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Bollettino ufficiale dell'Associazione Studiosi Scienze Eterodosse (ASSE) sulla free energy, sui nuovi sistemi propulsivi e sui

protagonisti di ricerche e visioni del mondo alternative. Distribuito ai soli soci. Anno V

novembre 2004


Free-Energy 4 7 14 18 34 35 39 40 58 76 83 85 92 109 110 114 199 120 Andrea di Chiara Lettera circolare ai consumatori Dal sito di Freie Energie Magnet River Accelerator Dal sito di Freie Energie Pyramids Dal sito di Freie Energie Current generators Enrico Valbonesi R.Lanigan OKeeffe DMM Power Dan A. Davidson Alexander V. Frolov Carl Cella Jaro Kolman Sterling D.Allan Franco Malgarini Arkresearch Igor Knitel Garry Stanley Free Energy, Gravity and the Aether Free Energy Hydrogen Generator Kolman Theory of Negative / Dark Energy Perendev Magnetic Motor Progetto Fusione Fredda: Alimentatore Rotoverter Free Energy and Overunity devices OU Bike and Motorbike Pictures Dispositivo che produce calore Absolutely Aether

Fusione fredda: la questione dei Neutroni Tate Ambient Power Module

Antigravit , Propulsione Elettromagnetica e PNN 126 128 OU Group aims to colonize the Moon N. Jones Jocarna

Frontiere 133 137 158 164 175 190 198 201 202 214 Franco Malgarini Jean-Charles Fabre Sonne Ward Natural Home Building Source Franco Malgarini Pure Energy Systems Rimboschimento M.Zubrin e P.McKay Warren York Terraforming Mars Scalar Wave Detection Progetto Unit di Abitazione Autosufficiente Lopera des Eaux Starship Module Home Composing toilet Astronomia dalla Luna Ion Source Beam Projector

Nanotecnologie - alcuni appunti

Rubriche 219 Rumours

La Redazione provvisoria della rivista presso il seguente indirizzo: Franco Malgarini via di Boccea 302 00167 Roma Email: Sito Web: Mailing list: Tale indirizzo anche sede dell'A.S.S.E. La redazione non vuole impedire la distribuzione della rivista al di fuori dell'associazione. Tuttavia, ci pu essere un potenziale danno per l'associazione stessa, a meno che non sia necessario davvero. Per il resto, vi preghiamo di usare il buon senso e di passarla solo a chi vi fidate. La Redazione



FINALIZZATA ALLA REALIZZAZIONE DI DISPOSITIVI FREE ENERGY PER LA PRODUZIONE ENERGETICA AUTONOMA Gentile Consumatore, chiaro a tutti come la produzione autonoma _ ossia, virtualmente, anche in casa propria _ di energia per lutilizzo delle varie utenze presenti in una casa ( elettrodomestici, ricaldamento, computer ecc. ) sia un argomento di importanza capitale. In un momento storico in cui le guerre sono motivate sfacciatamente dallaccaparramento di fonti energetiche, rivolgere lattenzione verso la produzione autonoma di energia assume un risvolto anche etico come mai in precedenza era successo. Gi in passato ed oggi sempre di pi molti esperti qualificati nel campo della fisica e dellingegneria si sono dedicati allideazione e alla realizzazione pratica di apparecchiature in grado di produrre energia utilizzabile ( essenzialmente elettrica ), con rendimenti di molto superiori a quelli utilizzati tuttora dai gestori di forniture energetiche centralizzate ( Enel, General Electrics ecc. ) per il consumo delle masse. Questo argomento di studio comprende un gran numero di dispositivi, la maggior parte dei quali brevettati in diversi paesi del mondo occidentale, riempie un gran numero di pagine sulla Rete ( Internet ), ed conosciuto sotto il nome di tecnologia free energy.
A fronte di grandi aspettative da parte degli acquirenti, e di grandi affermazioni da parte di inventori e/o produttori di tali dispositivi, sussistono due Interrogativi da parte del pubblico non tecnico:

1 perch, se questa tecnologia esiste davvero ed funzionante, in giro non se ne sa niente? Perch gli organi dinformazione non ne parlano? 2 perch quelli che hanno avuto esperienze con questi dispositivi affermano che permangono difficolt tecniche pratiche nella realizzazione pratica delle apparecchiature e nella standardizzazione della quantit di energia prodotta ( rendimento ) ? Non risponderemo al primo Interrogativo in quanto chi non abbia gi trovato da s la risposta potrebbe non capire le ragioni alla base delliniziativa, e non sarebbe conseguentemente di utilit allinterno della Cooperativa. Viceversa la Cooperativa ha bisogno, per raggiungere il suo scopo nellinteresse di tutti, di

persone che, oltre ad essere consapevoli delle implicazioni sociali ed economiche inerenti al primo Interrogativo, siano costruttivamente disponibili a risolvere le problematiche pratiche sollevate dal secondo Interrogativo che, al di l di superficiali ed interessate affermazioni di tanti venditori di tecnologia free energy, sembrano essere reali. E fondamentale sottolineare che la Cooperativa non ha scopi di lucro e non in alcun modo finalizzata alla commercializzazione delle apparecchiature che verranno realizzate. Questo non significa, chiaramente, che i Soci non potranno disporre del loro esemplare per i loro scopi personali; significa che se qualcuno dovesse organizzare un commercio di queste apparecchiature, metterebbe in difficolt tutti i Soci della Cooperativa per le implicazioni inerenti al primo Interrogativo. Al di l di questa limitazione, ogni Socio potr fare della tecnologia acquisita quello che meglio crede: in ogni caso, una volta limitato il fine commerciale, non rimangono che quello etico e quello puramente scientifico, oltre che quello, ovviamente di uso proprio. La Cooperativa agir tramite la coordinazione di alcuni Settori funzionali, cos suddivisi: Settore Know-How Settore Ingegneristico Settore Tecnico Settore Pubbliche Relazioni e Coordinamento Interno Settore di Supporto

Nel Settore Know-How saranno impiegati i Soci che, per attitudine e/o per disponibilit personali, siano in grado di: - identificare, in collaborazione coi Soci del Settore Ingegneristico, quale/i apparecchiatura/e, tra le tante note, sia il caso di riprodurre dopo aver effettuato una valutazione complessiva costi-benefici; - reperire il materiale informativo ( progetti, brevetti, articoli scientifici, pubblicazioni di vario genere, comunicazioni personali ) per la realizzazione pratica della/e apparecchiatura/e. Nel Settore Ingegneristico saranno impiegati i Soci con competenze teoriche e/o tecniche negli ambiti della fisica e della progettazione tecnica di strumenti ed apparati ( ingegneria ). Nel Settore Tecnico saranno impiegati i Soci con competenze tecniche specifiche nella realizzazione di strumenti ed apparati e nella manipolazione di materiali ( artigiani ). Nel Settore Pubbliche Relazioni e Coordinamento Interno saranno impiegati i Soci che, per attitudine e/o disponibilit personali, siano in grado di: - coordinare lattivit dei diversi Settori verso il fine comune tramite lorganizzazione di incontri periodici in cui ogni Settore possa esprimere le sue necessit e far presente agli altri Soci a quale punto sono i propri lavori; - ricercare ed acquistare per conto della Cooperativa, sentiti i Tecnici e gli altri Soci competenti, quanto necessario al lavoro ( materiali, strumenti di lavoro, materiale informativo, eventuali viaggi-studio ecc. );

- ricercare fondi e Soci tramite lorganizzazione di attivit informative di vario genere ( sito web, inserzioni su riviste tecniche, comunicazione con privati ed enti interessati/interessabili ecc. ) - organizzare e mantenere la contabilit. A tal fine sono benvenuti avvocati e contabili oltre, ovviamente, a tutti coloro che sentono di poter contribuire costruttivamente. Del Settore di Supporto faranno parte i Soci che, non avendo la capacit e/o la possibilit di contribuire in uno dei suddetti Settori, vorranno farlo anche solo finanziariamente. Non esiste un Settore pi importante degli altri, semplicemente perch la mancanza di anche uno solo dei Settori impedirebbe agli altri di raggiungere il fine comune. Verr compilata una Carta Sociale della Cooperativa, che verr sottoscritta da tutti i Soci. Il numero dei Soci attualmente non limitato; in futuro potrebbe esserlo qualora ci si renda conto della difficolt o dellimpossibilit di coordinare efficaciemente i vari Settori al di l di un certo numero di Soci. Gli interessati sono pregati di contattare Andrea al numero 338 8819390.

Prosegue la pubblicazione del sito tedesco Freie-energie tradotto automaticamente dal tedesco
This side(page) can contain mistake. I ask for your assistance!

Magnet river accelerator

Different coils sorts
On the left: Caduceus-coil middle: biffilare-coil of right(law): Bucking-coil

If two coils are switched symmetrically in the opposite direction mutually, this one not inductive coil proves. If flows by this one current, she generates a fine Helion 1 field which guards the coil before the space ether movement. An external field can not penetrate into a space(area) closely filled with magnet lines. It is called shield. The highest resulting field is also called ZPE. Only this is demanded. The coils are affected as not inductively zusammengeschaltet which escapes no electromagnetic river annoyingly and affecting, and the pulsing coils.

Acceleration of the magnetic river of a coil


by a coil an electric current flows, a magnetic river is generated.

See: the Electric dynamic law. An electric leader(ladder) who lies in parallel in a magnetic river, accelerates this. See: electric leader(ladder) in the magnetic field. The coil must be tuned(adjusted) with a condenser as an oscillator to the highest goodness, and freely can oscillate.

8 This oscillation takes place only in the electrons. The following devices show this: heave beard generator, Hendershotgenerator; See: Energetisierungsozillatoren. The ideal form of the oscillator is the Eiform. If the current river (direct current) of a coil with his(its) electrically leading core is switched in serie, the core accelerates the generated magnetic field by the coincided movement. See: electric leader(ladder) in the magnetic field. The coil must be fed with direct current impulses. In the impulse breaks the coil with a capacity must freely oscillate without derivative as a cyclone to accelerate the magnet river. This coil should galvanically separated about the second winding, or with a high voltage parties power Mosfet are pulsed. Transistors can burn by the accelerated magnetic field.

Principle attempt of a magnet river accelerator ZPE.

A copper coil by the core is coincided. As a core can instead of iron also another metal, or a plasma movement are applied. Accelerated ZPE-magnet river is directed in accordance with the right hand rule and the durchflossenen core to the right.

ZPE-magnet river acceleration with current of durchflossener coil (iron core) = 100% ZPE-magnet river acceleration after 20 millisec. Disconnection = approx. 93%. If a pulsed coil with an accelerated magnetic field is flowed through, their(her) current admission sinks. Therefore two facing coils can magnetize themselves mutually with less current admission.

Oscillator with two acceleration coils

Also as a not inductive coil or Bistrm oscillator calls.
Two coils oscillators must be identical and be equally strong. They(You) become phases twists as a bridge each other switched. The magnet cores or tubes amplifiers work as a ZPE-magnet river accelerator with pulsating direct current, not with alternating current. Therefore, at least two separated magnet river accelerators are demanded for an independently oscillating current generator which pulse as a bridge changingly. If a magnetic river flows in parallel to an electric leader(ladder), his(its) speed is multiplied. If a magnetic river flows in parallel to an electric leader(ladder), his(its) electrons are loaded (doped), and generates from existing particle like Helion 1 and 2 a centrifugal accelerated magnetic (Protronen) river. The magnetic river is thereby concentrated and is accelerated. It turns out in the leader(ladder) on the basis of the surplus a magnetic Protronen movement. This movement makes way because of lack of space from the middle at both ends from, moves in accordance with that (right hand rule) as a spiral around the leader(ladder), and radiates. Both coils with a Kondenstor can swing with their(her) own resonance.

9 Both coils can be also wrapped on a core side by side. See cyclone generator: The pole direction of the magnetic field is unimportant because the field flows only slowly. The field from the closest smaller particles (deutron) circulates inside than giving force.

The double ball egg cascade from the grain circles.

The cascade is twice symmetrically because she swings as a Bistrmoszillator, and themselves both sides(pages) magnetize therefore by a current river.

The core which should lead the accelerated magnet river

1. In the Balbanju/Urals Russia found tungsten spiral threadlike to geradelienigen tungsten crystal structures with a single thickness exists(consists) of bundle in an order of magnitude of 1 m. See: Phaser. 2. Ferrite. 3. Directed soft iron (NANOPERM see MEG) / nanoperm_e/htm. 4. Electrically leading permanent magnet (Alnico). 5. Geglhter and directed iron rod.

To inductive coils are not switched as a bridge, are applied with the current generators. They(You) build up, and then produce independently current.

Magnetstromapperat from Hans Coler


Dei to free oscillators are two coils in each case in the horseshoe magnet.

Hendershot generator
The free oscillators are L1-C2 and L2-C2.

Hubbard generator
The free oscillators exist(consist) of the red condensers with the blue coils. The brown coils are pulsed with direct current around in the blue coils to induce a magnetic field. This is accelerated in free oscillators. The Return EMK impulse


Dingle water car reactor

The diameter of the copper lacquer wire for 150-250 amperes amounted to approx. 10 mms. Recently he applies many thin copper lacquer wires in a rope. He applies a high DC voltage, also 12 DC on a higher DC voltage walks. The sort of the coil is an assumption. Picture links: the coils can be pulsed with a strong stroboscope device. So both coils with a lot of current can be pulsed, and swing freely on deleting the estimate. The coils must be struck on maximum goodness of the own resonance. In the middle is possibly a permanent magnet gebrckt. The coil can be also pulsed with an autoignition coil or with a power Mosfet-transistor.

Stanley Meyer Wasserauto

Picture on the left: all coils sit on the same core. So L4 and L5 can not oscillate optimally freely. Picture middle: the coils L4 and L5 sit on own cores, and can freely oscillate. Picture on the right: Optimizes with feedback for the acceleration about electrically leading permanent magnets.


Two ZPE-magnet river accelerator coils L4, L5 (Redly) which are called on the original to plans Resonat Charging choke. These two self-oscillating coils must virtually it goes galvanically and kapazitiv being decoupled, so that accelerated ZPE-magnet river is not derived, and weakens the oscillator. The input coil L1 (Primary-Coil) induces on the at the end of-final coupling coil L2 (secondary-Coil) impulses. The current impulses of the exit coil L2 flow by the magnet river accelerator coils L4, L5 and the electrolysis electrodes. The current river induces a magnetic field in L4 and L5 which is accelerated in this. The diode decouples L4, L5 by L2, so the L4 and L5 mutually of each other are decoupled. The iron atoms in the ZPE-magnet river accelerator coils L4 and L5 must be aligned to reach around a very possible movement. Nanoperm or electrically leading Permanentmagnete are suitable best.


Sweet generator
The input coil forms an induction in the not inductive coils. The magnets and cores are wrapped in an electrically leading mirror smooth metal foil. Http: // / ~ wje / free_energy / sweet_vta/

An accelerated ZPE magnetic field can be also led by ferrite. The symmetric windings should show only a position.

Accelerated magnetic fields burn, destroy, and energetisieren people(persons). A berenergetisierung becomes only after longer radiotherapy was taken. By a berenergetisierung a paralysis can lead up to faint. The berenergetisierung leaves only after if the affected body cells are replaced. Bones remain lifelong energetisiert. With experiments enough distance must be kept. The magnet river must be concluded(closed). The generator should be guarded with iron. The person should not keep open too long near the generator.

Start side Bases Gravitation Cyclone stir principle Pyramids Zwirl Magnet river accelerator Current generators Grain circles-plasma reactors Levitationsmaschinen Phaser Water cars Water car-Joe's cells Water splitting Energetisierungsgerte Energetisierungsoszillatoren Crystals Energetisierung explain and measure Projects Universe and Aldebaran Genesis Biorobot On the left

With a pyramid the flowed through magnetic river is accelerated in the sides(pages). Separate rods up to pyramid must be excited by an external magnetic field. A pyramid with from 5 rods generates a cyclone and self-sufficient own magnet river. Device with tiny silver pyramid in the magnetic field: sIehe: magnetic field device - MAXIOM

Picture on the right: the plasma field of a pyramid with a Kirlianvideogert

15 taken(accepted).

Table about pyramids from stone. Time Approx. 2600 v. Chr. Approx. 2550 v. Chr. Approx. 2550 v. Chr. Approx. 2550 v. Chr. Approx. 2550 v. Chr. Approx. 2520 v. Chr. Approx. 2500 v. Chr. Pharaoh / designation / place Djoser / stepped pyramid / in Sakkara Snofru / in Medum Crease pyramid / in Dahshur Snofru / red pyramid / in Dahshur Cheops / in Giseh Chephren / in Giseh Mykerinos / in Giseh Width in m 125 x 110 146 183 220 230,56 214,84 104,8 Height in m 60 93 99 104 146,72 143,22 65,5 . 5150 in '35 " 4322 ' (at the top) 4322 ' 5150 in '35 " 537 in '48 " 5120 in '25 " Corner

Http: //*rampe nbau Http: // Http: // egypter.html*Tabelle%20mit%20wichtigen% 20details

From the hyperbolischen form ergiebt to itself an optimal cyclone. From it the optimal construction form of the Zwirl is derived. As a transformer one combines the Zwirl with the hyperbolischen spiral.


The Zwirl is an extended pyramid.

Picture on the right: the Zwirl (grain circle - " cambrigbe fishing rod (hinge) ") shows a pyramid which has instead of 4 rods, approx. 80 fine wires. The cyclone can be strengthened in the center of the pyramid by a smaller reverse pyramid.

Zwirl as a Medalie
Patrick Flanagan studied the works of earlier pyramid researchers. Andr Bovis had discovered in the 30s that in the big pyramid of Gizeh pyramid forces could keep open the decomposition of meat and mummify it instead. With modern, highly sensitive measuring instruments Flanagan could prove that the energy described by Bovis was contained not only in the top, but everywhere in the pyramid. However, other pyramid forms with divergent proportions did not show this special quality. Only the Cheopspyramide can bundle energy by their(her) form. Flanagan also repeated attempts which the Czech radioengineer Karel Drbal had done in the 40s with razor blades. If one put a blunt razor blade some time under a small pyramid, she became sharp again. Flanagan began an analysis of the energy effects with the help of Kirlian photograph, skin resistance measurements of acupuncture points and an alpha waves detector. Forms determined the subjective reactions of his (its) test subjects. The test subjects spent just(exactly) a minute in an acryl pyramid. Before it and then a Kirlian photo was taken(accepted) by a finger of the test subject. In all cases a change of the energy structure could be documented. Also plants attempts produced comparable results. Therefore succeeded Patrick Flanagan the proof that pyramid forces cause more measurable changes in the energy which surrounds all life natures. One of the results of his(its) researches is a metal medallion which named Flanagan sensor. This medallion has a diameter of approx. 3 cm and should just be able to concentrate a lot of energy like a two meters high pyramid. The medallion carries a sample which is composed from a star shaped arrangement by triangles which possess the same square like the big pyramid of Gizeh. The sample just calculated(charged) by Flanagan functions as a receiver for biocosmic energy. If one lies down a sensor around the neck, the energy level of the porter raises itself clearly. Http: // r/pyramidenpower.html Architect`s plans under grain circles: please, click

Zwirl as a cone with plasma derivative at the ends

This device was built in Russia.


In addition I have received the web side by E-mail, but I have no Internet address. Everything is into Russian. I can not translate it.


This side(page) can contain mistake. I ask for your assistance!

Current generators
There are several possibilities accelerated ZPE-to place at disposal magnet river for the solenoid coils of the current generator. 1. Radium or other decay products. (Hendershot, Heave beard) 2. The influence engine which produces a high voltage plus to an accelerated magnetic field. (Testatika) 3. To a Zwirl, an extended pyramid. See: projects. Zwirl. 4. An electrically leading permanent magnet. (Coler)

Oscillator the ZPE

1. Coil mostly on iron core with condenser. (Hendershot, heave beard) 2. Coil on magnet core. (Coler, Testatika) 3. Vacumrhre as an amplifier or switch(counter) (Radar). (Moray) 4. Anihilationsreaktor The magnet cores or tubes amplifiers work as a ZPE-magnet river accelerator with pulsating direct current, not with alternating current. Therefore, at least two separated magnet river accelerators are demanded for an independently oscillating current generator which pulse as a bridge changingly. Push-pull mode oscillator with Vacumrhren: http: // Parametrische oscillation excitation with coils: http: //

1. The oscillators can themselves at least as a two, or repeated group pulse alternately mutually. 2. The oscillators are pulsed by an exciting permanent magnet (rotating). (Engine generator)

The oscillators may be induced only shortly to generate a magnetic field and a power output. Then the oscillators must be able to oscillate without touch freely around to generate accelerated ZPE-magnet river. See: Energetisierungsoszillatoren and Magnet river accelerator.

All current generators need an excitation by a radiation which is usually produced by radon doped iron, or by quickly exciting permanent magnets.


Magnetstromapperat from Hans Coler

Another example is. In the late 20s years the German navy captain Hans Coler developed these converters with oscillating circuits coupled electrically and magnetically. Certainly, he produced only a low exit tension, for it, however, a high current, so that a performance (achievement) of altogether approximately 6 kilowatts appeared. The machine became in 1926 from professor M. Klose from Berlin Charlottenburg TH and from professor W.O. Schumann from the TU of Munich checked, they confirmed that he functions perfectly, but were not able to explain(express) how the energy was produced. Klose stated an efficiency of 450%; Schumann thought even that 4,8 to 6,7 times more energy came out, than was put into the device. A deception expelled Schumann completely. Shortly before end of the 2nd world war the Coler converter was developed by order of the war-navy-command by a proficient syndicate under administration(pipe) of Siemens; After end of the war he was confiscated by the British secret service which wrote in 1946 a specified, report partly released today on it (British Intelligence Objectives

Sub-Committee, in 1946).

The yellow arrows show the current river. The big purple arrows show the river of the accelerated ZPE magnetic field. The current generator exists(consists) of six hexagonal so ordered electrically conductive Alnico-magnets the magnetic river is concluded(closed). The coil induces a magnetic river by direct current impulses on the core, the core generates from it accelerated ZPEmagnet river. The core and the winding are switched electrically in row to accelerate accelerated ZPE-magnet river. See: electric leader(ladder) in the magnetic field.

20 The coils must be tuned(adjusted) with the bar magnet on highest ZPE-magnet foot. In addition every coil is balanced separately before and after anschleien. The data of the coils and magnet must agree(correspond) as good as possible because coil A1 (B1) are confronted to A2 (B2) as a not inductive coil. The coils are guarded as a trial to the inside of the circle with ferrite blocks, so that the Pulsirende magnetic field the other coils are not affected. Two adjustable air coils couple the circle A with the circle of B. The coupling of the air coils (greenly) form to the condensers an oscillator which the circle A and the circle of B with each other to swing brings. By the start the circle becomes A with the circle of B zusammengeschaltet, and the Magnete are smashed into so closely as possible. Then are fed with a battery about a tracer impulses into one of the paddock coils. If itself the oscillator energetisiert has the amplitude and the magnets rises become something (up to 9 mms) on resonance distance and the best focus of the ZPE wave jumped apart. With the highest amplitude the switch(counter) is opened. If the generator not starts, or badly runs, should become a small DC voltage serial in both circles zugeschaltet. The Spannungeinspeisestelle must be switched with a condenser from 330 F in parallel. Magnet river accelerators, please, click

Picture on the left: a version with only one bar magnet. Two winding halves are drawn only to the representation of the connections with the magnet core not as a continuous winding, but as a cut. The bend number may not be too high. Picture on the right: starting aid. Impulse feed with a battery a transformer on the not inductive coil. The diode becomes with the pole changeover switch in accordance with the river of the connected solenoid coil gepolt, and directs the impulses immediately.

Picture on the left: imitation of the Hc*Rs lab


Cyclone generator Copy of Walter Thurner

In this generator no current was still taken, but a generated very strong disturbing field because the magnetic circle is open. Both coils are wrapped on an electrically leading Berillium permanent magnet rod side by side. To two coils a DC voltage is switched in serie which magnetizes the core and dopes. Http: //

The generator
Unfortunately, this, compared to magnet current machine essentially more interesting machine is not described exactly, unfortunately, also no specified drawings are present to me. From [1] is to be inferred that the device exists(consists) of an arrangement of magnets, flat coils and copper plates and is fed by a small battery. It exists a primary circle and a secondary circle. The energy delivery of the system is bigger according to different reports of competent scientists several times than the performance(achievement) which is taken about the primary circle from the battery. [1] Summarizes the construction and the perhaps impact as follows:

1. The basis principle is that an electron can be considered not only negatively loaded particle, but also magnetic
South Pole. The basic element is that of an open secondary circle, inductively coupled with a primary circle. The new characteristic feature is that capacities about permanent magnet are connected with the secondary core as follows:

It is claimed that with the turning on of the primary electric circuit a load division appears, i.e. M1 is loaded, e.g., positive and M2 negatively, and these loads are polarized " magnetically " if they form up, because of the presence the Magnete. While switching off the primary circle a "reverse current" flows in the secondary circle, but the Magnete " carry out(exercise) no polarizing effect on this reversal " 2. Now two these basic elements are joined and form a double system or double step and the plates(records) should lie closely together in parallel levels(plains) like here shown:


The secondary windings are just same both and are wrapped so that with the turning on of the primary coil the electrons flow in the secondary coil of P1 after P2 and F1 after F2. Then one finds out that the system F1 - has F2 only an induction effect and usable current appears in the system P1 - P2. 3. A separate step is ineffective, but two steps which are connected so that the number of the effective North Poles and South Poles is same, represent an arrangement able to work. Other double steps can be added to place at disposal higher power outputs. 4. Furthermore it is found out that, as well as normal electrons from a battery flow and and an induction cause if the circle is concluded(closed) or is opened, "space electrons" of " repulsive spaces(rooms) " " to attractive spaces (rooms) " flow, but it was not possible to me to follow farther this theory. The formulations are not partly quite clear and only surely they prove of the point of view of the classic electricity no sense. Nevertheless the device works evidently, because it was checked repeatedly. [1] contains several reports on detailed measurements and their(her) results which leave no doubt. In the construction there seem to have given in the course of the years several changes, because the descriptions of the separate reports easily deviate of each other. From the description in the report Prof. Schumanns (in [1]) can be taken following: The generator contains in principle two in parallel switched, magnetically coupled coils. One of these coils is manufactured from copper sheets and is called in the report plate coil. The other winding exists(consists) of a number more thinly in parallel of switched isolated wires, is called than coils winding and runs in small distances in parallel to the plate winding. The coils are ordered in two halves, according to a bifilaren compress system. Batteries are connected in each case to the starting points of the windings of both coils, at the (Parallel-switched) ends the current collectors. Besides, are between parallel bends of both halves of the plate coil interconnections from iron rods which are connected with silver wire to the bends. These rods are also provided with a winding which is fed by another battery and which magnetizes rods. This winding is called in the report energizing wind. Besides, it is still mentioned that the form of the coil she of a long narrow rectangle was.

