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< --Mud-w

W mmiimw ■Wa—mm

eclassified Authority: 39112

By: Brewer Thompson Date:
' ..........

■i■■■’f■■■’?■ {I}?

mam; €311.€745

NH 39T12 DDEId:T12333 Page 1


This ■mumm’c aantaim infwma■un a■w■mg {ha natim■■

éefir‘sm-a mf the: Unin States; wi■zi■ aw; meaning 3%"“filth
18, ma■ana ’398 221:1W45 {35% than {18. ■a■a, 2m-aman■mi; __
Its tramn■ssion 0r rew-Iaticm of its mn■mm m m: are»
{zeipt by an Emaufhur■me■ in■rmity. is. pmbihite■ by km


NH 39512 DDEId:T12333 Page 2


'.?agé '

'IIVEHtra■uétién ;I. I.



X. Qrigims.
; 4 ..5 g-% J_f.;-‘
q It 4- w'u-v
_.§I. ■anawal Charaat■rigtiag-
A ..+.w-q u ,.w
,‘1EX. -EKCXRV®S_Att&■h■§ to Eezirk”29h1an■mrf

EV$- Exclavea Atkanh@d ta ■amirk Sgan■au
. ”
Y, 'Eiskeller.
. y . , a w * w w v.
VI“ .Fra■yecta

_ _ -_ .
r_._{f511awing gagw 3} .. .'

.-II.EIxc1avgg garlin _-
af @9811.

H.' Mag
. . H_ ._-I
_(£011uw:ng yag@_5}-_

(The Exéiavé■~af Beéli■

We■■ (5%?■é)

NH 39T12 DDEId:T12333 Page 3


‘ml■m■mvm WEE“? mawa



The-■iayaaitimm a? a mumba? ■f Smali @X■laVQS ala■meé

by Waat Earlin will ■e & thmr■y ii gaman■ary jagua in the
event Qf'naga■iatimm■ ta ■wttmw th■ atm■u■ 9f tha ■ity.
@hese axgmaed mutlier■ are §hy$i■a1i§ seyamata■ frmm Wag?
_Eer1in by Eaat ■ermam teryi■mry■ ?hay ara ■ig■ificant
' magniy heaamgé ■hey yr■vi■e the 3383 with a raady meang
cf teating wemtarn regalvew Their Statug 1% unewr§&in ham _
. '
aausa af the faiiure Gf ■ha Al■ie■ $0 eatahl■ah dafinité
-city ■aun■ariaa at th@ ■■nmiuaimn mf Wari■ W&$ :3“ Exam
time ta time the vaietg am■ tha Ea$t Germang hava ehaEM
Ranged the iagality ef Wé■t■r■ claima ta aertain wf the■e
. -
'Nareaa am■ the right 9f exciave graperty awnar■ an■ ra■im
■ant■ ta ■wansit intervening Ea■t German territary. Aim'.
-'thaugh_the Gen■rmversy hag been ■armant i■ racent yaar■g
it amul■ be revive■ sheuld the U■■■ ■eem Sunk a amuyge


The arigim■ mf'in■ividual exclava■ ara ab■a■r■. Thgy

. _.
-' may be tracad tQ-the aub■ivisian ■f villagaa ama rural
es■a■ag hefaye Warl■ War a& ■ha
E? fragmamtatimn mi 1aa■
-”an■ a■minigtrative areaa Ea an ancignt featura a? German
-rura1 Settiamaut. Their wagginuatimn ta the pre■■mt $3 a
_;'an$aquanca a: the agreamanta that establishea Allied Gnu“
_ryatian areaa and re■ym■ai■i}i%ieg at the and af Warl■ War
11 m— tha yratwani Signe■ in Landau an 12_Saptember 1Q&%
an■ the guh■aquant amanémen■ t0 that agraaman■ af 38 July
l■é■■ ■aaar■img ta the■e agreement■ “Graatar Berlin” waa
'&@$$§3&&9§ a ■gacia1 ar■a ta be ■■■■pié■ ■wintiy by the
■igmatary natinma mm ■ne ■nitad Statea, United Kimg■mm,
Franmeg am& the £833; Thw city wag a§aeifie■ ta be the
,territary i■emtifie■ ■g “■reatar Barkin“ in tha Prua■ian
Law an thw Fermatian wf ■ne Haw Maniciyal Cummunity of
=2? April 192%. it wa$ further ■tiguiataé that Bewirke
._'b0undaria$ within “eratar ■ar§in“ wara ta he ■heae e5”
tahli■ha■ by the 2? Mayan 1938 ■aarea pabli■had in the
Amtg■lat■ ■ay R■igh■hau§t■■adt Barlina

