, we are polluting the atmosphere with carbon dioxide
at a rate that is changing the climate in a dangerous way and will
certainly damage agriculture.
Cities emerge from this critical situation like a ray of light. By
makes them better ecologically than suburbia. 2 Emptying half
the Earth of its humans is happening already. This process would be
good for the species we share our planet with, which in turn would
be good for us, since we are closely connected to all aspects of life
on our planet. The emptied landscapes would not be wilderness. On
and agriculture a proper place. 3
This vision is one possible pattern for our survival on this planet.
Guided test


Cities will have to be green. We will need transport and energy

production which is free from carbon emissions together with all the
other sustainable technology. 4 Peace, justice, equality and the
rule of law are all necessary survival strategies. If we have adequate
income and a system of progressive taxation, based on the concept
of ability to pay, this will prevent the poorest and richest from

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damaging the biosphere in the way extreme poverty or wealth do.

All these working landscapes should exist side by side. Those areas
of empty land will be working for us in their own way as part of the
health-giving context of a sustainable civilisation. 5 All this can
be done. All this must be done if we are to create a civilisation that
can be passed on to future generations. There is no alternative.
Adapted from The Guardian

A Through good urban planning, we could remove ourselves from a

considerable amount of the planet’s surface.
B All those people in cities still need to eat and food production needs
C Furthermore, all that land has to be surrounded by healthy oceans
D This includes technologies called justice and law.
E Scientists estimate that we use up our annual supply of renewable
resources by August every year.
Marks: …… / 5

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 35


Guided test

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UNIT 1 MATCH words from the two columns to make compound
Unit 6 words.
Guided 1 D sub A top
2 life B board
3 skate C styles
4 roof D way
Marks: …… / 3

2 COMPLETE the sentences with compound words from

exercise 1.
Example: Many street artists use their art to protest against urban
1 Musicians playing in often have to look
out for the arrival of the police.
2 concerts became popular as a way for
musicians to play in a more exciting setting.
3 Some people might consider
performances as a new type of visual art.
Marks: …… / 3

3 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

Example: Countries arising from ancient civilisations have a rich
artistic heritage / cultural prestige.
1 Dance and theatre are perfect for visual art / live stage
2 The Edinburgh Festival, which takes place in August, has built up a
reputation / is creative as an innovative festival.
3 A city with many museums and theatres has a lot of enjoyments /
Guided test


forms of entertainment.
4 Every year our school puts on / interprets a theatrical production.
Marks: …… / 2

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4 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct comparative or
superlative expression of the adjectives in brackets.
Example: Both Renata Tebaldi and Maria Callas were top sopranos,
but Tebaldi had a clearer voice. (clear)
reputation for being the actor in the
business (forgetful).
2 John’s acting during the audition was than
Paul’s, so he got the part (good).
3 The scenography of the musical Cats was the
I had ever seen (colourful).
Marks: …… / 3

5 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct comparative/

superlative expression in positive (+) or negative (-) or using
the adjectives in brackets.
Example: )DQWDV\ɟOPVDUHEHFRPLQJmore (+) and more (+)
popular among young people.
1 After the 1970’s, westerns became (-)
and (-) attractive to audiences.
(good) I am at guessing the criminal.
Marks: …… / 3

6 COMPLETE the sentences using like or as.

1 Ron Howard used to work an actor, now
he is also a producer.

are set in an imaginary world.

3 Virginia Woolf James Joyce were pioneers
Guided test

of the modern novel.


Marks: …… / 3
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7 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the dialogue.

Two friends are talking about a musical they have seen.
A: I went to see that new musical at the Circus Theatre last night.
Have you seen it?
B: I saw it last week. What did you think about the girl dressed
(0) than / as a hippy?
A: She was the leading actress. She was (1) quite / bit good, but
her voice was (2) highly / slightlyRɞWXQH
B: Still she is the (3) best / better singer around.
A: The male lead is getting better and (4) best / better with each
new performance. He is (5) quite / much more professional.
B: The dancing was good. Generally, the choreography was
(6) most / more stimulating than you normally see in this kind of
musical. It was the best part of the musical.
Marks: …… / 3

Reading and Use of English

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 1
8 MULTIPLE-CHOICE CLOZE. For questions 1-5, read the text
gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Better results with music
Studying while listening to music is a good habit but only if you
choose the correct type. A lot of research has been done on
this subject with the following results. As background, music
played at a low volume is (0) BETTER than loud
(1) . Pop and rock music with their
faster rhythms and easier lyrics make them more suitable for dance
and (2) activities than for studying.
Guided test


According to research by Cambridge Sound Management,

instrumental tracks are more (3) than
songs with lyrics. If the lyrics are even slightly comprehensible,
you tend to sing along and pay less attention to what you are
studying. By far the (4) choice is rock
music because its loud music and aggressive lyrics are the
(5) distractors of all. Music with a slower
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rhythm and a regular beat is more relaxing than a faster beat. This
kind of music together with Baroque music helps to create a serene
atmosphere which stimulates greater creativity.

0 A best B good C better

1 A sounds B music C instrumental
2 A performing B sporting C artistic
3 A inspiring B inspirational C inspire
4 A bad B worse C worst
5 A more strong B stronger C strongest
Marks: …… / 5

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2

9 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-4, read the text below and
word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Life is just a dream
This article is about one of the (0) MOST important fan
conventions in Europe. Lucca Comics and Games, an international
convention starting in 1998, has quickly grown to become
the second largest convention of its kind in Europe.
(1) and more people are attracted to
this festival. The event is divided into two. In the exhibition part,
publishing houses, comics and game creators have stands to
(2) their products and promote their
activities. They challenge each other to have the most interesting
displays and the best gadgets and see who can sell the most.
The exhibition takes place all over town. There are concerts, live
previews. The (4) innovative aspect
of this convention is the presence of Cosplayers, who are people
Freely adapted from Travels in Tuscany

Marks: …… / 4
Guided test

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FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 7

10 MULTIPLE MATCHING. Read the texts. For questions 1-6,
choose from the paragraphs (A-D). The same paragraph may
be chosen more than once.
The art of body painting
A History
The art of body painting has a rich history which can be traced back
to prehistoric art and culture. In ancient times, tribes used to paint
their bodies with clay and other natural pigments for ceremonies
and was an inseparable part of tribalism culture. This practice
continues today among the indigenous people in Oceania and part
of Africa. In India, Mehndi, using dyes made of henna leaves, is
practiced especially on brides. This use of henna has currently
become popular also in Western culture, especially during summer,
when an increasing number of women like to paint designs on their
hands. Today this ancient custom has evolved into an art form. But
is it art?

B Tattoos
Some critics link body painting to tattoos calling it lowbrow art. Also
known as Pop Surrealism, lowbrow was born out of the Los Angeles’
underground movement in the 1970’s and was inspired by street
of all, body painting art is temporary. Painted onto the human skin,
it lasts only for several hours. On the other hand, tattoos, where the
skin is injected with ink, last forever. Skin cells soak up the pigment
and release it when they die for other cells to pick up, so the cycle
continues. Body painting also has a richer history and experienced
a revival in the 1960’s. It developed in various forms and cannot
Guided test


easily be dismissed as an illegitimate contemporary art practice.

C Artists
A number of artists looking for new visual forms began to create
artwork on the human body. Famous artists using this medium are
Chinese artist Liu Bolin and Australian Emma Hack. As part of his
own political and socially engaged art, Liu Bolin uses his own body

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in the practice of painting himself into various settings in Beijing,

thus emotionally responding to the demolition of many areas of the
city. On the other hand, Emma Hack paints women into wallpaper,
turning their naked bodies into exquisite murals. These artists
are selling their works at auctions at quite high prices, therefore
they should be considered contemporary artists. Others like Los
Angeles artist, Paul Roustan, or the Peruvian Cecilia Paredes,
contributed to elevate the form.

D Festivals
Body painting has become more widely-accepted. Festivals take
place annually both in Europe and the United States. The World
Bodypainting Festival is a week-long festival, originating in 1998;
it has been held in Austria since 2017. Participants attend from
Italy, the Rabarama Skin Art Festival is held every year during the
event focused on the artistic side of body painting, highlighting
the emotional impact of the painted body in a live performance.
painting was opened in New Orleans. Commercially, many artists
work as professional body painters for television. They also work
increasing number of elaborate alien creations being body painted.
The debate about the legitimacy of body painting continues, but in
the end it is a question of quality, aesthetics and concepts. If an
artist respects these established norms, then we should not ignore it
Freely adapted from Widewalls
Guided test

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Which paragraph
explains why tattoos last forever? 0 B
talks about an Australian artist? 1
talks about the use of body painting for ceremonies? 2
describes the underground movement in Los Angeles? 3
talks about working on TV? 4
talks about social and political engagement? 5
mentions the use of henna leaves? 6
Marks: …… / 6

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 35
Guided test


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1 COMPLETE the sentences with words about technology. UNIT
Example: You should check if an app is free before downloading it. TEST
Unit 7
1 The on your social media page is where you write Guided
information about yourself.
2 I love to comments and messages on my social
media page to share happy moments with friends.
3 I lost all my documents because I forgot to my work.
Marks: …… / 3

2 COMPLETE the text with the collocations and expressions

about technology in the box.
take steps / acquire / rate of progress / fake tweets / engage in

The (0) rate of progress of technology has brought us many

advantages but we must not forget the more negative aspects.
Students using the net can (1) a mass
of information to facilitate their studies. This is a good thing but it
can have drawbacks if they fail to (2)
to ensure the authenticity of what they read. This also applies
to social media. When they (3) online
conversations, they must be careful because their lives could be
ruined by (4) .
Marks: …… / 4

3 MAKE suitable variations of the words given to complete the

Example: You must not underestimate the addictive aspect of
social media. (ESTIMATE)
1 You must be careful what you , you could
get a virus. (LOAD).

on your computer. (ACTION)

3 Sometimes you need to your computer to
Guided test

make it work. (SET)


Marks: …… / 3
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4 TRANSFORM the following sentences from active to passive.
Start with the words given.
promote him.
It is supposed that Robert will be promoted.
1 The computer broke down so we did not send the documents.
The documents .
on adolescents.
Recently, social media .
3 The local police have asked the Secret Service to check the
suspect’s computer.
The Secret Service .
Marks: …… / 3

5 COMPLETE the sentences using so and such.

Example: She spends so much time chatting on social media that
she never goes out.
1 My mobile is full of messages that it has
stopped working.
2 She bought an expensive computer that
she had no money left.
3 Computer science is advanced that it
allows us to work faster.
4 You have limited knowledge of computers
that there is no point in buying a very expensive one.
Marks: …… / 4
Guided test


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6 WRITE sentences using the correct form of have / get

something done and the prompts given.
Example: Yesterday / I / got / my / new / computer / deliver.
Yesterday I got my new computer delivered.
1 the / school / have / all / the / IT / computers / replace / next / week.

2 I / have / the / holiday / photos / post / on / my / phone / now.


Marks: ……. / 3

Reading and Use of English

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2
7 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-5, read the text below and
word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).
How virtual reality has changed the world
Experiences which have (0) BEEN imagined vividly cannot
be distinguished by our brain from those lived in reality; that is
why our emotions are strongly stimulated by virtual reality (VR).
VR is a technological (1) , which at
(2) on our phones. For example, in
the tourist industry, it is predicted that VR will be employed as
teleportation. You will be (3) to visit
the housing market (4) already been
discovered. Prospective buyers will go on a virtual tour of the house,
making it (5) much faster to choose a

home. As an application in shopping, it will allow you to shop and

Guided test

buy in no time. The rate of progress is certainly fast!


Marks: …… / 5

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FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 3

8 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-5, read the text below.
Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines
an example at the beginning.
How videogaming can be a full time job
Felic Arvid, also known as PewDiePie, is an
Tuber to reach ten billion hits on his channel. A new
Net record! Today, his channel has 62 million
(1) . What has he done to be FOLLOW
so famous? He plays videogames together with millions
of his fans. He has completely rethought the concept of
He has (2) criticism about the COME
counterproductive aspects of playing on computers. With
PewDiePie, adolescents (3) daily ACT
in challenging and exciting game competitions. PewDiePie
(4) numerous vlogs and LOAD
gives suggestions on the latest technology and other
(5) video entertainment. The INTEREST
most trendy and popular games are posted in installments to
keep the fans hooked with the promise of future creations.
It is an addiction which few people are able to outgrow.
Marks: …… / 5

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 5

9 MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS. Read the text. For questions
according to the text.
Guided test


A web portal for learning

You Tube is not just music and entertainment videos, it has become
an important teaching tool. You can learn anything from a great
variety of teachers without spending a penny.
Four fans of the web have decided to share their experiences and
their results thanks to this channel.
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I live in small town with only one gym which just has a few workout
machines. You Tube was suggested to me by some of my friends. As
soon as I went on the site, I found so many videos and tutorials that
I was spoilt for choice. Yoga lessons from beginners to advanced
had been uploaded by several instructors from all over the world.
After two months, I had already lost weight and learnt how to do a
headstand. I love the fact that I don’t have to leave home to keep
having to spend money on a gym subscription.

I was thrilled when I was invited to Spain for a month’s holiday by
my friend. I had always wanted to learn Spanish, and meet warm
and friendly Spanish people, above all the boys; now I had another
reason. I was also promised an introduction to her attractive cousin.
However, I was more interested in making other friends so I was
very motivated to learn quickly. Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough
money to pay for private lessons, so I logged in to You Tube and I
found lots of sites with Spanish teachers ready to give me as many
lessons as I wanted without paying. The advantage of watching
videos compared to ordinary lessons, is that you can stop and start,
fast forward or rewind whenever you want. I can watch the more
meet some nice-looking Spanish guys!

I started to wear make-up only at the age of twenty with very poor
results. While my friends were always immaculately made up, I
looked like a clown. I wanted to enroll in a school to learn, but the
fees were very high. I knew that on You Tube there were many
beauty tutorials also for beginners, so I decided to follow a famous
You Tuber and her make-up guide. In two months I had been taught

how to apply the most amazing make-up by these competent

teachers. I no longer look like a carnival mask and am not ashamed
Guided test

of my appearance. Now I am asked for advice by my friends and I

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class. My fear of him and the subject was increased by the fact that
he was such a strict teacher. I used to tremble at the idea of being
questioned in front of the whole class. Since I had failed my class
tests, he gave me one last opportunity to catch up. My mother, who
despite not being very technological, suggested researching on the
Internet. I followed her advice and found a fantastic teacher, who
entertaining. In only one afternoon I caught up on all the lessons
I hadn’t understood. It was also possible to ask questions directly
and get answers from other users as well as the teacher. My future
marks were improved by these lessons. The following day I had an
oral test and surprised myself and everyone else with my results.
Now in chemistry I am top of the class.
0 Why can’t Sophie go to yoga lessons in her town?
A She’s too far from a big city.
B The gym in her town has only weight lifting machines.
C She does not like working out.
A She made friends.
C She lost weight.
2 Why was Lola so motivated to learn Spanish?
A Her friend invited her to go to Spain.
B She has wanted to learn Spanish for years.
C She wanted to meet some Spanish boys.
3 According to Lola why is learning on You Tube so useful?
A You can meet your teacher in person.
Guided test


B You cannot watch twice if you have not understood.

C You can stop the video and go faster if you want to skip

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4 Why did Paris decide to learn make up on You Tube?

A She was ashamed in front of her expert friends.
B Schools for beauticians are too expensive.
C Schools for beauticians are for experts.
5 Why did Daniel hate chemistry?
B He was not so good in science subjects.
Marks: …… / 5

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 35


Guided test

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1 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the sentences.
UNIT Example: I accepted my friend’s opportunity / challenge to
Unit 8 climb Mount Everest.
test 1 I love water and excitement so I took up / turned down white-
water rafting which combines both.
2 In last year’s tennis tournament Robert accepted / faced the
school’s number one player.
3 Do you know how many participants / opponents were in this
year’s marathon?
4 Rachel thinks she will win the decathlon exam / contest.
Marks: …… / 2

2 COMPLETE the sentences with the collocations and

expressions for sport in the box.
run out of breath

Example: I have to train more for this year’s city marathon

1 Before our training sessions, the coach makes us do a few exercises
in order to .
spectators disturbed his .
to get the best results.
4 Even if we were at the top of the football league, the coach was
criticised for the team too hard.
Marks: …… / 4
Guided test


3 MAKE suitable variations of the words given to complete the

Example: I would rather do sports than be a spectator.
1 I can’t think of any sport which isn’t .
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2 Americans don’t like European football because they say there isn’t
enough . (ACT)
3 Australians are keen on . (SURF)
4 In baseball the are the people who are in
Marks: …… / 4

4 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct form of the verbs
in brackets.
Example: The football teams trained in the mountains to get (get)
used to the high altitudes before the Peru World Cup.
1 (walk) is the best way to lose weight.
2 Arsenal hopes (win) this year’s football League
3 The students complained about (play) football
in the rain.
4 6KHLVWKHɟUVWDWKOHWH (hold) the 800 metres
race record for six years consecutively.
5 The athlete stopped (smoke) on doctor’s orders.
Marks: …… / 5

5 JOIN these pairs of sentences using a relative clause. Use the

relative pronoun suggested.
Example: The team won the championship. The team won
yesterday. (which)
The team which won the championship won
1 Adriano Panatta is Italian. He was a tennis champion. (who)


3 Robert’s Dad was a boxing coach. Robert does not like boxing. (whose)
Guided test

Marks: …… / 3
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Reading and Use of English

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 1
6 MULTIPLE-CHOICE CLOZE. For questions 1-6, read the text
gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Young girls and sport
A survey (0) WHICH has been carried out in the United
States has found that 1,000 teenage girls are likely to drop
out of sports between the ages of 13 and 18. They decide
(1) an activity which has been proved
Girls (2) drop out, do so because they
cannot see a future career in sport. They do not want to waste
their time (3) for hours and choose
(4) focused on their school work. Some
girls regret (5) up but cannot manage
to deal with both school and sports. Scientists recommend
(6) physical activity because it helps
people focus and relax and also increases productivity. There is a
getting higher marks and accomplishing more.
Adapted from 5HɟQHU\

0 A which B where C who

1 A give in B to turning in C to give up
2 A who B which C whom
3 A to practise B practising C practise
4 A to stay B staying C stay
5 A to give B giving C to giving
Guided test


6 A to do B to doing C doing
Marks: …… / 6

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FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4

7 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS. For questions 1-4, complete
the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
the word given. Here is an example (0)
0 Warming up is important before you start doing a sport.
FLEXING YOUR MUSCLES is important before you start doing a
1 The trainer told us that it was important not to stop in a marathon.
The trainer told us that it was important
in a marathon.
2 The referee said sorry that he had announced the wrong result.
The referee the wrong result.
Why don’t you WRNHHSɟW"
4 I must not forget to check my sports kit before going to the gym.
I sports kit before going to the gym.
Marks: …… / 4

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 7

8 MULTIPLE MATCHING. Read the texts. For questions 1-7,
choose from the paragraphs (A-D). The same paragraph may
be chosen more than once.
A History
Gymnastics has a long and important history. We can see evidence
from Egyptian hieroglyphs to a well-known fresco from the Palace of

Knossos in Crete. The Greeks invented the word from gymnasium,

which was the place were males exercised without any clothes.
Guided test

Other words were ‘agon’ meaning competition; ‘athlon’ meaning

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and exercise were very important for building character. Modern

gymnastics can be traced to the educational ideas of Rousseau, who
stressed the importance of physical as well as cognitive training.
Inspired by his work, reformers in Germany started opening schools
in 1700’s which included physical exercise as part of the curriculum.
Johan Muths, the ‘grandfather’ of modern gymnastics, divided the
discipline into natural and artistic. The former emphasises the health
of the body and the latter focuses on beauty and not function.

B Famous gymnasts
Gymnastics is equally balanced between male and female
participants. Many of the world’s greatest gymnasts have come from
Eastern Europe. Larisa Latynina from Ukraine, is widely considered
to be the greatest female gymnast of all time. Other stars in this
Comaneci. Both were an inspiration for young girls all over the world
and it was thanks to their popularity that gymnastics started to have
a preponderance of young girls. However, the presence of young
because of the intense exercise and long hours of training. This led to
the use of doping techniques to delay physical maturity, consequently
altering the gymnast’s weight and centre of balance. By 2000 the age
requirement for Olympic participation was raised to 16.

C Types of exercises
Gymnastics has been on the Olympic agenda continually since
1924 for men and 1936 for women. For men the artistic gymnastics
bars, horizontal bar, and combined exercises, which combines the
scores of the other six events. For women the artistic events are
Guided test


exercises, both team and individual. Teams for international
competitions are made up of six gymnasts. In the team competition
each gymnast performs on every piece of equipment, and the team
with the highest number of points wins. There is also a separate
competition for the all-around title, which goes to the gymnast with
the highest total score after performing on each piece of equipment.
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Gymnastics is a great way to build strength, develop your core
muscles (the mid-section of your body) and teach discipline. It’s
to go to the gym regularly, every day, almost all day and follow
a vigorous resistance training programme in order to achieve the
body conditioning required for the sport. Warming up is key before
beginning any exercise. Proper stretching of key muscles can help to
prevent long term injuries and generally improve poise. In the past
gymnastics highlighted grace and elegance. Today the sport has
evolved into exercise requiring muscular strength and power. Simon
Biles, USA gymnast, showed how strength together with complicated
exercises could lead to a gold medal and three consecutive world
Adapted from Britannica

Which paragraph
describes the Ancient Greek concept of sport? 0 A
discusses the problem of doping? 1
describes gymnastic competitions? 3
explains the attraction of gymnastics among young girls? 4
talks about the advantages of this sport? 5
talks about pioneers in educational reform? 6
gives the origin of the word gymnastics? 7
Marks: …… / 7

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 35
Guided test

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1 COMPLETE the sentences using the words and phrases about
the environment in the box.
TEST natural disasters / glaciers / drought / endangered / congestion charge
Unit 9
test Example: Many cities have introduced a congestion charge to
discourage people from using cars in the centre.
1 Whales and pandas are examples of species.
2 Because the are melting, polar bears are losing
their habitat.
3 There is a when it doesn’t rain for a very long time.
4 In recent years, we have witnessed many like
earthquakes and tsunamis.
Marks: …… / 4

2 COMPLETE the sentences using the expressions in the box.

set out / waste systems / man-made materials

Example: There is a lot of disagreement about what the

best waste systems are for the disposal of rubbish.
1 like plastic take a long time to decompose.
2 Some people don’t to cause pollution but
do so because they are not well-informed.
Marks: …… / 2

3 MAKE suitable variations of the words given to complete the

Example: It really is not necessary to have so many plastic
wrappers. (WRAP)
Guided test


1 Your idea for a waste system really made an

on the local authorities. (IMPRESS)
2 Scientists must collaborate in the of new
3 The of famine is a main priority of the
United Nations. (PREVENT)
Marks: …… / 3
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4 COMPLETE the sentences using the correct form of say or tell.
Example: He said what he thought about nuclear energy but I
didn’t understand.
1 Did you your guest about the recycling
2 The minister the journalists that he had
no comments to make.
3 Why did you that there was danger of a
worldwide epidemic?
4 In your report you that global warming
was a myth.
Marks: …… / 4

5 MATCH the reported sentence (1-3) with the corresponding

direct sentence (A-C).
0 D He suggested buying an electric car as our contribution to the
1 The Prime Minister reminded his ministers that they had voted
for nuclear power.
reduce carbon emissions.
3 The Mayor refused to listen to the residents’ complaints about
the recycling strategies.

reduce carbon emissions.’
B ‘I won’t listen to your complaints about the recycling in your area.’
C ‘Remember that you all voted for nuclear power.’
D ‘Why don’t we make a contribution to the environment and
buy an electric car?’
Marks: …… / 3
Guided test

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6 REPORT the following statements making all the necessary

changes. Begin each reported speech with He said… .
Example: ‘I’ve never seen so much plastic pollution in a sea.’
He said he had never seen so much plastic pollution
in a sea.
1 ‘By 2020, we will have reduced carbon emissions by 20%.’

2 ‘People who hunt for rhino tusks will be imprisoned.’

3 ‘We would have changed the city water systems if we had had the

Marks: …… / 3

7 REPORT the questions starting each sentence with They

asked… or They wanted to know…
Example: ‘Are you going to continue your support for the anti-
nuclear campaigners?’
They asked him if he was going to continue his
support for the anti-nuclear campaigners.
1 ‘What are you doing about the problem of violence against women?’

2 ‘Have you made any progress in reducing unemployment?’

Marks: …… / 2

Reading and Use of English

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2
8 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-5, read the text and think of
Guided test


gap. There is an example at the beginning (0)
Water (0) POLLUTION is one of the most worrying problems
facing our world. 22-year-old Boyan Slat, from Holland has found a
him while on holiday. He said that when he was in the Azores, he
saw more (1) wrappers and bags than
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sea?’ He (2) out to challenge himself
and in 2015 he founded his (3) called
Ocean Cleanup. A group of experts have been participating with
catches the plastic as the sea currents push it along. During an
appearance on Ted Talks, Slat said that prevention and education
(5) not enough to save the planet.
Freely adapted from Ambiente

Marks: …… / 5

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4

9 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS. For questions 1-4, complete
the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
the word given. Here is an example (0).
0 The voters said: ‘The government is irresponsible.’
The voters ACCUSED THE GOVERNMENT OF BEING irresponsible.
1 They tried to help the refugees leave the war zone.
They the refugees leave the war zone.
2 The scientist said: ‘I think that climate change is overestimated.’
The scientist overestimated.
3 Robert asked: ‘Is your plan to volunteer for Doctors Without
Robert asked volunteer for Doctors
Without Borders.

Guided test

Marks: …… / 4

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FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 6

10 GAPPED TEXT. Read the article. Five sentences have been
removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-E the
Small actions to save the planet
Have you ever heard of Environmental Activism? It is a peaceful
form of activism and doesn’t mean tying yourself to a tree and
being arrested. Anyone can be part of the movement by simply
carrying out small daily actions, both inside the home and out. They
means buying products made of recycled materials, using minimal
packaging and coming from renewable sources. 0 F That way
the product will not have travelled far to get to your shop. Go to
farmer’s markets, shop locally. You will be supporting your local
producers and cutting demand for products from large companies.
Remember they are the ones who are largely responsible for
producing a great deal of waste – they tend to use excessive plastic
What do you do with extra food or even clothing and other
household items? Before throwing anything away, ask yourself these
questions: ‘Can it be donated? Can it be saved or recycled?’ 1
Find a local shelter or organisation which will gladly take what you
no longer want. This gives the concept of donating a whole new
What can be done about global warming and the problem of
pollution from gas emissions? Norway has declared that by 2025
only electric cars will be circulating in their country. This is truly
a good piece of news. 2
Guided test


In the meantime, we can easily cut

down on our use of cars. Choose public transport. It’s cheaper and
more eco-friendly. If you must drive, you can choose carpooling and
share with others. This will cut down on the number of cars on the
road. 3 You will be saving the planet but also saving money by
In the home, there are endless things that can be done. First of

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all, water must not be wasted. It’s true that 75 percent of the
world’s surface is covered by water, but only one percent of that is
drinkable. There are people on the planet with no water to drink,
tap when brushing your teeth. 4 If your car is dirty go to a
car wash. They use half the water you would to do the same job.
Don’t run dishwashers and washing machines on half empty loads.
leaving a room. You should also buy low wattage lightbulbs.
What can be done on a larger scale? As individuals, we cannot stop
big multinationals from cutting down the Amazon but in our own
small way we can cut down on the use of paper. Now that we have
computer technology we should take advantage of it. 5 When
paper documents are indispensable remember to use both sides, on
recycled paper, of course!
These are just a few of the things we can do personally to help save
Freely adapted from Infographic

A Save more water by having a shower instead of a bath.

B The dustbin is the last resort and should be avoided if possible.
C We don’t need bills or emails to be in paper form.
D Better still ride a bike or walk whenever possible.
E We can only hope that other countries will follow their example.
F Choose to buy food which is not imported and comes from
your local area.
Marks: …… / 5

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 35
Guided test

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UNIT 1 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the sentences.
Unit 10 Example: Sara needs money. Can you lend / borrow her some?
test 1 I wanted to know how much money I had in my account so I asked
for my bank statement / credit card.
comfortable because you do everything from home.
3 You should open a current account / savings account if you want
to be paid interest.
4 The richest men in the country are worth / pay for a lot of money.
Marks: …… / 2

2 COMPLETE the sentences with the words and expressions

about money and business in the box.

Example: When you are 18 you can open a bank account without
your parents’ permission.
1 I don’t have to wait for the bank to open, I can use the
2 My gives me advice about investments.
3 A is so useful so as not to carry any cash.
Marks: …… / 3

3 COMPLETE the sentences with the phrasal verbs and

collocations about money and business in the box.
set his sights on / lose count / came down to / take the plunge

Example: Why don’t you take the plunge and invest in a startup?
Guided test


1 Concentration is important if you are a bank clerk or you will

of what you are doing.
2 He is very ambitious and has becoming a
3 Robert got the promotion instead of Sally because it
the fact of gender discrimination.
Marks: …… / 3
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4 MAKE verbs in a suitable tense from the words given to

complete the sentences.
really darkenedWKHPRRGLQWKHRɡFH
1 I am going to explain the procedures for opening an account and try
to them for you. (SIMPLE)
2 Has the boss how much extra help we will
need over the Christmas period? (QUANTITY)
3 2XURɡFHPDQDJHU the new secretaries
Marks: …… / 3

5 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the sentences.
Example: The manager’s wrong decisions made / let the company
close down.
1 My colleague allowed / got me to deal with the clients because she
was too busy.
working hard.
3 Online banking gets / allows you to carry out transactions from
the comfort of home.
4 He got / let me to invest in a new startup because it was a
promising venture.
Marks: …… / 2
Guided test

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6 REPLACE the expression using get in each sentence with the

correct form of the verbs in the box.
manage to deal with / understand / receive / be on friendly terms with


ordinary credit?
funding and ordinary credit?
1 ,ɟQDOO\got through all the complicated paper work.

2 My colleagues are very arrogant and I don’t get on with them at all.

3 Did you get this month’s bank statement?

Marks: …… / 3

7 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

Example: Time banking is a tremendous resource because / thus
1 I am useless at IT so / because I went to Time Banking to
exchange English lessons with an IT expert.
2 As a result / Consequently of unexpected funding, I am thinking
of launching a startup.
3 His company went bankrupt so / because of the collapse of Wall
4 Many people consider online banking unsafe consequently / as
they don’t use it.
Marks: …… / 2

Reading and Use of English

Guided test


FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 1

8 MULTIPLE-CHOICE CLOZE. For questions 1-6, read the text
gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Swish it to me
In everyday life about 80% of all (0) PAYMENTS are made
with credit or bank cards, (1) and mobile
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phones. In Sweden, cash has been (2)

even more unpopular because of Swish. This is a mobile
app which allows people to make small payments.
(3) originally it was used by sports clubs,
small restaurants and kiosks as payment for food and beverages at
small events where a credit card reader was too expensive, it soon
(4) a more complete payment form. What
does Swish have that got both customers and small shopkeepers to
accept the system? Swish is better (5)
it is free so shopkeepers economise. It provides immediate transfer
of money and its intuitive app has (6)

0 A payments B deposits C debit cards

1 A bank statements B bank transfer C online banking
2 A let B made C had
3 A Although B Accordingly C Thus
4 A turned into B turned out C turned up
5 A so B thus C because
6 A simply BVLPSOLɟHG C simple
Marks: …… / 6

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 3

9 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-6, read the text below.
Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines
an example at the beginning (0).
Pocket money
Is (0) GETTING pocket money important for children GET
and young teenagers? Not all parents give pocket money.
They buy things that children need whenever necessary.
Financial (1) however claim ADVICE
that giving a weekly or monthly allowance, makes children

learn to handle money and (2) SHARP

Guided test

their awareness of its value. When is the best time to



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for parents to (3) needs, INDIVIDUAL

and (4) with their children’s SYMPATHY
problems, and then make decisions accordingly. How
much should parents let them have? This would depend
on family circumstances, consequently it is an individual
decision and cannot be (5) QUANTITY
in the same way for everyone. With the assistance
of parents, children learn to plan and budget their
(6) account so they learn the SAVE
value of saving.
Marks: …… / 6

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 5

10 MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS. Read the article. For
questions 1-5, choose the answer (A, B or C) which you think
Finance and education
A study reveals a time bomb of rising debt among teenagers.
Teenagers are under intense pressure to take out store cards and
build up debt to buy gadgets and appear rich, according to teachers
who took part in a study into what young people understand
has come to a standstill. There is particular concern about young
extortionate interest rates. The study mentions pressure from
celebrities, reality television and social media.
In a capitalist society, corporations spend billions advertising their
products while the media depict being rich as being cool. Television
Guided test


programmes such as MTV Cribs, which features tours of celebrities’

mansions, and My Super Sweet 16, about teens who ‘expect and will
only accept the absolute best’, as well as social media sites such as
Facebook, were also attacked.
The study found that students were opening store cards and building
sharp increase in older students being targeted for store cards, new
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mobile phone rates and download charges. Companies carry out

them to spend more. The report further stated that young people
products. The report was issued the same day that the Financial
Conduct Authority published its Future Approach to Consumers, which
warned that companies need to do more to protect the vulnerable.
component within the ‘citizenship’ element of the national curriculum
at key stage 3 and 4. At the time, the government said its aim was
‘to enable students to manage their money on a day-to-day basis,
and plan for future needs’. Russell Winnard, a former teacher who
is now head of programme and services at Young Money, says the
number of schools teaching pupils about money is worryingly low. It is
compulsory in every secondary school, though this does not apply to
academies and free schools. Why are schools ignoring the curriculum
requirements? Winnard says it may, in part, be down to the teachers’
subjects? According to some teachers, there is evidence that it is
teenagers themselves who are asking for more information. Most
from middle-income homes that have a worse understanding of
money. Disadvantaged households see cash physically and have a
better fundamental understanding of its value, what it’s used for
money less. One teacher told the study that parents, too, have poor
including banks. There is a risk that teenagers are being taught
an approach to money that upholds the world-view of the banks.

improving understanding so young adults are in a better position to

make choices,’ says Winnard.
Guided test

Adapted from The Guardian

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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

0 The study reveals

A that teenagers spend most of their money on gadgets.
B that celebrities are the main cause for teenagers’ debt.
C that teenagers are under pressure because of corporation
1 What should companies do for teenagers?
A They should stop broadcasting MTV Cribs.
B Companies have to have more control over social media.
C They have to do more to protect them, according to the Financial
Conduct Authority.
2 What does Russell Winnard say?
B The government does not help students to manage their money.
A They want more information from their parents.
B They are curious.
C They want to spend more time on other subjects.
A They use more cash.
B They have little understanding.
C They see money on a daily basis.
A Corporations, celebrities, banks.
B Social media, reality TV, government.
Guided test


C Corporations, schools, parents.