Helge long wrote in addition on 13/02/2000: The drawing reconstructed after the Schumann report of the generator did not appear to me compared to the construction after dumpling plausibly, besides, the exit circle was not separated obviously from the (batteries) to input circles what he would have to be after OKM-as well as after the Schumann report, however. I believe the mistake to have thought: in the OKM-report it is mentioned which are to both (half) plate coils " interwounded in 2 groups " what I understand as two-ply wrapped. With it the whole does sense again, because the both (of each other isolated) positions then P1 and F2 / P2 correspond to the plates(records) F1 / after dumpling, and therefore the "plate coil" is actually a condenser with inductive interest (what could prove a compact oscillating circuit in itself). Then in the middle would be furthermore the energizing wind, and four electromagnets would be simply shifted from inside outwardly. Then a position of the plate windings (F1 / F2) would have to be switched in row and be connected with the battery, the other position (P1 / P2) is connected only one-sided and proves both exit electrodes which may have F2 no electric connection with the coils windings and the position F1/. The connection of the coils windings remains apart from that as had .R The OKM-report mentions incidentally also somewhat of "transformer's coils" (majority!) which are attached between the compresses; then it seems to me rather, as if each of the iron rods should get own winding instead of common around all to wrap. The drawing reconstructed after the Schumann report of the generator did not appear to me compared to the construction after dumpling plausibly, besides, the exit circle was not separated obviously from the (batteries) to input circles what he would have to be after OKM-as well as after the Schumann report, however. Picture below: generator of Coler in the cross section


I believe the mistake to have thought: in the OKM report it is mentioned which are to both (half) plate coils " interwounded in 2 groups " what I understand as two-ply wrapped. With it the whole does sense again, because the both (of each other isolated) positions then P1 and F2 / P2 correspond to the plates(records) F1 / after dumpling, and therefore the "plate coil" is actually a condenser with inductive interest (what could prove a compact oscillating circuit in itself). Then in the middle would be furthermore the energizing wind, and four electromagnets would be simply shifted from inside outwardly. Then a position of the plate windings (F1 / F2) would have to be switched in row and be connected with the battery, the other position (P1 / P2) is connected only one-sided and proves both exit electrodes which may have F2 no electric connection with the coils windings and the position F1/. The connection of the coils windings remains apart from that as had .e The OKM report mentions incidentally also somewhat of "transformer's coils" (majority!) which are attached between the compresses; then it seems to me rather, as if each of the iron rods should get own winding instead of common around all to wrap. The complete Coler report English: Http: // er1.htm

Hendershot generator
In picture click to increase. The generator produces more than 200 watts DC with 50 hertz.

24 The generator becomes by the radioactive decay of radium chloride energetisiert. Radium alpha particle delivers which are not piercingly like a Beta particle. Radium gives alpha rays (Teilchenspiralimpulse) with the decay freely becomes from (partly energetic radiation). The device can also become by two Zwirl energetisiert which become about the tubes.

Two iron tubes with an outside diameter of approximately 15,24 cm, inside 14 cm, 7,62 cm long, are an in isolation with paper. On these tubes two condensers with a length of 2,32 are wrapped, the back is coated with radium. From the primary oscillators energy is uncoupled. The capacity of both condensers, must be very same. The coils and condensers must be balanced on a high goodness. The cylinders are mounted on a board(shelf) with a side length of 12 times 45,7 cm. The coils L1 and L2 (the lowest coils) are short one-ply solenoids are with 12 to 25 bends wire 1,5 mms of DM, flexibly, with PVC are simply isolated all around the basket fabric generator wrapped. Basic principle: magnet river accelerator

(L4) and L6 (L7) are ever isolated with 7,62 m with wire 1 mm of DM, flexibly, with PVC. The wire is twisted in the form of basket. To the production 57 small pegs with a diameter of 3,2 mms were evenly ordered on a wood board in a circle of 150,8 mms. Then between these pencils the wire became hindurchgewunden.
L3 The compress sort of the basket coil causes many berkreuzungen comparable with the Caduceusknoten with every bend. Coincided administrations(pipes) magnetize themselves mutually. See: coincided administrations(pipes) accelerate the magnetic river. These coils are symmetric condensers which strengthen the energetic field. L1 (L2) is uncoupled by L3,4,5 (L6,7,8) because in the oscillating circuit 1 and 2 an electron surplus appears which may not be derived. Two big bell coils are switched in serie, directly near the magnet, as an Electromechanical oscillator Two oscillators L1 and L2 Pulses. Two transformers, were low frequency transformers with a translation relation of five to one to transform the low-voltage of the generator on the weight tension high. Every oscillating circuit must have the same resonance from 50 hearts. The MP condensers had approx. 40 F.


Picture on the left: vice(lorry) Hendershot

picture on the right: his(its) son

26 p3

Hubbard generator
The generator with a central cylinder of approx. 28 cm of DM and approx. 35-cm length, gave 125 volts AC, 280 amperes, 50 hearts. The current is pulsating. The generator Alfred M. Hubbard built in 1920, becomes by the radioactive decay of radium chloride energetisiert. Radium alpha particle delivers which are not piercingly like a Beta particle. Radium gives alpha rays with the decay freely becomes from (partly energetic radiation). The device can also become by a very energetic generator energetisiert which is put in the middle tube. Both openings of the tube should be shot to produce a close cell.

The central cylinder exists(consists) of an iron tube 15 cm of diameter, 30 cm high. The cylinder is wound with approx. 2,5 meter zweischichtigen with Radiumclorid coated condenser foil. On it the generator coil (blue) with approx. 20 bends is wrapped, as the cut coil expresses (brown) approx. 20 bends.

Eight exterior cylinders exist(consist) of iron tube 8-10 cm of diameter, and are wound with approx. 1,5 meter zweischichtigen with Radiumclorid coated condenser foil. On it the generator coil (blue) with approx. 12 bends is wrapped, as the cut coil expresses (brown) approx. 12 bends. All cylinders are filled with iron powder. With newer generators the coils were embeded completely with iron or ferrite.

From the primary oscillators energy is uncoupled. The coils and condensers must be balanced on a high goodness.

27 The coils produce their(her) own magnetic field which as an electromagnet by the iron core is concluded(closed). The effect of the magnetic series connection of eight eren cylinders is similar with the Colergenerator.

Basic principle: magnet river accelerator

The coils on the cylinders are uncoupled galvanically separated, so that the free electrons are not derived, and because of the invested acceleration tension of 11,2 KV between that cylinder (negative poles) and exterior 8 cylinders (positive pole) colearn. By the acceleration tension becomes the plasma of the middle coil on 8 exterior Hereingeschoen. Thereby there rises the friction of the plasma on 8 coils and it more free particles and electrons form. The translation of the transformer must be adapted on the cut coils. The electric rectifier circle isolates the oscillating circuits of each other, so that you do not impair the resonance of the neighbouring co-ordinated circles (when required apply). The inductances can be tuned(adjusted) finely by adding or removing of nuclear material. The coils and condensers can be measured with a LC meter, and be calculated(charged) the oscillating circuits. The resonance frequency should amount 50 hearts. The device must be started while to a coil a current impulse is given.

H.V.static generator:

Http: //

Nuclear battery of Paul Brown

Paul Brown baute1986 a generator, comparable with heave beard. Diameter 8,5 cm, height 12 cm, performance (achievement) 70 watts, with 28,35 grammes of radioactive material(equipment). Later he built a device with 15 KW.

Patentnr.: 4,835,433

or Patentnr.: 4,835,433

May 30, in 1989

Copy from a Swiss study group

Unfortunately, it was copied only a unity.

28 With an external feed of impulses the generator caught in and in the nearer surroundings a besonderst loaded noticeable. Around the generator must to invest independently at identical unities are built! The device also can instead of with radium, with a illuminated. to whistle, field was least two Zwirl are

Report, please, click:

Converter of Henry Moray

February, 1937. Dr. Henry Moray feeds 35 lamps of 100 watts with his(its) converter. The converter weighed 25 kg. He had to be connected to a very isolated cable which was laid out in the garden paralell to the Erdmagnetfeld as a magnet river amplifier (so-called aerial). The cable must show an abgetimmte length. If the aerial was uncoupled, the function of the converter went out (expired). Moray devoted a Vacumrhre to produce this electron plasma. He vaporized the cathode with radioactive radon gas, a radioactive material(equipment). We know the radon to lead 210 emitter disintegrates, a Beta with a half time of approx. 22 years. This wanted itself Moray mine with his(its) source of produced radioactive material(equipment) which possibly burns out. He called it artificial radiation. Radon gives alpha rays with the decay freely becomes from (partly energetic radiation). This tube (ions take-up motion) works after the same principle like the Anihilationsreaktor of a Levitationsscheibe. The anode was fired by a Bescheunigungsspannung with the particle plasma from the radon of the cathode. A high energetic field appeared in the anode from the friction. He put the anode to an aerial by which energetisierte high voltage flowed. By freely become from particle a particle vacuum and they(she) formed in the administration(pipe) space ether soaked up. This potential was coupled to a top performance condenser-final loader. This became like a flash tube getriggert, with a frequency of 50 hearts. This signal was adapted with a transformer to the tension to the lamps in the exit.

T.H.Moray's " Radiant Energy Device "

To the historic examples on which refer current converter farmer belong a row of other inventions from the 20s and 30s. the " Radiant Energy Device " of electrical engineer's Dr. Thomas Henry Moray from Salt Lake City contained a sort of transistor, different electric oscillating circuits and up to 29 plasma amplifier tubes switched in a row as well as aerial and grounding (Moray, in 1978). It should have produced performances(achievements) of 50-70 kilowatt-hours; to the observers struck that the thin wires which led away the current, remained a continuous operation always cool also after a lot of hours(lessons). An important element of the functional principle should have been the resonance vote of the electronic plasma in the tubes by which the admission has been made possible by "space energy". SUBMULTIPLE GENERATOR or

free repeated generator

29 Lower frequency can be reached by a high frequency source. This device became in 1930 "submultiplegenerator" was named. Now, if an oscillating Triode which couples weakly from the plate(record) to the grid, this is more or less unstable. If his(its) preliminary tension is put so which runs the plate current fully harmonization, the circle synchronizes itself independently with other harmonious frequency. These are two oscillating Triodenkreise which have a tendency to synchronize themselves mutually also with weak coupling. With stronger coupling the effect was bigger. Suppose so that this unstable oscillator on about 10.000 hertz was put and that 100,000 hertz of a quartz oscillator on his (its) plate(record) became fed (getriggert); then the unstable oscillator oscillated synchronously with 100,000 hertz. Two electric circuits cooperate synchronously, so as they would be connected mechanically with each other. This generator served as the driver of two submultiple generators. Reference: Electron Tubes by John H. Morecroft, ScD. In 1933

On the left: ions

take-up motion middle: ions take-up motion with black color painted Of right(law): top performance condenser-final loader

Book about Moray: The Sea of enegy in witch the earth floats: Http: // / moray / edition4 / index.htm Bases of the tubes oscillators: http: //

Article about one of these demonstrations: article 1 Article 2 Pictures: picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

Article 3

G element
The brash team around Dr. Hartmut Mller has succeeded in 1999 in producing such a named g element which delivers since then measurable electric current and converts therefore for the first time space energy into current.


The g element is actually nothing farther as a condenser which is loaded permanently by a standing gravitation wave about a gravi electric energy converter (Serpentin quartz). The energy yield is still relatively low (100 mW in the continuous operation). Nevertheless, she brings a small small lamp to the light. His(Its) functional way is based on a resonance coupling with a global standing gravitation wave. The development of the g element was based on a simple observation (miller, in 1998): under certain conditions natural layer and chains silicates, for example, Serpentin quartz shifts are charged, electrostatically. However, the special in this phenomenon everyday apart from that is a follower: the minerals are charged again like by itself, even if one derives the load permanently. On global Scaling basing calculations pointed out that it could be here about a natural gravielektrischen energy converter. Then this hypothesis could be also confirmed by purposeful lab experiments. The g element exists(consists) of a well leading (metallic) "pot", in which Is by a not leading membrane separated Serpentin-or quartz powder. Between two metallic reflectors of exponentialer form (the best results became with the "eggcup" - a form z=3exp (- 3 (x2+y2!) 2 Achieves) a gravitation wave "is "caught" which becomes now a standing wave and brings the resonator to the wing. So an intensification effect is produced which allows to achieve a partly useful energy yield. However, the natural oscillations of the resonator lie with some hertz to kHz (overtones), so that a connected flashlight light bulb flickers like a candle in the wind. Between both parabolic reflectors the plasma is centred in the centre of the cell on the resonator (solenoid coil with condenser). The energetic field is higher in the parabolic reflectors than in the outside cylinder. In an energetisierten piece of metal electrons are generated (electron surplus negative pole). The sand separates the energetic chamber from the outside tube. Therefore the outside tube is approx. only 3% as strongly energetisiert as the energetic chamber. Www.raum energy {Space


He has been developed in 1989 in the life partnership and religious community Mehernita in lime-trees near Bern (Emmental) by Paul Baumann. A model has one the discs are started by hand

31 The heart are two freely oscillating symmetric solenoid coils on the horseshoe magnet which in resonance with 4 with radon condensers coat stand. These become a combination fed by two kapazitive transformers high-tension, and in the electrostatics engine-influence engines. The influence engine Http: // / ~ acmq/electrostatic.html something works as a Zwirl, and generates very energetic high voltage which is transformed with the Teslatransformatoren down. The symmetric solenoid coils are magnetized by the current river stronger, and the magnet river spirals are farther accelerated. Two symmetric systems to pendulum of each other supported. The device generates 270-320 volts of direct current, and a continuous duty from 3-4kW, (according to air humidity). Picture on the right: influence engine the Thule (Vril) Levitationsmaschine. Three discs turn in the space ether.

Methernitha cooperative administration
Moosbhlweg 2 3517 - lime Switzerland in the Bernese Oberland Tel.: 0041-36 771123 faxes: 0041-317712613. Http: // Principle attempt to the Testatika: Videos about the Testatika: 3,3 MB: Http: // sch.wmv 30 kW with 2 m of diameter disc: Video 1 3 kW Testatika - table arrangement: Video 3 Video 2 Video 4

Http: // / ~ aarekhu/ Http: // ml Http: // ta/Testatika/view Http: // / eft768.htm Http: // / de / html / body_testatika.html Methernitha Christian Alliance: Http: // m Http: // rst.htm Several links: Http: // m

Testatika plans click here


Testatika selfbuilding 300 watts of Jorge Resines Testatika Copy picture gallery here click
Http: // pes/externalsecond.htm

The engine which may not run: Http: // 047.htm

Engine generator of Dreier

The generators are developed in Greece with Rodos. The electric motor drives(does) a current generator with a translation relation of approx. engine = 1 Upm: generator = 100 Upm. The anchor of the generator exists(consists) of permanent magnet which show only 10% of the normal surface, however, to the inducing winding. The coils may be pulsed only shortly by the induction, around a magnetic field on build up. In addition a very high speed is necessary. Then the coils in the anchor must freely be able to oscillate around to be based accelerated ZPE-magnet river. The anchor of the generator can be turned in this condition with the same weight with less effort of the electric motor. The won current of the high frequency generator must be converted with a tension converter on 230 volts of mains voltage. In addition an umgesteckter solar converter is applied. These become only parts which are already applied for years in the industry, e.g., transformers converter AC converter DC, sine change judge, high voltage generator, only around unites to name. His(Its) newest development works without exciting parts.

See: http: //


Tilley accumulator case system of the house care and electric road vehicle

Http: //

Converter of Peter Markowitz

In the end of 1980 Phisiker Peter Markowitz has presented a converter before the Resarch Council in Otwa/Canada which showed a Nettoleistung of 360 volts with 30 Amper. With it an electric motor could be driven. This rather highly competitive converter has only the construction size of a middle radio.

Converter unknown
A South German private experimentale physicist whose name should not be named here has built a converter of pocket radio size whose Eingangsstromaufname amounts to 0,6 Amper with 12 volts of battery current. The power output amounts to 6 Amper with 300 volts = in 1800 watt, so that the Nettoleistung 1,7928 kilowatts amounts. This performance(achievement) was won from only one single amplifier step. A repeated circuit is possible just like that.

Plasma reactors as main power stations change the gravitation movement of the earth. Gravitation click here.


Da: A: Oggetto: Data:

"Eugenio Odorifero" <> "Franco Malgarini" <> antigravity sabato 19 giugno 2004 10.51

dal sito di antigravity: ...intanto vi diamo il dispositivo a noi costato 1500 euro come informazione esso e' cilindro rotante che produce calore tanto per riscaldare una casa realizzato da Guido esso e un cilindro in rotazione che strappano dalle pareti degli atomi.


Absolutely ther
The Author's Second On-Line Book


Copyright 2001, R.Lanigan-O'Keeffe, Sydney, Australia

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 An Indictment? Attached file Government for the people, by the people , or ,control of the people , by the party ? ----Chapter 2 Introducing Nature's Being Force-forms;Newton's 1st & 2nd Laws of Motion;Energy-Force and Matter;Introducing Nature's "Being";The Concept of "Being"; The Use of Absolute Time. the scientific methods of Bacon and Descartes; Attached files Examples of Signals of Change ; Examples of conditional equilibrium. ----Chapter 3 The Mechanism. Nature's atomic mechanism;Natural Atomic Fission;Bad Neutron Numbers; Odd and Even nuclides;Distribution of neutrons;Longevity of unstable isotopes;Distribution of radioactive elements;Grasping Matter's Mechanism; Powdered and Graded Magnetite;Ferroliquids and ferroplastics; The Toroidal Magnetic field;Diamagnetic Helium;Chemical exceptions; The Mechanical Atom;Modelling Matter;Response Reactions. Attached files Magnetic recordings and QT ; Wax magnetic images ; Magnetic analysis ; Table 1. Radioactive elements; The five senses;Responses of the human body. ----Chapter 4 Restoration of Rotation. Twin-Peaks? Layered Structures; ;Propagation;Bonding Changes; Nuclear energy Attached file Hydrogen Vrs. Uranium ----Chapter 5 Seekers of The Light.


Claus Rmer and light's speed;Avoiding Viral effects; Einstein's contribution;Photons;Neutron stars and magnetism;Gravity and acceleration;Magnetic radiation;The Doppler effect;Diffraction;Polarisation and refraction;Photon problems;Don't forget to add water;Expansion theories and dispersion;Wave types and propagation;Modulations;Hydrogen; The Earth's Interior. Watt's Manual of Chemistry - 1872; Attached files Roger Bacon ; Diffraction ; Optiks and Telescopes; Table 2 - Hydrogen frequencies . ----Chapter 6 Seeking the Speed of Light. The calendars;The evolution of clocks;The Orbital Aberration effect;The speed of light;Maxwell's ther equations; Michelson and light;Nineteenth Century Observations; Light's many speeds History of Wireless Telegraphy ; Attached files Part 1 - Ray Trace of the Michelson-Morley Experiment . ----Chapter 7 Blowing in the Wind. 120 years of little changes;Waves Studies; The Doppler effect;The Wind Apparatus The 7-Layer Model of Nature ; Explaining the 7-Layer Model of Nature ; Attached files A ray trace of the wind devices ; The relativity of the environment ; The environmental relativity of the Michelson-Morley Experiment . ----Hickory dickery dock, Chapter 8 a paradox ran the clock. Illusion-defined;Paradox-defined;Olbers' Paradox; Shape of the Milky Way;Light's little secrets;The Cosine Theta Paradox; Radio Astronomy;The Principle of error;Photons and Audions; The Relativistic Doppler Effect;Time Dilation Attached files Solar System;Sir William Herschel. Numerical Values;Herschel's Galaxy; 61-Cygni-Light curve by Struve;Quantisation and saturation effects; The Lagoon Nebula;Michelson-Morley Experiment-five facets; Light's Catch-up effect ; Light's Collision effect ; Radar's Catch-up effect . ----Chapter 9 The Theory of Environmental Relativity. The Laws of Nature;Relativity? ;Necessary Corrections; Propagation faster than light;The Environments;The Waveforms; Waveform Simulations;Propagation;Environmental Relativity; The Doppler Effect;Rotation Attached files Catch-up Radar ; Collision Radar. ----Chapter 10 The Electrical Connection.


Big Bang Theories;Relativity and the ther; Experimental design;Chaos;Electrochemical Theory;Electrical measurements; Open the Door! ;The Vacuum;Molecules in the vacuum;Meters The Raisin Cake ; The Ice Experiment ; Alignment of Molecules ; Attached files Who and what defines Chaos ? Building a voltaic pile ; Electric and Magnetic fields . ----Chapter 11 Left or Right Field ? History of Photography and photons;Radio Valves; Failing the Nineteenth Century ther Theory;Challenging the photon theories;Matter and semiconductivity;The mechanism's response; The activity of matter;The gravity of matter Vidicons ; Ring Codes ; Radio Valves Attached files Voice Communication by Radio ----Chapter 12 Chemical Enthalpy. The Scientific method;The use of noumenons;The potential for error;The Causal research stage;The history of heat and metals; The foundations of Chemistry;Thermal expansion;Avogadro's hypothesis; Jn Jakob Berzelius;The neutrality of water;A magneto-mechanical model of water;Solutions contain complete molecules;Sulphur and sulphuric acid;Reaction enthalpy;Thermodynamics;Three Laws of thermodynamics; Reaction entropy;Cavity radiation;Defining energy;Pandora's Box. Forming a noumenon ; 1914 - Rutherford ; Attached files Crimes of environmental vandalism ; 1868 - G. Johnstone Stoney ; Rule #1 ; An Interesting Experiment. ----Chapter 13 Energy-Forms, Illusions and Serendipity. The Cricket's Song;Not so simple harmonic motion; Antonio Stradivari's violin;The Grand Piano; Identifying THE mechanisms;The Earth's Motion; Relative Relativity;Doppler Radar;Parallel Mathematics;Energy-forms;Matter's Activity. Rebound .. The Game ; The origins of Serendipity ; The spring experiment ; The standard candle power ; Attached files Irrespective of Path ; Detection device notes ; The electric field, a matter field. ----Chapter 14 Replacing a tattered fabric with strong cloth. Scientific pitfalls and Serendipity ; Ancient Beliefs ; An Exercise in Serendipity ; The Greatest Tragedy of All ; The case for the defence ; The prosecution's summation ; Conclusion ; Postscript . QED . Attached files Serendipitious Events ; The Legacy. ----Coming Soon... A glossary of terms. ----Files specific to discrediting the Michelson Morley Experiment


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 -

Ray Trace of ... Environmental Relativity of ... Five Facets of ... Files specific to the ther. The Diffraction Fan, An investigation into diffraction . The spring experiment , The Coriolis effect on springs.

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Welcome I invite you to explore free energy technologies with me. I am going to give free energy technologies to the world. I hope that you are willing to construct this new technologies and ask your self "is it possible". With gas prices so high it is time to take a stand for this new technologies. With air pollution killing 1,000,000s of

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how can we afford to wait any longer. Energy Technology is a terrorist act that kills 1,000,000s of

How does the D.M.M.Power Transformer work
First thing in FIG 1 the sec coil A and B must have the same number of turns. Next thing the two sec coils A and B must be connected together so when current is pass threw the two coils the magnetic field must oppose each other. Now when the pri coil set up a magnetic field it will only generate a currents in one of the sec coils for each half cycle do to the D.M.Material. When the pri coil sets up a magnetic field on the sec coils A as showing on fig1 the two coil will oppose each other but the sec current will have to pass threw the sec coil B wish will help strengthen the pri coil magnetic field. This means that Please make a donations and help bring this technologies to the market and save 1,000,000s of wend current pass threw the two sec coils they will cancel each other out wish will generate and high current output with very little current input. SEC coil A = 100 turns SEC coil B = 100 turns PRI coil = 100 turns


Yahoo Groups FOR D.M.M.POWER



Free Energy, Gravity and the Aether

by Dan A. Davidson PO Box 1090 Sierra Vista, AZ 85636 520-378-6033
Abstract: Over the years the existence and understanding of the aether has evolved as the basis for gravity and free energy effects at a micro and macro level. Laboratory experiments have shown that superluminal energy and information transfer has been effectively accomplished via aetheric engineering, which effectively eliminates the theory of relativity and its absurd views of physics and cosmology. The structure of the aether is summarized, as a superfluidic medium, including interrelationships of many of the basic universal constants describing physical phenomena with magnetic, electrical, and gravitic formulas. The author summarizes experiments that he has carried out, as well as others. Also summarized will be the author's current view of where the maverick ("behind the scenes") science network has moved in engineering the aether. The essence is that a worldwide, loosely associating group of engineers, physicists, chemists, and assorted garage shop experimenters have moved well beyond the stifling shrouds of the orthodox "science" community. Experiments have proven that the aether exists, and that it is engineerable, even to the extent that gravity is controllable, free energy is possible, superluminal energy/information transfer is readily accomplished, and a plethora of new inventions in energy generation, transportation, and communication are now being engineered for the marketplace. Introduction: It is a pleasure to speak and write to such a distinguished group of scientists and engineers. I salute your courageous and forthright stand for truth in science and your valiant efforts to bring a measure of sanity back into physics. As an confirmed aetheric scientist who has attempted to approach orthodox physicists, I appreciate your heroic efforts and pray God's blessing for us all. I am grateful to be able to give you some views on what I have discovered and where the real scientists are moving in development of THE new paradigm of physics. In the following I use the term "aether" to distinguish it from the anesthetic, ether. The Aether: From my research over 35 years the existence of the aether is a reality. The experiments of Trouton and Noble, Sagnac, Michelson and Gale, Thirring and Lenze, and Fizeau all imply that the aether exists.


John Keely performed extensive experiments in engineering the aether including producing various gravity phenomena, controlled breakdown of matter into aether and then using the aether in experiments, etc. My research and discoveries have led me to characterize the aether as follows:

1. A superfluidic particulate medium which pervades all space. 2. A medium, which in its various modes, is the building block of the physical universe. 3. A medium, which, in one of its modes, is responsible for gravity and inertia. 4. A medium which is controllable by our mind and can be manipulated my our thoughts. 5. A medium which can be controlled by geometric shapes.

This paper will cover aspects of 2 and 3, topic 4 I leave for a more suitable time and space and topic one I assert as a basic premise as I have not visited all space; however, inference leads one to this conclusion. Topic 5 will be touched briefly in this paper. Charge: The charge of matter is due to its interchange with aether. The electron as well as the other subatomic particles are basically self-sustaining vortices in a fluidic particulate aether. Charge represents a difference in concentration of the aether between two points. Mass (i.e., atomic particles) is made of aether, aether continually flows into and out of the particles as vortices, and the charge is due to its being at a different concentration of aether at a point in time and space than the local aether concentration. The electron is a vortex of aether caught in a rotating standing wave due to the vibrating flow of aether which flows into and out of the atom's nucleus. The charge of an electron, the Rydberg constant, and gravitational constant are also derivable from simple fluid mechanics1,2 treatment of the aether. See Table 1 for a summary of the simple relationships of the basic atomic and electrical constants as derived using fluid mechanics and treating aether as a superfluidic particulate medium. Atomic Structure: Atomic structure builds according to the rules of geometry and the basic polarity of atomic particles. Polarities are the result of aetheric flows into and out of matter. John Ernst Worrel Keely was the first sub-atomic physicist. His basic elucidation of atomic structure was derived from his development of the science of vibratory physics. One of his basic discoveries was that of the substructure of the proton3. He discovered it was a vortex made of three sub- nuclear particles, also vortexes. Further research led him to the idea that this three particle substructure continued down to smaller and smaller level of particles within each particle. Keely claimed to have learned to control the substructure 27 levels down from the basic proton. The Keely atom is depicted in a stylized format in Figure 1. The first level of substructure was finally theorized in the orthodox community by Feynman in 1958. Keely's discovery antedated Feynman by over 60 years! Feynman called the three particles making up


the proton quarks. Gravity: As summarized in Table 1, the gravitation constant as grad E correlates with the seminal work by T. Townsend Brown. Brown discovered that a capacitor will tend to move in the direction of the positive plate. Apparent weight loss is the result when the plates are perpendicular to the local gravity gradient. This effect can be enhanced by making one plate much smaller than the other plate. This essentially forces the grad E to maximize. It should be noted that grad E is independent of whether the field is AC or DC. Experiments have shown that even with this enhancement the capacitor does not have all its apparent weight nullified and levitate. The reason for this can be found again in the nuclear particle's relationship with the aether. Even though each atom is in constant resonance with the aether this resonance is not synchronized across the mass4. Each atom is doing its own thing, so to speak, and there is a random interchange with the aether with respect to all the nuclei. Thus, when a grad E acts as an aether pump across the capacitor plates only a small portion of the atoms become synchronized to this aetheric flow so the entire mass does not respond at the same time; therefore, all the atoms don't try and move at the same time. An interesting experiment suggested by Paul Stowe to test the grad E effect is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1. The Keely "Atom" Showing the Substructure of the Neutron. Analysis of various apparently disconnected events where levitation was witnessed provides some important clues to a means of effecting synchronization of the nuclei. This was explained, in detail, in a paper by Davidson and Decker4. Synchronization of the nuclei with the aether has been achieved by two main methods; namely, rotation or movement and sonically. Townsend Brown was quite open in publicizing his experimental results even though they were being funded in part by the Office of Naval Research out of San Diego. However, when he started rotating his gravitors on their axis the results suddenly became classified and all information on his experiments ceased. It is suspected that major levitation resulted and this breakthrough was classified to protect the discovery so it could be exploited for national defense.


