Sei sulla pagina 1di 220


;Il linguaggio verr aggiornato e lo troverete sul sito

; NOTE: this is the best starting point for making a new langpack.
; As you translate a string, remove the ; from the beginning of the
; line. If the line begins with ;^, then it is an optional string,
; and you should only modify that line if the definition in [common]
; is not accurate for that context.
042F4DCA75E1BE47=16 bit
CC85D146650F3E66=24 bit
5188BC03D80E2D31=32 bit
B5431ED426EE5CA5=Ingresso Fisico:
DA38E298C189302F=Canali d'ingresso:
A7BA0064C3A88716=Uscita fisica:
C6FA709C7A5DB354=Canali d'uscita:
081F5207A6D5AA8E=Formato campione:
F97A12BF98D450CF=Frequenza di campionamento:
3E83534995169108=Dim.Blocco Richiesto:
0FF98CDC4588805A=Frequenza di campionamento richiesto:
16464B290024A7A0=Impostazioni scheda audio
C01085DD37178417=Informazione file:
3BF92ABFA8425D90=Nome file:
9BC67B482921A263=Informazioni su REAPER
6D0FDC8D1C9C5504=+0.0 dB
C6AD52C994C055E0=- o D7323C887B0A2951=Applica
A2D4EB52B7EE75E1=Lunghezza battito del click:
82881FCAB4663FE9=Campione del primo beat:
89548F9D01B6F500=Frequenza del primo beat:
18462807588A7AB2=Hz /secondo beat:
80194C173B470AF3=Salva come default
3A0B093282EA17AC=Campione secondo beat:
6B4AECC021E5686A=ms, start shape:
223F4865B99B73B0=Uscita file
FDE95463547E83EB=Stato del rendering
511EAD28BA4AE493=format spec
E1CA5A9A5CE93078=nessun rendering, ETA infinity
F8E8A9C19CDE7A59=Impostazioni progetto
5565002CCE1DFBC7=Scelta per salvare/cancella/rinomina nuovo files:
DDCECC683DEC9D6A=on punch-out/play
52BC569ACECFA886=allo stop

11FA427DAF625F63=Cursore modifica
ABEC79059CAD0B0E=Nome alias:
4D5B21719C8D85CE=Cerca il file...
866FE917BA950796=Il file:
89C0342F7627AB40=Trova Elemento Tema
F8E6A0B81A77C5E9=Resetta tutti Dispositivi MIDI
C7A89083E6E728EB=Pulisci cartella progetto
611FB91949657A10=Traccia Canali:
6AE6A7774B25EDEB=Edita Marker
E6B5A6A65044C93D=Resetta colore
941DEA15C4817EEC=Seleziona colore...
E5566C4604653F75=Storia Undo
79DCBE1CDE37B4F3=Progetto intero
E19CAC48E2E6EA85=Frequenza campionamento:
97D6D411868C112C=Tempo selezionato
EE28FE89D1A7A151=Edita Regione
7CE6FE4C74542BB2=Gestione Regione...
61946358B1034B76=Rendi muto
C3EB4B7A6BCD5F3C=Nuovo nome:
09939A2A8DB73EDE=Misuaratore Performance
33212EA04B36D7AA=Routing/Gruppi Matrix
EA615A5997239616=Edita commenti FX
B6B81D96FFFC1FA4=Edita metrica Marker

C644A2EBFF26E843=Tipo automazione:
4E5F93B30C786CEB=Traccia Inviluppo
59111F850FAE5C14=Abilita snapping
57CA523AA910C686=Compensazione guadagno (boost pans)
2B4E18A3D5201CFA=Pan Law
A5AE0B33DF6191F1=Tipo Pan:
8EA91D57270468E0=Pan law:
756B500741E261D4=Importa numero licenza...
698028640C29E8A9=Abilita blocco
05F21CB15F5F944B=Auto trim/Taglia oggetti
C44624AFE5B908A4=Fade pad
0D2DD411CE90EA28=Leading pad:
0703625BF4AB8440=Taglia oggetti raggruppate al tempo del taglio della oggetto se
1E386FB5FE43C9CC=Trailing pad:
8C66AD45F2B879B1=Quantizza a:
122368E92DE6E29F=Resetta a defaults
D26FE1B4C8988F96=Rendi muto
2B7EEDEAE2DA5D5C=Abilita metronomo
E97ABAF631B4841C=aux sends
0B61CC7E6E2E017D=Canale MIDI:
3D9702905AC5B44C=Tastiera MIDI virtuale
38F9B35CED04D04D=Big Clock
DDD50B6B9C96D4AA=Attiva solo quando la configurazione effetto focalizzata
542A194EAA789AB0=Attiva solo quando traccia o elemento viene selezionato
41BAD65DE621E179=Soft takeover (absolute mode only)
86C526176585552D=Formato d'uscita:
AE0E8F593F20484B=Tab del Docker selezionato
5BD67845F0F0360D=Posizione finestra principale
99B8B53D72CFEE9F=Segnalatore Mixer
EE914AABB985B447=Posizione della finestra tool
DDDAF906972AD14A=Zoom orizzontale

08A2AD9AC1632C1B=Posizione del cursore di traccia

849FA7BAC58F3097=Posizione scroll traccia
C30D5E2CF003330F=Unisci mappa tempo fonte alla mappa del tempo del progetto a
3D05B40BFC6A1E40=Sincronizzazione timecode esterna
84225D657EA873E2=Nome dispositivo:
5F8BE96FAB61772F=Azioni personalizzate:
16780B33F0A62D18=rimuovi selezionato
6B921CBA018B2EE0=Nessuna risorsa addizionale caricata
FA779BCA02DBA08E=Riduci punti inviluppo
4F32BF040299F0AA=Abilita ingresso per messaggi di controller
6174C6969402A488=Apri Progetto in un nuovo TAB
AF427D96E302B145=Customizza menu:
38EAAB594661F05F=Menu di default:
C1F07AAFF4522636=Nome file:
1D5AC868CE7FE785=Noise shaping
928212AC32CC584E=Tipo resample (se necessario):
6A003F23022A1E47=Aggiungi punti di confine quando nuovi punti di inviluppo
561C816EA4AE16DF=Aggiungi punto al confine quando uso l'editing ripple o inseri
mento del tempo
B61E6643CE61DA4C=Inviluppi ed Automazioni
20BAEAD47F4513A4=Riduci punto inviluppo quando registri o disegni l'automazione
C065E9FEE11B2862=(progetto corrente)
397E19C8F7486840=Project Bay
3C63123253BCD74E=In uso
383F243464148105=Impostazioni Transient Detection
EA7EDFD029F80877=Avvicina a sinistra
2E287BE9B3A7F568=Avvicina a destra
3CF04EFDC66C18B2=Snap all' unit

C31088838B9A533C=Rendering dei contenuti PiP...
D2714B0ED9D27FB1=Gestione Tracce
1A8015E802ECC562=Ascolta mix oggetti:
BEE3F1BDC2A992A1=Propriet Multimediali oggetto
18D0284FCA66EF48=Prendi effetto...
A1A721902449610D=Sorgente Take media
ADFC12BF930BBFC9=Propriet Take
200265593F330955=Trova Scala
87D8D79D63721460=Apri coda di rendering...
5D33EA2A7EBEF63C=Gestione Regione
043FBD1700F7067B=Avviso di render
DF2472EC2AB0BAFB=Download Python
CE7E80ACF252CB16=&Reverse pozione come nuovo take
E194E0BBB250B47E=&Trim oggetti ad area selezionata
BE39148270D11909=(comp list)
350E0F395B7F1C85=(lista tracce)
3A390528F4DCEC5D=(elenco modelli tracce)
CF7AF55DCCD92445=Consenti effetto anticipato
BEDDCB0B40FD59A2=Permetti media buffering
3E1E032211F699E5=Genera Auto-crossfade di oggetti media quando modifichi
9CF0A9142899CF43=Auto-riposizionare gli elementi in modalit libero posizionamento
C09170FD3E752A38=Scorri vista in automatico durante la riproduzione

BA7A79B4D3479176=Beats (solo posizione)

A5D5B4E847F44008=Beats (posizione, lunghezza, rate)
DB9EF3622F4C4895=MIDI editor interno
40B42F5B4E7F894C=Cancella inviluppo
210B23F21E3171CA=Converti take MIDI attivi a .mid file di riferimento
00BF6D212D40163B=Converti take midi attivi a fonti di dati in-project
050AAAF896F25359=Crop lista per comp attivi
CAAB5CC146E0FC0B=Crop a take attivi
DB0FEB13427E7035=Colori tracce personalizzati
9F786D12D8FA61CD=Icona personalizzata traccia
6D2EC5D738690CA9=Cancella take attivo
522F483C3BDD4C72=Non collegare il volume e il pan della traccia al MIDI
9824DEB0C15FC0F5=Duplica take attivi
23590995D822F51C=Duplica traccia
0E71DF4467DEE5F6=Dynamic Taglia su oggetto...
5A3FF93A190E0F6B=oggetto vuota
0CE78C3702CE687F=Abilita posizionamento libero oggetto di traccia
22890C70F0007984=La selezione di punti di inviluppo egue la selezione temporale
943A1A47FCEE5EEE=Esplodi oggetto MIDI seguendo le note (intonazione)
66F59CEEAE4451AB=Esplodi tutti i takes (in ordine)
0B76FEDD4B488DD6=Esplodi tutti i takes (in posto)
32A8CD94B8E9F86E=Esplodi tutti i take su nuove tracce
D1E4A1A455A36989=Esplodi oggetti audio multicanale o MIDI in una oggetto a un so
lo canale
420377F78A3E1841=Sfoglia FX
DB6FC995D09C7078=Fine veloce
BC24D1B6349B5A89=Inizio veloce
78957C8454DBB75F=Iberna tracce in mono (render pre-fader, salva/rimuovi oggetti
ed effetti online)
79AA43061BD49154=Iberna tracce in tracce multicanale (render pre-fader, salva/ri
muovi oggetti ed effetti online)
54DADE4C7B95FC5C=Iberna tracce in tracce stereo (render pre-fader, salva/rimuovi
oggetti ed effetti online)
FB90AE71C9284F3A=Incolla oggetti
B7169EEC02C8D8FC=Incolla oggetti senza selezione tempo
7E2DF1630E77106E=Raggruppa oggetti
FF07D0ECF3A0E53D=Unisci tagli in oggetti
F2E31CE8AE28842A=Implodi oggetti sulle tracce in una oggetto di traccia nuova
CA142F03B9CABB64=Implodi oggetti su tracce nei takes
EFC8CD9D920B916F=Implodi oggetti sulla stessa traccia nello stesso take
FBBD098069A14870=Importazione di spunti multimediali da elementi come marker di
6E9C1F47AE0AB01B=Inserisci nuova traccia
EB6AC1D6BBE0A433=Inserisci nuova traccia alla fine della lista
14AB75DE2C24FEF3=Inserisci traccia da modello
A6F3EA432AA410A4=Inserisci virtual instruments su una nuova traccia...
92665005797F0930=Inverti fase
595D1609A802357B=Inverti punti selezionato
E1E348931CD6C233=Propriet &oggetto...
0ED5B16414C9FBEC=Colori oggetto and take
18A490C172DBF9BB=oggetto processing
BA6CAA916A3AEE75=Impostazioni oggetto
66E5DC632BAFC67F=Collega volume traccia/pan al canale MIDI

5C6FB2DCFD68EEF7=Collega volume traccia/pan a tutti i canali MIDI

8EAF0AA09346C8D7=Blocca oggetto
7EA6B0652E5346C4=Blocca take attivi
F96490112D1B162F=Blocca controlli traccia
EC752CC2DB12686D=Loop fonte oggetto
ADB9958ED73C94F7=Loop della sezione della oggetto fonte
C524AA04CA044305=Controlli MIDI di traccia
DDDBC4B59922776E=Master traccia
EC6669A655FB6232=Misura.Beats / Minuti:Secondi
DAB01B50C7660150=Abilita metronomo
555922281DE5343B=Muovi comp attive sulla lane al top
21F4EDEE5D02BA27=Muovi punti di invilupp con la oggetto
60BCFF25EB54665C=Muovi oggetti alla posizione fonte predefinita
9D4AE82B2A6E582F=Misurazione traccia multicanale
385A68019D9A9A61=Tab di nuovo progetto
F65CD38614815711=Prossimo take
AF8FB722E2FC29EA=Normaliza oggetto
B622D171EE197539=Normalizza oggetto (common gain)
423DD25A37AD7A79=Nudge/Imposta oggetti...
65CA689C377C5655=Crea Offset oggetti modello dal cursore di edit
B3572B5D80DF7B79=Apri tutte le tracce midi nell'ultimo editor selezionato
6E2BF94AF99A0CD2=Apri tutte le tracce MIDI in un nuovo editor
AAB1F0BA33F2CA9C=Apri copie in editor
B49A3DAD17186E2A=Apri copie nell'editor secondario
619AF06BCC66D00F=Apri in editor
B897F27761564A3A=Apri nell'editor (Imposta di default nelle preferenze)
2E3DECABF5FD3B44=Apri nell'editor in linea
E607CAC0E0F5BB14=Apri nell'ultimo editor selezionato,pulisci prima l'editor
64BFDFCE78C5294D=Apri nell'ultimo editor selezionato, mantieni i contenuti dell'
90AB4F33F7105841=Apri in nuovo editor
8991F36B7822B489=Apri in editor secondario
4C6F30285576EE3F=Apri oggetto in editor
D9CD3B25D255019B=Apri modello...
8657A2F07751612A=Incolla tutti i take nella oggetto
88344341B9A154CA=Suona tutti i take
88FE80D1430C4312=Preservi intonazione quando cambi il playrate
B6616B85587122F2=Previeni effetti anticipati
8A09A75D01EDDA59=Previeni buffering media
5CCBCB0963EC10AD=Take precedente
26C7502E02B01288=Suddivisione tempo progetto
1AAC225BC2D18F76=Quantizza posizione oggetto alla griglia...
CAC4592C4D4DD57A=Modalit di registrazione: auto-punch oggetti selezionate
2A861A976C38C3D4=Modalit registrazione: normale
71CB5040464F5BC3=Modalit registrazione: auto punch nel tempo selezionato
92C3E890C5EC8E5D=Rimuovi effetti per il take attivo
F9E04376D3B7E6DE=Rimuovi il comp attivo dalla lista
186444C1EA089313=Rimuovi oggetto
0A6A186FCB4E720A=Rimuovi oggetto dal gruppo
D2F88B0EF54D2211=Rimuovi icona traccia
FDFA2E97CD8FDE19=Rimuovi tracce
586B2A0EC026812A=Renderizza oggetto in un nuovo take
62060BAC51213CA3=Renderizza tracce a mono (e rendi mute le originali)
6B80ADA8054A1976=Renderizza tracce a tracce multicanale (e rendi mute le origina
9BF0024003286A6E=Renderrizza tracce a stereo (e rendi mute le originali)

BB2ECD751C866045=Renderizza/iberna tracce
20EE79BDD1264889=Resetta punti selezionati a zero/center
1598EBACCB0F49EA=Reverse dei take attivi
931D2CD599D2FEC9=Salva traccia come modello di traccia...
27A8F35A732CC6E6=Salva/rinamina active comp...
86891682F6F2D16C=Seleziona tutto
60EE028014F5398C=Seleziona tuttel le oggetti nel gruppo
47B6B0240DC76A6B=Seleziona tutti i punti
6E708F217D28443C=Seleziona punti nel tempo selezionato
807AD2DC48AC8DC8=Imposta takes attivi in un colore personalizzato...
0704D964EA4B33E0=Imposta takes attivi nel colore di default
EB6A3F98C6F7C92A=Imposta takes attivi in un colore random
628E594012CC7C5B=Imposta tutti i take delle oggetti selezionate al colore di def
47C303DD6766CBE5=Imposta punto di forma inviluppo di default
11458E9C9EF4BE2E=Imposta oggetto timebase al beats (posizione soltanto)
EC375DCC4CE39240=Imposta oggetto timebase al beats (posizione, lunghezza, rate)
9D60E5E1B749E8D5=Imposta oggetto timebase al progetto/default traccia
0EB8F3CE4C772566=Imposta oggetto timebase al tempo
020D3467C33B79B0=Imposta colori personalizzati oggetto...
31DD29D6185E7EC8=Imposta colore oggetto come in default
6C8CB6E8F2159B02=Imposta colore oggetto in maniera casuale
A68ABA1C0EA6CE27=Imposta colori oggetti in modo casuale
BA7DD3138B41C153=Imposta forma per i punti selezionati
1D84015D83B05998=Imposta modalit automazione della traccia
648DC6218B71EAE3=Imposta icona di traccia...
88C3EA6A227D6CF4=Imposta layout di traccia
2E50A636B3040F96=Imposta tempo base traccia
2A155A1A970AC2FE=Imposta tracce con un colore personalizzato...
639DD13915D0BDD2=Imposta tracce colore di default
27450F3A019ACFE8=Imposta tracce con un colore casuale
AB902561E815401D=Imposta tracce con un colore casuale
0A6FCB87E138A3AF=Visualizza catena effetti per il take attivo
FC08989D53C1D223=Visualizza pannello di controllo MIDI della traccia
A0CB20A955DAF552=Visualizza lista di azioni...
257731EBCA5EBF0E=Visualizza Griglia
593D5AC384550ADA=Visualizza azioni recenti
6A05662E2A1E77AC=Lento inizio/fine
FD06ABC366DA801A=Ricerca Smooth (ricerca alla fine della misura)
0814EFA066F6B891=Propriet &fonte...
1F4C50B930F9D6C8=Taglia oggetto al cursore
90B859A4F328EBB9=Taglia oggetto al tempo selezionato
94D8EC714ED10E14=Sincronizzazione abilitata
1589D28CD62A7BF0=Impostazioni sincronizzazione...
5601B9A57A757ADB=Modalit canale Take: Normale
2BE60748A665DAFB=Rendi muto inviluppo take
1BF73E10831BC659=Inviluppo pan del Take
4A2B58135C235086=Inviluppo pitch Take
E871F70D1F455842=Inviluppo volume Take
6EEA4E6D1C299C1E=Passa a &pan attivo
E29A8B5D1C16061F=Passa a &volume attivo
171CD8B223DA2025=Passa a pan (pre-FX) attivo
5137806840344CAF=Passa a pan (pre-FX) visibile
124E3F58D9D38C02=Passa a pan visibile
13D77626487877AE=Passa a volume (pre-FX) attivo

EDAADDAE852D16DE=Passa a volume (pre-FX) visibile

22BB6337A73E9205=Passa a volume visibile
9A96C7D5CB612D76=Toolbar Docker
6478144A3C4FB7D2=Ragruppamento di tracce abilitato
1002920B25015351=Parametri raggruppamento tracce...
08C4A189ED06CFFA=Opzioni performance della traccia
3A2761697FE8C69E=Taglia contenuto dietro alla oggetto media quando modifichi
EE5CF20F98160706=De-iberna tracce (ripristina precdenti oggetti ed effetti)
58EB14692B28F25A=Deseleziona tutti i punti
D3B242D430A5DB6C=Tastiera Midi Virtuale
62473318FFD2829F=[impostazioni di registrazione]
29AC56D2B3AB95DD=&Copia effetto selezionato\tCtrl+C
0EE7D967B88BFC63=&Impostazioni effetti plug-in...
ED9D4CD707DD43C6=&Incolla effetto selezionato\tCtrl+V, Ctrl+Insert
A7702CFDA3C1F8E6=&Rimuovi effetto selezionato FX\tDelete
5B982DEEA8952FF4=Nuova finestra effetto distaccata
C7317FFF2A84005C=Crea 16 canali di routing MIDI a questa traccia
84FADFAA8CD497E1=Crea routing multicanale per l'uscita dell'effetto selezionato.
A564BFA603B3928B=T&aglia Effetto Selezionato FX\tCtrl+X
BC328CB03B0D078E=Copia &tutti effetti\tCtrl+Shift+C
CC1F02E05223C02F=Posiziona finestra effetto in Docker
F07B8BF09056DBC7=Iberna traccia
B9450FA5B73E0242=Iberna a muono,senza gli ultimi effetti selezionati
4A24DE7EC5D70EE4=Iberna a mono,con gli ultimi effetti selezionati
822C0ABE515442BB=Iberna a multicanale,senza gli ultimi effetti selezionati
C8A3EF986B3A45BF=Iberna a multicanale,con gli ultimi effetti selezionati
E4EB1F77E012E753=Iberna a stereo,senza gli ultimi effetti selezionati
9CADE133F3BF88B7=Iberna a stereo,con gli ultimi effetti selezionati
C4E5E30C8A3E3BDF=Rimuovi tutti gli effetti\tShift+Delete
E67F0BA2C154FA57=Rinomina istanfa effetto\tF2
CD9DE212764F150E=Salva effetti selezionati come catena...
10AA715E679A1188=Invia tutti gli ingressi di tastiera al plug-in
3821C0F763D1850D=Passa effetti selezionati a bypass\tCtrl+B
685BE17D4DA686FC=Passa effetti selezionati a offline\tCtrl+Alt+B
43EF57CE3ADA8A28=De-iberna traccia
907F0944C42611FB=Finestra distaccata effetto selezionato\t(doppioclick)
3683BEB2CD7D7896=&Edita effetti JS...
6EFA7E4EF87CA485=Pulisci il campo di ricerca su chiusura
4018D271D54282D1=Pulisci il campo di ricerca al cambiamento di cartella
D6DB6AF3F0039A90=Crea nuovo effetto &JS...
146E11E319517217=Inserisci il browser effetti nel Docker
A3049D07A88CF98A=Visualizza cartelleVST
111F67D1C0E01057=visualizza preset di default dell'effetto
F1707CB9030B35E0=Attiva automaticamente la registrazione della taccia selezionat
691C4B8E09709260=Copia loop dell'area selezionata di oggetti
914F5B81FECF32F5=Copia area selezionata della oggetto
5F08AD67C9135573=Raccogli progetto alla selezione
48E3EE852F14F202=Inserisci spazio vuoto nella selezione
5710F0FC06226D7D=Rimuovi contenuto della selezione (muovi oggetti dopo)
F2F9B74A2243D03F=Imposta tempo del progetto dalla parte selezionata (trova temp
EA21659EDE25DB0A=Imposta tempo progetto dal tempo di selezione (nuova metrica)..

271F989089915585=Abilita inviluppo per la registrazione

051CA74B46992E79=Bypass inviluppo
A6EF93273B597A8D=Cancella o rimuovi inviluppo...
0D521319E895BADD=Copia punti
32A5F32C7000598C=Taglia punti
F1C5C2EC7C56CF0D=Cancella punti nel tempo selezionato
CD674FEA536FDABD=Nascondi inviluppi
21E4A0FB10179834=Riduci numero di punti...
2504EFBB70A00BF0=Resetta punti a zero/centro
C038339424CBD482=Seleziona inviluppoSelect envelope (nome env)
727B7F2EB869FFD5=Visualizza inviluppo in lane
7C92092A41B00EDC=Latch (registra i movimenti del fader dopo il primo)
DEF52717C4E7101F=Leggi (riproduci faders con inviluppo selezionati)
5A6DE0CA99B71E37=Visualizza tutti gli inviluppi attivi della traccia
E73F4D99E9F274CB=Touch (registra movimenti faders a inviluppi abilitati)
A23B66B5439758A9=Scrivi (registra posizione del fader su inviluppi selezionati)
C004CD40F2057E29=Catene Effetti
5121A85C07CE50F8=Applica playrate al BPM corrente
006B733C62729272=Diminuisci di ~0.6% (10 cents)
62A207FF54858A9C=Diminuisci di ~6% (un semitono)
62DCD9FD78BC002A=Incrementa di ~0.6% (10 cent)
BC1BCCE6A4775AF4=Incrementa di ~6% (un semitono)
EDA2EFF8719B8390=Intervallo fader Playrate: 0.25-4.0 (default)
5A097A1E8E23E204=Intervallo fader Playrate: 0.5-2.0
460AFFF6D99D0DD1=Intervallo fader Playrate: 0.75-1.5
BD6665EE0A2BDB92=Intervallo fader Playrate: 0.9-1.1
D7121E5A0710CF4F=Preserva il pitch nelle oggetti audio quando cambi il playrate
4EEB564BBD876EAB=Imposta 1.0
3E6F5B4FF4F5BC43=Crea nuova cartella...
E485FC63E796EFFA=Muovi gi
A35385C769502F3F=Muovi su
20C9E44247CBCC07=Rinomina cartella...
BC3F5623627FE3E9=Aggiungi FX Chain
12D1E2F79FD7BDB8=Rinomina istanza FX
5D5B152A913BF2D1=Vai alla fine del progetto
E4053920A9B5A25A=Vai all'inizio del progetto
3E7CD7C393BEE92F=Usa unita di tempo del righello
A66F5FD1FF70F568=Attacca Docker alla finestra principale
B814E3BFB72A607B=Cancella preset
37E1C985732EDDC1=Salva preset...
82EE5475CB6FCE9F=Chiudi finestra
3D90226E6ACF7B65=Passa a bypass degli effetti
0A406B52D72D3189=Passa alla Tracia muta
7C52DE0969C08A82=Buggy plug-in in modalit compatibile
674FB3DE1B272051=Canale 1
B38F0368237C04D3=Canale 10
B38F0268237C0320=Canale 11
B38F0568237C0839=Canale 12
B38F0468237C0686=Canale 13
B38F0768237C0B9F=Canale 14
B38F0668237C09EC=Canale 15
B38F0968237C0F05=Canale 16
674FB0DE1B271B38=Canale 2

674FB1DE1B271CEB=Canale 3
674FB6DE1B27256A=Canale 4
674FB7DE1B27271D=Canale 5
674FB4DE1B272204=Canale 6
674FB5DE1B2723B7=Canale 7
674FAADE1B271106=Canale 8
674FABDE1B2712B9=Canale 9
A2AD8A8A1376F812=Impostazioni compatibilit
B9ABDBF036490D44=Esporta libreria di preset (.rpl)...
1E031E71B52167CD=Importa libreria di preset (.rpl)...
7F8BE88D07D058A1=Collega a cambio di programma MIDI
DF45382BC646671C=No link
9590CA1D43A60188=Stato del Plug-in data size: 0 kB
888CF2A8F9990B9E=Rinomina preset...
C35B6227A5807B01=Salva numero minimo di stati di undo
77D4606E1E255B38=Salva preset come default...
54BE0C4F3DB86B76=Salva stato come banco VST(default)
5F00BE84E91B6C9B=Vai al marker precedente
94D3B132B355DDD4=Usa home trasporto/fine per markers
51B4B159DD69FD3B=Vai al prossimo marker
76EE6BE79431DD36=Ignora selezione\tShift
A354AA07A4DF9BBD=Abilita gruppi
FE0BBBB916484A16=Nuovo progetto bay window
D86C7175F627BC38=Seleziona tutte le oggetti
271D7187C80C7F43=MIDI Editor
2D64A463B95C3074=Browser file media
C35BB11D6C364CCC=Parametro modulazione
FA08A03DC81EC720=Nome Plug-in
DD0CE22D75D36ED1=Nome traccia
978AC938BDD65877=Numero traccia
02194DA19CF34ECD=Modifica: Redo
DBE0EEA73EA7A24B=Modifica: Undo
01262900CB9ABE4B=Loop points: Rimuovi punti del loop
F8D05E3085FD2B41=Loop points: Seleziona punto finale
B0BD565E6246F228=Loop points: Seleziona punto di start
FDFF2C38C037D04E=No-op (nessuna azione)
887AC55D66DDCCA9=Opzioni: Preferenze modificatori mouse editor MIDI...
4F54BFB1FE7FA7B1=Send all notes off to all MIDI outputs/plug-ins
DCFEAB8BD451EB5C=Visualizza lista azioni
E9D9A68C20EC04ED=Selezione tempo: Rimuovi tempo selezionato
D2BA30B556C02C0A=Selezione tempo: Rimuovi selezione tempo e selezione punto di l
23CA90FBC72F010D=Passa a visualizza traccia master e inviluppo del tempo
12C3FAD652693FD1=Toolbar: Apri midi toolbar 1 al cursore del mouse

BBE9B04C60CAD394=Toolbar: Apri midi toolbar 2 al cursore del mouse

BF0E1DB8639E5D8F=Toolbar: Apri midi toolbar 3 al cursore del mouse
4A717A29C667E83A=Toolbar: Apri midi toolbar 4 al cursore del mouse
B12DCB764FB6F550=Transporto: Pausa
EE7C68EF6C212F98=Trasporto: Riproduci
46E68D57893F0D5D=Trasporto: Riproduci/pausa
82CD794FA2EDD475=Trasporto: Rirpocuci/stop
A4419DE98AC6632E=Trasporto: Stop
61DB5FFF400740A5=Trasporto: Passa a repeat
4C2711165B524E16=Deseleziona tutte le tracce/oggetti/punti inviluppo
16A0B50E20E429AB=Vista: Muovi cursore di edit al cursore del mouse
7807E6A469856A94=Vista: Muovi cursore di edit al cursore di play
60FDC47CC49E565A=Vista: Scorri vista gi
00A326BE1D4B4B0F=Vista: Scorri vista a sinistra
3CAB5198F069B180=Vista: Scorri vista a destra
EF2E4D6B32E12F9F=Vista: Scorri vista su
293D4AED6CD88FF6=Vista: passa visualizazione finestra editor MIDI
73532F71FB46906C=(non connesso)
0EC28D42C155A657=---- User Presets (.rpl) ---11B3B66593F236CF=Conferma cancellazione preset
93244D3BB94E6F33=Nessun preset
17B3AE10A9CC3695=Stato Plug-in state grandezza dati:
3B0F03168DFDAFF8=Rinomina preset
274E7C84B3E58DB8=Resetta al preset di fabbrica
2B74B8A9175B98AD=Salva preset
F420AC1723391ECE=Master traccia
629548803B048F00= 2430BBE52E3FC625=Comp %d
BABD655B2A5AED87=Seleziona una cartella:
EE1268CA4B845A22=# FX
4B1F235812EEE9D6=Rendi muto
480A73B43C308366= (cartella)
65971737BB8DFA2C=Send Inviluppi
A74298433E1F4B3D=Canale traccia
5D4FC446DED74611=Canali di uscita
AF4AD46D7AA10118=Aggiunti cartella corrente alla lista delle scorciatoie
E953387880EB6BCA=Visualizza sempre i picchi dele forme d'onda per i media selezi
56908A585EF50FEA=Passa al prossimo file dopo il preascolto(richiede ripetizione
7A61C83EDD568392=Ferma preascolto dopo l'aggiunta del media
51811BBAD22BC48D=Azione default (doppio click o premi un tasto)
33B126F31D7ADF8D=Visualizza posizione preview in decimi di secondi
AADC236C38D60A97=Non fare nulla
A646042E5765A52A=Aggancia Media eplorer in Docker
A990E39726BBA83A=Inserisci media in una nuova traccia

F38FF5A9EE6E2C5B=Insert media sulla traccia selezionata

C5546E0DD81AFC44=Inserisci media o apri progetto
5B745260C3493F34=Inserisci progetto come media
0B35824C72FB30DC=Apri progetto nel Tab corrente
44F0FFC2E0D387C7=Apri progetto in un nuovo Tab
EB15808B1540C1AC=Mantieni il pitch quando allinei il tempo
8845CB59F1A758F9=Anteprima progetto di EAPER(.RPP)
1E0BA4E5C4151116=Visualizza tutti i files
6EC0EDC21D60E9B9=Inizia preascolto
E3BFB2365BCB9521=Scarica anteprima corrente media
E1B082D02E99FD1E=Usa Windows Explorer per scegliere file
51C47435D113C016=Visualizza propriet della fonte del anteprima corrente
2C078B30A2995EDB=Uscite ReaRoute
4789C5332441688D=Errore durante la ricerca di un nome di file utilizzato per l'u
scita. Fonte file:\r\n\t
6A8323D4A2DF56E0=Esplodi media multicanale
A1BB777BE5203666=Errore apertura copia
835886E70395249C=Aggiungi inviluppo dell'effetto
17E7264672EB4EC9=commento effetto per:
82E42D2FF8D25A8D=Non posso trovare informazioni sul canale per l'effetto (sono m
BA1A25DF2A11E99B=Rinomina cartella
D726E2A6E8466B26=Crea nuovo MIDIFILE:
C92094118C504736=Rinomina Gruppo
37B990D4112E1A98=Muovi marker
44BE2B196101CBBE=Muovi regione
AB92A9DAC365A96B=Una singola oggetto multimediale loopabile
5267FAD4364EECB7=Aggiusta media al tempo del progetto
356FEEC423F176E6=Beat slices che dinamicamente aggiustano i cambi di programma
15C4666BD022F937=Importa media al tempo della fonte
64835E1E0CE30E3B=(corsia vuota)
7C21CDD2AEBBA4D6=oggetti chiuse rimpiazzano oggetti in comprese
5BA4387FA574D390=Oggetto sempre mix
DD2984E0D3995E66=Oggeto sostituiscono ogetti pi vecchi
94DEF1C233373209=Progetto default
AD6ADC4BDE973BA3=Seleziona file sostitutivo:
E1CA4E1B0C5C2DB6=Non riesco ad aprire la porta Reamote UDP!
E6A55E1F24BD208C=Scegli ReaperConfigZip da importare
C93417DD40352E1B=Errore di salvataggio
D52782E5368E8EA1=Errore di scrittura MIDI file
F7CD69D31E23F2C7=Il File esiste gi:
BBA33ABA3D67B8AA=Errore di REAPE

05A130B04362C768=Note di REAPER
E7C1CFE2A0C69AD8=Errore ReaScript
E83CE539DBB569A7=Ferma registrazione prima del rendering...
5945AF9182806811=Devi bloccare la registrazione prima di importare la configurat
ione (importazione configurazione richiedera la ripartenza)
BA8A5EA843F33060=Impossibile redo
99B80DC023AB26F6=Impossibile undo
01DA63B41FEE389F=<nessuna patch caricata>
FEAA833C7533B5D0=File non trovato
53BE875D82C65B2C=Filtro MIDI
0B3E0029A01A16F4=Oggetti media
430304A419B0E574=Propriet note
C645D4DB5297312E=Aftertouch Polifonico
9ED6EEF5EE379522=Selezione canzone
12848776E53AAD00=Usa + -* / per cambi relativi in ogni campo.\r\nUsa +1o2 per a
ggiungere 1 ottava e 2 semitoni.
B80BE35FC002073A=Seleziona Banco/Programma
2568C8EFB386D909=Cancella note
694685A90529A559=Inserisci nota al cursore di edit
A9D378925393ED86=Inserisci nota alla posizione del mouse
F15A7C7042D0D2C2=Unisci note
F1B40A37A3CA1D37=Rendi muto eventi
1AA6DE3444DD65AC=Canale note
A3E22CDD7E92648A=Propriet note...
4AAE40A08510E47F=Incolla preservando la posizione nella misura
F70F33492CF99E39=Seleziona tutte le note
00DE45DC2B1BE514=Seleziona tutte le note con lo stesso valore
0A80E4A5D91679BC=Seleziona la prossima nota
25B7D38F71473F57=Seleziona la prossima nota con lo stesso valore
06031C90037D1F1C=Seleziona nota precedente
CCDED5029CC82837=Seleziona nota precedente con lo stesso valore
3AECB68ED5632B6C=Taglia note
E2DC5AE969186DD5=&Esporta in un nuovo Midifile...
B817B56070E01709=<Lista oggetti MIDI media>
478CB748FDBE3CCC=Aggiungi la prossima nota alla selezione
84D4D5DA0837EE21=Aggiungi nota vicino al cursore alla selezione
71AFE5DB5650A1AC=Aggiungi nota precedente alla selezione
A89552543AB2CDD5=Aggancia sempre le note alla sinistra quando lo snap attivo
581FB0AB97CF5030=Auto-seleziona CC quando muovi/copi senza la selezione temporal
e del progetto

84DBA574F27F3A00=Correggi automaticamente le note sovrapposte

76CD8A8C7B0631AB=Salva automaticamente alla chiusura le modifiche
382FD4F0FD467B41=Cancella tutti i nomi note
D6FAC22FB212CB64=Cancella mappa colori (usa default)
8D9454B5ACC4065B=Pulisci editor quando cambia la oggetto media attiva(shift togg
F3E22CD65444C138=Chiudi oggetti media attive
4EF8C853781760C8=Chiudi tutte le oggetti MIDI inattive
725966964817F84F=Chiudi tutte le oggetti media inattive
DA3A13552E571A48=Chiudi le oggetti media attive
AAD780F2936DFA0C=Colora note da
91E3DBF71C5D78E4=Personalizza menu/toolbar...
D57975D16046D5B2=Personalizza colori note
5DCA5705AA5A2FCE=Personalizza nome note
F77DBFF425C7412D=Cancella evento
458E371D81F5AF00=Diamanti (modalit percussioni)
CBA3F4617B7ED4EB=Disegnando e selezionando una nota si imposta la nuova durata d
elle note nuove
22F2CC2A38A97EDC=Propriet Eventi...
0B0113E292076F0C=Filtra eventi...
EFEE658757CE9229=Iberna quantizzazione
DBDB8690C26086AF=Nascondi righe note non in uso e non nominate
EC7AC3AA42C4D72E=Nascondi righe di note non in uso
1D4EDA35A99AEFAE=Inserisci nota
DFBC279E68B89582=Carica mappa colori da file...
5EF7E5C1AEA8878B=Carica nome note da file...
67D1CB88D6D1EB6C=Modificatori mouse in MIDI editor...
9FFBE5433EFE0406=Modalit: Lista eventi
5BF8CF14CD14864A=Modalit: Nomi Note
FF666E7FCCA22D1A=Modalit: piano roll
6607D5713D480284=Muovi cursore gi di una nota
C49755DA0BFA8192=Muovi cursore a sinistra della griglia
CAD1ABE1EFE17F39=Muovi cursore a destra della griglia
44AFE395C08B577F=Muovi cursore su di una nota
E3F7820C74DA6C74=Muovi cursore di edit all'inizio della selezione
AF43535681296117=Oggetti media multipli
DFB842604B04659A=Note del Piano roll
AC73D1BFD8821FC1=Tempo base Piano roll
1C7C45FBC54D62E7=Preascolto note all'aggiunto o modifica
08A04EC237FB2661=Beats progetto
8CFE0E2A8D9A34F6=Progetto sincronizzato
2B9FBBB7B42D2295=Tempo progetto
809D9AA3B4306FA0=Quantizza posizione alla griglia
3410CCD7F87501B1=Quantizza usando l'ultima impostazione
E075349CF7FE45D8=Rimuovi duplicati note selezionate
A38F6B757E6A088D=Rinomina MIDI take...
4D2D5A1140F47C5C=Rinomina nota corrente...
E97016D7BAEA01EB=Salva nome note in un file...
E15DF529704AB25D=Seleziona tutti gli eventi
2E4824657E9919FB=Seleziona note vicino al cursore
7CE9611BE854D12E=Imposta fine note all'inizio della successiva
F63AE8DA71068B90=visualizza tutte le righr delle note

B7F8226EA3A3E4D4=visualizza selettore colori sul fondo dell'editor

B3A278DCD3CFC6D2=Visualizza nome note
8D4D0B4B0B6A41EE=Visualizza linea velocity sulla nota
F2C5D93EA511931D=Visualizza numero velocity su nota
0349058E1C6FCD22=Visualizza/nascondi riga nota
B0D208726D814CEB=Aggancia fine note alla griglia quando lo snap attivato
8881802479A8CAAF=Fonte beats
1A360D9AC072403B=Fonte, usa colore della mappa
CC5C392366BA1F24=Taglia note sotto il cursore
92B3E3433F0904A6=Passa le oggetti media attive con un doppio click ad inattive
7311049CDCA4C175=Editor in sync transport al trasporto progetto
0B32ABB1DB8D2C46=Formato tempo per righello, trasporto,propriet eventi
62C6BA8296D6CBAC=Timebase help...
22E2AB4758B4B1A6=Triangoli (drum mode)
19A497F8ACEBBCD9=Usa F1-F12 per lo step recording
1EF9DD5F05BC8D89=Usa tutti gli input midi per lo step recording
0E44CD2EEA4BA863=Umanizza note...
C0647C0C15A70DB9=Dock editor
B9E01E945963FBE3=Ricarica (.mid fonte solo)
C52E96757D127F12=Salva (.mid fonte solo)
8BD3DE8B5B83C01C=Snap alla griglia
8AF60DF50912755E=Seleziona tutti gli eventi nella corsia
C0ABC9951CF45E7F=Deseleziona tutti gli eventi nella corsia
4C121E685B2BF818=Lunghezza doppia del MIDI (ripeti contenuti)
5FCC35227BCB6C5D=Inverti selezione
3595163B199DC483=Seleziona tutti gli eventi CC
B1403E623CE3075B=Taglia note alla griglia
9EBC00F62F9F9F8C=Deseleziona tutti gli eventi CC
0C364228BCD76FE0=(Unknown action)
F5EF50B6945EBD84=Edita velocity della nota
4979490C7DD5AF71=Cancella nota
AEC62239D2186066=Cancella note
362F40DC93DD9F89=Taglia oggetto
619D4CDD3C442997=Passa a oggetti mute
114DD782C0C098CF=Passa a tracccia in solo
F9AA9CDDCDB641C6=Modifica punti di loops
B3E3EB828D92742C=Imposta selezione tempo
436541C52DD92FA4=1 cent
409F65C60F8CB038=1 semitono
114DBCE49FB5ED08=10 cent
6F4D3FBD428960E0=25 cent
ECD95980EE3502F8=5 cent
77FCCED98127C864=50 cent
79DF6C21E88B8F28=Svisualizza l'ultima azione dell'utente nel menu di REAPER.con
il click si apre la finestra di UNDO.
B726931672EE1B2F=Sopra il Normale
FC0E6CF88C55D677=Tempo critico
BE8A32189AE58F83=cursore modifica
08A52B89A26D4975=Scheda Audio

1FF9566969CABE07=Post-Fader (Post-Pan)
ADA3EA2F08216BCF=Pre-Fader (Post-FX)
AFCA4361EC2D09C2=Visualizza/nascondi colonne:
B3D2C76823B56BAB=Canale %d
081CECC31B65E0C4=Imposta registrazione automatica se la traccia selezionata
6B562789A5A9817F=Chiudi finestra
FC57ED035694C1B9=Sovrascrittura globale automazione
DD8A091DA2BE9107=Muovi inviluppo su corsia media
4A3C8E6E015918A1=De-iberna tracce
24962B4247630C73=Uscite Midi
1D883542B837B976=Cambiamenti multipli
[DLG_102] ; IDD_MAIN
246546A2AD3EB0B4=REAPER (inizzializzazione)
9320B43CE8F50284=Linea del tempo
042F4DCA75E1BE47=16 bit
CC85D146650F3E66=24 bit
5188BC03D80E2D31=32 bit
B5431ED426EE5CA5=Devices d'ingresso:
;^081F5207A6D5AA8E=Sample Format:
;^A7BA0064C3A88716=Output Device:
;^DA38E298C189302F=Input channels:
;^C6FA709C7A5DB354=Output channels:
079C56F9CD13F6B5=Abilita input:
8FECF2FB07698C41=Configurazione Asio...
E03433B4BCCBB5D9=Pre-zero buffers d'uscita ,usato da alcune schede (uso CPU elev
C454DD4172CEBF46=Ignora messaggi di Resetta ASIO ( necessari per alcuni buggy dr
1FA658ADC1732D9B=Driver ASIO:
FDB97B20FF12B77B=Intervallo Uscita:
ED7D207F6EC85E77=Priorit segnale ASIO:
;^0FF98CDC4588805A=Request sample rate:
;^3E83534995169108=Request block size:

0314604C3913412E=Sistema Audio:
E9C70EA3B03F0A91=Permetti al progetto di impostare il sample rate della scheda
;^16464B290024A7A0=Audio device settings
7E57903FDA4E3E8E= Propriet File multimediale
;^C01085DD37178417=File info:
[[DLG_121] ; IDD_ABOUT
829A8D6AA57A749C=per aggiornamenti
;^9BC67B482921A263=About REAPER
3C8EB08515D3081F=Propriet fonte click
5A85C634AC6134A5=Il Click segue il tempo del progetto
DB11ADF6494C2AA5=Attenuazione battito secondario:
8F4537F55B9E0BB5=Volume Click:
;^C6AD52C994C055E0=- or ;^D840E3186B2B9581=OK
;^80194C173B470AF3=Save as default
;^82881FCAB4663FE9=First beat sample:
;^3A0B093282EA17AC=Subsequent beat:
;^89548F9D01B6F500=Frequency of first beat:
;^18462807588A7AB2=Hz / subsequent beats:
;^A2D4EB52B7EE75E1=Beat click length:
;^6B4AECC021E5686A=ms, start shape:
;^6D0FDC8D1C9C5504=+0.0 dB
89586449FDC7964E=Renderizza in un file...
052BBD8D885E3DDA=Chiudi automaticamente quando alla fine
E6860B129FE101D6=Lancia file...
BDB7990C53BBB742=Visualizza in explorer...
E24E56DF605D1E65=Shup File
;^223F4865B99B73B0=Output file
;^FDE95463547E83EB=Render status
;^E1CA5A9A5CE93078=not rendering, ETA infinity
;^511EAD28BA4AE493=format spec
8769B7639BCAC7E0=Propriet sezione fonte Loopable
407A0A698C0F3330=Informazioni fonte

8D96C4FE778D9CA7=Propriet fonte...
D754112382628869=Inizio in fonte:
25E3AFE507E594FC=Lunghezza fade (ms):
2874B5A9A972DA56=Freq.campionamento progetto:
184CBF9992046998=Forza tempo progetto per avere beats su campioni vuoti
658C937BDBE2A0A1=BPM Progetto:
16F11A004E847DE0=Suddivisione tempo
B15FB188B25F34F8=Tempo base per oggetti/inviluppi/markers:
97DF60027A0A69B5=Framerate progetto (uato per righello time+frames, sincro):
EE8EC012349D1F21=Tempo d'inizio progetto:
E32C7CC28C8CFB76=Sottrai posizione mouse
CDA814D5DDCE08E6=Misura partenza progetto:
4F3FC38A404ADF1A=Modo Ric. ripr.:
46BBE03B4E465FE9=Modo Ricampionamento:
9BB2A6892BFE5A75=Modo default pitch shift:
A95E2E1907E61757=Parametri Pitch shifter:
87B0A08F71098ED3=Salva impostazioni progetto come default
;^F8E8A9C19CDE7A59=Project Settings
25166B0AC0DBA0BE=Preferenze REAPER
DC49DC62BD4643CF=Cartella per salvare files (pu essere relativo, se vuoto cartell
a progetto):
6B91E28B685614B2=Cartella registrazione secondaria (lascia vuoto per nessuna):
E9AE30152DA09181=Formato nuove registrazioni:
6C73BFA5FE2F27AB=Imposta formato media per applicare effetti,incollaggi,apertura
968FE9870E7392DA=Seleziona file da salvare o cancellare
640AD4A161129F8D=Salva tutto
BC44E5DF05AB42DE=Rinomina selezionati
4BA029FCB2FAFFFD=Cancella selezionati
31A39AE6F5DE72CF=Cancella tutto
4B25D75615EC1A16=Files registrati
;^52BC569ACECFA886=on stop
;^DDCECC683DEC9D6A=on punch-out/play

;^5565002CCE1DFBC7=Prompt to save/delete/rename new files:

[DLG_131] ; IDD_FX
7D521B2E4D4F97E8=Catena effetti: traccia #
80D9B10D4633D016=Aggiungi nuovo effetto
D823E4F45BAFF03B=Filtro lista:
48AA81D531EF6413=Scansiona effetti DirectX...
C4E167520C3410DB=costruisci picchi...
2CF8A64971D43025=Nascondi finestra
7FDD2317E9C75B6C=Visualizza questo stato quando creo picchi
1475DDFE235E95F6=Sconosciuta Fonte informazione
7FF1AA9FBDB6B5BB=Impostazioni riproduzione
0616B7FE6E108EE0=Stop/ripeti riproduzione alla fine del progetto
49EB3CF2EE728EFF=Stop riproduzione alla fine del loop se la ripetizione disabili
700659C953388138=Resetta effetto quando looping (buono per autotune etc, non buo
no per VSTi/etc)
DF253B12E6463891=Ricerca preview quando cliccato:
F005D9CF2CB27C1A=Righello superiore
486582A28BAF7C0D=Aree vuote di tracce
C276E6DE1ADAA408=Nell'area vuota sotto le tracce
CD8C25E6C3175388=Ricerca sul cambiamento del punto di loopSeek on loop point cha
640388590CFFBF2B=Solo quando la ripetizione abilitata
1280F43535B6B625=forza playback sul movimento della oggetto/misura/aggiustamento
fade, preroll:
55272D5AF8EE3E11=Scorri vista al cursore di edit alla stop
8543FFBBFB9AF821=Non scorrere vista (quando abilitata)quando vedi un altra parte
del progetto
1149F742BD0E8658=Carica effetto quando fermo (buono per certi VSTi)
926B9B67161D84D0=Svuota effetto allo stop
80EBAA875417D411=Carica effetto per

F0D4137C641EE9CC=ms dopo lo stop (for reverbero, etc)

AC26191C42FBEB16=Impostazioni Scrub/jog
5705FAACAE6DC64F=Suona tracce selezionate solo quando scrubbing/jogging
F17B5D457D4790AC=Limita indice rate to 1.0x
F7AB56EC6A4F9C68=Limita indice jog se vicino cursore
10B157188C8B1599=Jog a risposta rapida
B1D374C00E58CA81=Limita indice scrub rate a 1.0x
87357E06E9DEB8FB=Ingaggia scrub in riproduzione (blocca la riproduzione)
7F7CD7579ACF1427=Modalit segmento in loop:
E933DFD376FC73FC=ms a
C949552870042115=Sensitivit controller modalit Scrub:
83598BE24A366D5C=(Nota:imposta comportamento mouse scrub/jog behavior in Editin
g /Mouse Modificatori)
F002B1B68C613802=quando muovi il cursore con azione o superficie di controllo:
71A80CCF871123FB=Impostazioni registrazione
C2CE3FF2933AAAF9=Scorri vista traccia durante la registrazione (se abilitato per
la riproduzione nel menu opzioni)
4F2B31BBF3D2C295=Nella registrazione a loop,scarta il primo e l'ultimo take inco
mpleto se il primo o l'ultimo sono completi
30CEF63161AD2E19=Vedi anteprima registrazione,quando registri, frequenza aggiorn
81AEE36FEF3A6FE=Hz (default 3)
BF4A3BF6EB7C6155=Crea Build peaks per files registrati:
7E19925878CB813A=Al volo (raccomandato)
922E6A2883A2E7BC=Dopo reg.
208EE71E50F7ABCB=Quando registri in loop aggiungi oggetti registrate al progetto
86CDD3047B701541=allo stop (default, raccomandato)
C5B9E0F7E2858D5B=Crea un nuovo file sul loop
04B1EA7C5BB5F4F8=Ad ogni loop (crea file nuovo, buono per registrare layer audio
multipli al volo etc)
6E8017A8EE98E94E=Sempre visualizza pannello di controllo completo quando la trac
cia armata
2EB70AE261D4626B=Nuovo file ogni
9719B482F4C2B161=megabytes (app.)
CDDF7830EBD06132=in registrazioni multiple, offset file per migliorare prestazio
E947E7DF20257706=Previeni partenza registrazione se nessuna traccia armata
FBC599724C60C609=Formato nome del file registrato:
F2D5C17837573D29=Controlla spazio libero su HD prima di registrare, avverti se i
nferiore di:
85B69F498013C4A0=Visualizza lo spazio libero dell'hd nel men bar
B397655E827DB001=Cartella primaria reg. nella barra stato
5E12527AFCBE1647=Usa latenza riportata dall'audio driver
13B9F46717A65033=Offset manuale di uscita:
E9CD14D3777EDAD6=ms +
1AB7E546958711C6=Offset manuale di ingresso:
;^5565002CCE1DFBC7=Prompt to save/delete/rename new files:
;^52BC569ACECFA886=on stop
;^DDCECC683DEC9D6A=on punch-out/play
8FFF66C9C9744E1E=Impostazioni media
B8A37B079F8D2F12=Quando importi oggetti media multiple:

1BECAFEE943F02F9=Copia media importati nella cartella media del progetto

E64FC9552B0BA98B=Automaticamente nomina tracce senza nome all'importazione
9A9E25AAEAC16851=Imposta offline le oggetti media quando l'applicazione non atti
682D26505F615AFB=Ricostruisci peaks automaticamente
706BC8DD84E18043=Consiglia laconferma del nome su \"open copy in editor\"
30D3316093DF2C40=Lunghezza coda quando applichi effetti alle oggetti:
B57B982B7939BE82=Lunghezza coda effetto take:
434D0D3D16C885EF=Impostazioni caching della forma d'onda del media
E1636FD50BD45974=Generatecaches dei peaks:
CBA4BF72B4C9D063=su importazione
7C2231FA80FA65A1=sul caricamento del progetto
C9C28BF8EE939E14=Visualizza finestra di status
3DA361A2663B8779=Risoluzione cache desiderata:
3FFD5C0C5B623D35=samples/sec (default 300)
2755B2A0D5082B14=Salva le caches di peak in cartella alternativa se non possibil
e scrivere nella cartella dei media
BF347E2F9C8E91F9=Salva tutti le caches di peak in cartella alternativa
4C9D984EF3ACFB06=Intervallo di aggiustamento volume oggetto media:
B56F3519D8CAEAE0=Modifica oggetto media
0A2D49C6327FFE18=Vecchio stile oggetto di dissolvenza del mouse hit testing
1671927D71A9F819=Duplica effetti take quando tagli pozioni (inclusi tagli causat
i da nuovi takes)
3E6F4DC06A94D04F=Alterna percorso peak cache (imposta cartella in Preferences/Ge
B572F578BF65C382=Impostazioni Generali
7C2B25C7E423B88D=(restart REAPER per cambio lingua)
2111B17C28EE081E=Importa configurazione...
527E1615BF17D6C3=Esporta configurazione..
3FA6BE9183AD7516=Impostazioni precedenti
082C778D34CDEF1D=Impostazioni iniziali
4CC7316E3D3E1C3D=Memoria massima Undo in uso:
8AD99B4CC5506F00=megabytes (0 disabilita funzionalit undo/redo)
8CEF95A8A6EAB76E=Crea punti UNDO oggetti/tracce sel.
84846F0FD8767E8C=tempo selezionato
D4CCB32B535550F6=Quando ci si avvicina alla meoriaUNDO piena , mantieni UNDO pi r
6B02132585D23245=Salva storia UNDO con il file di progetto(in .RPP-UNDO file)
27843DF0E31CB0D7=Carica storia UNDO
1DC49DE353C8BF2C=Conservare percorsi redo multipli, quando possibile (pu usare mo
lta RAM)
0DE5FEBA650823F4=Carica l'ultimo progetto all'avvio
037E4A2639EA6A1D=Visualizza splash screen all'inizio
D0B6A7F445E961F2=Cerca automaticamente aggiornamenti di REAPER al lancio del pro
A631DBBF7B137EAB=Verificare la presenza di pi istanze all'avvio
5B30B36BF2DA4858=Quando lanci con progetto/media
FDC0E0D9342BD62F=Crea TAB nuovo progetto quando apri media dalla finestra explor
FE1F26B1104E7C16=Numero progetti in progetti recenti:
4BFB3C2491D12DFF=(il massimo 100)
0E5B0925AD431578=Cancella lista
6D7AA73D3A28F079=Avvisa quando la memoria di REAPER raggiunge
7D1D922B32762880=megabytes (0 nessun avviso)
60167E72AEC44586=UI/system avanzate ...
;^11FA427DAF625F63=edit cursor

5E9EC9164DF038AD=Modifica alias/mapping di canale
;^ABEC79059CAD0B0E=Alias name:
12003D947B908539=Sostituisci file persi...
C5F140FB45EE33FF=Lascia file offline
35D50776DD5FE769=Ignora tutti i file persi
CEFBD808D172FA10=Non pu essere trovato.
4D25501B7AF0D92B=Ricerca Media
AFC11D55B1CB098D=Quando sono trovati risultati multipli . usa:
CA3D0F1A0CB8BE5D=Su ricerca riuscita, ricerca altri file perduti
1902312630A17C31=Su ricerca fallita,lascia file offline and Ricerca per altri fi
le perduti
C05DAD1BAAF106A6=Interrompi caricamento progetto
;^4D5B21719C8D85CE=Browse for file...
;^866FE917BA950796=The file:
;D8609045F0F81B85=Jump to time/marker/region:
;C4E03DF9A8333134=Jump to time (mm:ss.xx, M|B|S, or any similar form):
;1CDA5524C85D2275=Note: jump to a marker by index by entering m1 or m2 ...
;A495A2F91515D33E=Note: jump to a marker/region by name by entering \"name
;46D23055008E5DEF=Note: jump to a region by index by entering r1 or r2 ...
F906EAD1EA9F5DD4=Impostazioni per tutti i temi
6D29DDE70DA21E29=Permetti sovrascrittura temi
9DD29EA3AC51232D=Impostazioni tema Classic...
51EEFB49D142F0E6=Fonte immagine di default:
A89D9F55965D7CB5=Tema corrente
93A147B245D8B48E=Tema utilizza immagini:
CF911199798E69B9=Controlli colore/font tema:
72E77C5A7CC1D2B0=Carica tema...
;^89C0342F7627AB40=Theme element finder
165C255907F1A60A=Il seguente effetto plug-in non pu essere caricato:
50983881D9DB7F09=Porta effetti online
5445E8C0189E9239=(configurazione effetti preservata)

1C90433BCDFE556F=Keyboard Shortcut Help
138115F421695B0D=Aggiungi MIDI joystick...
A4F5378A569069D6=Ingressi MIDI a disposizione (selezionabile ingresso traccia e/
o learnable o action-bindable):
2067FD051A93CC68=Uscite MIDI da mettere a disposizione (selezionabili come uscit
e traccia):
D5D0203E4FFCD927=Impostazioni interfaccia MIDI
A8497219AE654E06=Send all-notes-off
8D7DB08EA63ED4D8=Resetta pitch
CCF78439FB636098=Resetta CC
9E11BA13DE784021=On stop/play:
AF3AC146DC0BBCFA=Limitare l'uscita MIDI hardware per un thread
;^F8E6A0B81A77C5E9=Resetta all MIDI devices
46B2F90EFC202F2F=ridimensiona automaticamente finestre effetto:
5F4770DBE32AC217=Imposta di primo piano con finestre mobili quando selezionato
9907FEDD82A2071D=Crea finestra separata per ogni effetto nuovo
1550387FA6A569B5=Apri automaticamente finestra effetto dopo il quick-add
C79A6C3B62E20D60=Auto-dock le nuove finestre effetto
DFFCF4A65D1E6FA1=Apri automaticamente per aggiunta quando apri una nuova catena
effetti vuota
C7B479203D71CE7C=Permetti solo una finestra catena effetti aperta alla volta
6DCB0D632CA6A596=apri finestra effetti sul cambiamento della selezione della tra
146BEFCAD3C82C9C=Solo se nessuna finestra effetto aperta
20D2538F88926BA7=Visualizza effetto traccia corrente nel meun del tasto destro d
ella traccia corrente
0958FACBCAB8ED55=Lista massima effetti recenti:
35DF1AFCAFFB37CD=WAV bit depth:
3538F7CA3C2A2A95=Permetti files grandi usando Wave64

31A3228789E94216=Scrivi chunk BWF ('bext') chunk

46B10D8B633443CD=Inludi nome progetto nei dati BWF
91CF5EEFD47F812D=Scrivi marker come appunti
688A912F914695A0=Scrivi marker che iniziano con #
24734F4ACE59E391=Tempo progetto incluso
771BE661607B660C=Impostazioni audio
A965CC5A8248EA92=Chiudi scheda audio quando non in uso e l'applicazione non atti
A3E497C30F573907=Chiudi scheda audio quando non in uso sono armate per la regist
razione tracce
88D3DE337F7E5D78=Chiudi scheda audio quando non in uso e applicazione ReWire son
o aperte
1B98A491F616C4FD=Chiudi scheda audio quando fermo e inattivo (passa risposta)
5CA7B4BF0F7E6D68=Avverti quando non riesci ad aprire devices audio/MIDI
AC7AE7A176147DD5=Piccolo fade out sullo stop della ripr.
6AF1C766315DA216=Piccolo fade in alla partenza della ripr.
DB9672C1C2AE2D3E=Non processare tracce in mutes (risparmio di CPU )
BA491E7B58F98628=Solos default to in-place solo (alt+click does a normal solo)
D923B88E7CA24E87=Solo in front dimming:
7F8E5925A86A3457=Fade di traccia muto:
5C326A50E71323BF=ms (100 ms max)
6721707C5C16AB36=quando volume eccede
C5A76E243C28A4AB=Nomina/mappa canale
4554DB9B26BD7F5D=Nome canale ingresso alias/rimappa
BC4FB48156117258=Modifica Nomi/Mappatura...
FC22C6EF8E185AD2=Nome canali uscita alias/rimappa
7744ECC4A8F97396=Visualizza canali stereo pari non-standard(i.e. Input 2/Input 3
220835B894C9D178=Superfici di controllo
82A49039D1782EAE=Frequenza aggiornamento display controller:
D5AD81A3A8A8050D=Hz (default: 15)
9F6C638411280BB3=Avvisa su errore apertura controller
0E6F8D5A50F68297=Chiudi il controller quando fermo o non attiva l'applicazione
1BD0786A46F8FDAB=(cambiamenti immediati)
ED0AE3021E21F18C=Impostazioni superfici di controllo
DFD3E9DC03AA3AAC=Modalit superficie di controllo:
75501023A0653617=rimuovi files selezionati
BD65489FE41F2336=ATTENZIONE:files in elenco non sono usati dal progetto corrente
, ma potrebbero essere in uso in altri progetti.
1A0D36499DEB718F=Invia files al cestino (safer)
;^C7A89083E6E728EB=Pulisci cartella di progetto

DFD1209B13D93BA2=Editor Esterni
33A92C8FA5438A7C=Configurazione Editor
64B7B388D17F971F=Tipo file (estensione):
15A9DE70DEE257AE=Editor Primario:
3367C07971B9528E=(lascia vuoto per selezionare l'edito di default)
8AD3CF43B42E168A=Editor Secondario:
73194AEE0903A46F=Impostazioni traccia
;^611FB91949657A10=traccia Channels:
55ED87A57563F586=File in copia. ..
C12C9531DD475924=Imposta valore punto inviluppo
F5114A4E5C642964=Tensione Bezier:
BB30EBB441D29823=Visualizza note al caricamento progetto
;^6AE6A7774B25EDEB=Edit Marker
;^941DEA15C4817EEC=Imposta color...
;^E6B5A6A65044C93D=Resetta color
;^E5566C4604653F75=Undo History

C92B788D0BB92260=Consolida Tracce
BF7FC25E072FBD3F=Aggiorna progetto con files consolidati
9F7A79448A2AADDB=Salva nuovo progetto come:
9745F60ABA894258=Salva progetto corrente prima di aggiornare il progetto
94066D118035EEF6=Ignora silenzi pi corti di
F8306E1701F44AAB=Forza formato di outputt (se disabilitato, automaticametne det
erminata per-traccia):
7CDFF1D2B38BE006=Impostazioni consolidamento
D1717A5C482193AF=Modalit Resample:
0971916D9810DAA7=secondi (pu causare files multipli per traccia)
A0138F029D3F9F6A=files di uscita consolidati alla cartella:
788A6BC029A47D7D=Consolida a:
7877FCEAC5B8AC76=(se richiesto)
;^79DCBE1CDE37B4F3=Entire project
;^97D6D411868C112C=Time selection
;^E19CAC48E2E6EA85=Sample rate:
4D8F7A5A9245F919=Modifica funzionamento
23C01768B8090D2F=Muovi curore di edit all'inizio della selezione tempo al cambio
della stessa
4C88CB0B79BBCE00=Muovi cursore di edit quando incolli/inserisci media
D4CCD39898DAEF23=Muovi cursore di edit alla fine della oggetto registrata quando
la registrazione in stop
5E6B52214FFB6F82=Collega i punti di loop al tempo selezionato
FCBF848D058095E1=Azzera punti loop cliccando sul righello
46FE32F3924ECB82=Pulisci selezione tempo quando il cursore di edit si muove con
un click nella finestra arrange
347BEF6E7C817645=Centro zoom verticale:
584AC3CE0E6BC82B=Centro zoom orizzontale:
AF239E1DB5AA0E08=Rilevamento transienti
5FC0AC4569E4E2AF=Aggiusta sensibilit...
5597FFD1F336E75D=Tab attraverso note MIDI
E11DAEF2BBEB112C=Permetti trim doppi (modificare i bordi condivisi elemento mult
imediale) solo se entrambi le oggetti sono selezionate
E9DEA85182C247DF=Modifica Ripple: aggancia alla oggetto durante il movimento a s
32B5CB1F9A8B8705=I crossfades stanno insieme durante la modifica del fade quando
i contenuti dietro alle oggetti media sono abilitate
AA5A7A99565E6043=Cancella automaticamente tracce vuote create dal trascinamento
di oggetti al di sotto dell'ultima traccia e indietro
93565C719250C592=Trascinando l'offset l'inizio della fonte dei take attiviaggiu
stano gli offset di tutti i takes
6F6DCD0B40734C2E=Se nessuna oggetto selezionata, alcune azioni di Taglia/trim/ca
ncellazione hanno tutte effetto alla posizione del cursore di edit
8EB832E42FDC2501=Tratta confini oggetti media come transientt

84F43D3EDA83383C=Propriet Generatore SMPTE
12E19CE6C57BB067=Send audio (LTC)
52804D5F8150D65B=Send MIDI (MTC)
C32C641180B224AC=Frame rate:
B51CE642A76CBDCC=Tempo partenza:
FA3F8C074E460084=Valore 1 utente (0-255):
7C4361DB02F85877=Valore 2 utente (0-255):
87C65BA87A344B7A=Valore 3 utente (0-255):
89765A05AAF121ED=Valore 4 utente (0-255):
[DLG_174] ; IDD_DOCK
EFFE206ECF958DFF=Salva preset effetto
895BB684C276CD93=Nome Preset:
3BF9EB56EC01CC0D=Abilita per il rendering
;^EE28FE89D1A7A151=Edit Region
;^941DEA15C4817EEC=Imposta color...
;^E6B5A6A65044C93D=Resetta color
;^7CE6FE4C74542BB2=Region Manager...
E1F42879AE5000D8=Defaults per tracce/sends/uscite fisiche per tracce
BF552AF240D8670E=Fader volume traccia gain di default:
580A497A940808A8=Visualizza nel Mixer
91357BBC27D0ACD1=Main (parent) send
FB9BB78435AB99DF=Inviluppi visibili di default:
430C86B44E7308AE=Volume (pre-FX)
6B8804B0AFE7CF33=Pan (pre-FX)
76F64D47C2B668BB=Forma del punto di inviluppo di default envelope point shape:
062FABF640E027BC=Arma nuovo inviluppo
A2A77FC9AADD4CE8=Modalit automazione di default:
AE7E61A37889E975=Posizionamento oggetto libera
3EB9822C6981339B=Altezza traccia di default in nuovo progetto:
4E462B362D2C3662=Config registrazione:
D234EE899BA0FD67=Invia gain di default:
60A5F7836A421CBA=Gain di default usicte fisiche:
EFBA29BAE66FE5BD=Modalit default uscite Send/fisiche:
0997CAABB7B35BF7=Invia send MIDI di default
016A11D102C83486=Invia send audio di default

11FAB17EEF44466E=Sends / Uscite fisiche traccia

;^61EB857EEC517894=Record arm
3155512612C634C9=Rinomina Effetto
117649134D9E71CF=Categorizza come strumento
;^C3EB4B7A6BCD5F3C=New name:
;^09939A2A8DB73EDE=Performance Meter
BBC37D685496225D=REAPER Notificazione nuova versione
96C51F86AB14FEEF=Procedi alla pagina del download
744C5C97C5A2BDE1=controlla per una nuova versione
;^33212EA04B36D7AA=Routing/Grouping Matrix
;^EA615A5997239616=Edit FX Comment
5AEA2A7B35EDF368=Gradualmente crea transazione tempo al prossimo marker
30CEDD945AFC126E=Imposta Metrica:
;^B6B81D96FFFC1FA4=Edit Time Signature Marker
F82D8812ADB6D26E=Crea sub-cartella per il progetto
909B744AC415071D=Copia tutti i media nella cartella progetto,usando:
C90E73117337026E=Converti media
4AD4CAC4686A9DBF=Muovi tutti i media nella cartella progetto
17492618E3105F2C=Taglia media, grandezza coda:
2FA8385842A4DB6E=Crea cartella...
A7E15C5112B5E088=Crea Cartella

8E72EFBD3C10EF0F=Effetto staccato
6AEB7CEB5B3CD769=La finestra di configurazione plug-in al momento distaccata.
12DC76C4A3E6583B=Nuovo effetto JS
518A5045CB8BC7F5=nome effetto:
20B0625D4151B7F1=Vedi tutti gli attivi
EBBAC9C0D73504CC=Nascondi tutto
8F631C2A81B0AF06=Preparma all registrazione tutto
7917FF9EB96E14B6=Disabilita registrazione a tutto
8F0898786C694565=In evidenza:
;^4E5F93B30C786CEB=traccia Envelopes
;^C644A2EBFF26E843=Automation mode:
07B1B24908F08376=Send traccia/Ricezione/Uscite fisiche
;^611FB91949657A10=traccia Channels:
D20AEAB230E8A915=Impostazioni Snap/Grid
FAB43CC8C74911B4=Impostazioni griglia
80A302C4720204A1=Visualizza griglia, spazio tra linee:
6B38B6D690F4D2B5=Linea griglia ordine Z:
2D6B74025CB78209=Visualizza linee puntinate
7D6C52FCAEDCCFCF=Ordine linee Z Marker:
00F8AF1A6A14D288=Impostazione Snap
5A440BC2BE969608=Distanza snap:
F34BB15DA08E0D6E=Snap relativo alla griglia
9210A71F28FFEED4= a griglia
B0CF6CB38AA786EF=Lo snap della griglia segue l'impostazione della sua visibilit
79BF2A7701C47BF6=Snap griglia a ogni distanza
0FB6C4377177082CE=Spazio griglia di snap:
1593661A56EFAEDD=Aggancia cursore al confine della oggetto media su qualsiasi tr
52642B06790DC836=oggetto media snap a:
3F4726E1BC2836A1=Aggancia oggetto vicino a oggetti fino a:

9F89DCC4637F103B=distanza tracce
FDBA8D3410BD68C8=Aggancia oggetti media a parte di:
9934781AD1C1A171=Aggancia al sample rate del progetto
3E1F2DAC99CBD0AB=Aggancia cambio metrica a bars vuota
974DE9D993F1F22B=Forza selezione per essere multiplo di:
89ABB59E8971F073=Rallenta ricerca
437F6C00EAEC7B6B=Ricerca il porossimo confine marker/regione edge, o a:
^59111F850FAE5C14=Attiva snapping
25B661438F7A03AE=Sovrascrivi pan law di default della traccia
;^2B4E18A3D5201CFA=Pan Law
;^57CA523AA910C686=Gain compensation (boost pans)
;^A5AE0B33DF6191F1=Pan mode:
;^2B4E18A3D5201CFA=Pan Law
;^8EA91D57270468E0=Pan law:
;^57CA523AA910C686=Gain compensation (boost pans)
22E1566E7D716DFB=Impostazione VU Master
2ED3934DE5A105B2=Solo Peak
63D6E48C1A4C24D7=Solo RMS
DC1270B0AFACF4EE=Etichetta in alto:
E2E6BC6DF438FDBD=Misurazione peak multicanale
DB2EDFA958D9695A=Grandezza finestra:
6B7E0357A34BD690=offset Display:
F0AAFAD65D65451F=Impostazioni misurazione RMS
2B38050561E7CD8C=Visualizza gain:
4355AA4DBCB77855=Soglia allarme:
FD6CB597F81A51BE=Impostazioni buffer audio
A209F590DEBF0FAE=auto-seleziona il numero necessario di threads per il processam
ento audio
61BEF8CE252BFBF0=Threads Audio reading/processing:
164AAD0DE75983A4=(raccomandato: 1 per CPU core. Pu essere 0)
CE81FD6CDFB4B2A1=Priorit Thread:
2C527E4BC4E1E850=Grandezza buffer Media:
9AA6529CA6A81E91=ms (default 1200ms), prebuffer:
9AEE19DE54CC8120=% (default 100%)
C0B78103DE8BAEC1=Disabilita buffering media per le tracce con un MIDI editors ap
erto (raccomandato)
80A76343A9E1E678=Disabilita buffering media per le tracce che sono selezionate
017C01A23735EE41=Grandezza buffer media quando la UI del per-take FX aperta:
BEB8AEBD84C1A90D=ms (default 200ms)
51AB61DBF5CB4A76=Impostazioni FX processamento/multiprocessamento Effetti
A8D66160635DD938=Processamento effetto anticipativo - multiprocessore superiore

e scheda audio a bassa latenza

9C72AF76953C2AA7=[pu non essere compatibile con certi effetti (UAD), il monitorag
gio live non multiprocessore]
3DA7AD6DA60B893B=ms (default: 200)
D3F56CEFCFB9B99E=Permetti sulle tracce senza effetto (potrebbe richiedere alta u
tilizzazione del processore)
331BA087EACA0798=Permetti sulle tracce con MIDI editor aperti (potrebbe incremen
tare ila latenza del preascolto MIDI)
1E34C617E5353F03=Permetti il processamento con affetto live su:
0AA71620AD705B69=Ottimizza buffering per schede a bassa latenza (raccomandato)
2F2715B3B43668D6=Usa eventi nativi per la sincronizzazione (raccomandato)
281759C8AD758D95=Opzioni Avanzate I/O Disco...
3CF333030AFB4087=[abilita il multiprocessing degli ingressi live,ma pu ridurre le
prestazioni a basse latenze]
F06854788A1D9107=Licenziato a:
52F0480E83915AA8=Tipo licenza:
6F5769926BC1C226=Acquista chiave di licenza di REAPER online
1B1B5CF87FA36D80=Nascondi nome di registrazione per la barra principale
1D3EDF9A66681F71=Nascondi \"commercial license\" text
D98D89186C45DDE1=-629CB18B4001F9DC=Hai una vecchia licenza di REAPER, clicca qui per vedere se sei
elegibile per un upgrade!
;^756B500741E261D4=Import license key...
FCF3913D3BF1D3E1=Invia a traccia X
99AA745451FB03DE=Impostazioni ReWire/Direct-X plug-ins
3D0D0CE24C134644=Support mixer Rewire (funziona come un mixer Rewire, visualizza
devices nel browser dei plugin)
2F509ABA2BB63239=Apertura automatica pannelli quando apri una applicazione ReWir
F1DA4A4F0E2A1E52=Carica gli effetti allo stop se il devices Rewire attivo
3DBA1098DEF1A9A1=Cerca il Mixer Rewire/device alla partenza (ed automaticamente
entra in modalit slave se presente)
229F2B0E80269DE0=Usa file configurazione alternativa (reaper-rewire.ini) quando
in modalit slave
46F9CB03AD3C8F8E=Imostazioni progetto Rewire slave
253441B2FCA18BE2=Direct-X (DX)
D79B80390AF6D43D=Abilita plug-in DX
45CAE2F00AB76386=Scansiona DX plug-ins alla partenza (non richiesto)
19F83078F1C040EB=Disabilita la scansione dei plug-in DX
6CE8F9E7F0CB5F76=Scansiona i nuovi plug-in DX
049365D34656A275=Ripeti scansione tutti plug-in DX
0B23FB04199CFD2A=Impostazion plug-in VST
12817484270109EC=Cartella/e plug-in VST (anche cartelle multiple separati da pun
to e virgola):
A858AA3DA9AB3CEC=Cancella cache/re-scan