Marks: …… / 5

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 35

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Reading and Use of English
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 1 SKILLS
1 MULTIPLE-CHOICE CLOZE. For questions 1-4, read the text TEST
Units 1-2
I have always loved  TRAVELLING and I have test

always loved astrology. When I discovered astrological

(1) , I felt like an explorer with a brand new
according to my astrological sky. That looked like a honeymoon
to a fresh bride! When I was younger I (2)
to organise my holiday in accordance with popular opinion and
price, but far from being inspirational or adventurous. I would
select an easy (3) to reach and book a
cheap hotel which was easy to get to. After my star discovery, I
astrological trip was in January 2013: I checked the star chart
adventure. I went in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean, heading
(4) Azores Islands. I had been waiting for this
moment so long: my special way of travelling had just begun and
many other astrological trips were about to come.
 A travelling B moving C touring
1 A trips B holiday C tour
2 A got B used C had
3 A goal B destination C task
4 A in B to C for
Marks: …… / 4
Units 1-2 - Guided test

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FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2

2 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-5, read the text below and
What are friends for?
You  CHOOSE your friends, not your
become the most important people in their lives, the ones you
talk to about your problems and spend most of the time
(2) . On one level, friendships are very
simple. They are the (3) between people who
enjoy one another’s company. There is no agreement about what
friendship involves or why you hang out with with the same people.
Recent research concluded that at any time we have around 30
friends, six of whom we think of as (4) . Over
a lifetime we make almost 400 friends, but we keep in touch with
fewer than 10% of them and we have (5)
We enjoy being together and spending time together chatting or
watching a movie. We make ourselves available when needed and
expect the others to do the same.
Adapted from

Marks: …… / 5

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 5

3 MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS. Read the article. For
Jim Gallien was driving four miles out of Fairbanks when he spotted
Units 1-2 - Guided test


a hitchhiker standing in the snow beside the road, thumb raised

high, shivering in the grey Alaska dawn. He didn’t appear to be
out of the young man’s backpack, but he looked friendly enough;
a hitchhiker with a Remington semiautomatic isn’t the sort of thing
that gives motorists a desire to stop. Gallien drove his truck onto
the shoulder and told the kid to climb in. The hitchhiker swung
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
his pack into the back of the Ford and introduced himself as Alex.
‘Alex?’ Gallien responded, waiting for a last name. ‘Just Alex,’ the
young man replied.
Five feet seven or eight, he claimed to be twenty-four years old and
said he was from South Dakota. He explained that he wanted a ride
as far as the edge of Denali National Park, where he intended to
Gallien, a union electrician, was on his way to Anchorage, 240 miles
beyond Denali on the George Parks Highway; he told Alex he‘d drop
a stay of several months in the wild, especially so early in the spring.
line 22 ‘He wasn’t carrying anywhere near as much food and gear as you’d
expect a guy to be carrying for that kind of trip,’ Gallien recalls.
‘People from other parts,’ reports Gallien, ‘they’ll pick up a copy of
Alaska magazine, look through it quickly and think: “Hey, I’m going
life.” But when they get here and actually head out into the bush
big and fast. The mosquitoes eat you alive and there aren’t a lot of
animals to hunt. Living in the bush isn’t easy.’
It was a two-hour drive from Fairbanks to the edge of Denali Park.
The more they talked, the less Alex struck Gallien as insane. He was
congenial and seemed well educated. He asked Gallien thoughtful
questions about the kind of small game that live in the country, the
Still, Gallien was concerned. Alex admitted that the only food in his
pack was a ten-pound bag of rice. His gear seemed exceedingly
minimal for the harsh conditions of the interior, which in April still lay
buried under the winter snowpack. Alex’s cheap leather hiking boots

too small to rely on to kill large animals, like moose or caribou, which
Units 1-2 - Guided test

he would have to eat if he hoped to remain very long in the country. He

had no ax, no snowshoes, no compass. The only navigational aid in his
possession was an old, badly torn state road map.

Adapted from Into the wild, copyright © Jon Krakauer 1997

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UNITS 1-2 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

 Gallien says the hitchhiker looked friendly enough to give him a ride
A having noticed he was armed.
B having noticed he was too young to travel alone.
C the fact that he hadn’t told him his real name.
1 The word ‘gear’ in line 22 can be a synonym of
A water.
B vitamins.
C equipment.
2 According to Gallien (in paragraph 4), ‘people from other parts’
A think it’s very easy to live in Alaska but then they realise it isn’t.
B want to go to live in Alaska but actually can’t.
C choose randomly to go and live in Alaska but then realise it’s very
3 What did Gallien understand after two hours?
A That Alex was completely mad.
B That Alex was more intelligent than he had imagined.
C That Alex was a hunter.
4 What can we understand about Gallien from the text?
A That he’s an electrician but he prefers being a hunter and
B That he doesn’t like people who want to go and live in Alaska.
C That he likes Alex and he’s worried about him, because he’s not
well equipped.
Marks: …… / 4
Units 1-2 - Guided test


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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
FIRST Writing – Part 1
In your English class you have been talking about relationships,
friends and social networks. Now your teacher has asked you to
write an essay.
Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your
point of view. Remember to write an introduction, the body and a


Write about:
1 how social networks and relationships are connected
2 some problems related to social networks and acquaintances
3 (your own idea)
(5 for interesting and appropriate use
of vocabulary, 5 for accuracy)

FIRST Listening – Part 1
questions 1-7, choose the best answer (A or B). There is an
 You hear a boy talking about best friends.

Who has he been skateboarding with for years?

Units 1-2 - Guided test

A Joe, his best mate.


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UNITS 1-2 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 You hear a girl talking to a friend about weddings.

Is Grace going to be a bridesmaid at her aunt’s wedding?
A Yes, and she is very excited about it.
B No, and she is pleased not to be.
2 You hear a teacher talking to her class about a school trip.
What did she notice the students doing while she was walking with
the guide?
B Visiting St. George’s Chapel.
3 You hear a young man asking for travel advice.
Why is the young man organising a weekend in Paris?
A He wants to stay near the Louvre.
B It is a surprise for his girlfriend.
4 You hear two friends talking about a new motorway.
Why are the two friends against the idea of a new motorway?
A Because they think the airport is polluting the atmosphere.
5 You hear a drama teacher talking about a new play.
What is special about this production of A Midsummer Night’s
B It will be staged in the open air.
6 You hear two friends talking about a television programme.
A It shows the beauty of the coral reefs.
B It uses the latest technology to show greater depths in the
7 You hear part of a programme on the subject of pandas.
Units 1-2 - Guided test


What reason is given for Tian Tian’s failure to conceive?

B The climate in Edinburgh is thought to be too cold.
Marks: …… / 7

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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
the examiners and two students are the candidates. Use the
language box. Use the same tense in questions and answers.
• How many times have you travelled?
• Do you prefer travelling by train or by plane? Why?
• Did you travel by train or by plane on your last journey? Describe
the journey.
• Do you miss your home comforts when you are on holiday?
• What is the longest time you’ve been abroad? Was it a positive
Marks: …… / 5

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 35


Units 1-2 - Guided test

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TEST SKILLS TEST FOR FIRST NAME .....................................................................................................

UNITS 3-4 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Reading and Use of English

TEST FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2
FOR 1 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-5, read the text below and
Criminalising squatters
The government’s plans to criminalise squatting had
(1) admit that it could boost homelessness
addiction problems. This admission must (2)
followed the warnings from criminology experts who stated that
the squatting plan might lead the homeless to be sentenced
and sent to (3) instead of being helped
the police and local authorities (4) WRɟQG
alternative accommodation in order to avoid punishment. But
methods to protest against homelessness instead of occupying
Justice consultation paper, the options included creating the new
(5) of squatting in buildings, which could
legitimate occupiers from using force to re-enter their squatted
Adapted from

Marks: …… / 5
Units 3-4 - Guided test


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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4
the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
 When I saw the tourists, they were going in the direction of the
When I saw the tourists, THEY WERE WALKING TOWARDS the
1 I’m sure burglars got in by the back window, as it was open.
The burglars by the back window, as it was
2 I will call Dad only if the job interview is successful.
I the job interview is successful.
3 This job takes a long time to do, I think we must ask for some help.
This job is I think we must ask for some help
4 He managed to talk to the visitor of the gallery even though he
didn’t speak Chinese.
He to the visitor of the gallery even though he
didn’t speak Chinese.
Marks: …… / 4

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 7

3 MULTIPLE MATCHING. Read the texts. For questions 1-6,

A – Jamal
Units 3-4 - Guided test

Last summer I worked for one month at a computer store in a

nearby town. I had to commute to the shop every day and the

journey took me one hour in the morning and one hour back in the
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UNITS 3-4 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

hours a day, the boy doing the shift after mine was always late or
sick, so I had to do overtime very often. In the end, this was really
time-consuming. Considering that I did it only to acquire some extra
knowledge on software and hardware and that the pay was not so
high, I can’t say it was a positive experience. For sure, next year
I’m not going to apply again; I think I will choose to do something
from home, such as graphic designer, to have more time for myself
and enjoy my holidays properly.
four weeks in June and July working there. The job was varied and
I was able to do new tasks every day; moreover, I got on well with
the owner who was always eager to teach me something.
The only negative experience I had happened just before closing
time one day: we noticed a young woman trying to shoplift some
plastic vases on the shelves. We pointed it out to her calmly and,
and opened her bag, where we found some other objects she had
previously stolen. We didn’t call the police and let her go; I must
admit this was quite an experience!
C – Alex
Two years ago, my brother opened a comic book shop with a friend
and I have been helping them in summers since. I do it for free, but
I think it’s the ideal job for me, as I am really into comics, TV series
and tabletop games. As a matter of fact, there is a room in the shop
where people can meet and play games; one of my duties is to keep
track of the bookings of this room and make sure everything runs
smoothly there.
Units 3-4 - Guided test


have a look at some Star Wars miniatures, as he is a big fan of
asked me for directions to get lunch somewhere! It was the most
memorable day of my working life.

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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
The director of the gospel choir I sing in during the year asked me
to teach children this summer. This couldn’t be called a full-time job,
as I was working only two days a week for two hours, and didn’t
earn enough to make a living, yet it was still quite challenging.
I accepted because I would like to become a music teacher in the
future, so I thought it would be an excellent learning opportunity. I
didn’t get a salary, but the director paid for the tickets, because the
lessons were in a music school which was quite far, but still in town.
I must say I spent a very tough month trying to get the attention
of eight- and nine-year-old children who were really lively. On the
follow this career and make a living as a teacher.
Which teenager
worked using a talent he/she has?  D
worked both inside and outside? 1
didn’t work in his/her hometown? 2
chose the summer job because of a decision he/she has
made regarding his/her future? 3
worked with a relative? 4
never got bored during the work experience? 5
did a job connected with a free time activity he/she likes? 6
Marks: …… / 6
FIRST Writing – Part 2
4 AN ARTICLE. You have seen this announcement in a local

Units 3-4 - Guided test

solution. Write an article discussing the pros and cons of private


(5 for interesting and appropriate use

of vocabulary, 5 for accuracy)
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FIRST Listening – Part 3
5 1.2 08/7,3/(0$7&+,1*<RXZLOOKHDUɟYHWHHQDJHUV
the beginning (1).
A He/she thinks that by the time they’re thirty they will be working on
a specialist team.
B He/she would like information about more unusual careers.
C He/she isn’t sure that it is necessary to work hard and earn a lot of
D He/she is unlikely to take up the same career as their father.

Marks: …… / 5
Units 3-4 - Guided test


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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
have one minute to do this.
This picture shows… while this one shows…
Both pictures show…
I think… on the other hand…

Marks: …… / 5

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 35


Units 3-4 - Guided test

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TEST SKILLS TEST FOR FIRST NAME .....................................................................................................

UNITS 5-6 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Reading and Use of English

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 3
TEST 1 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-5, read the text below.
If the   GOVERNMENT let women vote, GOVERN
had no vote, and marches and petitions did not
change this, what would you do? Would you be
(1) to take the risks that came PREPARE
with the acts of violence in case you needed it? Emily
RIVXɞUDJHWWH(2) at the 1913 RESIST
in the 1960s and insists when we discuss that
violence will never be the way. But before
unless they put pressure on the governments
even (4) , through an VIOLENT
(5) world of people who saw INTERCONNECT
looking beyond was and is the key. If my mum’s
generation had not fought the injustices against
women’s rights, no future women would have been
allowed to work.
Adapted from
Units 5-6 - Guided test


Marks: …… / 5

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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4
the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
 Don’t worry! In three hours this exam will be over!
Don’t worry! In three hours this exam WILL HAVE FINISHED.
in a hotel.
room in a hotel.
2 I wish we hadn’t accepted her invitation to the cinema: we got so
If we hadn’t accepted her invitation to the cinema, we
so bored.
3 Don’t leave the tap on when you brush your teeth or you’ll waste
on when you brush your teeth, you’ll
waste water.
In my opinion, classical painting modern
painting to understand.
5 Dad worked hard; his goal was a rise in salary and responsibility, he

Units 5-6 - Guided test

Dad worked hard DQGKHɟQDOO\

Marks: …… / 5

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UNITS 5-6 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 6

3 GAPPED TEXT. Read the article. Four sentences have been
removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-D
keeps his identity secret. He produces pieces of work which appear
in public places, such as on the walls of buildings and his art has
got a particular style which people can easily recognise.  E An
installation is when an artist builds or constructs works of art in a
particular space in order to hold a special exhibition there.
He began spray-painting trains and walls in his home city of Bristol
in the early 1990s, but in the 2000s, he expanded his work beyond
Bristol and was soon leaving his artistic mark all over the world.
ferry port in Dover. It is believed to be the work of Banksy and it
clearly shows strong criticism against Britain’s decision to leave the
His identity is unknown, although many people try to guess who
he is. 2 Despite these rumours, Banksy’s true identity is still
unknown; he has made some declarations about his art and his
almost nothing’ and ‘If you want to say something and have people
listen, then you have to wear a mask’ are the two most important.
Units 5-6 - Guided test


politically and for his use of stencils. Banksy copied this visual style
and personalised it; he uses stencils to do his work. This allows him
to create his paintings with great detail in a short amount of time
while also remaining anonymous.
3 He created it using a stencil and originally painted it onto the
wall of a printing shop in Shoreditch in London in 2002. In 2017,
people voted it the nation’s favourite artwork.

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His artwork can be rebellious and delivers a political message;
moreover, many people love his art, but many consider it to be
vandalism. The debate is about why Banksy’s work can be protected
even put in prison for doing the same thing.
Banksy was an artistic celebrity by the early 2000s and his work
would sell for a lot of money. 4
When Banksy leaves his artwork on buildings, there can sometimes
be arguments about who owns the pieces and what a town can do
with them, as they are very valuable. Sometimes people want to sell
them to raise money for charity, while others think they should stay
where they are.
Adapted from:

A In an auction in 2008, a piece of work was sold for just over £1

B For example, in 2008 the newspaper the Mail on Sunday revealed
who they thought he was.
C The piece of a girl letting go of a heart-shaped balloon is one of
Banksy’s most famous artworks which shows this typical style.
D He quickly became well known as an artist who would make fun of
big companies and send political messages through his work.
Fish Sticks.
Marks: …… / 4
Units 5-6 - Guided test

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UNITS 5-6 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

FIRST Writing – Part 2
of social action and activism for a new section called ‘Women
and men who changed the world’.
Who is that person?
Would you have done the same in that situation?
(5 for interesting and appropriate use
of vocabulary, 5 for accuracy)

FIRST Listening – Part 2
5 1.3 SENTENCE COMPLETION. You will hear a student
The Global Awareness Day is taking place at Jane’s school for
the  VHFRQG\HDUrunning. Her class can choose between
(1) and diversity. After a long class
discussion, Jane’s class chose to dramatise diversity and produce
art work to display other issues. Immigration as an issue will be
staged by (2) as will problems like famine and
drought in the environment.
Jane feels there’s not a lot of preparation time before the chosen
Units 5-6 - Guided test



interesting, more stimulating and (3) than
the richness of culture in a wider world. A larger group in the class
hope to obtain permission to create a (4)
mural display about the right to education. Another group will tackle

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the issue of gender discrimination urging women’s full and
(5) in political, economic and public life.
with a huge board representing a boat (6)
encouraging participants to imagine themselves in that situation.
Marks: …… / 6

What’s your opinion on the topic?
How do you feel about this idea?
Do you have anything to add?
Marks: …… / 5

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 35


Units 5-6 - Guided test

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UNITS 7-8 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Reading and Use of English

TEST FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 1
FOR 1 MULTIPLE-CHOICE CLOZE. For questions 1-6, read the text
Stating that exercise can become addictive just like drugs might have
a biological reason. You’ve probably heard of ‘runner’s high’ and ‘yoga
bliss’: feelings of euphoria that can come after periods of exercise.
And maybe you’ve heard people talk about how they ‘have’ to be on
is exercise a potent enough ‘drug’ that it can literally make a person
an addict? Do some people really need to (2)
exercise can be addictive for some people but
they’re the exception. Sports psychologists, who have been asked
the research that has been (4) out, suggests
people, those who push too hard and exercise when they’re injured or
exhausted. So (5) you are about to lose your
job because of your gym habit, you’re probably not truly ‘addicted’ to
exercise. So, being out of (6) but responsibly
means they aren’t addicted; they’re what sports scientists refer to as
‘committed exercisers’.
Adapted from
 A MRLQLQJ B join C to join
Units 7-8 - Guided test


1 A moving B move C moved

2 A pull B lead C push
3 A Doing B0DNLQJ C Creating
4 A taken B carried C pushed
5 A provided B if C when
6 A stomach B breath C sore
Marks: …… / 6
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 4
the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
 She started running in the park thirty minutes ago and she is still
She HAS BEEN RUNNING FOR thirty minutes.
1 Five years ago I decided never to buy online because I heard about
cyber crimes.
Five years ago I decided because I heard
about cyber crimes.
sit down.
I ran 10 kilometers and , so I had to sit
3 The English teacher’s voice was very calm and I nearly fell asleep.
The English teacher spoke I nearly fell
4 I really can’t replace the broken piece of the computer myself, I’ll
ask the technician to do it.
I’ll as I really can’t do it myself.
5 The thieves stole my computer outside the Public Library.
0\FRPSXWHU outside the Public Library.

Marks: …… / 5
Units 7-8 - Guided test

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UNITS 7-8 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 5

3 MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS. Read the article. For questions
Green entrepreneur Arthur Kay wants the red buses of London to
capital in a few weeks. ‘We are going through a period of change
where we are moving from a fossil-fuel based society to one that is
The biochemical method by which oil is extracted from a pile of
grounds through what’s known as hexane extraction. It extracts
line 12 around 15 to 20% of oil and the remaining mass is turned into bio-
mass pellets which can be burnt as fuel in wood burners. And, said
can be made out of anything.
In 2009, the EU decided that by 2020, 10% of transport in member
nations should be powered by renewable energy. Since then there
have been concerns about certain bio-fuels, such as ethanol which
using the crops for food; making such material on a large scale
scale is also problematic because it requires land to grow. As a
Units 7-8 - Guided test


result, more attention has been focused on bio-fuel that can be

Some cities are choosing more conventional routes to improve air
quality with many following policies that favour electric vehicles.
Beijing is the latest to announce plans to convert its 70,000 taxis to
electric, they are engaging in it from this year at a cost of around 9
billion yuan.
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Norway has currently got the world’s highest number of electric
cars per capita. Cars with combustion engines are heavily taxed
here, while electric vehicles pay almost no tax. Owners also get free
access to toll roads, ferries and parking at public car parks.
Back in London, car-maker Ford is partnering with Transport for
London and taking steps to pilot electric-only vans in the city. The
number of commercial vehicles has increased by 12% in cities
as more and more people use fast deliveries of online goods. ‘As
cities grow, and London is growing by the equivalent of two full
line 42 Tube trains every week, there will be a continuation of that trend,’
said Graham Hoare, Ford’s chief engineer. Delivery vans are a
familiar sight in cities and running them on clean fuel could make a
Ford’s trial will see 20 plug-in hybrid vans on the roads that
will complete ‘the majority of drives’ in electric mode, with a
conventional engine available to be used on longer trips.
Adapted from

 Why has Artur Kay decided to run a start-up?

1 The verb ‘turn into’ in line 12 means
A transform.
B eliminate.
C throw away.
2 In paragraph 3, which problem connected with certain bio-fuels is
A The fact that ethanol is toxic.
B The fact that transport should be powered by renewable energy.
C The fact that there is no space to grow the raw material.

3 Which advantage of having an electric car in Norway is not

Units 7-8 - Guided test

mentioned in paragraph 5?
A Parking your car free of charge.
B Not paying when you drive on certain roads.

C Free entry to parks.

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UNITS 7-8 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

4 The expression ‘that trend’ in line 42 refers to

A the tendency to have products delivered quickly.
B the increasing number of commercial vehicles.
C the growing number of people in London.
5 The purpose of this text is to
A inform people about some forms of tax reductions.
B show two ideas to reduce air pollution.
C present a company and its invention.
Marks: …… / 5

FIRST Writing – Part 2

Write an interesting and happy story about an environmental

event starting with this sentence:

We were walking on the seaside when we saw…

Your story must include:

• a problem
• a surprise
(5 for interesting and appropriate use
of vocabulary, 5 for accuracy)
Units 7-8 - Guided test


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FIRST Listening – Part 3
5 1.4 08/7,3/(0$7&+,1*<RXZLOOKHDUɟYHVKRUWH[WUDFWV
A A leading American manufacturer is being challenged by a Chinese
C A team using this device is claimed to have had considerable
D He/she is impressed by the technology used to create this piece of
sports equipment.

Marks: …… / 4

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a chat group?
What is dangerous for your privacy on the internet and why?
How can a person be discriminated on the social media?
Which social media do you think is the most useful?
Marks: …… / 5

Units 7-8 - Guided test

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 35

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TEST SKILLS TEST FOR FIRST NAME .....................................................................................................

UNITS 9-10 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Reading and Use of English

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 2
1 OPEN CLOZE. For questions 1-6, read the text below and
test Switzerland and scientists warn urgent research
is needed
Soil across Switzerland   WAS contaminated by micro-plastic
(1) and scientists said the problem could
be (2) in other nations with poorer waste
management and that research was urgently needed to see if
nature reserves have been analysed and scientists say the particles
have been carried across the country by the wind.
Research on micro-plastic pollution has largely concentrated on the
oceans, in (4) it is found across the globe,
including the Arctic. The particles have been shown to harm marine
life and can absorb toxins from the water. Record levels of micro-
plastics were revealed in rivers; other studies have found it in
bottled water, as well (5) in beer, honey and
salt. On the other hand, almost no research has yet been done on
the particles being harmful to humans.
(6) alarming and that new studies indicated
that micro-plastics could be harmful to and even kill earthworms in
the soil.
Adapted from
Units 9-10 - Guided test


Marks: …… / 6

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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................
UNITS 9-10
FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 3
2 WORD FORMATION. For questions 1-5, read the text below.
Feng Shui makes you create good energy in your
home, and the result will be   PROSPERITY PROSPER
and richness in all areas of your life.
(1) , if you want to increase your CONSEQUENT
savings, let Feng Shui help you focus on an abundant
and prosperous energy in your house and in your
Feng Shui will show you how to place furniture in a
certain way, (2) VSHFLɟFFRORUV USE
spending and saving money in accordance with
How does Feng Shui help you (3) ACTUAL
make money?
Here are two elements worth being observed to reach
home, or in our case, your money.
What accounts do you have? The old accounts will
result in (4) energy because they STAGNATE
money, your accounts, your (5) , INVEST
etc.? Does it give you vigor, or make you feel tired?
Adapted from

Marks: …… / 5
Units 9-10 - Guided test

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UNITS 9-10 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Reading and Use of English

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 6
3 GAPPED TEXT. Read the article. Four sentences have been
removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-D
The 14-year-old Londoner Alex Philip is currently cashing in £22,000
a month by buying products on the website Alibaba and selling
them through Shopify. He took up business at the age of 11, and
he credits much to his dad, also a businessman in the Research and
Development department of a company.  E He also gave him
a valuable piece of advice; in business you must work as hard as
possible, or you’ll fail.
1 After this experience, Alex set up a candy box business. ‘I
launched a few e-stores and it was what I felt I really wanted to
do.’ Alex eventually focused on Alibaba and Shopify and, using both
platforms, set up his online store, The Cool Life, and then opened
his business model simple. At 14, Alex has the added pressure
of school, but he has worked out how to balance study with his
business. 2 ‘School takes up most of the next nine hours of my
day, and I pay great attention in class to make up for the time I
have to work on my business.’ As soon as he gets home, homework
becomes his priority, but then he spends the next few hours
focusing on the business, learning new skills and reading books on
Units 9-10 - Guided test


understand what my dad meant when he said that in business you
had to work as hard as possible, or you’d fail.’ To other teenagers,
his advice is not to be afraid. ‘Don’t worry about things not going
to plan,’ he says. ‘At such a young age we have nothing to lose if it
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UNITS 9-10
all goes wrong. 4 ’ His other piece of advice is not to focus on
making money, but rather on improving your skills, learning how to
lies. ‘This is what will take you to a new level, and make you really
happy,’ says Alex.
Adapted from

interesting products to buy and sell,’ he says.
B Alex is already making plans to improve his business career when
C That’s why I am fearless; maybe I will encounter a few failures, but
I will also learn a lot.
D ‘This was when Pokémon Go came out, so I sold Pokémon toys,
buying them at a cheaper price and putting them on Ebay,’ he says.
Marks: …… / 4

FIRST Writing – Part 2
an advertisement for a course about global warming. The
asking for the following information:

• dates and times of the course

• duration of the course
• costs of the course
• location of the course

• whether there is a discount for students

Units 9-10 - Guided test

• other

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UNITS 9-10 CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

Dear sir or madam,
I’m writing to ask for the following information:

Body of the letter

Closing remarks (Looking forward to hearing from…)

Salutation (Best wishes…)

(5 for interesting and appropriate use
of vocabulary, 5 for accuracy)

FIRST Listening – Part 4
5 1.5 MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS. You will hear an
banker is talking about banking and the environment. For
questions 1-5, choose the best answer (A or B). There is an
 According to Stuart, what is the general feeling about banking?
A That banks should concentrate on making money.
B That banks should show concern for the environment.
1 What has economic analysis been used for in the US and other
A To decide on the feasibility of environmental policies.
2 What are ‘green taxes’?
A Taxes based on a fairer system of income and sales revenues.
B A system where polluting ‘bad’ companies pay an additional tax.
Units 9-10 - Guided test


3 What is the interviewer’s opinion of the carbon tax?

A She doesn’t fully understand what it is.
B She is in favour of it.
4 What is meant by a ‘double dividend’?

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UNITS 9-10
5 Why do researchers say that the green tax probably won’t be
A Because their base is not large enough.
B Because particular industries would not pay.
Marks: …… / 5

minute to do so.
The picture on the right/left shows…
In one/the other photo there are…
Both pictures show…

Marks: …… / 5
Units 9-10 - Guided test

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 35

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TEST LISTENING TEST UNITS 1-2 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

LISTE- 1 2.1 LISTEN to a tutorial about relationships and complete

NING the table.
Units 1-2 Who… Tina Phil
test 1 thinks there are 9
many important relationships.
2 thinks there should be freedom in relationships.
3 has a motto about relationships. 9
4 talks to an uncle about problems.
5 says family relationships are the ones that last
all your life.
6 has relatives she/he has never met.
Marks: …… / 2

2 2.1 LISTEN again and choose the correct alternative.

Example: Where are the students discussing relationships?
In a social science tutorial. / At the park.
1 What does Tina appreciate most in relationships?
Commitment and respect. / Openness and honesty.
2 Why does Phil have a good relationship with most people?
Because he doesn’t expect too much from others. / Because
he is a good laugh.
Casual relationships, with neighbours or team mates or
people we meet socially. / Relationships with schoolmates.
4 What does Tina consider a test of getting on with people?
Relationships with relatives. / Relationships with parents.
5 What is Tina’s advice about getting on as a family?
Tolerance. / The ability to laugh at ourselves.
Marks: …… / 5
Guided test


3 2.2 LISTEN to a traveller talking about the Silk Road and

say if the statements are True (T) or False (F).
0 The Silk Road is a popular destination for travellers who
are looking for culture and history.
1 The Silk Road used to be famous for the sale of camels and

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2 Travellers and traders have been travelling on the road for

hundreds of years.
3 The network of routes is huge.
4 Some parts used to be impossible to visit because of the
5 Most travellers focus on visiting one city at a time.
6 The speaker has never been to the Silk Road.
7 Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva are cities in Uzbekistan.
8 Tamerlan is the Uzbek national hero.
9 The speaker’s most unforgettable experience was stargazing
in Uzbekistan.
Marks: …… / 9

4 2.2 LISTEN again and choose the correct answer (A or B).

0 The goods transported on the Silk Road used to be
A camels, horses and mules.
B a variety of goods including jade and silk.
1 Some of the countries along the route used to be
A part of the Iron Curtain.
B closed to tourists.
A historical mosques, madrasas and markets.
B native tents called yurts.
3 While the speaker was travelling in Uzbekistan, he visited
A the Uzbek national hero Tamerlane’s shrine in Samarkand.
B several impressive mausoleums in Bukhara.
4 While he was riding through the mountains the speaker camped
A in a yurt with the local shepherds.
B by a high-altitude lake to stargaze.
Marks: …… / 4

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 20
Guided test

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TEST LISTENING TEST UNITS 3-4 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

LISTE- suitable word or short phrase from the box.
Units 3-4
Guided wasting time / resigned / they will be / kind of jobs / twenty years’
Example: Susan is a career counsellor who has over twenty
years’ experience advising students on their future
2 After a couple of years, she before
getting the sack.
3 She didn’t like writing about events, she liked
4 She wants to help students avoid .
5 Some students will already have decided on their career but others
will be weighing up .
6 She asks the students to think about where they think
in ten years’ time.
7 Most careers will require a degree, or
8 Susan advises undecided students to talk to people in the
they are interested in.
Marks: …… / 8

2 2.3 LISTEN again and tick the advice Susan gives about a
future career.
1 A few wasted years are a good start to your career.
2 Try to imagine yourself in a future job.
Guided test


5 Find out about entrance requirements for your chosen course.
7 Consider your own special qualities.
Marks: …… / 4

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Read the statements below and match each statement to one
of the speakers.
Speaker 1 E Speaker 3 Speaker 5
Speaker 2 Speaker 4
A My job uses observation skills and can be dangerous.
B We are not professionals but our actions can deter criminals.
C I think there are several ideas and rules that can be learnt to help
prevent crime.
D Not all the people involved in crime are necessarily hardened
E People need to be aware of how certain actions and crowded
places encourage crime.
Marks: …… / 4

4 2.4 LISTEN again and choose the correct alternative to

complete the sentences.
Example: How do people attract unwanted attention according to
speaker 1?
By being descreet with their belongings. / By
displaying expensive jewellery.
1 What does speaker 2 suggest to his class for when they go out in
the evening?
They should not go out alone. / They should accept a lift
from someone they don’t know.
2 What is a ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ scheme?
A group of local people living in the same street or area. / A
crime series on television.
3 Why doesn’t speaker 4 have to wear a uniform?
Because he doesn’t like uniforms. / Because he needs to look

involved in crime?
Socially inadequate. / Murderers and drug dealers.
Guided test

Marks: …… / 4

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 20
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TEST LISTENING TEST UNITS 5-6 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 2.5 LISTEN to a radio programme about global issues and

NING say if the statements are True (T) or False (F).
Units 5-6 0 The United Nations is one of many international organisations
Guided that try to deal with global issues.
1 The UN’s initial goals included peace-keeping, human rights
and promoting economic and social progress.
2 More recent issues the UN is dealing with include drugs
and health issues.
4 If knowledge and awareness of the wider world were taught
5 Children can begin to learn about freedom, patriotism, equality,
identity and tolerance while still in school.
6 David Clark thinks the major issues are being solved.
Marks: …… / 6

or short phrase from the box.
economic and social / global issues / internationally minded /
universal global organisation

Example: This week’s programme of Our World is dedicated

to global issues.
1 The UN is the only truly in the
2 Apart from the organisation’s initial goals concerning peace, human
rights, international justice and
progress, there are new challenges, such as climate change,
refugees and AIDS.
Guided test


3 The UN wants to encourage people to be more

to look beyond their narrow
nationalistic view of the world.
Marks: …… / 3

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3 2.6 LISTEN to a teacher talking about an Arts weekend


CINEMA workshop in (0) the hall – including instructions and help

of the weekend.

DRAMA workshop run by a couple of professional

(1) who will work with the group to stage
a theatre production on Sunday afternoon. The show may be a
musical or could be a theatre play.

ART – 4 workshops
• Drawing
• (2)
• Sculpture
• Architecture – a well-known local architect will talk about life as
an (4) and run a workshop designing a new
sports pavilion

• Circus members will demonstrate:
• tight-rope walking
• (5) tricks
• gymnastics

There will be no (6) taming but there will be a

workshop on clowning run by a circus clown.
The circus workshops include a visit to the circus.
Guided test

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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

There will be workshops for:
• the (7)
• the choir
• trying out an instrument
• trying out singing
Marks: …… / 7

4 2.6 LISTEN again and choose the best answer (A or B).

0 Why did the teacher call for a school assembly?
A To talk about a local Arts Festival.
B To describe this year’s Arts weekend.
1 The cinema workshop will
B allow students to appear in a television programme.
A Drawing, painting, sculpture and architecture.
3 The circus workshops will include
A lion taming.
B a trip to the circus.
4 The music workshops are for
A those already enrolled in the choir and orchestra.
B anyone who wants to try an instrument or singing.
Marks: …… / 4

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 20
Guided test


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1 2.7 LISTEN to the recording and match the person to the

gadget or device they have received.
1 D the lawyer A a smartphone
2 the student B a laptop NING
3 the technology expert C a tablet Units 7-8
4 the grandmother D an e-reader Guided
Marks: …… / 3

2 2.7 LISTEN again and say who:

0 has a parent who has had extra features added to the device. the

2 has never used a similar device before.