Analysis of the phenomenon of inertia provides the major clue to how rotation could act to synchronize the flow of aether into the nuclear sub- structure of the gravitors. A seminal paper in Physical Review by Haisch, Rueda, and Puthoff theorizes that inertia is a result of mass's resistance of movement through the zero point energy (ZPE) field (i.e., the aether) because the mass, at the nuclear level, is linked directly into the aether. Puthoff and his friends basically did a nice proof of what Keely stated, in 1896, that inertia was a result of the resistance of mass to the local aetheric field. Hence, it is easy to see that movement/rotation could cause the aetheric flows of the mass to reorient with respect to the direction of movement. Sonic stimulation performs the same thing by getting all the atoms of the mass to resonate together which synchronizes aetheric flows into the nucleus. Several interesting levitation effects have been observed where sonic stimulation assisted in the levitation.


Put Table 1 here on Paul Stowe's equations.{Graphic stripped}


Figure 2 Variation Of Townsend Brown Experiment To Test Grad E Effect Levitation in Ancient Tibet: Research into ancient religions reveals many startling levitation effects. One of the most detailed and interesting of these have been recorded by a competent witness5. A Swede, Dr. Jarl, who studied at Oxford became friends with a fellow student from Tibet. Several years later, in 1939, he was asked by his friend to go to Tibet to treat a high Lama. His Tibetan friend had risen to high rank at his Lamasery and Dr. Jarl was privileged to learn many things which most foreigners would never hear about. On one occasion, his friend took him to a meadow which was surrounded by high cliffs to the northwest. About 250 meters up the face of the cliff there was a hole which looked like the entrance to a cave. A rock wall was being built in front of the cave by Tibetan monks. Access to the cave could only be achieved from the top of the mountain. 250 meters from the face of the cliff, facing the cave, was a polished rock slab with a bowl shaped depression in it. A block of stone, 1.5 meters long by 1 meter wide and 1 meter high was lowered into the depression by a team of Yaks and monks.


Monks with19 musical instruments, consisting of 13 drums and 5 trumpets, were arranged in an arc of 90 degrees (see Figure 3) in front of the stone block. The instruments had the following measurements:

(1). 8 drums were 1 meter diameter X 1.5 meters deep X 3mm sheet iron and weighed 150 kg. (2). 4 drums were 0.7 meter diameter X 1 meters deep (3). 1 drum was 0.2 meter diameter X 0.3 meters deep (4). All trumpets were 3.12 meters X 0.3 meters

All the drums were open on one end, mounted on poles, and aimed at the block of stone. The drums were beat by monks using a big leather club. Behind each instrument was a row of monks. The monks started chanting and playing the musical instruments which lasted four minutes. When the sound reached a certain level the large block of stone placed in front of them, occupying the focal point of the monks formation, majestically floated into the air and arched up to the construction site on the mountain above them where receiving monks guided the large block into place. The flight path of the huge stone took about 3 minutes. This was not an isolated incident. The monks continued to perform this feat at the rate of 5 or 6 stones per hour. On occasion a stone was broken by the process which indicates that the sonic resonance forces are capable of destructive effects. Calculations reveal that the volume of the large drums are similar to the stone block volume. The medium drums are one third the volume of the large drum and the small drum is a 41th of the medium drum and 125th of the large drum. The exact volume of the large stone is not available; however, the harmonic relations of the drums implies it is about 1.5 cubic meters.


As to the trumpets, their length, 3.12 meters, is not a good indicator of its sound. Most trumpets are flared at the end so part of the trumpet is more for sound amplification than its frequency component. So, if the wave length of the trumpet is some harmonic of about 3 meters, then the trumpet produces a sound which is the second harmonic of the large drums (i.e., 3 divided by 1.5 equals 2). Thus we see that the drums and trumpets are all harmonically tuned to the size of the stone being levitated. Another interesting aspect of this levitation demonstration is the small amount of power necessary to perform the levitation. The loudest tolerable sound pressure that a person can stand is approximately 280 dynes/cm2. From physics analysis9 this translates to about 0.000094 watts/cm2. If we assume that each monk with his instrument produced one half this much sound energy (which is highly unlikely) and we make the further gross assumption that this is the amount of power that reaches the stone (actually sound dissipates rapidly over distance), we would have about 0.01 watts (i.e., (19 instruments + 19 X 4 monks) X 0.000094) hitting the huge stone block. This is an astoundingly small amount of energy actually hitting the 1.5 cubic meter stone to produce the effect. To lift the stone 250 meters takes a prodigious amount of energy. Rocks such as granite and limestone have weights in the neighborhood of 150 - 175 pounds per cubic foot. If we assume a nominal value of 160 pounds per cubic foot then the 1.5 cubic meter stones weighed around 8475 pounds (i.e., over 4 tons!!!). To lift the 8475 pounds 250 meters would require about 7 million ft-pounds of work (i.e., 8475 pounds X 250 meters / 0.30408 meters/foot = 6,968,035). Since this was done over a 3 minute period then about 70 horsepower was produced (i.e., 7 X 106 footpounds / 180 seconds / 550 horsepower/foot- pound/second = 70.384). This is equivalent to 52 kilowatts (i.e., 70.384 X 0.74570 kilowatts/horsepower = 52.5). The over unity power factor we obtain is 5,250,000 over unity (i.e., 52,500 watts/0.01 watts). The monks were obviously tapping into a huge amount of free energy to levitate the huge stone blocks or gravity requires little power to effects its operation once the principles are understood. Movies taken by Dr. Jarl of the levitation were confiscated by the society he worked for and classified. Analysis of the geometric measurements, taken by Dr. Jarl, of the levitation situation reveals that the distances are related to the speed of light and other earth resonance phenomena. Levitation of 4 Ton Iron Sphere: After Keely's untimely death in 1898, several investigators from the "Scientific American" magazine staff went to Keely's laboratory looking for evidence to support the idea that Keely was a fraud3. They thought they found what they were looking for when they lifted the floorboards of a section of the laboratory and found a large cast iron sphere from which protruded pieces of iron pipe but the pipes were not connected to anything. The sphere was estimated to weight 6,625 pounds and have a bursting strength of 28,000 pounds. This event revived the charge that Keely had used compressed air to perform his miraculous feats; which, if true, would have earned Keely a fortune from compressed air inventions. Research, by a friend of mine, uncovered a newspaper article, written while Keely was still living, which tells the story of how the iron sphere got under the floorboards. It seems the newsman who wrote the article had gone to see Keely for possible newsworthy information. He found the inventor in his laboratory tearing a large hole in the floor. Keely greeted the reporter but


did not seem to be in a talkative mood as he appeared quite busy. After enlarging the hole, Keely attached a strange belt with several mechanisms built into it to his waist. He then attached a thin wire leading from the belt to a large sphere resting in the corner of the laboratory. After a few minutes of intense concentration by Keely the ponderous globe slowly lifted a few inches from the floor. Keely then "floated" the iron sphere over the hole in the floorboards and allowed the huge mass to settle to the ground below the floor level. After a few adjustments to the belt mechanism Keely again seemed lost in rapt concentration. This time the globe slowly but inexorably settled itself into the earth, buried by the opposite of levitation; namely, supergravity. Keely had evidently caused the apparent mass of the sphere to increase to such an extent that it sank into the firm earth much as a heavy rock sinks into mud. The inventor told the reporter that he was making room in his lab by clearing away outmoded equipment. It is theorized that the belt mechanism Keely wore during the levitation feat tuned the atomic structure of the iron sphere so all the atoms were synchronized and aetheric force directed through the sphere caused it to levitate or gravitate. The Detection of Aetheric Gravity Flow Using Dielectrics: By now it should be obvious that the larger the mass the more aether which flows into the atomic structure of the mass. Mass is both radiating and absorbing aetheric energy. Other mass in the vicinity will cause perturbations in this aetheric flow. Because of this fact, aetheric flow detectors can be constructed by taking advantage of this principle. My first working gravity or local aetheric stress/flow detector was demonstrated at the 1990 Extraordinary Science Conference in Colorado Springs, Colorado6. The basic principle of the gravity detector is the fact that the electronic charge structure of a given mass is a function of the amount of aether flowing into the mass. The charge around the atom is governed by the amount of aether flowing into and out of the mass. My reasoning was that dielectrics would make the best aetheric flow detector. Early success had been accomplished by Jerry Gallimore7 (circa 1975) and Townsend Brown8 (circa 1959) in using dielectric materials to detect local gravity effects. In dielectrics the electronic charge is isolated and trapped within the dielectric material since the charge cannot flow and dissipate. By using a high dielectric such as titanate zirconate or barium titanate the amount of charge change is directly readable by putting electrodes on each pole of a polarized dielectric. My first detector circuit used a picoamplifier attached to the electrodes to amplify the signal. Then the voltage/current changes across the dielectric are easily measured directly by a voltmeter. Figure 4 depicts the output of the gravity detector circuit as a graph of local gravitational stress (i.e., aetheric stress). The graph readily shows the daily swing of aetheric flow on the dielectric material as the sun and moon affects the earth's gravity field and gravity flows into the earth.


The data was taken during a solar eclipse and shows the effect of local aetheric field stress dropping during the period of the eclipse. Experiments with the dielectric detectors showed they tend to be noisy and susceptible to temperature, light, and sound pressure. If you are going to experiment with this type of gravity detector be sure to isolate the dielectric from temperature swings, light and sound. Greg Hodowanec did some experiments9 in 1986 and claimed success in detecting aetheric energies. He used an ordinary capacitor as a detector and an operational amplifier to boost the change in capacitance occuring in the capacitor. Analysis of his data shows it does not correlate with any known phenomena. Hodowanec's detector should at least have tracked daily aetheric changes due to the effects producted by the sun and moon. My experiments with his detector showed it is highly susceptible to temperature changes and it is quite possible the data he published were temperature effects. The Detection of Aetheric Gravity Flow Using DNC Coil: In discussing my results of gravitational energies (i.e., aether stress flows) with a fellow gravity researcher, Joe Parr, he mentioned he had similar results with dielectrics and had accidentally discovered a better detector. It was a strange coil to which he attached the moniker "Do Nothing Coil" (DNC). The DNC would detect the aetheric gravity flow without the bothersome temperature, photonic, and sonic noise effects. Joe called the coil "do nothing" because it did not respond in any significant manner to magnetic or electrical signals from DC to about 300 Ghz. By accident he discovered that the coil's resistance changed during a 24 hour period.

Figure 4. Gravity Sensor Data Example The DNC coil consists of about 8000 turns of number 34 copper wire wound on a plastic hoop. In my duplication of the DNC coil I got a Hula Hoop and cut it open, removed the plastic noise maker beads, and shortened the tubing length to make a plastic loop 19 inches in diameter (i.e., center of toroid on one side to center of toroid in other side). To wind the coil I set the coil form and wire and electrician tape on the coffee table in front of the TV set


and whenever I was watching TV I would wind a couple of hundred turns on the loop and cover the turns with black electrician tape to keep the coil in place. After a couple of months I finally had wound the DNC coil. A BNC connector on the two ends of the coil completed the job. Figure 5 shows the results of a few days of data taken with the DNC coil. The graph clearly shows the daily resistance changes. The change in resistance is a direct readout of the local aetheric stress flow changes. Resistance changes in the coil because the atomic lattice electronic charge of the metal in the wire changes as more or less aether is flowing in the nuclei of the coils atoms. During the course of a 24 hour period the sun, moon, planets as well as the stars put differing stress levels on the earth's aetheric field which directly affects the flow rate into the nucleus.

Figure 5. The DNC as a Gravity Sensor Example The Parr Pyramid Gravity Experiments: Another gravity sensor which Joe Parr has discovered involves the Great Pyramid and pyramid shapes in general. A static (i.e., non-moving) pyramid was aligned north-south/east-west and flat coils wound on audio tape reels were placed on the north and south side of the pyramid. A spark gap made from a blown 1 microfarad capacitor was place at the apex of the pyramid in series with a battery, resistor and chart recorder (see figure 6). The chart recorder registered daily changes in the energies around the pyramid.


Figure 6. Gravitational Sensor Using Pyramid Shape The chart recorder records the state of a bubble of energy which surrounded the pyramid. The energy bubble over time had various levels of opacity to all types of radiation. Experiments putting radio frequency emitters, radioactive sources - specifically beta emitters, magnetic sources, and ion sources all showed attenuation when in the energy bubble which surrounds the pyramid. Intensive research over 13 years showed that the bubble could be fed negative ions and this would intensify the opacity of the bubble. At certain times of the year the energy bubble would totally block the force of gravity, nuclear radiation, and electromagnetic radiation. Another effect noted that the pyramid seemed to be resonant at 500 and 1000 Hz. At one time during the 11 year sun spot cycle the static pyramid sensor went dead and quit providing data. In order to find another method of continuing the research the reasoning was that a moving sensor could possibly continue providing data. Joe Parr built an elaborate experimental setup he named the "centrifuge". The centrifuge is illustrated in figure 7. Extensive experiments with the centrifuge provided additional data on the pyramid energy bubble. Positive ions in the centrifuge would cause the pyramid to be drawn to the moon. Negative ions in the centrifuge would cause the pyramid to be repelled away from the moon. At certain times of the year (around December 8th-15th and May 8th-15th) the energy bubble around the pyramids in the centrifuge would become totally opaque to local gravitation and inertial forces and rip off the end of the centrifuge arm causing extensive damage to the interior of the centrifuge. Detailed analysis of the amount of energy of the pyramid, when they ripped free, showed that an 8 gram pyramid had approximately 2000 pounds of force (i.e., 113,000 times increase in kinetic energy). It is hypothesized that the pyramid moves into a different time/space condition called h-space. The centrifuge experiments also correlated with the static pyramid in that putting radio frequency emitters, radioactive sources, magnetic sources, and ion sources all were attenuated when in the pyramid energy bubble.

Figure 7. Parr Pyramid Centrifuge The Parr Gravity Wheel Experiment: Other research led Joe Parr to hypothesize that perhaps a three dimensional pyramid was not totally necessary. A new experiment was devised which replaced the large centrifuge with a small wheel


mounted on a shaft and spun by a small high speed motor. Around the periphery of the wheel are copper triangular shapes. When the motor spins the wheel the copper triangles move between permanent magnets mounted statically on either side of the wheel. This new experimental set up is depicted in figure 8. The author had been following Joe Parr's experiments over a several year period and after Joe had some initial success with the new experiment the author, with Joe Parr's assistance, built a duplicate experiment.

Figure 8. Parr Gravity Wheel Experiment Design It took several months to get my version of the experiment to operate successfully. Tuning involved getting the experimental setup oriented properly and proper grounding. The shaft must be oriented eastwest. A negative ion source is set within a few feet of the spinning wheel to feed the force fields which form around the copper triangles on gravity wheel.


The experiment is set on a delicate scale which measures accurate to 0.5 grams. The static weight of my experimental setup is about 1200 grams. Joe Parr's version is about 1800 grams. My experiment used machined maplewood to hold the motor and shaft, and the stanchions which hold the magnets and Parr's experiment was made of machined aluminum. During experimental operations the weight of the experiment can drop from 0 to 6.5 grams. When one considers that the gravity wheel with the copper triangles weighs about 24 grams the total normal operational levitation effect is on the order of 25% weight loss. This by itself in a remarkable experimental effect and deserves acute attention. The scale which is used in the experiment is an Ohaus Precision Plus purchased from Cole Parmer. The scale can measure accurately within 0.1 grams over a range of 0-4000 grams. The scale has an RS-232 serial interface which allows the scale to be interfaced to a printer or computer. The scale outputs the weight continuously except when there is a scale upset. The upset weight can be varied and it was set at the maximum of 5 grams. This means that if the scale weight is changed more than 5 grams within a couple of milliseconds then the RS-232 interface stops outputting the weight. My preliminary hookup of the scale was to a computer; however, the intense forcefield which builds up around the experiment destroyed two computer interface cards. Since the RS-232 interface stops outputting data on a scale upset, the serial output of the scale was converted to a voltage level and used as an indicator. When the voltage drops, a scale upset has occurred. The voltage level was/is interfaced into a pulse counter. This provides a count of scale upsets greater than 5 grams. Figure 9 is a graph over time of scale upsets. This shows the count of when the gravity wheel changed weight over 5 grams. If the 6.5 gram weight loss is added to the 5 gram upset, we are looking at about a 50% weight loss of the gravity wheel. Joe Parr's data showed a correlated hit with my experiment's data on April 11th.

Figure 9. Data from Dan Davidson's Gravity Wheel Experiment There are two basic types of force fields built up in and around the experiment. There is an ovoid shaped forcefield around each of the copper triangles. When these small force fields build up in intensity they cause a drag on the motor which can be plainly heard in the lab. There is a larger forcefield which builds up around the entire experiment setup. Independent tests with a clairvoyant, a clairsentient, and a dowser all verify the large force field around


the experimental setup. Figure 10 depicts the approximate shape of the large force field. What seems to be happening is the earth moves through energy conduits which go from our sun to other planets and star systems. When the gravity wheel experiment crosses one of these energy conduits, the forcefield around the copper triangles intensifies to the extent that the bubble starts moving either toward the conduit or away from the conduit very rapidly and a scale upset occurs. Attempts at simulating the energy conduit thus far have failed. We are in the process of evaluating the data and we have found some correlation with planetary and stellar conjunctions where the earth gets lined up with other planets or stars and our sun. The data analysis is currently in its infancy so we can make no statements of solid fact other than that we are getting some very impressive gravitational effects.


Figure 10. Ovoid Forcefield Around Gravity Wheel Experiment and Small Energy Bubbles Surrounding each of the Triangles of the Gravity Wheel The Current State of the Unorthodox Science Community: What is happening in the science community is a number of scientists from all branches of science and


engineering have become disillusioned with the suppression of scientific information within the orthodox science community. Many disillusioned scientists, engineers, and technicians, have taken to doing experiments on their own to prove or disprove ideas and theories not acceptable to the orthodox community. These experimenters are proving concepts which are, in some cases, far beyond where currently accepted science is at the present time. The following summarizes a few of the breakthroughs of what I believe the "underground" science community has achieved and its current status.

1. Superluminal energy transmission - demonstrated at the 1988 International Tesla Symposium10. This effectively negates Special and General Relativity. There are many other examples of superluminal effects; however, its nice to see someone has got it down to being able to demonstrate it. Tesla proved superluminal effects during his experiments at Colorado Springs also. 2. Working free energy devices - examples are the Floyd Sweet VTA, the Hyde electrostatic OUO motor (claimed but not demonstrated), the Patterson Cold Fusion cell, and the Takahashi magnetic motor. There are also well documented cases of historical free energy devices. In a myoptic view these devices negate the basic tenents of thermodynamics;however, with the view of a universal energy rich aether as part of the equation there are no truly closed systems and themo's second law still applies. We merely have energy exchange with the aether. 3. Demonstrated anti-gravity effects - Joe Parr Gravity Wheel and the Floyd Sweet VTA in special mode goes anti-gravitic. 4. Low energy transmutation of atomic elements - Dr. Backrus (Texas State University) cold fusion and transmutation experiments, Joe Champion's precious metal synthesis, Kervan's "Biological Transmutation of the Elements" 12. 5. Ball lightning production - demonstrated at the 1992 International Tesla Symposium by Dr. Corum (Professor of Electrical Engineering at West Virginia University) 13. 6. Conversion of EM to a pure aetheric stress wave and transmitted energy in this mode efficiently and effectively - John Bedini 14, 15. 7. Developed detectors which detect non-hertzian energies - Dan Davidson and his dielectric gravity wave detector, Joe Parr and his DNC, Parr and Davidson and the gravity wheel experiments, Gallimore and his dielectric gravity and aetheric stress detectors. 8. The current status is that there are now estimated to be 2000 -3000 active, science experimenters world wide doing unorthodox research and experiments on technologies beyond the currently accepted paradigms of science. We now have our own symposiums and conferences (about 10 of these per year). We collaborate, trade information, and communicate over the computer networks (i.e., the internet and BBSes) and normal mail systems. Many of us have pretty much given up on the orthodox "science" community and we are cutting our own path into new vistas of science and technology. We echo the refrain - "to boldly go where none have gone before". 9. Where we are going - It is my firm opinion that we are on the verge of a major revolution in science and technology. In almost every area of scientific endeavor we have major breakthroughs happening regularly. If you thought that science and technology took some major leaps in the last 50 years you haven't seen anything yet. When any one of the above discoveries becomes well known the positive effects on our civilization will defy description.


Conclusion: The beauty of these discoveries is that they are all interrelated so a synergistic effect will be produced whereby a breakthrough in one area will vastly improve our understanding in other areas. For example, a breakthrough in gravitational physics will provide a deeper understanding in nuclear physics, free energy production, superluminal energy production, aetheric engineering, etc. Again, I salute you for your stand for truth and openness in science. Thank you for listening and "may the aether be with you"! Dan A. Davidson Bibliography:

1. Paul Stowe, A Definition of Electric Charge, private paper, May 2, 1993 2. Paul Stowe and Barry Mingst, The Cause of Gravity, private paper, April 28, 1991 3. Dan Davidson, "Free Energy: Breakthroughs to New Free energy Devices", copyright 1977, ISBN 0-9626321-0-4, RIVAS, P.O. Box 1090, Sierra Vista, AZ 85636. 4. Dan Davidson, Jerry Decker, Mass Resonance - Another Antigravity Secret, Copyright Dan A. Davidson December 1994, published in Extraordinary Science magazine, Apr/May/Jun 1995. 5. Bruce Cathie, Acoustic Levitation of Stones, from the book "Anti-Gravity and the World Grid" by David Hatcher Childress, Adventures Unlimited Press, Box 22, Stelle, IL 60919, ISBN 0932813-03-8. 6. Dan Davidson, Dielectrics as Gravity Detectors, copyright 1991 by author, paper given at 1991 Extraordinary Science Conference, Colorado Springs, CO. 7. J. G. Gallimore, "Transverse Paraphysics", copyright 1982 by author, ISBN 0-9603536-4-X. 8. T. Towsend Brown, laboratory notebook 9. Gregory Hodowanec, Rysmonics, April 1986, Radio Electronics. 10. Alexis Guy Obolensky, The Mechanics of Time, 1988 International Tesla Society, 4-25 through 4-40. 11. Joe Champion, "Producing Precious Metals At Home", 1994, ISBN 1-884928-32-3 12. Louis C. Kervran, "Biological Transmutations", ISBN 0- 913010-02-0, 1972, Swan House Pub Co., P.O. Box 638, Binghamton, N.Y. 13902 13. Dr. James Corum, Tesla and the Magnifying Transmitter, 1992 International Tesla Society, pp 55-78. 14. John C. Bedini, "Bedini's Free Energy Generator", Copyright 1984, ISBN 0-914119-01-X.
15. Eike Mueller, "Experiments With A Kromrey and A Brand-Tesla Converter", Copyright 1984.




















Date: 9/27/01 3:34:13 PM Pacific Daylight Time OK, the time is right. Here is the Grail. Lots of crude language in this attachment, so you might want to review it carefully if you decide to post it. This is an urban legend, and I laughed when I first saw it. Later, I looked at it from an engineering viewpoint. I think that who ever made these drawings actually built this. I say this because the sketches represent something that has evolved from trial and error. Also, the use of stainless steel is significant. A little known fact is that if you constantly expose regular steel to hydrogen, it becomes brittle and cracks. Whoever wrote this knew about that, probably from first hand experience. I have not sent you this before because I think this is dangerous information. I've had a bad feeling about it ever since I found it about a year ago. If this stuff is real, then we've really been screwed by some very powerful people. I don't know what kind of copyright restrictions might be on this stuff, and I don't know about any patents. My opinion is that this is a modern day 'Hamlet's Mill.' I believe the crude language and drawings were used to avoid attracting the wrong sort of attention. Someone tried to get the word out years ago. An interesting sidebar, the IMPCO company announced a new hydrogen gas carburetor kit a couple of years ago. I also saw an advertisement for a Ford hydrogen engine on a website earlier this year. BMW is supposed to have a 'new generation' of hydrogen powered vehicles under development. There is a rumor that the new Japanese hybrid (gasoline and electric) vehicles seem to get far more range from their batteries than they should. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The following article was not written by me, the author of this website, but was taken from a magazine, Psychedelic Illuminations, Volume I, Issue VIII. I'm putting it here because I've talked to a couple of people that who met this person, and I believe they are credible. I will not put you in touch with them. There are others including: who have done similar research. Also avaiable as 300 dpi tiff files. apprx. 900k .tar .sit FUEL FOR FREE--Hydrogen Generator: (What TV Doesn't Tell You) DUDE, First off, this ain't no bogus "gimme your money, fuck off' bullshit; this energy device actually works! I am the madman behind the heavy metal band "Rampage," but long before my musical success, I was mechanically inclined, and the possibility of feasibly running a car on fuel extracted from water intrigued me to no end. After reading all the information I could find on the subject of hydrogen generators, I built my first actual unit in 1983, mounting it in the trunk of a 1979 Cadillac Coupe de Ville. You don't have to worry about gas mileage, because gross vehicle weight is of no concern when the fuel you're using is free! I constructed my system from the best of all the other systems I read about, then went even further to also use the strongest materials, and cleanest layout possible within reason. All the titanium nuts and bolts were scored from an aircraft salvage supply; they're cheaper used, and since they'll never wear out, that's a way to save some big bucks. Certain head and exhaust system modifications have to be made to expect trouble-free extended use. For one, the combustion of hydrogen results in the rebonding of the previously-separated hydrogen and oxygen molecules, making the engine's exhaust water vapor steam, and nothing else, meaning absolutely no pollution at all! Most auto makers use cast-iron exhaust manifolds and steel valves. The combined effects of heat and moisture (moisture not being present in the combustion of petroleum based fuels) cause extremely rapid corrosion of the system.