02CD79828A026675=Prendi nomi VST/tipo durante la scansione

C14B8D54F4D0074D=Se multipli VST sono rilevati con lo stesso nome della dll,solo
uno sar abilitato: gli ultimi trovati, o i pi alti nella struttura delle cartelle
B5A31DD6277997A5= VST di default a UI generica ( invece della UI del plug-in )
401188713EF0876C=Modalit knob:
BED87C6BBD50429C=Compatibilit VST
DD8560BEDCAF9B53=Non vuotare il plug-in sintetizzatore allo stop
F27EE9EB697AD546=Informa sui plug-ins offline in trendering
EB5AD63A75E962D6=Bypass audio quando apro la finestra di configurazione(buono pe
r alcuni VSTs)
9AFB50287E6BE13A=Modalit sincrona UAD-1 (riduce molto la CPU) - richiede anticip
o FX disabilitato
D7D5E6EF54BF3AAB=Permetti completo scarico plug-in VST (riduce uso memoria, ma p
ossibile incompatibilit)
4D218C9A346F7B79=Impostazioni progetto
FEF6844CA6E20459=Quando crei un nuovo progetto,usa il seguente progetto come un
5F91CD4AAF5C70A0=Carica il modello di progetto quando alla partenza non carichi
l'ultimo progetto
E128E6C758BBADD7=Spingi a salvare un nuovo progetto
1182D3164197978A=Apro propriet su un nuovo progetto
FD87B02FFB447670=Carico progetto
2C88DA69457EE61F=Guarda per oggetti media del progetto prima nella cartella qual
C1CB39730620196F=Chiedi conferma quando i file in caricamento nel progetto non
si trovano
CD5317E280F27A31=Visualizza stato di caricamento e splash quando carichi il prog
D05A2F9A08ACFC82=Salvataggio progetto
EC403AA6A8B772FE=Salva file referenza progetto , con le relative directory
9594CC6401422D4C=Quando sovrascrivi un progetto rinomina il vecchio a .rpp-bak
7096563D9523FBAD=Timestamp backup
16EF1DE677B6A5F2=Ogni volta
241C380B8459DF0D=Salva sul file di progetto(non raccomandati)
1BDA1BF4E19E27FD=Salva un file di timestamped nella cartella del progetto
CC897BECE9A66F4B=Salva un file di timestamped in una cartella addizionale:
B0A7FAD536E0CFE0=Salva storia UNDO (RPP-UNDO) (se abilitato nelle pregerenze gen
D71FC359E353E6C2=Impostazioni apparenza
5435440D010D6977=Aggiornamento UI:
93DD3658B143DD45=Delay consiglio:
29F167A56D81C267=Aiuti elementi dell'UI
6630700BA3872D6E=Aiuti oggetti/inviluppi
C9959CE9924AB7A0=Aiuti inviluppo su selezione
DF04180765FFB7AE=Larghezza Cursore play:
750E37B6DDD93553=Testo veloce rendering (riduce antialiasing)
FA1B53737B92D5D5=Semplifica vista timeline di
B697FD49D09D8899=Visualizza l'ultimo punto di UNDO nel men bar
4A37C58202F1D1E7=Visualizza linee guida quando modifichi
0A4D4FC73A4F510F=Confine solido su tempo selezionato evidenzaito
C054DDF112689E1C=Confine solido in selezioneloop

D91BC117098D4EC4=Non scalare i bottoni di toolbar al di sotto di 1:1

558142A2C931366C=Non scalare i bottoni toolbar sopra 1:1
7398F3D28D395CB7=Frameless barra strumenti mobile
7C19AABD4450CE2B=Disegna il testo verticale dal basso verso l'alto
9DB4551C9D88CF44=Compatta vista tab se il docker richiede solo una finestra
9E095E7D2135CFA9=Pixels tra oggetti su tracce adiacenti:
604E986E24512244=Numero massimo corsie , quando mostra oggetti in overlapping n
ella corsia:
4C68D7552201D3DA=Pannelli controllo traccia
4DCB5D3E3620F765=Imposta sfondo etichetta tracciacolori personalizzati
58906FB073DFD12A=Tinta sfondo pannello traccia
289C8897E74FAD43=Alinea controlli TCP quando icone di traccia sono usate
920B32F6825E1B73=Indicatori tracce raggruppate:
F76303B43152DC0C=Linee su confine
99F74F79442093EF=Fades e inviluppi Antialiased
61E70BF70F6CD68F=Inviluppo automazione pieno
56E0E33E38C074B4=Inviluppo pieno se disegnato su media
89E372315C3B2BF3=Linee griglia orizzontali in corsia automazione
B0347433BD1E62FD=Per cortesia blocca ogni riproduzione o registrazione per veder
e la pagina.
;^16464B290024A7A0=Audio device settings
ABE4285C346CE5EC=Funzionamento mouse in modifica
15CA2C975F921ECF=Obiettivi Mousewheel:
54135D1372B3964A=Ignora mousewheel su tutti i faders
62891900A9B5B1CC=Ignora mousewheel sui faders del pannello traccia
B03CEBA30BD30262=Ignora mousewheel su campi di edit della transport
0C08862AAF64196E=Mousewheel muove la selezione del tampo nel trasporto di beats
(alt toggles)
7AE7E4302DB3029D=Trattare messaggi di scorrimento da parte di alcuni trackpad la
ptop come la rotellina del mouse
7D6A1B1C34FD2DF7=Mouse click su faders di volume/pan e bottoni traccia cambiano
la selzione della traccia
C44BB15953492B98=Modifica nomi traccia con un click singolo (al contrario serve
doppio click)
E8F0E5E4C7A0A2C2=Mouse click/modifica nella vista traccia cambia la traccia sele
64FE2B8ECAA52740=Clic del mouse sotto l'ultima traccia annulla selezione element
o multimediale
786D3AC0B4425067=Permetti di modificare confini della selezione del tempo sopra
oggetti nelle tracce
9F1222D13FC35BE2=Control+left-click emula il right-click (tasti di controllo sar
anno inutilizzabili come modificatori)
A9B99A6F8A73CD35=Impostazioni Blocco
ADF734ADBE2B231C=Punti di loop
31ED57742F126923=oggetto (pieno)
55F189406332E197=oggetto (no spostamenti sx/dx)
1195125C951D8503=oggetto (no spostamenti su e gi)
766BE9F3488BDF6A=Confini oggetto
42C8994E142FBAD9=Controlli oggetto(fade/vol/snap/etc)
68D2333FBEDF0F2B= Marker di metrica

;^698028640C29E8A9=Enable locking
;^97D6D411868C112C=Time selection
1075019A504F73BB=Permetti modifica alcuni campi dopo 1 secondo di nessuna batti
tura a macchina
4F3654C5B59115AD=Usa sezione alternativa della tastiera quando registrig
025B90FA447C6C83=Previeni tasto ALT key dalla selezione del men principale
E6999CD562DABC49=Assegna scorciatoie tastiera ad azioni o cambiamenti di scorcia
toie esitenti
E6B1DF361BBAF9D5=Vedi scorciatoie tastiera come una pagina web stampabile/ricerc
6E3CC58D60F87F79=Abilita multi-touch swipe
46EB4D9A870E3786=Sopprimi inerzia
6D5C19B857B216B2=Abilita zoom multi-touch
D1C47815237777AA=Abilita rotazione multi-touch
5BD42833CEDC38E2=Ignora scorr. dopo gesto multi-touch:
DAD8BA85F7F9ED5C=Inverti scorr. verticale
3311350B3E677FEC=Ignora gesto dopo uno multi-touch:
ADAB85F9EE55B656=Inverti scorr. orizzontale
50239CB4FF33BEB6=Assegna movimenti multi-touch ad azioni o cambiamenti scorciato
ie esistenti
F433E22A84FF458F=Trova tasto o Controllo MIDI
BCDA20BCDBA4C4A4=Ignora silenzio pi corto di:
3D21F2647611E0A0=Fai clips di non silenzio se pi corto di:
87490F3457C05E9B=Imposta automaticamente l'offset di snap al valore primo del pe
2C1F40776FBF7AF5=Preserva timing su aree senza silenzio
03775A71153EBEF0=Ascolta segnale attraverso l'effetto traccia per il rilevamento
8E4975199235ECB5=ms (0 to disabilitato)
;^05F21CB15F5F944B=Auto trim/Taglia items
;^C44624AFE5B908A4=Fade pad
;^0703625BF4AB8440=Taglia grouped items at times of selected Oggetto splits
;^0D2DD411CE90EA28=Leading pad:
;^1E386FB5FE43C9CC=Trailing pad:

E51495C599FCAA9B=Quantizza Posizioni oggetti

90DECF8A8061D5DD=Muovi oggetti raggruppate insieme alla selezionata
E79764031E9008D0=Estendi inizi di oggetti per sovrapporsi con i precedenti da
447B4AAD0BD404E2=Accorciare precedenti oggetti se gli elementi quantizzati si so
vrappongono di
6F72BABC300F7828=Quantizza fine oggetto e stretch oggetto per adattarsi
;^8C66AD45F2B879B1=Quantize to:
55F8E978D7A92025=Aggiorna tutte le oggetti similari nel progetto con nuovi nomi
907FC93E7A8516FC=Configurazione ReaMote
4C8A8120C176D58A=Lista Plugin...
895F380D64DC396A=Abilita processo ReaMote
E600874BD6CA4B2E=Formato campioni:
6CF3FF59BD2E47AA=ReaMote slaves
73D5DF3814354ED9=Latenza massima Network (riproduzione):
CF576583D3CF5A87=Renderizza send-ahead:
B97FB0F5D484B20C=Grandezza Massima. packet:
4872DA22B1FDA606=(default: 32768 bytes, alcune reti possono necessitare 1400 o p
16B45C63588FDEED=Ricerca per un nuovo ReaMote slaves...
1B35AAA003D0943A=Vedi pannello
836BDDCC9759C2E1=Nascondi pannello
A8F66A94B6DC8396=Permetti a slave di selezionare loop regione
2473E058A5F3F3AB=Permetti a slave impostazione tempo
46D3254492016FA8=Impostazioni non disponibili
851DD37A2D4D4F92=Queste impostazioni non sono disponibili in modalit ReWire slave
B46890047C5E3414=Impostazioin avanzate disco I/O
9B778A1478617CF8=Modalit lettura disco preferita:
707F91ED50D74CEA=Buffers di lettura:

643214DB1178E4E7=buffers (default 3)
CF805AC4A5E18D79=Modalit scrittura disco preferita:
644B4F744947D8B9=Scrittura buffers asincrona, minimo:
FC88066315D4CE5F=bytes (default 65536)
235A0D444D9A4C2A=E' necessario il riavvio perch le nuove impostazioni abbiano eff
ABE2215BC145ED60=Disco lettura (usato in riproduzione/etc)
B193524BF9837051=Disco scrittura (usato in registrazione)
F54A983E84AA8FA5=bytes (default 262144)
78CF4E2C69A655CA=Grandezza buffer lettura:
D346C170C98C0E9F=Buffers scrittura asincrona, massimo:
CA298C3EB94197D7=buffers (default 16)
A3F47C94B72E628B=buffers (default 128)
C449B34A2270EA56=Buffers di scrittura asincrona:
0A248C019A718522=Nota: Modalit asincrona ignorata da Windows 95/98/ME.
02F9E53BF6E2C2A9=Permetti la mappatura di memoria dei peak-files (velocefaster,
ma usa pi spazio di address)
;^122368E92DE6E29F=Resetta to defaults
F0A5DE33E5D676A4=Aggiungi nuovo Reamote Slave
863CEB42EC2E27C6=Hostname or IP:
08A15EE714106196=Rappresentazione oggetti media
8BB91DF903D7DA9B=Etichette oggetti media
2F1B96C7D0DD2984=Visualizza nomi take oggetti media
34AA37802DFE1CD4=Vista oggetti media pitch/playrate se impostati
16C5C5476F401F70=Vista gain oggetti media se impostato
B1709CF37669F469=Disegna etichette sopra le oggetti, piuttosto che all'interno d
935A2F245953B5FD=Disegna etichette sopra uno sfondo solido per lettura semplific
F3A483F6782AC452=Visualizza etichette per le oggetti quando i loro confini non s
ono visibili
3FE0186BEF0ABB4C=Nascondi etichette quando le oggetti media e corsie di take son
o pi basse di:
97D9C4A892786BD0=Oggetto take rate/pitch:
304B9DC9DED916AF=Etichette normali
E416B2CC538B1987=Numero soltanto
200E54A9459CCCB1=Bottoni oggetti media
DC9DF15709810AA7=No mute
880ECB3212DB6452=No FX
628343973D55DB91=No nota
CB97F2DB1F848A52=Solo ricampionati
8D7C69547281258D=Pooled MIDI
EFEC960F48869EA2=Nascondi pulsanti quando l'altezza della corsia take inferiore
A450CC91205F2DE1=Aggiusta volume oggetto media draggando:
E99D6B09B5FB8102=Manopola volume
E148872CBAC20697=Confine alto oggetto
1D6C9F4B19C71E6F=Visualizza maniglia fade-in/out quando il fade inferiore a:

67A4D32224D1FE51=ampiezza pixels
63881AD1B89057EB=Previeni modifica fade-in/out quando la oggetto inferiore di:
3835FCCD4FE00102=L pixels o
AB160C292520C435=H pixels
36FB85446C0F449C=Lista plug-in ReaMote Slave
15270C376EABA18C=Impostazioni metronomo e del pre-roll
9CA40E7955495B16=Impostazioni metronomo
065623A269BA5A96=Fai partire il metronomo durante la riproduzione
54FD136274D86426=Count-in prima della riproduzione
8C90F21213BE5D6E=Fai partire il metronomo durante la registrazione
603252CBF843839E=Count-in prima della regitrazione
591F45AD791051D3=Misure di Count-in:
E2746F9048F5A9B4=Fai partire il count-in alla misura di partenza
7E98739999A83B3D=Volume Metronomo:
6EB36A3171C83722=Gain del battito secondario:
50F388003694BBDA=Suono del metronomo
FBA75D9853D48260=Pre-roll prima della riproduzione
6B76CB3326F59EC8=Pre-roll prima della registrazione
13FAD8C3A44DFF5A=Fai partire il pre-roll alla misura di partenza
706584E268AD81F9=Misure di Pre-roll:
;^2B7EEDEAE2DA5D5C=Enable metronome
;^E97ABAF631B4841C=aux sends
;^6D0FDC8D1C9C5504=+0.0 dB
;^82881FCAB4663FE9=First beat sample:
;^3A0B093282EA17AC=Campione Secondo beat:
;^C6AD52C994C055E0=- or ;^89548F9D01B6F500=Frequency of first beat:
;^18462807588A7AB2=Hz / subsequent beats:
;^A2D4EB52B7EE75E1=Beat click length:
;^6B4AECC021E5686A=ms, start shape:
[DLG_239] ; IDD_VKEY
C66260A5E9840B6E=Nota centrale (tasto destro per selezionare il tasto):
D43F8897F4277454=Tasto freccia cambia ottava/canale
;^3D9702905AC5B44C=Virtual MIDI keyboard
;^0B61CC7E6E2E017D=MIDI channel:
;^38F9B35CED04D04D=Big Clock
DFD31304567AB676=modalit CC mode:
BECD011FF0FC55E8=Prepara registrazione per l'inviluppo del parametro selezionato
061977935F66F28C=Muovi il controller MIDI che vuoi assegnare.

261F24E9232E2973=Nota: Il MIDI input deve essere abilitato ed assegnato in \"con

trol\" nella sezione MIDI delle preferenze.
;^542A194EAA789AB0=Enable only when traccia or Oggetto is selected
;^DDD50B6B9C96D4AA=Enable only when effect configuration is focused
;^41BAD65DE621E179=Soft takeover (absolute mode only)
617F42B9C4DC5662=Salva uscita live su disco(bounce)
B3D229CC512D97AE=SSalva solo uscita durante la riproduzione o la registrazione
5259502ECA6BB18D=Interrompere il salvataggio dell'uscita al primo stop
7554B3A3441F4F9D=DoNon salvare in caso d'uso
5BF30DAB1B327ADE=dB per
;^223F4865B99B73B0=Output file
;^86C526176585552D=Output format:
F62DF20B45D1562B=Salva in automatico quando si passa a screensets
B7C8364C77417E76=Modifica campi...
EFA35F79FFA15A4B=Salva finestre Screenset
1BA4E55531ADD653=Ultimo selezionato:
;^5BD67845F0F0360D=Main window position
;^EE914AABB985B447=Tool window positions
;^AE0E8F593F20484B=Docker selected tab
;^99B8B53D72CFEE9F=Mixer flags
1063ED93742DF6A2=Salva Screenset
BDF4CA91E4FE2A09=Pannello di controllo dello status della traccia (visibilit, alt
A96F0B402E5AB68E=Stato della traccia Mixer (visibilita, ordine, controlli)
;^08A2AD9AC1632C1B=traccia cursor position
;^849FA7BAC58F3097=traccia scroll positions
;^DDDAF906972AD14A=Horizontal zoom
0A6448A99C8A2834= UI Avanzata/impostazioni sistema
D6701DC77AC3D85B=Nota: queste opzioni sono generalmente considerate sperimentali
e devono essere usati con cautela. Inoltre, alcune di queste opzioni richiedono
un riavvio di REAPER abbiano effetto.

C4A83360D20BD06A=Immagine Splash Screen personalizzata:

FB8A7C11A82FE654=Usa frame larghi (non-tool) per le finestre
0D7057D41011519B=Scala elementi UI dei pannelli tracce/mixer, trasporto, etc, di
58E35657CE367415=Permetti di stare aperte le finestre di inviluppo/routing della
106F53CB2F71186F=Consentire comandi da tastiera, anche quando il mouse sta modif
2F2CD8BF28A5AD2F=Sistemi avanzati e tweaks multiprocessore(Win2000/XP+)
6F36969AAB1C2FD6=Restringi uso di CPUs per REAPER:
FFE3EF160A909165=Inserisci una lista di CPU # delimitate da ',' (i.e.: 0,1,3):
C74D338BA30A325B=Non permettere al SO di riallocare threads al lavoro a CPUs dif
7371F8477EDFA706=Imposta lavorazione dimensione impostata, minimo:
A32B63A4739D86CC=MB, massimo:
;^122368E92DE6E29F=Resetta to defaults
E738ACD4B2B53409=Schermo impostazioni campi autosalvataggio
4D25456E03C901F5=stato traccia TCP
47D206958F4244FB=Stato traccia mixer
72381E9CBD0648DB=Ultimo focus
;^08A2AD9AC1632C1B=traccia cursor position
;^849FA7BAC58F3097=traccia scroll positions
;^DDDAF906972AD14A=Horizontal zoom
;^5BD67845F0F0360D=Main window position
;^EE914AABB985B447=Tool window positions
;^AE0E8F593F20484B=Docker selected tab
;^99B8B53D72CFEE9F=Mixer flags
C9647DA7DB979B6F=Estendi opzioni di importazione file
6C13450FEEE1BC22=Espandi fonti di traccia in nuove tracce di REAPER
;^C30D5E2CF003330F=Merge source tempo map to project tempo map at
98C4B9514D6A4C77=Impostazioni MIDI
F9E67E1DE9668D5C=Offset di visione ottava nome MIDI:
DCD7512C67D53252=Invia segnale di notes-off quando tolgo l'armatura di registraz
ione a una traccia
34BF8C108E177DA2=Permetti taglio di oggetti midi quando fai uno Taglia (non appl
icare a MIDI pooled)

705E58732CC7ACAA=Dati Fonte Pool MIDI quando incolli o duplichi oggetto media

CE62E51004AA256E=Nota: impostare pool comportamento MIDI per il mouse elemento m
ultimediale modifiche in modifica del comportamento / Mouse modificatori.
9D3BF13E53E1F580=Create nuova oggetto midi come:
96D30634D93AD1A2=oggetto MIDI (nel progetto, reccomandato)
1EF401D3EF671AD0=.MID file
1F798B700B94460D=Spingi per conferma nome file su \"insert new MIDI Oggetto\"
CA37DF134593898D=Importa midifile esistente come:
2A68FF63432DDAF6=Referenze .MID file
1C82D20BB28383B4=Ticks per note da un quarto per nuove oggetti MIDI:
0CE64E707111FFD0=(default: 960)
5DC7053F3C314EAE=Importa midifile multicanale:
440F1C332D682150=Cambiamento Snap di un evento tempo cambia l'evento in una batt
uta vuota quando importi MIDI files
6DFAC1A8823DBDB3=Evento di cambiamento tempo Snap in una battuta vuota quandosi
importa un MIDI files
0E329C7E01B8FAE8=esporta eventi di testo MIDI in .MID files come UTF-8
96A38836B4332910=Impostazioni registrazione traccia
7EF01C0F00285F1F=quantizza traccia MIDI in registrazione
5887D926BA26ECF5=note, posizione:
55394499F9E9C331=Quantizzazione note-offs
798585D3B4E00D0F=Quantizza entro:
F3520F17D18261E3=Imposta formato audio registrazione:
9B7BFF83AB737CD3== 0-10%, 90-100%
9B635FCEF6AC3812=Registra nella cartella:
8C195CF31C3C64E8=applica impostazioni alle tracce selezionate
;^8C66AD45F2B879B1=Quantize to:
B03F7DFA7BFD685F=Configurazione formato
D6591F393903E9F6=Imposta formato:
1218E1F95E918185=Impostazioni formato
50664F4D152E1976=Default samplerate:
43AFA61E828F6214=Grandezza Buffer:
085F3DE8AB4DE5DB=Abilita sincronizzazione a timecode
7B212007C824F9D4=Ingresso in uso:
763400CCB1720AD9=Framerate LTC (lascia vuoto per usare la configurazione del pro
924B85587FB804D0=Inizia riproduzione su un timecode valido quando fermo
568F5AEBDAE3AC60=Ruotalibera in caso di segnale mancante per un massimo di:
B84DF0FD53A73A72=ms (0=sempre)
43091CDD5367E425=Sincronizzare cercando in anticipo:
53CF5517B3119879=ms (1000=default)
4702C127062CF8F4=Re-synchronize se la deriva segnale eccede:

D8574533E947B5B9=ms (0=mai)
DE6FD63BDC6D8703=Salta / drop frames se deriva supera:
DD9ACCEE651DE43D=Offset del timecode in ingresso:
FB4299296319B6E5= possibile visualizzare rapidamente questo pannello con un clic
destro sul pulsante di riproduzione.
7F4501E72247AD5D=Visualizzare finestra di notifica quando lampeggia in attesa di
sincronizzazione per la registrazione
;^3D05B40BFC6A1E40=External Timecode Synchronization
D945A0A776B76497=Configura uscita MIDI
37D26ECF826CFE54=Abilita uscita su questo device
C059B6D5C00C0240=Invia clock/SPP a questo device
B41C537F50256512=Apri device modalita bassa latenza/bassa precisione
EE0A946D9F3B72B5=Offset uscita di questo device di:
;^84225D657EA873E2=Device name:
;^ABEC79059CAD0B0E=Alias name:
78109A39D4A407B9=Connessioni plug-in
92DFCE5BD557C1EC=Modulazione Parametri
F7BB87D08ABC2B48=Forma controllo segnale audio
704359FDDAAFBE73=Abilita modulazione parametro,valore di base ( sovrascrittura i
3EA9C98435E68B8F=Canale traccia audio:
799DB7F059AD3B8D=Volume Min:
C8E46F741BF73DDF=Volume Max:
B7977D7AC51EB9B5=Tempo sync
1944CA009429F1FA=Collega al parametro
17028AE69D65C236=Segnale contorllo audio

6ABB4CD6D4ADA635=Evidenzia colori/immagini selezionati:
DBC27AD0934AAF0B=Trova colore:
C412A266B462CD69=Trova immagine:
F39EB4BC3304012B=Nota: Non tutti i colori ed immagini sono visibili tutte le vol
;^89C0342F7627AB40=Theme element finder
;^223F4865B99B73B0=Output file
;^FDE95463547E83EB=Render status
;^E1CA5A9A5CE93078=not rendering, ETA infinity
;^511EAD28BA4AE493=format spec
EE0709F54123ED0E=Apri in un nuovo tab di progetto
E705DACA1F54B88B=Apri con effetti offline (modalit ripristino)
8D383ACD6EFAFF8C=Trova shortcut...
5B1607D15C3F39A8=Shortcuts per l'azione selezionata
4E4772D7297224CD=Menu editor...
;^5F8BE96FAB61772F=Custom actions:
158429A685369DA0=Tastiera o Ingresso MIDI
EFC86EC6E1B4F9D7=Tasti speciali (Enter, Tab, etc...)
1C961D98E454872E=MIDI CC:
23321D4C9D230466=Chiudi in automatico la finestra a tasto premuto o MIDI input
;^41BAD65DE621E179=Soft takeover (absolute mode only)

78E86E7B79A3F103=Editor di Azioni personalizzate
0B3690D38AA97039=Consolida punti di Undo
78E918BD164F4BD9=Nome azione personalizzata:
221E6802EDD4E5BD=Visualizza nel menu azioni
;^16780B33F0A62D18=Remove selected
;^C3EB4B7A6BCD5F3C=New name:
48867AD65E380310=Taglio dinamico oggetto
510C378B5623AFE4=Punti di taglio
2C4C3A5A957AA431=Al transiente
D56E84CC78F5A6D3=Quando il gates apre
90DB984314AE8A1F=quando il gate chiude
3C9E457152A390EC=Riduci i tagli:
ABC4A8F33CBAC511=Larghezza minima slice:
8A4F022AED293868=Minima lunghezza silenzio:
C10260CAB400E860=vincola lunghezza slice:
88E8162102A028F5=Sinistra a Destra
1BAE0A2B4119A549=Migliore al peggiore
1980371DC145AC63=Soglia del Gate:
5CA0AF34F15B1998=Rimuovi silenzio
41F5BA88B722F616=Prozioni creati dal taglio
43251563DD24329D=PReservare la posizione del beat,anche se il tempo cambia
966AB54DE9AC1DAF=Aggiusta automaticamente l'offset snap al valore di peak senza
il primo:
0905109F3F2CD4D2=Crea oggetto MIDI cromatica dagli slices
208D6B0BE497C908=Seleziona sensitivit transiente
;^0703625BF4AB8440=Taglia grouped items at times of selected Oggetto splits
;^0D2DD411CE90EA28=Leading pad:
;^1E386FB5FE43C9CC=Trailing pad:
;^C44624AFE5B908A4=Fade pad
DDD54BF5EDDB4EC3=Raggruppamento traccia
0EA400A56E2B78DF=Gruppo abilitato
ADBA0F646E1153C9=Volume Master
98A95EFB1AF96512=Volume Slave
E40BCA0B63AD1E98=Pan Master
96C7994AEB8A8CE1=Pan Slave
85645DB1B0A535C1=Width Master

54BA81BA673A9BDA=Width Slave
E16575B2BFF22980=Rendi muto Master
A882BAEF5C63CAD9=Rendi muto Slave
D1DE6C4B216497BE=Solo Master
8EFCF6966DB2F29B=Solo Slave
4108C629BE960AB7=Polarit/Fase Master
8B85BD347864588C=Polarit/Fase Slave
9DBE513B192C737A=Arma registrazione Master
C6F0BA7855E84CCF=Arma registrazione Slave
AAD4E381751A2697=Modalit automazione Master
3542170B2D1561EC=Modalit modulazione Slave
F3469FCCC27C727B=Reverse volume
25D21B9457AE5EE8=Reverse pan
3AADE202920DAF3B=Reverse width
F0B0635EC26A65A0=Note: ganging will always take place if multiple tracks are sel
ected.\r\n\r\nNote: tenere premuto shift quando si modifica la maggior parte del
le cose per ignorare temporaneamente raggruppamento..
E9C1E7A308009E30=Salva default flags
A27C8B01FFF12305=Carica default flags
8EE6318F206D7E95=Nont master quando slaving
EC907DB514FF438A=Modifica Metrica
67788DD4C13A51AB=Visualizza dettagli gruppo
D73777F7F0B7AF4D=Includi porzion di traccia nel modello
38A90470C55B851B=Includi inviluppi nel modello
1D15ED9A706FB25=Consolida MIDI
EC4682A186575FD0=Consolida ingresso
0C96F2CD42B5A825=Consolida tempo:
071DF81C0DB715BE=Solo tempo selezionato
0DF4139BDED23B51=Consolida oggetto MIDI:
E79C80B55713865C=Solo tracce selezionate
CCD390E92EBDFAA4=Seleziona solo oggetti
0A1C5ECB71B2F191=Consolida uscita
A8AF128C49172454=Uscita su MIDI file:
6D266E046982CD00=Unisci in una singola traccia MIDI
92D853908F88D4A2=MIDI file multitraccia
52482A320E62D005=Tempo map inclusa
;^79DCBE1CDE37B4F3=Entire project

4FCBE096B4C5B9B5=Note oggetto
E5D0C4A642704E1F=Usa come sfondo oggetti
F4C36821D01C71C1=Stretch adatto alla oggetto
;^6B921CBA018B2EE0=No additional resource loaded
5244434E108C0E50=Tema Blend/Alpha
856CE3544BFD187A=Opzioni tema Classic
D62D83F405DF3FDC=Abilita gradiente sfondi (immagine sovrascrive)
750ED9625EA8785E=Start: Top
EE08F11C1B6162B6=Pendenza: Bassa
A3EE584D5FBF53CB=Forza bordi del bottone sulle icone tema dello stesso (immagine
B1C729A0D83A33D1=Rimuovi inviluppo
69676BADB6602AC1=Tutti i punti di inviluppo saranno cancellati. Rimuovi l'invil
uppo completamente, o
D7379E762BFAEBD9=Tutti i punti
BE49475694A33074=Punti nella selezione temporale soltanto
;^FA779BCA02DBA08E=Reduce envelope points
536808023DE964DF=Processamento script:
C8F6C574FA7D30A3=Modalit Scrip:
72B039D90036EDCF=Invia a ingeresso Tastiera Virtuale
0813D961ADFD8E7C=Invia come controllo MIDI/learn

1075398742D4D4E9=Ricarica script
C53C3D250F1BC426=Modifica script
608E64F93C5BFD52=Rinomina parametro effetto
;^C3EB4B7A6BCD5F3C=New name:
761D1B1A8EA033E1=Grandezza Blocco:
;^042F4DCA75E1BE47=16 bit
;^CC85D146650F3E66=24 bit
;^5188BC03D80E2D31=32 bit
;^B5431ED426EE5CA5=Input Device:
;^081F5207A6D5AA8E=Sample Format:
;^A7BA0064C3A88716=Output Device:
;^DA38E298C189302F=Input channels:
;^C6FA709C7A5DB354=Output channels:
3C52E51274C6ADB4=Avviso Caricamneto Progetto
A5A07A87161ECB6C=Visualizza dettagli
02A35AD7E967D78F=Default MIDI learn
A1DA648A31BBB60E=La mappatura dell'effetto di default deve essere limitata alla
selezione attiva e/o alla finestra attiva selezionata.
;^542A194EAA789AB0=Enable only when traccia or Oggetto is selected
;^DDD50B6B9C96D4AA=Enable only when effect configuration is focused
C0253B595D267AC2=Configura ingresso MIDI
271F89F0F16A09EA=Abilita input da questo device
097D2F9B6F6EBFEC=Opzioni avanzate timestamp evento MIDI
441316D58AD8BC8C=Lascia eventitimestamp di REAPER(default)
925A502D9C92733D=Sistema timestamp alta precisione(QPC)
F8A4D705CF6C9C1E=Sistema Timestamp bassa precisione(TGT)
D0B425DFCB932550=La precisione di Timestamp deve essere impostato in modo che co
rrisponda al MIDI driver di periferica di input. Se la precisione della fonte co
nosciuta, prendere eventi MIDI di timestamp da REAPER.
;^84225D657EA873E2=Device name:
;^4F32BF040299F0AA=Enable input for control messages
;^ABEC79059CAD0B0E=Alias name:
1A03C3B8816A8581=In attesa di dispositivo da regolare

59D9265C4022D527=Alcune schede possono richiedere alcuni secondi per cambiare il

samplerates. Questa finestra si chiuder automaticamente.
96E1D18E3E88C64F=Coda di rendering
67EE7A5D0D4FCFA8=Rendering selezionati
2FCF2D7A87432790=Renderizza tutto
;^16780B33F0A62D18=Remove selected
6D40D8F11B133E58=Apri scelta RPP
0AB548C9DCD86472=Apri progetto
1BA2C759F32B1E78=Inserisci progetto come oggetto media
083DD321703A8821=Era dentro REAPER. Scegli come procedereChoose how to proceed.
;^6174C6969402A488=Open project in new tab
;^866FE917BA950796=The file:
DA88DAC3C62A1C9C=Bridged plug-in possono esser aperti nella parte alta della fin
6C47A20E99E77954=Uscita console ReaScript
222DCE917817ADCF=Personalizza menu/toolbars
D7B385CE76784B6C=Includi menu di default come submenu
;^AF427D96E302B145=Customized menu:
;^38EAAB594661F05F=Default menu:
053474C5901086C6=Inserisci tracce
28F35F43F0521DF1=Quante tracce inserisco:
45E81FE5D87D7A40=Dopo l'ultimatraccia toccata
8385AF879179A481=Alla fine del progetto
1C7C93F3D30ADA2A=Rinomina men personalizzato

62D0F774D07D5D6C=Bottone toolbar doppia altezza

E6EA590267C70D81=Usa come suggerimeto
;^C3EB4B7A6BCD5F3C=New name:
2F78A0EE7C16A283=Console di Debug
F33EC3BF0909E19D=Batch File/Conversione oggetto
6882EA606C9A4C9C=Usa effetto
4694FB0DBF1BAE46=Catena effetto...
CF8CEC995AA54B2C=Usa cartella del file sorgente
FB5C4B0FBCD8A03D=Converti tutto
;^E19CAC48E2E6EA85=Sample rate:
;^928212AC32CC584E=Resample mode (if needed):
;^1D5AC868CE7FE785=Noise shaping
;^C1F07AAFF4522636=File name:
;^86C526176585552D=Output format:
04F6ECC6DDB460B1=Seleziona icona toolbar
F70B20FAE441D488=Intervallo inviluppo volume:
CF526A693EC1F115=Intervallo inviluppo Per-take pitch:
2774BF0E396FA6EA=Velcit di ritorno automazione registrata:
DA8811C338BB2C83=snap dell'inviluppo del pitch:
628E8029B7D80755=Tempo di transizione per i punti dell'inviluppo create automati
camente al bordo:
EC6E55BC826C501F=ms (minimo 0.1)
A1FC4F4522BBAEC4=Visualizza nuovi inviluppi in corsie separate
A74C3D45F9D47CA9=Quando disegnato sopra i media, sovrascrivi inviluppi per ognuo
se inferiore a
38ECE60A1799A076=Altezza pixels
497CB5B42BA5A54E=Quando aggiungi un inviluppo , imposta il focus sullo stesso
F3407898EA587963=Aggiungi automaticamente inviluppo quando tweaking parametri in
modalit automazione write
4399EB94BB4EF892=Visualizza feedback di automazioni letteda inviluppi nascosti

5D67E584FC667315=Consenti la scrittura dell'automazione sugli inviluppi nascosti

A5C24439F53E90FE=Il punto di selezione inviluppo segue la selezione del tempo pe
r l'inviluppo attivo
8A565FE05441F636=Aggiungi punto di transizione quando si registra l'automazione
mentre la riproduzione ferma
CB6F1A1FA9E2367C=Cliccando sull'inviluppo non selezionatosi inserisce un punto u
n punto (a seconda delle impostazioni di modifica del mouse)
CCA504D42501588F=Mostra automaticamente gli inviluppi colpiti quando si spostano
gli elementi multimediali attraverso le tracce
28BEB3FF40AEB890=Quando si aggiunge l'inviluppo volume / pane, applicare trim ad
inviluppo e ripristinare assetto:
D53F5AD8EB230214=Dopo aver registrato l'automazione in modalit di scrittura, su r
ipetizione / posizione / stop:
35A6C3D61C6D0FBF=Cambia inviluppo in corsia:
;^B61E6643CE61DA4C=Envelopes and Automation
;^6A003F23022A1E47=Add edge points when moving envelope points
;^561C816EA4AE16DF=Add edge points when ripple editing or inserting time
;^20BAEAD47F4513A4=Reduce envelope point data when recording or drawing automati
7A672BE96ECC128B=Permetti spazio colore V12
3CD2B49EF55FDEE4=Permetti spazio colore YUY2
3656FE906DEC11BD=Note: Disabilitando sia YV12 e YUY2 spazio colori obbliga l'uso
dello spazio colore RGB
7F328777555E7298=Utilizza Enhanced Video Renderer (EVR)
4BB0183E49EAAAB7=Utilizzare decodifica video OS al posto di FFmpeg quando possib
F5ADF056B3709BDD=finestra video segue le modifiche
B811EB066DE6BA44=Importa files REX come:
1EF04D314BED369F=code REX slice:
CDD7AC65A6AE255A=Media con incluse informazioni sul tempo
92F6FF254897F352=Quando importi media:
5C4D4DC7B43CD041=Nota:quando importi media dal media explorer di REAPER, il temp
o trovato dal Media Explorer deve sovrascrivere questa preferenza.
F4981427F70572B6=quando sposti oggetti audioWhen moving audio items,cerca video
frame a:
263CA781AB655851=Fonte vuota
FCDCE094EAEECFA9=questo take vuoto stato creato dal taglio della fine di una ogg
etto non in loop.

;^397E19C8F7486840=Project Bay
;^C065E9FEE11B2862=(current project)
;^6D0FDC8D1C9C5504=+0.0 dB
D401182EBFE13AD1=Impostazioni VU meter/fader
F85A9F1297539C1A=Freq.Agg. del Meter(Hz):
D4D1D412A087B301=Decay Meter (dB/sec):
D7A9F9033F7137B0=Valore minimo del Meter(dB):
801C5FB370D559A3=Volume massimo(dB):
7953DEBC12A23E3B=Visualizza ingrezzo traccia quando la registrazione selezionata
6C2A054C7E2E52F2=Rendi logico che l'ingresso della traccia sia clickable
387E3C0AFBA40D13=Visualizza scale dB sul meters di traccia
40750D6E705F61C6=visualizza scala dB sul meters della traccia da registrare
CDD3479034E38D51=Visualizza velocity MIDI sul VU della traccia
9148976BD4445036=Visualizza attivit dell' uscita MIDI su VU della traccia
34416695795F6EBC=Indicatori di Clip sticky
CA4BC16664C8CDA6=Resetta indicatori di picco su riproduzione/ricerca
F9F9A38205D98B0A=Faders di Volume/pan
A11CFBD2BA0A861A=Intervallo fader Volume:
FC2A7C4BF50CAAE8=dB -- forma:
7C17D7E484045F44=Unit di visualizzazione fader di Pan:
EBD7E7474BD1718E=Apparenza peak/waveform audio
44FB128E49F8051C=Visualizza Display peaks su oggetti media
C36D0FFA78FD8359=Visualizza durante la registrazione
065BFFA5161CA18B=Visualizza peaks solo per tracce selezionate
9EC621F00DC94ED1=Visualizza peaks solo per tracce e oggetti che sono in solo o n
on Rendi mutote
552BFEE8E37B480F=Disegni Antialiased di peak e waveform
8D0AC0876CFFAE02=Disegna bordo fantasia sui picchi
366B7C5A477E1E52=Disegna bordo fantasia su forme d'onda
4185C11E6B56D109=Disegna bordi sugli eventi della oggetto MIDI
29DDC7DE81B9698E=Disegna linea di Zero sopra/forme d'onda
35783939770D74E1=Scala peaks da inviluppi volume/pan pre-fx
5862AA63A1F39804=Vista Sample-level forma d'onda:
4729359BCAD7C0EE=Disegna peaks leggerinelle tracce cartella
45A42E267216B44C=Disegna peaks leggeri in corsie inviluppo automazione
3DFD497C7C3587C8=Colori personalizzati
AD99D0E49986F7ED=Tinta peaks forma d'onda oggetto media a:
821B3CD32107333D=Colore Traccia
58DD9C13D7CF119F=Colore oggetto

0463F1E16451698B=Colore Take
C1B70764E122C1AA=Dipingi lo sfondo della oggetto media a:
B297E889757E6112=Forza tinta (0-4) per lo sfondo delle oggetti media selezionate
D532B8985FB622F9=Non selezionato:
E4DC0CDFF2939210=Colora automaticamente ogni passaggio di registrazioneche aggiu
nge nuovi takes a oggetti media esistenti
10EEA01CE7AD98F1=Imposta colore personalizzato dal men traccia,colre personalizza
to oggetto e take dal menu oggetto.
7467DBA1281E1C66=Colora automaticamente tutti gli elementi multimediali che cond
ividono pool eventi MIDI
68245ADE50AE13AE=Impostazioni Progetto ReWire Slave
29FC7D73286C1C24=Costruisci mappa tempo automaticamente come suona il master
97E3261A712ADC34=Ignora notifica cambi di tempo dal master
39FFD7C25F51680C=Invia richieste cambiamenti punti di loop/ripetizionie reque
sts al master
7E50F501F506E9C4=Riproduci progetto
B06A7EFC02E67650=blocchi audio al principio (usualmente 0)
A365272127088DD7=Usa zero crossings (non preciso ma previene i clicks)
590A5D6481E41A6A=Mostra soglia elementi multimediali, mentre la finestra aperta
3C62AC8F3EE3535C=La selezione oggetti media segue tab-to-transient
;^383F243464148105=Transient Detection Settings
FCF67B57094B9AE0=Modificatori mouse
F61D74A81859A242=Swap cmd/opt
C64D048E7E806999=Quando disegni sopra gli elementi multimediali, trattare zona e
tichetta oggetto con lo stesso spazio traccia vuota
E02DEE53682EC25E=Disabilitare il targeting parte inferiore della voce media quan
do prende altezza corsia sia inferiore a:
3A9740921877A379=Busta segmento Rispetto il segmento di inviluppo inserire / dis
egnare comportamenti in qualsiasi corsia dell'inviluppo
ACDC31485D6E3705=Nudge/Imposta oggetti
25997869A9E0F14B=Impostazioni relative
;^3CF04EFDC66C18B2=Snap to unit
;^EA7EDFD029F80877=Nudge left
;^2E287BE9B3A7F568=Nudge right
;^C31088838B9A533C=Rendering PiP contents...

5356DD7BA6C6C095=Visualizza tutto
01113E85A2C3AD69=Imposta selezione da:
;^D2714B0ED9D27FB1=traccia Manager
4EB31544A2B544C9=LICEcap non trovato
6BB02D3BA1E9ED3D=LICEcap una semplice ,utilit di cattura dello schermo creata da
38E70F8C19CADB20=LICEcap gi installata su questo computer:
23E9DE4E2A73B835=LICEcap non installata su questo computer:
88A6C30CC42F5123=In attesa del timecode
99220096A5AEA1EE=Forza partenza
7A1E9510735905CF=Device Audio:
0AE9C7C56AF2D331=Impostazioni Audio MIDI...
5BE762CA30ABAF67=Se necessario utilizzare pi dispositivi, apri Configurazione MID
I Audio e crea un dispositivo di aggregazione.
E9564FD174148DB7=Consentire l'uso di altro ingresso e di uscita (opzione legacy,
non consigliato)
21A1FC512D832DC6=Si prega di utilizzare Configurazione MIDI Audio per creare un
dispositivo aggregato!
;^16464B290024A7A0=Audio device settings
;^0FF98CDC4588805A=Request sample rate:
;^3E83534995169108=Request block size:
;^A7BA0064C3A88716=Output Device:
81BBA2B36371EDB5=Impostazioni cartelle
973B67107DB3B77C=Cartella Default per il rendering (se lasciato vuoto viene usat
a la cartella del progetto in uso):
E19AF0FCD67934A5=Cartella Default per le registrazioni,quando il progetto non sa
lvato e non configurata:
CC1F1831F53F5456=Alternata cartella cache dei waveform peak (.reapeaks), solo s
e abilitato in Preferences/Media:
8A7A99B055B2BC0E=Fade in:
406C7BB36CE42B0D=Fade out:
40CFF38DB7E3BBF0=Snap offset:

7FA9D4B370190166=oggetto time&base:
FDCE1D0DEA9BC26E=Attiva take:
D907C45B264978FE=&fonte Loop
CAD3D737C582F202=&Rendi muto
0052C9DFE875B0E2=Nessun autofades
CE75E13CF2D1632E=Riproduci tutti i ta&kes
AD062FAAAEBB9263=&Nome Take:
641870E501C18C09=Inizio nella fonte:
6EFA34EAFE2CEBFA=Aggiusta pitch (semitoni):
6B4EFAB7FFA848E2=Rate Riproduzione:
589C900AB90FD7E0=Preserva il pitc&h quando cambi il rate
68AADFA37421B261=Modalit canale:
A6AB67675248A9B4=&Inverti fase
E67D8F5D77BB443E=Modalit Take pitch shift/time stretch
561D27A671817C98=&Scegli nuovo file...
3708E7C07E6DB6F1=&Rinomina file...
8A54BAD9BEA0F497=Take &inviluppi
;^BEE3F1BDC2A992A1=Media Oggetto Properties
;^1A8015E802ECC562=Oggetto mix behavior:
;^ADFC12BF930BBFC9=Take properties
;^6D0FDC8D1C9C5504=+0.0 dB
;^A1A721902449610D=Take media source
;^18D0284FCA66EF48=Take FX...
7B0B201A05B78C88=Tempo Crossfade
68E8DD45C8033662=Defaults per oggetti media
46824055403B991D=Crea fade-in/fade-out automatico per nuove oggetti, lunghezza:
A5A7A996DF2D17B7=Overlap e crossfade delle oggetti quando tagli, lunghezza:
E7DA02B3D72195E5=Forma di default fade-in/fade-out:
0ECD19FA2DD06E9F=forma crossfade di Default:
8C101F7FFA7127FD=Tasto dx su crossfade imposta forma per il lato selezionato(shi
ft entrambi)
FEF3F95B755C2F5E=Abilita fade-in/fade-out automatico e autocrossfade per la velo
city note MIDI
BEFCAA56940B8887=Fonte in loop per oggetti importate

6C6E4A4439C0D4F8=Fonte in loop per oggetto MIDI

945688A19C91E2AF=Fonte in loop per oggetto registrata
F86B38011657919B=Con auto-punch il tempo selezionato per registrazione audiocrea
sezione looppabile
4DD2B47DA4D97292=Impostazioni Rendering
BA67DC3729684BA7=Grandezza blocco da usare nel rendering:
2B9B793C0245346A=samples (lascia vuoto per auto)
EC400AB11F1ABACB=Permetti processamento anticipato FX quando renderizzi(meglio m
45BB0225F77E6549=Limita applicazione FX/render stems in realtime (buono per alcu
ni plug-ins)
789CC946B6370D63=Processa tutte le tracce in rendering stem (necessario su plugi
n basati su hw)
403CF079511FCB84=Lunghezza coda quando renderizzi progetto o stems, o iberni tra
363E7FC94526FBB0=Quando iberni, renderizza tutta la traccia se ci sono effetti d
i traccia o pre-take
C285AFAE00461627=Esporta configurazione
8A4295A6AD1AF901=Includa in configurazione salvata:
4831309FEBCBA0C0=File che saranno inclusi:
3C03C9D8EE0F6058=Importa configurazione
91D0B2E36FEA0496=Usa configurazione importata:
63404EEF28EA7BF0=Importazione prender le seguenti azioni:
5BED1A69B4F5740A=rimuovi dati locali che non sono nel file importato (attenzione
3A1E97F8AA111D1C=Edit scorciatoie
4CEF25468B1C4064=Impostazioni Editor MIDI
13ED09240C7A9D7B=Tasti Editor MIDI Flash MIDI su inpt traccia
C76FC835AAA4C264=RBN-facilitato Impostazioni MIDI editor
305DA11B2E2644FA=Linee orizzontali della griglia in corsie CC
6F011A2D15EEE603=Eventi per quarto di nota quando disegno in corsie CC:
DDDFDA2C4B7C5C26=(default 32)
0F1B38F71F042A73=zoom dipendente
189FE1B4563687FC=Comportamento predefinito per\"apri oggetto in MIDI editor inte
1E4D044DCA40FEF9=Nota: indipendentemente da questa impostazione, se un elemento

MIDI gi attivo in un editor MIDI, aprendo di nuovo sar sempre concentrer l'editor e
sistente. Tutte queste opzioni sono disponibili anche sotto forma di azioni.
A9D3E5EA39F95C2F=Accendere la sorgente attiva MIDI facendo doppio clic su una no
ta attiva nell'editor MIDI
CBBCAC56103D84DE=Nota: tu puoi anche passare la fonte MIDI attiva con doppio cli
ck wentro i limiti di un elemento attivo dei media, oppure utilizzando la finest
ra MIDI editor dei filtri, o selezionando l'elemento del supporto in modalit Arra
0805C4D603E90D5E=Imposta la fonte MIDI ativa solo a oggetti media sulla stessa t
505C09501CCC046F=Facendo doppio clic al di fuori dei limiti di qualsiasi element
o multimediale si estende l'elemento attivo dei media
1A7B39E4C1FF446C=visualizza stato per note /CC selezionato in oggetti media inat
535B179563EFF333=Opacit (1-3) per note/CC nelle oggetti mdeia inattives:
35889979F7713B9D=Mappa colori note default:
E120A18B5FF674FB=Usa tutti gli ingressi MIDI
5A2307A4536F892C=Usa note selezionate editor MIDI
D925A00F0024C539=Sxale conosciuta:
;^200265593F330955=Scale Finder
323A73E4A444C161=compatibilit Plug-in
A8C678D44921F2AE=Riduci denormalizzazione per plug-ins (raccomandato)
F311E750F641E369=VST bridging/firewalling:
A0CB77A8EEC504D8=[feature non instalata]
79E5A635270D54C7=Termina REAPER immediatamente se un plug-in blocca il processo
4A1AC9C73685E230=Nota:questa impostazione di sicurezza pu causare il crash immedi
ato di REAPER se un plug-in non adatto trovato.
EDA0C6E598F85DA1=Buffers uscita Pre-zero plug-in
2293DF1EA49D559D=Imposta UNDO minimale, bridging/firewalling,ed altre impostazio
ni di compatibilit per-plugin premendo il bottone+ sull' UI FX, o click destro su
l nome del plug-in nel FX browser.
A8951FCFD25B68DF=Nota: alcuni plug-ins (specialmente campionatori e synths) imma
gazzinano molti dati con il progetto, che pu causare interruzione quando REAPEr s
alva i punti di UNDO per i parametri aggiustati nei plug-in.
14E244B04A725B43=Abilita UNDO minimali per un plug-in che memorizza molti dati p
er prevenire queste interruzioni senza avere ffetti sul salvataggio/caricamento,
ma questo vuol dire che UNDO dei parametri aggiustati possono non funzionare be
8F87D2EAD1659D21=Disabilita salvataggio pieno stato plug-in(non raccomandato,imp
osta UNDO minimali per i plug-in invece)
D43728829B5F35B2=Disabilitando il salvataggio pieno dello stato del pu prevenire
questa interruzione, ma potrebbe anche impedire il plug-in da caricare esattamen
te come sono stati salvati, alla riapertura di un progetto.
0903AD556AF759BE=Renderizza a File
E77A387AEFCAFEE6=Render a:
E557476A23EFCCC5=Vedi tutto
B3C01AB8DE8EF961=Usa samplerate del progetto per il mixaggio e il processamento
di effetti/synth
64AC7DAB458B2FE1=Tracce multicanale su file multicanale
4239CB987CE3ADB2=(0 regioni selezionate)

1B3419B3CEB3FE81=Aggiungi oggetto a una nuova traccia del progetto

866E992086EB4D6C=Salva copia del progetto su file di uscita.wav.RPP
2B4C9E294CADCAA2=Aggiungi a coda di rendering
A0ACD60076B2A14C=Render bounds
737BFDCE9DBD682F=Master mix:
;^C1F07AAFF4522636=File name:
;^E19CAC48E2E6EA85=Sample rate:
;^928212AC32CC584E=Resample mode (if needed):
;^1D5AC868CE7FE785=Noise shaping
;^86C526176585552D=Output format:
;^87D8D79D63721460=Open render queue...
;^7CE6FE4C74542BB2=Region Manager...
;^5D33EA2A7EBEF63C=Region Manager
;^043FBD1700F7067B=Render Warning
C88A5D93461CCAE6=Impostazioni Inviluppo Pitch
3EFA2E44C1A47045=Intervallo inviluppo personalizzato:
940DE794B9D8FF93=Valori Snap:
B4222E4EB0C7129E=Render Wildcard Help
778794538C68BD00=Missaggio traccia bit depth:

4D5435C303F9017B=Permetti feedback in routing (performance basse, noises)

42735C19A9C49A00=Sincronizzazione Timecode Esterna
0F1D0988E126505F=Limita lunghezza progetto, stop riproduzione/registrazione a:
53C5E25B6C80F1C8=Pan law/modalit
54D4E0DA8C908CC1=Nota: sovrascrivendo pan laws della traccia e modalit con il cli
ck destro sul fader del pan.
DF9E4FEEAB2B9521=Impostazioni modalit slave del Rewire
;^1A8015E802ECC562=Oggetto mix behavior:
;^8EA91D57270468E0=Pan law:
;^57CA523AA910C686=Gain compensation (boost pans)
;^A5AE0B33DF6191F1=Pan mode:
0239235C001A2CD3=Dettagli freeze Traccia
;^C31088838B9A533C=Rendering PiP contents...
7E7CAC5F0080590B=Visualizza documentazioe ReaScript
370626CBAC1CF066=ReaScript utilizza Python per richiamare le funzioni API di REA
PER , un popolare linguaggio di scripting. ReaScript pu essere usato per creare p
iccole macros per velocizzare azioni ripetute frequentemente, o per creare compl
esse estensioni per REAPER.
C097BC6EC729E444=ReaScript richiede una recente versione di Python installata su
lla macchina.\r\nPer cortesia consulta la pagina di help di ReaScript per pi info
1B226BA06F503D1D=stato Python
7C9DF7E52346FDB4= cartella dll
639B4381260A389F=Cartella personalizzata dll:
C84D1590EE15A7D5=Forza Python ad usare dll:
;^DF2472EC2AB0BAFB=Download Python
[DLG_516] ; IDD_LANG
6C5B59EF704E3CB9=REAPER Scegli Lingua
60F1A9BC3DC0E3F4=Carica sempre
3B76403C5F6D3B14=carica una volta
[MENU_102] ; IDR_MENU1
76AC8A0EF584639A=&Nuovo Progetto
5CDF6E6E2108FF5C=&Apri Progetto...
5A023884C6A47E43=&Salva Progetto
B8BB98CEA245679D=Salva progetto &come...
674445A824677F21=Progetti &modello
4DB5FA4506AE4E81=Salva progetto come modello...
C0235533455B391F=(Lista modello progetti)
86A76E9A54D819DA=&Progetti recenti
3426BEEBB70AE42C=(Lista progetti recenti)
A092E5D2A26EFA9C=Chiudi progetto
196CA70C1D9D93A4=Chiudi tutti i progetti
60DB6452AD610175=Salva tutti i progetti

BBB3FBBEB5329C39=&Impostazioni progetto...
0380435D75394659=Visualizza coda di rendering
B633F1942B15AC70=Salva uscite live sul disco(bounce)...
7628366676B4E4DB=Consolida/E&sporta tracce...
1D979EA89D498269=Esporta progetto MIDI...
55AAEC801B4BFC2B=&Pulisci cartella del porgetto corrente...
78BD808222DCC43D=Operazioni di batch e conversione oggetti
6EEA7D98B568EDF6=Seleziona tutte le oggetti/tracce/punti inviluppo,che dipendono
dal focus
83F04DBC1DA2CC9A=&Copia oggetti/tracce/punti inviluppo no selezione tempo
F02F864B0828A617=&Copia oggetti/tracce/punti inviluppo ignorando tempo selezion
85CEE916BBA36C89=Ta&glia oggetti/tracce/punti inviluppo no selezione tempo
91744677B089B79A=Ta&glia porzion/tracce/punti inviluppo ignorando tempo selezion
17E43694AE696DE2=Finestra Mixer Master libera
8ED4847E819508C4=Taglia dinamico
E8ECF3DD47F31305=Confini/Imposta oggetto
22D5A36C95ECD2FB=Media Progetto/FX Bay
BB1D7DBC1BA8233C=Matrix di routing
F441E72B821F90E0=Matrix del gruppo traccia
097CE3607BE6D2FB=Visualizza/nascondi tutte le finestre distaccate
780EC2EBF7CFEEFB=Disponi a cascata tutte le finestre distaccate
1B68C612B02241DF=Unit tempo per il righello
A933AB5F6C56BBFD=Zoom &in
EBAA002521E0C7E6=Zoom &out
7483179C2D3D7C2E=Zoom al tempo&selezionato
7A4307CC69B856C6=Zoom alle pozioni media selezionate
50E3B6D638A84397=Tutte le tracce la stessa altezza e gradezza su
E27BE95A11A4B752=Tutte le tracce la stessa altezza e gradezza gi
20C2381D71328397=Passa allo zoom di traccia alla minima altezza
95D1A38E55D61F49=Passa allo zoom di traccia alla massima altezza
C5195E985A673C97espandi tracce selezionate , minimizza le altre
754C0069B8672878=Minimizza tutte le tracce
CA45641EE984C65A=vai a ...
3BEB1B19AEE00E16=salta a...
39AE8E57394B6EEC=Vai al cursore
B2FFCA0056B74A82=Vai al cursore di play
0E4E05E4869CD13D=Muovi il cursore avanti di una misura
C4ADCDE525AE21A3=Muovi cursore indietro di una misura
47734348A0EF0F08=Sempre in primo piano
BA9472192FEC84E6=Schermo intero
1AC254BAE376D85D=&File multimediale...
848021DE96E981D5=Virtual instrument su nuova traccia...
B88B7283E289B0EB=Nuova oggetto MIDI
FB745C53DF6763C0=Nuovo PiP (subprogetto)
1B38830877A28E8F=Generatore di Timecode SMPTE LTC/MTC
E4ED7DBFD1574FE2=&Fonte di Click
035299D150C20C02=Marker (parti da nome)
D54A83F7A2BD8E7D=Regione (dal tempo selezionato)
01DCCB69FF0E8E62=Metrica/marker cambio tempo
D74B3A583F768FCD=Misura dal tempo selezionato(trova tempo)
FE52D1D8F9A43398=Misura dal tempo selezionato(nuova metrica)
680CCFB26A0337F5=Tracce multiple...
1C6019673FDCE12C=Traccia da modello

D27EE7DC82211566=Spazio vuoto al tempo selezionato

C85901B72E094DA4=&Copia loop oggetti dell'area selezionata
168903519701870A=Modalit canale Take: Reverse Stereo
61C27997277BA016=Modalit canale Take: Mono (Downmix)
599A27402687A04D=Modalit canale Take: Mono (Left)
4CA3123877D52AE6=Modalit canale Take: Mono (Right)
B4177AFBBA909492=Applica effetto a traccia/take alla oggetto come una nuovo take
84630E171AD9A159=Applica effetto a traccia/take alla oggetto come una nuovo take
(mono output)
B9A64123FC8187D3=Applica effetto a traccia/take alla oggetto come una nuovo take
(MIDI output)
EFA5B5880467AF59=Costruisci peaks
235AC9AE2F95277D=Ricostruisci tutti i peaks
A08635B6D11AEFF2=Ricostruisci peaks per le oggetti selezionate
9D12C44F54F3765B=Rimuovi tutti i peaks (e non ricostruirli)
70A2B2F3CB898479=Imposta tutti i media online
73068136E81DFA55=Imposta media selezionato come online
B273F6FD8CDD8005=Imposta tutti i media offline
4862205390B6C301=Imposta media selezionati offline
035B6104C9505C5A=Imposta tutte le tracce selezionate alla registrazione automati
0FF6D47B1D880AE8=Rimuovi punti di inviluppo
98671010090BFF52=Rimuovi punto d'inviluppo nel tempo selezionato
53C694610CFB2708=Nuova registrazione che si sovrappone elementi multimediali esi
900553E9F4978551=Taglia oggetti esistenti e create nuovi takes (default)
163CDA4B929B986C=Tagliando oggetti esistenti dietro nuova registrazione (modalit
FD77C1603E3C317A=Crea nuove oggetti media in corsie separate(layers)
538DAB3E7CEB873E=Sempre aggiungi take alle nuove oggetti registrate quando in lo
CB81C350E8E07BF5=Visualizza tutti i take in corsie (when room)
7DC808E14A2CFADC=Comportamento corsia Take
9E8A76526EEBFDF6=Visualizza corsie take vuoti
BD410B32CB22A98B=Permetti selezione corsie con take vuoti
B5461C07CE3D1647=Visualizza overlapping oggetti media in corsie
0E03FF1AF43C2E14=Modifica Ripple : off
87EEAA36151D88CC=Gruppi oggetti abilitati
30F57DE3466BFB3F=Impostazioni Snap/&griglia...
01ED4363CB6BA971=Abilita blocco
88FCEA18F589F1D1=Blocca impostazioni...
23212B44E02FEDD8=Metronomo/impostazioni pre-roll...
53126EE5565D39B2=Punti inviluppo
7BB0F4CD0B9D5525=Punti di loop collegati al tempo selezionato
BF5372BB458B3DB8=Solo in fronte
105336038E927375=Visualizza percorso risorse di REAPER in explorer/finder...
2553C56820D6750B=Personalizza menus/toolbars...
3229575F82B53A68=Default Classic
714F281FDDBD3ECE=Layout di Default
1A02898D809B83A6=(lista documentazione)

42BCA41ACE36C997=Lista HTML (auto-generated)

6AAB7B5BD370D609=Modificaotre Mouse &tasti e azionikeys scorciatoie
0F85BA0AB1A0AA88=documentazione ReaScript
F518794A247CE541=Informazioni acquisto
3B75D890A2EE0726=Licenza d'uso
910805548FA4B6BD=Cambiamenti (whatsnew.txt)
A0393F5E41ED85B9=Controlla per una nuova versione di REAPER
;^385A68019D9A9A61=New project tab
;^DDDBC4B59922776E=Master traccia
;^38F9B35CED04D04D=Big Clock
;^420377F78A3E1841=FX Browser
;^BEE3F1BDC2A992A1=Media Oggetto Properties
;^09939A2A8DB73EDE=Performance Meter
;^5D33EA2A7EBEF63C=Region Manager
;^200265593F330955=Scale Finder
;^9A96C7D5CB612D76=Toolbar Docker
;^383F243464148105=Transient Detection Settings
;^D2714B0ED9D27FB1=traccia Manager
;^E5566C4604653F75=Undo History
;^D3B242D430A5DB6C=Virtual MIDI Keyboard
;^EC6669A655FB6232=Measures.Beats / Minutes:Seconds
;^5A3FF93A190E0F6B=Empty Oggetto
;^D9CD3B25D255019B=Open template...
;^65CA689C377C5655=Offset template items by edit cursor
;^3A390528F4DCEC5D=(traccia template list)
;^186444C1EA089313=Remove items
;^E194E0BBB250B47E=&Trim items to selected area
;^86891682F6F2D16C=Select all
;^423DD25A37AD7A79=Nudge/Imposta items...
;^1F4C50B930F9D6C8=Taglia oggetto a cursor
;^90B859A4F328EBB9=Taglia oggetto a time selection
;^FF07D0ECF3A0E53D=Heal splits in items
;^BA6CAA916A3AEE75=Oggetto settings
;^EC752CC2DB12686D=Loop Oggetto source
;^88344341B9A154CA=Play all takes
;^8EAF0AA09346C8D7=Lock Oggetto
;^92665005797F0930=Invert phase
;^ADB9958ED73C94F7=Loop section of Oggetto source
;^88FE80D1430C4312=Preserve pitch when changing playrate
;^1598EBACCB0F49EA=Reverse active take

;^5601B9A57A757ADB=Take channel mode: Normal

;^9D60E5E1B749E8D5=Imposta Oggetto timebase to project/traccia default
;^0EB8F3CE4C772566=Imposta Oggetto timebase to time
;^EC375DCC4CE39240=Imposta Oggetto timebase to beats (position, length, rate)
;^11458E9C9EF4BE2E=Imposta Oggetto timebase to beats (position only)
;^E1E348931CD6C233=Oggetto &properties...
;^0814EFA066F6B891=Source &properties...
;^7E2DF1630E77106E=Group items
;^0A6A186FCB4E720A=Remove items from group
;^60EE028014F5398C=Select all items in group
;^F65CD38614815711=Next take
;^5CCBCB0963EC10AD=Previous take
;^6D2EC5D738690CA9=Delete active take
;^CAAB5CC146E0FC0B=Crop to active take
;^9824DEB0C15FC0F5=Duplicate active take
;^7EA6B0652E5346C4=Lock to active take
;^0A6FCB87E138A3AF=vedi FX chain for active take
;^92C3E890C5EC8E5D=Remove FX for active take
;^E871F70D1F455842=Take volume envelope
;^1BF73E10831BC659=Take pan envelope
;^2BE60748A665DAFB=Take mute envelope
;^4A2B58135C235086=Take pitch envelope
;^32A8CD94B8E9F86E=Explode all takes to new tracks
;^0B76FEDD4B488DD6=Explode all takes (in place)
;^66F59CEEAE4451AB=Explode all takes (in order)
;^CA142F03B9CABB64=Implode items across tracks into takes
;^EFC8CD9D920B916F=Implode items on same traccia into takes
;^8657A2F07751612A=Paste to takes in items
;^350E0F395B7F1C85=(take list)
;^27A8F35A732CC6E6=Save/rename active comp...
;^F9E04376D3B7E6DE=Remove active comp from list
;^050AAAF896F25359=Crop list to active comp
;^555922281DE5343B=Move active comp to top lane
;^BE39148270D11909=(comp list)
;^0ED5B16414C9FBEC=Oggetto and take colors
;^020D3467C33B79B0=Imposta items to custom color...
;^A68ABA1C0EA6CE27=Imposta items to random colors
;^6C8CB6E8F2159B02=Imposta items to one random color
;^31DD29D6185E7EC8=Imposta items to default color
;^807AD2DC48AC8DC8=Imposta active takes to custom color...
;^EB6A3F98C6F7C92A=Imposta active takes to one random color
;^0704D964EA4B33E0=Imposta active takes to default color
;^628E594012CC7C5B=Imposta all takes of selected items to default color
;^18A490C172DBF9BB=Oggetto processing
;^AF8FB722E2FC29EA=Normalize items
;^B622D171EE197539=Normalize items (common gain)
;^0E71DF4467DEE5F6=Dynamic Taglia items...
;^1AAC225BC2D18F76=Quantize Oggetto positions to grid...
;^60BCFF25EB54665C=Move items to source preferred position
;^F2E31CE8AE28842A=Implode items across tracks into items on one traccia
;^9CF0A9142899CF43=Auto-reposition items in free Oggetto positioning mode
;^D1E4A1A455A36989=Explode multichannel audio or MIDI items to new one-channel i
;^943A1A47FCEE5EEE=Explode MIDI Oggetto by note row (pitch)
;^00BF6D212D40163B=Convert active take MIDI to in-project source data
;^210B23F21E3171CA=Convert active take MIDI to .mid file reference
;^FBBD098069A14870=Import media cues from items as project markers

;^4C6F30285576EE3F=Open items in editor

;^619AF06BCC66D00F=Open in editor
;^8991F36B7822B489=Open in secondary editor
;^AAB1F0BA33F2CA9C=Open copies in editor
;^B49A3DAD17186E2A=Open copies in secondary editor
;^2E3DECABF5FD3B44=Open in inline editor
;^DB9EF3622F4C4895=Built-in MIDI editor
;^B897F27761564A3A=Open in editor (Imposta default behavior in preferences)
;^90AB4F33F7105841=Open in new editor
;^E607CAC0E0F5BB14=Open in last focused editor, clear editor first
;^64BFDFCE78C5294D=Open in last focused editor, preserve editor contents
;^6E2BF94AF99A0CD2=Open all traccia MIDI in new editor
;^B3572B5D80DF7B79=Open all traccia MIDI in last focused editor
;^586B2A0EC026812A=Render items as new take
;^CE7E80ACF252CB16=&Reverse items as new take
;^FB90AE71C9284F3A=Glue items
;^B7169EEC02C8D8FC=Glue items within time selection
;^6E9C1F47AE0AB01B=Insert new traccia
;^EB6AC1D6BBE0A433=Insert new traccia at end of traccia list
;^A6F3EA432AA410A4=Insert virtual instrument on new traccia...
;^14AB75DE2C24FEF3=Insert traccia from template
;^931D2CD599D2FEC9=Save tracks as traccia template...
;^FDFA2E97CD8FDE19=Remove tracks
;^23590995D822F51C=Duplicate tracks
;^BB2ECD751C866045=Render/freeze tracks
;^62060BAC51213CA3=Render tracks to mono stem tracks (and mute originals)
;^9BF0024003286A6E=Render tracks to stereo stem tracks (and mute originals)
;^6B80ADA8054A1976=Render tracks to multichannel stem tracks (and mute originals
;^78957C8454DBB75F=Freeze tracks to mono (render pre-fader, save/remove items an
d online FX)
;^54DADE4C7B95FC5C=Freeze tracks to stereo (render pre-fader, save/remove items
and online FX)
;^79AA43061BD49154=Freeze tracks to multichannel (render pre-fader, save/remove
items and online FX)
;^EE5CF20F98160706=Unfreeze tracks (restore previous items and FX)
;^C524AA04CA044305=MIDI traccia controls
;^FC08989D53C1D223=vedi MIDI traccia control panel
;^5C6FB2DCFD68EEF7=Link volume traccia/pan to all MIDI channels
;^66E5DC632BAFC67F=Link volume traccia/pan to MIDI channel
;^522F483C3BDD4C72=Do not link volume traccia/pan to MIDI
;^F96490112D1B162F=Lock traccia controls
;^0CE78C3702CE687F=Enable traccia free Oggetto positioning

;^9D4AE82B2A6E582F=Multichannel traccia metering

;^DB0FEB13427E7035=Custom traccia colors
;^2A155A1A970AC2FE=Imposta tracks to custom color...
;^AB902561E815401D=Imposta tracks to random colors
;^27450F3A019ACFE8=Imposta tracks to one random color
;^639DD13915D0BDD2=Imposta tracks to default color
;^9F786D12D8FA61CD=Custom traccia icons
;^648DC6218B71EAE3=Imposta traccia icon...
;^D2F88B0EF54D2211=Remove traccia icon
;^2E50A636B3040F96=Imposta traccia timebase
;^26C7502E02B01288=Project timebase
;^A5D5B4E847F44008=Beats (position, length, rate)
;^BA7A79B4D3479176=Beats (position only)
;^1D84015D83B05998=Imposta traccia automation mode
;^08C4A189ED06CFFA=traccia performance options
;^BEDDCB0B40FD59A2=Allow media buffering
;^8A09A75D01EDDA59=Prevent media buffering
;^CF7AF55DCCD92445=Allow anticipative FX
;^B6616B85587122F2=Prevent anticipative FX
;^88C3EA6A227D6CF4=Imposta traccia layout
;^E29A8B5D1C16061F=Passa a &volume active
;^6EEA4E6D1C299C1E=Passa a &pan active
;^13D77626487877AE=Passa a volume (pre-FX) active
;^171CD8B223DA2025=Passa a pan (pre-FX) active
;^22BB6337A73E9205=Passa a volume visible
;^124E3F58D9D38C02=Passa a pan visible
;^EDAADDAE852D16DE=Passa a volume (pre-FX) visible
;^5137806840344CAF=Passa a pan (pre-FX) visible
;^47B6B0240DC76A6B=Select all points
;^58EB14692B28F25A=Unselect all points
;^6E708F217D28443C=Select points in time selection
;^BA7DD3138B41C153=Imposta shape for selected points
;^6A05662E2A1E77AC=Slow start/end
;^BC24D1B6349B5A89=Fast start
;^DB6FC995D09C7078=Fast end
;^595D1609A802357B=Invert selected points
;^20EE79BDD1264889=Resetta selected points to zero/center
;^47C303DD6766CBE5=Imposta envelope default point shape
;^40B42F5B4E7F894C=Clear envelope
;^1002920B25015351=traccia grouping parameters...
;^6478144A3C4FB7D2=traccia grouping enabled
;^2A861A976C38C3D4=Record mode: normal
;^71CB5040464F5BC3=Record mode: time selection auto punch
;^CAC4592C4D4DD57A=Record mode: auto-punch selected items
;^3E1E032211F699E5=Auto-crossfade media items when editing
;^3A2761697FE8C69E=Trim content behind media items when editing
;^59111F850FAE5C14=Enable snapping
;^257731EBCA5EBF0E=vedi grid

