Sei sulla pagina 1di 10


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Fig. 1. Im Qu.uzkristalLLaboratorfun
Frort- (Recbte in dcr EcLe
Dr. p. Lenes (Iinke stehend) .zo Besucb Lei dcn Erfindern Dr. Kor.'ski und lngcnieur :
z*'ei -scbwingrahnen', welctre bei den Verauchen bcnntct wnrdcn')
{"* : .:
: l
Bereits gl72;ch nadr B"karurtrrrerd.n
res iiber die anschehend nir glem
tiert zu sein, be-suclte aul Eifuduny
tvrcllstelvlnile: Einzelheitst
Erlolg ilurchgelilhrten
&r Ecrr Dr. Lqus
lurten lllir ihia tbd.:ht,
Versu.hc zu beridrtst.
ztsrd,chtt die I'abtlorbn"
,t:lrteren I'cslrrt nnl:v"'
- Un ober genanstctu

Auftnhm'en out-Yerstrclren
und. rrdr rild
zu o*5lfet*
hcute ia der Lage, gtzichzeitig &ei hnchinteressdnte plrctogaphircfu t
lbhz.n- - Do dii i."t *.h"" Mitt"t ltin die Versuc.le, selbst nilr,l* alku kosupb9s tbiL diblte n-unche:
Viir&.h. ",t
utd. Amaeur selbsr sich entschlieBen, Yersuche oorzurnhmen; sir shd ge.r.ze bere\ wilere tht Er'
t"-il"ifu.t-. Die Sclviftl.eiatng. ..

Ueberwindung der Sdrwerkraft?

Ein neuer Erfolg der Quarzkristallfors&ung-
noch vor kurzer Zeit' beeonders von funktecb' Undurcbsichtiglseit stcigerten. Vcun auch nech den Unter'
ll nis"he, Seite der Beschlftigung der RadieArnateure
jede Berechtigung abgespro'
euchungen von Dr. Meieener (Telefunken),
flochfrequenr behondclte Quarrlristalle
wonech mit
deutliche L o f r'
mit den kurzen Wellen I
chea. und die Miiglichkeit'wescntlicber Verbeseerongcn uud rtriimuDgcn crzeugen, die rogrr lur Konetruktion cines ,.. I
'l9ege vcrneint wurde, auf dieeem Prinzip beru-bendea lcleinen Motors ffihnen
wertvoller Neoerungen auf dieeem
hat nuomehr
Bescbiiftigung zweier junger Forscbcr (vgl. .R.-Ul 1926, Eeft 39), wcitere merlwiirdige Emchei- fiA
mir nlrrakulzen Wellen eine Entdechung gereitigg deren nnnten an golcben Kristallcn rlu cFwartcD war€tr' so wer doch iis' iI
und techaischer Finsicht diese Erscbeinun g zunlcbrt ganz unerklirlicb. Vochcnleugce -
Trag*'eirc in wis.enechaftlicher .l

iiberseben liBu Damit cifrig*es Erperioentiercn geb codUch die Erklirung' ond
sich beute noch nicht annihernd
dor Fachleute, da8 von der Ba weitere Verauche zeigten dann die ugeahnten technirchen
dfirfte die Behauptung
-'.?- titigung der A-meteore keine Fiirderung voD Viscenochaft Anwendungsmiiglichkeitcn der Entdeckung.
r-i-4P onil Technik tu erwanen sei, widerlegr ccin. Zur Erklirung muB eiaigce voraurgescbiclt werden.
'Wocben 3i
Die Entdechung wurde etwa vor 6 in dem ncu' Vie bereits tcilweise bekennt ecin diirfte, habcn Qnarr und

eingerichteten Zentral-Laboratorium (Fig. l) der N c B 3 a r t' einige andere Krigtalle von lhlicbem Atombau die Eigcn'
in Darrcdeia (Polen) ilurch die ccbaft" bei A-olcgen von Spannungen in bestimmtca Rich'
': i-' l Eerren Dr. Kowsky und Ingenieur Frost bcLanntge' tunteD rur optiBcben Achre rich aultudchnen bcrw. I
;ii t gcbe!. ruramErenturiehen u.nd damit, wena man rcl'tcll - )
i:.. gau kurzer wechselnde Spannungen verwcnilet, die elektriecben ia m c '
Bei Versocben fiber dae Konetanthalteo ;l
!. '--
zeigte das vervendete cb ani ecbe Schrr-in gunten des Kristallsumtnsetrcn. ll
Wellen mittelt Quarzresonatoten lr
Aus' Diese SchwinguEgcu warcD twar auBerordentlicb kleint l,
V Quarzetiick pliitzlich ein deutlch veriindcrteg
"":t eehen: e 6 w a r u - n s c h u ' e tz u e r k e n n e r 4 d a B s i c b i m l n n e r n batten aber bcreite ihre tecbnirche An*'endung bci dcn
und bei der Kon'
der Versuchs.Krietalh, vor allem dann, wenn in dem Labo' QoarrLrirtall.VcllenmerserD i

ior ratoriumsversuchsraum eine Temperatur

l0o C Wlrme herrschte und diese *'iihrend der ganzen Dauer
ilcs Yersuchs Lonstant gebahen wurde, milchigc
buugen zeigteq die rich schlie0licb bis zur vollstiindiSen
von nicbt iiber

rtanthaltung der \[ellenlinge
eine Lresondere Anordnnng
vou Scndern gcfunden.
der Eregung
verachiedenen Richtungen ist erreicbt, daB der Kristall aich
n u n a u s d e h n tu n d n i c b t mehr ru5atnrnenzieht.
der Krirtalle in


*{'. r
r ,-*i
?, ,:



iss offeDbar ein Loe. mu8tc varocht vc.