* Thia repert wag ■r■■■■■■ Salély”by Ci■■- It wag §wau .-

__par@d by $ha ■ffiee af ■a■ia Intaiiigemee and eeardinat■■
with th@ ■ffiaag 3f Current Emfellig■nma aud Natimnal " .
. ;

NH 39T12 DDEId:T12333 Page 4


-'_.?rmblem$ megardi■g ■ha Eegal

S■g■ms Qf}axalave■_awiae'
-frwm tha failure mi either th■
193$ law ■r tha 193$;■aaree
ta dasnribe a■equatély the knun■a■ie■ af "■feater Ewriim”
aaé.ita wengtituent a9mmuni%ieS,-'”Qreat■r Eeriim" wag awaw
ata■ hy the uniwm 9% 3% imrm■rly~indmy■m■amt admiuim■rativa
area■, ranging frmm layga arban-gettlamemt■ tn amaii vi§w_
..1ageg and raral eatataa. .Samg @£.tha areag inamwpmrate■
.a§§aremt1y wera fragmanted im■m'geetimn■ befare £9EQ, an■
the iaw mf that year ■i■ H■t atiyuiata thair yréwi■■ extarw
_ ' mal baumdaria■. Whila t■a 1938 ■earma de■crihe■ the intarw
.'na1 baum■aria■ mi the Harlin.■ezirke, it al■a failad t0
egtabli■h the extarinr 13mit$ 6f tha gity. Tha mantimui■g
_umcertaim■y abaut axulava atatug-ra■lect■ tha am■iguity ■f
'theaa dmgumamtge

'iIg..@an§ra1 Shara■ieri■tiag

-(See gaga-5§ _
TabRe fallawing

-Evem ■ha Rumba? nf @xaiavaa 15 a matter an which ■■are

j.i3 ganaral
■■ agreement,_ Waat Berlin claima thara ara 11,
.-but 80mg mf thege are mat ■hmwm an maat Waat German ■ity
.pla■g becau■w 0f thair mimutana■■ a? aigtam$@_frmm tha
_city {See Map $5?34); mwat Ea■t Garman an■ Saviet map■
aak■■wla■ga th■ axigt■mma 3f gniy ■ mr'?* Wegt Bariin
_'maimtaina that a 12th araas knnwn a3 the Ei■kellar {Tamw'
-'fe1$hruch)■ 1% met an Exal■VQ‘ Fiva Qf the exmlave$ aiaimw
ed hy W■st Bariin ara.gyam§$■ admini■trativaiy with_■emirk
Ee■len■arf-and aix with E■xirk-Spandau; iny fuuy are am?“
rantly un■ar ■ha effeutiva central mf Weat Beriin‘

“■ii @f t■a-axmiav&g £1&ima■ by Weg■ ■arlin aye Eamate■

Dr narthwag■ at tha m■tyg Th& naarast ara hut a
'few yar■■ away an■ th■ mm■■ ■i■tan■ aya anly ahaut $,5
-mi1&s began& the aity iimit■._ In terma wf area, @ammmmia
' wmrthgjan■ yayulatimng HQHQ 0f them awe 0f impmrtanse. Alw
tageth■r they campri■e anly 282 aare■g thay ranga in argm
from 3&53 than 1 ta ahmut i}? acregg mare ■han haif avg
'■maiéer than 10 amra■■ Exaegt far th■ villaga 9f Staimm
-mt■ck@mw whimh i3 mhia■ly regi■emtia}, tha bulk 9f the lam■
im exmiavag i3 u■a■ far agriaultuwe mm maatly mgadmw and
garden wm am far athér nunurhan purpmaa■a_ iny twm @xslava$._
Steimgt■aken and W■■tewMark mw ara ■afinitwly knmwm t0 bél-.
_in&abit@d; in a■■itimn, a few per■mn■ m&y wESi■e in Fimken»
krug, which i3 unéar Ea3t_■@ym&n cmntrml■_.Tha Eigkeller
-ar®a alga has a Small gumEQr ■f ragi■ents,_