;^DAB01B50C7660150=Metronome enabled
;^21F4EDEE5D02BA27=Move envelope points with media items
;^22890C70F0007984=Envelope point selection follows time selection
;^6A003F23022A1E47=Add edge points when moving envelope points
;^561C816EA4AE16DF=Add edge points when ripple editing or inserting time
;^20BAEAD47F4513A4=Reduce envelope point data when recording or drawing automati
;^C09170FD3E752A38=Automatically scroll Vista during playback
;^FD06ABC366DA801A=Smooth seeking (seeks at end of measure)
;^3D05B40BFC6A1E40=External Timecode Synchronization
;^94D8EC714ED10E14=Synchronization enabled
;^1589D28CD62A7BF0=Synchronization settings...
;^A0CB20A955DAF552=vedi action list...
;^593D5AC384550ADA=vedi recent actions
;^9BC67B482921A263=About REAPER
;^62473318FFD2829F=[recording settings]
[MENU_136] ; IDR_MENU2
9BB0621424D5DF48=Visualizza Mixer
D342A139D4FE9114=Visualizza a destra del Mixer
68732E0CB1C4A9E6=Visualizza in finestra separata
3B57CE2AB074678B=Visualizza in docker
722D7A2B645D90AF=Visualizza cartelle
8A23F34FB7A5FB94=Visualizza tracce livello top
9032B6D2F8CCF061=Visualizza tracce che sono in cartelle
C1F1F9270510EE17=visualizza tracce che hanno ricevitori
91DBBF271685793C=Scroll la vista quando la traccia attivata
47BCD4D4C65CC0CF=Auto-arrange tracce nel Mixer
2D012CC520C22751=Cartelle gruppo a sinistra
C1EB5BB70B3F6A09=Tracce gruppo con ricevitori a sinistra
382C305B9A540BF7=Icona cliccabile per vedere e nascondere tracce in cartella
CDF148F44232EA69=Visualizza righe multiple di tracce quando le misure lo permett
221F1A051812933A=Mostra numero massimo di righe, anche quando le tracce si adatt
erebbe in meno righe
F1032A8BE9BB2080=Visualizza sends quando le misure lo permettono
6857739668D3B9A3=Visualizza effetti insert quando le misure lo permettono
885CED319D4F31AD=Visualizza parametri effetto quando le dimensioni lo permettono
61CE1B0A09D0F2B3=Visualizza icone tracce nel Mixer
9A9CC96E950DDAAE=Visualizza icona ultima tracca in cartella
BE29F73DED2A5B44=Posiziona Mixer in Docker
;^DDDBC4B59922776E=Master traccia
84CF3548E2370A3B=&Aggiungi Effetto...\tInsert, A
1FF7A80982958378=&Aggiungi catena effetti...\tShift+Insert, Shift+A
42ECD82A6859B357=&Salva catena effetto...\tCtrl+S
39AA03BBCD01F7EF=Salva catena come default per le nuove tracce
83E3514952AF6EC0=Carica catena di traccia di default
1E1B169BE8835407=&Chiudi finestra\tESC
;^CD9DE212764F150E=Save selected FX as chain...
;^907F0944C42611FB=Window float selected FX\t(doubleclick)
;^10AA715E679A1188=Send all keyboard input to plug-in
;^CC1F02E05223C02F=Dock FX window in Docker

;^F07B8BF09056DBC7=Freeze traccia
;^B9450FA5B73E0242=Freeze traccia to mono, up to last non-offline FX
;^E4EB1F77E012E753=Freeze traccia to stereo, up to last non-offline FX
;^822C0ABE515442BB=Freeze traccia to multichannel, up to last non-offline FX
;^4A24DE7EC5D70EE4=Freeze traccia to mono, up to last selected FX
;^9CADE133F3BF88B7=Freeze traccia to stereo, up to last selected FX
;^C8A3EF986B3A45BF=Freeze traccia to multichannel, up to last selected FX
;^43EF57CE3ADA8A28=Unfreeze traccia
;^BC328CB03B0D078E=Copy &all FX\tCtrl+Shift+C
;^29AC56D2B3AB95DD=&Copy selected FX\tCtrl+C
;^A564BFA603B3928B=C&ut selected FX\tCtrl+X
;^ED9D4CD707DD43C6=&Paste FX\tCtrl+V, Ctrl+Insert
;^C4E5E30C8A3E3BDF=Remove all FX\tShift+Delete
;^A7702CFDA3C1F8E6=&Remove selected FX\tDelete
;^3821C0F763D1850D=Passa a selected FX bypass\tCtrl+B
;^685BE17D4DA686FC=Passa a selected FX offline\tCtrl+Alt+B
;^E67F0BA2C154FA57=Rename FX instance\tF2
;^5B982DEEA8952FF4=Auto-float new FX windows
;^0EE7D967B88BFC63=&FX Plug-ins settings...
;^84FADFAA8CD497E1=Build multichannel routing for output of selected FX...
;^C7317FFF2A84005C=Build 16 channels of MIDI routing to this traccia
906942A53FAFB090=&Rinomina Effetto...\tF2
E85949C4173AD547=&Scansione per nuovi plug-in\tF5
;^3683BEB2CD7D7896=&Edit JS FX...
;^D6DB6AF3F0039A90=Create new &JS FX...
;^146E11E319517217=Dock FX browser in Docker
;^5B982DEEA8952FF4=Auto-float new FX windows
;^A3049D07A88CF98A=vedi VST folders
;^0EE7D967B88BFC63=&FX Plug-ins settings...
;^4018D271D54282D1=Auto-clear search field on folder change
;^6EFA7E4EF87CA485=Auto-clear search field on close
;^111F67D1C0E01057=vedi default FX presets
EDF254CB548FDE10=Manager Tracce(visualizza/nascondi tracce)...
E8A2505871BCB648=Copia punti inviluppo selezionati
8FC4A136809D9C89=Taglia punti inviluppo selezionati
30524B98C197234C=Imposta forma per tutti i punti selezionati
CB796832F14A03CA=Cancella punti inviluppo selezionati
7E5922C933467DB9=Cancella punti inviluppo nel tempo selezionato
;^6E9C1F47AE0AB01B=Insert new traccia
;^EB6AC1D6BBE0A433=Insert new traccia at end of traccia list
;^A6F3EA432AA410A4=Insert virtual instrument on new traccia...
;^14AB75DE2C24FEF3=Insert traccia from template
;^D9CD3B25D255019B=Open template...
;^65CA689C377C5655=Offset template items by edit cursor
;^3A390528F4DCEC5D=(traccia template list)
;^931D2CD599D2FEC9=Save tracks as traccia template...
;^FDFA2E97CD8FDE19=Remove tracks
;^23590995D822F51C=Duplicate tracks
;^BB2ECD751C866045=Render/freeze tracks
;^62060BAC51213CA3=Render tracks to mono stem tracks (and mute originals)
;^9BF0024003286A6E=Render tracks to stereo stem tracks (and mute originals)

;^6B80ADA8054A1976=Render tracks to multichannel stem tracks (and mute originals

;^78957C8454DBB75F=Freeze tracks to mono (render pre-fader, save/remove items an
d online FX)
;^54DADE4C7B95FC5C=Freeze tracks to stereo (render pre-fader, save/remove items
and online FX)
;^79AA43061BD49154=Freeze tracks to multichannel (render pre-fader, save/remove
items and online FX)
;^EE5CF20F98160706=Unfreeze tracks (restore previous items and FX)
;^C524AA04CA044305=MIDI traccia controls
;^FC08989D53C1D223=vedi MIDI traccia control panel
;^5C6FB2DCFD68EEF7=Link volume traccia/pan to all MIDI channels
;^66E5DC632BAFC67F=Link volume traccia/pan to MIDI channel
;^522F483C3BDD4C72=Do not link volume traccia/pan to MIDI
;^F96490112D1B162F=Lock traccia controls
;^0CE78C3702CE687F=Enable traccia free Oggetto positioning
;^F1707CB9030B35E0=Automatic record-arm when traccia selected
;^9D4AE82B2A6E582F=Multichannel traccia metering
;^DB0FEB13427E7035=Custom traccia colors
;^2A155A1A970AC2FE=Imposta tracks to custom color...
;^AB902561E815401D=Imposta tracks to random colors
;^27450F3A019ACFE8=Imposta tracks to one random color
;^639DD13915D0BDD2=Imposta tracks to default color
;^9F786D12D8FA61CD=Custom traccia icons
;^648DC6218B71EAE3=Imposta traccia icon...
;^D2F88B0EF54D2211=Remove traccia icon
;^2E50A636B3040F96=Imposta traccia timebase
;^26C7502E02B01288=Project timebase
;^A5D5B4E847F44008=Beats (position, length, rate)
;^BA7A79B4D3479176=Beats (position only)
;^1D84015D83B05998=Imposta traccia automation mode
;^08C4A189ED06CFFA=traccia performance options
;^BEDDCB0B40FD59A2=Allow media buffering
;^8A09A75D01EDDA59=Prevent media buffering
;^CF7AF55DCCD92445=Allow anticipative FX
;^B6616B85587122F2=Prevent anticipative FX
;^88C3EA6A227D6CF4=Imposta traccia layout

;^E29A8B5D1C16061F=Passa a &volume active
;^6EEA4E6D1C299C1E=Passa a &pan active
;^13D77626487877AE=Passa a volume (pre-FX) active
;^171CD8B223DA2025=Passa a pan (pre-FX) active
;^22BB6337A73E9205=Passa a volume visible
;^124E3F58D9D38C02=Passa a pan visible
;^EDAADDAE852D16DE=Passa a volume (pre-FX) visible
;^5137806840344CAF=Passa a pan (pre-FX) visible
;^47B6B0240DC76A6B=Select all points
;^58EB14692B28F25A=Unselect all points
;^6E708F217D28443C=Select points in time selection
;^6A05662E2A1E77AC=Slow start/end
;^BC24D1B6349B5A89=Fast start
;^DB6FC995D09C7078=Fast end
;^595D1609A802357B=Invert selected points
;^20EE79BDD1264889=Resetta selected points to zero/center
;^47C303DD6766CBE5=Imposta envelope default point shape
;^40B42F5B4E7F894C=Clear envelope
;^1002920B25015351=traccia grouping parameters...
;^6478144A3C4FB7D2=traccia grouping enabled
9F5BC732DF031FE9=Note oggetto...
0445CE0F3B805BEA=Modalit canale
AD41E4C5F1E6E2B6=Modalit canale
99DA3FD9B4724DED=Modalit canale
0DC9F1F822C19286=Modalit canale
845CB661E3AC5560=Modalit canale
AC87291F02756AE9=Mono 3
AC872A1F02756C9C=Mono 4
AC872B1F02756E4F=Mono 5
AC872C1F02757002=Mono 6
AC872D1F027571B5=Mono 7
AC872E1F02757368=Mono 8
AC872F1F0275751B=Mono 9
9F0F2CB12D7F3529=Mono 10
9F0F2BB12D7F3376=Mono 11
9F0F2AB12D7F31C3=Mono 12
9F0F29B12D7F3010=Mono 13
9F0F30B12D7F3BF5=Mono 14
9F0F2FB12D7F3A42=Mono 15
9F0F2EB12D7F388F=Mono 16
9F0F2DB12D7F36DC=Mono 17
9F0F34B12D7F42C1=Mono 18
9F0F33B12D7F410E=Mono 19
9F1232B12D817532=Mono 20
9F1233B12D8176E5=Mono 21
9F1230B12D8171CC=Mono 22
9F1231B12D81737F=Mono 23
9F122EB12D816E66=Mono 24
9F122FB12D817019=Mono 25
9F122CB12D816B00=Mono 26
9F122DB12D816CB3=Mono 27
9F123AB12D8182CA=Mono 28
9F123BB12D81847D=Mono 29

take: Reverse stereo

take (downmix)
take (left)
take (right)
take (3-64)

9F15B8B12D848EBB=Mono 30
9F15B7B12D848D08=Mono 31
9F15BAB12D849221=Mono 32
9F15B9B12D84906E=Mono 33
9F15BCB12D849587=Mono 34
9F15BBB12D8493D4=Mono 35
9F15BEB12D8498ED=Mono 36
9F15BDB12D84973A=Mono 37
9F15B0B12D848123=Mono 38
9F15AFB12D847F70=Mono 39
9F193EB12D87A844=Mono 40
9F193FB12D87A9F7=Mono 41
9F1940B12D87ABAA=Mono 42
9F1941B12D87AD5D=Mono 43
9F193AB12D87A178=Mono 44
9F193BB12D87A32B=Mono 45
9F193CB12D87A4DE=Mono 46
9F193DB12D87A691=Mono 47
9F1936B12D879AAC=Mono 48
9F1937B12D879C5F=Mono 49
9F1CC4B12D8AC1CD=Mono 50
9F1CC3B12D8AC01A=Mono 51
9F1CC2B12D8ABE67=Mono 52
9F1CC1B12D8ABCB4=Mono 53
9F1CC0B12D8ABB01=Mono 54
9F1CBFB12D8AB94E=Mono 55
9F1CBEB12D8AB79B=Mono 56
9F1CBDB12D8AB5E8=Mono 57
9F1CBCB12D8AB435=Mono 58
9F1CBBB12D8AB282=Mono 59
9F202AB12D8DA4F6=Mono 60
9F202BB12D8DA6A9=Mono 61
9F2028B12D8DA190=Mono 62
9F2029B12D8DA343=Mono 63
9F202EB12D8DABC2=Mono 64
D7FACABD2578F9B7=Modalit canale Take: Stereo (1-64)
B938D0CBBFF92C1D=Stereo 1/2
D2F832CBCE7D6083=Stereo 2/3
C989A0CBC8EDF30D=Stereo 3/4
E34886CBD77154BF=Stereo 4/5
DB8CF0CBD35374FD=Stereo 5/6
F4DF6ACBE17B004B=Stereo 6/7
EC4AC0CBDCA50DCD=Stereo 7/8
06E336CBEBE154EF=Stereo 8/9
2911157996D2CCF4=Stereo 9/10
148D4FD6EE44C23F=Stereo 10/11
809642DF2710EB27=Stereo 11/12
C0EBE1E624BB6DD7=Stereo 12/13
2CF4BCEE5D876DF7=Stereo 13/14
C3BB5BF7D0A3B427=Stereo 14/15
2FC3AF00096ECD2F=Stereo 15/16
B0812E08DED206FF=Stereo 16/17
F297D90FDDFA6FEF=Stereo 17/18
5E92B81816BA397F=Stereo 18/19
F56A5B2189E4F9AE=Stereo 19/20
525F9849F994F811=Stereo 20/21
E5F12F41C0730675=Stereo 21/22
6976B65C41B7A631=Stereo 22/23
E8B2AD536C4F1635=Stereo 23/24
17963C6B79AC0F41=Stereo 24/25

D5861B647A88FC7D=Stereo 25/26
18A4BA7D24168A81=Stereo 26/27
82441973B150F41D=Stereo 27/28
063A3008CF511A71=Stereo 28/29
6FD696FF5C895BCE=Stereo 29/30
E1C7FC150D72D847=Stereo 30/31
789C0F1E809A6DEF=Stereo 31/32
F50F9E03FF4FD4E7=Stereo 32/33
6117F90C381AFB87=Stereo 33/34
46F017F4C75B6BD7=Stereo 34/35
B2F8EAFD00275E5F=Stereo 35/36
442E99E31B7F5C17=Stereo 36/37
B03774EB544B5C37=Stereo 37/38
569914577044B0F7=Stereo 38/39
C2976F5FA9078312=Stereo 39/40
49EB6C8952B72C35=Stereo 40/41
0848438253F0DDB9=Stereo 41/42
9BF4EA7A1AE5CF05=Stereo 42/43
05275970A7C381F1=Stereo 43/44
9925F8686EFE6FCD=Stereo 44/45
1861675F9994F8B9=Stereo 45/46
D6A356589AB80B4D=Stereo 46/47
6A346D5061954031=Stereo 47/48
D3D3D446EECFB765=Stereo 48/49
6914EB3EB71C4AF2=Stereo 49/50
D6D25C7F81958E17=Stereo 50/51
4347AF87BABD78FF=Stereo 51/52
D9F35E912DC312A7=Stereo 52/53
45FBB999668E3947=Stereo 53/54
1180A85E016793FF=Stereo 54/55
A854DB67748F6007=Stereo 55/56
146B2A6FAD66AF9F=Stereo 56/57
9536357882D561AF=Stereo 57/58
76C4543DBB67E3F7=Stereo 58/59
E2D02745F4360C56=Stereo 59/60
408783E900E6DD29=Stereo 60/61
D485BAE0C8211A4D=Stereo 61/62
57F031FB494ED721=Stereo 62/63
C12308F1D62D3AC5=Stereo 63/64
DCCD26B90A7626F4=Applica effetto traccia alla oggetto come un nuovo take
BA86A19A7F04CFDB=Applica effetto traccia alla oggetto come un nuovo take (uscita
4F739C179A4C64E1=Applica effetto traccia alla oggetto come un nuovo take (uscita
429D4853A90825C2=&Copia oggetto
04DF6D369D17A825=Ta&glia oggetto
8909FEA44585A084=Taglia area selezionata di oggetto
4E68549A5EFD26D8=Taglia oggetto allo zero crossing prioritario
;^BA6CAA916A3AEE75=Oggetto settings
;^EC752CC2DB12686D=Loop Oggetto source
;^88344341B9A154CA=Play all takes
;^8EAF0AA09346C8D7=Lock Oggetto
;^92665005797F0930=Invert phase
;^ADB9958ED73C94F7=Loop section of Oggetto source
;^88FE80D1430C4312=Preserve pitch when changing playrate
;^1598EBACCB0F49EA=Reverse active take
;^5601B9A57A757ADB=Take channel mode: Normal
;^9D60E5E1B749E8D5=Imposta Oggetto timebase to project/traccia default
;^0EB8F3CE4C772566=Imposta Oggetto timebase to time

;^EC375DCC4CE39240=Imposta Oggetto timebase to beats (position, length, rate)

;^11458E9C9EF4BE2E=Imposta Oggetto timebase to beats (position only)
;^E1E348931CD6C233=Oggetto &properties...
;^0814EFA066F6B891=Source &properties...
;^7E2DF1630E77106E=Group items
;^0A6A186FCB4E720A=Remove items from group
;^60EE028014F5398C=Select all items in group
;^F65CD38614815711=Next take
;^5CCBCB0963EC10AD=Previous take
;^6D2EC5D738690CA9=Delete active take
;^CAAB5CC146E0FC0B=Crop to active take
;^9824DEB0C15FC0F5=Duplicate active take
;^7EA6B0652E5346C4=Lock to active take
;^0A6FCB87E138A3AF=vedi FX chain for active take
;^92C3E890C5EC8E5D=Remove FX for active take
;^E871F70D1F455842=Take volume envelope
;^1BF73E10831BC659=Take pan envelope
;^2BE60748A665DAFB=Take mute envelope
;^4A2B58135C235086=Take pitch envelope
;^32A8CD94B8E9F86E=Explode all takes to new tracks
;^0B76FEDD4B488DD6=Explode all takes (in place)
;^66F59CEEAE4451AB=Explode all takes (in order)
;^CA142F03B9CABB64=Implode items across tracks into takes
;^EFC8CD9D920B916F=Implode items on same traccia into takes
;^8657A2F07751612A=Paste to takes in items
;^350E0F395B7F1C85=(take list)
;^27A8F35A732CC6E6=Save/rename active comp...
;^F9E04376D3B7E6DE=Remove active comp from list
;^050AAAF896F25359=Crop list to active comp
;^555922281DE5343B=Move active comp to top lane
;^BE39148270D11909=(comp list)
;^0ED5B16414C9FBEC=Oggetto and take colors
;^020D3467C33B79B0=Imposta items to custom color...
;^A68ABA1C0EA6CE27=Imposta items to random colors
;^6C8CB6E8F2159B02=Imposta items to one random color
;^31DD29D6185E7EC8=Imposta items to default color
;^807AD2DC48AC8DC8=Imposta active takes to custom color...
;^EB6A3F98C6F7C92A=Imposta active takes to one random color
;^0704D964EA4B33E0=Imposta active takes to default color
;^628E594012CC7C5B=Imposta all takes of selected items to default color
;^18A490C172DBF9BB=Oggetto processing
;^AF8FB722E2FC29EA=Normalize items
;^B622D171EE197539=Normalize items (common gain)
;^0E71DF4467DEE5F6=Dynamic Taglia items...
;^1AAC225BC2D18F76=Quantize Oggetto positions to grid...
;^60BCFF25EB54665C=Move items to source preferred position
;^F2E31CE8AE28842A=Implode items across tracks into items on one traccia
;^9CF0A9142899CF43=Auto-reposition items in free Oggetto positioning mode
;^D1E4A1A455A36989=Explode multichannel audio or MIDI items to new one-channel i
;^943A1A47FCEE5EEE=Explode MIDI Oggetto by note row (pitch)
;^00BF6D212D40163B=Convert active take MIDI to in-project source data
;^210B23F21E3171CA=Convert active take MIDI to .mid file reference
;^FBBD098069A14870=Import media cues from items as project markers
;^4C6F30285576EE3F=Open items in editor
;^619AF06BCC66D00F=Open in editor
;^8991F36B7822B489=Open in secondary editor

;^AAB1F0BA33F2CA9C=Open copies in editor

;^B49A3DAD17186E2A=Open copies in secondary editor
;^2E3DECABF5FD3B44=Open in inline editor
;^DB9EF3622F4C4895=Built-in MIDI editor
;^B897F27761564A3A=Open in editor (Imposta default behavior in preferences)
;^90AB4F33F7105841=Open in new editor
;^E607CAC0E0F5BB14=Open in last focused editor, clear editor first
;^64BFDFCE78C5294D=Open in last focused editor, preserve editor contents
;^6E2BF94AF99A0CD2=Open all traccia MIDI in new editor
;^B3572B5D80DF7B79=Open all traccia MIDI in last focused editor
;^586B2A0EC026812A=Render items as new take
;^CE7E80ACF252CB16=&Reverse items as new take
;^FB90AE71C9284F3A=Glue items
;^B7169EEC02C8D8FC=Glue items within time selection
;^914F5B81FECF32F5=Copy selected area of items
;^691C4B8E09709260=Copy loop of selected area of items
;^186444C1EA089313=Remove items
;^E194E0BBB250B47E=&Trim items to selected area
;^423DD25A37AD7A79=Nudge/Imposta items...
;^1F4C50B930F9D6C8=Taglia oggetto a cursor
;^90B859A4F328EBB9=Taglia oggetto a time selection
;^FF07D0ECF3A0E53D=Heal splits in items
864F12EC431E3535=&Rimuovi Selezione
8E28144057BCB82E=Seleziona Zoom
4B1F747855E7E264=Imposta selezione alla oggetto
A85D49E4688F76DC=Estendi selezione al prossimo transiente della oggetto
9FDED13C922E67FE=Inserisci marker...
091F42494C4E9FF9=Crea regione da selezione
426B4671542CDB25=Inserisci marker di metrica...
F03411CF290C4060=Rimuovi tutti i marker dalla selezione
E4AAD54D49F7DB30=Imposta tempo progetto dalla selezione del tempo (trova tempo,a
llinea oggetti)
349F55EF86232987=Crea misura da tempo selezionato (trova tempo)
4B37D6054E63E942=Create misura dal tempo selezionato(nuova metrica)...
;^F2F9B74A2243D03F=Imposta project tempo from time selection (detect tempo)
;^EA21659EDE25DB0A=Imposta project tempo from time selection (new time signature
;^5F08AD67C9135573=Crop project to selection
;^48E3EE852F14F202=Insert empty space in selection
;^5710F0FC06226D7D=Remove contents of selection (moving later items)
;^1F4C50B930F9D6C8=Taglia oggetto a cursor
;^90B859A4F328EBB9=Taglia oggetto a time selection
;^86891682F6F2D16C=Select all
;^914F5B81FECF32F5=Copy selected area of items
;^691C4B8E09709260=Copy loop of selected area of items
;^EC6669A655FB6232=Measures.Beats / Minutes:Seconds
B0A42D963CEF845C=Inserisci tracce multiple...

BB1E22C4CE52BD4B=Visualizza traccia master

;^6E9C1F47AE0AB01B=Insert new traccia
;^A6F3EA432AA410A4=Insert virtual instrument on new traccia...
;^14AB75DE2C24FEF3=Insert traccia from template
;^D9CD3B25D255019B=Open template...
;^65CA689C377C5655=Offset template items by edit cursor
;^3A390528F4DCEC5D=(traccia template list)
639D27DB1B0A2208=Imposta valore punto...
F0A2A2F707D939B6=Imposta forma del punto
A82A9554C79824AA=Cancella punto
AC4B7D06A00FB424=Cancella punti selezionati
;^C038339424CBD482=Select envelope (env name)
;^6A05662E2A1E77AC=Slow start/end
;^BC24D1B6349B5A89=Fast start
;^DB6FC995D09C7078=Fast end
;^BA7DD3138B41C153=Imposta shape for selected points
;^47C303DD6766CBE5=Imposta envelope default point shape
;^47B6B0240DC76A6B=Select all points
;^58EB14692B28F25A=Unselect all points
;^6E708F217D28443C=Select points in time selection
;^0D521319E895BADD=Copy points
;^32A5F32C7000598C=Cut points
;^F1C5C2EC7C56CF0D=Delete points in time selection
;^595D1609A802357B=Invert selected points
;^2504EFBB70A00BF0=Resetta points to zero/center
;^21E4A0FB10179834=Reduce number of points...
;^271F989089915585=Arm envelope for recording
;^727B7F2EB869FFD5=vedi envelope in lane
;^CD674FEA536FDABD=nascondi envelope
;^051CA74B46992E79=Bypass envelope
;^A6EF93273B597A8D=Clear or remove envelope...
7AE99F6B1F0C836B=Crea nuovo punto
E9D34B3745E6649D=Seleziona tutti i punti nella selezione temporale
5880980F27869CBB=Cancella punti
0ABF4CDD8331C92E=Inverti punti
;^C038339424CBD482=Select envelope (env name)
;^BA7DD3138B41C153=Imposta shape for selected points
;^6A05662E2A1E77AC=Slow start/end
;^BC24D1B6349B5A89=Fast start
;^DB6FC995D09C7078=Fast end
;^47C303DD6766CBE5=Imposta envelope default point shape
;^47B6B0240DC76A6B=Select all points
;^58EB14692B28F25A=Unselect all points
;^0D521319E895BADD=Copy points
;^32A5F32C7000598C=Cut points
;^F1C5C2EC7C56CF0D=Delete points in time selection
;^2504EFBB70A00BF0=Resetta points to zero/center
;^21E4A0FB10179834=Reduce number of points...

;^271F989089915585=Arm envelope for recording

;^727B7F2EB869FFD5=vedi envelope in lane
;^CD674FEA536FDABD=nascondi envelope
;^051CA74B46992E79=Bypass envelope
;^A6EF93273B597A8D=Clear or remove envelope...
5E293FAC1EC4D199=Annullamento automazione globale:
D0FA771D463FBE0D=Nessun annullamento globale (imposta modalit attivazione per tra
3A2E1BB307417335=Bypass tutti gli inviluppi
8532ABD7CF5DF918=Trim/Read (default, i faders sono attivi per il trim ma non per
la registrazione)
;^DEF52717C4E7101F=Read (play faders with armed envelopes)
;^E73F4D99E9F274CB=Touch (record fader movements to armed envelopes)
;^7C92092A41B00EDC=Latch (record fader movements after first movement)
;^A23B66B5439758A9=Write (record fader positions to armed envelopes)
;^5A6DE0CA99B71E37=vedi all active traccia envelopes
;^2A861A976C38C3D4=Record mode: normal
;^71CB5040464F5BC3=Record mode: time selection auto punch
;^CAC4592C4D4DD57A=Record mode: auto-punch selected items
;^21F4EDEE5D02BA27=Move envelope points with media items
;^22890C70F0007984=Envelope point selection follows time selection
;^6A003F23022A1E47=Add edge points when moving envelope points
;^561C816EA4AE16DF=Add edge points when ripple editing or inserting time
;^20BAEAD47F4513A4=Reduce envelope point data when recording or drawing automati
190FB54671D9F002=Modalit mono:
43F6D751F81560E7=Modalit mono:
43F6BD51F81534B9=Modalit mono:
1908C54671D3EC84=Modalit mono:


7D3F4578BF3A7F37=Aggiungi effetto...\tInsert, A
C8A928842C8BAF25=Carica catena effetti...\tShift+Insert, Shift+A
89CEE45B29F6740C=Carica catena effetti di default per traccia
E1EBB4B48C8D4114=Salva tutti gli effetti come catena...\tCtrl+S
3DB3B4FDE50A4526=Salva tutti gli effetti come catena default per nuove tracce
F5404D2DC6D9C463=Chiudi finestra effetto
;^C004CD40F2057E29=FX chains
;^CD9DE212764F150E=Save selected FX as chain...
;^F07B8BF09056DBC7=Freeze traccia
;^B9450FA5B73E0242=Freeze traccia to mono, up to last non-offline FX
;^E4EB1F77E012E753=Freeze traccia to stereo, up to last non-offline FX
;^822C0ABE515442BB=Freeze traccia to multichannel, up to last non-offline FX
;^4A24DE7EC5D70EE4=Freeze traccia to mono, up to last selected FX
;^9CADE133F3BF88B7=Freeze traccia to stereo, up to last selected FX
;^C8A3EF986B3A45BF=Freeze traccia to multichannel, up to last selected FX
;^43EF57CE3ADA8A28=Unfreeze traccia

;^BC328CB03B0D078E=Copy &all FX\tCtrl+Shift+C

;^29AC56D2B3AB95DD=&Copy selected FX\tCtrl+C
;^A564BFA603B3928B=C&ut selected FX\tCtrl+X
;^ED9D4CD707DD43C6=&Paste FX\tCtrl+V, Ctrl+Insert
;^A7702CFDA3C1F8E6=&Remove selected FX\tDelete
;^C4E5E30C8A3E3BDF=Remove all FX\tShift+Delete
;^3821C0F763D1850D=Passa a selected FX bypass\tCtrl+B
;^685BE17D4DA686FC=Passa a selected FX offline\tCtrl+Alt+B
;^E67F0BA2C154FA57=Rename FX instance\tF2
;^907F0944C42611FB=Window float selected FX\t(doubleclick)
;^10AA715E679A1188=Send all keyboard input to plug-in
;^84FADFAA8CD497E1=Build multichannel routing for output of selected FX...
;^C7317FFF2A84005C=Build 16 channels of MIDI routing to this traccia
;^CC1F02E05223C02F=Dock FX window in Docker
;^4EEB564BBD876EAB=Imposta to 1.0
;^BC1BCCE6A4775AF4=Increase by ~6% (one semitone)
;^62A207FF54858A9C=Decrease by ~6% (one semitone)
;^62DCD9FD78BC002A=Increase by ~0.6% (ten cents)
;^006B733C62729272=Decrease by ~0.6% (ten cents)
;^5121A85C07CE50F8=Apply playrate to current BPM
;^D7121E5A0710CF4F=Preserve pitch in audio items when changing master playrate
;^EDA2EFF8719B8390=Playrate fader range: 0.25-4.0 (default)
;^5A097A1E8E23E204=Playrate fader range: 0.5-2.0
;^460AFFF6D99D0DD1=Playrate fader range: 0.75-1.5
;^BD6665EE0A2BDB92=Playrate fader range: 0.9-1.1
1E06E4405DEA8BB9=Visualizza grafico CPU
A92306A0DFCF9F5C=Visualizza in realtime(RT) CPU su un grafico
B262FAD75BA8BA4A=Visualizza CPU in uso
27A29CDA117BD72F=Visualizza uso CPU in realtime(RT)
1D8E0673D38702E7=Visualizza spazio disco usato
7B7E834E49D135B0=Visualizza RAM Usata
EC37BCC6C18B2137=Visualizza RAM di sistema libera
0B046CABAC6AEF1E=Visualizza CPU usata dagli effetti
1A64FFC5FC821B62=Resetta grafico
EEB77FAA4A9ACCDA=Dock delle Misurazioni prestazioni in Docker
8B70BDC97B975079=Rimuovi cartella
2F3D8798C655F34C=Muovi in cima
8AAC8771924CD9BA=Muovi in fondo
;^3E6F5B4FF4F5BC43=Create new folder...
;^20C9E44247CBCC07=Rename folder...
;^A35385C769502F3F=Move up
;^E485FC63E796EFFA=Move down
4BB3333A13123CE6=Aggiungi effetto...
770B32C7A53CADE9=Aggiungi effetto veloce
D8AD172FAB7FAAB8=Configurazione Effetto staccato\tClick
83DEA2D6BA0F412E=Visualizza catene effetto\tCtrl+Click
A2B1FD80E99BF9A2=Bypass catena

91B1F74B5EBFBD1D=Bypass Effetto\tShift+Click
25D156BF911B71A2=Effetto Offline\tCtrl+Shift+Click
F4ECF7D9EB24D683=Cancella effetto\tAlt+Click
;^BC3F5623627FE3E9=Add FX Chain
;^12D1E2F79FD7BDB8=Rename FX instance
B75CC57A4B1F89C5=Visualizza parametri di sends\tClick
A3128BC4BBE6C116=Metti in Mute i send\tShift+Click
071444E5F7680782=Rimuovi i send\tAlt+Click
74BCDB48801CC2DA=Visualizza finestra routing delle tracce\tCtrl+Click
F0411A69BCF40C1B=Vai alla traccia destinazione del send
A627C7D429FA980A=Salta al marker
87594DE32E64B6FF=nessun markers
38C88265F743838C=Riproduci (saltando la parte selezionata)
64984A45816F4173=Visualizza controllo di playrate
5AF0DE9888C681D5=Visualizza metrica
A6D2738EF083EC6A=Visualizza stato della riproduzione come testo
2F1A2D2EDC0F2083=Centra controlli trasporto
D2F16FE31EBE9798=Posiziona trasporto in docker
9C57BB1A16C5B513=Dock trasporto nella finestra principale
C949E9950B9A780B=Posizione Trasporto Docked
7CA25CDE4F77A180=Al di sotto dell'arranger(default)
B113D59FC40723A0=Sopra righello
9F237110FCA4357A=In fondo alla finestra principale
C580F95ADDC7E1A0=In cima alla finestra principale
A2D5D0CC8AC3255A=Nascondi trasporto
;^4EEB564BBD876EAB=Imposta to 1.0
;^BC1BCCE6A4775AF4=Increase by ~6% (one semitone)
;^62A207FF54858A9C=Decrease by ~6% (one semitone)
;^62DCD9FD78BC002A=Increase by ~0.6% (ten cents)
;^006B733C62729272=Decrease by ~0.6% (ten cents)
;^5121A85C07CE50F8=Apply playrate to current BPM
;^D7121E5A0710CF4F=Preserve pitch in audio items when changing master playrate
;^EDA2EFF8719B8390=Playrate fader range: 0.25-4.0 (default)
;^5A097A1E8E23E204=Playrate fader range: 0.5-2.0
;^460AFFF6D99D0DD1=Playrate fader range: 0.75-1.5
;^BD6665EE0A2BDB92=Playrate fader range: 0.9-1.1
;^E4053920A9B5A25A=Go to start of project
;^5D5B152A913BF2D1=Go to end of project
;^3D05B40BFC6A1E40=External Timecode Synchronization
;^94D8EC714ED10E14=Synchronization enabled
;^1589D28CD62A7BF0=Synchronization settings...
;^C09170FD3E752A38=Automatically scroll Vista during playback
;^FD06ABC366DA801A=Smooth seeking (seeks at end of measure)
;^2A861A976C38C3D4=Record mode: normal
;^71CB5040464F5BC3=Record mode: time selection auto punch

;^CAC4592C4D4DD57A=Record mode: auto-punch selected items

;^3E7CD7C393BEE92F=Use ruler time unit
;^EC6669A655FB6232=Measures.Beats / Minutes:Seconds
68FF5FCC175E2929=fissa finestra
;^10AA715E679A1188=Send all keyboard input to plug-in
FD95107AE618F7DA=Posiziona finestra navigazione in Docker
5BA532B79E210468=Chiudi finestra navigazione
53DC5790656E0F99=&Rinomina Effetto...
49DCAE59C5BD3783=&Scansiona per nuovi plug-ins
;^3683BEB2CD7D7896=&Edit JS FX...
;^D6DB6AF3F0039A90=Create new &JS FX...
;^5B982DEEA8952FF4=Auto-float new FX windows
;^A3049D07A88CF98A=vedi VST folders
;^0EE7D967B88BFC63=&FX Plug-ins settings...
;^4018D271D54282D1=Auto-clear search field on folder change
;^6EFA7E4EF87CA485=Auto-clear search field on close
;^111F67D1C0E01057=vedi default FX presets
;^146E11E319517217=Dock FX browser in Docker
04F8C491E59F6D16=Resetta a default
F44B3B65D54ABF39=Posizione Docker agganciato: in fondo
2380E7FD8149F997=Posizione Docker agganciato: sinistra
D8FAB2121646193D=Posizione Docker agganciato: in alto
5E8D40F513E44208=Posizione Docker agganciato: a destra
0E9C63761FCBD7E9=Compatta docker con tab picoli e singoli
AD1CD450EA65F62C=Imposta opacit
358730B81FD48466=Opacizza quando attivo
052CF490C8935FF2=Nascondi dock
08FEB056C6CB9471=Chiudi tutte le finestra nel dock
;^A66F5FD1FF70F568=Attach Docker to main window

F09282AB2265717E=Configura ingresso...\t(Doppio click)
1D543734374ACE0C=Abilita ingresso
0E5C993D86877C8B=Configura uscite...\t(Doubleclick)
A9344E96F9B31CB5=Abilita uscite
93EEC90080C3DE4B=Invia clock/SPP a uscita
477300E83FE78CB0=Modalit a bassa latenza (bassa precisione)
EB5E8375C34F1C4B=Ingresso Joystick
CCAAFAE3CB594CFC=Modifica definizione joystick
D9BD69B4051BEF73=Rimuovi joystick
;^4F32BF040299F0AA=Enable input for control messages
62B5C30DD2584D2B=Visualizza lista plugin
003BBBD75A6F3E50=Posiziona Tastiera Midi virtuale in Docker
C82A15933756388D=Invia tutti gli ingressi tastiera alla tastiera MIDI virtuale (
anche quando altre finestre sono attiva)
29ADE871FA5ECAEC=Chiudi Tastiera MIDI virtuale
11C2A8EF2D4D0B89=Posiziona Big Clock in Docker
99E596DF7A76F683=Minuti : Secondi
244F88679EDC8725=Misure . Beats
C82943307FA13A9A=Ore : Minuti : Secondi : Frames
BBD1E9E9B1450DAD=Chiudi Big Clock
;^3E7CD7C393BEE92F=Use ruler time unit
8E0F29FA518606A7=Esporta libreria preset...
4286FE12A3641684=Importa libreria preset...
;^37E1C985732EDDC1=Save preset...
;^B814E3BFB72A607B=Delete preset
B80C8E5B6971AE30=Posiziona Screensets in Docker
;^82EE5475CB6FCE9F=Close window
F53ED82DF3FD2828=Visualizza finestra dialogo effetto
;^3D90226E6ACF7B65=Passa a FX bypass
;^0A406B52D72D3189=Passa a traccia mute

A323B989757B042A=Importa VST patch/bank file (.fxp/.fxb)...
4D7E1F0F4DFA5B57=Esportat VST patch/bank file (.fxp/.fxb)...
;^37E1C985732EDDC1=Save preset...
;^77D4606E1E255B38=Save preset as default...
;^B814E3BFB72A607B=Delete preset
;^888CF2A8F9990B9E=Rename preset...
;^A35385C769502F3F=Move up
;^E485FC63E796EFFA=Move down
;^1E031E71B52167CD=Import preset library (.rpl)...
;^B9ABDBF036490D44=Export preset library (.rpl)...
;^7F8BE88D07D058A1=Link to MIDI program change
;^DF45382BC646671C=No link
;^674FB3DE1B272051=Canale 1
;^674FB0DE1B271B38=Channel 2
;^674FB1DE1B271CEB=Channel 3
;^674FB6DE1B27256A=Channel 4
;^674FB7DE1B27271D=Channel 5
;^674FB4DE1B272204=Channel 6
;^674FB5DE1B2723B7=Channel 7
;^674FAADE1B271106=Channel 8
;^674FABDE1B2712B9=Channel 9
;^B38F0368237C04D3=Channel 10
;^B38F0268237C0320=Channel 11
;^B38F0568237C0839=Channel 12
;^B38F0468237C0686=Channel 13
;^B38F0768237C0B9F=Channel 14
;^B38F0668237C09EC=Channel 15
;^B38F0968237C0F05=Channel 16
;^A2AD8A8A1376F812=Compatibility settings
;^9590CA1D43A60188=Plug-in state data size: 0 kB
;^C35B6227A5807B01=Save minimal undo states
;^54BE0C4F3DB86B76=Save state as VST bank (default)
;^7C52DE0969C08A82=Buggy plug-in compatibility mode
;^E4053920A9B5A25A=Go to start of project
;^5F00BE84E91B6C9B=Go to previous marker
;^94D3B132B355DDD4=Use transport home/end for markers
;^5D5B152A913BF2D1=Go to end of project
;^51B4B159DD69FD3B=Go to next marker
;^94D3B132B355DDD4=Use transport home/end for markers
CF2B5A2D9ABD1375=Chiudi progetto corrente
80E1706B6AD3A6D6=Visualizza sempre i Tab di progetto
DE78E244B23E9BF7=Nascondi finestre in background di progetto FX/MIDI
6A701714DA8FFBDE=Usa progetti in background
47CF086A1167A6AF=Usa progetti in background bloccati
430E13289C8F797D=Blocca la riproduzione in background del progetto se il progett
o attivo
19913BC408CBC6BF=Sincronizza start di riproduzione w/ con progetto in background
9AE6E5D07F26251B=Media progetto bacground offline

;^385A68019D9A9A61=New project tab

E596C2C9B4F74069=Modifica ...\tDoubleclick
89596FF1ACD07302=Rimuovi Marker\tAlt+Click
701DD219CAF4A724=Modifica Edit Regione...\tShift+Doubleclick
9DE3EFE448C02203=Seleziona Regione\tDoubleclick
AD44E0ADD0C31560=Rimuovi Regione\tAlt+Click
F3794F93A2DBC89C=Modifica marker di metrica...\tDoubleclick
C6EA5D6FC216DE25=Rimuovi marker di metrica\tAlt+Click
30881DAA19328F74=&Esporta tutto...
3F9128003254B6E0=&Esporta oggetti selezionate...
679AA9DAD6025F8B=Ripristinare tutte le associazioni di scelta rapida alle impost
azioni di fabbrica
C3D8EFE45F703F1E=Togli solo a tutti\tCtrl
0A402909D6AF8FBE=Solo Esclusivo\tCtrl+Alt
FD1704F2BC83F2D8=Solo defeat\tCtrl+Shift
;^76EE6BE79431DD36=Ignore selection\tShift
23237C73B0B284D4=Togli mute a tutti\tCtrl
A6C4062EE7DAE214=Muto esclusivo\tCtrl+Alt
2A8FBC3E8B12D0D2=Rendi Mute tutti gli altri\tAlt
;^76EE6BE79431DD36=Ignore selection\tShift
7C5F9CD63D02797C=Dettagli di tracce/oggetti/inviluppi selezionati
887622B09469C795=CPU/RAM in uso, tempo dall'ultimo salvataggio
A8EC82994F5840E3=Contatore Tracce/oggetti
ED432963CB17CE8E=Aiuti per REAPER
D1D35C65C6B83D9C=Nessuna informazione visualizzata
B8C33ECCB30AE714=Visualizza el di modifica al mouse
A1A9B1D944B5CD55=context menu

E62C127D8E57826D=resetta menu
40C2B30220B6B29A=Resetta menu/toolbar correnti a default
5AB19C9C9F1E5320=Resetta tutti i menu a defaults
4B511B83E1912702=Resetta tuttel le toolbars a default
E25C01AE063BC448=Esporta menu
6C71A82BB8F8529C=Esporta tutti i menus/toolbars in un file ReaperMenuSet...
D9A206BCE996E764=Esporta menu/toolbar correnti in un file ReaperMenu...
CE2F0C4F975A25BA=Menu toolbar ctx
8873F6AC4C349AF6=Inserisci azione...
5B4A7F3DF7771A45=Inserisci separatore
9E75FDFABCE5A4DF=Cambia azione...
13268988F2D2D6A2=Cambia icona...
4D8F9175C9D8DC8D=Icona di testo...
98791BA57BAEDAF6=Imposta icona di default
7D14FAF12A4FEFE8=toolbar spazio vuoto ctx
CEE90C75972143D7=Visualizza toolbar distaccata
0EDB78ECDD1F48E1=Personalizza questa toolbar...
19AEDAA933A733CD=icona menu
F693834CABA4C9E3=Aggiungi oggetto...\tA, Insert
6650ACE8FE9BB205=Cancella oggetti selezionate\tDel
6B10E47BB5FD619A=Seleziona tutto\tCtrl+A
EB446AE89713DE5E=Selezionando una oggetto si seleziona tutto il suo grupp
;^A354AA07A4DF9BBD=Enable grouping
D9CBC40C0B67A0B5=Selezione Mirror in bay e progetto
34BADD89C1F25031=Zoom/scorri a oggetti media selezionate quando selezione mirror
8A3DB06688BF01E5=Usa le ultime oggetti selezionate come fonte per\"disegnare una
copia\" azione mouse
2601FB1C465D52B1=Inizia il preascolto alla bar se il progetto in riproduzione
04F1CA3D19FB10FB=Preascolto media con barra spazio
97747ED8D967D535=Preascolto media in loop
775BD3A429699ABB=Anteprima fonte media in traccia selezionata
59E7EFE70C3B20C2=Anteprima oggetto media attraverso traccia selezionata
05FFC47CCDC762D6=Filtro attivo
09C7826FFD7FA297=Ripulisci bay quando cambio progetto
3A2E7041ACAA88DC=Automaticamente conservare elementi multimediali quando viene r
imosso dal progetto
848DD5C419E4EDA4=Posiziona Project Bay in Docker
;^FE0BBBB916484A16=New project bay window
;^82EE5475CB6FCE9F=Close window
88F334DEA91EE003=Includi plugins trovati nelle sottocartelle

2CE99B208A9CC604=Includi plugins Cockos nella vista della cartella VST

A77977CDCE6B436E=Visualizza percorso completo al VSTs
EAA22874AC7EECF8=Ricorda l'ultimo filtro azioni
A04C4EA23D1F025E=Visualizza IDs azioni
9B042869A79FA02B=Posiziona finestra azioni in Docker
;^82EE5475CB6FCE9F=Close window
;^3E1E032211F699E5=Auto-crossfade media items when editing
;^3A2761697FE8C69E=Trim content behind media items when editing
3D3F09D279B09D88=Applica cambiamenti dopo 2 secondi di inattivit
955759B7BDB8B435=Finestra propriet oggetto in Docker
;^82EE5475CB6FCE9F=Close window
AC72775A423346DF=Cancella tracce selezionate
F2A09386DF1BC176=Visualizza traccia Master nel Pannello Tracce
B7CCCC2B737AFE13=Rientro brani in cartelle
3FDF998A8BF65409=Visualizza tracce child se la cartella principale visualizzata
A9ED46BAAAEA368F=Permetti il riordino delle tracce attraverso il Manager tracce
D0B04F6FFA867689=Selezione traccia Mirror
0686B5216A3A1FA2=Scorri a traccia selezionata quando mirror selezionato
86CBE5E14DB5E032=Collega visibilit TCP/mixer
B9AA043D9A67981F=Nascondi tracce non filtrate in TCP
A0C4F5072F8ED0D9=Nascondi tracce non filtrate nel mixer
108CE6CDF93FB571=Chiudi Gestione tracce alla presseione di enter nella casella f
996C6D986C53776D=Posiziona finestra Pannello Tracce nel Docker
;^82EE5475CB6FCE9F=Close window
8AC3F18DED018764=Apri toolbar
7C3B88238C71DAA1=Toolbar Principale
27C488257589FFA9=Toolbar 1
27C485257589FA90=Toolbar 2
27C486257589FC43=Toolbar 3
27C48B25758A04C2=Toolbar 4
27C48C25758A0675=Toolbar 5
27C48925758A015C=Toolbar 6
27C48A25758A030F=Toolbar 7
27C48F25758A0B8E=Toolbar 8
8C591324B04C3AED=MIDI piano roll toolbar
1A6E49AB086243F9=MIDI 1
1A6E46AB08623EE0=MIDI 2
1A6E47AB08624093=MIDI 3
1A6E4CAB08624912=MIDI 4
177808ACA4766FD7=Posizione toolbar
0E304AE7AAD82688=Alla toolbar principale
A4E01EE011312CD9=In cima alla finestra principale
7CA48A79F9CA04C2=Nel MIDI Editor

01437BA20D04BEC5=Nella Toolbar Docker

8E33C7D293D09496=Chiudi toolbar
820BD2CADF2656A5=Personalizza toolbar...
;^37E1C985732EDDC1=Save preset...
;^77D4606E1E255B38=Save preset as default...
;^B814E3BFB72A607B=Delete preset
;^888CF2A8F9990B9E=Rename preset...
;^A35385C769502F3F=Move up
;^E485FC63E796EFFA=Move down
;^1E031E71B52167CD=Import preset library (.rpl)...
;^B9ABDBF036490D44=Export preset library (.rpl)...
6EC184D0BA9D086C=Esporta preset AU(.aupreset)...
;^37E1C985732EDDC1=Save preset...
;^77D4606E1E255B38=Save preset as default...
;^B814E3BFB72A607B=Delete preset
;^888CF2A8F9990B9E=Rename preset...
;^A35385C769502F3F=Move up
;^E485FC63E796EFFA=Move down
;^1E031E71B52167CD=Import preset library (.rpl)...
;^B9ABDBF036490D44=Export preset library (.rpl)...
;^7F8BE88D07D058A1=Link to MIDI program change
;^DF45382BC646671C=No link
;^674FB3DE1B272051=Channel 1
;^674FB0DE1B271B38=Channel 2
;^674FB1DE1B271CEB=Channel 3
;^674FB6DE1B27256A=Channel 4
;^674FB7DE1B27271D=Channel 5
;^674FB4DE1B272204=Channel 6
;^674FB5DE1B2723B7=Channel 7
;^674FAADE1B271106=Channel 8
;^674FABDE1B2712B9=Channel 9
;^B38F0368237C04D3=Channel 10
;^B38F0268237C0320=Channel 11
;^B38F0568237C0839=Channel 12
;^B38F0468237C0686=Channel 13
;^B38F0768237C0B9F=Channel 14
;^B38F0668237C09EC=Channel 15
;^B38F0968237C0F05=Channel 16
;^A2AD8A8A1376F812=Compatibility settings
;^9590CA1D43A60188=Plug-in state data size: 0 kB
;^C35B6227A5807B01=Save minimal undo states
;^7C52DE0969C08A82=Buggy plug-in compatibility mode
A5702B77A90FF044=Cancella markers/regioni selezionate
2D61AF160D7E2995=Marca le regioni selezionate che devono essere renderizzate
E0B7001F471772F7=Marca tutte lre regioni da renderizzare
043AE1AC506F3B9D=Rinumera nell'ordine della linea tempo(markers, poi regioni)
ECFB52799234A524=cerca il playback quando selezioni un marker o una regione
7EA6A49B50794E5A=Metti il Manager delle Regioni in Docker
;^82EE5475CB6FCE9F=Close window

BF1E0238E0279AA6=Impostazioni Scheda audio...

7EADF5D64418D79C=Impostazioni Media...
1FDCC175888411EF=Visualizza spazio libero su disco
969CFFE78478CD98=visualizza cartella di registrazione
9F08F648821A3560=Visualizza nome volume in registrazione
11F8FDC658365148=Visualizza formato di registrazione
299C2A7496ED95D0=Visualizza informazioni scheda audio
B7B48C93686F30EA=Cartella Media:
FA183511BDBBC440=Cartella secondaria:
;^62473318FFD2829F=[recording settings]
FD994A8441A52701=Toolbar Principale
31EA0D9166E92914=Nuovo Progetto...
C83C5309F0D5EEC0=Apri progetto...
D13A2D9F38411FDF=Salva progetto
CC14188D4AC6BB5D=Impostazioni progetto...
7CE64A834287F5A0=Attiva auto-crossfade
AB9A2766519667D6=Abilita modifica ripple
CEC3D5DF2AA40AD1=visualizza griglia finestra arrange
C6255BD28268CF21=Toolbar indipendente 1
C62558D28268CA08=Toolbar indipendente 2
C62559D28268CBBB=Toolbar indipendente 3
C6255ED28268D43A=Toolbar indipendente 4
C6255FD28268D5ED=Toolbar indipendente 5
C6255CD28268D0D4=Toolbar indipendente 6
C6255DD28268D287=Toolbar indipendente 7
C62552D28268BFD6=Toolbar indipendente 8
A93F886EA09D5DA6=MIDI Toolbar indipendente 1
A93F876EA09D5BF3=MIDI Toolbar indipendente 2
A93F866EA09D5A40=MIDI Toolbar indipendente 3
A93F8D6EA09D6625=MIDI Toolbar indipendente 4
;^2B7EEDEAE2DA5D5C=Enable metronome
;^A354AA07A4DF9BBD=Enable grouping
;^21F4EDEE5D02BA27=Move envelope points with media items
;^59111F850FAE5C14=Enable snapping
;^698028640C29E8A9=Enable locking
40E2276DF7BB69E5=Forza il Force
B902D175745A2465=Conserva tutte le oggetti
2207107240DB51BB=Rimuovi tutte le oggetti che non sono usate nel progetto
5732D271C73C1205=Rinomina bay...
5234CEE79A159E40=Cancella bay
;^FE0BBBB916484A16=New project bay window
;^3E6F5B4FF4F5BC43=Create new folder...
;^D86C7175F627BC38=Select all items
;26FC58CEF44C94A5=Thank you for purchasing REAPER!
;8DBC8A2AB4B8051D=REAPER IS NOT FREE.\r\n\r\nIt is a paid software product just
like one you buy in a box from a store.\r\nIf you use it more than 30 days you a
re required to purchase a license.
;B447AAFC75584E81=You have been using REAPER for approximately
;11F529656E722695=You have been evaluating REAPER for approximately
;8814EC6D42D9DBCC=1 day

;D0E83932879B1FE1=%d days
;91A3A621CEA91E58=You have run REAPER
;26693E25829DF457=1 time
;DEAD0DB0B630B538=%d times
;E1724295AF0E72B0=for a total of
;41C57231FB923701=REAPER licenses are very reasonably priced.\r\nWe offer discou
nts for personal non-commercial use, and for very small businesses.
;0035F90FBE34516F=We are showing you this message, instead of crippling this eva
luation version of REAPER, because we do not feel that technological enforcement
of licensing policy is in the best interest of our customers.
;04FA9C99A7E3E33F=Remove license key
;8B9A76F494C70F92=Are you sure you wish to remove the current license key?\r\n\r
\n(you must have a copy of the key file in order to re-authorize this installati
;63A8748786CE1342=Confirm removal of license key
;1233760996DC4604=Import license key:
;510C2D221F9562E4=Error importing license key
;9ED57C7769D0C7C0=Could not write file
;7F8EA1BD935B9BFF=Could not read file
;254ABC5AE33BD903=Error writing file
;28E12469A3271389=Thank You!
;D03DC131AB7C4B2C=Buy Me [%d]
;32EE0E776F726A01=Still Evaluating
;E347F43935F8D866=License and User Agreement
;^756B500741E261D4=Import license key...
;F112CE558C181981=Main (alt recording)
;7DAA9DD94200C2E3=MIDI Event List Editor
;6A5D37D2C8B9C8B0=MIDI Inline Editor
;^271D7187C80C7F43=MIDI Editor
;^2D64A463B95C3074=Media Explorer
;B22FA7BBB4DD7E48=Choose parameter value
;A0C164A6C7D027F7=Parameter value fader
;079B788289228703=Parameter value
;162FD84975BC4CE1=Parameter name
;867BE45A06BB40B5=Volume fader
;638F46E6F7B79ADA=Pan fader
;D1316306EBB2E438=MIDI volume/pan
;D819B1DFEE12DD2C=Envelopes and automation
;079205866C162CD8=Destination audio channel
;64AB50E4099E33AC=Source MIDI channel
;1C093EB282A5A3A5=Destination MIDI channel
;5B4707EAEAE603E3=Source audio channel
;1D03CA1E4D643DE3=Send type
;ECF48DC3C654D972=Envelope name
;6FC963E746256797=Envelope fader
;E93215673B41CADD=Arm envelope
;3A9ADC9DA69E3D44=Learn parameter
;B6E1FE53ECA156DA=Effect list
;2A19AFC7E3012A13=Effect parameter list
;439F0F145885FC7B=Sends and hardware outputs
;0F1074F2FAA2DE03=on master track

;5F987D517BBE6A5D=on Track
;56F7F00B066C698D=Width fader
;4CB4B88CCA7BB5C9=Effects bypass
;569C5EC811B0E082=Track phase/polarity
;2F7A3428D0D5D162=Folder compact
;805FA5E4D9F5B1C4=Record monitor
;7A478F10E2F26AA9=Record mode
;005EBAAE989E6886=Record input
;9539AC11B16E4AFC=Track input effects
;167931C280274720=Master Mono
;8478D30844F5A2CE=Effect parameters
;D6CFE702FAAA73E3=Mixer menu
;A9B8AF9963724A14=Record monitoring
;466B63D9B05EE293=Input effects
;48DF0C4710156F27=Reset track phase/polarity
;D7D7813A12316614=Invert track phase/polarity
;0FEAC492424571DA=Unmute track
;2412196B9E8B23D1=Mute track
;C1759E82862913E4=Unsolo track
;D8CD3036A319B54F=Solo track
;E865450444B46E8A=Unmute master track
;F0E8BA5473B39A27=Mute master track
;A450342E6EFE51C8=Unsolo master track
;A30CB28F6A402BE9=Solo master track
;473D8296A5FDA495=Set master track to stereo
;7193715148CFC082=Set master track to mono
;75E0F85E2EE923A8=Record arm disable
;E2C9C79F6B65C29B=Record arm enable
;20696925A8416535=tap tempo button
;1C9701F6A4AD516D=current BPM
;35407B791C3D007F=current time signature
;35E640A4A2ACE91B=Playrate fader
;^FA08A03DC81EC720=Plug-in name
;^CD674FEA536FDABD=Hide envelope
;^051CA74B46992E79=Bypass envelope
;^C35BB11D6C364CCC=Parameter modulation
;^DD0CE22D75D36ED1=Track name
;^978AC938BDD65877=Track number
;^61EB857EEC517894=Record arm
;^B61E6643CE61DA4C=Envelopes and Automation
;38A196CB11DA0146=Drag actions here...
;A561B455F5DE58BB=This key is already mapped to the action:
;343573884A47DD66=Override mapping?
;513AA1C62B6074BA=Cmd ID
;F1779AB71C71FFA9=Custom ID

;EB0131ECDA17D24C=Edit Custom Action
;E4850748DBD946C8=Create Custom Action
;1AA754B58DA60919=Action: Prompt to continue (only valid within custom actions)
;4A46D7685C3008EB=Action: Set action loop start (only valid within custom action
;A8C82398AD19C4B3=Action: Prompt to go to action loop start (only valid within c
ustom actions)
;C42954685F2D835E=Action: Modify MIDI CC/mousewheel: negative
;F41A70612CE2A852=Action: Modify MIDI CC/mousewheel: 0.5x
;2AE8C21454EEF0CB=Action: Modify MIDI CC/mousewheel: 2x
;4672BAAC0908DDDE=Action: Modify MIDI CC/mousewheel: +10%
;5B9C92BB7B184720=Action: Modify MIDI CC/mousewheel: -10%
;0F53238DFA888E19=Action: Repeat the most recent action
;446E5A2727582719=Action: Repeat the action prior to the most recent action
;3493CF816CA136A0=Action: Wait 0.1 seconds before next action
;190826E3A926ACB4=Action: Wait 0.5 seconds before next action
;10DB7DD87957898B=Action: Wait 1 second before next action
;107D399F076E4F12=Action: Wait 5 seconds before next action
;5E2379656CA9B280=Action: Wait 10 seconds before next action
;1496E8B2419A3A3A=Action: Skip next action if CC parameter <0/mid
;AA95131B78A76514=Action: Skip next action if CC parameter >0/mid
;00A0C3A2DD176E45=Action: Skip next action if CC parameter <=0/mid
;982F00C78CC47913=Action: Skip next action if CC parameter >=0/mid
;9046E7EF37D2C372=Action: Skip next action if CC parameter ==0/mid
;874E80026BAE804E=Action: Skip next action if CC parameter !=0/mid
;E24313E909A38922=File: New project
;D8EAEC8723B4BE66=File: Open project
;407FE553F54C242B=File: Save project
;8E55FE35A9D0C7FD=File: Save project as...
;D2AB4A224117B0ED=File: Save project as template...
;8E98EAC8956D69CC=Show REAPER resource path in explorer
;888BD0B9E357DEEC=Show record path in explorer
;D1DFE7D38EC11692=Show secondary record path in explorer
;7CDA8088D20ECBAF=Show REAPER resource path in finder
;8AFA422C588E9DCF=Show record path in finder
;998CE1539E8B1985=Show secondary record path in finder
;DD3635C170AC6306=Close current project tab
;B5BB3A5FCD448008=File: Close all projects
;5190970076F07399=File: Save all projects
;149275CBEB546F48=Next project tab
;F76DD04A785D875C=Previous project tab
;4C3C1873F861A1AA=Project tabs: Toggle offline background project media
;271AFF45E081945D=Project tabs: Toggle run background projects

;32838AF6ABB5222C=Project tabs: Toggle run stopped background projects

;34B2B23E8C9ECCAF=Project tabs: Toggle always show project tabs
;504C2DC428B3AF5F=Project tabs: Toggle hide all background project windows
;CE8481C6618EC000=Project tabs: Play stopped background projects with active pro
;6F4056EFBF94BC1A=Project tabs: Synchronize play start times w/ play background
;7EDD8A4C4201D89A=Media explorer: Preview media item source media
;92DFF853EBD1E8C3=File: Export configuration
;F515722983BBDBE4=File: Import configuration
;D008FC1B5EBC6C22=File: Render project to disk...
;4C4608595ADA9455=File: Show render queue
;B24038C9D70D412C=Render all queued renders
;70306D5284F1DADA=File: Consolidate tracks...
;DB16514AE004EB15=File: Export project MIDI...
;9C1AE6C136586F49=Record: Start new files during recording
;14CD7C34000BB61F=Record: Remove recorded media not yet in project
;D986D79A9D8DD5F3=Record: Add recorded media to project
;9190649ABDED94B4=File: Save live output to disk (bounce)...
;E82139AC2B494143=File: Quit REAPER
;1F6C05DD4FC3F55F=File: Spawn new instance of REAPER
;F8E16F797AA9F981=File: Project settings...
;33729D3C862FBBF0=Project recording settings
;3F4FFAC6323D3F8D=Options: Preferences...
;4363704931476B4C=Options: Toggle always on top
;107E01D3BB0EDF23=Options: Mouse modifier preferences...
;22CF2B9845E74AB8=Show external timecode synchronization settings
;27562CC1EFDBBA3A=Toggle external timecode synchronization
;1D6966ABDC99CE76=Convert active take MIDI to in-project MIDI source data
;CA388823ACC2DA0B=Track: Toggle automatic record-arm when track selected
;D60C65826C48E49F=Track: Set automatic record-arm when track selected
;F68468D6A7730EF0=Track: Clear automatic record-arm
;B62DA51289CEEDCA=Track: Set/clear all tracks automatic record-arm
;5A9EFFCD406D772A=Options: Show snap/grid settings
;8AB4515AF2D7E30F=Options: Toggle snapping
;4D45D1F1036CBE7D=Snapping: Disable snap
;16E14F0BB6EDC932=Snapping: Enable snap
;D4297CB151DB3645=Snapping: Save snap state
;8FD600867E034DDE=Snapping: Restore snap state
;0719451959248D18=Options: Show lock settings
;580ECBD0F27D5F14=Options: Toggle locking
;D5A3F01E52083547=Options: Show metronome/pre-roll settings
;4F4304F6242BC1AD=Options: Toggle metronome
;478E3E7D0D50DED4=Options: Toggle grid lines
;835A72540D13937B=Options: Toggle item grouping override
;DB28D820D336FAFA=Options: Selecting one grouped item selects group
;9F2D62C28DA80120=Options: Cycle ripple editing mode
;F4429A448E9EA9FE=Options: Ripple editing: Off
;9BA5EE04A2F0FEAE=Options: Ripple editing: Per-track
;4CAB246F6EB13EFC=Options: Ripple editing: All tracks
;31E5DAFF2A8FF007=Options: Cycle through editing modes: auto-crossfade off, auto
-crossfade on, trim content behind items
;E21075BD98AF7AA6=Options: Toggle auto-crossfade on/off
;1E4766DCED9DBA57=Options: Toggle trim behind items when editing
;60F6691758285B83=Options: Enable auto-crossfades
;5B59867D5C459C1E=Options: Disable auto-crossfades
;932DB6ABB08F8B5E=Options: Enable trim behind items when editing
;7E99C8B877E24479=Options: Disable trim behind items when editing
;6137A4BCD2B46E84=Options: Toggle auto-crossfade on split
;824C74C8CEBF519B=Options: Enable auto-crossfade on split

;FF7112FE99086902=Options: Disable auto-crossfade on split

;A30B2B8B120377A7=Item: Crossfade selected items within time selection
;6E3CDC23E9D8EEDE=Item: Remove content (trim) behind items
;B11A5953B349F955=Item: Crossfade any overlapping items
;B3F85583CA961424=Item: Adjust crossfade time for overlapping or touching items.
;2A12F849C2A3A725=Item: Set fade-in shape to type 1
;2A12F549C2A3A20C=Item: Set fade-in shape to type 2
;2A12F649C2A3A3BF=Item: Set fade-in shape to type 3
;2A12F349C2A39EA6=Item: Set fade-in shape to type 4
;2A12F449C2A3A059=Item: Set fade-in shape to type 5
;2A12F149C2A39B40=Item: Set fade-in shape to type 6
;903EF5D17CEFC953=Item: Cycle through fade-in shapes
;B22682657454C6DC=Item: Set fade-out shape to type 1
;B22685657454CBF5=Item: Set fade-out shape to type 2
;B22684657454CA42=Item: Set fade-out shape to type 3
;B2267F657454C1C3=Item: Set fade-out shape to type 4
;B2267E657454C010=Item: Set fade-out shape to type 5
;B22681657454C529=Item: Set fade-out shape to type 6
;9701ED149F85A77A=Item: Cycle through fade-out shapes
;C2321CDD8A379011=Item: Set crossfade shape to type 1
;C23219DD8A378AF8=Item: Set crossfade shape to type 2
;C2321ADD8A378CAB=Item: Set crossfade shape to type 3
;C2321FDD8A37952A=Item: Set crossfade shape to type 4
;C23220DD8A3796DD=Item: Set crossfade shape to type 5
;C2321DDD8A3791C4=Item: Set crossfade shape to type 6
;955BFB0835E65443=Item: Cycle through crossfade shapes
;532A77083BADBD31=Options: Switch to next color theme
;618F5275A4493071=Options: Switch to previous color theme
;0F28A798227CA8EA=Options: Switch to a random color theme
;B08D50D7395155A5=Audio device configuration...
;38E32CA73EA0F72A=Help: About REAPER
;9A8F88E41A7E1EF0=Help: Check for new versions
;50780694FB7DBB04=Help: Mouse modifier keys and action shortcuts
;36DEDC3F2C88F762=Help: All actions
;6557F68646BF5037=Help: Show mouse editing help in the area beneath the track co
ntrol panels
;0C5D60E062F75F5B=View: Show Docker
;6B13C8B8F1B6412B=View: Show undo history window
;BB412E4A51CD5FAA=View: Show performance meter window
;E92ACF94FEF6AA7B=Performance meter: Reset graph
;7AB69AA58BA0B14C=View: Show routing matrix window
;B32F4C755FEB3920=View: Show track grouping matrix window
;584FE693AF293240=View: Show navigator window
;6F3C80C4D8C07EB9=File: Batch file converter
;51484DCF6B97F403=View: Show big clock window
;EB834E51BF922204=View: Show screen/track/item sets window
;DD3B66C25DD05FE7=View: Show track manager window
;8472CE7CE866A8D4=View: Show region manager window
;A2857B0D41FEFAAC=Regions: Mark all regions to be rendered
;8D057C3C83B906C6=Layout: Default layout
;AF71124FE9445410=Layout: apply custom layout #01
;AF71154FE9445929=Layout: apply custom layout #02
;AF71144FE9445776=Layout: apply custom layout #03
;AF71174FE9445C8F=Layout: apply custom layout #04
;AF71164FE9445ADC=Layout: apply custom layout #05
;AF71194FE9445FF5=Layout: apply custom layout #06
;AF71184FE9445E42=Layout: apply custom layout #07
;AF711B4FE944635B=Layout: apply custom layout #08
;AF711A4FE94461A8=Layout: apply custom layout #09

;AF6DAD4FE941729A=Layout: apply custom layout #10

;AF6DAE4FE941744D=Layout: apply custom layout #11
;AF6DAB4FE9416F34=Layout: apply custom layout #12
;AF6DAC4FE94170E7=Layout: apply custom layout #13
;AF6DA94FE9416BCE=Layout: apply custom layout #14
;AF6DAA4FE9416D81=Layout: apply custom layout #15
;AF6DA74FE9416868=Layout: apply custom layout #16
;AF6DA84FE9416A1B=Layout: apply custom layout #17
;AF6DA54FE9416502=Layout: apply custom layout #18
;AF6DA64FE94166B5=Layout: apply custom layout #19
;AF6A274FE93E5911=Layout: apply custom layout #20
;657686930C803008=View: Show project bay window
;0A1DCCA30B8AE03E=View: Show project bay window 2
;0A1DCDA30B8AE1F1=View: Show project bay window 3
;0A1DCEA30B8AE3A4=View: Show project bay window 4
;0A1DCFA30B8AE557=View: Show project bay window 5
;0A1DD0A30B8AE70A=View: Show project bay window 6
;0A1DD1A30B8AE8BD=View: Show project bay window 7
;0A1DC2A30B8ACF40=View: Show project bay window 8
;834787398B9E9DA6=Project bay: force refresh
;BC7AA5A7AA5D8DAA=Track: Lock track controls
;25A5DF5320FAD9C7=Track: Unlock track controls
;591FD0534E6084E3=Track: Toggle lock/unlock track controls
;132F905CC961F134=Track: Select all tracks that have controls locked
;BE8E71E68F96D9B8=View: Show Virtual MIDI keyboard
;503BD57793C8F423=Virtual MIDI Keyboard: Send all input to VKB
;2FC12DF4E5922DE7=View: Show FX browser window
;AEC65B546F6F48C4=Show color theme element finder
;CDCEC93073D9BE1F=View: Move edit cursor to mouse cursor (no snapping)
;9651E9DF18C79AF7=View: Go to cursor
;BAD7575928C32386=View: Go to play position
;CCF1BEACA07CEA68=Item navigation: Move cursor left to edge of item
;033B76FBD1B28E85=Item navigation: Move cursor right to edge of item
;B1000D5ABF57152B=Item navigation: Select and move to previous item
;B68111AB2DEE4A43=Item navigation: Select and move to next item
;E07E106A20EAFFC9=Item navigation: Select and move to item in previous track
;E8CE83ABE2A14505=Item navigation: Select and move to item in next track
;84CD9DBA09D74429=Item navigation: Select and move to item in previous track wit
hout changing track selection
;C867220CB986758D=Item navigation: Select and move to item in next track without
changing track selection
;85111644DEE83DF4=Item navigation: Move cursor to next transient in items
;29486BC619CDBB54=Item navigation: Move cursor to previous transient in items
;2FD7DEB5FE988FE9=Item navigation: Move cursor to nearest transient in items
;1D282D90F3BE5CC9=Item navigation: Move cursor left to nearest item edge
;4D05ECD42610F25A=Item navigation: Move cursor right to nearest item edge
;DCD54224DDAD8F5B=Item navigation: Move cursor to start of items
;FE0F298308FD3CE0=Item navigation: Move cursor to end of items
;5A6F2FCB4A676914=Time selection: Extend time selection to next transient in ite
;DEC8EFB0B839B232=Time selection: Swap left edge of time selection to next trans
ient in items
;0AFDDE2D8EE6FDAE=View: Jump to time window
;B1F7459FE8FA8C2B=View: Toggle Mixer visible
;E55EAB757777FE73=View: Toggle master track visible
;555398EADC79FBF7=View: Toggle transport visible
;EE33067948F133F0=Transport: Tap tempo
;5FF945AD0BE17B42=Transport: Set playrate to 1.0
;C2B7CB05F3E0BC2D=Transport: Increase playrate by ~6% (one semitone)
;5AA7E9D6DDC3007D=Transport: Decrease playrate by ~6% (one semitone)