I6ce o von Elek- dcn" wic wcit dic Ta*
troDen aus dem ringcrrug ilor lpcgii.
.Ilolekiilverbande er. rchen Gewicbbr .icrL
zielt, dag zonlcbst trciben UcBc. Ilurcb
oicht nmkeLrbar, die Ycrwcndung grdEcrcr
ga.uze KristallstruJrtur Energicn (zolarr rrf
vcrinden, so da8 eia reo cr -mcLtaro-Kilo. -
Zu{cLLehren in dcn watt) uDd li4ac Ein-'
frE.hereu ZustaDd ver- wirLung licE'ot rich
hinden n'ird. rchlie8lich crrcicbar'
Mit der Aucdeb- da6 aur *-O*-''r-'
rrung wlr dac Uu- Kdndl ioaS!'2 :tS :
lurchsichti gwerden er' urm Seircolia3c cin".
tErt gleicLzeitig saflser}rirlrilai .76i-.
mnlltc aber auch Ber Kiitpcr vorf Glrlt'
cine Aenderung 16 sp $sijcnlingslqf:'. .1r
ilcr apezif iscbeu etend (Fig.'2),:dcra6' .: '.
Gcwicbtes einge- Icicht wrr. 1.8 cr n-"'. -i
treien 6ein. Fin Vcr- letrt die gan:c Appr:,_'.i.r,
such auf der Wage rsrnr Dit ddin dick
zei2re, da8 sofort Dach Eiihe rog.rDil ro.i.:-
.. tU
A-uJegen df. Span- gar ein Gcwichulfick
nung der g*z kurzen Yon 25 \ frci-'
Vellen die Seite der echwebcnd .in-, ,l
Vage' aul der dcr d c r L u f t hiclr. T,:-"''--''*
g"oro" M.r.*;i ;i ''.1
Kristall rnir der elek-
rrischen !,r:ordnung Berechrung; dic drnh . . ,;
lag; in die Eiibe giDg. der gutcn Aurrnrtung
Dies€n Versoch zeigt und der reichen !.ilfr. , .
ilar Bild Fig. 3. Dcr mittel dce l,rborete .]
reitere Weg der Un- Frg. 2. 25 KiIa uurden durch den frebchoeben"ilen ri.-s iD Darrcdcin-'dn'' ". -:
KrLstall geluben.
termcbung war damit Der Quarzkri6tall bar seine Srruktur veriindcrt und hilt infolgc der ruf- folgen konntcq, cF - -i
vorgezeichnet. Es tretenden Reaktionskrlfte freiscbwebend im Ra - ein 2$Kilo-Gcwicht. gsben, ah8 drl 4c ,=l

t -

- ' i

Fig. 3. Der Vorterstrch: Die Lere Wagschale senkt sich.

5ac! Anlegen der Spannung an den Krietall wlchst rein Volumen und damit seine ReaktionsL.raft und Auftrieb rusehenil&
Die Vagrchale mit a u f g e l e g t e rGne r u i c b t c t e i g t , d i e l e e r c V a g e c h a l e senht cich
Gravity NullifieP
rents Los€ Their Veisht
{ )rraltz Cii-stalsChargedby High Frequency C*'
r. Th. gravity. Testing it on the balanc: showr
.{ I- f l J/.)L'G H sotne remlrkable ach.ieve- Fis.
-havt lifir lD thrl lUut
ir rSon "'::k::i4,,",.*: thar after connccting the crystai 16 1fu hie
*-ttti been matle lvith short- tr.tioL Th. qwtr c-rYtur
rA r radio.ex- h.v ba E suPDortES r terrsion current, the arm oi t'
i..-.:i-roiu p.,*'.t transmitters, 55'-uound wctgh?. Dr. balancc on u'hich the cr-vstel rr';
p.." i,.j'"t i",.utt have recentl-vd::d:,l KowikT ir rihoh in e top
the electrical contrcL!i(itri rtst! iu
ihat sl,,,r:-'lLre tr.rnsmissionhad reachetltts twG coat betu
rt thtb
oI th. t.mPsr'
th..rp.rincnt! into thc air. Tht iih
;i;;;,,. ^,rJ11-,11 n,' vitai improvementwouid Ea prrtrn3u. tration, Fig. 3, siro'
t,. tri",t. in tiris line. A short tim€ ago' this cxPcriment.
howevrr, t.!o \uilltq Europcan expcrtmarters Thfu Pointed the *
rF working *ith ulira short-wavts, have
*taa tl.ret pr;',be
for ltrrthcr irrvestigati
artd the determin:rtr'.'n
N " ' r l i s c ,imp,ritencc
.,t oii*"ty rle:'1' io t&e scienti6c how far the redtrchon
( the sp,ecific ;{revii! co\
be carried out- Il; I
ttst of 8l!'at?r F '* '

frnally to tlte c-rlcnt
+ severai kil.rrvetts z
l{)nqcf ex!}Osurc ic t
acti(,n. it was l')ul
U rv.'ntuellY that lr'rm
14 wares, carried on bY
I' tittle crvstal' 5 b1 2
rneans of (iuarlz resona- I 1.5 millimeters, a Dl
16i5. 2 piece oi quar;z transpfrent white br'
whrsh rryas uscd, su<i- measuritrg alro'rt !
tieniv showcd a clclrlY c-entimetcrs on llte s'
4 altered appearance. It rcsulted. o r i n c r s l '
was easli1r sPtn that rn
3 the certer ci tire crYstd,
> about 2U times ut i';t'
cm any side (sT F
espcciall-r whctr a @o- 4.) Thc transt'rrrr
stant lsilPrralule nlr
crvstal vas su lrglr: ri
1r c :xcetdirg ten degrees.L- it cerried the wlh'le i-
{ irJ dtsr:.=s Frhreohelt } oaratu! s'ith itstlf t
\, was riaintaintC. rrilhv
ivards, along witi: I
* c ! o u , l i n e s sa p p e a r e < i weisl.t of t*'crrtY-l
, i
3 rvhich gradually devel-
,,pctt to complete opa-
ity. The experimtttts
) kil,tgtt-.
a-n,irtl {rotu
. il,':rting Irec in th': ;
(55 ibs- ' s
it a

Jlr ,,f l)r. ."leistncr, o[ the ()n cxact tnca)ulclll

,1& v 'Ielef
u l r k en C o . , a l o r r q
s::nilar iints, according
arrtl calculatitrtr' *l:
o n S C C O r l . rttl f t l t . e r t
(r tr uhich quartz crystals' lent apparatus tn
subjecred to high fre-
. { v quency currents dearlY
could be readilY crrr