Part of the fix is to install stainless steel valves, and an exhaust system constructed entirely out of stainless steel. Racing shops sell stainless steel valves, stainless steel "turbo" mufflers that all work fine. Since hydrogen does not contain lead as some gasoline does, if you're not using a late-model, no-lead engine, the heads will have to be reworked to include valve seats not needing the lubrication lead provides. As for building this device to sell as a completed system, that's a dead issue. In 1983, I contacted the Department of Energy to show them my car actually worked; I was confronted by two very belligerent "agents of tyrannical oppression," who told me if I tried to sell prebuilt units, I'd have a lot of "problems." I asked why, demanding a fuckin' explanation, and was told very bluntly, and not in a very nice tone: "Do you have any idea what a device like this available to the public would do to the economy?" It all boils down to big money; oil company revenues, and gasoline taxes. The world oil supply is very regulated, and profitable to make as scarce as possible to keep prices high. How can they stop or control rain? "They" can't, and since water is free, "they" can't make any money off it. This technology is so simple, that anyone with over half a brain, and knowledgeable in auto mechanics can build one of these units. I've included comprehensive, no bullshit, drafted design layouts, parts lists, maintenance tips, and a whole lot of engine modification concepts to make construction, part fabrication, and implementation as easy as reasonably possible. The unit I built works as great as I claim it to, but I offer only the printed information on how to build your own, and I take no personal responsibility for damage of any kind caused to your vehicle, or self by your own stupidity if you just happen to be some kind of airhead that can't read plain fuckin' English, or comprehend technical instructions no matter how simple they are explained. I have only applied my unit to a carburetted engine; I have never attempted an application to a fuel injected engine, nor do I make any such claim that an application of that type is easily performed, if possible at all. EVERY CUBIC FOOT OF WATER CONTAINS ABOUT 1,376 CUBIC FEET OF HYDROGEN GAS AND 680 CUBIC FEET OF OXYGEN. Because there is no pollution produced, all smog devices may legally be completely removed, and your car exempted from smog checks, as are propane-powered vehicles. The only maintenance I've encountered is to periodically wire brush mineral deposits off of the reaction chamber electrodes, and at longer intervals, clean out the chamber itself; neither of which is complicated, or very time-consuming. I've incorporated so many backup electrodes so this job won't be required roadside as it was for me when I first used only one, not knowing about any deposits covering the entire electrode, thus halting the electrical reaction process. When the car dies out, just flip another switch, and so on until you're somewhere able to brush the reactor's electrodes clean in reasonable comfort; and not northbound on Highway 5, halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco where my first breakdown was. Where the steel gasoline tank used to be, a plastic water tank is fitted, along with an electric float sensor that will be attached to the vehicle's existing fuel gauge. If you were to start your engine with no modifications other than the carburetor to accept hydrogen fuel, it will run fine, but the exhaust system will rapidly corrode in almost no time, and if you leave the engine turned off for an "extended period," your stock valves and guides will rust up and seize! Stainless steel valves don't cost much, and are as trouble free as the stainless steel exhaust system; so don't be a fool, and try to go cheap, because you'll only cause yourself added expense, headaches, and you'll be cursing me for your own stupidity. For the cast-iron combustion chambers and valve ports, there is a high-temperature ceramic coating call "heanium" that can be performed to guard against the same corrosion that affects the valves, guides, and exhaust system. Also intake manifold; moisture down there too will cause corrosion. Petroleum-based fuels have their own detergent action that protects against corrosion, much like soaking parts in oil prevents corrosion. When using hydrogen as an internal combustion engine fuel, extra precautions must be taken to make extended operation a reality, and not some drive-a-fewthousand-miles between-fried-engines bullshit. Don't use seawater!!! It contains approximately three fourths of a pound of salt in every gallon; a material that will coat the electrodes very quickly, just making one big mess. The reason for electrode deposit build-up is that tap water is never 100% percent pure, it contains mineral contaminants that are drawn to the reaction chamber electrode during the electrically activated molecular separation process that results in the hydrogen contained in water to be released from the oxygen molecules they are bonded to; making a fuel that can power an internal combustion engine. The two most abundant elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity; hydrogen can easily be produced in a controllable form from water; and stupidity will either misapply it when exposed to the technology behind it, or just plain keep it suppressed out of easily-seen public view


for personal gain by pushing upon people who don't know otherwise, the costly, and environmentally deteriorative auto fuel gasoline, that the readily-available supply of can be controlled by money-hungry parasites out for every last cent they can pillage from an unsuspecting planet of uninformed "consumers, " who if otherwise knew how simple hydrogen generation is, would not buy gasoline!!! The two biggest money-makers on earth are the electric and oil companies. Electricity can be generated by enginepowered devices, and those engines can be fueled by hydrogen, so if the extracting process came from a generator (a car's alternator) powered by the engine, and a constant supply of water was available-possibly condensing the almost-perpetually-operating machine; but not fully perpetual, because some energy escapes as heat, though its efficiency would still be very high; and since the fuel needed is free to begin with, who'd complain? I offer no design for an exhaust steam condenser, but I do make the suggestion that one can be built applicable to an automobile to increase the cost-free mileage even further between "fill-ups." A concept (would include some form of exhaust-fed radiator that could incorporate air ducts leading from scoops to direct highway speed airflow across it. I offer the idea, but no design because may aspects must be considered, such as: least amount of back pressure, unit pressure; unit placement with regard to configuration by the limit or abundance of that space, though this would be one constructed for a stationary, engine-powered electrical generator, where space limitation is of no concern. Back to the bottom line of my device, which is able to fuel a car from water you can get for free? Sure, the cylinder walls are cast iron, and prone to rust, but those are kept clean by piston action (as long as it's not left sitting for long periods between use), though an entire engine built from stainless steel would be the hot ticket; don't hold your breath waiting for the big guys to offer anything that will make hydrogen-powered cars readily available. They're making money on gasoline, you can't rely on them, remember that! Am I making sense? Is there anybody home? Turn off the TV. (which is mostly lies you like being lied to or what?), raise up off the couch, pop a few no-doz and get to work! !! How much do you spend a year on gasoline? I don't know about you, but I'd rather buy food! An automobile engine could feasibly be constructed with noncorrosive stainless steel heads and cylinders straight from the factory; a solid reason to justify spending 25 grand or more for a car, because the fuel to run it would be free, and these modification wouldn't have to be "modifications." Factory-built or not, as long as rain exists on this planet, and I'm alive to see it, I'm driving for free!!! There has been much criticism over hydrogen as an auto fuel. Most of it coming as propaganda-filled lies straight from those who have the most to lose if hydrogen ever achieves widespread use as an automotive fuel...proponents of the oil companies! Then of course, there are the few stupid idiots who have simply just ignored all common sense, thinking they're an exception, not replacing their engine's stock regular steel valves (and cast iron guides) with stainless steel valves, and bronze valve guides. These fuckin' airheads cause their engine's top end to seize out of total ignorance. They try to go cheap, then blame the concept of hydrogen auto fuel as the reason; spreading lies about this great and simple technology. Wouldn't you spend between one and three thousand dollars (to do it right) on a complete conversion of your car's fuel system, if that were a one-time "investment," resulting in the end of buying gasoline ever again for that vehicle? There are some factory-built high performance cars on the market that already come with stainless steel valves, but they are few and far between, and you still have to change the exhaust systems. For the carburetor to accept a vaporstate fuel, it must be converted using the same parts that are used in propane/ butane engine fuel systems; such as carburetor kits by "IMPCO" or similar that do the same thing (enable your engine to be powered by a vapor-state fuel). Because no pollution is produced, the engine may "legally" be rebuilt with higher performance parts, like a camshaft that on gasoline would have increased exhaust pollutant emissions; thus making it "illegal" for highway use. Of course, it's only a "crime" if you get "caught," but those "pay-again-every-time-your vehicle-fails-smog-checks" are a pain in the ass not to mention the wallet. You see the bottom line, don't you? Money, lots of it! With hydrogen powering everybody's car, who would have the most to lose? Big fuckin'-brother, that's who. No more gasoline taxes, smog certification fees, failure-to-comply-fines for disconnected "smog" devices, extra charges for those devices on the car's purchase price, gas stations on every corner, smog alerts, ozone depletion, or being stranded roadside at midnight, miles from anywhere, during a rainstorm, out of gas!!! A similar type of mechanism that opens and closes retractable headlights could be implemented in a dash switch-activated system that could open a trunk lid mounted scoop that captures rain, with a flexible hose line that directs it into the main tank; either while the vehicle is in motion, or parked. Just watch the


fuel gauge, and close the scoop when you see "full"! While it may be a long time before we are able to purchase an entirely corrosion resistant, exotic-alloy engine, (factory-done to reasonably compensate for the effects of a water-derived fuel on an internal combustion engine) I am offering the fully-complete design for a hydrogen generator that will power a car--but any engine modifications I outline are only given as basic concepts. It's up to you to implement what is applicable to your particular engine. Use some initiative. Don't rely on whether I wrote it or not; if you discover a part, or a process that I haven't mentioned that will in any way protect your engine further from the effects of corrosion, use it!!! I've written this booklet to help people wake up from the big lie of having to depend on oil companies just to drive a car. If a city's busses were powered by hydrogen, they would have no grounds to charge a buck or more for fare, citing "rising fuel costs" as a factor. In case you're wondering, "Why, if this works, isn't it being used by a lot of people?" There's no money to be made by the oil companies, stupid, I already told you; big money corrupts small minds. And then we have our society filled with just plain assholes who seem to only be here for the purpose of being nemeses for everybody saying things like: "Oh, I don't believe that," or "That doesn't really work, it's just a hoax. I saw a guy on TV that showed how that stuff burns up engines," or "How come we never hear about it if it really works?"... All the stupid fuckin idiots who have been brainwashed all their lives to believe everything they see on television as the undisputed truth!!! I drove my car down to the Los Angeles office of the Charnel Seven Eyewitness News to show them a car that actually works, telling them if they run stories on the negative mistakes people have made in attempting construction of a hydrogen- powered car, why not run a story on a car that has all the bugs worked out, that actually functions! All I got was double-talk about "people just don't care about hearing this type of stuff." Television is a major force behind the big-lie, mass-scale, public brainwashing. Government wants people to believe that everything has to cost money. Not only are they worried about losing money on hydrogenpowered transportation vehicles, they have a major concern over hydrogen-powered engines that could be used to run electricity generators for everybody's homes. The water company would be the only public utility (outside of telephones, of course) in mass demand. Collecting rain in a yard full of used 55-gallon oil drums for use as auto fuel would even cut that demand down even further!!! Building as many units as I can for personal use only, and writing this booklet, are about the only things I can "legally" do to try to help the world wake up. A hydrogen generator produces an energy potential in excess of 100 percent efficiency!!! You read it right; free energy! A car's battery starts the engine, but once it's running, the alternator takes over to charge the battery, and power the ignition system. With an onboard hydrogen generator, that alternator also powers the hydrogen extraction process, producing the energy needed to fuel the engine that runs the alternator. No external power source is needed, so as long as there is water available, the entire system is self- sufficient in operation. An extra trunk mounted battery would provide more current--if ever needed--to run everything at once without overloading the electrical system; ignition, hydrogen generator, lights, air conditioning, and your megawatt, ultra-powerful, mini- amp, stereo system that blasts "Rampage" tapes everywhere you go!!! Make photocopies of this booklet for everyone you know to see and make use of the information it contains. The world is only a fucked-up place because "we the people" who inhabit it either make it that way, or do nothing to at least try to improve it. Water is the ultimate "renewable resource;" it'll never run out! THE NEXT STEP System operation: The dash-mounted switches for turning on the reactor are also wired to activate the chamber feedwater pump at the same time. When the car dies out, that signals to you that an electrode has been totally crusted over with deposits from the impure fuel water. This means the electricallyactivated molecular separation process (electrolysis) has halted. These switches should also have indicator lights to let you know which one is on, and flip-up caps to guard against accidental activation. When the need arises to go to backup, turn off the switch for the "dead" electrode, as well as close it's electrical shut-off valve. The purpose of these gas valves is to keep pressurized oxygen from escaping up through


the "off "electrode fittings into the hydrogen lines possibly resulting in your car becoming a "Highway Hindenburg!" Hydrogen is separated from its molecular bond with oxygen by exposing the fluid of water to direct current voltage. Hydrogen is attracted to a negative charge, while oxygen is attracted to a positive charge, this process generates heat in the chamber, so trunk placement is best with an aluminum or plywood wall built between the reactor and the rest of the available trunk space. Small cars are light on gasoline, thus cheaper to operate, but when all of a sudden the fuel becomes free, the size and weight of the car is of no concern, except for Porsche, and similar sports cars, street rods, etc. Who the hell likes being crammed like a sardine in a rolling tin coffin? Agility may be sacrificed for those into quick cars but Cadillacs will do 130 MPH for extremely long distances; try that in a Yugo and chances are you'll be in hell before I will!!! Water is pumped through the reaction chamber and the chamber itself is positively charged, drawing the oxygen molecules out through the water return line to be vented off through the water tank's cap. The hydrogen-attracting electrode extending (insulated under the "T" fitting) into the welded-in pipes is negatively-charged. There is a dash-mounted pressure gauge that is connected before the regulator and mixer. To begin hydrogen generation, flip one of the dash-mounted switches, and wait for the gauge to show fuel line pressure, then, start, engine when pressure is shown by the gauge to exist. In mounting the unit, remember that the chamber itself is positive and most cars use a negative chassis ground, so insulated mounts must be fabricated between the positive chamber, and the negative trunk floor. Final Note: This unit is not a concept or a theory! It is tried and proven. I designed this system at age 18 in 1983, and built more than one using "Rampage" profits for research and development. I can't sell actual working units, but nothing but death itself can stop me from distributing this booklet in the hopes that people will take initiative to wake up from the big lie of oil-dependency for auto fuel, and flood the street with hydrogen-powered cars, If enough people find out how simple it is, public pressure may someday soon be put on the government, resulting in the long overdue media exposure they're all so afraid of. Eyewitness news in L.A. didn't want to let the word out that an actual working vehicle had been built by an 18-year-old metalhead! We're supposed to be stupid in the public's eye from their point of view and that just fucking sucks! Hydrogen and Oxygen gases do not pollute and help to clean out the carbon deposits from the engine for better mileage and less engine wear. You will notice the improved engine performance immediately. Written by Carl Cella P.O. Box 8101 (4176-X), San Luis Obispo, Calif. 93409 0001 [EDITOR: found the link after the fact; think I'll maintain this mirror, just in case] [Originally appeared in Iron Feather Journal #13 POB 1905 Boulder, Colo. 80306 Published by Stevyn of Phun Inc.j (See illustrations on next page) [Newscience original BETTER plans] [AD]





The following information is released into public domain, and therefore NOT patentable. The following text is copyrighted by the author, and therefore is not to be copied or disseminated without the author's permission. Copyright March 3, 2004, Jaro Kolman Gentlemen, I believe that I've just cracked the SECRET of ANTIGRAVITY AND FREE ENERGY. It's real simple. The secret is MAGNETIC BUBBLES. When you spin or rotate magnets which contain magnetic bubbles, IN A MAGNETIC FIELD, the Aether/ZPE is SPLIT, and NEGATIVE ENERGY is released. This is the source of "COLD" electricity and NEGATIVE photons, and creates effects like DARKENING (by canceling out positive, light photons), COOLING (by canceling heat/IR photons), and ANTIGRAVITY (by canceling or repelling gravity field), among others. And the amount of negative energy released from splitting the ZPE, EXCEEDS the amount of positive energy needed to initiate and maintain the flow of negative energy from ZPE. That's because the ZPE CONTAINS ENERGY, same as atom contains energy, but a different kind, and which, like atom's energy, can't be readily released unless you have the know-how. AC-magnetization is one way to create magnetic bubbles which are either absence of magnetization, or orthogonally magnetized little magnets within the main magnet. When you spin such magnets, it splits the ZPE and NEGATIVE/DARK energy is created/released which repels or cancels gravity, and that's why very little positive energy is needed to create antigravity. It is an equivalent to an atomic bomb, not in power, but in release of energy from a previously closed system. Atomic fission creates an abundance of positive energy by splitting an atom. Magnetic Bubbles create an abundance of NEGATIVE energy, by splitting the ZPE. This effect isn't unknown and was previously observed in many


devices producing anomalous results using magnets, and especially CONDITIONED or AC-magnetized magnets. My Theory of Negative Energy simply attempts to explain the nature and means of producing this effect. Spinning magnetic bubbles is not the only way to split the ZPE, it can also be accomplished by subjecting magnetic bubbles to an AC or continuously varying magnetic field. This theory is to be known as The Kolman Theory of Negative Energy. The splitting of Zero Point Energy (ZPE) by using magnetic bubbles was previously accomplished in devices like the Searl SEG, Sweet-VTA, and Roschin-Godin recent simplified replication of the SEG, although the authors of these devices probably didn't fully understand the principles by which anomalous results were achieved. Anomalous results from devices using magnets were up to now ridiculed and dismissed by the scientific establishment, because they can't be explained by their theories. TIME TO UPDATE YOUR THEORIES, PROFESSORS! We are currently concentrating on trying to replicate the Roschin-Godin SEG version in AG Group, so anyone willing to CONTRIBUTE to that effort is invited to join us. Here's the link: WELCOME TO THE FUTURE! Jaro Kolman, negative energy researcher



Perendev Magnetic Motor > Claims 20 kW force output experimentally measured, with no diminution of Gauss in an all-magnet motor. Looking for buyer of technology. Expects $500 mil. USD minimum for buyout of world rights for manufacturing and marketing. Caution regarding business practice.
(Report by former associate, Sterling D. Allan, May 20, 2004)

Perendev Magnetic Motor

A Report, May 20, 2004 Claims 20 kW force output experimentally measured, with no diminution of Gauss in an allmagnet motor. Looking for buyer of technology. Expects $500,000,000 USD opening bid for buyout of world rights for manufacturing and marketing. Caution regarding business practice.

Disclosure of Former Relationship Between Allan and Brady

May 20, 2004 I, Sterling D. Allan, am the director of this website you are now at, and am responsible for the contents on this present page. I am speaking for myself and not on behalf of any organization. What I disclose here is not in breach of non-disclosure parameters. The photos of Mike's device below appeared at one time or another on his public website with his permission. I served as webmaster for Mike Brady's official website from May 2002 through Fall of 2003 when the domain registration expired and was not renewed by Brady. I also had obtained a quasi priority relationship for manufacturing and marketing his Perendev Magnetic motor, along with a team of people I had assembled in a business relationship in the U.S. I registered the domain on May 30, 2002. I founded the perendev yahoogroups newsletter. I traveled to Johannesburg in Dec. 2002 to meet with Brady in his home for five days, and see his magnetic motor, which at the time had just come from the machinist and had not been assembled to work yet. We helped assemble and try various magnet combinations. He was a courteous host.


Two months later Brady sent viewed video footage of the same motor in motion. I am personally convinced the motor was self-propelling (tapping into the Earth's magnetic field or some other force field not visible -- my model, not necessarily his). In the video, Brady did not do a walk-around during acceleration, only during deceleration, so the video was not skeptic-proof (the skeptic can say a cheater device was attached during acceleration). Another video was promised, and supposedly sent in December 2003, but never arrived. Distancing On Feb 17, 2004, Brady said he was coming to the U.S. to demo his 20 kW unit, and that he wanted me to pull together an auction for him to sell the technology outright. "Minimum bid: $500,000,000 USD in reserve." I responded that I thought the amount was far too high, and frankly told him I thought he was getting greedy. I tried to talk him out of this, but he would not be swayed. At that point, I and the tentative company I had assembled decided that we no longer wished to pursue a manufacturing/marketing license arrangement of any kind with Brady. Not only was his greed an issue, but integrity as well, as his promises to do this or that hardly ever materialized. Though he promised dozens of times to send us the patent information for his device, he never in 2 years delivered on that promise. Promises of sending a video, given dozens of time, materialized only once. I've never seen any patent documentation to this day, though he has made claims to such from the beginning of our relationship two years ago. He claims international patent protection through the EEC. On March 30, Brady said he would like to present his magnetic motor technology at the ExtraOrdinary Technology conference in SLC on July 31-Aug. 1. We began occasional dialogue to that end, with perhaps the idea of holding his auction following that, after we had verified his claims. Because of how many times such plans fell through in the past (approximately eight different scrapped attempts for him to come to the U.S.), we did not put much effort into following up on this proposal. No official invitation was ever extended, though a draft was in composition ready for discussion and possible approval on May 17, 2004. Severance On May 17, 2004 (two years to the day from the first date shown on the first report I made of Perendev in 2004), I was made aware of a non-payment by Brady's Perendev company of an account owing to SAFTEC (PTY) LTD. since Sept. 2, 2002 in the amount of R 22500.00. (At the present exchange rates, that amounts to $3,333.33 USD.) Most likely, this went toward the device that I viewed when I went to Johannesburg. When I questioned Mike about this after learning of it on May 17, he responded that if the person who promised to pay him $500 million USD for the technology would have done so, he would not be in this


situation. The problem with this answer is that the alleged $500 mil. deal was recent (maybe Jan-Feb. 2004), while the outstanding bill was 1.5-years years old. I was not impressed with his absence of remorse, and lack of a sense of obligation to remedy those he owed. All factors considered, though Brady might have a working technology, his ethics in dealing with people, including myself and my team, are not something I can any longer countenance. It's one thing to put up with the eccentricities of an inventor -- for they all have eccentricity in abundance. But Brady went too far in his greed and lack of integrity in honoring his promises to us and others. For this reason, as of today, May 20, 2004, I am officially separating myself from having any business relationship with Mike Brady. I do not wish to be associated with him so long as he behaves in this manner. Meanwhile, I wish him success in bringing his technology to market. Maybe someone else will have the magical mixture of personality to put up with his eccentricities and be able to strike a reasonable deal that will result in the device going to market where it can begin to help ameliorate the planet's dependence on fossil fuels. But unless he quenches his greed and allows someone to take the technology for a far more reasonable price, the amount of influence his technology has on changing the world landscape will amount to little more than a puff of hot air. The more he asks for himself, the more his scruples are quenched, and the less the planet will benefit. Presently his level of greed and the difficulty of talking contract with him is a deal-breaker for anyone. I cannot imagine anyone working with him as he is presently constituted. I would not advise it.

Former Official Website - has been down since ~Dec. 03. has archived copy of entire site Jun 01, 2002 | Jul 26, 2002 | Aug 05, 2002 | Sep 28, 2002 | Sep 29, 2002 | Nov 26, 2002 | Nov 27, 2002 | Feb 06, 2003 | Feb 13, 2003 | Mar 26, 2003


Perendev Newsletter - to announce developments, still open

A Brief History
First Working Prototype; Winter, 2002

The first working prototype was composed of Aluminum. Brady was going to come to the U.S. in April 2002 to demo it. His first flight scheduled was postponed because of a terror alert. The second flight scheduled was postponed because his associate (who later was discovered to be embezzling from him) came down with rickets. At that point Brady had scheduled to ship the device to me via freight. The third flight scheduled was


canceled because his device began to stop working. A breaking effect began to show up, allegedly as an interaction between the magnets and the aluminum as the aluminum began to be charged. I confirmed all flights prior to their cancellation. He was coming on his own financial backing, and was asking nothing from us until we had a chance to see it in operation.

Second Working Prototype Iteration: Late Summer/Fall, 2002

Non-disclosure confidentiality prevents discussion.

Third Working Prototype Iteration: Winter, 2003

The third prototype was the one I helped assemble with him in Johannesburg in December, which Mike got working in February and sent a video showing it in operation. As I watch it yet again, I express my assessment that no cheater device was present and that the video is a bona fide presentation of a working device.

Fourth Prototype Iteration Computer Rendition: Spring 2003

During the Spring of 2003, Mike used some systems modeling software he pirated (true of most all his


software, of which he has an abundance; an irony for a former under cover police officer; and a scary karmic omen for someone who wishes for others to honor his intellectual rights [I told him as much to his face]) to engineer a more optimal design prior to creating it in situ. So confident was he of the computer modeling that he began to announce on his website that he would be doing a world tour with his device; and the he would begin taking orders for the first units. I talked him into removing that information from his site until the unit was built in fact, and to not publicly announce his level of progress until units were able to be made in mass production; and I urged him to not take any monies for units until he had proven that the design indeed worked in reality. He was hoping to have it done in time to come to the ExtraOrdinary Technology in July in SLC 2003. Meanwhile, with his permission, we had already begun construction of a modification ourselves. We were not able to get it to work. It was very well engineered by a Ph.D. machinist. You can see a photo of it in the collage at the top of this page. It is the device sitting behind the second "e" of "Free."

By May of 2003, Mike claimed three working prototypes currently in operation. On August 11, he told me he had achieved 20 kW from the motor and high torque. He wanted to produced 20 units right away and get them to the parties that had shown the most interest in licensing. That never transpired. In September, he began again to plan a trip here. In October I proposed that he let me go there. He declined, saying he would be coming here "in about 30 days." In November he said the trip would be delayed for reason of not wanting to stand all day in line with riffraff in order to get his Visa.

Prototype Iteration Six

On April 3, 2004 in conjunction with a letter about the coming to the Extraordinary Technology conference at the end of July that he wanted to attend, he mentioned that his "new unit is nearly ready." On April 15, he sent me an updated computer-rendering of the latest design, which is not greatly different from the above rendition. On May 13, Mike wrote, "we have tested the unit with a larger alternator rated at 60 kw with very little degrading of the motors performance, this will use 100% of the motors power, so we will run the unit on a 20kw alternator so that the motors duty cycle will be about 60% of it's capability." That brings us up to date as of the time of this writing.

Mike Brady the Man

While I do not like Brady's tendency to promise and not deliver, I have generally written it off as part of the inventor eccentricity: optimism without a reality check. I like Mike Brady, despite all his rough edges and gruff outward showing. I've connected with him on a heart level, and believe him to be basically good. I cheer for his success, and mourn when he is his own worst enemy. Brady tends to be very pessimistic about the world and people. It was hard to be around his negativism about life for long stretches of time.


I'm sure he would not want me to show the above photo of him taken while I was there in Dec. 2003 because it is "not a good picture" if him. However, I will say that this captures the person I met for five days in Johannesburg. While he has his happy moments (mainly with his step children), he is so tired of all the rigmarole involved in birthing his ideas to fruition. He has had many ideas stolen from him, and it has jaded him. The loss of his son about a decade ago in a senseless murder has left a deep scar. I didn't enjoy his deep racism toward the blacks. While we were there, he told us story after story of events from his colorful life. He has lived a sort of James Bond type of existence. Under cover cop for quite a while. We met quite a few of his friends, and they unknowingly corroborated the stories Mike had told us, including past stolen inventions that would have been worth a lot of money to him. Will Mike be able to bring this magnetic motor to fruition -- to the marketplace? Will he get out of it what he thinks its worth? My opinion is that he needs to humble himself or he will see neither. When he humbles himself, those two elements will merge -- bring to fruition a great device for a price that is modest and satisfactory at the same time. Best wishes to whoever takes it from here. Sincerely, Sterling D. Allan Remaining a friend, but not an associate

From: Sterling D. Allan To: Mike Brady Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 12:29 AM Remember our early conversations more than two years ago. You said you were doing this for mankind, and not for money.


-----------Friday, May 21, 2004 6:46 PM My objectives in telling this story are as follows, in order of importance to me: - publicly announce the severance of my relationship with Brady so that my reputation is no longer sullied by his unscrupulous dealings. Many people knew of the tie, and they should know the tie is now broken. - hope that another person might learn about the technology who has the means and disposition to pursue it, notwithstanding Brady's quirks and see his product to market - provide a warning to others who might be inclined to engage with Brady (so they know what they are up against). - report to the FE community the present status of the Perendev operation. - tell an interesting story in the world of free energy - spur Brady to possible reassess his direction Sterling

See also

Magnetic Motors - Index of various designs by various inventors Torbj H. paid $6,000 to Brady for mag. motor in 2002, hoping for business relationship - then did not receive refund when motor was not shipped as planned. Sterling defended Brady at the time.
Index created by Sterling D. Allan May 18, 2004 Last updated May 24, 2004



















Progetto Fusione Fredda




The above diagram is known to contain some flaws and it is recomended you take more notice of the follow diagram from the US patent as below


Tate Power from the air

Tate Ambient Power Module. Joseph Tate Last Known Address 760 Waldo Point Sausalito Ca (4965) 415 331 8150 332 9918 U.S. Patent 4,628,299 This design converts radio frequency energy to power that can be usefully applied in power devices such as clocks,radios and smoke detectors. This design makes use of a doubler, splitter and rectifier. The device has been known to give 36 volt/9 watts. This devices does away for the need for batteries by extracting energy from natural and man made radio waves. THe device uses a coil made of the following design 479 turns of #22 wire on a 3" plastic tube, the coil should be loosely wound as a close wound coil tends to reduce power collection. One end should be connected to unit at antenna connection point and the other to an antenna of your choice . Other coil types could be used in your experiments such as sliding induction coils that is inside one another and find the best position by moving them in different positions. Other coil types can be found by referencing any good book on radio fundamentals. Check out the Telsa type coils as well. Power could be also enhanced by placing a tin foil pyramid under the coil as this seems to also improve power. The power produced also seems to improve near bridges,ships and any thing containing a great deal of metal. A high antenna wire seems to improve the running of unit although a 7 foot whip antenna worked reasonably well too. A interesting side line is the inventor claims to be able to detect earthquakes by the rise and fall of energy levels.