NH 39512 DDEId:T12333 Page 5


'_Parm@1$ ■-■m■ B &r@ ■wa-mimrm■■a■i■ @XCEKVEE ■hat liw

___mmly féW'yar&$ Exam ■hé Ww■t Eeriin.bmr■@rrwithi■.tha
_ ■mali Eaa■ ■erman aaliem■ @xhan■img narth ■f.■1i@■iakar
.Rakex ■ing? than tha famt that ■■ey are ala■
Beriing na■hing 1% knmwm a■■■■.tham& -?■my~havav■wwa um■wr
Ea$t ■ewman amntral ■mrimg th@.émtifa-$a$twar=§®rim■ aa■
have mwvwr bean mant$ang■ i■-■ig■■S■i■■■ ■r ■mamme■t■ gerw
taining ta axalaV@Su Eamau■a 0f t■eir @xtrem&iy ■maii
Siz%_thay are averl■mka■ an ax} but iargww■■ala ma■a,

Exvg”_Exa1aveé'Atiaaha■ tm-Ramirk $§amaa■

'Tha ■■x ■xalaveg mf Wegt ■ariin that ara a■mini$%rmm

_ ~$ivaiy aubmr■inate t3 Bamxrk Spam■am hava gen■raliy hea■
much 1Q5$ awn■ywvermiai than thmaa Qf Bamirk Kahlwm■■rft
..-Sw far mg can ha datermimwa amly tww mi the axulava■ ■f
'.t&i$ grwm§ ■imhtawiaae and Erkengymn■ and■r afw
“w ww are
=.factiva Was■ ■e£1in A■mini■$rmti■ng ■eg■thar they aanmumt
I_fmr abmut 5 payment af the Kata} area (18?a8 aarea} @■ tha
Spam■au ■XGEaV@$,_ Fichtewie■a amé Eyiangrun■ are usa■ a3
w$@ken■ gar■am■ by ■■a member■ mf twu ■rivatw amaiwtima
and thaix frien■■y ■ha Dmiy persmms allewaé ta-tramsit tha
'narrmw ■■t■rVQHi■g atriy mf Eagt ■erman tarritary* k■aut
325 yaraan■ ara givan thi■ privilege; Neithar Fiahtawieae'
m■r Eria■grun■ hag permmnamt inhahitamt■, ai■hmugh a numw
' vhar mf cattmgm■ hava hwan buiit an i■■£vi■ua1 gar■an @l■■■v

The mthar axelavea af t■ia

grmuy ap§arant1y are un■ar
tha ■a faatm admini■tratimn mi Eagt ■ermamy, With t■e
gaggibla wxmwytien 6f Finkankrmg, thawe axmlava■_§$mhabiy
have an y■wmaneat i■h■§i€■■t■ aka ay■ mf iittle-intrinaic
. s - -

Vu' Eiakaiéar '

_' .Wegt Berlin maimtaina tha% Ei■kQEKE? i■ amt an éX■lave

-h@g&uaw it i8 3minad ta thé mai■ part mi the aity by a narm
raw rma■way lying wi■himt■a iegal wity bwum■aryt _T■i■
_.r@latiwn$hiy 1% g■naraliy indieat■d mm gargaw■aala W■■t
.-E€rli■ may■ a■ Ehe Qi■y. Meat Ea■t ■ermam ma■a? 0m.the
'mther hang? ■any tha exi■tamma mf tha a■■■aeting carri■mr
-and Shaw Ei■keller a3 a trua exalava$ 'Ear■er fenae■ ■n?”
'..allwl eamh Ei■w ■f ■hw raa■, mm■ at the yrasent time thera_
are mm barrier■ ■g $%atyuat traffic ha■waan Ei■kaiiar an■
'- We■t 8&rling Ei■keilar hag %e■n ■ha ■ub■act mi sevaral
ya■t amnfr■mtatian■ be■w&en.the Briti■h and the autharitia■
“a? Ea■t ■armamy am■ the w&%&, %ut tha avea m■■ i■■ a■■e■■
rmad have ■aa■ ma■a? the mantrml ■f Wa■■ Earlia an■ Wa■tarn H
V_authmritiem thr■ughwut th9 pm■twar yawém■, The area ha■ a
Email miviiimm_g■§uiatgm■ wn■ is maau■é■d h? a datachmemt
mi waat Reriia _
pagiaeg -

NH 39T12 DDEId:T12333 Page 6


x1.:,'_ Excl'aaym'mmmm :gggmg gemammm

- m

".■f thé fiva exmlavaa-Qlaima■ by Ww$■f■erlim'am■ jmi■w■

' a■mimi■tratiV@ly ta E■■irk-g■hi■■■■■f i■-■h■ ■mar■man.3emm
tar; wnly twa ■tain■t■■ W■■■■m■ark-MW are u■dar
-'éffemtiVQ W■■t Eariin.aa■trmlg-tggwthwx.they-aeeaumt ■mr
3% payment mf tha tmtai area {3% awra■}'mf tha exaiavaa
Submrdinatg ta_■hat Ea■iwk, -
~ - , .