. : 4 shorrxl air cutTerts

a corEta$t wavelength in radio iransmitters. out. it was found tbat tirc spccific.grar
(l rvhich lNl to tire corrstnrrioo of z littlc motor
i; Bv e soccizl arrangenEnt of tlte trcitatrtnr was reduced to a greater arDo.urrt thln.'
hr+ri on'this principle- A n"ek of cager w"oulcl indicate- -Its wtil
ex:srirntntinq i;ttlly ted Dr- Kowrky and of thc cnstal in valious directions" it may be .h-.t*.]" -beconc
i* \.1 Erigir:r-:r Frost '-o ific erptanaton 9f tlT rnade bistretch or irrreasc in length arxl bad practicall;r negedve' .
.,i rn DncnJfiRtxln. and f urttrcr cxgarrments stroweo Tlrere can bt nir doub't that z be8rru1
has bem made toward overeomrllg grav'
ihe uncxp.c:td g.rssibi:iricr Ir tcclrnical uscs
tion. It is to be noted, however' thar
oi tht Cisccvcry.
law of conscrvatiort of energy is abiulul
Sonrc statemints must prelcde thc explar- The energl' emplt'yed in trt
rr: ticn. It is known et lcast in part, thet
,1; ing thJcrystal, aplrcars as th€ coimtcr cr
o'Jzrtz en,-l sone othcr crl'stals of similar i|us 1 1 " gl i r l r l l e ( , i g r a v
at')mic narure. Save the prop€rty rhan- e5-
po;td to potential e-<citation in a dehnlte tion"is not fullv srrlvcd as yet. and t-he pr
'?* r:rs <,f e.rperimcnts rvill lle {ollowed ft'rti
iir*,i"", Jf stretching arrd contracting;
"ld It is, hori'cver, tlre first time that exp
i; .,".c ure'; rapirlly chang'ing potcntials'.the rvith gravitation, which iritl"
s-' cnstals r''ill chanqe the electric waves lnto
lurs bcerr bcytrxi thc pale of all sttch
mi..""icai oscillaticns- This pie:o eltctric
scarch, has btcunre possit'Je, :;etnrs
eilr'c., tho$n in Rochtllc grlt crystets. by if theie $ere a lviy discovered at last
: ,r.t.y rnay be rnade into sotmd'produc-
c.xplairt thc irrtcr-relati,nrs of grivit\ v
inc devices such as loud speakers' or re'
ititric aud nngnctic f,rrces, nhich c'-:t
vc'is"lv into nricrophotlcc,dso shows thc re-
.: .4

. tiort. long ' lsouqlri l,rr. ltas lttrer freelr tlt'rn

sults in this direction, This cffect was cltarly stral((i.
rqr,rt apttlrs tll i re{l;
'o tl .-otin.a in Aucust, 1925 Rc.lio A'rtrs arxl ( i r ' rt t t : r t rj . x r r r r : r l , ' l i e t l i . ' L l n r s c h e t t . ' '
'-rv J Dccernb.r, 1919 Electrkol Espe rimeiler'
These oscillations are cxtre'rnely srnall'. but
: ,fl hare ne"enheless their t€bnical usc in, a
q.t^itz i,ystai w:rve-mtter atd in ulittainiog

F J Fir. 3. ftir rlgq bol thc qErtt cryrtrl lo*

to th. hilb frcqudct
wiirbt rhcl sbicctrd

\, a' cw-srt. Thc ritinel crlrttrl t! brhnccd on

tbc tcrb.

will not return to its original size. It scms

as if a disrxrsal of eltrtrons lrom a fixrlccule
iesulted, which, as it is irrcversiblc, changes
o the cntire stnrcturc u[ the crystal, so.that tt
z cannot b€ restortd to its former condrtron'.
The stretching out. as we may term thrs Fip. rt. Thit illutrrtioi shoH tln rlat
Fiz. 2. Tire rchcnetrc die3ran of tb crpci- strangc proPtrty of thc crystal, cxplalns the ii.?r of ttre cryltd b.{ot. '!d r{tctr ti! crp
r.rni ir:hoq in thit illuttiltia. Thr hrth imrrairrnent of its traruparency. At the san-le mcnt. lt is apo:orrmetely tEnty
Irequtncy olcill:ror b- omit*d fc clcrr- originel lcnlth on eY a!(ic'
D"$, timc a cltange takes placc in its specthc
PlanetaryAssociatlon lor Clean Energy Newsletlef February 1981

l n t h es u m m e ro f 9 2 7 ,t w os c i e n l l s t s ,
Kowsky and Frost, rn Poland noled
s p e c r l r ca n l l - g r a v i lpyr o p e r l l e so f c r y s -
t a l s .T h e yw e r e p u r s u r n gs o n r ed l s c o v -
eries in prezeelectricrlY made bY
j> M e i s s n e ro f T e l e l u n k e nw,h e r e b yl t w a s
l o u n d l h a l c r y s t a l sc o u l d l o s e t h e t r
t r a n s p a r e n cayn d c h a n g et h e i rs p e c r { t c
g r a v i t ya t t h e s a m el i m e .
B y t h e o s c i l l a t i o n so f r a d t o l r a n s -
m i t t e r s o f s e v e r a l k i l o w a t t s 'a l p r o -
tracted exPosure,KowskY and Frost
m a n a g e dl o i n c l u d ea n e i g h t h u n d r e d