Subject: Re: [nuenergy] Re: Tate power ambient circuit update Reply-To: Geoff , the reason the power is so low is the capacitors being used. If larger capacitors such as used for power audio systems or the newer super capacitors such as the 50-500 Farad units You will begin to see real power. The schematics shows a great deal of naivety on the part of the Inventor and the issuing Patent Office. The basic idea is 1000% It relates to My Earth Electrical System II from 15 years ago. from an email recieved from Don L.Smith and from another experiementer


Hey thanks for improving the information on the Ambient power module you have at your site. Remember I e-mailed to you recently about the capacitor values missing. That extra info is quite helpful and using larger capacitors definatly increases power as I have seen in my own tests on my circuit. Hey another cool thing I found is that if you earth both the earth of the circuit to ground and the other end of the antenna to a separate ground, you increase the power dramaticaly, compared to using a normal antenna and coil. I made a similar coil to the one mentioned on the ambient power web page but it didn't help. I have tested and found that the power output is greatly related to how large your capacitors are and how well grounded your antenna and circuit grounds are. A metal stake shoved in the ground provides a reasonable ground. But I found that it is much better to get the largest surface area of metal in contact with the ground as possible. I even tryed digging a hole and planting aluminium foil sheets in the ground. That worked quite well. At the moment I am using the earth of the house for the circuit earth and a metal fence for the antenna earth. This is working great. Note that the ground of the circuit and the antenna gound have to be separate. They cannot be connected in any way other than physical earth. So far I am using 470uF capacitors and IN60 germanium diodes as they have a low voltage drop and the capacitors collect more current compared to 47uF. I also replaced the 0.2uF capacitors in the original diagram to 47uF capacitors aswell. I also intend to replace them all to much higher capacitor values. Although the mentioned 50-500 farred capacitors on the web site cost a fortune as each one costs $1000+ each and I would need 12 of them. The first circuit showen on the web page that had the problem with the diode, I fixed and is running quite well. I have included a picture of the fixed circuit in this e-mail as an attatchment if you would like to have a look at it. If you have a look at the circuit you will see that it is the diode in red that has been fixed. This circuit has been test run with a computer program as well as practicaly. An example output of current and voltage


measurements is also included along with a load (The light bulb). Unfortunatly practicly I havn't been able to collect that much current yet. Although I am working on it. But I have been able to get up to 27 volts with this design. At the moment the circuit runs nicely as a night light although it is probably too bright to be used as I night light. I use an 8000 mcd white LED which is definatly bright. But I know that I will inprove the circuit further and will hopefully be able to power more than just an LED. Again thanks for updating the Ambient power page. Your doing a great job. Thanks.


The RotoVerter from arkresearch

Next picture is first prototype used to test a 3PH generatorrotoconverter combo, Power input: 240 W to Prime mover (Being touch by unseen witness at left) . Generator required 380W for excitation at 120VAC (Being touch by my person).

PARAMETERS: Motor: US motor 7.5HP 3PH 3465 RPM Dual winding 9 Lead WYE 230/460VAC 60 CPS . Prime mover input : 120VAC 2A (240W)

Alternator 500W Lab-volt (Experimental model) 50-450 CPS (Speed regulated) 3PH 120VAC

380W Excitation DC 120VDC 3.1666667A (380W) (low ripple rectified) + 120W load -----------------= 480W - 240W = 240W Total Load Prime Mover Input Extra energy Gain


= 200 % efficiency ? Instrumentation: Keithley digital DVM (2) ( Not visible in picture ). Note: Friction & thermal loss not calculated



Above schematic is a common 3PH dual winding 230/460V motor wired to 480V run at 120v as a ROTOPHASE converter in semi-resonant mode . Unit in first photo was made with OFF the shelve components,7.5 HP 3PH 3450RPM 230/460VAC dual winding totally enclosed motor (fan removed). System requires starting and running capacitance, the perfect starting capacitance is the one that gives same plate current value as a normal motor wired to run at 460V but powered from 120VAC source , running capacitance tuned to give the lowest Amperage reading at intended motor load . (ALL capacitors are AC 370V OIL no electrolytic") Some motors are better than others, for generator use you must choose the proper generator and motor combination to obtain OU gain. It requires quite a good choice of items and common sense, a few turns of wire or a run weld in stator can change drastically the results from motors. Up to date best performance being obtained from US ,motors 7.5 HP ,BALDOR 3,5, HP ,GE 3HP totally enclosed ,dual winding 230/460V. Higher HP will require professional expertise in industrial electricity and power eng. (not recommended for amateur experimenter) anyone engaged in this experiments must be familiar with safety procedures and basic electric and mechanic knowledge, voltages and rotating machinery must be handled with great care . SEE basic diagram and connection. Hector


Latest UPDATE BELOW 7-01-02

118 Subject: RV Basic level 1 Full MODEL Disclosure (Public domain) Please post with comments

Above schematic is RV looped system: A 12V car battery initiates the system , it provides power to a 12VDC - 120VAC 1200W AC modified sine-wave inverter (EFF % 94% ). This powers the ROTOVERTER (rotary-converter) main prime mover motor A 7.5 HP 3PH 230/460VAC 3465 rpm US motor Windings in WYE wired at 460VAC shown as L1,L2,L3 Rotoverter Alternator is an identical motor but wired for 230VAC, linked face to face with a motor shaft coupling to prime mover . In Alternator L1,L2,L3 are connected to 3 capacitors coupled to 3 transformers , an extra capacitor is placed in any A,B,C phase as to provide rotor squirrel cage with inductive rotating field . A rotating magnetic field is created loaded by the battery resistance and the Inverter load , the system is tuned to resonance providing a standing wave were the current node input to the battery exceeds the LOAD demand of the inverter recharging the system . The System Energy is maintained by the energy of the rotating squirrel cage in regressive reverse induction, requiring energy only to regain a percentage of the energy loss component from the resonant system acting as negative resistor. In testing , battery changes resistance as recharging occurs this provokes system to detune from resonant to non-resonant modes drifting from OU to non-OU transform modes Tendency is to dry out battery as this are not designed to work in cross current vectors variations. Solutions: Use separated alternating battery banks and increase inverter input operation voltage (design it for 120VDC input ) eliminating the transformers. System Gain comes from stochastic resonance and ZPE as the magnetic latching occurs within the core-wire LCR components of the motor and its Capacitor driven rotary 3PH fields, in resonance, the time-energy decay is the only energy you require to replenish at to maintain it . A resonant hi Q circuit tends to have a fixed decay, this being as rule of thumb .372 (37.2 %) per full wave oscillation . A spiral is manifested as logarithmic gain of 1.618 within sine-wave gain curve occurs were Voltage Electrons are accelerated within virtual oscillatory wall . (Stochastic resonance) Condensed original comments: Battery provides primary power for 12VDC to 120VAC as to Run prime mover (Rotary-converter), second motor acts as an squirrel cage self-exited generator ,a triple flux-capacitor LC tank tuned to best Standing wave condition as to create standing wave current node internally in battery at 0 voltage to battery "negative resistor" At 0 volts "voltage" a negative current is created as to maintain a reverse flow (charge) to battery exceeding the forward drain of the inverter demand ,detuning system with a forward charge at 10 amperes with a voltage rise of approximately .83333 V over the battery voltage charge produces OU transform from the 0 point standing wave component. System gains energy from stochastic resonance within the LC tank components draining energy from "thermal" signature of the ZPE and K thermodynamic-thermoelectric ambient heat (Electron spin). This is a full disclosure of an operational and tested device, system is made of standard off shelve items, tuning is made by changing capacitor values and the proper selection of standard items for its construction, 3PH motors, 10:1 12V or 5:1 24V transformers with the proper core and winding values (standard) off shelve, diode bridges capacitor (all standard). It Requires extreme knowledge In RF systems and electromagnetic resonance engineering . Warning! : Do not operate above 10KW, or over extended time periods. END.... Hector D Perez Torres ( Designer of the "RV" Rotoverter and TV transverter OU "transformation" devices)


Free Energy and Overunity devices

Perihelion Labs 1996 2004
By Igor Knitel

Flux Path Changer

This idea is taken from Atle Olsen's site. Lenz law is not canceling rotation here but most likely adding to it. It's a same principle that is used in Francouer's flux interference generator but with larger not overlaping gaps that will allow higher voltages induced.
red-blue are magnets. gray steel. The type that conducts flux well (high permeability). green steel shaft. The type that doesn't conducts flux (nonmagneticall). Pickup coils are wounded on cilindrically shaped steel parts. Bearings and other details are not shown.


Bike Pictures
As you can see I made a simple frame to hold the motor, which is really just a bit of threaded rod welded to a piece of angle iron that has a hole drilled in it to allow it to be bolted to the rear brake mount. From below I have come up from the guard mounting point to provide stability for the end of the shaft and 2 short pieces were added to the motor to attach it to the threaded rod. With the shaft of the motor also being a threaded rod and the only thing keeping it in contact with the wheel being its own weight, I added a piece of fuel line to the shaft so that there was some traction between the shaft and the tyre surface. Even when both of these became dusty there was no slippage. The battery box is just a simple frame made of angle iron with a metal hook on each end to attach it to the cross bar of the bike, this also doubles as a nice way to carry the batteries around with me J. The rear brake was missing on this bike which made it easier to mount the motor but a brake could still be mounted there and work with the motor in place. A switch was added to the rear brake lever so that when the brake lever was pulled toward the handle bars the switch hit the handle bars and the motor was on. The motor has 3 rotors in this configuration and unlike the first 2 rotors that have round magnets on them the third one had oblong magnets (white) on it that were originally intended for the center plate, shown on the main page. The reason for this was to determine if there was an advantage to be gained from the narrow oblong magnets over the comparatively "wide" round magnets. The original reason for placing the coils so close together was that, as the magnet leaves the coil it is being fired and pushing the magnet away, but because the magnet has already started to expose its field to the next coil current in the coils is now travelling in one direction in the coil the magnet is exiting and in the other direction in the coil the magnet is entering. The pulse we want to apply as the magnet is leaving a coil, on a push pulse motor, is travelling through the coil in the opposite direction to the current created by the magnet leaving and has to overcome this voltage before it can do any useful work. For those of you who havent got to a point where you need to know about current flow and directions etc the idea here is that at the point where you pulse the motor 2 things happen, not only does current flow from the battery to the motor, but current flows from the motor to the battery, due to Lenz.


This Lenz current is always travelling in the opposite direction to the pulse you are trying to send to the motor from the battery, be it a pull pulse or a push pulse. So if the magnet is exiting one coil and entering the next one at the time you pulse the motor the Lenz current in the motor is basically nullified at the time of the pulse. This in turn means that if you send 12 volts from the battery to the coil the coil gets the whole 12 volts and not only 4 volts, because there is 8 volts heading in the opposite direction. If you have a pulse motor, just go and put your meter, set to dc, on your coil while the motor is running. If you are using a 12 volt supply I bet your coil reads no more than 4 or 5 volts constant while its running. This is the same wall that has to be climbed to charge a battery, before the charger can put any power into the battery it must first have enough voltage to overcome the existing voltage of the battery. In the motor before you can get power to the coil you must first overcome the power that resides in the coil. The output that I get from my motor as a generator in the recent tests, shows that the balance in this is not perfect or there would be not output at all, but the theory is sound J. Perhaps the ultimate answer is to overlap 2 sets of coils so that the magnet is exiting one as it enters the next, so that the pulse can be applied with zero resistance to one set of the coils with a set of diodes stopping the pulse going to the second set. Due to some people being unable to see the pictures below they have been uploaded to the photo section of the pulse motor group at




These pictures show the Suzuki motorbike I recently converted to electric.



AG Group aims to colonize the Moon!

Home | AG GROUP Forum | Donations | New Physics |Links

We are concentrating on replicating Searl's SEG ANTIGRAVITY device, which should lead to an establishment of a COLONY on the MOON by 2009.

Operation "MOONDUST" schedule:

August 2004 - First 18" SEG should be built and flying December 2004 Another two 18" SEG's built 2005 - Two Medium size SEG's built with RC control 2006 - A large MANNED SEG is built and tested 2007 - Several large SEG's are built and flown to the Moon 2008 - 2009 - First colonies and hotels on the Moon are built This month's Homework for Experimenters: Experiment with AC-Magnetizing ceramic magnets. It makes Magnetic Bubbles, which can be used to split the ZPE and release NEGATIVE Energy.
HERE's how to send DONATIONS to support this Group's Antigravity and Moon Colonization effort. Join one of our four Antigravity Action Teams Be a part of the SEG Replication Effort!


This is the antigravitic SEG prototype we're building. The magnetic rollers will roll around the center ring at high speed, causing weight loss. Magnetic bubbles in rollers cause release of negative energy out of the ZPE, producing NEGATIVE ENTROPY, which speeds up the rollers ever faster. Can be used for antigravitic propulsion, or pick-up coils can be added to generate FREE electricity.
HERE's a Theory of Negative Energy that explains where the free energy is coming from.

American Antigravity - Searl Effect V. Roschin & S. Godin: Magneto-Gravitational Converter - Experimental Research of the Magnetic-Gravity Effects


Fig 7 shows interlocking U tubes to form a square a symmetrical shape that can be levitated as can any other symmetrical shape can also achieve levitation by interlocking the U tube's. By being able to achieve this we can defy gravity also any G forces will only assist in jorcarna's propulsion. All forces pushing in the Jorcarna system are pushing on and off the load in one direction,therefore any G forces outside the system will also assist. A feat only a repelling magnetic field can achieve set out in a Jorcarna system. Fig 8 Shows how a single u tube can still prove the theory if set out inside our toy truck. I am quite confident on what you have read at this stage is all feasible theory. So we have the engine (Jorcarna)we know the fuel (repelling magnetic fields). However the mean's of confining and or controlling a magnetic field is all JORCARNA awaits to LIVE and when this is achieved we will have a propulsion system which undoubtedly everyone will agree amounts to a remarkable breakthrough in propulsion technology. Who knows it may be already a best kept secret or it could become known tomorrow ? but whichever it is I think the JORCARNA SYSTEM comprising of it's ENGINE and FUEL should be noted and recorded so it will not be lost. .... Maybe for ever.
Fig 8 propulsion U tube in truck Fig 7 symmetrical shape


To understand something that defies the way the brain thinks was and still is today rather hard to absorb so I dont expect every one to understand Jorcarna a totally new way of thinking of how we understand things today even when its put out in front of us,but however I think the cleverest of us who also have good foresight will see the wonders of Jorcarna. The science world will be rewritten as we evolve to the next phase of mankind's quest to the stars. Make no mistake that the propulsion power of a system like this will indeed far surpass anything we have today Jorcarna is the future its capabilities are endless i.e we can change two or all electromagnets to super conducting magnets to improve the repelling forces in the system,and dont forget a system that does not need i.e ground to push off then anything that pushes against it will only end up in improving the systems propulsion via the Jorcarna U tube formation pushing and pushing off in the same direction can only achieve this and only a repelling magnetic field can give you the invisible hand and forces to repel round a corner without giving you any cancellation in the system,so I say again i write this for you to enjoy and hopefully to be noted for all time. Even though there is still one great milestone to overcome and that is confining and or controlling the lines of force (flux lines) but when that is so make no mistake Jorcarna lives. Comments to Paul click address at bottom of home page thank you.

Fig 9 Quest to the stars

Fig 10 Visiting other worlds


The Jorcarna Magnetic Circuit

When we talk about cancellation we can refer to fig.11 where no propulsion will take place because we have 2 fixed magnets inside the truck at opposite ends, both repelling at equal force, hence no propulsion (cancellation) occurs, unlike the JORCARNA SYSTEM where all repulsive forces to our fixed electromagnets repel in the same direction, hence no cancellation. Fig. 12 shows how the free moving electromagnets can be shielded from the magnetic flux along the length of the magnet and improve the repulsive forces by actually hitting home at the pole ends, (the strongest parts of the magnets)and by keeping the repulsive forces away from the sides of the magnets, will stop any cancellation to our free moving magnets by pushing them onto the U tube and ending up with much the same result as fig. 11 As I mentioned earlier again the need to control a magnetic field still applies and I believe that finely tuned light waves will play a major role in achieving this by guiding and reflecting the repulsive fields to their targets; i.e North and South poles. If we look at fig.12 and start at (A) as an electromagnet and (B) are the guide rails for the free moving electromagnets and shield to run horizontally along the inside of the U tube, the red areas are the shield and separators (C) necessary to maintain a small distance between magnet and shield which allows escaping magnetic flux to be gathered in the light waves outside the reflective shield and inside the reflective U tube (D). All materials (B),(C) and (D) must be made up from non magnetic properties. Fig. 13 is much the same as fig. 12 but the red shaded shield now Fig 13 Enclosed Shield With Open Poles partially surrounds the pole end. A Fig. 14 shows a side view of the shielded, reflective electromagnet and displays how the magnetic circuit (E) will be guided to the pole ends (A) and how the electromagnet will run horizontal inside the reflective U tube with the aid of the non magnetic guide rails (B). Again I repeat that when we can guide and or control a magnetic field then the greatest propulsion by free energy is born. I have tried to make the JORCARNA SYSTEM as easy as possible to understand, although there is lot I have not yet shown to see and read more in a more indepth explanation go to the Jorcarna sister site click on at... If there are any queries, questions or answers please e-mail me. copyright@N.Jones2003

Fig 11 No Propulsion

Fig 12 Inside The Magnet Shield

Fig 14 Side View Of U Tube And Magnetic Circuit


Making of Jorcarna
IF we put two repelling magnets inside a none magnetic tube then it is feasibly possible to levitate the top magnet with a fixed load on top of the top magnet. The tube is needed as a guide because both magnets are being bombarded by magnetic flux in all directions thus stopping the magnets repelling sideways or flipping over to then attract each other. At this stage it is important to note, that the magnetic flux repel only on the solid magnets to create levitation and pass through the non magnetic tube.The purpose of this exercise is to prove that a repelling magnetic field has levitation capabilities all be it we are using two separate platforms the base of the tube (ground)and the free moving levitated magnet. Much the same using the man in the picture pushing a wheelbarrow he and the barrow as one structure and the ground to push off is the other structure. But what JORCARNA can do is push one structure from within the same structure defying Newton`s third law. The picture showing a U tube is the most difficult to understand e.g If we have a U shaped tube non magnetic and reflective on the inside with four electromagnets also inside the tube two of the Electromagnets (EM) are fixed to a load,and the other two (EM)are free moving (unattached) to the U tube structure at the bottom of the tube. First of all if we turn the power on to all four electromagnets then the free moving (EM)will push together in the south pole area until the force overcomes the weight of the load and then the load levitates with the fixed magnets,this can be achieved by increasing the power to the free moving electromagnets forcing them to part and therefore force the load into a constant levitation. Also to be able to achieve this there will be a need to confine and or control the magnetic flux to the inside of the U tube,please note that the need to keep all the repulsive forces in the tube is a must as the repelling fields must push and push off each other on the pole faces.
fig 4 Motion

fig 3 Levitation

fig 5 U tube Jorcarna

fig 6 u tube fixed joint load

Therefore the free moving electromagnets are repelled horizontally along the bottom of the U tube nb. Not pushing against the structure of the U tube,and the invisible hand or(alien force)is now formed in the form of our south repelling field holding the free moving magnets without pushing on the structure of the tube,much the same as fig 2 on page 2. This again is feasible if we can direct a magnetic field directly around a corner to the butt


ends (poles) of all (EM),therefore because we are able to levitate the load above the U tube then why can't we fix the joined load fig 6 to the U tube to make a single structure. If you agree on all the previous experiments then you have to agree that the load and U tube connected structure can be levitated as one single unit as the only magnets actually pushing on and pushing off the structure are the same two (EM) fixed to the load both magnets are therefore pushing in the same direction nb. there is no cancelling out of any magnets, also see magnetic circuit,this is feasible because we are repelling around a corner and using the invisible hand (south field)and the U tube formation is only acting as a guide for our controlled magnetic field and to rest and guide the free moving electromagnets. Therefore with no repelling forces causing cancellation to them. However to actualy levitate the U tube structure it would have to be of a balanced symmetrical form.


Progetto Unit di Abitazione Autosufficiente Esempi di cicli produttivi

A cura di Franco Malgarini


























Sonne Ward
Nova Plasma, Tech PO Box 235 Hamer, Idaho 83425 (208) 662-5268

Reprinted from: Exotic Research Report (V1N3, Jul/Aug/Sep 1996)

The Home of the Future

In the late 1970s I became weary of the world situation. The cost of fossil fuel was increasing by leaps and bounds. I can still remember the oil embargo of 1974. At that time I felt that I could do something better for myself and my children, strictly for economical reasons. I procrastinated for some time until I met my beautiful wife, Paula Jo in 1981. I became we and WE forged on. We have talked of our dream home for years and finally our chance to see if my ideas would work came. In 1991, I broke ground for our new homethe Starship Module Home.
Our cars... the one on the left is fitted with the Accurate Injection Unit. It is very smooth, performs well, gets many more miles per gallon than normal, and it's tailpipe is totally clean. The car on the left is a solar electric car with a top speed of 28mph.

It is an unique home. It rises off the desert floor in one mighty swoop. Built like a giant capacitor, the Starship Module Home is designed, using Sacred Geometry, to capture energies beyond our visible light spectrum and balance them so they interact in this environment like a finely tuned instrument. Whether it has been over 100F or -24F outside, the temperature inside our home (which has no conventional heating) remains constantneither too hot nor too cold. In December of 1994, we saw the delivery of materials for a new roof on our home. The roof was covered with 120 sheets of foil backed Celotex, and metal which is the same color as the sage brush surrounding the house. The new roof was completed in January, 1995. Roughed-in over five years of cash and carry construction, our home was habitable in March, so we moved in while continuing the construction.


Now we are busy with getting the computer up on line and completing the hot water system. It will incorporate my Implosion Machine for the heating of the water and disposing of the garbage. Bruce Meland (Electrifying Times) has seen Sonnes Implosion Machine and witnessed a quarter disappear into a plasma ball or black hole. This machine has the potential to clean up all the refuge and nuclear waste that we have accumulated onto this planet while providing us with a natural, safe power supply. Work on the microwave collector and the possibility of testing it this winter is planned. It is one more step in becoming independent in the new century we are fast approaching.

Solar Technology Used

With all the solar radiant technology incorporated into it, the Starship Module Home virtually maintains itself. The south side is a wealth of large specialized windows and with four skylights it is always full of light. We didnt have much luck with the first set of conventional skylights. The high winds in our area sucked them out of the roof and shattered them. During the summer of 1995, we had Corning Glass cast us some special windows. Now we have a beautiful set of skylights. They let in light, and the heat from the winters low sun is greatly enjoyed by us all. The large windows on the south side let the sun reach through to the back of the house. Even during the shortest days of winter the kitchen is full of light. Both Paula Jo and I have green thumbs and look forward to raising a large portion of salad fixings and other veggies year round in our huge expanse of windows sunlight. Because of all the energies captured in this unique structure our house plants have literally doubled in size and we successfully raised five tomato plants from seed. They all produced a much sweeter fruit than we had tasted from this variety. For electricity, we have made extensive use of solar cell technology. Our home photovoltaic system has enabled us to unhook from the power grid. In the past five years since we unhooked from the grid we have grown more confident with our solar radiant energy system. We have experienced the joy and satisfaction in the freedom of no monthly power bill. For the backup electricity we rely on the generator in our Experimental Car #4.

Sonne is excited... about his Implosion machine (Tesla Technology) which literally makes metal, glass, and organic material disappear, plus neutralizes nuclear waste.

The Starship Module Home is an unique home. It rises off the desert floor in one mighty swoop. This view is from the northeast side.

The Starship Module Home was built in phases. In the foreground, one of the metal legs for the microwave collector can be seen. In the background, the framework for the house is being constructed.

We still use a propane stove, but are learning how great our sun oven really is. We have cooked large roasts, chickens and all kinds of vegetables in it. Eggs and rice take on a whole new flavor when using only the suns heat. Paula Jo bakes most of our bread in it and The Cosmic Cooler... In this stage of construction, the eight inch by four foot footings find that it takes no longer than a conventional oven. Also since our for the cosmic cooler and a partial wall on the big windows are in place, she will try setting the sun oven in front of northeast corner were poured. them this winter and perhaps we can sever this last link, finally giving us the total independence we started seeking in 1988 when we purchased our first photo voltaic panel.

The Cosmic Cooler...


We are very excited about our walk-in refrigeratorthe Cosmic Cooler. It was designed for food storage using Sacred Geometry. It replaces the conventional refrigerator without freon, moving parts or electric power bills. Simply put the chamber has a mean temperature of 50 F with humidity being 116%. To construct the Cosmic Cooler, I poured the eight inch by four foot footings inside the Starship Module Home on the northeast corner. On top of these footings I placed 1 inch Thermax (double aluminium-faced insulation) as the ceiling and walls.

We placed food storage shelves and cupboards on the south by four foot footing and is integrated into the construction of the house itself. wall. An abundant amount of potatoes in bags and apples in boxes are stored on the floor at the east end of the Cosmic Cooler.

The Cosmic Cooler is conceptually simple. It has eight inch

By building our Starship Module Home in stages we have had a chance to observe the Cosmic Cooler this last winter and spring and are assured of a very reliable and free source of refrigeration for air conditioning or food storage... a major drain on any home solar system.

...A Natural Food Preserver

The Cosmic Cooler was proving to be a reliable source of refrigeration. Upon our return from a three week tour of Texas in April, we made a starding,positive discovery in the Cosmic Cooler. Upon first learning that a head of lettuce was still there, I knew it would be a slimy black puddle. You can imagine my surprise to find it crisper than when it was first placed in the cooler. Some of the foods we have stored are potatoes, carrots, onions, lettuce, grapes, bananas and various other produce. Meats have been tested also. In all cases the shelf life has increased. Some cell tissues actually regenerate in the produce. In one case a Kamboucha mushroom was stored in a ziplock sandwich bag for over six months. It is still being tested. Some Red Delicious apples have been stored for over a year. Lettuce has kept in a crisp condition for a month. And our favorite, Idaho potatoes, can be kept well over a year. All this without threatening the environment with CFCs or electric power usage.

...A Healing Device

Paula Jo and I were particularly impressed with the healing effect the Cosmic Cooler was doing to the frost damaged potatoes a local farmer had supplied. (We live in potato country in Eastern Idaho, about 35 miles north of Idaho Falls). What we observed about these frost damaged potatoes was the firming up of the potato in general and particularly the partial healing of the frost damaged area. We also observed the reduction in size of the frost wounds, which bored themselves to the center of the potato. This healing effect was also manifesting itself in the storage of other fruits and vegetables stored inside. Apples stored in a box with separated layers showed green markings on the surface where the apples contacted with the separation material. Soft oranges and grapefruit appeared to be rejuvenating themselves by becoming firmer and green in color on one side. We have stored bananas in the Cosmic Cooler for a month without the fruit turning brown. Experts from private and government agencies were called in to observe some of the potato grafting work done by Dr. Dean Call, a retired plastic surgeon from Boise and they were amazed. They had never seen such quick healing of potato skin grafts placed in the Cosmic Cooler after grafting and were simply amazed at Dr Calls splicing and growing together of one half a red potato to one half a russet potato, with the aid of the Cosmic Cooler. Dr. Call has stated: I recently became acquainted with Sonne and Paula Jo Ward when I visited their solar home and Cosmic Cooler in Hamer, Idaho.


At that time, a potato farmer brought moderately to markedly damaged, spoiled or degenerated potatoes which were placed in the Cosmic Cooler. I observed these potatoes each week for 3-4 weeks and noted that most of all the potatoes showed marked improvement in appearance, thinness and healing of the degenerated or spoiled areas. These were sectioned crosswise and vertically with a padget dermatone blade and showed normal gross (not microscopic) appearance. Also thin skin grafts were taken and put on cut areas and at least 75% showed a firm viable graft after two and a half to three weeks. I have been eating these potatoes (raw) for three to four weeks with no ill effects... This started us experimenting, in eamest, on different fruits and vegetables. Not only does the Cosmic Cooler keep food fresh far longer than the most high tech fridge, it appears to regenerate the produce put in it. Its size makes it a walk-in refrigerator, every womans dream, especially living in a remote area where food storage is so important.

...An Indoor Greenhouse

Upon placing some Narcissus in the cool darkness of the Cosmic Cooler, we were surprised to see green shoots sprouting out of the bulbs after a few weeks. Paula has placed an ailing plant bought from Colorado in the Cosmic Cooler. By all appearances it was dead. After having been in the Cosmic Cooler for two weeks, new growth was seen amongst the dried up foliage. Now we have a new tomato crop and we have placed some of them in the Cosmic Cooler. They seem to be doing just as well in this dark, cool, highly electron charged chamber as their counterparts are in the sunny windows of our living area.