.' Stein■t■mkeng'lmeake■ gear}? kalf a miia Eauth mf'■ahw

_.1&ndmrf, is by far tka-mn■t imymr■a■t mf tha Weak Eerxi■
.exalavagg an■ it Ra■ Ewan tha fm■ug 0f_mmgt af tha past m■nw 9'
_truv&r$y ave? axmlave gtatu■g X■g germa■e■■ p■yulati■n hag
'fluctuat■d bwtwaen 15% and 2&3 par■mn■ ■aring the @mtiyg __w
'pustwar gari■d. A varying ■um■ar mi ■■m■all■■ “$a■■n■" rws■.
i■em■■y gargan■ Whm live in W■■t Earlin_yrmpaw my in We■t
.Sawmany,_aye parmitted ta Vi■it rala■ivm■ a? frian■$.i■
S■ein■t■ckang-an■ ■aaigna■e■ individaai■ allmwa■ ta _H
'gnt%x the exciave far ■rmfa■aimnalg aarviea, mr.$a§§1y yurm
paaas... -

-The ngiet&_&■■ the Eaat'■e■mam■ have mat farmaliy que■m

_-ti6n■■ the $tatu■ mf Steim■■■eken aa yart mi tha Amaxiaam
■■■t■r af Berlin ■inca 1352, but thay have gewiaéimally Qhw
atruated aceeag ta it ■■r■■■ Eaat-QQrmam territmry■ ■aat
'3-m■ thig hara■■mant hag been ■iraat■d again■t nanra$i■entg
'■sing thw aiag1a r■a■ availabig far travel betwaan S■eimm
'Et■cken an■ Weat Beriim. Raai■gntg wf t■a axaEavay an ■h■'-” _
_rm■k@r hand, gamermily haVQ-baan allawa■'raiativaly frae
mavement betweam tha■e y■in■aw
. - -

' W■StewMarkg'th■ largegt @f tha'■ehian■■xf-exmlave$, i$"_

_ ’Igituated gmu■heagi af Steimg■■mken amd a■aut 6;? mile ■auth
mi the Wag? Berlin harder“ it mmmgi$t$ almm■t entiraiy 0f
fafmian■. @ther than the ■ne permanent re■i■ent 0f th■ -
_ twm
garea, Gal? peraan■ ww a taman■ an■ a farmhamd ww ara
pewmi■tad @mtrmnaa frmm W■■t'■erlim* amviat amd Ea■t ■arm'
'. mam ■u■hmr■■ie$_h■V% nut intarfara■ with tha frae m■vamen■
' 0f ■heaa in■ivi■uai■ ainca June 1§5$V._

Lying”naawly 1*?■ mile■ gmuth'mf"gehlen■mrf, ■ne Nut■a

_Wi&8& exmlava hag bgem inmargmrated far all yraatiaal yurm'
' _§■5@$ gain Ea■t ■arm&ny. Thi■ axalava ■m■■i■t■ mf farmw
' land and at ■ha time it mgma made? E■■t Garman mmmtral ii
' did an? have parmane■■ raai■e■■■k Th$ lan■ i■ thia exalave
- ia b■R§QV®d ta have bean incargurataé imtm tam fieié_ay3tam'
mi a■jaining prayer■iesm s&ameaa by re■identg wf Weat Berlin
hag mat heam yermitKe■ ■ince abaui l■■zm

NH 39512 DDEId:T12333 Page '3'


_We&t Eeriin aut■mritias will'yrm%ably dautimu■ ta mainm--

_.taim.a_ aiaim ta axl axaiawe■; In tha mvant negatiati■n■
I_ ta Sattle tka qu■■ti■■,_h■W6V■?3-di■■■■■i■n might we■l ha
Eimitad ta area■ actually u■■ar affmativa W■■■ Beriin gnaw-g
;_%rml ■tein■t■ckamm
mw the exmlava■ Qf W■atemMark,.Erlangrun■,
' an■ Fightewiw■e and ■he wutlyi■g Ei■ka■lar“ The ■SSR an■
East ■ermany hava ahallangaa Westarn righta ta the■a areag
_in tag yast,_amd it ig pmaaibla that in the-■utura they may
att■mgt ta abrmgat■ 0r ma■ify the mgreamant$ ■aw regulating
,travel and a■■wrt their awn alaima. Aikhamgh‘Wastern authwrw
.- i■ias have ■at remaunmed their right■ ta tha ramaimimg_ex~
.”clavea§_thay may find 1% éiffieuit tn ahaliange tha raality' '
af Ea■t Garman m■n■raia
- '
. ,. H..