3 had the device delivered after ordering it online.
Marks: …… / 4

3 2.7 LISTEN again and complete the sentences.

Example: I have to travel a lot for my job and this gadget enables
me to read easily while travelling.
1 Last year I was given a by my parents.
2 The is slim and comfortable to hold.
3 My grandson explained how it had to be and
Marks: …… / 4

4 2.8 LISTEN to two PE teachers talking about sport in

school and choose the correct answer (A or B).
0 The announcer thinks sport is important in education but people
disagree about

A whether sports should be taught outside school.

B which sports should be taught and when.
1 Sally would like to see sports like ... taught in schools.
Guided test

A football, rugby and cricket


B free climbing or mountaineering

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TEST LISTENING TEST UNITS 7-8 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

2 John is concerned that introducing new sports will

A mean they don’t learn any sports properly.
B give them the wrong idea of sportsmanship.
3 Sally believes that some sports are complicated to do out of school
A they require too many participants.
B they may require special equipment.
4 John thinks that PE time should be used
A to learn basic sports well.
B to organise activity weeks for white-water rafting or paragliding or
A there will be more after-school clubs.
B a new swimming pool is being built.
6 John thinks most schools have to select which sports to introduce
B they have a limited budget.
7 John says his students are motivated by
B the challenge of competing.
Marks: …… / 7

5 2.8 LISTEN again and choose the correct alternative.

Example: Sally and John are sports trainers / teachers.
1 0RVWVFKRROVRɞHUunusual / traditional sports like football, rugby,
cricket and tennis.
2 If teams don’t practise enough they are likely to lose / compete.
Guided test


3 In a normal school week there is so much / not enoughWRɟWLQWR

limited time.
4 After-school clubs should be used to introduce alternative / basic
sports like baseball.
Marks: …… / 2

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 20

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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 2.9 LISTEN to the report of a conference on protecting the

planet and say if the statements are True (T) or False (F).
0 The reporter who attended the conference was relieved by the
speaker’s positive view of the world. NING
1 One of the most important problems is due to the melting TEST
Units 9-10
ice caps in the Arctic. Guided
2 Mr Douglas said that climate change was caused by the
proliferation of agriculture.
3 He stated that no other human activities contributed to climate
4 He stated that in the last Ice Age average temperatures were
about 4° F lower than today.
5 Rising ocean temperatures give rise to more frequent storms
and climate extremes according to Mr Douglas.
6 Some natural reservoirs such as the oceans can absorb CO2
7 Individuals should think about their own carbon footprint and
not recycling.
8 He ended his speech with a warning about world temperatures
Marks: …… / 8

or short phrase from the box.
a weekend conference / storm damage / alternative energy /
oil and coal / rising sea levels

Example: The reporter attended a weekend conference about

protecting the planet and listened to a speaker, William
Douglas, who was an expert on climate patterns.
1 According to the speaker, one of the problems was to do with

the ice caps melting in the Arctic and as a result there were
2 Fossil fuels, like are responsible for the
build up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Guided test

3 Mr Douglas told his audience that rising sea levels contribute to


greater .
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TEST LISTENING TEST UNITS 9-10 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

4 Governments need to encourage the introduction of

and discourage the use of private
transport with congestion charges in cities.
Marks: …… / 4

3 2.10 LISTEN to an interview with lottery winners and

choose the correct answer (A or B).
0 What kind of radio programme is it?
A A lottery quiz.
B A news programme.
1 Where do Mr and Mrs Bennet work?
A She works in a Sales Department and he works in a Customer
B He works in a Sales Department and she works in a Customer
2 Who bought the winning ticket?
A A friend of Adrian’s.
B Adrian.
3 Their friends were shocked to hear from Mr and Mrs Bennet because
A it was late in the evening.
B they thought there might be something wrong.
4 Mr and Mrs Bennet want to change everything except
A their debts.
B their relationship with friends and family.
Marks: …… / 4

4 2.10 LISTEN again and complete the sentences.

Example: Mr and Mrs Bennet have won the EuroMillions jackpot
Guided test


1 They are not to leave their old jobs.

3 They began all their relatives.
4 They need a bit of to allow themselves to get
used to a new reality.
Marks: …… / 4
TOTAL MARKS: …… / 20
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the sentences. PERO
Example: I have close friends / acquaintances I have known all Units 1-3
my life. Guided
1 I am glad I have a sister who I can share problems with / be in
touch with.
2 I know many friends / acquaintances who I just say hello to
when I meet them in the street.
3 While we were in Paris we went on an excursion / a journey to
4 It was late so the tourists wanted to walk away from / head back
to the hotel.
5 The United States is a large country with a varied landscape /
6 Robert has found a better job so he is going to retire / resign from
7 After university I want to apply / be promoted for a job in
8 If people work from home / work overtimeZHFDQVDYHRɡFH
Marks: …… / 4

2 COMPLETE the sentences using the words and expressions in

the box.
make a living / headed for / charge / slow down / going out with

Example: My sister is going out with a new boyfriend called Mark.

1 I the hotel after a long morning of sightseeing.
2 We told the coach driver to because he was
going too fast.

3 I by selling cars.
4 He will you a lot of money to repair your
Marks: …… / 4
Guided test

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TEST RECUPERO TEST UNITS 1-3 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

3 COMPLETE the sentences using the words in the box.

strike / rows / contacts / ask / set

Example: I have many contacts on Facebook who are useful for

my work.
1 My family is very close and we don’t often have .
2 If you are lost in a strange city you must for directions.
3 Tomorrow we are going to RɞIRURXUKROLGD\
4 When workers protest they often go on .
Marks: …… / 4

4 REPLACE the underlined words or expressions with a suitable

phrasal verb or collocation.
Example: The two sisters are very close and have a good
relationship. get on well
1 I have a good group of friends and we spend time with each other
every day.
the city.
3 All the hotel guests participated in the free tour to see the city
4 Some young people are impatient to start a job and receive
payment in return for work.
Marks: …… / 4

5 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct form of the words

Example: A good relationship in a family brings happiness.
Guided test


1 Building good is very important in your social

life. (FRIEND)
2 A safari holiday is no longer as as in the past.
3 I have found a new job and they asked me to start
Marks: …… / 3
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

6 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the sentences.
Example: Have you bought / Did you buy a present for Mother’s
Day yet?
1 I would / used to like camping holidays when I was younger.
2 We KDGEHHQɠ\LQJZHUHɠ\LQJ for an hour when we had to
turn back for a technical problem.
3 The Sales Manager is seeing / will see a client at 3 p.m.
4 We will be working / will have worked harder because the
company is not doing very well.
Marks: …… / 2

7 COMPLETE the sentences with the, a(n) or – (no article).

Example: My brother is a doctor.
1 Have you ever been to United States?
2 He has found a job in Paris.
3 She is architect.
4 He is applying for job in media.
5 I love skiing in mountains in Italy.
Marks: …… / 5

8 COMPLETE the sentences using the correct tense of the verbs

in brackets.
Example: They came (come) back yesterday after they had been
(be) on holiday for a long time.
1 My mother (cook) dinner when my aunt
2 My cousin (just come) back from London and
I (see) him yesterday.
3 I (work) as a secretary for two years when

they (promote) me.

Marks: …… / 3
Guided test

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TEST RECUPERO TEST UNITS 1-3 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

9 COMPLETE the sentences using the correct form of the verbs

in brackets.
Example: He visits (visit) his grandmother every day.
1 I don’t think employment (increase) at the
2 She (make) good friends when she started at
the new school.
3 He (travel) all over the world when, in 1980,
he met his future wife.
Marks: …… / 3

10 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

Example: Paul hangs out / is hanging out with a group of friends
from the youth club this week.
1 Mary is in France and she hasn’t seen / didn’t see her family for
three months.
2 I have booked / booked our holiday hotel yesterday.
3 By 2020 I will be working / will have been working here for
two years.
Marks: …… / 3

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 35
Guided test


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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the sentences. RECU-
Example: My brother is very funny and I always go out with him TEST
Units 1-5
/ have a laugh when we are together. Guided
1 ,DPODWHIRUP\ɠLJKW&DQ,get a lift / head back to the airport?
2 I want to retire / apply for that job advertised in the newspaper.
3 During the economic crisis many workers were made redundant /
promoted and lost their jobs.
4 The shoplifter was caught red-handed / found guilty with the
stolen goods in his pocket.
5 The murderer was convicted / sentenced to life imprisonment.
6 The police did not catch the vandals so they managed to get away
with / track down the crime.
7 Travelling has given me knowledge and awareness / identity
and diversity of the wider world.
8 We need to look beyond / be awareRXUGLɞHUHQFHV
Marks: …… / 4

2 COMPLETE the sentences using the expressions in the box.

break / diversity / get lost / to resign / am in touch with

Example: Even if I don’t see them often, I am in touch with my

relations who live in Australia.
foreign cities.
2 They asked the doctor for malpractice.
3 Juvenile crime is on the rise and more teenagers
the law every day.
people and things.

Marks: …… / 4
Guided test

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TEST RECUPERO TEST UNITS 1-5 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

3 REPLACE the underlined expressions using the verbs or

collocations in the box.
job share / organised crime groups / headed for / got on

Example: I had a good relationship with my father. got on

1 When it started to rain the tourists stopped the hike and went in the
direction of the hotel.
2 People who divide the work with a colleagueɟQGWKH\KDYHPRUH
time to dedicate to their family.
3 The most serious crimes are committed by organisations that
specialise in criminal actions.
Marks: …… / 3

4 COMPLETE the sentences using the phrasal verbs and

collocations in the box.
illegal counterfeiting / victimless crime / call back / sent back

Example: A victimless crime is one where no-one is hurt.

1 The tourists were because of the risk of a
terrorist attack.
2 Mary, please the client, I forgot to tell him
Marks: …… / 3

5 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct form of the words

Example: The United Nations needs strong leadership if it is going
1 Many people consider tropical islands to be a very
Guided test


holiday destination. (DESIRE)

2 He did his job VRWKH\ɟUHGKLP %$'
WLPHLQSULVRQ &20)257$%/(
4 The of all diversity is vital to save our planet.
Marks: …… / 4
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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

6 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the sentences.
Example: We are having / have a family reunion to celebrate my
grandmother’s birthday.
1 My grandfather still goes / is going to the gym regularly.
2 I have never seen / never saw my relations who live in South
3 He went / was going to the airport when he realised he did not
have his passport.
4 He had always wanted / has always wanted to go to Niagara
Falls and now he was on his way there.
5 Probably, I am going / will go to my usual seaside resort this
6 I will have gone / will be goingWRWKHRɡFHSDUW\WRPRUURZVR,
cannot go to the cinema with you.
Marks: …… / 3

7 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

Example: My family has lived in the same house since / for
twenty years.
1 My mother has been working for / since I started school.
2 I have felt lonely for / since my brother went away to university.
3 My brothers have been arguing since / for hours.
4 My father has been in the States for work for / since two months.
used to it quickly.
6 We were used / got used to having holidays in a camper.
so now I have got used / am used to it.

they got used / were used to it.

Marks: …… / 4
Guided test

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TEST RECUPERO TEST UNITS 1-5 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

8 COMPLETE the sentences with unless, provided that, as long

as, in case.
Example: The problem of water shortage will not be solved as long
as we continue to waste it.
1 Nuclear weapons cannot be eliminated all
governments agree.
2 The hospital must be supplied with enough vaccine
there is an epidemic.
3 War zone victims can be saved we send
enough aid.
Marks: …… / 3

9 COMPLETE the sentences using the verbs in the box.

would save / would not have lost / be sent / have just been able

Example: The police have just been able to track down the
leaders of the gang.
2 If everyone followed the recycling strategies we
the planet.
3 People their home if the war had not
broken out.
Marks: …… / 3

10 DECIDE if the following sentences with wish and if only

express a wish (W) or a regret (R).
Example: W I wish richer nations would help poorer nations more.
1 I wish our country had signed the petition against nuclear weapons.
Guided test


3 If only plastic had not been invented we would not have waste
and pollution problems now.
4 I wish the clean air programme would continue.
Marks: …… / 4

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 35
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the sentences. RECU-
Example: Not many young people get / appreciate pleasure from TEST
Units 6-8
going to a ballet or even an opera. Guided
1 TV and cinema are popular visual / performing arts.
2 6RPHWLPHVLWLVGLɡFXOWWRexpress / understand Modern Art.
3 Do you have game gadgets / apps on your mobile phone?
4 To order online you must key in / log on to the company’s
personal website.
5 What information have you put on your Facebook DSSSURɟOH?
6 You can download / upload music and videos from the Internet
only for your personal use.
7 If you play a sport, it is challenging to enter competitions /
8 The opponent was not in good form so he turned down / took up
the opportunity to play against the world champion.
Marks: …… / 4

2 COMPLETE the sentences using the phrasal verbs and

collocations in the box.
put on / rate of progress / take steps / stay on task /
build up a reputation

Example: The bigger theatres have more funds to put on

spectacular shows.
1 *UDɡWLDUWKDVPDQDJHGWR and is now accepted as
mainstream art.
2 The in technology is unbelievable.
4 An athlete like an academic needs to concentrate and .
Marks: …… / 4

3 COMPLETE the sentences with suitable words.

Example: Teachers complain that students don’t read poetry and
prose or literature in general.
Guided test

1 Michelangelo was a famous as well as a

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TEST RECUPERO TEST UNITS 6-8 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

2 I want my friends to share my ideas so I

comments and articles on my social media page.
3 When working on your computer you must remember to
or you risk losing everything.
Marks: …… / 3

4 REPLACE the underlined words or expressions using the

phrasal verbs or collocations in the box.
cyberbullying / put on / push them too hard / get out of breath /
build up a reputation

Example: Artists have to work hard to gradually obtain a good

name. build up a reputation
performance for a long time.
2 Recently there has been much concern about incidents of aggression
towards others using the Internet.

4 Top athletes sometimes collapse because their coaches exaggerate.

Marks: …… / 4

5 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct form of the words

subways and bus stops 6723
1 All works of art, in one way or the other, describe the society in their
. (TIME)
2 Involvement or is a word which characterises
Guided test


3 When strategies do not work you should the
Marks: …… / 3

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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

6 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the sentences.
Example: Musicals are becoming more and most / more popular
among young people.
1 6RPHSHRSOHWKLQNWKDWJUDɡWLDUWLVleast / less socially acceptable
than painting.
2 2QHRIWKH2VFDUDZDUGVLVIRUbest / better actor in a leading role.
3 Urban art expresses the fact that people are least / less and less
enthusiastic about urban living.
4 My computer broke down last week and has been / was repaired
only yesterday.
5 AI is becoming important and it is believed / is allowed that our
6 Drones are / will have beenXVHGLQPDQ\ɟHOGVEXWKDYHEHHQ
criticised mainly for their use in war.
7 Steps should be / had to be taken to regulate the future rate of
progress of technology.
8 It is important not to avoid taking up / take up a sport if you want
to be healthy.
Marks: …… / 4

7 COMPLETE the sentences using like or as.

1 In the Lord of the Rings the actors were dressed
hobbits, which are small imaginary creatures.
3 Drama poetry, as a commercial product, is not as
successful as prose.
4 Everyone says my sister looks Julia Roberts.

5 Apps on smartphones can be used aids to monitor

6 7KHXVHRI$UWLɟFLDO,QWHOOLJHQFH drones is not easily
accepted by everyone.
Guided test

Marks: …… / 3

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TEST RECUPERO TEST UNITS 6-8 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

8 JOIN the two sentences together using so or such. You may

need to make changes.
Our computer is so old that it still has a DVD player.
1 Technology is progressing at a fast pace. We cannot keep up with all
the changes.

2 People need many IT skills. We have to continue learning.

3 There are many apps to choose from. I am confused.

Marks: …… / 3

9 COMPLETE the sentences using the correct form of have / get

something done.
Example: I need to get my photos uploaded on my Facebook page
because I don’t know how to do it.
1 My doctor advised me to install an app so I can
my health monitored daily.
2 I am additional memory installed in my computer.
3 You must remember to your computer protection
software renewed.
Marks: …… / 3


Example: D The surfers who are down on the beach are very
1 The Himalayas, which are in Asia, are the most challenging
mountains to climb.
2 The swimming pool which is near my house is always too
Guided test


3 The girl who is sitting near the referee is the new tennis champion.
population of over 9,000,000.
Marks: …… / 4

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 35
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CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

1 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the sentences. RECU-
Example: Shakespeare is considered one of the most important TEST
Units 6-10
authors of poetry / drama. Guided
1 The most popular way to keep in touch / back up with friends is test

through social media.

2 All participants / enemies in a competition hope to win.
3 The 100 metres is an exam / a race.
4 My school football team is playing a match / test against our rival
school tomorrow.
5 A long period without rain is a drought / global warming.
6 A congestion charge / carbon footprint is a tax used to
discourage the use of cars in cities.
7 The ozone layer / ecosystem absorbs solar radiation.
8 &XUUHQWEDQNDFFRXQWVJLYHQRinterest rate / credit.
Marks: …… / 4
2 COMPLETE the sentences using the expressions in the box.
on task / materials / rate of progress / stage

Example: Live stage performances in the streets is a modern form

of entertainment.
1 2OGHUSHRSOHPD\ɟQGWKH of technology
2 When taking part in a race it is important to concentrate and stay
Marks: …… / 3
3 COMPLETE the sentences using phrasal verbs and
collocations in the box.
end up / get out of breathe / come up with / lose count /

build up a reputation / fake tweets

Example: Artists need to build up a reputation before becoming

Guided test

1 Recently, there has been a lot of concern about


especially on social media.

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TEST RECUPERO TEST UNITS 6-10 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

climbing a few stairs.
3 Many detergents and soaps we use in our
water systems.
4 People who always good ideas are usually
the most successful in business.
5 She was a shopaholic and would always of
how much she was spending.
Marks: …… / 5

4 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct form of the words

during the artist’s lifetime. (LIFE)
1 You can a lot of useful apps on your
2 Gold medal winners must be very proud of their
3 Recently, a law has come into force to prohibit plastic
. (WRAP)
Marks: …… / 4

5 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct form of the verbs
in brackets.
Example: The more young people play on computers the less they
read. (play / read)
1 He contact the manufacturer yesterday
Guided test


his computer repaired. (have to / get)

2 Pupils who to avoid doing sports must
3 The football player about
Marks: …… / 3

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NAME .....................................................................................................
CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

6 REPORT the following statements making all the necessary

strategies,’ said the Mayor.
of their recycling strategies.
1 ‘We want to install alternative energy in the country by 2030,’ said
the politician.
The politician said install alternative
energy in the country by 2030.
2 ‘Are you going to give an incentive to people who install solar
panels?’ they asked the Minister.
They asked the Minister an incentive
to people who installed solar panels.
asked the Mayor.
We asked the Mayor WRUHGXFHWUDɡF
in the city centre.
4 ‘Do you think that global warming is responsible for rising sea
levels?’ they asked the scientist.
They asked the scientist that global
warming was responsible for rising sea levels.
the manager admitted.
The manager admitted chemical
waste in the river.
Marks: …… / 5
Guided test

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TEST RECUPERO TEST UNITS 6-10 NAME .....................................................................................................

CLASS ..................... DATE .............................................................

7 COMPLETE the sentences using the linkers in the box.

consequently / due to / because / since / therefore

Example:2XUFRPSDQ\KDVIDLOHGbecause our competitors have

pushed us out of the market.
1 We decided to buy a bigger house our
2 We have funding and we have a lot of ideas,
we are ready to create our startup.
3 He decided to change to online banking the
4 She doesn’t keep track of her credit card payments,
she never knows how much she spends.
Marks: …… / 4

8 CHOOSE the correct answer to complete the sentences.

Example: Bad skiers should avoid skiing / to ski / skied down
1 Don’t forget ɠH[LQJWRɠH[ɠH[ your muscles before a training
2 They are the swimmers who won / won / to won the swimming
3 &DQDGD where / which / whose WKH:LQWHU2O\PSLFVZLOO
4 The Minister said he would /will / used to do everything to clean
5 They suggested promoting / will promote / to promote
alternative energy.
6 The Mayor agreed sponsor / sponsoring / to sponsor the young
Guided test


7 The credit from the bank let / can / made the company pay a high
interest rate.
Marks: …… / 7

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 35

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3 1 invited, 2 go, 3 ordered, 4 was putting,
Entry test Build up to B2 5 arrived, 6 were swimming.
Fila A and Easy reading test (1 mark for each answer)
1 1 is cooking, 2 goes, 3 are always complaining, 4 1 My mother was cooking a meal when my father
4 boils, 5 is studying. arrived.
(1 mark for each answer) 2 The policemen asked the suspect: ‘What were
2 A 4, B 1, C 5, D 3, E 2. you doing at the time of the murder?’
(1 mark for each answer) 3 I was copying from my friend when my teacher
3 1 went, 2 were looking, 3 found, 4 discovered, caught me.
5 lent, 6 was. 4 Why didn’t you answer the phone when it rang?
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)

4 1 Robert was having a shower when the phone 5 1 fallen, 2 spoken, 3 bought, 4 written, 5 seen.
rang. (1 mark for each answer)
2 Many Americans ask themselves ‘What was I 6 1 Have you ever flown in a two-seater plane?
doing when Robert Kennedy was assassinated?’ 2 Peter has just met his new boss.
3 The storm broke out just as the plane was 3 Mary has not started her French language
landing. course yet.
4 ‘Why didn’t you answer the door when I rang 4 How long has John been studying Spanish?
the bell?’ ‘Sorry, I was in the garden and didn’t 5 Have you tried the new Indian restaurant yet?
hear it.’ (1 mark for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer) 7 1 is going, 2 does, 3 will, 4 are going, 5 will.
5 1 had, 2 written, 3 fallen, 4 bought, 5 spoken. (1 mark for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer) 8 A 5, B 4, C 2, D 1, E 3.
6 1 Have you ever eaten Indian food? (1 mark for each answer)
2 John has just come back from Australia. 9 1 You should go to the doctor.
3 I have not seen the Oscar-winning film yet. 2 She ought to apologise.
4 Have you met your neighbours yet? 3 You should go on a diet.
5 How long have you been living/have you lived 4 You ought to learn the language.
in Italy? 5 He should look for a job.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)
7 1 is going to, 2 does, 3 will, 4 am going to, 5 will. 10 1 would like, 2 may/might, 3 could, 4 may/might,
(1 mark for each answer) 5 would.
8 A 5, B 4, C 2, D 1, E 3. (1 mark for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer)
9 1 You should take a holiday.
2 She ought to talk to her boss.
3 We should put some pictures on the wall.
4 Peter ought to study more.
5 I should not smoke.
(1 mark for each answer)
10 1 would, 2 may/might, 3 could, 4 may/might,
5 could not.
(1 mark for each answer)

Entry test Build up to B2

Fila B
1 1 is doing, 2 go, 3 moves, 4 is always
complaining, 5 is studying.
(1 mark for each answer)

2 A 3, B 1, C 5, D 4, E 2.

(1 mark for each answer)

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 537
Fast check Unit 1 Fast check Unit 6
Standard and Easy reading test Standard and Easy reading test
1 spends, 2 imagination, 3 fun, 4 drives, 5 are, 6 is 1 than, 2 poetry, 3 like, 4 puts on, 5 richest, 6 as good,
washing, 7 have rows, 8 on, 9 is meeting, 10 ever, 7 best, 8 fashioned, 9 form, 10 appreciate, 11 as,
11 relations, 12 yet, 13 finished, 14 have been, 12 interactive, 13 largest, 14 less, 15 quite, 16 fewer,
15 has gone, 16 importance, 17 have been studying, 17 little, 18 heritage, 19 creative, 20 build up.
18 happiness, 19 share, 20 going out. (1 mark for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer)

Fast check Unit 7

Fast check Unit 2 Standard and Easy reading test
Standard and Easy reading test
1 is, 2 posted, 3 labelled, 4 log out, 5 been, 6 done,
1 used to be, 2 were flying, 3 used to meet, 4 voyage, 7 was, 8 will, 9 keep, 10 been taken, 11 was fitted,
5 heading for, 6 samples, 7 landscapes, 8 give me 12 such a, 13 uploads, 14 so many, 15 transactions,
a lift, 9 had you been studying, 10 had started, 16 had, 17 have been, 18 were being, 19 would have
11 had been waiting, 12 marched, 13 comfortable, been, 20 in.
14 desirable, 15 predictable, 16 natural, 17 had been (1 mark for each answer)
painting, 18 was leaving, 19 impressive, 20 fortunate.
(1 mark for each answer)
Fast check Unit 8
Standard and Easy reading test
Fast check Unit 3 1 challenge, 2 keeping, 3 who, 4 sailing, 5 where,
Standard and Easy reading test
6 favourite, 7 who, 8 competitive, 9 to do, 10 which,
1 resigned, 2 overtime, 3 are meeting, 4 as soon 11 cycling, 12 to see, 13 stay, 14 fielders, 15 span,
as, 5 shall, 6 –, 7 will have gone, 8 call back, 9 an, 16 breath, 17 join in, 18 being, 19 on coming, 20 race.
10 working lives, 11 will have been working, 12 will (1 mark for each answer)
be having, 13 easily, 14 on strike, 15 applied for,
16 charge, 17 will have walked, 18 will be travelling,
19 will have been operating, 20 well.
(1 mark for each answer)
Fast check Unit 9
Standard and Easy reading test
1 wanted, 2 layer, 3 will disrupt, 4 would save,
5 working, 6 manufacturers, 7 strategies, 8 footprint,
Fast check Unit 4 9 melted, 10 sign, 11 species, 12 disposable,
Standard and Easy reading test
13 will end up, 14 would have solved, 15 recycling,
1 can, 2 may, 3 pickpockets, 4 illegal, 5 succeeded, 16 privileged, 17 what, 18 systems, 19 difference,
6 needn’t, 7 disobey, 8 can’t be, 9 break, 10 must, 20 to support.
11 must, 12 should, 13 must, 14 impossible, (1 mark for each answer)
15 needs, 16 robber, 17 could, 18 got away, 19 first-
time offenders, 20 wasn’t able.
(1 mark for each answer)
Fast check Unit 10
Standard and Easy reading test


1 getting, 2 allows, 3 come up, 4 quantify, 5 are

Fast check Unit 5 allowed, 6 consequently, 7 let, 8 turn into, 9 pay off,
Standard and Easy reading test
10 comes down, 11 as a result, 12 lends, 13 let,
1 will continue, 2 will die, 3 would bring, 4 will save, 14 identity, 15 due to, 16 lose, 17 take, 18 had,
5 unless, 6 happiness, 7 diversity, 8 call for, 9 in 19 machines, 20 have.
case, 10 will solve, 11 would have gone, 12 sign up, (1 mark for each answer)
13 used up, 14 would respect, 15 leadership, 16 had,
17 as long as, 18 had better, 19 had, 20 deals with.
(1 mark for each answer)

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

538 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
2 1 have fun with, 2 going out with, 3 hangs out
Unit test Unit 1 with, 4 getting on, 5 make up with.
Fila A and Easy reading test
(1 mark for each answer)
3 1 maturity, 2 championship, 3 jealousy,
Vocabulary 4 adolescence, 5 importance.
1 1 feel close, 2 in touch, 3 had a row, 4 talk about, (1 mark for each answer)
5 sharing moments, 6 having a good laugh.
(1 mark for each answer) Grammar
2 1 Even though we do not share many interests, 4 1 have never seen, 2 come, 3 have been waiting,
we always have fun together. 4 are you doing, 5 am finishing, 6 have just been.
2 Ann and Jeremy have only been going out for (0.5 marks for each answer)
five weeks.
3 Do you get on well with your new colleague? 5 1 originated, 2 involves, 3 has always wanted,
4 I often hang out with my friends at the 4 has been playing, 5 has won, 6 has been
shopping centre. training/trains.
5 My brother and I often argue but we make up (0.5 marks for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer) Reading and Use of English
3 1 freedom, 2 endurance, 3 championship, Reading and Use of English – Part 1
4 activity, 5 discussion. 6 1 C, 2 A, 3 C, 4 B, 5 B, 6 B, 7 D, 8 C.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)

Grammar Reading and Use of English – Part 2

7 1 started, 2 has, 3 touch, 4 close, 5 moments,
4 1 look, 2 are you going, 3 have been waiting, 6 rows, 7 up, 8 hang.
4 spoke, 5 lost, 6 have you seen. (1 mark for each answer)
(0.5 marks for each answer)
5 1 originated, 2 have already played, 3 teaches, Reading and Use of English – Part 5
4 has been playing, 5 has been learning, 6 wants. 8 1 D, 2 C, 3 D, 4 D, 5 B, 6 A.
(0.5 marks for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)

Reading and Use of English

Reading and Use of English – Part 1
Unit test Unit 2
Fila A and Easy reading test
6 1 A, 2 D, 3 B, 4 D, 5 A, 6 C, 7 B, 8 A.
(1 mark for each answer)
Reading and Use of English – Part 2 1 1 tours, 2 cruise, 3 hitch-hike, 4 trips/excursions/
7 1 went, 2 did, 3 to, 4 with, 5 best, 6 touch, tours, 5 voyage, 6 scenery.
7 relationship, 8 are. (1 mark for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer)
2 Student’s activity.
Reading and Use of English – Part 5 (1 mark for each answer)
8 1 C, 2 D, 3 A, 4 B, 5 D, 6 B. 3 1 exciting, 2 dangerous, 3 considerable,
(1 mark for each answer) 4 impressive, 5 persistent, 6 fruitful.
(1 mark for each answer)

Unit test Unit 1 Grammar

Fila B
4 1 had been, 2 was shopping, 3 used to be,
4 would take, 5 had been waiting, 6 stole.
Vocabulary (1 mark for each answer)

1 1 relations/relatives, 2 acquaintances, 3 in touch 5 1 had never seen, 2 was sitting, 3 spending,


with, 4 contacts, 5 moments of joy, 6 have a laugh. 4 would go, 5 were talking, 6 had gone.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 539
Reading and Use of English Unit test Unit 3
Fila A and Easy reading test
Reading and Use of English – Part 3
6 1 extraordinary, 2 considerable, 3 religious,
4 attractive, 5 beautiful, 6 idyllic, 7 entertainment, Vocabulary
8 choice.
1 1 health and safety manager, 2 personal trainer,
(1 mark for each answer)
3 freelance journalist, 4 accountant, 5 human
Reading and Use of English – Part 4 resources manager.
7 1 are getting out of, 2 was sent back, 3 is getting (1 mark for each answer)
used to, 4 would spend, 5 ran into, 6 took part in. 2 1 work overtime, 2 go on strike, 3 unemployed,
(1 mark for each answer) 4 contract out, 5 make a living, 6 earn money,
7 call back, 8 working lives, 9 promoted, 10 nine-
Reading and Use of English – Part 6 to-five job.
8 1 G, 2 F, 3 A, 4 B, 5 D, 6 E, extra sentence C. (0.5 marks for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer)
Unit test Unit 2 3 1 will have become, 2 will be spending, 3 starts,
Fila B 4 going to promote.
(1 mark for each answer)
Vocabulary 4 1 ’m bringing, 2 will be interviewing, 3 won’t have
1 1 honeymoon, 2 voyages, 3 destination, 4 outing/ finished, 4 shall I help, 5 will have done.
trip/excursion, 5 landscapes, 6 fun. (1 mark for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer) 5 1 a, 2 the, 3 the, 4 the, 5 the, 6 a, 7 The, 8 –, 9 a,
2 Student’s activity. 10 the.
(1 mark for each answer) (0.5 marks for each answer)
3 1 comical, 2 excitable/excited, 3 idyllic,
4 persistent, 5 considerable, 6 fortunate. Reading and Use of English
(1 mark for each answer) Reading and Use of English – Part 1
6 1 B, 2 A, 3 C, 4 C, 5 B, 6 D, 7 C, 8 A.
Grammar (1 mark for each answer)
4 1 lost, 2 had been watching, 3 was looking,
Reading and Use of English – Part 3
4 would play, 5 used to go, 6 had been snowing.
7 1 obtaining, 2 advancements/advances, 3 quickly,
(1 mark for each answer)
4 employees, 5 completely, 6 financially, 7 easily,
5 1 had been packing, 2 had promised, 3 had been 8 guaranteeing.
trying, 4 had not answered, 5 had been listening, (1 mark for each answer)
6 had given.
(1 mark for each answer) Reading and Use of English – Part 7
8 1 C, 2 B, 3 A, 4 B, 5 C, 6 C, 7 D, 8 B, 9 A, 10 D.
Reading and Use of English (1 mark for each answer)

Reading and Use of English – Part 3

6 1 delightful, 2 impressive, 3 arrival, 4 religious, Unit test Unit 3


5 attraction, 6 foreigners, 7 idyllic, 8 importance. Fila B

(1 mark for each answer)
Reading and Use of English – Part 4
7 1 is getting used to, 2 taking part in, 3 will run 1 1 IT consultant, 2 freelance journalist, 3 beauty
into, 4 had to get out of, 5 would go, 6 got lost. therapist, 4 occupational psychologist,
(1 mark for each answer) 5 accountant.
(1 mark for each answer)
Reading and Use of English – Part 6
8 1 G, 2 B, 3 F, 4 A, 5 C, 6 E, extra sentence D.
(1 mark for each answer)
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
540 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
2 1 retire, 2 nine-to-five job, 3 make a living, 5 1 Lawyers can argue a case in court only after
4 charge, 5 job share, 6 call back, 7 contract out, passing difficult exams.
8 earn money, 9 working lives, 10 get the sack. 2 The witness might not be enough to accuse the
(0.5 marks for each answer) shoplifter.
3 During a trial the jury must be protected.
Grammar 4 The robbers succeeded in getting away after a
police chase.
3 1 will work, 2 will have finished, 3 will be 5 The minister had to resign after being accused
interviewing, 4 arrives. of counterfeiting.
(1 mark for each answer) 6 British lawyers have to wear a toga in court.
4 1 are you going, 2 is coming, 3 will be 7 In some countries murderers might face the
interviewing, 4 will not have finished, 5 will be death penalty.
writing. (1 mark for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer)
5 1 the, 2 a, 3 –, 4 the, 5 the, 6 –, 7 the, 8 –, 9 an, Reading and Use of English
10 the.
(0.5 marks for each answer)
Reading and Use of English – Part 2
6 1 managed, 2 used, 3 murder, 4 could, 5 might,
6 can’t, 7 to, 8 need.
Reading and Use of English (1 mark for each answer)
Reading and Use of English – Part 1
6 1 C, 2 D, 3 A, 4 B, 5 A, 6 B, 7 D, 8 C. Reading and Use of English – Part 4
(1 mark for each answer) 7 1 can’t have been, 2 tracked down, 3 has been
sentenced, 4 must be the murderer, 5 is no need
Reading and Use of English – Part 3 to call, 6 should not park.
7 1 usefully, 2 increasingly, 3 quickly, 4 involved, (1 mark for each answer)
5 completely, 6 immediately, 7 financially,
8 affordable.
Reading and Use of English – Part 5
8 1 C, 2 B, 3 A, 4 A, 5 D, 6 C.
(1 mark for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer)
Reading and Use of English – Part 7
8 1 A, 2 C, 3 C, 4 B, 5 B, 6 D, 7 C, 8 B, 9 D, 10 A.
(1 mark for each answer) Unit test Unit 4
Fila B

Unit test Unit 4 Vocabulary

Fila A and Easy reading test
1 1 track down, 2 turn to, 3 got away with, 4 found
innocent, 5 red-handed.
Vocabulary (1 mark for each answer)
1 1 confessed, 2 red-handed, 3 sent, 4 break out, 2 1 end users, 2 victimless crimes, 3 organised
5 found… guilty. crime group, 4 illegal counterfeiting, 5are first-
(1 mark for each answer) time offenders.
3 1 irresponsible, 2 insensitive, 3 illogical,
2 1 were first-time offenders, 2 end users of,
4 incapable, 5 unwise.
3 victimless crimes, 4 illegal counterfeiting, 5 civil
(1 mark for each answer)
and criminal liability.
(1 mark for each answer)
3 1 disadvantage, 2 misjudged, 3 illegible,
4 dishonest, 5 disappeared. 4 1 needn’t, 2 may/might have to, 3 may/might,
(1 mark for each answer) 4 must, 5 can’t, 6 ought to, 7 were able to, 8 have
Grammar (1 mark for each answer)

4 1 may/might, 2 may/might, 3 may/might,


4 needn’t, 5 have to, 6 must, 7 ought to, 8 must.