o e r c e n vl o l u m ei n c r e a s e t o a c l e a rc r y s -
c r y s l a lc a r r l e d :- *1 t
l a l T h e s m a l l ,l i g h t e n e d ^ltfi,
t h e a p p a r a t uw s h i c ho s c i l l a t e idt a s w e l l
as a weightof lwentylive kilogramssus-
p e n d e df r o m i l , l l o a l r n gf r e ea l a h e l g h l
of abouttwo melersabovelhe f loorol a
Shorlly afler lhis discovery,reporls
and pholographs of lhe lests were pub-
l i s h e d i n t h e G e r m e n j o u r n a l ,F a d t o
tJmschauand tn Scienceand lnvenlion
' 1927issue)
Thosepublishedreportspermita defi-
n i t i o n o f t h e P h e n o m e n ai n t o d a y ' s
An optical grade quarlz crYSlal
I 5 x 2 x 1. 5 m m o l d e l r n e dl a t t r c es l r u c l u r e
was piezoelectrically overloadedwtth a
resultingopaqueness, a growth ol vol-
u m e a n d a s l r u c t u r acl h a n g ea l o n gw l t h
s p e c irfc g r a v i t yc h a n g eT h ec r y s t aw l as
reoorled lo increase dimensions along
one side ol two thousandpercent(vol-
ume increaseol 8007o) lls weight ol
approximately one ounce was reduced
by an unknownamountduring the ln- A'gravitation nullifier" is shou'n. The expanded quartz cryslal is
supportinga 25 kilogram weight. Dr. Kowsky is shown in a lop coal
c r e a s e i n v o l u m e .W h e n e l e c t r l c a l l y because of the low temperature at which experiments are
excited to lilt itself, the crystal was
I- [
capablealsoof liltingan additional erght
Source: Science ond Inrtntionc
hundred and eighly ounces. This
occurred when the cryslal was sub-

1 j e c l e dt o v e r t l c aol s c i l l a l i opnr e s s u r ve r a
d i r e c t e l e c l r o d ec o n l a c t s 'a n d l r a n s -
v e r s eo s c i l l a t i ovni a n o n - a t l a c h eedl e c -

L t r o d e sb r o a d c a s t i nrga d r a t i o n
cryslal i n t e r P o s e bde t w e e nt h e
with lhe

* RadioFrequency EmissionsandMagnetoslriction alignmenlof the masswith lhe fieldof currenlInduces

I of Mass m i c h a n r c a lp r e s s u r e st h a t c a u s e a d l s l o r l l o no r
Magnetostrictive massesemit heat and undergo dimensiona ch l a n g eN o r m a l l sy u c hp h y s t c acl h a n g e s
changes on a temporary basiswhenex- iravebeen assumedlo be tempota(yo( of untmpor-
dimenlionat lrke
p o s e ot o a v a r y i n gm a g n e t rlci e l d T h e m o l e c u l a r l a n l o l a s t t c i l yC e r l a r nn o n - m a g n e l sl cu b s l a n c e s

Planetarylssocialion lor Clean Energy Newsletter 1981

'slrenglh'of the gravilalional

d i e l e c t r i c r y s t a l sa l s or e a c lt o a n i m p o s e dm a g n e t i c relatedby E = mc2,the
f i e l dw i t h m o l e c u l arre - a l i g n m e n t f ieldincreasesas the energtesol the virtualparticles
The re-alignment causesa cryslaldistortionin one increase.
'slress'in massin-
An artilicallyinducedincreased
I d i r e c l i o na, n d w i t h a l t e r n a t r ncgu r r e n lf i e l d s o
t i o n o c c u r s .S u c h i s l h e p i e
T h ea n g l eo f t u r no f t h em o l e c u l e
z o e l e c l r l p
c h e n o
, scilla-
o n i t s a x i si s p t o p o r -
creases lhe energy of both virlual particlesand
t i o n a tl o l h e " s t r e n g l h "o l t h e i n d u c e dm a g n e t i cf t e l d l n a n e l e c t r o nl l o w s u c h a s c o m m o ne l e c l r i c r l y
' p r e s s u r eo' f t h e l l o w a f { e c t s
u n t i la l i m i to f s a t u r a l i o ins r e a c h e d" w e b e ra n g l e " , a l o n ga c o n d u c l o rt,h e
or maximumdistortionpotenlialof lhe dielectric the massof lhe conduclorby severalmelhods
lf additionaloower is applied to create a slill s r ed i s p l a c eb
1 , { r e ee l e c t r o n a d y i n d u c e de n e r g y .
slrongermagneliclield, moleculeslhat happen to 2 t o r q u el r o m e l e c t r i c aal c l i o ni s a p p l i e dt o l h e
exceedweberanglesare wrenchedaway to mlgrate mass.
alongthe fieldpath,to lorm bondsal new positionsol 3. stressesare inducedwilhinthe mass.
equilibrium.The displacedand re-positioned mole- 4 compression is inducedwithtnthe mass.
c u l e s a r e l e r m e d " d e f l e x i o n s "o , r d i s p l a c e di o n s 5. structurebonds are affectedby such imposed
( M a x w e l l J, e a n s ,1 9 1 6 ) . stresses.
The magnelicsuscepltbility ol a substancevarles 6. ion orbitalslructureis relativeto the induced
inverselyas the lemperature(CuriesLaw).This ex- energy;greaterenergyproducesenergyabsorF
p e r i m e npt o l e n t i a l li yu s t irfe sa " K " , o r a s u s c e p t t b t l i t y t i o nw i t h s m a l l e ro r b i l s ,h i g h e rv e l o c i l i e s( ,p a c k -
'f i n gf r a c t i o n )
enhancemenl by loweredlemperatures ol the reeze
slorage' of all new re-posittoning ions, and con-
sequentslabilityin new posilions.lon bonds form
slowlyin a dielectrichealedby intensemagnelicf ield
'inductanceheating'.Coolingof Theelectrostatic attractionof oneobiectto another
t h e d i e l e c t r i cb y a i r c u r r e n l sa r o u n dl h e d i e l e c l r i c dependson charge, shape,and surfacearea; but the
which draw off heal allowsthe drelectriclo escapc magneticallraclionto a fragmentol dielectricis a
'independent of shape',Dul
destructionby melting,brtttlefracture,or otherheat- molecularphenomenon
causedalfecls. notsurface area.A non-magnelic bodywill be compo
The migrationof displacedionsis to a surfacearea nentsof/or magneticparticleswhen a magneticfield
of the dielectric,where the heal sink phenomena i s i m p o s e di;e . a n a l t r a c t i o nF. i n a l l ya, m a g n e l i cl i e l d
allowsa re.bonding lemperature n n i n d u c e df i e l d
w i l l e x i s l i n a d i e l e c t r i ca f t e r / w h e a
Known researchin electricaction versus dielec- changes,or rs no longer imposed.So it may be
trics leadsto other supportlnginlormationabout lhe assumedthal an intensemagneticlield is the one
physicalphenomenon. force which is capable of externallyaffeclingthe
o Helmholtz: f he value ol "K" changesin a delecttic when it is
d i e l e c l r i cm o l e c u l aar x i sc h a n g e .
subrcctedto drstorlion.(K equalslhe dielectricconstantol lhat
rnass). Further Investigations
o llaxwelf : with disptacement,the densityol the medium(crystal
Alternating currenlsproduceheal,and a magnetic
sltuctute)ls cnangedso thal itsmolecularsUuclurels cnanged'
as is its "K". field, in a dieleclricto a depth proportionalto the
. The K ol quartz ctependson the dtrectionof the imposedmag' square root of the oscillationperiod; and to the
neliclield "retative"to the ctYslalaxis A vertrcalK ol quartzis applied strength.A magnelic particle, or ion, is
4.55, and horizontalK is 4 49 whete K is a teaction to the
'all' mass particles
capableof re-positioning, where