;14EFCCA77BE363F7=Transport: Increase playrate by ~0.6% (10 cents)

;9B8522D5B380CC27=Transport: Decrease playrate by ~0.6% (10 cents)
;765D6DBC6F3FA990=Transport: Apply playrate to current BPM (no reset playrate)
;81593262996CC7F3=Transport: Apply playrate to current BPM
;E91C63E91B4EBE64=Tempo: Increase project tempo 01 BPM
;2EA9A16848D61878=Tempo: Decrease project tempo 01 BPM
;1C5BEE3ED522990E=Tempo: Increase project tempo 10 BPM
;65CB29A877660722=Tempo: Decrease project tempo 10 BPM
;7DA8F328E815AA02=Tempo: Increase project tempo 10 percent
;60CD1A876810CFDE=Tempo: Decrease project tempo 10 percent
;9A96017A35AA9B60=Tempo: Increase project tempo 100 percent (double)
;BB8227655FE24DCA=Tempo: Decrease project tempo 50 percent (half)
;D83812D7F8B1DBBE=Tempo: Increase project tempo 0.1 BPM
;A80F71AD9FB2CEE2=Tempo: Decrease project tempo 0.1 BPM
;881D4BEADC6E73D5=Tempo envelope: Increase all tempo markers 1 BPM
;477E8CCF1DA0DC21=Tempo envelope: Decrease all tempo markers 1 BPM
;96A2378921C5AAE3=Tempo envelope: Increase all tempo markers 0.1 BPM
;B62D3CD6E74022F7=Tempo envelope: Decrease all tempo markers 0.1 BPM
;728ACAD24C5053E9=Tempo envelope: Increase all tempo markers 0.01 BPM
;DADA87F4ECEDEBA5=Tempo envelope: Decrease all tempo markers 0.01 BPM
;448CAF9331DAE0D3=Transport: Stop (save all recorded media)
;FB58D0E9AB3F2291=Transport: Stop (DELETE all recorded media)
;CFF00DA383F4C017=Transport: Go to start of project
;2C7709CBAE96A9FC=Transport: Go to end of project
;C147D9649FB2F443=Transport: Record
;87914E3353723321=Transport: Play (skip time selection)
;9F85A0B77A176789=Transport: Rewind a little bit
;A18FD041F0D61A6D=Transport: Fast forward a little bit
;BF1497D3525CD5B6=Transport: Start/stop recording at next measure
;9D61F6FD5CD651C2=Transport: Start/stop recording at next beat
;79284C8F4038B079=Transport: Start/stop recording after 2 beats
;98C2B1C03AFA1763=Transport: Start/stop recording at edit cursor
;6BA6FF3B8B8A8693=Transport: Start/stop recording at next project marker
;C47656EDD417D8EC=Transport: Toggle transport home/end marker navigation
;60E867A9175664F6=Go to start of time selection
;E9BF8BA3D7DADFA3=Go to end of time selection
;AAC02326CAFB3C22=Go to to start of loop
;CFCBA930BA3C374F=Go to to end of loop
;6275830F6ECF7647=Move edit cursor to start of next measure
;1D95F24663C4E24B=Move edit cursor to start of current measure
;801893AE83DCDC55=Move edit cursor forward one measure
;EBBB269B0D9A682B=Move edit cursor back one measure
;8F9B01176B374DEB=Move edit cursor forward one beat
;FDBF0A1E2B117A59=Move edit cursor back one beat
;C53EEEE1E6FA74FC=Go to start of next measure
;166FF14495450306=Go to start of current measure
;5D239940BFD62658=Go forward one measure
;7FC397284F17F61C=Go back one measure
;0FF820816E4A2B3C=Go forward one beat
;258FE0DC957B1C48=Go back one beat
;473DB5685512BCC8=Markers: Go to previous marker/project start
;7241F59503D3C8F9=Markers: Go to next marker/project end
;C158415B35BFD544=Markers: Go to marker 1
;C158445B35BFDA5D=Markers: Go to marker 2
;C158435B35BFD8AA=Markers: Go to marker 3
;C1583E5B35BFD02B=Markers: Go to marker 4
;C1583D5B35BFCE78=Markers: Go to marker 5
;C158405B35BFD391=Markers: Go to marker 6
;C1583F5B35BFD1DE=Markers: Go to marker 7
;C1583A5B35BFC95F=Markers: Go to marker 8

;C158395B35BFC7AC=Markers: Go to marker 9
;48CC81FC54F7B41C=Markers: Go to marker 10
;48CC82FC54F7B5CF=Markers: Go to marker 11
;48CC83FC54F7B782=Markers: Go to marker 12
;48CC84FC54F7B935=Markers: Go to marker 13
;48CC7DFC54F7AD50=Markers: Go to marker 14
;48CC7EFC54F7AF03=Markers: Go to marker 15
;48CC7FFC54F7B0B6=Markers: Go to marker 16
;48CC80FC54F7B269=Markers: Go to marker 17
;48CC89FC54F7C1B4=Markers: Go to marker 18
;48CC8AFC54F7C367=Markers: Go to marker 19
;48D693FC55002737=Markers: Go to marker 20
;48D692FC55002584=Markers: Go to marker 21
;48D695FC55002A9D=Markers: Go to marker 22
;48D694FC550028EA=Markers: Go to marker 23
;48D68FFC5500206B=Markers: Go to marker 24
;48D68EFC55001EB8=Markers: Go to marker 25
;48D691FC550023D1=Markers: Go to marker 26
;48D690FC5500221E=Markers: Go to marker 27
;48D68BFC5500199F=Markers: Go to marker 28
;48D68AFC550017EC=Markers: Go to marker 29
;48D30DFC54FD0DAE=Markers: Go to marker 30
;9117BF3BC0456BEE=Markers: Renumber all markers in timeline order
;AB89775C42E2C276=Markers: Add/move marker 10 to play/edit cursor
;C7447B1E67C18D52=Markers: Add/move marker 1 to play/edit cursor
;B1D1DC6070DD8CF3=Markers: Add/move marker 2 to play/edit cursor
;BB5D6740911A7F60=Markers: Add/move marker 3 to play/edit cursor
;83AC351DCF3AC779=Markers: Add/move marker 4 to play/edit cursor
;B81A6D965F111346=Markers: Add/move marker 5 to play/edit cursor
;3682EF53B8B092F7=Markers: Add/move marker 6 to play/edit cursor
;B500E3519DE018C4=Markers: Add/move marker 7 to play/edit cursor
;17BD6211CBCCEFDD=Markers: Add/move marker 8 to play/edit cursor
;A6B859C8153987AA=Markers: Add/move marker 9 to play/edit cursor
;1C376C71E3F0E5BA=Time selection: Copy time selection to loop points
;6A9AA5EF008EC7DA=Time selection: Copy loop points to time selection
;D95D4A729E063D38=Loop points: Halve loop length
;99525B396FFE09DD=Loop points: Double loop length
;EAE8E7035232C682=Markers: Insert marker at current position
;39BE50DF2D35812D=Markers: Insert and/or edit marker at current position
;D4C01FF894A8021C=Markers: Insert region from time selection
;157863E2E3B7906F=Markers: Insert region from time selection and edit...
;47554FD3EC4BD0C6=Markers: Insert region from selected items
;145E5C42E2EEA4C1=Markers: Insert region from selected items and edit...
;1BCBB9FCCAC070D9=Markers: Insert separate regions for each selected item
;CCE996E5344A8C9F=Markers: Remove all markers from time selection
;644E8B1F3D643EA5=Markers: Insert time signature/tempo change marker at edit cur
;ADB0D8CF44F6DE62=Markers: Create measure from time selection (detect tempo)
;BB3CF547CD6EE5BD=Markers: Create measure from time selection (new time signatur
;358445195A145C59=Markers: Change color for marker at edit cursor...
;E792C729E0E44F23=Markers: Change color for region at edit cursor...
;FA08AF19CC837741=Set project tempo from time selection (detect tempo, align ite
ms and loop points to measure start)
;BC972366C78DB463=Markers: Delete marker near cursor
;98E30DEA116F2E86=Markers: Edit marker near cursor
;7EA5A70380AFD1D5=Markers: Delete region near cursor
;E4A0398F6EABCCF4=Markers: Edit region near cursor
;5139C48D2F4C0250=Markers: Delete time signature marker near cursor
;9796174217622CD3=Markers: Edit time signature marker near cursor

;18DA75096547B532=View: Toggle track zoom to minimum height

;664502B2A2D5E9FC=View: Toggle track zoom to maximum height
;53CA6536B74169D1=View: Toggle zoom to selected items
;5DB9500148B69769=View: Scroll view horizontally one page (MIDI CC relative/mous
;0737AE4D26551493=View: Scroll view vertically one page (MIDI CC relative/mousew
;67A50CAD325DCF57=View: Scroll view horizontally one page reversed (MIDI CC rela
;6644EF06DEBAC2DD=View: Scroll view vertically one page reversed (MIDI CC relati
;6985F8570FCDC021=View: Restore previous zoom/scroll position
;0479C095F36B9981=View: Restore next zoom/scroll position
;9777795EEC7DE0E0=View: Restore previous zoom level
;672112C8C8695A40=View: Restore next zoom level
;A08C846847F7E384=View: Expand selected track height, minimize others
;32CDC4DB624CFFB9=View: Minimize all tracks
;93BEEEE774384264=View: Increase selected track heights a little bit
;F09AA37E5C83F3E0=View: Decrease selected track heights a little bit
;5F7600C71D108A8A=View: Increase selected track heights
;8BBDF99965BB40DE=View: Decrease selected track heights
;9DBE8BA2DA32B4E2=View: Adjust selected track heights a little bit (MIDI CC rela
;48985F5360F86396=View: Adjust selected track heights (MIDI CC relative/mousewhe
;87683562B8E4A591=View: Adjust selected track heights (MIDI CC only)
;4EB97DBC65DC18B6=View: Zoom time selection
;00F1FDE3B25E716A=View: Zoom in horizontal
;81053B620920241D=View: Zoom out horizontal
;A7F68FFFF65BA47C=View: Zoom in vertical
;EEC05018D5DC7C17=View: Zoom out vertical
;4D8CFB1FB7A67586=View: Move cursor left
;5FB67E8256786B5B=View: Move cursor right
;A30090673B8F0154=View: Move cursor left to grid division
;DD2F2C375FCC1EDB=View: Move cursor right to grid division
;FEBD7AC956CF257B=Peaks: Increase peaks view gain
;0B4D03AFF7BB1DEB=Peaks: Decrease peaks view gain
;6036C02AB0C7E072=Time selection: Shift left (by time selection length)
;B5C7CA21168099E3=Time selection: Shift right (by time selection length)
;8EB999DF36D3486E=Time selection: Nudge left
;D5D34E918E74D063=Time selection: Nudge right
;26D4C1E7546F5654=Time selection: Nudge left edge left
;066183D1181091E1=Time selection: Nudge left edge right
;C08F86B21077DFF1=Time selection: Nudge right edge left
;DEC8C6BBFA76CF52=Time selection: Nudge right edge right
;9D185F7F6819CA3A=Time selection: Move cursor left, creating time selection
;2FD676A76A06F731=Time selection: Move cursor right, creating time selection
;3CE9525EFD0BEEB8=Time selection: Set start point
;7C708D8F9677BF11=Time selection: Set end point
;0B91FD5B888F00D8=Loop points: Remove loop point selection
;5824AA47E2012B9F=Time selection: Remove contents of time selection (moving late
r items)
;0D8C86A1F5DE0AAC=Time selection: Insert space at time selection (moving later i
;4D6D7B1266A0AACD=Time selection: Crop project to time selection
;7ECB11C3AD97C334=Track: Toggle all track grouping enabled
;250DD11752A06374=Track: Set track grouping parameters
;B2A9A62E9C705040=Track: Insert new track
;F0441C6322F59FB6=Track: Insert new track at end of track list
;8CC6F7A117896427=Track: Insert multiple new tracks...

;DEAD9FFB0F6992D7=Track: Duplicate tracks

;06D32E86A7057D10=Track: Remove tracks
;A695F2D05306D779=Track: Toggle track volume envelope active
;2F281EF3A5775FC9=Track: Toggle track pre-FX volume envelope active
;FE8E0B0D0D625842=Track: Toggle track pan envelope active
;54B294573C3C3192=Track: Toggle track pre-FX pan envelope active
;61D6A08044D4FB0B=Track: Toggle track volume envelope visible
;26E6566DED455B7B=Track: Toggle track pre-FX volume envelope visible
;EEFEEB2A8242A04A=Track: Toggle track pan envelope visible
;8959E6480F41FCBA=Track: Toggle track pre-FX pan envelope visible
;A1036A4E1889B2CA=Track: Toggle track mute envelope active
;CCF5C769ED04F2E2=Track: Toggle track mute envelope visible
;F4108EFAA323A81E=Track: Toggle show/hide in TCP
;AF22A722D326D288=Track: Toggle show/hide in mixer
;077EC36AC473AB94=Track: Insert new track at end of Mixer
;25FC3EDFD2440EDA=Track: Nudge track volume down
;65EA5064F6BCB41F=Track: Nudge track volume up
;D434A764C0C80D8E=Track: Nudge master track volume down
;E8B3E61859BD57BB=Track: Nudge master track volume up
;2DADFDC0D69D88DF=Item properties: Reset item pitch
;41B21FD0DDECAA43=Item properties: Pitch item up one semitone
;3D62CDB59538C8C8=Item properties: Pitch item down one semitone
;D3E899E4A691596B=Item properties: Pitch item up one cent
;E9E59B4D27B53794=Item properties: Pitch item down one cent
;90720AC275DCF661=Item properties: Pitch item up one octave
;57D8D62D8EAD0B02=Item properties: Pitch item down one octave
;338EFE2CBC0853C6=Item properties: Set item rate to 1.0
;D17FEEAB5F78CDF7=Item properties: Increase item rate by ~6% (one semitone)
;A74DF474FED3631F=Item properties: Decrease item rate by ~6% (one semitone)
;9F8E02CFDDE48615=Item properties: Increase item rate by ~0.6% (10 cents)
;9CCAD81FF8381ADD=Item properties: Decrease item rate by ~0.6% (10 cents)
;3D46E9DA0E43758C=Item properties: Increase item rate by ~6% (one semitone), cle
ar 'preserve pitch'
;E8C8EFD9B6CCFD14=Item properties: Decrease item rate by ~6% (one semitone), cle
ar 'preserve pitch'
;17B58FFE25E05D16=Item properties: Increase item rate by ~0.6% (10 cents), clear
'preserve pitch'
;1E395E1F8D62027E=Item properties: Decrease item rate by ~0.6% (10 cents), clear
'preserve pitch'
;C277FB657FABD290=View: Toggle show/hide item labels
;6573A2C151BB9B43=View: Show item labels
;62063DA42B0C4F92=View: Hide item labels
;8DF76EBDD27DCD2E=View: Toggle show media cues in items
;28711426B3A57FB6=View: Toggle displaying labels above/within media items
;23C293CF5DF5D829=Options: Toggle loop points linked to time selection
;C1193EB8F45C482B=Options: Set loop points linked to time selection
;09D4D0A022690918=Options: Unset loop points linked to time selection
;5BB56AE9D2689E8E=Options: Solo in front
;A7CF5CAB4AC55365=Item: Set item end to cursor
;C12B08964B0A4295=Item: Set items length to source media lengths
;1ECD4843DBE0E400=Item: Heal splits in items
;02F354285BA0B687=Item: Split items at play cursor
;BB3B934D43F8B413=Item: Split items at edit or play cursor (ignoring grouping)
;548C3464DD99645E=Item: Split items at edit or play cursor
;39E1CD46D8D6FE6E=Item: Split items at time selection
;4156588963373513=Item: Split items at edit cursor (no change selection)
;8BDE5509553119C5=Item: Split items at edit cursor (select left)
;ACBAFCDBD5254A5E=Item: Split items at edit cursor (select right)
;E61AC4A06953B1BA=Item: Split item under mouse cursor
;C05A22E4B8A62706=Item: Split item under mouse cursor (select left)

;6263726A1E193C67=Item: Split item under mouse cursor (select right)

;BF1C8F1ED2DB0EAB=Item: Show FX chain for item take
;83FB6C8F56713AF5=Item: Remove FX for item take
;890986C082B073EE=Item: Mute active take of multitake item within time selection
;C9F5027F4B9F0718=Item: Solo active take of multitake item within time selection
;36B08F4124D4075C=Item: Set item mix behavior to project default
;FBE56727B15F487D=Item: Set item mix behavior to enclosed items replace enclosin
g items
;587FAA756CE718ED=Item: Set item mix behavior to always replace
;D79795F60C44BB63=Item: Set item mix behavior to always mix
;8A16AEEFE60E17DE=Item grouping: Group items
;D1BD74858F9E911A=Item grouping: Remove items from group
;1811D8EDED0868FD=Item grouping: Select all items in groups
;B27D3643A4661A49=Select all items/tracks/envelope points (depending on focus)
;18342D4F2663CD19=Item: Select all items
;3FA02B3B5D47869F=Item: Select all items in track
;39DFBB9C32C023F8=Item: Invert selection
;5E04ADE8BEE913ED=Item: Select next adjacent non-overlapping item
;7BC0B5FAA5E9E52D=Item: Select previous adjacent non-overlapping item
;B4F33B7F56809512=Item: Select item under mouse cursor
;1AC3528FD1AB54E0=Item: Select item under mouse cursor (leaving other items sele
;A1929D6196E1E6F5=Item: Toggle selection of item under mouse cursor
;DEE850C6C25BBF2B=Item: Set focus to item under mouse cursor
;19550D9F73C7E1C9=Edit: Copy items/tracks/envelope points (depending on focus) i
gnoring time selection
;B249ABBDE9EB6F2A=Edit: Cut items/tracks/envelope points (depending on focus) ig
noring time selection
;EF44F7BEA6B1348C=Edit: Copy items
;1AF677B1CA2F7ABF=Edit: Cut items
;4E097DE9026F63B2=Item: Copy selected area of items
;16E39ACEA95315D5=Item: Copy loop of selected area of audio items
;13FE796ADBA3340B=Edit: Copy items/tracks/envelope points (depending on focus) w
ithin time selection, if any (smart copy)
;0EDF75400A7CDD39=Edit: Cut items/tracks/envelope points (depending on focus) wi
thin time selection, if any (smart cut)
;B9653045D932DC48=Envelope: Copy selected points
;9A3758943493F6D3=Envelope: Cut selected points
;DB1D41A90E5E1865=Envelope: Copy points within time selection
;8C77AA1E490E5608=Envelope: Cut points within time selection
;35FD8F5747234F13=Item: Duplicate items
;745D508DFF1620BE=Item: Duplicate selected area of items
;885DF52EC7C21ECB=Track: Copy tracks
;60DDAB80A2467528=Track: Cut tracks
;6F68C9820BA3354E=Track: Save tracks as track template...
;6C5DC970ED416222=Track: Render tracks to stereo post-fader stem tracks (and mut
e originals)
;3F41F57317A9989A=Track: Render tracks to multichannel post-fader stem tracks (a
nd mute originals)
;6910279F654E373D=Track: Render tracks to mono post-fader stem tracks (and mute
;472B06C4BA491F2D=Track: Render tracks to stereo stem tracks (and mute originals
;286E9054B5D8C3F5=Track: Render tracks to multichannel stem tracks (and mute ori
;8ABFF6B27E5AF648=Track: Render tracks to mono stem tracks (and mute originals)
;BF7FACC61266AA43=Track: Render selected area of tracks to stereo post-fader ste
m tracks (and mute originals)
;957D18563B9D2E7B=Track: Render selected area of tracks to multichannel post-fad
er stem tracks (and mute originals)

;CBFC9242C1B65438=Track: Render selected area of tracks to mono post-fader stem

tracks (and mute originals)
;B769F407C1FD6F3A=Track: Render selected area of tracks to stereo stem tracks (a
nd mute originals)
;47346827A75C81E2=Track: Render selected area of tracks to multichannel stem tra
cks (and mute originals)
;1C16F71E93AABF3F=Track: Render selected area of tracks to mono stem tracks (and
mute originals)
;A8C02827E20DA027=Track: Freeze to stereo (render pre-fader, save/remove items a
nd online FX)
;34410DF671F8FE6F=Track: Freeze to multichannel (render pre-fader, save/remove i
tems and online FX)
;4E75DBC22F647F34=Track: Freeze to mono (render pre-fader, save/remove items and
online FX)
;8382600FEE3A434A=Offset track template items by edit cursor
;1451F04705E44AB3=Track: Unfreeze tracks (restore previously saved items and FX)
;597B352DEAEF0087=View: Show track freeze details
;4FC056F1B924F9DE=Track: Insert track from template...
;C4C8ED02D3C0A4AE=Item: Paste items/tracks
;B5EAAC092F526160=Item: Paste items/tracks, creating pooled (ghost) MIDI items r
egardless of Preferences/Media/MIDI settings
;D3A2C493BFE8ECE7=Item: Select all other media items that share pooled (ghost) M
IDI source data with selected items
;94C211422BB413DD=Item: Remove active take from MIDI source data pool (AKA un-po
ol, un-ghost, make unique)
;6A51BA44E813142E=Edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/8 note in length in
selected MIDI items
;3587244A7E124C45=Edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/16 note in length i
n selected MIDI items
;33AB6686161598E3=Edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/32 note in length i
n selected MIDI items
;A4589DB4834191A4=Edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/64 note in length i
n selected MIDI items
;B12D6EC943F8665B=Edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/128 note in length
in selected MIDI items
;63A21D6156B82797=Edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/256 note in length
in selected MIDI items
;B4B69E7B4E612F1A=Edit: delete notes of less than 1/8 note in length in selected
MIDI items
;2F635101BB2C5621=Edit: delete notes of less than 1/16 note in length in selecte
d MIDI items
;408CBB791E038037=Edit: delete notes of less than 1/32 note in length in selecte
d MIDI items
;4D308EC375A35DC8=Edit: delete notes of less than 1/64 note in length in selecte
d MIDI items
;4A60F722EBC6A397=Edit: delete notes of less than 1/128 note in length in select
ed MIDI items
;DC643C181CDF2283=Edit: delete notes of less than 1/256 note in length in select
ed MIDI items
;C9E4047B10AA4D00=Track: Mute/unmute tracks
;1DD1007C3B0A2B34=Track: Solo/unsolo tracks
;18F06037DF82EBD0=Track: Invert track phase
;6FCECF1EF64A1C89=Track: Set track solo defeat
;C74911E1B810ECCC=Track: Unset track solo defeat
;6A03D699DA0F4ED5=Track: Toggle track solo defeat
;2238E4113C6D76F4=Track: Unset track solo defeat (all tracks)
;E95C3B07F7C1E12A=Master track: Toggle stereo/mono (L+R)
;B50172357747F3AF=Track: Arm all tracks for recording
;92954AB9D0027FC4=Track: Unarm all tracks for recording
;162F1CDD459EB63A=Remove items/tracks/envelope points (depending on focus)

;8C9C0DE6B0ACA3FA=Remove items/tracks/envelope points (depending on focus) - no

;6B3658D5645024DE=Item: Remove items
;373CD315D1C40B0B=Insert click source
;BD7C8C372F0C4286=Insert empty item
;76E2B5E30FD63733=Insert timecode generator
;45E1449181A53B86=Insert new MIDI item...
;AD8E5E88862267AD=Insert media files...
;D48305570D8E5B2A=Item: Reverse items to new take
;33ABA04411892EA1=Item: Glue items, ignoring time selection
;D4F4B8439F50CAC3=Item: Glue items
;6CBDA6069562E102=Item: Glue items, ignoring time selection, including leading f
ade-in and trailing fade-out
;3E2FE68B1FAB3F60=Item: Glue items, including leading fade-in and trailing fadeout
;7D69048482B21693=Item: Open items in primary external editor
;B2F10036AE18CAD7=Item: Open item copies in primary external editor
;2CA2B26F6EA3B13F=Item: Open items in secondary external editor
;AA4FC00BE597322B=Item: Open item copies in secondary external editor
;62FFA16EC0549676=Item: Open item in inline editor
;A57FCCCFA050E2A1=Item: Open in new MIDI editor
;B1603DF2E29A341B=Item: Open in last focused MIDI editor (clear editor first)
;C74B7C33FF34145B=Item: Open in last focused MIDI editor (preserve existing edit
or contents)
;A2606F1A3A929C06=Item: Open all track MIDI in new MIDI editor
;AE5857816F399C14=Item: Open all track MIDI in last focused MIDI editor (clear e
ditor first)
;D77FB449E8DA194E=Item: Open all track MIDI in last focused MIDI editor (preserv
e existing editor contents)
;1B42D5CA86DD9D54=Item: Select all items in current time selection
;096AFFC7C6009B8C=Item: Select all items on selected tracks in current time sele
;C2B11A5AD0D0A926=Item properties: Mute
;FB148AA269CA03E9=Item properties: Unmute
;6DB9D56599EF4878=Item properties: Toggle mute
;4EE1C737242F5D88=Item properties: Solo
;AB9BF6D73B5A632F=Item properties: Unsolo
;60F38912587661D6=Item properties: Toggle solo
;09C16EC31DB2AD2F=Track: Mute tracks
;51D29C4178930ADE=Track: Unmute tracks
;06489C2B31747E91=Track: Solo tracks
;7E64CCD49D7B340C=Track: Unsolo tracks
;90EC24D6CA2D9F55=Item properties: Toggle items/tracks mute (depending on focus)
;38E67A7B90B5ACBD=Item properties: Toggle item phase
;38ACE22CAB84BA80=Item properties: Toggle take reverse
;EC6DE6F4B6EC3240=Item properties: Toggle take preserve pitch
;C114F44EF1E5134A=Item properties: Set take preserve pitch
;1739F1B5F511A8C3=Item properties: Clear take preserve pitch
;79C529DE87B7DF83=Item properties: Toggle item play all takes
;05B879FC73B2D409=Item properties: Loop section of audio item source
;60CB261ADE5F0DFD=Item properties: Loop item source
;DB63656B8F94FDD6=Item properties: Toggle lock
;589BC26687BA11A8=Item properties: Lock
;7A68FA9BD8FE0D07=Item properties: Unlock
;454F9A9841E5FCD4=Item properties: Lock to active take (mouse click will not cha
nge active take)
;B04AE083D2892BA6=Item properties: Unlock takes (mouse click will change active
;62B0C9687B514E74=Item properties: Toggle lock to active take (toggle mouse clic
k changes active take)

;C9ED572935F2A1E5=Item properties: Set item timebase to project/track default

;ED415083E66CF2D6=Item properties: Set item timebase to time
;E8124C72C53D3490=Item properties: Set item timebase to beats (position, length,
;70838D9BD1F6785E=Item properties: Set item timebase to beats (position only)
;CC0B9BEC667C8269=Track properties: Set track timebase to project default
;FBECE4010CFB26AE=Track properties: Set track timebase to time
;00BA15BE62CF1F68=Track properties: Set track timebase to beats (position, lengt
h, rate)
;65CD50D4A21C04D6=Track properties: Set track timebase to beats (position only)
;54160E197FFB87C5=Track properties: Toggle free item positioning
;6B9CC87A7E0E7163=Track properties: Set free item positioning
;0B2E97A4EA7B98BA=Track properties: Unset free item positioning
;CA2ADF8A72663CD2=Track: toggle full multichannel metering
;89FBD71E94102D7A=Item properties: Normalize items
;1844CE04FC0854E3=Item properties: Normalize multiple items to common gain
;7A8B034C54632396=Item properties: Normalize items (reset to unity if already no
;6F225957A42BA87D=Item properties: Normalize multiple items to common gain (rese
t to unity if already normalized)
;00B213EBE008A4B7=Item properties: Reset item take gain to +0dB (un-normalize)
;EA00365AEB8AB860=Take: Delete active take from items
;16C7F35459BFF55A=Take: Delete active take from items (prompt to confirm)
;E6ECBDAED9CC2D23=Take: Crop to active take in items
;B1A13FE92481D39E=Take: Duplicate active take
;E0CE5F52E767EFEB=Take: Switch items to next take
;9CC71500BCAE82AB=Take: Switch items to previous take
;8DEA8677BBFBC465=Take: Set 1st take active
;10006B53B3224A19=Take: Set 2nd take active
;04C4833A1D9C674E=Take: Set 3rd take active
;F17165DDC0416B85=Take: Set 4th take active
;C9050D048FA90FE2=Take: Set 5th take active
;83C4C564F8839913=Take: Set 6th take active
;099EB0662F453658=Take: Set 7th take active
;FEF93B07E05534C1=Take: Set 8th take active
;6370395591436DAE=Take: Set 9th take active
;2DEA1829E31C3B0F=Take: Activate take under mouse
;471AF70B2198CE86=Take: Paste as takes in items
;C3B555A50FD9CF1B=Take: Explode takes of items across tracks
;053F866E52904D8C=Take: Explode takes of items in place
;36E8C39831406567=Take: Explode takes of items in order
;829DCD543A038765=Take: Implode items across tracks into takes
;9D132CAC26D3D1BE=Take: Implode items on same track into takes
;B35D0EB9B5AC3D81=Item: Implode items across tracks into items on one track
;36DD72D1B94E11F0=Item: Auto-reposition items in free item positioning mode
;C0759E3FEF06071E=Item: Explode multichannel audio or MIDI to new one-channel it
;1CFF9BEFD56A01AB=Item: Explode MIDI note rows (pitch) to new items
;F32941C8176844C7=Item properties: Show media item source properties
;DC0CAD842A56F9C2=Item properties: Show media item/take properties
;227D0726DCB5819C=Item properties: Toggle show media item/take properties
;E6B129F13DC8E605=Item: Show notes for items...
;B9BAFF6B76154A9B=Item edit: Enable relative grid snap
;EC97CED760A4EF26=Item edit: Disable relative grid snap
;59EFF3F60193B426=Item edit: Toggle relative grid snap
;66DD85C67FB06E85=Item edit: Move contents of items left
;5F4900D7639B3B1E=Item edit: Move contents of items right
;85E706C943EBBBD0=Item edit: Move items/envelope points left
;8AA49B4770C4A5A5=Item edit: Move items/envelope points right
;1CC88C8CFF7BBD80=Item edit: Move items/envelope points left by grid size

;A9CCD74837BDDD6B=Item edit: Move items/envelope points right by grid size

;B7D5AFD3585CEABC=Item edit: Nudge/set...
;991F8758A6AD402A=Item edit: Close nudge/set dialog
;712A263BD626C2E7=Item edit: Toggle open/close nudge/set dialog
;7E9534EA1C025EEE=Item edit: Nudge items right by last nudge dialog settings
;23F8EBCE21D88067=Item edit: Nudge items left by last nudge dialog settings
;31051A6008AA49E6=Item edit: Save nudge dialog settings 1
;3105196008AA4833=Item edit: Save nudge dialog settings 2
;3105186008AA4680=Item edit: Save nudge dialog settings 3
;31051F6008AA5265=Item edit: Save nudge dialog settings 4
;9CE7F7B13B7A8012=Item edit: Nudge items right by saved nudge dialog settings 1
;9CE7F6B13B7A7E5F=Item edit: Nudge items right by saved nudge dialog settings 2
;9CE7F5B13B7A7CAC=Item edit: Nudge items right by saved nudge dialog settings 3
;9CE7F4B13B7A7AF9=Item edit: Nudge items right by saved nudge dialog settings 4
;74DEA966A2A44339=Item edit: Nudge items left by saved nudge dialog settings 1
;74DEA666A2A43E20=Item edit: Nudge items left by saved nudge dialog settings 2
;74DEA766A2A43FD3=Item edit: Nudge items left by saved nudge dialog settings 3
;74DEAC66A2A44852=Item edit: Nudge items left by saved nudge dialog settings 4
;31051E6008AA50B2=Item edit: Save nudge dialog settings 5
;31051D6008AA4EFF=Item edit: Save nudge dialog settings 6
;31051C6008AA4D4C=Item edit: Save nudge dialog settings 7
;3105236008AA5931=Item edit: Save nudge dialog settings 8
;9CE7F3B13B7A7946=Item edit: Nudge items right by saved nudge dialog settings 5
;9CE7F2B13B7A7793=Item edit: Nudge items right by saved nudge dialog settings 6
;9CE7F1B13B7A75E0=Item edit: Nudge items right by saved nudge dialog settings 7
;9CE800B13B7A8F5D=Item edit: Nudge items right by saved nudge dialog settings 8
;74DEAD66A2A44A05=Item edit: Nudge items left by saved nudge dialog settings 5
;74DEAA66A2A444EC=Item edit: Nudge items left by saved nudge dialog settings 6
;74DEAB66A2A4469F=Item edit: Nudge items left by saved nudge dialog settings 7
;74DEB066A2A44F1E=Item edit: Nudge items left by saved nudge dialog settings 8
;7B29B42478E44E26=Item edit: Move position of item under mouse to edit cursor
;7C5665CED16B35C0=Item edit: Trim left edge of item under mouse to edit cursor
;345EF096C306C94B=Item edit: Move left edge of item under mouse to edit cursor
;7E2A0BFEACB110C7=Item edit: Trim right edge of item under mouse to edit cursor
;F4065BA0753ECEF6=Item edit: Move right edge of item under mouse to edit cursor
;97774266884310BD=Item edit: Move contents of item under mouse to edit cursor
;4D12E260B0E09A3A=Item edit: Move duplicate of item under mouse to edit cursor
;BA67DC02378871E5=Item edit: Move position of item to edit cursor
;E1F55EEE9C62B46F=Item edit: Trim left edge of item to edit cursor
;5B29ABBD2B4EB438=Item edit: Move left edge of item to edit cursor
;9C5B4D6BEC2DF304=Item edit: Trim right edge of item to edit cursor
;8FF1755C264ECDF5=Item edit: Move right edge of item to edit cursor
;8BA1C5410EDD134A=Item edit: Move contents of item to edit cursor
;EC4404E2595D22F9=Item edit: Move duplicate of item to edit cursor
;E93F2BB2C8128CF6=Item edit: Move items left, preserving timing of contents
;3075D159BBDB1095=Item edit: Move items right, preserving timing of contents
;3A63B46DFCAF4118=Item edit: Move items/envelope points up one track/a bit
;DF8C3D25689659B5=Item edit: Move items/envelope points down one track/a bit
;EA337E80A562C884=Item edit: Grow left edge of items
;20E5045537F509DA=Item edit: Shrink left edge of items
;909DACFF2F533C6F=Item edit: Shrink right edge of items
;BEC5CD8468AC28B9=Item edit: Grow right edge of items
;D167A678F257114A=Options: Toggle editing active take source start offset (slip
editing) adjusts all takes
;3EDE60697A63A1A6=Options: Toggle running FX when playback is stopped
;E6589CAB7C425B2F=Options: Toggle pooled (ghost) MIDI source data when copying m
edia items
;0FB8C0A80EA2286A=Item: Set all media offline
;6CAA7C206F530064=Item: Set all media online
;E231FAECE0EC0E8C=Item: Set selected media offline

;BCC08B2D49E7ED2E=Item: Set selected media online

;94D7CE5B9AFFBCB6=Item: Apply track/take FX to items
;0ACE45AC861D5AC5=Item: Apply track/take FX to items (mono output)
;41BA6FE721F2640F=Item: Apply track/take FX to items (MIDI output)
;5C7274B8EFD1EF78=Item: Render items to new take
;EAF1F6BAEDF9D7FE=Item properties: Set take channel mode to normal
;BFA5B2463465B8F7=Item properties: Set take channel mode to reverse stereo
;9445A2EC297DB57B=Item properties: Set take channel mode to mono (downmix)
;16D2B5AE6B537586=Item properties: Set take channel mode to mono (left)
;FE935F24BA959FE7=Item properties: Set take channel mode to mono (right)
;AB2F4818BFB83238=Record: Set record mode to normal
;C00ECA4AC8FDD2B1=Record: Set record mode to selected item auto-punch
;0DF992FD33F376A6=Record: Set record mode to time selection auto-punch
;EF228190270CBAAD=View: Toggle auto-view-scroll during playback
;426A667B6BD406E5=View: Toggle auto-view-scroll while recording
;819D098B98AF44BA=Options: Smooth seek (seeks at end of measure)
;8E482A9EA718721F=Options: Show all takes in lanes (when room)
;04B64AC1D0C2C275=Options: Show overlapping media items in lanes
;1FC660EA1FDFF571=Item lanes: move item up one lane (when showing overlapping it
ems in lanes)
;6B9EA6B2482C566E=Item lanes: move item down one lane (when showing overlapping
items in lanes)
;93AD51D19E1365D2=Options: Show empty take lanes (align takes by recording pass)
;605E65BB985D7989=Options: Allow selecting empty take lanes
;EB336B4CAA56A830=Item: Remove all empty take lanes
;F5B5F37498ECB100=Item: Remove the empty take lane before the active take
;96F2BB7DDA4536FB=Item: Remove the empty take lane after the active take
;D1AC9D76D0C8087F=Item: Add an empty take lane before the active take
;E4F73475D04CF7BE=Item: Add an empty take lane after the active take
;FA86770265C6B3D6=Item: Rotate take lanes forward
;9C74DBE945D5D2A8=Item: Rotate take lanes backward
;C65D2D3DA3F8374F=Item: Move active takes to top lane
;A0DCF912500360D1=Item: Choose active take for item under mouse
;8A413082A9409E76=Options: New recording splits existing items and creates new t
akes (default)
;003B0FCDD88E479B=Options: New recording trims existing items behind new recordi
ng (tape mode)
;559C081408519FB3=Options: New recording creates new media items in separate lan
es (layers)
;B71E51EE4C4E6C24=Options: Loop recording always adds takes to newly recorded it
ems (except in track free item positioning mode)
;9F3A1E19ED7D5039=Options: Show tooltips on media items and envelopes
;72AEB5F0E00F3087=File: Clean current project directory
;67E48904783A7A26=Peaks: Remove all peak cache files
;16372643773C53EF=Peaks: Build any missing peaks
;7A9997E339F1C2C9=Peaks: Rebuild all peaks
;3FB86960703BC04E=Peaks: Rebuild peaks for selected items
;4B4EB17883C70535=Colors: Reset random color generator
;CEF44ED33AF96902=Mixer: Toggle docking in Docker
;53152EFC422D85FF=Mixer: Toggle tracks with receives grouping to left
;CB0EAE78326E2FD5=Mixer: Toggle folder tracks grouping to left
;80A19F8DF644C859=Mixer: Toggle show normal top level tracks in Mixer
;066F65D4AB16AAD6=Mixer: Toggle tracks with receives in Mixer
;5B6B829DBD7FC619=Mixer: Toggle show tracks in folders in Mixer
;3DAB77B24C4D8230=Mixer: Toggle show multiple rows when space
;F057FF4E2F984AAF=Mixer: Toggle show multiple rows even when space to fit tracks
in less rows
;488D41C65CB8FD46=Mixer: Toggle show master track on right side
;AB5724A24A532B68=Mixer: Toggle show pan controls on top
;F7B060925FD0252A=Mixer: Toggle show sends if space available

;8D085663D9865545=Mixer: Toggle show FX inserts if space available

;4DF4A54754E8D3AD=Mixer: Toggle show FX parameters if space available
;4B01E8ADB5FCABA1=Mixer: Toggle master track visible
;79870FC0C7183B7B=Mixer: Toggle show folder tracks in Mixer
;F4D70B5D5C26183F=Mixer: Toggle scroll view when tracks activated
;71B39482CE707B95=Mixer: toggle master track in separate window
;442E4187739F5E50=View: toggle master track in separate/docked window
;83822FA54859AF90=Mixer: toggle master track in docked window
;96A8436BBC73896F=Mixer: Toggle autoarrange
;2870EA8FB4C932B0=Mixer: Toggle show icons for the last track in a folder
;74D1568B6E2D273A=Mixer: Clickable icon for folder tracks to show/hide children
;F20D264C7A6D9467=Mixer: show/hide children of selected tracks
;1AB88304AE1DFF03=Track: toggle tracks visible (hide) in TCP
;0BE24FC6842AE6C5=Track: toggle tracks visible (hide) in Mixer
;9869A915C2015110=Track: hide tracks in TCP and Mixer
;88B41E9ECE814577=Track: make all tracks visible in TCP and Mixer
;6DDCFFD0DED744A7=Automation: Set all tracks automation mode to trim/read
;7E740F592E677C16=Automation: Set all tracks automation mode to read
;F21B61E45971C141=Automation: Set all tracks automation mode to touch
;56F5CC5613EADD39=Automation: Set all tracks automation mode to write
;7206D8943A115828=Automation: Set all tracks automation mode to latch
;794D7634C604B399=Automation: Set track automation mode to trim/read
;11CCA06C3F967FC4=Automation: Set track automation mode to read
;EFC69A298EA35677=Automation: Set track automation mode to touch
;7ADC5573BA1D22BF=Automation: Set track automation mode to write
;665F514F46AB5F0A=Automation: Set track automation mode to latch
;408274D53C8DC51A=Automation: Toggle track between touch and trim/read modes
;5D739DFD3A755BC2=Global automation override: No override (set automation modes
per track)
;0F6B7CBEEFDF9A63=Global automation override: Bypass all automation
;3D7619ECFA796EF8=Global automation override: All automation in trim/read mode
;A41663EBCF955EC3=Global automation override: All automation in read mode
;EF0D85A6D5AA6976=Global automation override: All automation in touch mode
;895285E602E1502E=Global automation override: All automation in write mode
;65D34D3E0327E9E1=Global automation override: All automation in latch mode
;2C66FD606994E0F1=Global automation override: Toggle bypass all automation
;40107A91C37DB5DC=Track: Nudge track pan left
;0324FE12407B8F89=Track: Nudge track pan right
;03C3F8CFF9BFE4EB=Track: Go to next track
;FA55125A3F580CD3=Track: Go to previous track
;A61B93DF433AFFCD=Track: Go to next track (leaving other tracks selected)
;DE45BFFB37E254A5=Track: Go to previous track (leaving other tracks selected)
;FA0D98E90E8F71F6=Item: Unselect all items
;BD220212E8DDF73E=Time selection: Set time selection to items
;1254D313260B9A60=Loop points: Set loop points to items
;8AB1F2EEE973588D=Track: View FX chain for current track
;0508E003FC986135=Track: View input FX chain for current track
;DE82A81FB7525C90=Track: View FX chain for master track
;46C8654DF813A08B=Track: Toggle FX bypass for current track
;2171AB69C641DE7D=Track: View envelopes for current track
;39CB91B4D21C6C05=Track: View I/O for current track
;2AF9617D69831A23=Track: Toggle record arming for current (last touched) track
;76D96788E33FB4F5=Track: Select all tracks
;84DE33123DBAF2F0=Track: Unselect all tracks
;60DD3A58B5AEF7BA=Track: Cycle track folder state
;CE18E4F4EB544EF2=Track: Cycle folder collapsed state
;565D4F5F0262CFE6=Track: Select track under mouse
;6D37006298D1B5C0=Track: Allow track media buffering
;10C7C47BC8978BFB=Track: Prevent track media buffering
;A0E1CE7A8A8175A3=Track: Allow track anticipative FX

;DC14306C18A861DC=Track: Prevent track anticipative FX

;C662D1D2CF772B7A=View: Zoom out project
;1AF0E6A7CCD48A4A=Track: Set track record monitor to off
;1D10B2C297B77650=Track: Set track record monitor to on
;1C647368491C2DAB=Track: Set track record monitor to auto/tape
;17F8E0842D2C4B3C=Track: Cycle track record monitor
;DFE01F885FE7B24C=Track: Set track record mode to input
;891D1D4921C960EC=Track: Set track record mode to output (stereo)
;216580D52152A07D=Track: Set track record mode to none (monitoring only)
;1C3028C1ECCC5FD9=Track: Set track record mode to output (stereo latency compens
;FBB91C71DBB2113E=Track: Set track record mode to MIDI output
;E8FA28CF960D7539=Track: Set track record mode to output (mono)
;9D64C4DB4BE36DF0=Track: Set track record mode to output (mono latency compensat
;FEEE143BB50D4733=Track: Set track record mode to output (full multichannel)
;85F5932CB424D744=Track: Set track record mode to output (full multichannel comp
;3C7BDA6D5D782AB4=Track: Set track record mode to MIDI overdub
;A08C4F86B80D25FD=Track: Set track record mode to MIDI replace
;EFAC62541238E2A3=Track: Set track record mode to MIDI touch-replace
;5AEEBF2999B7C7C6=Track: Set track record mode to MIDI latch-replace
;981CC739822A74FE=Track: View track recording settings for last touched track
;DB8B2F93E46F4F0F=Track: Set record path to primary
;943DDFD9F914058B=Track: Set record path to secondary
;A6AA2C5B723F54F6=Track: Set record path to primary+secondary
;DEB120B19658FA3D=FX: Show/hide track control for last touched FX parameter
;1B3C75984C0CBA8C=FX: Show/hide track envelope for last touched FX parameter
;450B745CBCB04699=FX: Show parameter modulation for last touched FX parameter
;33DF05F0646C1BC8=FX: Set MIDI learn for last touched FX parameter
;DFC0C42EE13ECFBD=FX: Set alias for last touched FX parameter
;BD4CD61A1154CEE3=Options: Envelope points move with media items
;0C4E89E3863B6942=Options: Envelope point selection follows time selection
;4B60FC1ADB1056E5=Options: Add edge points when ripple editing or inserting time
;828EC50C8012B675=Options: Add edge points when moving envelope points
;89E0D584DDB3A1C4=Options: Reduce envelope data when recording or drawing automa
;6FDD9021FAB1636B=Item: Move to source preferred position
;CAAAA89B958966E1=Item: Cut selected area of items
;962F53DD23107B0D=Item: Remove selected area of items
;6F04D72B27CD4AF9=Item: Trim items to selected area
;9097AAF409692786=Item: Fade items in to cursor
;BAA3AFEB0790F9FE=Item: Fade items out from cursor
;B49D9E3687FA1886=Item: Trim items left of cursor
;CB5C13CA281F809D=Item: Trim items right of cursor
;79BE6AB5A657ADA3=Item: Remove fade in
;2413D1A99C760590=Item: Remove fade out
;3A51EFF168455AF4=Item: Remove fade in and fade out
;3EE7D64F7652567D=Item: Toggle enable/disable default fadein/fadeout
;550F3D4A6779B2FC=Item: Enable default fadein/fadeout
;DDC3CF5C36AE1229=Item: Disable default fadein/fadeout
;8BFF16FEBF8FE2DE=Item: Set snap offset to nearest grid line
;46A71810AD291ED8=Item: Set snap offset to cursor
;E99FFEA6817458C1=View: Attach/unattach Docker to/from main window
;48EF1F056FD34FBE=Dockers: compact when small and single tab
;E6F55259EE18AB70=Docker: show in bottom of main window
;E833908572C512EA=Docker: show in top of main window
;7EA8A549D482DA89=Docker: show in right of main window
;50D235D29E645FD6=Docker: show in left of main window
;A63324C1ECBAE9C8=Item: Auto trim/split items (remove silence)...

;820495786B9861A7=Item: Dynamic split items...

;E0AEA2924A52EE5B=Item: Quantize item positions to grid...
;C74054B9D4C98557=Item: Create chromatic MIDI from items
;CD9881B23DADDA8F=Item: reorder adjacent items randomly
;885E612C133B6593=Item: set item ends to start of next item
;F0754E165081CFBD=Markers: Quantize tempo markers to MIDI resolution
;A5B224FCF48F76B3=Track: Insert ReaControlMIDI (MIDI track control)
;B8B795556DA37C29=Track: Do not link track volume/pan controls to MIDI volume/pa
;B9380E31EF06FA86=Track: Link track volume/pan controls to MIDI volume/pan on ch
annel 1
;B9380D31EF06F8D3=Track: Link track volume/pan controls to MIDI volume/pan on ch
annel 2
;B9380C31EF06F720=Track: Link track volume/pan controls to MIDI volume/pan on ch
annel 3
;B9381331EF070305=Track: Link track volume/pan controls to MIDI volume/pan on ch
annel 4
;B9381231EF070152=Track: Link track volume/pan controls to MIDI volume/pan on ch
annel 5
;B9381131EF06FF9F=Track: Link track volume/pan controls to MIDI volume/pan on ch
annel 6
;B9381031EF06FDEC=Track: Link track volume/pan controls to MIDI volume/pan on ch
annel 7
;B9381731EF0709D1=Track: Link track volume/pan controls to MIDI volume/pan on ch
annel 8
;B9381631EF07081E=Track: Link track volume/pan controls to MIDI volume/pan on ch
annel 9
;C13AD4D928DC0342=Track: Link track volume/pan controls to MIDI volume/pan on ch
annel 10
;C13AD5D928DC04F5=Track: Link track volume/pan controls to MIDI volume/pan on ch
annel 11
;C13AD2D928DBFFDC=Track: Link track volume/pan controls to MIDI volume/pan on ch
annel 12
;C13AD3D928DC018F=Track: Link track volume/pan controls to MIDI volume/pan on ch
annel 13
;C13AD0D928DBFC76=Track: Link track volume/pan controls to MIDI volume/pan on ch
annel 14
;C13AD1D928DBFE29=Track: Link track volume/pan controls to MIDI volume/pan on ch
annel 15
;C13ACED928DBF910=Track: Link track volume/pan controls to MIDI volume/pan on ch
annel 16
;ABE3B640A20C2777=Track: Link track volume/pan controls to MIDI volume/pan on al
l channels
;EB190F8E77A8CC29=Track: Toggle link/unlink track volume/pan controls to MIDI vo
lume/pan on all channels
;5ECA98EF9217D71C=Track: Send track volume as 2-byte MIDI message
;EE183A9AF2AA47C1=Track: Send track pan as 2-byte MIDI message
;305764DF38F2261C=Options: When importing, copy imported media to project media
;FF42DA4D3FD57B43=Options: Move edit cursor to start of time selection, when tim
e selection changes
;7646D8B840298CAF=Options: Move edit cursor to end of recording, when recording
;503620F64F6434A8=Item: Import item media cues as project markers
;68C28FCDBE325F89=Item: Split at media cues
;F08493C9A39C3761=Item: Shrink to first media cue
;1FDA0BD1218A464F=Item: Shrink to last media cue
;50076BCA9EE13D6F=Item: Shrink to first and last media cues
;F15E72E023E3C0AC=Move edit cursor to next cue in items
;5EBC129425E00060=Move edit cursor to previous cue in items

;9AB05919202B2C2D=Item: Split items at project markers

;03370216BD206616=Item: Split items at timeline grid
;4C822229D64E0B57=Move edit cursor to previous zero crossing in items
;FD2B20C777CFEB0B=Move edit cursor to next zero crossing in items
;9E59F690F6FB542E=Item: Split at previous zero crossing
;5917A1E01962BA85=Envelope: Invert selected points
;8BAC007AA6F7032F=Envelope: Reset selected points to zero/center
;1E2180554A7BAC28=Envelope: Unselect all points
;167C4AED34EA392D=Envelope: Select all points
;E43E89DA39FC5053=Envelope: Toggle select/unselect all points
;25C008C30F193849=Envelope: Delete all selected points
;B05A7887EC82E0FA=Envelope: Select points in time selection
;3992BEE719450E5D=Envelope: Set shape of selected points to linear
;EC748BC355EFE80B=Envelope: Set shape of selected points to square
;7E28AC12340F33AF=Envelope: Set shape of selected points to slow start/end
;52B9D998B5B23A8E=Envelope: Set shape of selected points to fast start
;19E958C295CC3593=Envelope: Set shape of selected points to Bezier
;4E2B743CAFFE7E7B=Envelope: Set shape of selected points to fast end
;26CA0BBF709DEF63=Envelope: Set default point shape to linear
;B2A290388F186431=Envelope: Set default point shape to square
;D698411D820DF9E1=Envelope: Set default point shape to slow start/end
;AC9143102524F584=Envelope: Set default point shape to fast start
;66371A0FFFB8CD7D=Envelope: Set default point shape to fast end
;FEBC064165FD1575=Envelope: Set default point shape to Bezier
;71CEBA77294F2562=Envelope: Clear envelope
;79056C36E903B8DA=Envelope: Delete all points in time selection
;647A2414E85528BC=Envelope: Increase Bezier tension for selected points by 5%
;8DEB2AA4EFF7EE00=Envelope: Decrease Bezier tension for selected points by 5%
;197F6586CDB8E472=Envelope: Increase Bezier tension for selected points by 25%
;E3171043A0F57D9E=Envelope: Decrease Bezier tension for selected points by 25%
;20AE81102CA3289B=Envelope: Insert new point at current position
;B09CD709AAA9205B=Envelope: Insert 4 envelope points at time selection
;4FCF9D7426C8AEBB=Envelope: Insert new point at current position to all visible
track envelopes
;8DC68E4CB580811B=Envelope: Toggle display in separate lane for selected envelop
;BA875024203505A0=Envelope: Toggle record arm for selected envelope
;4AEF7636A3F30595=Envelope: Toggle hide/display selected envelope
;ED93A30C550B43FF=Envelope: Toggle bypass for selected envelope
;40D32B8B1ECD25E3=Envelope: Show all active envelopes for tracks
;1D64B42D29B0A62B=Envelope: Show all envelopes for tracks
;84B297D6092B7E90=Envelope: Hide all envelopes for tracks
;8CDD48552B3E53D5=Envelope: Toggle show all active envelopes for tracks
;C4A7DD358A6F5708=Envelope: Toggle show all active envelopes for all tracks
;85D6BFDCE3E19CEE=Envelope: Show all envelopes for all tracks
;5A00809B138F37CD=Envelope: Hide all envelopes for all tracks
;B33CAE2153CFF681=Envelope: Toggle show all envelopes for tracks
;7F96ABA97559C944=Envelope: Toggle show all envelopes for all tracks
;F72F768C3C5227FE=Envelope: Toggle display all visible envelopes in lanes for tr
;B58A6839D738D098=Automation lane: Increase active fader a little bit
;B971FC5762BD3794=Automation lane: Decrease active fader a little bit
;AF1A625EA057291A=Envelope: Reduce number of points...
;D4B61581B4BE1943=Track: Unmute all tracks
;C7BCEF6349658B22=Track: Mute all tracks
;B7F82C02DBAC7C99=Track: Unsolo all tracks
;A8E7B46CBB798088=Track: Bypass FX on all tracks
;94527CD6CCA44A71=Track: Unbypass FX on all tracks
;69B5D1EB447F6E04=Track: Toggle FX bypass on all tracks
;5F06E30CAD3C4F8C=Track: Set all FX offline for selected tracks

;AB2C32131B31564A=Track: Set all FX online for selected tracks

;D3F7525A66DDBD2F=Track: Set to custom color...
;E2F30C176963CA94=Track: Set to random colors
;8734FF1F84F4FDC7=Track: Set to one random color
;27E2F99862BE7E47=Track: Set to default color
;9EE367320A535175=Item: Set to custom color...
;05FCD2100E82D87A=Item: Set to random colors
;13CDBA268851481D=Item: Set to one random color
;F180198B761D7939=Item: Set to default color
;F0A8CD41F6C3191E=Take: Set active take to custom color...
;A67C5A9F2FA2AC88=Take: Set active take to one random color
;3BAB80394D808F72=Take: Set active take to default color
;ACC6B498BC94AD9E=Take: Set all takes of selected items to default color
;2FCD1E45E5E6B210=Take: Set all takes created in the same recording pass to cust
om color...
;DE52F88531F8ADE2=Take: Set all takes created in the same recording pass to one
random color
;DD9F5EE6DF45D828=Take: Set all takes created in the same recording pass to defa
ult color
;4FCDBB4902F609F0=Item: explode REX item into beat slices
;56BBE075C5B75F80=FX: Auto-float new FX windows
;665B1CA1ECF3A5D2=Track: Set track icon...
;8BEBD0C7D33DDA34=Track: Remove track icon
;9EE999C1280EFFB8=Mixer: Toggle show track icons in Mixer
;2558616332EF90D4=Toggle fullscreen
;8533008EAB2DF95A=Minimize REAPER
;7E5F3749473BBBFA=Dock/undock currently focused window
;60AD1F76C6C8AD26=View: Time unit for ruler: Minutes:Seconds
;CDCBA879B3193E85=View: Time unit for ruler: Measures.Beats / Minutes:Seconds
;C1066B3840DB5CAA=View: Time unit for ruler: Measures.Beats
;07FA95EE5831DC0B=View: Time unit for ruler: Samples
;B3C8FEDBD388DCE5=View: Time unit for ruler: Seconds
;CDB255C57BE637FD=View: Time unit for ruler: Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames
;931CE7D901FD5BAF=Transport: show transport in docker
;A99EF3B1EE506EE1=Transport: show transport docked below arrange
;2E3B6ED56DE54982=Transport: show transport docked to bottom of main window
;149686DCFF697311=Transport: show transport docked above ruler
;C5E40958BD857AD8=Transport: show transport docked to top of main window
;578F72AE827F8E7F=Transport: toggle transport docked to main window
;73E18EC256C94798=Transport: Show playrate control
;A9A1B5358AFDB0F3=Transport: Show play position tempo and time signature
;FCC16FF3E192D4B1=Transport: Show play state as text
;FF1A1A19DD5ECAEC=Transport: Center transport controls
;64C3D165DE411150=Transport: Toggle preserve pitch in audio items when changing
master playrate
;3237F4DD3FFFD0B8=Transport: Time unit to ruler
;D9A0B11A692F3F09=Transport: Time unit: Minutes:Seconds
;354E85536B9EB4F4=Transport: Time unit: Measures.Beats / Minutes:Seconds
;C12C28BCD2397177=Transport: Time unit: Measures.Beats
;789C3536BC546704=Transport: Time unit: Samples
;927C85DE530A0212=Transport: Time unit: Seconds
;F455CC547B58F9E0=Transport: Time unit: Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames
;F3EC09D9630A210B=Send: Mute track send #1
;F3EC0AD9630A22BE=Send: Mute track send #2
;F3EC0BD9630A2471=Send: Mute track send #3
;F3EC0CD9630A2624=Send: Mute track send #4
;F3EC0DD9630A27D7=Send: Mute track send #5
;F3EC0ED9630A298A=Send: Mute track send #6
;F3EC0FD9630A2B3D=Send: Mute track send #7
;F3EC00D9630A11C0=Send: Mute track send #8

;CBD142416A998164=Send: Mute track receive #1

;CBD145416A99867D=Send: Mute track receive #2
;CBD144416A9984CA=Send: Mute track receive #3
;CBD13F416A997C4B=Send: Mute track receive #4
;CBD13E416A997A98=Send: Mute track receive #5
;CBD141416A997FB1=Send: Mute track receive #6
;CBD140416A997DFE=Send: Mute track receive #7
;CBD13B416A99757F=Send: Mute track receive #8
;EBAA4675A574A583=Screenset: Load track view #01
;EBAA4775A574A736=Screenset: Load track view #02
;EBAA4875A574A8E9=Screenset: Load track view #03
;EBAA4975A574AA9C=Screenset: Load track view #04
;EBAA4A75A574AC4F=Screenset: Load track view #05
;EBAA4B75A574AE02=Screenset: Load track view #06
;EBAA4C75A574AFB5=Screenset: Load track view #07
;EBAA4D75A574B168=Screenset: Load track view #08
;EBAA4E75A574B31B=Screenset: Load track view #09
;EBAD4B75A576E3D9=Screenset: Load track view #10
;97FEFAFD784B9860=Screenset: Save track view #01
;97FEFDFD784B9D79=Screenset: Save track view #02
;97FEFCFD784B9BC6=Screenset: Save track view #03
;97FEFFFD784BA0DF=Screenset: Save track view #04
;97FEFEFD784B9F2C=Screenset: Save track view #05
;97FF01FD784BA445=Screenset: Save track view #06
;97FF00FD784BA292=Screenset: Save track view #07
;97FF03FD784BA7AB=Screenset: Save track view #08
;97FF02FD784BA5F8=Screenset: Save track view #09
;97FB95FD7848B6EA=Screenset: Save track view #10
;70709F80CCA71D7B=Screenset: Load window set #01
;7070A080CCA71F2E=Screenset: Load window set #02
;7070A180CCA720E1=Screenset: Load window set #03
;7070A280CCA72294=Screenset: Load window set #04
;7070A380CCA72447=Screenset: Load window set #05
;7070A480CCA725FA=Screenset: Load window set #06
;7070A580CCA727AD=Screenset: Load window set #07
;70709680CCA70E30=Screenset: Load window set #08
;70709780CCA70FE3=Screenset: Load window set #09
;70742480CCAA3551=Screenset: Load window set #10
;4A33A8757E33B7B4=Screenset: Save window set #01
;4A33AB757E33BCCD=Screenset: Save window set #02
;4A33AA757E33BB1A=Screenset: Save window set #03
;4A33A5757E33B29B=Screenset: Save window set #04
;4A33A4757E33B0E8=Screenset: Save window set #05
;4A33A7757E33B601=Screenset: Save window set #06
;4A33A6757E33B44E=Screenset: Save window set #07
;4A33A1757E33ABCF=Screenset: Save window set #08
;4A33A0757E33AA1C=Screenset: Save window set #09
;4A3023757E309FDE=Screenset: Save window set #10
;EFABF4A0C2F0EA96=Selection set: Save set #01
;EFABF3A0C2F0E8E3=Selection set: Save set #02
;EFABF2A0C2F0E730=Selection set: Save set #03
;EFABF9A0C2F0F315=Selection set: Save set #04
;EFABF8A0C2F0F162=Selection set: Save set #05
;EFABF7A0C2F0EFAF=Selection set: Save set #06
;EFABF6A0C2F0EDFC=Selection set: Save set #07
;EFABFDA0C2F0F9E1=Selection set: Save set #08
;EFABFCA0C2F0F82E=Selection set: Save set #09
;EFA86FA0C2EDD2C0=Selection set: Save set #10
;463B563807F6518B=Selection set: Load set #01
;463B573807F6533E=Selection set: Load set #02

;463B583807F654F1=Selection set: Load set #03

;463B593807F656A4=Selection set: Load set #04
;463B5A3807F65857=Selection set: Load set #05
;463B5B3807F65A0A=Selection set: Load set #06
;463B5C3807F65BBD=Selection set: Load set #07
;463B4D3807F64240=Selection set: Load set #08
;463B4E3807F643F3=Selection set: Load set #09
;463EDB3807F96961=Selection set: Load set #10
;F1EC0E446ADA1A25=Track: Select last touched track
;6BBB9A8368968A3D=Track: Set first selected track as last touched track
;794BF3161847DB63=Track: Vertical scroll selected tracks into view
;60DCD1ED58618185=Options: Set metronome volume (MIDI CC only)
;45BA13DFD5A4C4F0=View: Adjust horizontal zoom (MIDI CC only)
;2E50EADBD0B87736=View: Adjust horizontal scroll (MIDI CC only - relative recomm
;FC43B1688814BDAF=View: Move edit cursor (MIDI CC only - relative recommended)
;A5B99B0D8473553E=View: Adjust vertical zoom (MIDI CC only)
;76713AF2FF35662C=View: Adjust vertical scroll (MIDI CC only)
;F4CDC95C307246E8=View: Go to track (MIDI CC only)
;FB072F01B7878C5A=Transport: Scrub/jog (MIDI CC relative/absolute only)
;C69D737F34C8F9E1=Transport: Scrub/jog fine control (MIDI CC relative only)
;9F506D4FB59C460E=Adjust solo in front dim (MIDI CC/mousewheel only)
;EB846B13EA57CF79=View: Scroll horizontally (MIDI CC relative/mousewheel)
;69FB71A51192B693=View: Scroll vertically (MIDI CC relative/mousewheel)
;EA0430F3C0C049FB=View: Zoom horizontally (MIDI CC relative/mousewheel)
;F3B95FD1160B12AD=View: Zoom vertically (MIDI CC relative/mousewheel)
;64BA515DF83457C7=View: Scroll horizontally reversed (MIDI CC relative/mousewhee
;2F93E95601F9C8DD=View: Scroll vertically reversed (MIDI CC relative/mousewheel)
;D5E75574667D05F5=View: Zoom horizontally reversed (MIDI CC relative/mousewheel)
;B1C99CA3C01DAE5B=View: Zoom vertically reversed (MIDI CC relative/mousewheel)
;042BE08A7455181E=Automation lane: Set active fader (MIDI CC only)
;7087C4E2BE5F38C9=Adjust track FX parameter 01 (MIDI CC only)
;B559B07AC2AC69CA=Adjust track FX parameter 02 (MIDI CC only)
;4A0FCBCDAD78617B=Adjust track FX parameter 03 (MIDI CC only)
;64DD6C403134401C=Adjust track FX parameter 04 (MIDI CC only)
;F6D8964F7AF9E1ED=Adjust track FX parameter 05 (MIDI CC only)
;D515E69AD6F25BFE=Adjust track FX parameter 06 (MIDI CC only)
;6F7569984304CABF=Adjust track FX parameter 07 (MIDI CC only)
;76C04FDA5E2D2D90=Adjust track FX parameter 08 (MIDI CC only)
;159608B0DC43EB51=Adjust track FX parameter 09 (MIDI CC only)
;9812E0941DF06CAB=Adjust track FX parameter 10 (MIDI CC only)
;8536CB166B30C03A=Adjust track FX parameter 11 (MIDI CC only)
;9A1AC8B602722DB9=Adjust track FX parameter 12 (MIDI CC only)
;D40CC770AFF95638=Adjust track FX parameter 13 (MIDI CC only)
;F19C37B8463C92EF=Adjust track FX parameter 14 (MIDI CC only)
;7320A6B38870032E=Adjust track FX parameter 15 (MIDI CC only)
;E0C68984AABBB81D=Adjust track FX parameter 16 (MIDI CC only)
;976D6EF6FCE37BDD=Adjust last touched FX parameter (MIDI CC only)
;C0F749873BFEBD6E=Adjust track send 1 volume (MIDI CC only)
;2C134ABA758A701F=Adjust track send 2 volume (MIDI CC only)
;77DC6D9EF4BD7F44=Adjust track send 3 volume (MIDI CC only)
;46EEA5313A29407D=Adjust track send 4 volume (MIDI CC only)
;B93939126805168A=Adjust track send 5 volume (MIDI CC only)
;3D885DBC5E7993BB=Adjust track send 6 volume (MIDI CC only)
;F145AB1189549290=Adjust track send 7 volume (MIDI CC only)
;5C457015B9D9CBF9=Adjust track send 8 volume (MIDI CC only)
;5DDC3EDB081703D5=Adjust track send 1 pan (MIDI CC only)
;5CAA87FACCBCB596=Adjust track send 2 pan (MIDI CC only)
;1A50518EC39DEAAB=Adjust track send 3 pan (MIDI CC only)

;20B976D1722F364C=Adjust track send 4 pan (MIDI CC only)

;1B160C0712338651=Adjust track send 5 pan (MIDI CC only)
;346B04DDED0A0622=Adjust track send 6 pan (MIDI CC only)
;56E57503D26A07A7=Adjust track send 7 pan (MIDI CC only)
;9726C7B47C03BD58=Adjust track send 8 pan (MIDI CC only)
;9ADCADDD9A4860C8=Set tempo, coarse, latch for fine (MIDI CC only)
;35C2C7EFC1970789=Set tempo, coarse (MIDI CC only)
;EF801982D789D1A6=Set tempo, fine (MIDI CC only)
;07EC254F5219C484=Transient detection sensitivity/threshold: adjust...
;BD89CA6E30BFD339=Transient detection sensitivity: increase
;D9AC6A8208ADDBF5=Transient detection sensitivity: decrease
;CFFA9608F6FD9469=Transient detection threshold: increase
;F5B9B45EC3694265=Transient detection threshold: decrease
;A69F98DE61C9EB3B=Transient detection sensitivity: adjust (MIDI CC/mousewheel on
;4C85777B482BAACB=Transient detection threshold: adjust (MIDI CC/mousewheel only
;AFDB90D127AA2862=View: Scale finder window
;2EFFD03C670D14AD=View: Clear all peak indicators
;951D31C6841F66F3=Locking: Clear all lock modes
;D8EB590E3AC80670=Locking: Set all lock modes
;2E872E76632A9CB4=Locking: Enable locking
;AB51EFB25E08614F=Locking: Disable locking
;82BEF2D634887413=Locking: Set time selection locking mode
;CF407A76BDAFB0EE=Locking: Clear time selection locking mode
;4058329A44A7091B=Locking: Toggle time selection locking mode
;C97C1F40971A0FC5=Locking: Set loop points locking mode
;F18FF1A5C134AA86=Locking: Clear loop points locking mode
;B11F0A1A9A63511D=Locking: Toggle loop points locking mode
;E254751FF62A6126=Locking: Set full item locking mode
;E7926CDBFCE4B049=Locking: Clear full item locking mode
;CB3118BF63272CBE=Locking: Toggle full item locking mode
;1907B504730B9B7F=Locking: Set left/right item locking mode
;FD1E74323B20E760=Locking: Clear left/right item locking mode
;7746F74072345FF7=Locking: Toggle left/right item locking mode
;C7704E6992CE0CB9=Locking: Set up/down item locking mode
;2271B84D36371BA0=Locking: Clear up/down item locking mode
;E7839330D0812271=Locking: Toggle up/down item locking mode
;00C985607C150646=Locking: Set envelope locking mode
;77F81892F5352987=Locking: Clear envelope locking mode
;56F176F6CB34663E=Locking: Toggle envelope locking mode
;EEFDDF1EB809B9A2=Locking: Set region locking mode
;AF95B73281E0A497=Locking: Clear region locking mode
;0953A0239ADB3FFA=Locking: Toggle region locking mode
;5346AFC8A0C57C18=Locking: Set marker locking mode
;A19966646C7C840D=Locking: Clear marker locking mode
;47A9E74B537B7F60=Locking: Toggle marker locking mode
;F81142D73B50AEF3=Locking: Set time signature marker locking mode
;6571E6A6D06F5218=Locking: Clear time signature marker locking mode
;2FEF9BA2105FD0AB=Locking: Toggle time signature marker locking mode
;7421D4B39020A6E5=Locking: Set item edges locking mode
;540A08127A2F7B38=Locking: Clear item edges locking mode
;658E97EB373D66AD=Locking: Toggle item edges locking mode
;EBFD535B14FCD767=Locking: Set item controls locking mode
;8AFCC163C0A0D6E4=Locking: Clear item controls locking mode
;A0935110E97C535F=Locking: Toggle item controls locking mode
;DA57E317F64E564E=Take: Toggle take pan envelope
;D7D226C1E4D02C8B=Take: Toggle take volume envelope
;475F084BAF6A0106=Take: Toggle take mute envelope
;D26590021A803F7D=Take: Toggle take pitch envelope

;01B5FB4931F40B0B=Track: Rename last touched track

;CCA037A6F6C6374F=Toggle recording pre-roll
;31A535EE018DF953=Toggle show master tempo envelope
;514041B4CC8B35DC=Track: Insert new surround track
;20DAD40CFAF00BD0=Track: Insert new surround track, using selected tracks as sou
rce audio
;393CCDC71BAB6535=Grid: Set to 1/256
;3029AAC716696009=Grid: Set to 1/128
;A735F6AA893ADB6A=Grid: Set to 1/64
;41F6E4C720A12D27=Grid: Set to 1/32T
;A72BE2AA893264E9=Grid: Set to 1/32
;303786C716756039=Grid: Set to 1/16T
;A724F6AA892C6837=Grid: Set to 1/16
;A70682AA8912A58C=Grid: Set to 1/8T
;3EDB83617ED80610=Grid: Set to 1/8
;A72EC2AA89346460=Grid: Set to 1/4T
;3EDB8F617ED81A74=Grid: Set to 1/4
;3EDB8D617ED8170E=Grid: Set to 1/2
;43BC736F21CDCC77=Grid: Set to 1
;43BC746F21CDCE2A=Grid: Set to 2
;43BC6E6F21CDC3F8=Grid: Set to 4
;CB7970295138913D=Grid: Adjust by 1/1.5
;8C52576D2A7F54C9=Grid: Adjust by 1/2
;8C52566D2A7F5316=Grid: Adjust by 1/3
;8C4EEC6D2A7C6921=Grid: Adjust by 1.5
;357DFA94C7BDEA8D=Grid: Adjust by 2
;357DF994C7BDE8DA=Grid: Adjust by 3
;1BA48EA2CEC94EC2=ReaScript: Run Python script...
;AC63E9831620F132=ReaScript: Run last script
;606FD145B1863A9F=ReaScript: Open ReaScript documentation (html)...
;4B59D9E65E7F89BD=Menu: Customize...
;478126B35CB13756=Toolbars: Customize...
;88B889E7410DB393=Toolbar: Show/hide Toolbar Docker
;12F422F4195CC605=Toolbar: Show/hide toolbar at top of main window
;227B8E4677CC055C=Toolbars: switch to main toolbar
;5876C14F72F3EE5E=Toolbars: switch to toolbar 1
;5876C04F72F3ECAB=Toolbars: switch to toolbar 2
;5876BF4F72F3EAF8=Toolbars: switch to toolbar 3
;5876C64F72F3F6DD=Toolbars: switch to toolbar 4
;5876C54F72F3F52A=Toolbars: switch to toolbar 5
;5876C44F72F3F377=Toolbars: switch to toolbar 6
;5876C34F72F3F1C4=Toolbars: switch to toolbar 7
;5876BA4F72F3E279=Toolbars: switch to toolbar 8
;15BE9A4D068EE857=Toolbars: switch to MIDI toolbar 1
;15BE9B4D068EEA0A=Toolbars: switch to MIDI toolbar 2
;15BE9C4D068EEBBD=Toolbars: switch to MIDI toolbar 3
;15BE954D068EDFD8=Toolbars: switch to MIDI toolbar 4
;406B68852E517672=Toolbars: switch to MIDI piano roll toolbar
;E0CCDBF08C21B72B=Toolbar: Open/close toolbar 1
;E0CCDCF08C21B8DE=Toolbar: Open/close toolbar 2
;E0CCDDF08C21BA91=Toolbar: Open/close toolbar 3
;E0CCDEF08C21BC44=Toolbar: Open/close toolbar 4
;E0CCDFF08C21BDF7=Toolbar: Open/close toolbar 5
;E0CCE0F08C21BFAA=Toolbar: Open/close toolbar 6
;E0CCE1F08C21C15D=Toolbar: Open/close toolbar 7
;E0CCD2F08C21A7E0=Toolbar: Open/close toolbar 8
;99E5CC3B4FA54DB4=Toolbar: Open/close MIDI toolbar 1
;99E5CF3B4FA552CD=Toolbar: Open/close MIDI toolbar 2
;99E5CE3B4FA5511A=Toolbar: Open/close MIDI toolbar 3
;99E5C93B4FA5489B=Toolbar: Open/close MIDI toolbar 4