(1 mark for each answer)
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 541
5 1 The courtroom was full because a celebrity was 6 1 If only the soldiers had given shelter to the
involved. refugees.
2 You can’t have heard the judge’s sentence 2 He wishes rich countries would give more to
correctly. international aid.
3 The police station was full of people reporting 3 Some organisations would rather help poor
burglaries. countries at home than give aid.
4 He might be convicted of theft. 4 Unemployment will continue to increase unless
5 They caught the vandals who damaged the the economy improves.
shop. (1 mark for each answer)
6 The police acted on the information and closed
the case. Reading and Use of English
7 He managed to get away with the crime.
Reading and Use of English – Part 3
Reading and Use of English 7 1 disappointment, 2 survival, 3 sadness,
4 diversity, 5 relationship, 6 valuable, 7 irrelevant,
Reading and Use of English – Part 2 8 changing.
6 1 making, 2 been, 3 these, 4 killers, 5 be, 6 may/ (1 mark for each answer)
might, 7 victims, 8 must.
(1 mark for each answer) Reading and Use of English – Part 4
8 1 unless governments take, 2 provided that
Reading and Use of English – Part 4 governments, 3 as long as power, 4 wished that
7 1 succeeded in interviewing, 2 might get a shorter more people, 5 the government had better find,
sentence, 3 detective must be ill, 4 acted on 6 would rather write.
information, 5 got away with the crime, 6 ought (1 mark for each answer)
to hire.
(1 mark for each answer) Reading and Use of English – Part 6
9 1 D, 2 G, 3 A, 4 C, 5 F, 6 E, extra sentence B.
Reading and Use of English – Part 5 (1 mark for each answer)
8 1 A, 2 D, 3 D, 4 D, 5 A, 6 D.
(1 mark for each answer)

Unit test Unit 5

Fila B
Unit test Unit 5
Fila A and Easy reading test
Vocabulary 1 1 richness of culture, 2 diversity, 3 look beyond,
4 awareness, 5 through other eyes.
1 1 deal with, 2 richness of culture, 3 diversity, (1 mark for each answer)
4 awareness, 5 internationally minded.
(1 mark for each answer) 2 1 come into force, 2 used up, 3 calls for, 4 deal
with, 5 sign up.
2 1 calls for, 2 deal with, 3 came into force, 4 sign (1 mark for each answer)
up, 5 using up.
(1 mark for each answer) 3 1 cruelty, 2 neighbourhood, 3 leadership,
4 childhood, 5 efficiency.
3 1 friendship, 2 patriotism, 3 cruelty, (1 mark for each answer)
4 neighbourhood, 5 exploration.


(1 mark for each answer)

Grammar 4 1 would save, 2 want, 3 ruled, 4 would leave,
5 will have, 6 will increase.
4 1 would have, 2 would not have arrived, 3 will (1 mark for each answer)
get/get, 4 gets, 5 took, 6 would not have solved.
(1 mark for each answer) 5 1 unless, 2 as long as/provided that, 3 as long
as/provided that, 4 in case, 5 unless.
5 1 unless, 2 as long as, 3 in case, 4 provided that, (1 mark for each answer)
5 unless.
(1 mark for each answer)

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

542 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
6 1 I would prefer to support ecological issues than 7 1 as, 2 quite, 3 slightly, 4 as, 5 best, 6 better,
cultural issue. 7 much, 8 more, 9 rather, 10 bit, 11 more,
2 You had better follow recycling regulations or 12 less.
they will fine you. (0.5 marks for each answer)
3 The minister wishes he had not promised to
sign the law on equality. Reading and Use of English
4 If only the government had dealt with the
problem sooner! Reading and Use of English – Part 1
8 1 B, 2 B, 3 A, 4 C, 5 A, 6 D, 7 D, 8 D.
Reading and Use of English (1 mark for each answer)
Reading and Use of English – Part 3 Reading and Use of English – Part 2
7 1 sadness, 2 cruelty, 3 possibility, 4 efficiency, 9 1 largest, 2 more, 3 sell, 4 best/coolest, 5 stage,
5 frustration, 6 wisdom, 7 inconvenient, 6 most, 7 old, 8 like.
8 happiness. (1 mark for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer)
Reading and Use of English – Part 7
Reading and Use of English – Part 4 10 1 B, 2 A, 3 C, 4 A, 5 B, 6 D, 7 C, 8 D, 9 A, 10 D.
8 1 as long as, 2 would rather do volunteer work, (1 mark for each answer)
3 provided that all countries are, 4 unless they
stand up, 5 only politicians started, 6 in case they
are needed. Unit test Unit 6
(1 mark for each answer) Fila B
Reading and Use of English – Part 6
9 1 C, 2 D, 3 A, 4 B, 5 F, 6 E, extra sentence G. Vocabulary
(1 mark for each answer) 1 1 C, 2 D, 3 A, 4 B.
(0.5 marks for each answer)

Unit test Unit 6 2 1 rooftop, 2 skateboards, 3 lifestyle, 4 old-

Fila A and Easy reading test (0.5 marks for each answer)
3 1 putting on, 2 live stage, 3 cultural prestige,
Vocabulary 4 building up, 5 artistic heritage, 6 build up a
1 1 D, 2 C, 3 B, 4 A. reputation.
(0.5 marks for each answer)
(0.5 marks for each answer)
2 1 lifestyles, 2 subways, 3 rooftop, 4 skateboard. Grammar
(0.5 marks for each answer)
3 1 artistic heritage, 2 live stage performances, 4 1 more expressive, 2 better, 3 most beautiful,
3 has built up a reputation, 4 forms of 4 harder, 5 more successful.
entertainment, 5 puts on, 6 build up. (1 mark for each answer)
(0.5 marks for each answer) 5 1 more, more, 2 later, longer, 3 less, less, 4 more,
Grammar (1 mark for each answer)
6 1 as, 2 like, 3 as, 4 as.
4 1 clearer, 2 most forgetful, 3 less boring, 4 better,
(0.5 marks for each answer)
5 most colourful.
(1 mark for each answer) 7 1 as, 2 as, 3 best, 4 sillier, 5 fairly, 6 better,
5 1 more, more, 2 less, less, 3 more, better, 4 more 7 quite, 8 more, 9 funnier, 10 bit, 11 rather,
popular, more successful. 12 few.
(1 mark for each answer) (0.5 marks for each answer)

6 1 as, 2 as, 3 like, 4 like.

(0.5 marks for each answer)
Reading and Use of English

Reading and Use of English – Part 1


8 1 A, 2 D, 3 A, 4 B, 5 B, 6 A, 7 A, 8 C.
(1 mark for each answer)
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 543
Reading and Use of English – Part 2 Reading and Use of English – Part 3
9 1 on, 2 built, 3 more, 4 most, 5 stage, 6 as, 7 old- 8 1 followers, 2 overcome, 3 interact, 4 uploads,
fashioned, 8 in/of. 5 interesting, 6 accessible, 7 advertising,
(1 mark for each answer) 8 underestimate.
(1 mark for each answer)
Reading and Use of English – Part 7
10 1 D, 2 C, 3 A, 4 D, 5 C, 6 C, 7 D, 8 A, 9 B, 10 C. Reading and Use of English – Part 5
(1 mark for each answer) 9 1 B, 2 D, 3 D, 4 D, 5 C, 6 A.
(1 mark for each answer)

Unit test Unit 7 Unit test Unit 7

Fila A and Easy reading test
Fila B
Vocabulary Vocabulary
1 1 app, 2 profile, 3 post, 4 back up, 5 upload/post. 1 1 profile, 2 log in, 3 gadgets/devices, 4 keep in
(1 mark for each answer) touch, 5 key in.
2 1 rate of progress, 2 acquire, 3 take steps, (1 mark for each answer)
4 engage in, 5 fake tweets. 2 1 fake tweet, 2 taking steps, 3 disclosing,
(1 mark for each answer) 4 labelled her, 5 cyberbullying.
3 1 underestimate, 2 download, 3 transactions, (1 mark for each answer)
4 reset, 5 intercontinental. 3 1 interact, 2 overestimated, 3 downgrades,
(1 mark for each answer) 4 transactions, 5 react.
(1 mark for each answer)
4 1 It is supposed that Robert will be promoted.
4 1 The source of the anonymous emails has been
2 The documents were not sent because the
traced at last.
computer broke down.
2 A virus would have attacked the computers if
3 Recently, social media has been attacked for its
they had not had some form of protection.
negative effects on adolescents.
3 It is supposed that cases of cybercrime will be
4 The Secret Services have been asked to check
solved by the government’s secret service.
the suspect’s computer.
4 The computer software was updated by the
5 Mobile phones are not allowed in the exam
5 Unfortunately, by tomorrow your fake tweet will
(1 mark for each answer)
have been read by many people.
5 1 so, 2 so, 3 such, 4 so, 5 such, 6 such. (1 mark for each answer)
(0.5 marks for each answer)
5 1 so, 2 such, 3 so, 4 such, 5 so, 6 such.
6 1 Yesterday I got my new computer delivered. (0.5 marks for each answer)
2 The school will have all the IT computers
6 1 I get my health monitored by a special app.
replaced next week.
2 The city council had new WI-FI installed last
3 I’m having the holiday photos posted on my
phone now.
3 They have IT courses organised.
4 Tomorrow I will get a new app fitted.
4 I will get the TV repaired tomorrow.


5 I want to get my profile updated.

5 He had his smartphone stolen on the bus
(1 mark for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer)
Reading and Use of English
Reading and Use of English – Part 2 Reading and Use of English
7 1 device, 2 app, 3 permitted/allowed/able, Reading and Use of English – Part 2
4 have, 5 so, 6 be, 7 has, 8 progress. 7 1 by, 2 expected, 3 allowed/permitted/able,
(1 mark for each answer) 4 gadget/device, 5 much, 6 taken/made, 7 rate,
8 app.
(1 mark for each answer)
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
544 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Reading and Use of English – Part 3 Reading and Use of English
8 1 rethought, 2 counterproductive, 3 uploads,
4 creations, 5 occasional, 6 payment, 7 reviewing, Reading and Use of English – Part 1
8 overvalued. 6 1 D, 2 A, 3 B, 4 A, 5 B, 6 C, 7 D, 8 A.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)

Reading and Use of English – Part 5 Reading and Use of English – Part 4
9 1 C, 2 A, 3 B, 4 A, 5 D, 6 C. 7 1 to keep on the move, 2 apologised for
(1 mark for each answer) announcing, 3 try doing more exercise/try
exercising more, 4 must remember to check my,
5 to stay on task, 6 runner besides being.
Unit test Unit 8 (1 mark for each answer)
Fila A and Easy reading test
Reading and Use of English – Part 7
8 1 A, 2 B, 3 D, 4 C, 5 B, 6 D, 7 A, 8 A, 9 C, 10 D.
Vocabulary (1 mark for each answer)
1 1 I accepted my friend’s challenge to climb Mount
2 I love water and excitement so I took up white- Unit test Unit 8
water rafting which combines both. Fila B
3 In last year’s tennis tournament Robert faced
up to the school’s number one player. Vocabulary
4 Do you know how many participants were in
this year’s marathon? 1 1 During last night’s boxing match, the World
5 Rachel thinks she will win the decathlon Heavyweight champion lost to his opponent.
contest. 2 My teacher has asked me to take up tennis as a
(1 mark for each answer) new sport.
2 1 get out of breath, 2 flex our muscles, 3 The ten-hour hike on the Yorkshire Moors was a
3 attention span, 4 pushing… too hard, 5 stay on greater challenge than I realised.
task. 4 The participants in the golf tournament all came
(1 mark for each answer) from different countries.
5 I am training for the 100 metre race.
3 1 spectator, 2 competitive, 3 action, 4 surfing, (1 mark for each answer)
5 fielders.
(1 mark for each answer) 2 1 on the move, 2 flexing your muscles, 3 pushed
too hard, 4 attention span, 5 get out of breath.
(1 mark for each answer)
3 1 favourite, 2 spectator, 3 competitive,
4 1 to get, 2 walking, 3 to win, 4 playing, 5 to hold, 4 practising, 5 achievement.
6 smoking. (1 mark for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer)
5 1 The team which won the championship also Grammar
won yesterday.
2 Adriano Panatta, who is Italian, was a tennis 4 1 making, 2 to take, 3 causing, 4 to leave,
champion. 5 sailing, 6 doing.
3 I love surfing in Bali, where the waves are (1 mark for each answer)
excellent for surfing. 5 1 The volleyball team which won the
4 The golf club which is near my home is championship last year won the match yesterday.
expensive. 2 Adriano Panatta, who was the only player to
5 Robert, whose father was a boxing coach, does beat Bjorn Borg, is Italian.
not like boxing. 3 The man who you met yesterday loves football
(1 mark for each answer) and goes to the stadium every week.
4 Mary, whose mother was a swimming
champion, has taken up swimming.

5 Wimbledon, where a famous tournament takes


place, is in London.
(1 mark for each answer)
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 545
Reading and Use of English 3 They asked him/her/them if/whether he/
she/they had made any progress in reducing
Reading and Use of English – Part 1 unemployment.
6 1 B, 2 C, 3 D, 4 C, 5 C, 6 D, 7 B, 8 C. 4 They wanted to know where he/she/they
(1 mark for each answer) would be going on his/her/their next diplomatic
Reading and Use of English – Part 4 (1 mark for each answer)
7 1 got out of breath after, 2 pushed us hard to
win, 3 that your attention span must, 4 who Reading and Use of English
is my tennis coach, 5 is where you can find,
6 admitted taking/having taken. Reading and Use of English – Part 2
(1 mark for each answer) 8 1 plastic, 2 set, 3 organisation, 4 creating, 5 were,
6 told, 7 would, 8 dumping.
Reading and Use of English – Part 7 (1 mark for each answer)
8 1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 D, 5 D, 6 A, 7 C, 8 B, 9 A, 10 D.
(1 mark for each answer) Reading and Use of English – Part 4
9 1 set out to help, 2 thought that climate change
was, 3 if his plan was to, 4 efficient waste system
Unit test Unit 9 for the, 5 would rather, 6 end up in.
Fila A and Easy reading test (1 mark for each answer)

Vocabulary Reading and Use of English – Part 6

10 1 E, 2 B, 3 F, 4 G, 5 A, 6 C, extra sentence D.
1 1 congestion charge, 2 endangered, 3 ice caps/ (1 mark for each answer)
glaciers, 4 drought, 5 natural disasters.
(1 mark for each answer)
2 1 waste systems, 2 man-made materials, 3 set Unit test Unit 9
out. Fila B
(1 mark for each answer)
3 1 wrappers, 2 impression, 3 creation,
4 prevention, 5 organisations. 1 1 carbon footprint, 2 starvation, 3 sea levels,
(1 mark for each answer) 4 greenhouse effect, 5 alternative energy.
(1 mark for each answer)
Grammar 2 1 end up, 2 man-made materials, 3 disposable
4 1 He said he had never seen a sea with so much products.
plastic pollution. (1 mark for each answer)
2 He said that by 2020 we would have reduced 3 1 organisation, 2 environmental, 3 privileged,
carbon emissions by 20%. 4 difference, 5 protection.
3 He said that people who hunted for rhino tusks (1 mark for each answer)
would be imprisoned.
4 He said they would have changed the city water Grammar
systems if they had had the money.
5 He said in the future they would consider 4 1 He said he was doing new research on
dumping waste as a serious criminal offence. biodiversity.
(1 mark for each answer) 2 He said they would be making big investments


in alternative energy.
5 1 said, 2 tell, 3 told, 4 say, 5 said, 6 tell. 3 He said he was a resident and so he would not/
(0.5 marks for each answer) did not have to pay the congestion charge.
6 1 D, 2 E, 3 A, 4 C, 5 B. 4 He said he could and he would improve the
(1 mark for each answer) city’s recycling strategy.
7 1 They asked him/her/them if/whether he/she 5 He said that if he had had the support of the
was going/they were going to continue his/her/ government, he would have banned all cars
their support for anti-nuclear campaigners. running on petrol or gas.
2 They wanted to know what he/she was doing/ (1 mark for each answer)
they were doing about the problem of violence 5 1 told, 2 say, 3 told, 4 told, 5 say, 6 tell.
against women. (0.5 marks for each answer)
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
546 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
6 1 B, 2 D, 3 E, 4 A, 5 C. 6 1 Did you understand the difference between
(1 mark for each answer) crowd funding and ordinary credit?
7 1 They asked what he/she/they thought about 2 I finally managed to deal with all the
young people’s contribution to global issues. complicated paper work.
2 They asked if/whether a law had been passed 3 My colleagues are very arrogant and I’m not on
against hunting endangered animals in Africa. friendly terms with them.
3 They wanted to know if/whether he/she/they 4 Did you receive this month’s bank statement?
had made any progress in stopping piracy on the (1 mark for each answer)
seas. 7 1 because, 2 so, 3 as a result, 4 because of,
4 They asked him/her/them where he/she/they 5 consequently.
would be sending the Peacekeeping Forces in the (1 mark for each answer)
near future.
Reading and Use of English
Reading and Use of English
Reading and Use of English – Part 1
Reading and Use of English – Part 2 8 1 C, 2 D, 3 A, 4 B, 5 D, 6 C, 7 A, 8 B.
8 1 said, 2 wrappers, 3 out, 4 participating, (1 mark for each answer)
5 prevention, 6 told, 7 would, 8 end.
(1 mark for each answer) Reading and Use of English – Part 3
9 1 advisors, 2 sharpens, 3 individualise,
Reading and Use of English – Part 4 4 sympathise, 5 quantified, 6 savings,
9 1 to use recycling strategies, 2 suggested going, 7 investment, 8 losing.
3 asked Mary to send her, 4 denied dumping his/ (1 mark for each answer)
her rubbish, 5 waste systems are, 6 advised all
countries to eliminate. Reading and Use of English – Part 5
(1 mark for each answer) 10 1 D, 2 C, 3 A, 4 B, 5 C, 6 C.
(1 mark for each answer)
Reading and Use of English – Part 6
10 1 C, 2 D, 3 G, 4 E, 5 B, 6 A, extra sentence F.
(1 mark for each answer) Unit test Unit 10
Fila B

Unit test Unit 10 Vocabulary

Fila A and Easy reading test
1 1 online banking, 2 bank statement, 3 bank
transfer, 4 fixed-rate interest.
Vocabulary (1 mark for each answer)
1 1 bank account, 2 cash machine, 3 financial 2 1 financial advisor, 2 cash machine, 3 deposit,
advisor, 4 credit card. 4 borrow, 5 bear, 6 cash in.
(1 mark for each answer) (0.5 marks for each answer)
2 1 lend, 2 bank statement, 3 online banking, 3 1 coming up with, 2 turned into, 3 paid back,
4 savings account, 5 are worth, 6 withdraw some 4 staying power, 5 losing count.
cash. (1 mark for each answer)
(0.5 marks for each answer) 4 1 terrified, 2 memorise, 3 identify, 4 sympathise,
3 1 take the plunge, 2 lose count, 3 set his sights 5 intensified.
on, 4 came down to, 5 paid off. (1 mark for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer)
4 1 darken, 2 simplify, 3 quantified, 4 terrorises.
(1 mark for each answer) 5 1 allows, 2 makes, 3 got, 4 let, 5 had, 6 makes.
(0.5 marks for each answer)
Grammar 6 1 I’m beginning to like the idea of time banking
5 1 made, 2 got, 3 let, 4 allows, 5 has, 6 got. now that I am using it.
2 I received a letter from the bank this morning

(0.5 marks for each answer)

about an overdraft.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 547
3 I don’t understand all this official language!
What does it mean?
4 I have to manage to deal with a lot of financial
information to be a good consultant.
(1 mark for each answer)
7 1 due to, 2 because, 3 consequently, 4 since,
5 so.
(1 mark for each answer)

Reading and Use of English

Reading and Use of English – Part 1
8 1 B, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C, 5 B, 6 A, 7 D, 8 A.
(1 mark for each answer)

Reading and Use of English – Part 3

9 1 financial, 2 monthly, 3 sharpens, 4 sympathise,
5 consequently, 6 savings, 7 investment,
8 simplify.
(1 mark for each answer)

Reading and Use of English – Part 5

10 1 C, 2 A, 3 B, 4 D, 5 A, 6 B.
(1 mark for each answer)


Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

548 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Molly: Have you met the groom?
Skills test for First Grace: No, no-one’s met him yet, we’re being
Units 1-2 introduced at a family dinner tomorrow. They say
Fila A and Easy reading test he’s tall and handsome.
Molly: Are you a bridesmaid?
Grace: No, I’m not thank goodness. I used to think
Reading and Use of English it would be great to be a bridesmaid but that was
Reading and Use of English – Part 1 when I was about 5. I’d hate it now.
1 1 A, 2 D, 3 C, 4 B, 5 B, 6 C, 7 A, 8 B. 3 You hear a teacher talking to her class about a
(1 mark for each answer) school trip.
For your weekend homework, I would like you
Reading and Use of English – Part 2 all to write a review of our recent school trip
2 1 family/relatives, 2 about, 3 with, 4 links/ to Windsor Castle. You should talk about the
relationships, 5 out, 6 close, 7 touch, 8 rows/ journey and describe the parts of the Palace
arguments. you saw. While I was walking round with the
(1 mark for each answer) guide, I noticed some of you making notes and
a few who were drawing. You should definitely
Reading and Use of English – Part 5 include this material in your review. I spoke to the
3 1 A, 2 D, 3 A, 4 B, 5 B, 6 D. group who had been visiting St. George’s Chapel
(1 mark for each answer) and those who viewed Queen Mary’s Dolls’
House. Add these to your descriptions of the
state apartments and the grand reception room.
Writing Remember that the best reviews contain praise
First Writing – Part 1 and criticism as well as your personal opinions
4 Student’s activity. and recommendations.
(5 marks for interesting and appropriate 4 You hear a young man asking for travel advice.
use of vocabulary, 5 marks for accuracy) Young man: Hello, is that the Best Tours agency?
Woman: Yes, how can I help?
Young man: I’m organising a weekend in Paris for
Listening my girlfriend as a surprise and I wondered if you
First Listening – Part 1 could help with travel advice and accommodation.
5 1.1 1 C, 2 C, 3 A, 4 B, 5 C, 6 A, 7 B, 8 A. Woman: Of course. Let’s begin with the journey.
(1 mark for each answer) I would definitely recommend the train, the
Eurostar gets you from the centre of London to
TRANSCRIPT the centre of Paris in about two hours. As for
1 You hear a boy talking about best friends. accommodation, there is a massive choice. For a
I was recently asked who I thought my best weekend, I would recommend something central
friend was. My instinct was to answer straight and we have a special offer with a small hotel
away saying ‘Joe, of course!’. He’s my best near the Louvre which our customers have all
mate at school, the guy I hang out with most. been pleased with.
We often have a laugh and share problems or 5 You hear two friends talking about a new
great moments. But then I stopped to think and motorway.
remembered the guys I used to play with at junior John: Have you heard? They’re opening a new
school. Some of them are still around. I’ve been motorway from here to the airport.
skateboarding with them for years. And what Pete: But we’ve got a perfectly good dual
about cousin Ken? I’ve known him since I was a carriageway. We don’t need a motorway.
baby and we’ve been competing – in a fun way – John: We’ve also got an excellent bus service and
all our lives. a fast train.
2 You hear a girl talking to a friend about Pete: I don’t understand why the authorities feel
weddings. they have to encourage people to go by car. Our
Molly: Hey Grace are you coming to the school city is already one of the most polluted in Europe.
quiz on Saturday? I wish we had more ecological solutions to
Grace: Sadly no, I’ve got a family wedding. transport problems.
Molly: Who’s getting married? Anyone I know? John: Some cities are trying to be greener with
Grace: It’s my aunt. I don’t think you’ve ever met congestion charges and bike scheme. Perhaps we

her. She’s been living aboard for years. In fact, we can suggest that to our city council.

all thought she’d never get married but we were 6 You hear a drama teacher talking about a new
wrong. play
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 549
For the first time our school is going to put on a
Shakespeare play this summer, hopefully in the
Skills test for First
open air – if the weather is good enough. We will Units 1-2
start rehearsing next week and first of all we are Fila B
holding auditions for the main parts. We want
as many of you as possible to be involved in this
production and remember apart from the acting
Reading and Use of English
parts we also need scene painters to paint the Reading and Use of English – Part 1
scenery, stage hands to move it, costume makers, 1 1 C, 2 A, 3 A, 4 A, 5 D, 6 D, 7 B, 8 C.
light technicians and assistant directors. The play (1 mark for each answer)
will be A Midsummer Night’s Dream and there
are parts for acting, singing and dancing. The Reading and Use of English – Part 2
auditions start tomorrow after school. Be there! 2 1 become, 2 talk, 3 spend, 4 between, 5 hang,
7 You hear two friends talking about a television 6 make, 7 keep, 8 being.
programme. (1 mark for each answer)
Jenny: You’re looking very serious, anything
wrong? Reading and Use of English– Part 5
Stephen: I’m thinking about a programme I saw 3 1 C, 2 B, 3 B, 4 A, 5 B, 6 C.
last night. (1 mark for each answer)
Jenny: What was it about?
Stephen: I’ve been following this series about Writing
nature called The Blue Planet. It’s absolutely
fascinating. It uses all the latest technology to First Writing – Part 1
explore the oceans to depths never seen before. 4 Student’s activity.
Jenny: I think I’ve seen one of them. Was there one (5 marks for interesting and appropriate use
on the coral reefs? If that was the same series it of vocabulary, 5 marks for accuracy)
was beautiful.
Stephen: Yes, it’s bound to have been the same Listening
series. The one last night was showing all the
current pollution problems putting the seas at First Listening – Part 1
risk. 5 1.1 1 B, 2 A, 3 C, 4 B, 5 A, 6 C, 7 A, 8 C.
8 You hear part of a programme on the subject of (1 mark for each answer)
Pandas. TRANSCRIPT: see Fila A.
Edinburgh Zoo has finally given up trying to
increase its panda population. In December Speaking
2011 two giant pandas, Tian Tian and her mate
Yang Guang, arrived in Edinburgh on a 10-year First Speaking – Part 1
loan, as part of a £2.6bn trade deal with China. 6 Student’s activity.
Tian Tian had had twins in 2009, but after four (from 1 mark – weak – to 5 marks –
false alarms leading to no new pandas the team excellent)
at the zoo have called for a break. An expert felt
there may have been links between Tian Tian’s
failure to give birth and seasonal changes in
Edinburgh’s daylight levels. Because the city is
Skills test for First
further north than their natural home in China, the Units 3-4
longer days in summer and longer nights in winter Fila A and Easy reading test


may have upset her hormones.

Speaking Reading and Use of English

Reading and Use of English – Part 2
First Speaking – Part 1 1 1 to, 2 could, 3 have, 4 prison, 5 have, 6 crime,
6 Student’s activity.
7 could, 8 offenders.
(from 1 mark – weak – to 5 marks –
(1 mark for each answer)

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

550 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Reading and Use of English – Part 4 department solving cyber-crime or terrorism. I
2 1 must have got in, 2 won’t/will not call Dad have never, fortunately, been a victim of crime
unless, 3 time-consuming/so time-consuming, but I love the idea of acting on information
4 succeeded in talking, 5 would/’d call me back, and tracking down criminals. I think that those
6 getting used to working. who break the law shouldn’t get away with
(1 mark for each answer) their crimes or be let off but must be properly
sentenced and sent to jail!
Reading and Use of English – Part 7 Speaker 4
3 1 D, 2 D, 3 B, 4 A, 5 A, 6 A, 7 C, 8 D, 9 B, 10 C. We seem to be under a lot of pressure to make
(1 mark for each answer) decisions about our future, but is it really
necessary to earn massive amounts? Can’t
Writing we make a living by working from home nor
maybe even being a housewife? There are lots of
First Writing – Part 2 negative sides to working lives, you can get the
4 Student’s activity. sack or be made redundant. My uncle Bill was
(5 marks for interesting and appropriate use a marketing manager for years with the same
of vocabulary, 5 marks for accuracy) company but they fired him because he took time
off to help his mum move house. At the most I
Listening might consider a job-share as I will want time to
be at home, bring up children look after my ageing
First Listening – Part 3
parents and cook wonderful meals – I don’t think
5 1.2 Speaker 1 G, Speaker 2 F, Speaker 3 B, I’ll have time for a career.
Speaker 4 E, Speaker 5 C, extra letters A, D, H. Speaker 5
(1 mark for each answer) We’ve just had another careers talk at school. By
TRANSCRIPT the time I leave, I reckon I’ll have heard at least
Speaker 1 a hundred of these talks. They are always about
Please don’t talk to me about jobs and future worthwhile careers like becoming a health and
careers, I have no idea what I will want to do safety inspector, or a human resources manager.
or even what I will want to study when I’ll have It’s always the same, you apply for a job, do lots
finally finished school. I must admit studying of overtime, get promoted, never go on strike, are
is not my favourite activity so I don’t think I’ll never unemployed until you retire. We never have
be going to university. I would rather follow a talks on how to be a pickpocket or a shoplifter,
practical course, something along the lines of or maybe a computer hacker ready for a life of
social work or nursing. I like the idea of caring for crime. OK I know the career talks won’t ever
others so the choice might be something like a encourage us to be criminals but how about some
beauty therapist or an occupational psychologist more creative ideas about jobs we might get
– though I might need a degree for that. enthusiastic about?
Speaker 2
My dad’s an accountant and my brother is an Speaking
electrician but neither of those jobs appeals to
me. I like the idea of working for myself, not in First Speaking – Part 2
a typical nine-to-five job. So, I might try to be a 6 Student’s activity.
freelance journalist or an IT consultant. People say (from 1 mark – weak – to 5 marks –
it’s hard to get into journalism so I suppose I could excellent)
try becoming a blogger. I’ve heard about people
making a fortune writing blogs. I’m also good at
sport so another future possibility could be a PE
teacher or personal trainer. Doing a job you really
Skills test for First
like must be great so that’s what I’ll aim for. Units 3-4
Speaker 3 Fila B
I want to be a policewoman. I have always been
fascinated by crime and enjoy working out the Reading and Use of English
correct punishment for robbers or burglars or
drug-dealers. I think I could be really good at Reading and Use of English – Part 2

detecting murderers and hijackers or blackmailers. 1 1 prison, 2 committed, 3 steal, 4 must, 5 have,

By the time I’m thirty, I will have finished my 6 be, 7 can, 8 must.
training and will probably be part of a specialist (1 mark for each answer)
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 551
Reading and Use of English – Part 4 Writing
2 1 can’t/couldn’t have killed, 2 wouldn’t/would
not call us until, 3 is (always) making noise, First Writing – Part 2
4 managed to get, 5 got away with, 6 to make a 4 Student’s activity.
living/to make ends meet. (5 marks for interesting and appropriate use
(1 mark for each answer) of vocabulary, 5 marks for accuracy)