Eatth's tteld. Unlikemetals,a dielectic
. Magneticconduclionin a dielectticis alteredas il lhe propetties are alsosusceptible.
ol ine mediumwere altered during conductionby a change o{ as if it conductsonehundredpercentof any imposed
the dielectttc constanlol fhe mass rlse/f field. This is the sing/e most important dilference' 'only' in a
The molecularphenomenon may occur
So far the phenomenon appearsnol 10be reiected
by known physicalactions.About the phenomenon dielectricmass,and not in a melal.Themagneticcon-
itself,a brieftheoreticalmodelmay be poslulated' duction proportionalto fleld depth with a strengtn
sufficientto dislodgeions eltminatesmetals(exceg
Thismay be a sfressmodelol mass wherechanges tion: Btsmuth)due to sktn aflect.The dielectriccon-
'deformationol rnass' Ihus
of internatstressinduce duction of one hundredpercent of imposedfields
(1) the 'total' mass lo be
the modetsuggesfsa "lhroughoul"the mass allowslhe
stress model, (2) the later physical phenomena pro-
involve-d, eliminatingskin alfect.So, it will allect all
product and the phYsicalper- ore melals
duced as a of dtstottion, crystalline lattice slruclures (theref
formancerelattveto change. atfected), howeverthe optimum solutton lor maximum
afleclof this phenomenon may reside within the elec-
The Slress Model t r i c a lc h a r a c t e r i s t i cosl d i e l e c l r i c s
The electric force betweencharged particlesis Magnetic Induction Currents
ffi independentof the massesol energiesof lhe partl-
Magneticinduclionposlulaledas a solenoidalin'
cles,and dependso.nlyon theircharge;whereas,lhe the lieldin the rnleriorof lhe mass
is proportionalto the massesthem- throughout
gravilationalforce bul nol In a
ielves.Sincein special mass
relativily and energyare fall pointseqrat)can occurin a dielectric'
News/etler FebruarY!.981
y s s o c l a f r o nl o r C l e a nE n e r g y
P t a n e t a rA

bul are
there is an that the air currentsso describedare a realily'
m e t a l M a g n e t o s t r i c t i oonl d i e l e c t r i c s not f."o*" to exist by crystallographers' unless they
l h e i n d u c e ds l r a i n s
e x p a n s i oonf m a s sp r o p o r t i o n laol have considerableexperiencein electrical
p r e s s u r e T h i s t s a Known'
( r n i e r n a t t)o r e l e a s e 'diamagnetrc' are nol
l x " * ' i e , e l e c l r i c a lt e s t e r sa n d e n g i n e e r s
accepted pnenomenon There are lt is here noted that air
iix.rv to have wrlnessed this
\ iii,"ntt intducedin the same crystal (oppostteto havebeen loundaroundexcited(oscillating)
\ has
iiout which//rlleis known'but whtch nun'
i iiiritiri
at Galltmore Labs currents civsials but only when a lrequencyband ol one
beenphotograpneo 'slressed/nasses.Such dtLZ-xito"vrles lo lour hundred eighty kilocycles is
are alwavsloundin utiltzed.Ihls
-oeing is lurther veriftcailon of actual research
in the lrequencYrangespecil.ied' and of a )rue
Crystal ExPansionConlirmed researchsightingbetngtransmitted'
C r y s t ael x p a n s l ow n a s e i ( a m l n e ldr o m - a c t u ar le p l i -
- - i ; ; ol the Kowskyand Frostexpertment
cation gen' ElectricitYProduced
crystaw l i l l h a v er n l e n s et n l e r n asl t r a i n s ' An expandedlatticecrystalhas been.found to pro
' o n i y 't n l h e d i r e c t i o n
o l a p p l i e l
d t e l d s producrng 'irn-
erally a remarkablephenomenon.when 'stress an
c u r r e n t s o l u n k n o w n duce
and diamagnett a
"eft p u n s i oorn , phenomena (tr4anyphenomenawere O"tan""' occurs by stress changes in
lects is produceo'