;130129BF730709A3=Toolbar: Open/close main toolbar

;9892B804E0DCD699=Toolbar: Open MIDI/close piano roll toolbar
;5656C4B15BF71970=Toolbar: Open toolbar 1 at mouse cursor
;2B267371FA0C6FAD=Toolbar: Open toolbar 2 at mouse cursor
;A45D67860F962C02=Toolbar: Open toolbar 3 at mouse cursor
;072E3E1CC37135B7=Toolbar: Open toolbar 4 at mouse cursor
;D2E42993C90E05BC=Toolbar: Open toolbar 5 at mouse cursor
;A70CF1891A6B0AB9=Toolbar: Open toolbar 6 at mouse cursor
;284FD7DDD62577DE=Toolbar: Open toolbar 7 at mouse cursor
;5A9F5D5230748C93=Toolbar: Open toolbar 8 at mouse cursor
;6DB6C7A0A185C4E3=Toolbar: Press active toolbar button 01
;6DB6C8A0A185C696=Toolbar: Press active toolbar button 02
;6DB6C9A0A185C849=Toolbar: Press active toolbar button 03
;6DB6CAA0A185C9FC=Toolbar: Press active toolbar button 04
;6DB6CBA0A185CBAF=Toolbar: Press active toolbar button 05
;6DB6CCA0A185CD62=Toolbar: Press active toolbar button 06
;6DB6CDA0A185CF15=Toolbar: Press active toolbar button 07
;6DB6CEA0A185D0C8=Toolbar: Press active toolbar button 08
;6DB6CFA0A185D27B=Toolbar: Press active toolbar button 09
;6DBA4CA0A188DCB9=Toolbar: Press active toolbar button 10
;6DBA4BA0A188DB06=Toolbar: Press active toolbar button 11
;6DBA4AA0A188D953=Toolbar: Press active toolbar button 12
;6DBA49A0A188D7A0=Toolbar: Press active toolbar button 13
;6DBA50A0A188E385=Toolbar: Press active toolbar button 14
;6DBA4FA0A188E1D2=Toolbar: Press active toolbar button 15
;6DBA4EA0A188E01F=Toolbar: Press active toolbar button 16
;0917EF76798983D2=Toggle show all floating windows
;D044D8BE6D789A99=Toggle show all floating windows (except Mixer)
;038A1B9FA589C1A1=Toggle show all floating windows (except unattached Docker)
;7201E076EFB8EAF1=Toggle show all floating windows (except Mixer and unattached
;633D242A6FD1975A=Docker: Activate next tab
;A0FFDFB16517C916=Docker: Activate previous tab
;9B872DA723483C96=Reset position (cascade) all floating windows
;CE625A0B39E86867=Item: Snap items left
;C1BB239435C79118=Item: Snap items right
;6E9EECBC6533A175=Item: Snap items to nearest snap point
;8BEB7CC4F4B1A83E=Envelopes: Move selected points left a little bit
;F54F23B96E13EAA5=Envelopes: Move selected points right a little bit
;92815858A10806DF=Envelopes: Move selected points left by grid
;D19DB5E0910F5B32=Envelopes: Move selected points right by grid
;E345F802BCA2DD96=Envelopes: Move selected points up a little bit
;ED99EE2332B9F7FD=Envelopes: Move selected points down a little bit
;FECB0DB5D215431A=Automation: Write current values to time selection
;40C15CCA71E6EFA3=Automation: Write current values from cursor to start of proje
;1248B7C3AC93BE90=Automation: Write current values from cursor to end of project
;40FE833340A41073=Automation: Unarm all envelopes
;4AAD45EA140D8B6C=Fully unload unloaded VSTs
;F65C8D9D1D01E8E6=Item: Move and stretch items to fit time selection
;2D8030A02196C050=Item: Move, stretch, and loop items to fit time selection
;441D498324021BC4=Item: Copy items to time selection, trim/loop to fit
;0D08E0EAD939D7D4=Item: Move items to time selection, trim/loop to fit
;DE99FF9864896A65=Item: Fit items to time selection, padding with silence if nee
;6CEA5BB1F394FFD5=Item: Fit items to time selection, looping if needed
;3A823056D6DC5872=Reset soft takeover for all MIDI controller assignments
;D21D38FC7AE9B03F=Comp takes: Save/rename active comp...
;F6E7EF28221F1637=Comp takes: Remove active comp from list
;D0010DBA3B07400F=Comp takes: Activate previous comp

;ACB116C3515459EF=Comp takes: Activate next comp

;A824E219084AC230=Comp takes: Toggle select last comp (A/B)
;0EEDBAB51AD23CFC=Comp takes: Crop list to active comp
;B5D916EE9F64247E=Comp takes: Move active comp to top lane
;CE8FE53EFC0A3F17=Comp takes: Choose active comp for item under mouse (and all o
ther items in the comp)
;4DA6D8511D33D252=Show startup splash screen
;CE0148822A9AB16D=Run LICEcap (animated screen capture utility)
;C21AEA5F98E6A3E5=[developer] Write C++ API functions header
;FB93B9F21C7AD24F=[developer] Debug console
;068503C61D92F681=Insert new PiP (subproject)...
;625A73EF879BBCB4=Item properties: Set take channel mode to mono channel %02d
;032C2DE718718CF4=Item properties: Set take channel mode to stereo channels %02d
;^FDFF2C38C037D04E=No-op (no action)
;^385A68019D9A9A61=New project tab
;^887AC55D66DDCCA9=Options: MIDI editor mouse modifier preferences...
;^210B23F21E3171CA=Convert active take MIDI to .mid file reference
;^DBE0EEA73EA7A24B=Edit: Undo
;^02194DA19CF34ECD=Edit: Redo
;^DCFEAB8BD451EB5C=Show action list
;^7807E6A469856A94=View: Move edit cursor to play cursor
;^16A0B50E20E429AB=View: Move edit cursor to mouse cursor
;^EE7C68EF6C212F98=Transport: Play
;^B12DCB764FB6F550=Transport: Pause
;^A4419DE98AC6632E=Transport: Stop
;^46E68D57893F0D5D=Transport: Play/pause
;^82CD794FA2EDD475=Transport: Play/stop
;^61DB5FFF400740A5=Transport: Toggle repeat
;^01262900CB9ABE4B=Loop points: Remove loop points
;^EA21659EDE25DB0A=Set project tempo from time selection (new time signature)...
;^F2F9B74A2243D03F=Set project tempo from time selection (detect tempo)
;^60FDC47CC49E565A=View: Scroll view down
;^EF2E4D6B32E12F9F=View: Scroll view up
;^00A326BE1D4B4B0F=View: Scroll view left
;^3CAB5198F069B180=View: Scroll view right
;^B0BD565E6246F228=Loop points: Set start point
;^F8D05E3085FD2B41=Loop points: Set end point
;^E9D9A68C20EC04ED=Time selection: Remove time selection
;^D2BA30B556C02C0A=Time selection: Remove time selection and loop point selectio
;^A6F3EA432AA410A4=Insert virtual instrument on new track...
;^293D4AED6CD88FF6=View: toggle show MIDI editor windows
;^4C2711165B524E16=Unselect all tracks/items/envelope points
;^4F54BFB1FE7FA7B1=Send all notes off to all MIDI outputs/plug-ins
;^23CA90FBC72F010D=Toggle show master track and tempo envelope
;^12C3FAD652693FD1=Toolbar: Open MIDI toolbar 1 at mouse cursor
;^BBE9B04C60CAD394=Toolbar: Open MIDI toolbar 2 at mouse cursor
;^BF0E1DB8639E5D8F=Toolbar: Open MIDI toolbar 3 at mouse cursor
;^4A717A29C667E83A=Toolbar: Open MIDI toolbar 4 at mouse cursor
;^F8E6A0B81A77C5E9=Reset all MIDI devices

Set volume for %s (MIDI CC only)

Set pan for %s (MIDI CC only)
Toggle mute for %s
Toggle solo for %s
Toggle FX bypass for %s
Toggle record arm for %s

;1D1B398E2645F94E=Track: Set mute for %s (MIDI CC only)

;075ABAEE700E8B5C=Track: Set solo for %s (MIDI CC only)
;743FF1DB8C87C0A5=Track: Set stereo width (or right channel pan) for %s (MIDI CC
;A37CAA2E2F4B46E2=Track: Select track %02d
;834B6983041D4E06=Group: Select all tracks in group %02d
;BF0CAFC24857E546=Set default mouse modifier action for \"%s %s\" to \"%s\"
;8C9BD4F57CFD1931= (factory default)
;53A0708F2F0C4F01=track %02d
;BD12C3E49CCB7E02=last touched track
;A9D4F8A41900FD2E=master track
;8A1F0F35A4C8FD3E=selected tracks
;C2C9675C6F6C0768=Output channel alias/mapping
;12622FC57125BBC7=Input channel alias/mapping
;04BC1D63A93DB113=Aliased Name
;B5043558DA4E6D19=HW Name
;E5EE58A37A698AA8=Load channel map from:
;654702982910C3C9=Save channel map as:
;3B4D783DE04FE3DC=Reset all names/mappings to default?
;^73532F71FB46906C=(not connected)
;D9B9A4186C6B46AD= R
;D9B986186C6B13B3= L
;4311DCC4B14F6C05=AU input
;CD932145DA3C560A=AU output
;A04C0CA272A78C95=---- AU Factory Presets (.aupreset) ---;F2E22710BBB6C3B6=---- AU User Presets (.aupreset) ---;CD28B16B1EC54420=Export Preset
;E646C8D381A49972=The file already exists:
;F7044D8C4B3150D4=Can't create the path:
;7867D1BDD657C87B=Could not create file:
;F4285503718048FD=Exported to:
;E3A2CED4A1F8407E=Preset Export
;CC617F46EED7875C=Preset Export Error
;39E43E277073A460=A preset named
;4763AE16FF8B6DA3=already exists. You must delete it first.
;830814774F5BEE0E=Rename Preset Error
;^274E7C84B3E58DB8=Reset to factory default
;^0EC28D42C155A657=---- User Presets (.rpl) ---;^93244D3BB94E6F33=No preset
;^17B3AE10A9CC3695=Plug-in state data size:
;^2B74B8A9175B98AD=Save Preset
;^B814E3BFB72A607B=Delete preset
;^11B3B66593F236CF=Confirm Preset Delete
;^3B0F03168DFDAFF8=Rename Preset
;^73532F71FB46906C=(not connected)

;B2AE811100D0DBB6=Automute: track output exceeds
;A565C29A3016483F=(no tracks automuted)
;^F420AC1723391ECE=Master track
;^38F9B35CED04D04D=Big Clock
;22DC9809A08117E3=Must have a filename to bounce to!
;BCF24F6C993EDD8E=Audio device not open, can't save live output!
;5218F96155F6D327=Write to file:
;8F03A4DEE959DBBC= [modified]
;F7DE204A45AD8C16=[unsaved project]
;B6B08A59EE4FD987=[proj %d/%d]
;EAFB81B53B649538=Registered to
;^629548803B048F00= [comp]
;E63708A9651FBB9A=Take Comp Name
;1B58887EEE306022=A comp named \"%s\" already exists in the project. Delete it?
;1E9A4E9E37C4797B=Confirm Comp Name
;^2430BBE52E3FC625=Comp %d
;D1E63BFD73436688=Color themes
;060F35F31C67729D=Plug-in presets
;35ADAD3341147CA2=JS FX
;9B27930C3D90899D=Project and track templates
;14442C439CE0C9B1=Misc data
;F0E43EC2313B4D1B=Cursors and key maps
;FF6F5719B797F6DC=Menus and toolbars
;B37E05D4D8491322=Actions and key bindings
;D970C4613F64FEE9=Menu sets
;1D1B4141C1E62FFD=Channel mappings
;07193DE037235567=Language Packs
;3FEC959E1863B272=Calculating file list...
;A85AB8F8377C9DBB=%d files failed to write!
;9356F5EE700B510F=Wrote %d files to ReaperConfigZip
;9BBB2F0CFF74EA58=Errors writing ReaperConfigZip
;35254CF60259EE43=Error reading
;39089AA4C420975A=Error writing to file
;C3A56347779F5142=Error adding file
;0203F26F433C990A=Will include %d files (%.1f%cB)
;A6A76B5D47F2A52F=Must select items to save!
;8B7B3E92B80C2DAE=Can't export
;69553034C8B537F5=No files to export!
;AB062E6F28E88252=Choose ReaperConfigZip file to save
;8305AB83EF070382=Error opening output file

;65E7CCA129135553=Error writing ReaperConfigZip

;9B5BE3D1C7E4005B=Error opening ReaperConfigZip
;A8F6AA0563DE93A1=Can't import: no items selected
;E2F1A99B4FD3F755=Bad ZIP
;A989F32F5D776039=Failed write
;DA30AC6EBAFDCD77=Can't write
;865D5A89502A8ED8=1 item failed to install (look in the item list to see what fa
;A8F157E62CA6299E=%d items failed to install (you can look in the list to see wh
ich items failed)
;F3628AE4F3013392=Configuration import error
;28EC884AE01B2922=Error opening ReaperConfigZip (missing information)
;39A56CD89DE018F5=*** Remove
;D71428A988ED3FE8=Import will install 1 file
;7174B8DE6652C08D=Import will install %d files
;5A21EFEDAB4F44FF= and modify 1 file
;BD7CFFF2A0861E1A= and modify %d files
;3BC962712055D904= and REMOVE 1 file!
;BC15D33B8E7A1967= and REMOVE %d files!
;18347C10C98CD94D=Importing configuration will require REAPER to restart. You wi
ll be prompted to save any open projects, and will get to review the configurati
on before installing. Proceed?
;5ED4338681DE1E25=Import Configuration?
;^C004CD40F2057E29=FX chains
;A038D55811405CA7=Converting: %d%%
;ACD3FB6DDC3170C6=Add files to file converter list:
;5A9484C5B05BD001=Can't open source file
;E646D5239C857F26=Can't open destination file
;05ED68EDE7875DDC=File Converter FX Chain
;83AF965762B83885=Add files...
;784BBA608AB475FA=Add selected media item(s)
;580B8CA7D89F7839=File conversion list is empty!
;6F13FF51863927AD=File conversion error
;8505C3F245AA0D03=You need to specify the output folder!
;7D90B15ECF32752A=Start Convert
;00C29E7A0D653CCE=Conversion queue done (%d items processed).
;C56105D5AC7CBE82=One or more errors occured, check the list for errors.
;BD3C73534E9B6153=File conversion
;^BABD655B2A5AED87=Select a directory:
;3E0E0C0054FDA94E=Disk total:
;B9A9937766A29768=Disk read:

;A87379FE917563C7=Disk write:
;770B69EEFA83809E=RAM use: %uMB\r\n
;FC19414CC54B044B=System %s: %uMB/%uMB\r\n\r\n
;C6C67D47B580C2EB=Lat: %.0fms
;D1AEBD14310A5CB4=FX CPU use
;953C6D46CA27A548=CPU use
;^EE1268CA4B845A22=# FX
;BFC3306F54935DAB=Continue custom action
;60604BB42DF6B781=Action paused
;86330CD225C99482=Loop custom action
;78759B7EBE0076EF= from step
;60761F79AE7C6D51=Customized toolbar:
;743D5DE682B2520B=Default toolbar:
;BB8DEF4452154BCD=switching menus
;3AD566171AC38A07=Retitle menu
;75E33EAFA782FD04=Add label
;DB43122089698013=Add submenu
;8AE6DD57CA93AB8F=Rename menu item
;5BF2418D54B41EC9=Text icon
;56CCAC0E8900FBFD=Reset all customized toolbars to default? Note: this cannot be
;601D766EE84F0CA9=Reset all customized menus to default? Note: this cannot be un
;E3EA8486EB10C973=Confirm menu reset
;462C331AD48CE1D6=Load Menu [Set]:
;D33FECDC0798C273=ReaperMenu file does not have menu for '%s'
;32F9F5B3AA189E84=Error importing ReaperMenu
;4B387F5A8FE58150=Replace current custom menu set?\r\n(You must export the curre
nt set for it to be saved.)
;F147FBB440094BD8=Confirm menu set load
;EEB3E113002BEEAD=Save single menu:
;AA3B0E0744248C81=Save menu set:
;^AF427D96E302B145=Customized menu:
;^38EAAB594661F05F=Default menu:
;8526440B07707361=Send files to trash (safer)
;F3B9104AAEBB1249=Project media path not found!
;02137CBE81838764=Scanning project directory...
;0D74709687427C94=%d of %d files are not used in
;E1B7D88D39E1EB01=No unused files found

;2B0D285A38123897=Remove %d selected files?

;7DD3D3B3AF7CDCD0=Delete Files Confirmation
;8D1A56E0463971F7=%d files could not be deleted.
;F2F4267894F0AB1D=Delete Files Error
;^C7A89083E6E728EB=Project Directory Cleanup
;D15BC93ABD1F68D8= (docked)
;0BFC771F1F9FBEDB=Attach Toolbar Docker to main window
;^9A96C7D5CB612D76=Toolbar Docker
;^A66F5FD1FF70F568=Attach Docker to main window
;BE0AAD79340CB0B6=Gate closes at
;5AA85530749D1CB0=reopens at
;B2752BD2D1A63C8E=Scanning DX plug-in:
;^274E7C84B3E58DB8=Reset to factory default
;^0EC28D42C155A657=---- User Presets (.rpl) ---;^93244D3BB94E6F33=No preset
;^2B74B8A9175B98AD=Save Preset
;^B814E3BFB72A607B=Delete preset
;^11B3B66593F236CF=Confirm Preset Delete
;^3B0F03168DFDAFF8=Rename Preset
;DF91E9E358286DAE= bpm
;6221B0803AA24F2A= st
;D01169758313DDFB=Move to media lane
;2A392CE051D488A2=Reduce points:
;EB289C99B437F75A=Need at least 3 envelope points to reduce
;14221D53FF2650B1=Can't reduce envelope points
;AEF53FB432FD3810=Tempo map
;^6A05662E2A1E77AC=Slow start/end
;^BC24D1B6349B5A89=Fast start
;^DB6FC995D09C7078=Fast end
;^CD674FEA536FDABD=Hide envelope
;^40B42F5B4E7F894C=Clear envelope
;76909180E734EF7F=Global override mode
;4ED592C8593F12E8=Envelopes for Master Track

;6A03DF6C5D045BC4=Envelopes for track

;3E1E2DC180BD3EB0=Show last touched FX parameters only
;^C644A2EBFF26E843=Automation mode:
;^480A73B43C308366= (folder)
;DFCA919D6A234509=Receive Envelopes
;^4E5F93B30C786CEB=Track Envelopes
;^65971737BB8DFA2C=Send Envelopes
;4F0FF8C68174EB99=Display track automation envelope
;38EB36F18A7A3BB5=Master automation envelopes
;0DE47D3FF7101E90=Track automation envelopes
;969E4985EEB5BF6E=active but hidden
;94FDEB80682CF963=FX Parameters
;965043EEE03A7C8E=Hide all track envelopes
;7986CE4511509744=Arm all visible track envelopes
;07C600992DB11454=Disarm all track envelopes
;B863D5552AF8F04B=Show all visible track envelopes in envelope lanes
;9ECE9A18328F556A=Show all visible track envelopes in media lane
;567F0D273842FAC4=Global override automation mode:
;4036F87897378B46=Track automation mode:
;E81A578EDE83B19C=Trim/Read (envelopes are active but faders are all for trim)
;^65971737BB8DFA2C=Send Envelopes
;^5A6DE0CA99B71E37=Show all active track envelopes
;^DEF52717C4E7101F=Read (play faders with armed envelopes)
;^E73F4D99E9F274CB=Touch (record fader movements to armed envelopes)
;^A23B66B5439758A9=Write (record fader positions to armed envelopes)
;^7C92092A41B00EDC=Latch (record fader movements after first movement)
;C3E0C0E766B4F425=Send Volume
;984D1E61B8205D5A=Send Pan
;33B387658A238D22=Send Mute
;81F998BCFD9C03E2=Audio Hardware Output: Volume
;134434E547A5B227=Audio Hardware Output: Pan
;829EFC883EA4A099=Audio Hardware Output: Mute
;F956A6770719C64E=Volume (Pre-FX)
;67878F6B498F7713=Pan (Pre-FX)
;C4BD3F12A35FA956=Width (Pre-FX)
;11AA619ABC3FD5D1=Pan (Right, Pre-FX)
;45948CCBB91E3CDF=Pan (Right)
;6572A9BA5BFF9C58=Pan (Left, Pre-FX)
;B5D7418FA42756DE=Pan (Left)
;E471A461788E4141=Track %d

;^A74298433E1F4B3D=Track Channel
;6A79BA6885631B99=<Project Directory>
;D02BC1733A43B26F=<Track Templates>
;89440B8014C901E6=My Computer
;11456A4D80ECCB83=My Documents
;50E0883209C08CF2=<missing disk>
;1D9874EB3955C87F=<removable disk>
;3DA0340399C98272=Tempo match off
;B2E09ACA744A1438=Tempo match on
;8CB225376D2E67EC=Tempo match half
;4CAA1B5C557308B0=Tempo match double
;0591394C9673FBDB=Note: command+opt+drag selection to render a new file
;91CE1F3E0F9E1B35=Note: control+alt+drag selection to render a new file
;^5D4FC446DED74611=Output Channel
;^2D64A463B95C3074=Media Explorer
[explorer_DLG_101] ; IDD_MAIN
;C9773CE5D391B6EE=Auto play
;38E212B2E5D542C7=Start on bar
;^2D64A463B95C3074=Media Explorer
;^E97ABAF631B4841C=aux sends
;^6D0FDC8D1C9C5504=+0.0 dB
[explorer_DLG_102] ; IDD_SEXPLORER

[explorer_DLG_103] ; IDD_SEXPLORER_LIST
[explorer_MENU_103] ; IDR_CONTEXTMENU
;7D8A2435A119638A=Remove selected shortcut
;9BD3D7E614984F73=Close Window\tEsc
;^51811BBAD22BC48D=Default action (double-click, or enter key)
;^C5546E0DD81AFC44=Insert media or open project
;^6EC0EDC21D60E9B9=Start preview
;^AADC236C38D60A97=Do nothing
;^F38FF5A9EE6E2C5B=Insert media on selected track
;^A990E39726BBA83A=Insert media on new track
;^0B35824C72FB30DC=Open projects in current tab
;^44F0FFC2E0D387C7=Open projects in new tab
;^5B745260C3493F34=Insert projects as media
;^EB15808B1540C1AC=Preserve pitch when tempo-matching
;^E953387880EB6BCA=Always show waveform peaks for selected media
;^33B126F31D7ADF8D=Display preview position in tenths of seconds
;^7A61C83EDD568392=Auto-stop preview after adding media
;^56908A585EF50FEA=Auto-advance to next file after preview (requires repeat off)
;^8845CB59F1A758F9=Preview REAPER projects (.RPP)
;^E1B082D02E99FD1E=Use Windows Explorer for browsing
;^E3BFB2365BCB9521=Unload current preview media
;^1E0BA4E5C4151116=Show all files
;^AF4AD46D7AA10118=Add current folder to shortcut list
;^DCFEAB8BD451EB5C=Show action list
;^A646042E5765A52A=Dock media explorer in Docker
;^82EE5475CB6FCE9F=Close window
[explorer_MENU_104] ; IDR_MENU1
;8B5A889ADCE5D728=&Media Explorer
;^51C47435D113C016=Show source properties for current preview media
;^E3BFB2365BCB9521=Unload current preview media
;^1E0BA4E5C4151116=Show all files
;^AF4AD46D7AA10118=Add current folder to shortcut list
;^51811BBAD22BC48D=Default action (double-click, or enter key)
;^C5546E0DD81AFC44=Insert media or open project
;^6EC0EDC21D60E9B9=Start preview
;^AADC236C38D60A97=Do nothing
;^F38FF5A9EE6E2C5B=Insert media on selected track
;^A990E39726BBA83A=Insert media on new track
;^0B35824C72FB30DC=Open projects in current tab
;^44F0FFC2E0D387C7=Open projects in new tab
;^5B745260C3493F34=Insert projects as media
;^EB15808B1540C1AC=Preserve pitch when tempo-matching
;^E953387880EB6BCA=Always show waveform peaks for selected media
;^33B126F31D7ADF8D=Display preview position in tenths of seconds
;^7A61C83EDD568392=Auto-stop preview after adding media
;^56908A585EF50FEA=Auto-advance to next file after preview (requires repeat off)
;^8845CB59F1A758F9=Preview REAPER projects (.RPP)
;^E1B082D02E99FD1E=Use Windows Explorer for browsing
;^DCFEAB8BD451EB5C=Show action list
;^A646042E5765A52A=Dock media explorer in Docker
;^82EE5475CB6FCE9F=Close window

;C69F308758F2C001=Preview: Play
;53E7AB6FB57C8F63=Preview: Stop
;103921902E1CAE63=Preview: Pause
;93824FF068492355=Browser: Browse selected folder, or insert selected media file
;C01D53BAE4521EBA=Browser: Go to parent folder
;99FFF0A1973205BA=Browser: Refresh
;043EB13CFFE296FA=Browser: Toggle display all files/supported media only
;83307F99641CA2AA=Dock Media Explorer in Docker
;EC4C9D8A875DB6FB=Stop preview when inserting media: Toggle on/off
;80FA7B10931D1E52=Tempo match: Off
;30E30229D26F5898=Tempo match: On
;3229CE29D38575DC=Tempo match: /2
;3190E029D30387A7=Tempo match: x2
;1D9A114EDC107DD4=Tempo match: Toggle on/off
;D1CCD83A49F79F9C=Start on bar: Toggle on/off
;823E5F49867EA597=Autoplay: Toggle on/off
;75E57AFFE3DF3292=Preview: Play/stop
;B996F53953D967DC=Preview: Play/pause
;D1E15F9A1C45CD81=Play previously previewed media (A/B)
;47976D9F4B5D2222=Preview: Play from last seek position
;EF02242AB4A9B29F=Preview: Play/pause from last seek position
;BDA17A8F275428F6=Browser: Select previous file in directory
;03CC5BE15A6EE136=Browser: Select next file in directory
;B0161D94158A29D1=Preview: Rewind to start
;0E69A23B441B4B9A=Preview: Rewind a little bit
;BA43A202253C3A56=Preview: Fast forward a little bit
;FEF5C7A726C6C1F1=Toggle preview position display between full seconds and tenth
s of seconds
;A91B1034C388E3F5=Autoplay: On
;E1FC0CA841B31251=Autoplay: Off
;2780B5AC0B25AD50=Start on bar: On
;457CD956F11BFF4A=Start on bar: Off
;A63779ECA4E49D55=Preview: Toggle repeat on/off
;9559FB04A642BDFD=Preview: Repeat on
;0A87F3E683511519=Preview: Repeat off
;2EC16A8963992D43=Preview: advance to next file at end of preview (repeat must b
e off)
;C458CC1A5AACF5EF=Browser: Select all media files
;D617BC6E9735BE3A=Options: Default action inserts media
;300A7364B521F3BD=Options: Default action starts preview
;1BD28442B00C25DC=Options: Default action does nothing
;70338F07C42907ED=Options: Insert media on selected track
;8CD9C88E699748D8=Options: Insert media on new track
;888DD25AC4AD8A3A=Options: Open projects in current tab
;FEC0D1D0F4CCD805=Options: Open projects in new tab
;1C80D69B3FFCE3D3=Options: Double-click inserts media
;F68BBE3B80B8FBCA=Options: Preserve pitch when tempo-matching preview
;C85877D94D3C9FA0=Close Media Explorer window
;602606A1EA20A08A=Toggle embedding Windows Explorer
;^DCFEAB8BD451EB5C=Show action list
;^E3BFB2365BCB9521=Unload current preview media
;^51C47435D113C016=Show source properties for current preview media

;B4CB6FB664C37C8C=Error launching action
;BB88822962CDD54A=Media Explorer Error
;C467388DF98DD7C1=Add to shortcut list
;D204E3D46BB8DD12=Open project
;6FC2FB04C3600403=Insert selected portion into project
;ACE17ED77A0CFB39=Insert into project
;7258A5870C2BAC8F=Insert at time selection (stretch/loop to fit)
;F5BA2FF181967308=Insert into project on a new track
;F944D7A88AD60F1D=Insert as take in selected items
;79D4771364B784D9=Use as media source for selected items
;DD8024E8914DF810=Use as media source for selected items (stretch/loop to fit)
;72077083EF1BFBD4=Show media source properties
;3713B4F167FD747C=Unload media preview
;^2D64A463B95C3074=Media Explorer
;^6174C6969402A488=Open project in new tab
;^2C078B30A2995EDB=ReaRoute Output
;D45F993CE12C1B43=All Inputs
;4B452B2D15B5585A=Reversing file to new take...
;F2B87F169A58A695=Rendering file...
;AD4BE6D55F178607=Applying FX...
;E965D262E7D4296E=MIDI event
;29E9879A0FEEFCE4=Explode MIDI note rows
;43ABD02FA6444E41=One item per pitch
;A4FC598B314586F4=One item per channel
;F7D8461DCF28DB58=single-pitch items
;303CD8585B80219D=single-channel items
;0C198C594F14CE8A=Error creating new single-channel media items
;5A07B7E6ABE54AFA=Multichannel explode
;1ACD08E5EF42F8CA=Error exploding multichannel media item
;^6A8323D4A2DF56E0=Explode multichannel media
;^4789C5332441688D=Error finding an unused filename for output. Source file:\r\n
;^A1BB777BE5203666=Open Copy Error
;66F5EBD54D296600=Freeze %d contains:
;B98116534002E359=Freeze contains:
;CE9229C691739C56=Receive: Track %d
;617E95F30033D513=FX: %s\n
;71258FD7D1871C54=Media items: %d\n
;B1BC9261E098D7B6=The following effect is set to offline:
;4EBA2376DB13772D=Load preset library for '%s' into '%s'?
;8A0CEC6B3975A79A=Load preset library into '%s'?

;EB884BF27F4DAAF9=Overwrite existing presets with imported presets of the same n

;2004736DFEBC4B42=Presets exist
;998B26CA233E0C38=Error loading preset library, header not found!
;D8EBBC7D134E537B=Error loading preset library, cannot open file!
;657524CBE83DF294=Import preset library:
;30FA90CAEA2BB126=Import preset library
;BB0CC701A7907D13=Export preset library:
;586CD01FC87A271B=Export preset library
;DAF16654F60CC4B8=Error writing to preset library file! Disk full?
;A812A7FC8E6BC23F=OFFLINE ;F5BFBD4D49BA078B=BYPASSED ;F025E1B89F09259C=Rename parameter:
;4A10D846929E1CBE=[unnamed parameter]
;D9A9B8F7F03C1A59=Save FX chain:
;DBBC46B2994004C6=Remove all existing FX before loading Track Default Chain?\r\n
(if you select No, the Track Default Chain will be added to your FX list)
;F17BD15BC982BD69=Add FX chain:
;315D2C8D511050B7=The following effects were in the loaded chain but are not ava
;46D03EC1B9E16763= (input FX chain)
;E561B4BD0979C906= [BYPASSED]
;^835886E70395249C=Add FX Envelope
;^12D1E2F79FD7BDB8=Rename FX instance
;^17E7264672EB4EC9=FX comment for:
;^DDDBC4B59922776E=Master Track
;^480A73B43C308366= (folder)
;99A0C5AAB4639AA7=Create New Folder
;01DE68E52FC84E4D=New folder:
;AEFE438601D636B4=You must enter a name!
;CC9253BC8BC18E8D=Rename FX...
;521F6DE1AA57D7F3=Add to
;0052BF3894DBE463=Remove from folder...
;2A31DB0B5883713A=Edit JS FX...
;A43F758CDC5F197E=Default (set in Prefs/VST)
;72C4EBEA9DDD2213=Separate process
;F981E3B335D7F379=Dedicated process
;F77EE03882B3E2BE=Native only
;E10B632AE7A16400=Embed bridged UI (may not work with all plugins, less crash-re
;AEF8DD6798933C08=Run as
;6E2A89AB8DA62509=Buggy plugin compatibility mode
;A179E53BE5D2EC67=Scan for new plugins
;40B8E8A7530FEAA1=VST folders
;FF225ECB120E936B=Add FX to:
;FC8F326485F29D24=Insert Virtual Instrument on New Track...
;C38F533A746DB5A9=Browse FX
;525EB0DC94B30D6E=All Plugins
;F98A75D77CD68109=FX Chains
;24F1060B944AB6E0=My Folders

;5C48649A25A13B27=Default Preset
;4BB7F075C3B19094=Error renaming:\r\n\t
;56E402CA4CD6753C=Are you sure you want to remove this folder?
;8925B5328D23FB71=Do you want to add the following tracks for this effect?\r\n
;13BFC6DC2333E980=If not, only the
;D936E33A722937BB=stereo 1/2 outputs
;170D79326EF91348=mono 1+2 outputs
;2B562A0344F10199= will be audible without further routing.\r\n
;74DD7AE924E641B5=Stereo %d/%d->New track %d
;E0DD6D63857DA1A4=Mono %d->New track %d
;ABEF5E3363495194=Build Routing Confirmation
;319DFE3A0693D0D2=Newly installed
;524E96E1AA7F8E60=Add FX
;^BA1A25DF2A11E99B=Rename Folder
;^C3EB4B7A6BCD5F3C=New name:
;^C35B6227A5807B01=Save minimal undo states
;^54BE0C4F3DB86B76=Save state as VST bank (default)
;^420377F78A3E1841=FX Browser
;^82E42D2FF8D25A8D=Could not get channel info for effects (are they multichannel
;^BC3F5623627FE3E9=Add FX Chain
;3D781F4D51AC0219=Remove from list:
;BFB99C70CB51B59E=All parameters
;281A1683C72D4D5D=Record-input FX: parameter menu N/A
;77ED7DC3CEE518A2=Per-take FX: parameter menu N/A
;7E680E30DB01BDC0=No recently touched FX parameters
;47E34E9BF22EC4A3=Last touched:
;33621D309922B1D8= Show in track controls
;04EC844EDCA961AB= Show track envelope
;86C7395B8E4186F4= Parameter modulation
;EC6D8F5AEF77CB03= Learn
;64AF36D1C56A8A9A= Alias parameter
;0AD292FBFCD786F2=FX parameter list
;EDD67828D248E210=Show in track controls
;21BC2EB9C45FFE83=Show track envelope
;2FD8CEB7661F1822=Alias parameter
;6B9F0525BEF49CB7=Default controller mappings
;FFF230108C9B32AF=Use default
;3FCAEED5D3E37C0D=Clear default
;^C35BB11D6C364CCC=Parameter modulation
;^80194C173B470AF3=Save as default
;D4569B041B40C599=Set project output:
;7A5ACBCAD50D298F=Select output directory:
;8801949234009186=No unmuted
;61C3BC34D088588C= selected
;F67BA54E46A7550F= tracks containing
;9E02A0E4B7ACC2E8= MIDI items

;CE45E911046E8174= within the time selection

;AF912F456FE0F4BA= were found.
;2C34398BD06C3417=Could not open file \"%s\" for MIDI export
;EFB392AE3E8CB964=Project tempo markers have been quantized to MIDI resolution!\
r\nOK to continue, cancel to undo quantization and cancel export.
;963FF8823F694A5B=MIDI Tempo Map Export
;D10D72D1D02EE149=Wrote 1 track of MIDI to
;FD0AEC9767435348=Wrote %d tracks of MIDI to .
;2BDDC41BA0A7B010=MIDI export
;E905C4762023137B=MIDI export failed!\r\n
;27D986F005C91736=MIDI export error
;0F9C923B9FA431BC=Processing Track %d/%d
;9D2C9A909EC17B79=Current Output File
;78AB0BF3A75982CD=Consolidation Status
;^BABD655B2A5AED87=Select a directory:
;^D726E2A6E8466B26=Create new MIDI file:
;2AC1E513B32963B1=Over items
;C20AD104E43AE860=Through items
;ED8122B2A4C9CA7B=Under items
;59FC81FA7C61DF25=Mouse-position dependent
;4613D6FB04BC9724=Only snap at start/snap offset
;408BFC486690D718=Snap both start/end
;23CF2A50D27482B5=Grouping for master
;9DAA2FD532CF179E=Grouping for track
;C5BB3E261FC3ACB9=Grouping for %d selected tracks
;^C92094118C504736=Rename Group
;3388257EA7711160=not set
;6566B6D56B7FB426=all set
;558DAB99A9407F4B= Master
;0290B261F50F69E8= Slave
;45BA669EFB95947A=is in
;7E33A5817A3394B5=is not in
;7B0B1B9BE0E0454E=CPU: %.1f%% RAM: %uMB
;6561DE4499D14662= last save:
;858AD7CDB1332348=[tracks] %d [media items] %d [FX] %d

;B8EE889E524209C1= [IO] none

;464FDD80C56381B9=[FX] none
;F4A5B7402829DE55=Edit grid
;715C3BE095D6F29B=Scroll time
;^5A3FF93A190E0F6B=Empty item
;^44BE2B196101CBBE=Move region
;^37B990D4112E1A98=Move marker
;CD3A1B38118CFC80=file import options
;66F8711235DFC3A3=Expand %d source tracks to new REAPER tracks
;F187223410760A53=REX import
;7213EA6103634BFB=Import REX loop as:
;726B9919DFB7B7FA=Always prompt (can also be set in Media/REX preferences)
;92AFE6E609C2522F=MIDI import
;7CFBC9A1B0BAA3AC=Import multi-channel MIDI as:
;7C1E59694EFA9D8F=Multichannel item on a single track
;52EF7F93351DF2F2=Single-channel items on multiple tracks
;1652DD9E25786FDC=Always prompt (can also be set in Media/MIDI preferences)
;F26A716BDE6F6E3D=Media contains embedded tempo information:
;987CF13DCDA29E3B=Always prompt (can also be set in Media/Misc preferences)
;4B7568B10FF00A07=Processing NINJAM OGG files...
;D960639ECC3AA6CF=Error opening logfile
;BA12C7DB9E7AAEF8=Error parsing log line!
;02D633F2229E73F0=One or more channels were in session mode at some point. Impor
t project as session (other tracks will be ignored)?
;75C55F7F18E25742=NINJAM Import Option
;5D26AF532759F375=NINJAM session has %d items. Merge into larger .WAV files (rec
ommended)?\r\n\r\n(if you do not merge, loading this project may take a large am
ount of memory)!
;^C30D5E2CF003330F=Merge source tempo map to project tempo map at
;^356FEEC423F176E6=Beat slices that dynamically adjust to tempo changes
;^AB92A9DAC365A96B=A single loopable media item
;^5267FAD4364EECB7=Adjust media to project tempo
;^15C4666BD022F937=Import media at source tempo
;0C670376C4015406=Click source
;4679C54A999917AE=Timecode Generator
;E57128C4770463B2=untitled MIDI item
;BB0933C8B47C4405= render
;67315EB1A6721691= - stem
;9AB728E60A3C72BB= - freeze
;2FB1F82E179D9B8B=Empty Item

;F3582F42CFAF0F19=Reverse Stereo
;80900C475DFCDF96=Mono (Mix L+R)
;8BDA1E7AAB2FD8A0=Mono (Left)
;EB23908B8ABFD719=Mono (Right)
;9EE690B12D5CDA01=Mono %d
;0A6FC55692AE17CC=Stereo %d/%d
;7CB3FDDD05E6B5A3= loop
;2A4E859EDE54DBFC=Import %d-channel MIDI as:
;8760B8EAFB5FC6F6=%s import: %s
;CBE458B8A675A6A8=Import %d-channel %s as %d mono tracks?
;^629548803B048F00= [itemprop]
;943504C358764A1E=%d media items selected.\r\nEdit multiple item properties all
at once, or one by one?
;6130D9898B5B94EB=Track/project default timebase
;734385B8B6365178=Project default item mix behavior
;439EBDA5ABDB058E=Media Item Properties (no items selected)
;DEB8A732FC3B1C09=Media Item Properties:
;B93F61D167C6E146=1 item selected
;6E0A562ED063A71B=%d items selected
;D62D4155F621D73E=Lane %d
;7AF60F79A9462F81=Take properties: %d takes selected
;74A9BCD4EFE4E68A=Take media source: RESAMPLED
;9B1A119781BEB338=*Take FX...
;4494CC554700F3AD=Mono (3-64)
;ED03DA2874D5AF76=Stereo (1-64)
;716BB1FED7EEC970=View media source properties for %d selected takes?\r\n(You wi
ll need to view them one at a time.)
;19B7496B341D6888=Change media source file for %d selected takes?
;B1A936F97892FB24=Confirm multiple selected takes
;8F5BBCC49737D266=Select new filename
;1CF5D45574BE7FCD=Item Properties
;^A5D5B4E847F44008=Beats (position, length, rate)
;^BA7A79B4D3479176=Beats (position only)

;^7C21CDD2AEBBA4D6=Enclosed items replace enclosing items

;^5BA4387FA574D390=Items always mix
;^DD2984E0D3995E66=Items always replace earlier items
;^94DEF1C233373209=Project default
;^64835E1E0CE30E3B=(empty lane)
;^ADFC12BF930BBFC9=Take properties
;^A1A721902449610D=Take media source
;^18D0284FCA66EF48=Take FX...
;^AD6ADC4BDE973BA3=Select replacement file:
;^E871F70D1F455842=Take volume envelope
;^1BF73E10831BC659=Take pan envelope
;^2BE60748A665DAFB=Take mute envelope
;^4A2B58135C235086=Take pitch envelope
;133B50C3D3FC7CF5=no converter loaded
;D9220AE04A08F86B=Error opening file
;C6E94E5DE48F0F51=Error compiling:
;1B80ADD7903187FC=<device not found>
;7C0BD7F6D6C1126C=Code error
;5EC879DC705C29B1=Error finding/opening joystick
;9ECB7C2A172AA01F=Device error
;84B7EB53E01864F4=Add Marker
;2914D064842FE521=Insert Time Signature Marker
;131EA65BF4F3CA98=ReaScript is currently disabled in Preferences/Plugins.
;F6BCB3EDA55C49B6=Shortcut not found.
;28999C3530134073=Shortcut defined, but command not found.
;F7740CA7E5C9EA57=Restore shortcut assignments in ALL SECTIONS to factory defaul
;96227292DE8DAA1D=Error writing to keymap file! Disk full?
;C90AF6BF6253BD9E=No customized items selected
;339112863A5B6F2D=Error: you must name the new action.
;A24329A17EB717E4=Error saving custom action
;4ADE7A7C6A4C2AF1=Error: the action name specified already exists.
;F9142C3ECB93702C=Error: no actions in list
;6089BB17944E81F6=Error: Action creates infinite loop.
;B73472BB75B24F9C=Can't record - no tracks armed for recording
;C56BF3DF6E643591=REAPER Recording Notice
;266C4F23297BB66F=Can't write to recording files, does the directory exist?
;0F1C26E07C88F9D1=REAPER Recording Error
;388B21358B3B4E4E=Warning: The recording path has only %u %cB free!\r\n\r\nYou c
an configure whether you are notified of this in Preferences/Recording.
;4F638CDD049E9642=Low disk space warning
;B581897B00F73FF0=Loop/time selections locked, unlock now and remove?
;0236FDAE2600DAF5=This action cannot be run if there are\r\nexisting tempo/time
signature markers.
;3E3E28AD77BE7936=No time selected
;EEB74D39BC3CDC46=Clear envelope:
;1C7FC759B4950FA9=All envelope points will be deleted! Would you also like to re
move the envelope completely?
;862AAC064D8B6155=Import files on separate tracks? (no will insert all files on
one track)

;10E04757AE9DA4DF=Import option
;304B2A4F4B3C175B=Error opening media
;8D43AD6C0EFC7AD6=Please stop recording first
;01BF66E624968F18=REAPER Query
;9F15AECB0C063A61=EDL TXT import error
;0D33805A318B8785=Samplitude EDL import error
;2AAA7821CD62CADD=NINJAM clipsort.log import error
;725C8001FED65EAE=Unable to open project: unknown extension!
;E79D4C24173E9DCA=Project Open Error
;4CD6F1DD5E48252D=Note: Control+Shift is being held while loading a project.\r\n
Would you like to load this project with all FX offline? (useful for problematic
;D68545750197E7AC=Cmd+Shift is being held while loading a project.\r\nWould you
like to load this project with all FX offline? (useful for problematic plug-ins)
;A96E13DF189FF9D6=Project Load Options
;21E69FEF5E22BF8B=Error reading template file
;C2D57EE9E5AC2FAC=Save current project before opening another project?
;972C49F30B1FCAF8=Open project:
;0959045B99CD567C=Save current project before creating new project?
;64753EEC162ED98B=Error exporting project to EDL - error writing file
;88FD5B51957ED670=REAPER Warning
;FF1C8042785EFDE2=Note: %d items in the project could not be added to EDL, since
they are not simple files
;3ECCF64BA181B7BB=Can't add envelope points - no envelope selected
;1EF1E10C4C9C28EB=Error pasting
;E65E8AAE6977AD42=Save project before closing?
;FC888C84D641E274=Delete active take of selected items?
;AC0BE4D1E4964245=No items had any (usable) position information, can't move the
;3BD56312855E9245=Some items had no (usable) position information
;69D9CFD7AFB7A82B=Items could not be normalized to each other because one or mor
e lack peak information
;7FB0C17561F491FB=Item Normalization Error
;F37426E7C5834E16=Note: %d items could not be normalized because they lack peak
;B2081DC099EE6D13=Item Normalization Note
;C84FDEC95BD3B8EB=No time selection active
;1DA3E4A62D165FCC=Delete %d selected (and %d child) tracks?
;E858213EBEA8B86C=Delete 1 selected track?
;3437D64033450F73=Delete %d selected tracks?
;350150B035A230AD=Error writing to output file
;4DAF17C7450C1A62=Error writing to template file! Disk full?
;679EC781DB620BD9=No tracks selected
;44B269FF8905B9D4=Loop section failed:\r\n
;7BC73E4D5F475CBC=Loop section failed for %d of %d media items:\r\n
;CEA0C14DAA3BB124=This action can only be used on audio items that do not loop w
ithin the time selection.
;19217311566E0492=Loop section warning
;3544A05E8A0985F1=Could not make loops of any items
;6721EBC033F0731C=Loop copy error
;71BC3B3027432A06=Create new PiP (subproject)
;C26EF7C1BC289AB4=Error creating PiP subproject file
;740B01DD5BFF0DA1=Error writing to new project file! Disk full?
;D295E74C07E808F8=Error adding PiP subproject
;46557BC0D529EE1B=Import file into project:
;059597B3333FE8D2=Loop points locked, unlock now and remove?
;15150E9E3A687122=Time selection locked, unlock now and remove?
;C3707F61E24A961C=Live output saving completed!

;FD091B9C4C802FC1=Select output file to copy to:

;C0B83AE69DBC62A5=Reverse item not supported for MIDI, will open copy in the mid
i editor to reverse there.
;0C9B20EEE5B759CB=User aborted rendering of files
;C832A3EC3C12F2B5=Open Copy Failed
;83EF0F44F0F3A42A=Error reading source file:\r\n\t
;557546FF0DDAB18A=Error writing output file:\r\n\t
;463D73C293F60F91=Unknown Error
;B2AA069799475B2D=No external editor set for this media (see preferences)
;20966A90E55A13AF=External Editor Note
;ED23D07A666800BD=One or more external editors could not be launched
;39B1A08C71328799=Could not locate the specified project
;F1AD3F102C760D76=Error opening project
;09FE00E7270ABDF4=Select output file to render to:
;2AA6FA87C6117527=Render item failed
;30ADC74C13F8C42D=Apply track FX Failed
;19BC8EA394A09BD0=Render item error
;E15BEEF602EC337E=Apply track FX Error
;B7B87EA07036FB51=Error finding an unused filename to render to. Source file:\r\
;6CFBE6010F005CD1=Stop recording before rendering to new take
;85AF1E98BF2F4CFE=Stop recording before apply track FX
;CD17057F9F13E590=View source properties for %d items?\r\n(you will have to view
them all sequentially!)
;FA76193619885B9B=Multiple Item Properties
;CD466664BAC48512=Note: Some media item sources do not have properties available
;97E46AF050BD945E=Item Source Properties
;B5AEE049B9F8FED1=Stop recording before consolidating...
;09A6FCA6ACB86623=Save current project before closing?
;87D8D35B878FD1A0=Open track template:
;4360AC71777DF5F2=Warning: the following track has active pre-fx sends:\r\n
;AB7AD220CE732B1D=Warning: the following tracks have active pre-fx sends:\r\n
;357C9F47C8CE82FD=If this track is frozen, the pre-fx sends may send different a
udio, changing the sound of the project.\r\n\r\nContinue?
;959C4901D33B29D2=If this track is rendered, the pre-fx sends may send different
audio, changing the sound of the project.\r\n\r\nContinue?
;020ABE0A118F38A3=If these tracks are frozen, the pre-fx sends may send differen
t audio, changing the sound of the project.\r\n\r\nContinue?
;344937F4641C8F50=If these tracks are rendered, the pre-fx sends may send differ
ent audio, changing the sound of the project.\r\n\r\nContinue?
;BE596784ED8BAE4C=Freeze Warning
;CEA654F3C60E323B=Warning: some selected tracks may send from channels other tha
n 1/2 (or pre-fx/post-fx sends) which may make this not function as desired. Con
;5A9A6AA7D3CFBD27=Render/Freeze Warning
;C29E68A5815908E0=No selected tracks have been previously frozen -- nothing to u
;6E30C0D1324E59B5=Unfreeze Error
;9208F9E3B41AD8F7=Media items on %d tracks have been edited after freezing!
;71792D1D6A0A99B6=Media items on 1 track have been edited after freezing!
;712B3B8E9EA5C857=\r\n(Media items added to track)
;10EF276FA1A05152=\r\n(Media items moved)
;B4ECCA8DEBD070B5=\r\n(Fade-in/fade-out added)
;9DC594239D4A8A97=\r\n(New takes added)
;3271B4732C4578E9=\r\n(Take deleted)
;E9A42BD5B728D9EF=\r\n(Take envelopes added)
;950D0AF81A62AAF1=\r\n(Playrate/pitch edited)
;616DCEC25AB77BA1=\r\n(Media item length edited)
;AD98A586E0162A15=\r\nUnfreezing tracks will discard these edits. Continue?
;E95C063F2AB2D603=Unfreeze Warning

;B39DFED992FCB88A=Error sending packet to ReaMote host (is your blocksize too la

rge?). ReaMote disabled for chain
;75DEE63F3B33DF60=ReaMote Error
;1013F95E5E56BDAB=The following MIDI inputs could not be opened:
;E469C2406A17223C=The following MIDI outputs could not be opened:
;1673D385C4F909B4=MIDI error
;5C004DD5C0CFA863=You have not yet selected an audio device.\r\n\r\nWould you li
ke to select your audio device driver now (recommended)?
;541E6F8364464C4A=There was an error while opening your audio hardware%s%s\r\n\r
\nWould you like to view your audio device configuration?
;4EF943653BC1F32A=File exists - Overwrite?
;0850FB29DC6ABA64=Error writing output
;F2B14987E3520000=Control Surface: Error opening MIDI inputs and outputs
;934BB133F7A2251C=REAPER Control Surface Error
;C3F9B1D0BACAA467=Control Surface: Error opening MIDI inputs
;D46957DF3C4591E8=Control Surface: Error opening MIDI outputs
;2D12ED89184508AE=Save custom menu changes to '%s' before %s?
;477A053235E7F30C=Save changes?
;DF65194974DB1E99=Can't import REAPER menu file \"%s\"
;EAE6AD15A17728CD=REAPER Custom Menu Import Error
;948B5857800727B3=Import customized \"%s\"?\r\n\r\nIf you have previously custom
ized \"%s\", your changes will be lost unless you export them first!\r\n\r\n(To
export, choose \"Customize menus/toolbars\" from the Options menu.)
;5055108D8EF82813=Import custom menu/toolbar set?\r\n\r\nIf you have previously
customized menus or toolbars, your changes will be lost unless you export them f
irst!\r\n\r\n (To export, choose \"Customize menus/toolbars\" from the Options m
;AEC7B57E080C9CD3=Confirm REAPER Custom Menu/Toolbar Import
;7AB8D5CF4033FF0E=Error opening EDL file
;4F3347E9B43E522F=Error reading Samplitude's EDL header
;6E6E3E168E151A55=%d items in EDL could not be resolved
;417DE38E0D04D1B6=Error opening EDL TXT file
;F297F5746CCC2564=Error parsing first EDL line
;04E9531E8C5F887C=%d EDL header items are missing
;404609C49D85E43C=EDL TXT Line %d is malformed (%d of %d items)
;42646BF11847021D=%d items in EDL TXT could not be resolved
;86BC21DDB74C9292=Invalid line in RADAR project
;56BA3EFEB3117EC3=RADAR Project: Invalid END= after BEGIN=
;6BA6779205E5EF3E=RADAR Project: Got BEGIN= after BEGIN=
;6C026686D12FCA0D=Error renaming chain
;B12211154333F366=Build Routing Errors
;879F28CFF6218F52=Confirm import
;32F1038CAB88FC27=Error writing to chain file! Disk full?
;24DA702994050981=There was an error reading the chain file
;E68C155F0832BFED=No item in clipboard to paste!
;F2DC751A3EB2AE43=FX error
;12A6E974D16235FE=Track already has receives. Add MIDI source tracks?
;D52E061B97B299EF=Error creating output media
;D20656C698743FAD=Error creating temporary file
;26558A661150FD3D=Error saving keyboard binding table! Could not create file!
;E2BD0FB07872C0E9=Error saving keyboard binding
;0A81CFCDC89B95F3=Error saving keyboard binding table! Disk full?
;243505B9226E49BA=Error creating dialog
;DE6C8576FC7B7DE7=REAPER ReWire Slave Initialization Error
;FD2194EDB7789EAF=Initializing ReaRoute...
;AC749AD42A9340B7=Loading Configuration...
;E705401744D93ED5=Initializing Registration Info...
;681AFC49B9A18AF0=Batch file converter active, please stop before shutting down.
;75743B2C6A1AEB18=Batch file converter has unconverted files. Shutting down will

discard the file list.

;4782914F7D3B958C=Save current project before shutting down?
;3414B470D2211017=Batch file converter active, please stop before quitting.
;2F98DD56FE419813=Batch file converter has unconverted files. Quitting will disc
ard the file list.
;534ADAA151A5F491=Save current project before quitting?
;97A80BF5035AB3F8=Can't rename file, destination file already exists.
;05AAB2872567CC5D=Error renaming file, project not updated.
;7ED983D72A577065=Bitmap load failed
;80B08A2E37407C36=Image load error
;EF0A1B6EB936D5C4=Override existing notes for multiple selected items?
;900BF93042B06755=Item notes
;315BFEF486D49FEB=Error moving file
;57490B7E317D9DB1=Error opening recorded media
;90B4F64A776D4FE3=Project load aborted by user
;C99BD3783CAF0A0A=Select a track before previewing MIDI source media.
;FEF6F10D89DDAADA=Project Bay Preview Error
;1C46189B86914DD2=Copy File Error
;DE64131E0CEA10DA=Move File Error
;62D3F04B79600A6D=Error opening media to add to project
;4312CC86299C3369=Discard current learned mappings for this instance of
;3F5CB9D9400FF9C4=Load default MIDI mappings: Confirm
;20978A43D05F2581=Discard default learned mappings for all instances of
;975726A3BED51D19=Clear default MIDI mappings: Confirm
;D91781F057C31837=REAPER Import Options
;197C41978E6506D8=Could not import %d of %d items!
;^E7C1CFE2A0C69AD8=ReaScript error
;^C93417DD40352E1B=Error saving
;^E83CE539DBB569A7=Stop recording before rendering...
;^05A130B04362C768=REAPER Note
;^E6A55E1F24BD208C=Choose ReaperConfigZip to import
;^5945AF9182806811=You must stop recording before importing configuration (as co
nfiguration import will require a restart)
;^D726E2A6E8466B26=Create new MIDI file:
;^D52782E5368E8EA1=Error writing to MIDI file
;^A1BB777BE5203666=Open Copy Error
;^4789C5332441688D=Error finding an unused filename for output. Source file:\r\n
;^043FBD1700F7067B=Render Warning
;^82E42D2FF8D25A8D=Could not get channel info for effects (are they multichannel
;^E1CA4E1B0C5C2DB6=Can't open Reamote UDP port!
;^F7CD69D31E23F2C7=File already exists:
;615DF6D7CF507235=Take %d
;D79CCB520A002865=: (empty lane)
;28C1BBD71518EEF1=(no recent actions)
;00140BA82D478C08=Ripple editing: Per-track
;09C95A0DD605D1F2=Ripple editing: All tracks
;FB61DF1A5967FDB4=Ripple editing: Off
;3126E30CFA18AADB=Save as new comp...
;A5720ABF016C9AE6=Rename active comp...

;56FF174E07D714CA=Open items in
;3FD1B97D9477C0F2=Open item copies in
;E2804B9BFBF48369= (recording)
;1CE3691FE9CFD1BC=(no recent projects)
;A78692BAD3D1D4CB=(no project templates)
;645A76739154419C=Load track template:
;DDD8097069E82E24=(no saved track templates)
;C67CF3952F9EA6B2=(no selected items)
;7140A75D79E31461=(no takes)
;56401E540E0B557E=Take lane
;0C0B166D7381AE24=(no saved comps)
;C23B672408034BE8=REAPER Bookstore (online)
;A77C1A59D4358128=Download User Guide (online)
;3B6CD88BE036D884=REAPER Documentation Wiki (online)
;4C2CE572714C929A=Set custom pitch envelope range/snap...
;6936F4B2ED5C783C=Solo in place
;924A9191988B5A83=Solo (ignore routing)
;^2430BBE52E3FC625=Comp %d
;^5F8BE96FAB61772F=Custom actions:
;^E871F70D1F455842=Take volume envelope
;^1BF73E10831BC659=Take pan envelope
;^2BE60748A665DAFB=Take mute envelope
;^4A2B58135C235086=Take pitch envelope
;^99B80DC023AB26F6=Can't undo
;^BA8A5EA843F33060=Can't redo
;^64835E1E0CE30E3B=(empty lane)
;E34999F78E33C76C=Media path: %.800s
;75F2A8BC151839C1=Secondary path: <not set>
;584AD831F4B69D0E=Secondary path: %.800s
;E62E06A1AEF61525=SiF DIM

;758BE04F40035B56=(old deprecated)
;F14D9A44B2F1F156=Hardware outputs (select none to use all master outs):
;2F26993C883FB22B=Open media file:
;^5D4FC446DED74611=Output Channel
;^2C078B30A2995EDB=ReaRoute Output
;ECAF8761B2733014=Display all MIDI on this track in the editor
;A18A57ED9326617F=Load MIDI color map from file:
;394D5C4E34531167=Hide lane
;C98CC625866DAF62=Clear lane
;8CF43A159717583C=Add lane
;94CCCCF3DF57D4E5=Set lane
;FDB578659538E420=Select touched notes
;CDE08800BC2608FE=Rename Track
;13BD7B6CBDDF067E=MIDI file:
;EAACD8794B0458D9=MIDI take
;94BBDD6E63E47F18= MUTED
;54DFB256F726077E=Save MIDI note names to file:
;F71E8E8B44005EAC=Load MIDI note names from file:
;479539512FD8054C=File modified, save before closing?
;EE43467925ADD10F=MIDI Editor Query
;DA2A77C440A46CFF=Load MIDI instrument bank/program definition file:
;D7DFBC1671BB609F=Load lyrics from file:
;113E15FEE38E75E5=Current view timebase:
;24AF7DBF3B7D6241=project beats
;4554CB8B05E4C70F=source beats
;D3055186D9DAF9F5=project time
;927FA4024A0BC886=project time (synced)
;DE7E6A3663E36BAA=(unnamed MIDI take)
;6D8C20E128873475=built-in MIDI editor
;76E466233D8060D8=File is offline
;2352FDE8A8C128C2=MIDI item properties
;15A9C253226734CA=Item info:
;8C43FCC94CBB4F8D=events in file
;412CFB9C8E234604=quarter notes
;3848926C77A245A1=Ticks per beat (legacy mode)
;7FF5483BD6B55F1C=Ticks per quarter note
;DCA17DEA2CC1E589=ticks per frame:
;339C0C74D555993B=Pooled MIDI events are shared by %d media items:

;F4F64CE6099F5457=MIDI events are not pooled

;1FD14F546803D585=MIDI files
;6F57B2FA3E25199B=MIDI System Exclusive Message Files
;82515C007F6B6CBA=MIDI-karaoke files
;50A820FA90494EFB=MIDI take:
;6667957C8C41726D=<all events>
;C94C8D8478AEC5F5=Control Change (CC)
;578EE637D614EE41=Program Change (PC)
;CE91BC78987A2847=Channel Aftertouch
;BA4F35537A20EC32=Multiple Note Properties
;43EF1FB6CB72A1F0=Note Properties (no selection)
;DE8EBF663A88E11A=Add Event
;259D4515D8B2EC55=Add Text Event
;3A777C50796DB082=Load text file:
;D8959FFAD14FB0E5=Can't load any text strings from
;33768227F231955E=Add Sysex Event
;CEC9948C81B9746B=All notes
;FCB6A065AA82EC7F=Selected notes
;840BF6B1FB41ABDB=All events
;D9053923DC189BCF=Selected events
;41A56518CB296CB2=Position and note end
;769244F91783998D=Position and note length
;1557292A9277FA10=Note end only
;AF2CF148F1D855C9=Note length only
;5EC645ECCFF5CA9A=Use grid
;AEF753AB8D13173D=ReWire Bus
;^D52782E5368E8EA1=Error writing to MIDI file
;^0B3E0029A01A16F4=Media item
;^D726E2A6E8466B26=Create new MIDI file:
;^01DA63B41FEE389F=<no patch file loaded>
;^FEAA833C7533B5D0=File not found
;^53BE875D82C65B2C=MIDI Filter
;^C645D4DB5297312E=Poly Aftertouch
;^430304A419B0E574=Note Properties
;^9ED6EEF5EE379522=Song Select
;^3D9702905AC5B44C=Virtual MIDI keyboard
[midi_DLG_102] ; IDD_EDIT
;94D31DF419257478=Edit MIDI

;C2B14D37FD3D328A=Stopped: 0.00.000
[midi_DLG_109] ; IDD_RENAME_ITEM
;05AE6808A1E816A9=Rename MIDI Take
[midi_DLG_118] ; IDD_RAWMIDI
;280C81E3E202FD6C=Raw MIDI data
;01D4CC44D0EFDC81=MIDI File Properties
;4399BA4BD6E544BB=Only play channels:
;A9759EED1FED1E1A=Send as channel:
;716435436E335538=Ignore project tempo, use:
;F7E0035AE601F663=Pooled MIDI events are shared by %d media items
;C9FF1554CD9D5FEB=Select all pooled
;8EC420BAFBE62496=Un-pool this item
;^C01085DD37178417=File info:
[midi_DLG_121] ; IDD_QUANTIZE
;0790B9C557D74789=Quantize Events
;87133F2060B6E2CE=Swing strength:
;21EDE924FF68D810=Allow notes to:
;842B5EA54043E4AF=Move left
;B5BCAF595CD802A0=Move right
;798A9AD9E5AAC9E0=Do not quantize events that are:
;5D2266B2756F4667=Nearly quantized:
;B7AB7415AC420B39=Far from quantized:
;70434732832EDB46=Fix overlaps

[midi_DLG_122] ; IDD_SYXINFO
;1D69E020FF4E7782=SYX File Properties
;^C01085DD37178417=File info:
[midi_DLG_123] ; IDD_NOTEPROP
;^430304A419B0E574=Note Properties
;^12848776E53AAD00=Use + -* / for relative changes in any field.\r\nUse +1o2 to
add 1 octave and 2 semitones.
[midi_DLG_124] ; IDD_EVTPROP
;130CE035AD1318FE=Event Properties
;^12848776E53AAD00=Use + -* / for relative changes in any field.\r\nUse +1o2 to
add 1 octave and 2 semitones.
;6E7D80CBDFE8298D=Bank MSB/LSB:
;BE8A4BB0AF67A2E8=Program number:
;065F440CE34EFD93=Load File
;EEBCA161E9085FD5=Send Now
;^B80BE35FC002073A=Bank/Program Select
;^01DA63B41FEE389F=<no patch file loaded>
;^0B61CC7E6E2E017D=MIDI channel:
[midi_DLG_126] ; IDD_HUMANIZE
;B4D5B40BD78A0227=Humanize Notes

;0F09AD260FA4220B=All Notes
;C1CA7F75E6DBADDF=Selected Notes
;C62041EA8784D958=Timing bias:
;E6DEB89611D0E9C7=New random seed
[midi_DLG_127] ; IDD_TEXTEDIT
;F200413F534F5A6A=Edit Text Event
[midi_DLG_128] ; IDD_FILTER_EVTS
;327FFA51A32F00CE=Filter Events
;40BB160EB720BCCA=Enable filter
;0C68843FB768F34B=Use Selected
;1479DC66F8E588F2=Draw events on channel:
;6B4BBC5EB9023613=Zoom All
;^53BE875D82C65B2C=MIDI Filter
[midi_DLG_129] ; IDD_SYSEXEDIT
;E4DA54B8178F9F4F=Edit Sysex Event

;5873F04E2E21FAFB=Select MIDI Item
;056D334B03BD6AB5=Select a MIDI item in the project.
;83DD77FD6B2A55C7=Edit Groove
[midi_DLG_135] ; IDD_TRANSPOSE
;B8A675315EBBC447=Transpose MIDI
;23E1AF9DFBEEC6A6=Snap to scale
;F3580D1732BD1CA2=To scale:
;B921C37933102E85=From scale:
;83B8AC473438EAF5=Split notes under mouse cursor
;145A25EE1B0EFEEA=Note velocity
;FB75F6C2363EFCB4=[velocity list]
;^A9D378925393ED86=Insert note at mouse cursor
;^694685A90529A559=Insert note at edit cursor
;^4AAE40A08510E47F=Paste preserving position in measure
;^F70F33492CF99E39=Select all notes
;^2568C8EFB386D909=Delete notes
;^3AECB68ED5632B6C=Split notes
;^F15A7C7042D0D2C2=Join notes
;^F1B40A37A3CA1D37=Mute events
;^06031C90037D1F1C=Select previous note
;^0A80E4A5D91679BC=Select next note
;^CCDED5029CC82837=Select previous note with same note value
;^25B7D38F71473F57=Select next note with same note value
;^00DE45DC2B1BE514=Select all notes with same note value
;^A3E22CDD7E92648A=Note properties...
;^1AA6DE3444DD65AC=Note channel

[midi_MENU_104] ; IDR_MENU
;84AF6BF27B779619=&Save MIDI file to disk
;553CE52272560B64=&Revert to last saved MIDI file
;109608EBA667B4D6=&Close editor
;1BF6FB25AB0DCD48=&Dock window
;^A38F6B757E6A088D=Rename MIDI take...
;^E2DC5AE969186DD5=&Export to new MIDI file...
;^5DCA5705AA5A2FCE=Customize note names
;^5EF7E5C1AEA8878B=Load note names from file...
;^E97016D7BAEA01EB=Save note names to file...
;^4D2D5A1140F47C5C=Rename current note
;^382FD4F0FD467B41=Clear all note names
;^D57975D16046D5B2=Customize note colors
;^DFBC279E68B89582=Load color map from file...
;^D6FAC22FB212CB64=Clear color map (use default)
;^76CD8A8C7B0631AB=Automatically save modified file on close
;^4AAE40A08510E47F=Paste preserving position in measure
;^E15DF529704AB25D=Select all events
;^F77DBFF425C7412D=Delete events
;^1D4EDA35A99AEFAE=Insert note
;^A9D378925393ED86=Insert note at mouse cursor
;^3AECB68ED5632B6C=Split notes
;^CC5C392366BA1F24=Split note under mouse cursor
;^F15A7C7042D0D2C2=Join notes
;^F1B40A37A3CA1D37=Mute events
;^3410CCD7F87501B1=Quantize using last settings
;^809D9AA3B4306FA0=Quantize position to grid
;^EFEE658757CE9229=Freeze quantization
;^E075349CF7FE45D8=Remove selected duplicate notes
;^7CE9611BE854D12E=Set note ends to start of next note
;^C49755DA0BFA8192=Move cursor left by grid
;^CAD1ABE1EFE17F39=Move cursor right by grid
;^44AFE395C08B577F=Move cursor up one note
;^6607D5713D480284=Move cursor down one note
;^2E4824657E9919FB=Select note nearest cursor
;^84D4D5DA0837EE21=Add note nearest cursor to selection
;^06031C90037D1F1C=Select previous note
;^0A80E4A5D91679BC=Select next note
;^CCDED5029CC82837=Select previous note with same note value
;^25B7D38F71473F57=Select next note with same note value
;^00DE45DC2B1BE514=Select all notes with same note value

;^71AFE5DB5650A1AC=Add previous note to selection

;^478CB748FDBE3CCC=Add next note to selection
;^E3F7820C74DA6C74=Move edit cursor to start of selection
;^7311049CDCA4C175=Sync editor transport to project transport
;^0B32ABB1DB8D2C46=Time format for ruler, transport, event properties
;^AF43535681296117=Multiple media items
;^4EF8C853781760C8=Close all inactive MIDI media items
;^DA3A13552E571A48=Close the active MIDI media item
;^92B3E3433F0904A6=Switch the active media item by double-clicking an inactive n
;^1C7C45FBC54D62E7=Preview notes on add/edit
;^A89552543AB2CDD5=Always snap notes to the left when snap enabled
;^B0D208726D814CEB=Snap note ends to grid when snap enabled
;^CBA3F4617B7ED4EB=Drawing or selecting a note sets the new note length
;^581FB0AB97CF5030=Auto-select CC when moving/copying within project time select
;^84DBA574F27F3A00=Automatically correct overlapping notes
;^19A497F8ACEBBCD9=Use F1-F12 for step recording
;^1EF9DD5F05BC8D89=Use all MIDI inputs for step recording
;^67D1CB88D6D1EB6C=MIDI editor mouse modifiers...
;^91E3DBF71C5D78E4=Customize menus/toolbar...
;^0B0113E292076F0C=Filter events...
;^22F2CC2A38A97EDC=Event properties...
;^FF666E7FCCA22D1A=Mode: piano roll
;^5BF8CF14CD14864A=Mode: named notes
;^9FFBE5433EFE0406=Mode: event list
;^DFB842604B04659A=Piano roll notes
;^22E2AB4758B4B1A6=Triangles (drum mode)
;^458E371D81F5AF00=Diamonds (drum mode)
;^8D4D0B4B0B6A41EE=Show velocity handles on notes
;^F2C5D93EA511931D=Show velocity numbers on notes
;^B3A278DCD3CFC6D2=Show note names on notes
;^AAD780F2936DFA0C=Color notes by
;^1A360D9AC072403B=Source, using color map
;^0B3E0029A01A16F4=Media item
;^B7F8226EA3A3E4D4=Show color selector at bottom of editor
;^0349058E1C6FCD22=Show/hide note rows
;^F63AE8DA71068B90=Show all note rows
;^EC7AC3AA42C4D72E=Hide unused note rows
;^DBDB8690C26086AF=Hide unused and unnamed note rows
;^AC73D1BFD8821FC1=Piano roll timebase
;^8881802479A8CAAF=Source beats
;^08A04EC237FB2661=Project beats
;^2B9FBBB7B42D2295=Project time
;^8CFE0E2A8D9A34F6=Project synced
;^62C6BA8296D6CBAC=Timebase help...
;^F3E22CD65444C138=Close active media item
;^725966964817F84F=Close all inactive media items
;^8D9454B5ACC4065B=Clear editor when changing active media item (shift toggles)
;^B817B56070E01709=<MIDI media item list>

;^A0CB20A955DAF552=Show action list...
;^593D5AC384550ADA=Show recent actions
;05FB670725A5ED0D=Save MIDI file to disk
;EF804F82ECC05838=Revert to last saved MIDI file
;75B1CEA2CFE0653C=Dock window
;5631674AC3232EB2=Close editor
;^A38F6B757E6A088D=Rename MIDI take...
;^E2DC5AE969186DD5=&Export to new MIDI file...
;^5DCA5705AA5A2FCE=Customize note names
;^5EF7E5C1AEA8878B=Load note names from file...
;^E97016D7BAEA01EB=Save note names to file...
;^4D2D5A1140F47C5C=Rename current note
;^382FD4F0FD467B41=Clear all note names
;^D57975D16046D5B2=Customize note colors
;^DFBC279E68B89582=Load color map from file...
;^D6FAC22FB212CB64=Clear color map (use default)
;^4AAE40A08510E47F=Paste preserving position in measure
;^E15DF529704AB25D=Select all events
;^1D4EDA35A99AEFAE=Insert note
;^A9D378925393ED86=Insert note at mouse cursor
;^3AECB68ED5632B6C=Split notes
;^CC5C392366BA1F24=Split note under mouse cursor
;^F15A7C7042D0D2C2=Join notes
;^F1B40A37A3CA1D37=Mute events
;^3410CCD7F87501B1=Quantize using last settings
;^809D9AA3B4306FA0=Quantize position to grid
;^EFEE658757CE9229=Freeze quantization
;^E075349CF7FE45D8=Remove selected duplicate notes
;^7CE9611BE854D12E=Set note ends to start of next note
;^C49755DA0BFA8192=Move cursor left by grid
;^CAD1ABE1EFE17F39=Move cursor right by grid
;^44AFE395C08B577F=Move cursor up one note
;^6607D5713D480284=Move cursor down one note
;^2E4824657E9919FB=Select note nearest cursor
;^84D4D5DA0837EE21=Add note nearest cursor to selection
;^06031C90037D1F1C=Select previous note
;^0A80E4A5D91679BC=Select next note
;^CCDED5029CC82837=Select previous note with same note value
;^25B7D38F71473F57=Select next note with same note value
;^00DE45DC2B1BE514=Select all notes with same note value
;^71AFE5DB5650A1AC=Add previous note to selection
;^478CB748FDBE3CCC=Add next note to selection

;^E3F7820C74DA6C74=Move edit cursor to start of selection

;^7311049CDCA4C175=Sync editor transport to project transport
;^0B32ABB1DB8D2C46=Time format for ruler, transport, event properties
;^AF43535681296117=Multiple media items
;^4EF8C853781760C8=Close all inactive MIDI media items
;^DA3A13552E571A48=Close the active MIDI media item
;^92B3E3433F0904A6=Switch the active media item by double-clicking an inactive n
;^1C7C45FBC54D62E7=Preview notes on add/edit
;^A89552543AB2CDD5=Always snap notes to the left when snap enabled
;^B0D208726D814CEB=Snap note ends to grid when snap enabled
;^CBA3F4617B7ED4EB=Drawing or selecting a note sets the new note length
;^581FB0AB97CF5030=Auto-select CC when moving/copying within project time select
;^84DBA574F27F3A00=Automatically correct overlapping notes
;^19A497F8ACEBBCD9=Use F1-F12 for step recording
;^1EF9DD5F05BC8D89=Use all MIDI inputs for step recording
;^67D1CB88D6D1EB6C=MIDI editor mouse modifiers...
;^91E3DBF71C5D78E4=Customize menus/toolbar...
;^0B0113E292076F0C=Filter events...
;^22F2CC2A38A97EDC=Event properties...
;^FF666E7FCCA22D1A=Mode: piano roll
;^5BF8CF14CD14864A=Mode: named notes
;^9FFBE5433EFE0406=Mode: event list
;^DFB842604B04659A=Piano roll notes
;^22E2AB4758B4B1A6=Triangles (drum mode)
;^458E371D81F5AF00=Diamonds (drum mode)
;^8D4D0B4B0B6A41EE=Show velocity handles on notes
;^F2C5D93EA511931D=Show velocity numbers on notes
;^B3A278DCD3CFC6D2=Show note names on notes
;^AAD780F2936DFA0C=Color notes by
;^1A360D9AC072403B=Source, using color map
;^0B3E0029A01A16F4=Media item
;^B7F8226EA3A3E4D4=Show color selector at bottom of editor
;^0349058E1C6FCD22=Show/hide note rows
;^F63AE8DA71068B90=Show all note rows
;^EC7AC3AA42C4D72E=Hide unused note rows
;^DBDB8690C26086AF=Hide unused and unnamed note rows
;^AC73D1BFD8821FC1=Piano roll timebase
;^8881802479A8CAAF=Source beats
;^08A04EC237FB2661=Project beats
;^2B9FBBB7B42D2295=Project time
;^8CFE0E2A8D9A34F6=Project synced
;^62C6BA8296D6CBAC=Timebase help...
;^F3E22CD65444C138=Close active media item
;^725966964817F84F=Close all inactive media items
;^8D9454B5ACC4065B=Clear editor when changing active media item (shift toggles)
;^B817B56070E01709=<MIDI media item list>
;^A0CB20A955DAF552=Show action list...