Reading and Use of English – Part 7 Listening

3 1 B, 2 B, 3 A, 4 D, 5 B, 6 C, 7 D, 8 C, 9 A, 10 C.
(1 mark for each answer) First Listening – Part 3
5 1.3 1 second year running, 2 right to
Writing education, 3 diversity, 4 another class, 5 24th
May, 6 less boring, 7 richness of culture,
First Writing – Part 2 8 graffiti-style mural, 9 effective participation,
4 Student’s activity. 10 full of refugees.
(5 marks for interesting and appropriate use (1 mark for each answer)
of vocabulary, 5 marks for accuracy) TRANSCRIPT
Hi, I’m Jane. Our school is organising a Global
Listening Awareness Day for the second year running,
at the end of the summer term. Our class have
First Listening – Part 3 been asked to choose a global issue to dramatise
5 1.2 Speaker 1 H, Speaker 2 B, Speaker 3 G, or interpret in an artistic way. We were told
Speaker 4 A, Speaker 5 D, extra letters C, E, F. that we could choose between gender equality,
(1 mark for each answer) immigration, the right to education or diversity.
TRANSCRIPT: see Fila A. We were also told that if we wanted, we could
choose more than one issue and produce more
Speaking than one display or play.
The choice was more difficult than we’d imagined
First Speaking – Part 2 but after a long class discussion, we decided
6 Student’s activity. to dramatise diversity and produce art work
(from 1 mark – weak – to 5 marks – demonstrating gender discrimination and the right
excellent) to education. Another class has chosen to take
on immigration and yet another will talk about
problems connected to the environment including
Skills test for First problems connected to famine and drought. If all
goes to plan, it should be a truly stimulating day.
Units 5-6 Our class must get organised quickly if we want
Fila A and Easy reading test to produce something worthwhile, as we only
have a month before the chosen date which is
Reading and Use of English 24th May. We are a very ambitious class and want
to produce something that is more interesting,
Reading and Use of English – Part 3 more stimulating and less boring than last year
1 1 prepared, 2 resistance, 3 campaigner, where there were fewer plays than expected
4 violently, 5 interconnected, 6 looking, 7 fought, and less participation. We want this year to be
8 representation. the best event ever. If only we can find a way of
(1 mark for each answer) interpreting the issues in an inspiring but also


provocative way! Our drama about diversity must

Reading and Use of English – Part 4 encourage people to be internationally-minded
2 1 isn’t/is not as expensive as, 2 wouldn’t have and give them an awareness of the richness of
got, 3 if you leave the tap, 4 isn’t/is not as culture in our wider world. If it is possible, we are
difficult as, 5 ought to be, 6 to be promoted. thinking of showing tableaux of different nations
(1 mark for each answer) in a family context with perhaps a narrator
and some interesting background music, taken
Reading and Use of English – Part 6 of course from as many different countries as
3 1 C, 2 G, 3 B, 4 F, 5 A, 6 D, extra sentence E.
possible. We want to encourage our spectators to
(1 mark for each answer)
have a broader view and see the world through
other eyes while also hopefully being entertained.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
552 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
We’re splitting the class into smaller groups
so that if they agree, one can concentrate on
Skills test for First
acting while the others think about producing Units 5-6
art work or poetry. There is one larger group Fila B
who have asked to use a classroom wall for a
graffiti-style mural display about the right to Reading and Use of English
education. If they are given permission, they will
paint a walled-in classroom with children outside Reading and Use of English – Part 3
who can’t get in; children dressed as soldiers or 1 1 willing, 2 involvement, 3 revolutionary,
working in the fields while looking longingly at the 4 brutally, 5 linked, 6 seeing, 7 struggled,
classroom they are locked out of. It sounds very 8 presence.
effective. Another group, that in a way I wish I (1 mark for each answer)
could be part of, but I can’t be everywhere – are
concentrating on the gender issue. They want to Reading and Use of English – Part 4
put on interactive slide-shows and a presentation 2 1 higher the temperature gets, 2 if only I hadn’t,
with graphs showing the differences in pay and 3 if you were, 4 will come into force, 5 has to
prestige that exist in the working world. They take, 6 is going to/about to start.
will concentrate on some of the global goals (1 mark for each answer)
for gender equality that include the end to all
Reading and Use of English – Part 6
violence against and exploitation of women and
3 1 E, 2 G, 3 C, 4 A, 5 F, 6 D, extra sentence B.
girls including forced marriages and domestic
(1 mark for each answer)
abuse. It is an issue we all feel strongly about
and feel we should give more attention to. If only
there were sufficient reforms passed to ensure Writing
women’s full and effective participation with First Writing – Part 2
equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of 4 Student’s activity.
decision-making in political, economic and public (5 marks for interesting and appropriate use
life! Those who participate in the show will be of vocabulary, 5 marks for accuracy)
given a questionnaire to fill in about how many
female leaders there are in the world, how many Listening
women lead multi-national companies and other
similar questions that sadly are more and more First Listening – Part 3
relevant. 5 1.3 1 the summer term, 2 a global issue,
If there is time, we have also decided to create a 3 gender discrimination, 4 the environment,
piece of installation art with a large board painted 5 a month, 6 the best event, 7 through other
as a boat full of refugees. Among the faces of eyes, 8 walled-in classroom, 9 forced marriages,
the hopeful immigrants there will be some round 10 installation art.
empty holes where spectators can put their faces. (1 mark for each answer)
The aim is to make people think about what it TRANSCRIPT: see Fila A.
is like to cross the seas in an inadequate boat
hoping for a better life. Maybe it’s ambitious Speaking
to want to produce such visual art as well as
everything else but if we had the time I feel it First Speaking – Parts 3 and 4
would be a great thing to do. 6-7 Student’s activities.
(from 1 mark – weak – to 5 marks –
Speaking excellent)
First Speaking – Parts 3 and 4
6-7 Student’s activities.
(from 1 mark – weak – to 5 marks –
Skills test for First
excellent) Units 7-8
Fila A and Easy reading test

Reading and Use of English


Reading and Use of English – Part 1


1 1 A, 2 B, 3 C, 4 A, 5 C, 6 B, 7 D, 8 B.
(1 mark for each answer)
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 553
Reading and Use of English – Part 4 with the headphones were said to have made
2 1 to stop buying online, 2 got out of breath, significant improvement in propulsion force and
3 so calmly (that), 4 have/get the broken piece jump smoothness.
replaced, 5 was stolen, 6 if only I hadn’t. Speaker 3
(1 mark for each answer) The advance of sports wearables has been led
by Fitbit which is currently the largest player
Reading and Use of English – Part 5 in the activity-tracker market. The company
3 1 B, 2 A, 3 D, 4 C, 5 A, 6 C. was founded by James Park and Eric Friedman
(1 mark for each answer) in California in 2007. But its dominance is
now being challenged by Apple and Xiaomi, a
Writing Chinese firm. In fact, China is seen as a growing
market. Analysts believe that a valuable growth
First Writing – Part 2 area is the opportunity to monetise users
4 Student’s activity. through software and the data it holds about
(5 marks for interesting and appropriate use them. Indeed, Mr Park recently agreed that
of vocabulary, 5 marks for accuracy) personalised data would be all-important. ‘We
have a lot of data, along with the right type of
Listening intelligent software, consequently I think we can
have people achieve really meaningful health
First Listening – Part 3 outcomes.’
5 1.4 Speaker 1 C, Speaker 2 G, Speaker 3 A, Speaker 4
Speaker 4 H, Speaker 5 B, extra letters D, E, F. I’m a professional runner and have recently been
(1 mark for each answer) asked to test a new running shoe. The shoe is
TRANSCRIPT as light as a feather and has a pleasing plain
Speaker 1 professional style. The Zonemotion technology
The fastest growing market in sport is connected allows an optimal grip in different ground and
to technology. These are sports wearables. The weather conditions. One of its remarkable
wearable technology market, which includes features is the ability to quickly adapt to
medical devices, fitness trackers, headphones the shape of your feet. This is due to several
and ear buds, is estimated to be worth over improvements using various technologies:
£20 billion a year globally and is rising fast. It FitFoam to fit the shape of your feet and
is a market that attracts technology giants like guarantee the maximum comfort with the
Apple and Microsoft as well as cutting-edge small minimum impact; Torsion System technology
independent companies. The sports wearables which provides great stability and protects
offer such a rich variety in terms of technology, the feet and the Formation technology which
and range of applications. They have developed mitigates the impact of running on your joints and
rapidly from the earliest recorded uses in back.
professional sport such as the location-tracking Speaker 5
GPS devices in Australian Rules football in 2004. Endomondo is a fitness application that allows
Those early uses seem positively archaic in users to stay motivated, by acting as a personal
comparison with what today’s technology allows trainer. Downloadable on smartphones, it tracks
us to do. your workouts, and uses a GPS signal to help vary
Speaker 2 your routes. It can be used for running, cycling,
I was recently asked to review some of the or any other distance-based activity. The app
latest uses of technology in sport. There really pushes you to run more and faster because it
seems to be something for every sport from gets you to race against your own time, a friend’s


mountaineering and jogging, to rugby and time or the fastest time on the particular route.
baseball. A fascinating novelty for instance is It also lets you send messages to chosen friends
Whoop, a wristband device for swimmers that with audio feedback and so provides a social
tracks heart rate, analyses the body for strain, community aspect. It’s an easier way to exercise
recovery and sleep, and offers advice on how and stay healthy, knowing that your workout is
to improve performance without over-training. being monitored by others, and allows you to stay
Another interesting newcomer is the Halo Sport competitive.
headphones. These send electric signals to
athletes’ brains, stimulating their muscles and
maximising the benefits of training sessions.
Members of the US ski jumping team who trained
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
554 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Speaking Skills test for First
First Speaking – Parts 3 and 4 Units 9-10
6-7 Student’s activities. Fila A and Easy reading test
(from 1 mark – weak – to 5 marks –
excellent) Reading and Use of English
Reading and Use of English – Part 2
Skills test for First 1 1 pollution, 2 be, 3 samples, 4 which, 5 from,
6 as, 7 hand, 8 were.
Units 7-8 (1 mark for each answer)
Fila B
Reading and Use of English – Part 3
2 1 consequently, 2 using, 3 saving, 4 advisors,
Reading and Use of English 5 actually, 6 being, 7 stagnant, 8 investments.
Reading and Use of English – Part 1 (1 mark for each answer)
1 1 C, 2 C, 3 B, 4 D, 5 A, 6 C, 7 A, 8 C.
(1 mark for each answer) Reading and Use of English – Part 6
3 1 F, 2 G, 3 B, 4 C, 5 A, 6 E, extra letter D.
Reading and Use of English – Part 4 (1 mark for each answer)
2 1 to stop to look, 2 take up football, 3 was such a
fast runner, 4 are allowed to download, 5 will be Writing
posted, 6 long as the children make.
(1 mark for each answer) First Writing – Part 2
4 Student’s activity.
Reading and Use of English – Part 5 (5 marks for interesting and appropriate use
3 1 A, 2 C, 3 D, 4 B, 5 A, 6 D. of vocabulary, 5 marks for accuracy)
(1 mark for each answer)
First Listening – Part 4
First Writing – Part 2 5 1.5 1 B, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C, 5 B, 6 A, 7 C.
4 Student’s activity. (1 mark for each question)
(5 marks for interesting and appropriate use TRANSCRIPT
of vocabulary, 5 marks for accuracy) Interviewer: Good evening everyone and welcome
to another edition of Money Matters. I’m Sadie
Listening Jones and with me in the studio is Stuart Miller,
an international banker who is here to talk to us
First Listening – Part 3 about finance and the environment. Welcome
5 1.4 Speaker 1 D, Speaker 2 B, Speaker 3 G, Stuart. So, can there be a connection between
Speaker 4 C, Speaker 5 F, extra letters A, E, H. banking and the environment?
(1 mark for each answer) Stuart: The answer is yes, because economic
TRANSCRIPT: see Fila A. concerns enter into every aspect of our world
and it seems right that those making huge profits
Speaking from our financial systems should be prepared
to put something back. Banking is not just about
First Speaking – Parts 3 and 4 making money out of investing and saving but
6-7 Student’s activities. also showing concern for the community and the
(from 1 mark – weak – to 5 marks – environment.
excellent) Sadie: That sounds wonderful but is it realistic?
Stuart: It is happening. Over the last three
decades in the United States and other nations
there has been a significant increase in the use
of economic analysis to guide the design and

evaluation of environmental policies. This has


played a key role in the evaluation of ‘green tax

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Sadie: What is that? taxes can never replace traditional taxes but can
Stuart: It is the reorienting of the tax system to possibly co-exist. It remains to be seen whether
concentrate taxes more on ‘bads’ like pollution companies and individuals will be prepared to add
and less on ‘goods’ like capital formation through additional taxes onto their present ones in order
saving and investment. Economic analysis has to benefit the environment.
also looked at innovative new approaches to Sadie: So, what is a realistic way forward?
environmental regulation that want to achieve Stuart: Perhaps the most interesting possibility
environmental goals at a lower cost than is would be a green tax as a form of fine or
possible under conventional regulations. punishment on those companies or individuals
Sadie: Is it feasible? who are guilty of spoiling or polluting the
Stuart: Green tax reform usually involves atmosphere.
introducing environmentally motivated ‘green’ Sadie: And what about the banks?
taxes in the place of existing distortionary ones Stuart: Among these companies we can include
like income and sales taxes. the banking world which through finance and
Sadie: Can you give us an example? loans support companies that might be among
Stuart: One highly debated green tax reform is the polluting ones. If the company has to pay then
the introduction of a carbon tax: levying taxes the bank should too.
on fossil fuels according to their carbon content Adapted from
and using the additional tax revenues to finance
reductions in income tax rates. Speaking
Sadie: I like the sound of this carbon tax.
Stuart: The carbon tax would also confront global First Speaking – Part 2
climate change by discouraging combustion 6 Student’s activity.
of fossil fuels and the associated emissions of (from 1 mark – weak – to 5 marks –
carbon dioxide which is the principal contributor excellent)
to the greenhouse effect.
Sadie: It sounds too good to be true.
Stuart: The possibility of using green tax
revenues to finance cuts in the rates of existing
Skills test for First
taxes is also attractive in terms of efficiency. Units 9-10
This has prompted speculation as to whether Fila B
the environmental taxes might offer a ‘double
dividend’: not only improving the environment but Reading and Use of English
also reducing the overall cost of the tax system.
Sadie: What about the costs involved? Reading and Use of English – Part 2
Stuart: If this argument holds, then the gross 1 1 said, 2 pollution, 3 from, 4 been, 5 in, 6 as,
costs of the reform are zero or negative. 7 are, 8 waste.
Policymakers must only establish that there are (1 mark for each answer)
positive benefits to the environment from the
reforms in order to justify them on efficiency Reading and Use of English – Part 3
grounds. This is especially important with regard 2 1 therefore, 2 making, 3 buying, 4 spending,
to the carbon tax, given the uncertainty about 5 consequently, 6 observed, 7 lifeless, 8 saving.
measuring the possible environmental benefits (1 mark for each answer)
that this policy generates through the avoided
damage from climate change.
Reading and Use of English – Part 6
3 1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 D, 5 G, 6 F, extra letter E.
Sadie: So why isn’t it being introduced?


(1 mark for each answer)

Stuart: Unfortunately, it is not that simple. Many
researchers who have looked into the question
of minimum costs of the green tax have found Writing
that green taxes are usually a relatively inefficient
First Writing – Part 2
way to raise revenue. The economic costs of
4 Student’s activity.
raising green taxes are in fact higher than with
(5 marks for interesting and appropriate use
ordinary income tax. This is because they have
of vocabulary, 5 marks for accuracy)
a very narrow base focussing on individual
commodities such as fossil fuels or on emissions
from particular industries. Traditional taxes have
a very wide base. The conclusion is that green
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First Listening – Part 3
5 1.5 1 C, 2 B, 3 C, 4 A, 5 B, 6 A, 7 B.
(1 mark for each answer)

First Speaking – Part 2
6 Student’s activity.
(from 1 mark – weak – to 5 marks –



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there. After all most relationships have a limited
Listening test Units 1-2 lifespan, whereas family relationships are there for the
2.1 TRANSCRIPT exercises 1-2 whole of your life.
Tina: But we’re not necessarily in touch with all our
Tutor: Today’s social science tutorial is about
relations. I have aunts and uncles and cousins in
relationships. What constitutes a positive relationship?
Australia and I’ve never met them.
What are the qualities needed? Tina, let’s start with
Tutor: To round up our discussion, let’s come a bit
nearer to home and talk about the immediate family.
Tina: I think it’s a very wide topic as there are so many
How do we make that relationship work? Phil?
relationships that are important in our lives. We have Phil: Tolerance, affection and the ability to laugh at
relationships with our parents, our friends, our school ourselves.
mates and teachers. Thinking about it, I suppose what Tina: Definitely tolerance! Trying not to quarrel over
I appreciate most in relationships is openness and small things, being supportive of each other.
honesty. Phil: Living together is not easy! I say give each other
Tutor: What about you Phil – what makes a good space and have fun together.
relationship? Tina: I agree with all of that – especially the tolerance
Phil: I look for relaxed relationships where friends can and affection.
hang out together, enjoy being together and spending Tutor: OK both of you, you’ve given some very
time together. I reckon I have a good relationship with thoughtful comments. That’s the end of the tutorial.
most people because I don’t expect too much from See you next week at the same time.
Tutor: But relationships can also be negative, don’t you 2.2 TRANSCRIPT exercises 3-4
think Tina?
Tina: Yes, some relationships can be suffocating. The Silk Road
There has to be a certain amount of freedom in every A favourite destination for travellers who want an
relationship. Some friends are always quarrelling or unusual holiday with some history and culture included
creating situations where it’s difficult to get on or is the Silk Road. The name alone evokes a romantic
impossible to make up again. Above all, I feel trust is era when caravans of camels, horses and mules used
important as a quality in relationships, and enjoying to transport everything from jade and gunpowder to
doing the same things. exotic plants and of course, silk between China and
Tutor: What about casual relationships with work the Levant. Associated with Marco Polo and Coleridge,
colleagues or acquaintances? Phil? and legendary trading hubs such as Kashgar and
Phil: I have had lots of casual relationships, with Samarkand, it represents for modern travellers a myth-
neighbours or team mates or people I meet socially, laden high road through a wild and exotic landscape.
that remain superficial. Interaction here is light and Travellers and traders have been journeying along
can be friendly and open without committing you to the silk road for centuries. Although strictly speaking
anything more demanding. However, even in these there are many routes not a single road. This network
brief interchanges I feel it is important not to be of routes connecting the edge of Europe with the
aggressive or arrogant. It doesn’t cost anything to be eastern fringes of Asia and the Pacific Ocean have now
polite and considerate. My motto is ‘treat others as you declined as a trade route but have become increasingly
would like to be treated yourself’. important as tourist destinations.
Tutor: We’ve talked about friendships and casual The network of routes is huge. Some routes cross
acquaintances, what about getting on with relations? present-day war zones, many pass through regions
Tina? that used to be hidden behind the Iron Curtain which
Tina: Wow, this is a tricky subject. We can choose are now safe and relatively easy to visit. To the east,
our friends but not our relations! These are the Mongolia and China’s less-explored desert fringes
relationships forced upon us and can be a real test of and, to the west, Azerbaijan and the Caucasus are all


our ability to get on with people. I have a cousin who is possibilities for intrepid travellers – but we are talking
a real pain – whenever I have done something special, about a vast, largely underdeveloped region, so most
I find that it’s something he had already done and had people go for a focused trip to a couple of key cities
been doing for years – better than me! My parents, of and maybe spend a few days sampling yurt life or a
course, thinks he’s great. horseback ride.
Phil: I agree with Tina, relations can be difficult to There is so much to see, so many different landscapes
get on with but there can be some you feel close to. I and experiences that it is difficult for travellers to visit
spend a lot of time with my uncle. He’s taught me a lot them all in one trip and most people select a part of
about life and I often talk to him about my problems. the route. For my journey, I decided to head for the little
It’s true that relations can be mixed but at the end of known but fascinating Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.
the day they are family and there is a certain bond Whether you choose to set off on your journey by
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558 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
plane or decide to arrive overland by train, you are yurt life or a horseback ride, 7 F, He says: ‘For my
soon rewarded by the delightful mosques, madrasas journey I decided to concentrate on little known
and markets. Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva – all in but fascinating Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan’, 8 T,
Uzbekistan – have long been the most scintillating 9 NG, 10 F, He was in Kazakhstan.
cities for foreign visitors to central Asia. The medieval (1 mark for each answer)
Turko-Mongol leader and Uzbek national hero 4 1 C, 2 A, 3 A, 4 A, 5 B.
Tamerlane is buried at Samarkand, and his shrine, with (1 mark for each answer)
its azure dome and exquisite mosaics, is one of several
impressive mausoleums I visited while I was travelling
as part of an organised group. Fila B
I found it truly breathtaking and as we were travelling 1 1 Phil, 2 Phil, 3 Tina, 4 Phil, 5 Phil, 6 Tina.
through the mountains we slowed down to watch a (0.5 marks for each answer)
golden eagle and over a thousand unusual plants. The
other extraordinary country I visited was Kyrgystan. 2 1 It is relationships.
This is must for horse lovers. Our tour company 2 He is looking for relaxed relationships where
organised an adventurous horseback trail through the friends can hang out together, enjoy being
inaccessible fertile valleys and mountain passes. The together and spending time together.
most unforgettable experience for me was while we 3 He thinks interaction here is light and can be
were still riding through the mountains and stopped for friendly and open without being aggressive or
the night by a high-altitude lake called Lake Song-Köl. arrogant.
We camped in yurts, the huge local tents, and went 4 Because she has a difficult relationship with her
stargazing. I have never seen such a beautiful night sky cousin.
and probably never will again. 5 Tolerance, affection and the ability to laugh at
The journey to part of the historic silk road is not for ourselves.
casual travellers. It is not the kind of place where you 6 Not to quarrel over small things and be
could hitch-hike or rent a car and journey on your own. supportive of each other.
I used to think the only way to travel was on my own, (1 mark for each answer)
discovering places and overcoming difficulties without 3 1 T, 2 F, It is between the East and the West, 3 F,
asking directions or relying on guides. However, this It has recently revived as a tourist route, 4 NG,
is not the way to visit the silk road. I recommend that 5 F, Some are war zones, 6 NG, 7 T, 8 F, They
you take part in an organised tour with a good guide. are in Uzbekistan, 9 T, 10 F, It is not the kind of
It is how I did it and I learnt so much about the local place where you could hitch-hike or rent a car and
culture and history and saw extra places I wouldn’t journey on your own.
have noticed on my own. It will cost more but believe (1 mark for each answer)
me, it’s worth it.
Freely adapted from
4 1 A, 2 C, 3 B, 4 C, 5 A.
(1 mark for each answer)
Fila A and Easy reading test
1 1 Tina, 2 Tina, 3 Phil, 4 Phil, 5 Phil, 6 Tina.
(0.5 marks for each answer)
Listening test Units 3-4
2 1 In a social science tutorial. 2.3 TRANSCRIPT exercises 1-2
2 Openness and honesty. Teacher: Welcome everyone to this careers talk given
3 Because he doesn’t expect too much from today by Susan Williams, a career counsellor. Susan
others. has over twenty years’ experience in advising students
4 Casual relationships, with neighbours or team on their future careers and I’m sure her talk will help
mates or people we meet socially. you all in this difficult but truly important decision.
5 Relationships with relatives. Over to you Susan.
6 Not to quarrel over small things and be Susan: Thank you headmaster. Yes, my chosen career
supportive of each other. is helping others make decisions about their future. It
(2 marks for each answer) wasn’t my original choice as I started working, straight
3 1 T, 2 F, It used to be famous for the transport after school, in a newspaper office. I thought I would
of everything from jade and gunpowder to exotic make a good journalist, in fact I could see myself on
plants and of course, silk, 3 T, 4 NG, 5 F, They television reporting from war zones or interviewing

used to be hidden behind the Iron Curtain, 6 F, famous people. After a couple of years I discovered it

Most people go for a focused trip to a couple of was not what I wanted to do at all. I resigned before
key cities and maybe spend a few days sampling they sacked me. I realised that I didn’t like writing about
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events, I liked talking to people, hearing about their have been robbed. The kind of places where crimes
difficulties and helping them solve problems. What’s could easily have happened are at tube stations, at
more I discovered I was good at it and enjoyed it. cash machines, in car parks, around bus stations
I didn’t talk to anyone about careers when I was at and in all overcrowded areas, especially at rush hour.
school so I had to kind of find out for myself and I did, These are the places and times where thieves and
eventually, but had to have a few wasted years first. pickpockets are most active and people must learn
I am here therefore today to help you avoid wasting to be careful. Everyone needs to follow some simple
time. I’m here to guide you a little in the early stages of rules, like never leave your bags or other valuables
deciding what to do when you leave school. unattended in public places, be discreet with your
Some of you will probably know the areas that most belongings; remember that displaying expensive
interest you in your schoolwork and a few of you will jewellery or electronic devices, like mobile phones or
already have chosen a particular field of study but cameras, might attract unwanted attention.
many of you will still be weighing up different options. Speaker 2
So how do you choose. I’m going to give you a few I think crime prevention is a good topic to discuss at
hints. First of all, imagine where you will be in ten school. Students can learn to avoid certain situations
years’ time. Will you be working in an office? Maybe and may then take some rudimentary prevention
as an accountant or a marketing manager? Or will steps so they are less likely to be a victim of crime.
you be your own boss working as an electrician or We teach our students that there is safety in numbers
IT consultant? Will you be working in a hospital as a particularly in the evening when it might be dark. They
laboratory technician or occupational psychologist? must keep careful hold of possessions and not leave
Maybe you will be working from home as a blogger? bags on the floor in a café or pizzeria. It has happened
Try to picture yourself in this future role and think in the past on evenings out, that bags must have been
about whether that is really where you hope to be. stolen while their owners were eating. It has been
Think ahead and then work backwards. What do I said many times before but a fundamental rule is, you
mean? Well, if you see yourself as a future beauty must not talk to strangers and never accept a lift from
therapist you will have to first do training, so after someone who is not an immediate member of your
school you will apply for a place in a college offering family.
courses in beauty therapy. You might also decide to Speaker 3
train on the job and become a trainee assistant in a We have recently set up a Neighbourhood Watch
beauty parlour. programme in my area. This is a group of local people
Most careers will require a degree or diploma or some living in the same street or area who agree to be
qualification to show your level of ability – then of especially vigilant and report any potential crime.
course you will begin to learn on the job, if you manage When anyone notices something unusual they must
to find a job in your chosen field. notify the local police station. I think the programme
My advice is, if you already know what you would like makes people feel more responsible for their own
to do to make a living, find out what qualifications neighbourhood and is particularly efficient against
you need and where you can get them. Make sure you burglars but it might also act as a deterrent for
know about entrance requirements for the course or vandals, kidnappers or other criminals. Just last week
training you want to do. If you are still undecided, then a neighbour phoned the police about a suspicious
talk to people in the kind of jobs you are interested car which must have been up and down our street
in. Most people will be happy to chat to you about ten times at least. The police arrived very quickly and
what they do, and the possible advantages or managed to catch a thief red-handed.
disadvantages. If students come to me I tell them to Speaker 4
consider my job if they are interested in people, enjoy My job is to prevent shoplifting. I work as part of a
talking to lots of different kinds of people and have a team of security officers but I don’t have to wear a
good sense of what is practical. uniform as I need to look inconspicuous. If you enjoy


Remember, your career will be an important part of

using your observation skills then this is a job you
your future. You are going to spend hours, days and
should do. I have to watch and follow shoppers who
years doing the job you choose. So take your time, talk
might be acting suspiciously. As part of our training
to as many people as you can, think about your own
we are also taught to look out for suspicious packages
special qualities and go for it.
as they might contain a bomb left by terrorists. It is
potentially a dangerous job, but I feel it must be one of
2.4 TRANSCRIPT exercises 3-4
the most exciting.
Speaker 1 Speaker 5
Awareness is the first essential in crime prevention. In my work, I meet a lot of people, young and old,
What do I mean? Well, there are certain situations who might have been involved in crime. Most of them
where if people had been more alert they might not are not what I would call criminals, but are socially
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inadequate. Some of them are isolated from society 3 A neighbour phoned the police about a
– maybe because they couldn’t cope with their job; suspicious car driving up and down the street and
or have been thrown out of a family home and ended when the police arrived they managed to catch a
up on the streets. One young man was arrested and thief red-handed.
convicted of theft for stealing a roll because he hadn’t 4 He is also taught to look out for suspicious
eaten for two days. He wasn’t convicted and wasn’t packages as a further danger is from terrorists.
sent to jail and if he had gone to court his sentence 5 No, she is not saying that we must forgive
would have been very light this time but he could get hardened criminals like murderers or drug dealers
into serious trouble in the future. I’m not saying we but that some individuals who are found guilty
must forgive hardened criminals like murderers or drug are just unfortunate.
dealers but some individuals who are found guilty (2 marks for each answer)
might have had unlucky lives.

Fila A and Easy reading test Listening test Units 5-6

1 1 twenty years’, 2 newspaper office, 3 resigned, 2.5 TRANSCRIPT exercises 1-2
4 talking to people, 5 wasting time, 6 different
Interviewer: Hello everyone and welcome to this
options, 7 they will be, 8 diploma, 9 kind of jobs,
week’s edition of Our World. We are dedicating this
10 an important part.
programme to global issues and have in the studio a
(1 mark for each answer) spokesperson for the United Nations. Welcome David
2 3, 4, 6, 8, 9. Clark, thank you for coming in to talk to us.
(1 mark for each answer) David: It’s my pleasure.
3 Speaker 1 H, Speaker 2 D, Speaker 3 C, Interviewer: First of all tell us about the role of the
Speaker 4 A, Speaker 5 F. United Nations in global issues.
(1 mark for each answer) David: As the world’s only truly universal global
organisation, the United Nations has become the
4 1 By displaying expensive jewellery or electronic foremost forum to address issues that transcend
devices, like mobile phones or cameras. national boundaries and cannot be resolved by any
2 He suggests that there is safety in numbers, one country acting alone.
that they should not go out alone. Interviewer: Which issues would the organisation
3 This is a group of local people living in the same consider most pressing at the moment if it had to
street or area who agree to be especially vigilant choose?
and report any potential crime. David: My goodness, that’s a huge question to answer.
4 He doesn’t have to wear a uniform as he needs There are so many pressing issues that we are trying
to look inconspicuous. to deal with. Perhaps the best way to explain is if
5 She says most of them are not what she would I clarify the organisation’s initial goals. These were
call criminals, but are socially inadequate. and are safeguarding peace, protecting human rights,
(2 marks for each answer) establishing the framework for international justice
and promoting economic and social progress. More
Fila B recently the United Nations has added new challenges,
such as climate change, refugees and AIDS.
1 1 future careers, 2 after she left, 3 writing about Interviewer: I see what you mean by a huge question.
events, 4 talking to people, 5 find out, 6 will If this is not too difficult to answer, may I ask where
probably know, 7 working from home, 8 think are you most active?
ahead, 9 what qualifications, 10 as many people. David: While conflict resolution and peacekeeping
(1 mark for each answer) continue to be among our most visible efforts, the UN,
2 3, 5, 6, 8, 9. along with its specialised agencies, is also engaged
(1 mark for each answer) in a wide array of activities to improve people’s lives
around the world – from disaster relief, through
3 Speaker 1 D, Speaker 2 A, Speaker 3 G,
education and advancement of women, to peaceful
Speaker 4 B, Speaker 5 F.
uses of atomic energy. If I were to choose where we
(1 mark for each answer) are most active, I would say in all of these areas.
4 1 At tube stations, at cash machines, in car parks, Interviewer: Do you see the UN’s role as one of
around bus stations and in all overcrowded areas, communication?

especially at rush hour. David: It is definitely our role to raise awareness of


2 They must keep careful hold of possessions and issues. We want to encourage people to be more
not leave bags on the floor. internationally minded, to look beyond their narrow
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nationalistic view and treasure diversity and the in the hall with instructions and help about making
richness of other cultures. If communication helps, then short films. We had this workshop last year and it had
yes we have a role there. the biggest numbers. The results of the workshop,
Interviewer: In this interconnected world, has this for better or worse, will be shown at the end of the
become easier? weekend.
David: It would be easier if knowledge and awareness Another popular workshop is the drama group. There
of the wider world were taught in schools. Children will be more space in this group this year as we’ve
need to learn to see the world through other eyes. brought in a couple of professional actors who will
Interviewer: Can education help in other ways? work with the group to stage a theatre production on
David: Absolutely, school is where children can begin to Sunday afternoon. The group will have to work hard
learn about freedom, patriotism, equality, identity and to come up with a better form of entertainment than
tolerance. They must be taught to sign up to a global last year’s wonderful Mamma Mia! The show may be a
world. musical or could be a theatre play.
Interviewer: Is progress being made? Like last year, there will be four Art workshop for you
David: If by progress you mean, are people more aware to be creative: one for drawing, one for painting and
of the issues, then the answer is yes. If you mean, another for sculpture work. In each group equipment
are the issues being solved, then the answer is more will be provided by the school. A smaller group will also
difficult. I wish we could say some issues are no longer be decorating the school wall, behind the playing field,
a problem – but that is not the case. with graffiti.
Interviewer: If I were to ask you which issues are For the first time we have an extra workshop run by a
particularly urgent, what would you say? well-known local architect. He is coming to talk about
David: I would say it’s impossible to choose. We are life as an architect and will run a workshop designing
currently calling for action on a whole series of issues a new sports pavilion. The best design will be seriously
like population growth, ageing, the role of women, considered by the school authorities.
climate change, water and food shortages, refugees, Another novelty this year is a circus workshop. A group
health and decolonisation. of circus people are coming to demonstrate tight-rope
Interviewer: It is certainly a tremendous task. Do you walking, magic tricks and gymnastics. No, there won’t
think countries should have done more in the past? be any lion taming! They come from the best circus
David: If individual countries had done more, there around so it is a privilege to have them here. The group
might be less of a problem now but that is irrelevant. will include a clown who will have his own workshop
I’m convinced that if we can publicise the problems, to do with clowning. Included in this workshop is a visit
more will get done. The more people know and care to the circus.
about these issues, the more likely it is that action can The last series of workshops we are offering, are to
be taken. do with music. There will be an orchestra workshop
Interviewer: It is certainly a fascinating topic and one for those already playing in the school orchestra but
we hope to go into in further detail in the weeks to there will also be a session introducing the various
come. Thank you David for your contribution to our instruments with the possibility of trying them out.
programme and I hope you can come back to tell us This workshop to inspire and stimulate your interest in
more at another time music is open to all even those who have never tried
David: If you invite me, I will definitely come again. to play an instrument. I must say however that most
instruments are harder to play than you might imagine.
There is also a choir workshop again for those already
2.6 TRANSCRIPT exercises 3-4
taking part, but a separate session will be for anyone
Hi everyone. I’ve called for this school assembly who sees themselves as a possible singer.
because the school is organising a series of Arts I almost forgot, there is another workshop you may
workshops this weekend. You may remember the find more challenging but less daunting than playing


extremely successful Arts weekend we organised the violin. This workshop is about public speaking and
last year when we had more participants than ever how to give a speech. More and more students are
before and the most wonderful displays of art work now required to give presentations in their subjects,
and drama. Well I’m here to tell you about the different so here is an opportunity to learn how to get pleasure
options available this year. After which you will all from it and do it better.
receive an enrolment form to complete and return That is the full programme of activities. I hope you
to the school office. Each of you can decide which agree that there are lots of great options to choose
workshop to join. You better be quick however because from. If you have any further questions or queries
all the workshops have limited numbers. please don’t hesitate to ask and remember to fill
So what workshops will there be? Let’s start with the in the enrolment form as soon as you can. You can
Performing Arts. There will be a cinema workshop leave the completed form with the school secretary
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
562 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
together with the deposit of £20. All the workshops
cost £40 which includes all the necessary equipment.
Listening test Units 7-8
I’m really looking forward to it and hope you all are too. 2.7 TRANSCRIPT exercises 1-3
Let’s make it the most rewarding Arts weekend ever.
Speaker 1
Hi, I’m a lawyer and I have just been given a digital
Fila A and Easy reading test
reader. My first reaction was disappointment, after all
1 1 F, It is the world’s only truly universal global what’s the point of a machine to read books when the
organisation, 2 T, 3 F, More recent issues include paper version is fine? However, I have to admit, now
climate change, refugees and AIDS, 4 T, 5 NG, I’m hooked. I do still like the physical feel of a paper
6 F, He says it is definitely the UN’s role to raise book in my hands but this e-reader is so easy to carry
awareness of issues, 7 F, It would be easier, 8 T, round. I have to travel a lot for my job and this gadget
9 F, He says he wishes that they could say some enables me to read easily while travelling. When I go
issues are no longer a problem – but that is not away instead of a case full of heavy volumes, I just
the case, 10 T. upload all the books I want onto my little gadget.
(1 mark for each answer) There’s a light feature so I can read in the dark and
2 1 global issues, 2 universal global organisation, the text can be made bigger or smaller on the screen.
3 economic and social, 4 internationally minded, What’s more I can have work documents uploaded as
5 had done more. well as up to 4,000 books. It is such an amazing little
(1 mark for each answer) machine.
Speaker 2
3 1 the hall, 2 actors, 3 painting, 4 school wall, 5 as When I started university last year I was given a tablet
an architect, 6 magic tricks, 7 lion taming, 8 the by my parents. I had been used to using a desktop
orchestra, 9 a speech, 10 £20. computer and I wondered if this little device would
(1 mark for each answer) be able to perform all the same functions. After all
4 1 C, 2 A, 3 C, 4 B, 5 B. it’s so small. Well, of course, the answer is: Yes, it can
(1 mark for each answer) – and more. I’m amazed at the technology that has
been fitted into this space. It has a cool touch screen
rather than using a keyboard and numerous apps can
Fila B
be downloaded as well as films and music. My home
1 1 T, 2 F, The UN is dealing with more issues computer, which was a present from my grandfather,
now like climate change, refugees and AIDS, 3 F, now seems so old fashioned. My Dad has had a whole
Conflict resolution and peacekeeping continue series of features added. The tablet has all the Internet
to be their most visible efforts, 4 T, 5 F, It deals browser functions, as well as GPS satellite navigation,
with them through specialised agencies, 6 T, camera and video camera functions, an e-book reader
7 F, They need to learn it in school, 8 NG, 9 F, – not to mention the usual apps for games and videos.
There are many issues including population You never know, if I have any time left from all of these
growth, ageing, the role of women, climate uses, I might even use it to help with my studies!
change, water and food shortages, refugees, Speaker 3
health and decolonisation, 10 T. Friends are always asking me for advice about the
(1 mark for each answer) latest technology and I usually answer by talking about
2 1 spokesperson, 2 transcend national boundaries, what I’ve just bought for myself. At the moment,
3 protecting human rights, 4 of women, 5 sign up. I’m telling them about my new smart phone. I had
(1 mark for each answer) it delivered after ordering it online from a site that
was recommended by a fellow expert whose advice
3 1 short films, 2 Sunday afternoon, 3 theatre I respect. It was a great choice and I’m thrilled with
play, 4 sculpture, 5 sports pavilion, 6 gymnastics, its performance. The phone is slim and comfortable
7 clowning, 8 an instrument, 9 presentations, to hold and has a massive display screen. There’s a
10 £40. good battery life and a fast million mega pixel camera
(1 mark for each answer) with video options. It has impressive internet speeds
4 1 B, 2 B, 3 A, 4 C, 5 A. and there are loads of features. For me, it is easily
(1 mark for each answer) the smartest Android phone yet. It is automatically
updated and has voice activation, so you can do
everything from post Twitter updates to look up the
weather with just your voice. It’s great.