as: rhe A crystal "grown' in an unbalancedstatewill
TherevrsedtneorY of phenomenon ls slaled
tntense vert on'ehundred percentof attradiationreachingtt ta
molecularmottotiand reacttonol mass rc electricity .
ol the
iZ,jietic fields may change the.structure
'a masslf the imposedfreldstrengthexceeds
Lift lactor
lorce needed to rotatelrxedmoleculespasl Webers and its
angle,where the resultwould be a drslocation ol the The followingequationis only generalized'
may be a guideline
iirccrte f rom the rnass slructure Given
this lield u"r.City should'bequestionedlt
strength,/t /s a/mosl certain that the re'positioning of o f p o t e n t i arle s u l l sT. h er e s u l t i nvga l u e sa r e
can be expected experimentally'
mote"cutes witl change the normal latttce structure' *iirrin lrmrtsol what
be accompinied by permanent expansion of
and will o/o =
the - Sdrelectrrc
ucfr arcngthe vector of the imposedfield' Force applredrn yvgljs-J-ILq::"ltKq x Exoansron
d i a m a g n e t rccu r r e n l sa s e x i s tw i l lb e i n t e n s e '
The pro 2000(l!Q)
and could producea host of phenomena Exampre 20(x)walrs , - - 3e9e= 3sle1,11
p o s e d ' A n t l - g r a v lpt yh'e n o m e nlaa l lw i t h r na n ' a c c e p t -
I a b l e 'b u l n o l p r o v e np h e n o m e n a l l h e - p r e s e n t
It is notedthat {romthe Chicago
H z a l t e r
n a t r n cg u
r r e
n l t m -
Mass Structureand PotentialCollapse
i t y R e s e a r c ht h a t a 6 0 by
p l a c e d u n d e ra n a l u m l n u m All mass ts susceptibleto change'Dielectrics
p o s e Oo n a s o l e n o i d w h e n are sublect
nauingan organizedmolecularslructure
p l a t e ,w r l l c a u s el h e p l a t et o h e a t 'a s w e l l a s ' l i f t ' io *aisiue cr'angethroughlorce applied
lt is:o!tsro:
a lilling
[ p * r t O . a s m u c h a s e l e v e r ti n c h e s S u c h ered a phenomenon where lattlce structure ls
but may
e i f e c tc a n n o lc o m e f r o m m a g n e t l ca c t l o n s ' and re-Jormed to a new related slructure
little known
come lrom molecularacllons,and the [v?"rgy; and that the struclureis
"GnJeo, now a "storage
currents. strain lockedin struc-
- medium;;ol greatenergiesby
S r n J e m a g n e l i c l i e l d s i n a l t e r n a t i n gc u r r e n t s t'-u r e .
becomestrongeras the lrequencyincreases' if'. stabilityo{ lhe medium,or ralher
the changeo
producing the
rtlqrun"i". aie {oundmore elfictentin medium, is now questioned, as well as ils lile span A
' s t r e s sf i e l d s 'p r o d u c l n g l r l lp h e n o m e n a activity maY
dielectric has been shown to t " " o r cblow
' z " t o r " sharp
-sudden ollap t h e nchemical
ors eeven ewstructurewithgteat
Ol interest is that one
' t a l l 'm o r es l o w l yu n d e r' n a t u r a lc' o n d i t i o ntsn a na n y at the present
w h e t h e a
r l u m i n u m s i l i - ,"tZ'iti it eneryY Thispotentia/isseen
m a s ss h o u l dt a l l . l t r s u n k n o w n the crystal
ti o" both"ieatand hazardous'Should
it could takeone
c a l e r e a c t s t o e x i s l e n t l o w i n l e n s i t y m a g n e t i c l i e l;;;;; ds' Lapaoteol suddencollapse'
o r w h e l h e r i t h a s a n e x c e s s i v e d r a m a g n e t i c c u r r eotl*o nl lo a powder stale,
c a P a b i l i toYc c u r r l n gn a t u r a l l Y a massive release ol energy'
or detonationwith
of mass to
o"rnapt srmilar lo alomic conversion
Water Absorbtion/emission energy.
to be both
The expandedcrystalhas been lound
i s u n u s u a Il n a Sell ContainedLilting Device
e t t e r u e i c e nat n d d e l r q u e s c e nTt h i s
and release waler ltke a has been
single mass; lo aosorb
is neither The sublectmassulilizedin this research
rpJ.g" wherethe material(silicondioxide) mass quarti dieiectrics. Ouarlz' unlrke many subslances'
of lhe
an aSsorberor emitterprior lo change af ter does not sheareasily;but has a
conchgidallracture' )
of the slruclure is seen lattice structurecould
structure.a degeneration
repeatable Fio"ioi"g it dio srreai,then the
cycL, and apparently not locations' and slabsol lhe
"' *.rlt
Frosi experrment was reportedlo be priedopen at 'ut"ttud
dillerent applicalions
il; K"*.'ky and !*plrnOeOvariety utrlized in
f l o w i n ga r o u n d
n " " . t v i s u a l ' s i g h t i nogf a i i c u r r e n t s lt is a laci Becauseolthe"n"'
: lhe cryslalwhenuno;r electricalexcitation
t 13
i :rcarrpllli;
assumedil cannotbe ,sawed'as the shockpotentratl-
is high,yet proportionat to the degreeof the crystal_|
line latticeexpansion. ln tryingto validalemassstruclurechangeas pro
The crystal itself wiil resembleplastic toam in I posed,the 'reverse'methodof gravitationaiemission
weight and rigidity.perhapsit could be strcedOv a (ie. "absorbtion")was used.
- I
faseror eleclronbeam. J . lf a mass may "produce" radiationundercoercion,
Very liilte power is requiredto osciilate the sub_ then il may also be susceplibleto that same radiation
stance for high tift. This and lhe weighl neededto when exposed lhus providing a .,reverse pheno
supplythat power ailowsa fully containeddeviceto menon."
be a reality.Powerappliedas frequencywould have The laflicestruclureol a dielectrichas been pro
six basiccontactsregardless posed as a slorage medium of immense energies,
ol clesign, size,or aerG
dynamicshape;ie. telt side,rightside,front,rear,lop when the energy apptied produced a .Detteiion;
and bottom. change(deflecledions)or strucluralstressesof greal
With solenoidcontrots,the lull rangeof ftightcould magnilude.A first discoverywas thal by utitizrnga
'new' means
be oblained:lonarard,left, righl, up, down, reverse. of electricalexcitemenl,a ,.commier-
Thecontrolwouldbe by reveriingpolarities cial" processof Deflexioncrystalswas realized.In
of a given
area of surfacesectionto providelhe desiredresult. furlherresearch,the 'reverse'phenomenon indicates
Eachlift/controt sectionwouldbe etectricaily thal 'all' dieleclricshaving.any' slresscomponents
in a smoolh surface design by inlerposingnon- may be susceplibteto gravityradiation.
expandeddielectricslrips between seclions Sucn Discoveredin 1974, the reversephenomenonat_
skin or lhe dielectricisolatorscould provideshape, lowedfor an on-limegravitymonilorwherea dielec_
rigidily,and supportingdesrgn. tric wilh a known slress componenlwas seen to
S u c hd r e l e c l r i cas s c e r a m r c sd i s p l a yl e m p e r a t u r e changeproportronal lo lhe actinggravitationat
r e s r s t a n c ea,n d c o u l db e i n c l u d e da s a , , s k i n, ' H o w _ silies Later,in 1978a new detectorwas drscovereo,
e v e r ,s t n c es p e e dr s f u l l yc o n l r o l l a b l teh, e r es h o u l db e lhe differencebeing that a ,general'state of slress
no need for heatbuildup,srmptyreducespeed was ulilized here as opposedto a known ,frnile,
s lr e s s .
(J.G Gallimore)