;^593D5AC384550ADA=Show recent actions

;^76CD8A8C7B0631AB=Automatically save modified file on close
;7DE3C0CA3A396ABC=Insert new event
;0BB66BFFD0B47496=Set event channel
;94CA442B7051C82F=Insert new text event...
;F9D5D58EFC61F4D6=Insert new sysex event...
;^86891682F6F2D16C=Select all
;^22F2CC2A38A97EDC=Event properties...
;6077155F7057EF5B=Remove duplicate notes
;^694685A90529A559=Insert note at edit cursor
;^4AAE40A08510E47F=Paste preserving position in measure
;^F70F33492CF99E39=Select all notes
;^2568C8EFB386D909=Delete notes
;^3AECB68ED5632B6C=Split notes
;^F15A7C7042D0D2C2=Join notes
;^F1B40A37A3CA1D37=Mute events
;^A3E22CDD7E92648A=Note properties...
;^1AA6DE3444DD65AC=Note channel

;^3410CCD7F87501B1=Quantize using last settings
;^809D9AA3B4306FA0=Quantize position to grid
;^EFEE658757CE9229=Freeze quantization
;^0E44CD2EEA4BA863=Humanize notes...
;^00DE45DC2B1BE514=Select all notes with same note value
;^7CE9611BE854D12E=Set note ends to start of next note
;^22E2AB4758B4B1A6=Triangles (drum mode)
;^458E371D81F5AF00=Diamonds (drum mode)
;^8D4D0B4B0B6A41EE=Show velocity handles on notes
;^F2C5D93EA511931D=Show velocity numbers on notes
;^B3A278DCD3CFC6D2=Show note names on notes
;^F63AE8DA71068B90=Show all note rows
;^EC7AC3AA42C4D72E=Hide unused note rows
;^DBDB8690C26086AF=Hide unused and unnamed note rows
;^CBA3F4617B7ED4EB=Drawing or selecting a note sets the new note length
;^1C7C45FBC54D62E7=Preview notes on add/edit
;^DFBC279E68B89582=Load color map from file...
;^D6FAC22FB212CB64=Clear color map (use default)
;139284A69A2B83E8=Piano roll toolbar
;4D852D31543F53D5=CC selection follows note selection
;^C52E96757D127F12=Save (.mid source only)
;^B9E01E945963FBE3=Revert (.mid source only)
;^257731EBCA5EBF0E=Show grid
;^8BD3DE8B5B83C01C=Snap to grid
;^C0647C0C15A70DB9=Dock editor
;A910AA64E54FA7F0=Event list toolbar
;^C52E96757D127F12=Save (.mid source only)
;^B9E01E945963FBE3=Revert (.mid source only)
;^C0647C0C15A70DB9=Dock editor
;D18B18554512BA66=View mode context
;F74AE4D89CAA2EA0=View: project beats
;B9F2361ABD9B05A0=View: source beats
;8AEBA47BC5261D5E=View: project time
;2CB78A202470C1AF=View: project time (synced)
;25C915E5DE2F6F49=Vel Lane Ctx
;17AF9ADA061979E8=Nudge events left
;643E22102BDE08DD=Nudge events right
;F0FAB3E07308D3FB=Move events left by grid

;252E6133513E4C46=Move events right by grid

;^8AF60DF50912755E=Select all events in lane
;^C0ABC9951CF45E7F=Unselect all events in lane
;^22F2CC2A38A97EDC=Event properties...
;A97D415B0FD742FD=Set note position to edit cursor
;7B40BE6E6BF922B1=Options: Snap note ends to grid when snap enabled
;A14A937DD35ED5F7=Options: Always snap notes to the left when snap enabled
;B08FF8347A5C4237=Edit: Delete notes
;9488AB63F6246BE7=Edit: Delete events
;DA0FB691DC3BC86F=Edit: Select all events
;945441FD8B425C9F=Edit: Select all notes
;AD849E93FEFF0B81=Edit: Unselect all
;6279421EAAAE1098=Edit: Copy
;D2FFC2572B1A85F7=Edit: Cut
;5D2A21CF6A721853=Edit: Insert note at edit cursor
;2D8816921375C75C=Edit: Insert note at mouse cursor
;4C8650CF170718F8=Edit: Mute events (toggle)
;DEB20CC364DD2A61=Edit: Mute events
;144198FE4808C241=Edit: Un-mute events
;1774E59BC497370E=Remove selected duplicate events
;3027ADA4C3BA233A=Edit: Split notes
;3AD19012E3D078AA=Edit: Split notes at mouse cursor
;03C3860A4C1D2F24=Edit: Join notes
;4E5CF01054332FBC=Edit: Paste
;71D54D62BE5753C1=Edit: Paste preserving position in measure
;78E8E47EFC057C65=View: Show events as rectangles (normal mode)
;36C6B6181E8710F9=View: Show events as triangles (drum mode)
;107E9DE56308FE11=View: Show events as diamonds (drum mode)
;7FBCA2DDF9B8F09C=View: Cycle events view rectangles/triangles/diamonds
;5976362B153CF14D=Options: Drawing or selecting a note sets the new note length
;4FE1DEE477CDB373=Options: Automatically select CC when moving/copying within pr
oject time selection
;E11DAA39BF0069B0=Edit: Set note lengths to grid size
;4AF33A7EB339EF9E=View: Toggle show velocity numbers on notes
;4614793365FE0635=View: Toggle show velocity handles on notes
;7E449102A54B4C6F=View: Toggle show note names
;4775288DA180D627=View: Show all note rows
;3709FC566E7FB26B=View: Hide unused note rows
;934775CC2CFDA102=View: Hide unused and unnamed note rows
;C09681EDF16FF571=Options: Preview notes on add/edit
;7A114733F8F233C9=Options: Toggle CC selection follows note selection
;8F2233D3A637774D=Edit: Set events to channel 01
;8F2230D3A6377234=Edit: Set events to channel 02
;8F2231D3A63773E7=Edit: Set events to channel 03
;8F222ED3A6376ECE=Edit: Set events to channel 04
;8F222FD3A6377081=Edit: Set events to channel 05
;8F222CD3A6376B68=Edit: Set events to channel 06
;8F222DD3A6376D1B=Edit: Set events to channel 07
;8F222AD3A6376802=Edit: Set events to channel 08
;8F222BD3A63769B5=Edit: Set events to channel 09
;8F2598D3A63A58C3=Edit: Set events to channel 10
;8F2597D3A63A5710=Edit: Set events to channel 11
;8F259AD3A63A5C29=Edit: Set events to channel 12
;8F2599D3A63A5A76=Edit: Set events to channel 13
;8F259CD3A63A5F8F=Edit: Set events to channel 14
;8F259BD3A63A5DDC=Edit: Set events to channel 15
;8F259ED3A63A62F5=Edit: Set events to channel 16
;802F9AD62C11DB9D=Select note nearest to the edit cursor

;2A5666D0908CFEC7=Add note nearest to the edit cursor to selection

;C022B2F591F9BF89=Navigate: Move edit cursor to start of selection
;829C0CDE589CE2F2=Navigate: Move edit cursor to end of selection
;0C2750C2AEFE704E=Edit: Reverse events
;ED7BF684EE335C84=Edit: Move notes up one semitone
;B06FAA9F583E6B63=Edit: Move notes down one semitone
;8C32CCBDD5B7F18E=Edit: Move notes up one octave
;94DC68F8BA162581=Edit: Move notes down one octave
;AE537E89B0FA85F2=Edit: Move notes left one pixel
;5EEB323FB89E4FF3=Edit: Move notes right one pixel
;906D621947C149BC=Edit: Move notes left one grid unit
;74C805441BBF70BD=Edit: Move notes right one grid unit
;0AC22130F1876A07=Edit: Lengthen notes one pixel
;AB2CF561D0A03157=Edit: Shorten notes one pixel
;C88F18A7AA98D449=Edit: Lengthen notes one grid unit
;264801354DF6B039=Edit: Shorten notes one grid unit
;1953892288E4E262=Edit: Decrease active position one semitone
;BDA481D4A63DCB0E=Edit: Increase active position one semitone
;4455766288BC3D04=Edit: Decrease active position one octave
;9EC2A77E2DE57490=Edit: Increase active position one octave
;B30EFE55BBA7CAE8=View: Zoom out vertically
;17BB6D28FF47A10B=View: Zoom in vertically
;E984EE3624B5E0C2=Edit: Note velocity +01
;E981693624B2C8EC=Edit: Note velocity +10
;B51EEC3606E8E080=Edit: Note velocity -01
;B51B873606E5FF0A=Edit: Note velocity -10
;BA10609226525607=Quantize notes using last quantize dialog settings
;85712914E6BCC16B=Quantize notes position to grid
;9F2237C4D6CADCAB=Quantize notes position and end to grid
;9C429EAD1ED67B9B=Quantize events using last quantize dialog settings
;4FE17A6F27A23BEA=Quantize events to grid
;C0DD052715E2EA62=Edit: Note properties
;3CBC0EEB940BE393=Close inline editor
;7F2CA69A31ED0C2C=Load color map from file
;FC7A729301A5929F=Color notes by velocity
;C469BE099CF02AB0=Color notes/CC by channel
;543885DA3E388EEA=Color notes by pitch
;4A557FF0605F84EB=Color notes/CC by source, using colormap
;43AF386E07B7A3B4=Color notes/CC by track custom color
;FABD1A5FFA01D96A=Color notes/CC by media item custom color
;F0C064D2A791B485=Edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/8 note in length
;5544E1B6C5F47684=Edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/16 note in length
;881AA9E1D5B91096=Edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/32 note in length
;6327804FE382784F=Edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/64 note in length
;F38377B62B97829E=Edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/128 note in length
;7768133F863126D2=Edit: delete trailing notes of less than 1/256 note in length
;58164BB9B3E7AD82=Edit: delete all notes of less than 1/8 note in length
;87AA77164436A6F1=Edit: delete all notes of less than 1/16 note in length
;A3E9534E932B07F7=Edit: delete all notes of less than 1/32 note in length
;124371E2E2C7DF22=Edit: delete all notes of less than 1/64 note in length
;80268A80D87DAA95=Edit: delete all notes of less than 1/128 note in length
;CEF6A63A3120C9A5=Edit: delete all notes of less than 1/256 note in length
;ED05F1492D856E8C=Edit: Select all muted notes
;3517FC91BB88BE4C=Contents: display editor contents menu at mouse position
;F2D5B140B50348F0=Contents: Toggle clearing MIDI editor when switching active me
dia item via Contents menu
;4AFEFA8D020F4B17=Contents: display previous MIDI media item on this track, clea
ring the editor first
;AE005A66FEC003EF=Contents: display next MIDI media item on this track, clearing
the editor first

;4CAA3097E7F88725=Contents: display all MIDI media items on this track

;FB60E9F40782B02D=Contents: display previous MIDI media item on this track, pres
erving existing editor contents
;2A30D49E74A173E5=Contents: display next MIDI media item on this track, preservi
ng existing editor contents
;962848F025ECFD51=Toolbar: Open MIDI toolbar 1
;962845F025ECF838=Toolbar: Open MIDI toolbar 2
;962846F025ECF9EB=Toolbar: Open MIDI toolbar 3
;96284BF025ED026A=Toolbar: Open MIDI toolbar 4
;3F64431803D34C32=Toolbar: Switch to MIDI toolbar 1
;3F64421803D34A7F=Toolbar: Switch to MIDI toolbar 2
;3F64411803D348CC=Toolbar: Switch to MIDI toolbar 3
;3F64401803D34719=Toolbar: Switch to MIDI toolbar 4
;3F1DFB1C709350C1=Toolbar: Switch to MIDI piano roll toolbar
;1CC9EE8D33B2887F=Edit: Set event channel higher
;A4D498E1663634B1=Edit: Set event channel lower
;FAD8C12868FE8631=Edit: Set note length to double
;61A8F4B2CB123335=Edit: Set note length to half
;75223C52AD46DAEF=Edit: Set channel higher for new events
;B1ECFE307FABE995=Edit: Set channel lower for new events
;B3004A1738B77138=Edit: Move left edge of note to edit cursor
;60C0270699F106AB=Edit: Move right edge of note to edit cursor
;5B1BE3AD77CEBE47=Edit: Trim left edge of note to edit cursor
;6636DC2E31AA560E=Edit: Trim right edge of note to edit cursor
;B748AC88A4541209=Options: display note/CC color selector at bottom of MIDI edit
;4670159CB4F85EA3=Edit: Make notes legato, preserving note start times
;99AB86DEA4CFA8DA=Edit: Make notes legato, preserving relative note spacing
;985EC96979ACDBD6=Select previous snap scale
;3253218D7D159C76=Select next snap scale
;4634C6DB587C2D36=Select previous snap scale root
;4E1A271D7F1E4C56=Select next snap scale root
;45A29939ED3817F6=Force selected notes into snap scale
;14BE93AD8D9922DF=Transpose notes...
;32F90CEF300BD525=View: Toggle auto-view-scroll on playback
;AAC4725E31649671=View: Zoom in horizontally
;001B000B3F58D34E=View: Zoom out horizontally
;446A9B48E31B4C14=View: Toggle grid
;453C11E0E14B3EB8=View: Toggle snapping
;BC28E44B58070ABF=Edit: Move edit cursor left one pixel
;A8143169848E0614=Edit: Move edit cursor right one pixel
;88FACA405C794C8D=Groove: edit groove grid
;807EF2DDFFF04D1B=Grid: Multiply grid size by 2
;807EF1DDFFF04B68=Grid: Multiply grid size by 3
;BA5F9C60B1303CD3=Grid: Multiply grid size by 1/2
;BA5F9B60B1303B20=Grid: Multiply grid size by 1/3
;53C97B985F7408DD=Grid: Set division to 1/48
;53BEFF985F6AE1A4=Grid: Set division to 1/32
;53C26B985F6DCEFF=Grid: Set division to 1/24
;53B87B985F6595AA=Grid: Set division to 1/16
;53B877985F658EDE=Grid: Set division to 1/12
;53B876985F658D2B=Grid: Set division to 1/11
;53B875985F658B78=Grid: Set division to 1/10
;2F1C236EFD46CD00=Grid: Set division to 1/9
;2F1C246EFD46CEB3=Grid: Set division to 1/8
;2F1C316EFD46E4CA=Grid: Set division to 1/7
;2F1C326EFD46E67D=Grid: Set division to 1/6
;2F1C2F6EFD46E164=Grid: Set division to 1/5
;2F1C306EFD46E317=Grid: Set division to 1/4
;2F1C2D6EFD46DDFE=Grid: Set division to 1/3

;2F1C2E6EFD46DFB1=Grid: Set division to 1/2

;574E20C5AFE64D4C=Grid: Set division to 1
;574E23C5AFE65265=Grid: Set division to 2
;574E22C5AFE650B2=Grid: Set division to 3
;574E1DC5AFE64833=Grid: Set division to 4
;574E1CC5AFE64680=Grid: Set division to 5
;574E1EC5AFE649E6=Grid: Set division to 7
;3B2B6D50B83F04B2=CC: Next CC lane
;D52614F985A9A75E=CC: Previous CC lane
;8CF312B277743705=View: Zoom vertically (MIDI relative/mousewheel)
;D8B950C8AFB5EC57=View: Zoom horizontally (MIDI relative/mousewheel)
;BBFE0C681A41EFFF=View: Scroll vertically (MIDI relative/mousewheel)
;F78E17920B4B47E9=View: Scroll horizontally (MIDI relative/mousewheel)
;DD7AAF86980E0FB7=View: Zoom vertically reversed (MIDI relative/mousewheel)
;153D6F7BB1CFAC9D=View: Zoom horizontally reversed (MIDI relative/mousewheel)
;D10FCBDCC0246995=View: Scroll vertically reversed (MIDI relative/mousewheel)
;F5A720C8150F1F3B=View: Scroll horizontally reversed (MIDI relative/mousewheel)
;368F438FCECAA5FF=Select all CC events in last clicked lane
;CA518615C734C1CA=Unselect all CC events in last clicked lane
;CE40E975CE701B8B=Edit: Move CC events left 1 pixel
;478E8311D6B05DF2=Edit: Move CC events right 1 pixel
;EE64A7B03F93A6FC=Edit: Move edit cursor left by grid
;70FCB1399BB65DA3=Edit: Move edit cursor right by grid
;BBF16B6890B4A5E7=Edit: Move edit cursor left one measure
;C3E97CC260D7CA8C=Edit: Move edit cursor right one measure
;79BAE013AA7E4B51=Edit: Set or insert CC event at mouse cursor
;199EFD592E7BE892=Timebase: Beats (project)
;5B420CACEF163E3E=Timebase: Beats (source)
;BC47512B47A7E0D4=Timebase: Time (project)
;C5BBF1CBAE9C60D0=Timebase: Sync to arrange view
;AB52D041B3F3966E=Timebase: Display help...
;0B5AC776E78DDDE2=Timebase: Toggle sync to arrange view
;92713AA85C40C515=View: Zoom to content
;3CF8D965E8AF2C75=View: Zoom to one loop iteration
;D27046044A0F5B53=View: Zoom to selected notes/CC
;F1CE8021917D898B=View: Zoom to project loop selection
;0B41000B5217038D=Editor: Close all inactive MIDI items
;4389AEDF2B57F79B=Editor: Close the active MIDI item
;BB4BA1D07E324115=Options: switch the active MIDI media item by clicking an inac
tive note
;8244FE56B988DD3D=Edit: Set time selection to selected notes
;A3556FCE7897E635=Edit: Set loop points to selected notes
;954729AB8E2AB13D=Edit: Fit notes to time selection
;F0ED847FB4715E47=Loop: Halve loop length
;30EF3CF9FFFEC470=Loop: Double loop length
;34BCC7A7648CC268=Move cursor to start of loop
;C692AB8700BEA979=Move cursor to end of loop
;ABA862129F9AA5D1=Edit: Select all notes in time selection
;56597B4C5AF525E4=Edit: Select all CC events in time selection (in last clicked
;05AD39BDE4BFF25B=Edit: Select all CC events in time selection (even if lane is
;68D81D95FB76DBC5=Edit: Select all CC events in time selection (in all visible l
;E78D9CDC4EDF8449=View: Go to edit cursor
;E5089212F2FF814B=View: Go to play cursor
;64C21B658BB3889A=Mode: Piano Roll
;E64C13C95249ED8C=Mode: Drum Map
;49403AC51C02BD86=Mode: Event List
;ED49B75356353BDC=Edit: Copy events within project time selection

;D878F9CCE7BF70F5=Edit: Cut events within project time selection

;04D7A11F6211301E=Edit: Copy events within project time selection, if any (smart
;68F6BAC2744683AD=Edit: Copy events within project time selection, if any (smart
;652378F394ED7074=Edit: Unmute events
;B9DC9D56C2403D6D=File: Save file (MIDI file mode only)
;D2445C53ED158E0C=File: Revert file (MIDI file mode only)
;0FE56FA767BC8173=View: Go to end of file
;497100F1540AE4AE=View: Go to start of file
;D837AD064D1D2DF8=Edit: Event properties
;F6715C668E6BE54F=Load note names from file
;7725C708AA77ED2F=Save note names to file
;DA994370056C61B5=Options: F1-F12 as step input mode
;244A08D0AC0D234A=Options: MIDI inputs as step input mode
;5AC00BBE6D34367C=Options: Synchronize transport with main transport
;72F3B7DC4572125A=Options: Toggle move CC events with notes
;D40754FEC4CE7065=Time format: Measures.Beats.100ths
;4BE4F796AB189235=Time format: Measures.Beats.MIDI_ticks
;3FE6509370E49302=Options: Toggle window docking
;B90155A0DF862638=Set channel for new events to 01
;B90158A0DF862B51=Set channel for new events to 02
;B90157A0DF86299E=Set channel for new events to 03
;B9015AA0DF862EB7=Set channel for new events to 04
;B90159A0DF862D04=Set channel for new events to 05
;B9015CA0DF86321D=Set channel for new events to 06
;B9015BA0DF86306A=Set channel for new events to 07
;B9014EA0DF861A53=Set channel for new events to 08
;B9014DA0DF8618A0=Set channel for new events to 09
;B8FDD0A0DF830E62=Set channel for new events to 10
;B8FDD1A0DF831015=Set channel for new events to 11
;B8FDCEA0DF830AFC=Set channel for new events to 12
;B8FDCFA0DF830CAF=Set channel for new events to 13
;B8FDCCA0DF830796=Set channel for new events to 14
;B8FDCDA0DF830949=Set channel for new events to 15
;B8FDCAA0DF830430=Set channel for new events to 16
;68FDF39BD05ACB9A=Insert sysex event
;234F793AA2FC2835=Navigate: Select previous note
;3A635910AA08D78D=Navigate: Select next note
;3833BE3171287188=Navigate: Select previous note with same note value
;4B0169908CED0170=Navigate: Select next note with same note value
;D9D985372FC8AEC6=Options: Correct overlapping notes while editing
;CA74485943126045=File: Export contents as .MID
;EB50922EEFF2D303=File: Close window
;4E700A3BED3CFBE5=Step input: Insert note at current -12 semitones
;87DE373052DB2C68=Step input: Insert note at current -11 semitones
;8D69469E311C85EF=Step input: Insert note at current -10 semitones
;20251C3B92BD115D=Step input: Insert note at current -09 semitones
;D0A0D45ED855D656=Step input: Insert note at current -08 semitones
;DAE68A8A1027C32B=Step input: Insert note at current -07 semitones
;74A5C7169D4FE424=Step input: Insert note at current -06 semitones
;02A70AD14AFD7DE1=Step input: Insert note at current -05 semitones
;F7D54A50F034C6AA=Step input: Insert note at current -04 semitones
;A307477A3E2AB6BF=Step input: Insert note at current -03 semitones
;FEE34C32EB2FD178=Step input: Insert note at current -02 semitones
;05A8F77F1C57C9B5=Step input: Insert note at current -01 semitones
;F082BA23A7BF4E0A=Step input: Insert note at current note
;E7CECE5AD25D8ADB=Step input: Insert note at current +01 semitones
;345731537C6C945A=Step input: Insert note at current +02 semitones
;597F0D52B2154CD1=Step input: Insert note at current +03 semitones

;D95825527A5055A8=Step input: Insert note at current +04 semitones

;9BCF1D5B80E82D2F=Step input: Insert note at current +05 semitones
;F508D3547F29B4DE=Step input: Insert note at current +06 semitones
;B00F347B6A6E2725=Step input: Insert note at current +07 semitones
;58255C0216D5E77C=Step input: Insert note at current +08 semitones
;28953ADACC086323=Step input: Insert note at current +09 semitones
;1E928CCE843D1715=Step input: Insert note at current +10 semitones
;F6F450D71F20D18E=Step input: Insert note at current +11 semitones
;184485854D6AF59F=Step input: Insert note at current +12 semitones
;07433EF51130115D=Channel: Show only previous channel
;0B5AEA3F7017BEC1=Channel: Show only next channel
;EF99602CFC703476=Channel: Show all channels
;2B096B334299EE29=Channel: Show only channel 01
;2B0968334299E910=Channel: Show only channel 02
;2B0969334299EAC3=Channel: Show only channel 03
;2B096E334299F342=Channel: Show only channel 04
;2B096F334299F4F5=Channel: Show only channel 05
;2B096C334299EFDC=Channel: Show only channel 06
;2B096D334299F18F=Channel: Show only channel 07
;2B0972334299FA0E=Channel: Show only channel 08
;2B0973334299FBC1=Channel: Show only channel 09
;2B0C7033429C2C7F=Channel: Show only channel 10
;2B0C6F33429C2ACC=Channel: Show only channel 11
;2B0C7233429C2FE5=Channel: Show only channel 12
;2B0C7133429C2E32=Channel: Show only channel 13
;2B0C6C33429C25B3=Channel: Show only channel 14
;2B0C6B33429C2400=Channel: Show only channel 15
;2B0C6E33429C2919=Channel: Show only channel 16
;D98F1702D33B3B96=Channel: Toggle channel 01
;D98F1602D33B39E3=Channel: Toggle channel 02
;D98F1502D33B3830=Channel: Toggle channel 03
;D98F1C02D33B4415=Channel: Toggle channel 04
;D98F1B02D33B4262=Channel: Toggle channel 05
;D98F1A02D33B40AF=Channel: Toggle channel 06
;D98F1902D33B3EFC=Channel: Toggle channel 07
;D98F2002D33B4AE1=Channel: Toggle channel 08
;D98F1F02D33B492E=Channel: Toggle channel 09
;D98B9202D33823C0=Channel: Toggle channel 10
;D98B9302D3382573=Channel: Toggle channel 11
;D98B9402D3382726=Channel: Toggle channel 12
;D98B9502D33828D9=Channel: Toggle channel 13
;D98B9602D3382A8C=Channel: Toggle channel 14
;D98B9702D3382C3F=Channel: Toggle channel 15
;D98B9802D3382DF2=Channel: Toggle channel 16
;E21B35DFE97BE566=Insert or edit text (lyric) event at first selected note
;09ADCC9635557FD9=Align lyric events with notes
;5768604A88596C12=Shift lyric events forward one note
;4530F723A46185C8=Shift lyric events backward one note
;E45DC42594801773=Select next lyric event
;38E49B70767BC253=Select previous lyric event
;4A17273DC8F39AEE=Filter events
;B31E9F280E9B67C0=Misc: Close window if not docked, otherwise pass to main windo
;E50D09F85FCF0F74=Misc: Pass through key to main window
;532777A9095D1787=Cycle to next secondary MIDI item
;FFC795B49036FFEB=Cycle to previous secondary MIDI item
;2250EE14EF38BF55=Import lyrics for selected notes from file
;6F8E500E8646C13A=Filter: Toggle filter on/off
;DF61F9F93739802F=Customize MIDI editor toolbar
;369A8EC2FD148361=Correct overlapping notes

;E6103AA4FC9BFB33=Show raw MIDI data

;4AA26398A8C76723=Edit: Move CC events left by grid
;5091B7695533410E=Edit: Move CC events right by grid
;E2B741EFE36922C2=Edit: Increase value a little bit for CC events
;C83A79FC5097997E=Edit: Decrease value a little bit for CC events
;7217658C298CEB90=Edit: Move events left/right (mousewheel/MIDI relative only)
;A5D34A5237534CE2=Edit: Adjust value for events (mousewheel/MIDI controller only
;8CA3F2F588D18073=Toggle locking MIDI to project tempo at media item start time
;7CF5F2A40C38AFD5=CC: Set CC lane to Velocity
;31DCEF6B43DC07D4=CC: Set CC lane to Pitch
;222C965F1127B576=CC: Set CC lane to Program
;7881A46BB50E7A98=CC: Set CC lane to Channel Pressure
;1487C0FC772CECC1=CC: Set CC lane to Bank/Program Select
;2BE2637E7274DB7A=CC: Set CC lane to Text Events
;CC82C55BB98813DE=CC: Set CC lane to Sysex
;9F7B5C942E0C2D22=CC: Set CC lane to
;DBBAB3326B686454=Insert note:
;8AB5C60EE6A45F4D=Cursor: advance
;^887AC55D66DDCCA9=Options: MIDI editor mouse modifier preferences...
;^7CE9611BE854D12E=Set note ends to start of next note
;^71AFE5DB5650A1AC=Add previous note to selection
;^478CB748FDBE3CCC=Add next note to selection
;^60FDC47CC49E565A=View: Scroll view down
;^EF2E4D6B32E12F9F=View: Scroll view up
;^EFEE658757CE9229=Freeze quantization
;^4C121E685B2BF818=Double length of MIDI (repeating contents)
;^D6FAC22FB212CB64=Clear color map (use default)
;^12C3FAD652693FD1=Toolbar: Open MIDI toolbar 1 at mouse cursor
;^BBE9B04C60CAD394=Toolbar: Open MIDI toolbar 2 at mouse cursor
;^BF0E1DB8639E5D8F=Toolbar: Open MIDI toolbar 3 at mouse cursor
;^4A717A29C667E83A=Toolbar: Open MIDI toolbar 4 at mouse cursor
;^00A326BE1D4B4B0F=View: Scroll view left
;^3CAB5198F069B180=View: Scroll view right
;^B1403E623CE3075B=Split notes on grid
;^FDFF2C38C037D04E=No-op (no action)
;^293D4AED6CD88FF6=View: toggle show MIDI editor windows
;^16A0B50E20E429AB=View: Move edit cursor to mouse cursor
;^B0BD565E6246F228=Loop points: Set start point
;^F8D05E3085FD2B41=Loop points: Set end point
;^4F54BFB1FE7FA7B1=Send all notes off to all MIDI outputs/plug-ins
;^D2BA30B556C02C0A=Time selection: Remove time selection and loop point selectio
;^01262900CB9ABE4B=Loop points: Remove loop points
;^E9D9A68C20EC04ED=Time selection: Remove time selection
;^DCFEAB8BD451EB5C=Show action list
;^0E44CD2EEA4BA863=Humanize notes...
;^61DB5FFF400740A5=Transport: Toggle repeat
;^82CD794FA2EDD475=Transport: Play/stop
;^46E68D57893F0D5D=Transport: Play/pause
;^DBE0EEA73EA7A24B=Edit: Undo
;^02194DA19CF34ECD=Edit: Redo
;^A38F6B757E6A088D=Rename MIDI take...
;^4D2D5A1140F47C5C=Rename current note
;^382FD4F0FD467B41=Clear all note names
;^EE7C68EF6C212F98=Transport: Play
;^A4419DE98AC6632E=Transport: Stop
;^B12DCB764FB6F550=Transport: Pause

;^00DE45DC2B1BE514=Select all notes with same note value

;^0B0113E292076F0C=Filter events...
;^5FCC35227BCB6C5D=Invert selection
;^7807E6A469856A94=View: Move edit cursor to play cursor
;^3595163B199DC483=Select all CC events
;^9EBC00F62F9F9F8C=Unselect all CC events
;^F8E6A0B81A77C5E9=Reset all MIDI devices
;946C90A8F54CA9A0=Text event
;347038834650C188=Copyright notice
;5565A1F8603B7D05=Instrument name
;7315DDC3986F9688=Program name
;0FDDD160BF8E37AC=Device name
;8B6A08130ECF80F4=All Sound Off
;B446C4DA641F7976=All Notes Off
;B202804EB9FFBF8B=Omni On
;79E402C60D7AC02F=Omni Off
;9DC186B12C6339C9=Mono On
;4AB49787B8279ECA=Poly On
;BC585B6FF340DD35=Channel Pressure
;4235CF09DF07D6A9=Text Events
;F7C99BD39EBB01D9=Bank Select MSB
;A3C0BB89027A73F0=Mod Wheel MSB
;4C67565556591963=Breath MSB
;4D2CACF78C35EE4D=Foot Pedal MSB
;628FDAD672DCB70A=Portamento MSB
;63065B6D1BF473DD=Data Entry MSB
;C78685162B198F93=Volume MSB
;27AB31E049B8D57F=Balance MSB
;AACFC497A56C8F77=Pan Position MSB
;ADD94030D40C940B=Expression MSB
;A65A65D2603CCC1D=Control 1 MSB
;50A01EFD3747E5E8=Control 2 MSB
;58B56E741984EAC2=GP Slider 1
;58B56D741984E90F=GP Slider 2
;58B56C741984E75C=GP Slider 3
;58B56B741984E5A9=GP Slider 4
;FE3EF2D3A1C3B3EE=Bank Select LSB
;9B7CB488FDE83A93=Mod Wheel LSB
;53D15D555A31AF00=Breath LSB
;547B83F78FF76AA2=Foot Pedal LSB
;58B403D66CF00275=Portamento LSB
;6B2F326D206F93F2=Data Entry LSB
;CFCA8C162FABC8F0=Volume LSB

;320E78E050182EFC=Balance LSB
;B313CB97A9FEC8D4=Pan Position LSB
;B542C730D7E45028=Expression LSB
;AE823CD264B63932=Control 1 LSB
;45CF97FD308B4DCB=Control 2 LSB
;CD8A9A71ED2EFAC8=Hold Pedal (on/off)
;F67946232215316A=Portamento (on/off)
;05B806E8EBA2C99D=Sostenuto (on/off)
;B9E99696CDAF4957=Soft Pedal (on/off)
;A3C83D6383407D19=Legato Pedal (on/off)
;D3DFCEC4F010F4D6=Hold 2 Pedal (on/off)
;F8366040BC26AB73=Sound Variation
;5D36671C77C730F3=Sound Release
;51C1220D839082FE=Sound Attack
;60547997C95283C6=Brightness/Cutoff Freq
;CD64DE5B16B49E29=Sound Control 6
;CD64DD5B16B49C76=Sound Control 7
;CD64E85B16B4AF27=Sound Control 8
;CD64E75B16B4AD74=Sound Control 9
;B70773C794EBBE04=Sound Control 10
;BC2F0DB1ECA5067F=GP Button 1 (on/off)
;6CCA035239584780=GP Button 2 (on/off)
;034CE5EA90292701=GP Button 3 (on/off)
;1DA4E3CF5A6DBF3A=GP Button 4 (on/off)
;D0C39DD4BD3855F9=Effects Level
;DDD57D31B3496FA7=Tremolo Level
;49788BC2D494723F=Chorus Level
;2657383ADB2B5F58=Celeste Level
;EF2D11902DE4759E=Phaser Level
;EB28D33E01F3EFC9=Data Button Inc
;D14B383DF3565CF9=Data Button Dec
;50C975A06D5374A0=Non-Reg Parm LSB
;45F96EA06697B603=Non-Reg Parm MSB
;E9B25564F267103A=Reg Parm LSB
;DEFCFE64EBC19165=Reg Parm MSB
;72B36EF8AE6ADCA0=Chan Aftertouch
;5BC5C52282E9A46E=Pitch Bend
;^DD0CE22D75D36ED1=Track name
;^B80BE35FC002073A=Bank/Program Select
;^C645D4DB5297312E=Poly Aftertouch
;^9ED6EEF5EE379522=Song Select

;1920CC1078868F78=Dock MIDI Filter in Docker
;C08169C3011791D0=Move MIDI events
;0AA6FA099558EBB0=Edit MIDI event
;13A76B72816BE11B=Item colormap set
;E96ED5100668BBEA=Item colormap clear
;7CFBA8160C44C425=Select muted notes
;DE5D284424E4B625=Select MIDI notes near cursor
;00457741378FCB5E=Delete small notes
;FF18B3DE4567D6DA=Move notes to edit cursor
;88E7050568DC9033=Change MIDI event channel
;743532F49A29B09B=Set note length to double
;D4B210C8E6E66D03=Set note length to half
;FF090CA386FB7CBC=Set edge of note to cursor
;0CE71EFAE470CA8A=Move notes left one grid unit
;A7E8F33815B4AB1B=Move notes right one grid unit
;A4674AF4153308D3=Lengthen notes one grid unit
;61885EE9B49CD83B=Shorten notes one grid unit
;408E3678F787AFCC=Move notes left one pixel
;AECD69A9A19F005D=Move notes right one pixel
;3445A7E6F1723195=Lengthen notes one pixel
;38402D84D822D2FD=Shorten notes one pixel
;F2782FC97842342A=Move notes up one semitone
;F220CD78FB1F13AD=Move notes down one semitone
;7485831657DE03DC=Move notes up one octave
;D11D92FABFE7D743=Move notes down one octave
;C7A698B789FA1E8C=Navigate MIDI notes
;0096AF9B14DA67FE=Joined MIDI notes
;6FD71EE351ECA195=Set selected note lengths to grid size
;A9A7A0A99F374D2D=Lengthen notes
;B0CBAAA4E770AADF=Set Event Channels
;9BE5B6FB2153FA28=Unselect all events
;ECBBCADE7AB3BAE8=Reverse events
;870E68D64C1E34B8=Toggle event mute
;11602570C9DA194E=Unmute events
;71D0D1A2E76EB89B=Edit project loop points
;9598191ED1068B4D=Edit project time selection
;744B62B9512C06A3=Fit notes to time selection
;5E1FCEE1531F0066=Select events in time selection

;70B5E67A63C914AA=Cut events
;99767B0A8A53E563=Paste events
;BFD65E0CF645B4A4=Nudge selected CC events
;48E3CDC4784A5967=Resize CC/velocity lane
;67ECA62F32459487=Insert notes
;438ED1E7002F3863=Delete CCs
;B767D09064C412F4=Set Event Velocities
;1A0A7AED56016E32=Set CCs
;EF1612013D2448E7=Move event end
;9B892BE06A23F30F=Copy events
;AA9D831C92CFFC17=Move events
;E485631C93E21274=Adjust events velocity
;20126A830EC01202=Adjust Events Size
;9EF745FA9C43B2FE=Insert Event
;E479FCF4B863B281=Loop selection change
;F2F104EA69010D7E=Marker move
;15E1C291AD7E6C0E=Adjust MIDI Item Parent Event Edges
;C1B3727E5443DC13=Hide CC lane
;73DC4903F369BAB0=Clear CC lane
;5E17D85BF4E2E2D7=Change CC lane
;C719F5DE521C51AE=Add CC lane
;C64D4E9D6E7BC56C=Select Events
;DBED69F2406BF332=Delete CC event
;0525EEDDC38E844C=Select events
;3647263611D42F8C=Delete Event
;1082BA5AB51471DD=Select MIDI events
;72A6A148C6189C59=Edit MIDI events
;9326C4DC8F85E52E=Add MIDI events via step input
;0F2558018D9FBE2B=Change snap scale
;DBAB8761CB8F3A11=Force notes into scale
;197628D7ED2AA096=Set notes legato
;DB2066FCA077A2C9=Rename MIDI take
;094DE20A3247362C=Clear all MIDI note names
;674991169E3FB535=MIDI note name map load
;E40E42A3CECC67CB=Move to next lyric event
;27A63720AFFF680B=Move to previous lyric event
;5BCEF52354BF8FEA=Set note velocity
;6921186287DAA5A1=MIDI editor:
;6A07C6AAFE0D2609=Insert text marker
;9198226173C9DC74=Insert sysex marker
;9DCAEB31ABCD8865=Insert bank/program select marker
;F5C3B9D0B55CC18D=Modify CC event
;BE2BA41449E3678C=Add CC event
;0431BF38F8355036=Move MIDI notes
;2734667A79554488=Adjust MIDI event value
;856A7DA4214D85FA=Bank/program select
;25BFDC6303D3029C=Align lyric events
;18A50CB90A395E16=Can't Undo
;8FFC5D9C4282BC80=Can't Redo
;1CC8B1FED5E6DF0E=Import lyrics
;996CED950F6BF13F=Remove CC lane
;11423AF87C2E6B17=MIDI note name change
;F515CCA56574AFC7=Humanize notes
;D3DDD471768B1B8A=Edit note properties
;F55320DCEEDBD200=Edit Event Properties
;B2CFCFD4E9AE2155=Add text event
;EB98A378C97A81EA=Edit text event
;4610B70335845FB3=Delete text event
;9C221E4D4ECFFE5E=Add sysex event
;B091DD9734345CCF=Edit sysex event

;274B036135D2FEE0=Delete sysex event

;C8A2E6B6659A8CA9=Quantize events
;894D6CD3AF46D75B=Reset event quantization
;642A94576A5BD303=Commit event quantization
;^5FCC35227BCB6C5D=Invert selection
;^F5EF50B6945EBD84=Edit note velocity
;^4C121E685B2BF818=Double length of MIDI (repeating contents)
;^E075349CF7FE45D8=Remove selected duplicate notes
;^362F40DC93DD9F89=Split Items
;^B1403E623CE3075B=Split notes on grid
;^2568C8EFB386D909=Delete notes
;^F77DBFF425C7412D=Delete events
;^F70F33492CF99E39=Select all notes
;^E15DF529704AB25D=Select all events
;^F1B40A37A3CA1D37=Mute events
;^8AF60DF50912755E=Select all events in lane
;^C0ABC9951CF45E7F=Unselect all events in lane
;^3595163B199DC483=Select all CC events
;^9EBC00F62F9F9F8C=Unselect all CC events
;^1D4EDA35A99AEFAE=Insert note
;^4979490C7DD5AF71=Erase note
;^AEC62239D2186066=Erase notes
;^0C364228BCD76FE0=(Unknown action)
;^0A406B52D72D3189=Toggle track mute
;^114DD782C0C098CF=Toggle track solo
;^619D4CDD3C442997=Toggle item mute
;220494B772EA2052=<<type key or move controller>>
;497EC311882DEA2F=Relative 1 (7f=-1, 01=+1)
;B3E89EBA3D4BDC64=Relative 2 (3f=-1, 41=+1)
;0578146872CD8B1B=Relative 3 (41=-1, 01=+1)
;8B68CE232E7B4357=<<type special key now>>
;D0B15FBBE808081B=You must enter a shortcut!
;FE1A9C4B05BD3094=Load image resource:
;F603F596CF3E2D36=Rename Recorded Take
;9132443EA40315DD=Choose new filename
;69792EBEB63B91D3=No files selected!
;BB26FEA9C72D0E73=Can't delete
;1EF69AD1CE2EBA7C=Delete 1 file?
;0630D27A518EADFB=Delete %d files?
;42EBBFA19050A879=Delete confirmation
;96D23F928AD60BA0=(default scales)
;0FAF68E2DD654349=(filename only)
;ED8163DA7C0D98AF=All Supported Media Files
;875698020070BA71=All Files
;EF1A80E34CD24366=All Supported Projects
;CDCF83CB2A8BD8C2=24bit WAV
;^6B921CBA018B2EE0=No additional resource loaded
;^C3EB4B7A6BCD5F3C=New name:

;D51445559949A7D5=Any matching file (fastest)
;74DD21A0C8F7B104=Newest modification time
;75300ED8F9CF7EA5=Oldest modification time
;B4C719294185B3EB=Biggest file size
;E705BD92ED886BC5=Smallest file size
;07805369C6FBD5D5=Longest path name
;9BEBDBDCBBF5C7A7=Shortest path name
;16F6A2109895730C=Search for file...
;33EA714995A3D146=Choose replacement file:
;A2EDE5C0ECB0FF92=Search aborted.
;67DF2452B19F5D3E=Select a directory to search:
;3A5C61456088CD65=[Abort search]
;56FACD728EE136BC=Error searching specified path
;BABB523832F9AE4F=Error searching
;63F6D385957D048A=Mixer Master
;9965C532C14FFE31=Set default mouse modifier action for
;167FBDFE83A381FB=(factory default)
;A48947A6213B9C1E=Ignoring snap
;BC9D3C7F3FEE5D19=Ignoring time selection
;D48089BE77330508=Ignoring selection/grouping
;B69409F2049946EE=Fine adjustment
;4DCC7D655356B57D=In one direction only
;283C10C07AD5BEE8=Relative edge edit
;8191901722F8D990=Also move time selection
;7A9E2F011BD66258=Source on same track
;FE20C5875F614E27=Marquee select
;41A20EEA09BC2251=Toggle selection
;B16F3BCB9C49D151=Add to selection
;37449AD88148F258=Move edit cursor
;34A41C5E8152D0BA=Extend time selection
;30F5A83E4729014D=Pool MIDI source data
;BD09E508B0D05CB7=In a line
;86CE1C206CD4E470=Without changing fade-in end (fade-out start) time
;63E1203507DEF588=Marquee zoom
;55C0FA738F76D0A7=Disable ripple edit
;0EAB686A3E41A446=Ripple edit this track
;581D6158029C2ADC=Ripple edit all tracks
;38AA14C758EA7FE2=Select notes touched while dragging
;F7B8155F47BE97E2=left click

;BAC41E79F1F5B1BC=left drag
;AFAF00EB5DC36486=double click
;1336AB922B1AC994=Media item bottom half
;95982050BA8E4761=Media item edge
;E741BE7860B3DDBB=Media item fade/crossfade
;82B1ADB1DFF887EB=Envelope lane
;80D3B6F8E06B52F5=Envelope point
;7B279359D9609E22=Envelope segment
;88510F5C00AAABCD=Track control panel
;37A146DA06F4F3CB=Mixer control panel
;EE6141056EDE4584=Envelope control panel
;726EFC563F8F5412=Arrange view
;4B9611E59D1FDCCF=right drag
;20EF808202A85426=middle click
;0F20CE1C2FB10D90=middle drag
;E6DAECCAE68B9AB7=Edit cursor handle
;08EA83320B5F487E=MIDI note
;28510B6B9F9CF113=MIDI note edge
;2516FA4CE275BA88=MIDI CC event
;E4F1AFF470ED26C5=left click/drag
;EBCE02D6591C0252=MIDI CC lane
;7B14DDD5466B46F2=MIDI ruler
;59D29C4C4F34DE7A=MIDI piano roll
;0F86449BA247E523=MIDI editor
;3C28DE8D24EBA2B9=Move item
;92F71448119943B2=Move item ignoring snap
;75C8FD2EA5B8070D=Move item ignoring time selection
;8E64451B655413F4=Move item ignoring selection/grouping
;FA4A93BA13ACA14A=Move item ignoring snap and time selection
;FD5DF9E7976745C7=Move item ignoring snap and selection/grouping
;E12653AE65C0B956=Move item ignoring time selection and selection/grouping
;A5C481A35D6F4CEC=Move item ignoring snap, time selection, and selection/groupin
;4A15F03F1BAE9F2E=Move item vertically
;A9DEF14B183A9687=Move item vertically ignoring selection/grouping
;E8788FBABCCF6D0A=Move item vertically ignoring time selection
;167C6587924A9CBF=Move item vertically ignoring time selection and selection/gro
;9B0E7C3B77C531CB=Move item and time selection
;394B33F3F9D17E1C=Move item and time selection ignoring snap
;9337994C23A2B732=Move item ignoring time selection, disabling ripple edit
;D5FF6BA201AEF807=Move item ignoring time selection, enabling ripple edit for th
is track
;0739AF83B7C86E55=Move item ignoring time selection, enabling ripple edit for al
l tracks
;D9ACE3280D058E2F=Move item ignoring snap and time selection, disabling ripple e
;04B990FB5B9AB006=Move item ignoring snap and time selection, enabling ripple ed
it for this track
;1BB157561F7F309C=Move item ignoring snap and time selection, enabling ripple ed
it for all tracks
;39DC9618A17A85C1=Copy item
;DDAAEF00EA00421A=Copy item ignoring snap
;BDE6D2E02409B5E5=Copy item ignoring time selection
;440DA05B4B103872=Copy item ignoring snap and time selection
;CC858D74A3BFED66=Copy item vertically
;D800FA29679C2A32=Copy item vertically ignoring time selection
;3260736C2B4A0970=Copy item and move time selection
;A941F876EB49D387=Copy item and move time selection ignoring snap

;4D6CF3D6B287615D=Copy item, pooling MIDI source data

;CF5959693EFB82D6=Copy item ignoring snap, pooling MIDI source data
;ECBC45F816855AA9=Copy item ignoring time selection, pooling MIDI source data
;1FDD12856CFA52AE=Copy item ignoring snap and time selection, pooling MIDI sourc
e data
;61B18C7B04A59B8A=Copy item vertically, pooling MIDI source data
;1B8C82D9D73718EE=Copy item vertically ignoring time selection, pooling MIDI sou
rce data
;42F50817B43E16FC=Copy item and move time selection, pooling MIDI source data
;B073914CF1582EDB=Copy item and move time selection ignoring snap, pooling MIDI
source data
;B23943B05EFD207D=Move item contents
;D0D828DB8D673A70=Move item contents ignoring selection/grouping
;7A41785A27537FB0=Move item edges but not content
;C42986BCD213AB69=Render item to new file
;23596D652DCA900C=Open source file in editor or external application
;4825D255051D8EE7=Adjust item volume
;C1083D43454ED692=Adjust item volume (fine)
;A546B760EDB63210=Adjust take pan
;D3E4E051B99DFA07=Adjust take pitch (semitones)
;50E44ED374EB5AFC=Adjust take pitch (fine)
;ED65239D48A97A2F=Marquee select items
;BBC0F7CC200EF618=Marquee toggle item selection
;BA67E2E584D09DC8=Marquee add to item selection
;717C7D0653DE989B=Marquee select items and time
;0B4637746E1E7C8C=Marquee select items and time ignoring snap
;E66161E882C570BC=Select time
;256887F40C43AF93=Select time ignoring snap
;565B726E6764825B=Move edge
;14E0B314C547754C=Move edge ignoring snap
;44BFDC5F6022449E=Move edge ignoring selection/grouping
;EC6C102D5CAC9277=Move edge (relative edge edit)
;A48ED9C83244B7F9=Move edge ignoring snap and selection/grouping
;9E4E77EFF4C08E92=Move edge ignoring snap (relative edge edit)
;CB06E13E43D97165=Move edge without changing fade time
;9C9AC886A51B51DC=Move edge ignoring snap without changing fade time
;091A53D187C433D2=Move edge ignoring selection/grouping without changing fade ti
;E0BCB3128B2C559F=Move edge ignoring snap and selection/grouping without changin
g fade time
;CF5B75D34DE15E99=Move edge without changing fade time (relative edge edit)
;71FB36C9DD192FC2=Move edge ignoring snap without changing fade time (relative e
dge edit)
;B37DB345614A626B=Stretch item
;F1C2D5C968FBDF3C=Stretch item ignoring snap
;BCF1B151D9D6896E=Stretch item ignoring selection/grouping
;90FED0EBCD9780A7=Stretch item (relative edge edit)
;0B63CB8B63835CE9=Stretch item ignoring snap and selection/grouping
;BACB53BED963EBA2=Stretch item ignoring snap (relative edge edit)
;24405D51D0AF07E4=Move fade
;DF72CB97BE9AAB80=Move fade and stretch items
;B3C6EB945B323EAA=Move fade (relative edge edit)
;D3DAB39CC3934C1E=Move fade and stretch items (relative edge edit)
;D6EAA6D21CCA40C5=Move fade ignoring selection/grouping
;73ED77A40BC0DE69=Move fade and stretch items ignoring selection/grouping
;1C88DE5DABA77084=Move crossfade
;C9EFB0169A557A20=Move crossfade and stretch items
;352DE3731638224A=Move crossfade (relative edge edit)
;287720449AA8DDBE=Move crossfade and stretch items (relative edge edit)
;DF63CCB452075EE5=Move crossfade ignoring selection/grouping

;B1E6D180F7A8F589=Move crossfade and stretch items ignoring selection/grouping

;0408BB168E179B33=Delete fade/crossfade
;5E4B68C562E5B59E=Delete fade/crossfade ignoring selection
;BF03BA645A3D0E8B=Set fade/crossfade to previous shape
;4143166355517F9F=Set fade/crossfade to next shape
;8ED972E2329FA076=Set fade/crossfade to previous shape ignoring selection
;62C6B4C475BE3E9A=Set fade/crossfade to next shape ignoring selection
;4871548BABAC6A5C=Deselect all envelope points
;437B21DC72BB4068=Deselect all envelope points and move edit cursor
;30FF10F8EAD1C278=Move envelope point
;5E0AF0EE21E559AF=Move envelope point ignoring snap
;DB96B1E214C8953C=Move envelope point on one axis only
;083F9124B45AE013=Move envelope point on one axis only ignoring snap
;A0D19865944E751F=Move envelope point horizontally
;44F85BEB54CBA2E0=Move envelope point horizontally ignoring snap
;61EF9BA429EC2139=Move envelope point vertically
;511D37357325C260=Move envelope point vertically (fine)
;F30779CA0E53FDC0=Copy envelope point
;5505B394D536D277=Copy envelope point ignoring snap
;55354E3D12FFAF46=Freehand draw envelope
;2A4F1727CEE47B6E=Delete envelope point
;B231F1DDCAFCB6BF=Move envelope segment
;D9D070AD42FC9E3B=Move envelope segment ignoring time selection
;CEBE34BC305EF45A=Move envelope segment (fine)
;A801AAB788B9251E=Move envelope segment preserving edge points
;E6D5DB20D3916254=Insert envelope point, drag to move
;124813311BB27CD9=Edit envelope segment curvature
;1BFF01BA3923A2D1=Edit envelope segment curvature (gang selected points)
;231D875B2E912BF7=Draw a copy of the selected media item
;7A42798497B7D478=Draw a copy of the selected media item ignoring snap
;A11E30791A6F48AC=Draw a copy of the selected media item on the same track
;AA2A99F5973277E3=Draw a copy of the selected media item on the same track ignor
ing snap
;ED1541EFEA38AD6B=Draw a copy of the selected media item, pooling MIDI source da
;A16734C265C6B9E4=Draw a copy of the selected media item ignoring snap, pooling
MIDI source data
;DE0D24DFEE02D070=Draw a copy of the selected media item on the same track, pool
ing MIDI source data
;0E2A5BD1E26F090F=Draw a copy of the selected media item on the same track ignor
ing snap, pooling MIDI source data
;FD232F7032C5AE21=Draw an empty MIDI item
;E5840833DDAEDAFA=Draw an empty MIDI item ignoring snap
;2D7D21CB4C1C78ED=Edit loop points ignoring snap
;11C47D5FC9E7E701=Move time selection
;47B184B1CD15285A=Move time selection ignoring snap
;ED22C4CBFDC10031=Deselect all items and move edit cursor
;AF8CD982AFF69BEA=Deselect all items and move edit cursor ignoring snap
;C8E798E8030276EF=Deselect all items
;1C774307231BEB81=Extend time selection ignoring snap
;A303C4A44EF200FF=Clear time selection
;0CDAB950F1AF107D=Restore previous zoom/scroll
;DE3058A48E8C3F81=Restore previous zoom level
;5A8BF5B0791DD851=Edit loop point
;868DBE2FA3CCB28A=Edit loop point ignoring snap
;1B24743F5F9247BF=Move loop points
;F05D73D53CC19C00=Move loop points ignoring snap
;B82322BBC0B6AF23=Edit loop point and time selection together
;5AB8D5ADC2DBFCB4=Edit loop point and time selection together ignoring snap
;EA54AE91BDA42649=Move loop points and time selection together

;0ABF2503C17C2BE2=Move loop points and time selection together ignoring snap

;9266D4E2A60A038F=Move edit cursor ignoring snap
;9072B4DDD1684002=Extend loop points
;0AF3BC4D2EFEA3C9=Extend loop points ignoring snap
;DC83C9FDCAFF731D=Clear loop points
;A94A66220BE81AAC=Seek playback without moving edit cursor
;966D9CF4724BF1CF=Set loop points to region
;7978C5DA49BAE75F=Set time selection to region
;BEDE6B8448DA4B4F=Set loop points and time selection to region
;DD07363AD61CB17B=Hand scroll
;B5904108D17B78FA=Scroll browser-style
;D112117E1ED1E2FC=Scrub audio
;1AAD74BF8B43F4BB=Jog audio
;E8F382875BBC22FD=Scrub audio (looped-segment mode)
;4591EDB4AF8F5966=Jog audio (looped-segment mode)
;C9E6E908DB83349B=Scroll hand-style
;7425B5F70EEEC4BC=Move edit cursor without scrub/jog
;E7ADFD47B08D9B1E=Select item
;396DA88A09211414=Select item ignoring grouping
;CAED1B1E948249EE=Select item and move edit cursor
;D70617120F0CA435=Select item and move edit cursor ignoring snap
;6E12DB06D5E46CA0=Toggle item selection
;AB4144781050D060=Add item to selection
;3313C0EAB8289927=Add item to selection, if already selected extend time selecti
;41D49EEE69D54F08=Add item to selection, if already selected extend time selecti
on ignoring snap
;4C007B15390EF02E=Add item to selection and extend time selection
;D18182AD0A489C75=Add item to selection and extend time selection ignoring snap
;10E6EE810F19FC1D=Open media item in external editor
;A783BC454DE11B70=Set time selection to item
;6D28620D407251E0=Set loop points to item
;BD44233F641A61AF=Show take list
;003BB9CB0D2DD34D=Show take props list
;0444EF2161321E02=Show media item properties
;D1B3039A8F817537=Show media item source properties
;63EC339531011B6D=MIDI: open in editor, audio: show media item properties
;3D4C6B5A493526BB=, PiP: open PiP
;2B65B918859F3A06=Delete item fade/crossfade
;1D914CD908209341=Reset point to default value
;0612247136A3F244=Open envelope point editor
;B932D1923DE5FA34=Add envelope point
;D20F9AE631B6EFD2=Reset envelope segment curvature
;7E40A32B0740C536=Select all media items on track
;A1A5D53DE57A23B1=Toggle selection for all media items on track
;9E3C2317A0915468=Add all media items on track to selection
;7435698B7A888CD9=Zoom view to track
;9F8DDD83297AB6FB=Select/unselect all envelope points
;AAD4B13A27359D15=Edit loop point (ruler) or time selection (piano roll)
;41F92EF62BD3126E=Edit loop point (ruler) or time selection (piano roll) ignorin
g snap
;A08209557C2FB1AF=Move loop points (ruler) or time selection (piano roll)
;B12006B519E71B90=Move loop points (ruler) or time selection (piano roll) ignori
ng snap
;2A79930B4B9AF741=Select notes or CC in time selection
;026AC8E973F25232=Clear loop or time selection
;20B07666B4E768B5=Marquee select notes/CC
;96C27CC607BF703E=Marquee toggle note/CC selection
;8E957BC5CE9B373F=Marquee add to notes/CC selection
;465D4C16BAB39621=Marquee select notes/CC and time

;32C0434450BC82FA=Marquee select notes/CC and time ignoring snap

;AD0654938C5F77E1=Erase notes/CC
;7CD70AAB3C1968DE=Erase notes/CC immediately (suppresses right-click context men
;BCCB4371418C8B25=Toggle selection for notes touched while dragging
;D6C83FA540CC55BA=Insert note, drag to extend or change pitch
;047689A230ED7D99=Insert note ignoring snap, drag to extend or change pitch
;E5E9D47B0F900F67=Insert note, drag to extend
;15E0C2C67608606E=Insert note, drag to move
;AA737652FBC7F2E1=Insert note ignoring snap, drag to move
;278C3B4591183CF6=Insert note, drag to edit velocity
;C63441D7CD046F03=Insert note ignoring snap, drag to edit velocity
;3BD6C8F5EBB71BFC=Paint notes
;D8AE0DDD6025FEE8=Paint notes or chords
;DEBE4005FA66E83A=Paint a straight line of notes
;53037C8BC0BC9701=Paint a straight line of notes ignoring snap
;C9A8AA9A74901994=Paint a row of notes of the same pitch
;C03BD9F3032CF9FE=Paint a stack of notes of the same time position
;8382CF2C311424D3=Paint notes ignoring snap
;ED9013A5EB65966A=Marquee select notes
;8E53F01128A084AF=Marquee toggle note selection
;24716024DAC58CDF=Marquee add to note selection
;7A29B54EA7F22484=Marquee select notes and time
;0B589DC6809A795B=Marquee select notes and time ignoring snap
;8E989EACDF30AE2B=Scrub preview MIDI
;83997CB258C1844A=Deselect all notes and move edit cursor
;DAD048858F10ACF1=Deselect all notes and move edit cursor ignoring snap
;CAFF809A6D1D262A=Deselect all notes
;09D0AF43A7F0EFF5=Insert note ignoring snap
;AEC29523E3A8251A=Insert note, leaving other notes selected
;C704560C84806DE5=Insert note ignoring snap, leaving other notes selected
;E1689E82E2EFB3AF=Set draw channel lower
;2ED1D1F458E168CD=Set draw channel higher
;D55CE7984C43960E=Move note
;CF9C3AD9EE96A055=Move note ignoring snap
;19A30FAE6BA1C46A=Move note on one axis only
;9816E62DA2237A11=Move note on one axis only ignoring snap
;992C64A22CA57265=Move note horizontally
;1E4AF660A5C406DE=Move note horizontally ignoring snap
;E22EAEB98D394837=Move note vertically
;4D03DEAF23EA9336=Stretch note positions (arpeggiate)
;75F9C849B9553757=Stretch note positions ignoring snap (arpeggiate)
;2D4C14F79C9B2B67=Stretch note lengths (arpeggiate legato)
;89B509899A6BE130=Stretch note lengths ignoring snap (arpeggiate legato)
;2B75A678F9167947=Stretch note selection vertically (arpeggiate)
;9D4BDF1E90E3E6B6=Copy note
;68E0D5ABBA3BCE7D=Copy note ignoring snap
;3A3B4D4603EE9F6D=Copy note horizontally
;91FD749D8E4E42A6=Copy note horizontally ignoring snap
;E584CB0B8D77F00F=Copy note vertically
;DF5AE08527AA0B9F=Edit note velocity (fine)
;5B9DB83BFF8E6F15=Select note
;A1F9880A4AC66233=Select note and move edit cursor
;F314104A7FC37CE4=Select note and move edit cursor ignoring snap
;562DC24343E2E237=Toggle note selection
;72B6F2BD2185EDA1=Add note to selection
;934F0BC1076495CA=Toggle note mute
;152F044326761191=Set note channel lower
;97685B2990CCE2DF=Set note channel higher
;FD8081C6BC25CFE2=Double note length

;DB5A7DCA941C6FED=Halve note length

;8EC8EA6A48074843=Move note edge
;425585D35A89ECD4=Move note edge ignoring snap
;A99C97A73C807E49=Stretch notes
;A9F00FF8B27EC3E2=Stretch notes ignoring snap
;4844CB4824C34D5D=Draw/edit CC events
;E89F331667CE36B6=Draw/edit CC events ignoring snap
;EE62729BEFDDAB24=Edit CC events
;EE755115CC9403F1=Edit selected CC events if any, otherwise draw/edit
;4DF95E12EBCA12AA=Edit selected CC events if any, otherwise draw/edit ignoring s
;748A96F88E0D092D=Linear ramp CC events
;89A9CEE4A1E23646=Linear ramp selected CC events if any, otherwise linear ramp
;729DAF3AD18B2154=Erase CC events
;18CB5A14C50594A3=Marquee select CC
;78C1717C2BA37B8D=Marquee toggle CC selection
;0B73561F02141C1D=Marquee add to CC selection
;0A11D1334FB9517F=Marquee select CC and time
;2C9C66C2763480C0=Marquee select CC and time ignoring snap
;913B480AA5C6E0F8=Move CC event
;8E3B200B8FF2742F=Move CC event ignoring snap
;9E075FF8815448BC=Move CC event on one axis only
;4F387ED043D4C793=Move CC event on one axis only ignoring snap
;8BD7CD7126743337=Move CC horizontally
;4F87F95EF72A84B8=Move CC horizontally ignoring snap
;FD25DC644E0C2381=Move CC vertically
;7306533455C55470=Copy CC event
;C421CA4C0933E687=Copy CC event ignoring snap
;406E783F1AF6E72F=Erase CC event
;82005EAA60D15D98=Insert CC event
;E3C5DD575303E8CF=Insert CC event ignoring snap
;9D516CB7624FAEFB=Zoom to selected notes/CC, or to project loop selection
;2197CECC8AC337BC=Pass through to item drag context
;AB7933CA6DA05B30=Pass through to item click context
;A5193527E6752A2E=Pass through to item double-click context
;804FB26B8D7907DE=No action
;^B3E3EB828D92742C=Set time selection
;^0B3E0029A01A16F4=Media item
;^F9AA9CDDCDB641C6=Edit loop points
;^AEC62239D2186066=Erase notes
;^1D4EDA35A99AEFAE=Insert note
;^F5EF50B6945EBD84=Edit note velocity
;^4979490C7DD5AF71=Erase note
;81C3CE95DAFC5AD1=Notes for multiple items
;D818B7732CF5CD93=Notes for
;2550290267201242=left trim
;299A4085019307DB=left edge
;9BA3574F44267C17=end position
;8B941B6210D9C975=right trim

;82B1712DBB5C5CAB=[no selected items]
;7734AB47D63BB4A9=Edit cursor:
;428700C0757D64D1=Snap point
;2DC99689A4F8D97B=Left edge
;A50AED9F3C1A5988=Right edge
;C3E1E53330D8927E=Source start
;25D39857D4C9F5C8= of first selected item:
;B8E8B76B307EEA46= of last selected item:
;96C8409F4854E949=Get cursor
;723F191CD88F41AA=Apply move
;DCB71AA5E36E49E5=item lengths
;0BDDFCEF44A7FCCF=item selections
;AA58487ABCA46F70=grid units
;145979AA7430EB39=Snap to bar
;^11FA427DAF625F63=edit cursor
;^EA7EDFD029F80877=Nudge left
;^2E287BE9B3A7F568=Nudge right
;^8BD3DE8B5B83C01C=Snap to grid
;^3CF04EFDC66C18B2=Snap to unit
;6117CC4FE43AF7F2=+0.0 (default)
;7006FC40958447F8=Project default (Stereo balance)
;82F7D1EB412DAF11=Project default (Stereo pan)
;65A4F91A332E37E3=Project default (Dual pan)
;A4A2B926D6457694=Project default (REAPER 3.x balance)
;4511943B57827F5E=Stereo balance / mono pan (default)
;EA57FBCCFD419668=Stereo pan
;87CF7CB71772CAC2=Dual pan
;CC85814B7AF4CCED=REAPER 3.x balance (deprecated)
;82578278D5231120=Pan Law:
;F4944DF4957B0C53= (default)
;^94DEF1C233373209=Project default
;^DDDBC4B59922776E=Master Track

;14DCF57FB415B40C=saw L
;14DD0B7FB415D96E=saw R
;5C6CD2CA6CEDBA99=(not found)
;43DDA011529770E8= (self)
;B97CE15683D8361B=Parameter Modulation for
;5E51D88A6E39AA30= - (Master Track)
;DD0AD37DE6B2A3C3=Removing old peak caches...
;D6AB167DACDD93C3=Item %d/%d
;14C0FC555A26C850=JS input
;A1A1AB5C5B218311=JS output
;9A8091FE0AFEA024=Follow global default
;^409F65C60F8CB038=1 semitone
;^77FCCED98127C864=50 cent
;^6F4D3FBD428960E0=25 cent
;^114DBCE49FB5ED08=10 cent
;^ECD95980EE3502F8=5 cent
;^436541C52DD92FA4=1 cent
;2C9FDF4101D8E2FF=Simple windowed (fast)
;958A4BB76D4E7937=Dirac LE (slow)
;2B7D40F6D1DC609B=Choose image:
;D2DE5E701E5C239D=Save key map as:
;2564D884E323133A=Choose key map to open:
;D6815CCB49065863=The settings below will be applied to new tracks
;6A4004041F988DAF=Clear recent project list?
;B967FB615627BFEF=Choose project:
;B2FCC2F5B1F8F8AB=No automatic muting
;7B28AE2C817AC0F2=Automatically mute master track
;4F5BCFD07BF12DA0=Automatically mute any track
;5C93D72D90574575=Dots and lines
;F0B5784486B886BC=Filled samples
;6E9205BD6F506B72=Outlined samples
;14FAA560A0940241=Stepped samples
;CDD69E77F19A943C=Do not scrub
;C115E092394205EA=Fast always
;DE778D4B8A2312E9=Lazy when playing/recording
;F5FBCAF55987333C=Lazy when recording (default)

;75BC0E1E30139546=Lazy always
;24900FC5EEE9FBE5=Track buffered
;29CC684EA0555988=Fully buffered
;E0C464EC246F7946=Fully buffered (recommended)
;^E6A55E1F24BD208C=Choose ReaperConfigZip to import
;^5945AF9182806811=You must stop recording before importing configuration (as co
nfiguration import will require a restart)
;^BABD655B2A5AED87=Select a directory:
;97A10AF7C1995A5A=Enable gradients (transitions between two colors) on certain b
;8617651BDE7B4F18=The position at which the gradient fade begins (top to bottom)
;64E5EF997F28A648=How dark the gradient goes (very subtle on the left, very larg
e at the right).
;269292112C124C8B=If a track has a custom color set, set the background color of
the track label field to be the track color.
;A1B41ACA950BEC8B=If a track has a custom color set, tint the track's panel back
grounds to the custom color.
;F36CA746B3CC4594=Preview of the background gradient settings.
;D42E66A319AC11AE=The length of the mouse hover delay before tooltips appear.
;44E0D11CF67D6F39=Enable tooltips on the UI elements.
;A774979370C2945A=Enable tooltips when editing items or envelopes.
;FC697457A24188CD=If tooltips are enabled for envelopes, show the tooltip when h
overing the mouse over an envelope.
;FE733576EF18BA5D=When a docker holds only one window, the tab display can be co
mpacted to a thin draggable edge, rather than displaying a single tab.
;01483F33727534CB=When using track icons, vertically align track controls on all
tracks, which uses extra space but provides a cleaner appearance and easier VU
;31B75936A0903B71=When track controls are grouped (View -> Track Grouping Matrix
), draw a matching colored ribbon across the corner of all grouped controls.
;F41112A329719F94=When track controls are grouped (View -> Track Grouping Matrix
), draw a matching colored line at the bottom edge of all grouped controls.
;451D8AF86150F67E=When track controls are grouped (View -> Track Grouping Matrix
), don't draw any indication of which controls are grouped.
;169138A7D1E216BE=The refresh speed of the user interface graphics. It is recomm
ended to leave this option at the default settings.
;5A41EAA1D5AAE514=Render the arrange view track-by-track or all at once.
;45D3D936D90D0EAD=Allow Reaper to prerender text, for a slight performance impro
vement overall, but less smooth text at the smallest font sizes.
;77B9B339AD44076D=Draw smooth item fadein/fadeout curves and automation envelope
s. No meaningful performance penalty.
;A7B566458D7B1070=Fill automation envelopes with color, for easier reading but a
slight performance penalty. (Media item fade area curve fills use a theme setti
;4633445F44D0C872=Fill automation envelopes with color when drawing envelopes ov
er media, for easier reading but a slight performance penalty.
;FEF64939D5DC280B=Show horizontal grid lines in envelope lanes, height permittin
;69DF4E149CC7D94A=Use the play cursor color and blend settings in the color them
e, for a more visible play cursor but a slight performance cost.
;E9CDE41FE0762A29=Draw solid lines at the edges of the time selection. In the th
eme, set the time selection fill mode alpha to zero for a minor performance impr
;AF1AF4B7EC29EB88=Draw solid lines through the arrange view at the edges of the

loop selection, for a slight performance penalty.

