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A: Hello, how are you?

B: Hi, I'm fine.

C: Hi, very good.

A: how are your families?

C: we're all fine, we just took a picture at my mom's party

B: Where were you in the photo?

C: I'm the one sitting in the pink long sleeve

A: Who did you celebrate with?

C: With my mother's family, my father and my sister.

B: Where did you celebrate?

C: At my grandparents' house.

B: wow! Well my family is fine, here on a trip.

C: When did this event occur?

B: it happened five days ago

A: Did you have fun on the trip?

B: Yes, I had a lot of fun.

C: Who went on the trip?

B: My parents, my brothers and my puppy

A: Where do you appear in the photo?

B: I'm the one sitting drawing

A: my family is fine, yesterday we celebrated my birthday

B: How old were you when the event occurred?

A: I just turned 20

C: Why was it important to your family?

A: because my 20th birthday is only celebrated once

B: I hope you had a great time, I wish you all the best

C: And who did you celebrate with?

A: With my friends, my family, my parents

B: And do you have photos?

A: yes of course I'll show you

C: What beautiful photos you have

A: Yes guys, I have to go it was a pleasure

C: I also have to go it was a pleasure

B: It's ok guys, take care

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