NullifiedGravity-AHoax F
'2 A
. ! c i c / r 6 oa' t r d I t : : . ' r t t ! i o n l o r Octubtr, lgJT 5<t . E I i\ir/. ocT I n

In our issueof September, on page398, we ran an articleentitled"Gravity . r (

Nullified,'witha subtitle"QuartzCrystalsChargedwith High FrequencyCurrenlsLose \&
TheirWeight."At the end of tthe articlewe alsoran a line," Don'tFailto See Our Nextlssue
Regarding This Marvelous Invention." r n p
Thosewho were wise evidentlymust have had theirsuspicionsarousedby dt ll
the bottomline,and the wiserones,if they inspectedthe main photograpgcarefully,no
doubtat once saw the hoax. ) c
The article,whichcameto us f rom Germany,appearedoriginallyin a German
0 l f
periodicalas an Apriljoke,but it was so excellentthat we thoughtthat we couldtake a little o-
libertywith our own readers.The questionremainsas to how manyol our readerswere 4 l
fo o l e d .
whichwe reproduceherewith,you
lf you look closelyat the main illustration,
willobservethat the articlelabeled is nothingmore nor lessthan a microphone with a
resistance. "2" is a pair of head recievers,and "3" is an old time German telephone
transmitterwith a moulhpiecewhich,in this case,servesthe practicaljokesteras a handle.
Naturallythe criticalinspectorof the picturemust have wonderedwhat two microphones
and a pair of head receivershad to do with the GravityNullifier.Also the supportingwire
does not eventouchthe ringon the weight. Anyhow,we ask our readers'indulgence for
the little hoax, for which we hope to be pardonedbecausethe articlesurroundingit
seemedquiteauthoritative and containedreallya lot ol good sciencetendingot hidethe
As a nnatlerof fact, most of the statementsare true, with the exception,of
course,ol those statementsreierringto the expandedcrystaland to the loss of weight
causedby the supposedhigh f requencycurrents.
There are so manywonderfulthingshappeningin scienceeveryday that he
who wouldlabelanythingas impossiblemay haveto take his wordsbackthe nextday. The
realfact remainsthat gravitywill be nullifiedsooneror later,and mostlikelyby somesuch
meansas shownin lhe hoax in the Septemberissue. That electricity and gravitation
closelyalliedno one doubts,and we wouldthereforenot be surprisedif evensomeof our
more scientilicallyinclinedreaders,who did not pay close attentionto some ol the details,
tookthe articleas authentic.
Scientifichoaxesare no novelty. One ol the most famous,which was nol
exposed as quicklyas thisone,appeared in no lessthanthe NewYorkSun. At thattime,
in August,1835,a certainprofessor was supposed to havesubmitted his reporton a
fantasticmoonpeopleto the Edinburgh JournalofScience, to whichmanuscript the New
YorkSunobtained thefirstrights,andthe articleranconsecutively overa periodof time.
Thesemoonarticles,writlenin a moreor less scientificvein, arousedlremendous
excitement, andthe MoonHoaxwas actually believed by thousands uponthousands of
peopleat thattime. Needless to say,the Sun afterwards exposedits hoax,but even
thoughthe newspaper did so,the hoaxwas stillbelieved by thousands for
of individuals
Themoralis thatwe shouldnotbelieve everything thatwe see,butdo a little
originalthinkingourselves, becausewe mayneverknow,otherwise, whatarefactsand
As a matterof interest wouldliketo hearlromyou as to your
to lhe editors,
impression of the hoax and
article, whether you believedit or not. Thiswillgivetheeditors
a goodbasisfor a compilation of tacts.
A FewNoteson the Articles
theapparent inthe
ln thisshortcommentary we willexamine in a
tittt arliclereported
precedingartictes i.ientilic."iO.n..'.rppo'tingine
pubtished "nJ'in. UVi.O. C.tti.orewhichfollowsthiscommentary'
| t m a k e s o n e w o n d e r w h y s u c h a m a g a z i n e a s . Sthat
c i ethev
n c eintended
purlheircredibilityoi,"n'. rin, OVpublishiniti.nlnoq "{antastic !t^lt-Pfttible
moon people" did
the sensational articlero boo.tthrir salesi'lucnas to the highest
)y arucresloosted the paper'scirculation
for rheNewyork s"; irh;;;iies or in lightol current
lo time).However, mustwonder,
of any paperin tn. ,Joiii ,i tn, increJibte'Jroperties ofcrystals, whether or notthe
ln knowlegeo{ narmonic,atn anothe""i Also,J'G'-Gallimore claims to have
le realhoaxis not scieice ano Inventions in the Planetary Association lor
successlully..proOr.lO ihis experim.nt""J"t.pon.J (thisarticle follows)'
;;ffi;z, numuelJ 1981
C a n t h i s b e c a | | e d a h o a x o " . . u ' ' t n e e qtoubuild
ipme n t b e afrom
proiects r s aany
r e sscrap
mundane rl i. .ottonprt-JJtitngineers
cerrain tigntol this' could
.-ouiJui" to provetne-iiauilitv'or

lp materiats rhatrhey tii:yil;t' a head receiver'etc'?