Love Potion #10

Paula Jo, our two daughtersJosee and Katee Roseand myself have been eating the cosmic food stored in the cooler and spending about twenty minutes a day in the room. We believe we have observed a greater feeling of wellness as a result. We feel more energetic and have witnessed better eyesight. It seems as though I have found the key to DNA. We are taking 20 drops daily of the liquid generated in the Cosmic Cooler, I refer to it as Love Potion #10 or Organic Furfural, a natural fruit spirit. Remarkable changes in us have been witnessed by our friends. My bald spot, which was quite large, now has new hairs all over it. Paula Jos hair is growing incredibly quickly and the color of her hair is darkening. Both of us look much younger. Dr. Call has documented: Also I have noted in the last month to six weeks the skin appearance of Paula and Sonne has improved, ie. better color and especially less wrinkles - especially around the eyes (crows feet). Sonnes balding spots are showing some fine or small hairs (unnoticeable in the past)... Sound like its too good to be true and that is why I am consulting with Dr. Call and other experts in related fields to ensure only beneficial energy is transferred to humans and plants. Dr. Call has further stated: It is my opinion that the observed results merit a well documented genetic study by a research program to be approved by legitimate organizations such as Idaho Department of Agriculture; University of Idahos Department of Agriculture and any other private, state or federal research organization

Unlocking Nature's Secrets


My belief is that the work that I am doing will have applications in all areas. The cell re-generation alone (which has been documented in produce and humans) could re-write medicine, biology, genetics, physics etc. as we know them today. What appears to make the Cosmic Cooler operate is the tapping of this cosmic energy by the roof and walls composed of aluminium-faced Thermax foam insulation placed above the four foot high concrete walls and floor, which act as the foundation for this super storage room. What I believe occurs in the chamber is that; free concentrated cosmic rays disassociate hydrogen and oxygen from the moisture in the concrete walls and floor which combine with the organic carbon in the plant tissue to produce a DNA -altering compound which appears to rejuvenate these tissues. A friend loaned me a Geiger counter and another friend loaned me an expensive digital temperature and humidity measuring device with which I periodically take measurements inside the Cosmic Cooler. An indicator of the concentration of this energy is a 116-136% reading of humidity in the room without any moisture condensing off the ceiling or walls. The mean readings are 116%, the same as the specific gravity of Furfural. I believe that this is an indication that the disassociated hydrogen and oxygen from the wet concrete walls are occuring at excited levels of H3 and O3 causing the digital hygrometer to measure some type of heavy water vapor. Some interested individuals and myself have constructed several portable Cosmic Coolers which will store food and, provide health benefits for all. One of the four Cosmic Coolers, which Bruce Meland built to my specifications has been delivered to Canada. The results are amazing! New hair has replaced a toupe on one gentlemans head and arthritic pain has been greatly reduced in two other individuals. There are also several positive results on the effects of food storage.

To the Future...
Our plans are to one day open our Starship Module Home to the public so interested folks can come and see what we have accomplished and get hands on experience and feel of what a solar home really isto see that you dont have to make any great sacrifices to achieve the total independence most people yearn for, but are not exactly sure of how to go after. We hope with the blueprints provided, you too, can start your path to total independence. Please do not hesitate to contact us at Future Free Transportation for further information, our bookStarship Module Home (specially priced for Exotic Research members at $19.95)or Love Potion #10. We feel, if only more people could learn to live as we do, a big step would be taken in helping Mother Earth, and giving our children and grand children a realistic and positive way to survive in the 21st century.__SW
The Cosmic Cooler Blueprints are Available!


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Sun-Mar and Clivus Multrum composting toilet sales, installation, and service
Composting "waterless" toilets not only offer an economical and ecological solution for public restroom sites, but also for homes and businesses which suffer from: lack of water; difficult topography; low percolation rate; high groundwater; inadequate lot size; or simply an environmental conscience. Composting toilets offer an odorless, waterless alternative to installing a
conventional septic tank, smelly vault privy, or worse yet, a portable chemical toilet. We sell, install, and service low-maintenance, National Sanitation Foundation ("NSF") certified composting toilets throughout the Rocky Mountain region. Ski patrol huts, golf courses, trailheads, snackbars, and houses throughout the region are satisfied customers. We even have two Sun-Mar Excels in our home and office, so we know what we're talking about. All composters vent constantly to refresh the air and promote biological activity within the compost pile. While it may not be necessary to have a electric fan assist the ventilation of your composter, it is highly recommended, especially in a full-time residential situation where the chance of down-drafts may be more commonplace. What noticeable composting odor exists, is prevented from escaping the waterless toilet fixture by an in-line fan which creates a positive draft, aerating the compost before exiting above the roof line. The key to a composting toilet's "odor-free" operation, is the type of bacteria involved in the decomposition of toilet waste. Aerobic bacteria (composting) thrives in an oxygen rich environment, while anaerobic bacteria (septic) grows in an oxygen deprived environment (pools of water and/or urine). Anaerobic bacteria (the type found in septic tanks, outhouses, or unflushed toilets) have an unmistakeable methane odor, whereas aerobic bacteria (the type found in composting toilets) has an earthy, fresh garden soil aroma.

SPRING SALE! $25 off in-stock Excel AC or AC/DC composters PLUS! FREE SHIPPING & FREE SPEED CONTROL when picked up at our Silverthorne, Colorado office. Left click here to e-mail us for availability checks and/or to make an appointment for pickup.
Sun-Mar Composters Clivus Multrum Systems Service & Installation


Left click on any picture here for a short-cut to that particular item or simply keep scrolling down to view our entire composting toilet chapter

The Home Composter

Drywell Drainage Kits

Sun-Mar self-contained composting toilets

Sun-Mar Excel was the first self-contained composting toilet in the world to be tested and certified by the NSF. This standard number 41 (waterless toilet) certification is all that's required by most local health departments for installation approval (see links page). First introduced over 20 years ago, the Excel's three-chamber, Bio-drum continues to be the finest self-contained composter design on the market. Unlike the big catalog companies, we sell no other self-contained composter for a very good reason: we service what we sell, and the Sun-Mar Excel is the most dependable, easiest to maintain, and is the only self-contained composter large enough to conveniently handle full-time residential usage. Our offices have had two Excel composters in continuous usage for over eight years now. We know these units "inside and out". Technical assistance after the sale is our specialty.

SPRING SALE! $25 off in-stock Excel AC or AC/DC composters PLUS! FREE SHIPPING & FREE SPEED CONTROL when picked up at our Silverthorne, Colorado office. Left click here to e-mail us for availability checks and/or to make an appointment for pickup.


The Sun-Mar Excel at 32 inches deep and 22 inches wide, is a natural for adding a toilet to your garage, workshop, or cabin that lacks the basement needed for a Clivus Multrum or Sun-Mar Centrex central composting toilet system (see below). These durable units are great for job sites too! Why pay rent for a portapotty chemical toilet when you can own something so much better? The Excel toilet sits directly on your restroom floor, so installation simply involves cutting a hole in the roof for the vent, gluing a few pieces of pipe together, connecting the emergency overflow hose to a drywell or a small holding tank, and then plugging the unit into an electrical outlet. This time-tested, high capacity composting toilet has a VERY convenient tray for removing finished compost material. Keep this feature in mind when you're looking at other manufacturers' composters. The other manufacturer's composters are difficult at best to remove material from and are often way too small. The bigger the composter, the smaller the periodic maintenance needs.

Left click here or any picture for the Sun-Mar detail page

Excel AC freight)




Sun-Mar detail page

This package (shown installed at left) comes as complete kit with everything you'll need to start it up and install it in most situations: starter bed material, compost accelerant, vent pipe and cap, roof flashing, and a 110 volt AC fan built right into its sleek little fiberglass chassis. A low power usage carbon fiber heating mat (no moving parts to fail) is part of the base and is outfitted with a thermostat to help speed composting and liquid evaporation. These NSF standard #41 certified units were tested for six continuous months at their maximum residential capacity of four adults. They passed with flying colors and therefore meet all applicable health codes for installation in almost any residential situation. An optional speed control switch is available for $35 dollars. FREE SHIPPING and FREE SPEED CONTROL on Excels picked up at our Silverthorne office. Please e-mail us for an appointment and to check availability.


Excel AC/DC freight)




This kit is exactly the same as the AC model, but has the very handy addition of a 4" vent stack and an in-line 12 volt DC fan. With the AC/DC Sun-Mar Excel composter, you have the flexibility to connect different vents depending upon your installation. For instance, you can shut off the AC power when you leave for an extended period of time and use the 4 inch vent stack (non-electric draft or 12 volt DC fan assisted) instead.

Excel NE ($899 plus $125 freight)

The non-electric Excel kit (shown installed at right) is simply a stripped Excel model (it lacks all of the electrical features found on the other Excel composters). Please note the 4 inch vent pipe rising straight out the top (they wallpapered the pipe to hide it from view in this photo). A single, four-inch vent pipe and cap with roof flashing is included; the optional 12 volt DC in-line fan is $45 dollars.

Sun-Mar detail page

We have installed and serviced a lot of self-contained composting toilets over the years, but we only sell Sun-Mar. Our high regard is backed up by SunMar's 25 year fiberglass body warranty and 3 years on the composter's parts. We'll match anyone's price, plus, give you the kind of service after the sale the others don't even pretend to offer! If you're from out-of-state (Colorado) or installing the Sun-Mar yourself, we supply all the toll-free advice you'll need to get the job done right the first time! In-state, we offer hand delivered, experienced installation and on-site service for composting toilet systems. If you are curious to see all of the product specifications on the Excel line or are interested in a smaller composter, take this link to the Sunmar Ecolet detail page. Please note that we feature the Excel self-contained composting toilet, but all models of Sun-Mar composters are available from us. Take this link straight to Sun-Mar's website and then e-mail us for a personal consultation and/or quote on any model of Sun-Mar composter. If you would like additional composting toilet product information, we offer a half hour SunMar video (or DVD), 24 page Sun-Mar color catalog, and a 32 page Clivus Multrum installation and operation guide for $5.00 to cover shipping and handling costs.

SPRING SALE! $25 off in-stock Excel AC or AC/DC composters PLUS! FREE SHIPPING & FREE SPEED CONTROL when picked up at our Silverthorne, Colorado office. Left click here to e-mail us for availability checks and/or to make an appointment for pickup.


Sun-Mar Home Composter $295*

Sun-Mar Home Composter is a selfcontained, high temperature, composting system. It installs anywhere and easily recycles your organic kitchen waste into a wonderful fertilizer! The Sun-Mar Home Composter is the INDOOR composting solution for every household that knows that composting is a necessary measure in waste reduction. No more messy pails and buckets - the Sun-Mar Home Composter does it all!
Composter detail page

$295* (plus UPS shipping)

Left click here for the home composter detail page with additional information

Clivus composting toilet systems

Clivus Multrum composting toilets aren't just for trailheads anymore. With well over 50 years experience solving waste-treatment problems, they are the world's leading authority on composting toilets. Please give us a call at 1-800-563-9720 to start planning your composting toilet system now. The Clivus Multrum composting toilet system is simple, that's why it continues to work the best. Aerobic bacteria converts all of the solid toilet matter into humus, while the urine slowly percolates through the compost (reaching the cleanout compartment as a stabilized, concentrated liquid fertilizer). Seasonal removal of humus from composting toilets may be necessary, but overall they are fairly maintenance-free (compared to a self-contained composter). The key is in having such a large storage area for compost to decompose slowly and thouroughly. Units are power vented above roof line via a 4" pipe andt he waterless toilet fixture(s) is installed directly above the Clivus composter body. A hole is cut between the floor joists so the toilet chute can extend down to it. A smaller chute (not included) can be run from the kitchen to dispose of table scraps. Please note that all Clivus central composting systems require at least six feet of headroom in front of the unit for periodic maintenance needs, raking, and removal of finished compost. If you don't have six feet of headroom in your basement or crawlspace, one alternative is a "Bilco" access door with steps leading directly outside.


Vent above roof line Four inch vent stack In-line exhaust fan Kitchen waste chute Waterless toilet fixture Pint flush toilet fixture Clivus M-1,2,or3 composter

M-1, 2, & 3 detail page link

The three residential sized Clivus Multrum systems are the model M-3 kit ($4995 dollars plus freight) with an 84 inch height and a length of 100 inches, this composter can handle up to 50 uses daily. The Clivus model M-2 kit ($2995 dollars plus freight) has a 66 inch overall height and a length of 65 inches. The Clivus model M-1 kit ($2495 dollars plus freight) is 10 inches shorter and holds fifty gallons less compost than the otherwise identical M-2. All three residential models are 33 inches wide for ease of installation (you can get them through a doorway). These composters are made of very durable, one-piece, seamless construction and come complete with a waterless toilet and chute, 55 gallon liquid storage base (cradle), automatic moistening system, automatic liquid removal system, interior ventilation fan, maintenance tool, Multrum bacteria, Multrum cleaner, Multrum composting worms, starter bed material (M1 and M2 only) and installation hardware. Please give us a call at 1-800-5639720 for a free consultation with an experienced technician. Clivus composting toilets come in a full range of shapes and sizes to meet your needs. The M-10, pictured below, is the smallest of the nine commercial sized Clivus composters. Highly recommended for full-time residential and small commercial installations, this system is shipped unassembled to allow passage through the rough opening of a 36 inch door jam. The Clivus M-10 was tested and certified by the NSF at 22,500 uses per year and has a large (30 inches wide by 48 inches deep) "top working area" for easy installation of the 14 inch diameter waterless toilet chutes.


Left click here for model M-10 & M-12 info

There are a total of thirteen Clivus Multrum composting toilet systems. The three residential kits (M-1, M-2, and M-3), the two unibody commercial sized units (M-32 and M-35), and seven commercial sized units which ship unassembled: the three Ten series units (M-10, M-12, M-15, and M-18) and the three Twenty series models (M-22, M-25, and M-28). The Ten series are typically mounted on a sloped, wooden "cradle" while the Twenty series rest upon a molded two-piece liquid storage base. The M-18 and M-28 models have the same body as an M-12, but a 2 foot midsection extension increases the capacity by 50%. The Clivus M54ADA Trailhead rounds out their line with a self-contained, restroom building/composter. Left click here for the M54ADA detail page.

Gravel-less Drywell Kits are $130*

Our drywells make excellent leaching pits for smaller septic, greywater, or composting toilet systems. These amazingly strong kits can be buried as deep as you need to dispose of rainwater, drainage, or effluent. Gravel backfill around and under the drywell is not necessary, but will certainly increase the capacity of your leaching pit. A single drywell with a foot of gravel under and around it will dispose of 200+ gallons per day in most soils. As with all of our products, we'll work closely with you, consulting on your design for a system that works and provide toll-free consultation during construction! Left click here or on the image link below for the drywell installation detail page.


Left click here or on image above for the drywell installation detail page
These heavy-duty, recycled, high density polyethylene drywells come shipped in a handy carrying case ready for on-site assembly. Drywells are 24 inches in diameter, 28.75 inches in height, and weigh 23 pounds apiece. Knockouts are provided for nine - 4 inch pipes and fifty four - 1.25 inch diameter leaching holes. Drywell initial surge capacity is 48.6 gallons with a daily capacity relative to how much gravel is placed under and around it (about 200 gallons per day with 1 foot of gravel under and around it). Three interlocking side panels and a heavy duty cover are included, plus we throw in a FREE surface vent, a FREE sanitary tee fitting for bringing liquid into the lid, and FREE fabric wrap to keep soil from entering the gravel layer around your drywell. Left click here or on the image below for additional installation examples.


Gravel-less Drywell Kits $130* - FREE shipping

FREE Vent Grate Color

We typically ship the next business day

3 side panels for stacking a second 2 foot tall unit $85 (postpaid)

surface drain for standing water in traffic areas $25 (postpaid)

bottom panel for traffic area or sump basin use only $25 (postpaid)

Left click here

or on image above for additional installation examples

Composting toilets are fairly maintenance-free, but the compost itself is often mismanaged. Here's a few points to keep an eye on:
non-existent moistening systems lead to a dry, hard-packed, inactive compost; an automatic moistening system is a "must have" option! excess liquid effluent allowed to collect in the bottom of the composter may develop an offensive odor; you need to have an effluent drain system. cleaning chemicals are harmful to the compost; use only Clivus cleaner or a diluted mixture of vinegar, baking soda, and water. correct amounts of bulking materials must be periodically added to allow proper aeration of the compost and to supply carbon for the process. incorrect bulking materials can be harmful to the compost; we highly recommend using only pine planer shavings, not peat moss.

Service Visits (Colorado only) $395*

compost pile analysis and written report of system inspection findings maintenance schedule advice and an informational poster for the unit instructional posters with acrylic covers for your restroom stalls 2000 "full-size" adult composting worms (yes, the size & type matters!) two pounds of our specially formulated, concentrated compost accelerant


two bales of the recommended bulking material: pine planer shavings installation of any accessory systems you may wish to order from us:

Moistening systems ensure a healthy, active compost by keeping the surface of the pile wet, thereby preventing the interior from drying out. Filtered, misting spray heads and a digital timer are standard features.

AC or DC non-pressurized, a pump & a 110 gallon tank $455 dollars Pressurized (hose bib), no pump & tank ($195 dollars postpaid)

Effluent systems were often overlooked on many older composters. Typically, a gravity drain cage is installed in the base with a bulkhead fitting that allows effluent to drain out to the leach field ($70 dollars postpaid). If the field is uphill from the unit, you'll also need an effluent removal system ($265 dollars for a 110 volt AC system postpaid). Ventilation systems may need fan updating or vent repairs to ensure odor-free operation. Composting toilets should not leave an offensive odor in the building. If they do, then something is wrong. Typically, the problem is either a weak fan or unwrapped vent pipe joints. Our AC, in-line, 6" duct fan kit is $225 dollars (postpaid). ABC Dry Chemical Fire Suppression System comes with a horizontally installed 8 pound canister and an automatic fan cut-off switch for $375 dollars (postpaid).

Hot links to our eight main chapters:

|Passive Solar| |Shade Cloth| |Gas Refrigerators| |Stainless Steel Appliances| |Septic Systems| |Composting Toilets| |Greywater Recycling| |Assorted Solar Products|

$49* Initial Design Consultations

click here for international orders

The binder includes an hour long video (DVD & VHS) that's guaranteed to spark your imagination. Our HTM home tour walks you through the sustainable design, passive solar earthhome featured in every image of this website. This is not a "How-To" video, but the second half does include some very detailed installation footage for Infiltrator chamber leach fields and Sun-Mar composting toilets. The CDs contain our entire website, so you won't have to go back online to access detail pages. PLUS, found only in this packet: sketch plans for a 12' by 16' power shed; sample orchard greywater recycling system diagrams; and a full-size cutaway blueprint of a standard HTM construction!
40 page HTM and septic system design guidebook Sample greywater system blueprints & HTM cutaway 36 page Natural Home Building Source catalog Surface bonding cement installation guides 36 page Clivus Multrum planning manual Infiltrator chamber leach field systems CD 24 page Sun-Mar composting toilet catalog Explorer stainless steel appliance brochure Shade cloth project guide with sample swatches Assorted product brochures, as made available to us

includes FREE binder with: HTM home tour on DVD and VHS, two website CDs, manuals, catalogs, & assorted brochures.
After you've had a chance to look it over, please drop us a line for that initial consultation to discuss your project and/or passive solar technology in general.


Toll Free: 800-563-9720

International: 970-262-6727 Fax: 720-293-1705 E-mail: Architerra Enterprises, Incorporated 0186 SCR 1400, BRR Silverthorne, CO 80498 OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Who is Architerra? Take this link to a bio page. PRIVACY STATEMENT - We will never release your name or contact information to anyone!
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Copyright 1998 - 2004 by Architerra Enterprises, Inc. All rights are reserved.

















You are here: > Open Sourcing > Ion Source Beam Projector Adequacy of instructions not yet verified by PES. Project is under consideration.

How to build an "Ion Source Beam Projector"

by James D. Fauble
Modified, with permission, from June 7, 2004

Below are simple instructions describing how to assemble an "Ion Beam Projection Device" which can be used for many various applications including the collection of "Ionized Particles" IE - free electrons and protons/positrons from radiant energy sources. The type of device that I will describe also has numerous other applications of which I will not attempt to describe in detail although, any of you with a high school education and/or a basic knowledge of physics or electronics should be able to figure many of them out with a small amount of brain work. This is a low energy model of similar technologies that are currently being used in many existing applications such as MRI, Cyclotron, Kryotron, Particle Accelerators etc..... . Also, here are a couple of links to similar devices which should give you an idea of the methodology and functions of this sort of technology. (, ( You can also search "Google" for "magnetic beam projection", "Ion beam projection", etc.. . I have personally built the device which I will describe below and can testify that it worked very well for projecting a concentrated ion beam although it was not what I was trying for at the time. Contrary to common beliefs, this is not complicated science and just about anyone can do this. Well then, why are MRIs so expensive? My guess is, God only knows! LOL. Who knows, maybe after enough people find out how simple and inexpensive it can be done, our medical bills will have to go down eh? OUCH, the medical community won't like that will they! Oh no, we can't have that now can we? But seriously now Extreme Caution: I would also like to advise anyone building this device not to point or aim it towards your


head or anyone else's head as it is known that high energy static magnetic fields such as are produced by this devise have been used by some areas of the medical community for anti-depression therapy and also, that if used improperly can actually cause clinical depression. This is NOT a toy, this technology has the potential of being used for good or for bad purposes. For example: The medical community uses this technology for good, on the other hand, the government/military establishment uses it for very bad things. I will assume NO responsibility for any problems or damages resulting from the assembly or use of this device. I only wish to make this knowledge available to more people so that others will become aware of what is out there already and possibly being used on them. Do you ever hear voices in your head? Has anything ever happened to someone you know that could not be explained by anyone other than a psychiatrist? Well, this kind of technology shines a whole new light on some of these things. Consider this? All biological systems operate at varying frequencies which control certain functions within the body. For Example: Short excerpt from information that is available if you know where to look.
Detecting EMF Fields in Humans for Surveillance

A subjects bioelectric field can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored anywhere they are. With special EMF equipment NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials (from EEGs). These can be decoded into a persons brain-states and thoughts. The subject is then perfectly monitored from a distance. NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals Intelligence EMF scanning network and the NSAs computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours a day. The NSA can pick out and track anyone in the US. The NSA records and decodes individual brain maps (of hundreds of thousands of persons) for national security purposes. EMF Brain Stimulation is also secretly used by the military for brainto-computer link (in military fighter aircraft, for example). For electronic surveillance purposes, electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subjects verbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the brains auditory cortex, thus allowing audio communications direct to the brain (bypassing the ears). NSA operatives can use this covertly to debilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia. Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subjects brain and show images from the subjects brain on a video monitor. NSA operatives see what the surveillance subjects eyes are seeing. Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex, bypassing the eyes and optic nerves. NSA operatives can use this surreptitiously to put images into a surveillance subjects brain while they are in REM sleep for brain-programming purposes.
Capabilities of NSA Operatives Using RNM

There has been a Signals Intelligence network in the US since the 1940s. The NSA, Ft Meade has in place a vast, two way, wireless RNM system which is used to track subjects and non-invasively monitor audiovisual information in their brains. This is all done with no physical contact with the subject. RNM is the ultimate method of surveillance and domestic intelligence. Speech, 3D sound, and subliminal audio can be sent to the auditory cortex of the subjects brain (bypassing the ears), and images can be sent into the visual cortex. RNM can alter a subjects perceptions, moods, and motor control. Speech cortex/auditory cortex link has become the ultimate communications system for the intelligence community. RNM allows for a complete audiovisual brain-to-brain link or brain-to-computer link. AND AGAIN: BIO ELECTRIC RESONANCE FREQUENCIES OF THE HUMAN KIND Brain Area Resonance Frequency Info. Induced Thru Modulation


Motor control i.e...CORTEX Auditory ---- CORTEX Visual stimulation Somatosensory Thought Center

10 HZ 15 HZ 25 HZ 09 HZ 20 HZ

Motor Impulse - Coordination Sound which by-passes ears Images in brain ie..Halucinations Phantom Touch - Sense Imposed Subconscious Thoughts

Now What If? A device were available that could project any kind of information in a straight path and which could concentrate any given frequency towards a specific location, person, or even a specific part of that person? Do you get it yet? I know personally, people that have been subjected to this kind of harassment and torture and no one else ever knew what had happened. That is all I can say or want to say on the subject. This is what we have to deal with in our current world these days folks and so I suggest you think about this just in case. Just one more application of this kind of technology and I do not recommend the use of this device for such purposes. Also, this is another reason that I will only describe some basic low energy designs on this forum. Now with that out of the way!

On with the show!

1. You will need to find two quadrupole doughnut or ring shaped Ferrite ceramic magnets measuring approximately 4 3/4" to 5" total diameter with a center hole measuring approximately 1 3/4" to 2" diameter. The thickness of the magnets should be approx. 1/2" to 3/4". Also if possible, try to use a similar quality energy value Ferrite material as you have found for the other magnets in the assembly to ensure proper beam projection. Also, these are the most important element in the assembly or this device and these magnets must be quadropole magnets NOT the typical bi-pole or di-pole magnets. Many more expensive units use magnets with six or even eight separate poles in order to tune the ion beam to the desired width and energy level.

Quadropole Side View

Quadropole Top View

2. Next, You will need seven rectangular Ferrite ceramic magnets measuring approximately 1-7/8" L x 7/8" W x 3/8" Thickness. These same exact magnets can be found at any "Radio Shack" and are usually available from off the shelf, if not, you can order any desired number of them at the front counter. They are about 99 cents each so you probably won't break the bank. Also, it is a good idea to by extras in case some are broken during shipment or the during the assembly process.


Radio Scheck Rectangular Shaped Magnet 3. Finally, although I have so far only used copper plated stainless steel sheet metal to cut my metal strips from, you will need some form of a flexible permeable metal strip measuring approximately 1-1/4" Wide by approx. 15-1/2" Long to fit around the seven rectangular magnets. Also, I am not yet sure that the copper plated stainless steel sheet metal is necessary in producing or projecting the ion beam. If you don't use copper plated stainless, and it still works, please let me know o.k.? As I have said, I did use copper plated stainless steel sheet metal and this worked perfectly. I do know that some of the relatively similar devices that I have seen have also used the copper plated stainless for focusing various beam projection devices. This seems to work similar to what an optical lens mechanism does in a light projector. Hopefully you can imagine what a strip of sheet metal would look like cut to this these measurement?
Who knows, maybe a person wouldn't need a huge towering antenna like Tesla described, to tap into the earth's ionosphere? I know, do you?

Assembly Instructions: Please forgive me if this is confusing, I am no good at teaching or giving directions. Alrighty then, put the seven magnets on their sides lengthwise and form them as uniformly as you can into a circle or at least as close as you can. (Reference #1)

Seven of the Rectangular Ferrite Magnets on their sides forming a ring

(Reference #2)

Top View of the Ring of Seven Magnets Now bend the metal strip around the arrangement and make sure it goes all the way around the entire set of magnets with an additional 1/2" being left over.
(Reference #3)


Strip of Stainless Steel Sheet Metal Next you will need to slice or cut a small triangle about 3/16" deep between each magnet into the edges of the metal strip which should be protruding past the width of the magnets themselves since the strip is supposed to be about a quarter inch or so wider than the width of the magnets. This is so you will be able to bend the edges of the metal strip over the sides of each magnet to keep them from slipping out of the assembly. Next, you should have all like poles of all seven magnets facing inward towards each other as pictured in (Reference #1) You may want to use a pop bottle or some sort of plastic container which can be used to keep the magnets from flying away from each other and breaking. Remember, opposites attract, like poles repel? When you are done with this step, you will need to bend the ends of the metal strip so that they intersect or lock together. Pleas refer to (Reference #3). IE, bend or crimp one end inwards starting at about a quarter inch from the end of the strip then bend the opposite end outwards in the same fashion so that they can interlock. This metal strip should be fitted tightly against the outside faces of all seven rectangular shaped magnets and the metal strip or band should be made as snug as possible to hold the assembly together. This arrangement will not be a perfect circle but should instead have slight corners. If the strip is to long you can trim it if you like. The measurements I have given correspond to the device that I had built and I am quite sure that there is a lot of room for variation, however if you use the same materials as I have described and follow these directions properly this device will absolutely positively work. The secret is in the geometric relation of the magnets used and also the energy products associated in relation to each other. This is also the secret to most if not all of the permanent magnetic motors that have broken the OU barrier. Anyhow, as I have said, this is a very simple assembly and design and there should not be a problem as long as similar or equivalent products are used together. On the other hand, if you already have a higher energy material on hand, you might want to try substituting the Ferrite materials with such materials although I cannot stress the necessity of using at least quadropole ring or doughnut shaped magnets of the same material and energy product as the side magnets are made of. Remember, (Regular di-pole magnets will not work in this type of design). Also if you have already assembled a "Halbach Array", (See Reference #s 4 & 5) You may want to put this to use and simply buy the appropriate sized quadropole ring/doughnut magnets to fit the array. This should also increase the range and energy level of your device.
(reference #4) (reference #5)

Halbach Array

Halbach Array Flux Diagram

Lets Continue: The next step after making sure you have set all seven rectangular magnets in place with all same or like poles facing towards each other and then crimping the ends of the containment strip or band


together which should now be holding the ring of seven rectangular magnets together, is to simply place the two quadropole ring/doughnut magnets on either end IE - Top and Bottom of the assembly and should also have the same like poles facing inwards so that all poles are alike and facing inward towards each other. Refer below to (reference #6)
(reference #6)

I did not show the metal containment strip or band in this example so that you could see how the magnets poles should be oriented.

