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ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO STATALE WICOLINI DI GIACOMO NAPOUL ‘Sede Centrale Nicolini: via Antonio Sogliano 45 ~ 60143 Plesso Di Giacomo: vio Sant’Eframo vecchio 11/A- 80137 Plesso Infancia Primaria: via Marco Aurelio Severino 28 ~ 80137 Codice Ministeriale NAICRESOOL -C. F.95186600631 wrvwienicolinidigiacomo ‘ef. 0817513142 - Fax 08118331841 - NAI truzione.jt - CLASSE DI CONCORSO B56 — CHITARRA ISTITUTI SECONDARI DI PRIMO GRADO SORTEGGIO PROVA PRATICA 31/07/2017 ORE 14:00 | NO COGNOME NOME | DATA DINASCITA | ESTREMI DOCUMENTO NUMERO FIRMA PROVA, SORTEG- Pee GIATA 1 =| PORFIDO NICOLA | 22/12/1988 te 5 | - C40 6026 556 ad 2 | SINNO GIOVANNI 12/10/1989 eee oN Ax 60 6t0K3 mie 3 | SOLITO ANDREA 27/03/1987 _ i ame CAAT thdod@ 6 |n.kd bw Sle 4 | SPINELLI GIUSEPPE 17/04/1986 JX. an 494 03 82 S| TESTINE i LORENZO 06/02/1986 i Assevye a - | 6 | VANITA’ GIANLUCA 14/10/1979 | CA ot 16 uh bd 6 at | Cae te 7 ‘| VIDETTA CORRADO. 12/12/1972 ve iN “A. 313195 8 90 im Hd up IiPresidente DS Pf sa lolanda Manco \Q_A, Componente: prof. Giuseppe Montagna_“ Componente: prof. Michele Montefusco AQP ¢z ys Lingua Inglese/Francese prof.ssa Amelia Nappi, Napoli, 31/07/2017 Searetara AA Assunta Driclo Ate. a heres po Andante NEI dn Bax As T Went To Walsingham "\\QWalsingham was a popular folk song arranged by almost all song, from the Cambridge lute book (D.D.2 1 fhe Church of Our Lady at Walsingham, the Elizabethan composers. relates to the traditional pilgrimage Norfolk, which was a shrine famous for Popular Music ofthe Olden Time William Chappell gives the following words-- As I went to Walsi To the shrine with speed, ‘Met I with a jolly palmer Ina pilgrim's weed, % A palmer was a monk who went from shrine to shrine. Suggested tempo is J = 80. , Although some of the chord changes need practice, the leisurely tempo should make ( this piece not too difficult technically. yoy © The high B can be held over om the lute, but i is unfortunately not posible todo toon we the guitar.‘A crescendo up to this point is affective. | | | | crese. S expr. dim. P mm Pit leatal dd) =— Ff ‘espr. of Hh =] DC. fal Fine} ly Allegretto

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