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Una bibliografia della valutazione

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De Gaulejac, V., 2012, La recherche malade du management, Éditions Quae, Versailles.
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Frank, R. – Cook, P., 1995, The Winner-Take-All-Society: Why the Few at the Top Get So Much
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Lucas, L. (2006), The Research Game in Academic Life, McGraw-Hill, Maidenhead (Berkshire).
Lyotard, F., 1979, La condition postmoderne, Les Éditions de Minuit, Paris; tr. it., 1981, La
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Manfré, G., 2014, Per la critica della cultura della valutazione, Emil, Bologna.
Martuccelli, D., 2010, Critique de la philosophie de l’évaluation, Cahiers Internationaux de
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