;41DD08B12824E2EF=Draw guide lines at the edges of media items and envelope poin
ts while moving them, for easier positioning but a slight performance penalty.
;41FE1796A29337F6=Draw timeline display as bars for whole measures, f
or whole beats, and (default) otherwise.
;D9BA821AF303DAE3=When increasing the size of the toolbar or floating toolbar, d
on't allow buttons to be drawn smaller than the size of their underlying theme i
;7EDB59D22DAF56A6=When increasing the size of the toolbar or floating toolbar, d
on't allow buttons to be drawn larger than the size of their underlying theme im
;DC0B1486D831FBC4=Floating toolbars, and the Toolbar Docker, can be displayed wi
thout a window frame, for a smaller appearance.
;C509B1130581F3C4=Vertical pixel spacing between adjacent tracks.
;E6F015EDC904D895=When \"Options/Show overlapping media items in lanes\" is enab
led, the maximum number of lanes shown can be configured.
;^79DF6C21E88B8F28=Show the last user action in REAPER's menu bar. Clicking the
action will open the undo window.
;9864B7B74DAD01DC=When enabled, REAPER will share audio devices with other appli
cations by closing the audio hardware not active.
;7BCD0ED018A7F991=When unchecked and any tracks are record armed, then REAPER wi
ll not share audio devices.
;56EF83DBB9B533D8=When unchecked and any ReWire devices are in use, then REAPER
will not share audio devices.
;2C9DA92A74FFB037=When checked, REAPER will close the audio devices whenever not
playing back audio.
;F4C34E3A62159EDB=When checked, REAPER will warn about audio or MIDI devices tha
t were unable to be opened.
;38C9EA3C40061076=Makes REAPER not process tracks that are muted, allowing less
CPU/disk usage for these tracks. Unmuting may not be instant with this checked.
;4797CE7638526D69=Makes soloing a track also solo the routing of that track, Tog
gle which behavior is used by holding alt while clicking a solo button.
;5E0E23A55E611073=The master track, or any track, can be automatically muted (li
ke a circuit breaker) when the volume exceeds a certain level, to protect speake
rs and ears.
;CDA1B340C7057066=Enables audio input name aliasing, letting you rename your inp
uts for easier selection.
;A28FB91F31A627A6=Enables audio output name aliasing, letting you rename your ou
tputs for easier selection.
;1BCA4F5650495E9C=When checked, allows you to treat odd pairs of inputs/outputs
as stereo pairs, i.e. not just Channels 1/2, but 2/3 as well.
;2DF91730D72FFD6E=(error getting info)
;3EF994B7D37DC445=(latency: %d ms)
;34D436BFAA4E8EDA=No ASIO drivers found!
;FFB6002103B79E16=Driver Default (recommended)
;E5984828A8AD9D24=WDM Kernel Streaming
;E60104721C668F07=Dummy Audio
;85CCC5FED305997F=WASAPI (Windows 7/Vista, experimental)
;B8ECBD868F6E6AFE=Not found:
;^FC0E6CF88C55D677=Time Critical
;^B726931672EE1B2F=Above Normal

;^B5431ED426EE5CA5=Input Device:
;F723649F4D3E0D6E=Select your desired ASIO driver here.
;B2D72D05025E924C=ASIO inputs are enabled by default. Clearing this check box wi
ll disable the inputs on your ASIO device, which can lower the load on your CPU.
;B38FC80A6F50E7D6=Select which input to use as the first of the input range.
;5C77ACCCB4144AE6=Select which input to use as the last of the input range.
;67529A1EFFA68A87=The Output range section operates in the same way as the input
range section, allowing you to choose which ASIO outputs are accessible within
;D5ED4592D5E98A4C=Select which output to use as the first of the output range.
;2E0FB1BC821E09A2=Select which output to use as the last of the output range.
;0C7EAC6A09C9C0F0=Click this button to open the Control Panel for your ASIO driv
;BC73016B9A446708=Select this check box to request a specific sample rate for yo
ur audio device. If this option is not checked, then the soundcards current or d
efault sample rate will be used.
;B052BA4DBB7F2AAC=This option will zero the output buffers of the hardware BEFOR
E rendering to them, which on some hardware can reduce \"stuck buffer sounds\" i
n certain instances.
;903E6B2546019666=Some buggy ASIO drivers might need this option for proper ASIO
;4A88F01965AA54EB=Setting a higher Thread Priority will force REAPER to process
audio ahead of other tasks (e.g. drawing graphics).
;40B4F9BE88EA7D62=Select your desired input device here.
;56AAF45D1DCD21D9=Select your desired output device here.
;74AAF51B9980FD6C=Select the desired bit depth that will be used for recordings.
;5F33CC4B6AACDD3B=Enter a value into this field to set the number of input chann
;C473A0F8D76E0A80=Enter a value into this field to set the number of output chan
;9008BDA500A4D1F3=Enter a value into this field to set the sample rate that will
be used for recordings.
;368335EF82EE1C29=This section allows you to alter the buffer settings for REAPE
R. A larger buffer will give more stable performance on some systems, at the exp
ense of latency.
;926200AF2A68E63C=Choose your desired audio system here. By default, REAPER uses
WaveOut for compatibility, but ASIO is recommended for best performance.
;ECA43EEB5860A20C=If checked, the audio device system will use the project sampl
e rate.
;92B186572F2D2E77=Below Normal
;5BD5352A8AD4FB5F=Highest (recommended)
;15A91142A64B031B=Automatic (experimental)
;251727CC1D320262=Automatic (default)
;02BB391D11C4BF27= - Relaxed
;26FEA9DB7D84BB3D= - Default
;BE86650F54F7AC10= - Aggressive
;CAF2BD75C8084664= - Very Aggressive
;^B726931672EE1B2F=Above Normal
;^FC0E6CF88C55D677=Time Critical
;429342ABE696E608=Auto-detect the number of CPU cores in your system and use all

of them.
;DB46AD1EC81087FA=The number of audio processing threads to create. This is usua
lly set to the number of CPUs in your system.
;88ED4AE8DA0B9791=The relative thread priority to use for audio processing. This
is an advanced performance tweak and should probably be left on the default.
;CBDC58413A534831=How aggressive audio processing threads are. A more relaxed se
tting will use less CPU but will be less stable at low latencies.
;CD7C691E80E72934=Media buffering uses RAM and CPU to avoid having to wait for d
isk IO. For systems with slower disks this should be set higher. Zero disables b
;41E5ED5B864C805A=Disable buffering on tracks with MIDI editors open, which allo
ws faster playback response to MIDI edits (recommended).
;3F29804EB743FBAD=How full source media buffers should be before starting playba
ck. Lower numbers will give faster response time.
;E565AD880D79DFEF=When per-take FX are showing, use a lower media buffer size to
minimize lag between audio playback and the visual response of the plugin.
;9B66C717E0F66095=Synchronized multiprocessing allows live monitoring to be mult
iprocessed in addition to media/FX, but isn't ideal for low latency performance.
;4F67B9DF3D695CDA=How many processors to use for synchronous (non-parallel) mult
iprocessing. This number should not be more than 2 or 4, even if you have more C
;8675235AE1C1D1F9=Use spare CPU to render FX ahead of time. This is beneficial r
egardless of CPU count, but may need to be disabled for use with some plug-ins (
;008F35D03C09AE19=Higher render-ahead times will use multiple processors more ef
ficiently. Lower render-ahead times will lower response time for FX tweaks.
;85CC0E1AA9B38417=Use anticipative (render-ahead) processing on all tracks (even
tracks without FX). This can help performance at the lowest latencies but uses
more CPU.
;61655478AEFF607A=Use anticipative (render-ahead) FX processing on tracks with o
pen MIDI editors. Disable this for lower preview latency while editing.
;0F875258DC4E75C7=Prevents the audio thread from waiting for disk reads, reducin
g processing drop-outs on fast systems (does not affect disk drop-outs).
;8079420B13150577=Advanced disk buffering options, only recommended for expert u
;33FB975AE93ED1CE=Use system events for timing and synchronizing. Recommended fo
r Windows and OS X, not for WINE.
;5522B2898DF46E8F=Disable buffering on selected tracks, which allows faster audi
o playback response to edits.
;D305F8049C9BA679=Show any already-opened ReWire-aware applications/devices as a
vailable FX in the add-FX window.
;EE70845A964B23C2=When adding ReWired applications/devices, automatically open t
he device control panel.
;1A45569F48452198=Process all track FX even when playback is stopped, when any R
eWire device is active.
;1CECF7CDE17F142B=If an application/device is already open that can act as ReWir
e master, automatically place Reaper in ReWire slave mode.
;F1B05EF1B553E3EE=When running in ReWire slave mode, use a separate preferences
configuration file so separate preferences and settings can be preserved for thi
s mode only.
;5BA7E753ADD1DED6=Change ReWire slave settings for the current project. To save
this project's settings as default, go to File/Project Settings.
;68A4FA0E1BCE8F2A=Track at center of view
;A12006DF4EF831AB=Top visible track
;7E040028AA0C843B=Last selected track
;D2F5A848BF54967F=Track under mouse cursor

;35F00B6FDBA01CF8=Edit cursor or play cursor (default)

;C94DCA651A8805D8=Center of view
;AC7DA40A71A28A0C=Mouse cursor
;^BE8A32189AE58F83=Edit cursor
;70010620ED4BF7CE=The edit cursor (where playback will begin) moves to the mouse
when clicking on media items.
;D19164481E456464=The edit cursor (where playback will begin) does not move to t
he mouse when clicking on media items if shift or control are pressed.
;77A15B21FD40224C=The edit cursor (where playback will begin) moves to the start
of the time selection when you change the time selection.
;94C0547A2E215BF8=The edit cursor (where playback will begin) moves to the mouse
when pasting or inserting meda items.
;30EE84DA88B23845=The edit cursor (where playback will begin) moves to the end o
f newly recorded items when recording stops.
;6E59EB77685A4FFE=Set the sensitivity of tab-to-transient and dynamic split. Low
er sensitivity causes only the sharpest transients to be detected.
;E5BCA3801A3DA8DD=Tab-to-transient can ignore MIDI items, or consider MIDI notes
as transients.
;93AB148AC6B4D9B1=Tab-to-transient can tab past media item edges, or consider me
dia item edges as transients.
;6CB151FAA58C5678=Where to center when zooming vertically.
;1A6CDD77351C8E84=Where to center when zooming horizontally
;9C5B31435FB60A12=Media item edges between adjacent items can trim both items at
once. This behavior can be restricted so both items are edited only if both are
;C8F1EB5EE3ECC3FE=When using ripple editing, moving items left will attach to ea
rlier items during the edit, if this option is set.
;8F9F748B3E3AFB8D=When auto-crossfades (toolbar button) are disabled, normally e
diting a crossfade will cause the fade-in and fade-out to separate.
;A517977E3C29D1AD=Time selection and loop points can be linked, or unlinked so t
hat they can be set or cleared independently.
;0742C3EFC8EC2536=Loop points are cleared using the escape key, or optionally by
single-clicking in the ruler/timeline area.
;6D66B24C4A76886C=The time selection is cleared using the escape key, or optiona
lly whenever a mouse click in the arrange view moves the edit cursor.
;8BE3512CC8C47B94=In read/write
;6B9C50AFBD667D40=Remain in write mode
;E470382943A40F0E=Switch to touch mode
;A7D392D5884608D9=Switch to latch mode
;E986AA118171E760=Switch to trim/read mode
;5B586B43D71C3E4B=Switch to read mode
;F31053058A33AE5F=Hides old envelope
;E56230103213A82F=Moves old envelope to media lane
;^6A05662E2A1E77AC=Slow start/end
;^BC24D1B6349B5A89=Fast start
;^DB6FC995D09C7078=Fast end

;60E75E1C06143DD2=Display newly created automation envelopes in separate lanes,
as opposed to drawing the envelope over the media lane.
;8BE1457A66ECF551=Envelopes are not normally drawn overlaid over one another. Wh
en drawing envelopes over media, overlay them if they would otherwise be too sma
;7EACC9195B6EAA97=When activating an envelope in the track envelopes dialog or v
ia menu selection, select the envelope after activation.
;540A61168A6B08AF=When the track automation mode is touch, latch, or write, movi
ng any track control or FX knob will create an automation envelope for it.
;CD28D7EE423403C2=Selecting a different envelope via the envelope lane control p
anel menu will either hide the old envelope or move it to the media lane.
;24A7B4635A17AF3A=After recording an automation write pass, automation can autom
atically switch to a different mode (to avoid overwriting just-written automatio
;6A4D25A321A15123=The time it takes for the envelope to return to its previous o
r default value after the end of recording an automation pass.
;B3FAF44B3E38F204=Transition time between envelope points that are automatically
added when moving the lane slider with a time selection, moving media items, et
;F8C8FB0CC40DE7CB=Decibel range of volume envelopes, from the bottom to the top
of the envelope.
;C90D6FAF98654767=Semitone range of per-take pitch envelopes. A value of 3 means
the envelope range is -3 to +3 semitones.
;C981C912EB56CE08=Per-take pitch envelope points can be snapped to semitones, or
fractional semitones.
;6115B93DB8CE3A5A=When mouse modifier preferences are set to insert an envelope
point, clicking an inactive envelope can just select the envelope, or insert a p
;F53D738206169462=If a track fader is at -X dB, the track volume envelopes can b
e created at -X dB or +0 dB. In both cases the track output will be automaticall
y adjusted.
;957EBDEA38928EDF=When clicking without modifiers on an envelope to select it, a
llow creation of new points on the same click.
;0F8D0ED7C3445C45=When moving media items across tracks, make sure all envelopes
that are modified are made visible so that you are aware of the changes being m
;86A807A735044B6D=Envelope point selection can follow time selection for the cur
rently active envelope.
;441FBC5ED51CF71F=Automatically reduce (prune) redundant points when recording o
r drawing automation. To reduce points afterwards, use the envelope right-click
;6110AA5E7762FC3E=Moving or copying multiple envelope points can automatically c
reate edge points, to preserve the existing envelope shape around the edits.
;2FEA27A4E351D863=Ripple editing or inserting time can automatically create edge
points, to preserve the existing envelope shape.
;6E844EEFD7611D68=When recording automation while playback is stopped, knob/fade
r moves can add a transition point immediately before the new recorded point.
;^409F65C60F8CB038=1 semitone
;^77FCCED98127C864=50 cent
;^6F4D3FBD428960E0=25 cent
;^114DBCE49FB5ED08=10 cent
;^ECD95980EE3502F8=5 cent
;^436541C52DD92FA4=1 cent

;DC64AADB760F7E81=Choose program to open:
;8206966DFF6275C0=Linear dB (1.0)
;8B52513B62BC658A=REAPER v3 (scale=2.3)
;44E3B3B006908362=Max precision at +0 dB (4.0)
;34DD6BBBA1712F11=100%L .. 100%R
;A1AC1FA1513DB9E9=-90dB .. +90dB
;AB68ECCE9B175DE5=Enter the maximum amout of memory that REAPER will use for Und
o memory. The default value is 30 MB. Enter 0 if you wish to disable the Undo fu
;AD6D7B42BEC0A0F8=This option, enabled by default, will create a new Undo point
each time you select an Item or a Track.
;DF671519B80E2A07=This option, enabled by default, will create a new Undo point
each time you create a time selection.
;58EB16F60F2B6ED8=If this box is enabled, REAPER will discard the oldest undo po
ints first. If this option is disabled, undo points from in between are removed.
;6F1EBE23459989FC=Saves undo history in a file with your projects, so you can pr
eserve the history across sessions. Slows down project saves and uses more disk
;BC368814B9358E4E=Loads the undo history from disk when opening a project.
;F3577A29917E97B0=Gives you more options when working your way back through upda
tes; useful but does use a lot of memory.
;6F51B4C38C99D819=Here you can limit the number of projects displayed in the \"R
ecent Project List\" menu of the File menu.
;DE61763D39395C02=Click to clear the projects displayed in the \"Recent Project
List\" menu.
;DAD98CD963E09AFD=When checked, the last project you worked on before you closed
will open when REAPER starts up.
;D3EC3DE74B41ED98=Deselect this option to prevent REAPER checking for new progra
m updates once per day via the internet.
;4EB8D40B61FE7203=Shows the REAPER logo along with loading status when the appli
cation starts or loads a project.
;ED4A58E5B093F67C=More advanced user interface and system settings. These should
be used with caution.
;DE2D329EDB565919=Warn when REAPER's memory use exceeds the amount listed. Recom
mended values are 1800 for 32-bit, 0 (disabled) for 64-bit.
;36858EBF40C25500=Choose language from installed languages (you must quit and re
start REAPER for language changes to take effect.
;201653C575C17CF5=Enable creating automatic fade-ins and fade-outs for new media
items. Auto-crossfades are enabled with the toolbar button.
;55E3BC595167CB72=The default fade-in and fade-out length for new media items.
;3BE2D6877BD0EEE1=When splitting media items, automatically overlap and crossfad
e the items at the split point.
;13D639387FA97E62=The default overlap/crossfade length used when splitting media
;AE3E452C1BDD0283=The default fade-in and fade-out shape for new media items.
;DF1D42CA346FF5BC=The default shape used for new crossfades, used for both autocrossfades and manually created crossfades.

;9025AEE36EE9441B=Right-click a fade-in, fade-out, or crossfade to change the fa

de shape. For a crossfade, this can change the shape of both sides, or just one.
;D8DADBDCF727EC0B=Apply the above fade-in and fade-out settings, and the project
auto-crossfade setting, to note velocity in MIDI items.
;93AA6182EC7E79F1=Enable the \"loop source\" attribute for imported media items.
Dragging the right edge of the item will automatically loop the media.
;59E8ABDFE0F36FAA=Enable the \"loop source\" attribute for new MIDI items. Dragg
ing the right edge of the item will automatically loop the media.
;F22AA82C438102B7=You can maintain a separate set of keyboard shortcuts for use
only when recording.
;09FBC55225607971=Prevent pressing/holding the ALT key in the main view from foc
using the main menu (suppress the default Windows behavior).
;299E361BD0DD5ECA=When typing new values in some edit fields, the new value can
be committed after 1 second, or only after pressing enter.
;AE8C4322F1210768=Assign any keyboard shortcut to a REAPER action, using the Act
ions dialog.
;E6DF7FAFBD4D5EF7=View a list of all existing keyboard shortcuts as a web page i
n an external browser.
;7C2D448C6706CAD8=Enable the multi-touch swipe action: two fingers moved togethe
r horizontally or vertically.
;4CAE85C1DC15B8EE=Enable the multi-touch zoom action: two fingers moved closer t
ogether (pinch) or farther apart.
;E5F00AF52E44EFDE=Enable the multi-touch rotate action: rotate one finger around
another stationary finger.
;15404EE74C8C7AC5=Reverse the direction of this gesture.
;9AEECDA0C63BAD39=Suppress inertia, so that each gesture triggers only one actio
n, rather than a series of actions.
;9019EA02A23CB19C=Scale the magnitude of this gesture.
;8C7C943B86A10E08=Reverse the direction of the vertical scroll (standard mousewh
;DE335332D548C6CD=Reverse the direction of the horizontal scroll (horizontal mou
;D5E1AB1294DCE886=Ignore mousewheel messages for a short time after a multi-touc
h gesture is seen.
;515E950E9333FC6A=Ignore multi-touch gestures of a different type for a short ti
me after a multi-touch gesture is seen.
;C34CEE91349DAABC=Assign any enabled multi-touch gesture to a REAPER action, usi
ng the Actions dialog.
;0F28C70F6D5B8981=Track/Send Defaults
;F6CF18DD8FBE4F06=Media Item Defaults
;BB844E058DECEFE5=MIDI Devices
;1D4A32B1136CBF8C=VU Meters/Faders
;ADCF043FC016C409=Theme Editor
;13DCDA4237FF0CF9=Editing Behavior
;A81E91F59FE5A440=Mouse Modifiers

;D13552E0001BF958=Control Surfaces
;FA3FBBA0B7D7E042=External Editors
;^271D7187C80C7F43=MIDI Editor
;B8B0F97BDEB4F05B=Insert in one track (advancing time)
;F6FC6C3856D98FB5=Insert across tracks
;52ED394E44E8AE09=Decide automatically (by looking at lengths)
;F25FF4EE689154DC=Prompt user
;47C3D01DDCC7919A=As a multichannel item on a single track
;09D7482D741938AC=As single-channel items on multiple tracks
;6DB3EB64106C7F62=Always prompt when importing multichannel MIDI
;E15A24AEFB4E05A8=Open selected items in a new MIDI editor (default)
;9E680646DE37F766=Open selected items in the last focused MIDI editor, clear the
editor first
;2EDB6160D711EA09=Open selected items in the last focused MIDI editor, preserve
existing editor contents
;3E294FC04D8CFA9C=Open all track MIDI in a new MIDI editor
;75BF62168F3BF97E=Open all track MIDI in the last focused MIDI editor, clear the
editor first
;F42CBE3C21B6D451=Open all track MIDI in the last focused MIDI editor, preserve
existing editor contents
;F69875F73CA2B854=Choose MIDI color map:
;0CFEEBCE853B9197=Mouse cursor position
;A116495A42DD0EDF=Start of audio item
;7443052D5996D5A4=Snap offset of audio item
;5ECD6D010F2B0538=Always prompt when importing REX items
;4EAE232E66391D91=Preserve all slice tails
;B1E6855EF0EF358C=Chop all but the final slice tail
;316242E10A374B88=Chop only the final slice tail
;FC0E08250AD06B61=Chop all slice tails
;987BD62594500526=Always prompt when importing media with embedded tempo
;^356FEEC423F176E6=Beat slices that dynamically adjust to tempo changes
;^AB92A9DAC365A96B=A single loopable media item
;^5267FAD4364EECB7=Adjust media to project tempo
;^15C4666BD022F937=Import media at source tempo
;6D5D90510FB69C2A=Choose how to place imported media items on import/drag and dr
;69070241C7B1090D=If checked, copy imported media items to the project media pat
h (if they are not already in the project path)
;703EE29F62AAD911=If checked, name unnamed tracks after the media on media impor

;B170F8FE480761BC=Sets project media inactive when REAPER is inactive, so that o

ther programs can access/modify the media
;837ADBF34235C0DC=If project media is set inactive when REAPER is inactive, havi
ng this checked will cause peaks to be rebuilt on demand if necessary.
;AA2E20F87ABF9B32=Allow choosing the filename used when using \"open copy\" acti
on. If unchecked, the default filename will be used.
;9E9982D536949C1E=When using apply FX action, allow this much extra time at the
end for reverb tails/etc
;A18271E55C7E58C7=When using per-item/take FX, render FX tails for this much tim
e past the item end
;821F929BB8BB41ED=Generate item peak cache files on file import (recommended)
;EC7FFDE5CC65615D=Generate item peak cache files on project load (recommended)
;36ADEFB9BD4953A4=Display a status window when generating peaks.
;FA14F6695C42A6BE=The highest resolution peaks generated in peak cache files. 30
0 is recommended. Higher or lower can result in diminished performance in differ
ent scenarios.
;0AFC077605BAFB72=If unable to write to the media directory, use the alternate p
ath (set in Preferences/General/Path) to store peak cache files.
;30067D014E1D96FA=Force all peak cache files to be stored in the alternate path
(set in Preferences/General/Path).
;C6A9E59D566ABBD7=Adjustment range for media item volume handles. The default is
;31F0B23148B1E1E8=When enabled, adjusting an item edge will adjust all other sel
ected items edges (disable to only adjust selected item edges that are at the sa
me time)
;DE4529413B4E9767=Use different (classic REAPER) mouse zones for fades
;3E30281017B53D27=When using take FX, duplicate take FX when splitting (so that
new split items get copies of the FX). Caution, this can use a lot of RAM if you
aren't careful.
;CF3D149F4194FD91=Draw peaks (
;9C7FB4BA90544B49=) for media items.
;B70526D162EC1270=Draw approximate peaks for media items that are currently bein
g recorded.
;A94567A489A953BF=Only draw peaks for selected media items.
;3D701AAA1834E027=Only draw peaks for tracks and items that are soloed or not mu
ted (only for audio and MIDI that will be heard during playback).
;99A0D663C126477E=Draw faint audio peaks/waveforms and MIDI notes in folder trac
ks, to represent the contents of the child tracks.
;34D742359017D89C=Draw faint audio peaks/waveforms and MIDI notes in envelope la
nes, for easier timing adjustment.
;0CBBA2FECE54C31B=Draw a colored edge (defined in the color theme) around media
item peaks.
;B53CC1EBC747DC97=Draw a colored edge (defined in the color theme) around media
item waveforms (when there is at least one screen pixel per audio sample).
;69BC6E038FBBA149=Draw smooth audio peaks and waveforms, for a nicer appearance
but a slight performance cost.
;0C6865DF13D366CA=The method used to draw the most zoomed-in audio view (when th
e exact location of each sample is drawn).
;1B84D6F64C4459BF=Draw the zero line overlaid on the audio peaks (otherwise the
zero line is hidden behind the audio).
;8AA061DCB9A66B8A=Adjust audio peak drawing to reflect any track envelope that w
ill affect the audio item before FX are applied.
;552FFF6EB1C353C7=Draw a colored edge (defined in the color theme) around MIDI n
otes in media items.
;67C8378720291149=Choose whether media item waveform peaks are tinted by custom
track, item, or take colors.
;C58E75B0A0A49547=Choose whether media item backgrounds are tinted by custom tra
ck, item, or take colors.

;D073F1E4A3995006=Tint media item waveform peaks by the custom track color, if a

;2E7F42804576DCE1=Tint media item waveform peaks by the custom item color, if an
y. This overrides a custom track color.
;C48885587DD80ED5=Tint media item waveform peaks by the custom take color, if an
y. This overrides a custom track or item color.
;24D818D0D947F1CE=Tint media item backgrounds by the custom track color, if any.
;D8B41F3E2D48A2E9=Tint media item backgrounds by the custom item color, if any.
This overrides a custom track color.
;8D47985E6DC6579D=Tint media item backgrounds by the custom take color, if any.
This overrides a custom track or item color.
;874305DCC542D3B7=How much custom color to blend into the selected media item ba
ckground. Zero means do not use the custom color.
;6D3D71AF5A33B246=How much custom color to blend into the unselected media item
background. Zero means do not use the custom color.
;ACFD88EDCFBD71EA=When recording, automatically apply the same color to all take
s that are created in the same recording pass.
;A8F1D583CFA16BC8=Automatically apply the same color to all MIDI media items tha
t share the same pooled (ghosted) MIDI source data.
;F36541511CD33299=Custom take colors override custom item colors, which override
custom track colors. You can also set colors from the track and item context me
;36DB054027DB0B9B=Write the name of each media item at the top of the item.
;1ACE8714E21A5374=If a media item has any pitch or playrate adjustment, write th
e adjustment on the item.
;5AC6AAC0E338C731=If a media item has per-item or per-take gain adjustment, writ
e the adjustment on the item.
;16CC5DF83FC0DCDB=Draw media item labels above the top of media items (for an in
fo-strip appearance) rather than within the item.
;9E826CCF427BC5EE=Make sure media item labels are visible even if the start of t
he item (where the label would normally be shown) is offscreen.
;30D93A391308F9FD=Draw a solid colored background behind the media item label te
xt, so it can be easily read.
;B22C1F02ED73D5E1=Do not draw media item text labels when the height of the medi
a item, or the specific take lane, is too small.
;4AC506B0D49DB849=Display a lock button when items are locked.
;6E7AA7132E2E5F5E=Display an unlit lock button when items are not locked.
;593901630EC11553=Display an FX button when items have per-take FX.
;C7A0771EAD80FCC6=Display an unlit FX button when items have no per-take FX.
;5A1CD57A70D9E572=Display a mute button when items are muted.
;6A1055D91ED35ECB=Display an unlit mute button when items are not muted.
;92CEB9C0D2E2B8FB=Display a button for adjusting media item volume, or allow dra
gging the entire top edge of the item.
;27EA865A784AF76D=Display a notes button when an item has text or image notes at
;13FB275D06AE557A=Display an unlit notes button when an item has no text or imag
e notes attached.
;B92E810D41B634FC=Display a properties button (which opens the Item Properties d
ialog) for all media items. The button will light if the item is resampled.
;0E66C9C0B4D18DBB=Display a properties button (which opens the Item Properties d
ialog) for resampled media items only.
;43FC2841C450D1C7=Display a group button when an item is grouped with other item
s (the button will light when an item in the group is selected).
;C4374BAFE6B178BE=Display a pool button when an item's active take shares pooled
MIDI source data with other media items.
;DDC7D8ED91A4A91D=Draw full text labels for item pitch and playrate adjustments
(when enabled).
;56B8C2C2928D30F1=Draw abbreviated text labels for item pitch and playrate adjus

tments (when enabled).

;B929A0E4AA3BB893=Draw no text labels, just numbers, for item pitch and playrate
adjustments (when enabled).
;E879E4423A00A0AF=Do not draw media item buttons (except for the lock button) wh
en the height of the media item, or the specific take lane, is too small.
;32EBCA2EA6F27407=Edit the media item fade-in/out by grabbing a triangle in the
corner of the media item, when the media item is small.
;7499317A45AD899D=Prevent accidentally editing media item fade-in/out when the m
edia item is small.
;C497A4E2AD4CC7CA=The refresh rate of the meters. The higher the rate, the faste
r the meters will redraw.
;80F496666F2204B3=The decay rate of the meters. The higher the value, the faster
the meters will decay and fall back to -inf.
;8D213B5D950CD2E2=The minimum value of the meters in dB.
;436A47D2045D4D74=The maximum value of the meters in dB.
;46A7CAB2C3A9A6BE=Make the clip indicator stay on when clipping occurs (enabled
by default). Click the red clipping indicator to clear it.
;D406D007DC38F050=Display the VU meters in the track control panels (enabled by
;3BDEC61BE55E575C=Automatically clear the VU meter peak indicators each time the
transport is put into play, or playback is seeked to a new location.
;E124DEFBFE6BE9CB=Show the name of the active recording source on the track VU m
eters when the track is record-armed.
;6D5D3EB7EE5D52D5=Draw a dropdown box graphic around the recording source name (
when shown on track VU meters) to make it clear that the source can be changed t
;E9F5F64ABF018659=Draw dB scale numbers on VU meters for all tracks.
;5A28549A35AF5819=Draw dB scale numbers on VU meters for record-armed tracks.
;D28BB6C1222998B7=When a track has MIDI input, show the MIDI note velocity as a
thin line at the bottom of the track VU meters.
;3953D4D2C3B786F0=When a track has MIDI output, show the activity on the track V
U meters, as a thin line for note velocity and a small square for other activity
;65A1B85237A2606E=Decibels of attenuation applied when the volume fader is at th
e left/bottom.
;E739160C3E3C37E3=Decibels of gain (attenuation if negative) applied when the vo
lume fader is at the right/top.
;38EE60F635F42949=Sensitivity of volume faders at the bottom and top. 1 is linea
r, lower gives more sensitivity at the bottom, higher gives more sensitivity at
the top.
;75C52AD4CFC58227=Display pan values in percentage or decibels.
;^79DF6C21E88B8F28=Show the last user action in REAPER's menu bar. Clicking the
action will open the undo window.
;0AC04A1CB92456D8=By default, middle C (MIDI note 60) is labeled C4, A=440Hz (MI
DI note 69) is A4. A display offset of -1 causes these notes to be labeled C3/A3
, etc.
;82AF1C34E7B0ADBB=Pooled (ghosted) MIDI source data can be converted to a separa
te editable media item (un-pooled) by gluing the media item.
;5BBF579F8E4BF588=The default format for storing new MIDI items. In-project item
s allow more flexible editing, and can be exported as .MID files at any time.
;295E0DAF4479EFCF=New MIDI items will be stored as native REAPER data inside the
project file (.RPP), which allows more flexible editing and preserves note sele
;31B5B66F8646D354=New MIDI items will be stored as .MID files on disk, which is
less flexible for editing but more portable.
;43EFCC9F983AEC6C=Prompt for a filename when creating new items as .MID files (o

therwise a unique but not very meaningful name will be used).

;AAEF9CB36FAF4F81=Imported MIDI files can be automatically converted to in-proje
ct items.
;84F3452F4178760F=Automatically convert imported MIDI files to in-project items,
so that edits will not affect the source .MID file.
;88189D7414CB8B51=Import MIDI files as references to the source .MID file, so th
at edits will alter the source file on disk.
;215AD4578BB1650E=Multichannel MIDI files can be imported to a single track, or
to separate tracks per channel.
;52C3FF66E6CC507E=Data resolution for new MIDI items. 960ppq is two ticks per mi
crosecond at 120bpm, which is suitable for almost all purposes.
;447B49B58AD7A24A=Send all-notes-off to all track destinations when disabling re
cord-arm (to prevent hanging notes).
;310C2E90734D1CC9=When splitting a MIDI item, add a note-off message for any not
es that span the split point.
;42FC32E49ABBB4BB=When importing a MIDI file, time signature change events can b
e snapped to whole measures (recommended).
;B01789C70C7FD7D9=When importing a MIDI file, tempo change events can be snapped
to whole beats.
;CE3DA1F4FE302D22=Encode exported MIDI text events as UTF-8, allowing most inter
national characters. If disabled, a more compatible ASCII encoding will be used.
;15E55A91FD5A7038=Right mouse drag in the MIDI editor can sweep-delete CC events
, or marquee select CC events. Use the alt key to toggle behavior.
;4B1F49AD75A98455= [low latency]
;3C6DAE00D3EADC22=Control Only
;C8EC4F41AE4CE266=Enable the MIDI Input devices you wish to use by right-clickin
g on the Device name and selecting Enable Input.
;6B8B2E2D5D43889C=Enable the MIDI Output devices you wish to use by right-clicki
ng on the Device name and selecting Enable Output.
;E27918CD80191923=This will send a MIDI All notes on/off message during stop/pla
;4261C327F2A7E775=This will send a MIDI Pitch reset message during stop/play.
;1CFACB85274C5B2D=This will send MIDI CC reset messages during stop/play.
;744D44D8300A6F70=Enable this to drive all MIDI hardware from a single thread, w
hich isn't ideal for performance but may be more compatible with some hardware.
;F334C433C938F542=Closes and reopens all MIDI devices, and rescans for new devic
es if possible.
;BD4F1A720BC228D9=Creates a new joystick-MIDI device.
;B903973979C81B00=Show a brief color flash on the MIDI editor keyboard when the
track receives MIDI note-on input.
;C0B9362E91BD0449=Show horizontal grid lines in CC lanes in the MIDI editor, hei
ght permitting.
;A14BF0025A865D5D=Set the MIDI event density when drawing in CC lanes with the m
;1A7A22B9337D0931=CC event drawing density will be greater when the view is zoom
ed in, and lower when zoomed out.
;14EE650DB128DAFE=Set the behavior of the default action to open the built-in MI
DI editor. By default, this action is triggered by double-clicking a MIDI media

;4028377DD5D9F7F3=When displaying multiple MIDI source items in one editor, the
active MIDI source item can be switched by clicking one of the faintly displayed
background notes.
;4F32C83B18FC04E1=When displaying multiple MIDI source items in one editor, prev
ent switching to items that are not on the same track as the active media item.
;04A7CCE4DEF45F2A=When double-clicking in the MIDI editor outside the bounds of
any media item on the track, the nearest item can be extended to allow inserting
new MIDI notes.
;CB11E7FF80501744=Draw MIDI selected MIDI note/CC brighter, even in inactive (fa
intly drawn) media items.
;9B2ACE664429DF8D=MIDI notes/CC in inactive media items can be drawn more or les
s faintly.
;C486CCEB98553CDB=Colormap image to use for drawing notes in the MIDI editor. If
no colormap is specified here, the colormap in the current color theme will be
;644B168704079A8D=Browse for a colormap image to use as the default for drawing
notes in the MIDI editor.
;78E87B9ABF742494=Enable various editing behaviors to aid in RBN song authoring,
such as only attaching lyric events to valid playable notes.
;7CC4C84BCADF424D=Window under cursor
;51F49A1308AC1A45=Window with focus
;2B7BB58DFAF56D3E=Emulates right-click
;35621EC3B82801D7=(change this in Editing Behavior/Mouse)
;FABEBC53FF603266=By default, edge edits affect all selected /grouped items with
edges that occur at the same timeline position.
;DED5D3F1743B41E8=By default, fade/crossfade edits affect all selected/grouped i
tems with edges that occur at the same timeline position.
;16F1BFB32D77743D=This context handles mouse actions in the lower half of each t
ake lane of a media item.
;31B16734A39D8277=This context affects loop points when the mouse is in the MIDI
ruler, or the time selection when the mouse is in the MIDI CC lane divider.
;11B2AC79CAC168E5=Envelope point move/copy behaviors are also affected by settin
gs in the Options/Envelope points menu.
;55EA3797133C7146=Move item\0Just move
;3A6A0598E3A6A856=Copy item\0Just copy
;D856350C8F672B0D=Marquee select items\0Just select
;70B653CAF440C400=Move edge\0Just move
;B1EFE71FD02F3B46=Stretch item\0Just stretch
;D18B13707D4EF953=Move fade\0Just move
;1B1CD9A8B4CEA2F3=Move crossfade\0Just move
;398581C16C9BB5EB=Draw a copy of the selected media item\0Just draw
;50D542B02ADE7647=Move envelope point\0Just move
;77A3396811DA950F=Copy envelope point\0Just copy
;107559FB7F71512D=Move note\0Just move
;B98F0E4771C45754=Stretch notes (arpeggiate)\0Just stretch
;C149CF6C85E89C15=Copy note\0Just copy
;9FF93EE177E79C84=Marquee select notes\0Just select
;9D0201D665F536DA=Select touched notes\0Just select
;D513C33842371A65=Insert note\0Just insert
;6021C7DDA507A528=Draw notes\0Just draw
;339FE240484C4982=Paint notes\0Just paint
;7BD5084810D128C7=Move CC event\0Just move
;487BBCB76144B85F=Copy CC event\0Just copy
;8A5A6A28E8C69CFA=Marquee select CC events\0Just select
;AE28E730067571F3=(default action)

;68743C5C1292CC25=Or chords
;4C2C13BBB8D07034=Then drag to move
;ECE3DACEF9B45906=Then drag length
;B24D82FB09E728D4=Then drag to edit velocity
;EDC53CFF0AED0232=Ignoring vertical drag
;2375195D303D91CA=Leave other notes selected
;A0ED57BB424B0CE3=Action list...
;BFCC81D509FBB3A0=Save modifiers for this context...
;AD8AC583FD04975D=Load modifiers for this context...
;8A50E612D4BBB618=Reset modifiers to factory default in this context
;3DA24D613ABD51E2=Save modifiers for all contexts...
;37B9137F96BA7827=Load modifiers for all contexts...
;02DFD40B36B7B8EA=Reset modifiers to factory default in all contexts
;28F420D69FE03929=Load mousemap to
;4B588004C598AE72=Save mousemap for
;851566D4D0ACB6EE=all contexts
;F67975F4767A253F=Mousewheel messages are passed to the window under the mouse c
ursor (default), or the currently focused/active window.
;59FD2A0A725F45F2=When the mouse cursor is over any fader, the mousewheel can mo
ve the fader, or not.
;F7E9AF5F31BC16FE=Allow mousewheel edit of all mixer, plugin, and send faders, b
ut not volume/pan faders in the track and mixer control panels.
;0C8C2D8F2CF852F7=Disable mousewheel editing of project playrate, project tempo,
and time selection start/end/length fields in the transport area.
;51DD672ACD88C4D7=Mousewheel editing of the time selection fields in the transpo
rt can change the time selection by a small amount, or by the project beat grid.
;3D42B29B6D5A6AC7=Some trackpads can send scroll messages. Reaper can try to con
vert these to mousewheel messages.
;9C702B2F8DCB268D=Clicking faders and buttons on track control panels can select
the track, otherwise only clicking empty track control space will select.
;133E0703BF6E5D18=Enable editing track names with a single mouse click (default
requires double click).
;D380976C635C7C74=Clicking in the arrange view can select that track, otherwise
tracks can only be selected by clicking the track control panel.
;2E1CA4DF36D530D4=Clicking in the arrange view below the last track can deselect
all media items, just as a click on empty track space does.
;52C8EEFEFCA4A0F5=Allow editing the time selection where the selection edge pass
es through a media item, otherwise dragging will move the media item.
;0EA7AD786346117F=Control+click can be used for one-button mice to emulate right
-click behavior, but then the control key will not be available as a mouse modif
;213084A633ECA694=Set the default directory for rendered files. If blank, the cu
rrent project directory will be used.
;DC2462818769728A=Fallback recording path for all new files, if the project has
not previously been saved, and no path is set in file/project settings.
;DDE4F04B34A114FE=Alternate path for REAPER peak cache files (.reapeaks). The al
ternate path is only used if enabled in Preferences/Media.
;3CCEB93DC24D10C2=Makes playback stop and/or loop at the end of the project.
;76BA36072A8D76E8=Stop the playback at the end of the time selection if loop is
;B154D26ACBF00387=Clears the FX buffers at the end of a loop. This is not recomm
ended for VSTi plug-ins, but may provide better performance for plug-ins like Au
;DB3571C86E13A171=Here you can define the UI regions where REAPER will seek when

the area is clicked with the left mouse button.

;3275B3C9632617D7=By default, playback will seek to a loop start or end point wh
en you make an edit to the time selection. Clear this check box to disable this
;D5D7F993757E607E=This value sets the amount of preroll (the amount of audio tha
t will be played back before the Loop point is reached) for the seek on time sel
ection change function.
;75F25B110F88EE3F=Playback can seek to a media item each time an edit is perform
ed on that item.
;FD632EEA18DA4718=This value sets the amount of preroll for the Seek playback on
item move/size/fade adjustment option. The preroll will be applied in relation
to the edit point.
;50184C276F7C5861=Select this option to make the view scroll to the edit cursor
on stop.
;3693FCA0A02B371B=Clearing this check box will force playback to scroll the view
when in play, even if you are viewing other sections of the project at that tim
;CD5267F3C2429B0D=Allows you to preview sounds from your instrument plug-ins whe
n stopped.
;EF96DA6B35BD12C3=Clears the FX buffers when stopping playback, preventing rever
b tails etc.
;E5C1DA8A8404A955=If \"Run FX when stopped\" is unchecked, you can define the am
ount of time a FX will run after playback is stopped.
;6E46C113F18F30AC=This option will let you hear the source media when stopped an
d moving the edit cursor around.
;C6CEC38A2A4BE6CD=Either the master mix, or only the selected tracks, may be scr
;88B1C77A43F5B114=When scrubbing, the playback rate can be limited to 1.0 or slo
;32DBFA42A94B74CE=When jogging, the playback rate can be limited to 1.0 or slowe
;2DEF886977AFB2B4=Jog can respond more immediately to mouse/edit cursor moves.
;EDE7F5117FE5F615=The jog rate can be limited to 1.0 or slower only when jogging
near the playback cursor.
;D6DD3DBDD1510B7D=Scrub/jog can be disabled while playing back, or enabled, in w
hich case normal playback will stop when scrub/jog is engaged.
;7205DD67A21ED82B=Set the bounds of the looped section, when scrubbing or joggin
g in looped-segment mode.
;120BE0621EFD6E26=Adjust the sensitivity and responsiveness when scrubbing via a
;37B0268B9BEAD687=Moving the edit cursor via an action or when using a control s
urface can scrub audio, or simply move the cursor.
;38F660F8084D144A=The settings on this page control how jog/scrub works. See Edi
ting Behavior/Mouse Modifiers to control when jog/scrub happens.
;B0BE24AD06F75CA2=VST/AU bridging/firewalling:
;BAEF587C3AA07700=Automatic bridging (when required)
;831BE53E4A04D874=In separate plug-in process
;816D9333A010CBFD=In dedicated process per-plugin
;2230D079B09366B9=Only native (disable bridging)
;CB26A3CA44D04B68=You must restart REAPER to disable heap corruption protection.
;031550A99A3DBA44=Note: you have selected to use the synchronous UAD-1 compatibl
e mode!\r\n\r\nIt is highly recommended to disable \"Anticipative FX processing\
", reducing native plug-in performance and multiprocessor utilization.\r\nTo reenable \"Anticipative FX processing\" later, go to Preferences/Audio/Buffering.
\r\n\r\nDisable \"Anticipative FX processing now\"?

;0BEDB2BC64864B6F=When showing a plugin in the FX chain window, the window can b

e automatically resized to fit the plugin GUI.
;152A4B9C7166DDB6=When showing a plugin that is too big to fit in the FX chain w
indow, automatically make the window bigger.
;61792825377BB1E6=When showing a plugin that is smaller than the FX chain window
, automatically make the window smaller.
;64076C6245986B53=When selecting floating FX windows, automatically move them to
the front.
;4D909FBED95C0278=Automatically float newly created FX windows. Otherwise the FX
will be shown in the FX chain window.
;480EEEE097642F73=Keep floating FX windows above other REAPER windows, such as t
he unattached docker or mixer.
;E8BD374EFE0941AB=Automatically open the FX GUI when adding an FX using the quic
k-add menu (right-click the track FX button).
;DA5FF5DF9BD66D8A=Automatically dock newly created FX chain windows.
;7E54F7CB9D6762E5=List the current track FX in the FX button right-click menu. C
licking an FX name in the list will float/unfloat that FX window.
;AE8901411E35BA58=Maximum number of plugins to keep in the \"Recently used\" lis
t in the add-FX window.
;0CBD90874DE5C55B=When opening an empty FX chain, automatically show the add-FX
;717273B44C5887FD=When opening an FX chain window for a track or media item, clo
se any other open FX chain window.
;278B91B6483322C7=When changing track selection, automatically open the newly se
lected track's FX chain window.
;11E4CCF10DE5ADCC=When changing track selection, if there is already an FX chain
window open, automatically open the newly selected track's FX chain.
;811F90A56BF55F69=Test all plug-in input and output for denormalized sample valu
es (meaninglessly small values that can cause very high CPU use).
;749C7A00C3C0114E=Clear plug-in output buffers before passing them to the plug-i
n. Some plug-ins can output occasional uninitialized buffers, which makes bad lo
ud noises.
;054AFFC8FC04D334=Save the plug-in's entire internal state, not just the positio
n of the knobs. Recommended because many plug-ins store additional settings.
;81B55EB5CAA6E047=Plug-ins can be bridged/firewalled based on architecture or pr
;245A73602A17ABE3=Bridging support will not be available if bridging was deselec
ted when installing REAPER.
;91B420B42CE40B7E=If a buggy or malicious plugin corrupts memory, REAPER can qui
t immediately, or try to continue with a high risk of crashing or other errors l
;D05E96383C39FA84=Additional settings, such as buggy plugin compatibility mode a
nd save/undo options, can be set by right-clicking the plug-in name in the FX br
;92724BFBEEA5C07E=Using this feature you can create new Projects that are automa
tically setup with your choice of basic Tracks and Project Settings (e.g. bit de
pth, sample rate).
;E43C85A8FCA77E86=This option, selected by default, will load the Template proje
ct on startup when the Load last project on startup option is not selected.
;26E6B7A31D7A57DF=Makes REAPER open the Save project window each time you create

a new project, getting you to save before you start recording.

;E1F384E30853505F=Select this option to make REAPER open the Project Settings wi
ndow each time a new Project is created.
;D4313D860DD6504D=Makes REAPER look for Project Media Items in the same director
y as the saved Project before prompting you for the path to missing files.
;B3DC8B336571C072=This option, selected by default, makes REAPER prompt you for
the location of missing files when a Project is opened.
;4E9136C238B4B562=Displays the splash screen with a status indicator when projec
ts are loading.
;C979FAB9308F4B25=Saves the pathname of files in projects as relative. Files tha
t are in a different drive or higher directories are saved with the full pathnam
;8CBEB4B02703F2B9=This option, selected by default, saves a backup of your old P
roject file with the extension \".rpp-bak\" each time a save is performed.
;2E7A40DFFE3EECE9=When saving, this option saves backup copies with timestamped
names (letting you keep a history of saved projects)
;1B397C3CBAB440E3=If undo state saving is enabled, keep backup copies of the und
o state file as well (can use lots of disk space).
;EE0626B6E20CF3AE=Enter the interval in minutes for the automatic saves.
;DD6EAB00451E5360=This option enables automatic saving of your project to the ma
in project file.
;3D597C7EFBD36441=This option enables automatic saving of your project to an ext
ra timestamped file.
;3C3F2F410674AB6C=This option enables automatic saving of your project to an ext
ra timestamped file in the specified directory.
;06CFE9F535CF1461=This option enables automatic saving of your project undo file
(this can make things less responsive).
;58EE0FB007A1AE0E=REAPER can automatically save timestamped project files to thi
s folder.
;1545E4483A308853=Edit Reamote Slave
;B934E16F0736D5A8=You must enter a hostname or IP!
;70FACF0CC2413497=64-bit (default) - Maximum quality
;D36679C70FD56D5D=32-bit - Reduced network bandwidth use
;7A418F724973D6A4=%d blocks
;A7CE03C316EFE797=Search failed!
;98F9FC0460A44EEA=Are you sure you want to delete the selected Reamote slaves?
;^EE1268CA4B845A22=# FX
;^E1CA4E1B0C5C2DB6=Can't open Reamote UDP port!
;EBACDD7A1B7B9F32=Force Python to use
;1B5A9BC5A2786229=Changing Python libraries may require closing and restarting R
;3B51BD80C3F49F82=ReaScript Warning
;81B7922C9433C434=Select Python %s path
;976ACFCD251E07B6=Dynamic library path
;771385F02A161BDC=View ReaScript help
;^DF2472EC2AB0BAFB=Download Python

;39BFD0CB4930866D=ReaScript can be globally disabled.
;0DFF4E313817B7E3=Python is available as a free download. Please see ReaScript d
ocumentation for more information.
;54CB46A2699C9EA0=View ReaScript documentation, including a full function refere
nce for the REAPER API.
;35786BA800FBE7EC=After you install Python, REAPER should find the Python dynami
c library automatically.
;52118B0F364271BE=If REAPER finds a compatible version of Python on this machine
, view the path to the Python dynamic library.
;8D0DE2F7EBEE6514=If REAPER cannot find Python automatically, enter the path her
e. See the Python installer readme for more information.
;AD1401A586D43E2D=If you have multiple versions of Python installed, you can for
ce REAPER to use a specific dynamic library if needed.
;F1E406C6866C1FE5=While recording, respect the options menu setting to automatic
ally scroll the arrange view when the record cursor moves offscreen.
;EA84923E715129D3=Incomplete takes can be automatically discarded, as long as at
least one complete pass through the loop selection was recorded.
;3ED0EE7DECD1ABC5=Display a medium-resolution peak/waveform preview of audio ite
ms while recording. Regardless, a high-resolution display will be shown afterwar
;364EC3F8B830CEF5=Update speed of peak/waveform preview for recording items, in
frames per second (lower values leave more resources free for the actual recordi
;DF053C93A346E434=Peak/waveform display data files are created for every audio i
;7E1E093FC1CA1EF1=Create audio peak/waveform display data files while recording
audio (recommended)
;BC44FACEABC6616F=Create audio peak/waveform display data files only after recor
ding stops.
;EFA651F088ADA17C=Create audio peak/waveform display data files only when manual
ly selecting the menu item item/peaks/build peaks.
;B2AA56B82FB82DE0=Loop recording can create one or more audio files, which can b
e added to the project after each loop, or only when recording stops.
;33AC466648B3C9CA=Add recorded media to project after each loop, which can be us
ed to build up layered recordings.
;D2E172FC0C79F1D4=Add recorded media to project only when recording stops (defau
;4570CCEE54B6D772=Create a separate file on disk for each loop (default is to re
cord to a single, continuous file).
;C0E929B7ED6219F8=New recorded files can be automatically saved, or selectively
;182508B411978611=Prompt to selectively save or delete new recorded files after
recording stops.
;AB6F99DD766BD82B=Prompt to selectively save or delete new recorded files when p
unching out of recording (by pressing the play button).
;53CD657F5A0080B3=Record-armed tracks can automatically expand to show the recor
ding source and input level meters.
;677DA212DC60E11B=When recording a single, very long uninterrupted take, create
new files (gaplessly) to avoid file-format size limitations.
;736BBCAB623EB2FD=During lengthy recording, switching files creates a momentary
CPU load, which can be lessened by offsetting file switches when recording multi
ple tracks.
;346A6474363C5A9F=Abort recording if no tracks are record-armed. Tracks can alwa
ys be record-armed and unarmed after recording has started.
;6470DCD830DD71D7=Customize the filename that is automatically created for new r
;50EEB2322C8B4CDE=Check the available disk space for recording when recording st

arts, and warn if the available recording space falls below a threshold.
;CD73680957ADE0BD=Always display the available disk space in the menu bar.
;66ADD7B1AA2DB685=Automatically adjust recorded media positioning to compensate
for the audio driver's reported latency. (Prefer ASIO drivers for accuracy.)
;5D1DBABB03A644E0=Set or adjust the recording latency compensation. If auto adju
st is enabled, these values are added to the automatic offset. Offsets can be ne
;91CB7FE93510C1F4=Sets the audio block size used when rendering. It is recommend
ed that you leave this blank, which will automatically use the last audio blocks
ize used.
;B8630E9E7BA232E0=When checked, configured multiprocessing settings will be used
for rendering. If unchecked, rendering will be slower but can be more reliable
with some plug-ins.
;EB16C6EA76EEC12B=When checked, limit apply FX/render stems actions to realtime.
This is good for certain plug-ins that fail when running faster than realtime.
;3694C4CB232416C4=Rendering the project or stems, or freezing tracks, can run be
yond the last media item in the project, to be sure to record any FX tails (like
;06179C432EB8B9B3=Freeze can be much faster if only the media items (plus the fr
eeze tail setting) are rendered.
;FC84F036666CED03=Use current
;70B30F9E44B34DC7=Post-FX (v1 deprecated)
;^1FF9566969CABE07=Post-Fader (Post-Pan)
;^ADA3EA2F08216BCF=Pre-Fader (Post-FX)
;0614CE6C05F547EB=The default fader gain for newly created tracks. The factory d
efault is +0dB
;583D434BE1F4936A=When enabled, new tracks will be visible in the mixer.
;A7D59AB48C99ED23=When enabled, new tracks created within a folder will send aud
io and MIDI to the folder parent track.
;8435D40B1A543A8E=Certain track envelopes may be shown automatically for new tra
;A06640FC98DC6287=Automatically show volume envelopes for new tracks.
;871B42A204ABD900=Automatically show pan envelopes for new tracks.
;9DB02CA9A1AAEE43=Automatically show pre-FX volume envelopes for new tracks.
;16F5F8078D3F839C=Automatically show pre-FX pan envelopes for new tracks.
;46293FD16449C446=Default point shape for new track envelopes.
;798A8BC8BB77A088=The default automation mode for new tracks. The factory defau
lt is Trim/Read Mode.
;01966E3463989F62=Default track height in new projects. This is also set via Fil
e/Project Settings/Save as default project settings.
;7D71B6C52AB0A7DE=When enabled, new track envelopes will be automatically armed
for recording automation.
;3314D8F8A63D0350=Automatically enable Free Item Positioning for new tracks.
;98FA43DA61B338EE=Automatically record-arm new tracks.
;1E7C6F759324FBD1=Default record settings for new tracks.
;CBB4206A82B6C0A2=Default gain for new track-to-track sends.
;B3B008304E94DF56=Default gain for new hardware outputs.
;AA0925ABD83BC541=Default send type for new sends and hardware outputs.
;5B0472B23A6FDB71=When enabled, new sends will send MIDI from the source track.

;4EB8C05F0CB68BBA=When enabled, new sends will send audio from the source track.
;5A5C947CED356EDB=The YV12 colorspace allows for better video performance. Disab
le this colorspace if you have problems playing back videos.
;AB22F2244AB57914=The YUY2 colorspace allows for some video performance. Disable
this colorspace if you have problems playing back videos.
;C276C4DFEF4AA1A0=This will disable the use of the FFmpeg libraries for video de
;A0C1D94D92A5F2D6=The video window will sync to the specified seek point when mo
ving/resizing audio items.
;EB8268218A86CAA6=The Enhanced Video Renderer improves the video display quality
when using Aero on Vista and Windows 7 machines.
;D3ECC20078A86E9E=If you expect to continue to modify the project tempo, import
as beat slices. If you want to immediately loop the REX file, import as a single
;B3C4B50F69716479=Each REX slice may contain tail audio that can play underneath
later slices. These tails can be played, or chopped off on import.
;6CB275BF34BC6754=Media containing embedded tempo information can be automatical
ly playrate-adjusted to match the project tempo.
;7C38F4F814A24B35=Directories to scan for VST plug-ins. Subdirectories will be s
canned as well.
;077727379180CF7F=Search the computer registry for a default VST directory.
;7B7EDDFE6628A6D7=Add the standard VST plug-in library directories.
;ABEA46EA3A13B8DB=Browse for a VST plug-in directory.
;8D2AA4413EF31D83=Scan all VST directories for any added or updated plug-ins.
;8C290D078C11CA7A=Scan all VST directories, attempting to load every plug-in. Ma
ke all successfully loaded plug-ins available, and ignore any plug-in that crash
;D5BE4B57CE0D501F=Use each VST's exported name to identify it in the FX browser.
Otherwise, the VST path/filename will be used.
;D331EE0B5ABED394=Save the state of every patch in the VST preset bank, not just
the active patch. Some plugins will not restore themselves properly otherwise.
;A33160A83CBD4DE3=Use the generic slider view instead of the VST's custom GUI. Y
ou can switch views at any time using the UI button on the plug-in window.
;24C425763A91B75D=Set the default VST knob behavior. Almost no plug-ins support
this setting.
;2EAA3B50A18F889D=Don't inform VSTis that playback has stopped. Most synths (esp
ecially arpeggiators) want to know playback has stopped to avoid hanging notes.
;1DE74C0937316C7F=Some VSTs behave differently when rendering offline (not in re
altime). When deselected, plugins always think they are online.
;FAC0CB28431DC2EC=Some buggy plug-ins crash when the GUI is opened while a diffe
rent thread is processing audio. This avoids the crash by interrupting audio.
;9E0626CB2705A830=Allow unloading of VST .dll/bundles, which gets them completel
y out of memory, but also may cause compatibility issues (especially on OS X).
;DB1AD925D830A08C=Special mode, applied to UAD plugins only, that reduces parall
el processing benefits to avoid UAD-1 crashes.
;00C3EF5C0B634B6E=Source Media
;74B1E6549A40A805=Media Items
;ECDBB74C1B43A388=Item Groups
;4F2D327AF8BC0B38=Take Comps
;DE8C2727D599C9C8=File name
;AD645A7EB24016DD=Sample rate
;9007BD4650E2DD83=Active take name

;6280F373A57F4916=Active take details
;BFA2F665F3A989FF=Take name
;34E1AFED2E371412=Take details
;8B94098F4C037237=Save Project Bay:
;F9CC006D450B4779=(unnamed media item)
;CC08F95D7C89C235=(unnamed take)
;89F718638D53E72C=Rename Comp
;48DCE74B75658741=Rename File
;00A18DEAF6E00AB0=Rename Active Take
;A534E7E073F2E8DC=Rename Take
;828D8CBDDC939264=Select group
;14D4D24DDC9E17BD=Activate comp
;EA2481910647E514=Rename group...
;E7B851C5F3A48D62=Rename comp...
;A7968517861E5FA2=Delete group, keep items
;9FF26658812E26C6=Delete comp, keep takes
;A5F21AE1DC3190E9=Delete folder, keep items
;5217A7A9035D38ED=Remove from bay if removed from project
;243BBEF41871DEFD=Remove from bay
;DC9C685173D59620=Remove from project
;9A820D2F2E8FC54E=All instances
;082B023FB009185B=Replace with:
;33B0245676178345=Rename file...
;D982E0C2A7D8F056=Rename active take...
;2E95BDFEE3B348AB=Move file to project media directory
;C99F330DE98CD983=Copy file to project media directory
;75D4642A3263A200=Move/copy file
;7292F3B05A92FD62=Change preset
;2CC1F064E846892D=Replace in project
;6BA42CC2C145BC8F=Add comment...
;086FCBB901DB2965=Activate take
;C4EC12087FED4032=Rename take...
;5A7D39B0FBB8C47A=Remove from group
;19FE65BEBD274400=Remove from comp
;54ED071F0FDD712B=Create new group from selected items...
;347BCB8B01080110=Create new comp from active takes...
;EA6DC9E913D6AF50=Rename project bay
;360AB05084683AD5=Delete project bay
;183F8B77513F14EA=Media Explorer...
;00406157C195493F=Add selected items
;172E6AECBC20BFE5=FX Browser...

;B55B907081C17CFD=Play rate
;9961CF7D0DA344E5=Project Bay Comment
;6C6596EC5DE493DD=New Item Group
;934C32B3BACF78A2=New Project Bay Folder
;DFF01C2D3B01ED3C=New project bay...
;E955EBA577CEC97A=Load and merge from
;8386F6978C1E6411=Current project contents
;4400F2F9BA854405=(no saved bays)
;730A25B8E0BC96B6=Save all items to
;1B08ED3F9C7CBDBC=Save selected items as new project bay...
;4448ADC2E8760D4A=Save all items as new project bay...
;F2CA13682C4FCF09=Save and merge selected items to
;D1A5D8858FB0D210=Rename Project Bay
;DFB9BDCB3F336D77=Error: file already exists!\r\n
;8810747D6BB07A90=Project Bay Rename Error
;E2BB0FDB5EB8DB36=Error: cannot rename file!\r\n
;E8B3E508FC4AEFA5=Are you sure you want to delete this project bay entirely?\r\n
;BDC2331AE3F4F7BF=Confirm Project Bay Delete
;23185877917B984A=Error: can't delete file:\r\n
;DF67DA95E6EB35A5=Project Bay Delete Error
;^FA08A03DC81EC720=Plug-in name
;^C92094118C504736=Rename Group
;^BA1A25DF2A11E99B=Rename Folder
;^20C9E44247CBCC07=Rename folder...
;^F420AC1723391ECE=Master track
;^4D5B21719C8D85CE=Browse for file...
;^3E6F5B4FF4F5BC43=Create new folder...
;^AFCA4361EC2D09C2=Show/hide columns:
;^AD6ADC4BDE973BA3=Select replacement file:
;^397E19C8F7486840=Project Bay
;^C065E9FEE11B2862=(current project)
;66188504FD7D25AD=Project tokens not recognized:
;98233926847DB687=There was an error parsing the specified project:
;90BBF8F392594609=There were %d items in the project that were not understood. I
f this project was created in a newer version of REAPER, this version may not pr
eserve all of the settings of the project.