Remember that on the quadropole ring/doughnut magnets there are four poles to each magnet. Refer to (reference #7). On one side of the magnet the inside or center half is the north pole and on the outer half will be the south pole. The exact opposite will be the case on the flip side or reverse side of the magnet!
reference #7

That's all there is to it! You should now be able to use this device for your experiments. If you don't see evidence of ion projection you may have to flip or reverse both doughnut magnets you should then see evidence. You can test this by aiming the array directly towards a fluorescent light bulb. It is very obvious if you aim it towards an old junk TV and you can usually erase the evidence by the method I have described below. I will leave that for you to decide. If for some other reason your device is not working, read through these instructions again and see if you misunderstood something because this is not something that is just a fluke of nature, it is proven science. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me and I will be more than willing to help in any way that I can. My email address is right there for you all to use and I am very passionate about the issues of FE/OU technologies. Together we will make these things known to the world to the point where these things can no longer be argued. These are all of the supplies and information you should need to assemble this low energy "Ion Beam Projector" and at most, the total cost should not exceed the price of a dinner for two at the "Out Back" mate! So far, I have not seen this achieved anywhere else at a lower cost. I do know that, if you follow these


directions that this device will project an ion beam to a considerable distance. Any upgrades are strictly up to you although I would suggest using these ferrite type magnets to start with and they should be plenty powerful for your initial experiments. There are of course other ways of making more powerful portable devices of this sort however, I will leave that up to your imagination. I am sure that many of you are getting the idea already and can imagine the possibilities and potential of this type of technology. I am sure that this will come up in later discussions within this forum and I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the matter. Also, to anyone who might be interested, I have done a lot of patent searching and have not been able to find such a simple and inexpensive design within the patent office so there is a good possibility that this design is open for patent if of course anyone is interested. Personally I have found that every time I have applied or even gotten close to applying for a patent on an invention or design, that some multi-mega corporation always jumps in to push a patent through first anyway. I have had this happen to me many times and it seems to be more trouble then its worth to me. On top of that, this seems to have run in my family for several generations, in that someone else always takes credit for an invention and winds up raking in the dough and so, I have instead decided to share freely from now on. I am not suggesting that this is an unusual practice or that I alone have experienced this, on the contrary, it seems to be the norm in today's world. Also, I believe that the best way to stick it to those money hogs and power mongers is to upset their game entirely and give it directly to the masses where someone else might at least have a chance at it. Erasing that polarized dot from your television screen or monitor PLEASE REMEMBER: Much Caution should be taken during and after assembly of this device to NOT point the ion source or polar projections towards your TV or Computer Monitor or for that matter your Computer unless you have an old set or screen you want to use for your experiments. If you do this you will definitely see the evidence on any type Monitor or TV screen and may get a little upset. There is however a way to fix your Monitor or TV screen should you accidentally forget or get a little careless. On the other hand, the PC may not be so easy to fix unless you have a backup disk and are ready to re-format your hard drive etc... . If you do screw up and wind up with a bright red or green dot on one of your screens you should be able to remedy this by placing a length of small ferrite magnets (like the ones you will have to buy in order to build this device), along a strip of permeable metal which the magnets will stick to (like the metal strip you will need to assemble this device) and then pass this arrangement in a rapid fashion over the face of your screen with the magnets side edges pointed towards the screen. In other words, metal strip side down, magnets face up with side edges of magnets directed towards the face of the screen. Do not rub or touch the screen directly but keep the strip of magnets within a couple inches of the screen. This will disrupt the charged field on your screen and will erase the dot. I had to do this myself and had to swipe this arrangement both horizontally and vertically many times before the otherwise permanent dot would disappear. It was a brand new big screen TV that I had just purchase the previous week and so I was really pissed and worried until I figured out how to fix the problem. Hopefully, this should work for you too, if it does not you might have to purchase a half dozen or so stronger magnets than the ones you tried the first time. One more Note: Please be especially careful when experimenting with these devices outside and particularly in a thunderstorm okay? Duh That's All Folks! Stay in touch people there's much more to come. God bless you and keep you all. And please, ( BE CAREFUL ). P.S. Don't aim it at your dog or cat either okay? lol
Free Energy Forum

197 axmesumpin James D. Fauble < JDEnterprizes {at} >

Comment from Jim

From: J Fauble To: Sterling D. Allan Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 9:03 PM Subject: Re: Ion Source Beam Projector

Sterling, I do believe that the "Ion Source Beam Projector" that I have made available to the public does in fact have potential for "Radiant Energy" applications. "The Vasant Corporation" basically confirmed to me that this is most likely to be true in this case but was unsure how such a massive power surge could be controlled. Hey, I always say don't sweat the small stuff right? lol. I'm quite confident however that this would be a minor detail if only it would be allowed to be developed and used. Jim Index

Project Discussion List - view messages, files, subscribe Ion Source Beam Projector Project Report -- June 26, 2004 - Sourcing the proper quadrupole magnets has proven to be more difficult than it used to be, delaying the ability to replicate and test the original prototype. Theory > ISBP Actually "Attracts" Ions from the Atmosphere - in answer to the question, "How do you suppose the beamer can be used to tap into free energy?" How the Ion Source Beam Projector Might be Used for Free Energy Applications - James Fauble says the ISBP provides a means by which to tap into the ocean of energy around us without the need for gigantic antennas. Attempting to Explain Processes Within the ISBP Device - Ion Source Beam Projector demonstrates that movement of magnetic fields exceeds the speed of light, according to Honeywell study. Sourcing > Quadrupole Magnets - looking, harder to find today than they used to be. James D. Fauble - feature page

See also Quadrupole magnets were used routinely in previous atomic clocks - Most accurate measurement system known to man could have energy application in Ion Source Beam Projector.

Other Open Sourcing Projects

Page posted by Sterling D. Allan June 7, 2004 Last updated June 29, 2004


alcuni appunti
(Senza voler enfatizzare questa tecnologia, riportiamo solo alcuni appunti delle potenzialit che la nanotecnologia metter in campo nella met del XXI secolo. Lo studio e la conoscenza delle stesse, forse, ci consentir di fermare......oppure di appropriarci del loro sviluppo prima che ci possano distruggere definitivamente.)

Il termine "Nanotecnologia" fu coniato nel 1976 da Eric Drexler, il quale definisce cos la "sua" scienza: "[...] una tecnologia a livello molecolare che ci potr permettere di porre ogni atomo dove vogliamo che esso stia. Chiamiamo questa capacit "nanotecnologia", perch funziona sulla scala del nanometro, 1 milionesimo di metro." Il prefisso nano- indica una grandezza matematica pari a 10-9: si tratta dunque di una tecnologia a livello atomico, una scala che vede confondersi le applicazioni della chimica con quelle della fisica, l'ingegneria genetica con la quantistica. Nel campo dellingegneria genetica, possiamo trovare l'esistenza in natura di nanomacchine: "....i ribosomi per esempio, sono organelli complessi costituiti da diverse subunit e costituiscono l'ambiente in cui vengono realizzate le istruzioni delle molecole (RNA messaggero e transfer) ...." una vera e propria macchina programmabile per costruire molecole che pu essere paragonata ad un registratore magnetico. La nanotecnologia agisce sulla natura delle connessioni fra gli atomi, dalla quale risulta la propriet della materia. Gli strumenti di questa tecnologia consistono in "macchine" microscopiche in grado di agire su singoli atomi. Il futuro aperto dalle nanotecnologie e dal loro eventuale " uso corretto ed approccio costruttivo" prevede l'assemblaggio di atomi e molecole in maniera automatica come avviene in natura; secondo un modello teorico ideato nel 1966 da Van Neumann, uno dei padri dell'informatica. Egli defin la struttura e le procedure operative di un sistema di costruzione generale programmabile costituito da due componenti fondamentali: il computer universale ed il costruttore universale. Il primo contiene le istruzioni che guidano l'arto in dotazione al secondo nella realizzazione di manufatti e nella replica dei sistemi. La macchina poteva essere programmata per costruire anche strutture complesse assemblando componenti elementari ed era in grado di autoreplicarsi, nell'intento di contenere fortemente i costi produttivi. Una volta riprodotti entrambi i componenti, il programma del computer universale viene copiato sulla nuova unit rendendo cos disponibile una nuova macchina autoreplicante.


Nellapplicazione industriale della nanotecnologia vi sono due diverse fasi: 1) il piano di costruzione finale delloggetto (sia esso un motore per astronave, una terapia per il cancro o una ricetta di cucina) che sar registrato in una prima macchina, il seme. Il seme conterr un "nanocomputer", vale a dire un processore in possesso di un meccanismo logico su scala atomica, della capacit di 1 miliardo di bytes stivato in 1 micron cubico, pari a 1 millesimo del volume di una cellula umana. La prima generazione di assemblatori, delle dimensioni di 1 submicron, si moltiplicher esponenzialmente duplicando se stessa. La nanomacchina-seme sar iniettata in un fluido viscoso contenente migliaia di miliardi di nanomacchine "assemblatrici" generate da quella prima, singola copia, ciascuna con il proprio nanocomputer, che agiranno seguendo le istruzioni del piano. Questa seconda generazione di macchine costruir il prodotto finito vero e proprio, muovendosi agevolmente in un liquido che trasporter anche le materie prime e funger da raffreddamento. Lenergia sar fornita dal sole, come dimostra quella straordinaria forma di nanotecnologia che la sintesi clorofilliana. La rivoluzione nanotech "prevista" intorno alla met del XXI secolo. Fra le conquiste scientifiche che la nanotecnologia metter nelle nostre mani (alcune di queste, nell'opinione corrente sono gi associate all'ingegneria genetica) ci sono la trasformazione della materia a livello atomico e la sua duplicazione, computer delle dimensioni di 1/100 di micron cubico, la conquista dello spazio, la definitiva demolizione dei rifiuti, la messa a punto di nuovi materiali resistenti come il diamante, una medicina che agisce selettivamente sulle molecole, la ricostruzione in vitro di tessuti organici, un'anestesia estremamente efficace, un prolungamento della vita molto vicina all'immortalit, fino ad arrivare a quello che purtroppo l'aspetto inaccettabile dello sviluppo di queste tecnologie: sconvolgenti novit nella costruzione di armi di distruzione di massa. Lagenzia americana che si occupa di ricerche militari progetta di mettere a punto nei prossimi due anni dei MAV (Micro Air Vehicle) (Veivoli Micro Aerei): dei robot-spia lunghi 15 cm che saranno in grado di volare da 20 a 60 min. e di raggiungere una velocit pari a 70km/h. Tali apparecchiature andranno dove i soldati di fanteria non vanno e riveleranno delle immagini preziose come vedute aeree o interni di edifici. Grazie alle nanotecnologie questi dispositivi potranno infine avere le dimensioni di una mosca, si sposteranno in sciami e saranno in grado, oltre che di spiare, di attaccare. Riusciranno a sabotare le armi ed i materiali bellici e potranno diffondere malattie nei ranghi nemici. Sar ben difficile combattere contro un esercito di soldati microscopici! Quello che ci interessa mettere in evidenza, come la nanotecnologia oggi, non sia affatto una chimera inseguita da qualche scienziato pazzo, ma un campo in fortissima espansione sul quale stanno lavorando i migliori gruppi di ricercatori di tutto il pianeta. In Giappone il governo stesso dichiara che la nanotecnologia sar la chiave di volta del futuro prossimo, e lo stesso MITI (il potentissimo ministero dell'industria e del commercio) stanzia fondi per la ricerca. In Europa le conferenze sulle nanotecnologie sono seguite dai migliori scienziati, molte universit (come quelle di Birmingham in Inghilterra e la Technical University in Danimarca) stanno impegnandosi nella ricerca. Negli Stati Uniti ben 11 agenzie governative stanno sovvenzionando studi nulle nanotecnologie, tra questi il NIH (National Institutes of Health), la NASA, il DARPA, I dipartimenti dell'Energia e della Difesa. Le universit pi prestigiose stanno effettuando ricerca: MIT, Stanford, Cornell, Rice.. Insomma, sembra proprio che tutte le maggiori risorse umane e tecnologiche del pianeta stiano lavorando come non mai per far s che la nanotecnologia si trasformi da sogno in realt, e probabilmente questo accadr in molto meno tempo di quanto ci aspettiamo.


Domani... la nanotecnologia sar unulteriore sviluppo del potere delluomo sulla Natura: tutto potr mutare e trasformarsi in qualsiasi cosa!; facilmente la nanotecnologia permetter di sviluppare le prime forme dintelligenza artificiale (IA). "Se i termini Et della Pietra, Et del Bronzo ed Et del Ferro derivano dagli strumenti che gli essere umani hanno fabbricato, allora, la nuova era tecnologica in cui stiamo entrando potr essere definita lEra del Diamante."

chi vuole collaborare a questi argomenti pu contattare NANOtech page ECOZONE home page

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Technological Requirements for Terraforming Mars

Robert M. Zubrin. Pioneer Astronautics. Christopher P. McKay. NASA Ames Research Center. Abstract
The planet Mars, while cold and arid today, once possessed a warm and wet climate, as evidenced by extensive fluvial features observable on its surface. It is believed that the warm climate of the primitive Mars was created by a strong greenhouse effect caused by a thick CO2 atmosphere. Mars lost its warm climate when most of the available volatile CO2 was fixed into the form of carbonate rock due to the action of cycling water. It is believed, however, that sufficient CO to 2 form a 300 to 600 mb atmosphere may still exist in volatile form, either adsorbed into the regolith or frozen out at the south pole. This CO2 may be released by planetary warming, and as the CO2 atmosphere thickens, positive feedback is produced which can accelerate the warming trend. Thus it is conceivable, that by taking advantage of the positive feedback inherent in Mars' atmosphere/regolith CO2 system, that engineering efforts can produce drastic changes in climate and pressure on a planetary scale. In this paper we propose a mathematical model of the Martian CO2 system, and use it to produce analysis which clarifies the potential of positive feedback to accelerate planetary engineering efforts. It is shown that by taking advantage of the feedback, the requirements for planetary engineering can be reduced by about 2 orders of magnitude relative to previous estimates. We examine the potential of various schemes for producing the initial warming to drive the process, including the stationing of orbiting mirrors, the importation of natural volatiles with high greenhouse capacity from the outer solar system, and the production of artificial halocarbon greenhouse gases on the Martian surface through in-situ industry. If the orbital mirror scheme is adopted, mirrors with dimension on the order or 100 km radius are required to vaporize the CO2 in the south polar cap. If manufactured of solar sail like material, such mirrors would have a mass on the order of 200,000 tonnes. If manufactured in space out of asteroidal or Martian moon material, about 120 MWe-years of energy would be needed to produce the required aluminum. This amount of power can be provided by near-term multi-megawatt nuclear power units, such as the 5 MWe modules now under consideration for NEP spacecraft. Orbital transfer of very massive bodies from the outer solar system can be accomplished using nuclear thermal rocket engines using the asteroid's volatile material as propellant. Using major planets for gravity assists, the rocketV required to move an outer solar system asteroid onto a collision trajectory with Mars can be as little as 300 m/s. If the asteroid is made of NH3, specific impulses of about 400 s can be attained, and as little as 10% of the asteroid will be required for propellant. Four 5000 MWt NTR engines would require a 10 year burn time to push a 10 billion tonne asteroid through a V of 300 m/s. About 4 such objects would be sufficient to greenhouse Mars. Greenhousing Mars via the manufacture of halocarbon gases on the planet's surface may well be the most practical option. Total surface power requirements to drive planetary warming using this method are calculated and found to be on the order of 1000 MWe, and the required times scale for climate and atmosphere modification is on the order of 50 years. It is concluded that a drastic modification of Martian conditions can be achieved using 21st century technology. The Mars so produced will closely resemble the conditions existing on the primitive Mars. Humans operating on the surface of such a Mars would require breathing gear, but pressure suits would be unnecessary. With outside atmospheric pressures raised, it will be possible to create large dwelling areas by means of very large inflatable structures. Average temperatures could be above the freezing point of water for significant regions during portions of the year, enabling the growth of plant life in the open. The spread of plants could produce enough oxygen to make Mars habitable for animals in several millennia. More rapid oxygenation would require engineering efforts supported by multi-terrawatt power sources. It is speculated that the desire to speed the terraforming of Mars will be a driver for developing such technologies, which in turn will define a leap in human power over nature as dramatic as that which accompanied the creation of post-Renaissance industrial civilization.

Many people can accept the possibility of a permanently staffed base on Mars, or even the establishment of large settlements. However the prospect of drastically changing the planet's temperature and atmosphere towards more earthlike conditions, or "terraforming" seems to most people to be either sheer fantasy or at best a technological challenge for the far distant future. But is this pessimistic point of view correct? Despite the fact that Mars today is a cold, dry, and probably lifeless planet, it has all the elements required to support life: water carbon and oxygen (as carbon dioxide), and nitrogen. The physical aspects of Mars, its gravity, rotation rate and axial tilt are close enough to those of Earth to be acceptable and it is not too far from the Sun to be made habitable.

203 In fact computational studies utilizing climate models suggest that it could be possible to make Mars habitable again with foreseeable technology. The essence of the situation is that while Mars' CO atmosphere has only about 1% the 2 pressure of the Earth's at sea level, it is believed that there are reserves of CO frozen in the south polar cap and 2 adsorbed within the soil sufficient to thicken the atmosphere to the point where its pressure would be about 30% that of Earth. The way to get this gas to emerge is to heat the planet, and in fact, the warming and cooling of Mars that occurs each Martian year as the planet cycles between its nearest and furthest positions from the Sun in its slightly elliptical orbit cause the atmospheric pressure on Mars to vary by plus or minus 25% compared to its average value on a seasonal basis. We can not, of course, move Mars to a warmer orbit. However we do know another way to heat a planet, through an artificially induced greenhouse effect that traps the Sun's heat within the atmosphere. Such an atmospheric greenhouse could be created on Mars in at least three different ways. One way would be to set up factories on Mars to produce very powerful artificial greenhouse gasses such as halocarbons ("CFC's") and release them into the atmosphere. Another way would be to use orbital mirrors or other large scale power sources to warm selected areas of the planet, such as the south polar cap, to release large reservoirs of the native greenhouse gas, CO , which may be trapped their in frozen or 2 adsorbed form. Finally natural greenhouse gases more powerful than CO2 (but much less so than halocarbons) such as ammonia or methane could be imported to Mars in large quantities if asteroidal objects rich with such volatiles in frozen form should prove to exist in the outer solar system. Each of these methods of planetary warming would be enhanced by large amounts of CO from polar cap and the soil 2 that would be released as a result of the induced temperature rise. This CO would add massively to the greenhouse 2 effect being created directly, speeding and multiplying the warming process. The Mars atmosphere/regolith greenhouse effect system is thus one with a built-in positive feedback. The warmer it gets, the thicker the atmosphere becomes; and the thicker the atmosphere becomes the warmer it gets. A method of modeling this system and the results of calculations based upon it are given in the sections below.

Equations for Modeling the Martian System

An equation for estimating the mean temperature on the surface of Mars as a function of the CO atmospheric pressure 2 and the solar constant is given by McKay and Davis [1] as: Tmean = S^0.25xTBB + 20(1+S)P^0.5 (Eq.1) where Tmean is the mean planetary temperature in kelvins, S is the solar constant where the present day Sun=1, T , the BB black body temperature of Mars at present = 213.5 K, and P is given in bar. Since the atmosphere is an effective means of heat transport from the equator to the pole,we propose (as an improvement over equation (1) in reference [2]: Tpole = Tmean - T/(1 + 5P) (Eq. 2) where T is what the temperature difference between the mean value and the pole would be in the absence of an atmosphere (about 75 K for S=1). For purposes of this analysis it is further assumed based upon a rough approximation to observed data that : Tmax = Tequator = 1.1Tmean (Eq. 3) and that the global temperature distribution is given by: T() = Tmax - (Tmax-Tpole)sin^1.5 (Eq.4) where is the latitude (north or south). Equations (1) through (4) given the temperature on Mars as a function of CO2 pressure. However, as mentioned above, the CO2 pressure on Mars is itself a function of the temperature. There are three reservoirs of CO on Mars, the 2 atmosphere, the dry ice in the polar caps, and gas adsorbed in the soil. the interaction of the polar cap reservoirs with the atmosphere is well understood and is given simply by the relationship between the vapor pressure of CO and the 2 temperature at the poles. This is given by the vapor pressure curve for CO , which is approximated by: 2 P = 1.23 x 10^7{exp(-3168/Tpole)} (Eq. 5) So long as there is CO2 in both the atmosphere and the cap, equation (5) gives an exact answer to what the CO2 atmospheric pressure will be as a function of polar temperature. However if the polar temperature should rise to a point where the vapor pressure is much greater than that which can be produced by the mass in the cap reservoir (between 50 and 150 mb) then the cap will disappear and the atmosphere will be regulated by the soil reservoir. The relationship between the soil reservoir, the atmosphere and the temperature is not known with precision. an

204 educated guess is given in parametric form in reference 1 as: P = {CMaexp(T/Td)}1/ (6) where Ma is the amount of gas adsorbed in bar, =0.275, C is a normalization constant set so that with chosen values of the other variables equation (6) will reflect known Martian conditions, and T is the characteristic energy required for d release of gas from the soil. Equation (6) is essentially a variation on Van Hofft's law for the change in chemical equilibrium with temperature, and so there is fair confidence that its general form is correct. However the value of T is d unknown and probably will remain so until after human exploration of Mars. In reference [2] McKay et al varied parametrically Td from 10 to 60 K and produced curves using equation (6) with T set equal to either T or Tmean. In this pole paper we choose Td=15 to 40 K (a reasonable subset of the spectrum slightly on the optimistic side; the lower the value of Td the easier things are for prospective terraformers.) Because equation (6) is so strongly temperature dependent, however, we do not simply set T to the extreme values of Tmean or Tpole and solve equation (6) to get a global "soil pressure" however, as was done in reference [2]. Rather we use the global temperature distribution given by equation (4) to integrate equation (6) over the surface of the planet. This gives a more accurate quasi 2-Dimensional view of the atmosphere/regolith equilibrium problem in which most of the adsorbed CO2 is distributed to the planet's colder regions. In this model, regional (in the sense of latitude) temperature changes, especially in the near-polar regions, can have as important a bearing on the atmosphere/regolith interaction as changes in the planet's mean temperature.

Results of Calculations
In figure 1 we see the results of our model when applied to the situation at Mars' south polar cap, where it is believed that enough CO2 may be held frozen as dry ice to give Mars an atmosphere on the order of 50 to 100 mbar. We have plotted the polar temperature as a function of the pressure, in accord with equations (1) and (2), and the vapor pressure as a function of the polar temperature, in accord with equation (5). There are two equilibrium points, labeled A and B where the values of P and T are mutually consistent. However A is a stable equilibrium, while B is unstable. This can be seen by examining the dynamics of the system wherever the two curves do not coincide. Whenever the temperature curve lies above the vapor pressure curve, the system will move to the right, i.e. towards increased temperature and pressure; this would represent a runaway greenhouse effect. Whenever the pressure curve lies above the temperature curve, the system will move to the left, i.e. a temperatures and pressure will both drop in a runaway icebox icebox effect. Mars today is at point A, with 6 mbar of pressure and a temperature of about 147 K at the pole. Now consider what would happen if someone artificially increased the temperature of the Martian pole by several degrees K. As the temperature is increased, points A and B would move towards each other until they met. If the temperature increase were

Fig. 1 Mars polar cap/atmosphere dynamics. current equilibrium is at point A. Raising polar temperatures by 4 K would drive equilibria A and B together, causing runaway heating that would lead to the elimination of the cap.


Fig. 2 Mars regolith/atmosphere dynamics under conditions of Td=20 with a volatile inventory of 500 mb of CO2 4 K, the temperature curve would be moved upwards on the graph sufficiently so that it would lie above the vapor pressure curve everywhere. The result would be a runaway greenhouse effect that would cause the entire pole to evaporate, perhaps in less than a decade. Once the pressure and temperature have moved past the current location point B, Mars will be in a runaway greenhouse condition even without artificial heating, so if later the heating activity were discontinued the atmosphere will remain in place. As the polar cap evaporates, the dynamics of the greenhouse effect caused by the reserves of CO held in the Martian 2 soil come into play. These reserves exist primarily in the high latitude regions, and by themselves are estimated to be enough to give Mars a 400 mbar atmosphere. We can't get them all out however, because as they are forced out of the ground by warming, the soil becomes an increasingly effective "dry sponge" acting to hold them back. The dynamics of this system are shown in fig. 2, in which we assume Td=20, current polar reserves of 100 mb, and regolith reserves of 394 mb, and graph the pressure on the planet as a function of Treg, where Treg is the weighted average of the temperature given by integrating the right hand side of equation (6) over the surface of the planet using the temperature distribution given by equation (4). That is: Treg= -Tdln{0


(Eq. 7)

Since Treg is a function of the temperature distribution and Tmean, it is a function of P, and thus T (P) can also be reg graphed. The result are a set of T(P) curves and P(T) curves, whose crossing points reflect stable or unstable equilibrium, just as in the case of the polar cap analysis. It can be seen in fig. 2 that the atmosphere soil system under the chosen assumption of T =20 K has only 1 equilibrium d point, which is stable, and which will be overrun by the pressure generated by the vaporized polar cap. Thus, by the time the process is brought to a halt, an atmosphere with a total pressure of about 300 mbar, or 4.4 pounds per square inch, can be brought into being. Also shown in Fig. 2 is the day-night average temperature that will result in Mars' tropical regions (Tmax) during summertime. It can be seen that the 273 K freezing point of water will be approached. With the addition of modest ongoing artificial greenhouse efforts, it can be exceeded. The assumption of Td=20 is optimistic, however, and the location of the equilibrium convergence point (point C in fig. 2) is very sensitive to the value chosen for Td. In fig.3 we show what happens if values of Td=25 and Td=30 are assumed. In these cases, the convergence point moves from 300 mb at Td=20 to 31 and 16 mb for Td=25 and Td=30 respectively. (The value of the Treg curve in fig. 3 was calculated under the assumption of Td=25; it varies from this value by a degree or two for Td=20 or 30.) Such extraordinary sensitivity of the final condition to the unknown value of T may appear at d first glance to put the entire viability of the terraforming concept at risk. However in fig 3 we also show (dotted line) the situation if artificial greenhouse methods are employed to maintain T at a temperature 10 K above those produced by reg the CO2 outgassing itself. It can be seen that drastic improvements in the final T and P values are effected for the T =25 d and 30 cases, with all three cases converging upon final states with Mars possessing atmospheres with several hundred millibars pressure.