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Speaker 4 the students who are interested the possibility of
The most exciting thing happened to me yesterday. It choosing.
was my birthday and I was given a new computer a John: My argument is that what you are proposing is
laptop. I’d never used one before so I had to start from great in theory but we don’t have time in the normal
the very beginning. My grandson explained how it had school week where we have to fit in so much in such
to be plugged in and turned on. He showed me how to a limited schedule. What I say is that schools should
log in after the machine had booted up and then how organise activity weeks for the more unusual sports like
to tap in information or use the mouse to click on icons. white-water rafting or paragliding or surfing. These are all
All this terminology was new to me and so exciting. I sports students should be introduced to outside school.
had to have everything shown to me, like signing in and Let’s leave the PE time to learning basic sports well.
signing off and logging out. After a couple of hours my Sally: I agree that PE time is limited but not all schools
grandson, who is really quick on computers, thought I manage to organise weeks away and not all students
was ready to be taught how to download music and have the possibility of going. I suppose another
videos. He also arranged with the shop, where he way around the time problem is in the after-school
bought the computer, for me to receive some computer clubs where alternative sports can be introduced like
training. He’s getting them to send a technician round baseball. In my school, we are having a new swimming
for an hour a week. pool built and we are hoping to introduce swimming,
diving and canoeing next year.
John: It is true that there are so many sports to choose
2.8 TRANSCRIPT exercises 4-5 from and most schools whose budgets are limited, have
Announcer: Good evening everyone and welcome to to accept limitations. We don’t have a pool for example,
our weekly discussion about sport. This evening we but we do have a playing field where students join in
have two physical education teachers who are going athletics as well as football, rugby and cricket.
to talk about sport in school. I think we all agree that Sally: In many ways, the sports in schools are already
sport has an important role in education, but perhaps moving into new areas and the challenge for us
there isn’t always agreement about which sport should teachers is to motivate and encourage participation.
be taught and when. But let me hand you over to our I just feel that if we offer more choices and different
speakers John and Sally. Sally, you first, tell us your types of sport more students will participate. It just
views on sport in school. doesn’t have to be a match or a competition, it has to
Sally: Hi there, yes, I have been teaching sport in be enjoyable.
schools for nearly twenty years and have come to John: Yes and no, I agree with competition – my
think more and more that there should be more variety students are always motivated by a challenge.
in the options on offer. What do I mean? Well, most Announcer: Thank you both. It is very motivating
schools offer traditional sports like football, rugby, for us to hear your views and to hear your obvious
cricket and tennis but what about free climbing or enthusiasm for your subject.
mountaineering or even fun sports like skateboarding.
There are many sports which students can’t participate Fila A and Easy reading test
in and yet school is where young people have a unique 1 1 D, 2 C, 3 A, 4 B.
opportunity to take on new things. (0.5 marks for each answer)
John: I both agree and disagree. First of all, it must
be said that traditional sports offer a kind of basis 2 1 the student, 2 the lawyer, 3 the grandmother,
for flexing your muscles. Students can learn to follow 4 the technology expert, 5 the student, 6 the
rules, to work with others, to compete and sometimes grandmother, 7 the technology expert, 8 the
even to experience the thrill of winning. I think if we lawyer.
introduce too many new sports into schools we won’t (0.5 marks for each answer)
be able to get the students to learn any of them 3 1 At first, she thought paper books were better


properly. Also if we haven’t the time to have them but then realised the convenience of being able
stay on task as much as other schools our teams are to upload so many books to read while travelling
more likely to lose – which isn’t fun. Lastly, I believe without carrying them.
that some of the sports like jogging or darts are sports 2 Because it was so small compared to the
students can do on their own. desktop.
Sally: If we want them to take up sports outside of 3 It has a cool touch screen.
school we have to first teach them and encourage 4 He thinks it is easily the smartest Android
them in school. Also some sports are complicated like phone yet.
sailing and require special equipment – most students 5 He got them to send a technician around once a
don’t have a boat. I say let’s introduce more sports as week to teach her how to use the laptop.
part of our school sports programme and that gives (2 marks for each answer)
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
564 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
4 1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 C, 5 A, 6 C, 7 B, 8 C. of harming the atmosphere and he replied that
(1 mark for each answer) agriculture and deforestation, also contributed to the
5 1 teachers, 2 traditional, 3 lose, 4 so much, proliferation of greenhouse gases that cause climate
5 alternative, 6 playing field. change.
(1 mark for each answer) He agreed that some quantities of these gases
were a naturally occurring and critical part of Earth’s
temperature control system. But he argued that the
Fila B atmospheric concentration of CO2 did not rise above
1 1 C, 2 A, 3 D, 4 B. 300 parts per million between the advent of human
(0.5 marks for each answer) civilisation roughly 10,000 years ago and 1900. The
shocking news is that today it is at about 400 ppm, a
2 1 the student, 2 the technology expert, 3 the
level not reached in more than 400,000 years.
grandmother, 4 the lawyer, 5 the grandmother,
We asked Mr Douglas whether even small increases
6 the student, 7 the lawyer, 8 the technology
in the Earth’s temperature caused by climate change
could have severe effects. He answered by saying that
(0.5 marks for each answer)
the Earth’s average temperature has gone up 1.4° F
3 1 The fact that she can read while travelling over the past century and is expected to rise as much
without carrying heavy books, the light, the fact as 11.5° F over the next. Although that might not
she can make the text bigger or smaller and the seem a lot he argued that the average temperature
number of books that can be uploaded. during the last Ice Age was about 4º F lower than it is
2 His grandfather. today.
3 The tablet has all the Internet browser He continued by telling us that the rising sea levels due
functions, as well as GPS satellite navigation, to the melting of the polar ice caps caused by climate
camera and video camera functions, an e-book change, contribute to greater storm damage. Warming
reader – not to mention the usual apps for games ocean temperatures are associated with stronger and
and videos. more frequent storms; additional rainfall, particularly
4 He ordered it online and had it delivered. during severe weather events, which allows flooding
5 She was shown everything by her grandson. and other damage. Consequently, according to Mr
(2 marks for each answer) Douglas there will also be an increase in the incidence
4 1 A, 2 C, 3 B, 4 C, 5 B, 6 C, 7 A, 8 A. and severity of wildfires threatening habitats, homes,
(1 mark for each answer) and lives as well as heat waves contributing to human
deaths, drought and famine.
5 1 weekly, 2 twenty, 3 basis, 4 sailing, 5 unusual, Mr Douglas said he believed that carbon dioxide
6 unusual, 6 swimming pool. emissions are making the situation so dramatic. He
(1 mark for each answer) claimed that these emissions continue to increase and
there is only so much CO2 that can be soaked up by
natural reservoirs such as the oceans.
Listening test Units 9-10 He stated very strongly that we mustn’t allow this
situation to continue and when asked what action
2.9 TRANSCRIPT exercises 1-2 could be taken replied with a series of possibilities.
I have just attended a weekend conference about He accused governments of not doing enough and
protecting the planet and have come away quite suggested they should encourage the introduction
shocked about the state our world is in. The speaker, of alternative energy, control the type of industrial
William Douglas, was an expert on climate patterns dumping and discourage the use of private transport
and he spoke for nearly two hours about the with congestion charges in cities. On an individual level,
greenhouse effect and global warming. I know these Mr Douglas asked us all to be more aware of our own
are terms people have been talking about for years carbon footprint, to think about recycling strategies
but it is quite shocking to be presented with the cold and carefully consider the amount of plastic waste
statistics. One of the major problems he explained was due to the over consumption of plastic containers and
to do with the ice caps melting in the Arctic and as a bottles.
result there were rising sea levels. We asked him what In the concluding part of his speech, Mr Douglas
the timescale was and he showed a graph of how reminded us that the effects of climate change are
rapidly the changes are happening. also seen in vegetation and land animals. As a result of
According to Mr Douglas fossil fuels such as oil and rising temperatures, there have been earlier flowering

coal emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere – and fruiting times for plants and changes in the

primarily carbon dioxide. We asked whether there territories occupied by animals which has led to an
were other human activities that could be accused increase in the numbers of endangered species.
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Mr Douglas’s speech ended with a warning. He wanted much £148 million is. We have always worked and
to know why so little was being done when records saved up for holidays or things that we needed. As a
showed that the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 were result of this win we can suddenly pay back all of the
the three hottest years on record. Action, he said, is not money we borrowed, pay off the mortgage and think
just necessary but urgent. about allowing ourselves a few luxuries.
Adapted from Adrian: We told the children that we had won a bit of
money and consequently could do some special things.
Our daughter asked whether we now had enough
2.10 TRANSCRIPT exercises 3-4 pennies to go to Domino’s Pizza for tea. She made us
Host: Good evening everyone and welcome to our laugh. So we all went and we let them order anything
weekly news round-up. This is the programme that they wanted.
aims to make you laugh and sometimes make you cry Gillian: I think it will take time to understand what we
as we look at the events of the week. Tonight we have can and should do. In the future, there may be a new
a special edition. A very ordinary couple from Suffolk house, a car and holidays abroad. We need a bit of
are now faced with a very extraordinary life. They have time to allow ourselves to get used to a new reality.
been named as the lucky winners of the EuroMillions Up to now we haven’t even had credit or debit cards.
jackpot prize. Welcome Adrian and Gillian Bennet. First We don’t want things to change too much. We want to
of all let me ask you, how much did you actually win? keep our friends and our relationships with family.
Adrian: It is an unbelievable sum, something over Adrian: The other important thing for us is to think
£148,000,000. about how we can help others. We have been
Host: Wow, that’s certainly a life-changing amount. incredibly lucky but we want to share our good fortune
What do you do Adrian, or should I say what did you with those who have been less fortunate. After all life
do? is a kind of lottery.
Adrian: I work in the Sales Department of a music
company and my wife Gillian works in the Customer Fila A and Easy reading test
Services office of a local department store. 1 1 F, He/she come away quite shocked at the state
Host: Have you resigned? our world is in, 2 T, 3 F, He said it was caused
Adrian: For the time being neither of us is planning to by a proliferation of greenhouse gases, 4 F, He
leave our jobs. We want to take things slowly and think stated that human activities such as agriculture
carefully about saving, interest rates and investments and deforestation con also contribute to climate
with a financial advisor. change, 5 NG, 6 T, 7 T, 8 T, 9 F, On an individual
Host: Gillian, can you describe the moment when you level, Mr Douglas asked us all to be more aware
realised that you’d won? of our own carbon footprint, think about recycling
Gillian: I was having trouble getting the kids to go to strategies and carefully consider the amount of
sleep. We have two children a boy of 6 and a girl of 4. plastic waste, 10 F, He warned that they were
We don’t normally allow them to stay up late but that rising and the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 were
evening we’d all been watching a film. The children, the three hottest years on record.
were over-excited and didn’t want to go to bed. After I’d (1 mark for each answer)
got them to settle, we started watching the news and
scrolling along the bottom of the screen was the news 2 1 a weekend conference, 2 rising sea levels, 3 oil
that someone had won the EuroMillions. I hadn’t had and coal, 4 storm damage, 5 alternative energy.
time to get a ticket during the week and Adrian said he (1 mark for each answer)
hadn’t either. 3 1 B, 2 C, 3 C, 4 A, 5 B.
Adrian: But I just said it as a joke since I had actually (1 mark for each answer)
got my friend to buy me five tickets. 4 1 They’ve won the EuroMillions jackpot prize.
Gillian: Adrian got out the tickets and checked the


2 No, they haven’t for the time being.

numbers. He couldn’t believe he had all the right 3 He said he hadn’t bought any tickets for the
numbers. So then he let me check them too and it was lottery but he had got his friend to buy five for
true. him.
Adrian: After that things went a bit mad. We began 4 They went to Domino’s Pizza and let them order
phoning all our relatives and friends, the kids woke up anything they wanted.
due to all the excitement and started crying. 5 They will allow themselves a new house, a car
Gillian: Our friends were all a bit shocked to be called and holidays abroad.
so late in the evening, but when we told them the (2 marks for each answer)
news, they were all amazed and excited too.
Host: What do you see happening now?
Gillian: Neither of us can quite comprehend just how
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
566 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Fila B
1 1 F, It was the greenhouse effect and global
warming, 2 F, Due to the ice caps melting in
the Arctic, 3 T, 4 NG, 5 T, 6 F, Warming ocean
temperatures are associated with stronger
and more frequent storms; additional rainfall,
particularly during severe weather events, which
allows flooding and other damage, 7 F, There
is only so much CO2 that can be soaked up by
natural reservoirs such as the oceans, 8 F, He
thinks they should encourage the introduction of
alternative energy, control the type of industrial
dumping and discourage the use of private
transport with congestion charges in cities, 9 F,
He accused governments of not doing enough,
10 T.
(1 mark for each answer)
2 1 shocked at, 2 recycling strategies, 3 ocean
temperatures, 4 agriculture and deforestation,
5 ice caps melting.
(1 mark for each answer)
3 1 C, 2 B, 3 C, 4 B, 5 A.
(1 mark for each answer)
4 1 It can make you laugh and sometimes make
you cry as it looks at the events of the week.
2 They saw the winning numbers on the
television while they were watching the news.
3 Because she hadn’t had time to buy tickets and
her husband Adrian said he hadn’t bought any
4 A life-changing amount, £148,000,000.
5 They have always worked and saved up for
holidays or things that they needed.
(2 marks for each answer)



Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

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NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................


Competenze di base – Asse dei linguaggi: Utilizzare una lingua straniera per i principali scopi comunicativi ed operativi; Utilizzare e
produrre testi multimediali
Competenza chiave europea: Competenza multilinguistica

□ Individua e seleziona diverse fonti di informazione

Competenza personale, ACQUISIZIONE E e strumenti e li organizza in modo puntuale
sociale e capacità di Imparare a imparare GESTIONE DELLE facendo collegamenti con le conoscenze acquisite
imparare a imparare INFORMAZIONI in precedenza per elaborare il progetto in modo

□ Conosce, individua e gestisce le fasi progettuali in

situazioni di relativa complessità; pianifica il lavoro con
PIANIFICAZIONE E precisione e creatività; mostra una buona capacità di
Progettare ORGANIZZAZIONE DEL individuare azioni correttive in fase di revisione.
PROPRIO LAVORO Utilizza in maniera completa le conoscenze apprese
e approfondite per ideare, pianificare e realizzare un
prodotto. Infine verifica la pianificazione.

□ Affronta in modo efficace situazioni problematiche

ipotizzando anche soluzioni alternative efficaci.
Risolvere problemi DI SITUAZIONI
Si confronta con novità e imprevisti con sicurezza e

□ Usa le tecnologie della comunicazione per ricercare
un’ampia quantità di informazioni e produrre testi in
Competenza digitale PER RICERCA E
modo esperto e creativo con supporti multimediali

□ Agisce con intraprendenza, in modo autonomo e

responsabile. Si rivela consapevole delle proprie
Agire in modo GIUDIZIO
possibilità, ha fiducia in sé e senso di responsabilità
nello scegliere soluzioni originali e adeguate al

Competenza in materia □ Sostiene il proprio punto di vista con argomentazioni

di cittadinanza ASCOLTO ATTIVO logiche e condivise dal gruppo; ascolta gli interlocutori
E INTERAZIONE IN senza interrompere e apporta contributi originali alla
(LAVORO DI GRUPPO) GRUPPO discussione; accetta le decisioni della maggioranza
mostrando approvazione.
Collaborare e
□ Assume senza difficoltà qualsiasi incarico deciso
Competences tests
Griglie di valutazione


dal gruppo; rispetta sempre i ruoli di lavoro dei

partecipanti, i tempi di lavoro e di consegna.

Da utilizzare in tutte le verifiche.

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
568 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................


□ Individua e seleziona alcune □ Individua e seleziona le fonti
□ Anche se guidato, non è in
fonti di informazione e gli minime di informazione e gli
grado di identificare fonti e
strumenti idonei alle varie fasi strumenti essenziali e/o solo
informazioni valide; sceglie
di realizzazione del progetto quelli funzionali all’esecuzione
materiali e strumenti inadeguati
e li organizza facendo alcuni del compito.
alle varie fasi di realizzazione del
collegamenti con le conoscenze Utilizza solo le conoscenze
acquisite in precedenza. minime acquisite in precedenza.
□ Coglie le fasi essenziali di
□ Individua correttamente le varie realizzazione del progetto,
□ Supportato dal docente o
fasi progettuali e le pianifica talvolta con il supporto del
dai compagni comprende le
nelle linee generali. docente o dei compagni, e le
fasi essenziali di esecuzione
Utilizza nel complesso le pianifica in modo non sempre
del compito ma non le mette
conoscenze apprese per sequenziale.
in pratica in modo logico e
pianificare e realizzare un Utilizza parzialmente le
prodotto. conoscenze apprese per
realizzare un semplice prodotto.
□ Mostra difficoltà nell’affrontare
□ Affronta e risolve solo situazioni e risolvere situazioni
□ Affronta in modo adeguato
problematiche semplici, problematiche semplici e
situazioni problematiche
ipotizzando soluzioni non ipotizza soluzioni non efficaci,
ipotizzando alcune soluzioni.
sempre efficaci. anche se guidato.
Si confronta con novità e
Si confronta con novità e Si confronta con novità e
imprevisti con adeguatezza.
imprevisti con rigidità. imprevisti con passività o
mostrando grande rigidità. PROCESSO
□ Mostra difficoltà nell’utilizzo
□ Usa le tecnologie della
□ Usa le tecnologie della delle attrezzature/dispositivi □ AVANZATO
comunicazione per ricercare
comunicazione in maniera per acquisire informazioni o lo □ INTERMEDIO
informazioni essenziali e
efficace allo scopo per ricercare fa in maniera impropria anche □ BASE
produrre testi con supporti
informazioni e produrre testi in se supportato dall’aiuto dei □ BASE NON
multimediali semplici in modo
modo autonomo con supporti compagni o dell’insegnante. RAGGIUNTO
esecutivo e solo con l’aiuto dei
multimediali adeguati. Elabora documenti digitali in
compagni o dell’insegnante.
modo frettoloso e impreciso.
□ Agisce in modo meccanico. Non
□ Agisce in modo adeguato. sempre si dimostra consapevole
□ Agisce in modo disorganico. Si
Si dimostra abbastanza delle proprie possibilità; le sue
dimostra poco consapevole delle
consapevole delle proprie scelte sono generalmente
proprie possibilità e le sue scelte
possibilità ed è in grado di coerenti con il contesto, ma
spesso risultano poco efficaci e
operare scelte adeguate al non sempre efficaci. Spesso
coerenti con il contesto.
contesto. necessita del supporto esterno
nel prendere decisioni.
□ Sostiene il proprio punto di
□ Sostiene il proprio punto di vista
vista con argomentazioni non □ Non riesce a sostenere il
con argomentazioni adeguate;
sempre efficaci e condivisibili; proprio punto di vista; ascolta
ascolta gli interlocutori talvolta
ascolta gli interlocutori spesso gli interlocutori interrompendo;
interrompendo; apporta
interrompendo; apporta minimi non apporta contributi alla
contributi accettabili alla
contributi alla discussione; discussione; non accetta le
discussione; di solito accetta le
accetta con qualche difficoltà le decisioni della maggioranza.
decisioni della maggioranza.
decisioni della maggioranza.
□ Quasi sempre assume gli
□ Non sempre assume gli incarichi □ Non assume gli incarichi decisi
incarichi decisi dal gruppo;
decisi dal gruppo, i ruoli di lavoro dal gruppo, non rispetta i ruoli
rispetta i ruoli di lavoro dei
dei partecipanti e i tempi di di lavoro dei partecipanti, né i
partecipanti e i tempi di lavoro e
lavoro e di consegna. tempi di lavoro e di consegna.
di consegna.
Griglie di valutazione
Competences tests

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
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NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................


Competenze di base – Asse dei linguaggi: Utilizzare una lingua straniera per i principali scopi comunicativi ed operativi; Utilizzare e
produrre testi multimediali
Competenza chiave europea: Competenza multilinguistica

□ Il prodotto contiene tutte le parti e le informazioni

ORGANIZZAZIONE utili e pertinenti a sviluppare la consegna; i dati sono
Competenza Progettare DELLE INFORMAZIONI inseriti in modo funzionale allo scopo finale e secondo
imprenditoriale un ordine logico, organico ed originale.

□ La parte grafica/visiva della presentazione è

pienamente adeguata al contesto; la sequenza logica e
cronologica è efficace; c’è ottimo equilibrio fra testo e
Competenza digitale immagini (ove previste); la schematizzazione e il layout
sono di buona efficacia comunicativa; i caratteri sono
chiari e di immediata leggibilità.


Competenze di base – Asse dei linguaggi: Utilizzare una lingua straniera per i principali scopi comunicativi ed operativi
Competenza chiave europea: Competenza multilinguistica

□ Comunica le idee con entusiasmo e con un appropriato

EFFICACIA E COERENZA tono di voce e ritmo e una buona pronuncia;
COMUNICATIVA l’esposizione segue rigorosamente un percorso logico
e coerente.

□ Il linguaggio è chiaro e corretto; i termini specifici
e i tempi verbali utilizzati sono sempre appropriati
e adeguati al contesto; usa gran parte dei vocaboli
dell’unità oggetto di studio e mostra di possedere un
ampio bagaglio lessicale di precedente acquisizione.

Da utilizzare nelle verifiche che prevedono la presentazione de prodotto alla classe: Competences tests 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Competences tests
Griglie di valutazione


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NAME ..................................................................................................................... CLASS ...................... DATE .................................................................................


□ Il prodotto contiene informazioni □ Il prodotto contiene le
utili e abbastanza pertinenti a informazioni di base □ Il prodotto contiene solo poche
sviluppare la consegna; i dati sostanzialmente attinenti alle e approssimative informazioni,
sono inseriti in modo adeguato richieste; i dati sono inseriti in non organiche e poco attinenti
allo scopo finale e secondo un modo non sempre lineare o alle richieste o è incompleto. PRODOTTO
ordine logico. talvolta casuale.
□ La parte grafica/visiva della □ La parte grafica/visiva della □ INTERMEDIO
presentazione è adeguata; la presentazione è abbastanza □ La parte grafica/visiva □ BASE
sequenza logica è efficace anche adeguata al contesto, ma la della presentazione è □ BASE NON
se la grafica potrebbe essere sequenza logica non è sempre scarsa e inadeguata allo RAGGIUNTO
migliorata; c’è discreto equilibrio funzionale; sono presenti poche scopo o incompleta; manca
fra testo e immagini (ove immagini (ove previste); poco di organizzazione e/o
previste); adeguati i caratteri efficace l’organizzazione grafica schematizzazione adeguate.
scelti e la schematizzazione. e/o la schematizzazione.


□ Comunica le idee in modo
semplice evidenziando talvolta □ Evidenzia grandi difficoltà nel
□ Comunica le idee con un tono
alcune difficoltà; la pronuncia comunicare le idee, parla troppo
di voce e un ritmo appropriati
non è sempre corretta; il tono piano e pronuncia i termini in
La pronuncia è accettabile.
di voce è monotono e il ritmo modo scorretto; l’esposizione è
L’esposizione è adeguata, ESPOSIZIONE ORALE
è incostante; l’esposizione frammentaria e non segue una
corretta e abbastanza coerente.
è semplice e non è sempre sequenza logica.
strutturata in modo logico. □ AVANZATO
□ Il linguaggio è abbastanza chiaro □ Il linguaggio è semplice e non □
□ Il linguaggio è spesso confuso BASE
e corretto; i termini specifici e i sempre corretto; la terminologia □ BASE NON
e la terminologia specifica non
tempi verbali sono quasi sempre specifica è limitata e i tempi RAGGIUNTO
viene utilizzata o è del tutto
corretti e adatti al contesto; usa verbali non sempre corretti e
inadeguata al contesto; non
un numero adeguato di termini adeguati al contesto; espone
riutilizza, se non in minima
dell’unità oggetto di studio i contenuti utilizzando solo
parte, il lessico dell’unità oggetto
e di vocaboli di precedente una parte del lessico dell’unità
di studio.
acquisizione. oggetto di studio.

Griglie di valutazione
Competences tests

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Recupero test Units 1-3 Recupero test Units 1-5
Standard and Easy reading test Standard and Easy reading test

Vocabulary Vocabulary
1 1 friends, 2 share problems with, 1 1 have a laugh, 2 get a lift, 3 apply for, 4 made
3 acquaintances, 4 an excursion, 5 head back, redundant, 5 caught red-handed, 6 sentenced,
6 landscape, 7 resign, 8 apply, 9 work from 7 get away with, 8 knowledge and awareness,
home, 10 commute. 9 look beyond, 10 richness of culture.
(0.5 marks for each answer) (0.5 marks for each answer)
2 1 going out with, 2 headed for, 3 slow down, 2 1 am in touch with, 2 get lost, 3 to resign,
4 make a living, 5 charge. 4 break, 5 diversity.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)
3 1 contacts, 2 rows/arguments, 3 ask, 4 set, 3 1 victimless crime, 2 sent back, 3 call back,
5 strike. 4 illegal counterfeiting, 5 use up.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)
4 1 get on well, 2 hang out with, 3 get out of, 4 1 got on, 2 headed for, 3 job share, 4 organised
4 took part in, 5 earn money. crime groups, 5 deal with.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)
5 1 happiness, 2 friendships, 3 dangerous, 5 1 leadership, 2 desirable, 3 badly,
4 immediately, 5 easily. 4 uncomfortable, 5 survival.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)

Grammar Grammar
6 1 have you bought, 2 used to, 3 had been flying,
6 1 having, 2 goes, 3 have never seen, 4 was going,
4 is seeing, 5 will be working.
5 had always wanted, 6 will go, 7 will be going,
(1 mark for each answer)
8 may, 9 need to, 10 would not.
7 1 a, 2 the, 3 –, 4 an, 5 the, 6 the, 7 the, 8 –, 9 a, (0.5 marks for each answer)
10 the.
7 1 for, 2 since, 3 since, 4 for, 5 for, 6 get used,
(0.5 marks for each answer)
7 were used, 8 have got used, 9 got used,
8 1 They came back yesterday after they had been 10 were used to.
on holiday for a long time. (0.5 marks for each answer)
2 My mother was cooking dinner when my aunt
8 1 as long as, 2 unless, 3 in case, 4 provided that,
5 unless.
3 My cousin has just come back from London and
(1 mark for each answer)
I saw him yesterday.
4 I had been working as a secretary for two years 9 1 have just been able, 2 be sent, 3 would save,
when they promoted me. 4 will save, 5 would not have lost.
5 Everyone will be/is attending the conference (1 mark for each answer)
tomorrow so the office will be closed. 10 1 wish, 2 regret, 3 wish, 4 regret, 5 wish.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)
9 1 visits, 2 is increasing, 3 made, 4 had travelled/


had been travelling, 5 will write.

(1 mark for each answer) Recupero test Units 6-8
10 1 Paul is hanging out with a group of friends from Standard and Easy reading test
the youth club this week.
2 Mary is in France and she has not seen her Vocabulary
family for three months.
3 I booked our holiday hotel yesterday. 1 1 get, 2 visual, 3 understand, 4 apps, 5 log on,
4 By 2020 I will have been working here for two 6 profile, 7 download, 8 competitions, 9 turned
years. down, 10 participate in.
5 We are meeting with the clients at 10 o’clock. (0.5 marks for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer)
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572 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
2 1 put on, 2 build up a reputation, 3 rate of 3 1 stage, 2 rate of progress, 3 on task, 4 materials,
progress, 4 take steps, 5 stay on task. 5 pay off.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)
3 1 literature, 2 sculptor, 3 post, 4 back up, 4 1 lifetime, 2 download, 3 achievement,
5 challenge. 4 wrappers, 5 organisations, 6 simplify.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)
4 1 build up a reputation, 2 put on, 3 cyberbullying,
4 get out of breath, 5 push them too hard. Grammar
(1 mark for each answer)
5 1 The more young people play on computers the
5 1 bus stops, 2 lifetime, 3 interaction, 4 rethink, less they read.
5 sailing. 2 He had to contact the manufacturer yesterday
(1 mark for each answer) to get his computer repaired.
3 Pupils who want to avoid doing sports must
Grammar show a doctor’s certificate.
4 The football player complained about being sent
6 1 more, 2 less, 3 best, 4 less, 5 was, 6 is off the field during the match.
supposed, 7 are, 8 should be, 9 taking up, 5 My boss made me take a training course last
10 walking. week.
(0.5 marks for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)
7 1 like, 2 as, 3 as, 4 like, 5 like, 6 as, 7 like, 8 like, 6 1 they were satisfied with the success of their
9 as, 10 like. 2 they wanted to
(0.5 marks for each answer) 3 if/whether he would give/was going to give
8 1 Our portable computer is so old that it still has 4 what he was going to do
a DVD player. 5 if he thought
2 Technology is progressing at such a fast pace 6 (that) his company had been dumping
that we cannot keep up with all the changes. 7 starting
3 People need so many IT skills that we have to 8 his government had not done
continue learning. (1 mark for each answer)
4 There are so many apps to choose from that I 7 1 because, 2 since, 3 therefore, 4 due to,
am confused. 5 consequently.
5 Robotic science is such a fascinating subject (1 mark for each answer)
that many people are enthusiastic about it.
(1 mark for each answer) 8 1 skiing, 2 to flex, 3 won, 4 where, 5 would,
6 if the government, 7 promoting, 8 to sponsor,
9 1 get/have, 2 have, 3 having, 4 get, 5 get. 9 made, 10 get/have my secretary send.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)
10 1 who (D), 2 which (ND), 3 which (D), 4 who (D),
5 where (ND).
(1 mark for each answer)

Recupero test Units 6-10

Standard and Easy reading test

1 1 drama, 2 keep in touch, 3 participants, 4 a race,
5 match, 6 drought, 7 congestion charge, 8 ozone
layer, 9 interest rates, 10 withdraw.
(0.5 marks for each answer)
2 1 build up a reputation, 2 fake tweets, 3 get out
of breath, 4 end up, 5 come up with, 6 lose count.