;C439F2EEF4D0388E=There were %d items in the project that were saved by extensio

ns. If you save this project without those extensions installed, you may lose th
ose extensions' data.
;9D5A4C07952029A4=There were %d media items in the project that were of a type t
hat require an extension plug-in (the instance that saved the project had the ex
tension plug-in).
;FB7CC4A30F878FE2=There were %d files in %d places in the project that are in an
off-line state, reload the project once the files are available. Note that savi
ng the project is OK, the filenames should be preserved.
;1F39F87728AECDF8=The following effects were in the project file and are not ava
ilable. REAPER will keep their configurations, but things may not sound as desir
;034FAFC06B88FB35=There was an error opening the project:
;FB788791B6125DA4=Error creating project file! Project not saved!
;46AE0C6B2EBA8FE0=Error writing to project file. Disk full?
;7978763C70E0E2FA=Error saving undo history. Disk full?
;E8D1FE31118A288D=Cannot overwrite file:
;FCBCBACD0FC29A84=Your changes have been temporarily saved as:
;E67991FAF404D160=64 bit float (default)
;E3FB583A2F8F5147=32 bit float
;8F8A57D1AEE90E6A=39 bit integer
;308BFFE5671CC5CC=24 bit integer
;F65516946A2D0165=16 bit integer
;404E9D08CFFE83D9=12 bit integer
;ED50BEB103C6D0A8=8 bit integer
;9127F618BB56B06D=Choose format for Apply FX/Glue/etc
;5E547BC2B3785944=Override format (default is .WAV):
;^A5D5B4E847F44008=Beats (position, length, rate)
;^BA7A79B4D3479176=Beats (position only)
;^7C21CDD2AEBBA4D6=Enclosed items replace enclosing items
;^5BA4387FA574D390=Items always mix
;^DD2984E0D3995E66=Items always replace earlier items
;^F8E8A9C19CDE7A59=Project Settings
;DE1AA69A20AA1C35=Least slow
;EB95F8D8892F8EC9=Lambda1 (slow)
;4DC571124B4F9AC7=Lambda2 (slower)
;4A5952CC77E47A6E=Lambda3 (slowest/best)


(Lowest Pitches)
(Lower Pitches)
(Low Pitches)
(Most Pitches)
(High Pitches)

;7A5DA90B116EC97F=Preserve Formants (Higher Pitches)

;DD113501280C8ED4=Preserve Formants (Highest Pitches)
;4AD97576ACC6C119= [Mid/Side]
;BBF911CDCAB1CE56=lastique 2.1 Pro
;8FFA9BEFF1E0D3AA=lastique 2.1 Efficient
;366316FD7144604C=lastique 2.1 SOLOIST
;3722C9BB9C70184D=lastique Pro
;9D04CA67B9A1081D=lastique Efficient
;FF3FE2CF297A7ACF=lastique SOLOIST
;69293FE5AD2EF838=Project Start
;6452ED0C212E3ACB=Can't connect to Reamote slave \"%s\"! Aborting operation.
;08E21163DCB189AF=Incompatible plugin type for DSP \"%s\"! Aborting operation.
;002222CEDA54E680=This Reamote slave doesn't have the following DSP: \"%s\"! Abo
rting operation.
;786B77ED1C68BA55=Can't initalize DSP \"%s\" on the Reamote slave!\r\n\r\nPossib
le causes might be out of date version or plugin not installed on the Reamote sl
ave computer.\r\n\r\nAborting operation!
;AF11D92899770FB1=Local processing
;7340D55E29B2F169=This plugin type is not supported by Reamote, aborting add ope
;F2CCC5C0BB28194E=Error adding plugin to Reamote slave, aborting add operation.
;F5A64B5577C83B6A=This ReaMote slave is not connected!
;^E1CA4E1B0C5C2DB6=Can't open Reamote UDP port!
;4377B8BB2F9FE289=No Python dynamic library found for any compatible version
;C248C79483454EE7=using custom path
;3FA6CC0D159D5CAF=custom library
;A83EBC461BB2AA5B=using custom library
;AB6B29E39FDA0E59=is installed.
;32953E42E411F80C=No compatible version of Python was found.
;6FEA417D3179FC3C=Can't initialize Python
;4F95C23132050112=Can't initialize Python interpreter
;2D87BAF6EEC6F654=Failed to load/initialize reascript\r\n
;BB3625C1B82DB540=Load Script:
;94EF201731792E06=ReaScript error:
;5FAD48364A2EBBBA=Can't load file
;FFFD25BD72A101A7=Extension not supported:
;7F4D3B574403E10B=Script execution error\r\n
;^E7C1CFE2A0C69AD8=ReaScript error
;9D962F14CEA6DC67=Apply settings to %d selected tracks
;50D6AF3A9EB27887=Apply settings to %d tracks selected in manager
;12AA8E21552DA11F=Primary only
;26698832E7F445BB=Secondary only
;CE412396B8E38B43=Primary + secondary as invisible backup
;6CE5618F558E4D8E=Nearest value

;9BF65F8A507FF267=Previous value
;D450BF663AF0F1E3=Next value
;3B7998D665998A53=Track Recording Settings: Track
;017CD91CBF3AC663=Monitor Input
;672414CC0AFAB026=Monitor Input (Tape Auto Style)
;41D1C9D23CE079D3=Monitor track media when recording
;11803F166A4FDD0B=Preserve PDC delayed monitoring in recorded items
;C96C94D47B97B33B=Record: MIDI overdub/replace
;AFCC6AF3303B5E61=Record: output
;BD6BDF2B89B0D125=Record: input (force format)
;6DE193A93ED5CCF0=Input: Mono
;63DF2AAC40BB4DDB=Input: Stereo
;CB583F872ABE35DD=Input: %d channel
;9FBD3B7C7D482A63=Input: multichannel
;5BA4FD0495383A98=..%s [%d chan]
;1D7096F08B3D7195= [multichannel]
;8B6B47A8BE35ED96=Input: MIDI
;5672C710FBC6C520=All MIDI Inputs
;BA66149397E5F1AE=All Channels
;301435B0001182A3=Map input to channel
;B332C15E45DB07B9=Source Channel
;56C59DA37A313EB1=Input: None
;DBC774DB52C6AC3E=Track VU meter
;7D93E0BCA4A117D2=Show full multichannel metering (not just 1+2)
;24004AED10684C0B=Disable VU meter
;ECAF11E2B0ADF073=Track recording settings (Input Quantize, Format, etc)...
;BCD3C22A1D934649=Track input FX chain...
;^B3D2C76823B56BAB=Channel %d
;^F1707CB9030B35E0=Automatic record-arm when track selected
;^081CECC31B65E0C4=Set track automatic record-arm when selected

output (stereo)
disable (input monitoring only)
output (stereo, latency compensated)
output (MIDI)
output (mono)
output (mono, latency compensated)
output (multichannel)
output (multichannel, latency compensated)
MIDI overdub
MIDI replace
MIDI touch-replace
MIDI latch-replace
input (force mono)
input (force stereo)
input (force multichannel)
input (force MIDI)
input (audio or MIDI)

;A9904773BA5154A4=No key filename
;705550FFB5900D5F=Error opening license key file
;0003BB2D5EF7F78C=Invalid license key file
;B8581C871BEB3EA6=License key is for old version of REAPER -- please visit www.r to upgrade

;8856B8AFC9366673=Save changes before opening render dialog?
;EDDF741B62F9063E=Save changes before opening region manager?
;F90D0972A781FA95=Region Edit Confirm
;0930453E30BF8D22=Error, region ID already in use, pick another
;^5D33EA2A7EBEF63C=Region Manager
;^AFCA4361EC2D09C2=Show/hide columns:
;7D38EA96DC2C7633=Region/marker number
;9A19F144C96646C5=Region/marker name
;EA33E60991BEED3E=Start time
;9B2A58E6C26B25A5=End time
;446CC0E7471E1065=Region length
;0593C959CC131B24=Render this region (see File/Render)
;B4F466C090612B1D=Files already exist:
;66FF38D6E1ADCC48=Renders already in the queue will overwrite file:
;B23B89217AF6A17B=Renders already in the queue will overwrite files:
;57DC58B3B7C72DE1=Increment filename
;12984B6147726F16=Increment filenames
;3404046DA09FC69F=Recent patterns
;E820D811FA928312=Use \"master\" for master $track
;687E064BFB1A9538=Use $filenumber for the first track
;E0A526D768B2938E=Allow / (subfolders) in track and region names
;22F397A203D21C30=Silently increment filenames to avoid overwriting
;8F172C76448450DA=Wildcard help...
;153CF73D1FD5006C=Render 1 file...
;90542BD908D1D6DB=Render %d files...
;EED1AC952953EE12=Last render settings
;A82D8163A8484674=Bounds and output
;3912E287492971ED=Options and format
;7807BF68DE4D492B=All settings
;004DC15672AB96AA=Render Preset
;28A83911BC340E08=(1 region selected)
;CCE28879755D4301=(%d regions selected)
;EC5C7C8BD218C149=Browse for directory...
;4CF8A716A351AA58=Render path:
;0858F38B34626DAC=Render to file:
;D0466262522CFDFF=Must have a filename to render to!
;AC1DC5F59AFC57CD=Render Error
;441FF41BE2AAD151=No time selection, or no regions active!
;74D8F9A7C79A5668=No tracks selected!
;E1B4C563C39DCAD4=Custom time range
;37BF8BB415CF9451=Project regions

;73235A4845CE69AF=Master mix
;D69D6E60CA40FDC5=Stems (selected tracks)
;F57F76E76EEAB1E0=Master mix + stems
;7C52FAD1998A97D7=Full-speed Offline
;ECEF5A49F432EB7D=1x Offline
;0694A6949DB4FAA8=Online Render
;EC7824CEBF1159C1=No output
;30A51D2AB058900D=Error opening
;BBF55C06EC9B05FE=Error: no render target file!
;57723CB9490CDD81=The target drive/path does not exist, is unavailable, or is in
;AB04BBC7DB9FF4B1=, Estimated Remaining:
;81F584F9FDAE6C4F=Show in finder
;37F6A411C66E7D98=Finished in
;^F7CD69D31E23F2C7=File already exists:
;^87D8D79D63721460=Open render queue...
;^37E1C985732EDDC1=Save preset...
;^B814E3BFB72A607B=Delete preset
;^4D5B21719C8D85CE=Browse for file...
;^79DCBE1CDE37B4F3=Entire project
;^97D6D411868C112C=Time selection
;^E83CE539DBB569A7=Stop recording before rendering...
;^05A130B04362C768=REAPER Note
;EBC2F228B0BCF23D=Note: %d queued renders failed (and remain in queue)
;C559C74F68B76E2F=Low (Linear Interpolation)
;96BC44DCD12684CD=Lowest (Point Sampling)
;CFDBDD9FDB146F86=Good (64pt Sinc)
;2C8376E9F79234F1=Better (192pt Sinc - SLOW)
;1E8D082281674462=Best (384pt Sinc - VERY SLOW)
;C55C61CA906495A0=Extreme (512pt HQ Sinc - NON-REALTIME)

;185A46AB2FFF1A58=Fast (IIR + Linear Interpolation)

;93E6D7254C5F5F6E=Fast (IIRx2 + Linear Interpolation)
;A5E15EF3AEF9CD88=Fast (16pt Sinc)
;D26FA60CADA1DE90=Can't open
;FEC84A2F0D8F7170=ReWire Output
;34513446786D9268=ReWire MIDI
;4486057C29D83458=Track MIDI Channel
;AFD0E825908A16B3=ReWire Destination
;B83D03094A48A05E=Master Keyboard
;F64E0E6A1FA55CE7=MIDI Send To ReWire
;BB6C7B8133B94EB7=Audio From ReWire
;B83F58F685DF9F42=MIDI From ReWire
;56B81093AE6AD515=ReWire Slave Error:
all time
;B555DA4B491A22FD=ReWire Slave Error:
;FD4646D0A1E6546B=ReWire Slave Error:
;C04167F7C6CFDFE1=ReWire Slave Error:
;570C03F811A49766=ReWire Slave Error:
;9F00616CF6B74ED6=ReWire MIDI Bus
;F5789DA0A25D6726=ReWire Slave Audio
;^A74298433E1F4B3D=Track Channel

ReWire may not have been installed at inst

Error opening ReWire subsystem
No mixer application appears to be running
Error loading REAPER device
Error creating communication channel

;DD096F9E880C0C96=Send to
;998074CE650BE8E4=Receive from
;8A1BF18F1F9B40A5=Outputs for Master Track
;B821BAE9983182E7=Routing for track
;A50F0E1B6FD37DDE=Master/parent send
;892EE6A6A9935F84=Add new send...
;32842BAD35BDAEFF=Add sends to all tracks
;4AD7BB994A552771=Add new hardware output...
;2500FCB3124BFE9F=<no output>
;6A5150FAF8777EE3=Send to original channels
;2E834509D3A06745=Send to channel
;1D3E6E5BC5E522D9=Add new receive...
;47C76CA5AEADC0E1=Add receives from all tracks
;^480A73B43C308366= (folder)
;^5D4FC446DED74611=Output Channel
;E585C664AC364DDB=Audio Hardware Outputs
;BCFA8A3A8430A743=MIDI Hardware Output
;4BE3657E4E9A1F34=Record Arm
;229E4ADF3BB30AEB=Automation Mode

Parent channels:

;25A7488E91388D93=Flag: Volume Reverse

;0BD195469BEE28A8=Flag: Pan Reverse
;B899899C1AB19C42=Flag: No Slave->Master
;6144EC1482D7052B=Flag: Width Reverse
;BB80D99527FF5C67=Matrix mode: routing
;57EFF8FE5A8F10BA=Matrix mode: grouping
;9BBBAC2B709017DC=Show individual group details
;7FD87D5A648ED19F=Show master/parent as destination
;38AD1E080E9B9ABB=Show tracks as destinations
;E965CDD590EEA7E1=Show audio hardware as destinations
;8E5649EEC26D90CA=Show ReaRoute as destinations
;F7450805748FB7A9=Show master as source
;B451BAF6862448A8=Show tracks as sources
;CF45B02A36FE9E0A=Show audio hardware as sources
;5DACC82C28E897F3=Show ReaRoute as sources
;2D6A9802F6A8E437=Dock routing window in Docker
;3202B7C8F1C19432=master output
;CA2FC719BBBEF7B9=is Disabled
;8755A825709522B2=is Enabled
;4FDCAB978445558B=Group %d is Disabled
;938248518B3B7120=Group %d is Enabled
;9F803DAAA844E1C8=master/parent send
;02765EDBE7B19924=, invert phase
;BFC92B617929CC4D= - pre fx
;0E9494A9719F1E08= - post fx (v1)
;9F6AE3BC13CE2DD0= - post fx
;A63C8EAB8ED6A533= - invert phase
;4BE746518EF96E2A= - mix to mono
;003BD938FD8D368D=(not set)
;00721F9E62EF3C94=Record Input:
;ECC9A80133B0E90A=, No Monitoring
;66378E8DA1FA9C8D=, Monitoring
;94FBF5228AB2DE4A=, Auto Monitoring
;8E7C1CCBEE88895B=Send has parameters/automation that were tweaked.\r\nRemoving
this output will result in parameters/automation being lost.\r\nContinue?
;65598B7CF175BA10=Hardware output has parameters/automation that were tweaked.\r
\nRemoving this output will result in parameters/automation being lost.\r\nConti
;^6B562789A5A9817F=Close Window
;^DDDBC4B59922776E=Master Track

;^33212EA04B36D7AA=Routing/Grouping Matrix
;5E8009A7E805E784=RPP audio source information
;8040F745E39504D6=Project not loaded
;6EB380663BC29D67=%d tracks\r\nMaster has %d channels\r\nSamplerate: %.1fHz
;316C4EE43FD29B2D=PiP/subproject tab
;C8F8B006DBE1D90C=REAPER Project (RPP) as media
;3B508B94B6FF03B7=Save as format configuration
;10267E73AF167E04=Set format to save as:
;9148B0BCF0B138B3=Save project template
;F358F85B084C7F3F=Save Project
;C8A8D1DE39277BF0=Cannot save with copy/move media, no path specified
;5B0AAD670346064A=Cannot save with copy/move media when recording, stop recordin
g first
;8B985B499A6FAF73=Error copying media, user aborted!
;8C9E08D02BE5C9E9=Errors saving project with media - REAPER
;DB773E3D6D958F52=There were errors copying media for this project:
;515AF746DB344C2B=%d files could not have filenames found that did not exist
;1572253A9006D7C2=%d files could not be copied/moved
;A72489997DD870D1=%d files were copied but could not be updated in the project (
plug-in doesn't support SetFileName()?)
;D0BD7075DBCF5BDC=%d files were allegedly copied but could not be imported back
into the project
;B3CC0D4A0A547560=Major triad
;13A78D2D50E2A534=Minor triad
;FB435FC5D007FDDF=Major 7th chord
;BBA6B27A1B100593=Minor 7th chord
;3BB012BA0C495036=Dom 7th chord
;B78F3558E7172AA3=Dim triad
;B734467BB2588250=Dim 7th chord
;8693E2C47EEADBA9=Aug 5th triad
;A816B935E0A53C4D=Natural minor
;E11D4E566DA47F3D=Melodic minor
;4281FC90513D0AE9=Harmonic minor

;0923DCF48E0D9F8D=Hide default scales/chords
;CEA684B164D5B08B=Select .ReaScale File:
;E3D301F26B0C20B2=Untitled View State
;6985C21D42F78AC6=Untitled Windows State
;570F3A78B8DA9436=Save Windows Screenset #
;53C3300DE56AE6BF=New Screenset
;24254706AC60DF9A=Track Control Panels
;38883D8F9173C9BB=Main Edit View
;8BF63366F8A6D597=Save Track View Screenset #
;A242F515754A5741=New Track View Screenset
;EFF37492B8BEB698=Save Selection Set
;2493C75D7ED72813=Selected track panel
;42366872538D67D6=Selected track mixer panel
;44A4608340D24BFF=Window screen sets, available in any project:
;3BA7DBDB320F8A1C=Track view sets, saved with this project:
;456443A4F8100D07=Media item selection sets, saved with this project:
;D832698EE0DF7456=Theme and layouts
;CBF474B1F07BBCBC=Load key
;F77B0DA0925E74A5=Save key
;79E854AE917006E3=Value (doubleclick to change)
;408E5BF6AF321C82=Global Layout
;DFC0F5788236B18F=(click to set for selected tracks)
;3D03AF2F927B9BF4=Action #
;143E56499C737597=Selection set
;4C5B729196E92FF9=Master Send
;2FB9CF7149422649=Parent Folder Send
;D00966C35B600008=Adjust I/O Parameters\t(right click on volume fader)
;F1506B6EDED9DF4A=Audio Hardware Output
;FDFE3EC98C0C5FC2=Output Channel %d
;62F8110EDC386D21=Audio ReaRoute Output
;EB1082ABBC920993=MIDI Output
;040D476163E042BE=Send all
;4185A93519E2299E=Send all as channel %d
;^2C078B30A2995EDB=ReaRoute Output
;07AEF4ACCD2A1A27=Post-FX (V1 deprecated)
;6D1AB4402A8DAD03=<SUB>Mono source
;2FB827B371C0B012=<SUB>Stereo source

;921C6D775FF07B1A=<SUB>Multichannel source
;ABE1C16582D5A33C=<SUB>%d channels
;4212054D4293A66E=<SUB>(New channels on sending track)
;221B7D46A50A7A36=<SUB>(New channels on receiving track)
;D3E9B5C2991E4175=(Track automation mode)
;550F547AB6B8077C=Trim/read (envelopes are active but faders are all for trim)
;EF365B9BFF4DA771=Send to track
;8193547A859B1CA3=Receive from track
;2BE64718FFEA8B8E=Master hardware output controls
;28F54690D2483CE9=Controls for track
;755370075E1AEC6C=Width: %.0f%%
;^1FF9566969CABE07=Post-Fader (Post-Pan)
;^ADA3EA2F08216BCF=Pre-Fader (Post-FX)
;^DEF52717C4E7101F=Read (play faders with armed envelopes)
;^E73F4D99E9F274CB=Touch (record fader movements to armed envelopes)
;^A23B66B5439758A9=Write (record fader positions to armed envelopes)
;^7C92092A41B00EDC=Latch (record fader movements after first movement)
;^C644A2EBFF26E843=Automation mode:
;^480A73B43C308366= (folder)
;^DDDBC4B59922776E=Master Track
;11678656B010B057=Split and remove silent areas
;1AFBF3EBEDB42C48=Split and keep silent areas
;1046C24D832DEED1=Split only before non-silence
;2DA3F8F9CD41728F=Split only before silence
;377098E549677C30=Removing track %d
;E4DE2C7D9E7BCC06=Importing file...
;8C00464CAF319497=Closing project...
;B939FA067A010B44=Reverting PiP...
;2B35EDB88B113816=Loading project...
;EFC407331D23CB20=Adding media...
;2549BF449F59124E=Initializing UI Classes...
;C3ED77175FF7A80D=Initializing Main Window...
;AA015E3EE6811B88=Initializing ReWire Slave Mode
;107EC5547FA000D8=Checking for ReWire Slave Mode...
;69B380B30FA53BFC=Scanning VST plug-ins...
;6EE741A56EC25D89=Scanning DX plug-ins...
;556790F6C2D4D47E=Loading JS...
;84B0AC419AB12F3D=Initializing ReaMote...
;1E644C966744BC0F=Scanning MIDI hardware...
;9FEED2881A8BB34D=Loading native plug-ins...
;95C14C31E2DBB229=Initializing Control Surfaces...
;E6A87EA06A513679=Loading SoundTouch...
;8EC8B78B087E740D=Loading DiracLE...
;40CAAF582132F5FF=Loading lastique 2 Pro...
;CD0C8A087BDCAD95=Loading lastique Pro...
;CCE0F0218F7E6DE2=Project: loading file:
;CA015AD84E12FEF5=Project: loading complete
;AEABA2BF41FB3594=Rescanning project bay
;F755FBBD9C58083F=ReaMote: checking for host

;8601F9CB8C293465=Scanning VST
;DB4EC9AD23B997E9=Scanning VST plugins...
;0657311C044DEFBD=audio device closed
;FC306CB087A05520=Classic_1.x, with m/s for mute/solo
;823C90884A4B7B4A=Theme overrides normal Windows colors for main background/text
;B67D70D4A3780314=Main window/transport background
;212A27F36D591C07=Main window/transport text
;543E86147B64D972=Main window text shadow (ignored if too close to text color)
;756C7667B607EB0D=Main window 3D highlight
;B75D7359D3BEA9B7=Main window 3D shadow
;E4023172787E5755=Main window pane resize area
;C721E3707E2A83F6=Window text
;E2A9442343FE70F5=Window background
;244E8BDB61DCEE97=Window edit background
;5EE20866709489A4=Transport edit background
;35DE04AF4D82897D=Toolbar button text
;70C2A7D970F4BDF2=Toolbar button enabled text
;374CCE612D7C4054=Toolbar frame when floating or docked
;E7915E3E6A099632=Toolbar button armed color
;BC84C51A714ED29C=Toolbar button armed draw mode
;637FC2FB9F7218EB=I/O window text
;DC14FE448251351B=I/O window 3D highlight
;49B647AA0CAEF935=I/O window 3D shadow
;ED962C58BEAAA257=Window list background
;CE29355922B1153C=Window list text
;9624B59A17FCCA14=Window list grid lines
;B69B807A6637C90E=Window list selection bg
;B68E707A662D2382=Window list selection fg
;16D0E519CA0F6623=Window list selection inactive bg
;16DEC519CA1B6D1F=Window list selection inactive fg
;85D05A02599C2A69=Force button background/border:
;3221AB37708C9F05=Button background
;B6E3CE32B4EAB6D8=Theme overrides normal Windows colors for non-selected track c
ontrol panels
;7BAD93AB76E7418F=Track panel text
;EEEECA86CF7F4837=Track panel (selected) text
;501E66674A16211E=Selected track control panel background
;93FD49ED6FDB72D0=Unselected track control panel background (enabled with a chec
kbox above)
;206A0AE4AD7D14DA=Locked track control panel overlay color
;9F30B89EC0C4AEF5=Locked track control panel fill mode
;19B1EFF9EEE1DE5A=Empty track list area
;FD40EA40A020309C=Empty mixer list area
;81D1A7486543356A=Empty arrange view area
;07304E7966E8042C=Volume/pan label font
;F0B0B7E811BAE801=Track title font
;5DAE1AA0B4E46EEF=Fader background when automation recording
;7489AC77A88D66A2=Fader background when automation playing
;A5CF8C38EFC62E4F=Fader background when in inactive touch/latch
;EC4D31221167E72D=Timeline foreground
;7D56091807F9A798=Timeline background
;00234E8B36F6536B=Time selection color
;529B297581D198A0=Time selection fill mode
;6F524CFF4428CD01=Timeline background (in loop points)

;7511CE79116A6319=Timeline font
;80E0E7561B5C012A=Transport status background
;DF04AEB695760DE1=Transport status text
;B0CBF0208F901BFB=Transport status font
;7ACB506A80E43F0A=Media item label
;3F30F8ECCA298AC6=Media item label (selected)
;770256D0AF965422=Floating media item label
;4342C4E293DF4F7E=Floating media item label (selected)
;3B8B1A7D26ECAAFF=Media item label font
;B9085B2EA3B657E2=Media item background (odd tracks)
;408F8FBF2EED8FF3=Media item background (even tracks)
;BBD09452A966B459=Media item background selected (odd tracks)
;94BD6BAF6B690302=Media item background selected (even tracks)
;8FE06B24A4010F74=Media item background fill mode
;8419C9670249428E=Media item peaks (odd tracks)
;22EAEF70CEC4D9DF=Media item peaks (even tracks)
;7C212DF8A607B585=Media item peaks when selected (odd tracks)
;78F7E9F15BAA4E5E=Media item peaks when selected (even tracks)
;B5EDAA7409F6C299=Media item peaks edge highlight (odd tracks)
;0C959B28A6E32A42=Media item peaks edge highlight (even tracks)
;55384C51434182CE=Media item peaks edge highlight when selected (odd tracks)
;593D7CE01F3B8E1F=Media item peaks edge highlight when selected (even tracks)
;1892FEF1B7744A5D=Media item fade/volume controls
;51E359BFAEE7B3EA=Media item fade quiet zone fill color
;26BF7102F818B334=Media item fade quiet zone fill mode
;DC3C68B2E219902E=Media item fade full area fill color
;CE916EFA0F9623D8=Media item fade full area fill mode
;E224F5491050B273=Media item edges of controls
;E8B788244F81B9DF=Media item edges of controls blend mode
;CC24459D5B1A55B9=Media item edge when selected via grouping
;85E1CE29BDF80CC8=Media item \"offline\" text
;282DE48DCB29B50F=Draw colored bar on selected media item
;86120892792FBFAF=Selected media item bar color
;05152C91F7867EC5=Draw colored bar on active media item take
;2C49E16D76F3812D=Active media item take bar color
;980E8EB91BD9862C=Track background (odd tracks)
;B0B4B0D3BCC9C9C5=Track background (even tracks)
;380BD669BEE7D8F7=Track divider line (odd tracks)
;33E7EE00B895E388=Track divider line (even tracks)
;843ABB88EC718106=Envelope lane divider line (odd tracks)
;E691AE852D9F0F87=Envelope lane divider line (even tracks)
;42A8D04CF14EA41E=Marquee fill
;54E9503147602003=Marquee outline
;70A33A294F0DEB21=Marquee fill mode
;C8677F24EB2491A9=Marquee zoom fill
;40F88F8D9780DF3E=Marquee zoom outline
;7453524477C11EB4=Marquee zoom fill mode
;F9202D89774DD53A=Edit cursor (alternate)
;F5B265F2300DFE7F=Play cursor (if enabled in prefs)
;A50C27BC8B1617B9=Play cursor fill mode
;0D902549A65D6E64=Grid lines (start of measure)
;CD7581629C7B4723=Grid lines (start of beats)
;73B8450F6E7472A9=Grid lines (in between beats)
;08EC1AB0075E7F9E=Editing guide line color
;916AE65E81752D61=Editing guide fill mode
;3E08779201232AB5=Region lane background
;90348B53A1271FB6=Region lane text
;EAE17BDD6A6A69DB=Marker lane background
;1A03824363F301D0=Marker lane text
;B56E0937C64A1082=Time signature change marker

;A6B1F6423A3C917E=Time signature lane background

;EE261603A59EC7C5=Time signature lane text
;020310CE11EBFF82=Theme has interlaced VU meters
;6BE9FF3805A93DF2=VU meter clip indicator
;91B214D94029F68C=VU meter top
;FF015348C4CE8FE8=VU meter middle
;6AA3AE3F7AEB87FA=VU meter bottom
;DB58195D4530C671=VU meter interlace/edge color
;0345900F40125341=VU meter midi activity
;D361F42A9FC10FC4=VU (indicator) - no signal
;1468DA4EC2D3CDAD=VU (indicator) - low signal
;0F4D66A19DD388A5=VU (indicator) - med signal
;E445E72A37B758AE=VU (indicator) - hot signal
;BC58132AB8BA68E0=Mixer FX text: normal
;62A8C353CF2BCBD2=Mixer FX text: bypassed
;5F11F72A2B1EE6B6=Mixer FX text: offline
;F0063A00C63B1413=Mixer sends text: normal
;8C431C203EC46267=Mixer sends text: muted
;FC31CB9B79443983=Mixer sends text: MIDI hardware
;5F475256EB39D961=Mixer sends level
;72A64DD56575F908=Mixer FX knob text: normal
;5046B3FE9D6988CA=Mixer FX knob text: bypassed
;E1815E329A836BEE=Mixer FX knob text: offline
;2367091EBCC6CA8D=MIDI editor ruler background
;E4936F98E269690E=MIDI editor ruler text
;070900B1E934CEB3=MIDI editor grid line (start of measure)
;C5738B426727ABCC=MIDI editor grid line (start of beats)
;6D03317E1EAC65B1=MIDI editor grid line (between beats)
;636F261F8F1D7D1F=MIDI editor background color (naturals)
;F7E75A9EC7477A83=MIDI editor background color (sharps/flats)
;8E6F804DD8F4E46D=MIDI editor time selection color
;0D419EF3C6436992=MIDI editor time selection fill mode
;2EE9A7EA04A0B02A=MIDI editor octave line color
;CC1C67F2A73FEECB=MIDI inline background color (naturals)
;B3E317CA0AD0438F=MIDI inline background color (sharps/flats)
;80794FA6DF523A96=MIDI inline octave line color
;235008F88DF3C1B0=MIDI editor end marker
;5BA00FC054E5E699=MIDI editor note, unselected (midi_note_colormap overrides)
;BB1871D50D37E428=MIDI editor note, selected (midi_note_colormap overrides)
;B482801CB8A88B0A=MIDI editor note, muted, unselected (midi_note_colormap overri
;D665B3A6E774EE33=MIDI editor note, muted, selected (midi_note_colormap override
;E673881F880A2D15=MIDI editor note controls
;CAF9FD7CE71AB0C9=MIDI editor note (offscreen)
;D1998C25F1514422=MIDI editor note (offscreen, selected)
;71CD9F4995CA63F3=MIDI editor cursor
;FB09009EF1D7956C=MIDI piano key color (naturals)
;7102190FC6AA20F8=MIDI piano key color (sharps/flats)
;9314A33FA166497D=MIDI piano key color (selected)
;A942808BA462E5E0=MIDI piano key note-on flash
;97AB94C1C2CF161F=MIDI editor note/CC text color (light)
;EA0648A2D0CB48F7=MIDI editor note/CC text color (dark)
;27135FB900DA4981=MIDI list editor background
;FC41DF5BF2365D12=MIDI list editor text
;F5C428DB77ADDCF2=MIDI list editor grid lines
;A2D19FA9E154A0D4=MIDI list editor selection bg
;A2DF6FA9E1608CA0=MIDI list editor selection fg
;F0CA26F7484DA1F1=MIDI list editor selection inactive bg
;F0BC16F748414965=MIDI list editor selection inactive fg

;4613C0B0BAEC8191=Tab control shadow

;71E39193A98EC5CB=Tab control selected tab
;D9C23DF586FBFF00=Tab control unselected tab
;F26C25D910FB2D0E=Tab control text
;B42E531B5CD36E8D=Tab control background
;91740876A017AC41=Tab control background in windows
;BBABC70778DF5A0C=Envelope: Volume (pre-FX)
;553B6C2586DAA48B=Envelope: Volume
;92468FE02EB4C791=Envelope: Pan (pre-FX)
;F007AD510DF30238=Envelope: Pan
;29AA5D9149C42A70=Envelope: Mute
;7632CA8B316AEB69=Envelope: Master playrate
;17CD49C7AAD72038=Envelope: Master tempo
;CBCA027C47D01D83=Envelope: Send volume
;9CC10E448B6324C0=Envelope: Send pan
;0D3EED3545E1F9F1=Envelope: Send volume 2
;566C595986537016=Envelope: Send pan 2
;427082CB450B4FA8=Envelope: Send mute
;79C9898A1C69B7C6=Envelope: Audio hardware output volume
;42AB025A3D6AB55B=Envelope: Audio hardware output pan
;35EE198EBDBFB613=Envelope: FX parameter 1
;35EE1A8EBDBFB7C6=Envelope: FX parameter 2
;35EE1B8EBDBFB979=Envelope: FX parameter 3
;35EE1C8EBDBFBB2C=Envelope: FX parameter 4
;C96AF9684C11B659=Envelope: item take volume
;67997B2BD760846E=Envelope: item take pan
;82E0469668653B16=Envelope: item take mute
;F1FC187F25E5FB0B=Envelope: item take pitch
;E1E7C6CE4F2F3836=Group #1
;E1E7C5CE4F2F3683=Group #2
;E1E7C4CE4F2F34D0=Group #3
;E1E7CBCE4F2F40B5=Group #4
;E1E7CACE4F2F3F02=Group #5
;E1E7C9CE4F2F3D4F=Group #6
;E1E7C8CE4F2F3B9C=Group #7
;E1E7CFCE4F2F4781=Group #8
;E1E7CECE4F2F45CE=Group #9
;0C0ED6908D3C3232=Group #10
;0C0ED7908D3C33E5=Group #11
;0C0ED4908D3C2ECC=Group #12
;0C0ED5908D3C307F=Group #13
;0C0ED2908D3C2B66=Group #14
;0C0ED3908D3C2D19=Group #15
;0C0ED0908D3C2800=Group #16
;0C0ED1908D3C29B3=Group #17
;0C0EDE908D3C3FCA=Group #18
;0C0EDF908D3C417D=Group #19
;0C0BD0908D39F229=Group #20
;0C0BCF908D39F076=Group #21
;0C0BCE908D39EEC3=Group #22
;0C0BCD908D39ED10=Group #23
;0C0BD4908D39F8F5=Group #24
;0C0BD3908D39F742=Group #25
;0C0BD2908D39F58F=Group #26
;0C0BD1908D39F3DC=Group #27
;0C0BD8908D39FFC1=Group #28
;0C0BD7908D39FE0E=Group #29
;0C084A908D36D8A0=Group #30
;0C084B908D36DA53=Group #31
;0C084C908D36DC06=Group #32

;0C4385A315E74535=Save theme as:
;805B2FD8CB3CF2C5=Can't overwrite default theme
;B9E1C3CAD601A812=Choose theme to open:
;^BE8A32189AE58F83=Edit cursor
;^C93417DD40352E1B=Error saving
;1D220B8A48E6DBC2=time sel
;30AE77BA6378D158=loop pts
;ACF174C3CB1AF658=time sig markers
;7960487FBDD6E6D7=Locking: off
;7229D46A920626D1=Item edit and selection grouping enabled
;0441CA4131462CAD=Item edit grouping enabled, selection grouping disabled
;23DCB0F0B4D74F47=Item grouping disabled
;CCE190C7AE6BBD3B=Metronome disabled
;96F2AEB2390E2A8A=Ripple editing all tracks
;CE9E42F28D3826E0=Ripple editing per-track
;E218A610F0629FBF=Ripple editing disabled
;25FA9258930BC34D=Envelope points move with media items
;6DB6E989035A17B1=Envelope points do not move with media items
;14D9DC771BDA37A1=Grid lines enabled
;BA95D44E6D1D9C88=Grid lines disabled
;CC13C9461AA171A4=Relative snap enabled
;4B75ED7EA86FDEAF=Relative snap disabled
;58ACD381A68069BE=Snap enabled
;CB3D0509C3C2F8C5=Snap disabled
;506DBBE39B2B4C3E=Auto-crossfade enabled
;72EA637C8221D845=Auto-crossfade disabled
;F770C210FB4C167F= (off)
;2AA45B1375C830E9= (on)
;13EF7F964415C9A2=Open main toolbar mirror
;AB5C7637CD2265C0=Open floating toolbar
;AEEA0266259DEFC0=Switch toolbar
;^DAB01B50C7660150=Metronome enabled
;^99B80DC023AB26F6=Can't undo
;^BA8A5EA843F33060=Can't redo
;8C7CE7F8145EB873=Arm for recording

;E8DAF949EEB811B1=Bypass (removes if empty)
;7EBA99618E7E2CC4=MIDI learn
;CC5DC9FCE0B4A2D7=Modulate this parameter
;19D5E3F4F4F6F558=Master Output:
;E537B423EF029D39=\n none
;9DC458669ECBB6A0=Master/parent send disabled
;E585FD64AC36AB50=Audio Hardware Output:
;FF17B2D16C266A2B=MIDI Output:
;DA192334A9AAB304=Pan(L): %s (double click to set to center)
;CD150E479821A143=Pan: %s (double click to set to center)
;B202F17E64D390EA=Pan(R): %s (double click to set to center)
;4F692D08D7092CF9=Width: %.0f%% (double click to set to 100%%)
;FDDD149766120897=MIDI volume: %d (double click to set to 127)
;8750D8810D34BEC0=Volume: %s (double click to set to +0.0)
;4964241B94039C9F=Output: mono (L+R)
;6DFE5DA1D256E670=Output: mono (L)
;6E56C9A1D2A213CA=Output: mono (R)
;5C77721B9F504E59=Output: mono (L-R)
;7CE2FDD00EDB1ED4=Output: stereo
;9CC036C3AB1AE679=INPUT FX:\n
;F74049BC4F320B2B=Show Track Input FX Window
;F901921D72014622=Show Master FX Window
;958E15559FBE8843=Show Track FX Window
;FBCE7FD896917E60= [offline]
;48576B8E22F18006= [bypassed]
;ACC5AD24A62EF595= [track FX bypassed]
;AA29E27B9BEE39EF=Track Insert FX
;80C5C2F8B9B1E0C3=MIDI hardware output
;1642F2A3840F4EAB= (to channel %d):
;9F4424F736F61BF6=Hardware output:
;AC8AAF4FFD13F4C1=Track Sends
;C4207566F9134683=FX parameters
;61E05A1205AD8B12=Set Master Output
;00D04D45D9A8962E=Sends, Receives, and Hardware Output Options
;18901E0F01015C8D= MIDI volume: %d
;77D84864F0D52742=Track is folder
;3E587C6C967C4EEC=Track is last track in folder
;B5B3B84563FF1D9E=Cycles whether this track is a track, a folder, or the last tr
ack in a folder
;AB46079468197E84=Compacts the view of all tracks in this folder
;F5D0422D71FF3CB6=Master muted
;71F617D36BAC0C47=Master not muted
;272E5D69D552CDA7=Not muted
;80B4E1C1D4167D59=Master soloed
;03A564E030AA0305=Master not soloed - all track outputs are active
;5B1B1EAAA1A2468B=Soloed in place

;6660420CFF2EE27E=Not soloed
;88A4D1B9FBAE0527=Phase Inverted
;92C89B1F21C3071D=Phase Normal
;479C0C6FEA0A90B8=Envelopes/Automation\nAutomation mode:
;5BD448217F161425=Record Armed
;C3723DA8A78DA743=Record Arm/Disarm
;EC08294ACB5BE864= (record armed)
;2FDF35B2673D3891=record armed,
;D748741F38C29037=Record Monitoring: ON
;4CAAC64C0643D901=Record Monitoring: AUTO
;9292920D728456BB=Record Monitoring: OFF
;17FBFB3A6D101C00=FX enabled
;99B8430257B315EB=FX disabled
;2DE6EA156BDE1A34=Position: %s\nStart offset: %s\nEnd: %s
;4A775CF9191B3176=Start offset: %s
;A780DAEB7F029FC3=Position: %s\nEnd: %s
;37EF5C4ECA5ED501=Velocity: x%.2f
;5D8FCCEB5F0F8049=Item volume: %.2fdB
;3B884C955D1CD81A=Envelope: %s\n%s at %s\nTension: %.3f
;1B735764E2331F1A=Envelope: %s\n%s at %s
;29C2BC5996E7DF1E=Length: %s\nStart: %s\nEnd: %s\nRate: %.5f
;0E3CC1FFB25BFF68=Length: %s\nStart: %s\nEnd: %s\nRate: %.5f (%s%.2f)
;0DE99E87D9102454=Length: %s\nStart: %s\nEnd: %s
;7B72EAA88AD44F5A=Start: %s\nLength: %s\nStart offset: %s\nRate: %.5f
;417DC2E1DAF6AD7C=Start: %s\nLength: %s\nStart offset: %s\nRate: %.5f (%s%.2f)
;2E1D128CEA4937B8=Start: %s\nLength: %s\nStart offset: %s
;05818A2E3E077F3F=Snap offset: %s\nPosition: %s
;1E41A6091A4CA4CA=Fade in: %s
;A0C32973C86F54DF=Fade out: %s
;B9DAECFFD3F117BB=Take pitch: %s%.2f
;20A27478BE15E145=Take pan: %s
;1E99E8ABBD5B8E76=Envelope: %s\n%s at %s Tension: %s
;0278FACDB78C59E8= [%s at %s]
;25AD567ECA15774D= [%s]
;93341D80CFA3130A=Edit item snap offset ignoring snap
;8FE430135B23ACD1=Edit item snap offset
;8FD0600A3801157E=Fine edit item volume
;021238D4AC142678=Edit item volume
;DA2C52B3028A7093=Resampled from %.1fkHz
;0E7DBEE0187335F0=ARMED: %s
;A765A46EFA4B9E2E=Edit region edge
;EF208659B4E8EC0D=Move tempo marker
;E2B15D16BF5D59D1=Scroll timeline
;FC3A9D3127DB631B=Tap tempo
;6EA574A38C93BFFA=Play (slave to timecode)
;84C6C5437860B90E= - Mode: Autopunch Items
;261533F60A9B0DB1= - Mode: Autopunch Time Selection
;0EF6D94043029DB8= (slave to timecode)
;3062D9C83C010A42=Playback Rate:
;D86BA99DBD8A5B05=Time signature at play cursor
;1FC900C6ADDBF863=Time signature at edit cursor
;361D4BA039ADD9D6=Toggle Repeat

;457E30D2727505F6=Start time of time selection

;EAA323FB45E9082D=End time of time selection
;2D3E6047B19A07C7=Length of time selection [indicates %.1f or %.1f BPM]
;6A73D4699BC0BDDF=Length of time selection
;3ECE069CB4B62347=Tempo at play cursor
;D121DAD8615D7265=Tempo at edit cursor
;^DD8A091DA2BE9107=Move envelope to media lane
;^480A73B43C308366= (folder)
;^44BE2B196101CBBE=Move region
;^37B990D4112E1A98=Move marker
;^FC57ED035694C1B9=Global automation override
;^5F00BE84E91B6C9B=Go to previous marker
;^E4053920A9B5A25A=Go to start of project
;^51B4B159DD69FD3B=Go to next marker
;^5D5B152A913BF2D1=Go to end of project
;DB621C961B01736A=Surround track
;ECD3692CB7D58B0E= [inactive]
;B367367394E04578= [muted]
;4898F1BD608F2660= [automated mute]
;6BD6F6F5264C9C03=Settings will apply to %d selected tracks
;74B063AC43616CF8=Settings will apply to %d tracks selected in track manager
;^B3D2C76823B56BAB=Channel %d
;^480A73B43C308366= (folder)
;AE8ED5B80F4AF4E8=Freeze tracks to mono
;172D30873D9888A3=Freeze tracks to stereo
;4904BCA5127BBFAB=Freeze tracks to multichannel
;747032C6195683A4=Freeze details:
;C4D51D388CE65598=(empty freeze)
;1BF411626E2F860D=1 track
;7285529BF3B7927A=1 MIDI media item
;B43400087A22CAB2=MIDI media items
;F9CD7E7715DB71D6=Open in new MIDI editor
;324347DE48DA284D=Open in existing MIDI editor
;162C22FFC08BFD20=Open in existing MIDI editor (clear editor first)

;8022C633810B4CBF=Remove from MIDI editor

;^4A3C8E6E015918A1=Unfreeze tracks
;^D2714B0ED9D27FB1=Track Manager
;^AFCA4361EC2D09C2=Show/hide columns:
;ADF3B620E4CA9EA9=Show control panel in arrange view
;9DFD3535AFC65881=Show control panel in mixer
;4A03CF60C1779F06=Open FX chain window
;906E1530FCCF88B4=Open record-input FX chain window
;19E913527C9D9685=Plug-in delay compensation (bypass FX)
;6202B8584C4B8F0A=Lock controls
;F2FA601BD169D08C=Open all track MIDI in editor
;115054AE51369A75=Set free item positioning
;592671F4352CDA57=Freeze media/FX
;^978AC938BDD65877=Track number
;^DD0CE22D75D36ED1=Track name
;^61EB857EEC517894=Record arm
;DFD6E20CFF9A0503=MIDI (all inputs):
;5D6DCE66B061856D=MIDI (not connected):
;D3D2747652BD318E=All channels
;43FFDD8C94E61FA0=No input
;BA2E51CA750060F6=Input %d
;0F934F7DE2062939=HW: ?
;04240CF987D5AB18= [%d chan]
;807455809981731E=monitoring, record disabled:
;1D7B56419472A79A=record disabled
;75EAA6536618318B= (record MIDI Output)
;C03BCA508EB4EAE5= (MIDI replace)
;C11BB7A54A30D27F= (MIDI replace-touch)
;28FCCE2D06293C60= (MIDI replace-latch)
;B9F607DD9CE7DFD6= (MIDI overdub)
;F7574326387DC978=full mix
;52F2BCEBDC8C0ECD=stereo mix
;3D74BFF6A5B46646=mono mix
;29A3B1F2CC594993= (record full output)
;A6879DFCFA17E5B2= (record stereo output)
;BC9613192EB8BE61= (record mono output)
;320B616E4F06337E= (record output)
;3540343AAB06FD18= (force mono)
;449FD766DB549FA5= (force stereo)

;07D70E451605EA0D= (force multichannel)

;BE9F2E77E82B7D02= (force MIDI)
;^B3D2C76823B56BAB=Channel %d
;^24962B4247630C73=MIDI output
;DE52D01EAD59A275=Record: Synchronizing
;5412663EBF5879E9=Record: Waiting for TC
;658CCBBFDFEFEF4F=Record: Sync with other projects
;735500BD68145C0A=Record: Buffering
;EF0C3D8CE57ED9F2=Record (Count-In)
;30B0F13A975C373D=Record: Chasing
;500A6541D54D2626=Waiting for TC
;B6BBE51A70CB8100=Record Paused
;D52331AC44A557BC=Sync with other projects
;C8C531C0705C880B=Play (Count-In)
;629C54803B0AC212= /
;6413E5E8A8CC3003=Selection start
;B0113A49F4AF3516=Selection end
;707292B451272E69=Selection length
;37AC65CA184CE3EA=<no project markers>
;^FC57ED035694C1B9=Global automation override
;74555CCC7949F7D7=Remove loop/time selection
;EB958BB299E316AE=Edit time selection
;7D5176E3FE2064F0=Reorder project markers
;49E7E15BC30CF965=Load track icon
;EC2A2B016751C596=Link/unlink track volume/pan controls to MIDI
;D2E8CA48BC697116=Insert ReaControlMIDI
;046A43084BC439AA=Set tracks record path to secondary
;2C20D4363F797996=Set tracks record path to primary
;D14345295D3095E0=Edit tempo envelope

;E63EFA7B15375E01=Set Project BPM

;62634E0EA3DFC75E=Edit tempo/time signature envelope
;A8C235ECE421D813=Set project time signature
;4741D2DFDB837713=Move edit cursor to
;0F6DF615C46F3769=Record Envelope Automation
;EAF773E88D69D4B6=Change Track Envelope Automation Mode
;15925B83F3562B39=Remove Tracks
;63C38767818AA20F=Add New Track
;C981EBA10A4F497A=Add Multiple Tracks
;6245DCA4CA5DFCFC=Duplicate Tracks
;C51C10B29D4F002D=Add measure From time selection
;5799967BB1359CB1=Delete regions
;52D10917A1307428=Delete Items
;079420DFFF3B42BF=Select Entire Group
;30A0CD354166B3FB=Select Media Items
;8D4686530C914A9B=Reset item take gain to +0
;C61BA44B533B893D=Toggle Item Normalize
;57AC74F098545863=Item Normalize
;052C8BFB5DD84F03=Toggle Multiple Item Normalize
;96AEDE790758E855=Multiple Item Normalize
;FA77CB73CF319C4C=Lock Items
;4883964662FEDC5F=Unlock Items
;42C65F64DA03AE11=Toggle Item Lock
;4BD1969FD802DD91=Toggle Item Loop Source
;56E7A533DB4CE4B0=Toggle Take Reverse
;EC3DF6CED7BEE3C9=Toggle Item Section Loop
;4C3C4593445BF353=Toggle Item Play All Takes
;FD5EC9EF64B470E8=Toggle Item Preserve Pitch
;7699EA9CD0CB1636=Set Item Preserve Pitch
;6A7E2BF7D8A53A9F=Clear Item Preserve Pitch
;744F3AF8934E9567=Toggle Item Phase Invert
;E3FF228DB669A3DF=Set Item Channel Modes
;692E072433FB8609=Select Item In Next Track
;F4F40AEE27A40BF5=Select Item In Previous Track
;987FBF28B5F6898F=Select Next Item
;65E6692FDF7D3BAF=Select Previous Item
;197513DD46E9FDBE=Implode Items to Takes
;219A7705C805B8F0=Explode Takes
;55AA9B0FBD9F67E2=Explode REX item
;0A0691C1E9EC364F=Adjust Item Rate
;E99E4AFFE9C9D52A=Set Item Rate
;20B0DF58CBBCFDA9=Adjust Item Pitch
;1440AE849F30744E=Set Item Pitch
;3B5E5F6F633F5EEF=Reset Item Pitch
;E26F665CE6F14AAC=Toggle Item Mutes
;4E11481E481D63A9=Set/unset item solo
;6D71A233860DB29E=Toggle item envelope
;D5D8531CB9CC5C0E=Toggle Track Mutes
;BF410278340A6E37=Toggle Track Phase
;5FBAF2DCD5023BB4=Toggle Track Solos
;EDF02F8482409CC9=Set loop points to items
;85F3ECC35580E619=Set time selection to items
;520BCC245FBA6218=Select All Tracks
;19A339BEDFCC6721=Unselect All Tracks
;61B25056ED01435B=Unselect all items
;4861A6DABD82E1C6=Change Track Selection
;03216A668E80CD8F=Move selected items to source preferred position
;6E5C6D67A9C8E2DC=Trim items right of cursor
;2183D0217668C389=Trim items left of cursor
;B9F10E688D09E842=Trim selected portions of selected items

;B69AF130C379B9AA=Cut selected portion of items

;E3A28F58EB812F1C=Remove selected portion of items
;DE31112EB2272959=Split Items at Time Selection
;A41C76FC96873ED4=Crossfade selected items
;5CDC442379590C2E=Crossfade selected items in time selection
;D96C4241A34C3A6C=Reorder Adjacent Items
;A2C2DB833CE4839C=Quantize Items
;310E77D90CE67746=Nudge Time Selection Edge
;D81CBBA246660019=Nudge Time Selection
;D7CFD75DEDAC64FC=Shift Time Selection
;9F4E3F8E13C1A787=Invert selected envelope points
;AF82075229F62228=Reset selected envelope points
;33757AA1781F18B7=Select All Envelope Points
;D3ECB2C2AC66ECF0=Unselect All Envelope Points
;1612457AB9310BED=Delete Master Envelope Points
;EA86A899EF2BBDF0=Delete Item Envelope Points
;94770A054A85CD90=Delete Track Envelope Points
;F750BEB2EFE62A44=Select Envelope Points
;06EF7B6E416A1A65=Set Envelope Default Point Shape
;99B461F5F84C5ED3=Set Envelope Points Shape
;2E293E7B0F0420A6=Set envelope point bezier tension
;A14208A2DD75C768=Remove Envelope Points
;3376D12B4DF684ED=Insert 4 envelope points
;921660B161722BD2=Cut envelope points
;FC7FDFEDE2BF1A6D=Clear item envelope
;69F605471EC0ED82=Clear master envelope
;68B38F060DB87EE5=Clear track envelope
;409FC815DC6A118B=Mute All Tracks
;EC4AD6CACCE6201E=Clear All Track Mutes
;DC694D93E12E5D41=Solo All Tracks
;746C7034C1BB0CE4=Clear All Track Solos
;F0332CFB561F9BCE=Toggle All FX
;4BDC12D2D35501C1=Glue Selected Items (failed/aborted)
;D6291E68D116E5BF=Glue Selected Items
;A3D947CAD4124C42=Paste as takes in selected items
;65696635BDC37FFD=Paste envelope points
;39735D6FC96B82C9=Import envelope points
;96F2CB00BA703562=Paste tracks
;2E3F4D9809176FBE=Import tracks
;E5BFA20E2B847A52=Paste items
;60ECD5712C881616=Import items
;C96D4D0675DBD48C=Set All Track Record Arm
;4CBA9C69CD0AA61F=Clear All Track Record Arm
;E305A26A29D5975D=Toggle track mixer auto-arrange
;48966BDCA91FEBC4=Toggle Track Folder
;B5F48B5A34BD4624=Toggle Folder Compact
;C729CD428EFE2C04=Toggle show/hide track in mixer
;A3449DAFCAA265B2=Toggle show/hide track in TCP
;7896DCE9C1589895=Quantize tempo map
;93167421D461485D=Toggle preserve pitch in audio items when changing master play
;EBF9C8193DC39857=Toggle track volume/pan/mute envelopes
;60ED387836A8A9B0=Move selected envelope points
;8C6501E6F765233A=Select all locked tracks
;3F4AD8C0B56FBA1B=Set all FX in selected tracks online
;33E9B9B18AA5CACF=Set all FX in selected tracks offline
;7FF82C1F770B0BDA=Fit items to time selection
;23E00EE5DB9FBC2D=Stretch items to fit time selection
;D05EE61DF56691D0=Stretch and loop items to fit time selection
;6F156C8C782D4B9F=Auto reposition items for free positioning mode

;FB335EC314388F3C=Implode items across tracks to one track

;495F726C388E4FB5=Nudge Track Volume
;7EFD0BCC1790CC38=Toggle zoom to selected items
;09AEB0DA36657788=Add/Move Marker
;4512693A3D37459A=Set Track Performance Options
;EC80B7060A20666A=Nudge Track Pan
;7E41DFD42E1888C9=Select items in time selection
;6CE8FDF56AAF6A87=Set/unset tracks solo defeat
;8AF952B6CA6C789B=Set Item Follows Time vs Beats
;F25480EEBE8218F3=Change Track Multichannel Metering
;E325A45A6D3B5BA3=Change Track Free Item Positioning Mode
;90DB134BAB72BD8A=Set Track Items Follow Time vs Beats
;BFDB3AB4C9532A4E=Toggle Master Track Visible
;1947417089DDA819=Toggle show tempo envelope
;4F85382BFA08F249=Change media item fade shape
;6BAD6601340D3D4D=Remove material behind selected items
;49C6F0282A4D177F=Select adjacent items
;4BFD7C1BD9E1B6D4=Time Selection Change
;557226F4BCBF7E1C=Change item lane
;84A9EF1AD08804FF=Remove all empty takes from items
;1949D88F19A94D95=Remove empty take before active take
;8C9CCEF8DAFC4526=Remove empty take after active take
;891FB48770B7C55C=Add empty take before active take
;7DD99D39E854E2E1=Add empty take after active take
;F14D95BA3292A1E1=Rotate take lanes forward
;FD5C8A26DD560095=Rotate take lanes backward
;EAB94F05E4EB871C=Invert item selection
;5ADD048692B8293C=Set selected items mix behavior to enclosed items replace encl
osing items
;A92F4BBC7A73D542=Set selected items mix behavior to always mix
;160147C05D065C44=Set selected items mix behavior to always replace
;F13342CF555C4E07=Set selected items mix behavior to project default
;73021D8D0602CFEF=Set items snap offset to cursor
;DB3D5A9C33FC41AC=Fade items to cursor
;E54A2A846527E243=Fade items from cursor
;DA9AA25811CCED31=Set items snap offset to grid
;4E2C34CCF930E969=Remove item fades
;ED62C5512482BDFE=Extend items to cursor
;84A0DBCC25D23B2B=Set item length to media length
;FD2B5A219A3BE4C1=Split item under mouse cursor
;727F44509D91AA7E=Remove active take from MIDI source data pool
;E4FADC4DD0938A47=Select pooled MIDI items
;DE2E22C2A151030B=Add regions
;D3A0D9121A43DD3A=Add region
;006C33CC2D28CC71=Edit region
;97546FC6073B54D1=Align items to measure start
;086E81B3BA1DC379=Insert new surround track
;181BED3E0356FCF0=Write envelope current values to start of project
;EB82B17B27E17083=Write envelope current values to end of project
;6C660D6CC0D69113=Write envelope current values to time selection
;689B1F98F86E6198=Insert envelope point
;EF08D45B2F350F4C=Insert points in visible track envelopes
;E80B0EA1A8158706=Toggle arm selected envelope
;C7582D6F599E795E=Toggle display selected envelope
;FD227F52F5F84FA5=Toggle display selected envelope in lane
;25B3DA11E061A92E=Toggle bypass selected envelope
;B6FD32FCD0A92628=Unarm all envelopes
;5ED81B5D3A106616=Show/hide all track envelopes
;EF7FD19F48533BF6=Move all track envelopes to/from lanes
;487F247159191791=Cut Items

;3E741ED6A6CC6373=Added Marker
;A8DB5D299ABE5C3D=Set track color
;9A5B948053ACC49F=Set item color
;45E1EA4DE02F1C8B=Set take color
;C96348B8910C32FF=Set color for all takes with the same recording pass
;25F5B1E96B0BC5E7=Change media item active take
;FF05BCA0EC0AE99B=Change media item active comp
;7D2E1DA0AC7316B3=Insert Timecode Generator
;D0E7D0301B06444B=Insert Click Source
;A4538C0F7E2A0CC0=Insert New MIDI Item
;77EDDDBDEE401C8D=Insert New PiP (Subproject)
;6A3065C7C507CFC6=Insert Empty Item
;4E720E2373DC2222=Insert Media Items
;95A6D7572BF23056=Remove Loop Points
;C0BC84AE2DD4AAFE=Remove Time Selection
;E4875AC9F59FEB5C=Convert active take MIDI to in-project event
;C64B82D4573E67BC=Convert active take MIDI to file (ghost copyable)
;3CC21AA6C9FDF818=Remove item FX
;00B640693876ADA7=Mute take envelope
;3C9C3AAFEC47F64C=Reverse Item to New Take
;22C90C24969F23D2=Open Item Copy as New Take
;D5587944ED247709=Render items to new take
;C129AA9CA858CD15=Apply track FX to items
;8A2340AA0B32412E=Set master playrate fader range
;414CD5F9F6F9F459=Adjust tempo envelope
;80474849AE771415=Select track under mouse
;D2E0511F80E677E0=Activate media item take
;8CEF6459DE3D5FD6=Select item under cursor
;65B588E48363F240=Select All Items In Selected Tracks
;E0CD0408124C9A8E=Item source properties change
;8FB90AA180E9F9B5=Add Time Signature Marker
;41BED5570D76889B=Remove Marker
;6FC5EC55AB10F7DC=Change marker color
;591C4FE46C7B0E21=Remove Region
;91ADEE4CF2002EFA=Change region color
;EF3871CF2C2291D4=Remove Time Signature Marker
;195077DD80A4EBAD=Set item ends to next item in track
;76D0386B7C0D521F=Create chromatic MIDI from selected items
;4E05A18D1BB96F08=Imported item media cues as project markers
;AC3A0488D713B12E=Split items at media cues
;C919B3E081531FAD=Adjust item length to markers
;DA5D063B851B3B20=Split items at project markers
;DAB43EFD0A73D822=Split items at grid
;DD8435237171B708=Split Items at last zero crossing
;5DE3503C018BDEAA=Set first selected track as last touched track
;BAF8D0DEE7838B94=Set Selected Track Recording Monitor
;13758645F8390F19=Set Selected Track Recording Mode
;EA1059BE693F94AC=Set Take
;F77D68C807967219=Clear all record armed tracks
;CB7765D724550F86=Render track stems
;F8CA7DC5439752DC=Freeze tracks
;3BC428CE8AE3D429=Heal item splits
;091804FB7F5EE476=Imported Tempo Map
;E678AC47825C2DB0=Duplicate media items
;4ED3F63209F1A802=Move media items
;BDB3C8427D349070=Change Send MIDI Channels
;A44FFF554632A49F=Change Send Source Channel
;A47D698BE27571F0=Change Send Destination Channel
;EAF0530DA2B3EAB9=Change Send Automation Mode
;F6133E3A8DE2F385=Change Send Phase Inversion

;A9F1AD6DAB531DA0=Change Send Mono Mixdown

;6D6DCD9709D762E6=Change Send Mode
;26346B2F4FC9BAC5=Change Audio Hardware Output Send Mode
;9B42B91A717135F0=Set Track Number of Channels
;003AB0C71BC9501C=Set Track Volume
;A598D3A1CCA19ACC=Consolidated tracks
;A28954CBCAAA948B=Consolidate [failed]
;4A665DD58AD8A2B4=Quantize MIDI tempo map
;E23D0AA149632809=Adjust Track Volume (via Surface)
;06A136F0049EC90A=Adjust Track Pan (via Surface)
;3EBE8B395BB49162=Adjust Track Mute (via Surface)
;4BF2DF14DD80CE3C=Adjust Track Solo (via Surface)
;9E35A6297468DE5D=Adjust Track FX (via Surface)
;3559CBCFA51A94EB=Adjust Track Selection (via Surface)
;A43E9B208D0737D9=Adjust Track Width (via Surface)
;CF149D180F7FB664=Dynamic split
;F56D14307577E950=Change track channels
;D4A87E77C6E97612=Envelope: toggle armed
;A2DC8A66359AFFB7=Toggle envelope to separate lane
;979025414304834B=Toggle bypass active envelope
;9D67D2BF7CD92ED5=Trim envelope
;07DBE50B46100530=Switch track envelope
;C008A1BB0F3AA4EB=Error adding track
;BB220A843964C446=Insert virtual instrument on new track
;60CD99CBE9EF62EC=Error inserting virtual instrument on new track
;45D6875508A1D715=Build routing for multichannel effect
;83879164086C8BEE=FX Offline Toggle
;DF4C0200563A72C9=Close FX config
;A289A1490833BF08=Set track envelopes from MIDI learn
;0F003E0132542F1A=Renamed FX instance
;47EF575E87B61755=FX bypass toggle
;9021485900C8E065=FX Parameter Adjustment
;2C31C491ADFC902C=Load Track Default FX chain
;83BEA91AF5775117=Add Chain to FX Chain
;276BB3DF3361C5B8=Paste FX To Chain
;3EDB3CBE21174330=Build MIDI routing for effect
;ED1543914434F595=FX Bypass Toggle
;FD55E999D36AE5AC=Remove FX From Chain
;B2268393CB130AEE=Close FX Chain Config
;EBD60D61EA9AB770=Add FX To Chain
;C319D1F3FBF68B94=Copy FX
;A2A66BC768BD4D3C=Move FX
;9B4656CCA93F81A5=Reorder FX Chain
;9B9686CAB52CE49E=Remove Track Selection
;43FF7B8018FA441E=Set track color via manager
;F9DDCCCED0880FFB=Set track panel visibility via manager
;FF9997A3955FCC15=Set mixer panel visibility via manager
;08CA253FC1FCAD13=Set track FX bypass via manager
;42968CA008A09C1E=Set track record arm via manager
;BFE12ED4CECC7204=Set track mute via manager
;40A7496294A5422E=Set track solo via manager
;6A5D1586839F04D6=Set track lock via manager
;80F55F9FBEBEA877=Set track FIPM via manager
;484375411AA4E7CA=Set track freeze via manager
;8A5D1778084F9C30=Edit region/marker
;3160FEE0C054EB0B=Edit marker
;BFAAD195869FB6D5=Changed item properties
;981F0679AC947478=Change source media
;B5DECF50E9C934C1=Save or rename take comp
;F499F95C2D5447DC=Activate take comp

;B7620926D238343A=Delete take comp

;AB2E12DDB812DDD6=Crop to active take comp
;908016548D5AA40D=Select item group
;64924840E4B0F8E8=Delete item group
;16628FB9A69D57A8=Removed item groups
;9DB9FC2834AF7560=Save as with move/copy/trim options
;6CB48B4E64A65FB7=Change Master Track Multichannel Metering
;8B4BD7B5C4D2A919=Adjust Track Recording Settings
;229E96F6317530BB=Enable group
;E0C77D9B0D828B5A=Disable group
;B6103B60E45DA555=Change Track Group Membership
;7A6BFD010D5ADB83=Edit item notes
;7454095206B6DA66=Adjust item crossfade time
;1564E1A3A0CE2FC0=Change Pan Law
;C8AB0312AE1913D3=Change Track Pan Law
;272C78B705A5D85A=Change Track Pan Mode
;3460BF2A88B34FD3=Recorded Media
;D04B14DFCF8737D0=Insert media as new takes
;BC3E46C8C4F6A25D=Replace media
;CFF19645E4B36C1E=Project bay: move/copy source media
;6EC4E6F8D87572D5=Rename media items
;35869DE72E9B2989=Replace media items
;20BFFA4A14CA93AD=Replace FX
;CDA349495B33F08E=Project bay: drag and drop
;60827F39B7104D29=Project bay: find media
;4D94E17E8AE8C614=Project bay: rename
;656C37C5E9C880A7=Project bay: retain
;26C1DB702B6009C8=Project bay: unretain
;400D6845FD155949=Project bay: select group
;A53B14D69C8D14F6=Project bay: activate comp
;32BDDC79023C9A33=Project bay: activate takes
;62D719B8F2B65CDB=Project bay: remove from project
;97E82DD8C13160C9=Remove item from group
;8DDB3DED8B256B9D=Remove take from comp
;1C60EA5FED972144=Remove FX from project
;7EC011A536642D67=Remove item from project
;918C544BE0CB30F3=Project bay: set comment
;351EBA315F88B6C0=Project bay: copy files
;CC7AB01B977F4690=Project bay: move files
;9126237528FC4FCA=Project bay: add files
;304A5D86F1E79088=Project bay: new folder
;0C6AF1AEC27FD7E4=Project bay: retain all
;3289CF8433A960CE=Project bay: remove
;A1FDB4C013D856EA=Select media item
;693D7F7C9E9DEB98=Project bay: drop files
;77A5BD0F2417695B=Project bay: drop FX
;2C96BA492FE56A5C=Insert FX
;C9BE869686E7E422=Insert media items
;C433AC2F15BFF5B5=ReaScript: run
;423E7E9A3DCD75E1=Add Rendered Media To Project
;4B862607353F7FDF=Select tracks in group
;D879269E745580B8=Change Track Master Send
;71450AC5DAF0303E=Remove Track Send
;266BADFC462BB5B1=Add Track Send
;500A836FA2E3442C=Remove Master Output
;11BC41819E16245D=Remove Track Output
;853992F8E712D5C1=Add Master Output
;FAD20104A54442CA=Add Track Output
;D92DF002344E38E3=Set Track Record Arming
;3AD40C77AAC88489=Set Track Recording Input

;441ACE724A511898=Moved Marker
;FC6752B0192E1EA1=Moved Time Signature Marker
;E43A7BB8756F9A8B=Adjusted Region
;FD23F1B11CFB4EB6=Copy Region
;9BE10618B8F964D6=Reorder Region
;71013BAA5BA3CCD4=Time selection change
;1D563981539CD225=Load selection set
;5C40D0FD9E6BCF25=Change track item selection
;AF474CD8D0CD73AB=Change Track Name
;BD519A79C5248E6A=Add send volume envelope
;4E154F1E53DB15E8=Send Volume Automation
;10F2D4A293E1EB2F=Audio Hardware Output Volume Automation
;CA43ACEA551048CC=Adjust Send Volume
;6DE64A3F3C0C71CF=Adjust Audio Hardware Output Volume
;7FEA842A010672F1=Add send pan envelope
;3350D2B1239B50E1=Send Pan Automation
;407334E653445E90=Audio Hardware Output Pan Automation
;EFB8E7F8BF624599=Adjust Send Pan
;EC0AE72E28F11FAC=Adjust Audio Hardware Output Pan
;C8BFF814FFBE5349=Send Mute Automation
;BA0CF678ECF67A62=Audio Hardware Output Mute Automation
;32623D1EEC4B1A60=Toggle Send Mute
;5242E9D96668FB85=Toggle Audio Hardware Output Mute
;D3418FFB14CAB076=FX parameter tweak
;60B0F43FD54F9150=Adjust send volume/pan
;FA915D833D7ED61E=Reset Send Volume/Pan
;D5E4D3DE666D8C46=Mute tracks
;7E5E28D724AEF4F4=Solo tracks
;3AE30D665D9B37D0=Record monitor tracks
;B4BFDA20E9981233=Record-arm tracks
;D1E77B3F85FB6E7E=Add Track Send (disabling master/parent send)
;3A04B8F7C9B7E7AC=Adjust track mixer send/fx size
;C687626F7117945D=Change Track Mixer Order
;69E28C572DEA7F27=Move Track MIDI Hardware Output
;1986E132BF2F74F9=Duplicate Track MIDI Hardware Output
;172B51A61050C6E8=Move Track Hardware Output
;A849808911A6BB86=Duplicate Track Hardware Output
;8E1D31D569CD5E95=Move Track Send
;9E156D61DBB2028F=Duplicate Track Send
;0C5F536DA72ABBC6=Remove Track MIDI Output
;64129EC21BCF5ADA=Show/hide mixer tracks
;97A90981E12A1B43=Toggle FX parameter in track panels
;FB8FEFF6831F33F8=Show/hide track envelope
;950D0020BE292DF6=Alias FX parameter
;9C8F32897D71A9B5=Toggle all FX parameters in track panels
;AFA03BFECF5475C1=FX Program Envelope Change
;19CF8A589FF12541=Close FX Program Envelope Window
;376A75E5B09A9E4C=Arm/disarm all active envelopes in track
;F67A629BB16EDB85=Show/hide all active envelopes in track
;D3EB34FEF1FFA033=Track envelope active/visible/armed change
;07F5CC6F2E499C72=Remove Hardware Output
;B0A6F7F8D9C415D4=Disable Track MIDI Output
;6EF03E5A33B0F458=Set Track MIDI Output
;6FCB1EA01B3A3873=Change MIDI Output Channel Target
;09A78B505D84C733=Change track master/parent send channel offset
;2E12B4D1B3744958=Change track master send
;9A8A00315FEBCD7F=Add Sends To All Tracks
;16E5667224C38C97=Add Hardware Output
;A3A930540F3417E1=Add Receives From All Tracks
;2A27C4BA01E5D81C=Add Track Receive

;07A660F46127BC60=Change track channel count

;DC016993FF3FABAC=Delete Master Envelope Point
;AB17E199F430F223=Delete Item Envelope Point
;5323D4F3A74E9443=Delete Track Envelope Point
;BF8B82539620A55A=Change active take
;4F9005411567431C=Change media item selection
;3F672EAFD048F306=Change track selection
;F126FB9A79AAB37A=Copy media items
;0C5C66955F19E1C3=Adjust media item volume
;E3CC18C574A4A7DD=Adjust media item take pan
;9968ED15A5BF6CCC=Adjust media item take pitch
;0137D88176F2F4C3=Resize Media Items
;D7BD7B04B798A65A=Add Media Item via Pencil
;C6F0DDF0315203E6=Adjust Media Item Free Positioning
;6A266CD26FBAB9D1=Toggle item lock
;C445D6E4121D7CE6=Remove take from MIDI source data pool
;7360DADC491021F8=Adjust Media Item Snap Offset
;5E63C03C27162DD4=Adjust Media Item Fades
;26D6D62A2F91CE5B=Draw master envelope
;425A2466A59D5B5C=Draw item envelope
;563F8269B486829B=Draw envelope
;4A9E9196B816C08E=Copy points in master envelope
;59EE40CEF5BD7509=Copy points in item envelope
;8FA245B81EA08FF8=Copy points in envelope
;5A6BA5ECF8BE104C=Add points to master envelope
;15F6B00EAB1DBEE7=Add points to item envelope
;B44158AE2EC5FAD2=Add points to envelope
;9EA97ED71BD1F7CD=Edit master envelope
;9101B9D0F767AF3E=Edit item envelope
;3FE8AC10B364B1E1=Edit envelope
;340BB3CC99790823=Delete media item fade
;FAB671E710EBC778=Set Envelope Point Shape
;9F180DCCD8B3FD9B=Edit Envelope Point
;A37A8EA740509D46=Add Master Envelope Point
;D8839ACF066F9B2D=Add Item Envelope Point
;1A49997A00ADF0FD=Add Track Envelope Point
;2D21D8A058A08B3A=Arm/disarm envelope
;9F7FB4C6868D8B46=Show/hide envelope in lane
;87E7ECDAAFBAF325=Show/hide envelope
;757C16483028BE09=Activate/bypass envelope
;5D2CF665721A098D=Item Fade Shape Change
;198B0D2A6F068550=Record Volume Envelope
;E5CB05A04E3F478A=Reset Master Volume
;8B032928CE5A18C5=Reset Track Volume
;4635CACFA8B0B4CA=Record Width Envelope
;1E4BAB3F1CF40B64=Reset Master Pan(R)
;15E017644C3AE71F=Reset Track Pan(R)
;DFB4DC6222F93124=Reset Master Width
;DB097106476E1F5D=Reset Track Width
;B9CF93DA8F0C6E3F=Record Pan Envelope
;1E88C73F1D27E916=Reset Master Pan(L)
;162A9B644C79FFE5=Reset Track Pan(L)
;A954D4884631E3BF=Reset Master Pan
;7A8F916DB7A3C77A=Reset Track Pan
;EB52035877A0B0DD=Create volume envelope
;F7A6846DD5FCB809=Added Volume Envelope
;94911BC294509BC4=Adjust Master Volume
;489A1F7D533E427F=Adjust Track Volume
;B486E24C393CE9F8=Create pan envelope
;054CF16FBC7ED4E7=Create pan(R) envelope

;2C114FD2E6F4BB6D=Create width envelope

;F0335DAA2C15915B=Add Pan Envelope
;7C1D81450C8BFBC1=Adjust Master Pan
;BDFC182E4E01399C=Adjust Track Pan
;D307B982FE61C926=Add Pan(R) Envelope
;C94735E60BB8B926=Add Width Envelope
;4A7425EC70F4BE42=Record Pan(R) Envelope
;BDA87BD238213BB6=Adjust Master Pan(R)
;DFE70155329D1739=Adjust Track Pan(R)
;F3020660120E299E=Adjust Master Width
;7D24876BF86DC8CF=Adjust Track Width
;7B73CEC4B593E6E9=Toggle Track Record Arming
;B3C1F338FE219E5A=Mute track exclusively
;841C6FC92CE3AABD=Mute all other tracks
;8AB0E995ADF6D8EE=Unmute all tracks
;C567E0A46A51AE3C=Solo track exclusively
;8793AA2E9B3690C6=Solo all others
;C9E204197B34FB48=Unsolo all tracks
;870B63888AF3AC41=Toggle solo defeat
;9FA4AFF1D9E9A6F2=Toggle Master Mono
;57EFBF5F5899179D=Invert Track Phase (Uninvert all others)
;8EDEB46AA94F60B6=Clear All Track Phase Inverts
;97C73B35EB80EB35=Toggle Track Recording Monitor
;0169362E71FABAC9=Toggle Track Show In Mixer
;569E9815AC4FF829=Toggle Track Show In Track List
;690CF7C480E8E377=Remove all FX from chain
;525AB6F8362EA63D=Change Track Recording Parameters
;126AED510632166A=Change Hardware Output
;E897103931D7BA4D=Change MIDI Output
;FC597406443DD3E1=Set Track Sends
;12B8CF0099F9B5DD=Move all active envelopes in track to/from lanes
;4AAB23665B13062B=Toggle Master FX
;711A0DFF17875CDE=Toggle Track FX
;5A7DF7F7ED5ED240=Change Track Order
;A3821BE23B457DA2=Delete Hardware Send
;C2F3BD0289D46803=Delete Track Send
;8BFF60A0A4C40697=Add chain to FX chain
;86329E9A7C4A515E=Unlock track controls
;DEBA46F08550C4E0=Reset Envelope Point
;F0BB213DB50B5879=Change Selection
;0A862CDCACDA02A3=Marquee Envelope Point Selection
;974C876C3A4D36AE=Marquee Item Selection
;DE09F749801FCF44=Drag and drop track control panel image
;6004321F70CE0B61=Set project BPM
;113D563D530CA3A1=Set project playspeed
;3897CD29A0E66CCA=Record Playrate Envelope
;7F299A2855F83535=Playrate Change
;7EC4A12E24EAF462=Record Play Rate Envelope
;82C9F0C0B3D0AE9E=Add Playrate Envelope
;^F9AA9CDDCDB641C6=Edit loop points
;^D2F88B0EF54D2211=Remove track icon
;^0A6A186FCB4E720A=Remove items from group
;^7E2DF1630E77106E=Group items
;^5710F0FC06226D7D=Remove contents of selection (moving later items)
;^48E3EE852F14F202=Insert empty space in selection
;^5F08AD67C9135573=Crop project to selection
;^6A8323D4A2DF56E0=Explode multichannel media
;^D86C7175F627BC38=Select all items
;^362F40DC93DD9F89=Split Items
;^4C2711165B524E16=Unselect all tracks/items/envelope points

;^081CECC31B65E0C4=Set track automatic record-arm when selected

;^9824DEB0C15FC0F5=Duplicate active take
;^CAAB5CC146E0FC0B=Crop to active take
;^6D2EC5D738690CA9=Delete active take
;^F65CD38614815711=Next take
;^5CCBCB0963EC10AD=Previous take
;^23CA90FBC72F010D=Toggle show master track and tempo envelope
;^6AE6A7774B25EDEB=Edit Marker
;^EE28FE89D1A7A151=Edit Region
;^B6B81D96FFFC1FA4=Edit Time Signature Marker
;^4A3C8E6E015918A1=Unfreeze tracks
;^CD674FEA536FDABD=Hide envelope
;^DD8A091DA2BE9107=Move envelope to media lane
;^FA779BCA02DBA08E=Reduce envelope points
;^835886E70395249C=Add FX Envelope
;^EA615A5997239616=Edit FX Comment
;^17E7264672EB4EC9=FX comment for:
;^1D883542B837B976=Multiple changes
;^C92094118C504736=Rename Group
;^3D90226E6ACF7B65=Toggle FX bypass
;^619D4CDD3C442997=Toggle item mute
;^05F21CB15F5F944B=Auto trim/split items
;^0A406B52D72D3189=Toggle track mute
;^114DD782C0C098CF=Toggle track solo
;^F96490112D1B162F=Lock track controls
;^B3E3EB828D92742C=Set time selection
;905761463B051828=Initial State
;186240F98D2C1724=--- Session loaded --;310B8AA25BD2479D=Undo History Memory Usage:
;B51AD66B3FC458F3=Dock undo history in Docker
;9090BDDE2D146577=Remove selected states from undo history (warning: cannot undo
;DC7A8341A09929BC=Remove selected states alternate redo histories
;7E1F5411EF26D208=Load this undo state
;1DF6962F67C68175=Load this undo state with next alternate redo history
;4236F16D2B61B116=Load this undo state with alternate redo history
;F81179A820E1E6C9=Load this undo state with previous alternate redo history
;^0C364228BCD76FE0=(Unknown action)
;^1D883542B837B976=Multiple changes
;^6B562789A5A9817F=Close Window
;^E5566C4604653F75=Undo History
;3FC664440DDF032C=Checking for new version...
;CCCA12A8F1D83FC2=New version found!
;07455C085C551AA3=Error checking for new version!
;5271C3E418B67BAA=There was an error checking for the latest version\r\nis an in
ternet connection present?!
;84A33EAC14DA5CCD=REAPER is up to date!
;BBBCEA2135CF6381=REAPER is up to date - the current version is the latest.
;47F87BFDD2525598=Timed out looking for new version.

;^3D9702905AC5B44C=Virtual MIDI keyboard
;^D3B242D430A5DB6C=Virtual MIDI Keyboard
;BAD36BF2D2505D1D=---- VST Patches (.fxp) ---;E5E6F8835DA00CBF=VST I/O Routing
;10A39DA0E45862D7=Audio input
;52D7C3F1DF3EBDD0=VST Input
;3B81164C60603F70=Receive from track channel
;60088D80879236E8=Audio output
;3A4C5A5282D7AB91=VST Output
;392427982DB47FCA=Send to track channel
;CBA27F2F49239756=MIDI input
;292C206BE377B37B=Replaces MIDI input (default)
;E28411176FCB4C9B=Merges with MIDI input
;5BF98288EE0B3894=PDC (%d spls)
;5FAE6E9B94004D9F=Adjust automation
;6B56C6139B732C73=VST In
;C5E242511A8A4300=VST Out
;01B1076197E2BA0C=Choose file to save:
;8F1786F6B07BD647=Error saving file
;26A7AE06B9E2EE2F=Choose file to open:
;0CD38D6C70FBF20B=Error loading VST FXP/FXB file
;794C87EE166C04E6=no effect loaded
;0C24CB76A6860C27=Error creating output file
;DBE45BBBD55C11FF=Error reading file
;FFDA8D2EB6587312=Invalid header on file
;EC0135D9856B7452=This file is not for this effect
;71E228C2CE8CCCE4=This file is for a newer version of this effect
;EAEFB8DBF28EBE6C=Error reading opaque data from file
;ACB0CC2E4EACFC5D=Version is not 1
;49980697993CD15C=Bad opaque data size
;509155859F980F2E=Error reading file in non-opaque bank chunk
;D0BC462C6210A2AB=Error reading non-opaque bank chunk
;84233A7974E4DB54=Error reading parameters in non-opaque bank chunk
;A9B951B5775EDA18=Version is not 0 1 or 2
;BCD8B20CBE7A7F2E=Invalid magic in file
;^274E7C84B3E58DB8=Reset to factory default
;^0EC28D42C155A657=---- User Presets (.rpl) ---;^93244D3BB94E6F33=No preset
;^24962B4247630C73=MIDI output
;^17B3AE10A9CC3695=Plug-in state data size:
;^2B74B8A9175B98AD=Save Preset
;^B814E3BFB72A607B=Delete preset
;^11B3B66593F236CF=Confirm Preset Delete
;^3B0F03168DFDAFF8=Rename Preset
;^FEAA833C7533B5D0=File not found
;3622F945A786CCFF=Note: to disable this warning or change the warning threshold,
go to Preferences/General.

;5AB5CB0EC24B9CDE=WARNING: REAPER is configured to warn you when memory use is %

uMB or greater, and memory use is currently %uMB.
;CDBFADD3715582AE=Hit OK to continue loading project, or cancel to abort load!
;D35A57519CE006D7=Memory Usage Warning
;C1BEEA2CC2E586DB=You may wish to save your project and reduce your memory use (
by offlining FX, freezing tracks, etc) before continuing.
;30848BD5658743CB=AIFF bit depth:
;BED4A48A9D54BDA2=8 bit PCM
;3313A62B19C139CB=16 bit PCM
;11DA9D584E9FE7F6=24 bit PCM
;094EAE71E8E14A09=32 bit PCM
;EEC6BB6E4FD26C7D=32 bit FP
;A68B96FBF82D2C40=64 bit FP
;88125A8741124584=4 bit IMA ADPCM
;BD43508354061980=2 bit cADPCM

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