Ue micropnones, a C.rt".lr.rli.nii,..
rhose irems thev used lor the
possiorv rnorJii;;;t h;ve.beenih. '.a* materialsthat the way it did
anO fne-.sJr.p" ritrri"f ff'aiiney usedno longer{unctions elfects?
experiment, anti-gravity
lrequeniycuir"ntsT3y ?|.ldute

originaily. ts it true inat'nign fact' most of the

or Gravity-AHo"r"' "As a matterof
ir Referringto the ,rt].ri';ruuiilfied of thosestatements referring to the
statements are lrue, with the erception,tot';r;' hish lrequencv
re o1leisnic;yse.o supposed
expandedcrystal;;Jl; inu ro" 's
indeed a
!v ^the
hoax' then this may be similarto the
currenrs.,,rr rne oiiJoJr,'idzi .rticle is actuallvthe
of ue'v tninginttln"v O:ll-t:-u"nementlv workol Nikola
orwellian"tt"*rp.-"i'i 'l'toint the
ht iakettiissianOwouldbe an insultto
trurh. Actually,lor til, p6f'o"tion to ;tttcrs of high{requency currentsol high
1e Testawho .rp.ri..'ni'.-J*itnin.-.rti-gi;"-iti. greatpromise"(seeBib')'
'la potentials anOtounJtn;mto "contain been reveaiedin the article
A number ol inconsistencies'have
^h since its appearencein
Graviry--AHoax,.il;r;; the evolutioi-oi-outtechnology ol the photograph
ro digitatrepiocessing
september, 1g27. 6;;i'nfonsistencyinuotueslne ringactually thJphotoreveals the that
rharis in the article"GraviryNullified".
doesseemto touchthe supporting is the admonition:
inteteiting point
,,There in scienceeverydaythathe
areso many*ondJ;;r,h;;;happeningwordsbackthe nextday' The
o ;;;; t" tike his
whowoutdlabelanythingas impossiUte,ma"y likelyby somesuch
) nuriiii.!,oon.' or laler'andmost
)w realfactremainsthatgravitywillbe Tharerectriciry andgravitation are
meansas shownin ini noi, in rnesepiJi.'i.iir.u..
closelvalliednooone thel::9:lhar rhevselected to conduct
itt?ll;; a rrequencv.within to bewithinihe same range used
theexperiments? ih;t,,magic,,trequency iusthappens to suspect thatthev
ln ;;J#;;;:: whicnteadsone
by orheranri_sravity experiment' And why would
knewexactly wereooingwnei*.t o.nqtlgdlh:
whatihey hoaxes
scientilic have
'conceining and it is
ile a hoaxhaveson.,rin'.pp."ntrv tn; !'perimental parameters that areused'
intrinsic to thebody of the article
thosevery,n.on.jr,-.niies tnatrev6alin, iiot'' Thiscontrasts
)ur "GravitYNullified"'
A |so,inthear tic|e,.Gr avityNu||i|ied,,.inr
ifLor,ineo hese
centnr c ondparThis
raborarory""' agr aph
*r, ,loi'.[ort rx *..k, iilil,;*rv

whichwould have put the article's

statementwas made in the Septemberissue, as is
appearence sometime in July.Thiswouldhavebeena bitlatelor an Aprilfool'sioke'
appeared originally in a German
stated:"Thearticle, which..t. to us fromGermany,
article lt seemscurious thata greater amount of
periodical as an Aprili"Xt...",in fhe
theoriginalarticlethan in the original article
inconsislency in thetextdebunking
i t s e l f.
"pp.ui. , r ! - - ^ ^ ' . . going
^ ^ i ^ ^ on
, is
ln conclusion, theonlywaytheworldwilleverknowwhatis really
to repeattne experiment aS outtlnedin the originalarticle,to see i{ the observed
Anti-Gravity effectsacluallyexist.

& D'H'Childress

Anti-Gravity ProPerties
of CrystallineLattices

lntheSummeroflg2T,tvvoscientists,KowskyandFrost,inP ino | a n d n o t e d
anti-gravity pioJtnitt ol cryslals. They were pursuingsomediscoveries
piezo-electricity mad! lV fuf"i""ner of Telelunken, wherebyit was foundthat crystals
andchangetheir spec16 gravityat thesametime'
By the oscillaiions ol radiotransmitters of severalkilowatts'at protracted
exposure,Kowsky rrort- managedto includean eighthundredpercentvolume
"nd crystalcarriedthe apparatus which
increaseto a ctear.w.,"r. rne sniatt,lightened
it as wellas a weigntof twentylivJXilograms suspended fromit' lloating at a
heightof abouttwo metersabovethefloorof a laboratory'
i n S c i e n c ea n d l n v e n t i o n
, a d i oU m s c h a ua n d
p u b l i s h e di n r h e G e r m a ni o u r n a l R
(September, 1927issue).
reporlspermita delinition of the phenomena in today's
A n o p t i c a | g r a d e q u a r t z c r y s t a | 5 x 2 x 1 . 5 m m o f d e | i n e d c r y sat a | | a t t i c e w a s
piezoelectrically overloaded wirh a resulting opaqueness, a growthin volumeand
reported to increase
Structural changeatongwithspecificgravityciange. Thecrystalwas 800%)' lts
increase of
dimensions atongonJ sideof rwo ihousandpercent(volume the
one ouncewas reducedby an unknown amount during
weightof approximately
increasein volume.Whenelectrically excitedto liftitsell,thecrystalwascapablealsoof
eighthundred andeightyounces'Thisliltoccurred whenthe crystal
liftingan additional transverse oscillation
to verti6al oscillation viadirecielectrode contacts' and
wassubiecled inlerposed between
via non-attached electrodes broadcasting radiation withthe crystal


M a g n e t o s t r r c t i v e m a s s e s e m i t h e a t a n d u n d e r g o d i m e n ofsiona|changesona
to a varying magnetic {ield'Themolecular alignment the
temporaryoasiswrrenexposed or
induces m-ecnanicat pressures thal causea distorlion
masswiththe lieldof current
-Noima lty
a s s u m e t
d o b e
s u c hp h y s i c acl h a n g e s a v e b e e n
dimensiona cnt ange. likedielectric
or ol unimportant plasticity. non-maEnetic substances
temporary .bertain molecualr
react to an imposed magnetic fieldwith re-alignment'

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