(1 mark for each answer)


Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 573
Entry test Build up to B2
Guided test

1 1 goes, 2 are always complaining, 3 boils.

(1 mark for each answer)
2 B 3, C 2, D 1, E 4.
(1 mark for each answer)
3 1 were looking, 2 found, 3 discovered, 4 lent.
(1 mark for each answer)
4 1 rang, 2 was I doing, 3 broke out.
(1 mark for each answer)
5 1 written, 2 fallen, 3 bought.
(1 mark for each answer)
6 1 John has just come back from Australia.
2 I have not seen the Oscar-winning film yet.
3 Have you met your neighbours yet?
(1 mark for each answer)
7 1 does, 2 will, 3 am going to, 4 will.
(1 mark for each answer)
8 A 3, B 2, D 1.
(1 mark for each answer)
9 1 She ought to talk to her boss.
2 We should put some pictures on the wall.
3 Peter ought to study more.
(1 mark for each answer)
10 1 may/might, 2 could, 3 may/might.
(1 mark for each answer)


Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

574 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
5 1 was sitting, 2 would go, 3 were talking, 4 had
Unit test Unit 1 gone.
Guided test
(1 mark for each answer)

Vocabulary Reading and Use of English

1 1 going out, 2 get on, 3 hang out, 4 make up. Reading and Use of English – Part 3
(0.5 marks for each answer) 6 1 extraordinary, 2 considerable, 3 religious,
2 1 in touch, 2 a row, 3 talk about, 4 sharing 4 attractive, 5 beautiful, 6 idyllic.
moments. (1 mark for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer)
Reading and Use of English – Part 4
3 1 endurance, 2 championship, 3 activity.
7 1 are getting out of, 2 was sent back, 3 is getting
(1 mark for each answer)
used to.
(1 mark for each answer)
Reading and Use of English – Part 6
4 1 look, 2 are you going, 3 have been waiting, 8 1 E, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C, 5 D.
4 spoke, 5 went, 6 haven’t you had. (1 mark for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer)
5 1 originated, 2 have already played, 3 teaches,
4 has been playing.
(1 mark for each answer)
Unit test Unit 3
Guided test

Reading and Use of English Vocabulary

Reading and Use of English – Part 1 1 1 personal trainer, 2 freelance journalist,
6 1 A, 2 B, 3 C, 4 A, 5 C, 6 A. 3 accountant.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)

Reading and Use of English – Part 2 2 1 go on strike, 2 unemployed, 3 contract out,

7 1 went, 2 did, 3 to, 4 best, 5 touch. 4 make a living, 5 earn money, 6 call back.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)

Reading and Use of English – Part 5 Grammar

8 1 C, 2 A, 3 A, 4 A, 5 B.
3 1 will be spending, 2 starts, 3 going to promote.
(1 mark for each answer)
Unit test Unit 2 4 1 will be interviewing, 2 won’t have finished,
Guided test 3 shall I help, 4 will have done.
(1 mark for each answer)
Vocabulary 5 1 the, 2 the, 3 –, 4 a.
(1 mark for each answer)
1 1 cruise, 2 hitch-hike, 3 trips, 4 voyage.
(1 mark for each answer) Reading and Use of English
2 1 dangerous, 2 considerable, 3 impressive,
4 persistent. Reading and Use of English – Part 1
(1 mark for each answer) 6 1 B, 2 A, 3 C, 4 C, 5 B, 6 A.
(1 mark for each answer)
3 1 took part in, 2 sent back, 3 got out of, 4 headed
for. Reading and Use of English – Part 3
(1 mark for each answer) 7 1 obtaining, 2 advancements, 3 quickly,
4 employees, 5 completely.
Grammar (1 mark for each answer)

4 1 was shopping, 2 used to, 3 would, 4 had been Reading and Use of English – Part 7

waiting, 5 stole. 8 1 B, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C, 5 C, 6 B, 7 A.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
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Unit test Unit 4 Grammar
Guided test
4 1 as long as, 2 in case, 3 provided that, 4 unless.
(1 mark for each answer)
Vocabulary 5 1 would not have arrived, 2 will get/get, 3 gets,
1 1 red-handed, 2 sent, 3 break out. 4 would not have solved.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)
2 1 End users of a stolen product cannot be 6 1 He wishes rich countries would give more to
accused of a crime. international aid.
2 Victimless crimes have the lightest sentences. 2 Some organisations would rather help poor
3 They were accused of illegal counterfeiting. countries at home than give aid.
(1 mark for each answer) 3 Unemployment will continue to increase unless
the economy improves.
3 1 misjudged, 2 illegible, 3 dishonest, (1 mark for each answer)
4 disappeared.
(1 mark for each answer)
Reading and Use of English
Grammar Reading and Use of English – Part 3
7 1 disappointment, 2 survival, 3 sadness,
4 1 might have to, 2 may have, 3 needn’t have 4 diversity, 5 relationship, 6 valuable.
carried, 4 have to, 5 must be, 6 should be. (1 mark for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer)
5 1 might not be, 2 must be, 3 succeeded in getting, Reading and Use of English – Part 4
4 had to, 5 have to, 6 might. 8 1 unless governments take, 2 provided that
(0.5 marks for each answer) governments, 3 as long as power, 4 wished that
more people.
Reading and Use of English (1 mark for each answer)

Reading and Use of English – Part 2 Reading and Use of English – Part 6
6 1 managed, 2 used, 3 murder, 4 could, 5 might, 9 1 E, 2 A, 3 B, 4 D, 5 C.
6 can’t, 7 to. (1 mark for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer)

Reading and Use of English – Part 4 Unit test Unit 6

7 1 can’t have been, 2 tracked down, 3 sentenced, Guided test
4 must be the murderer, 5 shouldn’t park.
(1 mark for each answer)
Reading and Use of English – Part 5 1 2 C, 3 B, 4 A.
8 1 C, 2 A, 3 A, 4 B. (1 mark for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer)
2 1 subways, 2 rooftop, 3 skateboard.
(1 mark for each answer)
Unit test Unit 5 3 1 live stage performances, 2 has built up a
Guided test reputation, 3 forms of entertainments, 4 puts on.
(0.5 marks for each answer)


1 1 internationally minded, 2 diversity,
3 awareness. 4 1 most forgetful, 2 better, 3 most colourful.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)
2 1 deal with, 2 came into force, 3 sign up. 5 1 less, less, 2 more, better, 3 more popular, more
(1 mark for each answer) successful.
(1 mark for each answer)
3 1 patriotism, 2 cruelty, 3 neighbourhood.
(1 mark for each answer) 6 1 as, 2 like, 3 like.
(1 mark for each answer)
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
576 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
7 1 quite, 2 slightly, 3 best, 4 better, 5 much, 6 more. Reading and Use of English – Part 3
(0.5 marks for each answer) 8 1 followers, 2 overcome, 3 interact, 4 uploads,
5 interesting.
Reading and Use of English (1 mark for each answer)

FIRST Reading and Use of English – Part 1 Reading and Use of English – Part 5
8 1 B, 2 B, 3 A, 4 C, 5 C. 9 1 C, 2 C, 3 C, 4 B, 5 A.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)

Reading and Use of English – Part 2

9 1 more, 2 sell, 3 stage, 4 most.
(1 mark for each answer)
Unit test Unit 8
Guided test
Reading and Use of English – Part 7
10 1 C, 2 A, 3 B, 4 D, 5 C, 6 A. Vocabulary
(1 mark for each answer)
1 1 took up, 2 faced, 3 participants, 4 contest.
(0.5 marks for each answer)

Unit test Unit 7 2 1 flex our muscles, 2 attention span, 3 stay on

task, 4 pushing.
Guided test
(1 mark for each answer)
3 1 competitive, 2 action, 3 surfing, 4 fielders.
Vocabulary (1 mark for each answer)
1 1 profile, 2 post, 3 back up.
(1 mark for each answer) Grammar
2 1 acquire, 2 take steps, 3 engage in, 4 fake 4 1 walking, 2 to win, 4 playing, 4 to hold,
tweets. 5 smoking.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)
3 1 download, 2 transactions, 3 reset. 5 1 Adriano Panatta, who is Italian, was a tennis
(1 mark for each answer) champion.
2 I love surfing in Bali, where the waves are
Grammar excellent for surfing.
3 Robert, whose Dad was a boxing coach, does
4 1 The documents were not sent because the not like boxing.
computer broke down. (1 mark for each answer)
2 Recently, social media has been attacked for its
negative effects on adolescents.
3 The Secret Service have been asked to check
Reading and Use of English
the suspect’s computer. Reading and Use of English – Part 1
(1 mark for each answer) 6 1 C, 2 A, 3 B, 4 A, 5 B, 6 C.
5 1 so, 2 such, 3 so, 4 such. (1 mark for each answer)
(0.5 marks for each answer)
Reading and Use of English – Part 4
6 1 The school will have all the IT computers 7 1 to keep on the move, 2 apologised for
replaced next week. announcing, 3 try doing more exercise/try
2 I’m having the holiday photos posted on my exercising more, 4 must remember to check my.
phone now. (1 mark for each answer)
3 Tomorrow I will get a new app fitted.
(1 mark for each answer) Reading and Use of English – Part 7
8 1 B, 2 D, 3 C, 4 B, 5 D, 6 A, 7 A.
Reading and Use of English (1 mark for each answer)

Reading and Use of English – Part 2


7 1 device, 2 app, 3 permitted/allowed/able,


4 have, 5 so.
(1 mark for each answer)
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Unit test Unit 9 Unit test Unit 10
Guided test Guided test

Vocabulary Vocabulary
1 1 endangered, 2 glaciers, 3 drought, 4 natural 1 1 bank statement, 2 online banking, 3 savings
disasters. account, 4 are worth.
(1 mark for each answer) (0.5 marks for each answer)
2 1 man-made materials, 2 set out. 2 1 cash machine, 2 financial advisor, 3 credit card.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)
3 1 impression, 2 creation, 3 prevention. 3 1 lose count, 2 set his sights on, 3 came down to.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)
4 1 simplify, 2 quantified, 3 terrorises.
Grammar (1 mark for each answer)
4 1 tell, 2 told, 3 say, 4 said.
(1 mark for each answer) Grammar
5 1 C, 2 A, 3 B. 5 1 got, 2 let, 3 allows, 4 got.
(1 mark for each answer) (0.5 marks for each answer)
6 1 He said that by 2020 they would have reduced 6 1 I finally managed to deal with all the
carbon emissions by 20%. complicated paper work.
2 He said that people who hunted for rhino tusks 2 My colleagues are very arrogant and I’m not on
would be imprisoned. friendly terms with them.
3 He said that they would have changed the city 3 Did you receive this month’s bank statement?
water systems if they had had the money. (1 mark for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer) 7 1 so, 2 as a result, 3 because of, 4 consequently.
7 1 They wanted to know what he/she was doing/ (1 mark for each answer)
they were doing about the problem of violence
against women. Reading and Use of English
2 They asked him/her/them if/whether he/
she/they had made progress on reducing Reading and Use of English – Part 1
unemployment. 8 1 C, 2 B, 3 A, 4 A, 5 C, 6 B.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)

Reading and Use of English Reading and Use of English – Part 3

9 1 advisors, 2 sharpens, 3 individualise,
Reading and Use of English – Part 2 4 sympathise, 5 quantified, 6 savings.
8 1 plastic, 2 set, 3 organisation, 4 creating, 5 were. (1 mark for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer)
Reading and Use of English – Part 5
Reading and Use of English – Part 4 10 1 C, 2 A, 3 B, 4 B, 5 C.
9 1 set out to help, 2 thought that climate change (1 mark for each answer)
was, 3 if his plan was to, 4 efficient waste system
for the.


(1 mark for each answer)

Reading and Use of English – Part 6

10 1 B, 2 E, 3 D, 4 A, 5 C.
(1 mark for each answer)

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

578 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Molly: Have you met the groom?
Skills test for First Grace: No, no-one’s met him yet, we’re being
Units 1-2 introduced at a family dinner tomorrow. They say
Guided test he’s tall and handsome.
Molly: Are you a bridesmaid?
Reading and Use of English Grace: No, I’m not thank goodness. I used to think
it would be great to be a bridesmaid but that was
Reading and Use of English – Part 1 when I was about 5. I’d hate it now.
1 1 A, 2 B, 3 B, 4 C. 3 You hear a teacher talking to her class about a
(1 mark for each answer) school trip.
For your weekend homework, I would like you
Reading and Use of English – Part 2 all to write a review of our recent school trip
2 1 family/relatives, 2 with, 3 links/relationships, to Windsor Castle. You should talk about the
4 close, 5 rows/arguments. journey and describe the parts of the Palace
(1 mark for each answer) you saw. While I was walking round with the
guide, I noticed some of you making notes and
Reading and Use of English – Part 5 a few who were drawing. You should definitely
3 1 C, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C. include this material in your review. I spoke to the
(1 mark for each answer) group who had been visiting St. George’s Chapel
and those who viewed Queen Mary’s Dolls’
Writing House. Add these to your descriptions of the
state apartments and the grand reception room.
First Writing – Part 1 Remember that the best reviews contain praise
4 Student’s activity. and criticism as well as your personal opinions
(5 marks for interesting and appropriate use and recommendations.
of vocabulary, 5 marks for accuracy) 4 You hear a young man asking for travel advice.
Young man: Hello, is that the Best Tours agency?
Listening Woman: Yes, how can I help?
Young man: I’m organising a weekend in Paris for
First Listening – Part 1 my girlfriend as a surprise and I wondered if you
5 1.1 1 B, 2 A, 3 B, 4 B, 5 A, 6 B, 7 A. could help with travel advice and accommodation.
(1 mark for each answer) Woman: Of course. Let’s begin with the journey.
TRANSCRIPT I would definitely recommend the train, the
1 You hear a boy talking about best friends. Eurostar gets you from the centre of London to
I was recently asked who I thought my best the centre of Paris in about two hours. As for
friend was. My instinct was to answer straight accommodation, there is a massive choice. For a
away saying ‘Joe, of course!’. He’s my best weekend, I would recommend something central
mate at school, the guy I hang out with most. and we have a special offer with a small hotel
We often have a laugh and share problems or near the Louvre which our customers have all
great moments. But then I stopped to think and been pleased with.
remembered the guys I used to play with at junior 5 You hear two friends talking about a new
school. Some of them are still around. I’ve been motorway.
skateboarding with them for years. And what John: Have you heard? They’re opening a new
about cousin Ken? I’ve known him since I was a motorway from here to the airport.
baby and we’ve been competing – in a fun way – Pete: But we’ve got a perfectly good dual
all our lives. carriageway. We don’t need a motorway.
2 You hear a girl talking to a friend about John: We’ve also got an excellent bus service and
weddings. a fast train.
Molly: Hey Grace are you coming to the school Pete: I don’t understand why the authorities feel
quiz on Saturday? they have to encourage people to go by car. Our
Grace: Sadly no, I’ve got a family wedding. city is already one of the most polluted in Europe.
Molly: Who’s getting married? Anyone I know? I wish we had more ecological solutions to
Grace: It’s my aunt. I don’t think you’ve ever met transport problems.

her. She’s been living aboard for years. In fact, we John: Some cities are trying to be greener with

all thought she’d never get married but we were congestion charges and bike scheme. Perhaps we
wrong. can suggest that to our city council.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 579
6 You hear a drama teacher talking about a new
Skills test for First
For the first time our school is going to put on a Units 3-4
Shakespeare play this summer, hopefully in the Guided test
open air – if the weather is good enough. We will
start rehearsing next week and first of all we are
holding auditions for the main parts. We want
Reading and Use of English
as many of you as possible to be involved in this Reading and Use of English – Part 2
production and remember apart from the acting 1 1 to, 2 have, 3 prison, 4 have, 5 crime.
parts we also need scene painters to paint the (1 mark for each answer)
scenery, stage hands to move it, costume makers,
light technicians and assistant directors. The play Reading and Use of English – Part 4
will be A Midsummer Night’s Dream and there 2 1 must have got in, 2 won’t/will not call Dad
are parts for acting, singing and dancing. The unless, 3 time-consuming/so time-consuming,
auditions start tomorrow after school. Be there! 4 succeeded in talking.
7 You hear two friends talking about a television (1 mark for each answer)
Jenny: You’re looking very serious, anything Reading and Use of English – Part 7
wrong? 3 1 B, 2 A, 3 D, 4 C, 5 B, 6 C.
Stephen: I’m thinking about a programme I saw (1 mark for each answer)
last night.
Jenny: What was it about? Writing
Stephen: I’ve been following this series about
nature called The Blue Planet. It’s absolutely First Writing – Part 2
fascinating. It uses all the latest technology to 4 Student’s activity.
explore the oceans to depths never seen before. (5 marks for interesting and appropriate use
Jenny: I think I’ve seen one of them. Was there one of vocabulary, 5 marks for accuracy)
on the coral reefs? If that was the same series it
was beautiful. Listening
Stephen: Yes, it’s bound to have been the same
series. The one last night was showing all the First Listening – Part 3
current pollution problems putting the seas at 5 1.2 Speaker 2 D, Speaker 3 A, Speaker 4 C,
risk. Speaker 5 B.
8 You hear part of a programme on the subject of (1 mark for each answer)
Edinburgh Zoo has finally given up trying to Speaker 1
increase its panda population. In December Please don’t talk to me about jobs and future
2011 two giant pandas, Tian Tian and her mate careers, I have no idea what I will want to do or
Yang Guang, arrived in Edinburgh on a 10-year even what I will want to study when I will have
loan, as part of a £2.6bn trade deal with China. finally finished school. I must admit studying
Tian Tian had had twins in 2009, but after four is not my favourite activity so I don’t think I’ll
false alarms leading to no new pandas the team be going to university. I would rather follow a
at the zoo have called for a break. An expert felt practical course, something along the lines of
there may have been links between Tian Tian’s social work or nursing. I like the idea of caring for
failure to give birth and seasonal changes in others so the choice might be something like a
Edinburgh’s daylight levels. Because the city is beauty therapist or an occupational psychologist


further north than their natural home in China, the – though I might need a degree for that.
longer days in summer and longer nights in winter Speaker 2
may have upset her hormones. My dad’s an accountant and my brother is an
electrician but neither of those jobs appeals to
Speaking me. I like the idea of working for myself, not in
First Speaking – Part 1 a typical nine-to-five job. So, I might try to be a
6 Student’s activity. freelance journalist or an IT consultant. People say
(from 1 mark – weak – to 5 marks – it’s hard to get into journalism so I suppose I could
excellent) try becoming a blogger. I’ve heard about people
making a fortune writing blogs. I’m also good at
sport so another future possibility could be a PE
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580 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
teacher or personal trainer. Doing a job you really
like must be great so that’s what I’ll aim for.
Skills test for First
Speaker 3 Units 5-6
I want to be a policewoman. I have always been Guided test
fascinated by crime and enjoy working out the
correct punishment for robbers or burglars or
drug-dealers. I think I could be really good at
Reading and Use of English
detecting murderers and hijackers or blackmailers. Reading and Use of English – Part 3
By the time I’m thirty, I will have finished my 1 1 prepared, 2 resistance, 3 campaigner,
training and will probably be part of a specialist 4 violently, 5 interconnected.
department solving cyber-crime or terrorism. I (1 mark for each answer)
have never, fortunately, been a victim of crime
but I love the idea of acting on information Reading and Use of English – Part 4
and tracking down criminals. I think that those 2 1 isn’t/is not as expensive as, 2 wouldn’t have
who break the law shouldn’t get away with got, 3 if you leave the tap, 4 isn’t/is not as
their crimes or be let off but must be properly difficult as, 5 to be promoted.
sentenced and sent to jail! (1 mark for each answer)
Speaker 4
We seem to be under a lot of pressure to make Reading and Use of English – Part 6
decisions about our future, but is it really 3 1 D, 2 B, 3 C, 4 A.
necessary to earn massive amounts? Can’t (1 mark for each answer)
we make a living by working from home nor
maybe even being a housewife? There are lots of Writing
negative sides to working lives, you can get the
sack or be made redundant. My uncle Bill was First Writing – Part 2
a marketing manager for years with the same 4 Student’s activity.
company but they fired him because he took time (5 marks for interesting and appropriate use
off to help his mum move house. At the most I of vocabulary, 5 marks for accuracy)
might consider a job-share as I will want time to
be at home, bring up children look after my aging Listening
parents and cook wonderful meals – I don’t think
I’ll have time for a career. First Listening – Part 3
Speaker 5 5 1.3 1 right to education, 2 another class,
We’ve just had another careers talk at school. By 3 less boring, 4 graffiti-style, 5 effective
the time I leave, I reckon I’ll have heard at least participation, 6 full of refugees.
a hundred of these talks. They are always about (1 mark for each answer)
worthwhile careers like becoming a health and TRANSCRIPT
safety inspector, or a human resources manager. Hi, I’m Jane. Our school is organising a Global
It’s always the same, you apply for a job, do lots Awareness Day for the second year running,
of overtime, get promoted, never go on strike, are at the end of the summer term. Our class have
never unemployed until you retire. We never have been asked to choose a global issue to dramatise
talks on how to be a pickpocket or a shoplifter, or interpret in an artistic way. We were told
or maybe a computer hacker ready for a life of that we could choose between gender equality,
crime. OK I know the career talks won’t ever immigration, the right to education or diversity.
encourage us to be criminals but how about some We were also told that if we wanted, we could
more creative ideas about jobs we might get choose more than one issue and produce more
enthusiastic about? than one display or play.
The choice was more difficult than we’d imagined
Speaking but after a long class discussion, we decided
First Speaking – Part 2 to dramatise diversity and produce art work
6 Student’s activity. demonstrating gender discrimination and the right
(from 1 mark – weak – to 5 marks – to education. Another class has chosen to take
excellent) on immigration and yet another will talk about
problems connected to the environment including

problems connected to famine and drought. If all


goes to plan, it should be a truly stimulating day.

Our class must get organised quickly if we want
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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 581
to produce something worthwhile, as we only empty holes where spectators can put their faces.
have a month before the chosen date which is The aim is to make people think about what it
24th May. We are a very ambitious class and want is like to cross the seas in an inadequate boat
to produce something that is more interesting, hoping for a better life. Maybe it’s ambitious
more stimulating and less boring than last year to want to produce such visual art as well as
where there were fewer plays than expected everything else but if we had the time I feel it
and less participation. We want this year to be would be a great thing to do.
the best event ever. If only we can find a way of
interpreting the issues in an inspiring but also Speaking
provocative way! Our drama about diversity must
encourage people to be internationally-minded First Speaking – Part 3
and give them an awareness of the richness of 6 Student’s activity.
culture in our wider world. If it is possible, we are (from 1 mark – weak – to 5 marks –
thinking of showing tableaux of different nations excellent)
in a family context with perhaps a narrator
and some interesting background music, taken
of course from as many different countries as Skills test for First
possible. We want to encourage our spectators to
have a broader view and see the world through Units 7-8
other eyes while also hopefully being entertained. Guided test
We’re splitting the class into smaller groups
so that if they agree, one can concentrate on Reading and Use of English
acting while the others think about producing
art work or poetry. There is one larger group Reading and Use of English – Part 1
who have asked to use a classroom wall for a 1 1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 B, 5 B, 6 B.
graffiti-style mural display about the right to (1 mark for each answer)
education. If they are given permission, they will
paint a walled-in classroom with children outside Reading and Use of English – Part 4
who can’t get in; children dressed as soldiers or 2 1 to stop buying online, 2 got out of breath, 3 so
working in the fields while looking longingly at the calmly that, 4 have/get the broken piece replaced,
classroom they are locked out of. It sounds very 5 was stolen.
effective. Another group, that in a way I wish I (1 mark for each answer)
could be part of, but I can’t be everywhere – are
Reading and Use of English – Part 5
concentrating on the gender issue. They want to
3 1 A, 2 C, 3 C, 4 A, 5 B.
put on interactive slide-shows and a presentation
(1 mark for each answer)
with graphs showing the differences in pay and
prestige that exist in the working world. They
will concentrate on some of the global goals Writing
for gender equality that include the end to all First Writing – Part 2
violence against and exploitation of women and 4 Student’s activity.
girls including forced marriages and domestic (5 marks for interesting and appropriate use
abuse. It is an issue we all feel strongly about of vocabulary, 5 marks for accuracy)
and feel we should give more attention to. If only
there were sufficient reforms passed to ensure
women’s full and effective participation with Listening
equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of


First Listening – Part 3

decision-making in political, economic and public
life! Those who participate in the show will be 5 1.4 Speaker 2 C, Speaker 3 A, Speaker 4 D,
given a questionnaire to fill in about how many Speaker 5 B.
female leaders there are in the world, how many (1 mark for each answer)
women lead multi-national companies and other TRANSCRIPT
similar questions that sadly are more and more Speaker 1
relevant. The fastest growing market in sport is connected
If there is time, we have also decided to create a to technology. These are sports wearables. The
piece of installation art with a large board painted wearable technology market, which includes
as a boat full of refugees. Among the faces of medical devices, fitness trackers, headphones
the hopeful immigrants there will be some round and ear buds, is estimated to be worth over
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
582 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
£20 billion a year globally and is rising fast. It shape of your feet and guarantee the maximum
is a market that attracts technology giants like comfort with the minimum impact; Torsion
Apple and Microsoft as well as cutting-edge small System technology which provides great
independent companies. The sports wearables stability and protects the feet and the Formation
offer such a rich variety in terms of technology, technology which mitigates the impact of running
and range of applications. They have developed on your joints and back.
rapidly from the earliest recorded uses in Speaker 5
professional sport such as the location-tracking Endomondo is a fitness application that allows
GPS devices in Australian Rules football in 2004. users to stay motivated, by acting as a personal
Those early uses seem positively archaic in trainer. Downloadable on smartphones, it tracks
comparison with what today’s technology allows your workouts, and uses a GPS signal to help vary
us to do. your routes. It can be used for running, cycling,
Speaker 2 or any other distance-based activity. The app
I was recently asked to review some of the pushes you to run more and faster because it
latest uses of technology in sport. There really gets you to race against your own time, a friend’s
seems to be something for every sport from time or the fastest time on the particular route.
mountaineering and jogging, to rugby and It also lets you send messages to chosen friends
baseball. A fascinating novelty for instance is with audio feedback and so provides a social
Whoop, a wristband device for swimmers that community aspect. It’s an easier way to exercise
tracks heart rate, analyses the body for strain, and stay healthy, knowing that your workout is
recovery and sleep, and offers advice on how being monitored by others, and allows you to stay
to improve performance without over-training. competitive.
Another interesting newcomer is the Halo Sport
headphones. These send electric signals to Speaking
athletes’ brains, stimulating their muscles and
maximising the benefits of training sessions. First Speaking – Part 4
Members of the US ski jumping team who trained 6 Student’s activity.
with the headphones were said to have made (from 1 mark – weak – to 5 marks –
significant improvements in propulsion force and excellent)
jump smoothness.
Speaker 3
The advance of sports wearables has been led Skills test for First
by Fitbit which is currently the largest player
in the activity-tracker market. The company Units 9-10
was founded by James Park and Eric Friedman Guided test
in California in 2007. But its dominance is
now being challenged by Apple and Xiaomi, a Reading and Use of English
Chinese firm. In fact, China is seen as a growing
market. Analysts believe that a valuable growth
Reading and Use of English – Part 2
1 1 pollution, 2 worse, 3 samples, 4 which, 5 as,
area is the opportunity to monetise users
6 were.
through software and the data it holds about
(1 mark for each answer)
them. Indeed, Mr Park recently agreed that
personalised data would be all-important. ‘We Reading and Use of English – Part 3
have a lot of data, along with the right type of 2 1 consequently, 2 using, 3 actually, 4 stagnant,
intelligent software, consequently I think we can 8 investments.
have people achieve really meaningful health (1 mark for each answer)
Speaker 4 Reading and Use of English – Part 6
I’m a professional runner and have recently been 3 1 D, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C.
asked to test a new running shoe. The shoe is (1 mark for each answer)
as light as a feather and has a pleasing plain
professional style. The Zonemotion technology Writing
allows an optimal grip in different ground and
weather conditions. One of its remarkable features First Writing – Part 2

is the ability to quickly adapt to the shape of 4 Student’s activity.


your feet. This is due to several improvements (5 marks for interesting and appropriate use
using various technologies: FitFoam to fit the of vocabulary, 5 marks for accuracy)
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Listening Stuart: The possibility of using green tax
revenues to finance cuts in the rates of existing
First Listening – Part 4 taxes is also attractive in terms of efficiency.
5 1.5 1 A, 2 B, 3 B, 4 B, 5 A. This has prompted speculation as to whether
(1 mark for each sentence) the environmental taxes might offer a ‘double
dividend’: not only improving the environment but
TRANSCRIPT also reducing the overall cost of the tax system.
Interviewer: Good evening everyone and welcome Sadie: What about the costs involved?
to another edition of Money Matters. I’m Sadie Stuart: If this argument holds, then the gross
Jones and with me in the studio is Stuart Miller, costs of the reform are zero or negative.
an international banker who is here to talk to us Policymakers must only establish that there are
about finance and the environment. Welcome positive benefits to the environment from the
Stuart. So, can there be a connection between reforms in order to justify them on efficiency
banking and the environment? grounds. This is especially important with regard
Stuart: The answer is yes, because economic to the carbon tax, given the uncertainty about
concerns enter into every aspect of our world measuring the possible environmental benefits
and it seems right that those making huge profits that this policy generates through the avoided
from our financial systems should be prepared damage from climate change.
to put something back. Banking is not just about Sadie: So why isn’t it being introduced?
making money out of investing and saving but Stuart: Unfortunately, it is not that simple. Many
also showing concern for the community and the researchers who have looked into the question
environment. of minimum costs of the green tax have found
Sadie: That sounds wonderful but is it realistic? that green taxes are usually a relatively inefficient
Stuart: It is happening. Over the last three way to raise revenue. The economic costs of
decades in the United States and other nations raising green taxes are in fact higher than with
there has been a significant increase in the use ordinary income tax. This is because they have
of economic analysis to guide the design and a very narrow base focussing on individual
evaluation of environmental policies. This has commodities such as fossil fuels or on emissions
played a key role in the evaluation of ‘green tax from particular industries. Traditional taxes have
reform’. a very wide base. The conclusion is that green
Sadie: What is that? taxes can never replace traditional taxes but can
Stuart: It is the reorienting of the tax system to possibly co-exist. It remains to be seen whether
concentrate taxes more on ‘bads’ like pollution companies and individuals will be prepared to add
and less on ‘goods’ like capital formation through additional taxes onto their present ones in order
saving and investment. Economic analysis has to benefit the environment.
also looked at innovative new approaches to Sadie: So, what is a realistic way forward?
environmental regulation that want to achieve Stuart: Perhaps the most interesting possibility
environmental goals at a lower cost than is would be a green tax as a form of fine or
possible under conventional regulations. punishment on those companies or individuals
Sadie: Is it feasible? who are guilty of spoiling or polluting the
Stuart: Green tax reform usually involves atmosphere.
introducing environmentally motivated ‘green’ Sadie: And what about the banks?
taxes in the place of existing distortionary ones Stuart: Among these companies we can include
like income and sales taxes. the banking world which through finance and
Sadie: Can you give us an example? loans support companies that might be among
Stuart: One highly debated green tax reform is the polluting ones. If the company has to pay then


the introduction of a carbon tax: levying taxes the bank should too.
on fossil fuels according to their carbon content Adapted from
and using the additional tax revenues to finance
reductions in income tax rates. Speaking
Sadie: I like the sound of this carbon tax.
Stuart: The carbon tax would also confront global First Speaking – Part 2
climate change by discouraging combustion 6 Student’s activity.
of fossil fuels and the associated emissions of (from 1 mark – weak – to 5 marks –
carbon dioxide which is the principal contributor excellent)
to the greenhouse effect.
Sadie: It sounds too good to be true.
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It’s true that relations can be mixed but at the end of
Listening test Units 1-2 the day they are family and there is a certain bond
Guided test
there. After all most relationships have a limited
lifespan, whereas family relationships are there for the
2.1 TRANSCRIPT exercises 1-2
whole of your life.
Tutor: Today’s social science tutorial is about Tina: But we’re not necessarily in touch with all our
relationships. What constitutes a positive relationship? relations. I have aunts and uncles and cousins in
What are the qualities needed? Tina, let’s start with Australia and I’ve never met them.
you. Tutor: To round up our discussion, let’s come a bit
Tina: I think it’s a very wide topic as there are so many nearer to home and talk about the immediate family.
relationships that are important in our lives. We have How do we make that relationship work? Phil?
relationships with our parents, our friends, our school Phil: Tolerance, affection and the ability to laugh at
mates and teachers. Thinking about it, I suppose what ourselves.
I appreciate most in relationships is openness and Tina: Definitely tolerance! Trying not to quarrel over
honesty. small things, being supportive of each other.
Tutor: What about you Phil – what makes a good Phil: Living together is not easy! I say give each other
relationship? space and have fun together.
Phil: I look for relaxed relationships where friends can Tina: I agree with all of that – especially the tolerance
hang out together, enjoy being together and spending and affection.
time together. I reckon I have a good relationship with Tutor: OK both of you, you’ve given some very
most people because I don’t expect too much from thoughtful comments. That’s the end of the tutorial.
them. See you next week at the same time.
Tutor: But relationships can also be negative, don’t you
think Tina?
2.2 TRANSCRIPT exercises 3-4
Tina: Yes, some relationships can be suffocating.
There has to be a certain amount of freedom in every The Silk Road
relationship. Some friends are always quarrelling or A favourite destination for travellers who want an
creating situations where it’s difficult to get on or unusual holiday with some history and culture included
impossible to make up again. Above all, I feel trust is is the Silk Road. The name alone evokes a romantic
important as a quality in relationships, and enjoying era when caravans of camels, horses and mules used
doing the same things. to transport everything from jade and gunpowder to
Tutor: What about casual relationships with work exotic plants and of course, silk between China and
colleagues or acquaintances? Phil? the Levant. Associated with Marco Polo and Coleridge,
Phil: I have had lots of casual relationships, with and legendary trading hubs such as Kashgar and
neighbours or team mates or people I meet socially, Samarkand, it represents for modern travellers a myth-
that remain superficial. Interaction here is light and laden high road through a wild and exotic landscape.
can be friendly and open without committing you to Travellers and traders have been journeying along
anything more demanding. However, even in these the silk road for centuries. Although strictly speaking
brief interchanges I feel it is important not to be there are many routes not a single road. This network
aggressive or arrogant. It doesn’t cost anything to be of routes connecting the edge of Europe with the
polite and considerate. My motto is ‘treat others as you eastern fringes of Asia and the Pacific Ocean have now
would like to be treated yourself’. declined as a trade route but have become increasingly
Tutor: We’ve talked about friendships and casual important as tourist destinations.
acquaintances, what about getting on with relations? The network of routes is huge. Some routes cross
Tina? present-day war zones, many pass through regions
Tina: Wow, this is a tricky subject. We can choose that used to be hidden behind the Iron Curtain which
our friends but not our relations! These are the are now safe and relatively easy to visit. To the east,
relationships forced upon us and can be a real test of Mongolia and China’s less-explored desert fringes
our ability to get on with people. I have a cousin who is and, to the west, Azerbaijan and the Caucasus are all
a real pain – whenever I have done something special, possibilities for intrepid travellers – but we are talking
I find that it’s something he had already done and had about a vast, largely underdeveloped region, so most
been doing for years – better than me! My parents, of people go for a focused trip to a couple of key cities
course, thinks he’s great. and maybe spend a few days sampling yurt life or a
Phil: I agree with Tina, relations can be difficult to horseback ride.