NH 39512 DDEId:T12333 Page 8

Exclaves of WestBerlin

Name (Est. in Acres) Population LandUse RemarkSJL/
A, Exclaves attached 7
"Civilian traffic to Steinst■ckentravels along
to Bezirk Zehlendorf 94.8 a road approximately 1,100 meters long and 3
__—_ meters wide which connects Steinstucken with
Steinstucken 31.3 Oct 1951: about 200 Residential WestBerlin. Inhabitants whoare Steinstdcken
permanentresidents village residents mayuse the access road if they pro—
duce a Berlin identification card (Personal-
Feb 1956: 150 per— ausweis), personswhohave a secondresidence
manentresidents in Steinstucken must also produce a police reg—
istration certificate. Personshaving a second
Oct 1958: 169 per— residence in Steinst■ckendo not live there;
manentresidents, they are relatives and friends of permanent
203 "second" resi— inhabitants of Steinst■cken. Lists of the per—
dents manentand secondresidence citizens are sub-
mitted to the East Germansat intervals of
May1962: 165 per— approximately six monthsfor purposesof police
manentresidents, control. In addition to those mentionedabove,
346 “second” resi— only the following persons are also admitted on
dents occasion to Steinst■cken: Certain doctors and
postal employees;Ambulancesand fire brigades
Apr 1965: 181 per— without pass control; Certain trucks carrying
manentresidents, supplies, such as coal, wood, furniture, and
623 "second" resi- food."
W■ste—Mark 53.9 May1966: 1 permanent Agricultural "W■steMarkis reachedvia the HelmstedtAuto—
resident bahnby wayof Dreilinden. At the Soviet Zone
checkpoint, a road 300 meters long leads to the
Exclave. The single permanentresident may
enter uponpresentation of his identification
papers. Otherwiseonly two other persons are
permitted to enter this area —the tenant and a
farm hand.”
NutheWiese 9.0 Probably none Agricultural UnderEast Germancontrol; access from West
Berlin not permitted.
Parcel A 0.3 None Vacant plot UnderEast Germancontrol; access from West
in a pre— Berlin not reported.
Parcel B 0.3 None Appearsto do
be part of
r a roadway
B Exclaves attached "Entrance is restricted to membersof the
to Bezirk Spandau 187.8 Wochenendgemeinschaft'Erlengrund e,V. (Erlen—
grund Weekend Society Inc.) and their friends,
Erlengrund ‘ 1.2 None Agricultural; totalling some250 individuals. They enter by
A used by a way of a lOO—meter long road from WestBerlin
private so— after presentation of identity papers and the
ciety for Society's membershipcard, A list giving the
gardening namesof the holders of these cards is main—
tained by the East Germans. There are no per—
manentinhabitants in Erlengrund.”
Fichtewiese 8.4 None do "This exclave is similar in nature to the Erlen-
grund exclave. It is used exclusively by a
private society, the we;
gemeinschaft1921e,V. The sameEast German
controls apply to its membershipof approxi—
mately 75 WestBerliners.”
Lasszinswiesen 33.1 None Agricultural UnderEast Germancontrol. Accessfrom West
Berlin not reported.
GrosseKuh—Lake 20.5 None Natural do
Finkenkrug 7.2 Probably a few Mostly do
inhabitants wooded;
FalkenhagenerWiese 117.4 Probably no per— Probably do
manentresidents agricultural
C. Eiskeller Probably about Agricultural Not considered an exclave by WestBerlin
(Teufelsbruch) 116 1 10 permanent authorities. Area and access road from Eezirk
residents Spandauare under control of WestBerlin.
a. Data for Steinstucken, W■steMark, Erlengrund,andFichtewiese are taken verbatim from: US
Mission Berlin, Berlin Accessways,Transportation, Communications
and Utilities, May1966

NW39T12 DocId:112838 Page 9



Hn. /




Wm,"ungmea—W WWVW

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