Fig. 3 An induced 10 K rise in regolith temperature can counter effect of T variations. Data shown assumes a planetary d volatile inventory of 500 mb CO2. In figs 4,5,6, and 7 we show the convergence condition pressure and maximum seasonal average temperature in the Martian tropics resulting on either a "poor" Mars, possessing a total supply of 500 mb of CO (50 mb of CO2 in the polar 2 cap and 444 mb in the regolith), or a "rich" Mars possessing 1000 mb of CO (100 mb in the polar cap and 894 mb in the 2 regolith). different curves are shown under the assumptions that either no sustained greenhouse effort is mounted after the initial polar cap release, or that continued efforts are employed to maintain the planet's mean temperature 5, 10 or 20 degrees above the value produced by the CO2 atmosphere alone. It can be seen that if a sustained effort is mounted to keep an artificial DT of 20 degrees in place, then a tangible atmosphere and acceptable pressures can be produced even if Td has a pessimistic value of 40 K.

Fig .4 Equilibrium pressure reached on Mars with a planetary volatile inventory of 500 mb CO after 50 mb polar cap has 2 been evaporated. DT is artificially imposed sustained temperature rise.


Fig. 5 Equilibrium maximum seasonal (diurnal average) temperature reached on Mars with a planetary volatile inventory of 500 mb CO2 after 50 mb polar cap has been evaporated

Fig. 6 Equilibrium pressure reached on Mars with a planetary volatile inventory of 1000 mb CO after 100 mb polar cap 2 has been evaporated

Fig. 7 Equilibrium maximum seasonal temperature (diurnal average) reached on Mars with a planetary volatile inventory of 1000 mb CO2 after 100 mb polar cap has been evaporated. The important conclusion to be drawn from this analysis is that while the final conditions on a terraformed Mars may be highly sensitive to the currently unknown value of the regoliths outgassing energy, T , they are even more sensitive to d the level of sustained artificially induced greenhousing ,DT Put simply, the final conditions of the atmosphere/regolith system on a terraformed Mars are controllable. Once significant regions of Mars rise above the freezing point of water on at least a seasonal basis, the large amounts of water frozen into the soil as permafrost would begin to melt, and eventually flow out into the dry riverbeds of Mars. Water vapor is also a very effective greenhouse gas, and since the vapor pressure of water on Mars would rise enormously under such circumstances, the reappearance of liquid water on the Martian surface would add to the avalanche of self accelerating effects all contributing towards the rapid warming of Mars. The seasonal availability of liquid water is also

208 the key factor in allowing the establishment of natural ecosystems on the surface of Mars. The dynamics of the regolith gas-release process are only approximately understood, and the total available reserves of CO2 won't be known until human explorers journey to Mars to make a detailed assessment, so these results are must be regarded as approximate and uncertain. Nevertheless, it is clear that the positive feedback generated by the Martian CO2 greenhouse system greatly reduces the amount of engineering effort that would otherwise be required to transform the Red Planet. In fact, since the amount of a greenhouse gas needed to heat a planet is roughly proportional to the square of the temperature change required, driving Mars into a runaway greenhouse with an artificial 4 K temperature rise only requires about 1/200th the engineering effort that would be needed if the entire 55 K rise had to be engineered by brute force. The question we shall now examine is how such a 4 K global temperature rise could be induced.

Methods of Accomplishing Global Warming on Mars

The three most promising options for inducing the required temperature rise to produce a runaway greenhouse on Mars appear to be the use of orbital mirrors to change the heat balance of the south polar cap (thereby causing its CO 2 reservoir to vaporize), the importation of ammonia rich objects from the outer solar system [3], and the production of artificial halocarbon ("CFC") gases on the Martian surface. We discuss each of these in turn. It should be noted, however, that synergistic combination of several such methods may yield better results than any one of them used alone [4]. Orbiting Mirrors While the production of a space-based sunlight reflecting device capable of warming the entire surface of Mars to terrestrial temperatures is theoretically possible [5], the engineering challenges involved in such a task place such a project well outside the technological horizon considered in this paper. A much more practical idea would be to construct a more modest mirror capable of warming a limited area of Mars by a few degrees. As shown by the data in fig. 1, a 5 degree K temperature rise imposed at the pole should be sufficient to cause the evaporation of the CO reservoir in the 2 south polar cap. Based upon the total amount of solar energy required to raise the black-body temperature a given area a certain number of degrees above the polar value of 150 K, we find that a space-based mirror with a radius of 125 km could reflect enough sunlight to raise the entire area south of 70 degrees south latitude by 5 K. If made of solar sail type aluminized mylar material with a density of 4 tonnes/km^2, such a sail would have a mass of 200,000 tonnes. This is too large to consider launching from Earth, however if space-based manufacturing techniques are available, its constructing in space out of asteroidal or Martian moon material is a serious option. The total amount of energy required to process. the materials for such a reflector would be about 120 MWe-years, which could be readily provided by a set of 5 MWe nuclear reactors such as are now being considered for use in piloted nuclear electric spacecraft. Interestingly, if stationed near Mars, such a device would not have to orbit the planet. Rather, solar light pressure could be made to balance the planet's gravity, allowing it to hover as a "statite" [6] with its power output trained constantly at the polar region. For the sail density assumed, the required operating altitude would be 214,000 km. The statite reflector concept and the required mirror size to produce a given polar temperature rise is shown in figs 8 and 9.

Fig.8 Solar sails of 4 tonnes/km^2 density can be held stationary above Mars by light pressure at an altitude of 214,000 km. Wasting a small amount of light allows shadowing to be avoided.


Fig.9. Solar sail mirrors with radii on the order of 100 km and masses of 200,000 tonnes can produce the 5 K temperature rise required to vaporize the CO2 in Mars' south polar cap. It may be possible to construct such mirrors in space. If the value of Td is lower than 20 K, then the release of the polar CO2 reserves by themselves could be enough to trigger the release of the regolith's reserves in a runaway greenhouse effect. If however, as seems probable, T is greater than d 20 K, then either the importation or production of strong greenhouse gases will be required to force a global temperature rise sufficient to create a tangible atmospheric pressure on Mars. Moving Ammonia Asteroids Ammonia is a powerful greenhouse gas, and it is possible that nature has stockpiled large amounts of it in frozen form on asteroidal sized objects orbiting in the outer solar system. If moving material from such objects to Mars is envisioned, then such orbits would be quite convenient, because strange as it may seem, it is easier to move an asteroid from the outer solar system to Mars than it is to do so from the Main Belt or any other inner solar system orbit. This odd result follows from the laws of orbital mechanics, which cause an object farther away from the Sun to orbit it slower than one that is closer in. Because an object in the outer solar system moves slower, it takes a smallerV to change its orbit from a circular to an ellipse. Furthermore, the orbit does not have to be so elliptical that it stretches from Mars to the outer solar system; it is sufficient to distort the objects orbit so that it intersects the path of a major planet, after which a gravity assist can do the rest. The results are shown in Fig. 10. It can be seen that moving an asteroid positioned in a circular orbit at 25 AU, by way of a Uranus gravity assist to Mars, requires a V of only 0.3 km/s, compared to a 3.0 km/s V to move an asteroid directly to Mars from a 2.7 AU position in the Main Belt. the time of flight required for such transfers is shown in Fig. 11. Now we don't know for sure if there are numerous asteroid size objects in the outer solar system, but there is no reason to believe that there aren't. As of this writing, only one is known, but that one, Chiron, orbiting between Saturn and Uranus is rather large (180 km diameter,), and it may be expected that a lot of small objects can be found for every big one. In all probability, the outer solar system contains thousands of asteroids that we have yet to discover because they shine so dimly compared to those in the Main Belt (The brightness of an asteroid as seen from Earth is inversely proportional to the fourth power of its distance from the Sun.). Furthermore, because water, ammonia, and other volatiles freeze so completely in the outer solar system, it is likely that the asteroids to be found beyond Saturn are largely composed of frozen gases (such appears to be the case for Chiron). This makes it possible for us to move them. Consider an asteroid made of frozen ammonia with a mass of 10 billion tonnes orbiting the sun at a distance of 12 AU. Such an object, if spherical, would have a diameter of about 2.6 km, and changing its orbit to intersect Saturn's (where it could get a trans-Mars gravity assist) would require a V of 0.3 km/s. If a quartet of 5000 MW nuclear thermal rocket engines powered by either fission or fusion were used to heat some of its ammonia up to 2200 K (5000 MW fission NTRs operating at 2500 K were tested in the 1960s), they would produce an exhaust velocity of 4 km/s, which would allow them to move the asteroid onto its required course using only 8% of its material as propellant. Ten years of steady thrusting would be required, followed by a about a 20 year coast to impact. When the object hit Mars, the energy released would be about 10 TW-years, enough to melt 1 trillion tonnes of water (a lake 140 km on a side and 50 meters deep). In addition, the ammonia released by a single such object would raise the planet's temperature by about 3 degrees centigrade and form a shield that would effectively mask the planet's surface from ultraviolet radiation. As further missions proceeded, the planet's temperature could be increased globally in accord with the data shown in Fig. 12. Forty such missions would double the nitrogen content of Mars' atmosphere by direct importation, and could produce

210 much more if some of the asteroids were targeted to hit beds of nitrates, which they would volatilize into nitrogen and oxygen upon impact. If one such mission were launched per year, within half a century or so most of Mars would have a temperate climate, and enough water would have been melted to cover a quarter of the planet with a layer of water 1 m deep. While attractive in a number of respects, the feasibility of the asteroidal impact concept is uncertain because of the lack of data on outer solar system ammonia objects. Moreover, if Td is greater than 20 K, a sustained greenhousing effort will be required. as the characteristic lifetime of an ammonia molecule on Mars is likely to be less than a century, this means that even after the temperature is raised, ammonia objects would need to continue to be imported to Mars, albeit at a reduced rate. As each object will hit Mars with an energy yield equal to about 70,000 1 megaton hydrogen bombs, the continuation of such a program may be incompatible with the objective of making Mars suitable for human settlement. A possible improvement to the ammonia asteroidal impact method is suggested by ideas given in reference [4], where it is pointed out that bacteria exist which can metabolize nitrogen and water to produce ammonia. If an initial greenhouse condition were to be created by ammonia object importation, it may be possible that a bacterial ecology could be set up on the planet's surface that would recycle the nitrogen resulting from ammonia photolysis back into the atmosphere as ammonia, thereby maintaining the system without the need for further impacts. Similar schemes might also be feasible for cycling methane, another short-lived natural greenhouse gas which might be imported to the planet.

Fig.10 Using gravity assists, the V required to propel an outer solar system asteroid onto a collision course with Mars can be less than 0.5 km/s. Such "falling" objects can release much more energy upon impact than was required to set them in motion.

Fig.11 Ballistic flight times from the outer solar system to Mars are typically between 25 and 50 years.


Fig. 12 Importing four 10 billion tonne ammonia asteroids to Mars would impose an 8 K temperature rise, which after amplification by CO2 feedback could create drastic changes in global conditions. Producing Halocarbons on Mars In Table 1 we show the amount of halocarbon gases (CFC's) needed in Mars' atmosphere to create a given temperature rise, and the power that would be needed on the Martian surface to produce the required CFC'c over a period of 20 years. If the gases have an atmospheric lifetime of 100 years, then approximately 1/5th the power levels shown in the table will be needed to maintain the CFC concentration after it has been built up. For purposes of comparison, a typical nuclear power plant used on Earth today has a power output of about 1000 MWe. and provides enough energy for a medium sized (Denver) American city. The industrial effort associated with such a power level would be substantial, producing about a trainload of refined material every day and requiring the support of a work crew of several thousand people on the Martian surface. A total project budget of several hundred billion dollars might well be required. Nevertheless, all things considered, such an operation is hardly likely to be beyond the capabilities of the mid 21st Century. Table 1: Greenhousing Mars with CFCs

Induced Heating (K) CFC Pressure (bar) 5 10 20 30 40 0.012 0.04 0.11 0.22 0.39

CFC Production (t/hr) 263 878 2414 4829 8587

Power Required (MWe) 1315 4490 12070 24145 42933

In a matter of several decades, using such an approach Mars could be transformed from its current dry and frozen state into a warm and slightly moist planet capable of supporting life. Humans could not breath the air of the thus transformed Mars, but they would no longer require space suits and instead could travel freely in the open wearing ordinary clothes and a simple SCUBA type breathing gear. However because the outside atmospheric pressure will have been raised to human tolerable levels, it will be possible to have large habitable areas for humans under huge domelike inflatable tents containing breathable air. On the other hand, simple hardy plants could thrive in the CO rich outside environment, and 2 spread rapidly across the planets surface. In the course of centuries, these plants would introduce oxygen into Mars's atmosphere in increasingly breathable quantities, opening up the surface to advanced plants and increasing numbers of animal types. As this occurred, the CO2 content of the atmosphere would be reduced, which would cause the planet to cool unless artificial greenhouse gases were introduced capable of blocking off those sections of the infrared spectrum previously protected by CO2. The halocarbon gases employed would also have to be varieties lacking in chlorine, if an ultraviolet shielding ozone layer is to be built up. Providing these matters are attended to, however, the day would eventually come when the domed tents would no longer be necessary.

Activating the Hydrosphere

The first steps required in the terraforming of Mars, warming the planet and thickening its atmosphere, can be accomplished with surprisingly modest means using in-situ production of halocarbon gases. However the oxygen and nitrogen levels in the atmosphere would be too low for many plants, and if left in this condition the planet would remain relatively dry, as the warmer temperatures took centuries to melt Mars' ice and deeply buried permafrost. It is in this, the second phase of terraforming Mars, during which the hydrosphere is activated, the atmosphere made breathable for

212 advanced plants and primitive animals, and the temperature increased further, that either space based manufacturing of large solar concentrators or human activity in the outer solar system is likely to assume an important role. Activating the Martian hydrosphere in a timely fashion will require doing some violence to the planet, and , as discussed above, one way this can be done is with targeted asteroidal impacts. Each such impact releases the energy equivalent of 10 TW-yrs. If Plowshare methods of shock treatment for Mars are desired, then the use of such projectiles is certainly to be preferred to the alternative option [4] of detonation of hundreds of thousands of thermonuclear explosives. After all, even if so much explosive could be manufactured, its use would leave the planet unacceptably radioactive. The use of orbiting mirrors provides an alternative method for hydrosphere activation. For example, if the 125 km radius reflector discussed earlier for use in vaporizing the pole were to concentrate its power on a smaller region, 27 TW would be available to melt lakes or volatilize nitrate beds. This is triple the power available from the impact of 1 10 billion tonne asteroid per year, and in all probability would be far more controllable. A single such mirror could drive vast amounts of water out of the permafrost and into the nascent Martian ecosystem very quickly. Thus while the engineering of such mirrors may be somewhat grandiose, the benefits to terraforming of being able to wield tens of TW of power in a controllable way can hardly be overstated.

Oxygenating the Planet

The most technologically challenging aspect of terraforming Mars will be the creation of sufficient oxygen in the planet's atmosphere to support animal life. While primitive plants can survive in an atmosphere without oxygen, advanced plants require about 1 mb and humans need 120 mb. While Mars may have super-oxides in its soil or nitrates that can be pyrolysed to release oxygen (and nitrogen) gas, the problem is the amount of energy needed: about 2200 TW-years for every mb produced. Similar amounts of energy are required for plants to release oxygen from CO . Plants, however, 2 offer the advantage that once established they can propagate themselves. The production of an oxygen atmosphere on Mars thus breaks down into two phases. In the first phase, brute force engineering techniques are employed to produce sufficient oxygen (about 1 mb) to allow advanced plants to propagate across Mars. Assuming 3 125 km radius space mirrors active in supporting such a program and sufficient supplies of suitable target material on the ground, such a goal could be achieved in about 25 years. At that point, with a temperate climate, a thickened CO atmosphere to supply 2 pressure and greatly reduce the space radiation dose, and a good deal of water in circulation, plants that have been genetically engineered to tolerate Martian soils and to perform photosynthesis at high efficiency could be released together with their bacterial symbiotes. Assuming that global coverage could be achieved in a few decades and that such plants could be engineered to be 1% efficient (rather high, but not unheard of among terrestrial plants) then they would represent an equivalent oxygen producing power source of about 200 TW. By combining the efforts of such biological systems with perhaps 90 TW of space based reflectors and 10 TW of installed power on the surface (terrestrial civilization today uses about 12 TW) the required 120 mb of oxygen needed to support humans and other advanced animals in the open could be produced in about 900 years. If more powerful artificial energy sources or still more efficient plants were engineered, then this schedule could be accelerated accordingly, a fact which may well prove a driver in bringing such technologies into being. It may be noted that thermonuclear fusion power on the scale required for the acceleration of terraforming also represents the key technology for enabling piloted interstellar flight. If terraforming Mars were to produce such a spinoff, then the ultimate result of the project will be to confer upon humanity not only one new world for habitation, but myriads.

We have shown that within broad tolerances of uncertainty of Martian conditions, that drastic improvements in the lifesustaining characteristics of the environment of the Red Planet may be effected by humans using early to mid 21st century technologies. While our immediate descendants cannot expect to use such near-term methods to "terraform" the planet in the full sense of the word, it at least should be possible to rejuvenate Mars, making it again as receptive to life as it once was. Moreover, in the process of modifying Mars, they are certain to learn much more about how planets really function and evolve, enough perhaps to assure wise management for our native planet. Beyond such near-term milestones, the tasks associated with full terraforming become more daunting and the technologies required more speculative. Yet who can doubt that if the first steps are taken, that the developments required to complete the job will not follow, for what is ultimately at stake is an infinite universe of habitable worlds. Seen in such light, the task facing our generation, that of exploring Mars and learning enough about the planet and the methods of utilizing its resources to begin to transform it into a habitable planet, could not be more urgent, or more noble.

1. C. McKay and W. Davis, "Duration of Liquid Water Habitats on Early Mars," Icarus, 90:214-221, 1991 2. C. McKay, J. Kasting and O.Toon, "Making Mars Habitable," Nature 352:489-496, 1991. 3. J. Pollack and C. Sagan, "Planetary Engineering," in Resources of Near Earth Space, J. Lewis and M. Mathews, eds, Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona, 1993.

213 4. M.J. Fogg, "A Synergic Approach to Terraforming Mars," JBIS, 45, 315-329, 1992. 5. P. Birch, "Terraforming Mars Quickly," JBIS, 45, 331-340, 1992. 6. R. Forward, "The Statite: A Non-Orbiting Spacecraft," AIAA 89-2546, AIAA/ASME 25th Joint Propulsion Conference, Monterey, CA, July 1989.


Scalar Wave Technology Scalar Wave Detection

Warren York
Scalar Wave Researcher
Originally published: ExtraOrdinary Science (Volume 1, Issue 4; Oct/Nov/Dec 1989) WARNING: Do not attempt electrical construction on any of the equipment, coils or devices described here unless you are fully qualified. In some cases LETHAL voltages and charges are required. Also be advised that improper use, application and physical methods may cause psychological tramuma or permanent physical and neurological damage when near the vicinity of such equipment. This information is being provided as a point of interest to our readers... the publisher and author disclaim any responsibility in the use or misuse of this information.

Introduction All of this talk so far on scalar waves and scalar technology has no purpose in the scientific community until something can be detected, observed and duplicated. The original seedlings and thoughts which led to Lt. Col. Bearden's scalar theories were developed out of observation. If not by Lt. Col. Bearden himself, then by others from many noncorrelated paths. I already have given a small sample list of such observers from Nikola Tesla to the latest, Moray King. I have just read a newly released book by Moray entitled Tapping the Zero Point Energy. I also recommend highly for others interested in scalar technology to obtain copies of Bearden's works and books from the new release of Excalibur Briefings to AIDS--Biological Warfare. The two books and papers will fill in the much needed base work on understanding scalar technology and can be obtained through the High Energy Catalog. I also understand that a new book is in the making which is a rebuttal entitled something along the lines of Anti-Scalar. All of this is healthy in any development process, for without pros and cons, the sorting of correct data to trash data cannot be accomplished. On the other hand, I would like to point out that any


conclusions should be supported by actual tests and not just by armchair theory. Anybody can debate from the armchair but to have any meaning to back up their statements, one must present tests where one gets his or her hands dirty. That is to say that until I had reactions and observed actual phenomena occurring, all the theories were no more than that--just theories. This is what I hope to accomplish here with these articles on scalar technology. I feel this is a true new technology and deserves some serious consideration. If I had not gotten my hands dirty and followed through on others' experiments from other observers then I would never have been convinced that something extraordinary was taking place. Even though my senses told me I was wasting my time I set out on the monotonous task of duplicating others's work and notes of observation. This is what I hope some of you will do and start to help unfold and unleash this hidden knowledge called scalar -- zero point energy -- stress energy and even radionics. Itis true indeed that it has many names over the years, but now we can at least have hope of defining its true limits and abilities. The detection methods I will present here are not confirmed by myself or corresponding researchers as of yet due to development is still in progress. In one method I can only accept the word of the researcher as to his results. Until I or others duplicate results it remains a possible process and approach in detection. My own detection came in the form of two experiments which were reproductions of another author's work based on this technology. When I had reproducible results I knew there was more to scalar than just theory. The process is now underway in developing a reliable instrument or means of detection that others can use. Up to this point most of scalar observations have been uncertain and always with the person or operator being part of the circuit. Nobody could remove the person at this point to bring scalar under true observation conditions. Due to a simple observation in Mr. George Meek's work in electrovoice phenomena (EVP), where my first breakthrough was established, this now seems a possibility. The personal element was still included in the circuit but unlike radionics or Hieronymus devices, could be reproduced by anybody once special conditions were met. A co-researcher has hit upon a method which was initially observed by Nikola Tesla and shows promise of another breakthrough in removing the personal element. I will now discuss my initial breakthrough to scalar detection which will help you follow my thinking on what is needed and just what we are looking for in scalar detection. Scalar properties are the dictating key elements in this approach. I will then describe a possible detection method of another researcher and finally what I feel will be a unique approach with an instrument currently under construction by Mr. Russell Clift, a co-researcher/inventor, and myself. Do not feel you have to adhere to these techniques for they are only a guideline and starting point to spring from in your own approach to this subject. They are not established yet and will most likely be altered many times before their completion. As in all unknowns there are always unforeseen dangers involved and one should always use extreme caution and behave professionally in all approaches with any experimenting. Madame Curi and the XRay research is a good example. They paid dearly for their progress in X-Ray development with their lives. Scalar and its properties can be just as deadly as it is fascinating. I hope you read the seriousness in my tone for no matter how science fictionish scalar may sound to you now, I assure you the reality of actuallity can end up staring you in the face.

Figure 1. System Layout for FM-TFD [Mode 1] Click on diagram for enlarged diagram.


Breakthrough Event Several years ago a Mr. George Meek presented me with construction planes and notes to a device he called Mark V. [Figure 1] Mr. Meek had been researching a phenomenon better known as EVP, or electro-voice phenomena. [Figure 2] I would like to take a second here and answer a letter from one of Extraordinary Science's subscribers printed in our last issue. Mr. Jeff King from New Zealand had written to the effect if perhaps I could cover what relationship scalar technology has in reference to EVP. [Figure 3] Well here it is, for this was the first reproducible effect dealing with scalar energy [interference pattems] [Figure 4] that I could verify really took place. My second breakthrough was also in the EVP area but I will not be able to go into it at this time due to available space to cover what must be covered now. In short, Mr. Meek claimed to have a fantastic breakthrough of his own in the communications field of EVP. His claims were a recorded two-way conversation with another dimension. ZAP! Right here one would stop and feel that Mr. Meek and his researchers needed psychological help as I am sure some of you feel about me at this point. I contacted Mr. Meek and he flew down to El Paso so we could talk in person. He brought me two audio tapes of which one surely did have what appeared two-way communication in real time.

Figure 2. Construction Techniques for FM TFD & Hoop Antenna Click on diagram for enlarged figure.

Up to this point all EVP claims were after the fact type of events. That is, the voices always appeared on blank tape after the operator had run the tape recorder for a period of time. No audible sounds were heard during the initial recording, only after playback of the tape--sort of the same thing being done now with channeling, but the person is still part of the circuit. Not all voices were understandable or clear enough to be real voice prints or just random white noise perhaps forming what almost sounds like words. In other cases, the words and even statements were definitely clear and of intelligent source. Well, Mr. Meek's tape went way beyond this to a two-way real time conversation. Fascinated by these claims I wanted to know more on how such a process worked. This is where he presented me with the second tape. It consisted of thirteen mixed electronic tones. No, there is no magical number in why thirteen tones were used only that they were needed to create interference patterns. These tones with an acoustical feedback and RF transmission with a Smith coil produced a unique interference pattern [scalar-RF and acoustical stress field]. I followed the notes and set out to reproduce this fantastic claim. At one point in the notes was one observation statement: The system seems capable of feeding back
Figure 3. Mode 2 Communications Setup. Click on diagram for enlarged diagram.


changes in emotional states. I stopped there and to my amazement found the observation to be true. I was able to control an avalanche effect in a balanced tone of a set of acoustical and RF frequencies with only my own concentration -- no doppler effect or movement or contacts to my body in any way. I taped this effect and it is available to those who wish to observe the level of control of an electrical circuit with shear stress energy from a human. This observation is equal to Nikola Tesla's observation of his plasma globe and tensing a fist. He found the plasma trail would rotate in relation with the tension or muscle pressure produced. I will cover this process in a moment for the plasma approach in construction a scalar indicator seems to be ideal due to its extreme sensitivity that up until now has been the human or personal element. Bedini Version ---Dea/Faretto Scalar Detector In this version of an electromagnetic scalar detector you will see that a coil is suspended in a magnetic field within a shielded case. [Figure 5] It is not indicated but I am sure the coil should be wound as a scalar coil. See "Construction of a Scalar Coil," ExtraOrdinary Science, Vol.l, Issue 3, page 16. The shielding is so all that known EMF fields will be run to ground and not affect the sensor within the case. As you know, one of the properties of scalar energy is that it cannot be shielded. All known EMF will be stopped from entering the case except gravity fields and scalar energy. I am not saying that gravity fields or scalar fields are Figure 5. Bedini Version of Dea/Faretto EMF, but only that the formula to each have a basic Detector. root in the EMF part of the spectrum. A generated Click on diagram for enlarged diagram. scalar pulse or field will cut past the case shielding and affect the atoms of the scalar coil within the magnetic field which in tum will be coupled to the op amp. Any change or effect will then be displayed on the scope indicating a pulse or field of some kind has gotten past the system's shielding and to the sensor. You should see a change in the display around 6AM when the sun comes up and there is a slight gravity shift. [1,2]

Figure 4. Mode 2 Communications Interference Pattern. Click on diagram for enlarged diagram.


Plasma Scalar Detector This is the method which is under construction by Russell Clift and myself. At the time of this printing the construction is not far enough to give any details or results as to this approach. [See Figure 6] This is based on the same construction of Nikola Tesla's experiment.[3] Figure 7 is for experiments with various voltages and ion currents. Figure 8 is a simple multiplier for the AC supply shown in Figure 6. I know I have just touched upon this subject so far but I hope I have given some of you starting points in your own research and findings. I will welcome any and all papers or works you may do in the scalar field and submit your work for publication here for others to read and gain from. Will be looking forward to your replies in the new year. Thank you for your interest.___WRY
References 1. Michael Polonyi, "Electrodynamics, Inertia and Gravitation: A Unifying Approach," Speculations in Science and Technology, Vol. 10, No. 2, page 145, 1987. 2. Gregory Hodowanec, "Gravitational Impulses," Electronics Experimenters Handbook, January 1989, page 114.

Figure 6. Plasma Scalar Detector. Click on diagram for enlarged diagram.

3. Thomas Cummerford Martin, Inventions. Researches

and Writings of Nikola Tesla, page 226 to page 228.

Figure 7. Power Supply

TeslaTech,Inc -:- 296 East Donna Drive -:Queen Valley, AZ 85218

Order Hotline: ( 520 ) 463-1994 -:- Editorial Office: ( 520 ) 4631994 Figure 8. Voltage Multiplier.

More on Tesla's discovery of the "brush effect" can be found in.... Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla by Thomas Cummerford Martin Click here to for more information on this great book!


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