get on with but there can be some you feel close to. I There is so much to see, so many different landscapes

spend a lot of time with my uncle. He’s taught me a lot and experiences that it is difficult for travellers to visit
about life and I often talk to him about my problems. them all in one trip and most people select a part of
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Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019 585
the route. For my journey, I decided to head for the little yurt life or a horseback ride, 6 F, He says: ‘For my
known but fascinating Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. journey I decided to concentrate on little known
Whether you choose to set off on your journey by but fascinating Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan’, 7 T,
plane or decide to arrive overland by train, you are 8 T, 9 F, He was in Kazakhstan.
soon rewarded by the delightful mosques, madrasas (1 mark for each answer)
and markets. Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva – all in 4 1 A, 2 A, 3 A, 4 B.
Uzbekistan – have long been the most scintillating (1 mark for each answer)
cities for foreign visitors to central Asia. The medieval
Turko-Mongol leader and Uzbek national hero
Tamerlane is buried at Samarkand, and his shrine, with
its azure dome and exquisite mosaics, is one of several Listening test Units 3-4
impressive mausoleums I visited while I was travelling Guided test
as part of an organised group.
I found it truly breathtaking and as we were travelling 2.3 TRANSCRIPT exercises 1-2
through the mountains we slowed down to watch a Teacher: Welcome everyone to this careers talk given
golden eagle and over a thousand unusual plants. The today by Susan Williams, a career counsellor. Susan
other extraordinary country I visited was Kyrgystan. has over twenty years’ experience in advising students
This is must for horse lovers. Our tour company on their future careers and I’m sure her talk will help
organised an adventurous horseback trail through the you all in this difficult but truly important decision.
inaccessible fertile valleys and mountain passes. The Over to you Susan.
most unforgettable experience for me was while we Susan: Thank you headmaster. Yes, my chosen career
were still riding through the mountains and stopped for is helping others make decisions about their future. It
the night by a high-altitude lake called Lake Song-Köl. wasn’t my original choice as I started working, straight
We camped in yurts, the huge local tents, and went after school, in a newspaper office. I thought I would
stargazing. I have never seen such a beautiful night sky make a good journalist, in fact I could see myself on
and probably never will again. television reporting from war zones or interviewing
The journey to part of the historic silk road is not for famous people. After a couple of years I discovered it
casual travellers. It is not the kind of place where you was not what I wanted to do at all. I resigned before
could hitch-hike or rent a car and journey on your own. they sacked me. I realised that I didn’t like writing
I used to think the only way to travel was on my own, about events, I liked talking to people, hearing about
discovering places and overcoming difficulties without their difficulties and helping them solve problems.
asking directions or relying on guides. However, this What’s more I discovered I was good at it and enjoyed
is not the way to visit the silk road. I recommend that it.
you take part in an organised tour with a good guide. I didn’t talk to anyone about careers when I was at
It is how I did it and I learnt so much about the local school so I had to kind of find out for myself and I did,
culture and history and saw extra places I wouldn’t eventually, but had to have a few wasted years first.
have noticed on my own. It will cost more but believe I am here therefore today to help you avoid wasting
me, it’s worth it. time. I’m here to guide you a little in the early stages of
Freely adapted from deciding what to do when you leave school.
Some of you will probably know the areas that most
1 2 Tina, 4 Phil, 5 Phil, 6 Tina. interest you in your schoolwork and a few of you will
(0.5 marks for each answer) already have chosen a particular field of study but
many of you will still be weighing up different options.
2 1 Openness and honesty.
So how do you choose? I’m going to give you a few
2 Because he doesn’t expect too much from
hints. First of all, imagine where you will be in ten
years’ time. Will you be working in an office? Maybe


3 Casual relationships, with neighbours or team as an accountant or a marketing manager? Or will

mates or people we meet socially. you be your own boss working as an electrician or
4 Relationships with relatives. IT consultant? Will you be working in a hospital as a
5 Tolerance. laboratory technician or occupational psychologist?
(1 mark for each answer) Maybe you will be working from home as a blogger?
3 1 F, It used to be famous for the transport of Try to picture yourself in this future role and think
everything from jade and gunpowder to exotic about whether that is really where you hope to be.
plants and of course, silk, 2 T, 3 T, 4 F, They used Think ahead and then work backwards. What do I
to be hidden behind the Iron Curtain, 5 F, Most mean? Well, if you see yourself as a future beauty
people go for a focused trip to a couple of key therapist you will have to first do training, so after
cities and maybe spend a few days sampling school you will apply for a place in a college offering
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
586 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
courses in beauty therapy. You might also decide to Speaker 3
train on the job and become a trainee assistant in a We have recently set up a Neighbourhood Watch
beauty parlour. programme in my area. This is a group of local people
Most careers will require a degree or diploma or some living in the same street or area who agree to be
qualification to show your level of ability – then of especially vigilant and report any potential crime.
course you will begin to learn on the job, if you manage When anyone notices something unusual they must
to find a job in your chosen field. notify the local police station. I think the programme
My advice is, if you already know what you would like makes people feel more responsible for their own
to do to make a living, find out what qualifications neighbourhood and is particularly efficient against
you need and where you can get them. Make sure you burglars but it might also act as a deterrent for
know about entrance requirements for the course or vandals, kidnappers or other criminals. Just last week
training you want to do. If you are still undecided, then a neighbour phoned the police about a suspicious
talk to people in the kind of jobs you are interested car which must have been up and down our street
in. Most people will be happy to chat to you about ten times at least. The police arrived very quickly and
what they do, and the possible advantages or managed to catch a thief red-handed.
disadvantages. If students come to me I tell them to Speaker 4
consider my job if they are interested in people, enjoy My job is to prevent shoplifting. I work as part of a team
talking to lots of different kinds of people and have a of security officers but I don’t have to wear a uniform
good sense of what is practical. as I need to look inconspicuous. If you enjoy using your
Remember, your career will be an important part of observation skills then this is a job you should do. I have
your future. You are going to spend hours, days and to watch and follow shoppers who might be acting
years doing the job you choose. So take your time, talk suspiciously. As part of our training we are also taught to
look out for suspicious packages as they might contain a
to as many people as you can, think about your own
bomb left by terrorists. It is potentially a dangerous job,
special qualities and go for it.
but I feel it must be one of the most exciting.
Speaker 5
2.4 TRANSCRIPT exercises 3-4 In my work, I meet a lot of people, young and old,
who might have been involved in crime. Most of them
Speaker 1
are not what I would call criminals, but are socially
Awareness is the first essential in crime prevention.
inadequate. Some of them are isolated from society
What do I mean? Well, there are certain situations – maybe because they couldn’t cope with their job;
where if people had been more alert they might not or have been thrown out of a family home and ended
have been robbed. The kind of places where crimes up on the streets. One young man was arrested and
could easily have happened are at tube stations, at convicted of theft for stealing a roll because he hadn’t
cash machines, in car parks, around bus stations eaten for two days. He wasn’t convicted and wasn’t
and in all overcrowded areas, especially at rush hour. sent to jail and if he had gone to court his sentence
These are the places and times where thieves and would have been very light this time but he could get
pickpockets are most active and people must learn into serious trouble in the future. I’m not saying we
to be careful. Everyone needs to follow some simple must forgive hardened criminals like murderers or drug
rules, like never leave your bags or other valuables dealers but some individuals who are found guilty
unattended in public places, be discreet with your might have had unlucky lives.
belongings; remember that displaying expensive
jewellery or electronic devices, like mobile phones or 1 1 newspaper office, 2 resigned, 3 talking to
cameras, might attract unwanted attention. people, 4 wasting time, 5 different options, 6 they
Speaker 2 will be, 7 diploma, 8 kind of jobs.
I think crime prevention is a good topic to discuss at (1 mark for each answer)
school. Students can learn to avoid certain situations
2 2, 3, 5, 7.
and may then take some rudimentary prevention steps
(1 mark for each answer)
so they are less likely to be a victim of crime. We teach
our students that there is safety in numbers particularly 3 Speaker 2 C, Speaker 3 B, Speaker 4 A,
in the evening when it might be dark. They must keep Speaker 5 D.
careful hold of possessions and not leave bags on the (1 mark for each answer)
floor in a café or pizzeria. It has happened in the past 4 1 They should not go out alone.
on evenings out, that bags must have been stolen while 2 A group of local people living in the same street
their owners were eating. It has been said many times or area.

before but a fundamental rule is, you must not talk to 3 Because he needs to look inconspicuous.

strangers and never accept a lift from someone who is 4 Socially inadequate.
not an immediate member of your family. (1 mark for each answer)
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Interviewer: Is progress being made?
Listening test Units 5-6 David: If by progress you mean, are people more aware
Guided test
of the issues, then the answer is yes. If you mean, are the
issues being solved, then the answer is more difficult. I
2.5 TRANSCRIPT exercises 1-2
wish we could say some issues are no longer a problem –
Interviewer: Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s but that is not the case.
edition of Our World. We are dedicating this programme Interviewer: If I were to ask you which issues are
to global issues and have in the studio a spokesperson for particularly urgent, what would you say?
the United Nations. Welcome David Clark, thank you for David: I would say it’s impossible to choose. We are
coming in to talk to us. currently calling for action on a whole series of issues
David: It’s my pleasure. like population growth, aging, the role of women, climate
Interviewer: First of all tell us about the role of the United change, water and food shortages, refugees, health and
Nations in global issues. decolonisation.
David: As the world’s only truly universal global Interviewer: It is certainly a tremendous task. Do you
organisation, the United Nations has become the think countries should have done more in the past?
foremost forum to address issues that transcend national David: If individual countries had done more, there
boundaries and cannot be resolved by any one country might be less of a problem now but that is irrelevant. I’m
acting alone. convinced that if we can publicise the problems, more will
Interviewer: Which issues would the organisation get done. The more people know and care about these
consider most pressing at the moment if it had to choose? issues, the more likely it is that action can be taken.
David: My goodness, that’s a huge question to answer. Interviewer: It is certainly a fascinating topic and one we
There are so many pressing issues that we are trying to hope to go into in further detail in the weeks to come.
deal with. Perhaps the best way to explain is if I clarify Thank you David for your contribution to our programme
the organisation’s initial goals. These were and are and I hope you can come back to tell us more at another
safeguarding peace, protecting human rights, establishing time
the framework for international justice and promoting David: If you invite me, I will definitely come again.
economic and social progress. More recently the United
Nations has added new challenges, such as climate
2.6 TRANSCRIPT exercises 3-4
change, refugees and AIDS.
Interviewer: I see what you mean by a huge question. If Hi everyone. I’ve called for this school assembly
this is not too difficult to answer, may I ask where are you because the school is organising a series of Arts
most active? workshops this weekend. You may remember the
David: While conflict resolution and peacekeeping extremely successful Arts weekend we organised
continue to be among our most visible efforts, the UN, last year when we had more participants than ever
along with its specialised agencies, is also engaged in a before and the most wonderful displays of art work
wide array of activities to improve people’s lives around and drama. Well I’m here to tell you about the different
the world – from disaster relief, through education and options available this year. After which you will all
advancement of women, to peaceful uses of atomic receive an enrolment form to complete and return
energy. If I were to choose where we are most active, I to the school office. Each of you can decide which
would say in all of these areas. workshop to join. You better be quick however because
Interviewer: Do you see the UN’s role as one of all the workshops have limited numbers.
communication? So what workshops will there be? Let’s start with the
David: It is definitely our role to raise awareness of issues. Performing Arts. There will be a cinema workshop
We want to encourage people to be more internationally in the hall with instructions and help about making
minded, to look beyond their narrow nationalistic view short films. We had this workshop last year and it had
and treasure diversity and the richness of other cultures. If the biggest numbers. The results of the workshop,


communication helps, then yes we have a role there. for better or worse, will be shown at the end of the
Interviewer: In this interconnected world, has this become weekend.
easier? Another popular workshop is the drama group. There
David: It would be easier if knowledge and awareness of will be more space in this group this year as we’ve
the wider world were taught in schools. Children need to brought in a couple of professional actors who will
learn to see the world through other eyes. work with the group to stage a theatre production on
Interviewer: Can education help in other ways? Sunday afternoon. The group will have to work hard
David: Absolutely, school is where children can begin to to come up with a better form of entertainment than
learn about freedom, patriotism, equality, identity and last year’s wonderful Mamma Mia! The show may be a
tolerance. They must be taught to sign up to a global musical or could be a theatre play.
world. Like last year, there will be four Art workshop for you
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588 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
to be creative: one for drawing, one for painting and 3 1 actors, 2 painting, 3 school, 4 architect,
another for sculpture work. In each group equipment 5 magic, 6 lion, 7 orchestra.
will be provided by the school. A smaller group will also (1 mark for each answer)
be decorating the school wall, behind the playing field, 4 1 A, 2 B, 3 B, 4 B.
with graffiti. (1 mark for each answer)
For the first time we have an extra workshop run by a
well-known local architect. He is coming to talk about
life as an architect and will run a workshop designing
a new sports pavilion. The best design will be seriously Listening test Units 7-8
considered by the school authorities. Guided test
Another novelty this year is a circus workshop. A group
of circus people are coming to demonstrate tight-rope 2.7 TRANSCRIPT exercises 1-3
walking, magic tricks and gymnastics. No, there won’t Speaker 1
be any lion taming! They come from the best circus Hi, I’m a lawyer and I have just been given a digital
around so it is a privilege to have them here. The group reader. My first reaction was disappointment, after all
will include a clown who will have his own workshop what’s the point of a machine to read books when the
to do with clowning. Included in this workshop is a visit paper version is fine? However, I have to admit, now
to the circus. I’m hooked. I do still like the physical feel of a paper
The last series of workshops we are offering, are to book in my hands but this e-reader is so easy to carry
do with music. There will be an orchestra workshop round. I have to travel a lot for my job and this gadget
for those already playing in the school orchestra but enables me to read easily while travelling. When I go
there will also be a session introducing the various away instead of a case full of heavy volumes, I just
instruments with the possibility of trying them out. upload all the books I want onto my little gadget.
This workshop to inspire and stimulate your interest in There’s a light feature so I can read in the dark and
music is open to all even those who have never tried the text can be made bigger or smaller on the screen.
to play an instrument. I must say however that most What’s more I can have work documents uploaded as
instruments are harder to play than you might imagine. well as up to 4,000 books. It is such an amazing little
There is also a choir workshop again for those already machine.
taking part, but a separate session will be for anyone Speaker 2
who sees themselves as a possible singer. When I started university last year I was given a tablet
I almost forgot, there is another workshop you may by my parents. I had been used to using a desktop
find more challenging but less daunting than playing computer and I wondered if this little device would
the violin. This workshop is about public speaking and be able to perform all the same functions. After all
how to give a speech. More and more students are it’s so small. Well, of course, the answer is: Yes, it can
now required to give presentations in their subjects, – and more. I’m amazed at the technology that has
so here is an opportunity to learn how to get pleasure been fitted into this space. It has a cool touch screen
from it and do it better. rather than using a keyboard and numerous apps can
That is the full programme of activities. I hope you be downloaded as well as films and music. My home
agree that there are lots of great options to choose computer, which was a present from my grandfather,
from. If you have any further questions or queries now seems so old fashioned. My Dad has had a whole
please don’t hesitate to ask and remember to fill series of features added. The tablet has all the Internet
in the enrolment form as soon as you can. You can browser functions, as well as GPS satellite navigation,
leave the completed form with the school secretary camera and video camera functions, an e-book reader
together with the deposit of £20. All the workshops – not to mention the usual apps for games and videos.
cost £40 which includes all the necessary equipment. You never know, if I have any time left from all of these
I’m really looking forward to it and hope you all are too. uses, I might even use it to help with my studies!
Let’s make it the most rewarding Arts weekend ever. Speaker 3
Friends are always asking me for advice about the
1 1 T, 2 F, More recent issues include climate latest technology and I usually answer by talking about
change, refugees and AIDS, 3 T, 4 F, It would be what I’ve just bought for myself. At the moment,
easier, 5 T, 6 F, He says he wishes that they could I’m telling them about my new smart phone. I had
say some issues are no longer a problem – but it delivered after ordering it online from a site that
that is not the case. was recommended by a fellow expert whose advice
(1 mark for each answer) I respect. It was a great choice and I’m thrilled with

2 1 universal global organisation, 2 economic and its performance. The phone is slim and comfortable

social, 3 internationally minded. to hold and has a massive display screen. There’s a
(1 mark for each answer) good battery life and a fast million mega pixel camera
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with video options. It has impressive internet speeds Sally: If we want them to take up sports outside of
and there are loads of features. For me, it is easily school we have to first teach them and encourage
the smartest Android phone yet. It is automatically them in school. Also some sports are complicated like
updated and has voice activation, so you can do sailing and require special equipment – most students
everything from post Twitter updates to look up the don’t have a boat. I say let’s introduce more sports as
weather with just your voice. It’s great. part of our school sports programme and that gives
Speaker 4 the students who are interested the possibility of
The most exciting thing happened to me yesterday. It choosing.
was my birthday and I was given a new computer a John: My argument is that what you are proposing is
laptop. I’d never used one before so I had to start from great in theory but we don’t have time in the normal
the very beginning. My grandson explained how it had school week where we have to fit in so much in such
to be plugged in and turned on. He showed me how to a limited schedule. What I say is that schools should
log in after the machine had booted up and then how organise activity weeks for the more unusual sports
to tap in information or use the mouse to click on icons. like white-water rafting or paragliding or surfing. These
All this terminology was new to me and so exciting. I are all sports students should be introduced to outside
had to have everything shown to me, like signing in and school. Let’s leave the PE time to learning basic sports
signing off and logging out. After a couple of hours my well.
grandson, who is really quick on computers, thought I Sally: I agree that PE time is limited but not all schools
was ready to be taught how to download music and manage to organise weeks away and not all students
videos. He also arranged with the shop, where he have the possibility of going. I suppose another
bought the computer, for me to receive some computer way around the time problem is in the after-school
training. He’s getting them to send a technician round clubs where alternative sports can be introduced like
for an hour a week. baseball. In my school, we are having a new swimming
pool built and we are hoping to introduce swimming,
2.8 TRANSCRIPT exercises 4-5 diving and canoeing next year.
John: It is true that there are so many sports to choose
Announcer: Good evening everyone and welcome to from and most schools whose budgets are limited,
our weekly discussion about sport. This evening we have to accept limitations. We don’t have a pool
have two physical education teachers who are going for example, but we do have a playing field where
to talk about sport in school. I think we all agree that students join in athletics as well as football, rugby and
sport has an important role in education, but perhaps cricket.
there isn’t always agreement about which sport should Sally: In many ways, the sports in schools are already
be taught and when. But let me hand you over to our moving into new areas and the challenge for us
speakers John and Sally. Sally, you first, tell us your teachers is to motivate and encourage participation.
views on sport in school. I just feel that if we offer more choices and different
Sally: Hi there, yes, I have been teaching sport in types of sport more students will participate. It just
schools for nearly twenty years and have come to doesn’t have to be a match or a competition, it has to
think more and more that there should be more variety be enjoyable.
in the options on offer. What do I mean? Well, most John: Yes and no, I agree with competition – my
schools offer traditional sports like football, rugby, students are always motivated by a challenge.
cricket and tennis but what about free climbing or Announcer: Thank you both. It is very motivating
mountaineering or even fun sports like skateboarding. for us to hear your views and to hear your obvious
There are many sports which students can’t participate enthusiasm for your subject.
in and yet school is where young people have a unique
opportunity to take on new things.
1 2 C, 3 A, 4 B.
John: I both agree and disagree. First of all, it must


(1 mark for each answer)

be said that traditional sports offer a kind of basis
for flexing your muscles. Students can learn to follow 2 1 the lawyer, 2 the grandmother, 3 the
rules, to work with others, to compete and sometimes technology expert, 4 the student.
even to experience the thrill of winning. I think if we (1 mark for each answer)
introduce too many new sports into schools we won’t 3 1 tablet, 2 phone, 3 plugged in, 4 turned on.
be able to get the students to learn any of them (1 mark for each answer)
properly. Also if we haven’t the time to have them
stay on task as much as other schools our teams are 4 1 B, 2 A, 3 B, 4 A, 5 B, 6 B, 7 A.
more likely to lose – which isn’t fun. Lastly, I believe (1 mark for each answer)
that some of the sports like jogging or darts are sports 5 1 traditional, 2 lose, 3 so much, 4 alternative.
students can do on their own. (1 mark for each answer)
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there is only so much CO2 that can be soaked up by
Listening test Units 9-10 natural reservoirs such as the oceans.
Guided test He stated very strongly that we mustn’t allow this
situation to continue and when asked what action
2.9 TRANSCRIPT exercises 1-2
could be taken replied with a series of possibilities.
I have just attended a weekend conference about He accused governments of not doing enough and
protecting the planet and have come away quite suggested they should encourage the introduction
shocked about the state our world is in. The speaker, of alternative energy, control the type of industrial
William Douglas, was an expert on climate patterns dumping and discourage the use of private transport
and he spoke for nearly two hours about the with congestion charges in cities. On an individual level,
greenhouse effect and global warming. I know these Mr Douglas asked us all to be more aware of our own
are terms people have been talking about for years carbon footprint, to think about recycling strategies
but it is quite shocking to be presented with the cold and carefully consider the amount of plastic waste
statistics. One of the major problems he explained was due to the over consumption of plastic containers and
to do with the ice caps melting in the Arctic and as a bottles.
result there were rising sea levels. We asked him what In the concluding part of his speech, Mr Douglas
the timescale was and he showed a graph of how reminded us that the effects of climate change are
rapidly the changes are happening. also seen in vegetation and land animals. As a result of
According to Mr Douglas fossil fuels such as oil and rising temperatures, there have been earlier flowering
coal emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere – and fruiting times for plants and changes in the
primarily carbon dioxide. We asked whether there territories occupied by animals which has led to an
were other human activities that could be accused increase in the numbers of endangered species.
of harming the atmosphere and he replied that Mr Douglas’s speech ended with a warning. He wanted
agriculture and deforestation, also contributed to the to know why so little was being done when records
proliferation of greenhouse gases that cause climate showed that the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 were
change. the three hottest years on record. Action, he said, is not
He agreed that some quantities of these gases just necessary but urgent.
were a naturally occurring and critical part of Earth’s Adapted from
temperature control system. But he argued that the
atmospheric concentration of CO2 did not rise above
300 parts per million between the advent of human 2.10 TRANSCRIPT exercises 3-4
civilisation roughly 10,000 years ago and 1900. The Host: Good evening everyone and welcome to our
shocking news is that today it is at about 400 ppm, a weekly news round-up. This is the programme that
level not reached in more than 400,000 years. aims to make you laugh and sometimes make you cry
We asked Mr Douglas whether even small increases as we look at the events of the week. Tonight we have
in the Earth’s temperature caused by climate change a special edition. A very ordinary couple from Suffolk
could have severe effects. He answered by saying that are now faced with a very extraordinary life. They have
the Earth’s average temperature has gone up 1.4° F been named as the lucky winners of the EuroMillions
over the past century and is expected to rise as much jackpot prize. Welcome Adrian and Gillian Bennet. First
as 11.5° F over the next. Although that might not of all let me ask you, how much did you actually win?
seem a lot he argued that the average temperature Adrian: It is an unbelievable sum, something over
during the last Ice Age was about 4º F lower than it is £148,000,000.
today. Host: Wow, that’s certainly a life-changing amount.
He continued by telling us that the rising sea levels due What do you do Adrian, or should I say what did you
to the melting of the polar ice caps caused by climate do?
change, contribute to greater storm damage. Warming Adrian: I work in the Sales Department of a music
ocean temperatures are associated with stronger and company and my wife Gillian works in the Customer
more frequent storms; additional rainfall, particularly Services office of a local department store.
during severe weather events, which allows flooding Host: Have you resigned?
and other damage. Consequently, according to Mr Adrian: For the time being neither of us is planning to
Douglas there will also be an increase in the incidence leave our jobs. We want to take things slowly and think
and severity of wildfires threatening habitats, homes, carefully about saving, interest rates and investments
and lives as well as heat waves contributing to human with a financial advisor.
deaths, drought and famine. Host: Gillian, can you describe the moment when you

Mr Douglas said he believed that carbon dioxide realised that you’d won?

emissions are making the situation so dramatic. He Gillian: I was having trouble getting the kids to go to
claimed that these emissions continue to increase and sleep. We have two children a boy of 6 and a girl of 4.
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We don’t normally allow them to stay up late but that 2 1 rising sea levels, 2 oil and coal, 3 storm
evening we’d all been watching a film. The children, damage, 4 alternative energy.
were over-excited and didn’t want to go to bed. After I’d (1 mark for each answer)
got them to settle, we started watching the news and 3 1 B, 2 A, 3 A, 4 B.
scrolling along the bottom of the screen was the news (1 mark for each answer)
that someone had won the EuroMillions. I hadn’t had
time to get a ticket during the week and Adrian said he 4 1 planning, 2 got, 3 phoning, 4 time.
hadn’t either. (2 marks for each answer)
Adrian: But I just said it as a joke since I had actually
got my friend to buy me five tickets.
Gillian: Adrian got out the tickets and checked the
numbers. He couldn’t believe he had all the right numbers.
So then he let me check them too and it was true.
Adrian: After that things went a bit mad. We began
phoning all our relatives and friends, the kids woke up
due to all the excitement and started crying.
Gillian: Our friends were all a bit shocked to be called
so late in the evening, but when we told them the
news, they were all amazed and excited too.
Host: What do you see happening now?
Gillian: Neither of us can quite comprehend just how
much £148 million is. We have always worked and
saved up for holidays or things that we needed. As a
result of this win we can suddenly pay back all of the
money we borrowed, pay off the mortgage and think
about allowing ourselves a few luxuries.
Adrian: We told the children that we had won a bit of
money and consequently could do some special things.
Our daughter asked whether we now had enough
pennies to go to Domino’s Pizza for tea. She made us
laugh. So we all went and we let them order anything
they wanted.
Gillian: I think it will take time to understand what we
can and should do. In the future, there may be a new
house, a car and holidays abroad. We need a bit of
time to allow ourselves to get used to a new reality.
Up to now we haven’t even had credit or debit cards.
We don’t want things to change too much. We want to
keep our friends and our relationships with family.
Adrian: The other important thing for us is to think
about how we can help others. We have been
incredibly lucky but we want to share our good fortune
with those who have been less fortunate. After all life
is a kind of lottery.

1 1 T, 2 F, He said it was caused by a proliferation



of greenhouse gases, 3 F, He stated that human

activities such as agriculture and deforestation
con also contribute to climate change, 4 T, 5 T,
6 T, 7 F, On an individual level, Mr Douglas asked
us all to be more aware of our own carbon
footprint, think about recycling strategies and
carefully consider the amount of plastic waste,
8 F, He warned that they were rising and the
years 2014, 2015 and 2016 were the three
hottest years on record.
(1 mark for each answer)
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592 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
4 1 sent back, 2 call back, 3 illegal counterfeiting.
Recupero test Units 1-3 (1 mark for each answer)
Guided test
5 1 desirable, 2 badly, 3 uncomfortable, 4 survival.
(1 mark for each answer)
1 1 share problems with, 2 acquaintances, 3 an Grammar
excursion, 4 head back, 5 landscape, 6 resign,
6 1 goes, 2 have never seen, 3 was going, 4 had
7 apply, 8 work from home.
always wanted, 5 will go, 6 will be going.
(0.5 marks for each answer)
(0.5 marks for each answer)
2 1 headed for, 2 slow down, 3 make a living,
7 1 since, 2 since, 3 for, 4 for, 5 get used, 6 were
4 charge.
used, 7 have got used, 8 got used.
(1 mark for each answer)
(0.5 marks for each answer)
3 1 rows, 2 ask, 3 set, 4 strike.
8 1 unless, 2 in case, 3 provided that.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)
4 1 hang out with, 2 get out of, 3 took part in, 9 1 be sent, 2 would save, 3 would not have lost.
4 earn money. (1 mark for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer)
10 1 R, 2 W, 3 R, 4 W.
5 1 friendship, 2 dangerous, 3 immediately. (1 mark for each answer)
(1 mark for each answer)

Grammar Recupero test Units 6-8

6 1 used to, 2 had been flying, 3 is seeing, 4 will be Guided test
(1 mark for each answer) Vocabulary
7 1 the, 2 –, 3 an, 4 a, 5 the. 1 1 visual, 2 understand, 3 apps, 4 log on, 5 profile,
(0.5 marks for each answer) 6 download, 7 competitions, 8 turned down.
(0.5 marks for each answer)
8 1 was cooking, arrived, 2 has just come, saw,
3 had been working, promoted. 2 1 build up a reputation, 2 rate of progress, 3 take
(1 mark for each answer) steps, 4 stay on task.
(1 mark for each answer)
9 1 is increasing, 2 made, 3 had travelled/had been
travelling. 3 1 sculptor, 2 post, 3 back up.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)
10 1 hasn’t seen, 2 booked, 3 will have been 4 1 put on, 2 cyberbullying, 3 get out of breath,
working. 4 push them too hard.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)
5 1 lifetime, 2 interaction, 3 rethink.
(1 mark for each answer)
Recupero test Units 1-5 Grammar
Guided test
6 1 less, 2 best, 3 less, 4 was, 5 is supposed, 6 are,
Vocabulary 7 should be, 8 taking up.
(0.5 marks for each answer)
1 1 get a lift, 2 apply for, 3 made redundant, 7 1 as, 2 as, 3 like, 4 like, 5 as, 6 like.
4 caught red-handed, 5 sentenced, 6 get away (1 mark for each answer)
with, 7 knowledge and awareness, 8 look beyond.
(0.5 marks for each answer) 8 1 Technology is progressing at such a fast pace
that we cannot keep up with all the changes.
2 1 get lost, 2 to resign, 3 break, 4 diversity. 2 People need so many IT skills that we have to
(1 mark for each answer) continue learning.

3 1 headed for, 2 job share, 3 organised crime 3 There are so many apps to choose from that I

groups. am confused.
(1 mark for each answer) (1 mark for each answer)
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9 1 have, 2 having, 3 get.
(1 mark for each answer)
10 1 ND, 2 D, 3 D, 4 ND.
(1 mark for each answer)

Recupero test Units 6-10

Guided test

1 1 keep in touch, 2 participants, 3 a race, 4 match,
5 drought, 6 congestion charge, 7 ozone layer,
8 interest rates.
(0.5 marks for each answer)
2 1 rate of progress, 2 on task, 3 materials.
(1 mark for each answer)
3 1 fake tweets, 2 get out of breath, 3 end up,
4 come up with, 5 lose count.
(1 mark for each answer)
4 1 download, 2 achievement, 3 wrappers,
4 organisations.
(1 mark for each answer)

5 1 had to, to get, 2 want, show, 3 complained,
(1 mark for each answer)
6 1 (that) they wanted to, 2 if/whether he would/
was going to give, 3 what he was going to do,
4 if he thought, 5 (that) his company had been
(1 mark for each answer)
7 1 since, 2 therefore, 3 due to, 4 consequently.
(1 mark for each answer)
8 1 to flex, 2 who won, 3 where, 4 would,
5 promoting, 6 to sponsor, 7 made.
(1 mark for each answer)


Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

594 Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B2 © Zanichelli 2019
Marina Spiazzi
Marina Tavella Margaret Layton
Performer B2
Ready for First and INVALSI
Student’s Book + Workbook

Teacher’s Guide and Tests

Word PDF

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Introduction to the course

del corso
■■ syllabus planner (programmazione
per competenze)
■■ flipped classroom: esercizi fotocopiabili
con soluzioni
Lesson plans ■■ soluzioni degli esercizi del libro
e delle extra activities dell’eBook
■■ griglie di valutazione per i compiti
di realtà (Learn by doing)
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First Tutor

della certificazione First

An introduction to the ■■ presentazione della prova INVALSI inglese

INVALSI English test grado 13

Tests ■■ 45 tests (Fila A e Fila B – 520 esercizi)

Per studenti con ■■ 45 easy reading tests (390 esercizi)

Bisogni Educativi ■■ 25 guided tests (180 esercizi)

eBook per l’insegnante = eBook per lo studente   + Risorse per l’insegnante

L’eBook per l’insegnante Tutte le pagine del corso da sfogliare, ■■ programmazione per competenze
è su chiavetta USB arricchite da: ■■ griglie di valutazione per i compiti di realtà
■■ 10 video sul lessico (30 minuti) (Learn by doing)
■■ 10 video con testimonianze e interviste ■■ 45 tests (Fila A e Fila B – 520 esercizi)
(30 minuti) ■■ Teacher’s Guide and Tests in formato PDF
■■ 18 animazioni (30 minuti) sulle diverse parti

del First Per Bisogni Educativi Speciali (BES):

■■ 21 animazioni (20 minuti) per l’esame ■■ 45 easy reading tests (390 esercizi)

di Speaking ■■ 25 guided tests (180 esercizi)

■■ tutti gli audio delle attività di ascolto

e dei Reading (5 ore)

■■ tutti gli esercizi del libro resi interattivi

■■ 99 esercizi interattivi di Self-study

■■ 110 esercizi interattivi online su ZTE

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